LIBRARY^ ui CAIIFO/?^ *r? VT uivaaiH^ [UNIVERS/A N >dOS-ANGElfj> - ^.-J -^ ^^1^^ -^ il S % 3 OT ^3 I ? I s THE MAYFLOWER; OR, SKETCHES OF SCENES AND CHARACTERS AMONG THE DESCENDANTS OF 4 THE PILGRIMS BY MRS. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. NEW-YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, 82 CLIFF-STREET. 1843. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1843, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office ot the Southern District of New-York. "PS INDEX. Page Love versus Law 19 The Tea-rose 80 Trials of a Housekeeper 91 Little Edward 101 Let every Man mind his own Business . . .111 Cousin William . . . . . . .146 Uncle Tim 165 Aunt Mary 210 Frankness 222 The Sabbath 230 So many Calls 271 The Canal-boat 276 Feeling 288 The Sempstress 296 Old Father Morris 313 PREFACE. IF the plea of " being solicited" is of any avail in securing a favourable reception for a literary production, the writer of these sketches might make out a triple claim. For most of them were written by a young mother and housekeeper, in the first years of her novitiate, amid alternate demands from an ever dissolving " kitchen cabinet," and from the two, three, and four occupants of her nursery. During this period, the entreaty of some friend to " write just a page or two" for her literary soiree, or the request of some editor with the offer of a douceur that might eke out a domestic accommodation, backed by the occasional offer of friends to act as substitutes in domestic concerns while secu- ring the fulfilment of such requests, elicited most of these articles ; which, at the request A2 VI PREFACE. of a publisher, have been collected and pre- pared by the author of this preface. Being thus, to some extent, responsible for the matter contained in this volume, the writer of the preface takes the opportunity to offer a few remarks on this particular kind of literature, with which the press is now teeming. The time was when, to the greater part of the religious world, novel reading was almost as much an interdicted amusement as dancing and card-playing. But since the writings of Miss Edgeworth and Sir Walter Scott have produced so great a change in the character of novels, there has been a corresponding change in prac- tice, even among the most scrupulous, till now we can find novels as a part of the cler- gyman's library, and novel writers publicly eulogized by some of the most influential among our clergy and theological profess- ors. At the same time, there has been a most enormous multiplication of sketches, tales, novels, ftnd romances, of all sorts and sizes, which, by the agency of cheap magazines and mammoth sheets, have been showered PREFACE. Vll into every hamlet in our land. They are found not only in the library of the rich or the literary, but on the counter, in the work- shop, in the tavern, in the canal-boat, and the railroad car. And the greatest evil in all this is, that there is little or no discrimi- nation in the selection of this food for the imagination. The worst stands about an equal chance with the best. The powerful effect of this kind of lit- erature on the public mind has recently been strongly indicated by the oblations paid to an amiable and interesting foreign novelist, whose advent has called forth dem- onstrations rarely accorded to the greatest benefactors of mankind. And what are his claims to this homage, and what will be the probable result ? True it is, that the vivid delineations of character and scenes in his writings, their democratic tendency, the kindliness of heart displayed in them, the pleasing vein of humour that runs through them, and their comparative freedom from what is licentioas and unprincipled, are just claims to public favour. And there is some real occasion for patriotic pleasure in so un- common a popular ovation to merit that is so purely intellectual. But, on the other hand, what false views of human nature are presented in these so popular and wide- spread writings ; as if such pure, elevated, refined characters could grow up under the most baleful influences, without parental influence, without education, and without religion : as if it made little or no differ- ence with the human mind whether it were trained right or wrong, or not trained at all. And what a low standard of virtue is pre- sented ! as if the truths and hopes of reli- gion had nothing to do with virtue or mo- rality, or noble and refined sentiment. And what sad familiarity is induced with the most depraved, the most degraded, and the most vulgar of mankind ! And with what care- less and mirthful levity are the crimes and vices of our fellow-creatures held up to view ! And what is there in these writings to coun- teract such unfortunate influences ? And what can be hoped from the unbounded popularity thus gained, but the flooding of our land by competitors, both at home and abroad, who probably will sink below their model of imitation in these respects ? It is such considerations as these that seem to call on both the writers and read- ers of works of imagination, to pause and look about for the landmarks. And it is by these considerations that the writer, in aiding to add another volume to this kind of literature, has felt called upon to present some of her own views on this subject. What, then, is to be done ? Shall persons professing to be regulated by religious prin- ciple, attempt to revert to former strictness, and banish all novel-reading as a sinful practice, at all times to be shunned ? In reply to this, it may be remarked, that this mode of remedying the difficulty is ut- terly impracticable. For, in the first place, there is no foundation for drawing any line of exclusion. A novel what is it ? Is it merely the highly-wrought tale contained in two volumes, and called a novel ? But what are many of the highly-wrought tales in our juvenile libraries but little novels for children ? And what are the highly- wrought love-stories in Mrs. Sherwood's Lady of the Manor, which figure in our Sunday schools, and are conned over by the children of min- ister and people, and often in the hours of sanctuary service, but a collection of little novels, with a bit of the catechism at the beginning, and a prayer at the end of each ? There is no possibility, then, of making rules to exclude novels, because there is no mode of deciding what a novel is. The question, therefore, is much more general ; for we are led to inquire, by what methods are we to regulate and properly restrain the read- ing of works of imagination ? In determin- ing this, we cannot assume that all " ficti- tious narratives" shall be excluded, for this would shut out, not only much of the most profitable religious reading, but even the parables and allegories of Scripture. In meeting the matter fairly, it is to be conceded that there are many advantages to be gained by reading works of this class, if properly selected. The imagination and taste are gifts of God, which are to be cul- tivated and developed, and their proper ex- ercise is conducive to the health both of body and mind. Now that the laws of our phys- ical nature are beginning to be better un- derstood, it is extensively conceded that it is not only right, but that it is a duty, at certain intervals, to release the intellect and feelings from care and effort, and devote a certain portion of time to mere recreation and amusement. And the most elevating and refining of all amusements is the exer- cise of the imagination in contemplating the pictures drawn by the sculptor, painter, poet, and novelist. These amusements, if prop- erly regulated, have a tendency to improve the manners by an acquaintance with the refinements of polished society, to increase a knowledge of the world by vivid pictures of men and things, to cultivate the taste by exhibitions of the beautiful, correct, and pure, to elevate the sentiments, to expand the generous and benevolent sympathies, and to cherish religious principles and pious aspirations. For never do self-denying vir- tue and heaven-born piety appear more in- teresting and inviting than when appropri- ately portrayed in works of imagination. But every good has its attendant dangers, and, ordinarily, the greater the blessing, the greater are the evils involved in its perver- sion. Works of imagination might be made the most powerful of all human agencies in promoting virtue and religion ; and yet, through perversion, they are often the chan- nel for conveying the most widespread and pernicious poisons. And the most danger- ous part of these evils is their insidious and unmarked operation. The havoc they often make in tastes, feelings, habits, and princi- ples, is ordinarily as silent and unnoticed as the invisible miasma, whose presence is never realized until pale cheeks and decay- ing forms tell of its fatal power. The lassitude of spirits and vis inertise of intellect that often result from over-ex- citement of the imagination the distaste for solid mental nutriment thus induced the waste of time and energies the false and mawkish taste the wrong views of life and its trials, awakening hopes and wishes that can end only in disappointment and disgust the false estimate of charac- ter, induced by adorning with the charms of fancy heroes and heroines destitute of the grand qualifications alike indispensable to our present and our eternal well-being the PREFACE. Xlll false standard of right and wrong present- ed and still more fatal and insidious, those dangerous pictures, that tempt the imagina- tion to guilty indulgences, destructive alike to health, character, and virtue : all these evils come unawares upon the young and unwary, while no guardian is near to save from the evil, or spread the alarm to the yet unharmed. What, then, should be attempted by those who feel, or fear these evil tendencies, in order to stay the contaminating influence now pervading our intellectual and moral atmosphere ? The writer may at least suggest what could be done. In the first place, parents might be as watchful for the safety of their children in regard to the slow poisons that corrupt the taste, and principle, and feelings, as they are to save from poisonous food. The practi- cability of this the writer has seen exempli- fied in families, where the mother keeps a careful inspection of all books, newspapers, and magazines that enter the house, and where the rule of the family is, that no book B or paper shall be read without parental per- mission. The father co-operates, and leaves his office, counting-room, or study, to spend his evenings with his family, and at such times the carefully-selected works of fiction are read aloud for common entertainment. Thus the parents and children are united in their pleasures, while parents have an op- portunity to counteract any bad influence that might otherwise be exerted. In the second place, teachers of schools and officers of all institutions for educating the young, could make it a definite object to instruct those under their care in the dangers to which they are exposed, and to point out the works that should be avoided, and those which may safely be read. In the third place, the editors of our mag- azines and newspapers might exert a most healthful influence in presenting appropri- ately to the minds of their readers the dangers and evils involved in the promis- cuous reading of works of imagination, in drawing attention to works that are safe and valuable, and in giving warning whenever PREFACE. XV a work issues from the press that is perni- cious in its tendencies. Lastly, the ministers of religion may, in their pulpit discourses, instruct their people in their duties as individuals and as parents on this subject. They can most appropri- ately point out how intimately the proper control and training of the imagination is connected with all devotional and practical duties how much the power of regulating this unruly principle depends on the course of reading adopted how much the tastes and principles of the young are modified by works of imagination how responsible pa- rents, and teachers, and guardians are for the proper protection of the young from these in- sidious and multiplying dangers and how proper domestic regulations may avail to se- cure all desirable advantages without the at- tending evils. If these fountains of influence would thus exert even a small moiety of their power for the public safety, the baleful missives that are now spreading poison with every breeze would soon be supplanted by those verdant leaves that bloom by the waters of life, and are shed abroad." for the healing of the na- tions." When this is attempted, those who cater for the public taste will find it for their in- terest to select only the safe and good. And then, too, genius will no longer de- base itself in providing aliment for a vi- cious public taste, but, pluming its wings for a nobler flight, will roam through ce- lestial regions, combining only the bright, the elevated, the right and pure, and thus " allure to brighter worlds, and lead the way." Such considerations have inspired the conviction that a person who has the taste, invention, sprightliness, humour, and com- mand of diction that qualifies for a success- ful novelist, by employing these talents ap- propriately, may become one of the great- est of public benefactors, by skilfully pro- viding the healthful aliment that may be employed in supplanting the pernicious leaven. Whether the writer of these sketches nas the qualifications that warrant her to aim at any such effort, the public can more fairly judge, than one who must be biased, not only by the partialities of a sister, but by the deep interest felt in the nascent efforts of a mind trained from childhood under her care. CATHARINE E. BEECHER. I SCENES AND CHARACTERS. LOVE versus LAW. How many kinds of beauty there are ! How many even in the human form ! There is the bloom and motion of childhood, the freshness and ripe perfection of youth, the dignity of man- hood, the softness of woman all different, yet each in its kind perfect. But there is none so peculiar, none that bears more the image of the heavenly, than the beau- ty of Christian old age. It is like the loveliness of those calm autumn days, when the heats of summer are past, when the harvest is gathered into the garner, and the sun shines over the placid fields and fading woods, which stand waiting for their last change. It is a beauty more strictly moral, more belonging to the soul, than that of any other period of life. Po- etic fiction always paints the old man as a Christian j nor is there any period where the virtues of Christianity seem to find a more har- monious development. The aged man, who 20 LOVE versus LAW. has outlived the hurry of passion who has withstood the urgency of temptation who has concentrated the religious impulses of youtl into habits of obedience and love who, having served his generation by the will of God, now leans in helplessness on Him whom once he served, is, perhaps, one of the most faultless representations of the beauty of holiness that this world affords. Thoughts something like these arose in my mind as I slowly turned my footsteps from the graveyard of my native village, where I had been wandering after years of absence. It was a lovely spot a soft slope of ground close by a little stream, that ran sparkling through the cedars and junipers beyond it, while on the other side arose a green hill, with the white village laid like a necklace of pearls upon its bosom. There is no feature of the landscape more picturesque and peculiar than that of the grave- yard that " city of the silent," as it is beauti- fully expressed by the Orientals standing amid the bloom and rejoicing of Nature, its white stones glittering in the sun, a memorial of de- cay, a link between the living and the dead. As I moved slowly from mound to mound, and read the inscriptions, which purported that LOVE versus LAW. 21 many a money- saving man, and many a busy, anxious housewife, and many a prattling, half- blossomed child, had done with care or mirth, I was struck with a plain slab, bearing the in- scription, " To the memory of Deacon Enos Dud- ley , who died in his hundredth year." My eye was caught by this inscription, for in other years I had well known the person it recorded. At this instant, his mild and venerable form arose before me as erst it used to rise from the deacon's seat, a straight, close slip just below the pulpit. I recollect his quiet and lowly coming into meeting, precisely ten minutes be- fore the time, every Sunday his tall form a little stooping his best suit of butternut-col- oured Sunday clothes, with long flaps and wide cuffs, on one of which two pins were always to be seen stuck in with the most reverent precis- ion. When seated, the top of the pew came just to his chin, so that his silvery, placid head rose above it like the moon above the horizon. His head was one that might have been sketch- ed for a St. John bald at the top, and around the temples adorned with a soft flow of bright fine hair, " That down his shoulders reverently spread, As hoary frost with spangles doth attire The naked branches of an oak half dead." 22 LOVE versus LAW. He was then of great age, and every line of his patient face seemed to say, " And now, Lord, what wait I for V' Yet still, year after year, was he to be seen in the same place, with the same dutiful punctuality. The services he offered to his God were all given with the exactness of an ancient Israelite. No words could have persuaded him of the pro- priety of meditating when the choir was sing- ing, or of sitting down, even through infirmity, before the close of the longest prayer that ever was offered. A mighty contrast was he to his fellow-officer, Deacon Abrams, a tight, little, tripping, well-to-do man, who used to sit be- side him with his hair brushed straight up like a little blaze, his coat buttoned up trig and close, his psalm-book in hand, and his quick gray eyes turned first on one side of the broad aisle, and then on the other, and then up into the gallery, like a man who came to church on business, and felt responsible for everything that was going on in the house. A great hinderance was the business talent of this good little man to the enjoyments of us youngsters, who, perched along in a row on a low seat in front of the pulpit, attempted occa- sionally to diversify the long hour of sermon by sundry small exercises of our own, such as LOVE versus LAW. 23 making our handkerchiefs into rabbits, or ex- hibiting, in a sly way, the apples and ginger- bread we had brought for a Sunday dinner, or pulling the ears of some discreet meeting-go ing dog, who now and then would soberly pit a-pat through the broad aisle. But wo be to ; us during our contraband sports if we saw I Deacon Abrams's sleek head dodging up from behind the top of the deacon's seat. Instantly all the apples, gingerbread, and handkerchiefs vanished, and we all set with our hands folded, looking as demure as if we understood every word of the sermon, and more too. There was a great contrast between these two deacons in their services and prayers, when, as was often the case, the absence of the pastor devolved on them the burden of con- ducting the duties of the sanctuary. That God was great and good, and that we all were sin- ners, were truths that seemed to have melted into the heart of Deacon Enos, so that his very soul and spirit were bowed down with them With Deacon Abrams it was an undisputed fact. which he had settled long ago, and concerning which he felt that there could be no reasonable doubt, and his bustling way of dealing with the matter seemed to say that he knew that and a great many things besides. 24 LOVE versus LAW. Deacon Enos was known far and near as a very proverb for peacefulness of demeanour and unbounded charitableness in covering and excusing the faults of others. As long as there was any doubt in a case of alleged evil-doing, Deacon Enos guessed "the man did not mean any harm, after all;" and when transgression became too barefaced for this excuse, he al- ways guessed " it wa'n't best to say much about it ; nobody could tell what they might be left to." Some incidents in his life will show more clearly these traits. A certain shrewd land- holder, by the name of Jones, who was not well reported of in the matter of honesty, sold to Deacon Enos a valuable lot of land, and re- ceived the money for it ; but, under various pretences, deferred giving the deed. Soon af- ter, he died; and, to the deacon's amazement, the deed was nowhere to be found, while this very lot of land was left by will to one of his daughters. The deacon said " it was very extraor'nary : he always knew that Seth Jones was consider- ably sharp about money, but he did not think he would do such a right up-and-down wicked thing." So the old man repaired to Squire Abel to state the case and see if there was any LOVE versus LAW. 25 redress. " I kinder hate to tell of it," said he ; " but, Squire Abel, you know Mr. Jones was was what he was, even if he is dead and gone !" This was the nearest approach the old gentle- man could make to specifying a heavy charge against the dead. On being told that the case admitted of no redress, Deacon Enos comfort- ed himself with half soliloquizing, " Well, at any rate, the land has gone to those two girls, poor lone critters I hope it will do them some good. There is Silence we won't say much about her j but Sukey is a nice, pretty girl." And so the old man departed, leaving it as his opinion that, since the matter could not be mended, it was just as well not to say anything about it. Now the two girls here mentioned (to wit, Silence and Sukey) were the eldest and the youngest of a numerous family, the offspring of three wives of Seth Jones, of whom these two were the sole survivers. The elder, Si- lence, was a tall, strong, black-eyed, hard-fea- tured girl, verging upon forty, with a good, loud, resolute voice, and what the Irishman would call " a dacent notion of using it." Why she was called Silence was a standing problem to the neighbourhood, for she had more facul- ty and inclination for making a noise than any C 26 LOVE versus LAW. person in the whole township. Miss Silence was one of those persons who have no dispo- sition to yield any of their own rights. She marched up to all controverted matters, faced down all opposition, held her way lustily and with good courage, making men, women, and children turn out for her, as they would for a mailstage. So evident was her innate de- termination to be free and independent, that, though she was the daughter of a rich man, and well portioned, only one swain was ever heard of who ventured to solicit her hand in marriage, and he was sent off with the assurance that, if he ever showed his face about the house again, she would set the dogs on him. But Susan Jones was as different from her sister as the little graceful convolvulus from the great rough stick that supports it. At the time of which we speak she was just eighteen, a modest, slender, blushing girl, as timid and shrinking as her sister was bold and hardy. Indeed, the education of poor Susan had cost Miss Silence much painstaking and trouble, and, after all, she said " the girl would make a fool of herself ; she never could teach her to be up and down with people, as she was." When the report came to Miss Silence's ears that Deacon Enos considered himself as ag- LOVE versus LAW. 27 grieved by her father's will, she held forth upon the subject with great strength of cour- age and of lungs. "Deacon Enos might be in better business than in trying to cheat orphans out of their rights she hoped he would go to law about it, and see what good he would get by it a pretty church member and deacon, to be sure ! getting up such a story about her poor father, dead and gone !" " But, Silence," said Susan, " Deacon Enos is a good man : I do not think he means to injure any one j there must be some mistake about it." " Susan, you are a little fool, as I have al- ways told you," replied Silence ; " you would be cheated out of your eye-teeth if you had not me to take care of you." But subsequent events brought the affairs of these two damsels in closer connexion with those of Deacon Enos, as we shall proceed to show. It happened that the next-door neighbour of Deacon Enos was a certain old farmer, whose crabbedness of demeanour had procured for him the name of Uncle Jaw. This agreeable surname accorded very well with the general characteristics both of the person and manner of its possessor. He was tall and hard-favour- I 23 LOVE versus LAW. ed, with an expression of countenance much resembling a northeast rain-storm a drizzling, settled sulkiness, that seemed to defy all pros- pect of clearing off, and to take comfort in its own disagreeableness. His voice seemed to have taken lessons of his face, in such admira- ble keeping was its sawing, deliberate growl with the pleasing physiognomy before indicated. By nature he was endowed with one of those active, acute, hair-splitting minds, which can raise forty questions for dispute on any point of the compass ; and had he been an educated man, he might have proved as clever a meta- physician as ever threw dust in the eyes of sue- ceeding generations. But, being deprived of these advantages, he nevertheless exerted him- self to quite as useful a purpose in puzzling and mystifying whomsoever came in his way. But his activity particularly exercised itself in the line of the law, as it was his meat, and drink, and daily meditation, either to find something to go to law about, or to go to law about something he had found. There was always some question about an old rail fence that used to run " a lee- tie more to the left hand," or that was built up " a leetle more to the right hand," and so cut off a strip of his " medder land" or else there was some outrage of Peter Somebody's turkeys, LOVE versus LAW. 29 getting into his mowing, or Squire Moses's geese were to be shut up in the town pound, or something equally important kept him busy from year's end to year's end. Now, as a mat- ter of private amusement, this might have an- swered very well ; but then Uncle Jaw was not satisfied to fight his own battles, but must needs go from house to house, narrating the whole length and breadth of the case, with all the says he's and says /'s, and the / teWd him^s and he telPd me's, which do either accompany or flow therefrom. Moreover, he had such a marvellous facility of finding out matters to quarrel about, and of letting every one else know where they, too, could muster a quarrel, that he generally succeeded in keeping the whole neighbourhood by the ears. And as good Deacon Enos assumed the of- fice of peacemaker for the village, Uncle Jaw's efficiency rendered it no sinecure. The dea- con always followed the steps of Uncle Jaw, smoothing, hushing up, and putting matters aright with an assiduity that was truly won- derful. Uncle Jaw himself had a great respect for the good man, and, in common with all the neighbourhood, sought unto him for counsel, though, like other seekers of advice, he appro- C2 30 LOVE versus LAW. priated only so much as seemed good in his own eyes. Still he took a kind of pleasure in dropping in of an evening to Deacon Enos's fire, to re- count the various matters which he had taken or was to take in hand ; at one time to narrate 44 how he had been over the mill-dam, telling old Granny Clark that she could get the law of Seth Scran about that pasture lot," or else " how he had told Ziah Bacon's widow that she had a right to shut up Bill Scranton's pig every time she caught him in front of her house." But the grand '/ matter of matters," and the one that took up the most of Uncle Jaw's spare time, lay in a dispute between him and Squire Jones, the father of Susan and Silence ; for it so happened that his lands and those of Uncle Jaw were contiguous. Now the matter of dis- pute was on this wise : on Squire Jones's land there was a mill, which mill Uncle Jaw averred was " always a flooding his medder land." As Uncle Jaw's " medder land" was by nature half bog and bulrushes, and therefore liable to be found in a wet condition, there was always a happy obscurity where the water came from, and whether there was at any time more there than belonged to his share. So, when all other subject matters of dispute failed, Uncle Jaw LOVE versus LAW. 31 recreated himself with getting up a lawsuit about his " medder land," and one of these cases was in pendency when, by the death of the squire, the es- tate was left to Susan -and Silence, his daughters. When, therefore, the report reached him that Dea- con Enos had been cheated out of his dues, Uncle Jaw prepared forthwith to go and compare notes. Therefore, one evening, as Deacon Enos was sit- ting quietly by the fire, musing and reading with his big Bible open before him, he heard the pre- monitory symptoms of a visitation from Uncle Jaw on his door scraper, and soon the man made his appearance. After seating himself directly in front of the fire, with his elbows on his knees, and his hands spread out over the coals, he looked up in Deacon Enos's mild face with his little inquis- itive gray eyes, and remarked, by way of opening the subject, " Well, Deacon, old Squire Jones is gone at last. I wonder how much good all his land will do him now ?" " Yes," replied Deacon Enos, " it just shows how all these things are not worth striving after. We brought nothing into the world, and it is cer- tain we can carry nothing out." " Why, yes," replied Uncle Jaw, " that's all very right, Deacon, but it was strange how that old Squire Jones did hang on to things. Now that mill of his, that was always soaking off water into 32 LOVE versus LAW. these medders of mine, I took and tell'd Squire Jones just how it was, pretty nigh twenty times, and yet he would keep it just so ; and now he's dead and gone, there is that old gal Sitence is full as bad, and makes more noise ; and she and Suke have got the land ; but, you see, I mean to work it yet !" Here Uncle Jaw paused to see whether he had produced any sympathetic excitement in Deacon Enos ; but the old man sat without the least emo- tion, quietly contemplating the top of the long kitch- en shovel. Uncle Jaw fidgeted in his chair, and changed his mode of attack for one more direct. * I heard 'em tell, Deacon Enos, that the Squire served you something of an unhandy sort of trick about that 'ere lot of land." Still Deacon Enos made no reply ; but Uncle Jaw's perseverance was not so to be put off, and he recommenced. " Squire Abel, you see, he tell'd me how the matter was, and he said he did not see as it could be mended ; but I took and tell'd him, * Squire Abel,' says I, ' I'd bet pretty nigh 'most any- thing, if Deacon Enos would tell the matter to me, that I could find a hole for him to creep out at ; for,' says I, ' I've seen daylight through more twisti- cal cases than that afore now.' " Still Deacon Enos remained mute ; and Uncle Jaw, after waiting a while, recommenced with, LOVE versus LAW. 