LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class OF 1 THE , AMERICAN REVOLUTION, From the commencement to the disbanding of the AMERICAN ARMY! Comprising a detailed account of the principal events and BATTLES OF THE REVOLUTION, WITH THEIR EXACT DATES, And a Biographical Sketch of the most Prominent Generals, BY JAMES TEACHER, M, D,, Surgeon in the American Revolutionary Array. TO WHICH IS ADDED THE LIFE OF WASHINGTON , HIS FAREWELL ADDRESS, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE AND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. PUBLISHED BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY BY HURLBUT, WILLIAMS & COMPANY, AMERICAN SUBSCRIPTION PUBLISHING HOUSE, gartforb, (Conn., 1862. ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1861, BY IIURLBUT, WILLIAMS & CO., In the Clerk s Office of the District Court of Connecticut. R. II. HOBBB, STKREOTYPKR." * WuTlASlwiYKY AND TURNER, PRISTKRF PREFACE. " HISTORY," says a late elegant writer, "presents no struggle for liberty which has in it more of the moral sublime than that of the American Revolution. It has been of late years too much forgotten in the sharp conten tions of party ; and he who endeavors to withdraw the public mind from the debasing conflicts, and to. fix it on the grandeur of that epoch, which, magnificent in itself, begins now to wear the solemn livery of antiquity, as it is viewed through the deepening twilight of more than half a century, certainly performs a meritorious service, and can scarcely need justification." The American Revolution, conducted, as it was, by a band of brave and heroic spirits, animated by the highest and noblest motives, should never be forgotten. The peace ful possession of the rich inheritance they bequeathed to posterity, obtained at so much sacrifice, should enshrine their memory in the heart of every free citizen ; and cause the story of their deeds to be perused with new and ever increasing interest. What can be better calculated to stir the mighty pulsa tions of a nation s heart, and fill it with patriotic enthusi asm, than the recital of those glorious achievements of gallant spirits, upon our own soil, for the priceless legacy of Liberty and Freedom ? And who can better bring before us the events and trans actions of that important period, that memorable struggle, than one who daily witnessed its thrilling scenes, and made with an impartial hand their daily record ? PREFACE. The narrations in this "Journal" are invested, with peculiar interest, from the fact that its author himself min gled in the varied scenes of the Revolution, observed the different phases of military life ; was personally acquainted with the characters he presents; and therefore gives us the truthful results of his own observation, greatly height ened in beauty and interest, by the attractive style which he employs, and the ease and grace with which he presents them. It is richly interspersed with sentiment, enlivened by anecdote, and abounds in rare and valuable information, such as can not fail of being regarded by every one who has a heart to appreciate the glorious privileges of this our dear-bought heritage. Let one apply himself to the perusal of these deeply interesting pages, and the love of liberty will grow stronger in his heart, and on its altar the fires of patriotism will grow brighter and purer ! Let him look at the illustrious characters who played their part so effectually on the broad theatre of the Rev olution, as they are here portrayed, and learn what mighty results, holy purpose, coupled with invincible. energy, can work out. Let him peruse these "Annals" of the ever memorable contest, with devout admiration, and sincere gratitude to those heroic men, who, under providence, wrought the sublime achievement of our " National Independence," and think, " It is to the virtues of such souls, man owes His portion in the good that Heaven bestows." CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE, 5 Causes which led to the War, 7 Whig and Tory, 9 Parliament impose a Duty on Tea a Cargo destroyed in Boston, 10 British Troops arrive in Boston Gen. Gage appointed governor and commander,.... 10 Courts of Justice interrupted by the People, 11 The Otis Family, 11 Colonel Nesbit Tars and Feathers a Countryman, 12 Intelligence received of the Battle at Lexington, 13 Companies of Minute-men formed, 14 Lexington Battle described, 14 Origin of the term Yankee, 15 Provincial Congress address the People, 16 Zeal and Military Ardor pervade New England, 10 Town of Boston invested, 17 The British practice the Maxim, "Divide and Conquer" we enjoin, "Unite and be Invincible," 17 Liberty-poles erected and Tories disciplined, 18 New England Clergy advocate Whig Principle?, 19 General Gage s Proclamation, declaring the Province of Massachusetts to be in a state of Rebellion, 19 Attempts to Dissuade the Author from engaging in the Army, 20 The Author repairs to the Provincial Congress offers himself a Candidate for Office,. . 21 Visits the Forefathers Rock at Plymouth, 22 Battle on Breed s hill General Warren slain, 22 Result of the Battle, 27 The Author passes a Medical Examination is appointed to the Hospital Department, 28 General Washington appointed Commander-in-Chief arrives at Cambridge, 29 Generals Lee and Gates arrive at Cambridge, 29 A View of General Washington, 30 Cannonade from our Works and from the Enemy, 30 Congress issue Paper Money, 31 Riflemen arrive at Camp their Expert Shooting, 31 Dr. Benjamin Church detected in a Treacherous Correspondence with the Enemy,.... 31 General Gage sails for England, 32 General Howe prohibits the Inhabitants of Boston leaving the town, 32 Their Distressed Situation, 32 State of our Military Hospitals, 33 Captain Manley takes a Valuable Prize, 33 Destitute Condition of the Troops and Inhabitants in Boston, 34 Connecticut Troops quit Camp, and the Militia arrive, 34 Americans occupy Lechraere s Point Cannonade on both sides, 35 Critical Situation of our Army,. . . , 35 Death of General Montgomery, 35 Major Knowlton burns several Houses in Charlestown, 36 Vlii CONTENTS. PAGE Anecdote of British Officers, 36 British Officers alarmed while at the Theatre, 37 The Author joins Colonel W. s Regiment, 37 Preparations for a Battle, 37 Our Army take possession of Dorchester Heights, 33 General Howe sends out a Flag, proposing to evacuate the town of Boston, 40 Boston evacuated, 41 Our Troops march into Boston, 41 View of the Old South Church, 42 Dr. Elliot preaches a Thanksgiving Sermon, 43 Funeral Solemnities of the late General Warren, 43 British Ships driven from Nantasket, 44 Prizes taken with Colonel Campbell, &c , 44 Deplorable Situation of our Army in Canada, 45 Death of General Thomas his Character, 43 Independence declared by Congress, 45 Anecdote of Mr. H. and Mr. G 48 British attack Charleston, South Carolina, 48 Parliament hire Foreign Troops, 49 The two Howes appointed Commissioners, 49 Letter from the Commissioners to General Washington not properly directed refused, 50 Colonel Patterson has an Interview with Washington, 50 Colonel Whitcomb s Regiment march to Ticonderoga, 51 Bite of a Rattle-snake, 52 Horrid Plot discovered at New York, 53 Treachery of Lieutenant-Colonel Zedwit/, 54 Battle on Long Island, 54 Our Retreat from New York, 55 Lord Howe desires an Interview with some Members of Congress, 56 Result of the Interview, 57 Destructive Fire in New York, 57 General Washington in Danger, 58 Remarkable Escape of Part of our Army, 58 Formation of our Army, , 59 Pay and Rations, CO Ticonderoga described, 61 American Torpedo, 02 Naval Action on Lake Cham plain, 63 The Enemy retire into Canada, 05 The British take possession of Newport, 66 Forts Washington and Lee taken by the Enemy, 66 General Lee taken Gloomy Aspect of Affairs, 66 Proclamation of Commissioners, 67 / Riot in Camp, 69 v Capture of Hessians at Trenton, 69 Ravages of the British in Jersey, 71 Washington s Victory at Princeton, 71 The Enemy driven from Jersey, 72 Wa-hington s Proclamation, 73 Spy executed, 73 Rigorous Treatment of General Lee, 73 Retaliation resorted to, 74 Cruel Treatment of our Prisoners, 75 Outrageous Conduct of the Enemy, 77 Stores at Peekskill destroyed, 78 Stores at Danbury destroyed, 78 British Plan for the Campaign, 79 CONTENTS. i x FADE j, Romantic View, 80 Burgoyne s Bombastic Proclamation, 81 British Army approaches Ticonderoga, 82 Ticonderoga evacuated, 82 Retreat of General St. Clair, and Battle at Hubbertown and at Fort Anne, 84 General Prescott taken at Newport, 80 General Washington s Manifesto, 87 Fort Stanwix invested, 3 City of Albany described, 90 General- Schuyler retreats from Fort Edward to Stillvvater, 91 Brave Conduct of Major Hull, 91 Burgoyne- despatches Colonel Baum on an Expedition to Bennington, 91 His Curious Instructions, 91 He is attacked and defeated by General Stark, 92 Affecting Anecdote, 94 Major-General Gates supersedes General Schuyler, and issues a Proclamation, 94 Milrder of Miss Jenny McCreu, 95 General Gates complains to General Burgoyne of Cruel Murders Burgoyne s Reply, 95 General Gates advances to offer Battle, 96 Battle of the 19th of September, 97 General Lincoln detaches Colonel Brown to Fort George, 99 Nathan Palmer, a Spy, executed, 99 Expedition of the Enemy up the North river, 100 Battle of the 7th of October, 101 British General Frazer slain General Arnold wounded, 102 General Lincoln wounded, 103 Remarkable Escape of part of Gates Army, 103 Forts Montgomery and Clinton taken, 104 Esopus Burned, 105 Burgoyne in a Deplorable Situation and General Gates under Embarrassment, 105 Daniel Taylor, a Spy, taken and executed He swallows a Silver Bullet, and is made to discharge it, 106 Burgoyne proposes to Capitulate, 106 Articles of Capitulation agreed on, 107 British Army surrender, 107 Burgoyne attempts to evade the Treaty, 108 Trophies of the Victory, and Observations respecting it, 1 09 Misfortunes of Lady Ackland, 110 Meritorious Services of General Schuyler, Ill Captured Officers and Ladies arrive at General Schuyler s, 112 Our Hospital crowded with Wounded Men, 112 Remarkable Preservation of Captain Gregg, 114 Indian Mode of Scalping, 115 Ceremonies at an Indian Treaty, 115 Battle of Brandywine, 117 Royal Army enter Philadelphia, 117 4Jattle of Germantown, 117 Battle of Red Bank, 119 Fort Mifflin evacuated, li>0 Singular Conduct of Rev. Mr. Duche his Prayer, 121 Master Trotter s Dancing-school, 122 American Torpedo, 122 Celebration of our Alliance with France, 126 Sufferings of our Army at Valley Forge, 1^7 Attempt to supersede General Washington, 129 Trial and Execution of Culprits, 131 Catastrophe at Schoharie, 131 x CONTENTS. PA.QK Removal from Albany, , 132 Robinson s house occupied as a Hospital description of it and its vicinity, 132 Sugar-loaf Mountain and Putnam s Rock, 133 Royal Commissioners make Proposals for an adjustment of Difficulties, 134 Congress address the People, 135 Dissatisfaction among our Officers. 136 Congress grant Half-pay for seven years, 137 Royal Army evacuate Philadelphia, 138 Battle of Monmouth, , . 138 Affair of General Lee, 138 An Unlucky Shot, 140 Royal Commissioners Improper Conduct, 140 Shaking Quakers, . 141 Tragical Event and Barbarous Conduct at Wyoming, 142 A Black-snake, 145 French Fleet arrive at Rhode Island, and an Expedition there, 146 General Lee tried and condemned, 147 A Duel, 147 General Putnam visits the Hospital, 148 Declaration of British Commissioners, 148 Congress reply to the Commissioners, 149 Colonel Baylor s Regiment massacred, 150 General Washington visits the Hospital ; his person described, }52 Generals Schuyler and St. Clair tried and acquitted Character of the latter, 153 Brigadier-General Muhlenburg gives an Entertainment, 154 The Author appointed Regimental Surgeon, 154 A Visit to the Marquis de la Fayette, 155 Colonel Alden slain, 156 March through the Jerseys, 156 A remarkably large Child, 157 An Entertainment, 158 Log H uts, ] 58 A Duel, 159 A Celebration, 159 Dinner at Head-Quarters ; General Washington and Mrs. W 160 Public Execution, 161 Grand Review by the French Minister and Don Mirrilliars, 162 General Washington on horseback, 162 Indian Chiefs review our Army, 163 Review by Baron Steuben ; some Account of the Baron, 103 A Duel, 165 The Author invited to join Colonel H. Jackson s Regiment, 166 A remarkably large Ox presented to General Washington, 167 A Journey to Providence, 167 Incursion of Governor Tryon into Connecticut, 168 Capture of Stony Point, 168 Dinner at General Gates Head-Quarters, 169 Female Heroism, 169 Anecdote of Lieut. T. and General Gates, 169 Penobscot Expedition, 169 A Forced March to Boston, 171 Anecdote of a Soldier, 171 Civilities of the Gentlemen in Boston, 171 Embark for Penobscot ; Disembark at Kittcry ; March to Falmouth, 172 Defeat of our Army and Navy at Penobscot, 174 Some Account of Falmouth and Civilities received there, 174 Anecdote of J. Otis, Esq 175 CONTENTS. XI PAGE Stony Point taken, and Officers rewarded for their bravery, 176 Paulus Hook taken by Major Lee, 178 Return to Providence, 178 Mr. Murray s Preachment, 178 Anecdote of General Prescott and of a Negro, 179 Newport evacuated by the British, 179 March through Connecticut to Head-Quarters, 180 Sufferings of our Army by Cold and Famine, 180 Disadvantage of Short Enlistments, 182 -^General Lincoln and Count D Estaing make an Unsuccessful Attack on Savannah,.. 183 Extraordinary Exploit of Colonel White, 183 Aaecdote at Head-Quarters, 184 Privations and Sufferings of our Army, 185 Military Punishments, 186 Reenlistment of Soldiers, i 188 Expedition to Staten Island, 188 A Party of Massachusetts Soldiers attempt to return Home, 189 Winter-Quarters; Sufferings of our Soldiers ; Severe Winter, 190 Major Boyles and Party surprised, 191 A Grand Review by the French Minister, 192 Pompous Funeral at Head-Quarters, 192 Dissatisfaction in Camp, 193 Great Depreciation of Continental Money, 194 Congress grants Half-pay to the Officers for Life, 194 Committee of Congress visit Camp, 195 Public Execution, 195 Difficulties in Camp, 197 Mutiny of two Regiments, 197 Skirmish at Connecticut Farms, 198 s Murder of the Lady of the Rev. Mr. Caldwell, 199 General Lincoln surrenders Charleston, 199 Three Spies executed, 200 Battle at Springfield, New Jersey, 201 Description of Passaic Falls, 203 Remarkably Big-headed Boy at Tatawa 203 ^French Fleet and Army arrive, 204 A Dinner at Lord Stirling s, 205 Corps of Light-Infantry formed under the Marquis de la Fayette, 207 Our Army prepared for Active Service, 207 A Committee from Congress, 207 A Sermon by Rev. Mr. E. Hitchcock, 209 A Famine apprehended ; our Army march in quest of Provisions, 209 Two Fatal Duels, 210 Defeat of our Southern Army under General Gates ; Baren de Kalb slain, 210 Funeral of General Poor, 212 Review of our Army by Indian Chiefs, 213 General Washington journeys to Hartford, 214 Major-General Greene succeeds to the command, 214 Treason of General Arnold ; Capture of Major Andre ; West Point described, 215 Character of General Arnold ; Circumstances o Major Andre s Capture, 216 The Captors of Major Andro rewarded, 219 Trial and Condemnation of Major Andre, 224 Letter from Major Andre to General Washington, 225 Flag from New York respecting Major Andre, 225 Execution of Major Andre; his Character, 228 Tragical Death of Captain Hale, SOO Trial of Joshua Smith, Esq., Arnold s Confederate, 233 x ii CONTENTS. FAOB Incursion of the Enemy on Northern Frontiers, 235 Successful Engagement at the South \v;ird, 235 A Foraging Expedition; the Neutral Ground, 237 Ladies contribute to thy relief of our Army; Address from an American Lady, 210 Scarcity of Provisions in Camp ; Enterprise of Major Talmage, 242 " Great Dissatisfaction among the Officers, 243 General Washington recommends to Congress an Half-pay Establishment, 244 Now Arrangement of the Army, 245 Mutiny of the Pennsylvania Line, 246 Lieutenant-Colonel Hull s Successful Expedition, 250 Mutiny of the Jersey Line, 251 Brilliant Action of General Sampler, . ^53 Battle of the Cowpens, ;%>4 Devastation on the Neutral Ground, 255 A Visit to the British Lines by a Flag, 255 Confederat ion ratified, 257 Inoculation of the Troops with Small-pox, 257 Virtues of Butternut, 258 Capture of General VVadsworth, 258 Character of Dr. Cochran, 259 Battle of Guilford; Distress of our Southern Army, 2CO Arnold s Expedition to Virginia, 260 Success of General Greene s Army in Carolina ; Desertions from the Enemy, 261 Colonel Greene and his Party slain, 26:2 Singular Project contemplated, and Important Despatches taken by the Enemy, 2C3 Charms of Martial Music, 264 Our Army advance towards the Enemy, 264 -French Army unite with ours, 265 Cwrps of Light-Infantry formed by Colonel Scammel ; the Author joins it, 266 Disaster of a British Ship ; Expedition to the Enemy s Lines, 267 Our Army in motion ; Conjecture respecting the Object of the Campaign, 268 The Secret explained ; we march for the South a masterly piece of generalship,.... 270 Lord Cornwaliis the Object of our Expedition, 270 March through the city of Philadelphia, 271 -French Fleet arrive at the Chesapeake, 274 Embark at the head of Elk ; Voyage down the Chesapeake, 274 Put in at the Harbor of Anapolis, 275 Arnold s Expedition to Connecticut, 276 Naval Engagement; the British defeated ; Voyage down the Chesapeake, 277 Reach the Harbor of Jamestown, 278 Arrive at Yorktown, and begin the Siege, 279 Colonel Scammel wounded and taken, 280 Anecdote of General Washington and Mr. Evans, 280 The British obliged to kill their Horses, 280 Colonel Tarleton wounded in a Skirmish ; Death of Colonel Scammel, 281 A Detachment from the Allied Army open Entrenchments against the Enemy, 281 Tremendous Cannonade from our Lines, 283 A Splendid Conflagration of British Vessels, 283 Second Parallel Line thrown up, 283 Two Redoubts taken by the Allied Army, 284 Anecdote of General Washington and Colonel Cobb, 285 Anecdote of the Marquis de la Fayette and Baron Viomenil (note), 285 Cornwall** proposes to Capitulate ; Bold Attempt to effect his Escape, 287 Articles of Capitulation ratified, 287 Surrender of the British Army, 288 Singular Circumstance respecting Cornwaliis and Mr. Laurens (note), 283 -Comuiaiider-in-Chief expresses his Thanks to the Army, &c 291 COW TENTS. x jii PAGE Enormities practised by the Enemy in Virginia, 292 Colonel Tarleton s Horse taken from him, 292 View of Yorktown after the Siege ; Loss on both sides, " 292 Lord Cornwallis and his Enormities, 293 Ferocious Animosity between the two Parties, 293 Cruel Death of Colonel Hayiie, 297 Sanguinary Character of Lord Rawdon, 298 Anecdote of the Marquis de la Fayette and Lord Cornwallis, 300 Battle at Eutaw Springs, 301 Anecdote of Lord Cornwallis ; Voyage up the Chesapeake, &c 302 Exploit of Major Trescott, 303 Incursion of the Enemy on our Frontiers, 304 Proceedings of Congress on our Victory, 305 A bbe Bandole s Address, 306 Fatal Duel, 308 Splendid Celebration of the Birth of the Dauphin, 309 Mutiny in the Connecticut Line, 310 Cruel Murder of Captain Huddy, 312 General Washington resolves on Retaliation : the lot falls on Captain Asgill, 314 Lady Asgill receives intelligence of the situation of her son, implores the compassion of the English king and queen, and solicits the interposition of the king and queen of France, 317 Count de Vergennes addresses General Washington in favor of Asgill, who is finally liberated, 317 Baron Grimm s Erroneous Statement respecting Captain Asgill, 318 Lady Asgill s two Letters to the Count de Vergennes, 319 Dr. Jones and Robert Morris, 321 Review of our Army by Count Rochambeau, 322 Lamented Death of Colonel Laurens, 323 Loss of the Royal George, 324 Prospect of Peace ; General McDougall, 324 Reduction of our Army, 325 A Final Adieu to Military Life, 326 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, SOCIETY OP CINCINNATI, 327 Officers of the Army memorialize Congress, 329 Proceedings of that body, 330 Anonymous Letters to the Army, 330 Wise Measures of Washington to counteract the effects of the Anonymous Letters,. . 333 Author of the Anonymous Letters (note), 333 Washington s admirable Address to the Officers, 334 The Officers present their Thanks to his Excellency, with affectionate expressions,... 336 General Washington addresses Congress in favor of the Army, 337 Congress grant a sum in gross as a Commutation for Half-pay, 338 The Commander-in-Chief orders a Truce, and congratulates the Army, 339 Officers still dissatisfied, and address the Commander-in-Chief, 341 His Reply, 342 Proclamation of Congress for a cessation of Hostilities, 343 Mutiny of a Party of Pennsylvania Soldiers, 343 General Washington issues his Farewell Orders, 345 Disbandment of the Army, 346 Congress give their Thanks to the Army; Painful Parting Scene, 346 Royal Army evacuate New York, and American Troops take possession, 346 General Washington s Parting Scene, . . 347 x i v CONTENTS. FAGH General Washington resigns his Commission ; addresses President of Congress, 348 Reply of the President of Congress, 349 Number of Men lost during the American War, 350 Loss to Great Britain ; Gain to the United States,. 350 Extract of a Circular Letter from General Washington, 350 Colonel John Crane and many other Boston Mechanics, 35 1 Colonel Paul Revere, 354 Anecdotes of Dr. Thomas and Captain Houdin, 354 APPENDIX, General Burgoyne s Observations respecting the Battles at Saratoga and Death of General Frazer, ! 357 Affecting Story of Lady Ackland, 359 Extract from the Baroness Reidesel s Narrative, 301 Her interesting Account of General Frazer and other Wounded Officers, 363 Of the Ladies of the Army, 367 Her Kind Reception by General Schuyler, 370 Anecdote of General Burgoyne and General Schuyler, 371 Battle of the Kegs, 372 Capture and Remarkable Adventures of General Wadeworth, * 374 Singular Adventures of Sergeant Champe, 380 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, Or General Putnam, 400 Heath, 411 " Lincoln, 414 Steuben, 425 La Fayette, 437 Gates, 443 Stark, 451 Sullivan, 453 Conway, 456 Lee, 458 Arnold, 465 Knox, 477 LIFE OP WASHINGTON. CHAPTER I. English Ancestry birthplace early days surveying, &c., 487 CHAPTER II. Adjutant General Marries Mrs. Custiss appointed General, &c., 496 CHAPTER III. Elected President illness and death Washington s opinion of Slavery, 506 WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS 516 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, 527 Signers of the Declaration of Independence, 529 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, 530 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION,... 537 WASHINGTON. MILITARY JOURNAL.-1775. January. AT the precise period when my medical studies and education are completed, under the patronage of Dr. Abner Hersey of Barnstable, and I am contem plating the commencement of a new career in life, I find our country about to be involved in all the horrors of a civil war. A series of arbitrary and oppressive measures, on the part of the mother-country, has long been advancing to that awful crisis, when an appeal to the power of the sword becomes inevitable. The event of this mighty struggle is to decide an affair of infinite magnitude, not merely as it respects the present generation, but as it will affect the welfare and happiness of unborn millions. The great fundamental principle, in the present controversy, is the right which is claimed by the Parliament of Great Britain, to exercise dominion, as the only supreme and uncontrollable legislative power over all the American Colonies. "Can they make laws to bind the colonies in all cases whatever ; levy taxes on them without their con sent; dispose of the revenues, thus raised, without their control; multiply officers at pleasure, and assign them fees, to be paid without, nay, contrary to and in direct violation of acts of our provincial assemblies, and approved by the crown? Can they enlarge the power of admiralty courts; divert the usual channels of justice; deprive the colonists of trial by a jury of their countrymen; in short, break down the barriers which their forefathers have erected against arbitrary power, and enforce their edicts by fleets and armies?" Then indeed are we reduced to a state of abject slavery; and all resistance to acts of Par liament may justly be called by the name of treason and rebellion. "The people of these colonies consider them selves as British subjects, entitled to all the rights and privileges of Freemen. It is inseparably essential to the 8 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. freedom of a people, and the undoubted right of English men, that no taxes be imposed on them but with their own consent, given personally or by their representatives. From their local circumstances, the colonies cannot be represented in the house of commons of Great Britain; the only representatives of the people of the colonies are the persons chosen therein by themselves; and no taxes ever can be constitutionally imposed on them, but by their respective legislatures." All acts of Parliament therefore, for raising a revenue in America, are considered as de priving us of our property, without our consent, and con sequently as a palpable infringement of our ancient rights and privileges. They are unconstitutional and arbitrary laws, subversive of the liberties and privileges secured to us by our royal charters. It is not consistent with the principles which actuate the American people, ever tamely to submit to such a degrading system of government; not, however, from a want of loyalty to our king, nor from an undue impatience of subordination or legal restraint; for in a quiet submission and demeanor to constitutional au thority, and in zeal and attachment to our king, we dare to vie with any qf our fellow-subjects of Great Britain; but it is an innate love of liberty, and our just rights, that impels us to the arduous struggle. In no country, it is asserted, is the love of liberty more deeply rooted, or the knowledge of the rights inherent to freemen more gener ally diffused, or better understood, than among the British American Colonies. Our religious and political privileges are derived from our virtuous fathers; they were inhaled with our earliest breath; and are, and will I trust ever be, implanted and cherished in the bosom of the present and future generations. These are the prevalent senti ments in New England at this eventful crisis, and all the other provinces, Georgia excepted, are known to be in unison with us in the resolution, to oppose with all our power every violation of our just rights and privileges. We are not, however, authorized, even in the most glorious of causes, to expect a perfect unanimity among a people. Numerous are the springs of men s actions; and diversity of sentiment and views are characteristic of human nature. Accordingly we find a small minority in our country who are inimical to the common cause, and who are continually MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1775. 9 opposing every proceeding of the majority. These people are doubtless actuated by various motives; a few, com paratively, influenced by principle; some by a spirit of timidity, or the absurd doctrine of passive obedience and non-resistance; others, from the strength of their passions, and weakness of judgment, are biassed and led astray by designing demagogues. There are, however, those who are vile enough to prostrate all honor and principle with the sordid view of office and preferment: "For tis their duty, all the learned think, T espouse that cause by which they eat and drink." Those disaffected individuals, who still adhere to the royal cause, have received the epithet of Tories; the very name is extremely abhorrent to the people in general, and they are subjected to such rigorous discipline as to prevent them from doing injury to the great cause of our country. The great majority of the people are happily united in the resolution to oppose, to the uttermost, the wicked attempts of the English cabinet. This class of people have assumed the appellation of Whigs; but by our enemies are stigmatized by the name of Rebels. If, as we affirm, the British government have ceased to rule agreeably to the principles of our constitution, and our royal charter, and have assumed to themselves the high prerogative of despotic sway, then are we absolved from our allegiance and duties as British subjects. A contract abrogated by one party, can no longer be binding on the other. If we are menaced with royal power and authority, we justify ourselves in defending our indefeasible rights against des potism and tyrannical oppression. Cowards alone will bend to unjust power, and slaves and sycophants only will yield both soul and body to the disposal of tyrannical masters. Should our efforts, under God, be crowned with the desired success, we shall obtain the honor of rescuing ourselves and posterity from vassalage; but if compelled to succumb under royal power, then will ours be the rebel s fate, the scaffold and the gibbet will be glutted with their devoted victims. We cannot justly be accused of a rash precipitance of proceeding; for petitions and memo rials, couched in the most loyal and humble language, have been at various periods presented to our royal sovereign, 10 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. and his parliament, praying for a redress of grievances; but they are deaf to all our complaints and supplications, and the coercive arm of power is suspended over us, threatening implacable vengeance. Among the odious acts of the British Parliament they passed one which imposed a duty on the article of tea, and several cargoes of this commodity were shipped to America to obtain the duty and a market. On the arrival of the tea ships at Boston great indignation was excited among the people; town meetings were called to devise some legal measures to prohibit the landing of the odious article. It was universally understood that if the tea was once landed, and stored, it would by some means come to a market, and the duty to the government be secured. In order to defeat this object a number of persons in disguise entered the ships at the wharves, broke open three hun dred and forty-two chests of tea, and discharged their con tents into the water at the dock. This was on the 16th December, 1773. When intelligence of this summary proceeding reached England, it was condemned by the government as enormously criminal. They menaced our province with the most exemplary vengeance, and Parlia ment soon passed the Boston Vindictive Port Bill as a part of their coercive system, so that merely the name of tea is now associated with ministerial grievances, and tea drinking is almost tantamount to an open avowal of tory- ism. Those who are anxious to avoid the odious epithet of enemies to their country, strictly prohibit the use of tea in their families, and the most squeamish ladies are com pelled to have recourse to substitutes, or secretly steal indulgence in their favorite East India beverage. March.- For the purpose of enforcing submission to the cruel mandates of the royal government, a reinforcement of the British army has arrived at Boston; and General Gage is appointed Governor and Commander in Chief. An armed fleet also occupies the harbor; and the whole port is closed against all but British vessels. In short, the horrors of civil war seem stalking, with rapid strides, towards our devoted country. The people have resorted to the expedient of abolishing all the courts of justice under the new regulations. In our shire towns the popu lace have collected in sufficient numbers to bar the doors MAJOR GENERAL ISUAKL 1 1 INAM. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. };[ of the court houses, and prohibit the entrance of judges and officers; the jurors are so intimidated, or zealous in the good cause, that in general they refuse to take the oath, or to act in any manner under the new modification of government; and the clerks of courts, who have issued warrants by which the jurors are summoned, have in many instances been compelled to acknowledge their contrition, and to publish in the newspapers, a full recantation. At the regular term of the Court of Common Pleas at Barn- stable in September last, I witnessed the following prompt procedure. A body of about twelve hundred men assem bled and obstructed the passage to the court-house door. The leader of this assemblage was Dr. Nathaniel Freeman, a bold son of liberty, of Sandwich. Colonel James Otis, the chief justice of the court, preceded by the sheriff, approached; and the venerable chief justice demanded admission. Dr. Freeman replied that it was the intention of the people to prevent the court s being opened to exer cise those unconstitutional powers with which they are invested by Parliament. The chief justice, in his majes ty s name, commanded them to disperse, and permit the court to enter and proceed to business. But his majesty s name had lost its power; it can have no charms with the sons of liberty. The venerable judge then said he had acquitted himself of his duty, and retired. This proceed ing had been discussed and concerted prior to the court term; and Colonel Otis himself, a stanch whig, was, it is believed, not only apprized of, but actually acquiesced in, this bold measure. This excellent man is now advanced to about seventy-four years in life; he is considered as possessing sound sense and good judgment; and as being of the purest integrity. He has been, for many years, the leading law character in the Old Colony, and a member of his majesty s council of the province; but his patriotism and zeal in the cause of our country have rendered him and his family exceedingly odious to Governor Hutchinson and other adherents of the crown. Colonel Otis is the parent of that great champion, and able advocate for liberty and the rights of man, James Otis, jun. Esq. This gen tleman is now in a melancholy state of mental derange ment; and all New England is deploring the irreparable loss of the talents, eloquence, and patriotic services of this 2 12 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. just! y celebrated character. Colonel Otis has two other sons, Joseph and Samuel Allen Otis, who are active whigs; and a daughter, married to James Warren, Esq. of Ply mouth, who is now President of our provincial Congress. Though no judicial courts are in existence, few crimes are committed; all is peace, order and regularity. The peo ple are their own rulers, and never was there less need of penal laws. Trivial disputes are mutually adjusted or decided by reference; pecuniary demands are suspended, and the simple recommendations of Congress, and of our committees of safety, receive that cheerful acquiescence which is scornfully denied to the coercive edicts emanating from despotic power. For "Freedom has a thousand charms, to show That slaves, howe er contented, never know." We have a provincial Congress in session at Concord, consisting of delegates elected by the people, and also a grand Continental Congress at Philadelphia, composed of characters highly distinguished for political wisdom, rigid patriotism and public virtue. The public indignation is now greatly excited by the following shameful transaction. The people from the country, whose business called them into Boston, were suspected by the officers of purchasing guns from their soldiers. In order to furnish an opportunity to inflict punishment and to raise occasion for a serious quarrel, Lieutenant Colonel Nesbit of the forty-seventh regiment ordered a soldier to offer a countryman an old rusty mus ket. A man from Billerica was caught by this bait, and purchased the gun for three dollars. The unfortunate man was immediately seized by Nesbit, and confined in the guard-house all night. Early next morning they stripped him entirely naked, covered him over with warm tar, and then with feathers, placed him on a cart, and con ducted him through the streets as far as liberty-tree, where the people began to collect in vast numbers; and the mil itary, fearing for their own safety, dismissed the man, and retreated to their barracks. The party consisted of about thirty grenadiers with fixed bayonets, twenty drums and fifes playing the Eogues March, headed by the redoubta ble Nesbit with a drawn sword! What an honorable deed MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. ^3 for a British field officer and grenadiers! The selectmen of Billerica remonstrated with General Gage respecting this outrage, but obtained no satisfaction. April 21s Intelligence is now received that the British regulars have marched out of Boston, and actually com menced hostilities against our people at Lexington. For the purpose of ascertaining the particular facts, I have been desired to wait on Colonel Otis, at his mansion in this town. It was in the evening, when I found this dig nified patriot in his easy-chair, with several of his neigh bors listening with agitated spirits to some account of this first most awful tragedy. The good old gentleman had received a letter containing a statement of some particu lars, and with manifest trepidation he said to this effect: "The British troops marched to Lexington and Concord last Wednesday, the 19th instant, for the purpose of de stroying some of oar military stores; our militia collected and met them at Lexington ; the regulars soon commenced firing on them; our people returned the fire; a smart skirmish ensued, and several men were killed on both sides. The British were compelled to retreat, in some confusion, to Boston ; and our people pursued and harassed them. The fearful day has arrived! a civil war has act ually commenced in our land. We must be prepared for the worst, and may God preserve and protect our country." This tragical event seems to have electrified all classes of people ; the brave are fired with manly resentment, the timid overwhelmed in despair; the patriotic whigs sor rowing over public calamities, while the tories indulge the secret hope, that the friends of liberty are about to receive their chastisement. The sword is now unsheathed, and our friends are slaughtered by our cruel enemies; expresses are hastening from town to town, in all directions through the country, spreading the melancholy tidings and inspiriting and rousing the people To Arms! To Arms! The people of New England have taken the alarm, and their hearts are animated even to enthusiasm. There is an enthusiasm in religion, in politics, in military achieve ments, and in gallantry and love, and why not an enthu siasm in the love of country? No species of enthusiasm surely can be more laudable, or more honorable. Never was a cause more just, more sacred than ours; we are 14 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. commanded to defend the rich inheritance bequeathed to us by our virtuous ancestors; and it is our bounden duty to transmit it uncontaminated to posterity; we must fight valiantly therefore, for our lives and property, for our holy religion, for our honor, and for our dearest friends. We are not born to be slaves, and are resolved to live and die free; appealing to the Sovereign Kuler of the Universe for the justice of our cause, and relying on his Almighty arm for protection and support. A certain number of active men, in every town, have formed themselves into military companies, under the name of minute-men ; they are daily practising the manual exercise, and are held in constant readiness to march against the enemy at a moment s warn ing. We await with trembling expectation the issue of every hour. Authenticated accounts are now received of the battle at Lexington. On Tuesday evening, 18th instant, Gen eral Gage despatched, with as much secrecy as possible, a detachment consisting of eight or nine hundred regulars, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Smith, for t he purpose of destroying some military stores which our people had deposited at Concord, about eighteen miles from Boston. Having arrived at Lexington, six miles short of Concord, they were met by a company of militia, of about one hundred men, who, having taken the alarm, began to assemble from different towns before daylight. They were assembled near the church, about sunrise; when the British advanced in quick march to within a few rods, Major Pitcairn called out, "Disperse, you Rebels! throw down your arms and disperse" Their small number would not admit of opposition, and while they were dispersing, the regulars huzzaed, and immediately one or two pistols were tired by the officers, and four or five muskets by the soldiers; when a pretty general discharge from the whole party followed, by which eight of our people were killed and seven wounded. The British now renewed their march to Concord, where they destroyed a few articles of stores and sixty barrels of flour. Here they were met by about one hundred and fifty militia-men, on whom they iired, and killed two and wounded others. Oar militia and minute-men were now collecting in considerable num bers, and being justly enraged they made a bold and furi- MILITARY JOUENAL, 1775. 15 ous attack on the enemy, and drove them in quick march to Lexington. General Gage having received intelligence >f the critical situation of his troops, immediately ordered out Lord Percy, with a large reinforcement, with two field pieces. He marched over the neck through Roxbury, his music playing by way of contempt and derision the tune of " Yankee doodle" This timely reinforcement joined the party under command of Colonel Smith at Lexington, which formed a force of about eighteen hundred men. They soon deemed it prudent to commence their march to Boston, the provincial militia and minute-men, contin ually increasing in numbers, pursued and flanked them with the hope of cutting off their retreat. A constant skirmishing ensued ; the provincials concealed themselves behind stone walls, and with a sure aim thinned their enemies ranks, and occasioned among them great confu sion. On their side, they could only keep up a scattering fire, without effect, frequently firing over the stone walls, when there was not a man to be seen behind them. The great object of the British, was to effect a safe retreat to Boston; but, to avenge themselves, they burnt and plun dered houses, destroyed property, and actually murdered several innocent unarmed persons. The situation of the king s forces was, during the day, extremely hazardous; and it is considered wonderful that any of them escaped. Worn down and almost exhausted with fatigue, and their ammunition nearly expended, they had become nearly defenceless when they reached Charlestown, in the even ing, after a loss of two hundred and seventy-three men, killed, wounded and prisoners. The loss on the side of the Provincials is eighty-eight in the whole. The British officers have received a specimen of Yankee courage, which they have hitherto affected to hold in the most sovereign contempt; they have ascertained, by fatal experience, that the people of New England will bid defiance to their vet-, eran regulars, and fight courageously in defence of their rights. It is truly said to be matter of astonishment and chagrin, that after all their glorying, their veteran troops have been compelled to flee before a comparatively small number of undisciplined Yankees. The origin of this term, so frequently employed by way of reproach to the New England people, is said to be as follows: A farmer, by l MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775 name Jonathan Hastings, of Cambridge, about the year 1713, used it as a cant, favorite word, to express excellency when applied to any thing; as a Yankee good horse, Yankee cider, &c., meaning an excellent horse and excel lent cider. The students at college, having frequent inter course with Mr. Hastings, and hearing him employ the term on all occasions, adopted it themselves, and gave him the name of Yankee Jonathan; this soon became a cant word among the collegians to express a weak, simple, awkward person, and from college it was carried and cir culated through the country, till, from its currency in New England, it was at length taken up and unjustly applied to the New Englanders in common, as a term of reproach. It was in consequence of this that a particular song, called " Yankee doodle," was composed in derision of those scornfully called Yankees.* May. Since the catastrophe at Lexington, our Provin cial Congress have addressed the several towns of the colony in a circular letter, in the following impressive language: "We conjure you by all that is dear, by all that is sacred, that you give all assistance possible in forming the army. Our all is at stake. Death and de vastation are the certain consequences of delay. Every moment is infinitely precious. An hour lost may deluge your country in blood, and entail perpetual slavery on the few of your posterity who may survive the carnage. We beg and entreat, as you will answer it to your country, to your consciences, and, above all, as you will answer it to Grod himself, that you will hasten and encourage, by all possible means, the enlistment of men to form the army, and send them forward to head-quarters at Cambridge, with that expedition which the vast importance and instant urgency of the affair demands." It is scarcely possible to describe the zeal and military ardor which pervades New England since the battle at Lexington. It is supposed that nearly forty thousand men have been in arms with the design of investing the town of Boston, and avenging themselves on the enemy * There appears some incongruity in the above definition of the word Yankee. The following is supposed by some to be the origin from which it is derived: " Yankee is the Indian corruption of English. Yenglees, Yangles, Yankles, arid finally Yankee." MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775 17 for their late slaughter of our brethren. The universal voice is "starve them out" Drive them from the town, and let his majesty s ships be their only place of refuge. Our Provincial Congress have resolved that an army of thirty thousand men be immediately raised and established. A considerable number have already enlisted, and being formed into regiments, have taken their station at Cam bridge and Roxbury. The country militia, in great num bers, have arrived from various parts of New England; and the town of Boston is now invested on all sides, and thus is the whole royal army reduced to the humble con dition of a besieged garrison. The situation of the inhab itants is deplorable; a considerable proportion of the most affluent have removed into the country; but others, from various circumstances, are compelled to remain and suffer All the calamities of a besieged town and precarious sub sistence. Instances indeed are not wanting of members of families being torn from each other, women and chil dren flying from their husbands and parents, under the most afflictive and destitute circumstances. We are now experiencing a singular kind of interreg num in our province ; more than a year has elapsed with out any legal government, or any regular administration of law and justice. No crimes, however, of an atrocious nature have, we believe, been perpetrated; all classes of people appear to be submissive, under the influence of the principles of moral rectitude and common justice; and the resolutions and recommendations of Congress have all the weight and efficacy of laws. Our domestic tranquillity is in some measure interrupted by a restless spirit among the tories; but the great body of the community are actu ated by the glorious cause of our country s freedom. The maxim adopted by our enemies is, "Divide and conquer" We enjoin the command, ll Unite and be invincible" It is considered infinitely important to encourage and promote a more perfect union among the colonies, and harmony and unanimity among the people. " Liberty or death" " Unite or die" are the mottoes which blazon the chronicles of the day, and embellish the military standards of almost every militia company. The man who does not acquiesce in the theme of liberty is marked by the vigilant eye of suspicion, or stigmatized as an enemy to his country. Liberty-poles 18 MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1775. are erected in almost every town and village; and when a disaffected tory renders himself odious, by any active conduct, with the view of counteracting the public meas ures, he is seized by a company of armed men, and con ducted to the liberty-pole, under which he is compelled to sign a recantation, and give bonds for his future good conduct. In some instances, of particular stubbornness and obstinacy, individuals have been imprisoned or their names have been published in the newspapers as enemies to their country. It has indeed unfortunately happened, that a few individuals, in consequence of their own indis cretion, have been the subjects of a more rigorous proce dure. Having fallen into the hands of those whose zeal has transported them beyond the bounds of moderation, they have received from the rabble a coat of tar and feathers, and in this predicament have been exposed to the scoffs and ridicule of the populace. Such examples have the effect of striking terror into the hearts of all the disaffected, and of restraining the whole party from acting against the general sense of the people. The tories make bitter complaints against the discipline which they receive from the hands of the whigs; their language is, "You make the air resound with the cry of liberty, but subject those who differ from you to the humble condition of slaves, not permitting us to act, or even think, according to the dictates of conscience." The reply is, "It is one of the first princi ples of a free government, that the majority shall bear rule; our majority is immensely large; we have undertaken the hazardous task of defending the liberties of our country against the mighty power of Great Britian ; and hold our selves responsible for our conduct. If you possess not pa triotism and courage enough to unite your efforts with ours, it is our duty to put it out of your power to injure the com mon cause. If we are successful, your party and posterity will participate in the important advantages to be derived from our efforts. If our party should be crushed, then will yours in turn become triumphant." A small number of our tories have abandoned their homes, their families and property, and resorted to the standard of their royal master in Boston; consoling themselves in the confident expecta tion of an ample reward, and a triumphant restoration. The clergymen of New England are, almost without excep- HKX.JAMIX KHAN KLIN. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. ^9 tion, advocates of whig principles; there are a few instances only of the separation of a minister from his people, in consequence of a disagreement in political sentiment. The tories censure, in a very illiberal manner, the preacher who speaks boldly for the liberties of the people, while they lavish their praises on him who dares to teach the absurd doctrine, that magistrates have a divine right to do wrong, and are to be implicitly obeyed. It is recom mended by our Provincial Congress, that on other occa sions than the Sabbath, ministers of parishes adapt their discourses to the times, and explain the nature of civil and religious liberty, and the duties of magistrates and rulers. Accordingly, we have from our pulpits the most fervent and pious effusions to the throne of Divine Grace in behalf of our bleeding, afflicted country. A zealous divine, who has been compelled to abandon the people of his charge in Boston, on one occasion used, in the pulpit at P***, the following emphatical language: "Oh! Lord, if our enemies will fight us, let them have lighting enough. If more sol diers are on their way hither, sink them, O Lord, to the bottom of the sea." Every heart seemed ready to respond, "Amen, yea, let them have fighting enough." June ~Lth. General Gage has issued a proclamation declaring the province of Massachusetts Bay to be in a state of rebellion, offering a pardon to all who will resort to his standard, and denouncing the penalty of martial law on all those who refuse to submit to his authority, or who shall be found aiding or corresponding with such as he has designated as unpardonable rebels and traitors. He has been pleased to proscribe by name, Mr. John Hancock and Mr. Samuel Adams, as objects of his exemplary ven geance. Yet, singular at it may appear, this same author ized governor, and general-in-chief of the royal army, is now cooped up in the town of Boston, panting for a country airing, of which he is debarred by his denounced rebels. We are again shocked by intelligence that a terrible battle has been fought between the British regulars and the American soldiers, on Bunker, or rather Breed s hill, in Charlestown, near Boston, on the 17th instant. The report states that the whole town of Charlestown is burnt to ashes by the enemy, and that Dr. Joseph Warren, lately 20 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. appointed major-general in our army, is killed; and that several hundreds of our soldiers are killed and wounded. The battle, it is said, was extremely severe and destructive; but the provincial troops displayed the greatest courage and bravery, in the face of the regulars, and have obtained immortal honor. The British were several times defeated before they took possession of our works, and have suf fered a loss of more than a thousand of their best troops; among whom are a large proportion of their most valua ble officers. They are now taught that Americans can bid defiance to royal regulars, when called to defend their freedom. The situation of our country is truly deplora ble, a civil war at our doors; our neighbors, our fathers and brothers, called from their families to encounter an inexorable enemy, consisting indeed of brethren and kin dred; our domestic peace and welfare cruelly interrupted, and the aspect of our public affairs gloomy in the extreme. All New England has become a theatre of military array; and every member of the community manifests the deepest concern for the great calamities with which the country is afflicted, by the tyrannical measures of a corrupt admin istration. In the favor of Heaven and the wisdom of our Congress we repose all our hope and confidence. Par ticipating, I trust, in the glorious spirit of the times, and contemplating improvement in my professional pursuits, motives of patriotism and private interest prompt me to hazard my fortune in this noble conflict with my brethren in the provincial army. From the critical and embarrassed situation of our country, numerous and almost insurmount able difficulties are opposed to my view; and lam too young to possess a maturity of judgment, but yet unable to resist the impulse of enthusiasm which characterizes the times. My friends afford me no encouragement, alleg ing that, as this is a civil war, if I should fall into the hands of the British, the gallows will be my fate. The terrors of the gallows are not to be conquered, but I must indulge the hope that I may escape it. Hundreds of my superiors may take their turn before mine shall come. The tories assail me with the following powerful arguments: "Young man, are you sensible you are about to violate your duty to the best of kings, and run headlong into de struction? Be assured that this rebellion will be of short MILITARY JOUENAL, 1775. 21 duration. The royal army is all-powerful, and will, in a few months, march through the country and bring all to subjection; for they are experienced in war and expert in discipline. Their fleet is able to destroy every seaport town and beat down all our cities. There remains no rational alternative but a reconciliation and renewed obe dience to our lawful government; or we shall soon expe rience their just vengeance. What is your army but an undisciplined rabble ? Can they stand against an army of regulars? Where are your cannon, your fire-arms, your bayonets, and all your implements of war? Above all, where is your treasure, and where can you look for a bar rel of gunpowder? The whole country can scarcely afford a sufficiency for a battle of an hour." Not a small portion of their reasoning I feel to be just and true. I am not certain, however, but much of it may prove erroneous. The result of the late battle at Charlestown should con vince the most incredulous tory that our soldiers will face the regular troops, and \ve are blessed with the smiles of Heaven on our exertions. It would be presumption in me to determine as to possibilities and prospects; but the voice of liberty cannot be stifled, while the welfare and happiness of more than three millions of people now in America, and of unborn millions, are involved in the issue. Our rulers are the most competent judges, and under their banners I shall venture, I hope not rashly, to enlist, and trust my destiny in the hands of a kind and overruling Providence. My contemplated enterprise, it is true, re quires the experience and resolution of riper years than twenty-one, and qualifications, which I do not possess, to ingratiate myself with strangers and those in authority. Having consulted Joseph Otis, Esq. of Barnstable, on this occasion, he immediately applauded my enterprise, and politely furnished me with a letter to his brother-in-law, James Warren, Esq. of Plymouth, who is President of our Provincial Congress at Watertown. Imagination could not fail to paint my prospects in bright colors, and I proceeded, July the 3d, with alacrity to the seat of Con gress. I was not disappointed in my interview with Mr. Warren ; my letter procured for me a favorable and polite reception. He honored me with his friendship and kind assistance, and introduced me to his lady, whose father s 22 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. family and my own, have for many years been on terms of friendly intercourse. The office which I solicit is one in the medical department, in the provincial hospital at Cambridge. A medical board, consisting of Drs. Holton arid Taylor, are appointed to examine the candidates; and they added rny name to the list for examination, on the 10th instant. This state of suspense continuing several days, excites in my mind much anxiety and solicitude, apprehending that rny stock of medical knowledge, when scanned by a learned committee, may be deemed inade quate, and all my hopes be blasted. While on my journey, a visit of a few days to my friends at Plymouth gave me an opportunity to pay my respects to the rock which re ceived the first footsteps of our venerated forefathers. The inhabitants of this ancient town, from a reverence for the memory of the virtuous band of brothers from whom we derive our origin, have lately, with commend able zeal and much labor, split off the upper portion of the rock, and removed it to a public square near the church and court-house. This rock, with its associations, would seem almost capable of imparting that love of country, and that moral virtue, which our times so much require. We seem holding converse with the celestial spirits, and receiving monition from those who are at rest in their graves. Have these ancient sages bequeathed their mantle to posterity? Can we set our feet on their rock without swearing, by the spirit of our fathers, to defend it and our country? If we reflect on their matchless enterprise, their fortitude, and their sufferings, we must be inspired with the spirit of patriotism, and the most invincible hero ism. Unappalled by the dangers of unknown seas, and the perils and the hardships of a savage wilderness, they left their native country, and undertook a settlement which, promises, through ages, to remain the rich abode of knowl edge, religion, virtue and freedom. Let us, then, cherish a becoming sense of the exalted privileges inherited from our ancestors, and resolve to defend them against all at tempts K of a corrupt administration. July. I improve the interim of my suspense to record an authentic narrative of the battle on Breed s hill, on the 17th of June. Intelligence had been received that it was he intention of General Gage to post a part of his troops, MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1775. 23 within a few days, on a promontory just at the entrance of the peninsula at Charlestown, called Bunker s hill, It was deemed important that our troops should possess them selves of this eminence, before the enemy could occupy it. Accordingly orders were given to Colonel Prescott, a vet eran of the last war, with one thousand men, to march silently in the evening of 16th of June, and throw up some intrenchments on the height of Bunker s hill. By some mistake they took possession of Breed s hill, which, being about one-fourth of a mile nearer Boston, was less capable of being defended. From some cause, the detach ment was always delayed in their labor, till twelve o clock ; but such was their alacrity, that before day-light they had formed a small redoubt and some imperfect line of deifence. About four o clock in the morning the British were aston ished to behold the works which had been thrown up in a single night, within a short distance of their vessels, without giving the least alarm. They immediately com menced a tremendous cannonade from their shipping, their floating batteries, and from all their fortifications, which could have a bearing on the American works. Bombs and shot were incessantly rolling among the provincials during the forenoon, till the royal grenadiers and light in fantry could be prepared to make their formidable attack ; yet one man only was killed; and the Americans cour ageously persevered in strengthening their works. They received in the course of the forenoon a small reinforce ment, which augmented their number to about fifteen hun dred, and this was not much exceeded during the day of battle. It was by an unaccountable error that those people, who had been laboring all the night, were not relieved by others, nor even furnished with provisions before the battle. Generals Putnam, "Warren and Pomeroy, animated and encouraged the troops with their presence. At about one o clock, 17th of June, the royal forces were observed to cross the river from Boston, and land on the shore at Charlestown; at the head of these veterans were Major- General Howe and Brigadier-General Pigot; their force consisted of about three thousand men, well provided with field-artillery. They formed in two lines, their officers ha ranguing them probably in such language as this: "Those cowardly rebels must and shall be put to flight. See the 24: MILITARY JOI RNAL, 1775. dastardly Yankees with rusty guns and scarcely a bayonet among them. March on, my lads, march on! show them that you are Britons; show them these dazzling arms and bayonets bright and sharp, and you shall soon see them take to their heels and run." Hear the voice of Putnam, of Prescott and Warren: "See, my brave soldiers, that phalanx approaching; these lines must and shall be de fended ; these are the cruel enemies to your freedom ; they have come to enslave you ; remember their barbarous mur ders of our friends at Lexington; fight manfully, and they shall be vanquished; reserve your fire till their near approach; then with a sure aim cut them down, and the victory shall be ours." The regulars deliberately advance to the attack, the grenadiers in front. The Americans reserve their fire till the enemy are within eight or ten rods, that they may do effectual execution; when, by a general discharge of musketry and field-artillery, several officers and men are seen to fall, "their ranks are thinned; see the ground covered with the slain ; see those wounded officers borne off the field." The conflict becomes close, and such are the fatal effects of the incessant and furious discharge of our musketry, that the regulars retreat in disorder, and many of them flee even to their boats. The officers, greatly agitated, pursue their men, and threaten them with their swords; with great difficulty they are rallied, and commanded to advance again to the attack. The provincials are prepared, and when sufficiently near, a deadly fire from their ranks puts the enemy a second time to flight, leaving such numbers of dead and wounded that several of their officers exclaim, "It is downright butchery to lead the men on afresh against the lines." At this critical moment Major- General Clinton, who till now had been a spectator with General Burgoyne on Copp s hill in Boston, passed over and entered the field, just in time to unite his efforts with those of the other officers for the purpose of forcing the regulars to renew the attack. The Americans still remain firm and courageous at their posts ; but unfortunately it was now discovered that their powder was nearly expended, and another supply could not be procured. The enemy now change the position of their cannon, and place them in a situation to rake the inside of our breastwork in its whole course, which at length MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. 35 obliges the provincials to retire within their little redoubt. The firing from the British ships, and other armed vessels and batteries, is now pushed to the utmost extremity; the regulars are impelled forward by their officers, and our redoubt is attacked on three sides at the same time. Our brave men continue their resistance, and actually confront the enemy with the butt-end of their muskets after they had entered the fort. A party of our men under command of Captain Knowlton had taken up a post and rail fence, and placing it against another, filled the vacancy with newly mowed hay, which served as a slight defence. The British light infantry attempted to force this little party from their stand, and by this means to cut off the retreat of our troops. In this they displayed the greatest bravery, but their opposers poured forth their reserved and formi dable fire in such a manner as to produce astonishing execution, and to arrest their progress, till the whole of the Americans could effect a retreat. The narrow neck of land over which alone the provincials could retire, was so securely guarded by a man of war and two floating batteries, as to render it extremely hazardous to pass over; but notwithstanding their incessant firing, our loss there was quite inconsiderable. The provincials were obliged to leave five pieces of field-artillery in the hands of the enemy, finding it impossible to remove them. But a loss infinitely to be lamented, and which occasions universal grief and sorrow, is that of Major-General Joseph War ren. This distinguished patriot and hero was, but a few days before, appointed by Congress to the rank of major- general in our army. Such was his zeal and ardor, that he rushed into the battle foremost in danger with his musket, and encouraged the soldiers by his example, till near the close of the battle, when he received a fatal shot, and immediately expired. The loss at this crisis of a man possessing so much public virtue and military ardor is almost irreparable. But the valor with which he is signalized reflects glory on his memory. It yet remains to mention that on this ever-memorable day, just at the commencement of the battle, General Howe ordered the handsome town of Charlestown to be set on fire, that the smoke might conceal their manoeuvres. The town con sisted of upwards of three hundred dwelling-houses, some 26 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. of them elegant, and about two hundred buildings of other descriptions, which contained property and goods to a large amount, belonging to the distressed inhabitants of Boston. Fire was communicated to a number of houses, which, being wafted by the wind, soon reached the sacred temple, when the flames issued from its lofty spire; while from the conflagration and the embattled field, smoke mingled with smoke in majestic columns, and ascended to the clouds. This, with the roaring of cannon, sheets of fire from the musketry, and the awful slaughter, formed a spectacle which for sublimity and grandeur has never perhaps been exceeded. This most dreadful scene, with all its concomitant horrors, was within view of a vast con course of agonized spectators, posted on the tops of houses and steeples in Boston, and on numerous surrounding hills, hundreds of whom were trembling for the fate of a parent, a husband or a brother. Well might a devout person exclaim, "Good Heavens! what a scene do I behold! what carnage of the human race! what sacrifice of precious life. My God! stay thy hand, restrain a further effusion of human blood, spare the innocent, let punishment fall on the heads of the guilty. Is there not some hidden curse in reserve for our country s foes!" At the head of the British army General Howe advanced with undaunted bravery, continually pressing into the most exposed situa tion. It is truly wonderful that he escaped with only a wound in his foot. The valiant Major Pitcairn, who was. so conspicuously active at Lexington, was among the first who mounted our breastworks, and at the moment when he was heard to exclaim, "the day is ours," the fatal ball pierced his body and he fell. His son, a captain, received him in his arms, with all the ardor of filial love and tender sympathy, and bore him to the boat, where he expired. On the American side, Generals Putnam, Warren, Pom- eroy, and Colonel Prescott were emphatically the heroes of the day, and their unexampled efforts were crowned with glory. The incomparable Colonel Prescott marched at the head of the detachment, and though several general officers were present, he retained the command during the action. He displayed a native daring bravery altogether unrivalled, and infused the conquering spirit of a soldier into the hearts of all who were under his command, and JOIIX HANCOCK. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. 27 crowned himself with immortal honor. Colonel John Stark commanded a regiment from New Hampshire, and signalized himself by his active bravery. His very valiant Major McClary was killed by a cannon-ball while recross- ing Charlestown neck, which is lamented as a public loss. On this never-to-be-forgotten occasion a fair opportunity was presented for the trial of the courage and prowess of the people of New England, when contending for their constitutional freedom. They marched to the field as an undisciplined, inexperienced body of yeomanry, rather than as professed warriors; a large majority of them carry ing ordinary fire-arms, unprovided with bayonets, and habited in the style of country laborers. It was their lot to contend with an army of disciplined veterans, profess edly experienced in the art of warfare, uniformly clothed and armed, and commanded by generals whose names, even in Europe, are little less than a host. The comparative force of the two armies was about two to one against the provincials, besides the royal artillery, ships, and other arrned vessels. What in fact is the result of this most unequal combat? Certain it is, that on the first and the second onset, the veterans were fairly repulsed, and whatever advantage was ultimately obtained, was at the expense of some of their most valuable officers and the flower of the British grenadiers and light infantry. These two corps, at the moment of their first onset, lost three-fourths of their number; of one company five, and of another, fourteen only escaped. The remarkable dis parity of loss is a clear demonstration of the superior advantage on our side. It is an ascertained fact, that of the enemy nineteen commissioned officers were killed and seventy wounded; and their total loss, according to Gen eral Gage, was one thousand and fifty-four. Of the pro vincials, the killed and dead of their wounds, are one hundred and thirty-nine. Other wounded, two hundred and seventy-eight. Prisoners by the enemy, thirty-six. Total, four hundred and fifty-three. The provincials have much reason to triumph on the successful issue of this first general conflict with veteran troops; it must tend greatly to increase their confidence in their own powers, and give them a serious impression that we are favored with the smiles of Heaven. Had our troops been furnished 3 28 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. with a sufficient quantity of ammunition, the enemy must have suffered a total defeat. . After our troops retreated, the regulars took possession of their dear-bought Bunker s hill, and immediately fortified themselves there. It is said that some of the veteran British officers, who have been in some hard-fought battles in Europe, observed, that they bad never witnessed any one equal in severity to that on Breed s bill. It is presumed they will no longer apply the term poltroons to American soldiers. A considerable number of tories, whose zeal for the royal cause led them into battle, were killed or wounded. Our army has taken post at Cambridge and Koxbury, in such a manner as to invest the town of Boston. Our general officers are Gen erals Ward, Pomeroy, Thomas and Heath, of Massachu setts colony, and General Putnam from Connecticut. r*- On the day appointed, the medical candidates, sixteen in number, were summoned before the board for examin ation. This business occupied about four hours; the sub jects were anatomy, physiology, surgery and medicine. It was not long after, that I was happily relieved from suspense, by receiving the sanction and acceptance of the board, with some acceptable instructions relative to the faithful discharge of duty, and the humane treatment of those soldiers who may have the misfortune to require my assistance. Six of our number were privately rejected as being found unqualified. The examination was in a considerable degree close and severe, which occasioned not a little agitation in our ranks. But it was on another occasion, as I am told, that a candidate under examination was agitated into a state of perspiration, and being required to describe the mode of treatment in rheumatism, among other remedies he would promote a sweat, and being asked how he would effect this with his patient, after some hes itation he replied, "I would have him examined by a medical committee." I was so fortunate as to obtain the oflice of surgeon s mate in the provincial hospital at Cam bridge, Dr. John Warren being the senior surgeon. He was the brother and pupil of the gallant General Joseph Warren, who was slain in the memorable battle on Breed s hill. This gentleman has acquired great reputation in his profession, and is distinguished for his humanity and at tention to the sick and wounded soldiers, and for his MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. 29 amiable disposition. Having received my appointment"? by the Provincial Congress, I commenced my duty in the hospital, July loth. Several private, but commodious, houses in Cambridge are occupied for hospitals, and a considerable number of soldiers who were wounded at Breed s hill, and a greater number of sick of various dis eases, require all. our attention. Dr. Isaac Foster, late of Charlestown, is also appointed a senior hospital surgeon ; and his student, Mr. Josiah Bartlet, officiates as his mate; Dr. Benjamin Church is director-general of the hospital. - I am informed that General George Washington arrived at our provincial camp, in this town, on the 2d July; having been appointed, by the unanimous voice of the Continental Congress at Philadelphia, general and com- mander-in-chief of all the troops raised, and to be raised, for the defence of the United Colonies, as they are now termed. They are, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. General Washington is a native of Virginia; he was in General Braddock s defeat in 1755, and having had considerable experience in the wars with the French and Indians on the frontiers of that colony, in former years, he is supposed to possess ample qualifica tions for the command of our army, and the appointment gives universal satisfaction. Such is his disinterested pa triotism, that he assured Congress, on his appointment, that he should receive from the public, for his military services, no other compensation than the amount of his necessary expenses. He has been received here with every mark of respect, and addressed by our Provincial Congress in the most affectionate and respectful manner. All ranks appear to repose full confidence in him as Commander-in- chief; it is the fervent prayer of the religiously disposed, that he may be instrumental in bringing this unhappy controversy to an honorable and speedy termination. He is accompanied by General Lee and General Gates; two gentlemen who have held commissions in the royal army. The former is now appointed major-general, and the latter adjutant-general, by our Continental Congress. General Washington has established his head-quarters in a conve nient house, about half a mile from Harvard College, and 30 MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1775. in the vicinity of our hospital. The provincial army is encamped in various parts of this town and Eoxbury, and some works have been erected on Prospect hill, and on an eminence near Eoxbury church, within cannon-shot of Boston. The amount of our forces I have not ascer tained; but we are daily increasing in numbers, both of militia and enlisted soldiers. The operations of the war have interrupted the progress of education at college; the students have returned to their homes, and the college buildings are occupied by our soldiery. July 20th. This day is devoted to a Public Fast throughout the United Colonies, by the recommendation of Congress, to implore the Divine benediction on our coun try; that any further shedding of blood may be averted; and that the calamities with which we are afflicted may be removed. This is the first general or Continental Fast ever observed since the settlement of the colonies. I have been much gratified this day with a view of General Washington. His excellency was on horseback, in com pany with several military gentlemen. It was not difficult to distinguish him from all others; his personal appearance is truly noble and majestic; being tall and well propor tioned. His dress is a blue coat with buff-colored facings, a rich epaulette on each shoulder, buff under dress, and an elegant small sword ; a black cockade in his hat. August. The firing of cannon is now frequently prac tised from our works at Prospect hill and Winter hill, advantageous eminences in full view and within cannon- shot of the enemy s camp on Bunker s hill; and some shot are returned from the enemy; but without any considera ble loss. At Eoxbury also our people have fortified sev eral hills, and breastworks are thrown up across the main street, within half a mile of the British lines; from which cannon-shot and some bomb-shells are every day thrown into Boston. The enemy fire their cannon-shot into Eox bury, and several have passed through the church; but little damage has yet been sustained, and our soldiers be come so familiarized to the sight of cannon-shot rolling among them, that they manifest little or no fear of the consequences. The right wing of our army at Eoxbury is commanded by Major-General Ward; and the left at Prospect hill, by Major-General Lee. CAPTAIN BENJAMIN CHURCH. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. g]_ The Continental Congress having voted, "That a sum not exceeding two millions of Spanish milled dollars be emitted by them in bills of credit for the defence of Amer ica," gold and silver soon disappeared, and paper bills now circulate instead of specie. Several companies of riflemen, amounting, it is said, to more than fourteen hundred men, have arrived here from Pennsylvania and Maryland; a distance of from five hun dred to seven hundred miles. They are remarkably stout and hardy men; many of them exceeding six feet in height. They are dressed in white frocks, or rifle-shirts, and round hats. These men are remarkable for the accu racy of their aim; striking a mark with great certainty at two hundred yards distance. At a review, a company of them, while on a quick advance, fired their balls into objects of seven inches diameter, at the distance of two hundred and fifty yards. They are now stationed on our lines, and their shot have frequently proved fatal to British officers and soldiers who expose themselves to view, even at more than double the distance of common musket-shot. October. An event of considerable importance has oc curred, which occasions much surprise and speculation. Dr. Benjamin Church has long sustained high reputation as a patriot and son of liberty. lie has, for some time, been a member of our House of Eepresentatives; and has been appointed surgeon-general and director of our hos pitals. This gentleman has just been detected in a trait orous correspondence with the enemy in Boston. A letter in cipher, written by him, was intrusted to the care of a female, with whom he was well acquainted, to be conveyed to Boston. On examination, the woman absolutely refused to reveal the name of the writer, till she was terrified by the threats of severe punishment; when she named Dr. Church, he was greatly agitated and confounded, manifested marks of guilt, and made no attempt to vindicate himself. But after the letter was deciphered, and he had taken time to reflect, he used all his powers of persuasion to make it appear that the letter contained no information that would injure the American cause; and made a solemn appeal to Heaven that it was written for the purpose of procuring some important intelligence from the enemy. He was tried, convicted, and expelled from the House of Repre- 32 MILITARY JOrENAL, 1775. sentativcs; and Congress afterwards resolved, "that he be closely confined in some secure jail in Connecticut, without the use of pen, ink, or paper; and that no person be allowed to converse with him, except in the presence and hearing of a magistrate, or the sheriff of the county."* I have just returned from a ramble to Roxbury, with a view of examining the camp and works in that quarter. Not meeting with any person with whom I am acquainted, I returned after a slight view of the lines and the church in that town, which is pierced through in many places by cannon-shot from the enemy. ~LOtk. General Gage has sailed for England; and the command of the army, has devolved on General William Howe. He has issued a proclamation, prohibiting all persons attempting to quit the town, without a written license, on penalty of military execution, if taken, and if they escape they are to be proceeded against as traitors, and their effects to be forfeited; and also declaring, that if any, who are licensed to depart, attempt carrying away more than five pounds in specie, they shall forfeit the whole sum discovered, beside suffering fine and imprison ment. Such is the wretched condition of the Bostonians since their native town has been converted into a royal garrison. It is recollected that in April last, it was agreed between General Gage and a committee of the town, that on the inhabitants in general surrendering up their fire arms to the care of the selectmen, all such inhabitants as were desirous of removing out of town, should have this liberty, with their families and effects. The town voted to comply with this proposal, and General Gage on his part confirmed the same. It was also stipulated, that those persons in the country who should incline to remove into Boston should be permitted to change their residence with out molestation. The fire-arms were accordingly surren dered, and some of the inhabitants were allowed to depart; but it was not long before General Gage found various pretences to violate his stipulation, and prohibited any further removals; in consequence of which, many families were compelled to a cruel separation ; husbands and wives, * Dr. Church was finally permitted to depart from the country. He and his family embarked for the West Indies; the vessel foundered at sea, and all were lost. MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1775. 33 parents and children, were separated, and the aged and infirm left without protection. The term for which the continental soldiers enlisted will expire in a few weeks, and it is understood that the re cruits for a future army will be enlisted to serve to the 1st of December next, unless sooner discharged, as hopes are yet entertained that a settlement of our difficulties with Great Britain may be effected. Reports are in circulation that an attack on the town of Boston is contemplated; or, that the plan has been agitated and is relinquished, till our people can pass over on the ice. The public appear to be impatient to have our inveterate enemies expelled from our territories. November. Our hospitals are considerably crowded with sick soldiers from camp; the prevailing diseases are au tumnal fevers and dysenteric complaints, which have proved fatal in a considerable number of instances. It is highly gratifying to observe, that these brave men, while in the service of their country, receive in sickness all the kind attention from physicians and nurses, which their circumstances require; they have the prayers and conso lations of pious clergymen, and are destitute of nothing but the presence of their dearest friends to alleviate their sufferings. I am sorry to have occasion to notice in my journal the following occurrence. The body of a soldier has been taken from the grave, for the purpose, probably of dis section, and the empty coffin left exposed. This affair occasions considerable excitement among our people; both resentment and grief are manifested ; as it seems to impress the idea that a soldier s body is held in no estimation after death. Such a practice, if countenanced, might be attended with serious consequences as it respects our soldiers. Much inquiry has been made, but without success, for the discovery of the persons concerned; and the practice iri future is strictly prohibited by the commander-in-chief. The joyful intelligence is now announced in the public papers, that Captain Manly, of Marblehead, commander of one of our privateers, has captured an English ship, bound to Boston, loaded with ordnance stores, of immense value at the present time. Among the ordnance is a large brass mortar on a new construction, and a number 34 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1775. of pieces of fine brass cannon. There are small arms, ammunition, utensils, &c. &d in great abundance. An invoice, it is said, could scarcely be formed of articles better suited to our wants and circumstances. Several other store vessels have been taken by our privateers, with car goes of provision and various lands of stores, to a very considerable amount, which greatly augments the dis tresses of the troops and people in Boston, and affords us a very opportune and essential supply. It is now repre sented that the distresses of the inhabitants and troops in Boston exceed the possibility of description. They are almost in a state of starvation, for the want of food and fuel. The inhabitants, totally destitute of vegetables, flour and fresh provisions, have .actually been obliged to feed on horse flesh ; and the troops confined to salt pro visions; by means of which they have become very sickly. They have taken down a number of houses, removed the pews from the church, and are digging up the timber at the wharves for fuel. December 2c?. I visited the park of artillery, and was much gratified to find a collection of ordnance far exceed ing my expectations, and such as is supposed by some to be adequate to our present exigence. I had a view of the large brass mortar taken by Captain Manly; it is now called the Congress, and will soon be prepared to speak in strong terms to its former masters. 4th. A considerable number of Connecticut troops have left our service and returned home; no persuasion could induce them to continue in service after their time of en listment had expired. Enlisting officers are distributed in various parts of New England; but it is reported that voluntary enlistments go on slowly. The people seem to be unwilling to engage in the public service, and require higher wages. The spirit of patriotism appears in some degree to have subsided, and the militia are to be employed. Ilth. A party of militia, said to be about two.thousand, have arrived in camp; and information is received that three thousand more are on their march. A few enlisted soldiers have arrived ; but so destitute are they of fire arms, that it has been found necessary to take the arms by force from the soldiers who retire, paying for them, in order to supply the recruits. MAJOR GENERAL RICHARD MONTGOMERY. MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1776. 35 The Americans have advanced and broken ground at Lechmere s Point, within half a mile of Boston ; which occasioned a severe cannonade from the enemy; but they persevered in their work, and suffered but an inconsidera ble loss. It is stated, from the minutes of some person, that from Breed s hill battle to the 25th instant, the British have thrown upwards of two thousand shot and shells. By the whole firing, on Cambridge side, they killed only seven, and on Roxbury side five, just a dozen in the whole. At this rate, how many shot and bombs will it require to subdue the whole of his majesty s rebellious subjects? January, 1776. At the close of the last year, as is now reported, our army was reduced to a very critical situation, being obliged to substitute new-raised troops and militia in the place of those who had been in service five or six months; and this exchange was made within musket-shot of the enemy s lines. During part of this period, our numbers were not sufficient to man the lines, nor was there powder enough in camp to furnish four rounds a man. Before our privateers had fortunately captured some prizes with cannon and other ordnance, our army before Boston had, I believe, only four small brass cannon and a few old honey -comb iron pieces with their trunnions broken off; and these were ingeniously bedded in timbers in the same manner as that of stocking a musket. These machines were extremely unwieldy and inconvenient, requiring much skill and labor to elevate and depress them. Had the enemy been made acquainted with our situation, the consequences might have been exceedingly distressing. 26th. The newspapers announce the most painful in telligence from our army in Canada. General Montgom ery, the commander, made a desperate, but unsuccessful, assault on the city of Quebec, on the 31st ultimo. The event has proved most fatal and disastrous. General Montgomery and his aid-de-camp, with several other officers, were slain. Colonel Arnold, the second in com mand, heroically passed the first barrier with his small party, and received a wound in his leg. About three hundred of the continental troops were made prisoners, and about sixty killed and wounded. We remain unac quainted with further particulars. The death of General 36 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. Montgomery is universally deplored. In the public papers we have the following account of this brave officer. "He was a captain of grenadiers in the 17th regiment of British troops, of which General Monckton was colonel. He served the last war in the expeditions in the West Indies and America, and returned with his regiment to England. In 1772 he quitted his regiment, though in a fair way of preferment. Whilst in America he imbibed an affection for this country he had, while in the king s service, de clared his disapprobation of the sentiments of the ministry, and viewed America as the rising seat of arts and freedom." February 9th. A very considerable firing was heard last evening from Boston ; it was occasioned by a detach ment of one hundred men, under the command, of Major Knowlton, who made an incursion into Charlestown, for the purpose of burning a number of houses, to deprive the enemy of their use. He effected the object of his expedition by burning about ten houses in the possession of the enemy, and returned in less than two hours, bringing off some muskets, without the loss of a single man either killed or wounded. 14/7*. The following anecdote is worth notice; it ap pears by extracts from letters written by the officers who are the subjects of it. Some British officers, soon after General Gage arrived at Boston, while walking on Beacon hill in the evening, were frightened by noises in the air, which they took to be the whizzing of bullets. They left the hill with great precipitation, and reported that they were shot at with air-guns, and wrote frightful accounts of the affair to their friends in England. The whizzing noise which so alarmed these valiant officers, could be no other than the buzzing of bugs and beetles while flying in the air. 16//1. It might be supposed that the melancholy aspect of the times, and the dreadful disappointments and priva tions of the British officers and tories in Boston, would afford matter for the most serious consideration, and effect ually check every emotion bordering on levity and amuse ment. We find, however, that they do not deny them selves balls and theatrical amusements, for they say in the language of the poet, "What need of piping for the songs and sherry, When our own mis ries can make us merry." MILITA RY JOURNAL, 1776. 37 It is asserted from Boston, that on the evening when Major Knowlton set fire to the houses in Charlestown, 8th instant, the farce of " The Blockade of Boston" of which General Burgoyne is the reputed author, was to be per formed. The figure designed to burlesque General Wash ington was dressed in an uncouth style, with a large wig and long rusty sword, attended by his orderly-sergeant in his country dress, having on his shoulder an old rusty gun, seven or eight feet long. At the moment this figure appeared on the stage, one of the regular sergeants came running on the stage, threw down his bayonet, and exclaimed, "The Yankees are attacking our works on Bunker s hill." Those of the audience who were unac quainted with the different parts, supposed that this be longed to the farce; but when General Howe called out, Officers to your alarm posts, they were undeceived; all was confusion and dismay; and among the ladies, shrieking and fainting ensued. How pure the satisfaction to a great mind employed in burlesquing those Yankees by whom, they are besieged! 18th. Dr. John Morgan of Philadelphia is appointed by Congress director-general of our hospitals, instead of Dr. Church, removed. Since his arrival here, a new and systematic arrangement in the medical department has taken place; the number of surgeon s mates in the hospital is to be reduced, and vacancies in regiments are to be sup- S ied. I have been subjected to another examination by r. Morgan, and received from him the appointment of surgeon s mate to Dr. David Townsend, in the regiment commanded by Colonel Asa Whitcomb, stationed in the barracks on Prospect hill. 22d Our regiment, according to orders, marched to Roxbury, and took quarters in the large and elegant house formerly belonging to Governor Shirley. Great preparations are making in our army for some important event. Several regiments of militia have arrived from the country; and orders have been received for surgeons and mates to prepare lint and bandages, to the amount of two thousand, for fractured limbs and other gun-shot wounds. It is, however, to be hoped that not one-quarter of the number will be required, whatever may be the nature of the occasionj Great activity and animation are observed 38 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. among our officers and soldiers, who manifest an anxious desire to have a conflict with the enemy. Either a gen eral assault on the town of Boston, or the erection of works on the heights of Dorchester, or both, is generally supposed to be in contemplation. M irch 2d. A very heavy discharge of cannon and mortars commenced from all out works at Cambridge and lioxbury. 3<L The firing from our works continues, but the great brass mortar, the Congress, and two others, have unfortu nately burst; which is exceedingly regretted. 4th. The object in view is now generally understood to be the occupying and fortifying of the advantageous heights of Dorchester. A detachment of our troops is ordered to march for this purpose this evening; and our regiment, with several others, has received orders to march at four o clock in the morning, to relieve them. We are favored with a full bright mocrn, and the night is remark ably mild and pleasant; the preparations are immense; more than three hundred loaded carts are in motion. By the great exertions of General Mifflin, our quarter-master- general, the requisite number of teams has been procured. The covering party of eight hundred men advance in front. Then follow the carts with the intrenching tools; after which, the working party of twelve hundred, commanded by General Thomas, of Kingston. Next in the martial procession are a train of carts, loaded with fascines and Lay, screwed into large bundles of seven or eight hundred weight. The whole procession moved on in solemn silence, and with perfect order and regularity ; while the continued roar of cannon serves to engage the attention and divert the enemy from the main object. 5th. At about four o clock our regiment followed to the heights of Dorchester, as a relief party. On passing Dorchester neck I observed a vast number of large bun dles of screwed hay, arranged in a line next the enemy, to protect our troops from a raking fire, to which we should have been greatly exposed, while passing and repassing. The carts were still in motion with materials; some of them have made three or four trips. On the heights we found two forts in considerable forwardness, and sufficient for a defence against small arms and grape-shot. The MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 39 amount of labor performed during the night, considering the earth is frozen eighteen inches deep, is almost incred ible. The enemy having discovered our works in the morning, commenced a tremendous cannonade from the forts in Boston, and from their shipping in the harbor. Cannon-shot are continually rolling and rebounding over the hill ; and it is astonishing to observe how little our soldiers are terrified by them. During the forenoon we were in momentary expectation of witnessing an awful scene; nothing less than the carnage of Breed s hill battle was expected. The royal troops are perceived to be in motion, as if embarking to pass the harbor, and land on Dorchester shore, to attack our works. The hills and elevations in this vicinity are covered with spectators to witness deeds of horror in the expected conflict. His Excellency General Washington is present, animating and encouraging the soldiers, and they in return manifest their joy, and express a warm desire for the approach of the enemy; each man knows his place, and is resolute to ex ecute his duty. Our breastworks are strengthened, and among the means of defence are a great number of bar rels, filled with stones and sand, arranged in front of our works; which are to be put in motion and made to roll down the hill, to break the ranks and legs of the assailants as they advance. These are the preparations for blood and slaughter. G racious God ! if it be determined in thy Provi dence that thousands of our fellow-creatures shall this day be slain, let thy wrath be appeased, and in mercy grant that victory be on the side of our suffering, bleeding country! The anxious day has closed, and the enemy has failed to molest us. From appearances, however, there are strong reasons to suppose that they have only postponed their meditated work till another day. It is presumed that the martial fire, which has been enkindled in the breasts of our soldiery, will not be extinguished during the night, and that they will not rest quietly under their disappoint ment. Early in the morning of the 6th, our regiment was relieved from its tour of duty, and I bade adieu to Dor chester heights, without being called to dress a single wound. Not more than two or three men were killed or wounded during the twenty-four hours. Some of the British troops were seen to embark, and pass down towards 40 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1776. the castle last evening, to be in readiness, it was supposed, in conjunction with others, to attack our works this morn ing; but a most violent storm came on in the night, and still continuing, obliges General Howe to abandon his enterprise, and thus has a kind Providence seen fit to frustrate a design, which must have been attended with immense slaughter and bloodshed. General Howe must now be sensible of his exposed situation, and be convinced of the immediate necessity of evacuating the town of Bos ton, if he would prevent the sacrifice of his fleet and army. 1th. There are strong indications in Boston that the king s troops are preparing to evacuate the town ; and that no attempt will be made to dispossess our people of the works which we have constructed on Dorchester heights. 8th. A flag of truce has come out of Boston with a message from the selectmen; acquainting General Wash ington that General Howe has come to the determination to evacuate the town ; and that he would leave it standing, provided his army should be permitted to retire without being molested. At the same time intimating, as is re ported, that in case he should be attacked by our army, the town should be set on fire in different places, in order to secure his retreat. We are unacquainted with the de termination of his excellency respecting this proposition ; but it is well known that he has been in favor of making an attack on the town ; and that -the necessary preparations were made, and the plan arranged, to be put in execution in the event of the enemy s meditated attack on our works at Dorchester heights. Four thousand troops, the first division commanded by General Sullivan, the second by General Greene, were ordered to be in readiness, and in case the enemy had advanced and been defeated on the heights of Dorchester, this force, at a given signal, was to have rushed into the town and taken possession. It is credibly reported from Boston, that on the morning when the British officers discovered our newly-erected works, which, on account of a fog, loomed to great advan tage, and appeared larger than the reality, General Howe, on viewing them, was heard to say in astonishment, " know not what I shall do: the rebels have done more in one night than my whole army would have done in weeks." His admiral soon assured him that if the rebels were per- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 4.^ mitted to hold possession, he should not be able to keep a single ship in the harbor in safety. Nothing of consequence occurred to observation till Sunday morning, March 17th, when at an early hour it was perceived that the royal army commenced their em barkation on board of transports. In the course of the forenoon we enjoyed the unspeakable satisfaction of be holding their whole fleet under sail, wafting from our shores the dreadful scourge of war. It was in the power of the provincials by a cannonade to have annoyed the enemy s shipping and transports as they passed Dorchester heights, and to have occasioned great embarrassment and destruction among them; but no orders were given for this purpose, and they were suffered to pass unmolested. Bv this event we are happily relieved of a force consisting of seven thousand five hundred and seventy-five regulars, exclusive of the staff, which, with the marines and sailors, may be estimated at about ten thousand in the whole. This force greatly exceeds the five regiments with which General Grant vauntingly boasted in England that he could march successfully from one end of the American conti nent to the other. A considerable number of tories, who had joined the royal standard, took passage with their families on board of the transports with the army, and bade adieu to their native country, without knowing what part of the world is to be their destiny. Immediately after the enemy sailed from Boston harbor, General Washington ordered the major part of his army to march to New York, to secure that city against the apprehended invasion of General Howe. It was not till Wednesday, the 20th, that our troops were permitted to enter the town, when our regiment, with two or three others, were ordered to march in, and take up our quarters, which were provided for us in comfortable houses. While marching through the streets, the inhabitants appeared at their doors and windows; though they manifested a lively joy on being liberated from a long imprisonment, they were not altogether free from a melancholy gloom which ten tedious months siege has spread over their countenances. The streets and buildings present a scene which reflects disgrace on their late occupants, exhibiting a deplorable desolation and wretchedness. 42 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 22c?. A concourse of people from the country are crowding into town, full of friendly solicitude, and it is truly interesting to witness the tender interviews and fond embraces of those who have been long separated, under ircumstances so peculiarly distressing. But it is particu larly unfortunate on this occasion, that the small-pox is lurking in various parts of the town; which deters many from enjoying an interview with their friends. The pa rents and sister of my friend Dr. Townsend have continued in town during the siege; being introduced to the family by the Doctor, I received a kind and polite invitation to take up my abode with them, where I am enjoying the kindest attentions and civilities. I accompanied several gentlemen to view the British fortifications on Eoxbury neck, where I observed a prodigious number of little mil itary engines called caltrops, or crow-feet, scattered over the ground in the vicinity of the works to impede the march of our troops in case of an attack. The implement consists of an iron ball armed with four sharp points about one inch in length, so formed that which way soever it may fall one point still lies upwards to pierce the feet of horses or men, and are admirably well calculated to obstruct the march of an enemy. 23c?. I went to view the Old South Church, a spacious brick building near the centre of the town. It has been for more than a century consecrated to the service of religion, and many eminent divines have in its pulpit labored in teaching the ways of righteousness and truth. But during the late siege the inside of it was entirely destroyed by the British, and the sacred building occupied as a riding-school for Burgoyne s regiment of dragoons. The pulpit and pews were removed, the floor covered with earth, and ttsed for the purpose of training and exercising their horses. A beautiful pew, ornamented with carved work and silk furniture, was demolished; and by order of an officer, the carved work, it is said, was used as a fence for a hog-sty. The North Church, a very .valuable building, was entirely demolished, and consumed for fuel. Thus are our houses, devoted to religious worship, pro faned and destroyed by the subjects of his royal majesty. His excellency the cornmander-in-chief has been received by the inhabitants with every mark of respect and grati- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 43 tude ; and a public dinner has been provided for him. He requested the Eev. Dr. Eliot, at the renewal of his custom ary Thursday Lecture, to preach a thanksgiving sermon, adapted to the joyful occasion. Accordingly on the 28th, this pious divine preached an appropriate discourse from Isaiah xxxiii. 20, in presence of his excellency and a re spectable audience. 29$. The Massachusetts House of Representatives and Council presented his excellency a respectful and affec tionate address; and received from him a reply no less respectful and satisfactory. One of our soldiers found a human skeleton in complete preparation, left by a British surgeon, which I have re ceived as an acceptable present. April 8th. I attended at the Stone Chapel, where were performed the funeral solemnities over the remains of that patriot and hero Major-General Joseph Warren. The re mains were taken from the earth at Breed s hill, placed in an elegant coffin, and brought into the chapel, where, in the presence of a numerous assembly, a eulogy was pronounced by Perez Morton, Esq., a young lawyer of abilities. The ceremony was conducted by the society of Free Masons, of which the deceased was grand master. A grand procession was formed, and the remains having received the customary masonic honors, were deposited in the vault under the chapel. This proceeding was to me a pleasing novelty, and in the view of the public, a grateful tribute to the memory of a beloved fellow-citizen. "Let laurels, drench d in pure Parnassian dews, Reward his mem ry, dear to every muse, Who, with a courage of unshaken root, In honor s field advancing his firm foot, Plants it upon the line that justice draws, And will prevail or perish in her cause. Tis to the virtues of such men man owes His portion in the good that Heaven bestows. . And when recording History displays Feats of renown, though wrought in ancient days; Tells of a few stout hearts, that fought and died Where duty placed them, at their country s side; The man that is not moved with what he reads, That takes not fire at their heroic deeds, Unworthy of the blessings of the brave, Is base in kind, and born to be a slave." COWPEP. 4 44 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. r May. As the small-pox is in many parts of the town among both the inhabitants and soldiers, I was advised by my friends to have recourse to inoculation for my own safety, though contrary to general orders. I was accord ingly inoculated by my friend Dr. John Homans, and have passed through the disease in the most favorable manner, I not suffering one day s confinement. June 13^/2. The harbor of Boston has not been entirely cleared of British shipping since the town was evacuated. A fifty-gun ship and several other vessels still occupy the the lower harbor, near Nantasket. A number of provin cial troops and volunteers are now ordered on an expedi tion, under command of General Benjamin Lincoln, with heavy cannon, for the purpose of driving them from the harbor. A part of our regiment being ordered on the expedition, we embarked at the Long Wharf, and landed on Long Island, and immediately made arrangements for a cannonade. A few shot soon convinced the commodore of his danger; he returned the fire with some spirit; but having received a shot through his upper works, he soon got under sail and hastily departed. Thus is the port of Boston again opened by our own authority, after being closed during two years by virtue of an act of the British Parliament. 20th. The removal of the British armed vessels from Nantasket has been productive of very favorable conse quences. Three days after their departure two transports from Scotland bound to Boston, unapprised of the event, entered Nantasket road, and were accosted by a discharge of cannon from an American battery before they were undeceived. In this situation it was impossible for them to escape, and several of our privateers made their appear ance, and commanded them to strike their flag. This be ing refused, a smart action ensued, and continued about an hour and a half, when they were obliged to yield and strike to the privateers. On board the transports Major Menzies and eight others were killed, and seventeen wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Archibald Campbell, two hundred and sixty-seven Highlanders, and forty-tight others, were made prisoners. Major Menzies has been buried here with the honors of war. " July 3c?. Orders are given to inoculate for the small- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 45 pox, all the soldiers and inhabitants in town, as a general infection of this terrible disease is apprehended. Dr. Townsend and myself are now constantly engaged in this business. ~L2th. Melancholy accounts have been received respect ing the situation of our army in Canada; they are sub jected to very great hardships, sufferings, and privations. Destitute of the necessary supplies of provisions and stores, exhausted by fatigue, and reduced by sickness, with the small-pox attended by unexampled mortality, they are in a state but little short of desperation. In addition to all their sufferings, they now have to deplore the loss of their valuable commander, Major-General John Thomas. This gentleman was a native of Kingston, Massachusetts. He was in military service- in former wars against the French and Indians, where he acquired a high degree of reputa tion. He was among the first to espouse the cause of his country in a military character in 1775, and during the siege of Boston, and on the heights of Dorchester, he was distinguished as an active, vigilant and brave officer. In March, 1776, he was promoted by Congress from a brig adier to the rank of major-general, and by them appointed to command our forces in Canada. On his arrival there he found innumerable difficulties to encounter; the small pox frequently breaking out among the troops, and the soldiers being in the practice of inoculating themselves, to the great injury of the public service. The general deemed it necessary, for the safety of the army, to prohibit the practice of inoculating, and not excepting himself from, the injunction, he unfortunately received the infection, which proved fatal to him, and deprived the public of a valuable general officer. He was held in universal respect and confidence as a military character, and his death is deeply deplored throughout the army. The very important intelligence from Philadelphia is now proclaimed, that on the 4th instant, the American Congress declared the thirteen United Colonies, "Free, Sovereign, Independent States." The subject has for some time agitated the public mind, and various opinions have been entertained relative to this momentous transaction. Opinions of much weight and authority have been and still are in collision, and it has been considered very 46 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. doubtful whether the grand object would be accomplished at the present time. Objections, however, have yielded to imperious necessity, and a new epoch for United America has now commenced. We are now, in the 16th year of the reign of his Majesty King George the Third, absolved from all allegiance to the British crown; and all political connexion between us, as subjects, and his gov ernment is totally and for ever dissolved, unless indeed Providence shall so order, that we shall be again reduced to a state of dependence and vassalage. 18th. This day the declaration of American Independ ence has been proclaimed in form from the balcony of the state-house in this town. On this most joyful occasion Colonels Whitcomb and Sargeant s regiments were pa raded under arms in King street; and also a detachment from the Massachusetts regiment of artillery with two field- pieces. A number of the members of our council and house of representatives, the magistrates, clergymen, se lectmen, and a large number of other gentlemen of Boston, and of the neighboring towns, assembled in the council- chamber. At one o clock the declaration was proclaimed by Colonel Thomas Crafts, and was received with great joy. Three huzzas from the concourse of people were given, after which thirteen pieces of cannon were fired from Fort hill and from Dorchester neck, the Castle, Nan- tasket, &c. The detachment of artillery in King street, discharged their cannon thirteen times; which was fol lowed by the two regiments in thirteen separate divisions; all corresponding to the number of the American United States; after which, the gentlemen in the council chamber partook of a collation, and a number of appropriate toasts were proclaimed by the president of the council. This highly important transaction of our Congress is the theme of every circle and topic of universal discussion, and it receives the sanction and approbation of a large majority of the community. When we reflect on the de ranged condition of our army, the great deficiency of our resources, and the little prospect of foreign assistance, and at the same time contemplate the prodigious powers and resources of our enemy, we may view this measure of Congress as a prodigy. The history of the world cannot furnish an instance of fortitude and heroic magnanimity THOMAS JEFFERSON, MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 47 parallel to that displayed by the members, whose signa tures are affixed to the declaration of American Independ ence. Their venerated names will ornament the brightest pages of American history, and be transmitted to the latest generations. The instrument was signed by John Han cock, Esq. as President, and by fifty-four others, delegates from the thirteen United States. The Congress have in their declaration recited the grievances and oppressions, for which we could not obtain redress; and proclaimed to the world the causes which impelled them to a separa tion from the crown of Great Britain. A sensible and popular writer, in a production entitled " Common Sense" argues the necessity of the measure from the following considerations. "We had no credit abroad because of our rebellious dependency. Our ships could obtain no pro tection in foreign ports, because we afforded them no just ifiable reason for granting it to us. The calling of ourselves subjects, and at the same time fighting against the prince we acknowledge, was a dangerous precedent to all Europe. If the grievances justified our taking up arms, they justi fied our separation; if they did not justify our separation, neither could they justify our taking arms. All Europe was interested in reducing us as rebels, and all Europe, or the greater part at least, is interested in supporting us in our independent state. At home our condition was still worse; our currency had no foundation; and the state of it would have ruined whig and tory alike. We had no other laws than a kind of moderated passion; no other civil power than an honest mob; and no other protection than the temporary attachment of one man to another. Had independency been delayed a few months longer, this continent would have been plunged into irretrieva ble confusion; some violent for it, some against it all in the greatest cabal; the rich would have been ruined, and the poor destroyed. The necessity of being independent would have brought it on in a little time, had there been no rupture between Britain and America. The increasing importance of commerce the weight and perplexity of legislation and the enlarged state of European politics, would clearly have shown to the continent the impropri ety of continuing subordinate; for after the coolest reflec tion on the matter, this must be allowed, that Britain 48 MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1776. was too jealous of America to govern it justly; too igno rant of it to govern it well ; and too distant from it to govern it at all. " The author of Common Sense is Mr. Thomas Paine, lately from England. I am credibly in formed that the following anecdote occurred on the day of signing the declaration. Mr. Harrison, a delegate from Virginia, is a large portly man Mr. Gerry of Massachu setts is slender and spare. A little time after the solemn transaction of signing the instrument, Mr. Harrison said smilingly to Mr. Gerry, "When the hanging scene comes to be exhibited, I shall have the advantage over you, on account of my size. All will be over with me in a mo ment, but you will be kicking in the air half an hour after I am gone." 20*7*. It appears, by the public papers, that a detach ment from the British army of two thousand eight hun dred men, under the command of Major-General Clinton, Lord Cornwallis, and a fleet consisting of two line of battle ships, frigates, and other armed vessels, amounting to forty or fifty, have lately made a furious attack on the town of Charleston, South Carolina. Major-General Lee, who commands our army in that quarter, has written to Con gress a particular statement of the engagement, which, he says, continued for twelve hours without intermission. The enemy was twice repulsed with great loss; and the Carolina troops and militia have gained the highest honor by their brave and intrepid conduct. Colonel Moultrie, in a particular manner, is deserving of the highest praise. But the British fleet has suffered a loss almost beyond example. Their ships shattered almost to total ruin, and one frigate of twenty-eight guns was blown up by her own crew. A number of officers were killed and wounded, and the number of men is said to be one hundred and seventy-nine killed, and two hundred and sixty wounded. Not one man, who was quartered at the beginning of the action on the Bristol s quarter-deck, escaped being killed or wounded. Lord Campbell, the late governor of that colony, being a volunteer on board, received a mortal wound; and the Commodore, Sir Peter Parker, had a material part of his breeches torn away, and was otherwise wounded. The whole of the British forces displayed the greatest courage and bravery. In a southern newspaper are inserted the following lines on Sir Peter s disaster: MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1776. 49 "If honor in the breech is lodged, As Hudibras hath shown, It may from hence be fairly judged Sir Peter s honor s gone." The English Parliament, doubting the competency of their own powers to subjugate the United Colonies, have resorted to the assistance of foreign troops to prosecute their sanguinary purposes. They have actually entered into treaty with several German princes to furnish seven teen thousand men, to aid in the great work of reducing the Americans to the same degraded state of vassalage with these hirelings themselves. The terms stipulated in the treaties are, that besides the wage* to be paid these foreigners, Parliament engages to pay for every soldier who shall not return, thirty pounds sterling; and for every disabled soldier fifteen pounds sterling ! These mercenary troops, it is said in England, are to "assist in forcing the rebels to ask mercy." It has been asserted in the House of Lords, that the expense to England for these foreign troops cannot be less than one million five hundred thou sand pounds for one year! There is now the clearest evidence, that the British ministry are wofully disappointed in their expectations respecting the spirit and temper of the American people. They had entertained no idea that the colonists would proceed to such daring enormity as to spurn their mighty power and authority. They appear now determined by their augmented forces to crush at a blow all opposition to their mandates, and to coerce the rebels into a sense of duty to their king. It is estimated that a force exceeding forty thousand men is to be em ployed in America the present year. His majesty has appointed the two brothers, Lord Howe and General Howe, commissioners for restoring peace to the colonies, and for granting pardon to such of his majesty s subjects, now in rebellion, as shall deserve the royal clemency. Besides the two commissioners, they are about to send on the same service a combination of Hessians, Brunswickers, Waldeckers, English, Scotch, and Irish. The Scots may perhaps come prepared with the following advice : "O learn from our example and our fate, Learn wisdom and repentance ere too late." The following transaction is now a subject of newspaper 50 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. discussion and of general conversation. Admiral Lord Howe arrived off the city of New York, not long since, to take the command of the British fleet; on his arrival he proclaimed to the public that he and his brother Gen eral Howe were appointed his majesty s commissioners, with full powers to grant pardons to all or to any town, county, or district, who may have departed from their allegiance and duty to his majesty, &c., and who are willing by a speedy return to reap the benefit of the royal favor. These royal commissioners despatched Colonel Patterson, adjutant-general of the British army, to General Wash ington, at New York, with letters respecting their mission ; but as the letters were not directed in a manner expressive of his official station, his excellency refused to receive them ; but treated Colonel Patterson with much politeness, and dismissed him. The conduct of General Washington in this interview received the approbation of Congress, and they resolved, "that he had acted with a dignity be coming his character." They further resolved, "that .no letters or messages be received on any occasion whatever from the enemy, by the commander-in-chief or others, the commanders of the American army, but such as shall be directed to them in the characters they respectively sus tain." It was not many days after this that Colonel Pat terson again waited on General Washington, and on this occasion he addressed him by the title of excellency ; and in the name of the commissioners apologized for any de ficiency in point of respect or punctilio, and assured him that they had the highest personal respect for General Washington, and did not mean to derogate from his rank; that the letter, of which he was now the bearer from the commissioners, was directed to George Washington, Esq., &c. &c. &c., which they hoped would remove all difficulties; as the three et ceteras might be understood to imply every thing that ought to follow. To this the general replied, that though it was true the three et ceteras might mean every thing , it was also true they might mean any thing, and as Congress had approved of his conduct in the first interview, he could not enter into any new treaty without fresh authority, and declined receiving the letter; adding that he should absolutely decline any letter directed to him as a private person, when it related to his public sta- MILITARY JOUENAL, 1776. 5^ tion. Colonel Patterson said, Lord and General Howe were invested with exceedingly great powers, and were very desirous of being the medium of an accommodation of difficulties. The general replied, he had read the act of Parliament, and found they were merely empowered to grant pardons. The Americans had committed no wrong, and therefore wanted no pardons; we were only defending what we deemed our indisputable rights. Colo nel Patterson seemed confused, and replied that this would open a wide field for argument. The adjutant-general conducted with the greatest attention and politeness; and manifested great solicitude that the letter might be re ceived, and that the interview might be productive of favorable results. He expressed strong acknowledgments for the favor done him, in omitting the usual ceremony of blinding his eyes, when passing our works. General Washington invited him to partake of a collation provided for him, and he was introduced to our general officers. After many compliments and polite expressions, he de parted with saying, "Has your excellency no commands to my Lord or General Howe?" "None, sir," replied the general, "but my particular compliments to both of them." This event furnishes an irrefragable testimony of the rnanly firmness of mind and dignity of conduct of our comrnarider-in-chief; and is calculated to impress the Eng lish commanders with a just sense of his exalted merit and character. August \st. The continental army, under the immediate command of General Washington, is stationed at New York; and it is expected that the British army, under command of General Howe, will endeavor to take posses sion of that city the present season. oth. Colonel Whitcomb s regiment, consisting of five hundred men, has now gone through the small-pox in this town by inoculation, and all, except one negro, have recovered. 7th. This regiment, with Colonel Sargeant s, are pre paring to march to Ticonderoga. A number of teams are procured to transport the baggage and stores, and this morning, at seven o clock, they marched out of town with colors displayed and drums beating. Being myself indis posed, I am permitted to tarry in town till my health is 52 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. restored, and in the mean time I am directed to take charge of the sick soldiers that remain here. 20th. Having recovered my health, and being prepared to follow our regiment, T am this day to bid adieu to the town of Boston, where I have resided very pleasantly for the last five months. I am destined to a distant part of our country, and know not what suffering and hazards I shall be called to encounter, while in the discharge of my military duty. I shall commence my journey in company with Lieutenant Whiting and fourteen men who were left here as invalids. September. We took our route through Worcester, Springfield, Charlestown, in New Hampshire, and over the Green Mountains to Skeensboro ; which is the place of rendezvous for the continental troops and militia des tined to Ticonderoga. Here boats are provided at the entrance of Lake Champlain, which are continually passing to and from this place. We embarked on the 6th instant, and with good oarsmen and sails we arrived the same day, and joined our regiment here, a distance of thirty miles. While on our march, we received alarming reports re specting some military operations between our arrny, commanded by General Washington, and the British, under command of General Howe, on Long Island, near New York. The report states that our army has suffered a complete defeat with great loss, and that two of our general officers are taken prisoners. The inhabitants through the country are in great alarm; but have not ob tained the particulars; as the account at present is vague, and somewhat contradictory, we hope and trust that a particular detail will prove the event to be more favorable to our cause. Soon after my arrival here, a soldier had the impru- ^ dence to seize a rattlesnake by its tail; the reptile threw its head back and struck its fangs into the man s hand. In a few moments a swelling commenced, attended with severe pain. It was not more than half an hour, when his whole arm to his shoulder was swollen to twice its natural size, and the skin became of a deep orange color. His body, on one side, soon became affected in a similar manner, and a nausea at his stomach ensued. The poor man was greatly and justly alarmed; his situation was very , MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 53 critical. Two medical men, beside myself, were in close attendance for several hours. Having procured a quantity of olive oil, we directed the patient to swallow it in large and repeated doses, till he had taken one quart; and at the same time we rubbed into the affected limb a very large quantity of mercurial ointment. In about two hours we had the satisfaction to perceive the favorable effects of the remedies. The alarming symptoms abated, the swelling and pain gradually subsided, and in about forty ^eight hours he was happily restored to health. 10th. I have omitted to record the following incidents, till I could ascertain the particulars of the reports. We learn by accounts from New York that, some time since, a plot of a most atrocious nature was detected in that city. A gang of tories had associated for the purpose of joining the British army; and had concerted a plan, it is said, to assassinate his Excellency General Washington and some other officers ; and while our army were engaged with the enemy, to blow up our magazines, &c. The mayor of the city, and an armorer who was employed in making rifles for the tories, a^nd several others, were taken into custody, and committed to close prison. The mayor, on examination, confessed that he received money from Governor Tryon to pay the armorer for the rifles. Two of his excellency s guards were confederate; and a third, to whom the secret was confided, honestly disclosed the information. Several of these miscreants were tried and convicted, and two or three were executed. Another vile plot has been discovered in the city of Albany. By the confession of two tories, the plan was to set the city on fire, and to blow up the magazine. Some of the incendia ries were apprehended, and the meditated plot frustrated. We have now ample evidence, that the tories are the most virulent and implacable of our enemies; and it is to be considered as a remarkable interposition of Providence, that their vile machinations are so frequently defeated. Internal secret enemies are always more dangerous than avowed foes in the field; and so numerous and active are the tories in the vicinity of our main army, that it has been found necessary to adopt coercive measures, and to compel them to take the oath of allegiance, as prescribed by our Congress, or to depart from our territories. 54 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 12$. I must not omit to notice another instance of villany in a German by the name of Ledwitz. By his solicitation he was appointed lieutenant-colonel in our army, and he has been detected in a traitorous correspondence with Governor Tryon of New York. lie entrusted his letter to one Steen, an honest German, to be conveyed to New York ; but he considered it his duty to expose the perfidy, and delivered it to General Washington. In his letter he first presents his compliments in a formal manner to Lord Howe, and then proceeds to profess a conscious ness that the world will censure him for his treachery, in corresponding with the enemy of those in whose service he is employed, but apologizes by asserting that he had been forced to accept his commission, for fear of ruin to himself and family; and as he had engaged, through com pulsion, by a rebellious mob, he can be under no obligation to be faithful in their service. Besides this, he adds, he had previously taken Governor Tryon s advice, and had promised to do all he could in his new capacity for his majesty s service. He then asserts that a person who is a friend to the king, though an interested one, had offered to furnish him with weekly returns of the strength and detail of the continental army, for the sum of four thou sand pounds sterling, to be paid in advance in gold; but that he had agreed with him to render that service for two thousand pounds, which sum, he requested, might be im mediately conveyed to him. By this criminal act the per fidious wretch had forfeited his life, according to the articles of war; but on his trial by a court martial, his life was saved by the casting vote of a militia officer, who pretended some scruples of conscience; he was, however, cashiered, and declared incapable of holding any military office in the service of the United States. loth. I have now ascertained, by accounts published, that the battle on Long Island took place on the 27th of August. The British and Hessian army, supposed to amount to twenty-four thousand, landed on the island under cover of their shipping. The continental army con sisted of ten thousand five hundred and fourteen effectives only; and these were so situated, that but a small part could be brought into action; the conflict therefore was extremely unequal. In point of numbers, of discipline, MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. 55 experience in war, and of artillery, the enemy possessed the most decided advantage; besides the important assist ance afforded by a powerful fleet. The very judicious plan of attack by the British generals was carried into execution with irresistible ardor and impetuosity. The Americans defended themselves with great bravery, till a considerable number of them were completely surrounded and the remainder dispersed. The palm of victory was on the side of the enemy; and our loss is very considerable. Major-General Sullivan and Lord Stirling were obliged to surrender as prisoners; and our total loss is supposed to be not less than one thousand or twelve hundred in killed, wounded, and missing. The enemy suffered very severely. After this unfortunate skirmishing, our army retreated within their lines at Brooklyn, and were exposed to the greatest hazard ; our troops, fatigued and discouraged by defeat, a superior enemy in their front, and a powerful fleet about to enter the East Eiver with a view of effectu ally cutting off their retreat; but an interposition of Providence, and the wisdom and vigilance of the com- mander-in-chief, preserved our army from destruction. Having resolved to withdraw his army from its hazardous position, General Washington crossed over to the island in the night of the 29th of August, and personally con ducted the retreat in so successful a manner, under the most embarrassing circumstances, that it is considered as a remarkable example of good generalship. A circum stance which is remarked as manifestly providential, is, that a thick fog enveloped the whole of Long Island in obscurity about two o clock in the morning, while on the side of the enemy at New York, the atmosphere was per fectly clear. Thus by a providential interposition of an unusual fog, our army, consisting of nine thousand men, in one night embarked under great disadvantages, and with their baggage, provisions, stores, horses, and the mu nitions of war, crossed a river, a mile or more wide, and landed at New York undiscovered and without material loss. The enemy were so near, that they were heard at work with their pick-axes, and in about half an hour after, the fog cleared off and the enemy were seen taking pos session of the American lines. 2Qth. General Washington, finding the city of New 56 MILITARY JOUEXAL, 1776. York untenable, lias removed his whole army about nine miles up the country; which he effected in safety, though uuder a heavy cannonade from the British shipping. General Howe with his army took immediate possession of the city. Major-General Sullivan, who was captured on Long Island, has been permitted to return on his parole ; and is charged with a message to Congress from Lord Howe. The purport of the message is, that his lordship, as commissioner, could not treat with Congress, as such ; but is desirous of a conference with some of the members, as private gentlemen. Congress could not consider them selves justified in sending any of their members in their private character; but ever desirous of establishing peace on reasonable terms, offered to send a committee to in quire whether his lordship had any authority to treat with persons authorized by Congress for this purpose, and what that authority was, and to hear such propositions as he should think proper to make respecting the same. They accordingly made choice of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Esq. and Edward Rutledge, Esq., who had an inter view with Lord Howe on Staten Island. The first propo sition from his lordship was, that the colonies should return to their allegiance and obedience to the government of Great Britain. The committee expressed their opinion, that a return to the domination of Great Britian was not to be expected. They mentioned the repeated humble petitions of the colonies to the king and parliament, which had been treated with contempt, and answered with addi tional injuries; the unexampled patience we had shown un der their tyrannical government, and that it was not till the last act of Parliament, which denounced war against us, and put us out of the king s protection, that we declared our independence; and that it is not now in the power of Con gress to agree that the, people should return to their former de- pendent state. The committee reported to Congress that it did not appear that his lordship s commission contained any other authority of importance than what is expressed in the act of Parliament, namely, that of granting par dons, with such exceptions as the commissoners shall think proper to make, and of declaring America, or any part of it, to be in the king s peace on submission. The commit tee conducted the business with great judgment, and in a MILITAKY JOUENAL, 1776. 57 manner becoming the dignity of their character. The Congress adopted no other measures on this occasion ; and the British commissioners, finding that the United States could not relinquish their independency, published their declaration to the people at large, recommending to them "to reflect seriously on their present conduct and expect ations, and to judge for themselves, whether it is more consistent with their honor and happiness to offer up their lives as a sacrifice to the unjust and precarious cause in which they are engaged, or to return to their allegiance, accept the blessings of peace, and be secured in the free enjoyment of their liberties and property." Had the de claration of independence been deferred but a few weeks longer, this proceeding of the commissioners might have been productive of consequences exceedingly disastrous to our country. It would probably have increased the number of opposers to the measure, and occasioned the greatest confusion and embarrassment. It was undoubted ly their object, by a specious prospect of reconciliation, to create a division among the colonies and people, and there by paralyze their exertions and preparations for war. But at the present time, the declaration of the king s commis sioners is not calculated to effect the great purpose which they have in view ; the people at large have become too wise to be duped and cajoled out of their freedom. They repose unbounded confidence in the wisdom of the Con gress of their choice ; and have no disposition to counter act their views or embarrass their counsels. The number of individuals, who have accepted of the proffered condi tions, is supposed to be very inconsiderable; and by far the largest portion of them are. in the city of New York and its immediate vicinity. By a flag from New York we learn that, about five days after the British army took possession of that city, a destructive fire broke out, and raged with such violence, that about one thousand houses, some of the most superb buildings, being about one-quar ter of the whole city, were consumed. Some suspicions were entertained that this disaster was occasioned by American emissaries, and several persons had been treated with great cruelty, though no proof was produced against them. There is on the contrary much reason to conclude that the conflagration was merely accidental. 58 MILITARY JOUENAL, 1776. We have the information that, before our army evacu ated the city of New York, General Howe s army landed, under cover of five ships of Avar, the British and Hessians in two separate divisions. So soon as this was announced to our commander-in-chief, by a heavy cannonade from the men of war, he instantly rode toward our lines ; but he was astonished and mortified to find that the troops which had been posted there, and also two brigades which had been ordered to support them, were retreating in great confusion and disorder. He made every effort to rally them, but without success; they were so panic-struck that even the shadow of an enemy seemed to increase their precipitate flight. His excellency, distressed and enraged, drew his sword and snapped his pistols, to check them; but they continued their flight without firing a gun; and the general, regardless of his own safety, was in so much hazard, that one of his attendants seized the reins, and gave his horse a different direction. The following fact is of considerable interest: When retreating from New York, Major-General Put nam, at the head of three thousand five hundred conti nental troops, was in the rear, and the last that left the city. In order to avoid any of the enemy that might be advan cing in the direct road to the city, he made choice of a road parallel with and contiguous to the North River, till he could arrive at a certain angle, whence another road would conduct him in such a direction as that he might form a junction with our army. It so happened that a body of about eight thousand British and Hessians were at the same moment advancing on the road, which would have brought them in immediate contact with General Putnam, before he could have reached the turn into the other ro*ad. Most fortunately, the British generals, seeing no prospect of engaging our troops, halted their own, and repaired to the house of a Mr. Robert Murray, a Quaker and friend of our cause ; Mrs. Murray treated them with cake and wine, and they were induced to tarry two hours or more, Governor Tryon frequently joking her about her American friends. By this happy incident General Put nam, by continuing his march, escaped a rencounter with a greatly superior force, which must have proved fatal to his whole party. One half-hour, it is said, would have LORD HOWE. MILITAEY JOURNAL, IftQ. 59 been sufficient for the enemy to have secured the road at the turn, and entirely cut off General Putnam s retreat. It has since become almost a common saying among our officers, that Mrs. Murray saved this part of the Ameri can army. I have collected from the preceding pages of my Journal some observations relative to the formation and character of our army. After the battle at Lexington, such was the enthusiasm for the cause of liberty, and so general and extensive the alarm, that thousands of our citizens, who were engaged in the cultivation of their farms, spontane ously rushed to the scene of action; and an army was assembled almost without the efforts of public authority. At this most eventful period, it was the fond hope of a large proportion of our patriotic leaders, that the contro versy with our parent-country would yet be compromised on honorable and equitable terms. Though the haughty Britons had unsheathed the sword, and shed the blood of their brethren, it was impossible to endure the idea that our loyal and humble supplications to the king could any longer be contemptuously rejected; more especially after a complete union of all the colonies in a determined oppo sition to their tyrannical measures was clearly demon strated. Calculating therefore that the services of an army would be required for a short period only, and the troops in the field consisting chiefly of minute-men, volunteers and militia, it was a considerable time before they were regularly organized into regiments and brigades. In many instances the soldiers were indulged the privilege of choos ing their own officers; the consequence was, as might be expected, that the choice did not fall on the most respect able and meritorious, but on those who were the most popular among the lower class ; and these too frequently proved unqualified to discharge their military duties in a manner creditable to themselves or advantageous to the public service. Nor was it to be expected that this de scription of people could appreciate the importance of the great desiderata in all armies, discipline and subordination. It has been found, by sad experience, that but little depend ence can be placed on an army of militia, and those whose term of service is so short that they are almost continually fluctuating from camp to their farms, and in whom the 5 60 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. noble spirit of patriotism is in a considerable degree ex tinguished. There is another evil of a very serious com plexion which has manifested itself in our camp. Since the troops from the Southern states have been incorporated and associated in military duty with those from New Eng land, a strong prejudice has assumed its unhappy influence, and drawn a line of distinction between them. Many of the officers from the South are gentlemen of education, and unaccustomed to that equality which prevails in New England; and, however desirable, it could scarcely be expected that people from distant colonies, differing in manners and prejudices, could at once harmonize in friendly intercourse. Hence we too frequently hear the burlesque epithet of Yankee from one partjr, and that of Buck-skin, by way of -retort, from the other. The troops which com pose the continental army being enlisted for a few months only, their time of service will soon expire. Congress, being apprised of the absolute necessity of a permanent army, have lately resolved, "to raise a standing army to consist of about seventy-five thousand men, to serve for the term of three years, or during the war." These troops, when raised, are to be systematically arranged on the con tinental establishment, and according to their apportion ment, the quota of Massachusetts is fifteen battalions, or about twelve thousand men. To encourage enlistments, each soldier is to receive a bounty of twenty dollars, besides his wages and allowance of rations, and one hundred acres of land, if he serve during the war. The officers are to receive land in proportion to their respective ranks, from two hundred to five hundred acres. Their monthly pay is to be as follows: Colonel, a month, $75 00 Lieutenant-Colonel, GO 00 Mnjor 5000 Chaplain, 3333 Surgeon, 33 33 Surgeoti s-Mate, 18 00 Adjutant, 4000 Quarter-Master, 27 50 Regimental Pay-M aster, 26 67 Captain, 41) 00 Lieutenant, $27 00 Ensign, 20 00 Sergeant-Major, 9 00 Quarter-Master Sergeant, 9 00 Drum-Major, 8 00 Fife-Major, 8 33 Sergeant, 8 00 Corporal, 7 33 Drummer and Fifer, 7 33 Privates, 6 67 Each commissioned officer is allowed the privilege of taking a soldier from the ranks for a waiter, and he is_ex- empted from camp and other duty, except in time of action. MILITAEY JOUENAL, 1776. g^ The officers are also allowed a number of rations in pro portion to their i;ank. A surgeon draws three, and a mate two rations. One pound of beef or pork; one pound of bread or flour a day; a small quantity of vegetables, when to be had; one gill of rum or whiskey a day; a small quantity of vinegar, salt, soap and candles, a week, con- : stitute a ration. Ticonderoga is situated on an angle of land forming the western shore of Lake Champlain ; or rather what is called South Bay; being the inlet into the lake. It is about twelve miles south of the old fortress at Crown Point; and about one hundred and ten miles north of Albany. This point of land is surrounded on three sides by water, and on the north-west side it is well defended by the old French lines and several block-houses. The works at this place were originally erected by the French, in 1756, and the post was considered of high importance by both the French and English, as commanding the pass direct from Canada to the provinces of New York and New England. In the war between the English and French, in the year 1759, it was surrendered to General Amherst, which was a prelude to the conquest of Canada by the English an<J Provincial army. In 1775, after the commencement of hostilities at Lexington, this post was taken from the English, by a small party of militia volunteers under command of Colo nel Allen and Colonel Arnold, which put the Provincials in possession of a large number of cannon, mortars and other ordnance; a part of which was transported to Cam bridge during the siege of Boston. On the east side of South Bay, directly opposite to Ticonderoga, is a high circular hill, on the summit of which our army has erected a strong fort, within which is a square of barracks. This is called Mount Independence. A communication is main tained between the two places by a floating bridge thrown across the lake, which is about four hundred yards wide. The army stationed at this post at present is supposed to consist of about eight or ten thousand men, and Major- General Gates is commander-in-chief. We have a naval armament on Lake Champlain, below this garrison, which is commanded by the intrepid General Arnold; General Waterbury is second in command. The British have also a naval armament, of superior force, at the head of which (32 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. is the celebrated Sir Guy Carleton. Preparations are making on both sides for a vigorous combat to decide which power shall have dominion on the lake Should Sir Guy Carleton be able to defeat our fleet, it is supposed that he will pursue his victorious career by an attempt to possess himself of this garrison ; and our troops are making the utmost exertion to put our works in the best possible state of defence. Each regiment has its alarm-post assign ed, and they are ordered to repair to it, and to man the lines at day -light every morning. Among pur defensive weapons ar^ poles, about twelve feet long, armed with sharp iron points, which each soldier is to employ against the assailants when mounting the breastworks. We are happy to learn from head-quarters that the two continental generals, taken in the action on Long Island, Lord Stirling and Major-General Sullivan, have returned to our camp; being exchanged for General Prescott, captured in Canada, and Governor Brown, who was brought off from New Providence by one of our armed vessels. October. By some gentlemen from head-quarters, near New York, we are amused with an account of a singular machine, invented by a Mr. D. Bushnell of Connecticut, for the purpose of destroying the British shipping by explosion. This novel machine was so ingeniously con structed, that, on examination, Major-General Putnam was decidedly of opinion that its operations might be attended with the desired success ; accordingly he encour aged the inventor, and resolved to be himself a spectator of the experiment on the British shipping in New York harbor. Mr. Bushnell gave to his machine the name of American Turtle or Torpedo. It was constructed on the principles of submarine navigation, and on trial it has been ascertained that it might be rowed horizontally, at any given depth under water, and the adventurer, concealed within, might rise or sink, as occasion requires. A mag azine of powder was attached to it in such a manner as to be screwed into the bottom of the ship; and being now disengaged from the machine, the operator retires in safety, leaving the internal clock-work in motion; and at the distance of half an hour, or an hour, the striking of a gun lock communicates fire to the powder, and the explosion takes place. It was determined to make the experiment MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1776. gg with this machine in the night, on the ship Eagle, of sixty- four guns, on board of which admiral Lord Howe com manded. General Putnam placed himself on the wharf to witness the result. Mr. Bushnell had instructed his brother in the management of the Torpedo with perfect dexterity; but being taken sick, a sergeant of a Connecticut regiment was selected for the business, who, for want of time, could not be properly instructed. He, however, succeeded so far as to arrive in safety with his apparatus under the bottom of the ship, when the screw, designed to perforate the copper sheathing, unfortunately struck against an iron plate, near the rudder, which, with the strong current and want of skill in the operator, frustrated the enterprise; and, as day-light had begun to appear, the sergeant aban doned his magazine, and returned in the Torpedo to the shore. In less than half an hour a terrible explosion from the magazine took place, and threw into the air a prodi gious column of water, resembling a great water-spout, attended with a report like thunder. General Putnam and others, who waited with great anxiety for the result, were exceedingly amused with the astonishment and alarm which this secret explosion occasioned on board of the ship. This failure, it is confidently asserted, is not to be attributed to any defect in the principles of this won derful machine; as it is allowed to be admirably calculated to execute destruction among the shipping. 10th. By intelligence from our fleet, on the lake, we are in daily expectation of a decisive naval action, as the British are known to have a superior force; our officers, here, I understand, are full of anxiety respecting the im portant event. Great confidence is reposed in the judg ment and bravery of General Arnold, whom General Gates has appointed to command our fleet. loth. I have now to record an account of a naval en gagement between the two fleets on Lake Champlain. The British, under command of Sir Guy Carleton, advanced on the llth instant, and found our fleet in a line of battle prepared for the attack. A warm action soon ensued, and became extremely close and severe, with round and grape shot, which continued about four hours* Brigadier-Gen eral Waterbury, in the Washington galley, fought with undaunted bravery, till nearly all his officers were killed 64: MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. and wounded, and his vessel greatly injured; when Gen eral Arnold ordered the remaining shattered vessels to retire up the lake, towards Crown Point, in order to refit. On the 13th, they were overtaken by the enemy, and the action was renewed, in which was displayed the greatest intrepidity on both sides. The Washington galley, being crippled in the first action, was soon obliged to strike and surrender. General Arnold conducted during the action with great judgment, firmness and gallantry, obstinately defending himself against a superior force, both in num bers and weight of metal. At length, however, he was so closely pressed that his situation became desperate, and he run his own vessel, the Congress galley, on shore, which with five gondolas were abandoned and blown up. Out of sixteen of our vessels, eleven were taken or destroyed, five only arrived safe at this place. Two of the enemy s gondolas were sunk by our fleet, and one blown up with sixty men. Their loss in men is supposed to be equal to our own, which is estimated at about one hundred. A large number of troops were on board the British fleet, consisting of regulars, Canadians and savages, which have been landed on each side of the lake, and it is now expected that Sir Guy Carleton, at the head of his army, reported to be about ten thousand strong, will soon invest this post. By order of General Gates, our commander, the greatest exertions are constantly making, by strengthening our works, to enable us to give them a warm reception ; and our soldiery express a strong desire to have an opportunity of displaying their courage and prowess; both officers and men are full of activity and vigilance. I8lh. It is now ascertained that the British army and fleet have established themselves at Crown Point, and are strengthening the old fortifications at that place. Some of their vessels have approached within a few miles of our garrison, and one boat came within cannon-shot distance of our lower battery, in order to reconnoitre and sound the channel; but a few shot having killed two men, and wounded another, soon obliged her to retire. All our troops are ordered to repair to their alarm posts, and man the lines*and works; every morning, our continental colors are advantageously displayed on the ramparts, and our cannon and spears are in readiness for action. MILITARY JOUBXAL, 1776. $5 20th. Ever since the defeat of our fleet we have been providentially favored with a strong southerly wind, which has prevented the enemy s advancing to attack our lines, and afforded us time to receive some reinforcements of militia, and to prepare for a more vigorous defence. It seems now to be the opinion of many of our most judicious officers, that had Sir Guy Carleton approached with his army, immediately after his victory on the lake, the strug gle must have been most desperate, and the result precari ous; but we now feel more confidence in our strength. Several letters, lately received from Canada, acknowl edge that no man ever manoeuvred with more dexterity, fought with more bravery, or retreated with more firmness, than did General Arnold on the llth and 12th instant. After making every effort to compensate, by the advantage of situation, for the inferiority of force, and seeing his own vessel, and the rest, torn to pieces by the superior weight of metal, and the execution of the enemy s howitzers, he set fire to his vessel, and would not quit her till she was so completely in flames that it was impossible for the enemy to strike her colors on their arrival, and they were left flying among the flames to the last. This, says one of the letters, was supporting a point of honor in a manner al most romantic; yet so it was. November 1st. The enemy remain at Crown Point, and evince no disposition to molest our garrison, having prob ably discovered that our means of defence are too formi dable for them to encounter. General Gates has now ordered a detachment of troops to march towards Crown Point, to reconnoitre their position, or to attack them. A report was soon returned that the whole fleet and army have abandoned Crown Point, and retired into Canada, where they will probably occupy their winter-quarters in peace, and it is not probable that Sir Guy Carleton intends to invest our garrison, at this advanced season, unless, however, he should attempt it by marching his army over the ice, when the lake is frozen, which will probably be very practicable. 