EDUCATION DEFT, '^:^A m mm- ^:v. ': --^;v--' :^-'''\''' ■MmMm nil--"'' ■^'W^^'^^: /- oc^ ^ ?^ 'OKJ/fT^ RAYMOND'S ORATOR'S MANUAL. A Practical and Philosophical Treatise on Vocal Culture, Em- phasis and Gesture, together with Selections for Declama- tion and Reading. Designed as a Text-Book for Schools and Colleges, and for Public Speakers and Readers who are obliged to study without an Instructor. By George L. Raymond, M. A., Professor of Oratory, Princeton College, N.J. " I want to introduce it Into my school. I consider It the best American book upon Technical Elocution. It has also leadings toward a philosophy of expression that no other book written by an American has presented. It will go Into my Senior Class as a Text-Book. Send me copies for Intro- duction."— if oses True Brown, Pres't of the Boston School of Oratory. '* The freshest, clearest, most complete and soundly philosophical work on a public speaker's training that it i as been our fortune to meet. In form and substance It Is admir- able. . . . A faithful study and practice of the principles and examples of this book will result In a natural, graceful atd eflfectlve style of public speaking."— From a notice in The Christian Union by J. W. Chukchill, Prof, of Elocution, Andover Theological Seminary. BACON'S MANUAL OF GESTURE. with over 100 Figures, embracing a Complete System of Notation, together with the Principles of Interpretation and Selections for Practice. " The work comprehends all that Is valuable on the sub- ject of gesture."— R. L. Cumnock, Prof, of Elocution, North- western University. " There has been no work on the subject yet offered to the public which approaches It for exhaustlveness and com- pleteness of detail It Is of the utmost value, not merely to students, but to lawyers, clergymen, teachers and public speakers, and its Importance as an assistant In the formation of a correct and appropiiate style of action can hardly be over-estimated."- PAiiarfcZpAia Inquirer. JOHN C. BUCKBEE k CO., PUBLISHERS, 122 & 124 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. MANUALOFGESTURE; EMBRACING A COMPLETE SYSTEM OF NOTATION, TOGETHER WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERPRETATION SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. By albert M. BACON, A. M. PROFESSOR OF ElloCUTION. Association's mystic power combines Internal passion with external signs." Lloyd's Actor. SEVENTH EDITION. CHICAGO: J. C. BUCKBEE & COMPANY, PUBLISHERS 122 AND 124 WABASH AVENUE. • • • « • t • «»*«crc « • • • • • •• iM A-f iCDUOATION DEPT Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 187*, by SAMUEL C. GRIGGS, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. WOmfUEY/ PREFACE Agreeable sounds and harmonious action — one addressing the ear, and the other the eye — combine to perfect the orator. In the department of vocal culture there is no lack of text -books. Dr. Rush, in his masterly work entitled The Philosophy of the Human Voice, has furnished the most ample facilities for the cultivation of the vocal powers; and for those who 6nd his book too elaborate, Prof. William Russell has published his Orthophony : or. Vocal Culture, in which the subject is rendered simple and practical. These, and other similar works, furnish the requisite means of acquiring the principles and rules of vocal culture. With respect to the department of gesture, however, the case is far different. The want of a complete text - book is seriously felt by the student of oratory. To this want the deficiency of public speakers quite generally, in regard to this subject, is mainly attributable. Among the writers of antiquity, Quintilian, in his Institutes of Oratory, has written the most and the best upon this subject. Rev. Gilbert Austin, an eminent elocutionist of London, issued in A. D. 1806 his Chironomia, a quarto volume of six hundred pages, more than two -thirds of which is devoted to the subject of gesture. This is the most valuable as well as the most extensive, treatise ever written upon this branch of oratory. The present volume is based upon the work of Mr. Austin. The system of notation here adopted is substantially the same as that invented by him, and contained in the Chironomia. As regards the ivi209484 IV PREFACE. interpretation of gesture, which is a prominent feature of this work, the author claims to have more fully developed and thoroughly system- atized this branch of the subject than any other author has attempted to do. This Manual was originally prepared, in manuscript, for the use of my own pupils while engaged in teaching elocution in New England. A limited edition was afterwards published in pamphlet form. The work has now been carefully revised, much enlarged, and illustrated with cuts. In the interpretation of gesture, new definitions and new combinations, with more copious examples, have been added. I am much indebted to Prof. William Russell, the eminent elocu tionist and accomplished scholar, for his hearty co-operation and valuable suggestions in the preparation of this volume. Both from his published works and from frequent personal interviews, I have received important aid. A. M. BACON. Chicago, Nov, 30, 1872. CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAPTER I. Rhetorical Delivery _ 5 CHAPTER II. Gesture , -- 25 CHAPTER III. Notation of Gesture - . 40 CHAPTER IV. Right Hand Supine S3 CHAPTER V. Both Hands Supine 80 CHAPTER VI. Right Hand Prone 96 CHAPTER VII. Both Hands Prone 108 CHAPTER VIII. The Vertical Hand _ 114 CHAPTER IX. Special Gestures 122 CHAPTER X. Conclusion 146 Miscellaneous Examples 163 Selections for Practice 190 Index of Interpretation ... 261 I* CHAPTER I, RHETORICAL DELIVERY. Rhetorical Delivery includes the management of the voice, the gesture, the attitude, and the expression of the countenance. The advantage of a natural, graceful, and effective delivery is second in importance only to the sentiments and language of a public speaker. Indeed, so great have been the achievements of the oratorical art, so marked the success of those who have thoroughly cul - tivated it, as contrasted with others of equal, or even superior talents in other respects, but deficient in this, that many have been led to attach more importance to delivery than to composition. The public speaker who neglects this part of an orator's education certainly suffers great loss. He may be esteemed for his learning, and command the appreciation of those who listen to his wise and judicious sayings, who admire the many excellencies of his production, and he may rest satisfied with this measure of success ; but the added power of a winning and persuasive delivery would greatly in- crease the efficiency of his public efforts. The words of Cicero, coming down througli the centuries, should have weight with us in our compara- 6 MAKUAL OF GESTURE. tive neglect of this subject. In his work on celebrated orators he says : " It is of little consequence that you prepare what is to be spoken, unless you are able to deliver your speech with freedom and grace. Nor is even that sufficient, unless what is spoken be delivered by the voice, by the countenance, and by the gesture in such a manner as to give it a higher relish." Refer- ing to the tones of voice, to gesture, and the expression of the countenance, he says: "It is hardly possible to express of how great consequence is the manner in which the orator avails himself of all these. For even indifferent speakers, by the dignity of their action,* have frequently reaped the fruits of eloquence ; whilst those whose language is that of an orator, often on account of the awkwardness of their action, have been reckoned indifferent speakers." Quintilian, also, in his observations upon Hortentius, says: "If delivery can produce such an effect as to excite anger, tears, and solicitude in subjects we know to be fictitious and vain, how much more powerful must it be when we are persuaded in reality ? Nay, I ven- ture to pronounce that even an indifferent oration,, recommended by the force of action, would have more effect than the best if destitute of this enforcement." Again he says: "Unquestionably, since mere words have, in themselves, a powerful efficacy, and since the voice adds to what is said its own influence, and since gesture and emotion have also their peculiar signifi- * It should be here observed that, with the ancients, action was synonomous with delivery^ and embraced voice, gesture, attitude, and facial expression. We use the term to indicate only that part of delivery which addresses itself to the eye. RHETORICAL DELIVERY. 7 cance, something perfect must be produced when all are combined together." The acknowledged ability of Lord Chesterfield to judge in such matters will give weight to the following quotation from him: " If you would either please in a private company or persuade in a public assembly, air, looks, gestures, graces, enunciation, proper accents, just emphasis, and tuneful cadences, are full as necessary as the matter itself." The importance of a good delivery may be con- sidered with reference to three departments of oratory : Deliberative, Judicial and Sacred. The other purposes which the art may be made to serve will be found nearly related to one or another of these. The statesman, who in some measure is held responsi- ble for the welfare of the state, needs to supplement other qualifications with such oratorical resources as shall not only fit him for the ordinary demands of public service, but render him equal to any emergency. Amidst the turmoil of revolution or the conflict of nations, it may be his mission to roll back the tide of war, and, like the son of Hermes, " With siren tongue and speaking eyes, Hush the noise and soothe to peace." The advocate, who, before judges and jurors, stands to vindicate the rights of his fellow -man, and ofttimes to plead for his life, hazards too much if he ignore the oratorical art. To say nothing of opportunities for rising to eminence in his profession, he may, by the industrious cultivation of this art, render to humanity a far more important service. 8 MANUAL OF GESTUBE. But more than all, the minister of the Gospel, whose high vocation is to preach to a lost world the glad tidings of salvation, and lead men to believe in Jesus Christ, that they may be saved from wrath and ruin ; the messenger of God who stands between the living and the dead to utter words of such tremendous import as to affect the eternal destiny of every one of his hearers ; the bearer of this high and holy commission should most certainly strive for the acquisition of every element of pulpit power. In addition to his faith in God, and the requisite knowledge of the Scriptures, and of men, and of whatsoever things are needful to fit him for his work, and to enable him clearly to illustrate Bible truth, he should by all means labor to possess himself of the undoubted advantages of a powerful and persuasive delivery. In presenting his message, he should at least interpose no obstacle in the way of its easy access to the ear, the vestibule of the soul. He should not weary his congregation by indistinctness of enunciation or want of vocal power ; compelling them to expend in the effort to catch the words, that atten- tion which should be given to the thought. He must avoid offending the ear with harsh, or in anywise disa- greeable tones, and the eye by ungainly postures, or by awkward, or unmeaning, or superfluous gestures. Above all, he should never grieve the Divine Master, make the angels weep, and disgust his fellow -men by any ostentatious display of his oratory in the pulpit. More attention to the graces of dehvery would aug- ment the power of the modern pulpit. Said Cicero, to some of his learned contemporaries, " It is not genius. RHETORICAL DELIVERY. » it is the genius of oratory that you want." This remark, as well as the following lines from John Byrom, respecting the English clergy, will apply to some theo- logians of the present day : " In point of sermons, 'tis confest Our English clergy make the best ; But this appears, we must confess. Not from the pulpit, but the press. They manage, with disjointed skill, The matter well, the manner ill ; And, what seems paradox at first, They make the best, and preach the worst." Addison also complains of the general neglect of this subject in his time. He says; ''Our preachers stand stock still in the pulpit, and will not so much as move a finger to set off the best sermons in the world. We meet with the same speaking statues at our bars, and in all public places of debate. Our words flow from us in a smooth, continued stream, without those strainings of the voice, motions of the body, and majesty of the hand, which are so much celebrated in the orators of Greece and Rome. We talk of life and death in cold blood, and keep our temper in a discourse which turns upon everything that is dear to us." While this description of English orators may, to some extent, find its counterpart in our own country, the tendency, in many cases, is to the opposite extreme. Hamlet's instructions to the players, guarding them against extravagance on the one hand, and tameness on the other, are quite as serviceable to the orator as to the actor ; 10 MANUAL OF GESTUKE. " Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue ; but if you mouth it, as many of our players do, I had as lief the town crier spoke my lines. Nor do not saw the air too much with your hand, thus ; but use all gently : for in the very torrent, tempest, and (as I may say) whirlwind of your passion, you must acquire and beget a temperance that may give it smoothness. * * * Be not too tame neither, but let your own discretion be your tutor ; suit the action to the word, the word to the action, with this special observance, that you o'erstep not the modesty of nature; for anything so overdone is from the purpose of playing, whose end, both at the first, and now, was, and is, to hold, as 't were, the mirror up to Nature ; to show Virtue her own feature. Scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure. * * * Now, this overdone, or come tardy off, though it make the unskillful laugh, cannot but make the judicious grieve." Objections are not unfrequently raised against the systematic study of oratory. Eloquence, we are told, is the gift of Nature, and must be left to her direction. But Nature, unaided by Art, has never yet produced a perfect orator, nor has she approached perfection. The great orators of both ancient and modern times have diligently studied the rules of the art until they acquired the grace of cultivated nature. To say that there is no excellence in this department without the study of rules, would be a libel upon nature and a con- tradiction of history; but to say that the highest excellence can only be attained by the most assiduous BHETORICAL DELIVERY. 11 culture, is to assert a truth which the history of orators and oratory most fully confirms. The incessant labors of Demosthenes, of ^schines, of Hortentius, of Isoc- rates, and Gracchus, show that these men agreed with Oicero in the behef that to be an orator, something more is needed than to he horn. If it belongs to nature to furnish the world with ready-made orators, why does she not do it? Where are they ? Nature will perform her part ; but, obviously, it is no more her province to produce finished orators than finished scholars or artists. What every one knows to be true in regard to painting, poetry and music, is also true of oratory : we find in these the bestowment of natural gifts, and the necessity of cultivation ; with a degree of attainment proportionate to the industry and perseverance of the recipient. Some have objected to the study of oratory, on the ground that it tends to form an unnatural style of de- livery. In some instances this may be the tendency ; but the fault lies not in the art, but in the imperfect acquisition of it. The rules of any art, only partially learned and feebly followed, or even strictly followed without facility of execution, will produce the same result. The meager attention paid to this subject in our literary institutions will never develop the oratorical talent of the country. Twenty -four lessons in vocal culture, interspersed with a few hints on gesture, will hardly suffice to complete the work nature has begun. And yet comparatively few receive even this. Six years is thought to be little enough to devote to the classics ; while in the department of oratory, great results are 12 MANUAL OF GESTURE. expected from a very small amount of labor. Six years in Greek, and six weeks in elocution ! So long as this is held to be the true relative proportion, we shall con- tinue to hear that elocutionary training tends to un- naturalness ; but when this branch of education shall be elevated to its true position, and carried along, side by side, with other branches, we shall hear no more of an objection which applies only to a superficial knowledge of the subject. It is not true that those who have perseveringly devoted themselves to oratory have so signally failed ; but, on the other hand, the most natural speakers and actors are known to be the most diligent students of rhetorical and dramatic de- livery. According to the position assumed by the objector, Demosthenes, having pursued this study farther than any other man, either in ancient or modern times, should stand out in history as the most mechani- cal, unnatural and ineffective public speaker that the world has ever produced ; but since the great Athenian is universally acknowledged to be the most graceful, natural, and effective among the world's greatest orators, we may well conclude this objection to be unfounded. We sometimes meet with those who, without special elocutionary instruction, exhibit in their delivery a natural force, freedom and grace, far surpassing many others who have devoted themselves to this department. Some have construed this into an argument against the systematic study of oratory. But the argument proves too much. It bears with equal force against other branches whose utility is unquestioned. There are RHETORICAL DELIVERY. 13 n-athematical geniuses who can accomplish more with- out the rules of the science than many others can with them. The same is true of other branches of learning. But shall they all, on this account, be discarded? If not, why then single out and make an exception with respect to oratory? There have been men who never pursued a college course, and yet such have been their achievements in life that their names will survive those of the great majority of graduates a thousand generations, and even outlive the names of all the colleges of their time. But who would think of mentioning this as an argument against the utility of colleges? Because nature has bestowed peculiar gifts upon a few, shall we, therefore, say that there is no acquired excel- lence? As well condemn the science of agriculture because some soils yield more spontaneously than others do with the most careful cultivation. But let it be remembered that those who are by nature endowed with the highest oratorical talents will achieve the most brilliant success in the diligent study of eloquence ; as that soil which is naturally most productive, will most richly reward its liberal cultivator. The success of those who have applied themselves to the study of oratory fully attests the value of the art. Among these, Demosthenes ranks the highest. For the encouragement of those who look upon a high degree of excellence in this department as the peculiar mark of genius, and, therefore, unattainable by them, it may be mentioned that it was only by great perseverance, and after repeated and mortifying failures, that Demos- 14 MANUAL OF GESTURE. thenes succeeded at all. Plutarch relates of him that, upon one occasion, while complaining to Satyrus of his want of success, notwithstanding his continued efforts, the latter asked him to recite some lines of Euripides or Sophocles. When he had complied, Satyrus repeated them over after him, but with such tones and gestures as to show the value of elocutionary training. "And being persuaded how much of ornament and grace is added to the speech by the delivery, he considered of little or no value the labor of any man Avho neglected the pronunciation and the gesture suited to the words." Accordingly, he built a subterranean study, in which he daily exercised his voice. Here he would remain for two or three months at a time, and he even shaved one side of his head that he might compel retirement. The success of Demosthenes furnishes the most illus- trious example on record of what may be accomplished by close and continued application. Such was the esteem in which he was held by his own countrymen that, " when he was to plead, all ingenious men flocked to Athens from the remotest parts of Greece, as to the most celebrated spectacle of the world." The Romans also regarded him with the highest admiration, as may be inferred from the exclamation of Cicero: "Let us imitate Demosthenes I * * * What else, I beseech you, do we attempt, or what more do we wish? Yet, still, we shall never reach his perfections I " The mere reading of his orations conveys no adequate idea of the effect produced by their delivery. Says Valerius Maxi- mus: "In Demosthenes, is wanting a great part of Demosthenes, since he must be read and cannot be heard." BHETORICAL DELIVERY. 16 Cicero, who enjoyed a reputation in Rome, similar to that of Demosthenes in Greece, seems to have exem- plified his own definition of eloquence, — The art of gainirig others to our opinions. His biographer tells us that no other ancient orator could so easily and naturally turn the feelings of an audience in any de- sired direction. With his consummate oratory, he electrified the Roman senate. By the power of his eloquence, he delayed for a time the downfall of the Republic. The success of Cicero, like that of Demosthenes, v/as the result of close application to the study of rules, and persevering practice in the art of delivery. " They were the most assiduous, the most rigorous, the most literal self- cultivators, in the humblest and minutest details, of practical elocution." jEschines, a celebrated Athenian orator, and rival of Demosthenes, excelled in extemporaneous oratory, of which he was called the inventor. Being at the head of one of the political parties of Attica, he had many fierce contests with Demosthenes, who was the leader of the opposite party. Demosthenes himself acknowl- edged the agreeable quality and volume of his rival's voice, and the graces of his manner in the tribune. jEschines afterwards founded a school of oratory at Rhodes, which became celebrated throughout the world. • Hortentius, a personal friend of Cicero, although not possessed of the highest order of talents in other re- spects, was, on account of the graces of his delivery, accounted the rival of Cicero. Quintillian says '' there was something in him which strangely pleased when he 16 MANUAL OF GESTUBE. spoke, which those who perused his orations could not find." William Pitt, so distinguished in the British Parlia- ment for his majestic and overpowering eloquence, acquired his power of extemporizing by a severe course of training at Oxford, where he gained a high reputa- tion, not only for talent, but for skill in elocution. It is said that after entering parliament he remained silent for nearly a year, carefully studying the character of the house. For the following description of Pitt we are indebted to Lord Macaulay : — " His figure, when he first appeared in parliament, was strikingly graceful and commanding, his features high and noble, his eyes full of fire. His voice, even when it sank to a whisper, was heard to the remotest benches ; when he strained it to its full extent, the sound rose like the swell of the organ of a great cathedral, shook the house with its peal, and was heard through the lobbies and down stair- cases, to the Court of Requests and the precincts of Westminster Hall. He cultivated all these eminent advantages with the most assiduous care. His action is described by a very malignant observer as equal to that of Garrick. His play of countenance was wonder- ful; he frequently disconcerted a hostile orator by a single glance of indignation or scorn. Every tone, from the thrilling cry to the impassioned aside, was perfectly at his command." The younger Pitt, for a considerable time the leading spirit in the House of Commons, was also distinguished for his oratorical accomplishments. It is said that " he could pour forth a long succession of round and stately RHETOBICAL DELIVERY. 17 periods without premeditation, without ever pausing for a word, without ever repeating a word, in a voice of silver clearness, and with a pronunciation so articulate that not a letter was slurred over." We are told that his father had trained him from infancy in the art of managing his voice, which was naturally clear and deep-toned, and that his whole education had been directed to the point of making him a great parliament- ary orator. Tlie eloquence of Fox was of that higher type which consists of " reason and passion fused together." Mackintosh says : — *' He certainly possessed above all moderns that union of reason, simplicity and vehemence which formed the prince of orators. He was the most Demosthenean speaker since Demosthenes." Says Dr. Johnson : '* Here is a man who has divided a kingdom with Caesar, so that it was a doubt which the nation should be ruled by, the sceptre of George IH, or the tongue of Mr. Fox." Edmund Burke calls him ''the most brilliant and successful debater the world ever saw," an opinion which was admitted even by his enemies. Lord Erskine, acknowledged to be the greatest of English advocates, is another example of the succes^s attending the study of oratory. His eminence, it is true, was suddenly achieved, but was, nevertheless, the result of previous preparation. We are told that he studied some of the best models of oratory till he almost knew them by heart, and also passed many evenings in a debating association, where, after the example of Pitt and Burke, he trained his talents to that surpassing 18 MAKtJAL OF GESTURE. strength which afterward gained him the high reputa- tion he enjoyed as an advocate. One source of Erskine's power over a jury, lay in his extraordinary ability to read the countenances of his hearers, and adapt himself to their varying emotions. A remarkable instance of native genius, combined with self-culture, is found in the extraordinary history of Patrick Henry. With little aid from the schools, he rose head and shoulders above his contemporaries, and roused three millions of people to the cry of ^^ Liberty or death .^" He was recognized as " the champion of consti- tutional liberty," and " the mouth-piece of the Revolu- i;ion." According to his own account, the first oratorical aspirations of young Henry were awakened at the age of fourteen, while listening to the wonderful eloquence of Rev. Samuel Davies, the great orator of the Presby- terian church. We afterwards find him studying human nature while engaged in his father's store ; ex- citing debates among the country people who frequented the place, relating stories and anecdotes, and then de- ciphering the various emotions expressed in their coun- tenances. By such methods he doubtless acquired that knowledge of the passions and their outward signs, which enabled him in so extraordinary a manner to express feeling by a simple movement of the features. " The stern face would relax and grow soft, pensive, and gentle ; or a withering rage would burn in the fiery eye ; or eyes, mouth and voice would convey to the listener emotions of the tenderest pathos." Hence, he was enabled to influence, as he did, the minds of jurors, over whom he is said to have exercised '' a species of RHETORICAL DELIVERY. 19 magnetic fascination which took their reason captive, and decided the result without reference to the merits of the case." His eloquence has been described as " Shakespeare and Garrick combined." Henry Clay was, unquestionably, the most consum- mate orator of his time. The charm of his eloquence was felt even beyond the line of personal contact. Multitudes who never heard the sound of his voice, were drawn by his magnetic influence. Without being elected to the highest official position, Henry Clay, like Daniel Webster, rose majestically above that posi- tion. But for the clashing of opinions, but for political prejudices and party preferences, the eloquence of Clay would have won every heart in the nation. Aside from his pure and lofty patriotism, he possessed that rare faculty, which, if made the test of eloquence would so far modify Cicero's definition as to make it the art of winning others to ourselves. The great Ken- tuckian won his hearers first to himself, and then to his opinions. Such was the suavity of his address, that an eminent political antagonist is said to have refused an introduction to him lest he should be *' magnetized and mollified, as others had been, by personal contact." Clay began early in life to cultivate his speaking powers. We give his own language addressed to a graduating class of law students : " I owe my success in life to one single fact, namely, that at an early age I commenced, and continued for some years, the practice of daily reading and speaking the contents of some his- torical or scientific book. * * * * It is to this early practice of the art of all arts that I am indebted 20 MANUAL OF GESTURE. for the primary and leading impulses that stimulated my progress, and have shaped and moulded my entire destiny." The eloquence of Daniel Webster was the eloquence of matter rather than manner. Some one has said that "his words weighed a pound apiece." His speeches read better than Clay's. In the senate Webster was the thunder, Clay was the lightning. Webster was distinguished for force and earnestness; hence he made frequent use of the clinched hand, " the sledge-hammer gesture." Clay's delivery was remarkable for ease and grace. His favorite gesture was the pointing finger. One of his hearers remarked that his arguments seemed to drop from the end of his finger. The oratory of Edward Everett combined, in a very high degree, the exquisite finish of the writer with the artistic culture of the speaker. What Cicero says of Hortentius may be said of Mr. Everett, that his delivery had " even more of art than was sufficient for an orator." His action was "faultily faultless." Those who speak without regard to the rules of art would do well to study such a model as Mr. Everett ; while those who are faulty in the opposite direction — whose delivery exhibits more conformity to rules than freedom and grace — had better study John B. Gough, who maybe styled Edward Everett's oratorical antipode. Wendell Phillips ranks among the foremost of Amer- ican orators. His delivery is simple and natural ; con- versational rather than declamatory. His musical voice and graceful action give pleasure to the ear and the eye. He always interests his audience, not only because BHETORICAL DELIVERY. 