33 "But, railly, Deacon, I should like to hear the particulars !" "I have made up my.mind not to say anything more about that business," said Deacon Enos, in a tone which, though mild, was so exceedingly defi- nite, that Uncle Jaw felt that the case was hope- less in that quarter ; he therefore betook himself to the statement of his own grievances. " Why, you see, Deacon," he began, at the same time taking the tongs, and picking up all the little brands, and disposing them in the middle of the fire, " you see, two days arter the funeral (for I didn't railly like to go any sooner), I stepped up to hash over the matter with old Silence ; for as to Sukey, she ha'n't no more to do with such things than our white kitten. Now, you see, Squire Jones, just afore he died, he took away an old rail fence of his'n that lay between his land and mine, and began to build a new stone wall, and when I come to measure, I found he had took and put a'most the whole width of the stone wall on to my land, .when there ought not to have been more than half of it come there. Now, you see, I could not say a word to Squire Jones, because, jest before I found it out, he took and died ; and so I thought I'd speak to old Silence, and see if she meant to do anything about it, 'cause I knew pretty well she wouldn't ; and I tell you, if she didn't put it on me ! we had a reg- 34 LOVE versus LAW. ular pitched battle the old gal, I thought she would 'a screamed herself to death ! I don't know but she would, but just then poor Sukey came in, and looked so frightened ^and scarey Sukey is a pret- ty gal, and looks so trembling and delicate, that it's kinder a shame to plague her, and so I took and come away for that time." Here Uncle Jaw perceived a brightening in the face of the good deacon, and felt exceedingly com- forted that at -last he was about to interest him in his story. But all this while the deacon had been in a pro- found meditation concerning the ways and means of putting a stop to a quarrel that had been his tor- ment from time immemorial, and just at this mo- ment a plan had struck his mind which our story will proceed to unfold. The mode of settling differences which had oc- curred to the good man was one which has been considered a specific in reconciling contending sov- ereigns and states from early antiquity, and the deacon hoped it might have a pacifying influence even in so unpromising a case as that of Miss Si- lence and Uncle Jaw. In former days. Deacon Enos had kept the dis- trict school for several successive winters, and among his scholars was the gentle Susan Jones, then a plump, rosy little girl, with blue eyes, curly LOVE versus LAW. 35 hair, and the sweetest disposition in the world. There was also little Joseph Adams, the only son of Uncle Jaw, a fine, healthy, robust boy, who used to spell the longest words, make the best snowballs and poplar whistles, and read the loudest and fast- est in the Columbian Orator of any boy at school. Little Joe inherited all his father's sharpness, with a double share of good-humour, so that, though he was forever effervescing in the way of one fun- ny trick or another, he was a universal favourite, not only with the deacon, but with the whole school. Master Joseph always took little Susan Jones under his especial protection, drew her to school on his sled, helped her out with all the long sums in her arithmetic, saw to it that nobody pillaged her dinner-basket or knocked down her bonnet, and resolutely whipped or snowballed any other boy who attempted the same gallantries. Years passed . on, and Uncle Jaw had sent his son to college. He sent him because, as he said, he had " a right to send him ; just as good a right as Squire Abel or Deacon Abrams to send their boys, and so he would send him." It was the remembrance of his old favourite Joseph, and his little pet Susan, that came across the mind of Deacon Enos, and which seemed to open a gleam of light in regard to the future. So, when Uncle Jaw had finished his pre- 36 LOVE versus LAW. lection, the deacon, after some meditation, came out with, " Railly, they say that your son is going to have the valedictory in college." Though somewhat startled at the abrupt transi- tion, Uncle Jaw found the suggestion too flatter, ing to his pride to be dropped ; so, with a counte- nance grimly expressive of his satisfaction, he re- plied, " Why yes yes I don't see no reason why a poor man's son ha'n't as much right as any one to be at the top, if he can get there." "Just so," replied Deacon Enos. " He was always the boy for laming, and for nothing else," continued Uncle Jaw ; " put him to farming, couldn't make nothing of him. If I set him to hoeing corn or hilling potatoes, I'd always find him stopping to chase hoptoads, or off after chip-squirrels. But set him down to a book, and there he was ! That boy larnt reading the quickest of any boy that ever I saw : it wasn't a month af- ter he began his a , abs, before he could read in the * Fox and the Brambles,' and in a month more he could clatter off his chapter in the Testament as fast as any of them ; and you see, in college, it's jest so he has ris right up to be first." " And he is coming home week after next," said the Deacon, meditatively. LOVE versus LAW. 37 The next morning, as Deacon Enos was eating his breakfast, he quietly remarked to his wife, " Sal- ly, I believe it was week after next you were meaning to have your quilting ?" " Why, I never told you so : what alive makes you think that, Deacon Dudley ?" " I thought that was your calculation," said the good man, quietly. " Why no to be sure, I can have it, and maybe it's the best of any time, if we can get Black Dinah to come and help about the cakes and pies. I guess we will, finally." " I think it's likely you had better," replied the Deacon, " and we will have all the young folks here." And now let us pass over all the intermediate pounding, and grinding, and chopping, which for the next week foretold approaching festivity in the kitchen of the Deacon. Let us forbear to provoke the appetite of a hungry reader by setting in order before him the minced pies, the cranberry tarts, the pumpkin pies, the dough-nuts, the cookies, and other sweet cakes of every description, that sprung into being at the magic touch of Black Dinah, the village priestess on all these solemnities. Suffice it to say that the day had arrived, and the auspi- cious quilt was spread. The invitation had not failed to include the Miss- D 38 LOVE versus LAW. es Silence and Susan Jones nay, the good deacon had pressed gallantry into the matter so far as to be the bearer of the message himself; for which he was duly rewarded by a broadside from Miss Silence, giving him what she termed a piece of her mind in the matter of the rights of widows and orphans ; to all which the good old man listened with great benignity from the beginning to the end, and replied with, " Well, well, Miss Silence, I expect you will think better of this before long ; there had best not be any hard words about it." So saying, he took up his hat and walked off, while Miss Silence, who felt extremely relieved by having blown off steam, declared that " It was of no more use to hector old Deacon Enos than to fire a gun at a bag of cotton-wool. For all that, though, she shouldn't go to the quilting ; nor, more, should Susan." " But, sister, why not ?" said the little maiden ; 41 1 think I shall go." And Susan said this in a tone so mildly positive that Silence was amazed. " What upon 'arth ails you, Susan ?" said she, opening her eyes with astonishment ; " haven't you any more spirit than to go to Deacon Enos's when he is doing all he can to ruin us ?" " I like Deacon Enos," replied Susan ; " he was always kind to me when I was a little girl, and LOVE versus LAW. 39 I am not going to believe that he is a bad man now." When a young lady states that she is not going to believe a thing, good judges of human nature generally give up the case ; but Miss Silence, to whom the language of opposition and argument was entirely new, could scarcely give her ears credit for veracity in the case ; she therefore re- peated over exactly what she said before, only in a much louder tone of voice, and with much more vehement forms of asseveration : a mode of rea- soning which, if not strictly logical, has at least the sanction of very respectable authorities among the enlightened and learned. " Silence," replied Susan, when the storm had spent itself, " if it did not look like being angry with Deacon Enos, I would stay away to oblige you ; but it would seem to every one to be taking sides in a quarrel, and I never did, and never will, have any part or lot in such things." " Then you'll just be trod and trampled on all your days, Susan," replied Silence ; " but, howev- er, if you choose to make a fool of yourself, I don't ;" and so saying, she flounced out of the room in great wrath. It so happened, however, that Miss Silence was one of those who have so little econo- my in disposing of a fit of anger, that it was all used up before the time of execution arrived. It 40 LOVE versus LAW. followed, of consequence, that, having unburdened her mind freely both to Deacon Enos and to Su- san, she began to feel very much more comforta- ble and good-natured ; and consequent upon that came divers reflections upon the many gossiping 1 opportunities and comforts of a quilting ; and then the intrusive little reflection, " What if she should go after all, what harm would be done ?" and then the inquiry, " Whether it was not her duty to go and look after Susan, poor child, who had no moth- er to watch over her ?" In short, before the time of preparation arrived, Miss Silence had fully worked herself up to the magnanimous determina- tion of going to the quilting. Accordingly, the next day, while Susan was standing before her mirror, braiding up her pretty hair, she was start- led by the apparition of Miss Silence coming into the room as stiff as a changeable silk and a high horn comb could make her; and "grimly deter- mined was her look." " Well, Susan," said she, " if you will go to the quilting this afternoon, I think it is my duly to go and see to you." What would people do if this convenient shelter of duty did not afford them a retreat in cases when they are disposed to change their minds ? Susan suppressed the arch smile that, in spite of herself, laughed out at the corners of her eyes, and told LOVE versus LAW. 41 her sister that she was much obliged to her for her care. So off they went together. Silence in the mean time held forth largely on the importance of standing up for one's rights, and not letting one's self be trampled on. The afternoon passed on, the elderly ladies quilt- ed and talked scandal, and the younger ones dis- cussed the merits of the various beaux who were expected to give vivacity to the evening entertain- ment. Among these, the newly-arrived Joseph Adams, just from college, with all his literary hon- ours thick about him, became a prominent subject of conversation. It was duly canvassed whether the young gen- tleman might be called handsome, and the affirma- tive was carried by a large majority, although there were some variations and exceptions ; one of the party declaring his whiskers to be in too high a state of cultivation, another maintaining that they were in the exact line of beauty, while a third vigorously disputed the point whether he wore whiskers at all. It was allowed by all, how. ever, that he had been a great beau in the town where he had passed his college days. It was also inquired into whether he were matrimonially engaged ; and the negative being understood, they diverted themselves with predicting to one another the capture of such a prize ; each prophecy being D2 42 LOVE versus LAW. received with such disclaimers as "Come now!" " Do be still !" " Hush your nonsense !" and the like. At length the long-wished-for hour arrived, and one by one the lords of the creation began to make their appearance, and one of the last was this much-admired youth. " That is Joe Adams !" " That is he !" was the busy whisper, as a tall, well-looking young man came into the room, with the easy air of one who had seen several things before, and was not to be abashed by the combined blaze of all the village beauties. In truth, our friend Joseph had made the most of his residence in N , paying his court no less to the Graces than the Muses. His fine person, his frank, manly air, his ready conversation, and his faculty of universal adaptation, had made his society much coveted among the beau monde of N , and though the place was small, he had become familiar with much good society. We hardly know whether we may venture to tell our fair readers the whole truth in regard to our hero. We will merely hint, in the gentlest manner in the world, that Mr. Joseph Adams, be- ing undeniably first in the classics and first in the drawing-room, having been gravely commended in his class by his venerable president, and gayly flat- LOVE versus LAW. 43 tered in the drawing-room by the elegant Miss This and That, was rather inclining to the opinion that he was an uncommonly fine fellow, and even had the assurance to think that, under present cir- cumstances, he could please without making any great effort ; a thing which, however true it were in point of fact, is obviously improper to be thought of by a young man. Be that as it may, he moved about from one to another, shaking hands with all the old ladies, and listening with the greatest affa- bility to the various comments on his growth and personal appearance, his points of resemblance to his father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother, which are always detected by the superior acumen of elderly females. Among the younger ones, he at once, and with full frankness, recognised old schoolmates, and partners in various whortleberry, chestnut, and strawberry excursions, and thus called out an abundant flow of conversation. Nevertheless, his eye wandered occasionally around the room, as if in search of something not there. What could it be ? It kindled, however, with an expression of sudden brightness as he perceived the tall and spare figure of Miss Silence ; whether owing to the personal fascinations of that lady, or to other causes, we leave the reader to determine. Miss Silence had predetermined never to speak a 44 LOVE versus LAW. word again to Uncle Jaw or any of his race ; but she was taken by surprise at the frank, extended hand, and friendly *' how d'ye do ?" It was not in woman to resist so cordial an address from a handsome young man, and Miss Silence gave her hand and replied with a graciousness that amazed herself. At this moment, also, certain soft blue eyes peeped forth from a corner, just " to see if he looked as he used to do." Yes, there he was ! the same dark, mirthful eyes that used to peer on her from behind the corners of the spelling-book at the district school ; and Susan Jones gave a half sigh to those times, and then wondered why she happened to think of such nonsense. " How is your sister, little Miss Susan ?" said Joseph. " Why, she is here have you not seen her ?" said Silence ; " there she is, in that corner." Joseph looked, but could scarcely recognise her. There stood a tall, slender, blooming girl, that might have been selected as a specimen of that union of perfect health with delicate fairness so characteristic of the young New-England beauty. She was engaged in telling some merry story to a knot of young girls, and the rich colour that, like a bright spirit, constantly went and came in her cheeks ; the dimples, quick and varying as those of a little brook ; the clear, mild eye ; the LOVE versus LAW. 45 clustering curls, and, above all, the happy, rejoicing smile, and the transparent frankness and simplicity of expression which beamed like sunshine about her, all formed a combination of charms that took our hero quite by surprise ; and when Silence, who had a remarkable degree of directness in all her dealings, called out, " Here, Susan, is Joe Adams, inquiring after you !" our practised young gentle- man felt himself colour to the roots of his hair, and for a moment he could scarce recollect that first rudiment of manners, " to make his bow like a good boy." Susan coloured also ; but, perceiv- ing the confusion of our hero, her countenance as- sumed an expression of mischievous drollery, which, helped on by the titter of her companions, added not a little to his confusion. " Deuse take it !" thought he, " what's the mat- ter with me ?" and, calling up his courage, he dash- ed into the formidable circle of fair ones, and be- gan chattering with one and another, calling by name with or without introduction, remembering things that never happened with a freedom that was perfectly fascinating. " Really, how handsome he has grown !" thought Susan ; and she coloured deeply when once or twice the dark eyes of our hero made the same ob- servation with regard to herself, in that quick, in- telligible dialect which eyes alone can speak. And 46 LOVE versus LAW. when the little party dispersed, as they did very punctually at nine o'clock, our hero requested of Miss Silence the honour of attending her home, an evidence of discriminating taste which materially raised him in the estimation of that lady. It was true, to be sure, that Susan walked on the other side of him, her little white hand just within his arm ; and there was something in that light touch that puzzled him unaccountably, as might be infer- red from the frequency with which Miss Silence was obliged to bring up the ends of conversation with, " What did you say ?" " What were you going to say ?" and other persevering forms of in- quiry, with which a regular-trained matter-of-fact talker will hunt down a poor fellow-mortal who is in danger of sinking into a comfortable revery. When they parted at the gate, however, Silence gave our hero a hearty invitation to ** come and see them any time," which he mentally regarded as more to the point than anything else that had been said. As Joseph soberly retraced his way homeward, his thoughts, by some unaccountable association, began to revert to such topics as the loneliness of man by himself, the need of kindred spirits, the sol- aces of sympathy, and other like matters. That night Joseph dreamed of trotting along with his dinner-basket to the old brown school- LOVE versus LAW. 47 house, and vainly endeavouring to overtake Susan Jones, whom he saw with her little pasteboard sun- bonnet a few yards in front of him ; then he was tetering with her on a long board, her bright little face glancing up and down, while every curl around it seemed to be living with delight; and then he was snowballing Tom Williams for knocking down Susan's doll's house, or he sat by her on a bench, helping her out with a long sum in arithmetic ; but, with the mischievous fatality of dreams, the more he ciphered and expounded, the longer and more hopeless grew the sum ; and he awoke in the morn- ing pshawing at his ill luck, after having done a sum over half a dozen times, while Susan seemed to be looking on with the same air of arch drol- lery that he saw on her face the evening before. " Joseph," said Uncle Jaw, the next morning at breakfast, " I s'pose Squire Jones's daughters were not at the quilting ?" " Yes, sir, they were," said our hero ; " they were both there." " Why, you don't say so ?" " They certainly were," persisted the son. " Well, I thought the old gal had too much spunk for that : you see there is a quarrel between the deacon and those gals." " Indeed !" said Joseph. " I thought the deacon never quarrelled with anybody." 48 LOVE versus LAW. " But, you see, old Silence there, she will quar- rel with him : railly, that creatur' is a tough one ;" and Uncle Jaw leaned back in his chair, and con- templated the quarrelsome propensities of Miss Si- lence with the satisfaction of a kindred spirit. " But I'll fix her yet," he continued ; " I see how to work it." " Indeed, father, I did not know that you had anything to do with their affairs." " Ha'n't I ? I should like to know if I ha'n't 1" replied Uncle Jaw, triumphantly. " Now see here, Joseph : you see I mean you shall be a lawyer : I'm pretty considerable of a lawyer myself that is, for one not college larn't, and I'll tell you how it is" and thereupon Uncle Jaw launched forth into the case of the medder land and the mill, and concluded with, " Now, Joseph, this 'ere is a kind- er whetstone for you to hone up your wits on." In pursuance, therefore, of this plan of sharpen- ing his wits in the manner aforesaid, our hero, af. ter breakfast, went, like a dutiful son, directly to- wards Squire Jones's, doubtless for the purpose of taking ocular survey of the meadow land, mill, and stone wall; but, by some unaccountable mistake, lost his way, and found himself standing before the door of Squire Jones's house. The old 'squire had been among the aristocracy of the village, and his house had been the ultimate LOVE versus LAW. 49 standard of comparison in all matters of style and garniture. Their big front room, instead of being strewn with lumps of sand, duly streaked over twice a week, was resplendent with a carpet of red, yellow, and black stripes, while a towering pair of long-legged brass andirons, scoured to a silvery white, gave an air of magnificence to the chimney, which was materially increased by the tall brass- headed shovel and tongs, which, like a decorous, starched married couple, stood bolt upright in their places on either side. The sanctity of the place was still farther maintained by keeping the win. dow-shutters always closed, admitting only so much light as could come in by a round hole at the top of the shutter, and it was only on occasions of ex- traordinary magnificence that the room was thrown open to profane eyes. Our hero was surprised, therefore, to find both the doors and windows of this apartment open, and symptoms evident of its being in daily occupation The furniture still retained its massive, clumsy stiffness, but there were various tokens that lighter fingers had been at work there since the notable days of good Dame Jones. There was a vase of flowers on the table, two or three books of poe- try, and a little fairy work-basket, from which peep, ed forth the edges of some worked ruffling ; there was a small writing-desk, and last, not least, in a E 50 LOVE versus LAW. lady's collection, an album, with leaves of every colour of the rainbow, containing inscriptions, in sundry strong masculine hands, " To Susan," indi- cating that other people had had their eyes open as well as Mr. Joseph Adams. " So," said he to him- self, " this quiet little beauty has had admirers after all ;" and consequent upon this came another ques- tion (which was none of his concern, to be sure), whether the little lady were or were not engaged ; and from these speculations he was aroused by a light footstep, and anon the neat form of Susan made its appearance. " Good-morning, Miss Jones," said he, bowing. Now there is something very comical in the feeling when little boys and girls, who have always known each other as plain Susan or Joseph, first meet as " Mr." or " Miss" So-and-So. Each one feels half disposed, half afraid, to return to the old familiar form, and awkwardly fettered by the recol- lection that they are no longer children. Both par- ties had felt this the evening before, when they met in company, but, now that they were alone togeth- er, the feeling became still stronger ; and when Susan had requested Mr. Adams to take a chair, and Mr. Adams had inquired after Miss Susan's health, there ensued a pause, which, the longer it continued, seemed the more difficult to break, and during which Susan's pretty face slowly assumed LOVE versus LAW. 51 an expression of the ludicrous, till she was as near laughing as propriety would admit ; and Mr. Ad- ams, having looked out at the window, and up at the mantelpiece, and down at the carpet, at last looked at Susan ; their eyes met : the effect was electrical ; they both smiled, and then laughed out- right, after which the whole difficulty of conversa- tion vanished. " Susan," said Joseph, " do you remember the old schoolhouse ?" " I thought that was what you were thinking of," said Susan ; " but, really, you have grown and al- tered so that I could hardly believe my eyes last night." " Nor I mine," said Joseph, with a glance that gave a very complimentary turn to the expression. Our readers may imagine that after this the con- versation proceeded to grow increasingly confiden- tial and interesting ; that, from the account of ear- ly life, each proceeded to let the other know some, thing of intervening history, in the course of which each discovered a number of new and admirable traits in the other, such things being matters of very common occurrence. In the course of the con- versation, Joseph discovered that it was necessary that Susan should have two or three books then in his possession, and, as promptitude is a great mat- ter in such cases, he promised to bring them " to- morrow." 52 LOVE versus LAW. For some time our young friends pursued their acquaintance, without a distinct consciousness of anything except that it was a very pleasant thing to be together. During the long, still afternoons, they rambled among the fading woods, now illumi- nated with the radiance of the dying year, and sen- timentalized and quoted poetry ; and almost every evening Joseph found some errand to bring him to the house ; a book for Miss Susan, or a bevy of roots and herbs for Miss Silence, or some remark- ably fine yarn for her to knit ; attentions which re- tained our hero in the good graces of the latter lady, and gained him the credit of being " a young man that knew how to behave himself. " As Susan was a leading member in the village choir, our hero was directly attacked with a violent passion for sa- cred music, which brought him punctually to the singing-school, where the young people came to- gether to sing anthems and fuguing tunes, and to eat apples and chestnuts. It cannot be supposed that all these things pass- ed unnoticed by those wakeful eyes that are ever upon the motions of such " bright particular stars," and, as is usual in such cases, many things were known to a certainty which were not yet known to the parties themselves. The young belles and beaux whispered and tittered, and passed the ori- ginal jokes and witticisms common in such cases, LOVE versus LAW. 53 while the old ladies soberly took the matter in hand when they went out with their knitting to make afternoon visits, considering how much mon- ey Uncle Jaw had, how much his son would have, and how much Susan would have, and what all to- gether would come to, and whether Joseph would be a " smart man," and Susan a good housekeep- er, with all the " ifs, ands, and buts" of married life. But the most fearful wonders and prognostics crowded around the point " what Uncle Jaw would have to say to the matter." His lawsuit with the sisters being well understood, as there was every reason it should be, it was surmised what two such vigorous belligerents as himself and Miss Silence would say to the prospect of a matrimonial con- junction. It was also reported that Deacon Enos Dudley had a claim to the land which constituted the finest part of Susan's portion, the loss of which would render the consent of Uncle Jaw still more doubtful. But all this while Miss Silence knew nothing of the matter, for her habit of considering and treating Susan as a child seemed to gain strength with time. Susan was always to be seen to, and watched, and instructed, and taught ; and Miss Silence could not conceive that one who could not even make pickles without her to oversee, could think of such a matter as setting up housekeeping E 2 54 LOVE versus LAW. herself. To be sure, she began to observe an ex- traordinary change in her sister ; remarked that lately Susan seemed to be getting sort o' crazy- headed ; that she seemed not to have any " facul- ty" for anything ; that she had made gingerbread twice, and forgot the ginger one time, and put in mustard the other ; that she took the saltcellar out in the tablecloth, and let the cat into the pantry half a dozen times ; and that, when scolded for these sins of omission or commission, she had a fit of crying, and did a little worse than before. Si- lence was of opinion that Susan was getting to be " weakly and narvy," and actually concocted an un- merciful pitcher of wormwood and boneset, which she said was to keep off the " shaking weakness" that was coming over her. In vain poor Susan protested that she was well enough Miss Silence knew letter ; and one evening she entertained Mr. Joseph Adams with a long statement of the case in all its bearings, and ended with demanding his opin- ion, as a candid listener, whether the wormwood and boneset sentence should not be executed. Poor Susan had that very afternoon parted from a knot of young friends who had teased her most unmercifully on the score of attentions received, till she began to think the very leaves and stones were so many eyes to pry into her secret feelings, and then to have the whole case set in order be- LOVE versus LAW. 55 fore the very person, too, whom she most dreaded. "Certainly he would think she was acting like a fool ; perhaps he did not mean anything more than friendship, after all, and she would not, for the world, have him suppose that she cared a copper more for him than for any other friend, or that she was in love, of all things." So she sat very busy with her knitting- work, scarcely knowing what she was about, till Silence called out, " Why, Susan, what a piece of work you are making of that stocking heel ! What in the world are you doing to it ?" Susan dropped her knitting, and, making some pettish answer, escaped out of the room. " Now did you ever !" said Silence, laying down the seam she had been cross-stitching ; " what is the matter with her, Mr. Adams ?" "Miss Susan is certainly indisposed," replied our hero, gravely ; " I must get her to take your advice, Miss Silence." Our hero followed Susan to the front door, where she stood looking out at the moon, and begged to know what distressed her. Of course it was " nothing," the young lady's usual complaint when in low spirits ; and to show that she was perfectly easy, she began an unspa- ring attack on a white rosebush near by. " Susan !" said Joseph, laying his hand on hers. 56 LOVE versus LAW. and in a tone that made her start. She shook back her curls, and looked up to him with such an innocent, confiding face Ah, my good reader, you may go on with this part of the story for yourself. We are principled against unveiling the "sacred mysteries," the " thoughts that breathe and words that burn," in such little moonlight interviews as these. You may fancy all that followed ; and we can only as. sure all who are doubtful, that, under judicious management, cases of this kind may be disposed of without wormwood or boneset. Our hero and heroine were called to sublunary realities by the voice of Miss Silence, who came into the passage to see what upon earth they were doing. That lady was satisfied by the representations of so friendly and learned a young man as Joseph, that nothing immediately alarming was to be appre- hended in the case of Susan, and she retired. From that evening Susan stepped about with a heart many pounds lighter than before. "I'll tell you what, Joseph," said Uncle Jaw, " I'll tell you what, now, I hear 'em tell that you've took and courted that 'ere Susan Jones. Now I jest want to know if it's true ?" There was an explicitness about this mode of inquiry that took our hero quite by surprise, so that he could only reply, LOVE versus LAW. 57 " Why, sir, supposing I had, would there be any objection to it in your mind ?" " Don't talk to me," said Uncle Jaw ; " I jest want to know if it's true ?" Our hero put his hands in his pockets, walked to the window, and whistled. " 'Cause if you have," said Uncle Jaw, " you may jest uncourt as fast as you can ; for Squire Jones's daughter won't get a single cent of my money, I can tell you that." " Why, father, Susan Jones is not to blame for anything that her father did, and I'm sure she is a pretty girl enough." " I don't care if she is pretty ; what's that to me ? I've got you through college, Joseph, and a hard time I've had of it, a delvin and slaving, and here you come, and the very first thing you do, you must take and court that 'ere Squire Jones's daugh- ter, who was always putting himself up above me ; besides, I mean to have the law on that estate yet, and Deacon Dudley, he will have the law too, and it will cut off the best piece of land the girl has ; and when you get married, I mean you shall have something. It's jest a trick of them gals at me ; but I guess I'll come up with 'em yet. I'm just a goin' down to have a ' regular hash' with old Si. lence, to let her know she can't come round me that way." 58 LOVE versus LAW. " Silence," said Susan, drawing her head into the window and looking apprehensive, " there is Mr. Adams coming here." What, Joe Adams ? Well, and what if he is ?" " No, no, sister, but it is his father it is Uncle Jaw." " Well, s'pose 'tis, child what scares you ? s'pose I'm afraid of him ? If he wants more than I gave him last time, I'll put it on." So saying, Miss Silence took her knitting- work and marched down into the sitting-room, and sat herself bolt up- right in an attitude of defiance, while poor Susan, feeling her heart beat unaccountably fast, glided out of the room. " Well, good. morning, Miss Silence," said Uncle Jaw, after having scraped his feet on the scraper, and scrubbed them on the mat nearly ten minutes in silent deliberation. " Morning, sir," said Silence, abbreviating the "good." Uncle Jaw helped himself to a chair directly in front of the enemy, dropped his hat on the floor, and surveyed Miss Silence with a dogged air of satis- faction, like one who is sitting down to a regular, comfortable quarrel, and means to make the most of it. Miss Silence tossed her head disdainfully, but scorned to commence hostilities. LOVE versus LAW. 59 " So, Miss Silence," said Uncle Jaw, deliberate- ly? " you don't think you'll do anything about that 'ere matter." " What matter ?" said Silence, with an intonation resembling that of a roasted chestnut when it bursts from the fire. " I railly thought, Miss Silence, in that 'ere talk I had with you about Squire Jones's cheatin' about that 'ere" " Mr. Adams," said Silence, " I tell you, to begin with, I'm not a going to be sauced in this 'ere way by you. You ha'n't got common decency, nor common sense, nor common anything else, to talk so to me about my father : I won't bear it, I tell you." " Why, Miss Jones," said Uncle Jaw, " how you talk ! Well, to be sure, Squire Jones is dead and gone, and it's as well not to call it cheatin', as I was tellin' Deacon Enos when he was talking about that 'ere lot that 'ere lot, you know, that he sold the deacon, and never let him have the deed on't." " That's a lie," said Silence, starting on her feet ; " that's an up and down black lie ! 