LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Class STANDARD EDITION THE BUSINESS GUIDE; .OR. Safe Methods of Business, J. L. NICHOLS, A. M., LATE PRINCIPAL OF NORTH-WESTERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, NAPERVILLE, ILL. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY PRESIDENT A. A. SMITH, A. M. Revised, Enlarged, and Corrected up to date BY H. H. GOofiRICH, A. M., ATTORNEY AT LAW AND MASTER IN CHANCERY. PUBLISHED BY 1. L. NICHOLS & COMPANY . NAPERVILLE, ILL. 1907 AGENTS WANTED A ^ s OF THE ' \ UNIVERSITY I OF / Copyright 1904 Bv J. L, NICHOLS & Ca Copyright, 1901 By J. L. NICHOLS & Co. Copyright, 1897 By J. L. NICHOLS & Co. Copyright, 1896 By J. L. NICHOLS & Co. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1891 By J. L. NICHOLS In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, IX (X Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1886 By J. L. NICHOLS In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. Sold only by subscription and not to be had in bookstores. Any one desiring a copy should address the publishers. MORE THAN TWO MILLION COPIES SOLD. This book, including illustrations, is protected by and any Infringement will bp prosecuted to tue iulieat extent < >f the law. OF THE UNIVERSITY J OF / PREFACE. The purpose of this book is embraced in its title. The Business Guide, or Safe Methods of Business. The necessity of having a book comprising the practical in business, including forms, points of law, hints and helps in transacting business successfully, together with the most useful tables for rapid computation or for . reference, was forcibly im- pressed upon the mind of the author while acting as principal of a Business College, in which he had ample opportunity to study the needs of our young men before entering the active business world. After mature thought his purpose to relieve the felt want of business circles and individuals in general took shape in the first edition of the Business Guide. That the public has appre- ciated his efforts is seen in results better than told in words. The many succeeding editions, the large sales, and the interest of the public clearly shows that this volume is filling a place that no other fills. Although the author has finished his labors and has passed to his reward, yet Nichols' Business Guide is having an ever-increasing educative influence among the masses. Iwenty Years have passed since the first edition was published. These have been years of intense activity and of great progress in all lines. Notwithstanding the success that has attended this volume, our constant effort is to keep it an all- around up-to-date book, a book every item of which can be re- lied upon as correct. This edition has been rearranged ana revised and printed nom an entirely new set of plates. We are determined that the Business Guide shall continue to be the leading book on practical business. The advice and assistance of able and competent specialists in different lines of business have greatly aided us in making improvements and in giving accurate and at the same time boiled down statements. All the best and re- cent volumes on business have been consulted and valuable suggestions taken therefrom. Much of the book has been re- 1G3566 THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM UP8TA1K& written, while every part and line has passed under the scrutiniz- ing eye of the critic. All commercial and legal forms are of the very latest. Great pains have been taken to make all illustra- tions apt and instructive. We are free to say without fear of contradiction that this is decidedly the best book in the marke* for the money. The Business Guide is adapted to all classes, not to a certain profession or class of men, but to all who are called upon to do business. And whom does this not include? With the recog- nition that real merit and true excellence must be depended upon for success, and with the confidence of an appreciation of dili- gent, painstaking labor and research, this revised edition is sent forth to the millions who may thereby be led to do the right ihing, at the right time, in the right place and thus turn defeat, failure, loss of reputation, property, or home into intelligent actions, profitable investments, pleasant homes and prosperous, teppy and successful lives. PUBLISHERS BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. SEE8T THOU A MAN DILIGENT IN HIS BUSINESS. RE SHALL STAND BEFORE KINGS Pmv. xxii:29. CONSCIENCE Ift FHE BEST FRIEND WE CAN FIND. PRESIDENT A. A. SMITH, FOB OVER FIFTY YEARS, WAS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT AMD INFLUENTIAL EDUCATORS OF AMERICA. INTRODUCTION TO FIRST EDITION. This grand book, the * Business Guide," will recommend itself to all who desire, in a cheap form, full information as to methods of doing business. It contains all that is practical and valuable in Hill's Manual, Gaskell's Compendium, and other books of like character. It is a complete hand-book of business law and business forms. Besides, it contains a Business Dic- tionary, many useful tables, abbreviations and information, im- portant to all, upon various other topics. Vl HAVE PRINCIPLES LIKE OAK. For lack of that information which this book contains, business men lose thousands of dollars every day. Millions are lost in litigation, owing to careless habits, or to ignorance of the proper methods of doing business, to say nothing of the losses, 'for the same reason, by the trickery of confidence men and sharpers in general. Such a guide is a necessity to young men and young women to prepare them, by the adoption of correct and safe methods of business, for thoroughness and success. It is simple and com- prehensive, adapted to the wants of every one, whatever his oc- cupation may be. Its principles can be easily understood, and readily applied in practice. It ought to be in the hands of every teacher, and of every scholar of sufficient age to understand business transactions. It deserves, indeed, a place in every household. Naperville, 111. A - A ' SM1TH ' DILIGENCE IS THE MO 1 HER OF GOOD LUCK. vil TABLE OF CONTENTS. SECTION I. Business Man's Code. PAGE. Business Energy Push 15 How Success Is Won 16 A Business Education 18 Business a Profession 20 Poor Boys and Famous Men 21 Opinions of Successful Men 23 Safe Principles and Rules 25 Good Business Maxims 26 Genius, Capital, Skill and Labor 27 Business Failures 28 Business Manners 3 1 Business Qualifications 32 Talent Will Purpose 33 SECTION II. Spelling and Rules of Spelling 3) Capitals, Use of 38 Punctuation 39 Common Faults in Writing and Speaking 42 Resolutions and Petitions 43-44 SECTION IIL Penmanship. Importance of Good Writing 47 Rules for Writing 48 Principles of Penmanship 49 Business Alphabets, Forms and Models 5 Vertical Writing 55 Ornamental Penmanship 57 Marking Alphabets 62 German Alphabet 63 Deaf and Dumb Alphabet 64 Shorthand 65 SECTION IV. Correspondence. Letter Writing, Kinds of Letters 69 How to Begin a Letter, and Models for Beginning 70 How to Improve Your Penmanship in Letter Writing. . . 72 The Body of the Letter, the Superscription, and Models for Closing 73 Commercial Correspondence 75 Titles Used in the United States 77 Postal Card, How to Write 77 Business Letters and Forms 78 Letters of Application, with Forms 82 A-0 PAINS, NO GAINS. Notes of Invitations, with Models 84 Letters of Introduction and Apology, with Forms 88, 08 Letters of Recommendation, with Forms 89 Letters of Congratulation, with Forms 91 Letters of Sympathy and Condolence, with Forms.... 92 Letters of Friendship, with Forms 93 Resolutions, How to Write 95 Visiting and Address Cards 96 Helpful Hints to Correspondence 97 SECTION V. Commercial Forms. Notes, Fifty Facts and Principles 101 Notes, Writing 101 Notes, Transferring : 102 Notes, Collecting i ' 103 Notes, Paying 104 Notes, Payment Defeated 104 Notes, Different Forms of 106 Notes, Indorsement of, and Forms of Indorsement.... no Orders, an "I. O. U." 113 Due Bills 113 Receipts, How to Write, and Forms of 1 14 Receipt for a Lost Note 1 18 SECTION VI. Banks and Banking. History, Discount, National Banks Circulation 119 Banks, Failures Savings Banks and Bank Account... 121 Banks, How to do Business with 122 Banks, Discounting a Note at 123 Checks, Vital Points on 124 Checks, Indorsements of 125 Certificate of Deposit k 126 Raising a Check Check Payable to Order A Certified Check How to Fill Out and Keep Stub 127 Drafts, Hints and Helps on Writing, Accepting and Transferring 132 Forms of Drafts, Bills of Exchange and Letters of Credit 133 Clearing-House System Clearing-House Management Journeyings of Checks, with Cut 136 SECTION VII. Practical Information for Business Men. Transferring Commercial Papers 139 Demand of Payment 140 The Credit System, Advantages and Disadvantages 141 How to Collect Debts , .. 142 r "*ow to Obtain Wealth 144 NO SWEAT i NO SWEET. PAGE How to Make Change Quickly g 144 Giving Away Property in Old Age 145 Teaching Business to Wives, Daughters and Children,, 146 SECTION VIII. Points of Law and Legal Forms. Affidavits 148 Arbitration, How to Settle Difficulties by 149 Arbitration, Best for Farmers 150 Agent, How to do Business with 151 Power of Attorney, with Forms 154 Apprenticeship 155 Agreements and Contracts 157 Contracts, Vical Part of, and Law Governing Them.... 158 Contracts That Are Not Lawful , 160 Contracts, Damages for Violation of 162 Agreements and Contracts, Forms of 163 Estray Notice 166 Property, Real and Personal 167 Law Governing Sale and Transfer of Property 167 Bill of Sale, Forms of 168 Bankruptcy 169 Coal Lands 171 Lien, How to Secure 172 Form of Mechanic's Lien 173 Laws on Guarantees, with Forms 174 Landlord and Tenant 175 Leases Rights and Duties of Landlord and Tenant 176 Forms of Leases, Short and Long Forms 178 Notice to Quit 181 Distress for Rent 182 Landlord's Lien 183 Deeds, How Written and Laws Governing Them 184 Deeds, Forms of 1^5 Trusts 18? Mortgages and Laws Governing Them with Forms.... 188 Chattel Mortgages, with Form 192 Assignments of Mortgages and Forms of Assignment. . . 194 Mortgage, Release, with Form 195 Mortgages, Foreclosure of 196 Certificate of Acknowledgment pnd Forms 196 Bail 197 Bond and Forms of Bonds 197 Wills and Laws of Wills, with Form 200 Executors and Administrators 201 Naturalization 204 Qualifications for Suffrage 206 Passports 207 Patents 207 Pensions and Pensioners; , 211 * SLOTH IS THJL KEY OF POVERTY, PAGE. License 212 Insurance, Fire, Life, Marine, and Accident 214 SECTION IX. Associations for Transacting Business. Partnerships, How to Form, and Laws Governing 219 Articles of Copartnership, and Agreement to Dissolve.. 220 Corporations and Stock Investments 221 Certificate of Stock 224 How Stock Is Watered 225 Beards of Trade and Stock Exchanges 226 Trusts, Object, Result, Laws, Court Decisions 228 Commercial Agencies Object, Method, Value 229 Building and Loan Associations 230 SECTION X. Transportation. Merchandise Common Carrier, Baggage, Express Companies Transportation by Water Damages.. 232 Money, How to Send 235 Mail 236 Passengers 236 SECTION XI. The Business Man's Digest of Laws. Presumption of Law Pertaining to Business Papers.. ..237 Law Governing Forged Papers 238 Law on Opening Letters ". 238 Criminal Law, Terms and Facts on 239 Law on Lost Property 240 Employer and Employe 241 Law Governing Lost Notes and Bills 242 Legal Gifts 243 Law on Trading, Offer and Acceptance... 244 When to Sign Your Name in Full 245 How a Married Woman Should Sign Her Name 245 How to Secure the Signature of a Person Who Cannot Write 246 Marriage Laws and Contracts 247 Rights of Married Women to Own Property 249 Authority of Wife Living Apart from Her Husband. .. . 250 Divorce and Divorce Laws 251 Parent and Child, Legal Relation of 252 Law Governing Public Schools..... 255 Exemption Laws 260 Homestead Laws 262 Outlawed Debts 263 Taxes and Duties 265 Breach of Trust 266 WORK AND THOU SHALT HAVE. PAGB. Civil Service Law, How to Secure an Appointmen 1 . .. . 267 Domestic and Foreign Postage 268 Legal Holidays in U. S. Working on Holidays 270 Laws of Newspaper Subscription 272 Responsibility in Runaway Horses 273 Trespassing Animals, Fence Laws 274 Laws of Public Roads, Form of Petition 275 Rtaponsibiiity of Owning a JJog 276 Mines and Mining Laws, How to Locate a Mine r~7 Money, Functions, Kinds, Legal Tender, Gradation.. 281 Mints and Assay Offices 282 SECTION XII. Parliamentary Laws and Rules. Conducting Public Meetings 283 Over 300 Points of Order 284 Points Worth Remembering 285 SECTION XIII. Counterfeiting, Gambling, Betting and Swindling. Counterfeit Money, How to Detect 286 Gambling and Betting 207 Swindling Schemes 289 Card Swindler's Tricks 290 Patent Fence Swindle 291 Farm Machinery Swindle ,. 292 Envelope Swindle 293 Swindling Note 294 Counterfeit Money Swindle 295 Barb Wire Swindle 296 Lightning Rod Swindle 297 Cheap Jewelry Swindle 298 SECTION XIV. Bookkeeping. How to Learn Bookkeeping 299 Rules for Bookkeeping 300 Systems, Modern Bookkeeping, Legal Points 301 Errors in Trial Balance, Detecting 302 Set of Books Written Up 304 How to Keep Farm Accounts 309 SECTION XV. Interest Laws and Tables. Legal Hints and Helps , 311 Lightning Method 312 How Money Grows at Interest 313 Banker's Method and Bankers Time Table 313 Time at Which Money Doubles at Interest... " 314 2 Standard. Xii HE WHO WILL NOT WORK SHALL NOT EAT. FAOX. Interest Tables and How to Use Them 315 Compound Interest, Possibilities of 322 Compound Interest Tables 323 Interest Laws of the United States 324 SECTION XVI. Short Method of Computation and Business Reckoning Tables. Civil Service Method of Addition 326 Lightning Method 327 Improved Method for Adding Long Columns 328 Lightning Methods of Multiplication and Division 329 Cancellation Figuring 331 How to Figure Lumber by Cancellation 332 How to Figure the Plastering for a Room 332 Rapid Business Calculations 333 Carpets, Measurement of 334 Paper, Amount Required for a Room 335 Contents of Troughs, Tanks, Cisterns, Barrels, etc 335 Stone Work 338 Facts for Builders ; 338 Brick Work and Plastering 339 Coal, Charcoal, Wood, with Tables 340 Tile, Carrying Capacity, Area and Weight of. 342 Carpenters' Rules 343 Mechanics, Definitions and Pointers for 346 Mechanics, Useful and Practical Rules for 348 Lumber, Measurements and Tables 349 Distance Traveled in Plowing 355 Changing an Evener 355 Hay, Measuring in Mow or Stack 356 Grain, Corn, etc., Measurements of, with Tables 357 Legal Weights 362 Cost of Coal, Hay, etc., Tables 363 Wages, Tables 364 Ice, Bran, Mill Feed, and Cotton Pickers' Tables 369 Weight of Cattle and Hogs, with Tables 370 Ready Reckoner 373 SECTION XVII. Ready Reference Tables. Cost of Smoking ... 379 How We Spend Our Money Annually 379 Tables of Weights and Measures, Grocers' Tables 380 Soil, Weight of Nails to the Pound 381 Generals of the United Sttes Army 381 Weight and Value of Gold and Silver 381 Day of Week for Any Date, How to Find 382 A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED xiii 1AQE Business Failures 383 Immigration into the United States 383 Colleges in the United States 384 Public Schools 384 Armies of Different Nations 384 Religious Statistics and Creeds 384 Illiteracy of Nations 384 Salaries of Rulers and United States Officers . . . 384 Presidents of the United States, Terms of Office, etc 385 Picket Fence Level or Over a Hill 386 Carriage Wheel Top or Bottom, Which Moves Faster? 386 SECTION XVIII. Useful Reference Rules and Items. Iron Tools and Glass, How to Write Name on ,37 How to Make a Hole in Glass 037 Common Names of Chemical Substances 037 Painting Rules ^88 SECTION XIX. Distances, Population, and Time of Fastest Mails. Foreign Mails 380 Postal Distances and Time of Mails from New York to Principal Cities in the United States 389 Distances from Washington to State Capitals 390 Distances and Time of Carrying Mails from New York to All Parts of the World 390 Difference of Time Between Washington and Principal Cities; Length of Longest Day at Various Places 39! Distances and Railroad Fares from Chicago to Principal Cities in the United States 392 Population of Principal Cities of U. S. in 1880-90-1900 394 States: Population, Dates of Admission Thirteen Original States Governors' Terms and Salaries Sessions of Legislatures Electoral Votes ; 42r SECTION XX. Business Abbreviations 422 Business Dictionary , 42 3 Legal Dictionary 433 PKA &&*&& **.. OUR NATIONS INDUSTRIAL TREE, STRIKE THE IRON WHILE IT IS HOT. 15 IT MAKES THE SPARKS FLY. THE BUSINESS MAN'S CODE. BUSINEJS, ENERGY, PUSH. Business, in every age of the world, has been the chief pioneer in the man h of man's civilization. Blessings everywhere follow its advancing footsteps. We honor and respect our upright, energetic business men. They start every noble project; they build our cities, and rear our manufactories; they whiten the ocean with their sails, and blacken the heavens with the smoke of their steam vessels and furnace fires; they draw treasures from the mines, and give to mankind the various products of every clime and the benefits of skilled labor throughout the world. These results are achieved not by love of ease or idle wish, but by energy that knows no defeat, by that indomitable spirit of push that lays the foundation of true prosperity andT builds the structures of success and progress, right over the rums of defeated projects and apparent failures. The man who was financially ruined by the Chicago fire, but who began his 16 THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IS CONSTANCY OF PURPOSE business at the old stand right in the midst of the burnt dis- trict and advertised his goods on a shingle the day after the fire, richly deserved that which he received the applause of the world and a successful business, with which his former business bore no comparison. Everybody admires the courageous spirit that overcomes difficulties and manages to rise in the world. It is the invincible spirit of "get there" that people like. HOW SUCCESS IS WON. Success is a happy word for the average American. To achieve success is the aim of every one. It would more fre- quently be gained were it not that it is too often wrongly under- stood to be innate smartness. Young man, the sooner you get rid of the notion that you are smart, the sooner will you win success. You may be a genius of exceeding brilliancy, but the chances are one to one hundred thousand that you are not. It is safer to conclude that you are just a plain ordinary mortal and then set about doing the best you can with the capital nature has given you. You may not soar so high at first, but then, when your balloon of youthful conceit collapses, you will not have so far to fall. Bear in mind that there are thousands who con- sider themselves exceptionally smart and through a dependence upon that smartness have made an utter failure of life, while on the other hand the apparently dull and stupid youth has by proper means overcome and is enjoying the prosperity that the supposed talented youth has dreamed of. Success must be won if it is to be enjoyed. The person who waits for it to come along is like a man who waits for the train to arrive before he gets his ticket. To use an ordinary term, both are apt to "get left." Men ordinarily fail to succeed, not because they are naturally destined to fail, but they lack business ability, which is made up of equal parts of business knowledge, sterling integrity, strict economy and everlasting push. In our day knowledge can be acquired and is in the reach of all who possess the other qualities. The otber qualities ought to be in possession of every youth of sound mind. If not, nature can hardly be blamed for the deficiency. Again, success is the child of confidence and oerseverance. ENTHUSIASM CONQUERS THE IMPOSSIBLE. 17 YOUNG LINCOLN CUTTING WOOD FOB HIS MOT The line between failure and success is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it, so fine that we are often on the line and do not know it. How many a man has thrown up his hands at a time when a little more effort, a little more patience, would have achieved success. As the tide goes clear out, so it comes clear in. Sometimes business prospects may seem darkest when really they are on the turn. A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success. There is no failure except in no longer trying. There fe no defeat except from within, no really insurmountable barrier save our own inherent weakness of purpose. A firm resolution, that barriers shall be surmounted, that diffi- culties shall be cleared away, goes far toward achieving success Let us repeat, success must be won. It never comes uninvited, never without effort. 18 LEARNING 18 WEALTH TO THE POOR. A BUSINESS EDUCATION. Know Thyself Is .an ancient maxim, but none the less worthy of consideration. Many of the failures of life result from a lack of knowledge of one's self and of adaptations in a business "life. There are some farmer: who would with credit fill one or the professions; while there are not a few of the professional men who would do themselves credit by seeking the farm, the workshop, or the laborer's task. One of the essentials in starting out in life is to be thoroughly fitted for the position occupied by a proper educational training. First of all the young man should diligently apply himself to an intelligent study of his own adapta- tions. To have parents or friends say that a younsr man shall be a lawyer, a doctor, a preacher, or a merchant, without con- sulting the inclinations and adaptations of the youth and then seek to train him to this end is sheer folly. Success or failure generally hinges on a proper choice of vocation. Our Educational System. At the summit of our excellent educational system stands the college and the university. We need not be ashamed of Yale, Harvard and Princeton that compare favorably in scholarship, thoroughness of in- struction, and work done with the most honored universities of any land. Our public school and business colleges fit our youth for the practical side of life. Higher education is all ^ery well, but the first and important thing in this practical world is for one to be able to make a good living. A business education fits any one all the better for his calling even though he enters one of the professions. Practical Education Needed. Horace Greeley said, many years ago, that he knew of 3,000 college graduates in New York alone that were not able to make a living. The craze to graduate and have a diploma is even greater today. Give these college graduates a thorough practical business education and there will be less of soaring after the infinite and diving after the unfathomable and more of seeking to acquire true suc- cess by merit alone. Importance of Business Education. A business educa- tion is essential to a substantial business career. Not a mere acquaintance with business facts but practical business train- Ing is what makes men able to direct successfully the details THE BUILDING THAT NEEDS PROPS IS SUFE TO FALL. 19 THE LATE MARSHALL FIELD. of large establishments, to control the movements of immense business concerns. Your Duty. Study the drift of your mind. Know the current in which your faculties drift the swiftest and the surest, and then lay to the helm, steer so straight a course that neither yourself nor any one else can be mistaken as to the direction or object of your efforts. (They say that there is a place out west where, when the boys wear their breeches threadbare, their mothers just turn them around instead of sewing on a patch, and the result is that when you see those boys out on the road you cannot tell whether they are going to school or coming home.) Young man, let the world know which way you are going. Certain Prosperity. Let a man in business be thoroughly fitted for the position he occupies, alert to every opportun- ity and embracing it to its fullest possibility and he is a success. Lay a good foundation of business principles and practices. Do a legitimate business. Aim to have a home of your own early in life. Be strictly honest; work hard; be earnest; seek to be an intelligent citizen. Marry a good, healthy, loving girl; keep a clear conscience; fear God and work righteousness; and life's sun will set in tints of gold and splendor. 20 SKILL, NOT LUCK, LEADS TO FORTUNE. BUSINESS A PROFESSION. The occupation of the merchant is now recognized as being as much a profession as that of medicine or theology. To master the intricacies of business and conduct it successfully requires- as careful a preparation and training as for any of the professions. Formerly the particularly bright sons of the family were en- couraged by the fond parents to prepare for one of the pro- fessions, but those who were not so fortunate were to go into business, on the supposition that it did not require such a high order of ability to make a success. It is not so now. It requires the brightest minds and the strongest intellects to make a suc- cess in the fierce competition which rules in every department of business. In this connection the New York Commercial Bulletin says: "The idea is prevalent that merchandizing is a thing that can be taken up when other vocations fail, and that it only needs a fair degree of push or smartness, or perhaps a genius for specula- tion which does not hesitate to accept any risk. It need not be said that nothing is further from the truth, and that those who are tempted to accept the delusion are morally certain, sooner or later, to repent of their folly. The mercantile life needs prepara- tion or qualification quite as much as the other professions. We live in an age of extraordinary commercial activity. The world, practically, is today all one market, and the man or people who would handle that market to the best advantage must be well up in the particular kind of knowledge that is requisite to enable them to take advantage of the world-wide methods and to keep pace with their competitors. This cannot be acquired in an off- hand, haphazard kind of a way, but by intelligent, painstaking study. Here, if anywhere, knowledge is power." Hon. John Wanamaker thus expressed himself: "Let me say to you that a young man who starts in such a field as this (commercial life) will stand but little chance of suc- cess without thorough and fruitful business training. The days of chance are gone. The mercantile profession must be studied as one studies law or medicine. There never were so many bids for young men. Banking institutions, business establishments and great importers are calling for young men, but they must be men who have studied, who have applied themselves l who have had training to do the work." A RIGHT START IN LIFE IS A CAREER HALF MADE. 21 * Chauncey M. Depew makes the following statement: "In the olden time there was no intermediary which taught the young man or young woman the methods of business. To- day the young man who graduates from a literary college and who enters business without going through a business school is enormously hampered in his progress in life." POOR BOYS AND FAMOUS MEN. 1. Humble Birth no Barrier to Success. In European countries much depends upon one's birth. Class and clan largely control the future, barring out the youth of humble birth from entering upon the avenues open to those through whose veins courses more royal blood. In America, the land of liberties and opportunities, nature invites all alike to positions of greatness and honor. Here a larger proportion of boys of humble parentage rise to eminence and wealth than in any other country . 2. Noted Examples. Franklin was the son of a tallow- chandler and soap boiler. Daniel Defoe, hostler and son of a butcher. Whitfield the son of an inn-keeper. Shakespeare was the son of a wood stapler. Milton was the son of a money scrivener. Robert Burns was a plowman in Ayrshire. Mo- hammed, called the prophet, a driver of asses. Madame Berna- dotte was a washer-woman of Paris. Napoleon was of an ob- scure family of Corsica. John Jacob Astor once sold apples on the streets of New York. Catherine, Empress of Russia, was a camp-grisette. Elihu Burritt was a blacksmith. Abraham Lin- coln was a rail splitter. Gen. Grant was a tanner. 3. George Peabody. A long time ago, a litt'Je boy twelve years old, on his road to Vermont, stopped at a country tavern, and paid for his lodging and breakfast by sawing wood, instead of asking for it as a gift. Fifty years later, the same boy passed that same little inn as George Peabody, the banker, whose name is the synonym of magnificent charities the hon- ored of two hemispheres. 4. Cornelius Vanderbilt. When Cornelius Vanderbilt was a young man, his mother gave him fifty dollars of her sav- ings to buy a small sail boat, and he engaged in the business of transporting market gardening from Staten Island to New 22 FAILURE MAT BE THE STEPPING STONE TO SUCCESS. York City. When the wind was not favorable he would work his way over the shoals by pushing the boat along by poles, putting his own shoulder to the pole, and was very sure to get his freight in market in season. He accumulated over $20,000,000 during his life. 5. Stephen Qirard. Stephen Girard left his native coun- try at the age of ten or twelve years, as a cabin boy on a vessel. He came to New York in that capacity. His deport- ment was distinguished by such fidelity, industry and temper- ance that he won the attachment and confidence of his master, who generally bestowed on him the appellation of "My Stephen." When his master gave up business he promoted Girard to the command of a small vessel. Girard was a self-taught man, and the world was his school. It was a favorite theme with him, when he afterwards grew rich, to relate that he commenced life with a sixpence, and to insist that a man's best capital was his industry. 6. Marshall Field. A clerk in a country store in Mass- achusetts at seventeen ; then a foreman in a Chicago dry goods house at twenty-five, a partner in the firm at thirty; the head of the business at forty, and at fifty the owner and director general of a mercantile enterprise doing a business exceeding forty million dollars every year this is the story of Marshall Field's successful career. 7. Barefooted Boys. The barefooted boy of fifty years ago has been thinking and thinking aright, and thinking with no ordinary mind. He has placed the impression of his char- acter upon the age. His industry, his business habits were developed in round, full and beautiful character. The barefoot boy of fifty years ago is today the prominent millionaire, the prominent business man, the prominent lawyer, the prominent statesman and the prominent philanthropist. It is a common saying that the men who are most successful in business are those who begin the world in their shirt-sleeves; whereas those who begin with fortunes generally lose them. Necessity is always the first stimulus to industry. EDUCATION IS CAPITAL INVESTED FOR THE FUTURE. 23 OPINIONS OF SUCCESSFUL MEN. The following gleaned from^a letter from Mr. Marshall Field to Dr. Hillis is worthy of every young man's careful perusal: "A young man should carefully consider what his natural bent or inclination is, be it business or profession. Then enter upon it with diligence and put into it an energy directed by strong common sense; seek to enhance his own and his em- ployer's interests; choose good companions,, and make honesty and devotion to duty his watchword. ECONOMY is one of the most essential elements of success. The average young man is too extravagant and wasteful. In order to acquire the dollars one must take care of the nickels. Begin to save early, be it ever so little. Success in small things is a necessary qualification of controlling a large business and income." It is a mistake that capital alone is necessary to success, If a man has head and hands suited to his business, it will soon procure him capital. John Freedley. There is no boy in America, however humble his birth, who, in whatever capacity his lot may be cast, if he have a strong arm, a clear head, brave heart, and honest purpose, may not, by the light of our public schools and the freedom of our laws, rise until he stands foremost in the honor and confi- dence of the country. Congressman Pay son t Pontiac, III. Punctuality is the mother of confidence. Be on time. Be frank. Say what you mean. Do what you say. So shall your friends know and take it for granted, that you mean to do what is just and right. John Briggs. He that has never known adversity is but half acquainted with others, or with himself, for constant success shows us but one side of the world. Cotton. What though you have found no treasure, nor has any rich relation left you a legacy. Diligence is the mother of good luck, and God gives all things to industry. Then plow deep while the sluggard sleeps, and you shall have corn to sell and to keep. Work while it is called today, for one today is worth two to-morrows. Franklin. Until men have learned industry, economy and self-control, they cannot be safely intrusted with wealth. John Griggs. 24 PERSEVERANCE REMOVES MOUNTAINS OR TUNNELS THEM. PRINCIPLES ARE USELESS, UNLESS EMBODIED IN ACTION. 25 SAFE PRINCIPLES AND RULES. 1. Remember that time is gold. 2. True intelligence is always modest. 3. Never covet what is not your own. 4. Don't cultivate a sense of over-smartness. 5. A man of honor respects his word as he does his note. 6. Shun lawsuits, and never take money risks that you can avoid. 7. Endeavor to be perfect in the calling in which you are engaged. 8. Keep your eyes on small expenses. Small leaks sink a great ship. 9. Keep your health good by adopting regular and steady habits. 10. Never forget a favor, for ingratitude is the basest trait of a man's mean character. 11. Remember that the rich are generally plain, while rogues dress well and talk smoothly. 12. Remember that steady, earnest effort alone leads TO wealth and high position. 13. Never be afraid to say no. Every successful man must have the backbone to assert his rights. 14. Avoid the tricks of trade; be honest, and never mis- represent an article that you desire to sell. 15. The only safe rule is, never to allow a single year to pass by without laying up something for the future. 16. Remember that trickery, cheating and indolence are never ft. und as attributes of a thrifty and progressive man. 17. Do not be ashamed of hard work. Work for the best salary or wages you can get, but work for anything rather than to be idle. 18. Be not ashamed to work, for it is one of the condi- tions of our existence. There is no criminal who does not owe his crime to some idle hour. 19. To industry and economy add self-reliance. Do not take too much advice, think for yourself. Independence will add vigor and inspiration to your labors. 26 MAXIMS ARE THE CONDENSED GOOD SENSE OF NATIONS- GOOD BUSINESS MAXIMS. 1. Goods well bought are half sold. 2. Write a good, plain, legible hand. 3. Keep your word as good as a bank. 4. Goods in store are better than bad debts. 5. Never refuse a choice when you can get it. 6. Never take any chances on another man's game. 7. Never sign a paper without first reading it carefully. 