to O o * r\j i 4)1 535% rl A TEXT-BOOK OF PRACTICAL PHYSICS BY THE SAME AUTHOR A TEXT-BOOK OF PHYSICS With 579 Illustrations and a Collection &f Examples and Questions with Answers. Large crown 8vo, 10s. 6d. ELEMENTARY PRACTICAL PHYSICS With 120 Illustrations and 193 Exercises. Crown 8vo, 2s. 6d. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, AND BOMBAY A TEXT-BOOK OF PRACTICAL PHYSICS BY WILLIAM WATSON M A.R.C.S., D.Sc. (LOND.), F.R.S. LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1906 All rights reserved PREFACE THE following pages are intended to serve as a book of refer- ence to the student working in a physical laboratory. The experiments described are not intended for a beginner, but are suited for a student who has already spent a little time in the laboratory and worked through a more elementary course of experiments, such as those described in the author's Elementary Practical Physics. It is not intended, or expected, that any one class will work through all the experiments described in this book, but that the teacher will select those which he considers most suitable, being guided by the requirements of his pupils and the resources of his laboratory. It is, however, hoped that teachers and students will find that all the experiments which can be performed with advantage in a laboratory having the ordinary equipment are described. In almost every case the descriptions and hints apply to any pattern of apparatus, no attempt being made to give elaborate instructions for working some particular form of instrument. It is hoped, however, that the figures will be found of assistance by teachers when making the apparatus needed to perform many of the experiments. The aim of the book is to draw attention to those points which require care, and to indicate the sources of error which are common to all the instruments which are likely to be employed. It is hoped that in this way the teacher will be relieved from vi PREFACE that constant repetition of warnings and elementary discussion of the errors with which the author has often found his time employed, and will thus have more leisure to investigate the peculiar difficulties of individual students, such as may be typified by the " loose contact " et hoc genus omne. It is hoped that the series of tables at the end will be found of service, and every endeavour has been used to eliminate errors. But there, as well as in the body of the book, the author from bitter experience fears that mistakes will have crept in, and he will be much obliged to any readers who discover such if they will send him a note of them. r THE UNIVERSITY OF ^*$* CONTENTS CHAPTER I METHODS USED IN THE REDUCTION AND DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS OF PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS PAGES 1. Correct apportionment of the accuracy with which the different observations are to be made in an experiment. 2. On the application of corrections to observed quantities. 3. Use of tables and curves of corrections when reducing observations. 4. Representation of a series of results. 5. To find an alge- braical expression to represent a series of observations. 6. Mathematical tables. 1. The slide rule. 8. Arithmometers. 9. Determination of the area of plane figures. 10. The planimeter. 11. Harmonic analysis . . 1-40 CHAPTER II MEASUREMENTS OF LENGTH 12. Standards of length. 13. The vernier. 14. The micrometer screw. 15. The spherometer. 16. The micrometer screw gauge. 17. The travelling microscope. 18. Illumination of the divisions of a standard scale. 19. The comparator. 20. Correction of measurements of length to allow for the effects of temperature. 21. The cathetometer. 22. Measurement of a ver- tical length by means of a separate scale and reading telescopes. 23. The optical lever. 24. To measure the radius of curvature of a spherical surface with the optical lever 41-62 CHAPTER III WEIGHING 25. The balance. 26. Weighing by the method of oscillation and to compare the lengths of the arms of the balance. 27. Calibration of a set of weights. 28. Reductions of weighings to vacuo 63-78 viii CONTENTS CHAPTER IV DENSITY PAGES 29. Density. 30. The measurement of density corrections for temperature of water and buoyancy of air. 31. Measurement of the density of a solid heavier than water by the method of Archimedes. 32. Measurement of the density of a solid lighter than water. 33. Measurement of the density of a solid in the form of small pieces the pyknometer. 34. Measurement of the density of a liquid with a sinker. 35. Measurement of the density of a liquid with specific gravity bottle. 36. Hare's apparatus for the comparison of the densities of liquids. 37. The hydrometer. 38. Nicholson's hydrometer. 39. Calibration of a burette . 79-< CHAPTER V ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS 40. Young's modulus by stretching a wire. 41. Young's modulus by the flexure of a beam (1). 42. Young's modulus by the flexure of a beam (2). 43. Measurement of the period of an oscillating body by the eye and ear method comparison of moment of inertias. 44. To calculate the simple rigidity of a wire from observations of the period of a torsional pendulum. 45. Determination of Young's modulus and rigidity of a wire by Searle's method . . . 99-117 CHAPTER VI THE PENDULUM MEASUREMENT OF g" AND RATING A CHRONOMETER 46. The pendulum. 47. Determination of "g" by means of a Borda pendulum. 48. To examine the laws of the compound pendulum. 49. Determination of " g" by Kater's pendulum. 50. Determination of the rate of a clock by the occultation of a star by a terrestrial obstacle. 51. The sextant and its adjust- ment. 52. Determination of the error of a chronometer with the sextant . 118-138 CHAPTER VII SURFACE TENSION AND VISCOSITY 53. Measurement of surface tension by the elevation in a capillary tube. 54. Measurement of the surface tension of a soap film. 55. Measurement of the viscosity of a liquid by its rate of flow through a capillary tube. 56. Measure- ment of the logarithmic decrement of a vibrating body. 57. Measurement- of the viscosity of a liquid by the oscillating disc method .... 139-154 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER VIII THE BAROMETER PAGES 58. Measurement of the atmospheric pressure ...... 155-161 CHAPTER IX TH ERMOME TR Y 59. Calibration of the tube of a mercury thermometer. 60. Determination of the upper fixed points of a mercury thermometer. 61. Determination of the lower fixed point of a mercury thermometer. 62. Application of the correction for fundamental interval. 63. Deternu'nation of the corrections to a thermometer by comparison with a standard. 64. Auxiliary fixed points transition temperatures. 65. Correction of thermometer reading for emergent column. 66. Reduction of the readings of mercury thermometers to the hydrogen or air scales. 67. Changes in zero of mercurial thermometers. 68. The movaUe zero method of using a mercury thermometer. 69. Measure- ment of the depression in a mercury thermometer 162-186 CHAPTER X EXPANSION OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS 70. Linear expansion. 71. Measurement of the linear expansion of a rod. 72. Cubical expansion. 73. The weight thermometer or dilatometer. 74. Measurement of the cubical expansion of glass with a simple form of weight dilatometer. 75. Measurement of the coefficient of expansion of a liquid with the volume dilatometer. 76. The hydrostatic balance method of measuring the coefficient of expansion of a liquid. 77. Determination of the coefficient of apparent expansion of mercury in glass by means of a thermometer . 187-202 CHAPTER XI THERMAL EXPANSION OF GASES 78. The air thermometer. 79. Measurement of the coefficient of increase of pressure of air with the air thermometer. 80. Determination of the corrections to a mercury thermometer at high temperatures by means of the constant volume air thermometer. 81. The constant pressure air thermometer . 203-212 CHAPTER XII CA LO RIM E TR Y 82. Calorimetry the method of mixture. 83. Measurement of the specific heat of glass by the method of mixture. 84. Measurement of the specific heat of a liquid by the method of mixture. 85. Measurement of the specific heat of a liquid by the method of cooling 213-227 x CONTENTS CHAPTER XIII CALORIMETRY LATENT HEAT PAGES 86. Measurement of the density of ice by Bunsen's method. 87. Bunsen's ice calorimeter. 88. Measurement of the latent heat of fusion of ice. 89. Measure- ment of the heat of vaporisation of water. 90. Measurement of the heat of vaporisation by Berthelot's method. 91. Joly's steam calorimeter. 92. Measurement of the heat of solution ........ 228-244 CHAPTER XIV VAPOUR PRESSURE 93. The measurement of vapour pressure. 94. Ramsay and Young's method of measuring vapour pressure. 95. Determination of the dew-point. 96. The wet and dry bulb thermometer. 97. The absorption hygrometer . . 245-252 CHAPTER XV VAPOUR DENSITY FREEZING AND BOILING POINTS OF SOLUTIONS 98. Measurement of vapour density by Victor Meyer's method. 99. Measure- ment of vapour density by Hofmann's method. 100. Measurement of the freezing point of a solution. 101. Calculation of molecular weight from the depression of the freezing point. 102. Correction of the readings of a thermo- meter in which the quantity of mercury is variable. 103. Measurement of the boiling point of a solution 253-266 CHAPTER XVI MELTING POINT RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS- CONDUCTIVITY 104. Determination of the melting point by the method of cooling. 105. Deter- mination of the ratio of the specific heats for air by Clement and Desorme's method. 106. Measurement of the heat conductivity of copper. 107. Measurement of the heat conductivity of glass 267-274 CHAPTER XVII SOUND 108. Determination of the pitch of a tuning fork by means of a clock and a rotating drum. 109. Stroboscopic method of measuring the frequency of a fork. 110. Measurement of the pitch of a fork by means of a string. 111. Comparison of the frequency of two forks. 112. Measurement of the velocity of sound in air by resonance. 113. Measurement of the velocity of sound in a gas by Kundt's method. 114. To calculate the ratio of the specific heats of gases from measurements of the velocity of sound. 115. Measurement of the wave-length of a high note by interference 275-288 CONTENTS xi CHAPTER XVIII REFRACTIVE INDEX PAGES 1-16. Adjustment of a telescope for parallel rays. 117. Measurement of the angle of a prism with the spectrometer. 118. Refractive index of a solid or a liquid in the form of a prism. 119. Measurement of the refractive index of a liquid by total reflection, using an air film. 120. The measurement of refractive index by total reflection, using a prism (first method). 121. The measurement of refractive index by total reflection, using a prism (second method) . 289-304 CHAPTER XIX DISPERSION AND WAVE-LENGTH MEASUREMENTS 122. The measurement of dispersion sources of light. 123. Light filters. 124. Calibration of a spectroscope by the use of lines of known wave-lengths. 125. Calibration of a spectroscope by interference fringes. 126. Measurement of wave-length with the diffraction grating 305-315 CHAPTER XX INTERFERENCE 127. Measurement of the wave-length of light with Fresnel's biprism. 128: Measurement of the wave-length of light with Fresnel's biprism and a spectrometer. 129. Measurement of the wave-length of light by means of diffraction fringes. 130. On the localisation of interference fringes. 131. Michelson's interferometer. 132. Newton's rings. 133. Measurement of the wave-length of light by Newton's rings. 134. Diffraction through a slit and limit of resolution of a telescope. 135. Resolving power of a spectroscope. 136. Measurement of the resolving power of a prism spectroscope. 137. Measurement of the resolving po\\er of a grating. 138. Rayleigh's refracto- meter 316-347 CHAPTER XXI LENSES AND MIRRORS 139. Measurement of the focal length of a thin lens. 140. Measurement of the radius of curvature of a concave surface. 141. Measurement of the radius of curvature of a convex surface. 142. To test the flatness of the faces of a piece of glass. 143. Thick lenses and systems of lenses. 144. To find the focal length and the positions of the principal planes of a thick lens or system of lenses. 145. Test of a photographic lens. 146. Measurement of the magni- fying power of a telescope. 147. Measurement of the magnifying power of a microscope . 348-369 xii CONTENTS CHAPTER XXII POLARISED LIGHT PAGES 148. Rotation of the plane of polarisation by optically active substances. 149. Methods of measuring the rotation of the plane of polarisation. 150. Measure- ment of the rotatory power of solutions of turpentine. 151. Measurement of the strength of a solution of sugar. 152. Elliptically and circularly polarised light. 153. Analysis of an elliptical vibration ...... 370-381 CHAPTER XXIII PHOTOMETRY AND COLOUR VISION 154. Standards of light. 155. Photometers. 156. Determination of the con- nection between the candle-power of an incandescent lamp and the watts consumed for different voltages. 157. The spectro-photometer. 158. Measure- ment of the absorption curve of a solution. 159. Colour mixture with the colour top. 160. Measurement of the luminosity of pigment colours. 161. Test for colour-blindness with Holmgren's wools 382-395 CHAPTER XXIV MEASUREMENT OF THE EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD 162. Determination of the direction of the magnetic meridian. 163. Determina- tion of the geographical meridian. 164. Measurement of the horizontal component of the earth's field. 165. Comparison of the values of " //" at different parts of a building. 166. Measurement of " H" with the Kew- pattern unifilar magnetometer. 167. Determination of the temperature coefficient of a magnet. 168. Measurement of the dip with the Kew-pattern circle. 169. Comparison of the magnetic moments of two magnets . . 396-419 CHAPTER XXV ADJUSTMENT AND USE OF GALVANOMETERS 170. Measurement of angles of rotation by means of a mirror and scale. 171. Adjustment of a telescope and scale to meisure a rotation by means of a mirror. 172. Adjustment of a suspended needle reflecting galvanometer. 173. Adjustment of a suspended coil galvanometer. 174. Determination of the figure of merit of a galvanometer. 175. Comparison of electromotive forces with the galvanometer ..,... 420-431 CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER XXVI MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE PAGES 176. The Wheatstone's network of conductors. 177. The metre form of Wheat- stone's bridge. 178. Calibration of a bridge wire by Carey Foster's method. 179. Calibration of a wire by means of a double circuit. 180. Calibration of a wire by Strouhal and Barus's method. 181. Comparison of two nearly equal resistances by Carey Foster's method. 182. To determine the ratio of two nearly equal resistances. 183. The Post Office form of Wheatstone bridge. 184. The dial-pattern Wheatstone's bridge. 185. Calibration of a dial-pattern Wheatstone's bridge. 186. The Callendar and Griffiths pattern bridge. 187. Calibration of a Callendar-Griffiths bridge. 188. Measurement of high resistances. 189. Measurement of the insulation resistance of a piece of rubber covered cable. 190. Measurement of low resistances Mathissen and Hocking's method of the projection of equal potentials. 191. Measure- ment of low resistance the method of auxiliary conductors, or Kelvin's double bridge. 192. The differential galvanometer. 193. Comparison of two low resistances with the differential galvanometer. 194. The shunt potentiometer method of comparing two low resistances 432-474 CHAPTER XXVII THE RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES 195. Mance's method of measuring the resistance of a battery. 196. Beetz's method of measuring the resistance of a battery. 197. Measurement of the resistance of electrolytes. 198. Measurement of electrolytic resistance by the passage of a direct current. 199. Comparison of the specific resistances of electrolytes by the potentiometer method. 200. Measurement of electrolytic resistance by Kohlrausch's method with alternating currents. 201. The preparation of solutions for the determination of resistance . . . 475-486 CHAPTER XXVIII MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE 202. The construction of standard cadmium (Weston) cells. 203. The con- struction of the standard Clark cell. 204. Comparison of E.M.F.'s with the potentionmeter. 205. Potentiometers. 206. The capillary electrometer. 207. To examine the relation between the surface tension of mercury and an electrolyte and the E.M.F. acting across the surface 487-500 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER XXIX RESISTANCE THERMOMETERS AND THERMO- J UNCTIONS PAGES 208. Determination of the constants of a platinum thermometer. 209. Measure- ment of the E.M.F. of a thermocouple. 210. Standardisation of a thermo- couple '...... 591-507 CHAPTER XXX MEASUREMENT OF CURRENT 211. The tangent galvanometer. 212. Adjustment of a tangent galvanometer. 213. The sine galvanometer. 214. Measurement of a current by the deposi- tion of copper. 215. Calibration of an ammeter by copper deposition. 216. The silver voltameter. 217. The potentiometer method of measuring a current 508-517 CHAPTER XXXI THE BALLISTIC GALVANOMETER AND MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITY 218. The ballistic galvanometer. 219. Determination of the constant of a ballistic galvanometer. 220. Standardisation of a ballistic galvanometer by means of a solenoid inductor. 221. To compare the capacities of two condensers with the ballistic galvanometer. 222. Comparison of electromotive forces with the ballistic galvanometer. 223. Measurement of a magnetic field with the earth inductor. 224. Measurement of the strength of a magnetic field with an exploring coil. 225. Comparison of capacities by de Sauty's method. 226. Comparison of capacities by the method of mixtures. 227. Measurement of a capacity in electromagnetic units in terms of a resistance and a time . 518-535 CHAPTER XXXII MEASUREMENT OF SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION 228. Measurement of the coefficient of self-induction of a coil by Rayleigh's method. 229. Use of a rotating commutator when making measurements of induction (Ayrton and Perry's secohmmeter). 230. Measurement of self- induction by comparison with a capacity (Rimington's method). 231. Measure- ment of the self-induction of a coil by comparison with a capacity (Anderson's method). 232. Measurement of self-induction by means of a variable standard of self-induction. 233. To compare the mutual-induction between two coils with the self-induction of one of them. 234. Measurement of the coefficient of mutual-induction between two coils by means of a variable standard of self- induction. 235. The comparison of two mutual- inductances. 236. The measurement of self-induction with alternating currents (Wien-Dolezalek method) .... 536-551 CONTENTS xv CHAPTER XXXIII PERMEABILITY PAGES 237. Measurement of the permeability of iron by the magnetometer method. 238. Correction on account of the finite length of the specimen. 239. The ballistic method of measuring permeability. 240. To demagnetise a specimen of iron 552-568 CHAPTER XXXIV THE QUADRANT ELECTROMETER 241. The quadrant electrometer. 242. Determination of the capacity of a quadrant electrometer. 243. Determination of the saturation current . 569-574 APPENDIX 1. Glass blowing. 2. Working fused silica manufacture of quartz fibres. 3. Making divided scales. 4. Silvering glass. 5. Mounting cross-wires in telescopes and microscopes. 6. On the use of manganine wire for the con- struction of resistance coils 575-596 Table I. Reduction of barometer readings to C . . . To face page 596 > II. Approximate formulae 597 III. Reduction of weighings to vacuo 598 IV. Density of dry air at different temperatures and pressures . 599 V. Density of water at various temperatures measured on the hydrogen scale 600 VI. Correction for buoyancy in density measurements . . . 601 VII. Moments of inertia . . 601 ,, VIII. Reduction of periodic time to infinitely small arc, and correc- tion on account of chronometer rate 602 IX. Correction of the sun's or a star's apparent altitude to allow for parallax and refraction ...... 602 X. Reduction of barometer readings to C 603 ,, XI. Correction to the height of the barometer to allow for the effect of capillarity 604 XII. Reduction of the volume of a gas to standard pressure . . 605 ,, XIII. Values of (l + o.^) for reducing the volume of gases to standard temperature for values of t from to 40 C. . . 606 ,, XIV. Tension of water vapour and mass of water in a cubic metre of saturated air 607, 608 XV. Boiling point of water 609 ,, XVI. Vapour pressure of liquids suitable for use in vapour jackets . 610 ,, XVII. Vapour pressure of mercury 611 XVIII. Depression of zero 611 ,, XIX. Corrections to reduce readings on mercury-in-glass thermo- meters to the hydrogen or air thermometer . . . 612 xvi CONTENTS PAGFS Table XX. Coefficients of expansion of water and mercury . . . 013 XXI. Specific heat of water 614 ,, XXII. Refractive indices for sodium light 614 XXIII. Wave-lengths . 615 ,, XXIV. Correction to scale readings when a mirror and scale is used to measure a rotation . . . . . . 616 XXV. Conductivity of electrolytes 617 XXVI. E.M.F. of Clark and cadmium cells at different temperatures . 618 ,, XXVII. Connection between the units in the C.G.S. system and the practical system 619 ,, XXVIII. Density . 620 INDEX . 621-626 F THE UNIVERSITY or A TEXT-BOOK OF PRACTICAL PHYSICS CHAPTER I ERRATA Page 168, table, mean value ought to be 9'89. 254. table, for ' analine ' read ' aniline.' ,, 267, last line, for ' DesormeV read ' DesormesV , , 360, line 8 , for ' fv = 3/ ' read ' v = 3/. ' ,, 391 and 393, /or ' tip ' read ' top ' in several places. 409, line 16, for 1+ - read 1+ rj -i*, and make the same alteration r HJM. in the following table and in the example given on page 411. ,, 411, in the example the value of tPK ought to be 3'42247, and that of log Mil 2-22057. 413, in the example the values of log |r 3 ought to be 4'13066 and 4'50548, and the corresponding corrections, as alsu that for the log of Mil (see above), to be applied all down, when the values obtained will be: log M= 2*96180 and 2 '96185, and hence J/ = 915'80 and 915'90. 437, line 13, for \ 7 = ?-^? read \q = l^ n 1 n 1 456, line 7 from end, for ' two hundredths ' read ' one-fifth.' ,, 462, ,, 4 ,, for ' Mathissen and Hocking ' read ' Mathiessen and Hockin.' 474, ,, 4 ,, ,, for ' Mathissen and Hocking ' read ' Mathiessen and Hockin.' ,, 550, line 12, for ' inductors ' read ' conductors.' 597, formula (14), read ' cos (0a) = cos 6 + a sin 6.' ,, 622, line 12, for k Desorme's' read ' DesorrnesV 624, ,, 15, for 'Mathissen and Hocking' read 'Mathiessen and Hockin.' xvi CONTENTS PAGFS Table XX. Coefficients of expansion of water and mercury . . . 613 XXI. Specific heat of water 614 ,, XXII. Refractive indices for sodium light 614 XXIII. Wave-lengths ' . 615 ,, XXIV. Correction to scale readings when a mirror and scale is used to measure a rotation . . . . . . 616 XXV. Conductivity of electrolytes 617 XXVI. E.M.F. of Clark and cadmium cells at different temperatures . 618 ,, XXVII. Connection between the units in the C.G.S. system and the practical system 619 ,, XXVIII. Density 620 INDEX . 621-626 F THE UNIVERSI or A TEXT-BOOK OF PRACTICAL PHYSICS CHAPTER I METHODS USED IN THE REDUCTION AND DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS OF PHYSICAL MEASUREMENTS 1. Correct Apportionment of the Accuracy with which the different Observations are to be made in an Experiment. When performing an experiment which involves the measurement of a number of different quantities in order to obtain the result which is sought, it is of the utmost importance that before starting on the experiments the student should satisfy himself as to the effect such errors as he is likely to make, in each of the individual measurements, will produce on the result. Having done this he will be able to adjust his observations so that he shall measure each of the quantities with an accuracy such that the possible error in the final result produced by each individual measurement shall be approximately equal. For example, suppose that in a determination of specific heat by the method of mixtures the rise of temperature of the calorimeter is about five degrees, while the thermometer used to measure this rise is only divided into half degrees. With such a thermometer it will be almost impossible to read the rise of temperature nearer than a twentieth of a degree, that is, to 1 per cent. of the total rise. Suppose that the calorimeter is made of copper and weighs about twenty grams, while it holds two hundred grams of water. The specific heat of copper being about O'l, the water value of the calori- meter is only 1 per cent, of the weight of the water. Now it would be quite easy to weigh the calorimeter to within a milligram, that is, to within one part in 20,000. Since, however, we only know the rise of temperature to one part in 100, such refinement would be quite useless, as the accuracy of the value obtained for the specific heat would in no way be increased thereby. It will be quite sufficient if we measure the weight of the calorimeter to within a gram, so that we know its water value to within '1 calory. In the same way the water need not be weighed to nearer than half a gram, that is, to within one part in 400. Not only does a careful consideration of the relative accuracy with A tL. REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 1 which the different component measurements can be made tend very materially to increase the accuracy of the results obtained, by directing attention to those measurements which it is necessary to make with particular accuracy, but also considerable time will in the long run be saved. We are thus led to examine the extent to which a small error in the different magnitudes which are actually observed will affect the quantity which is being deduced. Suppose that the quantity to be measured, y, is connected with the quantities x v x 2 , x s , &c., which are actually observed by the relation V=f( x v x v x v &c -)> and that the observed quantities receive small changes, so that x l becomes x l + 8x l , x 2 becomes x 2 + 8x 2 , &c., and as a result y becomes Then it is shown in books on the differential calculus l that 8fo. . Ac.) MC.) where ^ & - means the partial differential coefficient of /(a?!, x v ajg, &c.) with respect to x v and so on. The above expression allows of our calculating what will be the effect on the quantity we are measuring of any given small error in any one of the observed quantities. Thus an error of magnitude 8x l in x 1 will pro- 8f(x x. x &c ) duce an error in y of magnitude - -J* l - 8x r The applica- tion of this method of estimating the effects of errors in the measured quantities on the result can most easily be studied by means of a few examples. As a first case, let us suppose that we are measuring the volume of a circular cylinder by determining the length / and diameter d. Here we have y = -. d 2 l. Hence or dividing each side by y or its equivalent - d 2 l, 8 I = 8l +() 8d y I " d' Let us now suppose that keeping d fixed we change I by 1 per cent. so that 81 is 'Oil. Then l-oi, 1 Lamb. Infinitesimal Calculus, p. 138. 2] ON THE APPLICATION OF CORRECTIONS 3 i.e. 8y is 1 per cent, of y. Next keeping I fixed, let us change d by 1 per cent. Then in the same way ^=02, y i.e. 8y is 2 per cent, of y. This shows that a given percentage error in d will produce twice as great an error in the volume as would an equal percentage error in /. Thus if the cylinder has a length of 10 cm. and a diameter of 1 cm., and that we are only able to read the diameter on our measuring instrument to O'OOOl cm., i.e. one part in 10,000, then we need only measure the length to one part in 5000, that is, to 0*002 cm. As a second example, let us suppose that we require to determine the moment of inertia of the above cylinder about an axis through its centre of gravity at right angles to the axis. In this case where M is the mass of the cylinder. rpi, a ( P d2 \ * Ml */ Md Then 8y = -. + 8M + 81 + and In the present case, where 1= 10 and u Q. ^ j i n; uj 10000 // f j 2 M r ig K s j :?s= ".'. i 5 . ^ >- 4000 7 > I * !; , 3000 / > ) / 2000 Bi \ / A " / ; ) A i ' A / i / / () 2000 3000 4000 sm 6000 10.000 INDUCTION FIG. 2. 20,000 100.000 however, be somewhat lengthy, while by using logarithmically divided paper we can plot the points without the necessity of looking out the logarithms. As an example of the utility of logarithmic paper, we have plotted on Fig. 2 the results obtained by Ewing for the energy loss per cubic centimetre per cycle of three samples of iron for varying maximum inductions. It will, in the first place, be noticed that in each case a straight line passes very fairly between the various points; further, that all three straight lines are approximately parallel, that is, the con- 5] REPRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF RESULTS 13 stant n has the same value for each sample of iron, for n is equal to the tangent of the angle which the straight line makes with the axis of X. To find the value of a we notice that when a?= 1, log# = 0, and hence log y = log a. Hence we have to find the value of y' corresponding to x' = 1 . Now in Fig. 2 neither of the curves cuts the ordinate through the abscissae x' 1 on the diagram. They do, however, cut the ordinate through the point x = 10000, and if y' is the ordinate at the point of intersection, we have or log a = y' - k.n. Now from curve (1), when #' = 10000, y= 11800 and ?/ = log 11800. Hence log a = log 11800 -4x1 -58 = 4-07-6-32 = 3-75 .-. a = 0-0056. Hence the observations corresponding to curve (1) can be represented by n = -0056 J? 1 ' 58 , where 17 is the energy loss due to hysteresis per cubic centimetre per cycle. In the same way the other curves are represented by Thus by plotting the results of these observations of .Ewing's we are at once led to investigate an expression similar to Steinmetz's expression for the loss due to hysteresis, namely, where a is a constant for any one sample of iron, but varies from one sample to another. If when the observations are plotted on logarithmic paper the curve drawn through the points does not depart greatly from a straight line for large values of the ordinate or abscissa, while for small values the curvature is considerable, it is advisable to try whether a formula of the type will fit the observations ; that is, we have to see whether we can find a constant a or /3 which, added to x or to y respectively, will give a straight line on the logarithmic chart. To illustrate the method of procedure, 14 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [5 suppose a series of measurements had given the results shown in the follow- ing table, and which are also shown plotted on the curve AB in Fig. 3 : X y X y 1-00 3-40 5-79 5-87 1-50 3-74 6-61 6-20 T90 4-00 7-70 6-60 2-80 4-50 8-80 6-97 3-82 5-00 10-00 7-35 4-90 5-50 It will be noticed that for the higher values of x the curve is very nearly a straight line, while for low values of x the curve is distinctly ! 2 c I 4 \ 567891 ^^ r r^ x. r p ^ x-^ * ^ <" < ^- ^ ., ^ x ^ ^, ^ ^ ^ r*< ^ ^r ^ ^ c ^ ^^ ^ -"V ^ s^ ^^ o 1 2 3 < FIG. 3. 5 6 7 8 9 1C concave upwards. We will, therefore, try the effect of the addition of a constant quantity to x. Selecting two points, A and E, near the ends of the curve and a point c 5] REPRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF RESULTS 15 about half-way between, for convenience choosing points where the curve is cut by the thick vertical lines, take a straight-edge, or strip of glass with a line ruled down the centre, and lay it so that it passes through the points A and E. Now moVe the straight-edge till it intersects the horizontal lines through A and E one division to the right of the points A and E respectively, and count how many divisions to the right the straight-edge intersects the horizontal line through the point c. If this were one division, then we should have for the three points ACE that by adding '1 to a? the resulting points lie on a straight line, and we should then add '1 to the x of each of the other points and see if all the fresh points lay on a straight line, or at any rate were evenly distributed about such a line. If the agreement at the three points does not occur, then move each end of the straight-edge through another division to the right and again try. Proceeding in this way in the case of the example, it will be found that when the x has been increased by 1*2 the three points A'C'E' all line on a straight line DF. Adding 1 '2 to the abscissae of each of the other points, it will be found that all the points lie 'on or very near to the straight line DF. 1 We therefore infer that the obser- vations can be represented by an expression of the form and it now remains to determine the values of the constants a and n. Writing z for x + 1*2, the expression takes the form y = 2 n > or taking logarithms, log y = log a -f n log z. When z is unity, log y = log a, that is, the point where the straight line DF cuts the Y axis, gives the value of the constant a, which in the example is 2 '34. Also, it can be at once shown, as on page 1 1, that n is equal to the tangent of the angle which the line DF makes with the axis of JT, that is which in the example gives n = 0*476. An approximate value of /? can be calculated from three points on the curve in the following manner. Let a^ y lt x. 2 y^ and x s y s be the co-ordi- nates of the three points so chosen that tog 2/2 = \ lo g y l + f log y s , or = .......... 4 1 After plotting the points in this way it may often be seen that by slightly altering the value of /3 a more uniform distribution of the points on the two sides of the straight line can be obtained, and that we can obtain a better value of /3 by making successive approximations. 16 SEDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [5 then if the points obtained by adding ft to each of the x's are to be in a straight line we must have log (* 2 + f}) = l log (x l +P) + 2 log (x s + P), or that is (5) Thus the procedure is to choose two points x l y l and x 3 y z , find from the curve and point X 2 y 2 such that the condition expressed by (4) is fulfilled, and then substituting the values of x lt x, and x 3 in (5) calculate f3. If the connection between the observed quantities jr and y is of the forms (6) or so that log y = log a + ft#, or log y = log a + Mnx, where M is the modulus to reduce Napierian logarithms to the base e to common logarithms to the base 10 (the value of M is '43429), we may with advantage plot log y against x. In this case we get a straight line of which the equation is of the form y' = b + ex, where b and c are constants. To illustrate the advantages of this semi-logarithmic plotting we may take the observations made by Weber l on the diffusion of zine sulphate through water given in the following table, where the concentration is measured in arbitrary units : Difference in Concentration be- Time in Days. tween two given Points. Difference. Observed. Calculated. 871 5 883-1 -1-6 1 717-8 720-5 -2-7 2 589-0 587-8 +2-8 3 483-2 480-0 +3-2 4 394-0 391-2 +2-8 5 320-4 319-1 +1-1 6 260-1 260-4 - 0-3 7 212-5 212-4 +0-1 8 173-2 173-3 -0-1 9 141-2 141-4 -0-2 10 115-0 115-3 -0-3 If these numbers are plotted on ordinary paper, they will lie on a 1 Wied. Ann. (1879), vi. p. 485. 5] REPRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF RESULTS 17 curve. If, however, as shown in Fig. 4, we plot them on semi-logarithm paper, i.e. paper divided logarithmically in one direction and in equal parts in the other, all the points lie on a straight line AB. 'OOC JUU s. \ \ \ \ z \ f- 1 \ ttROO \ .00 ^ s Ld \ \ O \ z ioo \ \ LJ \ ^v z Ul a u U_2Oo \ \ \ u." 00 \ \ Sk c too r\ s, \ \ ? 1 1 I 1 f 5 r 3 < ) 1 TIME IN DAYS FIG. 4. Calling log?/ y', the equation to the straight line AB is t/ = h + nx, where b is a constant. Hence if A?/ is the change in y' produced by a change Ax in x, we have Taking A^=10, the corresponding Ay/' is represented by AC. Since the logarithm of 10 is unity, the length OE represents unity on the scale on which AC represents Ay. Hence by measuring up AC and OE we have OE = --884, since y f decreases as x increases. 18 KEDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 5 Thus = - From the original equation y we see that when x = Q, y = a. Hence a = 883, which is the reading on fche y scale where the straight line cuts the axis of y. The equation which represents the observation is therefore = 883 10-' 0884 *- or in terms of natural logarithms The values calculated by this expression are entered in the table, and it will be observed that they agree very fairly with the observed numbers. When there is no reason for using any special form of function to give the relation between the two variables involved in a series of measurements, or where by plotting on ordinary and on logarithmic paper no such form of function has been suggested, it will often be found convenient to express the results of a series of measurements by an expression of the form y = a + bx + cx 2 + dx? + &c ....... (7) where a, b, c, d, &c., are constants. In practice it is hardly ever necessary to go beyond the term in .T 3 , and in fact very seldom beyond the term in x 2 . We have now to consider how the values of the constants in the above expression can be deduced from the experimental numbers. Suppose that x v x. 2 , # 3 , and y lt y z , y% are three corresponding sets of values of x and y, we then have, substituting these values in equation (7), and omitting the term in x 3 , y l = a + bx l + cx-f y a = a + bx% + cx z 2 . By solving these three equations we could calculate the values of the three constants a, b, and c. By taking any other three pairs of values of x and y, we could in the same way calculate the values of a, b, and c; we should probably, however, find that the values now obtained do not exactly agree with the former values. This is owing to the fact that all measurements are subject to a certain error. If we only have three observations, then the solution of the equations gives the best values of the constants a, b, and c we can deduce from the measurements. In general, however, there are more than three measurements, and, as we have mentioned above, any three will give a set of values for a, b, and c, but the different sets of three will give different values. We have, therefore, to consider how we may best use our available data to calculate the constants. Perhaps the simplest way to proceed is to plot the observations on squared paper and 5] REPRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF RESULTS 19 to draw a curve evenly between the points. Then choosing three points, one near either end of the curve and one near the middle, read off the corresponding values of x and ?/, and substitute these values in the three equations, and thence deduce the values of the constants. Having done this, proceed to calculate the values of y according to the expression obtained for each value of x corresponding to an observed point, and draw up a table in which there are four columns, the first column containing the value of x, the second the observed values of y, and the third the calculated values of y. In the fourth column enter the differences between the observed and calculated values of y. As an example to illustrate the methods of deducing a formula, we may take the following series of values of the temperature t and of a quantity y which have been read off from a curve drawn through the observed points which themselves were not made at equal intervals of temperature : y , < from Curve. calculated from (A). Difference. calculated from (B). Difference. 10 20-8 21-11 -31 20-91 -11 20 34-1 34-10 + -00 33-90 + 20 30 49'2 49-11 + 09 48-91 + 29 40 65-9 66-14 -24 65-94 -04 50 84-8 85-17 -37 84-97 -17 60 106-2 106-22 -02 106-02 + 18 70 129-1 129-27 -17 129-07 + 03 80 1541 154-34 -24 154-14 -04 90 180-8 181-43 -73 181-23 -53 100 210-5 210-52 00 209-32 + 18 Mean difference . -20 00 Since it very much simplifies the calculations if the difference in i between the first and second points chosen is equal to the difference between the second and third, we will choose the three values corre- sponding to the temperatures of 20, 60, and 100. Substituting these values in the equations, we get Subtracting Subtracting 34-1 =a + 206 + 400c 106-2 = a + 606 + 3600e 210-5 =a+ 1006 +10000c. 72-1 = 406 + 3200c 104-3 = 40& + 6400c. 09.9 ~- 3200 =-01006. 20 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 5 Hence , 72-1 - 3200 x -01006 b = 40 -998 and a = 34'1 - 20 x -998 - 400 x -01006 -10-12. Hence the expression for y is y = 10-12 + -998* + -01006i 2 . ...... (A) and the table shows the agreement between the numbers given by this expression and those read from the curve. The mean of the differences, taking account of sign, is - -20, that is, the calculated values are on the whole too small, though of course they agree with the curve values at the temperatures 20, 60, and 100, which were used in deducing the constants a, b, and c. It would evidently be better, therefore, if we were to use slightly different values for the constants, so that on the whole the differences were evenly dis- tributed both as to magnitude and as to sign. To see which of the constants a, I, or c ought to be altered, the most convenient method is to plot the differences against the values of t on squared paper. If the points thus obtained lie fairly evenly about a straight line parallel to the axis of t, then a change in a is what is required. If the points lie evenly about a straight line inclined to the t axis, but crossing this axis mid- way between the origin and the highest value of t, then a change in ft will be sufficient. If, however, the straight line does not pass through this mid point, then a change in both a and b will be necessary. The amount by which b has to be changed can at once be obtained by dividing the difference between the ordinates at the two ends of the line by the difference in the corresponding abscissae. If the line which lies most evenly between the points is curved, then a change in all three constants may be necessary. The sign of the change in c can at once be seen by observing whether the curve is convex or concave to the axis of /. In most cases, however, it will save time to recalculate the values of a, />, and c- by the method which follows rather than to attempt to adjust the values of all three constants. In the case before us the points lie fairly evenly on both sides of a straight line drawn parallel to the axis of t corresponding to a difference of - -20. Thus we have to reduce the value of a by this amount, so that the expression for y becomes y = 9-92 + -998 + -01006* 2 ....... (B) The values for ?/ calculated from this expression are entered in the fifth column of the above table and the differences in the sixth column, and it will be noticed how much more evenly the differences are distributed. By taking any three other points and solving we should get different 5] REPRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF RESULTS 21 values for the constants a, b, and c. Thus taking the values of y at 10, 50, and 90, the expression ?/ = 9 -80 + 1 -000* +'01 OOCtf 2 is obtained, and this would have to l>o adjusted by considering the differences. As any such adjustment is a matter of judgment, a method of combining all the observations when calculating the values of the con- stants, and in which the differences will necessarily be distributed as we require, is often a desideratum. Such a method we now proceed to describe. Suppose that y v y^ . . . //, and x v # 2 , . . . x n are the observed values of y and x, the calculated value of y corresponding to x lt namely a + bx 1 + cx^ will differ from the observed value y r Let this difference be called 8 l and so on, then we shall have- + car,, 2 ) = S, Now 6 p 8.,, etc., will be the differences between the observed and calcu- lated values of y, and we require to so choose the constants a, b, and c that these differences shall be as small as possible, but at the same time there shall be no preponderance of positive or negative values. Now in books on the method of least squares 1 it is shown that these conditions are likely to be fulfilled if we so choose the constants that the sum of the squares of the differences is a minimum. Further, that this sum will be a minimum if we deduce the values of the constants in the following manner : Take the observational equations in the form a + bx 1 + ex* - v/j = = Q) and first 2 add all the equations together. Then multiply each equation through by the coefficient of b in that equation and add the equations thus obtained. Finally, multiply each equation through by the coefficient of c in that equation and add the equation thus obtained. In this way the following equations, which are called noimal equations, are obtained : 2a + 62a; + cZa; 2 -2 = ) > ..... (10) 1 Merriman, A Text-book of Least Squares. 2 We assume that all the observations are made with the same accuracy. If the different observations have different weight, then the observational equations will require adjustment before deducing the normal equation. 22 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [5 the sum of the squares of where 2# means the sum of the x's, the x's, and so on. These three normal equations being solved will give values for the constants a, b, and c, which will fulfil the condition that the sum of the squares of the differences are a minimum. The calculation of the coefficients in the normal equations, if there are many observational equations, is a matter of very considerable labour. The work may, however, be considerably reduced if we have a series of values of y for values of x which differ by a constant quantity, for we may then take this constant quantity as the unit of x while making the calculations. Further, it is advisable to take the first value of x as the zero of x, and the first value of y as the zero of y, so that in terms of these new co- ordinates, when x = 0, y = 0. In this case 2x is the sum of the first n - 1 natural numbers, 2x 2 the sum of the squares of the first n l natural numbers, and so on. 1 As an illustration of the method, we proceed to apply it to the numbers used in the preceding pages. In the first place, we take 10 as our unit of x, and deduct 1 from each of the resulting numbers ; thus on this new scale the first value for x is zero. In the same way we deduct 20*8 from each of the values of y. We have then to calculate for each pair of values of x and y the quotients xy and x 2 y, and obtain the sums ^xy and 2x 2 y, as shown in the following table : X. y xy <*9 1 13'3 13-3 13-3 2 28'4 56-8 113-6 3 45-1 135-3 405-9 4 64-0 256-0 1024-0 5 85'4 427-0 2135-0 6 108-3 649-8 3898-8 7 133-3 933-1 65317 ' 8 160-0 1280-0 10240-0 9 189-7 1707-3 15365-7 5458-7 39728-0 1 These quantities can be calculated from the following expressions : 1+2+3+ +m : 1) (3m 8 + 3m-l) 30 5] REPRESENTATION OF A SERIES OF RESULTS 23 We have also to calculate +9 3 ) = 2025 +9*) = 15333. Since with the present values for the quantities x and y, when x = 0, y = 0, the observational equations are of the form y = bx + ex 2 , and the normal equations are Hence Substituting the values for the various sums, we have 15333 x 54587 - 2025 x 39728 "285 x 15333 -(2025) 2 " _ 83698200 - 80449000 : 4369900 -4100620" 26861 26928 = -9975. c ~ 26928 Thu If, however, we change back to the original values of x and y we have y - 20-8 = 12-065*--i + -9975 (~~~ - 1-2065* - 12-065 + -009975(* 2 - 20* + 100) = - 11-068+ 1-0065*+ -009975^ (C) 24 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The following table exhibits the differences obtained by using this expression for y : t y from Curve. a calculated from (C). Difference. 10 20-8 20-80 + 20 34-1 33-85 + 25 30 49-2 48-91 + 29- 40 65-9 65-95 - -05 50 84-8 85-00 -20- 60 106-2 106-03 + 17 70 129-1 129-07 + 03 80 154-1 154-09 + 01 90 180-8 181-12 - -32 , 100 210-5 210-13 + 47 When very large numbers of observational equations have to be dealt with, special schemes for conducting the necessary calculations are best adopted, for which see Kohlrausch's Physical Measurements, p. 21. As has already been mentioned, to find an algebraical expression to represent the results of a series of observations, where theory does not indicate what the form of the expression should be, is often a matter of extreme difficulty, and there are no hard-and-fast rules which shall guide us in such a search. What has been said in the preceding pages, and the following list of expressions which may be tried, may be of some assistance : + bx ... A straight line on squared paper. ^7 ,2 /A curved line on squared paper, the slope being \ proportional to x. (4) y = (10) ax \ Plot y and - on squared paper, when a straight I line will be obtained. {Plot and y on squared paper, when a straight line will be obtained. (v Plot -^ and y on squared paper, when a straight line will be obtained. TPlot y and x on semi-logarithm paper, when a \ straight line will be obtained, f Plot on logarithm paper, when a straight line will \ be obtained. MATHEMATICAL TABLES 25 6] 6. Mathematical Tables. The most generally useful aid to the calculations necessary in the laboratory is a table of the logarithms of the natural numbers and of the circular functions. For almost all the calculations necessary in the laboratory a table giving the logarithms to five places of decimals is sufficient, and it is only in very exceptional cases that it is necessary to employ six or seven figures. For many purposes, notably the calculation of corrections and the like, four figures are sufficient. Since a table of the logarithms of the numbers from 100 to 1000 to four places can be printed on a sheet about 9 inches by 6 inches, such a table is extremely handy, for no turning over of pages is involved, and thus much time is saved. 1 The five-figure table 2 ought to contain the logarithms of the numbers from 1 to 10000, and will occupy some twenty to thirty pages. It ought also to contain the logarithms of the sines, tangents, cosines, and co- tangents of each minute of arc between and 90. A table of the natural sines and tangents proceeding by half degrees, and giving to three places of decimals, will also be found of service. For such cases as demand more than five places, the book of seven- figure logarithms published by Chambers will be found suitable. Much time may sometimes be saved by the use of a table, such as that of Barlow (published by Spon), containing the squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, and reciprocals of numbers from 1 to 10000. 7. The Slide Rule. In almost all calculations where an accuracy of about one in two or three hundred is sufficient, the most convenient method is to employ a slide rule. The theory of the slide rule is ex- tremely simple, nevertheless it requires some practice to learn to use it with facility. In the physical laboratory, however, so much time can be saved by the use of the slide rule that all students will be well advised to acquire the necessary skill. The most usual form of slide rule is shown in Fig. 5. A convenient size consists of a wooden body about 10 inches long, which carries two I FIG. 5. divided scales, A and D. Working in a groove in this base there is a slider which carries two scales, B and c. The scales A and B are the same, while the scale c is the same as the scale D. In the case of the 1 A four-figure table, printed on thin card, is issued by Messrs. Vincent and Wilson, of Cambridge, price 6d. The Board of Education, South Kensington, also issue such a table as part of a set of examination tables, price one penny. 2 The most convenient five-figure table with which the author is acquainted is one by Dupnis, and is published by Hachette, Paris and London, price 2s. 2d. 26 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 7 two upper scales the unitf is equal to half the length of the rule, and the divisions are so spaced and numbered that the distance between the extreme left-hand division, which is marked 1, and any division is equal to the logarithm of the number placed opposite this division. Thus the distance between the division 1 and the division 2 is equal to '301 of half the length of the rule, for *301 is the logarithm of 2 to the base ten. This scale is repeated twice on each of the scales A and B, each half being numbered from 1 to 9. The scales c and D are divided in the same logarithmic manner ; the unit taken, however, is the whole length of the scale ; that is, the unit in the case of these two lower scales is twice as great as the unit in the case of the two upper scales. A light metal frame, called a cursor, moves in grooves in the body of the instrument, and is fitted with a plate of glass or celluloid, on which is engraved a fine line perpendicular to the length of the scales. This line serves as a reference mark, and also for obtaining the reading on the scale D corresponding to a reading on the scale A. Suppose, as shown in the figure, that the slide is drawn to the right so that the unit on the scale B is opposite 2 on the scale A. Then opposite 3 on the scale B we shall have that division of the scale A of which the distance from the zero is equal to the distance from 1 to 2 plus the distance from 1 to 3, that is, the reading will represent the sum of these distances. But the distances represent the logarithms of 2 and 3 respectively, and therefore the sum of these distances will re- present the logarithm of the product of 2 and 3 ; that is, the reading on the scale A opposite 3 on the scale B will be 6, the product of the numbers 2 and 3. In the same way, opposite each division on the scale B will be the number corresponding to the product of 2 into the reading corresponding to the division considered on scale B. In the same way, opposite any division of scale A will be found the quotient of the number corresponding to this division divided by 2. Hence by one setting of the slide we can directly read off" the pro- ducts or quotients of any number of numbers by some constant number. This property of the slide rule will be found of great value, for we often require to multiply or divide a column of figures by some common multi- plier or divisor. The manner in which the slide rule is used where there are more than two factors to be multiplied or divided is best explained by means of some examples. 1. Let us suppose that the fraction to be evaluated is 980 x 2-43 x 10'3 27-5 x 6-31 * (1) Set 9'8 on the scale A opposite 2'75 on the scale B. (2) Set the black line on the cursor to 243 on B. (3) Move the slide, the cursor remaining in place, till 6*31 on B is opposite the line on the cursor. 7] THE SLIDE KULE 27 (4) Opposite 1*03 on B read off the required result, namely, 1'4 15 on scale A. We thus obtain the value 1415 for the result, and the position of the decimal place remains to be fixed. Inspection of the fraction shows that its value must lie between 100 and 1000, hence we conclude that the true value is 141-5. This example could also be worked on the two lower scales in exactly the same manner, and owing to the more open nature of the scales the accuracy attainable would be increased. In the following two examples the advantage of having the scale duplicated will appear : 2. 45-5x31-2 12-6 Suppose we use the lower scales, and set 1-26 on scale c opposite 4*55 on scale D, then the result will be opposite 3 '12 on scale c. This reading on c is, however, beyond the end of scale D. To obtain the reading we must set the cursor on the left-hand end division of scale c, and then move the slide to the left till the right-hand end division on c coincides with the cursor line. The reading on scale D opposite 3-12 on scale c will give the required result, namely, 1-125, or adjusting the position of the decimal point, 112-5. Here to obtain the required result it has been necessary to move the slider through its whole length, and to do this a setting of the cursor has been made independent of those necessary while manipulating the numbers. If the calculation be made by means of the two upper scales, owing to the repetition of the scales this movement of the slide will no longer be necessary, and hence some time will be saved. As, however, the scales are not so finely divided as the lower scales, the accuracy with which the settings can be made is not so great. In certain cases, although it will not be necessary to move the slide, it becomes necessary to change from one half of the scales to the other, that is, to multiply or divide by ten. This is illustrated in the following example : 3. 68-5x3-45x95-2. Putting the left-hand (1) division of scale B opposite 6 -85 on scale A, move the cursor to 3 "45 on scale B. If, now, the first division on the left- hand side of scale B is placed at the line of the cursor it will be found that 9-52 on scale B is beyond the end of scale A. If, however, the middle division (marked 1) on scale B is placed so as to coincide with the mark on the cursor, then opposite the 9'52 division on B will be found the required product, namely, 2-24, that is, the product is 22400. The above examples will give some hints as to the methods which 28 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 7 have to be adopted to perform simple calculations on the slide rule, and it is only for simple calculations that it will be in the long run found advisable to use the rule. In using the rule it is well to remember that whatever the relative positions of the two scales which are adjacent to one another, if a lt a. 2 are two readings on one scale and b v b< 2 are the corresponding readings on the other, then a, a., a-, b-. -1 = p or J = r*. QI p a a -2 2 Thus, suppose we require to find the quotient of b/c. Calling the quotient a, we have b a or the first of these expressions corresponds to the method of working described above, namely, b on one scale is made to coincide with c on the other, and the quotient is found opposite 1 on this latter scale. The second expression corresponds to the following method of working, which is often more convenient. Bring c on one scale opposite the unit on the other, and then opposite b on the first scale will be found the desired quotient a on the second scale. Squares and square roots may be directly read off by means of the cursor. Thus by setting the cursor to any reading on the D scale, the corresponding reading on the A scale will give the square. Conversely, by setting the cursor to a given reading on the A scale where the division line of the cursor cuts the D scale will give the square root. ~ Cubes may be found by obtaining the square and then setting the unit division on scale c opposite the given number on scale D, and then reading off the number on scale A opposite the given number on scale B. To obtain cube roots the slide must be taken out and turned upside down, so that scale c is opposite scale A. The unit division on scale c must then be placed opposite the given number on scale A, and scales B and D examined for the point where the readings on the two scales which are opposite one another are the same. The reading correspond- ing to this coincidence is the required cube root. Thus if the cube root of 27 is required, the unit on scale c is put opposite the left hand 2 '7 of scale A, when it is found that 3*0 of scale B coincides with 3*0 of scale D, and hence 3 is the required cube root. If the unit on scale c had been placed opposite the right hand 2' 7 on scale A it would be found that nowhere did the readings on scales B and D coincide. The back of the slider of most rules carries three other scales ; these are used for finding logarithms, sines, and tangents. They are seldom required in the laboratory, as it is generally more convenient to use tables. An examination of the rule will, however, at once indicate how they are to be used. (UNIVERSITY! 8] ARITHMOMETERS 29 8. Arithmometers. There are certain calculations which, when a great mass of figures have to be dealt with, are most expeditiously performed by means of an instrument called an arithmometer. A common form of arithmometer is shown in Fig. 6. It is called the Thomas de Colmar pattern, and is very convenient to use, the only objections being the high price (20 to 50) and somewhat large size. Iss^^^ FIG. 6. The instrument consists of a movable portion AB, which on being raised slightly can be slid along to the right, and on closing always rests so that the upper line of perforations AB lie opposite to the number slides EF on the fixed portion. Through each of the holes in the row AB can be seen one of the figures on a series of discs, each disc carrying the numbers from to 9. There is also a lower series of perforations CD ; each of these also allows one of the numbers on a disc similar to the upper row to be read. The sliders EF can be moved up grooves, and a small pointer attached to each slider moves on a scale which is numbered from to 9. A handle G can be put in two positions, one labelled " addition and multiplication," and the other " subtraction and division." A handle H can be rotated in the clockwise direction, and serves to set the mechanism working. Two levers, A and D, when pulled to the left and right respectively after the slider is raised, serve to set all the discs in the two rows to zero. If all the sliders EF are at zero, then turning the handle H produces no result on the upper row of figures If, however, any of the sliders are moved up, then on turning the handle through a complete turn the discs on the upper row AB turn so that the numbers showing through the windows are the same as the numbers to which the sliders which happen to be exactly opposite them are set. At the same time the disc on the lower row CD, which is opposite the handle H, turns so that 1 appears, this representing the number of times the handle has been turned. If, now, the handle is given a second turn, then the readings on the upper row of discs will increase by an amount corresponding to the readings of the sliders EF, while the fact that the handle has been 30 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 8 turned twice will be indicated by 2 appearing on the disc of the lower row immediately opposite the handle. Now the number represented on the sliders having been twice added to the reading (zero) on the upper row of discs, the number which is now shown on these discs will be twice the number shown on the sliders. In the same way, if the handle is turned three times, the number shown on the upper row of discs will be three times the number shown on the sliders, and so on. Let us suppose that the slider being as far to the left as it will go, and all the discs showing zero, we place the number 111111 on the sliders, that is, move each slider up till its pointer points to 1 on the scale. If, then, the handle is turned once the number 111111 will appear on the last six of the discs on the upper row, while 1 will appear on the last disc of the lower row, that is, on the disc opposite the handle. Next move the slider one notch to the right so that the second disc on the lower row is opposite the handle. If, now, the handle is turned once, each of the discs which is now opposite one of the sliders will have its reading increased by unity, that is, by the amount shown on the corresponding slider. The result now shown on the upper row of discs is not twice 111111, as it would have been had the slider not been moved, but it is the product of 11 arid 111111, for the machine has performed exactly the same sequence of operations that is used when doing multiplication by the ordinary method, namely, it has multiplied the multiplicand by the unit digit of the multiplier, then multiplied by the ten digit, displacing this quotient one place to the left, and then added the two results together. If the handle is turned twice when in the second position, the product of 111111 by 21 will appear on the upper row of discs, while the lower row will exhibit the multiplier 21. In the same way, by displacing the slider another place to the right and turning the handle once, we shall obtain the product of 111111 by 121, and so on. If the lever G is placed opposite the inscription "subtract or divide," then on turning the handle once the number represented on the slides will be subtracted from any number which may be exhibited on the upper row of discs. To perform division, the dividend is placed on the upper row of discs as near the left-hand end of the slider as possible. This can be done either by setting this number on the slides and then turning the handle once while the lever G is at "add," or, what is generally more convenient, by raising the slider and then turning, by means of a small stud which projects immediately below the window, each disc till the required digit appears in the window. The divisor is then placed on the slides, also as far to the left as possible. The slider is moved till the number shown on the upper row of discs is larger than that shown on the slides, the unit digit in the two cases being supposed to be vertically over one another. The lever G being at "subtract," the handle is turned till the number on the discs is smaller than that on the slides. The slider is then moved one place to the left, and the handle again turned till the number on the discs is less than that on the slides, and so on till the required number of 8] ARITHMOMETERS 31 places is obtained, when the quotient will appear on the lower row of discs. If, when performing this operation, the handle is accidentally turned once too often, this will be indicated by a number of nines appearing to the left of the numbers on the upper row of discs. In such a case the lever must be put at " add " and the handle given one turn, which will exactly annul the superfluous turn which has been given, and then again setting the lever at " subtract," the slider can be moved one step to the left and the division proceeded with. It will at once be evident that the machine proceeds in exactly the same manner as is done when doing long division by the ordinary method. The arithmometer does not do division with anything like the rapidity with which it does multiplication. Hence if several numbers have to be divided by the same number, it will save time if the reciprocal of this number is obtained, either by means of the machine or from tables, arid then each of the numbers is multiplied by this reciprocal in the manner described below. When a number of numbers which do not differ much have to be multiplied by the same number, an operation which is of frequent occurrence in Physics, after performing the first multiplication it is not necessary to wipe out the numbers which appear on the discs before proceeding to the second multiplication. All that has to be done is by suitably manipulating the slide and the lever G, turning the handle when necessary of course, to change the reading on the lower set of discs till the second number appears there, when the product will be given on the upper row of discs. Thus, suppose the common multiplier is 64799, and that two of the numbers to be multiplied are 17628 and 17635. First set the common multiplier, 64799, on the slides. Then starting with the slider as far to the left as it will go, turn the handle eight times; move the slider one place to the right and turn the handle twice ; move slider another place to right and turn six times, and so on. The product is 1142276772, and as many digits of this as are required must be noted down. Next placing the slider so that the 8 of the number on the lower row of discs is opposite the handle and setting the lever G at " subtract," turn the handle three times, so that the 8 becomes 5. Next move the slider one place to the right, so that the 2 comes opposite the handle. Place the lever G at "add" and turn the handle once, so that the 2 becomes 3. The number now shown on the lower row of discs is 17635, and the product of this number by 64799, namely, 1142730365, is shown on the upper row of discs. Thus we have obtained the second product by only turning the handle four times, while if we had started ab initio the handle would require to. have been turned twenty-two times. The above arithmometer may be used for adding together long columns of figures. For this purpose each number is in turn placed on the slides, 32 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 9 and the handle given one turn so as to add the number on the slides to the number already shown on the upper row of discs. The method is not a very rapid one, since the slides have to be manipulated each time, and, where much addition has to be performed, an instrument called a comptometer 1 may with advantage be used. In this machine there are a number of keys, something like those of a typewriter, arranged in columns, each column containing keys numbered from to 9, and when- ever a key is depressed the number on it is added to the number which appears at the top of that column on the recording dials. 9. Determination of the Area of Plane Figures. A problem which occurs fairly frequently in Physics is the measurement of the area of a plane figure. Thus the work done by the gas in the cylinder of a steam or gas engine is obtained by measuring the area of the indicator diagram. This area can either be obtained by measuring a number of ordinates and using one of the rules given below, or an instrument called a planimeter can be employed. The most convenient rule to employ when calculating the areas of a figure from the measurement of a number of ordinates is as follows : Draw two parallel lines touching the extremities of the figure, and a line at right angles to these two lines. Then divide the portion of this cross line intercepted between the parallel lines into an even number of parts (preferably 20, 30, 40), and through the 1st, 3rd, 5th, &c., of these division points draw lines parallel to the first two lines. In this way half as many of these intermediate ordinates will be obtained as there were parts into which the cross line was divided, the interval between the end ordinates and the lines touching the boundaries of the figure being half the interval between the intermediate ordinates. The length of each of the intermediate ordinates intercepted between the boundaries of the figure is measured, and the mean value of this inter- cept is multiplied by the length of the cross line included between the two tangent lines, and the product is the area of the figure. The appli- cation of the method to an indicator diagram is shown in Fig. 7. Where a number of indicator diagrams have to be measured, it will save much time if a piece of glass be prepared with a scale, as shown in Fig. 7. This can be prepared either by ruling on the glass or by drawing the scale on paper, and then photographing it and printing a positive on a photographic plate. Another rule frequently employed, and known as Simpson's rule, is as follows : Divide the area into an even number of strips by an odd number of equally spaced ordinates, the first and last touching the boundary of the figure. Measure the lengths of the ordinates intercepted by the figure, and then add together the sum of the first and last ordinates, four times the sum of the even ordinates, and twice the sum of the odd ordinates, 1 Made by Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Company, 52 Illinois Street, Chicago, U.S.A. Price, 25. 10] THE PLANIMETER 33 omitting the first and last. This total must be multiplied by one-third the distance between consecutive ordinates to give the area. STROKE 10-16 CM. > FIG. 7. It will be seen that the first rule is considerably easier to apply, and the result is very little, if at all, less accurate than that given by Simpson's rule. 10. The Planimeter. The commonest form of planimeter is that invented by Amsler, and shown in Fig. 8. It consists of two pivoted arms AB and CD, with a sharp point at D, which, on being pressed into the paper, serves as a centre round which the instrument can turn. A small weight is generally attached above D to keep this point in the hole in the paper. At the end A of the other arm is a tracing-point, which is guided by hand round the perimeter of the figure of which the area is being measured. Attached to the arm AB is a wheel E, which rests on the paper, and can turn about an axis parallel to AB. The edge of this wheel is fairly sharp, and attached to the side of the wheel is a divided drum, by means of which, and a fixed vernier F, the angle through which the wheel has turned can be read. The whole turns of the wheel are registered by means of a divided disc G, which is rotated by a worm attached to the spindle which carries the wheel E. By means of a clamp c 34 REDUCTION OF EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS [ 10 i, and a fine adjustment H, the distance between the point where the arm CD is pivoted and the tracing-point A can be varied. By varying this length the factor by which the change in reading on the wheel has to be multiplied to give the area can be altered. There are generally division lines on the arm AB, so that when these are made to coincide with a fixed mark on the part which carries the pivot for the arm CD the readings on the wheel give the area in square centimetres or square inches, as the case may be. The position of the fixed point D having been so chosen that it is possible to trace the whole of the perimeter of the figure with the point A, this pointer is brought to some marked position on the curve, and either the integrating wheel E is adjusted to zero, or the reading is noted. The tracing-point A is then carried round the perimeter of the figure in the clockwise direction and brought back to the starting-point, and the reading of the wheel again noted. The difference in the read- ings of the wheel at the end and the beginning, when multiplied by the appropriate factor, as shown on the side of the arm AB, will give the area of the figure. If the figure is so large that the instrument will not stretch far enough to allow of the tracing-point being taken right round, the figure must be divided into parts, and the area of each part be determined separately. It is only when the fixed point D is outside the area to be measured that the difference in the readings of the integrating wheel gives directly the area. If the fixed point lies within the area, then on tracing the perimeter of the figure the instrument will make a whole revolution round the fixed point. In such a case the area, as given by the differ- ence in the readings of the wheel, must be added to the area of what is called the datum circle, the area of this circle being marked by the maker on the top of the arm AB. The datum circle is the circle swept out by the pointer when the two arms make such an angle with one another that the plane of the edge of the integrating wheel passes through the fixed point. It is evident if, while the arms make this angle, the instru- ment is rotated round the fixed point; since the wheel will always be moving in a direction parallel to its axis, it will not rotate, and hence will not record the area swept out by the tracing-point. If the area of that portion of the figure which lies outside the datum circle is less than the difference in area between the remainder of the figure and the datum circle, then on tracing out the figure in the clockwise direction the read- ing on the integrating wheel will decrease. This decrease in the reading corresponds to a negative area, and hence to obtain the area of the figure this area, as read from the wheel, has to be subtracted from the area of the datum circle to obtain the area of the figure. For the theory of the Amsler planimeter the student must refer to books on the integral calculus. A most interesting description of the theory of planimeters in general, and of Amsler's planimeter in particular, with a discussion of the errors to which it is liable, by Professor O. Hen- 11] HARMONIC ANALYSIS 35 rici, will be found on p. 496 of the Report of the British Association for the Oxford Meeting of 1894. 11. Harmonic Analysis. According to Fourier's theory, any finite periodic function can be expressed as a series of terms, each of which is a simple harmonic function of this variable. Thus if F is any periodic function of the time, according to Fourier's theory F can, by suitably choosing the constants A^ A lt A 2 , &c., v B^ &c., be expressed by a series of terms as follows : F= AQ + A l sin kt + A 2 sin 2kt + A B sin 3kt + the upper surface of the scale. The disadvantage of brass is that its coefficient of expan- sion with rise of temperature is fairly large, namely, about O0000187. Within the last few years Guillaume has carried on an important series of investigations as to the best material to use for the construction of scales, and as a result has discovered an alloy which has a very much smaller coefficie-nt of expansion than brass, and yet seems quite as un- alterable. This alloy consists of about thirty-six parts of nickel to sixty- four parts of iron, and its coefficient of thermal expansion (linear) is 0*0000009. This material takes a fine polish, so that the graduations can be made directly on the nickel alloy, and it is not necessary to insert a strip of silver to receive the divisions. It has the further advantage that it does not tarnish or rust when exposed to air. Standard scales about a metre long are generally graduated in milli- metres. In the case of very finely divided scales it is usual to subdivide a single millimetre at either end into tenths. It is also of importance to have an additional graduation put on at either end. Thus if the scale is intended to measure up to a metre an additional millimetre division ought to be placed at either end, so that the total length of the divisions is 1002 mm. These additional divisions are used when standardising the scale. Th"e divisions of a good standard scale ought not to be more than two or three microns 2 wide, and hence they are almost invisible to the naked 1 Proc. Physical Society of London (1901), xviii. ; and Philosophical Magazine (1901), 2, p. 532. 2 A micron ^ is a thousandth of a millimetre = '001 mm. 13] THE VERNIER 43 eye. Some kind of auxiliary apparatus has, therefore, to be employed to read the scale. Again, the form of the scale does not permit of the object which has to be measured being placed alongside the divisions, so that some instrument is required to transfer the length from the object to the scale. Finally, it is generally necessary to make the measurements accurate to within a quantity which is considerably smaller than the smallest sub- division of the scale. We shall first consider the various methods which can be employed for the subdivision of the scale divisions, and in this connection shall for convenience deal not only with devices suitable for use with the form of scale described above, but also with other devices which are employed for this purpose, though they could not be applied to this particular form of scale. 13. The Vernier. The vernier consists of a small auxiliary scale which can slide alongside the graduations of the main scale. The dis- tance between the graduations of the vernier is either a little smaller or a little larger than the distance between the graduations of the scale. Thus, frequently, ten divisions of the vernier are equal to nine divisions of the scale, so that each division 10 15 of the vernier is "1 of a division less than the divi- sions of the scale. Sup- A I I I I | I I I IT pose, as in Fig. 11, the [0 5 10 zero division of the vernier FlG lies between the fourth and fifth divisions of the scale, the reading being 4 + x divisions where x is a fraction of a division. Then, since the length of a vernier division is less than the length of a scale division by a tenth of a scale division, .. the interval between the second division of the vernier and the fifth division of the scale is x- 'I. In the same way the interval between the third division of the vernier and the sixth division of the scale is x - '2, and so on. But in the figure the interval between the seventh division of the vernier and the eleventh division of the scale is zero ; that is, we have z-'7 = 0, or #='7. Hence by simply noting the division of the vernier which coincides with a division of the scale we get the fraction of a division by which the zero of the vernier is distant from the division of the scale immediately below. This result may be generalised as follows : If m divisions of the vernier are equal in length to m + 1 divisions of the scale, and co- incidence occurs at the Tith division of the vernier, then the reading of the vernier, i.e. the distance between the zero of the vernier and the preceding division on the scale, is n/mfhs of a division of the scale. Verniers are sometimes constructed so that m divisions are equal in length to m + l divisions of the scale. In such a case an argument similar to that given above shows that if the vernier is numbered in the 44 MEASUREMENTS OF LENGTH [ 14 reverse direction to the scale, the fiducial mark of the vernier being still at the end of the vernier nearest the zero of the scale, and coincidence occurs at the nth division, the distance between the fiducial mark of the vernier (i.e. the rath division) and the preceding division of the scale is w/raths of a division. The advantage of this form of vernier is that the distance between the graduations is rather greater, i.e. the scale more open. It is, however, rather more confusing to read, and is seldom used on that account. 14. The Micrometer Screw. When a screw such as A, Fig. 12, is rotated through a whole turn it advances through the nut B by an amount equal to the distance, measured parallel to the axis, between consecutive threads. Thus, suppose that the screw has twenty threads to the centimetre, when the screw is rotated through a whole turn it advances through half a millimetre. By means of a divided head c attached to the screw the fraction of a turn through which the screw has been rotated can be read. With a screw having a pitch of half a millimetre, which for most purposes is a convenient quantity, it is usual to divide the head into fifty parts, so that one division of the head corresponds to a motion of the end of the screw of 0*01 mm. In order to determine the whole number of turns through which the screw has been turned a scale D is placed alongside the divided head. This scale is divided into half millimetres, and a circle engraved on the divided head or on the edge of the head serves to read the position of the screw to the nearest half millimetre, the fractions being obtained from the reading on the divided head opposite to the edge of the scale D. When using a micrometer screw for any but comparatively rough measurements it will not do to assume that the distance between the threads is exactly what it purports to be, nor that the threads are quite uniform, so that it becomes necessary to calibrate a micrometer screw. Various methods of performing such a calibration will be described. In order to be able to adjust a micrometer screw to make a measure- ment, it is essential that it should move fairly easily in its nut. As a result, particularly when a screw has been used for some time, there will be a certain amount of play between the screw and the nut. Hence the position of the screw will vary slightly according as to whether the reading obtained has been approached by turning the screw in one direction or the other. This effect is referred to by the term backlash, and to ensure its not affecting the readings it is essential that the screw should always be brought up to its final position by turning the head in the same direction, so that the threads of the screw shall always bear on the same side of the threads in the nut. If by accident the screw is turned too far, it must not simply be turned back till the reading is correct, but must be moved back about a quarter of a turn beyond the correct position and then gradually turned forward till the adjustment is complete. Two simple instruments in which a screw is made use of to measure a length are the spherometer and the micrometer screw gauge, and it will be found advisable to obtain some practice in the use of a micrometer FIG. 12. 15] THE SPHEROMETER 45 screw by making the measurements indicated in the following pages before proceeding to use a more complicated instrument. 15. The Spherometer. The usual form given to the spherometer is shown in Fig. 12, from which the construction of the instrument will be clear. The screw is generally one having a pitch of half a millimetre, and the divided head c is divided into 500 parts, so that each division represents a movement of the screw parallel to its axis of O'OOl mm. The hundreds divisions on the head are num- bered 0/5, 1/6, 2/7, &c. This means that starting, say, from the zero when the division marked 0/5 is opposite the zero of the fixed scale D, and turning the head till the division 1/6 is reached, we have to take the upper number 1, and the screw has advanced through *01 mm. When the division marked 0/5 is reached we have now to take the lower number 5, and when we come to the next division the lower number 6, and so on till we get to the division 0/5, when we start with the upper numbers again, but have a whole millimetre in addition to the fraction shown on the divided head. This whole millimetre will be shown on the scale D. This scale will also serve to show in any case whether we have to read the upper or the lower figure on the divided head, for if the reading on the fixed scale is between a whole millimetre division and the half millimetre division we have to take the upper figure, while if it is between the half millimetre division and the next whole millimetre then we have to take the lower figure. In some instruments the chief divisions on the head are simply numbered 1, 2, 3, ) for two positions of the rider determined as before. From the two sets of readings before and after changing the weight by 1 milligram calculate the number of scale divisions which cor- respond to 1 milligram, or, what is for most purposes more convenient, the increase of weight which will produce a deflection of one scale division. Let W and W be the true weights of the weights placed in the pans, which true weights may, and probably will, differ from their nominal values. When W is in the right-hand pan and W in the left, calculate the weight w which has been added to the one which appears to be lighter, say, W, to. produce equilibrium. The whole number of milligrams in w will be obtained from the position of the rider on the beam, and the tenths and hundredths will be obtained by multiplying the difference between the scale reading for the zero and the scale reading corresponding to the position of rest (A) above by the weight correspond- ing to a scale division. In the same way calculate the weight w' which must be added to W when W is in the left-hand pan to bring the balance to the zero position. The quantity w may be either positive or negative. Let the length of the right-hand arm of the beam be called It, and that of the left L. Then in the first position of the weights we have ( W + w)li = W'L, and in the second position W'R = (W+w')L. Multiplying these two equations together we get W(W+w)l& = W'( W+w')L?. Thus tff w w l + 2W + )( l -2W + 1 In the case of a very sensitive balance the position of the rider can be adjusted to the nearest division in the scale which carries the rider, while the change in the position of the rider made to determine the sensitiveness will have to be less than 1 milligram. 26] WEIGHING BY METHOD OF OSCILLATION 69 For as w and w are small compared with W or W, we may neglect the w . w terms in squares and higher powers of ^ and -=, If the arms are found to be unequal it will be necessary either to correct all weighings by multiplying them by the ratio of the arms determined in this way, a process which is not very satisfactory if great accuracy is desired, since owing to unequal heating of the two arms this ratio may not be constant; or we may so conduct the weighings that the ratio of the lengths of the arms is eliminated from the result. There are two methods by which this may be performed. One method, called the method of double weighing, or Gauss's method, is to weigh the body first when it is placed in the right-hand pan, and then when it is placed in the left-hand pan. Let the apparent weights be w and w ; then if W is the true weight, we have WR wL or W= Since w and w' are always very nearly equal, the arithmetical mean ^(w + w') will not differ appreciably from the geometrical mean Jivw' . Thus since the arithmetical mean is so very much easier to calculate, the true weight of the body is taken as the mean of the weights obtained when it is placed in the two pans. The other method is called Borda's method, or the method of substitution. In this method the body, say, is placed in the left-hand pan, and weights are added to the right-hand pan till equilibrium is obtained. Then, leaving these weights in the right-hand pan, the body is removed and weights are added to the left- hand pan till the balance is again in its zero position. The sum of the weights in the left-hand pan will then be equal to the weight of the body, independent of any inequality in the lengths of the balance arms. Of these two methods of making the weighing independent of the lengths of the balance arms, the first, or the method of double weighing, is the better, as in addition to being somewhat quicker and involving only the use of a single set of weights, it is slightly more accurate, since two weighings of the body are made, and the probable error of the final value is smaller than in the method of substitution, where the body is weighed and then the weights are weighed. When two very nearly equal weights have to be compared, as occurs when determining the value of a weight from that of a standard, or when calibrating a set of weights, the method of double weighing is employed. Since in general the differences of the weights will be very small, instead of adding weights to one side till the balance comes back to zero, the position of rest is noted, first, when the weight W, say, is in the right pan, and, second, when W is in the left pan. If O l and 2 are these 70 WEIGHING [ 26 readings on the scale, we have, if R and L are the lengths of the balance arms, MI - (1) 8<9 2 (2) where 8 is a constant depending on the position of the centre of gravity of the beam, weight of the beam, length of pointer, &c. &c. Subtracting (2) from (1) W(R + L)- W'(R + L) = 8(0! - 2 ), or W- W = or since R and L are very nearly equal, and the whole difference W - W is small compared to either, we may take ~ OD\1 2/" *" \ I If, now, the sensitiveness (s) of the balance (that is, the deflection pro- duced by one milligram) is determined, we have or R Hence substituting this value in (3) W- W' = 6 -^-^ milligrams. The following example will illustrate the way of entering results when using the method of vibrations, also the manner in which the readings are arranged when comparing two nearly equal weights. The numbers were obtained when comparing a 1 gram weight (indicated by 1 .) with a standard 1 gram weight (l,. fc ) which has itself been compared with the standards at the Bureau International at Sevres. Left Pan. Right Pan. Readings of Extremities of Swings. Position of Rest. Means. j 61-0 49-9 60-3 50-6 59-6 55-27^1 1.-. gram . . l s . fc . gram. . I 50-9 50-3 60-9 60-1 51-1 60-2 50-8159-8 51-6 51-2 55-88 1 55-36 | 55-46 1 50-8 59-8 51-1 59-2 51-6 55-34 J l.-. + O'l mg. . U . . j 49-1 50-2 40-3 40-5 48-8 49-9 41-0 41-0 48-3 49-5 44-69 { 45-31 ] 45-00 I 49-0 40-9 48-9 41-4 48-6 44-99 \ u. .... 50-0 49-0 42-3 42-2 49-4 48-7 42-9 42-8 48-8 48-2 46-00 45-56 f 45-76 (|50-4 42-9 50-0 43-0 49-7 46-49 J l..fc .... l.-. + O-l mg. < 49-9 50-7 61-7 62-4 50-2 51-0 61-1 62-0 50-6 51-4 55-81 ) 56-61 i 56'21 27] CALIBRATION OF A SET OF WEIGHTS 71 Deflection for 0*1 mg. = 55 f 46 - 45-00 = 10*46 scale divisions =56-21 -45-76 = 10-45 Sensitiveness (deflection for 1 mg.) = 104-5 scale divisions. Difference of reading on reversing weights = 2{1 . - l 8-fc- } = 55-46 - 45-76 = 9'70 scale divisions. Hence 1 . - I 8k = 4 ' 85 = 0-0464 milligrams. 104'5 But the standard l sk is really 1 gram + 0-083 mg. Hence the true weight of 1.. is 1-000129 grams. 27. Calibration of a Set of Weights. Although a set of weights by a good maker when new will be wonderfully correct, yet when making really accurate measurements it is necessary to determine carefully the amounts by which the individual weights differ from their nominal values, and, further, if the weights are much used it will be necessary to repeat this calibration from time to time. To obtain the absolute values of the weights it will be necessary to have a standard weight the absolute value of which is known, and in order to obtain accurately the values of the other weights of the set it is essential that this standard weight should have the same nominal value as one of the largest weights of the set which is being tested. Thus if the set to be tested consists of weights from 100 grams downwards the standard ought to be a 100 gram weight, though a 50 gram weight would do fairly well. It would be quite impos- sible to determine the errors of such a set of weights with any reasonable accuracy by comparing them with a standard 1 gram weight. If no standard weight is available then we can still determine the errors in the ratios which the several weights bear to one another, and for many pur- poses this is all that is necessary. Thus when making a chemical analysis, or determining a density, the absolute values of the weights is immaterial ; all that we wish to know is the relation the weights bear one to the others. A set of weights from 100 grams downwards generally consists of the following pieces : 100, 50, 20, 10, 10, 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, -5, '2, -1, -1, '05, '02, -01, *01, and a rider weighing -01 gram or "005 gram. For purposes of calibration, however, a more convenient arrangement is the following : -100, 50, 20, 20, 10, 5, 2, 2, 1, 1, -5,, -2, -2, -1, -05, '02, -02, -01, -01, and a centigram or a half centigram rider. We shall describe two methods of conducting the calibration, the first a comparatively short and simple one, applied to the first of the above arrangements of weights, and the second a more elaborate and accurate method, which has been worked out by M. Rene Benoit of the Bureau International, and arranged to suit a set of weights having the second arrangement. Unless the weights in the set which have the same denomination have received distinguishing marks it will be necessary to provide such marks. The best way of doing this is to take a sharp-pointed sewing- 72 WEIGHING [ 27 needle and immediately after the figure denoting the denomination of the weight make a small dot or set of dots by gently pressing the point of the needle vertically down on the weight. Thus the 1 gram weights would be marked 1., !..,!.. . This method of marking the weights is preferable to attempting to scratch letters or any such device on the weights, as being more legible and less likely to remove any of the metal. The first operation to be performed is to compare the 50 gram weight with the sum of the 20 gram to 1 gram weights inclusive. This com- parison must be performed by the method of reversal, in which the 50 gram weight is first placed in the left-hand pan and the others in the right, and then the loads in the pans are interchanged, the calculation being performed as in the example given in the last section. If the weights differ much from their nominal values, it will sometimes be necessary to add a small weight to one pan or the other to produce equilibrium. In a balance having each of the arms graduated into a hundred parts and using a centigram rider, this would involve moving the rider from side to side or using two riders. In that form of balance in which the whole beam from one end to the other is divided into a hundred parts, and a half centigram rider is used, it is impossible by means of the rider to add a small weight to the left-hand side. Hence in either case it is advis- able to place a weight of half a centigram in the left-hand pan and keep it there throughout the weighings. By this means the rider, when no other weights are placed in the pans, will be half-way along the scale, and hence by moving it to one side or other of this position we are able to increase the load in either pan. Place the 50 gram weight in the left-hand pan and the others in the right, and find the position of the rider which will most nearly bring the pointer to' the zero of the scale. Then determine very carefully by the method of vibrations the scale reading corresponding to the position of rest. Next reverse the weights and repeat. The results should be entered as in the example given in the last section. In the same way perform the comparisons indicated in the following table, in which the expressions (20), &c., represent the actual weight of the weight whose nominal weight is 20 grams, and the quantities a, 6, c, &c., are the differences deduced from the weighings, and which may be either positive or negative : (50) - (2) (3) (l.-.)}^/ .... (4) .)} = e . . . . . (5) (2) -{(!.) + (!..)}=/ ........ (6) (l.)-(l-. ) = g . . ..... '. . (7) (1 .>-/,)-* ......... (8) 27] CALIBRATION OF A SET OF WEIGHTS 73 Consider, first, the first four weighings, and using the symbol (-10) for the true weight of the five smaller weights, we have From (4) (10 .) = (210) + d (9) From From From 3) and (9) (10. .) = (210) + d + c (10) 2) and (10) (20) = 2(21Q) + 2d+* + a, 76 WEIGHING [ 28 Solving the set of simultaneous equations (3) we obtain (5) (50) = J3f+ V {7A 1 - A+ A 5 } (20) = M+ jfol A^^+ 5A 2 - A 4 } - A} h 5^ 6 [ (210) =^M + T Jo{7^!+ 3^ 4 + 25^1 5 } Calling now the correction to (210) M lt so that we may proceed in exactly the same manner to obtain the corrections to these weights, and then having obtained the correction to the 1 gram weight, the corrections to the fractions can be obtained by a similar process. M. Benoit has shown that by combining the comparisons in the above manner there is no accumulation of errors, and that any prob- able error made in comparing the (2100) with the standard becomes of less and less influence as the weights of lower denomination are reached. In the event of a standard 100 gram weight not being available, the ratios of the weights can be obtained by the above process, for if we put M=0 in equations (5), we shall obtain the corrections to the weights on the supposition that the sum of the weights 50 + 20 + 20 . + 10 is correct. 28. Reductions of Weighings to Vacuo. The downward force exerted by a body on a scale pan in air is slightly less than the weight of the body owing to the buoyancy of the air, the actual pressure on the scale pan being equal to the weight of the body less the weight of the air displaced by the body. Thus, unless the volume of the body being weighed and that of the weights is the same, the amounts by which their weights appear to be diminished on account of the buoyancy of the air will be different, and hence, although they may be in equi- librium when placed in the opposite pans of a balance, they have not exactly the same weight. If, however, the weighings were made in vacuo, there would be no such difference depending on the difference between the density of the body and of the weights. Since it would be very inconvenient to perform weighings in vacuo, we have to apply a correction to allow for the buoyancy of the air, an operation called reducing the weighings to vacuo. Let W be the true weight of the body, i.e. its weight in vacuo, and w the true weight of the weights which counterpoise the body. Then if D is the density of the body, 8 that of the weights, and or that of the air at the time of the weighing, we have that the volume of the body is W/D, and that of the weights is w/8. Hence the weight of the air dis- placed by the body is a- W/D, and of that displaced by the weights is trw/8, and therefore 28] REDUCTIONS OF WEIGHINGS TO VACUO 77 w w(l-'), so that if D is the corrected density, The value of the correction is at once obtained from Table 6. Correction (2). If the temperature at which the bottle is filled with water when it contains the sand is not the same as that at which it was filled with water when its volume was being determined, a correction will have to be applied to allow for the fact that, owing to tfre expan- sion of the glass, the volume changes with temperature. To calculate the value of this correction we must know the value of the coefficient of cubical expansion of the glass of which the bottle is made. The manner in which this quantity may be determined is described in 73, but as the measurements of density made with the specific gravity bottle are always made at temperatures not far removed from the temperature at which the bottle was gauged, it is generally sufficient to take the value 0'000023 for the coefficient of cubical expansion of glass. 34] MEASUREMENT OF DENSITY WITH A SINKER 87 Suppose that when the bottle is filled with water the temperature is ^ and that the density of water at this temperature is A , while when the bottle contains water and sand the temperature is ^ and the density of the water is A r The volume of the bottle at ^ is ( W - -B)/A , and hence if y is the coefficient of cubical expansion of the glass, the volume at t 1 is Thus the weight of water which would fill the bottle at the temperature $! is given by The actual weight of water contained in the bottle, in addition to the sand, is li - S. Hence the weight of the water displaced by sand is This expression may be simplified by writing l+(Aj-l) for Aj and 1 + ( A - 1 ) for A ? and dividing, when, since \ and A are each very nearly equal to unity, we get Also since y and (A x - A ) are each small, the expression reduces to The above expression is the value of w' corrected for the temperature, and it must now be substituted in the expression 0-*=**,, w To obtain the density reduced to vacuo the correction a( 1 D) must be added. 