1 tell you that, now, before you say another word." " Miss Silence, railly, you seem to be getting touchy," said Uncle Jaw ; " well, to be sure, if the deacon can let that pass, other folks can, and may- be the deacon will, because Squire Jones was a 60 LOVE versus LAW. church member, and the deacon is 'mazin' tender about bringing out anything against professors ; but railly, now, Miss Silence, I didn't think you and Susan were going to work it so cunning in this here way." " I don't know what you mean, and, what's more, I don't care," said Silence, resuming her work, and calling back the bolt, upright dignity with which she began. There was a pause of some moments, during which the features of Silence worked with suppress, ed rage, which was contemplated by Uncle Jaw with undisguised satisfaction. " You see, I s'pose, I shouldn't a minded your Susan's setting out to court up my Joe, if it hadn't a been for those things." " Courting your son ! Mr. Adams, I should like to know what you mean by that. I'm sure nobody wants your son, though he's a civil, likely fellow enough ; yet with such an old dragon for a father, I'll warrant he won't get anybody to court him, nor be courted by him neither." " Railly, Miss Silence, you a'n't hardly civil, now." *' Civil ! I should like to know who could be civil ? You know, now, as well as I do, that you are say- ing all this out of clear, sheer ugliness ; and that's what you keep a doing all round the neighbour- hood." LOVE versus LAW. 61 " Miss Silence," said Uncle Jaw, " I don't want no hard words with you. It's pretty much known round the neighbourhood that your Susan thinks she'll get my Joe, and I s'pose you was thinking that perhaps it would be the best way of settling up matters ; but you see, now, I took and tell'd my son I railly didn't see as I could afford it ; I took and tell'd him that young folks must have some- thing considerable to start with ; and that, if Susan lost that 'ere piece of ground, as is likely she will, it would be cutting off quite too much of a piece ; so, you see, I don't want you to take no encourage- ment about that." " Well, I think this is pretty well !" exclaimed Silence, provoked beyond measure or endurance ; " you old torment ! think I don't know what you're at 1 I and Susan courting your son ? I wonder if you a'n't ashamed of yourself, now ! I should like to know what I or she have done, now, to get that notion into your head ?" "I didn't s'pose you 'spected to get him your- self," said Uncle Jaw, "for I guess by this time you've pretty much gin up trying, ha'n't ye 1 But Susan does, I'm pretty sure." " Here, Susan ! Susan ! you come down !" call- ed Miss Silence, in great wrath, throwing open the chamber door. " Mr. Adams wants to speak with you." Susan, fluttering and agitated, slowly de- F 62 LOVE versus LA.W. scended into the room, where she stopped, and looked hesitatingly, first at Uncle Jaw and then at her sister, who, without ceremony, proposed the subject-matter of the interview as follows : " Now, Susan, here's this man pretends to say that you've been a courting and snaring to get his son, and I just want you to tell him that you haVt never had no thought of him, and that you won't have, neither." This considerate way of announcing the subject had the effect of bringing the burning colour into Susan's face, as she stood like a convicted culprit, with her eyes bent on the floor. Uncle Jaw, savage as he was, was always moved by female loveliness, as wild beasts are said to be mysteriously swayed by music, and looked on the beautiful, downcast face with more softening than Miss Silence, who, provoked that Susan did not im- mediately respond to the question, seized her by the arm and eagerly reiterated, " Susan ! why don't you speak, child ?" Gathering desperate courage, Susan shook off the hand of Silence, and straightened herself up with as much dignity as some little flower lifts up its head when it has been bent down by rain-drops. " Silence," she said, " I never would have come down if I had thought it was to hear such things as this. Mr. Adams, all I have to say to you is, that LOVE versus LAW. 63 your son has sought me, and not I your son. If you wish to know any more, he can tell you better than I." " Well, I vow ! she is a pretty girl," said Uncle Jaw, as Susan shut the door. This exclamation was involuntary ; then recol- lecting himself, he picked up his hat, and saying, " Well, I guess I may as well get along hum," he began to depart ; but, turning round before he shut the door, he said, " Miss Silence, if you should con- clude to do anything about that 'ere fence, just send word over and let me know." Silence, without deigning any reply, marched up into Susan's little chamber, where our heroine was treating resolution to a good fit of crying. "Susan, I did not think you had been such a fool," said the lady. " I do want to know, now, if you've railly been thinking of getting married, and to that Joe Adams of all folks !" Poor Susan ! such an interlude in all her pretty romantic little dreams about kindred feelings and a hundred other delightful ideas, that flutter like sing. ing-birds through the fairy-land of first love. Such an interlude ! to be called on by gruff human voices to give up all the cherished secrets that she had trembled to whisper even to herself. She felt as if love itself had been defiled by the coarse, rough hands that had been meddling with it ; so to her 64 LOVE versus LAW. sister's soothing address Susan made no answer, only to cry and sob still more bitterly than before. Miss Silence, if she had a great stout heart, had no less a kind one, and seeing Susan take the matter so bitterly to heart, she began gradually to subside. " Susan, you poor little fool, you," said she, at the same time giving her a hearty slap, as expressive of earnest sympathy, " I really do feel for you ; that good-for-nothing fellow has been a cheatin' you, I do believe." " Oh, don't talk any more about it, for mercy's sake," said Susan ; " I am sick of the whole of it." " That's you, Susan ! Glad to hear you say so ! I'll stand up for you, Susan ; if I catch Joe Adams coming here again with his palavering face, I'll let him know !" " No ! no ! Don't, for mercy's sake, say anything to Mr. Adams don't !" " Well, child, don't claw hold of a body so ! Well, at any rate, I'll just let Joe Adams know that we ha'n't nothing more to say to him." " But I don't wish to say that that is I don't know indeed, sister Silence, don't say anything about it." ** Why not ? You a'n' t such a natural, now, as to want to marry him after all, hey?" ^. "I don't know what I want nor what I don't LOVE versus LAW. 65 want ; only, Silence, do now, if you love me, do promise not to say anything at all to Mr. Adams don't." " Well, then, I won't," said Silence ; " but, Su- san, if you railly was in love all this while, why ha'n't you been and told me ? Don't you know that I'm as much as a mother to you, and you ought to have told me in the beginning ?" " I don't know, Silence ! I couldn't I don't want to talk about it." " Well, Susan, you a'n't a bit like me," said Si- lence ; a remark evincing great discrimination, certainly, and with which the conversation termi- nated. That very evening our friend Joseph walked down towards the dwelling of the sisters, not with- out some anxiety for the result, for he knew by his father's satisfied appearance that war had been de- clared. He walked into the family room, and found nobody there but Miss Silence, who was sitting, grim as an Egyptian sphinx, stitching very vigor- ously on a meal-bag, in which interesting employ- ment she thought proper to be so much engaged as not to remark the entrance of our hero. To Jo- seph's accustomed " Good-evening, Miss Silence," she replied merely by looking up with a cold nod, and went on with her sewing. It appeared that she F 2 66 LOVE versus LAW. had determined on a literal version of her promise not to say anything to Mr. Adams. Our hero, as we have before stated, was familiar with the crooks and turns of the female mind, and mentally resolved to put a bold face on the matter, and give Miss Silence no encouragement in her at- tempt to make him feel himself unwelcome. It was rather a frosty autumnal evening, and the fire on the hearth was decaying. Mr. Joseph bustled about most energetically, throwing down the tongs, and shovel, and bellows, while he pulled the fire to pie- ces, raked out ashes and brands, and then, in a twinkling, was at the woodpile, from whence he se- lected a massive backlog and forestick, with ac- companiments, which were soon roaring and crack- ling in the chimney. " There, now, that does look something like com- fort," said our hero ; and drawing forward the big rocking-chair, he seated himself in it, and rubbed his hands with an air of great complacency. Miss Silence looked not up, but stitched so much the fast- er, so that one might distinctly hear the crack of the needle and the whistle of the thread all over the apartment. " Have you a headache to-night, Miss Silence T " No !" was the gruff answer. " Are you in a hurry about those bags ?" said he, LOVE versus LAW. 67 glancing at a pile of unmade ones which lay by her side. No reply. " Hang it all !" said our hero to him- self, " I'll make her speak." Miss Silence's needle-book and brown thread lay on a chair beside her. Our friend helped himself to a needle and thread, and taking one of the bags, planted himself bolt upright opposite to Miss Si- lence, and pinning his work to his knee, commen- ced stitching at a rate fully equal to her own. Miss Silence looked up and fidgeted, but went on with her work faster than before ; but the faster she worked, the faster and steadier worked our hero, all in "marvellous silence." There began to be an odd twitching about the muscles of Miss Silence's face ; our hero took no notice, having pursed his features into an expression of unexam. pled gravity, which only grew more intense as he perceived, by certain uneasy movements, that the adversary was beginning to waver. As they were sitting, stitching away, their nee- dies whizzing at each other like a couple of loco- motives engaged in conversation, Susan opened the door. The poor child had been crying for the greater part of her spare time during the day, and was in no very merry humour ; but the moment that her astonished eyes comprehended the scene, she burst 68 LOVE versus LAW. into a fit of almost inextinguishable merriment, while Silence laid down her needle, and looked half amused and half angry. Our hero, however, con tinued his business with inflexible perseverance, un- pinning his work and moving the seam along, and going on with increased velocity. Poor Miss Silence was at length vanquished, and joined in the loud laugh which seemed to convulse her sister. Whereupon our hero unpinned his work, and folding it up, looked up at her with all the assurance of impudence triumphant, and re- marked to Susan, " Your sister had such a pile of these pillow-ca- ses to make, that she was quite discouraged, and engaged me to do half a dozen of them : when I first came in she was so busy she could not even speak to me." " Well, if you aVt the beater for impudence !" said Miss Silence. " The beater for industry so I thought," rejoin- ed our hero. Susan, who had been in a highly tragical state of mind all day, and who was meditating on nothing less sublime than an eternal separation from her lover, which she had imagined, with all the affect- ing attendants and consequents, was entirely revo- lutionized by the unexpected turn thus given to her ideas, while our hero pursued the opportunity he LOVE versus LAW. 69 had made for himself, and exerted his powers of en- tertainment to the utmost, till Miss Silence, decla- ring that if she had been washing all day she should not have been more tired than she was with laugh, ing, took up her candle, and good-naturedly left our young people to settle matters between themselves. There was a grave pause of some length when she had departed, which was broken by our hero, who, seating himself by Susan, inquired very seriously if his father had made proposals of marriage to Miss Silence that morning. "No, you provoking creature !" said Susan, at the same time laughing at the absurdity of the idea. " Well, now, don't draw on your long face again, Susan," said Joseph ; " you have been trying to lengthen it down all the evening, if I would have let you. Seriously, now, I know that something painful passed between my father and you this morning, but I shall not inquire what it was. I only tell you, frankly, that he has expressed his disapprobation of our engagement, forbidden me to go on with it, and " " And, consequently, I release you from all en- gagements and obligations to me, even before you ask it," said Susan. " You are extremely accommodating," replied Joseph ; " but I cannot promise to be as obliging in giving up certain promises made to me, unless, in- 70 LOVE versus LAW. deed, the feelings that dictated them should have changed." " Oh, no no, indeed," said Susan, earnestly ; " you know it is not that ; but if your father objects to me " " If my father objects to you, he is welcome not to marry you," said Joseph. " Now, Joseph, do be serious," said Susan. " Well, then, seriously, Susan, I know my obli. gation to my father, and in all that relates to his comfort I will ever be dutiful and submissive, for I have no college-boy pride on the subject of sub- mission ; but in a matter so individually my own as the choice of a wife in a matter that will most likely affect my happiness years and years after he has ceased to be, I hold that I have a right to con- suit my own inclinations, and, by your leave, my dear little lady, I shall take that liberty." " But, then, if your father is made angry, you know what sort of a man he is ; and how could I stand in the way of all your prospects ?" " Why, my dear Susan, do you think I count myself dependant upon my father, like the heir of an English estate, who has nothing to do but sit still and wait for money to come to him ? No ! I have energy and education to start with, and if I cannot take care of myself, and you too, then cast me off and welcome ;" and, as Joseph spoke, his LOVE versus LAW. 71 fine face glowed with a conscious power, which un- fettered youth never feels so fully as in America. He paused a moment, and resumed : "Nevertheless, Susan, I respect my father ; whatever others may say of him, I shall never forget that I owe to his hard earnings the education that enables me to do or be anything, and I shall not wantonly or rudely cross him. I do not despair of gaining his con- sent ; my father has a great partiality for pretty girls, and if his love of contradiction is not kept awake by open argument, I will trust to time and you to bring him round ; but, whatever comes, rest assured, my dearest one, I have chosen for life, and cannot change." The conversation, after this, took a turn which may readily be imagined by all who have been in the same situation, and will, therefore, need no farther illustration. "Well, Deacon, railly I don't know what to think now : there's my Joe, he's took and been a courting that 'ere Susan," said Uncle Jaw. This was the introduction to one of Uncle Jaw's periodical visits to Deacon Enos, who was sitting, with his usual air of mild abstraction, looking into the coals of a bright November fire, while his busy helpmate was industriously rattling her knitting- needles by his side. A close observer might have suspected that this 72 LOVE versus LAW. was no news to the good deacon, who had given a great deal of good advice, in private, to Master Joseph of late ; but he only relaxed his features into a quiet smile, and ejaculated, " I want to know !" " Yes ; and railly, Deacon, that 'ere gal is a rail pretty un. I was a tellin' my folks that our new minister's wife was a fool to her." " And so your son is going to marry her ?" said the good lady ; " I knew that long ago." " Well no not so fast ; ye see there's two to that bargain yet. You see, Joe, he never said a word to me, but took and courted the gal out of his own head ; and when I come to know, says I, 'Joe,' says I, 'that 'ere gal w u't do for me ;' and I took and tell'd him, then, about that 'ere old fence, and all about that old mill, and them medders of mine ; and I tell'd him, too, about that 'ere lot of Susan's ; and I should like to know, now, Deacon, how that lot business is a going to turn out." "Judge Smith and Squire Mosel y say that my claim to it will stand," said the deacon. " They do ?" said Uncle Jaw, with much satis- faction ; " s'pose, then, you'll sue, won't you ?" *' 1 don't know," replied the deacon, medita- tively. Uncle Jaw was thoroughly amazed ; that any one should have doubts about entering suit for a fine LOVE versus LAW. 73 piece of land, when sure of obtaining it, was a prob- lem quite beyond his powers of solving. " You say your son has courted the girl," said the deacon, after a long pause ; " that strip of land is the best part of Susan's share ; I paid down five hundred dollars on the nail for it ; I've got papers here that Judge Smith and Squire Moseley say will stand good in any court of law." Uncle Jaw pricked up his ears and was all at- tention, eying with eager looks the packet ; but, to his disappointment, the deacon deliberately laid it into his desk, shut and locked it, and resumed his seat. " Now, railly," said Uncle Jaw, " I should like to know the particulars." " Well, well," said the deacon, " the lawyers will be at my house to-morrow evening, and if you have any concern about it, you may as well come along." Uncle Jaw wondered all the way home at what he could have done to get himself into the confi- dence of the old deacon, who, he rejoiced to think, was a going to " take" and go to law like other folks. The next day there was an appearance of some bustle and preparation about the deacon's house; the best room was opened and aired ; an ovenful of cake was baked, and our friend Joseph, with a G 74 LOVE versus LAW. face full of business, was seen passing to and fro, in and out of the house, from various closetings with the deacon. The deacon's lady bustled about the house with an air of wonderful mystery, and even gave her directions about eggs and raisins in a whisper, lest they should possibly let out some eventful secret. The afternoon of that day Joseph appeared at the house of the sisters, stating that there was to be company at the deacon's that evening, and he was sent to invite them. " Why, what's got into the deacon's folks lately," said Silence, "to have company so often? Joe Adams, this 'ere is some * cut up' of yours. Come, what are you up to now ?" " Come, come, dress yourselves and get ready," said Joseph ; and, stepping up to Susan, as she was following Silence out of the room, he whispered something into her ear, at which she stopped short and coloured violently. " Why, Joseph, what do you mean ?" " It is so," said he. " No, no, Joseph ; no. I can't, indeed I can't." " But you can, Susan." " Oh, Joseph, don't." "Oh, Susan, do." "Why, how strange, Joseph !" " Come, come, my dear, you keep me waiting. LOVE versus LAW. 75 If you have any objections on the score of propriety, we will talk about them to-morrow ;" and our hero looked so saucy and so resolute that there was no disputing farther ; so, after a little more lingering and blushing on Susan's part, and a few kisses and persuasions on the part of the suiter, Miss Susan seemed to be brought to a state of resignation. At a table in the middle of Uncle Enos's north front room were seated the two lawyers, whose legal opinion was that evening to be fully made up. The younger of these, Squire Moseley, was a rosy, portly, laughing little bachelor, who boasted that he had offered himself, in rotation, to every pretty girl within twenty miles round, and, among others, to Susan Jones, notwithstanding which he still remain- ed a bachelor, with a fair prospect of being an old one ; but none of these things disturbed the bound, less flow of good-nature and complacency with which he seemed at all times full to overflowing. On the present occasion he seemed to be particu- larly in his element, as if he had some law business in hand remarkably suited to his turn of mind ; for, on finishing the inspection of the papers, he started up, slapped his graver brother on the back, made two or three flourishes round the room, and then seizing the old deacon's hand, shook it violently, exclaiming, " All's right, Deacon, all's right ! Go it ! go it ! hurrah V 1 76 LOVE versus LAW. When Uncle Jaw entered, the deacon, without preface, handed him a chair and the papers, saying, " These papers are what you wanted to see. I just wish you would read them over." Uncle Jaw read them deliberately over. " Didn't I tell ye so, Deacon ? The case is as clear as a bell : now ye will go to law, won't you ?" " Look here, Mr. Adams ; now you have seen these papers, and heard what's to be said, I'll make you an offer. Let your son marry Susan Jones, and I'll burn these papers and say no more about it, and there won't be a girl in the parish with a finer portion." Uncle Jaw opened his eyes with amazement, and looked at the old man, his mouth gradually expanding wider and wider, as if he hoped, in time, to swallow the idea. " Well, now, I swan !" at length he ejaculated. " I mean just as I say," said the deacon. sited. " There," said Mary, watching the arrangement eagerly, "that will do no, for it does not show both the opening buds ; a little farther around a little more ; there, that is right ;" and then Mary walked around to view the rose in various posi- tions, after which she urged her mother to go with her to the outside, and see how it looked there. 88 THE TEA ROSE. " How kind it was ki Miss Florence to think of giving this to us!" said Mary; "though she had done so much for us, and given us so many things, yet this seems the best of all, because it seems as if she thought of us, and knew just how we felt ; and so few do that, you know, mother." What a bright afternoon that little gift made in that little room. How much faster Mary's fingers flew the livelong day as she sat sewing by her mother ; and Mrs. Stephens, in the happiness of her child, almost forgot that she had a headache, and thought, as she sipped her evening cup of tea, that she felt stronger than she had done for some time. That rose ! its sweet influence died not with the first day. Through all the long cold winter, the watching, tending, cherishing that flower awakened a thousand pleasant trains of thought, that beguiled the sameness and weariness of their life. Every day the fair, growing thing put forth some fresh beauty a leaf, a bud, a new shoot, and constantly awakened fresh enjoyment in its possessors. As it stood in the window, the passer-by would some- times stop and gaze, attracted by its beauty, and then proud and happy was Mary ; nor did even the serious and careworn widow notice with indifference this tribute to the beauty of their favourite. But little did Florence think, when she bestowed the gift, that there twined about it an invisible THE TEA ROSE. 89 thread that reached far and brightly into the web of her destiny. One cold afternoon in early spring, a tall and graceful gentleman called at the lowly room to pay for the making of some linen by the inmates. He was a stranger and wayfarer, recommended through the charity of some of Mrs. Stephens's patrons. As he turned to go, his eye rested admiringly on the rose-tree, and he stopped to gaze at it. " How beautiful !" said he. " Yes," said little Mary, " and it was given to us by a lady as sweet and beautiful as that is." " Ah," said the stranger, turning upon her a pair of bright dark eyes, pleased and rather struck by the communication ; " and how came she to give it to you, my little girl ?" " Oh, because we are poor, and mother is sick, and we never can have anything pretty. We used to have a garden once, and we loved flowers so much, and Miss Florence found it out, and so she gave us this." " Florence !" echoed the stranger. "Yes Miss Florence 1'Estrange a beautiful lady. They say she was from foreign parts ; but she speaks English just like other ladies, only sweeter." " Is she here now ? Is she in this city ?" said the gentleman, eagerly. H 2 90 THE TEA ROSE. " No ; she left some months ago," said the widow, noticing the shade of disappointment on his face ; " but," said she, " you can find out all about her at her aunt's, Mrs. Carlysle's, No. 10 street." A short time after, Florence received a letter in a handwriting that made her tremble. During the many early years of her life spent in France, she had well learned to know that writing had loved as a woman like her loves only once ; but there had been obstacles of parents and friends, long sep- aration, long suspense, till, after anxious years, she had believed the ocean had closed over that hand and heart ; and it was this that had touched with such pensive sorrow the lines in her lovely face. But this letter told that he was living, that he had traced her, even as a hidden streamlet may be traced, by the freshness, the verdure of heart, which her deeds of kindness had left wherever she had passed. Thus much said, our readers need no help in finishing my story for themselves. TRIALS OP A HOUSEKEEPER. 91 TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. I HAVE a detail of very homely grievances to present, but such as they are, many a heart will feel them to be heavy the trials of a housekeeper. " Poh !" says one of the lords of creation, taking his cigar out of his mouth, and twirling it between his two first fingers, " what a fuss these women do make of this simple matter of managing a family ! I can't see, for my life, as there is anything so ex- traordinary to be done in this matter of house- keeping : only three meals a day to be got and cleared off, and it really seems to take up the whole of their mind from morning till night. I could keep house without so much of a flurry, I know." Now prithee, good brother, listen to my story, and see how much you know about it. I came to this enlightened West about a year since, and was duly established in a comfortable country residence within a mile and a half of the city, and there com- menced the enjoyment of domestic felicity. I had been married about three months, and had been previously in love in the most approved romantic way, with all the proprieties of moonlight walks, 92 TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. serenades, sentimental billet-doux, and everlasting attachment. After having been allowed, as I said, about three months to get over this sort of thing, and to pre- pare for realities, I was located for life as afore- said. My family consisted of myself and husband, a female friend as a visiter, and two brothers of my good man, who were engaged with him in bu- siness. I pass over the two or three first days spent in that process of hammering boxes, breaking crock- ery, knocking things down and picking them up again, which is commonly called getting to house- keeping. As usual, carpets were sewed and stretched, laid down, and taken up to be sewed over ; things were reformed, transformed, and con- formed, till at last a settled order began to appear. But now came up the great point of all. During our confusion, we had cooked and eaten our meals in a very miscellaneous and pastoral manner, eating now from the top of a barrel, and now from a fireboard laid on two chairs, and drinking, some from tea- cups, and some from saucers, and some from tum- blers, and some from a pitcher big enough to be 1 drowned in, and sleeping, some on sofas, and some on straggling beds and mattresses, thrown down here and there, wherever there was room. All these pleasant barbarities were now at an end: TRIALS OP A HOUSEKEEPER. 