8. Never gamble or take chances on the Board of Trade. 9. Remember that an honest man is the noblest work of God 10. Your first ambition should be the acquisition of knowl- edge pertaining to your business. 11. Of two investments, choose that which will best pro- mote your regular business. 12. By prosecuting a useful business energetically, humanity is benefited. 13. Keep accurate accounts, and know the exact condition of your affairs. ' 14. Be economical; a gain usually requires expense; what is saved is clear. 15. Endeavor to be perfect in the calling in which you are engaged. 16. Never fail to meet a business engagement, however irk- some it may be at that moment. 17. Never sign a paper for a stranger. Think nothing in- significant which has a bearing upon your success. 18. Avoid litigation as much as possible, study for your-" self the theory of commercial law, and be your own lawyer. 19. Undertake no business without mature reflection, and confine your capital closely to the business you "have established. 20. Lead a regular life, avoid display, and choose your as- sociates discreetly, and prefer the society of men of your own type. 21. Be affable, polite, and obliging to everybody; avoid discussions, anger, and pettishness; interfere with no disputes the creation of others. 22. Never misrepresent, falsify, or deceive; have one rule of moral life, never swerve from it. whatever may be the acts 01 opinions of oth"r men &OOD LUCK COMES TO THE MAN THAT EARNS IT, 27 23. Make no investments without a full acquaintance with cheir nature and condition; and select such investments as have intrinsic value. 24. Never run down a neighbor's property or goods and praise up your o\\n. It is a mark of low breeding, and will gain you nothing. 25. Above all things, acquire a good, correct epistolary style, for you are judged by the business world according to the char- acter, expression, and style of your letters. 26. During business hours attend to nothing but business, but be prompt in responding to all communications, and never suffer a letter to remain without an answer. 27. Never form the habit of talking about your neighbors, or repeating things that you hear others say. You will avoid much unpleasantness, and sometimes serious difficulties. 28. Finally, examine carefully every detail of your busi- ness. Be prompt in everything. Take time to consider, and then decide positively. Dare to go forward. Bear troubles pa- tiently. Be brave in the struggle of life. Maintain your in- tegrity as a sacred thing. Never tell business lies. Make no useless acquaintances. Never appear something more than you are. Pay your debts promptly. Shun strong liquor. Employ your time well. Never be discouraged. Then work hard and you will succeed. GENIUS, CAPITAL, SKILL, LABOR. Here is a comparative table of genius, capital, skill and la- bor, on the mutual basis of the almighty dollar. Genius. The power that enabled Tennyson to take a piece of paper and make it worth sixty-five thousand dollars by writ- ing a poem on it. Capital. The ability to write a few words on a sheet of paper and make it worth five million dollars, as a Vander- bilt can do. Skill. The ability to take twenty-five cents! worth of steel and make it into watch-springs worth fourteen thousand dol- lars, as a mechanic can do. Labor. The act of working ten hours a day and shoveling three or four tons of earth for $1.50, as the ditcher does. 3 Standard. 2S NO MAN CAN LOUNGE INTO SUCCESS. IP YOU WANT TO CATCH FISH, YOU MUST GO WHERE THEY ARE. THE BOY SEES THE POINT, DO YOU? BUSINESS FAILURES. Actual Experience. It is asserted that at least nine-tenths of those who engage in business pursuits either fail or go out of business after having lost more or less of their capital. The large number of failures is exceedingly discouraging to the young man who may have little or no capital with which to begin business, but when their failures are more closely exam- ined, it is readily seen that they resulted either from a lack of experience or from a yielding to -discouraging features, and to difficulties that with perseverance might have been surmounted. Nothing, neither theoretical knowledge nor adaption to the work, can be substituted for actual business experience. Every young man should avail himself of every opportu- nity to prepare himself for his work, but let him not attempt to substitute this preparation for actual experience. No Defeat. Again, failure, by a determined effort, has often been turned into brilliant and permanent success. It is said that the British have won in many decisive battles, after THERE IS NO FAILURE FOR THE GOOD AND THE WISE. 29 their enemies believed themselves to be conquerors, simply because they would not acknowledge chat they were beaten. Difficulties and apparent failures may become instructors or stepping stones to success, when determined effort will not yield to them. It is often the case that more may be expected from a man who has failed, yet goes on in spite of his failure, than from the buoyant career of the successful. Many young men have distinguished themselves by brilliant speeches while in college, who were never heard from after leaving college. It may be gratifying but it is seldom beneficial to strike twelve the first time. Examples. Examples ot success through failure are not wanting. Men are successful in spite of difficulties. It was in the face of many failures that Fulton applied himself to the task of designing a successful steamboat. Hiram Powers, the noted American sculptor, met failure and defeat in a dozen different pursuits before he became established in his chosen profession. Phillips Brooks failed utterly as a teacher in a Boston Latin School, but, undaunted by the predictions of friends and dis- couraging disappointments, he lived to present to the world one of the richest natures, and noblest preachers of the nine* teenth century. Robert Bruce, discouraged and disheartened by repeated defeats, looked to the roof of his cabin and learned a lesson from a spider which after many unsuccessful efforts at last swung itself from one beam of the roof to the other. Stimulated by the success of the spider, Bruce was encouraged to make one more effort for his country, and, as he never before gained a victory, so he never afterward met with any great defeat. If the little ant does not succeed the sixty-ninth time in carrying its food to its home, it makes the seventieth effort. Do not be disheartened at every rebuff. There are few persons who succeed at once. We learn more wisdom from failures than from success. Causes of Failures. In answer to the question what causes the numerous failures in life of business and professional men, the following replies from leading men in our country are suggestive and will be helpful to the wide-awake youth: Alex. H. Stephens. Want of punctuality, honesty, truth. Pres. Bartlett. Lack of principle, of fixed purpose, of perseverance. 30 CHARACTER SECURES RESPECT Free. Eliot. Stupidity, laziness, rashness, dishonesty. Dr. Dexter. Want of thoroughness of preparation. Want of fixed- ness of purpose. Want of faith in the inevitable triumph of right and truth. Anthony Comstock. Unholy living and dishonest practices, lust and intemperance, living beyond one's means. Gen'l. O. O. Howard. Breaking the Divine laws of the body by vice, those of the mind by overwork and idleness, and those of the heart by making an idol of self. Prof. Homer Sprague. Mistakes in choice of employment and lack of persistent and protracted effort. A low ideal, making success to consist in personal aggrandizement, rather than in the training and development of a true and noble character. Dr. Lyman Abbott. The combined spirit of laziness and self-con- ceit that makes a man unwilling to do anything unless he can choose Just what he will do. Marshall Field. The haste to become rich at the expense of char- acter; want of forethought, idleness, or general shtftlessness; living be- yond one's means; outside speculation and gambling; want of proper judgment and overestimating capacity, lack of progressiveness, or, in other words, dying of dry rot. Joseph Medill, Editor of the Chicago Tribune. Liquor drinking, gambling, reckless speculation, dishonesty, tricky conduct, cheating, Idleness, shirking hard work, frivolous reading, failure to improve op- portunities. A chicken trying to swim with some ducks, complained of the world. 'The world is all right," replied the ducks, "if you ad- just yourself to it. Keep in your element (the land), and not ours, which is satisfactory to us." Draw your own moral, if you please. Failure, a Premonition of Success. Do not by any means court or invite failure, but if it comes look upon it as indicative of success. We owe much of our happiness to our mistakes, and yet it is true that happiness is never found in failure. Sir Humphry Davy, when shown a dexterously manipulated experiment said, "I thank God I was not made a dexterous manipulator, for the most important of my discoveries have been suggested to me by failures." The very greatest things great thoughts, great discoveries and inventions have usually been nurtured in hardship, suffering, and poverty, and have not become established before chilly failure seemed to lay its icy hand upon the victim's aching brow. But how often has ap- parent failure been turned into real success, through the uncon- querable courage and will power of the determined spirit. A MAN PASSES FOB WHAT HE JS WOSTH. 81 BUSINESS MANNERS. Manners are the ornament of action. Smiles. Guard manners, if you would protect the morals. Davidson. A good name is the best thing in the world; either to get one a good name, or to supply the want of it Anonymous. 1. Be cheerful, and show proper civility to all with whom you transact business. 2. There are many who have failed in business because they never learned to respect the feelings or opinions of others. 3. Kindness of manners is the best capital to invest in a business, and will bear a higher rate of interest than any other investment. 4. Be accomplished, polite, refined, civil, affable, well-be- haved and well-mannered, and you will never lose by it. 5. Manners make the business man, and give him the art of entertaining and pleasing all with whom he has business rela- tions. 6. If you wish to change a man's views in reference to some business transaction or other negotiations, respect his opinions, end he will be respectful and listen to your arguments. 7. There are a thousand easy, engaging little ways, which we may put on in dealing with others, without running any risk of over-doing it. 8. An old saying, "politeness costs nothing, and accom- plishes wonders," is a good one. Of course, politeness without sincerity is simply a refined form of hypocrisy, and sincerity without politeness is but little better. A savage, a barbarian can be honest, but is not likely to be very polite. So politeness of speech and manners is the distinguishing trait between the civilized and the uncivilized. 9. A coarseness and roughness of speech, a studied effort to say things that grate upon or wound the feelings of a person possessing ordinary refinement, is utterly, inexcusably and wholly indefensible. 10. There are many persons, however, who seem to have the idea that because they are honest, sincere and sympathetic, after a fashion, they are excusable for being impolite, and con- sequently justified in cultivating boorish manners, and indulg- ing in rough speech; but this is a mistake. It pays to regaro 32 DON'T AIM AT TALENT YOU HAVE NOT. the feelings of others, especially when it costs us nothing. It does not follow because a man is polite that he is therefore insincere. Politeness and sincerity can go together, and the man or woman who possesses both will get along much better than the individual who has either without the other. BUSINESS QUALIFICATIONS. id- Many of life's failures are due to attempts of individuals to fill positions for which they lack the proper business qualifi- cations. While the different lines of business require special skill in certain directions, there are other qualifications that are essential in all business pursuits. The choice of a career is by no means of the least importance. This being made there should be an ideal within you that will raise the character and excellence of your work. The qualifications most essential to success are a knowledge of every detail of your business, strict integrity, painstaking economy, and a push that holds high its motto, "This one thing I do," and "keeps everlastingly at it." The world admires the man who does best what multitudes do well. The era of easy money getting is rapidly passing. It is trained ability that makes the business man safe. It is blind recklessness to neglect to acquire, when opportunities present, a skill that may serve well in life's struggle. The world needs you and if you seek the proper qualifications, the world will hear from you. Horace Mann's Advice. Follow Horace Mann, the great educator's advice, "Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." The stuff is in you to qualify yourself for more than a name, which is the highest ambitioo CULTIVATE THE TALENTS YOU HAVE. 33 of many youth. It is poor advice that makes every life a failure except that which has achieved a great name. The humblest manual laborer, equally with his brother man whose career abounds with the highest achievements of the intellect, whose name is honored among us, is a fellow worker with God. To Make a Name. We havi taught our American boys that they were cut out for Congressmen instead of carpenters, for Presidents instead of painters and plumbers, for bankers instead of blacksmiths, for a career instead of a calling. These top-lofty notions have been imbibed by our youth until the high- est ambition with many is to make a name for themselves. Not one of a thousand acquires a great name. Are the nine hundred and ninety-nine to be failures? Better learn to make a broom handle, a horseshoe, or a loaf of bread. The world needs these vastly more than it does names. This selfish un- Christian ambition for a name stands in the way of the self- denial necessary to real usefulness. It is baneful folly that has kept so many of our American youth out of the humble but happy and useful lives of industry. Not every man is called to preach, but ever man is called to labor in some sphere. Find your place and then seek to qualify yourself for excellence in your work. Aim to stand at the head of your occupation. TALENT, WILL, PURPOSE. Talk not of talents, is thy duty done? Thou hast sufficient, were they ten or one. Montgomery. Talent of Success. Longfellow once said that the talent of success is nothing more than doing well what you can do, without a thought of fame. This idea of attempting to dis- cover some hidden talent in one's self by which to become distinguished is fraught with much evil to the American youth. What men need most is not talent but purpose, not the power to achieve, but the will to labor through difficulties. Man's real power exhibits itself when enormous obstacles plant themselves right in his track. Success depends more upon ability adapted to work than upon any superior intellectual power. 34 SUCCESS COMES THROUGH A CLEAR, STRONG PURPOSE. OVERCOMING CIRCUMSTANCES. YOUNG PEABODY SAWING WOOD FOR A NIGHT'S LODGING. HE BECAME ONE OF THE FIRST MILLIONAIRES AND PHILANTHROPISTS OF AMERICA. Circumstances Blamed. The blaming of circumstance^ the shifting of responsibility, is as old as Adam. He blamed the woman. When Moses chided Aaron for making the golden calf, he blamed the people and the circumstances. "The people are set on mischief; we put in the gold and there came out this calf." Just as if he had no responsibility in the matter. Byron, endowed with brilliant talents, was a physical and moral wreck at thirty-five. "What else can we expect from such sur- surroundings? Byron was the victim of circumstances," says his biographer. "Something drove me to it," says the criminal Heredity Accountable. Then again, many charge their sins and failures upon heredity. True, the evil pleasures cf one generation become the failures of the next. Napoleon, Byron, Goethe and McCauley demonstrate the laws of heredity, But these physical facts are but half the facts in the case. Man has a body, but he has also a soul. Something within him whis- pers that he is free. Self-consciousness declares him to be su~ perior to circumstances and heredity John Bunyan, the offspring SETTER BE TOUR FRIEND'S NETTLE THAN HIS ECtfO. 35 of vicious parentage, Jerry McCauley and Marcus Aurelius show clearly that hereditary tendencies can be conquered. Barriers Broken. Heredity may modify responsibility, but never destroy it. There is in man that which asserting itself breaks through all barriers and rises into new realms. We are not waifs and strays with which the winds and currents sport; we are ocean steamers with power to defy the winds and waves, power to mark out our own course, power to determine for ourselves the distant harbor. Every day men fighting and conquering turn their passions into slaves that serve them; every day some tradesman prefers toil to ease, some teacher truth to falsehood, some business man chooses a little honest wealth rather than great treasures by lying methods. To every ambi- tious and aspiring youth the iron bars of heredity dissolve into smoke at the touch of the aspiring hand. Heredity is not a tyrant over man. Charles Kingsley and Phillips Brooks con- quered the stammering tongue and drilled it into eloquence, Huber, through hir love of science, triumphed over blindness. Beethoven, despite his deafness, made splendid music. Africanus, a black chief, a cannibal at forty, a colossal lump of depravity, awakened by the teaching and example of Missionary Moffat, took on the aspect of a man; became the emancipator of his race; learned to read and write and speak; learned agriculture and husbandry, and taught farming to his savages; learned the use of the saw and hammer and taught his people to build houses and villages; made himself a scholar and founded schools and churches and Christian homes. At sixty this man stood forth under the aspect of a Christian hero, a veritable Moses for his race. These examples plainly show that birth-gifts are only raw material. The successful man is the architect of his own fortune. Circumstances and Surroundings. Neither is it indispen sable that man shall be controlled by circumstances and envi- ronments. God means man to be the sole proprietor of nimself. It was never intended that he should not know what his occupations or beliefs or plans should be until circumstances came together and made up their decisions. A thousand times better be a slave for the meanest man than become the slave for dead circumstances. Uncle Tom's fetters shine like a king's 36 NOTHING CAN NEED A LIE. coronet in comparison with the fetters that he must wear who bows to climate, food, and surroundings and asks the weather whether or not he may be happy. It is for a lump of putty to permit things to stamp it, now with this mark and now with that. He who holds circumstances as responsible for his failure or success has made himself a nonentity. When he wakes up in bed at night he can properly reflect, "There is nobody here." Man a Victor. As Sampson broke the green withes which bound him, so man by indomitable courage and will may break down the barriers of circumstances that would hinder him. Fred Douglass was born midst such squalor and poverty and wickedness as no tenement house has ever witnessed, and to all this was added slavery. But, unassisted, the black boy learned to read, shook off his slavery, conquered environments, and literally beat his iron fetters into sickles and pruning hooks. Octavio Hill, entering the tenement house district of White- chapel in London, civilized the entire ward and transformed cir- cumstances of misery and sin into those of happiness and refine- ment. David Livingstone proved that, instead of circumstances shaping the man, one heaven-endowed man can absolutely create a new social and spiritual climate for a whole continent. Man is His Own King. Do not wait for nor dream of talent not in your possession. Use the talent you have. God meant you to be a success. Hold your ground and push hard. Watch opportunities. Be rigidly honest. If you delight to sit around smoking cigarettes and telling shady stories on street corners and lounging counters, it is hardly necessary for you to attempt to learn "how to write a check," for the chances are a thousand to one that you will never have a bank account. Have a purpose and with a will steer perseveringly in one direction. To the young man who does not succeed at once we would commend the following qua'nt lines: "If you strike a thorn or rose, Keep a-goin'! If it hails or if it snows, Keep a-goin'! 'Taint no use to sit and whine When the fish ain't on your line; Bait your hook an' keep on tryin' Keep a-goin' 1" BAD SPELLING IS A REMEDIABLE INJURY. 37 "DU> NOT KNOW HIS SPELLING LESSON." SPELLING. It is the fault of the English language that we have so many bad spellers. Beautiful penmanship should never be marred by bad spelling. Rather be a poor penman than a bad speller, but you need not be either. We may not be able to spell correctly the thousands of words in the English language, but it ought to be expected of us to spell correctly the few hundred words in general use. Careful reading will make a good speller. A writer who has at hand a reliable dictionary and makes it a rule never to write a word unless he is positive that it is spelled cor- rectly will in a very short time be a good speller. Thomas Jefferson in writing to his daughter Martha says, "Take care that you never spell a word wrong. Always before you spell a word, consider how it is spelled, and if you do not remember it, turn to a dictionary. It produces great praise to a lady (or gentleman) to spell well." Your success may depend upon your spelling. During the month of February, 1880, on the floor of the Senate chamber, Senator Gordon of Georgia ob- jected to the confirmation of one of President Hayes' nominees for a marshalship in his State because the applicant had mis- spelled two words in the letter of application. The nomination was not confirmed. It is better to consult the dictionary for every word than to run the risk of misspelling a single word. 38 EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS JS NOBODY'S BUSINESS. Close and careful reading and writing will always produce good spellers. Today when typewriters are of universal use only good spellers are wanted to fill positions. You may be able to use skillfully the best shorthand method, but if your typewritten copy is disfigured by bad spelling, your position will soon be occupied by another. Rules for Spelling The following rules will aid students somewhat in their knowledge of 1. Words of one syllable ending in 1 with a single vowel before it have 11 at the close; as mill, sell. 2. Words of one syllable ending in 1 with a double vowel before it, have only one 1 at the close; as mail, sail. 3. Words ending in 1 double that letter in the termination ly. 4. Words ending in e, adding ing, drop the e; as come, coming; divide, dividing. 5. Some words are spelled the same in both the singular and the plural; as deer, sheep. 6. Verbs of one syllable, ending with a single consonant, preceded by a single vowel, and verbs of two or more syllables, ending in the same manner, and having the accent on the last syllable, double the final consonant whenever another syllable is added; as get, getting; omit, omitted. 7. The plural of nouns ending in y, when y is preceded by a conso- nant, is formed by changing y into i and adding es; as lily, lilies. When y final is preceded by a vowel the plural is formed by adding s; as valley, valleys. 8. Nouns ending in o preceded by another vowel form their plurals. regularly by adding s to the singular; as cameo, cameos. 9. Words formed by prefixing one or more syllables to words end- ing in a double consonant retain both consonants; as, befall, rebuff. The exceptions are, withal, annul, distil, instil, fulfil, until. THR USE OF CAPITALS. 1. Every entire sentence should begin with a capital. 2. Proper names, and adjectives derived from these, should begin with a capital. 3. All appellations of the Deity should begin with a capital. 4. Official and honorary titles begin with a capital. 5. Every line of poetry should begin, with a capital. 6. Titles of books and the heads of their chapters and divisions are printed in capitals. ' 7. The pronoun, I, and the exclamation, O, are always capi- tals. 8. The days of the week, and the months of the year, begin with capitals. 9. Every quotation should begin with a capital letter. 10. Names of religious denominations being with capitals. 11. In preparing accounts, each Lem should begin with a capital. PAY AS YOU GO, PUNCTUATE AS YOU WRITS. 39 PUNCTUATION. Punctuation is a valuable art, easily acquired, yet too fre- quently neglected by a vast majority of letter- writers. Business men, as a class, seem to despise points as something beneath their notice. Others omit to punctuate through ignorance or carelessness. This is a great mistake, and many mistakes are made on account of this almost universal neglect to give more attention to punctuation. Importance. Punctuation is very closely connected with the construction of sentences ; so closely that a clear expres- sion in writing is almost an impossibility without it. Many illustrations might be given to show the importance of punctuation. A young man, writing to a friend, says: "I was married last Sunday night for the first time in five years; the church was full." He intended to say: I was married last Sun- day night; for the first time in five years the church was full. Another: "Woman, without her, man would be a savage.'* "Woman, without her man, would be a savage." The party consisted of Mr. Smith, a merchant, his son, a lawyer, Mr. Jones, a clergyman, his wife, a milliner, and a little child. Here the party consists of nine persons. Change the punc- tuation and you have but five. The party consisted of Mr. Smith, a merchant; his son, a lawyer; Mr. Jones, a clergyman; his wife, a milliner; and a little child. We give another, where both the spelling and the punctua- tion are defective. A clergyman one Sunday morning received a note from a parishioner, which, in the haste, he read as writ- ten, thus: ( "Capt. John Smith having gone to see his wife, desires the prayers of the church for his safe return." The note should have been written: Capt. John Smith having gone to sea, his wife desires the prayers of the church for his safe return. These examples strikingly illustrate the importance of punc- tuation. And while they are of a simple and ridiculous char- acter in a social sense, in a business letter they might be of very grave importance. General rute: Punctuate where the sense requires it. 40 GENIUS COUMANDS ADMIRATION. The comma (,) is used to mark the smallest degree of separa- tion, the semicolon (;) a greater degree, and the colon (:) the greatest. The Principal Use* of the Comma. A comma is generally used before and after a parenthetical expression; after inverted expressions; after each pair of words or phrases, when they are used in pairs; to separate words or phrases that are contrasted with each other; to separate between words or phrases when used in a series, if the conjunction is omitted or used only between the last two; to set off intermediate expressions; to sep- arate dependent and conditional clauses from the rest of the sentence; in the place of a verb that is omitted, and words that are understood; to set off nouns or phrases which are independ- ent by direct address; to set off explanatory words and expres- sions, and expressions containing the case absolute; and before a short quotation, or an expression resembling a quotation. The Semicolon. The semicolon is used to separate the mem- bers of a compound sentence,, if they are complex, or if they contain commas; to separate short sentences connected in mean- ing, unless they are very short and simple (in which case a comma is used); to separate clauses that have a common dependence upon another clause; also after the main clause if it comes at the beginning of a sentence; to separate an explan- atory clause from a complete sentence, when no conjunction is used between them; before the word as, when it is used to intro- duce an example illustrating a rule (in which case, the as should be followed by a comma); and to separate explanatory terms from a general term, when the explanatory terms are simple and separated by commas. The Colon. The colon is used to separate the members of a compound sentence, if they are subdivided by semicolons; before a clause that is added to a complete sentence, if no con- nective word is used; to precede a formal quotation; to separate explanatory terms from a general term, when the explanatory terms are complex and separated by semicolons. The Period (.). A period is used at the close of a declarative sentence, after every abbreviation, and after Roman numerals. Interrogation Point (?). An interrogation point is used after every direct question, and it is sometimes inclosed in paren- theses and used after a statement, to express doubt. Exclamation Point (I). The exclamation point is used alter HE CLIMBS HIGHEST WHO HELPS ANOTHER UP. 41 an expression of strong emotion; after an exclamation; and to express doubt or sarcasm. O and Oh! O is employed to express a wish, and it does not take the exclamation point; Oh is an interjection expressing sur- prise, pain, grief, sorrow, or anxiety, and should be immediately followed by the exclamation point, unless the emotion continues throughout the sentence. The Dash ( ). The dash is used t > mark a sudden change in sentiment and construction; to mark rhetorical pauses and repetitions; to set off a parenthetical expression that has a close connection with the rest of the sentence; and to mark the omis- sion of letters and figures. Other Marks. Parentheses ( ) are used to enclose expres- sions having only a remote connection with the rest of the sen- tence; and in reports of speeches, to enclose the exclamations from the audience. Brackets [ ] are used to enclose words that are entirely independent; as, comments, queries, corrections, etc., inserted by some other person than the original writer or speaker. Quotation Marks (" ") are used to enclose direct quotations. In the case of several quoted paragraphs, the marks are used at the beginning of each, but they follow only the last one. Single quotation marks are used to enclose a quo- tation that is included within another quotation. Quoted titles of books, essays, etc., are enclosed in quotation marks, or else printed in Italics. The Apostrophe (') is used to denote the omission of a letter or letters, and as the sign of the possessive case. The Hyphen (-) is used to separate the elements of a compound word and to divide a word into syllables. A word may be divided at the end of a line, but only between syllables. The Ellipsis (. . . or * * * *) marks an omission.' Reference Marks (* f t I H) are used to call attention to notes of explana- tions. The Possessive Sign. To denote ownership, kindu 1, authorship, origin, fitness, time, weights, measure, etc., add tLe apostrophe (') to plural nouns that end in j, and to all other nouns, add Ithe apostrophe and s ('s); and if the sound of the added s will not unite with the last sound of the word, give to it the sound iz. If several possessive nouns are connected by and, and refer to the same noun, the last only takes the posses- sive sign, otherwise each of the possessives takes the sign. Personal pronouns do not take the apostrophe and s. 42 HE WHO RUNS FROM A DIFFICULTY MUST FACE TWO. COMMON FAULTS IN WRITING AND SPEAKING. "I shall walk no further" should be "I shall walk no farther." "I have no farther use for it" should be "I have no further use for it." Farther refers to distance. "Is that him?" should be "Is that he?" "If I was him" should be "If I were he." "Better than me" should be "Better than I." "I am very dry" should be "I am very thirsty." "Both of these men" should be "Both these men." "He had laid down" should be "He had lain down." "I have got the book" should be "I have the book." "If I ad not mistaken" should be "If I mistake not." "It was her who called" should be "It was she who called.*' "Lay down or set down" should be "Lie down or sit down." "When I get off from a car" should be "When I get off a car." "It spread all over the town" should be "It spread over all the town." "If I was him I would do it" should be "If I were he I would do it." "He is down in the basement" should be "He is in the base- ment." "I know better; that ain't so" should be "Pardon me, I under- stand differently." "I see him every now and then" should be "I see him occa- sionally." "I never play if I can help it" should be "I never play if I can avoid it." "Look out or you'll get hurt" should be "Be careful or you'll get hurt." "His works are approved of by many" should be "His works are approved by many." "I went to New York, you know, and when I came back, you see, I commenced attending school," should be "I went to New York,"and when I returned I commenced attending school." "It is me" should be "It is I." "We entefrin" should be "We enter." "I don't think so" should be "I think not." "What are the news?" should be "What is the news?" "He fell on the floor" should be "He fell to the floor." "He is in under the wall" should be "He is under the wall/' "Two spoonsful of tea" should be "Two spoonfuls of tea." "A new pair of boots" should be "A pair of new boots." "I had rather ride" should be "I would rather ride." "I only want five dollars" should be "I want only five dollars." "Continue on in this way" should be "Continue in this way." "Who does this belong to?" should be "Whom does this belong to?" "I expected to have seen him" should be "I expected to see him." 8 CATTERED SEEDS INCREASE; BOARDED SEEDS DIE. 43 RESOLUTIONS. Resolutions on the Departure of a Teacher. Whereas, Miss Blanche Cooley is about to be removed from our midst and eever her connection! with this school, in which she has so long and faith* folly labored as teacher ; therefore, be it Resolved, That we deeply regret the necessity of losing her helpful and endearing presence, and most fervently wish for her a future of active useful* ness in her chosen field of new associations and interests ; ever remembering the good influence of her well ordered life, etc. JULIA E. FOBS. ERNEST BEMI8. BERT BOBBINS. WALTER COLLIER. H. E. RENNELS. EMMA B. PADDLEFORD. EDWIN WISE. ERNEST CROWN. OORA PECKHAM. CARRIE BELDEN. Resolutions Instructing Members of the Legislature. Resolved, That we, citizens of the State of New Hampshire, are opposed to the present excessive rates and fares exacted by tho Boston & Maine Rail- road Company, and we hereby pledge ourselves to vote for co candidate for either house of the Legislature who is not pledged agnintt this extortion ot said Company ; Resolved, That the Secretary is instructed to famish a report of this meeting, together with this resolution, to such papers as will bring the sub- ject most generally before the people. Resolutions of Thanks to the Officers of a Convention of Business Men, Farmers, Laborers, etc. Ilesolved, That the thanks of this Convention aro hereby given to the President, for the able, dignified, and impartial manner in which he has pre- sided over its deliberations, and to the other officers for the satisfactory man- ner in which they have fulfilled the duties assigned them. N. B. For Death Resolutions, see page 95. 