34. Measurement of the Density of a Liquid with a Sinker. If the liquid is not too volatile and can be procured in sufficient quantity, one of the most convenient ways of measuring its density is to determine the weight of a suitable sinker when suspended, first, in water at a known temperature, and, secondly, in the liquid. A convenient form of sinker is shown in Fig. 34, and consists of a glass bulb partly filled with shot so that it will sink in the densest liquid likely to be measured. It is made by blowing a bulb on the end of a piece of glass tubing, introducing the shot, and then drawing off the neck and at the same time forming a small hook by means of FIG. 34. which the bulb is attached to the suspension wire. Suspend the bulb from the left-hand arm of a balance by means of a silk fibre or fine wire, and determine the weight of the bulb in air. 88 DENSITY [ 34 Next weigh the bulb when immersed, first in water and, secondly, in the given liquid. The temperature of the water and of the liquid must be noted in each case, and care must be taken to immerse the same length of the suspension fibre each time. This can be secured if the level of the upper surface of the liquid is always brought to the same height above the surface of the balance case. An allowance will have to be made for the weight of that portion of the suspension fibre above the surface of the liquid. This can most conveniently be done by placing a piece of the same kind of fibre or wire equal in length to that of the portion of the suspension fibre which is above the surface of the liquid in the right-hand pan of the balance and keeping it there throughout the weighings. Let the weight of the sinker in air be B, and its weight in water, of which the temperature is and the density A , be W, while its weight in the liquid is S, and first we will suppose that the temperature of the liquid is also t Q . Then the apparent volume of the sinker is (B - TP)/A , and the apparent weight of this volume of the liquid is B - S. Hence the density, without reduction to vacuo, is given by Correction (1). Eeduced to vacuo the correction o-(l - D') has to be added to the uncorrected value given above. Correction (2). If the temperature of the liquid is not the same as that of the water, but is, say, t lt then a correction must be applied for the expansion of the sinker with increase of temperature. Let y be the coefficient of cubical expansion of the material of which the sinker is made (it will in the case of a glass sinker generally be sufficiently accurate to take the value '000023 for y). Then the volume of water at t Q displaced by the sinker is (B - W}j\. The volume of the sinker at a temperature ^ is therefore Hence correcting for change in temperature we get D= _(-Jty since y is small. The correction to reduce to vacuo is as before, is the angle through which each of the mirrors turns, $ = tan < = Hence substituting this value for tan in (1) above _3(2D (2) To obtain the expression for < in terms of x, let A and B (Fig. 44) be the mirrors, T the telescope, and c the reading on the scale before the beam is bent. The path of the axial pencil of rays from c to the telescope is along CBAT. Next suppose the mirror A alone rotated in the clockwise direction through an angle , an incident ray TA would now be reflected along AB', the angle BAB' being 2<. If a is the angle TAB, or CBA, the ray AB will be incident on B at an angle a/2, while the ray AB' will be incident at an angle of a/2 - 2. If, now, the mirror B be rotated through an angle < in the anti-clockwise direction, the angle of incidence of the ray AB' will be a/2 - 3. Hence if B'C is the reflected 106 ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS [42 ray, the angle AB'C' is a - 6<. If B'D' is a line through B' parallel to BA, the angle AB'D' is 2. Hence the angle C'B'D' is a - 4<. FIG. 44. If, now, the scale cc' is placed so that it is at right angles to the line AB, we have CD = D tana Hence DD' = d tan 2. x = CO' = D tan a - D tan (a - 4<) + d tan 2. If both a and < are so small that the angles may be put equal to the tangents, we get or In order to ensure that this approximation is permissible, the scale should be placed at a considerable distance, and the telescope adjusted so that the angle a is as small as is compatible with clearing the tops of the mirrors. By replacing the mirrors by two right-angled prisms, as shown in plan in Fig. 45, a can be made rigorously zero. When prisms are used, the SI / (i! 4x \ IP 1 y FIG. 45. quantity D in the formula is the distance between the scale and the hypotenuse face of the further prism +8/[i, where \L is the refractive index of the glass, and 3 is the height of the prism measured from the hypotenuse face. In the same way d is the distance between the hypotenuse faces of the two prisms + 28/p. 43] COMPARISON OF MOMENT OF INERTIAS 107 B The advantages of the reflection method are that, owing to the sensitiveness of the method employed for measuring the deformation of the beam, smaller loads can be used, and therefore the chance of passing the elastic limit of the material is reduced. In the second place, the fact that as the load increases the supporting knife-edges slightly sink into the material has no effect on the readings, as is the case when the deflection at the centre is measured. 43. Measurement of the Period of an Oscillating Body by the Eye and Ear Method Comparison of Moment of Inertias. You are supplied with a light metal cradle A (Fig. 46) suspended by a phosphor bronze wire, and having a mirror M attached, by means of which an image of a scale is reflected into a telescope. The upper end of the suspension wire is soldered to a metal rod, which is itself firmly clamped to a cross-bar B that rests in two v's attached to an upright tube c, which is itself carried by a box with glass sides. This box serves to protect the suspended part of the apparatus from draughts. Metal cylinders of various shapes are provided, which can be placed in the v's of the cradle. The object of the experiment is to determine the period of the cradle alone, and also when it carries each of the metal cylinders in succession. From these periods we shall be able to compare the moments of inertia of the cylinders, and also, if we know the moment of inertia of one of the cylinders, determine the tor- sional rigidity of the suspension wire. Adjust the telescope and scale so that when the cradle is empty FIG. 46. and at rest the vertical cross-wire of the telescope coincides with a whole division near the centre of the scale. It will generally be found advisable to mark this division in some conspicuous manner, so that it catches the eye when the mirror is vibrating. For this purpose a small pointed piece of black paper may be attached to the scale, so that the point coincides with the upper end of the central division line but does not cover the line. Next set the cradle vibrating by slightly twisting it, and then releasing it. Care must be taken not to produce pendulum vibrations during this process. If the cradle is set swinging like a pendulum, this motion may be stopped without greatly checking the torsional vibrations by lightly 108 ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS [ 43 touching the suspension wire just above the cradle with the finger or with a feather or brush. Determine the time occupied by fifty complete vibrations by means of a stop-watch, and suppose that the value of the period determined in this way is 2 J . In order to determine the period accurately, some more reliable method of measuring the time than the stop-watch will be required. For this purpose a chronometer or good clock, which ticks every half second, will be required. If a clock which ticks every second is employed, a very slight modification in the procedure will be required, which modification will be quite apparent, and in what follows we shall suppose that a chrono- meter beating half seconds is used. Since it is impossible to watch the chronometer and look through the telescope at the same time, we have to make use of the ear to follow the chronometer, while the eye is used to follow the movement of the image of the scale as seen through the telescope after reflection in the mirror. There are various methods in use for counting the number of seconds which elapse between the instant when the chronometer is looked at and the instant when the event which is being timed occurs, but the author has found that in his experience the following is least likely to lead to a mistake in the counting : At each tick corresponding to a half second say tick, while at each tick corresponding to a whole second say the number of the second. Thus starting at the whole minute one counts in time with. the beats of the chronometer as follows : tick, one, tick, two, tick, three, &c. Up to the twelfth second this is quite simple, but from thirteen up to sixty the numbers consist of more than one syllable, and the question arises, which of the syllables should be made to coincide with the beat of the chronometer. The author is in the habit of strongly accenting the first syllable of those numbers which have more than one syllable, and making this first syllable coincide with the beat of the chronometer. The syllables after the first are hardly sounded at all, and in the three-syllable numbers the middle syllable is almost entirely slurred. This method of counting may perhaps be indi- cated in the following manner, in which the asterisk indicates the instant # * # * * * of the chronometer beat : tick, thir-teen, tick, four-teen, . . . tick, twen-ty, * * * * tick, twen-t'one, tick, twen-t'two, &c. The above may at first seem some- what complicated, but a very little practice will enable the reader to count on for several minutes, if need be, without making any mistake, and practically without mental effort. When a little practice has been gained it will not be necessary to count out loud, though at first this will be found an assistance. It is important to practise taking the time from the chronometer and start counting the seconds at any beat, so as not to have to wait till the end of the minute. Thus if when you look at the chronometer it has just ticked on the eighth second, you must with the next beat say tick, and then go on, nine, tick, ten, tick, &c. Returning to the suspended cradle : this, without any metal cylinder, 43] COMPARISON OF MOMENT OF INERTIAS 109 will generally have a period of about a second, and the following will be found a convenient method of measuring such a period with accuracy : Set the cradle swinging over pretty well the whole range of the scale, then, taking the time from the chronometer, count on while you watch the movements of the scale in the telescope. Go on watching till, exactly on a beat of the chronometer, the zero mark of the scale crosses the cross- wire of the telescope, apparently moving from left to right. Imme- diately write down the time at which this transit occurred, which will be a complete whole or half second. Then take up the time again and watch till the zero mark sweeps across the cross-wire exactly on a beat, but this time moving from right to left. Write this time down in a column alongside the first, as shown in the example given below. Shortly before a minute after the first observation again take up the time, and determine the time when the zero crosses at a beat, moving from left to right. Then make an observation as the scale swings from right to left, and so on, making an observation of transit each way about every minute till the amplitude of the oscillations have so far died down as to make the exact determination of the instant of transit doubtful. From the times obtained in this way we are able, by means of the approximate value of the period which we have already determined, to calculate the number of vibrations which have occurred between any two observations of the time of transit. The method employed can most easily be explained by means of an example. The following figures refer to the oscillations of a cradle, such as that shown in Fig. 46 : Approximate period : 100 vibrations took 2 minutes 4*5 seconds. Hence period is 1'245 seconds. The times of transit given on the next page were determined with a chronometer, and were entered in the two columns A and B as the vibrations proceeded. The columns c and D contain the differences between successive transits in the same direction. By dividing these intervals by the approximate time of vibration we obtain the number of vibrations which occur between the transit observations, and these numbers are entered in columns E and F. It will be found very convenient to use a slide rule for dividing the intervals in columns c and D by the approximate period, for if the 1 in the bottom, or D scale, is put opposite the approxi- mate time of oscillation on the third or c scale, then opposite any interval between transits on the c scale will be found the number of vibrations on the D scale and a single setting of the slide will do for all the intervals. We now have to calculate the number of vibrations between the first transit taken as and each of the others. This is at once obtained from the numbers in the columns E and F by addition. As, however, we shall only require the first and last five, the sums of the numbers in- cluded by the brackets can be obtained once for all, and used to calculate the last five. 110 ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS A. C. E. G. B. D. F. H a A ce d k A o 3 j3 0) 2 ^ ^ Time of 1-2 > I J Time of l| > 1-2 > 1 Transit. ,0'M "o ~S'i t 'w J Transit. J2 53 "o"S'| "o^ > || ill jji^ Is S-H 5 M *-i I.! * 3 53 32-0 CO CO 3 53 45-0 /P 61 49 61 49 Li 3 54 33-0 "8 3 54 46-0 o 61 49 "3 61 49 13 3 55 34-0 1 3 55 47-0 L 61 49 61 49 C 3 56 35-0 M 3 56 48-0 K- 60 48 60 48 3 57 35-0 3 57 48-0 61 49 61 49 3 58 36-0 3 58 49-0 61 49 61 49 3 59 37-0 3 59 50-0 60 48 60 48 4 37-0 876 4 50-0 61 49 61 49 4 1 38t) 925 4 1 51-0 61 49 61 49 4 2 39-0 974 4 2 52-0 60 48 60 48 4 3 391) 1022 4 3 52-0 1 61 49 61 49 4 4 40-0 . 1071 4 4 53-0 1 43] COMPARISON OF MOMENT OF INERTIAS 111 We can now obtain five intervals corresponding to the scale moving in either direction, the number of vibrations being known, as shown below : Time. Interval. Number of Vibrations. Period. At Start. At End. M. S. M. S. " M. S. g> f42 25-0 60 37-0 18 12'0 876 1-2466 >+> 43 25-0 61 38-0 18 13-0 877 1-2463 |.2M44 26-0 62 39-0 18 13-0 877 1-2463 w 45 27-0 63 39-0 18 12-0 876 1-2466 g~ U6 28-0 64 40-0 18 12-0 876 1-2466 02 a f42 37-0 60 50-0 18 13-0 877 1-2463 14*143 38-0 61 51-0 18 13-0 877 1-2463 S ^ 1 44 39-0 62 52-0 18 13-0 877 1-2463 3 145 39-0 63 52-0 18 13-0 877 1-2463 1 146 40-0 64 53-0 18 13-0 877 1-2463 Mean . 1-2464 Having determined the period of the cradle alone, that of the cradle loaded with one of the metal cylinders has to be determined. Before placing the cylinder in the cradle, adjust the horizontal cross-wire of the telescope so that it coincides with what appears as the upper edge of the division lines of the scale. Then when placing the cylinder on the cradle, adjust its position till the horizontal cross-wire again coincides with the upper ends of the division lines. In this way you can ensure that the cradle hangs in the same position with reference to the axis of suspension as it did when empty, and hence that its moment of inertia about this axis is unaltered. At the same time it ensures that the centre of gravity of the cylinder is on the axis of rotation, an important matter when we come to calculate its moment of inertia from its dimensions. The period with the cylinder will be considerably greater than that of the empty cradle, and a slightly different procedure will be required to measure it. Determine the time taken to make about fifty vibrations with a stop- watch, and calculate the approximate period. Next set the arrangement swinging over almost the whole of the scale, and taking the time from the chronometer determine the time of transit of the zero across the cross-wire when moving from left to right. By noting the position of the cross-wire on the scale with reference to the zero at the tick immediately preceding and following the transit it will be found possible, after a little practice, to determine the time of transit to within one- or two-tenths of a second. Having written down the time of transit, again take the time from the chronometer and determine in the same way the time of transit when the scale is travelling from right to left. When nearly a minute has elapsed from the first transit again determine the time of transit from left to right, and proceed in this way 112 ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS [43 till five transits in each direction have been recorded, as in the example below. It will now be sufficient to record a transit in either direction every two or even four minutes till about twenty minutes after the first transit. Then note the times' of five transits in either direction at intervals of a minute, as at the start. The reason why observations are only made every two or four minutes during the middle portion is, that these observations are only used to count the number of vibrations made in this interval. The only thing we have to be careful to secure is that the interval during which we allow the instrument to vibrate without making a reading of the time of transit is not of such a length that when we divide by the approximate time of vibration there should be a doubt as to what the number of vibrations ought to be. If the interval is too long then, although if wo knew the correct period this would divide into the interval almost exactly a whole number of times, thus giving the number of vibrations in the interval, yet the approximate period might divide into this interval a different number of times. Thus if the quotient obtained by dividing the interval by the approximate period consists of a whole number, n, plus '4 or over, there will be considerable doubt as to whether we ought to take n or n + 1 as the number of vibrations in the interval. Suppose that the true period is T and that the approximate period may differ from this by 8T, then the number of vibrations, n, allowed to elapse between consecutive observations of transit must be such that n .8T is not greater than about T/3. In practice it will generally be found advisable to make the observations of transit at least twice as frequently as indicated by this expression, since then if for any reason one of the transit observations is incorrect, owing to a mistake in taking the time or other cause, it will be possible to neglect this observation and still be able to calculate the number of vibrations in the interval from the transits on either side of the one which has been neglected. When taking the time of vibration with a stop-watch the possible error in the interval taken will be quite 0*5 second, so that if we suppose that no errors have been made in counting we have, in the case of the example given above for the carriage only, that 87 T is '005. Thus the limiting value which it is safe to take for n is given by 14 005 x 3 A short calculation such as the above will always give the safe interval between successive transits, and ought always to be made when using this method of counting the number of vibrations performed by a body of which the period is being determined. The method of redwing the observations of period made with the cylinder in the cradle will be at once evident from the following example : Determination of approximate period: 40 vibrations took I .'{0*7 seconds. Hence the period is 3*418 seconds. 43] COMPARISON OF MOMENT OF INERTIAS 113 A. C. E. G. B. D. F. H. 8 ! 8J | |L Time of Transit. || fl* - I'M I ^ |i ill I 1 -2 S.2 8 '** s! S -^ t 1 fc"* fc c ~* | H. M. S. H. M. S. 2 11 11-2 2 11 23-1 61-5 18 61-5 18 2 12 12-7 18 2 12 24-6 18 61-4 18 61-5 18 2 lit 14-1 36 2 13 26-1 36 61-5 18 61-4 18 2 14 15-6 54 2 14 17-5 54 61-4 18 61-5 18 2 15 17-0 72 2 15 29-0 72 122-8 36 122-8 36 2 17 19-8 2 17 31-8 123-0 36 5 122-8 36 a 2 19 22-8 o 2 19 34-6 o 122-9 36 g 123-0 36 1 2 21 25-7 2 21 37-6 122-9 36 > 122-9 36 *> 2 23 28-6 00 2 23 40-5 > 122-9 36 IM 122-9 36 w 2 LT) 31-5 2 25 43-4 o 122-8 36 1 122-8 36 "3 L> 27 34-3 E 2 27 46-2 C 122-9 36 e 122-9 36 fl L' L".I 37-2 M 2 29 49-1 HH 122-8 36 ( 122-9 86 2 31 40-0 360 2 31 52-0 360 81*8 18 61-5 18 2 32 41-fi 378 2 32 53-5 , 378 61'4 18 61-4 18 2 33 i:;-o 396 2 33 54-9 396 61-4 18 61-5 18 2 34 44-4 414 2 34 56-4 414 61-5 18 61-3 18 2 35 45-9 432 2 35 57-7 432 From these numbers we obtain the following values for the interval occupied by 360 vibrations : Scale moving to Right. Scale moving to Left. M. s. M. 8. 20 28-8 20 28-9 _'n -J8-9 20 28'9 20 28-9 20 28-8 20 28*8 20 28-9 20 28-9 20 28-7 Mean 20 minutes 28 '85 seconds. Hence Period = 3 '4 137 seconds. H 114 ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS [43 If t Q is the time of vibration of the cradle only, and if k is the moment of inertia of the cradle, we have where c is a constant depending on the length, diameter, and nature of the suspension wire. This constant c represents the couple which, if applied at one end of the suspension wire while the other end is held fixed, would twist the end of the wire through one radian. If t l is the time of vibration when a cylinder of which the moment of inertia is K is placed in the cradle we have K+k ^~T~ *t*-& Substituting from (1) above *i = / 2 _ / 2 Ej [Q 47r2A% 2 also c = - 1 Hence if we calculate the value of K from the dimensions of the cylinder, we can from our observations deduce both k and c. The moment of inertia of a solid cylinder about an axis passing through its centre of gravity and perpendicular to the axis is given by (see Table 7) 1-2 ^ r '2 1 12 4 f ' where M is the mass of the cylinder, I its length, and r its radius. Measure the length, diameter, and weight of each of the cylinders which have been used in the vibration experiment, and calculate the moment of inertia of each. Then using these calculated moments of inertia and the periods determined, calculate as many values of k and c as there are experiments with cylinders, and enter the results in a table. If the shape of a body is such that we are not able to obtain the moment of inertia by calculation, or if the density l of the body is not 1 All the expressions for the moment of inertia given in Table 7 only hold if the density of the body is quite uniform. It is rather the exception than the rule for a mass of metal to have uniform density throughout, and so in accurate measurements involving the moment of inertia to test for the uniformity of the density is most important. 44] SIMPLE RIGIDITY OF A WIRE 115 uniform throughout, the moment of inertia K can be obtained by deter- mining the period ^ when it is placed in the cradle, and then measuring the period t> 2 when a body of known moment of inertia K. 2 is placed in the cradle. For we have whence the second form of the expression being more convenient for use when logarithms are employed. 44. To Calculate the Simple Rigidity of a Wire from Observations of the Period of a Torsional Pendulum. The quantity c, which is the tor- sional couple called into play when the end of the wire used in the last section is twisted through one radian, depends on the length Z of the wire, its radius r, and on the material of which the wire is composed. It can be shown that _ '~ where n is called the simple rigidity of the material of which the wire is composed. The simple rigidity of a material is a constant for that material. It must be observed, however, that the simple rigidity of a wire depends in a great measure on the state of hardness of the wire. Thus annealing a wire often alters its rigidity very considerably, while stretch- ing a wire so as to give it a permanent set will also alter the rigidity. Measure the length and diameter of the wire used to suspend the carriage in the previous exercise, and by means of the values obtained for c calculate the simple rigidity of the wire. Since in the expression for the rigidity the radius of the wire occurs raised to the fourth power, care must be taken to measure r with the utmost possible accuracy. Since a wire is seldom perfectly cylindrical, the diameter must be measured at a number of points along its length, and at each point two measurements must be taken in directions at right angles to one another. 45. Determination of Young's Modulus and Rigidity of a Wire by Searle's Method. A method of measuring Young's modulus of a wire which only requires a comparatively small length of the wire, and in which the measurement of an elongation or of deflection is replaced by a measurement of periodic time, has been devised by Searle. 1 1 Phil. Mag. (Feb. 1900), p. 193. 116 ELASTICITY OF SOLIDS [45 The arrangement used is shown in Fig. 47. It consists of two metal bars AB and CD, each about 30 cm. long, and of either square or circular cross - section, the area of cross- section being about 1'5 sq. cm. These bars are connected at their mid points by the wire which is under test, the method by which the wire is attached being shown at (a). The wire is soldered into a hole drilled in the head of a screw J, which is held in place by a nut K, this nut being of such a size that it would just fill up the hole left in the bar when the screw is in place. Two light wire hooks are attached to the bars at their mid points, and serve for the attachment of two pieces of thread about a metre long. The upper ends of these threads are fixed to a support, so that the threads are parallel and the bars lie in the same horizontal plane. The bars are caused to vibrate in a horizontal plane, each about its mid point, and if ^ is the period, Young's modulus for the wire is given by FIG. 47. Y= (1) where r and I are the radius and length of the wire EF, and A' is the moment of inertia of one of the bars. The bars are then unhooked from the suspension fibres, and while one bar is held in a clamp, the period of the other, acting as a torsion pendu- lum, is determined. If n is rigidity of the material of the wire, we have, as in the last section, K having the same value as before, since the bars are either of square or circular cross-section. If the mass of the wire is negligible compared to that of the bars, in the first experiment the wire will be bent into a circular arc as the bars vibrate. If p is the radius of the arc into which the wire is bent, the bending moment is ~ .* Further, if is the angle either bar * See Minchin's Statics, vol. ii. p. 424. 45] DETERMINATION OF YOUNG'S MODULUS 117 makes with its position of rest p = l/2, so that the bending moment Since the bending moment of the wire is equal to the couple acting on either bar tending to bring it back to its position of rest, the equation of motion of either of the bars is 21 and hence *i~ 2 *\/JPr Y -t,S ' ' ! ' V ' ' < 3 ) To perform the experiment, the dimensions of the bars are measured and the moment of inertia K is calculated. The bars having been suspended by the threads, a loop of cotton is tied round the ends of the bars, so that they are slightly drawn together. The bars are then started into vibra- tion by burning through the cotton, and the period measured either with a stop-watch or by the eye and ear method, using a chronometer. The determination of the period as a torsion pendulum is performed as in 43. CHAPTER VI THE PENDULUM MEASUREMENT OF " g " AND RATING A CHRONOMETER 46. The Pendulum. It can be shown (see Watson's Physics, p. 123) that so long as the arc over which a simple pendulum swings is very small, the time of vibration i is given by ,W where I is the length of the pendulum, and g is the acceleration of gravity. Since at any one place g is constant, it follows that t' 2 /l must also be constant. If the angle through which the pendulum swings is greater than one or two degrees, then the observed time of vibration will be appreciably greater than what it would be supposing the amplitude were very small, and so a correction will have to be applied on this account. Thus let OA (Fig. 48) be the position of rest of the pendulum, and OB the position occupied at a given instant , then the force acting on the bob in the direction of its motion is - mg sin 0, where m is the mass of the bob. The acceleration with which the bob is moving is - , where ds is an element of the circular arc in which the bob moves. Hence d' 2 s Force acting in bob = m - 2 = - mg sin 6. Now if I is the length of the pendulum, s = 10. Thus dt dt i^ a dt* Therefore If both sides are multiplied by 2d6 and we integrate, then l{ - } = 2<7 cos 6 + a constant \dt/ (2) 118 46] THE PENDULUM 119 If we measure t from the instant of maximum elongation # () , so that when t = 0, # = # , and since at maximum elongation the velocity is zero, we have from (2) = 2g cos + const. Hence substitute this value for the constant in (2) (dO\* 2 (dt) =j n_ _do^ V 2g (cos 0- cos This may be written Take a new variable such that sin Sm ^sin- which is always possible, since >0. Differentiating /T I _d&_ ^ Ig sin (0 /2) (1 - sin' (tf/2)Jsiir (6^2))* 003 sn and M COS 2 sin (0 n /2) cos Substituting in (3) dt= + V-fn: -j-iTJ To find the time taken to reach the equilibrium position, i.e. the quarter period, we have to integrate between = and = 0, that is, between < = vr/2 and < = 0. Hence The integral is a complete elliptic integral of the first kind, and its value can be obtained from tables. We may, however, expand 120 THE PENDULUM [46 (1-sin 2 (#0/2) sin 2 <)~i by the binomial theorem, and integrate the terms separately, Thus sn or r=2*r-{l + -sinX0o/2) + sin* (00/2) + } . . . (5) If T is the time of vibration of the pendulum when the amplitude is very small, we may write the expression for t as follows : or T =T(l-^ = T(l- e A so long as # is not very great. When making an actual determination of period, the amplitude gradually decreases during the experiment, and having observed the initial amplitude and the final amplitude 0', we require to calculate the period with infinitely small arc from the observed period t. When the amplitudes are not very large, we may employ the following approximate formula 1 fc-rfl- 00\ 16 / In Table 8 the values of the correction term for different values of the initial and final amplitudes are given, and this table will be found of use in reducing observations of period, both in the present case and in others which we shall consider later, as, for instance, in determining the period of a magnet oscillating in the earth's field. Next suppose in place of an ideal simple pendulum we have a com- pound pendulum, that is, a rigid body of any shape capable of rotation about a horizontal axis. Let r be the distance of a given point P of the body from the axis about which it can rotate (the axis of suspension), and let y be the perpendicular distance of the point from a vertical plane through the axis. Thus if o> is the angular velocity with which the body is moving, the linear velocity of the point P is wr, and the acceleration 1 Q and 6' are supposed to be measured in radians. 46] THE PENDULUM 121 is r . If in is the mass of the particle at P, the force acting on (Jit P is mr - , and the moment of this force about the axis is rar 2 -- ir dt Hence for the whole body the moment of the force acting about the axis is 2(mr 2 ). Now the only force acting on the particle m is the dt attraction of gravity, and the moment of this force about the axis is mgy, and for the whole body the moment is ^(mgy) ; but this is equal to the moment of the whole mass M of the body, supposed concentrated at the centre of gravity, about the axis. Hence if h is the distance of the centre of gravity from the axis, and 6 is the angle through which the body has turned from the equilibrium position, we have Moment of forces acting on the body = g M h sin 0. Hence equating the two expressions for the moment of the forces, we get ~2(mr 2 )= dB Now (o= . dt Hence ^2 2 ( mr ') - ~ 9 Mh sin - The quantity 2(mr 2 ) is the moment of inertia of the body about the axis. Hence if R is the radius of gyration about a parallel axis through the centre of gravity, Thus d*e gh _ y f) In the case of a simple pendulum we have Hence if the simple pendulum of length I will have the same period as the com- pound pendulum. If the body is now supported by an axis in the same plane as the 122 THE PENDULUM [ 47 first axis and the centre of gravity, and parallel to the first, and at a distance I from it, we get similarly where h' is the distance of the new axis from the centre of gravity. But h' = l-h = IP/h. Hence m l' = + h = l ........ (8) that is, the period about the new axis will be the same as about the old. The point where the first axis cuts the vertical plane drawn through the centre of gravity perpendicular to the axis being called the centre of suspension, the point where the second axis cuts this plane is called the centre of oscillation. In the case of a heavy sphere of radius r suspended by a fine wire of negligible weight, and length A, we have (see Table 8) 2 7?2 _ r '2 ~5* ' Hence the length of the equivalent simple pendulum is given by 2r 2 Hence the periodic time of such a pendulum is .... 47. Determination of " g " by Means of a Borda Pendulum. The expression found in the last section for the period of a heavy bob sus- pended by a fine wire may be employed for measuring g. For (10) may be written A piece of apparatus suitable for determining the value of g from the period of such a pendulum is shown in Fig. 49. It consists of a bracket A, to the upper surface of which a piece of plate glass is attached. This glass serves as a plane on which the knife-edge which supports the pen- dulum rests. A slot in the glass allows the suspension wire to pass. The bob consists of a brass sphere having a diameter of about 5 cm., to which the suspension wire is attached by being soldered into a fine hole bored radially into the sphere. The upper end of the wire passes through a knife-edge B, and is held by being clamped by the screws at c. 47] DETERMINATION OF " -"-n+4: -"-n+2r-l* Now ~J = 3 _ _ A A ' ' * -^n+2 - Hence "* " + -"-H.+9 "I" -"- Thus and we make use of a number of scale readings of extremities of swing at either end of the series of observations. If the vibrations die down fairly rapidly, so that only a comparatively small number of elongations can be observed, then it will be advisable to note all the elongations till the amplitude has died down to about a quarter of its initial value. Then divide the observations into two groups and treat them by the method indicated by (3) above ; n being in this case equal to 2r, and one group following immediately after the other. In cases where the logarithmic decrement is very small, so that the 1 That is, n half-vibrations. 152 SURFACE TENSION AND VISCOSITY [56 amplitude only decreases very slowly, the above method of observation would be very tedious, since in order to get a sufficiently great decrease in elongation to give an accurate value of A would involve making a very large number of readings. In such a case it is best to determine the period T of the vibrations, then observe, say, ten or twenty turning points so as to allow of the calculation of the elongations A lt A B , A 5t &c. Then start a stop-watch, or note the time on a chronometer. After the vibrations have died down to about a third of their initial value 1 stop the watch or note the time, and then again observe ten or twenty turning points. Now from a knowledge of the period and the interval which has elapsed we can at once calculate how many vibrations took place between the two sets of observations of turning points. As it will in general be found inconvenient to start the watch or read the time at the same instant as make the last observation of turning point, it is better to count one or two vibrations after the last reading before starting the watch or taking the time. In the same way, at the end count one or two vibrations after stopping the watch before beginning to read the turning points. Of course the number of swings thus counted will have to be added to the number deduced from the time as indicated by the watch. The method of making and recording the observations will be clear from the following example : DETERMINATION OF LOGARITHMIC DECREMENT. Turning Points. Turning Points. Elongation. Elongation. Left. Right. Left. Eight. 9-50 43-80 34-30 A l 13-90 (6) 39-30 25-40 A m 9-55 43-70 34-15 A 3 14-00 39-25 25-25 A U5 9-60 43-65 34-05 A 5 14-00 39-20 25-20 A U7 9'70 43-55 33-85 A 7 14-10 39-15 25-05 &c. 975 43-50 33-75 A 9 14-15 39-10 24-95 9-80 43-40 33-60 A u 14-20 39-05 24-85 9-90 43-35 33-45 A 13 14-25 39-00 24-75 10-00 43-30 33-30 A 16 14-30 38-95 24-65 10-05 43-20 33-25 A# 14-35 38-90 24-55 10-10 43-15 (a) 33-05 A 19 14-40 38-85 24-45 Sum . . 336-75 Sum . . 249-10 Approximate period = 6 '7 6 seconds. Interval by watch 6 minutes 46 seconds. Number of whole vibrations = = = 60. 6"7o 1 If the logarithmic decrement is excessively small, then it will generally be unnecessary to wait till the amplitude has decreased so much as this. 57] MEASUREMENT OF VISCOSITY OF A LIQUID 153 There was one half-vibration between the reading marked (a) and starting the watch, and two half-vibrations after stopping the watch before the reading marked (6). Hence 71 = 20+120 + 3 = 143. Thus = log 10 336-75 -Iog 10 249*10 = 2-52731-2-39637 = 13094 and /= = 0-000922 A = 0-000922 x 2-3026 = 0-002123. 57. Measurement of the Viscosity of a Liquid by the Oscillating Disc Method. It has been shown by O. E. Meyer 1 that when a thin disc oscillates in its own plane, in a liquid of which the coefficient of viscosity is 77, under the influence of the torsion of the suspending wire, then where the symbols have the following meanings : M = moment of inertia of the disc and its supports. R and 8 = the radius and thickness of the disc. T=the time of vibration of the disc when vibrating in air. A and X x = the logarithmic decrements of small oscillations of the disc in air and in the liquid respectively. p = the density of the liquid. The theoretical deduction of the above formula is not above criticism ; it may, however, be regarded as an empirical formula which gives results agreeing very fairly with those obtained by other methods. A piece of apparatus suitable for performing this experiment is shown in Fig. 60. It consists of a wooden box, the sides of which can be closed by sheets of glass sliding in grooves, and having an upright brass tube with a V notch at the top. The disc A hangs from a rod B, which carries a mirror M. This rod is soldered to the bottom of a fine steel wire, the top end of the wire being soldered to the rod c, which is clamped to a cross-bar D. This cross-bar rests in the notch at the top of the tube. A window E allows the vibrations of the disc to be watched, a telescope and scale being used in the ordinary manner (see 168). The liquid to be experimented upon is contained in a glass dish F, which must be of such a size as to allow at least 3 cm. clear all round the disc. 1 Poygendorf Annalen, 113, p. 55. 154 SURFACE TENSION AND VISCOSITY [57 To perform the experiment, first set the disc vibrating, and having damped out any pendulum vibrations by lightly touching the bottom of the suspending fibre, deter- mine the period of the disc in air by the method given in 43. Next determine the period when the disc is loaded with the brass ring G, the outside diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the disc. Having determined the moment of inertia of the ring by calculation from its dimen- sions, calculate the moment of inertia of the disc and the supporting rod and mirror by the method used in 43. After removing the ring, determine the logarithmic decrement of the disc by the method described in the last section. Having filled the vessel F with water, stir it well, then start the disc vibrating, and FIG. 60. rea( i the temperature as shown by the thermometer T. Having determined the logarithmic decrement, again read the tempera- ture. The mean of the two temperature readings may be taken as the temperature for which the viscosity has been determined. Since the viscosity changes very rapidly with temperature, it is important either to work at the room temperature, or, if observing at other temperatures, to protect the vessel from loss or gain of heat as much as possible by surrounding it with a layer of felt or other bad conductor of heat. CHAPTER VIII THE BAROMETER 58. Measurement of the Atmospheric Pressure. In practice the value of the atmospheric pressure is always obtained by reading the height of the barometer, that is, by measuring the height of the column of mercury which will exert a pressure equal to that of the atmosphere. The form of barometer generally employed is that known as Fortin's cistern barometer (see Watson's Physics, 133). The chief difficulty with the Fortin form of barometer is setting the surface of the mercury to coincide with the tip of the ivory point which marks the zero of the scale. When the barometer is quite new, and therefore the surface of the mercury in the cistern is perfectly clean, this adjustment can be made with considerable accuracy, particularly if a lens having a focal length of about 5 cm. is used. Griffiths recommends that the sides of the cistern be covered with black paper, small windows being left in front and behind the point. A fine black wire is stretched across the back window, and the position of the reading lens is so adjusted that an image of the line is seen formed by rays reflected in the mercury near the point. Directly the point touches the mercury, the image will be- come distorted. The mercury must always be brought up to the point when making a setting whatever method is employed, since if the sur- face is lowered after having been raised too high it will be found that the mercury is apt to cling to the point, being raised up above the general level. After some time it will be found that the surface of the mercury becomes more or less dirty, and then the difficulty of making a setting becomes very great. The condition of the surface can sometimes be temporarily improved by lowering the mercury in the cistern as much as possible and then bringing it back to its proper level. During this process some of the scum on the surface of the mercury is left clinging to the walls of the reservoir, and a fresh and clean surface is produced near the point. By replacing the ivory point by one made of platinum iridium and having an insulated platinum wire dipping in the mercury of the cistern, an electrical method of noting when the point touches the mercury can be employed. The case of the barometer and the insulated wire are joined, through a fairly high resistance and a telephone, to a Leclanche cell, when a distinct click will be heard in the telephone when the mercury touches the point. 155 156 THE BAEOMETER [58 A form of Fortin barometer which can be made at a small fraction of the cost of the ordinary pattern is shown in Fig. 61. The tube A has a bore of about a centimetre at the top and bottom, and is bent at the bottom as shown, a fine point of black glass being attached at the bend, the extremity of the point lying on the prolongation of the axis of the upper part of the tube. A steel collar c is cemented to the tube just above the bend. A fine screw is cut on this collar, arid a steel nut which engages with this screw is cemented inside a glass thimble E. This thimble has a small hole F in the side, which may be kept lightly plugged with cotton wool in order to exclude dust as much as possible. The surface of the mercury can be brought into coincidence with the point B by turning the thimble. The upper part of the tube is graduated in millimetres, the divisions being numbered as if the scale started at the end of the point B. If it is only required to obtain the height of the barometer to within one- or two-tenths of a millimetre, then the scale may be read by eye. When, however, it is desired to obtain closer readings, the small slider shown at G can be used. There is a spring H in the slider which keeps the v's on one side pressed against the tube. Two openings i, one in front and the other behind, serve to view the mercury column, the upper edges being brought into line with the top of the mercury meniscus. A vernier v engraved on the slider is used to read the scale. This vernier has ten divisions, equal to eleven divisions of the scale, and is numbered downwards (see p. 43). The barometer is mounted on a board as shown, and a thermometer T is attached to the board, the bulb being enclosed in a piece of the same tube used to form the barometer. This piece of tube is filled with mercury, so that the thermometer bulb may, as far as possible, be subjected to the same conditions as it would if enclosed within the mer- cury column. To take a reading of the height of a Fortin barometer we must proceed in the following manner : 1. Read the temperature of the barometer as given by the attached thermometer. The temperature as read will generally require correcting for the error of the thermometer. The reason for reading the thermometer before the barometer is, that the presence of the observer's body will most likely cause the reading of FIG. 61, 58] MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE 157 the thermometer to go up, though the heat will not have time to reach the column of mercury, and so affect the height, before the reading is made. 2. Having gently tapped the tube of the barometer near the upper surface of the column to' 'prevent sticking of the mercury to the sides of the tube, adjust the level of the mercury in the cistern so that the point, which corresponds to the zero of the scale, just touches the sur- face. The surface is raised till the point and its image, seen by reflection in the mercury surface, just appear to touch, and yet there is no depres- sion of the mercury surface as indicated by the irregularity in the reflected image of some straight object, such as a wire, the reflection taking place alongside the point. 3. Adjust the vernier so that the bottom appears to be a tangent to the convex surface of the mercury. To make this adjustment satis- factorily a piece of white paper or milk glass placed behind the tube must be brightly illuminated. In order to avoid parallax in making the setting, the movable tube which carries the vernier is trimmed so that the back edge and the front edge, which corresponds to the zero of the vernier, are in the same horizontal plane. Thus if when making the adjustment the eye is placed so that the front and back edges coincide and further appear to touch the top of the mercury meniscus, then the vernier will be set correctly. When the adjustment is correct it should just be possible to see some light at the edges of the tube, but on slightly moving the eye up and down no light should appear at the middle. The vernier attached to the slider must then be read. To the reading obtained as described above a number of correc- tions will have to be applied, and we now proceed to consider these in detail. 1. Correction for Temperature. Since the pressure exerted by a column of liquid of given height depends on the density of the liquid, and that the density of mercury varies with the temperature, a cor- rection will have to be applied on this account. Further, a correction will have to be applied for the expansion with rise of temperature of the scale which has been used to measure the height of the column, for it is only at one temperature that the distance between the divisions of the scale are what they profess to be. Hence we have to reduce the observed height h t to what it would be if the temperature of the mercury had some standard value, for which purpose C. is always taken, and further correct for the expansion of the scale. If a is the coefficient of linear expansion of the material of which the scale is composed, and it is correct at 0, then the actual length at a temperature t corresponding to the observed length 7i t is h t (l + at). Since the height of a column of liquid which will exert a given pressure varies inversely as the density of the liquid. If p t is the density of mercury at # and p the density at 0, we have Height of mercury column at _ p ( Height of mercury column at t p 158 THE BAROMETER [58 But if v and v t are the volumes of unit mass of mercury at and t respectively, and 8 is the coefficient of cubical expansion of mercury, then Pt _ v _ v 1 ~P~fy~ v(l + 8t) ~ T+8i' Hence the corrected height H of the mercury column is given by . I . '; .*-;-& ......... I which may be written l+St-St + at, l+St "' that is, the correction to be applied to the observed height h t is 3- a , In most cases it will be sufficiently accurate l to neglect 67 compared to unity, when the correction takes the simplified form - (8 - a)t . *,. If the scale instead of being correct at a temperature of is correct at a temperature tf , then the true length corresponding to an observed length h t at a temperature t is h t {l 4- a(t - )}. Hence the reduced height of the barometer in this case is given by or approximately, if we neglect 8t compared to unity, H={l~(S-a)t-at } ....... (5) The quantity 8 is the same for all mercury barometers, and is equal to 0*0001819 when the temperature is measured in degrees Centigrade. The value of a, however, depends on the material which has been used for the scale. If the scale is of brass, then we may take a as being 1 In the case of a brass scale, if h t is 760 mm. and the temperature is 30 C. we have -- a th t = 3'707 mm. and (5-a)tf = 3'728, thus the difference amounts 1 + St to 0'021 mm. Hence if it is required to obtain the height correct to a hundredth of a millimetre, the more accurate expression must be employed. 58] MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE 159 0-0000184. Thus for a brass scale 8 - a is 0-0001635. If the scale is of glass (verre dur) a = 0-0000087 and (8 - a) = '0001732. It is convenient to calculate a table which shall, for different temperatures in the neigh- bourhood of ordinary room temperatures and for different values of h t between about 65 and 79 cm., give the value of the correction to reduce the height of the barometer to C. ; that is, we tabulate for different values of t and of h t the values of h t \ ~ a }*. See Table 10. 1 + ot A very handy graphical method of obtaining the barometer correction, which is capable of giving results correct to about '01 mm., has been described by Mehmke. 1 A diagram drawn by his method is given in the Appendix. It ought to be cut out and mounted on card, since it requires to be used quite flat. A straight line from the observed height on the scales to the left or right, according as the barometer has a brass or a glass scale, to the temperature on one of the two middle scales will intersect the corresponding inclined scale at the required correction, which, for all temperatures shown, has to be subtracted from the observed height. The most convenient way of reading off the correction is by means of a straight line ruled on a sheet of glass or of celluloid. In the case of some English barometers the scale is divided into inches, and the thermometer reads in degrees Fahrenheit. The scale in such a case is correct, not at the temperature of melting ice (32 F.), but at 62 F. The reduction formula in this case becomes H= h t {l - (8' - a')(t F - 32) - a'(62 - 32)} = h t {l-(S'-a')t F + 328' -62a'} (6) Here of and 8' are the coefficients of linear expansion of the scale and of cubical expansion of mercury respectively in the Fahrenheit scale. For brass a' = 0-00001022, for glass a =0*00000483, and for mercury 8' = 0-0001010. Hence, substituting these values for a' and 8' in (6) we get Brass scale . . . #= ^{1 -002598 - 0'0000908^}. Glass scale . . . J7= ^{1-002933 -0'0000962y. It will be observed that at a temperature of 2 8 -6 F. the expression within the brackets is unity in the case of a brass scale. Hence at this temperature the barometer reading is correct. In the case of the glass scale, the temperature at which the barometer reading is correct is 30 -5 F. 2. Correction for Capillarity and Index Error. Owing to the effect of capillarity at the surface of the mercury in the tube the column is shorter than it ought to be. The smaller the bore, the greater is this capillary depression. For any given tube it also depends to a certain extent on whether the mercury at the time of observation is rising or 1 Wiedemann Annalen (1890), xli. p. 892. 160 THE BAROMETER [ 58 falling, that is, on the height of the meniscus. Tables have been pre- pared showing the amount of the correction for tubes of different bores with different heights of meniscus. See Table 11. Since the value of the capillary depression depends very much on the cleanliness of the mercury and the state of the walls of the tube, it is better, when the height of the barometer is to be measured accurately, to employ a barometer with so wide a tube that the correction is negligible. Such is the case when the diameter of the bore of the tube is greater than 2 '5 cm. In the case of a barometer having a narrower bore, the best way of obtaining the capillary depression is to compare its reading with a standard barometer having a wide bore. The index correction is to allow for the point of the index not being exactly at the zero of the scale. This also is best determined by com- paring the reading of the barometer with that of a standard. ,. In this way a single correction is obtained which includes both the capillary correction and the correction for index error. Such a comparison is generally performed at some observatory, and in England accurate barometers are sent to the Kew Observatory, which issues a certificate showing the correction. 3. Reduction to Sea-level and Latitude 45. By the application of the corrections considered above we obtain the height of the mercury column which at C. would exert a pressure at the place of observation equal to the atmospheric pressure. Since, however, the value of gravity varies from place to place, the same atmospheric pressure would not be represented by columns of mercury of the same height at every station, but only so long as the value of gravity is the same at all stations. Hence to obtain a number which shall represent the pressure and shall not involve in any way any local peculiarity of the station at which the mercury column was measured, we have either to allow for the actual value of gravity at the station and reduce the pressure to dynes per square centimetre, or calculate what would be the height of the mercury column suppose gravity had some particular fixed value. Since the value of gravity varies with the latitude of the place of observation, and also with the height of the station above the sea-level, the reduction consists of two parts to allow for these two effects. The standard value of gravity which is adopted is that at latitude 45 and at the sea- level. According to Broch, 1 the value of gravity at a station of which the latitude is < and the height above the sea-level is I metres is given by - 0-00259 cos 2<)(1 - 0'000000196 1} - 0-00259 cos 2< - 0'000000196 /) very nearly. According to Helmert, the value of <7 45 is 980 '5966 cm. /sec 2 . Since the height of the mercury column which will exert a given 1 Traveau et Mtmoires du Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (1881), vol. i. p. 9. 58] MEASUREMENT OF ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE 161 pressure is inversely as the value of gravity, if H is the height reduced to C., and H is the height corresponding to the standard value of gravity, we have H^ = H{1- 0-00259 cos 2< - 0-000000196 1\. The labour involved in the application of this correction can be consider- ably reduced by tabulating the values of the term '00259 cos 2< for different values of <, and of the term 0-000000196 I for different values of I, in each case for different heights of the barometer. Such tables will be found in the Smithsonian Physical Tables, and in Landolt and Bernstein's Tables. Since, however, for any given station both and I are constant, it is quite easy for that place to make a table of the correc- tions to be applied to different heights of the barometer, or a curve may be drawn giving the correction for any height. CHAPTER IX THERMOMETRY 59. Calibration of the Tube of a Mercury Thermometer. A degree Centigrade on the mercury-in-glass thermometer is defined as such that when the temperature of a thermometer which is graduated on this scale is raised through 1 degree, the apparent increase in the volume of the mercury is 1 /100th of the apparent decrease which takes place when the thermometer is cooled from the temperature of the steam given off by water boiling under standard conditions to the temperature of melting ice. If the tube of the thermometer is perfectly cylindrical, and the space between the marks corresponding to and 100 is divided into a hundred equal parts, then the volume of the bore between each of these divisions and the next will be exactly a hundredth of the volume between the and the 100 marks. With a thermometer having such a perfectly cylindrical tube, the temperature could be obtained directly by reading the position of the end of the mercury column. In practice, however, it is found that the bores of the glass tubes of which thermometers are made are never perfect cylinders ; in other words, the bore of all tubes is found to vary from point to point. Thus if the space between the and the 100 marks is divided into a hundred equal parts, it will not follow that when the end of the mercury column advances through one of these divisions that the temperature of the thermometer has been raised through 1 degree, for if the bore between the two divisions considered happens to be wider than the mean bore between the fixed marks, then the volume of the part of the bore intercepted between these divisions will be greater than l/100th of the volume of the bore between the fixed marks. Thus the thermometer will have been heated through more than 1 degree, and to obtain the true temperature from the reading given by such a thermometer we shall have to apply a correction, the magnitude of this correction being different at different parts of the scale. The process of determining the values of the corrections to allow for this irregularity of the bore of the tube is called calibrating the tube. In the case of all thermometers which are required for accurate work the space between the fixed marks is divided into divisions of equal length, and then the corrections which have to be applied are determined. In the case of thermometers which are only required for rough measure- ments, the maker sometimes roughly examines the bore of the tube, and then instead of dividing the stem into divisions of equal length he attempts to so regulate the spacing of the divisions that the volume of 162 59] CALIBRATION OF TUBE OF A THERMOMETER 163 the bore included between any two adjacent divisions should be the same. This adjustment of the scale is in general a very rough affair, so that there are residual errors which have to be allowed for which necessitates the preparation of a table of corrections. Further, although the changes in the diameter of the bore are gradual, the maker, instead of adjusting the length of the divisions in the same gradual manner, a process which cannot be easily performed with a dividing engine, is satisfied with dividing the scale into a number of portions, throughout each of which he makes the divisions of equal length, the change from divisions of one length to the next taking place suddenly. In order to determine the corrections which have to be applied to the readings of a thermometer to allow for the irregularities of the bore a thread of mercury is broken off the end of the mercury column, and the length of this thread is measured when it occupies different portions of the tube. Since the volume of the thread is constant, it follows that in a perfectly cylindrical tube, or in the case of a thermometer where the maker had perfectly adjusted the divisions, the length of the portion of the thread would be everywhere the same. In general, however, the length will vary as the thread is moved from one part of the tube to the other, and from the variations in the length we can calculate the correc- tions which have to be applied to different parts of the scale. We will suppose that it is desired to calibrate the tube of a thermo- meter which reads from to 100, and that it has been decided that it will be sufficient to determine the corrections at every 10 degrees between the two fixed marks. Suppose that a length of the mercury column about equal to 10 degrees has been separated, and that, starting with one end of this column near the zero and the other end at or near the 10 mark, we measure the length of the column when it lies between and 10, between 10 and 20, and so on. Let the lengths thus measured be l lt 1 2 , Z 3 , &c., and let the mean of all the lengths, namely, TO ft + Z a + . . + IIQ), be L. If the bore were perfectly uniform, the length of the column would be everywhere the same and equal to L. Now L represents the number of degrees which the column would occupy if it were placed in a tube having a perfectly uniform bore, and such that a length of it equal to the length of the tube being calibrated between the and 100 marks would have the same volume as the volume of the tube between these marks. If, then, we suppose that we had two tubes the actual one and the corresponding one having a uniform bore and that they contained a thread of the same volume ; when the ends of the two threads are both at the other end of the thread in the uniform tube will be at L, and that of the thread in the actual tube at l v Now the position of the thread in the uniform tube gives the position which ought to be occupied by the end of the thread in the actual tube. Hence the correction which has to be applied at 10 is L - Z 1? say 8 V for if we add 8 l to / x we get*.L, which is what the reading ought to be. Now move both threads so that they have one end at the 10 marks and the other ends at or near the 20 marks. The reading for the end in 164 THERMOMETIIY [ 59 the case of the uniform tube will be 10 + L, while that for the actual tube will be 10 + L 2 . Thus if we call L-l. 2 S 2 , and suppose for the moment that the 10 mark on the actual tube is correct, the correction near 20 would be 8 2 . But the 10 is not correct, for, as we have already seen, the correction there is S r If, then, the end of the thread instead of being at 10 were placed at the reading which really corresponds to 10, namely, 10 + 8 1 , its other end would also be moved through the distance 8 l ; in other words, the reading corresponding to this end would now be lO + L + ^ + Sg, while the reading corresponding to the same end of the thread in the uniform tube would be 1 + Z/. Thus the correction to the tube at 20 is 8 1 + S 2 . In the same way it can be shown that the cor- rection at 30 is 8 l + 8. 2 + 8 3 , and so on. Since we have assumed that the scale is correct at 100, it follows that the correction at 100 obtained in this way, namely, 0^ + 6^ + . . . + 8 10 , must be zero, and we shall thus have a test of the accuracy with which we have made our calculations. The fact that this sum is zero is, however, no test of the accuracy of the observations. In the process above described it is important to note that since each of the measurements of thread length we make is subject to a possible observational error the results will be affected by these errors, and that the magnitude of the error at any of the points at which we have determined the correction depends on the number of times we have measured the length of the thread between the extreme points, that is, on the number of places along the scale at which we have determined the correction. Thus it is quite possible that by taking a very short thread, and thus determining the corrections at a great number of points of the scale, we may obtain a less accurate correction curve than if we had been content to use a longer thread and to obtain the corrections at the intermediate points by interpolation, say, by plotting the corrections obtained on squared paper and then drawing a curve freehand between these points. The probable error of the corrections is a maximum at the middle point of the scale, 1 and hence if the tube is so irregular that a large number of points have to be observed on the correction curve, it is best to determine this curve by two sets of experiments. In the first set a comparatively long thread, say, J, |, or J of the length between the extreme points, is used to determine the correction at 1, 2, or 3 equidistant points between the extremes, and then by means of a short thread the corrections at points intermediate between these principal points are obtained. Unless the glass of which the thermometer is made is either " verre dur " or Jena normal glass, any very great refinement in the determina- tion of the calibration curve will be thrown away, owing to the fact that different glasses expand at different rates at the different temperatures. 1 For a discussion of the probable error and a description of this and other methods of calibrating a tube, see the Keport of the Committee on the Calibration of Mercurial Thermometers, British Association Report for 1882 (Southampton Meeting). 59] CALIBRATION OF TUBE OF A THERMOMETER 165 This fact is illustrated in Fig. 62, which shows the corrections l which have to be applied to the readings of thermometers made of different kinds of glass to reduce the temperatures measured on these thermometers to the hydrogen scale. It must be borne in mind that all these curves refer to thermometers which have been calibrated to allow for irregu- larities in the bore. Practically, unless the glass is undoubtedly either one of the Jena glasses or " verre dur," we shall be uncertain of the temperature on account of the properties of the glass alone to about 0*05 tO 2O 3O 40 50 6O 70 80 9O TEMPERATUREON HYDROGEN THERMOMETER FIG. 62. 1OO Centigrade, and hence it is unnecessary to determine the calibration corrections to less than this quantity. When making a calibration, the first process to be performed is to detach a portion of the mercury column of suitable length from the rest. We will suppose that the corrections have to be determined for every tenth degree of a thermometer which reads from to 100. We have thus to separate a thread of mercury which shall occupy very nearly 10 degrees on the scale of the thermometer. The method adopted at the Bureau International at Sevres, and given by Guillaume, is as follows : The thermometer is held in a vertical position, with the bulb uppermost and the other end resting on the tip of the index finger of the right hand. By giving the thermometer slight jars in an up-and-down direction the mercury is caused to run down the tube, and then by a 1 These curves have been plotted from numbers given by Chree, Phil. Mag., March 1898, p. 218. 166 THE11MOMETRY [ 59 rapid movement of the right hand the thermometer is reversed, and by striking it transversely against the left hand the mercury column is caused to separate at the junction of the stem and bulb. The thread of mercury left in the tube is then used to separate a thread of the desired length on account of the property of fine mercury columns of separating at the point of the bore where a column, such as has now been separated, is allowed te rejoin the rest of the column. The thermometer is placed in a horizontal position, and the lower part of the detached thread is brought to some noted division on the scale, say, the 15 division, and then by gently heating the bulb in the left hand, or over a very small flame, the column is made to join on to the detached thread. Then the bulb is allowed to cool till the desired length of thread is beyond the division at which the junction took place, that is, in the case we have taken, when the extreme end of the mercury column is at 25. When this point* is reached the thermometer is given a slight jar in the longi- tudinal direction, when the column separates at the point of the tube where the junction took place. The separation is caused by the fact that when the junction took place a very minute bubble of air was left sticking to the side of the tube. The presence of the air is due to the fact that it is never possible to entirely deprive the mercury used to fill a thermometer of air. The above method of separating a thread of the mercury is by no means easy, and requires a very considerable amount of skill and practice. The following method is much easier, but involves heating a portion of the tube of the thermometer to the temperature at which mercury boils. A very small gas flame is obtained by using as burner a finely drawn- out piece of glass tube (Fig. 63). The gas must be turned down till the flame is about 4 millimetres high and is non-luminous. The thermometer is then held in a horizontal position, and the tube is heated at a point which intercepts a thread of the desired length. The tube must be brought near the flame slowly and kept in continuous rotation, so that it shall be heated uniformly all round. FIG. 63. The heating is continued till the column separates. The separated thread is then run up to the top of the tube, and the bulb heated so that the mercury column passes over the heated part, and thus collects all the globules of mercury which will have condensed on the sides of the tube. If reasonable care is used in the heating, the second method is quite safe. It is not, however, applicable to thermometers of the German pattern, in which the stem of the thermometer consists of a capillary tube placed alongside a milk glass scale, and enclosed together with this scale in an outside glass tube. Thermometers of this form necessitate the use of the first method given above. Having separated a thread of the desired length, we have now to 59] CALIBRATION OF TUBE OF A THERMOMETER 167 measure its length at different points along the tube. The length of the column has to be measured in terms of the scale of the thermometer, and hence it is necessary to measure in each position of the thread the amount by which the ends of the thread project beyond some whole number of divisions. To do this we may either estimate the fractions of a division by eye, aided if necessary by a lens, or we may employ an instrument, such as that shown in Fig. 64, called a vernier microscope. The chief objection to the use of a microscope for the purpose of measur- ing the thread length is that it is impossible to focus on the thread and the graduations of the scale at the same time. Unless the slide in which the microscope moves is very well made, it is not safe to focus first on the thread and then move the microscope so that it is in focus on the graduations. If the microscope is of fairly long focus, it will generally be advisable to so arrange matters that the thread and the divisions of the scale are about equally clearly in focus. In this case there is some danger of errors arising owing to parallax if the eye is not always placed FIG. 64. in exactly the same position with reference to the eye-piece. This may to a certain extent be obviated in the case where the diameter of the eye-hole is greater than the diameter of the pupil of the eye by fixing a piece of black card pierced with a hole the size of the pupil over the eye-hole of the eye-piece. When using the vernier microscope three readings will have to be made at each end of the thread, one reading on the end of the thread, and the others on the division marks between which the end of the thread lies. The difference between these latter readings will give the length of the division in terms of the scale of the microscope, and from this the fraction of a division of the scale of the thermometer by which the thread projects beyond the division can immediately be calculated. It will in general be found sufficient if the length of the thread is measured by eye, using a low power lens. In order to avoid parallax the thermometer must be placed on a sheet of mirror glass, and when taking a reading the eye must be so placed that the image of the eye in the mirror is alongside the position of the end of the mercury thread which is being observed, or the instrument shown in Fig. 67 may be 168 THERMOMETRY [59 employed. It will generally be found advisable to adjust the position of one end of the thread so that it lies exactly on one of the division marks, so that the fraction of a division has only to be estimated at one end. If the division lines are very coarse, it may be better to adjust one end of the thread so that it lies half-way between two divisions. Having noted the length of the thread when the lower end coincides with the 0, 10, 20, &c., divisions, the measurements ought to be repeated, starting with the upper end in coincidence with the 100 division, then with the 90 division, and so on. The means of the lengths obtained in the two sets of measurements will then have to be used in the calculations. The object in thus beginning first at one end and then at the other is to vary to a certain extent the fractions which have to be estimated, and also to allow for any steady change in temperature which may take place during the measurements. Such a change in temperature will cause a change in the length of the thread. A change of temperature of 1 degree Centigrade will cause the thread to expand by O0002 of its length. The numbers obtained are to be entered in a table, as in the following example : ] Readings for Ends of Thread. Length of Thread. Difference from Mean. Corrections. A. B. Means I, &c. L-l, &c. o-oo 9'84 - 9-84- 9'85 + 04 + 04 10-00 19-78 9-78 9-79 + 10 + 14 20-00 29-92 9'92 9-93 -04 + 10 30-00 39-98 9-98 9'98 -09 + 01 40-00 49-92 9-92 9-92 -03 -02 50-00 59-86 9-86 9-87 + 02 + 04 60-00 69-84 9-84 9-85 + -04 + 08 70-00 79-90 9-90 9-90 -01 + 07 80-00 89-96 9-96 ' 9-95 -06 + 01 90-00 99-90 9-90 9-90 -01 00 90-10 100-00 9-90 Si$g94 80-06 . 90-00 9-94 Mean = 99 70-10 80-00 9-90 = L 60-14 70-00 9-86 q c 9-L 50-12 60-00 9'88 /* I 40-08 50-00 9'92 30-02 40-00 9-98 20-06 30-00 9'94 10-20 20-00 9-80 0-14 10-00 9-86 - ! In order to determine the corrections at intermediate points of the scale the observed points must be plotted on squared paper, the abscissa 60] DETERMINATION OF FIXED POINTS 169 being the readings on the thermometer scale, and the ordiuates the corrections, taken above the zero line if they are positive, and below if they are negative (see Fig. 70). A curve must then be drawn passing as evenly as possible through all the points, remembering that the correction is zero at and 100. A suitable scale for the ordinates will be one on which 2 centimetres represent the smallest division on the scale of the thermometer. Thus if the thermometer is divided in half degrees, 2 centimetres would be taken as representing half a degree, while if the thermometer is divided in tenths of a degree, each centimetre would represent a twentieth of a degree. If on plotting the observations it is found that the corrections vary considerably from point to point so that a curve passing through the points would be very wavy, it indicates either that the observations are not sufficiently accurate, the irregularities of the curve being due to the errors of experiment, or that the bore of the tube is very irregular, arid we are not justified in filling in the parts of the curve between the observed points. A consideration of the individual readings will gene- rally indicate which of the above is the true explanation. In particular, if the corrections are calculated independently for the readings made, starting from either end of the scale, the agreement or otherwise between the curves obtained will indicate the divergence to be expected on account of errors of observation. 60. Determination of the Upper Fixed Points of a Mercury Thermometer. The upper fixed point (100) is defined as the tempera- ture of the steam given off from water boiling under a pressure of a standard atmosphere. A standard atmosphere is the pressure equivalent to the weight of a column of mercury 76 cm. high at the sea-level and at latitude 45, the temperature of the mercury being that of melting ice. The reason that in the above definition the temperature of the steam is taken rather than that of the water is, that it is found that the temperature of the water depends to a slight extent on the nature of the vessel in which ebullition takes place. A more important reason, however, is that slight impurities, in the form of dissolved salts, in the water affect the temperature of the water to a considerable extent. The temperature of the steam given off from water containing dissolved salt is, however, the same as that of the steam given off from pure water. Thus by immersing the thermometer in the steam we avoid the necessity of employing perfectly pure water. Since the temperature at which water boils depends on the pressure, we have to measure the pressure to which the water is subjected at the time when the reading of the thermometer is made. For this reason the barometric height must be read immediately before the thermometer is read. The barometric height, as given by the reading, will have to be reduced to what it would be if the scale employed were at the temperature at which it is correct and the mercury were at the tempera- ture of melting ice (0). Further, the height will have to be reduced 170 THERMOMETRY [60 to what it would be at sea-level and latitude 45. The method of making these corrections has already been described in 58. Knowing the pressure to which the water was subjected while determining the boiling point, the actual temperature of the steam is obtained from tables giving the boiling point of water for different temperatures. Such a table is given in the Appendix (Table 15). The difference between the temperature corresponding to the barometric pressure and the reading of the thermometer will give the correction to the upper fixed point of the scale. The thermometer of which the upper fixed point has to be determined is placed within a double walled steam-jacket, such as is shown in Fig. 65. It is held in place by means of a cork E, or is suspended from a retort stand in such a way that the 100 mark is just showing above the cork which closes the steam-jacket. The upright tube D serves as a condenser, so that no steam escapes into the air. The escape of steam into the air of a laboratory is often objection- able, and, further, if the steam is not con- densed and the water returned to the boiler, this latter is apt to run dry and be damaged. The tube F by which the condensed water is returned to the boiler must be long enough to dip below the surface of the water in the boiler. The U tube H has a little water at the bend, and serves as a manometer to show whether the pressure inside the steam-jacket is the same as the atmospheric pressure. It is of importance that the pressure inside the apparatus should not exceed the external pressure, for it is this external pressure which is measured by a barometer, and we assume, when calculating the actual temperature at which the water boils, that this external pressure is the pressure to which the boiling water is subjected. If the manometer shows that the pressure inside the apparatus is higher than the external pressure, this shows either that the exit tube D is stopped up, or that the boiler is being heated too much, so that steam is being developed at such a rate that it is unable to escape as quickly as it is being generated. The flame under the boiler ought to be adjusted so that while the lower part of the tube D is quite hot, yet no steam is seen to issue from the top. The thermometer ought to be exposed to the steam for about ten FIG. 65. 60] DETERMINATION OF FIXED POINTS 171 FIG. 66. minutes, a reading should then be taken, and the height of the barometer noted, together with the temperature of the barometer . The ther- mometer must then be again read, and the reading should be the same as before. The barometer is then again read, including a readjustment of the level of the mercury in the cistern. Finally, the thermometer must be read a third time. The mean of the three readings of the thermometer is taken as the reading for the boiling point, while the mean of the two barometer readings is used in calculating the actual temperature of the steam. While the thermometer is in the steam, preparation must be made for the determination of the lower fixed point, so that immediately after the last reading in steam the thermometer may be removed, and after the reading has fallen to about 50 it may be placed in the ice. In order to avoid parallax, the thermometer ought to be read by means of a telescope. The telescope should be capable of focusing the scale of the thermometer when placed at a distance of about 40 cm. Care must be taken that the thermometer is held vertical, while by means of a level the axis of the telescope is set horizontal. As these two adjustments are often troublesome where, as here, the greater part of the stem of the thermometer is hidden, the following modification, which may often be used when reading a temperature, may be employed : A small piece of mirror glass M (Fig. 66), to which is attached a metal clip AB, as shown, is fixed to the thermometer, so that the lower edge of the mirror is below the 100 mark. The telescope is then adjusted and focused so that an image of the object glass, seen by reflection in the mirror, occupies the centre of the field. The telescope being firmly clamped in this position, the draw-tube is carefully pulled out till the scale and thread are in focus. By this means we adjust the axis of the telescope normal to the mirror, and since the thermometer is held by the clip against the surface of the mirror, the axis of the telescope must be perpendicular to the stem of the thermometer. Another method of avoiding parallax when reading a thermometer is to make use of the small instrument shown in Fig. 67. 1 It consists 1 These thermometer microscopes may be obtained from Messrs. Griffin, Kings way, London, W.C. FIG-. G7. 172 THERMOMETRY [61 FIG. 68. of a short metal tube AB, which has two V notches G and a spring H, by means of which the tube is held against the thermometer. A second tube CD slides within the first, and has a plano- convex lens L of about 5 centimetres focus at one end, and an eye-hole E at the other end. Two metal pointers p are fixed on a diameter of the tube at right angles to the two notches G. The pointers are always brought opposite the point at which the reading is to be made, and hence the line of sight, that is, the line joining E to the line joining the pointers, is always perpen- dicular to the thermometer stem. The illumination is somewhat improved by having a hole I cut in the side of the tube AB. 61. Determination of the Lower Fixed Point of a Mercury Thermometer. The lower fixed point on the Centigrade scale, or C., is the temperature of fusion of pure ice. Pressure has such a small in- fluence on the temperature of fusion of ice that within the range of pressure ordinarily met with no appreciable variation takes place. Since the presence of even a small quantity of impurity in the ice will appreciably lower the temperature of fusion it is most important that only pure ice should be employed, and that the vessel in which it is placed should be clean and the distilled .water used free from all dissolved salts. The ice, having been washed in run- ning water to remove the dirt on the outside of the lump, must be either pounded till the individual lumps are not larger than a pea, or, what is more convenient, cut into shavings with the machine shown in Fig. 68. The finely powdered ice is intro- duced into a glass funnel A (Fig. 69) capable of holding from two to three litres, and fitted at the bottom with a length of india-rubber tubing, which can be closed by means of a pinch-cock c. The ice is saturated with dis- tilled water, and by means of a piece of wood the ice is firmly pressed down, FIG. 69. 62] CORRECTION FOR FUNDAMENTAL INTERVAL 173 additional ice being added so as to completely fill the funnel. The water having been run off the funnel is again filled with distilled water, the ice again pressed well down, more ice being added if necessary. A little of the water is then run off till the upper surface of the ice begins to become dry. A small hole is then produced in the ice by means of a glass rod held in the clip B. This hole must not go beyond the centre of the funnel. The thermometer having been removed from the steam in which the upper fixed point was determined is allowed to cool till the temperature indicated is between 45 and 50. It is then introduced into the ice, being supported by the clip B, with the zero mark just above the surface of the ice. The zero reading should be taken immediately the mercury ceases to fall, a telescope being with advantage used to read the scale, as in the case of the boiling point. The reason the freezing point is deter- mined as rapidly as possible after the boiling point is that there is a progressive rise in the zero, which sets in as soon as the temperature commences to fall (see 66). This rise is, however, small, and, in the case where we are only attempting to read the temperature to within a tenth of a degree, need hardly be considered. 62. Application of the Correction for Fundamental Interval. Suppose that by the methods described in the last two sections it has been found that the correction to a thermometer at is A and at 100 it is A 100 ; that is, that the reading on the thermometer when placed in melting ice at is - A , while the reading when in steam at the standard pressure is 100 - A 100 . Thus the interval between the fixed points, or the fundamental interval as it is called, instead of being 100 degree divisions is (100 - Aj 00 + A ) divisions. In other words, the interval between the fixed points, in place of being divided into 100 degrees, is really divided into (100 - A 100 + A ) degrees. Each degree division on the thermometer therefore really corresponds to i? 5 degree. Thus when the thermometer reads t degrees the true temperature will be obtained by adding to the correction at the zero of the scale, namely, A n , the correction due to the part of the scale between the zero and the division t. Now the correction to be applied on account of the error between the zero of the scale and t consists of two parts. In the first place, there is the calibration correction 8 t to allow for the irregularity in the bore in the tube, which has been obtained on the supposition that the scale was correct at the two fixed points. Secondly, a correction has to be applied on account of the error in the fundamental interval. Since each degree on the scale really corresponds, as we have seen above, to (100 - A 100 + A )/100, the correction on t degrees on account of the fundamental interval amounts to L_J^ 1U Thus the total correction to be applied to the reading t is 174 THERMOMETRY [ 63 By a slight addition to the curve (Fig. 70) on which the calibration corrections are plotted, we are able to read off directly the whole correc- tion. Thus suppose on the calibration curve we take a point A on the o QJ C A or i o o O 50 100 READING ON THERMOMETER FIG. 70. ordinate through the zero such that OA is equal to - A . Also at the 100 ordinate take a point B such that its distance from "the axis of temperature is - A 100 . Then if the points A and B are joined by a straight line, the ordinate drawn through any temperature t intercepted by this line will be equal to A A io oo But the ordinate through t of the calibration curve is S,. Hence the difference of the two ordinates will be equal to Thus if we take as a new axis the line AB, then the readings on the cali- bration curve measured from this new axis will give the whole correction to be applied. Since it is not very convenient to read from such an inclined axis as AB, it will be convenient to construct a new curve, such as that given in Fig. 71, where the ordinates measured from the line ox are equal to the corresponding ordinates measured from the axis AB in Fig. 70. The values of the fixed point corrections for the thermometer for which the calibration curve is drawn were A = + 0'08, A 100 = +0*11. Hence OAis taken downwards, i.e. towards the negative direction, and made equal to - '08 ; O'B in same way is - '1 1. 63. Determination of the Corrections to a Thermometer by Com- parison with a Standard. In most cases in the laboratory it is most 63] STANDARDISING A THERMOMETER 175 convenient to use a thermometer of comparatively limited range, but which includes the temperatures to be measured. Thus to measure the temperature of, say, a resistance coil, a thermometer reading from to 30 will have ample range, and without being unwieldy it can be given a much more open scale than if it were capable of reading from to 100. It is, however, important that every thermometer should be capable of registering for one or two degrees on both sides of one or other of the fixed points. For simplicity in checking, and to avoid heating the thermometer to a high temperature, it is prefer- able that the point chosen should be the freezing point. If the thermometer is to read, say, between 15 and 25, it would render the stem unduly long to make it read from to 25, so what is usually done is to blow a small auxiliary bulb, so arranged that when the ther- mometer is at zero the end of the mercury column is between the main bulb and this auxiliary bulb, and when the thermometer is at 15 the g o DC O O 5O 100 READING ON THERMOMETER FIG. 71. end of the column just projects above the auxiliary bulb. The reason for having one of the fixed points on the thermometer is to allow of the secular rise of the zero being determined. Such thermometers as the above cannot conveniently have their cor- rections determined by a process of calibration, and so the method employed to determine their errors at different parts of the scale is to compare their readings with those of a thermometer which has itself been calibrated. It will in general be quite sufficient if the thermo- meters are compared at every 5 degrees throughout the scale of the short-range instrument, since modern thermometer makers are able to obtain tube in which sudden irregularities of bore are very seldom met with. The thermometer or thermometers to be compared must be placed together with the standard in a position in which the temperature can be maintained constant for some time at all points where the thermo- meters are to be compared. For temperatures between the air tempera- 176 THERMOMETEY [ 63 ture and about 40 a water bath will be found suitable. A suitable vessel for containing the water is a copper box in the form of a hollow cube open at the top. This box can be placed in a wooden box which is large enough to allow a space of about 5 cm. on all sides, which space can be packed with cotton wool. The most convenient arrangement for stirring consists of a small propellor c (Fig. 72) driven by a cord, which is itself driven by a small electric motor. In order to heat the liquid in the bath, by far the most convenient arrange- ment is a small coil of fine manganine wire which has been treated with shellac varnish in the manner described in the Appendix. This coil is placed in series with an adjustable carbon resist- ance and a storage cell. Owing to the passage of the current heat is de- veloped in the coil, and the rate of FIG. 72. heat evolution can be adjusted with great ease by adjusting the resistance. Another method of heating the water is to use an L-shaped piece of stout copper bar, of which one arm dips in the water and the other arm is horizontal and projects over the edge of the wooden box. By placing a Bunsen burner under the projecting portion of the copper bar heat is conveyed by conduction through the copper to the water, and moving the flame to different distances along the bar allows of the supply of heat being adjusted with very considerable delicacy. The thermometers to be compared must be suspended in such a manner that the tops of the mercury threads can be seen over the edge of the box and so that all their bulbs are close together. 1 It is generally best to arrange a separate reading telescope to read each of the thermo- meters, as in this way there is little delay when taking a set of readings between reading the several thermometers. The resistance in the heating circuit is so adjusted that the tempera- ture of the bath becomes practically stationary at the different tempera- tures at which a comparison is to be made. When the temperature is stationary, the rate at which heat is developed within the coil is exactly equal to the rate at which the bath is losing heat by radiation, con- duction, and evaporation, &c. The reason the temperature has to be pretty well stationary when a comparison is made, is, that unless the thermometers are all exactly alike the quickness with which the thermo- meters follow the changes in temperature of the bath will be different, and hence their readings will differ from what they would be if the temperature of the bath were stationary by different amounts. If it is found impossible to arrange for the temperature of the bath being stationary, the effects of the different heat capacities of the different bulbs can in a great measure be got over by immersing all the bulbs of 1 It, may be necessary to apply corrections for emergent column. See f>5. 63] CORRECTIONS TO A THERMOMETER 177 the thermometers in a small vessel of mercury supported in the middle of the bath. For temperatures over 40 a water bath is not suitable, owing to the rapid loss of heat which goes on owing to evaporation, and also to the moisture which condenses on the stems of the thermometers. By replacing the water by glycerine or oil and heating the bath below by means of a flame, the comparison can be continued above 40. It is, however, necessary that the bath should contain a very considerable volume of liquid and be very well stirred. Owing to the difficulty of adjusting the supply of heat so that the temperature may remain stationary while the thermometers are read the experiment is very tedious, and unless a number of thermometers have to be compared with a standard at the same time, the instrument described below will be found much more convenient and accurate. The action of the instrument depends on the fact that the temperature of the vapour given off by a pure liquid boiling under a constant pressure is constant, and hence if the thermometers to be compared are surrounded by such a vapour, their temperature must be the same. Further, by merely altering the pressure we can alter the temperature of the vapour. A general view of the instrument is shown in Fig. 73. A glass tube AB, closed at the top and open below, about 76 cm. long and 2*5 cm. in diameter, passes up inside a second glass tube of about the same length and 4 '7 cm. in diameter. The space between these two tubes is at the bottom closed by an india-rubber cork c (Figs. 73 and 74), while at the top the inner tube is kept in place by three small pieces of glass rod fused on and forming a triradiate star. The upper end of the outside tube is fused on to a Liebeg condenser D, the upper end of the condenser being connected by a rubber joint fitted with a glycerine seal to a manometer E, a stoppered funnel F, and a large glass bottle which acts as a reservoir. This bottle is packed round with cotton wool, and is en- closed in a wooden box G. The air can be exhausted from or admitted to this bottle by means of a three-way tap H. Some mercury is placed on the FIG. 73. 178 THERMOMETRY [ 64 top of the cork c (Fig. 74) to prevent the liquid used to form the vapour touching the cork. The liquid is heated by means of a spiral of fine uncovered platinum wire, the terminals being fused into glass tubes which pass down through the mercury and the cork. The vapour of the boiling liquid rises between the inside and outside tube, is condensed in the condenser D, and runs down to the bottom again. The thermometers are fastened together, their bulbs resting in a small glass vessel K (Fig. 74), which is filled with mercury. This vessel is supported by a glass rod which rests on the table on which the instrument stands. To remove the thermometers the instrument is drawn to the edge of the table till this rod can be lowered, and with it the thermometers. The scales are read by means of two telescopes, it being quite easy to see through the vapour if suitable liquids are used ; carbon bisulphide (20 to 46), ethyl alcohol (46 to 79), and chlorobenzene (79 to 120) do very well. Water cannot be used, as it forms drops on the inside of the glass so that the thermometers cannot be read. In order that the india-rubber cork may form a thoroughly air-tight joint it must be well cleaned with benzene, coated with india-rubber solution, and put in place while the solution is wet. When the solution has got thoroughly dry, which takes four or five days, the joint will be quite air-tight. With such an arrangement the thermometers can easily be maintained at a temperature constant to within 0'01 for three or four hours together. The manometer is only used to adjust the temperature to the desired point, a table of vapour- pressures being employed. In about half-an-hour after alter- FIG. 74. ing the pressure, and hence the temperature, the thermometer readings become quite constant. The instrument once started can be left entirely to itself ; the only thing the observer has to do is to read the thermometers, then let a little more air in to get the next higher temperature, and so on. 64. Auxiliary Fixed Points Transition Temperatures. It is sometimes convenient to have some other fixed temperatures besides and 100, and thus to directly determine the error of a thermometer at these points. For high temperatures the fixed points used are generally the boiling points of sulphur, mercury, and the freezing points of some metals. Since, however, mercury thermometers cannot satisfactorily be used at temperatures much over 200, the description of the methods of using such fixed points will be postponed till the sections dealing with platinum resistance thermometers and thermocouples. It is, however, very convenient to have a fixed point somewhere near the ordinary air temperature. Richards 1 has shown that such a fixed point is supplied by the temperature at which hydrated sodium sulphate (Na.,SO 4 , 10H 2 O) melts. There is only one temperature, the pressure 1 Proc. American Acad. (1902), xxxviii. p. 431. 64] TRANSITION TEMPERATURES 179 being kept constant, at which anhydrous sodium sulphate (Na 9 SO 4 ), hydrated sodium sulphate (Na^SO^, 10H. 2 O), the saturated solution and the vapour can coexist in a state of equilibrium. This temperature is called the transition temperature. If a mixture of the above sub- stances is placed in an environment at a higher temperature than the transition temperature part of the hydrated salt will go into solution, a process which, owing to the latent heat of the solid, involves an absorption of heat. If the surrounding temperature is below the transi- tion temperature, then some of the saturated solution will form crystals of the hydrated salt and heat will be evolved. In either case, therefore, the temperature of the mixture will remain constant till either all the crystals of the hydrated salt are melted, or till all the solution has crystallised. The sodium sulphate crystals must be pure, and they can be prepared by recrystallising two or three times the commercial "pure" salt. The crystallising ought to be continued till the transition temperature remains constant. The arrangement used in testing a ther- mometer at the transition temperature of sodium sulphate is shown in Fig. 75. The thermometer T passes through a cork in the mouth of the glass boiling-tube A, the sodium sulphate being contained in this tube. The tube A itself passes through a cork in the outer glass tube B, the interspace forming an air-jacket to prevent the too rapid heating of the sulphate. The outer tube B is placed in a water bath c, this bath being kept well stirred and at a temperature of 33 C. The necessary supply of heat can most easily be provided by a coil of German silver wire immersed in the water, an electric current being passed through the wire and, by means of a variable resistance in the circuit, the current being so adjusted that the temperature remains constant. The sodium sulphate crystals are powdered, and if necessary some anhydrous sodium sulphate added. The efflorescence which naturally occurs when the hydrated crystals are kept is in general quite sufficient to provide the necessary quantity of anhydrous salt. The reason for adding the anhydrous salt is to be certain that there is no water present besides the water of crystallisation. The crystals having been introduced the thermometer is put in place, and the tube A is heated till, by the melting of some of the crystals, a pasty mass results. The tube A is then placed within the tube B, and the whole placed in the water bath. The crystals are kept well stirred, and the thermometer read at intervals. When the thermometer reading becomes constant, the temperature is the transition temperature, which Richards has found to be 32'383 C. FIG. 75. 180 THERMOMETBY [ 65 on the hydrogen scale. By comparing the reading of the thermometer with the above value, the error of the thermometer is obtained. If the temperature of the bath is maintained between 32'5 and 33, the temperature of the sodium sulphate will be found to remain constant for two or three hours. The accuracy with which this temperature can be reproduced is about the same as that with which the freezing point can be determined, and is greater than that with which the boiling point can be measured unless very accurate pressure measurements are made. The use of this fixed point has another recommendation in that it avoids the necessity of heating a thermometer, which is ordinarily only used at temperatures near that of the air, to such a high temperature as 100, and hence producing a serious depression of the zero (see 67). 65. Correction of Thermometer Reading for Emergent Column. In many cases where a mercury thermometer is used, it is not possible to arrange so that the temperature of the thread is the same as that of the bulb. If, as is usually the case, the temperature of the thread is less than that of the bulb the reading will be too low, for the mercury in the cold part of the thread will not have expanded so much as it would, supposing the temperature had been the same throughout. By making the assumption that the bulb and stem, up to the division corresponding to the temperature t , is at one temperature, and that the rest of the stem is at a temperature ', then we can calculate the correc- tion which must be applied to the observed reading t to obtain the true temperature to which the bulb and lower part of the scale is subjected. Let v be the volume of 1 degree of the capillary, then the volume of the mercury in the emergent portion of the column is v(t - t Q ), and if this volume of mercury were heated to a temperature t, its apparent increase in volume would be (7 -c)v(t-t Q )(t-t'), where y is the coefficient of expansion of mercury, and c the coefficient of cubical expansion of the glass. The number of degrees corresponding to this apparent increase of volume is ( y - c )(t-t )(t-t f ) > and hence this quantity expresses the correction for emergent column. For most kinds of thermometer glass (y - c) is .- The correction calculated in this way is not of much value, since the assumptions we have made are certainly erroneous. Thus the transition from the portion of the stem, which is at a temperature t, to that at a temperature t' is gradual, and not sudden, as has been assumed. An elaborate series of experiments has been made by Rimbach l to determine experimentally the correction for the emergent cool column, and tables have been drawn up embodying the results. The following table gives the correction in the case of (1) the ordinary solid stem ther- mometers, and (2) the German pattern, in which a fine capillary is enclosed in an outer glass tube. In the table t is the temperature as shown by 1 Zeitsch. fur Instrumentcnlcunde (1890), x. 153. 65] CORRECTION FOR EMERGENT COLUMN 181 the thermometer, and t' the temperature shown by an auxiliary thermo- meter, of which the bulb is on a level with the mid point of the exposed thread, and at a distance of 10 cm. from it. This auxiliary thermometer must be screened from the direct action of any source of heat used to heat the vessel in which the main thermometer is placed. The quantity n is the length of the exposed thread measured in 1 degree divisions of the thermometer. The correction, when the temperature of the thread is below that of the bulb, is additive. The tables are for thermometers of Jena glass having the degree intervals from '9 to I'l mm. long. THERMOMETER WITH ENCLOSED SCALE (GERMAN PATTERN). t-t' 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 100 180 10 01 01 03 04 06 07 '10 13 17 10 20 08 12 14 19 23 25 ! -28 32 40 20 30 25 28 32 36 39 42 -48 54 66 30 40 30 35 41 48 54 60 1 -67 77 92 40 50 41 46 52 59 70 79 I -89 98 1-16 50 60 52 60 68 79 89 99 1-11 1-23 1-46 60 70 63 74 85 98 Ml 1-20 j 1 32 1-45 1-70 70 80 75 87 1-01 1-15 1-28 1-38 1-53 1-70 1-98 80 90 87 99 1-13 1-28 1-45 1-62 1-82 1-94 2-25 90 100 98 1-12 1-29 1-47 1-65 1-82 2-03 2-20 2-55 100 120 1-88 2-10 2-28 2-49 2-68 3-13 120 140 2'75 2-97 3-22 3-75 140 160- ... ... | 3-35 1 3-80 4-35 160 THERMOMETERS WITH SOLID STEM, SCALE ON STEM. n t-t' n 70 80 90 100 110 120 140 160 180 10 02 03 -05 -07 09 11 17 21 27 10 20 13 15 -18 -22 26 29 38 46 53 20 30 24 28 1 -33 -39 44 48 59 70 78 30 40 35 41 -48 -56 62 68 82 94 1-04 40 50 47 53 i -62 -72 81 88 1-03 1-17 1-31 50 60 57 66 '77 '89 1-00 1-09 1-25 1-42 1-58 60 70 -69 79 -92 1-06 1-19 1-30 1-47 1-67 1-86 70 80 -80 91 1-05 1-21 1-37 1-52 1-71 1-94 2-15 80 90 -91 104 1-19 1-38 1-56 1-73 1-96 2-20 2-42 90 100 1-02 1-18 1-35 1-56 1-79 1-97 2-18 2-45 2-70 100 120 1-98 2-23 2-43 2-69 2-95 3-26 120 140 2-92 3-22 3-47 3-86 140 160 ... 