93 the house was in order ; the dishes put up in their places ; three regular meals were to be adminis- tered in one day, all in an orderly, civilized form ; beds were to be made ; rooms swept and dusted ; dishes washed ; knives scoured, and all the et cet- era to be attended to. Now for getting " help" as Mrs. Trollope says ; and where and how were we to get it ? We knew very few persons in the city, and how were we to accomplish the matter? At length the " house of employment" was mention, ed, and my husband was despatched thither regu- larly every day for a week, while I, in the mean time, was very nearly despatched by the abundance of work at home. At length, one evening, as I was sitting completely exhausted, thinking of resorting to the last feminine expedient for supporting life, viz., a good ft of crying, my husband made his ap- pearance, with a most triumphant air, at the door : " There, Margaret, I have got you a couple at last cook and chambermaid !" So saying, he flour- ished open the door, and gave to my view the pic- ture of a little, dry, snuffy-looking old woman, and a great staring Dutch girl in a green bonnet with red ribands mouth wide open, and hands and feet that would have made a Greek sculptor open his mouth too. I addressed forthwith a few words of encouragement to each of this cultivated-looking couple, and proceeded to ask their names, and 94 TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. forthwith the old woman began to snuffle and to wipe her face with what was left of an old silk pocket-handkerchief preparatory to speaking, while the young lady opened her mouth wider, and look- ed around with a frightened air, as if meditating an escape. After some preliminaries, however, I found out that my old woman was Mrs. Tibbins, and my Hebe's name was Kotterin ; also, that she knew much more Dutch than English, and not any too much of either. The old lady was the cook. I ventured a few inquiries : " Had she ever cooked ?" " Yes. ma'am, sartin ; she had lived at two or three places in the city." " I suspect, my dear," said my husband, confi- dently, " that she is an experienced cook, and so your troubles are over ;" and he went to reading his newspaper. I said no more, but determined to wait till morning. The breakfast, to be sure, did not do much honour to the talents of my official ; but it was the first time, and the place was new to her. After breakfast was cleared away, I proceeded to give directions for dinner : it was merely a plain joint of meat, I said, to be roasted in the tin oven. The experienced cook looked at me with a stare of entire vacuity : " the tin oven," I repeated, " stands there," pointing to it. She walked up to it, and touched it with such an appearance of suspicion as if it had been an TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. 95 electrical battery, and then looked round at me with a look of such helpless ignorance that my soul was moved : " I never see one of them things before," said she. " Never saw a tin ov^n !" I exclaimed. " I thought you said you had cooked in two or three families." " They does not have such things as them, though," rejoined my old lady. Nothing was to be done, of course, but to instruct her into the philos- ophy of the case ; and, having spitted the joint, and given numberless directions, I walked off to my room to superintend the operations of Kotterin, to whom I had committed the making of my bed and the sweeping of my room, it never having come into my head that there could le a wrong way of ma- king a bed, and to this day it is a marvel to me how any one could arrange pillows and quilts to make such a nondescript appearance as mine now pre- sented. One glance showed me that Kotterin also was " just caught" and that I had as much to do in her department as in that of my old lady. Just then the door-bell rang : " Oh, there is the door-bell !" I exclaimed ; " run, Kotterin, and sho'w them into the parlour." Kotterin started to run, as directed, and then stopped, and stood looking round on all the doors, and on me with a wofully puzzled air : " The 96 TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER* street-door," said I, pointing towards the entry. Kotterin blundered into the entry, and stood gazing with a look of stupid wonder at the bell ringing without hands, while I went to the door and let in the company before she could be fairly made to un- derstand the connexion between the ringing and the phenomenon of admission. As dinner-time approached, I sent word into my kitchen to have it set on ; but, recollecting the state of the heads of department there, I soon fol- lowed my own orders. I found the tin oven stand- ing out in the middle of the kitchen, and my cook seated a la Turk in front of it, contemplating the roast meat with full as puzzled an air as in the morning. I once more explained the mystery of taking it off, and assisted her to get it on to the platter, though somewhat cooled by having been so long set out for inspection. I was standing hold. ing the spit in my hands, when Kotterin, who had heard the door-bell ring, and was determined this time to be in season, ran into the hall, and soon returning, opened the kitchen door, and politely ushered in three or four fashionable-looking ladies, exclaiming, " Here she is." As these were stran- gers from the city, who had come to make their first call, this introduction was far from proving an eligible one the look of thunderstruck astonish- ment with which I greeted their first appearance, TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. 97 as I stood brandishing the spit, and the terrified snuffling and staring of poor Mrs. Tibbins, who again had recourse to her old pocket-handkerchief, almost entirely vanquished their gravity, and it was evident that they were on the point of a broad laugh ; so, recovering my self-possession, I apolo- gized, and led the way to the parlour. Let these few incidents be a specimen of the four mortal weeks that I spent with these " helps" du- ring which time I did almost as much work, with twice as much anxiety, as when there was nobody there ; and yet everything went wrong besides. The young gentlemen complained of the patches of starch grimed to their collars, and the streaks of black coal ironed into their dickies, while one week every pocket-handkerchief in the house was starched so stiff that you might as well have car- ried an earthen plate in your pocket ; the tumblers looked muddy ; the plates were never washed clean or wiped dry unless I attended to each one ; and as to eating and drinking, we experienced a varie- ty that we had not before considered possible. At length the old woman vanished from the stage, and was succeeded by a knowing, active, ca- pable damsel, with a temper like a steel-trap, who remained with me just one week, and then went off in a fit of spite. To her succeeded a rosy, good- natured, merry lass, who broke the crockery, burn- TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. ed the dinner, tore the clothes in ironing, and knocked down everything that stood in her way about the house, without at all discomposing her- self about the matter. One night she took the stopper from a barrel of molasses, and came sing- ing off up stairs, while the molasses ran soberly out into the cellar-bottom all night, till by morning it was in a state of universal emancipation. Hav- ing done this, and also despatched an entire set of tea-things by letting the waiter fall, she one day made her disappearance. Then, for a wonder, there fell to my lot a tidy, efficient-trained English girl ; pretty, and genteel, and neat, and knowing how to do everything, and with the sweetest temper in the world. " Now," said I to myself, " I shall rest from my labours." Everything about the house began to go right, and looked as clean and genteel as Mary's own pretty self. But, alas ! this period of repose was interrupt- ed by the vision of a clever, trim-looking young man, who for some weeks could be heard scraping his boots at the kitchen door every Sunday night ; and at last Miss Mary, with some smiling and blushing, gave me to understand that she must leave in two weeks. " Why, Mary," said I, feeling a little mischiev- ous, " don't you like the place ?" " Oh, yes, ma'am." TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. 99 " Then why do you look for another ?" " I am not going to another place." " What, Mary, are you going to learn a trade ?" " No, ma'am." " Why, then, what do you mean to do ?" " I expect to keep house myself, ma'am," said she, laughing and blushing. " Oh ho !" said I, " that is it ;" and so, in two weeks, I lost the best little girl in the world : peac _ to her memory. After this came an interregnum, which put me in mind of the chapter in Chronicles that I used to read with great delight when a child, where Basha, and Elah, and Tibni, and Zimri, and Omri, one af- ter the other came on to the throne of Israel, all in the compass of half a dozen verses. We had one old woman who stayed a week, and went away with the misery in her tooth ; one young woman who ran away and got married ; one cook, who came at night and went off before light in the morning ; one very clever girl, who stayed a month, and then went away because her mother was sick ; another, who stayed six weeks, and was taken with the fever her- self ; and during all this time, who can speak the damage and destruction wrought in the domestic paraphernalia by passing through these multiplied hands ? What shall we do ? Shall we go for slavery, or 100 TRIALS OF A HOUSEKEEPER. shall we give up houses, have no furniture to take care of, keep merely a bag of meal, a porridge- pot, and a pudding-stick, and sit in our tent door in real patriarchal independence ? What shall we do ? LITTLE EDWARD. WERE any of you born in New-England, in the good old catechising, church-going, school- going, orderly times 1 If so, you may have seen my Uncle Abel ; the most perpendicular, rectangular, upright, downright good man that ever laboured six dars and rested on the sev- enth. You remember his hard, weather-beaten countenance, where every line seemed drawn with " a pen of iron and the point of a dia- mond j" his considerate gray eyes, that moved over objects as if it were not best to be in a hurry about seeing j the circumspect opening and shutting of his mouth ; his down-sitting and up-rising, all performed with conviction aforethought in short, the whole ordering of his life and conversation, which was, according to the tenour of the military order, " to the right about face forward, march !" Now if you supposed, from all this triangu- larism of exterior, that this good man had no- thing kindly within, you were much mistaken. I 2 102 LITTLE EDWARD. You often find the greenest grass under a snow- drift j and though my uncle's mind was not ex- actly of the flower-garden kind, still there was an abundance of wholesome and kindly vegeta- tion there. It is true, he seldom laughed, and never joked himself, but no man had a more serious and weighty conviction of what a good joke was in another j and when some exceeding witticism was dispensed in his presence, you might see Uncle Abel's face slowly relax into an expres- sion of solemn satisfaction, and he would look at the author with a sort of quiet wonder, as if it was past his comprehension how such a thing could ever come into a man's head. Uncle Abel, too, had some relish for the fine arts ; in proof of which, I might adduce the pleasure with which he gazed at the plates in his family Bible, the likeness whereof is neither in Heaven, nor on earth, nor under the earth. And he was also such an eminent musician, that he could go through the singing-book at one sitting without the least fatigue, beating time like a windmill all the way. He had, too, a liberal hand, though his liber- ality was all by the rule of three. He did to his neighbour exactly as he would be done by $ he loved some things in this world very sincere- LITTLE EDWARD. 103 !y : he loved his God much, but he honoured and feared him more ; he was exact with oth- ers, he was more exact with himself, and he ex- pected his God to be more exact still. Everything in Uncle Abel's house was in the same time, place, manner, and form, from year's end to year's end. There was old Master Bose, a dog after my uncle's own heart, who always walked as if he were studying the multiplica- tion-table. There was the old clock, forever ticking in the kitchen corner, with a picture on its face of the sun, forever setting behind a per- pendicular row of poplar trees. There was the never-failing supply of red-peppers and onions hanging over the chimney. There, too, were the yearly hollyhocks and morning-glories blooming about the windows. There was the u best room," with its sanded floor, the cupboard in one corner with its glass doors, the ever- green asparagus-bushes in the chimney, and there was the stand with the Bible and almanac on it in another corner. There, too, was Aunt Betsey, who never looked any older, because she always looked as old as she could ; who al- ways dried her catnip and wormwood the last of September, and began to clean house the first of May. In short, this was the land of contin- uance. Old Time never took it into his head to 104 LITTLE EDWARD. practise either addition, or subtraction, or mul- tiplication on its sum total. This Aunt Betsey aforenamed was the neat- est and most efficient piece of human machin- ery that ever operated in forty places at once. She was always everywhere, predominating over, and seeing to everything ; and though my uncle had been twice married, Aunt Bet- sey's rule and authority had never been broken. She reigned over his wives when living, and reigned after them when dead, and so seemed likely to reign on to the end of the chapter. But my uncle's latest wife left Aunt Betsey a much less tractable subject than ever before had fallen to her lot. Little Edward was the child of my uncle's old age, and a brighter, merrier little blossom never grew on the verge of an avalanche. He had been committed to the nursing of his grandmamma till he had arrived at the age of ^discretion, and then my old un- cle's heart so yearned for him that he was sent for home. His introduction into the family excited a ter- rible sensation. Never was there such a con- temner of dignities, such a violator of high pla- ces and sanctities as this very Master Edward. It was all in vain to try to teach him decorum, He was the most outrageously merry elf that LITTLE EDWARD. 105 ever shook a head of curls ; and it was all the same to him whether it was " Sabba' day" or any other day. He laughed and frolicked with ev- erybody and everything that came in his way, not even excepting his solemn old father ; and when you saw him, with his fair arms around the old man's neck, and his bright blue eyes and blooming cheek peering out beside the bleak face of Uncle Abel, you might fancy you saw Spring caressing Winter. Uncle Abel's metaphysics were sorely puzzled by this spark- ling, dancing compound of spirit and matter ; nor could he devise any method of bringing it into any reasonable shape, for he did mischief with an energy and perseverance that was truly astonishing. Once he scoured the floor with Aunt Betsey's very Scotch snuff: once he wash- ed up the hearth with Uncle Abel's most im- maculate clothes-brush; and once he was found trying to make Bose wear his father's specta- cles. In short, there was no use, except the right one, to which he did not put everything that came in his way. But Uncle Abel was most of all puzzled to know what to do with him on the Sabbath, for on that day Master Edward seemed to exert himself to be particularly diligent and enter- tawwg. 106 LITTLE EDWARD. " Edward ! Edward must not play Sunday !** his father would call out ; and then Edward would hold up his curly head, and look as grave as the catechism ; but in three minutes you would see " pussy" scampering through the " best room," with Edward at her heels, to the entire discomposure of all devotion in Aunt Betsey and all others in authority. At length my uncle came to the conclusion that " it wasn't in natur' to teach him any bet- ter," and that " he could no more keep Sunday than the brook down in the lot." My poor un- cle ! he did not know what was the matter with his heart, but certain it was, he lost all faculty of scolding when little Edward was in the case, and he would rub his spectacles a quarter of an hour longer than common when Aunt Betsey was detailing his witticisms and clever doings. In process of time our hero had compassed his third year, and arrived at the dignity of go- ing to school. He went illustriously through the spelling-book, and then attacked the cate- chism ; went from " man's chief end" to the " requirin's and forbiddin's" in a fortnight, and at last came home inordinately merry, to tell his father that he had got to " Amen." After this, he made a regular business of saying over the whole every Sunday evening, standing with LITTLE EDWARD. 107 his hands folded in front and his checked apron folded down, occasionally glancing round to see if pussy gave proper attention. And, being of a practically benevolent turn of mind, he made several commendable efforts to teach Bose the catechism, in which he succeeded as well as might be expected. In short, without farther detail, Master Edward bade fair to become a literary wonder. But alas for poor little Edward ! his merry dance was soon over. A day came when he sickened. Aunt Betsey tried her whole herba- rium, but in vain : he grew rapidly worse and worse. His father sickened in heart, but said nothing ; he only stayed by his bedside day and night, trying all means to save, with affecting pertinacity, " Can't you think of anything more, doctor 1" said he to the physician, when all had been tried in vain. " Nothing," answered the physician. A momentary convulsion passed over my un- cle's face. " The will of the Lord be done," said he, almost with a groan of anguish. Just at that moment a ray of the setting sun pierced the checked curtains, and gleamed like an angePs smile across the face of the little suf ferer. He woke from troubled sleep. 103 LITTLE EDWARD. " Oh, dear ! I am so sick !" he gasped, feebly. His father raised him in his arms ; he breathed easier, and looked up with a grateful smile. Just then his old playmate, the cat, crossed the room. " There goes pussy," said he ; " oh, dear ! I shall never play with pussy any more." At that moment a deadly change passed over his face. He looked up in his father's face with an imploring expression, and put out his hand as if for help. There was one moment of ago- ny, and then the sweet features all settled into a srnile of peace, and " mortality was swallowed up of life." My uncle laid him down, and looked one mo- ment at his beautiful face. It was too much for his principles, too much for his consistency, and " he lifted up his voice and wept." The next morning was the Sabbath the fu- neral day and it rose with " breath all incense and with cheek all bloom." Uncle Abel was as calm and collected as ever, but in his face there was a sorrow-stricken appearance touching to behold. I remember him at family prayers, as he bent over the great Bible and began the psalm, " Lord, thou hast been our dwelling-place in all generations." Apparently he was touched by the melancholy splendour of the poetry, for after reading a few verses he stopped. There LITTLE EDWARD. 109 was a dead silence, interrupted only by the tick of the clock. He cleared his voice repeatedly, and tried to go on, but in vain. He closed the book, and kneeled down to prayer. The ener- gy of sorrow broke through his usual formal reverence, and his language flowed forth with a deep and sorrowful pathos which I shall nev- er forget. The God so much reverenced, so much feared, seemed to draw near to him as a friend and comforter, his refuge and strength, " a very present help in time of trouble." My uncle rose, and I saw him walk to the room of the departed one. He uncovered the face. It was set with the seal of death, but oh ! how surpassingly lovely ! The brilliancy of life was gone, but that pure, transparent face was touched with a mysterious, triumphant bright- ness, which seemed like the dawning of Heaven. My uncle looked long and earnestly. He felt the beauty of what he gazed on j his heart was softened, but he had no words for his feelings. He left the room unconsciously, and stood in the front door. The morning was bright, the bells were ringing for church, the birds were singing merrily, and the pet squirrel of little Ed- ward was frolicking about the door. My uncle watched him as he ran first up one tree, and then down and up another, and then over the K 1 10 LITTLE EDWARD. fence, whisking his brush and chattering just as if nothing was the matter. With a deep sigh Uncle Abel broke forth : " How happy that cretur" 1 is ! Well, the Lord's will be done !" That day the dust was committed to dust, amid the lamentations of all who had known little Edward. Years have passed since then, and all that is mortal of my uncle has long since been gathered to his fathers, but his just and upright spirit has entered the glorious liberty of the sons of God. Yes ; the good man may have had opinions which the philosophical scorn, weaknesses at which the thoughtless smile ; but death shall change him into all that is enlight- ened, wise, and refined ; for he shall awake in His" likeness, and "be satisfied." LET EVERY MAN MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. " AND so you will not sign this paper V said Alfred Melton to his cousin, a fine-looking young man, who was lounging by the centre- table. Not I, indeed. What in life have I to do with these decidedly vulgar temperance pledg- es 1 Pshaw ! they have a relish of whiskey in their very essence !" " Come, come, Cousin Melton," said a brill- iant, dark- eyed girl, who had been lolling on the sofa during the conference, "I beg of you to give over attempting to evangelize Edward. You see, as Falstaff has it, ' he is little better than one of the wicked.' You must not waste such valuable temperance documents on him." " But, seriously, Melton, my good fellow," resumed Edward, " this signing, and sealing, and pledging is altogether an unnecessary af- fair for me. My past and present habits, my situation in life in short, everything that can 112 LET EVERY MAX be mentioned with regard to me, goes against the supposition of my ever becoming the slave of a vice so debasing ; and this pledging myself to avoid it is something altogether needless nay, by implication, it is degrading. As to what you say of my influence, I am inclined to the opinion, that if every man will look to him- self, every man will be looked to. This modern notion of tacking the whole responsibility of so- ciety on to every individual, is one I am not at all inclined to adopt ; for, first, I know it is a troublesome doctrine ; and, secondly, I doubt if it be a true one. For both which reasons, I shall decline extending it my patronage." " Well, positively," exclaimed the lady, " you gentlemen have the gift of continuance in an uncommon degree. You have discussed this matter backward and forward till I am ready to perish. I will take the matter in hand my- self, and sign a temperance pledge for Edward, and see that he gets into none of those naugh- ty courses upon which you have been so pa- thetic." " I dare say," said Melton, glancing on her brilliant face with evident admiration, "that you will be the best temperance pledge he could have. But every man, cousin, may not be so fortunate." MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 113 " But, Melton," said Edward, " seeing my steady habits are so well provided for, you must carry your logic and eloquence to some poor fellow less favoured." And thus the conference ended. " What a good, disinterested fellow Melton is !" said Edward, after he had left. " Yes, good as the day is long," said Augus- ta, " but rather prosy, after all. This tiresome temperance business ! One never hears the end of it nowadays. Temperance papers temperance tracts temperance hotels tem- perance this, that, and the other thing, even down to temperance pocket-handkerchiefs for little boys ! Really, the world is getting intem- perately temperate." " Ah, well ! with the security you have of- fered, Augusta, I shall dread no temptation." Though there was nothing peculiar in these words, yet there was a certain earnestness of tone that called the colour into the face of Augusta, and set her to sewing with uncom- mon assiduity. And thereupon Edward pro- ceeded with some remark about " guardian an- gels," together with many other things of the kind, which, though they contain no more that is new than a temperance lecture, always seem to have a peculiar freshness to people in cer- K2 114 LET EVERY MAN tain circumstances. In fact, before the hour was at an end, Edward and Augusta had for- gotten where they began, and had wandered far into that land of anticipations and bright dreams, which surrounds the young and lov- ing before they eat of the tree of experience, and gain the fatal knowledge of good and evil. But here, stopping our sketching pencil, let us throw in a little back ground and perspect- ive that will enable our readers to perceive more readily the entire picture. Edward Howard was a young man whose brilliant talents and captivating manners had placed him first in the society in which he moved. Though without property or weight of family connexions, he had become a leader in the circles where these appendages are most considered, and there were none of their im- munities and privileges that were not freely at his disposal. Augusta Elmore was conspicuous in all that lies within the sphere of feminine attainment. She was an orphan, and accustomed from a very early age to the free enjoyment and con- trol of an independent property. This cir- cumstance, doubtless, added to the magic of her personal graces in procuring for her that flattering deference which beauty and wealth sec/ire. MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 115 Her mental powers were naturally superior, although, from want of motive, they had receiv- ed no development, except such as would se- cure success in society. Native good sense, with great strength of feeling and independ- ence of mind, had saved her from becoming heartless and frivolous. She was better fitted to lead and to influence than to be influenced or led. And hence, though not swayed by any habitual sense of moral responsibility, the tone of her character seemed altogether more ele- vated than the average of fashionable society. General expectation had united the destiny of two persons who seemed every way fitted for each other, and for once general expectation did not err. A few months after the interview mentioned were witnessed the festivities and congratulations of their brilliant and happy marriage. Never did two young persons commence life under happier auspices. "What an exact match !" " What a beautiful couple !" said all the gossips. " They seem made for each oth- er," said every one ; and so thought the happy lovers themselves. Love, which with persons of strong charac- ter is always an earnest and sobering princi- ple, hid made them thoughtful and consider- 116 LET EVERY MAN ate, and as they looked forward to future life, and talked of the days before them, their plans and ideas were as rational as any plans can be, when formed entirely with reference to this life, without any regard to another. For a while their absorbing attachment to each other tended to withdraw them from the temptations and allurements of company, and many a long winter evening passed delightfully in the elegant quietude of home, as they read, and sang, and talked of the past, and dreamed of the future in each other's society. But, con- tradictory as it may appear to the theory of the sentimentalist, it is nevertheless a fact, that two persons cannot always find sufficient excitement in talking to each other merely ; and this is especially true of those to w*hom high excitement has been a necessary of life. After a while, the young couple, though loving each other none the less, began to respond to the many calls which invited them again into society, and the pride they felt in each other added zest to the pleasures of their return. As the gaze of admiration followed the grace- ful motions of the beautiful wife, and the whis- pered tribute went round the circle whenever she entered, Edward felt a pride beyond all that flattery, addressed to himself, had ever excited : MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 117 and Augusta, when told of the convivial talents and powers of entertainment which distinguish- ed her husband, could not resist the temptation of urging him into society even oftener than his own wishes would have led him. Alas ! neither of them knew the perils of constant excitement, nor supposed that, in thus alienating themselves from the pure and sim- ple pleasures of home, they were risking their whole capital of happiness. It is in indulging the first desire for extra stimulus that the first and deepest danger to domestic peace lies. Let that stimulus be either bodily or mental, its ef- fects are alike to be dreaded. The man or the woman to whom habitual ex- citement of any kind has become essential, has taken the first step towards ruin. In the case of a woman, it leads to discontent, fretfulness, and dissatisfaction with the quiet duties of do- mestic life 5 in the case of a man, it leads al- most invariably to animal stimulus, ruinous alike to the powers of body and mind. Augusta, fondly trusting to the virtue of her husband, saw no danger in the constant round of engagements which were gradually drawing his attention from the graver cares of business, from the pursuit of self-improvement, and from the love of herself. Already there was in her 118 LET EVERY MAN horizon the cloud " as big as a man's hand" the precursor of future darkness and tempest ; but, too confident and buoyant, she saw it not. It was not until the cares and