15^/z. Ticonderoga is situated in about latitude forty- four degrees. I have no means in possession of ascertain ing the precise degree of cold; but we all agree that it is colder here than in Massachusetts at the same season. The 66 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. earth has not yet been covered with snow, but the frost is so considerable that the water of the lake is congealed, and the earth is frozen. We are comfortably situated in our barracks; our provisions are now good, and having no enemy near enough to alarm or disturb us, we have nothing of importance to engage our attention. Our troops are quite healthy, a few cases of rheumatism and pleurisy comprise our sick-list, and it is. seldom that any fatal cases occur. December Wth. Intelligence has lately arrived at head quarters here, that a British fleet, and a detachment of five or six thousand of the royal army have taken posses sion of Newport, in Rhode Island, without any opposition; many of the inhabitants being friendly to the royal cause, they were received as friends. By letters from officers, and by other information from our main army, we learn with sorrow that our affairs in that quarter are in a most deplorable and almost desperate situation. Since the evacuation of New York, several battles and skirmishes have taken place between the two armies, with consider able loss on both sides ; but his excellency the commander- in-chief has constantly avoided a general action. Fort Washington and Fort Lee have fallen into the harfds of the enemy, with a considerable number of prisoners ; and our army being reduced to the lowest ebb, discouraged and dispirited, are retreating through the Jerseys, and the enemy in close pursuit. The continental army has even crossed the Delaware, and left the whole state of Jersey in the possession of the royal army. 20th. Another disaster of much importance is the cap ture of Major-General Lee; on the 13th instant, marching at the head of his division to join the main army, he very incautiously took up his lodgings at a house three or four miles from his troops. Information of this was, by some tories, communicated to Colonel Harcourt of the British light-horse, who resolved to attempt his capture. Accord ingly, with a detachment of dragoons, he speedily sur rounded the house; made General Lee his prisoner, and not permitting him time to take his cloak and hat, mounted him on a horse, and in triumph conveyed him to New York. The loss of this favorite general officer, it is feared, will be attended with very serious consequences, as respects MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1776. (57 the American cause. He was from his youth an officer in the British service, where he sustained a reputation of the highest grade, as a brave and skilful warrior. Having adopted our country, and become a zealous advocate for its liberties, he had acquired the confidence and highest regard of the public, and was exalted to the rank of second in command in our army. Such is now the gloomy aspect of our affairs that the whole country has taken the alarm ; strong apprehensions are entertained that the British will soon have it in their power to vanquish the whole of the remains of the con tinental army. The term of service of a considerable part of our troops has nearly expired, and new recruits do not arrive in sufficient numbers to supply their places. His Excellency General Washington is continually making every possible effort to produce a change of circumstan ces more auspicious to our country. The critical and dis tressing situation in which he is placed is sufficient to overwhelm the powers of any man of less wisdom and magnanimity than our commander-in-chief. He has the confidence and the affection of the officers and soldiers of the whole army; and there is not perhaps another man to be found so well calculated to discharge the duties of his important and responsible station. It is generally agreed by our officers that, in his retreat through the Jerseys and over the Delaware, under the most pressing difficulties, he displayed the talents and wisdom characteristic of a great military commander, possessing unfailing resources of mind. While retreating through the Jerseys with an army not exceeding three thousand five hundred men, and deeming our cause as almost desperate, he said to Colonel Eeed, passing his hand over his throat, "My neck does not feel as though it was made for a halter: we must retire to Augusta county in Virginia, and if overpovverd we must pass the Alleghany mountains." General Wash ington at this time was suffering the most agonizing dis tress for the fate of his army and his country. The king s commissioners, flushed with the success of the royal army, have availed themselves of the occasion, and put forth another proclamation, granting pardons to all those who shall within sixty days subscribe a declaration to re main peaceable, not to take up arms, nor encourage others 68 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1776. to net against the king s authority; and at the same time, they charge and command all who are assembled in arms against his majesty to disband, and all under the names of general and Provincial Congress committees, &c. to de sist from their treasonable practices, and relinquish their usurped power within sixty days from the date of the proclamation. This production, couched in the haughty style of royal authority, demands submission of those who have long since been compelled to abjure all allegiance to the British crown. How far the people of this continent may be disposed to retrace their steps, to abandon the government of their choice, relinquish their independence and succumb to arbitrary power, is a point to be decided within sixty days. However apparently forlorn is our situation, we presume to hope that his majesty s commissioners will not realize their sanguine expectations, though British clem ency on the one hand, and the gallows on the other, may be the alternative. The Congress resolved, on the 12th instant, that it be recommended to all the United States as soon as possible to appoint a day of fasting and humiliation. This is according to the custom of our pious ancestors in times of imminent dangers and difficulties. Considering the rapid movements of the enemy, and knowing it to be their intention to possess themselves of the city of Phila delphia, the Congress have resolved to retire to Baltimore in Maryland. They have also ordered, that hand-bills be circulated through the states with the view of rousing the whole people to a sense of the impending danger, and the calamities that will ensue should the enemy succeeded in the attempt to get possession of the capital. 2Qth.A singular kind of riot took place in our barracks last evening, attended by some unpleasant consequences. Colonel A. W. of Massachusetts, made choice of his two sons, who were soldiers in his regiment, to discharge the menial duties of waiters, and one of them having been brought up a shoe-maker, the colonel was so inconsiderate as to allow him to work on his bench in the same room with himself. The ridiculous conduct has for some time drawn on the good old man the contemptuous sneers of the gentlemen officers, especially those from Pennsylvania. Lieutenant-Colonel C. of Wayne s regiment, being warmed MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. $9 with, wine, took on himself the task of reprehending the "Yankee" colonel for thus degrading his rank. With this view he rushed into the room in the evening, and soon despatched the shoe-maker s bench; after which, he made an assault on the colonel s person, and bruised him severely. The noise and confusion soon collected a number of offi cers and soldiers, and it was a considerable, time before the rioters could be quelled. Some of the soldiers of Colonel Wayne s regiment actually took to their arms and dared the Yankees, and then proceeded to the extremity of firing their guns. About thirty or forty rounds were aimed at the soldiers of our regiment, who were driven from their huts and barracks, and several of them were severely wounded. Colonel C., in making an assault on a superior officer, and encouraging a riot, is guilty of one of the highest crimes in our articles of war. It was in the power of Colonel W., and in fact it was his duty, to bring the audacious offenders to exemplary punishment; but, as if to complete the disgrace of the transaction, Colo nel C. sent some soldiers into the woods to shoot a fat bear, with which he made an entertainment, and invited Colonel W. and his officers to partake of it; this effected a recon ciliation; and Colonel W. was induced to* overlook the high-handed assault on his own person and on the lives of his soldiers. Our colonel is a serious, good man, but is more conversant with the economy of domestic life than , the etiquette practised in camp. January oth. At the close of the last year, the situation of our main army was gloomy and discouraging: a large proportion of the troops had retired from service, as their term of enlistment expired, and the small remains of our army was retreating before the enemy, and passed the Delaware for safety. It is now announced in our general orders, to our inexpressible joy and satisfaction, that the scene is in some degree changed, the fortune of war is re versed, and Providence has been pleased to crown the efforts of our commander-in-chief with a splendid victory. His excellency, having obtained information that the ad vanced party of the enemy, consisting of about fifteen hundred Hessians and British light-horse, under command of Colonel Rahl, was stationed at the village of Trenton, concerted a plan for taking them by surprise. For this 70 MILITAEY JOUKNAL, 1777. purpose lie made choice of Christmas night, under the idea that in consequence of the festivity, they might be less vigilantly guarded. At this time the whole force under his immediate command did not exceed three thou sand men. At the head of about two thousand four hun dred men, one division being commanded by General Greene and the other by General Sullivan, he crossed the river Delaware in boats, in the night of the 25th of De cember, during a severe storm of snow and rain. The passage of the boats was rendered extremely difficult and hazardous by the ice, and part of the troops and cannon actually failed in the attempt. Having landed on the Jersey shore, he had nine miles to march, and he reached the village about seven o clock in the morning with such promptitude and secrecy, as to attack the enemy almost as soon as his approach was discovered. A smart firing ensued, which continued but a few minutes, when the enemy, finding themselves surrounded, threw down their arms and surrendered as prisoners. Colonel Kahl, the commanding officer, was mortally wounded, and seven other officers were wounded and left at Trenton on their parole. About thirty-five soldiers were killed, sixty wounded, and nine hundred and forty-eight, including thirty officers, were taken prisoners, amounting in all to one thousand and forty-eight. Of the Continentals not more than ten, it is supposed, were killed and wounded. General Washington recrossed the Delaware the same day in triumph, bringing off six excellent brass cannon, about one thousand two hundred small arms, and three standards, with a quantity of baggage, &c. This very brilliant achievement is highly honorable to the commander-in- chief, and to all that were engaged in the enterprise. We are sanguine in the hope that this most auspicious event will be productive of the happiest effects, by inspiriting our dejected army, and dispelling that panic of despair into which the people have been plunged. General Washington allowed the Hessian prisoners to retain their baggage, and sent them into the interior of Pennsylvania, ordering that they be treated with favor and humanity. This conduct, so contrary to their expectations, excited their gratitude and veneration for their amiable conqueror, whom they styled, "a very good rebel." M1LITAEY JOURNAL, 1777. 71 15th. By some friends from the main army, and from current report, it appears that the British, having overrun the Jerseys, considered the Continental army as on the point of annihilation, and flattered themselves that what they term the rebellion, is effectually crushed. In their march through the Jerseys they have committed such licentious ravages and desolation, as must be deemed dis graceful by all civilized people ; an indiscriminate robbery and plundering mark every step of their progress; rapine and murder, without distinction of friend or foe, age or sex, has been put in practice with an inexorable spirit, and countenanced by officers of rank and distinction. Even those unfortunate inhabitants who have been deluded by their promises, and received printed protections, are equally sufferers by these cruel and atrocious wretches. Hundreds of inhabitants, both male and female, have been deprived of their dwellings and sustenance, stripped of their clothing, and exposed to the inclemency of the winter, and to personal insult and abuse of almost every descrip tion. But their wicked career is about to be checked. Providence will not suffer such enormities to be perpetrated with impunity. Those miserable inhabitants, whose lives have been spared, are driven to desperation, and feel that they have no hope but in the extirpation of their cruel enemies. The people who have been subdued have, with a noble spirit, risen on their conquerors, and are resolved to revenge the injuries which they have suffered. We are now informed of another very important advan tage which General Washington has gained over the royal army by means of a well-concerted stratagem. After his success at Trenton, General Washington received consid erable reinforcements of troops from Virginia and Mary land, and some regiments of militia, which enabled him again to cross the Delaware into the Jerseys and face the enemy. While at Trenton, Lord Cornwallis advanced to attack him, and a severe cannonade commenced. In the evening, General Washington ordered a great number of fires to be lighted up, and leaving a sufficient number of men to keep them burning during the night, to deceive the enemy, stole a march with his main army, taking a circuitous route, and, at nine o clock the next morning, attacked three regiments of the British who were posted 72 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. at Princeton, routed them, and drove them from their re doubts. By this masterly manoeuvre, the enemy lost about five hundred in killed, wounded and prisoners. The loss on our side is very inconsiderable in point of numbers, but we have to lament the death of Brigadier-General Mercer, a brave officer, who commanded the Virginia mil itia. The fact is published, that after General Mercer sur rendered himself, the enemy, deaf to the voice of humanity, stabbed him with their bayonets, and with the butt end of a musket battered and disfigured his face in a savage manner. It is to be remarked, that on this memorable occasion Lord Cornwallis was completely out-generaled; while he was expecting to find the Continental army at their lighted fires at Trenton, he was astonished and con founded to hear the firing occasioned by this same army, beating up their quarters twelve miles in his rear. His lordship immediately repaired by a forced march to Prince ton, but arrived too late to retaliate on his vigilant antagonist, who had taken up his route to Morristown. Finding that the Continentals were out of his reach, his lordship proceeded without halting to Brunswick. Strat agems in war, when wisely concerted, and judiciously ex ecuted, are considered as characterizing a military genius of superior order, and is a quality of inestimable value in every commander. It is often exultingly remarked in our camp, that Washington was born for the salvation of his country, and that he is endowed with all the talents and abilities necessary to qualify him for the great undertaking. The militia of Jersey, immediately on their being liberated from the control of the British, flew to arms, exasperated and stimulated by a recollection of their sufferings, and have become their most bitter and determined enemies ; and are very active and vigilant in harassing them on all occasions, keeping a ^continual watch, and cutting off "small parties whenever opportunities offer. It is gratifying to the army that Congress have conferred on their General issimo more ample powers, and appointed him Dictator for the limited term of six months; to reform and new-model the military arrangements, in such manner as he may judge most advantageous for the public service. Much good is expected to result from this measure. 30th. It is with infinite satisfaction we learn that the MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1777. 73 royal army has been compelled to quit almost every part of the Jerseys, and that our army is pursuing them from post to post, and they find no security but in the vicinity of their shipping. General Washington has issued a proclamation, com manding all persons having taken the oath of allegiance ,to Great Britain, and accepted protections and certificates, to deliver up the same, and take the oath of allegiance to the United States granting at the same time full liberty to all those who prefer the protection of Great Britain to the freedom and happiness of their country, forthwith to withdraw themselves and families to the enemy s lines. The winter hitherto has been mild and temperate ; Lake Champlain is now frozen over, and the ice is about one foot thick ; the earth is covered with snow, but the storms have not been very violeat, and the cold not so intense as might be expected in a northern climate. There have been frequent instances of persons being detected lurking about the country who are employed by the enemy in en listing soldiers for the tory regiments in New York. In order effectually to prevent this nefarious conduct, every person of this description who may fall into our hands is to be tried by a court martial, and if found guilty, will be executed as a spy. A few days since one Daniel Strong was found lurking about our army at Peekskill, and on examination enlisting orders were found sewed in his clothes; he was immediately tried as a spy from the ene my, sentenced to suffer death, and was executed accordingly. February. The present unfortunate situation of General Lee, who is in close confinement in the provost prison, in New York, affords a topic for general conversation both in and out of the army. A correspondence between Geti- eral Washington and General Howe has taken place rela tive to the subject, from which it appears that General Lee receives the most rigid and ungenerous treatment, under the absurd pretence that he is a deserter from the British service, when it is well known that he resigned his com mission long before he recewed an appointment in our army. As we have not in our possession any British officers of equal rank, General Washington has proposed to make an exchange of six Hessian field-officers for Gen eral Lee, that being considered as the usual proportion for 74 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. the disparity of rank. This proposal being rejected, his excellency next required of General Howe, that General Lee should receive from his hands treatment suitable to his rank, and such as the custom of all armies has pre scribed for prisoners of war. If this should be refused, General Howe was assured, that the unpleasant expedient of retaliation should be immediately adopted. This un happy affair soon arrested the attention of Congress, and they resolved "that General Washington inform General Howe, that should the proffered exchange of General Lee not be accepted, and the ill treatment of him be continued, the principle of retaliation shall occasion five of the Hes sian field-officers, together with Lieutenant-Colonel A. Campbell, or any other officers that are or may be in our possession, equivalent in number or quality, to be detained in order that the same treatment which General Lee shall receive may be exactly inflicted on their persons." The result of this unfortunate business is, that the threatened retaliation has been resorted to on our part, and that Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell and five Hessian field-officers are committed to prison, and subjected to the same rigor ous treatment which it has been ascertained is inflicted on the person of General Lee. Lieutenant-Colonel Camp bell, being on parole near Boston, is confined in the jail at Concord. In a letter to General Howe, which has been published, after acknowledging the liberal and generous attention which he had previously received, he describes his present condition as being most horrid, and in his view altogether unjustifiable. It remains therefore with General Howe to afford to Colonel Campbell all the relief which he desires, and extend to him all the comforts and privi leges which his rank demands, by first relaxing his sever ity, and complying with the rules of war, as respects General Lee; it being the determination of our govern ment to place the British prisoners in precisely the same circumstances with our prisoners in their custody. My leisure hours permit me to advert to another subject which excites the interest and the 4 inexpressible indignation of every American. I allude to the abominable conduct of the British commanders towards our unfortunate officers and soldiers, who, by the fortune of war, have fallen into their hands. In all countries and armies, prisoners of war BRIGADIER GENERAL HENRY LEE> MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 75 Lave a just claim on the duties of humanity; from the moment of their captivity hostilities should cease, the sword should be sheathed; being themselves disarmed, no arm can of right be lifted against them, and while they conduct in a manner becoming their condition, they are entitled to the customary immunities and to be treated with lenity. Among the savage tribes we know their captives are tor tured by fire, by the seal ping-knife, and the tomahawk, but we are yet, and, for the honor of human nature, hope we ever shall remain, unacquainted with any civilized nation, except the English, who devote their captives to various forms of destruction. It would seem that the application of the term rebel to our prisoners, is sufficient to reconcile the consciences of their victors to inflict on them the most unprecedented cruelties. The following is a brief sum mary of the sj^stematic method adopted and practised for their destruction, as taken from the New London Gazette, from General Washington s letter of complaint to General Howe, arid from the verbal statement of the officers and soldiers who have returned from New York by exchange. They were crowded into the holds of prison-ships, where they were almost suffocated for want of air, and into churches, and open sugar-houses, &c., without covering or a spark of fire. Their allowance of provisions and water for three days, was insufficient for one, and in some instan ces, they were for four days entirely destitute of food. The pork and bread, for they had no other sustenance, and even the water allowed them, were of the worst pos sible quality, and totally unfit for human beings. A minute detail of their dreadful sufferings would only serve to harrow up the feelings of surviving friends ; as a gross outrage against the principles of humanity, suffice it to say, that in consequence of the most barbarous treatment, died within a few weeks, not less than fifteen hundred American soldiers, brave young men, the pride and shield of our country. After death had released the sufferers, their bodies were dragged out of .the prisons, and piled up without doors, till enough were collected for a cart-load, when they were carted out and tumbled into a ditch, and slightly covered with earth. Besides the above diabolical treatment, the prisoners were continually insulted and tan talized by the British officers and malicious tories, cursing 6 76 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. and swearing at them as rebels, saying, "this is the just punishment of your rebellion; nay, you are treated too well for rebels, you have not received half you deserve, and half you shall receive; but if you will enlist in his majesty s service, you shall have victuals and clothing enough." Thus these callous-hearted Englishmen meanly endeavored to augment the royal army by the enlistment of American prisoners, or to diminish the number of their opposers; but such was the integrity and patriotism of these men, that hundreds submitted to death rather than become rebels to their native country. In one instance, four of our wounded officers, of respectable rank, were put into a common dirt-cart, and conveyed through the streets of New York as objects of derision, reviled as rebels, and treated with the utmost contempt.* But, it may be inquired, if I mean to describe the British com manders as transformed into demons? I only record notorious facts, and it is not my journal, but the faithful and impartial pages of history that will transmit to posterity this stigma on the English character. Gracious Heavens! are these the people from whom we de rive our origin, and who are inviting the Americans to a reconciliation? A more dreadful curse can scarcely be de nounced ! It is worthy of observation, that the British and Hessian prisoners in our hands were treated in a manner directly the reverse of that just described, and they never found cause to complain. It is some satisfaction to , find, that since the brilliant success of our army in the Jerseys, and a considerable number of British and Hessians having fallen into our hands, the cruel severities inflicted on our * A friend who was unfortunately a prisoner in Ne\v York, has recently favored me with the following facts: In 1776, a number of prisoners were made by the British in our retreat from Long Island. Among others, a Lieutenant Dunscomb, of New York. He and his fellow- officers were ordered before the commanding-general, who, in harsh language, reproached them for their crime of rebellion and its necessary consequences. A gentleman present, began to plead their youth as an apology. It won t do, said General Howe, you shall all be hanged! "Hang, and be d d," said Dunscomb. They hanged no one that I know of, but they played the fool by going through the farce of milking them ride with a rope round their necks seated on coffins to the gallows. Otho Williams, subsequently adjutant-general to the southern army, and a most worthy and amiable gentleman, I particu larly know was treated in this manner. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 77 prisoners have been in some degree mitigated. To the foregoing unparalleled catalogue of criminal proceedings, I have to add, from another writer, that the enemy wan tonly destroyed the New York water- works, an elegant public library at Trenton, and the grand orrery made by the celebrated Kittenhouse, which was placed in the college at Princeton, a piece of mechanism which the most untutored savage, staying the hand of violence, would have beheld with wonder and delight. Thus are our cruel enemies warring against liberty, virtue and the arts and sciences. To make war against literature and learning is the part of barbarians. I cannot resist the temptation to transcribe a few paragraphs from an elegant speech of Governor Livingston to the general assembly of the state of New Jersey, March the 5th. "They have plundered friends and foes; effects, capable of division, they have divided ; such as were not, they have destroyed : they have warred on decrepid old age, warred on defenceless youth ; they have committed hostilities against the professors of literature and the ministers of religion, against public re cords and private monuments; books of improvement, and papers of curiosity; and against the arts and sciences. They have butchered the wounded, asking for quarter; mangled the dead, weltering in their blood; refused to the dead the rites of sepulture; suffered prisoners to perish for want of sustenance; insulted the persons of females; disfigured private dwellings of taste and elegance, and, in the rage of impiety and barbarism, profaned edifices dedi cated to Almighty God." Lake Charnplain is now open, and free from ice in its whole extent, and the hostile Indians begin to lurk about our lines, laying wait for their prey. A party of these savages in the British interest, a few days since, discovered about thirty of our unarmed recruits on their way to join their corps at Fort George; they immediately made their attack, killed and tomahawked some, made several pris oners, and escaped towards Canada; a few of these men fortunately escaped, and several that were wounded were brought into our lines. Colonel Whitcomb with a party of continentals was ordered to pursue the Indians; he over took part of them, and killed several, but the prisoners were carried off beyond his reach. 78 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. An enterprise of little importance has lately been put in execution by a detachment of royalists from New York. Their object was to destroy some stores which were de posited at Peekskill. General McDougal, who had the command of the post, with a small number of men, found it prudent to retire, and the enemy accomplished in part the object of the expedition. Lieutenant-Colonel Willet, however, with only sixty men, came on them by surprise, when a skirmish ensued, which obliged them to retire with great precipitation on board their vessels in the North Kiver, after having suffered a considerable loss. p~ April 1st. The term of service of Colonel Whitcomb s I regiment having expired, they have now left the service, and returned to New England. Having received an in vitation from Dr. Jonathan Potts, the surgeon-general in this department, to accept the office of surgeon s-mate in the general hospital, I have received the said appointment, and commenced my official duties accordingly at this place ; Dr. D. Townsend being at the same time appointed senior surgeon. We find here about eighty soldiers laboring under various diseases, and eight or ten that have been cruelly wounded by the savages who have been skulking in the woods in the vicinity. In our retired situation here, we are unacquainted with any military transactions in other quarters till they transpire in the public papers. May. It is just announced that the enemy have under taken an expedition to Danbury, in Connecticut, for the purpose of destroying a magazine of stores at that place. Governor Try on, a major-general of the Provincial troops in New York, was the commander of the detachment, con sisting of one thousand eight hundred men, and Brigadier- General Agnew and Sir W. Erskine were commanders under him. When the enemy had landed and commenced their operations in their usual manner, by burning and destroying houses and other buildings, the country was alarmed, the militia collected, and were commanded by Major-General Wooster, Brigadier-Generals Arnold and Silliman. A smart action soon ensued, and continued about one hour, in which our militia and a small number of continentals conducted with distinguished bravery, but being overpowered by a superior force, they were obliged to retreat. The amount of stores destroyed by the enemy : :, MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1777. 79 was very considerable, but the loss of valuable officers and men is infinitely more important. General Wooster was mortally wounded, and died soon after. Lieutenant-Colo nel Gould and four or five other officers were killed, and about sixty men were killed and wounded. Among the slain is Dr. Atwater, a respectable character, whose death is greatly lamented. General Arnold had his horse shot under him when within ten yards of the enemy, and a soldier was advancing with fixed bayonet towards him, when, with great presence of mind, he drew his pistol from his holsters, and instantly shot him through the body. On the side of the royalists the loss, as stated by General Howe, is one hundred and seventy-two in killed, wounded and missing, but by other accounts it is much more con siderable. Among their wounded is Brigadier-General Agnew and two other field-officers. A Captain Roofa and his lieutenant, two noted tories, lately taken in arms as they were marching towards the enemy, were condemned by a court martial, and hanged at Esopus, in the state of New York, as a suitable reward, says a writer in the newspaper, for their treasonable prac tices, they having induced a number of others to enlist in the service of the enemy. June. Congress have appointed Major-General Schuyler to command in the northern department, including Albany, Ticonderoga, Fort Stanwix and their dependencies, and Major-General St. Clair has the immediate command of the posts of Ticonderoga and Mount Independence. It is also understood that the British government have appoint ed Lieutenant-General Burgoyne conirnander-in-chief of their army in Canada, consisting, it is said, of eight or ten thousand men. According to authentic reports, the plan of the British government for the present campaign is that General Burgoyne s army shall take possession of Ticon deroga, and force his way through the country to Albany; to facilitate this event, Colonel St. Leger is to march with a party of British, Germans, Canadians and Indians to the Mohawk river, and make a diversion in that quarter. The royal army at New York, under command of General Howe, is to pass up the Hudson river, and, calculating on success in all quarters, the three armies are to form a junc tion at Albany. Here, probably, the three commanders 30 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. are to congratulate each other on their mighty achieve ments, and the flattering prospect of crushing the rebellion. This being accomplished, the communication between the southern and eastern states will be interrupted, and New England, as they suppose, may become an easy prey. Judging from the foregoing detail, a very active campaign is to be expected, and events of the greatest magnitude are undoubtedly to be unfolded. The utmost exertions are now making to strengthen our works at Ticorideroga, and, if possible, to render the post invulnerable. Mount Inde pendence, directly opposite to Ticonderoga, is strongly fortified and well supplied with artillery. On the summit of the mount, which is table-land, is erected a strong fort, in the centre of which is a convenient square of barracks, a part of which are occupied for our hospital. The com munication between these two places is maintained by a floating bridge; it is supported on twenty -two sunken piers of very large timber, the spaces between these are rilled with separate floats, each about fifty feet long and twelve wide, strongly fastened together with iron chains and rivets. A boom composed of large pieces of timber, well secured together by riveted bolts, is placed on the north side of the bridge, and by the side of this is placed a double iron chain, the links of which are one and a half inch square. The construction of this bridge, boom and chain, of four hundred yards in length, has proved a most laborious undertaking, and the expense must have been immense. It is, however, supposed to be admirably adapted to the double purpose of a communication, and an impenetrable barrier to any vessels that might attempt to pass our works. By way of amusement I went with three gentlemen of our hospital to endeavor to explore a high mountain in this vicinity. With much difficulty we clambered up and reached the summit. From this commanding eminence we had one of the most singularly romantic views which imagination can paint. Northward we behold Lake Champlain, a prodigious expanse of unruffled water, widen ing and straitening as the banks and clifts project into its channel. This lake extends about one hundred miles towards Quebec, and is from one to five miles wide. On each side is a thick uninhabited wilderness, variegated by hills and dales; here the majestic oak, chestnut and pine, MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 3^ rear their lofty heads; there the diminutive shrub forms a thicket for the retreat of wild beasts. Looking south west from our stand, we have a view of part of Lake George, emptying its waters into Lake Champlain, near Ticonderoga. Turning to the east, the prodigious heights called Green Mountains, ascending almost to the clouds, are exhibited to view, with the settlements in that tract of territory called New Hampshire grant. The ancient for tress at Crown Point is about twelve miles north of this place; it is by nature a very strong position, but it has been abandoned by both armies. July 1st. We are now assailed by a proclamation of a very extraordinary nature from General Burgoyne, enu merating a string of titles, which he has doubtless received from his royal master as a reward for his merit. From the pompous manner in which he has arrayed his titles, we are led to suppose that he considers them as more than a match for all the military force which we can bring against him. They stand thus: "By John Burgoync, Esquire, Lieutenant- General of his Majesty s forces in America, Colonel of the Queen s regiment of Light Dragoons, Governor of Fort William, in North Britain, one of the Commons of Great Britain in Parliament, and commanding an army and fleet employed on an expedition from Canada, &c. <c." This sanguinary proclamation is to be viewed as the forerunner of his formidable army, and all the opposers of his authority are menaced with his avenging power. "I have," says the proclamation, "but to give stretch to the Indian forces under my direction, and they amount to thousands, to overtake the hardened enemies of Great Britain and America. I consider !hem the same wherever they may lurk." The British ministry, not satisfied with the disgraceful expedient of hiring foreign mercenaries, resort also to the savages of the wilderness for aid in the glorious cause of tyranny and of spreading the horrors of war by fire and sword throughout our country. The mili tia of New England are daily coming in to increase our strength; the number of our troops, and our ability to de fend the works against the approaching enemy, are con siderations which belong to our commanding officers; in their breasts let the important secret remain, and in their superior judgment our confidence must be reposed. One 32 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. fact, however, is notorious, that when the troops are directed to man the lines, there is not a suilicient number to occupy their whole extent. It appears, nevertheless, so far as I can learn, to be the prevalent opinion, that we shall be able to repel the meditated attack, and defeat the views of the royal commander; both officers and men are in high spirits and prepared for the contest. July 2d. The British army is now approaching; some of their savage allies have been seen in the vicinity of our out works, which, with the block-house beyond the old French lines, has this day been abandoned. On the 3d and 4th, the enemy are making their approaches and gain ing as is supposed some advantages. They have taken possession of Mount Hope, our batteries are now opened, and a cannonading has commenced. General St. Clair endeavors to animate the troops, and orders every man to repair to the alarm-posts at morning and evening roll-call, and to be particularly alert and vigilant. There seems to be a diversity of opinion whether General Burgoyne in tends to besiege our garrison, or to attempt to possess himself of it by an assault on our lines. 5th. It is with astonishment that we find the enemy have taken - possession of an eminence called Sugar-loaf Hill, or Mount Defiance, which, from its height and prox imity, completely overlooks and commands all our works at Ticonderoga and Mount Independence. This mount it is said ought long since to have been fortified by our army, but its extreme difficulty of access, and the want of a suf ficient number of men, are the reasons assigned for its being neglected. The situation of our garrison is viewed as critical and alarming; a few days, it is expected, will decide our fate. We have reason to apprehend the most fatal effects from their battery on Sugar-loaf Hill. lth. By reason of an extraordinary and unexpected event, the course of my Journal has been interrupted for several days. At about twelve o clock, in the night of the 5th instant, I was urgently called from sleep, and informed that our army was in motion, and was instantly to abandon Ticonderoga and Mount Independence. I could scarcely believe that my informant was in earnest, but the confusion and bustle soon convinced me that it was really true, and that the short time allowed demanded my utmost industry. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 33 It was enjoined on me immediately to collect the sick and wounded, and as much of the hospital stores as possible, and assist in embarking them on board the batteaux and boats at the shore. Having with all possible despatch completed our embarkation, at three o clock in the morn ing of the 6th, we commenced our voyage up the South bay to Skeensboro , about thirty miles. Our fleet con sisted of five armed gallies and two hundred batteaux and boats deeply laden with cannon, tents, provisions, invalids and women. We were accompanied by a guard of six hundred men, commanded by Colonel Long, of New Hampshire. The night was moon-light and pleasant, the sun burst forth in the morning with uncommon lustre, the day was fine, the water s surface serene and unruffled. The shore on each side exhibited a variegated view of huge rocks, caverns and clefts, and the whole was bounded by a thick impenetrable wilderness. My pen would fail in the attempt to describe a scene so enchanting! y sublime. The occasion was peculiarly interesting, and we could but look back with regret, and forward with apprehension. We availed ourselves, however, of the means of enlivening our spirits. The drum and fife afforded us a favorite music; among the hospital stores we found many dozen bottles of choice wine, and, breaking off their necks, we cheered our hearts with the nectareous contents. At three o clock in the afternoon we reached our destined port at Skeensboro , being the head of navigation for our gal- lies. Here we were unsuspicious of danger; but, behold! Burgoyne himself was at our heels. In less than two hours we were struck with surprise and consternation by a discharge of cannon from the enemy s fleet, on our gal- lies and batteaux lying at the wharf. By uncommon efforts and industry they had broken through the bridge, boom and chain, which cost our people such immense labor, and had almost overtaken us on the lake, and horridly disastrous indeed would have been our fate. It was not long before it was perceived that a number of their troops and savages had landed, and were rapidly advancing towards our little party. The officers of our guard now attempted to rally the men and form them in battle array, but this was found impossible; every effort proved una vailing, and in the utmost panic they were seen to fly in 84: MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. every direction for personal safety. In this desperate condition, I perceived our officers scampering for their baggage; I ran to the batteau, seized my chest, carried it a short distance, took from it a few articles, and instantly followed in the train of our retreating party. We took the route to Fort Anne, through a narrow defile in the woods, and were so closely pressed by the pursuing enemy, that we frequently heard calls from the rear to "march on, the Indians are at our heels." Having marched all night we reached Fort Anne at five o clock in the morning, where we found provisions for our refreshment. A small rivulet called Wood Creek is navigable for boats from Skeensboro to Fort Anne, by which means some of our invalids and baggage made their escape; but all our cannon, provisions, and the bulk of our baggage, with several invalids, fell into the enemy s hands. On the 7th instant, we received a small reinforcement from Fort Edward, by order of Major-General Schuyler, and on discovering that a detachment of the enemy under command of Colonel Hill had arrived in our vicinity, a party from our fort was ordered to attack them in their covert in the woods. The two parties were soon engaged in a smart skirmish, which continued for several hours, and resulted greatly to our honor and advantage; the enemy, being almost surrounded, were on the point of surrendering, when our ammunition being expended, and a party of Indians arriving and setting up the war-whoop, this being followed by three cheers from their friends the English, the Americans were induced to give way and retreat. One surgeon with a wounded captain and twelve or fifteen privates, were taken and brought into our fort. The surgeon informed me that he was in possession of books, &e. taken from my chest at Skeensboro , and, sin gular to relate, some of the British prisoners obtained in the same manner, and had in their pockeis, a number, of private letters which I had received from, a friend in Mas sachusetts, and which were now returned to me. Fort Anne being a small picket fort of no importance, orders were given to set it on fire, and on the 8th we departed for Fort Edward situated about thirty miles southward, on the banks of Hudson river. General St. Clair, with his main army from Ticonderoga, took a circuitous route MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1777. Q5 through the woods to Hubbardtown and Charlestown, in the New Hampshire grants, and being pursued by a strong detachment from Burgoyne s army, his rear guard, com manded by Colonel Francis, was overtaken, and on the 7th instant, a very close and severe engagement took place, in which bloody conflict, the brave Colonel Francis fell with other valuable officers, while fighting with distin guished gallantry. The Americans made an honorable defence, and finally a secure retreat. We lost in this action about three hundred, in killed, wounded and prisoners. The enemy, according to estimation, about two hundred. On the 12th, General St. Clair arrived here with the re mains of his army, greatly distressed and worn down by fatigue. General Schuyler is commander at this post, he has a small army of continentals and militia, and is making every possible exertion, by taking up bridges, throwing obstructions in the roads and passes, by fallen trees, &c. to impede the march of Burgoyne s army towards Albany. The abandonment of Ticonderoga and Mount Independ ence has occasioned the greatest surprise and alarm. No event could be more unexpected nor more severely feljt throughout our army and country. This disaster has given to our cause a dark and gloomy aspect, but our affairs are not desperate, and our exertions ought to be in proportion to our misfortunes and our exigencies. The conduct of General St. Clair on this occasion has rendered him very unpopular, and subjected him to general censure arid reproach; there are some, indeed, who even accuse him of treachery; but time and calm investigation must decide whether he can vindicate himself as a judicious and prudent commander. There is much reason to suppose that neither the strength of Burgoyne s army, nor the weakness of our garrison were properly considered or generally understood. It must be universally conceded, that when the enemy had effected their great object by hoisting cannon from tree to tree, till they reached the summit of Sugar-loaf Hill, the situation of our garrison had become perilous in the extreme. General Schuyler is not altogether free from public reprehension, alleging that he ought in duty to have been present at Ticonderoga during the critical period. It is predicted by some of our well-informed and respectable characters, that this event, 86 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1777. apparently so calamitous, will ultimately prove advantage ous, by drawing the British army into the heart of our country, and thereby place them more immediately within our power. It may be deemed ludicrous that I should record a rumor so extravagantly ridiculous as the following, but it has received too much credence to be altogether omitted. It has been industriously reported, that Generals Schuyler and St. Glair acted the part of traitors to their country, and that they were paid for their treason by the enemy in silver balls t shot from Burgoyne s guns into our camp, arid that they were collected by order of General St. Glair, and divided between him and General Schuyler. 2oth. The sick soldiers under my care at this place have been accommodated in barracks and tents. I have now received orders to accompany them to the hospital at Al bany, about fifty -five rniles; boats being provided, we embarked about forty sick and invalids, and proceeded down the North river, and arrived on the third day at the place of our destination. August 3d. The pleasing information is received here that Lieutenant-Colonel Barton, of the Rhode Island mili tia, planned a bold exploit for the purpose of surprising and taking Major-General Prescott, the commanding officer of the royal army at Newport. Taking with him, in the night, about forty men in two boats with oars muffled, he had the address to elude the vigilance of the ships of war and guard boats, and having arrived undiscovered at the quarters of General Prescott, they were taken for the sen tinels, and the general was not alarmed till his captors were at the door of his lodging chamber, which was fast closed. A negro man, named Prince, instantly thrust his beetle head through the pannel-door, and seized his victim while in bed. The general s aid-de-camp leaped from a window undressed, and attempted to escape, but was taken, and with the general brought off in safety. In repassing the water guards, General Prescott said to Colonel Barton. "Sir, I did not think it possible you could escape the vigil ance of the water guards." This is the second time that General Prescott has been a prisoner in our hands within two years. This adventure is extremely honorable to the enterprising spirit of Colonel Barton, and is considered as MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 37 ample retaliation for the capture of General Lee by Colo nel Harcourt. The event occasions great joy and exulta tion, as it puts in our possession an officer of equal rank with General Lee, by which means an exchange may be obtained. Congress resolved that an elegant sword should be presented to Colonel Barton for his brave exploit. It has been ascertained that General Howe has relaxed in his rigid treatment of General Lee, and conducted towards him in a manner suitable to his rank. The Hessian officers, on whom retaliation had been inflicted, are also restored to their former condition as prisoners of war. It appears by the papers, that Congress resolved, on the 14th of June last, that the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white ; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation. His Excellency General Washington, at his quarters in the Jerseys, has published a manifesto in answer to General Burgoyne s proclamation, from which I extract a few par agraphs. He observes, " The associated armies in America act from the noblest motives, and for the purest purposes: their common object is liberty. The same principles act uated the arms of Rome in the days of her glory, and the same object was the reward of Roman valor. When these sacred ideas are profaned, when the abominable mixture of mercenary, foreign and savage forces dare to mention the love of country, and the general privileges of mankind" referring to Burgoyne s proclamation, "the freemen of America protest against such abuse of language and pros titution of sentiment." In another paragraph, "We beg leave to observe, if the power of his Britannic Majesty s fleets and armies have been driven from Boston, repulsed from Charleston, cut off at Trenton, expelled the Jerseys, and be now, after almost three campaigns, commencing its operation, that this is a power we do not dread. ; In the close, "Harassed as we are by unrelenting persecution, obliged by every tie to repel violence by force, urged by self-preservation to exert the strength which Providence has given us to defend our natural rights against the ag gressor; we appeal to the hearts of all mankind for the justice of our cause; its event we submit to Him who speaks the fate of nations, in humble confidence that . as 83 MILITAKY JOUENAL, 1777. his omniscient eye taketh note even of the sparrow that falleth to the ground, so He will not withdraw his counte nance from a people who humbly array themselves under his banner in defence of the noblest principles with which he hath adorned humanity." It is a matter of pride to our country that our comrnander-iii-chief has exhibited a production so far surpassing in dignity of sentiment and justness of observation the pompous proclamation to which this is a rejoinder. It is no less satisfactory to reflect, that the measure referred to has not been productive of those glorious advantages to the royal cause, or the dire conse quences as respects our own, which the sanguine spirit of its author had contemplated. .Though he threatened us with all the outrages of war, arrayed in terrific forms, aided by savages eager to be let loose on their prey, yet the proclamation has been viewed rather as a curious model of an ostentatious display of self-importance than a formida ble weapon calculated to awe a free people into submission. 8th. We have just been apprised, by express from the Mohawk country, that Colonel St. Leger and Sir John Johnson, with a body of Britons, Canadians, tories and Indians, had invested Fort Schuyler, one hundred and ten miles from Albany; that General Herkimer, with about eight hundred militia, was advancing to disperse this motley collection, and to relieve the garrison; but unfor tunately he fell into an ambuscade and suffered a consid erable loss. Being himself wounded in both legs, he was seen sitting on a stump, and courageously encouraging his men, by which they maintained their ground and did great execution among the enemy. Several of the Indian chiefs were slain by the first fire, which so disheartened the re mainder, that they were thrown into the greatest confusion, and turning on the tories and other white people, a warm, contention ensued between them, and many of the whites were killed. Colonel Gansevort, the commander of the fort, sent out Lieutenant-Colonel Willet with two hundred and fifty men, who bravely routed the Indians and tories, destroyed their provisions and took their kettles, blankets, muskets, tomahawks, deer-skins, &c. with five colors, and returned to the fort. The brave General Herkimer soon died of his wounds, and one hundred and sixty of his militia-men, having fought like lions, were killed, besides MILITARY JOURNAL, IV 77. 39 a great number wounded. St. Leger s victory over our militia was purchased at a dear price, more than seventy of his Indians were slain, and among them a large pro portion of their most distinguished and favorite warriors, and the survivors were exceedingly dissatisfied. The object of the expedition was far from being accomplished ; the commander did not, however, despair of getting pos session of the fort; for this purpose he sent in a flag de manding a surrender. He greatly magnified his own strength, asserted that Burgoyne was at Albany; and threatened that on refusal his Indians would destroy all the inhabitants in the vicinity, and so soon as they could enter the fort every man would be sacrificed. Colonel Gansevort nobly replied in the negative, being determined to defend the fort at every hazard. Aware, however, of his perilous situation, he found means of sending to Gen eral Schuyler at Still water for assistance. General Arnold was now despatched with a brigade of troops to attack the besiegers; but finding their force greatly superior to his own, he sent back for a reinforcement of one thousand light troops. An object which cannot be accomplished by force is often obtained by means of stratagem. Lieutenant-Colo nel John Brooks, an intelligent officer from Massachusetts, being in advance with a small detachment, fortunately found one Major Butler, a noted officer among the Indians, endeavoring to influence the inhabitants in their favor, and he was immediately secured. A man also by the name of Cuyler, who was proprietor of a handsome estate in the vicinity, was taken up as a spy. Colonel Brooks proposed that he should be employed as a deceptive mes senger to spread the alarm and induce the enemy to retreat. General Arnold soon after arrived, and approved the scheme of Colonel Brooks; it was accordingly agreed that Cuyler should be liberated and his estate secured to him on the condition that he would return to the enemy and make such exaggerated report of General Arnold s force as to alarm and put them to flight. Several friendly In dians being present, one of their head men advised that Cuyler s coat should be shot through in two or three places to add credibility to his story. Matters being thus adj usted, the impostor proceeded directly to the Indian camp, where 90 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1T77. he was well known, and informed their warriors that Major Butler was taken, and that himself narrowly escaped, several shot having passed through his coat, and that General Arnold with a vast force was advancing rapidly toward them. In aid of the project, a friendly Indian fol lowed, and arrived about an hour after with a confirmation of Cuyler s report. This stratagem was successful: the Indians instantly determined to quit their ground, -and make their escape, nor was it in the power of St. Leger and Sir John, with all their art of persuasion, to prevent it. When St. Leger remonstrated with them, the reply of the chiefs was, "When we marched down, you told us there would be no fighting for us Indians; we might go down and smoke our pipes; but now a number of our warriors have been killed, and you mean to sacrifice us." The consequence was, that St. Leger, finding himself de serted by his Indians, to the number of seven or eight hundred, deemed his situation so hazardous that he de camped in the greatest hurry and confusion, leaving his tents with most of his artillery and stores in the field. General Arnold with his detachment was now at liberty to return to the main army at Stillwater; and thus have we clipped the right wing "of General Burgoyne. In the evening, while on their retreat, St. Leger and Sir John got into a warm altercation, criminating each other for the ill success of the expedition. Two sachems, observing this, resolved to have a laugh at their expense. In their front was a bog of clay and mud ; they directed a young warrior to loiter in the rear, and then, of a sudden, run as if alarmed, calling out, They are coming, they are coming! On hearing this, the two commanders in a fright took to their heels, rushing into the bog, frequently falling and sticking in the mud, and the men threw away their packs and hurried off. This and other jokes were several times repeated during the night for many miles. 30^. The city of Albany is situated on the west bank of the Hudson, or North river, one hundred and sixty miles north from New York, and the river admits of sloop navigation between these two cities. It consists of about three hundred houses, chiefly in the gothic style, the gable ends to the street. There is an ancient Dutch church of stone, a Congregational church, and a decent edifice called MAJOR (JKXEUAL PHILIP SO MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. gj City Hall, which accommodates occasionally their general assembly and courts of justice. The hospital was erected during the last French war; it is situated on an eminence overlooking the city. It is two stories high, having a wing at each end and a piazza in front above and below. It contains forty wards, capable of accommodating five hundred patients, besides the rooms appropriated to the use of surgeons and other officers, stores, &c. Our army under General Schuyler have left their unim portant station at Fort Edward, and having made a stand for a few days at Saratoga, they fell back to Still water, twenty-five miles above Albany, where they have taken their station, and are daily receiving reinforcements of militia and some continental troops. On the retreat of our army from Fort Edward, Major Hull commanded the rear guard, and being two miles in the rear, was attacked by a large body of the enemy, and after a severe contest, in which he lost thirty or forty of his men, he was com pelled to retreat. He received the thanks of General Schuyler for his brave and judicious conduct. General Burgoyne, we learn, is extremely embarrassed, and his march greatly impeded by the obstructions in the roads effected by order of Gen. Schuyler; he has at length, how ever, surmounted numerous difficulties, and reached the vicinity of Saratoga. Finding himself in want of provi sions, horses to mount his cavalry, and teams to transport his stores and baggage, he resorted to one of the most chi merical and romantic projects that could enter the imagi nation of man. Being informed that a large quantity of stores, corn, cattle, &c., were deposited at Bennington, in the New Hampshire grants, he planned an expedition for the purpose of possessing himself of this treasure. Presuming, probably, that his late success and his manifesto had pro duced such wonderful effects, that no more opposition would be made to his progress in the country, he despatched Col. Baum, a German officer, with five hundred Hessians and tories and one hundred Indians, with two field-pieces. The colonel was furnished with the following curious instructions, which fell into the hands of General Stark: " To proceed through the New Hampshire grants, cross the mountains, scour the country, with Peter s corps (tories) and the Indians, from Rock- ingham to Otter creek, to get horses, carriages, and cattle, and mount 92 MILTTAEY JOURNAL, 1777. ReideseFs regiment of dragoons, to go down Connecticut river as far as Bratlleborough, and return by the great road to Albany, there to meet Gen eral Bnrgoyne, to endeavor to make the country believe it iras the advanced bodij of the General s army who was to cross Connecticut river and proceed to Boston; and that at Springfield they were to be joined by the troops from Rhode Island. All officers, civil and military, acting under the Congress, were to be made prisoners. To tax the towns where they halted, with such articles as they wanted, and take hostages for the performance, <f*c. You are to bring all horses fit to mount, the dragoons or to serve as battalion horses for the troops, with as many saddles and bridles as cart be found. The number of horses requisite besides those for the dragoons ought to be thirteen hundred, if you can bring more, so much the better. The horses must be tied in strings of ten each, in order that one man may lead ten horses." This redoubtable commander surely must be one of the happiest men of the age, to imagine that such prodigious achievements were at his command; that such invaluable resources were within his grasp. But, alas! the wisest of men are liable to disappointment in their sanguine calcu lations, and to have their favorite projects frustrated by the casualties of war. This is remarkably verified in the present instance. Preceded by the manifesto, and having his commission in his pocket, Colonel Baum marched, on the 14th of August, at the head of his command, to execute the orders of his general ; he proceeded about twelve or thirteen miles, where he halted, and secured himself by intrenchrnents. It was a providental circumstance that General Stark was at or near Bennington, with about eight hundred New England militia, part of whom being from the New Hampshire grants, are called Green Mountain Boys. He advanced towards the enemy to reconnoitre their posi tion, and some skirmishing ensued, in which thirty of them with two Indian chiefs were killed and wounded, with little loss on our side. Colonel Baum, alarmed at his situation, despatched a messenger to Burgoyne for a reinforcement. The loth being a very rainy day, there was only some skirmishing in small parties. On the 16th, General Stark, assisted by Colonel Warner, matured his arrangements for battle; he divided his troops into three divisions, and ordered Colonel Nichols, with two hundred and fifty men, to gain the rear of the left wing, of the enemy, and Colo nel Hendrick the rear of their right wing, with three hundred men, while he attacked their front. The Indians, alarmed, at the appearance of being surrounded, en deavored to make their escape in a single file between the MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1777. 93 two parties, with their horrid yells and jingling of cow bells. The flanking parties approaching each other in their rear, and General Stark making a bold and furious onset in front, a general and close conflict ensued, and continued with more or less severity for about two hours. Though Colonel Baum had nearly twice their numbers, and was defended by breastworks, the force opposed to them proved irresistible, forcing their breastworks at the muzzles of their guns, and obliging them to ground their arms and surrender at discretion, so that the victory on our part was complete. We took two pieces of brass cannon, and a number of prisoners, with baggage, &c. This was hardly accomplished, when Colonel Breyman, with one thousand German troops, arrived with two field-pieces, to reinforce Colonel Baum, who had just been defeated. General Stark s troops were now scattered, some attending the wounded, some guarding the prisoners, and still more in pursuit of plunder; and all exhausted by extreme hunger and fatigue. At this critical moment, Colonel Warner s regiment arrived, and the other troops being rallied, the whole were ordered to advance. A field-piece had been taken from Baum in the forenoon, and Stark ordered it to be drawn to the scene of action, but his men having never seen a cannon, knew not how to load it; the general dismounted, and taught them by loading it himself. An action soon commenced, and proved warm and desperate, in which both sides displayed the most daring bravery, till night approached, when the enemy yielded a second time in one day to their Yankee conquerors. The Ger man troops being totally routed, availed themselves of the darkness of night to effect their retreat. The whole num ber of killed, wounded and prisoners, was nine hundred and thirty-four, including one hundred and fifty-seven tories; of this number, six hundred and fifty-four are prisoners. Colonel Baum received a mortal wound, of which he soon after died. Besides the above, one thous and stand of arms, four brass field-pieces, two hundred and fifty dragoon swords, eight loads of baggage, and twenty horses, fell into our hands. The loss on our side is not more than one hundred in the whole. The officers and men engaged in this splendid enterprise merit all the praise which a grateful country can bestow ; they fought 94: MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1777. disciplined troops completely accoutred, while they wielded their ordinary firelocks with scarce a bayonet, and at first without cannon. The consequences must be most auspi cious as respects our affairs in the northern department. Burgoyne must feel the clipping of another wing, and it must diminish his confidence in his successful career. The event will also be productive of the happiest effects on the spirits of our militia, by increasing their confidence in their own prowess. The following anecdote deserves to be noticed for the honor of the person who is the subject of it, though his name has not been ascertained. A venerable old man had five sons in the field of battle near Benning- ton, and being told that he had been unfortunate in one of his sons, replied, "What! has he misbehaved? did he desert his post, or shrink from the charge?" "No, sir," says the informant, "worse than that: he is among the slain; he fell contending mightily in the cause." "Then I am satisfied," replied the good old man; "bring him in, and lay him before me, that I may behold and survey the darling of my soul." On which the corpse was brought in and laid before him. He then called for a bowl of water and a napkin, and with his own hands washed the gore and dirt from his son s corpse, and wiped his gaping wounds, with a complacency, as he himself expressed it, which before he had never felt or experienced. Major-General Horatio Gates has superseded General Schuyler as commander-in-chief of the northern depart ment, and has passed through this city on his way to Stillwater. This appointment will be very satisfactory to our army, as General Gates has the respect and confidence of the New England troops. September 2d. General Gates has issued a proclamation to counteract any influence which Burgoyne s sanguinary- manifesto might have produced, interdicting all communi cation with the royal army, and endeavoring to calm the fears of the inhabitants, by promising them all the pro tection in his power. Burgoyne s manifesto, however, denouncing fire and sword, instead of alarming into sub mission, excites universal indignation and contempt; in stead of conciliating, and increasing the number of his friends, serves only to exasperate and augment our means of resistance and opposition to his views. It was not long MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1777. 95 indeed before some innocent persons were made victims of savage barbarity, by means of the tomahawk and scalping-knife, in the hands of the barbarians under his command. Among the first of these victims, was Miss Jenny McCrea, who was murdered in a manner extremely shocking to the feelings of humanity. The father of Miss McCrea was friendly towards the royalists, and the young lady was engaged to marry a refugee officer in Burgoyne s army, by the name of Jones, and waited his arrival in order to have the marriage consummated. When our army retreated from Fort Edward, Miss McCrea had the indis cretion to remain behind, probably with the expectation of meeting her lover. The Indians, however, soon made her their prisoner, and on their return towards Burgoyne s camp, a quarrel arose to decide who should hold possession of the fair prize. During the controversy, one of the monsters struck his tomahawk into her skull, and imme diately stripped off her scalp. General Gates complains to General Burgoyne of this and other outrages in the following words: "A young lady, Miss McCrea, lovely to the sight, of virtuous char acter and amiable disposition, engaged to be married to an officer in your army, was, with other women and chil dren, taken out of a house near Fort Edward, carried into the woods, and there scalped and mangled in a most shocking manner. Two parents with their six children, were all treated with the same inhumanity, while quietly residing in their own happy and peaceful dwellings. The miserable fate of Miss McCrea was peculiarly aggravated by her being dressed to receive her promised husband but met her murderer, employed by you. Upwards of one hundred men, women and children, have perished by the hands of ruffians, to whom it is asserted you have paid the price of blood." This appears since to be rather an exaggerated charge. In General Burgoyne s reply, he says, "The fact was no premeditated barbarity: on the contrary, two chiefs who had brought Miss McCrea off, for the purpose of security, not of violence to her person, disputed which should be her guard, and in a fit of savage passion, in the one from whose hands she was snatched, the unhappy woman became the victim." He expressed sorrow and regret for the tragic scenes, and further stated 96 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. that he obliged the Indians to give up the murderer into his hands, and he certainly should have suffered an igno minious death, had he not been convinced that a pardon on his terms would be more efficacious than an execution, to prevent further mischief. That he paid for scalps, he denies; but the Indians were to receive compensation for prisoners. This cruel conduct of the royalists is contem plated with horror and detestation by all ranks of people, except their friends and adherents. It is impossible not to detest that cause and that army which accepts the aid of sav age auxiliaries, and encourages them in inhuman slaughter and bloodshed. This measure was certainly countenanced and recommended by his majesty and his ministers, and General Burgoyne acknowledges that he allowed the In dians to take the scalps of the dead. It must be most painful for the impartial historian to record, and it will require the strongest faith of the reader in future ages to credit, the disgraceful story that Britons, who pride them selves on their civility and humanity, employed the wild savages of the wilderness in a war against a people united to them by the ties of consanguinity. That age, and the helpless invalid, women, and children at the breast, are all alike subjected to the merciless fury of barbarians. That British generals should be so regardless of the dignity of their station, and the voice of humanity, as to receive from the hands of these ferocious wretches the scalps torn from the skulls of innocent persons! 13^/L There is a constant intercourse kept up between thi$ city and our army near Stillwater, by which we are regularly apprised of daily occurrences. It is now ascer tained that Burgoyne has crossed the Hudson, and en camped at Saratoga, about thirty-six miles above Albany. 17th. General Gates, reposing full confidence in the courage and strength of his army, seems to have deter mined to march and confront his formidable enemy, and endeavor to force him and his troops back to Canada, which, in his orders, issued to inspire his troops with ardor, he says, "has been successfully begun by General Stark and Colonel Warner at the eastward; and by General Herkimer and Colonel Gansevort at the westwarfl ; and cannot, with the blessing of Heaven, fail to be equally prosperous in the hands of the generals and soldiers ap MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 97 pointed to face the enemy s main army at the northward. If the murder of aged parents, with their innocent chil dren; if mangling the blooming virgin, and inoffensive youth, are inducements to revenge if the righteous cause of freedom, and the happiness of posterity, are motives to stimulate to conquer their mercenary and merciless foes, the time is now come, when they are called on by their country, by their general, and by every thing divine and human, to vanquish the foe." 18th and 19th. Our army is advancing towards the enemy in three columns, under Generals Lincoln and Arnold, General Gates in the centre. A terrible conflict is daily expected ; both parties appear to be determined to commence the work of destruction. 20th. By express arrived in this city last night, it is announced that the two armies fought in the field, yester day, a very sanguinary battle, the particulars of which are not fully understood ; but it is reported that from the closeness and obstinacy of the combat, the carnage on both sides was prodigious. It is with inexpressible satisfaction that we learn our troops behaved with that undaunted bravery which has secured to them the victory, and were it not for the darkness of the evening when the battle closed, it would have been more complete. 21st and 22d A considerable number of officers and soldiers who were wounded in the late battle, have been brought here to be accommodated in our hospital, or in private houses in this city. Several of these unfortunate but brave men have received wounds of a very formidable and dangerous nature, and many of them must be sub jected to capital operations. 23d From the officers who were engaged in the battle, I have obtained the following particulars. Our army, under the command of General Gates, was stationed in the vicinity of Stillwater, when they advanced towards the enemy and offered them battle. Colonel Morgan s regiment of riflemen, and Major Dearborn s light infantry, being in front, received the first fire about noon, on the 19th instant. General Burgoyne was at the head of his army, and Generals Phillips, Eeidesel and Frazer, with their respective commands, were actively engaged. At about three o clock, both armies being formed in a line of 98 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. battle, the action became general, and the combatants on both sides evinced that ardor and gallantry which shows a determination to conquer or die. The firing for about three hours was incessant, with continued tremendous roar and blaze, filling the field with carnage and death. Few battles have been more obstinate and unyielding at one point the British are overpowered ; but being reinforced, the Americans are baffled; these, being supported and re newing their efforts, regain their advantages; the same ground is occupied alternately, the dead and wounded of both parties are mingled together. The British resort re peatedly to their bayonets without effect the Americans resist and foil their attempts. Captain Jones, of the Brit ish artillery, had the command of four pieces of cannon, which he conducted with great skill and v.alor till he fell, and thirty-six out of forty-eight of his artillery men were killed or wounded; his cannon were repeatedly taken and retaken, but finally remained with the enemy for the want of horses to bring them off. During the engagement, a number of our soldiers placed themselves in the boughs of high trees, in the rear and flanks, and took every op portunity of destroying the British officers by single shot; in one instance, General Burgoyne was the object, but the aid-de-camp of General Phillips received the ball through his arm, while delivering a message to Burgoyne; the mistake, it is said, was occasioned by having his saddle furnished with rich lace, and was supposed by the marks man to be the British commander. In the dusk of even ing the battle terminated, the British in one quarter silently retreating, the Americans in another give way, and quit the long-contested field. Lieutenant-Colonel Brooks, with the eighth Massachusetts regiment, remained in the field till about eleven o clock, and was the last who retired. Major Hull commanded a detachment of three hundred men, who fought with such signal ardor, that more than half of them were killed or wounded. The whole number of Americans engaged in this action, was about two thou sand five hundred; the remainder of the army, from its unfavorable situation, took little or no part in the action. The British have suffered a loss, as is supposed, of more than five hundred in killed, wounded and prisoners. On the side of the Americans, sixty-four were killed, two MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 99 hundred and seventeen wounded, and thirty-eight missing. Among the killed, are Colonels Adams and Colburn, two valuable officers, much regretted. The victory on this important occasion is claimed by the enemy, but the ad vantages are most decidedly on the side of the Americans; they were the assailants they held their ground during the day, and at the close retired to their encampment with out being pursued. The royal army lay all the ensuing night on their arms at some distance from the field of battle. 24th. General Lincoln having the command of a body of New England militia, detached Colonel Brown with five hundred men to the landing at Lake George, about three miles from Ticonderoga, and more than forty miles in the rear of the British army. Two other detachments were also sent towards Mount Independence, Fort Anne and Fort Edward. These expeditions being faithfully executed, were attended with complete success. Colonel Brown had the address to surprise all the out-posts in the vicinity of Ticonderoga, and took immediate possession of Mount Defiance, Mount Hope, and a block-house, with two hundred batteaux, an armed sloop, and several gun boats, about three hundred prisoners, with their small arms, and released one hundred American prisoners from their confinement. October 1st. The situation of the royal army under Burgoyne, is now considered extremely precarious; his march to Albany is deemed absolutely impracticable, and a retreat to Canada must be attended with insurmountable difficulties and dangers. It is well understood, that he calculates on the cooperation of Sir Henry Clinton, by sending from New York a force up the North river to endeavor to effect a passage to Albany, or at least to oc casion such alarm, as to draw off a part of General Gates army from before him. Messengers or persons in the character of spies, are frequently suspected of passing from one British commander to the other. A man, by name Nathan Palmer, was, a few days since, seized in General Putnam s camp, at Peekskill, under suspicious circum stances, and on trial was found to be a lieutenant in the tory new levies, and he was executed as a spy.* * For General Putnam s letter to Governor Tryon, respecting Palmer, see life of Putnam in the Appendix. 100 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 4th. By intelligence from camp, it appears that Bur goyne has thrown up a line of intrench ments in front of his camp, and is making every possible effort to strengthen his position and prepare for another conflict. The Cana dians and his savage allies being greatly dissatisfied and discouraged, have deserted his standard since the last battle. The advantages obtained over the enemy on this occasion, excites the greatest exultation and rejoicing throughout our army and country. It is indeed a remarkable fact, which must animate the heart of every friend to the cause of America, that our troops, so little accustomed to en counter the prowess of European veterans, and the* pecu liar warfare of the savages, should face these enemies with such undaunted courage arid intrepidity. Sanguine hopes are now entertained that we shall, by the help of Provi dence, be finally enabled to destroy or capture the whole British army. Our troops are panting for another oppor tunity of displaying their valor, and another dreadful conflict is daily expected; alternate hopes and fears con tinually agitate our minds, and create the greatest anxiety and solicitude. What can excite ideas more noble and sublime, than impending military events, on which depend the destiny of a nation? 6th. An express passed through this city, on his way to General Grates head-quarters, with the information that a detachment of troops from New York, supposed to be about four thousand, under command of Sir Henry Clinton and General Yaughan, have undertaken an expedition up the North river. Their object undoubtedly is, to possess themselves of Fort Montgomery and Fort Clinton, in the highlands, and to make a diversion in favor of Burgoyne. General Putnam was stationed at Peekskill with a small force, but being totally unable to cope with the enemy, has retired to some distance. Should this expedition be crowned with success, it will be in the power of Sir Henry Clinton to convey his army to this city, and even to our camp at Stillwater, which will place our army between two fires. Should General Gates detach a part of his troops to oppose the march of General Clinton, it will lib erate Burgoyne, and he would probably force his way to this city. In either event, the consequences must be ex- MILITARY JOUENAL, 1777. ceedingly disastrous to our country. "We tremble with apprehensions. 8th. The anticipated important intelligence has just reached us, that a most severe engagement took place yesterday, between the two armies, at a place between Stillwater and Saratoga, called Bemis Heights. It is supposed to be the hardest fought battle, and the most honorable to our arrny, of any since the commencement of hostilities. The enemy was completely repulsed in every quarter, and his defeat was attended with irrepara ble loss of officers, men, artillery, tents and baggage. Our officers and men acquired the highest honor; they fought like heroes, and their loss is very inconsiderable. General Arnold has received a wound in his leg. I am impatient to receive the particular details of this capital event. Qtfi and 10th. I am fortunate enough to obtain from our officers, a particular account of the glorious event of the 7th instant. The advanced parties of the two armies came into contact, about three o clock on Tuesday after noon, and immediately displayed their hostile attitude. The Americans soon approached the royal army, and each party in defiance awaited the deadly blow. The gallant Colonel Morgan, at the head of his famous rifle corps, and Major Dearborn, leading a detachment of infantry, com menced the action, and rushed courageously on the British grenadiers, commanded by Major Ackland; and the furi ous attack was most firmly resisted. In all parts of the field, the conflict became extremely arduous and obstinate; an unconquerable spirit on each side disdaining to yield the palrn of victory. Death appeared to have lost his ter rors; breaches in the ranks were no sooner made than supplied by fresh combatants awaiting a similar fate. At length the Americans press forward with renewed strength and ardor, and compel the whole British line, commanded by Burgoyne himself, to yield to their deadly fire, and they retreat in disorder. The German troops remain firmly posted at their lines; these were now boldly assault ed by Brigadier-General Learned and Lieutenant-Colonel Brooks, at the head of their respective commands, with such intrepidity, that the works were carried, and their brave commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Breyman, was slain. The Germans were pursued to their encampment, which, 102 MILITAKY JOUKNAL, 1777. with all the equipage of the brigade, fell into our hands. Colonel Cilley, of General Poor s brigade, having acquitted himself honorably, was seen astride on a brass field-piece, exulting in the capture. Major Hull, of the Massachusetts line, was among those who so bravely stormed the enemy s intrenchrnent and acted a conspicuous part. General Ar nold, in consequence of a serious misunderstanding with General Gates, was not vested with any command, by which he was exceedingly chagrined and irritated. He entered the field, however, and his conduct was marked with intemperate rashness; flourishing his sword and animating the troops, he struck an officer on the head without cause, and gave him a considerable wound. He exposed himself to every danger, and with a small party of riflemen, rushed into the rear of the enemy, where he received a ball which fractured his leg, and his horse was killed under him. Nightfall put a stop to our brilliant career, though the victory was most decisive, and it is with pride and exultation that we recount the triumph of American bravery. Besides Lieutenant-Colonel Breyman slain, General Frazer, one of the most valuable officers in the British service, was mortally wounded, and survived but a few hours.* Sir Francis Clark, aid-de-camp to Gen eral Burgoyne, was brought into our carnp with a mortal wound, and Major Ackland, who commanded the British grenadiers, was wounded through both legs, and is our prisoner. Several other officers and about two hundred privates are prisoners in our hands, with nine pieces of cannon and a considerable supply of ammunition, which was much wanted for our troops. The loss on our side is supposed not to exceed thirty killed and one hundred wounded, in obtaining this signal victory. llth. The night after the battle, Burgoyne silently * The death of General Frazer, from Professor Silliman s Travels. "In the action oi 7th October, 1777, Frazer was the soul of the British army, and was just changing the disposition of a part of the troops to repel a strong impression which the Americans had made, and were still making, on the British right, when Morgan called together two or three of his best marksmen, and pointing to Frazer, said, Do you see that gallant officer? that is General Frazer I respect and honor him; but it is necessary he should die. This was enough. Frazer immediately received his mortal wound, and was carried off the field." See the Appendix. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 1Q3 moved from his position, and on the 8th there was con siderable skirmishing through the day, with some loss on both sides. We have to lament the misfortune of Major- General Lincoln, who, while reconnoitring the enemy, advanced so near, that a whole volley of musketry was discharged at him, and he received a dangerous wound in his leg. It is reported that, the day after the battle, up wards of one hundred of the enemy s dead were found unburied in the field. General Gates having detached a body of troops to get into the rear of the British army, Burgoyne took the alarm, and resolved to retreat imme diately to Saratoga; accordingly in the night of the 9th instant, he silently moved off, leaving in our pbssession his hospital, containing three hundred sick and wounded, with medicinal stores, and two hundred barrels of flour, &c. It is a fact, both unaccountable and disgraceful, that on their retreat they committed the most wanton devasta tions, burning and destroying almost every house within their reach; the elegant and valuable country seat of General Schuyler, near Saratoga, did not escape their fury. The situation of the royal army is now extremely deplora ble, and there is scarcely a possibility of their final escape. General Gates has so arranged his forces as to cut off their retreat, and is endeavoring to surround them on every quarter. May the Almighty Kuler grant that our efforts may be crowned with still more glorious success! 12th. The wounded officers and soldiers of our army, and those of the enemy who have fallen into our hands, are crowding into our hospital, and require our constant attention. The last night I watched with the celebrated General Arnold, whose leg was badly fractured by a mus ket-ball while in the engagement with the enemy on the 7th instant. He is very peevish, and impatient under his misfortunes, and required all my attention during the night, but I devoted an hour in writing a letter to a friend in Boston, detailing the particulars of the late battle. In the severe battle of the 7th, General Burgoyne him self, it is now ascertained, had a hair breadth escape, hav ing one bullet pass through his hat and another tore his waistcoat.* * The following anecdote shows the imminent danger to which a part General Gates army was at one time exposed. General Gates had 104: MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. We have the most flattering accounts from camp. Our army is now posted within musket-shot of the enemy at Saratoga, and are forming a circle round them. Some skirmishing takes place every day, in which we have taken one hundred and twenty prisoners, and have received one hundred and sixty deserters. A party of our men have taken fifty batteaux loaded with provisions, stores, and medicines, among which are one thousand barrels of pork and beef. This must be to the enemy an irreparable loss, and a blow which must hasten the destruction or surren der of their whole army. ~L4th. We have now a confirmation of the intelligence that Sir Henry Clinton and General Vaughan have pushed up the North river, and made a successful attack on our forts at the highlands. Fort Montgomery and Fort Clin ton are near to each other, on the western bank of the Hudson. They have been considered of great importance as defensive posts, against the passage of the enemy up the river. In addition to these forts, a strong boom and an iron chain of immense size were stretched across the river, and a frigate and two gallies were stationed above received what he supposed to be certain intelligence that the main body of Burgoyne s army had marched off for Fort Edward, and that a rear guard only was left in the camp, who after a while were to push off as fast as possible, leaving the heavy baggage behind. On this it was concluded to advance and attack the camp in half an hour. General Nixon s being the eldest brigade, crossed the Saratoga Creek first: un known to the Americans, Burgoyne had a line formed behind a parcel of brushwood to support the post of artillery where the attack was to be made. General Glover with his brigade was on the point of following Nixon. Just as he entered the water, he saw a British soldier crossing, whom he called and examined. This soldier was a deserter, and com municated the very important fact, that the whole British army were in their encampment. Nixon was immediately stopped, and the intelligence conveyed to Gates, who countermanded his orders for the assault, and called back his troops, not without sustaining some loss from the British artillery. Gordon and Marshal. N. B. General Wilkinson, who acted as General Gates adjutant-gen eral, asserts in his memoirs, that he first discovered the British at their post, through a thick fog while his horse halted to drink in fording the creek, and that he instantly arrested the march of our troops, and thereby saved them from destruction. He makes DO mention of the deserter. It is known that Burgoyne has frequently expressed his extreme disap pointment that he was baffled in this stratagem; and Americans ought never to forget the remarkable Providential escape. MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1777. 1Q5 them. By these means it was always supposed that the position was invulnerable, provided a proper number of troops were posted in the forts; but it unfortunately hap pened that most of the continenial troops were necessarily called off to join General Gates army. The forts were defended by Governor George Clinton and his brother, General James Clinton, of New York, having about six hundred militia-men a force greatly inadequate to the defence of the works. The enemy came up the river, landed, and appeared unexpectedly, and demanded a sur render of the forts, which being resolutely refused, were taken by assault, though not without a firm and brave re sistance. General James Clinton received a bayonet wound in his thigh, but he and the governor with a part of the garrison made their escape, leaving about two hundred and fifty men killed, wounded and prisoners. The enemy suffered a severe loss of three field-officers killed, and their dead and wounded is estimated at about three hundred. General Putnam, who commanded at Peekskill in the vicinity, having a small force only to guard the deposit of stores, was obliged to retire, and the barracks, stores and provisions, to a very considerable amount, fell into the hands of the enemy and were destroyed. With wan ton cruelty they set fire to the houses and buildings of every description, and spread ruin and devastation to the extent of their power. To consummate their destructive scheme, General Vaughan destroyed by conflagration the beautiful town of Esopus, with the church, and every other building it contained. Thus we experience the hor rid effects of malice and revenge ; where they cannot con quer, they wantonly exterminate and destroy. They are well apprised of the disastrous and desperate situation of their boastful General Burgoyne, and if they dare not march to his relief, they can cowardly retaliate by confla gration with impunity. It is the prevalent opinion here, that by taking advantage of wind and tide, it is in the power of Sir Henry Clinton to convey his forces to this city within the space of five or six hours, and having arrived here, a march of about twenty miles will carry him without opposition to Stillwater, which must involve General Gates in inexpressible embarrassment and diffi culty, by placing him between two armies, and thereby 106 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. extricating Burgoyne from his perilous situation. "We have been tremblingly alive to this menacing prospect, but our fears are in a measure allayed by the following singular incident. After the capture of Fort Montgomery, Sir Henry Clinton despatched a messenger, by the name of Daniel Taylor, to Burgoyne with the intelligence; for tunately he was taken on his way as a spy, and finding himself in danger, he was seen to turn aside and take something from his pocket and swallow it. General George Clinton, into whose hands he had fallen, ordered a severe dose of emetic tartar to be administered; this produced the happiest effect as respects the prescriber; but it proved fatal to the patient. He discharged a small silver bullet, which, being unscrewed, was found to inclose a letter from Sir Henry Clinton to Burgoyne. "Out of thine own mouth thou shalt be condemned." The spy was tried, convicted and executed. The following is an exact copy of the letter inclosed : Fort Montgomery, October 8th, 1777. Nous void and nothing between us but Gates. I sincerely hope this little success of ours may facilitate your operations. In answer to your letter of the 28th of September by C. C. I shall only say, I cannot presume to order, or even advise," for reasons obvious. I heartily wish you success. Faithfully yours, H. CLINTON. To General Burgoyne. 14:th. An express from camp. Burgoyne has this day made proposals to General Gates to enter into a treaty for the surrrender of his army. He desires a cessation of arms till the preliminary terms can be settled, to which General Gates has assented. The glorious event is about to be consummated. \Qth and IQth. Burgoyne s message to General Gates by the hands of Major Kingston is as follows: " October 14th, 1777. "After having fought you twice, Lieutenant-General Burgoyne has waited some days, in his present position, determined to try a third con flict against any force you could bring to attack him. "He is apprised of the superiority of your numbers, and the disposi tion of your troops to impede his supplies and render his retreat a scene of carnage on both sides. In this situation he is impelled by humanity, and thinks himself justified by established principles and precedents of state and of war, to spare the lives of brave men on honorable terms: should Major-General Gates be inclined to treat on this idea, General LIEUTENANT GENERAL JOHN" BURGOYNE. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. Burgoyne would propose a cessation of arms during the time necessary to communicate the preliminary terms, by which, in any extremity, he and his army mean to abide." A convention was in consequence opened, and two days were spent in a discussion and interchange of articles between the two commanders. It was agreed that the articles should be mutually signed and exchanged to-mor row morning the 17th instant, at nine o clock; and the troops under Lieutenant-General Burgoyne are to march out of their intrenchments at three o clock in the afternoon. The substance of the treaty is, that the troops under the command of General Burgoyne shall march out of their camp with the honors of war and their field-artillery, to the place assigned, where their arms and artillery shall be piled at the command of their own officers. That the troops be allowed to return to England, on condition that they shall not serve again in America during the present war. That the officers be allowed to wear their side-arms, and be treated according to their rank. That the European troops march immediately for Boston, to be in readiness to embark when transports shall be sent for them, and that the Canadians be permitted to return home immediately, on the sole condition of their not arm ing again against the United States. ISt/i. At the appointed hour yesterday morning the Americans marched into the lines of the British to the tune of Yankee Doodle, where they continued till the royal army had marched to the place appointed and de posited their arms according to the treaty. It is a circumstance characteristic of the amiable and benevolent disposition of General Gates, that, unwilling to aggravate the painful feelings of the royal troops, he would not permit the American soldiery to witness the degrading act of piling their arms. This instance of del icacy and politeness, at the moment of triumph, towards an enemy who had committed the most unprecedented outrages, is a mark of true magnanimity, and deserves the highest praise, though it deprives our army of the satis faction to which they are justly entitled.* The preliminaries having been acceded to by the two * For the first interview between the royal general officers and their conqueror, see Life of General Gates, in the Appendix. 108 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. commanders, Lieutenant-Colonel Wilkinson, deputy ad jutant-general, and Brigadier-General Whipple, of the militia, on our part, and Lieutenant-Colonel Sutherland, Major Kingston, and Captain Craig, on the part of the British, were appointed to stipulate and arrange the par ticular articles of capitulation. So very tenacious were the British of the trivial points of military honor, that, after they had signed the "treaty of capitulation" as it was termed, they required that the term should be altered to "treaty, of convention" in which they were indulged by General Gates, as being of little consequence on our part. During the pending negotiation, several hundred of the New York militia, whose term of service had expired, marched off the ground without permission from General Gates; and the same night Burgoyne received intelligence by a spy that Sir II. Clinton, having taken Fort Montgom ery, would attempt to force his way to Albany. Though the articles of convention were fully adjusted, signed and exchanged, by those appointed for the purpose, and the hour stipulated by the parties for Burgoyne to affix his signature, he addressed a note to General Gates, purporting that he should recede from the treaty, on the ground that a part of the American force had been detached from the army during the negotiation; and with a bold effrontery, required that he might be permitted to send two officers to our camp to ascertain the fact. This dishonorable conduct, as may be supposed, raised the ire of our spirited com mander, who sent Lieutenant-Colonel Wilkinson to have a personal interview with Burgoyne, and to insist that hostilities should recommence, if the treaty was not irnme- diately*ratified. This, after much hesitation on the part of Burgoyne and his officers, produced the desired effect. His contemplated alternative was, to abandon his carnp, artillery, heavy baggage and sick, and, by a desperate effort in the night, to force his way through our army, and make a rapid march to Albany with the hope of meeting General Sir II. Clinton. It is considered singular that it was not demanded of the captured general to deliver up his military chest, colors, and soldiers accoutrements; but the success of General Clinton in reducing Fort Montgom ery, and the serious apprehensions of General Gates that lie would force his way to Albany, and the desire of the MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. latter to spare the effusion of blood, are the substantial causes which procured for Burgoyne the favorable terms which he enjoys. It is satisfactory to learn that the British officers, in general, candidly acknowledged that the Amer ican troops conducted on all occasions with the greatest bravery, and when, after their surrender, they visited and took a view of our camp, expressed much surprise at the military order and economy which were conspicuous in every part, and said that they never had seen, even in Germany, an encampment more systematically and prop erly disposed. The trophies which we have achieved by this great event, are, officers and soldiers, five thousand seven hundred and ninety-one. It has been estimated that Burgoyne s army, at the commencement of the cam paign, was full ten thousand strong; the deficiency now, must be accounted for by the killed, loss by sickness, pris oners and deserters. Among the officers taken, are six members of the British Parliament. The train of brass artillery and other ordnance are immensely valuable, con sisting of forty-two pieces of brass ordnance, besides seven thousand muskets, with six thousand dozen cartridges and an ample supply of shot, shells, &c. To these are added, clothing for seven thousand men, a large number of tents and other military stores. Thus we witness the incalcu lable reverse of fortune, and the extraordinary vicissitudes of military events, as ordained by Divine Providence. The same haughty commander, who but a few weeks since, flushed with victory, was harassing our retreating army in every direction ; that proud, assuming foe, who so often threatened to lay waste our cities and country, and who said in his orders, early in the campaign, "this army must not retreat," is now reduced to the mortifying alternative of suing for terms of surrender, to those powers whom he affected to treat with sovereign contempt. It must be doubly mortifying to contrast his present humble condition with that when he published his pompous and bombastic proclamation, calling on towns and people to send dele gates to supplicate his favor and clemency, and threatening vengeance against all those who should dare to disobey his commands, or oppose his authorit}-. There are per haps few examples in the annals of warfare, of a whole army under a celebrated general, and officers of the first MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. ^character; gentlemen of noble families, and military merit, being reduced to the mortifying condition of captives, led through a country which it was designed should have been devoted to their all-conquering power. The intelligence of these events to the British government, must affect them like the shock of a thunderbolt, and demonstrate to them the invincibility of a people united in the noble cause of liberty and the rights of man. This event will make one of the most brilliant pages of American history. General Gates has crowned himself with unfading laurels and immortal honor; he has vanquished a commander of established military fame, at the head of a veteran army, lie has displayed the qualities of a general, the magna nimity of a philanthropist, and the amiable and polite civilities of a gentleman. No less dignified and brave as a commander, than beneficent and generous as a con queror, he is remarkable for his humanity to prisoners, and a desire to mitigate the sufferings of the unfortunate. Among the objects in distress, which claimed his attention, was the lady of Major Ackland, commander of the British grenadiers, who was dangerously wounded and captured during the battle of the 7th of October. This heroic lady, from conjugal affection, was induced to follow the fortune of her husband during the whole campaign through the wilderness. Having been habituated to a mode of life with which those of rank and fortune are peculiarly favored, her delicate frame is ill-calculated to sustain the indescribable privations and hardships to which she was unavoidably exposed during an active campaign. Her vehicle of conveyance w r as, part of the time, a small two- wheeled tumbril, drawn by a single horse, over roads almost impassable. Soon after she received the affecting intelligence that her husband had received a wound, and was a prisoner, she manifested the greatest tenderness and affection, and resolved to visit him in our camp to console and alleviate his sufferings. With this view she obtained a letter from Burgoyne to General Gates, and not permit ting the prospect of being out in the night, and drenched in rain, to repress her zeal, she proceeded in an open boat, with a few attendants, and arrived at our out-post in the night, in a suffering condition, from extreme wet and cold. The sentinel, faithful to his duty, detained them in the MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. boat till Major Dearborn, the officer of the guard, could arrive. He permitted them to land, and afforded Lady Ack- land the best accommodations in his power, and treated her with a cup of tea in his guard-house. When General Gates, in the morning, was informed of the unhappy situation of Lady Ackland, he immediately ordered her a safe escort, and treated her himself with the tenderness of a parent, directing that every attention should be be stowed which her rank, or sex, character and circumstances required. She was soon conveyed to Albany, where she found her wounded husband. For further particulars respecting this highly respectable and interesting lady, the reader is referred to the Appendix. In the military transactions in the northern department, the labors and efforts of Major-General Schuyler are ac knowledged to be eminently important and useful. He, is undoubtedly entitled to the character of an intelligent and meritorious officer. As a private gentleman he is dignified, but courteous, his manners are urbane, and his hospitality is unbounded. He is justly considered as one of our most distinguished champions of liberty, and his noble mind has soared above despair, even at a period when he experienced injustice from the public, and when darkness and gloom overspread our land. Though he was not invested with any active command, he was present at the surrender of the British army, which was near the spot where his elegant country-seat had been demolished. Here he sought an interview with the Baroness Reidesel, who with her three children, for she was entrusted with this charge during the campaign, he politely accommodated in his own tent, and invited her to become his guest at his residence at Albany. On the day of the surrender, all the captive generals dined with General Gates, and received from him the kindest civilities and attention. We have now brought to a glorious termination a mili tary campaign, pregnant with remarkable vicissitudes and momentous events; the result of which, seemed for a time to poise on a pinnacle of sanguine hopes and expectations on the one side,- and the most appalling apprehensions on the other. All gratitude and praise be ascribed to Him who alone limits the extent of human power, and decrees the destiny of nations ! 112 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 2lst. The captive Generals Burgoyne, Phillips, Eeide- sel, &c. with a number of ladies of high rank, arrived last evening at the hospitable mansion of General Schuyler in this city. His seat is about one mile out of town, and I have frequently made it a walk for amusement. It is a house of two stories, in elegant ancient style, and fancifully ornamented. I am informed that it has for several gen erations been celebrated for the great respectability and generous hospitalit} 7 " of its inhabitants. During the last French war, it was almost a general resort for British of ficers, as well as strangers and travellers of note. 22J. The magnanimous General Schuyler, with his lady and daughters, have given their unfortunate guests a friendly and polite reception, characteristic of this noble spirited family. Notwithstanding General Burgoyne destroyed their beautiful villa at Saratoga, they appear disposed to console them in their misfortune by all the civilities and attention in their power. 23o?. General Burgoyne gratefully acknowledged the generous treatment received from General Schuyler, and observed to him, " You show me great kindness, sir, though I have done you much injury." To which he magnani mously replied, " That was the fate of war! let us say no more about it." 2th. This hospital is now crowded with officers and soldiers from the field of battle; those belonging to the British and Hessian troops, are accommodated in the same hospital with our own men, and receive equal care and attention. The foreigners are under the care and man agement of their own surgeons. I have been present at some of their capital operations, and remarked that the English surgeons perform with skill and dexterity, but the Germans, with a few exceptions, do no credit to their profession ; some of them are the most uncouth and clumsy operators I ever witnessed, and appear to be destitute of all sympathy and tenderness towards the suffering patient. Not less than one thousand wounded and sick are now in this city; the Dutch church, and several private houses are occupied as hospitals. We have about thirty surgeons, and mates; and all are constantly employed. I am obliged to devote the whole of my time, from eight o clock in the morning to a late hour in the evening, to the care of our MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. patients. Here is a fine field for professional improvement. Amputating limbs, trepanning fractured skulls, and dress ing the most formidable wounds, have familiarized rny mind to scenes of woe. A military hospital is peculiarly calculated to afford examples for profitable contemplation, and to interest our sympathy and commiseration. If I turn from beholding mutilated bodies, mangled limbs and bleeding, incurable wounds, a spectacle no less revolting is presented, of miserable objects, languishing under af flicting diseases of every description here, are those in a mournful state of despair, exhibiting the awful harbingers of approaching dissolution there, are those with emaciated bodies and ghastly visage, who begin to triumph over grim disease and just lift their feeble heads from the pillow of sorrow. No parent, wife or sister, to wipe the tear of anguish from their e} r es, or to soothe the pillow of death, they look up to the physician as their only earthly friend and comforter, and trust the hands of a stranger to perform the last mournful duties. Frequently have I remarked their confidence in my friendship, as though I was endeared to them by brotherly ties. Viewing these unfortunate men as the faithful defenders of the liberties of our country, far separated from their dearest friends, who would be so lost to the duties of humanity, patriotism, and benevolence, as not to minister to their comfort, and pour into their wounds the healing balm of consolation r It is my lot to have twenty wounded men committed to my care, by Dr. Potts, our surgeon-general; one of whom, a young man, received a musket-ball through his cheeks, cutting its way through the teeth on each side, and the substance of the tongue; his sufferings have been great, but he now begins to articulate tolerably well. Another had the whole side of his face torn off by a cannon-ball, laying his mouth and throat open to view. A brave soldier re ceived a musket-ball in his forehead, observing that it did not penetrate deep, it was imagined that the ball rebounded and fell out; but after several days, on examination, I detected the ball laying flat on the bone, and spread under the skin, which I removed. No one can doubt but he received his wound while facing the enerny, and it is for tunate for the brave fellow that his skull proved too thick for the ball to penetrate. But in another instance, a sol- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. dier s wound was not so honorable; he received a ball in the bottom of his foot, which could not have happened unless when in the act of running from the enemy. This poor fellow is held in derision by his comrades, and is made a subject of their wit for having the mark of a cow ard. Among the most remarkable occurrences which came under my observation, the following is deserving of particular notice. Captain Greg, of one of the New York regiments, while stationed at Fort Stanwix, on the Mohawk river, went with two of his soldiers into the woods a short distance to shoot pigeons; a party of Indians started sud denly from concealment in the bushes, shot them all down, tomahawked and scalped them, and left them for dead. The captain, after some time, revived, and perceiving his men were killed, himself robbed of his scalp, and suffering extreme agony from his numerous wounds, made an effort to move, and lay his bleeding head on one of the dead bodies, expecting soon to expire. A faithful dog who accompanied him, manifested great agitation, and in the tenderest manner licked his wounds, which afforded him great relief from exquisite distress. He then directed the dog, as if a human being, to go in search of some person to come to his relief. The animal, with every appearance of anxiety, ran about a mile, when he met with two men fishing in the river, and endeavored in the most moving manner, by whining and piteous cries, to prevail on them to follow him into the woods; struck with the singular conduct of the dog, they were induced to follow him part of the way, but fearing some decoy or danger, they were about to return, when the dog, fixing his eyes on them, renewed his entreaties by his cries, and taking hold of their clothes with his teeth, prevailed on them to follow him to the fatal spot. Such was the remarkable fidelity and sagacity of this animal. Captain Greg was immedi ately carried to the fort, where his wounds were dressed; he was afterwards removed to our hospital, and put under my care. He was a most frightful spectacle, the whole of his scalp was removed; in two places on the fore part of his head, the tomahawk had penetrated through the skull; there was a wound on his back with the same in strument, besides a wound in his side and another through his arm by a musket-ball. This unfortunate man ; after MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. 115 suffering extremely for a long time, finally recovered, and appeared to be well satisfied in having his scalp restored to him, though uncovered with hair. The Indian mode of scalping their victims is this with a knife they make a circular cut from the forehead, quite round, just above the ears, then taking hold of the skin with their teeth, they tear off the whole hairy scalp in an instant, with wonderful dexterity. This they carefully dry and pre serve as a trophy, showing the number of their victims, and they have a method of painting on the dried scalp, different figures and colors, to designate the sex and age of the victim, and also the manner and circumstances of the murder. November 10th. I witnessed yesterday the singular ceremony performed at a treaty with the Six Nations of Indians. General Schuyler, and two other gentlemen, were the commissioners on our part. Of the Indians, about two hundred men and women attended. In the morning, I walked into the woods near this city, and was amused to see them occupied in dressing and ornamenting themselves for the ceremony; painting their faces, adjust ing their hair, putting jewels into their ears, noses, &c. The face was painted of various colors; in general red, spotted with black and white in a fanciful manner. The men had their hair cut close to the skin, except a lock on the top of the head. The women wore long hair, orna mented with beads and other trinkets. The bodies and limbs of both sexes were decently covered in the Indian style, and some displayed large silver rings round the arm, and a profusion of party-colored beads, fancifully arranged about the legs and feet. Several of the young men and girls were furnished with little bells about their feet, to make a jingling when dancing. About eleven o clock, the ceremony commenced on the common; the Indians arranged themselves, by sitting on the ground in a circle, the men on one side, the women on the other, leaving a vacancy for our commissioners, who were seated in chairs. In the centre of the circle was a fire, over which a large pot containing meat broth, or soup, was placed. The speakers were three elderly chiefs; their speeches or talks were short, and at the close of each, the speaker delivered to the commissioners a belt or string of wampum, curiously MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. worked with porcupine quills, and handsomely painted, a.s a pledge of sincerity. The interpreter explained in English. In the intervals between the talks, the whole of the Indians and squaws threw their bodies into odd motions, and at the same time a noise came from their throats very similar to the grunting of swine, which, I suppose, was a token of approbation. They next com menced dancing, by uniting hands two or three at a time, and jumping merrily round the pot over the fire, animated by the music of a small drum resembling a keg covered with a skin, and the jingling of the bells attached to their legs and feet. The interpreter, by desire of the chiefs, requested that our commissioners would not be offended at the liberty which they were about to take. One of the chiefs then took the commissioners, one at a time, by the hand, and danced them round the circle; then rubbing his hand about the grease and blacking of the pot, he black ened the face, first of General Schuyler, and then the other gentlemen, which excited much laughter. Whether this was a trick to excite a laugh, or a part of their national ceremony, I was unable to ascertain. The Indians con tinued dancing round the fire, drinking the soup from the pot, and regaling themselves with rum all night, and many of them were found drunk in the morning. My professional duties have been so pressing as to pre clude the possibility of journalizing to the full extent of my wishes. The numerous important events which have occurred to our main army under General Washington, in the Jerseys and Pennsylvania, have been from time to time announced in the public papers, and in our general orders. A very brief retrospect of the most interesting occurrences during the campaign in that quarter must suffice me. General Washington, having ascertained that it was the great object of Sir William Howe to possess himself of the city of Philadelphia, put in requisition every effort in his power to counteract his measures for this purpose. His force (luring the whole campaign was considerably inferior to that of the enemy. Battles and skirmishing of more or less importance were frequent, but not decisive, though attended by no inconsiderable loss of human lives. On .the llth of September the two armies approached each MILITARY JOUENAL, 1777. other in the order of battle, and a general action took place at Brandy wine, in which the officers and soldiers of both armies displayed a spirit of intrepidity and heroism, scarcely ever exceeded. The British claim the victory; but it was only a partial one, and, besides a prodigious sacrifice of lives, they failed in their main object, that of forcing their way to Philadelphia. It is stated, that from particular circumstances, little more than one-half of Gen eral Washington s force was opposed to nearly the whole strength of the enemy. Our loss is mentioned in round numbers at one thousand. The Marquis de la Fayette and General Woodford were slightly wounded. The loss of the royalists, according to accounts published, greatly exceeds that of the Americans. On the 16th of September, Monsieur de Condry, an officer of rank and distinction in the French service, and acting as a volunteer in our army, having occasion to cross the Schuylkill ferry, rode a high-spirited horse into the boat, which, taking fright, leaped into the river, and the rider was unfortunately drowned. Congress resolvt^l that the corpse of Monsieur de Condry be interred at the ex pense of the United States, and with the honors of war. Sir William Howe, on the 26th of September, after much manoeuvring and skirmishing, accomplished his great enterprise, and made his triumphal entry into the city of Philadelphia, where he met with a cordial welcome from the Quakers, and a considerable number of the in habitants, who have long been known to be in favor of the royalists. On the 4th of October, General Washington planned an attack on the main body of the enemy stationed at Ger- mantown, near Philadelphia. The enterprise was planned with such judgment and skill, as to afford promise of a complete victory. The execution of it was conducted by his excellency, who attacks like a hero and retreats like a general, and whose presence infuses into the ranks the spirit of heroism and enthusiasm. Were it not for some unfortunate incidents, and the faulty conduct of a few in dividuals, his most sanguine hopes would have been real ized. The enemy was actually taken by surprise, and in one point a party was routed, and one hundred and ten made prisoners, but were afterwards retaken. Almost the MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. whole force of both armies was involved in the tremendous contest, in which British and American bravery were equally conspicuous^and sealed the" fate of many valiant officers and men. 7 "The morning," says General Wash ington s letter to Congress, " was extremely foggy, which prevented our improving the advantage we had gained, so well as we otherwise should have done. This circum stance, by concealing from us the true situation of the enemy, obliged us to act with more caution and less ex pedition than we could have wished, and gave the enemy time to recover from the effects of our first impression; and what was still more unfortunate, it served to keep our different parties in ignorance of each other s movements, and hindered their acting in concert; it also occasioned them to mistake one another for the enemy, which I be lieve more than any thing else, contributed to the misfor tunes which ensued. In the midst of the most promising appearances, when every thing gave the most flattering hopes of victory, the troops began suddenly to retreat, and entirely left the field, in spite of every effort that could be rnadefo rally them. On the whole, it may be said, this day was rather unfortunate than injurious. The principal impediment to our success was, that at the moment of vic tory, the enemjf threw a party into Mr. Chew s stone house, who were in a situation not easily to be forced ; and had it in their power, from the windows, to give us considera- ble annoyance, and in a measnre to obstruct our advance." A general officer who was engaged in the battle says: "Fortune smiled on our arms for hours. The enemy were broken, dispersed and flying on all quarters: we were in possession of their whole encampment, together with their artillery park, &c. But confusion at last ensued, and we ran away from the arms of victory ready to receive us." It is not to be concealed, however, that our army suffered a very considerable loss, the whole number is not ascer tained. General Nash, of North Carolina, received a mortal wound, and General Sullivan s two aids were killed. On the side of the royalists, General Agnew, General de Heister s son, and several other officers were killed. Gen eral Kniphausen was wounded, and a great number of rank and file were wounded and slain. The Americans have erected several forts and redoubts MILITARY JOURNAL, 1777. H9 on the banks of the Delaware river, and on Mud Island, to guard against the passage of the British fleet up this river to Philadelphia. In one of these forts at Bed Bank, Colonel Greene, of Rhode Island, was posted with about four hundred men. General Howe, perceiving the great importance of reducing these works, detached Count Donop, an officer held in high estimation in the royal army, with twelve or fifteen hundred Hessian troops, well supplied with artillery, to take possession of it. Having arrived near the redoubts, he summoned the commander to sur render, to which he resolutely replied, he would defend the place to the last extremity. This fort being originally constructed on a large scale, it was found necessary to run a line across the middle, and divide it into two, so that the external part was left without defence. The Hessian commander ordered his troops to advance under cover of the smoke of his cannon and storm the redoubt; they soon gained the unoccupied part with loud huzzas on their supposed victory ; but on approaching the new lines within, where our troops were stationed, the brave garrison poured on them such hot and well-directed fire for about forty minutes, that they were completely overpowered, and fled in every direction. Colonel Donop, their commander, was mortally wounded and taken, and more than one hundred were killed on the spot, and a greater number wounded and prisoners. The enemy retreated with great precipitation, leaving many of their wounded on the road, and returned to Philadelphia with the loss of one-half their party. Colonel Greene, and his brave troops, acquired great honor for their gallant defence of the fort, which is a key to other posts on the river. Congress have rewarded the colonel with an elegant sword. The British army found it difficult to procure the necessary supplies in Philadelphia, and the continental galleys and strong che- vaux defrize in the Delaware, rendered a passage of their ships up to the city almost impossible. Admiral Lord Howe determined to attempt the removal of these for midable obstructions, and he ordered six of his ships to engage in this service. They were so unmercifully han dled by our galleys, and from Fort Mifflin, at Mud Island, that two of them, one of sixty-four guns, run aground and 120 MILITAKY JOUENAL, 1777, were set on fire by the crews, who deserted them, and soon after they blew up. December. Fort Mifflin, on Mud Island, has been evacu ated by the continental garrison, after having been bravely defended against the prodigious force of the enemy s ship ping. Our troops secured all their stores, destroyed the block-houses, and demolished the bank, to let in the water, by which the island is entirely inundated. The fort at Eed Bank is also abandoned, and the continental fleet has been burned, to prevent its falling into the hands of the enemy. The British are now in full possession of the city of Philadelphia, and their fleet has obtained access to it by way of the Delaware river. The continental army, since the close of tHe campaign, has retired for winter- quarters to a place called Yalley Forge, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. Here they are subjected to the fatigue and labor of clearing the woods and constructing log huts for their accommodation during the winter. An occurrence of a very singular complexion has lately been published in a Pennsylvania newspaper, which occa sions much indignant speculation. The Keverend Jacob Duche, a popular Episcopal minister in Philadelphia, was the first chaplain appointed by Congress. He performed his official duties to general acceptance, frequently and fervently imploring Heaven to succeed the American cause. "Whether from alarm at the success of the royalists, or from any change in his sentiments respecting the justice of our cause, is uncertain, but after having officiated about three months, he gave in his resignation. He left Philadelphia, and "took shelter under the arm of that power which from the sacred pulpit he had exhorted his hearers to oppose." But it is no less extraordinary, that this apostate addressed a letter to his Excellency General Washington, with whom he was on terms of friendship, in which, to use the au thor s own words, "he has spoken freely of Congress, and of the army" He enjoins it on his excellency to abandon the American cause, and resign his command of the army; or at the head of it, to force Congress immediately to de sist from hostilities and to rescind their declaration of Independence. If this is not done, he says, "You have an infallible resource still left, negotiate for America at the head of your army" He represents the Congress in the MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1777. most despicable point of view, as consising of weak, ob scure persons, not fit associates for bis excellency, and the very dregs of the first Congress. The New England del egates he treats with the greatest indelicacy. The officers and men which compose our army, he describes as desti tute of principle and courage; undisciplined, taken from the lowest of the people, unfit for a seat at his excellency s table, &c., &c. Thus has this vile calumniator disgraced his profession, and involved his own character in that ignominy which he designed for his superiors. His ex cellency in noticing this transaction in a letter of October the 16th, observes, "To Mr. Duche s ridiculous, illiberal performance, I made a very short reply, by desiring the bearer, Mrs. Ferguson, if she should hereafter, by any accident meet with Mr. Duche, to tell him I should have returned his letter unopened if I had had any idea of its contents.* 20t/i. The wounded soldiers committed to my care in * The following is the form of prayer made use of by the Reverend Mr. Duche in the Congress after Independence was declared: "O Lord! our heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, and Lord of lords, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers on earth, and reignest with power supreme and uncontroled over all king doms, empires and governments. Look down in mercy, we beseech thee, on these our American states, who have fled to thee from the rod of the oppressor, and thrown themselves on thy gracious protection, desiring to be henceforth dependent only on thee; to thee have they appealed for the righteousness of their cause; to thee do they now look up for that countenance and support, which thou alone canst give; take them, therefore, heavenly Father, under thy nurturing care; give them wisdom in council, and valor in the field; defeat the malicious designs of our cruel adversaries; convince them of the unrighteousness of their cause, and if they still persist in their sanguinary purposes, O! let the voice of thine own unerring justice, sounding in their hearts, constrain them to drop the weapons of war from their unnerved hands in the day of battle. Be thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation, that the scene of blood may be speedily closed, that order, harmony and peace may be effectually restored, and truth and justice, religion and piety, prevail and flourish amongst thy people; preserve the health of their bodies and the vigor of their minds; shower down on them, and the millions they here represent, such temporal bless ings, as thou seest expedient for them in this world, and crown them with everlasting glory in the world to come. All this we ask in the name, and through the merits of Jesus Christ thy Son and our Saviour. AMEN." 122 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. October last, have all recovered, and as a compliment for my assiduity, and attention to my patients, I have received from Dr. Potts, our surgeon-general, a generous and hand some, present. The duties of our hospital being now greatly diminished, I have obtained a furlough for forty days, ami shall to-morrow commence my journey to visit my friends in New England. February 4:th, 1778. Having performed a journey on horseback to Boston and Barnstable, in Massachusetts, I returned here two days before the expiration of my fur lough, and resumed my duties in the hospital. Several gentlemen belonging to the hospital being desirous of im proving in the accomplishment of dancing, Mr. John Trot ter has agreed to open a special school for our accommoda tion arid we are to attend every afternoon. Master Trotter has for many years been in the practice of teaching the art in the city of New York, and has acquired great fame as a man of knowledge and experience in his profession. He is about fifty-eight years of age, a small, genteel, well-pro portioned man, every limb and joint proclaiming that he is formed for his profession; and the ease and grace with which he moves on the floor, evince that he is an accom plished master, and that he has lost none of his agility by age. Under the tuition of such a master, we flatter our selves that in due time, if we improve our advantages, we shall be able to figure in a ball-room. I0lh. I have now obtained a particular description of the American Torpedo, and other ingenious submarine machinery, invented by Mr. David Bushnell, for the pur pose of destroying shipping while at anchor, some account of which may be found in this Journal, page 62. The external appearance of the torpedo bears some resem blance to two upper tortoise shells, of equal size, placed in contact, leaving, at that part which represents the head of the animal, a flue or opening, sufficiently capacious to contain the operator, and air to support him thirty minutes. At the bottom, opposite to the entrance, is placed a quantity of lead for ballast. The operator sits upright, and holds an oar for rowing forward or backward, and is furnished with a rudder for steering. An aperture at the bottom, with its valve, admits water for the purpose of descending, and two brass forcing pumps serve to eject the water with- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. 123 in, when necessary for ascending. The vessel is made completely water-tight, furnished with glass windows for the admission of light, with ventilators and air-pipes, and is so ballasted, with lead fixed at the bottom, as to render it solid, and obviate all danger of oversetting. Behind the submarine vessel, is a place above the rudder for carrying a large powder magazine; this is made of two pieces of oak timber, large enough, when hollowed out, to contain one hundred and fifty pounds of powder, with the apparatus used for firing it, and is secured in its place by a screw turned by the operator. It is lighter than water, that it may rise against the object to which it is intended to be fastened. Within the magazine, is an apparatus constructed to run any proposed length of time under twelve hours; when it has run out its time, it un- pinions a strong lock, resembling a gun-lock, which gives fire to the powder. This apparatus is so pinioned, that it cannot possibly move, till, by casting off the magazine from the vessel, it is set in motion. The skilful operator can swim so low on the surface of the water, as to ap proach very near a ship in the night, without fear of being discovered ; and ma}^ if he choose, approach the stern or stem, above water, with very little danger. He can sink very quickly, keep at any necessary depth, and row a great distance in any direction he desires without coming to the surface. When he rises to the surface, he can soon obtain a fresh supply of air, and, if necessary, he may then de scend again and pursue his course. Mr. Bushnell found that it required many trials and considerable instruction to make a man of common ingenuity a skilful operator. The first person, his brother, whom he employed, was very ingenious, and made himself master of the business, but was taken sick before he had an opportunity to make use of his skill. Having procured a substitute, and given him such instruction as time would allow, he was directed to try an experiment on the Eagle, a sixty-four-gun ship, on board of which Lord Howe commanded, lying in the har bor of New York. He went under the ship, and at tempted to fix the wooden screw into her bottom, but struck, as he supposes, a bar of iron which passes from the rudder hinge, and is spiked under the ship s quarter Had he moved a few inches, which he might have done 9 124 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. without rowing, there is no doubt lie would have found wood where he might have fixed the screw; or if the ship had been sheathed with copper, he might easily have pierced it. But not being well skilled in the management of the vessel, in attempting to move to another place, he lost the ship. After seeking her in vain, for some time, he rowed some distance, and rose to the surface of the water, but found day-light had advanced so far, that he durst not renew the attempt. He says that he could easily have fastened the magazine under the stern of the ship, above water, as he rowed up to the stern and touched it before he descended. Had he fastened it there, the explo sion of one hundred and fifty pounds of powder, the quantity contained in the magazine, must have been fatal to the ship. In his return from the ship to New York, he passed near Governor s Island, and thought he was discovered by the enemy on the island. Being in haste, to avoid the danger he feared, he cast off the magazine, as he imagined it retarded him in the swell, which was very considerable. After the magazine had been cast off one hour, the time the internal apparatus was set to run, it blew up with great violence, throwing a vast column of water to an amazing height in the air, and leaving the enemy to conjecture whether the stupendous noise was produced by a bomb, a meteor, a water-spout, or an earth quake. Some other attempts were made in Hudson s river, in one of which the operator, in going towards the ship, lost sight of her and went a great distance beyond her, and the tide ran so strong as to baffle all his efforts. Mr. Bushnell being in ill health, and destitute of resources, was obliged to abandon his pursuit at that time, and wait for a more favorable opportunity, which never occurred. In the year 1777, Mr. Bushnell made an attempt from a whale-boat, against the Cerberus frigate lying at anchor, by drawing a machine against her side, by means of a line. The machine was loaded with powder, to be exploded by a gun-lock, which was to be un pinioned by an apparatus to be turned by being brought alongside of the frigate. This machine fell in with a schooner at anchor astern of the frigate, and concealed from his sight. By some means it became fixed, and exploding, demolished the schooner. Commodore Simmons, being on board the Cerberus, ad- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. dressed an official letter to Sir Peter Parker, describing this singular disaster. Being at anchor to the westward of New London, with a schooner which he had taken, discovered about eleven o clock in the evening a line tow ing astern from the bows. He believed that some person had veered away by it, and immediately began to haul in. A sailor, belonging to the schooner, taking it for a fishing- line, laid hold of it, and drew in about fifteen fathoms. It was buoyed up by small pieces of wood tied to it at stated distances. At the end of the rope a machine was fastened, too heavy for one man to pull up, for it exceeded one hundred pounds in weight. The other people of the schooner coming to his assistance, they drew it on deck. While the men were examining the machine, about five minutes from the time the wheel had been put in motion, it exploded, blew the vessel into pieces, and set her on fire. Three men were killed, and the fourth blown into the water, much injured. On examining round the ship, after this accident, the other part of the line was discovered, buoyed up if the same manner. This the commodore ordered to be instantly cut away, for fear of hauling up another of the infernals, as he termed it. These machines were constructed with wheels, furnished with irons sharp ened at the end, and projecting about an incn, in order to strike the sides of the vessel when hauling them up, there by setting the wheels in motion, which in the space of five minutes causes the explosion. Had the whole apparatus been brought to operate on a ship at the same time, it must have occasioned prodigious destruction. Mr. Bush- nell contrived another ingenious expedient to effect his favorite object. He fixed a large number of kegs under water, charged with powder, to explode on coming in con tact with any thing while floating along with the tide. He set his squadron of kegs afloat in the Delaware, above the English shipping, in December, 1777. The kegs were in the night set adrift, to fall with the ebb, on the shipping; but the proper distance could not be well ascertained, and they were set adrift at too great a distance from the vessels, by which means they were obstructed and dispersed by the ice. They approached, however, in the day time, and one of them blew up a boat, and others exploded, which occasioned among the British seamen the greatest alarm 126 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. and consternation. They actually manned the wharves and shipping at Philadelphia, and discharged their small arms and cannon at every thing they could see floating in the river, during the ebb tide. This incident has re ceived the name of the Battle of the Kegs, and furnished a subject for an excellent and humorous song by the Honorable Francis Hopkinson, which is inserted in the Appendix. ApriL Major-General Lee, captured by the enemy in December, 1776, has been exchanged for Major-General Prescott, who was taken at Ehode Island, by Colonel Barton. The glorious intelligence being announced, that Con gress have negotiated a treaty of alliance with the Court of France, General Washington has issued the following orders for the army to celebrate the momentous event: "Head Quarters, Camp, Valley Forge, May 5l1i, 1778. "It having 1 pleased the Almighty Ruler of the Universe propitiously to defend the cause of the United American States, and finally, by rais ing us up a powerful friend among the princes of the eHrth, to establish our liberty and independence on a lasting foundation; it becomes us to set apart a day for gratefully acknowledging the Divine goodness, and celebrating the important event which we owe to His benign interposition. "The severa^jrigades are to be assembled for this purpose at nine o clock to-morrow morning, when their chaplains will communicate the intelligence contained in the Postscript to the Pennsylvania Gazette of the second instant, and offer up a Thanksgiving, and deliver a discourse suitable to the occasion. "At half-past ten o clock a cannon will be fired, which is to be a sig nal for the men to be under arms. The brigade inspectors will then inspect their dress and arms, form the battalions according to the instruc tions given them, and announce to the commanding officers of brigades that the battalions are formed. The brigadiers and commandants will then appoint the field-officers to command the battalions; after which, each battalion will be ordered to load and ground their arms. At half- past eleven, another cannon will be fired as a signal for the march; on which the several brigades will begin their march by wheeling to the right by platoons, and proceed by the nearest way to the left of their ground, in the new position that will be pointed out by the brigade inspectors. A third signal will be given, on which there will be a dis charge of thirteen cannon: when the thirteenth has fired, a running fire of the infantry will begin on the right of Woodford s, and continue throughout the whole front line; it will then be taken up on the left of the second line, and continue to the right on a signal given, the whole army will huzza Long live the King of France! The artillery will then begin again, and fire thirteen rounds. This will be succeeded by a second general discharge of the musketry in a MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. running fire Huzza! long live the Friendly European Powers! Then the last discharge of thirteen pieces of artillery will be given, followed by a general running fire Huzza for the American States!" Agreebly to the above orders, his Excellency General Washington, his lady and suite, Lord Stirling, the Coun tess of Stirling, with other general officers and ladies, at tended at nine o clock at the Jersey brigade, when the Postscript mentioned above, was read, and after prayer a suitable discourse delivered to Lord Stirling s division by the Rev. Mr. Hunter. On the signal at half-after eleven, the whole army re paired to their alarm-posts; on which General Washing ton, accompanied by the general officers, reviewed the whole army at their respective posts; and after the firing of the cannon and musketry, and the huzzas were given agreeably to the orders, the army returned to their re spective brigade parades, and were dismissed. All the officers of the army then assembled, and partook of a collation provided by the general, at which several patriotic toasts were given, accompanied with three cheers. His excellency took leave of the officers at five o clock, on which there was universal huzzaing Long live General Washington! and clapping of hands till the general rode some distance. The non-commissioned officers and pri vates followed the example of their officers as the general passed their brigades. Approbation indeed was conspicu ous in every countenance, and universal joy reigned throughout the camp. My friend, Major Minnis, from head-quarters at Valley Forge, has detailed to me the particular circumstances of the distress and privations which our army suffered, while in winter-quarters at that place, the last winter. In the month of December, the troops were employed in erecting log huts for winter-quarters, when about one-half of the men were destitute of small-clothes, shoes, and stockings; some thousands were without blankets, and were obliged to warm themselves over fires all night, after the fatigues of the day, instead of reposing in comfortable lodgings. At one time nearly three thousand men were returned unfit for duty, from the want of clothing, and it was not uncommon to track the march of the men over ice and frozen ground, by the blood from their naked feet. Sev- 128 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1778. eral times during the winter, they experienced little less than a famine in camp; and more than once our general officers were alarmed by the fear of a total dissolution of the army from the want of provisions. For two or three weeks in succession, the men were on half-allowance, and for four or five days without bread, and again as many without beef or pork. It was with great difficulty that men enough could be found-in a condition fit to discharge the military camp duties from day to day, and for this Eurpose those who were naked, borrowed from those who ad clothes. It cannot be deemed strange that sickness and mortality were the consequence of such privations, in the midst of an inclement season. Under these unexam pled sufferings, the soldiers exercised a degree of patience and fortitude, which reflects on them the highest honor, and which ought ever to entitle them to the gratitude of their country. The army indeed was not without conso lation, for his excellency the commander-in-chief, whom every soldier venerates and loves, manifested a fatherly concern and fellow-feeling for their sufferings, and made every exertion in his power to remedy the evil, and to administer the much-desired relief. Being authorized by Congress, he reluctantly resorted to the unpopular expe dient of taking provisions from the inhabitants by force, and thus procured a small supply for immediate necessity.* This was the unhappy condition of that army, on whom General Washington had to rely for the defence of every thing held most dear by Americans, and this, too, while situated within sixteen miles of a powerful adversary, with a greatly superior army of veterans, watching with a vigil ant eye for an opportunity to effect its destruction. But a fact which excites the greatest indignation and astonish- * It was on this occasion that a foreign officer of distinction said to a friend of mine, that he despaired of our Independence, for while walk ing with General Washington, along the soldiers huts, he heard from many voices echoing through the open crevices between the logs, "No pay, no clothes, no provisions, no rum" and when a miserable being was seen flitting from one hut to another, his nakednesss was only covered by a dirty blanket. It will be difficult to form a just conception of tho emotions of grief and sorrow which must have harrowed up the soul of our illustrious patriot and philanthropist. In this darkening hour of adversity, any man who possesses less firmness than Washington, would despair of our Independence. MILITARY JOUENAL, 1778. ment is, that, at the critical period above mentioned, a party in Congress, in concert with General Conway, was endeavoring to remove General Washington from the supreme command. If the American army is to be anni hilated, and the cause of our country sacrificed to gratify individual ambition, then is there a faction ripe for the execution of the object. No man, perhaps, ever had a greater combination of vexatious evils and uncontrollable obstacles to encounter, than this incomparable patriot and warrior; and no one surely ever possessed in a more emi nent degree the peculiar talents and qualities requisite for the discharge of the important duties assigned him in his elevated station. He has acquired the full confidence of every faithful officer and soldier under his command, and his wisdom and judgment are considered adequate to the most trying exigencies. He rises in the midst of dis tress, and gains strength by misfortunes. The Assembly of Pennsj^lvania, and a certain party in our Congress, en tertain an idea that the royal army was permitted to take possession of Philadelphia by the timidity, or by the ex cessive caution, of our commander-in-chief. It is well known, that from necessity he has evinced himself more the disciple of Fabius Maximus, than of Marcellus. He temporizes, and acts on the defensive, when a superior force and the peculiar circumstances of his army compel him to adopt such conduct. But no one will deny that he has displayed the greatest courage in opposing danger, and the greatest presence of mind in retreating from it. He has perplexed the enemy by his judicious manoeuvres, and braved him frequently in his camp; and it is by his superior generalship, and the unfailing resources of his mind, that the enemy was not sooner in possession of Philadelphia, and that our feeble, half-starved, naked army, has not been entirely destroyed. The candidates who have been named to supersede his excellency in the su preme command, are Generals Lee, Mifflin, Gates and Conway. Lee has many advocates in his favor. Mifflin has no claim, and it is believed no desire, to be elevated to this highly responsible station. The splendid achieve ment of General Gates at Saratoga is auspicious to his preferment, but even the officers and soldiers who served under him in the northern army, would not willingly 130 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. yield their attachment to their beloved Washington, in whose wisdom and judgment they repose such unbounded confidence. It is most unfortunate that Congress appears to be split into factions at this eventful period, when the salvation of our country depends on the harmony and unanimity in our councils. A strong party exists in this body, who are exerting every nerve to effect their favorite scheme of elevating General Gates to the supreme com mand. This gentleman is made the object of their applause and caresses, though he has been deficient in duty and respect in his official station, in not communicating to the commander-in-chief the important intelligence of the cap ture of General Burgoyne and his army. General Conway, a French gentleman, has been appointed by Congress in spector-general, with the rank of major-general, over a number of brigadiers -of regular standing, and this, even when it was notorious that he was inimical to the com mander-in-chief, and the author of letters in which his excellency s character is basely aspersed and calumniated. These unhappy dissensions and jealousies occcasion the greatest solicitude in our army, and consequences of a fatal tendency are seriously apprehended. The brigadiers and a number of colonels have remonstrated in strong terms to Congress respecting the preferment of General Conway. The machinations of this insolent foreigner have at length recoiled on his own head. Having, by his vile intrigue and insufferable effrontery, rendered himself an object of disgust in his station, he has been induced to resign his commission, and has withdrawn himself from the army.* On this serious occasion, the character of Washington was found unassailable, and it shines with redoubled lustre. His excellency displays a noble magnanimity in overlook ing a want of confidence in his skill and judgment in his profession. Envy and malice are ever attendant on exalted station and superior merit. * General Conway, after his resignation, was challenged by General Cadwailader, for his conduct, and in the combat he received a wound which he supposed to be a mortal one; and conceiving death to be near at hand, he conducted honorably in addressing to General Washington a letter of apology. Further particulars relative to this unpleasant busi ness may be found in the characters of Lee, Gates and Conway, in the Appendix. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. 131 May 16th. In various parts of this state the inhabitants are constantly infested with a banditti of tories and other villains, following the practice of robbing and plundering, stealing horses and cattle, and often committing murder on those who oppose them ; and even on innocent persons. A number of these vile wretches have been apprehended and condemned; two of them were executed yesterday. They had been convicted of robbing the house of Mr. Van Ness, whose -son, being a captain in our militia, was taken by them and cruelly murdered. The criminals were conducted to the gallows by a guard of soldiers, and were attended by a prodigious number of spectators. They manifested, at the gallows, the most agonizing horrors. One of them held in his hand a Bible till the halter de prived him of the power of holding it. Had this sacred volume been his companion in early life, it might have been the means of averting this awful and untimely death. 20#i. I attended the judicial court at the City Hall for the trial of a number qf criminals accused of house rob bery, horse stealing, and murder, among the defenceless inhabitants on our frontiers. No less than ten of these miscreants were arraigned at the bar. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty against the whole number. Judge John Jay, who officiated on the bench, pronounced the awful sentence of death, and addressed them in a very solemn and affecting manner, calculated to rouse them to a sense of their dreadful condition, and in a moving and pathetic strain, enjoined it on them to prepare to meet their God. This scene was rendered the more melancholy, by observing among the criminals a grey-headed man of seventy years, and his son about twenty. The criminality of the son admits of some extenuation from his ignorance and the example of his father. The youth was afterwards pardoned ; but the old man, with several others, expiated their crimes by a public execution on the gallows. In the town of Schoharie, about thirty miles from this city, a company of our troops, under the command of Cap tain Patrick, has been for some time stationed for the pur pose of guarding the inhabitants against the incursions and cruel ravages of the Indians and tories. We have just received the melancholy intelligence, that about two hundred Indians and their tory allies, fell on our party by 132 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. surprise, killed the captain and all but fifteen men, and most of the inhabitants shared the same miserable fate. The bodies were cut and mangled in a savage manner, and some of them were scalped. June 1st. Orders have been greceived for the removal of our hospital from this city TO the highlands, on the Hudson river, where our whole army, it is said, is about to assemble. During my residence in this city, I have contracted but a limited acquaintance with the inhabitants. They are chiefly Low Dutch, and not much inclined to associate with strangers. There are, however, several families of respectability and fashion, who have taken refuge here from New York, among whom are some ami able and accomplished ladies, in whose society I have been permitted to enjoy a social intercourse. The charming Miss M. H. has captivated the heart, and is destined to receive the hand of my excellent friend Dr. W. P. S., an auspicious union of congenial souls. But in military life our associates must be chiefly those of a military character. In a society of about thirty professional gentlemen, har monizing in similar pursuits and inclinations, our sympa- thies and mutual pleasures are mingled, and raised to a state of the purest enjoyment. We are now to be sepa rated, and subjected to vicissitudes and incidents beyond our calculation. Three of our number are to continue with the sick in this place, and the remainder are destined to a new situation. 6th. We embarked with our hospital stores and bag gage on board of a sloop, and proceeded with a fair wind down the Hudson. In the evening we landed at Kinder- hook, a small town on the bank of the river. 7th. Arrived at Fishkill, where we replenished our stock of provisions. lOi/;. Proceeded on our voyage, took in a pilot at New Windsor, lodged on board, and on the llth reached the place of our destination, landed our stores and baggage, and took possession of the house which we are to occupy for a hospital. This house was erected by Colonel Beverly Robinson, a respectable gentleman from Scotland, for his summer residence, but being induced to adhere to the British interest, he has, with his excellent family, removed to New York, and thereby forfeited his large estate. This MILITARY JOUENAL, 1778. 3 33 is a spacious and very convenient building, situated on the eastern bank of the Hudson, about two miles from West Point, which is on the opposite shore. Eobinson s house, with the out-buildings, is found very convenient for a hospital ; the farm and gardens are very extensive, afford ing excellent pasturing for horses and cows, and contain ing three or four large orchards, abounding in fruit of various descriptions. In the location of a country-seat, the judgment of Colonel Robinson is not much to be ad mired, unless he was guided altogether by a taste for romantic singularity and novelty. It is surrounded on two sides by hideous mountains and dreary forests, not a house in view, and but one within a mile. The Hudson, which washes the borders of this farm, affords a facility of communication with New York and with Albany ; and the excursion up or down the river is truly romantic; nature exhibits a diversified scenery of wild mountains, craggy precipices, and noble lofty cliffs, on each side the river, which at this place is about one mile wide. The bank on the west side is formed by a large mountain called Butterhill, and that on the east by another named Brecknock. At a small distance south of Robinson s is a remarkable bluff, whose rocky cliffs ascend almost per pendicularly from the water s edge to the height of about twelve or fifteen hundred feet. This, from its singular form and appearance, is known by the name of Anthony s Nose. Not far from Robinson s house is Sugar-loaf moun tain, covered with various kinds of forest trees. 12^/1. A little party, consisting of three gentlemen of the hospital and myself, resolved on the attempt to ascend to the summit of Sugar-loaf mountain, which from its rude acclivity is deemed almost inaccessible. It was with great difficulty and fatigue that we effected our purpose, holding by the limbs and bushes, while the decayed wood and loose stones, sliding from, under our feet, kept us in con tinual fear of a fatal fall. Having reached the summit, we contemplated with amazement the sublime scene which opened to our view. Looking down as from a cloud, we beheld the Hudson, resembling a vast canal cut through mountains of stupendous magnitude; a few boats playing on its surface were scarcely visible. But to the pen of the poet, and the pencil of the painter, be consigned the MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1778. task of describing the wonders of nature there exhibited in the form of huge mountains, rocky cliffs, and venerable forests,. in one confused mass. From this summit, too, we have a most interesting view of the fortress and garrison of West Point. Fort Putnam, on its most elevated part, the several redoubts beneath, and the barracks on the plain below, with numerous armed soldiers inactive mo tion, all defended by the most formidable machinery of war, combine to form a picturesque scenery of peculiar interest, which can be heightened only when from the cannon s mouth, issue fire and smoke, and the earth trem bles with its roar and thunder. While musing on the rich scenery, we observed a number of large rocks, which seemed to have but a slender hold at their basis, we con ceived that it would not be difficult to undermine and precipitate them down the steep precipice. Having a consultation to decide on the most eligible mode of effect ing our purpose, we resolutely commenced the laborious enterprise; destitute of every kind of utensil, we pro cured each one a limb of a sapling, with which, we bur rowed away the earth, and soon perceived the happy effects of our industry; the rock began to totter. Among other curiosities, we viewed the path made by the descent of Putnam s rock. Colonel Kufus Putnam ascended this mountain with forty men, who were, for amusement, em ployed about two days in precipitating from its summit a rock of many tons weight into the river. Such was the force of this ponderous body, that in its passage it cut down trees of a large size, and nothing could impede its course till it fell with a tremendous crash into the river. The rock was of such size, that a part of it remained above water, and Colonel Putnam, standing on its top, holding in his hand a bottle of spirits, gave to it the name of Putnam 1 s Rock. July 2d. By Dr. Brown, surgeon-general, just arrived from Philadelphia, we are favored with the intelligence that commissioners have arrived from the British govern ment with new proposals for the purpose of a reconcil iation between the two countries. It appears that in consequence of the capture of General Burgoyne and his army, the Parliament had manifested great mortification and alarm, and have been induced to pass some acts, with MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. 