4-00 4-46 160 182 THERMOMETRY [ 67 66. Reduction of the Readings of Mercury Thermometers to the Hydrogen or Air Scales. As has already been mentioned, the scales of mercury thermometers, made of different kinds of glass, do not agree, the differences amounting, as will be seen from Fig. 62, to nearly a tenth of a degree at 50, even in the case of the standard glasses. Whenever, therefore, an accuracy of a tenth of a degree is aimed at, it is always advisable to express all temperature measurements on the scale of either the hydrogen or the air thermometer. For all temperatures below 100 the hydrogen thermometer is taken as the standard, but for temperatures above 100 it is usual to employ either the nitrogen or the air scale. In Table 19 are given the corrections which must be applied to the readings of thermometers made of the standard glasses to reduce to either the hydrogen or the air scale. 67. Changes in Zero of Mercurial Thermometers. After a mercury thermometer has been filled, it is in general kept for some time before being graduated, so that the bulb may in a measure recover from the effects of the extreme heating to which it was subjected in the process of manufacture. It is, however, found that the bulb goes on slowly con- tracting, as indicated by a gradual rise in the zero reading, for many years. This slow rise of the zero is called the secular rise. The secular rise is much more rapid at high than at low temperatures, and hence it is advisable to keep a thermometer after filling, and before graduation, at a temperature of about 300 for a day or so, and then to very gradually reduce the temperature. This annealing process has been elaborated at the Jena Glass Works, where in certain cases the glass is cooled at a regular rate from 465 to 370, the whole operation occu- pying four weeks. Glass so treated is found remarkably free from strain, and is said to have been " fine annealed." All thermometers ought to be made of one of the standard glasses. These are (1) verre dur, as used by the French thermometer maker Tonnelot ; (2) the normal thermometer glass made at Jena, and designated by the number 16'"; and (3) the Jena borosilicate glass, designated 59'". The Jena glass, 16'", is the most commonly met with, and it may be known by the presence of a thin violet line near the surface. In the case of the glasses used more than ten years ago the secular rise was very considerable, and went on for many years. In the case of the French verre dur and the Jena glasses (16"' and 59'") the secular rise is comparatively small, amounting to about 0'04 in four years, after which time the rise is very small. The secular rise can be taken into account in the case of thermometers made of either of the above glasses by making occasional observations of zero, and then assuming that the rise has taken place at a uniform rate between the determinations. In addition to the secular rise, which is probably due to the recovery of the glass from a state of strain produced during the process of manu- facture of the thermometer, there are other and more troublesome changes in zero produced when the thermometer is heated to quite moderate temperatures. Thus if after a thermometer has been kept at a tempera- 68] MOVABLE ZERO METHOD 183 tare of zero for some time its zero is determined, and the thermometer is then heated to 100 for about half-an-hour, and as soon after as possible the zero is again tested, it will be found that the zero is now lower than it was before the heating to 100. The depression obtained in this way by heating a thermometer to 100 and then immediately determining the zero is called the depression constant of the thermometer. The depression constants of the three standard thermometer glasses are shown in the following table : Glass. Verre dur . Jena glass (16'") Jena glass (59'") Depression Constant. O'll 0-08 0'03 At ordinary room temperatures the depression takes two or three days to die out, at higher temperatures the recovery is more rapid. The time the heating at 100 has to be continued to produce the full depres- sion is only two or three minutes in the case of the standard glasses. With ordinary crystal glass, however, it requires about half-an-hour's heating to produce the full depression, which may amount to half a degree. The fact that the standard glasses reach their full depression rapidly makes their use in hypsometric thermometers advisable, even if there were not other reasons for their employment in this case. If a thermometer is maintained for a long time at a high temperature it is found that there is a progressive rise in the zero. Thus in the case of a verre dur thermometer, examined by Guillaume, heating to 200 for about six hours produced a rise of about 0'4, while heating for thirty hours to 370 produced a rise of about 3'l. In the case of the Jena glasses Wiebe found that heating a thermometer of 16'" to 300 for twenty hours produced a rise of about l - 6. In the case of 59'", heating to 300 for thirty hours produced a rise of 3*9. If, however, the thermometer had been subjected to the fine annealing process referred to on p. 182, then the rise was only 0'2. The rise produced by prolonged heating to high temperatures appears to be permanent, and further exposure to a slightly lower temperature produces less and less effect as the period of the heating is prolonged. If a thermometer of Jena glass, 1 6"', is heated to 300 for twenty-four hours before it is graduated, then for temperatures up to, say, about 250 the rise produced is for most purposes inappreciable. 68. The Movable Zero Method of Using a Mercury Thermometer. The phenomenon of the depression of the zero of mercury in glass thermometers indicates that when such a thermometer is heated, even to temperatures below 100, then, in addition to the reversible expansion 184 THERMOMETRY [ 68 which disappears when the bulb is cooled, there is an irreversible expan- sion which does not at once vanish when the thermometer is cooled, and which produces the depression of the zero. This irreversible effect intro- duces a complication when we come to consider the definition of the scale of the mercury-in-glass thermometer. When the zero of the thermometer is determined immediately after the boiling point, then, since it is found that the irreversible effect persists for some time, the fundamental interval obtained corresponds to the reversible effect only. Suppose, now, the fundamental interval is divided into degrees of equal volume, the scale, therefore, corresponding to the reversible effect only, and that after the thermometer has been preserved for some time at a temperature not much above zero it is heated to 50 as indicated by the scale. Now the tem- perature will not be 50, for, in the first place, if D is the depression constant of the thermometer before the thermometer was heated, the zero will have risen by an amount Z>, so that if there were no irreversible effect produced by heating to 50 the true temperature corresponding to the reading 50 would be 50 - D. There is, however, an irreversible expan- sion produced by the heating to 50, which we may call cZ, and on this account the thermometer will read too low by an amount d, so that the actual temperature corresponding to the reading 50 is 50 - (D - d). Now, if after taking the reading at 50 we had immediately plunged the thermometer into melting ice and determined the zero, the reading would have been D - d. If, then, we apply this reading as a correction to the reading at 50, that is, take the zero as found immediately after the 50 reading as the zero corresponding to that reading, we shall have allowed for the irreversible expansion of the glass. This method of referring every reading of a mercury thermometer to a special zero taken immedi- ately after the reading is called the movable zero method of using a thermometer. It is quite obvious that in many cases it would be impossible to interrupt a series of temperature measurements to take a zero reading after every reading of the thermometer. With a view of overcoming this difficulty various observers have made determinations of the depressions at different temperatures for thermometers made of the standard glasses, and have drawn up tables giving these depressions. The results ob- tained have not been very concordant, so that in Table 18 the means of the results obtained by the different observers are given and these are probably correct to one or two hundredths of a degree. In order to use the tables of depression of zero the thermometer to be used must be kept at zero for some considerable time so that the depres- sion produced by previous heating has time to disappear, which will be indicated by the zero becoming constant. Let the zero reading obtained in the way be D. Then when the reading of the thermometer is , the temperature having been kept at t for such a time that the glass has reached the permanent condition corresponding to this temperature, the true temperature is t - (D - d t ), where d t is the depression corresponding to the temperature t as obtained from the tables. 69] DEPRESSION OF THE ZERO 185 For example, suppose that the thermometer for which Fig. 70 gives the correction curve after being kept in ice for two or three days reads -f 0*03, and when placed in a given enclosure reads 78'32, to find the temperature of the enclosure. From the correction curve we have that the correction at 78-32 is -f0 0t 13. If the thermometer is of verre dur the depression at 78'32 is 0'08, that is, if the zero had been determined immediately after heating to 78 0- 32 the depression would have been O08, and, therefore, the zero reading + -03 - -OS or - 0'05. Hence the correction for the irreversible effect is + 0'05, and the true tempera- ture is 78-32 + 0-13 + 0-05, or 78 0- 50 on the scale of the verre dur thermometer. To reduce the hydrogen scale a correction - 0'05 (see Table 19) has to be applied, so that in the hydrogen scale the temperature was 78'45. For a description of the corrections which must be applied and the precautions to be taken if attempts are made to read temperatures Avith mercury thermometers nearer than 0- 01, reference must be made to Guillaume's Traite de la Thermomctrie de Precision. 69. Measurement of the Depression in a Mercury Thermometer. Take a thermometer graduated in tenths, or at least fifths, of a degree and keep it in melting ice for two or three days so as to allow any depression existing to disappear. The thermometer used ought not to have been heated above the ordinary room temperature for at least a week before the experiment. Determine the zero as described in 61, and then heat the thermometer for ten minutes to a temperature of 50, and again deter- mine the zero as quickly as possible. The difference between the zero now found and that obtained before the heating will give the depression for 50. Next place the thermometer in a boiling point apparatus, and read the boiling point every minute for half-an-hour, or till it becomes constant. The barometer must be read between each thermometer reading to make certain that the differences obtained are not due to variations of atmospheric pressure. Having applied, if necessary, a correction for the effects of variation in pressure, draw up a table showing the rapidity with which the thermometer takes up its final condition. Remove the thermometer from the steam, and as soon as safe plunge it into ice and take a zero reading. The difference between the first zero reading and the one obtained after heating to 100 will be the depression constant of the thermometer. A zero reading should then be taken every day for a few days to determine how long the thermometer takes to recover from its heating to 100. To a near approximation the depression where L is the length at a temperature t, and L + 8L is the length at a temperature t + St, 8t being small. Leaving out of account methods depending on the use of levers, which are not suitable for accurate measurements, methods for measuring the coefficient of linear expansion may be divided into two classes. In one of these a comparatively long piece of the solid (about a metre) is used, and the elongation measured by means of a micrometer screw or a microscope with an eye-piece scale, and in the other a short length of 2 or 3 centimetres is used, and the elongation is measured by various devices depending on the interference of light. If the length of a solid at a temperature t is L, and when the temperature increases by At the length becomes L + AL, then the coefficient of expansion between these limits of temperature is AL L.&i This shows that to determine the coefficient of expansion we have to measure the increase of length AL, the rise in temperature Atf, and the original length L. As all these quantities appear in the expression to the first power, we ought to measure them all with the same accuracy. Since AZ, is small, the most difficult part of the measurement consists in determining the increase in length, the measurement of the original length, and of the increase in temperature being in general much less difficult. 71. Measurement of the Linear Expansion of a Rod. An arrange- ment suitable for measuring the coefficient of thermal expansion of a FIG. 7(5. metal rod about a metre long is shown in Fig. 76. The expansion is read by means of two reading microscopes which are clamped at a fixed distance apart, the expansion being read off on eye-piece scales or by means of a micrometric eye-piece. In order to obtain an accurate measure of the expansion, it is essential that two very fine lines should 71] LINEAR EXPANSION OF A ROD 189 be ruled on the metal rod to act as fiducial marks between which the expansion shall be measured. To give a suitable surface for these marks, half the thickness of the rod is filed away for a short distance at either end, as shown. The flat surface must then be very carefully polished, first with fine emery paper, and finally with rouge. While performing the final stages of the polishing, it is essential that the rubbing should take place in a direction parallel to the length of the rod. When the polishing is complete, a line parallel to the axis of the rod must be ruled on the polished surface. This can be done by means of a pair of dividers, one leg being held against the side of the rod. This longitudinal line need not be very fine, but may be made so as to be easily seen by the naked eye. The transverse line, on the other hand, must be so fine as to be practically invisible except with a lens. A very sharp needle is selected by examining the points of a number of needles under a low power microscope, and then a transverse line is ruled with this needle, a very light touch being employed. A small square resting against the side of the rod can be used to guide the needle. It is advisable after ruling the line, and before moving the square, to make with another needle a somewhat coarse mark as a prolongation of either end of -the fine line. This coarse mark will be found of great assistance when adjusting the apparatus. Another way of making a suitable mark is to file a notch at each end of the rod, as shown in Fig. 77, and then solder a very fine metallic wire across the notch. The wire ought to have a diameter of about '05 mm., FIG. 77. and is preferably of platinum, as it does not then corrode. In the absence of sufficiently fine wire a fine thread of glass may be used, but the attachment presents some difficulty. If the rod is not going to be heated above a temperature of 100, a little melted shellac does fairly well. When making the measurements, one of the edges of the wires is used as the mark. The rod is enclosed, except for about 2 centimetres at either end, in a metal tube about 6 centimetres in diameter. At one end A (Fig. 76) the rod passes through a cork which fits tightly; at the other end it passes through a short tube soldered to the disc which closes the end of the jacket. The joint between the tube and the rod is made water-tight by slipping a short length of india-rubber tubing over the rod and the projecting tube. This joint will allow of the free expansion or contraction of the rod as the temperature is changed. A thermometer passes through a small hole at either end, and is held in place by a small cork. Two side tubes c and D allow of a stream of steam or cold water being passed through the jacket. A rubber tube from one of these leads to a sink, while the other is connected to a T-piece F. The other arms of this T-piece are connected to the water supply and a can in which water can be boiled respectively. By clamping one or other of these tubes, water or steam may be passed in succession 190 EXPANSION OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS [ 71 through the jacket, and the change from one to the other can be made without disturbing the jacket and the rod. A small vertical tube E having a rubber tube attached which can be closed by means of a pinch- cock is placed at the top of the jacket. This tube allows of the escape of the air when filling the jacket with water. The jacket is supported on two v's at such a height that the microscopes can be focused on the marks on the rod. To perform the experiment the two microscopes are clamped firmly down on a steady table, or preferably on a stone or slate shelf, and the rod is adjusted so that the transverse marks are in focus and the longitudinal mark is near the centre of the field. The microscopes must be so adjusted that when the rod is cold the transverse marks on the rod are near the ends of the scales nearest to the centre of the rod, otherwise when the rod is heated it may expand so much that the marks would go out of the field of view. Of course if either of the microscopes can be moved parallel to the length of the rod by a sufficiently fine micrometer screw this adjustment is of little or no importance. Water is passed through the jacket till the readings of the thermo- meters become constant, when the reading on the two microscope scales are taken, as well as the readings of the thermometers. The water is then run out and steam passed through the jacket till again the temperature is constant. If, owing to the expansion, the mark at the end B is beyond the scale, the jacket and rod must be moved through the v's till the mark comes into view again. The readings of the microscopes and thermometers are then taken. Cold water is again passed through the jacket, and the readings at the low temperature repeated. The two sets of readings at the low temperature ought to agree. If they do not the microscopes have probably been moved, and the whole set of readings must be repeated. It is a good thing to take a number of readings of the microscopes at each temperature, and, to prevent being biased by the readings already taken, to move the rod longitudinally in the v's between each reading. In this way the readings of the microscope scales will be different, but if the scales both read in the same direction the sum of the two readings ought to be constant. The values of the scale divisions of the micrometer scales of the microscopes must be determined by means of a fine scale ruled on glass, on which each microscope is focused in turn. To determine the distance between the two marks on the rod a divided metre scale can be supported in place of the rod, and the readings on the microscope scales obtained between any two of the divisions of the scale. Then from the readings of the microscopes corresponding to the marks on the rod the distance between these marks can be immediately determined. If the material of which the coefficient of thermal expansion is to be measured is in the form of a tube, then it will be possible to obtain a very 72] CUBICAL EXPANSION 191 fairly accurate measure by alternately passing cold water and steam through the tube itself, the outside of the tube, except near the ends where the marks are made, being wrapped round by some non-conductor of heat, such as felt or cotton wool. 72. Cubical Expansion. Suppose that the volume of a body at C. is F , then the volume V t at a temperature t is given by an expression of the form ....... (1) where a. and b are constants. Some experimenters have expressed their results by a formula involving the cube of t, such as but it has been found that a formula involving only the first and second powers of t is sufficient to express the results given by experiment to an accuracy as great as that of the measurements, and hence it is unnecessary to include the term in t 3 . If p Q and p t are the density of the substance at and t respectively, then Pt /p Q - VJ V t = 1/(1 + at + to 2 ). Now in every case where a and b are small we may neglect the squares and higher powers of these quantities as well as their products. Hence 1/(1 + at + to 2 ) = 1 -at- M\ so that Pt = Po (l-at-M*) ....... (2) If we are given the volume V t at a temperature t and require to find the volume at a temperature t' we have F,= F O (!+*+ to 2 ) V t ,= V Q (\+at' + to' 2 ). Hence F _ F 1 + at + to' 2 * I+at + bt 2 (3) if as before we suppose that a and b are both small quantities. If we define the mean coefficient of expansion between any two temperatures t and t' as the change of volume per degree of unit volume of the body at the lower temperature t, or in symbols as V,(t'-t) 192 EXPANSION OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS [ 71 we get from (3) that the mean coefficient of expansion = E*rJj z^-j 2 ) V t (t' -t)~ t'-t = a + b(t' + t) .......... (4) if a and b are small. If, on the other hand, we define the mean coefficient of expansion between t and t' as the change in volume per degree of unit volume of the body 'at (7., or in symbols as we have that the mean coefficient of expansion j8' is given by V v -V t FoMf - /) + 6(*' 2 - * 2 )} Hence we see that when a and b are so small that the squares and higher powers of these quantities can be neglected, the value of the mean coefficient of expansion is the same whichever of these definitions we employ. The true coefficient of expansion at any given temperature t is the rate at which the volume varies at that temperature per unit volume, or, if we like, is the mean coefficient of expansion between two temperatures taken one on either side of t, and so near t that the expansion does not change appreciably over the range of temperature considered. Thus the true coefficient of expansion at t is obtained by making t' coincide with t in the above expressions for /?, and we thus obtain that the true coefficient of expansion at t is a + 2bt ......... (5) We may also obtain this expression by noting that by definition the true coefficient of expansion is 1 dV t F dt which from (1) is a + 2bt. In the case of liquids and solids, a and b are so small that the approximations we have made above are sufficiently close. In the case of gases, however, this is not the case, and therefore to prevent confusion we shall for gases always adopt the definition of the coefficient of expansion in terms of the volume at C., that is, in symbols 73] THE WEIGHT THERMOMETER 193 In the case of an isotropic solid, if the length at t is L t , and that at L Q , we have The determination of the absolute coefficient of cubical expansion of a liquid is a problem which can only be solved by means of elaborate experi- ments, such as those of Regnault, by the method of balancing columns. We can, however, measure the relative expansion of a liquid and a solid containing vessel, and then, if we know the absolute expansion of the solid, we can at once deduce the absolute coefficient of expansion of the liquid. To obtain the coefficient of expansion of the envelope, we may make use of the fact that the expansion of mercury and of water have been determined with great accuracy. Thus an experi- mental determination of the value of the coefficients of apparent expansion of mercury or water when enclosed in this envelope will allow us to deduce the coefficient of expansion of the envelope. The methods generally employed for measuring the apparent expansion of a liquid are (1) the weight thermo- meter, (2) the volume dilatometer, and (3) the hydrostatic balance. 73. The Weight Thermometer or Dilatometer. The simplest form of weight thermometer is shown in Fig. 78. It consists of a glass bulb with a capillary neck, the neck being generally bent round as shown. The dilatometer having been weighed is filled with the liquid at a tem- perature t lt and again weighed. The difference in the weights gives the weight w of the contained liquid. The dilatometer is then heated to 2 , some of the liquid escaping. By again weighing, the weight z0 2 of liquid which fills the dilatometer at t 2 is obtained. If v l p l and v 2 p. 2 are the volumes of unit mass and density respec- tively of the liquid at the two temperatures, and a is the true coefficient of expansion of the liquid, we have by definition FIG. 78. 1 ^2z3 = l f%- i \ t 2 - ^ V 1 * 2 - ^ If7, m If V l and F 9 are the volumes of the dilatometer at the temperatures T and t.y and /3 is the coefficient of cubical expansion of the material of which the dilatometer is constructed, then Now and 194 EXPANSION OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS Hence _2 = L! = _1 . _2 [73 Substituting this value for v 2 /v l in (1), we get (2) If d is the weight of liquid which escapes at the higher temperature, so that w l - w. 2 = d, then (2) may be written o d ( I \ a ~ P = - \ . T- + \ w l U? - ^ J (3) a form sometimes convenient. Thus if either a or /3 is known, the other can immediately be cal- culated. The coefficients of expansion of water and mercury can be obtained from Table 20, so that for these liquids a is known, and /3 can therefore be calculated. The coefficients of expansion of the standard thermometer glasses have been measured with considerable care, and thus if a dilatometer is con- structed of either of these glasses the value of ft is known, and the experiment with mercury or water can be omitted. The following are the values 1 of the coefficients of cubical expansion, that is, the coefficients ft and /3' in the equation H i - ^)}, where /? is the coefficient of cubical ex- pansion of the liquid. The volume occupied in the dilatometer is apparently F|>, but owing to the expansion of the glass this volume is really F 2 {1 + a.(t.> - ^)}, where a is the coefficient of cubical expansion of the glass. 75] MEASUREMENT OF EXPANSION OF A LIQUID 199 Hence the increase in volume of the liquid is and this must be equal to (3) Thus knowing /3 } in the case of mercury, we can calculate a, and then in the case of any other liquid we can use this value of a to calculate the coefficient of cubical expansion of the liquid. The form of volume dilatometer shown in Fig. 81, but without the tap, can easily be made by the student, the stem being formed by a piece of wide bore thermometer tube. In the absence of a tap, the top can be closed by about a centimetre of rubber tube and a small piece of glass rod. The gradua- tions on the stem can be made by the method described in the Appendix. If an air-pump is available, then the arrangement shown in Fig. 82 will be found to save an enormous amount of time. It consists of a small bottle with a well-fitting india-rubber cork. This cork is pierced by two holes. The dilatometer stem passes through one, and a piece of bent glass tube through the other. The liquid is placed in the bottle, and the bent tube is connected by means of a length of thick-walled rubber tube to the air-pump. To fill the dilato- meter the pump is worked, and the bulb of the dilatometer is heated with a Bunsen name to drive off any moisture. On ad- mitting air from the pump the liquid is driven into the bulb. By admitting the air very slowly, and when enough liquid has entered to fill the dilatometer up to the required height in the capillary, raising the dilatometer through the cork, the advent of any further liquid can be prevented. If the dilatometer is fitted with a tap, then the cork must be split on one side. Having weighed the dilatometer empty, fill it with mercury up to a little above the top graduation, and place it in melting ice prepared as described in 61. When the temperature has become stationary, read the position of the top of the mercury column, and then again weigh. Next heat the dilatometer so that some of the mercury escapes, and hence when f';he instrument is placed in ice the mercury meniscus is near the bottom )f the scale. When the temperature is again 0, read the position of the FIG. 82. 200 EXPANSION OF SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS [ 76 meniscus, and again weigh the dilatometer. From the readings and weigh- ings calculate the volume up to the zero of the scale and the volume of one division of the capillary. The dilatometer being placed in steam read the position of the meniscus, also the barometer. Having calculated the temperature of the steam from the barometer reading in the manner described in 60, calculate by (3) the coefficient of cubical expansion of the glass. To remove the mercury, replace the dilatometer in the filler (Fig. 82), and produce as good a vacuum as possible. If the mercury does not flow out, gently heat the bulb. The procedure when measuring the expansion of a liquid is practically the same as the above, namely, the bulb is filled so that at the meniscus is near the bottom of the scale. The position of the meniscus is then read off when the instrument is maintained at different tempera- tures, and the coefficient of expansion calculated by (3). 76. The Hydrostatic Balance Method of Measuring the Coefficient of Expansion of a Liquid. This method consists in determining the loss of weight of a piece of glass, or other solid, when immersed in the liquid at different temperatures. It is only applicable when a comparatively large volume of the liquid is available. In order to obtain the absolute expansion of the liquid, we require to know the coefficient of cubical expansion of the solid used. This solid generally consists of a cylindrical piece of glass tube, closed at the ends, with a small hook formed at one end for the attachment of the suspending wire. A little mercury inside the glass serves to ensure its sinking. To determine the expansion of the glass, an experiment can be made with a liquid of known coefficient of expansion. Since mercury cannot be used for this purpose, on account of its great density, water must be employed. The expansion of the glass can also be measured by the method of the weight thermometer, after which the neck of the thermo- meter is fused off so that the bulb forms the sinker. Let V l be the volume of the sinker at a temperature ^ and V< 2 the volume at t 2 , these volumes being obtained by weighing in water, the formula used being where ?0' is the weight of the sinker in air, and w" its weight when immersed in water at a temperature t lt Aj is the density of the water as given in Table 5, and be the corresponding quantities at a temperature of C. ; and V v v v and^j at the temperature of steam when the barometeric pressure is B. Then if p is the density of air at and standard pressure, the density of the air at a temperature t and pressure p t is PoPt where a is the coefficient of expansion of air. Hence the mass of air contained in the bulb, of which the volume is V t , is PoPt v and the mass of air contained in the dead space is PoPt _ (l+uf)7G '' 204 THERMAL EXPANSION OF GASES [ 79 Hence the total mass m of air contained in the thermometer is given by or {V'/(l + at) + v t /(l + ait')}p t = = constant . . . (1) Po This is the fundamental equation of gas thermometry. It may be written in a slightly different form. Thus if 6 is the temperature measured from the absolute zero corresponding to t, we have Hence equation (1) can be written { 5 + |j^ = constant^/,: (say) ..... (2) where & is the absolute temperature corresponding to t'. If an observation is made at C. or # on the absolute scale, we have Further, if an observation is made in steam at a pressure 13, the temperature of the steam at this pressure being 100 + 1> or # + 100 + b on the absolute scale, we have If ft is the coefficient of cubical expansion of the material of which the bulb is constructed, then pt)=v {i+p(0-e )} ..... (5) These equations will serve to perform all the calculations necessary when using air thermometers, whether of the constant volume or the constant pressure type. In the constant volume type v t remains very nearly constant, while p t varies; while in the constant pressure type v t varies considerably, while p t is kept as nearly as possible constant. 79. Measurement of the Coefficient of Increase of Pressure of Air with the Air Thermometer. A simple form of constant volume air thermometer is shown in Fig. 83. The bulb A is connected to the manometer by a fine capillary tube, a three-way tap c being included. The glass reservoir K has a black glass point D attached near the top, and the surface of the mercury is always brought to coincide with this point. The object of the reservoir is that when the bulb is heated the air may not be driven over into the manometer tube, even if the pressure is not 79] CONSTANT VOLUME AIR THERMOMETER 205 increased. The lower part of the reservoir K is connected by means of a three-way cock with the manometer tube EF and a length of thick-walled rubber tubing, which is attached to the mercury reservoir G. This mercury reservoir can be raised or lowered by means of a cord which, after passing over a pulley near the top of the apparatus, is wound on a drum. This drum can be rotated by a tangent screw actuated by a FIG. 83. handle J. The manometer tube EF is designed to measure the whole pressure to which the gas is subjected, that is, it is not necessary to read an auxiliary barometer. The top of the tube is fused to a well-ground tap F and a small separating funnel. Just below the tap the tube is constricted, as shown at I on the enlarged drawing (a). The manometer tube is filled in the following manner : The tap F being open, and the tap E turned so as to cut off connection with K, the reservoir G is raised till the mercury flows into the funnel. The tap F is 206 THERMAL EXPANSION OF GASES [ 79 then closed, and the reservoir lowered as far as possible. In this way a Torricellian vacuum will be left in the upper part of the tube EF. Owing, however, to moisture condensed on the sides of the tube the vacuum will generally be bad. To get rid of this moisture the tube must be heated, the mercury reservoir remaining at its lowest. Then by raising the reservoir, and when it is at its highest point opening the tap r, the vapour can be driven out. By repeating this operation several times it %ill be possible to get quite a good vacuum. The object of the con- striction i is that owing to capillarity the mercury in the small bulb above the constriction will remain, and if any air leaks in at the tap F this will at once be indicated by the mercury in this bulb being forced down. Thus as long as there is mercury in the bulb we can feel confident that the vacuum remains good. When the tap E is turned so as to connect K with the manometer, and the surface of the mercury is adjusted to coincide with the end of the point D, then the height of the mercury meniscus L above the point D will give the pressure to which the gas in the bulb is subjected. The height of this mercury column is read off on a divided scale fastened alongside the tube, the zero of the scale being adjusted to coincide with the point D. The bulb A has now to be filled with dry air. To do this the side tube M is connected, through some drying tubes containing phosphorus pentoxide, with an air-pump. The mercury surface in the reservoir K having been lowered as much as possible, the tap E is turned so as to shut off K from the manometer and reservoir G, and then the bulb is exhausted. While the vacuum is kept as good as possible, the bulb A, the connecting tubes, and the vessel K are warmed with a flame so as to drive off all moisture. Air is then admitted through the drying tubes. The operation of exhaustion and admission of air, which latter operation ought to be performed very slowly, is repeated several times. In this way the bulb can be filled with dry air, and the film of moisture which always clings to the surface of glass can in a great measure be removed. Having either adjusted and filled the instrument as described above, or ascertained that it has been so filled, place the bulb A inside a funnel which is supported on a retort stand, and pack with pounded ice, treated in the manner described in 61. When the bulb has been in the ice for a few minutes, adjust the surface of the mercury to coincide with the end of the point D, using the reflection of the point in the mercury surface to assist in making the adjustment. If after two or three minutes the adjustment is still complete, read the thermometer T and the position of the mercury meniscus L. The bulb must now be placed either in boiling water, the temperature of which is taken by a thermometer of which the boiling point error is known, or in a steam-jacket, such as is shown in the figure. The wooden lid s is split in halves so that it may be fitted round the bulb stem. Steam is passed in at o, and the position of the meniscus roughly ad- justed to coincide with the point D. After the steam has been passing for about ten minutes, the adjustment of the mercury meniscus is com- 79] CONSTANT VOLUME AIR THERMOMETER 207 pleted, and the thermometer T and the position of the meniscus L are again read. The height of the barometer must also be noted, so as to allow of the temperature of the steam being obtained. The height of the mercury column in the manometer will have to be reduced to what it would be at (and in very accurate measurements to standard gravity) in the manner described in 58. The temperature of the steam must also be calculated as in 60. The end of the point D may not exactly coincide with the zero of the scale used to read the height of the column. This point may be tested, and the correction, together with that for the effect of capillarity ( 57), can be obtained if a standard barometer is available. The tap c being turned so as to connect the upper part of K with the open air, the mercury meniscus is adjusted to the point D, and the temperature and height of the mercury column are read. The barometer being also read, the difference between the values for the barometric pressure obtained after reducing to will give the correction to be applied to the readings of the manometer. It is possible to obtain a formula by means of which the coefficient of increase of pressure a is expressed in terms of the observed quantities. Such an expression, however, is very complicated and quite un suited to computation. It is much easier to perform the reduction by successive steps, using the equations given in the last section. We have from equations (3), (4), and (5), since in this experiment v 1 = v Qt IPO/?) or fl LM.^f 1 100_ !_ V \ \0o 0016, quite an appreciable correction, since such thermometers are generally divided into 0'01. We have in the above supposed that when the thermometer was placed in melting ice it read exactly 0, and further that when heated to 1 it read exactly 1 on the scale, and that the bore of the capillary was cylindrical. These, however, are points which have to be tested experi- mentally. In the first place, the uniformity of the bore has to be tested by a calibration performed as described in 59. When performing this 1 This form of thermometer was really devised by Walferdin, who called them metastatic thermometers. They are so widely known, however, as Beck- mann thermometers, that it seems hardly possible to designate them by any other name without risking confusion. 2 The coefficient of apparent expansion of mercury and Jena glass 59'" is 1/6080. [ 102 BECKMANN THERMOMETER 263 calibration the and, say, the 6 are assumed correct, and the interval is subdivided into portions of equal volume. In order to test whether, when all the mercury is in the main bulb, the thermometer reads correctly, resource must be had to a standard thermometer (preferably made of the same kind of glass) of which the errors are known. The Beckmann thermometer, having had its zero determined in the ordinary manner, must be compared with the standard at a temperature near the top of the scale, preferably near the division used as a fixed point when performing the calibration. In this way the error at the upper fixed point of the calibration is determined, and then a curve showing the errors at the intermediate points can be drawn up, as described in 62. When any mercury is placed in the upper bulb, then the difference in the readings, corrected from the curve, and multi plied by ^07?) - , will give the difference in temperature on the scale of the mercury thermometer. To reduce to the hydrogen thermometer, we must remember that when using a Beckmann thermometer we are only concerned with the accurate measurement of a difference of temperature ; in other words, it is only the difference in the corrections to reduce to the hydrogen scale at the upper and lower points which has to be con- sidered. For example, if the correction to reduce to the hydrogen scale was the same at the upper and the lower temperatures, it is evident that the difference in temperature obtained with a mercury thermometer would be the same as that given by a hydrogen thermometer. If the correction to reduce to the hydrogen thermometer, as given in Table 19, at the lower temperature # , as measured on the mercury scale, is 6 , and that at the higher temperature t l is 8 p then the true difference of temperatures is . that is, the correction to be applied to the difference of temperature as read on the thermometer is 8 t - S . This correction may become quite appreciable for those temperatures where the curves given in Fig. 62 are steep. Thus suppose t = and t l = 5, so that for Jena glass (16'") <$ = and 8j = - "03, then the true difference of temperature on the hydrogen scale is 5 0> 00-0 0> 03, or 4'97, the correction amounting to nearly 1 per cent. Another correction which may often be very considerable is that due to emergent column. This point has been examined in the case of Beck- niann's pattern of thermometer by Griitzmacher. 1 His results are given in the following table : Zeit.fur Instrumentenlunde (1896), xvi. 202. 264 BOILING POINT [103 CORRECTIONS FOR EMERGENT COLUMN IN BECKMANN'S THERMOMETER (the whole column is supposed outside the bath, as in Fig. 106) : Temperature Interval Measured. Mean Temperature of Column. Correction per 1 for Effect of Cool Column. -35 to -30 - 0'005 to +5 15 -0'002 45 to 50 26 + 0'004 95 to 100 32 + 0'011 145 to 150 38 + 0'018 195 to 200 44. + 0'025 245 to 250 50 + 0'031 Thus if in the case considered above the room temperature was such that the mean temperature of the column was 15, only the bulb being immersed in the liquid, the true difference of temperature would be 4-97 (1 - '002), or 4-96. 103. Measurement of the Boiling Point of a Solution. The accurate determination of the boiling point of a solution is rendered difficult owing to the readiness with which almost all solutions become superheated. The form of apparatus ordinarily adopted is that devised by Beckmann, and shown in Fig. 107. The three-necked flask A is filled about a third full of glass 'beads or garnets, while a piece of very thick platinum wire is fused through the bottom. These two devices are used to secure regular ebullition and prevent superheating. A thermo- meter T passes through the ^, lft _ cork which closes the middle neck, while a condenser c is attached to one of the side necks. The third neck B serves for the addition of the substance, the effect of which on the boiling point of the solvent is being measured. The instrument is stood on a sheet of thick 103] BOILING POINT OF A SOLUTION 265 asbestos card D, which is pierced with a hole. This card rests on a sheet of wire gauze E. A short glass cylinder F rests on the upper side of the card G, leaving an air space all round the bulb. There is a plate of mica or asbestos G used to close the upper end of this air jacket. The height of the flame is adjusted so that about five drops a minute fall from the end of the condenser. This form of apparatus is by no means free from superheating, and Beckmann has devised a more complicated form, in which the inner bulb containing the solution is jacketed, except at the bottom, with the vapour of the solvent boiling in a separate vessel. The only really satisfactory method of avoiding superheating is to use electrical heating, and as no modern physical laboratory is without a supply of accumulators, there is no reason why this method should not be used exclusively. By this means, not only is regular boiling secured, and hence super- heating avoided, but owing to the ease with which the supply of heat can be regulated and kept con- stant the time necessary for the experiment can be materially reduced. A convenient form of apparatus, which is a very slight modification of that described by Christensen, 1 is shown in Fig. 108. It consists of a glass test-tube A closed by a cork, through which passes the thermo- meter T, two thin glass tubes B, and two other tubes E and F (shown at a). The bottom of the tubes B are fused round a short length of stout platinum wire G, while a spiral of thin platinum wire c is attached to these pieces of wire either by autogeneous soldering or with pure gold. The tubes B are partly filled with mercury, and are connected to a battery of three or four accumulators and an adjustable resistance by copper wires, which dip in this mercury. A tube E, which is normally closed with a cork, serves for the introduction of the substance. The end of a small condenser F, or, in the case of a solvent with a high boiling point, simply an air condenser passes through the cork in the top of the tube A. 1 J. C. Christensen, Journal of Physical Chemistry (1900), iv. 585. G~L~ ^^~Z=- xVr-V-'r-o FIG. 108. 266 BOILING POINT [ 103 The end of the condenser is slightly bent as indicated, and cut off at an angle, so that by holding the tube A slightly inclined the condensed solvent may run down the side of the outer tube, and not come in contact with the thermometer. To prevent any chance of the thermometer being affected by the rising bubbles of superheated vapour a small thimble- shaped glass dish D is supported in the position shown by two pieces of platinum wire, which are fused to the edge of the glass and wound round the tubes B. When making an experiment the tube A is packed round with cotton wool or asbestos cloth, according to the temperature at which the solvent boils. 1 When making an experiment the tube A, without the cork and the pieces of apparatus attached, is weighed, the solvent introduced, so that it will quite cover the bulb of the thermometer, and the whole again weighed. During this weighing the tube may be suspended from the hook attached to the stirrup of the balance by means of a wire sling H. If the weights are determined to within O'Ol gram, it will be quite sufficient. The thermometer, condenser, &c., are now attached, and the tube packed round with some non-conducting material, and the current started. The resistance in the circuit must be adjusted, so that when boiling has become regular the vapour only extends a very short distance up the condenser tube. The boiling must be continued, the thermometer being read every five minutes till the temperature becomes constant. This in general takes about ten minutes. Then the temperature must be read, as also the height of the barometer. A weighed quantity of the substance is then introduced through the tube E, the current having been turned off before removing the cork. The current having been switched on, the reading of the thermometer must be made every five minutes till the temperature becomes constant, when the thermometer and barometer are again read. The solution of which the boiling point is actually determined is slightly more concentrated than would appear from the weighings, owing to some of the solvent during the ebullition being absent from the solution, since it is in the form of vapour in the upper portion of the tube, and of liquid in the condenser and on the sides of the tube A. The exact evaluation of the amount which has to be deducted from the weight of solvent on this account is difficult, and so it is important to reduce the correction to a minimum by adjusting the rate of boiling so that the vapour only just reaches the condenser, and using as large a volume of the solvent as the apparatus will allow. 1 The instrument may be placed inside a Dewar vacuum vessel. CHAPTER XVI MELTING POINT RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS CONDUCTIVITY 104. Determination of the Melting Point by the Method of Cooling. Since when a liquid solidifies heat is evolved, the rate of fall in the temperature of a liquid placed in a region at a lower temperature than the melting point will be decreased, or even become zero, during the time when solidification is taking place. Hence by noting the tempera- ture at which this change in the rate of decrease of temperature takes place, the melting point can be determined. The substance to be experimented upon is contained in a thin-walled test-tube. This test-tube passes through a cork which is placed in the mouth of a wider test-tube, this outer tube being placed in a beaker of water. In this way the rate of loss of heat is made fairly regular. A thermometer passes through the cork which closes the inner tube. Sufficient of the solid substance having been placed in the inner tube to well cover the bulb of the thermometer, the solid is melted and its temperature raised about 10 degrees above the melting point by placing the inner tube in hot water or over a flame. During this operation it is advisable to remove the thermometer. The inner tube having been replaced in the outer, and the whole immersed in water at a temperature considerably below the melting point, the reading of the thermometer is taken every half minute till a tempera- ture below the melting point is reached. The temperatures and times are then plotted on squared paper and a curve is drawn through the points. The temperature or temperatures at which the curve becomes distinctly more nearly parallel to the axis of time correspond to the melting points of the various constituents of the substance. If the changes in the slope of the cooling curve are very gradual, so that it is difficult to determine the temperature which corresponds to the melting point, it probably means that the outside layers of /the liquid have solidified before the temperature of the inside portions has fallen to the melting point. This effect will be found to be particularly well marked if a somewhat wide test-tube is employed with substances, such as paraffin wax, which are very bad conductors of heat, and have only a small latent heat. In such a case a very much sharper inflection in the curve will be obtained if the liquid is kept well stirred during the time it is cooling. 105. Determination of the Ratio of the Specific Heats for Air by Clement and Desorme's Method. Suppose that the air within a vessel 267 268 MELTING POINT [ 105 is suddenly slightly compressed, so that the pressure rises from the atmospheric pressure B to p r Since the compression which takes place in the air within the vessel is rapid, there will be little transference of heat between the air and the walls of the vessel while the compression is going on, so that the compression is adiabatic. Hence if V Q and v l are the initial and final volumes of unit mass of the air within the vessel, and k is the ratio of the specific heats, we have 1 (~ l } = - (1) V'V ih After a time the heat which has been caused by the adiabatic com- pression of the air will be dissipated by conduction, &c., to the walls of the vessel, till finally the temperature regains its initial value. Owing to this fall in the temperature of the air within the vessel, the pressure will fall, say, to p 2 . Now, since the total volume of the gas is the same as it was at the end of the adiabatic compression, the volume of unit mass is the same as at the end of the compression, namely, v r Further, since the temperature is now the same as the start, we have, from Boyle's law, ..... V P-2 Hence, substituting this value in equation (1) above, we get or, taking logarithms of both sides, &(log B - log p. 2 ) = log B - log ^ _ log /f-logj0 2 A form of apparatus suitable for applying this method of determining the ratio of the specific heats is shown in Fig. 109. It consists of a glass flask A, about 30 centimetres in diameter, which is placed inside a wooden box and packed round with cork dust, cotton wool, or other bad conductor of heat. The neck of the flask is closed by a well fitting rubber cork, which is pierced by three holes through which pass three glass tubes. One of these, E, is closed by a tap, another F is attached to a manometer G, while the third c is of at least 1 centi- metre in bore, and is connected by a short length of wide bore rubber 1 See Watson's Physics, 259. 105] RATIO OF THE SPECIFIC HEATS FOR AIR 269 tubing with the mercury reservoir H. This rubber tube can be closed by a pinch-cock i. Two small shelves J and K are attached to the side of the box, and each has a slot of such a size as to allow the flange on the neck of the reservoir H to catch. The quantity of mercury in the apparatus is so ad- justed that when the reservoir is on the lower shelf K the surface of the mercury in the flask covers the cork to the depth of about 1 centi- metre. A small quantity of concentrated sulphuric acid is then introduced through the tube E so as to form a layer L on the surface of the mercury. This sulphuric acid serves to keep the air within the flask dry, a matter of great import- ance. Some oil, such as is used in the Fleuss pump, is intro- duced into the manometer tube, and the apparatus is then ready for use. To perform an experiment in which the air is suddenly compressed, place the mercury reservoir on the lower shelf, and open the pinch-cock and the tap E. Then close the pinch-cock, and raise the mercury reservoir on to the upper shelf. After allowing the apparatus to stand for a few minutes, so that the temperature of the air in the flask may become uniform, close the tap E. Then open the tap F on the manometer, and fully open the pinch-cock, thus allowing the mercury to flow into the flask and compress the air. Watch the manometer, and as soon as the reading is a maximum close the tap F. By this preliminary experiment the liquid in the manometer has been adjusted almost to the position which it will occupy at the end of the compression. Leaving F closed, lower the mercury reservoir and allow the mercury to run out from the flask, close the pinch-cock, and raise the reservoir on to the upper shelf. Open the tap E and allow the apparatus to stand for a few minutes, then close E. Next open the pinch-cock, and when the mercury has nearly all run into the flask open the tap F, and carefully note the highest reading given by the manometer. If the preliminary adjustment of the mano- meter has been properly performed there will only be a small movement FIG. 109. 270 MELTING POINT [ 106 of the column, and the maximum reading will be attained without oscillations being set up. As the heat developed owing to the compression of the air is dissi- pated, the pressure will fall and the reading of the manometer when this fall is complete, which will occur after three or four minutes, must be recorded. If Tij and 7i are the differences in the level of the oil in the mano- meter at the two readings, and J is the density of the oil, and B the barometer height, then we have and substituting these values in (3) the value of A- is obtained. If the compression is small, so that - i is small, then the formula 13'6 can be very much simplified, for + cVrc. 13-65 2V13-65, Thus if we may neglect the square and higher powers of - 'j we get Similarly log p. 2 = log B + -' ^ and hence substituting in (3) an expression which does not involve a knowledge of the density of the oil in the manometer. Experiments should also be made in which the air in the instrument is first compressed by raising the mercury reservoir to J, then closing the pinch-cock I, and lowering the mercury reservoir to K. On opening the pinch-cock the air expands and becomes cooled. The pressure before expansion, immediately after expansion, and after the air has regained its initial temperature, are determined by means of the manometer in a manner similar to that described above. 106. Measurement of the Heat Conductivity of Copper. The measurement of the conductivity of a solid is in general rendered difficult owing to the loss of heat from the surface of the rod or lar used, the 106] HEAT CONDUCTIVITY OF COPPER 271 evaluation of this loss being a matter of some ditliculty. In the case of a good conductor, such as copper, we may, however, so arrange the ex- periment that the proportional loss of heat from the surface may be negligible. A piece of apparatus designed with this view is shown in Fig. 110 The copper rod AB has a total length of 15 centimetres and a diameter of 3 centimetres, and has a copper box c soldered on one end. Steam is passed into this box through the tube p, the excess escaping through the tube E. A second copper box F is soldered to the other end of the rod, and is fitted with an annular partition which com- pels the water that enters at G and leaves at i to flow in the manner indicated by the arrows. Two thermometers T l and T. 2 serve to indicate the temperature of the incoming and escaping water. Both the boxes T r r T 4 ^\.J FIG. 110. are carefully lagged with felt, so as to protect them as much as possible from external loss of heat. Two narrow holes are drilled almost right through the copper rod at a distance of 8 centimetres apart, and in 'these holes are inserted the bulbs of two small thermometers T 3 and T 4 . The holes ought to be of such a size that the bulbs of the thermometers are a fairly good fit. The surface of the copper rod between the two boxes may with advantage be lightly packed round with cotton wool. Water is passed through the instrument by connecting the side tube G to the rubber tube r of a pressure tank A (Fig. 111). This tank con- sists of a small metal vessel having three tubes soldered through the bottom. One of these tubes is connected through the rubber tube B with the water supply. The middle tube extends about two-thirds up 272 MELTING POINT [ 107 the vessel and serves as an overflow, while the third tube is connected to the conductivity apparatus. The supply tap is turned on so that a little water always escapes through the tube c, and hence the head of water always remains the same, and so the rate of flow through the apparatus is constant. Steam being passed into the box c, adjust the flow of water through the box F by means of a pinch-cock on the supply tube, so that the rise of temperature of the water is about 10 degrees, and read the four thermometers at intervals till the readings become constant. When this is the case, read and record the temperatures indicated by the thermometers, and place, at a noted instant, a weighed beaker below the water outlet i. Continue collecting the water for about five minutes, and at a noted instant remove the beaker and again read the thermo- meters. By weighing the beaker determine the quantity of water W which has passed in the time T. If the mean temperatures indicated by the thermometers T 1? T. 2? T 3 , and T 4 are t v t. 2 , t 9 and 4 , then the heat which has been conducted along the bar to the water is W(t<> - ^). Hence if I is the distance between the thermometers T 2 and T 3 , and s is the cross-section of the copper rod, the conductivity k is given by Correction. Since most of the stem of the thermometers T 3 and T 4 are not heated to the temperature of the bulb, the correction for emergent column may be considerable. The magnitude of the correction may be determined experimentally, or the corrections given in the tables in 65 may be used. 107. Measurement of the Heat Conductivity of Glass. In the case of a bad conductor of heat, such as glass, the following method of measuring the conductivity is capable of giving results which are accurate to within about 5 per cent. : The glass is taken in the form of a tube AB (Fig. 112), having a bore of about 1'5 centimetres. The tube is enclosed for the greater part of its length in a larger tube c, which forms a steam jacket, the steam entering at D and leaving at E. Two T-pieces are connected to the ends of the tube AB, and each encloses a thermometer, T X and T 2 , by means of which the initial and final temperature of a stream of water which traverses the tube AB can be determined. The T-piece G is connected by the rubber tube H to the constant head reservoir shown in Fig. 111. The tube AB is inclined so that the water flows upwards, and in this way any air evolved from the water owing to the rise in temperature is swept out. 107] HEAT CONDUCTIVITY OF GLASS 273 Since it is important that the temperature of the water at any cross- section of the tube AB shall be the same, the water is caused to traverse the tube spirally. For this purpose a piece of rubber tube is wound in a very open spiral round a thin brass rod, and the spiral is placed within the tube AB. When making an experiment steam is passed through the jacket, and the stream of water adjusted so that the temperature of the water rises about 10. When the thermometer readings have become constant, the water which passes in a noted time is collected in a weighed beaker. If FIG. 112. W is the weight of water which passes in a time T, and t l and / 2 are the initial and final temperatures, then the quantity of heat which has passed through the glass is W(t^ - ^). The temperature 2 of the external surface of the glass can be obtained from the barometric height and Table 15. The temperature, f\, of the internal surface may be taken as the mean of t l and # 2 . If I is the length of the glass tube AB exposed to the steam, and 1\ and 2 are the radii l of the internal and external surfaces of the tube, then 1 If r and r + dr are the radii of the surfaces of a thin cylindrical shell in the glass, and the difference in temperature between these surfaces is dd, since the quantity of heat Q must pass in a time T through this cylinder, and also through every similar cylindrical shell into which we may imagine the glass subdivided, we have . T dr ' or d6= Qdr Integrating between the inner and outer surfaces of the glass tube dr r ' ,-,= log 274 CONDUCTIVITY [ 101 the quantity of heat which passes through the glass in a time T is given by Since Q is known, this expression enables us to calculate /:, the con- ductivity of the glass. If the glass is thin, so that r. 2 - 1\ is small, we may expand Iog 6 - 2 '*! and replace it by the first term, namely '-*+! or 2 ? ' 2 -- r i, and hence a= ~ Now 27T-1 U is the mean, ^4, of the areas of the external and internal surfaces of the glass, and r 2 - 1\ is the thickness, d, of the glass, so that we have The external radius is obtained by measuring the* diameter of the glass tube in a number of places with callipers and taking the mean. To obtain the mean internal radius two corks are fitted in-to the ends of the tube, and the whole is weighed. One cork is then removed, and the tube filled with water. After replacing the cork, the distance between the inner surfaces of the corks is measured, and the tube is again weighed. If w is the increase in weight, that is, the weight of the water column, and L is its length, the mean radius, r lt is given by r,- " where A is the density of the water at the temperature of the experi- ment CHAPTER XVII SOUND 108. Determination of the Pitch of a Tuning Fork by means of a Clock and a Rotating Drum. One method of measuring the number of vibrations a tuning fork makes in a second is to cause the fork to trace a wavy line on a smoked drum by attaching a fine style to one of the prongs, and at the same time making a trace alongside with a second style attached to a small electro-magnet, the circuit of this electro-magnet being broken once every second by the movement of the pendulum of a clock. Since the attachment of a style will slightly lower the pitch of the fork, it is important to use as light a style as possible. The most convenient form of style is a fairly fine pig's bristle, attached to the prong with the M FIG. 113. minimum quantity of soft wax which will make it stick. The drum must be so mounted that as it rotates it is traversed through a distance of between 1 and 2 cm. for each revolution. If the drum is rotated mechanically, and has a diameter of 20 cm., it ought to make a revolution in two seconds, though, of course, the minimum speed to give a legible trace varies with the pitch of the fork. The electro-magnetic style (Fig. 113) must be placed so that its tracing point lies alongside the style attached to the fork, so that the two traces are about half a centimetre apart. If the clock is not fitted with an arrange- ment for making or breaking an electric circuit every second, such an arrangement may be prepared as follows : A short and fairly stout piece of platinum wire is fixed to the bottom of the pendulum, and, if the pendulum rod is of wood or other non-conductor, a fine wire must be run 275 276 SOUND [108 from this platinum point along the pendulum and attached to the clamp which is fixed to the suspension spring. The platinum point makes contact with a thread of mercury, B (Fig. 114) contained in a narrow channel cut in a wooden block. This block is shown in plan at (a), and in section at (b). The groove widens out into a circular pool A, which serves to contain a reserve of mercury. Owing to capillarity the mercury in the groove stands up above the wood, and when the platinum point sweeps through the mercury the circuit containing the electro-magnetic style and a battery is completed, one terminal being connected to the metal frame of the clock, and the other to the mercury in A. If it is found that the platinum poini does not make contact, heat the point to redness and plunge it into mercury, thus amalgamating the point. Then heat the point gently so as to drive off the mercury and replace the wire, being careful not to touch the point with the fingers, and so grease the wire. The fork must be held firmly in a clamp in such a position that the end of the style just touches the surface of the cylinder. The surface of the cylinder may itself be blacked, or a sheet of glazed paper may first be stretched over the surface, the edge being pasted down. To smoke the surface the cylinder must be slowly revolved over the flame of a paraffin lamp, or over some burning turpentine. A thin but uniform coating of soot is to be aimed at. Having bowed the fork, so that it is vibrating strongly, start the drum, and continue the motion as long as the fork gives a trace of sufficient amplitude to be read. Then draw a line parallel to the axis of the cylinder through the point where the first time mark occurs, also through the third or fifth, seventh, &c., according to the length of the trace, and count the number of vibrations which the fork has made between these two marks. The reason for using only every other mark is that the time marks used at the beginning and end should be made by the pendulum when passing through the contact maker in the same direction, for unless the contact is made rigorously at the middle of the swing the intervals between successive passages "will not be equal, though the interval between alternate passages will be so. By dividing the number of vibrations by the time the frequency of the fork with the style attached will be obtained, and it will then be necessary to determine the correction which has to be made to allow for the effect of the style. For this pur- pose obtain a second fork of the same frequency as that being tested, and determine the number of beats made by the two forks in five or ten I 109] FREQUENCY OF A FORK 277 seconds. 1 Also, by slightly loading the auxiliary fork with wax, deter- mine which fork is the sharper. In this way the difference in the pitches of the two forks is obtained. Next remove the style from the fork, and again determine by means of beats the difference in the frequencies. Thus the effect of the style is obtained, and by adding the number of vibrations per second, due to the addition of the style, to that obtained by means of the drum, the frequency of the fork without the style is obtained. The correction obtained in this manner for the effect of the style does not take account of any influence which may be exerted on the period of the fork owing to friction of the style on the drum. If care is taken that the style is very pliable, and that it only rests very lightly on the surface, such an influence on the period will be very small. This point may be investigated by determining the number of beats made by the fork when the style rests against the surface of the drum, the drum being rotated as in the actual experiment, and comparing this number with the number obtained when the style does not touch the surface of the drum. Since the frequency of a fork depends on the temperature, a note of the temperature, t, must be taken when the determination of frequency is made. The frequency at any other temperature, t', can be obtained by means of the following expression, which holds for forks made of ordinary steel : < = n t { l-O'OOO 11 2(f- *)}. A correction would have also to be applied for the rate of the clock if it were excessive, but such rates as ordinarily occur will hardly affect the results obtained, unless extreme accuracy is aimed at. Thus a rate of five seconds a day will necessitate a correction amounting to one part in 17300. A modification of this method which does not necessitate the use of an electro-magnetic style, and a clock with a make-and-break device, has been devised by Koenig. A. second fork is taken, which is also provided with a style, and by loading its prongs it is made to give about four beats per second with the fork to be measured, and the number of beats (a) given per second are accurately determined. The two forks are then caused to record alongside on the rotating drum, and by counting the waves the ratio (b) of the frequencies of the two forks is determined. If, then, T&J is the frequency of one fork, and n. 2 that of the other, we have n^ - n. 2 = a, and njn% = b. Thus al b-l 109. Stroboscopic Method of Measuring the Frequency of a Fork. Two small and light plates, 2 c and D (Fig. 115), are attached to the 1 See also 111. 2 These plates may be made of thin card or aluminium foil. 278 SOUND [ 109 ends of the prongs A and B of the fork. Each of these plates is pierced by a narrow slit, and the plates are so placed that when the fork is at rest the two slits are opposite each other. Thus, when the fork is c- A LA D- B B FIG. 115. sounding, light can only pass through the two slits when the prongs are passing through their position of rest. Hence if n is the frequency of the fork, light will pass through the slits 2n times psr second. A disc on which are painted a number of rows of equidistant dots, as shown in Fig. 116, is mounted on the axle of a small electric motor, and a worm-wheel attached to the motor axle works against the edge of a wheel which has a hundred teeth cut in its circumference. A pin attached to this wheel completes an electric circuit containing a battery and an electric bell once during each revolution of the wheel, that is, for every 100 revolutions of the disc. The disc is placed behind the fork, and the surface is brightly illuminated, and is looked at through the slits attached to the prongs of the fork. An adjustable resistance is placed in the circuit of the motor, so that by altering this resistance the speed of the motor can be varied. Start the fork and set the disc in rotation, and looking at the disc through the slits, gradually increase the speed of th.3 motor till the dots in one of the rings on the disc appear stationary. By adjusting the resistance, or lightly touching the axle of the motor with the finger, keep the speed constant, so that the dots appear at rest, and with a stop-watch or a chronometer beating half seconds determine the time the disc takes to make 500 or 1000 revolutions, that is, the interval corresponding to five or ten strokes of the bell, and from the result obtain the number of revolutions JV the disc makes in one second. Unless the fork is maintained electrically, it will be necessary to bow it lightly every now and then in order to keep up the vibrations. Koenig has shown that such bowing does not affect the phase of the vibrations. FIG. 116. 110] PITCH OF FORK BY MEANS OF A STRING 279 If there are m dots in the ring which appeared stationary, then in one second Nm dots have passed any given point placed near the edge of the disc. Now the reason the row of dots appears stationary is that each time the disc is seen any given dot has moved on, so that it occupies the place previously occupied by the preceding dot. Thus as a dot has moved on one place each time the disc has been seen, it follows that the disc must have been seen mN times in a second. But if n is the frequency of the fork, the disc is seen 2n times in a second. Hence The measurement should be repeated, varying the speed of the motor, so that different rings of dots appear stationary. It is important to make certain that the dots when they appear stationary are at the same distance apart as when the disc is stationary, for if the disc is going at half the right speed the dots will appear stationary, but there will seem to be twice the right number of dots. This is due to the fact that, owing to persistence of vision, we are unable to detect that we only see a dot in each position every alternate time we see the disc. By placing a piece of card near the edge of the disc, and making two marks on this card at a distance apart equal to the distance between the dots, it will be at once apparent if the disc is turning too slowly. Similarly, if the disc is turning twice or three times too fast the dots will still appear stationary, for now between each view of the disc each dot will have moved up two, three, &c., places. By watching the disc as the motor gains speed, however, it is easy to make certain of picking out the lowest speed at which the right number of dots is seen. A correction will have to be applied to allow for the effect of the metal plates attached to the prongs if the fork is to be used without these plates. The method of determining the correction is similar to that described in the last section. The temperature of the fork must also be noted. A modification of the above method, which does not involve attaching anything to the prongs of the fork, consists in replacing the disc with dots by a disc with a number of equally spaced narrow radial slits near the circumference. This disc is placed near the fork, and the extremity of the prong is examined through the slits in the disc, which is rotated by a motor as in the previous method. When the interval between the passage of successive slits past the eye is equal to the periodic time of the fork, the fork, though sounding, will appear to be at rest. Thus by noting the time taken by the disc to make, say, 500 revolutions, the frequency of the fork can at once be deduced. 110. Measurement of the Pitch of a Fork by means of a String. When a string of length I is stretched by a tension T, the mass of unit 280 SOUND [110 length of the string being m, the frequency of the note produced when the string is sounding its fundamental is given by or _ * I T ~2/V m' I I~T " = 2V J (a) where M is the mass of a length I of the string. When using a string to measure the pitch of a note, it is better to use a monochord which can be hung against the wall than one which is placed horizontal and in which the string passes over a pulley, since, owing to the friction of the pulley, the tension in the horizontal portion of the string is never the same as that in the vertical portion. A form of monochord which can be easily made in the laboratory is shown in Fig. 117. The bridge A is v fixed, and the movable bridge B, shown I on a larger scale at (a), is about 2 millimetres higher than A. The tops of the bridges are formed of a piece of brass wire formed into a staple and driven into the wood. This wire is then filed to a knife-edge. Take a length of steel piano wire having a diameter of about 0*5 mm., and soften about 2 inches at either end by heating in a flame. Turn the softened end into a loop, and attach one loop to the pin of the monochord, and hang a weight of about 10 kilos from the other. Adjust the movable bridge till the note given by the wire is in unison with the fork, and measure with a scale the dis- tance between the two bridges. Repeat the observation several times, and then alter the weight, and again repeat. While the weight is still attached to the wire make two light file marks on the wire at a distance apart about equal to that used when in unison with the fork, and then, having measured the dis- tance between the two marks, cut the wire at these points and weigh, thus obtaining the weight of unit length of the wire. The tension FIG. 117. 111] FREQUENCY OF TWO FORKS 281 of the wire is obtained by multiplying the stretching weight in grams by g (981). Inserting the values for m, I, and T, calculate the frequency of the fork by the formula given above. When tuning the string to unison with the fork the length of the wire should be varied till beats are heard, and then the position of the movable bridge adjusted till these beats vanish. The position of unison should be approached both by lengthening the wire and by shortening it. When unison is attained, on striking the fork and bringing the end of the stem in contact with the base of the monochord the wire will be set into violent motion, owing to resonance, and if difficulty is found in finding the position for unison by ear, this resonance effect may be used to detect the point at which unison is attained. 111. Comparison of the Frequency of Two Forks. The method of comparing the frequency of two forks by tracing curves on a smoked drum has already been described on p. 277. This method is applicable, however large the interval between the forks. When the frequencies of the forks do not differ from each other by more than about four vibrations per second, then this difference may most conveniently be deduced from the number of beats. Take two forks which give about four beats per second, and having fixed them firmly in a stand, bow them, and count the number of beats in twenty or thirty seconds, and thus obtain the number of beats per second, that is, the difference in the frequency of the forks. To ascertain which fork has the lower frequency attach a very small pellet of wax to the prong of one fork, and again determine the number of beats per second. If there are more beats than before the attachment of the wax, it follows that the loaded fork was that of lower pitch, since further lowering its pitch by loading has increased the difference between the pitches of the forks. If loading reduces the number of beats, the loaded fork was the higher. If the forks to be compared are fitted with mirrors, then Lissajous' figures form a convenient method of comparing the frequency of the forks. This method can be applied when the ratios of the frequencies of the forks do not differ from the ratio of any two simple whole numbers by more than about four vibrations per second. The forks are supported in clamps, with their mirrors turned towards each other and their planes of vibration at right angles. A small hole is pierced in a piece of card and placed before a source of light, and the image of this hole, seen after reflection in succession in the two mirrors, is examined by means of a low powered telescope. On setting the forks in motion the spot of light seen in the telescope will trace out the figure corresponding to the ratio of the frequencies of the forks, and if the ratio is not exactly correct, the figure will in turn take all the forms corre- sponding to this ratio, according as the relative phases of the two simple harmonic motions alters. The time taken to go through a complete series of changes is the interval in which the phase of the quicker fork has gained a whole vibration on the lower. Thus suppose that the 282 SOUND [112 figures traced out are those shown in Fig. 118, that is, that the frequencies of the forks are nearly as 2 to 3. If, then, the whole series of figures is gone through in x seconds, and if n l is the frequency of the higher fork, and n. 2 that of the lower, so that njn^ is very nearly 3/2, FIG. 118. then during the interval x one fork will make n^x vibrations, and the other n. 2 x vibrations. During this interval the higher fork has either made one more vibration or one less vibration than 3/2 times the number made by the slower. Hence we have w i x _l = ? o' iiijtj & or n. } In order to^ determine whether to take the plus or minus sign, slightly load the higher fork, and thus lower its frequency. If x in- creases, this shows that reducing n^ brings the forks more nearly to the interval 3/2, and hence we must take the plus sign, and vice versa. This method is very convenient for adjusting the pitches of two forks to give any desired interval, so long as this interval can be expressed by the ratio of two whole numbers, neither of which differ much from unity. If a vibration microscope * is available, then this method can be applied to compare the frequency of the fork of the microscope with that of any other fork, and it will not be necessary to attach a mirror or style to the fork, and thus alter its period. 112. Measurement of the Velocity of Sound in Air by Resonance. If /\ is the wave-length in air of the sound produced by a fork of fre- quency 7i, then, on bringing the fork near the mouth of a tube closed at the other end, there will be strong resonance if the length of the tube is equal to ; ' t &c. ; subject to a small corrction to allow for the fact that in such a tube the first loop is not exactly at the open end of the tube. Since, however, if we use tubes of the same diameter, the correction x for the end will be the same for two tubes having lengths 1 See Watson's Physics, % 304. 112] VELOCITY OF SOUND IN AIR 283 of A/4 - x and 3 A/4 - x respectively, the difference in the two lengths will be equal to A/2, and the unknown correction for the end will be eliminated. A convenient arrangement for applying this method of measuring the wave-length in air of the note given by a fork is shown in Fig. 119. It consists of an upright metal tube A supported on a firm base, and fitted at its upper end with a glass window B. A narrower brass tube c, which is open at both ends, is supported within the tube A by means of three cords, which, after passing over pulleys D, are attached to a lead counterpoise E. The tube A is filled with water up to about the middle of the window, the water serving to close the lower end of the tube c. By holding the sounding-fork ove'r the open end of c and moving this tube up and down, so as to alter the length of the column of air contained within the tube, the positions at which the resonance is a maximum can be determined. The lengths of the tube corresponding to these posi- tions can be read off on a scale divided in millimetres which is engraved on the outside of the tube c, the top end of this tube F 1Gi 119. being at the zero of the scale. By deducting the reading of the scale . corresponding to the shortest column which is in resonance with the fork from the readings corresponding to the other positions of resonance, the lengths of A/ 2, A, 3 A/2, ttc., as the case may be, will be obtained, and the mean value of A can be calculated. Knowing the wave-length, the velocity of sound in the air at the tem- perature of the experiment is given by v = X.N. t To obtain the velocity in dry air at C., this'result will have to be corrected (1) to allow for the effect of the moisture present on the density, and (2) to reduce to 0. To apply the correction for moisture, we require to know the humidity of the air. In the experiment as described above, we may suppose that the air is saturated and at the temperature of the water. 1 If 8 is the density of dry air at 760 mm. pressure and at the temperature t of the experiment (Table 4), and e is the vapour pressure of water at the same 1 If the air is not saturated, then the quantity c in equation (1) will be the actual vapour pressure of the moisture present in the air. 284 SOUND [113 temperature (Table 14), then the density of the moist air at t and a pressure of 760 mm. is given by j, = 760-0-378e But if v is the velocity of sound in dry air at 0, and v t is the velocity in air, of which the density is 8 tt we have (see next section) * < S > Hence the observed velocity v t can be reduced to 0, and dry air by means of equations (1) and (2). 113. Measurement of the Velocity of Sound in a Gas by Kundt's Method. The apparatus used in this experiment consists of a glass tube CD (Fig. 120), having a diameter of about 4 centimetres and a length of about 2 metres, closed at one end by a tightly fitting cork D. A glass tube FIG. 120. about 180 centimetres long passes through this cork, so that it is sup- ported at its mid point. The end A of this tube is furnished with a small card disc, which has a diameter a few millimetres less than the inside of the tube CD. The end c of the large tube can be closed by a piston E, consisting of a cork, round the outside of which a strip of chamois leather is glued ; this piston can be moved in and out by the rod F. The tube CD must be thoroughly dried by heating it over a flame and blowing air through with a bellows, and then a narrow streak of well- dried lycopodium powder is poured down the tube. This can be done by inclining the tube and pouring the lycopodium from the blade of a knife, the tube being tapped to cause the powder to run down. The tube is then rested in a horizontal position on two V blocks, and the rod AB is fixed in place. Starting with the piston E at the extremity c of the tube, the rod AB is caused to vibrate longitudinally by stroking with a clamp cloth, while the piston is gradually moved in till strong vibrations are set up in the air inside the tube, which is manifest by the lycopodium being strongly agitated, and the formation of groups of characteristic ridges. When this resonance takes place, the piston E will be at a node and the disc A at a loop of the stationary vibrations set up in the gas in the tube, while the transverse ridges will be at the loops, the distance bi-twci-n jcoj^e^utive_loQps_ being equal to half the wave-length of tlie"note pro- duced by the rod AB in the gas. Measure the distance between the end 113] VELOCITY OF SOUND IN A GAS 285 groups of ridges, and by dividing by the number of intervals get the mean value for half a wave-length, twice this quantity being the wave- length. The temperature of the gas must also be noted, for which purpose a thermometer is placed alongside the tube. To obtain the velocity, we require to know the frequency of the waves as well as the wave-length. To measure the frequency of the note given by the rod, determine the length of the wire of a monochord in unison with the rod, and also that, in unison with a fork of known pitch, and from the relation that the frequencies of two notes given by a stretched string, the tension being constant, are inversely proportional to the lengths, calculate the frequency n of the note given by ( the rod. Then the velocity v of sound in the gas at the temperature of the experiment is given by v t = nX, the velocity at being given by v = v t (l- 0-00183*). When measuring the velocity in gases other than air, the gas can be fed into the apparatus through a tube which acts as the handle for moving the piston E, while an exit tube is fitted through the cork which closes the end D of the outside tube. Unless the gas is quite dry it will be necessary to pass the gas through a series of drying tubes before pass- ing into the instrument, as a minute trace of moisture is sufficient to prevent the lycopodium powder moving freely, and thus indicating the position of the loops. If it is only wished to compare the velocity of sound in two gases, then it will not be necessary to measure the frequency of the rod AB, for the velocities will be proportional to the wave-lengths in the two gases. By surrounding the tube DC with a larger tube, and passing a current of steam through the space between the two tubes, it is possible to determine the ratio of the velocity of sound at 100 to that at ordinary temperatures, and thus obtain the rate at which the velocity changes with temperature. The change of velocity with temperature may, however, be at once calculated from the coefficient of expansion of the gas. If v t is the velocity of sound in a gas at a temperature #, the density at this tempera- ture being p and k is the ratio of the specific heats, we have If v n and /) are the values of the velocity and density at 0, then r^M 286 SOUND [ 114 where a (-00366) is the coefficient of expansion of a gas. Hence pk p (l - at) CHAPTER XX INTERFERENCE 127. Measurement of the Wave - length of Light with Fresnel's Biprism. Fresnel's biprism is a method of obtaining interference fringes between waves of light which, having started from the same point of the source, traverse slightly different paths and then meet. The theory of the biprism follows at once from a consideration of Fig. 137. If pis the source of light, then after passing through the biprism AB the light which has passed through the two halves of the prism will travel as if it came B FIG. 137. from the two virtual images p' and P" respectively. If a screen is placed at DE, then at the point o, which is on the straight line drawn through the source of light and the centre of the biprism, the two trains of waves will always be in the same phase, and will therefore strengthen each other. At a point Q at a distance x from o there will be interference, owing to the two trains of waves reaching Q in opposite phases, if P"Q exceeds P'Q by an odd number of half wave-lengths, that is, if Calling the distance PO between the source and the screen D, and the distance P'P" between the images 2d, we have and Hence 316 127] MEASUREMENT OF WAVE-LENGTH OF LIGHT 317 or since .r + d is always very small compared to D In the same way Hence 'P'Q or if there is interference at Q or Now the distance between consecutive interference bands is obtained by giving to n the values of two consecutive integers, and obtaining the difference in x. Calling the distance between the bands y we get y = \D,'2d, x 2d or n^' Thus to obtain the wave-length we have to measure the distance between the bands, the distance between the source of light and the screen, and the distance between the virtual images formed by the biprism. To carry out the measurement we shall require a narrow slit to form the source of M FIG. 138. light, an adjustable upright to carry the biprism, and a micrometer eye- piece to measure the distance between the bands. In addition, a convex 318 INTERFERENCE [ 127 lens will be required to assist in measuring the distance between the images. A form of optical bench suitable for this purpose is shown in Fig. 138. It consists of a strong metal bed AB, along which can slide a number of uprights which are used to carry the slit, biprism, &c. There is a scale attached to this bed, and verniers attached to the uprights serve to read the positions of these uprights. Two of the uprights, c and D, are fitted with metal jaws, which serve to clamp the slit, biprism, &c., while a third upright E carries a micrometer M. This micrometer consists of a vertical cross-wire and a positive or Ramsden's eye-piece. The eye-piece and the cross- wire can be moved in a direction at right angles to the length of the bed by means of a micrometer screw. There is a fourth upright F, which carries the convex lens L. The upright D, which carries the biprism p, has a slide and screw by means of which it can be moved in a direction at right angles to the bed. When making a measurement, the following adjustments have to be made : 1 . Focus the eye-piece on the cross-wire, and turn it till it is vertical. Then place the lens between the slit and the eye-piece, and adjust till an image of the slit is seen in the eye-piece. Turn the slit about a horizontal axis till the slit is parallel to the cross-wire. To allow of this adjustment being made, the jaws which carry the slit (as also those which carry the biprism) can be rotated about a horizontal axis by means of a tangent screw T. 2. Move the eye-piece up to the slit and adjust them to the same vertical height, at the same time adjusting the micrometer slide perpen- dicular to the length of the bed. 3. Place the biprism in the jaws of the upright, and adjust so that the prism is at the same height as the slit, and the plane face is at right angles to the length of the bed. 4. Having illuminated the slit, which should be narrow, with sodium light, on looking through the eye-piece indistinct bands will probably be seen. If no bands are visible, move the upright carrying the biprism at right angles to the bed till the bands appear. Turn the biprism about a horizontal axis by means of the tangent screw till the bands appear as distinct as possible. When this occurs, the refracting edge of the biprism will be parallel to the slit. 5. Draw the upright which carries the eye-piece away from the biprism, and observe whether the bands appear to travel across the field of view. If they do, adjust the positions of the biprism and the cross- wire in directions at right angles to the bed till such a transverse motion on moving back the eye-piece no longer takes place. When this adjust- ment is complete, the line joining the slit to the refracting edge of the biprism will be parallel to the scale along the bed. The preliminary adjustments are now complete, but before proceeding to measure the distance between the bands it will be convenient to deter- mine the distance between the slit and the focal plane of the eye-piece, i.e. the plane of the cross- wire. For this purpose remove the upright 127] MEASUREMENT OF WAVE-LENGTH OF LIGHT 319 which carries the biprism, taking care not to disturb the adjustments of this latter. Also remove the cap which carries the cross-wire, leaving the eye-piece in place. Then hold one end of a metal rod about 20 cm. long against the middle of the slit, and move the upright which carries the eye-piece till the other end of the rod is in focus when seen through the eye-piece. Measure the length a of the rod, and take the readings on the scale corresponding to the uprights which carry the slit and eye-piece. If the difference between these readings is b, then the correction which has to be added to the distance as given by the readings on the scale to obtain the true distance will be a b. Having replaced the upright which carries the biprism and readjusted the cross- wire, it will be necessary to adjust the width of the slit so that the bands may be as distinct as possible. If the slit is too wide, only a few bands of varying width will be seen ; these are diffraction bands, and at present we are not concerned with them. On narrowing the slit the diffraction bands will be less obvious, while the interference bands due to the biprism will become more distinct. If, however, the slit is made too narrow, the light will be so feeble that the bands will be difficult to see. To obtain good measurements it is necessary to use a bright source of light. It will be found a great advantage to mount a convex lens of about 4 cm. diameter and 3 cm. focal length so as to form an image of the flame on the slit. Take the reading on the micrometer corresponding to every fifth or tenth bright band right across the field, and by dividing the readings into two groups in the method described on p. 100, calculate the mean distance between consecutive bands. The distance between the bright bands is the same as that between the dark bands, and since it is easier to see the cross-wire when it is at the centre of a bright band, it will be found best to measure the distance between the bright bands. To measure the distance between the images place the convex lens l between the biprism and the eye-piece, taking care not to alter the relative positions of the slit and biprism. The eye-piece having been removed to a distance from the slit greater than four times the focal length of the lens there will be found two positions for the lens, in each of which a sharp pair of images of the slit are formed. The distance between the images in either position must be measured with the micrometer. Let these distances be c x and c 2 . Then the distance between the virtual images formed by the biprism is given by 2d= ^/CjCg. This follows at once, for if in the first position of the lens the distance 1 It will be found of advantage to cover the lens with a disc of paper having a hole of about 5 mm. diameter pierced in the centre, so that only the central part of the fens is used. In this way, and using monochromatic light, good images will be obtained with a single piece lens. Care must be taken that the axis of the lens is parallel to the bed. 320 INTERFERENCE [ 128 between the lens and the slit is d^ and the distance between the lens and the cross-wires is d. 2 , we have In the second position, in the same way 2d = d 2 C 2 ~d l ' 2d c 9 Hence = ' With a very narrow obstacle these internal bands spread out beyond the limits of the geometrical shadow. 324 INTERFERENCE [ 130 The inverse operation may, however, often be more convenient ; that is, knowing the wave-length of the light, we may use the bands to measure the diameter of the wire. This is the principle on which Young's Eriometer depends. 3. Diffraction by a Slit. Using one slit as a source, mount a second slit at a distance of about 60 cm., and examine the fringes with the eye- piece at different distances. When the slit is fairly broad, and the eye-piece is near the slit, a system of unequally spaced bands will be seen within the geometrical image. There is also an external system, so long as the slit is not too broad, in which the bands are equally spaced. If the slit is made very narrow the internal system will disappear, while the external system will be mdre widely separated. If c is the width of the slit, and b the distance between the slit and the focal plane of the eye-piece, the distance between consecutive bands is Since it is very difficult to accurately measure the width of the slit, these bands can hardly be used to measure the wave-lengths. They do, however, form a means of measuring the width of the slit, which may on occasion be of service. A convenient way of observing and measuring the diffraction bands due to a slit is to use a spectrometer. Focus the telescope and collimator for parallel light, and mount an adjustable slit on the table with its length parallel to the slit of the collimator. Using sodium light, measure the angle subtended by five or six of the diffraction bands, and dividing this angle by the number of intervals obtain the angle between two consecutive bright bands or, what is the same thing, between two consecutive dark bands. It can at once be shown that this angle is equal to the angle 6 between the central bright band and the first dark band. Calculate from your result and the wave-length of sodium light the width of the slit, and compare the number obtained with the width as determined by direct measurement with a micrometer micro- scope. Repeat the measurements for different widths of slit. 130. On the Localisation of Interference Fringes. Since inter- ference fringes are often employed for the purpose of measuring small lengths, it will be worth while considering the position such fringes appear to occupy in some detail ; that is, supposing we have a set of fringes produced by some arrangement, and it is desired to examine the fringes in a telescope, on what point are we to focus the telescope 1 From the point of view of the measurement of length the fringes which are of importance are those which are produced by a thin film, which in practice is always an air film between two glass surfaces. The following method of investigating the problem is due to Edser : T 1 Light for Students, by E. Edser (Macmillan). 130] LOCALISATION OF INTERFERENCE FRINGES 325 Let AB and CD (Fig. 140) be the surfaces of the air film, these surfaces being inclined to one another at an angle 0. Then if IM is a ray incident on the first surface at an angle a, it will be partly reflected FIG. 140. along MR and partly refracted along ML, the angle NML being /?. This refracted ray is reflected at L, refracted at M 2 , and finally proceeds along M 2 R. From M 2 draw M 2 F perpendicular to MR, M 2 E perpendicular to ML, and M 2 HG perpendicular to CD, and produce ML to meet this line 326 INTERFERENCE [ 130 at G. Calling the angle of incidence at L /?', and the refractive index of the material above AB u we have MF= J/J/ 2 sin a ME = j/F 2 sin and sin /2 = ^ sin a. Hence ~ and thus ME and MF are equal optical paths. Thus the difference in optical length of the paths MLM 2 R and MR is EL + LM^. But the triangles M 2 LH, GLH being equal, LG is equal LM 2 , and hence the difference in optical length is EG. But EG = M 2 G cos M 2 GE, and the angle M 2 GE is equal to /?', since M 2 G and N'L are each perpendicular to CD. Thus If we call the thickness M 2 H of the film T, we have that the difference in optical length of the two paths which meet at R is IT cos ft'. Taking account of the fact that there is a 1 change of phase l of A/2 at the reflection at M I} we shall get an interference band at R if (1) and we may consider that this relation fixes the value of ($' for any given band, and the values of ft' for the different bands are obtained by giving to n the values 1, 2, 3, 4, &c. If we now suppose /3' given, we may obtain an expression for the position of R. Let < be the angle MRM 2 , and D the distance M 9 E, then we have from the triangle MM 2 R sin (7T/2 - a) cos a and from the triangle MM 2 G MM. 2 M 2 sin (7T/2 - P) _cos j ^ > ~ siiL/^' ~~amfS' T^ iif~^n n m cos a sin 13' Hence D = M^R = 27' J: . sin