44 WHEN THE FOX PREACHES BEWARE OF 'YOUR GEESE. PETITIONS, For Opening a Street. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Portland, in Common Council Assembled: Gentlemen : The undersigned respectfully solicit your honorable body to open and extend Walnut street, which now terminates at Adams street, through blocks Nos. 10 and 12 to Benton street, thereby making Walnut a nearly Straight and continuous street for two miles, and greatly accommo- dating the people in that portion of the city. Portland, Me., Mar. 12, 1905. E. E. MILLER. D. S. GRAY. FRED FOSTER. W. R. HOLLOWAY, etc. To the Legislature of a State. To the Honorable, the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Vermont, in General Assembly met: The petition of the subscribers, citizens of Poultnej', in County of Rut- land, respectfully ehoweth (stating the subject of the petition). And your petitioners will ever pray, etc. L. A. FOSTER. .PAUL G. ROSS, etc. To Congress of the United States. To the Honorable, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled: The petition of the subscribers, citizens of Granville, in the State of New York, respectfully, showeth : (stating the subject of the petition). And your petitioners will ever pray, etc. O. B. DAVIS. W. B. AVERY. CHA8. HEARN. M. F. PARSLEY. To the Executive of a Etate. To hi? Excellency, George A. Foster, Governor of the Commonwealth ot Massachusetts: Tne petition of, etc. (a3 foregoing). TOIL IS THE PRICE OF EXCELLENCE. 46 AN ITEMIZED BILL. San Francisco, Cal., June 7, 1906. Miss MARGARITE ROULSTON, To ABBIE D. MERRILL & CO., Dr. To jr yards Silk @ i jo 7 jo " 4 ** Lining (o 20 80 "10 " Drilling @ /d i 60 " j rfbar. Buttons @ 20 60 " 6 yards Muslin @ 08 48 " j ^ Z>. Merrill & Co. MR. B. A. WHITE, Terms AN UNRECEIPTED BILL. Plainfield, Conn., July 9, 1905. Bought of A. H. SIMPSON, June i 2 doz. Seamless Bags 31$ 7 44 4 4 Ibs. Brown Sugar ?c 28 16 6 " Rice 36 30 * 8 02 LONG LOOKING MULTIPLIES THE STARS. "OK.UECT POSITION AT TflE DESK. to- ff j c)o- Itj 'W-'L^tfL^ ,&-t j oe- it a tteA, a v w. PENMANSHIP IS QUEEN OF THE ARTS. A 4 47 ^ < T 7 - ~ A bad handwriting ought never to be forgiven; it is shame- ful indolence indeed, sending a badly written letter to a fellow- creature is as impudent an act as I know of. Niebuhr. The growth of the country, and the consequent increase in trade, commerce and all branches of business, the greater part of which is done through correspondence, requires thou- sands of good, rapid penmen, where one was formerly needed. Good writing is a necessity in our day, and yet how few are to be found who write elegant and graceful hands, while with many great patience is required to decipher their writing. Of the teachers of our country, ninety-nine per cent, are specially incompetent in the matter of writing. Many young men are standing on the street corners or hanging to their fathers' coat tails, waiting for something to turn up, who if they were good penmen might earn a respectable living. The onward march of civilization increasingly demands good writers GIVING OEAL, ASSISTANCE TO HIS 48 WHO DESPISES MINUTES CANNOT RESPECT ETERNITY. RULES FOR POSITION AND PRACTICE. 1. Sit in an upright and easy position. It will add to the ease and beauty of your writing. Keep both feet on the floor 2. Hold the pen firmly, but not so tightly as to cramp the lingers. 3. Place the hand on the paper so the top of the holder ^.'ill always point over the right shoulder. This will cause the points of the pen to press" equally on the paper. 4. Keep the wrist from touching the paper or desk, and keep the thumb from bending while writing. Avoid the finger move- ment. It is not practical. 5. Let every downward stroke of the pen be drawn toward the center of the body, and the writing will have the correct slant. 6. Never practice carelessly. Always practice with a free and quick stroke. Let the movement be bold, free, offhand, resting the pen so lightly that the arm, hand and fingers can move freely together. 7. In making the shades, press on the pen with a gentle, springing movement. It will avoid heavy and irregular strokes. 8. Heavy shading, or shading every downward stroke, never adds beauty nor grace to the writing. 9. The thoughtful student in penmanship, as in other studies, will win. Think and write. Practice with persever- ance, and your success will be certain. 10. To make the greatest improvement in the shortest time, practice upon the letters separately until you can make them all correctly. 11. Flourishes, too heavy shading, too large or too small letters, should be carefully avoided. 12. Practice writing by copying business letters, notes, drafts, receipts, etc., and you will improve your knowledge o* business as well as your penmanship. OOB&BOT POSITION OF THE FEN- OOMMA29D OF HAND IS THE SOUL OF PENMANSHIP. 49 PRINCIPLES OF PENMANSHIP. Elements and Principles. Short-Letter Group. Shaded Group. - Third Principle, or "Loop Group." // Fourth Principle, or "Base Oval" Group. Fifth Principle, or "Top Oval" Group. Sixth Principle, or "Stem Oval" Group. // // ^//Ss//// ^^ ^->/ 50 PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT, BUSINESS ALPHABET. if <%> w 4 PEDIGREES SELDOM IMPROVE WITH CAPITAL LETTERS. 51 52 OULTXVAXK TO P&RFECTW* THE .ART OF WRITING BUSINESS ALPHABET ^ -*^zz^/'-?^^z^?iS ($/iozt/iand Vvtitlng. I would advise all parents to have their boys and girls taught shorthand writing and type writing A shorthand writer who can type write his notes will be safer from'poverty than a great Greek scholar. Chas. Reade. Shorthand is the general term applied to all styles of rapid writing as distinguished from the ordinary method. Many sys- tems of abbreviating writing have been recommended from Soc- rates and Cicero down to the present day. In the year 380 the Latin poet Ansonius wrote: "Fly, young and famous reporter; prepare the tablets on which you express, with small dots, whole speeches as rapidly as others would trace one single word." A few of the many names by which these systems were known are Brachygraphy, Tachygraphy, Lemigraphy, Criptog- raphy, Bodiography, Polography, Zeitography, Radiography, Tho-ography, and Stenography. The importance of shorthand need not be argued today. It is used by the author in his study, the clergyman in his library, the editor in his "sanctum," the lawyer in his office, and by busi- ness men everywhere, until a modern education almost seems to class among the indispensables a knowledge of shorthand. That there is a great difference in the various systems is seen from the following writing of the Lord's prayer in two different sys- tems. It can readily be seen which is the simpler system. MUNSON. h 'O x CBOSSKECLECT1C). 66 ALL THINGS ARE EASY THAT ARE DONE WILLINGLY. Since tLe use of shorthand is not confined to any particular cience or profession, but is universal, and since any person o! ordinary ability who is a good speller may succeed, this art yields remunerative employment to thousands. By permission of the publishers we present the following pages from Eclectic Shorthand by J. G. Cross, M. A., and pub- lished by Scott, Forsman & Co., Chicago, 111. This system is largely used throughout the country. CHARACTERS AND THEIR COMBINATIONS. LESSON I. 1. The alphabetic characters used in this system of ihorthand are arcs and chords of the chirographic ellipse. 2. The Chirographic Ellipse is an ellipse from which are derived the lines of the longhand alphabet. 3. The following figures will serve to show the arcs and chords which are appropriated to the alphabet of this system of shorthand. 4. These lines stand in three directions, viz. : HORIZONTAL. FORWARD-SLANT. BACK-SLANT. 5. Each line is used both long and short, thus doub- Kng the number of lines. LONG LINES. CARS AND DILIGENCE BRIbG A SURE REWARD. SHORT LINES. 6. Each line has three characteristics, viz.: form, direction, length. 7. There are no perpendicular characters, but some are more nearly perpendicular than others. The natural action of the hand in the forward movement draws up- ward lines at a greater slant than downward lines, and in the back slant characters those drawn by finger movement stand more nearly perpendicular than those drawn by a gliding movement of the hand, as illustrated In the fol- lowing longhand characters: 8. The degree of slant of the forward oblique charac- ters when written upwards is about thirty degrees from the horizontal, and when drawn downwards is about thirty degrees from the perpendicular. The slant of the back- ward oblique characters when drawn by the finger move- ment is about thirty degrees from the perpendicular, but when made by the hand and arm movement is about thirty degrees from the horizontal, as shown by the fol lowing diagrams: 9. This law of movement, adopted from longhand, is peculiar to this system of shorthand, and is important; the motions employed being so similar to those used in longhand, to which, by long practice, we have become accustomed. ACCURATE AND RAPID WORK IS ALWAYS IN DEMAND, THE ALPHABET. SMALL LETTERS. ft. x^*" q r y x b j ^ r z ^ . _ ^^x C x^**""" k /-^ s ^^ sh ^ d - 1 ^ t >, ^ ch ^ e ^^ TTTi - 11 """"V wh o ^ 1* ^ n _ v ^- th ^^ O 1 CX O ^ W ^^ ng _> h P o * ^\ nj _^ CAPITAL LETTERS. A ,- T ^ O J Y V^ B v^ J ^j> B Z *-*^ C s^~~ K ^-r s ^ Sh ^> D * - L ^ T ^^^ Ch -^ E V_ M - U ^^ Wh G tx o *^ w .^ P ^ CoDyrigbt. 189(H by 8. C. A Company DEPUTATIONS MAY BE RUINED BY FOOLISH LETTERS. 69 yon&etice. Letter Writing is the conveying of thoughts through the written page. To be able to write a good letter is a qualifi- cation much to be coveted. To depend upon forms will never give that grace and ease that characterizes an appreciated letter. Letter writers are good only in that they give general instruc- tions on the subject. A letter that has no soul or heart in it, but is stiff and formal, is not likely to make a good impres- sion upon the recipient. Experts. We may not all become expert penmen, but all can acquire a good legible handwriting and with care can write neat, interesting, and intelligent letters. Index of Character. We judge a man by his looks, man- ners, and words. A letter gives us his words and an illus- tration of his manners in many ways. Many a youth has been accepted or rejected because of the manner of his letter. Men judge us by the letters we write. Neatness, order, and the readiness to express one's thoughts or the lack of these qualities, are all photographed on the writ- ten page. The character of a man is often determined by the manner and matter of his letters. As the tasty arrangement of dishes adds to the pleasure of the repast, so a neat and well formed letter, with ideas clearly and agreeably expressed, makes a lasting impression upon the mind. Kinds of Letters. Letters may be classified as letters of business, letters of courtesy, and letters of friendship. Let- ters of business include all correspondence relating to busi- ness matters; letters of courtesy include invitations and ac- ceptances, letters of introduction and of recommendation, letters of application and of advice, letters of congratulation and of con- dolence; friendship letters should always be simple and natural. The little things, the incidents of everyday life, the happy relating of the experiences of commonplace and routine occur- rences, are what make friendship letters interesting. Parts of a Letter. The parts of a letter are the Head- ing, the Address, the Salutation, the Body of the letter, the Complimentary close and the Signature. 70 WRITE BR:EF LETTERS AS A RULR HOW TO BEGIN A LETTER. The Heading consists of place and date. In a city the number and street, city and state should be given. Arrangement. The first line on ruled paper is generally about an inch and a half below the top of the page. A letter should never begin much higher than that; but if the let- ter should be very short, it may begin still lower, so that the spaces above and below the letter would be about equal. Punctuation. Always punctuate the parts of the heading as shown in the models. The Address consists of the name, title and residence (Post Office) of the persons written to. Except in business let- ters the address is frequently written at the close of a letter. Salutation is that term of politeness and respect with which we begin a letter; such as Sir, Dear Sir, Dear Friend, etc. In writing to a firm Sirs or Gentlemen should be used. Never use the abbreviations of "Gents" for Gentlemen or "Dr." for Dear or "Sr." for Sir. In writing to a stranger, he is addressed as "Sir," or "Dear Sir." "My dear Sir" implies very friendly relation. A mar- ried lady or a single lady not young, is addressed as "Madam," or "Dear Madam," a young unmarried lady as "Miss," or "Dear Miss," with her last name affixed, and begin your letter with- out any further introduction. "Rev. Sir," for clergymen; "Es- teemed Sir," for formal friends; Judges and legislative officers should be addressed by the title of "Honorable." ANSWER ALL LETTERS PROMPTLY. 71 Models For Beginning Letters* Form 1. ., Ji *. - Form 2. Form 3. / / V my credit and family could oblige me to take. If it does not suit fou to remit the whole, part will be thankfully received by Your obedient servant, A. M. TISDALE, Requesting the Payment of Rent. Mr. D. P. COYL, Peoria, 111.. Oct. 16, 1902. Troy, N. Y. Dear Sir: I have waited patiently for your convenience in the pay ment of the rent for the house you are at present occupying. As, how- ever, you have now been my tenant for four months without meeting any of the payments, which were to, be made monthly, I feel obliged to remind you of the fact that there are now $80 due me. Trusting that you will give this subject your immediate attention, I am Yours truly, GEO. M. LANNINQ. Letter Complaining of Error in a Bill. Messrs HOLMES & MILLER. Abbott, Iowa, Aug. 10, 1901. Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs: We call your attention to an error of bill of Aug. 4, b> which we are charged $45 50 more than the invoice actually amount* to. Please correct the same and oblige, Yours very truly, MONROE & HIGGINS Answer to Above. Messrs. MONROE & HIGGINS, Chicago, 111., Aug. 12, 1901. Abbott, Iowa. Gentlemen : We regret that an error was made in bill of Aug. 4. We, onclose the corrected bill to you and offer apologies for the error. Truly youse, HOLMES & MILLER, Enclosing Note for Discount. Annapolis, Jan. 14, 1901. CHAS. W. WARD, Esq., Cashier. Dear Sir: We offer for discount, enclosed, T,. Brown's note, Dec. 20th, at ninety days, for $4 250.75. By discounting .he same you will greatly oblige, Yours respectfully, L. L. ORTH. Letter of Credit. Messrs. STEINER & LEFFLER, Naperville, 111., Feb. 4, 1902. New York. Dear Sirs: Please allow Mr. J. A. West a credit for such goods as he may select to an amount not exceeding Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00), for four months. I will become responsible for the payment of the same should Mr. West fail to meet the obligation promptly. Please inform me of the amount for which you give credit, and in default of payment notify me promptly. Very truly yours, (Mr. West's signature, G. E. ALTSTADT. J. A, West.) 82 PRESERVE TOUR INTEGRITY OF CHARACTER AT ANT COST, LETTERS OF APPLICATION. Business men find it profitable at times to advertise for em- ployes. Letters in reply to advertisements should be written at once or it may be too late. Your application should of course be in your own handwriting. From the letter the employer can frequently judge whether the applicant has the necessary qualifications. In replying name the paper in which you saw the advertisement, or better still, paste it at the head of your letter. If you have testimonials, send copies of them, marking them "copy." The original can be used in an interview or held for future use. Do not speak in praise of yourself. You may state your reference, your experience, and your intention of endeavoring to perform the duties required, but let your tes- timonials state your character and qualifications. In answer to advertisements in the daily paper, business men sometimes re- ceive hundreds of letters/ This 'suggests the importance of the greatest care in the wording as well as the general appearance of the letter. Your letter must represent your abilities and make a favorable impression upon the employer or some one else will fill the place. Application for a School. JAMES HOSMER, Esq., Peru, 111., Jan. 16, 1902. Secretary of School Board, Yorkville, 111. Dear Sir: Having learned that thare is a vacancy in your school, I beg leave to offer myself as a candidate for the position. I have had four years' experience in teaching and enclose testimonials. I hold a cer- tificate of examination from the Superintendents of Kendall and Ogle counties. Should you see fit to engage my services, I should endeavor to fill the position to the best of my ability and, I trust, to your entire satisfaction. Should a personal interview be desired, I shall be glad to present myself At such time and place as may be most convenient to yourself. Yours respectfully, GEO. C. MONROE. Application for an Increase of Salary. Chicago, 111., Jan. 18, 1902. Messrs. COOK & CO. Dear Sirs: Without wishing to trespass upon your time, permit me to ask your consideration of a subject which to me is very important, but which may have escaped your notice in the pressing demands upon your time namely, that of an Increase of my salary. I have been with you nearly two years, so that you are well able to judge of my ability to do the work required of me. I trust my efforts have met with your approval and, therefore, that you will regard this matter as liberally as possible. Yours respectfully, ' C. B. BROWN. IT IS THE FIRST STEP THAT COSTS. From a Boy Applying for a Clerkship. Chicago, 111., Jan. 4. 1901. Messrs. A. S. KOCH, 187 Madison St. 118 Madison Street, Chicago. Dear Sir: I notice in this morning's "Clarion" your advertisement Of a boy wanted in a grain commission house; for which position I take the first opportunity to apply. I am fourteen years old, have been at school the most of the time, winters, for the past seven years, and understand bookkeeping and conducting correspondence pretty well, hav- ing assisted my father much of the time while he was in the coal trade, which was about three years. I am perfectly willing and ready to take off my coat and go right to work at handling grain or anything else in your line. I refer you to Mr. George Beldon, Coal Dealer, at 65 State Street, Chicago, who has always known me. Very respectfully, yours, GEORGE ARNOLD. Advertisement. Wanted A young man of ability to fill the position of entry-clerk 4ft a dry goods house. One who has had some experience in dry goqdr business preferred. Address with reference, X. L. M., Box 1024, P. O. St. Louis, Jan. 13, 1902. Mr. X. L. M. Sis : Consider me an applicant for the position advertised in to-day ' Tribune. Am twenty-two years of age, have not handled dry goods, but am thoroughly conversant with the technical terms, abbreviation*, and calculations pertaining to the business, having completed a com- mercial course at North-Western Business College, NaperviUe, 111., the professors of which I am at liberty to use as parties of reference. Respectfully, E. B. HARDY. Application for a Situation as Book-keeper. Messrs. K. K. LANGTON & CO., San Jose, Cal., Feb. 20, 1900. Cincinnati, Ohio. Gentlemen: Having learned from Prof. George Sindlinger that you desire the services of a book-keeper, I respectfully offer myself as an applicant for the situation. I have been engaged for two years in the wholesale house of Geo. Reuss & Co., as clerk and assistant book-keeper, and have a good knowledge of accounts. My business acquaintance la extensive in the western part of Kentucky, and I could therefore in- fluence considerable trade. I enclose copy of testimonial from my late employers, and would also respectfully refer you, as to my character and ability, to S. A. WELTY, Banker, Creston, la. Prof. A. C. GEGENHEIMER, NaperviUe, 111. Any communication which you may be pleased to make, addressed as above, will receive prompt attention. Very respectfully yours, F. T. GEIST. Recommendation Enclosed in the Above Copy. San Jose, Jan. 16, 1900. The bearer, F. T. Geist, has been in our employ as assistant book- keeper for over two years, and we have always found him to be honest, Bteady, and correct in his habits and deportment, and well qualified for any position of trust in a counting-house. We cheerfully recommend him as a competent book-keeper and one who will earnestly apply himself to promote the interests of his employers. . Respectfully, L. H. WERNER A CO. JAT77 . 1 77.' >.V.$r SHOULD HA VE IMMEDIATE RESPONSES. HOW TO WRITE NOTES OF INVITATION.. 1. Notes of invitation differ from ordinary letters in the fol- lowing ways: i. More formal; 2. Wholly or partly written ID the third person; 3. Date is generally written at the bottom; 4. They are without signature. 2. Materials. The paper and envelopes used should be oi the finest quality. 3. A dinner invitation should be answered immediately, oth- ers (if answered at all) not later than the third day. 4. Regrets. It is more friend'y and courteous to state a reason for non-attendance, than to decline without any assigned cause. After having accepted an invitation, never absent yourseli without the strongest reasons. Birth-Day Celebration. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Matthews request the honor of J. A Austin's company to celebrate their son's majority^ on Wednesday evening, June tenth, igoi. 1402 Arch St. R.S, V.P, To Meet Visiting Friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. IV. George request the pleasure of IV. JV Towners company, on Friday evening, November igth % from eighi to eleven o'clock^ to meet IV. A. Womer. Broad and Walnut Sts. t Philadelphia. Invitation to a Surprise Party. . . us and be at Mr, Dear Grace : We are getting up a surprise party for Lucy ; join ". Brown's by 1p. m. t Wednesday evening. Clara Poive*, THY LIGHT IS NOT LESS FOR LIGHTING THY NEIGHBOR, EXCURSION. Mr. Smith would be pleased to have your company on Thursday, Sept. 15th, to visit the park. Carriages wilt be in waiting at the Continental Hotel at 4 o'clock P.M. Continental Hotel. R.S.F.P. Mr. Taylor solicits the honor of attending Miss Adams to the opera on Thursday evening next. Tuesday, Nov. 3. The bearer will wait for the answer. Invitation to Spend the Evening. ^n. 3$tM r?au*i& t/i fi/eatotne o n J/tunu/ay evening, and Acceptance. Th'/ion Jave rnuct tnvt'fa/ton on Regret. ana , ttey aw unad/e to uccefit ^$n, (on* jAurwtap evening, t/ie 30t/i indant. ctoina EFFORT CANNOT ALWAYS TAKE TEE PLACE OF GENIU& di^ sft /avot* me teitA a Jine, tnp in tc/tat man HO* and tettn w/iat tueceM J& dilcAatyett tnu dutie* tc/ii/e sewinp a* a Seac/tet* in Me itdoot in toAic/t Ae it t, . jr nvu, &n,ce&io,', < a wi/u, euu, to- u&.'U, nvciAA a 0000 ~a,. Jf ^-o-Ae Jr aa-o-ct ^t^^i-^ei-. Jf o- nuxAHAnsx,. /ye at tw& to. ^ee ^ v .cM, Dr. Franklin to His Wife. "Easton, Nov. 13, 1756. "My Dear Child: "I wrote you a few days since, by a special messenger and inclosed letters for all our wives and sweethearts, expecting to hear from you by his return, and to have the northern newspapers and Eng- lish letters per the packet; but he is just now returned without a scrap for poor us; so I had a good mind not to write to you by this opportunity, but I never can be ill-natured enough, even when there is the most oc- casion. The messenger says he left the letters at your house, and saw you afterwards at Mr. Duche's and told you when he would go, and that he lodged at Honey's, next door to you, and yet you did not write; so let Goody Smith give me more judgment, and say what should be done to you. I think I won't tell you that we are all well, nor that we expect to return about the middle of the week, nor will I send you a word of news that's poz. "My duty to mother, love to children, and to Miss Betsy and Gracy, etc., etc. "I am your loving husband, B. FRANKLIN. "P. S. I have scratched out the loving words, being written iu by mistake, when I forgot I was angry." KIND WORDS COST NOTHING. 95 IN THE MIDST OF LIFE THEBE IS DEATH." HOW TO WRITE RESOLUTIONS. 1. Resolutions of societies, clubs, or any organization on the deatfl of a member should always be deliberate, concise and consistent. 2. Great care should be taken that they are not too brief nor too long, and be careful to avoid excessive exaggerations. 3. Resolutions in form are always prefaced with a preamble which should specify the occasion of what shall follow. The preamble should begin with "whereas," and each resolution should begin with "re- solved" or "be it resolved." 4. When resolutions have been framed by a committee, all their Iguatures should be annexed to the resolutions. Form of Resolutions. Whereas, The great and supreme Ruler of the universe has in his infinite wisdom removed from among us one of our worthy and esteemed fellow- laborers, Henry A. Harlow; and, whereas, the long and inti- mate relation held with him in the faithful discharge of his duties in this society makes it eminently befitting that we record our appreciation of him; therefore, Resolved, That the wisdom and ability which he has exercised in the aid of our organization by service, contributions, and counsel, will be held in grateful remembrance; Resolved, That the sudden removal of such a life from among our midst leaves a vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply realized by all the members and friends of this organization, and will prove a serious loss to the community and the public. Resolved, That with deep sympathy with the bereaved relatives of the deceased we express our hope that even so great a loss to us all may be overruled for good by Him who doeth all things well; Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of this organization, a copy printed in the local paper and a copy for- warded to the bereaved family. Resolutions of Thanks. Resolved, That the thanks of this convention are hereby given to the president for the able and impartial manner in which he has pre- sided over the deliberations of this body, and to the other officers for U faithful performance of 4tttttn fulfilled in so satisfactory a manner. 96 NEITHER PRAISE NOR DISPARAGE THYSELF, VISITING AND ADDRESS CARDS. Uses. A few of the many uses of cards are, to announce a visitor's name, to make known one's name to a stranger, to serve as credentials or certificates of authority when an indorse- ment is written upon it. Kinds. The business card is valuable for advertising, mak- ing known the leading features of the business. The visiting card is used principally by ladies in calling upon acquaintances in the city. The address card is also frequently used for the same purpose. Professional cards are used by professional men. The same card is often used for social purposes. Cards are of various sizes to suit individual tastes. Ladies cards are a trifle larger than gentlemen's. The most elegant cards are engraved or written. They should always be in script. A man and his wife sometimes use a joint card, written Mr, and Mrs. G. J. Lock, but more frequently each have a sep- arate card, the gentleman's card being smaller and delicately engraved in script. Cards should not be "overloaded" with printed matter. We append a few models, which although diminished in size will give the general form. G2 G^ S/ &ee. 10. ^Mcnr^oe, <* . TQ. WORK IS OIL; WORRY 18 ACID. 9? HELPFUL HINTS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Abbreviations. Use abbreviations very sparingly. Be es- pecially careful in using the abbreviations of states. Avoid abbreviations such as "&" for "and," "xRoads" for "Cross Roads," "Bait." for "Bakimore," "Phil." for "Philadelphia," "Cwood" for "Collingwood," "Wmstown" for "Williamstown," "Jno'town" for "Johntown," "ad." for "adv." or "advertise- ment," etc. , Address. Write your name and address plainly and in full. N. Y. may look like N. J. Anonymous Letters. No gentleman or lady ever writes ac anonymous letter. Application. Letters of application should be very care fully written in the applicant's own handwriting, modest but self-respectful. Brevity. In business letters use as few words as possible. Business Letters. Business letters often partake of the nature of contracts, hence they should be clear, brief, direct and without ambiguous terms. Ambiguous language often re- sults in serious loss. Captain. When this title is used instead of "Sir" in the salutation or complimentary close, it should not be abbrevi* ated. The same rule applies to "Colonel" and other titles. Copying Letters. Copy important business letters and pre- serve them. A facsimile made with a letter press is a mosl satisfactory means of preserving a copy of a letter. Corporations. A petition or memorial to a Board of Alder- men, or other officers, may begin with "Gentlemen*" and close with "All of which is respectfully submitted." Dear Sir. This salutation is more intimate than " Sir ** and not so officious. It is preferable to "Sir" for ordinary busi- ness correspondence. Degrees Scholastic degrees M. D., D. D., M. A.. A. B n etc. are always abbreviated in addresses. Titular addresses of high rank, however such as President, Governor, Archbishop, etc. should never be abbreviated in such use. It is not in good taste to address a man as "Mr. Charles King, M. A.," or "Charles King, Esq., M. D." Titles are multiplied on title- pages and catalogues, but not more than one should appear oo letters. 8 USEFULNESS IS THE BADGE OF TRUE KNIGHTHOOD. Doctor. Doctors of Divinity may be addressed "Rev. Dr." or "Rev. , D. D." Doctors of medicine may be addressed "A B , M. D.," or "Dr. A B ." Don't. Don't write illegibly. Don't write crooked. Don't use any other than black ink. Don't write a lettter on foolscap paper. Don't use fancy note paper. Don't grumble on paper. Don't flourish in a business letter. Don't use slang. Don't di- rect an envelope wrong side up. Don't write "&" for "and." Don't write a letter with a lead pencil. Don't write like Horace Greeley. Don't write "Gents" instead of "Gentlemen." Don'* be profuse in apologies. Envelopes. In social correspondence, the envelopes, like the paper, should be white and plain, and should corre- spond to the paper used in size and quality. The square en- velope is not used for business correspondence. It is considered bad taste to use colored paper. Erasures. Avoid erasures or blots, even if you have to rewrite your letter. Esquire. The correct abbreviation is "Esq.," not "Esqr." In addresses this word is accepted as the correct title of a gentle- man who has no professional title. Figures. Do not use figures in the body of a letter, ex- cept in writing dates and sums of money. Folding. Fold the letter neatly from the bottom forward and fit it to the size of the envelope. A clumsily folded letter de- notes either ignorance or a want of proper respect to the person addressed. ~ Friendship. Matters of friendship or private confidence should not be mentioned in business letters. Hostess. Be sure to write a friend, or hostess, after mak- ing a visit at her house, thanking her for her hospitality. Do not wait several weeks before doing so. Introduction. Letters of introduction should be left un- sealed and the name of the person introduced should be writ- ten on the lower left-hand corner of the envelope, in order that the persons, on meeting, may greet each other without em- barrassment. Margin. Always leave a margin of a half -inch or more at the left of the page. The margin should correspond to the size of the paper, < PROVIDENCE PROVIDES FOR THE PROVIDENT. 99 Mistakes. Read your letter carefully when written, and see that you have made no omissions and no mistakes. Ex- amine carefully your envelope when addressed. Millions of let- ters reach the dead letter office every year because of mistakes in addressing them. In writing a number of letters be careful to enclose them in the proper envelopes. Woeful mistakes have been made this way. Don't make mistakes. Miss. This word, unlike Sir, Madam, and General, should never be used alone, hence cannot be used as the salutation of a letter. In addressing a young lady, use the word with the surname, as "Miss Brown." In writing to strangers a woman should in her signature, indicate her sex and also whether she is a "Miss or a "Mrs." Money. In sending money, the amount should always be mentioned. Acknowledge the receipt of money promptly. Nota Bene. The abbreviation is N. B. and the meaning "note specially." This, like the postscript, follows the com* pleted letter. Numbers. Numbers,' except dates and sums of money, should be spelled in full, unless exceeding three words in length. Officials. In letters to ordinary officials, it is customary to begin with the salutation "Sir," and close with "I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant," or "I beg to re- main your obedient servant." Official Letters. In official correspondence it is better to address the office than the officer, as "To the Minister of Agri- culture, etc., Sir," instead of "To the Hon. A B , Minis* ter of Agriculture, etc." Paper. Gentlemen should use white paper, ladies may use delicately tinted and perfumed paper. Unruled paper is to be preferred. Paragraphs. Letters as well as other compositions should be divided into paragraphs, and a blank margin should always be left on the left-hand side of the page, and not on the right, Payment. When it becomes necessary to request pay- ment, it should be done in the most gentlemanly terms. There is more loss than gain in rash and insulting language. Poor Writing. It is almost useless for a poor writer to apply for a situation in a business house, for merchants do not wish either the discredit or the inconvenience of bad writing. !00 BETTER BE A MAN THAN A MILLIONAIRE. Postal Cards. There is no need of salutation or com- plimentary close. The economy that resorts to cards need not waste time and two lines on mere civilities. Postscript. The abbreviation P. S. is usually made use of. The ordinary use of the postscript is to add some after- thought to the letter. Use sparingly. Promptness. Business letters should be promptly answered, Recommendation. "It ought to be the pride of every man who writes a letter of recommendation to feel that his letter will have weight, because it is known that he recommends only the deserving and the competent, and recommends truth- fully." Return Stamp. In writing to others for information a stamp should always be enclosed. R. S. V. P. French meaning, "answer if you please.