21 he has something to say, but because of the ease and grace with which he says it. When fully aroused upon great occasions, he carries everything before him. Mr. Phillips' manner before an audience is earnestly recom- mended to those public speakers who are exhausting themselves by over-exertion. By adopting a moderate style of delivery, many a man might regain his wasted energies, and make the business of speaking what it should be, a healthful exercise both for body and mind. John B. Gough's oratory is emphatically sui generis. Its like is not to be found in either hemisphere. His marvelous influence over an audience is due to his knowledge of human nature, his faith in mankind, his power of imitation and description, added to his warm and generous sympathies — the orator's touch-stone, the key to the popular heart. As regards his style of delivery, Mr. Gough may be said to be above rules. The exacting professional elocutionist may find much to criticize ; but to confine such a man as Gough to the rules of the schools, would be unwise ; and to make those rules the test of his merit, would be unjust. The pulpit presents the widest and the most produc- tive field for the exercise of oratorical talent. The themes here discussed are not only inexhaustible, but they are the most elevating that can possibly employ the human mind. The sacred orator, therefore, has an immense advantage over the secular. If the orators of Greece and Rome carried their art to so high a degree of perfection, and produced such wonderful results before the introduction of Christianity, how great 22 MANUAL OF GESTURE. should be the success of those who discourse upon the exalted themes of the Christian religion. Pulpit oratory derives its importance from the con- sideration that preaching is the divinely appointed means of saving men. The most eloquent preacher in the early church was Chrysostom, "the golden-mouthed," who was a diligent student of the Greek masters of oratory. One of the most remarkable examples of pulpit eloquence on record is that of George Whitefield, whose preaching attracted vast multitudes, both in England and Amer- ica. He combined in an eminent degree a natural grace of manner and highly cultivated oratory with that holy zeal which is the highest type of eloquence. " His voice," says Southey, "excelled both in melody and compass, and its fine modulations were accom- panied by that grace of action which he possessed in an eminent degree, and which has been said to be the chief requisite of an orator." Says another writer : " His voice was marvelously rich, sweet and sonorous. His eloquence has rarely been surpassed. It was a natural gift improved by diligent study. * * * * His gestures and the play of his features were full of dramatic power." This advantage he doubtless gained from Garrick, from whom it is stated he took lessons. To his natural gifts and graces Whitefield added the power which lay hidden in his favorite maxim, to preach as Apelles painted, for eternity. " Would ministers preach for eternity," he says, " they would act the part of true Christian orators, for then they would endeavor to move the affections and warm the RHETORICAL DELIVERY. 23 lieart, and not constrain their hearers to suspect that they dealt in the false commerce of unfelt truth." In the education of an orator the elements of delivery should first be taught separately, and then combined in reading and declamation. After being thoroughly drilled in articulation, and properly instructed in the management of the breath, so as to speak without difficulty, and without injury to the vocal organs, the student should attend carefully to the various elements of speech ; as quality, force, stress, time, pitch and slide ; as well as to attitude, gesture, and the expres- sion of the countenance. He should so thoroughly master all these as to be able to dismiss from the mind every thought of rules while in the act of speaking. Prescribed rules are but the scaffolding which is to be removed when the building is finished. The rules of delivery, like those of grammar and rhetoric, should be so familiar to the orator as to be strictly observed, while the mind is wholly engrossed with the subject- matter. Then may we look for •' The grace of action, the adapted mien, Faithful as nature to the varied scene ; Th' expressive glance, whose subtle comment draws Entranced attention, and a mute applause ; Gesture that marks with force and feeling fraught ; A sense in silence, and a will in thought : Harmonious speech, whose pure and liquid tone Gives verse a music, scarce confessed its own." Let no one suppose that real eloquence can be attained by mere conformity to the rules of art. Art produces the body of eloquence, which, however well formed and beautiful in its outward appearance, must, 24 MANUAL OF GESTURE. nevertheless, have breathed into it the breath of life. Eloquence, which is the culmination of oratory, has been defined as " logic on fire." Daniel Webster says of it, '' It comes, if it come at all, like the outbreaking of a fountain from the earth, or the bursting forth of volcanic fires, with spontaneous, original, native force." The study of oratory evidently presupposes a knowl- edge of such branches as are needful to supply the orator with subject-matter, and also an acquaintance with the structure of language, the principles of logic, and the rules of composition ; and yet all these pos- sessed in the highest degree, and combined with the graces of the most finished oratory are, of themselves, insufficient to make true eloquence. They need to be supplemented with still higher qualities. To quote again from Webster, there must be " the high purpose, the firm resolve, the dauntless spirit, speaking on the tongue, beaming from the eye, informing every feature, and urging the whole man onward, right onward to his object." But since these conditions may be met, the student has no occasion to despair. The advocate is supposed to be sufficiently zealous for his client, the legislator for his country, and the minister of Christ for a lost world, as to inspire all these with genuine eloquence. CHAPTER 11. GESTURE. Gesture embraces the various postures and motions of the body ; as the head, shoulders and trunk ; the arms, hands and fingers ; the lower limbs and feet. It is the language of nature ; and hence, like the expres- sion of the countenance is a universal language. While the spoken or written language of on6 nation must be learned by the people of another before they can com- municate with each other in words, these visible signs are understood by all alike. A verbal threat has a dif- ferent word for each nationality ; but the uplifted clinched hand and the angry look has the same mean- ing in all countries. So in the expression of friendly feeling. The assurance of good will spoken in the ear of a foreigner may be utterly misapprehended ; while the outstretched hands accompanied with a conciliatory attitude and genial countenance are quite intelligible. This subject is well illustrated by the ancient panto- mimes, who, without the aid of words, recited entire dramas, and delivered the various fables of the gods and heroes of antiquity, making their gestures perfectly intelligible to the whole Roman people, as well as to foreigners. It is related that a barbarian prince visiting 26 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Rome in Nero's time, after witnessing one of these exhi- bitions, requested the Emperor to allow him to take home with him the principal actor, saying that he had many visitors from neighboring provinces whose language he could not understand, that it was difficult to procure interpreters, and he thought that by the aid of this pantomime he could easily make himself under- stood by all. In like manner the deaf mute communicates by visible signs ; and the infant knows a smile from a frown long before words have any meaning. It not unfrequently happens in a public assembly that some forcible or significant gesture makes a deeper impres- sion than the language which accompanies it. In order to persuade men and move them to action, it is obviously better to address the eye and the ear than the ear alone ; and if so, then it should be done in the best manner possible. With the hands, to which Quintilian attributes the faculty of universal language, we invite or repel, accept or reject, give or withhold, welcome or deprecate. By them we indicate number and quantity, and express abundance or destitution, exultation or dejection. With a motion of the hand we appeal, challenge, warn, threaten and scorn. In the Egyptian hieroglyphics language is symbolized by a hand placed under a tongue. Cressolius speaks of the hand as " the admirable contrivance of the divine artist — the minister of wisdom and reason;" and adds, " Without the hand no eloquence." The organic connection of the vocal powers with cer- tain muscles of the body demands the employment of GESTURE. 27 gesture as an accompaniment of animated speech. Oratorical speaking is a compound motion of the lungs, the muscles of the glottis, and of the abdomen ; and, when accompanied with gesture, the muscles of the chest also. It is manifest that the action of these' muscles should be corellated with appropriate tones and gestures ; this corellation takes place in the emphatic utterance of the following command : " Forward, the Light Brigade ! " the hand being thrown forward simultaneously with the forcible expulsion of the voice. The necessary connection between muscular and nervous action should also be recognized, and turned to account by the orator. On the one hand, nervous excitement expresses itself by the muscles of the body ; on the other hand, the nervous system is aroused by muscular exertion. The lethargic speaker may, there- fore, wake himself up by an energetic period of ges- ture. The degree of perfection to which the art of gesture was carried by the ancients is shown from the challenge of Cicero by Roscius, the latter contending that he could express the same idea in a greater variety of ways by his gestures than the former could by the use of words. It is to be regretted that this art, as perfected by the old masters of Greece and Rome, was not preserved, that along with their orations we might study their style of dehvery ; but they seem to have had no method of recording either tones or gestures, and hence the elo- quence with which it is said they "shook distant 28 MANUAL OF GESTURE. thrones, and made the extremities of the earth treml)le," must be reckoned among the lost arts. " The pliant muscles of the various face, The mien that gave each sentence strength and grace, The tuneful voice, the eye that spoke the mind, Are gone, nor leave a single trace behind." By the aid of a system of notation, such as Mr. Austin has given us in his Chironomia, the entire action of an orator may l)e faithfully recorded. Gesture is thus reduced to a science ; and the student is relieved from the necessity of inventing for himself a system of action which, to say the least, is a needless '' waste of inge- nuity," at well as of time. In the general classification of Gesture we have : I. Designative or Discriminating Gestures, used for indicating or pointing out, and for discriminating be- tween different objects. These may emj)loy the index finger : Ex. — Thou art the man ; (Fig. 8i.) ( )r the open hand : Ex. — I refer the matter to these friends at my right. (Fig. i6.) II. Descriptive Gestures, which serve to describe objects and to represent numbers and space : Ex. — Darkness covered the entire land. Here the outward sweep of the prone hands, to the line horizontal lateral^ describes the act of covering, and also shoAvs the extent of the darkness. {See fir/. 49.) III. Significant Gestures ; such as placing the hand on the head to indicate distress, or the finger on the lips to enjoin silence ; throwing up the bands to express GESTURE. 29 surprise, or reaching them forward in supplication ; dropping the head in shame, or holding it up in pride, or nodding in assent or salutation ; bending the body forward in reverence, throwing it back in pride, or holding it erect in courage ; advancing in entreaty, retiring in fear, starting in terror, and stamping in authority, — these and similar postures and motions fall under the head of Significant Gestures, the most of which are called attitudes. IV. Assertive Gestures ; employed not for designa- tion or description, but for mere assertion, either emphatic or unemphatic ; as, " The laws must be obeyed." {See jigs. 8, 9.) V. Figurative Gestures, or Gestures of Analogy. The interpretation of these is based upon the analogy between mere physical, and intellectual or moral con- ditions. The expression of ideas by means of visible signs necessarily involves this principle. For an illus- tration, apply the same gesture to the following sen- tences : 1. This is the letter I brought you. 2. This is the subject we are to consider. Here the same position and movement of the hand presents, first, a visible object, and then a mental prop- osition. Compare the following examples : 1. Arrest that criminal. 2. Arrest that fugitive thought. In this case we employ the gesture right hand hori- zontal front prone^ to describe both the physical act and the corresponding mental conception. (^See fig, 36.) 30 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Notice also the following : 1. We deposit this body in the earth. 2. All personal feeling he deposited upon the altar of his country. Both the physical and the moral idea of deposition are here expressed with both hands descending front supine. (^Fig. 22.) This analogy may be quite remote. Ex. — I. The youth wandered far from the parental roof, 2. Blind unbelief is sure to err. To err is to wander from the truth ; hence we assign to the second, as well as to the first, the gesture of wander- ing — right hand horizontal lateral supine. {Fig. 16.) Whether an idea is expressed literally or figuratively, the gesture is the same. The student will observe the coincidence between the class of gestures last mentioned and some of the preceding. A gesture of analogy, for instance, may also be a descriptive gesture. Take the example, " Darkness covered the entire land ; " substitute spiritual for literal darkness, and the gesture is purely figurative, but no less descriptive than before. By another principle of division, gestures may be classified according to the style of delivery. Mr. Aus- tin gives three different styles : Epic, Rhetorical and Colloquial ; and describes the various qualities which belong to them. The qualities of gesture, as enumer- ated by him, are Magnificence, Boldness, Energy, Variety, Simplicity, Grace, Propriety, and Precision. The following descriptions are, for the most part, taken from the Chironomia : Magnificence of Gesture consists in the ample space GESTURE. 31 through which the arm and hand are made to move. The motions of the head are free, and the inflections of the body manly and dignified, and the feet traverse a considerable space with firmness and force. The oppo- site faults are short and constrained gestures, with stiff- ness of the body, and doubtful or timid movements. Boldness consists in that elevated courage and self- confidence which ventures to hazard any action pro- ductive of a grand or striking effect. In this sort of gesture, unexpected positions, elevations and transi- tions, surprise at once by their novelty and grace, and thus illustrate or enforce ideas with irresistible effect. The opposite fault is tameness, which hazards nothing, and is timid and doubtful of its powers. Energy consists in the firmness and decision of the whole action, and in the support which the voice receives from the precision of the stroke of the gesture. The opposite faults are feebleness and indecision. Variety consists in the ability of readily adapting suitable gestures to each sentiment, so as to avoid recurring too frequently to favorite gestures. The opposite faults are sameness and barrenness of gesture, analogous to monotony of voice. Simplicity consists in using such gestures as appear the natural result of the situation and sentiments ; neither going beyond the just extent of the feelings, nor falling short of it. The opposite fault is affectation. Grace of Gesture is the result of all other perfections, and consists chiefly in the facility, freedom, variety and simplicity of the action. It is attained by persevering practice after the best models and according to the 32 MANUAL OF GESTURE. truest taste. The opposite faults are awkwardness and rusticity. Propriety, called also Truth of Gesture, or Natural Gesture, consists in the judicious use of those move- ments which are best suited to the sentiment. The opposite imperfections are false, contradictory or unsuit- able gestures. Precision of Gesture arises from the just preparation, the due force, and the correct timing of the action. The preparation is neither too much abridged nor too pompously displayed. The stroke is made with that degree of force which suits the character of the senti- ment and speaker, and occurs on the precise syllable to be enforced. Precision gives the same effect to action that neatness of articulation gives to speech. The op- posite faults are the indecision and uncertainty arising from vague and sawing gestures, which obscure the sentiment and distract the spectator. Epic Gesture requires all these qualities in perfection. The compositions requiring epic gesture are tragedy, epic poetry, lyric odes, and sublime description. Rhetorical Gesture requires principally energy, variety, simplicity and precision. Grace is desirable ; boldness and magnificence may sometimes have place. Colloquial Gesture principally requires simplicity and grace. Precision will naturally follow. Energy and variety may be sometimes demanded ; magnificeuce and l)oldness are inadmissible. In Colloquial Gesture the elbow instead of the shoulder becomes the center of motion ; hence the movements are shorter and less flowing, neither is the action so frequent as in the rhetorical style. gesturf:. 38 Position. — In the study of rhetorical action, Position is the first thing to be attended to. Says Mr. Austin : '' Graceful position precedes graceful action." Facility of movement is essential to both ; hence the public speaker should stand erect and firm ; not rigid, but easy and natural, with the weight of the body resting mainly upon one foot, so that the other may be readily used in changing the position, as occasion may require. The supporting limb should be straight, and the knee of the other slightly bent. The positions suited to the ordinary purposes of pub- lic speaking are few and simple. They may be desig- nated as follows : First Position. — Right foot advanced, the left sup- porting the weight of the body. Second Position, — Right foot advanced, supporting the body. Third Position. — Left foot advanced, the ri^ht sup- porting. Fourth Position. — Left foot advanced, supporting. The feet should be placed with the toes turned out- ward, making an angle of about seventy degrees in the retired positions, and ninety in the advanced. The space between the feet should be three or four inches, or about the breadth of the foot. This, however, applies to the positions adapted to reading or to unimpassionod speaking. In impassioned delivery these positions may l)e so modified as virtually to increase their number. The spaces will be wider, and the angles will vary to suit the purpose of the speaker. 34 MANUAL OF GESTUHE. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Figure 1 represents the first position. The principal weight of the body rests upon the foot that is deeply shaded in the. plan. The other foot, lightly shaded, rests lightly upon the floor. (^See also jig. 8.) The change from the first to the second position is made by stepping forward with the right foot, about half its length, and throwing the principal weight upon it ; only that part of the left which is shaded in the plan, as shown in fig. 2, resting upon the floor. (^See also fig. 9.) The third and fourth positions are simply the reverse of these. Earnest appeal, bold assertion, and impassioned speech carry the body forward to one of the advanced positions. Calm, unimpassioned discourse, also firmness, and resistance, take one of the retired positions. From each of the positions given above four steps may be made with the foot not supporting the body. The central feet in fig. 3 stand in the first position, the right foot, being free to move, may advance, retire. GESTURE. 36 traverse to the right and to the left ; the various steps finishing as numbered and shaded in the diagram. The lines traced by the free foot are each marked with a star. •indlP "S M %^ 2nd p. \ IsER. >^ SrdP Fig 3. / >^ ixtr ' r --^W istR UtI Fig. 4. Fig. 4 shows the corresponding steps from the second position. It will be observed that here, in crossing, the '?>f\ ISfAKTTAL OF GESTURE. free foot passes behind the other, whereas in crossing from the first position it passes before the other. Neither of these steps should be made except in rare cases. The following directions from Mr. Austin should be carefully observed : " In changing the positions of the feet, the motions are to be made with the utmost simplicity. The speaker must advance, retire, or change, almost imperceptibly ; and it is to be particularly observed that changes should not be too frequent, as this gives the idea of anxiety, or instability." The following is also taken from the Chironomia : '' The trunk of the body is to be well balanced and sustained erect upon the supporting limb. Whatever the speaker's position may be, he should present him- self, as Quintilian expresses it — a^quo pectore — with the breast fully fronting his audience, and never ifi the fencing attitude of one side exposed. What Cicero calls the virilis flexus laterum — the manly inclination of the sides — should also be attended to ; for, without this position, tlu bod}^ will seem awkward and ill balanced. The inclination of the sides withdraws the upper part of the body from the direction of the sustaining limb, and inclines it the other way, Avhilst it throws the lower part of the body strongly on the line of the supporting foot. In this position the figure forms that gentle curve or waving line which painters and statuaries consider as appropriate to grace. '' The gesture of the arms and hands must receive a a slight accompanying movement of the trunk, and not GESTURE. 37 proceed from it as from a rigid log. Whilst care is taken to avoid affected and ridiculous contortions, there must be a manly and free exertion of the muscles of the whole body, the general consent of which, is indispens- able to graceful action." The remarks of Professor Russell will also be service- able to the student : "•' The true time of movement is in exact coincidence with emphasis, and falls appropriately on the accented syllable of the emphatic word. The voice and the bodily frame are thus kept in simultaneous action witli the mind. Movement so performed never obtrudes itself on the attention, but becomes a natural part of the whole delivery. The changes of position should always be made (except only the retiring movement, at the close of a paragraph, or of a division of the sub- ject) during the act of speaking^ and not at the pauses." The position of the head should be natural and easy ; neither so far back as to give the idea of haughtiness, thus showing a want of respect for the audience, nor so far forward as to imply submissiveness and a want of self-respect. The head should move easily, but not rapidly, from side to side. In the mechanical execution of gesture we employ straight lines and curves ; as in geometry, to which the laws of gesture are referable. Straight lines, which indicate directness of thought, are employed to express bold, energetic and abrupt ideas. The curved lines are used in more calm and quiet states of mind, to express gentle and genial thoughts and emotions, and are also adapted to the boldest flights of oratory. 38 MAKUAL OP GESTURE. Gestures are quick or slow, and range through large or small space, accordmg to the character of the dis- course, and the feelings and circumstances of the speaker. In the unimpassioned, or mere narrative or didactic parts of a discourse, gestures should be few in number, limited in space, and moderate in time ; but as the subject gathers interest and the speaker warms, they should be more profuse, varied and energetic. The action should be accommodated also to the size of the room and the number of the audience. The fol- lowing general directions w^ill be a sufficient guide : Forcible utterances and vehement emotions are ex- pressed with quick time ; calm, quiet, and subdued thoughts and feelings, with slow time. Solemn and deliberate assertions require large space and slow movement; lively expressions limited space and quick movement. " The gesture of the public speaker must vary with his circumstances. If the object be merely to instruct his audience, he will limit himself to a very small degree of gesture. He will avoid all parade of prep- aration, and all the, graces of transition, and give only that degree of variety that is necessary to relieve his gestures from sameness. This is far removed from the theatrical, and nearly approaches the colloquial style. When the speaker aims to persuade, and upon extra- ordinary occasions, he will naturally use more graceful, more flowing, and more varied gestures." — Austin. It is not designed that this study shall necessarily increase the number of gestures Avhich the student has been accustomed to use. What most speakers need is. GESTURE. 39 not a greater number, but a greater variety. The con- stant recurrence of two or three different motions shows a poverty of resource that may find its remedy in a better acquaintance with the laws of expression. On the other hand many need to study this subject that they may abridge their action, like the awkward youth whose father sent him to the dancing master, that he migfht learn to stand still. CHAPTER III. NOTATION OF GESTURE. The lines of gesture take three general directions — descending, horizontal, and ascending. Each of these has four subdivisions — front, oblique, lateral, and oblique backwards. The descending gestures carry the hand forty-five degrees below the horizontal line ; the ascend- ing, forty -five above. The points designated by the four subdivisions are also forty-five degrees apart. This entire sys- tem is represented in ///. 5. The vertical lines nearest the speaker (1,1) are lines in front; the next lines — forty- five degrees to the right and left of these (2, 2) are the oblique; forty-five degrees far- ther are the lateral (3,3) ; and back of these the same distance, the X^iG. 5. dotted lines (4, 4) are NOTATION OF GESTURE. 41 the oblique hackward». In the transverse direction the circular lines (5, 6, 7) are called respectively descending^ horizontal and ascending. The points where these lines intersect each other, furnish the names of the gestures so far as relates to the direction of the arm ; and these several directions are indicated by the initial letters : d. f., descending front ; d. o., descending oblique ; d. 1., descending lateral ; d. o. b., descending oblique back- wards. The same order is followed on the next line above : h. f., horizontal front, etc. ; and above this we have a. f., ascending front, etc. This gives us twelve gestures with the right hand supine. When the gesture takes the prone or the vertical position of the hand, the letter p. or v. is added to the notation ; and where both hands are to be employed, this is indicated by prefix- />. A., thus : b. h. d. f. p. is to be read, both hands descend- ing front prone. The other combinations will be readily formed from the table of abbreviations. By thus changing the position of the hands, and executing the gestures with one hand and with both, we have a system embracing fifty-six different gestures (exclusive of thirty-two with the left hand, which are admissible in rare cases). These, executed in various ways — in straight lines and curves, through large and small space, with quick and slow movement, and accom- panied with an endless variety of changes in attitude and facial expression, together with the movements denominated special gestures, furnish a vocabulary of gesture commensurate with the realm of thought and feeling. The descending gestm-e» belong to the sphere of the 42 IMANUAL OF GESTURE. Will, and, therefore, predominate in strong resolve and determination, in bold and emphatic assertion, and vehement argumentation. The horizontal lines belong more especially to the realm of Intellect, and are employed in general thought, and in historical and geographical allusions. The ascending gestures belong to the Imagination. These are employed in sublimity and general elevation — ^physical, intellectual and moral. The gestures in front are generally direct and per- sonal, and also more emphatic than others. The oblique gestures are more general in their appli- cation, and less emphatic than those in front. The lateral gestures, except in special cases, as in aversion, repulsion, and, it may be, in special designa- tion, are still less emphatic. The gestures oblique backwards indicate remoteness, and are occasionally used to extend an idea farther than can be well expressed in the lateral line. The analysis of gesture shows three minor move- ments : Preparatory, Executionary and Return. These taken together constitute a Period of gesture ; or a period may embrace a combination of gestures, begin- ning with the preparation, extending through a series, and finishing with the return movement. Preparation. — The hand, in preparation for the gesture, is brought up on the oblique line, that is, mid- way between the front and the lateral. In general, it should not be raised above the head. In lifting the hand, special care should be taken (except in colloquial gestures) to make the shoulder, and not the elbow, the NOTATION OF GESTUBE. 48 Fig. 6. center of motion. In other words, lift the whole arm, and not merely the fore-arm. Let the hand pass through all the space designated by the curved line in fig. 6. In prac- ticing this movement, it is well at first to pause at the horizontal line (2), and then make the angle by bringing the hand to the head (3). The careful observance of this direc- tion will aid very much in securing freedom of action. Indeed, the grace and effectiveness of oratorical action depend largely upon the proper execution of the prej)aratory movement. It must be well timed, and in harmony with the rhetoric as well as with the sentiment. Except in comic and tragic recitation, there should be no sudden jerking of the arm ; nor, as a rule, should the hand be thrust out with- out some preparatory action. In demonstration, calm reasoning and simple narrative, where little gesture is needed, and that of a moderate style, the hand should seldom be raised to the head, but may be arrested at any point above the descending line of gesture, accord- ing to the sentiment and circumstances. Animated delivery, and especially emphatic utterance, require a corresponding fulness and force of preparation. Examples.