135 a view of reconciliation, more consistent with the just claims of America than those formerly declared. The royal commissioners have presented to our Congress their proposals for a mutual adjustment of existing difficulties, couched in such plausible, and apparently conciliatory language, as to excite serious apprehensions that it may occasion considerable disaffection among the people, if not division in our public councils. Fears are entertained by many, in and out of Congress, that the expedient now adopted by Parliament .may be productive of the conse quences which the authors probably intended, that of relaxation and delay in our military preparations. There is, however, a very important and radical defect in the terms proposed by the commissioners: they are not author ized to treat with Congress on the principles of independ ency, but still adhere to the idea of a reunion of the states, as colonies, under the government of Great Britain. Firm in their determination never to relinquish this fundamental principle, the Congress unanimously rejected the proffered conditions, and it is morally certain that no terms short of an explicit acknowledgment of our Independence, will ever be accepted. A very animated address has been published by Congress to their constituents, respecting the terms proposed by the commissioners, in whi^h they ob serve, that "the haughty prince who spurned us from his feet with contumely and disdain, and the Parliament who proscribed us, now descend to offer terms of accommoda tion. While in the full career of victory, they pulled off the mask, and avowed despotism. But having lavished in vain the blood and treasure of their subjects, in pursuit of this execrable purpose, they now endeavor to ensnare us with the insidious offers of peace. They would seduce us into a dependence, which necessarily and inevitably leads to the most humiliating slavery. And do they believe you will accept these fatal terms because you have suffered the distresses of war? Do they suppose that you will basely lick the dust before the feet of your destroyers? Can there be a man so lost to the feelings that adorn human nature, to the generous pride, the elevation, the dignity of freedom ? Is there a man who would not abhor a dependence on those who have deluged his country in the blood of its inhabitants? We cannot suppose this, 136 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. neither can we suppose that they themselves expect to make many converts. What then is their intention? Is it not to lull you with the fallacious hopes of peace, till they can assemble new armies to prosecute their nefarious designs? If this is not the case, why do they meanly court each little tyrant of Europe to sell them his unhappy slaves? Why do they continue to embitter the minds of the savages against you? Surely, this is not the way to conciliate the affections of America. Be not deceived." The address then proceeds to encourage the people with the fairest prospect of success in the full establishment of their liberty and independence. The most powerful incen tives to perseverance and Exertion are held forth as the means of vanquishing the foes of our country. "Above all, bring forward your armies into the fiel$. Trust not to appearances of peace or safety. Be assured that, unless you persevere, you will be exposed to every species of barbarity ; but if you exert the means of defence which God and nature have given you, the time will soon arrive when every man shall sit under his own vine and under his own fig-tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid." 3d. A great degree of dissatisfaction has prevailed for some time among the officers of our army. At the com mencement, of the war, a considerable proportion of our officers, it is presumed, engaged in the service from the purest motives of patriotism ; some doubtless were actuated by pecuniary views, or influenced by the novelty of the employment, and with the expectation that the contest would be of short continuance. These incentives appear in a great measure to have vanished. The active spirit of patriotism is not to be considered as inexhaustible; when it has made the most liberal personal sacrifice, it is disposed to languish, and to resign its duties to others who hold an equal stake in the public weal. The military commission, which in other armies is eagerly sought for, and prized, as entitling the bearer to the post of honor and profit, is in ours held in little estimation, and in some instances it is scarcely considered as reputable. The paper money in which our army is paid, has greatly depreciated, and an officer can with difficulty realize an adequate sup port while in camp, and those who have families depend ent on them, are reduced to the greatest embarrassments. MILITARY JOUENAL, 1778. Many officers, when commissioned, relinquished lucrative professions or employments, and are devoting the most precious portion of life to the service of their country. When we contemplate the destitute condition which may be his lot at the close of the war, or the wretched circum stances in which he may be called to leave his family in case he should not survive this period, no one can be surprised that he is dissatisfied in his present situation, and that he claims from the public a more ample remu neration. These considerations will account for the nu merous resignations which have taken place, and which has occasioned the commander-in-chief much anxiety and concern. Apprehending that he should be deprived of the services of many meritorious officers, his Excellency General Washington made a feeling representation to Congress relative to the subject. A committee of that honorable body has been appointed to confer with the general, and in concert with him to make and recommend such new arrangements as should appear eligible. His excellency strongly recommended a half-pay establish ment, which he conceived was indispensably necessary, to induce the officers to continue in the service, and cheer fully discharge their respective duties; as many have already resigned, and application for it is frequently made by others. Besides adopting some method to make the provision to officers equal to their present exigencies, a due regard should be paid to futurity. "Nothing, in my opinion," says his excellency, "would serve more power fully to reanimate their languishing zeal, and interest them thoroughly in the service, than a half-pay establishment." This conference and representation produced the desired effect. Congress, being convinced of the propriety and necessity of making further provision for the -encourage ment of their army, resolved, unanimously, that all mili tary officers, commissioned by Congress, who now are, or hereafter may be, in the service of the United States, and shall continue therein during the war, shall, after the conclusion of it, be entitled to receive annually for the term of seven years, if they live so long, one-half of the present pay of such officers. They further resolved, unan imously, that every non-commissioned military officer or soldier who has enlisted or shall enlist in the service of 138 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1778. these states during the war, and shall continue therein to the end thereof, shall be entitled to receive a further re ward of eighty dollars at the expiration of the war. 4th. Infelligence has reached us that the royal army, under the command of General Sir Henry Clinton, has evacuated Philadelphia, and while marching through Jer sey to New York, General Washington attacked them near Mon mouth court-house, on the 28th of June, and a warm engagement ensued. This contest was conducted with military ardor and spirit on the side of both armies; but was not on so broad a scale as to prove very decisive in its consequences. The intense heat of the weather, great fatigue, and drinking cold water, proved fatal to about sixty or eighty men of each party. Molly Pitcher, wife of one of the officers, was engaged in bringing water from a spring for the men at the guns, when she saw her husband struck down, and instantly killed ; at the same time she heard the commandant order his piece to be withdrawn as he had no one to fill his place. Maddened at her loss, Molly rushed forward, and with great activity and courage, continued to work the gun until it was withdrawn. This so strongly enlisted the feelings of the soldiers, that they obtained for her an interview with Washington, and her enroll ment on the list of half-pay officers, for life. She was ever afterward called Capt. Molly. General Washing ton commanded in person on this memorable day. He was exposed to every danger while encouraging and ani mating his troops, and his presence and example were of the utmost importance during the day. After the action, at night, he laid down in his cloak under a tree, with the expectation of recommencing the battle in the morning, but the royal army silently retreated during the night without being pursued. One unfortunate circumstance occurred on this occasion, which created considerable embarrassment, and deranged the plan of operations. Major-General Lee, was ordered, by the commander-in-chief, to advance and attack the enemy s rear, so soon as a proper opportunity should offer. Having approached very near, instead of engaging, he suffered his troops to retreat in some confusion. On learn- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. ing this, his excellency was exceedingly mortified and astonished. Coming up to General Lee, and meeting part of his corps in their flight, he with some warmth inquired the cause of his retreat, and addressed General Lee in language which implied censure. The high-spirited Lee could not brook the slightest appearance of disapprobation, and replied with an air of disrespect. He, however, re quested of his excellency fresh orders for the conduct of his corps, and these he promptly obeyed, and discovered no want of bravery in the field. But, unable to quell the rankling of a turbulent temper, he addressed, after the battle, two letters to the commander-in-chief, containing improper and disrespectful expressions. As if in defiance of superior authority, he demanded a trial by a court- martial, that he might have an opportunity of vindicating his conduct, in consequence of which his excellency has put him under arrest to await his trial. 5th. Congress have passed a vote of thanks to General Washington and his army for their brave conduct at the battle of Mon mouth. 8th. I accompanied Dr. "Woodruff to Fishkill village, about fourteen miles. Dined at the hospital with our old friends Drs. Adams and Eustis. They are pleasantly sit uated in a secure retreat for the accommodation of our sick and wounded soldiers. It is expected the French government will lend us their assistance and cooperation against our English adversa ries. It is asserted that a powerful French fleet will soon arrive on our coast. 16th. His excellency the commander-in-chief visited West Point, to take a view of the works which are con structing there. His arrival was announced by the dis charge of thirteen cannon, the number of the United States. 20th. Having a number of sheep running at large in the woods belonging to our hospital, and being in want of mutton, I was induced to assist the slaughterers with my gun against these harmless animals. In pursuit of this game, I devoted most of the day, and a single sheep only was the reward of my labor and fatigue. On my return, I was accused of want of skill as a marksman, and Dr. Prescott challenged me to decide our superiority by firing at a mark; the challenge accepted, we placed an 10 140 MILITARY JOURNAL. 1778. object at the end of our garden. After the third fire, we were checked by an unpleasant incident. Several horses were grazing in a field directly in our range, and one of them, a valuable animal, received a ball through his body. The wound on examination was found to be fatal, the skill of the surgeon could avail nothing, and, to add to our chagrin, we were informed that the animal was the prop erty of Brigadier-General Glover, and was by him highly prized. We soon received a billet from the general, and on waiting on him at West Point, to adjust the terms of settlement, he demanded the cost of the horse, which was one hundred and fifty dollars. Justice and honor required that we should promptly comply with his demand. A soldier who had the charge of the horses informed us that one of the balls struck the ground within a yard of his feet; had the poor fellow been the victim, the catastrophe would have been much more melancholy; but the event is sufficiently unfortunate to deter us from again sporting with our guns at random shot. 27th. Colonel Malcome, from West Point, with his much-admired lady, and several other officers, favored us with their company to dine; we .treated our polite guests with all the civilities and all the comforts in our power, and the cheering glass was not removed till evening, when we accompanied them to the river side, and finished two bottles of port on board their barge. 28th. Agreeably to invitation, the gentlemen of our hospital returned the visit to Colonel Malcome, at West Point, and were entertained in the most genteel manner. The public mind is now in a state of excitement, occa sioned by the improper proceedings of the royal commis sioners for restoring peace. They have made a second communication to Congress, but still without any intima tion of a recognition of the Independence of the United States; but address them on the supposition that the people of America are still the subjects of the crown of Britain. This last communication is drafted with much art and address, calculated to excite jealousies and division among the people. Not content with their public declara tions, and proposals addressed to Congress, they have actually descended to the dishonorable act of insidious oilers to corrupt some distinguished individuals. Governor MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1778. Johnstone, one of the commissioners, with inexcusable effrontery, offered a bribe to Mr. Reed, a member of Con gress. In an interview with Mrs. Ferguson at Philadel phia, whose husband is a royalist, he desired she would mention to Mr. Reed that if he would engage his interest to promote the object of their commission, he might have any office in the colonies, in the gift of his Britannic majesty, and ten thousand pounds in hand. Having solicited an interview with Mr. Reed, Mrs. Ferguson made her com munication. Spurning the idea of being purchased, he replied, "that he was not worth purchasing, but such as he was, the king of Great Britain was not rich enough to do it." Congress declined all further intercourse with the commissioners, and terminated their attempts at negotia tion, unless their royal master would first withdraw his fleets and armies, or expressly acknowledge the independ ence of the United States. In order to demonstrate their most pointed indignation against such daring attempts to corrupt their integrity, they resolved that it was incom patible with their honor to hold any further intercourse with George Johnstone, Esquire, more especially to nego tiate with him on affairs in which the cause of liberty and virtue are interested. We are just informed of a new order of fanatics, who have recently introduced themselves into our country, pretending to be a religious sect; but, if reports be true, they are a disgrace both to religion and to human nature. They are called Shaking Quakers, or dancing quakers, though they have no affinity either in principle or char acter to the established order of Quakers. Their leader is a female by the name of Ann Lee, niece of General Lee, of our army. She is lately from England, and has brought over with her a few followers, and has had the address to seduce several individuals of our country to her party. She is known by the appellation of Mother Ann, and pretends to have received a revelation from heaven. The method which they practice under the idea of religious worship, is so obviously impious, as to exceed the bounds of credibility ; but we have the particulars from eye-witnesses, who have been admitted to their mid night orgies. They spend whole nights in their revels, and exhibit the most unbecoming scenes, violating all 142 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1778. rules of propriety and decency. Both sexes, nearly di vested of clothing, fall to dancing in extravagant postures, and frequently whirl themselves round on one leg with inconceivable rapidity, till they fall apparently lifeless on the floor. A spectator asserts that the fantastic contor tions of body in which their pretended religious exercises consist, bear the semblance of supernatural impulse, and that no imagination can form an adequate idea of the extravagant conduct of these infatuated people a bur lesque on all moral and religious principle.* August 3d. I am now to notice one of the most dread ful instances of perfidious savage cruelty that can perhaps be found on the records of history. However incredible the particulars may appear, they are found in various publications, and received as indubitable facts. Nor would I tarnish a page with the diabolical transaction, till the detailed account has been incontrovertibly estab lished. At a place on the eastern branch of the Susque- hannah river, was a flourishing settlement called Wyoming. It consisted of eight townships, containing one thousand families; and such was the zeal with which they espoused the cause of America, that they voluntarily raised about one thousand soldiers for the continental army. The climate and soil of this territory are admirably adapted to the production of grain, hemp, fruit and stock of all kinds. The inhabitants of this secluded spot might have lived in the enjoyment of all the happiness which results from harmony and the purest natural affection. But unfortu nately they suffered themselves to be divided by the turbulent spirit of party, distinguished by the epithet of whig and tory. When this rancorous spirit was permit ted to disclose itself, animosities arose to s*uch an aston ishing height, as to sever the tenderest ties of family friendship and the dearest connexions. Many of the active inhabitants, influenced by malice and revenge, abandoned their plantations, forsook their neighbors and friends, and allied themselves with the savages, whom they instigated and assisted in the barbarous work of * The sect now denominated Shaking Quakers, are an orderly and civil people; they have rendered themselves remarkable for industry and ingenuity, and for their particular attention to agriculture and the mechanic arts. Ff5c- ^>Q>f - ">~<7^ Ps^^t^ f "* < v.L^ W^sfe MILITARY JOURNAL, 1773. slaughter and death among their friends. The inhabitants, on receiving intelligence that an enterprise was preparing against them, and sensible of their perilous situation, threw up intrenchments and redoubts, to defend themselves against the gathering storm. About the 1st of July last, the ferocious enemy, consisting of one thousand six hun dred tories, Indians and half-blooded Englishmen, ap proached the settlement, and were perceived lurking about their borders. This motley combination was commanded by a Colonel John Butler, a tory refugee, and others no less inhuman and cruel than their savage allies. In order to lull the inhabitants into security, the enemy several times sent messages to the settlers that they had no hos tile designs against them, and the treacherous Butler him self declared that he should not molest them the present season. The inhabitants, however, had reason to distrust their professions, and those capable of bearing arms were immediately embodied under the command of Colonel Zeb. Butler, cousin to the commander of the savages. Finding his efforts to rally the retreating Americans unavailing, and hoping to be able to collect a sufficient number to defend the fort until assistance could arrive, he turned his horse s head in the direction of the garrison and hastened forward. As he was speeding along the road, he overtook an Indian warrior in pursuit of one of his men, who, almost exhausted, would in a few moments have yielded, from utter exhaustion, his scalp to the knife of the pursuer. Having either lost his sword, or there being not time to use it, Butler was compelled to pass the Indian without attacking him. The danger was too imminent to allow him to stop for the man, and he was obliged to pass him also. Despair gave momentary strength and renewed activity, however, to the latter, and springing forward, he seized the long tail of the colonel s horse, and held on with the tenacity of death. The Indian still continued to pursue, hoping probably that something would " turn up" to his advantage. Something did turn up, but not as he antici pated. As Butler proceeded, he beheld a man, lying under a tree, evidently intoxicated, rubbing his eyes, as if to clear up the mist which enshrouded his faculties. Perceiving 144 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. at a glance the state of the case, Col. Butler, as he passed the spot, leaned forward and shouted to the man to kill the Indian. With a coolness which would have won him laurels in the battle, the inebriate, resting his elbow upon the trunk of the fallen tree, took deliberate aim at the breast of the pursuer, and a moment after he was in the dust dead. Then, as if he had just discovered the state of affairs, he took to his heels, and pushed forward at his utmost speed after the colonel. Butler was betrayed by his relative, and the tragical scenes which followed, would not be recited here, were it not that they have been already promulgated from authentic sources. Human ingenuity seemed tasked to its utmost to devise new methods of cruelty, to be exercised upon poor, defense less victims, and scenes were enacted inconceivably dread ful. Barracks, in which women and children were confined, were set on fire and the whole consumed together. One of the prisoners, a Captain Badlock, was committed to torture, by having his body stuck full of splinters of pine knots, and a fire of dry wood made around him, when his two companions, Captains Kanson and Durkee, were thrown into the same fire, and .held down with pitch-forks till consumed. One Partial Terry, the son of a man of respectable character, having joined the Indian part}^, several times sent his father word that lie hoped to wash his hands in his hearts blood; the monster with his own hands murdered his father, mother, brothers and sisters, stripped off their scalps, and cut off his father s head! ! Thomas Terry with his own hands butch ered his oicn mother, his father-in-law, his sisters and their infant children, and exterminated the whole family! A few individuals, mostly women and children, made their escape during the carnage of the day, and dispersed themselves, wandering in the woods destitute of provision or covering, shuddering with terror and distress; their sufferings must be extreme, and their fate uncertain. It is only in the infernal regions that we can look for a parallel instance of unnatural wickedness. The cries of widows and orphans call for the avenging hand of Heaven. The name of Colonel John Butler ought to be consigned to eternal in famy, for the base treachery and cruelty with which he MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. betrayed his kinsman, Colonel Zeb. Butler, a respectable American o fficer, while under the sanction of a flag. 4th. In company with Mr. Governeur Morris and Dr. Brown, our surgeon-general, I rode to camp near White Plains; waited on Colonel Scammel, adjutant-general, to inquire whether any regiment is destitute of a surgeon, as I am desirous of exchanging my present station for the office of regimental surgeon. This object I might have effected, but Dr. Brown prevailed on me not to dissolve my connexion with the General Hospital at present. From camp I performed a journey to Branford, and from thence to Danbury, in Connecticut. Dined with Drs. E ustis and Adams, at their quarters at Branford, and reached Dan- bury in the evening. On my return, the 5th, dined at a tavern at Crompond, and in the afternoon I missed my road, and my horse tired. I was directed into an obscure path through a thick forest, and arrived at the hospital late in the evening. Riding through a thick wood, my attention was arrested by a novel spectacle: On a branch of a large oak, about thirty feet high, I observed a mon strous black-snake, suspended by a coil of its tail, his head and about half his length inclining downwards, basking in the sun. It appeared about two yards in length, and the size of a man s arm. Its skin was of a jet black, and its prominent sparkling black eyes were very beautiful. He viewed me as I passed with the fierceness of a tiger; but discovering none of those fascinating charms by which our credulous mother Eve was so wofully beguiled, and disdaining the whole progeny of deceivers, I passed on without viewing him as an object of my civilities. 1th. An unusual number of patients have been brought into our hospital within a few days. Their diseases are putrid fever and dysentery; many of the cases appear so malignant, that it is feared they will baffle all the skill of the physician. Wth. A friend from Albany informs me that three men and two girls have lately been sentenced to suffer death for murder and robbery. The two girls are sisters, and one of the men is their brother. Another brother was executed last autumn, and their mother is now in pri son, awaiting her trial for the same crime. The women had disguised themselves in men s apparel, and united with 146 MILITAEY JOUKNAL, 1778. the tories and Indians in perpetrating the most inhuman cruelties and savage barbarities among the defenceless and innocent inhabitants. It is time this notorious family should be exterminated from the earth, as an awful exam- Ele to those wretches who are still in the practice of simi- ir crimes. One of the British ships in the harbor of New York took fire by lightning, and blew up; the ex plosion shook the whole city like an earthquake, and excited great consternation among the inhabitants. September 4th. A large French fleet has arrived on our coast, under the command of Count D Estaign, and has blocked up the harbor of Newport. An army, chiefly of militia and volunteers, from the New England states, with two brigades of continental troops, under command of Major-General Sullivan, laid siege to the royal army on the island. From this land force, with the cooperation of the French fleet, very sanguine expectations were formed that the enterprise would have been crowned with success. But the English fleet appeared, and Count D Estaign was induced to pursue them and to offer battle, when unfortunately a violent storm arose, by which his fleet suffered so considerably that the count was obliged to quit the expedition, and proceed to Boston to repair his ships. General Sullivan s army continued several clays on the island, besieging the enemy, and finally a smart engagement ensued, in which both our regular troops and the militia, emulous of fame and glory, combatted the enemy during the day. The result of the contest was a repulse of the royal forces; they retired from the field with considerable loss, and employed themselves in forti fying their camp. In the absence of the French fleet, Sir Henry Clinton sent from New York large reinforce ments, in consequence of which it was unanimously agreed in a council of war to retire from the island. The retreat was conducted by General Sullivan with great judgment and discretion, without loss of men or baggage, though in the face of an enemy of superior force. This exploit reflects great honor both on the general and the brave troops under his command. In the honors of this expe dition, and retreat, Major General Greene, and the Marquis de la Fayette participated conspicuously, but were greatly disappointed in the final result. MILITARY JOUENAL, 1778. 5th. Major-General Lee has gone through, his trial before a court martial appointed for the purpose. The charges exhibited against him were 1st, Disobedience of orders, in not attacking the enemy on the 28th of June, agreeably to repeated instructions. 2, For misbehavior before the enemy on the same day, in making an unneces sary, disorderly and shameful retreat. 3d, For disrespect to the commander-in-chief, in two letters, dated June 28th and July 1st. To these several charges the general made a very able and excellent defence, particularizing all the circumstances attending the unhappy affair, and to the ut most of his ability extenuating and vindicating his conduct. The court, nevertheless, pronounced him guilty, and their sentence was, "that Major-General Lee be suspended from his command in the armies of the United States for the space of one year." This sentence is like a mortal wound to the lofty, aspiring spirit of General Lee; few men are less calculated to sustain such a rebuff to pride and ambitious views.* Qth. A duel was fought a few days since between Gen eral G. and Colonel W. Two shots were exchanged with out bloodshed, and a reconciliation was effected. The gentlemen, it is said, displayed a firmness and bravery becoming their rank and character, and have established their claim to the title of gentlemen of honor. As their courage has never been called in question, the present rencontre was unnecessary, unless it be to evince that they possess malice enough in their hearts to commit a murderous deed. The example of superior officers will have great influence with those of inferior rank, whether contending with the dogs of war, or in adjusting the minor points of honor. 8th. Major-General Putnam has arrived in this vicinity, with the division of Virginia and Maryland troops under his command, and they have encamped on the borders of the river. Brigadiers Woodford and Muhlenburg have taken up quarters in apartments in our hospital. This is my first interview with this celebrated hero. In his per son he is corpulent and clumsy, but carries a bold, un daunted front. He exhibits little of the refinements of * See Appendix, for General Lee s character and abuse of General Washington. 148 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. the well-educated gentleman, but much of the character of the veteran soldier. He appears to be advanced to the age of about sixty years, and it is famed of him that he has, in many instances, proved himself as brave as Caesar. He visited our hospital, and inquired with much solicitude into the condition of our patients; observing a considerable number of men who were infected with the ground itch, generated by lying on the ground, he inquired why they were not cured. I answered, " Because we have no hog s-lard to make ointment." "Did you never," says the general, "cure the itch with tar and brimstone?" "No, sir." "Then," replied he, good-hu- moredly, "you are not fit for a doctor."* Dr. Ferguson, secretary to the British commissioners, forwarded to Congress a declaration signed George John- stone, respecting the resolve of Congress relative to his attempt on the fidelity of one of their members, which re solve he thinks to be calculated by Congress to delude the people of America, and to defeat the design of the com missioners in effecting an accommodation, which he says he would not prevent, and therefore declines acting any more as a commissioner. Another declaration, signed by the three commissioners, (Carlisle, Clinton, and Eden,) in which they disclaim all knowledge of the conduct of Gov ernor Johnstone, in tampering with a member of Congress, till they read it in the newspapers. This paper contains ungenerous reflections on France, and intimates their as tonishment that the Americans should prefer an alliance with France to a submission to the government of England. This, their last manifesto, has been published, and by per mission of Congress circulated through the United States. It was addressed to the members of Congress, the members of the general assemblies or conventions of the several colonies, plantations, and provinces, and was to be in force forty days from the date. It offers a general or separate peace to the colonies, with the revival of their ancient government, secured against future infringements, and protected for ever from taxation by Great Britain, if they will relinquish their independence, break their faith with France, Congress having formed a treaty of alliance with that nation, and submit to the British yoke. These, if not the * See Appendix for his character. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. positive, are the implied terms on which they offer peace. But if their terms are not complied with, then are we to expect more severe expressions of British vengeance than we have hitherto experienced. Hostilities are, they say, to be conducted in a more rigorous and terrific form, that the United States may be rendered of less importance to the French king, their inveterate enemy, and our new ally. We are, therefore, if we persevere in our obstinacy, threat ened with the cruel extremes of war, and a desolation of our country. This last manifesto contains a recital of what the commissioners term the blessings they are empowered to confer, and a warning of the continued train of evils to which the colonies are at present blindly and obstinately exposing themselves, &c., &c. The commissioners expli citly declared that they had. neither authority nor inclination to acknowledge the colonies to be independent and Con gress having informed them "that they would treat with Great Britain on no other terms," it put an end to the negotiation, and the commissioners, it is understood, are preparing to depart from the continent. The British government manifests extreme chagrin and disappointment on account of the prosperous career of the United States, and are very indignant that their conceited omnipotent authority should be so presumptuously called in question by those whom they still affect to consider in the light of dependent colonies. In their reply to the declarations of the commissioners, our Congress mention the causes which induced the people of America to array themselves in arms, that it was the oppressive and tyrannical measures of the British ministry; and after briefly reciting the cruelties that had hitherto been exercised by their troops and navy, acting against us, they add, "that since their incorrigible dispositions cannot be touched by kindness and compassion, it becomes the duty of Congress, by other means, to vindicate the rights of humanity," and they conclude by saying, "that if our enemies presume to execute their threats, and per sist in their present mode of barbarity, we will take such exemplary vengeance as shall deter others from a like conduct." They appeal to that God who searches the hearts of all men for the rectitude of their intentions, and in his holy presence declare, "that as they are not moved 150 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. by any light or hasty suggestions of anger or revenge, so through every possible change of fortune they shall ad here to this their determination." October. The regiment of cavalry, commanded by Colo nel Baylor, being posted on our lines near Tappan, their situation was betrayed by some tories, and a party of the enemy surprised them while in a barn, in the night, and massacred a part of them with circumstances of savage cruelty. The commander of the party who disgraced- themselves by this foul deed, was the English General Grey. Colonel Baylor s detachment consisted of one hun dred and four horsemen; the attack was so sudden, that they were entirely defenceless, and the enemy immediately commenced the horrid work of slaughter; their entreaties and cries for mercy were totally disregarded by their sav age foes. It has been well ascertained that the British soldiers were ordered by their inhuman officers to bayonet every man they could find, and to give no quarter. Major- General Lord Stirling, having by request ascertained the particulars respecting this execrable transaction, makes the following statement: "On its being intimated to me," says his lordship, "that Congress were desirous to know the particulars of the massacre of Colonel Baylor s regi ment, I desired Dr. Griffith, surgeon and chaplain to Gen eral Woodford s brigade, and who attended Colonel Baylor and the other wounded persons, to collect all the evidence he could of this barbarous affair. I have j ust now received collections on this subject." The collection contains the affidavits and depositions of a number of soldiers belonging to that unfortunate regiment, who solemnly declare that after they had surrendered and asked for quarter, it was refused. Thomas Hutchinson, sergeant of the third troop, escaped unhurt; but heard the British soldiers cry out, "Sliver him I" repeatedly. Cullency, of the first troop, who received twelve wounds, says, "that when the enemy entered the barn where his troops lay, he and the men asked for quarter, and were refused; that the British cap tain, Bull, after inquiring how many of the rebels were dead, on being told the number, ordered all the rest to be knocked on the head, and that his orders were executed on five or six of the wounded." Benson, of the second troop, received also twelve wounds; he declared he heard MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1778. the men in the barn with him ask for quarter, which was returned with wounds and abusive language; he thought it in vain to ask for quarter himself, as he heard the sol diers reply to others that begged it, "that their captain had ordered them to stab all, and make no prisoners." Thomas Talley, of the sixth troop, received six wounds; he declared, "that after the enemy had taken him and partly stripped him, the soldiers inquiring of their captain what should be done with him, he ordered him to be killed, and after that he received six wounds in his breast with their bayonets at different times." Southward, of the fifth troop, says, that five men out of thirteen of their regiment, in the barn with him, were killed outright, and the rest, excepting himself, bayoneted; that he heard the British officer order his men to put all to death, and afterwards ask if they had finished all; that they offered quarters to some, who on surrendering themselves, they bayoneted." The depositions of seven others, attested by Governor Livingston of New Jersey, confirm the above declarations. Mr. morris, lieutenant and adjutant in Baylor s regiment, received seven wounds; he declared that, on begging his life after he had surrendered, they replied, "Yes, d n you, we will give you quarters!" and then rushed on and stabbed him with their bayonets, and stripped him of all his clothes. It is a melancholy and awful consideration, that any unnecessary severity should be put in practice to aggravate the common horrors of war. Britain, who boasts of her bravery, her progress in the polite arts, and generosity of temper, has, in her manner of conducting the war in America, most infamously outraged all the laws of humanity, and set an example of savage brutality, de testable to every civilized people, and to every friend of human kind. They are destroying the character of their nation in the eyes of all the world. Witness their fatal prison-ships, their murders in cold blood, their wanton burning and devastations, their licentious abuses, which exhibit a picture of barbarity scarcely to be credited among civilized nations. What then must be our situation, should our country ever be reduced to an absolute subjection to such a mean-spirited people? These considerations should awaken every motive that can animate a manly bosom, to despise every danger in repelling from our shores such 152 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. barbarous invaders, and in humbling such unprincipled foes to our freedom. His excellency the commander-in-chief made a visit to our hospital; his arrival was scarcely announced, before he presented himself at our doors. Dr. Williams and myself had the honor to wait on this great and truly good man through the different wards, and to reply "to his inquiries relative to the condition of our patients. He appeared to take a deep interest in the situation of the sick and wounded soldiers, and inquired particularly as to their treatment and comfortable accommodations. Not being apprised of his intended visit in time to make preparation for his reception, we were not entirely free from embar rassment, but we had the inexpressible satisfaction of re ceiving his excellency s approbation of our conduct, as respects the duties of our department. The personal ap pearance of our commander-in-chief, is that of the perfect gentleman and accomplished warrior. He is remarkably tall, full six feet, erect and well proportioned. The strength and proportion of his joints and muscles appear to be commensurate with the preeminent powers of his mind. The serenity of his countenance, and majestic gracefulness of his deportment, impar.t a strong impression of that dig nity and grandeur which are his peculiar characteristics, and no one can stand in his presence without feeling the ascendancy of his mind, and associating with his counte nance the idea of wisdom, philanthropy, magnanimity, and patriotism. There is a fine symmetry in the features of his face, indicative of a benign and dignified spirit. His nose is strait, and his eyes inclined to blue. He wears his hair in a becoming cue, and from his forehead it is turned back and powdered in a manner which adds to the military air of his appearance. He displays a native gravity, but devoid of all appearance of ostentation. His uniform dress is a blue coat, with two brilliant epaulettes, buff-colored under-clothes, and a three-cornered hat, with a black cockade. He is constantly equipped with an ele gant small-sword, boots and spurs, in readiness to mount his noble charger. There is not in the present age, per haps, another man so eminently qualified to discharge the arduous duties of the exalted station he is called to sustain, amidst difficulties which to others would appear insur- MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1778. mountable, nor could any man have more at command the veneration and regard of the officers and soldiers of our army, even after defeat and misfortune. This is the illustrious chief whom a kind Providence has decreed as the instrument to conduct our country to peace and to independence. Major-General Schuyler, having for more than a year been suspended from military command, in consequence of his concurrent responsibility respecting the evacuation of Ticonderoga, in July, 1777, has at length undergone his trial by a court-martial, of which Major-General Lin coln was president, and is acquitted, with the highest honor, of the charge exhibited against him. This excel lent officer has finally obtained that justice which, from undue prejudice, has so long been denied him. Major-General Arthur St. Clair has also by the same court been acquitted with the highest honor of the charge exhibited against him, of evacuating the post at Ticonder oga. His masterly defence before the court is admired for the display of superior intellect, sound principle, pure in tegrity, and correctness of judgment. General St. Clair, it is presumed, will never receive an adequate compensa tion for the unmerited contumely which he has experi enced from Congress and the public. It is the height of injustice to subject a man of established character to suffer in reputation and in sensibility, merely from surmise and suspicion; and the injury is greatly aggravated when the accused is long held up to public odium, and not permit ted to adduce evidence in his own vindication. General St. Clair has frequently been heard to express a conscious ness of the uprightness and propriety of his conduct, and to despise the vague censure of an uninformed populace; and when Burgoyne was advancing into the country, he said he had the most sanguine hope that the progress of the enemy would be checked, and that he should have the satisfaction to experience that, though he had lost a post, he had eventually saved the state. This hope he has realized in its fullest extent, by the event that the British com mander and army, to whom he surrendered a post, has since been compelled to submit as captives to our army. General St. Clair was an officer in the army of General "Wolfe, and was in the battle in which that celebrated corn- 154 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1778. mander was slain on the Plains of Abraham. He was estimated as a young officer of merit, capable of obtaining a high grade of military reputation. Soon after the com mencement of hostilities, in 1775, he was, without his solicitation, appointed to the office of colonel, and he marched with his regiment into Canada, where he ren dered very important services. He was subsequently pro moted to the rank of major-general, and on all occasions supported an honorable distinction, and shared largely in the confidence and friendship of the commander-in-chief. November 2>d. Having made a visit to Fishkill, I re turned in company with Dr. Treat, our physician-general, and found a large number of gentlemen collecting to par take of an entertainment, by invitation of Brigadier-Gen eral Muhlenburg, who occupies a room in our hospital. The guests consisted of forty-one respectable officers, and our tables were furnished with fourteen different dishes, arranged in fashionable style. After dinner, Major-Gen eral Putnam was requested to preside, and he displayed no less urbanity at the head of the table than bravery at the head of his division. A number of toasts were pro nounced, accompanied with humorous and merry songs. In the evening we were cheered with military music and dancing, which continued till a late hour in the night. General Muhlenburg was a minister of a parish in Vir ginia, but participating in the spirit of the times, exchanged his clerical profession for that of a soldier. Having in his pulpit inculcated the principles of liberty and the cause of his country, he found no difficulty in enlisting a regi ment of soldiers, and he was appointed their commander. He entered his pulpit with his sword and cockade, preach ed his farewell sermon, and the next day marched at the head of his regiment to join the army, and he does honor to the military profession. Wih. Having for a long time served in th^ hospital department, and having no claim to promotion there, I resolved to relinquish that station, and accept the appoint ment of surgeon to the first Virginia state regiment, com manded by Colonel George Gibson. Being introduced to the officers of the regiment, I received a polite invitation to take my quarters in the marquee with Colonel Gibson CORNWALLIS. MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1778. and his lieutenant-colonel, William Brent. Thomas Mer- iweather is his major. 18$. Rode to the village of Fishkill, breakfasted with Dr. Treat and Colonel Hayes, and waited on Dr. John Cochran, who is now in close attendance on the Marquis de la Fayette, who is dangerously sick with a fever. 23J. We have now had a long respite from battles and skirmishes, the season for the campaign is about expiring, and no one can boast of having achieved deeds of much fame and glory. As we are stationed at a considerable distance from the enemy at New York, we feel secure from the annoyance of the dogs of war ; and military duty not being very urgent, our officers appear disposed to relax in their discipline, and contract a habit approaching to dissipation. They have adopted the practice of giving suppers alternate!}^ with music and dancing through half the night. These are the favorite amusements of the Vir ginia and Maryland officers, but they do not accord pre cisely with my own views of time well spent, though I am frequently enticed to a participation in their banquet ing revels. 24$. I accepted an invitation to dine with Captain Carter, at West Point. He is a gentleman of independent fortune, and lives in splendid style. His guests were numerous and highly respectable, and the entertainment rich and arranged with taste. 25$. Dined with General Muhlenburg, in company with several Virginia officers, and, as usual, closed the day with music and dancing. 27$. Visited my friends at Fishkill, and by the re quest of Colonel Gibson I waited on the Marquis de la Fayette. The colonel furnished me with a letter of in troduction and his compliments, with inquiries respecting the marquis s health. I was received by this nobleman in a polite and affable manner. He is just recovering from a fever, and was in his chair of convalescence. He is nearly six feet high, large, but not corpulent, being not more than twenty-one years of age. He is not very ele gant in his form, his shoulders being broad and high, nor is there a perfect symmetry in his features; his forehead is remarkably high, his nose large and long, eyebrows prominent, and projecting over a tine animated hazel eye. 11 j[56 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1778. His countenance is interesting and impressive. He con verses in broken English, and displays the manners and address of an accomplished gentleman. Considering him a French nobleman of distinguished character, and a great favorite of General Washington, I felt myself highly hon ored by this interview.* December 15th. At a settlement called Cherry Yalley, about sixty miles above Albany, Colonel Alden, of Dux- bury, Massachusetts, was stationed with about two hun dred and fifty continental troops, to protect the inhabitants from the incursions of the frontier enemy. It is now an nounced that a body consisting of about seven hundred Indians, tories and soldiers assaulted our party, massacred Colonel Alden, several of the inhabitants, men, women and children, and made prisoners of the lieutenant-colonel and many of the inhabitants. The account states that one hundred and eighty of the surviving inhabitants had neither house nor provisions, were almost naked, and destitute of money to provide necessaries. Our division, commanded by General Putnam, marched according to general orders from our encampment near Kobinson s house, 28th November; arrived at King s ferry, twelve miles, and encamped; 29th, crossed the North river in batteaux, and pitched our camp on the Jersey shore; 30th, marched twelve miles only, in a severe storm of snow and sleet, encamped near the small town of Kakiat. December 1st and 2d, passed through Paramus and Aquackanock, twenty-six miles. These towns are inhabited chiefly by Dutch people; their churches and dwelling-houses are built mostly of rough stone, one story high. There is a peculiar neatness in the appearance of their dwellings, having an airy piazza sup ported by pillars in front, and their kitchens connected at the ends in the form of wings. The land is remarkably level, and the soil fertile; and being generally advan tageously cultivated, the people appear to enjoy ease and happy competency. The furniture in their houses is of the most ordinary kind, and such as might be supposed to accord with the fashion of the days of Queen Anne. They despise the superfluities of life, and are ambitious to * For the character of the marquis, see Appendix. MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1778 appear always neat and cleanly, and never to complain of an empty purse. Pursued our route on the 3d, passed through Westfield, and part of Newark, a handsome village situated on a river of that name, which is navigable to New York, dis tance eight miles. In this village there is a public acad emy and several handsome churches. This is the garden of New Jersey, it is a most delightful country, uniformly level, and every acre abundantly productive. 4th, marched through Springfield, a small but handsome English town. Encamped near the village of Scotch Plains. Here we received orders by express from head-quarters to halt, in consequence of some movement of the enemy in New York. 9th, ordered to resume our march ; passed through Quibbletown and the village of Middle-brook. In this vicinity we are erecting log huts for our winter-quarters. I called at a house with Colonel Gibson and other offi cers to view a phenomenon in the human form a child that has grown to an enormous size at the age of seven years; he measures three feet six inches round his breast, and three feet nine inches round his belly, his limbs and joints are proportionably large, and he weighs one hun dred and thirty pounds. I was informed by the boy s mother that she discovered in him an extraordinary growth when two years old, since which he has increased very rapidly. He enjoys good health, and is not deficient in capacity. 30th. Our officers have not permitted the Christmas days to pass unnoticed, not a day without receiving invita tions to dine, nor a night without amusement and dancing. I dine to-day with General Muhlenburg. Our soldiers are constantly employed in cutting down trees and building log huts for our winter s accommodation, and we are obliged to live in our uncomfortable tents till they can be completed. This is appropriated as a day of Thanksgiv ing throughout the state. Our brigade was paraded in the field to attend divine service. Dr. Belmain, our chaplain, delivered a judicious sermon, well adapted to the occasion, adverting to the great cause in which we are engaged, and enjoining a grateful reverence to the Al mighty Kuler of the universe, and a faithful discharge of the ^duties incumbent on us in our several stations. 158 MILITARY JOUENAL, 1779. January 1st, 1779. Colonel Gibson made an entertain ment, and invited all the officers of his regiment to dine at his quarters in the country a short distance from camp. The table was amply furnished, and the guests did not separate till evening, when we were requested to resort to General Muhlen burg s quarters. Here we were intro duced to a number of ladies assembled to unite with the gentlemen in the ball-room ; a very elegant supper was. provided, and not one of the company was permitted to retire till three o clock in the morning. Thus have the gallant Virginians commenced the new year. February. Having continued to live under cover of canvas-tents most of the winter, we have suffered extremely from exposure to cold and storms. Our soldiers have been employed six or eight weeks in constructing log huts, which at length are completed, and both officers and sol diers are now under comfortable covering for the remain der of the winter. Log houses are constructed with the trunks of trees cut into various lengths, according to the size intended, and are firmly connected by notches cut at their extremities in the manner of dovetailing. The va cancies between the logs are filled in with plastering con sisting of mud and clay. The roof is formed of similar pieces of timber, and covered with hewn slabs. The chimney, situated at one end of the house, is made of similar but smaller timber, and both the inner and the outer side are covered with clay plaster, to defend the wood against the fire. The door and windows are formed by sawing away a part of the logs of a proper size, and move on wooden hinges. In this manner have our sol diers, without nails, and almost without tools, except the axe and saw, provided for their officers and for themselves comfortable and convenient quarters, with little or no ex pense to the public. The huts are arranged in strait lines, forming a regular, uniform, compact village. The officers huts are situated in front of the line, according to their rank, the kitchens in the rear, and the whole is similar in form to a tent encampment. The ground for a consider able distance in front of the soldiers line of huts is cleared of wood, stumps and rubbish, and is every morning swept clean for the purpose of a parade-ground and roll-call for the respective regiments. The officers huts are in general MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779 159 divided into two apartments, and are occupied by three or four officers, who compose one mess. Those for the soldiers have but one room, and contain ten or twelve men, with their cabins placed one above another against the walls, and filled with straw, and one blanket for each man. I now occupy a hut with our field-officers, Colonel Gibson, Lieutenant-Colonel Brent, and Major Meri weather. 4th. A duel has lately been fought between a surgeon and an adjutant in General Scott s brigade; the former received a bad wound, and the latter escaped with honor. "Who will hesitate," says one, "to exchange a few shots with a friend to obtain the appellation of a gentleman of honor? If I kill my antagonist I have the satisfaction of settling a point of honor! If I receive a ball through my own heart, I die in the glorious cause of honor! You have offended me in a delicate point, says an officer to his friend, and I now demand of you the satisfaction of a gentleman : I have settled my affairs, and prepared myself to die, if that shall be my fate. Then, replied the other, we cannot fight on equal terms, for I have not had time to do either. " The anniversary of our alliance with France was cele brated in proper style a few days since near head-quarters, at Pluckemin. A splendid entertainment was given by General Knox and the officers of artillery. General Washington and his lady, with the principal officers of the army and their ladies, and a considerable number of respectable ladies and gentlemen of the state of New Jer sey, formed the brilliant assembly. About four o clock sixteen cannon were discharged, and the company col lected in a large public building to partake of an elegant dinner. In the evening a very beautiful set of fire-works was exhibited, and the celebration was concluded by a splendid ball, opened by his Excellency General Wash ington, having for his partner the lady of General Knox. 26^/i. A party of the enemy made an attempt yester day to surprise our troops stationed at Elizabethtown, under the command of General Maxwell, but the vigilance of the general prevented their success. They sent a party to capture Governor Livingston, of New Jersey, but in this attempt they were also frustrated. After burning and plundering a few houses, they returned to Staten Island, 160 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. but were pursued by General Maxwell s brigade, which occasioned the loss of a few men on each side. His excellency the commander-in-chief has long been in the practice of inviting a certain number of officers to dine at his table every day. It is not to be supposed that his excellency can be made acquainted with every officer by name, but the invitations are given through the medium of general orders, in which is mentioned the brigade from which the officer is expected. Yesterday I accompanied Major Cavil to head-quarters, and had the honor of being numbered among the guests at the table of his excellency, with his lady, two young ladies from Virginia, the gen tlemen who compose his family, and several other officers. It is natural to view with keen attention the counte nance of an illustrious man, with a secret hope of discover ing in his features some peculiar traces of excellence, which distinguishes him from and elevates him above his fellow- mortals. These expectations are realized in a peculiar manner in viewing the person of General Washington. His tall and noble stature and just proportions his fine, cheerful, open countenance simple and modest deport ment are all calculated to interest every beholder in his favor, and to command veneration and respect. He is feared even when silent, and beloved even while we are unconscious of the motive. The table was elegantly fur nished, and the provisions ample, but not abounding in superfluities. The civilities of the table were performed by Colonel Hamilton and the other gentlemen of the fam ily, the general and lady being seated at the side of the table. In conversation, his excellency s expressive coun tenance is peculiarly interesting and pleasing; a placid smile is frequently observed on his lips, but a loud laugh, it is said, seldom, if ever, escapes him. He is polite and attentive to each individual at table, and retires after the compliments of a few glasses. Mrs. Washington combines in an uncommon degree great dignity of manner with the most pleasing affability, but possesses no striking marks of beauty. I learn from the Virginia officers that Mrs. Washington has ever been honored as a lady of distin guished goodness, possessing all the virtues which adorn her sex, amiable in her temper and deportment, full of benignity, benevolence and charity, seeking for objects of MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. affliction and poverty, that she may extend to the suffer ers the hand of kindness and relief. These surely are the attributes which reveal a heart replete with those virtues which are so appropriate and estimable in the female character. April 13th. We have passed a winter remarkably mild and moderate ; since the 10th of January, we have scarcely had a fall of snow, or a frost, and no severe weather. At the beginning of this month the weather was so mild that vegetation began to appear; the fruit-trees were budded on the 1st, and in full blossom on the 10th. In Virginia the peach-trees were in blossom on the 14th of February, but a small frost since has, it is feared, proved fatal to the fruit. 14:th. I accompanied several gentlemen to the village of Middle-brook, where a number of horses were offered for sale; I purchased a handsome young bay for six hun dred dollars. This shows the depreciated value of the paper money, which we receive for pay; the horse could not be valued at more than eighty dollars in silver. 16th. The officers of our regiment provided a genteel entertainment, and invited Generals Woodford, Small- wood, and Muhlenburg, with all the officers of the Virginia line, as our guests. Our table was furnished with an ample variety of dishes, and the choicest liquors that could be procured. 20th. Five soldiers were conducted to the gallows, ac cording to their sentence, for the crimes of desertion and robbing the inhabitants. A detachment of troops and a concourse of people formed a circle round the gallows, and the criminals were brought in a cart, sitting on their coffins, and halters about their necks. While in this awful situation, trembling on the verge of eternity, three of them received a pardon from the commander-in-chief, who is always tenderly disposed to spare the lives of his soldiers. They acknowledged the j ustice of their sentence, and expressed the warmest thankfulness and gratitude for their merciful pardon. The two others were obliged to submit to their fate; one of them was accompanied to the fatal spot by an affectionate and sympathizing brother, which rendered the scene uncommonly distressing, and forced tears of compassion from the eyes of numerous 162 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1779. spectators. They repeatedly embraced and kissed each other, with all the fervor of brotherly love, and would not be separated till the executioner was obliged to per form his duty, when, with a flood of tears, and mournful lamentations, they bade each other an eternal adieu the criminal, trembling under the horrors of an untimely and disgraceful death and the brother, overwhelmed with sorrow and anguish for one whom he held most dear. May \st. Thirteen cannon have just announced the arrival of M. Gerard, the French minister, and a gentleman of distinction from Spain, by the name of Don Juan de Mi nil liars; and preparations are making to afford these foreign gentlemen an opportunity of reviewing our army. 2d. The whole of our army in this quarter was paraded in martial array in a spacious field, and a stage was erected for the accommodation of the ladies and gentlemen spec tators. At the signal of thirteen cannon, the great and splendid cavalcade approached in martial pomp and style. A very beautiful troop of light-horse, commanded by Major Lee, a Virginian, marched in front, then followed his excellency the commander-in-chief and his aids-de camp, next the foreign ministers and their retinue, and the general officers of our army and their aids, closed the procession. Having arrived on the field of parade, the cornmander-in-chief, with the foreign ministers and general officers, passed in front of the line of the army, from right to left, in review, and received the military honors due to their rank; after which, the gentlemen dismounted and retired to the stage, and took seats with Mrs. Washington, Mrs. Greene, Mrs. Kriox, and a number of other ladies, who had arrived in their carriages. The army then per formed the field manoeuvres and evolutions, with firing of cannon and musketry. The business of the day was closed by the troops deploying, and marching in front of the stage, and paying the marching salute to their excel lencies. The whole performance was conducted with such marked regularity and precision, as to reflect great honor on the character of our army, and afford the commander- in-chief and the spectators the highest degree of satisfac tion. On this occasion we cannot but pride ourselves on the conspicuous figure exhibited by our cornmander-in- chief. While mounted on his noble bay charger, his MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1779. stature appears remarkable; and being a good horseman, he displays a lofty carriage, and benign dignity of de meanor, and I hope not to incur the charge of undue partiality, when I say, his appearance was incomparably more majestic and dignified than either of his illustrious visitors. I4ith. Our brigade was paraded for the purpose of being reviewed by General Washington and a number of Indian chiefs. His excellency, with his usual dignity, followed by his mulatto servant Bill, riding a beautiful gray steed, passed in front of the line, and received the salute. He was accompanied by a singular group of savages, whose appearance was beyond description ludicrous. Their horses were of the meanest kind, some of them destitute of saddles, and old lines were used for bridles. Their personal decorations were equally farcical, having their faces painted of various colors, jewels suspended from their ears and nose, their heads without covering, except tufts of hair on the crown, and some of them wore dirty blankets over their shoulders waving in the wind. In short, they exhibited a novel and truly disgusting specta cle. But his excellency deems it good policy to pay some attention to this tribe of the wilderness, and to convince them of the strength and discipline of our army, that they may be encouraged, if disposed to be friendly, or deterred from aggression, if they should become hostile to our country. 28th. The Baron Steuben reviewed and inspected our brigade. The troops were paraded in a single line with shouldered arms, every officer in his particular station. The baron first reviewed the line in this position, passing in front with a scrutinizing eye; after which, he took into his hand the muskets and accoutrements of every soldier, examining them with particular accuracy and precision, applauding or condemning, according to the condition in which he found them. He required that the musket and bayonet should exhibit the brightest polish; not a spot of rust or defect in any part could elude his vigilance. He inquired also into the conduct of the officers towards their men, censuring every fault and applauding every merito rious action. Next he required of me, as surgeon, a list of the sick, with a particular statement of their accommo- 164 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1779. dations and mode of treatment, and even visited some of the sick in their cabins. The baron has sustained the office of aid-de-camp to his Majesty the King of Prussia, and is now inspector-general with the rank of major-gen eral in our army. He appears to be about fifty years of age, and is venerable and dignified in his deportment, rich and elegant in dress, having a splendid medal of gold and diamonds, designating the order of fidelity, suspended at his breast. He is held in universal respect, and consid ered as a valuable acquisition to our country. He is dis tinguished for his profound knowledge of tactics, his ability to reform and discipline an army for his affection ate attachment to a good and faithful soldier, and his utter aversion to every appearance of insubordination and neg lect of duty. The continental army has improved with great rapidity under his inspection and review. 80th. Dined with Major Storer, at his quarters in the country. Spent a few hours at General St. Glair s quar ters, with Dr. McKenzie and Major Dunn, and called on Colonel Scammel at the adjutant-general s office. June 10th. Smith s Clove is a fine level plain of rich land, situated at the foot of the high mountains on the west side of Hudson river. It is about fourteen miles in the rear of the garrison at "West Point, and surrounded on all sides by the highlands. The few families who reside here find a profitable employment in cultivating the fertile soil. Oar brigade marched from quarters at Middle-brook on the 2d instant, and arrived at Morristown, where we received orders to leave all our heavy baggage, and pro ceed with all possible expedition, as the enemy was ad vancing towards West Point. Marched rapidly through Troy, Pompton and Eingwood, and on the 7th instant, encamped in the Clove. By a number of deserters from the enemy, information has been received that the greater part of the British army is advancing, and is now near King s ferry, only thirteen miles below West Point; and that part of their fleet is proceeding up the river: their object is supposed to be the garrison at West Point. For the security of this very important post, General Wash ington has arranged his army as follows: Three divisions, consisting of the Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania troops, commanded by Major-Generals Lord Stirling, MILITAKY JOUKNAL, 1779. Baron de Kalb, and Major-General St. Clair, form the right wing, and is commanded by General Putnam as the senior major-general, and posted at Smith s Clove. All the New England troops, including the militia, compose the left wing, and are so distributed at West Point and its vicinity, on the east side of the river, as to guard all the passes leading to the garrison. Our army thus posted is supposed to be adequate to the defence of the garrison against all the force which the enemy can bring in array against it; and such is the confidence among our officers, that many of them express a strong desire that* the royal troops would afford an opportunity to try our strength and courage. Should this be the event, the struggle must indeed be violent, and the slaughter immense. The Brit ish commander, however, not deeming it prudent to haz ard a battle, after a few days retired to New York. 12th. Two officers of our regiment have just had occasion to adjust an affair of honor. Captain E. had given offence to Captain H., and a challenge ensued, aptain E. was well apprised that if the ball from the pistol of his antagonist should pass through his heart, it would produce immediate death: of course it was most prudent to decline the hazardous combat. But the con sequence is, he subjected himself to a contest of a less hon orable nature. His antagonist inflicted the chastisement of the horse-whip. This he supported with wonderful fortitude and magnanimity; apprehending, probably, that powder and ball might prove more disastrous than the chastisement which he had received. But his brother- officers treated him with Contempt, and threatened to hoot him out of camp. There is a kind of mechanical courage excited by the necessity of the occasion, which may push a coward to venture on an act of heroism. This fact was now exemplified ; for Captain E., reduced to the alterna tive of retrieving his character in a spirited manner, or of quitting the army in disgrace, came to the desperate resolution of deciding his fate by facing his bold antago nist in single combat. The usual arrangements being made, my services as surgeon were held in requisition. The parlies took their stand at ten paces, and each dis charged his pistol. But behold, a harmless explosion! no -blood shed, not even a hair of their heads injured. Bat 163 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1779. the combatants conducted like gentlemen of honor: of course, harmony and mutual friendship were restored. Captain E. has the best cause of triumph, for he has res cued his character from the stigma of poltroon, to an hon orable standing among the gentlemen officers. ~Llh. I rode with Major Meri weather to West Point; took our route through the woods, over abrupt and rocky mountains, almost impassable for our horses. Spent an hour at General Parsons s head-quarters, then crossed the North river to Fishkill. The next day we recrossed at Fishkill-landing, and rode to New Windsor, thence we visited my friend Colonel Malcolm at his seat fourteen miles in the country. This gentleman, having resigned his office in the army, is beautifully situated on a farm west of the Hudson, retired from the bustle of war, and devoted to domestic affairs and rural enjoyments. We spent the night with this agreeable family, and Mrs. Mal colm received in the evening the visits of a number of ladies and gentlemen. We returned to our camp the next morning, and found the brigade under marching orders. 16th. We marched from Smith s Clove through a thick wilderness, and over the prodigious highland mountains. My curiosity was excited by a vast number of huge rocks, marked with fissures and cavities, occasioned by some stupendous power beyond our comprehension. These, with various brooks, winding in every direction, among rude clefts and precipices, afford a singular and romantic landscape. Our path was narrow and rugged, and proba bly will not again be traversed but by savages and wild beasts. We arrived here in the evening, without our baggage, and were obliged to seek lodgings among our friends. The next day dined with Dr. I. Thomas, and accompanied him to General Patterson s quarters, where we spent the evening, and I was introduced to Major lias- kill, aid-de-camp to General Patterson. He is a native of Rochester, and Dr. Thomas of Plymouth, Massachusetts. 20th. I have lately been favored with a letter from my friend Dr. D. Townsend, who is a surgeon in the military hospital at Providence, state of Rhode Island. He invites me to accept of the office of surgeon to the Massachusetts regiment, commanded by Colonel Henry Jackson, which is now stationed at that place. My principal inducement MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1779. to exchange my present station for the proposed new ap pointment is, that Colonel Jackson and all his officers are from my native state, and there is a prospect of receiving some compensation in clothing and other articles to which 1 could have no claim while serving in the Virginia line. It is proper, and on many accounts convenient, that offi cers should serve in the line of their own state; and though I have enjoyed the most friendly intercourse, and numerous kind favors from the Virginians, yet I cannot but prefer the manners and habits of the New Englanders. 21st The officers of our regiment invited a select num ber of officers of the Pennsylvania line to dine on sturgeon, a large fish which Major Meriweather caught in the North river. This fish is a favorite with the Dutch, at Albany, and is on that account by some called Albany beef; but in my view it is worse than horse beef, and it was merely an auxiliary to our table. 24^. I have just had the satisfaction, with a number of gentlemen, of viewing a remarkably large fat ox, which has been presented by some gentlemen in Connecticut to his Excellency General Washington. He is six feet seven, inches high, and weighs on the hoof three thousand five hundred pounds, the largest animal I ever beheld. Having resolved to resign my commission in Colonel Gibson s regiment, I shall in a few days commence my journey to Providence, and join the regiment commanded by Colonel H. Jackson. Colonel Gibson has favored me with a complimentary certificate of my services. It is with sincere regret that I bid adieu to those associates, for whom I have a strong attachment. July 1st. Engaged to spend this evening with General Patterson and Dr. Crowell, and to breakfast with the Rev. Mr. Avery and Mr. Hitchcock, and shall immediately set off for Providence, in company with Dr. Skinner. I left West Point, in company with Dr. Skinner, on the 2d instant, and on the 3d arrived at Crompond, where my favorite young horse was seized with the horse distemper, and I was put to the cruel necessity of disposing of him for not one-half his real value. Pursued our journey through Litchfield and Farmington, in Connecticut, and the next day reached Hartford, a well-built, handsome town on Connecticut river, and the capital of that state. 153 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. Having crossed over to East Hartford, we found the whole country in a state of alarm in consequence of the enemy s having landed at New Haven, and there committing dep redations among the inhabitants. A spirit of revenge seemed to pervade the whole country, and the militia were marching from all quarters to encounter and arrest the progress of the invading foe. We passed through Windham, and arrived at this place on the 8th instant. Here I had an interview with my old friends Drs. Brown and Townsend, surgeons of the hospital. I was by Dr. Townsend introduced to Colonel Jackson and his officers, and I commenced *ny duty by visiting the sick soldiers of the regiment. The field-officers of this regiment are Col onel Henry Jackson, Lieutenant-Colonel David Cobb, and Major Lemuel Trescott. It is now learned that the party of the enemy that landed at New Haven was commanded by Governor Tryon, and consisted of three thousand men. They met with a powerful resistance from the militia, which occasioned skirmishing, and a considerable loss on each side. After plundering the inhabitants of Fairfield and Norwalk, they maliciously destroyed both these flour ishing towns, with their houses of religious worship, by a general conflagration. 13th. Dined with Colonel Jackson, and in the afternoon rode with Major Trescott to Pawtuxet, a very pleasant ride of about five miles. 21st. By express from General Washington to General Gates, we are informed of a glorious victory, which a detachment of our army, commanded by the intrepid General Wayne, obtained over the enemy at Stony Point, situated on the banks of the North river. In consequence of this intelligence, thirteen cannon have been fired at the several posts in this department. Extract from General Gates orders: "PROVIDENCE, July 21st, 1779. "The general congratulates the army on the glorious success of Brigadier-General Wayne, and the gallant troops under his command, in taking by assault the enemy s fortified post at Stony Point, and, with the point of the bayonet alone, forcing the garrison to surrender at discretion, not one man escaping. This signal and brilliant victory was gained with the loss of but fifteen men killed, and the general and eighty-three wounded, while, on the part of the enemy, five hundred soldiers and twenty officers were killed, wounded and taken prisoners, with all their cannon, arms, military-stores and provisions." MILITAKY JOUKNAL, 1779. 30th. Dined at head-quarters with a number of gentle men; was introduced to General Gates by Dr. Brown. General Gates is the commander-in-chief in this depart ment; his capture of General Burgoyne at Saratoga, in 1777, has given him eclat and popularity as a brave and skillful warrior. He displays the complaisant manners of a gentleman ; in conversation he is affable and interest ing, but appears better versed in military tactics than in subjects appertaining to general science. He adopted the profession of arms in his early days, and his prowess and valor, as well as his zeal and partiality for our country, are incontestably established. Congress have recently passed the fallowing resolve in favor of an American heroine: "That Margaret Corbin, who was wounded and disabled at the attack of Fort Washington, while she heroically filled the post of her husband, who was killed by her side, serving a piece of artillery, do receive during her natural life, or the con tinuance of the said disability, the one-half of the monthly pay drawn by a soldier in the service of these stales ; and that she now receive, out of the public stores, one com plete suit of clothes, or the value thereof in money." Mr. T., an ensign in our regiment, has for some time discovered symptoms of mental derangement. He is fre quently strolling abroad, and amusing people with his wit and humor, or arresting attention by his solemn appeals to the Deity. Yesterday he intruded himself at General Gates head-quarters, and after some amusing conversation, he put himself in the attitude of devotion, and prayed that God would pardon General Gates for endeavoring to super sede that god-like man Washington. The general appeared to be much disturbed, and directed Mr. Pierce, his aid-de- carnp, to take him away. Whether this address provoked in the general a consciousness of the fact is uncertain, but the subject is of such a delicate nature that no man in his sober senses would have broached it to him. August. The British a few weeks since detached a force from Halifax, and established a post on Penobscot river, in the Province of Maine. Their force is supposed to consist of about one thousand men, under command of Brigadier-General Maclean, with several armed vessels, which occupy the river. This invasion of our territory 170 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1779. has excited the greatest indignation, and all classes of people are burning with an ardent desire of revenge. The General Court of Massachusetts have planned an expedi tion, for the purpose of driving the invading foe from our shores. Such was their zeal and confidence of success, that it is said the General Court neither consulted any experienced military character, nor desired the assistance of any continental troops on this important enterprise thus taking on themselves the undivided responsibility, and reserving for their own heads all the laurels to be derived from the anticipated conquest. They drafted one thousand five hundred militia, and appointed General Lovell, who acquired some reputation in Khode Island, under General Sullivan, the last year, to command the expedition. They obtained of Congress the loan of the United States frigate Warren, of thirty-two guns, and with an unprecedented spirit of enterprise and industry, no less than nineteen continental, state, and private ships, and more than twenty transports, were specially equipped, and prepared to cooperate with the land forces destined for this service. "With a laudable spirit of patriotism, and animated by the flattering prospect of success, thirty masters of merchant vessels in Newburyport honorably volunteered their services as common seamen. Captain Saltonstall was appointed commodore of the fleet, and took his station on board the Warren frigate. This combined force sailed about the 20th of July on their destined ser vice, but having some reason to apprehend a failure of their enterprise, the Genera! Court have applied to General Gates for permission for Colonel Jackson s regiment to re inforce General Lovell, to which he has assented, and we are accordingly under marching orders. Colonel Henry Jackson, who commands our regiment, is a native of Boston ; he is very respectable as a com mander, is gentlemanly in his manners, strongly attached to military affairs, and takes a peculiar pride in the dis cipline and martial appearance of his regiment. Many of his officers are from Boston and its vicinity; they appear in handsome style, and are ambitious to display their taste for military life and their zeal to contend with the enemies of their country. Colonel Jackson, with his regiment, acquired reputation by their gallantry in the battle on GENERAL JOHX SULLIVAX, LL. D. MILITAKY JOUENAL, 1779. Rhode Island, under General Sullivan. Our regiment consists of about four hundred men, in complete uniform, well disciplined, and not inferior to any in the continental army. We commenced a forced march from Providence on the 10th, and completed the forty miles in twenty-four hours. A severe rain all night did not much impede our march, but the troops were broken down with fatigue. We reached Boston-neck at sun-rising, and near the en trance of the neck is a tavern having for its sign a repre sentation of a globe, with a man in the act of struggling to get through it; his head and shoulders were out, his arms extended, and the rest of his body inclosed in the globe. On a label from his mouth was written, "Oh! how shall I get through this world?" This was read by the soldiers, and one of them exclaimed, "List, d n you, list, and you will soon get through this world! Our regi ment will all be through it in an hour or two, if we don t halt by the way." We are treated by the gentlemen of this town with great attention and respect. They have generously presented to Colonel Jackson and the officers of his regiment a hogs head of Jamaica spirits and a cask of wine. For the soldiers they have collected a liberal sum of money, which is distributed among them. A public dinner is to be pro vided at the Bunch of Grapes tavern for the officers, before our departure. The transports are in preparation to re ceive our troops on board. On the 14th, our regiment marched through the town to the Long wharf, and embarked on board the transports, receiving as we passed through King-street the cheers of the inhabitants. After the regiment had embarked, the officers, according to previous arrangement, returned to the Bunch of Grapes tavern, where a liberal and elegant entertainment had been provided, and where we were politely received by a number of respectable gentlemen of the town. Having dined and enjoyed a number of songs over the cheering glass, wishing success to the Penobscot expedition, we repaired on board our respective transports, awaiting a fair wind for our voyage. Our transports are the Eising Empire, a brig carrying eight guns, two sloops, and one schooner. Our convoy is the ship Renown, of fourteen guns, and a brig of sixteen 12 172 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1779. guns. About four o clock on the 15th instant, the Re nown, our convoy, fired her signal-guns for sailing, on which our little fleet weighed anchor, and after giving three cheers, which were returned by a concourse of people on the wharves, and by a French ship in the har bor, we sailed after our convoy, but dropped anchor near Castle William, by reason of contrary winds. 17th. In the evening we obeyed the signal-guns, and were beating against contrary wind off Cape Anne till the 19th, when we fell in with a small boat off the Isle of Shoals, which had been despatched with the unwelcome intelligence that our fleet at Penobscot had been attacked by the British, and was totally defeated and destroyed, and that our land forces, under General Lovell, were also entirely defeated and dispersed. Orders were received for our fleet to put into Portsmouth harbor for safety, as sev eral British ships were supposed to be in pursuit of us. 21st. Our regiment disembarked and encamped at Kit- tery ; being Sunday, I accompanied several of our officers to the Reverend Mr. Hemmen way s church; he is a sensible and animating preacher, displaying considerable eloquence and much orthodoxy. In his fervent prayers, he was not forgetful of the calamities of war, and the righteous cause in which we are engaged. Here we have a confirmation of the unfortunate failure of the Penobscot expedition, which is a source not only of universal regret, but of infinite chagrin and mortification among all who had been concerned in the plan. August. Having received orders to march to Fal- mouth, (now Portland,) left Kittery on the 23d instant, and on the 27th entered this town in martial order, and were received with marks of the greatest joy and satisfac tion, as the inhabitants were under serious apprehensions of a visit from the British. We behold here only the relics of a town, which a few years since was very respect able and flourishing. It was the capital of the province of Maine, and enjoyed the happy prospect of becoming one of the most important seaports in New England. But in October, 1775, the inhabitants opposed the lading of a British vessel with ship timber, which so enraged Admiral Graves, that he sent Captain Mowat with several ships of war, demanding of the inhabitants to deliver up all their MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. artillery and small arras. On refusal to comply with this demand, the enemy opened a severe cannonade, which soon set fire to the town, and no less than four hundred and eight houses, stores and other buildings, were con sumed to ashes. A large number of seamen and mariners were landed, but the people having collected in consider able force, compelled the enemy to retreat to their boats, with the loss of several men. By several gentlemen just returned from Penobscot, I have obtained the following particulars respecting the failure of the expedition. On the arrival of General Lovell, instead of one thousand five hundred militia, nine hundred only could be collected; it was resolved, how ever, in a council of war, to make an attempt to achieve the object of the expedition ; accordingly, on the 28th of July, the militia, with about three hundred marines, were disembarked, and soon effected a landing under a height which rose almost perpendicularly from the banks of the river, on the summit of which the enemy s advanced guard was posted under cover of a wood. Our militia were op posed by about an equal number of the enemy, whom they bravely encountered and drove within their works; but we suffered a loss of several officers of merit, and about one hundred of the militia and marines were killed and wounded. It now became a subject of consideration whether it was expedient to storm the enemy s principal works, but in a council it was decided that our force was inadequate to the object. It was at this juncture supposed that by a vigorous cooperation of our navy, a complete victory might have been obtained, and the most urgent and pressing entreaties were made to Commodore Salton- stall lor the purpose, but he declined, and continued in a state of pusillanimous inactivity, thereby proclaiming him self totally incompetent to the important trust with which, most unfortunately, he had been invested. On the 14th instant, Sir George Collier, with a sixty- four-gun ship and five frigates, arrived from New York. General Lovell, on receiving this intelligence, ordered all his troops, with the artillery and baggage ; to be embarked on board the transports, which, with our whole fleet, moved up the Penobscot river, pursued by the British. On the near approach of the enemy, our vessels were 174 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. abandoned; two of them fell into the hands of the enemy, the remainder were burned and blown up. General Lov- ell and General Peleg Wadsworth, the second in command, both of whom have the reputation of brave men, now dis pensed with all command of the troops, as did Salton stall of the seamen. The soldiers separated from their officers, and every individual was seeking his own safety, wander ing in the wilderness, suffering fatigue, hunger, and vex ation, till after much difficulty they reached the settlements on the Kennebec; a few of their number indeed actually perished in the wilderness. Thus disgracefully has ended the famous Penobscot expedition, which, had a competent force been provided, might have terminated to> the glory of Massachusetts. Those concerned in the plan or its execution, a few individuals excepted, were publicly exe crated. The expense attending the expedition is immense. The fleet was invaluable, and its loss is altogether irrepar able. It was extremely fortunate for our regiment that we were detained two or three days on our passage by contrary winds; had there been no impediment to our voyage, we must inevitably have fallen into the hands of the enemy. September 3d. Two armed vessels, accompanied by two others, being perceived approaching this harbor, excited a great degree of consternation among the inhabitants, but it was soon ascertained to be our two continental frigate^, the Boston and the Dean, returning from a cruise with two prizes of very considerable value, and having on board two hundred soldiers for the British army, and stores and goods to a large amount. The inhabitants of this town have shown us numerous marks of respect and generous hospitality. A respectable committee of the town have invited our officers to a tavern to partake of a treat of punch and wine, in company with a number of respectable inhabitants, and we experience many other polite civilities, indicating a disposition to contribute to the comfort and happiness of those who are serving the great cause of our common country. Orders are now received from General Gates for our regiment to return immediately to Boston. Commenced our march from Falmouth on the 7th in stant; passed through Scarborough, Kennebunk and York, MILITARY JOUENAL, 1779. ^75 to Portsmouth, in New Hampshire. At York, all the officers of our regiment were politely invited to an elegant breakfast, with the genteel and hospitable family of Mr. Sewall. Having crossed the ferry at Portsmouth on the 10th, we encamped on the common. A number of gen tlemen of this town treated us with buckets of punch at the ferry-way, and as we passed through the streets. This attention was extremely grateful during the heat and fa tigue of the day. We had the satisfaction of visiting the seventy-four-gun ship on the stocks near this town; she will be ready for sea in June next. This is the first sev enty-four ever built in America. On the 12th, crossed the ferry at Newbury, and marched to Ipswich Hamlet, passing through Salem; we reached Cambridge on the 14th, arid encamped on the common. Accompanied a number of ladies and gentlemen to view the colleges, and were admitted to the library-room and museum. From Cambridge we marched to Dorchester Point, where we embarked in boats, crossed over to the castle, and en camped. On the 18th, went with Colonel Jackson to Boston to attend the funeral of a Mr. Deshon, a brother- mason. A procession of one hundred and twenty of the brethren preceded the corpse, and added greatly to the solemnity of the occasion. Walking in the street, I met with James Otis, Esq. He has for some time labored under an unhappy mental derangement. I had no expectation that I should be re cognized by him, but he accosted me in a very familiar manner by my Christian name, and inquired about my connexions. He was inquisitive respecting the affairs of the army, and wished to be informed whether I had on any occasion been exposed to personal danger, and whether my courage had failed me. A friend related to me the following anecdote, which he received from 0. W. Esq., who was present on the occasion: Mr. Otis invited several respectable gentlemen to dinner; in carving at table, he observed a fish not sufficiently boiled, which drew from him some expressions of disapprobation. His lady re torted with an air of ill-humor. Mr. Otis, wishing to avoid altercation, waived his rebuke till dinner was finished, when he rendered thanks to God that, among other fa- 176 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. vors, the guests had escaped the danger of having their noses snapped off at table. A particular account of the brilliant achievement in the capture of the fortress at Stony Point, by General Wayne, has been obtained. Stony Point is a strongly-fortified post on the west bank of the Hudson, near King s ferry. The possession of this post is of vast importance to either army, as it completely commands the great road, and the ferry- way which affords communication between the middle and eastern states. This fortress has lately been visited by Sir Henry Clinton in person, and by his orders strengthened, and rendered, as supposed, entirely defensible. General Washington was extremely desirous to dislodge the enemy from this position, and to Brigadier-General Wayne he intrusted the hazardous enterprise. At the head of his detachment of light-infantry, consisting of one thousand two hundred, he marched about fourteen miles, reached the vicinity of the fort at eleven o clock in the evening of July the 16th, and instantly prepared for the assault. He peremptorily ordered that every man should advance in silence with unloaded muskets and fixed bayonets. A soldier disobeyed his order, and began to load his piece; the order was repeated, and he persisted in the resolution to load, on which an officer instantly run him through the body with his sword. On no occasion is a strict obedience to orders more indispensable than at this critical moment; had a single gun been fired, the victory might have been lost, or the slaughter been immense. The plan being ad justed, one hundred and fifty volunteers under Lieuten ant-Colonel Fleury, a French gentleman, formed the van of the right column, and one hundred volunteers, under Major Stuart, composed the van of the left column, each of which was preceded by a forlorn hope of twenty picked men, commanded by Lieutenants Gibbon and Knox, for the express purpose of removing the abatis and other obstructions. At about twenty minutes after twelve, the columns advanced to the assault, and such was the impetu osity of the troops, that in the face of a most tremendous and incessant fire of musketry and cannon loaded with grape-shot, they forced their way at the point of the bay onet, surmounted every obstacle, and both columns met in the centre of the enemy s works nearly at the same MILITARY JOUENAL, 1779. instant. Colonel Fleury first entered the fort, and struck their standard with his own hand. Major Posey was the first to give the watch-word, "The fort s our own." Gen eral Wayne, in his letter to the commander-in-chief, extols highly the brave conduct of his officers and men, and par ticularizes Lieutenant-Colonel Fleury, Major Stuart, Col onels Butler, Hull, Meigs and Febiger, for their exemplary valor and intrepidity. Lieutenant-Colonel Hay was wounded in the thigh, while fighting with firmness in the heat of the action. General Wayne himself received a slight wound in his head, but, supported by his aids, he entered the fort with the troops. The truly brave are ever ambitious of distinguishing themselves by a nice ob servance of the laws of humanity and generosity towards the conquered foe. It is highly creditable to our troops, that they conducted towards the prisoners with a humane forbearance, which is directly the reverse of the conduct of the British on too many similar occasions; they disdained to take the lives of those who were in their power, and calling for mercy; not an individual suffered after their surrender, and this will account for the few of the enemy killed on this occasion; being about one hundred killed and wounded. The continentals had fifteen killed and eighty-three wounded. The number of prisoners was five hundred and forty-three. Colonel Johnson, commander of the fort, and several other officers, were among the number. It is remarkable that out of the twenty men who formed the forlorn hope, under Lieutenant Gibbon, seventeen were killed or wounded. General Washington s letter to Congress applauds the conduct of all the officers and men ; but he names partic ular officers, whose situation placed them foremost in danger, which rendered their conduct more conspicuous. Lieutenants Gibbon and Knox, he observes, who com manded the advanced parties, or forlorn hope, acquitted themselves as well as it was possible. With respect to General Wayne, he observes, "that his conduct throughout the whole of this arduous enterprise, merits the warmest approbation of Congress ; he improved on the plan recom mended by me, and executed it in a manner that does signal honor to his judgment and to his bravery. In a critical moment of the assault, he received a flesh-wound 178 MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1779. in the head, with a musket-ball, but continued leading on his men with unshaken firmness." His excellency in formed Congress that two flags and two standards were taken, the former belonging to the garrison, the latter to the 17th regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Hull, at the head of four hundred light-infantry, displayed a noble gallantry, for which he received the thanks of General Wayne and of Washington. As distinguishing marks of approbation, Congress di rected that a gold medal, emblematical of the action, be presented to Brigadier-General Wayne, and a silver one to Lieutenant-Colonel Fleury and Major Stuart, and bre vets of captain given to Lieutenants Gibbon and Knox, and that the value of the military stores taken, should be divided among the gallant troops who reduced Stony Point, in such a manner as the commander-in-chief should prescribe. The fortifications at Paulus Hook, on the west side of North river, opposite New York city, was taken by Major Lee of the horse. The garrison made a faint resistance and surrendered. Major Southerland and about fifteen of his men escaped to a small block-house. The approach of day, and the vicinity of the main body of the enemy, made it impossible to bring off any stores. The conti nentals had possession of all the artillery and magazine; the prisoners were one hundred and thirty-four, rank and file, and seven officers; about forty were killed. Major Lee s loss is said to be very few in killed and wounded; four only is the number mentioned. According to orders from General Gates, our regiment left Castle William on the 26th, and arrived at Providence on the 28th instant, and encamped at Fox s Point. Sun day I rode with several officers to Pawtuxet, to attend the religious services of the celebrated Mr. Murray, whose professed doctrine is the universal salvation of mankind. Mr. Murray is not admitted into the pulpits of the ortho dox clergy; his peculiar sentiments are revolting to the consciences, and repugnant to the belief of a large propor tion of the people of New England. In this village the people are destitute of an ordained minister. The audience was numerous, and the preacher peculiarly eloquent; freely and solemnly declaring the sentiments which he MILITARY JOUENAL, 1779. 179 Las adopted, and quoting various portions of Scripture to enforce a belief in the opinion which his own conscience and judgment approve. General Prescott, who was taken at Rhode Island by Colonel Barton, on his route through Connecticut, called at a tavern to dine ; the landlady brought on the table a dish of succotash (boiled corn and beans). The general, unaccustomed to such kind of food, with much warmth exclaimed, "What! do you treat us with the food of hogs?" and taking the dish from the table, emptied the contents over the floor. The landlord, being informed of this, soon entered with his horsewhip, and gave the gen eral a severe chastisement. After the general was ex changed, and he resumed his command on the island, the inhabitants of Nantucket deputed Dr. Gilston to negotiate some concerns with General Prescott, in behalf of the town. Prescott treated the doctor very cavalierly, and gave as the cause, that the doctor looked so like that d d landlord who horsewhipped him in Connecticut, that he could not treat him with civility. When the Count D Estaing s fleet appeared near the British batteries, in the harbor of Rhode Island, a severe cannonade was commenced, and several shot passed through the houses in town, and occasioned great consternation among the inhabitants. A shot passed through the door of Mrs. Mason s house, just above the floor. The fam ily were alarmed, not knowing where to flee for safety. A negro man ran and sat himself down very composedly, with his back against the shot-hole in the door, and being asked by young Mr. Mason why he chose that situation, he replied, " Massa, you never know two bullet go in one place." October. Information is received that the enemy are preparing to evacuate the town of Newport. They have burned the light-house, blown up some of their works, and embarked their heavy baggage. 16th. It is ascertained that the British have abandoned the town of Newport, and that some of our troops have taken possession of the town. It is but justice to remark, that the enemy left the town in good condition, and that they treated the inhabitants with civility. They left a large quantity of hay, wood, and military stores. Our regiment is under marching orders. 180 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. November. In obedience to orders, we inarched from Providence on the 8th instant, passing through the towns of Coventry, Windham, Bolton, Hartford, Woodbury, and Newtown, and arrived at Danbury, (Conn.,) on the 23d. Oar regiment is united with General Stark s brigade, the whole of which is now billeted in private houses. Dan- bury was formerly a flourishing town, but the principal part of it has been destroyed by the enemy. A soldier having anointed himself for the itch, with mercurial oint ment, last night, was found dead this morning; and an other suffered the same fate, in consequence of drinking six gills of rum. Our troops have suffered greatly by snow and rain, and excessively bad travelling, since we left Providence. December. Our brigade left Danbury on the 5th instant. It snowed all the afternoon, and we took shelter in the woods at Cortland s manor. Having no other shelter than bushes thrown together, we passed a very cold, uncom fortable night. Marched the next day through a deep snow, and took lodgings at night in private houses at Crompond; marched again early, crossed the Hudson at King s ferry, and proceeded twenty miles, it being late at night before our men could all find accommodations in the scattering houses and barns on the road. I visited my friend Doctor S. Findley, of General Glover s brigade, and being invited to breakfast, the only food he could furnish was coffee, without milk or sugar, and meagre beef-steaks, without bread or even salt. Such has been for some time the unaccountable scarcity of provisions in the main army. We marched to Pompton on the 9th, and on the 14th reached this wilderness, about three miles from Morristown, where we are to build log-huts for win ter-quarters. Our baggage is left in the rear, for want of wagons to transport it. The snow on the ground is about two feet deep, and the weather extremely cold; the sol diers are destitute of both tents and blankets, and some of them are actually barefooted and almost naked. Our only defence against the inclemency of the weather, con sists of brush-wood thrown together. Our lodging the last night was on the frozen ground. Those officers who have the privilege of a horse, can always have a blanket at hand. Having removed the snow, we wrapped ourselves MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. in great-coats, spread our blankets on the ground, and lay down by the side of each other five or six together, with large fires at our feet, leaving orders with the waiters to keep it well supplied with fuel during the night. We could procure neither shelter nor forage for our horses, and the poor animals were tied to trees in the woods for twenty-four hours without food, except the bark which they peeled from the trees. Lieutenant W. and myself rode to Morristown, where we dined, and fed our starving horses at a tavern. General Washington has taken his head-quarters at Morristown, and the whole army in this department are to be employed in building log huts for winter-quarters. The ground is marked out, and the sol diers have commenced cutting down the timber of oak and walnut, of which we have a great abundance. Our baggage has at length arrived, the men find it very diffi cult to pitch their tents on the frozen ground, and notwitL standing large fires, we can scarcely keep from freezing. In addition to other sufferings, the whole army has been for seven or eight days entirely destitute of the staff of life ; our only food is miserable fresh beef, without bread, salt, or vegetables. It is a circumstance greatly to be deprecated, that the army, who are devoting their lives and every thing dear to the defence of our country s freedom, should be sub jected to such unparalleled privations, while in the midst of a country abounding in every kind of provisions. The time has before occurred when the army was on the point of dissolution for the want of provisions, and it is to be ascribed to their patriotism, and to a sense of honor and duty, that they have not long since abandoned the cause of their country. The heroic fortitude with which our officers and soldiers support their distresses, proclaims their fidelity and intrinsic merit. Besides the evils above mentioned, we experience another, in the rapid deprecia tion of the continental money, which we receive for our pay ; it is now estimated at about thirty for one. It is from this cause, according to report, that our commissary- general is unable to furnish the army with a proper supply of provisions. The people in the country are unwilling to sell the produce of their farms for this depreciated cur rency, and both the resources and the credit of our Con- 182 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1779. gress appear to be almost exhausted. The year is now closed, and with it expires the term of enlistment of a considerable number of our soldiers; new conditions are offered them to encourage their reenlistment during the war; but such are the numerous evils which they have hitherto experienced, that it is feared but a small propor tion of them will reenlist. Should these apprehensions be realized, the fate of our country, and the destiny of its present rulers and friends, will soon be decided. It has hitherto been our grievous misfortune, that the several states have attempted to supply their quota of the army by short enlistments. No fact is more susceptible of demonstration, than that enlisting or draughting men for nine months or one year never fails of being attended with disappointment and a train of pernicious consequen ces. General Washington has, from the beginning of the contest, most pointedly protested against it, and labored with unwearied assiduity to induce the states to adopt a more just and permanent system. By the present mode, the strength of the army is continually precarious and fluctuating; the recruits have scarcely time to learn the discipline and police of a camp, before they are at liberty to return to their farms, and their places are supplied by others who require the same course of instruction. The consequence is, that but a small proportion of our troops are inured to actual service, they are continually liable to camp diseases, and are undeserving of confidence in the most critical moments of the campaign. Another discour aging circumstance attending this mode of recruiting the army is, the great inequality of the bounties given to the soldiers at different times, and the disparity in the provi sion made by the several states, which occasions murmurs and discontent among their respective troops. It is con sistency and stability that give character and efficiency to an arrny, and this has ever been the great desideratum in the view of our commander-in-chief. The state of Massa chusetts, in order to fill up their regiments, have offered a bounty of three hundred dollars, in addition to the con tinental bounty of two hundred dollars, to induce men to enlist for three years, or during the war. Intelligence has been received from Savannah, Georgia, which city has for some time been in the possession of the MILITARY JOURNAL, 1779. enemy, under command of General Prevost. Major-Gen eral Lincoln is commander-in-chief of our army in that department. The Count D Estaing had arrived there with a French fleet and a body of troops. With these forces, combined with the Americans, the two commanders, after having besieged the city for some time, resolved on the almost desperate resolution of possessing it by assault. The allied force consisted of between four and five thou sand men. General Lincoln and Count D Estaing led their respective troops to the lines of the enemy, with the most signal firmness and intrepidity, and faced their fire for about fifty-five minutes, when they were repulsed with considerable loss. Count D Estaing received two slight wounds ; more than six hundred of his brave troops, and about one hundred and seventy continentals were killed or wounded. Count Pulaski, a brigadier-general in our service, at the head of two hundred horsemen, was in full gallop, with the intention of charging the enemy in the rear, when he received a mortal wound. This gentleman was a Polander, of distinguished rank and character; having viewed the American cause in a favorable light, he offered his services to our Congress, who appointed him to the rank of brigadier-general. He has by his active and enterprising spirit rendered essential service to our army, and his death is universally lamented. During the siege of Savannah, an event occured, sin gularly honorable to an enterprising individual, which should never be forgotten. A captain of Colonel Delany s battalion of refugee troops, with about one hundred Amer ican royal regulars, was posted near a river twenty-five miles from Savannah, where were four armed British ves sels, manned with about forty sailors. Colonel John White, of the Georgia line, was desirous of the honoi of capturing this party; his whole force, however, consisted of no more than six volunteers, including his own servant; it was only by a well-concerted stratagem, therefore, that he could hope for success. In the night, he kindled a number of fires, in different places, and exhibited the appearance of a large encampment, and having arranged his plan, he summoned the captain to surrender, threaten ing his entire destruction, by a superior force, in case of a refusal. Intimidated, and deceived by appearances, the 134 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. captain immediately signified his readiness to comply with the demand, and made no further defence. The Amer ican captain, White, had now the satisfaction, by his pe culiar address, to see the whole of the prisoners, amounting to one hundred and forty, divest themselves of their arms, and submit to himself and his six volunteers. The pris oners were afterwards safely conducted by three of the captors for twenty-five miles through the country, to an American post. During the present month, one Hessian lieutenant and seven Hessian soldiers, and four British, deserted from the enemy at New York. The lieutenant pretended to desire to enter our service as a volunteer, but deserters are generally suspicious or worthless charac ters, undeserving of attention. One of the British desert ers pretended to be a prophet, but probably a disguised spy. January \st, 1780. A new year commences, but brings no relief to the sufferings and privations of our army. Our canvas covering affords but a miserable security from storms of rain and snow, and a great scarcity of provi sions still prevails, and its effects are felt even at head quarters, as appears by the following anecdote: "We have nothing but the rations to cook, sir," said Mrs. Thom son, a very worthy Irish woman and house-keeper to Gen eral Washington. "Well, Mrs. Thomson, you must then cook the rations, for I have not a farthing to give you." "If you please, sir, let one of the gentlemen give me an order for six bushels of salt." "Six bushels of salt! for what?" To preserve the fresh beef, sir." One of the aids gave the ord*er, and the next day his excellency s table was amply provided. Mrs. Thomson was sent for, and told that she had done very wrong to expend her own money, for it was not known when she could be repaid. "I owe you," said his excellency, "too much already to permit the debt being increased, and our situation is not at this moment such as to induce very sanguine hope." "Dear sir," said the good old lady, "it is always darkest just be fore day-light, and I hope your excellency will forgive me for bartering the salt for other necessaries which are now on the table." Salt was eight dollars a bushel, and it might always be exchanged with the country people for articles of provision. The weather for several days has been remarkably cold MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. and stormy. On the 3d instant, we experienced one of the most tremendous snow-storms ever remembered; no man could endure its violence many minutes without dan ger of his life. Several marquees were torn asunder and blown down over the officers heads in the night, and some of the soldiers were actually covered while in their tents, and buried like sheep under the snow. My comrades and myself were roused from sleepby the calls of some officers for assistance; their marquee had blown down, and they were almost smothered in the storm, before they could reach our marquee, only a few yards, and their blankets and baggage were nearly buried in the snow. We are greatly favored in having a supply of straw for bedding; over this we spread all our blankets, and with our clothes and large fires at our feet, while four or five are crowded together, preserve ourselves from freezing. But the suf ferings of the poor soldiers can scarcely be described, while on duty they are unavoidably exposed to all the inclem ency of storms and severe cold ; at night they now have a bed of straw on the ground, and a single blanket to each man ; they are badly clad, and some are destitute of shoes. We have contrived a kind of stone chimney outside, and an "opening at one end of our tents gives us the benefit of the fire within. The snow is now from four to six feet deep, which so obstructs the roads as to prevent our receiv ing a supply of provisions. For the last ten days we have received but two pounds of meat a man, and we are fre quently for six or eight days entirely destitute of meat, and then as long without bread. The consequence is, the soldiers are so enfeebled from hunger and cold, as to be almost unable to perform their military duty, or labor in constructing their huts. It is well known that General Washington experiences the greatest solicitude for the suf ferings of his army, and is sensible that they in general conduct with heroic patience and fortitude. His excel lency, it is understood, despairing of supplies from the commissary-general, has made application to the magis trates of the state of New Jersey for assistance in procuring provisions. This expedient has been attended with the nappiest success. It is honorable to the magistrates and people of Jersey, that they have cheerfully complied with the requisition, and furnished for the present an ample 186 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. supply, and have thus probably saved the army from destruction. As if to make up the full measure of grief and embar rassment to the commander-in-chief, repeated complaints have been made to him that some of the soldiers are in the practice of pilfering and plundering the inhabitants of their poultry, sheep, pigs, and even their cattle, from their farms. This marauding practice has often been prohibited in general orders, under the severest penalties, and some exemplary punishments have been inflicted. General Washington possesses an inflexible firmness of purpose, and is determined that discipline and subordination in camp shall be rigidly enforced and maintained. The whole army has been sufficiently warned, and cautioned against robbing the inhabitants on any pretence whatever, and no soldier is subjected to punishment without a fair trial, and conviction by a court-martial. Death has been inflicted in a few instances of an atrocious nature; but in general, the punishment consists in a public whipping, and the number of stripes is proportioned to the degree of offence. The law of Moses prescribes forty stripes save one, but this number has often been exceeded in our camp. In aggravated cases, and with old offenders, the culprit is sentenced to receive one hundred lashes, or more. It is always the duty of the drummers and fifers to inflict the chastisement, and the drum-major must attend and see that the duty is faithfully performed. The culprit being securely tied to a tree, or post, receives on his naked back the number of lashes assigned him, by a whip formed of several small knotted cords, which sometimes cut through the skin at every stroke. However strange it may appear, a soldier will often receive the severest stripes without uttering a groan, or once shrinking from the lash, even while the blood flows freely from his lace rated wounds. This must be ascribed to stubbornness or pride. They have, however, adopted a method which they say mitigates the anguish in some measure : it is by putting between the teeth a leaden bullet, on which they chew while under the lash, till it is made quite flat and jagged. In some instances of incorrigible villains, it is adjudged by the court that the culprit receive his punishment at several different times, a certain number of stripes repeated MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. at intervals of two or three days, in which case the wounds are in a state of inflammation, and the skin rendered more sensibly tender; and the terror of the punishment is greatly aggravated. Another mode of punishment is that of running the gauntlet: this is done by a company of sol diers standing in two lines, each one furnished with a switch, and the criminal is made to run between them and receive the scourge from their hands on his naked back; but the delinquent runs so rapidly, and the soldiers are so apt to favor a comrade, that it often happens in this way that the punishment is very trivial; but on some occasions, a soldier is ordered to hold a bayonet at his breast to impede his steps. If a non-commissioned officer is sentenced to corporeal punishment, he is always de graded to the soldier s rank. The practice of corporeal punishment in an army has become a subject of animad version, and both the policy and propriety of the measure have been called in question. It may be observed that the object of punishment is to exhibit examples, to deter others from committing crimes; that corporeal punishment may be made sufficiently severe as a commutation for the punishment of death in ordinary cases; it is more humane, and by saving the life of a soldier, we prevent the loss of his services to the public. In justification of the practice, it is alleged, also, that in the British army it has long been established in their military code, and it is not uncommon to sentence a criminal to receive a thousand lashes, and that they aggravate its horrors in the most cruel manner, by repeating the stripes from day to day, before the wounds are healed ; and instances are not wanting of its having been attended with fatal consequences. On the other hand, it is objected that corporeal punishment is disre putable to an army ; it will never reclaim the unprincipled villain, and it has a tendency to repress the spirit of am bition and enterprise in the young soldier; and the indi vidual thus ignominiously treated, can never, in case of promotion for meritorious services, be received with com placency as a companion for other officers. These objec tions will apply to most other modes of punishment, and it remains to be decided, which is the most eligible for the purpose of maintaining that subordination so indis pensable in all armies. 13 138 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1780. Notwithstanding the numerous difficulties and discour agements with which our army have been compelled to struggle, we are happy to find that a considerable propor tion of those soldiers whose terms of enlistment have lately expired, have reenlisted during the continuance of the war. It may seem extraordinary that those who have experienced such accumulated distress and privations, should voluntarily engage again in the same service. But amid all the toils and hardships, there are charms in a military life: it is here that we witness heroic actions and deeds of military glory. The power of habit and the spirit of ambition, pervade the soldiers ranks, and those who have been accustomed to active scenes, and formed their social attachments, cannot without reluctance quit the tumult and the bustle of a camp, for the calm and quiet of domestic pursuits. There is to be found, however, in the bosorn of our soldiers the purest principles of patriot ism: they glory in the noble cause of their country, and pride themselves in contributing to its successful termina tion. It is hoped they will not again be subjected to a starving condition. 17th. A detachment, consisting of about two thousand five hundred men, under the command of Major-General Lord Stirling, was a few days since sent off in about five hundred sleighs on a secret expedition. The sleighs were procured, and preparations made, under the pretence of going into the country after provisions. It is now ascer tained that the object of the expedition was to attack the enemy in their works on Staten Island, by surprise. Our party passed over on the ice from Elizabethtown in the night, but the enemy having received intelligence of their design, retired into their strong works for safety, and the object of the enterprise was unfortunately defeated; they, however, brought off a quantity of blankets and stores. The snow was three or four feet deep, and the weather extremely cold, and our troops continued on the island twenty-four hours without covering, and about five hun dred were slightly frozen, and six were killed by a party of horse, who pursued our rear-guard. A number of tents, arms, and a quantity of baggage, with several casks of wine and spirits, were brought off, with sevnteen prisoners. MILITARY JOUBXAL, 1780. 27th. A party of the enemy made an excursion from Staten Island in the night, surprised our picket-guard, and succeeded in taking off a major and forty men. Oar offi cers were censured for their conduct in not being suffi ciently alert to guard against a surprise. We are now rejoicing in having a plentiful supply of provisions and a favorable prospect of a full supply in future. Our log huts are almost completed, and we promise ourselves very comfortable quarters for the remainder of the winter. A detachment of eighty men, levies and volunteers, un der command of Captains Keeler and Lockwood, marched to Morrissania in the night, and made an attack on Colonel Hatfield. The colonel and his men took to the chambers, and fired out of the windows and down stairs at those who entered the house. Our party found it almost impossible to dislodge them till they set fire to the house by putting a straw bed into a closet while in blaze, which compelled them to jump out at the chamber-windows to avoid the flames. Colonel Hatfield, one captain, one lieutenant, and one quarter-master, and eleven private soldiers were taken and brought off. "We are just informed that on the first of this month about two hundred soldiers of the Massachusetts line, who were stationed at West Point, pretending that their term of enlistment had expired, marched off with the intention of going home. A party of troops were despatched after them, and they were brought back. Several soldiers from other posts followed their example. The subject being investigated by the proper officers, it was found that many of them had several months to serve: some of these were punished, and the remainder returned to their duty. Those whose term had actually expired were discharged. During the present month a considerable number of deserters, both British and Hessians, have come from the enemy. February. Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson had the com mand of about two hundred and fifty men, as an advanced part}r, on our lines. He was instructed to be constantly alert and in motion, that the enemy might not be able to take advantage, and form a plan for his destruction. It happened, however, that a detachment of British, Hessians, and mounted refugees, were discovered advancing towards MILITAKY JOUENAL, 1780. him, but on account of a very deep snow obstructing the road, they marched slowly, and Colonel Thompson re solved to defend his ground. The enemy s horse first advanced, and commenced skirmishing till their infantry approached, when a sharp conflict ensued, which continued about fifteen minutes; some of our troops manifested symptoms of cowardice, and gave way. The enemy se cured the advantage, and rushed on with a general shout, which soon decided the contest. The Americans lost thirteen men killed, and Captain Koberts, being mortally wounded, soon expired; seventeen others were wounded. Lieutenant-Colonel Thompson and six other officers, with with eighty-nine rank and file, were made prisoners. Of the enemy, two officers and eighteen men were wounded, and five men killed. One of our men, by the name of May hew, of Massachusetts, was pursued by two of the enemy s horse, the snow being almost up to his hips: they gained fast on him; he inquired if they would give him quarter; they replied, "Yes, you dog! we will quarter you," and this was again repeated. Mayhew, in despair, resolving to give them a shot before he submitted to his fate, turned and fired at the first horseman, who cried out, "The rascal has broken my leg!" when both of them wheeled round and rode off, leaving Mayhew to rejoice at his fortunate escape. lth. Having continued to this late season in our tents, experiencing the greatest inconvenience, we have now the satisfaction of taking possession of the log huts, just com pleted by our soldiers, where we shall have more com fortable accommodations. Major Trescott, Lieutenant Williams, our pay-master, and myself, occupy a hut with one room, furnished with our lodging cabins, and crowded with our baggage. 20th. Two soldiers were brought to the gallows for the crime of robbery. One of them was pardoned under the gallows, and the other executed. The poor criminal was so dreadfully tortured by the horror of an untimely death, that he was scarcely able to sustain himself, and the scene excited the compassion of every spectator. It is hoped that this example will make such an impression as to deter others from committing similar crimes. March. The present winter is the most severe and dis- MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1780. tressing which we have ever experienced. An immense body of snow remains on the ground. Our soldiers are in a wretched condition for the want of clothes, blankets and shoes; and these calamitous circumstances are accom panied by a want of provisions. It has several times happened that the troops were reduced to one-half, or to one-quarter allowance, and some days have passed without any meat or bread being delivered out. The causes as signed for these extraordinary deficiencies, are the very low state of the public finances, in consequence of the rapid depreciation of the continental currency, and some irregularity in the commissary s department. Our soldiers, in general, support their sufferings w r ith commendable firmness, but it is feared that their patience will be ex hausted, and very serious consequences ensue. April A party of our troops being stationed on the line, under the command of Major Boyles, of the Penn sylvania line, was unfortunately surprised by the enemy in the night. The major defended himself in a house till he was mortally wounded, when he and his guard surren dered. The enemy set fire to several houses, and carried off about fifty of our men, and five or six officers, among whom is Ensign Thacher, of our regiment. The militia pursued, and retook a number of horses and a quantity of valuable goods, which they had plundered from the inhabitants. 19th.- The Chevalier de la Luzerne, minister of France, with another French gentleman, and Don Juan de Miralles, a gentleman of distinction from Spain, arrived at head quarters, from Philadelphia, in company with his Excel lency General Washington. Major Trescott was ordered out with two hundred men, to meet and escort them to head-quarters, where two battalions were paraded to re ceive them with the usual military honors. Several of our general officers rode about five miles to meet the gen tlemen, and their arrival was announced by the discharge of thirteen cannon. The foreign gentlemen and their suites, having left their carriages, were mounted on ele gant horses, which, with General Washington, the general officers of our army, with their aids and servants, formed a most splendid cavalcade, which attracted the attention of a vast concourse of spectators. General Washington 192 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. accompanied his illustrious visitors to take a distant view of the enemy s position and works, on York and Staten Island, and of the different posts of our army, while prepar ations were making for a grand field review of our troops. 2th. A field of parade being prepared under the direc tion of the Baron Steuben, four battalions of our army were presented for review, by the French minister, attended by his excellency and our general officers. Thirteen can non, as usual, announced their arrival in the field, and they received from the officers and soldiers the military honors due to their exalted rank. A large stage was erected in the field, which was crowded by officers, ladies, and gen tlemen of distinction from the country, among whom were Governor Livingston, of New Jersey, and his lady. Our troops exhibited a truly military appearance, and per formed the manoeuvres and evolutions in a manner which afforded much satisfaction to our commander-in-chief, and they were honored with the approbation of the French minister, and by all present. After the gentlemen had received the standing salute in review, they dismounted and retired to the stage with the ladies, and the troops performed several evolutions, and paid the marching salute as they passed the stage. The minister of France was highly gratified, and expressed to General Washington his admiration at the precision of their movements, and the exactness of their fires, as well as the spirit and alac rity which seemed to pervade all ranks in the army. In the evening, General Washington and the French minister attended a ball, provided by our principal officers, at which were present a numerous collection of ladies and gentlemen of distinguished character. Fire-works were also exhib ited by the officers of the artillery. It is much regretted that M. de Miralles is confined at head-quarters by indis position. On the 25th, the whole army was paraded under arms, to afford M. de la Luzerne another opportunity of reviewing the troops; after which, he was escorted part of the way to Philadelphia. The Spanish gentleman re mained dangerously sick of a pulmonic fever at head quarters, and on the 28th he expired. 29tfi. I accompanied Doctor Schuyler to head-quarters, to attend the funeral of M. de Miralles. The deceased was a gentleman of high rank in Spain, and had been MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1780. about one year a resident with our Congress, from the Spanish court. The corpse was dressed in rich state, and exposed to public view, as is customary in Europe. The coffin was most splendid and stately, lined throughout with fine cambric, and covered on the outside with rich black velvet, and ornamented in a superb manner. The top of the coffin was removed, to display the pomp and grandeur with which the body was decorated. It was in a splendid full dress, consisting of a scarlet suit, embroid ered with rich gold-lace, a three-cornered gold-laced hat, and a genteel cued wig, white silk stockings, large diamond shoe and knee-buckles, a profusion of diamond rings dec orated the fingers, and from a superb gold watch set with diamonds, several rich seals were suspended. His Excel lency General Washington, with several other general officers and members of Congress, attended the funeral solemnities, and walked as chief mourners. The other officers of the army, and numerous respectable citizens, formed a splendid procession, extending about one mile. The pall-bearers were six field officers, and the coffin was borne on the shoulders of four officers of the artillery in full uniform. Minute-guns were fired during the proces sion, which greatly increased the solemnity of the occa sion. A Spanish priest performed service at the grave, in the Roman Catholic form. The coffin was inclosed in a box of plank, and all the profusion of pomp and gran.d- eur were deposited in the silent grave, in the common burying-ground, near the church at Morristown. A guard is placed at the grave, lest our soldiers should be tempted to dig for hidden treasure. It is understood that the corpse is to be removed to Philadelphia. This gentleman is said to have been in possession of an immense fortune, and has left to his three daughters in Spain one hundred thousand pounds sterling each. Here we behold the end of all earthly riches, pomp, and dignity. The ashes of Don Miralles mingle with the remains of those who are clothed in humble shrouds, arid whose career in life was marked with sordid poverty and wretchedness. May. The officers of our army have long been dissat isfied with their situation, conceiving that we are devoting our lives to the public service without an adequate remu neration. Our sacrifices are incalculably great, and far 194: MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. exceed the bounds of duty, which the public can of right claim from any one class of men. Our wages are not punctually paid, we are frequently five or six months in arrears, and the continental money which we receive is depreciated to the lowest ebb. Congress have established a scale of depreciation, by which the continental bills are valued at forty for one of silver, and at this rate they have resolved that all their bills shall be called in and a new emission shall be issued, and received at the rate of one for forty of the old emission. But the public confidence in paper money is greatly diminished, and it is with ex treme difficulty that proper supplies can be procured to serve the pressing exigencies of our army. I have just seen in the newspaper an advertisement offering for an article forty dollars a pound, or three shillings in silver. This is the trash which is tendered to requite us for our sacrifices, for our sufferings and privations, while in the service of our country. It is but a sordid pittance even for our common purposes while in camp, but those who have families dependent on them at home, are reduced to a deplorable condition. In consequence of this state of things, a considerable number of officers have been com pelled to resign their commissions. His Excellency Gen eral Washington, is perplexed with an apprehension that he shall lose many of his most experienced and valuable officers; and knowing the injustice which they suffer, he has taken a warm interest in their cause, and repeatedly represented to Congress the absolute necessity of making such provision as will encourage the officers to continue in service to the end of the war. This subject he has pressed with such earnestness and solicitude, as at length to effect the desired purpose. Congress have resolved that all officers of the line of the army who shall continue in service till the close of the war, shall be entitled to half- pay during life, and the depreciation of their pay shall be made good; and also that they shall receive a number of acres of land, in proportion to their rank, at the close of the war. This measure meets the approbation, and is satisfactory to those who are to be entitled to the pro vision; but it includes the officers of the line of the army only ; it is not extended to the medical staff, and they con sider themselves pointedly neglected. Why are the officers MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. of the line allowed this exclusive act of justice a com pensation for the depreciation of the currency? If it is just for the line, what reasons can be assigned why the staff-officers should not be included, when the depreciation is known to be common to both? Equal justice should be the motto of every government. The officers on the staff have a right to think themselves treated with the most flagrant injustice. A committee have arrived in camp from Congress, for the purpose of investigating the circumstances and condi tion of the army, and of redressing our grievances, if in their power. The regimental surgeons and mates have convened, and chosen a committee of three, to wait on the committee of Congress, and to present for their consid eration our complaints and grievances, and to inquire whether we are to be included in the resolve making pro vision for regimental officers, and entitled to the emolu ments granted to the line of the army? The committee replied, that they could not give a decisive answer, that the subject of our complaints did not come under their cognizance, but that they would make the proper repre sentation to Congress. Our brigade was paraded for inspection and review by Baron Steuben, in the presence of his Excellency General Washington. The troops appeared to much advantage, and the officers received the thanks of the baron for the military and soldierly appearance of the men. 10th. Dined with Colonel Jackson, who entertained a party of gentlemen. Our table was not ornamented with numerous covers, our fare was frugal, but decent. Colonel Jackson possesses a liberal and generous spirit, and enter tains his friends in the kindest manner. We sat at table till evening, enjoying the conversation of the learned Doctor Shippin, director-general of the hospital depart ment, accompanied by Colon el Proctor and Major Eustis. The Marquis de la Fayette has just arrived at head-quar ters, lately from France. The safe return of this respect able personage is matter of joy and congratulation. 26th. Eleven soldiers are condemned to suffer death for various crimes, three of whom are sentenced to be shot; the whole number were prepared for execution this day, but pardons were granted by the Commander-in-chief 196 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. to those who were to have been shot, and the seven others, while under the gallows. This was a most solemn and affecting scene, capable of torturing the feelings even of the most callous breast. The wretched criminals were brought in carts to the place of execution. Mr. Rogers, the chaplain, attended them to the gallows, addressed them in a very pathetic manner, impressing on their minds the heinousness of their crimes, the justice of their sentence, and the high importance of a preparation for death. The criminals were placed side by side, on the scaffold, with halters round their necks, their coffins before their eyes, their graves open to their view, and thousands of specta tors bemoaning their awful doom. The moment ap proaches when ever^y eye is fixed in expectation of beholding the agonies of death the eyes of the victims are already closed from the light of this world. At this awful moment, while their fervent prayers are ascending to Heaven, an officer comes forward and reads a reprieve for seven of them, by the commander-in-chief. The trembling crimi nals are now divested of the habiliments of death, and their bleeding hearts leap for joy. How exquisitely rapturous must be the transition when snatched from the agonizing horrors of a cruel death, and mercifully restored to the enjoyment of a life that had been forfeited! No pen can describe the emotions which must have agitated their souls. They were scarcely able to remove from the scaf fold without assistance. The chaplain reminded them of the gratitude they owed the commander-in-chief for his clemency towards them, and that the only return in their power to make, was a life devoted to the faithful discharge of their duty. The criminal who was executed had been guilty of forging a number of discharges, by which he and more than a hundred soldiers had left the army. He ap peared to be penitent, and behaved with uncommon forti tude and resolution. He addressed the soldiers, desired them to be faithful to their country and obedient to their officers, and advised the officers to be punctual in all their engagements to the soldiers, and give them no cause to desert. He examined the halter, and told the hangman the knot was not made right, and that the rope was not strong enough, as he was a heavy man. Having adjusted the knot and fixed it round his own neck, he was swung MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1780. off instantly. The rope broke, and he fell to the ground, by which he was very much bruised. He calmly re as- cended the ladder, and said, "I told you the rope was not strong enough : do get a stronger one." Another being procured, he was launched into eternity. 29^/z. Four battalions of our troops were paraded for review by the committee of Congress, in the presence of General Washington; they were duly honored with the military salute. We are again visited with the calamity of which we have so often complained, a great scarcity of provisions of every kind. Our poor soldiers are reduced to the very verge of famine; their patience is exhausted by complicated suf ferings, and their spirits are almost broken. It is with extreme pain that we perceive in the ranks of the soldiers a sensible diminution of that enthusiastic patriotism, and that ardent attachment to our cause, by which they were formerly distinguished. Much praise is due to the officers of every grade, who make all possible exertions to encour age, to satisfy and to soothe the desponding spirits of the soldiery. Under the most trying circumstances, however, both officers and soldiers retain their full confidence in the wisdom and goodness of our illustrious commander-in- chief, whom they almost adore, looking up to him as children to an affectionate father, participating in the same sufferings. Another source of dissatisfaction is the great inequality subsisting among the soldiers respecting their pecuniary compensation. Those who enlisted at an early period, for a small bounty, now find in the ranks with themselves others who have recently enlisted for a bounty of more than ten times the nominal value. This, as may be supposed, excites the most poignant chagrin and disgust, and, with other causes of discontent, has pro duced a considerable degree of relaxation in discipline, and an unusual number of desertions from our ranks. An event still more alarming occurred on the 25th instant. Two regiments of the Connecticut line took the liberty to parade without their officers, and in the spirit of mutiny, resolved to march into the country to relieve themselves from present difficulties, and to furnish themselves with provisions at all hazards. Colonel Meigs, in attempting to restore order, received a blow from one of the nmti- 198 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1780. neers. A brigade of Pennsylvanians was ordered to arrest their progress. The leaders were secured, and the two regiments were returned to their duty. Their complaints are, that they have too long served the public without any present, or prospect of future recompense; that their suf ferings are insupportable, that their pay is five months in arrear, and that it is of no value when received. These circumstances are known to be substantially true, and in justice they ought, and undoubtedly will, be admitted in extenuation of the crime which they have committed. It is nevertheless indispensably important that every symp tom of insubordination should be crushed as soon as dis covered, lest the example become contagious, and involve the whole army in ruin. June. In consequence of some movements of the en emy, our brigade was ordered to Chatham. A party of the enemy, about five thousand strong, came out of New York on the 7th instant, to a place called Connecticut Farms, where they burned a few houses and plundered the inhabitants; but being opposed by General Maxwell s brigade of Jersey troops, and the militia, who turned out with spirit, they soon retreated to Elizabethtown Point with some loss, and were pursued by our troops. In this little skirmish, the British General Stirling received a wound which it is supposed will prove mortal. A num ber of other officers and soldiers, on the side of the British, were killed and wounded, and twent}^ prisoners taken by our militia. Our loss does not exceed ten or twelve killed, and twenty or thirty wounded. Among the horrid and barbarous deeds of the enemy, one has just been perpetrated, which will be an everlast ing stigma on the British character. In the vicinity of the Connecticut Farms, state of New Jersey, resided the Rev. James Caldwell, a Presbyterian minister. This gen tleman had uniformly taken an active part with his parish ioners on the side of the Americans, in consequence of which he was marked for British vengeance. On the approach of the enemy, he retired into the country, leav ing his lady with the care of the family, supposing that th e customary respect for the female character would be a pledge for her safety. Mrs. Caldwell, soon after the approach of the royal troops to the house, and a young MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. ^99 woman, having Mrs. Caldwell s infant in her arms, seated themselves on the bed, when a British soldier came to the house, and putting his gun to the window of the room, shot her through the breast, and she instantly expired. Soon after, an officer with two Hessian soldiers came and ordered a hole to be dug, the body to be thrown in, and the house to be set on fire. Thus was murdered an amia ble and excellent lady, and the worthy husband left with nine children, destitute of even a change of clothes, or any thing to render them comfortable. The house and every article belonging to this respectable family were consumed, together with the church and thirteen dwelling- houses. The British, during their excursion, took the opportunity of distributing a number of hand-bills, con taining a pompous account of the capture of Charleston, South Carolina, by Sir Henry Clinton, with the garrison, commanded by Major-General Lincoln. This unfortunate event is now confirmed by Generals Arnold and Wayne, who have just arrived from Philadelphia. General Lin coln was posted in the town of Charleston, with a force consisting of between two and three thousand men, includ ing militia and seamen. General Clinton, invested the town with a powerful fleet and an army of thirteen thou sand strong. He proceeded with regular approaches, till he advanced within twenty -five yards of the American lines, and repeatedly demanded the surrender of the gar rison. Through the very j udicious management of General Lincoln, the siege was protracted from the 13th of April to the 12th of May; and during fifteen days of this time his troops were reduced to an allowance of six ounces of pork a man, and for the last six days to one and a half- pint of rice and three ounces of sugar a day. General Lincoln had to consult the interest and opinions of the inhabitants, which greatly increased his embarrassments. At length the lines of defence being almost entirely de molished, by an incessant bombardment and cannonade, the besieged were reduced to the last extremity; and being in hourly expectation of an assault, it was agreed between General Lincoln and the principal inhabitants that the town and garrison should be surrendered by capitulation. Gen eral Lincoln, in this most important transaction of his life, manifested a cool intrepidity, a zealous perseverance, and 200 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. a presence of mind which proclaim him preeminently qualified to encounter the extreme difficulties and dangers, in which he was involved; and the terms of surrender were as honorable as could have been expected. loth. Major Lee, from Virginia, has just arrived in camp, with a beautiful corps of light-horse, the men in complete uniform, and the horses very elegant and finely disciplined. Major Lee is said to be a man of great spirit and enterprise, and much important service is expected from him. By a gentleman just from New York, we are informed that General Stirling died a few days ago of the wounds which he received in the skirmish with our troops on the 7th instant. 16th. A soldier of the Jersey line was hanged for at tempting to desert to the enemy. This is one of those hardened villains who were pardoned under the gallows about three weeks since. 19th. Four emissaries from the enemy, were found concealed in a barn, belonging to a tory, in the vicinity of our lines ; one of them, their leader, refused to surren der, and was killed on the spot. The other three were tried by court-martial, and being convicted as spies, were sentenced to be hanged. These unfortunate young men came to the gallows overwhelmed with the horrors of death. Their whole frames were thrown into a tremor, and they were tortured at the sight of the gallows and hal ters. They had flattered themselves that mercy would be extended to them, and that they would either be pardoned, or their lives be prolonged for a few days ; but when they found that the executioner was about to perform his office, their mournful cries and lamentations were distressing be yond description. It has some where been noted, that a girl walked seven miles, in a torrent of rain, to see a man hanged, and returned in tears, because the criminal was reprieved; on the present occasion, a heart so full of de pravity might have enjoyed an indulgence even to satiety. The enemy in New York are reported to be in motion, and we shall probably very soon be called to engage in" battle. General orders are issued for the whole army to be in readiness to march at a moment s warning. At six o clock in the morning of the 23d, the alarm guns were fired, and the drums throughout our camp beat to arms, MILITAKY JODKNAL, 1780. 201 announcing the approach of the enemy; the whole army is instantly in motion, the scene to my contemplation is awfully sublime, yet animation and composure seem to pervade every countenance. The present hour is undoubt edly pregnant with death and carnage; every arm is nerved for defence, and every heart, it is presumed, fortified to abide its destiny. Soon after the alarm, our advanced party, consisting of General Maxwell s brigade and a few militia, discovered the enemy advancing towards the vil lage of Springfield. A close engagement with the enemy s advance immediately ensued; but being pressed by four times our number, General Maxwell, after an obstinate resistance, was obliged to retreat, till a reinforcement could arrive. Our brigade, commanded by General Stark, soon joined Maxwell, on the high ground near the village of Springfield. Colonel Angel s regiment, of Rhode Island, with several small parties, were posted at a bridge over which the enemy were to pass, and their whole force, of five or six thousand men, was actually held in check by these brave soldiers for more than forty minutes, amidst the severest firing of cannon and musketry. The enemy, however, with their superior force, advanced into the vil lage, and wantonly set fire to the buildings. We had the mortification of beholding the church, and twenty or thirty dwelling-houses and other buildings, in a blaze, and they were soon consumed to ashes. Having thus completed their great enterprise, and acquired to themselves the honor of burning a village, they made a precipitate retreat to Eliza beth Point, and the ensuing night crossed over to Staten Island. Our brigade was ordered to pursue the retreating enemy, but we could not overtake them; we discovered several fresh graves, and found fifteen dead bodies, which they left in the field, and which we buried. We were informed by the inhabitants, that they carried off eight or ten wagon-loads of dead and wounded. Our militia took fifteen prisoners. General Knyphausen was the com mander, and his force consisted of five or six thousand men; the particular object of the expedition is not ascer tained; if it was to force their way to Morristown, to destroy our magazines and stores, they were disappointed; if to burn the village of Springfield, they are welcome to the honor of the exploit. Our troops were commanded 202 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. by Major-General Greene; not more than one thousand were brought into action at any one time ; their conduct was marked with the commendable coolness and intre pidity of veteran troops. Colonel Angel s regiment, in a special manner, acquired immortal honor, by its unexam pled braver} . In the heat of the action, some soldiers brought to me in a blanket Captain-Lieutenant Thompson of the artillery, who had received a most formidable wound, a cannon-ball having passed through both his thighs near the knee-joint. With painful anxiety, the poor man in quired if I would amputate both his thighs. Sparing his feelings, I evaded his inquiry, and directed him to be carried to the hospital tent in the rear, where he would receive the attention of the surgeons. "All that a man hath will he give for his life." He expired in a few hours. While advancing against the enemy, my attention was directed to a wounded soldier in the field. I dismounted, and left my horse at a rail-fence. It was not long before a cannon-ball shattered a rail within a few feet of my horse, and some soldiers were sent to take charge of the wounded man, and to tell me it was time to retire. I now perceived that our party had retreated, and our regiment had passed me. I immediately mounted, and applied spurs to my horse, that I might gain the front of our regiment. Colonel Jackson being in the rear, smiled as I passed him ; but as my duty did not require my expo sure, I felt at liberty to seek a place of safety. It may be considered a singular circumstance, that the soldier above mentioned was wounded by the wind of a cannon- ball. His arm was fractured above the elbow, without the smallest perceptible injury to his clothes, or contusion or discoloration of the skin. He made no complaint, but I observed he was feeble and a little confused in his mind. He received proper attention, but expired the next day. The idea of injury by the wind of a ball, I learn, is not new instances of the kind have, it is said, occurred in naval battles, and are almost constantly attended with fatal effects. Our troops in camp are in general healthy, but we are troubled with many perplexing instances of indisposition, occasioned by absence from home, called by Dr. Cullen nostalgia, or home-sickness. This complaint is frequent MAJOR GENERAL BENJAMIN LINCOLN. MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1780. 203 among the militia and recruits from New England. They become dull and melancholy, with loss of appetite, restless nights, and great weakness. In some instances they be come so hypochondriacal as to be proper subjects for the hospital. This disease is in many instances cured by the raillery of the old soldiers, but is generally suspended by a constant and active engagement of the mind, as by the drill exercise, camp discipline, and by uncommon anxiety, occasioned by the prospect of a battle. July. Our brigade marched from Short hills on the 25th of June, and arrived at Prackanes, Jersey, the 1st of July. I rode with Dr. Tenney and Captain Hughes about five miles, to take a view of the Passaic falls, called by some Totowa falls, which are represented as a great natural curiosity. The Passaic river runs over large rocky mountains covered with fir-trees. At this place an immense body of rock would totally interrupt its passage, had it not been by some stupendous power rent in several places from top to bottom, forming huge clefts, some of which are twenty or thirty feet wide, others not more than two or three, and from fifty to seventy feet deep. The depth of one of them, it is said, has never been ascertained. It is here that the whole torrent of the river falls perpen dicularly, with amazing violence and rapidity, down a rocky precipice of seventy feet, with a tremendous roar and foaming. But being interrupted in its course, by craggy rocks, it turns abruptly to the right, and again to the left, and falling into huge cavities below, the whole torrent vanishes from our sight; but stepping to another precipice a few yards distant, we behold the same torrent emerging from its subterraneous course, and rushing into a large basin, or cavern, formed in the rock. This basin contains forty fathoms of water, and is never full, but its rocky walls on all sides ascend sixty feet above the surface of the water. Such is the astonishing depth of this re ceptacle, that the water neither foams nor forms whirlpools by the rushing current, but is calm and undisturbed. From this basin the water rushes through its outlet, re as- sunies the form of a river, and in majestic silence pursues its course towards the sea. In the afternoon we were invited to visit another curi osity in the neighborhood. This is a monster in the human 14 204 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. form. He is twenty-seven years of age ; his face, from the upper part of his forehead to the end of his chin, measures twenty inches, and round the upper part of his head is twenty-one inches; his eyes and nose are remarkably large and prominent, chin long and pointed. His features are coarse, irregular, and disgusting, and his voice is rough and sonorous. His body is only twenty-seven inches in length, his limbs are small and much deformed, and he has the use of one hand only. He has never been able to stand or sit up, as he cannot support the enormous weight of his head; but lies constantly in a large cradle, with his head supported on pillows. He is visited by great num bers of people, and is peculiarly fond of the company of clergymen, always inquiring for them among his visitors, and taking great pleasure in receiving religious instruc tion. General Washington made him a visit, and asked, "whether he was a whig or tory?" He replied, that "he had never taken an active part on either side." Qtk. I took an excursion a few miles into the country, to visit the surgeons of the flying hospital; took tea at their quarters, with a wealthy Dutch family, and was treated with great civility. They live in a style superior to the Low Dutch in general; the table was amply fur nished with cherries, raspberries and other fruits, which abound in this country. 