** Some times written at the lower left hand corner of the invitations. Sir. This is used alone while Mr. goes with the name. The plural is "Gentlemen," not the vulgar contraction "Gents." Social flatters. Never discuss or refer to social mat' ters in a business letter. If necessary write two letters. Style Let the style be simple, clear and withal forcible, In a letter the spirit of the writer should show itself. Testimonials. When these are required, and you desire to preserve the original, a copy should be enclosed, and marked "copy" at the top of the page. Titles. The principle titles of honor, profession and re- spect used in the United States are: His Excellency President of the United States, Governoi of any state, Minister to foreign country. Honorable Vice-President, Senators and Representatives of the United States, Lieutenant Governor of a state, State Sen- ators and Representatives, Judges, Consuls, Mayors and heads of Executive Departments of the General Government. Rev. Joseph Smith, D. D., doctor of divinity. Rev. Joseph Smith, L.L. D., doctor of laws. Rev. Joseph Smith, minister of the gospel. Dr. Joseph Smith, physician or surgeon. Prof. Joseph Smith, professor or teacher of any art or science. Joseph Smith, Esq., member of legal fraternity. Mr. Joseph Smith, non-professional gentleman. JT is EASIER TO SIGN A NOTE THAN TO PAY IT 101 COMMERCIAL FORMS. Hfty Facts and Principles on Writing, Transferring, Collecting and Paying Notes. 1. Notes are very common, and of great utility in business, At the present time a large proportion of all the business is transacted on credit, that is, a tradesman, instead of paying for his stock when he buys it, promises to pay at some future time; that promise, whether oral or written, is itself property, and may be transferred from one to another. 2. Notes are written and unconditional admission and evi- dence of a debt and facilitate the use of credit, which is and has been a great factor in the extension of commerce and trade. 3. A note is a simple written promise to pay a certain sum at a certain time, or on demand, or at sight to a person therein named. The person who promises is called the maker, and the one to whom he promises is called the payee. 4. A protest of a note is a formal statement by a notary public that said note was presented for payment and was re- fused. WRITING NOTES. 5. Notes are made payable to bearer or to order. 6. If the words "order" or "bearer" are omitted, the note is not transferable. 7. Negotiable in a commercial sense means transferable. A negotiable note contains the word order or the word bearer. This is the English common law, but in Illinois and some other States the words "order" or "bearer" are not necessary to make a note negotiable. 8. The name of the place and State should be written on the note. It is as important as the date. 9. A note may be written on any kind of paper in ink or in pencil. 10. A note made and issued on Sunday is void. 11. A note negotiable must contain five things: (1) that the date of payment be certain to come; (2) that it have one of the two words, "order" or "bearer"; (3) that the amount be 102 DO NOT WASTE TIME IN REGRETS OVER LOSSES. 4 specified and certain; (4) that it be payable in money only; (5) that it be an unconditional promise. (See 7 above.) 12. A non-negotiable note is payable to a particular person only. 13. The words "without defalcation" must be inserted in Pennsylvania notes. 14. A promissory note does not bear interest until after maturity unless so specified. 15. The signature on a note or bill need not be proven, ui. less it is first denied under oath. 16. The words "value received" are not legally necessary, al- though they usually appear on ordinary promissory notes. 17. When several persons unite in a note and say, "we promise" or "we jointly promise," it is a joint liability only, and all must be sued; but if they say we or either of us promise, or *'we jointly and severally promise," the liability is both joint and several, and either or all may be sued. 18. When a note says "I promise," but is signed by two or more, each signer is bound for the whole amount, and each or all may be sued. 19. Promissory notes can be transferred after maturity, but are, however, subject to any defense which might have been made against the original payee. TRANSFERRING NOTES. 20. Paper payable to bearer is transferred by delivery, pay- able to order by indorsement. 21. An indorser is a person who writes his name on the back of it. 22. Indorsement in blank is writing only the name without the words, "pay to the order of." 23. The indorser is liable for its payment if the maker fails to meet it. 24. An indorser who is compelled to pay a note has a just claim against the maker and against each indorser whose name appears above his own. 25. An indorser to whose order a note is drawn or indorsed, can transfer it without becoming liable for its payment by writing the words "without recourse" over his signature on the back. See Form 3, page 112. OAUTION IS THE FATHER OP SECURITY, 103 COLLECTING NOTES. 26. A note destroyed by fire can be collected by proof of loss. 27. Money paid under mistake must be refunded. ^ 28. If no time is specified the note is payable on demand, 29. The day of maturity is the day on which a note be- comes legally due. In some states three days, called days of grace, are allowed after the expiration of the time given in the note before it becomes legally due. 30. In finding the day of maturity actual days must be count- ed if the note is drawn days after date, but months are counted when the note is drawn months after date. ^ 31. Days of grace have been abolished in recent years in a number of States. The States still allowing them are: Ala- bama, Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hamp- shire, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Da- kota, Texas, Washington, West Virginia, Alaska except on demand notes, Colorado, Georgia except on sight paper, Indian Territory, Louisiana except on sight paper, New Mexico, Okla- homa except where expressly waived in the note, Wyoming, West Virginia allows grace where expressly specified in the note= 32. Negotiable paper payable to bearer or indorsed in blank, which has been lost or stolen, cannot be collected by the finder or thief, but a holder who innocently receives it in good faith before maturity for value, can hold it against the owner's claims. 33. A note made in one State, payable in another, must be governed by the laws of that State in which it is to be paid. 34. Demand for payment of a note must be made upon the day of maturity and at the place named. If no place is specified then it is payable at the maker's place of business or at his residence. If it falls due on Sunday, demand must be made on the day previous. In most of the States where note falls due on Sunday or legal holiday, by statute the maker is given until the following day to pay the same. < 35. An extension of the time of a note by the holder, re- leases sureties and indorsers, unless consent to such extension has been given by the indorsers or sureties. In some States this consent may be given verbally, in others it must be in writing. Safety would suggest that it always be given in writ- ing or that a new note be given. 104 'HE PRICE OF TIME IS WILL AND SKILL. 36. Upon presentment for payment and refusal by the maker at maturity, in order to hold the indorser, suit should be im mediately instituted upon the note against the maker, and notice of default should be given to the indorser, and in some States the note should be protested by a notary public. PAYING NOTES. 7. Indorsers. All the parties who have written their names on a note are liable for the amount due; but only one satisfaction can be recovered. 38. Indorsements. Payment made to apply on a note should always be indorsed on the back of the note. The indorsement requires no signature. The usual form is to give the date anu write "Received on within note" stating sum paid. It is always well to see that the proper paper is indorsed. All payments of principal and interest must appear as indorsements upon the back of the note. If no indorsement is made and the note passes into innocent hands payment of the face value with interest can be demanded. 39. Cancelled Notes. When a number of notes are held by parties and these notes are secured by mortgage it is best to cancel them or mark them paid as soon as they are taken up, but not to destroy or to mutilate them by tearing off signatures. It is important that every note be kept until all are paid and the mortgage discharged. 40. Payment of Notes at a Distance. In the ^yment of notes where parties live at a distance, it is best to request that the notes be sent to the nearest bank for collection. Payment can then be made and the note received in a safe and business- like way. 41. Inquiring for Notes at Bank. When calling at a bank for your note, always mention the exact day on which it falls due; if the paper belongs to another party, and is held by the bank for collection, then mention also the name of the person to whom it was originally given; if you have received a written notice concerning the note, take this notice with you, for it will tell the whole story. Banks keep their own notes in one place, and those of their customers in another; they also keep each date by itself and can, therefore, find notes more readily, if owners' names and date of maturity are given. &EEP VALUABLE PAPERS IN A 84FE PLACE. 10o PAYMENT DEFEATED. Many cases occur in which notes are void or in which payment may be defeated especially when held by the original parties. Such are: 42. A note given by one who is not of age, unless the minor ratifies it after becoming of age. 43. A note made by an intoxicated person. 44. A note given by one who cannot write and not witnessed to at the time. 45. A note obtained by duress, in case of compulsion, by fear or illegal imprisonment, or by threats that would lead an or- dinary person to fear injury to his person, his reputation or his property. Such defense would be good and would defeat pay- ment. 46. Obtained by fraud or by finding. In these cases the original parties can not collect anything. 47. A note that has been stolen cannot be collected by the party that committed the theft, but if an innocent person buys the note for a consideration, he can collect it. 48. A note given for illegal consideration is illegal every- where. 49. One who receives a note knowing it to have defects, gets no better right to collect it, than the one from whom he received it had. 50. If a person at the time of taking a note has notice that it is void through fraud, or upon any legal grounds, he cannot collect it. These defenses would all hold good unless transfer for con- sideration has been made before maturity in which case some of them would fail. THE HAND OF THE DILIGENT MAKETH DIFFERENT FORMS OF NOTES. Negotiable by Indorsement. Jfa/Kwtfa, M., ffct 7. IQOI. /ne peai* aftet* date J& fiwmtie to /lay to fi ee 2?&na / >*ea / and Seventy-five int&^ett at MX fter cent. Negotiable without Indorsement. $100.00. Cleveland, O., Aug. 1, 1901. Ninety days after date I promise to pay James Jones or bearer, One Hundred Dollars, value received. E~ M. KECK. Not Negotiable. $100.00. Chicago, 111., Dec. 10, 1901. Sixty days after date I promise to pay Geo. C. Dixon One Hundred Dollars, value received. EUGENE LANSING. Note Payable in Gold. $200.00. Sacramento, Cal., June 15, 1901. One year after date I promise to pay J. G. Snyder, or order, Two Hundred Dollars, in U. S. gold coin, with interest at one per cent, per month in like gold coin until paid. W. F. TEEL. A Corporation Note. $200.00. Augusta, Me., Mar. 18, 1901. Nine months after date, the Granite Stone Company promises to pay S. A. Chilton, or order, Two Hundred Dollars, with interest at seven per cent. Value received. GRANITE STONE COMPANY. Attest: I. K. Dawes, Secretary. O. R. Phillips, President. N. B. If corporation notes are drawn and signed in the above manner the officer* re not personally liable. Collaterals. If a man borrows $2,000 on his personal note and gives twenty shares of bank stock or other notes to be held as security, such shares or notes are called collaterals. They are still the property of the borrower but the lender is respon- sible for their safe keeping. The lender has power to sell the property if the note is not paid at maturity. Collateral Note. $500.00. Mendota, Tex., Sept. 25, 1901. Sixty days after date I promise to pay to the order of T. J. Boyd, Five Hundred Dollars, without defalcation, for value received. Interest at eight per cent, Having deposited United States Bonds of the nominal value of Six Hundred Dollars, which I authorize the holder of this Note, upon the non- performance of this promise at maturity, to sell, either at the Brokers' Board or at "public or private sale, without demanding payment of this Note or the debt due thereon, and without further notice, and apply pro- ceeds, or as much thereof as may be necessary to the payment of this Note, and all necessary expenses and charges, holding myself responsible for any deficiency- W. W. STRATTON. BE SLOW IN BECOMING SECURITY FOR ANOTHER. 107 * A Judgment Note differs from an ordinary promissory note in Laving a clause appended giving the holder permission to pro- ceed without delay to sacrifice the property of the debtor to satisfy the debt. This is a very severe form of contract and should be given only under the most extreme conditions. Judgment Note. $2,000.00 Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 4, 1901. Six months after date I promise to pay J. W. Krasley, or order, Two Thousand Dollars, v::Ine received, with interest: And do hereby authorize any attorney of this county .or any other county In "his state or elsewhere, to enter and confess judgment for the above sum with costs of saiw rnd attorney's commission of five per cent for collec- tion, release of errors, and without stay c* zecation, and do waive the right and ben- iefit of any law of this or any other state exempting property, leal or personal, from sale, and if levy is made on land, do also waive the rfghc amc inquisition and consent 'to the condemnation thereof, with full liberty to sell the same /a. with reieas* .of errors therein. GEO W. BAIED. Payable at Bank. )$440.00 Chicago, 111., Oct. 10, 1901. Two years after date, for value received, I promise to pay T. M, lver or order, Four Hundred Forty Dollars at Second National Bank, On Demand. ($25.6^. Toronto, Ont., Oct. 12, 1902. Oc Demand I promise to pay to the order of J. T. Connor, Twenty-Five 167-100 Dollars. Value received, with interest at six per cent. A. H. SIMPSON. NOTE. This note answers the same purpose as a note written one iday after date. Joint Note. |$200.00. Lisle, 111., Jan. 1, 1901. One year from date, we promise to pay D. F. Shaw or order, Two \Hundred Dollars. Value receivsd. Interest at six per cent. J. LEWIS BEAN. B. A. WHITE. Joint and Several Note. |$2,000.00. Ottawa, Ont. , Nov. 25, .. " Ten months after date, we, or either of us, promise to pay Maggie iPatterson Two Thousand Dollars, value received. Interest at five per Principal and Surety Note. ,$600.00. Montreal, Sept. 21, 1901. For value received, on or before July 27, 1903, I promise to pay to the order of Grover Cleveland, Six Hundred Dollars. Interest at nine per cent. W. J. SHAW, Principal. THOS. RODDEN, Surety. NOTE. The general form of a Principal and Surety is for the principal to properly sign the note, and the surety to endorse it. A Note by One who Cannot write. $49.50. Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 20, 1901. One year after date, I promise to pay N. Bowker or order Forty-nine 50-100 dollars, with interest at eight per cent. Value received. his * JOHN x ROURKE. H, A. Starr. Witness. mark. N. B. A note made by a person who cannot write should always be witnessed by a disinterested person. 108 A JUST MAWS WORD IS AS GOOD AS HIS NOTE. "Iron Clad Form. 1300.00. Salt Lake City, Utah, May 19, 1901. Two years after date, for value received, we promise to pay to the order of L. B. Lawson, Three Hundred Dollars, negotiable and payable at the Commercial National Bank of Salt Lake City, Utah, without defalca- tion or discount, with eight per cent, interest per annum from date until paid, both before and after judgment, payable in U. S. gold coin; and if suit be instituted for the collection of this note we agree to pay Twenty Dollars attorney's fee. If the interest be not paid as herein stipulated, the legal holder of this note may declare the principal due, and .proceed by law to recover both principal and interest. T. C. HALLETT. J. T. HALLETT. A Note by a Married Woman. 4200.00. San Francisco, Cal., June 15, 1901. Two years after date, I promise to pay Fred. Lueben, or order, Two Hundred Dollars, with interest at eight per cent., payable annually. Value received. MRS. MARY CHANDLER. N. B. A married woman could formerly incur no liability, but now the etatutes of the various States give her more or less freedom to enter into contracts.and consequently her note can be enforced against her. But in most States she cannot be bound by a note given to her husband, nor can he give a note to her. If she lends money to him and takes his note s a court of equity will oblige the husband to pay her, but the court of law will not. Chattel Note. 1700.00. Earlville, 111., Aug. 17, 1901. Thirty days from date, for value received, I promise to pay Walter J. Miller or order, Seven Hundred Dollars in Warrenville Flour, at the then market rate, the same to be delivered at the option of the owner within the limits of the town of Earlville. C. D. CHAMBERS. Accommodation Note. 4500.00. Meriden, Vt., March 13, 1901. Sixty days after date I promise to pay to the order of S. J. Umbreit Five Hundred Dollars, at the Earlville National Bank, without defalca- tion. Value received. M. SUNDERMAN. Credit the drawer, S. J. Umbreit. NOTE. An accommodation note is where a person gives his note to another person, who is by agreement permitted to take it to the bank and have it discounted. In the hands of the original holder it cannot be collected. Produce Note. 437.00. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1901. For value received, I promise to pay to L. L. Orth on demand. Thirty-seven Dollars, in goods at our store. J. L. STROHM. My Own Order. 4200.00. Ottawa, Ont, July 20, 1901. For value received, I promise to pay, sixty days after date, to my owr order, Two Hundred Dollars, with interest at eight per cent. A. S. BARNARD. NOTE. A note may be drawn to the maker's own order, with his in- dorsement in favor of the creditor. This note then can be transferred without indorsement. This form Is used by bankers and brokers In the Rocky Mountain or order. John S. Barton. S. Qualified Indorsement. Without recourse. John S. Barton. 4. Restrictive Indorsements. Pay Robert Hunter, for my use. John S. Barton. Pay to Chas. Harrison only. John S. Barton. 5. Conditional Indorsement. Pay George Gray, or order, the within, unless before due he receives the amount from my agent. John S. Bartoh. 6. Indorsement by an Agent. Howard Chester ; By John S. Barton, his agent. 1. A Guaranty on a Note. For value received in cash, 7 hereby guarantee the payment of the within note. John S. Barton. BASE ALL ACTIONS ON A PRINCIPLE OF RIGHT. Ill 1. Blank Indorsement. A blank indorsement is writing the name of the holder on the back of the note. This, however, is not the best form of indorsement, and should rarely be used. Form 1 (page 106) is indorsed in blank as follows : M. B. This note is now transferable without further indorse- ment. 2. Full Indorsement. When the holder writes upon the back of the note, or bill, the name of the person to whom it is to be paid, and makes it payable to his order, and signs his name below, it is called a full indorsement. N. B. This note cannot be sold or transferred without Mr. West's indorsement. Do not write "Pay to J. A. West or order." The word "order" can easily be stricken and "bearer" written over it and then any one holding the note can collect it. Always write "Pay to order of," as in above form. 3. Qualified Indorsement or, How to Avoid Liability. This is generally done by inserting the words "without re- course" in the indorsement. It relieves the indorser from all liability to pay, while at the same time it transfers the title per- fectly to the one to whom it is sold. 112 BNERQY OVEBCOMES DIFFICULTIES. 3 4. Eestrictive Indorsement. A restrictive indorsement is intended to confine the payment to some particular person or purpose. Form 1 (page 106) is festrictively indorsed as follows: N. B. This note cannot be transferred. The mere omission of the words "order" or "bearer" in an indorsement on the back of a note or draft does not have the same effect as the omission of the same words in the face of the note or draft. If omitted on the face, it restricts negotiability. 5. Conditional Indorsement. Neither the original character of the note nor its negotiabil- ity is affected by a conditional indorsement. It only affects the title of the one to whom it is transferred. The Form of a Money Indorsement. Q1VINQ CREDIT HAS BANKRUPTED THOUSANDS. 113 ORDERS. An order is a written request to deliver money or goods to a person named, or to his order, or to bearer, the same to be charged to the person signing the request. Orders are negotiable, but the person on whom they are drawn is not under obligation to pay them, unless they have been accepted, for an order partakes of the nature of a draft. 'fay & 4 tn 0i ''-", ; ! ^Xv'^L^ 1 M 8 i i IT I TTT T TTT1 XJLJL-Li.LJ.iT T T B & I I ^ 1 -^ I ^ ^ I -* * K Si b> 132 HOLD TOUR GROUND AND PUSH HARD. HINTS AND HELPS FOR WRITING, ACCEPTING, AND TRANSFERRING ALL KINDS OF DRAFTS. 1. A draft is a written order by one person on another for the payment of a specified sum of money. 2. The one who writes the draft is called the "drawer," the one on whom it is written the "drawee," and the one to whom it is to be paid the "payee." 3. Drafts may be made payable at sight, on demand, or at a certain time after date, or after sight. 4. The person drawn upon is under no obligation to tht holder of the draft unless he accepts it. 5. The usual method of writing an acceptance is, to write across the face of the draft, with red ink, the word "Accepted," following with date and signature. 6. When acceptance or payment is refused the draft is pro- tested. 7. A protest is a formal declaration made by a notary pub- lic, under his hand and seal, at the request of the holder, for non-acceptance or non-payment, and the parties liable are form- ally notified. 8. Drafts are negotiable both before and after acceptance. 9. Drafts drawn at sight or on demand are not presented for acceptance, but for payment only. 10. Drafts may be drawn to one's own order, and then in- dorsed in favor of the party to whom they are to be sent. 11. In buying a draft at the bank, it is always best to have it made payable to yourself, and then indorse it in favor of the party to whom you intend to transfer it. This gives you a good receipt for the money. 12. A promise to accept a draft will be equivalent to an acceptance if it has given credit to the bill. 13. Should the person upon whom the draft is drawn die before it was accepted, it should be presented for acceptance to his legal representatives. 14. Any material alteration of a draft after it has been drawn or accepted makes it valueless. 15. A draft made by one bank upon another is called a bank draft. MEN MAKE ANY SACRIFICE FOR MONEY. 133 FORMS OF DRAFTS. There are four kinds of drafts: Bank Draft, On-Demand Draft, Sight Draft, and Time Draft. The Bank Draft is most frequently used. An On-Demand Draft is payable at once, while a Sight Draft is allowed three days of grace in some States. 1. Bant Draft. flOO. State of Illinois, May 10, 190L The First National Bank of Naperville, Pay to the order of F. A/* Lueben One Hundred Dollars. To Union National Bank, W. L. HETZ. Cashier. Chicago, I1L No. 46. 2. On-Demand Draft. HOO. Troy Grove, 111., Aug. 1, 1901. On demand pay to the order of Frank Meyers at the Mendota First National Bank, One Hundred Dollars. Value received, A. S. HUDSON. To Charles Lerch, Mendota, 111. 3. sight Draft. 1500. Naperville, Tenn., July 10, 1901. At sight pay to the order of C. Parman, Five Hundred Dollars, and Charge to the account of To Jesse Lerch, H. H. ZEMMER. Meriden, 111. 4. Time Draft. Ottawa, Fla., July 5, 1901 Ten days from date pay to J. L. Nichols, or order, Four Hundred Fifty 30-100 Dollars. To Alvin Brown, Ottawa, Fla. 6. Value received. C. E. LAMALE. Accepted Draft. 1902. && Sen T. flontt, Sao , :uds he may require to the extent of 500 (say Five Hundred Pounds Sterling) against his drafts upon Messrs. Smith Bros. & Co., London; each draft must bear the number (No. BB 27,049) of this letter, and we engage that the same shall meet due honor. Whatever sums Mr. Schutte may take up you will please indorse on the back of this circular letter, which is to continue in force until March 15, 1902, from the present date. We are respectfully, gentlemen, Your obedient servants, To Messieurs The Bankers mentioned on the 3rd page of this Letter of Credit. SMITH BROS. & CO. The signature of W. A. SCHUTTE. Second Page. Date when paid. By Whom Paid. Name of City. Amount Expressed in Words. Amount in Figures. July 10.. *uly 25.. lug. 12.. Aug. 24.. Bept. 1... S^-pt. 10.. Sept. 24.. Brown, Shipley & Co John Newton & Co. Koch, Lauer & Co. L. Rogers & Co. London Banking Co. Nat. Bank of Scot. North'n Bank'g Co. Liverpool Paris Hamburg Geneva London Edinburgh Belfast Forty Pounds Twenty Pounds Twenty Pounds Sixty Pounds Ten Pounds Fifty Pounds Twenty Pounds 40 20 20 60 10 50 20 136 LITTLE THINGS ARE GREAT TO LITTLE MEN. THE CLEARING-HOUSE SYSTEM. Almost every business and professional man in the coun- try keeps all the money which he does not need for casual per- sonal expenses on deposit in a bank; he pays nearly all his bills by means of checks; and consequently he receives payments for the most part in checks drawn by those who owed him; he does not, on receiving a check, go or send to the bank to pro- cure the money, but deposits it to his credit in his own bank; and there are many banks in every large city. Now a wholesale merchant may receive each day a large number of checks, some on one bank, some on another. Of course his own bank, in which he deposits these checks, prop- erly endorsed, desires to collect the money upon them at once, because its profits are made by lending at interest the money entrusted to it by depositors. But in a city where there are twenty or forty or more banks, it would be a great waste of time and labor, besides being haz- ardous, for each one to send around a messenger to each bank to collect what is due. To avoid this the clearing-house has been devised. At a certain hour on every business day a messenger from each bank goes to "the clearing," carrying all the checks against any and every other bank in the city taken during the previous twenty-four hours. The checks are made up into separate pack- ages, and each has a statement oi the aggregate amount due from the bank. All the rest is a mere matter of addition and subtraction, which is done by the clearing-house clerks. The First Na- tional Bank has brought in checks against other banks to the amount of fifty thousand dollars; other banks have brought in checks against the First National to the amount of fifty-one thousand dollars. Then the First National is debtor to the clearing-house in the sum of one thousand dollars. Other banks are creditors. Of course the debits and cred- its balance each other to a cent. The debtor banks must im- mediately pay, in money, whatever they each owe to the clear- ing-house; the whole sum is at once divided among the creditor banks, and the "clearing" is over. Thus the claims by each bank against every other bank UNIVERSITY OF PURSUING SHADOWS, YOU RUN AWAY FROM THE LIGHT. 137 in the city have been adjusted at very little expense of time and labor, and with the use of a small amount of actual money. The checks and drafts settled are called "exchanges," and the money necessary to complete the settlement is the "balance." London originated the clearing-house. In times of money panics the clearing-house has been of great service to banks and communities. In good years the exchanges at the New York clearing-house reach nearly forty thousand million dollars a year, or about one hundred and twenty-five millions on every bank day. These vast accounts are settled by the shifting about, - from day to day, of not more than ten million dollars. This shows what an immense saving in the use of money the clearing-house makes. The principle is applied to other things besides banking. At New York and also at Boston the brokers have a stock clearing-house. Certificates of stock take the place of checks. The broker who has bought five thou- sand shares and sold four thousand of "Northwest" receives one thousand shares from the clearing-house and pays the money balance due on all his transactions. But although the clearing-house principle is capable of wide application, it is chiefly employed in the bankers' clearing-houses of this country to the number of about sixty in the chief cities from Maine to Washington. CLEARING-HOUSE MANAGEMENT. In a clearing-house where a very slight error may postpone the settlement of all the banks of the city, it is necessary that the rules be strict and rigidly enforced. The clerks employed are experts in their work. Disorderly conduct and errors are sub- ject to a fine. A committee is empowered to remove any one when the interests of the Association require it. Should any bank fail to pay the balance due from it at the proper hour, the balances due must be paid by the remaining banks in pro- portion to the respective balances against the defaulting bank. THE JOURNEYING OF CHECKS. A business man, receiving a check in the course of trade, seldom thinks of sending it to the bank on which it is drawn, but deposits it in the bank with which he keeps his account Formerly banks collected these checks through agents, but 138 KEEP SAILING, NEVEk DRIFT. the clearing-house system has made these collections more sim- ple. Millions of dollars are collected by banks daily n this way by the transfer of a few thousands. Checks on local banks are sometimes sent to distant points and frequently pass through a number of hands before they reach the bank upon which they are drawn. Suppose, for instance, a mer- chant in Waco, Texas, sends his check on a local bank, which is payable through a bank in New Orleans, by mail to pay a"bill of sixtv dollars in Mankato, Minn. The Mankato merchant deposits the check in a local bank and receives credit for the full arncunt, The Mankato bank sends it to its representative in St. Paul, and he in turn sends it to a representative in Chicago. The Chicago bank to which it is sent may have no southern correspondent, and sends the check to New York, where it passes into the hands of a New Orleans bank representative. At New Orleans it may pass through the clearing-house to the New Orleans bank, through which it is payable, and then it is sent to Waco, where it is charged up against the man who issued it. If this check had not been payable through a New Orleans bank, it probably would not have passed through the New Orleans clearing-house, but might have been sent direct to Waco or to Austin and then to Waco for collection. All the banks and the clearing-house through which this check passes stamp their indorsements upon the back of the check, so that the back of a check, through the many indorse- ments, presents a strange and mixed-up appearance. J/e* \jotli OXE TODAY IS WORTH TWO TOMORROWS. 139 PRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR BUSINESS MEN. TRANSFERRING COMMERCIAL PAPERS. 1. A Legal Transfer. A legal transfer of commercial paper is usually made before it matures, and the law protects the innocent holder of it in his possession. Even if he buys it from the thief who stole it, or from the party who found it or got it by fraud, it belongs to him, if he knew nothing of the illegal transactions and acted without knowledge of the theft or fraud. 2. Usual Form. Paper is usually transferred by indorse- ment (the seller placing his name on the back of the note or bill). Thus the indorser agrees to pay the amount if the maker does not, and he is therefore responsible, if properly notified when the paper is due and is not paid. 3. Blank Indorsement. A blank indorsement most com- monly used in business is simply writing the name on the back of the note or bill, and after the first indorsement it may be transferred by delivery the same as a government bend or bank bill. 4. Peculiar Sac red ness of Commercial Paper. The law protects the holder of negotiable paper in his possession of it, when it would not protect him in the possession of any other kind of property, for there is a peculiar sacred- ness attached to paper. Thus: If A had stolen a horse from B and sold it to C, the law would not protect C, but would allow B to take the horse. Whereas in case of a note, the law would protect C in his ownership of the note and he could hold the maker for the amount, if C was innocent and knew nothing of the way in which A got possession of the note. 5. The Purchaser. If the purchaser is aware that there are any defects about a note or bill, or if there is any- thing suspicious, he buys it at his own risk. 6. Transferring Found or Stolen Paper. Should A lose his note for $300 and B find it, the latter could not compel A to pay it, unless he could prove that he came fairly into posses- sion of it. No thief could collect a note himself which h^ had stolen if the fact of this theft could be proved, but if the note had & blank indorsement on the back of it. he could transfer or seV BUSINESS NEGLECTED IS BUSINESS LOST. the note to an innocent party who could collect the note if he can show he made the purchase in good faith. 7. Void Paper. Paper void where made is everywhere void. Even in case of void paper, a party who indorses it over to an innocent holder would be bound by his indorsement, be- cause he made a new contract to pay it when he indorsed it. 8. Indorsement of a Note Before it is Made. When a party indorses a note before it is made, and it is afterwards made for a larger amount than was agreed, he cannot escape his liabil- ity to an innocent holder by pleading that fact. The rule is the same when a party accepts a blank draft. 9. Avoiding Liability. An indorser can avoid liability by writing the words " without recourse," or, " without re- course to me." He can also specify what use is to be made of the funds when the paper is made, as for instance: "Pay Irving Taylor, or order, for credit of my account." 10. After Maturity. Paper can be transferred after ma- turity and usually no difficulty will arise over it, but the maker of the note may make any defense against the assignee possible had the note not been transferred. 