— 1. I cordially accede to your request, r. h.d. f. Here the hand in preparation is raised scarcely above the terminal point of the gesture. 3 44 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 2. This position I will maintain to the last. r.h.d.f. This lifts the hand to the head, in order to gain space through which to bring it down with greater emphasis. Compare the uplifted hand in fig. 6 with figs. 8 and 9. The preparation is also deliberate or rapid, according •to the sentiment or the degree of emphasis required. Ex. — I. Treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath? r. h. h. f. In this case the deliberate lifting of the hand to the head should correspond with the deliberate utterance of the words preceding day^ upon which the gesture occurs. Prolonged preparation excites attention and enforces gesture. 2. Freedom calls you ! Quick, be ready. b.h.h.o. In this example, the hands are suddenly thrown up- ward on the first word; the preparation is then arrested until the last word is reached, when they are brought down forcibly upon that word. The uplifting of the hands in this case, as in many others, is both a prepara- tory and an expressive act. The preparation is some- times even more expressive than the gesture which follows. It should be carefully observed that that part of a sentence which precedes the emphatic word usually takes the preparation. When the gesture occurs upon the first word in the sentence, there should be a pause in the voice previous to uttering that word, to allow time for the preparatory action. Ex. — 1. Fade flowers ! fade ; nature will have it so. d.o. p. rep. d.o. NOTATION OF GESTURE. 46 2. I^ash, fruitless war, from wanton glory wag'd, r.h.d.f. r.h.d.l. r.h.h.l. Is only splendid murder. b. h. d. f. 3. What I threat you me with telling of the king? h.f. h.o. The preparation frequently occurs upon a single syllable, the gesture proper taking the succeeding syl- lable. Ex. — Away Wxih private wrongs, d. 1. imp. Arreated Preparation. — After the hand is raised in preparation for the gesture, the effect may sometimes be heightened by arresting or suspending the action (luring a rhetorical pause in speech, or while uttering some significant word, phrase or sentence. The sub- ject of a sentence often requires an arrested prejjaration, the action being consummated in the predicate. In the following passage : " As the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His int-rcy toward theni that fear Him," •°- the hand is slowly raised upon the first clause ; the preparation is then arrested until the emphatic word is readied, >vhen the hand is brought down to the descend- ing oblique. The effect of suspending the action in this manner is analogous to the rhetorical pause in speech. The ExECUTiONARY Movement, or gesture proper, is made upon the emphatic word, phrase or sentence, the ietus^ or emphatic stroke^ at the terminus, occurring upon the accented syllable. As the hand approaches its destined point, by an additional movement of the wrist joint it springs with increased velocity to the termina- tion, and thus marks with precision the accented syl- 46 MANUAL OF GESTURE. lable. With respect to the space and time of the action, the same rules which govern the preparation, apply with equal force to the executionary movement. Action not suited to the word is better omitted. A single example will serve to illustrate the importance of cor- rectly timing the gesture : " Spread wide around the heaven-breathing calm." Apply to these words the gesture both hands horizon- tal lateral prone {Fig. 49), pronouncing very slowly, and then increase the rate of utterance until there is no time for that deliberate movement of the hands which the sentiment requires. It will be seen that with too slow an utterance the gesture is finished too soon for the words ; and with rapid speaking the ges- ture must either be more animated than the descriptive idea will allow, or fall so far behind the words as to appear affected and puerile. " The most flowing and beautiful motions," says Mr. Austin, "the grandest preparations, and the finest transitions of gesture, ill applied and out of time, lose their natural character of grace, and become indecorous, ridiculous, or offen- sive." In the Return Movement, after a gesture or a series of gestures is completed, the muscles should relax so as to allow the hand to fall naturally and easily. Like the preparation, this may sometimes serve as an expres- sive act. Entire cessation or nonentity may occasion- ally be expressed more effectively by dropping the hand upon certain words, than by any other movement. Ex. — I. He loosed the steed ; his slack hand/V/. drop. NOTATIOK OF GESTURE. 47 2. Like the lily, d.o. That once was mistress of the field, that flourished, h. o. imp. I'll hang my head and perish. drop. 3. The time for tender thoughts and soft-endearments \% fled away and gone. d. 1. drop. To secure ease and grace of action, all the joints of the arm and hand — the shoulder, the elbow, the wrist, and the finger — must move with perfect freedom. "Without the free use of the wrist-joint, particularly, there can be no grace. The effective execution of the emphatic stroke at the terminus of the gesture, depends largely upon the flexibility of the wrist-joint. While the student of Elocution should study strength and manliness before grace, he should, at the same time, carefully avoid ungraceful action. Repeating the Gesture. — When the idea is repeated, either in the same or in other words, or when successive reference is made to the same person, place, or thing, the gesture may be repeated. Ex. — Which show the works of the law written in their hearts ; their conscience also bearing witness, ^' °" repeat. This is often done merely for emphasis. The repeated gesture should then be larger and more forcible than the first ; the preparation carrying the hand higher, and still higher, as the increasing emphasis demands. ^C\. — I. On them, Huzzars ! in thunder ox\ them wheel ! b. h. h. f. repeat, 2. Charge ! Chester, Charge I On, Stanly, on I r. h, h. f, rep. r. h.h, f, rep, 3. Nearer, clearer, deadlier than before, b. h d. f. rep. rep. 48 MANUAL OF GESTUBE. This persistency of gesture, judiciously used, is very effective ; but must not be carried into mannerism. " Do not saw the air thus." Impulse. — When less emphasis is required, instead of repeating the gesture, there may be a slight impulse — a repetition of the wrist movement. The pupil, how- ever, must be cautioned against excess in this direction. The habit of constantly repeating the ictus of the ges- ture is a fault of oratory. SusTENTATiON OF GESTURE. — After the stroke of the gesture upon the emphatic word, the hand should remain in position until the full effect is produced. To drop it too soon, weakens the gesture. Ex. — I, I appeal to you, sir, for the decision, r. h. h. f. sus. Here the gesture should be sustained until the whole sentence is completed. Keep the hand in the position horizontal front, as if waiting for the decision. 2. How vain all outward efforts to supply r.h.h.l. The soul with joy ! sus. to the close. 3. Tradition's pages r. h. h. o. b. Tell not the planting of the parent tree. sus. In the last examples the gesture is sustained beyond the usual limit ; when the sentiment admits of it, the effect is heightened thereby. Like the arrested prep- aration, this maybe called a rhetorical pause in gesture. The following abbreviations embrace the system of notation to be used in recording gesture according to the plan of this Manual. In notating gestures the s. may be omitted from the supine hand, and r. h. from ges- NOTATION OF GESTUKE. 4S tures to be made with the right hand singly, or these may be expressed, at the option of the student. When the position of the hand is not notated, it is to be under- stood supine ; and when it is not indicated whether one or both hands are to be used, the right hand is understood. d. f., descending front. d. o., '• oblique. d. 1., •* lateral. d. o. b., '' oblique backwards. h. f., horizontal front. h. o., '' oblique. ' h. 1., '' lateral. h. o. b., " oblique backwards. a. f., ascending front. a. o., '' oblique. a. L, '' lateral. a. o. b., " o})li([ue backwards, r. h., right hand. 1. li., left hand. b. h., both hands. s., supine. ])., prone. v., vertical. i. or ind., index linger. iq)l., uplifted. par., parallel. cli., clinched. cla., clasped. ap., applied. fol., folded. cro., crossed. prep., preparation. rep., repeat. imp., impulse. sus., sustain. tr., tremor. 50 MAKITAL OF GESTURE. The initial letters placed under a given word indicate the gesture for that word ; as, Humility and modesty are cardinal virtues, prep. r. h. h. o. s. imp. sus. This notation indicates that the hand is to be lifted, in preparation for the gesture, upon humility ; that the gesture right hand horizontal oblique supine occurs upon modesty ; that an impulse of the hand, or partial repetition of the gesture, is made upon cardinal ; and that the action is to be sustained to the close of the sentence. This, however, may be abridged. The prep- paration and the sustentation seldom need to be notated, and the letters h. o. would suffice, in this case, for the gesture, the right hand supine being understood. The gestures which a given example is specially intended to illustrate occur upon the capitalized words. Other gestures in the same example are indi- cated by the letters placed under the italicized words. As a rule, only the former need be noticed at first. After the student shall have gone carefully through the book, executing the gestures occurring upon the capitalized words, and studying their interpretations, he will find great advantage from a review, in which these gestures shall again be executed with their com- binations, as indicated by the words in italics. It will be observed that when no other gesture occurs in the example except the one illustrating the principle under consideration, the notation is omitted, the capital letters being a sufficient guide. When a single gesture is assigned to a phrase or clause, it is intended that the executionary movement shall be made to extend over all the words embraced. NOTATION OF GESTTJBE. 51 Although different examples are generally given for the different gestures throughout these pages, it will not unfrequently occur that a given passage would be as appropriately expressed with some other gesture than the one assigned to it. This must be determined by the state of the speaker's mind, or by the circumstances in which the language is spoken. Passages ordinarily requiring only a moderate degree of emphasis might, in other circumstances, employ more emphatic gestures. Language in itself unemotional, may, under certain conditions, become highly impassioned, and require corresponding action. The index finger, or even the clinched hand, may then be employed, when at other times the open hand would sufiice ; both hands may be used instead of one ; the straight line may take the place of the curve, and vice versa. Indeed, no two per- sons, however well acquainted with the subject, would be likely to employ precisely the same gestures through- out a given recitation, although they might equally conform to the laws of expression. Differences might arise, not only from different conceptions of the author's meaning in some passage rendered, but from a dis- similarity of temperament, taste, mood, or surroundings. To suppose that, in every instance, a given sentence or paragraph must necessarily be expressed with a cer- tain style of gesture, and that any deviation from this would be false or inappropriate, Avould not only be radically erroneous, but would greatly embarrass, if not wholly discourage, the student of oratory. While the general principles laid down in this treatise should govern in the choice of gesture, there is still a wide 3* 52 MANUAL OF GESTURE. margin for the exercise of individual taste and judgment in the matter of suiting the action to the word. The gestures here described, with their various applications and accompanying examples will, it is believed, if carefully studied, suggest the appropriate style of action in every case that may arise. The sub- ject, however, is of necessity inexhaustible. The student will therefore find ample scope for the exercise of liis ingenuity in discovering new combinations, and in bringing out the finer shades of expression. CHAPTER IV. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. Fifj. T. In these gestures the hand is not entirely supine, but sh)ping from the thumb about thirty degrees ; the fore finger should be straight, the others slightly relaxed ; the two middle fingers close together and the other lingers somewhat separated from them. The* hand should be well opened ; when partly closed the gesture is weakened. The palm of the hand, when presented to the audience, possesses great power of expresion. Right Hand Descending Front Supine. (Figs. 8, 9, 10.) I. This gesture is emplo3^ed in Emphatic, Particular Assertion, embracing that which is urgent, necessary, inevitable, or impossible. 54 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Regarded as mere assertion, the affirmative and the negative forms are governed by the same law. Fig. 8. Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Examples. — i. This doctrine is founded upon, and consistent with the TRUTH. 2. It MUST be so, Plato ; thou reasonest well. d. f. rep. 3. This preposition must not be entertained for a single MOMENT, 4. The war is inevitable. 5. This can never be. 6. Under existing circumstances war is IMPOSSIBLE. II. Emphatic Resolve or Determination. Ex. — I. This sentiment I will maintain with the last breath of life. 2. To such usurpation I will never submit. III. Imperative or Forcible Demand. Ex. — I. I demand an immediate surrender. 2. I demand complete reparation for the injury. ly. Emphatic Question, whether Grammatical or Rhetorical. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 55 Ex. — I. Do you POSITIVELY affirm this ? 2. Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 3. Why should Rome fall a moment ere her time ? In the foregoing examples the hand is raised to the head and brought down forcibly upon the emphatic word. See jigs. 8 and 9. In the following, under con- cession, submission, etc., the hand is but slightly raised in preparation, and the gesture is executed with slow movement. See fig. 10. Thus it is shown that in the same notation, a very different, or even opposite effect may be produced by a different mode of execu- tion. V. Concession ; as, I GRANT this principle. VI. Submission ; as, I SUBMIT to your terms. VII. Humility; Ex. — I. I humbly confess my fault. 2. *• Sir," said I, " or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore." (^Mock Humility.) 3. I kiss the very ground under your feet. Before taking up the next gesture in the system — descending oblique — it is well to observe that, in general, the relation of the oblique to the front line of gesture, descending, horizontal and ascending, may be stated thus : Front. Particular, Specific, Unity, Personal, Very Emphatic. Oblique. General, Generic, Plurality, Impersonal, Emphatic. 56 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Right Hand Descending Oblique Supine. (Fig. II.) I. Emphatic General Assertion, whether affirmative or negative. Examples. 1. These are the fundamental principles of knowledge. 2. These things are CERTAINLY true. 3. Of all mistakes none are so fatal as those we inci:r through prejudice. imp. 4. These statements are entirely without foun- dation. 5. The assertions of my opponent are false in .xpjp -1 -i every particular. II. This gesture, usually in combination with some other, serves to mark with emphasis words opposed to, or compared Avith each other. ExAMi'LLs. — I. What cannot h^ prevented, must be endured. h. o. d. o. 2. What is done, cannot be undone. h. o. d. o. 3. There is a material difference between giving, and fok- d.o. GIVING. h.o. 4. He who is intelligent, will be INTELLIGIBLE. h. o. d. o. 5. Prosperity o-azwi- friends, adversity TRIES them. h.o. d.o. 6. We are weak, and ye are strong. h.o. d.o. Similar ideas, but more specific, or personal, or de- livered with greater emphasis, prefer the line in front; as. Must we in person crowu the author of the public calamities, h.f. or musl we destruV liim? d. f. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 57 III. In common with other descending lines, this gesture is used in Consummation and Finality ; also to enforce the Predominant Idea. These two applications generally coincide ; that is, the predominant idea is emphasized, and the action completed by the same downward stroke. While the action may be consummated in any line of gesture suited to the sentiment, as shown in many examples in this book, the preference is most frequently given to the descending gestures. The closing idea, by the law of rhetoric the predominant one, is thus marked with force, and the effect rendered more com- plete ; as. Who builds on less than an immortal base, a. o. P'ond as he seems, condemns his joys to DEATH, h.l. d.o. In other circumstances, as when the concluding idea is more emphatic, or when it involves a particular instead of a general assertion, the descending front may be the gesture of consummation and finality. The following quotation, closing with an emphatic particular assertion, falls under this head : I tell you though you, though all the luorhi, though an angel from heaven, should declare the truth of it, I cannot UELIEVE it. a. o. d . f. The descending lateral not unfrequently serves to consummate the action, but in cases that are coincident with other uses of that gesture, as explained elsewhere. In the following examples the descending gesture is employed simply to enforce the predominent idea. The simultaneous consummation of the action is merely incidental : 58 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 1. Honor and virtue, nay even interest demands a different course. h.o. d. o. 2. T\iQ people demand peace ; yea, the army itself demands it. h.o. d.o. 3. Let any man resolve to do right 7ioiu, leaving then to do as it can, h. f. h. o. and if he were to live to the age of Methuselah, he would never do wrong. • The following notation serves the same purpose as the above. In this case, however, the direct personal address chooses the line in front : King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets ? I know that thou h.f. rep. d. f. believest. lY. General Concession. Ex. — I concede these points. This requires small preparation and slow movement. V. Submission, Humility, etc. Ex. — The Turk was dreaming of the hour When Greece, her knee in suppliance bent, h. o. d. o. Should tremble at his power, imp. Right Hand Descending Lateral Supine. (Fig. 12.) I. Refusal, Rejection, Emphatic Removal. Ex. — I. I refuse the offer. 2. Away with an idea so absurd ! Except in rejection, removal, etc., this gesture is generally less emphatic than the descending ob- lique, but is more emphatic than the horizontal lateral. II. Negation or Denial. Ex. — I. The moistened eye, the trembling lip, FiGr, 12. "A-re not the signs of doubt or fear. BIGHT HAND SUPINE. 59 2. He DISCLAIMS the authority of the king. 3. To thine own self ho. true, h.f. And it must follow as the night the day, h.o. Thou canst not then be false to any man. d.I. III. Concession, Relinquishment, Withdrawal, De- clension, and kindred ideas. Ex.— I. I concede all that my opponent claims. The wave of concession makes a full sweep of the hand and arm. 2. Caesar was an honorable man. A concession of Mark Antony. There should be here, simultaneously with the move- ment of the hand, a forward inclination of the body — the natural expression of yielding. 3. For the sake of peace, I am willing to concede every reason- able DEMAND. 4. I RELINQUISH any such expectation. 5. I WITHDRAW my motion. 6. I DECLINE the offer. IV. Extreme Humility, Submission, Condescension, Obsequiousness. Ex. — I. I beg a thousand pardons from your majesty. 2. Your very humble servant, sir. 3. Must I stand And CROUCH beneath your testy humor. sus. 4. Thanks to God For such a ROYAL lady. V. Privation, Destitution, Diminution, Nonentity. Ex, — I. They were but a feeble band, 60 MAKUAL OF GESTURE. 2. Merit like his, the fortune of the mind, beggars all wealth. h. o. imp. d. 1. sus. 3. An empire thou couldst crush, command, rebuild, b. h.h.l, b.h.d.o.p, b.h.h.o. b.h.d.o. But govern not thy PETTIEST passion. d.l. ^ 4. They tell us, sir, that we are weak, 5. Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction ? 6. The army was reduced to utter destitution. 7. He was deprived of every advantage. 8. Treasures of wickedness profit nothing. 9. Who steals my purse, steals trash. h. o. d.l. 10. The tvine of life is drawn, and the mere lees h. 1. d.l. Is left, this vault to brag of. drop. 11. But yesterday, the word of Caesar might h. 0. Have stood against the world; now lies he there, h. 1. d. o. ind. And none so poor to do him reverence, d. 1. sus. 12. Thy joys Are placed in trifles, fashions, follies, toys. Let the hand move slowly through the series. 13. All that tread The globe are but a handfull to the tribes h.l. d.L That slumber in its bosom. b. h. d. o. p. VI. Abasement, Debasement, and kindred ideas. Ex. — I. For I know that in me, (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth NO good thing. 2. The inebriate descends to the level of the brute. 3. Minds, By nature great, are conscious of their greatness, h. o. d. o. And hold it mean to borrow ought from flattery. d. 1. imp. BIGHT HAND SUPINE. 61 4. Real glory a. o. Springs from the silent conquest of ourselves, b.h.d.o. And without that, the conqueror is nought But the first slave. d. 1. 5. A courtier's dependent is a beggar's dog. 6. The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought. VII. Scorn, Derision, Mockery, Contempt, Detesta- tion, etc. Ex. — I. Thou makest us a reproach to our neighbors, a scorn and h. 1. DERISION to them that are round about us. d. I. 2. O, when I am safe in my sylvan home, h.o. I MOCK at the pride of Greece and Rome, d.l. VIII. Hopelessness, Extremity. Ex. — I. There is no HOPE of success. 2. It were utterly useless to resist. 3. It is in VAIN, sir, to extenuate the matter. 4. It is now TOO LATE to retire from the contest. 5. Delay is had, doubt worse, desponding worst. d. f. d. o. d. 1. 6. Life ill-preserved, is WORSE than badly lost. h. o. d. 1. 7. Love can hope, where reason would despair. a. f. d. L 8. He has gone to his rest — gone, to return no more. Right Hand Descending Oblique Backwards, Supine. (Fig. 13.) I. Emphatic or Vehement Rejection. Ex. — Away with an idea so abhorrent to humanity ! 62 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Fig. 13. II. Sometimes employed in Nega- tion, and for other purposes usually assigned to the descending lateral, — to complete a series, to effect a cli- max, or to express greater degree. Ex. — I. Let another man praise thee, and not h. o. h. 1. thine own mouth ; a stranger, and not h.o. b. d.o.b. THINE OWN LIPS. 2. There is no 7vork, nor device, nor knowl- d. f. d.o. d. 1. edge, nor wisdom, in the grave, d. o. b. imp. whither thou goest. Right Hand Horizontal Front, Supine. (Fig. 14.) I. Direct Personal Address — Appeal, Challenge, Command, Exhortation, Interrogation, etc., etc. Ex. — I. I appeal to you, sir, for the decision. 2. I challenge investigation. 3. Give me good proofs of what you have alleged. 4. Charge ! r.h.h.f. Chester, Charge ! On ! rep. r.h.h.f. Stanley, On ! rep. Fig. 14. The fourth example requires an energetic forward motion of the body, and a corresponding fullness in the arm movement, the effect being quite different from that shown in the cut. 5. Stand Firm for your country, and become a man, h. f. rep. Honor'd and lov'd. rep. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 63 6. I court others in verse, but love thee in prose. h. 1. h. f. They have my whimsies, but thou hast my heart. h.l. h.f. 7. This, above all, to thine own self be true. h. f. rep. 8. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might. h.f. d.f. 9. Know THYSELF. 10. Think for thyself one good idea, h. f. rep. But known to be thine own, rep. Is better than a thotisand \Atz.xvt^ h.l. From fields by others sown, imp. 11. Do you CONFESS the bond? 12. And why beholdest thou the viote that is in thy brother's eye, h. 1. imp. but considerest not the BEAM that is in thine own eye? h. f. imp. II. Unemphatic Particular Assertion. Ex. — Living I shall assert it, dying I shall assert it. h.f. d.f. Here we have the unemphatic as compared with the emphatic. III. Presentation. This may refer to visible objects, or to time, space, or thought. Ex. — I. With this hand I signed the pledge. 2. The world at this moment is regarding us with a vnlling, but h.f. h. o. something of a fearful admiration, d. o. This is the place, the center of the grove. h. f. rep. 3. This is the proposition to be discussed. 4. Did this in Caesar seem ambitious? h. f. imp. 5. The Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisaom; but h.l. h.o. b. we preach Christ crucified. h.f. 64 MAKUAL OF GESTURE. The ideas of the Jews and Greeks are rejected, and something else presented instead; hence the contrast in gesture — ^presentation as opposed to rejection ; not that^ but this. h. 1. h. f. IV. Directness, Boldness, Integrity. Ex. — I. True as the steel of their tried blades. 2. I speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. ^•^- ''"P- d-f- For emphatic distinction, the action here, as in many similar cases, is consummated in the descending line. 3. W 2iS \\. ambition that induced Regukis to return to Carthage? h. o. No; but a love of couittry and respect for truth — an act of d.o. h. 1. h. f. moral sublimity arising out of the firmest integrity. a. o. h. f. V. Impulsion, Forward Motion. Ex. — I. True eloquence urges the whole man onward, right onward to his object. ^•^- , ^ep. with •' larger prep. 2. On, Comrades, On ! h. f. rep. 3. Forward, the Light Brigade ! The coincidence of this with a preceding applicatiop — that of command — renders the action doubly expres^ sive. VI. Futurity. Ex. — I. The future lies before us. 2. Anticipation forward points the view. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 65 Right Hand Horizontal Oblique Supine. (Fig. 15.) I. General Address, as distin- guished from particular personal ad- dress, which takes the line in front ; Presentation, etc. Ex. — I. Conscript Fathers, I do not rise to h.o. waste the night in words. h.l. 2. Fellow-citizens, I congratulate you on the return of this anniversary. 3. For the truth of my statement, I appeal to THESE WITNESSES. 4. These are my sentiments, gentlemen, e. I now submit these questions to YOU, my friends. 6. Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pro- h.o. imp. nounced it to you. II., General Reference as distinguished from particu- lar personal reference ; Respectful Reference. Ex. — I. For the justice of this principle, I refer you to the decisions of h. f. the COURTS, h.o. 2. Then must the Jew be merciful. The grammatical third person singular is embraced in the term general as employed in this treatise. It Portia were using the form of the second person — Then must thou be merciful, Shylock — this direct personal address would call for the gesture in front. This rule, however, is by no means invariable, as may be seen from many of the examples given elsewhere. Gesture inclines to the line in front by the law of emphasis Fig. 15. 66 MANUAL OF GESTURE. alone, regardless of every other law. In many other cases, also, as in classification, comparison and contrast, it is found convenient to make exceptions to the rule. 3. I acknowledge my sincere regard for the honorable gentleman who preceded me. III. Unemphatic General Assertion, or Expression of General Thought. Appropriate in Interrogation, etc. Ex. — I. Man is mortal. 2. All men are created equal. 3. What was the object of his ambition ? 4. Who knows the joys of friendship? The attention of the student is here called to the prominence which should be given to the present ges- ture — horizontal oblique — together with the descending oblique, in general assertion. Sentences may often be treated as mere assertions, even though they contain some word suggestive of a descriptive or designative gesture. In particular, and very emphatic assertion, as previ- ously shown, the corresponding front lines are preferred, and these four gestures, although employed for various other purposes, may, by way of distinction, be called assertive gestures, and classified as follows : Horizontal front, unemphatic particular assertion ; Horizontal oblique, unemphatic o^eneral assertion ; Descending front, emphatic particular assertion ; Descending oblique, emphatic general assertion. In didactic and argumentative discourse, these ges- tures predominate. However, as the delivery becomes more emotional or impassioned, the left hand will be RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 67 brought in as an accompaniment to the right, as will be shown under both hands supine, IV. Closely allied to the preceding designation, we have for this gesture the Suspension of Thought. The horizontal oblique is thus employed in connection with some other gesture which is added to continue or to complete the expression. Ex. — I. Before reinforcements could be sent, the battle was lost. h. o. d.o. 2. The steed at hand, why longer tarry ? h o. d. o. 3. That RICHES are to be preferred to wisdom, no one will openly h.o. imp. d.o. assert. 