= a - or since a = /3//x = (/?' + 0)/p Hence D = 1 - .......... (2) u Remembering that /?' is given by equation (1), equation (2) shows that if T is very small, i.e. the air film is very thin, then D is very small also, unless is exactly zero ; that is, the interference bands apparently coincide with the film, and to see them an observer's eye, or a telescope, should be focused on the film. If 6 = 0, and T is not infinitely small, then D = oo, and the bands appear to be at an infinite distance, and the observing telescope should be focused for parallel rays. If is small, while T is considerable, the value of D will vary rapidly with /?'. Now, if K is the object-glass of the observing telescope, and R' is the conjugate focus of B,, any phase difference which exists at R. will be reproduced at R', and hence if there is interference at R there will be interference at R', and R' will be a point on one of the interference bands seen in the telescope. If the neighbouring band is seen at R", then by drawing a similar figure, in which the difference in phase is now A greater than that at K, we should find that the rays which interfere are incident on AB and CD at a different angle, i.e. ft' would be different. But if /3' is different, D will be different, and hence all the interference bands cannot be in focus at the same time. Again, suppose that while 6 remains constant T is varied, as is the case in the Michelson interferometer ( 131), then D will also vary, and, therefore, the focus of the observing telescope will have to be continually altered unless 6 is zero ; that is, the film of air is parallel sided. 131. Michelson's Interferometer. The principle on which this instrument depends is as follows : A ray of light is incident in the direction 10 (Fig. 141) on a parallel sided plate of glass G 1 . Part of the light passes straight through this plate and through a similar plate G 2 , and is reflected back at a plane mirror M r On again reaching the 328 INTERFERENCE [ 131 surface of the plate G I part of this light will be reflected in the direction OR r Part of the incident beam, instead of passing through the plate G p will be reflected at its second surface, and will reach the mirror M 2 . Here it will be reflected, and part passing through the plate G l will travel in the direction R 2 . Thus the incident ray of light has been split up into two rays which, having traversed different paths, are finally brought FIG. 141. back to traverse the same path. In the figure the reflected rays from the mirrors M X and M 2 are shown slightly displaced so as to avoid confusion. In reality the rays RJ and R 3 coincide. The object of the plate G.> is that by its introduction the two rays traverse exactly the same thickness of glass, otherwise the light reflected from the mirror M x would only traverse the glass plate once, while that reflected in the mirror M 2 would do so three times. The two systems of waves, which have traversed the two paths, are in such a condition that they can interfere, and thus a system of inter- ference bands will be seen on looking in the direction RjO'. If one of the mirrors, say, M 15 can be moved parallel to itself the bands will appear to move, and it is evident that a movement of the mirror through a distance of A/2 will cause the displacement of each band into the -position previously occupied by the adjacent band. A form of Michelson interferometer is shown in Fig. 142. One of the mirrors, M p is carried on a carriage A, which moves along carefully worked ways planed on the bed. This carriage is moved by means of a fine micrometer screw. A divided head B is attached to the screw, and a tangent screw c allows of the micrometer screw being rotated slowly ; at the same time a divided head attached to the tangent screw serves for the determination of the fractions of a division of the scale on B. The second mirror, M 2 , is capable of slight rotation about a vertical and hori- zontal axis by means of the screws F and E. The points of these screws do not press directly against the mirror or its frame, but against two small springs which are attached to the frame. The frame itself is carried by a small horizontal metal pillar, which is screwed to an upright attached to 131] MIOHELSON'S INTERFEROMETER 329 the bed. The pressure of the screws against the springs cause this pillar to bend slightly, and thus the plane of the mirror is moved. This arange- ment allows of a very delicate adjustment of the plane of the mirror, for, owing to the elasticity of the springs, the frame does not move through anything like the distance through which the points of the screws are moved. The glass plate G 2 is also carried on a pillar attached FIG. 142. to the bed, and a screw D, with a divided head acting on a spring attached to the support, serves to give this glass plate a small rotation about a vertical axis. Adjustment of the Interferometer. By means of a scale or pair of dividers adjust the movable mirror M x so that it is at the same distance from G I as is the fixed mirror M.,. Place either a bright sodium flame s or a white light at the principal focus of the lens L, and fix a fine needle point between the lens and G r Four images of the needle point will in general be seen, two formed by reflection in each of the mirrors M X and M 2 . This is owing to the fact that light is reflected from both sides of the glass plate GJ, the way in which the four images are formed being indicated in Fig. 143. Inter- ference can take place when either of the reflected beams (1) and (2) coincide with either (3) or (4). When (2) coincides with (3) the inter- fering beams have traversed equal thicknesses of glass. When, however, (1) coincides with (4), one beam (4) has traversed five times the thick- 330 INTERFERENCE [131 ness of glass traversed by the other (1). Hence it is (2) and (3) that should be brought together, and the screws at the back of the mirror M 9 must be adjusted till these two images are exactly superposed. It is easy by screening either of the mirrors with a card to see which pair belong to the adjustable mirror. When this adjustment has been care- fully made, monochromatic light must be used at s, when the fringes ought to be visible. If they are not visible, and a slight alteration in the adjustment of MJ does not bring them into view, the setting with the needle point must be repeated. We may look upon Michelson's instrument as being an arrangement in which interference takes place in the film of air inclosed between the mirror M 1 and the image of the mirror M 2 formed by reflection in the FIG. 143. 58 plate G r Now, when the mirror M 2 is adjusted so that its image is parallel to M I} the interference fringes will be circles, with their centres at the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the observer's eye to the mirror M r The air film having parallel sides, it follows, from what has been said in the preceding section, that the fringes are at infinity, and hence an observing telescope should be adjusted for parallel rays. If the image of M 2 is inclined at a finite angle to M I? then the fringes are approximately arcs of circles, having their centres on a line perpendicular to the line of intersection of the image and mirror. The greater the value of #, the narrower will be the bands. In this case the apparent position of the bands will depend on and the thickness of the air film, and will vary as this thickness varies. Hence as M X is 131] MICHELSON'S INTERFEROMETER 331 moved, the focus of the observing telescope will need to be continually altered if the bands are to appear as sharp as possible. For this reason it is advisable whenever possible to use the circular bands corresponding to = 0. By altering the adjusting screws at the back of the mirror M 2 , any desired form of bands can be obtained. Since with white light there are only a few fringes formed, these will only appear when the optical length of the two paths are exactly equal. The most convenient way of finding the position of the movable mirror for which the paths are equal is to adjust M 2 so that the fringes are arcs of very large circles. It will then be found, as the carriage is moved backwards and forwards, that the direction of the curvature of the fringes changes when the carriage passes through a certain position. Note the reading on the tangent screw and on the scale B when the fringes are just perceptibly curved, first in one direction and then in the other. Having placed a source of white light at s, move the carriage very slowly from one of the positions just found to the other, when the inter- ference bands will be seen to sweep across the field. The movement must be very slow, otherwise the bands will pass across so rapidly as not to be noticed. For this reason it is not a bad plan to leave the sodium flame in place, putting the source of white light just behind it. By watching the motion of the sodium fringes, the speed at which the tangent screw is turned can then be regulated, and, what is also of importance, the eye can be kept focused on the bands. When making measurements with the interferometer, using straight fringes, it will be necessary to observe the fringes with a low-power telescope fitted with a cross-wire, so as to provide some fixed point with reference to which the movement of the fringes can be noted. (a) To determine the pitch of the screw of the interferometer in terms of the wave-length of sodium light. Adjust the mirror to give circular fringes, and move the carriage towards G l till the fringes begin to get indistinct, and read the position of the scale B and the tangent screw. Then slowly move the carriage away from G 15 counting the number of fringes which vanish at the centre till the screw has made about one whole turn, and again read the scale and the tangent screw. If n fringes have vanished, the distance through which the carriage has moved is n\/2. Hence if the screw has made x turns, as given by the reading at the commencement and end, the pitch of the screw is n/2x times the wave-length of sodium light. (b) A stage micrometer divided, say, into tenths and hundredths of a millimetre can be calibrated by use of the interferometer by attaching the micrometer to the carriage and clamping a microscope to the bed so that it can be focused on the scale. Then by counting the number of fringes which vanish while the scale is moved, so that the cross-wire of the microscope coincides in turn with each of the divisions of the scale, the distance between successive divisions in terms of the wave-length of sodium light is at once obtained. By using a mercury tube or lamp and the arrangement shown in 332 INTERFERENCE [ 132 Fig. 136, the wave-lengths of the mercury lines can be used in place of the sodium. (c) The interferometer may be used to examine whether a given source of light produces strictly monochromatic light, or whether, say, light of two nearly identical wave-lengths, as also to determine in such a case the difference in the wave-lengths of the two lines. Either the yellow lines of mercury or the sodium lines may be employed for this purpose. Suppose that we adjust the instrument to give approximately straight bands, and start with the two paths of the interferometer of equal length, that is, with the central band produced with white light on the cross-wire, and that we use a source of light the spectrum of which consists of two neighbouring lines A and B, having wave-lengths \ a and A 6 . Each of these kinds of light will produce a set of interfer- ence bands, and these two sets will coincide in the position in which the paths are equal. If, now, we increase one of the paths by moving back the movable mirror, since the wave-length of the two lights are different, so that the bands due to the smaller wave-length are nearer together than those due to the other, it follows that the agreement between the two sets of fringes will gradually be lost. Thus, after a certain time, a bright band for one system will coincide with a dark band for the other, and hence, if the two lines are equally bright, one set of fringes will exactly destroy the other, and no fringes will be seen. On further increasing the difference in the two paths, the fringes will gradually reappear and get more and more distinct, till finally there is exactly one whole wave-length more of the system A than of the system B in the distance by which the one path has been increased. Hence if the movable mirror has been moved through a distance d between two maxima of distinctness of the bands the increase of path is 2cZ, and the number of waves of the system A in this distance is 2d/X a , and the number of waves in the system B is 2d/\b. Hence as there is one more wave in the system A than in the system B we have 2^_2d_ ~~~ A* ~2d Examine by this method the yellow light given by a mercury tube, and determine the distance through which the carriage has to be moved between consecutive maxima of the bands, and taking the value of X a from the table on p. 309, calculate X. b . Repeat the experiment, using sodium light. 132. Newton's Rings. If a convex lens, having a radius of curva- ture of R, is placed in contact with a plane surface of glass, and the point of contact examined, there will be seen a system of rings both when the transmitted light and the reflected light is examined. If white light is 132] NEWTON'S KINGS 333 used, only a few rings, and these coloured, will be visible. With mono- chromatic light, however, a large number of rings are visible. These rings are due to the interference produced in the air film between the two glass surfaces. The theory of these rings is given in books on light (see Watson's Physics, 379), and it is shown that in the case of the transmitted light, which falls normally on the plane surface, the radii r of the successive dark rings are given by where A' is the wave-length of the light in the medium between the surfaces, and n is any whole number. If A is the wave-length in air, and the medium between the surfaces has a refractive index /x, then Hence for the dark rings we have Similarly the radii of the bright rings, are given by In general the medium between the surfaces is air, so that /x = 1 . Hence knowing R we can determine the wave-length of the light by measuring the diameters of the rings, or conversely, knowing A we can obtain R. In the case of reflected light, the angle of incidence being ft, we have f j i / 9 n\R tor dark rings r* = - ^ : cos/3 for bright rings r' n 2 = < 2 * + - 2 cos p where the symbols have the same meaning as before. If in place of using a plane surface a concave surface of radius R' greater than R is employed, then the radii of the dark rings are given by Transmitted light r* = A { 2 { Reflected light /* - - wX | cos f3 I The formulae given above are not in general applicable, since it is impos- sible to be certain (1) that the lens and plate are in contact at the centre ; and (2) if they are in contact, that there is no deformation of the surfaces 334 INTERFERENCE [ 133 at the point of contact due to the pressure employed to keep them in con- tact. This difficulty is got over by measuring the diameters of two rings, say, the #th and the (x + n)fh. In the case of the dark rings by trans- mitted light we then have, if d Q and d n are the diameters, Hence in which expression it is no longer necessary to know the number of the rings being used, but only the number of rings between the two of which the diameters have been measured. Similarly for reflected light we have d n 2 - d$ n\R . r^ ^ 4 cos p and for the case of two lenses in contact Transmitted nX. = - n 7 I D~TV Reflected 133. Measurement of the Wave-length of Light by Newton's Rings. Either the transmitted or reflected system of rings can be used to deduce the wave-length of the light. Since, however, it is difficult to measure the angle of incidence /? if the reflected system is used, an arrangement allowing normal incidence to be employed is advisable. The advantage in using the reflected system is that the dark rings are much darker than is the case in the transmitted system, for in this latter, owing to the light which has suffered two reflections being very much more feeble than that which has passed straight through the film, the inter- ference is only partial, and the rings are by no means black. An arrangement which will allow of the reflected system being ex- amined with normal incidence is shown in Fig. 144. It consists of a small wooden box A open on two sides and the top. A piece of plate glass B, selected by the method described in 142, is cemented into a groove cut in one of the sides so as to be at an angle of 45 with the horizontal. 134] LIMIT OF RESOLUTION OF A TELESCOPE 335 The inside of the box is blacked, and the plane plate of glass c and the lens D are placed on the bottom. A Bunsen flame s, coloured with common salt, and a lens L serve to supply the light, which is reflected downwards by the glass plate B. A travelling microscope M serves to measure the diameters of the rings. The lens D may be M L FIG. 144. a piano - convex lens having a focal length of about 100 centi- metres. When performing an experiment, first measure the radius of curvature of the lens D, either with a sphero- meter ( 15), an optical lever ( 23), or by one of the optical methods given in 142. Then very carefully clean the surface of the lens and of the piece of plate glass c, and having placed the lens in contact with the glass, fix them together with some soft wax so that the centre of the rings seen is near the centre of the lens. Since in this case the thickness of the air film used is small, and the angle between the two surfaces enclosing the film is not zero, or even very small, the rings appear as if located within the film ( 130). Hence if the microscope M is focused on a speck of dust or mark on the upper surface of the plate c the rings will be seen, and then the focus can be adjusted till they appear most distinct. It will generally be found advisable to place a screen to cut off stray light, and the lens L may with advantage be placed over a hole in this screen. Measure the diameters of one of the broad rings near the centre which can easily be identified. Then count out either ten or twenty rings and measure the diameter of this ring, and obtain the value of the wave-length of the light by the formula given in the preceding section. 134. Diffraction through a Slit and Limit of Eesolution of a Telescope. Suppose that a slit of breadth AB (Fig. 145) equal to a is placed before the object glass L of a telescope, and that a parallel beam of monochromatic light falls on the slit, the axis of the telescope OP being parallel to the direction of the incident light. Then if a screen is placed at the focal plane QPQ' of the lens, since all parts of the wave-front AB will reach p in the same phase, there will be a bright band formed passing through P. On either side of this bright band, which represents the image of the slit of the collimator used to produce the parallel beam of light, there will be a series of alternate dark and bright bands. Suppose that Q is the centre of the first dark band. Then if QOM is drawn 336 INTERFERENCE 134 through the centre of the lens, and AB' is drawn through A perpendicular to MQ, if AB' were a wave-front all parts of this wave would reach Q in the same phase. Hence if instead of being a wave-front so that all parts of AB' are in the same phase the different parts of AB' are in different phases, then the disturbances which reach Q from AB 7 will be in different phases, but the relation between the phases at Q will be the same as that which exists between the phases of the different parts of AB'. If, now, BB' is FIG. 145. equal to A, where A, is the wave-length of the light, the disturbances which start from A and B' will be in the same phase, but the disturbances which leave the intermediate points will differ from the phases of these two points by amounts varying from to 2?r. Hence by dividing AB' into two parts there will always be an element in one half which sends a disturbance to Q, which is exactly opposite in phase to the disturbance sent to Q by the corresponding element of the other half, so that these disturbances will interfere at Q, and so a dark band will pass through this point. Now the triangles ABB' and OPQ are similar. Hence PQ AB = 'OP' Thus calling the distance QP between the first dark band and the central bright band #, and the focal length OP of the lens F, we have If we call the angle QOP 0, this relation may be written *=<*e (i) If in place of having a single beam of parallel light we have two beams 134] LIMIT OF RESOLUTION OF A TELESCOPE 337 inclined at a small angle a, then each will produce its own central bright image bordered on either side by diffraction bands. Now if is the angle subtended at the centre of the lens by the interval between the centre of the central bright band and that of the first dark band, it is evident that if a is less than #, the central images due to the two sets of incident waves will overlap, and it will be impossible to distinguish the two images. If a is equal to 6, then the central images will just touch ; while if a is greater than 0, the central bright images will be separated by one or more dark bands, and thus it will be possible to distinguish the two images, and hence detect the fact that the incident light consists of two distinct systems of waves. In other words, when a is greater than 6 we are able to detect the fact that we are observing a double source. If a is less than 6, however, we shall be unable to detect the fact that the source is double. The condition *-^ (2) is called the limit of resolution, and it will be observed that it depends alone on the width of the slit placed before the telescope objective and the wave-length of the light. The resolving power of a telescope with apertures of different sizes can be obtained by setting up a piece of fine wire gauze containing about twenty meshes to the centimetre before a source of light, which to avoid com- plications, owing to imperfect achromatism of the lenses, may consist of a sodium name, and having fitted a cap over the objective with an aperture of the desired size, determining the distance at which the individual wires of the gauze just cease to be distinguishable. If a rectangular aperture is used, the gauze must be set up with one set of wires parallel to the longer edge of the aperture, and it is the distance at which these wires cease to be distinguishable which has to be obtained. As the telescope is moved away from the gauze, the focus must be continually adjusted so that the object is seen as distinctly as possible. If (I is the distance between adjacent wires of the gauze, and D is the distance between the objective of the telescope and the gauze when resolution ceases, the angle a subtended by two adjacent sources is given by a = djD. When the aperture used in front of the objective is a slit of width a, it has been shown above that resolution will cease for a value of a given by a = A/a. Determine experimentally the value of a for slits of different widths, and compare the results with the values calculated, that is, with the angle subtended by the wave-length of the light at a distance equal to the width of the slit. Slits 2 mm. and 4 mm. wide will be found suitable. Perform the same experiment, using circular apertures having dia- meters of 5 mm. and 10 mm. With a point source, such as a star, the radius of the first dark ring in Y 338 INTERFERENCE [135 the case of a lens of diameter D and focal length F has been calculated by Airy to be I-22FX D Hence two point sources, which subtend an angle at the object glass will be distinguishable as two sources when e> 1-22A D ' It is of importance when making measurements on the resolving power of telescopes to make certain that all the light which passes through the object glass enters the pupil of the eye. Since the width of the pupil is about 3 mm., if D cm. is the diameter of the object glass, the magnifying power M of the telescope must be greater than D/*3 (see 145). If the magnifying power is less than this, then the iris acts as a diaphragm, and the peripheral portions of the object glass are not used, and thus the effective aperture is reduced. (See Watson's Physics, 357.) 135. Resolving Power of a Spectroscope. (a) Prism Spectroscope. Let ABC (Fig. 146) represent a section of a prism by a principal plane, B FIG. 146. and FAG and OPQR the limiting rays of a rectangular pencil of parallel rays traversing the prism. If the refracting angle is B, and the angles of incidence and refraction at P are a and /3, the corresponding angles at Q being a and ft', we have the following three equations : sin a sin P sin a' 135] KESOLYING POWER OF A SPECTROSCOPE 339 Suppose, now, keeping a, constant, we change the wave-length of the incident light from A to A + <^A, as a result ft ft, a, and p will all vary. Hence let us calculate the change da' in the angle between the emergent beam and the normal. To do this we differentiate the equations (1) above, regarding a and 6 as constants. Thus we obtain = p cos ft . dft + sin /3 . dp cos of . do! = p cos ft . dft' + sin ft' . dp , 7 / /sin 8 cos ft' + cos 8 sin ft' cos a', da' = ^ ^ By eliminating d/3 and d/3' between these three equations, we get /sin 8 cos ft' + cos 8 sin ft' \ ( - ^ ^ y \ cos/3 / ' _ sin (/? + ft)d/x _ sin 6 . dp ' cos ft cos /? 7 / sin $ 7 /0 \ Hence da' = - , - -dp ......... (2) cos a cos ft When the prism is at minimum deviation a = a', ft = fi', and = 2ft. Hence (2) reduces to 7 , sin 2ft 2 sin ft 7 /QX da'= r - r dp= -- "rf/* ..... (3) cos a cos ft cos a Now if PD is drawn perpendicular to the incident light, and the width of the incident or emergent beam is called a, so that PD = , we have c'os a = a/PA. Further, if AE is drawn perpendicular to PQ, and PQ is called ^, we have sin ft = t{2pA. Hence (3) reduces to da'^-dfJL ......... (4) a which gives an expression for the separation, after passing through the prism, between the two beams corresponding to wave-lengths A, and A + dX. Now we have seen in 134 that if two beams of parallel rays of wave- length A, and inclined at an angle d<$>, the section of the beams being rectangular and of breadth a, are received in the object glass of a tele- scope, the images formed will be separated if d+= K ..... ..... (5) Thus the slit of the collimator being of course adjusted to a very narrow width so that (5) applies, we shall be able to distinguish the images 340 INTERFERENCE [ 135 corresponding to the wave-lengths A and A-fc/A, i.e. the line will appear double, if da' is greater than d(f>, that is, the limit is reached when da' = d<}>,or*dp= ........ (6) Here dp is the change in refractive index of the prism for a change of wave-length dX. It is often convenient to replace dp by dX. in the expression for the limit of resolution. To do this we require to know how the refractive index changes with wave-length. In general it will be sufficiently accurate to take Cauchy's formula Differentiating 27? d P = ~^ Substituting in (6) A 2tB The quantity A/dfA is called the resolving power of the spectroscope, and it depends on the wave-length of the light, the difference t in the length of the path of the extreme rays in the prism, and a constant B depend- ing on the kind of glass of which the prism is made. The dispersion D of a prism is the ratio of the change in deviation to the change in wave-length, or since the change in deviation is equal to da or substituting the value of da from (4) Hence the dispersion varies inversely as the width of the beam. If the prism is not at minimum deviation, then the above equation (8) still holds if a is the width of the beam after its passage through the prism. Hence if a prism is placed so that the deviation is not a minimum, then in one position the dispersion will be greater, and in the other less, than at minimum deviation, since although t will remain practically the same, a will vary, as can easily be seen by drawing a figure. There will, however, be very little change in resolving power, for this is equal to and t does not change much. Using a prism at greater than CtA minimum deviation may therefore give greater angular separation between 136] RESOLVING POWER OF A GRATING 341 the centres of two lines, but it does not give greater definition, the lines themselves being broadened. (b) Resolving Power of a Grating. If there are N lines per centi- metre in the grating, and we observe in the rath order spectrum, the light being incident normally, we have sin = Nm\. If, now, the wave-length of the light changes from X to X + dX, and the angle 6 changes to 6 + dd, we obtain the connection between dB and dX by differentiating, N and m being constant. Thus cos If I) is the width of the grating, the width a of the diffracted beam of light is given by a b cos 0. Hence if the object glass of the tele- scope is wider than a, the smallest angle d(f> between two beams of light which shall produce images which are visibly separated is given by 7A X X OO a* - = n * a o cos u Hence the limit of resolution is reached when dO = dcfr, or that is, the resolving power of the grating is given by ........ (11) But IN is the total number of lines in the grating, and ra is the order of the spectrum. Hence the resolving power is directly proportional to the total number of lines in the grating, and to the order of the spectrum. The dispersion D is defined, as in the case of the prism, by Hence from (9) - D--"" (12) cos 6 that is, the dispersion is directly proportional to the order . of the spectrum, and directly proportional to the number of lines per centimetre. Hence while the resolving power depends on the total number of lines, and not on their closeness, the dispersion depends on the closeness of the lines, and not on the total number. 136. Measurement of the Resolving Power of a Prism Spectro- scope. Measure the refractive index of the prism for light of two or 342 INTERFERENCE [ 137 more known wave-lengths, and then calculate the value of the constant B in Cauchy's formula from the observations taken in pairs. Having adjusted the prism to minimum deviation for sodium light, adjust two cards so as to cut down the aperture of the object glass of the telescope till the two sodium lines just cease to be resolved. Make certain that the beam of light which passes through the prism entirely fills the portion of the object glass left uncovered, and then measure the width of the rectangular aperture left between the cards. This width gives the quantity a (see previous section), and t can be calculated by the. formula 2a sin ^ t = j COS tt where 6 is the angle of the. prism. Then calculate the resolving power from equation (7), and compare your results with the value of - for A the two sodium lines. Repeat the experiment, using the two yellow mercury lines. Also calculate the full resolving power of the instrument, using the full aperture of the prism. Two cases may occur. (1) The width of the beam may be limited by the prism. In this case, if e is the width of the face of the prism, then (2) If the beam of light which passes through the prism entirely fills the object glass of the telescope, then it can be shown l that t= cos a where d is the diameter of the object glass. 137. Measurement of the Resolving Power of a Grating. Having mounted and adjusted the grating as described in 126, bring the sodium lines in the first spectrum into the field, and by means of two cards reduce the width of the part of the grating being used till the sodium lines just cease to be resolved. Then calculate the resolving power by equation (10) of 135. Repeat the experiment, using the second order spectrum, and compare your results with the value of XjdX. for the sodium lines. Calculate the resolving power of the whole grating, and find for what value of t the prism used in the last section would have the same resolving power. 1 Verdet, Lemons d'optique physique, vol. i. p. 301. 138] RAYLEIGH'S REFRACTOMETER 343 138. Rayleigh's Refractometer. Suppose that before the object L (Fig. 147) of a telescope we place a screen pierced by two parallel slits, each of width a, separated by a distance b, and that a beam of parallel monochromatic light falls on the slits, the direction of the incident light being parallel to the axis of the telescope. If QPQ' is a screen placed at the focal plane of the lens L, the two systems of waves which pass through the slits BC and DE will both reach P in the same phase, and hence a bright band will be formed at this point. There FIG. 147. will also be produced diffraction bands by each of the slits, just as in the case of the single slit considered in 134. In addition, however, there will be a series of interference bands due to the mutual action of the disturbances which have traversed the two slits. We now proceed to determine the conditions under which these interference bands are produced. Let us consider the illumination at a point Q in the focal plane at a distance x from the central bright band at P. Draw the straight line QOM, and from a point A, such that AB is equal to the distance b between the slits, draw AE' at right angles to QM. Then since AE is equal to 2(a + 6), we have that EE' = 2cc' and DD' = 2BB', and if we divide each of the two slits into an equal number of elements, this relation holds for each pair of elements. Hence if EE' = A, cc' = ~ , and the disturbance at the points E' and c' will be in opposite phases, and each element of E'D' 344 INTEREFERENCE [ 138 he corresponding e . . . or(2?i+l)A, will be in the opposite phase to the corresponding element of C'B'. The same will occur when while if EE' = 2X, 4X . . . or 2nX, the phases of corresponding elements of E'D' and C'B' will agree. Hence, since any phase difference which exists along B'C', D'E' will still exist when the disturbances reach Q, we see that there will be a minimum of illumination at Q if and a maximum of illumination at Q if =2 pa x Now -m = w = ~F =e > where F is the focal length of the lens, and x is so small that = tan 6. Hence for a minimum of illumination at Q _ and for a maximum of illumination at Q F2nX x = a 2nX or 0= : Thus the distance between consecutive bands, whether bright or dark, is given by XF x = or a + V X The distance between the bands being inversely proportional to the distance between the centres of the slits, and the wave-length of light being very small, it is evident that unless the slits are very near together the bands will be excessively fine. Lord Rayleigh l has employed the bands produced by two slits to 1 Collected Works, vol. iv. p. 364. This arrangement had previously been used by Arago, (Euvres Completes, x. p. 321. 138] EAYLEIGH'S KEFRACTOMETER 345 compare the refractive index of two gases. The form of apparatus he used is shown in Fig. 148. A collimator c, with a very fine slit, s, is placed before a bright source of white light L. The slit of the collimator may be made by making a fine scratch with a sharp knife on a piece of silvered glass, so as to remove the silver along a fine line. The gases to be compared are contained in two tubes A and B, which are of the same length, and closed by two pieces of selected plate glass. A single piece of glass is used at either end to close the two tubes, and this glass pro- jects slightly above the tubes, as shown at F. The two slits are attached to a cap which fits on the telescope T, and are at such a distance apart that the light which enters through the lower part of one slit traverses the tube A, while that which enters through the lower part of the other traverses the tube B. 1 The light which passes over the tops of the tubes enters the upper parts of the slits and gives a series of bands, the position of which does not depend on the refractive index of the gases within the tubes, and thus serves as a reference mark. Since the bands produced are very fine, the magnification produced by an ordinary eye-piece is not sufficient, and hence Lord Rayleigh used as eye-piece a small cylindrical lens. This lens consisted of a cylinder of glass having a diameter of 4 mm. fixed to a cork which replaced the ordinary eye-piece of the telescope. The axis of the cylinder is adjusted to be parallel to the slit s and the slits D, the final adjustment being per- formed by turning the eye-piece till the bands are most distinct. One of the tubes A and B is filled with the gas to be tested and the other with air. The air tube is connected to a manometer, and an arrangement by 1 The tubes A and B can have a diameter of about 1 centimetre, the diameter of the object glass of the telescope and collimator being about 3 centi- metres. The slits D will then be 1 centimetre apart, and may have a width of from 2 to 3 millimetres. The width of the field on which the bands are seen is inversely proportional to the width of the individual slits. Thus if very narrow slits are used a considerable field covered with bands may be seen, but the light will be so feeble as to render measurement difficult. These slits can be made by removing the silver from a piece of glass. Although Lord Rayleigh says that he used cheap telescopes, the author has found that it is only with fairly good lenses that satisfactory bands can be obtained. 346 INTERFERENCE [138 means of which the pressure of the air can be adjusted. Such an arrange- ment is shown in Fig. 149, the tube A being connected to the tube (a), Fig. 148. The pressure is adjusted by raising or lowering the mercury reservoir B. This is done by means of a string which passes round a drum c, the drum being rotated by a tangent screw D. The pressure is read off on the manometer M. Two series of bands will be seen, one set formed by light which has passed over the top of the tubes, and the other by light which has passed through the tubes. The upper series is used as a refer- ence mark, and by adjust- ing the pressure in the air tube the lower series of bands are brought to form continuations of the upper bands. This can be per- formed since, owing to a white source of light being used, the central band of either system is the only one which is free from colour, and hence can be identified. Suppose the gas which is being experimented upon is at atmospheric pressure, and when the bands are in their central position the pressure in the air tube exceeds the external pressure by an amount p, the height of the barometer being B, and the temperature t. Then since the refractive index of the gas is equal to that of air at a pressure B +p, if ja ft is the refractive index of air at a pressure B and temperature t , we have that the refractive index p of the gas at this pressure and temperature is given by FIG. 149. For in the case of a gas we have constant, where p is the density. Hence if // is the density of air at a pressure 138] RAYLEIGH'S REFRACTOMETER 347 B +p, and p the density at a pressure J5, and //, the refractive index at a pressure B+p, we have /*- 1 _p _B+p fr-i ? m 'B In the above we have supposed that the two tubes are of exactly the same length, and when both are filled with air at the same pressure the central band in the lower part of the field coincides with the central band in the upper part of the field. This assumption may be avoided by having a manometer and pressure-changing device connected with the tube containing the gas which is being tested, and making two com- parisons, one at a pressure nearly atmospheric, and the other at a con- siderably different pressure. Calling p - I the refractivity, let the refractivity of air at a pressure p a be r m the density being p M and the corresponding quantities at a pressure p' a be r'- a and p' a . Also let the corresponding quantities for the gas be indicated by p g1 r g , p ffl and p' r' g , p' g . Then since the central band is brought back to the same position when the refractivities are r n r n and r' r' n we have r.-r f -V.-f f (1) r' a ~P' a a>[ r'g~p'g Hence substituting in (1) n t - f q = r a - ^ r , ^ />(, r a ~ Pa - P'g ' Pa ~Pg ~Pg Pa Since r g and r a are measured at different pressures, to get the ratio )f the refractivities we must reduce one to the pressure of the other. If '* is the refractivity of the gas at a pressure p M we have and hence J_o = Pa_Pa r a P 3 -Pg that is, the ratio of the refractivity of the gas to that of air is as the change in pressure in the air tube is to the change in pressure in the gas tube. CHAPTER XXI LENSES AND MIREORS 139. Measurement of the Focal Length of a Thin Lens. It is shown in books on optics (Watson's Physics, 352) that the focal length/ of a lens is connected with the distances u and v of the conjugate foci by the relation 1 111. f v u Hence by measuring the distances from the lens to any pair of conjugate foci we can calculate the focal length of the lens. Thus if we place an object on the axis of a lens at a measured distance from the centre of the lens, and then determine the position of the image of the object, we have i Lr FIG. 150. the requisite data for obtaining the focal length. The chief practical difficulty in carrying out this experiment is to determine the exact posi- tion of the image. The usual method employed is to use as the object a brightly illuminated and sharply denned body, and to move a screen about till the image formed on the screen appears most sharply defined. In practice, however, it is often extremely difficult to tell the exact posi- tion of the screen for which the definition is the best, the image appearing equally sharp over a considerable range of the position of the screen. A very much better method is to make use of the parallax method to deter- 1 We suppose all distances measured from the lens, and that the positive direction is opposite to that in which the light is travelling. 348 139] FOCAL LENGTH OF A THIN LENS 349 mine the position of the image. The parallax method has the further great advantage that it does not necessitate the use of a dark room. As object, a scale consisting of fine lines on clear glass may be used. Such a scale ought to have division lines about half a millimetre apart, and can easily be prepared by photographing a suitable scale divided, say, in tenths of an inch, by means of a camera. The image screen consists of a plate of plate glass on which a fine vertical line has been ruled. The object scale, the lens, and the glass to locate the image, are mounted on the uprights of an optical bench, such as that shown in Fig. 150. 1 These uprights can be moved along a wooden base, to which is attached a scale AB 2 metres long. The base-plates which carry the uprights have a short cylinder D attached at one side, which slides in a groove in the board. The other end of the base rests on the scale, and is fitted with a vernier v, by means of which the position of the carriages can be read. A metal rod c with blunt points, and exactly 20 cm. long, is supported in a horizontal position by a similar carriage, and serves for measuring the distance between the different pieces of apparatus. The scale used as an object is illuminated by placing behind it a flame, or even a brightly illuminated sheet of white paper. If a very accurate measurement is being made, since in non-achromatised lenses the focal length depends on the wave-length of the light, a source of monochromatic light, such as a sodium flame, should be employed. (a) Goncex Lens. First Method. In the case of a convergent lens the eye is placed behind the glass plate having the single vertical line, when an image of the scale will be seen on suitably moving the glass and the eye. The surface of the glass which carries the vertical line, which must be that surface which is turned towards the lens, is then adjusted by the method of parallax so that it lies in the same plane as the image ; that is, the position of the glass must be adjusted till on moving the eye from side to side the line on the glass does not appear to move with relation to the division lines of the image. If the image is so small that it is difficult, with the unaided eye, to see the division lines, then a short focus lens or positive eye-piece 2 may be employed to examine the image and fiducial line. When measuring a lens which is uncorrected for spherical aberration, it will be found an advantage to stop down the lens so that the light can only pass through the central portion, as in this way the image will be much improved in definition. Having fixed the position of the image, the distance between the scale and the lens and between the lens and the image must be measured. For this purpose the readings corresponding to the three carriages are taken. Suppose that the reading for the carriage which carries the scale is , that for the one \\hich carries the lens b, and for the glass 1 The lens, c., are held against the uprights by two small spring clips. Each upright is pierced with a hole about 3 cm. in diameter, the centres of all the holes being at the same height. 2 The thermometer reading glass shown in Fig. 67 is suitable for this purpose. 350 LENSES AND MIRRORS [ 139 plate c. Next place one end of the rod c against the scale, and bring the upright which carries the lens up till the point of the rod rests against the surface of the lens, and let the reading for this carriage be b r . Next bring the surface of the lens and the glass plate on which the image was formed against the ends of the rod, and take the readings for the posi- tions of the carriages b" and c', say. Finally, measure the thickness of the lens, and let it be t. Now, when the difference between the readings on the scale for the object and the lens was V - a, the true distance was 20 cm., i.e. the length of the rod c. Hence 20 - (&' - a) + 1/2 will be the correction to be added to the difference between the readings for the two carriages to give in any case the true difference between the object and the middle of the lens. In the same way the quantity 20 - (c' - b"} + 1/2 has to be added to the difference of the readings for the lens carriage and the image carriage to give the true distance between the middle of the lens and the image. Applying these corrections to the readings, obtain the values of v and u, and hence calculate the value of the focal length of the lens. Repeat the measurements for different positions of the lens, and take the mean for the true value of the focal length. When employing this method it is advisable to choose the distance between the object and image such that there is no very great difference between the distances of the image and object from the lens. If one of these distances is very much less than the other, then errors in measuring the smaller distance will cause a larger proportional error in the focal length deduced than would be the case if the two lengths measured were nearly equal. Second Method. If the screen on which the image is formed is placed at a distance greater than four times the focal length of the lens from the object, then there will be two positions of the lens in which a sharp image will be formed. Let u and u be the two distances of the lens from the object when a sharp image is formed on the screen, and v and v the corresponding distances from the lens to the screen, then 1_1^1 / v u - = !_ l . f~v u'' But from symmetry it is evident that, neglecting for the moment the signs, u = v' and v - u' . Also, if 1) is the distance between the object and image screen, and d is the distance between the two positions of the lens D+d and -17 = 139] FOCAL LENGTH OF A THIN LENS 351 1 1 1 Hence / D-d + D+d 2 2 Thus by measuring the distance through which the lens has been moved, which can be directly obtained by noting the difference in the readings for the vernier attached to the support which carries the lens, and the distance from the object to the screen, we can calculate the focal length of the lens. As it is easier to measure the distance through which the lens has been moved than to measure distances up to the lens, there are distinct advantages in using this method. Third Method. In the case of a very long focus lens, both of the preceding methods would involve the use of an optical bench having a length at least equal to four times the focal length, and hence might not be available. In such a case we may make use of the fact that if a luminous object is placed at the principal focus of a convex lens, and the rays of light after passing through the lens are reflected back through the lens by means of a plane mirror, then they will form an image of the object at the principal focus, that is, alongside the object. To apply this method the lens is mounted on the optical bench, and a plane mirror is mounted on a second stand and placed immediately behind the lens. A convenient form of object to use will be a needle point mounted in one of the carriages, so that the point is on a level with the centre of the lens. If the eye is placed on the side of the needle remote from the lens an inverted image of the needle will be seen, and by moving the carriage which supports the needle backwards and forwards till there is no parallax between the needle point and its image, the point can be adjusted to occupy the principal focus of the lens. When making this adjustment it is advisable to so adjust the plane mirror that the point of the image seems just opposite the point of the needle, when any parallax will easily be detected. The distance between the needle and the lens must then be measured by means of the measuring rod, and this distance is the focal length of the lens. (b) Concave Lens. The most generally convenient method of measuring the focal length of- a concave lens is to combine it with a convex lens of shorter focal length, so that the combination acts as a convex lens capable of giving a real image, and determining by one of the methods considered above the focal length F of the combination, and also the focal length /' of the convex lens alone. The focal length / of the concave lens is then giveji by _ _ T ~ F f Another way of performing this experiment, which does not necessitate 352 LENSES AND MIRRORS [140 the concave and convex lenses being placed in contact is to arrange the convex lens on the optical bench so as to give a real image at the point o (Fig. 151), then to insert the concave lens at B, and determine the position of the image I. Having obtained the~reading for the measuring rod when in contact with the screen at i and the lens B, this lens is removed, and without disturbing the position of the convex lens A, the position of the image formed at o is determined. Then by obtaining the FIG. 151. reading for the measuring rod when in contact with the screen at o, the distances BO and BI are at once deduced. Since o and i are con- jugate foci for the concave lens, the focal length can be calculated by means of the formula 140. Measurement of the Radius of Curvature of a Concave Surface. The concave surface of which the radius of curvature has to be measured is mounted on one of the carriages of the optical bench, while a needle is mounted on another carriage, the point of the needle being at the same level as the centre of the reflecting surface. On looking towards the surface from beyond the needle an inverted image of the latter will be seen. The needle is then moved till the needle and its image are in the same plane, as tested by the parallax method. The ease with which this adjustment can be made will be very much increased if the position of the needle is so adjusted that the image appears to just touch the point of the needle. A short focus lens or eye-piece may be used to assist in seeing when the image is in the same plane as the object, that is, when the needle point is at tfte centre of curvature of the reflecting surface. The distance between the needle point and the centre of the reflecting surface must then be measured by the measuring rod, and this distance is the radius of curvature of the surface. When measuring, by this method, the radius of curvature of the 140] CURVATURE OF A CONCAVE SURFACE 353 surface of a lens, there will often be seen two images, one formed by reflection at the front surface, and one at the back. It is generally easy to distinguish which is which from the form of the two surfaces. If, however, there is any ambiguity, by covering the back surface with a piece of blotting paper, moistened with glycerine, or even water, the intensity of the image formed by the back surface will be so much reduced as to render it easily recognisable. In place of the parallax method of determining when the object and image are in the same plane, the following is sometimes more convenient, especially when dealing with large mirrors, or when it is desired to examine the accuracy with which the surface has been polished to a true sphere : A small metal plate AB (Fig. 152) has a small circular hole (a) FIG. 152. pierced at B, and a right-angled prism p or piece of mirror is placed so as to reflect the light from a flame L through this hole. The edge next B of the metal plate is ground to a smooth and sharp edge. The metal plate with the prism is mounted on a stand as shown, and is placed on the axis of the mirror M, so that the hole is a little to the right-hand side of the axis. In this way an image of the hole will be formed alongside the edge of the metal plate c. An eye placed at E will see the u-lwle surface of the mirror illuminated. If, now, the metal plate is gradually moved to the left by turning the screw D, the image at c will approach the edge, and, if the image is in the plane of the edge, as the light is intercepted by the edge, the mirror surface will appear to darken uniformly all over. If, however, the edge is nearer to, or farther away from, the mirror than the image, then the darkening of the surface of the 354 LENSES AND MIRRORS [ 141 mirror will appear to sweep gradually across the mirror. If the edge is nearer to the mirror than the image, then the darkening will appear to sweep across the surface of the mirror in the same direction as that in which the edge is being moved, while if the edge is farther away from the mirror than the image the contrary will be the case, namely, the darkening will appear to sweep across in the opposite direction to that in which the edge is moved. The distance of the plate from the mirror is therefore adjusted, by means of the micrometer screw M, till the mirror seems to darken uniformly as the light is intercepted by the edge of the plate. When this adjustment is complete, the edge of the plate and the hole are both at the centre of curvature of the mirror. If the edge of the metal plate, having been adjusted to lie at the centre of curvature of the mirror, is very slowly moved so as to intercept the light, then if the surface of the mirror is a true sphere, the surface will appear of a uniform tint throughout. If, however, the surface is not truly spherical, then the want of truth will be apparent just as the greater part of the surface appears to become dark, for the irregularities will appear bright. This method of testing the curvature of a spherical surface, particularly in the case of a mirror of large radius of curvature, is an excessively delicate one, and merely warming a portion of the mirror by touching it with the tip of the finger will, owing to the expansion caused by the heat communicated to the mirror, cause the figure to alter by an amount which is at once apparent, the spot which has been touched appearing bright and in marked relief. In the case of a parabolic mirror, the radii of curvature of the various zones can be measured by this method, cardboard screens being used so that only the zone being tested is exposed. 141. Measurement of the Radius of Curvature of a Convex Surface. In the case of a convex surface the image of a real object is virtual, and hence the methods described in the last section are not FIG. 153. applicable. If, however, a virtual object is used, then a real image may be formed, and can be received upon a screen. Place the stand carrying the metal plate with the prism shown in Fig. 152 on the optical bench at A (Fig. 153), and on another upright place a convex lens L. The convex mirror M is mounted on a third upright, and 141] CURVATURE OF A CONVEX SURFACE 355 the positions of L and M are adjusted so that the image is formed at A' in the plane of the metal edge. Then, being careful not to disturb A or L, take the reading on the optical bench scale corresponding to the mirror M. Next remove M, and determine the position of the image o formed by the lens L ; the distance between o and M will be the radius of curvature of the mirror ; for when the mirror was in place, the image at A' was along- side the object, that is, the rays of light which struck the mirror were reflected straight back, that is, they were incident normally on the mirror. But such normally incident rays would, if produced, pass through the centre of curvature of the mirror, and when so produced, or when the mirror is removed, they intersect at o, and hence o is the centre of curvature of the mirror. The radius of curvature of the surface of a thin convex lens can be measured by adjusting the position of the lens so that the light reflected from the back surface of the lens forms an image alongside the object. If /is the focal length of the lens, and D the distance between the lens and the object and image, the radius of curvature is given by r - We may obtain this expression as follows : Since the object and image are alongside, it follows that the rays of light are incident normally on the back surface of the lens at which they are reflected. Hence the rays which are refracted at the first surface of the lens proceed in the glass as if they would intersect (either actually or when produced backwards) at the centre of curvature of the back surface. Hence rays proceeding from an object at a distance D from the front surface proceed in the glass after refraction at this surface as if they came from a point at a distance r ; i.e. D and r are conjugate as far as refraction in a single spherical surface are concerned. Hence if r is the radius of the surface, and /A the refractive index, we have, by the known formula- for refraction at a single spherical surface, r D which may be written 11 But if / is the focal length of the lens 356 LENSES AND MIRKORS [ 142 1 1 1 ~= 142. To Test the Flatness of the Faces of a Piece of Glass. It is often necessary to test whether the surface of a plate of glass or a mirror is flat, and the following method will be found a convenient and expeditious one : Prepare an artificial star by piercing a hole about half a millimetre in diameter in a screen of metal or cardboard, and placing a gas flame behind the screen. This star should be fixed up at as great a distance as possible from the table on which observations are to be made. Lay the reflecting surface flat on the table, and fix a telescope having a fairly large objective in a retort stand with its object glass quite near to the reflecting surface. Turn the telescope to view the artificial star directly, and focus carefully. Then turn the telescope so that an image is seen after reflection in the surface. If the image now seen in the telescope is as sharply defined as when seen by direct light, then the reflecting surface is plane. If the definition is impaired, this may be due to two causes. In the first place, the surface, although it is not plane, may be a regular surface of revolution, such as a sphere, in which case the original definition can be regained by altering the focus of the telescope. If, however, no alteration in the focus of the telescope suffices to restore the definition, this indicates that the surface is irregular. In this case we may test whether parts of the surface are plane by covering the surface by a sheet of paper with a hole about a centimetre in diameter pierced in the middle. The paper screen is moved about so as to expose each part of the surface in turn, and by watching the image in the telescope it will at once be seen whether any part of the surface is plane. In the case of a plate of glass the reflection at the second surface may cause some confusion as to which is the image corresponding to the upper surface. By placing a piece of wet blotting paper against the back surface, the intensity of the light reflected at this surface will be so much reduced that there will be no difficulty in distinguishing the two images. If a surface which is known to be optically plane is available, the planeness of the surface of a glass plate can most quickly be tested by means of interference fringes formed in the air film enclosed between the two surfaces when they are placed in contact. Having cleaned the standard surface and that to be tested, place them in contact, and examine the interference fringes seen when a sodium flame is observed reflected from the adjacent surfaces. If the surfaces are both plane, the inter- ference fringes will be straight and parallel throughout. If, however, either of the surfaces is at all irregular, then the fringes will be curved. By making a drawing of the fringes we obtain a contour map of the 142] TEST OF PLANE GLASS PLATE 357 surface of the plate, the distance between adjacent contour planes being equal to half a wave-length of sodium light. By examining in this way a number of pieces of thick plate glass it is generally possible in the course of a few minutes to pick out a few pieces which have at least one surface as nearly plane as expensively worked surfaces, and these selected pieces of plate glass will be found suitable for use in many optical experiments, such as in Michelson's interferometer. It is sometimes necessary to measure the angle which the two plane faces of a piece of glass make with one another. This can conveniently be done by mounting the glass on the table of a spectrometer, the telescope and collimator having been adjusted for parallel light. If the two sides are exactly parallel, then only a single image will be seen when the light from the collimator is reflected by the surface of the glass into the telescope. If, however, the faces are not parallel, then two images FIG. 154. will be seen. To measure the angle, turn the glass round in its own plane till the two images of the slit are as widely separated as possible, and then by adjusting the telescope so that the intersection of the cross- wires coincides first with one image and then with the other, and reading the spectrometer circle, measure the angle 8 between the two images. If < is the angle of incidence, and //, is the index of refraction of the glass, the angle a included between the two faces is given by 8 cos 2p cos t/'' where 8 and a are supposed so small that we may take the angle as equal to the sine and \[/ is the angle, such that sn sn This formula can at once be obtained, for if AB, CD (Fig. 154) are the traces of the faces enclosing the glass plate, and PQU and PQRST are 358 LENSES AND MIRRORS [143 two of the rays forming the two images, we have, using the notation given in the figure for the angles sin <' = /A sin (^ + 2a) From (1) sin ' = jtx(sin ^ cos 2a + cos i// sin 2u), 2 CT - sin ^ ~ P sin ^ ft COS \// if a is so small that we may take sin 2a = 2a and cos 2a = 1. From (2) in the same way (1) (2) or or since 8 is small also sin ' = sin (8 + ) = sin 8 cos <^>+cos sin <' = 8 cos < -f sin , /A sin ^ = sin , _ 8 cos <^ 2t cos ' 8 sin , 143. Thick Lenses and Systems of Lenses. Let FF' (Fig. 155) be the axis of a thick lens or system of coaxial lenses, then if the media on FIG. 155. the two sides of the lens have the same refractive index, the following are the cardinal points of the lens : 1. The principal focal points F and F' are such that a plane wave incident on the lens at o is brought to a focus at F', while a plane wave incident at o' is brought to a focus at F. Planes drawn through F and F' perpendicular to the axis are called the principal focal planes. 144] SYSTEMS OF LENSES 359 2. The points NN', called the principal points, which in the case where there is the same medium on the two sides of the lens, coincide with the nodal points. These points are such that if the direction of an incident ray passes through one nodal point, then the direction of the ray after passing through the lens will pass through the other nodal point, and, further, will be parallel to the incident ray. These points are conjugate foci ; that is, if an incident pencil is converging on N, then the emergent pencil will diverge from N'. The distances FN and F'N' are equal, and are called the focal length of the lens or system. Planes drawn through N and N' perpendicular to the axis of the lens are called the principal planes of the lens, and have the property that, if an incident ray meets the first principal plane at a point A, then the corresponding emergent ray i meets the second principal plane at a point B, such that the line joining A and B is parallel to the axis of the lens. The distance u of an object from one of the principal points N, and the distance v of the image from the other principal point N', are connected with the focal length / by the relation 1 = 1_1 / v u Further, the angle subtended by the object at the point N is equal to the angle subtended by the image at the point N'. If U is the distance of the object from the first principal focus, and V is the distance of the image from the second principal focus, then the following relation between these quantities and the focal length / will sometimes be found of use UV=f*. 144. To find the Focal Length and the Positions of the Prin- cipal Planes of a Thick Lens or System of Lenses. Method 1. Tn the case of a convex lens, or converging system, the following method of determining the focal length, since it does not involve the use t)f a micrometer, is often convenient : If the image and object are of the same size, and u and v are the distances of the object and image from the first and second nodal points respectively, we have image _ _ v object u Hence substituting in the general equation v u~ we get ^ = 2, or v=2f, also u = - 2/, 360 LENSES AND MIRRORS [ 144 that is, the image and object are in either case at a distance equal to twice the focal length from the corresponding nodal point. If, now, we readjust the lens system so that the image is twice the size of the object, and u f and v' are the new distances of object and image from the nodal points, we get = 2 = , object u and hence - = 3, or /* = 3/, and u=--f. Thus in the second case (Fig. 156, b) the lens system has been moved through a distance / away from the image P', and the object p has been p' (6) FIG. 156. moved through a distance //2. Hence if the distance through which the lens system has been moved is measured this gives the focal length, the image being formed in either case at the same point, p'. To carry out the experiment it is necessary to have two transparent scales having equal divisions. Such scales can easily be obtained by photographing a suitably divided scale and then taking two positives on a lantern plate from the negative. These two scales are mounted on two of the uprights of the optical bench, with the film sides turned towards each other, and the lens or lens system is mounted on a third carriage between them. It is evident that the optical bench must have a length at least four and a half times as great as the focal length of the lens system. Having placed a light behind one of the scales, so that it is well illuminated, the position of this scale and the lens must be adjusted till the image is in the same plane as the other scale, and the divisions of the image are of the same size as those of the scale. 144] SYSTEMS OF LENSES 361 It will be found an assistance when making the adjustments to fix a low power microscope or reading lens immediately behind the scale on which the image is to be received, and to focus this microscope on the divisions of the scale. The positions of the lens and the object having been so adjusted, the position of the fiducial mark on the carriage which supports the lens is recorded. The object and the lens are then moved farther from the image scale, care being taken not to disturb the position of this latter till the divisions of the image are twice as far apart as those of the scale. The fact that the image and the scale are in the same plane being tested in this case, as in the previous measurement, by the parallax method. The reading for the carriage which supports the lens is again taken, and the difference between the readings for the two positions gives the focal length of the system. Determine by this method the focal length of a photographic objective, a microscope or telescope eye-piece, and a microscope objective. Having measured the focal length of the system, the positions of the principal planes can now be found. To do this replace the lens and object scale in the first position, namely, that in which the image and object have the same size. In this position the focal planes are at a distance of 2/ from the object and image respectively. Hence if a dis- tance 2/ is measured from the object, the position of the principal plane with reference to the mount which supports the lens is at once determined. It will generally be found convenient to measure the distances between the object and image and some well-defined point on the lens system, say, one edge of the mount, and then the differences between these distances and 2/ will give the distances of the principal planes from this point on the mount. Method 2. If when the distances of the image and object from the nodal points are u and v respectively the magnification is m lt while when the distances are u' and v' the magnification is ? 9 , we have v i v f = m, and . = w 9 ; u u hence substituting in the general equation we get 1=1-* and m Thus -- - _ /- 362 LENSES AND MIRRORS [ 144 Now u - u is the difference in the distance between the object and the first nodal point in the two positions of the lens, and its measurement does not involve a knowledge of the position of the nodal point. Hence if, in addition, we measure the two magnifications, we can calculate the focal length. In order to measure the magnification a micrometer similar to that used in 127 will be required, and also a transparent scale to act as the object. The lens system being mounted on the optical bench, it is placed fairly close to the object, and the size of the image corresponding to a convenient number of graduations of the scale is measured with the micro- meter. Before measuring the size of the image, care must be taken that the image is formed in the same plane as the cross-wire of the micrometer. The position of the carriage which supports the lens is read, and the measurement repeated with the lens at a considerably greater distance from the object. The distance through which the carriage which supj>orts the lens has been moved gives the quantity u f - u, while the magnifica- tions m and m' are obtained by dividing the sizes of the images by the corresponding size of the object. If the scale which is used for an object is not one in which the distance between consecutive divisions is known, it will be necessary to determine this quantity by means of a micrometer microscope. A modification of the above method consists in keeping the distance between the object and the image fixed, the distance being chosen con- siderably greater than four times the focal length, and measuring the size of the image in the two positions of the lens which give an image in the plane of the micrometer cross-wire. If is the size of the object, and / and /' are the sizes of the image in the two positions while the lens is moved through a distance I between its two positions, we have m j = -^. ana ni^ = -j,- But from symmetry n^ = l//n.>. Hence = and Substituting these values in the expression used in the first method, we get /= _ijn r which does not involve a knowledge of the size of the object, and from which the focal length can be calculated. 145] TEST OF A PHOTOGRAPHIC LENS 363 Mefh&.l 3. In the case of a lens or system of short focal length, if we take an object at a considerable distance, the image will be formed practically at the principal focus. Thus in the case of a lens having a focal length of a centimetre, if the object is at a distance of a metre the image will be at only a tenth of a millimetre from the principal focal plane. Hence if is the size of the object, and 11 is its distance from the first principal plane, and / is the size of the image, we have / ru Now if u is large, it will not appreciably alter the result if in place of measuring u to the principal plane we measure it to the centre of the lens. Thus the focal length is given by f- 1 - J ~ 0* To apply this method, a brightly illuminated scale, or object of known magnitude, is placed at a considerable distance from the lens, and the size of the image is measured with a micrometer microscope. If the lens is of such a long focus that it is not possible to place the object at a sufficiently great distance, a collimator may be employed, that is, the object is placed at the principal focus of an auxiliary lens. A convenient arrangement is to use the collimator of a spectrometer which, after being adjusted for parallel rays by one of the methods given in 117, has the slit opened wide. The angle subtended by the two edges of the slit must then be measured with the spectrometer telescope in the ordinary manner. Let this angle be 0. The collimator must then be removed and used as an object, while the size of the image, i.e. the width of the image of the slit, must be measured with a micrometer microscope. If the size of this image is /, then /Wcotfl. Another method of measuring the focal length of a system of lenses is given in the next section. 145. Test of a Photographic Lens. The following method of testing photographic lenses, which was developed by Major L. Darwin l for the Kew Observatory, is both convenient and instructive. The instrument used in making the tests is shown in Fig. 157, and can easily be constructed in an ordinary laboratory workshop. The lens L to be tested is mounted on a wooden block, and this block can be moved backwards or forwards by a rack and pinion A. The lens and its mounting can also be rotated about a horizontal axis, the amount of the rotation being read by means of a pointer and divided circle. The 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society (1892), voL lii. p. 403. 364 LENSES AND MIRRORS [145 upright B, which carries the above lens fittings, is screwed to a wooden board c, this board being pivoted at a point vertically under the horizontal axis, about which the lens can turn. The board c moves over a T-shaped base DE, and the amount of the rotation can be read off on a scale of degrees engraved on the curved edge of the base. A clamp F serves to fix c to the base, while two adjustable stops, D and E, serve to limit the rotation. On the board c slides a carriage G, which can be clamped in place by the screw H. On the top of the carriage a second plate I can be traversed through a distance of about 3 cm. by means of a micrometer screw M. This plate I carries a divided scale J, the divisions (mm.) being engraved on ground glass. The image formed by the lens is received on this ground glass, and the position of the glass is roughly FIG. 157. adjusted by moving G, the final adjustment being performed by means of the micrometer screw. A collimator N can be placed on two V's, which are carried on an extension of the bed DE. The scale J can be removed when desired, and replaced by a metal plate (a) in which a small hole is pierced. The first adjustment to be made is to move the lens backwards or forwards by the pinion A till the horizontal axis about which the lens can be turned, and hence also the vertical axis about which the board c can turn, passes through the second nodal point of the lens. To make this adjustment, focus the collimator N for parallel rays by the method given in 117. Then set the collimator in place with the slit horizontal, and having set up a bat's-wing burner behind the slit, focus the image on the ground glass scale J by moving the carriage G. Next rotate the lens about the horizontal axis, and move it backwards or forwards by the pinion A till the image remains fixed in position. If the image moves in the opposite direction to that in which the lens is rotated, then u- r >] TEST OF A PHOTOGRAPHIC LENS 365 move the lens nearer the scale, and vice versa. When this adjustment is complete, the axis about which the lens rotates passes through the second nodal point, as will be at once evident from what has been said in 143. 1. Determination of the Effective Aperture of the Stops. Having focused the lens on the ground glass, using the collimator as object, replace the scale by the metal plate with a hole about a millimetre in diameter, and place a flame behind the plate. The light from this hole, which passes through the lens, will now issue as a parallel beam, and the diameter of the beam will be the effective aperture of the stop which is in place in the lens. This is at once evident, for if we imagine the direction of the light reversed, it is only light within a cylinder of this diameter which will be brought to a focus at a given point of the image. For each of the stops provided with the lens measure the diameter of the beam of parallel rays, using for the purpose the scale engraved on the ground glass, which must be placed in the position previously occupied by the collimator. 2. Determination of the Angle of the Cone of Illumination with the Stops. Having replaced the collimator, look through the hole in the metal plate, and turn the lens about a horizontal axis till all light is cut off by the mount. Take the difference in the readings of the circle attached to the horizontal axis when the lens is rotated first in one direction and then in the other. Half the difference will give the angle of the cone which includes all the rays which traverse the lens. Since the illumination at the edges of this outer cone falls off very much, it is advisable to measure the angle of the inner cone, which is limited by the con- dition that we stop rotating the lens when the edge of the mount is first seen to cut off the light. By measuring this inner cone for the different stops, determine the largest plate which can be used with each stop, so that the illumination should not fall off at the edge, due to the plate extending beyond the inner cone. 3. Determination of the Focal Length. ' Using the collimator as object, put the ground glass scale in place, and turn the board c through an angle < (say, 20), and having carefully focused, take the reading on the scale. Then rotate the board c through an angle < on the opposite side, and again read the position of the image on the scale. If x is the mean distance of the image from the mid point of the scale, then For if NjN., (Fig. 158) are the nodal points of the lens system, and when 366 LENSES AND MIRRORS [ 145 the axis of the lens is rotated into the position DB, the axis of the collimator lies along AN I? then the axis of the emergent pencil forming the image will be along N 2 c, which is parallel to AN r But the lens has been rotated about the point N O , and N O B is the. focal length F, while the scale reading x is BC. Hence from the right-angled triangle CBN 2 (the scale CBC' remains perpendicular to N 2 B throughout) we have F=~UCcot. 4. Determination of the Curvature of the Principal Focal Plane. The image of the slit of the collimator is focused as carefully as possible when the axis of the lens is parallel to the axis of the collimator, and the reading on the micrometer screw M is noted. The board c is then rotated through 10, 20, 30, &c., and in each position the focus is adjusted, and the micrometer screw is read. By plotting the difference between the central reading and the peripheral readings against F tan <, where < is the angle through which the board c has been rotated, the shape of a meridian section of the principal focal " plane " will be obtained. 5. Determination of the Distortion of the Image of a Straight Line near the Margin of 1he Plate. From the dimensions of the plate the lens is intended to cover, calculate the angle /3 which half the breadth subtends at a distance equal to the focal length of the lens. Place the slit of the collimator horizontal, and turn the lens about the horizontal axis through an angle /3, and measure the distance a between the image and the horizontal line engraved on the scale. Next turn the board c through such an angle that the image travels along the scale a distance equal to half the length of the plate, and again measure the distance b of the image from the horizontal line on the scale. Finally determine the dis- tance c of the image from the line when the board c is rotated to an equal amount on the other side of the axis. In this experiment we have, by the rotation of the lens, obtained the same effect as if we had used a horizontal linear source, and the image of the two ends and the middle of this line are formed at distances b, c, and a from the straight line ruled on the scale. Hence if the image is linear we must have and the amount by which a differs from (&-}-c)/2 measures the dis- tortion. 6. To Test the Achromatism of the Lens. To test the achromatism it will be necessary to use a distant object, as it would not do to employ the collimator, for any want of achromatism in its lens would vitiate the result. As object a slit may be used, placed as far off as convenient. The position of the focus is then determined when a red, yellow, and blue glass is placed in succession behind the slit, a bright gas flame being used as source. In this way any difference in focus for red, yellow, and blue rays will be detected. 146] MAGNIFYING POWER OF A TELESCOPE 367 7. To Examine the Lens for Astigmatism. A point source of light is obtained by using the light reflected from a small glass bulb filled with mercury or a silvered bead, when the bulb or bead is illuminated by a small flame placed at a distance of about a metre. When the board c is in the central position, the image will be a small circular disc. When, however, the lens is tilted by rotating the board c, it will generally be found that by altering the position of the ground glass the image in one position is a fine radial, i.e. horizontal, line, and in another a fine line at right angles to the first. Half-way between the position in which these focal lines are formed the image is approximately circular, but the diameter is greater than is the case when the image is on the axis of the lens. 146. Measurement of the Magnifying Power of a Telescope. The magnifying power of a telescope is the ratio of the angle which the distant object subtends at the eye to the angle subtended by the image as seen through the telescope. The most usual method adopted to measure the magnifying power of a telescope is to place a scale at some distance from the telescope, and to focus the telescope on the scale. The dis- tance of the scale from the telescope must be so great that the length of the telescope can be neglected compared to this distance. In addition to the divisions, which must be of such a size that they can be seen clearly by the telescope, two distinct marks must be attached to the scale of such a nature that they can be distinctly seen with the naked eye from the posi- tion where the telescope is set up. Looking through the telescope with one eye, and at these two marks with the other unaided eye, the two images will appear superposed. The number (n) of divisions of the scale, which appear to correspond to the distance between the marks, must be noted. If the distance between the marks is N, then the magnifying power (??/) of the telescope is given by N m = n The angle subtended by the n divisions at the telescope is n/D, where D is the distance of the scale from the telescope, while the angle sub- tended by the N divisions at the eye is N/D, and these appear equal. n N Lence xm== N m= . n When making the comparison, the telescope must be so focused that the two images do not appear to move relatively to one another when the eye which receives light through the telescope is moved slightly from side to 368 LENSES AND MIRRORS [147 side, which of course means that the image formed by the telescope is at the same distance from the eye as the scale. In the case of a short- sighted person, the spectacles habitually used when observing distant objects must be worn when making the measurement. When it is not convenient to place a scale at a sufficient distance, the following modification of the method may be employed : Having focused the telescope for a very distant object, a thin convex lens having a focal length of about 2 metres is fixed immediately in front of the object glass of the telescope. The focal length of this lens need not be known, and a spectacle lens does quite well. Care being taken not to disturb the adjustment of the focus of the telescope for distant objects, the tele- scope is then placed at such a distance from a scale that the divisions appear quite distinct. Then looking through the telescope with one eye, and at the scale with the other eye, the number, n, of divisions of the scale, as seen through the telescope, which appear to coincide with N divisions as seen with the naked eye, must be noted. Then if d is the distance from the scale to the object glass of the telescope, and D is the distance from the scale to the eye, the magnifying power is given by . Dn Since the telescope is focused for parallel rays, it follows that light issuing from any given point on the scale after passing through the auxiliary lens must form a parallel pencil. The angle included between the two parallel pencils, which leave the two points of the scale at a dis- tance n apart, is the same as the angle subtended by these two points at the centre of the auxiliary lens. Hence this angle is n/d. The angle subtended by the two divisions at a distance N apart at the eye is N/I), and the two angles are the same, and hence n N d m = D> Nd or = m.--. Dn 147. Measurement of the Magnifying Power of a Microscope. The magnifying power of a microscope is the ratio of the angle sub- tended by the image of a given object as seen through the microscope to the angle which the same object would subtend if placed at the distance of most distinct vision. This distance may be taken as 25 cm. A finely divided scale is placed on the stage of the microscope, and a scale divided in millimetres is supported at a distance of 25 cm. below the eye-piece of the microscope. Then by looking through the microscope with one eye, and at the other scale with the other, if it is found that the two divisions of the scale as seen through the microscope, which are at 147] MAGNIFYING POWER OF A MICROSCOPE 369 distance n apart, appear to coincide with N divisions of the scale seen with the naked eye, then the magnifying power is given by N m - . n The comparison is made easier if a camera lucida is available, for then the scale a.nd the image, as seen through the microscope, can be seen at the same time with a single eye. 2 A CHAPTER XXII POLAKISED LIGHT 148. Rotation of the Plane of Polarisation by Optically Active Substances. If a beam of plane polarised light is passed through a plate of quartz cut perpendicular to the optic axis, or through a solution of cane sugar, the emergent light will be plane polarised. The plane of polarisation of the emergent light will not, however, be the same as that of the incident light. During the passage of the light through these substances the plane of polarisation undergoes a rotation, which, for any given substance, is proportional to the length of the substance traversed. Substances which are capable of rotating the plane of polarisation are said to be optically active. The rotation is said to be positive or right- handed if, looking towards the source of light, the rotation takes place in the direction of the hands of a clock. If the rotation takes place in the opposite direction, the substance is said to possess negative or left- handed rotatory power. The rotation produced by a decimetre of a pure substance divided by the density is called the specific rotation of the substance, and varies with the wave-length of the light, being greater for light of short wave-length than for light of longer wave-length. If a solution of an active substance in an inactive solvent is used, the rotation produced by a decimetre of the solution divided by the weight of the active substance in unit volume of the solution is called the specific rotation of the dissolved substance. Thus, suppose that x grams of a substance are dissolved in an inactive solvent so that the volume of the solution is 100 c.c., and that a length of 20 cm. of this solution rotates the plane of polarisation through 6 degrees, then the specific rotation of the dissolved body is given by 100(9 The specific rotation is not a constant, for not only does it depend upon the wave-length of the light used and on the temperature, but it also varies with the concentration of the solution used and the nature of the inactive solvent. The variations are, however, small, and may often be neglected. The specific rotation multiplied by the molecular weight of the active substance is called the molecular rotation of the substance. 370 149] ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARISATION 371 The following table gives the specific rotation of some substances for sodium light and a temperature of 20, the concentration being c grams of the salt in 100 c.c. of the solution : Active Substance. Solvent. French turpentine {C 10 H 6 } . . Ethyl tartrate {(C 2 H B )2C 4 H 4 6 } Potassium tartrate {K 2 C 4 H 4 0(j} Tartaric acid {C 4 H 6 O 6 } . . . Potassium sodium tartrate {KNaC 4 H 4 6 } Camphor {C 10 H 16 O} .... None None Water Water Water Ethyl alcohol Specific Rotation. - 37-01 + 8-31 + 27-14 + 6-0992c-0-000938c 2 + 15-06 - 0-131c + 29-73 - OO078c + 41-982+ 0'11824c In the case of cane sugar (C 12 H 22 O 11 ) dissolved in water, the specific rotation for sodium light at a temperature t is given by l [ a ]^ = 66-5- 0-0184(^-20). For quartz, the rotation produced by 1 millimetre for different tem- peratures is given by [O]' D = 21-72[1 + 0-000147(- 20)]. In the case of invert sugar (C^H.^Oio), the specific rotation changes with the concentration much more than in the case of cane sugar. The effect of temperature is also greater. Landolt gives the following expres- sions for obtaining the specific rotation of invert sugar, where c is the weight of invert sugar contained in 100 c.c. of solution, which holds for values of c between 2 and 30 and from C. to 30 = 19-657 + 0-0361e' - - 20). If a solution is made up which contains c grams of cane sugar in 100 c.c., and then the cane sugar is converted into invert sugar, since the molecular weights of the two sugars are not the same there will not be c grams of invert sugar in 100 c.c. The molecular weight of cane sugar is 342, and that of invert sugar is 360. Hence the concentration c of the invert sugar solution is given by , 360 149. Methods of Measuring the Rotation of the Plane of Polarisa- tion. Theoretically, the simplest method of determining the plane of polarisation of a beam of light is to examine it with a Nicol prism, for when the prism is so turned that its principal plane is perpendicular to Schonrock, Zeit. Instrumentenkunde (1900), xx. 97. 372 POLAKISED LIGHT [149 the plane of polarisation of the light, no light will pass through the prism. In practice, however, such a simple prism forms a very insensitive arrange- ment for determining the plane of polarisation, for it is impossible to tell exactly when the light is exactly cut off, the field appearing dark while the Nicol is being rotated through an appreciable angle. On this account various arrangements have been devised to assist the setting of the Nicol so that its principal plane is inclined at a definite angle to the plane of polarisation of the incident light. Most of these arrangements consist in the use of an auxiliary piece of apparatus, by means of which, instead of using a beam of light which is polarised throughout in the same direc- tion, the incident beam is divided into two parts, and the light in these two parts is polarised in planes inclined at a small angle ft to one another. When the analysing Nicol is so placed that its principal plane is perpen- dicular to the plane of polarisation of half the field, that half of the field will appear black. If, then, the analysing Nicol is turned through an angle ft so that its plane is now perpendicular to the plane of polarisa- tion of the other half of the field, this half will now appear black. When the principal plane of the Nicol is equally inclined to the planes of polar- isation of the two halves of the field, the whole field will appear of a uniform tint. Now it is found that the eye can tell when the two halves of the field are equally bright very much better than it can tell when the field is quite dark. Since turning the analyser through an angle /3 changes from one half of the field being quite dark to the other half being quite dark, the smaller we make ft, the smaller the angle through which the analyser can be turned between these two limits, and it might at first sight appear that by making ft very small the accuracy of setting could be indefinitely increased. This is not the case, for if ft is very small, then the intensity of the light in the two halves of the field is so small that the eye is not able to judge whether the illumination is equal. The smallest value of ft which it is advisable to use depends on the intensity of the light which enters the analyser, that is, on the intensity of the source of light and on the transparency of the substance being investi- gated. Hence, since the intensity of the light varies in different cases, it is an advantage to be able to adjust the value of ft so that maximum sensitiveness may be obtained in any given condition. The principal methods employed for pro- ducing the difference in the plane of polari- sation of the two halves of the field are as follows : 1. A small plate of quartz cut parallel to the axis is placed in half the beam of light, the thickness being such that during the passage of the light through the plate the ordinary ray gains in phase over the cxtra- FIG. 149] ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARISATION 373 ordinary ray by 180, or A/2, where A is the wave-length of the light used. Let ABC (Fig. 159) represent the quartz plate covering half the field, the optical axis of the quartz being parallel to the edge AB. Let the plane of polarisation of the light from the polarising Nicol be at right angles to OP, so that the vibrations in the incident light take place along OP. Then in the quartz the incident vibration is resolved into two com- ponents, one taking place along OA, and the other at right angles to the optic axis, i.e. along oc. On emergence from the quartz one of these vibrations, namely, that in the direction OA, will be retarded by 180 more than that along oc, and hence when on leaving the quartz they recombine to produce a single plane polarised beam, the vibration will take place along OQ, which makes the same angle with the axis OA as does the original direction of vibration OP, that is, the plane of polarisation of the light which has traversed the quartz will be inclined to the original plane of polarisation at an angle equal to twice the angle AOP (see 152). By altering the angle AOP, that is, by altering the angle included between the principal plane of the polarising Nicol and the optical axis of the quartz plate, the angle between the planes of polarisation of the two halves of the field can thus be altered. It will be noticed that such a half wave- length plate of quartz can only be used with one kind of monochromatic light, since it is only for light of a single wave-length that the difference in phase between the two waves which have traversed the plate will be exactly equal to 180, and hence it is only for such light that on recom- bination we shall obtain a beam of plane polarised light. If white light were used with a half wave-length plate of such a thickness that a differ- ence of phase of 180 is produced with yellow light, then the yellow part of the spectrum would on emergence be polarised in a plane making an equal angle with the axis of the quartz to that made by the original plane of polarisation. For red light, on the other hand, the difference of phase would be less than 180, and hence the emergent light would be elliptically polarised, and would not be completely extinguished for any position of the analysing Nicol. This same remark applies to the green and blue, so that the field would appear coloured, and no satisfactory match of the two halves would be obtained. 2. Poynting has devised a simple arrangement for producing the field having two halves polarised in slightly different direc- tions, which consists of a small tube, the two ends of which are closed by two plane glass plates A and B (Fig. 160). A semicircular plate of glass c is enclosed in the cell, and the remainder of the cell is filled with a solution of sugar. The sugar solution rotates the plane of polar- isation, and the amount of the rotation is greater in the case of the light which traverses the upper part of the cell than in the case of the light which passes through the lower part of the cell where part of the path con- IGt 160< sists in the glass plate c. 3. One or more auxiliary Nicols can be placed after the analyser 374 POLARISED LIGHT [ 149 SD as to partly cover the field, their principal planes being inclined at a small angle to the principal plane of the polariser. Lippish uses two auxiliary Nicols B and c (Fig. 161). Thus the field, as shown at (a), consists of three parts. The central part A corresponds to light which has passed through the analyser only while the two outer parts B and c correspond to light which has passed in addition through the two auxiliary Nicols. The principal planes of the auxiliary Nicols are parallel, but slightly inclined to the principal plane of the analyser. It is found that using a field divided into three parts is an advantage, as it facilitates judging when the whole field is of a uniform brightness. 4. An arrangement called a biquartz may be used. This consists of two semi- circular plates of quartz of equal thickness cut with the optic axis perpendicular to the semicircular faces. One half of the quartz is right handed, and the other half left handed. When plane polarised white light is passed through the biquartz, the plane of polarisation of the light in the two halves is rotated in the opposite directions, and the different colours are rotated to a different extent. If the thickness of the quartz plates is about 3 mm., then the yellow light in each half is rotated through 90. Hence if the principal plane of the analysing Nicol is turned so as to be perpendicular to the plane of polarisation of the incident light, and therefore parallel to the plane of polarisation to the yellow rays, the yellow rays will be extinguished on either side, and both halves of the field will appear a greyish- violet colour, called the tint of passage. On slightly rotating the analysing Nicol the colour cut out will on one side be nearer the blue, and on the other side nearer the red end of the spectrum, and hence one half of the field will appear of a red tinge, and the other half of a blue tinge. This change is fairly sudden, and hence it is possible to adjust the analysing Nicol to the tint of passage with considerable accuracy. The rotation measured when using the tint of passage corresponds to yellow light near the Fraunhofer line E of the solar spectrum. The general arrangement of the optical parts of most polarimeters, as instruments for measuring the rotation of the plane of polarisation are called, is shown in Fig. 162. The source of light s is placed at a distance from the lens L equal to its focal length, so that an approxi- mately parallel pencil of rays enters the polarising Nicol N r The half wave-length plate Q is attached to a ring, so that the angle the optical axis of the quartz makes with the principal plane of the Nicol can be varied. The analysing Nicol N 2 and a low power telescope, consisting of an object glass L. 2 and eye-piece H, are attached to a divided circle, by means of which the angle through which they are rotated can be 149] ROTATION OF THE PLANE OF POLARISATION 375 measured. The substance to be investigated is placed between the two parts of the instrument. In the case of a liquid it is enclosed in a tube A, which is closed with plates of optically worked glass. These plates are held against the ends of the tube with metal caps, which screw on to H FIG. 162. the ends of the tube. If it is desired to make accurate measurements of rotation, it is essential that it should be possible to rotate the analysing Nicol completely round so as to be able to make two settings, the Nicol being rotated through 180 between the two. In some forms of saccharimeter instead of directly measuring the angle through which the plane of polarisation is rotated by means of a divided circle attached to the analysing Nicol, the rotation is measured by determining what thickness of some substance which rotates the plane in the opposite direction must be interposed to neutralise the rotation produced by the body under investigation. Solid's compensator consists of two wedges of quartz, ABC and DBF (Fig. 163). These wedges have equal angles, and they are both cut so that the optical axis of the quartz is perpendicular to the faces AB and FE. These wedges are fixed in frames, which by means of a rack and pinion can be caused to move one in one direction and the other in the opposite, the amount of movement being indicated by a scale. In this way the thickness of quartz which the light traverses before it reaches the Nicol N., can be varied. The azimuth of the principal plane of the Nicol N. 2 is so adjusted with refer- ence to the plane of polarisa- tion of the polarising Nicol, that when the wedges are placed immediately one FIG. 163. behind the other the two ives of the field appear equally dark. The reading on the scale is len zero. When an optically active body is placed in the instru- 376 POLARISED LIGHT [ 150 ment the wedges are moved so as either to increase or decrease the thickness of quartz till the two halves of the field again appear equally dark. Then from a previous calibration of the scale the rotation produced by the substance is deduced. 150. Measurement of the Rotatory Power of Solutions of Turpentine. As an illustration of the measurement of the rotatory power of a solution we may take the case of solutions of turpentine in paraffin. The first operation is to obtain the zero reading of the instrument. Focus * the eye-piece so that the line dividing the field into two parts is seen sharply, and in the case of instruments using a biquartz adjust for the sensitive tint. Then determine the reading when the two halves of the field are equally illuminated or of the same tint, as the case may be. Having carefully cleaned the tube and the glass plates which are used to close the ends, place one of these plates on one end of the tube, then an india-rubber ring, and finally the cap, which must not be screwed down too tight. The reason for the introduction of the rubber ring between the outside of the glass plate and the cap is that if glass is strained it becomes birefringent, and would thus affect the plane of polarisation of the light. The effect of strain is generally to produce elliptic polarisation, so that the field appears patchy. Next fill the tube with pure turpentine quite to the top, and slide on the other glass plate, and having wiped off any superfluous liquid, fix the plate in place with a rubber washer and the cap. Place the tube in the instrument, and allow it to stand there for some time so that the temperature may become uniform, and thus the striaB due to differences of density may disappear. Since the rotatory power changes with temperature, it is necessary to measure the temperature of the substance. For this reason polarimeters which are intended for accurate measurements are provided with water-jackets, which resemble Liebig condensers, to go round the tube, the temperature of the liquid being obtained by measuring the temperature of the water which is passed through the jacket. In the absence of such a jacket a thermo- meter must be placed alongside the tube, and time be allowed for the thermometer and liquid within the tube to come to the same temperature. Several settings of the instrument must be made for the analyser in the two positions, separated by about 180, for which the field is equally bright on either side. The mean of these, less the zero reading, will give the rotation. In the case of substances which have a large rotatory power, there may be an uncertainty as to whether the rotation is to the right or to the left. In such a case observations must be made with a shorter tube or with a weaker solution, and these will at once show the sign of the rotation. 1 When making this adjustment, it is advisable to place the tube filled with water in the instrument. In this way the focus will probably be correct when the liquid under observation is used. ' 151] STRENGTH OF A SOLUTION OF SUGAR 377 Having determined the rotation produced by pure turpentine, make up solutions containing different percentages of turpentine mixed with paraffin oil. The easiest way of obtaining these solutions is to weigh a 50 or 100 c.c. measuring flask empty, and then introduce about the right quantity of turpentine, and again weigh. Finally, fill the flask up to the mark with the paraffin. Carefully measure the length of the tube, and then calculate the rotatory power of the turpentine when pure and when in solution, and see to what extent the rotatory power is constant. 