11. An Innocent Holder. An innocent holder of paper, having paid value for it before maturity, can hold both the maker and indorser responsible for payment. 12. General Rule. In the transfer of commercial pa- per the indorser is held equally responsible for payment with the maker, and it is a safe rule to require the indorsement of the party who holds the paper before accepting it. An indorser who has paid a note can afterwards sell it. In the case of accom- modation paper, however, when the payee has once paid it the paper is canceled, and cannot again be transferred so as to give the holder a right of action against any one, except the party who paid and then transferred it. DEMAND OF PAYMENT. 1. Time and Place. Demand should always be made at the proper time and place. If the name of a bank or any other place is mentioned in the paper, it should be made there. 2. Insolvency. If the debtor is bankrupt, ii is ao reason why a demand should not be made on him CREDIT 18 BETTER THAN ILL LUCK. 1 3. In Person. Demand must be made in person, and it cannot legally be made by mail. ^ 4. Possession of Paper. The party making the demand must have possession of the paper, for the debtor can insist on having it delivered to him when paidc 5. Lost Paper. In case the paper is lost, a bond of in- demnity must be made and tendered to the debtor, as protection in case it is ever found. 6. Refused Payment. If demand is legally made and it is refused, the paper must be protested and the proper parties notified. This is usually the work of a notary public. THE CREDIT SYSTEM ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. 1. There are many good reasons why people should pay cash for everything purchased. Hopeful people will always buy more freely if they can get it on credit, and are never anxious for pay day to come around. 2. Remember that those who sell on credit must charge from IO to 15 per cent, more for goods in order to cover the interest and risks. -It has been found that from 7 to 10 per cent, of trusted out accounts become worthless. 3. It is always uncertain which of the trusted persons will fail to pay his account, and consequently all persons buying on credit have to share the extra prices, in order to meet the losses which all business men sustain that do a credit business. 4. Remember, the man who can pay cash for goods, or what- ever purchases he may make, can always secure a better bargain than the man who buys on credit. It therefore would be a great saving if every one could manage, by rigid economy, if necessary, to pay cash for everything he buys. 5. Persons who buy real estate, or merchants who buy large quantities of goods, may often find it necessary to buy on credit. Many of our wealthiest farmers and business men made their money largely in having the benefit of credit, but, at the same time, if cash could be paid for everything purchased, whether real estate or other articles, it would be a great saving Co the purchaser. 6. Keep your word as good as a bank and you will always have credit when you desire it, and friends when you need 142 A DEBT IS ADORNED BY PAYMENT, "HIS BURDEN OF DEBT HE BOBE TO THE GKAVE. " HOW TO COLLECT DEBTS. While most debts are paid voluntarily, yet many men have been ruined by the failures of others to pay their debts. This suggests caution on the part of all who give credit or make loans. The earnings of a life time may soon be swallowed up by unworthy and dishonest creditors. I. Settlement. It is, however, necessary to extend credit to others, and with the greatest of precaution those who can not or will not pay their debts sometimes become our debtors. When this is the case the best method is to attempt an adjustment by mutual agreement. If your debtor is honest and still by some unfortunate circumstance is unable to pay his debts, it is best to treat him with respect and kindness. The law of kindness has affected the payment of many debts where legal measures would have wholly failed. Every effort possible should be made to effect a settlement by mutual agreement. Rather suffer and lose what may belong to you than seek an adjustment by law. THE SLEEPY FOX CATCHES NO POULTRY. 143 2. Expense. Litigation is always expensive and also uncertain. Avoid it if possible. Settle without consulting a lawyer if possible. Go to law as a last resort. 3. Collection. If it is impossible for you to secure a settlement, then, if the case demands, it may be necessary to place the account with a lawyer for collection. 4. Arrest. The arrest of the debtor can only be made to secure the person of the debtor (or defendant) while the suit for debt is pending, or to force him to give security for his ap- pearance after judgment, but in some States no arrests are al- lowed, except in criminal cases. 5. Attachment. This is a writ issued by the Justice .-, the Peace or Judge, or some other .officer having jurisdiction, commanding the sheriff or constable to attach the property of the debtor, to satisfy the demands of the creditor. This writ may be issued at the beginning or during the suit. In some States, Alabama, -Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and others, the debtor may retain possession of the property and give a bond as a guaranty that the property will be held for the debt in case he is defeated in the suit. All attachments lose their validity in case the debtor (or defendant) wins the suit. 6. Judgment and Execution. A suit is ended by the courts giving a judgment, either in favor of the debtor or the creditor. If the judgment is in favor of the plaintiff and the de- fendant refuses to pay the amount of the judgment, an execu- tion is issued by the court which commands the sheriff to take sufficient property of the defendant, if it can be found, to satisfy the judgment. The sheriff may also seize the person of the defendant and imprison him until he pays judgment or the same is discharged by judicial decision of insolvency. Real estate, however, cannot be sold on execution in some States, unless a jury should find that the profits in rents, etc., will not pay the judgment within the limit of seven years, or some other time fixed by law. 7. Garnishment. After judgment has been rendered, the money or goods due the defendant, if in the hands of a third person, may be attached to pay the plaintiff. The person in whose hands the money or goods attached are, is known in law as the garnishee or trustee. 144 PLEASURE 18 THE HAND MAID OF DUTY. HOW TO OBTAIN WEALTH. It matters not what a man's income is, reckless extravagance and waste will sooner or later bring him to ruin. The average young man of today when he begins to earn is soon inclined to habits of extravagance and wastefulness. The five, ten or fifteen cents a day that is squandered, while a mere trifle ap- parently, if saved, would in a few years amount to thousands of dollars and go far towards establishing the foundation of a future career. In order to acquire the dollars one must take care of the dimes and nickels. It is not what a man earns but what he saves that makes him rich. John Jacob Astor said that the saving of the first thousand dollars cost him the hardest struggle. It is the duty of every young man to begin to save from the moment he commences to earn, be it ever so little. This habit will not only aid in acquiring wealth, but will give a fitness for larger duties. He who is not able to manage a small income is not competent to have charge of a larger one. The way to make money is to save it. Always remember and practice the maxim, "A dollar saved, a dollar earned." A small sum of money saved daily for fifty years will grow at the following rate: Daily Savings. One Cent $ 950 Ten Cents 9,504 Twenty Cents 19,006 (Thirty Cents ......... 28,515 'Forty Cents 38,015 Fifty Cents $47,52O jSixty Cents 57,024 Seventy Cents 66,528 Eighty Cents 76,032 Ninety Cents 85,537 One Dollar $475,208 HOW TO MAKE CHANGE QUICKLY. 1. Consider the amount of the purchase as money already counted out; for example, if the purchase amounts to 46 cents, and you are handed a $2.00 bill in payment, count out 4 cents to make it 50 cents, then count out the other $1.50. 2. Should the purchase amount to $2.54, and you are handed $10.00, count out 46 cents to make it $3.00, then count out even dollars to make the $10.00, and your change is correct. 3. Always count your change after receiving, and see that !t is correct. BEWARE OF SURETYSHIP FOR THY BEST FtilEND. 146 'MY SON, YOU SHALL, HAVE A HOME WHILE i LIVE. BUT i CANNOT DEED YOC MY FARM ; IT IS ALL I HAVE TO SUPPORT ME IN MY OLD AGE." DO NOT GIVE AWAY YOUR PROPERTY IN OLD AGE. Many persons, as they advance in years, make the fatal mistake of giving away their property to children and then depend upon them for support. How many old persons have gone to their graves broken- hearted and suffering for the necessaries of life, because they desired to help their children, and gave them their property. If the weight of years becomes heavy and there is plenty of property, a portion may be safely divided among the children, but the major portion should always be held and controlled directly or indirectly' by the old couple. ^ i. It will insure good care and plenty of the nfi/efissaries of life 146 OPPORTUNITY IS THE CREAM OF TIME. 2. Ihe devotion and love of children will never grow cold while there is something in store for them. It was the writer's experience in his boyhood to board in a family where the father in his old age had bequeathed his en- tire property to his children. When the same was divided be- tween them their aged father became a burden, and he was sent from daughter to son, as they had all obligated themselves to care in turn for their aged father. But he never entered the home of a son or daughter, where he was a welcome guest. In the family, where the writer boarded, where the aged father was then, if there was a cup of coffee short in the morning, it was the old man's cup that was not filled; if meat or other food was short, it was the old man's plate that indicated the shortage; if the pie was somewhat deficient, it was the old man's piece that was cut in two, and he was compelled to sleep in a cold garret at night, alone and deserted, and when the broken-hearted ^.d man passed away, no doubt every child felt delight instead of sorrow in his heart. Every man should make a will in favor of his wife, so that m her old age she shall not become dependent. TEACHING BUSINESS TO WIVES AND DAUGHTERS. Women are too frequently ridiculed because of their ignorance of business matters. How can they understand busi- ness and business methods, if they have never had an oppor- tunity to learn and transact business? Every husband should teach his wife some of the more important ways of business, He should interest her in his financial affairs, and show her some of the business forms and business documents which form a part of his business transactions. It is a great advantage for a wife to be familiar with her husband's business, as she is liable to be called upon at any time to settle his estate. How many burdens are annually thrust upon widows, and at what a disadvantage they are in managing the business affairs of the family! Then why not make the path straighter and smoother by beginning now, by teaching your wives and daughters practical business methods? For family instruction we would suggest the following rules: \. Assist your wife or daughter in drawing up notes, and A SINGLE FACT IS WORTH A SHIPLOAD OF ARGUMENT, 147 teach her not only the correct form, but give her some of the laws bearing upon the legal relations of both debtor and creditor. 2. Make various indorsements upon the notes which have been thus written for copy. Write a note for each indorsement and explain it. This is a very easy and simple lesson and cai- be mastered in a very few evenings. 3. Teach the forms of receipts. Write receipts for rent, for money paid on account, for money to be paid a third party, etc. This will be found a very interesting exercise. 4. Checks and drafts will, form the same interesting exer- cise. 5. The next step will be to secure a few blank forms of notes, checks, drafts, deeds, leases, etc., and any husband will be surprised what progress his wife will make in a few lessons in filling out these business documents. . 6. If you carry out this plan your wife or daughter will become interested in your business, and will understand the different forms of paper and will soon be able to give you considerable assistance as well as safe counsel. HOW TO TEACH BUSINESS TO CHILDREN. Give your sons and daughters some familiarity with the cus- toms of the business world. Let them learn while young how to transact the ordinary forms of business. It is probably best to give them opportunities for earning a little money and tn to teach them its value in disposing of same. It is best to buy them a little account book, and make them have an account of all the money they receive, and the disposi- tion they make of it. Teach them how to make such entries, and always insist upon their keeping a correct record of all the money they receive, and upon giving an account of the money they pay out, always showing a correct, itemized account. In this way they may receive a degree of benefit which will insure their business success during life. This learned early in life will always produce an abiding and substantial benefit, and no doubt give birth to many practical ideas of business. 148 HURRIED RESULTS ARE WORSE THAN XOXE. POINTS OF LAW AND LEGAL FORMS. It must be admitted that legal and business forms, together with the important points of law on these subjects, are essen- tial and should be in the reach of all. A knowledge of these rules and principles would prevent many mistakes and losses. The following pages contain all the principal and important forms ordinarily in use in business. AFFIDAVITS. An affidavit is an oath or affirmation made in writing, sworn to or affirmed, before an officer empowered to administer the same. Affidavits are not testimony in courts of law, because the makers are not cross-examined; but a false affiant may be punished for perjury. The following is a common form, and with certain modifica- tions can be made to apply to almost any case: Common Form of Affidavit. FTATE OF ILLINOIS, ? COUNTY OF HENRY. ) John Jones being duly sworn on his oath states that he is well acquainted with the handwriting of Daniel Seitz, one of the subscribing witnesses to the deed hereto attached; that affiant has frequently seen him write and knows his signature; that he believes that the name of the said Daniel Seitz, signed in the said deed, is in the handwriting of the said Daniel Seitz, and further affiant says not. Subscribed and sworn to before me ") this 28th day of February, A. D. 1901. J- (Signed) E. M. SCHWARTZ, JOHN JONBS. Notary Public. A Form attached to a Declaration of any kind. STATE OF ILLINOIS. > _ COUNTY OF COOK. J S8 Chicago, Nov. 10, 1901. The above named John Saylor personally appeared before me and made oath that the following declaration by him subscribed is true. L. B. LAWSON, Justice of the Peace, ANGER BLOWS OUT THE LAMP OF THE MIND. 149 Think Twice Before You Sue Your Neighbor. HOW TO SETTLE DIFFICULTIES BY ARBITRATION. Arbitration is an agreement by parties who have a contro- versy or difference to submit the question to the decision of a third party instead of appealing to law. Arbitration is one of the highes 4 ourts for the settlement of personal differences, and if people would only learn more of its benefits and advantages, lawyers by the thousands would not thrive and fatten upon the earnings of those who could make better use of their money. When the matters in difference are simply those of fact, it is often more satisfactory to submit them to the decision of mu- tual friends, each contending party choosing one, and the two arbitrators thus chosen, choosing the third, and the three par- ties thus chosen constituting the court. The decision of the arbitrators is called an award. The award should be specific and distinct, containing the de- cision of the arbitrators in as clear and concise language as pos- sible. Form of Submission to Arbitration. KNOW ALL MEN, That we, the undersigned, hereby mutually agree to submit all questions and claims between us (or a specific claim or question) to the determination and award of (here name the arbitrators), whose decision and award shall be final and binding on us. In case of disagreement, the decision and award of a majority of said arbitrators Bhall be final and conclusive. The said arbitrators shall make their award i writing on or before July 10, 1902. Done at Aurora, 111., June 4, 1902. JOHN GLOVER, l Witn esBea. THOMAS Em* T. C. JONES, J Wltl eS8es - J. C. TETKR, 150 KEEP COOL AND FOL COMMAND EVERYBODY. Form of Arbitrator's Oath. The following oath should be taken by the persons chosen to act as Arbitrators or referees before entering upon the examination of the matters in dispute: We, the undersigned arbitrators, appointed by and between Henry Smith and Richard Brown, do swear fairly and faithfully to hear and examine the matters in controversy between said Henry Smith and Richard Brown, and to make a just award, according to the best of our understanding. Sworn to this 26th day of May, A. D. ) p. j) CRIMMINB 1901, before me. _ _ ... D. B. GrvELER, J- O. EVERETT, Justice of the Peace. ; O. M. POWERS. Oath. To be administered to a witness by the arbitrators: You do solemnly iwear, that the evidence you shall give to the arbitrators here present in A certain controversy submitted to them by and between Henry Smith And Richard Brown, shall be the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God. ARBITRATION BEST FOR FARMERS. Arbitration is always preferable to litigation. It is not only the easiest, quickest and cheapest way to settle disagree- ments, but saves much vexation and subsequent dissension. Were individuals, corporations and nations to arrange their dis- putes by arbitration, instead of resorting to litigation and war- fare, the people would be saved millions of treasure, and the world spared much shedding of blood. A peaceful settlement of difficulties is usually followed by prosperity, while "going to law" or war usually results in loss and suffering to both con- testants. Indeed, litigation and warfare are twin relics of the dark ages, and so long as they continue in vogue we may look in vain for harbingers of the promised millennium. Of all classes, farmers should, so far as possible, avoid entering into litigation; for whether they win or lose, they are proverbially worsted, the lawyers usually taking the cream, and leaving only the skim-milk for the winning contestant. Truly, there is neither glory nor honor, profit nor pleasure in litigation, and the less people who profess to live "on the square," and according to the Commandments, have to do therewith, the better it will be for both their present and future peace and prosperity. Even in the most aggravating case of trespass, and the like, no good citizen should resort to the law, until all amicable attempts at settlement have failed. Indeed, and finally, whatever may be the provocation, don't get mad and impulsively prosecute your neighbor, but keep your temper. IS AS BAD AS UNTHRIFT. 151 HON. WILLIAM MCKINLEY, THIRD MARTYRED PRESIDENT. HOW TO DO BUSINESS WITH AN AGENT. 1. Agency. Agency is one of the most important re- lations which exist in the transaction of the ordinary business affairs of life. 2. Implied Agency. Agency may be implied from pre- vious dealing and transaction between the parties. If the principal has held a person out as an agent he will be bound by his acts, even though as a matter of fact the agent had no authority to represent him. 3. Agents. An agent is denned to be one who is author- ized to represent another, who is called the principal, and when so authorized acts for and in the place and stead of the prin- cipal. A man may do through his agent whatever he may law- fully do for himself. Persons not of age, married women and aliens 152 USE SOFT WORDS AND HARD ARGUMENTS. may act as agents for others. Factors, brokers, attorneys, etc., are but agents in a business sense. The acts of the agent, if exercised within the powers delegated, bind the principal and become the latter's acts and deeds, but the agent's authority may be revoked by the principal at any time. Authority given to two persons must be executed by both to be binding on the principal. 4. Special Agent. A special agent is one authc ized to do one or more special things in pursuance of particular in- structions, or within restrictions necessarily implied from the act to be done. 5. General Agent. A general agent is one authorized to transact all his principal's business, or all his business of some particular kind, or at some particular place. If an agency is proved without its extent being shown it will be pre- sumed to be a general agency. The acts of a general agent will bind the principal, even though he had no authority to do them, provided he acts in the general scope of the business which he was authorized to transact. 6. Authority of Agent. If a special agent exceeds his authority, the principal is not bound, but if a general agent exceeds his authority the principal is bound, provided the agent acted within the ordinary and usual scope of the busi- ness he was authorized to transact, and the party dealing with him did not know he was exceeding his authority. 7. Authority, How Given. The authority of an agent may be constituted in three ways : By deed under seal, by writing, or by mere word. Express authority is given to an agent by what is called a power of attorney. If the authority is to execute a writing under seal and acknowledged, the power of attorney must be likewise under seal and acknowledged. An agent to sell land, or to do any important business, where he is required to make contracts, draw or sign notes, drafts or checks, should be appointed by "power of attorney." 8. Agent's Acts Ratified. The acts or contracts of an agent made beyond the scope of his authority may be rati- fied by the principal, and when so ratified are binding on the latter. 9. Agent's Responsibility. An agent concealing his prin- cipal is himself responsible, and if acting fraudulently or DELIBERATING IS NOT DELAYING. 153 deceitfully !s himself responsible to third pnties. He can- not appoint a substitute or delegate his authority to another, witiout consent of his principal.^ If an agent embezzles his principal's property it may be reclaimed if it can be identified or distinctly traced. 10. Agent Restricted. An agent employed to sell prop- erty cannot buy it himself, or if employed to purchase property, cannot buy from himself. 11. Principal's Liability. The principal is liable to the third person for the negligence or unskillfulness of the agent, when he is acting in the fulfillment of the agency busi- ness. The principal is liable for all acts of his agent within the scope of his agency, but money paid by an agent can be recovered by the principal, if it has been paid by mistake. The knowledge of the agent relating to the business of the agency is binding upon the principal, and notice to an agent as to mat- ters relating to the agency is notice to the principal. 12. Authority May Be Revoked. The authority of an agent may be determined: First, by the express revoca- tion thereof by the principal. Second, by renunciation of such power by the agent. Third, by the death of the principal, which also revokes the agency. Fourth, by the expiration of the time within which the agent was to perform the acts which were to be done by him, or by him, having completed and fully per- formed the commission and closed the business which he was to transact. Fifth, by the sale of the subject matter of the agency. 13. Revocation Takes Effect When. A revocation of authority takes effect, so far as the agent is concerned, when he receives notice thereof ; so far as third persons are con- cerned, when they receive notice of such revocation. Per- sonal notice or Us equivalent is required, and is sufficient to those who have dealt with the agent. Advertising the fact would bi sufficient as to all others. Without a suffi- cient notice of the revocation, a contract made in good faith with the agent after revocation will bind the principal the same iS before. 14. Caution. Persons dealing with agents who are stran- gers should be very careful to ascertain that the agent had authority to transact the business in hand. In all trans- 154 r O TOILS NOT, TRIUMPHS NOT. actions in regard to real estate the authority of the agent should be in writing, signed by the owner of the property, in order to be binding upon him. In all cases of doubt as to the authority of an agent or the extent of his authority, it would be wise to require of the agent r written proof of his agency and the extent of his authority. 15. Power of Attorney. To delegate to an agent the power to sign notes, checks, and other legal documents, as well as to transact any business where swch documents are nec- essary, is called power of attorney that is, the power to be attorney for you. Such power or authority should be given in writing. It should be witnessed to and should state clearly what the attorney has power to do. Power of Attorney, General Form. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, James L. Binton, of Naperville, County of Du Page, _and State of Illinois, have made, constituted and appointed, and BY THESE PRESENTS do make, consti- tute and appoint, Chas. A. Lerch true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead, [here state the purpose for which the power is given], giving and granting unto my said attorney full power and authority to do and perform all and every act and thing whatsoever, requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises, as fully, to all intents and purposes, as I might or could do if personally present, with all power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney or his substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the 2nd day of January, one thousand nine hundred. Signed, Sealed and Delivered 1 in Presence of I JAMES L. BINTON. (SeaL) To be properly acknowledged before an officer, the same as a deed, uccorr'jng to the law of the State. Proxy or Power of Attorney to Vote. Kno?r all men by these presents: That I, David E. Hughes, do hereby constitute and appoint C. A. Brown my true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy and representa- tive at the meeting of the stockholders of the , a corporation, and at any adjourn- ment of said meeting, all of the shares of the capital stock of said corporation standing on the books of said corporation, as fully and amply as I could or might do were I personally present; with full power of substitution and revocation. Witness my hand and seal at Aurora, Illinois, this 26th day of June. A. D. 1900. DAVID E. HUGHES. (Seal.) N. B. A seal is an impression, or writing (seal), placed at the right of signature confirming authority of same. RESPECT A MAN AND HE WILL DO THE MORE, 155 Eevoking of Power oi Attorney. Whereas, I, Sylvester Jones of Aurora, County of Kane, and State of Illinois, did on the tenth day of June, 1901, by my letter or power of attorney appoint John C. Cook of Chicago my true and lawful attorney, for me and in my name to [here state in precise language what he was authorized to do] as by the said power of attorney, reference thereunto being had, will fully appear; Therefore, know all men by these presents, That I, Sylvester Jones, aforesaid, have revoked and recalled the said letter of attorney, and by these presents do revoke and recall all power and authority thereby given to the said John C. Cook. Given this tenth day of October, 1902. Signed and sealed in presence SYLVESTER JONES. (Seal.) of 16. Brokers are agents who buy and sell real estate, notes, stock, bonds, mortgages, etc., or who make contracts for their principals and in their names. They are often employed to transact business or to negotiate bargains between different in- dividuals. Their attention being given to one class of business, they acquire a knowledge and skill that an average merchant does not possess. It is often advantageous for large firms to em- ploy brokers to buy their raw material. In our large cities brokers in anything and everything that is bought and sold in large quantities are extensively employed. 17. Commission Merchants are agents in large cities who sell goods on commission for fruit raisers, farmers, and manu- facturers. APPRENTICESHIP. 1. Definition. This is a contract by which one per- son who understands some art, trade, or business, and who is called the master, undertakes to teach the same to another person, a minor, who is called an apprentice. The latter is bound to serve the master during the period fixed by the con- tract in such art, trade, or business. This method of binding minors out for the purpose of learning different trades ana callings was formerly very common, but late years, and par- ticularly in the United States, it has fallen into disuse, and is a form of contract very seldom used. 2. Duties of the Master. To instruct the apprentice in the art or trade which he has undertaken to teach him. It is his duty also to watch over his conduct, giving him pru- dent advice, setting him a good example, and virtually exer- 156 SUCCESS RIDES ON EVERY HOUR. cising over him the rights, duties, and obligations of the parent. He had no right to dismiss the apprentice except by con- sent of all the parties, or to remove him from the State un- less such removal was authorized in the contract. 3. Duties of Apprentice. He is bound to obey his master in all lawful commands, to take care of his property, to en- deavor to the best of his ability to learn the trade, business, or occupation to which he was apprenticed, and to perform all the covenants contained in his contract. He was originally required to assent to the contract by signing the same. Form. This indenture made this 14th day of July, 1901, between John Smith of the city of Naperville, County of Du Page, and State of Illinois, party of the first part, with whom joins George Smith, minor, son of said John Smith, for the purpose of showing his assent to this article of agreement, and Charles Jones of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth: That the said party of the first part does hereby bind and apprentice unto the party of the second part the said George Smith, age 10 years, for and during and until the said George Smith shall attain to the age of sixteen years to learn the art and trade of a barber; and the said party of the first part hereby covenants and agrees that the said George Smith shall faithfully serve the said party of the second part and that he shall obey all the lawful commands of the said party of the second part and preserve and care for his property and use all diligence to learn the said art and trade of a barber for and during the term aforesaid; that he will not use intoxicating liquors or tobacco in any of its forms during the said term, and shall in all things properly conduct himself. And the said party of the second part hereby agrees that he will teach and instruct the said George Smith in said art and trade; that he will during the term of his apprenticeship furnish him with board and lodging and suitable clothing, washing, medicine, and other necessaries suitable to the condition of life of said minor; that he will teach or cause to be taught to the said George Smith reading and writing and the ground rules of arithmetic; and also that he will at the expiration of said term give to said apprentice a new Bible, two complete new suits of wearing apparel suitable to his condition in life and twenty dollars in money. In testimony whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year above written; and the said George Smith has signed these premises for the purpose of showing his assent thereto, JOHN SMITH. (Seal.) CHARLES JONES. (Seal.) GEORGE SMITH. 4. Dissolution. The articles of apprenticeship may bfc canceled by the mutual consent and agreement of all the parties. The better way would be to have such cancellation made in writ- ing. Any form of contract clearly showing the intentions of the parties to dissolve the articles of agreement, and signed by the parties to the original contract, would be sufficient. The con- tract of dissolution might well be written on the back of original contract. GRAPPLE IT AND YOU MAT WI1.. 157 AGREEMENTS AND CONTRACTS. 1. A contract is a mutual agreement between two compe- tent parties for a valuable consideration to do or not to do a particular thing. 2. It must have, i. Parties; 2. Subject Matter; 3. Considera- tion; 4. Assent of the parties. There cannot be a contract when any of these are wanting. IT TAKES TWO TO MAKE A CONTRACT. HOW TO WRITE A CONTRACT. 1. The parties to a contract are taken in the order in which they are written and referred to as "the party of the first part," "the party of the second part," without repeating their names. It matters not which name is written first. 2. After writing the date, names of the parties and their places of residence, state fully all that the first party agrees to do, and then state all that the second party agrees to do. 3. Next state the penalties or forfeitures in case either party does not faithfully and fully perform, or offer to perform, his part of the agreement. 4. Finally, the closing clause, the signatures and seals, the signatures of witnesses are written. (A seal is simply the mark of a pen around tke word "seal," written after the signature.) 5. No particular form of legal language is necessary. Use your own words and state in a plain way just what you want done. Any one who can write a letter and express his desire in an intelligent manner can write a contract. 6. Errors in grammar or spelling do not affect the legality of the agreement. 158 A PURPOSE ONCE FIXED, THEN VICTORY OR DEATH. 7. If the language should be obscure on certain points, the "court" will always interpret the intent of the parties, when they entered into the agreement, provided the intent can be gathered from the terms of the instrument itself. 8. When an agreement is written it must all be in writing. It cannot be partly written and partly oral. THE VITAL PART OF A CONTRACT-CONSIDERATION. I. Definition. A consideration is the thing which indu- ces parties to make a contract. It is the substantial cause or reason moving parties to enter into an agreement. a. A Sufficient Consideration. The law does not re- quire that the consideration should be a good or bad bar- gain. As long as something is done or suffered by either party, the consideration is good. The smallest consideration is sufficient to make it legal. The value of the consideration is unimportant. For instance: $10,000 worth of property can be sold for $i. 3. Promise of flarriage. If a man promises a woman auy certain sum of money if she would agree to marry him, he can be made to fulfill his promise, and the court will hold that the promise of marriage was a sufficient considera- tion for the money. Marriage contracts may be entered into under age. < 4. A Valuable Consideration. A valuable consideration is one which is equal to money or may be changed into moE ey. 5. A Good Consideration. A good consideration is one which is based upon love, gratitude or esteem, or blood re- lationship. But in order to make a good consideration legal, the agreement has to be performed by one or both parties. For instance: If a man should promise to give a lady $500 because he loved her, it could not be collected, but if the money was once paid to the woman it could not be recovered. 