4. The brave man will conquer, ox perish in the attempt. h.o. d.o. 5. To smile upon those we should censure, and to countenance h. o. imp. h. 1. such as are guilty of bad actions, is bringing guilt upon our- selves. '"^P- ^•*'- Antithesis and Comparison properly fall under this head. To illustrate these the examples are continued : 6. The prodigal robs his heir ; the miser robs himself. h.o. d.o. 7. He that cannot bear a jest, should not make one. h.o. d.o. 8. All who have been great and good without Christianity, would h. o. have been much greater and better with it. d.o. Also Hypothetical Clauses : 9. If the war be continued, the public treasury will be exhausted, h.o. d.o. 10. If sheep and OXEN could atone for men, prep. h. o. Ah ! at how cheap a rate the rich might sin ! r.h. upl. d.o. Other gestures are sometimes brought in to extend the suspension of thought ; as, 4 68 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 11. If ONE man can do much good, if two can do more, and if three h. f. h. o. can go FAR BEYOND two ; what may we not expect three h. 1. hundred thousand to accomplish ? b.h.h.l. 12. Whatever tends to promote the principles of virtue, and h.f. strengthen the bonds of brotherhood — whatever tends to h.o. CALM THE RUFFLED FEELINGS and REGULATE THE PASSIONS, h. o. p. h.l.p. is undoubtedly a source of happutess. d.o. To this head may also be referred those cases in which the subject of an unimpassioned sentence occurs upon the horizontal oblique, the predicate usually taking an emphatic downward stroke : 13. The LOVE OF MONEY is the root oi all evil. h.o. d.o. 14. Tyrants, when reason and argument make against them, have h.o. rep. recourse to violence to silence their opponents, d.o. 15. Nations, as well as men, fail in nothing which they boldly h.o. imp. 6.jti. undertake. It will be observed that much prominence is given to the gesture horizontal oblique supine. This and the corresponding gesture in the descending line are more frequently employed than any others in this system . Right Hand Horizontal Lateral Supine. (Fig. 16.) For the full effect of the curve, the movements ter- minating in the lateral positions — descending, horizontal and ascending — are made with a full sweep of the hand, which is first carried to the corresponding oblique line, RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 69 Fig. 16. and thence outward to the lateral, thus : for the de- scending lateral, first make the descending oblique (omitting the emphatic stroke at its terminus), and then carry the hand around to the descend- ing lateral ; for the horizontal lateral, give the horizontal ob- lique, and sweep outward thence to the horizontal lateral ; for the ascending lateral, move to the ascending oblique, and continue the action to the ascending lat- eral ; carefully avoiding, in each case, the angle which would be formed by allowing the hand to pause at the oblique extremity, and making the motions continuous and curvilineal. The close observance of these directions will prove an effectual safeguard against the prevalent fault of divest- ing this class of gestures of their gracefulness and ex- pressive power. In the interpretation of this gesture we have, I. Extension in time and space, and, by analogy, extension in thought. Allusion to numbers and space frequently uses this in preference to the corresponding gesture with both hands. Ex. — I. From infancy to old age. 2. Days, MO>rrHS, years and ages shall circle away. Slow movement extending through the series. 3. From the center all around TO THE sea, I am lord of the fowl and the brute. 70 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 4. His capacious mind ranged over the whole subject. 5. Shall TRIBULATION, OR DISTRESS, OR PERSECUTION, OR FAMINE, OR NAKEDNESS, OR PERIL, OR SWORD? Slow movement throughout. This takes the supine on account of its interrogatory character. Tribulation, distress, etc., in themselves considered, would require the prone hand. The terms here employed, though numerous and descriptive, are merged in a sweeping unity of effect ; so of the gesture. 6. Where is the wise ? Where is the scribe ? Where is the disputer h.f. h.o. h.l. OF this world ? Here the lateral gesture is brought in to complete the series. The thought may be extended either by one sweeping gesture, as in Ex. 5, or by using the lateral in connection with the front and oblique, as in Ex. 6. 7. The morning was pure and sunny, the fields were white with h. f. daisies, and BEES HUMMED ABOUT every bank. h.o. h.l. 8. A proverb is the wit of one, and the wisdom of many. h.o. h.l. II. Descriptive Reference. AVhile objects may be descriptively referred to with any other gesture, the horizontal lateral^ because of its greater prominence in this respect, is worthy of special notice. Ex. — I. The breeze of morning wafted incense ON THE AIR. 2. O'ER THE RIVER, THE VILLAGE, THE FIELD, AND THE WOOD. This requires a full preparation, and large outward sweep. Nor must the hand be allowed to pause with the rhetorical pauses in the voice. III. Disclosing, Revealing, Showing, Displaying, etc. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 71 Ex. — I. His faults lie open to the laws. 2. O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath ! 3. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. 4. This world is all a FLEETING show. h.l. In the last example the gesture expresses a complex idea — transition and display. IV. Distant Reference — distance in time or space. Ex. — I. Methinks I saw thee straying on the beach. 2. The brave abroad fight for the wise at hoTiie. h.l. h.f. 3. Our absent friends are remembered in these festive seasons. 4. Search the records of our EARLY history for a parallel to this. 5. The blessed to-day are as completely so h.f. d.o. As who began three thousand years ago. h.l. V. Removal, Withdrawal, Transition, etc. This being the gesture of distance — distance in a greater or less degree — it is often used in referring to tliat and iho%e^ as distinguished from this and ihese^ which incline to the front and oblique. Here and there follow the same law. Frequently used in connection with the horizontal front, or, it may be, some other gesture, to express Antithesis, or Parallelism. Ex. — I. The objection to this measure is now removed. 2. Go, say I sent thee forth to purchase honor. imp. 3. Through floods and through forests he bounded aw AY. 4. Man may dismiss COMPASSION from his heart, h.o. sus. But God will never, d.o. 72 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 5. His cares flew away, h.l. And visions of happiness danced o'er his mind. a. o. 6. He WITHDREW from the cares of the world. 7. The fashion of this world passeth away. 8. The man that wandereth out of the way of UNDERSTANDING, shall remain in the congregation of the dead. ^- '• d.l. 9. And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her. ^- f- ^- 1- 10. Some place the bliss in action, some in ease— h.l. h.o. Those call it pleasure, and contentment these, h.l. h.o. 11. Call imperfection what thou /<2«ryj-/ such, h.o. Say, here he gives too little, there too much. h.f. imp. h.l. imp. 12. The wise man is happy when he gains his own approbation, the h. f. imp. FOOL when he gains that of others. h.l imp. 13. A man's first care should be to avoid the reproaches of his own h. f. imp. heart ; his next, to escape the censure of the world. h.l. 14. When our vices leave us, we flatter ourselves we leave them. h.l. d.l. 15. The wicked flee when no man pursueth : but the righteous h.L are bold as a lion. d.o. VI. Unemphatic Negation. This comes from the primary idea of removal. To deny a proposition is to remove it from the mind. " We posite by an affirmative ; we remove by a nega- tive." Ex. — I. Galio cared for none of these things. 2 Caesar was not more ambitious than CiCERO, 3. We shall not fight our battles alone. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 73 That is, Galio dismissed the whole affair from his thoughts ; we remove from our minds the proposition that Caesar was more ambitious than Cicero ; we put away the discouraging thought of fighting our battles alone : hence the gesture of removal. 4. I have not stopped mine ears to their demands. 5. Angels, contented yf\\.\i their fame in Heaven, seek not the praise of MEN. ^'°' '""P- h.l. (^Negation as opposed to affirmation.) 6. Not that I loved Csesar less, but that I loved Rome more. h.l. d.o. 7. You were paid \.o fight against Alexander, not to rail at him. d.o. h.l. 8. True politeness is not a mere compliance with arbitrary custom, h.o. h.l. it is the expression of a refined benevolence. d.o. What may be termed the weak negative, in contrast with the strong negative, may be expressed by a moder- ate upward, downward, or horizontal wave, according to its degree of sublimity, energy, or moderation. VII. Remission. Ex. — I freely forgive you. The same language uttered with greater emphasis would take the descending lateral ; and if accompanied with strong emotion, both hands. VIII. Concession, in a moderate degree. Ex -I. I acknowledge his greatness as a military leader, but I doubt the sincerity of his intentions. • * d.l. 2. Others may be wiser, but none are more amiable. h.l. d.o. 3. The miracles that Moses performed may have convinced h.o. h.l. Pharaoh, but at first they humbled not his pride. d.o. 74 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 4. He who lacks decision of character, may win the love, but he h.o. h.l. certainly cannot gain the respect of his fellow-men. d.o. IX. Disregard, Diminution, Humor, Derision, Ridi- cule, Mockery, Irony, Sarcasm, etc., when unemphatic. When emphatic they take the descending line. This is the gesture of slighting, rather than of con- temning. The latter usually prefers the descending line. The lateral gesture indicates breadth ; and rhetoricians speak of the " breadth of humor." In derision, ridicule, etc., we remove, or set aside, whatever is inconsistent with reason ; hence we employ the gesture of Removal. Ex. — I. I have very little regard for such assertions. 2. The gay will laugh when thou art gone. 3. Merry is the bird's life, in the pleasant spring : sus. 4. Full WELL they laughed v/ith counterfeited glee. h. 1. imp. 5. Let \\\Q. fools who follow fortune live upon her smiles. h. o. h. 1. 6. Dreams are the children of an idle BRAIN. Begot of nothing but fantasy. 7. And what is friendship but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep. ' ' d.L 8. Fools are only laughed at — wits are hated. h.l. d.l. 9. What fairer cloak than courtesy for fraud ? 10. What is ambition ? 'T is a glorious CHEAT. h.o. h.l. 11. Courageous chief! The first in flight from pain 12. It has been said that this law is a measure oi peace ! Yes ! such peace as the wolf gives to the LAMB ! ^' °' h.l. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 75 Right Hand Horizontal Oblique Backwards Supine. (Fig. 17.) I. Remote Reference — remoteness in time or space. It will be observed that this com- pletes the series, — horizontal front, personal reference ; horizontal oblique, general reference ; horizontal lateral, distant reference ; horizontal oblique backwards, remote reference. These several relations may also be stated thus : h. f., present ; h. o., near; h. 1., distant; h. o. b., remote. Fig. 17. Ex. — I. Turning his back upon country, kith and kin, he wandered FAR AWAY TO FOREIGN LANDS. 2. Tradition's pages Tell not the planting of the parent tree. 3. Search the records of the remotest antiquity for a parallel to this. 4. The ashes of my ancestors, h.o.b. If intermingled in the tomb with ^tngs, b.h.d.f. Could hardly be distinguished, drop. II. Retrogression. Ex. — The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying boxvs, turned h. o. imp. h. o. b. BACK in the day of battle. In addition to the applications here given, the gestures oblique backwards, in the descending, the horizontal, and the ascending lines, are sometimes used in connec- tion with the corresponding lateral gestures merely to complete a series, or to express greater degree. 76 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Right Hand Ascending Front Supine. (Fig. i8.) I. Elevation — physical, intellectual, or moral; Sacredness, Sublimity, Sub' lime Apostrophe. Ex. — I. Climb to the mountain top. 2. Aspire to the highest and noblest attain- ments. The superlative degree usually prefers the line in front. 3. Wisdom sits alone, Topmost in heaven, rep. 4. Thou Sun ! of this great world both eye and soul ! II. Sacred Address. Ex. — I. Thou art my Father. 2. I appeal to the great Searcher of hearts for the truth of what I utter. III. Sacred Reference — Direct Reference to God, or His throne. Ex. — I. 'T was God who fixed the rolling spheres. 2. The throne of eternity is a throne of mercy and love. IV. Futurity, Sublime Anticipation. The future as related to time, when not associated with sublimity, usually employs the horizontal gesture : the future as related to eternity — a blissful eternity — the ascending. Ex. — I. For ever shall His throne endure. If, in this case, it should suit the purpose of the speaker to emphasize the assertion rather than to em- ploy a gesture suggestive of futurity, he would of course Fig. 18. RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 77 choose the downward, instead of the upward motion, dimply tr'^ating the sentence as an emphatic assertion. a. On Jordan s stormy banks I stand, h. f. And cast a wishful eye The eyes upraised. To Canaan's fair and happy land, a. f. Where vay possessions lie. b. h.a. o. 3. O, holy Star of Hope ! a.f. The objects of hope lying above and beyond us, suggest this gesture in the present case. Right Hand Ascending Oblique Supine. (Fig. 19.) I. General Sublimity. Ex. — I. Day gilds the mountain tops. 2. Aspire after the rewards of a truly noble ambition. 3. Hark ! the herald angels sing, r. h. upL a. o. II. General Sacred Reference. Ex. — The Scriptures represent God as the Father of all mercies. Fig. 19. 78 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Right Hand Ascending Lateral Supine. (Fig. 20.) I. Elevation, Sacredness, or Sublimity, combined with Ex- tension or Distance. Since the ascending gestures express elevation, sacredness and sublimity, and the lateral indicate extension and distance, the ascending lateral gives this combination. Ex. — I. From star to star thy glory- prep. shines. SUS. 2. And mountain top to DISTANT prep, mountain top repeats the sounding joy. Fig. 20. II. Descri^jtive Reference combined with Elevation or Sublimity, Sublime Classification, and Enumeration. Ex.— The Sim, the moon, the stars His majesty proclaim, a. f. a. o. a. 1. sus. Or, the whole may be embraced in one sweep of the hand, terminating in the ascending lateral. III. Victory, Triumph, Exultation. Ex.— I. In dreams his song of triumph heard. 2. His few surviving comrades saw His smile when rang their proud hurrah ! h.o. a- 1- RIGHT HAND SUPINE. 79 Right Hand Ascending Oblique Backwards Supine. (Fig. 21.) I. Remoteness in time or space, associated with Ele- vation or Sublimity. Ex. — I. This glorious scheme was projected from the foundation of the world. 2. You may, if it be God's will, gain our h.o. barren and rugged mountains; but, a.l. like our ancestors of old, we will h.o.b. take refuge in wilder and more a.o. b. DISTANT solitudes, rep. II. Victory, Triumph, Exulta- tion, the arm making a wider sweep than in the lateral, to express a higher degree of exultation, or to effect a climax. Ex. — I. Shout, shout ALOUD for joy ! Fig. 21. 2, We shall come off conquerors, and more than conquerors, a. 1. a. o. b. CHAPTER V. BOTH HANDS SUPINE. Both hands are employed to indicate space and num- bers. The latter is based upon the geometrical idea of representing numbers by space. By analogy we use both hands to express the expansion of thought and feeling. They do not, as many young speakers suppose, add emphasis ; but give to the expression warmth, ex- pansion, or entireness. Their too frequent use is a fault, tending to weaken the action. Genial and joyous emotions frequently require both hands. Example. — O, the transporting rapturous scene b. h. a. f. That rises to my sight, Sweet fields arrayed in living green, b.h.a. 1. And rivers of DELIGHT, b.h. a. o. To express the joyousness of this language, one hand would be too sparing. In Impassioned Discourse we have the union of force and feeling — Impassioned Emphasis- — which calls for both hands ; unimpasssioned emphasis requiring only one hand. The right hand is the symbol of authority and power ; hence, it is adapted to accompany forcible utterance. BOTH HANDS SUPINE. 81 Both Hands Descending Front Supine. (Fig. 22.) I. Impassioned Particular Assertion, whether affirmative or negative. Ex. — I. This principle is as firm as the solid rock. 2. The assertion of my opponent is utterly FALSE. 3. Give me liberty, or give me death. b. h. a. o. b. h. d. f. II. Deposition, Surrender, etc. Ex. — I. We will resign Thy sacred dust to earth's cold breast. The student will observe that the gesture, as applied to this example, is intended to describe the act of deposit- Fig. 22. ing the body, rather than the subsequent idea of its being covered beneath the earth ; hence the hands are supine instead of prone. 2. All /^rji7«rt/ feeling he deposited upon the altar of his counrty. b.h.h.f. b.h.d.f. In partial deposition, or surrender, the arms are bent at the elbows ; to produce the fullest effect they should be straight. In proportion as we bend the arms we withhold the offering. The arm is a tongue that speaks what is in the soul, full or feeble. III. Humility, Submission. These are expressed in different degrees, according as the body is more or less inclined forward. Ex. — 1. {First degree) I SUBMIT. 2. {Second degree.) I RESPECTFULLY submit. 3. ( Third degree.) I HUMBLY submit. 4. Here I stand your slave. 82 MANUAL OF GESTTTRE. 5. Here I kneel : If e'er my will did trespass 'gainst his love, Either in discourse, or thought, or actual deed. ly. Depth or Descent. Ex. — I. Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow ; h. o. p. He who would search for pearls, must dive below. b. h. d. f. 2. Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy water spouts. 3. Thou hast laid me in the lowest pit. 4. Yea, though I pass through the Valley of the Shadow of death, I will fear no evil. 5. O DEATH, where is thy sting? 6. A fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest Hell. 7. Into the mouth of Hell rode the six hundred. 8. They spend their days in luealth, and in a moment go down to the grave. b.h.h.o. b.h.d.f. References like these, tending to narrow and confine the action, naturally employ this gesture. Both Hands Descending Oblique Supine. (Fig. 23.) I. Emphatic assertion in connection with numbers, or space. Ex. — I. The mind doth shape itself to its own wants, and can bear all things. b.h.h.f. b. h.d.o. This notation must be considered with reference to the emphasis rather than to the descriptive effect; other- wise, all things would take b. h. h. 1. 2. Yet millions x\Q\ev think a NOBLE thought, b.h.h.o. b. h.d.o. By the law of analogy, reference to nohle thoughts^ as such, would re- Fig. 23. BOTH HANDS SUPINE. 8S quire the ascending gesture, but in the present case the emphatic negation takes precedence, and employs the descending line. II. Impassioned General Assertion, whether affirm- ative or negative. Ex. — I. These are the worst of abuses. 2. These allegations are utterly UNTRUE. III. Consummation and Finalty. When thus employed — for completeness of effect — this gesture may also coincide with either of the pre- ceding applications ; that is to say, the expression may be consummated in an empliatic assertion associated with numbers or space, or in an impassioned emphatic general assertion ; or there may be a coincidence of all three. Ex. Let the sea roar, and ihe fulness thereof; the world, and they b.h.h.o. b.h.h. 1. b. h. h.o. that DWELL therein, b. h. d. o. 2. Without counsel, purposes are disappointed ; but in the multitude h.o. d. o. b. h. h. o. of counsellors they are established. b. h.d.o. 3. His terrors keep the world in awe; r. h. h.o. p. His justice guards his holy law; r.h.h.l.p. His love reveals a smiling face ; b.h.h.o. His truth and promise SEAL the grace, b. h.d.o. i V. General Deposition, or Surrender. \\\. — I. We commit these bodies to the earth. 2. Every personal advantage he surrendered to the common good. li h.h.o. b. h.d. o. V. Concession. Ex. — We CONCEDE these points. 84 MAKUAL OF GESTURE. VI. Humility, General Submission. Ex. — I. We humbly confess our faults. 2. It grieves me to the soul To see how man submits to man's control. To express humility, the hands should descend lowei than in the ordinary descending gesture. There shoul(3 also be a corresponding inclination of the body forward. Both Hands Descending Lateral Supine. (Fig. 24.) In the execution of this gesture avoid keeping the elbows too near the body — a posture suited only to comedy. Fig. 24. I. Depth and Extent com- bined. Expansion, Separa- tion. Ex. — I. The dread volcano ministers good. h.l. d.o. Its smothered flames might undermine the WORLD, b. h.d.l. 2. Wide is the gate and broad b. h. d. 1. rep. is the way that leadeth to destruction. imp. 3. And there were sudden part- b. h.d.l. INGS, such as press The life from out young hearts. b. h. d. f. II. Descent, combined with numbers or space ; hence. Abundance, Fullness, Completeness. Descending streams of Divine goodness prompt this gesture. Ex. — I. Here pardon, life and joy divine, b. h.a. o. In rich profusion flow, b. h.d.l. BOTH HANDS SUPINE. 85 2. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be b. h. h. f. meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the imp. rep. Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven b. h.a. o. and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be ROOM b. h.d. 1. ENOUGH TO RECEIVE IT. III. Removal. So employed in impassioned discourse, and in connection with numbers or space. Ex. — I. Every obstacle to this measure is for ever swept away. 2. All the foundations of the earth are OUT of course. IV. Remission, in the fullest degree. Ex. — And sinners plunged beneath that flood, b.h.d.o. Lose all their guilty stains. b.h.d.l. V. Concession in the fullest degree. Ex. — I concede every point claimed in the argument. VI. Submission, Extreme Humility. Ex. — I. I submit myself entirely to your disposal. 2. Ye worlds and every living thing, b. h. a. o. b. h. a. \. Fulfill his high command ; b.h.h.o. Pay grateful homage to your king, b. h. d.o. And OWN his ruling hand. b.h.d.l. VII. Absolute Renunciation, Relinquishment, Utter Abandonment, Hopelessness. The gesture of extremity. Ex. — I. I utterly renounce all the supposed advant^es of such a station. _ . , , , sus 2. O, you mighty gods! b. h. a. o. This world I do renounce ; and in your sight, b.h.d.l. Shake patiently my great affliction off. rep 3. I utterly relinquish any such expectation. 86 MANUAL OF GESTtJEE. The philosophy of this notation will appear by a com- parison of the last example above with the following : I do most fondly cheeish these expectations. b.h.h.f. 4. If thou dost slander her and torture me, r. h. h. f. ind. rep. Never /^-oy more; abandon all remorse. rep. b. h. d. 1. 5. How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways PAST finding ^^^ b.h.d.f. b.h.d.l. The impossibility of finding out the ways of the Infinite suggests here the gesture of hopelessness. 6. Plunged in a gulf of dark despair, b. h.d. f. We wretched sinners lay, Without one cheerful beam of hope, b.h.d.l. Or SPARK of glimmering day. imp. 7- All is LOST ! Under a high state of excitement, despair would be more fully expressed with the hands prone, or with the clinched hands, or, in extreme cases, pressed upon the forehead. VIII. Privation, Destitution, Diminution, etc. Ex. — I. All, when life is new, r. h. h. o. Commence with feelings warm, and prospects high, b. h. h. o b. h.a. o. But time strips our illusions of their hue. b.h.d.l. 2. This cruel war has reduced the nation to bankruptcy. q. All this boasted knowledge of the world, b.h.h.o. To me seems but to mean acquaintance with Low things, or evil, or indifferent. b.h.d.f. prep. b.h.d.l. 4. Look how we ^W7^R0NE. lOl descending gestures, the hand supine or prone, accord- ing to the associated idea or the degree of emotion. 5. Thus is my summer worn away and wasted. 6. How the innocent, h. o. s. As in a gentle slumber, pass away ! d.l, p. T. At His rebuke the billows die. r. h. and eyes uplifted. 8. Earth, that nourished thee, shall claim h.f. Thy growth to be resolved to earth again. d.l. p. III. Scorn, Contempt, Scornful Denial, or Rejection. Ex. — I. I SCORN the base insinuation. 2. I reject the offer with disdain. 3. I despise an action so mean. Right Hand Descending Oblique Backwards Prone. (Fig. 35.) Abhorrence, Detestation, Abhor- rent Repression, Scornful and Con- temptuous Rejection, etc. Ex. — I. Thy threats I scorn; thy mercies I despise. ^- '• P- d.o. b. p. 2. Tell me I hate the bowl ; d.o. Hate is 3i feeble word : d.l. I loathe, ABHOR, d.l. p. d.o.b. p. 3. Down, tempting fiend ! 4. I reject the imputation with scorn and contempt. Fig. 35. In the third example the face and eyes are turned in the direction of the gesture ; in the other examples they are averted, as in fig. 35. 102 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Fig Ex.— I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9- 10. II. 12. 13- 14. 15- 16. 17- Right Hand Horizontal Front Prone. (Fig. 36.) I. Restraining, Arresting, Refraining, Seizing, Checking, Prohibiting, and the like ; usually in connection with direct personal address. The accompanying figure shows this gesture in its mildest form, as adapted to unemphatic speech, as in the example '' Step softly," etc. In more emphatic utterance, the hand and arm, and, it may be, the whole body, are projected forward with a de- gree of energy proportioned to the senti- or. ment. . 36. Restrain the unhallowed propensity. Arrest the wandering thought. Refrain, I entreat you, refrain from such a course. Seize the fleeting angel fast, nor let him go. Check the raging passion. Hush, boding voice ! Peace ! be still ! Step softly, that the blind mole hear not a foot-fall. Speak gently ! Tread lightly, speak low, the old man is dying. Be not rash with thy mouth. Teach not thy lips such scorn. Stay thy impious hand ! Stand, Bayard ! Stand ! O, Hamlet, speak no more. h.f.s. h. f.p. I FORBID the alliance. Touch not, taste not, handle not. BIGHT HAND PRONE. 103 II. Sacredness, Solemnity, Awe, or whatever tends to subdue the feelmgs. Ex. — I. Take off thy shoes from off thy feet : the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. 2. Let the awe of the divine hand be upon you. 3. Down the dark future, through long GENERATIONS, The echoing sounds grow fainter, and then cease. drop. 4. O, blindness to the future ! kindly given h.f. p. h.o. s. That each may Jill the circle marked by Heaven. h.l.s. III. Execration. Ex. — I. The worm of conscience still be-gnaw thy soul ! 2. Proud city thou art doomed ! the curse of Jove, a living, lasting CURSE is on thee ! IV. Deprecation. Ex. — Let not thine anger burn against thy servant. Right Hand Horizontal Oblique Prone (Fig. 37.) I. Restraining, Arresting, etc., as in the preceding gesture, generalized. Ex. — I. I charge you as men, and as Christians, to iay a restraint upon all such dispositions. 2. Friendship has a power To soothe affliction in her darkest hour. II. Sacredness, Solemnity, Awe, Sad- ness, etc., generalized. Ex. — I. How solemn these scenes ! 2. His terrors keep the world in awe ! In this second example, the language is regarded as but a slight remove from didactic discourse : hence we employ Fig. 37. 104 MANUAL OF GESTURE. this mild form of gesture. The emotion of awe may demand quite a different style of action, as will be seen hereafter. 3. Speechless he stood, and pale. 4. As a cloud darkens the sky, so sorrow casts a gloom over the SOUL. a. o.p. h. o. p. Right Hand Horizontal Lateral Prone. (Fig. 38.) I. Extension in time, space or thought, combined with Superpo- sition, Superincumbency, or with analogous mental or moral condi- tions; Descriptive Reference. Ex. — I. The golden light of evening lay over THE WHOLE VALLEY. 2. The cloud of adversity threw its gloom OVER ALL HIS PROSPECTS. 3. From the center to the far off horizon of his POWER he could see nothmg but the DESOLATIONS he had made. 4. Now fades the glimmering land- scape on the sight. Fig. 88. 5. The silent heart which ^rz>/ assails, h.o.p. Treads soft and lonesome o'er the vale. h. L p. II. Distant Reference combined with Superposition, or with Repression, Gloom, Dejection, etc. In referring to a distant locality, the straight line is sometimes more effective than the curve, for the execu- tionary movement. In extension, the curve is neces- RIGHT HAND PRONE. 105 sary in order to indicate the intervening space. The line from the head to the hand, in fig. 38, may, therefore, curve or not, according to circumstances. Ex. — I. Something of sadness wrapped the spot. 2. When far from the parental roof, the youth paused and REFLECTED upon his course. 3. Mercy wept over the melancholy scene ! 4. What pale distress afflicts those wretched isles ! h.l.p. There hope ne'er dawns, and pleasure never SMILES. 5. With eyes upraised, as one inspired. Pale Melancholy sat retired. III. Removal, Withdrawal, etc. Ex. — I. Put AWAY from thee a fro ward mouth. 2. When the ivicked rise, men HIDE themselves. h. o. h. 1. p. 3. The sun withdrew his cheering ray. Right Hand Horizontal Oblique Backwards Prone. (Fig. 39.) This gesture is employed much the same as the preceding one, ex- cept that it expresses ideas requir- ing a wider sweep of the hand. Its special signification is Remoteness in time or space, combined with Superposition, or with any repres- sive emotions. Ex. — The wickedness of the antediluvian h.o. b. p. world provoked the judgments pf Heaven, a. f. p. Fig. 89. 106 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Right Hand Ascending Front Prone. (Fig. 40.) Supernal Restraint, or Prohibition. Ex. — Justice cries forbear ! Fig. 40. Fig. 41. Fig. 42. Right Hand Ascending Oblique Prone. (Fig. 41.) I. Elevation, combined with Superposition, or Repres- sion, or analogous ideas. Ex. — I. The rising moon has HID the stars. 2. And THOU, pale moon ! turn paler at the sound, r. h. a. o. r. h. a. o. p. II. Supernal Restraint, or Prohibition generalized. Ex. — Ye gods, WITHHOLD your wrath ! Right Hand Ascending Lateral Prone. (Fig. 42.) Elevation or Sublimity combined with Distance or Extension, and associated with Superposition or Repres- sion. EIGHT HAND PRONE. lOT Ex. — I. The mountain top was wrapped in mists. 2. So darkly glooms yon thunder cloud, a. 1. ind. That SWATHES AS WITH A PURPLE SHROUD, a. 1. p. Benledi's distant hill. a. 1. ind. 3. I had a dream that was not all a dream ; raise and drop the hand. The bright sun was extinguished, and the stars d.o.p Did wander, darkling in the eternal space a. L p. Rayless zxiA pathless, and the icy earth drop. Swung blind and blackening in the moonless air. a. 1. p. Right Hand Ascending Oblique Bacicwards Prone. (Fig. 43.) Remoteness in time or space com- })inecl with Elevation or Sublimity, and associated with Superposition, or with any repressive emotion. Ex. — I. Wrapped in the mists of the remotest ANTJQUITY. 2. On my flight, through utter and through middle darkness borne. 3. The law was given amidst the thunder- ings of Sinai. Fig. 43. CHAPTER VII. BOTH HANDS PRONE. Both Hands Descending Front Prone. (Fig. 44.) Superposition, Suppression, etc. Examples. — i, {Gentle E^notion.) Green be the turf above thee. 2. Lie LIGHTLY on her, Earth — her step was light on thee. 3. ( Vehement Emotion^ Buried be the unworthy thought for ever ! Fig. 44. Fig. 45. Both Hands Descending Oblique Prone. (Fig. 45.) I. Superposition, Suppression. Embracing larger numbers or more space than the gesture in front. BOTH HANDS PRONE. 109 Ex. — I. Buried be all such thoughts. 2. lo prevail in the cause that is dearer than life, b. h. Ii. o. Or be crush'd in its ruins to die ! b. h. d. o. p. II. Prostration. Ex. — I. They forthwith to the place Repairing where he judged them, prostrate fell Before him reverent. imp. 2. Sons of dust, in REVERENCE bow ! b. h.h.o. b. h.d.o. p. Both Hands Descending Lateral Prone. (Fig. 46.) I. Superposition or Superin- cumbency, physical or moral. Ex. — I. Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of Thy people ; Thou hast covered all their sin. 2. If we attempt to compass the idea of eternity, we are over- b.h.a.l. b.h.d.l.p. WHELMED by the contempla- tion of a theme so vast. 3. The golden sun, a. f. The planets, all the infinite host a. o. of heaven, b.h.a.l. Are shining on the sad abodes of DEATH. b.h.d.l.p. II. Privation, Deprivation, Divestiifg, and the like, when accompanied with strong emotion, prefer the prone to the supine, and express themselves with this style of gesture. Fig. 46. no MANUAL OF GESTUKE. Ex. — I. Alas ! how poor and little worth, b. h, upl. Are ail these glittering toys of earth. 2. O may I no longer dreaming, Idly WASTE my golden days ! To describe, here, the slow process of wasting, there should be a softening or smoothing of the gesture — a slow motion of the hands. III. Cessation, Dissolution, Utter Destruction, etc. Ex. — I. Here let the tumults of passion forever cease ! 2. This great fabric shall be dissolved ! 3. He uttered his voice, the earth melted. a.f. 4. Death levels all things in his march. 5. All things decay with time. IV. Extreme Humility, Self-abasement. Ex. — Wherefor I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ASHES. V. Renunciation, Hopeless Relinquishment, Utter Abandonment, Despair. Ex. — I, I utterly renounce all hope. 2. Without shedding of blood there is no remission. Both Hands Horizontal Front Prone. (Fig. 47.) I. Superposition, etc. Ex. — On horror's head horrors ACCUMULATE. II. Benediction (upon an individ- ual). Ex. — A father's choicest blessings rest on thee. III. Execration. Ex. — Take with thee thy most heavy curse, Which in the day of battle tire thee more Than all the complete armour that thou wear'st ! IV. Deprecation. T^ .„ Ex. — Pause ! I implore you, pause ! Fig. 47. ^ ^ BOTH HANDS PRONE. Ill Both Hands Horizontal Oblique Prone. (Fig. 48.) I. Superposition. Ex. — The veil of night came slowly DOWN. II. Benediction. Ex. — Heaven's choicest blessings rest upon you all. III. Execration. E.K. — Heaven's heaviest CURSE shall fall on you. Fig. 48. Fig. 49. Both Hands Horizontal Lateral Prone. (Fig. 49.) Extension combined with Superposition; hence, Diffusion, Desolation. Ex.— I. O'er all the peaceful world the smile of heaven shall lie. 2. Spread wide around the heaven breathing calm. 3. Gold sowed the world with every ill. 4. Horror wide extends His desolate domain. 112 MANUAL OF GESTUBE. Both Hands Ascending Front Prone. (Fig. 50.) I. Sacred Ascription, or Attribution. Ex. — Thou art clothed with light as with a garment. II. Sacred Deprecation. Ex. — Withhold thy merited wrath. Fig 50. Fig. 51. Both Hands Ascending Oblique Prone. (Fig. 51.) I. Superposition, etc. Ex. — I. Hung be the heavens with black. 2. Save me and hover over me with your wings, b. h. a. o. b. h. a. o. p. Ye heavenly guards ! II. Sacred Ascription. Ex. — Glory and honor and might and dominion and tower be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne. III. Sacred or Sublime Deprecation. Ex. — Ye gods, restrain your wrath. BOTH HANDS PRONE. 113 Both Hands Ascending Lateral Prone. (Fig. 53.) Elevation or Sublimity, and Extension or Expan- sion, combined with Super- position. Ex. — I. And let the triple rainbow rest o'kr all the moun- tain TOPS. - 2. The floor of Heaven BK- STREWN WITH GOLDEN STARS. Fig. 52. CHAPTER VIII. THE VERTICAL HAND. Fig. 53. While the prone hand puts down, the vertical drives away. The former makes the repressive gesture, the latter the repellant. Owing to the impracticability of using the vertical hand in the descending lines, such gestures are excluded from this system. We therefore commence with the horizontal. Right Hand Horizontal Front Vertical (Fig. 54.) Repulsion. Example. — Back to thy punishment, false fugitive J THE VERTICAL HAND. 115 Right Hand Horizontal Oblique Vertical. (Fig. 55.) Aversion, General Repulsion. Ex.- I. He generously extended the arm of power to ward off the blow. 2. Drive back the bold invaders ! 3. The face of the Lord is against them that do evil. 4. Murder rcvosifottl, as in the best it is ; r. h.d.o.p. r. h.d.o. s. But this MOST FOUL, strange and unnatural. r. h. h.o. V. r. h. d. o. p. Fig. 54. Fig, 65, Fig. m. Right Hand Horizontal Lateral Vertical. (Fig. 56.) Removal, Repulsion, Aversion. In intense aversion the face should be turned away from the object. Ex. — I. Thou tempting fiend, avaunt ! 2. I REPEL the base insinuation. 6 116 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 3. I hate and ABHOR lying, but Thy law do I love. h.l.v. b. h. h. f. s. 4. Hence, Jealousy ; thou fatal lying fiend, Thou false seducer of our hearts, begone ! 5. O, that way MADNESS lies ; let me shun that ; no MORE of that. While the notation of this last example indicates a repetition of the gesture upon certain words, it should be observed that language of this kind admits of a suc- cession of nervous repetitions, without reference to the emphatic words. Impatience frequently manifests itself in this manner. Right Hand Horizontal Oblique Backwards Vertical. (Fig. 57.) I. Removal, Retrogression, etc. Usually associated with Remoteness. Ex. — I. We BANISH you our territories. 2. When driven by oppression s rod, h. 1. V. Our fathers fled beyond the sea. h o. b. V. II. Repulsion, specially Abhorrent Repulsion. Ex. — I. When mine enemies are turned back, h. o. b. V. they shall fall and perish at thy presence, d. o. b. p. 2. Get thee behind me, Satan ! Fig. 57. Right Hand Ascending Front Vertical. 'Fig. sS.^ Sacred Depreca iai. Ex. — Avert Thy sore disijleasure. THE VERTICAL HAND. 117 Right Hand Ascending Oblique Vertical. (Fig. 59.) Sacred or Sublime Deprecation. Ex. — Forbid it, Heaven. It will be observed that this language is impersonal ; hence it prefers the oblique to the front. Fig. 58. Fig. 59. Fig. 60. Right Hand Ascending Lateral Vertical. (Fig. 60.) Aversion, Repulsion, or Removal, etc., combined with Elevation. Ex. — I. Away, delusive phantom ! 2. Fly HENCE, ye idle brood of folly ! 3. The strong arm of the mighty Conqueror repelled the Prince of the Power of the air. 4. The silent hour steals on, slow prep. And flaky darkness breaks within the east. 118 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Right Hand Ascending Oblique Backwards Vertical. (Fig. 6i.) Repulsion and Elevation, Abhorrent Repulsion. Ex. — Hence, horrible shadow ! Unreal mockery, hence ! Fig. 61. Fig. 62. Fig. 63. Both Hands Horizontal Front Vertical (Figs. 62, 63.) I. Forcible Repulsion. Ex. — I. The torrent roar'd, and we did buffet it b.h.h.o.s. b.h. h.f.V. With LUSTY sinews ; throwing it aside, rep. b.h.h.o.v. And STEMMING it with hearts of controversy, b.h. h.f.V. 2. Thou impious mocker, HENCE ! II. This gesture, in common with the corresponding oblique (b. h. h. o. v.) is the natural expression of Fear and Terror. The hands are first drawn near to the face, THE VERTICAL HAND. 119 and then thrust forcibly towards the object, while the body starts back. See fig. 63. Ex. — Whence and what art thou, execrable shape ! Both Hands Horizontal Oblique Vertical (Fig. 64.) General Repulsion, Fear, etc. Ex. — I. Far from our hearts be so inhuman a feeling. 2. Repel the base invaders. Fig. 64. Fig. 65. Fig. 66. 120 MAlSrUAL OF GESTUEE. Both Hands Horizontal Lateral Vertical. (Fig. 66.) Expansion, Disruption, Dispersion. In emphatic or impassioned discourse the hands, in preparation for this gesture, may sometimes cross the breast, as in fig. 65. In general, however, the ordinary preparation Avill suffice. When the hands cross the body, as shown in the cut, they should not be allowed to rest in this position, but should pass and repass each other more or less rapidly, according to the force and rapidity of the accompanying utterance. Ex. — I. The gate of Death in sunder breaks ! 2. And if the night Have gathered aught of evil or concealed, Disperse it, as now light dispels the dark. Both Hands Ascending Front Vertical. (Fig. 67.) Earnest Sacred Deprecation. Ex. — Avert, O God, the frown of Thine indignation. Fig. 67. Fig. 68. THE VERTICAL HAND. 121 Both Hands Ascending Oblique Vertical. (Fig. 68.) I. Deprecation combined with Elevation or Sublimity. Ex. — Let me not NAME it to you, ye chaste stars, II. Fear, Terror, etc. Ex. — I. How DREADFUL is this place ! 2. Angels and ministers of grace, defend us! 3. Alarmed, afraid, I see the flashes of Thy lightning wild ! Both Hands Ascending Lateral Vertical. (Fig. 69.) Elevation and Expansion combined, Dispersion, Disrup- tion. The hands, in preparation for this gesture, sometimes cross the body as in fig. 65. Ex. — I. The mists of morning are dis- persed by the rising sun. 2. Melt and dispel, ye spectre doubts. 3. lU Rsrs the wild cry of terror and dismay ! Fig. 69. CHAPTER IX. SPECIAL GESTURES. In addition to the systematic gestures described in the preceding chapters, we have what may be called Special Gestures. These are so numerous as to pre- clude an exhaustive enumeration. The following are the most important ; Fig. 70. Right Hand Uplifted Vertical. (Fig. 70.) The vertical hand is here presented with the palm nearly facing the left of the speaker, instead of being out- ward as those in Chapter VIII. The position of the hand and arm at the terminus of this gesture is similar to the ordinary preparation (compare figs. 6 and 70). By virtue of its peculiar signification, however, this constitutes a distinct gesture. It should be specially observed that here the hand is brought up to the terminal jDoint witliout any prepara- tory action, Avhile in the systematic SPECIAL GESTURES. 123 gestures, and some others, it is brought down to the point indicated in tlie notation, having been previously raised higher in preparation. The hand is raised with the palm downward, until it nearly reaches the destined point, when there is an additional turn of the wrist- joint, which finishes the gesture by throwing the hand into the vertical position. The freedom of the wrist in the execution of this last movement gives additional effect. Fig. 70 shows the uplifted hand as brought up on the front line to the position ascending front. It may take the front or oblique, according to the sentiment. The front implies more elevation, and the oblique more expansion. Sacredness and solemnity generally prefer the front, sublimity the oblique. In moderate expres- sion the hand may be arrested at the horizontal line, thus giving four gestures under this head ; ascending front, ascending oblique, horizontal front, horizontal oblique. The uplifted hand has the following significations : I. Adjuration, Oath, Solemn Declaration. Examples.— I. I adjure thee, by the living God, that thou come r. h. upl.a. f, V. out of her. r. h.d.f.s. 2. I SWEAR I will not see it lost! r. h. upl. a. f. V. d. f. 3. I have sworn an oath, that I will have my bond. r.h. upl.a. f.v. r.h.d, f. cli. 4. By all my hopes, most falsely doth he lie ! r. h. upl. a. f. V. r. h. d. f. cH. 5. Rouse, ye Romans ! rouse, ye slaves I Once again I b. h, h.o. b, h.d.o. SWEAR the Eternal City shall he free, r. h. upl. a. f. V. d. f. 6* 124 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 6. Blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven. r. h. upl. a. o. V. d. o. II. The uplifted hand serves to Arrest Attention, as in the exclamations, Hark ! See 1 and the like. It also accompanies an Arousing Call or Command, and is used in Exclamations generally. Ex. — I. Hark to the joyous strain ! 2. Ho ! sound the tocsin from the tower, r. h. upl. a. o. V. r. h.a. o. ind. 3. Quick ! man the life-boat ! r. h. upl. a. o. V. r. h.h.o. ind. 4. How MISERABLE is man when the foot of the conqueror is on his r. h. upl. a. o. V. d. o. ind. neck, What black despair, what horror fills his heart ! r. h. upl. h. o. V. r. h. upl. a. o. v. In arresting attention, when the emotion is sudden and vivid, the index finger may take the place of the open hand. In this case the hand is suddenly raised, the finger pointing to the hearer, the eye at the same instant turning in the direction of the sound. Ex. — Hark ! heard ye not that piercing cry ? III. Arrested Preparation. The uplifted hand may, either by accident or design, become the preparation for a gesture. Ex. — I. How great the love that Him inclined to bleed and^/V for me! r. h. upl. a. o. d.o. 2. As I LIVE, saith the Lord, I have no pleasure in the death of the r. h. upl. a. f. d. f. wicked. In these examples the hand is raised in exclamation and in solemn affirmation, the sustained gesture serving, incidentally, as an arrested preparation, until the hand is brought down upon the emphatic word. See also the examples under Adjuration, etc. SPECIAL GESTURES. 125 Both Hands Uplifted Vertical. (Fig. 71.) This also takes the front and the oblique, ascending or horizontal according to the sentiment. Fig. 71 exhibits the ascending oblique ; the palms nearly face each other. I. Serious, Earnest, Sublime and Sacred Aspira- tions; Awe, Wonder, Surprise, Admiration, Pity, Horror, etc., when moderate, employ this style of gesture in the horizontal line ; when extreme, they use the ascend- ing. Profound Reverence, Adoration, Blessing, and other forms of sacred or solemn address, also employ the uplifted hands. Ex. — I. O THAT THIS LOVELY VALE WERE MINE.' b. h. upl. h. o. V. 2. How BEAUTIFUL is all this visible world ! b. h. upl. h.o. V. 3. In winter AWFUL Thou ! b. h. upl. a. o. V. 4. Great God, how infinite Thou art ! b. h. upl. a. f. V. • 5. Great and marvelous are Thy works. b. h. upl. a. o. V. Fig. 71, In profound reverence and awe the hands are raised very slowly, and for a considerable time held motion- less ; the eyes, at the same time, are upraised, the whole posture harmonizing with the general character of the discourse. 6. O HOW BEAUTIFUL is this midnight scene ! b. h. upl. a. o. V. 126 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 7. Scene sublime ! ^ b. h, upl. a. o. V. Where the rich earth presents her golden treasure. b. h.h.o. s. 8. The floods have lifted up their voice. b. h. upl. a. o. V. 9. O, HORRIBLE ! horrible ! most horrible ! b. h. upl. a. o. V. ID. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabaoth ! 11. Blessed be Thy name, O Lord most high. b. h. upl. a. f. V. 12. Blessed are all they that put their trust in Him. ^ b. h. upl. a. o. V. b. h. a. f. s. 13. Heaven and earth will witness, b. h. upl. a. o. V. If Rcyne must fall, we are innocent. b. h.h.o. b. h.d.o. It will be observed that the same notation is given for sentiments entirely different from each other, as surprise and pity, admiration and horror. These appar- ent incongruities will be adjusted by the various modes of execution, as quick or slow, and the accompanying variations in voice, attitude and facial expression. II. Benediction, especially when brief. The horizontal elevation is sufficient. Ex. — Heaven grant you success. > In more full and solemn benediction, the regular gesture, b. h. h. o. p., or the uplifted prone, is preferable. III. An Arousing Call or Summons is accompanied by an upward sweep of the hands, corresponding with the present gesture. Ex. — Rise ! or Greece for ever falls I b. h. upl. b. h.d.o. Up ! or freedom breathes her last ! b. h. upl. b. h.d.o. SPECIAL GESTURES. 127 Both Hands Uplifted Vertical, Palms Outward. (Fig. 72.) Here also the hands are elevated more or less, accord- ing to the degree of emotion. Fig. 72 shows the gesture in its most expressive form. Fig. 64 will serve to illustrate the same gesture in the horizon- tal elevation, supposing the hands to be thus raised with- out any preparatory move- ment. In common with the uplifted vertical, this is the natural language of Surprise, and usually takes precedence when surprise deepens into astonishment. Also employed in exclamations of Rapture. Fig. 72. Ex. — I. *' Land ! Land !" cry the sailors. 2. With sudden start the miser wakes. 3. Then ope's his chest, with treasure stored, b.h.d.f. And stands in rapture o'er his hoard, b. h. upl. a. o. V. out. The corresponding gesture with one hand is often used to express a moderate degree of surprise or fear. See right hand in fig. 80. 128 MAKUAL OF GESTURE. Fig. 73. Both Hands Uplifted Supine. (Fig. 73.) I. This is employed to des- cribe the act of lifting up ; being opposite in effect to putting down with the prone hand. Ex. — With the lever of prayer resting on the fulcrum of faith, we can move the world, and LIFT IT b. h. h.l. b. h.upl.s. UP TO God. II. Admiration, when it arises from some extraordi- nary or unexpected circum- stance, expresses itself in this manner. The hands are then thrown up suddenly, the face and eyes being upraised at the same time. Ex.- Rapturous sight ! Fresh bursts the New World from the darkness of night ! b. h.h.o. O VISIONS OF GLORY ! how dazzling it seems ! b. h. upl. s. Right Hand Uplifted Prone. The hand is raised with the palm downward, retain- ing the prone position throughout, the arm, wrist and hand being moved as one. The degree of elevation varies with the sentiment. Wonder, Surprise, Pity, etc., in a moderate degree, are sometimes expressed in this manner ; the action being less than in the vertical, since it lacks the addi' SPECIAL GESTtJEES. 129 tional wrist movement. Regret is indicated by feel^l}' raising and dropping the hand. Fx.— I. Alas ! poor Ycrick ! raise. drop. 2. Ah Eloquence ! thou wast undone. raise. drop. Both Hands Uplifted Prone. This may follow either the front or the oblique line, and be elevated to the horizontal or to the ascending plane. I. Appropriate in Benediction and other forms of Solemn Discourse. When the hands are raised slowly, the effect is more solemn than in the regular prone gest- ure as applied to benediction, etc. Ex. — [.\postolic benediction.] II. The feeble raising and dropping of both hands sometimes occurs in the expression of grief. Ex. — Farewell ! a long farewell to all my greatness, raise. drop. Both Hands Supine Parallel. (Figs. 74, 75, 76.) Fig. 74. Fig. 75. Fig. 76. 130 MAKUAL OF GESTUltE. This may be made in any of the following directions : Descending oblique, to the right or left. (Fig. 74.) Descending lateral, Horizontal oblique, Horizontal lateral, '- " " (Fig. 75.) Ascending oblique, '"• " '' (Fig. 70.) Ascending lateral. These are sometimes employed in impassioned refer- ence, or any reference to the right or left of the speaker, where one hand is inadequate to the full expression, and needs to be supplemented by the other hand. Ex. — I. Take her up tenderly, b. h. d. o. s. par. Lift her with care, b. h. h. o.s. par. 2. There lies he ! go and look ! b. h.d.l. s.par. rep. 3. Death's chain is on your champion. b. h.d. 1. s. par. 4. These are the homes of peaceful industry. b. h. h. 1. s. par. 5. Higher, higher let us climb up the steep of knowledge. b. h. a. o.par, 6. I dare him to his proofs ! b. h. h. o. par. 7. Cannon to right of them, b. h. h.l. par. (rieht) Cannon to left of them, b. h. h. 1. par. (left) This style of gesture is also admissible in the direction oblique backwards. Ex. — Cannon behind theni. The supine hands accompanied with an attitude of courage and manliness, is preferable to the vertical hands, which some would employ, in order to express the emotion of terror at beholding this dreadful charge. The orator should possess himself of the courage of SPECIAl. GESTUEES. 131 " the noble six hundred," rather than to act the part of a terrified witness of the scene. Both Hands Prone Parallel (Fig. 77.) In these the arms assume the same relative positions, and move in the same directions, as in the parallel supine just described ; the only dif- ference being in the position of the hands. Fig. 77 represents the hori- zontal oblique. They are similar in application, with the additional power of expressing superposition and re- pressive emotions. Ex. — The Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. ^- ^- ^- °- P- P"- Both Hands Vertical Parallel. (Figs. 78, 79.) Fig. 77. Fig. 78. Fig. 79. 132 MAKUAL OF GESTURE. These correspond with the preceding, except the position of the hands, and their being limited to the horizontal and the ascending lines. Employed in Forcible Repulsion, in circumstances where both hands are required at either side of the speaker. Fig. T8 shows this gesture in the horizontal oblique, and 79 in the horizontal lateral. Ex. — Hence, hideous spectre. b. h. h. o. V. par. The student may apply this style of action to many of the examples given under the regular vertical gestures, selecting the more impassioned sentences. These three forms of parallel gestures — supine, prone and vertical — are analogous to what Austin terms prin- cipal and subordinate gestures ; though they differ' essentially from them in that both hands are here kept on the same plane, whereas Austin would have the principal gesture elevated one position higher than the subordinate, as when the left hand is in the direction descending oblique, and the right in the horizontal lateral. While no objection is here made to the style of action just mentioned, so far as the subordinate gesture is en- tirely involuntary — a faint echo, as it were, of the principal — as,for instance, in fig. 80, such gestures are purposely omitted from this treatise. Although admissible in some cases, they need not be made prominent in a system of rhetorical action. Fig. 80. SPECIAL GBSTIJRES. 133 Index Finger. (Figs. 8i, 82, 83.) Fig. 81. Fig. 82. Fig. 83. I. The index finger, pointing in any direction suited to the occasion, is employed in Indication, from which it receives its name, in Special Designation, Specific Reference, Close Discrimination, Precision, Emphatic Designation, etc., serving not only to point out particu- lar persons and objects, but, analogically, to call atten- tion to particular ideas. The open hand in its outward sweep, is used to extend the thought ; the index finger, to limit it. Compare the notation of the two following sentences : 1. Let us survey the entire field. r, h.h.l.s. 2. Let us closely observe this point. h.f. ind. The following miscellaneous examples will illustrate 134 MANUAL OF GESTURE. the use of the index finger, according to the applica- tions given above : 1. The full-orbed moon has reached no higher Than yon old CHURCH'S mossy spire, h. o. ind. 2. Mark yonder pomp of costly fashion h.l.ind. 3. In yonder grave a Druid lies. h. 1. ind. sus. 4. Her fancy followed him through foaming waves. To distant SHORES. h.l.s. h.l.ind. 5. Hush ! Hark to that sound stealing faint through the wood, h. o. p. h. l.ind. Huiih is always authoritative, and employs the repres- sive gesture ; harh is the call for attention, and is merely earnest. 6. But LOOK, the morn in russet mantle clad, a. f. ind. Walks o'er the dew of yonder eastern hill. 7. See yon nsmg SUN. h. f. ind. 8. See yon setting sun. h. o. b. ind. 9. See on yon darkening heights bold Franklin tread. a. 1. ind. 10. The puissant Michael vanquished Apollyon upon the summit of the everlasting hills. a.o.b.ind. imp. 11. He led the tyrant Death in chains. d.o. ind. 12. He pierces through the realms of light. a. o. ind. 13. Flashes of lightning played around the distant horizon. (Fig.83.) h.Lind. 14. Sin may gratify, but repentance stings. h. o. s. h. o. ind. 15. The keen eye of the statesman penetrated the future. h. f. ind. 16. For proof of my assertion, I point you back to days of the prophets. h.o. b. ind. SPECIAL GESTURES. 17. I 've touched the highest point of all my greatness. a. f. ind, 18. A spirit of evil flashing down, d. l.ind. With the lurid light of a fiery crown. 19. A mere air-drawn dagger of the fancy. a. l.ind. 20. Hope, like the glim'ring taper's light, a. f. ind. Adorns and cheers the way. a. o. s. 21. So Faith and Hope the self-same objects spy. a. f. ind. 22. Beyottd is all abyss, a. f. p. Eternity, whose end no eye can reach, a. f. ind. 23. And Nathan said to David, thou art the man. h. f. ind. 24. Clarence has come ! false ! fleetingJ perjured Clarence ! h. f. ind. rep. rep. rep. 25. O that men's ears should be To counsel deaf, but not to flattery. h.o. ind. h.Lind. 26. See, how he sets his countenance for deceit. h. o. ind. And promises a lie before he speaks. rep. 27. Guards, seize h. f. p. This traitor, and convey him to the tower, There let him learn obedience. h. l.ind. rep. 28. Read thy doom in the flowers which fade and die. d. o. ind. 29. O, cursed lust o{ gold I when for thy sake b h.d.o. The wretch throws up his interest in both worlds ; b.h.d.l. First hanged in this, then DAMN'd in that to come, h.o. ind. d.o. ind. 30. There 's the marble, there 's the chisel ; h.o. ind. d.o. ind. •> Take them, work them at thy ivill ; h. f. s. rep. 186 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Thou ALONE must shape thy future, — h.f.ind. Heaven give thee strength and skill. r. h. upl. d. o. s. 31. He dares not touch a hair of Cataline. h. o. ind. 32. Mark the perfect man. h. o. ind. 33. This is the point to which I call your special ATTENTION, h.f.ind. rep. 34. If this measure be adopted — mark my word — our country will h^ ruined ^■^•^- ^■^•'"^• d. f. s. 35. We hsiVG promised, but recollect, under certain restrictions. d.o. s. h, o. ind. rep. 36. Let the thought be deeply engraved upon your heart, that h. f. ind. every moment which flies, is irrecoverably lost. rep. rep. II. The index finger is used in Reproach, Scorn, Contempt, Derision, etc. The hand is then inverted, as in fig. 82. In earnest and serious discoure, it is side- wise, as in fig. 81. Ex. — I. Thou slave! h.f.ind. 2. Yon trembling coward, who forsook his master. h. o. b. ind. 3. There were FALSE prophets among the people. h. I. ind. 4. Vipers ! that creep where man disdains to climb. d. 1. ind. d. 1. p. 5. Behold the traitor ! h.o. ind. 6. Thou crawling WORM ! d.o. ind. 7. One murder makes a villain, h.f.ind. h. 1. ind. Millions a hero. b. h. h. o. a. o. s. 8. Some sky-ward flight of superstition. a. 1. ind. 9. The perpetrator of so base an act merits only the finger of scorn. b.l,iad. SPECIAL GESTURES. 137 III. Cautioning, Warning, Threatening, AutLoiitative Prohibition or Prohibitory Warning. The index finger thus employed is more forcible and defiant than the open hand. In warning and threatening there may be an accom- panying tremor of the finger. Ex. — I. Timely advised^ the coming evil shun. h.o. s. h.o. ind. 2. Let every man take heed how he buildeth ihereiipon. h. o.ind. 3. Lay not that flattering unction to your soul. h.f.ind. 4. Bitterly shall you rue your folly. h. f. ind. 5. If thou speakest false, h.f.ind. Upon the next tree shalt thou hang alive, h. o. ind. rep. Till FAMINE cling thee, rep. 6. Lay not your hand upon the constitution. h. f. ind. In mild expression generally, and in emphatic dis- course sometimes, prohibition prefers the prone hand. 7. LocHiEL ! Lochiel ! beware of the day h. f. ind. rep. When the Lowlands shall meet thee in battle array ! rep. 8. Take fast hold of instruction ; let her not go ; keep her, for h. f. ind. rep. rep. she is thy life. d. f. ind. Note. — The gesture upon life is made in the descending line for special emphasis, and for consummation. To regard it as a gesture of designation in the sense of sug- gesting locality, would, of course, render the action entirely inappropriate. Unjust criticism based upon such misinterpretation, however, is likely to grow out of a super- ficial knowledge of the subject. 9. Look not thou upon the wink, when it is kkd, when it giveth his h. f. ind. rep. COLOR in the cup, when it .moveth itself aright. At the last rep. h.o. s. it biteth like a serpent and stingeth like an adder. d. o.ind. d. Kind. 138 MANUAL OF GESTURE. IV. Special Emphasis, Emphatic Assertion or Em- phatic Distinction. When thus used with energy the index finger is more emphatic than the open hand. In emphatic assertion it is generally confined to the descending lines, but when it serves the double purpose of special designation and special emphasis — emphatic designation — it may, as before stated, take any direction. Examples of Special Emphasis : 1. I repeat it, sir, I will never submit. d. f. ind. 2. The truth of this whole statement I do most emphatically DENY. h.f. ind. d. f. ind. 3. The tyrannous and bloody act is done. d. f. ind. In this use of the index finger the gesture must be forcibly executed, or the effect will be different from what is here intended : there will be danger of nullify- ing the action by running the gesture into one of desig- nation, when there is no special object pointed out. Right Hand Uplifted, Fore-Arm Vertical, and Index Finger Pointing Vertical. (Fig. 84.) The peculiar character of this gesture distinguishes it from the pointing ges- tures just described. It is used in Cau- tioning, Solemn Warning, and Threaten- ing. In Rogers' description of Genevra's picture we have it illustrated : " She sits inclining forward as to speak, Her lips half open, and her finger up, As though she said, ' Beware ! ' " This mode of expression is specially •p Q^A appropriate in sacred discourse. SPECIAL GESTURES. 139 Ex. — I. Stand in awe and sin not, sus. 2. Vengeance is Mine ; I will repay, saith the Lord. sus. Clinched Hand. (Fig. 85.) I. Used in any line for Ex- treme Emphasis, Vehement Declaration, Fierce Determina- tion, Desperate Resolve. Often used in very emphatic assertion. We have three degrees of emphasis: the open hand, the ^^^' ^^' index finger, the clinched hand ; which may be de- nominated respectively Emphasis, Special Emphasis, and Extreme Emphasis. Ex. — I. Treason has done his worst. d. f. di. 2. Let us do or die. d. f. cli. 3. And when we have resisted to the lasf, we will starve in the r. h.d.o.s. d.f.cli. wastes of the glaciers. Ay, men, women and children, we will b. h.h.o. all be frozen into annihilation together ere one free Switzer b. h. d.o. cli. will acknowledge a foreign master. r. h. h. o. cli. 4. I '11 have my bond : I will not hear thee speak ; r.h. d.f.cli. r.h.d.l. p. I '11 have my bond, and therefore speak no more. r.h. d.f.cli. r.h.d.l. p. The following example presents in their order the three degrees of emphasis above referred to ; To such usurpation I will never submit ; I repeat it, sir, I will d.f.s. never submit; I will die first, d. f. ind. d. f, cli. 7 140 MANUAL OF GESTURE. The more usual method, however, in such cases, is to limit the action to one of these forms — the open hand, the index, finger, or the clinched hand — and effect the climax by raising the hand higher and bringing it down more forcibly with each successive stroke. II. The clinched hand is used in any line to express Violent Anger, Threatening, Defiance, etc. Ex. — I. Wo to the hand that fails to rear, r. h. a. f. cli. At this dread sign, the ready spear. SUS. 2. As a Roman, here in your very capital I defy you. h.f. ind. h.f. cli 3. Thy threats, thy mercies I defy, h. f. cli. And give thee in thy teeth the lie. h.f. ind. 4. If thou but FROWN on me, or stir thy FOOT, h.f. cli. rep. Or teach thy hasty spleen to do me shame, I '11 strike thee dead. ""^P- d.f.cli. In more moderate discourse the idea of frowning might be expressed with the- prone hand ; but this would be inadequate to the vehemence of the present language. III. Seizing, Grasping, etc. Ex. — Then, starting from the ground once more, he seized the monarch's rein, « * * a. o cli. And with a fierce, o'er-mastering grasp, the rearing war-horse led. a. o. cli. Both Hands Clinched. This is admissible in Vehement Declaration and highly Impassioned Oratory. Ex. — I. Rather than submit to such usurpation, I would suffer a thousand deaths. b.h. d.f.cli. 2. I '11 fight, till from my bones the flesh be hack'd. b. h. d. 1. cli. SPECIAL GESTURES. 