151. Measurement of the Strength of a Solution of Sugar. To determine the quantity of cane sugar in a solution, which may also contain other substances which rotate the plane of polarisation, we proceed as follows : Take about 15 grams of the sugar to be tested and introduce it into a weighed 100 c.c. flask, and again weigh. Then fill the flask up to its mark with distilled water. Measure off 50 c.c. of this solution, and add 5 c.c. of strong hydrochloric acid, and warm this mixture to a temperature of 70 C., keeping it at this temperature for about ten minutes, and then allow to cool to the room temperature. By the action of the acid the cane sugar will be converted into invert sugar. The rotations produced by the original solution, and that in which the sugar has been converted into levulose, must then be measured. It must be remembered that 10 per cent, by volume of hydrochloric acid has been added to one portion of the solution. Hence if w is the weight of sugar originally taken, the unacted upon solution contains w grams of sugar in 100 c.c. of the solution. The other portion, however, contains only 10^/11 grams of the original sugar in 100 c.c. of the solution. Thus if the same tube is used in the two measurements, the rotations with the converted sugar must be multiplied by I'l to convert them to what they would have been had not the solution been diluted with the hydrochloric acid. To save having to make this correction two tubes are sometimes supplied with saccharimeters, the length of one tube being 20 cm., and that of the other 22 cm. The weaker solution being placed in the longer tube, the extra length compensates for the weakening of the solution. The temperature of the solutions must be noted when measuring the rotation, this being especially necessary in the case of the invert sugar. If a and a are the rotations produced by the two solutions, and t the temperature at which the observations were made, and I the length of the tube, we have ( 148) a = { 66-5- 0-0184 (*- 20} where c is the weight of cane sugar in w grains of the sugar being tested, and is the quantity it is required to find, while /3 is the rotation produced by substances other than cane sugar which may be present. 378 Also a where POLARISED LIGHT - f 19-657 + 0-0361c' - 0-304 (t - 20) j c l + ft , 360 [152 Hence a - a' = L J66-5 - 0-0184(* - 20)) c - {19-657 1 00 I ) + 0-0380c - 0-304( - 20)}1'0526, from which c can be calculated. It will generally be most convenient to obtain the approximate value for c, neglecting the term 0'0380c, and then introduce this approximate value in the above term to get the final value for c. In the case of fairly pure samples it is even sufficiently accurate to substitute w in place of c in this small term. 152. Elliptically and Circularly Polarised Light. Suppose that we have a plate of a doubly refracting crystal cut parallel to the optic axis, and that the principal planes of this plate are parallel to the directions ox and OY (Fig. 164), while a beam of plane polarised light traverses the plate normally, the plane of polarisation of the incident light being parallel to OQ. Then the vibrations in the incident light will take place in a direction perpendicular to OQ, that is, parallel to OP. The incident vibration having an amplitude equal to OP will give rise to a vibration of amplitude ON or FIG. 1G4. ^ cos a = a (say) parallel to ox, and a vibration of amplitude OM or A sin a = b (say) parallel to OY. At the face of incidence these two vibrations will be in the same phase, but as they traverse the crystal plate with different velocities, they will differ in phase when they emerge. If the difference in the optical paths is 8, the period of the incident light being T, and its wave-length in air A, while the incident light vibration be represented by A cos 27r , then the vibrations of the two components when they reach the second face of the plate will be represented by . X == a COS 27T b cos 2?r T A respectively. 152] ELLIPTIC ALLY POLARISED LIGHT 379 From these two equations the time t can be eliminated, when we obtain v 2xy cos 27T- ab which represents the resultant vibration on emergence. This expression is the equation to an ellipse described in a rectangle having its sides parallel to ox and OY, and of length 2a and 2b respectively. & If 8 = 0, then sin 2?r --=0, and cos 2?r- = 1. Thus the vibration is A A represented by --| = ......... (2) a b which is the equation to a straight line parallel to OQ. Thus the emergent light is plane polarised parallel to the incident light. A $\ & If 8 = -, then sin 2?r- = 0, and cos 27r- = - 1, and therefore (3) This represents plane polarised light, but the plane of vibration is now parallel to OP', where OP' is inclined at the same angle to ox as is OP, but on the opposite side of ox. \ s ? When 8 = -, then sin 2?r- = 1, and cos 27r- = 0, and therefore 4 A A (4) which represents an ellipse with its axes parallel to the principal axes of the crystal. If a = 45, that is, if the plane of polarisation of the incident light is equally inclined to the principal axes, the resultant vibration reduces to which represents a circle, and thus the emergent light is circularly polarised. It follows from the above that if we resolve an elliptic vibration into components along the axes of the ellipse, then the difference in phase of the components is - or -- . Hence if by any means we reduce the difference of phase between the components by - or A/4, they will be in the same 2 phase, or differ in phase by 180, and will, if then recombined, produce 380 POLARISED LIGHT [ 153 plane polarised light. If the angle which the vibrations in the plane polarised light make with the major axis of the ellipse be a, then the ratio of the axes of the ellipse is given by . | -cot a (6) 153. Analysis of an Elliptical Vibration. The apparatus required for this experiment is a spectrometer to which can be attached three vertical graduated circles. Two of these fit over the object glasses of the collimator and telescope, and the third fits in the eye-piece end of the tele- scope. The circles on the collimator and at the eye-piece end of the telescope are fitted with Nicol prisms ; arms are also attached, by means of which the angles through which the Nicols are rotated can be read off on the circles. A quarter wave-length plate is mounted on the circle attached to the object glass of the telescope. The quarter wave-length plate is a plate of crystal such that incident plane polarised light is separated into two components polarised at right angles, and the phase of one component is retarded by A/4 over that of the other. Generally the plate is adjusted for sodium light. As has been shown in the last section, when a difference of phase of A/4 is intro- duced in the components into which elliptically polarised light can be split, then these components will combine to form plane polarised light. Hence by turning the quarter wave-length plate so that the directions in which the vibrations within the plate take place are parallel to the axes of the ellipse, the emergent light will be plane polarised, and can be extinguished by the eye-piece Nicol. The position of the principal plane of the quarter wave-length plate will then give the direction of the axes of the elliptic vibration, and the cotangent of the angle the principal plane makes with the principal plane of the eye-piece Nicol will give the ratio of the diameters of the ellipse. The telescope and collimator having been focused for parallel light, the readings on the circle when the principal plane of the eye-piece Nicol is horizontal must be obtained. To do this remove the polarising Nicol and mount a piece of plate glass vertically on the prism table, or use the face of a prism, and turn it so that the angle of incidence of the light from the collimator is the polarising angle, i.e. tan < = //.. Place the telescope so as to receive the reflected light, and turn the eye-piece Nicol till the light is completely extinguished. The principal plane of the Nicol is then horizontal, and the reading on the circle must be noted. Next replace the Nicol on the collimator, and turn it till it is crossed with the eye-piece Nicol, and hence its principal plane is vertical. The quarter wave-length plate is then put in place and turned till the field is dark, in which position its principal plane is either horizontal or vertical, and the reading on the circle must be recorded. The instrument is now in adjustment, and as an exercise a thin sheet of mica may be introduced between the polariser and the quarter wave- 153] ANALYSIS OF ELLIPTICAL VIBRATION 381 length plate. Unless the principal plane of the mica is horizontal or vertical, elliptically polarised light will be produced. To analyse this elliptically polarised light rotate the quarter wave- length plate and the analysing Nicol till no light is transmitted. Then read the circles for the plate and the analyser. The difference between the two readings for the plate will give the angle made by the axes of the elliptic vibration with the horizontal and vertical directions. The difference in the two readings for the analyser will be the angle w T hose tangent is equal to the ratio of the semi-diameters of the ellipse. CHAPTER XXIII PHOTOMETRY AND COLOUR VISION 154. Standards of Light. The legal standard of light in Great Britain is the sperm candle, which burns 120 grains (7*776 grams) of spermaceti per hour, such a standard candle being said to give a luminous intensity of one candle-power. Numerous investigations have, however, shown that as a standard of light the candle is unsuitable and unreliable. As alternative standards there have been a number suggested, of which the following are the chief : 1. The Carcel standard, which consists of a colza lamp of fixed form originally designed by Regnault and Dumas. This standard is used in France. 2. The Amyl Acetat lamp, which is a lamp burning amyl acetate under standard conditions, invented by von Hefner-Alteneck, and is used as a standard in Germany. 3. A lamp burning normal pentane, invented by Vernon Harcourt, and now used as the official standard for testing gas in London. 4. The light given out normally by a square centimetre of molten platinum at its solidifying temperature. This unit of light was pro- posed by Violle. 5. The light emitted by a square centimetre of solid platinum heated by the passage of an electric current to such a temperature that 10 per cent, of the radiation which it emits, as measured by a bolometer, can pass through a layer of water 2 centimetres thick contained in a cell with quartz sides. This standard was suggested by Lummer and Kurlbaum, and is in use at the Reichsanstalt at Berlin. As a secondary standard, that is, one of which the value is determined once for all by comparison with one of the standards mentioned above, Fleming has recommended the use of a special form of carbon incandescent electric lamp working under fixed electrical conditions. Of these various standards, the molten platinum and the Lummer- Kurlbaum incandescent platinum strip standards require such delicate manipulation that their description is beyond the scope of this book. The Carcel is not a standard which in convenience in handling or accuracy much exceeds the standard candle. The Hefner-Alteneck lamp suffers from the defect that the colour of the light is much redder than the light given, say, by an incandescent electric lamp. A description of this lamp will be found in Elektrofeclmlsche Zeitschrift, vol. iii. p. 445, and vol. v. p. 20. It must be noted that the light given by this standard varies 155] PHOTOMETEKS 383 very considerably with the quantity of water vapour in the air and the proportion of carbon dioxide present. A correction has also to be applied for the effects of changes in the barometric pressure. A description of the Vernon Harcourt pentane lamp will be found in the Notification of the Gas Referees for the Year 1904, published by Eyre & Spottiswoode. The light given by this standard also varies with the moisture and carbon dioxide present in the air, and with the baro- metric pressure. The Fleming-Ediswan standard glow-lamp consists of a U-shaped carbon filament which has been run in an exhausted bulb for fifty hours at about 5 per cent, above its normal voltage. The filament was then removed and sealed into a new bulb, which is very much larger than the bulb of an ordinary incandescent lamp. Fleming T finds that such lamps, if not run above their marked voltage, and not very much used, remain constant for a long time. 155. Photometers. (1) The Bunsen Photometer. In its original form the Bunsen photometer consisted of a disc of unglazed paper, with a circular grease spot at the centre. The grease renders the paper more translucent than the untreated portion of the disc. Hence when the disc is placed between two lights practically no light is transmitted through the ungreased portion of the paper, and the illumination of this part of the disc depends on the light received from the source on that side. The illumination of the spot, however, depends on the light which is reflected at its surface, together with the light which traverses the spot from the other side. If the illumination of the spot seems the same as that of the surrounding paper, then just as much light traverses the spot from right to left as is transmitted from left to right, so that the light transmitted just makes up for the light which, in place of being reflected at the surface, has passed through the paper. But if the amounts trans- mitted by the spot in the two directions are equal, it means that the illumination received on the two sides of the disc are equal. Hence if we measure the distances of the sources of light from the disc, since the illuminations at the disc are equal, we can immediately calculate the ratio of the quantities of light given by the two sources in the directions considered. When using the Bunsen photometer it is necessary to be able to see the two sides of the disc simultaneously ; hence it is usual to arrange two mirrors inclined at 45 to the plane of the disc, and to examine the images of the two sides of the disc as seen reflected in these two mirrors. In practice it is found impossible to find a position of the disc at which both sides of the disc seem quite uniformly illuminated. This is particularly the case if the sources which are being compared do not give light of exactly the same colour. This difficulty has been in a measure reduced by Dibdin, who replaced the simple grease spot by a sheet of tissue paper, placed between two sheets of white card in which star- shaped openings have been cut. The two stars are placed exactly opposite * Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Ewjinetrs (1903), xxxii. p. 1. 384 PHOTOMETRY [ 155 one another, and the tissue paper which stretches across the openings plays the part of the grease spot. (2) The Lummer-Brodhun Photometer. This photometer consists in a system of reflecting prisms, arranged so as that the field of view of a telescope is divided into two parts, one of which is illuminated by the light diffused from one side of a slab of magnesium carbonate which is exposed to the light from one of the sources, while the rest of the field is illuminated by light received from the other side of the slab, which is exposed to the second source of light. The arrangement of prisms is shown in Fig. 165. The essence of the instrument consists in the double prism CD, shown on a larger scale at (a). This prism consists of two right-angled prisms placed with their hypotenuse faces in contact. The hypotenuse face of the prism c is slightly ground away, except for a circular portion in the centre. The two prisms are then cemented together so that at the centre light can pass through the central part from one prism to the other, whatever the angle at which it is incident on the com- mon face. AB is the magnesia slab, and light from the two sides is reflected by means of the prisms E and F into the double prism in the manner shown by the arrows. Of the light which reaches the prism c from the left-hand surface of the slab, only that portion which falls on the part of the prism in contact with the prism D will be able to pass through and reach the telescope T. The rest of the light will be reflected at the ground away portions of the hypotenuse face of the prism c. Of the light which comes from the right-hand surface of the slab, that which falls on the central part of the hypotenuse face of the prism D will pass right through the prism c, and hence will not reach the telescope. The light which falls on the outside portions of the hypotenuse face of the prism D will, however, be totally reflected into the telescope. Hence the central part of the field of the telescope will be illuminated by light from the left-hand surface of the slab only, while the surround- ing portions of the field will be illuminated by light coming from the right-hand surface of the slab. It will be seen that both portions of light have .traversed equal thicknesses of glass, so that absorption within the glass will affect them equally. Thus if the whole field of the tele- FIG. 165. PHOTOMETERS 385 155] scope appears equally bright, it follows that the two sides of the slab AB are equally illuminated. Arrangements are made so that the whole instrument may be rotated through 180 with reference to the sources of light, thus interchanging the surfaces of the slab exposed to the two lights, so that any inequality in the surfaces may be eliminated. The Lummer-Brodhun photometer is probably the most accurate form of photometer at present in use, and with it comparisons of light, which are of the same colour, can be made correct to about one-fifth per cent. (3) The Rumford Photometer. In this photometer, which ought with justice to be called the Lambert photometer, the two sources of light throw shadows of a rod on a white screen, and the distances of the sources from the screen are adjusted till the shadows appear equally dark. The distance of the rod which casts the shadow from the screen is immaterial ; the edges of the shadow which it casts must, however, be sharp, so that in the case of sources of light of considerable extent the rod must be placed fairly close to the screen, and the lights at some distance. The lights and rod must also be so adjusted that the two shadows just touch, as in this case it is much easier to tell when the shadows are equally bright. This photometer has the merit of extreme simplicity, and since the necessary apparatus can be prepared in a few minutes, it is very con- venient" for making rough measurements of the relative intensity of two sources of light. (4) The Jolly Paraffin Block Photometer. D YIG. 166. photometer consists of two blocks of clear paraffin wax A and B (Fig. 166), which are separated by a sheet of tin-foil. The faces c and D are turned towards the sources of light, while the compound block is looked at from the side AB. When the illumi- nation of the faces c and D are equal, the two halves of the block will appear equally bright. (5) The Pho- t op ed. This photometer i s used by the Gas Referees when testing the illu- minating power of London gas. It consists of a metal screen A (Fig. 167), pierced at the centre with a square hole B, over which is stretched a piece of thin white paper. A 2B B FIG. 167. 386 PHOTOMETRY [ 155 tube c is attached to the screen, and within this tube slides a second tube D. A diaphragm E having a rectangular aperture is attached to D. The distance of the diaphragm from the paper B is so adjusted that the two patches of light due to the lights s x and s., just touch. When the two patches appear equally bright, the illumination at B, due to the two lights, is equal. (6) The Ritchie Photometer. In this photometer two white surfaces are inclined at equal angles to the light coming from the two sources. The two surfaces meet along an edge, and the observer looks towards the edge, thus seeing the two surfaces alongside. The sources of light are then adjusted so that the two surfaces appear equally bright. In order to FIG. 1(58. make an accurate setting, it is of great importance that the edge, where the two surfaces meet, should be sharp. (7) The Flicker Photometer. This photometer consists of a white screen A (Fig. 1 68) placed at an angle of 30 to the direction of the light coming from one of the lights s r A second screen B is mounted on the axle of a small electric motor. This screen is in the form of a Maltese cross, as shown at E, the arms of the cross and the intervals being of equal width. The plane of this cross makes an angle of 30 with the light from the second source 2 . The observer's eye is placed at F, and looks down a blackened tube D, and as the cross rotates he alternately sees the face of the cress illuminated by the source s. 2 , and the screen A illuminated by the source s r If the two illuminations are not equal, then when the cross rotates a sense of flicker will be produced, which will vanish when the illumina- tions are equal. This form of photometer is of special use when comparing two sources of different colours, since the fact that the lights are of different 156] DETERMINATION OF CANDLE-POWER 387 colours does not interfere with the vanishing of the sensation of flicker when the intensities of the lights are suitably adjusted. It is essential when making photometrical measurements that all reflected light should be prevented from reaching the screen or photo- meter. Thus the walls of the room in which the photometer is placed must be painted a dead black, and the photometer itself placed at some distance from the walls, for even such substances as black velvet reflect an appreciable amount of light at large angles of incidence. Fleming recommends that the minimum size of room should be 2 '5 metres wide, 2*5 metres high, and 6 metres long, with the photometer bar running down the middle of the room. The photometer bar consists of a long optical bench, with two carriages to support the lights, and a third carriage to support the photometer. If a flame standard is used, it will be neces- sary to provide means, by a fan or otherwise, to renew the air within the room, otherwise, owing to the accumulation of carbon dioxide and moisture in the air, the light given by the standard will decrease. 156. Determination of the Connection between the Candle-power of an Incandescent Lamp and the Watts consumed for Different Voltages. The lamp to be investigated is mounted on the carriage of the photometer bar, and is connected through an ammeter and a variable resistance with a source of E.M.F. slightly greater than the marked voltage of the lamp. The terminals of the lamp are also connected to a voltmeter. On the other carriage is mounted another lamp, which will be taken as a standard. This lamp must either be permanently connected to a voltmeter, or a switch must be arranged by means of which a voltmeter can be connected to one or other of the lamps at will. An adjustable resistance must also be placed in series with this standard lamp. Adjust the resistance in series with the comparison lamp till the E.M.F. between its terminals has the value for which the lamp is marked, or some whole number of volts a little below this value. Also adjust the resistance in series with the lamp to be tested so that it is at its marked voltage, and then by moving the photometer or one of the lamps, secure uniformity of illumination on the two sides of the photometer. Immediately this balance is secured, read off the volts and amperes corresponding to the lamp under test. The setting should be repeated several times, and the mean taken. When adjusting the position of the photometer for equality of illumination, it will be found advantageous to oscillate it backwards and forwards fairly rapidly over a few millimetres, and to gradually reduce the amplitude of the movement till finally a position of adjustment is arrived at. Repeat the observations, using gradually decreasing voltages on the lamp to be tested, but keeping the voltage on the comparison lamp con- stant. Then plot a curve showing the connection between the voltage and the light given by the lamp, taking the light given by the comparison lamp as unit. Also calculate the watts consumed by the lamp, that is, the product of the volts into the amperes, and divide the watts by the intensity of the light, and plot the quotient, that is, watts per candle, against the voltage. 388 PHOTOMETRY [ 157. The Spectro-photometer. It is sometimes necessary to compare the intensities of the light given by two sources for light of the various wave-lengths taken throughout the spectrum. For this purpose it is necessary to form a spectrum with the light from each source, and then to compare the brightness of corresponding parts of the spectra. Such a comparison is made by means of a spectro-photometer. An ordinary spectrometer may be converted into a spectro-photometer in the following manner : In front of the lens of the collimator AB (Fig. 169) is placed a double image prism c. This prism consists of a prism of calcite or quartz, cut with its refracting edge parallel to the optic axis of the crystal, cemented to a second prism of equal angle made of the same material, but cut with the refracting edge perpendicular to the optic axis. A ray of s, B A1 i 'H , >O 1 B -3te C (6) FIG. 109. light i (Fig. 169, 1) will pass through the prism AEG, in which the refracting edge is perpendicular to the optic axis, parallel to the optic axis, and therefore the ordinary and the extraordinary rays will coincide in direction. On reaching the prism ACD, in which the refracting edge is parallel to the optic axis, the ordinary ray o will be undeviated, while the extraordinary ray E will be deviated, and thus after passing through the double prism the ordinary and extraordinary rays will proceed in directions inclined at a small angle. Thus the incident unpolarised light by its. passage through the prism is divided into two rays of equal inten- sity which are plane polarised, the planes of polarisation in the two rays being at right angles. The double image prism being placed in front of the collimator object glass, on turning the telescope to view the slit, the prism D having been removed, two images of the slit will be seen. The double image 157] THE SPECTRO-PHOTOMETER 389 prism must then be rotated till these two images form a single line. The two images will overlap at the centre, and a piece of paper o(Fig. 169, a) must be pasted over the central part of the slit, and its width so ad- justed that of the four images now formed the two middle ones just touch but do not overlap. Thus in the centre of the field there will be two adjacent images of the slit, one formed by light which has passed through the upper portion of the slit, and the other by light which has passed through the lower portion, and since one of these will correspond to an ordinary ray, and the other to an extraordinary ray, they will be polarised in perpendicular planes. The uppermost and lowest of the four images must then be cut out by a screen placed in the telescope in the plane of the cross-wires. The Nicol N (Fig. 169), with its divided circle, is then attached to the telescope, and the Nicol is turned till one of the images vanishes, when the reading of the circle is noted. This will give the zero reading, and a rotation of the Nicol through 90 from this position will cause the other image to vanish. On placing the prism D on the table two spectra will be seen, one formed with light from each half of the slit, arid these spectra will be polarised in planes at right angles. Suppose, then, that the lower part of the slit is illuminated by a source of light s v while, by means of a small totally reflecting prism p, the light from a second source S 2 is caused to illuminate the upper part of the slit, then the two spectra will be due to the two lights. To compare the brightness for different colours a diaphragm F, with a fairly narrow vertical slit, is placed at the focal plane of the eye-piece of the telescope so as to cut out all the spectrum except the portions which are to be compared. The Nicol is then turned till the two portions of the spectra appear equally bright. Let the angle through which the Nicol has to be turned from its zero position be 8. Then where I I and /., are the intensities of the two sources for light of the wave-length being compared. Let AOB (Fig. 170) represent the zero position of the Nicol, that is, the position of its plane of polarisation when the upper images is cut off, i.e. when the light from the source s x is extinguished. Then oc will be the position of the plane of polarisation of the Nicol when the light from the source S 2 is extinguished. When the plane of polarisation of the Nicol is parallel to OD, the intensity of the light from source s x transmitted will be /! sin' J 0, while the intensity of the light due to the source S 2 will be 390 PHOTOMETRY [ 158 7 2 cos 2 0. Hence since the intensities of the light transmitted by the Nicol from the two sources are equal, we have As an exercise in the use of the spectro-photometer, compare the light given by an ordinary bat's-wing burner with that given by a Welsbach incandescent mantle. It will, in the first place, be necessary to draw a curve giving the deviations produced by the prism D (Fig. 169) in terms of the wave-length by one of the methods described in 124. Next place the two flames in such positions that they illuminate the slit, one directly, and the other after reflection in the prism p. The exact equality of the distances of the lights from the slit is not important, so long as each of them entirely fills the angle obtained by producing the lines drawn from the edge of the collimator lens through the slit. Then determine the position of the Nicol when equality of illumina- tion is secured for a number of points taken through the spectrum, and plot a curve showing the connection between tan 2 B and the wave-length. It will appear from this curve that the Welsbach is relatively richer in the light of smaller wave-length. 158. Measurement of the Absorption Curve of a Solution. A small glass cell containing a dilute solution of cyanine in alcohol is placed over half of the slit of the spectro-photometer, and then the light from a bright source of light, such as the filament of a Nernst lamp, is allowed to pass directly through half of the slit, and after passing through the solution, through the other half of the slit. Then deter- mine the readings of the Nicol when the different portions of the two spectra are equally bright. If 6 is the reading for the Nicol, then the ratio of the light transmitted by the solution to the original light is given by tan 2 6. Plot a curve showing the connection between the proportion of light transmitted and the wave-length. Similar curves may be obtained for solutions of permanganate of potash and for various coloured glasses. When measuring the absorp- tion with a cell containing the solution before part of 'the slit there will be a certain amount of loss of light, owing to reflection at the glass surfaces, as well as owing to absorption within the glass itself. Hence it is often advisable to use a second cell with a smaller thickness of solution before the other half of the slit, so that both beams of light pass through a cell, but the thickness of solution in one case is greater than in the other. In place of using two cells a single cell may be used, but a plate of glass of measured thickness, say, 1 cm., may be placed in the lower part of the cell, and the light which enters through the lower half of the slit allowed to traverse this plate of glass, while the light which enters through the upper part of the slit traverses the whole width of the cell in the solution. The differences which are obtained in the intensities of the transmitted light then correspond to the absorption of a layer of the solution having a thickness equal to the thickness of the glass plate. 159] COLOUR MIXTURE WITH THE COLOUR TIP 391 If / is the intensity of the incident light, and I t is the intensity of the light after passing through a thickness t of the substance, it is found that the following relation holds, where a is a constant depending on the colour of the light and the nature of the substance, and e is the base of the Napierian system of logarithms. Taking the Napierian logarithms of both sides, we have In the case of logarithms to the base ten, then we have a similar rela- tion, namely, where A = a/2 '30. The quantity A is called the absorption coefficient of the substance. By making a series of observations with different thicknesses of solution, and plotting on semi-logarithmic paper the relation between 7J//0 and the thickness, a straight line will be obtained, proving the correctness of the expression assumed above for the relation between the intensities of the incident and transmitted light. 159. Colour Mixture with the Colour Tip. The apparatus used for this experiment consists of a small electric mctor, to the spirdle of which is attached a circular plate and a milled clamping nut. The nut allows of coloured cardboard discs being clamped against the face of the plate. There are also cardboard discs of two sizes, coloured black (lamp black), white (zinc white), red (vermilion), yellow (chrome yellow), green (emerald green), and blue (French ultramarine). The larger disc of each colour has a diameter of about 14 cm., while the smaller discs have a diameter of about 8 cm. The discs have a hole punched at the centre, 1 so that they will pass over the screwed end of the motor spindle. Each disc is also slit radially, so that by arranging these discs in the manner illustrated in Fig. 171, and then slipping round one disc with reference to the other, the relative amounts of each colour exposed can be altered. Taking any five of the six colours, it will be found possible to match the colour obtained by blending two of them taken in suitable propor- tions with a blend of the other three. Thus, take a black and a white disc of the larger size, and take smaller discs of the three colours, 1 It is essential that these coloured discs should be uniformly coated with the paint, and further, that they should be cut truly circular and be accurately centred. If the discs are not centred correctly, then when rotated a coloured line will appear at the edge of the smaller discs, which will be found to make the adjustment to an exact match very difficult. 392 COLOUR VISION [ 159 red, green, and blue, and mount them all on the spindle of the motor, and place the motor facing a window which has a northerly aspect. Connect the motor to a switch, an adjustable carbon resistance, and a sufficient number of accumulators, so that when the motor is rotating the coloured discs appear to blend into one, and no sense of flicker is apparent. Starting with about a quarter of the white disc exposed, set the motor in rotation, and observe whether the inner discs blend into a grey tinge. If the tinge observed seems purple, increase the green sector ; if yellow, increase the blue ; while, of course, if the appearance is reddish or greenish, the red or green, as the case may be, is to be reduced. Having adjusted the inner discs to produce a grey, adjust the outer discs so that the luminosity of the grey they form is the same as that of the inner discs. When making the final match, it is advisable to observe the discs from a distance of 2 or 3 metres, and not to stare at the discs too FIG. 171. long. If you cannot make up your mind as to whether the match is complete, look away for a few seconds, and then, when the eyes are a bit rested, look back at the discs. The quantities of the various colours required to make a match depend on the character of the light by which the discs are illuminated. Thus it will be found impossible to make a consistent set of measurements if the light varies much, say, by clouds drifting over a blue sky. For this reason it is often advisable to use the light from an electric arc, the quality of which is much more constant than is that of day-light. To obtain the amounts of the different colours exposed, and which form a match, a card annulus, of which the inner diameter is a trifle less than the diameter of the smaller discs, and the external diameter is less than the diameter of the larger discs, is used. The outside and inside edges of this annulus are graduated in 100 parts, and the annulus being placed over the discs, the angular aperture of each colour can at once be read off. Having made several settings with the above five discs, next take 159] COLOUR MIXTURE WITH THE COLOUR TIP 393 large discs of white, black, and yellow, and small discs of green and red, and adjust the green and red sectors till they blend into a yellow. Then adjust the yellow, white, and black discs till they blend into a yellow which matches the inner discs both as to colour and luminosity. Then proceed to match the black and white against the green, yellow, and blue ; the black, white, and red against the yellow and blue ; the black, yellow, and blue against the white and green ; and finally, the white, red, and green against the yellow and blue. By the above experiments, six sets of matches will have been obtained between five of the six colours. Now, according to Maxwell's experiments, a match can be obtained between any four colours. The reason we have had to take five colours in each of the above experiments is that the rotating disc method of blending colours involves a special condition, namely, that the whole circumference of both the circles must be filled up by the colours. This is the reason for the inclusion of the black disc, the effect of the black being to alter the luminosity of the tint formed by the blending of the other colours with which it is combined. Using the symbols R, Y, G, 13, TF, and X to represent the colours red, yellow, green, blue, white, and black, we may write the result of the first match in the form of an equation as follows : (1) where r v c/ v b^ " B - 30" Time of Sun Transit. Bearing of Sun. 131 7 10 311 6 131 53 50 311 52 40 Mean of Verniers. 01 10 01 10 h. w. s. 4 59 7'5 5 1 56-5 5 3 6-0 5 5 55'3 1 II Sums . . Means . . Error of Chronometer . G.M.T. . .... 10 5-3 5 2 31-3 -45-0 5 1 46-3 119 40 131 29 55 -30 131 29 25 a ~ Polar distance of Sun. c = J (a -b). d \ (a + b). b = Co-Latitude of place of observation. C and C" = Hour angles of the Sun at the time of direct and back observations. P and Q = Angles, such that P+Q = A. A and A' = Azimuths of Sun from north at time of direct and back observations. O = Altitude of Sun. Observer, W. W. 400 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [16 j HO Trai? " EQUATION OF TIME. DECLINATION. At Noon. Variation. At Noon. Variation. h. m. s. I m. 18' 1 12 i +1 46" -5 31 ! s. 41-74 + 2-35 48 4-9 49-9 4-9 192 43 12 31 55 1996 + 4 4-5 449 -0 1 15-1 ! +1 441 2-35 12 36 2445 HOUR ANGLE. TIME INTO ARC. Direct View. Back View. 4h. 60 5h. 75 53m. 13 15 2m. 451s. 11 17 15 -3s. ( 30 ( 3 5( m. s. Eq. of Time . . +1 441 Longitude 1 1K-1 33 5( Correction ... + 29 '0 G.M.T 4 53 161 + 29-0 5 1 46-3 ALTITUDE. log sin C= 1-98159 + log sin a - 1 '98941 Diffce. fiom S. . 4 C= 73 %C=D= 36 53 45-1 26' 17" 43 8 5 2 15-3 75 33' 50" 37 46 55 MERIDIAN 90 Dec.= 12 36 READINGS. 90 Lat.= 51 28 6 f-97100 -log sin S= 1-99834 log cos 0= T-97266 = 20 7' J 0=10 3' log sin 10= 1-24181 2 a= 77 24 b= 38 31 54 a-6= 38 52 6 c= 19 26 3 b= a a + b 38 31 54 77 24 115 55 54 57 57 57 log sin 2 \0= 2^48362 + log(M l ~M z ) = '30103 Lcosc= 1-97453 L cos d= 1-72462 L sin c= 1-52209 L sin d= 1-92826 L Iin d= T ' 59383 + LcotZ>= 12733 Correction = -06 cos d~ si' 1 d~ + L cot D' '11060 + L cot D'= 1-593S HOf ""cos d~ + LcotD= 12733 L tan P= -37724 L tan Q= 1-72116 P= 67 14-5 Q= 27 45-2 L tan P 1 - -36051 L tan Q' = P'= 66 26-6 0/= 26 51-3 P' + Q' 93 17'9= Angle from S~ 86 42 1- 1:7044 P+Q= 94 59-7=4 Angle from 5= 85 0'3=S Sun's Bearing^ 129 49'6 M! = Meridian Reading = 44 49 '3 Correction 1 Corrected Reading = 44 49 '2 Sun's Bearing= 131 29'4 A/2 = Meridian Reading = 44 47'3 M!-M= 2-0 163] GEOGRAPHICAL MERIDIAN 401 Take the mean of the four times of contact for the " front " transits, and apply the chronometer correction so as to obtain the Greenwich mean time corresponding to the mean of the times of contact. Also take the mean of the vernier readings, applying where necessary a correction to allow for any error due to the dark glass employed being prismatic. The value of this correction is generally supplied with the instrument. It can easily be obtained by looking with the telescope at a bright spot of light, and seeing how much the telescope has to be rotated to bring the image back on the cross-wire when the glass is interposed. Obtain the same means for the back observations. Convert the longitude into time, allowing four minutes for each degree * i.e. calculate how long after noon at Greenwich, noon will occur at the place of observation. Of course if the station is east of Greenwich, noon will occur earlier than at Greenwich. We have next to allow for the fact that owing to the eccentricity of the earth's orbit the true sun is not in general on the meridian at neon by mean time. The time before or after mean noon when the sun crosses the meridian is called the equation of time, and is given for noon of each day in the Nautical Almanac. What is required is the equation of time at the mean time of the " front " observations of transit. This is obtained by multiplying the variation of the equation of time per hour by the number of hours between the mean time of transit for the front observations and noon. The value of the sun's declination at the mean time of transit for the front observation is also calculated from the quanti- ties given in the Almanac. Let o (Fig. 173) be the position of the observer,^ the north pole of the earth, and PP' the axis about which the earth turns, cutting the celestial sphere at the points P and FIG. 173. P', z the zenith, and 2 the sun. Then the great circle HGB is the celestial equator, and the great circle DFE is the observer's horizon, and the angle to be calculated is DQF, for the mean of the circle readings corresponds to the point F, where the vertical circle through the sun at the time of the transit observations cuts the horizon. To obtain this angle we must first calculate the hour angle zp2, which is the angle the great circle p2p' through the sun makes with the meridian PZP'. To obtain this angle we have to calculate what is the local solar time 1 1 = 4 minutes; l' = 4 seconds; 15" = 1 second. Tables for this conversion are given in Mathematical Tables, c/. Chambers, p. 434. 2 C 402 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 163 corresponding to the mean time of the front transition observations. Now this time will differ from Greenwich mean time (G.M.T.) on account (1) of the equation of time, and (2) of the longitude of the place being different from the longitude of Greenwich. The correction for equation of time has already been calculated, and is positive if the true sun is ahead of the imaginary mean-time sun. In the example this is the case, for on April 23 the true sun crosses the meridian at Greenwich before noon, as indicated by a mean-time clock. Hence solar time is ahead of mean time, and we have to add the equation of time. If the station is east of Greenwich, the sun will cross the meridian before noon, as indicated by a clock keeping Greenwich solar time, and hence the correction for longitude is positive. If the station is west of Greenwich, the correction for longitude is negative, as in the example. Applying the sum of these two corrections, we get the local solar time corresponding to the time of transit for the mean of the front observa- tions, and if the back observations were only a few minutes later, the same correction may be used in their case. The difference between this corrected time and noon gives the angle ZpS in time. This has to be converted into degrees, &c., by means of the table given in the Nautical Almanac, two small spaces on the form being set apart for the purpose. We now know two sides, and the included angle of the spherical triangle zp2, and have to calculate the value of the angle pz2. The side 2p, or the polar distance of the sun, is 90 - o2, that is, 90 - sun's declination, the declination being taken plus when the sun is above the celestial equator. The side ZP is the co-latitude of the place of observa- tion, i.e. 90 - latitude. Calling the polar distance of the sun a, the co-latitude &, the hour angle C, the angle pz2 A, and the angle p2z J5, we have, by the usual formulae for the solution of spherical triangles, a-b A + B C S "IT C C0t -2- - 2' cos - a-b sin n and tan ~~ B = - L_ cot ~. 2 . a+b 2 sin _ Calling - P and Q, we get from the above equations the values c f P and (2, and then A=P+Q Now, when making the declination observations the telescope looks at the A 7 end of the needle. Hence what we require is the reading o; ng on 164] HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF EARTH'S FIELD 403 the horizontal circle when the telescope points due south, that is, we require the angle Dz2, which is given by This gives the actual angle through which the telescope must be turned from its position when the transits were taken to that in which it points due south. If the transits take place before noon, then this angle must be added to the "sun's bearing," i.e. the mean of the vernier readings corresponding to the transits, and in the afternoon subtracted from this bearing. The result is the meridian reading of the circle. Two values of this meridian reading are obtained, one corresponding to the front observations, and the other to the back. If these agree to within a minute, then the mirror was in such good adjustment that no correction is necessary, the value given by the front observations being alone used when calculating the declination. It can be shown that the correction to be applied to the front reading is the difference between the front and back readings multiplied by the square of the sine of half the sun's altitude. This correction has to be applied so as to bring the corrected result nearer the result given by the back observations. The method of calculating the sun's altitude and the correction is sufficiently clearly indicated in the example. 164. Measurement of the Horizontal Component of the Earth's Field. In order to measure the horizontal component of the earth's field, we have to determine the period of vibration of a suspended magnet, and then determine the deflection which this magnet gives when placed at a known distance from an auxiliary suspended magnet. Suitable magnets may be made by taking lengths of Stubb's drawn steel, having a diameter of about 3 mm. and a length of about 10 cm., and carefully squaring off the ends. A number of such pieces are bound together with iron wire and then heated in a furnace to a bright red heat, and, holding them in a vertical position, they are plunged into cold water. Those of the steel rods which remain straight after the harden- ing are then heated in boiling water for eight or ten hours, and are then magnetised to saturation by placing them inside a coil through which an electric current is sent. After .magnetisation the magnets are again maintained at a temperature of 100 for about five hours. In this way magnets are obtained which only lose their magnetism very slowly. Care, however, must be taken not to jar the magnets or allow them to touch one another or any piece of iron. Also they must be handled with care, as glass-hard steel is very brittle. One of the magnets is suspended by a length of about 30 cm. of unspun silk of such a thickness that it will just safely carry the weight of the magnet. The upper end of the fibre is made into a single loop and the lower into a double loop, the method of tieing such a double loop being shown in Fig. 174. The upper loop is put on a hook, and the magnet rests in the double loop, so that its axis is horizontal. The 40 1 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [164 magnet will have to be protected from the disturbing effects of draughts by enclosing it within a box with glass sides, such as that shown in Fig. 46. Having removed all other magnets and iron from the neighbourhood of the suspended magnet, this magnet is brought to rest, and then two small strips of paper are gummed to the front and back of the box, so that they lie on the prolongation of the axis of the magnet, or a telescope may be set up at a little dis- tance, and in such a position that the end of the magnet, when at rest, appears to coincide with the vertical cross- wire. The magnet having been set swinging through an arc not greater than 10 by bringing near another magnet, and this deflecting magnet having been removed, the period of the suspended magnet must be determined either by timing 100 vibrations with a stop-watch, or by the eye and ear method described in 43. A convenient form of magnetometer to use in the deflection experiment is shown in Fig. 175. It consists of a boxwood scale A, 1 metre long, which is attached to a circular base of wood H. An upright of wood B has a groove in one face, in which the suspended system hangs. This system consists of two short magnetised pieces of watch spring cemented on opposite sides of a 'piece of mica c. This piece of mica also carries a light galvanometer mirror E. The front of the groove in which the suspended system hangs is closed by a piece of plate glass G. A notch is cut in the boxwood scale so that the sus- pended magnets can be placed at a level with the upper surface of the scale, while a V groove cut along the upper edge of the scale permits of the deflecting magnet being supported on the scale. The mica to which the magnets and mirror are attached serves as a damper to check the vibrations of the system. A line having been drawn in the east and west magnetic direction through the position occupied by the magnet in the vibration experiment, either by suspending a long magnetised needle or with a prismatic com- pass, the magnetometer is placed with the scale immediately over this east and west line. A telescope and scale (Fig. 23) are then set up, and the image of the scale seen by reflection in the magnetometer is focused, care being taken that the telescope scale is at right angles to the scale of the magnetometer. The magnet used in the vibration experiment is then placed on the west side of the magnetometer needle, with its centre at 30 cm. from the FIG. 174. 164] HORIZONTAL COMPONENT OF EARTH'S FIELD 405 needle, and the reading on the telescope scale is noted. The magnet is then reversed, and the reading again taken. Two similar readings are then taken with the magnet placed with its centre at 30 cm. on the east side of the magnetometer needle. The differences between the pair of readings taken on either side gives twice the angle through which the needle has FIG. 175. been deflected, and the mean of the two values obtained on the two sides is taken when calculating H from the results. If this mean at any given distance is d, while the distance between the mirror and the telescope scale is , the angle 6 through which the needle has been deflected is given by tan 20 = i Similar sets of deflections must be mads with the centre of the deflecting magnet at 35 and 40 cm. from the magnetometer needle. To reduce the vibration observations it is necessary to know the moment of inertia of the magnet. This quantity can be calculated if the 406 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 165 length /, diameter 2r, and mass m of the magnet are measured, when the moment of inertia is given by *& Special care must be taken when measuring the length, as the propor- tional error produced by an error in the length is much greater than that produced by an error in the diameter. If T is the period of the magnet, and M its magnetic moment, then (see Watson's Physics, 430, 431) where D is the distance between the centre of the deflecting magnet and the deflected needle, and 2L is the distance between the poles of the deflecting magnet. This distance may be taken as 2/3 of the length of the magnet. Now if the length of the magnet is 10 cm., so that L = 5, and the smallest value of the distance D employed in the experiments is 30 cm., (T 2\ 2 1 - - j by the binomial theorem and neglect all the terms but the first two, so that the formula reduces to M 1 a form which is more convenient v for calculation, since the correction term 2L-/D 2 cm easily be evaluated on a slide rule. 165. Comparison of the Values of " H " at different parts of a Building. It is sometimes necessary to measure the ratio of the values of the horizontal component of the earth's field at two spots in the same room or building, that is, in two neighbouring points. This may be done most readily by datermining the times of vibration of a suspended magnet in the two positions. The method of making the observation is similar to that adopted when making the vibration experiment described in the previous section. Having made a determination of period at A, and noted the temperature of the inside of the box in which the magnet was suspended, a similar determination is made at B. A second de- termination is then made at B, and then a second at A. In this way the mean time of the observations at the two stations is the same, and thus the effects of diurnal change and disturbances are minimised. Since the horizontal force is, owing to diurnal change, near a minimum at 11 A.M., it is advisable not to time the observations so that the observations at station A are one before and the other after 11 A.M. If two observers 166] MEASUREMENT OF "H" 407 are available, then the effects of all changes in H during the course of the comparison can be eliminated by the two observers making deter- minations of period simultaneously with two magnets, one at either station, and then interchanging stations. If the temperature differs at the two stations, then a correction will have to be applied, since the moment of a magnet changes with tempera- ture. The temperature coefficient of the moment of the magnet can be determined in the manner described in 167. If 7\ and T 9 are the periods of the magnet at the two stations, the temperature at one station being ^ and that at the other t. 2 . Then if a is the temperature co- efficient of the magnet, and M the moment at the lower temperature, say, t v the moment at t 2 is M{\ - a(t 2 - ^)}. Hence A Therefore a H l {l- a (*2-*l -1 * 2 " If a really accurate comparison is required, then further corrections to allow for the rate of the chronometer, effect of temperature on the moment of inertia, &c., must be taken into account, as described in 166. 166. Measurement of "H" with the Kew-pattern Unifilar Magneto- meter. The determination of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field with the Kew-pattern unifilar magnetometer consists in two distinct operations. One of these is the determination of the period of the collimator magnet which was used in determining the magnetic meridian when it is vibrating in a horizontal plane, and the other is the determination of the angle through which an auxiliary suspended magnet is deflected by the collimator magnet. The first experiment gives the product MH y where M is the magnetic moment of the collimator magnet, and the other the quotient MjH, so that from the two observations both H and M can be calculated. 1. Vibration Experiment. The collimator magnet is suspended as in the declination experiment, and the vertical cross-wire brought into coincidence with the centre of the scale. By means of the magnetised screw-driver the magnet is then deflected, so that it vibrates over the whole extent of the scale. The temperature as indicated by the thermo- meter attached to the box containing the magnet, and the number of divisions of the scale over which the magnet is swinging, are then noted, and the observations of times of transit commenced. The method em- ployed is the eye and ear method described in 43, a chronometer beating half seconds being used. The time of transit of the centre division of the scale when moving from left to right is noted down. The magnet being of such size that where // has a value of about 0'18 a 408 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 166 half vibration takes place in about four seconds, about twenty seconds after the first transit the magnet will have completed five half vibrations, and will then transit, moving from left to right. Thus about fifteen seconds after the first transit the time is again taken up from the chrono- meter, and the time of the transit from left to right, which occurs about twenty seconds after* the first transit, is noted. This is repeated till the times of six transits in either direction have been noted, the results being entered as in the following example. The difference between the times of transit of vibrations and 50 and 5 and 55 respectively give the time occupied by fifty half vibrations. These times added to the times of the 50th and 55th vibrations give the times to expect the 100th and 105th transits. Just before the time at which tlie 100th transit is expected the time is taken up from the chronometer, and the observation of every fifth transit continued up to the 150th and 155th transit. In this way twelve independent observations of the time of 100 half vibra- tions are obtained, and the mean is taken in deducing the time of a single vibration. Immediately after the observation of the time of the last transit the amplitude of the vibrations must be noted as well as the temperature. Since the suspension fibre is never, so thin as to possess negligible rigidity, the observed period has to be corrected to allow for the fact that it is smaller than it would be supposing the fibre were entirely free from rigidity. In order to be able to apply such a correction, it is neces- sary to determine the magnitude of the couple brought into play when the magnet is deflected due to the torsion of the fibre. To obtain the necessary data, the number of scale divisions through which the magnet is deflected when the torsion head, from which the suspension fibre is supported, is turned through 180 is observed. The deflection is noted when the torsion head is turned first in one direction and then in the other, and the mean is taken. The observed period has to be corrected to allow for (1) the rate of the chronometer, (2) the fact that the arc of swing is not infinitely small, (3) the torsion of the fibre, (4) the variation of the magnetic moment of the magnet with temperature, and (5) the increase of the moment of the magnet owing to the inductive action of the earth's field. To assist in the application of these different corrections, a series of tables is supplied with the instrument. If the chronometer gains s seconds a day, one second as given by the chronometer is really 1 - s/86400 true seconds, and hence the observed period has to be multiplied by (1 - s/86400). If the chronometer loses s seconds a day, the factor will be (l+s/86400). The values of the factor for different rates are given in Table 8. To reduce to infinitely small arc, the initial and final arcs must be reduced from scale divisions to minutes of arc. The value of a scale division in minutes is given in the table of corrections supplied with the instrument. If it is not known, then it can be obtained by noting tht angle through which the instrument has to be turned to cause the vertical 166] MEASUREMENT OF "H" 409 cross- wire of the telescope to pass from one end of the scale to the other. If a and a are the initial and final amplitudes in radians the correction is m , so that to correct for both rate and finite arc the observed time has /, s aa'\ aa to be multiplied by ( 1 - Sfiinn - -./. ). The values of , for different values of a and a are given in Table 8. If F is the couple called into play owing to the rigidity of the suspension fibre when one end is twisted through an angle of one radian, then if a deflection of the magnet of d (radians) is produced when the torsion head is turned through 90, the couple due to the torsion is F(ir/'2 - d). Since d is small, the couple due to the earth's field tending to bring the magnet back into the meridian is MH<1. Hence or -d Thus the force of restitution for a small rotation 6 is (MH+F)0, or (7f \ 1 + ), so that the correction factor to reduce the square of MHJ MH the periods is 1 + The values of this factor for different values of d are given in the following table : VALUES OF 1 + FOR DIFFERENT VALUES OF THE DEFLECTION JP PRODUCED BY A TWIST OF 90 OF THE SUSPENSION FlBRE. 3tof90 l + Mff Effect of 90 MH wist. F ' Twist. { '~F" r 1-00019 8' 1-00148 2' 1-00037 9' 1-00167 3' 1-00056 10' 1-00185 4' 1-00074 11' 1-00204 5' 1-00093 12' 1-00223 6' 1-00111 13' 1-00241 7' 1-00130 14' 1-00260 If the temperature of the magnet were the same during the vibration and the deflection experiments, then the value obtained for H would be independent of the temperature of the magnet. In general, however, 410 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 166 there is a small difference in temperature between the two experiments, and hence a correction has to be applied on this account. It is usual to reduce the period and the deflection to what they would be if the temperature of the magnet were C. A table of the values of the magnetic moment at different temperatures, the moment at C. being taken as unity, is supplied with each magnetometer, and serves for this reduction. Since the magnetic moment decreases with rise of tempera- ture, this correction is negative for temperatures above C. Finally, the magnetic moment has to be corrected for the increase in the moment produced by the inductive action of the earth's field. On this account we have to add a quantity which is the product of a con- stant factor /A, which is determined once for all, into HIM. The value of HfM is obtained from the deflection experiment, while that of /A is given in the tables of corrections. The manner of applying the various corrections is shown in the example which follows. The corrected value of the square of the period has to be divided into ir 2 K to give the value of MH. Since the moment of inertia of the magnet varies with the temperature, the value of K varies with the temperature, and a table for different temperatures is given amongst the constants of the instrument. OBSERVATIONS OF VIBRATION. April 23, 1891. STATION, Kew. Lat. ' ". Chronometer, Dent. Error at Station = Magnet (70 A) suspended, q Effects of 90 of Torsion = 1 '2. Div. = 2' '2. Long. ' ". . Daily Rate (*)=+!!. Log. M = 1-74630. One Div. of Scale = 1' '8. At Commencement ) Mean Time ) 11 h. 28 m. ( Semiarc ) 68' ( Temp, of n2 0> 7 ) 1iff. :>r50 3 197 41 for 50 3 19-7 43 00 at 34 58-4 Mean(l)^ 6 39 '68 105 at 35 18-4 6 39-75 166] MEASUREMENT OF "H" 411 s aa 86400 ~ 16 = 1-00000 86400 -== -ooooi ID S aa 1 -00001 "86400 16 ~ l + M ^= 1-00039 -q(t Q ~t)= '00503 + /*-= -00110 //o ~ Mean (1) for 1 Vib.=3'9968 (2) ,, = 72 T =3 '9970 Log= -60173 Log = 1-99999 Log= -60172 2 Log = 1-20344 i-S-g? '99646 M Log =1-74630 |? Log =2 -70491 Log =1-99846 T2 Log = 1-20190 *K Log =2 -42247 M-^ ^ -00110 Log=3'04139 OBSERVATION OF TORSION. Circle turned. Scale. Mean. I Diff. = 40-0 + 180 = 42-5 40-0 2-5 = 40-0 -180 = 37-6 = 40-0 40-0 2-5 90= 1-2 divisions. Observer, W. W. 2. Deflection Experiment. When making the deflection experiment the wooden box which surrounded the vibration magnet is removed, the glass suspension tube being screwed into the metal base of the instru- ment, and a small auxiliary magnet, fitted with a mirror, is suspended. A metal bar, having divisions on one surface, fits immediately below the compartment in which the mirror magnet hangs. This bar serves to suppDrt a small carriage, on the V's of which the deflecting magnet is placed. This carriage is placed on the right-hand side of the mirror magnet when looking towards the face of the mirror, and with its centre at a distance of 30 cm. from the centre of the instrument. A small sighting tube is then placed on the V's of the carriage, and the mirror magnet adjusted so that its centre lies along the prolongation of this sighting tube, so that the centre of the magnet will lie in the same horizontal plane as the deflecting magnet when placed in the carriage. To determine the position of the mirror magnet a small telescope with an ivory scale attached is screwed to the base below the telescope 412 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 166 used in the vibration experiment, and when making a deflection experi- ment the cross- wire of this telescope is brought to the middle division of the scale, as seen after reflection in the mirror attached to the magnet. A thermometer is attached to the bar which supports the magnet, the bulb being placed as near the magnet as possible. The collimator magnet having been placed in the carriage with its north end pointing towards the east, the whole instrument is turned till the cross-wire corresponds with the centre division of the scale. The temperature and time are then noted, and the verniers attached to the azimuth circle are read. The carriage is then moved to 40 cm., and the deflected reading obtained. The magnet is then reversed in the carriage, and another deflection is obtained. Another deflection is then obtained with the carriage at 30 cm., but with the magnet in the reverse position to that when the first deflection was obtained. Finally, an exactly similar series of deflections are obtained with the magnet placed on the other side of the mirror magnet. The order of making the observations, as well as the method of recording them, will be clear from a study of the example given. OBSERVATIONS OF DEFLECTION. April 23, 1891. STATION, Kew. Lat. ' ". Long. ' ". Mean Time at Station ; commencing 11 b. 57 m. , ending 12 h. 23 m. Magnet (70 A) deflecting ; (70 C) suspended. One Div. of Scale = 60". Deflecting Magnet. Readings of Verniers. Scale Reading. Correction to Middle of Scale. Mean of Verniers. Corrected Means Circle and Reading. Differences. Distance. N. End. | Temp. EAST. o 1 II Div. / o / n 1 It 1 II Centimetre. E. 13-3J 159 59 10 339 57 50 159 58 30 160 8 48 M W. 13-4 1 129 1 20 309 20 116 4 25 129 50 '44TT23' M E. 13 -6 1 147 8 327 7 20 22 2 Hi -, , W. 13 -8 1 116 10 295 59 50 116 WEST. I Centimetre. W. 14 -2 1 116 9 296 8 40 116 8 50 147 10 40 ,, E. 14 -5 1 147 14 327 13 20 129 '2 17 147 13 40 ~18"" 23 ., W. 14 "7 1 129 4 20 309 3 10 129 345 E. 15 'OJ 160 19 50 340 18 20 160 19 5 Mean <= 141 Correction -1 14-0 166] MEASUREMENT OF "H" 413 r=30 r'=40 9u 1+=1-00041 1-00017 + (t 9 -t)q= -00571 >v 00571 1-00588 r=30 ij-3 Log =3-13066 Sin M Log =1-57425 Log= -00265 rft Log =9 -99547 ~ Log =2 -70303 MH Log =1-22057 H Log =1-25877 H= -18145 Log M= 1-961 80 Jf =91 -580 3-50548 1-19765 2-70313 00254 2-70567 9-99746 2-70313 1-22057 2-51744 1 -25872 18143 1-96185 91-590 W. W f> To reduce the observations, the means of the vernier readings in each position are first entered. Then the mean of the two deflections at 30 cm. in the anti-clockwise direction is deducted from the mean of the two deflections in the clockwise direction, the difference being twice the deflection u (} . A similar operation with the deflections taken with the magnet at 40 cm. gives the deflection u' at this distance. The values of log ?' 3 /2 for different temperatures is given in the table of constants, and this is looked out and written down. Then log sin UQ is added. Corrections have now to be applied for induction and temperature. These are looked out in the tables, added together, and their logarithm added to log ?' 3 /2 . sin u . The next correction has to be applied to allow for the fact that the TT 3 sin UQ only holds if the magnets concerned are To allow for the finite length of the magnets, the value be multiplied by (1-P/r 2 ), where P formula infinitely short. obtained for has to s obtained from the values of log M'jH* obtained at the two distances by means of the following formula : ! A- A A A" ,.2 ~'2 P = where A and A' are the values of M ' JH' at the distances r and r. 1 For a graphical method of calculating P and log (1 - P/r 2 ), see Terrestrial Magnetism (1901), vol. vi. p. 70. 414 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 167 To obtain a satisfactory value for P, it is necessary to take the mean of a number of observations and use this mean value when reducing all the observations. Since the value of P only changes very slowly with the age of the magnets, it is generally sufficient to use a mean value for P obtained from all the observations taken in any year. Having added log (1 - P/r 2 ) to the value of log M'/H', the value of log MH is copied down from the vibration experiment, and the values of H and of M are deduced. The value of H corresponds to the mean of the values of this quantity during the vibration and the deflection experiments, and would require to be corrected for diurnal variation and any accidental disturbance by means of the record of a self-recording magnetograph, such as those set up at a magnetic observatory. 167. Determination of the Temperature Coefficient of a Magnet. The magnetometer described on p. 404 may be used in measuring the change in the moment of a magnet with change in temperature. The magnet is supported on V's within a glass or porcelain vessel, and is placed due north or south of the magnetometer, with its axis east and west, and at such a distance that the deflection produced is nearly the full extent of the telescope scale. The magnet must be firmly fixed in the V's, and the vessel fixed in position with the magnet in the same horizontal plane as the magnetometer needle. The vessel containing the magnet having been filled with a mixture of ice and water, the magnet is allowed to take up the temperature, and then the deflection is read off on the scale. The water is then syphoned off and replaced by water at about 20 C. and the deflection again read, the temperature being read on a thermometer placed in the water, which must be kept well stirred. By gradually syphoning off the water and adding hot water a series of readings are thus obtained every 20 up to nearly 100 C. Then by adding first cold water and then ice a second series at as nearly the same temperatures as the first set, but in the reverse order, is taken, and finally the magnet is removed and a second zero is obtained. The means of the temperatures and deflections at each temperature are then taken, and the values of their deflections are plotted on a curve against the temperature. If the points obtained lie on a straight line, then the expression for the moment M at a temperature t is given by an equation of the form in which the value of the quantity a can at once be deduced from the straight line drawn on the curve (see 5). In general, the moment decreases a little faster at high temperatures than at low, and an expres- sion of the form has to be employed. In such a case the values of the constants a and {$ 168] MEASUREMENT OF THE DIP 415 must be obtained from the curve by one of the methods given in 5, 168. Measurement of the Dip with the Kew-pattern Circle. The Kew-pattern dip circle is shown in Fig. 176. It consists of a metal base on levelling screws, the upper part of the instrument being capable of rotation about a vertical axis with reference to this base, the azimuth being indicated by a divided circle and vernier H. The needle AB rests on two agate knife-edges K, K', and the position of the ends of the needle are observed by two small microscopes M, M' and the attached verniers which read on the vertical circle. These microscopes and verniers can be slowly moved by means of the tangent screw T. Two V's L, L' (Fig. 176, ), actuated by a screw head E, serve to lift the needle from the knife-edges and replace it so that the axis coincides with the axis of the vertical circle. A level L serves to show when the vertical axis of the instrument is vertical, in which position the agate knife-edges are horizontal. A small wooden block, with a clip to protect the axle of the needle, is used to support the needle while it is being magnetised. The circle having been set up and levelled, the needle is placed in the . 416 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 168 magnetising clip, and taking one of the magnets supplied in each hand, that in the right hand having the north pole downwards, and that in the left the south pole downwards, the needle is stroked ten times, starting at the middle and drawing the two magnets apart till they are past the ends of the needle. The needle is then reversed in the clip, and the other side stroked ten times in the same manner. In this way the needle is magnetised. Since it is of importance that the needle should be magnetised to the same extent each time, it is essential that the stroking should be performed in exactly the same manner throughout. The needle having been removed from the clip, in which operation, and on all other occasions when the needle is handled, care being taken not to touch the axles, the axles must be cleaned by pressing them into a piece of cork or dry pith. They must then be dusted with a clean camel's- hair brush. The agate knife-edges having been rubbed lightly with the pith are also dusted, and then the needle is placed in the instrument, with the side marked AB turned away from the vertical circle. The two verniers are then adjusted to read 90, that is, the line joining the two wires of the microscopes is vertical, and the whole instrument is turned in azimuth till the upper end of the needle coincides with the wire of the upper microscope. The needle, while this adjustment is being made, should be raised and lowered several times by means of the screw E, and the adjustment made so that the end appears to swing equally on the two sides of the wire. It is always best to have the needle swinging over a small arc, as in this way the effects of dust on the axle or knife- edges is more easily observed, when, if necessary, the axle can again be cleaned in the manner already employed. The adjustment being com- plete, the vernier on the azimuth circle is read and recorded. A similar reading is then obtained when the lower end of the needle is made to coincide with the wire of the lower microscope. The whole upper part of the instrument is then turned through 1 80, and the settings for the upper and lower ends of the needle repeated. The needle is then reversed, so that the face lettered AB is turned towards the vertical circle, and a setting for each end of the needle made, first with the instrument in its present position, and then when turned through 180. The mean of all the readings obtained gives the azimuth reading when the axle of the needle points east and west, that is, when the plane in which the needle swings is perpendicular to the magnetic meridian. The azimuth circle is so divided that if the vernier is set to this reading in the next quadrant, then the plane in which the needle swings will be that of the magnetic meridian. The instrument having been turned with its face towards the east, and having been set to the correct azimuth reading, a stop attached to the base plate is adjusted, so that after rotation the instrument can be replaced in the same azimuth. The needle having been set swinging, the upper microscope is adjusted on the upper end of the needle and the corresponding vernier is read. Two independent settings are then made with the lower microscope, the needle being raised from the agates 169] COMPARISON OF MAGNETIC MOMENTS 417 between the two, and then another setting with the upper. If these settings differ by more than two minutes of arc, then both the axle of the needle and the knife-edges must be cleaned, and this must be repeated till the readings agree to within this limit. The instrument is then turned through 180, the vernier H being adjusted to the correct azimuth reading, and a second stop is fixed in position, and then readings are made for the two ends of the needle as before. The needle is then reversed in the V's and another set of readings taken, first with the instrument facing west, and then when it faces east. Next the needle is removed and remagnetised with its polarity reversed, and a similar set of readings obtained. The mean of all the readings gives the dip at the time of observation. The series of readings is so arranged as to eliminate errors due to the centre of gravity of the needle not coinciding with the centre of the axle, and the agate planes not being exactly horizontal, or the line joining the 90 marks on the vertical circle truly vertical (see Watson's Physics, 434). The example on p. 418 illustrates the method of recording the observations. 169. Comparison of the Magnetic Moments of Two Magnets. 1. Deflection Method.- The magnetic moments of two magnets may be compared by means of the magnetometer shown in Fig. 175. The magnetometer having been set up as described on p. 404, the two magnets are placed on the cross-bar, one on either side of the needle, and with like poles towards one another. Their distances are then so adjusted that the needle is undetected. The positions of the centres of the magnets having been noted, the magnets are turned through 180, and leaving one of the magnets, say, A, at the same distance as before, the other is moved till the deflection is again reduced to zero. The two magnets are then interchanged, and keeping the magnet A at a fixed distance from the needle, the position of the other magnet is adjusted to give no deflection, first, when the two north poles are turned towards the needle, and secondly, when the two south poles are so turned. The mean of all the readings for the centre of magnet B is then taken, when the ratio of the moments is obtained by means of the expression M t Df where D l and D 2 are the distances of the centres of the magnets from the needle. If the two magnets differ much in length, or if the distances from the needle at which they have to be placed differ considerably, then account will have to be taken of the distance between the poles of the magnets in deducing the ratio of their moments. It will generally be sufficient if the distance between the poles is taken as 2/3 of the total length of the magnets, and the following expression, in which L^ and L 9 are the distances 2 D 418 MEASUREMENT OF EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD [ 169 MAGNETIC DIP. STATION, Kew. Circle No. 83. Setting of Azimuth Circle, 32 37'. Remarks. Time, 2 '20 to 2 '35. Date, 23rd of April 1891. Needle No. 2 (94). 2 -37 to 2 -47. Face of Needle to face of Instrument. Poles direct, A dipping. Poles reversed, B dipping. Face of Instr. Readings of Needle.. Readings of Needle. Lower end. Upper end. Mean. Lower end. Upper end. Mean. I 67 39 37 37 67 28 25 24 33-5 31-0 30-5 67 26 26 67 9 7 17-5 16-5 Sum Mean = a = 5-0 Sum 31-7 17-0 WEST. 67 30 31 30 67 11 14 12 20-5 22-5 21'0 67 57 56 67 43 41 50-0 48-5 Sum Mean = a' 1-0 Mean Sum 21-3 49-3 Face of Needle reversed. WEST. 67 52 51 67 35 37 43'5 44-0 67 36 36 67 20 21 28-0 28-5 Sum Mean = a" Mean Sum = &" = 43-8 28-2 I 67 20 20 67 3 67 1 11-5 10-5 67 44 43 67 27 29 35'5 36-0 I Sum lean = a'" a" a' a 67 ll'O 43-8 21-3 317 B Mean of Do. Sum b" b' b Sum Means =/3 do. = a 67 35-8 28-2 49-3 Sum 107-8 130-3 Means of Means = a 67 26-9 67 82-6 Observer, W. W. .+=D ip = 67 29-8 169] COMPARISON OF MAGNETIC MOMENTS 419 between the poles, is immediately deduced from that given in 429 of Watson's Physics : -vy DJ) l or since l and _* are generally fairly small, 1 2 2. Vibration Method. If the moments of inertia of the magnets are known, or can be calculated, then the ratio of the moments can be obtained by determining the periods of vibration when they are in succession suspended by a fine silk thread at the same spot. A deter- mination of period with magnet A should first be made, then two with magnet B, and finally a second with magnet A, so that the mean time of the experiment may be the same for each magnet, and thus to a certain extent the effects of alterations in the earth's field eliminated. If 7\ and 7 T 9 are the mean periods, and K l and K 2 the moments of inertia, we have M K T^ III! =- til j " ' ' CHAPTER XXV ADJUSTMENT AND USE OF GALVANOMETERS 170. Measurement of Angles of Rotation by means of a Mirror and Scale. A method much used in Physics of measuring the angle through which a body has rotated is to attach a mirror to the body and observe the movement of a beam of light reflected from the mirror. There are two arrangements commonly employed. In one an image of an illumi- nated slit is formed by the mirror in a divided scale, and the rotation of the mirror is deduced from the displacement of the spot of light. In the B FIG. 177. other arrangement a telescope is used, and an image of a scale seen by reflection in the mirror is observed, the rotation being deduced from the change in the reading of the scale corresponding to the cross- wire of the telescope. The only advantage of the lamp and slit is that the image on the scale can be examined by more than one observer at a time. The disadvantages are that the room has to be partly darkened in order to allow of the image being seen, further it is difficult to read the position of the image, and to focus the image it is in general necessary to move 420 170] MIRROR AND SCALE 421 the scale, a procedure which will upset the adjustment of this latter. With the telescope, of course, only one person can observe ; this limita- tion, however, is generally of no importance. Since the focusing is done by the telescope independent of the scale, the focus can always be adjusted without disturbing the scale. With a telescope of about an inch aperture, and^ a reasonably good mirror, it is possible to - read the position of the cross-wire on a scale placed at a metre from the mirror to within '05 of a millimetre, while with the lamp and scale to read to '2 mm. is difficult. Hence where it is of importance to read the deflection accurately, the telescope method should always be employed. We will first suppose that the plane of the mirror M (Fig. 177) is parallel to the axis about which the rotation takes place. Let AB be the scale, and o the foot of the perpendicular from the axis about which the mirror turns to the scale, the perpendicular distance between the mirror and the scale being D. We will suppose that when the plane of the mirror is parallel to the scale, the image of the point o on the scale is on the vertical cross- wire of the telescope. Then if the mirror turns through an angle 6 so that the image of the point E of the scale now coincides with the vertical cross- wire, and we call the distance OE d, we have, since the angle through which the reflected ray is turned is twice angle through which the mirror turns, tan 26 = -, from which 6 can be calculated. When 6 is fairly small, it is possible to obtain an expression for 6 and the other functions of 6 commonly required, such as tan 6, sin 6, and sin 6/2, in terms of powers of --' Thus using the symbol p for d/D, we have, by Gregory's series, 1 i i i ^ (i) If p is not greater than '2, i.e. if we are dealing with deflections d less than 200 scale divisions when the distance between the mirror and scale is equal to 1000 scale divisions, the term in p 6 in the bracket is negligible. For values of p less than '1, in the same way the term in p 4 is negligible, while for values of p less than '01 the term in /o 2 does not affect the results to more than one part in 30,000. If we are able to read the deflection on the scale only to one part in 500, then p may be as great as '05 without it becoming necessary to consider terms in p 2 or higher powers ; this corresponds to a deflection of 50 scale divisions when the distance between the mirror and scale amounts to 1000 divisions. 1 The value obtained for 6 is in circular measure. To reduce to degrees we must multiply the value obtained for by 57 s '296, or 57 17' 45". 422 ADJUSTMENT AND USE OF GALVANOMETERS [ 170 In Table 24 are given for different values of p the values of the terms p 2 - -p 4 , so that the correction to be applied in any given a 5 case can be obtained by interpolation. Thus if /a='15, the table gives '00740 as the value of the correction terms, so that = (l- 0-00740 By inserting the value of 6 given by equation (1) in the expressions for the sine, tangent, &c., we obtain and the corresponding corrections are given in Table 24. If the reading on the scale in the undeflected position does not coincide with the foot of the perpendicular drawn from the axis of rotation on to the scale, but to some point such as F (Fig. 177), then calling OF d$, we have tan EMO = d/D, and tan FMO = d Q /D. Hence angle EMO^{ I- \(ff + J(g* -*, } angle And 0, the angle through which the mirror has turned, is given by Now, in practice the adjustment of the apparatus is always so nearh ect that d is small, and hence the terms involving d within th' correct bracket may be neglected, so that lfd\* d-d,f \(d\ ~2D~\ 3\D' and in the correction terms an approximate value for d will give suff ciently accurate results, the value of the correction being obtained froi Table 24. MIRROR AND SCALE 423 170] If the plane of the mirror is not parallel to the axis about which it turns, then a correction will have to be applied. If F is the height above the horizontal plane through the mirror of the point of intersection of the axis of the telescope with the vertical plane through the scale, and AS' is the height above the same horizontal plane of the scale, then the distance between the mirror and scale to be used in computing the deflection is where D is the horizontal distance between the mirror and the vertical plane through the scale. For the proof of the formula, the reader must refer to a paper by F. Kohlrausch in Wiedemann's Annalen (1887), vol. xxxi. p. 96. The following corrections, in addition to those considered above, have to be made when great accuracy is aimed at : (a) For the thickness of the glass window. If the mirror is enclosed in'a box which is provided with a plate glass window of thickness t, the refractive index of the glass being /z, then the distance between the mirror and scale must be reduced by the amount where in general p may be taken as 3/2, so that the correction amounts to t/3. The above expression is obtained as follows : Let MB (Fig. 178) be a reflected ray incident on the glass plate at B. This ray is refracted along BC, and after leaving the glass travels along CF, meet- ing the scale OA at F. If there had been no glass plate, the ray would have met the scale at A. If FF' is drawn perpendicular to the scale, then the reading on a scale O'F', M if there were no glass plate, would be the same as the actual FIG. 178. reading on the scale OA when the plate is present, so that we virtually have to do with a scale at a distance MO' from the mirror, and o'o is the correction to allow for the effect of the glass. 424 ADJUSTMENT AND USE OF GALVANOMETERS [ 171 If CN is drawn normal to the surface of the glass, CP is equal to F'F or o'o. But if a is the angle BMO, the angle of incidence at u is a. Hence calling the angle of refraction at B ft, we have NB Q NB BG But if, as is always the case, a is small, BP is very nearly equal to NP, and BC very nearly equal to BC. Thus NO But PC=NC-NP. Hence PC=NC- NC . Thus If the mirror consists of a piece of glass silvered on the lack, then the distance between the front surface of the mirror and the scale must be increased by 8//z, where 8 is the thickness of the glass of the mirror. This formula follows immediately from the discussion given above. 171. Adjustment of a Telescope and Scale to measure a Rotation by means of a Mirror. The telescope and scale shown in Fig. 23 can be used for measuring rotations, and if, as is generally the case, the axis about which the rotation takes place is vertical, the scale is placed hori- zontally. The numbers on the scale are printed as follows : 'S'i 5 so that when seen by the telescope, which is not fitted with an erecting eye-piece, after reflection in the mirror they appear the right way up. For definiteness suppose the body of which the rotation is to be measured is the needle of a galvanometer, a thin plane mirror being attached to the needle system. Having focused the eye-piece of the telescope on the cross-wires, and adjusted one of these vertical, focus the telescope on an object at twice the distance at which the scale is to be placed from the galvanometer. Then hang a small plummet in front of the object glass of the telescope so that it bisects the object glass, and having placed the telescope and scale in front of the galvanometer at the desired distance, which may conveniently be a metre, adjust the position till an image of the scale is seen in the field. Then move the telescope and scale till the image of the thread of the plummet where it crosses the scale coincides with the vertical cross- wire. 172] NEEDLE REFLECTING GALVANOMETER 425 It is next required to adjust the scale so that it is at right angles to the axis of the telescope, that is, that the perpendicular from the mirror on the scale shall intersect the thread of the plummet. In the case of the telescope and scale shown in Fig. 23, the axis of the telescope is per- manently fixed perpendicular to the scale, so that when the adjustment described above is complete the scale must necessarily be perpendicular to the line joining the mirror to the centre of the object glass of the telescope. In those cases where the telescope and scale are capable of relative motion, the easiest way of making the adjustment is to attach a small piece of plane mirror to the scale behind the plummet and push in the draw-tube of the telescope till an image of the galvanometer is seen. This image is formed by reflection in the mirror attached to the scale and the galvanometer mirror. Then rotate the scale about a vertical axis till the image of the galvanometer mirror is bisected by the vertical cross-wire. If when the telescope is again focused on the scale the image of the plummet thread no longer coincides with the vertical wire, the first adjustment must be repeated, and then the second, till both adjustments are complete. Having in this way completed the adjustment, it remains to measure the distance between the mirror and the scale, To do this support a metre scale in a retort stand at a higher level than the mirror and scale, and by means of a level adjust it horizontal. Then hang two plummets, and adjust one so that it just grazes the surface of the scale, and the other so that it hangs in front of the galvanometer. A small pointed rod of brass about 10 cm. long must then be held in a clamp, and care- fully moved till the point just touches the surface of the mirror. Having then adjusted the plummet nearer the galvanometer so that its thread just touches the other extremity of this piece of brass, read the metre scale where the two threads of the plummets cross. Then the difference of these readings plus the length of the brass rod will give the distance between the mirror and the scale. If necessary, this distance must be corrected to allow for the effect of the thickness of the mirror and the cover glass enclosing the galvanometer mirror, as described in the last section. 172. Adjustment of a Suspended Needle Reflecting Galvano- meter. First remove the controlling magnet, and then, if it is not already known, determine whether the magnetism of the astatic system is such that the instrument requires to be set up facing east or west. Suppose that it requires to face the east. By means of a prismatic compass or a long suspended magnetised needle draw a line north and south, and then draw a line through the position to be occupied by the galvanometer at right angles to this north and south line. Adjust the galvanometer so that the coils are parallel to the magnetic meridian, and level the instrument till the suspension hangs quite free. Whether the suspension is free can usually be discovered by lightly tapping the case, for if any part of the suspended system is touching the case, the system will be seen to give a sudden jump when the case is tapped. 426 ADJUSTMENT AND USE OF GALVANOMETERS [ 172 In order to observe the rotation of the suspended system, use may be made either of a lamp and scale, or of a telescope and scale. The telescope and scale is in general to be preferred, both on account of its being the more accurate, and because it does not necessitate a partly darkened room. Place the telescope and scale on the east and west line, so that the scale is at some definite distance, such as 100 centimetres, from the mirror of the galvanometer, and adjust its position in the manner described in the last section. The next adjustment which has to be made is that of setting the magnets of the suspended system parallel to the coils, and of so placing the directing magnet that the resultant couple, due to the earth's field and the field of this magnet, when the needle is deflected should be sufficiently small so that the required sensitiveness shall be attained. The suspended system is generally so magnetised that the upper magnet, in the case where the directing magnet is above, and the lower when the directing magnet is below the galvanometer, shall be the stronger of the astatic pair or sets of magnets. Thus to weaken the resultant couple the directing magnet must be turned so that its north pole points towards the north. The sensitiveness of the galvanometer being pro- portional to the square of the period of the suspended system, we may make use of observations of period to judge how the adjustment for sensitiveness is proceeding. It will in general be found advisable to use a period of about ten seconds, since a much longer period makes working with the instrument tedious, and often involves changes of zero. The desired sensitiveness having been attained, the director magnet is turned till the central division of the scale coincides with the vertical cross-wire. For most purposes we may now assume that the magnets of the sus- pended system are parallel to the plane of the coils, since the suspended system is made with the magnets and mirror in the same plane. In some cases, however, it is necessary to arrange that the axis of the magnet is accurately parallel to the galvanometer coil. This is best done by setting up a circuit con- sisting of a constant cell, such as a Daniell or a small accumulator, a very high resistance, a com- mutator, and the galvanometer. A suitable form of commutator is the Pohl commutator, shown in Fig. 179. It consists of a base made of some insulating material, such as ebonite, on which are fixed four mercury cups A, B, c, D. Two metal uprights L, M pivot about metal blocks attached to the base, and to these uprights are soldered two semicircular pieces of strong copper wire I and J, while a piece of glass or ebonite K connects the upper ends of the uprights. The mercury cups A and D are FIG. 179. 173] SUSPENDED COIL GALVANOMETER 427 connected together by a copper wire, as are also the cups B and c. Four binding screws E, F, G, H are connected as shown, and serve for joining the commutator to the circuit. If the battery terminals are connected to G and H, and the ends of the circuit containing the resistance and the galvanometer are connected to E and F, then when the movable part is rocked into the position shown, H is connected to E, and G to F. If, however, the movable part is rocked towards the left, then H is connected to F, and G to E, that is, the direction of the current in the galvanometer is reversed. A simpler form of commutator, which can be made in a few minutes, but which is not quite so convenient, is shown in Fig. 180. It consists of a "block of ebonite or paraffin wax, with four small hollows filled with mercury, which are either connected with binding screws as shown, or into which the ends of the wires forming the different parts of the circuit simply dip. The mercury cups can be connected by two small U-shaped pieces of copper wire, one of which is so bent as to clear the other when the cups are connected crosswise, as shown in the figure. A and B being connected to the battery, and c and D to the circuit, then by FlG - 18 - putting the connectors straight across from A to c and B to D, or crosswise as shown, the current can be sent through the galvanometer in either direction. To adjust the needle parallel to the coils, the resistance in the circuit must be adjusted so that the deflection is about 10 centimetres, and the directing magnet rotated till on reversing the direction of the current the deflections on the two sides of the zero are equal. In the case of a galvanometer without controlling magnet, it would be necessary to rotate the whole galvanometer when making this adjustment, and hence it should be performed before the final adjustments of the scale are made. 173. Adjustment of a Suspended Coil Galvanometer. In places where the earth's field rs disturbed by the neighbourhood of moving masses of magnetised matter, such as lifts or dynamos, or by the presence of stray electric currents, such as exist in the vicinity of electric railways or tramways, the ordinary form of suspended needle galvanometer cannot be used, owing to the continual disturbance of zero which is produced. In such a case a suspended coil galvanometer will be found of service. In this type of galvanometer the current to be measured is passed through a small coil which is suspended between the poles of a strong permanent magnet, so that when undeflected the plane of the coil lies parallel to the lines of force due to the magnet. The current is led into and out from the coil by means of two thin ribbons of phosphor bronze. The upper ribbon is generally straight, and serves as a suspension fibre for the coil, while the lower ribbon is wound into the form of a helix, so as to reduce its torsional rigidity to a minimum. 428 ADJUSTMENT AND USE OF GALVANOMETERS [ 174 The azimuth in which such a galvanometer is set up is immaterial, a point which is sometimes of importance. The instrument having been levelled, so that the coil hangs freely, the adjustment of the telescope and scale, or of the lamp and scale, is made as in the case of the needle galvanometer. The sensitiveness, however, cannot be varied by altering the field strength, unless the permanent magnet is replaced by an electromagnet, in which case the sensitiveness can be altered within certain limits by altering the strength of the current in the electromagnet. When using a suspended coil galvanometer it is advisable to have a key by means of which the terminals of the galvanometer can be connected together, and thus the suspended coil short-circuited. This short-circuiting key serves to bring the coil to rest when it has been set swinging, for, owing to the movement of the coil in the magnetic field, currents are induced which rapidly damp out the oscillations of the coil. On open circuit, however, the E.M.F. induced in the coil, owing to its motion in the magnetic field, cannot produce a current, and hence very little damping is produced, and the coil continues swinging for some time. If the coil is of fairly high resistance, it is advisable to insert some resist- ance in series with the short-circuiting key, as otherwise the motion of the coil is so much damped that a very considerable time elapses before the zero position is reached. The best results are attained when the coil just passes beyond its position of rest and then comes to rest at the second passage. 174. Determination of the Figure of Merit of a Galvanometer. By the figure of merit of a galvanometer is meant the current in amperes required to produce a deflection of one division of the scale. Since the sensitiveness depends on the resultant field in which the suspended system swings, in the case of needle galvanometers the figure of merit will depend on the position of the directing magnet. It will also depend on the dis- tance at which the scale is placed. For this reason it is usual to calculate the figure of merit corresponding to a period of the needle of ten seconds and for a scale distance equal to 1000 scale divisions, that is, in the case of a scale divided into millimetres for a distance of 1 metre. Further, since the strength of the deflecting field produced by the coils, when the galvanometer is traversed by a current, depends not only on the strength of the current, but also on the number of turns in the coils, and on the position of these turns with respect to the needles, it is evident that a galvanometer having a very great number of turns will, for a given current, be likely to give a larger deflection than another containing a few turns, and this although the latter may be the better galvanometer. The only really satisfactory way of comparing the performance of different galvanometers, of which the resistance varies, is to compare the amount of electrical energy which has to be supplied to the galvanometer when the period is ten seconds and the scale is at 1000 scale divisions to maintain a deflection of one scale division. The electrical power is obtained by multiplying the resistance of the galvanometer by the square 174] FIGURE OF MERIT OF A GALVANOMETER 429 of the current required to give a deflection of one division under standard conditions. In order to find the figure of merit of a galvanometer it is connected up with a battery and a series of resistances, as shown in Fig. 181. Here B is the battery, which should preferably consist of a single accumulator, which after being fully charged has been allowed to partly discharge through a resistance. K is a make-and-break key, and may consist of a piece of copper wire, the ends of which dip into two mercury cups scooped in a piece of paraffin wax. p and Q are two resistance boxes, and, if one is available, it is of advantage that p should be capable of variation by tenths of an ohm. R is a high resistance, generally 10,000 or 100,000 ohms, while G is the galvanometer. The sum of the two resistances P and Q is kept constant, and may conveniently be made a thousand times the E.M.F. of the battery. Thus if an accumulator is used, P+ Q may be 2100 ohms; while if a Daniell cell is used, their sum may be 1080 ohms. If E is the E.M.F. of the battery, and B its resistance, and P, Q, R, and G represent the resistances of the various parts of the circuit, the E.M.F. between the terminals of the resistance P when the galvanometer' circuit is broken is given by EP P+Q + B' If P is very small compared to K + G, as is generally the case, then this E.M.F. when the galvanometer circuit is closed will be sensibly the same. Hence the current in the galvanometer is Generally B is so small compared to P + Q, that the expression for the current may be written _ (P+Q)(R+G) If we take into account the effect of the galvanometer circuit in reducing the resistance between the terminals of the resistance P, since the resist- ance of P and R + G in parallel is P(R+G) 430 ADJUSTMENT AND USE OF GALVANOMETERS [ 175 the E.M.F. between the terminals of P is P(R + G)\ L (2) and the current in the galvanometer is this quantity divided by (R + G), which is the same as the expression (1), where P(R + G)/(P + R + G) has been written in place of P. Now P(R + Gr)j(P+R+G) may be written (p \ 1 - ), so that unless P/(P+G + fl) is greater than, say, P + Q> + R/ 001, we need not employ the more cumbersome expression for finding the current in the galvanometer. Determine for different positions of the directing magnet the period and the current required to produce a deflection of, say, 5 or 6 cm. In performing this experiment, adjust the resistance P so that a deflec- tion of about the desired amount is produced, and then read the deflection. The accuracy will be slightly increased if a commutator is included in the galvanometer circuit, and deflections on either side of the zero are taken. Plot on squared paper the current required to produce a deflection of one division against the square of the period, and see how nearly the points lie on a straight line. Also determine the currents necessary for producing different deflec- tions right up to the end of the scale, and plotting current against deflection test whether the two are proportional. 