duties of a mother began to confine her at home, that she first felt, with a startling sensation of fear, that there was an alteration in her husband, though even then the change was so shadowy and in- definite that it could not be defined by words. It was known by that quick, prophetic sense, which reveals to the heart of woman the first variation in the pulse of affection, though it be so slight that no other touch can detect it. Edward was still fond, affectionate, admiring j and when he tendered her all the little atten- tions demanded by her situation, or caressed and praised his beautiful son, she felt satisfied and happy. But when she saw that, even with- out her, the convivial circle had its attractions, and that he could leave her to join it, she sighed, she scarce knew why. " Surely," she said, " I am not so selfish as to wish to rob him of pleasure because I cannot enjoy it with him. But yet, once he told me there was no pleasure where I was not. Alas ! is it true, what I have so often heard, that such feelings cannot always last 1" Poor Augusta ! she knew not how deep rea- MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 119 son she had to fear. She saw not the tempta- tions that surrounded her husband in the cir- cles where, to all the stimulus of wit and intel- lect was often added the zest of wine, used far too freely for safety. Already had Edward become familiar with a degree of physical excitement which touches the very verge of intoxication j yet, strong in self-confidence, and deluded by the customs of society, he dreamed not of danger. The trav- eller who has passed above the rapids of Niag- ara may have noticed the spot where the first white sparkling ripple announces the downward tendency of the waters. All here is brilliancy and beauty ; and as the waters ripple and dance in the sunbeam, they seem only as if inspired by a spirit of new life, and not as hastening to a dreadful fall. So the first approach to intem- perance, that ruins both body and soul, seems only like the buoyancy and exulting freshness of a new life, and the unconscious voyager feels his bark undulating with a thrill of de- light, ignorant of the inexorable hurry, the tre- mendous sweep, with which the laughing wa- ters urge him on beyond the reach of hope or recovery. It was at this period in the life of Edward that one judicious and manly friend, who 120 LET EVERY MAN would have had the courage to point out to him the danger that every one else perceived, might have saved him. But among the circle of his acquaintances there was none such. " Let every man mind his own business" was their universal maxim. True, heads were gravely shaken, and Mr. A. regretted to Mr. B. that so promising a young man seemed about to ruin himself. But one was " no rela- tion" of Edward's, and the other " felt a delica- cy in speaking on such a subject," and there- fore, according to a very ancient precedent, they "passed by on the other side." Yet it was at Mr. A.'s sideboard, always sparkling with the choicest wine, that he had felt the first excitement of extra stimulus ; it was at Mr. B.'s house that the convivial club began to hold their meetings, which, after a time, found a more appropriate place in a public hotel. It is thus that the sober, the regular, and the dis- creet, whose constitution saves them from lia- bilities to excess, will accompany the ardent and excitable to the very verge of danger, and then wonder at their want of self-control. It was a cold winter evening, and the wind whistled drearily around the closed shutters of the parlour in which Augusta was sitting. Everything around her bore the marks of ele- gance and comfort. MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 121 Splendid books and engravings lay about in every direction. Vases of rare and costly flow- ers exhaled perfume, and magnificent mirrors multiplied every object. All spoke of luxury and repose, save the anxious and sad counte- nance of its mistress. It was late, and she had watched anxiously for her husband for many long hours. She drew out her gold and diamond repeater, and looked at it. It was long past midnight. She sighed as she remembered the pleasant even- ings they had passed together, as her eye fell on the books they had read together, and on her piano and harp, now silent, and thought of all he had said and looked in those days when each was all to the other. She was aroused from this melancholy rev- ery by a loud knocking at the street door. She hastened to open it, but started back at the sight it disclosed her husband borne by four men. " Dead ! is he dead 1" she screamed, in ag- ony. " No, ma'am," said one of the men, " but he might as well be dead as in such a fix as this." The whole truth, in all its degradation, flashed on the mind of Augusta. Without a question or comment, she motioned to the sofa in the L 122 LET EVERY MAN parlour, and her husband was laid there. She locked the street door, and when the last re- treating footstep had died away, she turned to the sofa, and stood gazing in fixed and almost stupified silence on the face of her senseless husband. At once she realized the whole of her fearful lot. She saw before her the blight of her own affections, the ruin of her helpless children, the disgrace and misery of her husband. She look- ed around her in helpless despair, for she well knew the power of the vice whose deadly seal was set upon her husband. As one who is struggling and sinking in the waters casts a last dizzy glance at the green sunny banks and dis- tant trees which seem sliding from his view, so did all the scenes of her happy days pass in a moment before her, and she groaned aloud in bitterness of spirit. " Great God ! help me help me !" she prayed. " Save him oh, save my husband !" Augusta was a woman of no common energy of spirit, and when the first wild burst of an- guish was over, she resolved not to be wanting to her husband and children in a crisis so dread- ful. " When he wakes," she mentally exclaimed, " I will warn and implore j I will pour out my MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 123 whole soul to save him. My poor husband, you have been misled betrayed. But you are too good too generous too noble to be sacrificed without a struggle." It was late the next morning before the stu- por in which Edward was plunged began to pass off. He slowly opened his eyes, started up wildly, gazed hurriedly around the room, till his eye met the fixed and sorrowful gaze of his wife. The past instantly flashed upon him, and a deep flush passed over his countenance. There was a dead, a solemn silence, until Au- gusta, yielding to her agony, threw herself into his arms, and wept. " Then you do not hate me, Augusta V said he, sorrowfully. " Hate you never ! but oh, Edward Ed- ward, what has beguiled you V "My wife you once promised to be my guardian in virtue such you are, and will be. Oh, Augusta! you have looked on what you shall never see again never never so help me God!" said he, looking up with solemn earnestness. And Augusta, as she gazed on the noble face, the ardent expression of sincerity and remorse, could not doubt that her husband was saved. But Edward's plan of reformation had one grand 124 LET EVERY MAN defect. It was merely modification and re- trenchment, and not entire abandonment. He could not feel it necessary to cut himself off entirely from the scenes and associations where temptation had met him. He considered not that, when the temperate flow of the blood and the even balance of the nerves have once been destroyed, there is, ever after, a double and fourfold liability, which often makes a man the sport of the first untoward chance. He still contrived to stimulate sufficiently to prevent the return of a calm and healthy state of the mind and body, and to make constant self-control and watchfulness necessary. It is a great mistake to call nothing intem- perance but that degree of physical excitement which completely overthrows the mental pow- ers. There is a state of nervous excitability, resulting from what is often called moderate stimulation, which often long precedes this, and is, in regard to it, like the premonitory warn- ings of the fatal cholera, an unsuspected draught on the vital powers, from which, at any moment, they may sink into irremediable collapse. It is in this state, often, that the spirit of gam- bling or of wild speculation is induced by the morbid cravings of an over-stimulated system. Unsatisfied with the healthy and regular routine MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 125 of business, and the laws of gradual and solid prosperity, the excited and unsteady imagina- tion leads its subjects to daring risks, with the alternative of unbounded gain on the one side, or of utter ruin on the other. And when, as is too often the case, that ruin comes, unrestrain- ed and desperate intemperance is the wretched resort to allay the ravings of disappointment and despair. Such was the case with Edward. He had lost his interest in his regular business, and he embarked the bulk of his property in a brilliant scheme then in vogue ; and when he found a crisis coming, threatening ruin and beggary, he had recourse to the fatal stimulus, which, alas ! he had never wholly abandoned. At this time he spent some months in a dis- tant city, separated from his wife and family, while the insidious power of temptation daily increased, as he kept up, by artificial stimulus, the flagging vigour of his mind and nervous system. It came at last the blow which shattered alike his brilliant dreams and his real pros- perity. The large fortune brought by his wife vanished in a moment, so that scarcely a pit- tance remained in his hands. From the distant city where he had been to superintend his L 2 126 LET EVERY MAN schemes, he thus wrote to his too confiding wife : " Augusta, all is over ! expect no more from your husband believe no more of his promises for he is lost to you and to him. Augusta, our property is gone ; your property, which I have blindly risked, is all swallowed up. But is that the worst 1 No, no, Augusta, I am lost lost, body and soul, and as irretrievably as the perishing riches I have squandered. Once I had energy health nerve resolution ; but all are gone : yes, yes, I have yielded I do yield daily to what is at once my tormentor and my temporary refuge from intolerable misery. You remember the sad hour you first knew your husband was a drunkard. Your look on that morning of misery shall I ever forget it ! Yet, blind and confiding as you were, how soon did your ill-judged confidence in me return. Vain hopes ! I was even then past re- covery even then sealed over to blackness of darkness forever. " Alas ! my wife, my peerless wife, why am I your husband 1 why the father of such children as you have given me 1 Is there nothing in your unequalled loveliness nothing in the in- nocence of our helpless babes, that is powerful enough to recall me \ no, there is not. MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 127 " Augusta, you know not the dreadful gnaw- ing, the intolerable agony of this master pas- sion. I walk the floor I think of my own dear home, my high hopes, my proud expectations, my children, my treasured wife, my own im- mortal spirit I feel that I am sacrificing all feel it till I am withered with agony j but the hour comes the burning hour, and all is in vain. I shall return to you no more, Augusta. All the little wreck I have saved, I send : you have friends, relatives above all, you have an energy of mind, a capacity of resolute action, beyond that of ordinary women, and you shall never be bound the living to the dead. True, you will suffer, thus to burst the bonds that unite us ; but be resolute, for you will suffer more to watch from day to day the slow work- ings of death and ruin in your husband. Would you stay with me, to see every vestige of what you once loved passing away ; to endure the caprice, the moroseness, the delirious anger of one no longer master of himself? Would you make your children victims and fellow-sufferers with you 1 No ! dark and dreadful is my path ! I will walk it alone : no one shall go with me. " In some peaceful retirement you may con- centrate your strong feelings upon your chil* dren, and bring them up to fill a place in your 128 LET EVERY MAN heart which a worthless husband has abandoned. If I leave you now, you will remember me as I have been you will love me and weep for me when dead ; but if you stay with me, your love will be worn out ; I shall become the object of disgust and loathing. Therefore farewell, my wife my first, best love, farewell ! with you I part with hope, 1 And, with hope, farewell fear, Farewell remdrse : all good to me is lost: Evil, be thou my good.' This is a wild strain, but fit for me : do not seek for me, do not write : nothing can save me." Thus abruptly began and ended the letter that conveyed to Augusta the death -doom of her hopes. There are moments of agony when the most worldly heart is pressed upward to God, even as a weight will force upward the reluctant water. Augusta had been a generous, a high- minded, an affectionate woman, but she had lived entirely for this world. Her chief good had been her husband and her children. These had been her pride, her reliance, her depend- ance. Strong in her own resources, she had never felt the need of looking to a higher power for assistance and happiness- But when this let- ter fell from her trembling hand, her heart died within her at its wild and reckless bitterness. MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 129 In her desperation she looked up to God. " What have I to live for now 1" was the first feeling of her heart. But she repressed this inquiry of selfish agony, and besought Almighty assistance to nerve her weakness ; and here first began that practical acquaintance with the truths and hopes of reli- gion which changed her whole character. The possibility of blind, confiding idolatry of any earthly object was swept away by- the fall of her husband, and with the full energy of a decided and desolate spirit, she threw herself on the protection of an Almighty helper. She followed her husband to the city whither he had gone, found him, and vainly attempted to save. There were the usual alternations of short- lived reformations, exciting hopes only to be destroyed. There was the gradual sinking of the body, the decay of moral feeling and prin- ciple the slow but sure approach of disgusting animalism, which marks the progress of the drunkard. It was some years after that a small and partly ruinous tenement in the outskirts of A received a new family. The group con- sisted of four children, whose wan and wistful countenances, and still, unchildlike deportment, 130 LET EVERY MAN testified an early acquaintance with want and sorrow. There was the mother, faded and care- worn, whose dark and melancholy eyes, pale cheeks and compressed lips, told of years of anxiety and endurance. There was the father, with haggard face, unsteady step, and that cal- lous, reckless air, that betrayed long familiarity with degradation and crime. Who that had seen Edward Howard in the morning and fresh- ness of his days, could have recognised him in this miserable husband and father ; or who, in this worn and wo-stricken woman, would have known the beautiful, brilliant, and accomplished Augusta 1 Yet such changes are not fancy, as many a bitter and broken heart can testify. Augusta had followed her guilty husband through many a change and many a weary wan- dering. All hope of reformation had gradually faded away. Her own eyes had seen, her ears had heard, all those disgusting details, too re- volting to be portrayed ; for in drunkenness there is no royal road no salvo for greatness of mind, refinement of taste, or tenderness of feeling. All alike are merged in the corruption of a moral death. The traveller, who met Edward reeling by the roadside, was sometimes startled to hear the fragments of classical lore, or wild bursts MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 131 of half-remembered poetry, mixing strangely with the imbecile merriment of intoxication. But when he stopped to gaze, there was no far- ther mark on his face or in his eye by which he could be distinguished from the loathsome and lowest drunkard. Augusta had come with her husband to a city where they were wholly unknown, that she might at least escape the degradation of their lot in the presence of those who had known them in better days. The long and dreadful struggle that annihilated the hopes of this life, had raised her feelings to rest upon the next, and the habit of communion with God, induced by sorrows which nothing else could console, had given a tender dignity to her character such as nothing else could bestow. It is true, she deeply loved her children, but it was with a holy, chastened love, such as in- spired the sentiment once breathed by Him " who was made perfect through sufferings." " For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also may be sanctified." Poverty, deep poverty, had followed their steps, but yet she had not fainted. Talents which in her happier days had been nourished merely as luxuries, were now stretched to the utmost to furnish a support; while from the 132 LET EVERY MAN resources of her own reading she drew that which laid the foundation for early mental cul- ture in her children. Augusta had been here but a few weeks be- fore her footsteps were traced by her only brother, who had lately discovered her situa- tion, and urged her to forsake her unworthy husband and find refuge with him. " Augusta, my sister, I have found you !" he exclaimed, as he suddenly entered one day, while she was busied with the work of her family. " Henry, my dear brother !" There was a momentary illumination of countenance accom- panying these words, which soon faded into a mournful quietness as she cast her eyes around on the scanty accommodations and mean apart- ment. " I see how it is, Augusta ; step by step, you are sinking dragged down by a vain sense of duty to one no longer worthy. I cannot bear it any longer ; I have come to take you away." Augusta turned from him, and looked ab- stractedly out of the window. Her features settled in thought. Their expression gradually- deepened from their usual tone of mild, resign- ed sorrow to one of keen anguish. "Henry," said she, turning towards him,"nev MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 133 er was mortal woman so blessed in another as I once was in him. How can I forget it 1 Who knew him in those days that did not admire and love him 1 They tempted and ensnared him j and even I urged him into the path of danger. He fell, and there was none to help. I urged reformation, and he again and again promised, resolved, and began. But again they tempted him even his very best friends; yes, and that, too, when they knew his danger. They led him on as far as it was safe for them to go, and when the sweep of his more excitable tem- perament took him past the point of safety and decency, they stood by and coolly wondered and lamented. How often was he led on by such heartless friends to humiliating falls, and then driven to desperation by the cold look, averted faces, and cruel sneers of those whose medium temperament and cooler blood saved them from the snares which they saw were en- slaving him. What if / had forsaken him then 1 What account should I have rendered to God t. Every time a friend has been alienated by his comrades, it has seemed to seal him with an- other seal. I am his wife and mine will be the last. Henry, when I leave him, I know his eternal ruin is sealed. I cannot do it now; a little longer a little longer; the hour, I see, M 134 LET EVERY MAN must come. I know my duty to my children forbids me to keep them here j take them they are my last earthly comforts, Henry but you must take them away. It may be God perhaps it must be, that I shall soon follow j but ot till I have tried once more. What is this present life to one who has suffered as I have 1 Nothing. But eternity ! Oh, Henry ! eternity how can I abandon him to everlasting despair! Under the breaking of my heart I have borne up. I have borne up under all that can try a woman j but this thought " She stopped, and seemed struggling with herself j but at last, borne down, by a tide of agony, she leaned her head on her hands; the tears streamed through her fingers, and her whole frame shook with convulsive sobs. Her brother wept with her ; nor dared he again to touch the point so solemnly guarded. The next day Augusta parted from her children, hoping something from feelings that, possibly, might be stirred by their absence in the bosom of their father. It was about a week after this that Augusta one evening presented herself at the door of a rich Mr. L , whose princely mansion was one of the ornaments of the city of A . It was not till she reached the sumptuous drawing- MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 135 room that she recognised in Mr. L one whom she and her husband had frequently met in the gay circles of their early life. Altered as she was, Mr. L did not recognise her, but compassionately handed her a chair, and re- quested her to wait the return of his lady, who was out ; and then turning, he resumed his con- versation with another gentleman. " Now, Dallas," said he, " you are altogether excessive and intemperate in this matter. So- ciety is not to be reformed by every man di- recting his efforts towards his neighbour, but by every man taking care of himself. It is you and I, my dear sir, who must begin with our- selves, and every other man must do the same ; and then society will be effectually reformed. Now this modern way, by which every man con- siders it his duty to attend to the spiritual mat- ters of his next-door neighbour, is taking the business at the wrong end altogether. It makes a vast deal of appearance, but it does very lit- tle good." " But suppose your neighbour feels no dispo- sition to attend to his own improvement what thenl" " Why, then it is his own concern,, and not mine. What my Maker requires is, that I do my duty, and not fret about my neighbour's." 136 LET EVERY MAN " But, my friend, that is the very question. What is the duty your Maker requires 1 Does it not include some regard to your neighbour, some care and thought for his interest and im- provement 1" " Well, well, I do that by setting a good ex- ample. I do not mean by example what you do that is, that I am to stop drinking wine be- cause it may lead him to drink brandy, any more than that I must stop eating because he may eat too much and become a dyspeptic but that I am to use my wine, and everything else, tem- perately and decently, and thus set him a good example." The conversation was here interrupted by the return of Mrs. L . It recalled, in all its freshness, to the mind of Augusta the days when both she and her husband had thus spo- ken and thought. Ah, how did these sentiments appear to her now, lonely, helpless, forlorn the wife of a ru- ined husband the mother of more than orphan, children. How different from what they seem- ed, when, secure in ease, in wealth, in gratified affections, she thoughtlessly echoed the com- mon phraseology, " Why must people concern themselves so much in their neighbours' affairs 1 Let every man mind his own business." MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 137 Augusta received in silence from Mrs. L the fine sewing for which she came, and left the room. " Ellen," said Mr. L to his wife, " that poor woman must be in trouble of some kind or other. You must go some time, and see if anything can be done for her." "How singular !" said Mrs. L j " she re- minds me all the time of Augusta Howard. You remember her, my dearl" " Yes, poor thing ! and her husband too. That was a shocking affair of Edward How- ard's. I hear that he became an intemperate, worthless fellow. Who could have thought it !" " But you recollect, my dear," said Mrs. L , " I predicted it six months before it was talked of. You remember, at the wine- party which you gave after Mary's wedding, he was so excited that he was hardly decent. I mentioned then that he was getting into dan- gerous ways. But he was such an excitable creature, that two or three glasses would put him quite beside himself. And there is George Eldon, who takes off his ten or twelve glasses, and no one suspects it." "Well, it was a great pity," replied Mr. L ; " Howard was worth a dozen George Eldons." M2 138 LET EVERY MAN " Do you suppose," said Dallas, who had lis- tened thus far in silence, " that if he had moved in a circle where it was the universal custom to banish all stimulating drinks, he would thus have fallen V " I cannot say," said Mr. L ; " perhaps not." Mr. Dallas was a gentleman of fortune and leisure, and of an ardent and enthusiastic tem- perament. Whatever engaged him absorbed his whole soul j and of late years, his mind had become deeply engaged in schemes of phil- anthropy for the improvement of his fellow- men. He had, in his benevolent ministrations, often passed the dwelling of Edward, and was deeply interested in the pale and patient wife and mother. He made acquaintance with her through the aid of her children, and, in one way and another, learned particulars of their history that awakened the deepest interest and concern. None but a mind as sanguine as his would have dreamed of attempting to remedy such hope- less misery by the reformation of him who was its cause. But such a plan had actually oc- curred to him. The remarks of Mr. and Mrs. L recalled the idea, and he soon found that his projected protegee was the very Edward Howard whose early history was thus disclo- MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 139 sed. He learned all the minutiae from these his early associates without disclosing his aim, and left them still more resolved upon his benevo- lent plan. He watched his opportunity when Edward was free from the influence of stimulus, and it was just after the loss of his children had call- ed forth some remains of his better nature. Gradually and kindly he tried to touch the springs of his mind, and awaken some of its buried sensibilities. " It is in vain, Mr. Dallas, to talk thus to me," said Edward, when one day, with the strong eloquence of excited feeling, he painted the mo- tives for attempting reformation j "you might as well try to reclaim the lost in hell. Do you think," he continued, in a wild, determined manner, " do you think I do not know all you can tell me 1 I have it all by heart, sir ; no one can preach such discourses as I can on this sub- ject : I know all believe all as the devils be- lieve and tremble." " Ay, but," said Dallas, " to you there is hope ; you are not to ruin yourself forever." " And who the devil are you, to speak to me in this way 1" said Edward, looking up from his sullen despair with a gleam of curiosity, if not of hope. 140 LET EVERY MAN " God's messenger to you, Edward Howard," said Dallas, fixing his keen eye upon him sol- emnlyj "to you, Edward Howard, who hav thrown away talents, hope, find health who have blasted the heart of your wife, and beg- gared your suffering children. To you I am the messenger of your God by me he offers health, and hope, and self-respect, and the re- gard of your fellow-men. You may heal the broken heart of your wife, and give back a fa- ther to your helpless children. Think of it, Howard : what if it were possible 1 only sup- pose it. What would it be again to feel your- self a man, beloved and respected as you once were, with a happy home, a cheerful wife, and smiling little ones'? Think how you could re- pay your poor wife for all her tears ! What hinders you from gaining all this 1" " Just what hindered the rich man in hell * between us there is a great gulf fixed ;' it lies between me and all that is good ; my wife, my children, my hope of heaven, are all on the oth- er side." " Ay, but this gulf can be passed : Howard, what would you give to be a temperate man 1" "What would I give 1" said Howard he thought for a moment, and burst into tears. "Ah, I see how it is," said Dallas; "you need a friend, and God has sent you one." MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 141 " What can you do for me, Mr. Dallas V' said Edward, in a tone of wonder at the confidence of his assurances. " I will tell you what I can do : I can take you to my house, and give you a room, and watch over you until the strongest temptations are past I can give you business again. I can do all for you that needs to be done, if you will give yourself to my care." " Oh God of mercy !" exclaimed the unhappy man, " is there hope for me 1 I cannot believe it possible j but take me where you choose I will follow and obey." A few hours witnessed the transfer of the lost husband to one of the retired aparfments in the elegant mansion of Dallas, where he found his anxious and grateful wife still station- ed as his watchful guardian. Medical treatment, healthful exercise, useful employment, simple food, and pure water, were connected with a personal supervision by Dal- las, which, while gently and politely sustained, at first amounted to actual imprisonment. For a time the reaction from the sudden sus- pension of habitual stimulus was dreadful, and even with tears did the unhappy man entreat to be permitted to abandon the undertaking. But the resolute steadiness of Dallas and the 142 LET EVERY MAN tender entreaties of his wife prevailed. It is true that he might be said to be saved " so as by fire j" for a fever, and a long and fierce de- lirium, wasted him almost to the borders of the grave. But, at length, the struggle between life and death was over, and though it left him stretched on the bed of sickness, emaciated and weak, yet he was restored to his right mind, and was conscious of returning health. Let any one who has laid a friend in the grave, and known what it is to have the heart fail with longing for them day by day, imagine the dreamy and unreal joy of Augusta when she began again to see in Edward the husband so long lost to her. It was as if the grave had given back the dead ! " Augusta !" said he, faintly, as, after a long and quiet sleep, he awoke free from delirium. She bent over him. "Augusta, I am redeem- ed I ,am saved I feel in myself that I am made whole." The high heart of Augusta melted at these words. She trembled and wept. Her husband wept also, and after a pause he continued: " It is more than being restored to this life I feel that it is the beginning of eternal life. It is the Saviour who sought me out, and I know that he is able to keep me from falling." MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 143 But we will draw a veil over a scene which words have little power to paint. "Pray, Dallas," said Mr. L , one day, " who is that fine-looking young man whom I met in your office this morning 1 I thought his face seemed familiar." " It is a Mr. Howard a young lawyer whom I have lately taken into business with me." " Strange ! Impossible !" said Mr. L . " Surely this cannot be the Howard that I once knew 1" " I believe he is," said Mr. Dallas. " Why, I thought he was gone dead and done over, long ago, with intemperance." " He was so j few have ever sunk lower j but lie now promises even to outdo all that was hoped of him." " Strange ! Why, Dallas, what did bring about this change 1" " I feel a delicacy in mentioning how it came about, to you, Mr, L , as there undoubted- ly was a great deal of ' interference with other men's matters' in the business. In short, the young man fell in the way of one of those meddlesome fellows, who go prowling about, distributing tracts, forming temperance socie- ties, and all that sort of stuff." " Come, come, Dallas," said Mr. L , smi- ling, " I must hear the story, for all that." 144 LET EVERY MAN " First call with me at this house," said Dal- las, stopping before the door of a neat little mansion. They were soon in the parlour. The first sight that met their eyes was Edward Howard, who, with a cheek glowing with ex- ercise, was tossing aloft a blooming boy, while Augusta was watching his motions, her face radiant with smiles. " Mr. and Mrs. Howard, this is Mr. L , an old acquaintance, I believe." There was a moment of mutual embarrass- ment and surprise, soon dispelled, however, by the frank cordiality of Edward. Mr. L sat down, but could scarce withdraw his eyes from the countenance of Augusta, in whose eloquent face he recognised a beauty of a higher cast than even in her earlier days. He glanced about the apartment. It was simply, but tastefully furnished, and wore 'an air of retired, domestic comfort. There were books, engravings, and musical instruments. Above all, there were four happy, healthy look- ing children, pursuing studies or sports at the farther end of the room. After a short call they regained the street. " Dallas, you are a happy man," said Mr. L j " that family will be a mine of jewels to you." MIND HIS OWN BUSINESS. 