6. Gratuitous Consideration. A gratuitous consideration is a consideration where something is done or money prom- ised on account of some affection or charity, and like a good consideration the act must be performed in order to hold the party. For instance: If a father gives his son a note WORK IS THE WEAPON OF HONOR, 159 on account of his affection for him, the son cannot force the *ather to pay it; so also if a person subscribes for a church ,?r charitable society he cannot be compelled to pay it, unless the church or charitable society can show that it depended upon that money when it entered upon some contract, or assumed some ob- ligation on account of it. 7. Immoral Consideration. All considerations which are immoral are consequently illegal. 8. Impossible Consideration. If a man should promise to cross the ocean in one day, or walk from Philadelphia to New York in two hours or any consideration of such an impossible character, is illegal and void. THE LAW GOVERNING ALL KINDS OF CONTRACTS. 1. An alteration of a contract in a material part, after its execution, renders it void. 2. A contract made by a minor, a lunatic, or aa idiot is not binding upon him, yet he can hold the party with whom he contracts, to all the conditions of the contract. 3. A fraudulent contract may be binding on the party guilty of fraud, although not laying any obligation on the part of the party acting in good faith. 4. A contract for the sale or purchase of personal property over a certain amount ranging from $30 to $100 in the different States must be in writing. 5. A contract which cannot be performed within a year must be in writing. 6. If no time of payment is stated in the contract, payment must be made on the delivery of the goods. 7. A contract totally restraining the exercise of a man's trade or profession is void, but one restraining him in any particular place is not void. 8. An offer or proposal, which includes the essential parts of a contract, becomes a contract as soon as accepted. g. A contract required by law to be in writing cannot be dissolved by verbal agreement. 10. A contract cannot be partly written and partly verbal. It must be wholly written or wholly verbal. 160 TIME IS MONEY, BUT MONEY IS NOT TIME. 11. A contract cannot be rescinded except by consent of both parties. 12. An oral contract must be proved by evidence. 13. A contract binding in the place where it is made is bind- ing everywhere. 14. Each party to an agreement or contract should retain a copy. 15. While signatures or contracts written with a pencil are good in law, it is always safer to write them in ink. JUSTICE. CONTRACTS THAT ARE NOT LAWFUL. 1. A contract to commit a breach of peace. 2. Contracts made on Sunday, are, in most of the States, now held to be legal and binding. 3. An agreement for immoral purposes. 4. All agreements in which there is fraud. 5. An agreement made by threats or violence. 6. Wagers or bets cannot be collected by law. 7. More than legal interest cannot be collected. 8. If any part of a contract is illegal, the whole is illegal. 9. A contract with an intoxicated person, lunatic, or minor. 10. A contract in violation of a statute in the State in which it is made. A CHEERFUL FACE JS EVERY MAFS DEBT TO THE WORLD. 161 11. An agreement to prevent competition on a sale under an execution. 12. An agreement to prohibit the carrying on of a trade throughout the State. 13. A contract impossible in its nature; such as crossing the ocean in one day, is void. 14. Where consent to an agreement is given by mistake, it cannot become a contract. 15. The right to vote or hold office, etc., cannot be sold by contract. 16. Contract without a consideration; such as a promise to make a gift, cannot be enforced. 17. Two or more persons cannot intentionally make a con- tract to the injury of a third person. 18. Contracts for concealing felony or violating public trust, for bribery and extortion, are prohibited. 19. Useless things cannot become the subject of a contract; such as agreeing not to go out of the house for a month. 20. Money borrowed for the purpose of betting, the lender knowing it to be for that purpose, cannot be collected. 21. A verbal release without payment or satisfaction for the debt is not good. Release must be under seal. 22. If there are two parts to a contract, and one conflicts with the other, the first part holds good in preference to the last. 23. Contracts in which there is misrepresentation or con- cealment of material facts cannot be enforced. It is fraud to conceal a fraud. 24. If a thing contracted for was not in existence at the time of making the contract, such as buying a horse and not know- ing that he was dead at the time, is not good. 25. If a person agrees to serve as a laborer or clerk, he can- not be compelled to fulfill his agreement; damages, however, can be recovered for a failure to perform. 26. An agreement with a thief to drop a criminal prosecu- tion, by his bringing back the goods and paying all damages, is not good, and will be no bar to a future prosecution. * 27. Guardians, Trustees, Executors, Administrators or At- torneys cannot take advantage of those for whom .they act by becoming parties to contracts in which their wards are interested J62 FREE TRADE WILL NOT LOWER THE PRICE OF BRAIN& DAMAGES FOR VIOLATION OF CONTRACT. 1. It is the very essence of a contract that some penalty attaches to its violation. Otherwise it is no contract at all. Herein an agreement resembles a law. A statute which provides no penalties for the law-breaker is merely the expression of a wish, or the giving of advice. The contract that binds must be binding on both parties. This element of mutual obligation is also the very essence of a contract. 2. Where no actual loss has been sustained by the violation of a contract, the plaintiff is entitled to nominal damages only. 3. Actual expenditures under the contract may be recov- ered. 4. Expected profits or speculations in real property cannot be recovered in case of a violation of contract. 5. Failure to convey real estate according to covenant en- titles plaintiff to the value of the land at the time the transfer was to be made. 6. Failure to deliver property at the time and place named in the contract entitles the plaintiff to the value of the property at the time and place fixed for deliverance. 7. In loss of goods by common carrier the plaintiff is en- titled to the value of the goods where they were to be delivered, less the freight on such goods. A Broken Contract. Parent: You have violated my command. Small Boy: I should think you would be ashamed to strike me when my baok is turned toward you. 8. If a party contracts to employ another for a certain time, at a specified compensation, and discharges him, without cause, before the expiration of time, the plaintiff can obtain judgment NOR WILL HIGH TARIFF RAISE THE PRICE, 163 for full amount of wages for the whole time, provided he does not engage in any other business. 9. In Illinois the penalty for a railroad for the killing of a passenger is fixed by statute at $5,000, and the only question that is allowed to arise in such a case is whether the railroad company was at all responsible for the disaster. 10. To prevent lawsuits and disputes the amount of damages for the violation of contracts is sometimes fixed by inserting in the contract the following clause: And it is further agreed that the party that shall fail tc perform this agreement on his part shall pay to the other the Jull sum of [here state amount], as liquidated, fixed, and settled charges. General Form of Agreement. This agreement, made the tenth day of June, 19 , between Clarence Ranck of Aurora, County of Kane, State of Illinois, of the first part, and Charles Vandersall of Columbus, Ohio, ot the second part: Wit- nesseth, that the said Clarence Ranck, in consideration of the agree- ment of the party of the second part hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Charles Vandersall, that (here insert the agreement of Clarence Ranck]. And the said Charles Vandersall in consideration of the fulfillment of this contract on the part of the party of the first part, contracts and agrees with the said Clarence Ranck [here insert the agreement on the part of Charles Vandersall]. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other Two Hundred Dollars as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands ind seals, the flay and year first above mentioned. Signed and sealed CLARENCE RANCK. In presence of CHARLES VANDERSALL, John Rutter. Contract for Sale of Land. This agreement, made this first day of June, A. D. 1901, between John Brown, of the City of Dunkirk, in the State of New York, party of the first part, and Norman C. Stull, of the City of Buffalo, of the same State, party of the second part, Witnesseth, That if the said party of the second part shall make the payments and perform the covenants hereinafter mentioned on his part the said party of the first part here- by agrees to convey and assure to the said party of the second part in fee simple, clear of all incumbrances whatsoever, by a good and suffi- cient warranty deed the following described premises to wit: [Here describe property to be conveyed], and the said party of the second part covenants and agrees to pay to the said party of the first part the sum of two thousand ($2,000.) dollars as follows: Five hundred ($500) dollars cash In hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, balance on March 1, 1902, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, payable annually after the date hereof, and all taxes and assessments legally levied or imposed upon said land subsequent to the year 1899. A complete abstract of title brought down to date to be furnished by said party of the first part on or before days from the date hereof. In case title, on examination, shou A 164 THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS HARD TO CLIMB. prove to be defective, then the said party of the first part agrees to perfect the same within a reasonable time, and in case of failure so to do, or in case said title cannot be perfected, the cash paid hereon shall be refunded and this contract shall become null and void. Deed to be delivered March 1, 1901, deferred payments to be secured by note and first mortgage by the party of the second part on the premises here- by sold. This contract shall extend to, and be obligatory upon, the heirs, administrators, executors, and assigns of the respective parties. In testimony whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and ^eals the day and year first above written. (Signed) Witness: Richard Peck. JOHN BROWN, NORMAN C. STULL. (Seal.) (Seal.) An Agreement to Build a House. This agreement, made this 16th day of July, 1901, between John Reid, Of Lisle, Illinois, party of the fir!;t part, and C. Cooper, of Naper.ville, Illinois, party of the second part, Witnesseth: That the said party of the second part for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars, to be paid as hereinafter stated, covenants and agrees with the party of the first part that he will within the space of six iiionths from the date hereof in a good substantial and workmanlike manner erect, build, and finish on Lot Two (2) in Block Three (3) of Park Addition to Naperville, Illinois, a dwelling house in accordance with the plans and specifications hereunto annexed and made a part hereof. It Is further agreed that the party of the first part shall at all times furnish to the said party of the second part all such stone, brick, lime, cement, lumber, and such other materials as may be required by him for the construction of said house, and such lumber and ma- terials to be delivered upon said lot from time to time as required by said party of the second part. Said party of the first part agrees to pay the said party of the second part the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars when the building is enclosed and the roof is on. Five hundred ($500) dollars when the house is plastered and the chimneys erected, and the remainder upon the completion of the contract. In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. (Signed) JOHN REID. (Seal.) C. COOPER. (Seal.) yiME AND PATIENCE CHANGE MULBERRY LEA VES TO SATIN. 165 A Contract for Hiring a Farm Hand. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Fred J. Dolan agrees to work faithfully for E. E. Hull, as a general laborer on his farm, and to do any work that he may be called upon to do in connection therewith, in the township of Freedom, County of La Salle, and State of Illinois, for the period of one year, beginn ng the first day of March next, 1901, for the sum of Twenty Dollars per month. In consideration of the services to be performed, the said E. E. Hull agrees to pay Fred J. Dolan, Twenty Dollars per month. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties have hereunto set their aands this first day of January, 1901. FRED J. DOLAN E. E. HULL. Agreement for the Hiring of a Clerk. THIS AGREEMENT, made this twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and one, between John Smith, of the Town of Naperville, in the County of Du Page, and State of Illinois, of the first part, and RirhaH Brown, of the City of Chicago, in the County of Cook, State of Illinois, of tne second part, Witnesseth: That the said John Smith has agreed to enter the service of the said Richard Brown as clerk, and covenants and agrees- to and with the Said Richard Brown, that he will faithfully, honestly, and diligently 136 BLANK CARTRIDGE, BIG GUN; ALL TALK, LITTLE DONE. apply himself and perform the duties of a clerk in the store of the said Richard Brown, and faithfully obey all the reasonable wishes and com- mands of the said Richard Brown, for and during the space of one year from the thirtieth day of May next for the compensation of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) per annum, payable monthly. And the said Richard Brown covenants with the said John Smith that he will receive him as his clerk for the term of oue year aforesaid and will pay him for his services as such clerk the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) annually, in monthly payments. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this twenty-eighth day of Jane, A. D. 1901. JOHN SMITH. (Seal.) RICHARD BROWN. (Seal.) JOHN H. WAGNER. A Contract for Laying Tile or Building Fence. This agreement, made this first day of July, 1901, between W. J. Shaw, of the first part, and A. N. Jenkins, of the second part, Witness- eth: That the said party of the first part agrees to lay upon the farm of the said party of the second part, of Naprville Township, Du Page County, Illinois, 120 rods of six-inch tile at such places on said farm as the said party of the first part may designate for the sum of forty cents per rod, said tile to be so laid that there shall be sufficient fall to properly drain the land through which the same is laid. And all ditches to be properly filled by the party of the first part; and the said party of the second part agrees to pay said party of the first part one-half the consideration above expressed when he has laid 60 rodi of said tiling and the remainder on completion of the contract- Witness the hands of the parties hereto the day and year above written. (Signed) W. J. SHAW, A. N. JENKINS. A Contract for the Sale of Horses, Cattle, or other Personal Property. This agreement, between A. B. Johnson and C. D. Coddington, made this nineteenth day of October, 1901, witnesseth: That said A. B. Johnson, for the consideration hereinafter men- tioned, shall sell and deliver on the first day of November next to said C. D. Coddington at his residence, One Double Wagon, Two Four- Year- Old Colts and Six Yearling Heifers. That said C. D. Coddington, in consideration thereof, shall pay said A. B. Johnson Three H andred Dollars, upon the delivery of said prop- erty. In witness whereof we have this day set our hands and seal. A. B. JOHNSON, C. D. CODDINGTON. Estray Notice. Take Notice! On the 3rd day of June, 1901, there strayed onto my inclosed land in the town of Van Wert, County of Du Page: One two- year-old colt, a dark bay, with small star in the forehead, and left hind foot white; and one dark-brown calf, with black spots on each side. Any one claiming the above-described animals can obtain possession of same by furnishing suffi.cien>. proof of ownership, and paying all ex- pense and cost. R. ZACHMAN. 1. The above notice may be printed in the local paper, or written out, and tacked up in three or four prominent places in the vicinity where the stray animal was taken up. 2. No one can claim a stray without advertising the same, and giving the proper notice, such as the statutes of the State require. 3. If the stray is not redeemed by the owner, it may be sold at public auction to pay cost and expense. RI VULETS FILL A BOTTOMLESS CUP AS WELL AS NIA GAR A. 167 PROPERTY, REAL AND PERSONAL. Property is either Real Estate or Personal Property. Real Estate is fixed property, such as houses and lands. Personal Property consists of all movable material, such as horses, cattle, furniture, merchandise, notes, cash, mort- gages, etc. The capital stock of corporations is personal prop- erty. Personal property may become real estate by being attached to the ground, and real estate can be made personal property; as coal taken from a mine or trees that have been cut down. THE LAW GOVERNING THE SALE AND TRANSFER OF PROPERTY. 1. A sale is the exchange of property for money, which is either paid at once or is to be paid in the future. An agreement to sell at a future date is not a sale. 2. There are many complicated things pertaining to the sale of property which every thoughtful man should understand. 3. The thing sold must either exist at the time of the sale or there must be a well-founded reason that it will be in exist- ence and in possession of the seller. For example: If a man sold a horse for $100 and it transpires that the horse died before the actual time of the sale the transaction would not be a sale, otherwise it would. 4. Grain or other produce not yet sowed or planted can be sold because the seller may reasonably expect a crop. Ma- chinery or other manufactured goods may be sold before they are made and the seller can be held to perform his part of the contract the same as though the articles actually existed at the time of the sale. 5. The thing sold must be specified and set apart as the property of the buyer. For example: The sale of ten bushels of wheat from a certain bin would not be a sale unless the grain was measured and set apart. 6. The price must be fixed by mutual consent, or be under- stood by the terms of the sale. 7. Any defects which can be seen in property or in animals when sold do not relieve the buyer from meeting his contract though he claims that he did not see the defects. The law does not furnish eyes for the purchaser of property. 168 EGOTISTS FIND THE WORLD UGLY. 8. But defects in property or animals which cannot be seett and of which the seller makes no statement, but recommends is as good or sound, relieves the buyer from his contract. 9. When nothing is said as to the time of payment when the sale is made the law presumes that the property must be paid for before the purchaser can secure possession. If credit is agreed upon the buyer is entitled to immediate possession. 10. The purchaser, in order to make good his bargain, should always advance a small amount, to bind the seller to the bargain. .Form of Bill of Sale. KNOW ALL, MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Jared K. Long, of Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, in consideration of six hundred ($600) dollars to me in hand paid by F. A. Lueben, of the same place, the re- ceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer and deliver unto the said F. A. Lueben, his heirs and assigns, the following goods and chattels, to wit: Four Oxen, at $50.00 each $200.00 30 head of Sheep, at $4.00 each 120.00 Five sets of Harness, at $20.00 each 100.00 Two Farm Wagons, at $35.00 each 70.00 One Corn Planter, at $20.00 20.00 Six Plows, at $15.00 each 90.00 To have and to hold all of the said goods and chattels to che said F. A. Lueben, his heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby covenant to and with the said F. A. Lueben that I am the legal owner of said goods and chattels; that they are free and clear from all other and prior sales and incumbrances; that I have good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid, and that in the peaceable possession of the said ' F. A. Lueben I will forever war- BECAUSE THEY SEE ONLY THEMSELVES. 169 rant and defend the same against the lawful claims and demands of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 29th day of June, A. D. 1901. (Signed) J. K. LONG. [Seal.] In the presence of T'-F. Teel. bn.1 of Sale. Special Form for the West. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, James C. Smith, of Great Falls, County of Cascade, and State Montana, in consideration, of eighty dpllars to me in hand paid by D. C. Robert of the same place, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby grant, sell, transfer and deliver unto the said D. C. Robert, his heirs and assigns, the following chattels, to wit: One Black Mare, warranted only four years old, sound and gentle, branded (X) $60.00 One Red Heifer, branded (L) 20.00 And I hereby guarantee these chattels to be in every way as above, described; that they are my lawful property, free from all incum- brances, and that I have a good right to sell and convey the same as aforesaid; and further, that I will defend the same against all claims whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my -and and seal this 19th day of June, A. D. 1900. (Signed) JAMES C. SMITH. [Seal.] in the presence of Walter J. Miller. BANKRUPTCY. i. A Bankruptcy Act was passed by Congress and went into force July i, 1898, which virtually supersedes and does away with all state insolvency laws and proceedings. While this act is in force, all such acts are suspended. a. Courts. The courts having jurisdiction in bankruptcy cases are the District Courts of the United States, in the several States and Territories, and the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. 3. Acts of Bankruptcy , (a) Acts of bankruptcy by a per- son consist of fraudulently Conveying, transferring, concealing, or removing property wita intent to hinder, delay, or defraud cred- itors, (b) Making transfers of property when a person is insol- vent, (c) Suffering a creditor to obtain a preference when the debtor is insolvent, (d) General assignment for the benefit of creditors. ( as those of receivers or assignees in insolvency proceedings. Both rererees and trustees are required lo give bond. 8. Meetings of Creditors. After the party has been adjudged a bankrupt, a meeting of all creditors must be called not less than ten days nor more than thirty days after such adjudication, at the county seat of the county where the bank- rupt has his principal place of business or resides. At the first meeting of the creditors, the referee presides, allows or disal- lows claims of creditors, and may publicly examine the bankrupt. At this meeting the trustee is appointed. All claims must be presented under oath in writing, setting forth his claim to the referee. 9. Notices. Ten days' notice by mail of all the principal! proceedings in bankruptcy are given to creditors by the referee. 10. How Commenced. Proceedings in involuntary bank- ruptcy are commenced by filing a petition with the Clerk of the SDT IT DOES SOT ATONE FOR ILL BREEDING. 171 District Court, setting forth the name and residence of the bank- rupt, an accurate list of all his property, and a schedule of all his debts, giving the name and address of*all his creditors. The time is then fixed by the court for a hearing upon said petition, due notice thereof being given. On such hearing, the question of whether the person is entitled to the benefits of the act is decided, and the judgment of the court declares the person a bankrupt or not, as the case requires, and then the proceedings take the usual course under rules which have been adopted by the Suprr me Court of the United States. These rules are toe numerous and extensive to be recited here. COAL LANDS. 1. Application for Entry. Every person above the age of twenty ane years, who is a citizen of the United States or who has declared his intention to become such, or any association of persons severally qualified is above, shall, upon application to the Register of the proper Land Office. t *ave the right to enter by legal subdivisions any quantity of vacant coal Ian- of the United States, not otherwise appropriated or reserved by jompetent authority, not exceeding one hundred sixty acres to each indi- vidual or person, or three hundred twenty acres to such association, upon ^-.vment to the receiver of not less than Ten Dollars ($10.00) per acre for such land where the same shall be situated more than fifteen miles from ny completed railroad, and not less than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per acre for su?I. land as shall be within fifteen miles of such road. 2. Settlers Preferred. Any person or association of persons, sev- erally qualified as above provided, who have opened and improved,or shall nereafter open and improve, any coal mine or mines upon public lands, and sha*l be in actual possession of the same, shall be entitled to a preference- tight of entry, under the preceding section, of mines so opened and im- proved, provided, that when any association of no less than four persona fiev rally qualified as above provided, shall have expended not less than Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) in working or improving any such mine or mines, such association may enter not exceeding six hundred forty ucres, in^lnding such mining improvements. ' 3. Land Office Proceedings. All claims under the preceding sec- tions must be presented to the Register of the proper land district within sixty days after the date of actual possession, and the commencement of improvements on the land by the filing of a declaratory statement there- for but when the township plat is not on file at the date of such improve- menV filing must be made within six d -ys from the receipt of auch plat trom the Land Office. 4. Entry Limited. The three preceding sections shall be held to 4Htho-'ize only one entry by the same person or association of persons, and no association of persons, any member of which shall have taken the ben- efit of such sections, 31 .her as an individual or as a member of any othe- association, shall enter or hold any other lands under the provision thereof, and no member of any tssociation, which shall have taken the benefit of scch sections, shall enter or hold any other lands under their provisions, and all persons claiming under Section 1 shall be required to prove their respective rights and pay for the lands filed upon, within one year from the time prescribed for filing their respective claims, and upon failure to file the proper notice or to pay for the land within the required period, the same shall be subject to entry by any other qualified applicant. 6. Conflicting Claims. la case of conflicting claims upon coal lands where improvements shall be commenced, priority of possession and improvements, followed by proper filing and continued good faith, shall determine thj preference-right to purchase The Commissioner of the General Land Office is authorized to issue all needful rules and regulations tor carrying into effect the provisions of this and the four preceding sec- tions. NOTE. The proceedings to enter coal lands under the above section* Are regulated Dy a circular of the General Land Office of July 31, 1882.. 172 DO YOU WISH MEN TO SPEAK WELL OF Y9Ut NOKTHWESTEEN COLLEGE, NAPERVILLE, ILL. Proposal to Erect a Public Building. To the Directors of School District No. 7, Township of Milton, Du Page County, Illinois: We propose to erect, complete and finish, on the lots owned by you In your district, a schoolhouse according to plans, specifications and de- tails this day furnished to, us, and from which these estimates are pre- pared, and upon which they are based. We propose to furnish all materials of every kind and chara rt r re- quired to be used in the construction and the completion of sal ' Ing, and we agree that the work, when completed, and all ma 1 , rii's. shall fully and strictly comply with the plans and specifications before mentioned, and that said building shall be completed an^ for occupancy on or before six months from the date hereof. We propose to construct said building and complete it in acco with the foregoing proposition for the sum of ten thousand dollars, payable as follows: $5,000.00 when the walls are up and roof Is on: $2,000.00 when the plastering is completed, and the remainder on completion of the building. We hope this proposition may be accepted by your honorable board. Dated this 13th day of May, 1C01. JAMES HARRIS & CO. HOW TO SECURE A LIEN ON PROPERTY. 1. A Lien is a legal claim. It includes every case in which either real or personal property is charged with any debt or duty. In other words, it is the right to hold possession of property until some claim against it has been satisfied. 2. Possession is always necessary to create a lien ex. cept in case of mortgages. The lien simply extends to the right TEEN NEVER SPEAK WELL OF YOURSELF 173 of holding the property until the debt is satisfied. The prop* erty cannot be sold without the consent of the owner, except by order of the court. 3. Law. The existence of a lien does not prevent the party entitled to it from collecting the debt or claim by taking it into court. 4. Parties Entitled to Liens. Warehouse men, carpen- ters, tailors, dyers, millers, printers, etc., or any persons who perform labor or advance money on property or goods of another have a lien on same until all charges are paid. 5. Hotel Keepers have a lien upon the baggage of their guests, whom they have accommodated. 6. Common Carriers have a lien on goods carried for transportation charges. 7. Agents have a lien on goods of their principals for money advanced. 8. How to Hold the Lien. Never give up possession of the property until the debt is paid. 9. Real Property. If the debt is on a house, barn or other real property, file a lien on the whole property, and have it recorded in the County Recorder's office. The claim then partakes of the nature of a mortgage. 10. Mechanic's Lien. Nearly all the States have en- acted special laws to protect mechanics and material men, who may furnish material and labor for the erection, construction, repair and improvement of buildings situated thereon. The method of securing these liens and enforcing them in the dif- ferent States varies so widely that it is almost impossible to give such a statement as will cover all States. ' The courts have construed such laws very strictly and in order to entitle a person to such lien the provisions of the law granting the same must be strictly complied with. Mechanics and material men desiring to avail themselves of these statutes would better consult some good lawyer and have him prepare the neces- sary papers. The following form is the one commonly in use in the State of Illinois: Form of Mechanic's Lien. S DT? PAGE^COUNTY! 1 ss> In the circuit Court * Du Pa e Bounty. /TJLICS WARREN, ) vs. > Claim for Lieu. MARTIN SMITH. ) 174 NOT WHAT COMES INTO A MAN'S HAND, BUT WHAT Julius Warren, being first duly sworn, on oath, says that ne is the claimant above named, and that the attached "Exhibit A," is a just and true statement of the account due him from said Martin Smith for labor and materials furnished said Martin Smith at the times in said statement mentioned, which various amounts are due and payable to him from and after the respective dates thereof; and affiant says that the labor and materials in said statement mentioned were used in the construction and improvement of a two-story frame building situate upon the following described premises in the County of Du Page and State of Illinois, to wit: Lot two (2), in Block three (3), of the original town of Hinsdale. And affiant says that there is now due and owing to said Julius Warren from said Martin Smith, at whose request said material and labor was furnished as aforesaid, after allowing to him all just credits, deductions, and set-offs, the sum of $500, for which amount said Julius Warren claim* a lien upon the above described premises. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of "1 February, A. D. 1901. Jmrm WARHFN JOHK SMITH, JULIUS WARREN. Notary Public. J N. B. The foregoing statement should be signed and sworn to before ome officer authorized to administer oaths, and filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County where the real estate is situated, and a nit to enforce the same must be begun within two years from the data of the completion of the contract. LAW ON GUARANTEES. 1. A guarantee (also spelled guaranty) is a written promise that a person will perform some duty or answer for the pay- ment of some debt, in case of the failure of another person. 2. The person who guarantees the faithfulness of another is called the guarantor. 3. The guarantee is the person to whom the pledge is made. 4. All guarantees must be in writing. 5. A guarantee, to be binding, must be for a consideration. The consideration should be named or expressed as "for value received." 6. A mere accommodation or overture is not sufficient to hold a guarantor. 7. A guarantee must be accepted to make it a contract, and the guarantor must have notice of its acceptance within a reasonable time. 8. A guarantor, after paying the debt, has the right to sub- stitute himself in place of the creditor. g. Guarantees of commission merchants binding them to warrant the solvency of the purchaser of goods they sell on credit, need not be in writing. 