10th. The officers of our regiment and those of Colonel Webb s united in providing an entertainment, and invited a respectable number of gentlemen of our brigade to dine; Dr. West and myself were appointed caterers and super intendents. We erected a large arbor, with the boughs of trees, under which we enjoyed an elegant dinner, and spent the afternoon in social glee, with some of the wine which was taken from the enemy when they retreated from Elizabethtown. Our drums and fifes afforded us a favorite music till evening, when we were delighted with the song composed by Mr. Hopkinson, called the "Battle of the Kegs" sung in the best style by a number of gentlemen. I4Jh. An express has arrived at head-quarters, from Rhode Island, with the pleasing information of the arrival there of a French fleet, accompanied by an army of six thousand regular French troops, who are to cooperate with our army as allies in our cause. They are com- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 205 manded by Count Rochambeau, a distinguished general in the French service. 20th. In general orders, the commander-in-chief con gratulates the army on the arrival of a large land and naval armament at Rhode Island, sent by his Most Chris tian Majesty, to cooperate with us against the common enemy. The lively concern which our allies manifest for our safety and independence, has a claim to the affection of every virtuous citizen. The general with confidence assures the army, that the officers and men of the French forces come to our aid animated with a zeal founded in sentiment for us, as well as in duty to their prince, and that they will do every thing* in their power to promote harmony and cultivate friendship ; he is equally persuaded, on our part, that we shall vie with them in their good disposition, to which we are excited by gratitude as well as by common interest; and that the only contention be tween the two armies will be to excel each other in good offices, and in the display of every military virtue. This will be a pledge of the most solid advantage to the com mon cause, and a-, glorious issue to the campaign. The commander-in-chief has recommended to the officers of our army to wear cockades of black and white, inter mixed, as a symbol of friendship for our French allies, who wear white cockades. 22d The officers of our regiment received an invitation to dine with Major-General Lord Stirling. We were in troduced to his lordship by Colonel Jackson, and were received with great civility and politeness. Colonel Bid- die and his lady were of the guests. Our entertainment was sumptuous and elegant. After the covers were re moved, the servants brought in pails filled with cherries and strawberries, which were strewed over the long table; with these, and excellent wine, accompanied by martial music, we regaled ourselves till evening. This gentle man s proper name is William Alexander, and he is a native of the state of New York. He visited Scotland in pursuit of the title and estate of an earldom, which he claimed as the rightful heir of his ancestor, who had this title, and a grant of Nova Scotia, anno. 1621, In this pursuit, he expended a large proportion of his fortune, but failed in obtaining an acknowledgment of his claim. 206 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. by the government; yet, by courtesy, he bears the title of Lord Stirling. He is considered as a brave, intelligent and judicious officer. In the battle on Long Island in August, 1776, he unfortunately fell into the hands of the enemy; but it occasioned no ihipeachment of his charac ter and conduct. He possesses the genuine principles of patriotism, and is strongly attached to General Washing ton. He disclosed to the cornmander-in-chief the intrigue of General Comvay, when in 1777 he attempted to super sede his excellency, saying in his letter, "such wicked duplicity of conduct, I shall always think it my duty to detect." In his personal appearance, his lordship is ven erable and dignified; in hfs deportment, gentlemanly and graceful ; in conversation, pleasing and interesting.* He is said to be ambitious of the title of lordship. Being present at the execution of a soldier for desertion, the criminal at the gallows repeatedly cried out, "the Lord have mercy on me!" his lordship with warmth exclaimed, "I won t, you rascal, I won t have mercy on you." 23c?. Sunday I attended a sermon preached by Mr. Blair, chaplain of the artillery. The tfoops were paraded in the open field, the sermon was well calculated to incul cate religious principles and the moral virtues. His Ex cellency General Washington, Major-Generals Greene and Knox, with a number of other officers, were present. August. Orders are given for the army to be in readi ness for a movement. According to orders, our brigade marched from Prac- kanes on the 29th of July, and encamped at Pararnus at night, fifteen miles. The men were exceedingly affected with the heat and fatigue. We marched on the succeed ing day at two o clock in the morning; at this early hour, the drums beat the reveille, which summons us from our hard beds and slumbers, in haste we roll up our travel ling bed furniture, strike our tents, order them thrown into the wagons, mount o\ir horses, and with a slow pace follow the march of our soldiers, bending under the weight of the burden on their backs. We arrived at the North river and crossed the ferry, August 1st, where we found the whole of our main army collecting to a point. All the troops from West Point that can be spared, and de- * Ills lordship died at Albany, January 15th, 1783, aged fifty-seven years. MILITARY JOUENAL, 1780. 207 tachments from different stations, have formed a junction in this vicinity. Two brigades have been selected from the different regiments in the main army, to form a corps of light infantry, to be commanded by the Marquis de la Fayette. They have been reviewed by the commander- in-chief and other general officers, on t>he grand parade, and are pronounced to be as excellent a corps as can be produced in any army. The marquis is delighted with his command, and is at his own expense providing for them some extra equipments. It is understood that Gen eral Clinton has despatched a part of the British fleet and army on an expedition against our allies, the French fleet and army at Rhode Island. The whole of our army hav ing crossed to the east side of the Hudson, it is conjectured that his excellency contemplates some important enterprise against the enemy at New York, or at least to compel General Clinton to recall his expedition from Rhode Isl and, for his own safety. Our commander-in-chief has ordered that the army disencumber itself of all heavy baggage, which, with the women and children, are to be immediately sent to West Point, and that the troops have constantly two days provisions cooked on hand, and hold themselves in readiness to march at a moment s warning. Such is our condition for order and regularity, that the whole army, which occupies an extent of several miles, can be put in motion, and take up a line of march in less than one hour. The horses belonging to our baggage- wagons and to the artillery are constantly in harness, and those belonging to the officers are kept in readiness; every man and every horse are taught to know their place and their duty. Marching orders, so soon as issued, are com municated to each brigade and regiment. The whole line of encampment resounds with martial music; all is bustle and activity, but free from confusion. The drums and fifes beating a march, the tents are instantly struck and thrown into wagons, the line of march commences, every subordinate officer and soldier follows his commander, and whether to rush into battle and encounter the dogs of war, or only to manoeuvre in the field, it is no man s business to know or inquire. The secret is where it ought to be, in the breast of him who directs our destiny, and whom it is our pride to obey. Such is the state and condition 208 MILITARY JOURNAL, I;M>. of a well-regulated and disciplined army, and such only can attain to militar} fame and glory. It is now ascertained, August 4th, that the formidable manoeuvre of our army has effected the object intended. The enemy s expedition to Rhode Island has returned to New York, in conse quence probably of the alarm excited for the safety of that city. Orders are now received for our army to recross the Hudson to the Jersey shore. Our brigade crossed the ferry in the night of the 5th ; and encamped in a field about five miles from the ferry. The crossing of the whole army, occupied three days and nights, cluring which a vast number of large boats and floats were continually in motion. On the 6th, marclied to Greenbush, and on the 7th and 8th, the whole army arrived and encamped at Orange town. The light infantry, under the marquis, is constantly advanced three miles in front of the army. The fatigue and extreme heat during this march, have pro duced very unfavorable effects on our troops, and they are now becoming sickly. Cholera-morbus, dysentery and remittent fevers, are the prevailing complaints, which de mand all my attention. $th. Dined with Baron Steuben, and spent the after noon with the guests. The baron keeps a splendid table, and treats his visitors with polite attention. Captain William North, of our regiment, is one of the aids-de-camp of the baron, and has ingratiated himself so highly in his favor, that he treats him with all the affection of a son. A committee from Congress have again arrived in our camp, with the view of investigating the affairs of the army, to attend to complaints, arid to redress grievances, so far as may be in their power; and they will find that their task and duty are not to be envied. The regimental surgeons and mates have deputed a committee to present a list of our grievances for their honors 7 consideration. We claim of Congress the same emoluments and remu neration which are promised to the officers of the line of the army. 14th. Visited Dr. Cochran, our surgeon-general, at his quarters in the country, and thence proceeding to the light infantry encampment, took tea with Major Trescott and Captain Gushing. I accompanied a number of officers to Dobbs ferry, where our troops are engaged in erecting a MILITARY JOURNAL, 17SO. 209 block-house and batteries, to defend the passage at the ferry-way. The Hudson at this place is about three miles wide, so that no battery can prevent the enemy s shipping from passing up the river from New York. 20th. Sunday, attended a sermon preached by Mr. Enos Hitchcock, chaplain of General Patterson s brigade; the troops were assembled in the open field. Mr. Hitchcock is respected as a sensible and learned divine, of pure morals and correct principles. His patriotic zeal and ardent attachment to his country s freedom, induced him to quit his people and domestic enjoyments at Beverly, Massachusetts, for the turmoil and fatigue of camp. I dined with my friends Dr. Skinner and Major Winslow. AVe are again visited with the alarming apprehension of a famine; no meat has been drawn for two days past; no money, no rum, and no contentment among our soldiers great dissatisfaction prevails. 2bth. The whole army in this quarter has decamped, the object and destination a secret; the conjectural object is to procure a supply of provisions and forage from the inhabitants between the lines, which otherwise would go to supply the wants of the enemy. All the sick and dis abled are left in camp, and I am directed to take charge of those belonging to our brigade; but with this charge I am left entirely destitute of provisions. Feeling myself authorized to take a small supply from the inhabitants for immediate necessity, I required from a Dutchman four sheep from his form ; as he was offended and made some opposition, I was obliged to force them from him, giving a receipt, that he might recover a compensation from the public. 2tith. Our army has returned from below, with a large quantity of forage, and provisions of various kinds, taken from the disaffected inhabitants on the lines. This affords us an important relief, when almost in a starving condi tion. A small party of the enemy was discovered near the lines, a slight skirmish ensued, and they soon disappeared. 29th.- 1 accompanied Captain W. to the village of Charlestown, met Major-General Schuyler and other gen tlemen at a tavern, with whom we dined. Here I learned that a duel had just been fought between Lieutenant 0. and Mr. P., both of Colonel Mayland s regiment of dra- 210 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. goons, and both of whom were yesterday on the most intimate terms of friendship. Mr. 0. killed his antagonist on the spot, and received a dangerous wound in his thigh. When I visited him, his wound had been dressed, and I was astonished at the calmness and composure with which he related all the particulars of this melancholy and mur derous catastrophe, and the agonizing state of mind of his late friend in his dying moments. The duel originated in a trivial misunderstanding, which excited these close friends to assume the character of assassins, and to hazard life for life. Nor did 0. discover the least sorrow or remorse of conscience for having sacrificed the life of a friend and valuable officer to the mistaken points of honor! 30th. Another dreadful appeal has this day been made to the deadly combat on a point of "honor. The parties were Lieutenant S. and Mr. L. a volunteer in the army; the latter gentleman fell, and instantly expired; his mur derer escaped uninjured. Thus have two valuable lives been sacrificed within two days, to what is termed princi ples of honor, or rather to the vindictive spirit of malice and revenge. Is there no remedy for this fashionable folly, this awful blindness and perversion of mind, this barbarous and infernal practice, this foul stain on the his tory of man! The following anecdote is in point: The practice of duelling had become alarming in the Prussian army, and the great Frederic was desirous of checking its progress. Two officers of high rank had engaged to meet in personal combat. The king commanded that they should fight in his presence, and at a time and place which he appointed. When the parties appeared, they were astonished to find the whole army paraded to witness the combat, a gallows erected, and a halter and coffins pre pared. The king now commanded that they should decide their fate in his presence, and that the survivor should be instantly hung on the gallows. The two champions were appalled, and glad to implore his majesty s forgiveness ; and this example proved an effectual remedy against duel ling in the Prussian army. September. Intelligence of an unpleasant and distressing nature, has just reached us from South Carolina. Our southern arrny, under the command of Major-General Gates, has been totally defeated, in a general action with MILITARY JOURNAL, 17SO. 211 Lord Cornwallis, on the 19th of August. General Gates, as is reported, retreated with precipitatidh to the distance of eighty miles, to escape the pursuit of the enemy. This mortifying disaster gives a severe shock to our army, as it must be productive of the most important and serious con sequences as it respects the welfare of the Southern states. In his letter to the President of Congress, General Gates says: "In the deepest distress and anxiety of mind, I am obliged to acquaint your excellency with the defeat of the troops under my command." The letter states that the continental troops displayed their usual courage and bravery, but at the first onset of the enemy, the whole body of militia became panic-struck, were completely routed, and ran like a torrent, bearing all before them, and leaving the continentals to oppose the whole force of the enemy. This victory was not obtained without loss on the part of the foe, they having upwards of five hundred men, with officers in proportion, killed and wounded. The whole number of continental officers killed, wounded and missing, is forty-eight. Among the killed, is Baron de Kalb, a major-general; while leading on the Maryland and Dela ware troops, he was pierced with eleven wounds, and soon after expired. He was a German by birth, a brave and meritorious officer, a knight of the order of military merit, and a brigadier-general in the armies of France. He had served three years, with high reputation, in the American army. General Gates command in this army is said to consist of three thousand, of which number were only nine hundred continental regulars. The royalists, under Lord Cornwallis, were upwards of three thousand two hundred, and a great part of them regular troops. This very unfor tunate event has given an impression universally unfavor able to the character and conduct of General Gates, as he has disappointed the high expectations of the public. He is indeed a painful example of the vicissitudes of the for tune of war; but it ought not to be expected that an officer should be held accountable for the strokes of fortune ; nor for the effects of superior force or address in the enemy. Considering the former high character and -meritorious services of the general, we carraot justly suspect him to be chargeable with any deficiency in point of integrity or 212 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. conduct, and time and investigation must decide how far he has been guilty of any culpable error. btli. Our army marched from Orangetown, and en camped at Steenrapie, yesterday. It is mortifying that our stock of provisions is again exhausted; the soldiers have for several days drawn nothing but one pound of flour a man. 8th. I had again the honor of dining at the table of Baron Steuben, in company with a number of officers. Notwithstanding the scarcity of provisions in camp, the baron s table continues to be well supplied; his gener osity is unbounded. 10/7? . We are now lamenting the loss of Brigadier- General Poor, who died last night of putrid fever. His funeral solemnities have been attended this afternoon. The corpse was brought this morning from Paramus, and left at a house about a mile from the burying-yard at Uackensack, whence it was attended to the place of inter ment by the following procession: a regiment of light- infantry, in uniform, with arms reversed; four field-pieces; Major Lee s regiment of light-horse; General Hand and his brigade; the major on horseback; two chaplains; the horse of the deceased, with his boots and spurs suspended from the saddle, led by a servant; the corpse borne by four Serjeants, and the pall supported by six general offi cers. The coffin was of mahogany, and a pair of pistols and two swords, crossing each other and tied with black crape, were placed on the top. The corpse was followed by the officers of the New Hampshire brigade; the officers of the brigade of light-infantry, which the deceased had lately commanded. Other officers fell in promiscuously, and were followed by his Excellency General Washington, and other general officers. Having arrived at the bury ing-yard, the troops opened to the right and left, resting on their arms reversed, and the procession passed to the grave, where a short eulogy was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Evans. A band of music, with a number of drums and fifes, played a funeral dirge, the drums were muffled with black crape, and the officers in the procession wore crape round the left arm. The regiment of light-infantry were in handsome uniform, and wore in their caps long feathers of black and red. The elegant regiment of horse, MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 213 commanded by Major Lee, being in complete uniform and well disciplined, exhibited a martial and noble appearance. No scene can exceed in grandeur and solemnity a military funeral. The weapons of war reversed, and embellished with the badges of mourning, the slow and regular step of the procession, the mournful sound of the unbraced drum and deep-toned instruments, playing the melancholy dirge, the majestic mien and solemn march of the war- horse, all conspire to impress the mind with emotions which no language can describe, and which nothing but the reality can paint to the liveliest imagination. General Poor was from the state of New Hampshire. He was a true patriot, who took an early part in the cause of his country, and during his military career was respected for his talents and his bravery, and beloved for the amiable qualities of his heart. But it is a sufficient eulogy to say, that he enjoyed the confidence and esteem of Washington. Ilt/i. We had a most violent shower of rain, accompa nied with tremendous peals of thunder and lightning; we were obliged to quit our beds in the night, but no part of our marquee could shield us from the drenching rains not a blanket about us remained dry. 12^A. A soldier was executed for robbery ; he was one of five who broke into a house with their arms, and rob bed the inhabitants of a sum of money and many valuable articles. He conducted with fortitude at the gallows. 13th. The army was paraded to be reviewed by Gen eral Washington, accompanied by a number of Indian chiefs. His excellency, mounted on his noble bay charger, rode in front of the line of the army, and received the usual salute. Six Indian chiefs followed in his train, ap pearing as the most disgusting and contemptible of the human race; their faces painted of various colors, their hair twisted into bunches on the top of their heads, and dressed in a miserable Indian habit, some with a dirty blanket over the shoulders, and others almost naked. They were mounted on horses of the poorest kind, with undressed sheep skins, instead of saddles, and old ropes for bridles. These bipeds could not refrain from the in dulgence of their appetites for rum on this occasion, and some of them fell from their horses on their return to head quarters. This tribe of Indians is friendly to America, 214 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. and it is good policy to show them some attention, and give them an idea of the strength of our army. 20th. The army decamped from Steenrapie this morn- in<i, and encamped at Orangetown, or Tappan. His Ex cellency General Washington, with the Marquis de la Fayette and General Knox, with a splendid retinue, left the camp on the 17th instant, bound to Hartford in Con necticut, to have an interview with the commanding offi cers of the French fleet and army, which have lately arrived at Rhode Island. 1 have just been introduced to three young clergymen, from Connecticut, Mr. Lockwood, Mr. Ely, and Mr. Joel Barlow; the latter is a chaplain in the Connecticut line, and is said to possess a poetical genius. Being present when he made a prayer in public, it was remarked that his performance was very ordinary, and it was replied that the gentleman had not been much accustomed to public performances, and that he was more calculated to attain to eminence in the art of poetry than in the clerical profession. 21st. Major-General Greene succeeds to the command of our army, in the absence of his Excellency General Washington. This gentleman is a native of the state of Rhode Island. His father was an anchor-smith, and his business in that line was very extensive. He was a mem ber of the Society of Friends, and when about to engage in a military station, they remonstrated with him, as war was a violation of the established principles of their sect. But his patriotism and ardent zeal for the cause of liberty were irresistible, and he was, at the age of thirty, ap pointed a brigadier-general by his government in the year 1775. After the battle of Lexington, actuated by a native martial ardor, he repaired to Cambridge, and, with the troops under his" command, joined the continental army under General Washington. General Greene has con ducted in a manner to meet the expectations and full ap probation of the public, and has been promoted to the rank of major-general. By his military talents, skill and judgment, he has acquired a character of the highest order, arid is held in respect and estimation throughout the army, as second only to the commander-in-chief. It is the pre vailing sentiment, that if in any event of Providence we should be deprived of our chief commander, General MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 215 Greene is of all others the most suitable character to be his successor, and in this sentiment there is the greatest reason to believe that the illustrious Washington himself would readily coincide. 2Qth. At three o clock this morning an alarm was spread throughout our camp. Two regiments from the Pennsylvania line were ordered to march immediately to "West Point, and the whole army to be held in readiness to march at a moment s warning. It was soon ascertained that this sudden movement was in consequence of the discovery of one of the most extraordinary events in modern history, and in which the interposition of Divine Providence is remarkably conspicuous. It is the treach erous conspiracy of Major-General Arnold, and the cap ture of Major John Andre, adjutant-general to the British army. The army being paraded this morning, the follow ing communication in the orders of General Greene was read by the adjutants to their respective regiments: " Treason, of the blackest dye, was yesterday discovered. General Arnold, who commanded at West Point, lost to every sentiment of honor, of private and public obligation, was about to deliver up that important post into the hands of the enemy. Such an event must have given the American cause a dangerous, if not a fatal wound; happily the treason has been timely discovered, to prevent the fatal misfortune. The providential train of circumstances which led to it, affords the most convincing proofs that the liberties of America are the object of Divine protection. At the same time that the treason is to be regretted, the general cannot help congratulating the army on the happy discovery. Our enemies, despairing of carrying their point by force, are practising every base art to effect by bribery and corruption what they cannot ac complish in a manly way. Great honor is due to the American army, that this is the first instance of treason of the kind, where many were to be expected from the nature of our dispute; the brightest ornament in the character of the American soldiers is, their having been proof against all the arts and seductions of an insidious enemy. Arnold has made his escape to the enemy, but Major Andre, the adjutant-general in the British army, who came out as a spy to negotiate the business, is our prisoner." West Point is situated in the midst of the highlands, on the west side of the Hudson, sixty miles above New York, and seven below Fishkill. It is a strongly-fortified castle, which, with its dependencies, is considered by Gen- fcral Washington as the key which locks the communica tion between the Eastern and Southern states; and of all the posts in the United States, this is the most important. 216 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. The position is remarkably well calculated by nature for a defensive post, being on a bend of the river, with rocky ridges rising one above another, and the lofty summit is covered with a range of redoubts and batteries, planned by the most skillful engineers. The most elevated and formidable fortress is erected on a natural platform of rocks, very steep, and almost inaccessible on every side; this is called "Fort Putnam," from the general who had the principal share in its plan and construction. It over looks the whole plain below, and commands a landscape- view thirty miles in extent, the Hudson having tho appearance of a vast canal, cut through huge mountains. As additional security, an iron chain of immense strength is thrown across at the short bend of the river, and fixed to huge blocks on each shore, and under the fire of bat teries on both sides the river. The links of this chain are about twelve inches wide, and eighteen long, the bars about two inches square. It is buoyed up by very large logs, of about sixteen feet long, pointed at the ends to lessen their opposition to the force of the current at flood and ebb tide. The logs are placed at short distances from each other, the chain carried over them and made fast to each by staples. There are also a number of anchors dropped at proper distances, with cables made fast to the chain to give it a greater stability. Such is the formida ble state and strength of this post, that it has received the appellation of the American Gibraltar, and when properly guarded, may bid defiance to an army of twenty thousand men. General Arnold was well apprised of the great importance of this fortress; no position in America could afford the British greater advantages. It commands the whole extent of country on the Hudson, from New York to Canada, and secures a communication between the Eastern and Southern states. From the commencement of the American war, General Arnold has been viewed in the light of a brave and heroic officer, having exhibited abundant proof of his military ardor and invincible temper. He. has fought in various battles, with an intrepid gallantry which cannot be ex ceeded, and it is from his bravery in the field, more than any intrinsic merit, that his character and fame have been established. His meritorious services have been amply MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 217 rewarded by his promotion to the rank of major-general, but his name will now be transmitted to posterity with marks of infamy, and the pages of our history will be tarnished by the record of crimes of the most atrocious character by a native of our land. After the evacuation of Philadelphia by the British, Arnold vas appointed to the command in that city, and such was his conduct, as respects both his official station and individual concerns, that his former standing and important services could no longer shield him from public odium and the just censure of the government.* Being afterward, by his own solicit ation, intrusted with the command of the post at West Point, he engaged in a secret correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton, and actually agreed to put him in posses sion of this very important garrison. The British general, ever ready to avail himself of treachery to accomplish an object which he could not achieve by the strength of his arms, selected Major John Andre, his adjutant-general and aid-de-camp, to have a personal interview with the traitor, to mature the plan, and make arrangements for the surrender of the post. A British sloop-of-war, called the Vulture, came up the North river, and anchored near King s ferry, about twelve miles below West Point. On board of this vessel were a Colonel Robinson, and Major Andre, under the assumed name of John Anderson. A communication was now maintained between Arnold and the persons on board the Vulture, without exciting the least suspicion of treasonable designs. But a personal interview was found necessary, and the place chosen for this purpose was the beach near the house of Joshua Smith, Esquire, who has long been suspected of a pre dilection for the British interest. In the night of the 21st instant, Smith, by the desire of Arnold, went with a boat, rowed by some men employed on his farm, and brought Major Andre, alias John Anderson, on shore, where he was received by Arnold, and conducted to the house of Smith, within our lines. Andre remained concealed at Smith s house till the following night, when he became extremely anxious to return on board the Vulture; but the boatmen, whom Arnold and Smith had seduced to bring him on shore the preceding night, could not be * See Life of Arnold in the Appendix. 218 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. i prevailed on to reconduct him on board, as the Vulture had been driven from her station by a cannon on shore. Finding it impossible to procure a boat and men for the purpose, it was resolved that Andre should return to New York by land, to which he reluctantly submitted, as the only alternative, to escape the danger into which he had been betrayed. For this hazardous attempt Arnold and Smith furnished him with a horse, and with clothes, in exchange for his military uniform; and Arnold gave him a passport under the fictitious name of John Anderson, as being on public business. Thus prepared, and accompa nied by Smith part of the way, he proceeded on his journey. The passport served his purpose till he got be yond all our out-posts and guards without suspicion. They lodged together at Crompond that night, and Smith having given him directions about the road, left him the next morning, within about thirty miles of New York. Having arrived at Tarrytown, however, near the lines of the royal army, Andre was arrested by one of three men, who were patrolling between the out-posts of the two armies. He held his horse by the bridle, till his two companions came from their concealment to his assistance. This was the moment which was to decide the fate of the adjutant-general of the royal army. Alarmed and discon certed, instead of producing his passport, he asked where they belonged ? They replied, "To below," alluding to New York. "And so do 1," said Andre; "I am a British officer, on urgent business, and must not be detained." He was soon, however, undeceived, and confounded on being obliged to yield himself a prisoner, and finding his passport, though having the authority of Arnold s signa ture, availed him nothing. His captors, suspecting that they had taken a valuable prize, resolved to hold him in durance, and realize his worth. The unfortunate prisoner now produced his gold watch, and said, "This will con vince you that I am a gentleman, and if you will suffer me to pass, I will send to New York, and give you any amount you shall name, in cash, or in dry goods;"* and, * English goods were, at that time, more valuable than gold or silver. It has in general been understood, that Andre offered his captors his horse, his purse, and a valuable watch, but Dr. Eustis assures me that the above are the facts, as stated to him by Isaac Van Vert, who first stopped Andre. MAJOR JOHN ANDRE. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 219 pointing to an adjacent wood, "you may keep me in that wood till it shall be delivered to you." All his offers, however, were rejected with disdain, and they declared that ten thousand guineas, or any other sum, would be no temptation. It is to their virtue, no less glorious to America, than Arnold s apostacy is disgraceful, that his detestable crimes are discovered. Their names are John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Vert.* Taking their prisoner into the bushes, to undergo a search and exam ination, they found, concealed in his boots, the important papers, containing exact returns of the state of the forces, ordnance and defences at West Point and its dependencies, with critical remarks on the works, with a return of the number of troops at West Point, and their distribution; copies of confidential letters from General Washington, &c., &c., all in the hand-writing of General Arnold. Be sides which, it is ascertained that the traitor carried with him to the interview a general plan of West Point and its vicinity, and all the works, and also particular plans of each work on a large scale, elegantly drawn by the engi neer at that post. But these were not given up to Major Andre; it is supposed they were to be delivered at a future time. The captors now very properly delivered their prisoner, with the papers found on him, into the hands of Lieutenant-Colonel Jameson, the commanding officer on our lines. Andre, with the view, no doubt, of giving Arnold an opportunity to escape, had the address to induce Colonel Jameson to inform the traitor, by letter, that John Anderson was taken on his way to New York. It is probable that Colonel Jameson had not examined the papers in his possession, or it may well be supposed that, having such ample evidence before him, he would have * Congress resolved " That they have a high sense of the virtuous and patriotic conduct of John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Vert, In testimony whereof, ordered, that each of them receive, annually, two hundred dollars in specie, or an equivalent in the current money of these states, during life, and that the Board of War be directed to pro cure each of them a silver medal, on one side of which shall be a shield with this inscription, Fidelity, and on the other, the following motto, Vincit amor Patrice, and forward them to the Commander-in-chief, who is requested to present the same with a copy of this resolution, and the thanks of Congress for their fidelity, and the eminent service they have rendered their country." 15 220 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. hesitated before complying with this request ; but, unsus picious of treachery, and under the embarrassment of the moment, as though his mind was bewildered, or devoid of reason, he immediately despatched an express to Arnold, at Kobinson s house, with the intelligence. After sufficient time had elapsed for Arnold to receive the information and make his escape, Major Andre de clared himself to Colonel Jameson to be the adjutant-gen eral of the British army. Sensible of the finesse which had been practised on him, Colonel Jameson now de spatched an express to meet General Washington, on his return from Hartford to Arnold s quarters, with an account of the capture of Major Andre, and the papers which were found on him, and this was accompanied by a letter from the prisoner, disclosing to his excellency his real charac ter and condition, and relating the manner of his capture, &c. It unfortunately happened that the express took a different road, and missed of meeting the commander-in- chief, and Arnold first received the information about ten o clock on the morning of the 15th instant. At this mo ment Major Shaw and Dr. McIIeriry, two of his excel lency s aids, had arrived, and were at breakfast at Arnold s table. His confusion was visible, but no one could devise the cause. Struck with the pressing danger of his situa tion, expecting General. Washington would soon arrive, the guilty traitor called instantly for a "horse, any one, even if a wagon horse" bid a hasty adieu to his wife, and en joined a positive order on the messenger not to inform that he was the bearer of a letter from Colonel Jameson, and having repaired to his barge, he ordered the cock swain with eight oarsmen to proceed down the river, and he was soon on board the Vulture, which Andre had left two nights before, and which immediately sailed with her prize ibr New York. General Washington arrived about twelve o clock, and was informed that Arnold had ab sented himself, saying he was going to West Point, and should soon return. His excellency passed over the river to view the works there; but, not finding Arnold at his post, he returned, in the hope of meeting him at his quar ters. But here he was again disappointed, for no person could account for his absence. Mrs. Arnold was now in her chamber, in great agitation and distress, deprived of MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1780. 221 her reason, and Dr. Eustis in attendance. At a lucid in terval she inquired of the doctor if General Washington was in the house, desiring to see him. Believing that she intended to say something which would explain the secret of Arnold s unaccountable absence, he hastened below, and conducted the general to her chamber, who remained no longer than to hear her deny that he was General Washington, and to witness the return of her distraction. His excellency sat down to dine, but soon rose from table with apparent agitation, called out Colonel Lamb, the commander of artillery at West Point, and expressed to him his suspicion that Arnold had deserted to the enemy. In less than two hours it was ascertained that the conjec ture was too well founded, for the despatches arrived from Colonel Jameson, with an account of the capture of Major Andre," accompanied by his own letter of confession. Major Andre was conducted to West Point, and thence to head quarters at Tappan ; and a board, consisting of fourteen general officers, is constituted and directed to sit on the 29th instant, for his trial. It was to be expected that Sir Henry Clinton would make every possible overture and exertion, with the hope of rescuing his friend, and the adjutant-general of his army, from an ignominious death. Accordingly he addressed General Washington, claimed the release of Major Andre, alleging that he ought not to be considered in the character of a spy, as he had a pass port from, and was transacting business under the sanction of General Arnold; but arguments so obviously absurd and futile could have no influence, and the prisoner was ordered before the military tribunal for trial, and the fol lowing aie the particulars of their proceedings. Major Andre, adjutant-general to the British army, was brought before the board, and the following letter from General Washington to the board, dated " Head-Quarters, Tappan, September 29th, 1780," was laid before them and read: "GENTLEMEN: Major Andre, adjutankgeneral to the British army, will be brought before you, for your examination. He came within our lines in the night, on an interview with Major-General Arnold, and in an assumed character; and was taken within our lines, in a disguised habit, with a pass under a feigned name, and with the inclosed papers con cealed on him. After a careful examination, you will be pleased as speedily as possible to report a precise state of his case, together with 222 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1780. your opinion of the light in which he ought to be considered, and the punishment that ought to be inflicted. The judge-advocate will attend to assist in the examination, who has sundry other papers relative to this matter, which he will lay before the board. "I have the honor to be, gentlemen, your most obedient and humble servant, "G. WASHINGTON. M To the Board cf General Officers, convened at Tappan." The names of the officers composing the board were read to Major Andre, with the following letter of his to General Washington namely : "SALEM, 24/fc September, 1780. "Sin: What I have as yet said, concerning myself, was in the justifi able attempt to be extricated; I am too little accustomed to duplicity to have succeeded. "I beg your excellency will be persuaded, that no alteration in the temper of my mind, or apprehension for my safety, induces me to take the step of addressing you, but that it is to secure myself from an im putation of having assumed a mean character for treacherous purposes or self-interest a conduct incompatible with the principles that actuated me, as well as with my condition in life. "It is to vindicate my fame, that I speak, and not to solicit security. "The person in your possession is Major John Andre, adjutant-gen eral to the British army. "The influence of one commander in the army of his adversary is an advantage taken in war. I agreed to meet, on ground not within the posts of either army, a person who was to give me intelligence; I came up in the Vulture man-of-war, for this effect, and was fetched by a boat from the shore to the beach : being there, I was told that the approach of day would prevent my return, and that I must be concealed till the next night. I was in my regimentals, arid had fairly risked my person. "Against my stipulation, my intention, and without my knowledge beforehand, I was conducted within one of your posts. Your excel lency may conceive my sensation on this occasion, and will imagine how much more I must have been affected by a refusal to reconduct me back the next night, as I had been brought. Thus become a prisoner, I had to concert my escape. / quitted my uniform, and was passed another way in the night, without the American posts to neutral ground, and informed I was beyond all armed parties, and left to press for New York. I was taken at Tarrytown by some volunteers. "Thus, as I have had the honor to relate, was I betrayed into the vile condition of an enemy in disguise within your posts. "Having avowed myself a British officer, I have nothing to reveal but what relates to myself, which is true, on the honor of an officer and a gentleman. "The request I have to make your excellency, and I am conscious I address myself well, is that in any rigor which policy may dictate, a decency of conduct towards me may evince that, though unfortunate, 1 am branded with nothing dishonorable, as no motive could be mine but the service of my king, and as I was involuntarily an impostor. MILITARY JOUIJNAL, 1780. 223 "Another request is, that I may be permitted to write an open letter to Sir Henry Clinton, and another to a friend tor clothes and linen. "I take the liberty to mention the condition of some gentlemen at Charleston, who, being either on parole or under protection, were en gaged in a conspiracy against us. Though their situation is not similar they are objects who may be set in exchange for me, or are persons whom the treatment I receive might affect. "It is no less, sir, in a confidence in the generosity of your mind, than on account of your superior station, that I have chosen to importune you with this letter. I have the honor to be, with great respect, sir your excellency s most obedient arid most humble servant, "JOHN ANDRE, Adjutant-General. " His Excellency General Washington, *-c., <$-c., <$-c." And on being asked whether he confessed or denied the matters contained in this letter, he acknowledged the letter, and in addition stated, that he came on shore from the Vulture sloop-of-war in the night of the 21st of September, instant, somewhere under the Haverstraw mountain. That the boat he came on shore in, carried no flag, and that he had on a surtout-coat over his regimentals, and that he wore his surtout-coat when he was taken. That he met General Arnold on the shore, and had an interview with him there. lie also said, that when he left the Vulture sloop-of-war, it was understood he was to return that night ; but it was then doubted, and if he could not return, he was promised to be concealed on shore in a place of safety till the next night, when he was to return in the same manner he came on shore; and when the next day came, he was solicitous to get back, and made inquiries in the course of the day how he should return; he was informed he could not return that way, and he must take the route he did afterwards. He also said, that the first notice he had of his being within any of our posts, was his being challenged by the sentry, which was the first night he was on shore. He also said, that in the evening of the 22d of September, instant, he passed King s ferry, between our posts of Stony and Verplanlcs Points, in the dress he is at present in, and which he said was not his regimentals, and which dress he procured after he landed from the Vulture, and when he was within our post, and that he was proceeding to New York, but was arrested at Tarry town, as he has mentioned in his letter, on Saturday, the 23d of September, instant, about nine o clock in the morning. The board having interrogated Major Andre, about his 224: .VIILITAEY JOURNAL, 1780. conception of his coming on shore under the sanction of a flag, he said, that it was impossible for him to suppose he came on shore wider that sanction, and added, that if he came on shore under that sanction, he certainly might have re turned under it. Major Andre having acknowledged the preceding facts, and being asked whether he had any thing to say re specting them, answered, he left them to operate with the board. The examination of Major Andre being concluded, he was remanded into custody. " The board having considered the letter from his Excellency General Washington, respecting M:ijor Andre, adjutant-general to the British army, the confession of Major Andre, and the papers produced to them, report to his excellency the comma nder-in-chief the following facts, which appear to them relative to Major Andre. First, that he came on shore from the Vulture sloop-of-war, in the night of the 21st of Septem ber, instant, on an interview with General Arnold, in a private and secret manner. Secondly, that he changed his dress within our lines, and under a feigned name, and disguised habit, passed our works at Stony and Verplunk s Points, in the evening of the 22d of September, instant, and was taken the morning of the 23d of September, at Tarrytown, in a disguised habit, being then on his way to New York; and when taken he had in his possession several papers which contained intelligence for the enemy. The board having maturely considered these facts, do also report to his Excellency General Washington, that Major Andre, adju tant-general to the British army, ought to be considered as a spy from the enemy, and that agreeably to the law and usage of nations it is their opinion he ought to suffer death. [SIGNED] NATHANIEL GREENE, Major-General and President. STIRLING, " " ST. CLAIR, " " LA FAYETTE, " R. HOWE, " STEUBEN, " " SAMUEL H. PARSONS, Brigadier-General. JAMES CLINTON, HENRY KNOX, Artillery. JOHN GLOVER, JOHN PATTERSON, EDWARD HAND, JOHN HUNTINGTON, JOHN STARK, JOHN LAWRENCE, Judge Advocate General" " HEAD-QUARTERS, September 30//>, 1780. "The commander-in-chief approves of the opinion of the Board of General officers, respecting Major Andre, and orders that the execution of Major Andre take place to-morrow, at five o clock P. M." MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 225 During the trial of this unfortunate officer, he conducted with unexampled magnanimity and dignity of character. He very freely and candidly confessed all the circumstances relative to himself, and carefully avoided every expression that might have a tendency to implicate any other person. So firm and dignified was he in his manners, and so hon orable in all his proceedings on this most trying occasion, that he excited universal interest in his favor. He re quested only to die the death of a soldier, and not on a gibbet. The following is a copy of a very pathetic letter from Major Andre to General Washington, dated "TAPPAN, October 1st, 1780. "SiR: Buoyed above the terrors of death by the consciousness of a life devoted to honorable pursuits, and stained with no action that can give me remorse, I trust that the request I make to your excellency at this serious period, and which is to soften my last mo ments, will not be rejected. Sympathy towards a soldier will surely induce your excel lency and a military tribunal to adapt the mode of my death to the feel ings of a man of honor. Let me hope, sir, if aught in my character impresses you with esteem towards me if aught in my misfortunes marks me as the victim of policy, and not of resentment I shall expe rience the operation of these feelings in your breast by being informed that I am not to die on a gibbet. "I have the honor to be your excellency s most obedient and most humble servant, "JOHN ANDRE, " Adjutant- General to the British army." This moving letter, as may be supposed, affected the mind of General Washington with the tenderest sympathy, and it is reported that he submitted it to a council of gen eral officers, who decided that as Major Andre was con demned as a spy, the circumstances of the case would not admit of the request being granted, and his excellency, from a desire to spare the feelings of the unfortunate man, declined making a reply to the letter. October 1st. I went this afternoon to witness the exe cution of Major Andre: a large concourse of people had assembled, the gallows was erected, and the grave and coffin prepared to receive the remains of this celebrated but unfortunate officer; but a flag of truce arrived with a communication from Sir Henry Clinton, making another and further proposals for the release of Major Andre, in consequence of which the execution is postponed till to morrow, at twelve o clock. 226 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1780. The flag which came out this morning brought General Robertson, Andrew Eliot, and William Smith, Esquires, for the purpose of pleading for the release of Major Andre, the royal army being in the greatest afiliction on the occa sion. The two latter gentlemen, not being military offi cers, were not permitted to land, but General Greene was appointed by his excellency to meet General Robertson at Dobbs ferry, and to receive his communications. He had nothing material to urge, but that Andre had come on shore under the sanction of a flag, and therefore could not be considered as a spy. But this is not true; he came on shore in the night, and had no flag, on business totally in compatible with the nature of a flag. Besides, Andre himself, candidly confessed on his trial that he did not consider himself under the sanction of a flag. General Robertson, having failed in his point, requested that the opinion of disinterested persons might be taken, and pro posed Generals Knyphausen and Rochambeau as proper persons. After this he had recourse to threats of retalia tion on some people in New York and Charleston, but he was told that such conversation could neither be heard nor understood. He next urged the release of Andre on mo tives of humanity, saying, he wished an intercourse of such civilities as might lessen the horrors of war, and cited instances of General Clinton s merciful disposition ; adding that Andre possessed a great share of that gentleman s affection and esteem, and that he would be infinitely obliged if he was spared. He offered that, if his earnest wishes were complied with, to engage that any prisoner in their possession, whom General Washington might name, should immediately be set at liberty. But it must be viewed as the height of absurdity that General Robertson should, on this occasion, suffer himself to be the bearer of a letter which th$ vile traitor had the consummate effront ery to write to General Washington. This insolent letter is filled with threats of retaliation, and the accountability of his excellency for the torrents of blood that might be spilled if he should order the execution of Major Andre. It should seem impossible that General Robertson could suppose that such insolence would receive any other treat ment than utter contempt. October 2d. Major Andre is no more among the living. MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1780. 227 I have just witnessed his exit. It was a tragical scene of the deepest interest. During his confinement and trial, he exhibited those proud and elevated sensibilities which de signate greatness and dignity of mind. Not a murmur or a sigh ever escaped him, and the civilities and attentions bestowed on him were politely acknowledged. Having left a mother and two sisters in England, he was heard to mention them in terms of the tenderest affection, and in his letter to Sir Henry Clinton, he recommended them to his particular attention. The principal guard officer, who was constantly in the room with the prisoner, relates that when the hour of his execution was announced to him in the morning, he re ceived it without emotion, and while all present were affected with silent gloom, he retained a firm countenance, with calmness and composure of mind. Observing his servant enter the room in tears, he exclaimed, "Leave me till you can show yourself more manly!" His breakfast being sent to him from the table of General Washington, which had been done every day of his confinement, he partook of it as usual, and having shaved and dressed himself, he placed his hat on the table, and cheerfully said to the guard officers, "I am ready at any moment, gentle men, to wait on you." The fatal hour having arrived, a large detachment of troops was paraded, and an immense concourse of people assembled ; almost all our general and field officers, excepting his excellency and his staff, were present on horseback; melancholy and gloom pervaded all ranks, and the scene was affectingly awful. I was so near during the solemn march to the fatal spot, as to ob serve every movement, and participate in every emotion which the melancholy scene was calculated to produce. Major Andre walked from the stone house, in which he had been confined, between two of our subaltern officers, arm in arm ; the eyes of the immense multitude were fixed on him, who, rising superior to the fears of death, appeared as if conscious of the dignified deportment which he dis played. He betrayed no want of fortitude, but retained a complacent smile on his countenance, and politely bowed to several gentlemen whom he knew, which was respect fully returned. It was his earnest desire to be shot, as being the mode of death most conformable to the feelings 228 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. of a military man, and he had indulged the hope that his request would be granted. At the moment, therefore, when suddenly he came in view of the gallows, he invol untarily started backward, and made a pause. " Why this emotion, sir?" said an officer by his side. Instantly recov ering his composure, he said, "I am reconciled to my death, but I detest the mode." While waiting and stand ing near the gallows, I observed some degree of trepida tion ; placing his foot on a stone, and rolling it over and choking in his throat, as if attempting to swallow. So soon, however, as he perceived that things were in readi ness, he stepped quickly into the wagon, and at this mo ment he appeared to shrink, but instantly elevating his head with firmness, he said, "It will be but a momenta^ pang," and taking from his pocket two white handkerchiefs, the provost-marshal, with one, loosely pinioned his arms, and with the other, the victim, after taking off his hat and stock, bandaged his own eyes with perfect firmness, which melted the hearts and moistened the cheeks, not only of his servant, but of the throng of spectators. The rope being appended to the gallows, he slipped the noose over his head and adjusted it to his neck, without the assistance of the awkward executioner. Colonel Scammel now in formed him that he had an opportunity to speak, if he desired it; he raised the handkerchief from his eyes, and said, "I pray you to bear me witness that I meet my fate like a brave man." The wagon being now removed from under him, he was suspended, and instantly expired; it proved indeed "but a momentary pang." He was dressed in his royal regimentals and boots, and his remains, in the same dress, were placed in an ordinary coffin, and in terred at the foot of the gallows ; and the spot was conse crated by the tears of thousands. Thus died, in the bloom of life, the accomplished Major Andre, the pride of the royal arrny, and the valued friend of Sir Henry Clinton. lie was about twenty-nine years of age, in his person well proportioned, tall, genteel and graceful. His rnien respectable and dignified. His counte nance mild, expressive and prepossessing, indicative of an intelligent and amiable mind. Ilis talents are said to have been of a superior cast, and, being cultivated in early life, he had made very considerable proiiciency in literary attain- MILITARY JOUKJ^AL, 1780. 229 ments. Colonel Hamilton, aid-de-camp to General Wash ington, having had an interview with him, entertains an exalted opinion of his character. In the line of his pro fession, Major Andre, was considered as a skilful, brave and enterprising officer, and he is reported to have been benevolent and humane to our people who have been prisoners in New York. Military glory was the main spring of his actions, and the sole object of his pursuits, arid he was advancing rapidly in the gratification of his ambitious views, till by a misguided zeal he became a de voted victim. He enjo} ? ed the confidence and friendship of Sir Henry Clinton, being consulted in his councils and admitted to the secrets of his cabinet. The heart of sen sibility mourns when a life of so much worth is sacrificed on a gibbet. General Washington was called to discharge a duty from which his soul revolted; and it is asserted that his hand could scarcely command his pen, when sign ing the warrant for the execution of Major Andre. But, however abhorrent in the view of humanity, the laws and usages of war must be obeyed, and in all armies it is de creed that the gallows shall be the fate of spies from the enemy. It was universally desired that Major Andre should experience every possible favor and indulgence, con sistent with his peculiar circumstances, but it was well consi dered that, should he be indulged in his request to be shot, it would imply that his case admitted of extenuation, and it might be doubted whether in justice he ought to be convicted as a spy. The British general himself has not hesitated to execute several persons of the same descrip tion sent from our army into New York.* Could Arnold * It is with the highest degree of satisfaction, that I am enabled to copy the following interesting narrative, vouched by Major-Genera] Hull, of Newton, from Hannah Adams History of New England. Let the render draw the striking contrast between the conduct of the royalists and the Americans, on an occasion where the duties of humanity and benevolence, were equally and imperiously demanded. "The retreat of General Washington left the British in complete pos session of Long Island. What would be their future operations, remained uncertain. To obtain information of their situation, their strength and future movements, was of high importance. For this pur pose, General Washington applied to Colonel Knovvlton, who commanded a regiment of light infantry, which formed the van of the American army, and desired him to adopt some mode of gaining the necessary information. Colonel Knowlton communicated this request to Captain 230 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. have been suspended on the gibbet erected for Andre, not a tear or a sigh would have been produced, but exultation Hale, of Connecticut, who was then a captain in his regiment. This young officer, animated by a sense of duty, and considering that an opportunity presented itself by which he might be useful to his country, at once offered himself a volunteer for this hazardous service. He passed in disguise to Long Island, examined every part of the British army, and obtained the best possible information respecting their situa tion and future operations. "In his attempt to return, he was apprehended, carried before Sir Wil liam Howe, and the proof of his object was so clear, that he frankly acknowledged who he was, and what were his views. "Sir William Howe at once gave an order to the provost-marshal to execute him the next morning. "The order was accordingly executed in a most unfeeling manner, and by as great a savage as ever disgraced humanity. A clergyman, whose attendance he desired, was refused him; a Bible for a moment s devotion was not procured, though he requested it. Letters which, on the morning of his execution, he wrote to his mother and other friends, were destroyed; an-l this very extraordinary reason given by the provost- marshal, that the rebels should not know that they had a man in their army who could die with so much firmness. "Unknown to all around him, without a single friend to offer him the lenst consolation, thus fell as amiable and as worthy a young man as America could boast, with this as his dying observation, that he only lamented he had but one life to lose for his country. How superior to the dying words of Andre! Though the manner of his execution will ever be abhorred by every friend to humanity and religion, yet there cannot be a question but that the sentence was conformable to the rules of wrir, and the practice of nations in similar cases. "It is, however, a justice due to the character of Captain Hale, to ob serve, that his motives for engaging in this service were entirely different from those which generally influence others in similar circumstances. Neither expectation of promotion nor pecuniary reward induced him to this attempt. A sense of duty, a hope that he might in this way be useful to his country, and an opinion which he had adopted, that every kind of service necessary to the public good became honorable by being necessary, were the great motives which induced him to engage in an enterprise by which his connexions lost a most amiable friend and his country one of its most promising supporters. "The fate of this unfortunate young man excites the most interesting reflections. To see such a character, in the flower of youth, cheerfully treading in the most hazardous paths, influenced by the purest intentions, and only emulous to do good to his country, without the imputation of a crime, fall a victim to policy, must have been wounding to the feelings even of his enemies. "Should a comparison be drawn between Major Andre and Captain Hale, injustice would be done to the latter, should he not be placed on an equal ground with the former. Whilst almost every historian of the American Revolution has celebrated the virtues and lamented the fate MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 231 and joy would have been visible on every countenance. But General Clinton suffers the vile and infamous traitor to elude the hand of justice, and even bestows on him a reward for his crime. It may perhaps be suggested, that in this last act of his life Major Andre derogated from his character and station. That the laurels to adorn the brow of a soldier, can only be acquired in the field of battle, and not by encouraging acts of treason, by bribery and corruption. Surprise and stratagem, it is well known, constitute a valuable part of the art of war, by which many important objects are effected, and by some it is said that when acts of treason are practised, the infamy de volves on the head of the traitors alone. In the present instance, it is supposed that Arnold made the first overture. It is well understood that Sir Henry Clinton enjoined it on Andre to transact the business on board the Vulture, and it was his own determination not to land on our shore ; but such was the management of Arnold and his confed erate, Smith, that he was actually compelled, contrary to his own judgment and intention, to come within our lines, and this circumstance alone placed him in the character of a common spy. The Commander-in-chief was gener ously disposed to compassionate his unhappy condition, and to soothe and mitigate his sorrow, and every officer in the army was actuated by feelings of sympathy and tender ness towards him. The base and perfidious Arnold is held in the utmost abhorrence and detestation throughout our army, and his person, with the garrison at West Point into the bargain, would have been a dear purchase to Sir Henry for the life of his valuable friend and adjutant-general. West Point is now become a very celebrated and mem orable spot, by the attempt of the royal general to obtain possession of it through the defection and treachery of one of our officers, and the defeat of the conspiracy. Arnold of Andre, Hale has remained unnoticed, and it is scarcely known that such a character ever existed. "To the memory of Andre, his country has erected the most magni ficent monuments, and bestowed on his i amily the highest honors and most liberal rewards. To the memory of Hale not a stone has been erected, nor an inscription to preserve his ashes from insult."* * In the autumn of 1821, the remains of Major Andre were disinter red, and transported to England. 232 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. was well apprised of its importance, and it was obviously his design to strike a fatal blow to the cause of his native country, and it was his intention that it should cost the British nothing more than the price of his own villany and treason. He had actually removed a New York re giment from the point to the plain on the east side of the river, and sent off a number of soldiers from the garrison to cut wood at a distance, and disposed and arranged the remaining troops in such manner that little or no opposi tion could have been made, and an immediate surrender would have been inevitable, or our troops must have fall en a sacrifice. Deplorable indeed would have been the event, the loss of this highly important garrison with some of our best officers and men, the immense quantity of ordnance and military stores, together with the prodigious panic and gloom which at this critical period must have pervaded the whole people, could scarcely have failed of being productive of consequences overwhelming the phys ical powers and energies of our country. But we are saved by ^miracle, and we are confounded in awful astonishment. In a private letter, General Washington thus expresses himself respecting this transaction : " In no instance since the commencement of the war has the interpo sition of Providence appeared more remarkably conspicuous than in the rescue of the post and garrison at West Point. How far Arnold meant to involve me in the catastrophe of this place, does not appear by any indubitable evidence, and I am rather inclined to think he did not wish to hazard the more important object, by attempting to combine two events, the lesser of which might have marred the greater. A combi nation of extraordinary circumstances, and unaccountable deprivation of presence of mind in a man of the first abilities, and the virtue of three militia-men, threw the adjutant-general of the British forces, with full proof of Arnold s intention, into our hands, and but for the egregi ous lolly or the bewildered conception of Lieutenant-Colonel Jameson, who seemed lost in astonishment, and not to have known what he was doing, I should undoubtedly have gotten Arnold. Andre has met his fate, and with that fortitude which was to be expected from an accom plished man and a gallant officer; but I mistake if Arnold is suffering at this time the torments of a mental hell. He wants feeling. From some traits of his character which have lately come to my knowledge, ne seems to have been so hacknied in crime, so lost to all sense of nonor and shame, that while his faculties still enable him to continue his sordid pursuits, there will be no time for remorse." For the sake of human nature, it were to be wished that a veil could be for ever thrown over so vile an example MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 233 of depravity and wickedness. Traitor! you never can. know the precious enjoyment of a quiet conscience ! "While you sleep, your heart must be awake, and the voice of Andre must thrill through your very soul. Though you may console yourself that you have escaped the gallows, a consciousness of your crimes and the infamy and con tempt which will for ever await you, must incessantly har row and torment your spirit, rendering you of all villains the most wretched and miserable. The only atonement in your power to alleviate your poignant mental misery, is a humble and hearty confession, and to implore in sin cerity the forgiveness of Heaven !* Our brigade and three others decamped from Orange- town on the 7th instant. Our tents and baggage were sent up the Hudson in boats, and we took our route through the highlands. The road was almost impassable through a thick wood and over high mountains, constantly inter sected by prodigious rocks, running brooks- and deep val- lies. We arrived at West Point on the evening of the 8th, distance thirty-two miles; thof troops much fatigued, and our tents not arrived, took our sleep for the night on the ground in the woods and on the 9th, encamped on the plain, near the banks of the river. General Greene is now the commander of this garrison, and good order takes place of the confusion occasioned by Arnold s elopement. Joshua Smith, Esquire, the confederate of Arnold, has been tried by a court-martial, of which Colonel Henry Jackson was president; the evidence against him and his own confession go to prove that he went on board the Vulture, in the night, and brought on shore a gentleman who was called John Anderson, to have an interview with General Arnold ; that he secreted him in his house, fur nished hipi with a horse and change of clothes, and that he accompanied him through our out-posts, and directed him into the proper road to New York. All this, he pleads in his defence, was by the express desire of General Arnold, who assured him that his object was to obtain some import ant intelligence from New York, which would be highly advantageous to the public interest. He considered him self, therefore, in the character of a conndental ageut in * See the character of Arnold, in the Appendix. 234 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. the employment of Arnold, without suspicion of treasona ble conduct in this officer. This pretence is plausible, and it is his good fortune that no positive evidence could be produced to countervail his assertions. Though his actions appear criminal, yet it is possible his motives and views rnay have been laudable. The want of positive evidence, therefore, of his criminality, prevented his con viction ; but so strong was the circumstantial proof of his guilt, that it was deemed proper that he should be kept in confinement. Being seized with indisposition, from appre hension and anxiety of mind, I was requested to visit him in his prison. I found him very conversable, and he im mediately entertained me with a relation of the particular circumstances of his case, which agreed substantially with the above statement. He promised to show me his writ ten defence, produced at his trial, but no future opportunity occurred. lie pretended that it was unjust and cruel that he should be deprived of his liberty, when no evidence of guilt could be produced against him. He was soon removed to some prison in the country ;* after which, his lady arrived, expecting to find him here. I received a polite billet, requesting I would wait on her at the house of my friend Major Bowman, where I was introduced to her and to Mrs. B. and her daughter, with whom I took tea and spent the evening. Mrs. Smith was grievously disappointed that her husband was removed ; she was very solicitous to be informed of the particular circumstances which attended him in his illness, and whether he was dejected in spirits, and politely thanked me for my atten tion to him. She appears to be an accomplished and inter esting woman, but is in much distress for the fate of her husband. She could not conceal her natural partiality and bias in his favor, and would willingly have left the impressibn which Arnold wished to make, when in his letter to General Washington, he says of his wife, " she is as good and as innocent as an angel, and is incapable of doing wrong." loth. I have just returned from Orangetown, in com pany with Captain Hunt, of our regiment, where I was * Smith was for several months in confinement; but either from a want of vigilance in his keeper, or the indifference of the proper author ity, he was at length allowed to escape to New York. BENEDICT ARNOLD. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 235 called to visit his brother, who was left sick when we marched from that place. We dined with Doctors Eustis and Townsend at the hospital on our way, and with Cap tain Livingston, a respectable officer, commanding at Stony Point, on our return. 20th. Major-General Greene has been ordered to the southward, to take command of the American army in the Carol inas, and Major-General Heath succeeds to the command of this post. We have the mortifying intelligence that the enemy has laid waste a great part of the fertile country above Saratoga, and likewise the vicinity of Schenectady. The party consisted of Indians, tories, and Canadians, com manded by Sir John Johnston. General Van Rensselaer, with the militia and some new levies, engaged the enemv at Fox s mills, Try on county, and after a very severe action of three-quarters of an hour, forced them to give way and cross the river, leaving their plunder, baggage and pris oners, which they had taken, behind them. One hour of day-light would have given us the whole party. The action was general and vigorous; we have to lament the loss of Colonel Brown, who was killed in skirmishing with the enemy. The devastation committed by this savage party is found to be very important, as it respects the in habitants of the north. It is estimated at two hundred dwellings, one hundred and fifty thousand bushels of wheat, with a proportion of other grain and forage. The same party destroyed also the town of Schoharie, but the inhabitants fortunately secured themselves in the fort. Official intelligence is received of a very brilliant exploit of our militia in North Carolina. The famous royal par- tizan, Major Ferguson, was at the head of about one thou sand four hundred British troops and tories. Colonels Campbell, Cleveland, Williams, Shelby and Sevier, brave and enterprising officers, had collected detached parties of militia, and by agreement the whole were united, and formed a body amounting to near three thousand. Colonel Campbell was appointed their commander. They imme diately marched in pursuit of Major Ferguson, and came up with him advantageously posted, at a place called King s mountains. No time was lost in making a vigor ous attack, and giving the enemy a total defeat, in which 16 236 M1LITAKY JUU1INAL, 1780. Major Ferguson and one hundred and fifty of his men were killed, eight hundred made prisoners, and fifteen hundred stand of arms taken, with a trifling loss on our side, excepting the brave Colonel Williams, who received a mortal wound after being crowned with honor. Congress have resolved that the regular army of the United States, from and after the first day of January, 1781, shall consist of four regiments of artillery, forty-nine regiments of infantry, exclusive of Colonel Hazen s, called "the Congress own regiment," and one regiment of arti ficers. The respective states are to furnish their quotas as proportioned by Congress. And as, by the foregoing arrangement, many deserving officers may become super numerary, Congress resolved that, after the reform of the army takes place, the officers shall be entitled to half-pay for seven years, in specie or other current money equiva lent, and to have grants of land at the close of the war, agreeably to the resolution of the 16th September, 1776. A scarcity of provisions is again complained of in camp. It has long been the desire of General Washington to make some arrangement with General Clinton for an ex change of prisoners; but many difficulties have attended to prevent the accomplishment of the object. A partial exchange has now been effected; Major-General Lincoln, who was taken at Charleston, has been exchanged for Major-General Phillips, captured at Saratoga. General Thompson and a number of other American officers, who have long been prisoners, are also liberated by exchange. November 1st. A most tremendous storm of wind, snow and hail has continued almost incessantly for two days. Many of our tents were levelled with the ground, and officers and men exposed without a shelter. 2d. This is a day of public Thanksgiving throughout the state of New York, on occasion of the discovery of Arnold s conspiracy. 3d. A soldier has been executed to-day for desertion and persuading others to follow his example. A large detachment of troops has been ordered by General Heath to be in readiness, with two days provi sions cooked, to march on a foraging expedition, under command of Brigadier-General Stark. The detachment crossed the Hudson on the 21st instant, and paraded on MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 237 Nelson s point, where they were reviewed by the Marquis de Chastellux, one of the generals of the French army at Newport. It is understood that the object of the expedi tion is to procure a quantity of forage from the farms on the neutral ground, between the two armies, towards King s-bridge. After the review, the marquis crossed over to West Point, where his arrival was announced by the discharge of thirteen cannon. The detachment marched about ten miles, and took lodgings on the ground in the woods, beside large fires. In the night a severe storm of rain came on, that drenched our troops, and becoming more violent the next day, rendered the roads extremely bad, and our march very uncomfortable; we reached North Castle, seventeen miles, and lodged in the woods, where our fires did not secure us from suffering much by wet and cold. 23d Marched to West Farms, near West Chester, within eight miles of the enemy s works at King s-bridge. Here we kindled numerous fires in open view of the en emy, and in the evening the troops were ordered to leave the fires and retire back about two miles, and remain under arms prepared for battle; but the enemy made no advances. 24:th. Another severe storm of rain, which continued through the day ; we, however, began to march at sun-rise, on our return, but soon halted, and took shelter under the bushes near White Plains. In this comfortless situation, we continued through the day and night. The next day, the storm continuing, I was so fortunate as to crowd into a house with some officers for shelter. 26th and 27th, inarched twenty miles each day, and reached our former station at this place before night. The country which we lately traversed, about fifty miles in extent, is called neutral ground, but the miserable in habitants who remain, are not much favored with the privileges which their neutrality ought to secure to them. They are continually exposed to the ravages and insults of infamous banditti, composed of royal refugees and tories. The country is rich and fertile, and the farms appear to have been advantageously cultivated, but it now has the marks of a country in ruins. A large proportion of the proprietors having abandoned their farms, the few 238 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. that remain find it im possible to harvest the produce. The meadows and pastures are covered with grass of a summer s growth, and thousands of bushels of apples and other fruit are rotting in the orchards. We brought off about two hundred loads of hay and grain, and ten times the amount might have been procured, had teams enough been provided. Those of the inhabitants of the neutral ground who were tories, have joined their friends in New York, and the whigs have retired into the interior of our country. Some of each side have taken up arms, and become the most cruel and deadly foes. There are within the British lines banditti consisting of lawless villains, who devote themselves to the most cruel pillage and robbery among the defenceless inhabitants between the lines, many of whom they carry off to New York, after plundering their houses and farms. These shameless marauders have received the names of Cow-boys and Skinners. By their atrocious deeds they have become a scourge and terror to the people. Numerous instances have been related of these miscreants subjecting defenceless persons to cruel torture, to compel them to deliver up their money, or to disclose the places where it has been secreted. It is not uncommon for them to hang a man by his neck till ap parently dead, then restore him, and repeat the experiment, and leave him for dead. One of these unhappy persons informed rne that when suffering this cruel treatment, the last sensation which he recollects, when suspended by his neck, was a flashing heat over him, like that which would be occasioned by boiling water poured over his body; he was, however, cut down, and how long he remained on the ground insensible, he knows not. A peaceable, unre sisting Quaker, of considerable respectability, by the name of Quimby, was visited by several of these vile ruffians; they first demanded his money, and after it was delivered, they suspected he had more concealed, and inflicted on him the most savage cruelties, in order to extort it from him. They began with what they call scorching, covering his naked body with hot ashes, and repeating the applica tion till the skin was covered with blisters; after this, they resorted to the halter, and hung the poor man on a tree by his neck ; then took him down, and repeated it a second, and even a third time, and finally left him almost lifeless. MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1780. 239 . It is now well understood that our detachment, under the pretext of a foraging expedition, was intended by the commander-in-chief to cooperate with the main army in an attempt against the enemy s post on York isl and. Boats, mounted on travelling carriages, have been kept with the army all the campaign. The Marquis de la Fayette, at the head of his beautiful corps of light-infantry, constantly advancing in front, was to have commenced the attack in the night, and the whole army was prepared to make a general attack on the enemy s works. By some movement of the British vessels, or other cause, known only to the commander-in-chief and his confidential officers, this noble enterprise was unfortunately defeated. The campaign is now brought to a close, without effecting any very important object. We have several times offered the enemy battle, but they refuse to accept the challenge. The marquis suffers on this occasion the most painful dis appointment. He had spared no pains or expense to render his corps of infantry as fine a body of troops as can be produced in any country ; every officer under his command received from him a present of an elegant sword, and the soldiers were put in uniform mostly at his ex pense. The officers cheerfully seconded his endeavors to perfect the men in discipline, and a noble spirit of emula tion universally prevailed among them. The marquis viewed this corps as one formed and modelled according to his own wishes, and as meriting his highest confidence. They were the pride of his heart, and he was the idol of their regard, who were constantly panting for an opportu nity of accomplishing some signal achievement, worthy of his and their character. This brilliant corps is now dis solved, and the men have rejoined their respective regi ments, and we are soon to retire into the wilderness to prepare for winter-quarters. Intelligence is received from Boston that his Excellency John Hancock has been elected by the people of the state of Massachusetts the first governor under their new con stitution. This event affords universal satisfaction, and has been announced in Boston by public rejoicing, firing of thirteen cannon, military parade, feu dejoie^ and elegant entertainments. It is with inexpressible satisfaction that we learn, the 240 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. patriotic ladies of Philadelphia and its vicinity have dis tinguished themselves by a generous and liberal regard to the sufferings of our soldiery, and have engaged in the benevolent work of raising contributions among them selves, and stimulating others, for the purpose of affording a temporary relief for the soldiers on service in that vicinity. I extract from the newspapers the sentiments of an "American Woman" addressed to American ladies relative to the subject, which should be recorded for the honor of the sex : "On the commencement of actual war, the women of America mani fested a firm resolution to contribute as much as could depend on them to the deliverance of their country. Animated by the purest patriotism, they are full of sorrow at this day in not offering more than barren wishes for the success of so glorious a revolution. They aspire to render themselves more really useful; and this sentiment is universal, from the north to the south of the Thirteen United States. Our ambi tion is kindled by the fame of those heroines of antiquity, who have rendered their sex illustrious, and have proved to the world that, if the weakness of our constitution, if opinion and manners did not forbid us to march to glory by the same path as the men, we should at least equal, and sometimes surpass them in our love for the public good. 1 glory in all that my sex have done that is great and commendable. I call to mind with enthusiasm and with admiration all those acts of courage, of constancy and patriotism, which history has transmitted to us: the people favored by Heaven, preserved from destruction by the virtues, the zeal and the resolution of Deborah, of Judith, of Esther the fortitude of the mother of the Maccabees, in giving up her sons to die before her eyes Rome saved from the fury of a victorious enemy by the efforts of Volumnia and other Roman ladies so many famous sieges where the women have been seen forgetting the weakness of their sex, building new walls, digging trenches with their feeble hands, furnishing arms to their defenders, they themselves darting the missile- weapons on the enemy, resigning the ornaments of their apparel, and their fortune, to fill the public treasury, and to hasten the deliverance of their country; burying themselves under its ruins; throwing themselves into the flames, rather than submit to the disgrace of humiliation before a proud enemy. "We are certain that he cannot be a good citizen, who will not ap plaud our efforts for the relief of the armies, which defend our lives, our possessions, our liberty. The situation of our soldiery has been repre sented to me; the evils inseparable from war, and the firm and generous spirit which has enabled them to support these. But it has been said that they may apprehend that, in the course of a long war, the view of their distresses may be lost, and their services be forgotten. Forgotten! never; I can answer in the name of all my sex. Brave Americans, your disinterestedness, your courage, and your constancy, will always be dear to America, so long as she shall preserve her virtue. MILITARY JOUENAL, 1780. 241 " Wfi know that at a distance from the theatre of war, if we enjoy any tranquillity, it is the fruit of your watchings, your labors, your dan gers. If I live happy in the midst of my family; if my husband culti vates his field, and reaps his harvest in peace; if, surrounded with rny children, I myself nourish the youngest, and press it to my bosom, with out being afraid of seeing myself separated from it by a ferocious en emy; if the house in which we dwell, if our barns, our orchards, are safe at the present time from the hands of the incendiary; it is to you that we owe it. And shall we hesitate to evidence to you our gratitude? shall we hesitate to wear a clothing more simple; hair dressed less ele gantly, while, at the price of this small privation, we shall deserve your benedictions? Who among us will not renounce with the highest pleasure those vain ornaments, when she shall consider that the valiant defenders of America will be able to draw some advantage from the money which she may have laid out in these? that they will be better defended from the rigors of the seasons; that after their painful toils they will receive some extraordinary and unexpected relief; that these presents will perhaps be valued by them at a greater price, when they will have it in their power to say, This is the offering of the ladies! The time is arrived to display the same sentiments which animated us at the beginning of the revolution, when we renounced the use of teas, how ever agreeable to our taste, rather than receive them from our persecu tors; when we made it appear to them that we placed former necessaries in the rank of superfluities, when our liberty was interested; when our republican and laborious hands spun the flax and prepared the linen in tended for the use of our soldiers; when, exiles and fugitives, we sup- Crted with courage all the evils which are the concomitants of war. t us not lose a moment: let us be engaged to offer the homage of our gratitude at the altar of military valor; and you, our brave deliver ers, while mercenary slaves combat to cause you to share with them the irons with which they are loaded, receive with a free hand our offering, the purest which can be presented to your virtue." After this publication, the ladies divided the city of Philadelphia into districts, and a select number visited every house, and received the contribution. The method proposed of distributing their bounty to the troops, was through the medium of Mrs. Washington, but in her ab sence, through that of her husband, the father and friend of the soldiery. From the kind and generous exertions of these ladies, the soldiers received at one time two thou sand one hundred and seven shirts, made by their own hands; and in another paper it is mentioned that the sum total of the donations received by the ladies of Philadel phia, in their several districts, for the American army, amounts to three hundred thousand seven hundred and sixty-six dollars in paper currency. Such free-will offer ings are examples truly worthy of imitation, and are to be con- 242 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. sidered as expressions of kindness and benevolence, which ought to be recorded to the honor of American ladies. December 1st. Our brigade is now ordered into the woods, in the highlands, in the rear of West Point, where we are to build log-huts for winter cantonments. We are again subjected to numerous privations and difficulties, to support which requires all our patience and fortitude. The soldiers, though very miserably clad, have been for some time obliged to bring all the wood for themselves and officers on their backs, from a. place a mile distant, and almost half the time are kept on half-allowance of bread, and entirely without rum. Twelve or fourteen months pay are now due to us, and we are destitute of clothing and the necessaries of life. The weather is remarkably cold, and our tents are comfortless. Wth. For three days I have not been able to procure food enough to appease my appetite; we are threatened with starvation. That a part of our army, charged with the defence of a post so highly important to America, should be left in such an unprovided and destitute condi tion, is truly a matter of astonishment; and unless a rem edy can be found, our soldiers will abandon the cause of their country, and we must submit to the yoke of Great Britain, which we so much abhor. 20^A. During the last ten days we have experienced almost continued storms of rain, high winds, and disagree able fogs. Our canvas dwellings afford us but little protection against such powerful assailants; they are fre quently rent asunder, and we are almost overwhelmed with inundation. A very spirited and honorable enterprise has lately been planned and executed by Major Talmadge, of Colonel Sheldon s regiment of dragoons. The enemy having large magazines of forage and stores in the vicinity of fort St. George, on Long Island, he resolved to hazard the attempt to seize them by surprise. Fort St. George was stockaded, and covered a large spot of ground, having a square re doubt, with a ditch and abatis. With about eighty dis mounted dragoons, under Captain Edgar, and eight or ten on horseback, Major Talmadge passed the Sound, where it was about twenty miles from shore to shore, marched across the island in the night with such facility and ad- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1780. 243 dress, that his enterprise was crowned with complete suc cess. The enemy were not alarmed till too late to make much resistance ; seven, however, were killed and wounded, and the remainder, amounting to fifty-four, among whom were one lieutenant-colonel, one captain and a subaltern, were made prisoners. The fort was demolished, two armed vessels were burned, and a large magazine of hay, said to be three hundred tons, with stores to a large amount, shared the same fate. Major Talmadge recrossed the Sound with his brave party without the loss of a man. The commander-in-chief was so well pleased with this exploit, that he recommended Major Talrnadge to the notice of Congress, and they voted him their thanks for his brave and spirited conduct. The extraordinary patience and fortitude which have hitherto been so honorably displayed by our officers and soldiers under their complicated distresses, appear now to be exhausted. From repeated disappointments of our hopes and expectations, the confidence of the army in public justice and public promises is greatly diminished, and we are reduced almost to despair. The present crisis is alarming. Regimental officers are continually resigning their commissions, and a large pro portion of those who remain have pledged themselves to follow their example, unless a redress of grievances can soon be obtained. Nothing short of what we conceive to be justly our due, a comfortable and permanent support, will retain our officers, however ardent their desire to serve their country. They exclaim, "Let others come and take their turn! we have served years longer than we ex pected, and have acquitted ourselves of duty." All the general officers belonging to New England have united in a memorial to their respective state governments, com plaining of our grievances, and requesting immediate re lief and security for the future. This memorial, being put into the mail, was taken from the Fishkill post-rider by some emissary from the enemy, and has been published in the New York papers, by which our forlorn situation has been exposed, and much exultation occasioned among those who are watching for our destruction. The resolution of Congress for a new arrangement of the army was not conformable to the expectations of the 244 MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1780. officers, and caused uneasiness among them. The Com mander-in-chief saw that a storm was gathering, and thought it prudent on this occasion to communicate his opinion to Congress on the best means to avert it. On the llth of October, he informed Congress, "that the gen eral topic of declamation in the army is, that it is as hard as dishonorable for men who had made every sacrifice to the service, to be turned out of it, at the pleasure of those in power, without an adequate compensation. Too many of the officers wish to get rid of their commissions, but they are not willing to be forced to it." The commander-in- chief, in his communication to Con gress, suggests the policy of making ample provision, both for the officers who stay and for those who are reduced. He recommended what he thought would be the most economical, the most politic, and the most effectual pro vision, half-pay for life. "Supported," the general says, "by a prospect ofa permanent dependence, the officers would be tied to the service, and would submit to many momentary privations, and to the inconveniences which the situation of the public service make unavoidable. If the objection drawn from the principle that this measure is incompatible with the genius of our government, be thought insurmountable, I would propose a substitute, less eligible in my opinion, but which may answer the purpose: it is to make the present half-pay, for seven years, whole pay for the same period, to be advanced at two different payments, one half in a year after the con clusion of peace, the other half in two years after." His excellency also takes notice of the injuries and in conveniences which attend a continual change of officers, and consequent promotions in the army. Soon after Congress were possessed of the sentiments of General Washington, they resolved, "that the com- mander-in-chief and commanding officer in the northern department, direct the officers of each state to meet and agree on the officers for the regiments to be raised by their respective states, from those who incline to continue in service, and where it cannot be done by agreement, to be determined by seniority; and make return of those who are to remain, which is to be transmitted to Congress, together with the- names of the officers reduced, who are MILITAEY JOUKNAL, 1781. 245 to be allowed half-pay for life. That the officers v/ho shall continue in service to the end of the war, shall also be entitled to half-pay during life, to commence from the time of their reduction." Januarg 1st, 1781. On this, the first day of the irew year, an arrangement of our army takes place, according to a late resolve of Congress. The supernumerary regi ments are to be incorporated with those which continue on the new establishment, and the supernumerary officers are to retire from service on the establishment fixed by Congress, and are to be entitled to the same privileges and emoluments which are to be allowed to those who con tinue to the end of the war. It being optional with me either to retire or to continue in service, I shall retain my commission as surgeon to Colonel II. Jackson s regiment. We are encouraged to anticipate more favorable circum stances and more liberal compensation Congress having at length passed several resolves, entitling all officers who shall continue in service till the end of the war, or shall be reduced before that time, as supernumeraries, to receive half-pay during life, and a certain number of acres of land, in proportion to their rank. Besides these pecuniary con siderations,, .we.. are actuated by the purest principles of patriotism; having engaged in the mighty struggle, we are ambitious to persevere to the end. To be instrumental in the achievement of a glorious independence for our country and posterity, will be a source of infinite satisfac tion, and of most grateful recollection, during the remainder of our days. | Notwithstanding the unparalleled sufferings and hardships which have hitherto attended our military career, scarcely an officer retires without the deepest regret and reluctance. So strong is the attachment, and so fas cinating the idea of participating with our illustrious commander in military glory, that a separation is like a reliriquishment of principle, and abandonment of the great interest of our native country. 3d. Our brigade took possession of our huts for the winter, in the woods about two miles in the rear of the works at West Point. Our situation is singularly roman tic, on a highly-elevated spot, surrounded by mountains and craggy rocks of a prodigious size, lofty broken clefts, and the banks of the beautifully meandering Hudson, 246 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. affording a view of the country for many miles in all directions. We have now no longer reason to complain of our accommodations; the huts are warm and comforta ble, wood in abundance at our doors, and a tolerable sup ply of provisions. Our only complaint is want of money. 4th. Reports of a very serious and alarming nature have this day reached us from the Jerseys. The Penn sylvania line of troops, consisting of about two thousand men, in winter-quarters in the vicinity of Morristown, have come to the desperate resolution of revolting from their officers. Though the Pennsylvania troops have been subjected to all the discouragements and difficulties felt by the rest of the army, some particular circumstances peculiar to themselves have contributed to produce the revolt. When the soldiers first enlisted, the recruiting officers were provided with enlisting-rolls for the term of three years, or during the continuance of the war, and as the officers indulged the opinion that the war would not continue more than three years, they were perhaps indif ferent in which column the soldier s name was inserted, leaving it liable to an ambiguity of construction. It is clear, however, that a part enlisted for three years, and others for the more indefinite term "during the war." The soldiers now contend that they enlisted for three years at furthest, and were to have been discharged sooner, in case the war terminated before the expiration of this term. The war being protracted beyond the time ex pected, and the officers, knowing the value of soldiers who have been trained by three years service, are accused of putting a different construction on the original agreement, and claiming their services during the war. The soldiers, even those who actually enlisted for the war, having re ceived very small bounties, complain of imposition and deception, and their case is extremely aggravated by the fact, that three half-joes have now been offered as a bounty to others who will enlist for the remainder of the war, when these veteran soldiers have served three years for a mere shadow of compensation ! It was scarcely necessary to add to their trying circumstances a total want of pay for twelve months, and a state of nakedness and famine, to excite in a soldier the spirit of insurrection. The officers themselves, also feeling aggrieved, and in a destitute con- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 247 dition, relaxed in their system of camp-discipline, and the soldiers occasionally overheard their murmurs and com plaints. Having appointed a sergeant-major for their commander, styling him major-general, and having con certed their arrangements, on the first day of the new year they put their mutinous scheme into execution. On a preconcerted signal, the whole line, except a part of three regiments, paraded under arms without their officers, marched to the magazines, and supplied themselves with provisions and ammunition, and, seizing six field-pieces, took horses from General Wayne s stable to transport them. The officers of the line collected those who had not yet joined the insurgents, and endeavored to restore order; but the revolters fired, and killed a Captain Billing, and wounded several other officers, and a few men were killed on each side. The mutineers commanded the party who opposed them to come over to them instantly, or they should be bayoneted, and the order was obeyed. General Wayne, who commanded the Pennsylvania troops, endeavored to interpose his influence and authority, urging them to return to their duty till their grievances could be inquired into and redressed. But all was to no purpose, and on cocking his pistol, they instantly presented their bayonets to his breast, saying, "We respect and love you; often have you led us into the field of battle, but we are no longer under your command; we warn you to be on your guard ; if you fire your pistols, or attempt to enforce your commands, we shall put you instantly to death." General Wayne next expostulated with them, expressing his apprehension that they .were about to sacrifice the glorious cause of their country, and that the enemy would avail themselves of the opportunity to advance and im prove so favorable an occasion. They assured him that they still retained an attachment and respect for the cause ^which they had embraced, and that, so far from a disposi tion to abandon it, if the enemy should dare to come out of New York, they would, under his and his officers orders, face them in the field, and oppose them to the utmost in their power. They complained that they had been im posed on and deceived respecting the term of their enlist ment; that they had received no> wages for more than a year; and that they were destitute of clothing, and had 248 MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1781, often been deprived of their rations. These were their grievances, and they were determined to march to Phila delphia, and demand of Congress that justice which had so long been denied them. They commenced their march in regular military order, and when encamped at night, they posted out piquets, guards, and sentinels. General Wayne, to prevent their depredations on private property, supplied them with provisions, and he, with Colonels Stewart and Butler, officers whom the soldiers respected and loved, followed and mixed with them, to watch their motions and views, and they received from them respectful and civil treatment. On the third day, the insurgent troops reached Princeton, and, by request of General Wayne, they deputed a committee of sergeants, who stated to him formally in writing their claims, as follows: 1st, A discharge for all those, without exception, who had served three years under their original engagements, and had not received the increased bounty and reenlisted for the war. 2d, An immediate payment of all their arrears of pay and clothing, both to those who should be dis charged and those who should be retained. 3d, The residue of their bounty, to put them on an equal footing with those recently enlisted, and future substantial pay to those who should remain in the service. To these* de mands, in their full extent, General Wayne could not feel himself authorized to answer in the affirmative, and a further negotiation was referred to the civil authority of the state of Pennsylvania. General Washington, whose head-quarters are at New Windsor, on the west side of the Hudson, received the intelligence on the 3d instant, and summoned a council of war, consisting of the general and field officers, to devise the most proper measures to be pursued on this alarming occasion. Great apprehension was entertained that other troops, who have equal cause of discontent, would be excited to adopt a similar course. It is ordered that five battalions be formed by detachments from the several lines, to be held in perfect readiness to march on the shortest notice, with four days provision cooked ; and measures, it is understood, are taken to bring the militia into immediate service, if required. In telligence of the revolt having reached Sir Henry Clinton, he cherished the hope that, by encouraging a rebellion, MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. . 249 and turning the swords of our own soldiers against their country and brethren, he should have it in his power to effect an object, which by his own arms he could not ac complish. He immediately despatched two emissaries a British sergeant, and one Ogden, of New Jersey to the dissatisfied troops, with written instructions that, by lay ing down their arms and marching to New York, they should receive their arrearages and depreciation in hard cash, and should be well clothed, have a free pardon for all past offences, and be taken under the protection of the British government, and no military service should be required of them, unless voluntarily offered. They were requested to send persons to meet agents, who would be appointed by Sir Henry, to adjust the terms of a treaty, and the British general himself passed over to Staten Isl and, having a large body of troops in readiness to act as circumstances might require. The proposals from the enemy were rejected with disdain, and the mutineers de livered the papers to General Wayne, but refused to give up the emissaries, preferring to keep them in durance till their difficulties could be discussed and settled. A com mittee of Congress was appointed, who conferred with the executive council of the state of Pennsylvania, and by the latter authority an accommodation of the affairs with the revolters has been effected, by giving an interpretation favorable to the soldiers of the enlistments which were for three years or during the war, declaring them to expire at the end of three years. The insurgents now surrendered the two emissaries into the hands of General Wayne, on the stipulated condition that they should not be executed till their affairs should be compromised; or, in case of failure, the prisoners should be redelivered when demanded. They were eventually, however, tried as spies, convicted, and immediately executed. A board of commissioners was now appointed, of whom three were deputed from the revolters, authorized to determine what description of soldiers should be discharged. The result is, that the soldiers have accomplished their views, the committee, from prudential motives, without waiting for the enlisting papers, complied with their demands, and discharged from service a majority of the line, on their making oath, that they enlisted for three years only. The enlisting rolls 250 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. having since been produced, it is found that by far the largest number of those liberated, had actually enlisted for the whole war. Thus has terminated a most unfortunate transaction, which might have been prevented, had the just complaints of the army received proper attention in due season. General Wayne is a native of Pennsylvania, and has acquired the affection of the soldiery of that state. He possesses a commanding presence, genteel and pleasing address, a daring bravery, is excellent in discipline, aspir ing and unrivalled in enterprise, and is held in high respect by his compatriots in arms. A detachment, under the command of Lieutenant-Col onel Hull, has returned from a successful expedition, having attacked by surprise the royal refugee corps, under the command of the noted -Colonel Delancy, posted at Mor- risania. Colonel Hull has for several months past sustained the command of a detachment of our troops posted in ad vance of our army, a situation requiring the most active vigilance and precaution, to guard against surprise and stratagem. In this station, as in many others, this officer has evinced his military skill and judgment. He has exe cuted an enterprise with such address and gallantry, as to merit for himself and his detachment the highest honor. He bravely forced a narrow passage to the enemy, and besides a number being killed, he took upwards of fifty prisoners, cut away the bridge, burned their huts and a considerable quantity of forage, and brought off a number of horses and cattle. Colonel Hull possesses in a high degree the confidence of the commander-in-chief, and for his judicious arrangements in the plan, and intrepidity and valor in the execution of the enterprise, he received the thanks of his excellency, and afterwards of Congress. The enemy pursued our troops, and fell in with a covering party, under command of Colonel Hazen, and in a skirmish which ensued, they suffered an additional loss of about thirty-five men. Of Colonel Hull s detachment, one en sign and twenty -five rank and file were killed and wounded. This successful exploit is calculated to raise the spirits of our troops, and to divert their minds from the unhappy occurrence which has recently taken place in camp, and at the same time it may convince the enemy that the affairs of our army are not altogether desperate. MAJOR GENERAL ANTHONY "WAYNE. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 251 "We are again afflicted with alarming intelligence. That part of the Jersey line of troops, which are cantoned at Pompton, in the state of New Jersey, have followed the example of the Pennsylvanians, having revolted, and aban doned their officers. General Washington is resolutely de termined that this instance of mutiny shall not pass with impunity. Instead of temporizing, he has ordered a de tachment of five hundred men, properly officered, to march for the purpose of reducing them to a proper sense of duty. It falls to rny lot to accompany the detachment. Major- General Robert Howe commands on this expedition, and Lieutenant-Colonel Sprout is second in command, and the other field-officers are Lieutenant-Colonel Mellen and Major Oliver. We marched on the 23d as far as the forest of Dean, and at night crowded into houses and barns. A body of snow, about two feet deep, without any track, rendered the march extremely difficult. Having no horse, I experienced inexpressible fatigue, and was obliged sev eral times to sit down on the snow. 24th, Marched over the mountains, and reached Carle s tavern, in Smith s Clove; halted for two hours, then proceeded thirteen miles, and quartered our men in the scattering houses and barns. 25th, Marched nine miles, and reached Ringwood. Gen eral Howe and all the field-officers took lodgings at the house of Mrs. Erskine, the amiable widow of the late re spectable geographer of our army. We were entertained with an elegant supper and excellent wine. Mrs. Erskine is a sensible and accomplished woman, lives in a style of affluence and fashion; every thing indicates wealth, taste and splendor; and she takes pleasure in entertaining the friends of her late husband with generous hospitality. Marched on the 27th, at one o clock A. M. eight miles, which brought us in view of the huts of the insurgent sol diers by dawn of day. Here we halted for an hour, to make the necessary preparations. Some of our officers suffered much anxiety, lest the soldiers would not prove faithful on this trying occasion. Orders were given to load their arms : it was obeyed with alacrity, and indica tions were given that they were to be relied on. Being paraded in a line, General Howe harangued them, repre senting the heinousness of the crime of mutiny, and the absolute necessity of military subordination; adding that 252 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. the mutineers must be brought to an unconditional sub mission: no temporizing, no listening to terms of compro mise, while in a state of resistance. Two field-pieces were now ordered to be placed in view of the insurgents, and the troops were directed to surround the huts on all sides. General Howe next ordered his aid-de-camp to command the mutineers to appear on parade in front of their huts unarmed, within five minutes; observing them to hesitate, a second messenger was sent, and they instantly obeyed the command, and paraded in a line without arms, being in number between two and three hundred. Finding themselves closely encircled and unable to resist, they quietly submitted to the fate which awaited them. Gen eral Howe ordered that three of the ringleaders should be selected as victims for condign punishment. These un fortunate culprits were tried on the spot. Colonel Sprout being president of the court-martial, standing on the snow, and they were sentenced to be immediately shot. Twelve of the most guilty mutineers were next selected to be their executioners. This was a most painful task; being themselves guilty, they were greatly distressed with the duty imposed on them, and when ordered to load, some of them shed tears. The wretched victims, overwhelmed by the terrors of death, had neither time nor power to implore the mercy and forgiveness of their God, and such was their agonizing condition, that no heart could refrain from emotions of sympathy and compassion. The first that suffered was a sergeant, and an old offender; he was led a few yards distance, and placed on his knees; six of the executioners, at the signal given by an officer, fired, three aiming at the head and three at the breast, the other six reserving their fire in order to despatch the victim, should the first fire fail; it so happened in this instance; the remaining six then fired, and life was instantly extin guished. The second criminal was, by the first fire, sent into eternity in an instant. The third being less criminal, by the recommendation of his officers, to his unspeakable joy, received a pardon. This tragical scene produced a dreadful shock, and a salutary effect on the minds of the guilty soldiers. Never were men more completely hum bled and penitent; tears of sorrow and of joy rushed from their eyes, and each one appeared to congratulate himself MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1781. 253 that his forfeited life had been spared. The executions being finished, General Howe ordered the former officers to take their stations, and resume their respective com mands; he then, in a very pathetic and affecting manner, addressed the whole line by platoons, endeavoring to im press their minds with a sense of the enormity of their crime, and the dreadful consequences that might have resulted. He then commanded them to ask pardon of their officers, and promise to devote themselves to the faithful discharge of their duty as soldiers in future. It is most painful to reflect that circumstances should impe riously demand the infliction of capital punishment on soldiers who have more than a shadow of plea to extenuate their crime. These unfortunate men have long suffered many serious grievances, which they have sustained with commendable patience ; but have at length lost their con fidence in public justice. The success of the Pennsylvania insurgents undoubtedly encouraged them to hope for ex emption from punishment. But the very existence of an army depends on proper discipline and subordination. The arm of authority must be exerted, and public exam ples be exhibited, to deter from the commission of crimes. The spirit of revolt must be effectually repressed, or a total annihilation of the army is inevitable. Sir Henry Clinton on this occasion had his hopes again excited; ever ready to profit by treachery or revolt, he despatched an emissary to encourage the insurrection, and to make the most tempting offers to induce the mutineers to desert, and join the British standard; but the messenger himself frustrated his hopes by delivering the papers to our own officers. Having completed the object of our expedition, we re turned to our cantonments on the 31st instant. February. Major-General Greene has transmitted to Congress an account of a brilliant action of General Sump- ter, of the southern army, a few weeks since. General Sumpter engaged with a body of three hundred cavalry, of Tarleton s legion, and about two hundred and fifty British infantry. The conflict was warm and close, in which the enemy were repulsed. They rallied, and on the second charge were repulsed again. They made a third effort, but a fire from an eminence, occupied by the continentals, gave them an effectual check; they quitted 254 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. the field and retired, leaving ninety dead and one hundred wounded. Only three were killed and four wounded on the part of the Americans; among the latter is General Sumpter. A party of tories from the outposts of the British, advanced to intercept the wagons, and avail them selves of the supplies. General Smallwood despatched Brigadier-General Morgan and Lieutenant-Colonel Wash ington to attack them. Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, being destitute of artillery, made use of the following strat agem: He mounted on a carriage a pine log, cut into the form of a cannon, and holding out the appearance of an attack with field-pieces, gained his point by sending a flag, and demanding the immediate surrender of Colonel Hugely and his party, consisting of one hundred and twelve men, who, on the approach of Lieutenant-Colonel Washington, had retired to a log barn on Rugely fl plantation. They surrendered without firing a gun. 10th. Accounts have been received that an action has been fought at a place called the Cowpens, in Carolina, between a body of the enemy, under the celebrated Colo nel Tarleton, with one thousand one hundred men, and a party of about eight hundred Americans, under the com mand of the equally celebrated General Morgan; the enemy were totally routed, and pursued upwards of twenty miles. Of Tarleton s party, ten officers and one hundred rank and file were killed, and two hundred wounded, twenty-nine officers and five hundred rank and file were taken prisoners, with two field-pieces, two standards, eight hundred muskets, thirty-five wagons, seventy negroes, one hundred dragoon horses, one travelling forge, and all their music. The loss on Morgan s side was not more than twelve killed and sixty wounded. Morgan and his party have acquired immortal honor, and in this action Lieu tenant-Colonel Washington and Lieutenant-Colonel How ard were most highly distinguished for their brave and gallant conduct. \4dh. General Warner and Colonel Ashley, of Massa chusetts, have arrived at West Point, to distribute to the soldiers of the Massachusetts line, engaged for a small bounty to serve during the war, twenty-four dollars in specie each, as a gratuity from the state. This very gener ous act serves to dissipate the gloom on the countenances MILITARY JOURNAL, nsi. 255 of our brave soldiers; it enlivens their dejected spirits, and convinces them that they are yet the objects of a friendly recollection. The advance-guard of our army, consisting of about two hundred men, is posted at Crompond, about twenty miles below West Point, and is relieved every two or three weeks. A surgeon constantly attends, and I am now ordered to repair to that post to relieve Dr. Thomas. March. I have taken my quarters at Crornpond, in a house with Major Trescott, who commands at this post. This vicinity is constantly harassed by small parties of volunteers on our side, and parties of royalists and tories on the other, who are making every effort to effect mutual destruction; seeking every opportunity to beat up each others quarters, and to kill or capture all who are found in arms. This is to be considered as a very hazardous situation ; it requires the utmost vigilance to guard against a surprise. Major Trescott is an excellent disciplinarian, an active, vigilant officer, and well acquainted with his duty. A party of volunteers collected here on horseback, for a secret expedition, and by their earnest request Major Trescott marched in the night with a party to cover their retreat, and to take any advantage which might oiler. The party returned the next day with six tory prisoners, three of whom were wounded by the broad-sword. One of our volunteers, named Hunt, received a dangerous wound through his shoulder and lungs, the air escaped from the wound at every breath. Dr. Eustis came to the lines, and dilated the wound in the breast, and as the patient is athletic and has not sustained a very copious loss of blood, he recommended repeated and liberal blood let ting, observing that, in order to cure a wound through the lungs, yoa must bleed your patient to death. He event ually recovered^ which is to be ascribed principally to the free use of the lancet and such abstemious living as to reduce him to the greatest extremity. A considerable number of v/ounded prisoners receive my daily attention. A gentleman volunteer, by name Eequaw, received a dangerous wound, and was carried into the British lines; I was requested by his brother to visit him, under the Ea*ic ,joti of a flag of truce, in company with Dr. White, who resides in this vicinity. This invitation I cheerfully 256 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. accepted, and Mr. Requaw having obtained a flag from the proper authority, and procured horses, we set off in the morning, arrived at West Chester before evening, and dressed the wounded man. We passed the night at Mrs. Barstow s, mother-in-law of Dr. W. She has remained at her farm between the lines during the war, and being friendly to our interest, has received much abusive treat ment from the royalists. We are treated in the most friendly manner, and her daughter, a sensible, well-edu cated girl, entertained us in conversation till one o clock in the morning, relating numerous occurrences and inci dents of an interesting nature respecting the royal party. The next day we visited our patient again, paid the neces sary attention, and repaired to a tavern, where I was gra tified with an interview with the much-famed Colonel Delancy, who commands the refugee corps. He conducted with much civility, and having a public dinner prepared at the tavern, he invited us to dine with him and his officers. After dinner, Colonel Delancy furnished us with a permit to return with our flag; we rode ten miles, and took lodgings in a private house. Here we were informed that six of our men, having taken from the refugees thirty head of cattle, were overtaken by forty of Delancy s corps, and were all killed but one, and the cattle retaken. In the morning, breakfasted with a friendly Quaker family, in whose house was one of our men, who had been wound ed when four others were killed; we dressed his wounds, which were numerous and dangerous. In another house, we saw four dead bodies, mangled in a most inhuman manner by the refugees, and among them one groaning under five wounds on his head, two of them quite through his skull-bone with a broad sword. This man was capable of giving us an account of the murderer of his four com panions. They surrendered, and begged for life ; but their entreaties were disregarded, and the swords of their cruel foes were plunged into their bodies so long as signs of life remained. We found many friends to our cause, who reside on their farms between the lines of the two armies, whose situation is truly deplorable, being continually ex posed to the ravages of the tories, horse-thieves, and Cow boys, who rob and plunder them without mercy, and the personal abuse and punishments which they inflict, is MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 257 almost incredible the particulars of which, have been already noticed, page 238. On the 4th of this month, the grand confederation and perpetual union of the Thirteen American States, from New Hampshire to Georgia, inclusive, was signed and ratified by all the delegates in Congress. This instrument has long been a subject of discussion and consideration by the several states, and by some, considerable opposi tion has been maintained against it, which has impeded its ratification. It consists of thirteen articles, entitled " Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union between the Thirteen American States" By this instrument, each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and the states severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other for their common defence, the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, &c., &c. April. I received orders to return to the highlands near West Point, to inoculate the troops with the small pox. Dined with Colonel Scammel, on my route, with a number of gentlemen. I2t/i. Crossed the Hudson, to the hospital at Eobinson s house, and passed the night with Dr. Eustis; the next day accompanied hfrn to Peekskill to visit the family of Colonel Laurence, who are under inoculation with the small-pox, thence to the quarters of Colonel Scammel and Dr. Findlay, returned to the hospital at night, and the next day crossed with Dr. Eustis to West Point, and dined at General Heath s quarters. 20th. A soldier was hanged to-day for desertion, and another was pardoned under the gallows with a rope round his neck. All the soldiers, with the women and children, who have not had the small-pox, are now under inoculation. Of our regiment, one hundred and eighty-seven were sub jects of the disease. The old practice of previous prepa ration by a course of mercury and low diet, has not been adopted on this occasion ; a single dose of jalap and calo mel, or of the extract of butternut, juglans cinerea, is in general administered previous to the appearance of the symptoms. As to diet, we are so unfortunate as to be destitute of the necessary comfortable articles of food, and they subsist principally on their common rations of beef, 258 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. bread and salt pork. A small quantity of rice, sugar, or molasses, and tea are procured for those who are danger ously sick. Some instances have occurred of putrid fever supervening, either at the first onset or at the approach of the secondary stage, and a few cases have terminated fatally. Many of our patients were improper subjects for the disease, but we were under the necesdity of inoculating all, without exception, whatever might be their condition as to health. Of five hundred who have been inoculated, four only have died, but in other instances the proportion of deaths is much more considerable. The extract of butternut is made by boiling down the inner bark of the tree ; the discovery of this article IA highly important, and it may be considered as a valuable acquisition to our ma- teria medica. The country people have for some time been in the practice of using it, and Dr. Eush, who was for a short period at the head of our hospital department, has recommended the employment of it among our patients, as a mild yet sufficiently active cathartic, and a valuable arid economical substitute for jalap. It operates without creating heat or irritation, and is found to be efficacious in cases of dysentery and bilious complaints. As the but ternut-tree abounds in our country, we may obtain at a very little expense a valuable domestic article of medicine. Though there is much reason to suppose that our own soil is prolific in remedies adapted to the diseases of our country, the butternut is the only cathartic deserving of confidence which we have yet discovered. 30th. Dined at West Point with Dr. Thomas, and accompanied him to General Patterson s quarters: the general humorously apologized, that he could afford us nothing better than a miserable glass of whiskey grog. Passed the river to the hospital. Dr. Eustis being indis posed, he requested me to bleed him, and I passed the night at the Point. Intelligence has reached us that Brigadier-General Peleg Wadsworth, who commanded a detachment of militia at a place called Camden, in the province of Maine, has been surprised and taken prisoner, in the night, by a party of British soldiers, sent for this purpose from their post at Penobscot. It is added, that the general defended him self in the most daring and spirited manner till he received MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1781. 259 a wound, and was entirely overpowered. See particulars of this extraordinary affair in the Appendix. I accompanied Dr. John Hart to New Windsor, to pay our respects to Dr. John Cochran, who is lately promoted to the office of director-general of the hospitals of the United States, as successor to Dr. Shippen, resigned. We dined with Dr. Cochran, in company with Drs. Eustis and S. Adams. Dr. Cochran, is a native of Pennsylvania. He served in the office of surgeon s-mate in the hospital department during the war between the English and French, which commenced in America in 1775, and left the service with the reputation of an able and experienced practitioner. From that time to this, he has devoted him self to his professional pursuits in New Jersey, and has been eminently distinguished as a practitioner in medicine and surgery. Finding his native country involved in a war with Great Britain, his zeal and attachment to her interest impelled him to the theatre of action, and he prof fered his services as a volunteer in the hospital department. General Washington, justly appreciating his merit and character, recommended him to Congress, by whom he was in April, 1777, appointed physician arid surgeon-gen eral in the middle department He is now promoted to the office of director-general of the hospitals of the United States.* Dr James Crais, who now succeeds Dr. Cochran, 01 as surgeon and physician-general, was also employed in the French war of- 1759, with General Washington, who * Not long after the close of the war, Dr. Cochran removed with his family to New York, where he attended to the duties of his profession, till the adoption of the new constitution, when his friend, President Washington, retaining, to use his own words, "a cheerful recollection of his past services," nominated him to the office of commissioner of loans for the state of New York. This office he held till a paralytic stroke disabled him in some measure from the discharge of its duties, on. which he gave in his resignation, and retired to Palatine, in the county of Montgomery, where he terminated a long and useful life, on the 6th of April, 1807, in the 77th year of his age. "He united a vigorous, mind and correct judgment with information derived and improved from long experience, and faithful habits of atten tion to the duties of his profession." He possessed the pure and in flexible principles of patriotism, and his integrity was unimpeachable. It is gratifying to have this opportunity of expressing a respectful recol lection of his urbanity and civilities, and of affording this small tribute to his cherished memory. 2 GO MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. held the office of major, and when a mutual attachment was formed between them. By intelligence from our army of the south, under command of Major-General Greene, affairs in that quarter are exceedingly unpropitious and discouraging. The troops are so destitute of clothing, that their footsteps are marked with blood for want of shoes; their food consists, part of the time, of rice, with frogs from ponds and ditches, and sometimes of peaches and berries. When they obtain a small supply of beef, it is so miserably poor as scarcely to be eatable. The army is continually harassed in march ing through the country, sometimes executing successful and honorable exploits, and again compelled to retreat be fore a victorious enemy with hair-breadth escapes. Never perhaps were opposing commanders more equally matched than General Greene and Lord Cornwallis, though the former is almost constantly laboring under the disad vantage of inferiority of numbers and of physical force. General Greene communicates to Congress an account of a very obstinate and bloody battle fought by the two armies at Guilford court-house, North Carolina, a few weeks since. Our commander was compelled to yield to his adversary, but it is a victory purchased at a ruinous price. Seven days after the action, General Greene writes that Cornwallis troops were too much galled to improve their success, that he had been preparing for another action, expecting the enemy to advance, but of a sudden they took their departure, and left behind them evident marks of distress. All the wounded at Guilford who had fallen into their hands, and seventy of their own, too ill to be moved, were left behind. Most of their officers suffered; Lord Cornwallis had his horse shot under him. Colonel Stuart, of the guards, was killed. General O Hara and Colonels Tarleton and Webster wounded. Their whole loss is reported to be six hundred and sixty-three, exclu sive of officers. General Greene returned three hundred and twenty-nine killed, wounded and missing; many of the latter went to their homes after the action. General Stevens and Huger were wounded. A large detachment of British troops and refugees em barked at New York some time since, bound on an expe dition to Virginia, under the command of the infamous MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 261 traitor Arnold. He took possession of Portsmouth, on James river, where they are employed in ravaging and rifling the plantations, and destroying public and private property. Another body of royalists has lately been sent from New York, under Major-Gen eral Phillips, who, now having the chief command of the British in Virginia, united with Arnold in a predatory warfare. General Phillips died soon after, and Arnold again resumed the command. The Marquis de la Fayette, with a command of about one thousand five hundred light-infantry, de tached from our main army, is on his march to Virginia, where he is to join a body of continentals and militia under Baron Steuben and General Muhlenburg, for the purpose of protecting that country from the depredations of the enemy. The continental army in Carolina, were successful after the action of Guilford, and gained the ascendency in that quarter over the British. On the 10th of May, Lord Raw- don evacuated Camden with precipitation, leaving behind three of his officers and fifty privates, who had been dan gerously wounded, and were unable to be removed. He burned the stores, baggage, &c., and left the town a heap of ruins. The next day the strong post of Orangeburg surrendered tq General Sumpter. One colonel, several other officers, and eighty rank and file were made prison ers. Next followed, on the 12th, Fort Motte, the garrison consisting of nineteen officers and one hundred and sixty men, who surrendered to General Marion, as did also Fort Granby, on the 14th, to Lieutenant-Colonel Lee, when one lieutenant-colonel, two majors, six captains, six lieutenants, three ensigns, one surgeon, and three hundred and thirty- three rank and file, became his prisoners. Large quantities of provisions and some military stores were found in sev eral of the forts, and in the baggage belonging to the nineteenth regiment were found seven hundred guineas, which it is said General Greene distributed among his troops, as a reward for their bravery and sufferings. May. The spirit of desertion appears to prevail to a considerable degree among both the British and Hessians at New York. Instances have been frequent for several months past of two or three coming out together. Some of them offer to engage in our service, but they are rejected 262 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. and sent into the country, where they cannot effect any mischievous purpose. Deserters are always to be sus pected, as they are not unfrequently employed as spies, who desert back again with intelligence for the enemy. Not long since, a Captain Simmons, of Delancy s corps, came over to our lines, and was sent up to West Point. He asserted that, being disaffected with the enemy on some pretences, he had resigned his commission and deserted from them ; he was delivered over to the governor of the state. A few days since a groom belonging to an officer in the British service deserted with a valuable horse from his master, which he sold for one hundred dollars in specie. A party of continental troops, commanded by Colonel Christopher Greene, of Rhode Island, being stationed on our lines, near Croton river, were surprised by a party of the enemy, about sunrise on the 13th instant. They first attacked Colonel Greene s and Major Flagg s quarters, and killed the major while in bed. The colonel being badly wounded in the house, was carried into the woods and barbarously murdered. Two subalterns and twenty-seven privates were also killed, and a lieutenant and surgeon, with about twenty men, taken prisoners. This melancholy event is most deeply regretted; Colonel Greene bravely distinguished himself in defence of Fort Mercer, at Red Bank, in October, 1777, and has ever been considered as a valiant and vigilant officer. He had taken post in a situation to guard a certain fording-place at Croton river, and had practised the greatest vigilance in the night time, calling off his guards at sunrise, on the idea that the enemy would not presume to cross in the day-time; but the enemy having learned his mode of performing duty, effected their purpose by crossing the ford immediately after the guard had been withdrawn, and the surprise was so complete that no practicable defence could avail them. It will not be denied that an enemy may be justified in availing him self of every opportunity of gaining an advantage over his antagonist, or that in some instances slaughter is unavoid able ; but a wanton and unnecessary sacrifice of life is on all occasions to be deprecated as a disgraceful violation of the dictates of humanity. General Washington has performed a journey to Con necticut, for the purpose of an interview with the Count MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 263 de Rochambeau, chief commander of the French troops, now at Rhode Island. The object of this interview is supposed to be the concerting of a system of measures to be pursued by the allied army in the ensuing campaign. Private intelligence from a confidential source we un derstand has been received at head-quarters, that a plan has been concerted in New York, to send out four parties one to assassinate or take General Washington; another, Governor Livingston, of New Jersey; a third, Governor Clinton, of the state of New York; and the object of the fourth is unknown. Measures will undoubtedly be adopted to guard against and defeat this singular enterprise. It has several times happened that an artful and enter prising fellow, by the name of Moody, employed by the British in New York, has succeeded in taking our mail from the post-rider on the road, though he has had some very remarkable escapes. After the interview of General Washington and Count Rochambeau, the British were particularly desirous of obtaining intelligence relative to the result. Accordingly Moody was again despatched to effect the object. Being perfectly well acquainted with the roads and passes, he waylaid the mail for some days in the Jerseys, till at length it was his good fortune to possess himself of that very mail which contained General Washington s despatches to Congress, communicating the information which was the object of their desires. This valuable prize he had the address to bear off to New York in safety. June 20th. It is directed in general orders that the whole army at this place march and encamp at Peekskill, leaving the invalids and a small party to garrison West Point. One of the three divisions of the army is to pass the Hudson each day, till all have crossed. 22c?. Our division of the army crossed the Hudson at West Point-landing yesterday, and reached Peekskill at night. We have left our cantonments in a woody mount ain, affording a romantic and picturesque scenery of nature clothed in her wild and winter attire, having scarcely the appearance of vegetation. A splendid world is now open to our view, all nature is in animation the fields and meadows display the beauties of spring, a pleasing variety of vegetables and flowers perfume the air, and the charm- 264 MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1781. ing music of the feathered tribe delights our ears. But there is a contrast in music. What can compare with that- martial band, the drum and fife, bugle-horn and shrill trumpet, which set the war-horse in motion, thrill through every fibre of the human frame, still the groans of the dying soldier, and stimulate the living to the noblest deeds of glory? The fall roll of the drum, which salutes the commander-in-chief, the animating beat, which calls to arms for the battle, the reveille, which breaks our slum bers at dawn of day, with "come, strike your tents, and march away," and the evening tattoo, which commands to retirement and repose ; these form incomparably the most enchanting music that has ever vibrated on my ear. 23d. The army is now concentrated to a point in this place, and encamped in two lines, and in the same regular order that the troops usually form in a line of battle, oc cupying a very large extent of ground, and covering fields of corn, grain and meadows. Our brigade is stationed on the left of the second line. The campaign is now about to be opened, and we expect in a few days that the French army will form a junction with us to cooperate with our troops. July 1st. A division of our French allies are on their march from Rhode Island, to unite with us in the service of the campaign. Great preparations are continually making for some important operation, and it is in general conjectured that the object of the campaign is to besiege New York. We are ordered to have four days provisions cooked, and to march at three o clock in the morning, leaving all our baggage behind, except a single blanket to each man. It is remarkable that we have so much as four days provisions on hand. 6th. The reveille beat at three o clock on the 2d instant, when we marched, and reached Tarry town in the evening; the weather being extremely hot, the troops were much fatigued. Halted at Tarrytown about two hours, and then proceeded; marched all night, and at sunrise arrived within two miles of the enemy s works at King s-bridge. Having halted about two hours, a firing of cannon and musketry was heard in front, and we were informed that a party of our troops had engaged the enemy, and we were ordered to advance rapidly to their assistance ; but before MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 265 we could reach the scene of action, the enemy had retired within their strong works. A detachment of continental troops, under command of Major-General Lincoln, went down the North river in boats in the night, to attack the enemy by surprise, or to draw them out to a distance from their works, to afford an opportunity to the cornmander- in-chief to engage them in the field; but this object could not be accomplished, and a skirmish only ensued, in which both parties suffered some loss, and General Lincoln brought off ten prisoners. We took our repose for the night in the open field, and our tents and baggage having arrived the next day, we pitched our encampment in two lines, on the most advantageous ground, within a few miles of the outposts of the enemy. The French army, under General Rocharnbeau, have arrived and encamped at a small distance on the left of the Americans. The French legion of dragoons and infantry, under command of the Duke o!e Luzerne, arrived, and took their station near our encampment, and appear in true military style; they are a fine looking corps, full of military ardor, and, in conjunction with Colonel Sheldon s dragoons, much important service is expected. 1th. Our army was drawn up in a line, and reviewed by General Rochambeau, commander-in-chief of the French army, with his Excellency General Washington arid other general officers. 10^. Another review took place in presence of the French ambassador, from Philadelphia; after which, the French army passed a review in presence of the general officers of both armies. 13th. Notwithstanding the active bustle which attends our present situation, I received an invitation, with a number of officers of our regiment, to dine with a party of French officers in their camp. We were politely re ceived under an elegant marquee: our entertainment con sisted of excellent soup, roast-beef, &c., served in French style. The gentlemen appear desirous of cultivating an acquaintance with our officers, but being ignorant of each others language, we can enjoy but little conversation. The French army exhibit their martial array to the great est advantage. In the officers we recognize the accom plished gentlemen, free and affable in their manners. Their 266 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. military dress and side-arms are elegant; the troops are under the strictest discipline, and are amply provided with arms and accoutrements, which are kept in the neatest order; they are in complete uniform, coats of white broad cloth, trimmed with green, and white under-dress, and on their heads they wear a singular kind of hat or chapeau. It is unlike our cocked hats in having but two corners instead of three, which gives them a very novel appear ance. It has been remarked, to their honor, that during their march from Newport to join our army, their course has been marked with the most exemplary order and regularity, committing no depredations, but conducting towards the inhabitants on their route with great civility and propriety. We now greet them as friends and allies, and they manifest a zealous determination to act in unison with us against the common enemy. This conduct must have a happy tendency to eradicate from the minds of the Americans their ancient prejudices against the French people. They punctually paid their expenses in hard money, which made them acceptable guests wherever they passed ; and, in fact, the large quantity of solid coin which they brought into the United States, is to be considered as of infinite importance at the present period of our affairs. loth. Two of the British frigates and several smaller vessels passed up the North river as far as Tarrytown, in defiance of our cannon, which were continually playing on them. Their object appears to be, to seize some of our small vessels which are passing down the river with sup plies for our army. One small sloop, loaded with bread for the French army, has fallen into their hands. 17th. A fine corps of light-infantry, selected from the several New England regiments, is now formed, and put under the immediate command of Colonel Alexander Scammel, formerly our adjutant-general. This select corps, consisting of the most active and soldierly young men and officers, is intended to march in advance of the main army, constantly prepared for active and hazardous service. Colonel Scammel was indulged the liberty of choosing his own officers, rejecting those whom he deemed unfit for his enterprising purpose. According to regular detail, it fell to the lot of Dr. C. to act as surgeon to this corps ; but it was the doctor s misfortune to have one blink eye, JOHX PAUL JOXES. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 267 and not being perfectly active, Colonel Scammel objected to him, and desired that he might be exchanged for one more competent to the duties of the service. In conse quence of this, I received a billet from Dr. James Craig, chief physician and surgeon to the army, requesting me to repair to the detachment immediately, and take the place of Dr. C. Colonel Jackson, unwilling to have his regiment left destitute of a surgeon, strongly protested against it; but Colonel Scammel was strenuous, and finally prevailed, and I now enjoy the honor of officiating as surgeon to a fine corps of infantry, commanded by an officer of the first military reputation. Dr. Munson, of the Connecticut line, is my mate ; and the medical duties of Colonel Jackson s regiment devolve on Dr. Francis le Baron Goodwin, sur geon s mate, during my absence. 19^A. The British frigates that passed up the North river a few days since, took the advantage of wind and tide to return to New York. A severe cannonade com menced from our battery at Dobbs ferry, where the river is about three miles wide, and they were compelled to run the gauntlet. They returned the fire as they passed, but without effect. On board the Savage ship-of-war a box of powder took fire, and such was their consternation, that twenty people jumped into the river; among whom was a prisoner on board, who informs us that he was the only man who got on shore, all the others being drowned. He reports also that the Savage was several times hulled by our shot, and was very near sinking. In the evening of the 21st, our army and the French, were put in motion, marching with great rapidity through a thick, unfrequented wood and swamps, and through fields of corn and wheat. Passing through a swamp in the night, our rear-guard, with myself and Dr. Munson, lost sight of the main body of the army for more than an hour, and I got a severe fall from my horse. In the morning, we arrived near the enemy s post at Morrissania, but they had taken the alarm, and escaped to New York. Having continued there during the day, we retired in the evening about five or six miles, and lay on the hills near King s-bridge, where we remained unmolested till the night of the 23d, when we returned to our encampment. While near the enemy s lines, the army was drawn up in a line of battle, and General Washington, 18 268 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. General Eochambeau, and all the general officers and en gineers, were employed in reconnoitering the different positions of the enemy s works in all directions. The position which we now occupy is the neutral ground be tween the lines, a beautiful fertile country, and the roads and cornmo ns as well as the inclosures are loaded with grass, while the deserted houses in ruins, and the prostrate fences, exhibit the melancholy devastation of war. 31st. Our detachment, under Colonel Scammel, march ed last evening down to Phillips house, near the enemy s works, on a foraging expedition. ^ After our wagons were loaded, we retired into the woods, and lay in ambush, with the hope that the enemy would give us an opportunity to engage them, but they did not make their appearance. August 13th. A most tremendous storm of rain came on last night, and continued almost incessantly; about two o clock in the morning, a sudden gust rent our tents asun der, and whirled them about our ears, leaving us destitute of shelter, and most thoroughly drenched. 15th. A French soldier, who deserted, and was taken on his way to the enemy, was shot in the French camp. General orders are now issued for the army to prepare for a movement at a moment s notice. The real object of the allied armies the present campaign has become a sub ject of much speculation. Ostensibly an investment of the city of New York is in contemplation preparations in all quarters for some months past indicate this to be the object of our combined operations. The capture of this place would be a decisive stroke, and from the moment such event takes place, the English must renounce all hopes of subjugating the United States. But New York is well fortified both by land and water, and garrisoned by the best troops of Great Britain. The success of a siege must depend entirely on the arrival and cooperation of a superior French fleet. The enemy have a garrison on Staten Island, which is separated from Long Island only by a strait of two miles wide. The capture of this garrison would be a brilliant affair, and would essentially facilitate our operations against New York. General Washington and Count Eochambeau have crossed the North river, arid it is supposed for the purpose of recon noitering the enemy s posts from the Jersey shore. A MILITAEY JOUENAL, 1781. 269 field for an extensive encampment has been marked out on the Jersey side, and a number of ovens have been erected and fuel provided for the purpose of baking bread for the army. From these combined circumstances we are led to conclude that a part of our besieging force is to occupy that ground. But General Washington pos sesses a capacious mind, full of resources, and he resolves and matures his great plans and designs under an impen etrable veil of secrecy, and while we repose the fullest confidence in our chief, our own opinions must be founded only on doubtful conjectures. The royal army at New York, have received a reinforcement of three thousand Germans from Europe. 202/i. According to orders, we commenced our line of march yesterday, a party of pioneers being sent forward to clear the road towards King s-bridge, and we expected immediately to follow in that direction ; but an arrny is a machine, whose motions are directed by its chief. When the troops were paraded for the march, they were ordered to the right about, and, making a retrograde movement up the side of the North river, we have reached King s- ferry, and are preparing to cross the Hudson at this ferry. Our allies are in our rear, and it is probable we are des tined to occupy the ground on the Jersey side. Blst. Colonel Laurens has arrived at head-quarters on, his way from Boston to Philadelphia. This gentleman is the son of Mr. Henry Laurens, our ambassador to Holland, who is now confined in the tower of London. We have the pleasing information that he has brought with him from France a large sum of specie for the United States. He reports that the different powers of continental Europe are friendly to the cause in which we are engaged. Our situation reminds me of some theatrical exhibition, where the interest and expectations of the spectators are continually increasing, and where curiosity is wrought to the highest point. Our destination has been for some time matter of perplexing doubt and uncertainty; bets have run high on one side that we were to occupy the ground marked out on the Jersey shore, to aid in the siege of New York, and on the other, that we are stealing a march on the enemy, and are actually destined to Virginia, in pursuit of the army under Lord Cornwallis. We crossed 270 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. at King s-feny, 21st instant, and encamped at Haverstraw. A number of batteaux, mounted on carriages, have fol lowed in our train, supposed for the purpose of convey ing the troops over to Staten Island. 22d, Resumed our line of march, passing rapidly through Paramus, Acquack- anack, Springfield and Princeton. We have now passed all the enemy s posts, and are pursuing our route with in creased rapidity towards Philadelphia; wagons have been prepared to carry the soldiers packs, that they may press forward with greater facility. Our destination can no longer be a secret. The British army, under Lord Corn wallis, is unquestionably the object of our present expe dition. It is now rumored that a French fleet may soon be expected to arrive in Chesapeake bay, to cooperate with the allied army in that quarter. The great secret respecting our late preparations and movements can now be explained. It was a judiciously concerted stratagem, calculated to menace and alarm Sir Henry Clinton for the safety of the garrison of New York, and induce him to recall a part of his troops from Virginia, for his own de fence ; or, perhaps, keeping an eye on the city, to attempt its capture, provided that by the arrival of a French fleet, favorable circumstances should present. The deception has proved completely successful; a part of Cornwallis troops are reported to have returned to New York. His Excellency General WashingtSn, having succeeded in a masterly piece of generalship, has now the satisfaction of leaving his adversary to ruminate on his own mortifying situation, and to anticipate the perilous fate which awaits his friend, Lord Cornwallis, in a different quarter. Major General Heath is left commander-in-chief of our army in the vicinity of New York and the highlands, and the menacing aspect of an attack on New York will be con tinued till time and circumstances shall remove the delu sive veil from the eyes of Sir Henry Clinton, when it will probably be too late to afford succour to Lord Cornwallis. To our officers, the inactivity of the royal army in New York is truly unaccountable: they might, without risk ing a great deal, harass our army on. its march, and sub ject us to irreparable injury; but the royalists are more dexterous in availing themselves of treachery and insur rection, than in effecting valorous achievements. In pass- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 271 ing through Princeton, but little time was allowed me to visit the college. This once celebrated seminary is now destitute of students, and the business of education is entirely suspended in consequence of the constant bustle and vicissitudes of war. The little village of Princeton is beautifully situated, and the college edifice is of stone, four stories high, and lighted by twenty-five windows in front in each story. It has suffered considerable injury in being occupied alternately by the soldiers of the two contending armies. Trenton, where we are now encamped for the night, is a much more considerable village, and more advantageously situated, on the north-eastern bank of the Delaware, twenty-seven miles above Philadelphia. This is the town which General Washington has rendered famous to the latest times, by a victory in which he so happily displayed the resources of his genius, in the se vere winter of 1776. Great indeed must be the resources of that man who can render himself the most formidable to an enemy, when apparently he is the most destitute of power. General Washington and Count Rochambeau having proceeded to Virginia by land, Major-General Lin coln takes the command of our troops, and the Baron de Viomenil those of the French. September 8th. We crossed the Delaware river at Tren ton ferry on the 1st instant, and in the afternoon crossed a small river at Shammany s rope ferry. Our boats were pulled across with facility by a rope made fast at each shore. We marched nineteen miles, and encamped at a place called Lower Dublin. 