141 Hands Applied. (Fig. 86.) The palms are prebsed together as shown in the cut. Often used in Adoration. Ex.— Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Sabaoth. b. h.a. f. ap. . sus. Fig. 86. Fig. 87. Hands Clasped. (Fig. 87.) The hands are raised to the horizontal oblique, the palms facing each other, brought together and clasped, then drawn up to the chest, from Avhich they are pro- jected outward — descending, horizontal, or ascending — as occasion may require. In following this direction there need be no appearance of measured exactness ; a fault which facility of execution must exclude from all gesture. The clasped hands indicate strong emotion. They are appropriate in Supplication and Earnest Entreaty. Also the language of Distress. 142 MANUAL OF GESTUllE. Ex. — I. For Heaven's sake, Hubert, let me not be bound, b. h. h. f. cla. sus. 2. O Lord, rebuke me not in Thy wrath, b. h. a. f. cla. 3. O ! my son Absalom ! my son, my son Absalom ! Would God b. h. h.f. cla. rep. b. h. a. f. cla. I had died for thee, O Absalom, my son, my sott. b. h. h.f. cla. rep. b. h.a. f. cla. b. h. d. f. cla. Hands Folded. (Fig. 88.) Fig. 88. The fingers of the right hand are laid between the thumb and fore-finger of the left, the right thumb crossing the left. Expressive of Humility or Self-Abasement, and sometimes employed in Sacred Address. Ex. — Behold, I am vile ! Hands Crossed. (Fig. 89.) Fig. 89. SPECIAL GESTURES. 143 One hand is placed upon the breast, and the other laid upon it. The eyes are at the same time slowly cast down, and the head bowed in Humility or Venera- tion. Ex. — I acknowledge my transgression. The Hand on the Heart. Reference to the speaker's own feelings, and Imper- sonation as well, lays the hand on the heart. Powerful emotion presses it hard ; fierce passion clinches it. In generous and genial emotions the fingers should be spread apart ; in subdued emotions they are kept close together. Ex. — I. I feel within me A PEACE above all earthly dignities, A still and quiet conscience. 2. Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore. 3. I speak from the fulness of my heart. 4. Thou hast given to that poor, gentle, timid shepherd lad, muscles of iron and a heart of flint. ^- ^- ^- ^- ''" r. h on heart cli. Both hands are sometimes placed on the heart, one covering the other. Ex. — What is this absorbs me quite ; b. h. upl. Steals my senses, shuts my sight b. h.a. o p. b. h. h. \. p. Drowns my spirit ? b. h.on heart. As a rule, the speaker in referring to the hearts of others, should not employ this gesture. In the follow- ing example, for instance, They hushed their very hearts, that saw its horror and amaze. The horizontal oblique prone is the most appropriate gesture. 144 MANUAL OF GESTURE. The Left Hand. The gestures assigned to the right hand may also be executed with the left, but only when absolutely neces- sary. As a rule, when one hand is employed singly, the preference should be given to the right. In refer- ring to persons or objects at the left of the speaker, the left hand may be used. It should be remembered, however, that as an instrument of gesture, it is inferior, subordinate and occasional. Manly force prefers the right hand, which is, normally, the expressive hand ; the left being a peculiarity and specialty. | Its chief use is to accompany the right in expansion and warmth. To be constantly alternating between the right and left hand is a serious fault of gesture. There is, indeed, no necessity for it. In referring to the points of com- pass, the public speaker is not bound to give the exact directions. Upon this point, Austin says, " Avoid here literal and mechanical exactness." The contrast is all that can be required, and even in this he need not be punctilious. When a series of objects is presented, sufficient variety may be given by simply changing the lines of gesture ; as when one member of the series is assigned to the line in front, a second to the oblique, a third to the lateral, and, it may be, a fourth to the oblique backwards ; and this upon the descending, the horizontal, or the ascending plane. These divisions and subdivisions furnish the most ample scope for enumeration, classification and description. Observe the following notation : Ex. — I, They shall come from the east, and from the WEST, prftu r. h. h. 1. SPECIAL GESTUBES. 145 Or, They shall come from the east, and from the west. prep. b. h. h. 1. Or, to be more specific : They shall come from the east and from the 7ie, Munich ! all thy banners wave, r.h.h.l. b.h, h.l. 8. Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among all thepeopU, \>.\^.V.o. b.h. h.l. T52 MANUAL OF GESTURE. 9. Jehovah reigns ; His throne is high; r. h. a. f. r. h. a. o. His robes are light and majesty. b.h. a.l. 10. He telleth the number of the stars ; He calleth them all by their names. r. h. a. 1. b.h. a.l. 11. Great is our Lord, and of great power ; His understanding is b. h.a. f. b.h.a. o. infinite. b. h.a. 1. 12. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice^ ye righteous ; and shout for joy, b. h.a. f. b. h. a. o. b. h. a, 1. all ye that are upright in heart. Elevation. 13. Brief, brave and g/orious was his young career, r.h.d.f. r.h.h.f r. h. a. o. 14. According to the eternal rules of celestial precedency, Virtue takes place of at/ things. It is the nobility of Ange/s/ It is b. h. d. o. b. h. a. o. the majesty of God / b. h. a. f. The Rhetoric of Gesture, Attention has already been called to the correspond- ence between gesture and rhetoric. The climax and the rhetorical pause have been noticed. Gesture is also governed by the rhetorical figure. Ex. — Thou art clothed with tight as with a garment, b. h. a. f. p. The prone hands are here preferred, as being suggest- ive of apparel. " Thou dwellest in light," would be expressed with the supine hands. So closely allied are the two arts — construction and delivery — that the style of rhetoric must govern the gesture generally. Imper- ative and vivid styles demand frequent and forcible action, and vice versa. Indeed, the rhetoric of gesture should be carefully attended to. As a rule, gestures CONCLUSION. 153 should be connected and harmonious. Appropriate and graceful action does not consist in isolated movements ; the hand must not be allowed to drop after each em- phatic word. On the contrary, the different movements should sustain such a relation to each other as to pro- duce a good effect on the whole. Harmony and unity are essential elements of grace. Familiarity with this branch of the subject will lead to the arrangement of sentences with reference to the best effect in rhetorical delivery. Gesture Modified by Circumstances. The style of gesture to be adopted in a given case must be determined by the predominant idea, or the effect desired. If, in the following passage, I hate and abhor lying, the speaker wishes simply to make an emphatic assertion, he will use the descending oblique ; if he would indicate the class to which the object of his hatred belongs, he will employthe descending lateral — the gesture of debasement ; if, however, the feeling of abhorrence be such as to call for a gesture of intense aversion, the descending oblique backwards prone would be appropriate. Take the same example in connection with its context : 1 hate and abhor lying ; but Thy law do I love. rh.h.l. V. b.h.h.f. The contrast here presented is better expressed with still another style of gesture, as shown in the notation. The idea which the hand expresses in this case is the putting away of one thing and the choosing of another in its stead. 154 MANUAL OF GESTURE. In the last line of Bernardo del Carpio, His banner led the spears no more amid the hills of Spain, one might wish to indicate, with the pointing finger, the location of the hills of Spain, or treat the sentence as an unemphatic negation, and employ the horizontal lateral, or he might prefer to use the gesture of ces- sation — descending lateral — to express the termination of the young Avarrior's career. Take the following couplet: And will you rend our ancient love asunder, b. h. h. o. s. To join with men in scorning your poor friend? b. h. d. o.s. In choosing the gesture for this passage, the idea of earnest interrogation must predominate over that of dis- ruption in the first line, and aversion in the second. Hence, instead of b. h. h. 1. v., and r. h. d. 1. p., we have the notation given above. Compare the following examples : 1. Bursts the wild cry of terror and dismay, b. h. a. 1. V, 2. See through this air, this ocean, and this earth. All matter quick and bursting into birth, b.h.h.l.s. In the first example the prevailing idea is that of dis- ruption ; in the second it is that of birth : and these must govern respectively the character of the gestures,, although occurring upon like words, differ essentially in form and signification. As the language of appeal, the following sentence would require the horizontal oblique : Shall we now contaminate our fingers with base bribes? But the force and depth of the emotion of contempt CONCLUSION. 155 absorbs the idea of a})peal, and expresses itself with the descending lateral — both hands. Victory and triumph usually find their appropriate expression in the ascending gestures ; and yet, in the following couplet : The saints in all this glorious war Shall conquer though they die, a. o. rep. the emphatic character of the language carries the hand to the descending line. The elevation and expansion of feeling which consti- tute the emotion of joy, generally call for the ascending lateral ; but the following sentence : A thing of beauty is a joy forever, may be simply treated as the presentation of a general thought, and use the horizontal oblique. Observe here the distinction between the subjective and the objective — the inward excitement of an emotion, and the mere talking about it. In oblique discourse, however, the speaker often assumes an emotion or passion. Notice also the following : Give every man thine ear ; but few thy voice. b. h.h. o. r. h.h.o. ind. Take each man's censure ; but reserve ihy Judgment. b.h.d.o. r. h.h.o. ind. If this were regarded as purely didactic, the supine hand would be retained throughout; but the shrewd caution of Polonius makes the gesture of mere instruc- tion give place to that of warning — index finger. The orator needs carefully to guard against the viola- tion of the principle just stated, never sacrificing the greater for the less, but always adopting that style of 166 MANUAL OF GESTURE. action which is most effective ; for instance, at the moment when he wishes to carry his point by forcible argumentation, he must not allow himself to sacrifice emphasis for any minor effect, as when he steps aside to indulge in some descriptive action. There are times when he cannot afford a descriptive gesture ; as there are emergencies in which the military commander may not stop to admire the beauties of the natural scenery which chance to lie in his pathway, but, with impetuous speed, must hasten forward to combat the enemy. A gesture is sometimes modified by its relation to other gestures, or by the combined effect of the action. In the passage. The Lord bringeth the counsel of the heathen to nought ; He maketh the devices of the people of none effect. d. 1. The first clause, taken independently, and with mode- rate emphasis, would employ the descending lateral to express nonentity ; but since another clause of similar import is added, the oblique is appropriated to the first, in order to reserve the lateral for the second. In the following appeal. For the truth of this assertion, I appeal to these gentlemen before me, to every one in this vast assembly, yea to the impartial b. h.h.o. judgment of all mankind. b.h.h.l. The first clause taken separately would use b. h. h. o. ; and the second, either by itself, or in connection with the first, b. h. h. 1. ; but when the three are combined, by the law of rhetorical climax in delivery the largest gesture is reserved for the largest idea. In accordance with the same principle, both hands CONCLUSION. 157 are occasionally employed merely to preserve the har- mony of the action — the preceding or the following idea requiring the use of both hands. This, however, is by no means an invariable rule, since the sudden transition from one hand to both, and vice versa, is not only admis- sible, but is often very effective. Some examples of this may be seen in the pieces marked for practice. The gesture should accord with the idea taken in its full extent. Notice the second gesture in the notation of the following passage : With a// thy getting, get understanding. b. h. h.o. b.h.d.o. The last clause standing alone, would be adequately expressed with one hand, but taken in connection with the first, the idea is extended, and hence requires a larger gesture. This also preserves the harmony of the action, the first clause obviously requiring both hands. Gesture is modified by individual character. What is becoming to one, may not be so to another. This remark applies to the frequency and variety, and to the manner of execution. Different modes of thought call for different modes of expression. The orator who seldom steps beyond the bounds of calm reasoning, will confine himself chiefly to the class called assertive gest- ures, and will execute these with moderation ; while one who is firm in his convictions, and possesses great strength of will, naturally lifts the hand higher and brings it down more forcibly ; and one possessing a vivid imagination, will abound in descriptive gestures. Some physical organizations are more favorable to rhetorical action than others ; pliability of muscle and 158 MANUAL OF GESTURE. facility of motion generally will enable one to do what would be quite unbecoming in another to attempt. Let every one adopt that style of action which is best suited to his own mental and physical organization, subject always to the general laws of expression. The Countenance. The expression of the countenance is intimately related to the subject of gesture. The mere motions of the hands and arms without the appropriate facial expression, and, indeed, without the appropriate attitude and movement of the whole body, would result in mechanical delivery void of grace or naturalness. The face is a powerful auxiliary to the oratorical art. " By the countenance," says Quintilian, " every feeling is expressed. Upon the countenance the hearers depend, and into it they examine before the speaker opens his lips." Says Lloyd : " The strongest passion bolts into the face." And the same author thus describes the expression of the countenance : " A single look more marks the internal woe, Than all the windings of the lengthened o — h ! Up to the face the quick sensation flies, And darts its meaning from the speaking eyes ; Love, transport, madness, anger, scorn, despair, And all the passions, all the soul is there." Lavater's observations upon the countenance are valuable to the student of oratory. He makes the fol- lowing distinction between physiognomy and pathog- nomy : " Physiognomy," he says, " is the knowledge of CONCLUSION. 159 the signs of the powers and inclinations of men. Path- ognomy is the knowledge of the signs of the passions. Physiognomy, therefore, teaches the knowledge of the character at rest, and pathognomy, of the character in motion. All people read the countenance pathognomi- cally (hence the expression of countenance necessary to the orator), few indeed read it physiognomically." It is not the design of the present work to embrace a treatise upon facial expression. Some directions regarding the eyes, however, are indispensable to the study of gesture. Among the three forms of visible expression — feat- ures, attitude and gesture — the eye occupies a promi- nent position. " It seems to share every emotion, and to belong to the soul more than any other feature." The expressive power of the eye is wonderful. The faculty — natural or acquired — of seizing an audience, so to speak, with the eye, and holding them in a visional grasp, endows the orator with marvelous power. As a rule, the eye should not accompany the gesture, but should embrace the audience, traversing from left to right, beginning with those nearest the speaker, and going back to the farthest part of the house. In impassioned poetry, the eye frequently accompanies the gesture ; so also in vivid description. Apostrophic address turns toward its object. In special designation the eye may for an instant glance toward the object pointed out. The rule in such cases is, that in vivid emotion the eye should pre- cede the hand ; in moderate emotion they move simul- taneouslv. To look the audience in the face while 160 MANUAL OF GESTUKE. pointing them to a distant object, makes the truest elo- quence. This, however, is not opposed to the moment- ary glance just referred to, and which heightens the effect. In narrative and didactic discourse, as well as in all warm, earnest and vivid address, the eye, for the most part, ranges over the audience. In strong resolve or fixed purpose, or in the statement of a definite proposition, it is fixed. In intense emotion of a grand, solemn, or sublime character, when expressive of steadfastness, the eyes should remain fixed. In profound solemnity and awe, they are upraised and fixed. In shame or grief, they are downcast or averted. In thought, they are cast on vacancy. In doubt and anxiety, they turn in various directions. The public reader should occasionally direct his eyes from the book or manuscript to the audience. It may appear to some that so much attention to the details of gesture as is recommended in this treatise is unnecessary or impracticable ; that it will hinder the freedom of action, or interfere with the' fluency of speech, or draw the mind of the speaker from his subject matter, or allure him from the main purpose of his dis- course, or cause the hearer to observe the manner more than the matter. It may be well to remind those who imagine all or any of these objections, that the same CONCLUSION. 161 attention is necessary in the acquisition of every other branch pertaining to public speaking ; that the orator is expected to frame his arguments with reference to the established rules of logic, arrange his thoughts according to the laws of rhetoric, construct his sentences with due regard to their grammatical government and agreement, give to ever}^ word its just pronounciation, and even to each letter its proper sound and full value ; and that all these details are attended to during the most rapid utterance, and even in the vehemence of impassioned delivery, where the mind is entirely engrossed with the subject matter of the discourse, and the whole soul absorbed in the effort to accomplish the main purpose, whether it be to instruct, to convince, or to persuade ; and, furthermore, that during the entire discourse neither speaker nor hearer gives a moment's thought to the rules of logic, rlietoric, or grammar. And why should not the rules of elocution, including both voice and gesture, be added to the list, and ob- served in the same manner ? MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. I. I 've seen the moon climb the mountain's brow, a. o. ind. I 've watched the mists o'er the river stealing; h. 1. p. But ne'er did I feel in my breast till now, h. on heart. So deep, so calm, and so holy a feeling: rep. rep, a. o. 'T is soft as the thrill which memory throws Athwart the soul in the hour of repose. h.l.p. d.l. II. His throne is on the mountain top, a. o. ind. rep. His field the boundless air, b.h.h.o. b.h.h.L And hoary hills that proudly prop b. h. a. o. The skies, his dwellings are. b. h.a. 1. b. h.a. o. III. I am the Rider of the ivind, h.f. The Stirrer of the storm ! a. o. The hurricane I left behind h. 1. Is yet with lightning warm ; a. 1. ind. 8 164 MANUAL OF GESTURE. To speed to thee, o'er shore and sea, b. h.h. f. b, h.h.o. I swept upon the blast. b. h. a. o.' IV. Fill the bright goblet, spread the festive board : h.f. h.l. Summon the gay, the noble and the fair ! b. h. h. f. prep. b. h. h.l. V. ! sweet and beautiful is flight, b. h. upl.* b. h. a. o. When the silver moon is high, a. o. ind. And countless stars like glittering gems b. h. a. o. Hang sparkling in the sky ; rep. While the balmy breath of the summer breeze b.h.h.f. Comes whispering down the glen ; b. h. d. f. And one fond voice alone is heard, h. o. ind. 1 night is lovely then, b. h. upl. b. h. h. o. VI. Sullen, methinks, and slow the morning breaks, a. 1. V. As if the sun were listless to appear, rep. And dark designs hang heavy on the day. ^ b. h.h.o. p. VII. Night wanes — the vapors round the mountains curl'd h. 1. p. b. h.a. 1. p. Melt into morn, and light awakes the world. b. h.h.l.p. b.h.a.l. How sweet and soothing is this hour of calm ! • b. h. upl. a. o. b. h.h.o. p. eyes upl. * Reference to the uplifted hand, unless otherwise designated, is to be understood vertical, as on pages 122, 125. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 166 VIII. How vain are all hereditary honors, h.l. Those poor possessions from another's deeds, Unless our own just virtues form our title, b.h.h.'o. And give a sanction to our fond assumptions. b.h.d.o. IX. And what is most commended at this time, b.h.h.o. Succeeding ages may account a crime! b.h.d.o. The soul, of origin divine, a. o. God's glorious image, freed from clay, a. f. h. 1. In heavens eternal sphere shall shine b. h.a. 1. A star of day ! a. o. ind. The sun is but a spark of fire, a. f. a. 1. ind. A transient meteor in the sky ; a. 1. The soul immortal as its sire, a. o. ind. a. f. ind. Shall never die. d.o. ind. XL The stars shall fade away, the sun himself grow dim with age, b. h.a. o. V. and nature sink in years ; but this shall flourish in immortal youth, b. h. d. 1. p. a. o. unhurt amid the war of elements, the wreck of matter and the crash b. h. a. o. b. h. h. 1. of worlds. 166 MANUAL OF GESTURE. XII. Are you an actor in this busy scene, or are you an idle spectator i h.f. h.l. XIII. War ! War ! — aloud with general voice they cry. b. h. h. o. rep. b. h. h. 1. XIV. Thou tremblest, and the whiteness in thy cheek h. f. p. h. f. Is apter than thy tongue to tell thy errand, rep. XV. Hence! home! you idle creatures, get you home! h. o. V. h.l.v. h.o. b, V. XVI. Take holy earth, all that my soul holds dear. b. h. d. f. rep. XVII. The Grave, dread thing! d. f. p. a. f. V. (eyes upraised.) Men shiver when thou 'rt named : Nature appalVd, b.h. d. o. b. h. upl. a. o. Shakes off her wonted firmness. Ah ! how dark , b. h. d.l. p. b.h. a. o. p. Thy long-extended realms, and rueful wastes ! b.h. h.l. p. b.h.d. 1. p. Where nought but silence reigns, and night, dark night, b. h. upl. a. o. b.h. h.l. p. Dark as was Chaos, ere the infant Suit b. h, upl. a. o. a. f. ind. Was rolled together, or had tried his beams Athwart the gloom profound. The sickly taper, b. h. a. f. h. f. ind. By glimm'ring through thy low-brow'd misty vaults, b. h. d. f. Furr'd round with mouldy damps, and ropy slime, --- b. h.d.l. p. Lets fall a supernumerary horror, b. h.upl.a. o. And only serves to make thy night more irksome. b. h. h.o. p. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 167 XVIIL I could a tale unfold, whose lightest word h. o. ind. Would harrow up thy soul, freeze thy blood, h.f.ind. d.f. Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres^ b. h. h. 1. very quick. Thy knotted and combined locks to pari, b.h.d.o. And each particular hair to stand on end, h. o. ind. rep. Like quills upon the fretful porcupine. h. 1. ind. XIX. The temples of the gods, the gods themselves, will justify the cry, b. h. a. o. rep. b. h. o.. o. and swell the general sound. Revenue ! Revenge ! Revenge ! b. h. h. 1. . d. o. cli. prep. rep. XX. We 've sworn by our country's assaulters, h. 1. cli. By the virgins they 've dragged from our altars, b. h. d. I. par. By our massacred patriots, our children in chains, b. h.h.o. b.h.d.o. By our heroes of old and their blood in our veins, h. o.b. b.h.d.o. cli. That living, we will be victorious, a. o. cli. Or that dying, our deaths shall be glorious. b, h. d.f. cli. b. h. a. o. XXI. The physical universe may be regarded as exhibiting, at once, all h. o. its splendid varieties of events, and uniting, as it were, in a single b. h. a. o. b.h.h.f. moment, the wonders of eternity. Combine, by your imagination, all rep. b. h. a. 1. b. h.h.o. rep. the fairest appearances of things. Suppose that you see, at once, all the b. h. h. 1. b. h. h. f. hours of the day, and all the seasons of the year ; a morning of spring b. h.h.o. b.h.h.l. b. h.h.o. 168 MANUAL OF GESTURE. and a morning of autumn, a night brilliant with stars, and a night b.h.d.o. b. h,a. o. obscure with clouds ; meadows enamelled with Jlowers ; fields waving b. h. a. o. p. b. h. d. f. with harvests ; woods, heavy with the frosts of winter : you will then b. h.h.o. b.h.h.l.p. have a just notion of the spectacle of the universe. b.h.h.l. XXII. I am charged with pride and ambition. The charge is true, and I h.o. d. 1. glory in its truth. Whoever achieved anything great in letters, arts a. o. h.o. or arms who was not ambitious ? Ccesar was not more ambitious than h. 1. imp. h. f. Cicero : it was but in another way. Let the ambition be a noble one, h.l. d.l. a.o. and who shall blame it? h.o. XXIII. The greatest glory of a free-born people, b. h.h.o. Is to transmit that freedom to their children. b. h. d. o.. XXIV. Mr. Chairman, I call on your interference to put a stop to this h.f. d.f, uproar. XXV. Such, where ye find, seize fast, and hither bring, h.o. h.o. p. d.o. XXVI. The great King of kings h. o. ind. Hath in the table of His law commanded, h. f, ind. That thou shalt do no murder ; wilt thou then d. o. ind. Spu^n at His edict, and fulfil a man's? d.l. cLo. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 169 xxvn. I died no felon death — d.l. A warrior s weapon freed a warrior's soul. h.o. h.I. XXVIIL Peace is despai/cL d.l. For who can think submission I War, then, war d, o. h. f. rep. Open or understood, must be resolved. d.f. XXIX. 'T is not in mortals to command success ; d. o. rep. But we '11 do more, Sempronius, we '11 deserve it. b. h.d. o. rep. XXX. Speak of a man as you find him, h.f. And heed not what others may say. h. 1. XXXI. Can ministers still presume to expect support in their infatuation? Can Parliament be so dead to its dignity and duty, as to give its sup- fa. h. h. o. b. h. d. o. port to measures thus intruded and forced upon it ? b.h.d.f. XXXIL Vain hopes and empty joys of human kind, d.o. d.l. Proud of the present, to the future blind. h. f. h. o. p. XXXIII. Thus pleasures fade away, h.I. Youth, talents, beauty, thus decay, d.l. And leave us dark, forlorn, and grey. r. h. upl. d.U 170 MANUAL OF GESTURE. XXXIV. When beauty triumphs, ah beware ! h. o. h.o. ind. Her smile is hope! her frown despair! a. f. d. f. XXXV. Who that surveys this span of earth we press, b. h. d. o. This speck of life in time's great wilderness, d.f. ind. b.h.h. 1. This narrow isthmus 'twixt two boundless seas, d.f. b.h.h.l. The past, the future, two eternities ! h o. b. h.f. b. h. a.l. Would sully the bright spot or leave it bare, d.f. p. d. 1. When he might build him a proud temple there, b.h. a. o. A name, that long shall hallow all its space, b.h. a.l. And be each purer soul's high resting place. b. h. a. f. XXXVI. How can it enter the thoughts of man that the soul, which is h.o. h.f. capable of such immense perfections, and of receiving new improve- a. o. ments to all eternity, shall fall away into nothing almost as soon as a. 1. d. o. created. d.l. XXXVII. Our thoughts are boundless, though our frames are frail, b.h.h.l. b.h.d.o. Our souls immortal, though our limbs decay ; b. h. a. o. b. h. d. 1. Though darkened in this poor life by a veil h.o. p. Of suffering, dying matter, we shall play b.h. d.l. p. In truth's eternal sunbeams; on the way b.h. a. 0. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 171 To Heaven's high capital our cars shall roll ; b. h. a. f. The temple of the Power whom all obey, b. h. d. o. That is the mark we tend to, for the soul a f. ind. Can take no lower flight, and seek no meaner goal, d.o. d.l. XXXVIIL See through this air, this ocean, and this earth, b.h.h.l. All matter quick, and bursting into birth, b.h.h.o. b.h.h.l. Above, how high ! progressive life may go ! b, h. a. f. Around, how wide ! how deep extend below ! b.h.h.l. b. h.d. f. rep. Vast chain of being ! which from God began, b.h.h.l. a.f. Nature's ethereal, human, angel, man, h.f. Beast, bird, Jish, insect, what no eye can see, h.l. d.l. No glass can reach, from infinite to tliee, h.l. imp. b. h.a. 1. h.f. From thee to nothing. h. f. d. 1. XXXIX. From cloud to cloud the rending lightnings rage s b.h.a. o.v. b.h.a. l.v. Till, in the furious elemental war Dissolvd, the whole precipitated mass b.h.a.I.v. Unbroken floods and solid torrents pour, b.h.h.o. p. b. h.d.o. XL.* I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man h.o. void of understanding ; and lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and h.l. h.l. ind. d.o. p. While the Scriptures and sacred hymns are here used for illustration, it is not with a view of recommending the employment of gesture in their public reading ; but only when they are quoted by the public speaker, and form a part of the {'vis- course. 8* 172 MANUAL OF GESTURE. nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was d.l. p. broken down. Then I saw and considered it well : I looked upon it, d.o. b. p. d.f. ind. and received instruction. Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a Uttle rep. d. f, d. o. folding of the hands to sleep : so shall thy poverty come as one that hands folded. h. f. ind. travaileth ; and thy want as an ar?ned man. h.l.ind. h.o. d.o. ind. XLI. They cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them b. h. a. f. out of their distresses. b. h.d.l. XLII. Were the whole realm of nature mine, b.h. h.l. That were a present far too small ; b.h. d.o. Love so amazing, so divine, b. h.upl.a. o. b. h.a. f. Demands my soul, m}^ life, my_ all. b. h. h. f. b.h. d.o. b.h. d.l. XLin. He who reigns on high Upholds the earth, and spreads abroad the sky, b.h.h.f. b.h.a.l. With none His name and power will He divide, d.f. For He is God and there is none beside, a f. d. 1. XLIV. It chills my blood to hear the blest Supreme b.h. d.f. Rudely appealed to on each trifling theme ; b.h. d.o. Maintain your ra7ik, vulgarity despise, d. f. d. 1. To swear is neither brave, polite, nor wise ; d. f. d. o. d. 1. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 173 You would not swear upon a bed of death / d.f. Bervare ! your Maker now may stop your breath, h. o. ind. d.f. ind. XLV. A scomer seeketh wisdom, and findeth it not: but knowledge is h. o. ind. h. o. d. o. easy unto him that understandeth. d.l. XLVL The getting of treasure by a lying tongue is a vanity tossed to and n.o. h. 1. fro of them that seek death. d.o. XLVIL There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing : there is that h. o. drop, maketh himself /^£>r, yet hath great riches. d.l. b. h.d.o. XLVIII. I have rejoiced in the way of Thy testimonies as much as in all a. o. riches. b.h.h.o. XLIX. Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and d.l. h.l. trouble therewith. d.l. If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast d.o. a.o. thought evil, lay thine hand upon thy mouth, h. o. h. f. p. LL The Lord hath made all things for Himself : yea even the wicked b. h. a. f. b. h. d. f. for the day of evil. rep. 174 MANUAL OF GESTURE. LII. The dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty. h. 1. d. 1. LIII. The Lord doth build up Jerusalem : He gathereth together the out- h.o. b. h.h. o. casts of Israel. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their h.o. p. b.h. d.o. wounds. He telleth the number of the stars ; He calleth them all by a. 1. their names. Great is our Lord, and of gredii power ; His understand- b.h.a. 1. b. h. a. f. b. h. a. o. ing is infinite. The Lord lifteth up the meek ; He casteth the wicked b. h.a. 1. h.o. down to the ground. d. o. p. LIV. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor h. o. d. o. b. h. h. o. and needy. LV. With the Lord there is mercy, and with Him is plenteous redemption. h.o. b.h.h. 1. And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. b.h. h.o. b.h. d.o. LVI. The tongue of the just is choice silver : the heart of the wicked is h. o. d. o. h. 1. little worth. d.l. LVII. Faithful are the wounds of a friend ; but the kisses of an enemy d. f. h. f. h. o. are deceitful. d.l. LVIII. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not Thy b.h. d.o. drop. law. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 175 LIX. My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten b.h.d.f. b. h.d.l. Thy words. LX. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth ; and let thy heart cheer thee h. f. rep. h. o. in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart and in h. f. the sight of thine eyes : but know thou, that for a// these things h.o. h. f. ind. b. h.h.o. God will bring thee into judgment, r. h. upl. ind. sus. LXL A friend cannot be known in prosperity, and an enemy cannot be h.o. h. I. d.o. hidden in adversity. d.l. LXIL • There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth d.o. - d.l. not. LXIIL Get wisdom, get understanding : forget it not ; neither decline from h f. ind. h.o. ind. rep. d. o. ind. the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee ; h. f. ind. d. o. love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing ; h.f. d. f. h.o. d.o. therefore get wisdom : and with all thy getting get understanding. h.o. b. h.h.o. b. h.d.o. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee : she shall bring thee to honor, a. f. a. o. a. 1. when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head an oina- h.o. a. o. ment of grace : a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. LXIV. Without counsel purposes are disappointed : but in the multitude of h.o. d.o. b. h.h.o. counsellors they are established. b. h.d.o. 176 MANUAL OF GESTURE. LXV. Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be estab- a. f. d. f. lished. LXVI. There are many devices in a man's heart ; nevertheless the counse) h.o. of the Lord, that shall stand. a. f. h. f. LXVII. He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. b. h.h. f. b.h.d. o. Lxvni. I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a. o. a green bay tree. Yet he passed away, and lo, he was not : yea I a. 1. h. 1. d. o. ind. sought him, but he could not be found. h.o. d.l. LXIX. He that gathereth in summer is a wise son : but he that sleepeth h.o. d. o. h. 1. in harvest is a son that causeth shame. d.l. LXX. Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. a.f. d.l. LXXI. The Lord will not cast off His people, neither will He forsake His dfl. h.l. inheritance. LXXIL Blessings are upon the head of the just ; but violence covereth the b. h. h. o. rep. d. o. p. mouth of the wicked. rep. >nSCELLANEONS EXAMPLES. 177 LXXIII. The wise in heart will receive commandments : but a prating fool h. o. d. o. h. 1. •hall fall. d.l. LXXIV. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing ; h.o. d.l. but inwardly they are ravening wolves. d. f. LXXV. He that saith unto the wicked, thou art righteous; him shall the h.o. rep. people curse, nations shall abhor him. d. o. ind. h. 1. d.o. b. LXXVI. .• but the h.o. * d.o. h. 1. In all labor there is profit : but the talk of the lips tendeth only to poverty. d.l. LXVII. Hell and destruction are never full ; so the eyes of man are never b.h.d.o. b.h.d.l. b.h.h.o. satisfied. b.h.d.o, LXXVIII. Every prudent man dealeth with knowledge : but a fool layeth open h.o. his folly. d. 1. LXXIX. As for man, his days are as grass : as a flower of the field, so he h. f. d.f. d.o. flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone ; and the place d.l. p. drop. no action. thereof shall know it no more. LXXX. He hath remembered His covenant for ever, the word which He h. o. commanded to a thousand generations. b.h.h. 1. 178 MANUAL OF GESTURE. LXXXI. In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare : but the h.o. d. o. righteous doth sing and rejoice. h. f. a. o. LXXXII. The poor and the deceitful man meet together : the Lord lighteneth b.h.h.f both their eyes. b. h.h.o. LXXXIII. "What shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and b. h.h.o. b. h.h.l. lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? b.h.d.l. b.h.d.o. LXXXIV. Here mercy's boundless ocean flows, b h.h.l. To cleanse our guilt and heal our woes ; b.h.d.o. Pardon and life and endless peace, b. h.h.o. How rich the gift ! how free the grace ! b.h. upl. a. o. b. h.h.l. LXXXV. Tune your harps anew, ye seraphs ; b. h. a. o, Join to sing the pleasing theme : rep. All in earth and Heaven uniting, b. h.h.o. b.h. a. o. Join to praise ImmanueVs name, b.h.a.f. LXXXVI. There is a time, we know not when, ho. p. A point, we know not where, h.l.p. That marks the destiny of men, h.o. ind. To glory or despair ; ^ ^ d.l.ind. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES, 179 There is a line, by us unseen, h. f. ind. That crosses every path, h. o. ind. The hidden boundary between God's patience and His wrath. r. h. upl. d.o. LXXXVII. The names of all His saints He bears, b. h. a. o. Deep graven on His heart ; ^^ b.h.a.f. Nor shall the meanest Christian say d. 1. That he hath lost his part. drop. Those characters shall fair abide, b. h. a. o. Our everlasting trust, b. h. d. f. When gems, and monuments, and crowns, b, h. upl. a. o. Are mouldered down to dust. b.h.d. l.p. LXXXVHL Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there h. o. a. o. are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are h. 1. h. f. diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. h.o. a.f. b.h.h. 1. LXXXIX. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Thy dominion endureth b. h. h.o. throughout all generations. b.h.h.l. xc. The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the m/ and the b. h. h. 1. good. rep. 180 MANUAL OF GESTURE. XCI. He clave the rocks in the wilderness^ and gave them drink as out h.l. of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and d.l. b.h.h.f. caused waters to run down like rivers. b. h. d. f. XCII. Turn ye, turn ye, for why will ye die? b. h h f. b.h. xcin. And the rain descended and the floods came, and the winds blew, and b.h.a. f. p. b. h. a. o. p. b. h. a. 1. p. beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. b. h. h f. p. b. h. d. o. p, drop. XCIV. Who hath ascended up into Heaven, or descended? Who hath h f. a. f. d.f. gathered the winds in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a a. o. b. h. h. o. garment? Who hath established all the ends of the earth? b.h. h.l. XCV. O may I no longer dreaming, Idly waste my golden days ; b.h.h. 1. p. But each precious hour redeeming, h. o. Upward, onward, press my way. a. f. b. h. h. f. XCVI. In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth r. h. upl. h. o. p. on men, fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones r. h. upl. tremor. to shake. Then a spirit passed before my face ; the hair of my flesh b. h. upl. tr. h. f. stood up: it stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof: an r. h. upl. h. f. p. drop. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 181 image was before mine eyes, there was silence^ and I heard a voice, h . f. ' drop, saving, Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be ^ ^ d.o. a.f. h.l. more pure than his Maker? a. 1. xcvn. The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made ; in the net d. o. p. which they hid is their own foot taken. b. h.d.o. b. h.d. f. XCVIIL Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion. d. o. p. d. 1. p. XCIX. Zion awake; thy strength renew; b. h. a. o. b. h. h. o. Put on thy robes of beauteous hue ; b. h.a. o. Church of our God, arise and shine. b. h.a.l. Bright with the beams of truth divine. Soon shall thy radiance stream afar, b. h. h. 1. Wide as the heathen nations are ; imp. Gentiles and kings thy light shall view; b. h. a. o. All shall admire and love thee too. b. h.a.l. C. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together. CL Thy testimonies are wonderful : therefore my soul doth keep them, b. h.a. o. b. h.h.o. 182 MANUAL OF GESTURE. CII. Open Thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of b. h.a, o. b. h.a. 1. Thy law. cm. That which hath been is now ; and that which is to be hath already h.l. h. f. a.f. d.f. been ; and God requireth that which is past. a. f. h. 1. CIV. The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea b. h. h.o. than the mighty waves of the sea. b.h. h.l. CV. The Lord is great, and greatly to be praised: He is to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols : but the b. h. a. o. d. 1. Lord made the heavens. Honor and majesty are before Him : strength b. h. a. o. b. h. a. f. and beauty are in His sanctuary. * * * q that men would b.h. h.o. praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the b. h. a. o. b.h. h.o. children of men. CVL That which is far off and exceeding deep, who can find it out ? h.l. b.h. d.f. h.o. CVIL Amazing sight ! the Saviour stands b. h. upl.a. o. h. f. p. And knocks at every door I h. o. p. Ten thousand blessings in His hands, b.h. h.o. To satisfy the poor. d.h.d.o. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 183 cvin. Enter ye in at the strait gate ; for zvide is the gate, and broad is the b.h.h.f. b. h.h.o. b.h.h.l. way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat b.h.d.o. b.h.d.l. because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto b.h.h.f. life, and feiv there be that find it. b.h.a.f. b.lud.f. CIX. Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not in the way of ^ h.f.ind. ^ ^ evil men. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away. h.i.ind. h.l. p. h. 1. ind. h. 1. p. d.l.p. ex. When the wicked are multiplied, transgression increaseth. b. h.h.o. b.h.d.o. CXL A man's pride shall bring him loiv : but honor shall uphold the h.o. d. o, a. o. rep. humble in spirit. cxn. Boast not thyself of to-morrow ; for thou knowest not what a day h.f.ind. d.o. may bring forth. cxin. Like floods the angry nations rise, b.h.h.o. And aim their rage against the skies ; b.h.a.o. Vain floods, that aim their rage so high ; At His rebuke the billows die. d.l.p. 184 MANUAL OF GESTURE. CXIV. Hark ! a brazen voice r. h. upl. ind. Swells from the valley, like the clarion h.l. ind. h.o. ind. That calls to battle. CXV. This doctrine, as long as I have breath, I shall oppose. h.f. rep. d.f. CXVI. It may be said that disease generally begins that equality which h. o. death completes. d. o. CXVII. Clearness, force and earnestness are the qualities which produce d.o. conviction. CXVIII. Grace was in all her steps, heaven in her eye, h.o. imp. a. o. In every gesture dignity and love. d.o. CXIX. Know thou this truth {enough for man to know), h. f. h. 1. Virtue alone is happiness, d.o. cxx. Begone, I will not hear thy vain excuse, h.l. p. d.l. p. But as thou lov'st thy life, make spetd from hence, h. f. ind. h. 1. CXXI. Why should we count our life by years, h. o. Since years are short and pass away h. 1. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 185 CXXII. I 've touch'd the highest point of all my greatness a. f. md. And from that full meridian of my glory, a. f. I haste now to my setting. I shall fall, h. 1. p. Like a bright exhalation in the- evening; h.l. ind. And no man see me more, drop. cxxin. All flesh is grass, and all its glory /odes. b.h.d.o. b.h.d.l. CXXIV. And what is friendship but a name, h.o. h.l. A charm that lulls to sleep : d.I. A sliade that follows wealth or fame, h.l. And leaves the wretch to weep. d.I. CXXV. Lighter than the whirlwind' s blast, a.l. He vanished from our eyes, drop, CXXVL I had a seeming friend ; I gave him gifts, h.o. h.l. And he was gone. drop. CXXVIL What is glory? What is fame? a. o. a. 1. The echo of a long lost name, d.I. p. A breath, an idle hoia's brief talk ; h.l. d.I. 186 MANUAL OF GESTURE. A flower that blossoms for a day, h.l. Dying next morrow, drop. A stream that hurries on its way. h.l. Singing of sorrow, drop. CXXVIII. Hail horrors I hail, b. h. a. o. rep. Infernal world, and thou, profoundest hell, b. h. h.o. b. h. d.f. Receive thy new possessor. rep. CXXIX. Can you raise the dead? d.f. Pursue and overtake the wings of time? a. o. And bring about again the hours, the days. The years that made me happy ! h. I. CXXX. Rise, fathers ! rise I \ is Rome demands your help, b.h.h.o. b.h.a.o. h. 1. CXXXI. My heart is withered at that piteous sight, r. h.on heart. CXXXII. The dying agonies of one who dies to save him, d. f. Excite no sympathy in his breast, d. 1. CXXXIII. Unnumbered suppliants crowd preferment's gate, b.h.h.o. b.h.h.f. Athirst for wealth, and burning to be great, b. h. a. o. Delusive fortune hears the incessant call, r. h. h. 1. ind. They mount, they shine — evaporate and fall, b.h.h.f. b.h.a.o. b. h. h. 1. drop. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 187 CXXXIV. Through many a clime 'tis mine to go, h. 1, With many a retrospection curst, h. I. p. And all my solace is to know, h. o. Whateer betides, I 've known the worst. h.l. d.o. What is the worst? Nay, do not ask, h. f. h. 1. p. In pity from the search forbear : h.f p. imp. Smile on — nor venture to unmask h.o. Man's heart, and view the hell that's there, d.f. cxxxv. The quality of mercy is not strain' d ; h. 1. It droppeth, as the gentle rain from heaven, a. o. Upon the place beneath : it is t^uice bless'd ; d.o. d.f. It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes : h.o. d.o. T is mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes a. o. The throned monarch better than his crown : a.l. h.l. His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, a. o. Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings : h. o. But mercy is above his sceptred sway, a. o. It is enthroned in the hearts of kings : h.o. It is an attribute to God Himself; a.f. And earthly power doth then show likest God's, h.o. a. o. When mercy seasons Justice. h.o. 188 MANUAL OF GESTUBE. CXXXVI. Of God she sung, and of the mild a. f. Attendant Mercy, that beside a. o. His awful throne forever smiled. a.l. CXXXVII. Now fades the glimmering landscape on the sight, b.h. h.l. p. And all the air a solemn stillness holds, b. h. upl. a. o. Save where the beetle wheels his droning flight, h.l.ind. And drowsy tinklings lull the distant folds, h.o.b. ind. d.o.b.p. CXXXVIII. The strife of fiends is on the battling clouds, b. h. a. o. The glare of hell is in these sulphurous lightnings ^ b. h. d. o. b. h. a. o. This is no earthly storm. r. h. upl. a. o. d. 1. CXXXIX. United we stand ; divided we fall. b. h. h. f. b. h. d. o. CXL. Time ! Time ! in thy triumphal flight b. h. a. f. How all life's phantoms fleet away ! b.h. h.l. CXLI. Ye diff"erent sects who all declare, b.h.h.o. Lo Christ is here and Christ is there ; h. f. h. 1. Your stronger proofs divinely give, d.o. And tell me where the Christians live. h. o. imp. MISCELLANEOUS EXAMPLES. 189 CXLIL His heart is far from fraud, as heaven and earth, h.l. b.h.h.l. CXLIIL If you were men, as men you are in show, h.o. h.l. You would not use a gentle lady so. d. o. CXLIV. Time past, and time to come are not — h. 1. h. f. d. I. Time present is our lot. d.f. CXLV. Press bravely onward! — not in vain h.f. h.l. Your generous trust in human kind ; b.h. h.o. The good which bloodshed could not gain, d. 1. Your peaceful zeal shall find, b. h. d. o. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE, The following selections, as well as the preceding miscellaneous examples, have been chosen with special reference to the system presented in this work. In order more fully to illustrate the principles of the science, the notation, for the most part, exhibits the action in its full effect. It is by no means to be inferred, however, that so many gestures as are here indicated are absolutely necessary. Indeed, unless the words are spoken with sufficient deliberation to give ample time for the requisite transitions, and attended with the proper accompaniments of attitude, facial expression and tones of voice, this notation cannot be followed with good effect. THE BATTLE OF WATERLOO. BYRON. There was a sound of revelry by nighty h.l.ind. And Belgium's capital had gathered then Her beauty and her chivalry ; and bright b. h. h.o. The lamps shone o'er fair women and hrave men. b.h.h.l. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 191 A thousand hearts beat ha^pily^ and when b. h.h.l. imp. Music arose with its voluptuous swells b. h. a. o. Soft eyes looked love to eyes which spake again ; b. h.h. o. imp. And all went merry as a marriage hell : b. h. a. o. But hush! hark! a deep sound strikes like a rising knell! h.o. p. h.f. ind. a. 1. ind. Did ye not hear it ? No, 't was but the wind, h. f. a. 1. Or the car rattling o'er the stony street ; h.l. On with the dance ! Let joy be unconfined ; b.h.h.f. b. h.h.l. No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet, a. 1. b. h.h.o. To chase the glowing hours with flying feet — b. h. d. o. But hark! — that heavy sound breaks in once more, h.f. ind. h.l. ind. As if the clouds its echo would repeat ; b. h.a. o. imp. And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before ! b. h. d. f. rep. rep. Arm ! Arm ! it is — it is — the cannon's opening roar ! b. h. h. o. h. f. rep. h. 1. ind. Ah ! then and there was hurrying to and fro, b. h.h.o. And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress, b.h.d.o. b. h.d. 1. And cheeks all pale, which, but an hour ago, b. h. h. o. p. Blushed at the praise of their own loveliness ; b.h.d.o. And there were sudden partings, such as press b.h.d. I. The life from out young hearts, and choking sighs b.hd.f. 192 MAKUAL OF GESTURE. Which neer might be repeated ; who could guess b. h. upl. drop. h. o. If ever more should meet those mutual eyes, b. h. h. f. Since upon night so sweety such awful morn could rise ? h, o. b. h. upl. drop. And there was mounting in hot haste ; the steed, h. h. h. f. imp. The mustering squadron, and the clattering car, b.h.h.o. b.h.h.f. Went ponving forward with impetuous speed, rep. rep. And swiitly forming in the ranks of war : b.h.h.o. And the deep thunder, peal on peal afar ; b. h. a. f. b. h. h. 1. par. And near, the beat of the alarming drum h. f. d. f. Roused up the soldier, ere the morning star ; h.l. a. 1. While thronged the citizens with terror dumb, b.h.h.o. b. h.d.o. Or whispering with white lips — '' The/oe, They come ! They COME!" b.h.h.i.par. rep. And Ardennes waves above them her green leaves, b. h. a. o. Dewy, with nature's tear-drops, — as they pass, b. h. d.o. p. Grieving — if aught inanimate e'er grieves — b. h. upl. a. o. drop. Over the unreturning brave — alas ! b. h. d.o. p. Ere evening to be trodden like the grass h. h. d. o. p. imp. Which now beneath them, but above shall grow rep. b. h. upl. h. o. In its next verdure, when this fiery mass drop. SELECTIONS FOE PRACTICE. 193 Of living valor, rolling on the foe, b. h. d. f. rep. And burning with high hope^ shall moulder cold and low, rep. b. h.a. o. drop. b.h.d.o.p. Last noon beheld them full of lusty life^ b. h. h. f. imp. Last eve in Beauty's circle proudly gay^ b.h.h.o. b.h. h.l. The midnight brought the signal sound of strife^ a. o. ind. The morn, the marshalling in arms^ — the day b.h.h.o. Buttle s magnificently stern array ! b. h. h. f. The thunder clouds closed o'er it, which when rent^ b. h. h. o. p. b. h. h. 1. p. The earth is covered thick with other clay, b.h.d.o.p. imp. Which her OWN" clay shall cover, heaped and pent^ b. h.d.f. p. b. h.a. o. par. h. h. d.f. p. Rider and horse — friend, /oe — in one red burial blent. rep. b.h.d.o.p. b.h.d.f.p. THE LAUNCHING OF THE SHIP. f- LONGFELLOW. All is finished^ and at length d.o. Has come the bridal day b.h.h.o. Of beauty and of strength. b.h. d.o. To-day the vessel shall be launched ! b.h. h.f. With fleecy clouds the sky is blanched. b. h. a. o. And o'er the bay^ 194 MANUAL OF GESTTtRE. Slowly, in all its splendors dight, b. h.h. o. The great sun rises to behold the sight. b.h.h.f. b.h.h.o. The ocean old^ b.h.h.o. Centuries old, b.h.d.o. Strong as youths and as uncontrolled^ h.l. d.l. Paces restless to and fro, b.h.h.f. Up and down the sands of gold, b. h. d. f. His beating heart is not at rest. d.l. Audi far and wide, b. h. h.l. With ceaseless flow. His beard of snow, b.h.d.o. Heaves with the heaving of his breast. b.h.h.o. b.h.d.o. He waits impatient for his bride. h. h. h. f. There she stands, h. o. ind. With her foot upon the sands, d.o. Decked with flags and streamers gay, a. 1. In honor of her marriage-day, b. h. a. o. Her snow-white signals, fluttering, blending, a. o. ind. a. 1. b. h h. f. Round her like a veil descending, b.h.d,o. Ready to be b.h.h.f. The bride of the gray old sea. b. h. h. 1. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 195 Then the Master, h. o. ind. With a gesture of command, Waved his hand; a.l. And at the word, h. o. ind. Loud and sudden, there was heard, b. h. upl. All around them and below, b. h.h.l. b. h.d.o. The sound of hammers, blow on blow, d.o.cli. rep. Knocking away the shores and spurs. d.l.p. And see ! she stirs ! h. f.ind. h.f. She starts — she moves — she seems to feel b. h. h. f. rep. The thrill of life along her keel, b.h.d.f. And, spurning with her foot the ground, d.l.p. With one exulting, joyous bound, b. h. h. f. She leaps into the ocean's arms. b. h. d. f. And lo ! from the assembled crowd There rose a shout, prolonged and loud, a. 1. rep. That to the ocean seemed to say, h.f. " Take her, O bridegroom, old and gray ; b. h. h. f. Take her to thy protecting arms, rep. With all her youth and all her charms^ b.h.h.o. 196 MANUAL OF GESTURE. How beautiful she is ! ho\Y fair b. h. h. o. b.h.h.f. She lies within those arms, that press Her form with many a soft caress b. h. d. f. Of tenderness and watchful care ! rep. ^2i\\ forth into the sea, O ship ! b. h. h. f. Through wind and wave right onward steer ! b.h.h.f. rep. The moistened eye^ the trembling lip^ h.o. h.l. Are not the signs of doubt or fear. Sail forth into the sea of life, b.h.h.o. O i^entle, loving, trusting wife, b.h.d.f. And safe from all adversity, h.l. Upon the bosom of that sea b.h.h.o. Thy comings and thy goings be ! b.h.h. 1. For ojentleness, and love, and trust, b.h.h.o. Prevail o'er angry wave and gust ; b. h.h.i. And in the wreck of noble lives, b. h.a. o. Something immortal still survives ! b. h. a. f. Thou too sail on, O Ship of State ! h.f. Sail on, O Union, strong and great ! b. h. h. f. rep. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 197 Humanity^ with all its /ears, b. h. h. o. b. h.d. o. With all the hopes of future year 8^ b. h. a. o. Is hanging breathless on thy fate ! b. h. h. f. We know what Master laid thy keel, h.o. What workmen wrought thy ribs of steely b.h.h.o. Who made each mast and sail and rope^ h. o. ind. What anvils rang, what hammers beat, h. 1. In what a forge, and what a heat Were shaped the anchors of thy hope. Fear not each sudden sound and shock ; b. h. h. f. 'Tis of the wave^ and not the rock; d. o. h. 1. ind. 'T is but the flapping of the «a^7, a.l. And not a rent made by the gale. h. o.b. In spite of rock and tempest roar^ a.l. In spite of false lights on the shore ^ h. 1. Sail on^ HOT fear to breast the sea. h. f. rep. Our hearts, our hopes are all with thee : b. h.h.f. b. h. a.f. b.h.h.o. Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears, b.h.h.o. b. h.a. o. b. h. a. f. b. h. d. o. Out faith triumphant o'er our fears, a. f. a. 1. Are all with thee — are all with thee. b. h.h.f. b.h.h.o. 198 MAHTJAL OF GESTURE. MARCO BOZZARIS. HALLECK. At midnight, in his guarded tent^ h.l.ind. The Turk was dreaming of the hour, rep. When Greece^ her knee in suppliance bent, h. o. d. o. Should tremble at his power : rep. In dreams^ through camp and court, he bore h. o. The trophies of a conqueror ; a. o. In dreams his song of triumph heard ; a.l. Then wore his monarch's signet ring : h. o. ind. Then pressed that monarch's throne — a Mng ; h. o. a. o. As wild his thoughts, and gay of wing^ a.l. As Uden^s garden .bird. a. o. b. ind. At midnight, in the forest shades, h.l. Bozzaris ranged his Suliote band h. 1. ind. True as the steel of their tried blades, h. f. rep. Heroes in heart and hand. a. o. d. o. There had the Persian's thousands stood, b. h. h.o. There had the glad earth drunk their blood, b. h. d. f. On old Plateaus day : h. o. b. And now there breathed that haunted air SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 199 The sons of sires who conquered there, b. h. a. o. With arms to strike^ and souls to dare^ h.o.cli. a.o.cli. As quick^ as far as they. d. o. cli. a. o. cli. An hour pass'd on : the Turk awoke ; h. h. upl. a. o. That bright dream was his last ; drop. He woke — to hear his sentries shriek, h. Kind. " To arms! they come! the Greek ! the Greek!'"* b. h.h.f. b.h.h.l.par. rep. He woke — to die midst flame and smoke^ d. o. b. h. a. o. And shout, and groan, and sa6re-stroke, h.l.ind. And death-^hot^ falling thick and fast b. h. a. o. As lightnings from the mountain cloud ; b. h. a. f. And heard, with voice as trumpet loud, a. 1. ind. Bozzaris cheer his band : h.l.ind. " Strike ! till the last arm'd foe expires ; h.f.cli. d.f.cli. Strike ! for your altars and your fires ; h. f. cli. d. o. cli. Strike ! for the green graves of your sires ; h.f.cli. h.l.cli. God, and your native land!'' h.i. They fought like brave men, long and well; h. o. d. o. They piled that ground with Moslem slain ; d. 1. p. They conquered ; but Bozzaris fell^ ao. d. o. p. 200 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Bleeding at every vein. b.h.d.o. His few surviving comrades saw h.o. His smile, when rang their proud hurrah ! a.l. And the red field was won; h.l. Then saAv in death his eyelids close, d. o. p. Calmly, as to a night's repose^ d.l.p. Like flowers at set of sun, rep. Come to the bridal chamber^ death ! b. h. h. 1. par. Come to the mother^ when she feels, h.l. For the first time, her first-born's breath; rep. Come Avhen the blessed seals That close the pestilence are broke, b.h.d.o. And crowded cities wail its stroke ; b. h.h. 1. Come in consumption's ghastly form, h. 1. ind. The earthquake shock, the ocean storm ; b. h. d. o. b. h. h, o. Come when the heart beats high and warm, With banquet-song, and dance, and wine^ h.l. And thou art terrible ! the tear, a. o. V. The groan, the knell, the pall, the bier ; h.l. p. And all we know, or dream, or fear ^ b, h. a. o, V. Of agony, are thine. b. h. a. f. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 201 But, to the hero^ when his sword a. I. Has won the battle for the free^ b.h.h.i. Thy voice sounds like a prophet's word, a. o. And in its hollow tones are heard The thanks of millions yet to be. b. h. a. o. Bozzaris ! with the storied brave, d.f. Greece nurtured, in her glory's timey a. o. Rest thee : there 's no prouder grave, b. h.d.o. a. o. Even in her own proud clime. a. I. We tell thy doom without a sigh; h.l. For thou art Freedom's now, and Fame's — a. o. a. 1. One of the few, the immortal names, h. f. a. o. That were not born to die. d.o. SPARTACUS TO THE GLADIATORS. KELLOGG. It had been a day of triumph in Capua. Lentulus, returning with victorious eagles, had amused the pop- ulace with the sports of the amphitheatre, to an extent liitherto unknown even in that luxurious city. The h.l. shouts of revelry had died away ; the roar of the lion d.l. d.l.ind. 202 MANUAL OF GESTURE. had ceased ; the last loiterer had retired from the drop. banquet^ and the lights in the palace of the victor were l.h. h.l. l.h.a.o.b. extinguished. The moon^ piercing the tissue of fleecy 1. h. d. o. b. a. f. ind. rep. clouds, silvered the dew-drop on the corselet of the h. 1. Roman sentinel, and tipped the dark waters of Vol- d.o. p. turnus with wavy., tremulous light. It was a night of d.i. p. holy calm, when the zephyr sways the young spring h. 1. leaves^ and whispers among the hollow reeds its dreamy d 1. music. No sound was heard but the last sob of some h.l. p. weary wave^ telling the story to the pebbles of the drop. beach, and then all was still as the breast when the d. 1. h. o. p. spirit has departed. drop. In the deep recesses of the amphitheatre, a band of b.h.h.o. gladiators were crowded together — their muscles still b. h. h. f. knotted with the agony of conflict, the foam upon their d.o.cli. h. f. ind. lips, and the scowl of battle yet lingering upon their b. h. h. f. brows — when Spartacus, rising in the midst of that h. o. grim assemblage, thus addressed them : rep. " Ye call me chief; and ye do well to call him chief, h. o. d. o. who for twelve long years has met upon the arena every shape of man or beast the broad empire of Borne SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 203 could furnish, and who never yet lowered his arm. If d.o. there be one among you who can say, that ever in public h.o. fight or private brawls my actions did belie my tongue^ let d.o. h.o. him stand forth, and say it. If there be three in all your h. f. h. o. company dare face me on the bloody sands, let them h.o. h.f. come on. And yet I was not always thus — a hired b. h. h. f. butcher^ a savage chief of still more savage men ! d.l. h.l. " My ancestors came from old Sparta^ and settled h.o. b. among the vine-clad rocks and citron groves of Cyra- h.i. cella. My early life ran quiet as the brooks by which I h. o. sported ; and when, at noon, I gathered the sheep be- d.i. neath the shade, and played upon the shepherd's flute, h.l. rep. there was a friend, the son of a neighbor, to join me in h.o. rep. d.o. the pastime. We led our flocks to the same pasture, h. 1. and partook together our rustic meal. d.o. " One evening, after the sheep were folded, and we were all seated beneath the myrtle which shaded our b.h.d.o. cottage, my grandsire, an old man, was telling of Mara- h. o. then, and Leuctra; and how, in ancient times, a little h.l. h.o. b. band of Spartans, in a defile of the mountains, had h.l. withstood a whole army. I did not then know what b.h. h.l. 204 MANUAL OF GESTUEE. war was ; but my cheeks hurned ; I knew not why^ and d. o. rep. d. 1. I clasped the knees of that venerable man, until my b. h. d. f. mother^ parting the hair from off my forehead, kissed h. o. h.l.p. h.o. my throbbing temples, and bade me go to rest^ and d.l. think no more of those old tales and savage wars. That very nighty the Romans landed on our coast. I h. o. ind. h. 1. saw the breast that had nourished me trampled by the h.o. d. o. p. hoof of the war-horse ; the bleeding body of mj father h.o. flung amid the blazing rafters of our dwelling/ a. 1. " To-day I killed a man in the arena ; and when I d.o. l)roke his helmet-clasps, behold/ he was mj friend. He h. o. r. h. a. o. upl. d. o. knew me, smiled faintly, gasped, and died — the same d.o. sweet smile upon his lips that I had marked, when, in h.o. adventurous boyhood, we scaled the lofty cliff to pluck h.l. a.l. the first ripe grapes, and bear them home in childish rep. h. 1. triumph ! I told the praetor that the dead man had been my friend, generous and brave ; and I begged h. o. d. o. that I might bear away the body, to burn it on Si funeral h. 1. a. 1. pile, and mourn over its ashes. Ay ! upon my knees, b. h. d. f. amid the dust and blood of the arena, I begged that rep. poor boon, while all the assembled maids and matrons^ b.h.h.o. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 205 and the holy virgins they call Vestahy and the rabble^ rep. b. h. d. o. shouted in derision deeming it rare sport, forsooth, to b.h.h. 1. h.l. see Rome's fiercest gladiator turn pale and tremble at h.o. ind. d.o. ind. the sight of that piece of bleeding clay ! And the praetor drew back as I were pollution, and sternly said, h.l. d.i. * Let the carrion rot; there are no noble men but d. o. b. h. o. Romans ! ' And so, fellow-gladiators, must you, and so d o. b. h. h. o. rep. must /, die like dogs. h.f. d.i. " O, Rome ! Home ! thou hast been a tender nurse to b. h. h.o. d.o. me! Ay ! thou hast given, to that poor, gentle, timid shepherd lad, who never knew a harsher tone than a flute-note, muscles of iron and a heart oi flint ; taught h.l. b. h.d.f. cli. r. h. on heart, cli. him to drive the sword through plaited mail and link;, of rugged brass, and warm it in the marrow of his foe ; b. h.d.o. cli. d.o. cli. to gaze into the glaring eye-balls of the fierce Numidian lion, even as a boy upon a laughing girl ! And he shall h.f. h.l. pay thee back, until the yellow Tiber is red as frothing d. f. cli. wine, and in its deepest ooze thy life-blood lies curdled I rep. rep. " Ye stand here, now, like giants, as ye are ! The b.h.h.o. strength of 6ra8«-toughened sinews ; but to-morrow, d.o. cli. h.o. some Roman Adonis, breathing sweet perfume from his h. 1. 206 MANUAL OF GESTURE. curly locks^ shall, with his lily fingers, pat your red d-l- h. o.p. brawn, and bet his sesterces upon your blood. Hark ! d. 1. h.l.ind. hear ye yon lion roaring in his den ? 'T is three days rep. d. o. since he tasted flesh ; but to-morrow he shall break his h.o. fast upon yours — and a dainty meal for him ye will be ! d.o. d.l. " If ye are beasts, then stand here like fat oxen, wait- d. o. h.o. ing for the butcher's knife ! If ye are men, follow me ! h.l.ind. h.f. h.o. Strike down yon guard, gain the mountain passes, and h. 1 ind. a. 1. there do bloody work, as did your sires at old Ther- d.o.cli. h.l. mopylcef Is Sparta deadf Is the old Grecian ^^ixit frozen h.o. d.o. in your veins, that ye do crouch and cower like a belabored hound beneath his master's lash ? O, com- h.l.ind. rades ! warriors! Thracians ! — if we must fight, let us b.h. h.o. b. h.h.l. b. h. h. o. fight for ourselves! If we must slaughter, let us b.h. d.o. b.h. h.o. slaughter our oppressors! If we must die, let it be b. h. d. o. rep. under a clear sky, by the bright waters, in noble, b. h.a. o. b.h. d.o. b. h. h. o. honorable battle!'' PARRHASIUS. WILLIS. Parrhasius stood, gazing forgetfully Upon his canvass. There Prometheus lay, h. f. ind. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 207 Chained to the cold rocks of Mount Caucasus, The vultures at his vitals, and the links h. f. V. Of the lame Lemnian/es^^rm^ in his flesh ; h.l.p. And, as the painter's mind felt through the dim, Rapt mystery^ and plucked the shadows wild h. o. p. Forth with his reaching /awc^, and with form a. o. And color clad them, his fine, earnest eye^ h. f. p. h. o. ind. Flashed with a passionate fire^ and the quick curl a. o. ind. rep. Of his thin nostril, and his quivering lip, Were like the winged god's^ breathing from his flight. a. o. ind. " Bring me the captive now ! h.l. ind. My hand feels skillful^ and the shadows lift h. o. r. h. upl. From my waked spirit airily and swift ; a. o. V. And I could paint the bow Upon the bended heavens ; around me play a. o. Colors of such divinity to-day. a. 1. " Ha! bind him on his hack! r. h. upl. d. o. p. Look ! as Prometheus in my picture here ! h.f. ind. rep. Quick! or he faints! stand with the cordial near! r. h upl. d.o.ind. h. 1. ind. Now, bend him to the rack! d.f.ind. 208 MANUAL OF GESTURE. Press down the prisoned links into his flesh ! d. f. p. And tear agape that healing wound afresh ! d.l. ^'' So! let him writhe ! How long d.l. p. Will he live thus ? Quick, my good pencil, now d. f. h. f. ind. What a fine agon^ works upon his brow ! d.o. lla ! grey -haired, and so strong ! r. h. upl. How fearfully he stifles that short moan ! d. o. p. G-ods ! if I could but paint a dying groan ! r. h. upl. a. o. h. f. " ' Pity ' thee ^ ^ol do; d.o. rep. I pity the dumb victim at the altar ; h.l.ind. But does the robed priest for his pity falter ? h.l. I 'd rack thee, though I knew d. o. ind. A thousand lives were perishing in thine ; d. o. cli. What were ten thousand to a fame like mine ? d.l. " Ah ! there 's a deathless name ! a. o. A spirit that the smothering vault shall spurn, d. 1. ind. And, like a steadfast planet, mount and hum ; a. o. ind. And though its crown of flame Consumed my brain to ashes as it won me ; d. o. p. By all the fiery stars I I 'd pluck it on me ! b. h. upl. b.h.h.f.cli. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 209 " Ay, though it bid me rifle My heart's last fount for its insatiate thirst ; r. h. on heart, cli. Though every life-strung nerve be maddened first ; b. h.d.f.cli. Though it should bid me stifle The yearning in ray throat for my sweet child, r. h.on throat, cli. And taunt its mother till my brain went wild ! d. 1. d. o. cli. '' All ! I would do it all, b. h. d. o. cli. Sooner than die like a dull worm^ to rot ; d.l.ind. rep. Thrust foully in the earth to he forgot, d. o. p. d.l. p. Oh heavens ! but I appall r. h. upl. Your hearty old man ! forgive — ha ! on your lives d.f. rep. r. h.upl. d. o. Let him not faint ! rack him till he revives I d.o. " Vain — vain — give o'er. His eye r. h.upl. d.l. p. d.o. b. p. d. o. ind. Glazes apace. He does not feel you now. drop. Stand hack! I '11 paint the death dew on his brow! d. 1. p. d. o. ind. Gods ! if he do not die r. h. upl. a. o. But for one moment — one — till I eclipse d. o. ind. rep. Conception with the scorn of those calm lips ! a. o. d.o. " Shivering I Hark ! he mutters r. h. upl. a. o. a. 1. ind. d.o. ind. Brokenly now ; that was a difficult breath ; d. o. ind. 21 d MAiTtrAL 0^ GESTTTRfi. Another f Wilt thou never come, oh, Death? r. h. upl. d. o. Look! how his temple flutters! d. o. ind. Is his heart still f Aha! lift up his head! d. o. r. h. upl. d. o. He shudders — gasps — Jove help him — so he 's dead ! d. o. p. r. h. upl, rep., but higher. drop. How like a mounting devil in the heart d.f. Rules this unreined ambition ! Let it once d.o. But play the monarchy and its haughty brow h. o. Glows with a beauty that bewilders thought ho.p. f And unthrones peace /orei^er. Putting on d. 1. The very pomp of Lucifer^ it turns a. o. The heart to ashes^ and with not a spring d.o. Left in the desert for the spirit's lip^ d.l. h.o. We look upon our splendor^ and forget a. o. The thirst of which we perish ! d.o. THE BURIAL OF SIR JOHN MOORE. WOLFE. Not a drum was heard, not a funeral note^ h. o. ind. d.o. ind. As his corse to the rampart we hurried ; h. 1. Not a soldier discharged his farewell shot d. o. ind. O'er the grave where our hero we buried. SELECTIOI^S FOR PRACTICE. 211 We buried him darkly at dead of nighty h.l. imp. The sods with our bayonets turning ; d. o. By the struggling moon-beams misty light, a. o. And the lantern dimly burning. d. 1. ind No useless coffin enclosed his breast, d.l. Nor in sheet nor in shroud we wound him ; b. h.d.o. But he lay like a warrior taking his rest^ d.f. With his martial cloak around him. b.h.d.f. Few and short were the prayers we said ; h.l. And we spake not a word of sorrow ; d.l. But we steadfastly gazed on the face of the dead, b.h.d.f. As we bitterly thought of the morrow, h.f. We thought, as we hollowed his narrow bed^ b. h. d. f. And smoothed down his lonely pillow, b. h. d. o. p. That the/(9g and the stranger would tread o'er his head, h.o. hi. And we far away on the billow. h.o. b. Lightly they '11 talk of the spirit that 's gone, h. I. And o'er his cold ashes upbraid him ; d. o. 10 212 MANUAL OF GESTURE. But little he 11 reck, if they let him sleep on d.i. ^ In the grave where a Briton has laid him. d.o. But half of our heavy task was done, d. o. When the clock struck the hour for retiring ; a. I. And we heard the distant and random gun h. I. ind. That the foe was sullenly firing. imp. Slowl}^ and sadly we laid him down, b. h. d. f. From the field of his fame fresh and govt/ : rep. We carved not a line, we raised not a stone, d. o. ind h.o. ind. But we left him alone in his glory. d. o. HOHENLINDEN. CAMPBELL. On Linden, when the sun was low, h.o. ind. h.l. ind. All bloodless lay the untrodden snow; d.l.p. And dark as winter was the flow Of Iser, rolling rapidly. d. 1. But Linden saw another sight, h.o. When the drum beat at dead of night, SELECTIONS FOB PRACTICE. 213 Commanding fires of deaths to light b. h.d.f. b. h.a.o. The darkness of her scenery. By torch and trumpet fast arrayed^ b. h. h.o Each horseman drew his battle blade, h. o. ind. And furious every charger neighed b. h. h. o. To join the dreadful revelry. b. h. h. f, Then shook the hills with thunder riven, b. h. a. o. Then rushed the steed to battle driven, b.h. h.f. And louder than the bolts of Heaven, b. h. a. o. Far flashed the red artillery. b. h.a. 1. And redder yet those fires shall glow, h.o. On Linden's hills of blood-stained snow ; And darker yet shall be the flow d. o. p. Of Iser rolling rapidly. d.l. 'T is morn, but scarce yon lurid sun h. f. ind. Can pierce the war-clouds, rolling dun, imp. When furious Frank, and fiery ffun, b. h. h. o. Shout in their sulphurous canopy. b. h a o. 2l4 MANUAL OT GESTURE. The combat deepens. On, ye brave, b. h. h.o. b. h.h.f. Who rush to glo?^ or the grave ! b. h. a. o. b. h. d. 1. Wave, Munich ! all thy banners wave, h 1. b.h.h. 1. And charge with all thy chivalry ! b. h.h.f. Ah ! few shall part where many meet h. o. p. b. h. h. o. P- The snow shall be their winding sheet, b.h. d. o. p. And every turf beneath their /ee^ b.h.d.o. Shall be a soldier's sepulchre. b.h.d.f. CHARACTER OF NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. CHANGING. To bring together in a narrower compass what seem to us the great leading features of the intellectual and moral character of Napoleon Bonaparte, we may remark that his intellect was distinguished by rapidity of thought. He understood by a glance what most men, h. o. ind. h. o. and superior men, could only learn by study. He d. o. darted to a conclusion rather by intuition than reason- h. f.ind. h.f. ing. In war, which was the only subject of which he was master, he seized in an instant on the great points h.o. h.f. of his own and his enemy's positions ; and combined at b. h.h.f. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 215 once the movements by which an overpowering force might be thrown with unexpected /wry on a vulnerable b.h.d.f. part of the hostile line, and the fate of an army be decided in a day. He understood war as a science ; but d.o. h.o. his mind was too bold^ rapid, and irrepressible^ to be h. f. d. f. eyislaved by the technics of his profession. He found d.o. the old armies fighting by rule ; and he discovered the h. f. true characteristic of genius, which, without despisii rules, knows when and how to break them. He under- d.o. stood thoroughly the immense moral power which is b. h. h.o. gained by originality and rapidity of operation. He b.h.d.o. astonished and paralysed his enemies by his unforeseen h.l.p. and impetuous assaults, by the suddenness with which b.h.h.o. the storm of battle burst upon them ; and, whilst giving to his soldiers the advantages of modern discipline, h.o. breathed into them, by his quick and decisive move- ments, the enthusiasm of ruder ages. This power of , a. o. b. disheartening the foe, and of spreading through his own d.i. ranks a confidence, and exhilarating courage, which b. h. a. o. made war a pastime, and seemed to make victory sure, h.i. h.f. distinguished Napoleon in an age of uncommon, military h. o. 216 MANUAL OF GESTUBE. talent, and was one main instrument of his future 'power. d. o. The wonderful effecU of that rapidity of thought by h. f. which Bonaparte was marked, the signal success of his h.o. new mode of warfare, and the almost incredible speed with which his fame was spread through nations^ had h.l. no small agency in fixing his character, and determining h.f. for a period the fate of empires. These stirring influ- b.h.d.o. ences infused a new consciousness of his own might. d. o. They gave intensity and audacity to his ambition ; gave h.o. form and substance to his indefinite visions of glory^ a. o. and raised his fiery hopes of empire. The burst of b. h. a. o. admiration which his early career called forth, must, in b.h.h.l. particular, have had an influence in imparting to his ambition that modification by which it was characterised, b. h.d.o. and which contributed alike to its success and to its fall. h.o. d.o. He began with astonishing the world ; with producing b.h.h.l. a sudden and universal sensation^ such as modern times rep. had not witnessed. To astonish, as well as to swag, by b. h.d.o. h.o. h.l. p. his energies, became the great aim of his life. Hence- d.o. forth to rule Avas not enough for Bonaparte. He wanted d.i. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 217 to amaze, to dazzle, to overpower men's souls, by striking, r. h. upl. h.o. p. b. h. d. 1. hold, magnificent, and unanticipated results. To govern b.h.h.f. b. h.d.o. ever so absolutely would not have satisfied him, if he h.l. d.o. must have governed silently. He wanted to reign d.l. through wonder and awe^ by the grandeur and terror of r. h.upl. h. o. p. his name, by displays of power which would rivet on h.f. him every eye, and make him the theme of every b.h.h.f. tongue. Power was his supreme object ; but a power b.h.h.l. h.o. which should be gazed at as well as felt, which should h.f. h.o. strike men as a prodigy, which should shake old thrones d. o. as an earthquake, and, by the suddenness of its new b. h.d.o. creations, should awaken something of the submissive wonder which miraculous agency inspires. r. h.upl. a. o. Such seems to us to have been the distinction or h.o. characteristic modification of his love of fame. It was rep. a diseased passion for a kind of admiration, which, from the principles of our nature, cannot be enduring, and h.l. which demands for its support perpetual and more stimulating novelty. Mere esteem he would have scorned. d.o. h.l. V. Calm admiration, though universal and enduring, would Wve been insipid. He wanted to electrify and over- d.o. b.h.a.f. 218 MANUAL OF GESTURE. whelm. He lived for effect. The world was his theatre; b.h.d.o.p. d.o. h. 1. and he cared little Avhat part he played, if he might d.i. walk the sole hero on the stage, and call forth bursts of a. o. applause which would silence all other fame. In war, b. h. a. o. b. h. d. o. p. the triumphs which he coveted were those in which he seemed to sweep away his foes like a whirlwind ; and b. h. h. 1. V. par. the immense and unparalleled sacrifice of his own b.h.d.i. soldiers, in the rapid marches and daring assaults to which he owed his victories, in no degree diminished d.o. their worth to the victor. In peace, he delighted to hurry through his dominions ; to multiply himself by his h.l. b.h.h.o. rapid movements ; to gather at a glance the capacities h. o. ind. of improvement which every important place possessed ; b.h.d.o. to suggest plans which would startle by their originality r. h. upl. and vastness ; to project, in an instant^ works which a h.l. h.f. life could not accomplish, and to leave behind the h.l. impression of a superhuman energy. d.o. Our sketch of Bonaparte would be imperfect indeed, if we did not add, that he was characterised by nothing more strongly than by the spirit of self -exaggeration. b.h.h.o. The singular energy of his intellect and will, through h. o. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 219 which he had mastered so many rivals and /oe«, and h.l. overcome what seemed insuperable obstacles, inspired a b.h.h.f. a consciousness of being something more than man. b.h.d.o. His strong original tendencies to pride and self-exalta- h. o. tion^ fed and pampered by strange success and un- bounded applause^ swelled into an almost insane con- fa. h.h.i. viction of superhuman greatness. In his own view, he b. h. a. o. stood apart from other men. He was not to be measured h.l. h.o. by the standard of humanity. He was not to be retarded rep. by difficulties, to which all others yielded. He was not h.l. h.o. to be subjected to laws and obligations which all others were expected to obey. Nature and the human will were to bend to his power. He was the child and d.o. favorite oi fortune ; and, if not the lord^ the chief object h.o. h.l. d.o. of destiny. His history shows a spirit of self-exaggera- tion unrivalled in enlightened ages, and which reminds d.o. us of an Oriental king to whom incense had been burnt h.o.b. from his birth as to a deity. This was the chief source d.o. of his crimes. He wanted the sentiment of a common d.f. nature with his fellow-beings. He had no sympathies h.o. d.l. with his race. That feeling of brotherhood^ which is h.o. 220 MANUAL OF GESTUBE. developed in truly great souls with peculiar energy, and rep. through which they give up themselves willing victims, b.h.d.o. joyful sacrifices^ to the interests of mankind, was wholly rep. unknown to him. His heart, amidst all its wild heatings^ b. h. d. 1. h. o. rep. never had one throh of disinterested love. The ties h.l. which bind man to man he broke asunder. The proper b. h. h. f. b.h.d. 1. happiness of a man, which consists in the victory of moral energy and social affection over the selfish pas- a. o. sions, he cast away for the lonely joy of a despot. With d.l. h.l.ind. powers which might have made him a glorious repre- sentative and minister of the beneficent Divinity^ and a. o. with natural sensibilities which might have been exalted into sublime virtues^ he chose to separate himself from b h a. o. h. 1. V. his kind — to forego their love, esteem, and gratitude d.l. — that he might become their gaze^ their fear^ their h. f h. o. V. wonder ; and for this selfish, solitary good, parted with h.l. h.f. peace and imperishable renown. d. o. BERNARDO DEL CARPIO. MRS. HEMANS. The warrior lowed his crested head, and tamed his heart of fire, "'"P- '•°'^- And sued the haughty king to free his long-imprisoned h.o. Sire ; SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 221 '* I bring thee here my fortress-kejs, I bring my captive train, ^' ^' h.o. I pledge thee faith, my liege, my lord I — 01 break my d.f. b.h.h.f.cla. father's chain ! " '* Ilise, rise ! even now thy father comes, a ransomed r. h.upl. d.f. d.o. man, this day ! Mount thy good horse ; and thou and I will meet him on his way." ' " *'•'• Then lightly rose that loyal son, and hounded on his steed, ^■°- And urged, as if with lance in rest, the charger's foamy h.f. speed. And lo ! from far, as on they pressed, there came a h. f. ind. h. f. glittering band, h.o. With one that 'midst them stately rode, as a leader in the land; ^•°- " Now haste, Bernardo, haste ! for there, in very truth, h. f. rep. rep. is he. The father whom thy faithful heart hath yearned so rep. long to see." d.f. His dark eye flashed, his proud breast heaved, his cheek's h. o. ind. h.o. hue came and went ; h.i. He reached that gray-haired chieftain's side, and there, dismounting, bent; ^'°' d.o. 222 MANUAL OF GESTURE. A lowly knee to earth he bent, his father's hand he d.o. took — h.o. What was there in its touch that all his fiery spirit d.o. shook ? That hand was cold — a frozen thing — it dropped from h. o. p. rep, drop. his like lead ! He looked up to the face above — the face was of the dead ! A plume waved o'er the noble brow — the brow was a. o. fixed and white ; r. h. upl. He met^ at last, his father's eyes — but in them was no h. o. drop. sight ! Up from the ground he sprang and gazed; but who r. h. upl. h. f. could paint that gaze ? d. o. They hushed their very hearts^ that saw its horror and amaze— ^^P' They might have chained him, as before that stony form he stood ; ^- °' For the power was stricken from his arm, and from his lip the blood. '^'■^p- " Father!^' at length he murmured low, and wept hke r. h. upl. childhood then : d.o. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 223 Talk not of grief till thou hast seen the tears of warlike men ! He thought on all his glorious hopes ^ and all his young renown — a.l. He flung his falchion from his side, and in the dust sat down. ''•'• ^'''^ Then covering with his steel-gloved hand his darkly- mournful brow, " No more, there is no more," he said, " to lift the sword for, now ; My king is false — my hope betrayed ! My father — O I d.O. d. 1. the worthy r. h. upl. The glory, and the loveliness are passed away from earth ! ^"-"p- " I thought to stand where banners waved, my sire, beside thee yet ! *• **' I would that there our kindred blood on Spain's free soil had met ! ""■ '■ Thou wouldst have known my spirit^ then — for thee my fields were won ; ''• °' "p* And thou hast perished in thy chains, as though thou drop. hadst no son ! '* Then, starting hom. the ground once more, he seized the r. h. upl. a. f. cli. monarch's rein. Amid the pale and wildered looks of all the courtier train; 224 MANUAL OF GESTURE. And, with a fierce, o'ermastering grasp^ the rearing war-horse led, ''^^" And sternly set them face to face — the king before the dead: ^•^•^•^• rep. " Came I not forth, upon thy pledge^ my father's hand to kiss? ^•^• Be stilly and gaze thou on^ false king ! and tell me what h. f. p. rep. is this? d.o. The voice, the glance, the heart I sought — give answer, ^Aerg are they ? ^•°- ^•^• d.o. ^ If thou wouldst clear thj perjured soul, send life through this cold clay? ^■^■''"^- ^■°- " Into these glassy eyes put light — be still/ keep down thine ire! ''^- ^-^p- '^'^p- Bid these white lips a blessing speak — this earth is not my sire— ^•°- ^•°- Give me back him for whom I strove, for whom my h.f. blood was shed ! d.f. Thou canst not ? — and a king ! — his dust be mountains h. f. d. f. b. h. h. f. p. on thy head!" He loosed the steed — his slack hand /(?Z? — upon the h. o. drop. silent face He cast one long, deep, troubled look, then turned from that sad place ; ^- " ^- "P"' ^""""'"^ '^' ^^'^ '" ''''■ His hope was crushed, his after fate untold in martial strain— '^^•p- ^•^• His banner led the spears no more, amid the hills of Spain. **' ^" SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 225 THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE. EDW. "WTNTHROP. Such is the intrinsic excellence of Christianity that it is adapted to the wants of all^ and it provides for all, h.l. d.o. not only by its precepts and by its doctrines^ but also h. 1. by its evidence, ^ d.o. The poor man may know nothing of history, or science, or philosophy ; he may have read scarcely any h.l. book but the Bible ; he may be totally unable to van- d. 1. quish the skeptic in the arena of public debate ; but he h. o. is nevertheless surrounded by a panoply which the shafts of infidelity can never pierce. d.o. You may go to the home of the poor cottager^ whose h.l.ind. heart is deeply imbued with the spirit of vital Christi- d.o. anity ; you may see him gather his little family around b. h. h.o. him : he expounds to them the wholesome doctrines and principles of the Bible, and if they want to know the h.o. evidence upon which he rests his faith of the divine d.o. origin of his religion, he can tell them, upon reading the book which teaches Christianity, he finds not only a perfectly true description of his own natural character, h.o. 226 MANUAL OF GESTURE. but in the provisions of this religion a perfect adaptation to all his needs. h.i. It is a religion by which to live — a religion by which h. f. to die ; a religion which cheers in darkness, relieves in d.f. h.f. h.o. perplexity, supports in adversity, keeps steadfast in h. 1. h. f. prosperity, and guides the inquirer to that blessed land a. o. where " the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary d.o. are at rest." We entreat you, therefore, to give the Bible a wel- h.o. come — a cordial reception; obey its precepts, trust its rep. d. o. h. f. promises, and rely implicitly upon that Divine Redeemer^ a. o. whose religion brings glory to God in the highest^ and b. h. a. f. on earth, peace., and good will to men. b. h. h.o. b. h.d.o. Thus will you fulfill the noble end of your existence., a. o. and the great Grod of the universe will be your father r. h. upl. and your friend ; and when the last mighty convulsion h. o. shall shake the earth., and the sea^ and the sky, and the b.h.h, 1. fragments of a thousand barks^ richly freighted with b.h. h.o. intellect and learning., are scattered on the shores of rep. error and delusion., your vessel shall in safety outride b. h. h. 1. p. b.h. a. o. the storm, and enter in triumph the haven of eternal rest. b. h. a. f. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 227 THE BRIDGE OF SIGHS. HOOD. One more unfortunate, Weary of breath, Rashly importunate y d.o. Gone to her death! d.i. Take her up tenderly ^ b. h. d. o. par. Lift her with care ; b. h. h.o. par. Fashioned so slenderly, h.o. Young, and so fair ! d.o. Look at her garments d. o. ind. Clinging like cerements ; Whilst the wave constantly Brifs from her clothing ; d.o. p. Take her up instantly ^ d. o. Loving^ not loathing^ imp. d.l. Touch her not scornfully ^ d.o. Think of her mournfully , h. o. p. Gently and humanly ; d.o. Not of the stains of her — d.l. 228 MANUAL OF GESTURE. All that remains of her Now is pure womanly, h.o. Make no deep scrutiny h. o. p. Into her mutiny Rash and undutiful ; d. o. Past all dishonor, d.l. Death has left on her Only the heautifuL h.o. Loop up her tresses d. o. ind. Escaped from the comb, Her fair auburn tresses ; d. o. While wonderment guesses r. h. upl. Where was her home ? h. 1. Who was her father^ h.f. Who was her mother f h.o. Had she a sister f h.l. Had she a brother f d.o. Or was there a dearer one d. f. Still, and a nearer one rep. Yet, than all other ? SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 229 Alas ! for the rarity r. h. upl. ) Of Christian charity Under the sun ! Oh ! it was pitiful ! h o. p. Near a whole city full b.h.h.o. Home she had none ! d.l. Sisterly, brotherly, Fatherly, motherly h.l. Feelings had changed : d.o. Love by harsh evidence Thrown from its eminence : d.l. Even God's providence r. h. upl. Seeming estranged. h.l. p. When the lamps quiver So far in the river^ h.f.p. With many a light h.o. From window and casement. From garret to basement^ d.o. She stood with amazement, r. h. upl. Houseless by night. 280 MANUAL OF GESTURE. The bleak wind of March Made her tremble and shiver ; h. o p. But not the dark arch, h.I. Or the black flowing river: d.f. Mad from lifers history, h. o. Glad to deaths mystery d.o. Swift to be "hurled — Anywhere, anywhere, h.I. Out of the world — d.l. In she plunged boldly^ b. h.d.f. No matter how coldly The rough river ran. Take her up tenderly^ b.h.d. o. par. Lift her with care ; b. h. h. o. par. Fashioned so slenderly^ h.o. Young, and ^ofair! d.o. Ere her limbs frigidly Stiffen too rigidly, d. o. p. Decently, kindly, Smooth, and compose them , d>o p. SELECTIONS FOB PRACTICE. 231 And her eyeB^ close them, d. o. d. o. p. Staring so blindly ! d. o. p. Dreadfully staring d. f. Through muddy impurity^ h. f. p. As when with the daring Last look of despairing r. h. upl. Fixed on futurity, h.f. Perishing gloomily^ d. o. p. Spurred by contumely^ Cold inhumanity y h. o. p. Burning insanity^ d. o. ind. Into her rest. — Cross her hands humbly d.o. p. As if praying dumbly, Over her breast. Owning her weakness, d.o. Her evil behavior^ d.l. And leaving, with meekness^ d.o. Her sins to her Saviour ! 232 MANUAL OF GESTURE. THE BARON'S LAST BANQUET. ALBERT G. GREENE. O'er the low couch the setting sun had thrown his latest ray^ d. o. p. Where, in his last strong agony, a dying warrior lay, — d.o. The stern old Baron Rudiger^ whose frame had ne'er been hent ^•°- d.o. By wasting pain, till time and toil its iron strength had spent. d.i. " They come around me here, and say my days of life are o'er, ^'°' d.o. That I shall mount my noble steed and lead my band no more ; ^" °" h.l. They come, and, to my beard, they dare to tell me now that J, h.f. Their own liege lord and master born, that I — ha! ha! — must die. ^-^ '■•^•"P'- d.f. "And what is death? I've dared it oft, before the h. o. d.o. Paynim spear ; Think ye he 's entered at my gate — has come to seek h. o. me hereP d.o. I 've met him, faced him, scorned him, when the fight h.f. rep. d. l.p. was raging Ao^ ; — d.o. SELECTIONS FOR PRACTICE. 283 1*11 try his might, I'll hrave his power! — defy^ and h.f. rep. b. h.h.f. fear him not I b.h. d.f. ''''Ho! soimd the tocsin from my tower, and fire the r.h.upl. a. o. ind. culverin ; a.l.ind. Bid each retainer arm with speed ; call every vassal in. b. h.h.o. b. h. d. o. Up with my banner on the wall, — the banquet-board r.h.upl. h.o. prepare, Throw wide the portal of my hall, and bring my armor h.l. h.o. ind. there ! " An hundred hands were busy then : the banquet forth b.h. h.o. h.l. was spread. And rung the heavy oaken floor with many a martial tread ; b.h.d.b. While from the rich, dark tracery, along the vaulted wall, h.o. Lights gleamed on harness, plume and spear, o'er the h.o. ind. proud old Gothic hall. h.l. ind. Fast hurrying through the outer gate, the mailed h. o. retainers poured, rep. On through the portal's frowning arch, and thronged around the board ; ^- ^- ^- °- While at its head, within his dark, carved, oaken chair of state, ^ '• imp. Armed cap-a-pie, stern Rudiger, with girded/aZ