10. The terms of the contract of guarantee are to be strictly construed. BE SAVES FROM SLIPPING THROUGH, ENRICHES HIM. 175 11. In the sale of a horse the purchaser can only hold the guarantor for defects of the horse when sold. 12. In case of a cough the horse must have been heard to cough previous to the purchase. If lame, the lameness must be proved to arise from a cause that could not have occurred after the purchase. A guarantee after the sale of the horse is of no effect. FORMS OF GUARANTEES. A Guarantee for the Purchase of a Horse. Osage, Kansas, June 30, 1901. In consideration of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for a bay mare, I hereby guarantee her to be only six years old, Bound, free from vice and quiet to ride or drive. RALPH GOOD. N. B. This guarantee embraces every cause of unsoundness that can be detected, and the seller will be held for all the defects in the animal at the time of sale. This is the only safe and satisfactory way for a man to purchase a horse who is not an experienced judge of horses. Guarantee on Back of a Note. For value received, I hereby guarantee the payment of the within note. JAMES GLOVER. Fort Scott, Kansas, Oct. 12, 1901. Guarantee for Payment of a Bill. W. Reinke, Esq. Dayton, Ohio, Aug. 30, 1902. Dear Sir: I hereby guarantee the payment of any bill or bills of mer- chandise Mr. John A. Dahlem may purchase from you, the amount of this guarantee not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500), and to expire at the end of three months from date. Respectfully yours, CHAS. ADAMS. Guarantee of a Debt Already Incurred. St. Louis, Mo., July 10, 1901. Messrs. H. E. Bechtel & Co., West Salem. Gentlemen: In consideration of one dollar paid me by yourselves, the receipt of which I hereby acknowledge, I guarantee that the debt of four hundred dollars now owing to you by Ira J. Ferry shall be paid at maturity. Very respectfully yours, W. A. PIPER 1 . LANDLORD AND TENANT. i. Definition. This is a term used to denote the rela- tion which exists by virtue of a contract expressed or implied between two or more persons for the possession or occupation of lands or tenements either for a definite period of life or at will. The LANDLORD is the person who lets the premises. The TENANT is the one who occupies fhe land or premises in sub- ordination to the Landlord only. The contract between the two is called a LEASE. The party granting the possession and profit is called the LESSOR, and the party to whom the liO IF LITTLE LABOR, LITTLE ARE OUR GAINS. grant is made is called the LESSEE. The most common torrns of tenancy are for life or for a definite term. Either so many years, so many months, or so many weeks. 2. Leases. Leases which are to run for more than a year or which are not to be performed within a year must be in writing, or they are absolutely void. Leases for a year or less and which can be performed within a year are valid if not in writing. To avoid misunderstandings, disputes, and possible litigation it is always best that the Lease be in writing and signed by both parties. 3. Leases for life are those which are terminated either by death of the Lessee or of some other person living at the date of the Lease. Unless such Leases contain covenants to the contrary the life Tenant or the Lessee is required to pay all taxes on the premises and keep the same in repair. 4. Leases for Years. The Lessor, unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Lease, is under obligations to put the Tenant in possession and see that his possession is not disturbed by any title paramount to his Landlord's. He is not required to make repiirs unless he so stipulates in the Lease, nor is there an implied contract on his part that the premises are fit for the purpose for which they are let. He must pay all taxes regularly levied and assessed against said premises and keep the buildings on said premises insured at his own expense if he desires to carry insurance. 5. Implied Agreement by Tenant. Where there is no agreement to the contrary, the Tenant is bound to take possession of the premises, take ordinary care of the same, keep them in a tenantable condition, and make repairs made necessary by his negligence, except injuries resulting from wear and tear and inevitable accident. If the premises leased be a farm, he is also required to culti- vate the same in the manner required of good husbandry. He must not commit waste, alter buildings or fences, and must sur- render up the premises at the end of his term in as good con- dition as when entered upon originally, wear and tear excepted. Ho is not required to pay taxes or keep buildings insured, and must pay the stipulated rent at the time it becomes due by the terms of his Lease. If i o time i? specified in his Lease, then the MAN'S FORTUNES ARE ACCORDING TO HIS PAINS. 177 rent is due at the end of the term. He may underlet the prem- ises or assign the Lease unless his Lease contains covenants to the contrary. If he places permanent improvements upon, the premises which are so attached to the buildings or land that they can- not be removed without injury, he has no right to remove the same unless his Lease so provides. He miy remove trade fix- tures if the same are removed from the premises before the ex- piration of his Lease. 6. Special Covenants. The usual covenants contained in the ordinary Lease provide for the yielding up of the pos- session of the premises at the end of the term without notice, in as good condition as when the same were entered upon by the Lessee, loss by fire, inevitable accident and ordinary wear excepted. There" is also usually a covenant providing against underletting or assigning the Lease, and a covenant that in case of non-payment of rent, or failure to perform any of the cov- enants of the Lease the Lessor shall have the right to deter- mine said Lease and recover possession of the premises. Farm leases usually provide, in addition to the covenant above mentioned, that the Tenant shall keep the fruit and orna- mental trees, vines and shrubbery, free from injury of stock and from plowing or otherwise; that the Lessee will draw out the manure and spread it on the premises; that no straw shall be sold and removed from the premises during the term or at its termination^ that the Tenant will keep the buildings aiul fences in repairs, the Landlord to furnish necessary material; that the Landlord may do fall plowing on the stubble ground after the grain has been removed thereirom, and that he may enter for the purpose of making repairs, viewing the premises and sowing timothy seed. Sometimes the Landlord covenants to make all new fences, to furnish water and many other provisions which may be in- serted as the occasion may require. A Lease for Renting a House. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I have, this sixth day of September, 190L let and rented unto Andrew Jay my house and premises, number 142 on Archer Street, in th6 town of Livermore, and State of Iowa, with the sole and uninterrupted use and occupation thereof for one year, to commence the first day o' May next, at thft monthly rent of twenty dollars, payable in advance. Witness my hand and seal, J. W. GLASGOW. (Seal.) 178 POSSESSION IS NINE POINTS OF THE LAW. Short Form of Lease. John Parks leases to J. B. Moulton [description of premises] foi _ t"m of upon the payment of Dollars. Dated this 1st day of August, 1901. J. K. MILLER. The following is a form of Lease in common use for both Ctty and country property: THIS INDENTURE, Made this 15th day of July, A. D. 1901, between John Doe of Decatur, 111., party of the first part, and Richard Roe of the wune place, party of the second part, Witnesseth, That the party of the first part, in consideration of the covenants of the party of the second part, hereinafter set forth, does by these Presents, lease to the party of the second part the following described property, to wit: Lot one (1) In Block Ten in the original Town of Decatur in the City of Decatur and State of Illinois, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, To the party of the second part, from the 15th day of July, 1901, to the 15th day of January, 1902. And the party of the second part, in consideration of the leasing the premises as above set forth, covenants and agrees with the party of the first part to pay the party of the first part, at First National Bank, Decatur, as rent for the same, the sum of Sixty Dollars, payable as follows, to wit: $10 on the 15th day of each and every month during the t**m commencing on the date hereof. AND THE PARTY OF THE SECOND PART covenants with the party of the first part, that at the expiration of the term of this lease ....he will yield up the premises to the party of the first part, without further notice, in as good condition as when the same were entered upon by the party of the second part, loss by fire or inevitable accident and ordinary wear excepted. IT IS FURTHER AGREED by the party of the second part, that neither he nor his legal representatives -will underlet said premises or any part thereof, or assign this lease without the written aswent of the party of the first part first had thereto. AND IT IS FURTHER EXPRESSLY AGREED between the parties hereto, that if default shall be made in the payment of the rent above reserved, or any part thereof, or any of the covenants or agreements herein contained to be kept by the party of the second part, it shall be lawful for the party of the first part or his legal representatives, into and upon said premises or any part thereof, either with or without process of law, to re-enter and re-possess the same at the election of the party of the first part, and to distrain for any rent that may be due thereon upon any property belonging to the party of the second part. And in order to enforce a forfeiture for non-payment of rent it shall not be necessary to make a demand on the same day the rent shall become du?, but a failure to pay the same at the place aforesaid or a demand fcn-i a refusal to pay on the same day, or at any time on any subsequent day, shall be sufficient; and after such default shall be made, the party of the second part and all persons in possession under him shall be defined guilty of a forcible detainer of said premises under the statute. AND IT IS FURTHER COVENANTED AND AGREED between the pat iies aforesaid Tho covenants herein shall extend to and be binding upon the her, xt jutors and administrators of the parties to this Lease. WITNESS THE HANDS AND SEALS of the parties aforesaid, the day *tt year first above written. JOHN DOE. (Seal.) RICHARD ROB. (Seal.; ALWAYS BE PUNCTUAL AT THE TIME APPOINTED. H9 Farm Lease, Money Rent. The following form for farm lease, money rent, is a good one and contains the usual special covenants required under ordinary circumstances: THIS INDENTURE, Made this second day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, between Henry Williams of the Town of Milton, in the County of Du Page and State of Illinois, party of the first part, and John Carter of the same place, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be kept and performed by the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, has demised and leased to the aid party of the second part all those premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Milton, County of Du Page, State of Illinois, known and described as follows, to wit: The North West quarter of Section ten (10) in Township 39, north range 10, east of the 3d principal meridian. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators and assigns, fnom the 2d day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, for and during and until the 2d day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred, yielding possession and paying rent therefor as hereinafter stated. And the said party of the second part, in consideration of the leasing of the premises aforesaid by the said party of the first part to the said party of the second part, does covenant and agree with the said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to pay the said party of the first part, as rent for the said demised premises the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, as follows: $200 on the 1st day of October, 1897, $300 Jan. 1, 1898, $200 Oct. 1, 1898, $300 Jan. 1, 1899, $200 Oct. 1, 1899, $300 Jan. 1, 1900, payable at the First National Bank, Naperville, 111. And the said party of the second part agrees to preserve and keep the fruit and ornamental trees, vines and shrubbery, that . now are or shall be planted on the premises, from injury by plowing, or from cattle, horses, sheep or otherwise. To scatter and expend upon said premises all the manure and compost, suitable to be used; such manure as is unfit for use to leave upon said premises for future use thereon; and not to burn any stalks or straw or stubble on said premises. No straw to be sold or removed from said premises or at its termination. To keep said premises, including the hedges and fences, in proper and necessary repair, provided that, if necessary, the landlord. - shall furnish such materials as shall be needful to repair the fences within a reasonable time of being notified of its want. And the said party of the second part further covenants with the said party of the first part that, at the expiration of the time in this lease mentioned, he will yield up the said demised premises to the said party of the first part in as good condition as when the same were entered upon by the said party of the second part, loss by fire or inevitable accident and ordinary wear excepted. It is further agreed by the said party of the second part, that neither he nor his legal representatives will underlet said premises. or any part thereof, or assign this lease without the written assent of said party of the first part had and obtained thereto. The said party of the- first part reserves the privilege of plowing the stubble ground when the said party of the second part may have secured the grain grown thereon. The said party of the second part agrees to keep said premises free from burs, and to keep all necessary ditches and drains plowed out during this lease. Also agrees that the said party of the first part may enter said premises for the purpose of viewing nd sowing timothy seed and making repairs. 180 REST NOT, LIFE ito SWEEPING BY; IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED by and between the parties aforesaid, that if the rent above reserved, or any part thereof, shall be behind or unpaid on the day and at the place of payment whereon the same ought to be paid, as aforesaid, ' or if default shall be mkde in any of the covenants herein contained, to be kept by the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators or assigns, it shall and may be lawful for the said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, administrators, agent, attorney or assigns, at his election, to declare said term ended, and the said demised premises, or any part thereof, either with or without process of law, to re-enter, and the said party of the second part, or any other person or persons occupying, in or upon the same, to expel, remove and put out, using su,?h force as may be necessary in so doing, and the said premises again to re-possess acd enjoy, as in his first and former estate; and it shall be the duty of the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators or as- signs, to be and appear at the said place above specified for the payment of said rent, and then and there tender and pay the same as the same shall fall due from time to time, as above, to the said party of the first part, his agent or assigns; or in his absence, if he shall offer to pay the ame then and there, such offer shall prevent said forfeiture. And it is expressly understood that it shall not be necessary, in any event, for the party of the first part, or his assigns, to go on or near the Bald demised premises to demand said rent, or elsewhere than at the place aforesaid. And in the event of any rent being dne and unpaid, whether before or after such forfeiture declared, to distrain for any rent that may be due thereon, upon any property belonging to the said party of the second part. And if at any time said term shall be ended at such election of said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, as aforesaid or in any other way, the said party of the second part, his executors, administrators or assigns, do hereby covenant, promise and agree to surrender up and deliver said above described premises and property peaceably to the said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, immediately upon the determination of said term as aforesaid; and if he shall remain in the possession of the same five days after notice of such default, or after the termination of this lease, in any of the ways above named, he shall be deemed guilty of a forcible detainer of said demised premises, under the statute, and shall be subject to all the conditions and provisions above named, and to eviction and removal, forcibly or otherwise, with or without process of law, as above stated. And it is further covenanted and agreed by and between the parties, that the party of the second part shall pay and discharge all costs and attorney's fees and expenses that shall arise from enforcing the covenants of this indenture by the party of the first part. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said parties have hereunto set hands and seals the day and year first above written in duplicate. In presence of HENRY WILLIAMS. (Seal.) Centius Seldon. JOHN CARTER. (Seal.) 7. Termination of Lease. Under the strict rules of the common law the Landlord might terminate the lease for non-payment of rent, but in order to do so it was necessary for him to go upon the premises and make a demand for the exact amount of rent due upon the very day that the rent came due, and a failure to do this waived the right to declare forfeiture. This strict rule of the common law has been modified in nearly all the States so that it is no longer necessary to make a de- mand for the rent on the day the rent comes due. Instead of this aiost of the States provide that before the Landlord shall ' GO AND DARK BEFORE YOU DIE, 181 declare a forfeiture a demand in writing, for the amount of rent due, shall be served upon the Tenant, and he be notified that in case he fails to pay the same within a fixed time, general- ly five or ten days, the Landlord will elect to terminate his lease; in such cases the Tenant has until the end of the last day fixed in the notice to pay the rent and save the forfeiture. The statutes of the various States also provide that in case of breaches of other covenants contained in the lease, no- tice of such breach and intention of the Landlord to declare for- feiture of the same shall be served upon the Tenant to quit and deliver up possession of said premises within a time, generally not less than ten days. The following are the forms of notices above referred to in common use: Landlord's Five Day Notice. To John Doe : YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that there is now due me the sum of One Hundred Dollars and Cents, being rent for tho premises situated in the City of Chicago, in Cook County, in the State of Illinois, and known and described as follows, viz: Lot one (1) in Block two (2) of the Original Town of Chicago. And you are further notified that payment of said sum, so due, has been demanded of you, and that unless payment thereof is made on or before the 21st day of July, A. D. 1900, your lease of said premises will be terminated. Richard Roe is hereby authorized to receive said rent so due, for me. Dated this 15th day of July, 1900. JAMES SMITH, . Landlord. Ten Days' Notice to Quit. To John Doe: You are hereby notified that in consequence of your default in payment of rent and also to keep the buildings and fences on the premises hereinafter described in proper repair, being Lot One in Block Ten of the original town of Aurora, Kane County, Illinois, I have elected to terminate your lease, and you are hereby notified to quit and deliver up possession of the said premises to me vithin ten days of thi date. Dated this 21st day of July, 1900. (Signed RICHARD ROE, Landlord. 8. Termination of Tenancy from Year to Year and Month to Month. Where a Tenant has a Lease for a year of premises with annual rent, and at the end of his term holds over without a new agreement, the law construes this to be a leasing from year to year, and such tenancy at common law could only be terminated by either party giving the other six months* notice prior to the end of any year. 182 SBUN ALL TEMPTATIONS TO ILLICIT GAIN8. This notice has been changed., by a statute in Illinois to sixty days prior to the end of any year, and a shorter time has also been fixed in many other States. A Tenant who has a Lease of property for one or more months with monthly rent, who holds over after the termination of his Lease, it termed a Tenant from month to month, and such relation can only be terminated by either party giving the other thirty days' notice of his intention to terminate the tenancy. Such notice to be given thirty days prior to the end of any month. 9. Demand. It is a general rule, subject to few excep- tions, that in order to get possession of property where the inception of the Tenant was lawful, either a notice to quit or a demand for possession is necessary on the part of the owner before commencing proceedings to get possession. 10. Securing Possession. When a Lease has been ter- minated either by its term or by notice, and the Landlord is entitled to possession, the most common method of recovering possession is to commence an action of forcible entry and de- tainer against the Tenant for the possession of the premises. This may be done before a Justice of the Peace by filing a com- plaint and having a summons issued. If the possession of the Tenant was lawful in its inception the Landlord has no right to forcibly dispossess him, and if he does so it is at his peril. Tak- ing possession by force subjects the Landlord to an action for heavy damages. Leases sometimes contain clauses that where a forfeiture has taken place the Landlord shall have the right to take possession of the premises leased by force if necessary. Such covenants, however, cannot be enforced and do not justify the Landlord in using force, and the only course to pursue is to begin an action and recover a judgment for possession and have the con c *able or shgrirT legally put the Landlord in possession. DISTRESS FOR RENT. I. 'ihe usual and most effective method of colleciing rent is by distress warrant. This is a warrant issued by the Landlord to some third person, authorizing and empowering such third person to levy said warrant upon any property of the Tenant 'JONSC1ENCE AND WEALTH ARE NOT ALWAYS NEIGHBORS, 183 for the satisfaction of the rent. This remedy is the most com- mon and effective, as it enables the Landlord to get a lien upon the property of the Tenant without delay, and the process is of very ancient origin. The statutes of most of the States provide for this remedy and the mode of procedure after the levy of the warrant is generally prescribed by the statute. In general it is the duty of the officer, as soon as the levy is made, to file an inventory of the property levied upon with some court together with a copy of his warrant, and usually a summons from said court is issued against the Tenant in favor of the Landlord and the suit then proceeds much after the manner of suits in attach- ment. 2. Time of Levy. Under the Common Law the Tenant had all of the day on which the rent came due within which to pay the same and a distress could not be levied until the day after the rent came u^e. In Illinois, however, in case the Tenant sells or attempts to dispose of the crop grown upon the prem- ises so as to endanger the Landlord's lien for his rent, a distress warrant may be levied before the rent comes due. Many of the statutes of the other States contain provisions of a similar character. The person making the levy should be careful not to levy on more property than is necessary in order to satisfy the rent due, otherwise he will be liable to the Tenant for making an excessive levy. LANDLORD'S LIEN. Under the Common Law the Landlord had no lien upon the property of the tenant until a distress warrant was actually levied upon the property of the Tenant. Most of the States, however, now provide that the Landlord shall have a lien upon all the crops grown upon the leased premises until the rent of the year in which said crop was grown has been paid, and this lien is ahead of all other liens; even though an execution may have been levied upon such crops, the Landlord's lien is paramount until his rent is satisfied. The usual method of enforcing the lien of the Landlord is by distress warrant levied in the mrnner here- inbefore described, JlKMt, - 184 THE DAY NEVER BECOMES BRIGHTER DEEDS, HOW WRITTEN, AND LAWS GOVERNING THEM. 1. Deeds must be written or printed on piper or parchment 2. The names of the parties and places of residence are writ- ten first. 3. The property must be fully described. The description should be by bounds, or by divisions of United States surveys, or by subdivisions into blocks and lots, as shown on the records. 4. The deed must express a consideration, also a covenant to "warrant and defend," and be signed and sealed by the grantor or grantors. A deed without consideration is void. 5. Deeds must be completely written before delivery. 6. Numbers should always be written in words followed by figures in parentheses. 7. If the grantor is married both he and his wife should join in the grant and in the execution of the deed, signing and acknowledging. 8. Where forms are prescribed by the statutes of a State, they must be followed. 9. The acknowledgment of a deed can be made only before certain persons authorized to take the same, such as justices of the peace, notaries, masters in chancery, judges and clerks of the courts, commissioners of deeds, etc. 10. Any person of legal age, competent to transact business and owning real estate, may convey it by deed. 11. The deed takes effect upon its delivery to the person authorized to receive it, and should be recorded at once. 12. After the acknowledgment of a deed the parties have no right to make the slightest alteration. 13. The person making the deed is called the grantor, the person to whom the deed is delivered is called grantee. 14. A Warranty Deed. The grantor warrants the title to be good, and agrees to defend the same against all persons. 15. A Quitclaim Deed releases only what interest the grantor bas in the property. 16. Never purchase real estate without a careful examina- tion of the title, either by yourself or a trusty attorney. 17. Always procure an abstract of title before advancing or signing contract for purchase of land or lo Tt BY FINDING FAULT WITH. THE SUN. 135 18. The deed of a corporation must be signed by an agent or attorney and should be carefully executed. The seal is prop- erly a piece of paper wafered on, or sealing wax pressed on. Li the Eastern States nothing else satisfies the legal requirement of the seal. In other States the word "seal" inclosed in a square or any line drawn around it is regarded in law as a seal. 19. The ::cecution of a deed is generally attested by witness- es. In many States two witnesses are required. In New York one is sufficient. In some States a witness is not .'equired by law but It is always safer to have witnesses. 20. To have full effect a deed should be acknowledged and recorded. It is considered recorded as soon as it reaches the recording officer, \vlio generally notes upojn it the day, hour, and minute \vhei. it \vas received. 21. If the Ian ' is a gift and no price is paid for it, it is cus- tomary to insert "in consideration of one dollar paid me, the receipt of which I acknowledge." 22. Deeds are of a great variety. The forms vary greatly in the different States. 23. Forms of acknowledgments also differ greatly. The fuller forms are generally safer. For Forms of Acknowledg- ment see page 196. Warranty Deed.-Long Form. This Indenture, made this second day of March, in the year of out Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, between Andrew Samson and Polly Ann SaoMoou hi& wife, of the Village of Naperville, in the County ;>r Dn Paue and State of lilinoi' party "of the first purl, and Eberi^zer r, Stonght, of the City of Chic .go, in the County of Cook and State o* Illinois, party of the second part: Witnesseth. That the * party of the first part, for and in con- sideration of the sum <-.i ten thousand eight hundred and ninety ($10,890) dollars, in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the rr-roipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, have granted, bargained, sold, remised, released, conveyed, aliened and confirmed, and b\ 4;hes^ presents do grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, convey, alien, and coniinn unt the said party of the s.-cjjnd part, and to his heirs and assigns, -orevei, all the following described lots, pieces, or parcel of land, situateu in the County of Dn Page, and State of Illinois, and known and described as follows, to-wit: The northwest quarter of Section thirty-six (36) in Township thirty- eight (38), Xorth of Range eleven (11). East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres by Government sur- vey. Also, nn e^ual uudi ided one-half interest in lot nuvober one (1) in b?ock number rnrec (3) of Smith's subdivision if Schuyler's additir ia the Village of Naperville, in the County and State aforesaid. Together v/ith all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; 186 SOME MEN ARE FRIGHTENED AT THEIR SINS; and all of the estate, right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or in equity, of, in, and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and ap- purtenances: To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Andrew Samson and Polly Ann Samson, his wife, party of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, executors and admin- istrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that at the time 01 the ensealing and delivery of these presents, they are well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute and in- defeasible estate of inheritance in law, in fee simple, and have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and con- vey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances, of what kind or nature so- ever; and the above bargained premises, in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will Warrant and Defend. And the said party of the first part hereby expressly waive and release any and all right, benefit, privilege, advantage and exemption, under or by virtue of any and all Statutes of the State of Illinois, providing for the exemption of homesteads from sale on execution or otherwise. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered > ANDREW SAMSON. [Seal.l in the Presence of J- POLL? ANN SAMSON. [Seal, j BALAMANDEE S. STONE. ) Quitclaim Deed. This Indenture, made the 18th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one, between Bay Scott and his wife, Lizzie E. Scott, of the City of San Francisco, in the State of California, party of the first part, and Timothy H. Barnard, of the Town of Chioo, County of Butte, in the State of California, the party rf the second part, Witnesseth : That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of nine thousand ($9,000) dollars, currency oi the United States of America, to us in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents remise, release, and forever Quitclaim unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all the certain lots, pieces or parcels of land, situated in the said Town of Chico, County of Butte and State of California, and bounded and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lot number three (3), in block number six (6), in the Town of Chico, and County of Butte, State of California. Also the northwest quarter of Section thirty-seven (37), in the Town of Chico, County of Butte and State of California, containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less, according to United States surveys. Together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. To have and to hold, all and singular, the said premises, together with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, and to his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part have hereunto et their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the* Presence of KATIE BURKE, R. O. HALL. & B For certificate of acknowledgment Bee Form 3, pas* 196. > day and year first above written, nthe"! BAY SCOTT. [Seell KB, f LIZZIE O. SOOTT. fSeaL? j- J OTHERS ARE HUMBLED, AND RU*>E*fT OF THEM. 187 THE TRUST OCTOPUS. Copyright, 1900, by J. L. Nichols & Co.) No complete list of trusts has ever been published. The Yeai Book of the "Journal of Commerce and Commercial Bulletin" for 1899 gives a list of 353 "Trusts and Combinations," with a total capitalization of $4,247,918,981 of common stock, $870,575,200 of preferred stock in addition to a bonded indebtedness of $714,- 388,661, making a total of $5,832,882,842. A LIST OF THIRTEEN OF THE LARGEST TRUSTS. Capital. American Ice Co $ 60,000,000 American Steel and Wire Co 85,250,000 Central Lumber Co 70,000,000 Carnegie Steel Co 625,000,000 Chemical _, . 50,000,000 Continental Tobacco Co 92,690,000 Cotton Yarn 80,000,000 Federal Steel Co 99,251,000 National Tube Co 65,000,000 Reading Co 150,000,000 Standard Oil Co 97,000,000 United States Leather Co 125,108,000 Wholesale Grocers 75,000,000 13 Standard s !88 THE MORTGAGOR'S INTEREST PAYING PRINCIPAL. A MORTGAGE SALE. They mortgaged their farm to start their son in business. M NOTV over the hill to the poor-house" MORTGAGES AND LAWS GOVERNING THEM. 1. Mortgages are conditioned conveyances of estates or property by way of pledge to secure a debt. 2. All mortgages must be in writing, and be signed and 4ealed. They must be acknowledged and recorded. 3. There are two kinds of mortgages; a real estate mort- gage, and a chattel mortgage. The former is a mortgage on real estate, the latter a mortgage on personal property. 4. A mortgagor is one who gives a mortgage and a mort- gagee one to whom it is given. 5. A mortgagee may sell or transfer his mortgage to another party HIS PRINCIPLE SHOULD BE TO PA Y THE INTBRBffl 189 6. Mortgages given with the intent to defraud creditors are void, as to all persons knowing of the fraudulent intent. 7. When the debt is paid for which the mortgage was given, the mortgage is void. 8. A foreclosure is the legal proceeding to sell the mort- gaged property to satisfy the debt. 9. In writing mortgages always insert the same description of land and lots as given in the deeds of same property. 10. Mortgages should be recorded with promptness after their execution. The first mortgage on record is the first lien on the property, notwithstanding another mortgage was given first, as to all persons not aware of that fact. 11. Formerly, a mortgagor could redeem his land only be- fore or when the debt became due, but further time is now given. This right to redeem is called a right in equity to redeem or an equity of redemption. This time to redeem varies in different States but is usually three years. 12. This right to redeem is considered of so much impor- tance that no party is permitted to lose it even by his own agree- ment. Even though the mortgagor agrees in the most positive terms to forfeit his equity of redemption, the law sets aside such agreement and gives the debtor full time to redeem his property. 