2d, In the afternoon, marched through the city of Philadelphia. The streets being ex tremely dirty, and the weather warm and dry, we raised a dust like a smothering snow-storm, blinding our eyes and covering our bodies with it; this was not a little mor tifying, as the ladies were viewing us from the open win dows of every house as we passed through this splendid city. The scene must have been exceedingly interesting to the inhabitants; and, contemplating the noble cause in which we are engaged, they must have experienced in their hearts a glow of patriotism, if not emotions of mili tary ardor. Our line of march, including appendages and attendants, extended nearly two miles. The general offi cers and their aids, in rich military uniform, mounted on 272 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. noble steeds elegantly caparisoned, were followed by their servants and baggage. In the rear of every brigade were several field-pieces, accompanied by ammunition carriages. The soldiers marched in slow and solemn step, regulated by the drum and 4ife. In the rear followed a great num.* ber of wagons, loaded with tents, provisions and other baggage, such as a few soldiers wives and children ; though a very small number of these are allowed to encumber us on this occasion. The day following, the French troops marched through the city, dressed in complete uniform of white broadcloth, faced with green, and besides the drum and fife, they were furnished with a complete band of music, which operates like enchantment.* * The following is extracted from letters published by a French cler gyman, in Count Rochambeau s army: "The arrival of the French army at Philadelphia was more like a triumph, than simply passing through the place; the troops made a halt about a quarter of a league from the city, and in an instant were dressed as elegantly as ever the soldiers of a garrison were on a day of review; they then marched through the town, with the military music playing before them, which is always particularly pleasing to the Americans; the streets were crowded with people, and the ladies appeared at the win dows in their most brilliant attire. All Philadelphia was astonished to 8ee people who had endured the fatigues of a long journey, so ruddy and handsome, and even wondered that there could possibly be Frenchmen of so genteel an appearance. "The troops next marched in single file before the Congress and M. le Chevalier de la Luzerne, minister from the court of France, and after*, wards encamped in a large plain contiguous to the river Schuylkill. The next day after our arrival, the regiment of Soissonnais went through the exercise of fire-arms; at least twenty thousand persons, and avast num ber of carriages, remarkable for their lightness and elegance, added to the lustre of this exhibition, which was still heightened by the pleasant ness of the situation and the remarkable serenity of the day. The ra pidity of the military evolutions, the soldierly appearance of the troops in general, and the exactness of their motions, surprised and enraptured the beholders. " We were a good deal amused with a mistake of some of the common people, who took for a general one of those alert fellows whom our commanding officers commonly have in their retinue to run up and down to carry their written orders. His short, tight-bodied coat, his rich waist coat, with a silver fringe, his rose-colored shoes, his cap, adorned with a coat-of-arms, and his cane, with an enormous head all appeared to them so many tokens of extraordinary dignity. Though he approached his master, the colonel-commandant, merely to receive and publish his orleis, they imagined that he gave them of his own accord, and directed the movements of the troops, independently of any superior. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 273 3d. We crossed the river Schuylkill, over a floating bridge, and encamped four miles from Philadelphia, where we continued through the day, to give the men time to rest and wash their clothes. 4th, Marched through Wil mington, eighteen miles. This is a haudsome, flourishing " The President of Congress, the Honorable Thomas McKean, Esquire, in a suit of black velvet, honored this review with his presence. These honest Pennsylvanians differ very considerably from us in the ceremonies of dress, as we differ from them again in our modes of legislation* "The manoeuvres of our troops raised the most flattering expectations in the minds of the spectators; and they did not hesitate to declare that such soldiers were invincible. "This day was destined for favorable omens. M. le Chevalier de la Luzerne, who on this occasion received his countrymen with the dignity and generosity of the representative of a great monarch, and the frank ness arid cordiality of an individual, after the review, invited all the* officers to dine with him. Hardly were we seated at the table, when an express arrived; a disquieting silence immediately seized every guest our eyes were fixed on the Chevalier de la Luzerne, every one endeav oring to guess what the message would turn out to be Thirty-six ships of the line, said he, commanded by Monsieur le Comtc de Grasse, are arrived in Chesapeake bay, and three thousand men have landed, and opened a communication with the Marquis de la Fayette. Joy and good-humor immediately resumed their place on every countenance. Our impatient leaders began to count the days, and reckon how long it would be before they could have it in their power to face the enemy, and their heated imaginations made the time much shorter than it after wards proved to be. Healths were next drank; and that of the minister of the marine of France was not forgotten, whose activity and great abilities have paved the way to the most brilliant successes of our fleet; the presence of his son, M. le Comte de Chartre, second colonel of the regiment of Saintonge, added still more to our pleasure and satisfaction. "Among others, Charles Thomson, the Secretary of Congress, the soul of that political body, came also to receive and present his compli ments. His meagre figure, furrowed countenance, his hollow, sparkling eyes, his white strait hair, that did not hang quite so low as his ears, fixed our thorough attention, and filled us with surprise and admiration. "The important news of the arrival of Count de Grasse was soon spread throughout the city, and echoes of joy were heard from every quarter; some merry fellows, mounted on scaffolds and stages, pro nounced funeral orations for Cornwallis, and uttered lamentations on the grief and distress of the tories. The people ran in crowds to the residence of the minister of France; and Long live Louis the Sixteenth / was the general cry. "Thus you see the people are universally persuaded of the success of this expedition. Could these flattering hopes be realized, they would hasten a peace, which in our situation, and under the wise and benevo lent prince that governs us, would place France in a point of view that has been wholly unknown since the existence .of her monarchy." 274 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. village, situated on the Delaware river, on a small branch of which is erected eight very large and valuable stone mills, where an immense quantity of wheat is ground and bolted. The wheat is brought in vessels to the very door, and the flour taken off in return. The Kev. Mr. Smith, minister of this place, and Dr. Smith, his brother, politely introduced themselves to me, and I took tea and spent the evening at Dr. Smith s, in social friendship. Marched again on the 5th, and on. the 6th arrived at the head of Elk river, Maryland, in the morning, having completed a march of two hundre d miles in fifteen days. An express has now arrived from Virginia, with the pleasing intelligence that Count de Grasse has actually arrived at the mouth of the Chesapeake bay, with a fleet of thirty-six ships of the line, and three thousand land forces, which are landed, and have joined our troops under the Marquis de la Fayette, in Virginia. The royal army, under Lord Cornwallis, has taken post in Yorktown, situated on York river, in Virginia, where he has constructed strong fortifications for his defence; but his communication by water is now entirely cut off by several French ships stationed at the mouth of the river. Preparation is constantly making for our troops and our allies who have arrived here, to embark at the head of Elk river, whence we shall proceed down the Chesapeake bay to Yorktown, in pursuit of the object of our expedition. About eighty vessels are in readiness, great activity pre vails, embarkation has commenced, and our horses are sent round to Virginia by land. It falls to my lot to take passage on board a small schooner, with four other officers and sixty men. She is so deeply laden with cannon, mortars and other ordnance, that our situation will be attended with considerable danger, if rough weather should overtake us. llth. Sailed at four o clock P. M. on board the schooner Glasco, beat against contrary wind down the Elk river, and at sun-rise next morning entered the head of the great Chesapeake bay, eighteen miles from the place of embark ation. The bay at its entrance is six or seven miles wide, and has two rivers which empty into it on the west side the North-east river and the great Susquehanna, which takes its origin at Lake Otsego, six hundred miles from MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 275 this bay. Another river, called Sassafras, which empties into the bay on the east side, is navigable to Georgetown, twelve miles. Pool s Island affords a romantic prospect, being about two miles long, and three-quarters of a mile wide, supporting two families. About twelve miles further down, the bay widens to about ten miles, and on the west side is the river Patapsco; at the head of which, twelve miles from its mouth, stands the town of Baltimore, which admits large ships into its capacious and convenient harbor. Nearly opposite to this, Chester river empties into the bay on the eastern shore, and is navigable fifty miles. The town of Annapolis, the metropolis of Maryland, is situated on the western shore at the mouth of the river Severn, where it falls into the bay. We came to anchor in the harbor at sun-setting, and I accompanied several officers to the coffee-house, and partook of a handsome supper. A very severe shower of rain, with high winds and extreme darkness, obliged us to spend the night on shore. On the 13th, we returned on board at seven o clock, and proceeded on our voyage before a fresh gale, but had not sailed more than four miles, when \ve were recalled by express to the harbor of Annapolis. This is in conse quence of intelligence of a naval action between the British and French fleets near the mouth of the Chesapeake bay. Our safety requires that we should remain in port till the event of the battle is known. Should the British have obtained the victory, and should they get possession of the Chesapeake bay, we shall be unable to proceed on our voyage, and our expedition will be entirely defeated. Annapolis is a very inconsiderable city, but the buildings are chiefly of brick, and many of them are in a style of elegance and grandeur. The state-house, in the centre of the city, is a most splendid and magnificent piece of arch itecture; it is topped with a handsome dome; the several apartments are finished in a style surpassing every thing which I have before witnessed. The archives for the se curity of the public records are fire-proof. It is remarkable that there is not a church in the city, though they have an ordinary building which they occupy for a theatre. We were treated with much politeness and hospitality, and received an invitation to dine at the house of a respectable gentleman. In the evening we attended the theatre, and 276 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. were entertained by a Mr. Wall, who exhibited Stephens Lecture on Heads, greatly to the amusement of the audi ence; after which, Mrs. Wall exhibited a variety of amus ing scenes, and her little daughter, of seven years of age. spoke an epilogue, and sung several songs to the admira tion of all present. Information has just reached us that after General Arnold had returned from his depredating expedition to Virginia, he- was despatched on a ne w incursion to Connecticut, his native state. Uis force consisted of two thousand infantry and three hundred cavalry, accompanied by forty sail of ships and transports. lie landed his troops at the mouth of New London harbor, and proceeded to the town. Fort Trumbull not being tenable, was soon evacuated by our people, but Fort Griswold on the other side of the river was courageously defended by Colonel Ledyard and a few militia-men hastily collected. The assault on this fort was made by Colonel Eyre, who was three or four times re pulsed, and finally received himself a mortal wound; and Major Montgomery being killed, the command devolved on Major Bromfield, who, by a superior force and much resolution, carried the place at the point of the bayonet. On entering the fort, the British officer inquiring who commanded, Colonel Ledyard answered, "I did, sir, but you do now," and presented him his sword as a prisoner, when the British officer plunged his sword into the body of Colonel Ledyard, and several soldiers assisted with their bayonets in despatching him. An indiscriminate slaughter by the bayonet of those who had surrendered immediately ensued, and seventy-three men were left dead in the fort, about forty wounded, and the same number taken prisoners. Arnold continued on the New London side, suffering the town to be plundered; and by a con flagration, sixty dwelling-houses and eighty-four stores were entirely destroyed. The loss which we sustained was very considerable, consisting of vessels, naval-stores, European goods, provisions, &c., and not less than one hundred inhabitants were deprived of their habitations and all their property. The militia collected, and con ducted with great spirit and alacrity in avenging the mur der of their friends, and they hastened the retreat of the enemy, after the loss of two officers and forty-six rank and MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 277 file killed, and eight officers and one hundred and thirty- five rank and file wounded. It is reported that a wagon, loaded with their wounded soldiers, was put in motion from the top of a long and steep hill, which in its rapid course struck an apple-tree with such force that the faint arid bleeding men received a shock which killed a part of them instantly. It is highly probable that Sir Henry Clinton projected this expedition to Connecticut, in the hope of diverting General Washington from his enterprise against Earl Cornwallis; but this manoeuvre will not eifect his object. loth. The gratifying intelligence is announced that the naval engagement between the two fleets has resulted in the defeat of the British with considerable loss, and the French have now the sole command of the Chesapeake bay. This event is of. infinite importance, and fills our hearts with joy, as we can now proceed on our expedition. 16$. We obeyed the signal for sailing, and passed Sharp s island, which is situated in the middle of the bay, two miles long and one wide; it supports four families. Sent one boat on shore, and procured some poultry and fruit. 18th, Passed the great Potomac, which divides the states of Maryland and Virginia. At its mouth it is about fifteen miles wide; it is navigable for large ships, up to Georgetown, which is one hundred and seventy miles dis tant, on the Maryland shore, while the city of Alexandria is situated a few miles below, it on the Virginia shore. The bay at this place is about thirty miles wide. The wind this afternoon has blown with all the violence of a gale; the bow of our vessel, in ploughing through the billows, is frequently brought under water, which keeps us in perpetual alarm. We passed York river on the western or Virginia shore, fifteen miles from the mouth of which stands Yorktownj where the royal army under Lord Cornwallis is posted, and which it is the object of our ex pedition to capture. He is completely blockaded by three French ships of the line and several smaller armed vessels lying at the mouth of York river. 20th, Passed Hampton road, and entered James river, which is at its entrance about five miles wide. We enjoyed a distant view of the grand French fleet, riding at anchor at the mouth of the Chesapeake, consisting of thirty-six ships of war, besides 278 MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1781. frigates and other armed vessels. This was the most noble and majestic spectacle I ever witnessed, and we viewed it with inexpressible pleasure, and the warmest gratitude was excited in every breast towards our great ally. 22</. Reached the harbor between Jamestown and Williamsburg, where the greater part of our transports arrived in the course of the day, and the troops disem barked and encamped on the banks of the river, within twelve miles of Yorktown. We now congratulated our selves on having completed our voyage of three hundred and fifty miles, which, on account of contrary winds and detention at Annapolis, has occupied twelve days; vessels with troops are arriving every day. Jamestown is the place where the English first established themselves in Virginia, in 1607. Though the most ancient settlement in America, it cannot now be called a town, there being but two houses standing on the banks of the river. 25th, Marched from the landing-place through the city of Wil liamsburg. This is the capital of Virginia, but in other respects is of little importance. It is situated on a level piece of land, at an equal distance between two small rivers, one of which falls into York, the other into James river. The city is one mile and a quarter in length, and contains about two hundred and fifty houses. The main street is more than one hundred feet in width, and .exactly one mile in length : at one of the extremities, and fronting the street, is the capitol, or state-house, a handsome edifice, and at the other end is the college, capable of accommo dating three hundred students, but the tumult of war has broken up the institution. The college is about one hun dred and thirty feet in length and forty in breadth, with two handsome wings, fifty by thirty. Their library is said to consist of about three thousand volumes. Near the centre of the city is a large qjiurch, and not far from it the palace, the usual residence of the governor, which is a splendid building. The water in this vicinity is ex tremely brackish and disagreeable. This part of the state of Virginia is celebrated for the excellent tobacco which it produces, and this is their principal staple commodity, though the culture of cotton receives some attention. In dian corn, hemp and flax, are also among the productions of this state. The population of Virginia is computed at MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 379 one hundred and fifty thousand whites, and five hun dred thousand blacks. Manual labor, therefore, is per formed almost entirely by the latter class, leaving the whites little else to do but to oversee their large estates and to cultivate their minds. This may be one of the principal reasons why it produces so many celebrated statesmen ; as it will be readily admitted that our coun try has very few that will equal her Washington s, Patrick Henry s, Randolph s, and many others of the same school. 27th. We arrived at Yorktown yesterday from James town, and have encamped within one mile of the enemy s line of redoubts. 28th. The French troops have arrived and encamped on our left. Yorktown is situated on the south bank of the river, about fifteen miles from its entrance into Ches apeake bay. In this little village, Lord Cornwallis, with about seven thousand troops, has taken his station, and is endeavoring to fortifyhimself against the impending dan ger of our combined operations. His communication by water is entirely cut off by the French ships of war sta tioned at the mouth of the river, preventing both his escape and receiving succor from Sir Henry Clinton at New York. The allied army is about twelve thousand strong, exclusive of the militia, under Governor Nelson. The Americans form the right, and the French the left wing of the com bined forces, each extending to the borders of the river, by which the besiegers form a half-circle round the town. His Excellency General Washington commands in person, and is assisted by Major-General Lincoln, Baron Steuben, the Marquis de la Fayette, General Knox, &c. The French troops are commanded by General the Count Rochambeau, a brave and experienced officer, having under him a num ber of officers of distinguished character. Unbounded confidence is reposed in our illustrious commanders, the spirit of emulation and military ardor universally prevails, and we are sanguine in our expectations that a surrender of the royal army must be his lordship s fate. A cannonade commenced yester^nv from the town, by which one man was wounded, and I ass.sted in amputating his leg. 30th. We were agreeably surprised this morning, 280 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. to find that the enemy had, during the preceding night, abandoned three or four of their redoubts, and retired within the town, leaving a considerable extent of com manding ground, which might have cost us much labor and many lives to obtain by force. Our light infantry and a party of French were ordered to advance and take possession of the abandoned ground, and to serve as a covering party to our troops who are employed in throw ing up breastworks. Considerable cannonading from the besieged in the course of the day, and four militia-men were wounded by a single shot, one of whom died soon after. An occurrence has just been announced which fills our hearts with grief and sorrow. Colonel Alexander Scammel being officer of the day, while reconnoitering the ground which the enemy had abandoned, was surprised by a party of their horse, and after having surrendered, they had the baseness to inflict a wound which we fear will prove mortal; they have carried him into Yorktown. October 1st and 2d. Our troops have been engaged in throwing up two redoubts in the night time ; on discovery, the enemy commenced a furious cannonade, but it does not deter our men from going on vigorously with their work. Heavy cannon and mortars are continually arriving, and the greatest preparations are made to prosecute the siege in the most effectual manner. 3d and 4th. A considerable cannonading from the en emy; one shot killed three men, and mortally wounded another. While the Eev. Mr. Evans, our chaplain, was standing near the commander-in-chief, a shot struck the ground so near as to cover his hat with sand. Being much agitated, he took off his hat, and said, "See here, general." "Mr. Evans," replied his excellency, with his usual com posure, "you had better carry that home, and show it to your wife and children." Two soldiers from the French, and one from us, deserted to the enemy, and two British soldiers deserted to our camp the same night. The enemy from the want of forage are killing off their horses in great numbers; six or seven hundred of these valuable animals have been killed, and their carcases are almost continually floating down the river. The British are in possession of a place called Gloucester, on the north side of the river, nearly opposite Yorktown ; their force con- MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 281 sisis of one British regiment, and Colonel Tarleton s legion of horse and infantry. In opposition to this force the French legion, under the command of the Duke de Lu- zerne, and a detachment of French infantry and militia, are posted in that vicinity. Tarleton is a bold and impetu ous leader, and has spread terror through the Carolinas and Virginia for some time past. In making a sally from Gloucester yesterday, they were attacked by the French, and defeated with the loss of the commanding officer of their infantry, and about fifty men killed and wounded ; among the latter is Tarleton himself. The duke lost three men killed, and two officers and eleven men wounded. It is with much concern we learn that Colonel Scammel died at Williamsburg, -of the wound which he received a few days since, when he was taken prisoner; the wound was inflicted after he had surrendered. At the request of Gen eral Washington, Lord Cornwallis allowed him to be car ried to Williamsburg, where he died this day, universally lamented, as he was while living universally respected and esteemed. The commander-in-chief was well apprised of his merit, and bestowed on him marks of his friendly re gard and confidence. For some time he sustained the office of adjutant-general to our army, but preferring a more active command and the post of danger, he was put at the head of a regiment of light-infantry for this enter prising campaign. The British have sent from Yorktown a large number of negroes, sick with the small-pox, probably for the purpose of communicating the infection to our army. Thus our inhuman enemies resort to every method in their power, however, barbarous or cruel, to injure and distress, and thus to gain an advantage over their opposers. 1th. A large detachment of the allied army, under command of Major-General Lincoln, were ordered out last evening for the purpose of opening intrenchments near the enemy s lines. This business was conducted with great silence and secrecy, and we were favored by Providence with a night of extreme darkness, and were not discovered before day-light. The working party carried on their shoulders fascines and intrenching tools, while a large part of the detachment was armed with the implements of death. Horses, drawing cannon and ordnance, and wagons loaded with bags filled with sand for constructing breastworks, 282 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. followed in the rear. Thus arranged, every officer and soldier knowing his particular station, orders were given to advance in perfect silence, the distance about one mile. My station on this occasion was with Dr. Munson, my mate, in the rear of the troops ; and as the music was not to be employed, about twenty drummers and fifers were put under my charge to assist me in case of having wounded men to attend. I put into the hands of a drum mer, a mulatto fellow, my instruments, bandages, &c., with a positive order to keep at my elbow, and not lose sight of me a moment; it was not long, however, before I found to my astonishment that he had left me, and gone in pur suit of some rum, carrying off the articles which are in dispensable in time of action. In this very unpleasant predicament, unwilling to trust another, I hastened with all speed to the hospital, about one mile, to procure another supply from Dr. Craik; and he desired that if the Marquis de la Fayette should be wounded, I would devote to him my first attention. On my return I found Dr. Munson and my party waiting, but the troops had marched on and we knew not their route. We were obliged to follow at random, and in the darkness of night, hazarding our ap proach to the enemy. Having advanced about half a mile, of a sudden a party of armed men in white uniform rose from the ground, and ordered us to stop ; they proved to be the rear-guard of the French. The officer demanded the countersign, which I was unable to give, and as we could not understand each others language, I was detained under considerable embarrassment till an officer who could speak English was called, when producing my instruments and bandages, and assuring the French officer that I was surgeon to the infantry, he politely conducted me to my station. Our troops were indefatigable in their labors during the night, and before day-light they had nearly completed the first parallel line of nearly two miles in extent, besides laying a foundation for two redoubts, within about six hundred yards of the enemy s lines. At day-light the enemy, having -discovered our works, commenced a se vere cannonade, but our men being under cover, received no injury. A French soldier deserted to the enemy ; after which, there was a constant firing against the French lines, and one officer was killed, and fifteen men were killed or MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 283 wounded. In the latter part of the night it rained severely, and being in the open field, cold and uncomfortable, I entered a small hut made of brush, which the enemy had abandoned. Soon after, a man came to the door, and, see ing me standing in the centre, instantly drew his sword, and put himself in an attitude to plunge it into me. I called out friend, friend, and he as speedily, to my great joy, responded, "Ah, Monsieur, friend" and returning his sword to its place, he departed. I think he was a French soldier, and it is doubtful whether he or myself was the most frightened. 8th and $th. The duty of our troops has been for sev eral days extremely severe; our regiment labors in the trenches every other day and night, where I find it difficult to avoid suffering by the cold, having no other covering than a single blanket in the open field. We erected a, battery last night in front of our first parallel, without ajiy annoyance from the enemy. Two or three of our batteries being now prepared to open on the town, his Excellency General Washington put the match to the first gun, and a furious discharge of cannon and mortars immediately followed, and Earl Cornwallis has received his first salutation. From the 10th to the loth, a tremendous and incessant firing from the American and French batteries is kept up, and the enemy return the fire, but with little effect. A red-hot shell from the French battery set fire to the Charon, a British 44-gun ship, and two or three smaller vessels at anchor in the river, which were consumed in the night. From the bank of the river, I had a fine view of this splendid conflagration. The ships were enwrapped in a torrent of fire, which spreading with vivid brightness among the combustible rigging, and running with amazing rapidity to the tops of the several masts, while all around was thunder and lightning from our numerous cannon and mortars, and in the darkness of night, presented one of the most sublime and magnificent spectacles which can be imagined. Some of our shells, overreaching the town, are seen to fall into the river, and bursting, throw up columns of water like the spouting of the monsters of the deep. We have now made further approaches to the town, by throwing up a second parallel line, and batteries within 19 284 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. about three hundred yards; this was effected in the night, and at day-light the enemy were roused to the greatest exertions; the engines of war have raged with redoubled fury and destruction on both sides, no cessation day or night. The French had two officers wounded, and fifteen men killed or wounded, and among the Americans, two or three were wounded. I assisted in amputating a man s thigh. The siege is daily becoming more and more formi dable and alarming, and his lordship must view his situa tion as extremely critical, if not desperate. Being in the trenches every other night and day, I have a fine opportu nity of witnessing the sublime and stupendous scene which is continually exhibiting. The bomb-shells from the be siegers and the besieged are incessantly crossing each others path in the air. They are clearly visible in the /orm of a black ball in the day, but in the night, they ap pear like a fiery meteor with a blazing tail, most beauti fully brilliant, ascending majestically from the mortar to a certain altitude, and gradually descending to the spot where they are destined to execute their work of destruc tion. It is astonishing with what accuracy an experi enced gunner will make his calculations, that a shell shall fall within a few feet of a given point, and burst at the precise time, though at a great distance. When a shell falls, it whirls round, burrows, and excavates the earth to a considerable extent, and bursting, makes dreadful havoc around, i have more than once witnessed fragments of the mangled bodies and limbs of the British soldiers thrown into the air by the bursting of our shells; and by one from the enemy, Captain White, of the seventh Mas sachusetts regiment, and one soldier were killed, and an other wounded near where I was standing. About twelve or fourteen men have been killed or wounded within twenty-four hours; I attended at the hospital, amputated a man s arm, and assisted in dressing a number of wounds. The enemy having two redoubts, about three hundred yards in front of their principal works, which enfiladed our intrenchment and impeded our approaches, it was resolved to take possession of them both by assault. The one on the left of the British garrison, bordering on the banks of the river, was assigned to our brigade of light-infantry, under the command of the Marquis de la Fayette. The MILITARY JOURNAL, 1731. 285 advanced corps was led on by the*intrepid Colonel Ham ilton, who had commanded a regiment of light-infantry during the campaign, and assisted by Colonel Gimat. The assault commenced at eight o clock in the evening, and the assailants bravely entered the fort with the point of the bayonet without firing a single gun. We suffered the loss of eight men killed, and about thirty wounded, among whom Colonel Gimat received a slight wound in his foot, and Major Gibbs, of his excellency s guard, and two other officers, were slightly wounded. Major Campbell, who commanded in the fort, was wounded and taken prisoner, with about thirty soldiers, the remainder made their escape I was desired to visit the wounded in the fort, even before the balls had ceased whistling about my ears, and saw a sergeant and eight men dead in the ditch. A captain of our infantry, belonging to New Hampshire, threatened to take the life of Major Campbell, to avenge the death oF his favorite, Colonel Scammel; but Colonel Hamilton in terposed, and not a man was killed after he ceased to resist. During the assault, the British kept up an inces sant firing of cannon and musketry from their whole line. His Excellency General Washington, Generals Lincoln and Knox, with their aids, having dismounted, were standing in an exposed situation waiting the result. Col onel Cobb, one of General Washington s aids, solicitous for his safety, said to his excellency, u Sir, you are too much exposed here. Had you not better step a little back?" "Colonel Cobb," replied his excellency, "if you are afraid, you have liberty to step back." The other redoubt on the right of the British lines was assaulted at the same time by a detachment of the French, commanded by the gallant Baron de Yiomenil. Such was the ardor displayed by the assailants, that all resistance w r as soon overcome, though at the expense of nearly one hundred men killed and wounded.* Of the defenders of the redoubt, eighteen * The cause of the great loss sustained by the French troops in com parison with that of the Americans, in storming their respective redoubts, was that the American troops when they came to the abatis, removed a part of it with their hands and leaped over the remainder. The French troops on coming up to theirs, waited till their pioneers had cut away the abatis secundum artem, which exposed them longer to the galling fire of the enemy. To this cause also is to be ascribed the circumstance, that the redoubt assailed by the Americans, was carried before that at- 286 MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1781. were killed, and one ctiptain and two subaltern officers, and forty-two rank and file captured. Our second parallel line was immediately connected with the two redoubts now taken from the enemy, and some new batteries were thrown up in front of our second parallel line, with a covert way, and angling work approaching to less than three hundred yards of their principal forts. These will soon be mantled with cannon and mortars, and when their horrid thundering commences, it must convince his lord ship that his post is not invincible, and that submission must soon be his only alternative. Our artillery-men, by the exactness of their aim, make every discharge take effect, so that many of the enemy s guns are entirely si lenced, and their works are almost in ruins. 16^/i. A party of the enemy, consisting of about four hundred men, commanded by Colonel Abercrombie, about four in the morning, made a vigorous sortie against two unfinished redoubts occupied by the French ; they spiked up seven or eight pieces of cannon and killed several sol diers, but the French advanced and drove them from the redoubts, leaving several killed and wounded. Our New England troops have now become very sickly; the preva lent diseases are intermittent and remittent fevers, which are very prevalent in this climate during the autumnal months. 17 th. The whole of our works are now mounted with cannon and mortars; not less than one hundred pieces of heavy ordnance have been in continual operation during the last twenty-four hours. The whole peninsula trembles under the incessant thunderings of our infernal machines; we have leveled some of their works in ruins, and silenced their guns; they have almost ceased firing. We are so near as to have a distinct view of the dreadful havoc and destruction of their works, and even see the men in their lines tore to pieces by the bursting of our shells. But the scene is drawing to a close. Lord Cornwallis, at length realizing the extreme hazard of his deplorable situation, tacked by the French troops. The Marquis de la Fayette sent his aid, Major Barbour, through the tremendous fire of the whole line of the British, to inform the Baron Viomenil, that "he was in his redoubt, and to ask the baron where he was." The major found the baron waiting the clearing away the abatis, but sent this answer: "Tell the marquis I am not in mine, but will be in five minutes." He instantly advanced, and wus, or nearly so, within his time. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 287 and finding it in vain any longer to resist, has this fore noon come to the humiliating expedient of sending out a flag, requesting a cessation of hostilities for twenty-four hours, that commissioners may be appointed to prepare and adjust the terms of capitulation. Two or three flags passed in the course of the day, and General Washington consented to a cessation of hostilities for two hours only, that his lordship may suggest his proposals as a basis for a treaty, which being in part accepted, a suspension of hostilities will be continued till to-morrow. 18th. It is now ascertained that Lord Cornwallis, to avoid the necessity of a surrender, had determined on the bold attempt to make his escape in the night of the 16th, with a part of his army into the country. His plan was to leave sick and baggage behind, and to cross with his effective force over to Gloucester Point, there to destroy the French legion and other troops, and to mount his in fantry on their horses and such others as might be pro cured, and thus push their way to New York by land. A more preposterous and desperate attempt can scarcely be imagined. Boats were secretly prepared, arrangements made, and a large proportion of his troops actually em barked and landed on Gloucester Point, when, from a mod erate and calm evening, a most violent storm of wind and rain ensued. The boats with the remaining troops were all driven down the river, and it was not till the next day that his troops could be returned to the garrison at York. At an early hour this forenoon General Washington com municated to Lord Cornwallis the general basis of the terms of capitulation, which he deemed admissible, and allowed two hours for his reply. Commissioners were soon after appointed to prepare the particular terms of agreement. The gentlemen appointed by General Wash ington are Colonel Laurens, one of his aid-de-camps, and Viscount Noaille of the French army. They have this day held an interview with the two British officers on the part of Lord Cornwallis, the terms of capitulation are set tled, and being confirmed by the commanders of both armies, the royal troops are to march out to-morrow and surrender their arms. It is a circumstance deserving of remark, that Colonel Laurens, who is stipulating for the surrender of a British nobleman, at the head of a royal 288 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. army, is the son of Mr. Henry Lauren s, our ambassador to Holland, who, being captured on his voyage, is now in close confinement in the tower of London.* 19^. This is to us a most glorious day; but to the English, one of bitter chagrin and disappointment. Pre parations are now making to receive as captives that vin dictive, haughty commander, and that victorious army, who, by their robberies and murders, have so long been a scourge to our brethren of the Southern states. Being on horseback, I anticipate a full share of satisfaction in view ing the various movements in the interesting scene. The stipulated terms of capitulation are similaf to those granted to General Lincoln at Charleston the last year. The cap tive troops are to march out with shouldered arms, colors cased, and drums beating a British or German march, and to ground their arms at a place assigned for the purpose. The officers are allowed their side-arms and private prop erty, and the generals and such officers as desire it are to go on parole to England or New York. The marines and seamen of the king s ships are prisoners of war to the navy of France; and the land forces to the United States. All military and artillery stores to be delivered up unimpaired. The royal prisoners to be sent into the interior of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania in regiments, to have rations allowed them equal to the American soldiers, and to have their officers near them. Lord Cornwallis to man and despatch the Bonetta sloop-of-war with despatches to Sir Henry Clinton at New York without being searched, the vessel to be returned and the hands accounted for. At about twelve o clock, the combined army was arranged and drawn up in two lines extending more than a mile in * Connected with this transaction there is a concurrence of circum stances so peculiarly remarkable, that I cannot omit to notice them in this place. Mr. Henry Laurens, who was deputed by Congress as our ambassador to Holland, was captured arid carried into England, and closely and most rigorously confined in the tower of London. Lord Cornwallis sustains the office of constable to the tower; of course Mr. Laurens is his prisoner. The son, Colonel John Laurens, stipulates the conditions of the surrender of the constable, who becomes our prisoner, while Mr. Laurens, the father, remains confined in the tower as a pri soner to the captured constable. Congress had proposed that Mr. Laurens should be received in exchange for General Burgoyne, but the proposal was rejected by the British government. After Cornwallis was cap tured, however, he was readily received in exchange for Mr. Laurens. MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1781. 289 length. The Americans were drawn up in a line on the right side of the road, and the French occupied the left. At the head of the former, the great American commander, mounted on his noble courser, took his station, attended by his aids. At the head of the latter was posted the ex cellent Count Rochambeau and his suite. The French troops, in complete uniform, displayed a martial and noble appearance, their band of music, of which the timbrel formed a part, is a delightful novelty, and produced while marching to the ground a most enchanting effect. The Americans, though not all in uniform, nor their dress so neat, yet exhibited an erect, soldierly air, and every coun tenance beamed with satisfaction and joy. The concourse of spectators from the country was prodigious, in point of numbers was probably equal to the military, but uni versal silence and order prevailed, ft was about two o clock when the captive army advanced through the line formed for their reception. Every eye was prepared to gaze on Lord Cornwallis, the object of peculiar interest and solicitude; but he disappointed our anxious expecta tions; pretending indisposition, he made General O Hara his substitute as the leader of his army. This officer was followed by the conquered tpoops in a slow and solemn step, with shouldered arms, colors cased, and drums beat ing a British march. Having arrived at the head of the line, General O Hara, elegantly mounted, advanced to his excellency the commander-in-chief, taking off his hat, and apologized for the non-appearance of Earl Cornwallis. With his usual dignity and politeness, his excellency pointed to Major-General Lincoln for directions, by whom the British army was conducted into a spacious field, where it was intended they should ground their arms. The royal troops, while marching through the line formed by the allied army, exhibited a decent and neat appearance, as respects arms and clothing, for their commander opened his store, and directed every soldier to be furnished with a new suit complete, prior to the capitulation. But in their line of march we remarked a disorderly and unsol- dierly conduct, their step was irregular, and their ranks frequently broken. But it was in the field, when they came to the last act of the drama, that the spirit and pride of the British soldier was but to the severest test: here 290 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. their mortification could not be concealed. Some of the platoon officers appeared to be exceedingly chagrined when giving the word "ground arms" and I am a witness that they performed this duty in a very unofficer-like manner; and that many of the soldiers manifested a sullen temper, throwing their arms on the pile with violence, as if determined to render them useless. This irregularity, however, was checked by the authority of General Lin coln. After having grounded their arms and divested themselves of their accoutrements, the captive troops were conducted back to Yorktovvn, and guarded by our troops till they could be removed to the place of their destina tion. The British troops that were stationed at Gloucester, surrendered at the same time and in the same manner, to the command of the Duke de Luzerne. This must be a very interesting and gratifying transaction to General Lin coln, who, having himself been obliged to surrender an army to a haughty foe the last year, has now assigned him the pleasing duty of giving laws to a conquered army in return, and of reflecting that the terms which were im posed on him are adopted as a basis of the surrender in the present instance. It is a very gratifying circumstance that every degree of harmony, confidence and friendly intercourse subsisted between the American and French troops during the campaign no contest, except an emulous spirit to excel in exploits and enterprise against the com mon enemy, and a desire to be celebrated in the annals of history for an ardent love of great and heroic actions. We are not to be surprised that the pride of the British officers is humbled on this occasion, as they have always entertained an exalted opinion of their own military prowess, and affected to view the Americans as a con temptible, undisciplined rabble. But there is no display of magnanimity when a great commander shrinks from the inevitable misfortunes of war; and when it is consid ered that Lord Cornwallis has frequently appeared in splendid triumph at the head of his army, by which he is almost adored, we conceive it incumbent on him cheerfully to participate in their misfortunes and degradations, how ever humiliating; but it is said he gives himself up en tirely to vexation and despair. 20th. In the general orders of this day our commander- Til ADDK TS KOSC1USKO. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1731 291 in-chief expresses his entire approbation, and his warmest thanks to the French and American officers and soldiers of all descriptions, for the brave and honorable part which they have acted during the siege. He congratulates the combined army on the momentous event which closes the campaign, and which crowns their heads with unfading laurels, and entitles them to the applause and gratitude of their country. Among the general officers whom his ex cellency particularly noticed, for the important services which they rendered during the siege, are Generals Lin coln, De la Fayette, Steuben, Knox, and Du Portail, his Excellency Count Rochambeau, and several other distin guished French officers. To Governor Nelson, of Virginia, he returned his grateful and sincere acknowledgments for the essential succors afforded by him and the militia under his command. The commander-in-chief, wishing that every heart should participate in the joy of this memora ble day, ordered that all those who are under arrest or confinement should be immediately pardoned and set at liberty, a circumstance which I believe has never before occurred in our army. He closed by ordering that divine service shall be performed in the several brigades to-mor row, and recommends that the troops attend with a serious deportment, and with that sensibility of heart which the recollection of the surprising and particular interposition of Providence in our favor claims. 22d.- Yesterday being Sunday, our brigade of infantry and the York brigade were drawn up in the field to attend divine service, performed by Mr. Evans. After offering to the Lord of hosts, the God of battles, our grateful homage for the preservation of our lives through the dangers of the siege, and for the important event with which Divine Providence has seen fit to crown our efforts, he preached an excellent and appropriate sermon. Generals Lincoln and Clinton were present. In the design and execution of this successful expedition, our commander-in-chief fairly out-generaled Sir Henry Clinton, and the whole movement was marked by consummate military address, which re duced the royal general to a mortifying dilemma that no skill or enterprise could retrieve. A siege of thirteen days, prosecuted with unexampled rapidity, has terminated in the capture of one of the greatest generals of which the 292 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. English can boast, and a veteran and victorious army which has for several months past spread terror and desolation throughout the Southern states. The joy on this moment ous occasion is universally diffused, and the hope enter tained that it will arrest the career of a cruel warfare, and advance the establishment of American Independence. In the progress of the royal army through the state of Virgi nia the preceding summer, they practised the most abom inable enormities, plundering negroes and horses from almost every plantation, and reducing the country to ruin. Among the prodigious assemblage of spectators at the time of surrender, were a number of planters, searching for the property which had been thus purloined from their estates. The famous Colonel Tarleton, mounted on a horse remarkable for elegance and noble appearance, while riding in company with several French officers with whom he was to dine, was met by a gentleman, who instantly re cognized the animal as his own property. Tarleton was stopped, and the horse peremptorily demanded ; observing a little hesitation, the British General O Harra, who was present, said, "You had better give him his horse, Tarle ton ;" on which the colonel dismounted, and delivered the horse to the original proprietor; after which, being re mounted on a very miserable animal, he rejoined his com pany, and the French officers were greatly surprised that he should be so humbly mounted. The British prisoners were all sent off yesterday, conducted by a party of militia on their way to the interior of Virginia and Maryland. I have this day visited the town of York, to witness the destructive effects of the siege. It contains about sixty houses; some of them are elegant, many of them are greatly damaged and some totally ruined, being shot through in a thousand places and honey-combed ready to crumble to pieces. Rich furniture and books were scat tered over the ground, and the carcases of men and horses half-covered with earth, exhibited a scene of ruin and horror beyond description. The earth in many places is thrown up into mounds by the force of our shells, and it is difficult to point to a spot where a man could have resorted for safety. The loss on the part of the French during the siege was fifty killed and one hundred and twenty-seven wounded. MILITARY JOUENAL, 1781. 293 Americans twenty-seven killed and seventy-three wounded, officers included. Cornwallis account of his loss during the siege is one hundred and fifty-six, three hundred and twenty-six wounded, and seventy missing, probably > deserted, total five hundred and fifty-two. The whole number surrendered *by capitulation, seven thousand two hundred and forty-seven.* The amount of artillery and military stores, provisions, &c., is very considerable, sev enty-five brass and one hundred and sixty-nine iron can non, seven thousand seven hundred ninety-four muskets; regimental standards, German eighteen, British ten. From the military chest we received two thousand one hundred and thirteen pounds six shillings sterling. Lord Cornwallis is a very distinguished warrior; he possesses an exalted spirit, is brave and intrepid, and never was there a more zealous champion of his tyrannical master; austere and rigorous in his temper, nothing could be more foreign from his heart than the sympathies of benevolence or generous compassion. Had all the rebels in the states but one neck, his lordship would glory in nothing more than an opportunity of severing the jugular vein. But Cornwallis has fallen! and our country is not subj n gated, f It is proper I should take a retrospect of some events which have marked the conduct of the war of extermina tion in the Southern states. A singular kind of ferocious animosity has subsisted between the two contending par ties, as may be seen by letters from General Greene on * Another list, which has been published, makes their total loss by death and capture to be eleven thousand eight hundred, including two thousand sailors, one thousand eight hundred negroes, one thousand five hundred tories, eighty vessels, large and small. f It is asserted in Gordon s History of the War, that wherever the army of Lord Cornwallis marched, the dwelling-houses were plundered of every thing that could be carried off. Hundreds of eye-witnesses can prove that his lordship s table was served with plate thus pillaged from private families. By an estimate made at the time, on the best informa tion that could be collected, the state of Virginia lost during Cornwallis attempts to reduce it, thirty thousand slaves. And it has been com puted that one thousand four hundred widows were made by the ravaging hand of war in the single district of Ninety-Six. The whole devasta tions occasioned by the British army, during the six months previous to their surrender at Yorktown, are supposed to amount to about three millions sterling. 294 MILITARY JOUENAL, 1781. the subject. "The animosity," says this amiable man, "between the whigs and tories of this state renders their situation truly deplorable. Not a day passes but there are more or less who fall a sacrifice to this savage disposi tion. The whigs seem determined to extirpate the tories, and the tories the whigs. Some thousands have fallen in this way in this quarter, and the evil rages with more violence than ever. If a stop cannot be soon put to these massacres, the country will be depopulated in a few months more, as neither whig nor tory can live." Speaking of a certain party on our side, he says: "This party plunders without mercy, and murders the defenceless people just as private pique, prejudice or personal resentments dic tate. Principles of humanity, as well as policy, require that proper measures should be immediately taken to re strain these abuses, heal differences, and unite the people as much as possible. No violence should be offered to any of the inhabitants unless found in arms. The idea of exterminating the tories is no less barbarous than im politic." Such is the infernal spirit of revenge and bitter ness which has caused mutual destruction and wretchedness among the people. But, however atrocious may have been the conduct of some unauthorized partizans on the part of the Americans, the following instance of inhuman ity, in the sacrifice of one of the victims of their malicious resentment, is sufficient to stigmatize the British character with eternal infamy. Lord Rawdon and Lieutenant-Col onel Balfour have perpetrated an act which, in all its distressing circumstances, surpasses in enormity and wick edness all others which have come to 6*ur knowledge, and which has roused the indignant spirit of every true Amer ican to a pitch of desperation. "Colonel Isaac Hayne, during the siege of Charleston, served his country as an officer of militia. After the capitulation, no alternative was left but to abandon his family and property, or to surrender to the conquerors. The small-pox was near his plantation, and he had a wife, six small children, and more than one hundred negroes, all liable to the disease. He concluded that, instead of waiting to be captured, it would be both more safe and more honorable to go within the British lines, and surrender himself a voluntary prisoner. He therefore repaired to Charleston, and offered to bind MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 295 himself by the honor of an American officer to do nothing prejudicial to the British interest till he should be ex changed. Keports made of his superior abilities and influ ence, uniformly exerted in the American cause, operated with the conquerors to refuse hirn a parole, though they were daily accustomed to grant this indulgence to other inhabitants. He was told that he must either become a British subject, or submit to close confinement. To be arrested and detained in the capital, was not to himself an intolerable evil; but to abandon his family, both to the ravages of the small-pox then raging in their neighbor hood, and to the insults and depredations of the royalists, was too much for the tender husband and fond parent. To acknowledge himself the subject of a government which he had from principle renounced, was repugnant to his feelings; but, without this, he was cut off from every prospect of a return to his family. In this embarrassing situation, he waited on Dr. Ramsay, with a declaration to the following effect: "If the British would grant me the indulgence which we in the day of our power gave to their adherents, of removing my family and property, 1 would seek an asylum in the remotest corner of the United States, rather than submit to their government; but, as they allow no other alternative than submission or con finement in the capital, at a distance from my wife and family, at a time when they are in the most pressing need of my presence and support, I must for the present yield to the demands of the conquerors. I request you to bear in mind, that previous to my taking this step, I declare that it is contrary to my inclination, and forced on me by hard necessity. I never will bear arms against my coun try. My new masters can require no service of me but what is enjoined by the old rnilitia law of the province, which substitutes a fine in lieu of personal service. This I will pay as the price of my protection. If my conduct should be censured by my countrymen, I beg that you would remember this conversation, and bear witness for me, that I do not mean to desert the cause of America." In this state of perplexity, Colonel Hayne subscribed a declaration of his allegiance to the King of Great Britain; but not without expressly objecting to the clause which required him with his arms to support the royal government* 296 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. The commandant of the garrison, Brigadier-General Pat terson, and James Simpson, Esquire, intendant of the Brit ish police, assured him that this would never be required; and added, further, that when the regular forces could not defend the country without the aid of its inhabitants, it would be high time for the royal army to quit it. Having submitted to the royal government, he was permitted to return to his family. Notwithstanding what had passed at the time of his submission, he was repeatedly called on to take arms against his countrymen, arid finally threatened with close confinement in case of a further refusal. This he considered as a breach of contract, and it being no longer in the power of the British to give him that pro tection which was to be the compensation of* his allegiance, he viewed himself as released from all engagements to their commanders. The inhabitants of his neighborhood, who had also revolted, petitioned General Pickens to ap point him to the command of their regiment, which was done, and the appointment accepted. Hayne fell into their hands. He was carried to the capital, and confined in the provost prison, for having resumed his arms after accepting British protection. At first he was promised a trial, and had counsel prepared to justify his conduct by the laws of nations and usages of war; but this was finally refused, and he was ordered for execution by Lord Raw- don and Lieutenant-Colonel Balfour. The royal Lieuten- ant-Governor Bull, and a great number of inhabitants, both royalists and Americans, interceded for his life. The ladies of Charleston generally signed a petition in his be half, in which was introduced every delicate sentiment that was likely to operate on the gallantry of officers or the humanity of men. His children, accompanied by some near relations, (the mother had died of the small-pox,) were presented on their bended knees as humble suitors for their father s life. Such powerful intercessions were made in his favor, as touched many an unfeeling heart, and drew tears from many a hard eye; but Lord Kawdon and Balfour continued firm in their determination. The colonel was repeatedly visited by his friends, and conversed on various subjects with a becoming fortitude. He particularly lamented that, on principles of retaliation, MILITAKY JOUENAL, 1781. 297 his execution would probably be an introduction to the shedding of much innocent blood. He requested those in whom the supreme power was vested, to accommodate the mode of his death to his feelings as an officer; but this was refused. On the last evening of his life he told a friend that he was no more alarmed at the thoughts of death, than at any other occurrence which was necessary and unavoidable. On receiving his summons, on the morning of August the 4th, to proceed to the place of execution, he delivered to his eldest son, a youth of about thirteen years of ^e, several papers relative to his case, and said: "Present these papers to Mrs. Edwards, with my request that she should forward them to her brother in Congress. You will next repair to the place of execution, receive my body, and see it decently interred among my forefathers." They took a final leave. The colonel s arms were pin ioned, and a guard placed round his person. The proces sion began from the Exchange in the forenoon. The streets were crowded with thousands of anxious spectators. lie walked to the place of execution with such decent firm ness, composure and dignity, as to awaken the compassion of many, and command respect from all. When the city- barrier was passed, and the instrument of his catastrophe appeared in full view, a faithful friend by his side ob served to him, that he hoped he would exhibit an example of the manner in which an American can die. He an swered, with the utmost tranquillity, "I will endeavor to do so." He ascended the cart with a firm step and serene aspect. He inquired of the executioner, who was making an attempt to get up to pull the cap over his eyes, what he wanted. On being informed, the colonel replied, "I will save you the trouble," and pulled the cap over him self. He was afterwards asked whether he wished to say any thing, to which he answered, "I will only take leave of my friends, and be ready." He then affectionately shook hands with three gentlemen, recommending his children, to their care, and gave the signal for the cart to move. Thus fell Colonel Isaac Hayne in the bloom of life, fur nishing that example in death, which extorted a confession from his enemies, that though he did not die in a good 298 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1731. cause, he must at least have acted from a persuasion of its being so.* The execution of the worthy Colonel Hayne is univer sally reprobated as an act of barbarity, justified neither by civil nor military law, and as an unexampled outrage on the principles of morality and Christian benevolence; but in the view of the British commanders, the application of their hackneyed term, rebel, sanctions a departure from all laws, both human and divine. In August, 1780, Lord Corn wall is, in addressing one of his officers, says: "I have given orders that all the inhabitants of this province who * The tragical story of Colonel Hayne is not complete without add ing, from u recent publication by Alexander Garden, Esq., the following particulars: "Irregularities in the mode of conducting the war, in the highest degree disgraceful to the American cause, had frequently oc curred. No man lamented them with greater sincerity than Colonel Hayne, for none more anxiously wished the American character to be free from reproach. JSoon, then, as solicited by his neighbors, and the inhabitants generally of the district, to resume a hostile position, to be come their leader, and direct their operations against the enemy, he made an honorable and open declaration: that he could only be in duced to comply with their wishes, by obtaining a solemn promise from all who were to serve under him, that an immediate stop should be put to every unnecessary severity: a desideratum the more to be insisted on, as he was resolved that exemplary punishment should be inflicted on every individual who should indulge in pillage, or in committing any act of inhumanity against the foe. A copy of the address made to his soldiers on this occasion was found on him at the period of his captivity; but though it forcibly expressed his abhorrence of crime, and was replete with sentiments that did honor to his humanity, it availed not to soften the rigor of persecution, nor in the slightest degree to mitigate the severity of the punishment denounced against him. When the paper which contained this honorable testimony of generous feeling was pre sented to Major McKenzie, who sat as president of the tribunal before which Colonel Hayne was arraigned, he, with great expression of sensi bility, requested the prisoner to retain it till he should be brought before the court-martial that was to determine his fate, assuring him that the present court were only directed to inquire whether or not he acknowledged himself to be the individual who had taken protection. It is unnecessary to add, that this trial was never granted. Lord Raw- don reached the city from the interior country, and at his command an order for immediate execution was issued. Little did the sympathy that melted every heart to tenderness little did the pathetic address of the lovely daughters of the soil, calculated to move even the bosom of ob duracy avail. Heedless of the prayers and solicitations of the afflicted friends and relatives, deaf to the cries of his children, who, even with bended knees interceded for mercy, insensible to the dictates of human ity, his resolution was fixed as adamant, and a hero was sacrificed." MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 299 had submitted, and who have taken part in its revolt, shall be punished with the greatest rigor; that they shall be imprisoned, and their whole property taken from them or destroyed. I have ordered, in the most positive manner, that every militia-man who had borne arms with us, and afterwards joined the enemy, shall be immediately hanged; and have now, sir, only to desire that you will take the most vigorous measures to extinguish the rebellion, and that you will obey, in the strictest manner, the directions given in this letter." It is on the authority of the order just quoted that Lord Ravvdon and Colonel Balfour justify their cruel execution of Colonel Hayne, and it will be difficult to calculate the number of miserable wretches who have fallen sacrifices to the same relentless spirit; nor are the mandates of Lord Rawdon less sanguinary, as will appear by the following specimen : Extract of a letter to Colonel Rugely, commanding the British militia, near Camden. "If attachment to their sovereign will not move the country people to check a crime so disastrous to the service, desertion, it must be my care to urge (hem to their duty, as good subjects, by using invariable severity against every one who shall show so criminal a neglect of the public in terest. If any person meet a soldier, straggling without a written pass beyond the piquets, and shall not do his utmost to secure him, or shall not spread an alarm for this purpose, or if any person shall give shelter to soldiers struggling as above mentioned, or shall serve them as a guide, or shall furnish them with passes, or any other assistance, the persons so offending may assure themselves of rigorous punishment, as by whipping, imprisonment, or by being sent to serve in the West Indies, according as /shall think the degree of criminality may require; for I have ordered that every soldier who passes the piquet, shall submit him self to be examined, by any militia-man who has a suspicion of him. If a soldier, therefore, attempts to escape, when ordered by a militia-man to stop, he is immediately to be fired on as a deserter. I will give ten guineas fur the head of any deserter belonging to the volunteers of Ire- Land, and Jive guineas only if he be brought alive." But the strong measures which they pursued to crush the rebellion has produced a contrary effect, and lighted a flame which rages with tenfold violence, and which will eventual ly^ffbrd an essential aid in the establishment of our Independence. For some months previous to the capture of Cornwallis, and while his army was traversing the states of the Caro- linas and Virginia, he was opposed by the Marquis de la 20 300 MILITAKY JOURN4L, 1781 Fayette with an inferior force. His lordship having re ceived a reinforcement, was so confident of success against his opponent, that he unguardedly wrote, in a letter which was afterwards intercepted, "the boy cannot escape me," but*he was disappointed in his sanguine expectations. Cornwallis at one time formed a plan to surprise the mar quis while on the same side of James river with himself, but the attempt was prevented by the following incident: The marquis, unapprised of the particular situation of his opponent, contrived to send into his camp a spy to obtain intelligence. A soldier belonging to New Jersey, by the name of Charles Morgan, generally called Charley, agreed to undertake this hazardous service; but insisted that, in case he should be discovered and hanged, the marquis, to secure his reputation, should have it inserted in the New Jersey paper, that he was employed in the service of his commander. Having reached the royal camp, he was soon introduced into his lordship s presence, who inquired the reason of his deserting. Charley replied, "that he had been in the continental service from the beginning, and while under Washington he was well satisfied; but being now commanded by a Frenchman, he was displeased with it, and had quitted the service." His lordship commended and rewarded him for his conduct, and Charley soon com menced the double duty of soldier under the English commander, and a spy in the employment of the marquis, without suspicion. Lord Cornwallis, while in conversa tion with several of his officers, inquired of Charley how long a time it would take for the marquis to cross James river? Pausing a moment, he replied, "Three hours, my lord." His lordship exclaimed, "Three hours! it will take three days." "No, my lord," said Charley; "the marquis has such a number of boats, and each boat will carry so many men; if you will please to calculate, you will find he can pass in three hours." His lordship, turning to the officers, said, "The scheme will not do." After having obtained the information required, Morgan began to pre pare for a return to the marquis, and he prevailed with several British soldiers to desert with him. When chal lenged by the sentinels, he artfully tampered with them by giving them rum; and, while drinking, he seized their arms, and then compelled them to go; and this brave MILITARY JOURNAL, 1751. fellow actually brought off seven deserters to our camp. Qn his return to head-quarters, the marquis accosted him with, " Well, Charley, have you got back?" " Yes, please your excellency, and have brought seven men with me." Having communicated his information, the marquis offered to reward him, but he declined receiving money ; and when t was proposed to promote him to a corporal or sergeant, he replied, "I have ability to discharge the duties of a common soldier, and my character stands fair; but should I be promoted, I may fail, and lose my reputation." He, however, requested that his destitute comrades, who came with him, might be furnished with shoes and clothing, which was readily granted. A warm action took place early in September, between General Greene and the main body of the royal army, under Colonel Stuart, at Eutaw springs. Though inferior in force, General Greene sought the enemy, and made a furious attack; the battle became general, and continued four hours; it was the hottest and the most bloody, for the numbers engaged, that General Greene ever witnessed; many of the officers combated sword to sword, and the soldiers, rushing together, with the point of the bayonet contended with increased rage and effort for life, for blood, and carnage. A party of the enemy possessed themselves of a three-story brick house and a picketed garden, which gave them considerable advantage, and saved their army from a total rout. In a charge, which decided the fate of the day in our favor, Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, of the Virginia line, who with undaunted firmness was leading on his brigade, received a mortal wound; and, on being in formed that the enemy were flying in all quarters, said, "I die contented." Lieutenant-Colonel Washington had his horse killed under him, was wounded and taken pris oner. The American loss is not less than sixty commis sioned officers killed and wounded, one hundred and thirty rank and file killed, and three hundred and forty wounded arid missing. The loss on the side of the British is sup posed to be fully equal in point of numbers, excepting in officers, and five hundred men, including seventy wounded, which were left, were the next day made prisoners by our arrny. Victory is claimed by both commanders, but the consequences have proved most disastrous to the enemy; 302 M1LITAKY JOUENAL, 1781. for the next day Colonel Stuart destroyed a large quantity of stores, abandoned his position, and leaving one thou sand stand of arms and seventy wounded men, retired in haste towards Charleston. 31st. Our troops are now employed in embarking the artillery and stores on board of transports, and we are soon to proceed by water to the head of Elk river, on our way to the North river. Dined with General Hazen, in com pany with a number of officers, both American and French. Here we enjoyed a profusion of mutual con gratulations on our late glorious success, and this was the chief topic of conversation. Lord Cornwallis and his officers, since their capitulation, have received all the civilities and hospitality which it is in the power of their conquerors to bestow. General Washington, Count Ro- chambeau, and other general officers, have frequently invited them to entertainments, and they have expressed their grateful acknowledgments in return. They cannot avoid feeling the striking contrast between the treatment which they now experience and that which they have bestowed on our prisoners who have unfortunately fallen into their hands. It is a dictate of humanity and benev olence, after sheathing the sword, to relieve and meliorate the condition of the vanquished prisoner. On one occasion, while in the presence of General Wash ington, Lord Cornwallis was standing with his head un covered, his excellency said to him, politely, " My lord, you had better be covered from the cold;" his lordship, applying his hand to his head, replied, It matters not, sir, what becomes of this head now." November 3d. While our soldiers were loading a quan tity of bombs and shot on board of transports, a shell burst, by which one man was unfortunately killed and two dangerously wounded. It is much to be lamented that these brave men, whose lives have been preserved through the dangers of the siege, should meet their ad verse fate in such a manner. Orders are now received for our regiment of infantry to embark on board the Dili gence, a French frigate of thirty-two guns, commanded by Captain Cleoughnaugh, bound up the Chesapeake, to the head of Elk river. Major Nathan Rice commands our regiment. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 303 December.- We sailed from York river on the 4th of November, and in consequence of severe storms and con trary winds, our voyage was very unpleasant, and pro tracted to sixteen days, which has often been performed in three. Captain Cleoughnaugh and his officers were very polite and accommodating; we dined constantly at the table of the captain, and shared with him in his store of wine, &c. It happened unfortunately that a few days after we left York, four of our soldiers were seized with the small-pox, and having on board about eighty men who were liable to receive the infection, they were "with several officers put on the Virginia shore, to march round by land. We disembarked at the head of Elk, on the 20th of November, where we met with our horses, and on the 24th we commenced our march to the highlands, near West Point. Passed through Philadelphia, Trenton, Princeton, Bonbrook and Morristown, and on the 7th in stant crossed the Hudson at King s ferry. On account of the inclemency of the season we have suffered exceed ingly from cold, wet and fatigue, during our long march. But we return in triumph to rejoin our respective regi ments, and enjoy a constant interchange of congratulations with our friends, on the glorious and brilliant success of our expedition, which closes the campaign. This event reflects the highest honor on our combined arms; it will adorn the pages of our history, and we fondly hope it will be attended with the most favorable consequences, in bringing this long-protracted and distressing war to a happy termination. It will be to me a source of inex pressible satisfaction that I have had an opportunity of participating in the siege and capture of a British army. It is among the blessed privileges and richest incidents of my life. I have for several days been afflicted with in* flamrnatory rheumatism, attended with excruciating pains. Having no other covering than canvas tents, and the weather being extremely cold, my sufferings have been almost insupportable; but I have much less reason to complain than to be grateful to a kind Providence, that I have enjoyed uninterrupted health during my seven years of military service. Since my return, I am happy to learn that my friend Major Trescott, of our regiment, with a detachment of one 304 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. hundred men, crossed the Sound to Long Island on the 3d of October, and completely surprised the enemy s fort Slonge, making two captains, one lieutenant, and eighteen rank and file prisoners; of the enemy two were killed and two wounded; of the Americans one only was wounded. Two double fortified four-pounders were damaged, one brass three-pounder, with a number of small-arms, ammu nition, clothing, English goods, &c., were brought off. This enterprise was conducted with much address and gal lantry, reflecting great honor on the commander and his little party. By report from the northern department, the British having projected an attack on the frontiers of New York state, were advancing towards Albany through the settle ments on the Mohawk river, and committing great depre dations among the inhabitants. The party was commanded by Major Ross, and consisted of six hundred regular ran gers and Indians. Having, on the 25th of October, ad vanced as far as Johnstown, they were met by Lieutenant- Colonel Willet, at the head of a regiment of New York levies, and some militia, with about sixty Oneida Indians. This officer has frequently given evidence of his valor and gallantry, and on this occasion he was no less fortu nate in his enterprise. Having directed Major Rowly, with a body of militia, by a circuitous movement, to get into the rear of the enemy, he made a vigorous attack in front, and they were soon totally defeated and driven into the wilderness. The next day a party of our people and Indians followed in pursuit till they were worn down by fatigue. It was impossible to ascertain the number of the enemy s slain, but their loss must have been very con siderable. Fifty-two prisoners were taken and brought in, and Major Ross, with the remainder of his party, escaped into the barren wilderness, where they must have suffered extremely for want of provisions. The loss on the side of Colonel Willet is one lieutenant and twelve rank and file killed; one captain, two lieutenants, and twenty rank and file wounded. Colonel Willet s victory is rendered more important by the fall of the notorious Major Butler, who has long, as a partizan officer with the savages, been a scourge to the frontier inhabitants. He was wounded by one of our Indians, and on asking for quarters, " Yes, MILITARY JOURNAL, 1781. 395 Cherry -Valley quarter" said the Indian, and immediately despatched him. He alluded to Butler s having refused quarter to our people at Cherry- Valley, in November, 1778. When Congress received General Washington s letter, announcing the surrender of the British army, they re solved, that they would at two o clock go in procession to the Dutch Lutheran Church, and return thanks to Al mighty God, for crowning the allied arms with success, by the surrender of the whole British army, under the command of Earl Cornwallis. They also issued a pro clamation for religiously observing throughout the United States the 13th of December, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. They resolved, that thanks should be given to General Washington, Count Rochambeau, Count de Grasse, and the officers of the different corps, and the men under their command, for their services in the reduction of Lord Cornwallis. Also, resolved, to erect in Yorktown a marble column, adorned with emblems of the alliance between the United States and his Most Christian Majesty, and inscribed with a succinct narrative of the surrender of the British army. Two stands of colors, taken from the royal troops under the capitulation, were presented to General Washington in the name of the United States in Congress assembled; and two pieces of field ordnance, so taken, were by a resolve of Congress to be presented by General Washington to Count Kochambeau, with a short memorandum engraved thereon, that "Congress were in duced to present them from considerations of the illustrious part which he bore in effecting the surrender." The Congress of the United States, the assembly and council of the state of Pennsylvania, and a number of principal gentlemen of various orders, having been invited by the minister of France to be present at the praises offered to Heaven in the Catholic Church, on occasion of the late glorious success of the allied arms, the Abbe Ban- dole, Almoner to the Embassy of His Most Christian Majesty, ascended the pulpit, and addressed this august assembly in the following discourse ; after which a Te Deum was sung. rrr The occasion was in this hemisphere singular and affect ing; and the discourse itself is so elegant and animated in the French, so warm with those sentiments of piety and 306 % MILITAKY JOUENAL, 1781. gratitude to our Divine Benefactor, in which good men of all countries accord, and so evidently dictated by the spirit of that new friendship and alliance from which such important advantages have been derived to the rights of America, as must give pleasure to every serious and can did friend to our glorious cause. "GENTLEMEN: A numerous people assembled to render thanks to the Almighty for his mercies, is one of the most affecting objects, and wor thy the attention of the Supreme Being. While camps resound with triumphal acclamations, while nations rejoice in victory and glory, the most honorable office a minister of the altar can fill, is to be the organ by which public gratitude is conveyed to the Omnipotent. "Those miracles which he once wrought for his chosen people are renewed in our favor; and it would be equally ungrateful and impious not to acknowledge, that the event which lately confounded our enemies, and frustrated their designs, was the wonderful work of that GOD who guards your liberties. "And who but he could so combine the circumstances which led to success? We have seen our enemies push forward amid perils almost innumerable amid obstacles almost insurmountable to the spot which was designed to witness their disgrace; yet they eagerly sought it, as their theatre of triumph! Blind as they were, they,boro hunger, thirst, and inclement skies, poured their blood in battle against brave republi cans, and crossed immense regions to confine themselves in another Jericho, whose walls were fated to fall before another Joshua. It is he, whose voice commands the winds, the seas, and the seasons, who formed a junction on the same day, in the same hour, between a formidable fleet from the south, and an army rushing from the north, like an impetuous torrent. Who but he, in whose hands are the hearts of men, could in spire the allied troops with the friendship, the confidence, the tenderness of brothers? How is it that two nations, once divided, jealous, inimical, and nursed in reciprocal prejudices, are now become so closely united as to form but one 1 Worldlings would say, it is the wisdom, the virtue, and moderation of their chiefs it is a great national interest which has performed this prodigy. They will say, that to the skill of the generals, to the courage of the troops, to the activity of the whole army, we must attribute this splendid success. Ah! they are ignorant that the com bining of so many fortunate circumstances is an emanation from the All-perfect Mind; that courage, that skill, that activity bear the sacred impression of him who is divine. "For how many favors have we not to thank him during the course of the present year? Your union, which was at first supported by jus tice alone, has been consolidated by your courage, and the knot which ties you together is become indissoluble by the accession of all the states, and the unanimous voice of all the confederates. You present to the universe the noble sight of a society which, founded in equality and justice, secure to the individuals who compose it the utmost happi ness which can be derived from human institutions. This advantage, which so many other nations have been unable to procure, even after MILITARY JOUKNAL, 1782. 307 ages of efforts and misery, is granted by Divine Providence to the United States; and his adorable decrees have marked the present moment for the completion of that memorable, happy revolution which has taken place in this extensive continent. While your councils were thus ac quiring new energy, rapid and multiplied successes have crowned your arms in the Southern states. " We have seen the unfortunate citizens of these states forced from their peaceful abodes; after a long and cruel captivity, old men, women and children thrown, without mercy, into a foreign country. Master of their lands and their slaves, amid his temporary affluence, a superb victor rejoiced in their distresses. But Philadelphia has witnessed their patience and fortitude; they have found here another home, and, though driven from their native soil, they have blessed God that he has delivered them from the presence of their enemy, and conducted them to a country where evry just and feeling man has stretched out the helping hand of benevolence. Heaven rewards their virtues. These large states are at once wrested from the foe. The rapacious soldier has been compelled to take refuge behind his ramparts, and oppression has vanished like those phantoms which are dissipated by the morning ray. "On this solemn occasion, we might renew our thanks to the God of buttles for the success he has granted to the arms of your allies and [>ur friends, by land and by sea, through the other parts of the globe, ut let us not recall those events, which too clearly prove how much the hearts of our enemies have been hardened. Let us prostrate our selves at the altar, and implore the God of mercy to suspend his ven geance, to spare them in his wrath, to inspire them with sentiments of justice and moderation, to terminate their obstinacy and error, and to ordain that your victories be followed by peace and tranquillity. Let us beseech him to continue to shed on the councils of the king, your ally, that spirit of wisdom, of justice, and of courage, which has rendered his reign so glorious. Let us entreat him to maintain in each of the states that intelligence by which the United States are inspired. Let us return him thanks that a faction, whose rebellion he has corrected, now de prived of support, is annihilated. Let us offer him pure hearts, unsoiled by private hatred or public dissension; and let us, with one will and one voice, pour forth to the Lord that hymn of praise, by which Christians celebrate their gratitude and his glory." January, 1782. The huts which we now occupy were erected the last winter by some of the Massachusetts troops, a short distance from the banks of the Hudson, and called New Boston ; they afford us a very convenient and comfortable accommodation. Orders having been received for all the troops that have not gone through the small-pox to be inoculated, I commenced this business a few weeks since, and inoculated about two hundred, in cluding women and children. Their accommodations were not such as their circumstances required; we were unpro vided with proper articles of diet, and a considerable 308 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. number were seized with putrid fever, which proved fatal in several instances. March Wth. A singular incident occurred in the sixth regiment to-day. Two soldiers were eating soup together, and one forbid the other eating any more; as he did not desist, his comrade gave him a blow with his fist on the side of his head, on which he fell to the ground and in stantly expired. On close examination, I could discover no bruise or injury which could enable me to account sat isfactorily for his death. An unhappy controversy has subsisted for some time between Captain H. and Lieutenant S., both of the first Massachusetts regiment. Captain H. was esteemed a man of modest merit and unexceptionable character; he has long commanded a company, and proved himself brave in the field and a good disciplinarian. Lieutenant S., though a good, active officer, is assuming, high-spirited, and values himself on what he deems the principles of honor and the gentleman. Having imbibed a strong prejudice against his captain, and probably calculating on promotion, he took unjustifiable liberties, and, in violation of honor and decency, aspersed his character with unfounded calumnies. The friends of the parties interposed, and endeavored to effect a reconciliation. S. affected an acquiescence; in consequence of which, the contention apparently subsided. But still retaining in his breast the old grudge, he renewed his calumnies, and was determined to provoke his captain to a personal combat; and though contrary to his nature and to his principles, he was compelled to the alternative. Captain H. obtained a furlough, visited his friends in Mas sachusetts, made his will, and arranged his worldly affairs. Having returned to camp, it was agreed to meet in the field according to the rules ofduellmg. The tragical result is, that Captain H. received a mortal wound, and died in three hours after, and S. escaped with a wound in his arm. Thus has this imperious young man, to gratify a sordid passion, sent into eternity a man whom he ought to have respected as his superior in every point of view deprived the public of a valuable officer, and a wife and three chil dren of a husband and father. Barbarous and cruel mur derer ! you have violated the laws of God and man. Should you escape punishment in this life, what must be your MILITAEY JOUENAL, 1782. gQ9 doom in the awful day of retribution? The friends of Captain H. in Massachusetts manifested their abhorrence of this murderous deed, and endeavored by a legal pro cess to bring S. to condign punishment. They procured a sheriff in the state of New York, where the crime was committed, who repaired to camp with assistance, took the opportunity when the regiment was on parade, and de manded of the colonel that S. should be delivered up to the civil authority. The colonel reluctantly pointed out the man, the sheriff advanced towards him, and S., soldier like, unsheathed his sword and stood in defiance. The sheriff, -unaccustomed to the sword, was intimidated, and finally retired from the field without the prisoner.* April 5th. Having completed the inoculation of the soldiers, and attended them through the small-pox, and my professional duty being considerably diminished, I have obtained a furlough for forty-five days to visit my friends in Massachusetts, and shall to-morrow commence my journey to Boston, in company with my friend Doc tor Eustis. May SQth. I returned to New Boston last evening from Boston, having been absent forty-four days, which is one day short of my furlough; our journey to Boston occupied nine days, being impeded by foul weather and bad roads. We were on horseback, attended by a servant, and took our route through Connecticut and Providence. Here we spent a pleasant evening with Lieutenarit-Governor Bowen ; he and Doctor Eustis engaged in conversation respecting the properties of coffee; Governor Bowen asserted that it is a sedative, while the doctor contended for its stimulant effects, and he certainly had the best of the argument. Having arrived at Boston, Doctor Eustis kindly introduced me to his father s family, where I received hospitable and polite civilities. I proceeded to Plymouth and Barnstable, where I had the satisfaction of a family interview, after an absence of four years. Great preparations are making at t^ Point, to celebrate the birth of the young Dauphin * In the year 1786, a regiment was raised in the state of Massachu setts for the purpose of an Indian expedition. Lieutenant S. presented his pretensions as a candidate for a commission, but notwithstanding a respectable recommendation from several general officers, the governor and council rejected the application with disdain. 310 MILITARY JOUKNAL. 1782. of France; being in alliance with his Most Christian Ma jesty, propriety requires that we should celebrate the joy ous event of the birth of his first son. His Excellency General Washington has, in general orders, given an in vitation to all officers of the army, and they are requested to invite any friends or acquaintance they may have in the country to participate in the grand festival. On the 6th instant a dangerous mutiny was discovered among the soldiers of the Connecticut line. It had been conducted with so much address and secrecy, that it was on the point of execution before it was divulged. The defection was general in the line: the soldiers had deter mined at reveille the next morning to have marched from their cantonments with arms, &c., complete, for Fishkill, where they intended to take a number of field-pieces with ammunition and provisions, and proceed to Hartford, and there demand of the Assembly that justice which they consider their due. At the moment the officers were re tiring to bed, a faithful soldier, who was a waiter, informed his officer that he could not retire to rest without divulg ing an event which would assuredly take place the next morning at day-light. The most guilty soldiers were im mediately seized and confined, and the ringleader was sen tenced to suffer death, which happily frustrated the whole design. It is but just to observe, that the Connecticut line of troops have during the war, except in this instance, conducted in a very exemplary and meritorious manner. June 1st. Yesterday was celebrated the birth of the Dauphin of France, by a magnificent festival. The edifice under which the company assembled and partook of the entertainment was erected on the plain at West Point. The situation was romantic, and the occasion novel and interesting* Major Villefranche, an ingenious French engineer, has been employed with one thousand men about ten days in constructing the curious edifice. It is composed of the simple materials which the common trees in this vicinity afford. It is about six hundred feet in length and thirty feet wide, supported by a grand colon nade of one hundred and eighteen pillars, made of the trunks of trees. The covering of the roof consists of boughs, or branches of trees curiously interwoven, and the same materials form the walls, leaving the ends entirely MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1782. open. On the inside, every pillar was encircled with muskets and bayonets, bound round in a fanciful and handsome manner, and the whole interior was decorated with evergreens, with American and French military colors, and a variety of emblems and devices, all adjusted in such style as to beautify the whole interior of the fabric. This superb structure, in symmetry of proportion, neat ness of workmanship, and elegance of arrangement, has seldom perhaps been surpassed on any temporary occasion ; it affected the spectators with admiration and pleasure, and reflects much credit on the taste and ability of Major Vil- lefranche. Several appropriate rnottos decorated the grand edifice, pronouncing benedictions on the dauphin and hap piness to the two allied nations. The whole army was paraded on the contiguous hills on both sides of the river, forming a circle of several miles in open view of the public edifice, and at the given signal of firing three cannon, the regimental officers all left their commands, and repaired to the building to partake of the entertainment which had been prepared by order of the commander-in-chief. At five o clock, dinner being on the table, his Excellency General Washington and lady and suite, the principal officers of the army and their ladies, Governor Clinton and his lady, and a number of respectable characters from the states of New York and New Jersey, moved from Major-General McDougall s quarters through the line formed by Colonel Crane s regiment of artillery to the arbor, where more than five hundred gentlemen and ladies partook of a magnificent festival. A martial band charmed our senses with music, while we feasted our ap petites and gazed with admiration on the illustrious guests and the novej spectacle exhibited to our view. The cloth- being removed, thirteen appropriate toasts were drank, each one being announced by the discharge of thirteen cannon and accompanied by music. The guests retired from the table at seven o clock, and the regimental officers repaired to their respective commands. The arbor was, in the evening, illuminated by a vast number of lights, which being arranged in regular and tasteful order, ex hibited a scene vieing in brilliancy with the starry firm ament. The officers having rejoined their regiments, thirteen cannon were again fired as a prelude to a general 312 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. feu de joie, which immediately succeeded throughout the whole line of the army on the surrounding hills; and be ing three times repeated, the mountains resounded and echoed like tremendous peals of thunder, and the flashing from thousands of fire-arms in the darkness of evening, could be compared only to the most vivid flashes of light ning from the clouds. The feu de joie was immediately followed by three shouts of acclamation and benediction for the dauphin, by the united voices of the whole army on all sides. At half-past eleven o clock, the celebration was concluded by the exhibition of fire-works, very in geniously constructed of various figures. His Excellency General Washington was unusually cheerful. He attended the ball in the evening, and with a dignified and graceful air, having Mrs. Knox for his partner, carried down a dance of twenty couple in the arbor on the green grass. June 20th.- Dined by invitation with Major-General Howe, at his quarters at Kobinson s house, with several respectable guests. 23d The officers of our regiment prepared an enter tainment and invited a respectable party. At three o clock we repaired to an arbor erected for the occasion, under which a long table was spread and a variety of dishes ar ranged in proper style ; we prided ourselves on our camp dinner, as being almost on a par with that of a country gentleman. A band of military music attended, and we finished with toasts and songs in social glee. July. Our brigade moved out of huts on the first in stant, and encamped at Nelson s point, on the bank of the Hudson, opposite West Point. On the 4th, the anniversary of the declaration of our Independence was celebrated in camp. Th.e whole army was formed on the banks of the Hudson on each side of the river. The signal of thirteen cannon being given at West Point, the troops displayed and formed in a . line, when a general feu de joie took place throughout the whole army. A most barbarous and horrid transaction of the royal refugees, a few weeks since, has excited universal indig nation throughout the army. It is the cruel murder of Cap tain Joshua Huddy, of New Jersey, who, being command ing officer tf a detachment stationed at the block-house in MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. 3^3 Mon mouth county, was attacked by a party of refugees from New York on Sunday, the 24th March, and after bravely defending himself till he had expended his am munition, was taken prisoner and carried into New York. He was closely confined till April 8th, when, without even the form of a trial, he was told that he was ordered to be hanged; accordingly, on the 12th, he was carried over to the Jersey shore, by a party of refugees under the direc tion of one Captain Lippincot, and there hung on a tree, and left with the following label affixed on his* breast: " We the refugees, having wjth grief long beheld the cruel murders of our brethern, and finding nothing but such measures daily carrying into execution we, therefore, determine not to suffer without taking vengeance for the numerous cruelties; and thus begin, and, I say, may those lose their liberty who a do not follow on, and have made use of Captain Huddy as the first object to present to your view; and further determine to hang man for man while there is a refugee existing. Up goes Huddy for Philip White." The refugees pretend to justify this violent act by assert ing that Captain Huddy, some time before, made prisoner of a certain Philip White, of their party, and after having maimed him, broke both his legs, and tauntingly bid him run. But this is a vile falsehood ; it has been fully proved that Captain Huddy was closely confined a prisoner at New York at the time and for many days before White was taken. A letter dated at Freehold, Monmouth county, 15th April last, and published in the Trenton paper, relates that White was taken the last of March, and after tokens of surren dering as a prisoner, he took up a musket, and killed a son of Colonel Hendrickson; but being taken by some light-horse, and while they were conducting him to Free hold, he again attempted to make his escape; and being called on several times to surrender, and continuing to run, when leaping into a bog impassable by the horse, he re ceived a stroke on his head with a sword which killed him instantly. The above facts were proved by affidavits of the persons who were present, and by the voluntary testimony of one Aaron, who was taken prisoner with the said White. The wanton execution of Captain Huddy so exasperated the inhabitants of that part of New Jersey, that they presented 314 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. a respectful memorial to General Washington, claiming justice for the murder of one of their fellow-citizens, or retaliation in case justice should be refused. General Washington immediately addressed Sir Henry Clinton on the subject, and assured him that unless the perpetrators of the murder were delivered up, he should be under the painful necessity of retaliating. In the meantime, all the general officers, and those commanding brigades or regi ments, were ordered to assemble at General Heath s quar ters, to deliberate and decide on the following questions: 1st, Shall resort be had to retaliation for the murder of Captain Hnddy? 2d, On whom shall it be inflicted? 3d, How shall the victim be designated? In order that each officer should be free from all bias and uninfluenced by each other, General Washington ordered that, without conversing on the questions, each one should write his own opinion, and address the same sealed up to the com- mander-in-chief. By this method his excellency obtained the spontaneous expression of the feelings of each indi vidual officer, and they were unanimously of opinion that retaliation ought to be resorted to; that it should be in flicted on an officer of equal rank with Captain Huddy, and that the victim be designated by lot. Accordingly the painful alternative was adopted: the names of the British captains, our prisoners, were collected, a fair and impartial lot was drawn, and it fell on Captain Asgill, of the British guards, a gentleman of a noble English family, an only son of his parents, and only nineteen years of age, to be the unhappy victim. Next to the execution of Major Andre, this event occasioned the most painful sensations to the mind of the benevolent and humane Washington ; his anxiety and poignant distress it is said were very visible. But still, firm and inflexible in his determination to obtain satisfaction, or pursue a course that will tend to deter others from a repetition of crimes so derogatory to the laws of humanity, of war, and of justice, he addressed Congress on the subject, and communicated to that body the New Jersey memorial. They unan imously approved of the firm and judicious conduct of the commander-in-chief, and assured him of their firmest sup port in his purpose of exemplary retaliation. General Washington was anxious to alleviate the mel- MILITAEY JOURNAL, 1782. ancholy condition of Captain Asgill as much as possible, and directed the officer of his guard to treat him with every tender attention and politeness which his rank, for tune, and connexions, together with his unfortunate state, demanded, that is not inconsistent with his perfect security. He ordered also that Captain Ludlow, Asgill s friend, should be permitted to go into New York with such repre sentations as they may please to make to Sir Guy Carleton, who has now succeeded Sir Henry Clinton as commander- in-chief of the British army. Captain Asgill, in addressing General Washington, thus expresses himself: "I cannot conclude this letter without expressing my gratitude to your excellency for ordering Colonel Dayton to favor me as much as my situation will admit of, and in justice to him I must acknowledge the feeling and attentive man ner in which these commands have been executed." How awful is the condition of this innocent young gentleman, doomed to suffer an ignominious death for the crime of an infamous miscreant who so justly deserves the halter! Dreadful indeed must be that suspense when one s life is made to poise on a point so acute and delicate that an uncertain contingency shall decide the issue. General Washington having received information by letter, that a court-martial was appointed by Sir Henry Clinton, even before he received the letter of complaint, for the trial of Captain Lippincot and his abettors in the death of Captain Huddy, waited to be apprised of the issue, as Sir Guy Carleton had assured him of the fullest satisfaction. At length, however, the proceedings of the court-martial were communicated, and it was finished by the following declar ation: "The court having considered the evidence for and against the captain, and it appearing, that, though Joshua Huddy was executed without proper authority, what the prisoner did, was not the effect of malice or ill- will, but proceeded from a conviction that it was his duty to obey the orders of the board of directors of associated loyalists, and his not doubting their having full authority to give such orders, the court is of opinion that he is not guilty of the murder laid to his charge, and therefore acquit him." Never perhaps was there a more complete bur lesque on all courts of justice ! never a more disgraceful pro ceeding to exculpate a criminal from merited punishment. 21 316 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. It appeared in the course of the trial that Governor Frank lin, president of the board of associated loyalists, gave Lippincot a verbal order to hang Captain Huddy without a trial, and without a crime alleged against him! The order is obeyed in the most unfeeling manner, yet the per petrator is found not guilty, and therefore acquitted. Sir Guy Carleton requested of General Washington a passport for Chief-Justice Smith to repair to the American head-quar ters in order to lay before the commander-in-chief the proceedings of the court-martial, with other documents and explanations which he had no doubt would be satisfactory. His excellency declined an interview with Mr. Smith, "as the question is purely of a military nature, and reducible to the single point whether the perpetrator of the wanton and cruel murder of Huddy is to be given up, or a British officer to suffer in his place." But he proposed to send Major-General Heath to meet a British officer of equal rank, if agreeable to the English commander. This was also declined, and it appears that both Sir Henry Clinton and Sir Guy Carleton disapproved of the acquittal of Lip pincot. Sir Guy, in a letter which accompanied the pro ceedings of the court, expressed in unequivocal terms to General Washington that, notwithstanding the acquittal, he reprobated the act, and gave assurances of prosecuting a further inquiry. Thus stands at present this very unfor tunate affair, and Captain Asgill remains in custody to .await the final issue. In order to avoid breaking the chain of this interesting narrative, I proceed, in anticipation in point of time, to the final conclusion of the melancholy catastrophe. General Washington on the 19th of August made a representation to Congress respecting the whole business for their consid- eration, and soon after directed that Captain Asgill be put on his parole at Morristown, till further orders; and he was allowed the indulgence of riding for his health arid recreation several miles into the country in any direction, even within a few miles of the British lines, accompanied by his friend Major Gordon. On the 7th of October, General Washington, in a letter to the secretary of war, expressed his private opinion that Captain Asgill ought to be liberated from his duresse, and be permitted to return to his friends in England. Suih- MILITAEY JOURNAL. 17S2. cient time had now elapsed since the arrest of Captain Asgill for the distressing intelligence to reach his parents, and to interest the attention and solicitude of almost all Europe. The father of young Asgill was languishing with mortal sickness. Lady Asgill, in the agony of her soul, with her family in the deepest distress and sorrow, pros trated themselves at the feet of their king and queen, to implore their compassion and assistance. She next had recourse to the beneficence of the illustrious sovereigns of France, through the medium of the celebrated Count de Vergennes, though the two nations were at war. Her incomparably pathetic and eloquent letter could not fail of producing the desired effect: it reached the hearts, and interested the sympathies of those exalted philanthropists to whom it was addressed. A letter was immediately despatched from Count de Yergennes to General Wash ington, dated July 27th, and this was accompanied by that which the count had received from Lady Asgill. "Your excellency," says the count, "will not read this letter (Lady Asgill s) without being extremely affected. It thus affected the king and queen, to whom I communicated it. The goodness of their majesties hearts induces them to desire that the inquietudes of an unfortunate mother may be calmed and her tenderness reassured. There is one con sideration, sir, which, though not decisive, may have an influence on your resolution. Captain Asgill is doubtless your prisoner, but he is among those whom the arms of the king contributed to put into your hands at York- town. Though this circumstance does not operate as a safeguard, it, however, justifies the interest I permit myself to take in this affair. In seeking to deliver Mr. Asgill from tne fate which threatens him, I am far from engaging you to seek another victim; the pardon, to be perfectly satis factory, must be entire." Copies of these letters being transmitted with one from his excellency to Congress, they resolved, November 7th, that the Commander-in-chief be directed to set Captain Asgill at liberty. A more grateful duty could scarcely be assigned ; it relieved his mind from a weight which had long oppressed and preyed on his spirits. He immediately transmitted to Captain Asgill a copy of the resolve of Congress, accompanied with a pass port for him to go into New York, and also a letter which MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. closes as follows: "I cannot take leave of }^ou, sir, without assuring you that, in whatever light my agency in this unpleasant affair may be viewed, I was never influenced through the whole of it by sanguinary motives, but by what I conceived to be a sense of my duty, which loudly called on me to take measures, however disagreeable, to prevent a repetition of those enormities which have been the subject of discussion. And that this important end is likely to be answered without the effusion of the blood of an innocent person is not a greater relief to you than it is. sir, to u Your most obedient, humble servant, "GEORGE WASHINGTON."* * From the "Historical and Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes, selected from the Correspondence of Baron de Grimm and Diderot:" " You can well remember the general interest Sir Asgill inspired, a young officer in the English guards, who was made prisoner and con demned to death by the Americans in reprisal for the death of Captain Huddy, who was hanged by the order of Captain Lippincot. The public prints all over Europe resounded with the unhappy catastrophe, which for eight months impended over the life of this young officer. The ex treme grief of his mother, the sort of delirium which clouded the mind of his sister at hearing of the dreadful fate which menaced the life of her brother, interested every feeling mind in the fate of this unfortunate family. The general curiosity, with regard to the events of the war, yielded, if I may so say, to the interest which young Asgill inspired, and the first question asked of all vessels that arrived from any port in North America, was always an inquiry into the fate of this young man. It is known that Asgill was thrice conducted to the foot of the gibbet, and that thrice General Washington, who could not bring himself to commit this crime of policy without a great struggle, suspended his punishment; his humanity and justice made him hope that the English general would deliver over to him the author of the crime which Asgill was condemned to expiate. Clinton, either ill obeyed, or insensible to the fate of young Asgill, persisted in refusing to deliver up the barbarous Lippincot. In vain the king of England, at whose feet this unfortunate family fell down, had given orders to surrender up to the Americans the author of a crime which dishonored the English nation; George 111. was not obeyed. In vain the United States of Holland entreated of the United States of America the pardon of the unhappy Asgill; the gibbet, erected in front of his prison, did not cease to oft er to his eyes those dreadful preparatives more awful than death itself. In these circumstances, and almost reduced to despair, the mother of the unfortunate victim bethought herself that the minister of a king armed against her own nation might succeed in obtaining that which was refused to her king. Lady Asgill wrote to the Count de Vergennes a letter, the eloquence of which, independ ently of oratorical forms, is that of all people and all languages, because it derives its power from the first and noblest sentiments of our nature. MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. The tour of duty at Dobbs ferry having fallen to our regiment, we marched from Nelson s Point on the 24th, "The two memorials which are subjoined, merit being preserved as historical monuments. Letter from Lady Asgill to the Comte de Vergennes. "SiR: If the politeness of the French court will permit a stranger to address it, it cannot be doubted but that she who unites in herself all the more delicate sensations with which an individual can be penetrated, will be received favorably by a nobleman who reflects honor not only on his nation, but on human nature. The subject on which I implore your assistance, is too heart-rending to be dwelt on; most probably, the public report of it has already reached you; this relieves me from the burthen of so mournful a duty. My son, my only son, dear to me as he is brave, amiable as he is beloved, only nineteen yeiirs of age, a prisoner of war, in consequence of the capitulation of Yorktown, is at present confined in America as an object of reprisal. Shall the innocent share the fate of the guilty? Figure to yourself, sir, the situation of a family in these circumstances. . Surrounded as I am with objects of distress, bowed down by fear and grief, words are wanting to express what 1 feel, and to paint such a scene of misery: my husband, given over by his physicians some hours before the arrival of this news, not in a condition to be informed of it; my daughter attacked by a fever, accompanied wiih delirium; speaKing of her brother in tones of wildness, and without an interval of reason, unless it be to listen to some circumstances which may console her heart. Let your sensibility, sir, paint to you my pro found, my inexpressible misery, and plead in my favor; a word, a word from you, like a voice from Heaven, would liberate us from desolation, from the last degree of misfortune. I know how far General Washing ton reveres your character. Tell him only that you wish my son re stored to liberty, and he will restore him to his desponding family ; he will restore him to happiness. The virtue and courage of my son will justify this act of clemency. His honor, sir, led him to America; he was born to abundance, to independence, and to the happiest prospects. Permit me, once more, to entreat the interference of your high influence in favor of innocence, and in the cause of justice and humanity. De spatch, sir, a letter from France to General Washington, and favor me with a copy of it, that it may be transmitted from hence. I feel the whole weight of the liberty taken in presenting this request; but I feel confident, whether granted or not, that you will pity the distress by which it was suggested; your humanity will drop a tear on my fault, and blot it out for ever. "May that Heaven which I implore grant that you may never need the consolation which you have it in your power to bestow on " THERESA ASGILL." Second Letter of Lady Asgill to the Comte de Vergennes. "Sm: Exhausted by long suffering, overpowered by an excess of un expected happiness, confined to my bed by weakness and languor, bent 320 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. crossed the river at King s ferry, and on the 25th en camped near the block-house at this place. This after- to the earth by what I have undergone, my sensibility alone could sup ply me with strength sufficient to address you. "Condescend, sir, to accept this feeble effort of my gratitude. It has been laid at the feet of the Almighty; and believe me, it has been pre sented with the same sincerity to you, sir, and to your illustrious sover eigns ; by their august and salutary intervention, as by your own, a son is restored to me, to whom my own life was attached. I have, the sweet assurance that my vows for my protectors are heard by Heaven, to whom they are ardently offered ; yes, sir, they will produce their effect before the dreadful and last tribunal, where I indulge in the hope that we shall both appear together; you to receive the recompense of your virtues; myself, that of my sufferings. I will raise my voice before that imposing tribunal, I will call for those sacred registers in which your humanity will be found recorded. I will pray that blessings may be showered on your head, on him who, availing himself of the noblest privilege received from God a privilege no other than divine has changed misery into happiness, has withdrawn the sword from the in nocent head, and restored the worthiest of sons to the most tender and unfortunate of mothers. "Condescend, sir, to accept this last tribute of gratitude due to your virtuous sentiments. Preserve this tribute, and may it go down to your posterity as a testimony of your sublime and exemplary beneficence to a stranger, whose nation was at war with your own; but these tender affections have not been destroyed by war. May this tribute bear tes timony to my gratitude long after the hand that expresses it, with the heart which at this moment only vibrates with the vivacity of grateful sentiments, shall be reduced to dust; even to the last day of my exist ence, it shall beat but to offer all the respect and all the gratitude with which it is penetrated. "THERESA -ASGILL." REMARKS. The Baron de Grimm has unfortunately been led to make an erroneous statement respecting the treatment of Captain Asgill, which ought in justice, to be corrected. It is difficult to account for hie assertion that, "It is known that Asgill was thrice conducted to the foot of the gibbet, and thrice General Washington, who could not bring him self to commit this crime of policy without a great struggle, suspended bis punishment;" and again, " the gibbet, erected in front of his prison, did not cease to offer to his eyes those dreadful preparatives more awful than death itself." I can with the fullest confidence affirm, that a gibbet never was erected for Captain Asgill at any period of his confinement, and that no preparations whatever were made for his execution, except a secure confinement fora short period, during which the utmost tenderness and polite civilities were bestowed on him, and for these he expressed his grateful acknowledgments in his letter to General Washington. It would be preposterous to suppose that the commander-in-chief could act a farcical part by exhibiting the machines of death, when it was altogether problematical whether an execution would be the final resort, and surely nothing could be less characteristic of Washington, than wantonly to torture the feelings of a prisoner with the horrors of death. MILITARY JOUENAL, 1782. noon a flag of truce arrived here from New York with despatches for General Washington, which were immedi ately forwarded to him. August 5th. Flags are passing and repassing from this post to New York and back every day, and several gen tlemen have been permitted to come out of that city. By the intelligence which they bring, corroborating those which we receive from other sources, commissioners are sent from the court of London to Paris, where they are to meet French and American commissioners for the import ant purpose of negotiating a general peace. May God grant them success in bringing to America an honorable peace and national independence! A very considerable number of deserters have come out from New York within these few days past. 31st. The army marched from their different quarters this morning and encamped at Verplank s point in the evening. Part of the troops came down the river in boats, which, being in motion and in regular order on the water, made a most beautiful appearance. I shall to-morrow commence a journey to Philadelphia, for the purpose of receiving a sum of money at the American Bank, for the payment of our regiment. September Wth. I returned last evening from Philadel phia, where I met my very respectable friends Dr. Treat and Dr. Benney of the hospital, with whom I dined. Drank tea and spent the evening with Dr. Andrew Craige, our apothecary-general. The next day dined with Mr. James Lovell, lieutenant and adjutant of our regiment. Here I had the pleasure of being introduced to two cele brated characters, Dr. John Jones, of Philadelphia, and the honorable Robert Morris, the great American financier. Dr. Jones formerly resided in the city of New York, where he was "distinguished for his professional merit, urbanity of manners, and moral excellence." As a surgeon, Dr. Jones is considered at the head of the profession in the United States, and his reputation has been considerably extended by a valuable work, entitled, "Plain Remarks on Wounds and Fractures" which he published in the year 1775 for the particular benefit of the surgeons of our army, and which has been received with universal appro bation. Mr. Morris stands preeminent as a citizen, mer- 322 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. chant and patriot, and the public are greatly indebted to him for his unrivaled efforts as superintendent of the finances of the United States, by which the public interest has been greatly promoted. I waited on Major-General Lincoln, secretary at war, to obtain an order on the bank for the money which was the object of my visit, but was disappointed, as the state of the bank would not admit of any discount. General Lincoln introduced me to Mr. Osgood, a member of Congress from Massachusetts. September The whole army was paraded under arms this morning in order to honor his Excellency Count Rochambeau on his arrival from the southward. The troops were all formed in two lines, extending from the ferry, where the count crossed, to head-quarters. A troop of horse met and received him at King s ferry, and con ducted him through the line to General Washington s quarters, where, sitting on his horse by the side of his excellency, the whole army marched before him, and paid the usual salute and honors. Our troops were now in complete uniform, and exhibited every mark of soldierly discipline. Count Kochambeau was most highly gratified to perceive the very great improvement which our army had made in appearance since he last reviewed them, and expressed his astonishment at their rapid progress in mil itary skill and discipline. He said to General Washington, "You have formed an alliance with the King "of Prussia. These troops are Prussians." Several of the principal officers of the F/ench army, who have seen troops of dif ferent European nations, have bestowed the highest enco miums and applause on our army, and declared that they had seen none superior to the Americans. ~L6th. Dined with Major-General Howe, with a numbei of officers of our line, and on the 17th dined with Baron Steuben in company with Generals Howe, Patterson, and a number of French officers. The baron is never more happy than when he is manifesting his generous friend ship and benevolence. October. Eight battalions have been selected from the army to perform some grand manoeuvres and a review. The evolutions and firings were performed this day with that regularity and precision w r hich does them honor, and which received the full approbation of the numerous MILITAKY JOURNAL, 1782. 323 spectators, and of the American and French officers who were present. 30th. At reveille on the 26th instant, the left wing of our army, under the command of General Heath, decamped from Verplank s point and marched to the highlands ; took our lodging in the woods, without covering, and were exposed to heavy rain during a night and day. Thence we crossed the Hudson to West Point, and marched over the mountain called Butter hill; passed the night in the open field, and the next day reached the ground where we are to erect log huts for our winter-quarters, near New Windsor. November Wth. I attended the funeral of my late worthy friend, Ensign Trant. This young gentleman at the age of eighteen came over from Ireland about two years since, and on his arrival in Boston was appointed an ensign in our regiment. Having a taste for military life, he had acquired considerable reputation as an officer, and was esteemed for his amiable temper and disposition, his liberal and generous sentiments, and his polite and gentlemanly manners. He suffered a lingering illness of eight months. Renouncing all hope of recovery, he con quered the terrors of death, and acquired a remarkable degree of patience and resignation during the last weeks of his extreme suffering. His remains were decently in terred in the garrison at West Point, and were followed to the grave by his Excellency General Washington and a very respectable procession. A melancholy event has recently been announced from South Carolina Colonel John Laurens, a man of estimable value, has been slain in a rencounter with the enemy near Charleston. He was the son of Henry Laurens, Esq., late president of Congress, and our ambassador to Holland. He had been employed on a special mission to France, to obtain a loan for the United States, in which he was suc cessful. The enemy having detached a party into the country to procure provisions, Colonel Laurens, ever fore most in danger, joined the party of continentals as a vol unteer, to counteract their object, and while advancing on the enemy with great intrepidity, he received a mortal wound. His death is universally lamented, more espe cially at this late period, when the contest is supposed to 324 MILITARY JOUENAL, 1782, be near a termination. No eulogy can exceed the me. it of this noble and very useful officer. A very extraordinary and melancholy event has re cently been announced from England. The ship called the Royal George, of one hundred and eight guns, com manded by Admiral Kempenfelt, being careened on one side to receive some necessary repairs, was by a sudden gust of wind forced over, and her gun-ports being open, she instantly filled with water, and went to the bottom. The admiral himself was writing at his table in the cabin, and with about one thousand souls was lost; among them were about three hundred women and children. Admiral Kempenfelt was about seventy years of age, and was con sidered, in point of professional knowledge and judgment, one of the first naval officers in Europe. A victualler alongside was swallowed up in the whirlpool occasioned by the sinking of the ship. The campaign is now brought to a close, and no glori ous deeds have been achieved ; not a gun has been lired between the two armies during the campaign, and the prospect of peace is so favorable and encouraging, that our Congress have passed a resolve to discharge a considerable part of the army on the 1st day of January next. The supernumerary officers are to retire on the establishment provided by Congress, and are to be entitled to all the emoluments with those who continue in service till peace shall be proclaimed. December loth. Dined with my friends Drs. Townsend, Eustis and Adams, at the hospital, in company with Gen erals Gates and Howe, and their aids, Dr. Cochran, our surgeon-general, and several other officers. Our enter tainment was ample and elegant. 19th. I partook of another entertainment at Dr. Eustis quarters, New Boston. Our guests were General Mc- Dougall and his aids, Colonels Jackson, Crane, &c. Gen eral Alexander McDougall is the son of a Scotchman, whose employment was that of a milk-man in the city of New York, and the son was sometimes his assistant. The general at an early period was distinguished among those who had adopted the whig principles, and known to be a zealous advocate for freedom. Principle and a sense of duty led him to the field of contest, and in August, 1776, MILITARY JOURNAL, 1782. 25 be was by Congress appointed a brigadier-general, and by his intelligence and active spirit he has acquired a reputa ble standing as a general officer. He displays much of the Scotch character, is affable and facetious, often in dulging in pleasantry, and adverting to his national pecu liarities and family origin; at the close of which he adds, "Now, gentlemon, you have got the history of Sawney McDougall, the milk-mon s son." 25th, The time is now approaching when, according to a resolve of Congress, a reduction of the army is to take place, and it is optional with me to continue till peace is actually proclaimed and our army entirely disbanded, or to retire from service on the new establishment, by which I shall be entitled to the same emoluments with those who remain. Having duly deliberated on the subject, I have come to the resolution of bidding a final adieu to the scenes of military life, and have resigned my commission in favor of Dr. Shute. It is with inexpressible reluctance that I contemplate a separation from numerous friends with whom I have so long associated in the most harmc nious and pleasing intercourse. Engaged in the same glorious and honorable cause, encountering together the same perils, suffering unparalleled hardships and priva tions, and participating in the most interesting scenes and events, our mutual and cherished attachments are no less ardent th,an the ties of brotherly affection. Friendship formed under such circumstances, and cemented by purity of sentiment, must prove as lasting as our days on earth, and we shall ever cherish a sincere interest in the welfare of the companions of our military career. It will be to me a source of infinite satisfaction during the remainder of my days, that I have shared in the toils and perils of war during seven years and a half, in defence of my country and its freedom, and that the mighty struggle terminates in. peace and the establishment of our national Independ ence. This momentous event should be considered as a rich blessing which Providence bestows on us for the benefit of the present and many future generations. It is incumbent on me to express my unfeigned gratitude to the All-wise Author and Preserver of men, that he has been pleased to confer on me innumerable blessings, and 326 MILITARY JOURNAL, 1783. preserved my life and health during a long period while exposed to the greatest hardships and imminent perils. January ls, 1783. This day I close my military career, and quit for ever the toils and vicissitudes incident to the storms of war. To my military companions I bid a final adieu, and hope to enjoy in future the blessings which attend a virtuous course of domestic life. I retire with honorable testimonials from very respectable authority of my punctuality and faithful performance of duty in the various situations which I have been called to occupy, and with a heart fraught with grateful recollections of the kindness and affectionate intercourse which I have expe rienced from my superiors, and from my numerous com panions and associates. While I congratulate my country on the momentous event by which we are about to be elevated to the rank of an Independent Nation, most cor dially do" I proffer my sympathy for the many lives of inestimable value which have been sacrificed during this ever-memorable contest. NOTE. As the materials for the remainder of this work were col lected and arranged after I returned from the army, I have thought it proper to change my running title from "Military Journal" to "Revo- tionary Annals." REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, SOCIETY OP CINCINNATI. WHILE contemplating a final separation of the officers of the army, the tenderest feelings of the heart had their afflicting operations. It was at the suggestion of General Knox, and with the acquiescence of the commander-in- chief, that an expedient was devised by which a hope is entertained that their long-cherished friendship and social intercourse may be perpetuated, and that at future periods they may annually communicate, and revive a recollection of the bonds by which they were connected. It was on the 10th day of May, 1783, when the officers held their first meeting, at which the Baron Steuben, the senior offi cer, presided, that Major-General Knox, Brigadier-Gen eral Hand, Brigadier-General Huntington and Captain Shaw, were chosen to revise the proposals for the institu tion, and prepare a copy to be laid before the next meeting, at Baron Steuben s quarters, on the 13th, when the plan for establishing a society was accepted, and is as follows: "It having pleased the Supreme Governor of the Universe, in the dis position of human affairs, to cause the separation of the Colonies of North America from the dominion of Great Britain, and, after a bloody conflict of eight years, to establish them Free, Independent, and Sover eign States, connected by alliances, founded on reciprocal advantages, with some of the greatest princes and powers of the earth: "To perpetuate, therefore, as well the remembrance of this vast event, as the mutual friendships which have been formed, under the pressure of common danger, and in many instances cemented by the blood of the parties, the officers of the American army do hereby, in the most solemn manner, associate, constitute and combine themselves into one Society of Friends, to endure so long as they shall endure, or any of their eldest male posterity, and in failure thereof, the collateral branches, who may be judged worthy of becoming its supporters and members. "The officers of the American army having generally been taken from the citizens of America, possess high veneration for the character of that 328 KEVOLUTIONAKY ANNALS, 1783. illustrious Roman, Lucius QUINTIUS CINCINNATUS, and being resolved to follow his example, by returning to their citizenship, they think they may with propriety denominate themselves the Society of the Cincinnati "The following principles shall be immutable, and form the basis of the Society of the Cincinnati: "An incessant attention to preserve inviolate those exalted rights and liberties of human nature, for which they have fought and bled, and without which the high rank of a rational being is a curse instead of a blessing. "An unalterable determination to promote and cherish, between the respective states, that union and national honor, so essentially necessary to their happiness, and the future dignity of the American empire. "To render permanent the cordial affection subsisting among the offi cers, this spirit will dictate brotherly kindness in all things, and particu larly extend to the most substantial acts of beneficence, according to the ability of the society, towards those officers and their families who un fortunately may be under the necessity of receiving it. "The general society will, for the sake of frequent communications, be divided into state societies, and these again into such districts as shall be directed by the state society. " The societies of the districts to meet as often as shnll be agreed on by the state society; those of the state on the 4th clay of July, annually, or oftener if they shall find it expedient; and the general society on the first Monday in May, annually, so long as they shall deem it necessary, and afterwards, at least once in every three years. "At each meeting, the principles of the institution will be fully con sidered, and the best measures to promote them adopted. "The state societies to have a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and assistant-treasurer, to be chosen annually by a majority of votes, at the stnte meeting. "In order to form funds which may be respectable, and assist the un fortunate, each officer shall deliver to the treasurer of the state society one month s pay, which shall remain for ever, to the use of the state society; the interest only of which, if necessary, to be appropriated to the relief of the unfortunate. " The society shall have an order, by which its members shall be known and distinguished, which shall be a medal of gold, of a proper size to receive the emblems, and be suspended by a deep-blue ribband, two inches wide, edged with white, descriptive of the union of America and France." His Excellency General Washington officiated as presi dent of the general society from its institution, in 1783, till his death, as did Major-General B. Lincoln of the society of Massachusetts. Since his demise, in 1810, Gov ernor Brooks has been annually elected president. Some attempts were made at the first general meeting, in 1784, to alter the constitution of the society, in order that the hereditary succession of the members should be done away, without substituting any means of perpetuating the REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. 329 existence of the society. But a majority of the state so cieties did not approve this change, and the institution remains as it was originally adopted in 1783. The society of Massachusetts was incorporated by the legislature in the year 1806, and their by-laws provide that persons who claim admission as members in right of succession to a deceased member shall be the oldest male heirs, or collat eral branches not under twenty-one years of age. He must make his application to the standing committee in writing, and will be voted in by ballot. In December, 1782, the officers of the army being ap prehensive that they should be disbanded before their accounts should be liquidated and the engagements of government complied with, resolved to memorialize Con gress on the subject, and Major-General McDougall, Col onel Ogden and Colonel Brooks were deputed as a committee to wait on that honorable body, requesting their attention to the distresses under which the army labored, and to solicit payment of the money actually due to the army, and security for the commutation of half-pay, stipu lated by the resolve of October, 1780, for a sum in gross, which they conceive would be less objectionable than the half-pay establishment. Subsequent to this proceeding, a report was circulated in camp that Congress did not mean to comply with their resolves respecting half-pay, &o. This operated very powerfully on the minds of the officers of the army, and occasioned them to forward an address to Congress, in behalf of themselves and their brethren, the soldiers. They asked for a supply of money, to be forwarded immediately to the army, for a settlement of the accounts of arrearages of pay, and security for what is due ; for a commutation of half for full pay for a certain number of years, or for a sum in gross, as should be agreed on; for a settlement of accounts, for deficiencies of rations and compensations, and of the deficiencies of clothing and compensations. They conclude their address in these words: "The pressure of evils and injuries in the course of seven long years have made their condition, in many instances, wretched; they therefore entreat that Congress, to convince the army and the world that the Independence of America shall not be placed on the ruin of any partic- 330 KEVOLUTIONAKY ANNALS, 1783. ular class of citizens, will point out a mode for immediate redress; and that the disabled officers and soldiers, with the widows and orphans of those who have lost or may lose their lives in the service of their country, may be in cluded, and that some mode be pointed out for the event ual payment of those soldiers who are the subjects of the resolution of Congress of the 15th of May, 1778." In consequence of this address, Congress passed the following resolves, namely: "That the superintendent of finance be directed, conformably to the measures already tnken for that purpose, so soon as the state of the public finances will permit, to make such payment, and in such manner as he shall think proper, till the further order of Congress. "With respect to the second article of the address, the settlement of accounts of the arrearages of pay, that the several states be called on to complete, without delay, the settlements with their respective lines of the army, up to the first day of August, 1780; and that the superintend ent of finance take such measures as shall appear to him most proper for effecting the settlement from this period. That the troops of the United States, in common with all creditors of the same, have an un doubted right to expect security for what shall be found due, and Con gress will make every effort in their power to obtain from the respective states substantial funds, adequate to the object of funding the whole debt of the United States, and will enter on an immediate and full con sideration of the nature of such funds, and the most likely mode of ob taining them." The remainder of the report of the committee, on the subject of the address, was referred to a committee of five. General McDougall and Colonel Ogden, in a letter to General Knox, made known to the army their success ; and Colonel Brooks returned to camp to inform them, verbally, of the prospect of commutation, or of obtaining an equivalent for half-pay, which they had proposed in their address. General McDougall continued at Congress on the army business, while the impression of the report which occasioned the address to Congress, however false, remained on the minds of some officers; notwithstanding Congress were doing all that the circumstances of the states would admit to relieve and satisfy the army. March 10th. In the midst of this perturbed state of affairs in camp, and while the day of final separation was supposed to be near at hand, the following anonymous letter, calculated to exasperate the passions of the moment, was privately circulated: REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. 33^ TO THE OFFICERS OF THE ARMY. "GENTLEMEN: A fellow-soldier, whose interest and affections bind him strongly to you whose past sufferings have been as great, and whose future fortune may be as desperate, as yours would beg leave to address you. "Age has its claims, and rank is not without its pretensions to advise; but, though unsupported by both, he flatters himself that the plain lan guage of sincerity and experience will neither be unheard nor unregarded. "Like many of you he loved private life, and left it with regret. He left it, determined to retire from the field, with the necessity that called him to it, and not till then not till the enemies of his country, the slaves of power, and the hirelings of injustice, were compelled to aban don their schemes, and acknowledge America as terrible in arms as she had been humble in remonstrance. With this object in view, he has long shared in your toils and mingled in your dangers. He has ft-ltthe cold hand of poverty without a murmur, and has seen the insolence of wealth without a sigh. But, too much under the direction of his wishes, and sometimes weak enough to mistake desire for opinion, he has till lately very lately believed in the justice of his country. He hoped that, as the clouds of adversity scattered, and as the sunshine of peace and better fortune broke in on us, the coldness and severity of govern ment would relax, and that more than justice, that gratitude would blaze forth on those hands which had upheld her, in the darkest stages of her passage from impending servitude to acknowledged independence. But faith has its limits, as well as temper, and there are points beyond which neither can be stretched, without sinking into cowardice or plunging into credulity. This, my friends, I conceive to be your situation : hur ried to the very edge of both, another step would ruin you for ever. To be tame and unprovoked when injuries press hard on you, is more than weakness; but too look up for kinder usage, without one manly effort of your own, would fix your character, and show the world how richly you deserve those chains you broke. To guard against this evil, let us take a review of the ground on which we now stand, and thence carry our thoughts forward for a moment, into the unexplored field of experiment. "After a pursuit of seven long years, the object for which we set out is at length brought within our reach yes, my friends, that suffering courage of yours was active once: it has conducted the United States of America through a doubtful and bloody war. It has placed her in the chair of independency, and peace returns again to bless who? A country willing to redress your wrongs, cherish your worth, and reward your services? A country courting your return to private life, with tears of gratitude and smiles of admiration, longing to divide with you that independency which your gallantry has given, and those riches which your wounds have preserved? Is this the case? or is it rather a country that tramples on your rights, disdains your cries, and insults your dis tresses? Have you not more than once suggested your wishes, and made known your wants to Congress? wants and wishes which grati tude and policy should have anticipated rather than evaded; and have you not lately, in the meek language of entreating memorials, begged from their justice what you could no longer expect from their favor 1 * 22 332 REVOLUTIONAKY ANNALS, 1783. How have vou been answered? Let the letter which you are called to consider to-morrow reply. u lf this, then, be your treatment, while the swords you wear are ne cessary for the defence of America, what have you to expect from peace, when your voice shall sink, and your strength dissipate by division? when those very swords, the instruments and companions of your glory, shall be taken from your sides, and no remaining mark of military dis tinction be left but your wants, infirmities, and scars? Can you, then, consent to be the only sufferers by this revolution, and, retiring from the field, grow old in poverty, wretchedness, and contempt? Can you con sent to wade through the vile mire of dependency, and owe the misera ble remnant of that life to charity which has hitherto been spent in honor? If you can, go and carry with you the jest of tories and the scorn of whigs; the ridicule, and, what is worse, the pity of the world. Go starve, and be forgotten! But if your spirit should revolt at this; if you have sense enough to discover, and spirit enough to oppose tyranny under whatever garb it may assume; whether it be the plain coat of republicanism, or the splendid robe of royalty; if you have not yet learned to discriminate between a people and a cause, between men and principles awake; attend to your situation, and redress yourselves. If the present moment be lost, every future effort is in vain; and your threats then, will be as empty as your entreaties now. "I would advise you, therefore, to come to some final opinion on what you can bear, and what you will suffer. If your determination be in any proportion to your wrongs, carry your appeal from the justice, to the iears of government. Change the milk-and-water style of your last memorial; assume a bolder tone decent, but lively, spirited and deter mined, and suspect the man who would advise to more moderation and longer forbearance. Let two or three men who can feel as well as write, be appointed to draw up your last remonstrance; for 1 would no longer give it the suing, soft, unsuccessful epithet of memorial. Let it be rep resented in language that will neither dishonor you by its rudeness, nor betray you by its fears, what has been promised by Congress, and what has been performed how long and how patiently you have suffered how little you have asked, and how much of that little has been denied. Tell them that, though you were the first, and would wish to be the last to encounter danger, though despair itself can never drive you into dis honor, it may drive you from the field; that the wound often irritated, and never healed, may at length become incurable; and that the slight est mark of indignity from Congress now must operate like the grave, and part you for ever; that in any political event, the army has its alter native. If peace, that nothing shall separate you from your arms but death; if war, that, courting the auspices and inviting the directions of your illustrious leader, you will retire to some unsettled country, smile in your turn, and mock when their fear cometh. But let it represent, also, that should they comply with the request of your late memorial, it would make you more happy, and them more respectable; that while war should continue, you would follow their standard into the field, and when it came to an end, you would withdraw into the shade of private life, and give the world another subject of wonder and applause; an army victorious over its enemies victorious over itself." KEVOLUTIONAEY ANNALS, 1783. 333 Alarmed and distressed with this vile attempt to stimu late the army to rash and dangerous proceedings, the Commander-in-chief noticed in general orders the anony mous address with his pointed disapprobation, and, with the view of counteracting its effects, requested that the general and field officers, and one from each company, and a proper representation from the staff of the army, would assemble on the 15th instant, to hear the report of the committee deputed by the army to Congress. The next day a second anonymous paper from the same pen appeared as follows: "Till now, the commander-in-chief has regarded the steps you have taken for redress with good wishes alone; his ostensible silence has authorized your meetings, and his private opinion sanctified your claims. Had he disliked the object in view, would not the same sense of duty which forbade you from meeting on the third day of the week, have forbidden you from meeting on the seventh? Is not the same subject held up for your discussion? and has it not passed the seal of office, and taken all the solemnity of an order? This will give system to your proceedings, and stability to your resolves. It will ripen speculation into fact, and while it adds to the unanimity, it cannot possibly lessen the independency of your sentiments. It may be necessary to add, on this subject, that, from the injunction with which the general orders close, every man is at liberty to conclude that the report to be, made to head quarters is intended for Congress. Hence will arise another motive for that energy which has been recommended; for, can you give the lie to the pathetic descriptions and the more alarming predictions of our friends?"* * With respect to the author of the Newburgh anonymous letters, suspicion has ever rested on John Armstrong, who at the time of their appearance was a major in the army, and for some time aid-de-camp to Major-General Gates. Though many circumstances conspired to fix this suspicion on Major Armstrong and a few confederates, the real fact has never been established till recently. In the last number of the United States Magazine, published in New York, General Armstrong has an nounced himself to be the author of these notorious letters. In justi fication of his motives, he maintains "that they were written by himself at the solicitation of his friends, as the chosen organ to express the sen timents of the officers of the army, and were only an honest and manly, though perhaps an indiscreet endeavor to support public credit and do justice to a long-suffering, patient, and gnllant soldiery." In the s;ime publication, General Armstrong has thought proper to risk his reputation on the bold and unqualified assertion, that the slander propagated and believed for half a century, that two distinguished officers of the revo lution had conspired to put down the commander-in-chief, is an impudent and vile falsehood from beginning to end. The young reader, who may not be apprised of the circumstances on which the evidence of this con spiracy rests, is referred to the biography of Generals Lee, Gates and Con way, in the Appendix. 334 KEVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. On the 15th instant, the convention of officers assembled, and General Gates presided. The Commander-in-chief delivered to them the following very interesting and feel ing address: " GENTLEMEN : By an anonymous summons, an attempt has been made to convene you together. How inconsistent with the rules of propriety, how unmilitary, and how subversive of all order and discipline, let the good sense of the army decide. "In the moment of this summons, another anonymous production was sent into circulation, addressed more to the feelings and passions than to the judgment of the army. The author of the piece is entitled to much credit for the goodness of his pen; and I could wish he had as much credit for the rectitude of his heart; for, as men see through dif ferent optics, and are induced by the reflecting faculties of the mind to use different means to attain the same end, the author of the address should have had more charity than to mark for suspicion the man who should recommend moderation and longer forbearance; or, in other words, who should not think as he thinks, and act as he advises. But he h;id another plan in view, in which candor and liberality of sentiment, regard to justice and love of country, have no part; arid he was right to insinuate the darkest suspicion to effect the blackest design. That the address was drawn with great art, and is designed to answer the most insidious purposes; that it is calculated to impress the mind with an idea of premeditated injustice in the sovereign power of the United States, and rouse all those resentments which must unavoidably flow from such a belief; that the secret mover of this scheme, whoever he may be, in tended to take advantage of the passions, while they were warmed by the recollection of past distresses, without giving time for cool, deliber ative thinking, ancj. that composure of mind which is so necessary to give dignity and stability to measures, is rendered too obvious, by the mode of conducting the business, to need other proof than a reference to the proceedings. "Thus much, gentlemen, I have thought it incumbent on me to observe to you, to show on what principles I opposed the irregular and hasty meeting which was proposed to have been held on Tuesday last, and not because I wanted a disposition to give you every opportunity, con sistently with your own honor and the dignity of the army, to make known your grievances. If my conduct heretofore has not evinced to you that I have been a faithful friend to the army, my declaration of it at this time would be equally unavailing and improper. But as I was among the first who embarked in the cause of our common country; as I have never left your side one moment, but when called from you on public duty ; as I have been the constant companion and witness of your distresses, and not among the last to feel and acknowledge your merits; as I have ever considered my own military reputation as inseparably connected with that of the army; as my heart has ever expanded with joy when I have heard its praises, and my indignation has arisen when the mouth of detraction has been opened against it; it can scarcely be supposed at this last stage of the war that I am indifferent to its inter- KEVOLUTIONAKY ANNALS, 1783. 