145 He was right. Every soul saved from pollu- tion and ruin is a jewel to him that reclaims it, whose lustre only eternity can disclose ; and therefore it is written, " They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness, as the stars forever and ever." N COUSIN WILLIAM. IN a stately red house, in one of the villages of New-England, lived the heroine of our story. She had every advantage of rank and wealth, for her father was a deacon of the church, anil owned sheep, and oxen, and exceeding much substance. There was an appearance of respect- ability and opulence about all the demesnes. The house stood almost concealed amid a forest of apple-trees, in spring blushing with blossoms, and in autumn golden with fruit ; and near by might be seen the garden, surrounded by a red picket-fence, enclosing all sorts of magnifi- cence. There, in autumn, might be seen abun- dant squash-vines, which seemed puzzled for room where to bestow themselves, and bright golden squashes, and full-orbed yellow pump- kins, looking as satisfied as the evening sun when he has just had his face washed in a shower, and is sinking soberly to bed. There were superannuated seed-cucumbers, enjoying the pleasures of a contemplative old age ; and COUSIN WILLIAM. 155 " Mary, I guess you had better be rather less free with William than you have been." " Free !" said Mary, starting and nearly drop- ping the cup from her hand j "why, aunt, what do you mean V " Why, Mary, you must not always be, around, so free in talking with him, at home, and in company, and everywhere. It won't do." The colour started into Mary's cheek, and mounted even to her forehead, as she answered with a dignified air, " I have not been too free I know what is right and proper I have not been doing any- thing that was improper." Now, when one is going to give advice, it is very troublesome to have its necessity thus called in question, and Mrs. Abigail, who was fond of her own opinion, felt called upon to de- fend it. " Why, yes you have, Mary ; everybody in the village notices it." " I don't care what everybody in the village says I shall always do what I think proper," retorted the young lady j " I know cousin Wil- liam does not think so." " Well, / think he does from some things I have heard him say." " Oh, aunt ! what have you heard him say 1" 156 COUSIN WILLIAM, said Mary, nearly upsetting a chair in the ea- gerness with which she turned to her aunt. "Mercy on us ! you need not knock the house down, Mary ; I don't remember exactly about it, only that his way of speaking made me think so." " Oh, aunt, do tell me what it was, and all about it," said Mary, following her aunt, who went around dusting the furniture. Mrs. Abigail, like most obstinate people, who feel that they have gone too far, and yet are ashamed to go back, took refuge in an obstinate generalization, and only asserted that she had heard him say things, as if he did not quite like her ways. This is the most consoling of all methods m which to leave a matter of this kind for a per- son of active imagination. Of course, in five minutes, Mary had settled in her mind a string of remarks that would have been suited to any of her village companions, as coming from her cousin. All the improbability of the thing van- ished in the absorbing consideration of its pos- sibility ; and, after a moment's reflection, she pressed her lips together in a very firm way, and remarked that "Mr. Barton would have no occasion to say such things again." It was very evident, from her heightened col- COUSIN WILLIAM. 157 our and dignified air, that her state of mind was very heroical. As for poor Aunt Abigail, she felt sorry she had vexed her, and addressed herself most earnestly to her consolation, re- marking, " Mary, I don't suppose William meant anything. He knows you don't mean anything wrong." " Don't mean anything wrong 1" said Maryj indignantly. " Why, child, he thinks you don't know much about folks and things, and if you have been a little " "But I have not been. It was he that talk- ed with me first \ it was he that did every* thing first j he called me cousin and he is my cousin." " No, child, you are mistaken $ for you re- member his grandfather was " " I don't care who his grandfather was j he has no right to think of me as he does." " Now, Mary, don't go to quarrelling with him j he can't help his thoughts, you know." "I don't care what he thinks," said Mary, flinging out of the room with tears in her eyes. Now when a young lady is in such a state of affliction, the first thing to be done is to sit down nndl cry for two hours or more, which 158 COUSIN WILLIAM. Mary accomplished in the most thorough man- ner j in the mean while making many reflec- tions on the instability of human friendships, and resolving never to trust any one again as long as she lived, and thinking that this was a cold and hollow-hearted world, together with many other things she had read in books, but never realized so forcibly as at present. But what was to be done 1 Of course, she did not wish to speak a word to William again, and wished he did not board there j and, finally, she put on her bonnet, and determined to go over to her other aunt's in the neighbourhood, and spend the day, so that she might not see him at dinner. But it so happened that Mr. William, on com- ing home to dinner, found himself unaccount- ably lonesome during school recess for dinner, and hearing where Mary was, determined to call after school at night at her aunt's, and at- tend her home. Accordingly, in the afternoon, as Mary was sitting in the parlour with two or three cous- ins, Mr. William entered. Mary was so anxious to look just as if no- thing was the matter, that she turned away her head and began to look out of the window just as the young gentleman came up to speak to COUSIN WILLIAM. 159 her. So, after he had twice inquired after her health, she drew up very coolly and said, " Did you speak to me, sir 1" William looked a little surprised at first, but seating himself by her, " To be sure," said he ; " and I came to know why you ran away with- out leaving any message for me V " It did not occur to me," said Mary, in the dry tone which, in a lady, means " I will excuse you from any farther conversation, if you please." William felt as if there was something different from common in all this, but thought that perhaps he was mistaken, and so contin- ued : " What a pity, now, that you should be so careless of me, when I was so thoughtful of you ! I have come all this distance to see how you do." " I am sorry to have given you the trouble," said Mary. " Cousin, are you unwell to-day !" said Wil- liam. " No, sir," said Mary, going on with her sew- ing. There was something so marked and decisive in all this, that William could scarcely believe his ears. He turned away, and commenced a conversation with a young lady j and Mary, to 160 COUSIN WILLIAM. show that she could talk if' she chose, commen- ced relating a story to her cousins, and present- ly they were all in a loud laugh. " Mary has been full of her knick-knacks to- day," said her old uncle, joining them. William looked at her : she never seemed brighter or in better spirits, and he began to think that even Cousin Mary might puzzle a man sometimes. He turned away, and began a conversation with old Mr. Zacary Coan on the raising of buckwheat, a subject which evidently required profound thought, for he never looked more grave, not to say melancholy. Mary glanced that way, and was struck with the sad and almost severe expression with which he was listening to the details of Mr. Zacary, and was convinced that he was no more thinking of buckwheat than she was. " I never thought of hurting his feelings so much," said she, relenting ; " after all, he has been very kind to me. But he might have told me about it, and not somebody else." And hereupon she cast another glance towards him. William was not talking, but sat with his eyes fixed on the snuffer-tray, with an intense gravity of gaze that quite troubled her, and she could not help again blaming herself. COUSIN WILLIAM. 161 " To be sure ! Aunt was right ; he could not help his thoughts. I will try to forget it," thought she. Now you must not think Mary was sitting still and gazing during this soliloquy. No, she was talking and laughing, apparently the most unconcerned spectator in the room. So passed the evening till the little company broke up. " I am ready to attend you home," said Wil- liam, in a tone of cold and almost haughty def- erence. " I am obliged to you," said the young lady, in a similar tone, " but I shall stay all night ; then, suddenly changing her tone, she said, " No, I cannot keep it up any longer. I will go home with you, Cousin William." " Keep up what V said William, with sur- prise. Mary was gone for her bonnet. She came out, took his arm, and walked on a little way. " You have advised me always to be frank, cousin," said Mary, " and I must and will be j so I shall tell you all, though I dare say it is not according to rule." All what 1" said William. " Cousin," said she, not at all regarding what he said, "I was very much vexed this after noon." 02 162 COUSIN WILLIAM. " So I perceived, Mary." " Well, it is vexatious," she continued, " though, after all, we cannot expect people to think us perfect ; but I did not think it quite fair in you not to tell me." 11 Tell you what, Mary V Here they came to a place where the road turned through a small patch of woods. It was green and shady, and enlivened by a lively chatterbox of a brook. There was a mossy trunk of a tree that had fallen beside it, and made a pretty seat. The moonlight lay in lit- tle patches upon it, as it streamed down through the branches of the trees. It was a fairy-look- ing place, and Mary stopped and sat down, as if to collect her thoughts. After picking up a stick, and playing a moment in the water, she began : " After all, cousin, it was very natural in you to say so, if you thought so ; though I should not have supposed you would think so." " "Well, I should be glad if I could know what it is," said William, in a tone of patient resignation. " Oh, I forgot that I had not told you," said she, pushing back her hat, and speaking like one determined to go through with the thing. " Why, cousin, I have been told that you spoke I COUSIN WILLIAM. 163 of my manners towards yourself as being freer more obtrusive than they should be. And now," said she, her eyes flashing, " you see it was not a very easy thing to tell you, but I began with being frank, and I will be so, for the sake of satisfying myself" To this William simply replied, " Who told you this, Mary 1" " My aunt." " Did she say I said it to her 1" " Yes ; and I do not so much object to your saying it as to your thinking it, for you know I did not force myself on your notice ; it was you who sought my acquaintance and won my con- fidence ; and that you, above all others, should think of me in this way !" " I never did think so, Mary," said William, quietly. " Nor ever said so 1" " Never. I should think you might have known it, Mary." " But " said Mary. " But," said William, firmly, " Aunt Abigail is certainly mistaken." " Well, I am glad of it," said Mary, looking relieved, and gazing in the brook. Then look- ing up with warmth, " and, cousin, you never must think so. I am ardent, and I express my- 164 COUSIN WILLIAM. self freely; but I never meant, I am sure 1 never should mean, anything more than a sister might say." " And are you sure you never could, if all my happiness depended on it, Mary V' She turned and looked up in his face, and saw a look that brought conviction. She rose to go on, and her hand was taken and drawn into the arm of her cousin, and that was the end of the first and the last difficulty that ever arose between them. UNCLE TIM. . AND so I am to write a story but of what and where ? Shall it be radiant with the sky of Italy, or eloquent with the beau ideal of Greece ? Shall it breathe odour and languor from the orient, or chivalry from the Occident ? or gayety from France, or vigour from England ? No, no : these are all too old too romance like too obviously picturesque for me. No : let me turn to my own land my own New-England ; the land of bright fires and strong hearts ; the land of deeds and not of words ; the land of fruits and not of flowers ; the land oft- en spoken against, yet always respected ; " the latchet of whose shoes the nations of the earth are not worthy to unloose." Now, from this very heroic apostrophe, you may suppose that I have something very heroic to tell. By no means. It is merely a little introductory breeze of patriotism, such as occasionally brushes over every mind, bearing on its wings the remem. brance of all we ever loved or cherished in the land of our early years ; and if it should seem to be rhod- omontade to any people on the other side of the 166 UNCLE TIM. mountains, let them only imagine it to be said about " Old Kentuck," or any other corner of the world in which they happened to be born, and they will find it quite rational. But, as touching our story, it is time to begin. Did you ever see the little village of Newbury, in New-England ? I dare say you never did ; for it was just one of those out-of-the-way places where nobody ever came unless they came on purpose : a green little hollow, wedged like a bird's nest be- tween half a dozen high hills, that kept off the wind and kept out foreigners ; so that the little place was as straitly "sui generis" as if there were not another in the world. The inhabitants were all of that respectable old standfast family who make it a point to be born, bred, married, die, and be buried all in the selfsame spot. There were just so many houses, and just so many people lived in them ; and nobody ever seemed to be sick, or to die either at least while I was there. The natives grew old till they could not grow any older, and then they stood still, and lasted from genera- tion to generation. There was, too, an unchange- ability about all the externals of Newbury. Here was a red house, and there was a brown house, and across the way was a yellow house ; and there was a straggling rail fence or a tribe of mullen stalks between. The parson lived here, and Squire UNCLE TIM. 167 Moses lived there, and Deacon Hart lived under the hill, and Messrs. Nadab and Abihu Peters lived by the crossroad, and the old " widder" Smith lived by the meeting-house, and Ebenezer Camp kept a shoemaker's shop on one side, and Patience Mosely kept a milliner's shop in front ; and there was old Comfort Scran, who kept store for the whole town, and sold axe-heads, brass thimbles, liquorice ball, fancy handkerchiefs, and everything else you can think of. Here, too, was the general postoffice, where you might see letters marvel- lously folded, directed wrong side upward, stamped with a thimble, and superscribed to some of the Dollys, or Pollys, or Peters, or Moseses afore- named or not named. For the rest, as to manners, morals, arts, and sciences, the people in Newbury always went to their parties at three o'clock in the afternoon, and came home before dark ; always stopped all work the minute the sun was down on Saturday night ; always went to meeting on Sunday, had a school- house with all the ordinary inconveniences ; were in neighbourly charity with each other ; read their Bibles, feared their God, and were content with such things as they had the best philosophy, after all. Such was the place into which Master James Benton made an irruption in the year eighteen hundred and no matter what. Now this James is 168 UNCLE TIM. to be our hero, and he is just the hero for a sen- sationat least so you would have thought, if you had been in Newbury the week after his arrival. Master James was one of those whole-hearted, ener- getic Yankees, who rise in the world as naturally as cork does in water. He possessed a great share of that characteristic national trait so happily de- nominated " cuteness^ which signifies an ability to do everything without trying, and to know ev- erything without learning, and to make more use of one's ignorance than other people do of their knowledge. This quality in James was mingled with an elasticity of animal spirits, a buoyant cheerfulness of mind, which, though found in the New-England character perhaps as often as any- where else, is not ordinarily regarded as one of its distinguishing traits. As to the personal appearance of our hero, we have not much to say of it 'not half so much ag the girls in Newbury found it necessary to remark, the first Sabbath that he shone out in the meeting- house. There was a saucy frankness of counte- nance, a knowing roguery of eye, a joviality and prankishness of demeanour, that was wonderfully captivating, especially to the ladies. It is true that Master James had an uncommon- ly comfortable opinion of himself, a full faith that there was nothing in creation that he could not UNCLE TIM. 169 learn and could not do ; and this faith was main- tained with an abounding and triumphant joyful- ness, that fairly carried your sympathies along with him, and made you feel quite as much delighted with his qualifications and prospects as he felt him- self. There are two kinds of self-sufficiency ; one is amusing, and the other is provoking. His wag the amusing kind. It seemed, in truth, to be only the buoyancy and overflow of a vivacious mind, delighted with everything that is delightful, in him- self or others. He was always ready to magnify his own praise, but quite as ready to exalt his neighbour, if the channel of discourse ran that way : his own perfections being more complete- ly within his knowledge, he rejoiced in them more constantly ; but, if those of any one else came within the same range, he was quite as much astonished and edified as if they had been his own. Master James, at the time of his transit to the town of Newbury, was only eighteen years of age, so that it was difficult to say which predominated in him most, the boy or the man. The belief that he could, and the determination that he would be something in the world, had caused him to aban- don his home, and, with all his worldly effects tied in a blue cotton pocket-handkerchief, to proceed to seek his fortune in Newbury. And never did stran- P 170 UNCLE TIM. ger in Yankee village rise to promotion with more unparalleled rapidity, or boast a greater plurality of employment. He figured as schoolmaster all the week, and as chorister on Sundays, and taught sing- ing and reading in the evenings, besides studying Latin and Greek with the minister, nobody knew when ; thus fitting for college, while he seemed to be doing everything else in the world besides. James understood every art and craft of popu- larity, and made himself mightily at home in all the chimney corners of the region round about ; knew the geography of everybody's cider-barrel and apple-bin, helping himself and every one else therefrom with all bountifulness ; rejoicing in the good things of this life, devouring the old ladies' doughnuts and pumpkin pies with most flattering appetite, and appearing equally to relish every body and thing that came in his way. The degree and versatility of his acquirements were truly wonderful. He knew all about arithme- tic and history, and all about catching squirrels and planting corn ; made poetry and hoe-handles with equal celerity ; wound yarn and took out grease spots for old ladies, and made nosegays and knick-knacks for young ones; caught trout Saturday afternoons, and discussed doctrines on Sundays, with equal adroitness and effect. In short, Mr. James moved on through the place UNCLE TIM. 171 " Victorious, Hajppy and glorious," welcomed and privileged by everybody in every place ; and when he had told his last ghost-story, and fairly flourished himself out of doors at the close of a long winter's evening, you might see the hard face of the good man of the house still phos- phorescent with his departing radiance, and hear him exclaim, in a paroxysm of admiration, that " Jemeses talk re'ely did beat all that he was sar- tinly most a miraculous cre'tur !" It was wonderfully contrary to the buoyant ac^ 7 tivity of Master James's mind to keep a school. He had, moreover, so much of the boy and the rogue in his composition, that he could not be strict with the iniquities of the curly pates under his charge ; and when he saw how determinately every little heart was boiling over with mischief and motion, he felt in his soul more disposed to join in and help them to a frolic, than to lay justice to the line, as was meet. This would have made a sad case, had it not been that the activity of the master's mind communicated itself to his charge, just as the reaction of one brisk little spring will fill a manufactory with motion ; so that there was more of an impulse towards study in the golden good-natured day of James Benton, than in the time of all that went before or came after him. 172 UNCLE TIM. But, when "school was out," James's spirits foamed over as naturally as a tumbler of soda-vva ter, and he could jump over benches and burst out of doors with as much rapture as the veriest little elf in his company. Then you might have seen him stepping homeward with a most felicitous ex- pression of countenance, occasionally reaching his hand through the fence for a bunch of currants, or over it after a flower, or bursting into some back yard to help an old lady empty her wash-tub, or stopping to pay his devoirs to Aunt This or Mis- tress That for James well knew the importance of the "powers that be," and always kept the sun- ny side of the old ladies. We shall not answer for James's general flirta- tions, which were sundry and manifold ; for he had just the kindly heart that fell in love with every- thing in feminine shape that came in his way, and if he had not been blessed with an equal faculty for falling out again, we do not know what ever would have become of him. But at length he came into an abiding captivity, and it is quite time that he should ; for, having devoted thus much space to the illustration of our hero, it is fit we should do some- thi..g in behalf of our heroine ; and, therefore, we must beg the reader's attention while we draw a diagram or two that will assist him in gaining a right idea of her. UNCLE TIM. 173 Do you see yonder brown house, with its broad roof sloping almost to the ground on one side, and a great, unsupported, sun-bonnet of a piazza shoot- ing out over the front door ? You must often have noticed it ; you have seen its tall well-sweep, re- lieved against the clear evening sky, or observed the feather beds and bolsters lounging out of its chamber-windows on a still summer morning ; you recollect its gate, that swung with a chain and a great stone ; its pantry-window, latticed with little brown slabs, and looking out upon a forest of bean- poles. You remember the zephyrs that used to play among its pea-brush, and shake the long tas- sels of its corn-patch, and how vainly any zephyr might essay to perform similar flirtations with the considerate cabbages that were solemnly vegetating near by. Then there was the whole neighbour- hood of purple-leaved beets and feathery parsnips ; there were the billows of gooseberry bushes rolled up by the fence, interspersed with rows of quince- trees ; and far off in one corner was one little patch penuriously devoted to ornament, which fla- med with marigolds, poppies, snappers, and four- o'clocks. Then there was a little box by itself with one rose geranium in it, which seemed to look around the garden as much like a stranger as a French dancing-master in a Yankee meeting- house. P2 174 UNCLE TIM. That is the dwelling of Uncle Timothy Griswold. Uncle Tim, as he was commonly called, had a character that a painter would sketch for its lights and contrasts rather than its symmetry. He was a chestnut burr, abounding with briers without and with substantial goodness within. He had the strong -grained practical sense, the calculating worldiy wi&dom of his class of people in New-Eng- land : he had, too, a kindly heart, but the whole strata of his character was crossed by a vein of surly petulance, that, half way between joke and earnest, coloured everything that he said and did. If you asked a favour of Uncle Tim, he general, ly kept you arguing half an hour, to prove that you really needed it, and to tell you that he could not all the while be troubled with helping one body or another, all which time you might observe him regularly making his preparations to grant your request, and see, by an odd glimmer of his eye, that he was preparing to let you hear the " conclu- sion of the whole matter," which was, " Well, well I guess I'll go on the hull I 'spose I must, at least ;" so off he would go and work while the day lasted, and then wind up with a farewell exhorta- tion 4i not to be a callin' on your neighbours when you could get along without." If any of Uncle Tim's neighbours were in any trouble, he was al. ways at hand to tell them " that they shouldn't a' UNCLE TIM. 175 done so ;" that " it was strange they couldn't had more sense ;" and then to close his exhortations by labouring more diligently than any to bring them out of their difficulties, groaning in spirit, mean- while, that folks would make people so much trou. ble. " Uncle Tim, father wants to know if you will lend him your hoe to-day ?" says a little boy, ma- king his way across a cornfield, " Why don't your father use his own hoe ?" " Ours is broke." " Broke ! How came it broke ?" " I broke it yesterday, trying to hit a squirrel." " What business had you to be hittin' squirrels with a hoe? say !" " But father wants to borrow yours." " Why don't he have that mended 1 It's a great pester to have everybody usin' a body's things." " Well, I can borrow one somewhere else, I sup- pose," says the suppliant. After the boy has stum- bled across the ploughed ground and is fairly over the fence, Uncle Tim calls, " Halloo, there, you little rascal ! what are you goin' off without the hoe for ?" " I didn't know as you meant to lend it." " I didn't say I wouldn't, did I ? Here, come and take it stay, I'll bring it ; and do tell your father not to be a lettin' you hunt squirrels with his hoes next time." 176 UNCLE TIM. Uncle Tim's household consisted of Aunt Sally his wife, and an only son and daughter ; the former, at the time our story begins, was at a neighbouring literary institution. Aunt Sally was precisely as clever, as easy to be entreated, and kindly in exter- nals, as her helpmate was the reverse. She was one of those respectable, pleasant old ladies whom you might often have met on the way to church on a Sunday, equipped with a great fan and a psalm- book, and carrying some dried orange-peel or a stalk of fennel, to give to the children if they were sleepy in meeting. She was as cheerful and do- mestic as the teakettle that sung by her kitchen fire, and slipped along among Uncle Tim's angles and peculiarities as if there never was anything the matter in the world ; and the same mantle of sun- shine seemed to have fallen on Miss Grace, her only daughter. Pretty in her person and pleasant in her ways, endowed with native self-possession and address, lively and chatty, having a mind and a will of her own, yet good-humoured withal, Miss Grace was a universal favourite. It would have puzzled a city lady to understand how Grace, who never was out of Newbury in her life, knew the way to speak, and act, and behave, on all occasions, exactly as if she had been taught how. She was just one of those wild flowers which you may sometimes see waving UNCLE TIM. 177 its little head in the woods, and looking so civilized and garden. like, that you wonder if it really did come up and grow there by nature. She was an adept in all household concerns, and there was something amazingly pretty in her energetic way of bustling about, and " putting things to rights." Like most Yankee damsels, she had a longing af- ter the tree of knowledge, and, having exhausted the literary fountains of a district school, she fell to reading whatsoever came in her way. True, she had but little to read ; but what she perused she had her own thoughts upon, so that a person of information, in talking with her, would feel a constant wondering pleasure to find that she had so much more to say of this, that, and the other thing than he expected. Uncle Tim, like every one else, felt the magical brightness of his daughter, and was delighted with her praises, as might be discerned by his often finding occasion to remark that "he didn't see why the boys need to be all the time a' comin' to see Grace, for she was nothing so extror'nary, after all." About all matters and things at home she generally had her own way, while Uncle Tim would scold and give up with a regular good grace that was quite creditable. " Father," says Grace, " I want to have a party ext week." 178 UNCLE TIM. " You sha'n't go to bavin' your parties, Grace. I always have to eat bits and ends a fortnight after you have one, and I won't have it so." And so Uncle Tim walked out, and Aunt Sally and Miss Grace