175. Comparison of Electromotive Forces with the Galvanometer. The two cells of which the E.M.F.'s are to be compared, B X and B 2 (Fig. 182), are connected in the manner shown to a set of mercury cups in a block of paraffin, the two middle cups being connected to the galvanometer G- and a high resistance R. A resistance s is placed as a shunt on the galvanometer, so that the sensitiveness may be reduced if required. The resistance R, together with that of the galvanometer, ought to be at least 10,000 ohms. The shunt resistance is adjusted till with the cell of higher electromotive force the FIG. 182. deflection is almost to the end of the scale, and then the deflections when first one and then the other cell is connected with the galvanometer circuit are read. The deflection experiment should be repeated several times, and the mean taken. Also by slightly altering the shunt resistance, readings can be taken with different deflections. If D l and D. 2 are the mean deflections, then the ratio of the electromotive forces, so long as the resistance in 175] COMPARISON OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCES 431 the galvanometer circuit is very high compared to the resistance of either of the cells, is given by If G 1 and C 2 are the currents in the circuit in the two cases, we have G= E *- where 7? x and J9 2 are the resistances of the cells. Hence if the deflections are proportional to the currents l If B l and B^ are both small compared to R + G, the factor which multiplies E-^j K^ is sensibly unity, and hence a =5 A *V To test whether we are justified in making the above assumption, we have G + v 2 B*-BI G+'B l + R+G + B^ T) jy Hence if 2 1 ~- is negligible compared to unity, the approximation R + (JT + JD-^ is sufficiently accurate. 1 The experiments made in the preceding section will show whether this assumption is justified. If the currents are not proportional to the deflections, then the value of the ratio CyCa deduced from the curve obtained in 174 must be used in place of Z>j/Z> 2 . CHAPTER XXVI MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE 176. The Wheats-bone's Network of Conductors. That particular net- work consisting of six conductors, joined up as shown in Fig. 183, which is called a Wheatstone's network or bridge, will be found of such wide application in the following pages that a few words as to its general properties may be of service. Let p, Q, R, s, G, and b be the resistances of the arms AC, CB, AD, DB, DC, and AB respectively. If we suppose that there is a battery of E.M.F. E placed in the arm AB, while the resistances p, Q, R, and s are so adjusted that a galvanometer placed in the arm CD is undeflected, then it at once follows that PS = RQ. For the fact that there is no current in the arm DC shows that the points D and c are at the same potential. Hence drop of potential along AD drop of potential along DB drop of potential along A C drop of potential along CB But as there is no current in the arm DC, the current through AD is the same as the current through DB. Hence the drop of potential along AD is to the drop of potential along DB as the resistance of AD is to the resistance of DB. Similarly the drop of potential along AC and CB are to one another as the resistances of AC to CB. Hence ^ Q~ S (1) In exactly the same way we can prove that the condition that when an E.M.F. is placed in the arm CD there shall be no current in AB is P JB a s' that is, the same condition as before. The two arms AB and CD, such 432 176] WHEATSTONE'S BRIDGE 433 that an E.M.F. in one produces no current in the other, are said to be con jugute. An important property of conjugate arms is that if we insert an E.M.F. in any other arm of the network, then the current produced by this E.M.F. in one of the conjugate arms is independent of the resistance of the other. For suppose that an E.M.F. inserted in one of the arms, say, AC, produces a current in AB. Then we may, if we please, introduce an additional E.M.F. in the arm AB, and adjust its magnitude till the current it sends is just equal and opposite to the current in AB, due to the E.M.F. in the arm AC. Now the E.M.F. introduced in AB will produce no current in the arm CD, since AB and CD are conjugate, and hence the introduction of the E.M.F. in AB will not have affected the current in CD ; its effect, how- ever, has been to reduce the current in AB to zero, and hence we may make the resistance of the arm AB whatever value we like without affecting the current in CD. Hence to calculate the current in CD, produced by an E.M.F. e r introduced in the arm AC,- we may take the resistance of the arm AB as being infinite. This being the case, the current in AC is e r Q + S+G Hence the current in CD is e _ P , R+ Q + S+G* Q + S+G e r (Q + S) or _ - x '- (P + It) (Q + X + G) + (Q + S)G' But the resistances P, Q, R, S are subject to the condition PS = RQ. Hence the current in CD is S Exactly the same expression would be obtained for the current in CD, due to the introduction of an E.M.F. e p in the arm AD. Next suppose that we introduce an E.M.F. e s in the arm DB. The current produced in CD is P + R+G 2 E 434 MEA8CFBEMEKT OF RESISTANCE ~3) - n tJMJ OfWI a e* It will he noticed tkrt the re the same, If the ewreirt sent throngi the arm ci>, when an E,M,F, in A/J or AD, w the same a that sent when an E,M.F. #, is placed in CB or KD, then ftince whether the galvanometer is connected between c and i>, and i ttery between A and u, or the galvanometer connects A and B, and .es r; and i>, there will he no current in the galvanometer if ft follow* that in any given owe we have a choice as to the way in which the battery and galvanometer are connected up, a -cessary to decide which is the better arrangement. If the reitaricf;M are all of atxmt the name magnitude, then it is quite im- material which way the connectif/n i made. If, however, the resist- of very different rnagnitnde, then if 5 and S are the two larger, arid, aft lit tutially the ease, the resistance of the galvanometer it greater than that of the battery (including the battery leads and anjf :riee which rray }& inserted in neries with the battery to reduce the magnitude of the currents sent through the resistances), the galvano- meter ought, to \K-. eonrifjct/jd to the point where the resistance* h and S meet., arid t/> the f^int where the two lower resistances P and Q. meet. If the resistance of the battery is greater than that of the galvanometer, then the battery should connect, the jioirit where the two higher meet to the point where the two lower ones meet. Sine*; the passage of the currents through the resistances heats the resistances, and h^nce alters their resistance, if any of the resistan*-- of small section, r>r constructed of a material of which the res.' ehangfrs rapidly with temjHrrature, then considerations of heat develoj>- rnent, rathr-.r than the. aliovf:, ought to settle the manner in which the Iwitte.ry in connected up. Let us suppose that the. values of the. resistances are P== 100 ohm*, Q 50 ohms, It 10 ohms, and ,S 5 ohms. Then when the }*atter-y is connected, as in Fig. IN4 (a), we have !! 10 0, y^+.v 15 If, however, tin; battery is connected, as shown in Fig. 1*4 (h), and METBE FORM OF WHRATSIUMKS BRIDGE :,: . -1,- :: -.-. ,~__ : v- LC-- t\ P+M 110 _ -.'..-: 55 are ffcrceoifer Tbe gape at M and s cant, and m whfle nmns B, an m d tke <*der to a contact ** Made mitk UK ffefe, Udk ha it> length placed at right ft fa, 436 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 177 slider by means of which the position of the contact is read off on the scale. In the simplest method of using this form of bridge, the two resist- ances to be compared are connected to the terminals PJP., and Q X Q 9 . Balance is obtained by moving the slider D, and then if "the wire is TO BATTERY TO GALVANOMETER P, -jmfflLVSW - GALVANOMETER TO BATTERY FIG. 185. uniform, and the resistance of the connecting pieces F and H can be neglected, and the slider divides the wire into portions of length p and q respectively, we have where A is the value of the resistance between Y I and P.,, and B that between Q x and Q 2 . If the resistances of the end connections of the wire, including the soldered junction, are not negligible, suppose that the added resistance at one end is equivalent to the resistance of a length \ p of the wire, the corresponding quantity for the other end being A a , then the expression giving the ratio of the two resistances which are being compared is A p + ^ t B q + X q ' In order to determine the values of the end corrections A 7> and A (/ , two resistances, the ratio of which are known, are inserted in the gaps p and Q. Let the ratio of these two resistances be n, so that BiA = n. Then 178] CALIBRATION OF A BRIDGE WIRE 437 Next reverse the two resistances, placing A in the Q gap and R in the P gap, and let the point of balance divide the wire into lengths of p and q. Then ' ' Subtracting one of the equations from the other q-q = n(p + \,) - ^(p + \ p ) or But since the whole length of the wire is 1000, ., cor- responding to nearly the whole length of the wire. If, then, r is the resistance of unit length of the wire, we have XS, 'ti-x^-r* XS ^ = Hence, subtracting from which r can be calculated. In general, however, this expression may be much simplified, for if X and Y are very nearly equal, and S l is very large, also if, as usual, the wire has a small resistance per unit length, then S. 2 will also be large compared to X. Thus When making the balances, thermo-currents at the galvanometer contact D are liable to give trouble. In such a case it will be found 446 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 182 advisable to make the contact at D, and after the galvanometer has come to rest, to reverse the battery current and note whether the galvano- meter deflection remains unaffected. A note must be made of the temperature of the wire, which may be obtained by placing a small thermometer alongside. A piece of cotton wool placed over the wire and thermometer will be found of service in protecting both from the heat radiated from the hand when adjusting the contact. The procedure when comparing two coils will be evident from what has been said above. It is of great importance that the temperatures of the coils should be known accurately, particularly in the case of coils wound with platinum-silver, which has a very high temperature co- efficient. If the temperature of the room is very constant, and care is taken that the testing current is not too large, and is kept on for only a short time, then the temperature of the oil baths in which the coils stand may be taken as giving the temperatures of the coils themselves. If, however, the temperature is changing, or the testing current has to be kept on for some time, then the baths must be kept well stirred. This can best be accomplished by using a small propeller in each bath, driven by a small electric motor by means of a light cord (see Fig. 72). 182. To Determine the Ratio of Two nearly equal Resistances. It is frequently necessary to determine the ratio of two nearly equal resistances. The two coils P and Q to be compared are placed in the PQ gaps of the bridge (Fig. 185), while in the two outer gaps M and N are placed two known resistances A and B, which are approximately equal. If the resistances of the two parts of the bridge wire on either side of the slider, when there is no current through the galvanometer, are p and q, while the resistance of the whole wire is p, we have If, now, P and Q are interchanged, and the new point of balance divides the wire into portions having resistances of p f and q', we have = = Q ~ X p + A + p' ~ X p + A +_#' Adding the denominators for a new denominator and the numerators for a new numerator on either side of these two equations, we get P = X 1 , + X (J + A Q X + X + A where R is written for (\ p + X u + A + B + p), and 8 for the resistance of the portion of the bridge wire between the two points of balance. When 182] RATIO OF TWO NEARLY EQUAL RESISTANCES 447 8 is small compared to It, that is, when p and Q are nearly equal and A and B are fairly large, we have as a very near approximation a R Since the maximum value we can have for S is p, that is, the two points of balance are at the extreme ends of the bridge wire, the maxi- mum ratio of P to Q which it is possible to measure by this method is Q R-p or since A.,, and \ are always small compared to A and B, the maximum ratio is given by A + B _ A + B Suppose, then, that the total resistance of the bridge wire is 1 ohm, and that we calculate the maximum ratio of P to Q for A and B being each equal to 1, 5, 10, 100 ohms, we obtain the following numbers : p Alteration in the Ratio . x Value of A or B. Maximum Rutio of P to Q. Q Corresponding to an Error of 1 mm. in the Wire in Measuring d. 1 2 0007 5 1-2 0002 10 1-1 0001 100 1-01 0000 1 Thus by increasing the value of the resistances placed in the end gaps of the bridge, we rapidly limit the range of departure from equality in P and Q which we are able to measure. Although the range gets more and more limited as the resistances placed in the end gaps get greater and greater, the accuracy with which we are able to read the value of the ratio on the wire increases. Thus in the last column of the above table is given the alteration in the ratio of P to Q corresponding to an error of one scale division (that is, 1 mm. in a wire 1000 mm. long) in the determination of 8. When there is no resistance in the end gaps, a millimetre corresponds to an error in the ratio of P to Q, if P and Q are nearly equal, of about "004, that is, about 4 parts in 1000. When A and B are each 100 ohms, a millimetre, however, corre- sponds to -00001, or 4 in 400000. Of course we are unable to make use of the increased sensitiveness 448 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [183 obtained with high resistances in the end gaps, unless the galvano- meter is sufficiently sensitive to indicate a readable departure from the correct position of balance. Increased sensitiveness may be obtained by increasing the battery power, but care must be taken not to use currents of such a magnitude as to appreciably heat the resistances. For this reason the current should not be kept on longer than neces- sary. Further, if A and B are either much larger or smaller than p and Q, then the positions of the battery and galvanometer should be so chosen that the current divides approximately equally between the two arms of the bridge (see p. 434). 183. The Post Office form of Wheatstone Bridge. A convenient form of bridge for rapidly making measurements of resistance where no very great degree of accuracy is aimed at is shown in Fig. 190, and is known as the Post Office form of resistance box. It consists of a FIG. 190. number of resistance coils wound on bobbins placed under an ebonite top, and connected to brass blocks screwed to the upper surface of the ebonite. By means of brass plugs which fit into conical holes between the blocks, the resistance coil which connects the two blocks can be short-circuited. The resistances of the different coils are indicated by the numbers placed alongside the holes for the plugs. The resistance to be measured is con- nected to the two binding screws A and E, which are generally marked "line" and "earth" respectively, as this form of box was originally designed for testing the resistance of telegraph lines. The battery is connected to the two binding screws E and j, while the galvanometer is connected to A and I. By means of a wire beneath the ebonite top, when the key H is depressed connection is made with the point B, while on depressing the key F connection is made with the point c. The resistances between A and B and B and c consist of coils of 10, 100, and 1000 ohms respectively, while by removing the necessary plugs the 183] POST OFFICE FORM OF WHEATSTONE BRIDGE 449 resistance between c and E can be made of any integral value between and 10,000 ohms. The way in which this arrangement of coils forms a Wheatstone's bridge is indicated diagrammatically in Fig 129 (a), where the different branches are lettered similarly to what they are in the figure of the bridge. If the resistances in the branches AB and BC are equal, then to obtain balance the resistance of the branch DE must be equal to the resistance being measured. If, however, the resistance of the branch AB is made ten times the resistance of the branch BC, the resistance in DE required to produce balance is only a tenth of the resistance which is being measured. Finally, if the resistance of the branch BC is ten times the resistance of the branch AB, the resistance in CE required to produce balance is ten times the resistance which is being measured. Similarly, by making the ratio arms AB and BC 1 to 100 or 100 to 1, the resistance in the branch CE will be 100 times or one hundredth respectively of the resistance being measured. The following is the procedure to be adopted when measuring a resistance with the Post Office bridge : The resistance having been con- nected to the terminals A and E, the plugs corresponding to 10 ohms are taken out of each of the proportional arms AB and BC. The battery key H having been depressed, the galvanometer key H is momentarily depressed, and the direction of the resulting galvanometer throw noted. If no deflection is produced, it probably indicates that there is a break in the battery circuit. The infinity plug, marked " inf.," is then removed, and the direction of the galvanometer deflection again noted, which should be opposite to that which occurred previously. These tests will have indicated the direction of the deflection corresponding to the resistance in the branch CE being too small. Resistance is then gradually unplugged in the branch CE till two values are discovered, which differ from one another by 1 ohm, and for which the galvanometer is deflected in opposite directions, indicating that the resistance being measured lies between these two values. Suppose that in this way it is found that the resistance lies between 14 and 15 ohms. If, now, 100 ohms is unplugged in the arm BC, we shall have to increase the resistance in the arm CE to at| least 140 ohms, since it will be ten times the resistance being measured. Proceeding as before, it is found that 146 ohms is too small and 147 ohms is too large, showing that the resistance lies between 14 '6 and 14 '7 ohms. Next making the resistance in the arm BC 1 000 ohms, it was found that the resistance which had to be unplugged in CE was between 1462 and 1463 ohms, indicating that the resistance being measured lies between 14*62 and 14'63 ohms. To obtain a nearer value to the resistance, recourse must be had to galvanometer deflections. Thus when the resistance in CE was 1462 ohms the galvanometer was deflected through thirteen divisions to the right, while when the resistance was 1463 the deflection was twenty-five divisions to the left. Thus a change in the resistance in CE of 1 ohm produces a deflection of thirty-eight divisions, while to produce equilibrium we should have to increase the resistance in 2 F 450 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ CE so as to produce a deflection of thirteen divisions ; that is, we should have to increase the resistance by 13/38 of an ohm, or O34 ohm. Hence the resistance in the arm CE required to give balance is 1462 '34 ohms, and the resistance being measured is therefore 14'6234 ohms. If the resistance to be measured is greater than 11,111 ohms it will be impossible to obtain a balance with equal ratio arms, and the resistance of AB must be made 10 or 100 times the resistance of BC. It will sometimes be found more sensitive to use a 1 to 1 or a 10 to 1 ratio for the ratio arms rather than a 10 to 1 or a 100 to 1 ratio as the case may be, and to deduce the fractions of an ohm by galvanometer deflections. In such a case we have a choice as to the way in which we make up the desired ratio. Thus in the case of equal ratio arms we may make the resistance in either of the branches AB or BC 10, 100, or 1000 ohms. The best value to take in any particular case is that which will make the resistance of each of the ratio arms most nearly equal to the resistance being measured. Since the resistance of the wire of which the coils are constructed varies with the temperature, it is only at some fixed temperature that the coils of the bridge have the value assigned to them. The temperature at which the coils have their nominal values is generally marked on the box by the makers. When the temperature of the box is different from this value a correction will be required, the magnitude of which depends on the material of which the coils are made. The following table gives the temperature coefficients of the alloys which are commonly employed for the construction of resistance coils. It must, however, be remembered that the temperature coefficient of different samples of what is nominally the same alloy differ considerably, so that this table must be used with circumspection, and in every case where accurate measurements are being made either care must be taken to observe with the coils at the tempera- ture at which they were compared with a standard, or in each case the actual temperature coefficient of the wire used in the coils must be measured. Alloy. Approximate Composition (parts by weight). Specific Resistance. Temperature Coefficient. Platinum silver . 2 Ag ; 1 Pt 31xlO- 00026 Platinum indium Pt with trace of Ir 27xlO- 6 0017 German silver 10Cu;25Zn; 14Ni;0'3Fe 00027 Platinoid . . . < German silver with trace of tungsten J34xlO- 8 0002 Manganine . . . 84 Cu ; 12 Mn ; 4 Ni 42xlO- 6 -00004 Constantin . . . 60 Cu ; 40 Ni 49xlO- 6 184. The Dial-pattern Wheatstone's Bridge. Although the Post Office pattern of bridge is very compact and fairly inexpensive to make, 184] THE DIAL-PATTERN WHEATSTONE'S BRIDGE 451 considering the great range of resistances which it is capable of measur- ing, for accurate work it suffers from one very serious defect ; this is, that in the arm DE (Fig. 190, p. 448) there are always a large number of plug contacts, and the resistances of these contacts are neither negligible nor are they constant. This inconstancy is not only due to the fact that the cleanliness of the plugs and of the holes into which they fit varies, but also to the fact that the insertion of any one plug affects the fit of the plugs in the neighbouring holes. This is due to the displacement of the brass blocks, either owing to a slight give in the screws by which they are attached, or owing to bending of the ebonite top of the box. It is thus practically impossible to allow for the resistance of the plugs, and all we can do is to reduce the resistance of these contacts to a minimum by using well-fitting plugs 1 and keeping them as clean as possible. To reduce the plug difficulty to a minimum, the form of box shown in Fig. 191 is used. This pattern of box is known as the dial pattern, and FIG. 191. the example shown in the figure contains ten coils of 1 ohm each, ten of 10 ohms each, ten of 100 ohms each, and ten of 1000 ohms each, the manner in which the coils are connected up being indicated by the dotted lines. There is a single plug in each of the dials, and it will be seen that if all the plugs are opposite the blocks marked o, then none of the coils are included between the terminals A and E, the only resistance between these two points consisting of the connecting pieces between the dials and the resistance corresponding to four plug contacts. If, now, the plug in the units dial is moved to the hole marked 1, the resistan e included between the terminals E and A will consist of 1 ohm, together with the resistance of the connecting wires and the four plug contacts. If the units plug is moved to the hole marked 2, there will be 2 ohms included 1 As the plugs belonging to various boxes, although these boxes are of the same pattern, are generally not interchangeable, all plugs belonging to any one box ought to bear a distinguishing mark, such as a letter stamped on the head. This mark should be stamped on the top of the box, and care be taken that the plugs are always replaced in their own box. 452 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [185 in addition to the connecting and plug resistances. Proceeding in this way, it will be seen that it is possible to obtain a resistance consisting of any whole number of ohms up to 11,110 ohms, and whatever the resist- ance there will be only four plug contacts. Further, the insertion of a plug has no influence on the fit of any of the other plugs, and so it is possible to keep the resistance of the plug contact very much more con- stant than in the case where the plugs are arranged as shown in Fig. 190. In addition to the dials, a set of ratio coils are provided in the arms BC, CD. The resistance to be measured is connected between A and B, the plug at F being removed and that at G inserted, or between E and D, the plug at G being removed and that at F inserted. It will be observed that the tenth coil in each of the dials, that is, the coil between the block marked 9 and the central block, is not absolutely necessary in order to obtain any combination up to 10,000 ohms. These additional coils are, however, of much use when testing the box, since with them the sum of the resistances in any dial is equal to the resistance of a single coil in the dial next above. Hence when testing the box the unit coils are first compared together, then the sum of these coils is compared with one of the tens. The tens are then com- pared amongst themselves, and their sum is compared to the first hundred coil, and so on. When using the bridge, if the ratio arms are taken equal, any error due to their ratio not being exactly unity can be eliminated by placing the resistance to be measured first between A and B and then between D and E and taking the mean of the two values obtained. 185. Calibration of a Dial-pattern Wheat stone's Bridge. The dial bridge is connected by thick copper straps to a mercury cup a (Fig. 192) and one terminal of a resistance box r. The other terminal of this FIG. 192. box is connected to a second mercury cup b. Two other resistance boxes, s and s, are connected as shunts on the mercury cups and the resistance box r respectively. Finally, a resistance R of 1 ohm is placed connecting the mercury cups, and a thick U-shaped piece of copper is provided by means of which the mercury cups can be connected, and thus the resist- ance R short-circuited. 185] CALIBRATION OF A WHEATSTONE'S BRIDGE 453 The resistance R must be very slightly larger than 1 ohm, and may consist of a thick piece of manganine wire soldered to two stout copper strips, the mercury cups a and b consisting of holes made in these strips. To adjust the value of R, the mercury cup b should be connected direct to E by means of a copper strap, and using 10 ohms in each of the arms BC and CD, and 1 ohm in the dial arm, the resistance of R is adjusted till the bridge is very nearly balanced. It will be found most convenient to adjust the resistance of u by means of the soldered junctions till its resistance is a little too small. Then by filing the wire the resistance can be made a little greater than 1 ohm. Next, placing the plug at 1 in the units dial, and still using 10 ohms in each of the arms BC, CD, adjust the shunt s till the bridge is balanced. Then if R and S a are the resistances of R and the shunt s, and a is the resistance of the first unit coil, including the resistance of the wires joining the different dials, we have RS a but since R is very nearly unity and S a is large, we may, without appre- ciable error, replace R in the denominator by 1. Then Next place the U-shaped connector between the cups a and b and connect up the resistance boxes r and s in parallel between b and E, as shown in the figure. Keeping the plug in the units dial at 1, adjust r and s till the bridge is balanced. To obtain this balance make r 1 ohm and s infinity. If the resistance between D and E is now too small, replace the copper strap joining E to r by a short piece of thick copper wire, and thus make the resistance in this arm too great. Then a balance can be obtained by adjusting the resistance of the shunt , and since r is only a little too great, the resistance unplugged in s will be large, and thus the adjustment can be made with accuracy. Next remove the connection between the mercury cups and move the dial plug to 2, and then adjust the bridge by altering the shunt s. If b is the resistance of the second dial coil, and S b the value of s when balance is secured, we now have *_ RS* in which, as before, we may put R = 1 in the denominator, and thus 7 &h rt Proceeding in this way we obtain the resistance of each of the coils of the unit dial in terms of the resistance R. Or if we like we may express them all in terms of the resistance a of the first coil. 454 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 185 To compare the coils of the tens dial, we put the plug at 10 in the units, i.e. remove the plug altogether (see Fig. 191), and adjust the resistances r and s (the connector being inserted between a and I) till the bridge is balanced. Then place the tens plug at 1, i.e. at 10 ohms, and the unit plug at 0, and adjust s till the bridge is again balanced. Then let s } be the value of s when the 10 V ohm coil is in, ,s., the value when the ten 1 ohm coils are in, r the value of ?*, a 10 the resistance of the 10 ohm coil, and 2 the sum of the resistances of the units coils. Thus + r n 2 + r s n Next remove the units plug and balance by altering r and s, and let the value of these quantities be r' and s\. Then move the tens plug to 2 and the unit plug to 0, and balance by altering s, and let the new value be s' 2 . If, then, & 10 is the resistance of the second 10 ohm coil, we have Proceeding in this way, we obtain the difference between the resistance of each of the 10 ohm coils and the sum of the 1 ohm coils, and since we have found the resistances of these in terms of the resistance a of the first coil, we can express the resistance of the 10 ohm coils in terms of the resistance of the coil a. Proceeding in the same way, each of the hundred coils is compared with the resistance of the sum of the 10 ohm coils, and each of the thousand coils with the sum of the 100 ohm coils. Having in this way expressed each of the coils in terms of the resistance of a, we now require to determine the value of this quantity. To do this the mercury cup b is connected direct to E, and a standard resistance coil is placed between the mercury cups. If possible, this coil ought to be a 1000 ohm coil. The bridge is then balanced, and the resistance of the coils used on the dials expressed in terms of a is equated to the resistance of the standard, and thus the value of a is deduced. If only a 1 ohm coil is available, then the plug in the units dial being at 1, balance must be obtained by either altering the shunt s, or if the resistance in the arm is already too low, a resistance box must be connected as a shunt on the dials, and balance be obtained by adjust- ing this shunt. In this way the resistance of a is directly obtained in terms of the value of the unit and the shunt resistance. The same method as that described above can be employed to cali- brate an ordinary Post Office pattern resistance box, or, by using two auxiliary coils as ratio arms, a simple box of resistance coils. 186] CALLENDAR AND GRIFFTHS PATTERN BRIDGE 455 It is of importance when making such a calibration as that described above that the temperature should be fairly constant, particularly if the material of which the coils are wound has a large temperature coefficient. 186. The Callendar and Griffiths Pattern Bridge. A form of Wheatstone's bridge which is particularly well suited for measuring the change of resistance of platinum resistance thermometers has been devised by Callendar and Griffiths. A simple form of this bridge, which is suit- able for measurements in which the greatest accuracy is not aimed at, is shown somewhat diagrammatically in the upper part of Fig 193, the scheme of connections being shown in the lower part of the figure. The FIG. 193. bridge wire AB is stretched alongside a second wire G 2 H of the same material, which is connected to the galvanometer, and a movable slider carries a cross-piece F of the same wire, which serves to make contact between the bridge wire and the galvanometer. The object of making the two wires and the cross-piece all of the same wire is to reduce the thermo-electromotive forces at the contacts, for if the contacts are between exactly the same materials, then differences of temperature will not pro- duce thermo-electromotive forces. One end A of the wire is connected to a series of resistance coils DC. 2 . The first of these has a resistance equal to that of 20 cm. of the bridge wire, the next to 40, and so on, the resistance of each coil being double that of the preceding one. Connected to the binding screw c x is one terminal of the ratio coil p, the other ratio coil Q being connected to the binding screw P r The two 456 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 186 battery terminals BJ and B 2 are connected to the points GJ and p. 2 , while the galvanometer terminal G I is connected to the point between the ratio coils. The ratio coils are wound together so as to always have the same temperature, and they are adjusted to equality. The thermometer T with its leads is connected, to the screws p^, and the compensating leads are connected to C 1 and C 2 . This pair of leads are joined together at the end, and are of exactly the same resistance as the thermometer leads, and are placed alongside these latter. Let r be the resistance of the thermometer leads or the compensator leads, T the resistance of the thermometer coil, and R the resistance un- plugged in the coils, and let the galvanometer contact be at G 2 in the lower figure when balance is secured. If p is the resistance per centimetre of the bridge wire, we have, since P= Q, or where o is the centre of the bridge wire. Hence T=R + 2p.OU 2 (1) Thus the resistance of the thermometer is equal to the resistance of the coils unplugged plus twice the resistance of the part of the bridge wire intercepted between the galvanometer contact and the centre of the wire. If the galvanometer contact is to the left of o, then twice the resistance of the portion of the wire intercepted between the contact and the centre must be subtracted from the resistance unplugged. It will be observed that any change in the resistance of the thermo- meter leads, so long as the same change takes place in the compensating leads, will not affect the point of balance in the wire. It is very convenient to arrange the resistance of the bridge wire so that 1 centimetre has a resistance of -^^ of an ohm. In this case each centimetre that the galvanometer contact is away from the centre of the bridge wire represents "01 of an ohm. The first coil, since it has a resistance equal to that of 20 cm. of the wire, has therefore a resistance of O'l of an ohm. The remaining coils have resistances of '2, *4, '8, 1*6, 3'2, 6'4, arid 12*8 ohms. Thus the bridge will measure up to 25 6 ohms. If a platinum thermometer is used of which the resistance in ice is about 12*8 ohms, then its change in resistance when heated from to 100 (its fundamental interval, see 208) will be 5 ohms, and hence 1 cm. on the bridge wire will represent two hundredths of a degree. Such a ther- mometer is suitable for work at comparatively low temperatures. For high temperatures a thermometer having a fundamental interval of 1 ohm may be used, in which case each centimetre of the bridge wire represents a tenth of a degree. From what has been said above, it is apparent that the adjustment of the resistance of the bridge wire to a particular resistance per centimetre is of considerable practical convenience. As, 187] CALLENDAR-GRIFFITHS BRIDGE 457 however, it is difficult to draw a wire such that its resistance per centi- metre has any predetermined value, Professor Callendar has adopted the device of shunting the wire. A wire is chosen of which the resistance per centimetre is slightly greater than the value required, and then a resistance s (Fig. 193) is placed as a shunt on the wire, the magnitude of the resistance being so chosen that the combined resistance of the wire and s in parallel divided by the total length of the wire has the desired value, viz. 1/200 of an ohm. The presence of the shunt has no effect on the reading of the bridge, except that the resistance of the wire must now be assumed to be that of the wire and shunt in parallel. For if c s is the current passing in the shunt, and c to that in the wire, I the total length of the wire, and p its resistance per centimetre, then Cw _ ^ C w _ S /gv c,~ pi c w + c a ~ S + pl The difference of potential between B x and G 2 is where r is the resistance of the compensating leads. The difference of potential between G 2 and B 2 is Hence since the ratio coils P and Q are equal, these two differences of potential are equal. Thus w + c t ) (r + R) c w p(AO +~M 2 ) = (c, v + c s ) (r+T) + c w p(AO - Substituting from (2) we get But - is the resistance of the wire and shunt in parallel, and this o + pi quantity divided by I is the equivalent resistance per centimetre of the shunted wire. Hence calling this equivalent resistance per centimetre p, we have T=JR + '2 P '.OG ........ (4) the same expression as before obtained, except that p replaces />. 187. Calibration of a Callendar-Griffiths Bridge. The calibration of the bridge described in the last section consists of (1) determination of the electrical mid-point of the bridge wire ; (2) determination of the ratio of the resistances of the two ratio coils ; (3) calibration of the 458 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 187 bridge wire ; (4) determination of the resistance of each of the coils in terms of the resistance of 1 centimetre of the bridge wire (the unit used in the bridge) ; and (5) if the bridge is to be used for other purposes besides platinum thermometry, a determination of the value of the bridge unit in ohms. (1) To determine the centre of the bridge wire the gaps c^ and p^ (Fig. 193) are closed by copper strips, and the position of the slider is adjusted till there is no galvanometer deflection. The reading for this point gives the mid-point o of the wire. (2) Next two nearly equal resistances, X and Y, are placed in the gaps ?iPy c i c o- These resistances ought to be about 10 ohms each. Let the reading on the wire when the resistance X is in the gap c be ]_, and that when the resistance X is in the gap P be x 2 . If the ratio coils p and Q are equal, then (x l + x 2 )/2 will be the same as the reading for the point 0. The difference between (x l + x z )/2 and is a measure of the difference of the resistances p and Q, and the ques- tion arises whether such a difference will appreciably affect the measurements made with the bridge. If the bridge is to be used exclusively for platinum thermometer work, then such differences as are likely to be found between p and Q will probably not appreciably affect the measurements. The reason for this is that if for the moment we suppose that the thermometer leads and compensating leads have zero resistance, then all the resistance measurements will require to be multiplied by the same factor (P/Q), and hence in the expression used in platinum thermometry, namely (see 208), we may divide out the numerator and denominator by this correction factor. A slight error will, however, be produced if the leads have appre- ciable resistance. This error will in general be negligible, for the resistance of the leads is small compared to the resistance of the thermometer, and the correction on account of the error in the ratio coils is a small correction on this small resistance, i.e. is of the second order. If the bridge is to be used for other measurements besides thermo- metric measurements, then it will be advisable to adjust p and Q to exact equality. This may be done by moving the point M (Fig. 193) where the galvanometer lead is attached, the adjustment being tested by reversing the coils x and Y and seeing whether the mean of the points of balance coincides with the point of balance when the gaps are closed with copper connectors. (3) The calibration of the bridge wire is performed by placing two pieces of copper strip A and B (Fig. 194) in the terminals GJ and c. 2 . These strips have two mercury cups D, formed by cementing small 187] CALLENDAR-GRIFFITHS BRIDGE 459 pieces of ebonite having a central hole on the top of the copper. A piece of wire E, preferably of the same material as the bridge .wire, is soldered to the copper strips, arid its resistance is adjusted so as to be equal to the resistance of 2 centimetres of the bridge wire. In the gap Pjp^j are placed two resistance boxes connected in parallel, one of which ought if possible to be variable by tenths of an ohm. A copper connector being placed between the mercury cups D, the coils 10, 320, and 640 are unplugged (hence # = 9-7 ohms), and 10 ohms is taken out of one of the boxes in the gap P. The galvanometer contact is then moved FIG. 194. to near the extreme right-hand end of the wire, and balance l is obtained by altering the resistance unplugged in the other box in p. The position of the slider having been noted, the copper connector between the mercury cups D is removed, and the slider moved till the balance is restored. The difference between the slider readings gives the length of bridge wire which corresponds to the resist- ance oi the wire E, i.e. has a resistance half that of E. The connector is then placed between the mercury cups, and balance obtained by altering the resistance box in the gap P. The connector is then removed and balance restored by moving the slider, and so on. In this way the bridge wire is divided up into segments of equal resistance. When balancing by altering the resistance in the gap p, it will be found best to get approxi- mate balance by altering the resistances and to obtain the final balance by moving the slider. In this way the end of one segment into which the wire is divided will not exactly coincide with the commencement of the next, but so long as the part left out, or the overlap, as the case may be, is not very great, then no appreciable error will arise on this account. The reduction of the numbers is performed just as in the case of the cali- bration of a mercury thermometer described in 59. (4) Calibration of the Coils. The gap c being closed by a copper con- nector, and the coil 10 unplugged, a resistance of O'l ohm is unplugged in one of the resistance boxes in p and the point of balance obtained. Coil 10 is then cut out by inserting the corresponding plug, and the slider moved till balance is restored. The difference in the readings of the slider gives the resistance in terms of the bridge wire, and this, by means of the calibration, is expressed in terms of the mean bridge wire, the value being 'Z v say. Coil 20 is then unplugged, and coil 10 cut out by inserting the plug, while by altering the resistances in P the point of balance is brought near the centre of the wire. Coil 20 is then cut out and 10 inserted, and the slider moved till balance is again secured. Lat the resistance of the portion of the wire between the two points when 1 The final balance can if necessary be made by slightly moving the position of the galvanometer contact. 460 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [188 allowance has been made for the calibration be Z^. Next insert coil 40, cutting out 10, and bring the point of balance near the centre by altering the resistance in P., then remove coil 40 and insert coils 10 and 20, and move slider, and so on. Proceeding in this way we obtain the following series of equations, where the symbol (10) stands for the resistance of coil 10 in terms of 1 cm. of the mean bridge wire, and so on : (10) = Z! (40)-(20)-(10) = Z 8 (80) -(40) -(20)- (10) = Z 4I &c. &c. Then and so on. By arranging that Z lt Z 2 , Z 3 , &c., all correspond to nearly the same portion of the bridge wire, errors in the calibration have very little influence on the results. (5) To determine the value of the resistance of the unit used in the above calibration, viz. the mean value of 1 cm. in the bridge wire, a resistance of known value must be inserted in the gap P, and its value in terms of the bridge resistances measured. Then since the coils are all expressed in terms of the bridge unit, the value of this unit can at once be determined. 188. Measurement of High Resist- ances. In the case of resistances of a megohm (10 6 ohms) and over the Wheat- stone bridge method is generally not applicable, and a direct deflection method is usually -adopted, that is, the current a battery of given E.M.F. can send through a known high resistance is measured by means of a galvanometer and compared with the current the same battery can send through the unknown resistance. A convenient arrangement is shown in Fig. 195, where B is a battery, G a high resistance galvanometer, and c a commutator, con- sisting of six small mercury cups scooped out in a block of paraffin. The known resistance R, and the resistance to be measured X, are connected to these mercury cups as shown, so that by means of two U-shaped FIG. 195. 189] MEASUREMENT OF INSULATION RESISTANCE 461 pieces of copper one or other can be included in the circuit. A resistance S is connected so as to act as a shunt on the galvanometer. Suppose that the E.M.F. of the battery is E, and that the resistance S being infinite, that is, the galvanometer unshunted, the deflection pro- duced with the resistance X in series is d r Then we have where K is a constant depending on the galvanometer, and expresses the factor by which the deflection has to be multiplied to give the value of the current passing through the galvanometer. The resistance R is then introduced into the circuit, and the resist- ance of the shunt altered till the deflection is of about the same magnitude as in the previous case. If the deflection is c? 2 , we have (2) From the expressions (1) and (2) we can eliminate E and K, when we get -G-B. . . . (3) S In general, the battery resistance B is small compared to R and G, and may be neglected, so that the expression for X becomes The reason for reducing the galvanometer deflection in the second experiment to nearly the same value as in the first, is that in general the currents are not proportional to the galvanometer deflections, i.e. K is not a constant for all deflections. If, however, the deflections are nearly the same, we are justified in assuming that the same value of K is applicable in the two cases. 189. Measurement of the Insulation Resistance of a Piece of Rubber Covered Cable. The coil of cable E (Fig. 196) is placed either in a metal tub, or, if a wooden or earthenware vessel is used, a sheet of zinc D is placed at the bottom. The tub is filled with water to well over the cable, except the two ends which project above the water, and which may be conveniently clamped between two pieces of wood which rest on the rim of the tub. The insulation must then be pared away at the two ends of the cable with a clean and sharp knife so as to leave a conical, fresh-cut surface of the rubber, as shown at (a). The copper core of the cable is connected by a wire to one of the terminals F of the galvanometer, while the metal plate in the tub is connected to one 462 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [190 pole of a battery of cells, the other terminal of the battery being con- nected to the other terminal of the galvanometer. The wire joining c and F should be an air-wire, that is, it should not touch any body between c and P. A piece of fine uncovered copper wire is then wound round the middle of the conical, fresh-cut portions of the insulation and connected to the terminal E of the galvanometer. The object of this wire is to allow of the electricity which leaks over the surface of the insulation to pass back to the battery without going through the galvanometer. In the absence of this guard- wire, the use of which is due to Price, 1 the deflection of the galvanometer would be due to the sum of the current which passes through the rubber coating of the cable, and the current which passes from the water along the surface of the rubber to the copper core at A or c. Owing to the fact that a film of moisture almost immediately forms, even on a freshly cut surface, this surface leakage has quite an (Ct) FIG. 196. appreciable magnitude compared to the current which passes through the insulating sheath when this sheath is composed of a good insulator. Since the wire H and the core of the cable are very nearly at the same potential, there is no appreciable leakage over the portion of the cleaned rubber between the wire H and the core. There will be some leakage between the water and the wire H along the surface of the sheath, but this leakage current, since it does not pass through the galvanometer, will have no influence on the galvanometer deflection. The procedure is the same as in the last section, the value of the galvanometer constant K being derived from an experiment made with a known high resistance, the galvanometer Veing shunted. 190. Measurement of Low Resistances Mathissen and Hocking's Method of the Projection of Equal Potentials.- When the conductor of which the resistance has to be determined has a very low resistance, the Wheatstone bridge method is not applicable, owing to the fact that 1 Electrical Review (1895), vol. xxxvii. p. 702. 190] MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCES 463 the resistances at the places where the conductor is connected to the bridge would bear an appreciable ratio to the resistance to be measured. For this reason, methods of measuring the resistance have to be employed in which the contacts which are employed are potential contacts, and hence variations in the resistance of these contacts will not affect the result. Suppose that it is required to determine the resistance of a certain length, say, 50 cm., of a piece of thick copper wire. The wire CD (Fig. 197) is stretched straight, and two contact pieces, E and F, are slipped on the wire and placed at a distance of 50 cm. apart. The construction of one of the contact pieces is shown at (a). It consists of a wooden block, with a V groove cut in its lower face. In a slot in the middle of the block is placed a brass disc c, pierced with a cir- cular hole, through which the rod B, which is being measured, passes. To the upper edge of the disc is soldered a screwed upright which car- ries three nuts. The lower of these, E, serves to clamp the contact maker down on the rod by drawing the disc c upwards. The other two, F and o, serve to clamp the connecting wire which goes to the galvanometer. In addition a calibrated wire, such as the wire of a metre bridge, must be placed alongside the copper rod CD. A standard resistance coil of O'Ol ohm will be required. In the usual form of such a coil there are two thick copper terminals with binding screws J, H, so placed that when a current is passed through the coil, entering at the end of one of the terminals and leaving by the end of the other, then the resistance between the points where these binding screws are attached is exactly O'Ol ohm. The manner in which the copper rod, the bridge wire, and the resist- ance coil R are connected to a battery B (preferably a storage cell) is FIG. 197. 464 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 190 shown in the figure. Connecting wires are run from the points E, F, j, H to four mercury cups in a block of varnished wood or paraffin, while one terminal of a low resistance galvanometer G is connected to a fifth cup, and by means of a U-shaped copper connector can be connected to either of the other cups. The second terminal of the galvanometer is connected to the slider i on the bridge wire. A resistance, R', of an ohm or two will generally be found necessary in the battery circuit to prevent the cell sending too great a current. The battery circuit having been closed by means of the key o, the galvanometer is connected to the point E, and the slider I moved till the galvanometer is undeflected. The galvanometer is then connected in turn with the points F, j, and H, and the positions of the slider for no deflection determined. When making these adjustments it is as well to roughly determine the positions for balance of all the points, and then going through the different points again to determine the exact positions, keep- ing the battery current on only just long enough to see whether there is a permanent deflection after each adjustment of the slider. The reason for not keeping the current on longer than is absolutely necessary is that in order to obtain sensitiveness it is necessary to use a fairly large current, and hence if this current is allowed to flow for any length of time, the conductors will become appreciably heated. If the length of the wire included between the points which are at the same potential as E and F is Z 15 while the length between the points at the same potential as the points J and H is 1 2 , while the resistance of the coil E, is called R, the resistance of the rod CD between the points E and F is given by In this expression the lengths ^ and Z 2 are the reduced lengths of the corresponding portions of the wire ; that is, they are the lengths, deduced from the calibration curve, of the mean uniform wire, which would have the same resistance as the actual portion of the wire used. The above expression for the resistance of the portion of the rod can at once be obtained as follows : If C is the current in the rod, and c that in the wire AB, the difference of potential between E and F is XC, while the difference of potential between J and H is RG. Also, the difference of potential between the two points of balance on the wire corresponding to E and F is l^-c, and that corresponding to the points G and H is / 2 ?v, where r is the resistance of unit length of the bridge wire. Hence we have the two equations RC=L 2 rc, X L = 191] MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCE 465 If the mean diameter of the rod between the points E and F is d, while the distance between E and F is L, the specific resistance p of the material of which the rod is composed is given by This method may also be used for comparing the resistance of two rods, and hence comparing the specific resistances of the materials of which the rods are composed. For this purpose it is only necessary to replace the resistance coil R by the second rod fitted with contact pieces similar to those at E and F, proceeding exactly as before. It is important to make the junction between the two rods in such a way that the resistance of the junction does not vary during the course of the experiment, otherwise the positions of the points of balance on the bridge wire will also vary, and it will be impossible to obtain satisfactory measurements. A satisfactory way of joining the rods is either to solder them together or to bend about an inch at the end of either rod at right angles, amalgamate these bent portions, and then bind them together with uncovered copper wire, and dip the bent portions into a mercury cup. 191. Measurement of Low Resistance The Method of Auxiliary Conductors, or Kelvin's double Bridge. The two conductors which are to be compared are stretched out straight and connected together at c (Fig. 198), either by soldering or with a mercury cup, as described in the last section. Two contacts will be required on each rod ; those on one rod, as they can be kerjt at a A fixed distance apart, may be both attached to a wooden rod, and the dis- tance between the points of contact determined K ^ N once for all. The con- tact makers are connected, as shown in the figure, to two resistances u and KL. These resistances consist of resistance coils having a resistance of 2 or 3 ohms, and means is provided for connecting the middle point of each resistance to the galvanometer G'. The two resistance coils are placed close alongside in one box, so that they shall always have the same resistance, and the ends and the mid- point may conveniently be soldered to three binding screws, as shown in Fig. 199. 466 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [191 The contacts on one of the rods, say, G and H, being kept fixed in position, the distance between the contacts on the other rod is varied till there is no deflection of the galvanometer. When making the adjustment the battery circuit must only be closed for the time that is absolutely necessary, so as to reduce the heating effect of the current to a minimum. In order to minimise the effects of thermo- currents, balance should be obtained with the current in either direction. Let jo be the resistance of that portion of the rod AC intercepted between the points E and F, while y is the resistance of the rod CD between the points G and H. Further, let the resistance of the segments of the split resistances KL and u be called r v r 2 , r 3 , and r 4 respectively, these quantities to include the resistances of the leads to the points E, F, G, and H respectively. Then the condition for no galvanometer deflection is FIG. 199. The theory of the method is most easily obtained graphically. Suppose that we plot a diagram on which the ordinates represent the potentials of the different points along the two rods ACD. Such a diagram is shown in Fig. 200 (a), where the points are lettered to correspond with the points on Fig. 198. Next on a base of convenient length OQ (Fig. 200, b) let us plot as ordinates at o the potentials of the points E and F, and as ordinates at Q the potentials of the points G and H. Thus OE represents the potential of the point E, and QH that of the point H, while the straight line EH will represent the fall of the potential along the EKNLH (Fig. 198) if we suppose that abscissae represent the resistance of this- branch measured from the point E. In the same way the straight line FG will represent the fall of potential along the branch FIMJG. Now the onlj point which is common to these two straight lines is the point p where they intersect, so that if the galvanometer is to have no deflection il must be connected between the points on the two branches which an represented by the point z. Now the two triangles EPF and HPG are similar, hence OZ GH PH Now EF represents the difference of potential between the points E and while HG represents the difference of potential between the points and H. But the current which flows through the portion of the one ro< between E and F must be the same as the current which flows througl 191] MEASUREMENT OF LOW RESISTANCE 467 that portion of the other rod included between G and H, for no current passes across from M to N through the galvanometer. Hence ^l = x^OZ GH y ZQ Now OZ/ZQ represents the ratio in which the point p divides either of FIG. 200. the branch resistances, and since this ratio is the same for either branch, we have ZQ r 2 r 4 that is, the condition that there should be no current through the gal- vanometer is If i\ = )\, and ?' 3 = r 4 , then x = y. In general, the condition ^ 1 /^ 2 = r 3/ r 4 w ^ no * exactly be fulfilled, so that the question arises if rj/r 2 is not exactly equal to ?* 3 /?* 4 , which of these quantities, or what function of them, must be equated to xjy. This can at once be answered by a study of Fig. 200 (6). It is obvious that the slope of the line EH must always be greater than that of the line FG, 468 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [191 for the difference of potential between E and H must be greater than that between F and G. Suppose, then, that r^ : ? % 2 as oz' : Z'Q, and ?' 3 : r 3 as oz : ZQ, so that the points between which the galvanometer is con- nected are represented by P and P', evidently there would be quite a considerable difference of potential, and to obtain balance we should have to adjust, say, the contact H to a point where the potential was repre- sented by QH', so that the straight line joining E and H' should pass through the point P" where z'p" = ZP. Evidently, then, if s is the point where the lines EH' and FG intersect, we have y GH sii 1 But from the figure, since the line FG is nearly horizontal, because the resistance between the points F and G (Fig. 198) is small, it follows that ES . EP" the ratio ==- r is nearly the same as or ,^, ^> that is, as r^fr^ V\ e r 3 /V 4 is not exactly fulfilled r ft thus see that even when the condition rjr 2 that, so long as the line FG is nearly horizontal, that is, that the resistance between the points where the contacts F and G touch the rods is small, we have y r 2 The above investigation shows the importance of making the con- tacts F and G of the branch circuit as near the point of junction of the rods as possible. By replacing one of the rods by a standard O'Ol ohm coil the resistance of a certain length of the rod under experiment can be determined in absolute measure, and hence the specific resistance of the material can be calculated if the cross- section of the rod is measured. The dis- advantage of using a coil is that such coils are generally made of some alloy, such as manganine or con- stantin, which has a FIG. 201. small temperature co- efficient, while generally the material being measured is copper, which has a fairly large tem- perature coefficient. Thus if the temperature varies, the ratio of the 192] THE DIFFERENTIAL GALVANOMETER 469 resistance of a given length of the specimen to that of the coil varies also. If, however, a rod of copper is employed as the standard, then so long as the temperature of this standard and that of the specimen being tested vary together the ratio of their resistances remains the same. The above investigation shows that particular care should be taken in measuring the ratio r-^/r^ which must include not only the portions of the divided resistance, but also the wires used to connect the resistance to the contacts E and F. This ratio can be determined by the method given in 182, the connections being made as shown in Fig. 201. 192. The Differential Galvanometer. A differential galvanometer is one in which the coils are wound double, that is, two wires are wound on side by side, the ends of the two wires being brought to separate terminals. If the two circuits were exactly the same, then if a current is passed one way through one of the circuits and in the opposite direction through the other their effects will be exactly equal and opposite, and the needle will remain undeflected. In general, such equality is not exactly secured, and a small coil, which is in series with one of the circuits, is arranged so that it can be moved towards or away from one of the sets of magnets, and the position of this coil is adjusted till there is no deflection when the same current is passed through the two circuits in opposite directions. In many cases what is required is that there should be no deflection when the E.M.F. between the terminals of the two circuits is the same. To make the balance in such a case the two coils are connected in parallel, but in such a manner that the current in the two coils is in opposite directions, and the adjusting coil is moved till there is no deflection. It must be remembered that the adjustment, whether for equal currents or for equal potential differences, depends on the exact position of the magnet system with reference to the coils, and hence on the level of the galvanometer. ' For this reason each time the galvano- meter is moved the adjustment must be repeated. When the galvanometer has to be adjusted for equal potentials, Crawley l has pro- posed to use an adjustable resistance placed in series with the coil which has the greater magnetic effect on the needle, this resistance being adjusted till when the coils are in parallel there is no deflection. The arrangement employed when balancing is shown in Fig. 202. M and N are the two coils of the galvanometer which have very nearly the same resistance, a convenient value being 100 ohms each. The coil M is connected to the terminal 1 on the base of the 1 Jour, Inst. Elec. Eng., April 1901. 470 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 193 galvanometer through a resistance r of Ol ohm, a stretched wire CD, and a sliding contact F. A resistance K can, if necessary, be inserted in the circuit of the coil N so as to make it possible to balance on the slide wire. A key K when depressed short-circuits the resistance r, and hence alters the resistance of one of the circuits by a known amount, and the corre- sponding deflection serves to determine the value of a scale division of the galvanometer. It is advisable to have a short flexible lead permanently attached to each terminal of the coil so that these leads are included in the circuits when balancing. 193. Comparison of two Low Resistances with the Differential Galvanometer. The differential galvanometer forms an easy, and at the same time fairly accurate, means of comparing two nearly equal resist- ances, whether they are in the form of resistance coils with potential terminals, or rods with sliders. The manner in which the connections are made is shown in Fig. 203. The potential terminals of the two resistances P and Q which are to be compared are connected by means of the flexible leads with the four terminals of the differential galvanometer, and a current from a battery B is passed through the resistances, which are placed in series. If the resistances are very nearly the same, or if they can be made the same, as in the case of rods in which the distance between the contacts on one of the rods can be altered, the galvanometer deflections are generally sufficient to determine the ratio of the resistances, since the resistance r and the key K enable the resistance in one of the galvanometer circuits to be decreased by a known fraction of the resistance of the galvanometer coil. If the difference between the resistance of P and Q is such that a deflection of more than a few scale divisions is produced, then a resistance box s is placed as a shunt on whichever of the two resistances is the greater, and the value of s adjusted till there is no deflection. When this is the case we have P + S' Although the effect of the two coils are equal on the needle, it does not follow that they have equal resistances. Jf this difference were very 194] THE SHUNT POTENTIOMETER METHOD 471 great, then, since the resistances p and Q are shunted by the galvanometer coils and a current is passed through these coils, the current through P would not be exactly the same as that through Q, and hence the above expression would not hold, for it has been obtained on the supposition that the same current flows through p and Q. The correction to be applied in such a case can at once be obtained. In the absence of the shunt s the resistance between the points p and p f is MP where M is the resistance of the coil M including the leads and adjusting resistance. Similarly, the resistance between the points NQ, q and q' is -^ ^. Now the differential galvanometer shows that these resistances are equal. Hence MP NQ M + p ~ N+Q' P P(N-M) U=* + - NM Now N-M is the difference between the resistance of the two galvanometer coils, and is always small compared to either N or M. Thus if N and M are each 100 ohms, and N- M is even as much as 1 ohm, while P and Q are each about a tenth of an ohm, the correction P(N M} factor flV-r> has the value '00001, or the correction only amounts to 1 part in 100,000. Thus as long as the difference N- M is not very large, and pare is taken to always have M and N large compared to P and Q, no correction on account of this effect will be required. In any case in which the correction becomes appreciable it can immediately be calculated if the difference between the resistance of the two galvano- meter circuits is measured. 194. The Shunt Potentiometer Method of Comparing two Low Resistances. The method described in 179 for calibrating a wire may be applied to the comparison of two low resistances. 1 Suppose that the two resistances to be compared, A and B (Fig. 204), are O'l and O'Ol ohm, and that as usual they are provided with potential leads #, a' and b, //. The resistances A and B are connected as shown in series with a battery B and an adjustable resistance E r ' A second circuit consists of two standard coils p and Q, which in the case considered would have resistances of 10 and 1 ohm respectively, connected in series through an . adjustable resistance n. 2 and a switch c. 2 with a battery B 2 . A resistance box s is arranged as a shunt on one or other of the resistances P and Q 1 Campbell, Proc. Physical Soc. of London (1903), xviii. 480. 472 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 194 according as the ratio A/B is greater or less than the ratio P/Q. A switch c is prepared, consisting of twelve mercury cups, which are connected in the manner shown to the potential leads on the resistances A, B, P, and Q, and the galvanometer G. The cups 1 and 2 are permanently con- nected together, and by means of a block of ebonite with four U-shaped pieces of copper, shown at Y, the two circuits can be connected in two separate manners. When the connector Y is between the left-hand set of cups and the middle, the points a and p are connected together, and the points a and p are connected to the galvanometer. When, however, the B, FIG. 204. \ connector is moved into the right-hand position the points b and q are connected together, and the points 6' and q' are connected to the galvanometer. 'jTo make the measurement, the current in the circuit containing A and B is kept constant, and the resistance R 2 is adjusted till the galva- nometer is undetected when the connector is in the left-hand position. The connector is then placed in the right-hand position, and balance obtained by varying the shunt s. Since a change in s will slightly alter the resistance in the circuit of the battery B 2 , the first adjustment will be slightly upset. By, however, making the two adjustments alternately, a condition will soon be obtained in which there is balance in both positions. The effect of a change in s on the adjustment made when the connector is to the left will be decreased by making the E.M.F. of the battery B 2 larger, and correspondingly increasing the resistance R. 2 . This resistance may conveniently consist of a box of coils from a tenth of an ohm upwards and an adjustable carbon resistance, such as that shown 194] THE SHUNT POTENTIOMETER METHOD 473 in Fig. 205, placed in series. The carbon resistance consists of a number of plates of gas carbon about 7 centimetres square and 5 millimetres thick held in a frame. These plates can be compressed by turning the screw A, and in this way the resistance between the copper plates BC is reduced. The carbon plates are insulated from the frame by vulcanised fibre tubes, which cover the rods by means of which the ends of the frame are connected. With fifty plates the resistance can be varied from about 0*3 ohm to 3 ohms. This combination of a box of coils reading down to a tenth of an ohm and up to about 500 ohms and a carbon resistance will be found of much use in many cases. The coils of the resistance box need not be carefully adjusted, but they ought to be wound with FIG. 205. fairly thick wire, and to consist of some material, such as manganine, which has a very small temperature coefficient, so that the resistance of the coils shall not vary much owing to the heat developed by the current, and, further, a fairly strong current may be passed without fear of damaging the coils. The balance is obtained with the batteries connected up in one direction, and then they are both reversed by means of the switches c x and C 9 , and a balance is again obtained, the mean of the two values obtained for s being used in the calculation. The resistance between the points q and q is QS 474 MEASUREMENT OF RESISTANCE [ 194 Hence since the drop of potential between a and a is the same as that between p and p', while that between b and V is the same as that between q and q ', if c t is the current through A and B, while c 2 is the current through P and Q, we get or Ac^Pc, QS QS In the case where the resistances A and B (Fig. 206), which are to be compared, are nearly equal, a modification of the above method may be employed. In this case the auxiliary resistance only con- tains a single resist- ance P, in addition to the variable resist- ance R. 2 , which is used to adjust the current in the auxiliary cir- cuit. The resistance P need not be known. A shunt s is placed between the terminals of whichever of the two resistances A or B is the larger. A switch similar to that shown in Fig. 205 is employed to join the galvanometer and a connecting wire between ad and pp, or between bb' and pp. Balance is obtained by altering s and R 2 as before, when BS FIG. 206. or Of the various methods of comparing small resistance described, Mathissen and Hocking's method is distinctly the least accurate, while the accuracy which can be attained with the others, when suitable pre- cautions are taken, is about the same, and they are capable of showing a difference of about 1 in 100,000. CHAPTER XXVII THE RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES 195. Mance's Method of Measuring the Resistance of a Battery. In this method the battery E to be tested is placed in one of the gaps of a Wheatstone's bridge, the position generally occupied by the battery being occupied by a make-and-break key K, as shown in Fig. 207. The resistances P, Q, R are then adjusted, till completing the circuit at K does not alter the galvanometer de- flection. When this is the case, the resistance of the battery is given by B = RQ ' p ' > This at once follows from the property of congregate conductors ; see p. 433. The current which is passing through the galvanometer all the time will either produce a deflection right off the scale, or at any rate the deflection will be so great that the galvanometer is not at all sensitive to small changes in the current, and hence considerable changes in the resistances in the branches can be made without appreciably altering the deflection. This difficulty can be got over by reducing the galvanometer deflection to zero by some external means. One method is to adjust the controlling magnet so that the needle occupies its central position when the current is passing. In many galvanometers, however, the controlling magnet is not sufficiently strong for this purpose, and an auxiliary magnet must be used. A better plan, however, is to reduce the deflection to zero by acting on the galvanometer needle by means of the field produced by an auxiliary current. If a differential galvano- meter ( 192) is available, one circuit can be used in connection with the bridge, while a current from an auxiliary battery is passed through the other circuit and an adjustable resistance, and the current in this circuit is so adjusted that the deflection is small. In the absence of a differential galvanometer, a Thomson galvanometer, in which the two sets of coils are brought to separate terminals, may be employed, 476 476 THE RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES [ 196 one pair of coils being used for the bridge, and the other for the auxiliary current. Another method of avoiding the difficulty, and one which avoids all chance of damaging the galvanometer by the passage of an excessively large current, has been recommended by Lodge. This consists in placing a condenser in series with the galvanometer. The presence of the condenser prevents any steady current passing through the galvanometer, which may therefore be made very sensitive, and should preferably have a high resistance. If, however, the difference of potential between the points c and D changes when the key K is closed, the charge in the condenser will alter, and this change in the charge of the condenser takes place through the galvanometer, which will therefore give a momentary kick. The experiment consists, therefore, in adjusting the resistances till there is no galvanometer kick when the key K is opened or closed. The condenser ought to have a capacity of about J microfarad. In the case of cells, such as Daniell cells, which have a fairly high resistance, and in which polarisation does not readily occur, the resistances used in the arms of the bridge need not be very much larger than the resistance of the battery being tested. If, however, a cell, such as a Leclanche, which polarises easily, is being tested, the resistances in the arms of the bridge should be kept large, otherwise polarisation of the cell will occur and interfere with the measurements. 196. Beetz's Method of Measuring the Resistance of a Battery. In Mance's method of measuring the resistance of a cell it is necessary to allow the cell to send a current continuously while the measurement is being made, and hence it 1 l Ipj} is only applicable to so-called constant cells. In the case of inconstant cells, a method devised by Beetz, in which it is only necessary to close the battery circuit moment- arily, can be employed. In addition to the cell B (Fig. 208), of which the resistance is required, this method re- FIG. 208. quires a second cell b, which must of necessity have a lower E.M.F. than that of the cell B. These two cells are connected up with two resistance boxes R X and R 2 , a stretched wire AD, which may be the wire of a metre bridge, a galvanometer G, and a special form of key K. This key is so constructed that on pressing it down it first completes the circuit joining RJ to B, and then immediately after completes the connection with the cell b. The experiment consists of adjusting the resistances R X and R 2 and the position of the slider c on the wire, till on pressing the key the galvanometer remains undeflected. If the E.M.F. of the cell B is E, since there is no current through the 197] RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES 477 galvanometer, the current through the circuit BKADB is E/(R l + R 2 + B + p), where B is the resistance of the cell B, and p is the resistance of the whole bridge wire. Hence if a is the resistance of the portion AC of the bridge wire, the difference of potential between the points K and c of this circuit is Z + B + P But since there is no current through the galvanometer, the difference of potential between the ends of the branch KGC, due to the current in the other branch, must be equal and opposite to the E.M.F. e of the cell b. Hence The resistances R x and R 9 are now altered, and a new position of balance is found. Using accented letters to indicate the values of the various resistances which occur when this second balance is being obtained, we have Hence from (1) and (2) P _ (R\ + a')(R l + Ro + p) - (R l + a)(R\ from which the resistance of the cell B can be obtained. When making the adjustment, it will often be found that on pressing the key the galvanometer gives a sharp movement, and then on keeping the key down a slowly increasing deflection is obtained, which may be in the same or the opposite direction as that of the original kick. The first kick indicates that the balance is incomplete, while the slow drift is due to the fact that the E.M.F. of the cell B is changing, due to the passage of the current. Hence in making the adjustment it is the initial kick which must be reduced to nothing, so that the galvanometer starts out on its slow drift without any preliminary waver. 197. Measurement of the Resistance of Electrolytes. Owing to the phenomenon of polarisation which takes place at the surface of the electrodes used to connect an electrolytic resistance to the rest of the cir- cuit, the measurement of the resistance of electrolytes is a matter of some little difficulty. Hence the methods used in measuring the resistance of metallic conductors have to be modified in the case of electrolytes in such a manner as to eliminate the effects of this polarisation. There are three methods commonly employed for this purpose, which depend on the following principles : (1) Balancing the polarisation in the cell containing the electrolyte 478 THE KESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES [198 being measured by the polarisation in an auxiliary cell with similar electrodes, and included in the opposite arm of the Wheatstone's bridge. At the same time by using high resistances in the arms of the bridge, and a large E.M.F. in the battery, swamping the residual effects of polarisation due to the two cells not being exactly alike. (2) Using a potentiometer method, in which no current is allowed to pass through the electrodes used to connect the electrolyte to the measuring apparatus. (3) Using a rapidly alternating current, in which case it is found that since it requires the passage of a certain quantity of electricity to develop the polarisation, the effect of polarisation may be reduced to an inappreciable amount if suitable precautions are taken to use electrodes of large area and not to have a large alternating current. We shall proceed to describe a typical arrangement for carrying out an experiment by each of the above methods. 198. Measurement of Electrolytic Resistance by the Passage of a Direct Current. The connections for this method of measuring the resistance of an electrolyte are shown in Fig. 209. The two arms A and B consist of two equal resistances of about 1000 ohms, while in the other arms are placed two similar electrolytic cells, except that while in P the tube containing the electro- lyte is long, in the cell Q the tube is short. An adjustable resistance E, is placed in series with Q, and the bridge is balanced by varying this resistance. The galvanometer G ought to be a high resistance one, and the battery E should have an electromotive force of from 10 to 30 volts. The electrolytic cells consist of two stout-walled tubes A, A' (Fig. 210), with a side tubulure near the bottom of each, and a narrow-bore tube B, which passes through corks in these tubumres. In the case of electrolytes which would be contaminated by contact with a cork, either wood or india-rubber, the end of the narrow tube can either be ground into the tubulure, or it can be fused into the side of the tube A. Each electrode consists of a plate of platinum foil D, which is welded to a short length of platinum wire, this wire being fused through the bottom of a short length of glass tube c. By pouring mercury into this tube, connection between the cell and the rest of the bridge can be made by means of stout cop pel- wires, the ends of which are amalgamated and dip into the mercury. These electrodes are held in place by means of corks, through which the glass tubes c pass. FIG. 209. 198] MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROLYTIC RESISTANCE 479 The electrodes must be platinised by placing them in a solution of 3 parts of platinic chloride in 100 parts of water, to which a drop or two of lead acetate solution has been added (0*02 parts), and passing a current. The strength of the current must be so adjusted that a free but regular evolution of bubbles takes place, the direction of the current being reversed from time to time. The electrodes must then be well washed and allowed to soak in water for several hours. The horizontal tubes B should be made from stout-bore thermometer tubing, a piece of tubing about 35 cm. long being chosen, of which the bore is fairly uniform. To test the uniformity of the bore a thread of mercury 2 or 3 cm. long is sucked into the tube and the length of the FIG. 210. thread measured at different parts of the tube, just as was done in the case of the calibration of a mercury thermometer ; see 59. A suitable piece of tubing having been found, 5 cm. is cut off from one end to form the tube of the smaller electrolytic cell. If L is the length of the tube P, while I is that of Q, then if they had exactly the same bore the resistance R when balance is secured would be equal to the resistance of a column of the electrolyte of length L - I. In general, however, the bore is not quite uniform, and as a next approxima- tion we may suppose that while the bore of either P or Q is uniform, yet they are not exactly the same. If the radius of P is A, and that of Q is a, the volume of the bore of P is irA 2 L, and that of Q is Tra, 2 /. Hence if W is the weight of mercury of density 8, which will just fill the bore of P, and w is the corresponding quantity for Q, we have and TF 10 480 THE RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES [ 198 Suppose, now, that the two tubes are filled with an electrolyte of specific resistance p, then the resistance of the cell P is given by In the same way Hence P - Q-p L- 2 ' L L*S I PS -- Hence B- P- Q- The factor by which ^? is multiplied is a constant for any pair of tubes, and having been determined once for all, the specific resistance of the electrolyte is obtained by multiplying R by this factor. To determine the value of the reduction factor for a pair of tubes, the ends of the tubes must be ground off perpendicular to the axis of the tubes. The tubes having been well cleaned and dried, a piece of rubber tubing is attached to one end and mercury drawn up to the top of the tube. The lower end is then closed by pressing with the finger a small disc of glass against the ground end of the tube. The rubber tube is then removed and, if necessary, mercury added till the tube is quite full and a small globule of mercury stands above the end of the tube. A second glass plate is then slipped on so as to remove the excess mercury, and the mercury in the tube is allowed to flow into a weighed watch glass, and its weight is determined. The lengths of the tubes have to be measured with some care, since they are involved to the second power. The best method to employ is the comparator method, described in 19. In place of obtaining the values of the constant of the tubes by direct measurement, it may be obtained by filling the cells with an electrolyte of known conductivity and determining the corresponding value of R for balance In Table 25 will be found the specific resistance of solutions of certain salts for different concentrations as determined by Kohlrausch, and these may be employed to standardise the tubes. It is advisable not to use too weak a solution, otherwise the errors in making up the solution may have too much influence on the result. To perform an experiment the cells are filled with the electrolyte, the electrodes placed in the end tubes, and the cells placed side by side in an 199] SPECIFIC RESISTANCES OF ELECTROLYTES 481 oil bath, the level of the oil being above the horizontal tubes. A ther- mometer is placed in the bath with its bulb alongside the horizontal tubes, and the bath must be kept well stirred during the measurements, as the conductivity of electrolytes varies considerably with the tempera- ture. It is advisable to make settings with the current passing in either direction, for which purpose a commutator is placed in the battery circuit. 199. Comparison of the Specific Resistances of Electrolytes by the Potentiometer Method. The theory of the method is the same as that used in the case of low resistances, described in 190. The solutions to be compared are contained in two tubes x and Y (Fig. 211). The ends of these tubes are bent at right angles to the length of the tube and dip C, D, (a) into two tubes B and c, forming mercury electrodes. The form of one of these tubes is shown in Fig. 211 (a). They can be easily made by drawing down a piece of glass tube having a bore of about a centimetre, and then bending the drawn-down portion in the manner shown. At either end of each tube there is a second electrode vessel, which is con- nected with the first by means of a U tube, which is filled with the same solution as the main tube. The battery E I} which is used to send a current through the tubes, is connected to A X and A 2 , the connecting wires dipping into the drawn-down limbs of the vessels. The vessels B I} Cp B 2 , c 2 are connected, by wires dipping into the mercury in the small side tubes, with a set of mercury cups F. A second cell E 2 is connected to two resistance boxes s and R placed in series, and wires are taken from the terminals of R through a high resistance galvano- meter G to the middle pair of mercury cups of F. The sum of the 482 THE RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES [ 199 resistances E, and s is kept constant, say, at 10,000 ohms, and the resistance in B, required to give no deflection of the galvanometer determined when the secondary circuit is first connected to B X and c l5 and, secondly, when connected to B. 2 and C 2 . The object of the additional electrode vessels is to reduce the effects of polarisation to a minimum, since, except when the point of balance is being sought, no current passes at the electrodes B I} B 2 and C 1} C 2 . Polarisation takes place at the electrodes A I} A 2 , D p D 2 , but the effect is only to slightly reduce the current in the circuit, an effect which, as it affects equally the current in the two tubes, does not influence the result. If R x and R y are the resistances required for balance when the secondary circuit is connected to the ends of X and Y respectively, then X R r Y R If p x is the specific resistance of the solution in X, the resistance of the solution in the tube will be given by X = p a x J where x is a constant depending on the length and bore of the tube. Similarly for the tube Y we have Y=p y y. Hence Px_^ ^_^ y_ p y ~ x ' Y~ R y ' x In order to determine the value of the factor y/x, an experiment must be made with the same solution in the two tubes. Let r x and r y be the values of R required for balance. Then y r.. or = -?. x r x Thus the value of the factor required to obtain the ratio of the specific resistances of the two solutions is obtained, this factor being a constant as long as the same pair of tubes is employed. If the specific resistance of one of the solutions is known, then that of the other can immediately be calculated. In the case of salts of the alkali metals, mercury electrodes such as described are quite satisfactory. The polarisation may, however, be reduced by covering the mercury surface in the electrode vessels with calomel (mercurous chloride) if the solutions being compared are chlorides, or with mercurous sulphate if they are sulphates. A little of the mer- cury salt is placed on the surface of the mercury before the solutions are poured in. When performing the experiment the tubes and electrode vessels must be carefully cleaned and dried, filled with the solution, and the approximate value of R required for balance determined. The tubes 200] MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROLYTIC RESISTANCE 483 should then be left for some time, so that the temperature may become uniform throughout, this temperature being read by means of a thermo- meter placed alongside. To assist in the temperature of the two tubes being the same, they ought to be placed close together. The current in the main circuit should be made as small as is consistent with sensitive- ness, and should not be kept passing longer than is necessary for making a reading. It is often advisable to use a battery of larger E.M.F. than is absolutely required, and to reduce the current to the required value by means of a resistance Q. Since it is assumed that the current in both circuits remains constant throughout, the test balance should be made first with X then with Y, and finally with X again, the mean of the two values with X being taken. In this way a steady change in the currents will not affect the results. 200. Measurement of Electrolytic Resistance by Kohlrausch's Method with Alternating Currents. Kohlrausch has shown that the E.M.F. of polarisation in an electrolytic cell is proportional to the quantity of electricity which has passed through the cell, as long as the quantity of electricity which has passed is not too great. Thus the difference of potential between the electrodes of an electrolytic cell, through which a current i is passing, when the resistance of the electro- lyte is 7?, is given by E=Ri+Pfidt, where P is a constant which depends on the area of the electrodes and on the nature of the electrodes and the electrolyte. Suppose, now, that an alternating E.M.F. of frequency p/2ir is applied to the terminals of the cell. Then if the applied E.M.F. follows the simple harmonic law, it may be represented by E sin pt, and as this must always be equal to the E.M.F. existing between the electrodes of the cell, we have Ri + Pj'idt = E Q sin pt. Differentiating this expression with respect to the time Rd i The integral of this equation is where the angle 6 is such that tan 6 = - . Rp 484 THE RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES [ 200 If the electrodes were such that there was no polarisation, so that P = 0, the current would be given by Jf i =. - sin pt. Thus the effect of the polarisation is to change the phase of the current with reference to that of the applied E.M.F., and to decrease the ampli- tude. Both these effects vanish when the fraction PjRp is vanishing small. Hence to decrease the effect of polarisation, P should be small and p great, that is, the area of the electrodes should be as great as is convenient, and they should be platinised, also the frequency of the alternations of the current should be great. In order to supply the alternating currents, a small induction coil is used. Quite a small coil, which will only give a microscopic spark, is much the best, and it ought to be provided with a very rapid trembler. The terminals of the secondary of the coil are connected to the battery terminals of the Wheatstone's bridge, and the galvanometer is replaced by a telephone. It will be found a great convenience to use two tele- phones placed in series and fixed to a spring. This spring rests on the top of the observer's head and keeps one of the telephones pressed against either ear, thus allowing the hands to be free for manipulating the contact on the bridge. It is also a good thing to place the induction coil at some distance from the bridge, so that the noise of the interrupter is not heard. If the resistance coils employed to balance the bridge have either self-induction or capacity, then there will be no arrangement of the bridge which will give complete silence in the telephone, and the point of minimum sound will be difficult to determine. Now, although the ordinary bifilar method of winding resistance coils almost completely avoids self-induction, yet coils wound in this way, especially those which contain very many turns of wire, have very appreciable capacity. To get over this difficulty, Chaperon has devised a form of winding in which the capacity is much reduced. Since, however, coils wound in this special way are seldom available, it is important to reduce the number of coils to a minimum, and not to use coils having a great number of turns, that is, coils of very high resistance. Hence the stretched wire form of bridge is better for use with this method than the Post Office form or dial form, and the resistances in the arms ought never to exceed 500 ohms. If it is desired to measure the absolute specific resistance of an electrolyte, then the form of cell shown in Fig. 210 may be employed. It will, however, be advisable to use a fairly short and wide-bore tube, so that the resistance is not greater than 500 ohms. The electrodes ought to be platinised in the manner described on p. 479. When the relative specific resistances of two solutions has to be determined, or where a solution of known specific resistance is available 201] PREPARATION OF SOLUTIONS 485 for standardising the electrolytic cell, the forms of electrode described below may be employed. In addition to the forms of cell described in the preceding sections, there are other forms which in special circumstances present advantages. A selection are shown in Fig. 212. The cell shown at a (Fig. 212) will be found convenient when measuring the change of resistance with temperature of badly conducting solutions. The solution having been heated up to the highest temperature required, a series of measurements (d) of resistance are made as the solution cools, the temperature being in- dicated by a thermometer with its bulb near the electrodes. The cells shown at (b) and (c) are such that they can be introduced within the liquid contained in a bottle or flask, and so long as the liquid covers the upper hole A, the resistance is independent of the quantity of liquid outside the cell. In the case of bad conductors the form (b) is used, while for fairly good conductors the form (c) is better. In the form of cell shown at (d) the liquid is sucked up into the bulb, and then the tap is turned. In the case of all these cells they may be standardised by using solu- tions of known conductivity (Table 25), the method of preparing such solutions being described in the following section. 201. The Preparation of Solutions for the Determination of Resist- ance. In the preparation of solutions for conductivity determinations, particularly if dilute solutions are to be used, it is important that the water employed to make up the solutions should be as free from dissolved electrolytes as possible. Ordinary distilled water, particularly if it has stood about in glass bottles, has quite an appreciable conductivity. Its conductivity may be much reduced by placing some distilled water in 486 THE RESISTANCE OF ELECTROLYTES [ 201 a carefully cleaned beaker and boiling the water. The water is then thrown away and a fresh supply poured into the beaker, and the beaker is placed in a freezing mixture. The water in the beaker is not stirred, so that a coating of ice forms round the walls of the beaker. When about a quarter of the water has been frozen, the remaining water is poured away and the ice allowed to melt. The water produced from the melting of the ice will be found to have a much smaller conductivity than that of the original water. Such water must, however, be used at once, as if it is kept it will dissolve salts from the glass of the vessel in which it is kept. The rate at which water dissolves glass depends very considerably on the nature of the glass. The firm of Schott of Jena make a glass which is particularly resistant to the action of water, and can therefore be recommended for use when preparing solutions for resist- ance measurements and for the construction of the vessels in which the resistance of the solutions is measured. The concentration of the salt used in the solutions is generally expressed in terms of the number of gram-molecules of the salt con- tained in a litre of the solution. By a gram-molecule is meant a number of grams of the salt equal to the molecular weight of the salt. Thus in the case of sodium chloride (NaCl), of which the molecular weight is 58*4, the normal solution, that is, one containing 1 gram-molecule per litre, will contain 58*4 grams of the salt per litre. In the case of a salt, such as copper sulphate, the molecule of which contains five molecules of water of hydration, the molecular weight being 63*2 + 32 + 16x4 + 5(2 + 16), or 249'2, then the normal solution contains 249 '2 grams of the hydrated salt per litre. CHAPTER XXVIII MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE 202. The Construction of Standard Cadmium (Weston) Cells. The cell, consisting of an amalgam of cadmium as the positive pole, mercury as the negative pole, cadmium sulphate as electrolyte together with mercurous sulphate as a depolariser, has many advantages over the Clark cell, . in which zinc replaces the cadmium. These ad- vantages are a very much smaller temperature coefficient, greater permanence, and more rapid recovery from the effects of the passage of an excessive current. The following description of the method of preparing cadmium cells is compiled from a specification prepared by Mr. F. E. Smith of the National Physical Laboratory. 1 If the work for which the cells are required does not necessitate an accuracy greater than about 1 or 2 parts in 10,000, and the cells are not required to last for several years, then a simplified method of preparation may be employed, as in- dicated below. (A) Preparation of the Materials for a Standard Cadmium Cell. (1) Mercury. The mercury is allowed to fall in a very thin stream, obtained by attaching a very fine capillary to a separation funnel, through a long (1 metre) glass tube containing dilute nitric acid (1 of acid to 6 of water). A convenient form of tube is shown in Fig. 213. The lower part of the tube is drawn down and bent into an S form, as shown. The mercury collects at the bottom of the tube, and then flows over into a bottle c. Having been passed twice through the acid, the mercury is passed through a column of water contained in a similar tube. The mercury is then twice distilled in vacuo. There are a number of patterns of mercury still on the market, and that shown in Fig. 214, called the Clark still, may be taken as a type. At the same time, it is a pattern which the author can recommend as requiring very little attention. A fairly, .wide tube AB has a bulb at the upper end, and a side tube B near the bottom. Inside this tube is a second tube AC, which is open at the top, and has an S bend at the bottom. The side tube B is con- nected by a length of thick-walled rubber tube with a Woolf's bottle F 1 British Association Report, 1905, p. 98. 487 L FIG. 213. 488 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE [ 202 by means of a glass T-piece DB. A funnel G, which serves for the introduction of the mercury, and a tube H, fitted with a tap, pass through two well-fitting rubber corks in the upper openings of the bottle. A tap K serves to stop the flow of mercury when adjusting the pump. A ring burner L below the bulb A serves to heat the mercury. The object of the tube DE is to keep the head of mercury constant. Thus after mercury has been introduced into the bottle, during which operation the cock K must be closed, air is sucked out through the tube H till bubbles enter through D. The tap H is then closed, and on opening K the head of mercury is measured from D. As the mercury flows out of the bottle into the still, air enters through ED, but the level of the mercury at D remains unaltered. To start such a still, supposing it empty, the bottle F having been filled with mercury, it is raised up till the mercury fills the tube AB and flows down the tube AC. The rate of flow of the mercury is adjusted so that the mercury passes down AC in separate short columns, which carry with them the air remaining in the bulb. The still during this opera- tion acts as an ordinary Sprengel pump. When the exhaustion is complete, which is indicated by the sharp click heard as each mercury drop falls down the tube AC, the bottle F is lowered on to a shelf provided, the height of which is adjusted so that the mercury about half fills the bulb A. The burner L is then lighted, the gas at first being turned very low. When the mercury gets hot it boils, the temperature at w^hich ebullition takes place being fairly low since the bulb is exhausted, and the vapour passes down the tube AC, where it becomes condensed by the cold mercury which is on its way up to the bulb. The first pound or so of mercury which is collected must be returned to the bottle F, since it contains the mercury which filled the bottom of the tube AC, and has therefore not been distilled. If an efficient shield is provided to protect the flame from draughts, FIG. 214. STANDARD CADMIUM CELLS 489 202] and, further, if a regulator is placed to keep the gas pressure constant, such a still may be kept working day and night without more attention than is required to fill up the bottle F when necessary. The mercury which is left in the tube AB contains all the metallic impurities, and hence must be run out from time to time. The disadvantage of the Clark mercury still, and all stills of this kind, is that since zinc, cadmium, &c., are all volatile, some of these impurities will be found in the distillate. It has, however, been shown by Hulett and Minchin 1 that if air is passed through the mercury in the still, then the zinc, cadmium, and other more oxidisable impurities become oxi- dised, and since the oxides are not volatile, the distillate is free from these impurities. The form of still they employ is shown in Fig. 215. It consists of a distilling flask A with a round bottom, having a long neck. To the side tube B is fused a thin-walled tube BC, about 2 centimetres in diameter and 50 centimetres long. The end of this tube is narrowed down, and passes through a wood cork in the receiving flask D. To a side tube (or if the flask has no side tube, to a tube passing through the cork) is attached a T-piece E, having a cock F on one branch. The third branch of the T is connected by thick-walled rubber tube to an aspirator (water pump). The cork in the flask D may be made air-tight with sealing-wax. Through the neck of the flask A passes a narrow glass tube i, drawn down to a fine capillary at the bottom. The joint between this tube and the flask is made air-tight by a short piece of rubber tubing, which slips tightly over both tubes. A short length of rubber tube is attached to the top of I, and a p : ich-cock on this tube serves to adjust the flow of air. The flask A stands in a sand bath, and is surrounded by a shield J, made of asbestos board. The mercury having been introduced, the aspirator is started and the flask heated with a Bunsen burner, the pinch-cock G being so adjusted that the air bubbles through the mercury at the rate of one or two bubbles per second. If the distillation becomes too rapid, as it has a tendency to do just at first, it may be checked by admitting a little air through the tap F. 1 Physical Review (1905), xxi. p. 388. FIG. 215. FIG. 216. 