335 ests. But how are they to be promoted? The way is plain, says the anonymous addresser: If war continues, remove into the unsettled country; there establish yourselves, and leave an ungrateful country to defend itself! But who are they to defend? our wives, our children, our farms and other property which we leave behind us? or in this state of hostile separation, are we to take the two first the latter cannot be removed to perish in a wilderness, with hunger, cold and nakedness? " If peace takes place, never sheath your swords, says he. till you have obtained full and ample justice. This dreadful alternative of either deserting our country in the extremest hour of her distress, or turning our arms against it, which is the apparent object, unless Congress can be compelled into instant compliance, has something so shocking in it, that humanity revolts at the idea. My God! what can this writer have in view, by recommending such measures ? Can he be a friend to the army? Can he be a friend to this country? Rather, is he not an insidious foe some emissary, perhaps, from New York plotting the ruin of both, by sowing the seeds of discord and separation between the civil and military powers of the continent? And what a compliment does he pay our understandings,* when he recommends measures, in either alternative, impracticable in their nature? But here, gentlemen, I will drop the curtain, because it would be as imprudent in me to assign my reasons for this opinion, as it would be insulting to your conception to suppose you stood in need of them. A moment s reflection will con vince every dispassionate mind of the physical impossibility of carrying either proposal into execution. There might, gentlemen, be an impro priety in my taking notice, in this address to you, of an anonymous pro duction; but the manner in which this performance has been introduced to the army; the effect it was intended to have, together with some other circumstances, will amply justify iny observations on the tendency of this writing. "With respect to the advice given by the author, to suspect the mnn who shall recommend moderate measures and longer forbearance, I spurn it, as every man who regards that liberty and reveres that justice for which we contend, undoubtedly must; for if men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us. The freedom of speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent, we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. I cannot in justice to my own belief, and what 1 have great reason to conceive is the intention of Congress, conclude this address without giving it as my decided opinion, that that honorable body enter tain exalted sentiments of the services of the army, and, from a full con viction of its merits and sufferings, will do it complete justice. That their endeavors to discover and establish funds for this purpose have been unwearied, and will not cease till they have succeeded, I have not a doubt. "But, like all other large bodies, where there is a variety of different interests to reconcile, their determinations are slow. Why then should we distrust them? and in consequence of this distrust, adopt measures which may cast a shade over that glory which has been so justly ac quired, **d tarnish the reputation of an army which is celebrated through 336 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. all Enrnpe for its fortitude and patriotism? And for what is this done* to bring the object we seek nearer? No ; most certainly, in my opin ion, it will cast it at a greater distance. For myself, (and I take no merit in giving 1 the assurance, being induced to it from principles of gratitude, veracity, and justice, and a grateful sense of the confidence you have ever placed in me,) a recollection of the cheerful assistance and prompt obedience I have experienced from you, under every vicissi tude of fortune, and the sincere affection I feel for an army I have so long had the honor to command, will oblige me to declare, in this pub lic arid solemn manner, that in the attainment of compute justice for all your toils and dangers, and in the gratification of every wish, so far as may be done consistently with the great duty I owe my country, and those powers we are bound to respect, you may freely command my services to the utmost extent of my abilities. "While I give you these assurances, and pledge myself, in the most unequivocal manner, to exert whatever abilities I am possessed of in your favor, let me entreat you, gentlemen, on your part, not to take any measures which, viewed in the calm light of reason, will lessen the dig nity and sully the glory you have hitherto maintained. Let me request you to rely on the plighted faith of your country, and place a full confi dence in the purity of the intentions of Congress; that, previous to your dissolution as an army, they will cause all your accounts to be fairly liquidated, as directed in the resolutions which were published to you two days ago; and that they will adopt the most effectual measures in their power to render ample justice to you for your faithful and merito rious services. And let me conjure you in the name of our common country, as you value your own sacred honor; as you respect the rights of humanity; and as you regard the military and national character of America; to express your utmost horror and detestation of the man who wishes, under any specious pretences, to overturn the liberties of our country; and who wickedly attempts to open the flood-gates of civil discord, and deluge our rising empire in blood. "By thus determining, and thus acting, you will pursue the plain and direct road to the attainment of your wishes; you will defeat the insid ious designs of our enemies, who are compelled to resort from open force to secret artifice. You will give one more distinguished proof of unexampled patriotism and patient virtue, rising superior to the pressure of the most complicated sufferings; and you will, by the dignity of your conduct, afford occasion for posterity to say, when speaking of the glo rious example you have exhibited to mankind, Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining/" Having finished his incomparable and very efficacious address, his excellency withdrew, and the convention unanimously resolved to present him their thanks, and that he be assured "that the officers reciprocate his affec tionate expressions with the greatest sincerity of which the human heart is capable." After which, General Knox, Colonel Brooks, and Captain Howard were appointed a REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. 337 committee to prepare resolutions expressive of the business of the convention, and to report in half an hour. They reported, and the convention "Resolved, unanimously, That, at the commencement of the present war, the officers of the American army engnged in the service of their country from the purest love and attachment to the rights and liberties or human nature; which motives still exist in the highest degree; and that no circumstances of distress or danger shall induce a conduct that may tend to sully the reputation and glory which they have acquired, at the price of their blood and eight years faithful services. "Resolved, unanimously, That the army continue to have an unshaken confidence in the justice of Congress and their country, and are fully convinced that the representatives of America will not disband or dis perse the army till their accounts are liquidated, the balances accurately ascertained, and adequate funds established for payment; and in this ar rangement the officers expect that the half-pay, or a commutation for it, should be efficaciously comprehended. "Resolved, unanimously, That his excellency the commander-in-chief be requested to write to his excellency the president of Congress, earn estly entreating the most speedy decision of that honorable body on the subject of our late address, which was forwarded by a committee of the army, some of whom are waiting on Congress for the result. In the alternative of peace or war, this event would be highly satisfactory, and would produce immediate tranquillity in the rninds of the army, and prevent any further machinations of designing men, to sow discord be tween the civil and military powers of the United States. "On motion, Resohcd, unanimously, That the officers of the American army view with abhorrence, and reject with disdain, the infamous propo sitions contained in a late anonymous address to the officers of the army, and resent with indignation the secret attempts of some unknown per sons to collect the officers together, in a manner totally subversive of all discipline and good order. " Resohed, unanimously, That the thanks of the officers of the army be given to the committee who presented to Congress the late address of the army, for the wisdom and prudence with which they have con ducted that business; and that a copy of the proceedings of this day be transmitted by the president to Major-General McDougall; and that he be requested to continue his solicitations at Congress, till the objects of his mission are accomplished." The result of the foregoing proceedings was, "by the commander-in-chief, transmitted to Congress, accompa nied by an impressive letter, of which the following is an extract : "That in the critical and perilous moment when the last-mentioned communication was made, there was the utmost danger that a dissolu tion of the army would have token place, unless measures similar to those recommended had been adopted, will not admit of a doubt. That the adoption of the resolution granting half-pay for life has been attended 338 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. with all the happy consequences I had foretold, so far as respected the good of the service, let the astonishing- contrast between the state of the army at this instant and at the former period determine. "And thnt the establishment of funds, and security of the payment of all the just demands of the army will be the most certain means of pro serving the national faith and future tranquillity of this extensive conti nent, is my decided opinion. By the preceding remarks, it will readily be imagined that, instead of retracting and reprehending, from further experience and reflection, the mode of compensation so strenuously urged in the inclosures, I am more and more confirmed in the sentiment, and if in the wrong, suffer me to please myself with the grateful delu sion. For if, besides the simple payment of their wages, a further com pensation is not due to the sufferings and sacrifices of the officers, then have I been mistaken indeed. If the wh ole army have not merited whatever a grateful people can bestow, then have I been beguiled by prejudice, and built opinion on the basis of error. If this country should not in the event perform every thing which has been requested in the late memorials to Congress, then will my belief become vain, and the hope that has been excited void of foundation. And if, as has been sug gested for the purpose of inflaming their passions, the officers of the army are to be the only sufferers by this revolution; if, retiring from tlje field , they are to grow old in poverty, wretchedness, and contempt; if they are to wade through the vile rnire of dependency, and owe the mis erable remnant of that life to charity which has hitherto been spent in honor, then shall I have learned what ingratitude is then shall I have realized a tale which will embitter every moment of rny future life. But I am under no such apprehensions; a country rescued by their arms from impending ruin, will never leave unpaid the debt of gratitude. "G.WASHINGTON." March 22d. Congress at length came to the following resolutions: "Whereas the officers of the several lines, under the immediate com mand of his Excellency General Washington, did by their late memorial transmitted, represent to Congress that the half-pay granted by sundry resolutions was regarded in an unfavorable light by the citizens of some of the states, who would prefer a compensation for a limited term of years, or by a sum in gross, to an establishment for life; and did, on this account, solicit a commutation of their half-pay for an equivalent, in one of the modes above mentioned, in order to remove all subjects of dissatisfaction from the minds of their fellow-citizens: And whereas Congress are desirous, as well of gratifying the reasonable expectations of the officers of the army, as of removing all objections which may exist in any part of the United States to the principles of the half-pay establishment, for which the faith of the United States has been pledged; persuaded that these objections can only arise from the nature of the compensation, not from any indisposition to compensate those whose services, sacrifices, and sufferings, have so justly a title to the approba tion and rewards of their country: Therefore "Resolved, That such officers as are now in service, and shall continue KEVOLUTIONAKY ANNALS, 1783. 339 therein to the end of the war, shall be entitled to receive the amount of five years full pay in money, or securities on interest at six per cent, per annum, as Congress shall find most convenient, instead of the half, pay promised for lite, by the resolution of the 21st day of October, 1780, the said securities to be such as shall be given to the creditors of the United States. Provided, that it be at the option of the lines of the respective states to accept or refuse the same. And provided, also, that their election shall be signified to Congress, through the comrnander-in- chief, from the lines under his immediate command within two months; and through the commanding officer of the Southern army, from those under his command, within six months, from the date of this resolution. "Th. it the same computation shall extend to the corps not belonging to the lines of particular states, and who are entitled to half-pay for life as aforesaid; the acceptance or refusal to be determined by corps, and to be signified in the same manner, and within the same time as above mentioned. "That all officers belonging to the hospital department, who are en titled to half-pay by the resolution of the 17th day of January, 1781, may collectively agree to accept or refuse the aforesaid commutation, signifying the same through the commander-in-chief, within six months from this time. "That such officers as have retired at different periods, entitled to half-pay for life, may, collectively in each state in which they are inhab itants, accept or refuse the same; their acceptation or refusal to be sig nified by agents, authorized for this purpose, within six months from this period. That with respect to such retiring officers, the commuta tion, if accepted, shall be in lieu of whatever may be now due to them, since the time of their retiring from service, as well as of what might hereafter become due, and that as soon as their acceptance shall be sig nified, the superintendent of finance be, and he is hereby, directed to take measures for the settlement of their accounts accordingly, and to issue to them certificates bearing interest at six per cent. "That all officers entitled to half-pay for life, not included in the pre ceding resolution, may also collectively agree to accept or refuse the aforesaid commutation, signifying the same within six months from this time." April 18th. The commander-in-chief thus addressed the army on the cessation of hostilities: "The commander-in-chief orders the cessation of hostilities, between the United States of America and the King of Great Britain, to be pub licly proclaimed to-morrow at twelve o clock, at the New Building; and that the proclamation which will be communicated herewith, be read to morrow evening, at the head of every regiment and corps of the army; after which, the chaplains, with the several brigades, will render thanks to Almighty God for all his mercies, particularly for his overruling the wrath of man to his own glory, and causing the rage of war to cease among the nations." Though the proclamation before alluded to extends only to the prohibition of hostilities, and not to the annuncia- 340 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. tion of a general peace, yet it must afford the most rational and sincere satisfaction to every benevolent mind, as it puts a period to a long and doubtful contest stops the effusion of human blood opens the prospect to a more splendid scene and, like another morning-star, promises the approach of a brighter day than has hitherto illumin ated this western hemisphere! On such a happv day a day which is the harbinger of peace a day which com pletes the eighth year of the war, it would be ingratitude not to rejoice; it would be insensibility not to participate in the general felicity. "The eommander-in-chief, far from endeavoring to stifle the feelings of joy in his own bosom, offers his most cordial congratulations on the occasion, to all the officers of every denomination, to all the troops of the United States in general, and in particular to those gallant and per- severing men who had resolved to defend the rights of their invaded country so long as the war should continue; for these are the men who ought to be considered as the pride and boast of the American army, and who, crowned with well-earned laurels, may soon withdraw from the field of glory to the more tranquil walks of civil life. "While the general recollects the almost infinite variety of scenes through which we have passed with a mixture of pleasure, astonishment, and gratitude while he contemplates the prospects before us with rap ture he cannot help wishing that all the brave men, of whatever con dition they may be, who have shared in the toils and dangers of effecting this glorious revolution, of rescuing millions from the hand of oppression, and of laying the foundation of a great empire, might be impressed with a proper idea of the dignified part they have been called to act, under the smiles of Providence, on the stage of human affairs; for happy, thrice happy, shall they be pronounced hereafter, who have contributed any thing, who have performed the meanest office in erecting this stupendous fabric of Freedom and Empire^ on the broad basis of independency; who have assisted in protecting the rights of human nature, and establishing an asylum for the poor and oppressed of all nations and religions. "The glorious task for which we first flew to arms being thus accom plished the liberties of our country being fully acknowledged and firmly secured by the smiles of Heaven on the purity of our cause, and the hoiu st exertions of a feeble people, determined to be free, against a powerful nation disposed to oppress them and the character of those who have persevered through every extremity of hardship, suffering, and danger, being immortalized by the illustrious appellation of the Pulriut Army nothing now remains but for the actors of this mighty scene to preserve a perfect, unvarying consistency of character through the very last act; to close the drama with applause; and to retire from the milit iry theatre with the same approbation of angels and men, which have crowned all their former virtuous actions. For this purpose, no disorder or licentiousness must be tolerated; every considerate and well-disposed soldier must remember it will be KEVOLUTIONAEY ANNALS, 1783. absolutely necessary to wait with patience till peace shall be declared, or Congress shall be enabled to take proper measures for the security of the public stores, &c. So soon as these arrangements shall be made, the general is confident there will be no delay in discharging, with every mark of distinction and honor, all the men enlisted for the war, who will then have faithfully performed their engagements with the public. The general has already interested himself in their behalf; and he thinks he need not repeat the assurances of his disposition to be useful to them on the present, and every other proper occasion. In the mean time, he is determined that no military neglects or excesses shall go unpunished while he retains the command of the army. "The adjutant-general will have such working parties detailed to as sist in making the preparation for a general rejoicing as the chief en gineer, with the army, shall call for; and the quarter-master-general will also furnish such materials as he may want. The quarter-master-general will, without delay, procure such a number of discharges to be printed as will be sufficient for all the men enlisted for the war; he will please to apply to head-quarters for the form. "An extra ration of liquor to be issued to every man to-morrow, to drink perpetual peace, independence and happiness to the United States of America" The officers of the army, by their committee, prepared the following address to the commander-in-chief: "Sm: It is difficult for us to express the regret we feel at being obliged again to solicit your excellency s attention and patronage. Next to the anguish which the prospect of our own wretchedness excites in our breasts, is the pain which arises from the knowledge of your anxiety on account of those men who have been the sharers of your fortunes, and have had the honor of being your companions through the various vicissitudes of the war. Nothing, therefore, but necessity could induce us to a representation which we know must give you concern. "Your excellency has so intimate a knowledge of the condition of the army, as to render a particular delineation unnecessary. As you have been a witness of our sufferings during a war uncommon in its nature, and unparalleled in many circumstances attending it; so you are now, sir, no less a witness of the unequal burden which has fallen on us, from the want of that provision to which, from our assiduous and unremitting services, we conceive we are entitled. Having recently expressed our sense of what was due to our distress; having repeated to your excel lency the confidence we had that our accounts would be liquidated, the balances ascertained, and adequate funds provided for payment, previous to our being dispersed or disbanded; having seen with pleasure the approbation which Congress gave our reliance, it is with a mixture of astonishment and chagrin that we view the late resolve of Congress, by which the soldiers for the war, and a proportionate number of officers, are to be furloughed without any one of those important objects being accomplished; and, to complete the scene of woe, are to be compelled to leave the army without the means of defraying the debts we have necessarily incurred in the course of service, or even of gratifying those menials in the pittance which is their due ; much less to carry with us 342 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. that support and comfort to our families, of which, from our long mili tary services, they have been deprived. No less exposed to the insults of the meanest followers of the army, than to the arrests of the sheriff deprived of the^ability to assist our families, and without an evidence that any thing is due to us for our services, and consequently without the least prospect of obtaining credit for even a temporary subsistence, till we can get into business to what quarter can we look? We take the liberty to say this, sir, only to your excellency; and, from the sin cerity of our hearts, we do it no less from a persuasion of the efficacy of your further efforts in our favor, than from the kind assurances you have been pleased to give us of your support. "To your excellency, then, we make one appeal, and in the most solemn manner, from that abhorrence of oppression and injustice which first unsheathed our swords; from the remembrance of the common dangers through which we have passed; and from the recollection of those astonishing events which have been effected by our united eflfotts permit us to solicit your further aid, and to entreat that the order of the 2d instant, founded on the act of Congress of the 26th of May last, may be suspended or varied in its operation, so far as that no officer or soldier be obliged to receive a furlough till that honorable body can be apprised of the wretched situation into which the army must be plunged by a conformity to it; that your excellency will endeavor to prev.-iil on Congress nay, that on the principles of common justice, you will insist that neither officer nor soldier be compelled to leave the field till a liqui dation of accounts can be effected, till the balances are ascertained, cer tificates for the sums due given, including the commutation of halt-pay to the officers and gratuity of eighty dollars to the soldiers; and till a supply of money can be furnished, sufficient to carry us from the field of glory, with honor to ourselves and credit to our country. We still wish to believe that that country, to which we have been so long devoted, will never look with indifference on the distresses of those of her sons who have so essentially contributed to the establishment of freedom, the security of property, and the rearing of an empire. "In the name and behalf of the generals and officers commanding regiments and corps, in the cantonment on Hudson s river, "I have the honor to be, with the highest respect, "Your Excellency s most obedient servant, "July 5th, 1783." "W. HEATH, Major-General, President. To the foregoing address General Washington was pleased to make an affectionate reply, in which, among other things, he observes, that as furloughs in all services are considered as a matter of indulgence and not of com pulsion as Congress, he is persuaded, entertain the best disposition towards the army and as he apprehends in a short time the two principal articles of complaint will be removed he will not hesitate to comply with the wishes of the army with respect to furloughs, &c. He cannot but hope, he observes, that the notes will soon arrive, and REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. 343 that the settlement of accounts may be completed in a very few days. In the mean time, he shall have the honor of laying the sentiments of the generals and officers before Congress; they are expressed in so decent, candid and affecting a manner, that he is certain every mark of atten tion will be paid to them. In his letter to the president of Congress, inclosing the address of the officers, and his answer, his excellency observes: " These inclosnres will explain the distresses which resulted from the measures now carrying into execution, in consequence of the resolution of the 26th of May; but the sensibility, occasioned by a parting scene, under such peculiar circumstances, will not admit of description ! While I consider it a tribute of justice on this occasion to mention the temper ate and orderly behavior of the whole army, and particularly the accom modating spirit of the officers, in arranging themselves to the command of the battalions, which will be composed of the three years men; per mit me to recall to mind all their former sufferings and merits, and to recommend their reasonable request to the early and favorable notice of Congress." 19^.< On the completion of eight years from the memor able battle of Lexington, the proclamation of the Congress for a cessation of hostilities was published at the door of the public building, followed by three huzzas- , after which, a prayer was offered to the Almighty Euler of the world, by the Rev. Mr. Ganno, and an anthem was performed by voices and instruments. On the 29th of June, about eighty new-levy soldiers of the Pennsylvania line, who had been stationed at Lancas ter, in defiance of their officers, marched to Philadelphia to seek a redress of their supposed grievances from the executive council of the state. They proceeded to the barracks in the city, where were quartered some other soldiers, who joined them, amounting to about three hun dred in the whole. The day following, these insurgent troops, with fixed bayonets and drums beating, marched to the state-house, the seat of Congress and of the supreme executive council of Pennsylvania. They placed sentinels at every door, sent in a written message to the president and council, and threatened to let loose an enraged soldiery on them, if they were not gratified as to their demands within twenty minutes. Though no other in sult was offered to Congress, this duresse continued about three hours. REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. Congress resolved that the authority of the United States had been grossly insulted by the armed soldiers ^ that their committee confer with the executive council; and that in case it should appear to the committee that there is no satisfactory ground for expecting adequate exertions by the state of Pennsylvania for supporting the dignity of the federal government, the president, on the advice of the committee, should summon the members of Congress to meet on Thursday, the 26th, at Trenton or Princeton, and that the secretary at war should communi cate to the commander-in-chief the state and disposition of the mutineers, that he might take immediate measures for suppressing them. Congress now found it expedient to separate, and reassemble at Princeton. The commander- in-chief, on receiving information of this shameful outrage, instantly detached fifteen hundred men, under command of Major-Gen eral Howe, to quell the mutiny and punish the most guilty. Before his arrival, however, they had dispersed without bloodshed. A number were brought to trial, and two sentenced to suffer death, and four others to receive corporeal punishment. The commander-in- chief, on this occasion, addressed the president of Con gress in the feeling language which follows: "While I suffer the most poignant distress in observing that a handful of men, contemptible in numbers, and equally so in point of service, if the veteran troops from the southward have not been seduced by their example, and who are not worthy to be called soldiers, should disgrace themselves and their country, as the Pennsylvania mutineers have done, by insulting the sovereign authority of the United States, and that of their own; I feel an inexpressible satisfaction, that even this behavior cannot stain the name of the American soldiery. It cannot be imputable to, or reflect dishonor on the army at large; but, on the contrary, it will, by the striking contrast it exhibits, hold up to public view the other troops in the most advantageous point of light. On taking all the cir cumstances into consideration, I cannot sufficiently express my surprise and indignation at the arrogance, the folly, and the wickedness of the mutineers; nor can I sufficiently admire the fidelity, the bravery and patriotism, which must for ever signalize the unsullied character of the other corps of our army. For when we consider that these Pennsylva nia levies, who have now mutinied, are recruits, and soldiers of a day, who have not borne the heat and burden of the war, and who can have in reality very few hardships to complain of; and when we at the same time recollect that those soldiers who have lately been furloughed from this army are the veterans who have patiently endured hunger, naked ness, and cold; who have suffered and bled without a murmur, and who, REVOLUTIONAKY ANNALS, 1783. 345 with perfect good order, have retired to their homes, without a settle ment of their accounts, or a farthing of money in their pockets; we shall be as much astonished at the virtues of the latter, as we are struck with horror and detestation at the proceedings of the former; and every can- did mind, without indulging ill-grounded prejudices, will undoubtedly make the proper discrimination." On the 2d of November, 1783, General Washington issued his farewell orders to the armies of the United States. Having taken notice of the proclamation of Con gress of October 18th, he said: "It only remains for the commander-in-chief to address himself once more, and that for the last time, to the armies of the United States, however widely dispersed the individuals who composed them may be, and to bid them an affectionate, a long farewell. But before the com mander-in-chief takes his final leave of those he holds most denr, he wishes to indulge himself a few moments in calling to mind a slight review of the past. He will then take the liberty of exploring with his military friends their future prospects of advising the general line of conduct which, in his opinion, ought to be pursued, and he will conclude the address by expressing the obligations he feels himself under for the spirited and able assistance he has experienced from them in the per formance of an arduous office. "A contemplation of the complete attainment, at a period earlier than could have been expected, of the object for which we contended, against so formidable a power, cannot but inspire us with astonishment and gratitude. The disadvantageous circumstances, on our part, under which the war was undertaken, can never be forgotten. The signal interposi tions of Providence, in our feeble condition, were^ such as could scarcely escape the attention of the most unobserving; while the unparalleled perseverance of the armies of the United States, through almost every possible suffering and discouragement, for the space of eight long years, was little short of a standing miracle." His closing words are: "And being now to conclude these his last public orders, to take his ultimate leave in a short time of the military character, and to bid adieu to the armies he has so long had the honor to command, he can only again offer in their behalf his recommendations to their grateful country, and his prayers to the God of armies. May ample justice be done them here, and may the choicest of Heaven s favors, both here and hereafter, attend those who, under the divine auspices, have secured innumerable blessings for others! With these wishes, and this benediction, the commander-in-chief is about to retire from service. The curtain of separation will soon be drawn, and the military scene to him will be closed for ever." The definitive treaty of peace was signed on the 846 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. 23d of September, and Congress, having ratified it, they issued a proclamation to disband their army. This pro clamation purports, "that part of the army which stood engaged to serve during the war, and by several acts of Congress had been furloughed, should be absolutely dis charged after the 3d of November from said service, and that the further service in the field of the officers deranged, and on furlough, are now dispensed with, and they have permission to retire from service, no more to be called to command," &c. In their proclamation, Congress give their thanks to the army for their exertions in the cause of America and the common rights of mankind. The mode of disbanding the army was well calculated to pre vent any disorders, which might have been the conse quence of dismissing a large number of men in a body. The advice of their beloved commander-in-chief, and the resolves of Congress to pay and compensate them in such manner as the ability of the United States would permit, operated to keep them quiet and prevent tumult. Painful indeed was the parting scene; no description can be ade quate to the tragic exhibition. Both officers and soldiers, long unaccustomed to the affairs of private life, turned loose on the world to starve and to become a prey to vul ture speculators. Never can that melancholy day be for gotten when friends, companions for seven long years in joy and in sorrow, were torn asunder, without the hope of ever meeting again, and with prospects of a miserable subsistence in future. Among other incidents, peculiarly affecting on this occasion, were the lamentations of women and children, earnestly entreating that those with whom they had been connected in the character of husband and father, would not withdraw from them the hand of kind ness and protection, and leave them in despair; but in several instances the reply was, No; "we took you as companions during the v:ar, and now we are destitute of the means of support, and you must provide for yourselves. November 25th. The British army evacuated New York, and the American troops, under General Knox, took pos session of the city. Soon after, General Washington and Governor Clfnton, with their suite, made their public en try -into the city on horseback, followed by the lieutenant- governor and the members of council, for the temporary KEVOLUTIONAEY ANNALS, 1783. 347 government of the Southern district, four abreast. Gen eral Knox and the officers of the army, eight abreast; citizens on horseback, eight abreast; the speaker of the assembly and citizens on foot, eight abreast. The gov ernor gave a public dinner, at which the commander-in- chief, and other general officers were present. The ar rangements for the whole business were so well made and executed, that the most admirable tranquillity suc ceeded through the day and night. On Monday the governor gave an elegant entertainment to the French ambassador, the Chevalier de la Luzerne; General Wash ington, the principal officers of New York state and of the army, and upwards of a hundred gentlemen, were present. Magnificent fire-works, infinitely exceeding every thing of the kind before seen in the United States, were exhibited at the Bowling Green in Broadway, on the evening of Tuesday, in celebration of the definitive treaty of peace. They commenced by a dove descending with the olive branch, and setting fire to a marron battery. On Tuesday noon, December 4th, the principal officers of the army assembled at Francis tavern, to take a final leave of their much-loved commander-in-chief. Soon after, his excellency entered the room. His emotions were too strong to be concealed. Filling a glass, he turned to them, and said, "With a heart full of love and gratitude, I now take leave of you. I most devoutly wish that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as your former ones have been glorious and honorable." Having drank, he added, "I cannot come to each of you to take my leave, but shall be obliged to you, if each of you will come and take me by the hand." General Knox, being nearest, turned to him. Incapable of utterance, Washington, in tears, grasped his hand, embraced and kissed him. In the same affectionate manner he took leave of each succeeding officer. In every eye was the tear of dignified sensibility ; and not a word was articulated to interrupt the eloquent silence and tenderness of the scene. Leaving the room, he passed through the corps of light-infantry, and walked to White Hall, where a barge waited to convey him to Paulus Hook. The whole company followed in mute and solemn procession, with dejected countenances, testifying feelings of delicious melancholy which no language can 23 348 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. describe. Having entered the barge, he turned to the company, and, waving his hat, bid them a silent adieu. They paid him the same affectionate compliment, and after the barge had left them, returned in the same solemn manner to the place where they had assembled. The passions of human nature were never more tenderly agi tated than in this interesting and distressful scene. General Washington now repaired to Annapolis, where Congress were in session, to whom he resigned his com mission, which eight years before he had received from this honorable body. On the 23d of December, the day appointed for the very interesting transaction, a vast con course of spectators attended. The gallery was filled with a group of ladies, and some graced the floor of Congress. The governor, council and legislature of Maryland, several general officers, the consul general of France, and numer ous citizens of Annapolis were present. Congress were seated and covered, as representatives of the sovereignty of the union; the spectators were uncovered and standing, The general was introduced to a chair by the secretary, who, after a decent interval, ordered silence. A short pause ensued, when the honorable Thomas Mifflin, the president, informed the general that "the United States in Congress assembled were prepared to receive his com munications." On which, he rose with dignity, and deliv ered this address: "MR. PRESIDENT: The great events on which ray resignation de pended, having at length taken place, I now have the honor of offering my sincere congratulations to Congress, and of presenting myself before them, to surrender into their hands the trust committed to me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the service of my country. "Happy in the confirmation of our independence and" sovereignty, and pleased with the opportunity afforded the United States of becoming a respectable nation, I resign with satisfaction the appointment I accepted with diffidence a diffidence in my abilities, to accomplish so arduous a task, which, however, was superseded by a confidence in the rectitude of our cause, the support of the supreme power of the union, and the patronage of Heaven. "The successful termination of the war has verified the mostsanguino expectations: my gratitude for the interpositions of Providence, and the assistance I have received from my countrymen, increase with every re view of the momentous contest. " While I respect my obligations to the army in general, I should do injustice to my own feelings not to acknowledge in this place the pecu- .iar services and distinguished merits of the persons who have been KEVOLUTIONAEY ANNALS, 1783. 349 attached to my person during the war. It was impossible the choice of confidential officers to compose my family should have been more for tunate. -Permit me, sir, to recommend in particular those who have continued in the service to the present moment, as worthy of the favor able notice and patronage of Congress. "I consider it as an indispensable duty to close this last solemn net of my official life by commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, and those who have the superintend ence of them to his holy keeping. "Having now finished the work assigned me, I retire from the great theatre of action ; and bidding an affectionate farewell to this august body, under whose orders I have long acted, I here offer my commis sion, and take my leave of all the employments of public life." This address being ended, General Washington ad vanced, and delivered his commission into the hands of the President of Congress, who replied as follows: "The United States, in Congress assembled, receive with emotions too affecting for utterance the solemn resignation of the authorities un der which you have led their troops with success through a perilous and doubtful war. "Called on by your country to defend its invaded rights, you accepted the sacred charge before it had formed alliances, and while it was without friends or a government to support you. "You have conducted the great military contest with wisdom and fortitude, invariably regarding the rights of the civil power, through all disasters and changes. You have, by the love and confidence of your fellow-citizens, enabled them to display their martial genius, and trans mit their fame to posterity; you have persevered till these United States, aided by a magrfanimous king and nation, have been enabled, under a just Providence, to close the war in safety, freedom, and independency; on which happy event we sincerely join you in congratulations. "Having defended the standard of liberty in this new world; having taught a lesson useful to those who inflict, and to those who feel oppres sion, you retire from the great theatre of action with the blessings of your fellow-citizens; but the glory of your virtues will not terminate with your military command: it will continue to animate remotest ages. We feel, with you, our obligations to the army in general, and will par ticularly charge ourselves with the interest of those confidential officers who have attended your person to this affecting moment. "We join you in commending the interests of our dearest country to the protection of Almighty God, beseeching him to dispose the hearts and minds of its citizens to improve the opportunity afforded them of becoming a happy and respectable nation; and for you we address to Him our earnest prayers, that a life so beloved may be fostered with all his care; that your days may be happy, as they have been illustrious, and that he will finally give you that reward which this world cannot give." It is impossible to conceive that greater honor can be conferred on any man, than to receive the united acknowl- 350 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. edgments of three millions of people, assembled by their representatives, declaring to all the world that he has been the temporal saviour of his country ! His mind was power ful and enlightened, his devotion to his country fervent, his sacrifices great and important, and his triumphs noble and splendid ; and his memory will be blessed and immortal ! It has been estimated that the loss of lives in the various armies of the United States, during the war, is not loss than seventy thousand. The numbers who died on board of the horrid prison-ships of the enemy cannot be calcu lated. It is, however, confidently asserted, that no less than eleven thousand of our brave soldiers died on board the one called the Jersey prison-ship, only! This dreadful mortality is universally attributed to the cruel treatment which they received while crowded together in close con finement. The loss to Great Britain is two large armies captured by the United States, exclusively of many thousands killed and taken in various actions during the war; thirteen colonies dismembered from her, and an increase of her national debt, in seven years, one hundred and twenty millions. The United States have gained that independence and liberty for which they contended, and find their debt to be less than forty-five millions of dollars, which is short of ten millions of pounds sterling ! This long-protracted war fare, waged in behalf of American freedom, is now tri umphantly terminated, and a sanctuary sacred to civil and religious liberty will be opened in this western hemisphere, Extract of a Circular Letter from his Excellency George Washington, Commander-in- Chief of the Armies of the United Stales of America, to the Governors of the several Stales. " HEAD-QUARTERS, Neiolurgk, June, 18, 1783. "For my own part, conscious of having acted, while a servant of the public, in the manner I conceived best suited to promote the real inter ests of my country; having, in consequence of my fixed belief, in some measure pledged myself to the army that their country would finally do them complete and ample justice, and not willing to conceal any instance of my official conduct from the eyes of the world, I have thought proper to transmit to your excellency the inclosed collection of papers, relative to the half-pay and commutation granted by Congress to the officers of the army. " From these communications, my decided sentiment will be clearly KEVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. comprehended, together with the conclusive reasons which induced me at an early period to recommend the adoption of this measure in the most earnest and serious manner. As the proceedings of Congress, the army, and myself are open to all, and contain, in my opinion, sufficient infor mation to remove the prejudice and errors which may have been enter tained by any, I think it unnecessary to say any thing more than just to observe, that the resolutions of Congress, now alluded to, are as undoubt edly and absolutely binding on the United States, as the most solemn acts of confederation or legislation. "As to the idea, which I am informed has in some instances prevailed, that the half-pay ffnd commutation are to be regarded merely in the odious light of a pension, it ought to be exploded for ever: That pro vision should be viewed as it really was, a reasonable compensation offered by Congress, at a time when they had nothing else to give, to officers of the army for services then to be performed: It was the only means to prevent a total dereliction of the service; it was a part of their hire I may be allowed to say, it was the price of their blood and of your independency; it is therefore more than a common debt; it is a debt of honor; it can never be considered as a pension or gratuity, nor canceled till it is fairly discharged." For the following sketch I am indebted to the Hon. Wil liam Eustis, a highly respectable surgeon in the hospital department during the revolutionary war: COLONEL JOHN CRANE, AND OTHERS. The mechanics of Boston and its vicinity may take a just pride in having furnished from their ranks some of the bravest and most useful officers of the revolutionary army, and, among them, no one more brave or more use ful than John Crane. In adverting to the sources whence they derived their knowledge of discipline and of service, our first object is to show, from facts and experience, the utility and importance of a well-organized militia, and to defend this invaluable in stitution from the reproaches of the ignorant and assuming, who would sap the foundation of the national defence ; and secondly, to inspire the young mechanics with zeal in the military profession, that like their predecessors they may become the able and substantial defenders of their country. Previous to the war of the revolution, there was in Boston a company of artillery, commanded by Captain Adi no Paddock, by profession a chaise-maker. It was composed principally, if not altogether, of the mechanics of Boston, and was distinguished by its superior disci pline, by the exactness of its manoeuvres and the accuracy 352 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783 of its firing^. Paddock had tory connexions, adhered to the British, went to England, was consulted repeatedly by the British ministry, and was invested with the military command of the island of Guernsey. In this company were raised Colonel John Crane, Colonel (now General) Ebenezer Stevens, with others, all of whose names are not recollected. Crane and Stevens were house-carpenters, Perkins was a shoe-maker, Seward a hatter, Popkins a tailor, Allen a sail-maker, Carnes a rope*naker, Lillie a cooper, Johnson a painter, Treat a cooper, Burbeck a , Hall a mason, D. Bryant a chair-maker, Cook a butcher, Thomas a cooper, and Allen a sail-maker. The greater part of these with others formed a regiment of artillery, not exceeded in discipline, valor, and useful ness by any regiment in service. Crane was made a major in 1775. An uneducated man, he had all the pride and ambition of a soldier. He was constitutionally bold and daring, courting danger wherever it was to be found. In 1775, when Boston was besieged, his station was in Eoxbury. On Boston neck a breastwork was constructed, and so soon as cannon could be procured they were mounted. Crane had the command, spent a great part of his time there, and was never more delighted than when he was permitted to fire on the British intrenchment. Our stock of powder was then small. It was on this theatre that he first displayed an undaunted courage, and a knowl edge of the art of gunnery, not often displayed by old artillery officers. He repeatedly dismounted the cannon in the embrasures of the British works, killing and wound ing their men. After the evacuation of Boston, he marched to New York. Whenever a British ship-of-war appeared in the East or North rivers, or any firing was heard, Crane was on horseback, and galloped to the scene of action. Being reproached on an occasion when he exposed himself alone, riding through Greenwich-street, under the constant broadsides of a passing ship, he replied, "The shot is not cast which is to kill me." Not long after, a frigate run up the East river, and an chored on the Long Island side, near Corlaer s hook. Four field-pieces were ordered to annoy her. They were only six-pounders. Crane, as usual, was present, and pointed the pieces. His sight was remarkably true his aim was EEVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. 353 sure. He had from habit and the acuteness of his vision the faculty of seeing a cannon-ball on its passage through the air. A falling shot from the ship he kenned in a direction to strike, as he thought, the lower part of his body. Not having time to change his position in any other way, he whirled himself round on one foot; the ball struck the other foot while raised in the air, canning away the great toe and ball of the foot. Thus ended his usefulness for the campaign. He was afterwards removed to New Jersey, and, surviving the perils of a partial jaw-lock, so far recovered as to go home on furlough. He returned the next spring, and continued in service till the peace. The nature of this work will not allow us to follow him through the remainder of his career; but we cannot refrain from stating a closing anecdote, illustrative of his inde pendent spirit. He had been among th5 number of those who thought the army had been neglected by the country, and spake as he felt, indignantly, at the treatment they had received. A board of general and field officers, with two hospital surgeons, were appointed to examine the wounded officers and soldiers in camp at the close of the war, and to report the rate of compensation to which they were severally entitled. A friend and brother-officer, who well knew the nature of his wound, waited on Colonel Crane, represented to him that, on his return to private life, his activity of mind and body would lead him to some kind of labor, and that having lost the ball of his foot, the bones would come through the cicatrix, and his wound open again, asking the favor of him to walk over, and suffer his foot to be inspected. Stamping the wounded foot on the floor, he replied, indignantly, "No, sir; they never shall say that I eat their bread when I have done serving them." He entered afterwards on active and laborious business, and prospered for a number of years, met with adverse circumstances, his wound broke out again, he could no longer labor. After many years he came to the friend who had admonished him of the consequences of his wound, and said to him, with tears in his eyes, "My friend, I am now a humbled man, you may do with me as you please." He was immediately placed on the pension-list, but did not live a year to enjoy his pension. The important services of Major Stevens, who com- 354 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. manded the artillery under General Gates, in the campaign of 1777, are well known. There are anecdotes relative to many others of them, illustrative of their bravery in the field, arid of their magnanimity and general usefulness during the war which we have not room to particularize. One, however, we cannot in justice omit. David Bryant, bred a chair-maker in Boston, and afterwards a lieutenant in the artillery, was a man of small stature, but remarkable for the strictness of discipline which he observed from the earliest period of the war. At the close of the battle of Brandy wine, he was hard pressed by the enemy, and was mortally wound ed. His men hovered round him to take care of him. lie addressed them in the following words: "My lads, it is over with me; leave me, but don t leave the pieces." Ills words were electric; they saved their pieces, and brought him off on the trail. He died in the American camp. To the above catalogue of worthies may be added Col onel Paul Eevere; his occupation was that of a gold-smith. He was a very active and influential patriot at the com mencement of the revolution, associated with a number of mechanics, who watched with a vigilant eye every move ment of the British, and promptly communicated intelli gence to the proper authority. In the evening preceding the 19th of April, 1775, Colonel Eevere was one of the first who discovered that a British detachment was ordered on an expedition into the country, and with the utmost despatch repaired to Lexington, spreading the alarm among the militia, and giving notice to Messrs. Hancock and Adams, who were then at the house of the clergyman in that town, that they might escape the impending danger. Colonel Eevere was afterwards appointed to command a regiment of artillery in the militia, and was on the unfor tunate Penobscot expedition in the summer of 1779. He was through life esteemed for unimpeachable integrity, attachment to correct political principles, and as a useful citizen. He died in Boston, in 1818, in his eighty- fourth year. Dr. John Thomas is a respectable regimental surgeon. He possesses a remarkable faculty of mimicry, and no person in New England can tell a Yankee story with more genuine humor. An occurrence at head-quarters is thus KEVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. 355 related by a gentleman who was present. General Wash ington seldom smiles; I never saw him laugh but once; it was after the preliminaries of peace were signed, and at a Yankee story told by Dr. Thomas. The doctor being invited to dine at head-quarters, one of the aids requested the general s permission for him to repeat the dialogue between two New England men who had visited the French camp. In doing this, he repeated quaint speeches and remarks in a manner so inimitably ludicrous, that no one but his excellency could contain his gravity. At length he added, "What, said Jonathan, do you think Chambeau s soldiers call a hat? the tarnation fools, they call it a chappeau! Why, and be darn d to them, can t they call it a hat and adone with it?" The general could no longer refrain; he burst into a fit of laughter. There is not perhaps another man who can boast of exciting laughter in General Washington. Captain Houdin, commonly pronounced Udang, is a Frenchman of singular manners and character, and ludi crous in his personal appearance, being rather tall, but slender ; his features are sharp and irregular, complexion dark, with small jet-black eyes. His long hair is brought in a braid to the top of his head, which is constantly cov ered with powder; he is never seen without his small sword, nor. in conversation without a display of vanity and affectation. He converses in broken English, with rapid articulation, often perverting words from their legitimate meaning. Dr. Thomas and Udang have at command an inexhaustible fund of merriment and humor, and Udang once said to the doctor, "You can take me off better than I can myself." On a return from Boston, in 1780, he re lated some incidents that occurred to him, which have frequently been repeated to aid in festive mirth. Some wag, knowing his vanity and affectation of consequence, had employed a negro wench to make a familiar address to him in some public place. This was a severe mortifi cation, and destroyed all the comforts of his visit. In answer to an inquiry how he liked Boston, this vexation was uppermost in his mind. "I like Boston very well, all but one d d madam nig." On being pressed further, he related the particulars with all the action and irritation that the reality occasioned. One gentleman said to me, 356 REVOLUTIONARY ANNALS, 1783. Will you take a walk to the market twas one very fine market de poult, de geese, ebery ting one very fine assortiment dere it was I hear somebody say behind, How do you do, Captain TJdangT I looked round; one black bish say again, making reverence, / hope you be well, Captain Udang. Who be you speak to me in de market? You forget, she say, * I was your sweetheart in 77. Hoi you tongue, you d d rascal bish. You speak to me in de market, when I am wid gentlemen, I cut off your head, I will, you rascal wench. I was so asham, I put de hat over my eyes and run right home tro five tousand people. Next day some gentlemen tell me who own the black bish dat spoke to me in de market, and advise me to tell de mistress. I go to the house, and knock, knock by by door open, How do you do, Captain Udang" 1 de same black bish. rascal dat spoke to me in de market. Who own you? Tell you mistress one gentleman officer wish to see her. Madam, say I, do you own dat d d madam nig, dat spoke to me in de market. She say, if you had not been too familiar with my negro wench, she would not spoke to you in de market. I say, You be one d d rascal yourself, madam. " There is, among many good anecdotes related of Mon sieur, one that shows the simplicity of the man, and is characteristic of the times. Before and at the period of the adoption of the federal constitution, great excitement existed in many parts of the country against many of its leading provisions, much mischief was predicted, and the irritated spirit of party could discern nothing but the most odious features and destructive tendencies. Houdin, on whom principles and opinions set rather loosely, was a zealous anti-federalist. After the new government was adopted, he was among the first to apply to the war de partment for an office. With no very favorable indication in his manner, General Knox inquired, "Do you expect patronage under that system of government that you have every where assailed?" "Ah, general," says Monsieur, "I tot it was popular; I meant noting." This honest simplicity availed him with the frank and generous mind of Knox, more than a hypocritical, canting affectation of patriotism. He received the appointment of conductor of military stores, which he held till his death. APPENDIX. NOTE I. See Page 102. GENEKAL BURGOYNE, in his defence, after his arrival in England, as commander of the Northern expedition, has paid a just tribute of praise to American bravery. Adverting to the action of the 19th of September, he says: "Few actions have been characterized by more ob stinacy in attack or defence. The British bayonet was repeatedly tried ineffectually. Eleven hundred British soldiers, foiled in these trials, bore incessant fire from a succession of fresh troops, in superior numbers, for above four hours; and after a loss of above a third of their num ber, and in one of the regiments above two-thirds, forced the enemy at last. Of a detachment of a captain and forty- eight artillery-men, the captain and thirty-six men were killed or wounded. The tribute of praise due to such troops, will not be wanting in this generous nation." His observations respecting the action of the 7th of October, are expressed in the following energetic and feeling lan guage: "The losses in the action were uncommonly se vere. Sir Francis Clark, my aid-de-camp, had originally recommended himself to my attention by his talents and diligence. As service and intimacy opened his character more, he became endeared to me by every quality that can create esteem. I lost in him a useful assistant, an amiable companion, an attached friend; the state was de prived by his death of one of the fairest promises of an able general. "The fate of Colonel Ackland, taken prisoner, and then supposed to be mortally wounded, was a second source of anxiety. General Frazer was expiring. "In the course of the action, a shot had passed through 358 APPENDIX. my hat, and another had torn my waistcoat. I should be sorry to be thought at any time insensible to the protecting hand of Providence; but I ever more particularly consid ered a soldier s hair-breadth escapes as incentives to duty, a marked renewal of the trust of being, for the due pur poses of a public station; and under this reflection, to lose our fortitude, by giving way to our affections, to be di verted by any possible self-emotion from meeting a present exigency with our best faculties, were at once dishonor and impiety." General .Frazer died of his wounds on the 8th instant. Before his death, he requested that his body might be car ried, without parade, by the officers of his own corps to the great redoubt, and there buried. About sun-set the corpse was carried up the hill, and necessarily passed in view of both armies. Generals Burgoyne, Phillips, and Reidesel placed themselves in the humble procession. As General Gates was not made acquainted with the intended solemnity, a constant cannonade was kept up by our peo ple, directed to the hill, where the ceremony was per formed. From the pen of General Burgoyne, we have the following eloquent delineation of the melancholy scene: "The incessant cannonade during the solemnity, the steady attitude and unaltered voice with which the clergyman officiated, though frequently covered with dust, which the shot threw up on all sides of him ; the mute, but expressive mixture of sensibility and indignation on every countenance; these objects will remain to the last of life on the mind of every man who was present. The growing duskiness added to the scenery, and the whole marked a character of this juncture, that would make one of the finest subjects for the pencil of a master that the field ever exhibited. To the canvas and to the page of a more important historian, gallant friend! I consign thy memory. There may thy talents, thy manly virtues, their progress and their period, find due distinction; and long may they survive, long after the frail record of my pen shall be forgotten 1" The following appropriate lines are from the elegant pen of Mrs. Morton : To gallant Gates, in war serenely brave, The tide of fortune turns its refluent wave; APPENDIX. 359 Forced by his arm, the bold invaders yield The prize and glory of the well-fought field ; Bleeding and lost the captured Ackland lies, While leaden slumbers seal his Freezer s eyes; Frazer! whose deeds unfading glories claim, Endear d by virtue, and adorn d by fame. LADY ACKLAND. See Page 110. FURTHER particulars respecting the affecting story of this distinguished lady have since appeared ; and from the writings of General Burgoyne and other sources I extract the following. She accompanied Major Ackland to Can ada in 1776, and was called to attend on him while sick in a miserable hut at Chamblee. In the expedition to Ticonderoga, in 1777, she was positively enjoined not to expose herself to the risk and hazards which might occur on that occasion; but Major Ackland, having received a wound in the battle of Hubberton, she crossed Lake Champlain to pay her attention to him. After this, she followed his fortune, and shared his fatigue, while tra versing the dreary, woody country to Fort Edward. Here the tent in which they lodged took fire by night, from which they escaped with the utmost difficulty. During the action of the 19th of September, she was exposed to great fatigue, and inexpressible anxiety for the fate of her husband, being advanced in the front of the battle. On the 7th of October, during the heat of the conflict, Lady Ackland took refuge among the wounded and dying; her husband, commanding the grenadiers, was in the most exposed part of the action, and she in awful suspense awaiting his fate. The Baroness Eeidesel, and the wives of two other field-officers, were her companions in painful apprehension. One of these officers was soon brought in dangerously wounded, and the death of the other was announced. It was not long before intelligence was re ceived that the British army was defeated, and that Major Ackland was desperately wounded and taken. The next day she proposed to visit her husband in the American camp. General Burgoyne observes, "Though I was ready to believe, for I had experienced, that patience and forti tude in a supreme degree were to be found, as well as 360 APPENDIX. every other virtue, under the most tender form, I was astonished at this proposal. After so long an agitation of the spirits, exhausted not only for want of rest, but abso lutely want of food, drenched in rain for twelve hours together^ that a woman should be capable of delivering herself to the enemy, probably in the night, and uncertain into what hands she might fall, appeared an effort above human nature. The assistance I was enabled to give was small indeed; I had not even a cup of wine to offer her; but I was told she had found from some kind and fortunate hand a little rum and dirty water. All I could furnish to her was an open boat and a few lines written on dirty and wet paper to General Gates, recommending her to his pro tection. It is due to justice, at the close of this adventure, to say, that she was received and accommodated by Gen eral Gates, with all the humanity and respect that her rank, her merits, and her fortunes deserved. "Let such as are affected by these circumstances of alarm, hardship and danger, recollect that the subject of them was a woman of the most tender and delicate frame; of the gentlest manners; habituated to all the soft ele gancies and refined enjoyments that attend high birth and fortune; and far advanced in a state in which the tender cares, always due to the sex, become indispensably neces sary. Her mind alone was formed for such trials." The adventures of Lady Ackland have been a theme for the display of the poetic talents of the accomplished lady of Perez Morton, Esq. It is regretted that the limits of this production will not admit of more than the follow ing lines, and those on the preceding page, from that ex cellent poem : " Tvvas now the time, when twilight s misty ray Drops the brown curtain of retiring day; The clouds of heaven, like midnight mountains, lower, Waft the wild blast, and dash the drizzly shower: Through the wet path her restless footsteps roam, To where the leader spread his spacious dome; Low at his feet she pours the desperate prayer Give my lost husband to my soothing care: Give me, in yonder solitary cave, With duteous love, his burning wounds to lave, On the warm pillow, which this breast supplies, Catch his faint breath, and close his languid eyes, Or in his cause my proffer d life resign, Mine were his blessings, and his pains are mine. " APPENDIX. NOTE II. See Page 112. THE following sketch, borrowed from the Memoirs of General Wilkinson, is too highly interesting to be omitted; every reader of taste will be gratified with the perusal, and, for myself, I owe to General Wilkinson only an apology for the liberty I have taken. Extract from the Baroness ReideseTs Narrative. "As we had to march still farther, I ordered a large calash to be built, capable of holding my three, children, myself, and two female servants; in this manner we moved with the army in the midst of the soldiery, who were very merry, singing songs, and panting for action. We had to travel through almost impassable woods and a most pic turesque and beautiful country, which was abandoned by its inhabitants, who had repaired to the standard of Gen eral Gates; they added much to his strength, as they were all good marksmen, and fitted by habit for the species of warfare the contending parties were then engaged in and the love of their country inspired them with more than ordinary courage. The army had shortly to encamp; I generally remained about an hour s march in the rear, where I received daily visits from my husband; the army was frequently engaged in small affairs, but nothing of importance took place; and as the season was getting cold, Major Williams of the artillery proposed to have a house built for me with a chimney, observing that it would not cost more than five or six guineas, and that the frequent change of quarters was very inconvenient to me; it was accordingly built, and was called the Block-house from its square form and the resemblance it bore to those buildings. U 0n the 19th of September, an affair happened which, though it turned out to our advantage, yet obliged us to halt at a place called Freeman s farm; I was an eye-wit ness to the whole affair, and as my husband was engaged in it, I was full of anxiety, and trembled at every shot I heard; I saw a great number of the wounded, and, what added to the distress of the scene, three of them were brought into the house in which I took shelter; one was a Major Harnage of the sixty -second British regiment, the 362 APPENDIX husband of a lady of my acquaintance; another was a lieutenant, married to a lady with whom I had the honor to be on terms of intimacy, and the third was an officer of the name of Young. "In a short time afterwards I heard groans proceeding from a room near mine, and knew they must have been occasioned by the sufferings of the last-mentioned officer, who lay writhing with his wounds. "His mournful situation interested me much, and tho more so, because the recollection of many polite attentions, received from a family of that name during my visit to England, was still forcibly impressed on my mind. I sent to him, and begged him to accept my best services, and afterwards furnished him with food and refreshments; he expressed a great desire to see me, politely calling me his benefactress. I accordingly visited him, and found -him lying on a little straw, as he had lost his equipage. He was a young man, eighteen or nineteen years of age, and really the beloved nephew of the Mr. Young, the head of the family I have mentioned, and the only son of his parents. This last circumstance was what he lamented most; as to his pain, he thought lightly of it. He had lost much blood, and it was thought necessary to amputate the leg; but this he would not consent to, and of course a mortification took place. I sent him cushions and cover ings, and my female friends sent him a mattress. I re doubled my attention to him, and visited him every day, for which I received a thousand wishes for my happiness. At last his limb was amputated, but it was too late, and he died the following day. As he lay in the next room to me, and the partition was very thin, I distinctly heard his last sigh, when his immortal part quitted its frail tenement, and, I trust, winged its way to the mansions of eternal bliss. "But severer trials awaited us, and on the 7th of Octo ber our misfortunes began ; I was at breakfast with my husband, and heard that something was intended. On the same day I expected Generals Burgoyne, Phillips and Frazer to dine with us. I saw a great movement among the troops ; my husband told me it was merely a r^con- noisance, which gave me no concern, as it often happened. I walked out of the house, and met several Indians in APPENDIX. 363 their war dresses, with guns in their hands. When I asked them where they were going, they cried out, War! war! meaning that they were going to battle. This filled me with apprehension, and I had scarcely got home before I heard reports of cannon and musketry, which grew louder by degress, till at last the noise became excessive. About four o clock in the afternoon, instead of the guests whom I expected, General Frazer was brought on a litter, mortally wounded. The table, which was already set, was instantly removed, and a bed placed in its stead for the wounded general. I sat trembling in a corner; the noise grew louder, and the alarm increased ; the thought that my husband might perhaps be brought in, wounded in the same manner, was terrible to me, and distressed me exceedingly. General Frazer said to the surgeon, Tell me if my wound is mortal; do not flatter me. The ball had passed through his body, and, unhappily for the gen eral, he had eaten a very hearty breakfast, by which the stomach was distended, and the ball, as the surgeon said, had passed through it. I heard him often exclaim, with a sigh, Oh, fatal ambition! Poor General Burgoyne! Oh, my poor wife ! He was asked if he had any request to niake, to which he replied, that, If General Burgoyne would permit it, he should like to be buried at six o clock in the evening, on the top of a mountain, in a redoubt which had been built there. I did not know which way to turn: all the other rooms were full of sick. Towards evening I saw my husband coming. Then I forgot all my sorrows, and thanked God that he was spared to me. He ate in great haste with me and his aid-de-camp, behind the house. We had been told that we had the advantage over the enemy, but the sorrowful faces I beheld told a different tale, and before my husband went away he took me aside, and said every thing was going very badly; that I must keep myself in readiness to leave the place, but not to mention it to any one. I made the pretence that I would move the next morning into my new house, and had every thing packed up ready. Lady Ackland had a tent not far from our house; in this she slept, and the rest of the day she was in the camp. All of a sudden a man came to tell her that her husband was mortally wounded and taken prisoner; on hearing 24 364 APPENDIX. this she became very miserable; we comforted her by tell ing her that the wound was only slight, and at the same time advised her to go over to her husband, to do which, she would certainly obtain permission, and then she would attend him herself; she was a charming woman, and very fond of him. I spent much of the night in comforting her, and then went again to my children, whom I had put to bed. I could not go to sleep, as I had General Frazer and all the other wounded gentlemen in my room, and I was sadly afraid my children would wake, and by their crying disturb the dying man in his last moments, who often addressed me, and apologized for the trouble he gave me. 1 About three o clock in the morning I was told that he could not hold out much longer; I had desired to be informed of the near approach of this sad crisis, and I then wrapped up my children in their clothes, and went with them into the room below. About eight o clock in the morning he died. After he was laid out, and his corpse wrapped up in a sheet, we came again into the room, and had this sorrowful sight before us the whole day, and, to add to the melancholy scene, almost every moment some officer of my acquaintance was brought in wounded. The cannonade commenced again; a retreat was spoken of, but not the smallest motion was made towards it. About four o clock in the afternoon, I saw the house which had just been built for me in flames, and the enemy was now not far off. We knew that General Burgoyne would not re fuse the last request of General Frazer, though, by his acceding to it, an unnecessary delay was occasioned, by which the inconvenience of the army was much increased. At six o clock the corpse was brought out, and we saw all the generals attend it to the mountain ; the chaplain, Mr. Brudenell, performed the funeral service, rendered unusually solemn and awful from its being accompanied by constant peals from the enemy s artillery. Many can non-balls flew close by me, but I had my eyes directed towards the mountain,* where my husband was standing, amidst the fire of the enemy, and of course I could not think of my own danger. "General Gates afterwards said that, if he had known * The height occupied by Burgoyne on the 18th, which ran parallel with the river till it approached General Gates camp. APPENDIX. it had been a funeral, he would not have permitted it to be fired on. "So soon as the funeral-service was finished, and the grave of General Frazer was closed, an order was issued that the army should retreat. My calash was prepared, but I would not consent to go before the troops. Major Harnage, though suffering from his wounds, crept from his bed, as he did not wish to remain in the hospital, which was left with a flag of truce.- When General Keidesel saw me in the midst of danger, he ordered my women and children to be brought into the calash, and intimated to me to depart without delay. I still prayed to remain, but my husband, knowing my weak side, said, Well, then, your children must go, that at least they may be safe from danger. I then agreed to enter the calash with them, and we set off at eight o clock. "The retreat was ordered to be conducted with the greatest silence; many fires were lighted, and several tents left standing ; we travelled continually during the night. At six o clock in the morning we halted, which excited the surprise of all; General Burgoyne had the cannon ranged and counted; this delay seemed to displease every body, for if we could only have made another good march, we should have been in safety. My husband, quite ex hausted with fatigue, came into my calash, and slept for three hours. During that time, Captain Willoe brought me a bag full of bank notes, and Captain Grismar his elegant watch, a ring, and a purse full of money, which they requested me to take care of, and which I promised to do to the utmost of my power. We again marched, but had scarcely proceeded an hour before we halted, as the enemy was in sight; it proved to be only a reconnoitering party of two hundre-d men, who might easily have been made prisoners, if General Burgoyne had given proper orders on the occasion. "The Indians had now lost their courage, and were departing for their homes; these people appeared to droop much under adversity, and especially when they had no prospect of plunder. One of my waiting-women was in a state of despair, which approached to madness; she cursed and tore her hair, and when I attempted to reason with her, and to pacify her, she asked me if I was not 366 APPENDIX. grieved at our situation, and on my saying I was, she tore her cap off her head and let her hair drop over her face, saying to me, It is very easy for you to be composed and talk : you have your husband with you ; I have none ; and what remains to me but the prospect of perishing or losing all I have! I again bade her take comfort, and assured her I would make good whatever she might happen to lose ; and I made the same promise to Ellen, my other wait ing-woman, who, though filled with apprehensions, made no complaints. * "About evening we arrived at Saratoga; my dress was wet through and through with rain, and in this state I had to remain the whole night, having no place to change it; I, however, got close to a large fire, and at last lay down on some straw. At this moment General Phillips came up to me, and I asked him why he had not continued our retreat, as my husband had promised to cover it and bring the army through? Poor, dear woman, said he, I won der how, drenched as you are, you have the courage still to persevere and venture further in this kind of weather! I wish, continued he, you was our commanding-general; General Burgoyne is tired, and, means to halt here to-night and give us our supper. "On the morning of the 7th, at ten o clock, General Burgoyne ordered the retreat to be continued, and caused the handsome houses and mills of General Schuyler to be burned; we marched, however, but a short distance, and then halted. The greatest misery at this time prevailed in the army, and more than thirty officers came to me, for whom tea and coffee was prepared, and with whom I shared all my provisions, with which my calash was in general well supplied; for I had a cook who -was an excellent caterer, and who often in the night crossed small rivers and foraged on the inhabitants, bringing in with him sheep, small pigs, arid poultry, for which he very often forgot to pay, though he received good pay from me so long as I had any, and was ultimately handsomely rewarded. Our provisions now failed us for want of proper conduct in the commissary s department, and I began to despair. About two o clock in the afternoon we again heard a firing of cannon and small-arms; instantly all was alarm, and every thing in motion. My husband told me to go to a house APPENDIX. 3(57 not far off; I immediately seated myself in my calash, with my children, and drove off; but scarcely had we reached it before I discovered five or six armed men on the other side of the Hudson; instinctively I threw my children down in the calash, and then concealed myself with them ; at this moment the fellows fired and wounded an already wounded English soldier, who was behind me. Poor fellow ! I pitied him exceedingly, but at this moment had no means or power to relieve him. A terrible can nonade was commenced by the enemy, which was directed against the house in which I sought to obtain shelter for my self and children, under the mistaken idea that all the gener als were in it. Alas! it contained none but wounded and women; we were at last obliged to resort to the cellar for refuge, and in one corner of this I remained the whole day, my children sleeping on the earth with their heads in my lap; and in the same situation I passed a sleepless night. Eleven cannon-balls passed through the house, and we could distinctly hear them roll away. One poor soldier, who was lying on a table for the purpose of having his leg amputated, was struck by a shot, which carried away his other; his comrades had left him, and when we went to his assistance we found him in a corner of the room, into which he had crept, more dead than alive, scarcely breathing. My reflections on the danger to which my husband was exposed now agonized me ex ceedingly, and the thoughts of my children and the necessity of struggling for their preservation alone sus tained me. "The ladies of the army who were with me were Mrs. Harnage, a Mrs. Kennels, the widow of a lieutenant who was killed, and the lady of the commissary. Major Har nage, his wife, and Mrs. Kennels, made a little room in a corner with curtainsto it, and wished to do the same for me, but I preferred being near the door, in case of fire. Not far off, my women slept, and opposite to us three Eng lish officers, who, though wounded, were determined not to be left behind: one of them was Captain Green, an aid-de camp to Major-General Phillips, a very valuable officer and most agreeable man. They each made me a most sacred promise not to leave me behind, and in case of sud den retreat, that they would each of them take one of my 368 APPENDIX. children on his horse, and for myself, one of my husband s was in constant readiness. "Our cook, whom I have before mentioned, procured us our meals, but we were in want of water, and I was often obliged to drink wine and to give it to my children. It was the only thing my husband took, which made our faithful Hunter, Rockel, express one day his apprehensions that the general was weary of his life, or fearful of being taken, as he drank so much wine. The constant danger which my husband was in, kept me in a state of wretched ness, and I asked myself if it was possible I should be the only happy one, and have my husband spared to me unhurt, exposed as he was to so many perils. He never entered his tent, but laid down whole nights by the watch-fires; this alone was enough to have killed him, the cold was so intense. "The want of water distressed us much. At length, we found a soldiers wife who had courage enough to fetch us some from the river, an office nobody else would undertake, as the Americans shot at every person who approached it; but out of respect for her sex they never molested her. "I now occupied myself through the day in attending the wounded; I made them tea and coffee, and often shared my dinner with them, for which they offered me a thou sand expressions of gratitude. One day a Canadian officer came to our cellar, who had scarcely the power of holding himself upright, and we concluded he was dying for want of nourishment; I was happy in offering him my dinner, which strengthened him and procured me his friendship. I now undertook the care of Major Bloomfield, another aid-de-camp of General Phillips; he had received a mus ket-ball through both cheeks, which in its course had knocked out several of his teeth, and cut his tongue; he could hold nothing in his mouth; the matter which ran from his wound almost choked him, and he was not able to take any nourishment except a little soup, or something liquid; we had some Rhenish wine, and in the hope that the acidity of it would cleanse his wound, I gave him a bottle of it; he took a little now and then, and with such effect that his cure soon followed. Thus I added another to my stock of friends, and derived a satisfaction which, APPENDIX. 369 in the midst of sufferings, served to tranquillize me and diminish their acuteness. "One day General Phillips accompanied my husband, at the risk of their lives, on a visit to us, who, after having witnessed our situation, said to him, I would not for ten thousand guineas come again to this place; my heart is almost broken. "In this horrid situation we remained six days; a cessa tion of hostilities was now spoken of, and eventually took place; a convention was afterwards agreed on; but one day a message was sent to my husband, who had visited me and was reposing in my bed, to attend a council of war, where it was proposed to break the convention: but, to my great joy, the majority were for adhering to it. On the l6th, however, my husband had to repair to his post, and I to my cellar; -this day fresh beef was served out to the officers, who till now had only had salt provisions, which was very bad for their wounds. The good woman who brought us water, made us an excellent soup of the meat, but I had lost my appetite,, and took nothing but crusts of bread dipped in wine. The wounded officers, my unfortunate companions, cut off the best bit and presented it to me on a plate. I declined eating any thing, but they contended that it was necessary for me to take nourishment, and declared they would not touch a morsel till I afforded them the pleasure of seeing me partake. I could no longer withstand their pressing invitations, accompanied as they were by assurances of the happiness they had in offering me the first good thing they had in their power, and I partook of a repast rendered palatable by the kindness and good- will of my fellow-sufferers, forgetting for the moment the misery of our apartment, and the absence of almost every comfort. "On the 17th of October, the convention was completed. General Burgoyne and the other generals waited on the American General Gates; the troops laid down their arms, and gave themselves up prisoners of war! And now the good woman who had supplied us with water at the hazard of her life, received the reward of her services; each of us threw a handful of money into her apron, and she got altogether about twenty guineas. At such a moment as this, how susceptible is the heart of feelings of gratitude! 370 APPENDIX. " My husband sent a message to me to come over to him with my children. I seated myself once more in my dear calash, and then rode through the American camp. As I passed on, I observed (and this was a great consolation to me") that no one eyed me with looks of resentment, but that tney all greeted us, and even showed compassion in their countenances at the sight of a woman with small children. I was, I confess, afraid to go over to the enemy, as it was quite a new situation to me. When I drew near the tents, a handsome man approached and met me, took my children from the calash, and hugged and kissed them, which affected me almost to tears. You tremble, said he, address ing himself to me; be not afraid. No, I answered; you seem so kind and tender to my children, it inspires me with courage. He now led me to the tent of General Gates, where I found Generals Burgoyne and Phillips, who were on a friendly footing with the former. Bur goyne said to me, Never mind; your sorrows have now an end. I answered him, that I should be reprehensible "to have any cares, as he had none; and I was pleased to see him on such a friendly footing with General Gates. All the generals remained to dine with General Gates. "The same gentleman who received me so kindly, now came and said to me, You will be very much embarrassed to eat with all these gentlemen ; come with your children to my tent, where I will prepare for you a frugal dinner, and give it with a free will. I said, You are certainly a husband and a father, you have shown me so much kind ness. I now found that he was General Schuyler. He treated me with excellent smoked tongue, beef-steaks, potatoes, and good bread and butter! Never could I have wished to "eat a better dinner; I was content: I saw all around me were so likewise; and, what was better than all, my husband was out of danger. When we had dined, he told me his residence was at Albany, and that General Burgoyne intended to honor him as his guest, and invited myself and children to do so likewise. I asked my hus band how I should act; he told me to accept the invitation. As it was two days journey there, he advised me to go to a place which was about three hours ride distant. Gen eral Schuyler had the politeness to send with me a French officer, a very agreeable man, who commanded the recon- APPENDIX. 371 noitering party, of which I have before spoken ; and when he had escorted rne to the house where I was to remain, he turned back again. In the house, I found a French surgeon, who had under his care a Brunswick officer, who was mortally wounded, and died some few days after wards. The Frenchman boasted much of the care he took of his patient, and perhaps was skillful enough as a sur geon, but otherwise was a mere simpleton ; he was rejoiced when he found ouf I could speak his language, and began to address many empty and impertinent speeches to me. He said, among other things, he could not believe that I was a general s wife, as he was certain a woman of such rank would not follow her husband; he wished me to re main with him, as he said it was better to be with the conquerors than the conquered. I was shocked at his impudence, but dared not show the contempt and disdain I felt for him, because it would deprive me of a place of safety. Towards evening he begged me to take a part of his chamber. I told him I was determined to remain in the room with the wounded officer; whereon he attempted to pay me some stupid compliments. At this moment the door opened, and my husband with his aid-de-camp entered. I then said, Here, sir, is my husband, and at the same time eyed him with scorn, whereon he retired abashed; nevertheless he was so polite as to offer his chamber to us. Some days after this we arrived at Albany, where we so often wished ourselves; but we did not enter it as we expected we should victors ! We were received by the good General Schuyler, his wife, and daughters, not as ene mies, but kind friends, and they treated us with the most marked attention and politeness, as they did General Bur- goyne, who had caused General Schuyler s beautifully finished house to be burned. In fact, they behaved like persons of exalted minds, who determined to bury all re collection of their own injuries in the contemplation of our misfortunes. General Burgoyne was struck with General Schuyler s generosity, and said to him, You show me great kindness,- though I have done you much injury. That was the fate of war, replied the brave man; let us say no more about it. " 372 APPENDIX. NOTE III. See Page 126. MR. BUSHNELL S squadron of kegs, committed to the Delaware in 1777, produced an unprecedented alarm among the British fleet at Philadelphia, and the singular catastrophe was, by the Hon. Francis Hopkinson, made a subject of the following song, which has been, and ever will be, celebrated for the brilliancy of its wit and humor: THE BATTLE OF THE KEGS, A SONG. t TUNE Moggy Lawder. Gallants, attend, and hear a friend Trill forth harmonious ditty; Strange things I ll tell, which late befell In Philadelphia city. Twas early day, as poets say, Just when the sun was rising, A soldier stood on log of wood, And saw a sight surprising. As in a maze he stood to gaze The truth can t be denied, sir He spied a score of kegs or more Come floating down the tide, sir. A sailor, too, in jerkin blue, The strange appearance viewing, First damn d his eyes, in great surprise, Then said, "Some mischief s brewing: "These kegs now hold the rebels bold, Pack d up like pickled herring; And they re come down t attack the town In this new way of ferrying." The soldier flew; the sailor too ; And scared almost to death, sir, Wore out their shoes to spread the news, And ran till out of breath, sir. Now up and down, throughout the town, Most frantic scenes were acted ; And some ran here, and some ran there, Like men almost distracted. Some fire cried, which some denied, But said the earth had qunkedi And girls and boys, with hideous noise, Ran through the town half-naked. APPENDIX. 373 Sir William* he, snug as a flea, Lay all this time a snoring; Nor dreamt of harm, as he lay warm; In bed with Mrs. L ng.f Now in a fright he starts upright, Awaked by such a clatter ; He rubs both eyes, and boldly cries, "For God s sake, what s the matter]** At his bed-side he -then espied Sir ErskineJ at command, sir; Upon one foot he had one boot, And t other in his hand, sir. "Arise! arise!" Sir Erskine cries; "The rebels more s the pity Without a boat, are all on float, And ranged before the city. The motley crew, in vessels new, With Satan for their guide, sir, Pack d up in bags, or wooden kegs, Come driving down the tide, sir: Therefore prepare for bloody war; These kegs must all be routed, Or surely we despised shall be, And British courage doubted." The royal band now ready stand, All arranged in dread array, sir, With stomachs stout, to see it out, And make a bloody day, sir. The cannons roar from shore to shore, The small arms make a rattle: Since wars began, I m sure no man E er saw so strange a battle. The rebel vales, the rebel dales, With rebel trees surrounded, The distant woods, the hills and floods, With rebel echoes sounded. * Sir William Howe. f The wife of Joshua Loring, a refugee from Boston, made commis sary of prisoners by General Howe. "The consummate cruelties prac tised on the American prisoners under his administration, almost exceed the ordinary powers of human invention. Th conduct of the Turks in putting all prisoners to death, is certainly much more rational and humane, than that of the British army for the first three years of the American war, or till after the capture of Burgoyne." Sir William Erskine. 374 APPENDIX. The fish below swam to and fro, Attack d from every quarter; "Why sure," thought they, "the devil s to pay "Mongst folks above the water." The kegs, tis said, though strongly made Of rebel staves and hoops, sir, Could not oppose their pow rful foes, The conqu ring British troops, sir. From morn to night these men of might Display d amazing courage: And when the sun was fairly down, Retired to sup their porridge. A hundred men, with each a pen, Or more, upon my word, sir, It is most true, would be too few Their valor to record, sir. Such feats did they perform that day, Upon these wicked kegs, sir, That years to come, if they get home, They ll make their boasts and brags, sir. NOTE IV. See Page 259. THE following is an abstract of an interesting narrative taken from the travels of the late Dr. Dwight: After the failure of the expedition against the British, garrison at Penobscot, General Peleg Wads worth was ap pointed in the spring of 1780 to the command of a party of state troops in Camden, in the District of Maine. At the expiration of the period for which the troops were engaged, in February following, General Wadsworth dis missed his troops, retaining six soldiers only as his guard, and he was making preparations to depart from the place. A neighboring inhabitant communicated his situation to the British commander at Penobscot, and a party of twenty- five soldiers, commanded by Lieutenant Stockton, was sent to make him a prisoner. They embarked in a small schooner, and landing within four miles of the general s quarters, they were concealed at the house of one Snow, a methodist preacher, professedly a friend to him, but really a traitor, till eleven o clock in the evening, where they made their arrangements for the attack on the gen- APPENDIX. 375 eral s quarters. The party rushed suddenly on the senti nel, who gave the alarm, and one of his comrades instantly opened the door of the kitchen, and the enemy were so near as to enter with the sentinel. The lady of the general, and her friend Miss Fenno, of Boston, were- in the house at the time, and Mrs. Wadsworth escaped from the room of her husband into that of Miss Fenno. The assailants soon became masters of the whole house, except the room where the general was, and which was strongly barred, and they kept up a constant firing of musketry into the windows and doors, except into those of the ladies room. General Wadsworth -was provided with a pair of pistols, a blunder buss and a fusee, which he employed with great dexterity, being determined to defend himself to the last moment With his pistols, which he discharged several times, he defended the windows of his room and a door which opened into the kitchen. His blunderbuss he snapped several times, but unfortunately it missed fire. He then seized his fusee, which he discharged on some who were breaking through one of the windows, and obliged them to flee. He next defended himself with his bayonet, till he received a ball through his left arm, when he surrendered, which terminated the contest. The firing, however, did not cease from the kitchen till the general unbarred the door, when the soldiers rushed into the room, and one of them who had been badly wounded, pointing a musket at hjs breast, exclaimed, with an oath, " You have taken my life, and I will take yours." But Lieutenant Stockton turned the musket, and saved his life. The commanding officer now applauded the general for his admirable defence, and assist ed in putting on his clothes, saying, "You see we are in a critical situation : you must excuse haste." Mrs. Wadsworth threw a blanket over him, and Miss Fenno appilied a hand kerchief closely round his wounded arm. In this condition, though much exhausted, he, with a wounded American soldier, was directed to march on foot, while two British wounded soldiers were mounted on a horse taken from the general s barn. They departed in great haste. When they had proceeded about a mile, they met, at a small house, a number of people who had collected, and who inquired if they had taken General Wadsworth. They said no, and added, that they must leave a wounded man in their 376 APPENDIX. care, and if they paid proper attention to him they should be compensated, but if not, they would burn down theii house ; but the man appeared to be dying. General Wads worth was now mounted on the horse behind the other wounded soldier, and was warned that his safety depended on his silence. Having crossed over a frozen mill-pond, about a mile in length, they were met by some of their party who had been left behind. At this place they found the British privateer which brought the party from the fort. The captain, on being told that he must return there with the prisoner and the party, and seeing some of his men wounded, became outrageous, and damned the general for a rebel, demanded how he dared to fire on the king s troops, arid ordered him to help launch the boat, or he would put his hanger through his body. The general re plied that he was a prisoner, and badly wounded, and could not assist in launching the boat. Lieutenant Stock ton, on learning of this abusive treatment, in a manner honorable to himself, told the captain that the prisoner was a gentleman, had made a brave defence, and was to be treated accordingly; and added, that his conduct should be represented to General Campbell. After this, the cap tain treated the prisoner with great civility, and afforded him every comfort in his power. General Wadsworth had left the ladies in the house, not a window of which escaped destruction. The doors were broken down, and two of the rooms were set on fire; the floors covered with blood, and on one of them lay a brave old soldier, dan gerously wounded, begging for death, that he might be released from misery. The anxiety and distress of Mrs. Wadsworth was inexpressible, and that of the general was greatly increased by the uncertainty in his mind respect ing the fate of his little son, only five years old, who had been exposed to every danger by the firing into the house, but he had the happiness afterwards to hear of his safety. Having arrived at the British post, the capture of General Wadsworth was soon announced, and the shore thronged with spectators, to see the man who, through the preceding year, had disappointed all the designs of the British in that quarter; and loud shouts were heard from the rabble which covered the shore; but when he arrived at the fort, and was conducted into the officers guard-room, he was APPENDIX. 377 treated with politeness. General Campbell, the command ant of the British garrison, sent his compliments to him and a surgeon to dress his wounds, assuring him that his situation should be made comfortable. The next morning, General Campbell invited him to breakfast, and at table paid him many compliments on the defence he had made, observing, however, that he had exposed himself in a de gree not perfectly justifiable. General Wads worth replied that, from the manner of the attack, he had no reason to suspect any design of taking him alive, and that he in tended therefore to sell his life as dearly as possible. "But, sir," said General Campbell, "I understand that the captain of the privateer treated you very ill ; I shall see that matter set right." He then informed the prisoner that a room in the officers barracks within the ibrt was prepared for him, and that he should send his orderly -ser geant daily to attend him to breakfast and dinner at his table. Having retired to bis solitary apartment, and while his spirits were extremely depressed by a recollection, of the past, and by his present situation, he received from General Campbell several books of amusement, and soon after a visit from him, kindly endeavoring to cheer the spirits of his prisoner by conversation. Not long after, the officers of the party called, and among others the re doubtable captain of the privateer, who called to ask pardon for what had fallen from hirn when in a passion ; adding, that it was not in his nature to treat a gentleman prisoner ill; that the unexpected disappointment of his cruise had thrown him off his guard, and he hoped that this would be deemed a sufficient apology. This General Wadsworth accepted. At the hour of dining he was invited to the table of the commandant, where he met with all the prin cipal officers of the garrison, and from whom he received particular attention and politeness. General Wadsworth soon made application to the commandant for a flag of truce, by which means he could transmit a letter to the governor of Massachusetts, and another to Mrs. Wads- worth. This was granted, on the condition that the letter to the governor should be inspected. The flag was in trusted to Lieutenant Stockton, and on his return, the general was relieved from all anxiety respecting his wife and family. General Campbell and the officers of the 378 APPENDIX. garrison continued their civilities for some time, and en deavored by books and personal visits to render his situa tion as pleasant as circumstances would admit of. At the end of five weeks, his wound being nearly healed, he re quested of General Campbell the customary privilege of a parole, and received, in reply, that his case had been reported to the commanding officer at New York, and that no alteration could be made till orders were received from that quarter. In about two months, Mrs. Wadsworth and Miss Fennb arrived, and General Campbell and some of the officers contributed to render their visit agreeable to all concerned. About the same time, orders were re ceived from the commanding general at New York, which were concealed from General Wadsworth, but he finally learned that he was not to be paroled nor exchanged, but was to be sent to England as a rebel of too much conse quence to be at liberty. Not long afterwards Major Benjamin Burton, a brave and worthy man, who had served under General Wadsworth the preceding summer, was taken and brought into the fort, and lodged in the same room with General Wadsworth. He had been in formed that both himself and the General were to be sent, immediately after the return of a privateer now out on a cruise, either to New York or Halifax, and thence to England. The prisoners immediately resolved to make a desperate attempt to effect their escape. They were con fined in a grated room in the officers barracks within the fort. The walls of this fortress, exclusively of the depth of the ditch surrounding it, were twenty feet high, with fraising on the top, and chevaux de frise at the bottom. Two sentinels were always in the entry, and their door, the upper part of which was of glass, might be opened by these w.atchmen whenever they thought proper, and was actually opened at seasons of peculiar darkness and silence. At the exterior doors of the entries, sentinels were also stationed, as were others in the body of the fort, and at the quarters of General Campbell. At the guard-house, a strong guard was daily mounted. Several sentinels were stationed on the walls of the fort, and a complete line occupied them by night. Without the ditch, glacis and abatis, another complete set of soldiers patroled through the night also. The gate of the fort was shut at sun-set, APPENDIX. 379 and a piquet-guard was placed on or near the isthmus leading from the fort- to the main land. The room in which they were confined was railed with boards. One of these they determined to cut off, so as to make a hole large enough to pass through, and then to creep along till they should come to the next or middle entry; and then lower themselves down into this entry by a blanket. If they should not be discovered, the pass age to the walls of the fort was easy. In the evening, after the sentinels had seen the prisoners retire to bed, General Wadsworth got up, and, standing in a chair, at tempted to cut with his knife the intended opening, but soon found it impracticable. The next day, by giving a soldier a dollar, they procured a gimblet. With this in strument they proceeded cautiously andas silently as possible to perforate the board, and in order to conceal every appearance from their servants and from the officers their visitors, they carefully covered the gimblet-holes with chewed bread. At the end of three weeks their labors were so far completed that it only remained to cut with a knife the parts which were left to hold the piece in its place. When their preparations were finished, they learned that the privateer in which they were to embark was daily expected. In the evening of the 18th of June, a very severe storm of rain, with great darkness and almost in cessant lightning came on. This the prisoners considered as the propitious moment. Having extinguished their lights, they began to cut the corners of the board, and in less than an hour the intended opening was completed. The noise which the operation occasioned was drowned by the rain falling on the roof. Major Burton first ascended to the ceiling, and pressed himself through the opening. General Wadsworth next, having put the corner of his blanket through the hole, and made it fast by a strong wooden skewer, attempted to make his way through, standing on a chair below, but it was with extreme difficulty that he at length effected it, and reached the middle entry. From this he passed through the door, which he found open, and made his way to the wall of the fort, and had to encounter the greatest difficulty before he could ascend to the top. lie had now to creep along the top of the fort between the sentry boxes at the very moment when the 25 380 APPENDIX. relief was shifting sentinels, but the falling of heavy rain kept the sentinels within their boxes, and favored his escape. Having now fastened his blanket round a picket at the top, he let himself down through the chevaux de /rise to the ground, and in a manner astonishing to him self made his way into the open field. Here he was obliged to grope his way among rocks, stumps and brush in the darkness of night, till he reached the cove; happily the tide had ebbed, and enabled him to cross the water, about a mile in breadth and not more than three feet deep. About two o clock in the morning General Wadsworth found himself a rnile and a half from the fort, and he pro ceeded through a thick wood and brush to the Penobscot river, and after passing some distance along the shore, being seven rnjles from the fort, to his unspeakable joy he saw his friend Burton advancing towards him. Major Burton had been obliged to encounter in his course equal difficulties with his companion, and such were the incredi ble perils, dangers and obstructions which they surmounted, that their escape may be considered almost miraculous. It was now necessary they should cross the Penobscot river, and very fortunately they discovered a canoe with oars on the shore suited to their purpose. While on the river they discovered a barge with a party of British from the fort in pursuit of them, but by taking an oblique course, and plying their oars to the utmost, they happily eluded the eyes of their pursuers, and arrived safe on the western shore. After having wandered in the wilderness for several days and nights, exposed to extreme fatigue and cold, and with no other food than a little dry bread and meat, which they brought in their pockets from the fort, they reached the settlements on the river St. George, and no further difficulties attended their return to their respective families. NOTE V. THERE is a particular transaction in the history of our revolutionary war, which was known only to General Washington and a single confidential officer, the gallant Major Lee, commander of a corps of cavalry. As the APPENDIX. 831 story is particularly interesting, and as it has never been disclosed to the public by any historian, except by Major Lee in his valuable memoirs, I cannot resist the tempta tion of enriching tin s work with the narration, in the words of the respectable author. "Lately, John Champe, sergeant-major of the legion of cavalry, who had been for several months considered by the corps a deserter, returned. This high-minded soldier had been selected to undertake a very difficult and peril ous project, the narration of which is due to his merit, as well as to the singularity of his progress. "The treason of General Arnold, the capture of Andre, with intelligence received by Washington, through his confidential agents in New York, communicating that many of his officers, and especially a major-general named to him, were connected with Arnold, could not fail to seize the attention of a commander even less diligent and zealous. It engaged his mind entirely, exciting sensations the most anxious, as well as unpleasant. The moment he reached the army, then under the orders of Major-General Greene, encamped in the vicinity of Tappan, he sent for Major Lee, posted with the light troops some distance in front. This officer repaired to head-quarters with celerity, and found the general in his marquee alone, busily en gaged in writing. So soon as Lee entered, he was requested to take a seat, and a bundle of papers, lying on the table, was given him for perusal. In these much information was detailed, tending to prove that Arnold was not alone in the base conspiracy just detected, but that the poison had spread; and that a major-general, whose name was not concealed, was certainly as guilty as Arnold himself. This officer had enjoyed, without interruption, the confi dence of the commander-in-chief throughout the war; nor did there exist a single reason in support of the accusation. It altogether rested on the intelligence derived from the papers before him. Major Lee, personally acquainted with the accused, could not refrain from suggesting the proba bility, that the whole was a contrivance of Sir Henry Clinton, in order to destroy that confidence between the commander and his officers, on which the success of mili tary operations depend. This suggestion, Washington replied, was plausible, and deserved due consideration. 382 APPENDIX. It had early occurred to his own mind, and had not been, slightly regarded; but his reflections settled in a conclu sion not to be shaken, as the same suggestion applied to no officer more forcibly than a few days ago it would have done to General Arnold, known now to be a traitor. "Announcing this result of his meditations with the tone and countenance of a mind deeply agitated, and re solved on its course, Lee continued silent, when the general proceeded: I have sent for vou, in the expectation that you have in your corps individuals capable and willing to undertake an indispensable, delicate, and hazardous pro ject. Whoever comes forward on this occasion, will lay me under great obligations personally; and in behalf of the United States, I will reward him amply. No time is to be lost; he must proceed, if possible, this night. My object is to probe to the bottom the afflicting intelligence contained in the papers you have just read, to seize Arnold, and by getting him, to save Andre. They are all con nected. While my emissary is engaged in preparing means for the seizure of Arnold, the guilt of others can be traced ; and the timely delivery of Arnold to me, will possibly put it into my power to restore the amiable and unfortunate Andre to his friends. My instructions are ready, in which you will find my express orders that Arnold is not to be hurt; but that he be permitted to escape, if to be pre vented only by killing him, as his public punishment is the only object in view. This you cannot too forcibly press on whoever may engage in the enterprise; and this fail not to do. With my instructions are two letters, to be delivered as ordered, and here are some guineas for expenses. "Major Lee, replying, said, that he had little or no doubt but that his legion contained many individuals daring enough for any operation, however perilous; but that the one in view required a combination of qualities not easily to be found, unless in a commissioned officer, to whom he could not venture to propose an enterprise, the first step to which was desertion; that though the sergeant- major of the cavalry was in all respects qualified for the delicate and adventurous project, and to him it might be proposed without indelicacy, as his station did not inter pose the obstacle before stated; yet it was very probable APPENDIX. that the same difficulty would occur in his breast, to re move which would not be easy, if practicable. "Washington was highly pleased with finding that a non-commissioned officer was deemed capable of executing his views; as he had felt extreme difficulty in authorizing an invitation to officers, who generally are, and always ought to be, scrupulous and nice in adhering to the course of honor. HPasked the name, the country, the age, the size, length of service, and character of the sergeant. "Being told his name that he was a native of Loudon county in Virginia; about twenty-four years of age that he had enlisted in 1776 rather above the common size, full of bone and muscle, with a saturnine countenance, grave, thoughtful and taciturn of tried courage and inflex ible perseverance, and as likely to reject an overture coup led with ignominy as any officer in the corps; a commission being the goal of his long and anxious exertions, and cer tain on the first vacancy. "The general exclaimed that he was the very man for the business; that he must undertake it; and that going to the enemy by the instigation and at the request of his officer was not desertion, though it appeared to be so; and he enjoined that this explanation, as coming from him, should be pressed on Champe; and that the vast good in prospect should be contrasted with the mere semblance of doing wrong, which he presumed could not fail to conquer every scruple. Major Lee assured the general that every exertion would be assayed on his part to execute his wishes; and, taking leave, returned to the carnp of the light corps, which he reached about eight o clock at night. Sending instantly for the sergeant-major, he introduced the business in the way best calculated, as he thought, to produce his concurrence; and dilated largely on the very great obligations he would confer on the commander-in- chief, whose unchanging and active beneficence to the troops had justly drawn to him their affection, which would be merely nominal, if, when an opportunity should offer to any individual of contributing to the promotion of his views, that opportunity was not zealously embraced. That the one now presented to him had never before oc curred, and in all probability would never occur again, even should the war continue for ages; it being most rare 384 APPENDIX. for these distinct consequences, all of primarj weight, to be comprised within a single operation, and that opera tion necessarily to be intrusted to one man, who would want but one or two associates in the active parts of its execution. That the chance of detection became extremely narrow, and consequent^ that of success enlarged. That by succeeding in the safe delivery of Arnold, he not only gratified his general in the most acceptabU manner, but he would be hailed as the avenger of the reputation of the army, stained by foul and wicked perfidy; and, what could not but be highly pleasing, he would be the instru ment of saving the life of Major Andre, soon to be brought before a court of inquiry, the decision of which could not be doubted, from the universally known circumstances of the case, and had been anticipated in the general s instructions. That by investigating with diligence and accuracy the intelligence communicated to him, he would bring to light new guilt, or he would relieve innocence, as was most probable, from distrust; quieting the torturing suspicions which now harrowed the mind of Washington, and restor ing again to his confidence a once-honored general, pos sessing it at present only ostensibly, as well as hush doubts affecting many of his brother-soldiers. "In short, the accomplishment of so much good was in itself too attractive to be renounced by a generous mind; and when connected with the recollection of the high honor which the selection shed on him as a soldier, no ought not he must not pause. The discourse was fol lowed by a detail of the plan, with a wish that he would enter on its execution instantly. Champe listened with deep attention, and with a highly-excited countenance; the perturbations of his breast not being hid even by his dark visage. lie briefly and modestly replied, that no soldier exceeded him in respect and affection for the corn- rnander-in-chief, to serve whom he would willingly lay down his life; and that he was sensible of the honor con ferred by the choice of him for the execution of a project all over arduous; nor could he be at a loss to know to whom was to be ascribed the preference bestowed, which he took pleasure in acknowledging, though increasing obligations before great and many. That he was charmed with the plan. Even its partial success would lead to great j APPENDIX. 335 good; as it would give peace to the general s mind, and do justice, as lie hoped, to innocence. Full success, added powerful and delicious personal incitements, as well as the gratification of the general and army. He was not, he said, deterred by the danger and difficulty which was evi dently to be encountered, but he was deterred by the ig nominy of desertion, to be followed by the hypocrisy of enlisting with the enemy; neither of which comported with his feelings, and either placed an insuperable bar in his way to promotion. He concluded by observing, if any mode could be contrived free from disgrace, he would cordially embark in the enterprise. As it was, he prayed to be excused; and hoped that services, always the best in his power to perform, faithfully executed, did entitle his prayer to success. "The objections at first apprehended, now to be com bated, were extended to a consequence which had not suggested itself. Lee candidly admitted that he had ex pected the first objection made, and that only; which had been imparted to the general, who gave to it full considera tion, and concluded by declaring that the crime of desertion was not incurred; as no act done by the soldier at the request of the commander-in-chief could be considered as desertion, and that an action so manifestly praiseworthy as that to be performed, when known, would dissipate by its own force the reflections excited by appearances, which no doubt would be acrimonious, leaving the actor in full enjoyment of the future rich rewards of his virtue. That the reflecting mind ought not to balance between the achievement of so much good, and the doing wrong in semblance only ; to which Major Lee subjoined, that when in consequence of the general s call on him for a soldier capable and willing to execute a project so tempting to the brave, he considered himself and corps highly honored ; and that he should consider himself reduced to a mortifying condition, if the resistance to the undertaking compelled him to inform the general that he must recur to some other corps to provide an agent to execute this necessary and bold enterprise. He entreated the sergeant to ask himself what must be the sensations of his comrades, if a soldier from some other corps should execute the enterprise, when they should be told that the glory transferred to the regi- 386 APPENDIX. ment of which he was one, might have been enjoyed by the legion, had not Sergeant Champe shrunk from the overture made to him by his general, rather than reject scruples too narrow and confined to be permitted to inter fere with grand and virtuous deeds. "The esprit du corps could not be resisted, and, united to his inclination, it subdued his prejudices, and he declared his willingness to conform to the wishes of the general ; relying, as he confidently did, that his reputation would be protected by those who had induced him to undertake the enterprise, should he be unfortunate in the attempt. "The instructions were read to him, and every distinct object presented plainly to his view, of which he took notes so disguised as to be understood only by himself. He was particularly cautioned to use the utmost circum spection in delivering his letters, and to take care to with hold from the two individuals, addressed under feigned names, knowledge of each other; for though both .had long been in the confidence of the general, yet it was not known by one that the other was so engaged. He was further urged to bear in constant recollection the solemn injunction so pointedly expressed in the instructions to Major Lee, of forbearing to kill Arnold in any condition of things. "This part of the business being finished, the major s and sergeant s deliberations were turned to the manner of the latter s desertion ; for it was well known to both that to pass the numerous patroles of horse and foot cross ing from the stationary guards, was itself difficult, which was now rendered more so by parties thrown occasionally beyond the place called Liberty-pole, as well as by swarms of irregulars, induced sometimes to venture down to the very point of Paulus Hook with the hope of picking up booty. Evidently discernible as were the difficulties in the way, no relief could be administered by Major Lee, lest it might induce a belief that he*was privy to the desertion, which opinion getting to the enemy would in volve the life of Champe. The sergeant was left to his own resources and to his own management, with the de clared determination that in case his departure should be discovered before morning, Lee would take care to delay pursuit as long as was practicable. APPENDIX. 337 "Giving to the sergeant three guineas, and presenting his best wishes, he recommended him to start without de lay, and enjoined him to communicate his arrival in New York as soon thereafter as might be practicable. Champe, pulling out his watch, compared it with the major s, remind ing the latter of the importance of holding back pursuit, which he was convinced would take place in the course of the night, and which might be fatal, as he knew that he should be obliged to zigzag in order to avoid the patroles, which would consume time. It was now nearly eleven. The sergeant returned to camp, and taking his cloak, valise and orderly-book, he drew his horse from the picket, and, mounting him, put himself on fortune. Lee, charmed with his expeditious consummation of the first part of the enter prise, retired id rest. Useless attempt ! the past scene could not be obliterated; and, indeed, had that been practicable, the interruption which ensued would have stopped repose. " Within half an hour Captain Games, officer of the day, waited on the major, and with considerable emotion told him that one of the patrole had fallen in with a dragoon, who, being challenged, put spur to his horse, and escaped, though instantly pursued. Lee, complaining of the inter ruption, and pretending to be extremely fatigued by his ride to and from head-quarters, answered as if he did not understand what had been said, which compelled the cap tain to repeat it. Who can the fellow that was pursued be? inquired the major; adding, a country man, probably. No, replied the captain; the patrole sufficiently distin guished him to know that he was a dragoon; probably one from the army, if not certainly one of our own. This idea was ridiculed from its improbability, as, during the whole war, but a single dragoon had deserted from the legion. This did not convince Carnes, so much stress was it now the fashion to lay on the desertion of Arnold, and the probable effect of his example. The captain withdrew to examine the squadron of horse, whom he had ordered to assemble in pursuance of established usage on similar occasions. Very quickly he returned, stating that the scoundrel was known, and was no less a person than the sergeant-major, who was gone off with his horse, baggage, arms and orderly-book so presumed, as neither the one nor the other could be found. Sensibly affected at the APPENDIX. supposed paseness of a soldier extremely respected, the captain added that he had ordered a party to make ready for pursuit, and begged the major s written orders. "Occasionally this discourse was interrupted, and every idea suggested which the excellent character of the ser geant warranted, to induce the suspicion that he had not deserted, but had taken the liberty to leave camp with a view to personal pleasure; an example, said Lee, too often set by the officers themselves, destructive as it was of dis cipline, opposed as it was to orders, and disastrous as it might prove to the corps in the course of service. " Some little delay was thus interposed; but it being now announced that the pursuing party was ready, Major Lee directed a change in the officer, saying that he had a par ticular service in view, which he had determined to intrust to the lieutenant ready for duty, and which probably must be performed in the morning. He therefore directed him to summon Cornet Middleton for the present command. Lee was induced thus to act, first to add to the delay, and next from his knowledge of the tenderness of Middleton s disposition, which he hoped would lead to the protection of Charnpe, should he be taken. Within ten minutes Middleton appeared to receive his orders, which were delivered to him, made out*in the customary form, and signed by the major. Pursue so far as you can with safety Sergeant Champe, who is suspected of deserting to the enemy, and has taken the road leading to Paulus Hook. Bring him alive, that he may suffer in the presence of the army ; but kill him if he resists, or escapes after being taken. "Detaining the cornet a few minutes longer in advising him what course to pursue urging him to take care of the horse and accoutrements, if recovered and enjoining him to be on his guard, lest he might, by his eager pur suit, improvidently fall into the hands of the enemy the major dismissed Middleton, wishing him success. A shower of rain fell soon after Champe s departure, which enabled the pursuing dragoons to take the trail of his horse; know ing, as officer and trooper did, the make of their shoes, whose impression was an unerring guide.* * The horses being all shod by our own farriers, the shoes were mado in tho samefoim; which, with a private mark annexed to the fore shoes, and known to the troopers, pointed out the trail of our dragoons to each other, which was often very useful. APPENDIX. 389 "When Middleton departed, it was a few minutes past twelve, so that Champe had only the start of rather more than an hour by no means so long as was desired. Lee became very unhappy, not only because the estimable and gallant Champe might be injured, but lest the enterprise might be delayed; and he sfpent a sleepless night. The pursuing party during the night was, on their part, delayed by the necessary halts to examine occasionally the road, as the impression of the horse s shoes directed their course; this was unfortunately too evident, no other horse having passed along the road since the shower. When the day broke, Middleton was no longer forced to halt, and he passed on with rapidity. Ascending an eminence before he reached the Three Pigeons, some miles on the north of the village of Bergen, as the pursuing party reached its sum mit, Champe was descried not more than half a mile in front. Resembling an Indian in his vigilance, the sergeant at the same moment discovered the party, to whose object he was no stranger, and, giving spur to his horse, he deter mined to outstrip his pursuers. Middleton at the same instant put his horses to the top of their speed; and being, as the legion all were, well acquainted with the country, he recollected a short route through the woods to the bridge below Bergen, which diverged from the great road just after you gain the Three Pigeons. Beaching the point of separation, he halted, and dividing his party, directed a sergeant with a few dragoons to take the near cut, and possess with all possible despatch the bridge, while he with the residue, followed Champe; not doubting but that Champe must deliver himself up, as he would be inclosed between himself and his sergeant. Champe did not forget the short cut, and would have taken it himself, but he knew it was the usual route of our parties when returning in the day from the neighborhood of the enemy, properly preferring the woods to the road. He consequently- avoided it; and, persuaded that Middleton would avail himself of it, wisely resolved to relinquish his intention of getting to Paulus Hook, and to seek refuge from two British galleys, tying a few miles to the west of Bergen. "This was a station always occupied by one or two gal leys, and which it was known now lay there. Entering the village or Bergen, Champe turned to his right, and 390 APPENDIX. disguising his change of course as much as he could by taking the beaten streets, turning as they turned, he passed through the village, and took the road towards Elizabeth town Point. Middleton s sergeant gained the bridge, where he concealed himself, ready to pounce on Champe, when he came up; and Middleton, pursuing his course through Bergen, soon got also to the bridge, when, to his extreme mortification, he found that the sergeant had slipped through his fingers. Eeturning up the road, he inquired of the villagers of Bergen whether a dragoon had been seen that morning preceding his party. He was answered in the affirmative, but could learn nothing satisfactory as to the route he had taken. While engaged in inquiries himself, he spread his party through the village to strike the trail of Charnpe s horse, a resort always recurred to. Some of his dragoons hit it, just as the sergeant, leaving the village, got in the road to the point. Pursuit was re newed with vigor, and again Champe was descried. He, apprehending the event, had prepared himself for it, by lashing his valise, containing his clothes and orderly-book, on his shoulders, and holding his drawn sword in his hand, having thrown away its scabbard. This he did to save what was indispensable to him, and to prevent any inter ruption to his swimming from the scabbard, should Mid dleton, as he presumed, when disappointed at the bridge, take the measures adopted by him. The pursuit was rapid and close, as the stop occasioned by the sergeant s prepar ations for swimming had brought Middleton within two or three hundred yards. As soon as Champe got abreast of the galleys, he dismounted, and running through the marsh to the river, plunged into it, calling on the galleys for help. This was readily given ; they fired on our horse, and sent a boat to meet Champe, who was taken in and carried on board, and conveyed to New York with a letter from the captain of the galley, stating the past scene, all of which he had seen. "The horse with his equipments, the sergeant s cloak and sword scabbard, were recovered; the sword itself, being held by Champe till he plunged into the river, was lost, as Middleton found it necessary to retire without searching for it. "About three o clock in the evening our party returned; APPENDIX. 391 and the soldiers, seeing the horse, well known to them, in our possession, made the air resound with exclamations that the scoundrel was killed. "Major Lee, called by this heart-rending annunciation from his tent, saw the sergeant s horse led by one of Mid- dleton s dragoons, and began to reproach himself with the blood of the highly-prized, faithful, and intrepid Charnpe. Stifling his agony, he advanced to meet Middleton, and became somewhat relieved as soon as he got near enough to discern the countenance of his officer and party. There was evidence in their looks of disappointment, and he was quickly relieved by Middleton s information that the ser geant had effected his escape with the loss of his horse, and narrated the particulars just recited. "Lee s joy was now as full as, the moment before, his torture had been excruciating. Never was a happier con clusion. The sergeant escaped unhurt, carrying with him to the enemy undeniable testimony of the sincerity of his desertion cancelling every apprehension before enter tained, lest the enemy might suspect him of .being what he really was. "Major Lee imparted to the commander-in-chief the oc currence, who was sensibly affected by the hair-breadth escape of Champe, and anticipated with pleasure the good effect sure to follow the enemy s knowledge of its manner. "On the fourth day after Champe s departure, Lee re ceived a letter from him, written the day before in a dis guised hand, without any signature, and stating what had passed, after he got on board the galley, where he was kindly received. "He was carried to the commandant of New York as soon as he arrived, and presented the letter addressed to this officer from the captain of the galley. Being asked to what corps he belonged, and a few other common ques tions, he was sent under care of an orderly-sergeant, to the adjutant-general, who, finding that he was sergeant- major of the legion of horse, heretofore remarkable for their fidelity, he began to interrogate him. He was told by Champe that such was the spirit of defection which prevailed among the American troops, in consequence of Arnold s example, that, he had no doubt, if the temper was properly cherished, Washington s ranks would not 392 APPENDIX. only be greatly thinned, but that some of his best corps would leave him. To this conclusion, the sergeant said, he was led bv his own observations, and especially by his knowledge of the discontents which agitated the corps to which he had belonged. His size, place of birth, his form, countenance, color of his hair, the corps in which he had served, with other remarks in conformity to the British usage, was noted in a large folio book. After this was finished, he was sent to the cornmander-in-chief, in charge of one of the staff, with a letter from the adjutant-general. Sir Henry Clinton treated him very kindly, and detained him more than an hour, asking him many questions, all leadings-first to know to what extent this spirit of defec tion might be pushed by proper incitements what were the most operating incitements whether any general offi cers were suspected by Washington as concerned in Ar nold s conspiracy, or any other officers of note who they were, and whether the troops approved or censured Wash ington s suspicions whether his popularity in the army was sinking, or continued stationary. What was Major Andre s situation whether any change had taken place in the manner of his confinement what was the current opinion of his probable fate and whether it was thought Washington would treat him as a spy. To these various interrogations, some of which were perplexing, Charnpe answered warily ; exciting, nevertheless, hopes that the adoption of proper measures to encourage desertion, of which he could not pretend to form an opinion, would cer tainly bring off hundreds of the American soldiers,including some of the best troops, horse as well as foot. Respecting the fate of Andre, he said he was ignorant, though there appeared to be a general wish in the army that his life should not be taken ; and that he believed it would depend more on the disposition of Congress, than on the will of Washington. "After this long conversation ended, Sir Henry pre sented Champe with a couple of guineas, and recommended him to wait on General Arnold, who was engaged in rais ing an American legion in the service of his majesty. He directed one of his aids to write to Arnold by Champe, stating who he was, and what he had said about the dis position in the army to follow his example, which was APPENDIX. 393 very soon done; it was given to the orderly attending on. ChampCj to be presented with the deserter to General Arnold. Arnold expressed much satisfaction on hearing from Champe the manner of his escape, and the effect of Arnold s example; and concluded his numerous inquiries by assigning quarters to the sergeant the same as were occupied by his recruiting-sergeants. "He also proposed to Champe to join his legion, telling him he could give to him the same station he had held in the rebel service, and promising further advancement when merited. Expressing his wish to retire from war, and his conviction of the certainty of his being hung if ever taken by the rebels, he begged to be excused from enlistment; assuring the general that, should he change his mind, he would certainly accept his offer. Ketiring to the assigned quarters, Champe now turned his attention to the delivery of his letters, which he could not effect till the next night, and then only to one of the two incogniti to whom he was recommended. This man received the sergeant with ex treme attention, and, having read the letter, assured Champe that he might rely on his faithful cooperation in doing every thing in his power consistently with his safety, to guard which required the utmost prudence and circum spection. The sole object in which the aid of this indi vidual was required, regarded the general and others of our army, implicated in the information sent to Washing ton by him. To this object Champe urged his attention, assuring him of the solicitude it had excited, and telling him that its speedy investigation had induced the general to send him into New York. Promising to enter on it with zeal, and engaging to send out Champe s letters to Major Lee, he fixed the time and place for their next meeting, when they separated. "Lee made known to the general what had been trans mitted to him by Champe, and received in answer direc tions to press Champe to the expeditious conclusion of his mission, as the fate of Andre would be soon decided, when little or no delay could be admitted in executing whatever sentence the court might decree. The same messenger who brought Charnpe s letter, returned with the ordered communication. Five days had nearly elapsed after reach ing New York, before Champe saw the confidant to whom 394 APPENDIX. only the attempt against Arnold was to be intrusted. This person entered with promptitude into the design, promis ing his cordial assistance. To procure a proper associate to Champe was the first object, and this he promised to do with all possible despatch. Furnishing a conveyance to Lee he again heard from Chain pe, who stated what I have related, with the additional intelligence that he had that morning, the last of September, been appointed one of Arnold s recruiting-sergeants, having enlisted the day be fore with Arnold; and that he was induced to take this afflicting step, for the purpose of securing uninterrupted ingress and egress to the house which the general occu pied, it being indispensable to a speedy conclusion of the difficult enterprise which the information he had just re ceived had so forcibly urged. He added, that the diffi culties in his way were numerous and stubborn, and that his prospect of success was by no means cheering. With respect to the additional treason, he asserted that he had every reason to believe that it was groundless; that the report took its rise in the enemy s camp, and that he hoped soon to clear up this matter satisfactorily. The pleasure which the first part of this communication af forded was damped by the tidings it imparted respecting Arnold, as on his speedy delivery depended Andre s relief. The interposition of Sir Henry Clinton, who was extremely anxious to save his much-loved aid-de-camp, still contin ued; and it was expected the examination of witnesses and the defence of the prisoner would protract the decision of the court of inquiry, now assembled, and give sufficient time for the consummation of the project committed to Champe. A complete disappointment took place from a quarter unforeseen and unexpected. The honorable and accomplished Andre, knowing his guilt, disdained defence, and prevented the examination of witnesses, by confessing the character in which he stood. On the next day, the 2d of October, the court again assembled, when every doubt that could possibly arise in the case having been removed by the previous confession, Andre was declared to be a spy, and condemned to suffer accordingly. " The sentence was executed on the subsequent day in the usual form, the cornmander-in-chief deeming it im- APPENDIX. 395 proper to interpose any delay. In this decision he was warranted by the very unpromising intelligence received from Champe by the still existing implication of other officers in Arnold^s conspiracy by a due regard to public opinion and by real tenderness to the condemned. "Neither Congress nor the nation could have been with propriety informed of the cause of the delay, and without such information it must have excited in both alarm and suspicion. Andre himself could not have been intrusted with the secret, and would consequently have attributed the unlooked-for event to the expostulation and exertion of Sir Henry Clinton, which would not fail to produce in his breast expectations of ultimate relief; to excite which would have been cruel, as the realization of such expecta tion depended only on a possible but improbable contin gency. The fate of Andre, hastened by himself, deprived the enterprise committed to Champe of a feature which had been highly prized by its projector, and which had very much engaged the heart of the individual chosen to execute it. "Washington ordered Major Lee to communicate what had passed to the sergeant, with directions to encourage him to prosecute with unrelaxed vigor the remaining ob jects of his instructions, but to intermit haste in the exe cution only so far as was compatible with final success. "This was accordingly done, by the first opportunity, in the manner directed. Champe deplored the sad neces sity which occurred, and candidly confessed that the hope of enabling Washington to save the life of Andre, who had been the subject of universal commiseration in the American camp, greatly contributed to remove the serious difficulties which opposed his acceding to the proposition when first propounded. Some documents accompanied this communication, tending to prove the innocence of the accused general ; they were completely satisfactory, and did credit to the discrimination, zeal and diligence of the ser geant. Lee inclosed them immediately to the commander- in-chief, who was pleased to express the satisfaction he derived from the information, and to order the major to wait on him the next day; when the whole subject was reexamined, and the distrust heretofore entertained of the 26 396 APPENDIX. accused was for ever dismissed.* Nothing now remained to be done but the seizure and safe delivery of Arnold. To this object Champe gave his undivided attention; and on the 19th of October, Major Lee received from him a very particular account of the progress he had made, with the outlines of his plan. This was without delay submit ted to Washington; with a request for a few additional guineas. The general s letter,f written on the same day, * Copy of a Letter from General Washington to Major Lee, in his own hand-writing, dated "OCTOBER 23d, 1780. "DEAR SIR: I am very glad your letter of this date has given strength to my conviction of the innocence of the gentleman who was the subject of your inquiry. I want to see you on a particular piece of business. If the day is fair, and nothing of consequence intervenes, I will be at the marquis quarters at ten o clock to-morrow. If*this should not iap- pen, I shall be glad to see you at head-quarters. "I am, dear sir, your most obedient servant, "G. WASHINGTON." f Copy of a Letter from General Washington to Major Lee in his own hand-writing. " HEAD-QUARTERS, October 20th, 1780. "DEAR SIR: The plan proposed for taking A d, the outlines of which are communicated in your letter, which was this moment put into my hands without date, has every mark of a good one. I therefore agree to the promised rewards; and have such entire confidence in your man agement of the business, as to give it my fullest approbation; and leave the whole to the guidance of your own judgment, with this express stip ulation and pointed injunction, that he, A d, is brought to me alive. "No circumstance whatever shall obtain my consent to his being put to death. The idea which would accomp my such an event, would be that ruffians had been hired to assassinate him. My aim is to make a public example of him; and this should be strongly impressed on those who are employed to bring him off. The sergeant must be very circum spect; too much zeal may create suspicion, and too much precipitancy may defeat the project. The most inviolable secrecy must be observed on all hands. I send you live guineas; but I am not satisfied of the pro priety of the sergeant s appearing with much specie. This circumstance may also lead to suspicion, as it is but too well known to the enemy that we do not abound in this article. "The interviews between the party, in and out of the city, should be managed with much caution and seeming indifference; or else the fre quency of their meetings, &c., may betray the design, and involve bad consequences; but I am persuaded you will place every matter in a proper point of view to the conductors of this interesting business, and therefore I shall only add, that "I am, dear sir, &c., &c. "G. WASHINGTON." APPENDIX. 397 20th October, evinces his attention to the minutiae of busi ness, as well as his immutable determination to possess Arnold alive, or not at all. This was his original in junction, which he never omitted to enforce on every proper occasion. u Major Lee had an opportunity, in the course of the week, of writing to Champe, when he told him that the rewards which he had promised to his associates would be certainly paid on the delivery of Arnold; and in the mean time, small sums of money would be furnished for casual expenses, it being deemed improper that he should appear with much, lest it might lead to suspicion and detection. That five guineas were now sent, and that more would follow when absolutely necessary. " Ten days elapsed before Champe brought his measures to conclusion, when Lee received from him his final com munication, appointing the third subsequent night for a party of dragoons to meet him at Hoboken, when he hoped to deliver Arnold to the officer. Champe had, from his enlistment into the American legion, (Arnold s corps,) every opportunity he could wish to attend to the habits of the general. He discovered that it was his custom to return home about twelve every night, and that previous to going to bed he always visited the garden. During this visit the conspirators were to seize him, and, being prepared with a gag, intended to have applied the same instantly. "Adjoining the house in which Arnold resided, and in which it was designed to seize and gag him, Champe had taken off several of the palings and replaced them so that with care and without noise he could readily open his way to the adjoining alley. Into this alley he meant to have conveyed his prisoner, aided by his companion, one of two associates who had been introduced by the friend to whom Champe had been originally made known by letter from the commander-in-chief, and with whose aid and counsel he had so far conducted the enterprise. His other associate was with the boat prepared at one of the wharves on the Hudson river to receive the party. "Champe and his friend intended to have placed them selves each under Arnold s shoulder, and to have thus borne him through the most unfrequented alleys and 398 APPENDIX. streets to the boat; representing Arnold, .in case of being questioned, as a drunken soldier whom they were convey ing to the guard-house. "When arrived at the boat, the difficulties would be all surmounted, there being no danger nor obstacle in passing to the Jersey shore. These particulars, so soon as known to Lee, were communicated to the commander-in-chief, who was highly gratified with the much-desired intelli gence. He directed Major Lee to meet Champe, and to take care that Arnold should not be hurt. The day ar rived, and Lee with a party of dragoons left camp late in the evening, with three led accoutred horses; one for Arnold, one for the sergeant, and the third for his asso ciate, never doubting the success of the enterprise, from the tenor of the last-received communication. The party reached Hoboken about midnight, where they were con cealed in the adjoining wood Lee with three dragoons stationing himself near the river-shore. Hour after hour passed no boat approached. At length the day broke, and the major retired to his party, and with his led horses returned to camp, when he proceeded to head-quarters to inform the general of the much-lamented disappointment, as mortifying as inexplicable. Washington having pe rused Champe s plan and communication, had indulged the presumption that at length the object of his keen and constant pursuit was sure of execution, and did not dis semble the joy such conviction produced. He was cha grined at the issue, and apprehended that his faithful sergeant must have been detected in the last scene of his tedious and difficult enterprise. "In a few days Lee received an anonymous letter from Champe s patron and friend, informing him that on the day preceding the night fixed for the execution of the plot, Arnold had removed his quarters to another part of the town, to superintend the embarkation of troops, preparing, as was rumored, for an expedition to be directed by him self; and that the American legion, consisting chiefly of American deserters, had been transferred from their bar racks to one of the transports; it being apprehended that if left on shore till the expedition was ready, many of them might desert. Thus it happened that John Champe, instead of crossing the Hudson that night, was safely de- >\ ^\j-2 -. \ - 1 :, - i \ JOHN ADAMS. APPENDIX. 399 posited on board one of the fleet of transports, whence he never departed till the troops under Arnold landed in Virginia! nor was he able to escape from the British army till after the junction of Lord Cornwallis at Petersburg, when he deserted, and proceeding high up into Virginia, he passed into North Carolina, near the Sama towns, and, keeping in the friendly districts of that state, safely joined the army soon after it had passed the Congaree in pursuit of Lord Kawdon. "His appearance excited extreme surprise among his former comrades, which was not a little increased when they saw the cordial reception he met with from the late major, now Lieutenant-Colonel Lee. His whole story soon became known to the corps, which reproduced the love and respect of officer and soldier, heretofore invariably entertained for the sergeant, heightened by universal ad miration of his late daring and arduous attempt. "Champe was introduced to General Greene, who very cheerfully complied with the promises made by the com- mander-in-chief, so far as in his power; and having pro vided the sergeant with a good horse and money for his journey, sent him to General Washington, who munifi cently anticipated every desire of the sergeant, and pre sented him with his discharge from further service,* lest he might in the vicissitudes of war fall into the enemy s hands; when, if recognized, he was sure to die on the gibbet." * When General Washington was called by President Adams to the command of the army, prepared to defend the country from French hostility, he sent to Lieutenant-Colonel Lee, to inquire for Champe; being determined to bring him into the field at the head of a company of infantry. Lee sent to Loudon county, where Champe settled after his discharge from the army ; when he learned that the gallant sold ** had removed to Kentucky, where he socn after died. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. MAJOR-GENERAL ISRAEL PUTNAM, THE life of this patriot and hero has been portrayed by the able and impartial hand of the late General David Humphreys, and a brief sketch, chiefly from that work, must suffice for the present purpose. General Putnam was born at Salem, Massachusetts, on the 7th day of Jan uary, 1718. He was indebted to nature, more than edu cation, for a vigorous constitution, for mental endowments, and for that undaunted courage and active enterprise which were his prominent characteristics. Much confidence was reposed in his military prowess and judgment, and he was remarkable for a faithful perseverance in all the duties of his station, and for the most undeviating principles of honor, humanity and benevolence. In the year 1739, he removed to Pomfret, in Connecticut, where he applied himself to the art of agriculture. His biographer, as a display of character in early life, has recorded an instance of his bold attack of a wolf while in her den; but as the story has been frequently promulgated, it need ,not be re peated in this place. When, in the year 1755, the war between England and France broke out in America, Put nam was appointed to the command of a company of rangers, and was distinguished for his active services as a partizan officer. In 1757, he was promoted to a majority, and being in a warm and close engagement with a party of French and savages, he had discharged his fuzee several times, when at length it missed fire while the muzzle was pressed against the breast of a large and well-proportioned Indian. This adversary, with a tremendous war-whoop, sprang forward with his lifted hatchet, and compelled him to surrender; and having bound him fast to a tree returned APPENDIX. 401 to the battle. For a considerable time the tree to which Major Putnam was tied was directly between the fires of the two parties, than which no conceivable situation could be more deplorable. The balls flew incessantly from each side, many struck the tree, while some passed through the sleeves and skirts of his coat. In this state of jeopardy, unable to move his body, to stir his limbs, or even to in cline his head, he remained more than an hour so equally balanced and so obstinate was the fight! At one moment, while the battle swerved in favor of the enemy, a young savage chose an odd way of discovering his humor. He found Putnam bound. He might have despatched him at a blow. But he loved better to excite the terrors of the prisoner by hurling a tomahawk at his head, or rather it should seem his object was to see how near he could throw it without touching him. The weapon struck in the tree a number of times at a hair s-breadth from the mark. When the Indian had finished his amusement, a French bas-officer, a much more inveterate savage by nature, though descended from so humane and polished a nation, perceiving Putnam, came to him, and, levelling a fuzee within a foot of his breast, attempted to discharge it it missed fire. Ineffectually did the intended victim solicit the treatment due to his situation, by repeating that he was a prisoner of war. The degenerate Frenchman did not understand the language of honor or of nature; deaf to their voice, and dead to sensibility, he violently and repeatedly pushed the muzzle of his gun against Putnam s rib s, and finally gave him a cruel blow on the jaw with the butt-end of his piece. After this dastardly deed he left him. At length the enemy was driven from the field of battle, and, as they were retiring, Putnam was untied by the Indian who had made him prisoner, and whom he after wards called master. Having been conducted to some distance from the place of action, he was stripped of his coat, vest, stockings and shoes; loaded with as many of the packs of the wounded as could be piled on him, strongly pinioned, and his wrists tied as closely together as they could be pulled with a cord. After he had marched through no pleasant paths, in this painful man ner, for many a tedious mile, the party, who were exces- 402 APPENDIX. sively fatigued, halted to breathe. His hands were now immoderately swelled from the tightness of the ligature, and the pain had become intolerable. His feet were so much scratched, that the blood dropped fast from them. Exhausted with bearing a burden above his strength, and frantic with torments exquisite beyond endurance, he in- treated the Irish interpreter to implore, as the last and only grace he desired of the savages, that they would knock him on the head, and take his scalp at once, or loose his hands. A French officer, instantly interposing, ordered his hands to be unbound, and some of the packs to be taken off. By this time the Indian who captured him and had been absent with the wounded, coming up, gave him a pair of moccasins, and expressed great indigna tion at the unworthy treatment his prisoner had suffered. That savage chief again returned to the care of the wounded, and the Indians, about two hundred in number, went before the rest of the party to the place where the whole were that night to encamp. They took with them Major Putnam, on whom, besides innumerable other out rages, they had the barbarity to inflict a deep wound with the tomahawk in the left cheek. His sufferings were in this place to be consummated. A scene of horror, infi nitely greater than had ever met his eyes before, was now preparing. It was determined to roast him alive. For this purpose they led him into a dark forest, stripped him naked, bound him to a tree, and piled dry brush, with other fuel, at a small distance, in a circle round him. They accompanied their labors, as if for his funeral dirge, with screams and sounds, inimitable but by savage voices. Then they set the piles on fire. A sudden shower damped the rising flame. Still they strove to kindle it; at last the blaze ran fiercely round the circle. Major Putnam soon began to feel the scorching heat. His hands were so tied that he could move his body. He often shifted sides as the fire approached. This sight, at the very idea of which, all but savages must shudder, afforded the highest diversion to his inhuman tormentors, who demonstrated the delirium of their joy by corresponding yells, dances and gesticula tions. He saw clearly .that his final hour was inevitably come. He summoned all his resolution, and composed his mind, so far as the circumstances could admit, to bid APPENDIX. 