proceeded to make the cake and pies for the party. When Uncle Tim came home, he saw a long array of pies and rows of cakes on the kitchen table. " Grace Grace Grace, I say ! What is all this here flummery for ?" " Why, it is to eat, father," said Grace, with a good-natured look of consciousness. Uncle Tim tried his best to look sour ; but his visage began to wax comical as he looked at his merry daughter, so he said nothing, but quietly sat down to his dinner. " Father," said Grace, after dinner, " we shall want two more candlesticks next week." " Why ! can't you have your party with what you've got?" " No, father, we want two more." " I can't afford it, Grace there's no sort of use on't and you sha'n't have any." " Oh, father, now do," said Grace. " I won't, neither," said Uncle Tim, as he sal- lied out of tile house, and took the road to Comfort Scran's store. UNCLE TIM. 179 In half an hour he returned again, and fumbling in his pocket, and drawing forth a candlestick, lev- elled it at Grace. " There's your candlestick." " But, father, I said I wanted two." " Why ! can't you make one do ?" " No, I can't ; I must have two." " Well, then, there's t'other ; and here's a fol-de- rol for you to tie round your neck." So saying, he bolted for the door, and took himself off with all speed. It was much after this fashion that matters commonly went on in the brown house. But, having tarried long on the way, we must proceed with the main story. James thought Miss Grace was a glorious girl, and as to what Miss Grace thought of Master James, perhaps it would not have been developed, had she not been called to stand on the defensive for him with Uncle Tim. For, from the time that the whole village of Newbury began to be wholly given unto the praise of Master James, Uncle Tim set his face as a flint against him, from the lauda- ble fear of following the multitude. He therefore made conscience of stoutly gainsaying everything that was said in his favour, which, as James was in high favour with Aunt Sally, he had frequent opportunities to do. So, when Miss Grace perceived that Uncle Tim 180 UNCLE TIM. did not like our hero as much as he ought to do, she, of course, was bound to like him well enough to make up for it. Certain it is that they were remarkably happy in finding opportunities of being acquainted ; that James waited on her, as a matter of course, from singing-school ; that he volunteered making a new box for her geranium on an improved plan ; and, above all, that he was remarkably par- ticular in his attentions to Aunt Sally, a stroke of policy which showed that James had a natural genius for this sort of matters. Even when emer- ging from the meeting-house in full glory, with flute and psalm-book under his arm, he would stop to ask her how she did ; and if it was cold weather, he would carry her foot-stove all the way home from meeting, discoursing upon the sermon and other serious matters, as Aunt Sally observed, "in the pleasantest, prettiest way that ever ye see." This flute was one of the crying sins of James in the eyes of Uncle Tim. James was particularly fond of it, because he had learned to play on it by intuition ; and on the decease of the old pitchpipe, which was slain by a fall from the gallery, he took the liberty to introduce the flute in its place. For this and other sins, and for the good reasons above named, Uncle Tim's countenance was not towards James, neither could he be moved to him-ward by any manner of means. UNCLE TIM. 181 To all Aunt Sally's good words and kind speech, es, he had only to say that " he didn't like him ; that he hated to see him a' manifesting and glori- fying there in the front gallery Sundays, and a' act- ing everywhere as if he was master of all ; he didn't like it, and he wouldn't." But our hero was no whit cast down or discomfited by the malcon- tent aspect of Uncle Tim. On the contrary, when report was made to him of divers of his hard speeches, he only shrugged his shoulders with a very satisfied air, and remarked that " he knew a thing or two, for all that." " Why, James," said his companion and chief counsellor, " do you think Grace likes you ?" " I don't know," said our hero, with a comfort- able appearance of certainty. " But you can't get her, James, if Uncle Tim is cross about it." " Fudge ! I can make Uncle Tim like me, if I have a mind to try." " Well, then, Jim, you'll have to give up that flute of yours, I tell you, now." " Faw, sol, law I can make him like me, and my flute too." " Why, how will you do it ?" " Oh, I'll work it," said our hero. " Well, Jim, I tell you, now, you don't know Uncle Q 182 UNCLE TIM. Tim if you say so ; for he's just the settest crittur in his way that ever you saw." ' I do know Uncle Tim, though, better than moat folks ; he is no more cross than I am ; and as to his being set, you have nothing to do but make him think he is in his own way when he is in yours that is all." " Well," said the other, " but, you see, I don't be- lieve it." " And I'll bet you a gray squirrel that I'll go there this very evening, and get him to like me and my flute both," said James. Accordingly, the late sunshine of that afternoon shone full on the yellow buttons of James as he proceeded to the place of conflict. It was a bright, beautiful evening. A thunder-storm had just clear- ed away, and the silver clouds lay rolled up in masses around the setting sun ; the rain. drops were spark- ling and winking to each other over the ends of the leaves, and all the bluebirds and robins, break- ing forth into song, made the little green valley as merry as a musical box. James's soul was always overflowing with that kind of poetry which consists in feeling unspeak- ably happy ; and it is not to be wondered at, con- sidering where he was going, that he should feel in a double ecstasy on the present occasion. He stepped gayly along, occasionally springing over a UNCLE TIM. 183 fence to the right, to see whether the rain had swol- len the trout-brook, or to the left, to notice the ripening of Mr. Somebody's watermelons for James always had an eye on all his neighbours' matters as well as his own. In this way he proceeded till he arrived at the picket-fence that marked the commencement of Uncle Tim's ground. Here he stopped to con- sider. Just then, four or five sheep walked up, and began also to consider a loose picket, which was hanging just ready to drop off; and James began to look at the sheep. " Well, mister," said he, as he observed the leader judiciously drawing himself through the gap, " in with you just what I wanted ;" and, having waited a moment, to ascer- tain that all the company were likely to follow, he ran with all haste towards the house, and swinging open the gate, pressed all breathless to the door. " Uncle Tim, there are four or five sheep in your garden." Uncle Tim dropped his whetstone and scythe. " I'll drive them out," said our hero : and with that, he ran down the garden alley, and made a furious descent on the enemy ; bestirring himself as Bunyan says, " lustily and with good courage," till every sheep had skipped out much quicker than it skipped in ; and then, springing over the fence, foe seized a great stone, and nailed on the picket so 184: UNCLE TIM. effectually that no sheep could possibly encourage the hope of getting in again. This was all the work of a minute ; and he was back again, but so exceedingly out of breath that it was necessary for him to stop a moment and rest himself. Uncle Tim looked ungraciously satisfied. " What under the canopy set you to scampering so ?" said he ; "I could a' driv' out them critturs myself!" " If you are at all particular about driving them out yourself, I can let them in again," said James. Uncle Tim looked at him with an odd sort of twinkle in the corner of his eye. " 'Spose I must ask you to walk in," said he. " Much obliged," said James, " but I am in a great hurry." So saying, he started in very busi- ness-like fashion towards the gate. " You'd better jest stop a minute." " Can't stay a minute." " I don't see what possesses you to be all the while in sich a hurry ; a body would think you had all creation on your shoulders ! n " Just my situation, Uncle Tim," said James, swinging open the gate. " Well, at any rate, have a drink of cider, can't ye ?" said Uncle Tim, who was now quite engaged to have his own way in the case. James found it convenient to accept this invita- UNCLE TIM. 185 lion, and Uncle Tim was twice as good-natured as if he had stayed in the first of the matter. Once fairly forced into the premises, James thought fit to forget his long walk and excess of business, especially as about that moment Aunt Sally and Miss Grace returned from an afternoon call. You may be sure that the last thing these respectable ladies looked for was to find Uncle Tim and Master James tete-&-tete over a pitcher of ci- der ; and when, as they entered, our hero looked up with something of a mischievous air, Miss Grace, in particular, was so puzzled that it took her at least a quarter of an hour to untie her bon- net strings. But James stayed and acted the agreeable to perfection. First he must needs go down into the garden to look at Uncle Tim's won- derful cabbages, and then he promenaded all around the corn-patch, stopping every few moments and looking up with an appearance of great gratifica- tion, as if he had never seen such corn in his life ; and then he examined Uncle Tim's favourite apple- tree with an expression of wonderful interest. " I never !" he broke forth, having stationed him- self against the fence opposite to it ; " what kind of an apple-tree is that ?" " It's a bell-flower, or somethin' another," said Uncle Tim. "Why, where did you get it? I never saw Q2 186 FNCLE TIM. such apples !" said our hero, with his eyes still fix- ed on the tree. Uncle Tim pulled up a stalk or two of weeds and threw them over the fence, just to show that he did not care anything about the matter, and then he came up and stood by James. " Nothin* so remarkable, as I know on, M said he. Just then, Grace came to say that supper was ready. Once seated at table, it was astonishing to see the perfect and smiling assurance with which our hero continued his addresses to Uncle Tim. It sometimes goes a great way towards making people like us, to take it for granted that they do already, and upon this principle James proceeded. He talked, laughed, told stories, and joked with the most fearless assurance, occasionally second, ing his words by looking Uncle Tim in the face with a countenance so full of good-will as would have melted any snow-drift of prejudices in the world. James also had one natural accomplishment, more courtier-like than all the diplomacy in Eu- rope, and that was, the gift of feeling a real inter- est for anybody in five minutes ; so that, if he be- gan to please in jest, he generally ended in earnest. With great simplicity of mind, he had a natural tact for seeing into- others, and watched their mo- tioas with the same delight with which a child UNCLE TIM. 187 gazes at the wheels and springs of a watch, to " see what it will do." The rough exterior and latent kindness of Uncle Tim were quite a spirit-stirring study ; and when tea was over, as he and Grace happened to be standing together in the front door, he broke forth, " I do really like your father, Grace !" " Do you ?" said Grace. " Yes, I do. He has something in him, and I like him all the better for having to fish it out." " Well, I hope you will make him like you," said Grace, unconsciously; and then she stopped, and looked a little abashed. James was too well bred to see this, or look as if Grace meant any more than she said a kind of breeding not always attendant on more fashionable polish so he only answered, " I think I shall, Grace ! though I doubt whether I can get him to own it." " He is the kindest man that ever was," said Grace ; " and he always acts as if he was ashamed of it." James turned a little away, and looked at the bright evening sky, which was glowing like a calm golden sea ; and over it was the silver new moon, with one little star to hold the candle for her. He shook some bright drops off from a rosebush near by, and watched to see them shine as they fell, 188 UNCLE TIM. while Grace stood very quietly waiting for him to speak again. " Grace," said he, at last, " I am going to college this fall." " So you told me yesterday," said Grace James stooped down over Grace's geranium, and began to busy himself with pulling off all the dead leaves, remarking in the mean while, " And if I do get him to like me, Grace, will you like me too ?" "I like you now very well," said Grace. " Come, Grace, you know what I mean," said James, looking steadfastly at the top of the apple- tree. " Well, I wish, then, you would understand what /mean, without my saying any more about it," said Grace. " Oh ! to be sure I will," said our hero, looking up with a very intelligent air ; and so, as Aunt Sally would say, the matter was settled, with " no words about it." Now shall we narrate how our hero, as he saw Uncle Tim approaching the door, had the impu- dence to take out his flute, and put the parts to- gether, screwing it round and fixing it with great composure ? " Uncle Tim," said he, looking up, " this is the best flute that ever I saw." UNCLE TIM. 189 " I hate them tooting critturs," said Uncle Tim, snappishly. " I declare ! I wonder how you can !" said James, " for I do think they exceed " So saying, he put the flute to his mouth, and ran up and down a long flourish. " There ! what think you of that ?" said he, looking in Uncle Tim's face with much delight. Uncle Tim turned and marched into the house, but soon faced to the right-about and came out again, for James was fingering " Yankee Doodle" that appropriate national air for the descendants of the Puritans. Uncle Tim's patriotism began to bestir itself; and now, if it had been anything, as he said, but " that 'ere flute" as it was, he looked more than once at James's fingers. " How under the sun could you learn to do that ?" said he. " Oh, it's easy enough," said James, proceeding with another tune ; and, having played it through, he stopped a moment to examine the joints of his flute, and in the mean time addressed Uncle Tim : " You can't think how grand this is for pitching tunes I always pitch the tunes Sunday with it." " Yes ; but I don't think it's a right and fit instru- ment for the Lord's house," said Uncle Tim. " Why not ? It is only a kind of a long pitch- 190 UNCLE TIM. pipe, you see," said James ; " and, seeing the old one is broken, and this will answer, I don't see why it is not better than nothing." " Why, yes, it may be better than nothing," said Uncle Tim ; " but, as I always tell Grace and my wife, it 'aint the right kind of instrument, after all ; it 'aint solemn." " Solemn !" said James ; " that is according as you work it : see here, now." So saying, he struck up Old Hundred, and pro- ceeded through it with great perseverance. " There, now !" said he. " Well, well, I don't know but it is," said Uncle Tim ; " but, as I said at first, I don't like the look of it in meetin'." " But yet you really think it is better than no- thing," said James, " for you see I couldn't pitch my tunes without it." " Maybe 'tis," said Uncle Tim ; " but that isn't sayin' much." This, however, was enough for Master James, who soon after departed, with his flute in his pock, et, and Grace's last words in his heart ; soliloqui- zing as he shut the gate, " There, now, I hope Aunt Sally won't go to praising me ; for, just so sure as she does, I shall have it all to do over again." James was right in his apprehension. Uncle Tim could be privately converted, but not brought UNCLE TIM. 191 to open confession ; and when, the next morning, Aunt Sally remarked, in the kindness of her heart, " Well, I always knew you would come to like James," Uncle Tim only responded, " Who said I did like him?" " But I'm sure you seemed to like him last night." " Why. I couldn't turn him out o' doors, could I ? I don't think nothin' of him but what I always did." But it was to be remarked that Uncle Tim con- tented himself at this time with the mere general avowal, without running it into particulars, as was formerly his wont. It was evident that the ice had begun to melt, but it might have been a long time in dissolving, had not collateral incidents as- sisted. It so happened that, about this time, George Griswold, the only son before referred to, returned to his native village, after having completed his theological studies at a neighbouring institution. It is interesting to mark the gradual development of mind and heart, from the time that the white- headed, bashful boy quits the country village for college, to the period when he returns, a formed and matured man, to notice how gradually the rust of early prejudices begins to cleave from him how his opinions, like his handwriting, pass from the cramped and limited forms of a country school into 192 tJNCLE TIM. that confirmed and characteristic style which is to mark the man for life. In George this change was remarkably striking. He was endowed by nature with uncommon acuteness of feeling and fondness for reflection : qualities as likely as any to render a child backward and uninteresting in early life. When he left Newbury for college, he was a taciturn and apparently phlegmatic boy, only evin- cing sensibility by blushing, and looking particu- larly stupified whenever anybody spoke to him. Vacation after vacation passed, and he returned more and more an altered being ; and he who once shrunk from the eye of the deacon, and was ready to sink if he met the minister, now moved about among the dignitaries of the place with all the composure of a superior being. It was only to be regretted that, while the mind improved, the physical energies declined, and that every visit to his home found him paler, thinner, and less prepared in body for the sacred profes- sion to which he had devoted himself. But now he was returned, a minister a real minister, with a right to stand in the pulpit and preach ; and what a joy and glory to Aunt Sally and to Uncle Tim, if he were not ashamed to own it. The first Sunday after he came, it was known far and near that George Griswold was to preach ; UNCLE TIM. 193 and never was a more ready and expectant audi- ence. As the time for reading the first psalm approach- ed, you might see the white-headed men turning their faces attentively towards the pulpit ; the anxious and expectant old women, with their little black bonnets, bent forward to see him rise. There were the children looking, because everybody else looked ; there was Uncle Tim in the front pew, his face considerately adjusted ; there was Aunt Sally, seeming as pleased as a mother could seem ; and Miss Grace, lifting her sweet face to her broth- er, like a flower to the sun ; there was our friend James in the front gallery, his joyous countenance a little touched with sobriety and expectation ; in short, a more embarrassingly attentive audience never greeted the first effort of a young minister* tinder these circumstances, there was something touching in the fervent self- forgetful ness which characterized the first exercises of this morning- something which moved every one in the house. The devout poetry of his prayer, rich with the orientalism of Scripture, and eloquent with the ex- pression of strong yet chastened emotion, breathed over his audience like music, hushing every one to silence, and beguiling every one to feeling. In the sermon there was the strong intellectual nerve, the constant occurrence of argument and statement, R 194 UNCLE TIM. which distinguishes a New- England discourse ; but it was touched with life by the intense, yet half- subdued feeling with which he seemed to utter it. Like the rays of the sun, it enlightened and melted at the same moment. The strong peculiarities of New-England doc- trine, involving, as they do, all the hidden machinery of mind, all the mystery of its divine relations and future progression, and all the tremendous uncer. tainties of its eternal good or ill, seemed to have dwelt in his mind, to have burned in his thoughts, to have wrestled with his powers, and they gave to his manner the fervency almost of another world ; while the exceeding paleness of his countenance, and a tremulousness of voice that seemed to spring from bodily weakness, touched the strong work- ings of his mind with a pathetic interest, as if the being so early absorbed in another world could not be long for this. When the services were over, the congregation dispersed with the air of people who had felt rather than heard ; and all the criticism that followed was similar to that of old Deacon Hart an up- right, shrewd man who, as he lingered a moment at the church door, turned and gazed with unwont- ed feeling at the young preacher. " He's a blessed cre'tur !" said he, the tears ac- tually making their way to his eyes ; " I han't UNCLE TIM. 195 been so near heaven this many a day. He's a blessed cre'tur of the Lord that's my mind about him !" As for our friend James, he was at first sobered, then deeply moved, and at last wholly absorbed by the discourse ; and it was only when meeting was over that he began to think where he really was. With all his versatile activity, James had a great- er depth of mental capacity than he was himself aware of, and he began to feel a sort of electric affinity for the mind that had touched him in a way so new ; and when he saw the mild minister stand- ing at the foot of the pulpit stairs, he made directly towards him. 11 1 do want to hear more from you," said he, with a face full of earnestness ; " may I walk home with you?" "It is a long and warm walk," said the young minister, smiling. " Oh, I don't care for that, if it does not trouble ?/OM," said James ; and leave being gained, you might have seen them slowly passing along under the trees, James pouring forth all the floods of in- quiry which the sudden impulse of his mind had brought out, and supplying his guide with more questions and problems for solution than he could have gone through with in a month. 196 UNCLE TIM. " I cannot answer all your questions now," said he, as they stopped at Uncle Tim's gate. " Well, then, when will you ?" said James, eager- ly. " Let me come home with you to-night ?" The minister smiled assent, and James departed so full of new thoughts, that he passed Grace with- out even seeing her. From that time a friendship commenced between the two, which was a beauti- ful illustration of the affinities of opposites. It was like a friendship between morning and evening all freshness and sunshine on one side, and all gentle- ness and peace on the other. The young minister, worn by long-continued ill health, by the fervency of his own feelings, and the gravity of his own reasonings, found pleasure in the healthful buoyancy of a youthful, unexhausted mind, while James felt himself sobered and made better by the moonlight tranquillity of his friend. It is one mark of a superior mind to understand and be in- fluenced by the superiority of others, and this was the case with James. The ascendency which his new friend acquired over him was unlimited, and did more in a month towards consolidating and developing his character, than all the four years course of a college. Our religious habits are likely always to retain the impression of the first seal which stamped them, and in this case it was a pe- culiarly happy one. The calmness, the settled UNCLE TIM. 197 purpose, the mild devotion of his friend, formed a just alloy to the energetic and reckless buoyancy of James's character, and awakened in him a set of feelings without which the most vigorous mind must be incomplete. The effect of the ministrations of the young pas- tor, in awaking attention to the subjects of his call- ing in the village, was marked, and of a kind which brought pleasure to his own heart. But, like all other excitement, it tends to exhaustion, and it was not long before he sensibly felt the decline of the powers of life. To the best-regulated mind there is something bitter in the relinquishment of projects for which we have been long and laborious- ly preparing, and there is something far more bit > ter in crossing the long-cherished expectations of friends. All this George felt. He could not bear to look on his mother, hanging on his words and following his steps with eyes of almost childish de- light on his singular father, whose whole earthly ambition was bound up in his success, and think how soon the " candle of their old age" must be put out. When he returned from a successful ef- fort, it was painful to see the old man, so evidently delighted, and so anxious to conceal his triumph, as he would seat himself in his chair, and begin with, " George, that 'ere doctrine is rather of a puz- R2 198 UNCLE TIM. zler ; but you seem to think you've got the run on't. I should re'ly like to know what business you have to think you know better than other folks about it ;" and, though he would cavil most courageously at all George's explanations, yet you might per- ceive, through all, that he was inly uplifted to hear how his boy could talk. If George was engaged in argument with any one else, he would sit by, with his head bowed down, looking out from under his shaggy eye- brows with a shamefaced satisfaction very unusual with him. Expressions of affection from the natu- rally gentle are not half so touching as those which are forced out from the hard-favoured and severe ; and George was affected, even to pain, by the evi- dent pride and regard of his father. <; He never said so much to anybody before," thought he, " and what will he do if I die ?" In such thoughts as these Grace found her broth- er engaged one still autumn morning, as he stood leaning against the garden fence. " What are you solemnizing here for, this bright day, brother George?" said she, as she bounded down the alley. The young man turned and looked on her happy face with a sort of twilight smile. " How happy you are, Grace !" said he. " To be sure I am ! and you ought to be too, because you are better." UNCLE TIM. 199 " I am happy, Grace that is, I hope I shall be." " You are sick, I know you are," said Grace ; " you look worn out ! Oh, I wish your heart could spring once, as mine does." " I am not well, dear Grace, and I fear I never shall be," said he, turning away, and fixing his eyes on the fading trees opposite. " Oh, George ! dear George ! don't, don't say that ; you'll break all our hearts," said Grace, with tears in her own eyes. " Yes, but it is true, sister : I do not feel it on my own account so much as However," he ad- ded, " it will all be the same in heaven." It was but a week after this that a violent cold hastened the progress of debility into a confirmed malady. He sunk very fast. Aunt Sally, with the self-deceit of a fond and cheerful heart, thought every day that " he would be better," and Uncle Tim resisted conviction with all the obstinate per- tinacity of his character, while the sick man felt that he had not the heart to undeceive them. James was now at the house every day, exhaust- ing all his energy and invention in the case of his friend ; and any one who had seen him in his hours of recklessness and glee, could scarcely recognise him as the being whose step was so careful, whose eye so watchful, whose voice and touch were so gentle, as he moved around the sick-bed. But the 200 UNCLE TIM. same quickness which makes a mind buoyant in gladness, often makes it gentlest and most sympa- thetic in sorrow. It was now nearly morning in the sick-room. George had been restless and feverish all night, but towards day he fell into a light slumber, and James sat by his side, almost holding his breath lest he should waken him. It was yet dusk, but the sky was brightening with a solemn glow, and the stars were beginning to disappear ; all, save the bright and morning one, which, standing alone in the east, looked tenderly through the casement, like the eye of our heavenly Father, watching over us when all earthly friendships are fading. George awoke with a placid expression of coun- tenance, and fixing his eyes on the brightening sky, murmured faintly, " The sweet, immortal morning sheds Its blushes round the spheres." A moment after, a shade passed over his face ; he pressed his fingers over his eyes, and the tears dropped silently on his pillow. " George ! dear George !" said James, bending over him. " It's my friends it's my father my mother," said he, faintly. " Jesus Christ will watch over them," said James, goothingly. UNCLE TIM. 201 " Oh, yes, I know he will ; for He loved his own which were in the world ; he loved them unto the end. But I am dying and before I have done any good." " Oh, do not say so," said James ; " think, think what you have done, if only for me ! God bless you for it ! God will bless you for it ; it will fol- low you to heaven ; it will bring me there. Yes, I will do as you have taught me ! I will give my life, my soul, my whole strength to it ; and then you will not have lived in vain." George smiled and looked upward ; " his face was as that of an angel ;" and James, in his warmth, continued : " It is not I alone who can say this : we all bless you ; every one in this place blesses you ; you will be had in everlasting remembrance by some hearts here, I know." "Bless God!" said George. " We do," said James. " I bless him that I ever knew you ; we all bless him, and we love you, and shall forever." The glow that had kindled over the pale face of the invalid again faded as he said, " But, James, I must, I ought to tell my father and mother ; I ought to, and how can I ?" At that moment the door opened, and Uncle Tim made his appearance. He seemed struck with the 202 UNCLE TIM. paleness of George's face ; and, coming to the side of the bed, he felt his pulse, and laid his hand anx- iously on his forehead, and clearing his voice sev- 2ral times, inquired " if he didn't feel a little better." " No, father," said George ; then taking his hand, he looked anxiously in his face, and seemed to hesitate a moment : " Father," he began, i: you know that we ought to submit to God." There was something in his expression at this moment which flashed the truth into the old man's mind ; he dropped his son's hand with an excla- mation of agony, and turning quickly, left the room. "Father! father!" said Grace, trying to rouse him, as he stood with his arms folded by the kitchen window. " Get away, child !" said he, roughly. " Father, mother says breakfast is ready." " I don't want any breakfast," said he, turning short about. " Sally, what are you fixing in that 'ere porringer?" " Oh, it's only a little tea for George : 'twill comfort him up, and make him feel better, poor fellow." '* You won't make him feel better he's gone," said Uncle Tim, hoarsely. " Oh, dear heart ! no !" said Aunt Sally. " Be still a contradicting me ; I won't be con- UNCLE TIM. 203 tradicted all the time by nobody ! The short of the case is, that George is goin' to die just as we've got him ready to be a minister and all ; and I wish to pity I was in my grave myself, and so " said Uncle Tim, as he plunged out of the door and shut it after him. It is well for man that there is one Being who sees the suffering heart as it is, and not as it man- ifests itself through the repellancies of outward in- firmity, and who, perhaps, feels more for the stern and wayward, than for those whose gentler feel- ings win for them human sympathy. With all his singularities, there was in the heart of Uncle Tim a depth of religious sincerity ; but there are few characters where religion does anything more than struggle with natural defect, and modify what would else be far worse. In this hour of trial, all the native obstinacy and pertinacity of the old man's character rose, and while he felt the necessity of submission, it seemed impossible to submit ; and thus, reproaching him- self, struggling in vain to repress the murmurs of nature, repulsing from him all external sympathy, his mind was " tempest-toss'd and not comforted." It was on the still afternoon of the following Sab. bath that he was sent for, in haste, to the cham. ber of his son. He entered, and saw that the hour was come. The family were all there ; Grace 204 UNCLE TIM, and James, side by side, bent over the dying one, and his mother sat afar off, with her face hid in her apron, " that she might not see the death of the child.'