490 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE [ 202 (2) Preparation of the Amalyam. The amalgam used contains 12*5 per cent, of cadmium, and is prepared by electrolysis. To prepare this amalgam some of the pure distilled mercury is placed in a glass vessel, and above the mercury is poured a solution of cadmium sulphate, which has been acidified with a few drops of sulphuric acid. A glass tube A (Fig. 216), with a platinum wire fused through the end, serves for making electrical connection with the mercury. The anode consists of a rod of pure commercial cadmium B, to which the positive pole of a battery is connected. The lower end of the cadmium rod rests in a small crystallising dish c. The object of this dish is to prevent the slime which forms on the cadmium reaching the mercury. The resistance in the circuit is adjusted so that the fall of potential between the anode and cathode does not exceed 0'3 volt. The cadmium anode is weighed before the electrolysis and also after, the difference of weight giving the weight of cadmium in the amalgam. The mercury also having been weighed, the quantity of mercury necessary to reduce the strength of the amalgam to 12*5 per cent, is added. The amalgam is then heated over a water bath, the surface being still covered with a little of the cadmium sulphate solution, and well stirred. The amalgam having been cooled, the acid cadmium sulphate solution is removed, and neutral cadmium sulphate added. This neutral solution consists of the saturated solution prepared as described in (3), diluted with its own bulk of distilled water. The amalgam is now ready for use. It is entirely liquid at about 60 C. (3) Preparation of Cadmium Sulphate Crystals and Solution. Com- mercially pure cadmium sulphate is dissolved in about 1'25 times its weight of distilled water, which will require continual agitation for some six hours, or periodical agitation for two or three days. This solution is filtered, and is then placed in crystallising dishes, which must be protected from dust, and allowed to slowly evaporate, the temperature not exceeding 35 C. The crystals formed should be pre- vented from adhering together by removing the liquid to a fresh dish as soon as the crystals have grown to such an extent that they are mostly in contact. In this way about five-sixths of the liquid may be evaporated, and the mother liquid can be used for washing the mercurous sulphate, as described in (4). The cadmium sulphate crystals must be washed with successive small quantities of distilled water, till the liquid that drains away shows no trace of acidity after testing for five minutes with congo red. The crystals while still moist must then be transferred to a stock bottle. The saturated solution is prepared from the crystals by prolonged 202] STANDARD CADMIUM CELLS 491 agitation with distilled water at a temperature of about 20 to 25 C. (4) Preparation of the Mercurous Sulphate. This is prepared by electrolysis, pure distilled mercury forming the anode, and a piece of platinum foil the cathode, the electrolyte being dilute sulphuric acid (1 volume of concentrated acid to 5 of water). The mercury is placed at the bottom of a large flat-bottomed glass dish and covered with about twenty times its volume of the dilute acid. The current is conveyed to .the mercury as in the case of the preparation of the amalgam, and the platinum cathode is suspended in the upper portion of .the acid. A current density of about 0*01 amperes per square centimetre of the mercury surface may be employed. During the electrolysis it is most important that the electrolyte near the surface of the mercury shall be kept in continual agitation. This may be done by using an L-shaped glass stirrer, with the horizontal bar near the mercury surface. The salt obtained in this way ought to have a grey colour ; if it is tinged yellowish, this shows that the stirring has not been sufficiently vigorous. Such yellowish salt must not be employed to construct cells. The mercurous sulphate is agitated with dilute sulphuric acid (1 volume of acid to 6 of water) and distilled mercury, and is then filtered, and the greater part of the mercury is removed. The salt is then washed with small quantities of cadmium sulphate solution till free from acid, the mother liquid being first used, but the final washings being made with the neutral solu- tion prepared from the crystals. (5) Preparation of the Mercurous Sulphate Paste. Some cadmium sulphate crystals are ground in an agate mortar with a little cadmium sulphate solu- tion, and about one quarter the bulk of distilled mercury and twice the bulk of mer- curous sulphate. The whole must be well FIG. 217. ground together, the quantity of cadmium sulphate solution being so adjusted that a thin paste is formed. (B) Filling the Cell. In Fig. 217 are shown two types of cell. That on the left (a) is hermetically sealed, while that on the right (b) is 492 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE [ 202 closed by means of corks and marine glue. The glass tube for the (b) form is rather simpler to make, since the platinum wires have not to be fused through the sides. This type is, however, slightly more difficult to fill, since the glass tubes which protect the wires leading down to the amalgam and mercury respectively are apt to become displaced during the process of filling. In either figure M is mercury, A the amalgam, p the mercurous sulphate paste, c cadmium sulphate crystals, and s saturated solution of cadmium sulphate. When setting up the cells, the first operation is to amalgamate the platinum wires used to make contact with the mercury and amalgam. In the case of the (1} form this can be done by heating the platinum red hot, and then dipping it in mercury. In the (a) form the amalgamation can be performed by electrolysing a solution of mercuric nitrate. The corks K, used to close the (b) pattern tubes, must be well boiled in water, and then soaked in the cadmium sulphate solution. In addition to the hole bored to allow the passage of the electrodes, a second hole must be bored through which the paste, crystals, &c., can be introduced. The amalgam having been melted over a water bath, the surface being covered with some dilute cadmium sulphate solution, some of the amalgam is sucked into a heated pipette. The end of the pipette being introduced into the limb of the H tube, the amalgam is allowed to flow down into the tube, sufficient being introduced to well cover the platinum wire. After the amalgam has solidified, the limb containing it should be washed out with a little cadmium sulphate solution. Into the other limb is then introduced, first, the mercury, and then the paste, a small pipette made by drawing down a piece of glass tube being used, care being taken that the paste does not spread up the side of the tube. Next a layer of finely powdered cadmium sulphate crystals is placed in each limb, and, finally, some saturated cadmium sulphate solution is added. The cells are then to be stored in a warm room for a week or more, to allow some of the liquid to evaporate, the new crystals deposited serving to bind the original crystals together. In the case of the (a) type the glass tubes are sealed off before the blow-pipe, care being taken not to heat the contents of the cell. In the cells of type (b), hot marine glue is poured on the top of the corks, the small central holes having been closed by means of little pieces of cork. When in use, cells of type (a) should be immersed in an oil bath, while cells of type (b) may be partly immersed either in an oil or water bath. In many cases a cell which is correct to about one part in two thousand is amply accurate enough, in which circumstances a very much simplified method of preparation may be adopted. The mercury used should be distilled in vacuo as described, but the amalgam may be prepared by dissolving commercially pure cadmium in the mercury. The cadmium sulphate solution may be prepared by simply dissolving the bought crystals in distilled water, while the crystals themselves may be 204] COMPARISON OF E.M.F.'S WITH POTENTIOMETER 493 used in the cell. Bought mercurous sulphate is more apt to produce differences ; if, however, Karlbaum's is obtainable, no very serious differ- ence will be produced by using the salt as supplied. If this salt is unobtainable, then it will be advisable to prepare the salt by the method described above. The E.M.F. at a temperature t of a cadmium cell, prepared as described in the specification given above, may be taken l as given by E t = 1-0186 - 3-8 x W~\t - 20) - 0'065 x 10- 5 (* - 20) 2 between the limits of 10 and 30. It is not advisable to use the cell at temperatures outside these limits. In Table 26 will be found the value of the E.M.F. of the cadmium cell at different temperatures calculated from the above formula. 203. The Construction of the Standard Clark Cell. This cell differs from the cadmium cell in that the cadmium is replaced by zinc. Thus the positive pole consists of an amalgam containing 10 per cent, of zinc, while the cadmium sulphate crystals and solution are replaced by zinc sulphate crystals and solution. The procedure described with reference to the cadmium cell may mutatis mutandis be applied to the construction of the Clark cell, and hence need hardly be repeated. This is particularly the case, since it is likely that shortly the Clark cell will be entirely replaced as a legal standard by the cadmium cell. The E.M.F. of a Clark cell, at a temperature t } is given in'-inter- national volts by 2 #,= 1-4328 - 119 x lQ- 5 (t - 15) - 0'7 x 10- 5 (- 15) 2 . 204. Comparison of E.M.F. 's with the Potentiometer. By far the most accurate and convenient method of comparing the E.M.F. of cells is the potentiometer. There are various arrangements for carrying out the method, which will be described in the next section, but the principle of all is the same. Suppose that a cell E (Fig. 218), of which the E.M.F. is larger than that of the cells to be compared, sends a current through a stretched wire AB, and to the end A of this wire, which is connected to the positive pole of E, is connected the positive pole of one of the cells e v which are to be compared. Then a wire connected to the other pole of the cell e l will be at a lower potential than the potential at A, and as by supposition the cell E has a larger E.M.F. than that of e lt there will be some point along the wire AB at which the potential, owing to the flow of the current in the wire, is as much below that at A as is the lead attached to the negative pole of e r Hence if we bring the lead in contact with this point on the stretched 1 Jaeger and Kahle, Wied. Annalen (1898), Ixv. 942. The E.M.F. is expressed in international volts. The E.M.F. of a cadmium cell in true volts (10 8 c.g.s. units) is probably 1-0184 Jit 20. 2 Jaeger and Kahle, Wied. Annalen (1898), Ixv. p. 941. 494 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE [ 205 wire, since they are at the same potential, no current will pass from the lead to the stretched wire ; in other words, a galvanometer G will show no deflection. Hence if C is the current in the wire AB, and the resist- ance of the portion of this wire between A and c is r 1? we have that the E.M.F. of the cell e l is given by e.-r.C. If, now, a second cell, of which the E.M.F. is e. 2 , is used in place of e l9 and the resistance of the portion of the wire between A and the new position c', for which the galvanometer indicates no current, is r , then Hence If the wire is uniform, and the distances of the points c and c' from A are ^ and 1 2 respectively, this result may be written Such a potentiometer may be made direct reading by using a standard cell, say, a cadmium cell, the E.M.F. of which at the temperature of the observation is known. Thus suppose that the temperature is 20 C., so that the E.M.F. is 1'0184 volts. If the wire is divided into 2000 divisions, the movable contact is placed at the reading 1018'4, counting from the end A, and an adjustable resistance R in the circuit of the cell E is adjusted till the galvanometer is undeflected. When this is the case, we know that the difference of potential between A and the 101 8 '4 division is 1'0184 volts, and hence, if the wire is uniform, that the difference of potential between the point A and the 1000th division is 1 volt. If, then, keeping the resistance K' constant we replace the cadmium cell by a cell of unknown E.M.F., and the point of balance is at the with division, the E.M.F. of the cell will be m/1000 volts. Of course this relation will only hold so long as the current flowing through the wire remains constant. Hence it is necessary to test this by replacing the standard cell from time to time, arid if necessary readjust the resistance ft'. If the battery E consists of one or two accumulators of a capacity of about twenty ampere hours, and, after fully charging, they are partly discharged and allowed to send a current through the wire for a little time before the final adjustment is made, it will be found that the changes in the current are extremely slow, so that the adjustment remains satisfactory for a very considerable time. 205. Potentiometers. (1) Stretched Wire Potentiometer. A stretched wire potentiometer, such as that shown diagrammatically in 205] POTENTIOMETERS 495 FIG. 218. Fig. 218, may be made up by means of a metre bridge. The cell E ought to be one or more accumulators, and the two cells to be com- pared may conveniently be connected to a commutator, such as that shown at c (Fig. 219), by means of which the change from one to the other may be rapidly effected. It is advisable to use a high resistance galvanometer, so that when the position of balance is being sought only a small current should pass through the cell, a matter of considerable importance when using standard cells, such as Clark cells or cadmium cells. For this same reason it is advisable to insert a resistance of about 10,000 ohms in series with the galvanometer, a key being arranged to short-circuit this resistance when balance has nearly been secured. (2) Ray lei gh' a Form of Potentiometer. Lord Kayleigh, in his work on Clark cells, used a form of potentiometer which is very convenient, and, where the utmost accuracy is not desired, does not involve the use of any elaborate apparatus. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 219. Here the stretched wire is replaced by two resistance boxes p and Q, each capable of giving a resistance of 10,000 ohms, and when in use the sum of the two resistances p and Q is kept constant and equal to 10,000 ohms. The positive poles of the two cells e\ and e 2 , which are being com- pared, are connected to one end of the resistance P and the galvanometer G to the other end, while by means of a commutator c either cell can be con- nected to the galvanometer at will. If PI and P 2 are the resistances which have to be unplugged in P to produce balance when first one cell and then the other are introduced, we have FIG. 219. This arrangement may be used to give the E.M.F. of a cell being tested direct by making the resistance of P 1000 times the E.M.F. of a standard cell, and then adjusting Q till, when the standard is in circuit, the galvanometer is undeflected. The resistance of P, when any other cell is used, will then be numerically equal to the E.M.F. of the cell multiplied by 1000. Of course the sum of the resistances P and Q must be kept constant after the adjustment with the standard cell has been made, and this adjustment must be tested from time to time 496 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE [ 205 to allow for changes in the current through the resistance boxes. It is advisable to have a resistance R of about 10,000 ohms in series with the galvanometer when making the preliminary adjustments, and to cut this resistance out of the circuit for the final adjustments. (3) The Kelvin and Varley Slide. The objection to the slide wire form of potentiometer is that, in the first place, to obtain accuracy of reading the wire must be long, and it must be calibrated. Further, owing to the wire being exposed throughout its whole length and the action of the sliding contact it is liable to damage, which will necessitate recali- bration. In Rayleigh's form of potentiometer these objections are 101 COILS OF 1000 OHMS EACH 100 COILS OF20 OHMS EACH 98 99 100 N FIG. 220. removed, but where great accuracy is required the resistance boxes require to be carefully calibrated, an operation in the usual form of box which involves very considerable labour. Further, it is important that the coils in the two boxes should have the same actual values, so that removing one coil from one box and introducing a coil of the same nominal value in the other should not alter the total resistance in the circuit. An arrangement of resistances called the Kelvin and Varley slide overcomes these objections. The plan on which the slide works is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 220. A hundred and one coils AB, each having a resistance of 1000 ohms, are connected in series with a contact stud between each of the coils. A hundred equal coils MN, each having a resistance of 20 ohms, are also connected in series with contact studs between the 205] POTENTIOMETERS 497 coils. The terminals of this second set of coils are connected to two sliding contacts KL, which are fixed at such a distance apart that they always bridge over two coils of the first set in the manner shown in the figure. Now when the sliders are in the position shown in the figure the resistance from A to K is 4000 ohms, and the resistance from L to B is 95,000 ohms. The resistance from K to L is 1000 ohms, since the coils UN, which have a combined resistance of 2000 ohms, are in parallel with two of the coils of the AB series. Hence the combined resistance between A and B, whatever the position of the sliders KL, is 100,000 ohms. A single slider moves over the contacts of the 100 coils of 20 ohms each, and to this contact is connected the galvanometer and one pole of the cell e, which is being tested. Suppose, now, that the other pole of this cell is connected to A, while a battery E is connected to A and B, and that by first moving the double slider KL approximate balance is FIG. 221. obtained, and that final balance is obtained by moving the slider c, the position of balance being as shown in the figure. If, now, we call the whole drop of potential between A and B 100, the drop of potential be- tween A and K will be 4. Also the drop of potential between K and L will be 1, that is, the drop of potential between M and N will be 1. The drop of potential between M and c will, therefore, be 3/100 of 1, or 0'03. Hence the whole drop of potential between A and c will be 4 + '03, or 4 '03, which, it will be noticed, is at once given by the numbers opposite the sliders L and c. If, now, another cell is used, and the sliders moved till the galvanometer is again undeflected, the readings corresponding to L and c will give the drop of potential equal to the E.M.F. of this cell in terms of the drop of potential between A and B. Hence if this drop of potential has remained constant, that is, if the E.M.F. of the cell E has remained constant, the ratio of the E.M.F.'s of the two cells will be equal to the ratio of the readings of the two slides in the two cases. ' 2i 498 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE [ 206 It will be noticed that the arrangement virtually amounts to a long stretched wire, in which in place of being able to make contact at every part we are restricted to making contact at 100 x 100, or ten thousand points, which are distributed evenly along the wire. The usual form which the Kelvin and Varley slide takes is shown in Fig. 221, and the arrangement will be at once clear by comparison with the diagram in Fig. 220. When using the slide to compare E.M.F.'s the connections are similar to those shown in Fig. 220, and the method of conducting the experiment is in every way the same. Owing to the fact that all the coils in each dial have the same resistance, the adjustment and testing of such a set of resistances is particularly easy. 206. The Capillary Electrometer. A convenient form of capillary electrometer is shown in Fig. 222. It consists of a vertical upright tube AB, alongside which is fixed a scale, while to a side tube B is connected a mercury reservoir D by an india-rubber tube. This reservoir is supported by a string, which passes over a pulley E on to a drum F. The drum can be rotated rapidly for the rough adjustment by a small handle, and slowly, for the final adjustment, by the tangent screw G. To the lower end of AB is attached by a short sleeve of rubber tube a piece of glass tube drawn down at the end to a fine capillary. The end of the capillary dips beneath the surface of an electro- lyte contained in a glass vessel, the lower part of the vessel being filled with mercury. A platinum wire I, fused through the side of the tube AB, and a second wire J, enclosed in a piece of glass tube, serve to join the electrometer to the circuit. The position of the mercury meniscus in the capillary is observed by means of a microscope M, which is fitted with an eye-piece scale. The position of the vessel contain- ing the electrolyte should be so ad- FIG. 222. justed that the capillary is near the wall next the microscope, otherwise a clear image of the meniscus will not be obtained. The end of the eye-piece scale should always be brought to coincide with the end of the ' E -A I Q ! \ J \ L hi -x. _ . kV CAPILLARY ELECTROMETER 499 207] capillary, so that if the microscope is accidentally displaced it may be put back into its original position. The mercury meniscus, when the wires i and J are joined together, so that no difference of potential is applied to the meniscus, should be near the middle of the scale, and by altering the pressure, by raising or lowering D, the meniscus should be brought to coincidence with one of the long divisions of the scale. If the meniscus is always brought to this division, then the changes in the read- ing for the upper end of the mercury column in AB will give the variation in the surface tension. The electrolyte generally used is a dilute solution of sulphuric acid containing 1 volume of acid to 7 of water. The solution is saturated with mercurous sulphate by placing a little of this salt on the top of the mercury. The capillary employed should be of such a bore that the surface tension supports a head of mercury of about 20 cm. With such a capil- lary the application of 10~ 4 volt will cause the meniscus to move appreciably when a microscope magnifying fifty diameters is used. For a description of the theory of the capillary electrometer, the reader may consult Watson's Physics, 552. 207. To Examine the Relation between the Surface Tension of Mercury and an Electrolyte and the E.M.F. acting across the Surface. Connect a single secondary cell E (Fig. 223) to two resistance boxes R and s, the sum of the two resistances in circuit being always kept equal to 10,000 ohms. The two ends of the resistance s are connected to two mercury cups, 1 and 2, in a block of paraffin. The terminal i of the capillary electrometer is connected to 2, and the terminal J to a third cup 3. By altering the resistance s, any difference of potential may be applied to the terminals of the electrometer. Thus if E is the E.M.F. of the battery, and S is the resistance un- plugged in s, R + S being 10,000, the applied E.M.F. is S#/10,000 volts. First join the cups 2 and 3, and adjust the position of the meniscus in the capillary, so that it coincides with some fixed division of the eye- piece scale, and read the height of the mercury column. Then starting with the resistance S low, and having connected the cups 1 and 3, take the readings of the heights of the mercury column required to bring the FIG. 223. 500 MEASUREMENT OF ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE [ 207 meniscus back to the fixed mark for different values of S. If the resist- ance S be increased beyond a certain value, bubbles of hydrogen will appear in the capillary, and it will be found impossible to proceed beyond this point. By reversing the battery, so as to make the mercury in the capillary positive, it will be found possible to obtain a few more points. As, however, S gets above 100 ohms, the mercury surface becomes sluggish, owing to oxidation of the mercury, and the experiment must be stopped. The oxidised surface may be got rid of by raising the mercury reservoir, so as to cause some of the mercury to flow out of the capillary. Plot a curve showing the connection between the surface tension and the applied E.M.F. The scale readings for the top of the mercury column may be taken as ordinates, and the values of S as abscissae. The curve will be found to have a maximum for an applied E.M.F. of about 1 volt. To determine the E.M.F. corresponding to the maximum surface tension, which probably represents the contact electromotive force between mercury and the electrolyte (see Watson's Physics, 552), it is necessary to measure the E.M.F. of the cell E. This may best be per- formed by comparing it with a standard Clark or cadmium cell by the method given in 204, in which comparison the capillary electrometer may be used in place of the galvanometer. To obtain the exact point of the curve corresponding to the maximum, choose points in the two sides of the maximum at which the surface tension is the same, and join each pair of points. If each of these lines be bisected, the middle points will be found to lie very nearly on a vertical straight line, and the point where this line cuts the curve will give the maximum surface tension, and the abscissa of this point is the E.M.F. required. CHAPTER XXIX RESISTANCE THERMOMETERS AND THERMO-JUNCTIONS 208. Determination of the Constants of a Platinum Thermometer. It has been found that the resistance of a wire of pure platinum at a temperature t is given in terms of the resistance R Q at by an expression of the form where a and I are constants. This formula is found to hold over a very large range of temperatures ; it is, however, not a convenient one to use, since to deduce t from the values of R t and R involves the solution of a quadratic equation. Professor Callendar has shown that if the resistance of the wire at 100 is R L , and we define the platinum temperature pt, corresponding to the resistance R t , by then the difference between the temperature on the air scale and that on the platinum scale is given by where 8 is a constant for any particular sample of wire. Thus the right- hand side of equation (2) gives the correction which has to be applied to the platinum temperature, deduced from the resistance measurements by means of equation (1), to obtain the corresponding temperature on the air thermometer scale. It will be seen that the correction involves t, the temperature on the air thermometer, i.e. the quantity which we wish to obtain. This diffi- culty may be removed, in the case of fairly low temperatures, by calcu- lating an approximate value of t by replacing t in the right-hand side by pt, and then using this approximate value of calculate a more accurate value of the correction. Griffiths has described another method of avoid- ing this difficulty, which depends on the observation that if very pure platinum is used, then the value of 8 does not differ much from 1'5. A table, such as that given below, is first constructed, giving the value 501 502 THERMOMETERS AND THERMO-JUNCTIONS [ 208 of the correction, assuming that 8 has the value of 1 '5 for different values of pt, and these corrections are plotted on a large scale on a curve. RELATION BETWEEN PLATINUM TEMPERATURES AND AIR THERMOMETER TEMPERATURES WHEN 8 = 1 '5. Platinum Scale. Correction. Air Thermo- meter Scale. Platinum Scale. Correction. Air Thermo- meter Scale. - 100 + 2'9 o -97-2 400 + 20-2 420'2 -50 4-1*1 -48-9 450 + 27-0 477-0 o-o o-o 500 + 34-9 534-9 + 50 -0-4 49-6 550 + 44-0 594-0 100 o-o 100-0 600 + 54-4 654-4 150 + 1-2 151-2 650 + 66-2 716-2 200 + 3-1 203-1 700 + 79-4 779-4 250 + 6-0 256-0 750 + 94-2 844-2 300 + 9-8 309-8 800 + 110-7 910-7 350 + 14-5 364-5 900 + 149-4 1049-4 1000 + 197-0 1197-0 If, then, the value of pt has been determined with a thermometer for which the coefficient 8 has the value 8', ascertain from the curve the value of the correction d corresponding to the platinum temperature pt, then the correction in the case of the actual thermometer is so that In order to determine the value of 8 for any particular thermometer the resistance must be measured at three known temperatures, the three chosen being usually the melting point of ice, the boiling point of water, and the boiling point of sulphur. If the height of the barometer when the boiling point of sulphur is determined is 760 + h millimetres, the temperature of the vapour over boiling sulphur is given by t, = 444-53 + 0-082/2,, provided h is small. Substituting this value of / s , in the expression 15-32 + 0-0065^. , we get 208] CONSTANTS OF A PLATINUM THERMOMETER 503 Hence if pt s is the temperature of the sulphur vapour in the platinum scale, we have t, -pt s = SJ15-32 or 444-53 + 0-082A "15 (3) The most convenient form of bridge to use with a platinum thermo- meter is that described in 186. The leads connected to the thermometer are attached to the binding screws P I and P 2 , while the compensating leads are attached to c x and C 2 . Since the passage of the current will of necessity heat the thermometer wire, it is necessary to use as small a current as possible, and hence it is advisable to place a resistance of from 50 to 100 ohms in the battery circuit, a single accumulator being used to send the current. A convenient form of platinum thermometer is shown in -Fig. 224. The wire is wound in a double spiral on a mica frame, and the leads, as well as the compensating leads, which are connected together at the lower end, are kept apart by being threaded through a number of small mica discs. For temperatures up to about 300 C., the thermometer can be enclosed in a glass tube; for higher temperatures, a glazed porcelain tube must be employed. When determining the resistance in ice and steam the apparatus used in obtaining the fixed points of a mercury thermometer is employed, the precautions given in 59, 60 being observed. To determine the resistance in sulphur vapour, the piece of apparatus shown in Fig. 225 may be employed. It consists of a glass 1 tube AB, with a bulb at the bottom, such as is used with Victor Meyer's vapour density apparatus. The bulb fits tightly in a hole in a piece of asbestos board CD, while a tube of asbestos board F sur- rounds the upper part of the glass tube, the intervening space being packed with asbestos wool. A cone of asbestos board F protects the lower part of the apparatus from draughts, and the top of the tube is closed by a sheet of asbestos, through which the thermometer passes. A cylindrical screen G, made of tinned iron, surrounds the " bulb " of the thermometer, and serves to protect it from the loss of heat by radiation. This screen is shown developed at H. A piece of thin tinned iron having been cut into this shape, it is bent into a cylinder, and the three upper tags are bound to the thermometer stem with iron wire. The lower tags are bent to meet under the thermometer. 1 This glass tube may be replaced by a piece of thin si eel tube, closed at the bottom by an iron cap. Thick iron gas-pipe is not suitable, as too much heat is conducted along the walls. (a) 504 THERMOMETERS AND THERMO-JUNCTIONS [ 209 Enough sulphur is introduced to fill the bulb to about 3 centi- metres above the board CD, and the apparatus is heated over a Bunsen burner, the flame being adjusted so that the vapour reaches about half- way up the part of the tube left ex- posed at the top. If the sulphur has previously been melted in the tube, then it will be necessary to push the tube down so that the sulphur may be melted, starting at the top. When the whole of the sulphur has been melted, then the bulb can be raised up into the position shown in the figure. When the resistance of the thermo- meter has become constant it must be noted, as also the height of the barometer. If R Q is the resistance in ice, and R l the resistance in steam, the temperature of which deduced from the barometer pressure is t v then the change of resistance for a rise of temperature from to 100, which is called the fundamental interval (fl), is given by FIG. 225. 00 Then if J^ y is the resistance in sulphur, Then, finally, the value of 8 is obtained by equation (3), given above. Knowing the fundamental interval and the value of 8, we have the data for deducing the temperature from measurements of the resistance of the thermometer. 209. Measurement of the E.M.F. of a Thermocouple. The most satisfactory way of measuring the E.M.F. of a thermocouple is the potentiometer method, described in 204, 205. A suitable arrangement is shown in Fig. 226. The main circuit consists of the accumulator E, a wire AB stretched alongside a scale and calibrated, a resistance box K capable of giving a resistance up to 1100 ohms, and a resistance box r, which is adjustable by tenths of an ohm. In the absence of such a box, one adjustable by ohms, together with a carbon variable resistance placed in series, may be used. One lead from the hot junction H is taken to A, the lead from the cold junction c being brought to the mercury cup 3. The galvanometer 210] STANDARDISATION OF A THERMOCOUPLE 505 G, which ought to have a low resistance, is connected to a movable contact on the wire and to the mercury cup 1. A standard cadmium cell ( 202) is connected to the cup 2 and to the point F. The wire AB ought to be at least a metre long, and it is a convenience if its resistance is exactly 1 ohm. If the resistance of the wire is a little over an ohm, then a resistance s may be E connected in parallel with the wire, and adjusted so that the resistance of the two in parallel is 1 ohm (see p. 457). Sup- pose that the tem- perature of the cadmium cell is 15, so that its E.M.F. is 1-0188, then the re- sistance R is made 1018 ohms, so that the resistance be- tween A and F is 1019 ohms. The mercury cups 1 and 3 are then connected together, and the galvanometer contact moved to the end A of the wire. The resist- ance r is then adjusted till the galvanometer is undeflected. When this is the case, the difference of potential between A and F is 1'019 volt, and hence the difference of potential between the ends of the wire is '001 volt, and each millimetre of the wire corresponds to a microvolt. Hence if, when the mercury cups 1 and 3 are connected, the galvano- meter contact has to be made at a point n millimetres from A, so that there shall be no galvanometer deflection, then the E.M.F. of the thermo- couple is n microvolts. 210. Standardisation of a Thermocouple. For high temperatures (300 to 1000) the most satisfactory thermocouple is one consisting of pure platinum and platinum containing 10 per cent, of rhodium, the wire being about '6 mm. in diameter. If one junction of such a thermo- couple is kept at C., and the other is heated to a temperature t, the E.M.F. developed in the circuit can be expressed by a formula of the form FIG. 226. It is found, however, that such an expression only holds at high tempera- tures, 300 C. and over. In the case of the Reichsanstalt standard Pt - PtR junction, the E.M.F. is given in microvolts (10 ~ 6 ) by E t = - 310 + 8-048* + 0-00172* 2 , 506 THERMOMETERS AND THERMO-JUNCTIONS [ 210 and it is at once evident that such a formula cannot hold at low tem- peratures ; for instance, at 0, i.e. when the two junctions are at the same temperature, it gives an E.M.F. of - 310 microvolts. Over the range 300 C. to 1100 C. the formula, however, gives good results. In standardising such a thermocouple, observations of the melting points of various metals are employed, the following being frequently used : Metal. Melting Point. 1 Zinc . ... Antimony .... Silver (in graphite crucible with graphite lid) .... Copper (in air) . . ,. . 419-0 C. 630-5 961-5 1065-0 The form of oven used by Holborn and Day for standardising thermo- couples is shown in Fig. 227. It consists of a graphite crucible B, in which the metal is heated, and in the case of silver, where it is necessary to protect the molten metal from the air, this is covered by a second crucible D through a hole in which passes a thin-walled porcelain tube. The heat is supplied by a coil of uncovered nickel wire wound on a fireclay 2 tube. The wire has a diameter of about 1 mm., and when the oven has to be heated to a temperature of 1000, about 600 watts must be supplied to the circuit. The heating coil is packed round with asbestos, and the whole enclosed by thick-walled fireclay slabs. The thermo-element wires are threaded down thin porcelain tubes, which are contained within an outside porcelain tube 5 mm. in diameter, having walls 1;5 mm. thick. The end of this tube dips about 4 cm. below the surface of the molten metal . When performing an experiment the metal is melted and then the heating current is slightly reduced, so that the temperature slowly falls, and the E.M.F. of the thermo-element is noted at equal short intervals of time. When solidification takes place the rate of cooling is reduced, 1 Holborn and Day, Drude Annalen (1905), ii. 505. 2 Such tubes are sold under the trade name of " Morganite." FIG. 227. 210] STANDARDISATION OF A THERMOCOUPLE 507 and the E.M.F. at the melting point is obtained by plotting the E.M.F.'s observed against the time, as was done in 104. For comparatively low temperatures, say, below 300, platinum- platinum-rhodium thermocouple is unsuited, the thermo-electromotive force being so small as to make it impossible to measure temperatures with the accuracy that is generally desired at these temperatures. In such a case a junction consisting of pure iron and pure nickel will be found suitable. Such a couple gives about 30 microvolts per degree, so that even this couple is comparatively insensitive, as it is difficult to measure the E.M.F. to much less than 1 microvolt, and in most cases a platinum thermometer would be more suitable. If, however, such a thermocouple is used, then it may be standardised by heating to known temperatures, such as those given in 98, and a curve may be plotted showing the connection between E.M.F. and temperature by means of which the temperature corresponding to any particular E.M.F. may be read off. CHAPTER XXX MEASUREMENT OF CURRENT 211. The Tangent Galvanometer. The magnetic field F at the centre of a circular coil of mean-radius R, and containing n turns, when traversed by a current of A amperes, the cross-section of the coil being very small compared to R, is given by T-, irnA 1* = --- -~- gausses. 1 Hence if such a coil is placed with its plane in the magnetic meridian at a place where the horizontal component of the earth's field is H, a freely suspended magnetic needle of very small length will set itself inclined at an angle 6 to the meridian such that irn (1) Hence if the dimensions R and n of the coil are known, and H and the angle are measured, we can obtain the value of the current which traverses the coil. The above expression only holds within the limitations mentioned; namely, that the cross-section of the coil is small compared to the radius, and that the needle is very short. If these conditions are not fulfilled, then the expression connecting F and R requires modification. If the section of the coil is a rectangle, the axial breadth, that is, the dimension parallel to the axis of the coil being b, and the radial depth being <1, and the distance 2 between the poles of the needle I, then the value of the current is given by (see Maxwell's Electricity and Magnetism, vol. ii. chapter xv.) 1 V* I 2 d? - - - - . 2 can be made to vanish. This occurs when that is, when = 8 12' v /2 The value of the term 2 (1 - 5 sin 2 #), since it depends on the angle through which the needle is deflected, varies with the deflection. The following table shows the value of the factor (1-5 sin 2 0) for some values of 6 : e 1-5 sin2 e 10 + 0-85 20 + 0-42 26 34' + 0-00 30 -0-25 40 -1-07 50 -1-93 The value of the correction factor, and also the magnitude of the error produced by any want of adjustment of the needle- to the centre of the coil, can be materially reduced by employing a double coil. This arrange- ment, which is due to Helmholtz, consists of two equal coils placed coaxially and with their planes at a distance apart equal to the radius of either, the needle being placed on the common axis half-way between the coils. If r is the mean radius of the coils, 2x the distance between their mean planes, and the total number of turns on the two coils is N, then the axial component of the field at a point in the plane perpendicular to the common axis half-way between the mean planes of the coils, at a distance y from the axis, is given by F= Z 6a 7 Sa 11 + < 223 to exactly 180. The ends of the coil are connected by short lengths of flexible wire with the binding screws c and D, by means of which the coil is connected to the rest of the circuit. It will be seen that the coil stand which carries the coil can be placed either with the axis about which the rotation takes place vertical or horizontal. By means of a prismatic compass or long suspended magnetic needle draw a line on the table magnetic east and west, and arrange the coil so that when against one of the stops the plane of the coil is at right angles to the magnetic meridian. Then determine the throw ^ of the ballistic galvanometer when the coil is rotated through 180. Next place the stand on its side so that the axis about which the coil can turn is horizontal, and starting with the coil in the horizontal plane determine the throw d 2 when the coil is rotated through 180. Now if H and V are the horizontal and the vertical components respectively of the earth's field at the spot where the coil is placed, we have H= FIG. 236. ^ - and V= - h - . 2a 2a Hence if is the magnetic dip, If the value of the horizontal component of the earth's field is known, then an earth inductor forms a convenient means of determining the con- stant K of a ballistic galvanometer, for if we know H, then the equation (1) above will allow of A' being calculated. When measuring the strength of a magnetic field, the value of the constant K may with advantage be determined by including in the galvanometer circuit the secondary of the solenoid inductor ( -20), and taking throws with the earth inductor and the solenoid inductor alternately. Place the secondary of the solenoid inductor in series with the earth inductor and a ballistic galvanometer, care being taken to place the solenoid at such a distance from the inductor and the galvanometer that the solenoid when traversed by a current has no appreciable direct magnetic effect on either. This can easily be tested by breaking the galvanometer circuit and cutting out the secondary by joining together the ends of the leads which come from the galvanometer and earth STRENGTH OF A MAGNETIC FIELD , and seeing whether reversing the current in the primary of the produces any kick of the galvanometer. If only a very slight roduced, this can often be reduced to aero by turning the solenoid to some definite azimuth, which must be found by triaL When ustment is being node, the earth inductor most occupy the it will occupy either at the commencement or end of its :.:. throw of the galvanometer must then be determined, (1) when inductor is rotated through 180, and (2) when a current of es is reversed in die primary of the solenoid inductor.. If H is in which the earth inductor is turned, , so that the condenser is alternately charged and discharged. The commutator is shown at (a), 1 and consists of an ebonite cylinder having two stepped pieces of brass on the cylindrical surface. The brushes a, 6, and c press against the brass, and as the commutator rotates the brush (c) is FIG. 240. alternately connected to a and to b. The commutator is driven by a motor, and the speed is measured by means of a tuning-fork and a stroboscopic disc c (see 109). If C is the capacity of the condenser, and the commutator charges and discharges the condenser n times per second, while the resistances of the arms P, Q, and R are so adjusted that the galvanometer G is undeflected, we have (see J. J. Thomson's Electricity and Magnetism, 260). Q \ where G is the resistance of the galvanometer arm, and B that of the battery arm. Generally the resistance of the battery is so small com- pared to the other resistances that it can be neglected, so that the expression reduces to nC 1 A description of a good form of commutator will be found in a paper by Fleming and Clinton, Philosophical Magazine (1903), v. p. 493. 534 MEASUREMENT OF CAPACITY [ 227 If the capacity of the condenser is small, then R will have to be taken very large, and hence Q will also be very large compared to P. In this case the expression reduces to nC~ P'' and it will be noticed that the condenser and commutator produce the same result as if they were replaced by a resistance 1/nO. If the resistances are expressed in ohms, then the capacity C will be expressed in farads (10~ 9 c.g.s. units). To obtain the capacity in micro- farads, the capacity expressed in farads must be divided by 10*>. When measuring a fairly large capacity, say, of the order of a microfarad, a Post Office bridge may be used, the ratio arms P and Q being 10 to 1000. When very small capacities are being measured, it is necessary to employ large resistances, and a battery having a large E.M.F., say, 50 or 100 volts. For an air condenser having plates of about 30 cm. in diameter at a distance of about a millimetre, R may be a megohm (1,000,000 ohms) and Q about 300,000 ohms, balance being obtained by using a Post Office or equivalent resistance box for P. When using high resistances and high E.M.F.'s, it is very important to care- fully insulate the various wires, while one point, preferably one terminal of the galvanometer, may be connected to earth by being connected to the water or gas pipes. By determining by this method the capacity in electromagnetic units of a condenser of such a shape that the capacity in electrostatic units can be calculated from the dimensions, the ratio of the units, F, may be determined. A suitable condenser can be built up of two silvered sheets of plate glass, the silver being removed for about 2 cm. round the edge. The plates are placed with their silvered sides towards one another, and separated by three small pieces of ebonite or glass, the distance between the plates being obtained by measuring the thickness of these distance pieces with a screw gauge. In order to make contact, a thin strip of the silvering is left on each plate leading up to one of the corners, a piece of the glass at one of the other corners being cut off, and the plates are so arranged that the silver strip on one plate is opposite the trimmed corner of the other. Contact may be made by clamping a wire down on the silver, a few thicknesses of thin tin-foil being interposed to ensure good contact. If A is the area of either of the plates, and d is the distance between them, then, neglecting the effect of the edges, the capacity in electro- static units is A/4:7rd. Another method of conducting the experiment, which eliminates the effect of the edge of the condenser plates, is to have two cylindrical condensers of the same diameter but different lengths, say, one twice as long as the other. The capacities of these condensers are measured, and let us suppose the numbers obtained are G l and C y the lengths being 227] MEASUREMENT OF A CAPACITY. 535 /! and 7 2 respectively, and the radius of the outer surface of the inner tube being r lt and that of the inner surface of the outer tube being r 2 . Then since, neglecting the effect of the ends, the capacity per unit length of such a condenser is 1 2 log we have Cylindrical condensers suitable for this experiment may be made up out of "triblet" drawn brass tube, i\ being about 2*5 cm., and r 2 = 2*6, the lengths being 15 cm. and 30 cm. The brass tubes have their ends turned off square, and are fitted at the ends into shallow grooves cut in discs of ebonite. On one of the discs are screwed two binding screws connected by wires with the two tubes. CHAPTER XXXII FIG. 241. MEASUREMENT OF SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION 228. Measurement of the Coefficient of Self-induction of a Coil by Rayleigh's Method. The coefficient of self-induction of a coil which does not contain any magnetisable material, and which has a fairly large coefficient (10 7 cm.), A can be measured by a method described by Maxwell and modified by Rayleigh. The coil L (Fig. 241) is * placed in one arm of a Wheatstone's bridge, and the bridge having been balanced for steady currents, the kick a of a ballistic galvanometer G ob- tained when the cur- rent is reversed is noted. Next the resistance of the arm CB is altered by an amount dR, and the steady deflection 6 of the galvanometer produced, owing to the want of balance, is noted. If, then, T is the period of the galvanometer needle, A its logarithmic decrement, and C/! and C 2 the currents traversing the arms CB and BD respectively when the balance is upset by the change of resistance, it can be shown l that the coefficient of self-induction L of the coil is given by T8RC,f, A\ sin a/2 . L = -^-\ 1 + 2 ha^T henr ^" In the practice of this method it will be found advantageous to make the two ratio coils P and Q equal, and each as nearly equal in resistance to the coil as possible. Then in order to be able to obtain the exact balance required when making the observations of throw, an adjustable resistance r is placed in series with the coil, and the branch CB consists of two resistance boxes placed in parallel. The adjustable resistance r 1 J. J. Thomson, Electricity and Magnetism, 248. A henry is 10 9 cm. , and the value obtained for L is given in henrys if 8R is measured in ohms. 228] RAYLEIGH'S METHOD 537 may either consist of a short length of uncovered German silver or manganine wire, the length of which is adjusted by slipping it through the binding screw by which the coil is connected to the bridge, or by an adjustable carbon resistance. So long as the carbon resistance is kept fairly tightly screwed up, it will be found quite satisfactory and very much more easily adjusted than the wire. In addition to the com- mutator F, it is advisable to have a key in both the battery and the galvanometer circuits. If a Post Office bridge is used, these keys are provided. The object of the keys is to allow of the battery being connected only for as short a time as possible. If the current is allowed to flow continuously, the balance will be found to be continually altering. This is due to the change in temperature of the resistances, particularly that of the coil, for the coil generally consists of copper wire, for which the temperature coefficient is very much greater than is the case for the alloys used to construct the resistance coils. In order that it may be possible to adjust the resistance of the arm CB to the exact value required for balance, it is necessary that one of the resistances E X and R 2 shall be large, that is, the other resistance must only slightly exceed the resistance in the arm BD. Hence the resistance, R 2 say, being infinite, R x is adjusted till it is the nearest unit higher than the resistance of the coil L. The adjustable resistance r is then altered till balance is very nearly secured, care being taken, however, to have Rj a little too great. The final balance is then obtained by altering R O . Immediately balance for steady currents has been obtained, the throw obtained by reversing the current with the commutator F is observed, the battery and galvanometer keys being of course kept closed. The resistance R 2 is then altered by such an amount that the steady deflection is approximately the same as the throw and the deflection is noted. Balance for steady currents is then again secured, and the whole series of operations repeated several times, the interval between the several observations being made as small as possible. The time of vibration of the galvanometer must be determined, as also the logarithmic decrement. When determining the logarithmic decrement the galvanometer key must be kept closed, for the decrement on open circuit is not as great as that on closed circuit, owing to the currents induced in the coils by the motion of the needle when the circuit is closed. The value of the factor C^C Z can generally be calculated on the assumption that none of the current goes through the galvanometer, since with a sensitive galvanometer the current required to produce the steady deflection is very small. Hence since fi + SR is the resistance of the branch CB when the steady deflection is being obtained, and the resistance of the branch BD is the same as the resistance R of the branch CB when balanced for steady currents, since P = Q,, we have C l E+Q 538 SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION [229 In this case, as in all others where a ballistic galvanometer is used, an auxiliary coil should be placed near the galvanometer with a cell and tapping key connected, so that by momentarily passing a current through this coil the observer may be able to check the swing of the galvanometer needle. 229. Use of a Rotating Commutator when making Measurements of Induction (Ayrton and Perry's Secohmmeter). In the case of coils having small coefficients of self-induction, the method described in the last section is not sufficiently sensitive to give accurate results. In order to increase the sensitiveness by sending a rapid succession of induction currents through the galvanometer, Ayrton and Perry l have designed a commutator which they call a secohmmeter. This commutator performs two functions. In the first place, it makes the battery circuit, the FIG. 242. galvanometer being short-circuited. Next it removes the short-circuit from the galvanometer, and then breaks the battery circuit, so that the induction current can pass through the galvanometer. Next short- circuits the galvanometer and afterwards makes the battery circuit, the short-circuit on the galvanometer preventing any of the make induced current passing through the galvanometer. This cycle of operations is repeated at a speed which is only limited by the necessity that the current should have attained its final state before the galvanometer is made or broken. The arrangement is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 242. 1 Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers (1887), vol. xvi. p. 292. SECOHMMETER 539 o, 229] The commutator consists of two parts, one o p being connected to the galvanometer G, and the other, o 2 , to the battery E. In reality these two parts would be fixed to the same axle, so that they rotate at the same speed. The shaded parts of the commutators are supposed to be metal, and the unshaded parts non-conducting, so that when the shaded portion is opposite the brushes N X or N 2 the galvanometer is short-cir- cuited, or the battery circuit completed, as the case may be, while when the unshaded portion of the cylinder is opposite the brushes, the galvano- meter is in circuit or the battery circuit broken. One form of commu- tator is shown in Fig. 243, the arrangement of which will be obvious from the drawing. In another form the brushes are lifted up to break the circuits by means of cams which are attached to a rotating shaft. Since it is necessary to know the speed at which the com- mutator is rotating, some form of speed indicator must be attached. In the absence of a direct reading speed indicator a stroboscopic disc may be attached to the commutator and the speed of rotation ad- justed, so that when viewed through a pair of slits attached to the prongs of a tuning-fork one of the rows of dots appears stationary, in the manner described in 109. The method of using the secohmmeter is as follows : Using the bridge in the ordinary manner, balance for steady currents. Then rotate the commutator at a speed of n-^ revolution per second, and adjust the resistance R till the galvanometer is undeflected, and let the change in R necessary be SR^ Next rotate the commutator at some other speed, n 2 , and again determine the change in R, say, SR> 2 , from the value for balance with steady currents necessary to restore balance. Then if, within the limits of accuracy of the settings, we have Ni GALV/WOMETEf? FIG. 243. it shows that the frequency of the commutator has not been so great that the steady state has not had time to become established before the galvanometer is either put into circuit or cut out. If, however, the ratios are different, then a slower speed of the commutator must be tried, till a constant value for the ratio is obtained. 540 SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION [230 Since the galvanometer is unaffected, these two quantities must be equal. Hence or T _ Kp 2 R y P ' x But y _ S x so that 1 Since the bridge is balanced for steady currents, the battery and galvano- meter arms are conjugate. Hence the current in the galvanometer produced by the E.M.F. of induction is independent of the resistance of the battery. Thus the expression obtained when the battery arm is broken will also hold when the battery is connected to the network (see 176). 542 SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION 230 K The arrangement of resistance boxes used in practice is shown in Fig. 245. The sum of the two resistances p and p being made equal to 1000 ohms, the values of the resistances Q and R are adjusted so that there is balance for steady currents, an adjustable resistance r in series with the coil being used if necessary for the final adjustment. The resistance p is then adjusted, care being taken to keep the sum p + ;/ constant, till there is no induc- tive kick of the galvanometer on making or breaking the battery circuit. The sensitiveness of the arrangement can be much in- creased by the use of a com- mutator, such that the battery circuit is rapidly reversed, while between the battery reversals the galvanometer connections are also reversed, so that any residual current due to imperfect balance passes through the galvanometer in the same direc- tion. In this case, as in all cases FIG. 245. where a commutator is used to increase the sensitiveness of a zero method, it is not necessary to know either the number of rotations per second or the lead of the brushes. It is, however, always advisable to observe with the commutator running at different speeds, so as to make certain that the speed used is not too great. If the commutator is running too fast, it generally happens that the discharge due to the condenser is over before the reversal of the galvanometer, while the inductive discharge due to the coil may not have finished. This is particularly the case when using coils with iron cores. In the case of circuits having large time constants it is impossible to obtain balance, since the inductive discharge lasts so much longer than the condenser discharge, so that although the correct balance may be attained such that the quantities of electricity which pass through the galvanometer due to these two effects may be equal, yet a small kick is first obtained in one direction due to the condenser, and then there is a kick in the other direction due to the self-induction of the coil. In such a case the con- denser is removed, and the bridge having been balanced for steady currents, the kick d^ obtained when the current is reversed is observed. The coil is then replaced by two resistance boxes in series, with a condenser of capacity K placed as a shunt on one of them. The resistances unplugged from these boxes are adjusted till the bridge is again balanced for steady currents, showing that the sum of these resistances, p + ;/, is equal to the resistance of the same arm when the coil was in place. The resistance p in parallel with the condenser is adjusted till the throw of 231] ANDERSON'S METHOD 543 the galvanometer when the battery is reversed is about the same as with the coil, and the value of this throw rf., is observed. Then L ^ Kp- d^ Since it is assumed that the E.M.F. and resistance of the battery remain constant, it is advisable to use accumulators, and to repeat the observations several times, alternating the kicks with the coil and the condenser. 231. Measurement of the Self-Induction of a Coil by Comparison with a Capacity (Anderson's Method). 1 A Wheatstone's bridge is built up, as shown in Fig. 246, p, Q, and R being non-inductive resist- ances, and L the coil of which the self-induction is to be measured. The condenser K X is connected to the point B and to one terminal of a galvanometer G and tele- phone T, and the three wires are joined to the point A through an adjustable non-inductive resist- ance r. The other terminals of the galvanometer and telephone are connected to a two-way switch k, by means of which either can be put in communica- tion with c. The battery E is connected to a key k. 2 and a buzzer z. This latter consists of a small electromagnet, the armature forming a break, such as is usually fitted to an induc- tion coil. The bridge is first balanced for steady currents, using the galvano- meter G, the key k. 2 being closed. The key k 9 is then opened so that the buzzer works, producing a rapidly interrupted current in the network of conductors, and the telephone is used in place of the galvanometer. The resistance r is then adjusted till the sound in the telephone is a minimum. When this adjustment is complete we have FIG. 246. where if K is measured in farads and the resistances in ohms, the self- induction is obtained in henrys. 1 Philosophical Magazine (1891), xxxi. p. 334. See also Fleming, Philosophical Magazine (1904), vii. p. 586. 544 SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION [ 231 We may suppose that the potential of the point N is always equal to that of the point c, and let x, y, and z be the total quantities of electricity which have traversed the arms BA, BC, and BK respectively, from the starting of the currents up to the time t. Since the current in the arm BA at the time t is and so on, we have the difference of potential (it between B and A measured along the arm p is P , and the difference dt of potential between these same points measured along BNA is + r ] K df for the difference of potential between the poles of the condenser K is equal to the charge z divided by the capacity K. Hence equating the two expressions for the difference of potential between B and A we get pdx^z dz dt K dt Similarly, since N and c are at the same potential The difference of potential between c and D is equal to the sum of the differences of potential due to the steady current, viz. $-^, and that dt due to the self-induction, viz. L ( ~ dt \dt The difference of potential between c and A reckoned along CNAD is dz Hence dz Q(^ X , dz\ _ ^ly jd?y dt \tft dt)~ dt dp (j Substituting in (3) the values for -|, -^, and , deduced from (1) (.IT Civ (it and (2), we get Now, if there is no steady deflection the coefficient of z in (4) must be zero, which gives the usual condition ^ R P' 232] COMPARISON WITH VARIABLE STANDARD 545 If, further, there is to be no variable current, then the coefficient of dt must be zero, that is, R S which gives, since -= -, r Qi When performing the experiment, the resistance p, Q, and R may con- sist of the arms of an ordinary Post Office Wheatstone's bridge, in which a resistance box is placed in series with the telephone or galvanometer in the galvanometer gap, the condenser being connected as shown in Fig. 246. 232. Measurement of Self-Induction by means of a Variable Standard of Self-induction. Where a variable standard of self-indue^ tion is available, of which the maximum value is at least as great as that of the coil to be measured, the following method, which is a modification of one devised by Maxwell, is convenient. The coil to be measured, L (Fig. 247), and the adjustable standard N, are placed in adjacents arms of a Wheat- stone's bridge, the other arms being formed by non-inductive resistances. It will generally be found convenient to place an adjustable resistance, such as a bare wire or a carbon resistance r, in series with either L or N to allow of the final adjustment for steady currents being made. The bridge having been adjusted for steady currents, the standard of self-induction is adjusted till there is no galvanometer kick on reversal of the battery current. When this is the case we have, if N is the value of the self-induction of the standard, L = R = P N~ S~ Q' In the absence of a variable standard of self-induction, or when comparing two fixed self-inductions, the above method is inapplicable. Maxwell has shown that when two coils having self-induction are arranged as are L and N in Fig. 247, then the bridge will be balanced both for 2 M 546 SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION [233 steady currents, and also during the time when the current is varying, if the following relation between the resistances of the arms holds, L_R_P N~S~"Q' The application of this method is, however, so very tedious, since it in- volves a double adjustment, as to render it unpractical. A modification of the method has been devised by Niven, 1 in which the necessity for the double adjustment is avoided. The method is not, however, a very con- venient one. A fairly rapid way of making the comparison, but one involving the use of a ballistic galvanometer, is as follows : Arrange the two coils having self-induction as in Fig. 247, and having balanced for steady currents note the swing d l when the current is reversed. Next remove one of the coils, say L, and substitute a non-inductive re- sistance, and having adjusted till the bridge is again balanced for steady currents, measure the throw d 2 when the current is again reversed. When the two coils are used we have, if k is a constant depending on the galvanometer, Q>L - PN=kdi. When the coil N only is included, we have, in the same way, Hence = N Q d Since it is assumed that the current remains constant throughout, it is important to use accumulators, and to alternate the two measurements several times. 233. To Compare the Mutual- Induction between two Coils with the Self-Induction of one of them. Suppose the coil L is that of which the coefficient of self-induction L has to be compared with the coefficient of mutual-induction M between this coil and another coil N. The coil L is in- cluded in one arm of the Wheatstone's bridge, and the coil N is placed in the battery circuit, as shown in Fig. 248. The bridge having been adjusted for steady currents, during which ad- justment the key K may be open, this key is closed, and the resistance r is adjusted till there is no kick on reversing the battery current. This adjustment is only possible if the coefficient of self- induction of L is greater than the coefficient of mutual-induction be- 1 Philosophical Magazine (1887), vol. xxiv. p. 227. 233] MUTUAL-INDUCTION AND SELF-INDUCTION 547 tween the two coils. If this condition is not fulfilled, then the modi- fication given below must be employed. When the adjustment for both steady and variable currents is complete, we have M Pr L r(PVJB) the minus sign indicating that the coil N must be so connected up as to give an opposite induced E.M.F. in the branch BC to that produced by L. The fact that the galvanometer gives no kick when the battery is reversed shows that the integral E.M.F. induced in the arm BC, due to the reversal of the current in the coil N, is equal to the integral E.M.F. induced in this arm, due to the self-induction of the coil L. Hence if x is the steady current in M, and y that in N, we have But x is the total current in the battery branch, and the ratio of the current in the arm BC to the total current is given by (P+Q)r ?/_ P+Q + 'r (P+Q)r * (P+Q)r P+Q+T+ But Q = - P, hence making this substitution y _ S " , 3T , SWT" SP , \ r(P + ^)4-P(^4-^) Substituting this value for ^ in (1), we get M JL?_ L~ r(P + R) When M is greater than L, the coil N can be included in the branch r in place of being in the battery arm. If r is the value of the total resistance in the r branch when there is balance for variable currents, we have L Both the above methods allow of the use of a rotating commutator, 548 SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION [ 234 N such as the secohmmeter, by means of which the sensitiveness may be very materially increased. 234. Measurement of the Coefficient of Mutual Induction between two Coils by means of a Variable Standard of Self-induction. The two coils L L and L.,, of which the coefficient of mutual-induction M is to be determined, are placed in one arm of a Wheatstone bridge, as shown in Fig. 249, and the variable standard of self-induction N is placed in the adjacent arm. The bridge having been balanced for steady currents, the standard N is adjusted till there is no kick on reversing the battery current. Suppose that the coils L! and L 2 are so connected that the mutual-induction assists the self-induction, and that the value of the standard when the adjustment for variable currents is complete is NI. Then FIG. 249. If, now, the connections of one of the coils or L 2 is reversed, so that the effect of the mutual-induction is opposed to the effects of the self-inductions of the separate coils, and N, 2 is the new value of the variable self-induction when the bridge is balanced for variable currents, we have Hence 235. The Comparison of two Mutual-Inductances. The two pairs of coils are arranged, as shown in Fig. 250, one coil of each pair being in the battery circuit. The other two coils are connected to a galvanometer through the resistances P and Q. The values of p and Q are then adjusted till there is no galvano- meter kick on reversing the current in the battery circuit. When this adjustment is complete, we have, if Sj and s 2 are the resistances of the coils connected to the galvanometer, JJ^ = S l +~Q' FlG ' 230 ' 236. The Measurement of Self Induction with Alternating Currents (Wien-Dolezalek Method). A very accurate method of 236] WIEN-DOLEZALEK'S METHOD 549 _i_ -Tannr^ measuring self-induction, particularly small inductances, has been described by Wien, 1 in which an alternating current is employed. Two coils, LJ and L 2 (Fig. 251), having self-induction are placed in adjacent arms of a Wheatstone's bridge. One of these coils may conveniently have its self - induction adjustable, though the value of the self-induction need not be known. A non-inductive resistance / is placed as a shunt on the coil L 15 and another non-inductive re- sistance s is placed in series with L. 2 . The two remaining re- sistances, P and Q, may be formed by a bridge wire. The source of current is FIG. 251. a sma ll induction coil M, the make - and - break of which consists of a microphone attached to a telephone diaphragm. This method of obtaining a senusoidal current is due to Dolezalek. The arrangement used, called a hummer, is shown in Fig. 252. It consists of an iron disc AB, to the centre of which is attached a small carbon disc c. To this disc is attached a small silk bag D filled with carbon grains, forming the microphone contact. One terminal of a battery E is attached to AB, and the other to the primary P of a small induc- tion coil, the other terminal of the primary being connected to D by a fine flexible wire. A hollow cylindrical steel magnet G is placed near the disc AB, and on the outside of this magnet is wound a coil F, which is in series with the secondary s of the induction coil. The terminals a and b are connected to the bridge. When the diaphragm AB has been set in vibration, the microphone contacts at D vary in resist- ance, and hence the primary current varies in intensity. Hence there is an induced secondary current produced, and this current passing through the coil F causes the magnetism of the magnet G to vary, and in this way keeps up the vibrations of the disc. In place of the galvanometer a special telephone is employed, which is so adjusted that its diaphragm lias the same natural period as that of the diaphragm of the hummer. The result is that the telephone practically only responds 1 Wied. AnnaZcn (1891), xliv. p. 701. FIG. 252. 550 SELF AND MUTUAL INDUCTION [ 236 to alternating currents of the one period, and the results are the same as if a simple sine-form alternating current was used in the bridge. The resistance r (Fig. 251) being given some value about equal to that of the coil L P the resistances s, P and Q are adjusted till there is no sound in the telephone T. Since we are dealing with simple sine-form alternating currents, it can be shown (see Wien, lot', cit.) that we may apply the ordinary condition for steady current balance of the bridge if we replace the resistances 1 of the arms by the operator r + ipL, where r is the resistance, and L the self-induction of the arm, p is 2vr times the frequency of the alternating current, and i is ,J 1. In the case of two inductors in series, or parallel, the value of the operator r + ipL for the combination is obtained from the values for the individual conductors by the same rules as is the resistance of two conductors in series or in parallel, as the case may be. Hence, since the resistance r is non-inductive (i.e. L = Q), the operator in the case of the arm AC (Fig. 251) becomes r + ipL l + r' The condition for balance of the bridge is where S is the resistance of the arm CB. By multiplying across, the above equation reduces to (r + ipL l )Q = P{S(r + r') -p^L^ + i[SpL^ + (r + r')pL 2 ]}. Equating the real parts of this equation, we get 1 If the arm consists of an inductive resistance and a condenser of capacity C in series, then the operator has the form r + ipL-i , and this operator can pL> be used to replace the resistance in obtaining the conditions of balance of a bridge in which condensers are included when alternating currents are employed. 236] WIEN-DOLEZALEK'S METHOD 551 In the same way, equating the imaginary parts, we get ^ + Pp(r + r')L 2 , Equations (1) and (2) enable us to calculate both L l and Z/ 2 . To obtain the quantity p (2?r times the frequency), the frequency of the alternating current must be measured. This quantity may be obtained by comparing the pitch of the note given, by the telephone with that of a tuning-fork of known pitch. The comparison can be made either by means of a monochord ( 110), or by using a resonance column ( 112). Several measurements ought to be made, using different values for the shunt resistance /. CHAPTER XXXIII PERMEABILITY 237. Measurement of the Permeability of Iron by the Magnetometer Method. If a rod of magnetic material, such as iron, is placed with its length parallel to the lines of force of a magnetic field of strength f\ the rod becomes magnetised by induction. If the strength of the poles induced is m, and the distance between them is /, the magnetic moment of the rod is ml. If the volume of the rod is v, the intensity of magnetisation / of the iron is given by T _ m ^ V In general, the intensity of magnetisation is not quite uniform throughout the whole length of the rod, there being a falling off near the ends. If, however, the rod is very long compared to its cross-section s, the effects of the ends is very small, and then the distance between the poles may be taken as equal to the length of the rod without appreciable error, and we have The number, of lines of force which proceed from a pole of strength m being 4?rm, the number of lines which leave the north pole of the rod and enter the south pole are 47rw, and hence the number which cross unit area of the cross-section of the iron is 47rm/s. Since in addition to the lines due to the magnetism induced in the rod we have the lines due to the magnetising field, the total number of lines which cross unit area is 4:7riu/s + F. The total number of lines which cross unit area is called the induction J3, hence since I=m/8, The ratio of the induction B to the inducing field F is called the per- meability /x, so that /J, = B/F. The ratio of the intensity of magneti- sation / to the inducing field is called the magnetic susceptibility 7r, so that k = I/F, and hence In the above relations the magnetising field F is the strength of the 552 MAGNETOMETER METHOD 553 237] field within the iron itself, and this is not in general equal to the strength of the field before the introduction of the iron, owing to the fact that the poles induced at the ends of the rod produce a field which is in the opposite direction to the original field. If, however, the rod is very long and thin the poles are weak, and are at such a great distance from the greater part of the iron that the demagnetising field due to the poles may be neglected, so that in such a case we may take the field which exists before the introduction of the iron as the magnetising field F. The method by which, in the case of a short cylinder, the effect of the demagnetising field due to the ends may be allowed for is described later ( 238). In the magnetometer method of measuring the permeability of iron the material is taken in the form of a long thin wire DG (Fig. 253), and is magnetised by being placed within a long solenoid B?, through which G no FIG. 253. a current is passed. The induced magnetism is then measured by noting the deflection which the iron causes to a magnetometer needle M placed in the neighbourhood, the magnetic field produced at the needle of the magnetometer by the direct action of the solenoid being compensated by means of an auxiliary coil F, through which the current which passes through the solenoid is also passed. If the solenoid is placed with its axis E. and W. (magnetic), the earth's field will have no component parallel to the length of the wire, and when long thin wires are used, the effect of the transverse magnetisation due to the earth's field may be neglected. i Let the magnetising solenoid BC be placed in the magnetic east and west position, with its axis passing through the needle of the magneto- meter, the mid-point of the wire being at a distance D from the needle, while the length of the wire is 2Z>, and its cross-section is s. If the intensity of magnetisation of the iron is /, the magnetic moment of the iron is 2sLL If M' is the moment of the magnetometer needle, the 554 PERMEABILITY [ 237 couple, exerted by the iron on the needle, if we suppose the poles to be at the ends of the wire, when the needle has been deflected through an angle 6 from the magnetic meridian is * 4 M'sLID If H is the value of the horizontal component of the field in which the magnetometer needle hangs, the couple acting on the needle tending to bring it back into the meridian is M'H sin 0. When the needle is in equilibrium, these two couples must be equal, and hence If is small compared to unity, then this expression may be written (2) where the second term within the brackets is often so small as to be negligible. Hence if H and D are known, / can be calculated from the magnetometer deflection. If the magnetising solenoid contains n turns per centimetre, and is traversed by a current of C c.g.s. units, the field at the centre of a long solenoid is equal to irnC. Hence if the iron wire is so long that we may neglect the demagnetising effects of the field due to the poles, the magnetising field F acting on the iron is given by F= 4:7rnC gausses. If the current is A amperes, then, since an ampere is one-tenth of a c.g.s. unit, ,., SimA F- -- gausses. o The current is obtained from the battery E, which may with advan- tage consist of accumulators, and passes through a variable resistance R, an ammeter A, and a commutator x. A suitable magnetising coil can be made by winding No. 22 (standard wire-gauge) double-silk covered copper wire on a tube 50 cm. long and 1 cm. outside diameter. If the coil is only to be used for 1 Watson's Text-Book of Physics, 429. 237] MAGNETOMETER METHOD 555 magnetometer experiments, then it may be wound on a brass tube. When, however, it is to be used in addition for ballistic experiments, it is better wound on a non-conducting tube, such as glass or vulcanised fibre. If eight layers of wire are wound on the tube, the end of each alternate layer being taken to binding screws attached to the base on which the coil is mounted, then by using different numbers of layers, varying magnetising forces can be obtained without using a very great range of currents. The wire must be wound on very regularly, and the number of turns in each layer noted. It is also a good thing to note the mean diameter of each layer, and to give each layer a coating of shellac varnish. Each layer of such a coil will have a resistance of about 2 ohms, and with a current of 2 amperes the whole coil will give a magnetising field of. about 360 c.g.s. units. In order to vary the magnetising field when carrying the iron round a cycle, some means of varying the current by varying the resistance in the circuit will have to be adopted. This adjustable resistance must be such that it can be either increased or decreased by suitable steps in a perfectly regular manner. Thus when the current is being increased, the resistance must never, even temporarily, be decreased, and vice versa, or owing to hysteresis the curve obtained will be irregular. The steps by which the resistance is altered should not be equal ones, but should get greater and greater as the resistance in the circuit increases, so that the changes in the current, and hence also in the magnetising field, are approximately equal. If r is the resistance of the whole circuit when the largest current is passing, and it is required to obtain n steps, then the resistances which have to be added to r are nr nr r- &C. Thus if the value of r is 9 ohms and we require ten steps, the resist- ances to be added to r are 1; 2-25; 3'86; 6; 8; 13'5; 21; 36; 81 ohms. In general, it will be found convenient to prepare a special set of resist- ances to suit any given coil, for they need not be adjusted at all carefully, and in fact the required lengths of wire can be measured off with sufficient accuracy, the resistance of a metre of the wire having been measured. In place of the usual plug contact, which is expensive to make and difficult to keep in proper condition, the arrange- F 1G . 254. ment 'shown in Fig. 254, which has been designed by Professor Callendar, may be used. A strip of 556 PERMEABILITY [ 237 copper or brass is taken, and a number of equally spaced holes about 0'6 cm. in diameter are bored. This strip is fastened to a piece of wood by two screws between each pair of holes, this piece of wood forming the top of the box in which the coils will be contained. The strip of copper is then removed and sawn across through each of the large holes, and the separate pieces again attached to the wood. An ordinary binding screw terminal A, the screw -down portion of which is of greater diameter than the holes, is then fastened, as shown, at the centre of each of the holes. The ends of the wires are brought up through the wood and soldered to the pieces of copper, the wire itself being coiled in the form of a double spiral, either loose or round a wooden peg. When the binding screws are screwed down they make contact with the copper strips on either side, and the coil which is attached to these strips is short-circuited. When the binding screw is raised the current must, however, pass through the coil. This form of contact is easy to make, and can be cleaned without difficulty. The apparatus is set up in the following manner : The magneto- meter having been set up and levelled, the magnetising coil and com- pensating coils are placed with their axes in the magnetic east and west positions, and at such a height that their axes pass through the needle of the magnetometer ; and the ammeter, adjustable resistance, and a battery are connected up, as shown in Fig. 253. A current is then passed through the circuit, no iron being in the coils, and the position of the compensating coil is adjusted till the magnetometer is undeflected when the current is reversed. The iron, in the form of a wire about 30 cm. long and 1 to 2 mm. in diameter, is straightened and demagnetised by one of the methods described in 240. In the case of fine wire it will be found convenient to thread it through a fine bore glass tube, fixing it in position with a little sealing-wax. This glass tube is then supported axially within the magnetising coil by means of two corks, and is adjusted so that the wire lies symmetrically with respect to the coil. If the glass tube is made so long that it projects beyond the magnetising coil, and the distance of the end of the wire is measured from the end of the tube, the longitudinal adjustment may be made by measuring from the end of the tube. Having inserted the largest resistance in the circuit, the current is made, and the deflected reading of the magnetometer and the value of the current are read and recorded. The resistance is then decreased and a new reading obtained, and so on till the maximum current is reached. In this way the magnetisation curve for an unmagnetised piece of iron is obtained. Before proceeding to take a complete cycle of magnetisation, it will be found advisable to take the iron ten or twenty times round the proposed cycle. Then starting with the current at its maximum value in one direction, the current is reduced by inserting the resistances in the circuit, and the values of the current and the magnetometer readings are recorded. When all the resistance is in the circuit the current is 237] MAGNETOMETER METHOD 557 broken, and the magnetometer reading taken with no magnetising force. The current is then reversed, and the readings corresponding to gradually increasing currents in this reverse direction are obtained. Next the current is gradually reduced to zero, reversed and increased to the maximum value in the original direction, readings of the ammeter and magnetometer being taken at each step. To reduce the results the dimensions of the iron will be required, as well as the distance of the iron from the magnetometer needle and the value of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field at the place where the magnetometer needle hangs. This latter can most con- veniently be obtained by deflecting the magnetometer by passing a measured current through a coil of known dimensions. If the dimensions of the magnetising coil and of the compensating coil are the same, the best way to proceed is to reverse the connections on one of them, so that they now tend to deflect the needle in the same direction, and to read the current which must be passed to obtain a deflection nearly up to the end of the scale. If is the angle through which the magnetometer needle is deflected when the coils are traversed by a current C c.g.s. units, each of the coils containing n turns of wire per centimetre, the mean diameter of the windings being r. and the length of each coil 2Z, while the distances of the mid-points of the coils from the magnetometer needle is D, then G ' since the magnetic moment of each coil is 2wnr 2 LC. If the dimensions of the magnetising coil are alone known, then the earth compensating coil must be cut out of circuit, and the magnetising coil alone used. The expression for calculating H is half that given above. The advantage of using the two coils is, that if we measure the distance between the centres of the coils, and take half this distance for D, then, so long as the magnetometer needle is placed fairly accurately half-way between the coils, errors due to the difficulty of accurately measuring to the magnetometer needle will be practically eliminated. The results of the experiments with the iron must be plotted, taking the magnetising force F as abscissa, and either the magnetic induction or the intensity of magnetisation as ordinate. In the case" of the long thin cylinder, such as is used in this experiment, the magnetising force may be taken as equal to the magnetic field within the coil before the intro- duction of the iron, the demagnetising field due to the poles at the ends of the wire being neglected. As will be seen by a study of Fig. 255, both the induction and the intensity of magnetisation increase very rapidly during the portion AB of the curve, and hence if the deflection of the magnetometer is to be kept on the scale, it is necessary to have the magnetometer at such a distance that the deflections produced, when small values of the mag- netising field are used, are small, and hence the accuracy with which the 558 PERMEABILITY [ 237 corresponding B or I can be determined is small. This difficulty may be met by placing the compensating coil nearer the magnetometer than the position where it exactly neutralises the field produced by the magnetising coil. The magnetometer deflections then give the difference between the effect of the iron and the excess of magnetic action of the compensating coil, and this excess can be determined by making a series of readings of the magnetometer deflection produced when no ,iron is contained in the magnetising coil. Another method of arranging the specimen is to place the magnetising coil in the magnetic east and west direction, with its centre on the 1600 12000 8000 4000 24 4 8 12 16 20 MAGNETIZING FORCE IN C.C.S. UNITS FIG. 255. magnetic meridian passing through the magnetometer, as shown in Fig. 256, the compensating coil F being placed in a symmetrical position on the other side of the magnetometer. If D is the perpendicular distance of the magnetometer needle M from the iron wire GD, the couple acting on the magnetometer needle when the deflection is is M'sLI Hence or sL The advantage of this position over the end-on position lies in the fact that the uncertainty as to the location of the poles of the magnetised 237] MAGNETOMETER METHOD 559 iui iron produces less error thaii in the case where one end of the specimen is comparatively close to the magnetometer. Further, in the end-on position a displacement of the pole along the specimen, since it directly _ L _ alters the distance between the pole and the magnetometer, and the deflec- tion varies inversely as the cube of this distance, may produce a very consider- able error. In the side-on position, however, if the poles are displaced, as one pole approaches the magnetometer the other pole recedes from the magneto- meter, and hence for small displacements these two effects will compensate for one another. Both the above methods of ob- servation, however, suffer from the serious objection that we have to assume a knowledge of the position of the poles in the iron, and in deducing the formula? we have supposed that the poles are at the ends of the wire. There is no doubt that this assumption is wrong, and a somewhat better result will be obtained if we assume that the distance between the poles is 2/3 of the length of the wire. In this case the formula in the first case, when the axis of the iron passes through the magnetometer, becomes FIG. 256. tan 0, M and in the second case /4 \3 /= ^L_ I tan ft N s This uncertainty as to the position of the N g poles can in a measure be removed by adopt- ing a third arrangement, which is shown B diagrammatically in Fig. 257. The magnetis- FIG. 257. ing coil is here placed vertical, and due east or west of the magnetometer needle M, and the iron is adjusted so that the upper pole is in the same horizontal plane as the needle. This adjustment can be made by passing a current through the magnetising coil, and then moving the iron wire up or down till the deflection of the magnetometer is a maximum. In this way the position of the pole N, with reference to the wire, is found with sufficient accuracy, and since the 560 PERMEABILITY [ 237 wire is symmetrical, we therefore know the position of the pole s and the distance between the poles. Thus the distances D and T> 1 of the poles from the magnetometer needle can be calculated. If the strength of either of the poles is m, then the horizontal component of the field at M due to the two poles is m in *T*r & - 772 cos NM *> 1 or ni{- n - But m Hence the horizontal component is , ( 1 and if 6 is the deflection of the magnetometer, or H tan 8 HD i /= ,TT-^\ =77-^1 '{& fitf I /VJ The disadvantage of this method is that in addition to the magnetising field of the coil in which the iron wire is placed, there is the vertical component of the earth's field acting on the iron. It is possible to neutralise the earth's field within the coil if an additional layer of wire is wound and a current of suitable amount is passed through this wind- ing. The adjustment is, however, troublesome, and, further, since it is impossible to introduce the wire into the coil without getting it mag- netised, it becomes necessary to demagnetise the iron in place. In general, it will be found most convenient not to attempt to neutralise the earth's field, but to apply a. correction afterwards. This correction will only be appreciable in the case of soft iron, in which material the permeability for small fields is fairly large. Suppose that Fig. 258 represents the result of plotting B against the magnetising field, on the supposition that the wire is at the start un- magnetised, and the magnetising field F is that deduced from the current in the magnetising coil, i.e. we neglect the effect of the vertical component of the earth's field. It will be seen that the curve cuts the axis of F at two points a and c, which are not symmetrical with reference to the origin ; the points of intersection corresponding to the values of F+ 1 P 3 and - 2'2. Hence if the origin is moved to the point - 0'45, the curve 238] CORRECTION OF FINITE LENGTH OF SPECIMEN 561 will be symmetrical about the new axis of B, the quantity + '45 repre- senting the value of the vertical component of the earth's "field. In the same way the points I and d, where the curve cuts the axis of B, or the points ef, where B is a maximum for the fields used, are not symmetrical, and to obtain symmetry we must move the origin down to the point - 200, -8 -6 -4-2 O2 the value B = 200 representing the induction produced in the iron by the earth's field. Hence by using these new axes we obtain a curve in which both B and C represent the actual values of these quantities, and the effect of the earth's field has been taken into account. 238. Correction on Account of the Finite Length of the Speci- men. In the magnetometer method we assume that the magnetisation throughout the rod is uniform, and that the magnetising field is also uniform. Now this is certainly not true, for the magnetising field is not exactly the same as the field which would exist if the iron were removed, owing to the field produced by the magnetisation developed in the specimen. Now, although this demagnetising effect of the induced magnetisation can be calculated in the case of an ellipsoid, such a shape is not practicable, and although a very long and thin cylinder may, as a first approximation, be taken as being equivalent to an ellipsoid, yet 2N 562 PERMEABILITY [238 experiment has shown that even in such a case the magnetisation is very far from uniform. 1 Hence where accurate measurements of the magnetic properties of a sample of iron are required, it is necessary to employ some other method in which the iron is magnetised uniformly. Such a method is described in the next section. Experiments have, however, been made to obtain the correction which has to be applied on account of the demagnetising field due to the poles developed at the ends of the specimen, and the results obtained may be applied to obtain an approximate correction in such cases where only comparatively short cylindrical rods of the iron are available. If F' is the field at any point of a cylinder of iron due to the mag- netism induced in the iron, then this quantity varies from one part of the bar to another, being a minimum at the centre of the bar. The mean value of F', however, is proportional to the mean intensity of magnetisation /, and the ratio F /I is called the demagnetising factor N for the bar. The value of this factor N depends on the dimension ratio m of the bar, that is, on the ratio of the length to the diameter. The following table gives the values of N for different values of m : DEMAGNETISING FACTORS FOR CYLINDRICAL RODS. m N m if 10 0-2160 80 0-0069 20 0775 100 0045 30 0393 150 0020 40 0328 200 0011 50 0162 300 0005 60 0118 500 00018 1000 00005 Assuming that we know the demagnetising factor for a particular specimen, the easiest way of applying the correction is as follows : Plot the results of the measurements of / and F, on the assumption that the demagnetising field is zero, thus obtaining the curve OA (Fig. 259). We have now to reduce the values of F by an amount F' or NI 9 where N is the demagnetising factor for the specimen. Tq do this draw the straight line oc, making an angle < with the Y axis, where tan = N. Then if we take the line oc as a new [axis of Y, the values of the magnetising field measured from this new axis will be corrected for the demagnetising field. For consider a point p on the curve. The intensity of magnetisation is OM, and the demagnetising field is therefore N . OM. But NM = OM tan < = N . OM. Hence the demagnetising field is repre- 1 See Lamb, Philosophical Magazine, September 1899. 239] BALLISTIC METHOD sented by NM, and the actual magnetising field acting on the iron" is OQ - NM, that is, represented by the line NP. Thus to obtain the true o Q * MAGNETISING FIELD F FIG. 259. curve OB, we decrease the abscissa of every point on the observed curve OA by an amount equal to the intersept between the line oc and the axis of Y. 239. The Ballistic Method of Measuring Permeability. If a ring of iron of which the dimensions are in- dicated by the symbols shown in Fig. 260 is wrapped round with a secondary coil containing N turns, and over this is wound a magnetising coil of M turns, while the magnetising coil is traversed by a current C. Then the mean magnetising field over the' cross-section of the iron is l F= 2MC/r. The field at the inner edge of the ring is greater than this mean and that near the outer is less, but if the radial width of the iron t\ r 9 is kept small compared to the mean radius r, the 1 If we suppose the iron removed without disturbing the primary coil, and then carried a unit magnetic pole once round the anchor ring thus left, the work done would be lirMC. For we should have carried the pole once round M circuits, through each of which a current C is flowing. (See Watson's Physics, 478.) If F is the field along the middle of the ring, i.e. along a circle of radius r, the work done when the unit pole is carried once round this circle is ItrrF. Hence equating the two expressions for the work, we get FIG. 260. 564 PERMEABILITY [239 magnetising field may be assumed to be uniform and equal to the mean value. 1 If B l is the,induction within the iron when the magnetising current is (7, then the total induction, or the number of tubes of force which cross any cross-section of the iron, is sB^ where s is the cross-section of the iron. Hence since there are N turns in the secondary, the total induction through the secondary is sB^N. If the secondary is connected to a ballistic galvanometer, the resistance of the secondary circuit being R, and the magnetising current is changed to (?,, the magnetic induction in the iron becoming B^ the quantity of electricity which flows through the secondary circuit will be given by Q R Hence if the throw of the ballistic galvanometer is a, and the constant of the galvanometer is K, we have R or RK jr. D . 0, / VA-isr-.* 1 !- 1 ( Thus a change of the magnetising field from 2MCJr to 2MC<,!r has caused a change in the induction of B l - # 2 , 2 which can immediately be calculated from the throw of the ballistic galvanometer if the constant of the instrument is known. The general arrangement of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 261. The secondary coil of the iron anchor ring is connected to a ballistic galvanometer G and to a secondary coil D wound on a long solenoid FH. The object of this coil D is to determine the constant of the gal- vanometer by noting the throw when a known current in the primary is 1 The errors produced in the case of iron by assuming that the field is uniform throughout the cross-section for different values of the external radius r- 2 , the width of the ring, namely, r- 2 - r } , being unity, are as follows : Values of ?- 2 for the Error to be 1%. 2%. 10 4%. 1-0%. t>-7 i-o 20 8 2 Where JS z - l is given in maxwells if R is measured in c.g.s. units - 9 ohms). BALLISTIC METHOD 565 239] reversed (see 220). The primary coil of the anchor ring is connected through a two-way key K 2 to a commutator c. This commutator is one designed by Ewing for use in such measurements, and may consist of a Pohl commutator, in which the connection between the cups 3 and 4 has been removed. To the cups 1 and 4 are connected an ammeter J, a battery E, and an adjustable resistance R r To the cups 3 and 4 are connected a key K l and a resistance box R 2 , joined in parallel. The primary of the solenoid FH is connected to one cup of the two-way key K 2 and to the cup 5 of the commutator c, as shown in the figure. When the key KJ is closed, then throwing over the commutator c simply reverses the current in the primary of the ring, without altering the magnitude of the current. When, however, the key KJ is open, then putting the commutator over to the left not only reverses the current, but also reduces it, since the additional resistance R. 2 is now inserted in the battery circuit. When the constant of the ballistic galvano- meter is to be deter- mined, key K 2 is turned to the right and the key K X is closed, and the throw of the galvano- meter noted when the commutator c is put across. The method of deducing the constant is that given in 220. The method of ob- taining the BF curve is as follows : The ring- having been demagnetised by reversals ( 240), the resistance R l is adjusted to give the maximum magnetising field to be used, and the key KJ being closed, the commutator c is worked backwards and forwards some twenty times, so as to establish a cyclical state in the iron. The commutator then being to the left, the current passing is noted and the key KJ is opened, thus producing a drop in the magnetising force, and the kick of the galvanometer is noted, as well as the new value of the current. We thus obtain the change in B produced by a certain drop in F. The key K! is then closed and the commutator c worked for about twenty times to re-establish the initial conditions, and R 2 is given a larger value. The current having been read, the key KJ is opened and the throw noted, as well as the new value of the current. In this way the FIG. 261. 