403 an eternal farewell to all he held most dear. To quit the worfd would scarcely have cost a single pang; but for the idea of home, but for the remembrance of domestic endear ments, of the affectionate partner of his soul, and of their beloved offspring. His thought was ultimately fixed on a happier state of existence, beyond the tortures he was beginning to endure. The bitterness of death, even of that death which is accompanied with the keenest agonies, was, in a manner, past nature, with a feeble struggle, was quitting its last hold on sublunary things when a French officer rushed through the crowd, opened a way by scat tering the burning brands, and unbound the victim. It was Molang himself to whom a savage, unwilling to see another human victim immolated, had run and communi cated the tidings. That commandant spurned and severely reprimanded the barbarians, whose nocturnal powwas and hellish orgies he suddenly ended. Putnam did not want for feeling or gratitude.^ The French commander, fearing to trust him alone with them, remained till he could safely deliver him into the hands of his master. The savage approached his prisoner kindly, and seemed to treat him with particular affection. He offered him some hard biscuit; but finding that he could not chew them, on account of the blow he had received from the Frenchman, tWs more humane savage soaked some of the biscuit in water, and made him suck the pulp-like part. Determined, however, not to lose his captive, the refresh ment being finished, he took the moccasins from his feet, and tied them to one of his wrists; then directing him to lie down on his back on the bare ground, he stretched one arm to its full length, and bound it fast to a young tree; the other arm was extended and bound in the same man ner his legs were stretched apart, and fastened to two saplings. Then a number of tall, but slender poles were cut down, which, with some long bushes, were laid across his body from head to foot: on each side lay as many In dians as could conveniently find lodging, in order to pre vent the possibility of his escape. In this disagreeable and painful posture he remained till morning. During the night, (the longest and most dreary conceivable,) our hero used to relate that he felt a ray of cheerfulness come casually across his mind, and could not even refrain from 404 AiTEXDIX. smiling when he reflected on this ludicrous group for a painter, of which he himself was the principal figure. The next day he was allowed his blanket and moccasins, and permitted to march without carrying any pack or re ceiving any insult. To allay his extreme hunger, a little bear s-rneat was given, which he sucked through his teeth. At night the party arrived at Ticonderoga, and the pris oner was placed under the care of a French guard. The savages, who had been prevented from glutting their dia bolical thirst for blood, took this opportunity of manifesting their malevolence for the disappointment by horrid grim aces and angry gestures; but they were suffered no more to offer violence or personal indignity to him. After having been examined by the Marquis de Mont- calm, Major Putnam was conducted to Montreal by a French officer, who treated him with the greatest indulg ence and humanity. At this place were several prisoners. Colonel Peter Schuyler, remarkable for his philanthropy, generosity and friendship, was of the number. No sooner had he heard of Major Putnam s arrival, than he went to the interpret er s quarters, and inquired whether he had a Provincial major in his custody? He found Major Putnam in a com fortless condition without coat, waistcoat, or hose the remnant of his clothing miserably dirty and ragged his beard long and squalid his legs torn by thorns and briers his face gashed with wounds and swollen with bruises. Colonel Schuyler, irritated beyond all sufferance at such a sight, could scarcely restrain his speech within limits con sistent with the prudence of a prisoner and the meekness of a Christian. Major Putnam was immediately treated according to his rank, clothed in a decent manner, and supplied with money by this liberal and sympathetic patron of the distressed, and by his assistance he was soon, after exchanged. In the year 1760, Major Putnam was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel, and served under General Am- herst in the conquest of Canada. He embraced numerous opportunities of achieving feats of valor, and was partic ularly honored by his general for the promptitude and ability with which he acquitted himself of his arduous duty. "Colonel Putnam, at the expiration of ten years APPENDIX. 405 from his first receiving a commission, after having seen as much service, endured as many hardships, encountered as many dangers, and acquired as many laurels, as any officer of his rank, with great satisfaction laid aside his uniform and returned to his plough." No character stood fairer in the public eye for integrity, bravery and patriotism. It was proverbially said, as well by British as Provincial officers, that, in a service of great peril and hardship, from 1755 to 1763, "he dared to lead where any dared to follow" At the commencement of hostilities between the colonies and the mother-country, Colonel Putnam, on hearing of the battle at Lexington, left his plough in the middle of the field, and, without changing his clothes, repaired to Cam bridge, riding in a single day one hundred miles. He was soon appointed a major-general in the provincial army, and, returning to Connecticut, he made no delay in bringing on a body of troops. Not long after his appointment, the commander of the British army, unwilling that so valua ble an officer should act in opposition, privately conveyed to him a proposal that if he would quit the rebel party > he might rely on being made a major-general in the British establishment, and receiving a great pecuniary compensa tion for his services; but he spurned the offer. "On the 16th of June, 1775, it was determined in a council of war, at which General Putnam assisted, that a fortified post should be established at or near Bunker-hill. General Putnam marched with the first detachment and commenced the work; he was the principal agent or engineer who traced the lines of the redoubt, and he continued most, if not all the night with the workmen : at any rate, he was on the spot before sun-rising in the morning, and had taken his station on the top of Bunker-hill, and participated in the danger as well as the glory of that day."* A Letter from the Hon. Judge Grosvenor, of Pomfret, Connecticut. "Being under the command of General Putnam, part of our regiment, and a much larger number of Massachusetts troops, under Colonel Pres- * In the spring of the year 1818 an account of the battle of Bunker- hill was publishdd in the Port Folio by Henry Dearborn, Esq., major- general in the army of the United States, in which he animadverts on the conduct of General Putnam with great seventy. To this production Daniel Putnam, Esq., son of the late general, has published a rejoinder from which I have taken the testimonials which follow. 406 APPENDIX. cott, were ordered to march on the evening of the 16th of June, 1775, to Breed s-hill, where, under the immediate superintendence of General Putnam, ground was broken and a redoubt formed. On the following day, the 17th, dispositions were made to deter the advance of the enemy, as there was reason to believe an immediate attack was intended. Gen eral Putnam during the period was extremely active, and directed prin cipally the operations. All were animated, and their general inspired confidence by his example. The British army, having made dispositions for landing at Morton s Point, were covered by the fire of shot and shells from Copp s-hill in Boston, which it had opened on our redoubt early in the morning, and continued the greater part of the day. At this moment a detachment of four lieutenants, of which 1 was one, and one hundred and twelve men, selected the preceding day from General Putnam s regiment, under Captain Know! ton, were by the general ordered to take post at a rail-fence on the left of the breastwork that ran north from the redoubt to the bottom of Breed s-hill. This order was promptly executed, and our detachment, in advancing to the post, took one rail- fence and placed it against another, as a partial cover, nearly parallel with the line of the breastwork, and extended our left nearly to Mystic river. Each man was furnished with one pound of gun-powder &nd forty- eight balls. This ammunition was received, however, prior to marching to Breed s-hill. In this position our detachment remained till a second division of British troops landed, when they commenced a fire of their field artillery of several rounds, and particularly against the rail-fence; then formed in columns, advanced to the attack, displayed in line at about the Distance of musket-shot, and commenced firing. At this instant our whole line opened on the enemy, and so precise and fatal was our fire, that in the course of a short time they gave way, and retired in disorder out of musket-shot, leaving before us many killed and wounded. There was but a short respite on the part of the British, as their lines were soon filled up and led against us, when they were met as before, and forced back with great loss. On reinforcements joining the enemy, they made a direct advance on the redoubt, and being successful, which our brave Captain Knowlton perceiving, ordered a retreat of his men, in which he was sustained by two companies under the command of Captains Clark and Chester. The loss in our detachment I presume was nearly equal. Of rny own immediate command of thirty men and one subal tern, there were eleven killed and wounded; among the latter was myself, though not so severely as to prevent my retiring. At the rail-fence there was not posted any corps save our own, wider Knowlton, at the time the firing commenced; nor did I hear of any other being there, till long after the action. Other troops, it is said, were ordered to join us, but refused doing sc-). Of the officers on the ground, the most active within my observation were General Putnam, Colonel Prcsscott, and Captain Knowl ton; but no doubt there were many more, equally brave and meritorious, who must naturally have escaped the eye of one attending to his own immediate command. "Thus you have a brief statement of my knowledge of the action, without descending to particulars. To conclude, it is matter of surprise, even of astonishment to me, my dear sir. that I am called on to state my opinion of the character of your honored father, General Putnam, APPENDIX. 407 who was ever the first in public life at the post of honor and danger, and who, in his private conduct, was excelled by none. Look but at his services in the French and Indian wars from 1755 to 1763, and finally at those of the revolution, and you will need no proof to refute the calumny of common defamers. "With respect, I am, yours, truly, "THOMAS GROSVENOR. "Colonel Daniel Putnam." The following is a letter from Colonel John Trumbull, of New York, an officer of distinction in the revolutionary war, and now a celebrated historical painter, employed in his profession by the government of the United States, dated, New York, 30th of March, 1818: "In the summer of 1786, 1 became acquainted in London with Colo nel John Small, of the British army, who had served in America many years, and had known General Putnam intimately during the war of Can ada, from 1756 to 1763. From him I had the two following anecdotes respecting the battle of Bunker-hill. I shall nearly repeat his words: Looking at the picture which I had then almost completed, he said: I don t like the situation in which you have placed my old friend Putnam ; you have not done him justice. I wish you would alter that part of your picture, and introduce a circumstance which actually happened, and which I can never forget. When the British troops advanced the second time to the attack of the redoubt, I with other officers was in front of the line to encourage the men ; we had advanced very near the works undisturbed, when an irregular fire like a feu dejoie was poured in on us; it was cruelly fatal. The troops fell back, and when I looked to the right and left, I saw not one officer standing. I glanced my eye to the *enemy, and saw several young men levelling their pieces at me; I knew their excellence as marksmen, and considered myself gone. At this moment my old friend Putnam rushed forward, and striking up the muzzles of their pieces with his sword, cried out, For God s sake, my lads, don t fire at that man! I love him as I do my brother. We were so near each other that I heard his words distinctly. He was obeyed; I bowed, thanked him, and walked away unmolested. "The other anecdote relates to the death of General Warren. At the moment when the troops succeeded in carrying the redoubt and the Americans were in full retreat, General Howe, who had been hurt by a spent ball, which bruised his ankle, was leaning on my arm. He called suddenly to me: Do you see that elegant young man who has just fallen? do you know him? I looked to the spot to which he pointed: Good God, sir, I believe it is my friend Warren. Leave me then in stantly run keep off the troops save him if possible. I flew to the spot. My dear friend, I said to him, I hope you are not badly hurt. He looked up, seemed to recollect me, smiled, and died! A muskekball had passed through the upper part of his head. Colonel Small had the character of an honorable, upright man, and could have no conceivable motive for deviating from truth in relating these circumstances to me; I therefore believe them to be true. You remember, my dear sir, the viper biting the -file. The character of your father for courage, humanity, 408 APPENDIX. generosity and integrity is too firmly established, by the testimony of those who did know him, to be tarnished by the breath of one who con fesses that he did not. Accept, my dear sir, this feeble tribute to your father s memory, from one who knew him, respected him, loved him and who wishes health and prosperity to YOU, and all the good man s pos terity. "JOHN TRUMBULL. "Daniel Putnam, Esquire." "I shall make no comment," says Colonel Putnam, "on the first anecdote by Colonel Small, except that the cir cumstances were related by General Putnam, without any essential alteration, soon after the battle; and that there was an interview of the parties on the lines between Pros pect and Bunker-hill, at the request of Colonel Small, not long afterwards." It is very apparent that General Washington reposed great confidence in the skill and judgment of General Putnam, or he would not have intrusted him with the command of the city of New York at the moment when it was expected that the whole of the British land and naval forces would attempt to take possession of that city. On the 29th of March, 1776, the commander-in-chief gave to General Putnam the following orders and instructions: "You will, no doubt, make the best despatch in getting to New York; on your arrival there, you will assume the command, and immediately proceed in continuing to exe cute the plan proposed by Major-General Lee, for fortify ing that city, and securing the passes of the East and North rivers. If, on consultation with the brigadier-generals and engineers, any alteration in that plan is thought necessary, you are at liberty to make it, cautiously avoiding to break in too much on his main design, unless where it mav be apparently necessary so to do, and that by the general voice and opinion of the gentlemen above mentioned. You will meet the quarter-rn aster-general, Colonel Mifflin, and commissary-general, Colonel Trumbull, at New York. As these are both men of excellent talents in their differ ent departments, you will do well to give them all the authority and assistance they require; and should a council of war be necessary, it is my direction that they assist at it. Your long service and experience will, better than my particular directions at this distance, point out to } T OU the works most proper to be first raised, and your perseverance, APPENDIX. 409 activity artd zeal will lead you, without my recommending it, to exert every nerve to disappoint the enemy s designs." "The faithful execution of the duties here enjoined were acknowledged by the commander-in-chief after his arrival in New York, and his thanks were publicly expressed in genera] orders. Two days before the battle of Flatbush, in consequence of the sickness of that excellent officer, Major-General Greene, who had commanded on Long Isl and, General Putnam was ordered to the command of that post, and assisted in the arduous and complicated difficul ties of that masterly retreat. In the memorable arid dis- troesing flight of the American army through New Jersej^, in 1776, General Putnam was always near always the friendf the supporter, and confidant of his beloved chief; and the moment after reaching the western bank of the Delaware with the rear of the army, he was ordered to Philadelphia, to fortify and defend that city against a meditated attack. When, in the summer of 1777, Fort Montgomery was captured by the enemy, and it was de termined to erect another fortification on the banks of the Hudson for the defence of that river, the commander-in- chief left it wholly to the judgment of General Putnam to fix on the spot, who decided in favor of West Point; and, as his biographer has remarked, it is no vulgar praise to say, that to him belongs the glory of having chosen this rock of our military salvation. " As an instance of the decision of his temper, the follow ing is deserving of notice. A man by the name of Nathan Palmer was detected in General Putnam s camp, who, on trial, was found to be a lieutenant in the tory new levies. Governor Tryon, their commander, addressed General Put nam, and reclaimed Palmer as a British officer, and threat ened vengeance in case he should be executed. This drew from him a reply in the following laconic style: "Sin: Nathan Palmer, a lieutenant in your king s service, was taken in my camp as a spy, he was tried as a spy, he was condemned as a spy, and you may rest assured, sir, that he shall be hanged as a spy. "I have the honor to be, &c. "ISRAEL PUTNAM. "His Excellency Governor Tryon. "P. S. Afternoon. He is hanged." In December, 1779, while on his return from Connecti cut to head-quarters, this venerable man was attacked by 410 APPENDIX. a paralytic affection, under which he languished till the 19th of May, 1790, when his honorable and useful life was brought to a final close. The qualities of his mind were sincerity, generosity and an invincible sense of duty. The moral virtues, and duties of piety and pure religion, were objects of his serious reflection, and the late Rev. Dr. D wight, in his Travels, has eulogized these as eminent traits in his character. Extract of a Letter from Gen. Washington to Gen. Putnam, dated " HEAD-QUARTERS, 2d June, 1TS3. "DEAR SIR: Your favor of the 20th of May I received with much pleasure. For I can assure you that, among the many worthy and mer itorious officers with whom I have had the happiness to be connected in service through the course of this war, and from whose cheerfUl assist ance in the various and trying vicissitudes of a complicated contest, the name of Putnam is not forgotten; nor will it be, but with that stroke of time which shall obliterate from my mind the remembrance of all those toils and fatigues through which we have struggled for the preservation and establishment of the rights, liberties, and independence of our coun try. Your congratulations on the happy prospect of peace and inde pendent security, with their attendant blessings to the United States, I receive with great satisfaction ; and beg you will accept a return of my gratulations to you, on this auspicious event an event in which, great as it is in itself, and glorious as it will probably be in its consequences, you have a right to participate largely, from the distinguished part you have contributed towards its attainment. I anticipate with pleasure the day, and I trust not far off, when I shall quit the busy scenes of military employment, and retire to the more tranquil walks of domestic life. la that, or whatever other situation Providence may dispose of my future days, the remembrance of the many friendships and connexions I have had the happiness to contract with the gentlemen of the army, will be one of my most grateful reflections. "Under this contemplation, and impressed with the sentiments of benevolence and regard, I commend you, my dear sir, my other friends, and, with them, the interests and happiness of our dear country, to the keeping and protection of Almighty God. " I have the honor to be, &c., &c. "GEORGE WASHINGTON. " To the Hon. Major-General Putnam." The following eulogium was pronounced at tne grave of General Putnam by Dr. A. Waldo: "Those venerable relics! once delighted in the endearing domestic virtues which constitute the^xcellent neighbor husband parent and worthy brother! liberal and substantial in his friendship ; unsuspicious open and generous; just and sincere in dealing; a benevolent citi zen of the world he concentrated in his bosom the noble qualities of an Honest Man. APPENDIX. "Born a Hero whom nature taught and cherished in the lap of innu merable toils and dangers, he was terrible in battle! But, from the amiableness of his heart when carnage ceased, his humanity spread over the field, like the refreshing zephyrs of a summer s evening! The prisoner- the wounded the sick the forlorn experienced the delicate sympathy of this Soldier s Pillar. The poor and the needy of every de scription, received the charitable bounties of this Christian Soldier. u He pitied Idleness loved goodness admired greatness, and ever aspired to its ^orious summit! The friend, the servant, and almost un paralleled lover of his country ; worn with honorable age, and the former toils of war Putnam rests from his labors ! ""Till mouldering worlds arid tremblihg systems burst! When Ihe last irnmp ehall renovate his dust ytill by the mandate of eternal truth, His soul will flourish in immortal youth! "This all who knew him, know ; this all who loved him tell. " * Dr. Dwigtit penned a very excellent inscription, which is engraved on his tomb, but our narrow limits must apologize for its omission in this place. MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM HEATH, MAJOR-GENERAL WILLIAM HEATH was a native of Roxbury, Massachusetts, and was from his youth a culti vator of the soil, which was his favorite pursuit. He was not conversant with general literature; but, being partic ularly attached to the study of military tactics, he acquired a knowledge of modern warfare in its various branches and duties. At an early period of the opposition of the colonies to the unjust and oppressive measures of the British ministry, he was an active militia officer, and assiduously engaged in organizing and disciplining the companies of militia and minute-men. In the year 1775, being ranked among the patriots and advocates for liberty, he was by the Pro vincial Congress commissioned as a brigadier-general. During the siege of Boston, he was in commission as a general officer, but on no occasion distinguished for enter prise or important services. When General Washington contemplated an attack on Boston, General Heath was offered the command of a division, but he declined the hazardous service. In August, 1776, he was by Congress promoted to the rank of major-general in the continental 27 412 AJTEMMX. army, and in the campaign of that year he commanded a division near the enemy s lines at King s-bridge and Mor- risania. During the year 1777, and till November, 1778, he was the commanding officer of the Eastern department, and his head-quarters were at Boston. Here devolved on him the very arduous duties of superintendent of the convention troops, captured with General Burgoyne at Saratoga, which were quartered at Cambridge. This station required a character of uncommon firmness and decision, and had General Heath been destitute of these qualities, he would have been subjected to the grossest impositions and indignities, from the haughty Generals Burgoyne and Phillips, and the perverse temper of their soldiery. These officers, lofty in spirit, and or high rank and character, now chagrined by a state of captivity, oc casioned to General Heath a series of difficulties and vex ations. He soon, however, convinced, them that he was neither deficient in spirit nor ignorant of his duty, as a military commander. In all his proceedings with these turbulent captives, he supported the authority of Congress and the honor and dignity of the command reposed in him; and he received the entire approbation of that honorable body, to whom he was amenable for his conduct. In the most interesting and critical circumstances in which a gen eral could possibly be placed, he uniformly exhibited a prudence, animation, decision, and firmness which have done him honor, and fully justified the confidence re posed in him. The cordial and most explicit approbation of the army, the inhabitants of this town, the army and nav} of our illustrious ally, the government of this state, his excellency the commander-in-chief, and of Congress, added to the consciousness of his having discharged his trust with fidelity, must in a great measure have alleviated the fa tigues incident to*his arduous station, and compensated the loss of his health, so much impaired by an incessant atten tion to business.* In June, 1779, General Heath was elected by Congress a commissioner of the Board of War, with a salary of four thousand dollars per annum, and al lowed to retain his rank in the army, which he declined, preferring to participate in active operations in the field. * Continental Journal, printed at Boston, November 12th, 177S. APPENDIX. 413 In the summer of 1780, he was directed by the com- marider-in-chief to repair to Rhode Island, to make arrange ments for the reception of the French fleet and army, which were expected soon to arrive. In his interview with the Count Rocharnbeau and other officers of the French army and navy, he proffered his friendly civilities, and contri buted all in his power to their comfortable accommodation, which was productive of a mutual and lasting friendship between them. Indefatigable attention to duty, in the various stations assigned him, was a prominent trait in his character. In May, 1781, General Heath was directed by the eommander-in-chief to repair to the New England states, to represent to their respective executives the dis tressing condition of our army, and to solicit a speedy supply of provisions and clothing, in which he was suc cessful. As senior major-general, he was more than once commander of the right wing of our army, and during the absence of the commander-in-chief, at the siege of York- town, he was intrusted with the command of the main army, posted at the highlands and vicinity, to guard the important works on the Hudson, On the 24th of June, 1784, hostilities having ceased between the two armies, General Washington addressed a letter to General Heath, expressing his thanks for his meritorious services, and his real affection and esteem, and on the same day they took their final leave. General Heath was corpulent and bald-headed, which occasioned some of the French officers to observe that he resembled the Marquis of Granby, and he appeared always pleased with the comparison. As an officer of parade and discipline, he was respectable; but for valorous achieve ments, we look in vain for his laurels. Had it been his destiny, however, to encounter the perils of a conflict in the field of blood, no one can say with what adroitness he would have played the hero. Immediately after the close of the war, General Heath was called again into public service in civil life, and. con tinued to hold a seat, either in the legislature or in the council of Massachusetts, till the county of Norfolk was established, in 1793, when he \ appointed by Governor Hancock judge of probate and a justice of the court of common pleas; the latter office he did not accept; in the 414 APPENDIX. former he continued till his death. He was also a mem ber of the state convention which ratified the federal con stitution. All these offices he discharged with assiduity, affability and impartiality, and to the general satisfaction of his fellow-citizens. He had formed his opinion of human nature on the most favorable examples, and to the close of life had a strong regard to popular opinion. He repeatedly allowed himself to be held up and voted for, for the office of governor and lieutenant-governor of the commonwealth, and at one period had, no doubt, a willingness and desire to hold one of these offices. In 1806 he was elected lieutenant-gov ernor. His refusal of the office was matter of surprise to many, and was by some imputed to an unwillingness to serve with Governor Strong; while it was well known to those most intimate with him to be owing to his disappro bation of the conduct of the legislature of that year, in their memorable attempt to defeat the voice of the people, by setting aside Governor Strong s election. He was more than once an elector of president and vice- president of the United States, and gave his vote to those who undertook to appropriate to themselves the name republican, till the election preceding his death, when he withheld his vote from Mr. Madison, on account of his recommending the declaration of war in 1812, and sanc tioning the measures which preceded and followed this event, and which caused the general wholly to withdraw his confidence from that administration. Such was General Heath s public life. His private one was retired and domestic, amiable, orderly, and industri ous, but not remarkable for hospitality, or a liberal appro priation of property to public purposes. He died at Koxbury, January 24th, 1814, aged seventy-seven years. MAJOR-GENERAL BENJAMIN LINCOLN, GENERAL LINCOLN deserves a high rank in the fraternity of American heroes. He was born in Hingham, Massa chusetts, January 23d, (O. S.) 1733. His early education was not auspicious to his future eminence, and his vocation was that of a farmer, till he was more than forty years of APPENDIX. age, though he was commissioned as a magistrate, and elected a representative in the state legislature. In the year 1775, he sustained the office of lieutenant-colonel of militia, and having espoused the cause of his country as a firm and determined whig, he was elected a member of the Provincial Congress, and one of the secretaries of that body, and also a member of the committee of correspond ence. In 1776 he was appointed by the council of Mas- chusetts a brigadier, and soon after a major-general, and he applied himself assiduously to training and preparing the militia for actual service in the field, in which he dis played the military talent which he possessed. In October, he marched with a body of militia, and joined the main army at New York. The commander-in-chief, from a knowledge of his character and merit, recommended him to Congress as an excellent officer, and in February, 1777, he was by that honorable body created a major-general on the continental establishment. For several months he commanded a division, or detachments in the main army, under Washington, and was in situations which required the exercise of the utmost vigilance and caution, as well as firmness and courage. Having the command of about five hundred men in an exposed situation near Bound Brook, through the neglect of his patroles, a large body of the enemy approached within two hundred yards of his quarters undiscovered; the general had scarcely time to mount and leave the house before it was surrounded. He led off his troops, however, in the face of the enemy, and made good his retreat, though with the loss of about sixty men, killed and wounded. One of his aids with the gen eral s baggage and papers fell into the hands of the enemy, as did also three small pieces of artillery. In July, 1777, General Washington selected him to join the northern army, under the command of General Gates, to oppose the advance of General Burgoyne He took his station at Manchester, in Vermont, to receive and form the New England militia, as they arrived, and to order their march to the rear of the British army. He detached Colonel Brown with five hundred men on the 13th of September to the landing at Lake George, where he succeeded in sur prising the enemy, and took possession of two hundred batteaux, liberated one hundred American prisoners, and 410 APPENDIX. captured two hundred and ninety-three of the enemy, with, the loss of only three killed and five wounded. This en terprise was of the highest importance, and contributed essentially to the glorious event which followed. Having detached two other parties to the enemy s posts at Mount Independence and Skenesborough, General Lincoln united his remaining force with the army under General Gates, and was the second in command. During the sanguinary conflict on the 7th of October, General Lincoln commanded within our lines, and at one o clock the next morning he marched with his division to relieve the troops that had been engaged, and to occupy the battle-ground, the enemy having retreated. While on this duty he had occasion to ride forward some distance, to reconnoitre, and to order some disposition of his own troops, when a party of the enemy made an unexpected movement, and he approached within musket-shot before he was aware of his mistake. A whole volley of musketry was instantly discharged at him and his aids, and he received a wound by which, the bones of his leg were badly fractured, and he was obliged to be carried off the field. The wound was a formidable one, and the loss of his limb was for some time apprehended. He was for several months confined at Albany, and it be came necessary to remove a considerable portion of the main bone before he was conveyed to his house at Hing- ham; and under this painful surgical operation, the writer of this being present, witnessed in him a degree of firm ness and patience not to be exceeded. I have known him, says Colonel Kice, who was a member of his military family, during the most painful operation by the surgeon, while bystanders were frequently obliged to leave the room, entertain us with some pleasant anecdote, or story, and draw forth a smile from his friends. His wound continued several years in an ulcerated state, and by the loss of the bone the limb was shortened, which occasioned lameness during the remainder of his life. General Lincoln cer tainly afforded very important assistance in the capture of Burgoyne, though it was his unfortunate lot, while in active duty, to be disabled before he could participate in the capitulation. Though his recovery was not complete, ae repaired to head-quarters in the following August, and was joyfully received by the commander-in-chief, who well APPENDIX. knew how to appreciate his merit. It was from a devel opment of bis estimable character as a man, and his talent as a military commander, that he was designated by Con gress for the arduous duties of the chief command in the southern department, under innumerable embarrassments. On his arrival at Charleston, December, 1778, he found that he had to form an army, to provide supplies, and to arrange the various departments, that he might be able to cope with an enemy consisting of experienced officers and veteran troops. This, it is obvious, required a man of superior powers, indefatigable perseverance, and uncon querable energy. Had not these been his inherent quali ties, Lincoln must have yielded to the formidable obstacles which opposed his progress. About the 28th of Decem ber, General Prevost arrived with a fleet and about three thousand British troops, and took possession of Savannah, after routing a small party of Americans, under General Robert Howe. General Lincoln immediately put his troops in motion, and took post on the eastern side of the river, about twenty miles from the city; but he was not in force to commence offensive operations till the last of February. In April, with the view of covering the upper part of Georgia, he marched to Augusta; after which Prevost, the British commander, crossed the river into Carolina, and marched for Charleston. General Lincoln, therefore, re- crossed the Savannah, and followed his route, and on his arrival near the cit}^, the enemy had retired from before it during the previous night. A detachment of the enemy, supposed to be about six hundred men, under Lieutenant- Colonel Maitland, being posted at Stone-Ferry, where they had erected works for their defence, General Lincoln re solved to attack them, which he did on the 19th of June. The contest lasted one hour and twenty minutes, in which he lost one hundred and sixty men killed and wounded, and the enemy suffered about an equal loss. Their works were found to be much stronger than had been represented, and our artillery proving too light to annoy them, and the enemy receiving a reinforcement, our troops were obliged to retire. The next event of importance which occurred with our general, was the bold assault on Savannah, in conjunction with the Count D Estaing. General Prevost had again 418 APPENDIX. possessed himself of that city, and Count D Estaing ar rived with his fleet and armament in the beginning of September, 1779. Having landed nearly three thousand French troops, General Lincoln immediately united about one thousand men to his force. The prospect of success was highly flattering, but the enemy exerted all their ef forts in strengthening their lines, and after the count had summoned the garrison, and while Prevost was about to arrange articles of capitulation, he received a reinforce ment. It was now resolved to attempt the place by a regular siege, but various causes occasioned a delay of several days, and when it commenced, the cannonade and bombardment failed of producing the desired effect, and the short time allowed the count on our coast, was quite insufficient for reducing the garrison by regular approaches. The commanders concluded, therefore, to make an effort on the works by assault. On the 9th of October, in the morning, the troops were led on by D Estaing and Lin coln, united, while a column led by Count Dillon missed their route in the darkness, and failed of the intended co operation. Amidst a most appalling fire of the covered enemy, the allied troops forced the abatis, and planted two standards on the parapets. But being overpowered at the point of attack, they were compelled to retire; the French having seven hundred, the Americans two hundred and forty killed and wounded. The Count Pulaski, at the head of a body of our horse, was mortally wounded. General Lincoln next repaired to Charleston, and endeav ored to put that city in a posture of defence, urgently re questing of Congress a reinforcement of regular troops, and additional supplies, which were but partially complied with. In February, 1780, General Sir Henry Clinton ar rived, and landed a formidable force in the vicinity ; and on the 10th of March encamped in front of the American lines at Charleston. Considering the vast superiority of the enemy, both in sea and land forces, it might be ques tioned whether prudence arid correct judgment would dictate an attempt to defend the city; it will not be sup posed, however, that the determination was formed without the most mature deliberation, and for reasons perfectly justifiable. It is well known that the general was in con tinual expectation of an augmentation of strength by rein* APPENDIX. 419 forcements. On the 10th of April, the enemy having made some advances, summoned the garrison to an uncon ditional-surrender, which was promptly refused. A heavy and incessant cannonade was sustained on each side, till the llth of May, when the besiegers had completed their third parallel line, and having made a second demand of surrender, a capitulation was agreed on. "Having received," says the general, "an address from the principal inhabitants, and from a number of the coun try militia, desiring that I would accept the terms; and a request from the lieutenant-governor and council, that the negotiation might be renewed; the militia of the town having thrown down their arms; our provisions, saving a little rice, being exhausted; the troops on the line being worn down by fatigue, having for a number of days been obliged to lay on the banquette ; our harbor closely blocked up; completely invested by land by nine thousand men at least, the flower of the British army, besides the large force they could at all times draw from the marine, and aided by a great number of blacks in their laborious em ployments; the garrison at this time, exclusive of sailors, but little exceeding two thousand five hundred men, part of whom had thrown down their arms; the citizens in general discontented, the enemy being within twenty yards of our lines, and preparing to make a general assault by sea and land; many of our cannon dismounted, and others silenced for want of shot; a retreat being judged impracti cable, and every hope of timely succor cut off, we were induced to offer and accede to the terms executed on the 12th of May." It is to be lamented that, with all the judicious and vigorous efforts in his power, General Lin coln was requited only by the frowns of fortune, whereas had he been successful in his bold enterprise and views, he would have been crowned with unfading laurels. But notwithstanding a series of disappointments and unfortu nate occurrences, he was censured by no one, nor was his judgment or merit called in question. He retained his popularity and the confidence of the army, and was con sidered as a most zealous patriot, and the bravest of sol diers. "The motives and feelings that prompted General Lincoln rather to risk a siege than to evacuate Charleston were most honorable to him as a man and a soldier. There 420 APPENDIX. was such a balance of reasons on the question, as under the existing circumstances should exempt his decision from blame or distrust. He could not calculate on the despond ence and inactivity of the people who should come to his succor. The suspense and anxiety, the toil and hazard attending the siege, gave the fullest scope to his wisdom, patience and valor. His exertions were incessant. He was on the lines night and day, and for the last fortnight never undressed to sleep."* Notwithstanding this unfor tunate termination of his command, so established was the spotless reputation of the vanquished general, that he con tinued to enjoy the undiminished respect and confidence of the Congress, the army, and the cornmander-in-chief.f " Great praise is due to General Lincoln," says Dr. Kamsay, "for his judicious and spirited conduct in baffling for three months the greatly superior force of Sir Henry Clinton and Admiral Arburthnot. Though Charleston and the South ern army were lost, yet, by their long-protracted defence, the British plans were not only retarded but deranged, and North Carolina was saved for the remainder of the year 1780." General Lincoln was admitted to his parole, and in November following he was exchanged for Major-General Phillips, a prisoner of the convention of Saratoga. In the campaign of 1781, General Lincoln commanded a di vision under Washington, and at the siege of Yorktown he had his full share of the honor of that brilliant and auspicious event. The articles of capitulation stipulated for the same honor in favor of the surrendering army, as had been granted to the garrison of Charleston. General Lincoln was appointed to conduct them to the field where their arms were deposited, and received the customary submission. In the general order of the commander-in- chief the day after the capitulation, General Lincoln was among the general officers whose services were particularly mentioned. In October, 1781, he was chosen by Congress secretary at war, retaining his rank in the army. In this office he continued till October, 1783, when his proffered resignation was accepted by Congress as follows: * Notice of General Lincoln in the Collection of the Historical Society, vol. 3d, second series, from which I have made other extracts, t Lee s Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department. APPENDIX. 421 "Resolved, That the resignntion of Major-General Lincoln, as secre tary of war for the United States, be accepted in consideration of the earnest desire which lie expresses, the objects of the war being so hap pily accomplished, to retire to private life, and that he be informed that the United States in Congress assembled entertain a high sense of his perseverance, fortitude, activity and meritorious services in the field, as well as of his diligence, fidelity and capacity in the execution of the office of secretary at war, which important trust he has discharged to their entire approbation." Having relinquished the duties and cares of a public employment, he retired, and devoted his attention to his farm; but in 1784, he was chosen one of the commission ers and agents on the part of the state to make and execute a treaty with the Penobscot Indians. When in the year 1786-7, the authority of our state government was in a manner prostrated, and the country alarmed by a most audacious spirit of insurrection, under the guidance of Shays and Day, General Lincoln was appointed by the governor and council to command a detachment of militia, consisting of four or five thousand men, to oppose their progress, and compel them to a submission to the laws, lie marched from Boston on the 20th of January, into the counties of Worcester, Hampshire, and Berkshire, where the insurgents had erected their standard. They were embodied in considerable force, and manifested a deter mined resistance, and a slight skirmish ensued between them and a party of militia under General Shepherd. Lincoln, however, conducted with such address and energy, that the insurgents were routed from one town to another, till they were completely dispersed in all directions; and by his wise and prudent measures the insurrection was happily suppressed without bloodshed, excepting a few individuals who \vere slain under General Shepherd s command. At the May election, 1787, General Lincoln was elected lieutenant-governor by the legislature, having had a plurality of votes by the people. He was a mem ber of the convention for ratifying the federal constitution, and in the summer of 1789, he received from President Washington the appointment of collector of the port of Boston, which office he sustained till, being admonished by the increasing infirmities of age, he requested permis sion to resign, about two years before his death. In 1789, lie was appointed one of the commissioners to treat with 422 APPENDIX. the Creek Indians on the frontiers of the Southern states, and in 1793 he was one of the commissioners to effect a peace with the Western Indians. The subject of this memoir received from the University of Cambridge the honorary degree of Master of Arts. He was one of the first members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society, and he contributed by his pen to the stock of useful materials for their respective publications. Having, after his resignation of the office of collector, passed about two years in retirement and in tranquillity of mind, but experiencing the feebleness of age, he received a short attack of disease, by which his honorable life was termin ated on the 9th of May, 1810, aged 77 years. The follow ing tribute is on the records of the society of Cincinnati : "At the annual meeting in July, 1810, Major-General John Brooks was chosen president of the society, to supply the place of our venerable and much-lamented president, General Benjamin Lincoln, who had pre sided over the society from the organization thereof, in 1783, to the 9th of May, 1810, the day of his decease, with the entire approbation of every member, and the grateful tribute of his surviving comrades, for his happy guidance and affectionate attentions during so long a period." General Lincoln in his very nature was unsusceptible of the spirit of envy. Whoever achieved a noble action to the honor and advantage of his country, whether as a patriot or soldier, was with him the man of merit and the theme of eulogy, though it might eclipse his own fame. He was universally respected as one of the best of men, of ardent patriotism, and of heroic courage. Major-Gen eral Knox, whose candor and discriminating judgment no one will deny, was known to estimate next to Washington in military talents, Generals Greene and Lincoln. Colonel Nathan Eice, a respectable officer, who was a member of his military family, observes, that the sacrifice of as much domestic happiness as falls to the lot of men, to serve his country, would seem to place his patriotism beyond sus picion. The firmness and zeal with which he rendered this service during her struggle, the coolness with which he met danger, his fortitude under bodily pain, privation and disappointments, and the confidence reposed in him by the commander-in-chief, all strongly evince that his coun try had not misjudged in elevating him to the distinguished APPENDIX. 423 rank he held in the army. While at Purysburgh, on the Savannah river, a soldier named Fickling, having been detected in frequent attempts to desert, was tried and sen tenced to be hanged. The general ordered the execution. The rope broke; a second was procured, which broke also; the case was reported to the general for directions. "Let him run," said the general, "I thought he looked like a scape-gallows."* Regularity both in business and his mode of living were peculiar traits in his character; habitually temperate, and accustomed to sleep unconfined to time or place. In conversation he was always correct and chaste; on no occasion uttering anything like, pro fanity or levity on serious subjects, and when others have indulged in these respects in his presence, it was ever re- * Major Garden, in his Anecdotes of the American Revolution, relates this story with some addition. It happem-d that as Fickling was led to execution, the surgeon-general of the army passed accidentally on his way to his quarters, which were at some distance. When the second rope was procured, the adjutant of the regiment, a stout and heavy man, assayed by every means to break it, but without effect. Fickling was then haltered and again turned off, when, to the astonishment of the by standers, the rope untwisted, and he fell a second time uninjured to the ground. A cry for mercy was now general throughout the ranks, which occasioned Major Ladson, aid-de-camp to General Lincoln, to gallop to head-quarters to make a representation of facts, which w r ere no sooner stated than an immediate pardon was granted, accompanied with an or der that he should instantaneously be drummed, with every mark of infamy, out of camp, and threatened with instant death if he ever should be found attempting to approach it. In the interim, the surgeon-general had established himself at his quarters in a distant barn, little doubting but that the catastrophe was at an end, and Fickling quietly resting in his grave. Midnight was at hand, and he was busily engaged in writing, when, hearing the approach of a footstep, he raised his eyes, and saw with astonishment the figure of the man who had in his opinion been executed, slowly and with haggard countenance approaching towards him. "How! how is this?" exclaimed the doctor; "whence come you? what do you want with me? were you not hanged this morning?" "Yes, sir," replied the resuscitated man; "I am the wretch you saw going to the gallows, and who was hanged." "Keep your distance," said the doctor; "approach me not till you say why you come here." " Simply, sir," said the supposed spectre, " to solicit food. I am no ghost, doctor. The rope broke twice while the executioner was doing his office, and the general thought proper to pardon me." " If that be the case," rejoined the doctor, "eat and be welcome; but I beg of you in future to have a little more consideration, and not intrude so unceremoniously into the apartment of one who had every right to sup pose you an inhabitant of the tomb." 424 APPENDIX. ceived by him with such marked disapprobation of coun tenance, as to draw from them an instantaneous apology, and regret for the offence. Having, while collector, ap pointed a violent party-man to a place of profit merely from motives of benevolence, he had frequently, with many others, abused the general, calling him "a damned old rascal." On the first opportunity, the general said to him, "So Mr. , you say I am a damned old rascal; you might have spared the damned," without adding a word more; but it was expressed in a manner that pre vented a reply; nor did fee remove him from office. In the various characters of parent, husband and master, I a ever held him up, says Colonel Rice, as a model of per fection. The law of kindness ever dwelt on his tongue. This memoir will be concluded by some brief extracts from the Historical Collections: "In General Lincoln s character, strength and softness, the estimable and amiable qualities, were happily blended. His mind was quick and active, yet discriminating and sound. He displayed a fund of thought and information, derived from select though limited reading, from careful observation of men and things, from habits of thinking, and from con versation. A degree of enthusiasm or exultation of feeling on the ob jects of his pursuit belonged to his temperament, but it was under the control of good sense and sober views. He was patient and cool in deliberation; in execution, prompt and vigorous. He was conspicuous for plain, strict, inflexible integrity, united" however, with prudence, can dor, and a compassionate disposition. As a military commander, he was judicious, brave, determined, indefatigable. His distinguished merit in this character was never denied, while all have not agreed in opinion on some of his plans in the southern command. Being a soldier of the revolution, he had to anticipate the effect of experience, and might com mit mistakes. He was surrounded by difficulties; he met extraordinary disappointments in his calculations of supplies and succors. In the principal instances which issued unfortunately, the storming of Savannah and the siege of Charleston, he had but a choice of evils; and whichever way he decided, the course rejected would have seemed to many persons more eligible. General Lincoln was a federalist of the Washington school. He experienced the benefit of his weight of character and the sense entertained by the community of his public services, in being suf fered to retain his office of collector. "Religion exerted its full influence over the mind and conduct of General Lincoln. He was a Christian of the Anti-sectarian, Catholic, or liberal sect. He was firm in his faith, serious and affectionate in his piety, without superstition, fanaticism or austerity. He was from early manhood a communicant, and for a great part of his life a deacon of the church. He never shunned an avowal of his belief, nor feared to appear what he was, nor permitted the reality of his convictions to remain in APPENDIX. 425 doubt. The person and air of General Lincoln betokened his military vocation. He was of middle height and erect, broad-chested and mus cular, in his latter years corpulent, with open intelligent features, a ven erable and benign aspect. His manners were easy and unaffected, but courteous and polite." In all his transactions, both public and private, his mind was elevated above all sordid or sinister views, and our history will not perhaps record many names more estima ble than was that of General Lincoln. FREDERICK WILLIAM AUGUSTUS BARON DE STEUBEN, Knight of the Order of Fidelity in Germany, and Major- General in the Army of the United States. THIS highly distinguished personage was a Prussian officer, aid-de-camp to the great Frederick, and held the rank of lieutenant-general in the army of that consummate commander. He arrived in America December, 1777, and presented himself with his credentials to Congress, proffering his services in our army without any claim to rank, and requested permission only to render such assist ance as might be in his power, in the character of a vol unteer. In thus devoting himself to our cause, he made an immense sacrifice, by relinquishing his honorable sta tion and emoluments in Europe. Congress voted hint their thanks for his zeal and the disinterested tender of his services, and he joined the main army under General Washington at Valley Forge. His qualifications for a teacher of the system of military tactics were soon mani fested; having for many years practised on the system which the king of Prussia had introduced into his own army. In May, 1778, by the strong recommendation of thecommander-in-chief, Congress appointed him inspector- general with the rank of major-general. He commenced his duties as inspector, beginning with the officers, who were formed into separate bodies, frequently exercised and instructed in the various movements and evolutions, when manoeuvring battalions, brigades, or divisions of the army. He exerted all his powers for the establishment of a regu lar system of discipline, economy, and uniformity among our heterogeneous bodies of soldiers. In the discharge of this duty, and to effect his favorite object, he encountered APPENDIX. obstacles to which a less zealous spirit would have yielded as insurmountable. By his superior talents, indefatigable industry, and perseverance, he rendered a service to our army, without which it could not have attained to a con dition capable of achieving honor and glory in the face of European veteran troops. Charmed with the neat and soldierly appearance of those who had profited by his instructions and duly improved in the art of discipline, and equally detesting the soldier whose awkward and un- military conduct betrayed his negligence, there never was a review but the baron rewarded the one with more than praise, and censured the other, whether officer or soldier, with a severity equal to his deserts. While reviewing our regiment, he noticed in the ranks a very spruce young lad, handsomely formed, standing erect, with the air of a genteel soldier, his gun and equipments in perfect order. The baron, struck with his military appearance, patted him under his chin to elevate his head still more erect, viewed him with a smile, and said, "How long have you been a soldier? You are one pretty soldier in miniature. How old are you?" "Seventeen, sir." "Have you got a wife?" Then calling to the colonel, said, "Colonel Jackson, this is one fine soldier in miniature." The baron composed a complete system of exercise and discipline, which was approved by the commander-in- chief, and ordered by Congress to be published and adopted in our army. Colonel William North and Colonel Walker were aids-de-camp and members of his family, between whom there existed a mutual attachment and affection, pure as parent and sons.* The baron was distinguished * Colonel North at an early age volunteered his services in the bold and perilous enterprise undertaken by General Arnold in the autumn of 1775, to penetrate to Canada through the unexplored wilderness from Kennebee, and was among the miserable sufferers who apprehended the horrors of death in the wilderness. When Colonel Henry Jackson raised his regiment in the state of Massachusetts, this gentleman was commissioned as commander of a company in this regiment, in which he served with honor till he was appointed aid-de-camp to Baron Steu- ben. By the amiable qualities of his heart, his ingratiating and gentle manly manners, he won the affection of the baron, by whom he was treated with the favor of an adopted son. After the close of the war he was appointed major-general of militia in the state of New York, and he has recently transferred his residence to New London, in Con necticut It is chiefly by the aid of his pen that I am enabled to furnish this triiite to the memory of his justly-celebrated patron. 13AROX STEUB3N. APPENDIX. 427 for his adherence to the principles of political integrity and moral virtue. His heart was replete with generous sentiments and the purest benevolence. After General Arnold treacherously deserted his post at West Point, the baron never failed to manifest his in dignation and abhorrence of his name and character, and while inspecting Colonel Sheldon s regiment of light-horse, the name of Arnold struck his ear. The soldier was or dered to the front: he was a fine looking fellow ; his horse and equipments in excellent order. "Change your name, brother-soldier; you are too respectable to bear the name of .a traitor." " What name shall I take, general?" "Take any other name; mine is at your service." Most cheer fully was the offer accepted, and his name was entered on the roll as Steuben. He or his children now enjoy land given to him in the town of Steuben by the baron. This brave soldier met him after the war. U I am well settled, general," said he, "and have a wife and son ; I have called my son after you, sir." "I thank you, my friend. What name have you given the boy?" "I called him Baron what else could I call him?" The baron s office as inspector did not preclude him the privilege of command in the line according to his rank, and at one period he was commander of a separate detach ment in Virginia, to oppose the ravages of the enemy in that quarter. It was with great difficulty that men could be procured for the service; every man was considered as an acquisition. The baron was too honest to suffer an imposition to be practised on the public. A regiment had been collected, and was paraded on the point of inarching, when a well-looking man on horseback, and as it appeared his servant on another, rode up and informed the baron that he had brought him a recruit. "I thank you, sir," said the baron, "with all my heart; you have arrived in a happy moment. Where is your man, colonel?" for he was colonel in the militia. "Here, sir," ordering his boy to dismount. The baron s countenance changed ; his aids saw and feared the approaching storm. A sergeant was ordered to measure the lad, whose shoes when off discov ered something by which his stature had been increased. The baron, patting the child s head with his hand, trem bling with rage, asked him how old he was? He was 28 428 APPENDIX. very young quite a child. "Sir," said he to the militia colonel, "you must have supposed me to be a rascal." "Oh! no, baron, I did not." "Then, sir, I suppose you to be a rascal, an infamous rascal, thus to attempt to cheat your country. Sergeant, take off this fellow s spurs, and place him in the ranks, that we may have a man able to serve, instead of an infant whom he would basely have made his substitute! Go, my boy; take the colonel s spurs and horse to his wife; make my compliments, and say, her husband has gone to fight for the freedom of his country, as an honest man should do!" And instantly ordered, "Platoons! to the right, wheel ! forward march !" Colonel Gaskins, who commanded the regiment, fearing the consequences, after marching some distance, allowed the man to escape, who immediately made application to the civil authority for redress; but Governor Jefferson, Mr. Madison, and others, not doubting the purity of the baron s motive, and fully appreciating his honest zeal, prevented any disagreeable results attending this high handed exertion of military power. At the siege of Yorktown the baron was in the trenches at the head of his division, and received the first overture of Lord Corn- wallis to capitulate. At the relieving hour next morning, the Marquis de la Fayette approached at the head of his division, to relieve him. The baron refused to quit the trenches, assigning as a reason the etiquette in Europe, that the offer to capitulate had been made during his tour of duty, and that it was a point of honor of which he would not deprive his troops to remain in the trenches till the capitulation was signed or hostilities recommenced. The dispute was referred to the commander-in-chief, and the baron was permitted to remain till the British flag was struck. While on this duty the baron, perceiving himself in danger from a shell thrown from the. enemy, threw himself suddenly into the trench- General Wayne, in the jeopardy and hurry of the moment, fell on him ; the baron, turning his eyes, saw it was his brigadier. [ always knew you were brave, general," said he; "but I did not know you were so perfect in every point of duty: you cover your general s retreat in the best manner possible." "I have great delight," says Major Garden, "in relating an anecdote which I received from General Walter Stew- APPENDIX. 429 art; the truth of which may be relied on." After the capture of Yorktown, the superior officers of the allied arrny vied with each other in acts of civility and attention to the captive Britons. Lord Cornwallis and his family were particularly distinguished. Entertainments were given in succession by all the major-generals, with the exception of Baron Steuben. He alone withheld an in vitation, not from a wish to be particular, nor that his heart was closed to the attentions due to misfortunes. His soul was superior to prejudice; and, as a soldier, he ten derly sympathized in their fate, while poverty denied the means of displaying that liberality towards them which had been shown by others. Such was his situation, when, calling on Colonel Stewart, and informing him of his in tention to entertain the British commander-in-chief, he requested that he would advance him a sum of money as the price of his favorite charger. "Tis a good beast," said the baron, "and has proved a faithlul servant through all the dangers of the war; but, though painful to my heart, we must part." Colonel Stewart, to prevent a step that he knew must be attended with great loss, and still greater inconvenience, immediately tendered his purse, recommending, should the sum it contained prove insuffi cient, the sale or pledge of his watch. "My dear friend," said the baron, " tis already sold. Poor North was sick, and wanted necessaries. He is a brave fellow, and pos sesses the best of hearts. The trifle it brought is set apart for his use. My horse must go; so no more, I beseech you, to turn me from my purpose. I am a major-general in the service of the United States, and my private con venience must not be put in the scale with the duty which my rank calls on me imperiously to perform." A very friendly intercourse subsisted between the officers of the French army and those of our own, and dining invitations could not always be reciprocated on our part for want of the means. "I can stand it no longer," said the baron; "we are continually dining with these gentlemen, and such is our penury that, except at head-quarters, they receive, no invitations in return. "Take," said he to one of his people, "take the silver spoons and forks, and sell them; it is not republican to eat with silver forks, and it is the part of a gentleman to pay his debts. They shall have 430 APPENDIX. one good dinner, if I eat my soup with a wooden spoon for ever after." The baron returned to the northward, and remained with the arrny, continually employed till the peace in per fecting his discipline. The adroitness, and, above all, the silence with which his manoeuvres were performed, was remarked with astonishment by the officers of the French army. The Marquis de la Val de Montrnorency, a briga dier-general, said to the baron, "I admire the celerity and exactitude with which your men perform, but what I can not conceive is the profound silence with which they manoeuvre." " I don t know, Monsieur le Marquis, whence noise should proceed, when even my brigadiers dare not open their mouths but to repeat the orders." The French troops were exceedingly loud in their evo lutions and marches, and Mons. la Val at all times louder than the rest. On a subsequent occasion, designed to show the high degree of expertness at which our officers and soldiers had arrived, the baron was asked by one of the French generals what manoeuvres he intended to per form. On being informed, "Yes," replied the French chief, "I have seen particularly the last you mention per formed by the Prussians in Silesia, but with a very complex addition," which he explained. "But you will recollect, general, that we are not quite Prussians." After his guests had retired, the baron said, "I will let these Frenchmen know that we can do what the Prussians can, and what their army cannot do. I will save those gentlemen who have not been in Silesia the trouble of going there; they may corne to Verplank s Point next week for instruction." They came, chiefs and subalterns, and every thing was done in the finest style, to their real or pretended admira tion. Here General North indulges his honorable feelings in the following apostrophe : " Alas ! when I think of time past, of that day, and look to that eminence on which General Washington s marquee was pitched, in front of which stood that great man, firm in the consciousness of virtue, surrounded by French nobles and the chiefs of his own army; when I cast my eyes, then lighted up with soldierly ambition, hope and joy, along that lengthened line, my brothers all! endeared by ties made strong by full communion in many a miserable, many a joyous hour, APPENDIX. 431 my heart sinks at the view! Who, how few of all that brilliant host, is left; these few are tottering on the con fines of the grave ! The baron s tent that day was filled, and more than filled, with Frenchmen. I arn glad, said he, to pay some part of the dinner debt we owe our allies. " " On the eve of returning to the northward from Virginia," continues General North, "I was sick, and un able to accompany the baron: he divided his purse with me, the whole contents of which were two half-joes; his watch and silver spoons and forks, brought from Germany, were already disposed of. ( I must go, said the baron; I must leave you, my son; but I leave you among a people where we have found the door of every house wide open ; where the heart of every female is full of tenderness and virtue. Quit this deleterious spot, the instant you are able; there is my sulkey, and here is half of what I have. God bless you! I can no more. Nor could he: the feel ings of friends in such a moment, and under such circum stances, may possibly be conceived, but not expressed. A journey of three hundred miles was before him; a single piece of gold in his purse. Are other instances necessary to unfold the texture of his heart? how many have I written on my own! There is, I trust, a book in which they, every one of them, are entered, to the credit of his account with Heaven." General Washington had a high esteem for the baron, and was fully sensible of his worth and merits. On all proper occasions Congress were urged in his behalf, and from time to time he received of money, good and bad, sums which some narrow-minded men thought much too large, though he proved satisfactorily that he had given up a salary of five hundred and eighty guineas a year in Europe. But what sums how much could have been enough for one who searched around for worthy objects, whose wants might be relieved? "Never did a review or an inspection pass without rewards in money to soldiers whose arms were in the highest order. Never was his table unfilled with guests if furnished with provisions. Officers of rank, men most prominent for knowledge and attention to their duty, were marked for invitation ; but the gentlemen of his family were desired to complete the list 432 APPENDIX. with others of inferior grade. * Poor fellows, said he, they have field officers stomachs, without their rations. " The baron was rough as the ocean in a storm wben great faults were committed; but if, in a sudden gust of passion, he had injured, the redress was ample. I recollect that at a review near Morristown, a Lieutenant Gibbons, a brave and good officer, was arrested on the spot, and ordered into the rear, for a fault which it afterwards appeared an other had committed. At a proper moment, the com mander of the regiment came forward, and informed the baron of Mr. Gibbons innocence, of his worth, and of his acute feelings under this unmerited disgrace. "Desire Lieutenant Gibbons to come to the front, colonel." "Sir," said the baron, to the young gentleman, "the fault which was made, by throwing the line into confusion, might, in the presence of an enemy, have been fatal. I arrested you as its supposed author, but I have reason to believe that I was mistaken, and that in this instance you were blameless; I ask your pardon: return to your command; I would not deal unjustly by any, much less by one whose character as an officer is so respectable." All this passed with the baron s hat off, the rain pouring on his venerable head! Do you think there was an officer, a soldier who saw it, unmoved by affection and respect? Not one. In the company of ladies, the baron always appeared to peculiar advantage. At the house of the respectable Mrs. Livingston, mother of the late Chancellor, where virtue, talent, and modest worth of every kind met a wel come reception, the baron was introduced to a Miss Sheaf, an amiable and interesting young lady. "I am very hap py," said he, "in the honor of being presented to you, mademoiselle, though I see it is at an infinite risk; I have from my youth been cautioned to guard myself against mischief, but I had no idea that her attractions were so powerful." Dining at head-quarters with Robert Morris, Esq., and other gentlemen, Mr. Morris complained bitterly of the miserable state of the treasury. "Why," said the baron, "are you not financier? why do you not continue tc create funds?" "I have done all I can; it is not possible for me to do more." "But you remain financier, though without finances?" "Yes." " Well, then, I do not think APPENDIX. 433 you are so honest a man as my cook. He came to me one day at Valley Forge, and said, Baron, I am your cook, and you have nothing to cook but a piece of lean beef, which is hung up by a string before the fire. Your negro wagoner can turn the string and do as well as I can. You have promised me ten dollars a month ; but as you have nothing to cook, I wish to be discharged, and not longer be chargeable to you. That is an honest fellow, Morris." Though never perfectly master of our language, the baron understood and spoke it with sufficient correctness. He would sometimes on purpose miscall names, and blend or adopt words similar in sound, dissimilar in meaning. Dining at head-quarters, which he did frequently, Mrs. Washington asked what amusement he had recourse to now that the certainty of peace had relaxed his labors? "I read, my lady, and write, and chess, and yesterday for the first time I went a fishing. My gentlemen told rne it was a very fine business to catch fish, and I did not know but that this new trade might, by and by, be useful to me but I fear I never can succeed I sat in the boat three hours, it was exceedingly warm, and I caught only two fish ; they told me it was fine sport." " What kind of fish did you take, baron?" "I am not sure, my lady, but I believe one of them was a whale." " A whale, baron, in the North river!" "Yes, I assure you, a very fine whale, my lady; it was a whale, was it not?" appealing to one of his aids. "An eel, baron." "I beg your pardon, my lady, but that gentleman certainly told me it was a whale." General Washington, now that his mind was comparatively at ease, enjoyed a pleasantry of this kind highly. For the proper understanding of the following bon mot of General Washington, it must be mentioned that at Tatawa falls there was a miserable, deformed object, -who had lain in his cradle for twenty-seven years. His head was eighteen inches in length, and the rest of his body twenty-seven inches. He received numerous visitors, among whom was his excellency, who asked him whether he was a whig or tory? He answered, as he had been taught, that he had never taken an active part on either side* "A worthy gentleman and lady came out of New York * See page 204 of this volume. 434 APPENDIX. after the preliminaries of peace were signed, to visit their friends, and resided in the neighborhood of Baron Steuben, by whom the whole party, together with his excellency and lady, were invited to dine. It is proper, said the baron, that your excellency should be apprised that Mr. - and his lady from New York are to dine with me, and perhaps, sir, you may not choose to meet Mr. Oh, baron, said the general, laughing, there is no difficulty on that point. Mr. is very like the big-headed boy at Tatawa, he never has taken an active part? This was allowed to be a most adroit coup de sabre by those who knew the gentleman, though it is doubted whether, if he had heard it, he would have felt the stroke." " At the disbandment of the revolutionary army, when inmates of the same tent, or hut, for seven long years, were separating, and probably for ever; grasping each other s hand, in silent agony, I saw the baron s strong endeavors to throw some ray of sunshine on the gloom to mix some drop of cordial with the painful draught. To go, they knew not whither; all recollection of the art to thrive by civil occupations lost, or to the youthful never known. Their hard-earned military knowledge worse than useless, and with their badge of brotherhood, a mark at which to point the finger of suspicion ignoble, vile suspicion! to be cast out on a world, long since by them forgotten. Severed from friends, and all the joys and griefs which soldiers feel! Griefs while hope remained when shared by numbers, almost joys! To go in silence and alone, and poor and hopeless; it was too hard! On that sad day, how many hearts were wrung! I saw it all, nor will the scene be ever blurred or blotted from my view. To a stern old officer, a Lieutenant-Colonel Coch- ran, from the Green Mountains, who had met danger and difficulty almost in every step from his youth, and from whose furrowed visage a tear till that moment had never fallen ; the good baron said what could be said to lessen deep distress. For myself, said Cochran, I care not I can stand it; but my wife and daughters are in the garret of that wretched tavern. I know not where to remove, nor have I means for their removal! Come, my friend, said the baron, let us go I will pay my respects to Mrs. Cochran and your daughters, if you please. I followed APPENDIX. 435 to the loft, the lower rooms being all filled with soldiers, with drunkenness, despair and blasphemy. And when the baron left the poor unhappy cast-aways, he left hope with them, and all he had to give." "A black man, with wounds unhealed, wept on the wharf (for it was at New- burgh where this tragedy was acting) : there was a vessel in the stream, bound to the place where he once had friends. He had not a dollar topav his passage, and he could not walk. Unused to tears, I saw them trickle down this good man s cheeks as he put into the hands of the black man the last dollar he possessed. The negro hailed the sloop, and cried, God Almighty bless you, master baron! "What good and honorable man, civil or military, be fore the accursed party-spirit murdered friendships, did not respect and love the baron? Who most? Those who knew him best. After the peace, the baron retired to a farm in the vicinity of New York, where, with forming a system for the organization and discipline of the militia, books, chess, and the frequent visits of his numerous friends, he passed his time as agreeably as a frequent want of funds would permit. The state of New Jersey had given him a small improved farm, and the state of New York gave him a tract of sixteen thousand acres of land in the county of Oneida. After the general government was in full operation, by the exertions of Colonel Hamil ton, patronized and enforced by President Washington, a grant of two thousand five hundred dollars per annum was made to him for life. The summers were now chiefly spent on his land, and his winters in the city. His sixteen thousand acres of land were in the uncultivated wilder ness; he built a convenient log house, cleared sixty acres, parceled out his land on easy terms to twenty or thirty tenants, distributed nearly a tenth of the tract in gifts to his aids-de-camp and servants, and sat himself down to a certain degree contented without society, except that of a young gentleman, who read to and with him. He ate only at dinner, but he ate with strong appetite. In drink ing, he was always temperate; indeed, he was free from every vicious habit. His powers of mind and body were strong, and he received to a certain extent a liberal edu cation. His days were undoubtedly shortened by his sedentary mode of life. He was seized with an apoplexy, 436 APPENDIX. which in a few hours was fatal. Agreeably to his desire, often expressed, he was wrapped in his cloak, placed in a plain coffin, and hid in the earth, without a stone to tell where he lies. A few neighbors, his servants, the young gentleman his late companion, and one on whom for fifteen years his countenance never ceased to beam with kindness, followed to the grave. It was in a thick, a lonely wood; but, in a few years after, a public highway was opened nearer over the hallowed sod! Colonel Walker snatched the poor remains of his dear friend from sacrilegious vio lation, and gave a bounty to protect the grave in which he laid them from rude and impious intrusion. He died in 1795, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. "Some few years previous to the baron s death, a pious gentleman of the city of New York, who had a great af fection for him, told me, with strong marks of joy, that they had passed the evening and a part of the last night together; that the baron confessed his full belief in Jesus Christ, with sure and certain hope, through him, of a blessed immortality. From the life our dear friend has led, in camps and in the gay world, said the good man, I feared; and you do not know what joy I feel, in the belief that he will be well to all eternity ! The baron was a member of the Reformed German Church, in New York." General North, from the impulse of his own affectionate and grateful feelings, erected a handsome monument with an appropriate inscription in the .Reformed German Church in New York to the memory of his illustrious patron and friend, and these pages accord with the views of that me morial in transmitting to posterity a renowned hero, whoso name and invaluable labors should never be forgotten. What remained of the baron s estate, excepting one thousand dollars and his library, which he willed to a youth whose father had rendered essential service in the war, and whose education he generously charged him self with, was bequeathed to his two affectionate aids- de-carnp. APPENDIX. 437 MARQUIS DE LA FAYETTE, MAJOR-GENERAL, THE name and character of this illustrious French no bleman, will occupy a conspicuous place in our revolu tionary annals, and be honored by posterity, no less for his enthusiastic love of liberty, than for his heroism and military renown. There is something truly romantic in the history of this celebrated personage. In the year 1776, at the immature age of nineteen, he espoused the cause of the Americans, and nobly resolved to afford our country all possible assistance by his personal services and influence. At this era the affairs of America were bor dering on despair, and were represented in France as so deplorable that it might be supposed sufficient to repress the most determined zeal. Eeports were propagated in that country that our army, reduced to a mere rabble, was flying before an army of thirty thousand regulars, nor was this very wide from the reality. In consequence of this, our commissioners found it impossible to procure a ves sel to convey the marquis and their own despatches to Congress; they could not therefore feel justified in en couraging his bold contemplated enterprise. This embar rassment, however, had the effect of increasing rather than of restraining his youthful ardor and heroism. He im parted to the commissioners his determination to purchase and fit out a vessel to convey himself and their despatches to America. This project was deemed so extraordinary and important, that it did not fail to engage universal at tention. The French court had not then declared even a friendly intention towards America, but, on the contrary, was extremely cautious of giving offence to the British government. Orders were therefore given prohibiting the departure of this nobleman, and vessels were even de spatched to the West Indies to intercept him, in case he should take that route. The marquis was well apprised that he exposed himself to the loss of his fortune by the laws of France; and that, should he fall into the hands of the English on his passage, he would be liable to a con finement of uncertain duration, and without a prospect of being exchanged. These considerations however, did not deter hirn from the attempt; and, bidding adieu to his 438 APPENDIX. amiable consort and numerous endeared connexions, and trusting to good fortune to favor his elopement, he em barked, and in due time arrived safe in Charleston, in the summer of 1776. He landed soon after the noble defence made by Genera] Moultrie at the fort on Sullivan s island. Charmed with the gallantry displayed by that general and his brave troops, the marquis presented him with clothing, arms and accoutrements for one hundred men. He met with a cordial reception from our Congress, and they im mediately accepted his proffered services. He insisted that he would receive no compensation, and that he would commence his services as a volunteer. This noble phil anthropist was received into the family of the Commander- in-chief, where a strong mutual attachment was contracted, and he has often been -called the adopted son of Washing ton. July 31st, 1777, Congress resolved, that, "Whereas the Marquis de la Fayette, out of his great zeal to the cause of liberty in which the United States are engaged, has left his family and connexions, and at his own expense come over to offer his services to the United States without pension or particular allowance, and is anxious to risk his life in our cause Resolved, That his service be accepted, and that, in consideration of his zeal, illustrious family and connexions, he have the rank and commission of major-general in the army of the United States." At the battle of Brandy wine, September, 1777, the mar quis exhibited full proof of his undaunted bravery and military character, and received a wound in his leg. In May, 1777, with a select corps of two thousand five hun dred men, he crossed the Schuylkill, and took post about twelve miles in front of our army at Valley Forge. A Quaker, in whose house he was to lodge, sent information to the enemy, who formed an instantaneous design of surprising him. General Gray, on the night of the 19th of May, marched with seven thousand men, and by a skillful movement got into the marquis rear, while another detachment was advancing to his front. The marquis fortunately gained intelligence of their approach, and by a prompt decision effected his retreat, and recrossed the river in season to defeat the design of the enemy. Had they succeeded, it must not only have proved fatal to the marquis and his detachment, but placed the remainder of MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM MOULTBIE. APPENDIX. 439 onr army in a situation of extreme hazard. In August, 1778, the marquis repaired to Rhode Island, to assist in the expedition under Major-General Sullivan, in conjunc tion with the French fleet, and he received the particular approbation and applause of Congress for his judicious and highly important services. In January, 1779, the marquis embarked at Boston, on a voyage to France, and was sub jected to imminent danger from a conspiracy among the sailors, a great part of whom were British. He returned in May, 1780, bringing the joyful intelligence that a French fleet and army would soon arrive on our coast. Through his great zeal for the cause of the United States, he exerted his influence with his government, no longer fearful of giving offence to the English, to afford money and troops and other important succors. He was soon put at the hea*d of a select corps of light-infantry for the service of the campaign. This afforded him a new opportunity for the display of his munificence. He presented to every officer under his command an elegant sword, and his sol diers were clothed in uniform, principally at his expense. He infused into this corps a spirit of pride and emulation, viewing it as one formed and modeled according to his own wishes, and as deserving his highest confidence. They were the pride of his heart and he the idol of their regard; constantly panting for an opportunity of accomplishing some signal achievement worthy of his and their character. This corps was pronounced equal to any that could be pro duced in any country. In December, 1780, he marched with one thousand two hundred light-infantry for Virginia, to counteract the devastations of Arnold and Phillips. He made a forced march of two hundred miles, and prevented General Phillips possessing himself of Richmond, and se cured the stores of that place. At one period there was not a single pair of shoes in his whole command, and such was his zeal and generous spirit, and such the confidence and respect of the people, that he was enabled to borrow of the merchants of Baltimore two thousand guineas on his own credit, with which he purchased shoes and other necessary articles for his troops. The rnarquis was em ployed in watching the motions of Lord Cornwallis in Virginia, with an inferior force; in this arduous duty he displayed the judgment, skill, and prudence of a veteran, 440 APPENDIX. with the ardor of youth. In a skirmish near Jamestown, not a man in the whole detachment was more exposed, and one of his horses was killed. Lord Cornwallis having encamped near Jamestown, the Marquis La Fayette sent General Wayne with the Penn sylvania troops to take their station within a small distance of the British army, and watch their motions. The two advanced parties were soon engaged, and General Wayne drove that of the enemy back to their lines; and, without stopping there, attacked the whole British army, drawn up in order of battle, and charged them with bayonets. The action was extremely severe for the little time it lasted, but the disproportion of numbers was so great, that the enemy was on the point of surrounding our troops, when the marquis arrived in person, just time enough to order a retreat, by which they were rescued from their hazardous situation, after suffering considerable loss. General Henry Lee, in his Memoirs of the War in the Southern /States, eulogizes the character and conduct of La Fayette, when compelled to fly before the British com mander, in the following language: "In this period of gloom, of disorder and of peril, La Fayette was col lected and undismayed. With zeal, with courage, and with sagacity, he discharged his arduous duties; and, throughout his difficult retreat, was never brought even to army but once in order for battle. Invigorating our councils by his precepts; dispelling our despondency by his exam ple; and encouraging his troops to submit to their many privations, by the cheerfulness with which he participated in their wants; he imparted the energy of his own mind to the country, and infused his high-toned spirit into the army." Great encomiums were passed on the marquis for his humanity and goodness in visiting and administering to the relief of the wounded soldiers. Lord Cornwallis hav ing received a reinforcement, was so confident of success against his young antagonist, that he imprudently said in a letter which was intercepted, "the loy cannot escape me" He planned the surprise of the marquis while on the same side of James river with himself; but in this he was baffled by means of a spy, whom the marquis sent into the enemy s camp to obtain some necessary intelligence.* A combina tion of talents and skill defeated all the energies of physical power. During the siege of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, * See page 300 of this volume, for further particulars. APPENDIX. 441 the marquis was among the most active and intrepid of the general officers, and he commanded a detachment of our light-infantry, which successfully assaulted the British redoubt on the right of our lines. Previous to his de parture from Yorktown, he issued his last orders to his favorite corps of infantry, in which are contained the fol lowing expressions: "In the moment the major-general leaves this place, he wishes once more to express his gratitude to the brave corps of light-infantry, who for nine months past have been the companions of his fortunes. He will never forget that, with them alone, of regular troops, he had the good fortune to manoeuvre before an army which after all its reductions is still six times superior to the regular force he had at that time." The marquis now perceiving that the mighty contest for American independence, in which he had been so nobly engaged, was near its completion, was about to re turn with the well-earned laurels on his brow to his king and country. Congress resolved, November 23d, 1781, " that major-general the Marquis de la Fayette be informed that on a review of his conduct throughout the past cam paign, and particularly during the period in which he had the chief command in Virginia, the many new proofs which present themselves of his zealous attachment to the cause he has espoused, and of his judgment, vigilance, gallantry and address in its defence, have greatly added to the high opinion entertained by Congress of his merit and military talents." During his military career in America, the mar quis displayed that patriotism, integrity, humanity, and every other virtue which characterize real greatness of soul. His manners being easy, affable and engaging, he was particularly endeared to the officers and soldiers under his command ; they admired, loved, and revered him as their guide and support when in peril, and their warmest friend when in perplexity and trouble. The most affection ate attachment subsisted between him and the illustrious chief under whose banners it was his delight to serve, and whose language was, "This nobleman unites to all the mil itary fire of youth, an uncommon maturity of judgment." His very soul burned with the spirit of enterprise, and he manifested a disinterestedness and devotion to the cause of freedom, ever to be admired and applauded by a grateful people. He ever discovered, both in design and execution, 442 APPENDIX. those traits of genius, and that intuitive knowledge of tactics, which designate the great man and the successful warrior. The people of the United States are fully ap prised of their high obligations to him, and their history will transmit the name of La Fayette with grateful ac knowledgments to the latest posterity. It is gratifying to learn that Congress granted him a valuable tract of land, as a compensation in part for his disinterested patriotism and important services. When in December, 1784, the marquis was about to take his final departure from America, Congress appointed a committee, consisting of one member from each state, to receive him, and in the name of Congress to take leave of him in such manner as might strongly manifest their esteem and regard for him. That they be instructed to. assure him that Congress continue to entertain the same high sense of his abilities and zeal to promote the welfare of America, both here and in Europe, which they have frequently expressed and manifested on former occasions. That the United States regard him with particular affec tion, and will not cease to feel an interest in whatever may concern his honor and prosperity, and that their best and kindest wishes will always attend him. Congress resolved also that a letter be written to his Most Christian Majesty, expressive of the high sense which the United States, in Congress assembled, entertain of the zeal, talents, and meritorious services of the Marquis de la Fayette, and recommending him to the favor and patronage of his majesty. The marquis made a very respectful and affec tionate reply, in which he expressed the lively feelings of a heart devoted to the welfare of our rising empire, and gratefully acknowledged that, at a time when an inexpe rienced youth, he was favored with his respected friend s paternal adoption. He thus concludes his address: "May this immense temple of freedom ever stand as a lesson to op pressors, an example to the oppressed, a sanctuary for the rights of mankind; and may these happy United States attain that complete splendor and prosperity which will illustrate the blessings of their gov ernment, and for ages to come rejoice the departed souls of its founders. Never can Congress oblige me so much as when they put it in rny power in every part of the world to the latest day of my life to gratify the attachment which will ever rank me among the most zealous and re spectful servants of the United States." APPENDIX. 443 MAJOR-GENERAL HORATIO GATES, GENERAL GATES was a native of England, and was educated to the military profession. He was an officer under the unfortunate Braddock, in the expedition against Fort du Quesne, in the year 1755, and who, after receiving a dangerous wound, was, with the illustrious Washington, among the few officers who escaped with life on that mem orable occasion. When the American colonies were forced to assume a hostile attitude, Gates had been for some time a resident in Virginia, and having evinced his zeal and attachment to the violated rights of his adopted country, and sustaining a high military reputation, he was by Con gress appointed adjutant-general, with the rank of brig adier, and he accompanied General Washington to our camp at Cambridge, in July,1775. On the retreat of our forces from Canada, the chief command in that department was conferred on him in June, 1776. He continued the retreat of our army from Crown Point to Ticonderoga, which did not fully accord with the views of Congress arid the commander-in-chief. The British forces having retired to winter- quarters in Canada, Gates marched with a detachment of his command, and joined the main army in Jersey, in the autumn of that year. His sphere of action was not brilliant or splendid, till his mighty achieve ment in the capture of Burgoyne at Saratoga; nor is he justly and exclusively entitled to the full measure of ap plause acquired by that most glorious victory ; the mag nanimous General Schuyler,* whom he superseded in command, had, by his indefatigable industry, and almost unprecedented labors, raised the most formidable impedi ments to the march of Burgoyne, which tended more than is generally imagined to facilitate the conquest made by the northern army. * MAJOR-GENERAL PHILIP SCHUYLER. It has been observed that neither history nor biography has rendered justice to this highly-meritori ous character. He possessed a clear understanding, a strong mind, a humane and generous disposition. No individual could have contributed more largely, by his vigilance and efficiency, to augment the obstacles to the march of the British army to Fort Edward. His name should be enrolled with the renowned band of military patriots and heroes, that posterity may know the eminent services which his splendid talents con ferred on his country. 29 444 APPENDIX. When General Gates succeeded to the command of the northern army, August, 1777, Generals Schuyler and St. Olair were suffering, though most unjustly, the public odium by the evacuation of Ticonderoga, and their suc cessor in command was in high repute and confidence with his officers and soldiers. Burgoyne s right wing, under St. Leger, had been cut off at Fort Stanwix, and his left at Bennington, by General Stark. Our army was daily increasing in numbers, and considerably exceeded the strength of the enerny, and our troops were greatly invig orated with courage, and determined on victory. Every circumstance, in fact, was auspicious to a successful issue. Burgoyne still perceived that, in proportion as he advanced, obstacles multiplied on every side. Having at length surmounted almost insuperable difficulties, he passed the Hudson, and advanced to Saratoga. Gates also advanced to Still water, and boldly faced his formidable foe; and on the 19th of September a sanguinary conflict ensued. Both parties firm and unyielding, both attained the high honors of the brave, but neither bore the palm of a complete victory from the field. While Burgoyne s loss was irre trievable, the force and the ardor of his antagonist were continually augmenting. Every day s delay now increased the heavy embarrassments of Burgoyne, while time threw additional advantages into the hands of his spirited oppo nent; till at length it became obvious that retreat or vic tory was his unavoidable alternative; but, on trial, it was proved, to his utter dismay, that neither resource was at his command. On the 7th of October, the two opposing armies rushed again to the field of slaughter, and both were satiated with blood and carnage. The British army were repulsed in every direction, and its commander was led to the painful conviction that a more disastrous fate awaited him. Burgoyne, now driven to the brink of des pair his forces disabled, his provisions exhausted, and a victorious adversary opposing him in front resolved on a rapid retreat, but on exploring the route, behold, his adversary was there I The dreaded crisis had now arrived, when a capitulation was alone practicable. Articles not very dishonorable to the vanquished enemy were acceded to, and General Gates enjoyed the ineffable satisfaction of receiving in submission APPENDIX. 445 the once-victorious chief. To the honor of General Gates, it is mentioned that the captured troops were directed to a sequestered spot to ground their arms, that their feelings might not be wounded in the presence of our army, though it deprived the latter of a satisfaction in which they were justly entitled to participate. An interesting narrative of the first interview between the victor and the captured officers is thus given by Adjutant-General Wilkinson: "General Burgoyne proposed to be introduced to General Gates, and we crossed the Fiahkill, and proceeded to head-quarters on horseback, General Burgoyne in front with his Adjutant-Genera! Kingston, and his aids-de-camp, Captain Lord Petersham and Lieutenant Wilford, behind him; then followed Major-General Phillips, the Baron Reidesel, and the other general officers and their suites according to rank. General Gates, advised of Burgoyne s approach, met him at the head of his camp Bur goyne in a rich royal uniform, and Gates in a plain blue frock. When they approached nearly within sword s length, they reined up and halted. I then named the gentlemen, and General Burgoyne, raising his hat most gracefully, said, The fortune of war, General Gates, has made me your prisoner; tc which the conqueror, returning a courtly salute, promptly replied, I shall always be ready to bear testimony that it has not been through any fault of your excellency. Major-General Phillips then ad vanced, and he and General Gates saluted, and shook hands with the familiarity of old acquaintances. The Baron Reidesel and other officers were introduced in their turn." General Gates was remarkable for his humanity to pris- oners, and a desire to mitigate the sufferings of the unfor tunate. Among the objects in distress who claimed his attention was Lady Ackland, whose husband was wounded and captured during the battle of the 7th of October. General Gates bestowed on her the care and tenderness of a parent. In reply to a letter from General Burgoyne in her behalf, he says: "The respect due to her ladyship s rank, the tenderness due to her person and sex, were sufficient recommendations to entitle her to my protection. I am surprised that your excellency should think that I could consider the greatest attention to Lady Ackland in the light of an obligation."* General Gates received the thanks of Congress, and a gold medal, as a memorial of their gratitude. Great was the credit which he acquired by this momentous event, universal joy pervaded the country, and all ranks were ready to vie with each other in their homage to the for- * For a history of this lady, sec pages 1 10 and 359. 446 innate conqueror. It was not long after, that the wonder ful discovery was supposed to be made, that the illustrious Washington was incompetent to the task of conducting the operations of the American arm} 7 , and that General Gates, if elevated to the important station of commander- in -chief, would speedily meliorate the condition of our affairs. A discontented party in Congress, with a few interested individuals in our army, constituted the faction hostile to the saviour of his country. General Gates him self was strongly suspected of more than a passive acqui escence, and there were those who imputed to him a principal agency in the affair, which, however, he promptly disavowed. Had the project succeeded, it would in all probability have sealed the ruin of our army and sacrificed the glorious cause of our country. But all the eclat which General Gates had acquired, and all the splendor of his name, were insufficient to proselyte a single officer to his interest. He was not endowed with that dignity and with those illustrious qualities which were requisite to command the confidence and reverence of the army as the successor of the much-beloved Washington. I am assured by Gov ernor Brooks that, being in company with a number of respectable officers at Valley Forge when the subject was canvassed, General Weedon, of Virginia, with great vehe mence declared, that should General Gates be preferred to the chief command, he never would serve under him, but would absolutely resign his commission and quit the ser vice, and all present were in unison with him in opinion. A private correspondence was maintained between the intriguing General Conway and General Gates, criticising and reprobating the measures pursued by General Wash ington, and in one of Conway s letters he ascribes our want of success to a weak general and bad counsellors. General Gates, on finding that General Washington had been apprised of this correspondence, addressed his excel lency, requesting that he would disclose the name of his informant; and, extraordinary as it may appear, in viola tion of the rules of decorum, he addressed the commander- in-chief on a subject of extreme delicacy in an open letter, transmitted to the President of Congress. His pretence was, that some of the members of that body might aid in detecting the person who made the communication. Gen- APPENDIX. 447 eral Washington, however, made no hesitancy in disclosing the name and the circumstances which brought the affair to light. General Gates then, with inexcusable disingen- uousness, attempted to vindicate the conduct of Coriway, and to deny that his letter contained the reprehensible expressions in question, but utterly refused to produce the original letter. This subject, however, was so ably and candidly discussed by General Washington, as to cover his adversary with shame and humiliation, and he was glad to discontinue the investigation. It was thought to be inexcusable in General Gates that he neglected to com municate to the commander-in-chief an account of so important an event as the capture of the British army at Saratoga, but left his excellency to obtain information by common report. In November, 1777, Congress having new-modeled the board of war, appointed General Gates the president, and he entered on the duties of the office, but retained his rank in the army. The subject of this sketch was destined to experience, in a remarkable man ner, the humiliating vicissitudes of fortune. He had the conducting of the most prosperous and the most disastrous of the military enterprises in the war. In June, 1780, General Gates was by Congress vested with the chief com mand of our army in the Southern States. In a general battle at Camden,* August loth, being the first and only encounter which he had with Lord Cornwallis, he suffered a total defeat, and was obliged to fly from the enemy for personal safety; and thus was the prediction of General Lee, when Gates was vested with the command, that his Northern laurels would be exchanged for Southern willoius, verified. It would, however, be great injustice to attribute the misfortune altogether to the commander, under his peculiar circumstances; a large proportion of his force consisted of raw militia, who were panic-struck, and fled at the first fire; their rout was absolute and irretrievable. It may be observed, nevertheless, that Eis conduct in some * In the disastrous battle at Camden, the Baron de Kalb, a brave and experienced Prussian officer, and major-general in our service, was unfor tunately slain. It was said that this heroic officer cautioned General Gates against a general action, under present circumstances. His exit was marked with unfading glory, and his distinguished merit was gratefully acknowledged by Congress, in erecting a monument to his memory. 448 APPENDIX. respects on this occasion did not meet the approbation of those who must be admitted as competent judges of the military operations of that fatal day. Proudly calculating on the weight of his name, and too confident in his own superiority, he slighted the counsel which he ought to have respected; and hurrying impetuously into the field of battle, his tide of prosperity ebbed as fast at Camden as it hnd flowed at Saratoga. The plot to supplant General Washington is established beyond question, and it will be only sufficient to quote the following extracts from the letters of the two purest patriots and men that have ever lived, to satisfy of its truth those who are not familiar with the events of that period. Patrick Henry, writing on the subject to General AVashington, says: "While you face the armed enemies of our liberty in the field, and, by the favor of God, have been kept unhurt, I trust your country will never harbor in her bosom the miscreant who would ruin her best supporter. I wish not to flatter; but when arts unworthy honest men are used to defame and traduce you, I think it not amiss, but a duty, to assure you of that estimation in which the public hold you. Not that I think any testimony I can bear is necessary for your support or private satisfaction, for a bare recollection of what is past must give you sufficient pleasure in every circumstance of life. But I cannot help assuring you, on this occasion, of the high sense of gratitude which all ranks of men, in this your native county, bear to you. It will give me sincere pleasure to manifest my regards, and render my best services to you or yours. I do not like to make a parade of these things, and I know you are not fond of it; how r ever, I hope the occasion will plead my excuse." To which General Washington replies: "The anonymous letter with which you were pleased to favor me was written by ************. so far as I can judge from a similitude of hands. ******* "My caution to avoid any thing that could injure the service pre vented me from communicating, except to a very few of my friends, the intrigues of a faction which I know was formed against me, since it might serve to publish our internal dissensions; but their own rest Jess zeal to advance their views has too clearly betrayed them, and made concealment on my part fruitless. I cannot precisely mark the extent of their views, but it appeared in general that General Gates was to be exalted on the ruin of my reputation and influence. This I am author ized to say from undeniable facts in my possession, from publications, the evident scope of which could not be mistaken, and from private de tractions industriously circulated. ********, it i generally supposed, bore the second part in the cabal; and General 1 ATJMCK 11ENHV. APPENDIX. 449 Conway, I know, was a very active and malignant partizan; but I have good reason to believe that their machinations have recoiled most sensi bly on themselves." Yet, in the face of the evidence of the fact, General Armstrong recently avows that ".the slander propagated and believed for half a century, that two distinguished officers of the army of the revolution had conspired to put down the commander-in-chief, is an impudent and vile falsehood from beginning to end" General Gates was displaced from his command by order of Congress, and his conduct subjected to the in quiry of a special court, which resulted in his acquittal, but his Saratoga laurels had faded, and he was unable to retrieve his suffering fame. "It was the general opinion that General Gates was not treated by Congress with that delicacy, or indeed gratitude, that was due to an officer of his acknowledged merit. He, however, received the order of his super- sedure and suspension, and resigned the command to General Greene with becoming dignity." General Greene asserted that if there was any mistake in the conduct of Gates, it was in hazarding an action at all against such superior force. He was reinstated in his military command in the main army in 1782, but the great scenes of war were now passed, and he could only participate in the painful scene of a final separation. In the midst of his misfortune General Gates was called to mourn the afflictive dispensation of Providence in the death of his only son. Major Garden, in his excellent publication, has recorded the following affecting anecdote, which he received from Dr. William Reed: "Having occasion to call on General Gates, relative to the business of the department under my immediate charge, I found him traversing the apartment which he occupied, under the influence of high excitement; his agitation was excessive every feature of his countenance, every gesture betrayed it. Official despatches, informing him that he was superseded, and that the command of the Southern army had been trans ferred to General Greene, h;id just been received and perused by him. His countenance, however, betrayed no expression of irritation or re sentment; it was sensibility alone that caused his emotion. An open letter, which he held in his hand, was often raised to his lips, and kissed with devotion, while the exclamation repeatedly escaped them, Great man! Noble, generous procedure ! When the tumult of his mind had 450 APPENDIX. subsided, and his thoughts found utterance, he, with strong expression of feeling, exclaimed, 1 have received this day a communication from the eommander-in-chief, which has conveyed more consolation to my bosom, more ineffable delight to my heart, than I had believed it possi ble for it ever to have felt again. With affectionate tenderness he sym pathizes with me in my domestic misfortunes, and condoles with me on the loss I have sustained by the recent death of an only son; and then with peculiar delicacy, lamenting my misfortune in battle, assures me that his confidence in my zeal and capacity is so little impaired, that the command of the right wing of the army will be bestowed on me so Boon as I can make it convenient to join him. " When the revolution was completed, General Gates re tired to his plantation in Virginia, where he continued about seven years, when he with his wife took up his final residence in the neighborhood of New York. In civil life General Gates was a zealous partizan, but he was always disappointed in his ambitious views. In 1800, he was elected to the New York legislature to answer the purpose of a party, and withdrew again to private life as soon as that purpose was answered. During the federal adminis tration of the general government, he was found in the ranks of the opposite or minor party, which excluded him altogether from a share of the honors and emoluments which it was in the power of his former illustrious military leader to bestow. "A few years before his death he gen erously gave freedom to his slaves, making provision for the old and infirm, while several testified their attachment to him by remaining in his family. In the characteristic virtue of planters hospitality, Gates had no competitor, and his reputation may well be supposed to put this virtue to a hard test." "He had a handsome person, and was gentlemanly in his manners, remarkably courteous to all, and carrying good-humor sometimes beyond the nice limit of dignity. To science, literature or erudition, however, he made no pretensions, but gave indisputable marks of a social, amiable, benevolent disposition. He died without posterity at his abode near New York, on the 10th day of April, 1806, aged seventy-eight years." APPENDIX. BRIGADIER- GENERAL JOHN STARR, GENERAL STARK was a native of Londonderry, in New Hampshire, and was born August 17th, 1728. When at the age of twenty-one years, he was, while on a hunting excursion, surprised and captured by the Indians, and remained four months a prisoner in their hands. He was captain of a company of rangers in the provincial service during the French war of 1755, and was with the British general, Lord Howe, when he was killed in the storming the French lines at Ticonderoga, in July, 1758. At the close of that war he retired, with the reputation of a brave and vigilant officer. When the report of Lexington battle reached him, he was engaged at work in his saw-mill. Fired with indignation and a martial spirit, he immediately seized his musket, and with a band of heroes proceeded to Cambridge. The morning after his arrival, he received a colonel s commission; and availing himself of his own popularity, and the enthusiasm of the day, in two hours he enlisted eight hundred men! On the memorable 17th of June, at Breed s-hill, Colonel Stark, at the head of his back-woodsmen of New Hampshire, poured on the enemy that deadly fire, from a sure aim, which effected such re markable destruction in their ranks, and compelled them twice to retreat. During the whole of this dreadful con flict, Colonel Stark evinced that consummate bravery and intrepid zeal which entitle his name to honor and perpe tual remembrance in the pages of our history. After the British evacuated Boston, Colonel Stark joined our north ern army while retreating from Canada, and he had the command of a party of troops who were employed in for tifying the post of Mount Independence. We next find him at Trenton, in December, 1776, where he shared largely in the honors of that ever-memorable battle under Wash ington, when the Hessians were captured. But Stark reached the climax of his fame when, in one of the darkest and most desponding periods of the American war, he achieved a glorious victory over the enemy at Bennington. General Burgoyne, after possessing himself of Ticonderoga in July, 1776, and while advancing at the head of his victorious army towards Albany, conceived the design of 452 APPENDIX. taking by surprise a quantity of stores which our people had deposited at Bennington. For this enterprise he des patched a German officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Baum, with one thousand five hundred soldiers and one hundred Indians, with two field-pieces. Stark was at that time brigadier-general of militia, and was in the vicinity with about one thousand four hundred brave men from New Hampshire. He advanced towards the enemy, and drew up his men in a line of battle. Colonel Baum, deeming it imprudent to engage with his present force, halted his troops, and sent an express to Burgoyne for a reinforce ment, and in the mean time entrenched and rendered him self as defensible as possible. General Burgoyne immediately despatched Colonel Brey- man, with about one thousand troops, to reinforce Colonel Baum ; but a heavy rain and bad roads prevented his arrival in season. General Stark, on the 16tli of August, planned his mode of attack, and a most severe action ensued, which continued about two hours, with an incessant firing of musketry and the enemy s field-artillery. Colonel Baum defended himself with great bravery till he received a mor tal wound, and his whole party was defeated. It was not long after, that Colonel Breyman appeared with his rein forcement, and another battle ensued, which continued obstinate on both sides till sunset, when the Germans yielded, and the victory on our side was complete, the trophies of which were four brass field-pieces and more th 4 an seven hundred prisoners. For a more particular detail of this enterprise, see page 93 of this volume. Congress, on the 4th of October following, passed a resolve of thanks to General Stark, and the officers and troops under his command, for their brave and successful attack and signal victory, and that Brigadier Stark be appointed a brigadier- general in the army of the United States. General Stark volunteered his services under General Gates at Saratoga, and assisted in the council which stipulated the surrender of General Burgoyne, nor did he relinquish his valuable services till he could greet his native country as an Inde pendent Empire. General Stark was of the middle stature, not formed by nature to exhibit an erect, soldierly mien. His manners were frank and unassuming, but he manifested a peculiar sort of eccentricity and negligence, which pre- APPENDIX. 453 eluded all display of personal dignity, and seemed to place him among those of ordinary rank in life. But, as a cour ageous and heroic soldier, he is entitled to high rank among those who have been crowned with unfading laurels, and to whom a large share of glory is justly due. His char acter as a private citizen was unblemished, and he was ever held in respect. For the last few years of his life, he enjoyed a pecuniary bounty from the government. He lived to the advanced age of ninety-three years, eight months and twenty-four days, and died May 8th, 1822. MAJOR- GENERAL JOHN SULLIVAN. GENERAL SULLIVAN has a claim to honorable distinc tion among the general officers of the American army. Before the revolution, he had attained to eminence in the profession of the law in New Hampshire. But indulging a laudable ambition for military glory, he relinquished the fairest prospects of fortune and fame, and, on the com mencement of hostilities, appeared among the most ardent patriots and intrepid warriors. He was a member of the first Congress, in 177-i; but, preferring a military commis sion, he was in 1775 appointed a brigadier-general of the American army, then at Cambridge, and soon obtained the command on Winter-lull. The next year he was ordered to Canada, and, on the death of General Thomas, the com mand of the arrny devolved on him. The situation of our army in that quarter was inexpressibly distressing, destitute of clothing, dispirited by defeat and constant fatigue, and a large proportion of the troops sick with the small-pox, which was attended by an unprecedented mor tality. By his great exertions and judicious management he meliorated the condition of the army, and obtained general applause. On his retiring from that command, July 12, 1776, the field-officers thus addressed him: "It is to you, sir, the public are indebted for the preservation of their property in Canada; it is to you we owe our safety thus far. Your humanity will call forth the silent tear and the grateful ejaculation of the sick. Your universal impartiality will force the applause of the wearied soldier." In August, 1776, he was promoted to the rank of major- 454 APPENDIX. general, and soon after was, with Major-General Lord Stir ling, captured by the British in the battle on Long Island. General Sullivan being paroled, was sent by General Howe with a message to Congress; after which, he returned to New York. In September he was exchanged for Major- General Prescott. We next find him in command of the right division of our troops, in the famous battle at Tren ton, and he acquitted himself honorably on that ever- memorable day In August, 1777, without the authority of Congress or the Commander-in-chief, he planned and executed an expedition against the enemy on Staten Island. Though the enterprise was conducted with prudence and success in part, it was said by some to be less brilliant than might have been expected, under his favorable circumstances; and as that act was deemed a bold assumption of respon sibility, and reports to his prejudice being in circulation, a court of inquiry was ordered to investigate his conduct. The result was an honorable acquittal. Congress resolved that the result so honorable to General Sullivan is highly pleasing to Congress, and that the opinion of the court be published, in justification of that injured officer. In the battles at Brandy wine and at German town, in the autumn of 1777, General Sullivan commanded a division, and in the latter conflict his two aids were killed, and his own conduct was so conspicuously brave, that General Wash ington in his letter to Congress concludes with encomiums on the gallantry of General Sullivan, and the whole right wing of the army who acted immediately under the eye of his excellency. In August, 1778, General Sullivan was sole commander of an expedition to the island of New port, in cooperation with the French fleet under the Count D Estaing. The Marquis de la Fayette and General Greene volunteered their services on the occasion. The object of the expedition was defeated, in consequence of the French fleet being driven off by a violent storm. By this unfor tunate event the enemy were encouraged to engage our army in battle, in which they suffered a repulse, and Gen eral Sullivan finally effected a safe retreat to the main. This retreat, so ably executed, without confusion, the loss of bag gage or stores, increased the military reputation of General Sullivan, and redounds to his honor as a skilful commander. APPENDIX. 455 The bloody tragedy acted at Wyoming, in 1778, had determined the commander-in-chief, in 1779, to employ a large detachment from the continental army to penetrate into the heart of the Indian country, to chastise the hostile tribes and their white associates and adherents, for their cruel aggressions on the defenceless inhabitants. The command of this expedition was committed to Major-Gen eral Sullivan, with express orders to destroy their set tlements, to ruin their crops, and make such thorough devastations as to render the country entirely uninhabit able for the present, and thus to compel the savages to remove to a greater distance from our frontiers. General Sullivan had under his command several brigadiers and a well-chosen army, to which were attached a number of friendly Indian warriors. With this force he penetrated about ninety miles through a horrid, swampy wilderness and barren mountainous deserts, to Wyoming, on the Susquehannah river, thence by water to Tioga, and pos sessed himself of numerous towns and villages of the savages. During this hazardous expedition, General Sul livan and his army encountered the most complicated obstacles, requiring the greatest fortitude and persever ance to surmount. He explored an extensive tract of country, and strictly executed the severe but necessary orders he had received. A considerable number of Indians were slain, some were captured, their habitations were burned, and their plantations of corn and vegetables laid waste in the most effectual manner. "Eighteen villages, a number of detached buildings, one hundred arid sixty thousand bushels of corn, and those fruits and vegetables which conduce to the comfort and subsistence of man, were utterly destroyed. Five weeks were unremittingly employed in this work of devastation." On his return from the expedition, he and his army received the appro bation of Congress. It is remarked on this expedition by the translator of M. Chastelleux s Travels, an Englishman then resident in the United States, that the instructions given by General Sullivan to his officers, the order of inarch he prescribed to his troops, and the discipline he had the ability to maintain, would have done honor to the most experienced ancient or modern generals. At the close of the campaign of 1779, General Sullivan, in conse- 456 APPENDIX. quence of impaired health, resigned his commission in the army. Congress, in accepting of his resignation, passed a resolve, thanking him for his past services. His military talents arid bold spirit of enterprise, were universally ac knowledged. He was fond of display, and his personal appearance and dignified deportment commanded respect. Alter his resignation, he resumed his professional pursuits at the bar, and was much distinguished as a statesman, politician, and patriot. He acquired very considerable proficiency in general literature, and an extensive knowl edge of men and the world. He received from Harvard University a degree of Master of Arts, and from the University of Dartmouth a degree of Doctor of Laws. He was one of the convention that formed the state con stitution for New Hampshire, was chosen into the first council, and was afterwards elected chief magistrate in that state, and held the office for three years. In September, 1789, he was appointed judge of the District court for the District of New Hampshire, and continued in the office till his death, in 1795. MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS CONWAY, Knight of the Order of St. Louis. THIS gentleman was born in Ireland, and went with his parents to France, at the age of six years, and was from his youth educated to the profession of arms. He had obtained considerable reputation as a military officer and as a man of sound understanding and judgment. He ar rived from France with ample recommendations, and Con gress appointed him a brigadier-general in May, 1777. He soon became conspicuously inimical to General Wash ington, and sought occasions to traduce his character. In this he found support from a faction in Congress, who were desirous that the com mander-in-chief should be super seded. The Congress not long after elected General Con- way to the office of inspector-general to our army, with the rank of major-general, though he had insulted the commander-in-chief, and justified himself in doing so. This gave umbrage to the brigadiers over whom he was APPENDIX. 457 promoted, and they remonstrated to Congress against the proceeding, as implicating their honor and character. Conway, now smarting under the imputation of having instigated a hostile faction against the illustrious Wash ington, and being extremely unpopular among the officers in general, and finding his situation did not accord with his feelings and views, resigned his commission, without having commenced the duties of inspector. He was be lieved to be an unprincipled intriguer, and after his resignation, his calumny and detraction of the commander- in-chief, and the army generally, was exercised with unre strained virulence and outrage. No man was more zealously engaged in the scheme of elevating General Gates to the station of commander-in- chief. His vile insinuations and direct assertions in the public newspapers and in private conversation, relative to the incapacity of Washington to conduct the operations of the army, received countenance from several members of Congress, who were induced to declare their want of confidence in him, and the affair assumed an aspect threat ening the most disastrous consequences. Conway main tained a correspondence with General Gates on the subject, and in one of his letters he thus expresses himself: " Heaven has been determined to save your country, or a weak gen eral and bad counsellors would have ruined it." He was himself at that time one of the counsellors, against whom he so basely inveighs. Envy and malice ever are attend ant on exalted genius and merit. But the delusion was of short continuance; the name of Washington proved unassailable, and the base intrigue of Conway recoiled with bitterness on his own head. General Cadwallader, of Pennsylvania, indignant at the attempt to vilify the char- .acter of Washington, resolved to avenge himself on the aggressor, in personal combat. In Major Garden s Anec dotes of the Revolutionary War, &c., we have the following detailed particulars of the duel: "The parties having declared themselves ready, the word was given to proceed. General Conway immediately raised his pistol, and fired with great composure, but without effect. General Cadwallader was about to do so, when a sudden gust of wind occurring, he kept his pis tol down, and remained tranquil. Why do you not fire, General Cad wallader? exclaimed Conway. Because, replied General Cadwallader we came not here to trifle. Let the gale prss, and I shall act my part 458 APPENDIX. You shall have a fair chance of performing it well, rejoined Conway, and immediately presented a full front. General Cadwallader fired, and his ball entered the mouth of his antagonist; he fell directly forward on his face. Colonel Morgan, running to his assistance, found the blood spout ing from behind his neck, and, lifting up the club of his hair, saw the ball drop from it. It had passed through his head, greatly to the derange ment of his tongue and teeth, but did not inflict a mortal wound. As soon as the blood was sufficiently washed away to allow him to speak, General Conway, turning to his opponent, said, good-humored ly, You fire, general, with much deliberation, and certainly with a great deal of effect, The calls of honor being satisfied, all animosity subsided, and they parted, free from all resentment." General Conway, conceiving his wound to be mortal, and believing death to be near, acted honorably, in ad dressing to General Washington, whom he had perfidi ously slandered, the following letter of apology: "PHILADELPHIA, February 23(7, 1778. "Sin: I find myself just able to hold my pen during a few minutes, and take this opportunity of expressing my.sincere grief for having done, written, or said any thing disagreeable to your excellency. My career will soon be over; therefore justice and truth prompt me to declare my last sentiments. You are in my eyes the great and good man. May you long enjoy the love, esteem and veneration of these states, whose liberties you have asserted, by your virtues! "I am, with the greatest respect, "Your Excellency s most obedient and humble servant, "THS. CONWAY." MAJOR-GENERAL CHARLES LEE. GENERAL LEE was an original genius, and one of the most eccentric and extraordinary characters of the age. His brilliant talents, military prowess, and extensive intel ligence, would have entitled him to preeminence in the days of chivalry. He could dignify with honor an ele vated station, and it was not difficult for him to degrade his rank by indulging in a malignant, sordid passion for personal satire and invective. From the qualities and manners of a gentleman, he could descend to the level of a querulous clown. The profession of arms was his de light from infancy, and he was commissioned at the early age of eleven years. In the year 1762, he bore a colonel s commission, and served under General Burgoyne in Por tugal, where he signalized himself by his martial skill and APPENDIX. 459 active enterprises. He afterwards served as an aid-de camp to his Polish majesty, with the rank of major-gen eral. He exhausted every valuable treatise, both ancient and modern, on the military art, and his capacious mind was stored with knowledge on every subject which he could collect from reading, conversation and extensive travelling in Europe. He was honored with the acquaint ance of princes and noblemen, yet his manners were rude and singular, partly from nature and partly from affecta tion. To his strong powers of intellect, he added literary accomplishments, and the knowledge of six languages beside his own. As a statesman, he appeared to be influ enced by an innate principle of republicanism; an attach ment to these principles was implanted in the constitution of his mind, and he espoused the cause of America as a champion of her emancipation from oppression. He perti naciously opposed every oppressive measure of the British cabinet towards the American colonies, even while he was in their service. On his arrival in this country, he became daily more enthusiastic in the cause of liberty, and he travelled rapidly through the colonies, animating, both by conversation and his eloquent pen, to a determined and persevering resistance to British tyranny. Thus he ac quired a large share of popularity, and his presence among the people at this crisis was considered as a most fortunate and propitious omen. He probably expected to have be come the first in military rank in America, but in 1775, he accepted a commission of second major-general from our Congress, having previously resigned that which he held in the British service, and relinquished his half-pay. He accompanied General Washington to join the troops assembled near Boston, in July, 1775, and he was consid ered as a real acquisition to our cause. In the spring of 1776 he was ordered to New York, to take the command and to fortify that city for defence. ISTot long after, he was appointed to the command of the southern depart ment, and in his travels through the country, he received every testimony of high respect from the people. General Sir Henry Clinton and Sir Peter Parker, with a powerful fleet and" army, attempted the reduction of Charleston while he was in command. The fleet anchored within half-musket-shot of the fort on Sullivan s island, where 30 4(50 APPENDIX. Colonel Moultrie, one of the bravest and most intrepid of men, commanded. A tremendous engagement ensued on the 28th of June, 1776, which lasted twelve hours without intermission. The whole British force was completely repulsed, after suffering an irreparable loss. General Lee and Colonel Moultrie received the thanks of Congress for their signal bravery and gallantry. Our hero had now reached the pinnacle of his military glory, the eclat of his name alone appeared to enchant and animate the most desponding heart. But here we pause to contemplate the humiliating re verse of human events. He returned to the main army in October, and in marching at the head of a large detach ment through the Jerseys, having, from a desire of retain ing a separate command, delayed his march several days in disobedience of express orders from the comrnander-in- chief, he was guilty or most culpable negligence in regard to his personal security. He took up his quarters two or three miles from the main body, and lay for the night, December 13th, 1776, in a careless, exposed situation. Information of this being communicated to Colonel Har- court, who commanded the British light-horse, he pro ceeded immediately to the house, fired into it, and obliged the general to surrender himself a prisoner. They mount ed him on a horse in haste, without his cloak or hat, and conveyed him in triumph to New York. A splendid triumph indeed it was, for next to Washington he was the most highly prized as a captive by the British, who considered him as the soul of the American army, and at that juncture of our affairs a more grievous loss, Wash ington thought, could not have been sustained. The commander-in-chief greatly lamented his capture, as he entertained a high opinion of his martial skill, and he was apprehensive that the British general would treat him with indignity and rigor. Not having any prisoner of his rank, his excellency immediately proposed to exchange for hi in five Hessian field-officers, captured at Trenton, which is equivalent to the rank of rnajor-general. The British commander affected to consider Lee as a deserter from his majesty s service, and refused to listen to proposals for an exchange, but treated him with all the rigor of a state criminal of the first magnitude. This compelled the APPENDIX. 461 American commander, by order of Congress, to retaliate on the persons of five Hessian officers, and also on Colonel Campbell, \vho was now committed to a dungeon. After the capture of General Burgoyne and his army, the enemy relaxed in their rigorous treatment, and General Lee was soon exchanged for Major-General Prescott. It is next to be seen in what manner General Lee terminated his career in the continental service. In the battle at Monmouth on the 28th of June, 1778, he commanded the van of the American troops, with orders from the commander-in-chief to attack the retreating enemy. Instead of obeying this order, he conducted in an unworthy manner, and greatly disconcerted the arrangements of the day. His excellency, advancing to the field of battle, met him in his disorderly retreat, and accosted him with strong expressions of dis approbation. Lee, incapable of brooking even an implied indignity, and unable to restrain the warmth of his resent ment, used improper language in return, and some irrita tion was excited on both sides for the moment. Lee on the same day addressed two letters to the commander-in- chief, couched in disrespectful language, and with an air of defiance solicited a trial for his conduct, in consequence of which he was immediately put under arrest. A court- martial, of which Lord Stirling was president, was ordered for his trial on the following charges : 1st, For disobedi ence of orders in not attacking the enemy on the 28th of June, agreeably to repeated instructions. 2d, For misbe haviour before the enemy on the same day, by making an unnecessary, disorderly and shameful retreat. 3d, For disrespect to the commander-in-chief, in two letters, dated July 1st and June 28th. The letter dated July 1st was so dated my mistake; it was written June 28th. The court found him guilty on all the charges, and sentenced him to be suspended from any command in the armies of the United States of America for the term of twelve months. He made a masterly defence, and endeavored to prove that any other course than that pursued w r ould have given the enemy great advantage, and hazarded the destruction of our army. In his adversity General Lee was not altogether destitute of advocates as respects the affair of Monmouth; they allege that, were it not for the disrespectful letters to his excellency, Lee would have 462 APPENDIX. been acquitted, arfd the degree of punishment seems in some measure to justify this opinion. If he had been proved fully guilty of all the charges, a suspension for one year would be inadequate to the magnitude of the crime. It appears also that Congress did not without some demur sanction the sentence of the court-martial. When at length their confirmation of the sentence was promul gated, it was like a mortal wound to the lofty, aspiring spirit of General Lee. Pointing to his dog, he exclaimed, "Oh, that I was that animal! that I might not call man my brother." He became outrageous, and from that mo ment he was more open and virulent in his attack on the character of the commander-in-chief, and did not cease in his unwearied endeavors, both in his conversation and writings, to lessen his reputation in the estimation of the army and the public. He was an active abettor of Gen eral Conway in his calumny and abuse of General Wash ington, and they were believed to be in concert in their vile attempts to supersede his excellency in the supreme command. With the hope of effecting his nefarious pur pose, he published a pamphlet, replete with scurrilous imputations unfavorable to the military talents of the commander-in-chief; but this with his other malignant allegations were consigned to contempt. At length Col onel Laurens, one of General Washington s aids, unable longer to suffer this gross abuse of his illustrious friend, demanded of Lee that satisfaction which custom has sanc tioned as honorable. A rencounter accordingly ensued, and Lee received a wound in his side. Lee, now finding himself abandoned by his friends, degraded in the eye of the public, and despised by the wise and virtuous, retired to his sequestered plantation in Virginia. In this spot, secluded from all society, he lived in a sort of hovel, with out glass windows or plastering, or even a decent article of house furniture; here he amused himself with books and dogs. On January 10th, 1780, Congress resolved that Major-General Lee be informed that they have no further occasion for his services in the army of the United States. In the autumn of 1782, wearied with his forlorn situation and broken spirit, he resorted to Philadelphia, and took lodgings in an ordinary tavern. He was soon seized with a disease of the lungs, and, after a few days confinement, APPENDIX. 463 he terminated his mortal course, a martyr to chagrin and disappointment, October 2d, 1782. The last words which he was heard to utter, were, "Stand by me, my brave grenadiers!" The citizens of Philadelphia were much affected with his unexpected death, and his funeral was attended by a large concourse of people, the clergy of dif ferent denominations, the president and. members of Con gress, and of the assembly of Pennsylvania, the minister of France and his secretary, General Baron de Viomenil, the minister of War, and several other officers of distinc tion, both of the French and of the American army. General Lee was rather above the middle size, "plain in his person, even to ugliness, and careless in his manners, even to a degree of rudeness; his nose was so remarkably aquiline, that it appeared as a real deformity. His voice was rough, his garb ordinary, his deportment morose. He was ambitious of fame, without the dignity to support it. In private life, he sunk into the vulgarity of the clown." His remarkable partiality for dogs was such, that a num ber of these animals constantly followed in his train, and the ladies complained that he allowed his canine adherents to follow him into the parlor, and not unfrequently a favorite one might be seen on a chair next his elbow at table. In the year 1776, when our army lay at White Plains, Lee resided near the road which General Washington fre quently passed, and he one day with his aids called and took dinner ; after they had departed, Lee said to his aids, " You must look me out other quarters, or I shall have Washington and his puppies calling till they eat me up." The next day he ordered his servant to write with chalk on the door, "No victuals cooked here to-day." The company, seeing the hint on the door, passed with a smile at the oddity of the man. "The character of this person," says one who knew him well, " is full of absurdities and qual ities of a most extraordinary nature. His understanding was great, his memory capacious, and his fancy brilliant. He was a correct and elegant classical scholar, and both wrote and spoke his native language with perspicuity, force and beauty. From these circumstances he was at times a most agreeable and instructive companion. His temper was naturally sour and severe. He was seldom seen to laugh, and scarcely to smile. The history of his life is 46-i APPENDIX. little less than the history of disputes, quarrels and duels in every part of the world. lie was vindictive to his enemies. His avarice had no bounds. He never went into a public and seldom into a private house where he did not discover some marks of ineffable and contemptible meanness. He grudged the expense of a nurse in his last illness, and died in a small dirty room in the Philadelphia tavern, called the Canastoga Wagon, attended by no one but a French servant, and Mr. Oswald the printer, who once served as an officer under him. He was both impious and profane. In his principles, he was not only an iniidel, but he was very hostile to every attribute of the Diety. His morals were exceedingly debauched. His appetite was so whimsical, as to what he ate and drank, that he was at all times and in all places a most troublesome and disagreeable guest. His judgment in war was generally sound. He was extremely useful to the Americans in the beginning of the revolution, by inspiring them with mil itary ideas and a contempt for British discipline and valor. It is difficult to say whether the active and useful part he took in the contest arose from personal resentment against the king of Great Britain, or from a regard to the liberties of America. It is certain he reprobated the French alli ance and republican forms of government after he retired from the American service. He was in the field brave in the highest degree, and, with all his faults and oddities, was beloved by his officers and soldiers. He was devoid of prudence, and used to call it a rascally virtue. Two virtues he possessed in an eminent degree, sincerity and veracity. He was never known to deceive or desert a friend, and he was a stranger to equivocation, even where his safety or character was at stake. It was notorious that General Lee was a man of unbounded personal ambition; and, conscious of his European education, and preeminent military talents and prowess, be affected a superiority over General Washington, and constantly aimed at the supreme command, little scrupulous as to the means employed tc accomplish his own advancement. In reference to his base detraction, General Washington, in a letter to a friend, said : "What cause is there for such a profusion of venom as he is emitting on all occasions? a simple narration of facts would defeat all his asser tions, notwithstanding they are made with an eifronterv which few men APPENDIX. 465 do, and, for the honor of humnn nature, ought to possess." "If this gentleman is envious of my station, and conceives that J stand in his way to preferment, lean assure him, in most solemn terms, that the first wish of my soul is to return to that peaceful retirement, and domestic ease and happiness, whence I came. To this end all my labors have been directed, and for this purpose have I been more than four years a perfect slave, endeavoring, under as many embarrassing circumstances as ever fell to any man s lot to encounter, and as pure motives as any man was ever influenced by, to promote the cause and service I had embarked in." Garden s Anecdotes. The following is an extract from General Lee s will : "I desire most earnestly that I may not be buded in any church or church-yard, or within a mile of any Presbyterian or Anabaptist Meeting House, for since I have resided in this country,! have kept so much bad company while living, that I do not choose to continue it when dead." Thomas Paine once said of Lee, that "he was above all monarchs, and below all scum." MAJOR-GENERAL BENEDICT ARNOLD, THIS extraordinary man is already recorded in our revolutionary history, in the character of a valiant and intrepid officer, and in the next page as a sordid and in famous traitor to his country. He was a native of Con necticut, where he was known as a half-bred apothecary, a retailer, a skipper, and a jockey. Under pretence of bankruptcy, he committed perjury with the view of de frauding his creditors. But his mind was formed for bold and desperate enterprise, and he was chosen captain of a militia company of volunteers. On hearing of the battle at Lexington, he marched with his company, and arrived at head-quarters, at Cambridge, about the last of April, 1775, where he was promoted to a colonel. He immedi ately repaired to the vicinity of Lake Champlain, and united with Colonel Allen and his party, who were prepar ing to execute their plan for taking possession of the Britsh garrison at Ticonderoga. This enterprise was crowned with success, without bloodshed, and an immense quantity of valuable ordnance and munitions of war was taken for the use of our army. After which, he proceeded down the lake to St. John s in a small schooner, and seized by surprise an armed sloop of superior force, which he 466 APPENDIX. brought off with several prisoners. In September follow ing. Colonel Arnold was invested with the command of eleven hundred men, destined on a very extraordinary and arduous expedition no less than penetrating through the unexplored wilderness to Quebec, by the route of Kennebec river. Colonel Burr, late vice-president of the United States, was with his party. The expedition was attended by the most distressing circumstances which can be imagined, during which Arnold conducted with unex ampled resolution, and the soldiers exercised the greatest fortitude and patience, and accomplished an undertaking almost incredible. The men were obliged to drag their batteaux over falls, up rapid streams, over carrying places, and to march through morasses, thick woods, and over mountains for al>out three hundred and twenty miles. A part of the detachment, consisting of about three hundred men, under Colonel Enos, returned to Cambridge to avoid absolute starvation in the wilderness. Some of those who persevered were compelled to feed on dogs, which they devoured without sparing legs or skin, and also their cart ridge boxes, leather breeches and shoes. Colonel Arnold appears to have defeated his own object by an imprudent act. He intrusted to a transient Indian a letter to a friend in Quebec; the Indian betrayed his trust, and delivered the letter to the British commandant, who immediately adopted measures for defence and to oppose their march. In December, 1775, Colonel Arnold having reached the vicinity of Quebec, was second in command under General Montgomery, and led a party in the boldest and most spirit ed manner to the attack of the city of Quebec, by escalade, where he received a wound by a musket-ball in his leg, and the brave Montgomery was slain. In January, 1776, Arnold was promoted to the rank of brigadier, and had the command of the miserable remains of our army, and retreated to Crown Point. He took from merchants at Montreal goods to a very considerable amount, under cir cumstances which implicated his honor and character. He ordered Colonel Hazen to take charge of the goods; but, conceiving that they were taken unjustly from the proprietors, he refused to comply. On the retreat of the army, part of the goods were pillaged, in consequence of which Colonel Hazen was subjected to a trial, but was APPENDIX. 4(57 honorably acquitted. This affair excited much indignation among several respectable officers, who, having received abusive treatment from Arnold, demanded of General Gates, who now commanded in chief, that he should be arrested and brought to trial; but Gates, viewing him as a brave and valuable officer, was determined that he should command our fleet on Lake Cham plain, and therefore waived all complaints exhibited against him. After Arnold was invested with the command of our fleet, Sir Guy Carle- ton proceeded up Lake Champlain with a superior force, and a furious contest ensued. No man could have con ducted with more intrepid bravery than did General Ar nold. By his valorous conduct he acquired the highest applause; but being overpowered, he was obliged to retreat with the Congress galley, which he commanded, and four gondolas, which he ran on shore and blew up in despite of every effort of the enemy to prevent it. He even dis played a nice point of honor in keeping his flag flying, and not quitting his galley till she was in flames, that the enemy should not board and strike the American flag. In April, 1777, General Try on commanded an expedition from New York, consisting of about two thousand men, to des troy a deposit of stores at Danbury, in Connecticut. General Arnold by a forced march reached the scene of action, and with his usual impetuosity engaged the enemy ; and, when within a few yards, a whole platoon was leveled at him, by which his horse was killed. A soldier was ad vancing to thrust his bayonet through him, when with great presence of mind he took his pistols from his hol sters, and shot him down. Having mounted another horse, that also was shot through his neck. Congress resolved, that a horse properly caparisoned be presented to General Arnold, as a token of their approbation of his gallant conduct, in which he had one horse killed and another wounded. In May following, he was created a major- general. When, in August, 1777, General St. Leger in vested Fort Stanwix, General Arnold marched, at the head of a detachment from Fort Edward, to raise the siege; but the enemy, alarmed at his approach, abandoned the enter prise before his arrival. In September a serious difference took place between him and General Gates, who com manded our army at Saratoga. A conscious superiority 468 APPENDIX. on one side, and an arrogant temper on the other, sufficed to render the contention almost irreconcilable. The con sequence was, that Arnold in a rage requested to be dis charged from under the command of General Gates, and the latter immediately gave him a passport to repair to General Washington s head-quarters, though a battle with Burgoyne was daily expected. He postponed his^ depart ure, however, till the sanguinary conflict at Bemis s heights commenced, October 7th, when he betrayed great agitation and wrath. Rushing into the field of battle, and acting the part of a desperado, he exposed himself in the most rash and intemperate manner. In the heat of the action, when our troops were gaining advantage, General Arnold ordered Lieutenant-Colonel Brooks, at the head of his re giment, to force the German lines, which was instantly obeyed, and they boldly entered at the sallyport together, where Arnold received a wound in his leg, and his horse was killed under him. He had so little control of his mind, that while brandishing his sword in animating the officers and soldiers, he struck Captain Pettingill and Captain Brown, and wounded one of them on his head, without assigning any cause These gentlemen the next day re quested Colonel Brooks to accompany them to Arnold s quarters, to demand an explanation. He disavowed all recollection of the fact, and denied that he had struck an officer; but when convinced of it, readily offered the re quired apology. It is but justice to confess, that by his military phrenzy, or romantic heroism, Arnold contributed to the honor and success of the day. General Washing ton had a high sense of his gallantry, and presented him a pair of elegant pistols. After the evacuation of Phila delphia by the British army, General Arnold was intrusted with the command in that city. Here his display of con nubial gallantry, as in the field his martial spirit, was crowned with honor and success. His addresses were auspiciously received, and he was honored with the hand of the then celebrated Miss Shippen, one of the most ele gant and accomplished ladies in the city, but of a tory family. His whole soul now appeared to be engaged in the promotion of his own interest and aggrandizement. He occupied the house of Governor Penn, the best in the city, and this he furnished in a rich and splendid style. APPENDIX. 4(39 His carriage and equipage were equally splendid, and he rioted in the luxury and pageantry of a nobleman " Proud of the trappings of office, and ambitious of an ostentatious display of wealth and greatness, the certain mark of a nar row mind, he had wasted the plunder acquired at Montreal, where his conduct had been remarkably reprehensible, and had dissipated the rich harvest of peculation he had reaped at Philadelphia, where his rapacity had no bounds, fie deliberately seized every thing he could lay his hands on in the city, to which he could affix an idea that it had been the property of the disaffected party, and converted it to his own use."* Unmindful of his military station, he engaged in various speculations and in privateering, in both of which he was unfortunate. He made exorbitant demands on govern ment, in compensation for public services, and made bitter complaints against Congress, pretending that he suffered injustice from their hands. The commissioners appointed to liquidate his accounts, rejected a large proportion of his demands, as being unjust and unfounded, and for which he deserved severe reprehension. He was charged by the citizens of Philadelphia with gross acts of extortion, and of peculating on the public funds; and he was at length so notorious for his follies and vices, and so audacious in his reproaches against what he termed the ingratitude of his country, that the general voice demanded an investi gation of his conduct. The government of Pennsylvania, as well as many respectable citizens, exhibited formal charges against him, and Congress directed that he should be arrested, and tried by a court-martial. He was sen tenced to be reprimanded by the commander-in-chief, which being approved by Congress,was carried into ex ecution accordingly. The emoluments of his office, with all his embezzlements, proved inadequate to his exigencies, and his funds being exhausted, he was unable to meet the demands of his creditors. Thus he evinced a mind destitute of both moral principle and political integrity. Rebuffed and mortified in his vicious pursuits, he became soured and disaffected to our government and cause, and the most malevolent and rancorous spirit agitated his un principled bosom, restrained by a want of opportunity to * History of the American Revolution by Mrs. M. Warren. 470 APPENDIX. indulge his revenge. At the opening of the campaign in June, 1780, the commander-in-chief offered him the com mand of the left wing of our army, to which his rank entitled him; but this he declined, under the pretext that the wound which he received at Saratoga, rendered him incapable of active service in the field. He solicited the station of commander of the garrison at West Point, and in this request he was indulged by the commander-in-chief, who still had confidence in him as a military officer. He was now invested with a situation which furnished him with the meditated opportunity of executing his treason able purpose, and avenging himself on his country and the glorious cause of freedom. He engaged in a secret correspondence with Sir Henry Clinton, and actually agreed to put him in possession of the important garrison at West Point. The British general, appreciating the importance of the acquisition, immediately closed with him for the stipulated sum of ten thousand pounds sterling, and sent Major John Andre, his adjutant-general and aid-de-camp, to negotiate the arrangement for the surrender of the post. A British sloop-of-war, called the Vulture, conveyed him up the North river within twelve miles of West Point, and in the night of the 21st of September, 1780, by direction of Gen eral Arnold, this gentleman was brought on shore, under the fictitious name of John Anderson. Arnold received him on the beach, and conducted him to the house of Joshua Smith, within our lines, and the night was spent in ripening the infamous plot for execution. The follow ing night it was attempted to reconduct him on board the Vulture; but the boatmen who had been seduced to bring him on shore, utterly refused to perform the service, and a return to New York by land was the only alternative. Arnold furnished him with numerous papers, containing all the necessary information respecting the garrison, and a passport, naming him John Anderson, on public business, with which he proceeded on his journey. Having reached Tarrytown, on his route, Andre was suddenly arrested by three militia-men, who, finding the above-mentioned papers concealed in his boots, immedi ately delivered them into the hands of Lieutenant-Colonel Jameson, the commanding officer on our lines. With the APPENDIX. 