* The aged minister was there, and the Bible lay open before him. The father walked to the side of the bed. He stood still, and gazed on the face now brightening with " life and immortal- ity." The son lifted up his eyes : he saw his fa- ther, smiled, and put out his hand. " I am glad you are come," said he. " Oh, George, to the pity, don't ! don't smile on me so ! I know what is coming ; I have tried and tried, and I can't, I can't have it so ;" and his frame shook, and he sobbed audibly. The room was still as death ; there was none that seemed able to comfort him. At last the son repeated, in a sweet but interrupted voice, those words of man's best Friend : " Let not your heart be troubled ; in my Father's house are many mansions." , " Yes, but I can't help being troubled ; I suppose the Lord's will must be done, but it'll kill me." " Oh, father, don't, don't break my heart," said the son, much agitated. " I shall see you again in heaven, and you shall see me again ; and then your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you.' " ii-- for a girl of fifteen ! 302 THE SEMPSTRESS. But see, the door opens, and Mrs. Ames's face brightens as her other daughter enters. Mary has become a domestic in a neighbouring fam- ily, where her faithfulness and kindness of heart have caused her to be regarded more as a daughter and a sister than as a servant. "Here, mother, is your rent-money," she ex- claimed, " so do put up your work and rest a while. I can get enough to pay it next time before the month comes around again." " Dear child ! I do wish you would ever think to get anything for yourself," said Mrs. Ames; "I cannot consent to use up all your earnings, as I have done lately, and all Ellen's too : you must have a new dress this spring, and that bonnet of yours is not decent any Ion- ger." " Oh no, mother ; I have fixed over my blue calico, and you would be surprised to see how well it looks ; and my best frock, when it is washed and darned, will answer some time longer. And then Mrs. Grant has given me a riband, and when my bonnet is whitened and trimmed it will look very well. And so," she added, "I brought you some wine this after- noon ; you know the doctor says you need wine." " Dear child ! I want to see you take some comfort of your money yourself." THE SEMPSTRESS. 303 " Well, I do take comfort of it, mother. It is more comfort to be able to help you than to wear all the finest dresses in the world." Two months from this dialogue found our lit- tle family still more straitened and perplexed. Mrs. Ames had been confined all the time with sickness, and the greater part of Ellen's time and strength was occupied with attending to her. Very little sewing could the poor girl now do, in the broken intervals that remained to her ; and the wages of Mary were not only used as fast as she earned, but she anticipated two months in advance. Mrs. Ames had been better for a day or two, and had been sitting up, exerting all her strength to finish a set of shirts which had been sent in to make. " The money for them will just pay our rent," sighed she ; " and if we can do a lit- tle more this week " " Dear mother, you are so tired," said Ellen, " do lie down, and not worry any more till I come back." Ellen went out and passed on till she came to the door of an elegant house, whose dam- ask and muslin window-curtains indicated a fashionable residence. Mrs. Elmore was sitting in her splendidly- 304 THE SEMPSTRESS. furnished parlour, and around her lay various fancy articles, which two young girls were busily unrolling. " What a lovely pink scarf!" said one, throwing it over her shoulders and skipping before a mirror; while the other ex- claimed, " Do look at these pocket-handker- chiefs, mother ! what elegant lace !" " Well, girls," said Mrs. Elmore, " these hand- kerchiefs are a shameful piece of extravagance. I wonder you will insist on having such things." "La! mamma, everybody has such now; Laura Seymour has half a dozen that cost more than these, and her father is no richer than, ours." " Well," said Mrs. Elmore, " rich or not rich, it seems to make very little odds ; we do not seem to have half as much money to spare as we did when we lived in the little house in Spring-street. What with new furnishing the house, and getting everything you boys and girls say you must have, we are poorer, if any- thing, than we were then." " Ma'am, here is Mrs. Ames's girl come with some sewing," said the servant. " Show her in," said Mrs. Elmore. Ellen entered timidly, and handed her bundle of work to Mrs. Elmore, who forthwith pro- ceeded to a minute scrutiny of the articles ; for she prided herself on being very particular as THE SEMPSTRESS. 305 to her sewing. But, though the work had been executed by feeble hands and aching eyes, even Mrs. Elmore could detect no fault in it. " Well, it is very prettily done," said she ; " what does your mother charge 1" Ellen handed a neatly-folded bill which she had drawn for her mother. " I must say, I think your mother's prices are very high," said Mrs. Elmore, examining her nearly empty purse j " everything is getting so dear that one hardly knows how to live." Ellen looked at the fan- cy articles, and glanced around the room with an air of innocent astonishment. " Ah !" said Mrs. Elmore, "I dare say it seems- to you as if persons in our situation had no need of econ- omy ; but, for my part, I feel the need of it more and more every day." As she spoke she hand- ed Ellen the three dollars, which, though it was not a quarter the price of one of the handker- chiefs, was all that she and her sick mother could claim in the world. " There," said she ; " tell your mother I like her work very much, but I do not think I can afford to employ her, if I can find any one to work cheaper." Now Mrs. Elmore was not a hard-hearted woman, and if Ellen had come as a beggar to solicit help for her sick mother, Mrs. Elmore Cc 2 306 THE SEMPSTRESS. would have fitted out a basket of provisions, and sent a bottle of wine, and a bundle of old clothes, and all the et cetera of such occasions j but the sight of a bill always aroused all the instinctive sharpness of her business-like edu- cation. She never had the dawning of an idea that it was her duty to pay anybody any more than she could possibly help ; nay, she had an indistinct notion that it was her duty as an econ- omist to make everybody take as little as pos- sible. When she and her daughters lived in Spring-street, to which she had alluded, they used to spend the greater part of their time at home, and the family sewing was commonly done among themselves. But since they had moved into a large house, and set up a carriage, and addressed themselves to being genteel, the girls found that they had altogether too much to do to attend to their own sewing, much less to perform any for their father and brothers. And their mother found her hands abundantly full in overlooking her large house, in taking care of expensive furniture, and in superintend- ing her increased train of servants. The sew- ing, therefore, was put out ; and Mrs. Elmore/e/ it a duty to get it done the cheapest way she could. Nevertheless, Mrs. Elmore was too no- table a lady, and her sons and daughters were altogether too fastidious as to the make and THE SEMPSTRESS. 307 quality of their clothing, to admit the idea of its being done in any but the most complete and perfect manner. Mrs. Elmore never accused herself of want of charity for the poor ; but she had never con- sidered that the best class of the poor are those who never ask charity. She did not consider that, by paying liberally those who were honest- ly and independently struggling for themselves, she was really doing a greater charity than by giving indiscriminately to a dozen applicants. " Don't you think, mother, she says we charge too high for this work !" said Ellen, when she returned. " I am sure she did not know how much work we put in those shirts. She says she cannot give us any more work; she must look out for somebody that will do it cheaper. I do not see how it is that people who live in such houses, and have so many beautiful things, can feel that they cannot afford to pay for what costs us so much." " Well, child, they are more apt to feel so than people who live plainer." " Well, I am sure," said Ellen, " we cannot afford to spend so much time, as we have over these shirts, for less money." " Never mind, my dear," said the mother, soothingly; "here is a bundle of work that an- other lady has sent in, and if we get it done 308 THE SEMPSTRESS. we shall have enough for our rent, and some- thing over to buy bread with." It is needless to carry our readers over all the process of cutting and fitting, and gather- ing and stitching, necessary in making up six fine shirts. Suffice it to say that on Saturday evening all but one were finished, and Ellen proceeded to carry them home, promising to bring the remaining one on Tuesday morning. The lady examined the work and gave Ellen the money ; but on Tuesday, when the child came with the remaining work, she found her in great ill-humour. Upon re-examining the shirts, she had discovered that in some important re- spects they differed from directions she meant to have given, and supposed she had given, and, accordingly, she vented her displeasure on Ellen. " Why didn't you make these shirts as I told you 1" said she, sharply. " We did," said Ellen, mildly ; " mother meas- ured by the pattern every part, and cut them herself." " Your mother must be a fool, then, to make such a piece of work. I wish you would just take them back, and alter them over j" and the lady proceeded with the directions, of which neither Ellen nor her mother, till then, had had any intimation. Unused to such language, the THE SEMPSTRESS. 309 frightened Ellen took up her work and slowly walked homeward. "Oh dear, how my head does ache !" thought she to herself; " and poor mother, she said this morning she was afraid another of her sick turns was coming on, and we have all this work to pull out and do over." " See here, mother !" said she, with a discon- solate air, as she entered the room ; " Mrs. Rudd says, take out all the bosoms, and rip off all the collars, and fix them quite another way. She says they are not like the pattern she sent; but she must have forgotten, for here it is. Look, mother ! it is exactly as we made them." "Well, my child, carry back the pattern, and show her that it is so." " Indeed, mother, she spoke so cross to me, and looked at me so, that I do not feel as if I could go back." "I will go for you, then," said the kind Ma- ria Stephens, who had been sitting with Mrs. Ames while Ellen was out. " I will take the patterns and shirts, and tell her the exact truth about it : I am not afraid of her." Maria Ste- phens was a tailoress, who rented a room on the same floor with Mrs. Ames a cheerful, reso- lute, go-forward little body, and ready always to give a helping hand to a neighbour in trouble. 310 THE SEMPSTRESS. So she took the pattern and shirts, and set out on her mission. But poor Mrs. Ames, though she professed to take a right view of the matter, and was very earnest in showing Ellen why she ought not to distress herself about it, still felt a shivering sense of the hardness and unkindness of the world coming over her. The bitter tears would spring to her eyes, in spite of every effort to suppress them, as she sat mournfully gazing on the little faded miniature before mentioned. " When he, was alive, I never knew what pover- ty or trouble was," was the thought that often passed through her mind ; and how many a poor forlorn one has thought the same ! Poor Mrs. Ames was confined to her bed for most of that week. The doctor gave absolute directions that she should do nothing, and keep entirely quiet. A direction very sensible in- deed in the chamber of ease and competence, but hard to be observed in poverty and want. What pains the kind and dutiful Ellen took that week to make her mother feel easy. How often she replied to her anxious questions " that she was quite well, or that her head did not ache much ;" and by various other evasive ex- pedients the child tried to persuade herself that she was speaking the truth. And during the times her mother slept, in the day or even- THE SEMPSTRESS. 311 ing, she accomplished one or two pieces of plain work, with the price of which she expected to surprise her mother. It was towards evening when Ellen took her finished work to the elegant dwelling of Mrs. Page. " I shall get a dollar for this," said she ; " enough to pay for mother's wine and med- icine." " This work is done very neatly," said Mrs. Page, " and here^s some more I should like to have finished in the same way." Ellen looked up wistfully, hoping Mrs. Page was going to pay her for the last work. But Mrs. Page was only searching a drawer for a pattern, which she put into Ellen's hands, and after explaining how she wanted her work done, dismissed her without saying a word about the expected dollar. Poor Ellen tried two or three times, as she was going out, to turn around and ask for it, and before she could decide what to say she found herself in the street. Mrs. Page was an amiable, kind-hearted wom- an, but one who was so used to large sums of money, that she did not realize how great an affair a single dollar might seem to other persons. For this reason, when Ellen had work- ed incessantly at the new work put into her hands, that she might get the money for all to- 312 THE SEMPSTRESS. gether, she again disappointed her in the pay- ment. " I'll send the money round to-morrow," said she, when Ellen at last found courage to ask for it. But to-morrow came, and Ellen was for- gotten; and it was not till after one or two ap- plications more that the small sum was paid. But these sketches are already long enough, and let us hasten to close them. Mrs. Ames found liberal friends, who could appreciate and honour her integrity of principle and loveliness of character, and by their assistance she was raised to see more prosperous days ; and she, and the delicate Ellen, and warm-hearted Mary, were enabled to have a home and fireside of their own, and to enjoy something like the .re- turn of their former prosperity. We have given these sketches, drawn from real life, because we think there is, in general, too little consideration on the part of those who give employment to those in situations like the widow here described. The giving of employ- ment is a very important branch of charity, in- asmuch as it assists that class of the poor who are the most deserving. It should be looked on in this light, and the arrangements of a fam- ily be so made that a suitable compensation can be given, and prompt and cheerful payment be OLD FATHER MORRIS. 313 made, without the dread of transgressing the rules of economy. It is better to teach our daughters to do with- out expensive ornaments or fashionable elegan- ces 5 better even to deny ourselves the pleas- ure of large donations or direct subscriptions to public charities, rather than to curtail the small stipend of her whose " candle goeth not out by night," and who labours with her nee- dle for herself and the helpless dear ones de- pendant on her exertions. OLD FATHER MORRIS. A SKETCH FROM NATURE. OF all the marvels that astonished my child- hood, there is none I remember to this day with so much interest as the old man whose name forms my caption. When I knew him he was an aged clergyman, settled over an obscure vil- lage in New-England. He had enjoyed the ad- vantages of a liberal education, had a strong original power of thought, an omnipotent ima- gination, and much general information j but so early and so deeply had the habits and asso- ciations of the plough, the farm, and country life wrought themselves into his mind, that his DD 314 OLD FATHER MORRIS. after acquirements could only mingle with, them, forming an unexampled amalgam, like unto nothing but itself. He was an ingrain New-Englander, and what- ever might have been the source of his infor- mation, it came out in Yankee form, with the strong provinciality of Yankee dialect. It is in vain to attempt to give a full picture of such a genuine unique 5 but some slight and imperfect dashes may help the imagination to a faint idea of what none can fully conceive but those who have seen and heard old Father I\Ior- ris. Suppose yourself one of half a dozen chil- dren, and you hear the cry, " Father Morris is coming !" You run to the window or door, and you see a tall, bulky old man, with a pair of sad- dle-bags on one arm, hitching his old horse with a fumbling carefulness, and then deliberately stumping towards the house. You notice his tranquil, florid, full-moon face, enlightened by a pair of great, round blue eyes, that roll with dreamy inattentiveness on all the objects around, and as he takes off his hat, you see the white curling wig that sets off his round head. He comes towards you, and as you stand sta- ring with all the children around, he deliberate- ly puts his great hand on your head, and with deep, rumbling voice inquires, FATHER MORRIS. 315 " How d'ye do, my darter ! Is your daddy at home 1" " My darter" usually makes off as fast as possible in an unconquerable giggle. Father Morris goes into the house, and we watch him at every turn, as, with the most liberal simplici- ty, he makes himself at home, takes off his wig, wipes down his great face with a checked pock-, et-handkerchief, helps himself hither and thith- er to whatever he wants, and asks for such things as he cannot lay his hands on, with all the comfortable easiness of childhood. I remember to this day how we used to peep through the crack of the door, or hold it half ajar and peer in, to watch his motions ; and how mightily diverted we were with his deep, slow manner of speaking, his heavy, cumbrous walk, but, above all, with the wonderful faculty of hemming which he possessed. His deep, thundering, protracted a-hem-em was like nothing else that ever I heard j and when once, as he was in the midst of one of these performances, the parlour door suddenly happened to swing open, I heard one of my ro- guish brothers calling, in a suppressed tone, " Charles ! Charles ! Father Morris has hemmed the door open !" and then followed the signs of a long and desperate titter, in which I sincere- ly sympathised. But the morrow is Sunday. The old man 316 OLD FATHER MORRIS. rises in the pulpit. He is not now in his own humble little parish, preaching simply to the hoers of corn and planters of potatoes, but there sits Governor D., and there is Judge R., and Counsellor P., and Judge G. In short, he is before a refined and literary audience. But Father Morris rises ; he thinks nothing of this he cares nothing he knows nothing, as he himself would say, but " Jesus Christ, and him crucified " He takes a passage of Scripture to explain ; perhaps it is the walk to Emmaus, and the conversation of Jesus with his disciples. Immediately the whole start out before you, living and picturesque : the road to Emmaus is a New-England turnpike ; you can see its mile- stones its mullen-s alks its toll-gates. Next the disciples rise, and you have before you all their anguish, and hesitation, and dismay, talked out to you in the language of your own fireside. You smile you are amused yet you are touch- ed, and the illusion grows every moment. You see the approaching stranger, and the mysteri- ous conversation grows more and more inter- esting 1 . Emmaus rises in the distance, in the likeness of a Ne \v-England village, with a white meeting-house arid spire. You follow the trav- ellers you enter the house with them ; nor do you wake from your trance until, with stream- ing eyes, the preacher tells you that " they saw OLD FATHER MORRIS. 317 it was the Lord Jesus ! and what a pity it was they could not have known it before!" It was after a sermon on this very chapter of Scripture history that Governor Griswold, in passing out of the house, laid hold on the sleeve of his first acquaintance : " Pray tell me," said he, u who is this minister]" " Why, it is old Father Morris." " Well, he is an oddity and a genius too ! I declare!" he continued, "I have been wonder- ing all the morning how I could have read the Bible to so little purpose as not to see all these particulars he has presented." I once heard him narrate in this picturesque way the story of Lazarus. The great bustling city of Jerusalem first rises to view, and you are told, with great simplicity, how the Lord Jesus " used to get tired of the noise j" and how he was " tired of preaching again and again to people who would not mind a word he said j" and how, " when it came evening, he used to go out and see his friends in Bethany." Then he told about the house of Martha and Mary : " a little white house among the trees," he said, "you could just see it from Jerusalem." And there the Lord Jesus and his disciples used to go and sit in the evenings, with Martha, and Mary, and Lazarus. 318 OLD FATHER MORRIS. Then the narrator went on to tell how Laza- rus died, describing, with tears and a choking voice, the distress they were in, and how they sent a message to the Lord Jesus, and he did uot come, and how they wondered and wonder- ed 5 and thus on he went, winding up the in- terest by the graphic minutiae of an eyewit- ness, till he woke you from the dream by his triumphant joy at the resurrection scene. On another occasion, as he was sitting at a tea-table unusually supplied with cakes and sweetmeats, he found an opportunity to make a practical allusion to the same family story. He spoke of Mary as quiet and humble, sitting at her Saviour's feet to hear his words; but Mar- tha thought more of what was to be got for tea. Martha could not find time to listen to Christ : no j she was " ' cumbered with much serving' around the house, frying fritters and making gingerbread" Among his own simple people, his style of Scripture painting was listened to with breath- less interest. But it was particularly in those rustic circles, called in New-England " Confer- ence-meetings," that his whole warm soul un- folded, and the Bible in his hands became a gallery of New-England paintings. He particularly loved the Evangelists, follow- ing the footsteps of Jesus Christ, dwelling upon OLD FATHER MORRIS. 319 his words, repeating over and over again the stories of what he did, with all the fond vener- ation of an old and favoured servant. Sometimes, too, he would give the narration an exceedingly practical turn, as one example will illustrate. He had noticed a falling off in his little circle that met for social prayer, and took occasion, the first time he collected a tolerable audience, to tell concerning " the conference-meeting that the disciples attended" after the resurrection. "But Thomas was not with them." Thomas not with them ! said the old man, in a sorrow- ful voice. " Why ! what could keep Thomas away 1 Perhaps," said he, glancing at some of his backward auditors, " Thomas had got cold- hearted, and was afraid they would ask him to make the first prayer; or perhaps," said he, looking at some of the farmers, " Thomas was afraid the roads were bad j or perhaps," he add- ed, after a pause, " Thomas had got proud, and thought he could not come in his old clothes." Thus he went on, significantly summing up the common excuses of his people j and then, with great simplicity and emotion, he added, "But only think what Thomas lost ! for in the mid- dle of the meeting, the Lord Jesus came and stood among them ! How sorry Thomas must 320 OLD FATHER MORRIS. have been!" This representation served to fill the vacant seats for some time to come. At another time Father Morris gave the de- tails of the anointing of David to be king. He told them how Samuel went to Bethlehem, to Jesse's house, and went in with a "How d'ye do, Jesse 1" and how, when Jesse asked him to take a chair, he said he could not stay a minute ; that the Lord had sent him to anoint one of his sons for a king j and how, when Jesse called in the tallest and handsomest, Samuel said " he would not do j" and how all the rest passed the same test j and at last, how Samuel says, " Why, have not you any more sons, Jesse 1" and Jesse says, "Why, yes, there is little David down in the lot j" and how, as soon as ever Samuel saw David, "he slashed the oil right on to him j" and how Jesse said "he never was so beat in all his life I" Father Morris sometimes used his illustrative talent to very good purpose in the way of re- buke. He had on his farm a fine orchard of peaches, from which some of the ten and twelve- year-old gentlemen helped themselves more lib- erally than even the old man's kindness thought expedient. Accordingly, he took occasion to introduce into his sermon one Sunday, in his little parish, an account of a journey he took ; and how he OLD FATHER MORRIS. 321 was very warm and very dry ; and how he saw a fine orchard of peaches that made his mouth water to look at them. " So," says he, " I came up to the fence and looked all around, for I would not have touched one of them without leave for all the world. At last I spied a man, and says I, ' Mister, won't you give me some of your peaches V So the man came and gave me nigh about a hat full. And while I stood there eating, I said, 'Mister, how do you manage to keep your peaches V l Keep them !' said he, and he stared at me ; 4 what do you mean V * Yes, sir,' said I ; don't the boys steal them V i Boys steal them !' said he ; ' no, indeed !' * Why, sir,' said I, ' I have a whole lot full of peaches, and I cannot get half of them' " here the old man's voice grew tremulous " i because the boys in my parish steal them so.' ' Why, sir,' said he, ' don't their parents teach them not to steal!' And I grew all over in a cold sweat, and I told him 1 1 was afeard they didn't.' ' Why, how you talk !' says the man ; ' do tell me where you live V Then," said Father Morris, the tears running over, " I was obliged to tell him I lived in the town of G." After this Fa- ther Morris kept his peaches. Our old friend was not less original in the logical than in the illustrative portions of his 322 OLD FATHER MORRIS. discourses. His logic was of that familiar, col- loquial kind, which shakes hands with common sense like an old friend. Sometimes, too, his great mind and great heart would he poured out on the vast themes of religion, in language which, though homely, produced all the effects of the sublime. He once preached a discourse on the text, " the High and Holy One that in- hahiteth eternity ;" and from the beginning to the end it w r as a train of lofty and solemn thought. With his usual simple earnestness, and his great, rolling voice, he told about " the Great God the Great Jehovah and how the people in this world were flustering and worrying, and afraid they should not get time to do this, and that, and t'other." " But," he added, with full heart- ed satisfaction, " the Lord is never in a hurry ; he has it all to do, but he has time enough, for he inhabiteth eternity." And the grand idea of infinite leisure and almighty resources was carried through the sermon with equal strength and simplicity. Although the old man never seemed to be sensible of anything tending to the ludicrous in his own mode of expressing himself, yet he had considerable relish for humour, and some shrewdness of repartee. One time, as he was walking through a neighbouring parish, famous OLD FATHER MORRIS. 323 for its profanity, he was stopped by a whole flock of the youthful reprobates of the place : " Father Morris ! Father Morris ! the devil's dead!" " Is he T' said the old man, benignly laying his hand on the head of the nearest urchin, " you poor fatherless children !" But the sayings and doings of this good old man, as reported in the legends of the neigh- bourhood, are more than can be gathered or re- ported. He lived far beyond the common age of man, and continued, when age had impaired his powers, to tell over and over again the same Bible stories that he had told so often before. I recollect hearing of the joy that almost broke the old man's heart, when, after many years' diligent watching and nurture of the good seed in his parish, it began to spring into vegetation, sudden and beautiful as that which answers .the patient watching of the husband- man. Many a hard, worldly-hearted man many a sleepy, inattentive hearer many a list- less, idle young person, began to give ear to words that had long fallen unheeded. A neigh- bouring minister, who had been sent for to see and rejoice in these results, describes the scene, when, on entering the little church, he found an anxious, crowded auditory assembled around 324 OLD FATHER MORRIS. their venerable teacher, waiting for direction and instruction. The old man was sitting in his pulpit, almost choking with fulness of emo- tion as he gazed around. "Father," said the youthful minister, " I suppose you are ready to say with old Simeon, * Now, Lord, lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for my eyes have seen thy salvation.' " t4 Sartin, sartin" said the old man, while the tears streamed down his cheeks, and his whole frame shook with emo- tion. It was not many years after that this simple and loving servant of Christ was gathered in peace unto him whom he loved. His name is fast passing from remembrance, and in a few years, his memory, like his humble grave, will be entirely grown over and forgotten among men, though it will be had in everlasting re- membrance by Him who " forgetteth not his servants," and in whose sight the death of his saints is precious. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. NO PHONE RENEWALS REC'O I OCT21fl|