566 PERMEABILITY [ 239 change in^B corresponding to a greater change in F is obtained. In this way a number of points are obtained, the final one corresponding to the resistance E 2 being infinite, i.e. the kick corresponding to the change in induction when the magnetising field F changes from its maximum value to zero. To obtain the portion of the curve corresponding to negative values of F, the key K t is closed and the commutator reversed twenty times, being finally left to the right. R 2 having been given a large value, the key iq is opened and the commutator c moved to the left. In this way the current is reversed, and at the same time is reduced to a small value, the throw corresponding to a change of F from its maximum positive value to a small negative value. Proceeding in this way R 2 is gradually decreased till it becomes zero, when the throw corresponds to the change in B, produced by reversing the maximum magnetising field. Half this change in B gives the value of B corresponding to the ^maxi- mum value of F, and hence having plotted this point the other points in the curve can at once be set out, for we know the difference between the value of B for each of the steps in F and the value of B for the maximum value of F. It is unnecessary to observe the other half of the cycle, since the curve obtained will be similar to the first half. By changing the value of the resistance RJ cycles with different maxi- mum values of B can be obtained. Having plotted the B-F curve, the hysteresis may be calculated by measuring the area of the loop enclosed by the curve. If A is the area of the loop, then the energy dissipated per cycle in each cubic centimetre of the iron is A/^TT (see Watson's Physics, 509). If the I-F loop is plotted, then the hysteresis loss per cubic centimetre per cycle is numeri- cally equal to the area of the loop. When calculating the hysteresis, it must be remembered that the area in square centimetres will only represent the hysteresis numerically if 1 centimetre represents unity in both B and F. Since B is in general enormously greater than F, the scale adopted for B must be taken much smaller than that taken for F. If 1 cm. on the curve represents / units of F and b units of B, then 1 square centimetre of the loop represents fb ergs. The advantage of the anchor ring is that since there are no free poles developed there is no demagnetising field, and hence the magnetising force is the same as the magnetic field which would exist inside the magnetising coil supposing the iron were absent. There is, however, a practical objection to this form in that every sample of iron which is to be tested requires winding with a primary and a secondary coil, and since the winding has perforce to be done by hand, the process is one which takes some time. The ballistic method may be applied to the case of samples in the form of long rods by using as the magnetising coil a helix similar to that used in 220, and surrounding the centre of the specimen with a secondary coil, which is connected up to a ballistic 240] DEMAGNETISATION OF A SPECIMEN OF IRON 567 galvanometer, as in the case* of thev\ anchor ring. This secondary coil may either be wound direct on the iron, or it can be wound on a glass or vulcanised fibre tube, which is slipped over the iron. If the secondary is wound on a tube, the diameter of the tube should be as small as possible, so that the space between the secondary coil and the iron may be as small as possible. A correction will have to be applied |for the effect of the lines of force which thread through the secondary coil between the coil and the iron. If the cross-section of the iron is s, and that of the secondary coil is cr, while there are N turns in the -secondary, then when the magnetising field is F the induction through the secondary, due to the lines of force of the magnetising field which are included between the secondary and the iron, is (a- - s)NF. Hence when the magnetising field is changed by an amount 8F, the change in induction through the secondary, due to the field between the secondary circuit and the iron, will be (a- - s)N8F, and hence the measured induction, as deduced from the galvanometer throw, will have to be reduced by this amount to give the change in induction through the iron. The advantage this method of testing a long thin rod has over the magnetometer method is that we are only here concerned with the intensity of magnetisation of the iron near the middle of the rod, which, if the rod is long and thin, is very nearly independent of the effect of the ends. --2 40. To Demagnetise a Specimen of Iron. Since the induction in a sample of iron at any given instant depends not only on the magnetising force which exists at the time, but also to some extent on the previous magnetic history of the specimen, it is of importance to be able to reduce the iron to some definite magnetic condition which shall be independent of all previous magnetisation. A specimen of iron to which this process has been applied is said to be demagnetised. In the case of thin wires, perhaps the most convenient method of demagnetisation is to heat the wires to redness. This can be done by slowly passing the wire through a Bunsen flame, care being taken to hold the wire horizontal and in an east and west direction, so that it is unacted upon by the earth's field. In many cases, however, as, for example, with an anchor ring wound with its coils, heating to redness is impossible. The procedure here adopted is to pass an alternating current through the primary winding, and to gradually reduce the strength of this alternating current to zero. It is of importance to start with a sufficiently strong current, otherwise the effects of previous magnetisations may not entirely be removed. The current employed should be such as to give an intensity of magnetisation considerably greater than that corresponding to the point where the IF curve bends sharply over, i.e. the field should be sufficient to magnetise the iron to saturation. In the case of soft iron, if the magnetising field at the start amounts to about 10 c.g.s. units (gausses), the demagnetisation will be complete. If an alternating current is available, then this may be used to produce the demagnetisation, otherwise a small commutator driven by 568 PERMEABILITY [ 240 a small motor must be used to convert a direct current into an alternating one. A resistance, consisting of a trough about 50 cms. long and 5 cm. wide and 8 cm. deep, filled with zinc sulphate solution, should be included in the circuit. The electrodes consist of two amalgamated plates of zinc. One of these plates is fixed, and the other is movable. The trough is tilted, so that the depth of the solution at the end farthest from the fixed electrode is only about a centimetre. Starting with the movable electrode close to the fixed one, the movable electrode is slowly moved to the shallow end of the trough, by which means the current is gradually reduced to zero. CHAPTER XXXIV THE QUADRANT ELECTROMETER 241. The Quadrant Electrometer. The original Kelvin pattern quadrant electrometer was a very elaborate instrument, troublesome to set up, and difficult to keep in adjust- ment. Of recent years, however, a more simple form of quadrant electro- meter has been found just as accu- rate, and very much easier to use. The best known pattern of quadrant electro- meter of this more simple form is that designed by ' Dole- zalek, 1 and is shown in Fig. 262. The needle is made of two pieces of silvered paper of the form shown at (a) at- tached to a thin stem of aluminium, which also carries a mirror. The needle system is suspended by a thin strip of phosphor bronze or a quartz fibre, rendered conducting by being smeared with a solution of calcium chloride, or coated with a thin layer of platinum. The needle should be charged to between 100 and 200 volts, and for 1 Zeit. fur Instrumentcnkunde (1901), xxi. 345. FIG. 262. 570 THE QUADRANT ELECTROMETER [241 this purpose it is connected to one pole of a battery of about eighty small accumulators, the other pole of the battery, as well as the outside case of the instrument, being earthed by being joined to the gas or water pipes. A convenient form of battery of small accumulators for use with an electrometer is shown in Fig. 263. The cells consist of glass tubes having a diameter of about 1 inch, and a length of 6 inches. Forty of these glass tubes are imbedded in paraffin wax contained in a shallow wooden tray, the upper inch of the tubes also being coated with paraffin wax to pre- vent the acid creeping. This coating is easily performed after the tubes are fixed in the tray by dipping them into some melted wax contained in a shallow dish. The electrodes consist of strips of lead bent into a U FIG. 263. shape, each strip dipping into two adjacent glass tubes. A small strip of glass is placed between the lead plates in each tube, so as to prevent short- circuiting by the lead plates coming in contact. The glass tubes are filled to within about'an inch of the top with a solution of sulphuric acid, made by adding 1 part of pure sulphuric acid to 8 parts of distilled water. If such a box containing forty cells is connected to a 100 volt lighting circuit through an ordinary 25 candle-power 100 volt incandescent lamp, the cells will be charged at the right rate. If the voltage of the electric supply is 200, then two such boxes may be charged in series. When the cells are first set up, it will be necessary to charge them first in one direction and then in the other some twenty or thirty times, so as to " form " the plates. After the plates have been formed in this way, the 1242] CAPACITY OF A QUADRANT ELECTROMETER 571 cells should receive a good charging in one direction, and then care must be taken to always charge them in this direction. It will be found advantageous to enclose the trays containing the cells in wooden boxes fitted with lids, as in this way the cells are protected from dust. The leads from the cells may be taken through holes in the sides of these boxes, the holes being bushed with paraffin wax. Two boxes containing forty cells in each can be used in series to charge the needle of the electrometer, the boxes being charged by being con- nected in parallel if the lighting circuit is at 100 volts. One pair of quadrants of the electrometer is permanently connected to earth by being joined to the case of the instrument. The other pair is connected to the apparatus being employed, and to a key by which these quadrants also may be earthed when required. A simple form of key for this purpose is shown in Fig. 264. It consists of a block of paraffin wax A, in which is scooped a mercury cup B, the mercury being connected to the electrometer by the wire c. A piece of clock spring D is screwed to the base, and to the side of this spring is soldered a piece of wire E. The spring is con- nected to earth through a wire G, and when the spring' is bent by pulling on a string F, the point of E dips into the mercury, and the FIG. 264. electrometer is earthed. Having set up the electrometer, and adjusted a telescope and scale to measure the movement of the needle, connect the needle and both sets of quadrants to earth. Having made a note of the scale reading, charge the needle, keeping the quadrants earthed. If there is a change in the reading, it shows that the needle is not symmetrical with respect to the quadrants. In some forms of electrometer one of the quadrants is made adjustable, and in this case this quadrant must be moved till the needle comes back to the position it occupied before it was charged. In most cases, however, it is very much easier to adjust the needle by tilting the whole instrument by means of the levelling screws. The scale read- ing having been brought back to its original value by tilting the instru- ment, it will be advisable to discharge the needle and make certain that the "uncharged" reading has not altered. When the needle has been adjusted to a symmetrical position in this way, the deflections on the two sides of the zero should, for equal charges, be the same, also the position of the zero will not alter if the potential of the needle changes. 242. Determination of the Capacity of a Quadrant Electrometer. For many experiments it is necessary to know the capacity of a quadrant electrometer, for often this capacity is comparable in magnitude 572 THE QUADRANT ELECTROMETER [ 242 with the capacity of the condensers, &c., with which the instrument is connected. The electrometer A (Fig. 265) is connected to the key p, which is of the pattern shown in Fig. 264, and to a small mercury cup G in a block of paraffin. A second mercury cup in this block is connected to one coating of a small condenser. This condenser consists of two concentric brass tubes. The outer tube D is connected with earth, while the inner EARTH tube is insulated by being supported on two small ebonite blocks. If I is the length of the tubes, a the external diameter of the inner tube, and b the internal diameter of the outer tube, the capacity is given in electrostatic units by I C = 2h *.a This expression neglects the effect of the ends, but if the space between the tubes is small, the error produced on this account will not be sufficient to invalidate the results. The condenser being disconnected from the electrometer, the battery E is joined to the electrometer by closing the key F, and the deflection d l is observed. The key F having been opened, the electrometer is caused to share its charge with the condenser by inserting the small copper bridge B in the mercury cups G. If the deflection is now d 2 , we have, if c is the capacity of the electrometer, For if we assume that the deflection is proportional to the potential, the original charge on the electrometer is v where a is a constant factor, while the charge on the electrometer and condenser is a(c + C)d f) . Hence, since these charges are equal, from which the formula given above at once follows. 243] SATURATION CURRENT 573 243. Determination of the Saturation Current. If a layer of some radio-active substance, such as uranium oxide, is placed on an insulated metal plate c (Fig. 266), and this plate is connected to one pole of a battery E, the other pole being earthed, then an electrometer A connected to a second insulated plate B will gradually be deflected, showing that a current is passing through the gas between the plates c and B. If the difference of potential between the plates B and c is gradually increased, then the current which passes also gradually increases. This increase is at first rapid, but becomes slower and slower, till finally a fairly moderate further increase of E.M.F. produces no further increase in the current. This maximum current is called the saturation EAKTH FIG. 266. current, and is such that the ions being produced between the plates due to the radio-active material are being removed by this current as fast as they are being produced (see Watson's Physics, 566). The metal plates B and c (Fig. 266) are supported on ebonite pillars inside a metal box D, and the radio-active substance is spread on the plate c. The distance between the plates ought to be about a centimetre, when, with uranium oxide, the saturation current will be obtained with between 100 and 200 volts. If c is the capacity in electrostatic units of the electrometer and its connections, including the plate B (this quantity can be determined in the manner described in the last section), d the number of scale divisions passed over in a second when the needle has settled down to its uniform speed of rotation, and D the deflection produced by 1 volt, that is, 1/300 electrostatic units, then the rise in potential in one second is _d_ 300D units. The charge on the electrometer and plate B has therefore increased in one second by cd electrostatic units. 574 THE QUADRANT ELECTROMETER [ 243 But the increase in the charge in one second is equal to the current. Hence the current is cd electrostatic units, or Q-~ x 10~ n amperes ...... (1) To perform the experiment, the small accumulators described in 241 are used, and starting with a few cells, the rate at which the electrometer deflection increases when the earthing key F (Fig. 266) is opened is determined. To obtain this rate, the time taken for the deflection to increase by 100 scale divisions is noted on a stop-watch, care being taken not to start observing till the needle has moved some little distance from its position of rest, so that its motion has had time to become uniform. When using an electrometer in this way to measure a current, it is important that the needle should be almost dead-beat. If the damping is too small, then the needle will move with an oscillatory movement superimposed on the steady movement. If, however, the damping is too great, the needle will take some time before its motion becomes uniform. If the rate of movement of the needle is too great to be accurately observed, then a condenser may be put in parallel with the electrometer, in which case the quantity c in (1) is the sum of the capacities of the condenser and the electrometer. Determine the current passing between the plates c and B for different E.M.F.'s by the above method, and plot your results in the form of a curve, taking the current as ordinate, and the applied E.M.F. as abscissa. If you have been able to apply a sufficiently high E.M.F. to obtain the saturation current, the curve will be almost horizontal for the higher E.M.F.'s, and the current corresponding to this horizontal portion of the curve will be the saturation current. Alter the distance between the plates B and c, and repeat the observa- tions. In this way prove that as the distance between the plates increases the current produced by a given difference of potential in- creases, in this respect differing from what occurs when an E.M.F. is applied to an electrolyte. APPENDIX 1. Grlass Blowing. The art of performing simple glass blowing opera- tions is so essential, that although it is almost impossible to impart it by description, yet it may be worth while to devote a few pages l to giving a few hints. In glass blowing success can only be obtained after much practice, and wherever possible the student is advised to obtain some lessons from a competent worker. The blow-pipe to be used is an important adjunct, but the exact pattern is not of very much importance. There are many forms of blow- pipe on the market, some of which are complicated and expensive. The student is, however, recommended to use a simple pattern, having a single tap on the gas-supply, and a joint by which the inclination of the jet can be varied. The chief fault of most blow-pipes as supplied by the makers is that the nipple at the end of the gas-supply pipe is much too fine. The bore of the hole in the nipple ought to be between 0'5 and 2 mm., a very useful size being 1*4 mm. A foot bellows of ample size will be required to supply the air, and this bellows must be fastened to the blow-pipe table, so that when in use it cannot move away from the operator's foot, as invariably occurs at a critical moment if it simply rests on the floor alongside the table. Fletcher's universal blow-pipe, number 3, on a stand, with a tap to the gas-supply, and his foot blower, number 3 or 5, will be found suitable for all but the heaviest glass blowing required in an ordinary physical laboratory. Since soda-glass is almost invariably used for making physical appa- ratus, and, further, its manipulation is simpler than that of lead-glass, the following notes only apply to the former : The glass used should be of a good quality, and should bear heating in the blow-pipe flame for some considerable time without showing any signs of becoming frosted. Other accessories which will be required in addition to the blow-pipe and bellows are : (1) some small triangular files foivcutting off glass tube ; (2) some pieces of wood charcoal, sharpened at the end into conical points of different sizes ; (3) a wire nail, about 2 inches long, fitted in a handle : the top of the nail is cut off, and this end is forced into the handle so that the point projects for about an inch ; (4) a small mouth-piece made by first expanding the end of a piece of glass tube of 1 A small book in which there are many hints on glass blowing is Shenstone's The Methods of Glass Bloivitig (Longmans). Many hints on glass blowing and many other matters of interest to the worker in a physical laboratory will be found in Laboratory Art, by Threlfall (Macmillan). 575 576 APPENDIX about 7 mm. diameter, and then, when the glass is still hot, pinching the tube together near the end. This mouth-piece is attached to about a metre of small-bore rubber tubing, and is used for blowing into pieces of apparatus which cannot conveniently be brought directly to the mouth, or where pressure has to be exerted on the work while being heated in the flame. (a) Bending Glass Tube, Glass tube up to about a centimetre in diameter can most conveniently be bent by heating the place where the bend is to occur over an ordinary bat's-wing burner. While the tube is being heated it must be continually rotated, being supported by the hands placed as nearly as possible at the centre of gravity of the two portions of the tube on opposite sides of the heated portion. When it is felt that the tube has become quite bendable, remove it from the flame, and slowly and steadily bend the two sides upwards. Throughout the bending operation the tube should be kept in a vertical plane, otherwise the weight of the heated portion of the tube will cause the bend to be on one side. To bend tube having a diameter greater than a centimetre without reducing the bore is a difficult operation. One end of the tube must be stopped with a cork, and in the other is placed a cork, through which passes a short length of quill tubing. This piece of tube is connected to the rubber-tube attached to the mouth-piece described above. The tube to be bent is heated in a very large blow-pipe flame, and as the glass softens the hands are very slightly pressed together, so as to slightly thicken the glass. If the glass during this operation shows a tendency to con- strict the bore, it must be removed from the flame, and must be gently blown out. When about 4 or 5 cm. of the tube has been thickened in this way, having thoroughly and uniformly heated the thickened portion, remove the tube from the flame and gently draw it out, and immediately after, or rather almost during the drawing out, bend the tube into the required shape. During the drawing out and bending blow gently into the tube, so as to prevent the sides from collapsing. If constricting the tube at the bend is no disadvantage, then the following method is quite easy : Heat the tube in a moderate sized flame, and gradually thicken the glass by very gently moving the hands towards one another. When about 4 cm. of the tube has been thickened, so that the bore is about two-thirds of its original size without the out- side being much reduced in size, remove the glass from the flame, and very slowly draw the ends apart. When the drawn-down portion is about 8 cm. long, bend the two ends upwards. The glass at the drawn- down portion being thick will retain enough heat to remain flexible for some considerable time. Hence it will be easy to adjust the bend to the desired shape. The thickness of the walls also "prevents the sides of the tube collapsing at the bend. (b) To Close the End of a Tube.Rold the end of the tube in the blow-pipe flame, and when the edge of the glass is soft, take a small piece of waste glass and push the walls of the tube together. Having bunched the end of the tube together, allow the waste piece of glass to APPENDIX 577 adhere, and then heat the tube a little beyond the bunched in portion with a small name. The tube must be kept in continuous rotation during this operation, and a gentle outward strain kept on the piece of glass which was fixed on the end. In this way a narrow neck is pro- duced, and by continuing the heating this neck is gradually closed, and the end piece of glass is drawn off. The tube will thus be closed, but the closed end will be conical, ending in a sharp point where the glass was drawn off. The conical end is then heated pretty strongly, and after removal from the flame, the end is rounded by blowing gently into the tube. To successfully round off the tube, the heating and blowing require the exercise of some judgment. If, however, the following is kept in mind, success will be obtained after a little practice : When the tube is in the flame the thinner portions get hottest, and hence if you blow into the tube immediately after its removal from the flame, these hot portions will be most blown out, and hence the thin parts will become thinner. If, however, you wait a little after removing the glass from the flame, the thin parts will cool most rapidly, and hence if you then blow into the tube you will blow out the thicker portions, since these will have retained the heat. In this way the thickness of the glass is gradually made more uniform. It will in general be necessary to heat up the end two or three times, blowing it out between each heating, before a nicely rounded end, having a uniform thickness, is obtained. (c) To Blow a Bulb on the End of a Tube. Having closed the end of the tube in the manner described above, hold the tube in the right hand, with the closed end slightly higher than the open end, and so that the flame plays on the tube a little inside the end. Keep the tube rotating backwards and forwards by rolling it with the thumb over the extended fingers. When the glass has thickened and the bore been reduced to about half, start heating a little farther along the tube. The rate of turning must be so adjusted that it just counteracts the tendency of the heated portion to droop under the action of gravity. If the heated portion becomes very irregular, remove the tube from the flame, and gently blow into the tube. By alternate heating and blowing obtain a pear-shaped mass of glass, the bore of the tube, however, running almost to the end. It is most important that the bore should extend almost to the end of the lump of glass, and this was the reason why the first heating was made just inside the end. When the pear- shaped mass of glass has been obtained it must be heated to a bright red, the heating being as uniform as possible. Then remove the glass from the flame, and holding the tube as nearly vertical as possible, the heated end being downwards, very gently blow into the tube. It is advisable to keep the tube slowly rotating while you are blowing out the bulb. If the bulb shows a marked inclination to bulge out in one direction, hold the tube horizontal with the bulge turned downwards. The uprush of cold air produced by convection will in this position slightly cool the lower portion of the bulb, and hence this portion will not be blown out so easily. 2 6 578 APPENDIX If the first attempt results in a very irregular bulb, by turning on the gas full and using a large flame with little air the bulb may slowly be reduced in size. Whenever the surface becomes crinkled, gently blow into the tube. This reducing process must be continued till the pear- shaped mass of glass, with a small hole down the centre, is again obtained. It is useless to attempt to again blow up the bulb after only slightly reducing its size. (d) To Blow a Bulb in the Middle of a Tube. Having closed one end of the tube, either by drawing it out in the flame or by means of a cork, hold the tube on the two sides of the place where it is desired to make the bulb in the two hands. The two hands must be held in the same way, either with the tube held on the outstretched fingers by means of the thumbs, the backs of the hands being downwards, or rolling on the thumb and first finger, the back of the hands being turned upwards. Unless both hands are held in the same way, it will be found very difficult to turn the two halves of the tube at exactly the same rate. Heat the tube in a 'moderately large flame, keeping up a to-and-fro rotatory motion, and slowly press Apr* the two halves together. When ^^^^^ r ~, -zr--*r"~r-r *ke glass has thickened, blow out - ~~* " the mass slightly as at A (Fig. "' "" ''sax*^asm*K&8s=ss*~ i ~** a * 267). Then "heat the tube along- side the thickened portion, and having thickened the glass, slightly blow it out. Eepeat the process again if a large bulb is required, FIG. 267. so that the tube has the form shown in the figure. Next using a large flame, heat the thickened portion, and by alternately heating and gently blowing, work the glass into the form shown at D. Finally, heat the collected glass to a uniform bright red, and then removing the tube from the flame, blow the bulb of the required size. The bulb must be blown slowly, and any tendency to a bulge on one side checked by turning this side down. If an oval bulb is required, the two portions of the tube must be pulled apart as the bulb is reaching its full size. (e) To Join together Two Pieces of Tube. If the two pieces of tube have the same diameter, then having seen that the ends to be joined are both smooth and at right angles to the axis of the tube, close the other end of one piece. Then using a fairly large flame, heat the extreme ends of the tubes, and when the glass is quite hot and plastic remove from the flame, and immediately press the two ends together, taking care that they are in contact all round. If the tubes are of small diameter, turn the flame down and thoroughly heat the joint all round till the glass has fallen together enough to appreciably reduce the bore. Remove the tube from the flame and gently blow into the open tube, and at the same time draw the two halves of the tube apart. The pressure exerted and the APPENDIX 579 amount of traction must be so adjusted that the diameter of the tube at the joint becomes the same as that of the rest of the tube, while the thickness of the glass at the joint is also the same as that of the rest of the tube. The joint must then be well annealed by rotating it over a small flame, obtained without using any air in the blow-pipe. In this snioky flame the glass will become coated with soot. After heating the glass for a minute or two over the smoky flame, wrap the joint round with cotton wool, and set it aside to cool. If the tubes have a diameter greater than about 7 mm., then after making them adhere as described above, turn the flame down so that a very small pointed jet is obtained. With the point of this jet heat a small portion of the joint till the glass is quite fluid. Then remove the glass from the flame, and by gently blowing into the tube blow out the heated portion of glass which will have caved in under the action of the flame. Next heat in the same manner the adjacent portion of the joint, and proceeding in this way gradually work completely round the joint. By this procedure the glass at the joint will be thoroughly fused together, and during the process the portions of the joint, which are not being strongly heated, will be rigid, and so will assist in preventing the joint becoming irregular. Having welded the glass well together by the above method, the whole joint must be heated by rotating the tube in a slightly larger flame, and then by blowing and gentle traction the joint must be brought to the same diameter as the rest of the tube. Finally, the joint must be annealed as described above. If the tubes to be joined are of small diameter, it will be found of advantage to enlarge them at the ends to be joined. This can be done by heating the end of the tube and then inserting the iron nail fitted to a handle and rotating the tube, the nail being pressed against the inside of the tube. If the tubes to be joined are of different diameters, then the larger tube must be drawn down till the drawn-down portion is of the same diameter as the smaller tube. The junction between this drawn-down portion and the other tube is then effected as in the case of two tubes of equal diameter. (/) To Make a T -piece. To make a T-piece, close one end of the glass A, which is to form the top of the T, and also one end of the glass B, which is to form the stem. Then using a very small pointed flame, heat a single spot on the tube A at the point where the side tube is to be attached. During this heating the glass must not be rotated. When the spot of glass is red-hot, blow gently into the tube, and thus raise a small pimple on the glass. The diameter of this pimple ought to be the same as the diameter of the tube B. Next strongly heat the extreme top of the pimple, and blow strongly into the tube. In this way a large kidney- shaped bulb of very thin glass will be produced. This bulb is broken away, leaving a hole in the side of the tube A with a raised edge, the diameter of the hole being approximately the same as the diameter of the tube B. 580 APPENDIX Taking the tube A in the left hand and the tube B in the right, heat the hole in A and the end of B in a fairly large flame, and when the edges are fairly fluid bring them in contact, being care- ful that no gaps are left. Next attach the rubber tube and mouth-piece to the open end of the tube A, and using a very small jet heat a single point of the joint till the glass flows together, after which gently blow out this heated portion. Proceeding bit by bit, heat FIG. 268. a n round the joint in this way, being particularly careful to round off the corners A, B (Fig. 268). Finally, give the whole joint, including the portion c of the tube A, a good general heating in a fairly large flame, and having carefully annealed in a smoky flame, pack the joint in cotton wool and allow it to cool. (g) To Seal a Platinum Wire through the Side of a Glass Tube. To make the hole in the glass tube through which the platinum wire is to pass, heat a small spot on the tube, and when the glass is red-hot, touch the place with a piece of platinum wire. The glass will adhere to the end of the wire, and by quickly drawing the wire away the glass will be drawn out into a fine capillary tube. Break off this capillary near the surface of the tube and, if necessary, trim the end flush with the side of the tube with a file. Draw down a piece of the same length of glass tube as that into which the wire is to pass to a capillary with walls about a millimetre thick, and of such a bore that the platinum wire fits fairly closely. Cut off about a centimetre of this capillary and thread it on the platinum wire, and then heat one end of the capillary so that it flows round the wire. By means of another portion of the drawn- down tube wind a little glass round the fused end of the capillary so as to form a little . bead of glass, as shown at (a), ' ' Fig. 269. Pass the wire and the capillary through the hole in the tube, and with a small FIG. 269. pointed flame strongly heat the bead of glass and the portion of the tube in the immediate vicinity. During the heating move the wire about a little by means of a pair of small forceps, and occasionally blow down the tube. In this way the seal is to be brought to the form shown at (b), Fig. 269. Such a seal must be very carefully annealed by being heated for several minutes in a smoky flame, and then being packed round with cotton wool. Wherever possible, a platinum wire should be sealed through the end of a glass tube, rather than through the side. In fact it is quite worth while, in the case where an electrode is required to pass through the side of a glass tube, to seal on a small side tube, the wire passing through the end of this tube. APPENDIX 581 FIG. 270. The disadvantage of the form of electrode shown in Fig. 269 is that the loop of platinum on the outside is apt to get broken off. A form of electrode which will often be found better is shown in Fig. 270. A short length of narrow tubing has its bore contracted, and is then attached to the side of the tube, forming a T-piece. The platinum wire is then inserted, and the thickened part of the side tube is heated till the glass flows round the middle of the wire. Finally, if necessary, the side tube is bent round at right angles. When in use a little mercury is placed in the side tube, and the connecting wire dips into this mercury. (h) To Cut Large Sore Glass Tube,G\nss tube up to about 2 cm. in diameter can be cut satisfactorily by means of a file ; in the case of larger tubes, however, the only really satisfactory method of making a neat square cut is by making a circular scratch on the inside of the tube with a diamond. The instrument used to make such a scratch is shown in Fig. 271. It consists of a steel rod AB, having a small cutting diamond let in at A. A metal disc c attached to a collar can be clamped by means of a screw at any desired point along the rod AB. The disc c having been set so that the distance between it and the diamond point is equal to the length of tube to be cut off, the diamond is lightly pressed against the inside of the tube, while the tube is rotated. In this way a very fine scratch will be made round the tube. If in place of a fine scratch a wide rough scratch is obtained, it shows that the diamond is not acting properly, and generally means that too much pressure is being exerted. Having made a satisfactory scratch, try whether the tube will break when you apply a fairly strong longitudinal pull to the tube. If such a pull will not cause the tube to break, bring the scratched part quickly into a small flame, rotating the tube the while. The sudden heating will cause the tube to crack at the place where the diamond made the scratch. 2. Working Fused Silica Manufacture of Quartz Fibres. Amorphous silica, obtained by the fusion of pure quartz, has many pro- perties which render it very valuable in the physical laboratory. The chief of these are, first, that its coefficient of thermal expansion is excessively small (about '0000001), so that a piece of the material may be suddenly introduced into the oxy-hydrogen flame, or when red-hot plunged into cold water, without cracking. Secondly, fibres of this material are not only very strong for their cross-section, but what is very FIG. 271. 582 APPENDIX much more valuable, they are almost entirely free from torsional elastic fatigue. It is this property which makes quartz fibres so very valuable for supporting galvanometer and electrometer needles, for it is only with this material that the position of the zero does not move after the needle has been deflected. With all other materials there is always a movement of the zero, owing to the imperfect recovery of the fibre from the effects of the torsion to which it has been subjected. Since the manipulation necessary to make and mount such quartz fibres as are ordinarily required for suspension purposes in the laboratory is easily acquired, it is hoped that the following hints will encourage all students to familiarise themselves with the processes : Since quartz only fuses at a temperature higher than that attainable with the ordinary air-gas blow-pipe, it is necessary to use either an oxygen and coal-gas or oxygen and hydrogen jet. Personally, the author prefers hydrogen to coal-gas, since a smaller and hotter name can be obtained. The coal-gas, however, has cheapness to recommend it. The blow-pipe to be used is such as is employed for the limelight, and what is called a mixed jet is to be preferred. In this type of jet the gases are mixed in a small chamber before they reach the jet. A suitable form of jet is shown in Fig. 272. The bottle containing FIG. 272. . the oxygen, also the one containing the hydrogen, if hydrogen is used, should be fitted with a pressure regulator, so that the amount of gas in the flame can be regulated by the taps ^on the jet. If no pressure regulators are used, then the adjustment must be performed by means of the cocks on the bottles, for if the taps on the jet are used, the rubber tubing will burst. The supply of the gases must be so adjusted that a narrow flame about 20 cm. long is obtained which emits only a very slight noise so long as the jet is at rest, but gives a roar when the jet is moved fairly rapidly from side to side. A pair of very dark smoked spectacles will be required, since the hot quartz is much too bright to be looked at with the naked eye. It is advisable to remember that although the flame is quite invisible through such glasses, yet it is still there, and a very nasty burn will result if the fingers are inadvertently placed in the flame. The most troublesome process when working fused silica is to fuse the quartz into sticks, since when a crystal of quartz is heated it immediately flies into small fragments. By far the cheapest method of ob- taining sticks of fused quartz is to buy them from Messrs. Baird and APPENDIX 583 Tatlock of 14 Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London, since the cost in gas of preparing such sticks will probably amount to more than the price. 1 If, however, it is desired to prepare the sticks of fused quartz, the following method, described by Shenstone, will be found fairly easy : Small pieces of pure clear quartz are placed in a platinum crucible, and heated over an ordinary blow-pipe to a bright red. The quartz is then tipped into a large beaker containing cold water, and, as a result of the innumerable small cracks produced by the sudden cooling, acquires a milk white colour. Two fairly large pieces of this milky quartz are held in two small forceps, and the edges are heated in oxy-hydrogen flame and brought into contact. They adhere together, and then holding one piece in the forceps the other is melted, or at any rate partly melted. A third lump is then added, and this is melted, and so on. When about an inch of very rough rod has been built up in this way, heat the rod in the middle strongly, and then slowly draw it out, forming a fairly uniform rod having a diameter of about 2 mm. Cut this rod in half, and then using these smooth portions as handles, bring the rough ends together in the flame, and work the quartz, by alternate heating and drawing down, to a uniform rod. Next cut this rod in half, and fuse a fresh lump of milky quartz to one end of one half, and then fuse on the other half of the rod and work up the fresh quartz. Proceeding in this way, with a little practice very fairly uniform rods of the fused silica can be built up. Having once got started, always add fresh quartz by cutting the stick and inserting the new material in the middle. In this way the portions of the stick already prepared serve as handles. Before starting to make quartz fibres it will be necessary to prepare some frames on which to store the fibres. A con- | venient form of frame is f^ y~l O* Q shown in Fig. 273, and for J ^ ordinary purposes may con- veniently be 'about 30 centi- FIG. 273. metres long. Four or five of these frames may be stored together in a wooden box, into which they fit, each frame resting on the one below, the raised sides of the frames keeping the ends, to which the fibres are attached by shellac varnish, from touching. The bow and arrow used to draw out the fibre are shown in Fig. 274. The support A for the arrow consists of a piece of wood 25 centimetres long, with a narrow groove running along its upper surface. The bow itself, BC, consists of a piece of straight-grained yellow pine 108 centi- metres long. The section at the middle is a square of 1*2 centimetre side, and the section gradually tapers down to a circle of about 0*8 centi- metre in diameter at the ends. The string consists of a piece of ordinary thin twine, and is of such a length that when the bow is unbent, 1 The present price is about 20s. per ounce. A quarter of an ounce will make all the fibres required in a laboratory for very many years. 584 APPENDIX the string is almost tight. The trigger D consists of a U-shaped piece of brass wire, the limbs of the U passing through two small holes in the end of A, as shown in the section at (a). This trigger is attached by a piece of string to a treadle board E, so that by pressing the foot on E the trigger is pulled down, and the string of the bow, which was held by the portions of the U which project above A, is re- leased. The arrow (/>) consists of a piece of straw F about 13 centimetres long, having an ordinary sewing-needle G cemented into one end by means of sealing-wax. The other end H is plugged (a) with a little sealing-wax, and a notch is burnt to receive the string of the bow. A piece of the fused quartz i, about 8 centi- metres long and 1 to 2 millimetres in diameter, is cemented to the arrow FIG. 274. with sealing - wax, as shown. When shooting an arrow, the base A of the bow is held in a small vice fixed to a table, and the trigger D being in place, the bow is bent. The arrow is then placed in the groove with the notch against the string between the two uprights of the trigger. Then holding the end i of the quartz in the left hand, and the oxy-hydrogen jet in the right, direct the flame on the point J of the quartz. The jet ought to be nearly horizontal and at right angles to the length of the quartz. When the quartz is seen to have become quite soft, press down the treadle E, at the same instant raising the flame and tightening your grasp on the end of the quartz. If the operations have been correctly timed, the arrow will be shot out, and the heated portion of the quartz will be drawn out into a fine fibre. The thickness of the fibre depends in a measure on the thickness of the original quartz rod, but chiefly on the temperature to which the quartz was raised when the arrow was fired. Practice will soon indicate when to fire in order to obtain fibres of any desired thickness. Having produced a fibre, its collection and mounting presents some little difficulty. To assist in the collection it will be found advisable to set up a board at about 6 to 8 metres from the bow, into which board the arrow will embed itself. Then between the bow and the board place a number of chairs in pairs, each pair to be back to back, and separated APPENDIX 585 by about a metre. Between the backs of each pair of chairs place a clean length of glass tubing, the tube being at right angles to the direc- tion of motion of the arrow, and about a foot below the path along which the arrow will travel. These glass tubes serve to keep the fibre off the floor. If a fairly thick fibre has been produced, it will probably stretch from the arrow to the piece of quartz left in the hand. In such a case break oft' the fibre from the quartz in your hand, and fix a small piece of gummed paper to the end of the fibre. This can be performed by fold- ing a piece of gummed paper, and having placed the fibre in the fold, pressing the sides together. Having in this way marked one end of the fibre, take one of the frames (Fig. 273) and coat the ends A and B with shellac varnish. Then going to the arrow, break off the fibre, and place the end against the varnish near one side of the frame. The frame must now be slowly turned so as to wind on the fibre, during which process the paper attached at the free end will serve as a weight to keep the fibre taut. If the fibre is fine, it will probably have broken near the bow, and a somewhat different procedure is necessary. Take a piece of glass tube or rod about 30 centimetres long, and starting at the arrow, allow the fibre to run over the rod as you move slowly towards the bow. Watch the fibre carefully so as to see when you get near the end. When the glass rod is about a foot from the end, take a folded piece of gummed paper between the finger and thumb of the left hand, and catch the fibre near the end in the fold. Having attached the paper, drop it, and start- ing at the arrow, proceed as described above to wind the fibre on a frame. To attach a quartz fibre to, say, a galvanometer needle system, first measure the length the fibre has to be, and then draw a line on a clean sheet of paper, and on this line make two transverse marks, showing the length the fibre is to have. Having selected a frame containing a fibre of suitable diameter, attach a piece of gummed paper to one end, and then break the fibre between this paper and the end. Next grasp the fibre near the fixed end between the finger and thumb of the left hand, and pull it away from the frame. Take the pin to which the top of the fibre is to be attached and put a spot of shellac varnish on the end, placing the pin at the edge of the table, with the point projecting over the edge of the table. The above must be done without letting go the fibre, or may be done before the fibre is detached from the frame. Next taking a sewing-needle in the right hand, guide the end of the fibre, which will be seen projecting above the thumb and finger of the left hand, with the needle so that it touches the shellac. The shellac varnish must now be heated by holding a piece of heated copper wire below, the heating being continued till the varnish froths up. When the heating is complete, release the fibre by opening the fingers, so that the piece of paper at the end hangs down. liaise the pin to which the fibre is now attached, and gently draw the paper at the free end over the sheet of 586 APPENDIX paper on which the length of the suspension fibre has been marked. Stop when the end of the pin is opposite the further mark, the fibre lying along the longitudinal line. Now draw a sharp knife firmly across the fibre at about half a centimetre beyond the mark which shows the length of the fibre. Having placed a drop of shellac varnish on the end of the wire which carries the magnets and mirror, support this system with the end projecting over the edge of the table, and taking the pin to which the fibre is attached in the left hand, cause the end of the fibre to touch the varnish. A needle held in the right hand may be used to direct the fibre. Then boil off" the alcohol from the varnish, as was done before. Having attached the fibre, prop the needle system up almost vertical before attempting to lift it by means of the fibre, for quartz fibres will not support a bending stress. If difficulty is found in seeing the fibres, it will be advisable to either work over a piece of clean mirror, or to work at a table before a window, the table being fitted with a drawer. If the drawer is opened a few inches and a piece of black velvet is placed in it, a dark background will be provided against which it will be found easy to see the fibres. For ordinary galvanometer suspensions, fibres having diameters from 002 to '006 millimetre will be found suitable. For further particulars of the methods of manipulating quartz fibres the reader must be referred to the following : On Laboratory Arts, Threlfall ; Boys, Philosophical Magazine, p. 498, June 1887, and p. 463, 1894. 3. Making Divided Scales. Divided scales on glass can best be made by etching with hydrofluoric acid. The surface of the glass must be protected with some kind of varnish, the division lines being drawn through the coating of varnish. One of the most satisfactory varnishes is obtained by diluting Brunswick black with its own volume of benzene. The glass must be thoroughly cleaned and the varnish poured on the surface, being made to flow evenly all over by suitably tilting the glass. When every part of the surface has been coated, allow as much of the varnish as will drain off in half a minute to flow back into the bottle, and then lay the glass on a horizontal surface. After from ten to twenty minutes the varnish will have become tacky, and the drawing of the division lines may be proceeded with. The varnish will remain sufficiently soft for several hours. If, however, for any reason the division lines are not drawn within an hour or two of coating the glass, it will be advisable to dissolve off the varnish with benzene and give the glass a fresh coating. In the case of a tube, the varnish must be applied by means of a fairly large soft camel's hair brush. Having made the division lines by one of the methods described below, cut a piece of clean white blotting-paper a little larger than the divided portion of the surface, and lay this paper over the divisions. Then by means of a straw moisten the paper with hydrofluoric acid, APPENDIX 587 taking care that no air bubbles are enclosed between the paper and the glass. The exclusion of air bubbles will be facilitated if the hydrofluoric acid is applied regularly, starting from one end of the paper. The acid must be left on from one to two minutes, the exact time depending on the strength of the acid and the character of the division lines required. It is always advisable to make a trial on a waste piece of glass, for which purpose several groups of three or four division lines may be ruled, the acid being left on one group for half a minute, on the next for one minute, and so on. To make the division lines and figures visible, rub over with some black paint, to which a little varnish has been added. Allow the paint to remain on for a few minutes, and then rub off the excess with ordinary writing paper. When removing the excess of paint, only rub in a direction perpendicular to the division lines. A similar process can be employed to etch scales on brass, the hydrofluoric acid being replaced by dilute nitric acid. In place of using the Brunswick black, beeswax may be used ; it will, however, be found very much more difficult to obtain a uniform coating with the wax. The same remark applies even more to paraffin wax, so that on the whole it will be found to save time in the long run to use Brunswick black. If very fine division lines are required on glass, then it will be advisable to rule them. A splinter of diamond is generally employed for the purpose, but a small crystal of carborundum (carborundum crystals only cost a few shillings the pound) will be found to give much better lines. With a diamond the edges of the lines are very apt to be splintered. If a very light pressure is used with carborundum, the edges of the lines will be quite sharp and free from all splintering. If a dividing engine is available, then making the graduations presents no difficulty. The tool used to make the scratches on the varnish is a sharp point of steel, fairly light pressure being used to press the point against the work. In the absence of the dividing engine, a screw-cutting lathe may be employed to make scales which are correct to about a twentieth of a millimetre, so long as the leading screw of the lathe is a good one. It will be advisable to fit the traversing carriage of the lathe with an arrangement to carry the tracing point by which the length of the divisions can be adjusted, and the fifth and tenth divisions are auto- matically made longer than the other graduations. With a leading screw having eight threads to the inch, the following change wheels give a very close approximation to a millimetre per turn : Headstock, 28 ; stud, 32, 36; screw, 100. A scale may be copied by hand by means of the arrangement shown in Fig. 275. The scale to be copied, AB, must be one with fairly deep division marks, preferably of steel. It is fixed to a block of wood about 2 cm. high, this block being fixed to a base board c about 130 cm. long. The glass to be divided, DE, is cemented to the base board, or held down 588 APPENDIX by clips, so that the line along which the graduations are to be made is a prolongation of the scale AB. To transfer the graduations from the scale to the glass, a beam compass FG is employed. This beam compass consists of a piece of light brass tube about 70 cm. long and 1 *5 cm. in diameter. At either end is soldered a small tube at right angles to the axis of FG, and through these cross tubes pass two steel rods, the rods being held in place by set screws. Both the steel rods are pointed at the lower end, the rod H serving as a scriber to make the graduations on the glass. The end of the rod i is placed in the division lines of the scale AB. Attached to the tube FG, and alongside the tube which carries I, is a brass rod KL, bent as shown. The side of this rod rests against the edge of the scale, and thus ensures that the point of i always occupies the same relative position along the division lines. The end L of the rod is always allowed to rest against the top of the base board c, and i is so adjusted that when FIG. 275. its point is on the scale, and L rests on the base, the tracing point H is vertical. It will be found of assistance to have a knob on the top of I, and to hold this knob in the left hand. A knob G is fixed to the end of the tube FG and serves as a handle, by means of which the scribing point is guided with the right hand. Starting with the point at a whole centimetre division near the left- hand extremity of the scale, a division line is made by lightly drawing G towards one. The point i is then moved to the next division to the right, H being lifted off the glass, and a second division line is made, and so on. Some little practice will be required before the lines will be obtained of uniform width, and also equally spaced. A very light pressure must be exerted with either hand, and no attempt must be made to guide the point. It will be advisable to fix the base board c at about 20 cm. from the edge of a table, and to rest the elbows of both arms on the table top. APPENDIX 589 An arrangement suitable for dividing short scales, and which can easily be fitted up in the laboratory, is shown in Fig. 276. A round steel rod A is fixed about 1 cm. above a base board, and there are two carriages, B and c, which can slide on this rod, the rod passing through a split tube D (Fig. 276, a). This split tube can be pinched together by the milled-headed screw E, so that the carriage is clamped to the rod A. A point F on each carriage rests on a piece of plate glass G, so that the upper surfaces of the carriages are horizontal. On the top of carriage c is clamped a micrometer screw-gauge H, while on B is screwed an arm K, which has a steel sphere J at the end, this sphere coming between the jaws of the screw-gauge. The plate on which the scale is to be divided is fixed to the carriage B, while the scriber L, used to make the division lines, consists of a pointed steel rod attached to the end of a long rod which is pivoted at M. To use this instrument the carriages are adjusted so that the sphere J is in contact with the left-hand jaw of H, and the screw is brought up to touch the sphere. The jaws are then opened by an amount equal to the distance between the division lines on the scale which is to be divided. Starting with both carriages in such a position that the scriber is at the left-hand end of the plate on which the scale is to be divided, clamp carriage B, and bring carriage c as far to the left as the right-hand jaw of the micrometer will allow, and clamp. Then rule the first graduation line with the scriber. Next unclamp B and move it to the left as far as the left-hand jaw of the micrometer will allow, and clamp. Rule the second line. Unclamp c and move to the left, then clamp. Unclamp B, move to the left, clamp and rule a division line, and so on. In this way 590 APPENDIX the scale is produced by a step by step process, the length of the step being regulated by the distance through which the sphere J can travel between the jaws of the micrometer. Such a dividing engine is unsuited for any but quite short scales, and it is more difficult to produce uniform results that would perhaps at first sight be imagined. It will, however, be found of considerable service when making verniers, the scale on which the vernier is to be used being preferably made by the beam-compass method. 4. Silvering Glass. There are a number of methods of silvering glass, each of which in practised hands is capable of giving good results. The following method, due to Brasheur, will, however, prob- ably be found to give the most consistent results, and has the further advantage that some of the solutions employed will keep, and hence a stock can be made at one time. The following solutions will be required : . A. The reducing solution Loaf sugar or sugar candy . . . .90 grams. Strong, pure nitric acid (sp. gr. 1*22) . . 4 c.c. Alcohol (absolute) . . . . .175 c.c. Distilled water 1000 c.c. The sugar is dissolved in the water, and then the alcohol and nitric acid are added. The solution will require to be kept for at least a week before it is used, and must be kept in a stoppered bottle. B. Silver solution Silver nitrate ...... 1 gram. Distilled water 100 c.c. C. Ammonia solution Ammonia (sp. gr. '880) . . . . 1 c.c. Distilled water . . . . . . 10 c.c. D. Potash solution Caustic potash (prepared by alcohol) . . 0'5 gram. Distilled water . . . . . . 50 c.c. Solutions B and C will keep for some months if contained in well stoppered bottles and kept in the dnrk. Solution D will only keep for a few weeks. The above amounts will suffice for silvering a mirror having an area of about 50 square cm. if used in a dish such that most of the silver is deposited on the mirror, and not on the sides of the dish. In smaller or larger mirrors, proportional quantities of the ingredients can be taken. To prepare the solution for silvering, take about four-fifths of the silver solution tt and place it in a beaker which has been washed out with strong nitric acid and then with distilled water, and add the ammonia solution C drop by drop, stirring all the while, till the pre- APPENDIX 591 cipitate is partly dissolved, the solution being a light brown colour. Then very carefully add drop after drop of the ammonia, stirring for nearly a minute between each drop, till the solution attains a light straw colour. If by accident too much ammonia is added, so that after stirring for some time the solution becomes colourless, add a drop or two of the silver nitrate solution. It is essential to success that no excess of ammonia is present. Next add the potash solution D, and then having diluted the remainder of the ammonia to about twice its bulk, add this solution drop by drop, till the precipitate formed when the potash was added is nearly all dissolved. A few particles of the precipitate may refuse to dissolve ; these should be neglected, and the addition of ammonia stopped when the bulk of the liquid becomes colourless. Now add some of the reserve silver nitrate solution drop by drop till the solution, even after stirring for two or three minutes, does not become clear, but remains of a light brown or yellow colour. The solution may then be filtered, and is ready for use. The glass to be silvered must be cleaned in the following manner. Since to obtain a satisfactory deposit it is essential that the glass surface should be perfectly clean, the student is advised to follow out the following directions implicitly : 1. Remove any wax or oil on the glass by means of turpentine. 2. Dissolve off any pre-existing silver with nitric acid, and then rinse in water. 3. Immerse in a strong solution of caustic potash, and rub the surface to be coated with a swab of cotton wool tied to the end of a glass rod. Care must be taken not to scratch the surface with the glass rod. The cotton wool should be carefully tied over the end of the rod. Rinse in water. 4. Immerse in strong nitric acid, and again rub the surface with a swab, as in 3. 5. Wash thoroughly with distilled water, giving the surface a rub with the swab during the first few washings. 6. Leave the objects covered with distilled water till they are wanted for silvering. The objects to be silvered can either be placed at the bottom of a glass dish, the surfaces to be silvered being turned upwards, or they can be attached by a speck of wax at the back to a plate of glass, the glass resting on the top of the vessel containing the solution, so that the surfaces to be coated dip below the surface of the solution. In this case the silver is deposited upwards. The advantage of this latter arrangement is that any solid specks in the solution do not settle on surfaces being silvered, and hence do not produce holes in the film, as occurs when the surfaces are at the bottom. The glass having been cleaned, take the solution prepared as described above and add 6 c.c. of the reducing solution A for each gram of silver nitrate taken, and having well mixed the solutions, pour over the 592 APPENDIX surfaces to be silvered. The solution will first turn almost black, and then the silver will start depositing, and the solution will gradually turn first to a light brown, and then after fifteen to thirty minutes it will become almost clear, when the deposition is complete. The rate at which the deposition goes on depends in a great measure on the temperature, and it is an advantage' to work in a room at a temperature of about 20 C. If the temperature is much below 20, it is advisable to heat the solution to 20 before adding the reduced solution. After the deposition is complete remove the glass, being careful not to touch the silvered surface, and thoroughly wash with distilled water. Then stand the mirror on its edge on a piece of clean filter paper, and allow the film to become thoroughly dry. If the mirror is to be used with the silvering on the back of the glass, the film of silver will require protecting by a coat of varnish. The best varnish to use is gold lacquer, as thin a coating as possible being employed. If the silver film has to be polished, so as to obtain reflection direct from the silver, as will be the case with the mirrors used in Michelson's interferometer, prepare two or three pads by stuffing some pieces of clean soft chamois leather with cotton wool. First lightly rub the silver film with one of the pads, using circular strokes. Then place a piece of rouge about the size of a pea on a clean sheet of paper, and rub one of the pads on the paper, so as to work the rouge well into the leather. The mirror is then polished with this pad, using light circular strokes. When silvering, always remember (1) an excess of ammonia must be avoided, and (2) the surfaces to be silvered must be absolutely clean. 5. Mounting Cross-wires in Telescopes and Microscopes. An operation which occurs with some frequency in a physical laboratory is the replacement of broken cross-wires in the eye-pieces of microscopes and telescopes. In the case of low power eye-pieces, and where it is not necessary to read very accurately, such as for use with the telescope and scale method of measuring rotations, cross-wires made of a single thread of silk are quite satisfactory. The ring on which the cross-wires are mounted having been removed from the telescope, the remains of the cement used to attach the old cross-wires is dissolved off with alcohol or amyl-acetate. In general, two lines at right angles, used to define the positions of the A wires, will be found scribed on the ring. If no such C / f- lines exist, it will be advisable to put them on, using CZ^> < \' a sharp needle as a scriber. The satisfactory attachment of the fibre will be very much facilitated if a piece of brass wire is bent Fro. 277. into the shape shown in Fig. 277, the distance between the arms AB being about twice the diameter of the ring on which the fibre is to be mounted. Having selected a fibre of unspun silk, place it on a piece of black velvet, or on a piece of mirror glass, and by means of a needle and a pair of forceps, proceed to split APPENDIX 593 it into the two fibres of which each single thread generally consists. Having separated a sufficient length of fibre, coat the end of one of the prongs of the bent wire with a little solution of celluloid in amyl-acetate. Such solution is sold as a transparent varnish for coating silver goods, and is known as silico enamel. In a few seconds the varnish will become tacky, when the end of the wire may be pressed against the end of the silk fibre. The fibre having become attached to the cement, give the wire a turn or two, so as to wind the fibre round the prong. Next coat the other prong with the varnish, and having slightly pressed the two prongs together with the left hand, wind the silk fibre round the second prong. After a few seconds, when the varnish has dried, the pressure on the prongs may be released, when the spring of the wires will keep the fibre taut. Next gently lay the fibre in place on the ring, allowing the end c of the wire frame to rest on the table, the other end being supported by the fibre as it rests on the top of the ring. Then with a pin or very small brush place a small drop of the varnish at either end of the fibre, and allow the arrangement to remain till the varnish is quite hard. When the varnish has set, the superfluous fibre can be cut away with a sharp pair of scissors. The second cross- wire is cemented in place in exactly the same way, the lines ruled on the ring being used as a guide to ensure that the two fibres are at right angles. In place of silk, very fine nickel wire may be used for cross-wires. Such wire, having a diameter of 0'02 millimetre, can be obtained from Messrs. Moul & Co., 7678 York Street, Westminster, London, and costs one shilling per metre. For use in the eye-piece of a micrometer, silk cross-wires are in general too coarse, and no better material seems to have been dis- covered than spider web. The most suitable web is that produced by the Diadema spider, a spider with a large body and comparatively short legs. In the absence of the Diadema, any spider can be made to give fairly satisfactory threads. Having obtained a spider, he can generally be persuaded to make a thread by gently tilting him off a piece of card, the thread being left attached to the card as the spider falls. This thread is then wound on a light wire frame of the shape shown in Fig. 277. In the case of a fresh spun web, it will be unnecessary to use any varnish to attach the thread to the wire. Having obtained the thread on the wire, the attachment to the ring is performed in exactly the same manner as in the case of the silk; Quartz fibres are quite unsuited for cross-wires, as it is almost im- possible to keep them sufficiently tight and yet not break them when replacing the ring in the microscope. 6. On the Use of Manganine Wire for the Construction of Resist- ance Coils. The alloy of copper, nickel, and manganese, called man- ganine, is very suitable for the construction of resistance coils, since it has an extremely small temperature coefficient, and is fairly cheap. 2 P 594 APPENDIX In order that a resistance made of manganine may retain its resistance unaltered, the following must be attended to : 1. The wire must be attached to the terminals by means of silver solder. The tin in ordinary soft solder appears to exert an influence on the wire, causing its resistance to alter. 2. .The wire, after being wound in the coil, must be annealed at a temperature of 140 C. for at least twenty-four hours. 3. The wire must be protected from the air by being coated with shellac. The following table gives suitable sizes of wire for coils of various resistance : Resistance. Size of Wire. Maximum Current. Ohms. Standard Wire-Gauge. Amperes. o-i Two of 16 in parallel. 32 1 19 10 10 25 3-2 50 27 1-5 100 33 1-0 500 37 0-4 1000 38 o-i In the last column are given the maximum currents which ought to be passed through the coils if of the form described below, when they are immersed in an oil bath. Where measurements of pre- cision are made, the currents ought, however, not to exceed a tenth of the values given. The form of coil recom- mended by the Reichsanstalt is shown in Fig. 278. The wire, double-silk covered, is wound on a brass cylinder A, which is covered with a layer of silk, the silk having been thoroughly coated with shellac varnish before the wire is wound on. The ends of the wire are silver soldered to small copper discs, and FIG. 278. these discs are attached by screws and soft solder to the ends of the thick copper rods B and c. The rods are fastened to a thick disc of ebonite, in which a central hole D is pierced for the passage APPENDIX 595 of a thermometer. A length of brass tube B, open at the bottom, serves to protect the coil from blows. When making a coil, sufficient wire is cut off to give a resistance about 4 per cent, more than the resistance it is wished to construct, 1 and the silk having been removed for about 4 centimetres from one end, the wire is thoroughly cleaned with sand-paper. A small copper disc, 1 centimetre diameter and about 4 millimetres thick, has a central hole bored, and a V notch filed across one face. The notched face is covered with a paste of borax and water, as is also the end of the wire. The disc is placed on a block of charcoal, a small piece of silver solder (silver 2 parts, brass 1 part) is put in the notch, and the disc is heated with a blow-pipe till the solder is quite fluid. The end of the wire is then placed in the notch, and almost simultaneously the flame is removed. The disc must be made sufficiently hot before, the wire is put in place, so that it is not neces- sary to continue heating with the flame. If the wire is heated in the flame the manganese will be burnt out, and the properties of the wire will be altered. Immediately the solder has solidified, plunge the disc in water. Then clean off the borax, and polish up the side opposite to that on which the wire is attached, and give it a coating of soft solder with an ordinary soldering iron. The wire must then be doubled on itself and wound uniformly on the brass cylinder A, being held in place by a few turns of silk. Next give the wire a thorough coating of shellac varnish, made by dissolving selected shellac in absolute alcohol, and place the coil in an air bath heated to 140 C., leaving it there for twenty-four hours. During the annealing it is advisable to give the coil two or three addi- tional coats of varnish. The coil having been annealed, its resistance must be adjusted to the desired value. Screw the copper disc which is attached to one end of the coil to one of the copper connectors (B or c), and then heat the junction with a soldering iron, and run a little soft solder between the disc and the rod, care being taken to get no solder on the face of the disc to which the manganine wire is attached. The other end of the wire, having been well cleaned with sand-paper, is clamped between two copper discs, which are screwed to the end of the other connector, and the resistance of the coil is compared with a standard coil. The wire is adjusted between the copper discs till the resistance is a little greater than the desired value. The position is marked, which may most conveniently be done by sharply bending the wire at the edge of the discs. This end of the wire is then soldered to a copper disc exactly as was the other end, and the resistance of the coil is carefully measured, and ought to be a very little too great. Next calculate by what lenytfi the coil would have to be reduced to give the correct resist- ance, and then measure off three times this length from one end, and having bared the wire at the point, solder another piece of the same wire at this point. This wire must be attached with silver solder, and the 1 The resistance of a manganine wire decreases from 2 to 3 per cent, when the wire is annealed. 596 APPENDIX best method of procedure is as follows : Having carefully cleaned the portions of wire to be joined, give the additional piece two turns round the other wire, and place a little powdered borax on the joint. Then heat a small bead of solder, together with a little borax, on a piece of charcoal, and when the solder is heated well above the melting point, place the junction on the bead, removing the flame immediately the solder flows. A very small flame ought to be used when making this joint. Next adjust the length of the added wire so that the resistance of the whole coil, with this wire shunting the end portion of the main wire, is a very little too small, and then attach a copper disc to the added wire with silver solder. The two copper discs must now be screwed to the connector, and the junctions between the discs made good with soft solder. If the operations have been successfully performed, the resist- ance of the coil will now be slightly too small, and the added wire is then reduced in diameter by careful filing till the resistance is correct. In the case of coils wound with fine wire, it will be found easiest to attach a portion of thick wire in series with the fine wire, and then having adjusted the length till the coil has a slightly too low resistance, to adjust finally by filing the thick wire. The above descriptions apply to the construction of a manganine resistance coil where the utmost accuracy in adjustment and permanence is desired. For many purposes in the laboratory such refinement is unnecessary. In such a case, having cut off a length slightly in excess of that required to give the desired resistance, coil the wire into a double coil, coat it with shellac, and anneal at 140. The annealing even may be omitted, in which case the coils will slowly change in resistance, and a fairly frequent recalibration will be necessary. The coils are then attached to the copper connectors or the contact blocks, as the case may be, with soft solder, and adjusted by altering the length ; for which purpose the wire is drawn through the solder, which is made fluid by placing a hot soldering iron in the neighbourhood. APPENDIX 597 TABLE II. Approximate Formulae. If a, b, c, and d are small compared to unity, then to a first approximation we have 1. (la)(l6)(lc). .. = 1 2. (la) 2 =l2a. 3. (1 a) n = 1 ?za. 4. ^/(l a) = 1 - 5. 1 6 = 1 + a. la 7 ' (1 a)* = [ + 2' 1 =l+7za. ^ ) = l + 10. e= 11. =1 +a log e ic. 12. lo 13. sin (6 a) = sin a cos ^. 14. cos (9 a) = cos 6a sin ^. In 13 and 14 a is measured in radians, and if it does not exceed 2, the above expressions are correct to three decimal places, and if a does not exceed 30', to four places. 598 APPENDIX TABLE III. Reduction of Weighings to Vacuo. If D is the density of the body, and 8 is that of the weights, and a- the density of the air, the correction to the weight of the body is wo- ( - i\ where w is the apparent weight of the body. The following \D *./ table gives the values of the factors ^(jrj^j) calculated b J using tne mean value *0012 for o-. The tabulated number multiplied by w in grams gives the correction in milligrams, and is to be added to the apparent weight if the sign is positive : Correction in Milligrams. Density of Body. D. Brass Weights. = 8-4. Platinum Weights. 8-21-5. Quartz or Aluminium Weights. 5 = 2-65. 50 -i-2'26 + 2-34 + 1-95 55 204 2-13 1-73 60 1-86 1-94 1-55 65 1-70 1-79 1-39 70 1-57 1-66 1-26 75 1-46 1-55 1-15 80 1-36 1-44 1-05 85 1-27 1-36 96 90 1-19 1-28 88 95 1-12 1-21 81 10 1-06 1-14 75 11 95 1-04 64 1-2 86 94 55 1-3 78 87 47 1-4 71 80 40 1-5 66 75 35 1-6 61 69 30 1-7 56 65 25 1-8 52 62 21 1-9 49 58 18 2-0 46 54 15 2-5 *34 43 + 03 3-0 26 34 -05 3-5 20 29 11 4-0 16 24 15 5-0 10 19 21 6-0 06 14 25 8-0 + 01 09 30 10-0 -02 06 33 15-0 06 03 37 20-0 -08 004 39 APPENDIX TABLE IV. Density of Dry Air at different Temperatures and Pressures. Tempera- ture. Pressure in Millimetres. Proportional Parts. 720 730 740 750 760 770 o-oo 1225 o-oo 1242 o-oo 1259 o-oo 1276 o-oo 1293 o-oo 1310 17 1 mm. 2 2 =3 3 =5 4 =7 50 4 o-i=o 2=1 3=1 4 = 2 1 2 3 4 1221 1216 1212 1207 1237 1233 1228 1224 1254 1250 1245 1241 1271 1267 1262 1258 1288 1284 1279 1274 1305 1301 1296 1291 5 1203 1220 1236 1253 1270 1286 6 =10 5 Z 6 = 2 6 7 8 9 1199 1194 1190 1186 1215 1211 1207 1202 1232 1227 1223 1219 1249 1244 1240 1235 1265 1261 1256 1252 1282 1277 1273 1268 \.& 8 =14 9 =15 16 1 mm. = 2 2 =3 3 =5 4 =6 5 =8 6 =10 7 =11 8 =13 9 =14 15 1 mm.= 1 2 =3 3 =4 16 8 = 3 9 = 4 5 0-1 = 1 2=1 3 = 2 4-2 10 11 N 81 1198 1214 1231 1247 1264 11 12 13 14 1177 1173 1169 1165 1194 1190 1185 1181 1210 1206 1202 1198 1227 1222 1218 1214 1243 1238 1234 1230 1259 1255 1250 1246 15 1161 1177 1193 1209 1226 1242 1237 1233 1229 1225 1220 5 = 3 6 = 3 7 = 4 8 = 4 9 = 5 16 17 18 19 1157 1153 1149 1145 1173 11(59 11(55 1161 1189 1185 1181 1177 1205 1201 1197 1193 1221 1217 1213 1209 20 1141 1157 1173 1189 1205 21 22 23 24 1137 1133 1130 1126 1153 1149 1145 1141 1169 1165 1161 1157 1185 1181 1177 1173 1200 1196 1192 1188 1216 1212 1208 1204 25 1122 1138 1153 1169 1184 1200 o 5 =8 26 27 28 29 1118 1115 1111 1107 1134 1130 1126 1123 1149 1146 1142 1138 1165 1161 1157 1153 1180 1176 1173 1169 1196 1192 1188 1184 y 7 =11 8 =12 9 =13 30 1103 1119 1134 1149 1165 1180 600 APPENDIX TABLE V. Density of Water at various Temperatures measured on the Hydrogen Scale. Degrees Tenths. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0-99987 87 88 89 89 90 90 91 92 92 1 2 3 4 93 97 99 1-00000 93 97 99 00 94 97 99 00 94 98 00 00 95 98 00 00 95 98 00 00 95 99 00 00 96 99 00 00 96 99 00 00 97 99 00 00 5 0-99999 99 97 93 87 80 99 99 98 98 98 98 97 97 6 7 8 9 97 93 88 81 96 92 86 79 96 92 86 79 95 91 85 78 95 90 84 77 95 90 84 76 94 89 83 75 94 89 82 74 93 88 82 74 10 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 11 12 13 14 63 53 40 27 62 51 39 26 61 50 38 24 60 49 37 23 59 48 35 22 58 47 34 20 57 45 33 19 56 44 31 17 55 43 30 16 54 42 29 14 15 13 11 10 08 06 05 03 02 00 99 16 17 18 19 20 0-99897 80 62 43 95 78 60 41 94 77 59 39 92 75 57 37 90 73 55 35 15 89 71 53 33 87 70 51 31 85 68 49 2<) 84 66 47 27 82 64 45 25 23 21 19 17 13 91 68 45 20 11 08 06 04 21 22 23 24 02 0-99780 56 32 00 77 54 30 98 75 52 27 95 73 49 25 93 71 47 22 89" 66 42 17 86 64 40 15 84 61 37 12 8~2 59 35 10 25 07 05 02 99 97 94 92 89 86 84 26 27 28 29 0-99681 54 26 99597 78 51 23 94 76 48 20 91 73 46 17 88 70 43 15 85 67 40 12 82 65 37 09 79 62 34 06 76 59 32 03 73 57 29 00 70 30 67 64 61 31 99 66 33 58 55 52 49 46 43 40 31 32 33 34 37 05 0-99473 40 34 02 70 36 02 27 96 63 30 24 92 60 26 21 89 56 23 18 86 53 20 15 83 50 16 12 79 46 13 08 76 43 09 35 06 9l) 95 92 89 85 82 78 75 APPENDIX 601 TABLE VI. Correction for Buoyancy in Density Measurements. If D' is the density uncorrected for buoyancy, then the corrected density is D' + 6 1-79 1-43 1-56 1-69 1-81 1-45 1-58 1-71 1-84 1-46 1-60 1-73 1-86 1-48 1-62 1-75 1-89 1-33 1-45 1-57 1-69 1-35 1-47 1-59 1-71 1-36 1'49 1-61 1-73 1-38 1-51 1-63 1-76 1-40 1-53 1-65 178 15 1-92 1-94 1-97 2-00 2-02 1-81 1-83 1-86 1-88 1-91 5 =-07 fi -n& 16 17 18 19 2-05 2-17 2-30 2-43 2-07 2-20 2-33 246 2-10 2-23 2-36 2-49 2-13 2-26 2-39 2-53 2-16 2'29 2-43 2-56 1-93 2-05 2-17 2-29 1-96 2-08 2-20 2'32 1-98 210 2-23 2-35 2-01 213 2-26 2-38 2-03 216 219 2-41 7 ='09 8=10 9=12 14 01='01 2= -03 3= -04 4 'Oft 20 21 22 23 24 2-56 2-59 2-62 2-66 2'69 2-41 2-44 2'47 2'51 2-54 2-68 2-81 2-94 3-06 272 2-85 2-98 311 2-76 2-89 3-02 315 3-28 2'79 2-92 3-06 319 2-83 2'96 3-10 3'23 2-53 2-65 2-77 2-89 2'56 2-69 2-81 2-93 2-60 2-72 2-84 2-97 2-63 2-76 2-88 3-01 2'67 2-79 2'92 3-05 25 319 3-23 3-32 3-36 3-50 3-63 3-77 3-90 3-01 3-13 3-25 3-37 3-49 3-05 ,V09 313 317 5= -07 fi -OS 26 27 28 29 30 3-32 3-45 3-57 370 3'36 3-49 3-62 3-75 3-41 3-54 3-67 3-80 3-45 3'59 3-72 3-85 317 3-29 3-41 3-54 3-21 3-34 3-46 3-58 3-26 3'38 3'51 3'63 3-30 3-42 3'55 3-H8 7=10 8=11 9=13 3-83 3-88 3-93 3-98 4-03 3-61 3-66 371 3'75 3-80 31 32 33 34 3-95 4-08 4-21 4-33 4-01 4-14 4-26 4-39 4-06 419 4-32 4-45 411 4-25 4-38 4-51 4-17 4-30 4'43 4-57 3-73 3-85 3-97 4-09 3'78 3-90 4-02 414 3'83 3'95 4-07 4'20 3'88 4-00 413 4-25 3-93 4-05 418 4-31 35 4-46 4-52 4'58 4-65 4'71 4-21 4-20 4-32 4-38 4-43 DU4: TABLE XI. Correction to the Height of the Barometer to allow for the effect of Capillarity. The correction, which is given in millimetres, has always to be added to the observed height. Diameter of Tube, mm. Height of the Meniscus in Millimetres. 4 6 8 1-0 1-2 1-4 1-6 1-8 4 83 1-22 1-54 1-98 2-37 5 47 65 86 1-19 1-45 1-80 6 27 41 56 78 98 1-21 1-43 7 18 28 40 53 67 82 97 1-13 8 20 29 38 46 56 65 77 9 15 21 28 33 40 46 52 10 15 20 25 29 33 37 11 10 14 18 21 24 27 12 07 10 13 15 18 19 13 07 10 12 13 14 APPENDIX TABLE XII. Reduction of the Volume of a Gas to Standard Pressure. 73 The table gives the values of the logarithms of the factors - for 760 different values of B, the height of the barometer at the time the volume of the gas was measured. B mm. Los m Proportional Parts. B mm. ^m 720 1-97652 60 57 750 1-99425 1 2 3 4 97712 97772 97832 97892 1 mm. = 6 '1 mm. = 5'7 2 =12 -2 =11-4 3 =18 '3 =17-1 4 =24 -4 =22-8 \ 3 4 99483 99540 99598 99656 5 97952 5 =30 -5 =28'5 5 99713 6 7 8 9 98012 98072 98132 98191 6 =36 -6 =34-2 7 =42 7 =39-9 8 =48 -8 =45-6 9 =54 -9 =51-3 6 7 8 9 99771 99828 99886 99943 730 98251 f)Q Kfi 760 o-ooooo 1 2 ' 3 4 98310 98370 98429 98488 1 mrn.= 5-9 *1 mm. = 5*6 2 =11-8 '2 =11-2 3 =17-7 '3 =16-8 4 =23-6 -4 =22-4 1 2 3 4 00057 00114 00171 00228 5 98547 5 =29-5 -5 =28-0 5 00285 6 7 8 9 98606 98665 98724 98783 6 =35-4 -6 =33-6 7 =41-3 -7 =392 8 =47'2 -8 =44-8 9 =53-1 -9 =50-4 6 7 8 9 00342 00398 00455 00511 740 98842 58 770 00568 1 2 3 4 98900 98959 99018 99076 1 mm.= 5-8 2 =11-6 3 =17-4 4 =23-2 1 2 3 4 00624 00680 00737 00793 5 99134 5 = 29-0 5 00849 6 7 8 9 99193 99251 99309 99367 6 ^34-8 7 =40-6 8 =464 9 =52-2 6 7 8 9 00905 00961 01017 01072 750 99425 780 01128 606 APPENDIX TABLE XIII. Values of (I + at) for reducing the Volume of Gases to Standard Tem- perature for Values of t from to 40 C. (a =--0-003670). Temperature l + at. Temperature l + at. Proportional Parts. 1 1-00367 21 1-07707 367 2 1-00734 22 1-08074 0-l = 36-7 3 1-01101 23 1-08441 2 = 73-4 4 1-014G8 24 1-08808 3 = 110-1 5 1-01835 25 1-09175 4 = 146-8 6 1-02202 26 1-09542 5=1835 7 1-025G9 27 1-09909 6 = 220-2 8 1-02936 28 1-10276 7^256-9 9 1-03303 29 1-10643 8 = 293-6 10 1-03670 30 1-11010 9=330*3 11 1-04037 31 1-11377 12 1-04404 32 1-11744 13 1-04771 33 ' 1-12111 14 1-05138 34 1-12478 15 1-05505 35 1-12845 16 1-05872 36 1-13212 17 1-06239 37 1-13579 18 1-06606 38 1-13946 19 1-06973 39 1-14313 20 1-07340 40 1-14680 APPENDIX 607 TABLE XIV. Tension of Water Vapour and Mass of Water in a Cubic Metre of Saturated Air. (1) Vapour Tension of Water for every Tenth of a Degree between and 35 G, Decree. Vapour Tension in Millimetres. Tenths. o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4-57 4-60 464 4-67 4-70 474 4-77 4-80 4-84 4-87 1 2 3 4 4-91 5-27 5-66 0-07 4-94 5-31 570 6-11 4-98 5-35 5-74 6-15 5-02 5-39 5'78 6-20 5-05 5-42 5-82 6-24 5-09 5-46 5-86 6-28 5-12 5-50 5-90 6-33 516 5-54 5-94 6-37 5-20 5-58 5-99 6-42 5-23 5-62 6-03 1 6-46 5 6-51 6-55 6-60 6-64 6-69 7-17 7-67 8-21 8-78 6-74 6-78 6-83 6-88 6-92 6 7 8 9 6-97 7-47 7'99 8-55 7-02 7-52 8-05 8-61 7-07 7-57 810 8-66 712 7'62 815 8-72 7-22 7-72 8-27 8-84 7-26 778 8-32 8-90 7-31 7-83 8-38 8-96 7-36 7-88 8-43 9-02 7-42 794 8-49 9-08 10 914 9-20 9-26 9-32 9-39 9-45 9-51 9-58 9-64 970 11 12 13 14 9-77 10-43 11-14 11-88 9-83 10-50 11-21 11-96 9-90 10-57 11-28 12-04 9-96 10-64 11-36 1212 10-03 10-71 11-43 12-19 10-09 10-78 11-50 12-27 10-16 10-23 10-30 10-85 10-92 10-99 11-58 11-66 11-73 12-35 12-43 ; 12-51 10-36 11-07 11-81 12-59 15 1267 12-76 12-84 12-92 13-00 13-09 13-17 13-25 13-34 13'42 16 17 18 19 13-51 14-40 15-33 16-32 17'36 13-60 14-49 15-43 16-42 17-47 13-68 13-77 13-86 14-58 14-67 14-76 15-52 15-62 15-72 16-52 16-63 1673 13-95 14-86 15-82 16-83 17-91 14-04 1412 14-95 15-04 15-92 16-02 16-94 17-04 14-21 15-14 16-12 1715 14-30 15-23 16-22 17-26 18-35 20 JL7-58 17-69 17 '80 18-02 1813 18-24 21 22 23 24 18-47 19-63 20-86 22-15 18-58 1975 20-98 22-29 18-69 18-81 18-92 19-87 19-99 20-11 21-11 21-24 21-37 22-42 22-55 22 '69 19-04 20-24 21-50 22-83 1916 20-36 21-63 22-96 19-27 20-48 21-76 2310 19-39 20-61 21-89 23-24 19-51 20-73 22-02 23-38 25 23-52 23-66 23-80 23-94 24'08 24-23 24-37 24-52 24-66 24 '81 26 27 28 29 24-96 26-47 28-07 29-74 2510 26-63 28-23 29-92 25-25 26-78 28-39 30-09 25-40 25-55 26-94 | 27-10 28-56 28-73 30-26 30-44 25-70 27-26 28-89 30-62 25-86 27-42 29-06 30-79 26-01 26-16 i 26-32 27-58 27*74 27-90 29-23 29-40 29 '57 30-9713115 31-33 30 31-51 31-69 31-87 32-06 32-24 32-43 32-61 32-80 ! 32-99 3318 31 32 33 34 33-37 35-32 37-37 39-52 33-56 35-52 37-58 39-74 33-75 33-94 34 '14 35-72 35-92 3613 37-79 I 38-00 38 '22 39-97 40-19 40-41 34-33 36-33 38-43 40-64 34-53 36-54 38-65 40-86 4319 34-72 36-74 38-87 41-09 43-43 34-92 36-95 39-08 41-32 3512 3716 39-30 41-55 35 4178 42-02 42-25 42-48 42-72 42-96 43-67 ; 43-92 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 -8 -9 i 608 APPENDIX TABLE XIV. (continued} (2) Mass of Water contained in a Culric Metre of Air at a Pressure of 76 cm. of Mercury, and Saturated at variou* Temperatures between and 35 C. Degrees. 1 Mass of Water in Grams. Tenths. 9 o 2 3 4 5 6 7 5-07 8 4-84 4-87 4-90 4-93 4-97 5-00 5-04 511 514 1 2 3 4 5 5-18 5-54 5-'J2 G-33 5-2L 5-57 5-96 6-37 5-25 5-61 6-00 6-41 5-28 5-65 6-04 6-46 5-32 5-69 6-08 6-50 5-35 5-73 6-12 6-54 5-39 5-77 6-16 6-59 5-43 5-80 6-20 6-63 5'46 . 5-84 6-25 6-67 5-50 5-88 6-29 6-72 6-76 6-81 6-85 6-90 6-94 6-99 7-03 7-08 712 717 6 7 8 9 7-22 7-70 8-21 8-76 9-33 7-27 7-75 8-27 8-81 7-31 7-80 8-32 8-87 7'36 7-85 8-37 8-92 7-41 7-90 8-43 898 7-46 7-95 8-48 9-04 7-51 8-01 8-54 910 7'55 8-06 8-59 9-15 7-60 8-11 8-65 9-21 7-65 8-16 870 9-27 10 9-39 9-45 9-51 9-57 9-63 9-69 9-75 9-81 9-87 11 12 13 14 9-93 10-57 11-25 11-96 10-00 10-64 11-32 1203 10-06 10-71 11-39 12-11 10-12 1077 11-46 12-18 10-19 10-84 11-53 12-26 10-25 10-91 11-60 12-33 10-31 10-97 11-67 12-41 10-38 11-04 11-74 12-48 10-44 1111 11-82 12-56 13-34 10-51 11-18 11-89 12-64 15 12-71 12-79 12-87 12-95 1302 13-10 1318 13-26 13-42 16 17 18 19 20 13-50 14-34 15-22 16-14 13-58 14-42 15-31 16-24 13-67 14-51 15-40 16-33 13-75 14-60 15-49 16-43 13-83 14-68 15-58 16-53 13-92 1477 15-67 16-62 14-00 1 4-8(5 15-77 1672 14-08 14-95 15-86 16-82 14-17 15-04 15-95 16-92 1425 15-13 16-05 17-02 17-12 17-22 17-32 17-42 17-52 17-62 17-73 17-83 17 93 18-04 19-11 20-24 21-42 22-67 23-97 21 22 23 24 18-14 19-22 20-35 21-54 18-25 19-33 20-47 21-67 18-35 19-44 20-59 21-79 18-46 19-55 20-70 21-91 18-57 19-67 20-82 22-04 18-67 19-78 20-94 22-16 18-78 19-89 21-06 22-29 18-89 20-01 21-18 22-41 23-71 19-00 20-12 21-30 22-54 25 22-80 2411 25-49 26-93 28-45 22-92 23-05 2318 23-31 24-65 26-06 27-53 29-07 23-44 23-58 23-84 26 27 28 29 24-24 25-63 27-08 28-60 24-38 25-77 27-23 28-76 24-51 25-91 27-38 28-92 24-79 26-20 27-68 29-23 24-93 26-35 27-83 29-39 25-07 26-49 27-99 29-55 25-21 26-64 28-14 29-71 25-35 26-78 28-29 29-87 30 30-04 30-20 30-36 30-53 30-69 30-86 31-03 3119 31-36 31-53 31 32 33 34 31-70 33-45 35-27 3718 31-87 33-63 35-46 37-38 32-04 33-81 35-65 37-58 32-22 33-99 35-84 37-77 32-39 3417 36-03 37-97 32-56 34-35 36-22 3817 32-74 34-53 36-41 38-37 32-91 34-72 36-60 38-57 33-09 34-90 36-79 38-78 33-27 35-09 36-99 38-98 35 3918 39-39 39-59 39-80 40-01 4 40-22 40-43 40-64 40-85 41-06 o 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 APPENDIX 609 TABLE XV. Boiling Point of Water. The following table contains the boiling point of water under different pressures between 700 mm. and 799 mm. The numbers given are due to Wieb (Zeitschrift fur Instrumentenkunde (1893), xiii. 329 ; see also Landolt & Bernstein's Tabelleri). I: Millimetres. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 97-714 753 792 832 871 910 949 989 r 028 ^067 71 98-106 145 184 223 261 300 339 378 416 455 72 98-493 532 570 609 647 686 724 762 800 838 73 98-877 915 953 991 ^029 W7 T04 7 142 180 7 2l8" 74 99-255 293 331 368 406 443 481 518 555 592 75 99-630 667 704 741 778 815 852 889 926 963 76 100-000 037 074 110 147 184 220 257 293 330 77 100-366 403 439 475 511 548 584 620 656 692 78 100-728 764 800 836 872 908 944 979 : 0l5 ^051 79 101-087 122 158 193 229 264 300 335 370 406 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PROPORTIONAL PARTS. mm. 039 038 037 036 035 o-i 004 004 004 004 004 0'2 008 008 007 .007 007 0-3 012 on on on on 0-4 016 015 015 014 014 0-5 020 019 019 018 018 6 023 023 022 022 021 0-7 027 027 026 025 025 0-8 031 030 030 029 028 0-9 035 034 033 032 032 1 610 APPENDIX TABLE XVI. Vapour Pressure of Liquids suitable for Use in Vapour Jackets. Carbon Bisulphide. Ethyl Alcohol. Chlorobenzene. Temperature. Vapour Pressure mm. Temperature. Vapour Pressure mm. L'emperature. Vapour Pressure mm. 10 198-5 45 172-2 75 119-5 11 207-0 46 181-0 76 124-2 12 215-8 47 190-1 77 129-1 13 225-0 48 199-2 78 134-2 14 234-4 49 209-6 79 139-4 15 244-2 50 220-0 80 144-8 16 254-3 51 230-8 81 150-3 17 265-7 52 242-1 82 156-1 18 275-4 53 253-8 83 162-0 19 286-6 54 265-9 84 168-0 20 298-1 55 278-6 85 174-3 21 309-9 56 291-9 86 181-7 22 322-1 57 305-7 87 187-3 23 334-7 58 320-0 88 1941 24 347-7 59 334-9 89 201-2 25 361-1 60 350-.5 90 208-4 26 375-0 61 356-4 91 215-8 27 389-2 62 3831 92 223-5 28 403-9 63 400-4 93 221-3 29 409-0 64 418-4 94 239-4 30 434-6 65 437-0 95 247-7 31 450-7 66 456-4 96 256-2 32 467-2 67 476-5 97 265-0 33 484-2 68 497*3 98 274-0 34 501-7 69 518-9 99 283-3 35 519-7 70 541-2 100 292-8 36 538-2 71 564-4 101 302-5 37 5o7'2 72 588-4 102 312-5 38 576-8 73 613-2 103 322-8 39 596-9 74 639-0 104 H33-4 40 617-5 75 665-6 105 344-2 41 638-7 76 693-1 106 355-3 42 660-5 77 721-6 107 366-7 43 682-9 78 751-0 108 378-3 44 705-9 79 781-5 109 390-3 45 7295 110 402-6 46 753-8 111 415-1 47 778-6 112 428-0 48 804-1 113 441-2 49 830-3 114 456-7 50 857-1 115 468-5 116 482-7 117 497-2 118 512-1 119 527-3 120 542-8 121 558-7 122 5751 123 591-7 124 60S -8 125 626-2 126 644-0 127 662-2 128 680-8 129 699-7 130 719-0 131 738-7 132 758-8 APPENDIX 611 TABLE XVII. Vapour Pressure of Mercury. The numbers in the following table were obtained by Ramsay and Young (Journal of the Chemical Society (1886), xlix. p. 37) : Temperature. Vapour Pressure. mm. Temperature. Vapour Pressure. mm. 40 0-0008 180 8-535 50 015 190 12-137 60 029 200 17-015 70 052 210 23-482 80 092 220 31-957 90 160 230 42-919 100 270 240 56-919 110 445 250 74-592 120 719 260 96-661 130 1-137 270 123-905 140 1-763 280 157-378 150 2-684 290 198-982 160 4-013 300 246-704 170 5-904 TABLE XVIII. Depression of Zero. The numbers for verre dur are the means of those obtained by Guillaume, Thiesen, and Schloesser ; those for 16'" the means of those obtained by Thiesen, Schloesser, and Bottcher; those for 56'" were obtained by Thiesen. Temperature. Verre dur. Jena 16'". Jena 59"'. 10 0-008 0'005 0--005 20 017 on 009 30 027 017 014 40 037 024 017 50 048 031 021 60 060 039 024 70 071 048 027 80 084 057 030 90 097 066 033 100 111 077 035 612 APPENDIX TABLE XIX. Corrections to reduce Readings on Mercury -in-Glass Thermometers to the Hydrogen or Air Thermometer. The numbers for verre dur are from the results published by the Bureau International ; those for the Jena glass from tables published by Griitzmacher in Wied. Annalen (1899), Ixviii. p. 769. The original numbers are, in most cases, given to an additional place. Since, however, different observers have obtained numbers which differ by as much as 0'01, it seems unnecessary to include the third place. Temperature. Verre dur. Jena 16"'. Jena 59'". TH-T v .a. T H - 7*16 T H -T 59 10 -05 -06 -02 20 -08 -09 -04 30 -10 -11 -04 40 -11 -12 -04 50 -10 -11 -03 60 -09 -10 -02 70 -07 -08 - 01 80 -05 -06 + 00 90 -03 -03 00 Tair-T u Tair - TW 110 + 04 + 03 + 00 120 + 06 + -05 02 130 + 07 + 07 -04 140 + 07 + 09 - 08 150 + 06 + 10 -13 160 + 03 + 10 -19 170 + .00 + 08 -28 180 -04 + 06 -39 190 -09 + 02 -'52 200 -13 - 04 -67 220 -21 240 -47 260 -83 280 -1-30 300 -1-91 APPENDIX 613 TABLE XX. Coefficients of Expansion of Water and Mercury. The tables contain the volumes of a gram of water or mercury at different temperatures, and allow of the mean coefficient of expansion between any two temperatures being calculated. Thus if v 1 and v 2 are the volumes of a gram at the temperature t 1 and t 2 , the mean coefficient of expansion is -2 J~ The numbers given in the table are due to *W2 ~~ *l) Thiesen, Scheel, and Diesselhorst (Wiss. Abh. d. Phys. Tech. Rdchsan- stalt, vol. ii., 1895 ; vol. iii., 1900; and vol iv., 1904). Volume of one Gram of Water. Tempera- ture. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1-00013 007 003 001 000 001 003 007 012 019 10 027 037 048 060 073 087 103 120 138 157 20 177 199 221 244 268 294 320 347 376 405 30 435 466 497 530 563 598 633 669 706 743 40 782 821 861 901 943 985 028 072 116 162 50 1-01207 254 301 349 398 448 498 548 600 652 60 705 758 812 867 923 979 036 093 151 210 70 1 -02270 330 390 452 514 576 639 703 768 833 80 899 965 032 099 168 237 306 376 447 518 90 1 -03590 663 736 810 884 959 035 111 188 265 100 1-04343 422 501 Volume of one Gram of Mercury. Tempera- ture. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 073554 567 581 594 608 621 634 648 661 674 10 688 701 714 728 741 755 768 781 795 808 20 821 835 848 862 875 888 902 915 928 942 30 955 969 982 995 009 022 035 049 062 076 40 074089 102 116 129 143 156 169 183 196 210 50 223 236 250 263 277 290 304 317 330 344 60 357 371 384 398 411 424 438 452 465 478 70 492 505 519 532 545 559 572 586 599 613 80 626 640 653 667 680 694 707 721 734 748 90 761 775 788 802 815 829 842 856 869 883 100 896 614 APPENDIX TABLE XXI. Specific Heat of Water. The numbers in this table are due to Callendar (Phil. Trans. Royal Society (1902), vol. cxcix. p. 144), and are expressed in terms of- the calorie at 20 C. Temperature. Specific Heat. Temperature. Specific Heat. 1-0094 50 9987 5 1-0054 55 9992 10 1-0027 60 1-0000 15 1-0011 65 1-0008 20 1-0000 70 1-0016 25 9992 75 1-0024 30 9987 80 1-0033 35 .9983 85 1-0043 40 9982 90 1-0053 45 9983 95 1-0063 100 1-0074 TABLE XXII. Refractive Indices for Sodium Light (A = 589/x,/u). Substance. Temperature. Refractive Index. Fluorspar Iceland spar .... Quartz 18 18 18 1 '4339 1-6584 ordinary. 1*4864 extraordinary. 1*5442 ordinary. Kock-salt Water 18 20 1'5533 extraordinary. 1-5443 1-3329 Carbon bisulphide . . Benzene Ethyl alcohol ... 20 21-6 20 1-6277 1-5004 1-3617 APPENDIX 615 TABLE XXIII. Wave-lengths. The following wave-lengths are in air at a temperature of 15 C. and a pressure of 760 mm. : Substance. How caused to Emit Light. Wave-length in 10- 8 cm. Colour. Sodium .... Bunsen flame 58902 Orange. 5896-2 M Potassium .... > 7668-5 Red. 7701-9 ?> 4044-3 Violet. 4047-4 Lithium .... > >? 6708-2 Red. 6103-8 Orange. Thallium . . 5> 5350-7 Green. Strontium .... 4607-5 Blue. Calcium . . . . 4226-9 Rubidium .... 55 V 4202-0 Violet. 4215-7 j? Hydrogen .... Vacuum tube .65630 Red. 4861-5>- Blue-green. 4340-7 Violet. Helium .... .5 7065-2 Red. 6678-1 . 5875-6 Yellow. 5015-7 Green. 4921-9 Blue. 4713-2 M 4471-5 Violet. Mercury . . Mercury lamp 6232-0 Red. 5790-7 Yellow. 5769-6 5> 5460-7 Green. 4959-7 Green-blue. 4916-4 Blue. 4358-3 4078-1 Violet. 4046-8 Cadmium .... Vacuum tube 6438-5 Red. 5085-8 Green. 4799-9 Blue. Zinc 6362-3 Red. 4810-5 Blue. 4722-2 M 46801 616 APPENDIX TABLE XXIV. Correction to Scale Readings when a Mirror and Scale is used to Measure a Rotation. If d is the deflection read off on a scale at a distance D, and is the angle through which the mirror has turned, then we have to a first approximation In the following table are given for values of d/D between "01 and *2 a quantity 8, such that to within terms in d 5 /IP, we have unction. d/D='Ql 02 -03 04 05 06 07 -08 09 10 e 00003 1 00013 '00030 00053 00083 00120 00163 00212 00269 00331 Jin . 00004 00015 00034 00060 00094 00135 00184 00239 00302 00373 Jin 0/2 00003 00014 00031 00055 00086 00124 00168 00219 00277 00342 L'an.0 . 00002 00010 00022 00040 00062 00090 00122 00160 00201 00249 d/D='ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 e 00400 0047G -00557 00645 00740 00840 00946 01059 01177 01301 line . 00450 00535 00627 00726 00832 00944 01064 01190 01323 01461 Sin 8/2 00413 00491 00575 00666 00763 00867 00976 01092 01214 01341 Fan0 . 00300 00357 00418 00485 00556 00632 00712 00797 00886 00980 APPENDIX 61 TABLE XXV. Conductivity of Electrolytes. In the table p is the weight . of the anhydrous electrolyte in 100 grams of the solution, m is the number of gram molecules of the electrolyte in a litre of the solution, d is the density of the solution at 18 C., and a- is the conductivity of the solution in ohm -1 centimetre ~ l at 18 C. Substance. P m d 92 Harmonic analysis, 35 Heat, conductivity for, 270, 272 of solution, 241 Heater for calorimeter, 215, 233 High note, wave-length of, 286 High resistance, measurement of, 460 Holmgren's test wools, 394 Horizontal component of the earth's field, 403, 406, 407 Hydrogen scale, reduction of readings of mercury thermometer to, 182, and Table XIX. Hydrometer, 94 Nicholson's, 96 Hydrostatic balance, measurement of cubical expansion with, 200 Hygrometer, 247, 248, 249 Ice, density of, 228 latent heat of, 233 Ice calorimeter (Bunsen's), 230 Illumination of divisions of standard scale, 50 Incandescent lamp, candle-power of, 387 Inertia, moments of, 107, 601 Insulation resistance, 461 Interference fringes, localisation of, 324 Interferometer, Michelson's, 327 Kayleigh's, 343 Iron, permeability of, 552 Jolly photometer, 385 Joly's steam calorimeter, 239 K Kelvin and Varley slide, 496 Kelvin's double bridge, 465 Key, discharge, 525 for electrometer, 571 - Pohl's, 426 Kohlrausch's method of measuring the resistance of electrolytes, 483 Kundt's method of measuring the velo- city of sound, 284 Lag of thermometer, correction for, 220 Latent heat, by Berthelot's method, 237 of ice, 233 of steam, 235 Length, correction of measurements of, to allow for effects of temperature, 52 measurement of, 41 standards of, 41 Lenses and mirrors, 348 Light, sources of, for dispersion measurements, 305 standards of, 382 Light filter, 310 Liquid, specific heat of, 223, 224 Localisation of interference fringes, 324 Logarithmic decrement, 149 paper, 11 Low resistances, measurement of, 462, 465, 470, 471 Luminosity of pigments, 394 Luramer-Brodhun photometer, 384 M Magnet, temperature coefficient of, 414 Magnetic field, measurement of, with earth inductor, 527 624 INDEX Magnetic field, measurement of, with exploring coil, 529 Magnetic meridian, 396 moments, comparison of, 417 Magnetometer, 404, 407 - method of measuring permea- bility, 553 Magnifying power of microscope, 368 telescope, 367 Mance's method of measuring the re- sistance of a battery, 475 Manganine wire resistances, 593 Manometer for very small pressures, 144 Mathematical tables, 25 Mathissen and Hocking's method of measuring low resistances, 462 Melting point by the method of cooling, 267 Melting point of metals, 506 Mercury arc, 308 still, 487, 489 vapour pressure of, 611 Metals, melting point of, 506 Metastatic thermometer, 262 Michelson's interferometer, 327 Micrometer microscope, 48 screw, 44 Microscope, magnifying power of, 368 Mirror and scale for measuring rota- tions, 420, 616 Mirrors, radius of curvature of, 352 Mixture, method of, for comparing capacity, 531 Mixture, method of, in calorimetry, 213 Molecular weight from the depression of the freezing point of solutions, 261 Moments of inertia, comparison of, 107 table of, 601 Movable zero method of using a mer- cury thermometer, 183 Mutual induction, 546, 548 N Newton's rings, 332 Normal equations, 21 Optical bench, 317, 348 lever, 59 Parallax of sun or star, 602 Pendulum, Borda's, 122 compound, 126 Pendulum, effect of arc on period, 118, and Table VIII. Kater's reversible, 128 simple, 118 Period, determination of, by method of coincidence, 124 measurement of, by eye and ear method, 107 Permeability, 552 by the ballistic method, 563 by the magnetometer method, 553 Photographic lens, test of, 363 Photometers, 383 Photoped, 385 Pigments, luminosity of, 394 Pitch comparison of, of two forks, 281 of tuning fork, 275, 277, 279 Planimeter, 33 Platinum thermometer, 501 Pohl commutator, 426 Polarisation, rotation of the plane of, 370 Potentiometer method of measuring current, 516 Potentiometers, 494 Poynting's polariscope, 373 Prism, measurement of angle of, 290 Pyknometer, 85 Q Quadrant electrometer, 569 capacity of, 571 Quartz fibres, 581 Radius of curvature of mirrors, 352 of curvature with optical lever, 61 of curvature with spherometer, 46 Rate of clock, 131,135,602 Ratio of specific heats (Clement and Desorme's method), 267 of specific heats from velocity of sound, 286 Rayleigh's method of measuring self- induction, 536 refractometer, 343 Reduction of barometer readings, 157, and Tables I., X., and XI. Refraction of sun or star, 602 Refractive index by total reflection, 297, 299, 303 index of gases, 345 index of prism, 295, 302 index of various substances, 614 Refractometer, Rayleigh's, 343 Regnault's hygrometer, 247 Resistance coils, construction of, 593 mi i;i PUT. ON TIU: I.VST ivvrr. vixirrn i:r.i.o\v AN iNiiiAi MNF: OF 25 CENTS ' BK A80KHSKD FOR PAII.URK TO RKTl'K-N INK- PHI DATK DUt. THK PKNALTY v\n -K TO BO CKNT8 ON 1 Ml IOUM1H l 00 ON THK CVKNTH DAY 21 MAY 4 1940 APR 4 946 19' REC'D LD PM I.DSI-