471 view of giving Arnold an opportunity to escape, Andre had the address to induce Colonel Jameson to inform him. by letter that John Anderson was taken on his way to New York. On this being received by express, the guilty traitor, struck with the pressing danger of his situation, instantly informed his wife that he had received some let ters which obliged him to flee his country for ever, and desired her to retire and remain in her chamber. He now called earnestly for a horse, and mounted the first that presented ; and, instead of the usual path, he took a shorter route, riding down a very steep and dangerous precipice to the landing. This has since been called " Traitor s-hill." The barge being in readiness, he sprang into it, and ordered the boatmen to proceed down the river, and he was soon on board the Vulture, which Andre two nights before had left, and which immediately sailed with her prize for New York. Arnold was apprised that General Washington, being on his return from a journey to Hartford, intended to visit him that day, and he was momentarily expected. Accordingly his excellency arrived soon after Arnold had absconded; and not finding him at his quarters, he passed over the river to West Point, to view the works, and with the expectation of finding him at his post; but being dis appointed, he returned to Arnold s quarters, where he still found that no one could account for his absence. But in a few hours despatches arrived from Colonel Jameson, announcing the capture of Major Andre, and this was accompanied by his own letter of confession. The mys terious affair was now developed. Arnold s treason and elopement admitted at once of explanation. An officer was immediately sent to our fort at Verplank s Point, with orders to fire at Arnold s barge; but it was too late; she had already reached the Vulture. In about an hour and a half after Arnold had absconded, Dr. Eustis, who had charge of the hospital in the vicinity, was called to the assistance of Mrs. Arnold, whose situation was alarming. He found her at the head of the stair-case, in great disha bille, her hair disheveled, knowing no one, and frantic in the arms of her maid and Arnold s two aids, struggling to liberate herself from them. She was carried back to her chamber, and fell into convulsions, which lasted sev eral hours. In a lucid interval, she inquired of the doctor 472 APPENDIX. if General Washington was in the house, expressing a wish to see him. Believing that she intended to say some thing which would explain the secret of Arnold s unac countable absence, he hastened below, gave notice of her request, and conducted the general to her chamber, who remained no longer than to hear her deny that he was General Washington, and to witness the return of her dis traction. When Arnold deserted his post, a corporal, by name James Lurvey, was the coxswain of his barge. After their arrival on board the Vulture, and Arnold had held an interview with the officers in the cabin, he came on deck, and said to his bargemen, "My lads, I have quit ted the rebel army, and joined the standard of his Britan nic Majesty. If you will join me, I will make sergeants and corporals of you all ; and for yon, James, I will do some thing more." Indignant at the offer, Lurvey promptly replied, "No, sir; one coat is enough for me to wear at a time!" a worthy example of fidelity in the corporal, and a cutting sarcasm on the guilty traitor. Two only of the crew remained, and they were British deserters. The brave corporal, with the remainder of the men, returned; not, however, in the barge; Arnold had the meanness to retain that for his own use, and gave them a miserable boat in exchange. After his arrival on board the Vulture, he addressed to General Washington the following letter: ^ " On board the Vulture, September 25*fc, 1780. "Sin: The heart which is conscious of its own rectitude, cannot at tempt to palliate a step which the world may censure as wrong. I have ever acted from a principle of love to my country, since the commence ment of the present unhappy contest between Great Britain and the colonies; the same principle of love to my country actuates my present conduct, however it may appear inconsistent to the world, who very sel dom judge right of any man s actions. "I have no favor to ask for myself; I have too often experienced the ingratitude of my country to attempt it; but from the known humanity of your excellency, I am induced to ask your protection for Mrs. Arnold, from every insult and injury that the mistaken vengeance of my country may expose her to. It ought to fall only on me: she is as good and as innocent as an angel, and is incapable of doing wrong. I beg she may be permitted to return to her friends in Philadelphia, or to come to me, as she may choose; from your excellency I have no fears on her account, but she may suffer from the mistaken fury of the country. "I have to request that the inclosed letter may be delivered to Mrs. Arnold, and she permitted to write to me. APPENDIX. 473 "I have also to ask that my clothes and baggage, which are of little consequence, may be sent to me. If required, their value shall be paid in money. " I have the honor to be, with great regard and esteem, " Your Excellency s most obedient, humble servant. B. ARNOLD. "His Excellency General Washington. "N. B. In justice to the gentlemen of my family, Colonel Varrick, and Major Frank, I think myself in honor bound to declare, that they, as well as Joshua Smith, Esquire, who I know is suspected, are totally ignorant of any transactions of mine that they had reason to believe were injurious to the public." Mrs. Arnold was permitted to go unmolested to her husband at New York, and to take her chariot with her. Arnold had the audacity to remonstrate to-General Wash ington against the execution of Major Andre, and to at tempt to intimidate him. by threats of retaliation, should the unfortunate prisoner suffer; but his excellency treated both the traitor and bis affrontive letters with sovereign contempt. He next published an address to the people of the United States, in which he pretended to ascribe his defection from the American cause to principle, of which it is well known that he ever has been destitute. He attempts to vindicate his conduct by the ridiculous pretence that he was actuated by motives favorable to the interests of his country by bringing the war to a speedy termina tion, as though the destiny of America was doomed to be at his disposal, and that he was authorized to decide the fate of millions. In his artful address he labored to palli ate his own guilt and to influence others to follow his vile example. He execrated with peculiar bitterness our alli ance with France, and accused Congress of tyranny and usurpation, and a total disregard of the interest and wel fare of the people. Not satisfied with this insidious appeal to the people, he addressed by proclamation "the officers and soldiers of the continental army, who had the real interest of their country at heart, and who were deter mined to be no longer the tools and dupes of Congress or of France." As inducement to the American officers and soldiers to desert the cause which they had embraced, he represented that the corps of cavalry and infantry which he was authorized to raise, would be on the same footing with the other troops in the British service; that he would 474 APIENDIX. with pleasure advance those whose valor he had witnessed, and that the private men who might join him should re ceive a bounty of three guineas each, besides payment at their full value for horses, arms, and accoutrements. He endeavored to paint in lively colors the deplorable condi tion of our country, and to reprobate our Congress as oppressors, and their authority as tyrannical. "You are promised liberty," he exclaims, " but is there an individual in the enjoyment of it, saving your oppressors? Who among you dare speak or write what he thinks against the tyranny which has robbed you of your property, imprisons your persons, drags you to the field of battle, and is daily deluging your country with your blood?" Again, " what is America now but a land of widows, orphans, and beg gars? As to you who have been soldiers in the continent al army, can you at this day want evidence that the funds of your country are exhausted, or that the managers have applied them to their own private uses? In either case, you surely can no longer continue in their service with honor and advantage. Yet you have hitherto been their supporters in that cruelty which, with an equal indifference to yours, as well as to the labor and blood of others, is devouring a country that from the moment you quit their colors will be redeemed from their tyranny." These pro clamations failed of the effect which they were designed to produce; and notwithstanding all the hardships, suffer ings and irritations which the Americans were called to encounter, "Arnold remains the solitary instance of an American officer who abandoned the side first embraced in the contest, and turned his sword on his former com panions in arms." "I arn mistaken," says Washington in a letter to a friend, "if at this time Arnold is undergoing the torments of a mental hell. From some traits of his character which have lately come to my knowledge, he seems to have been so hacknied in crime so lost to all sense of honor and shame that while his faculties still enable him to continue his sordid pursuits, there will be no time for remorse." "This man," says Hamilton, "is in every sense despicable. In addition to the scene of knavery and prostitution during his command at Phila delphia, which the late seizure of his papers has unfolded, the history of his command at West Point is a history of APPENDIX. 475 little as well as of great villanies. He practised every dirty act of peculation, and even stooped to connexions with the sutlers of the garrison to defraud the public." A respectable officer, in a letter to a friend, speaks of Arnold in the following language: "It is not possible for human nature to receive a greater quantity of guilt than he pos sesses. Perhaps there is not a single obligation, moral or divine, but what he has broken through. It is discovered now that, in his most early infancy, hell marked him for her own, and infused into him a full proportion of her own malice. His late apostacy is the summit of his char acter. He began his negotiations with the enemy, to de liver up West Point to them, long before he was invested with the command of it, and whilst he was still in Phila delphia; after which, he solicited the command of that post from the ostensible cause that the wound in his leg incapacitated him for an active command in the field." His papers contain the most authentic and incontestable proofs of his crime, and that he regarded his important employments only as affording him opportunities to pillage the public with impunity. The crimes of this unprinci pled conspirator are thus summed up: Treason, avarice, hypocrisy, ingratitude, barbarity, falsehood, deception, peculation and robbery. He aimed to plunge a dagger into the bosom of his country, which had raised him from the obscurity in which he was born, to honors which never could have been the object even of his hopes. He robbed his country at the time of her deepest distress, having directed his wife to draw all she could from the commis saries store, and sell or store it, though at a time when the army was destitute of provisions. He robbed the sol diers when they were in want of necessaries, and defrauded his own best friends who trusted and had rendered him the most essential services. He spoke contemptuously of our allies, the French, and his illiberal abuse of every char acter opposed to his fraudulent and wicked transactions exceeds all description. For the sake of human nature it were to be wished that a veil could for ever be thrown over such a vile example of depravity and wickedness. An effigy of Arnold, large as life, was constructed by an artist at Philadelphia, and seated in a cart, with the figure of the devil at his elbow, holding a lantern up to the face 31 476 APPENDIX. of the traitor to show him to the people, having his name and crime in capital letters. The cart was paraded the whole evening through the streets of the city, with drums and fifes playing the Rogue s March, with other marks of infamy, and was attended by a vast concourse of people. The effigy was finally hanged, for the want of the original, and then committed to the flames. Yet this is the man on whom the British have bestowed ten thousand pounds sterling as the price of his treason, and appointed to the rank of brigadier-general in their service. It could scarce ly be imagined that there was an officer of honor left in that army, who would debase himself and his commission by serving under or ranking with Benedict Arnold! In January, 1781, Arnold was by Sir Henry Clinton invested with the command of one thousand seven hun dred men, supported by a naval force, on an expedition to Virginia, where he committed extensive ravages on the rivers and along the unprotected coast, plundering the plantations to the extent of his power. According to report, he shipped off a cargo of negroes, which he had stolen, to Jamaica, and sold them for his own emolument. Having taken an American captain prisoner, he inquired of him what the Americans would do with him if he should fall into their hands; the officer replied, they would cut off the leg that was wounded at Saratoga, and bury it with the honors of war, and hang the remainder of his body on a gibbet. In September, 1781, Arnold was again vested with a command, and sent on a predatory expedi tion against New London, in Connecticut, his native state. After taking possession of the fort, they made a merciless slaughter of the men who defended it, and destroyed an immense quantity of provisions, stores and shipping; sixty dwelling-houses and eighty-four stores were destroyed, and about one hundred inhabitants were deprived of their habitations, and most of them of their all. This termi nated the career of this monster of wickedness in America. At the close of the war, he accompanied the royal army to England. "The contempt that followed him through life," says a late elegant writer,* "is further illustrated by the speech of the present Lord Lauderdale, who, perceiv ing Arnold on the right hand of the king, and near his * Alexander Garden, Esquire. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War. APPENDIX. 477 person, as he addressed his parliament, declared, on his return to the Commons, that, however gracious the lan guage he had heard from the throne, his indignation could not but be highly excited at beholding, as he had done, his majesty supported by a traitor." "And on another occasion, Lord Surrey, since duke of Norfolk, rising to speak in the House of Commons, and perceiving Arnold in the gallery, sat down with precipitation, exclaiming, I will not speak while that man (pointing to him) is in the house. " He purchased in England a quantity of goods which he brought over to New Brunswick ; the store and goods took fire, and the whole were consumed; but according to report they were insured to a much greater amount than their real value. After this event, no further laurels remained for him to achieve; he recrossed the Atlantic, and died in London, June 14th, 1801. SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF GENERAL RNOX, AMONG- those of our countrymen, who most zealously engaged in the cause of liberty, few sustained a rank more deservedly conspicuous than General Knox. He was one of those heroes, of whom it may be truly said, that he lived for his country. The ardor of his youth and the vigor of his manhood were devoted to acquiring its liberty and establishing its prosperity. Born in Boston, July, 1750, his childhood and youth were employed in obtaining the best education that the justly-celebrated schools of his native town afforded. In very early life he opened a book-store, for the enlarge ment of which he soon formed an extensive correspondence in Europe; but little time elapsed before, at the call of his country, he relinquished this lucrative and increasing business. Indebted to no adventitious aid, his character was formed by himself; the native and vigorous principles of his own mind made him what he was. Distinguished among his associates, from the first dawn of manhood, for a decided predilection to martial exercises, he was at the age of eighteen selected by the young men of Boston as one of the officers of a company of grenadiers a company 478 APPENDIX. so distinguished for its martial appearance, and the pre cision of its evolutions, that it received the most flattering encomium from a British officer of high distinction. This early scene of his military labors served but as a school for that distinguished talent which afterward shone with lustre, in the most brilliant campaigns of an eight- years war: through the whole of which, he directed the artillery with consummate skill and bravery. His heart was deeply engaged in the cause of freedom ; he felt it to be a righteous cause, and to its accomplishment yielded every other consideration. When Britain declared hostilities, he hesitated not a moment what course he should pursue. No sordid calculation of interest retarded his decision. The quiet of domestic life, the fair prospect of increasing wealth, and even the endearing claims of family and friends, though urged with the most persuasive eloquence, had no power to divert the determined purpose of his mind. In the early stages of British hostility, though not in commission, he was not an inactive spectator. At the battle of Bunker-hill, as a volunteer, he was constantly exposed to danger, in reconnoitering the movements of the enemy, and his ardent mind was engaged with others in preparing those measures that were ultimately to dis lodge the British troops from their boasted possession of the capital of New England. Scarcely had we began to feel the aggressions of the British arms, before it was perceived that, without artillery, of which we were then destitute, the most important objects of the war could not be accomplished. No resource pre sented itself, but the desperate expedient of procuring it from the Canadian frontier. To attempt this, in the agitated state of the country, through a wide extent of wilderness, was an enterprise so replete with toil and danger, that it was hardly expected any one would be found hardy enough to encounter its perils. Knox, how ever, saw the importance of the object; he saw his country bleeding at every pore, without the power of repelling her invaders; he saw the flourishing capital of frhe North in the possession of an exulting enemy, that we were destitute of the means essential to their annoyance, and formed the daring and generous resolution of supplying the army with APPENDIX. 479 ordnance, however formidable the obstacles that might oppose him. Young, robust and vigorous, supported by an undaunted spirit, and a mind ever fruitful in resources, he commenced his mighty undertaking, almost unattended, in the winter of 1775, relying solely for the execution of his object-on such aid as he might procure from the thinly- scattered inhabitants of the dreary region through which he had to pass. Every obstacle of season, roads, and cli mate were surmounted by determined perseverance; and a few weeks, scarcely sufficient for a journey so remote, saw him return laden with ordnance and the stores of war drawn in defiance of every obstacle over the frozen lakes and mountains of the north. Most acceptable was this offering to our defenceless troops, and most welcome to the commander-in-chief, who well knew how to appreciate a service so important. This expedition stamped the character of him who performed it for deeds of enterprise and daring. lie received the most flattering testimony of approbation from the commander-in-chief and from Con gress, and was in consequence of this important service appointed to the command of the artillery, of which he had thus laid the foundation, in which command he con tinued with increasing reputation through the Eevolu- tionary War. Among the incidents that occurred during the expe dition to Canada, was his accidental meeting with the unfortunate Andre, whose subsequent fate was so deeply deplored by every man of feeling in both nations. His deportment as a soldier and gentleman so far interested General Knox in his favor, that he often afterward expressed the most sincere regret that he was called by duty to act on the tribunal that pronounced his con demnation. During the continuance of the war, the corps of artillery was principally employed with the main body of the army, and near the person of the commander-in-chief, and was relied on as an essential auxiliary in the most important battles. There was perhaps no period of the war when the American cause assumed an aspect so precarious as in the autumn of 1777. Philadelphia, then the centre and capital of our country preeminent for ^ts wealth, its 480 APPENDIX. population, and its trade a place most distinguished for the progress of the arts, was destined to fall within the grasp of our haughty foe. In the campaign that preceded its occupation by the British, General Knox was a con spicuous actor, eager for the contest, yet compelled with his brave companions to lament that the equipments of our army were unequal to the heroic spirits of its soldiers. Trenton and Princeton witnessed his enterprise and valor. At that critical period of our affairs, when hope had almost yielded to despair, and the great soul of Washington trembled for his country s freedom, Knox was one of those that strengthened his hand and encouraged his heart. At that awful moment, when the tempest raged with its greatest fury, he, with Greene and other heroes, stood as Pillars of the Temple of Liberty, till the fury of the storm was past. The letters of General Knox, still extant, written in the darkest periods of the revolution, breathe a spirit of devotedness to the cause in which he had embarked, and a firm reliance on the favor of Divine Providence; from a perusal of those letters it is evident that he never yielded to despondency, but, in the most critical moments of the war, confidently anticipated its triumphant issue. In the bloody fields of Germantown and Monmouih, without derogating from the merits of others, it may be said that during the whole of these hard-fought battles, no officer was more distinguished for the discharge of the arduous duties of his command. In the front of the battle he was seen animating his soldiers, and pointing the thunder of their cannon. His skill and bravery were so conspicuous on the latter occasion, that he received the particular approbation of the Commander-in-chief, in gen eral orders issued by him the day succeeding that of the battle, in which he says, that "the enemy have done them the justice to acknowledge that no artillery could be better served than ours." But his great exertions on that occa sion, together with the extreme heat of the day, produced the most alarming consequences to his health. To these more important scenes, his services were not confined; with a zeal devoted to our cause, he was ever at the post of danger; and the immortal hero, who stands first on the list of heroes and of men, has often expressed his sense of APPENDIX. . 481 their services. In every field of battle where "Washington fought, Knox was by his side. The confidence of the commander-in-chief, inspired by early services, was thus matured by succeeding events. There can be no higher testimony to his merits than that, during a war of so long continuance, passed almost constantly in the presence of Washington, he uniformly retained his confidence and esteem, which at their separation had ripened into friend ship and affection. The parting interview between Gen eral Knox and his illustrious and beloved chief, after the evacuation of New York, by the British, and Knox had taken possession of it at the head of a detachment of our army, was inexpressibly affecting. The hour of their separation having arrived, Washington, incapble of utter ance, grasped his hand, and embraced him in silence and in tears. His letters, 4o the last moment of his life, con tain the most flattering expressions of his unabated friend ship. Honorable to himself as had been the career of his revolutionary services, new laurels were reserved for him at the siege of Yorktovvn. To the successful result of this memorable siege, the last brilliant act of our revolutionary contest, no officer contributed more essentially than the commander of the artillery. His animated exertions, his military skill, his cool and determined bravery in this tri umphant struggle, received the unanimous approbation of his brethren in arms, and he was immediately created major- general by Congress, at the recommendation of the com mander-in-chief, with the concurrence of the whole army. The capture of Lord Cornwallis closed the contest, and with it his military life. Having contributed so essentially to the successful termination of the war, he was selected as one of the commissioners to adjust the terms of peace, which service he performed, in conjunction with his col leagues, much to the satisfaction of his countrv. He was deputed to receive the surrender of the city of New York, and soon after appointed to the command of West Point. It was here that he was employed in the delicate and arduous duty of disbanding the army, and inducing a soldiery, disposed to turbulence by their privations and sufferings, to retire to domestic life, and resume the peaceful character of citizens. It is a fact most honorable to his character that, by his 482 APPENDIX. countenance and support, he rendered the most essential aid to Washington, in suppressing that spirit of usurpation which had been industriously fomented by a few unprin cipled and aspiring men, whose aim was the subjugation of the country to a military government. No hope of political elevation no flattering assurances of aggrandize ment could tempt him to build his greatness on the ruin of his country. The great objects of the war being accomplished, and peace restored to our country, Gen. Knox was early, under the confederation, appointed secretary of war by Congress, in which office he was confirmed by President Washington, after the establishment of the federal government. The duties of this office were ultimately increased, by having those of the navy attached to them to the establishment of which his counsel and exertions eminently contributed. He differed in opinion from some other members of the cabinet on this most interesting subject. One of the greatest men* whom our country has produced, has uni formly declared that he considered America much indebted to his efforts for the creation of a power which has already so essentially advanced her respectability and fame. Having filled the office of the war department for eleven years, he obtained the reluctant consent of President Washington to retire, that he might give his attention to the claims of a numerous and increasing family. This retirement was in concurrence with the wishes of Mrs. Knox, who had accompanied him through the trying vicissitudes of war, shared with him its toils and perils, and who was now desirous of enjoying the less busy scenes of domestic life. A portion of the large estates of her ancestor, General Waldo, had descended to her, which he by subsequent purchase increased till it comprised the whole Waldo Patent, an extent of thirty miles square, and embracing a considerable part of that section of Maine which now constitutes the counties of Lincoln, Hancock, and Penobscot. To these estates he retired from all con cern in public life, honored as a soldier and beloved as a man, devoting much of his time to their settlement and improvement. He was induced repeatedly to take a share in the government of the state, both in the house of rep- * President Adams. APPENDIX. 433 resentatives and in the council in the discharge of whose several duties, he employed his wisdom and experience with the greatest assiduity. At that time Maine and Massachusetts composed one great and powerful state. His enlarged and liberal policy, as a legislator, was mani fested on every question on which he acted, and in every debate in which he took a part. While at the council board of Massachusetts, on all public political questions, his opinions had great weight with Governor Strong, at that period the worthy chief magistrate of the common wealth. Though independent and firm in his political sentiments, like Strong, he was disposed to conciliate those who -differed from him in opinion, and was wholly free from the spirit of intolerance. In- 1798, when the French insults and injuries towards this country called for resistance, he was one of those se lected to command our armies, and to protect our liberty and honor from the expected hostilities of the French Directory: happily for our country, their services were not required. Retired from the theatre of active life, he still felt a deep interest in the prosperity of his country. To that portion of it which he had chosen for his residence, his exertions were more immediately directed. His views, like his soul, were bold and magnificent; his ardent mind could not wait the ordinary course of time and events ; it outstripped the progress of natural improvement. Had he possessed a cold, calculating mind, he might have left behind him the most ample wealth; but he would not have been more highly valued by his country, or more beloved by his friends. He died at Montpelier, his seat in Thornaston, 25th of October, 1806, from sudden internal inflammation, at the age of fifty-six, from the full vigor of health. The great qualities of General Knox were not merely those of the hero and the statesman; with these were combined those of the elegant scholar and the accomplished gentleman. There have been those as brave and as learned, but rarely a union of such valor with so much urbanity a mind so great, yet so free from ostentation. In sketching the life of such a man, it is not the least interesting part to recall his private virtues. Long will he be remembered as the ornament of every circle in 48-1 APPENDIX. which he moved as the amiable and enlightened com. panion, the generous friend, the man of feeling and benev olence. His conversation was animated and cheerful, and he imparted an interest to every subject that he touched. In his gayest moments he never lost sight of dignity; he invited confidence, but repelled familiarity. His imagin ation was brilliant, his conceptions lofty; and no man ever possessed the power of embodying his thoughts in more vigorous language; when ardently engaged, they were peculiarly bold and original, and you irresistibly felt in his society that his intellect was not of the ordinary class. Yet no man was more unassuming none more delicately alive to the feelings of others. He had the peculiar talent of rendering all who were with him happy in themselves; and no one ever more feelingly enjoyed the happiness of those around him. Philanthropy filled his heart; in his benevolence there was no reserve it was as diffusive as the globe, and extensive as the family of man. His feel ings were strong and exquisitely tender. In the domestic circle they shone with peculiar lustre: here, the husband, the father and the friend, beamed in every smile and if at any time a cloud overshadowed his own spirit, he strove to prevent its influence from extending to those that were dear to him. He was frank, generous, and sincere; and in his intercourse with the world, uniformly just. His house was the seat of elegant hospitality, and his estimate of wealth, was its power of diffusing happiness. To the testimony of private friendship, may be added that of less partial strangers, who have borne witness both to his public and private virtues. Lord Moira, who is now perhaps the greatest general that England can boast of, has in a late publication spoken in high terms of his military talents. Nor should the opinion of the Marquis Chattelleux be omitted: " As for General Knox," he says, "to praise him for his military talents alone, would be to deprive him of half the eulogium he merits; a man of understanding, well informed, gay, sincere and honest it is impossible to know without esteeming him, or to see without loving him thus have the English, without intention, added to the ornaments of the human species, by awakening talents where they least wished or expected." Judge Marshall also, in his Life of Washington, thus speaks of him* APPENDIX. 485 "Throughout the contest of the revolution, this officer had continued at the head of the American artillery, and, from being colonel of a regiment, had been promoted to the rank of major-general. In this important station he had preserved a high military character, and on the resignation of General Lincoln, had been appointed secretary of war. To his great services, and to unquestionable integrity, he was admitted to unite a sound understanding; and the public judgment as well as that of the chief magistrate, pronounced him in all respects competent to the station he filled. The president was highly gratified in believing that his public duty comported with his private inclination, in nominating General Knox to the office which had been conferred on him under the former government." As a proof of their estimation of his literary attainments, the president and trustees of Dartmouth College conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. Perhaps in no instance of his life was his warmth of heart and strength of attachment more fully exemplified than at the closing interview of the principal leaders of the war, when they were about to take a final leave of each other, never probably to meet again. It was most natural that the recollection of the past scenes should awaken the liveliest emotions: the bosom of the soldier is the residence of honor and of feeling, and no man cher ished them more fondly than Knox. He proposed to his brethern in arms that some course should be adopted to keep alive the generous attachment which was the fruit of their long intercourse and mutual toils and dangers; the proposal accorded with the feelings of the principal officers of the army, who united in forming the Cincinnati, a so ciety whose object was to cement and perpetuate the friend ship of its founders, and transmit the same sentiment to their descendants. Pure as are believed to have been the motives of those who associated in forming this society, there were not wanting some who, from ignorance or illib eral! ty, professed to doubt the purity of its character and the correctness of its objects. But it is a fact, derived from the highest authority,* that it had, from its commencement, the unqualified approbation of the commander-in-chief, expressed in the most decided language. Such sanction * Governor Brooks. 486 APPENDIX. as that of Washington could not fail to do away every suspicion of its unfairness, and to establish the rectitude of its motives and principles. General Knox was a supporter of Christian institutions, and contributed much, by his liberality and his example, to promote the preaching of the gospel. It always appear ed to afford him the highest pleasure to bear testimony to the excellence of Christianity, and he often expressed his firm belief that its exalted principles were intended to cor rect the heart and to purify the life; to make man what he ought to be in this world, and to prepare him for the more elevated enjoyments of the future. He most firmly believed in the immortality and the immateriality of the soul. From his reflections on religion, committed by him to paper, it is evident that his thoughts were often and in tensely employed on the all-important concerns of a future state of existence; that he firmly believed in an overruling Providence, and that he was created and sustained by its power and goodness. He considered the order, harmony and beauty of creation, as affording the most convincing proof of wisdom and design. He thought the universal distribution of blessings among mankind, furnished con clusive evidence of the goodness of the Being from whose bounty they flow. But it was a subject on which he rea soned for himself, unfettered by the arrogant dogmas of the churchmen, or the metaphysical subtleties of the schools. He expressed exalted pleasure in the full con viction that the arm of Almighty Power was extended for the protection of the whole family of man, without respect to Jew or Gentile. The exclusive pretensions of the various sects and denominations in the church, he con sidered the fruits of human invention, and altogether un worthy the wisdom of the Almighty Mind. Elevated by the aspirations of his own exalted mind, he believed our residence on this globe, which he consi dered but an atom in creation, as only the commencement of a progressive state of existence, still rising toward per fection from sphere to sphere, till, by successive gradations of intellectual and moral improvement, we are prepared for the presence and enjoyment of the All-perfect Being who created us. LIFE OF WASHINGTON. CHAPTER I. Short-lived reputation of many of Earth s heroes Washington a striking exception greatness and goodness English ancestry birth-place love of country life early school days daily readings at home first a Bridge- creek school military turn midshipman s warrant its reprisal survey ing "lowland beauty." NUMBERLESS heroes of the world those who have figured conspicuously on the theater of action in time, have passed away and been forgotten. The record of their deeds can be found on no pa^e of history, and tradi tion is silent upon those things which marked their career, among a circle of admirers, as brilliant and noble. They lived in the Past. Antiquity claims them as her own. What have they to do with the present and the future ? and is it alike true of all ? There is, at least, an exception upon American soil ; one whose fame is undying whose name has become the synonym of all that is good and great, the fragrance of which is even stronger than at the beginning, and posterity, we hesitate not to say, will be able to gather it in all its richness, with nothing, in any wise, detracted from its original freshness. Never were the stamp of immortality more indelibly engraven upon the character of man, than our own illustrious Washing ton. The halo which encircles his memory is still bright, though many a decade has passed since the place that knew him upon earth, know him no more forever, and those that come after us will see the brightness undimmed, for what has been, is a pledge of what will be. Poets, statesmen, philanthropists, historians all, of every con dition, sentiment and opinion, have conspired together to enhance the glory here manifest. The language of eulogy has been exhausted, and imagination has been tasked, as it were, to coin new phrases that should add new dignity to one already, covered with honors. His name is closely linked with liberty the dearest word in our almost limit less vocabulary ; it is sounded with peculiar emphasis on every occasion which celebrates the country s festivi- 488 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. ties; it is spoken by the lover of mankind whenever he would present a model to youth that should win to virtue and self-sacrifice in the cause of truth and justice, and indeed there is scarcely a place, or a time, where, or upon which it may not be appropriately mentioned as connected with example. We can adduce other instances of men who boast of great military achievements who have the reputation of being great generals of having wrought out great plans for consolidating public interests, but where shall we look for such a combination of greatness and goodness as in the character of him whose life we now briefly consider? Greatness stands on a lofty height and commands our admiration, but we grow dizzy with looking, while good ness, with angelic wing, folds itself about us, to win, guard, and bless; to exalt us as nothing else can. It was this rare union of qualities that made Washington what he was. He did not live, indeed, with no whisper of asper sion. He himself was human was surrounded by imper fect humanity, and yet, we venture to say, there never lived a man who knew so much of promotion, against whom the shafts of calumny were so seldom directed as against him. Again and again has he been awarded the highest place that could be given by devoted people, and then looking for the man, we find him enveloped with clouds of incense going up from altars that burn brightly in thousands of human hearts. Say what we will, we are compelled to acknowledge that a great and good man passed from this terrestrial vale when the animating spark went out of the commanding form of the "Coun try s Father," and left it lifeless and powerless. At such a time as this, when it is said he is gone, we gather up the reminiscences of the life that has died out, and treasure them as our legacy. Every thing, however remotely connected with the departed, is not without in terest. It is not enough that we know the man himself, we follow far back the ancestral line, like an explorer traversing the winding streams telling yet of some point he would be most happy to gain. Thus going backward, we must find an ocean path to English shores before we find the homes where lived the worthy men distinguished as the ancestors of George Washington. There we find LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 489 the spirit of independence and patriotism which was transmitted from one generation to another, until it was developed in our own land in such a manner as to cause every bosom to glow with ambition to be rid of every yoke to be free from every fetter that would in any way enchain mind or body. Previous to the twelfth cen tury, the distinctive name of the Washington ian race was Hertburn, but subsequently owing to circumstances relating to property we hear of the "manor of Wessing- ton," a name, which by no very strange transformation came to be written as Washington, and fixed as a family title. One, Sir Henry, we find gaining celebrity in the time of Cromwell, by holding the city of Worcester against Fairfax and the Parliamentary army. Others dis tinguished themselves in literature and various other callings, and the traveler, thoughtful to gain information of the honored race, may find their burial places still in the pleasant village of Cookham, not far from the royal palace of Windsor, where the crowned of England have so long dwelt, affording sufficient evidence, in appearance, that they were esteemed in life and lamented in death. The first time that our soil echoed to the tread of a Wash ington was in 1657, when one by the name of John, with his brother came over and located themselves in the county of Westmoreland, Virginia. The former, by his ability, and native force of character, became a prominent citizen, and so far secured the confidence and good will of the people as to gain the distinction from them of having the parish called by his own name. Here, at a place called Bridge s creek, the family lived for many years, and here too, Augustin Washington dwelt the father of the illus trious hero of America. Forty-nine, only, was the allot ted number of his years, but those are said to have been mainly prosperous and happy, though affliction the ordi nary lot of humanity, came to him, and once in a severe visitation which deprived him of the companion of his first choice Jane Butter, who left to his care two boys as objects of his comfort and solicitude. In process of time, he took to his home and heart Mary Ball the Mary who became the proud and happy mother of a son whom she little dreamed, when looking into his infant face, was to become involved in the destinies of his country, in a most 490 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. important sense. It was on the morning of the 22d of February, 1732, that he opened his eyes upon the scene that was in coming time to render him conspicuous and renowned before the worlds on either side of the rolling ocean. Nothing special marked the era. Nothing unusual attended the advent of him who was to be styled the na tion s deliverer. The house where he was born was situa ted on the banks of the beautiful Potomac, but it was lonely and unpretending like the dwellings of other farm ers in the vicinity. The style of living to which he was introduced was plain and humble, and to these external circumstances regarded by many as exceedingly unfortu nate, may be attributed the steady growth and harmoni ous development of those qualities which marked his fit ness for places of high responsibility and trust. Arnong the genial influences of nature; with a necessity for industry and frugality, there was laid broad and deep the foundations of a character that should serve as a model for mankind through successive generations, if not for all time. The love of country life became early a strong principle, and it never forsook him. He was emphatically a rural man, always loving to turn aside from the digni ties and perplexities of office for the free and unrestrained enjoyment of country pleasures, In this case, it may be emphatically said, that "the child was father of the man." Although there is little reason to suppose that George was a child of brilliant qualities of very precocious genius, yet in tracing the connection between childhood and man hood, we see the opening bud giving promise of rare fruit in its maturity. Anecdotes illustrative of his can did, generous nature, his love of truth and daring exploits in his youth, are too well known to need repetition. Physiognomists speak of a face "full of expression and seriousness, a clear blue eye, a winning smile, and a tall and rather slender figure." He had but one sister, and she bearing a striking resemblance, though less command ing in person. George seems to have been the favorite in the family circle. Especially he seems to have had a peculiar shrine in the maternal heart, and the faithfulness with which he was wont to perform his devotions there, but tended to confirm the feeling that prompted the par tiality. When she first folded the infant George to her vC if WASHllWC IL Gfei LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 491 bosom, she was young and beautiful, but far enough removed from the vain and frivolous ideas which charac terize so many thus endowed. On the contrary, she was remarkable for her judicious firmness, her method of dis cipline, and grave and sensible opinions of the true aim of life. All this told upon the mind and conscience of the youthful George, and won him over to the practice of unconditional obedience. It was under the eye of such a mother ever loving and watchful ; under the mild re straint of such a being ever thoughtful and kind, that were formed those strong predilections for domestic life that make the delightful background of this life-picture. The associations of those halcyon days with this loving, guiding spirit, became the choicest memories when, in after years, he was immersed in the strife and cares inci dent to high position, and the labor it necessarily in volves. While George was very young, his home was trans ferred from the banks of the loved Potomac, to the vicinity of the Rappahannock, and there in an old school house, nestled among the pines, he commenced his experience in the pursuit of knowledge, under a master as rough and rude as the surroundings, and those familiar with the his tory of schools and school-houses at tins period of our country, know well what these were. It was what was then denominated a " field school," similar to those in the older country known as "Lodge Schools," a name which sufficiently indicates its character. The spelling-book, and the testament were the only books to be found on the master s schedule at that time, and when we think that the latter is the beginning and end of all wisdom, why need we wonder that a thoughtful, faithful boy like George Washington, should come forth eminently fitted for a great work, from a school of so-called narrow pre tensions? Hobby, the teacher one, however, who does not seem to be particularly discerning, failed at the time to observe any thing peculiar in the blue-eyed boy on the rude bench before him, but in his declining years, when the goal of distinction had been won by his illustrious pupil he was wont to descant with no little pride on the part he acted with such success in laying the foundation of such greatness. As to the matter of indebtedness con- 32 492 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. cerning real acquisitions at this early age, however, there is little question, for we incline to award quite as much to the daily readings of the mother with her children, as to the limited teachings of "Old Hobby." A well-worn vol ume, by Matthew Hale, bearing the title of "Contempla tions, Moral and Divine," might often have been found in the hands of the careful and prudent mother, and among her eager listeners, her favorite George, and to these treas ured maxims and precepts may be attributed in some good measure that wise and safe policy which governed him in mature years, and through him blessed the world. Who shall lightly speak of influence? How little Mrs. Washington thought of the ever-widening circles how much they would embrace, while she was thus engaged ! George was brought more particularly within her sphere of influence by the early death of his father, which de prived him of counsel in this direction at the age of eleven. The deep sense of responsibility which took possession of the widowed heart as it realized the mourn ful fact that it was the sole guide of five immortals, devel oped, as some think, a sternness which left its impress upon her children, but we can not think the subject of this sketch deficient in tenderness and sympathy those qualities so necessary to complete any character, and cir cumstances that may hereafter appear, will doubtless prove the suspicion which some have whispered, unfounded. After the death of his father, George was sent again to school to Bridge s Creek the place of his early home, where things were conducted on a larger scale than in the little institution among the pines, inasmuch as grammar and mathematics were taught by a competent instructor. Foremost among the scholars here, v^ s our incipient hero. On all occasions he became the standard of appeal, and in differences of opinion, and divisions of actions the almost universal ejaculation was heard, "ask George Washing ton, an d whatever he says is right, we ll agree to." He became a leader in their sports, which told plainly the direction his mind was taking. Every thing took on a military form; the martial spirit was constantly visible. He had seen his brother fitted out for the wars ; he had heard the spirited reports which came from him of the warlike scenes in which he was engaged, and it was kind- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 493 ling like enthusiasm in his own nature, and it was his* delight and pride to form his school companions into mil itary companies, and with miniature muskets and drums, lead them on to his imaginary battles. Thoughtful plan ning was strikingly manifest, even here, as those bands were almost always arrayed against each other, as English and French, George always commanding the former, though his peace-loving spirit taking care that the antago nism should be only seeming, as he was skillful to prevent quarrels. He had a decided taste for athletic exercises of all kinds, and various feats of agility and strength are related of him that partake somewhat of the marvelous in those his school days. The teacher of Bridge-creek school, like Hobby, had no little pedantry, and personal pride, and was wont to glorify self, as well as his pupil by remarking to the people that he had "made George Wash ington as good a scholar as himself." To say the least he made signal progress in branches scarcely attempted by those of his age, especially in those times, and what is more remarkable, is, to find in the unsettled penmanship of a boyish hand of thirteen, a list of rules and regula tions seemingly culled from various sources, relating to conversation, etiquette, &c., by which to shape a graceful as well as noble character. Scrupulous regard for these things seemed to be in-breathed, as it were, into his nature from the first, and became a distinguishing trait ere he had scarce emerged from childhood. He was at this time spending his days with his brother Lawrence who had lo cated himself in the vicinity of his early home, because bright eyes and a loving heart had kept him there, not withstanding a previous determination had led him to form plans of going to England for the sake of promotion in the army, which he had reason to expect. A captain s commission was already in his hands, but the attractive person and amiable virtues of Miss Anne Fairfax took stronger hold of his affections, and the prospect of fame was relinquished for a quiet and pleasant home in Fairfax county a district bearing the name of the ancestors of his fair lady, thus showing the standing maintained of more than ordinary distinction by the new relations formed by the family. They mingled in refined and cul tivated society, and the peculiar attachment of Lawrence 494: LIFE OF WASHINGTON. for his younger brother, secured for him all the advan tages to be derived from such connection. Lord Fairfax, father-in-law of the elder brother owned a fine situation in close proximity to Mt. Vernon, and in this way was gained introduction to persons of wealth and distinction in the latter place, that proved of great interest, and controlling importance to the ambitious youth, who already began to thirst for enterprise. He had an eye upon the British navy, and the desire was fos tered by his brother, and enlisting the feelings of the influ ential friends about him, a midshipman s warrant was se cured, and at the age of fifteen the object of his hopes seemed about to be realized. A ship-of-war was in actual vision, and desire was strong for the floating home, but more for the glory to which it would bear him. What now would prevent the glad fulfillment of his dreams? His own spirit was glowing at the prospect, but there was another to whom the tidings came as a crushing blow to fond hopes. The loving mother could not speed her favorite son on such a devious way could not consent to such a parting with the son of her warmest affection, and filial piety was stronger in the heart of the one she had so tenderly nurtured, than the love of glory, excited as that had become. He yielded all that seemed so fascinating to his youthful imagination, to the affectionate solicitations of his only surviving parent, and while we admire the beauty of the spirit that made the sacrifice, we discern also the workings of a higher power, that had other things in reserve, demanding a still further work of preparation for its worthy accomplishment. With the consciousness of duty performed, George turned again to school with the purpose of preparing himself to enter upon the com paratively humble business of surveying, in connection with the ordinary duties and occupations of life on a plantation. He had inherited from his father the house and lands on the last named river, and it was to the cultivation and enjoyment of this that his mother s aspirations for him tended. lie seems to have conformed somewhat to this in his own mind, at the abandonment of his navy project, and applied himself with characteristic energy to his new study, the application of which, he soon had an opportu- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 495 nity to test quite to his satisfaction, by a commission from lord Fairfax, to make out a complete account and descrip tion of immense tracts of mountain land, which the no bleman owned in the back part of Virginia. Great care and strict method were manifest in all his affairs equally scrupulous in the measurement of the plat around his school building, as that of uncounted acres, and their remarkable manifestation so pleased the wealthy lord, that he gave him, in company with his nephew, the ardu ous task of exploring the wild woodlands among the Alleghanian mountains. This was no pleasure excursion, but one involving great fatigue and hardship, as well as great danger. Tribes of ferocious Indians claimed the forests as their own, at that time, and the white man who dared to be found within their borders was exposed to such treatment as the savage and jealous inhabitants might dictate. With much that an adventurous youth might call pleasing incident certainly with a variety of scenes among people that would not speak English if they could, he spent a month of springtime, rarely finding the luxury of a shelter at night, but well satisfied with the object and the result of his undertaking. For three years he accustomed himself to a similar mode of life, though making but short trips without returning to the settle ments to recruit, on account of the great privation and exposure to which he was subjected, and even with this precaution he did not escape constitutional injury, the influence of which he felt through life. lie was still young, it must be remembered, though his appearance was in advance of his years. One would scarcely have dreamed that such a tall and dignified figure was in pos session of a youth of sixteen; that such ability for ardu ous and complicated schemes existed in that youthful mind, but some are born to unwonted achievements, and every step in their pathway is but a link in the great chain of preparation which they unconsciously forge for efficient use in practical life as occasion requires. To this period of his history, or nearly this, are related some developments that show his heart was not altogether composed of stern material, but of a texture susceptible of softer emotion. A "lowland beauty," had passed be fore him, and the loveliness of the vision abided with him. 496 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. The image was daguerreotyped upon his heart, but the idea of a more palpable union was hopeless, and for a time he gave way to the expression of those despairing regrets which are the food of love, beside resorting to the muses for relief that frequent resort of enamored souls. If, before, he had been liable to the charge of undue stern ness, this, at least, shows that he had tenderness in reserve. But this state of feeling was not of long duration, or suf fered to incapacitate him for the duties of his calling. Business increased, became profitable, owing in a great measure to the friendly aid of lord Fairfax, with whom, and his family he was on terms of delightful intimacy, which counted to his pleasure and profit. CHAPTER II. Appointment as Adjutant-General voyage to the West Indies with his in valid brother comes into possession of Mt. Vernon Masonic member ship Eulogy of Dr. Tyng Dinwiddie s commission meeting with Mary Philipsc with Mrs. Custis their marriage death of the daughter dele gate to Congress appointed general. THE nineteenth year of Washington s life, 1751, was to be an important era in his history. The laurels of honor, which were already being twined about his brow, were to grow brighter and thicker, until they should weave them selves into an ornament not equaled by any worn by the proudest aspirants for the prize which fame has to give. There was also, this important difference in the honor con ferred upon this man, and that of many others, it came unsought by himself it came because of the ease and grace with which he carried it ; because merit demanded it. The influence of his brother, and other friends, was again used to secure for him an important post that of adjutant-general for the state of Virginia. It was gained, and indeed it seemed that the very name of Washington had a charm in its sound that operated as a sufficient re commendation at all such times when high places were waiting to be filled. What comes to others by a slow and tedious process, came to him, as if he had a native right to be above and beyond all his compeers. Lawrence LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 497 Washington had himself held this position, and aban doned it by reason of failing health. It carried with it, also, the rank of major, and the pay of one hundred and fifty pounds a year. The duties involved were such as fully to gratify the martial spirit of him who was called to their performance. The people of the state were ex ceedingly annoyed by the Indian tribes on their frontiers, and not less so by the seemingly hostile intentions of the French who were constantly making encroachments, indi cative of a design to establish themselves in such a man ner as to allow of the planning and execution of measures by which they might extend their empire over the inviting fields of the western country. Companies of militia were to be gathered, and trained for efficient service ; their arms to be duly inspected, and the whole body carefully and wisely disciplined. The young major had the requis ite power at his command, and was full of enthusiasm in the purpose -of repelling the hostile invaders. Peculiar efficiency marked his course to such an extent as almost immediately to win the highest confidence of the governor and his council, and place his name first on the list -of those entitled to promotion when occasion called for par ticular trustworthiness. But human experience is a chequered thing. Trials and duties satisfaction and grief are mingled. In the midst of his good fortune, Washington found himself obliged to turn aside from his public duties, to the domestic fireside of his brother he who had zealously sought his prosperity and elevation, and was now threatened with a disease that was to undermine the foundations of life, if not arrested. With grateful tenderness, peculiarly becom ing, the demand was cheerfully met, or what savors less of compulsion, the opportunity was gladly received to offer the ministrations of love. A voyage to the West Indies, was the proposed remedy for the declining brother, and George relinquished all for the time, to become the companion of the invalid. Seeing him comfortably set tled, and having provided the necessary care, he returned to await the invigorating effects of the genial climate on the depressed system. Unhappily they were not realized, and the two brothers never met again. Lawrence re turned, but scarce had he looked upon the skies that bent 498 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. over his own beloved home, before the inexorable messen ger summoned him away from mortal scenes, to mingle with the invisible scenes of eternity. To George he had been father and guide, since the day that death took this counselor from him, and the stroke was severe indeed. The relations however, seemed to induce no feeling of in feriority, or servile dependence, as is evident from the fact, that the younger brother was the chosen one for the superintendence of business, and the charge of maintain ing and caring for the bereaved family the widow and a sickly daughter ; and that in case of their death the will declared the estate of Mt. Yernon the property of George. On the marriage of the former, and the decease of the latter, it came into his hands, henceforth to be forever associated with his name, to be visited by thousands with kindred spirit to Mahomet s pilgrims at Mecca s shrine, to become eventually the priceless legacy of a free and grateful people, and baptize Virginia s soil with a "sacred" seal. lie very soon installed himself as sole proprietor of the fair domain commencing a system of improvements that he carried on during most of his life time, all the while, unconscious, in all probability, that Washington and Mt. Yernon were to become the talisma- nic words of the land. Could he have looked down the long vista of years and beheld a continent, and more than a continent, illuminated with the glory of his name, we can scarce conceive what his emotions would have been. It seems his great soul would have turned in devout and grateful acknowledgment to the one source of all great ness on high, for ambition like his we are sure would never have selfishly labored for such an end, for no other purpose than individual glory. In the early days of his Mt. Yernon life, he became a member of the Masonic fra ternity, and as usual, was advanced from one place of honor to another, until we find it at last culminating in the act of laying the corner stone of the Capitol, at Wash ington, as Grand Master of the Masons of the United States. The body are still proud of their illustrious member, and an eulogy of a masonic friend of modern times, Rev. Dr. Tyng, may be interesting to those who are pleased to regard the connection: "Never was our fundamental principle of justice more beautifully or per- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 499 fectly realized by man. Every foot of his wall was built in rigid conformity to the square and the plummet. You may trace the principle in all his own private accounts. To be in debt was, in his judgment, to be in slavery, a slavery to which no Freemason could be honorably sub jected. For years his books were kept by his own hands, in the most beautiful style of neatness and punctuality. He maintained a perfect oversight of his own business, detecting any mismagernent or carelessness in others, and habitually choosing never to rely upon others to do that which he could do himself. In his management of public trusts, daring the whole eight years campaign of the Revolution, he kept an account of all expenditures in the public service, and exhibited them in his own hand wri ting to Congress, at the close of the war; not only refus ing any remuneration for the services he had performed, but faithfully declaring himself largely a willing loser, in amounts of his own private funds, which had been ex pended in the public, service. Nor was he less distin guished by one other great principle, love, which wrought in beneficence to the needy, in forgiveness to the penitent, in the kindest and most liberal construction of the motives and characters of other men; in the strongest emotions of private friendship, and in the perfect toleration of the religious conscience of mankind." To return from this digression notwithstanding Washington s love of domes tic life, and his satisfaction in the occupations about his new gained home, he had no disposition to neglect the calls of the public. He traveled, himself, through the various counties of his district to receive and organize recruits to be employed in subduing the French and Indi ans who were becoming still more bold in their insolence, and resisted all overtures made to them. Dinwiddie, the governor, sent messengers with presents to conciliate the latter, and orders to ascertain, if possible, what were the designs of the former, but of no avail, owing somewhat to the unskillful ness of the originator of the plan, and the incompetence of those commissioned for so important and delicate an errand. At this crisis of affairs the magistrate betook himself to the young major, and an extract from the commission given him, shows the feelings and motives that prompted the appointment. Under the hand and 500 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. seal of the governor are these words: "I, reposing espe cial trust and confidence in the ability, conduct and fidel ity of you, the said George Washington, have appointed you nry express messenger; and you are hereby author ized and empowered to proceed hence, with all convenient and possible dispatch, to that part or place on the river Ohio, where the French have lately erected a fort or forts, or where the commandant of the French forces reside, in order to deliver my letter and message to him; and after waiting, not exceeding one week for an answer, you are to take leave and return immediately back." With char acteristic promptness Washington immediately set him self about the work of preparation for a journey of five hundred and sixty miles, on horseback, through woods and over almost inaccessible mountains, with the dreary prospect full before him, that night would bring him no shelter but the. canopy of heaven, and no rest but that obtained upon the bare earth, and that, too, at the risk of "unwelcome disturbance from ever watchful foes. Not intimidated, however, he set out with a party of eight on the last day of the autumnal month, October, and for a fortnight resolutely wended his way over the snowy Alle- ghanies across the swelling rivers of the intervening valleys, until he found himself at the home of the chief whom he sought. Through an interpreter a council was immediately held, the red man s grievances presented on the one side, and the objectof the embassy fully explained on the other. The so- called Indian king was strenuous for a longer delay of the white man s party, and fearful that a refusal might defeat the purpose of the mission, they yielded. Having suitably perfected matters, the homeward track was resumed, and painful and perilous, indeed, it became on account of fast- falling snows, and long, cold rains. The men grew stiff and weary by exposure to the elements ; the horses inca pable of active service, and Washington, anxious to ex pedite affairs, and report the result of his mission to the rightful authority, took with him a single companion ; a gun, the necessary papers and provisions in a knapsack, and started on the twenty-sixth of December, to tread his trackless way, on foot, through the wilderness. Such adventures met them here, as to lead this brave man to LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 501 pronounce the journey as including more of fatigue and hardship than he had ever known. They were fired at by the Indians; Washington found himself violently pre cipitated in ten feet of water while attempting to cross an ice-cold stream, on a frail raft of their own construction, and his guide and friend suffered from frozen fingers and toes. The 16th of January, however, found them again at home, but only to open new phases of military life to the trusty hero. Two companies were ordered to resist the encroachments of those they had not been able to win over to submission, and Washington was placed in com mand of these troops. The present limits will not allow a recital of his brave conduct; the indomitable energy and steadfast purpose manifest on this occasion. Duty was always paramount with him, but amid all these war like scenes, the revelations of his spirit show how gladly he would have escaped from them all, and fled to the peaceful shades he loved, if it had been equally well for the country he adored. "I can truly say I had rather be at Mt. Vernon," said he, " with a friend or two about me, than to be attended, at the seat of government, by the oflicers of state, and the representatives of every power in Europe." This certainly leaves no doubt as to the bent of his inclinations. In 1756, in consequence of some difficult question of subordination, incident to the preparation of a new cam paign, it was deemed advisable to consult Col. Shirley, then residing at Boston a man of rare judgment and ability, and Washington was the man for the hour. A path of five hundred miles was again to be traversed, and in the depth of winter. It was accomplished with satis factory results, and next we hear of the commander is his agreeable entertainment in the family of Mr. Beverly Robinson, of N. Y., and his extreme delight in the society of Miss Mary Philipse, sister of his host. Not all the "pornp and circumstance of war," could repress the desire in his bosom for the tender ministrations of love. He fancied the brilliant and charming Mary the worthy mis tress of his mountain home, and imagined himself a happy man could he bask in her smiling presence, and enjoy the pleasures her refined and genial taste would surely impart. The soldier became a lover, but while he essayed to lay 502 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. his honors at her feet, the spell was broken by the knowl edge that the heart was preoccupied. Capt. Morris, of .Braddock s aides, was the successful rival, and Washington again became absorbed in his military profession. His career, either in war or love was not always one of brilliant success. He had reverses in both. So deeply they weighed upon his spirits in the former case, he was almost tempted to resign his commis sions, and give up the contest, not from any want of per sonal bravery, but because of the reproaches of some who rose up against him for a time. These, however, were more than counterbalanced by the encouragement of his friends. "Your good health and fortune," said Col. Fair fax, "are the toast of every table. Among -the Romans, such a general acclamation and public regard, shown to any of the chieftains, were always esteemed a high honor, and gratefully accepted." Mr. Robinson, speaker of the house of Burgesses a personal friend wrote thus when the idea was pending. "Our hopes, dear George, are all fixed on you, for bring ing our affairs to a happy issue. Consider of what fatal consequence to your country, your resigning your com mission at this time may be ; more especially as there is no doubt most of the officers would follow your example." Such testimonials were cheering to the spirit that was allowed, for a brief period, to be despondent, but they were not in season to turn back the disease thereby in duced, or at least aggravated. Trial and fatigue had done their work, and four months confinement at Mt. Vernon was the consequence. Whether he felt more than ever before the need of some fair hand to smooth his pillow, some enlivening presence to fill the sanctuary of home, we know not, but we infer as much, from the fact that in the first of his travels, soon after his escape from the prescribed bounds of the invalid, we find him making suit to a fair lady with whom he became enamored at first sight. The expedition to Fort Duquesne was on foot, and in the course of it he was introduced to the fascinating Mrs. Custis, at the house of Mr. Chamberlayne a planter on York river. She was a widow of two years, with two children, and a large estate, of which she was the sole guardian and executrix. Lovely and fascinating, she LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 503 made an impression at once upon the heart of Washing ton, and by good fortune, the proposal was accepted, and the union consummated on the 6th of January, 1759, when the distinguished bridegroom was twenty-seven years of age. After three months of wedded bliss at the White House, a country seat on York river, they trans ferred their associations to the quiet shades of Vernon, that were to become doubly dear to the proprietor for the hallowed presence that was to heighten the blessings. They commenced housekeeping in the plantation style of the times, and rarely, if ever, did there exist a household combining so much in itself as this. All that the world had to give, was showered upon that youthful pair. Love, wealth, beauty, power and distinction all clustered in that now happy mansion. Washington became nearly en grossed in the affairs of domestic life for a considerable period subsequent to his marriage. Gayety, dress, and a due regard to the fashions of the day, are among the rec ords of this comparatively uneventful time. The taste of the man for home pleasures had full gratification. The children of his adoption shared largely in his affections. They became the objects of his tender, and ever watchful solicitude, and were indulged in a manner that a large fortune, only , allowed. But, in the moment when the tendrils of love had become strongly entwined about the loving daughter, the ruthless hand of death unbound them, and left them bleeding at every pore. When the impress of the "dark-winged angel" was fatally fixed, Washington, in the agony of his grief, fell upon his knees at her side, with a fervent prayer upon his lips, that the dart might be stayed, all unconscious at the time that it had stilled the heart it had already pierced. A long jour ney of exploration, previous to the purchase of western lands, was in contemplation at the time, but this became secondary to the grief of the bereaved and mourning mother, and it was abandoned for the purpose of adding comfort to her in her affliction. Extensive hospitalities followed, and then come again the claims of country. At the doings of a convention in 1774, seven delegates were appointed to a general Congress, and among them, George Washington. In obedience to the summons, he tore himself from the scenes he loved, and proceeded to 504 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. Philadelphia, in company with Patrick Henry, and Ed mund Pendleton. But little is known of the deliberations of that body, but they were sufficient in connection with one, to draw forth the reply from the well-known orntor, when asked whom he considered the greatest man in Con gress "If you speak of eloquence, Mr. Rutledge of South Carolina, is by far the best orator ; but if you speak of solid information and sound judgment, Colonel Wash ington is unquestionably the greatest man on that floor." In the following year, it became evident, that a great struggle was at hand. "Shall Freedom triumph," was the all-absorbing question in the minds of the people. "An appeal to arms, and to the God of Hosts is all that is left us;" was the declaration of Patrick Henry, and it seemed the popular feeling. It became evident that an army must be raised, and where was the competent gen eral? A second Congress was convened to take matters into consideration, and as one result, appeared the unani mous election of Washington to the place, as the one best fitted for command. Deeply sensible of the honor awarded him by the people, it was yet something he by no means coveted. His feelings, on the occasion, are manifest in a brief speech made at the time of the announcement of the choice, by the presiding officer of the Assembly. After expressing the motives that induced the acceptance, he concluded by saying "As to pay, sir, I beg leave to assure the Congress, that as no pecuniary consideration could have tempted me to accept this arduous employ ment, at the expense of my domestic ease and happiness. I do not wish to make any profit by it. I will keep an ex act account of my expenses. Those, I doubt not, they will discharge; and that is all I desire." The intelligence was immediately communicated to his wife, and in a manner that love alone could dictate. Sev eral epistles followed this first, full of tender concern of affectionate interest for the one, with whom, he was free to say, he should enjoy more real happiness within one month, at home than he should find abroad, in any cir cumstances, though his stay should be prolonged seven times seven years. With a firm trust in Providence, how ever, the whole was sacrificed and the duty undertaken. On the morning of the 3d of July, the troops were arrayed LIFE OF WASHINGTON". 505 on the common, at Cambridge, to receive their general. At length, a cloud of dust, and the trampling of horses, betokened the approach of him whom the eager soldiers were waiting to welcome. Nearing the ranks, he rode rapidly forward, and halting under the shadow of a great elm that stood upon the spot, he drew his sword, flashing it in the air, signifying his readiness to enter upon com mand The position was one that called for wisdom and patience, and they were both exemplified in the chosen man. The new made soldiers were but little accustomed to the work, and needed much drilling; he had but short allowances of powder granted him; works of defense were to be thrown up here and there, and beside, what was worse and more harassing, officers became jealous, and governors exacting. All these were to be quieted and held in check by the general ; the movements of the enemy watched continually, and the engagements anticipated, .if possible, so as wisely to be met, and if equal to the contest, he was skillful indeed. The result shows for itself. In the midst of these varied duties, he was not unmind ful of her he had left behind, and of matters of domestic economy. To the agent intrusted with his affairs at home, he wrote enjoining hospitality and charity, and as evidence of his exceedingly benevolent spirit, if any is needed after his magnanimous declaration in Congress, we quote a paragraph from the letter written at this time. "I have no objection to your giving my money in charity, to the amount of forty or fifty pounds a year, when you think it well bestowed. What I mean by having no ob jection is, that it is my desire it should be done." At the beginning, it was hoped by the general, that matters would be consummated so as to allow him to re turn to the bosom of his family by autumn, but seeing no prospect of this, he wrote for Sirs. Washington to come to him. She started with her son, now recently married, in her own carriage, and occupied nearly a month with the journey. Great honors were shown her as the lady of the Commander-in-Chief, while on the way, and her arrival at camp was the dawning of a new day for the soldiers. It was the signal for the advent of other ladies who were waiting the opportunity to fly to their lords, and forth with was inaugurated a social reign that was well appre- 506 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. ciated. Washington had been gaining the reputation of being unsocial and wanting in interest in those about him, and it was operating greatly to his disadvantage. The sunshine of smiling faces turned the tide backward, and saved the wearing of a channel that might have been disastrous. CHAPTER III. Crossing the Delaware Washington s "bravery at Congress squirrel hunt ing moderation in victory election as President Trenton-bridge recep tion inauguration re-election return to Mt. Vernon illness and death funeral ceremonies and nation s grief opinions of Slavery Will in respect to it. As the season advanced, the tide seemed ever to be turning in the wrong direction. Washington s army numbered but little more than ten thousand, and more than half of these were sick or on furlough. With this remnant the brave general conceived the purpose of cross ing the Delaware, and taking the British by surprise, who were then lying at Trenton. It was an inclement season, the river was full of floating masses of ice, and the least disturbance of general quiet and silence might result in the overthrow of the whole plan, inducing confusion, if not the entire destruction of the small yet brave band. On a stormy December morning, the troops stood upon the eastern shore, with their general at the head, having made their tedious and perilous way through the freezing waters, while the clouds above were showering hail and snow upon their defenseless heads. The danger and expo sure was great, but the object in view, if gained, would amply repay them for the risk. Two divisions were started to attack different portions of the town, and when, soon after their departure, the commander was told that not only men, but their arms were cased in ice and sleet, the word was still "advance and charge," and the march of thousands quickened at the sound, though every step was to be taken amid blinding snow. In the eyes of Washington much depended on the success of this strug gle, and he brought all his resources to bear upon its ac- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 507 complishment. Personal danger was an idea he seemed to place wholly out of the question. His officers remon strated, his friends entreated, but notwithstanding all, he was found in the thickest and hottest of the fight cheering his men and inspiring their courage by an exhibition of his own. Colonel Fitzgerald, an Irishman of great bra very, and one of the General s aides, was ordered to bring up troops from the rear of the column. On returning he was no where greeted by a sight of him who had given the word, but in a moment the parting smoke revealed his form gliding among the ranks broken by the enemy, and endeavoring to rally them. Failing in this he reined his horse directly in front of the enemy, evidencing by his action that his spirit preferred death to dishonor in his country s cause. Horror-stricken at the sight, Fitzgerald dropped the bridle on the neck of his horse, and covered his eyes that he might not see the fall of his beloved com mander. The next view, however, showed him still erect, waving his hat, and shouting hopes of victory to the anx ious troops. "Thank God! your Excellency is safe!" cried the warm-hearted Irishman, as tears of joyful sur prise moistened his cheeks. With a radiant countenance and a grasp of the hand, AVashington hurried him away to bring up the men, saying, with an air of confidence that sent a thrill of delight through all that heard it, "the day is our own." Warlike scenes were destined for these men for a long time to come. Mrs. Washington still remained in camp, doing numberless kind offices for the soldiers, preparing them clothing which they very much needed, and rendering aid wherever possible. In the winter and spring of 1779, quarters were stationed at Mtddlebrook, and here the time was passed, with the ex ception of five weeks at Philadelphia, in conference with Congress. At this time he writes of his strong desire for peace and quiet, but says, also, "the affairs of the army require my constant attention and presence, and circum stanced as matters are at this time, call for some degree of care and address to keep it from crumbling. As peace and retirement are my ultimate aim, and the most pleas ing and flattering hope of my soul, every thing promo- tive of this end contributes to my satisfaction, however difficult and inconvenient in the attainment, and will re- 33 508 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. concile any place and all circumstances to my feelings, whilst I continue in service." Even at this time when grave responsibilities were pres sing upon him*, he took occasion to relax from the dignity of his profession, and find recreation in the sport of hunt ing, for which he had quite a liking, so that we find him at one time the attractive speaker on the floor of Con gress, and anon an unpretending seeker for game in the wild forests of the vicinity where he chanced to be. The man of the house which he at one time occupied, had a son of fifteen, by the name of Cornelius, who was in the habit of waiting upon him. He was not a little proud to be accosted thus by the general of an army, "Come, the day is so fine, suppose we see if we can t find some squir rels this morning;" and with rifle in hand, they would travel miles together for this end. These, however, were but brief hours of rest, alternating with the many marches against the ranks of a human foe that threatened not only every thing that was dear to life, but life itself. In the summer of 1781, grand preparations were made by the combined armies of France and the United States, for a descent upon New York. With the former, Count Eo- chambeau was associated, and the march to the center of operations led him, with Washington, to turn aside for a hasty visit to Mt. Yernon. What wonder if the bosom of the latter yearned for a glimpse of his own sweet home! What wonder if the memories of the past swept through his soul, stirring the most ardent longings of his nature for an experience of those same joys he once knew ! For six years he had been an exile from the place where his strong affections centered, and these years had been filled with care, anxiety and gloom. But, even now, after so long a banishment it was only a look that he could have, and he must be gone, and dark uncertainty rested upon the hope of a speedy return to the peaceful dwelling. A holy cause still urged him forward, and stilling the rising emotions the pleadings of selfishnes, she went, obedient to the better promptings of his benevolent soul went on to victory and glory. The news of the surrender of Lord Corn wall is, the British commander, soon spread over the land, sending a thrill of joy through the nation s heart. The people of LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 509 America in the first flush of enthusiasm felt that the work was done, but the calm and calculating spirit of the chief commander saw yet more to be accomplished. His first order was for a day to be consecrated to the Divine service, a day in which the people with one accord should assemble for the grateful remembrance of such signal and manifest interpositions of Providence. Let those who are wont to speak doubtingly of the piety of Washington, look at this. What but the most devout feeling; the utmost Christian sincerity could have prompted a procla mation like this? What, but the most profound grati tude to the Giver of all good, would have inclined him thereto? No one, indifferent to the claims of Heaven upon him would have done it. When the first fever of passion had subsided, occa sioned by the news of surrender, and a form of govern ment began to be considered, a letter was handed to Washington containing the demand of some for a mon archy, and himself the king. Less worthy men would have hailed the opening of such an era to himself, but it excited sensations in his breast, that he declared to bo more painful than he had ever before experienced. Far different was his ambition far otherwise the bent of his efforts. lie immediately called a meeting, and before the arrival of the hour, he had obtained private interviews with several officers, many of which showed the effect of the meeting by traces of tears upon the manly counte nance. The address was prepared, the assembly met, and as the general arose, and his eye fell upon his companions in arms, the remembrance of their mutual joys and sor rows so pressed upon him, he was overcome with emotion ; his voice faltered and he was scarcely able to proceed. Quietly taking his glasses from his pocket he remarked with thrilling effect, "I have grown grey in your service, and now I am growing blind, but I never doubted the justice of my country, or its gratitude." He retired at its close, while the remaining body fully indorsed his sentiments, and passed resolutions expressive of the most ardent affec tion for him, and a determination to abide by his wishes. Eight years of conflict had passed ; the treaty of peace was signed, and it remained for the patriot hero, as well as others, to enjoy what had been so dearly bought. A 510 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. continual ovation was his wherever he went. "Proces sions, triumphal arches, cannon, music, flowers, songs, addresses, greeted him every where," showing the place he had then won for himself in the hearts of the people. lie resigned his commission, and turned his willing feet toward Mt. Vernon, and we venture to say no more pleas ing emotion ever entered his breast than upon this occa sion, when he crossed the thresh hold of his home, and met the warm welcome of his family. He returned to his old habits of superintending his vast establishments, and adorning the walks and grounds with flowers and trees. When the inheritance became his own, it was compara tively rough, and one with his peculiar esthetic taste found very much to do to bring it up to his ideal stand ard. Every thing his habits of life and all, were reduced to a perfect system. He had a special regard for early morning hours, and invariably secured them to himself for the consideration of important business, before the cares of the day had confused his intellect. A portion of each afternoon was spent in his library with his books and papers, and the evening usually devoted to reading with Mrs. Washington who was a ready listener while her busy hands plied the knitting needles. His wise division of time, together with his great frugality and temperance enabled him to perform a great deal of labor. There was an interruption to this retirement which led him through the wilderness, in a journey of five weeks, six hundred and eighty miles, for the purpose of ascertaining the state of his own lands, and the possibility of a water commu nication between the East and the West. The result of his observations were communicated to the governor of Virginia, in an able letter, and so deeply was the legisla ture impressed with the value of his suggestions, they voted him shares in a new enterprise to the value of forty thousand dollars, but in his characteristic manner, the gift was firmly declined, though not without appreciation of the motives which prompted the action. If the benevo lent donors, however, were disposed to bestow it upon objects for the public good, he would be most happy to see it thus dispensed. Accordingly a portion of it was given to an institution in Koekbridge county, since called Washington College, and the remainder to the establish- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 511 merit of a National University -something he had long desired, as the general diffusion of intelligence was his delight. Notwithstanding his efforts at home seclusion, he was still the chosen adviser of the people, and to a con vention to revise the constitution, in I 3 hiladelphia, he was sent as delegate. He was chosen President, and the result of the meeting was the adoption of that known as "Our Constitution." When duly ratified by the people, the question was agitated in every circle "Who shall be placed over all to protect the constitution? The name of Washington was upon every lip, but the position -did not attract him, as abundant extracts from his private let ters fully testify. "The great Searcher of human hearts is my witness," said he on one occasion, that I have no wish which aspires beyond the humble and happy lot of living and dying a private citizen on my own farm." But, though Washington s love of home was strong, his love of country was stronger. He accepted the nation s honor, and set out for New York, "oppressed with painful sensations," instead of proudly rejoicing over his great pro motion. A triumphal march like this is scarcely on record. The people poured out in grateful crowds with their congratulations. Trenton bridge was gained in the dark ness of night, under an inclement sky, but brightness of a strange character was visible there. " A beautiful arch of evergreens crowned the bridge over which the brave legions of 77 had passed in their snowy march, and em blems of love and honor shone where heavy banners, and almost as heavy hearts once passed." As the general passed under these, he beheld the glistening eyes of a crowd of little girls who came forward with flower- wreathed brows, carrying baskets of the bright things of nature to strew in the hero s path, while they struck up a song of welcome, amid the smiles and tears of the*loving mothers at their sides. Never was mortal more gracefully met than Washington, on this occasion. Its power he de clared, to be completely overwhelming. A little farther on a splendid deputation met him from New York, and a "grand flotilla" accompanied him thither. Thursday, April 13th, 1789, was the day of his inau guration. After the novel and appropriate services, the secretary pronounced to the assembled people, the words 512 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. "it is done," and simultaneously waving his hand, shout ed "Long live George Washington, President of the United States," a sentiment that was met by the loud acclamations of a grateful people. Illuminations and receptions were the order of the days that followed, but intense excitement and labor involved was too much for the frame that had already endured too much, and the President became seriously ill. For several weeks the physician never left his patient, and doubt existed in the minds of .both as to the result. The latter was calm and resigned, saying, in view of death, "Whether to-night or twenty years hence, makes no difference ; I know I am in the hands of a good Providence." But there was yet more for him to do more for him to experience, the blow was stayed. Scarcely had he become convalescent when tidings came of the death of his aged mother. Filial affec tion had never abated in the breast of the patriot and the hero, and the intelligence awakened strong emotions, but he little expected another meeting when he took his leave of her, on assuming the presidency. Affectionately em bracing her at that time, he bowed his head upon her shoulder, with the expression of a hope that he might behold her face once more on earth. " No, George," she re plied, "this is our last parting; my days to come are few. But go, fulfill your high duties, and may God bless and keep you." What beautiful examples, this mother and son ! In 1791, Washington made the tour of the Southern states, traveling, in twelve weeks, about nineteen hundred miles, with the same horses, always having daily and per sonal care of them. These tours were undertaken for the combined purpose of ascertaining the state of the public mind, and the condition and resources of the country, beside giving the people an opportunity of becoming more intimately acquainted with their Chief Magistrate. These gave him much satisfaction, and constituted an agreeable portion of his life as president. At the expira tion of the first term of office, he hoped to be allowed to return to his Vernon home, and yield the palm to another. Resignation was his fixed purpose, and on its becoming known, all parties united in insisting that he be again elected. "The confidence of the whole Union," said Jef ferson, "is centered in you," while another voice was echo- LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 513 ing the sentiments of many hearts in saying, "It will be time enough for you to have a successor when it shall please God to call you from this world." The farewell address was already prepared, and in anti cipation he was nearing the rest of home, but his objec tions and his unwillingness were overruled by the intense desire of the nation, arid on the 4th of March, 1793, he again took the oath of office, and commenced anew the affairs of state, which had assumed an important and somewhat complicated relation, by reason of foreign inter ference. These caused him no little annoyance, but the end justified the wisdom of his operations, and when the third presidential term came round, he was again pressed to remain at the helm, which he had so well learned to guide. This he resolutely declined doing. He had seen long years of faithful service, and he could not still his longings for rest. As the prospect dawned upon him, he writes to a friend, "To the wearied traveler who sees a resting-place, and is bending his body to lean thereon, I now compare myself." lie turned to a life of tranquillity, hoping that the ship was so well under way as to need no more of his assistance, but a storm arose, and the threat ening billows seemed about to engulf the land, and there was a general turning to him who had steered them safely through perilous streams before. Again he offered his services if circumstances actually demanded them, but his keen foresight discovered signs of the speedy dispersion of the cloud, and these proving correct, his domestic quiet was not invaded at this time. The work of the man was almost done. The wh el at the cistern had been turning with undue rapidity for many years. Cares had indeed sat gracefully upon him, but they had left their unmistak able impress. The deepening furrows told the story of life s ebbing sands. The sun of sixty-eight summers had beamed upon an ever active man, and the constant activ ity had tasked both mental and physical energies in an unwonted manner. But he had no idea of fostering idle ness in his declining days. With characteristic vigor he still gave his attention to his rural occupations ; to the improvement and the beautifying of his estate. While thus engaged on a stormy, cold December morning, he contracted a chill that told with fearful power upon his 514 LIFE OF WASHINGTON. mortal frame. For some days he sought to resist it, still engaging in his habit of reading aloud, though much troubled with hoarseness. At length, however, it assumed an aspect that made it evident that something must be done. A physician was called, and remained by his side constantly, but the time had come for him to die, and no earthly remedies were availing. The utmost composure rested upon the countenance of the dying man. The set tlement of books and accounts; the arrangement of let ters and papers were made with the most perfect calmness, and the grim messenger welcomed as a friend to introduce him to a company he was waiting to meet. Until nearly the last his sufferings were intense, but not a sigh or a word of complaint escaped the lips of the illustrious suf ferer, nor was it because the stoic creed found a place in his mind. Tenderness was too manifest a trait of his nature to suppose any thing like this. The tenor of his life and actions afford the strongest evidence that his soul was stayed on the true basis the hopes of the Gospel. The modesty every where visible in his life shone out at his death. lie wished a burial without ostentation, and it was granted as far as a grateful people could allow it, who were burning to show their love and respect for one so intimately associated with their best blessings. On the 18th of December, 1799^ the people assembled from far and near to take a last look of all that was mortal of George Washington. "The lawns and groves of Mt. Vernon, so long the home of his best pleasures, and object of his cares, were thronged with mourners, personal friends, military companies, and members of the Masonic order. Never was one followed to the tomb \>y such a procession of mourners before. All were mourners; all felt that they had experienced a severe loss ; that they had parted with one that belonged in no inconsiderable measure to themselves, with one who had wrought out for their indi vidual enjoyment, the right to untold privileges. Both houses of Congress adjourned at the reception of the in telligence." "On this occasion," said eloquent men, "it is manly to weep. To lose such a man, at such a crisis, is no common calamity to the world. Our country mourns a father." Mrs. Washington was solicited to yield the remains of LIFE OF WASHINGTON. 515 her beloved husband to the nation, to be placed under a monument worthy of his fame. "Taught by his exam ple," as she said, "she sacrificed her inclinations to the wish of the public," and replied in the affirmative. As the news of his death spread through the land, the voice of lamentation was every where heard. The North and the South alike joined. Eulogies were every where spoken, and it was the beginning of that which has never ceased. Songs were then sung that have become stamped with the immortality of fame. People have never wearied with chanting his praises. It is enough to say the name of Washington has be come a household word in all American homes. It has been urged that he was a slaveholder, and he was by birth, education and habit, but his feelings are manifest with regard to it, in a remark to Lafayette, who purchased an estate with the intention of freeing the slaves upon it, "Your late purchase is a generous and noble proof of your humanity. Would to God a like spirit might dif fuse itself generally in the minds of the people of this country." It may be gathered from all his expressions concerning it, that he regarded it as an evil, and was ready to cooperate in wise measures "for its extinction. His own will provided for the emancipation of those in his possession, and not only for this but for their comfort and education. His testimony against the institution is clear and explicit. He was too largely imbued with the spirit of humanity in its highest sense, to favor principles so utterly at variance with it. He was too home-loving ; too strongly appreciative of freedom to wish any deprived of the pleasures accruing from these. His was emphati cally a large and benevolent soul ; a rich and uncom monly endowed nature. He was God s gift to the nation ; given for a lofty end, and well has the end been subserved. It is well then that we hold the gift in remembrance, at the same time being grateful to Him whom Washington was wont, reverentially to call, the "Divine Founder" of all things. WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZENS THE period for the new election of a citizen, to administer the executive government of the United States, being not far distant, and the time actually arrived when your thoughts must be employed in designating the person who is to be clothed with that important trust, it appears to me proper, especially as it may conduce to a more distinct expression of the public voice, that I should now apprise you of the resolution I have formed, to decline being considered among the number of those out of whom a choice is to be made. I beg you, at the same time, to do me the justice to be assured, that this resolution has not been taken without a strict regard to all the con siderations appertaining to the relations which bind a dutiful citizen to his country; and that, in withdrawing the tender of service which silence in my situation might imply, I am influenced by no diminution of zeal for your future interest no deficiency of grateful respect for your past kindness; but am supported by a full conviction that the step is compatible with both. The acceptance of, and continuance hitherto in, the office to which your suffrages have twice called me, have been a uniform sacrifice of inclination to the opinion of duty and to a deference for what ap peared to be your desire. I constantly hoped that it would have been much earlier in my power, consistently with motives which I was not at liberty to disregard, to return to that retirement from which I have been reluctantly drawn. The strength of my inclina tion to do this, previous to the last election, had even led to the preparation of an address to declare it to you ; but mature reflection on the then perplexed and critical posture of our affairs with foreign nations, and the unanimous advice of persons entitled to my confi dence, impelled me to abandon the idea. I rejoice that the state of your concerns, external as well as internal, no longer renders the pursuit of inclination incompatible with the sen timent of duty or propriety ; and am persuaded, whatever partiality may be retained for my services, that in the present circumstances of our country, you will not disapprove my determination to retire. The impressions with which I first undertook the arduous trust, were explained on the proper occasion. Tn the discharge of this trust, I will only say, that I have, with good intentions, contributed toward the organization and administration of the government, the best exertions of which a very fallible judgment was capable. Not unconscious, in the outset, of the inferiority of my qualifications, ex perience in rny own eyes, perhaps still more in the eyes of others, has strengthened the motives to diffidence of myself; and, every day, the increasing weight of years admonishes me more and more that the shade of retirement is as necessary to me as it will be welcome. Satisfied that if any circumstances have given peculiar value to my WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 517 services, they were temporary, I have the consolation to believe, that while choice and prudence invite me to quit the political scene, pat riotism does not forbid it. In looking forward to the moment which is intended to terminate the career of my public life, my feelings do not permit me to suspend the deep acknowledgment of that debt of gratitude which I owe to my beloved country, for the many honors it has conferred upon me ; still more for the steadfast confidence with which it has supported me ; and for the opportunities I have thence enjoyed of manifesting iny inviolable attachment, by services faithful and persevering, though in usefulness unequal to my zeal. If benefits have resulted to our country from these services, let it always be remembered to your praise and as an instructive example in our annals, that under cir cumstances in which the passions, agitated in every direction, were liable to mislead, amidst appearances sometimes dubious vicissitudes of fortune often discouraging in situations in which not unfrequently want of success has countenanced the spirit of criticism the con stancy of your support was the essential prop of the efforts, and the guaranty of the plans by which they were effected. Profoundly penetrated with this idea, I shall carry it with me to my grave, as a strong incitement to unceasing vows that Heaven may continue to you the choicest tokens of its beneficence that your union and brotherly affection may be perpetual that the free Consti tution, which is the work of your hands, may be sacredly main tained that its administration in every department may be stamped with wisdom and virtue that, in fine, the happiness of the people of these States, under the auspices of libcrt}^, may be made complete, by so careful a preservation, and so prudent a use of this blessing, as will acquire to them the glory of recommending it to the applause, the affec tion, and the adoption of every nation which is yet a stranger to it. Here, perhaps, 1 ought to stop. But a solicitude for your welfare, which can not end but with my life, and the apprehension of danger, natural to that solicitude, urge me, on an occasion like the present, to offer to your solemn contemplation, and to recommend to your fre quent review, some sentiments; which are the result of much reflec tion, of no inconsiderable observation, and which appear to me all- important to the permanency of your felicity as a people. These will be afforded to you with the more freedom, as you can only see in them the disinterested warnings of a parting friend, who can possibly have no personal motives to bias his counsel. Nor can I forget as an en couragement to it, your indulgent reception of my sentiments on a former and not dissimilar occasion. Interwoven as is the love of lib erty with every ligament of your hearts, no recommendation of mine is necessary to fortify or confirm the attachment. The unity of government which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. It is justly so ; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquillity at home, your peace abroad, of your safety, of your prosperity; of that very liberty which you so highly prize. But as it is easy to foresee, that from different causes and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your minds the convic tion of this truth ; as this is the point in your political fortress against 518 WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insiduously) di rected, it is of infinite moment that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individ ual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and im movable attachment to it ; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety and prosperity ; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety ; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion that it can in any event be abandoned ; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts. For this you have every inducement of sympathy and interest. Citizens by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate 3*our affections. The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local dis criminations. With slight shades of difference, you have the same religion, manners, habits, and political principles. You have in a common cause, fought and triumphed together; the independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils and joint ef forts, of common dangers, sufferings, and successes. But these con siderations, however powerfully they address themselves to your sensibility, are greatly outweighed by those which apply more imme diately to your interest here every portion of our country finds the most commanding motives for carefully guarding and preserving the Union of the whole. The North, in an unrestrained intercourse with the South, pro tected by the equal laws of a common government, finds in the pro ductions of the latter, great additional resources of maritime and commercial enterprise and precious materials of manufacturing indus try. The South, in the same intercourse, benefiting by the agency of the North, sees its agriculture grow and its commerce expand. Turning partly into its own channels the seamen of the Novth, it finds its particular navigation invigorated ; and while it contributes, in different ways, to nourish and increase the general mass of the national navigation, it looks forward to the protection of a maritime strength, to which itself is unequally adapted. The East, in like intercourse with the West, already finds, and in the progressive im provement of interior communication, by land and water, will more and more find a valuable vent for the commodities which it brings from abroad, or manufactures at home. The West derives from the East supplies requisite to its growth and comfort and what is per haps of still greater consequence, it must of necessity owe the secure enjoyment of indispensable outlets for its own productions to the weight, influence, and the future maritime strength of the Atlantic side of the Union, directed by an indissoluble community of interest as ONE NATION. Any other tenure by which the West can hold this essential advantage, whether derived from its own separate strength, or from an apostate and unnatural connection with any foreign power, must be intrinsically precarious. While, then, every part of our country thus feels an immediate and 519 particular interest in union, all the parts combined can not fail to find in the united mass of means and efforts, greater strength, greater resource, proportionally greater security from external dan ger, a less frequent interruption of their peace by foreign nations; and, what is of inestimable value, they must derive from union an exemption from those broils and wars between themselves, which so frequently afflict neighboring countries not tied together by the same government ; which their own rivalships alone would be sufficient to produce, but which opposite foreign alliances, attachments, and in trigues would stimulate and embitter. Hence likewise they will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments, which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty ; in this sense it is, that your Union ought to be considered as a main prop of your liberty, and that the love of the one ought to endear to you the preservation of the other. These considerations speak a persuasive language to every reflect ing and virtuous mind, and exhibit the continuance of the Union as a primary object of patriotic desire. Is there a doubt whether a common government can embrace so large a sphere ? Let experience solve it. To listen to mere speculation in such a case were criminal. We are authorized to hope that a proper organization of the whole, with the auxiliary agency of the governments for the respective sub divisions, will afford a happy issue to the experiment. It is well worth a fair and full experiment. With such powerful and obvious motives to Union, affecting all parts of our country, while experience shall not have demonstrated its impracticability, there will always be reason to distrust the patriotism of those who in any quarter may endeavor to weaken its bands. In contemplating the causes which may disturb our Union, it occurs as a matter of serious concern, that any ground should have been furnished for characterizing parties by geographical discrimina tions northern and southern, Atlantic and western; whence design ing men may endeavor to excite a belief that there is a real difference of local interest and views. One of the expedients of party to acquire influence within particular districts, is to misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts. You can not shield yourselves too much against the jealousies and heart-burnings which spring from those misrepresentations: they tend to render alien to each other those who ought to be bound together by fraternal affection. The inhabit ants of our western country have lately had a useful lesson on this head ; they have seen in the negotiation by the Executive, and in the unanimous ratification by the Senate, of the treaty with Spain, and in the universal satisfaction at that event throughout the United States, a decisive proof how unfounded were the suspicions propaga ted among them, of a policy in the General Government and in the Atlantic States unfriendly to their interests in regard to the Missis sippi ; they have been witnesses to the formation of two treaties that with Great Britain and that with Spain which secure to them every thing they could desire, in respect to our foreign relations, towards confirming their prosperity. Will it not be their wisdom to rely for the preservation of these advantages on the UNION by which 520 WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. they were procured? Will they not henceforth be deaf to those ad visers, if such there are, who would sever them from their brethren, and connect them with aliens? To the efficacy and permanency of your Union, a government for the whole is indispensable. No alliance, however strict, between the parts, can be an adequate substitute; they must inevitably expe rience the infractions and interruptions which all alliances in all times have experienced. Sensible of this momentous truth, you have im proved upon your first essay, by the adoption of a Constitution of government better calculated than your former for an intimate Union, and for the efficacious management of your common concerns. This government, the offspring of our own choice, uninfluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, completely free in its principles, in the distribution of its powers, uniting security with energy, and containing within itself a provision for its own amendment, has a just claim to your confidence and your support. Respect for its authority, compliance with its laws, acqui escence in its measures, are duties enjoined by the fundamental max ims of true Liberty. The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of Government; but the Constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an ex plicit and authentic act of the whole people, is sacredly obligatory upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government, presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government. All obstructions to the execution of the -laws, all combinations and associations, under whatever plausible character, with the real design to direct, control, counteract, or awe the regular deliberation and action of the constituted authorities, are destructive to this funda mental principle, and of fatal tendency. They serve to organize fac tion, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force to put in the place of the delegated \vill of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community ; and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and whole some plans, digested by common councils, and modified by mutual interests. However combinations or associations of the above de scription may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely, in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men w r ill be enabled to subvert the power of the people, and to usurp for themselves the reins of government ; destroying afterward the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion. Towards the preservation of your government, and the permanency of your present happy state, it is requisite, not only that you steadily discountenance irregular opposition to its acknowledged authority, but also that you resist with care the spirit of innovation upon its principles, however specious the pretexts. One method of assault may be to effect, in the forms of the Constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what can not be directly overthrown. In all the changes to which you may be WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 521 invited, remember that time and habit are at least as necessary to fix the true character of governments as of other human institutions that experience is the surest standard by which to test the real ten dency of the existing Constitution of a country that facility in changes upon the credit of mere hypothesis and opinion, exposes to perpetual change from the endless variety of hypothesis and opinion ; and remember, especially, that for the efficient management of your common interests, in a country so extensive as ours, a government of as much vigor as is consistent with the perfect security of liberty, is indispensable. Liberty itself will find in such a government, with powers properly distributed and adjusted, its surest guardian. It is, indeed, little else than a name, where the government is too feeble to withstand the enterprises of faction, to confine each member of the society within the limits prescribed by the laws, and to maintain all in the secure and tranquil enjoyment of the rights of person and property. I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the State, with particular reference to the founding of them on geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally. This spirit, unfortunately, is insepa rable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled or repressed ; but in those of the popu lar form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharp ened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissention, which, in different ages and countries, has perpetrated the most horrid enormi ties, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result, gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual ; and sooner or later, the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitor, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own ele vation, on the ruins of public liberty. "Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which, nev ertheless, ought not to be entirely out of sight,) the common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it. It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealous ies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against an other; foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and the will of another. There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of liberty. This within certain limits is probably true ; and in governments of a monarchical cast, patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favor, upon the spirit of party. But in those 522 WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. of the popular character, in governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be encouraged. From their natural tendency, it is certain there will always he enough of that spirit for every salutar} 7 purpose. And there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be by force of public opinion, to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should consume. It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking, in a free coun try, should inspire caution in those intrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding, in the exercise of the powers of one department, to en croach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consoli date the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create, what ever the form of government, a real despotism. A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the hu man heart, is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position. The necessity of reciprocal checks in the exercise of political power, by di viding and distributing it into different depositories, and constituting each the guardian of the public weal against invasions by the others, has been evinced by experiments ancient and modern : some of them in our own country and under our own eyes. To preserve them must be as necessary as to institute them. If, in the opinion of the people, the distribution or modification of the constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the Constitution designates. But let there be no change by usurpation ; for though this, in one instance, may be the instrument of good, it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed. The precedent must always greatly overbalance in per manent evil any partial or transient benefit which the use can at any time yield. Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked where is the security for property, for reputa tion, for life, if the sense of religious obligation DESERT the oaths, which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice; and let us with caution indulge the supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the in fluence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles. It is .substantially true, that virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government. The rule, indeed, extends with more or less force to every species of free government. Who that is a sincere friend to it can look with indifference upon attempts to shake the foundation of the fabric? Promote, then, as an object of primary importance, institutions for the general diffusion of knowledge. In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that 523, public opinion should be enlightened. As a very important source of strength and security, cherish public credit ; one method of pre serving it is to use it as sparingly as possible ; avoiding occasions of expense by cultivating peace ; but remembering, also, that timely disbursements to prepare for danger, frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it ; avoiding, likewise, the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertions in time of peace to discharge the debts which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear. The execution of these maxims belongs to your Representatives, but it is necessary that public opinion should cooperate. To facilitate to them the per formance of their duty, it is essential that you should practically bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be rev enue ; that to have revenue there must be taxes ; that no taxes can be devised which are not more or less inconvenient and unpleasant; that the intrinsic embarrassment inseparable from the selection of the proper object (which is always a choice of difficulties) ought to be a decisive motive for a candid construction of the conduct of the government in making it, and for a spirit of acquiescence in the measures for obtaining revenue which the public exigencies may at any time dictate. Observe good faith and justice toward all nations ; cultivate peace and harmony with all; rejjgion and morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it ? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and at no distant period, a great na tion, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt that in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages which might be lost by a steady adherence to it? Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue ? The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment which en nobles human nature. Alas! is it rendered impossible by its vices? In the execution of such a plan, nothing is more essential than that permanent inveterate antipathies against particular nations, and pas sionate attachments for others should be excluded ; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The nation which indulges toward another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its ani mosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from "its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another, disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence fre quent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The nation prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts, through passion, what reason would reject ; at other times, it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility, instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious mo- 34 524: WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. tives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of nations has been the victim. So, likewise, a. passionate attachment of one nation to another produces a variety of evils. Sympathy for the favorite nation, facili tating the illusion of an imaginary common interest, in cases where no real common interest exists, and infusing into one the enmities of the other, betrays the former into a participation in the quarrels and wars of the latter, without adequate inducement or justification. It leads also to concessions to the favorite nation of privileges de nied to others, which is apt doubly to injure the nation making the concessions ; by unnecessarily parting with what ought to have been retained ; and by exciting jealousy, ill-will, and a disposition to retali ate, in the parties from whom equal priviliges are withheld and it gives to ambitious, corrupted, or deluded citizens (who devote them selves to the favorite nation,) facility to betray or sacrifice the inter est of their own country without odium, sometimes even with popu larity ; gilding with the appearance of a virtuous sense of obligation, a commendable deference for public opinion, or a laudable zeal for public good, the base or foolish compliances of ambition, corruption or infatuation. As avenues to foreign influence in innumerable ways, such attach ments are particularly alarming to the truly enlightened and inde pendent patriot. How many opportunities do they" afford to tamper with domestic factions to practice the art of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils! Such an at tachment of a small or weak, toward a great and powerful nation, dooms the former to be the satellite of the latter. Against the insidi ous wiles of foreign influence (I conjure you to believe me, fellow citi zens,) the jealousy of a free people ought to be CONSTANTLY awake ; since history and experience prove that foreign influence is one of the most baneful foes of republican government. But that jealousy, to be useful, must be impartial ; else it becomes the instrument of the very influence to be avoided, instead of a defense against it. Exces sive partiality for one foreign nation, and excessive dislike of another, cause those whom they actuate, to see danger only on one side, and serve to vail and even second the arts of influence on the other. Real patriots, who ma} 7 resist the intrigues of the favorite, are liable to become suspected and odious ; while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests. The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little polit ical connection as possible. So far as we have already formed engagements, let them be fulfilled with perfect good faith. Here let us stop. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent con troversies, the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordi nary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities. Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient govern- WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. 525 ment, the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from external annoyance ; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the neutrality we may at any time resolve upon, to be scru pulously respected ; when belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us, will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation ; when we may choose peace or war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel. Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation ? Why quit our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with any part of Europe, entangle our peace and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor, or caprice ? It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign world ; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patron izing infidelity to existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is unnecessary, and would be unwise to extend them. Taking care alwa} 7 s to keep ourselves, by suitable establishments, on a respectable defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordi nary emergencies. Harmony, and a liberal intercourse with all nations, are recommended by policy, humanity, and interest. But even our commercial policy should hold an equal and impartial hand ; neither seeking nor grant ing exclusive favors or preferences ; consulting the natural course of things; diffusing and diversifying, by gentle means, the streams of commerce, but forcing nothing ; establishing with powers so disposed, in order to give trade a stable course, to define the rights of our mer chants, and to enable the government to support them, conventional rules of intercourse, the best that present circumstances and mutual opinions will permit, but temporary, and liable to be from time to time abandoned or varied, as experience and circumstances shall dictate ; constantly keeping in view, that it is folly in one nation to look for disinterested favors from another; that it must pay with a portion of its independence for whatever it may accept under that character ; that by such acceptance, it may place itself in the condition of hav ing given equivalents for nominal favors, and yet of being reproached with ingratitude for not giving more. There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation. It is an illusion which experience must cure, which a just pride ought to discard. In offering to you, my countrymen, these counsels of an old and affectionate friend, I dare not hope they will make the strong and lasting impression I could wish ; that they will control the usual cur rent of the passions, or prevent our nation from running the course which has hitherto marked the destiny of nations ; but if I may even flatter myself that they may be productive of some partial benefit, some occasional good ; that they may now and then recur to moder ate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign, intrigues, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism ; this frippe will be a full recompense for the solicitude for your welfare, 526 WASHINGTON S FAREWELL ADDRESS. by which they have been dictated. How far, in the discharge of my official duties, I have been guided by the principles which have been delineated, the public records and other evidences of my conduct must witness to you and the world. To myself, the assurance of my own conscience is, that I have at least believed myself to be guided by them. In relation to the still subsisting war in Europe, my proclamation of the 22d of April, 1793, is the index to my plan. Sanctioned by your approving voice and by that of your representatives in both Houses of Congress, the spirit of that measure has continually gov erned me ; uninfluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it. After deliberate examination, with the aid of the best lights I could obtain, I was well satisfied that our country, under all the cir cumstances of the case, had a right to take, and was bound in duty and interest to take a neutral position. Having taken it, I deter mined, as far as should depend upon me, to maintain it with modera tion, perseverance and firmness. The considerations which respects the right to hold this conduct, it is not necessary on this occasion to detail. I will only observe, that according to rny understanding of the matter, that right, so far from being denied by any of the belligerent powers, has been virtually admitted by all. The duty of holding a neutral conduct may be inferred, without any thing more, from the obligation which justice and humanity impose on every nation, in cases in which it is free to act, to maintain inviolate the relations of peace and amity towards other nations. The inducements of interest for observing that con duct will be best referred to your own reflections and experience. With me, a predominant motive has been to endeavor to gain time to our country to settle and mature its yet recent institutions, and to progress, without interruption, to that degree of strength and consist ency which is necessary to give it, humanly speaking, the command of its own fortunes. Though in reviewing the incidents of my administration, I am un conscious of intentional error, I am, nevertheless, too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors. Whatever they may be, I fervently beseech the Almighty to avert or mitigate the evils to which they may tend. I shall also carry with me the hope that my country will never cease to view them with indulgence ; and that after forty-five years of my life dedicated to its service, with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as myself must soon be to the mansions of rest. Relying on its kindness in this as in other things, and actuated by that fervent love towards it, which is so natural to a man who views in it the native soil of himself and his progenitors for several generations ; I anticipate with pleasing expectation that retreat, in which I promise myself to realize without alloy, the sweet enjoyment of partaking, in the midst of my fellow-citizens, the benign influence of good laws under a free government the ever-favorite object of my heart, and the happy reward, as I trust, of our mutual cares, labors, and dangers. GEORGE WASHINGTON. UNITED STATES, September 17, 1796. THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776. WHEN, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, amongf the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws ot nature and of nature s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights ; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it. and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate, that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes. And accordingly, all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suf fer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpa tions, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies ; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The histo ry of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated inj uries and usur pations ; all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts l^e submitted to a candid world. He has refused his assent to laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good. He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be ob tained ; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature ; a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only. lie has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures. He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. He has refused, for a long time after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have re turned to the people at large for their exercise, the state remaining, in the meantime, exposed to all the danger of invasion from without and~con\*ul- sions within. He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states ; for that pur pose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners ; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither ; and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands. He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers. He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries. He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of offi cers to harrass our people and eat out their substance. 608 THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the con. Bent of our legislature. _ He has affected to render the military independent of, and superior to, the civil power. He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to oiir constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws ; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation : For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us ; For protecting them, by a mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states ; For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world ; For imposing taxes on us without our consent ; For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by ] ury ; For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses ; For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries, so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these colonies ; For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and alter ing, fundamentally, the powers of our governments ; For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever. He lias abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection, and waging war against us. He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and de stroyed the lives of our people. He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to com plete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circum stances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely parallelecl in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation. He has constrained our fellow-citizens, taken captive on the high seas, to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands. He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions. In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms ; our repeated petitions have been answered only by re peated injury. A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts made by their legislature to ex tend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevi tably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must, therefore, acqui esce in the necessity which denounces our separation, and hold them as we hold the rest of mankind enemies in war in peace, friends. . We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in gen eral Congress assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be. free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved, and that, as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war,, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states mav of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our for tunes, and our sacred honor. SIGNERS OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. With the places and dates of their births and deaths. MASSACHUSETTS. NAMES OF THE SIGNERS, BORN AT DIED. JOHN HANCOCK, Braintree, Mass., in 1737 8th Oct., 1793 SAMUEL ADAMS, Boston, " 22d Sept., 1722 2d Oct., 1803 JOHN ADAMS,, Braintree, " 19th Oct., 1735 4th July, 1826 ROBERT TREAT PAINE, Boston, " in 1731 llth May, 1814 ELBRIDOK GERRY, Marblehead," 17th July, 1744 23d Nov., 1814 NEW HAMPSHIRE. JOSIAH BARTLETT Arnesbury, Mass., in Nov.,.. 1729.. .. 19th May, 1795 WILLIAM WHIPPLE, Kiltery, Maine. in 1730 28th Nov., 1785 MATTHEW THORNTON, Ireland, in 1714.... 24th June, 1803 RHODE ISLAND. STEPHEN HOPKINS, Scituate, Mass., 7th March,. . 1707 19th July, 1785 WILLIAM ELLKRY, Newport, R. 1 , 22d Dec.,... 1727.... 15th Feb., 1820 CONNECTICUT. ROGER SHERMAN Newton, Mass., 19th April, ...1721 23d July, 1793 SAMUKL HUNTINGTON Windham, Conn., 3d July, 1732 5th Jan., 1796 WILLIAM WILLIAMS Lebanon, " 8th April, ...1731 2d Aug., 1811 OLIVER WOLCOTT, Windsor, " 2Gth Nov 1726 1st Dec., 1797 NEW YORK. WILLIAM FLOYD, Surtblkco.,N. Y., 17th Dec., 1734 4th Aug., 1821 PHILIP LIVINGSTON Albany, N. Y., 15th Jan 1716 12th June, 1778 FRANCIS LEWIS Landaff, Wales, in March, 1713 30th Dec., 1803 LEWIS MORRIS, Morrisiuim, N. Y, in 1726.. ..22(1 Jan., 1798 NEW JERSEY. RICHARD STOCKTON Princeton, N. J., 1st Oct., 1730 28th Feb., 1781 JOHN WITHKRSPOON Yester, Scotland, 5th Feb., 1722 15th Nov., 1794 FRANCIS HOPKINSON, Philadelphia, Penn., in 1737 9th May, 1790 JOHN HART, Hopewell, N. J., about 1715 , 1780 ABRAHAM CLARK, Eliza beth n, N. J.,15th Feb., 1726 June, 1794 PENNSYLVANIA. ROBERT MORRIS, Lancashire, England, Jan., 1733 8th May, 1806 BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D Byperry, Penn,, 24th Dec 1745 19th April, 1813 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Boston, Mass., 17th Jan., J706 17th April, 1790 JOHN MORTON Ridley, Penn., in 1724.... April, 1777 GEORGE CLYMKR Philadelphia, Penn., in 1739. ...24th Jan., 1813 JAM ES SMITH Ireland . . . . llth July, 1806 GEORGE TAYLOR Ireland, in 1716 23d Feb., 1781 JAMES WILSON, Scotland, about 1742 2Sth Aug., 1798 GEORGE Ross, New Castle, Del., in 1730. . . . July, 1779 DELAWARE. CAESAR RODNEY, Dover, Delaware, in 1730 , 1783 GEORGE READ Cecil co., Maryland, in 1734 , 1798 THOMAS M-KEON, Chester co., Pa., 19th March, .. 1734 24th June, 1817 MARYLAND. SAMUEL CHASE, Somerset co., Md , 17th April,... 1741 ....19th June, 1811 WILLIAM PACA Wye Hill, Md., 31st Oct 174U.... , 1799 THOMAS STONE Charles co., Md., in 1742 5th Oct., 1787 CHARLES CARROLL, of Currollton, Annapolis, Md., 20th Sept., . . . 1737. . . . 14th Nov., 1832 VIRGINIA. GEORGE WYTHE, Elizabeth city, Va., in 1726 8th June, 1806 RICHARD HENRY LEE, .Stratford, Va., 20th Jan 1732 19th June, 1794 THOMAS JEFFERSON Shad well, " 13th April, ..1743.... 4th July, 1826 BENJAMIN HARRISON, Berkely, " .... April, 1791 THOMAS NELSON, JR., York, " 26th Dec., 1738 4th Jan., 1789 FRANCIS LIGHTFOOT LEE, Stratford, " 14th Oct., ....1734 April, 1797 CARTER BRAXTON, Newington," 10th Sept 1736 10th Oct., 1797 NORTH CAROLINA. WILLIAM HOOPER, Boston, Mass., 17th June, 1742 Oct., 1790 JOSEPH HE WES, Kingston, N. J., in 1730 10th Nov., 1779 JOHN PENN, Carolineco., Va., 17th May 1741.... Sept., 1788 SOUTH CAROLINA. EDWARD RUTLEDOE Charleston, S. C., in Nov., ..1749 23d Jan., 1800 THOMAS HKYWARD, JR St. Luke s " in 1746.... March, 1809 THOMAS LYNCH, JR., St. George s " 5th Aug., 1749 lost at sea, 1779 ARTHUR MIDDLKTON, Middleton Place, 1743 1st Jan., 1787 GEORGIA. BUTTON GWINNETT, England, in 1732.. ..27th May, 1777 LYMAN HALL Connecticut, in 1731 Feb., 1790 GEORQK WALTON, Frederick co., Va. in 1740. . . .2d Feb., 1804 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. WE the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquillity, provide for the common de fense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I. SECTION- 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Con gress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. SECTION 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the se-veral States, and the Elec tors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their repective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Nuniber of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and ex cluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Repre sentatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand ; but each State shall have at Least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massa chusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina live, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Execu tive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other offi cers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment. SECTION 3. The Senate of the United States shall bo composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, lor six Years ; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Class sh f the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the expiration of the sixth Year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Execu tive thereof may make temporary Appointments xmtil the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 611 The Senate shall choose their other Officers, and also a President pro tern- pore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments : When sit ting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath, or Affirmation. When the Presi dent of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside : and no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not exend further than to re moval from Office, and Disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of Honor, Trust, or Profit under the United States : but the party convicted shall nev ertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment, and Punish ment, according to Law. * SECTION 4. The Times, Places, and Manner of holding Elections for Sena tors and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make of alter such Reg ulations, except as to the places of chusing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different day. SECTION 5. Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the Rules of its ProcecdingSj punish its Mem bers for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence oi two-thirds, expel a Member. Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time gnblish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require ecrecy ; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any Question shall, at the Desire of one-fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal. Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. SECTION 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States 2 which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no Person holding any office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continu ance in office. SECTION 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills. Every Bill which shall have passed the house of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States : if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections, to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such Reconsideration, two-thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two- thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by Yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of 612 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President \vithiu ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of ad journment), shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disap proved by him, shall be repasscd by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill. SECTION 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises ; to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of" the United States ; but all Duties, Imposts, and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow Money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate Commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes : To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States ; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures ; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States ; To establish Post Offices and Post Roads ; To promote the progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries ; To constitute Tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offenses against the Law of Nations ; To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water ; To raise and support Armies ; but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years ; To provide and maintain a Navy ; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the Land and Naval Forces ; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions. To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States reserving to the States respectively, the appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the Discipline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such Dis trict (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dockyards, and other needful Buildings ; And To make all Laws whi,ch shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Consti tution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof. SECTION 9. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or Duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 613 The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Kebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. No Bill of Attainder or ex post Facto law shall be passed. No Capitation, or other direct Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken. No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another ; nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another. No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but "in Consequence of Appro priations made by law and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States : And no Per son holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any Present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or Foreign State. SECTION 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confedera tion ; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal ; coin Money, emit Bills of Credit ; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts ; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obliga tion of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws : and the net Produce of all Duties and Im posts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of Congress. No State shall, without the Consent or Congress, lay any Duty on Ton nage, keep Troops, or Ships-of-War in time of Peace, enter into any Agree ment or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of Delay. ARTICLE II. SECTION 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows : Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress : but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and cer tify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the cer tificates, and the votes shall then be counted^. The person having the great est number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for Presi dent ; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choos ing the President, the votes shall be taken by States the representation from each State having one vote ; the quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who 614 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice President.] (See Article XIL of Amendments to the Constitution.) The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes ; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States. No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been, fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Re signation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death ? Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be re moved, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensa tion, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." SECTION 2. The President shall be Commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States ; he may require the Opin ion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose appoint ments are not herein hitherto provided for, and which shall be established by Law : but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, m the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that ntay happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session. SECTION 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient ; he may, on extraordinary Occa sions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers ; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the officers of the United States. SECTION 4. The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Con viction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes or Misdemeanors. ARTICLE III. SECTION 1. The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. 615 Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be dimin ished during their Continuance in Office. SECTION 2. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority ; to all cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls ; to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction ; to Controversies to which the United States snail be a Party ; to Controversies between two or more States ; between a State and Citizen of another State ;-* between Citizens of different States ; between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects. In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be a Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of alf Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury ; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. SECTION 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason, unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the life of the Person attainted. ARTICLE IV. SECTION 1. Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Con gress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. SECTION 2. The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. No person held to Service or Labor in one State, under the Laws thereof escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labor, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labor may be due. SECTION 3. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State- nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the consent of the Legislatures of the States con cerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State. SECTION 4. The United States shall guaranty to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against In vasion ; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature can not be convened) against domestic violence. ARTICLE V. The Congress, whenever two-thirds of both Houses shall deem it neces- 616 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. sary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two-thirds of the several States, shall call a Conven tion for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Le gislatures of three-fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three- lourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner atfect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article ; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Sull rage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI. All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof- and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land ; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Con stitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States. AETICLE VII. The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same. DONE in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present, the Seventeenth Day of September, in the Year, of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the Twelfth. IN WITNESS whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names. GEO. WASHINGTON, President, and deputy from Virginia. New Hampshire. JOHN LANGDON, NICHOLAS GILMAN. Massachusetts. NATHANIEL GORHAJS, RUFUS KING. Connecticut WM. SAMUEL JOHNSON, ROGER SHERMAN. New York. ALEXANDER HAMILTON. New Jersey. WILLIAM LIVINGSTON, DAVID BREARLEY, WILLIAM PATERSON, JONATHAN DAYTON. Pennsylvania. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, THOMAS MIFFLIN, ROBERT MORRIS, GEORGE CLYMER, THOMAS FITZSIMONS, JARKD INGERSOLL, JAMES WILSON, GOUVERNEUR MORRIS. Delaware. GEORGE REED, JR., Virginia. JOHN BLAIR, JAMES MADISON, JR. North Carolina. WILLIAM BLOUNT, RICHARD DOBBS SPAIGHT, HUGH WILLIAMSON. South Carolina. CHARLES C. PINCKNEY, JOHN DICKINSON, RICHARD BASSETT, JACOB BROOM. Maryland. JAMES M HENRY, Georgia. WILLIAM FEW, ABRAHAM BALDWIN. DANIEL OF ST. THOS. JENIFER, DANIEL CARROLL. Attest.- WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. ARTICLES IN ADDITION TO, AND AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION or THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Proposed by Congress, and ratified by the legislatures of the several States pursuant to the fifth, article of the original Constitution. ARTICLE THE FIRST. Congress shall make no law respecting an establish ment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ARTICLE THE SECOND. A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. ARTICLE THE THIRD. No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in a time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. ARTICLE THE FOURTH. The right of the people to be secure in their per sons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be seized. ARTICLE THE FIFTH. _ No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crimej unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger ; nor shall anv per son be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any Criminal Case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just com pensation. ARTICLE THE SIXTH. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, wnich district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have Compulsory process for obtaining Witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense. ARTICLE THE SEVENTH. In Suits at common law, where the value in con troversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be pre served, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. ARTICLE THE EIGHTH. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 618 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. _ ARTICLE THE NINTH. The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. ARTICLE THE TENTH. The powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the stutcs, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. ARTICLE THE ELEVENTH. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity ? commenced or pros ecuted against one of the United States by Citizens ol another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State. ARTICLE THE TWELFTH. The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not bean inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct bal lots the person voted for as Vice President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify j and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate ; The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted ; the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if Buch number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the repre sentation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose snail consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the States, and a major ity of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Rep resentatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other consti tutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice President, shall be the Vice President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest number on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two- thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole num ber shall be necessarv to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ILI rtV / j ^i \i"j-x. NOV 4 iysu CIRCULATION DEJ t\ ore . , rec d circ. 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