13. The only way to set aside this time to redeem is to give the mortgagee permission or authority to sell the property and thus to secure himself. 14. If a mortgagor erects buildings on mortgaged land and the mortgage is foreclosed, the mortgagee in taking possession gets all these additions. 15. If the mortgagee erects buildings and the mortgagor thereafter redeems his land, he gets the buildings without pay- ing for them. 16. Notes secured by mortgage must in some States show upon their face that they are so secured. 17. The mortgage, or mortgage deed as it is usually called, gives the mortgagee the right to take immediate possession of the property, unless the mortgage deed contains a clause to the effect that the mortgagor may retain possession as long as he meets His payments. 190 WHAT YOU DO NOT NEED 19 DEAR AT A PENNY. THE MAN WHO PAYS HIS MORTGAGE AT THE DAY OF MATURITY. Mortgage to Secure a Debt, with Power of Sale Short Form. This Indenture, made the day of in the year one thou- sand eight hundred and , between (name, residence and occupation of mortgagor) party of the first part, and (name, residence and occupation of mortgagee) party of the second part, witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, in consideration of the sum of (the amount of the debt) to him duly paid before the delivery thereof, has bargained and sold, and by these presents does grant and convey to the said party of the second part, and his heirs and assigns forever, all (here describe the premises) with the appurtenances, and all the estate, right, title, and in- terest of the said party of the first part therein. This grant is_ intended as a security for the payment of (here describe the debt), which payments, if duly made, will render this conveyance void. And if default shall be made in the payment of the principal or interest above mentioned, then the said party of the sec- ond part, or his executors, administrators, or assigns, are hereby author- ized to sell the premises above granted, or so much thereof as will be necessary to satisfy the amount then due, with the cost and expenses allowed by law. In witness whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of : Mortgage on Real Estate Long Form, with Insurance Clause. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That the mortgagor, F. A. Reik. and Fanny E. Reik, his wife, of the Town of Naperville, in the County of Du Page and State of Illinois, mortgage and warrant to C. E. Meyers, of the City of LaCrosse, County of LaCrosse and State of Wisconsin, to secure the payment of a certain promissory note executed by F. A. Reik, bearing even date herewith, payable to the order of said C. E. Meyers, for the sum of eight hundred dollars, payable four years from the date thereof, with interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent, per annum, payable annually, the following de- scribed real estate, to- wit: The southeast quarter (S. E. ^4) of section number twenty-five (25), in township number forty (40), north of range number fifteen (15), east of fourth principal meridian. Also: Lots numbers one (1) and two (2), in block number nineteen (19), of Park ad- dition to the town of Naperville, situated In the County of Du Page, la the State of Illinois, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under aud by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the Stato ot HHnniw A GOOD NAME IS BETTER THAN BAGS OF GOLl 191 THE MAN WHO NEVEE PAYS A MORTGAGE. nd all rights to retain possession of said premises, after any default it payment or breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein contained. BUT IT IS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED AND AGREED, That if default be made in the payment of the said Promissory Note, or any part thereof, or the interest thereon, or any part thereof, at the time and in the manner above specified for the payment thereof, or in case of waste or non-payment of taxes or assessments on said premises, or of a breach of any of the covenants or agreements herein contained, then and in such case the whole of said principal sum and interest, se- cured by the said Promissory Note in this Mortgage mentioned, shall thereupon, at the option of the said Mortgagee or his heirs, executors, administrators, attorneys or assigns, become immediately due and pay- able; and this Mortgage may be immediately foreclosed to pay the same by said Mortgagee, or his heirs, executors, administrators, at- torneys or assigns; and it shall be lawful for the said Mortgagee, or his heirs, executors, administrators, attorneys or assigns, to enter Into and upon the premises hereby granted, or any part thereof, and to re- ceive and collect all rents, issues and profits thereof. UPON THE FILING OF ANY BILL to foreclose this Mortgage in any court having jurisdiction thereof, such court may appoint any attorney or any proper person Receiver, with power to collect the rents, issue* and profits arising out of said premises during the pendency of suet foreclosure suit and until the time to redeem the same from any sale that may be made under any decree foreclosing this Mortgage shall expire; and such rents, Issues and profits when collected may be ap- plied toward the payment of the indebtedness and costs herein men- tioned and described. And upon the foreclosure and sale' of said premises, there shall be first paid out of the proceeds of such sale, all expenses of advertisement, selling and conveying said premises, and fifty dollars attorney's or solicitor's fees, to be included in the de- cree, and all moneys advanced for taxes, assessments and, other liens s then there shall be paid the principal of said Note, whether due and payable by the terms thereof or not, and the interest thereon. THE SAID MORTGAGOR covenants and agrees that he will keep 11 buildings that may at any time be upon said premises insured in uch companies as the holder of said Note shall direct, for their full insurable value, and make the loss, if any, payable to, and deposit th Policies of Insurance with, the party of the second part, or his as ligns, as further security for the indebtedness aforesaid. DATED this Third day of March, A. D. 1901. F. A. REIK. (Seal.) FANNY E. REIK. (SeaL> For forms of Certificate of Acknowledgment see page Id6. 192 THM EXCESSES OF YOUTH ARE LttAFTS ON OLD AGE. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. 1. A chattel mortgage is a mortgage on personal property, such as live stock, machinery, farm implements, etc. 2. Chattel mortgages are unknown in the State of Louisiana. 3. Chattel mortgages may in most States not run longer than one year; in Montana they may run one year and sixty days; in South Dakota, three years. 4. A chattel mortgage is a conditional sale of property, if the debt for which it was given is not paid. 5. The property must be taken possession of by the mort- gagee on the maturity of the mortgage, or it can be taken by other creditors. 6. To sell property covered by a chattel mortgage is a crimi- nal offense. 7. A chattel mortgage must be acknowledged before a jus- tice of the peace, or before the county judge, in which the mort- gagor resides; in South Dakota they are not acknowledged, but require two witnesses. &. A chattel mortgage given on personal property which is left in possession of mortgagor is prima facie void as to cred- itors of mortgagor. To render it valid it must contain permis- sion by mortgagee that mortgagor may retain possession of the chattels, and that mortgagee may take possession of them when- ever he feels himself insecure for any reason. 9. Chattel mortgages are usually given to secure notes of the mortgagor in the same way in which real estate mortgages are given to secure notes of the mortgagors. Greater strictness, however, is required in the acknowledgment, docketing, and recording of chattel mortgages than in the case of real estate mortgages. 10. A recent statute of the State of Illinois provides that notes secured by chattel mortgages must show on their face that 'they are secured by chattel mortgages, or they are abso- lutely void. Any defense which tht maker of the note secured by chattel mortgage could make agiinst the original payee is good against the note in the hands of an indorsee, even though indorsed before maturity. Chattel mortgages on household goods must be signed by the wife of mortgagor and can only be foreclosed by a court proceeding. PAYABLE WITH INTEREST THIRTY TEARS AFTER DATE. 193 Mortgage on Personal Property. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That T. H. Barnard, of the Town of Ottawa, in the County of La Salle, and State of Illinois, in consideration of seven hundred dollars, to him paid by George Henry Raynor, of the County of La Salle, and State of Illinois, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, and sell unto the said Geo. H. Raynor, and to his heirs and assigns forever, the following goods and chattels, to- wit: One Pitts' Thrashing Machine; One Romeo Steam Engine; Two Bay Mares, six years old; Four Pair of Double Harnesses; Five White Chester Hogs (black and white); One Bay Gelding, seven years old; One Black and White Cow, four years old. To have and to hold all and singular the goods and chattels unto the said Mortgagee herein, and his heirs and assigns, to their sole use and behoof forever. And the Mortgagor herein, for him and for his heirs and executors and administrators, does hereby covenant to and with tho said Mortgagee and his heirs and assigns, that the said Mort- gagor is being lawfully possessed of the said goods and chattels as of his own property; that the same are free from all incumbrances, and that he will warrant and defend the same to him the said Mortgagee, and his heirs and assigns, against the lawful claims and demands of all persons. Provided, nevertheless, that if the said Mortgagor shall pay a certain promissory note of seven hundred dollars, bearing even date with the above, given for one year, at eight per cent, interest, then this mort- gage to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. And provided further, that until default be made by the said Mort- gagor in one performance of the condition aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for him to retain the possession of said goods and chattels, and to use and enjoy the same; but if the same, or any part thereof, shall be attached or claimed by any other person or persons, at any time before payment, or the said Mortgagor, or any person or persons what- ever, upon any pretense, shall attempt to carry off, conceal, make way with, sell or in any manner dispose of the same, or any part thereof, without the authority and permission of the said Mortgagee, or his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, in writing expressed, then It shall and may be lawful for the said Mortgagee, with or without assistance, or his agent or attorney or heirs, executors or adminis- trators, to take possession of said goods and chattels, by entering upon any premises wherever the same may be, whether in this County or State or elsewhere, to and for the use of said Mortgagee, his heirs and assigns. And if the moneys hereby secured, or the matters to be done or performed at the time and according to the conditions above set forth, then the said Mortgagee, or his attorney or agent, or his heirs. executors, administrators or assigns, may, by virtue thereof, and wifh- out any suit or process, immediately enter and take possession of said goods and chattels, and sell and dispose of the same at public or private sale, and after satisfying the amount due, and all expenses, me sur- plus, if any remain, shall be paid over to said Mortgagor, or his he'.rs and assigns. The exhibition of this Mortgage shall be sufficient p^-oof that any person claiming to act for the Mortgagee is duly made, Con- stituted and appointed agent and attorney to do whatever is above Authorized. In witness whereof, the said Mortgagor has hereunto set his hand and seal, this eighteenth day of January, In the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred. Signed, Sealed and Delivered ) in Presence of V T. HENRY BROOKS. ) For form of acknowledgment see page 196. 194 A 8TITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE. The indorsement and transfer of a note secured by a mort- gage transfers the security also, but in order to prevent the mortgagee from releasing to the prejudice of the assignee of the note it is always safest to have a written assignment of the mort- gage made and recorded. In some States the assignment can be made upon the back of the mortgage and recorded. For such States the following assignment is the usual form. See Form i. In other States, such as Illinois, the assignment should be by formal separate instrument, duly executed and acknowledged in the same manner as mortgages and the same filed for record. Form 2 is the usual form for such assignments. Form 1. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, Henry Betzold, the within named Mortgagee for a consideration of eight hundred dol- lars ($800), hereby assign, transfer, and set over unto E. B. Neeman, hi heirs and assigns, the within named instrument of mortgage, and all the real estate, with appurtenances therein mentioned and described, to have and to ho/d the same forever. Subject nevertheless to the equity and right of redemption of the within named A. Meyer, his heirs and assigns therein. In witness whereof the party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal this third day of March, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred ami one. Sealed and Delivered in ) the Presence of HJENKY BETZOLD. [Seal.] E. E. HAWTHORN. ) Form 2. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, James Y. Scam- mon, of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, party of the first part, in con- sideration of fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars, lawful money of the United States, to me in hand paid by Henry Jones, of the same place, party of the second part, do hereby sell, assign, and transfer unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and as- signs, a certain indenture of mortgage bearing date tae first day of January, 1S97, made by Samuel P. Smith, and Sarah E. Smith, his wife, and all my right, title and interest in and to the premises therein de- scribed as follows, to- wit: The southwest quarter of Section 21, Town- ship No. 38, north, Range 11 east, of the 3d Principal Meridian; also loti Nos. 1, 3 and 6, In Block No. 19, in Scofleld's Addition to the Village of Napervllle, situated in the County of Du Page, and State of Illinois, which said mortgage is recorded in the Recorders office of Du Page County, Illinois, in book 25 of mortgages, on paga 100, together with notes therein described, and the money to come due thereon with all interest thereon. To havo and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns forever, subject only to the proviso in said indenture mortgage contained. And I do for myself, and my heirs, executors, and administrators, covenant with the party of the second part that there is now actually due and owing on said note and CONSTANT OCCUPATION PREVENTS TEMPTATION. J95 mortgage on principal and interest the sum of sixteen hundred ($1,600) dollars, and that I have a good right to assign the same, and I do hereby constitute and appoint the said party of the second part my true and lawful attorney irrevocably in my name or otherwise, but at his own proper costs and charges to have, use, and take all lawful ways and means for the recovery of said money and interest, and in case of payment to discharge the same as fully as I might or could do if these presents were not made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 13th 4ay of May, A. D. 1901. JAMBS Y. SOAMMON. [Seal.] RELEASE. A mortgage on real estate is released by deed of a lease under seal, and acknowledged, or receipt of satisfaction of the debt entered upon the margin of the record of mortgage by mort- gagee. Whenever a mortgage is paid a proper release thereof should be made, signed and acknowledged by the mortgagee and the same recorded. In some States the indorsement of satisfaction and cancellation on the face of the mortgage authorizes the recorder or register of deeds to enter satisfaction thereof upon the records; in others a formal release must be executed and acknowledged by the mortgagee and recorded, or a release may be entered upon the margin of the record of the mortgage in the recorder's office. The important thing, however, is to see that the record in the proper office shows the satisfaction of the mortgage. The methods of so doing differ in the various States, but the general rule is as above stated. The following form of a release of mortgage is the one com- monly in use in Illinois, and is a form which will effectually re- lease a mortgage in any State, although more formal than those required by some of the States: Form of Release. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That I, James Y. Scam- mon, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for and in considera- tion of one dollar, to me in hand paid, and for other good and valu- able considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby grant, bargain, remise, convey, release and quitclaim unto Samuel P. Smith and Sarah E. Smith, of the County of Du Page and State of Illi- . nois, all the right, title, interest, claim or demand whatsoever I may have acquired in, through or by a certain indenture or mortgage deed, bearing date the first day of January, A. D. 1901, and recorded in the Recorder's office of Du Page County, Illinois, in book 25 of mortgages, page 100, to the premises therein described, and which said deed \vas made to secure two certain promissory notes, bearing even date said deed, for the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars. Witness my hand and seal this 28th day of February, A. D. 1901. JAME3 Y. SCAMMON. [Seal.] 196 DEPENDENCE IS A POOR TRADE TO FOLLOW. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. In case the mortgagor fails to meet the conditions of the mortgage, the mortgagee to secure his interests may foreclose the mortgage; that is, cut off the mortgagee from redeeming the mortgaged property by a judgment of court. Methods of foreclosure vary in different States, but the gen- eral features are: Application to court of chancery for author- ity to foreclose; notifying of the mortgagor; hearing the par- ties; reference to a master in chancery; advertising the property; selling it to the highest bidder at the specified time; deeding it to the purchaser, and paying over any surplus funds to the mortgagor. CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT. For Deeds, Mortgages, Assignments of Mortgages and Releases. Deeds, mortgages, assignments of mortgages, and releases must all be acknowledged, before a proper officer. The certifi- cate must be made by both man and wife when married. Form 1, for Chattel Mortgages. BTATE OF ILLINOIS, ) KANE COUNTY. ) 88 ' I, John Richard, a Justice of the Peace In the Town of Dundee, in and for the said County, do hereby certify that this mortgage was duly acknowledged before me by the above named , the grantor therein named, and entered by me this 17th day of July, 1901. Witness my hand and seal. (Seal.) JOHN RICHARD, Justice of the Peace. Form 2, for Assignments and Releases. STATE OP ILLINOIS, ) COUNTY OF DU PAGE. J 8S> I, John Smith, a Notary Public in and for said County, and in the State aforesaid, do hereby certify that James Y. Scammon, who is per- sonally known to me to be tha same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instru- ment as his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein eet forth. Given under my hand and Notarial Seal this 13th day of May, 1901. (Notarial Seal.) JOHN SMITH. Notary Public. Form 3, for Mortgages and Deeds. BTATE OF ILLINOIS, ) a COUNTY OF DU PAGE. J 88< I, John Smith, a Notary Public In and for saM Count v DANGER. QUALIFICATIONS FOR SUFFRAGE, VOTING, ETC. Requirements for Citizenship and for Voting. STATES. Requirements as to Citizenship. RESIDENCE IN State. County. Precinct. Alabama ...(ft) Citizen or declared intent. Citizen or declared intent. Actual citizens lyr 1 yr 8 mo 6 mo 90 days 90 days 6 mo 8 mo 1 mo.... 1 mo .... 30 days.. 10 days .. 6 mo.... Arkansas .(c) lyr ) mo lyr lyr 1 yr Citizen or declared intent. Actual citizens Actual county taxpayers.. Citizen Connecticut.... (ft) Delaware (ft) Florida (b Georgia (ft Idaho (H-) (a Illinois (ft Actual citizens Actual citizens Actual citizens 5 mo 80 days 90 days 60 days 60 days 80 days .... 30 days.. 30 days.. 10 days 30 days 60 days.. 6 mo 3mo Iday... 6mo 20 days 30 days lyr 60 days .. 30 days 10 days fSO days 6 mo 30 days!. QO'days ..' 80 days 30 days 2 rno.. 6 mo.. Indiana (e) Iowa (d) Citizen or declared intent. Actual citizens Citizen or declared intent. Actual citizens 6 mo 8 mo 6 mo 1 yr Kansas . . . (d) Kentucky (d) Louisiana. . (o) (ft) Maine (ft Maryland .... (6 Citizen Actual citizens 3 mo lyr 3 mo 6 mo 6 mo Actual citizens Citizens Massachusetts.. () Michigan (ft) Citizen or declared intent. Citizen imo .iOdays Minnesota (ft) Mississippi.^) (b Missouri (& Montana (ft Actual citizens Citizen or declared intent. Citizens . . 2yr 1 yr lyr 60 days 80 days 40 days 30 days 6 mo 5 mo 4 mo Nebraska (ft Nevada (b N. Hampshire., (e) New Jersey (ft) New York (d) N. Carolina. (o) (b) North Dakota.. (d) Ohio ..(d) Citizen or declared intent. Citizen or declared intent. Actual citizens 5 mo 3 mo 6 mo 1 yr Actual citizens Actual citizSns 1 yr 90 clays 8 mo 30 days 20 days .... Citizen or declared intent. Actual citizens Citizen or declared intent. \ctual citizens . . .... L Jr. '.'!!!! 6 mo lyr Oregon f<>) Pennsylvania... (6) Rhode Inland... (ft) South Carolina (b) South Dakota.. (ft) Tennessee (d) Texas ..(c) Utah (b\ Actual citizens Citizen ordeclared intent. Actual citizens 6 mo lyT'.! !'.!! i vr lyr 30 days 6 mo 6 mo 4 mo 4 mo.. 10 days .. 6 mo.... 60 days . . Citizen or declared intent Citizen Actual citizens Actual citizens ; Citizen or dpclared intent. Virginia (ft) lyr iy?!!!!!! iyr 6 mo iyr 6 mo 90 days.!!!! 60 days. ... 3mo 30 days.. Washington (a) Weefc Virginia.. (c) Wisconsin (d) Wyoming (ft) Arizona. . . (x) Citizen or declared intent. Citizen '. Citizen or declared intent. Citizen or declared intent. Citizen or declared intent. 1 yr 60 days 10 days 6 mo 60 days in township. 10 days.. 60 days .. 10 days.. 1 mo 30 days.. Indian Terr.. (-5-) Oklahoma.. (d) (r) (a) Registration required by law. (b) Required by constitution, (c) Pro- hibited by constitution, (d) Required in large cities, (e) No registration required, (x) Mayor and city council have power to require registration, (o) Educational qualification (read the constitution in the English language), or own property assessed for not less than $300, or voter on Jan. 1, 1867, or de- scendant of such voter, or a foreigner naturalized prior to Jan. 1, 1898. (h) Citizen 90 days before election. (-T-) Bigamists disqualified, (i) Native of China disqualified. (II) Educational qualification by which voter is required to read and understand constitution, (r) Women may vote at school elections. In Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming women are entitled to full suf- frage, having the same rights to vote as men. Women are entitled to vote at school elections in Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio. Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont Washington, Wisconsin and Kansas. NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING WON. 207 PASSPORTS. Passports are permissions granted by the Government to its citizens, commending them to the protection of foreign countries which they may visit. They are issued only by the Secretary of State. To Whom Granted. They are issued only to citizens of the United States on written application. Blank forms of application can be secured by applying to the Secretary of State, Washington, D. C. Wife, Minor Children, and Servants of an American citizen may all be included in the citizen's passport. Any other person requires a separate passport. Applications. A citizen of the United States desiring to procure a passport must make a written application in the form of an affidavit to the Secretary of State. Naturalized Citizens. A naturalized citizen must transmit his certificate of naturalization, or a duly certified copy of the court record thereof, with his application. He must state in his affidavit when and from what port he emigrated, what ship he sailed in, and where he has lived since his arrival in the United States. Professional Titles are not allowed in passports. Expiration. A passport expires two years from the date of its issuance. A new one can be obtained upon a new application. Fee. A fee of $i is required to be collected for every citi- zen's passport, and must be paid in currency or postal money order. Drafts or checks will not be received. Blank Forms will be furnished on application if it is stated whether they are for native or for naturalized citizens. Address all communications to " Department of State, Passport Division, Washington, D. C." A passport should al- ways be carried upon the person never in a trunk or valise. PATENTS. i. Definition. As here used the word Patent is defined to mean the granting by the United States to inventors for a limited time the use of their own inventions. The instrument by which this privilege is confirmed to the inventor is called the "Letters Patent" and is issued in the name of the United States 208 EVERYTHING VENTURED, NOTHING HA of America under the seal of the Patent office and is signed by the Secretary of the Interior, and countersigned by the Com- missioner of Patents. 2. For What Granted. Patents are granted for any new and useful machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereon not known and used by others in this country and not patented or described in any printed publication in this- or any foreign country before its invention and discovery here, and not in public use or on sale for more than two years prior to the application for a patent. Every civilized country in the world has taken out patents in the United States. ' 3. Foreign Patent Not a Bar. A person is not debarred from receiving a patent for his inventions or discoveries by reason of its first having been patented in a foreign country unless the same has been introduced into public use in the United States for more than two years prior to the application therein. 4. Duration of Patent. A patent is good for seventeen years, but now cannot be extended except by act of Con- gress. Inventions previously patented in a foreign country must expire at the same time that the foreign patent expires, but in no case shall they be extended more than seventeen years. 5. How Secured. The method of securing patents is by petition, which must be in writing addressed to the Com- missioner of Patents, and must state the name and residence of the petitioner requesting the granting of a patent, designating by title the invention sought to be patented, and contain a refer- ence to the specifications for a full disclosure of such invention and must be signed by the applicant and attested by two wit- nesses. An alien may obtain a patent on the same terms as a citizen. 6. Specif ications. The specifications above referred to are a written description of the invention or discovery, and the manner of making, constructing, composing, and using the same, and they are required to be in such full, clear, concise and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art or science to which the invention or discovery appertains to make, con- struct, compose and use the same. The specifications and claims should be absolutely written 1HERE IS NO COMPASSION L1K& THE PENNY. 303 on but one side of the paper. All interlineations and erasures should be avoided. 7. The Oath. The applicant for a patent must make oath or affirmation that he verily believes himself to _be the first and original discoverer of the art, machine, manufacture, composition, or improvement for which he solicits a patent; that he does not know and does not believe that the same was ever before known and used and shall state of what country he is a citizen and where he resides. The oath should be sworn to before a notary public or some other officer authorized to administer oaths having an official seal. 8. Drawings. The applicant for patent is required also to furnish drawings for his invention whenever the nature of the case admits. The drawing must be signed by the inventor and must be attested by two witnesses; it must show every feature of the invention covered by the claims. When the in- vention is an improvement on some old machine the drawing must exhibit in one or more views the invention itself dis- connected from the old structure and also in another view so much of the old structure as will suffice to show the connection of the invention therewith. 9. Material. Drawings must be made upon pure white, calendered, smooth, bristol board paper, of three sheet thick- ness. India ink alone must be used, sheets must be exactly ten by fifteen inches in size. Drawings must be made with pen only, and must be absolutely black. Drawings must be made with the fewest lines possible consistent with clearness. The scale to which a drawing is made must be large enough to show the mechanism without crowding. 10. Signature of the inventor should be placed at the lower right hand corner of each sheet of drawing and two at- testing witnesses should sign at the lower left hand corner. Drawings should be rolled for transmission to the patent office. 11. Model. A model must be furnished when required by the commissioner. ia. Specimens must be furnished when required by the commissioner. 13. Attorneys. The practice of the patent office allow* 210 NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTIOL the applicant to retain an attorney and when the petition is prosecuted by an attorney a power of attorney should be in- eluded in the petition. In ordinary cases it is always best to retain some experienced patent attorney to prosecute the appli- ' cation. 14. Caveats. A caveat, under the patent law, is a notice given to the Patent Office of the caveator's claim as inventor, in order to prevent the grant of a patent to another person for the same alleged invention upon an application filed during the life of the caveat without notice to the caveator. 15. Object. A caveat sets forth the object and the dis- tinguishing characteristics of the invention, and prays protec- tion of the inventor's right until he shall have matured his in- vention. Such caveats are filed in the confidential archives ol the office and preserved in secrecy, and are operative for the term of one year from the filing thereof. 16. To Whom Granted. A caveat is granted to any citizen of the United States or any alien, if he has resided in the United States one year next preceding the filing of his caveat, and has made oath of his intention to become a citizen. 17. Renewal. The caveat may be renewed, on request in writing, by the payment of a second caveat fee of $10, and it will continue in force for one year from the date of the payment of such second fee. Subsequent renewals may be made with like effect. 18. Fees. The schedule of fees and prices of publications can be had on application to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, D. C. The fee for filing applications ranges from $10 to $30; for filing each caveat $IO. For any other informa- tion concerning patents address the commissioner as above. 19. Preliminary Examinations. Applicant for patent can save considerable expense oftentimes by having a preliminary examination of the patents allowed by the patent office made to determine whether or not the invention has been patented by somebody else. This examination cannot be made by the commissioner or any one of his office, but patent attor- . "vs will make thfc examination for a small fee. 20. Assignments. Patents may be assigned in whole or in part, and the right to manufacture, sell and use the patent DEPEND NOT ON FORTUNE BUT ON CONDUCT. 211 in any county, State, township or other district may be granted oy the holder of the patent. All such assignments or transfers should be in writing, and are void unless recorded in the Patent Office within three months from their date. PENSIONS. i. Pension Office. The Commissioner of Pensions has charge of this office. Pension agents are required to give bonds. They receive a commission of 2 per cent, on all money paid out by them to pensioners, -and a fee of thirty cents on every voucher prepared and paid by them. In paying pensions the agent is authorized to deduct the attorney's fees for aiding the pensioner. Pension surgeons receive $1,800 a year; the medical referee $2,500. 2. Applications. The first step to be taken by an applicant for pensions is to file a declaration before any officer having authority to administer oath, setting forth the ground upon which he claims a pension. 3. Blank Forms can be obtained by applying to the Com- missioner of Pensions, Washington, D. C. Proof of declaration by at least two competent witnesses is required. 4. Pensioners of Civil War. The pensioners on the rolls January, IQOO, on account of the War of 1861, were as follows: GENERAL LAW. ACT OF JUNE 2/, 1890. Army invalids 305,980 Army invalids 415,265 Army widows 88,463 Army widows 120,412 Navy invalids 4,622 Navy invalids '5.3Q2 Navy widows 2,314 Navy widows 6,314 Army nurses 646 5. Pensioners of Other Wars. In January, 1900, there were on the rolls the following persons pensioned for service in wars other than the War of 1861, namely: Widows and daughters of Revolutionary soldiers n Survivors of the War of 1812 I Widows of the War of 1812 1,742 Survivors of the Mexican War " 8,352 Widows of the Mexican War 8,151 Survivors of the Indian Wars (1832-1842). 1,370 Widows of the Indian Wars (1832-1842) 3.73O 212 LEARN TO LIVE, AND LIVE TO LEARN. WAR WITH SPAIN GENERAL LAWS. Army invalids 822 Anny widows 845 Navy invalids 60 Navy widows 28 6. Highest and Lowest Pensions Paid. Highest pension paid (to widows of Presidents), $5,000 per annum. Lowest pension paid, $6 per annum. 7. Total Annual Pensions. The amount disbursed solely for army and navy pensions for each of four successive years has been as follows: 1900 $138,462,130.65 1898 $144,651,879 80 1890 138,855,052.95 1897 139,949,717.35 Cost of Pension Bureau Service. For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1900, the following sums have been appropriated for the Pension Bureau service: Salaries of Pension Bureau $2,135,542.55 Fees of surgeons 747,497.80 Total $2,883,040.35 It is safe to say that all of these amounts will be practically exhausted. LICENSE. Definition. License is a right or permission given by compe- tent authority which without such authority would be illegal. Licenses are of almost infinite variety and are issued by the National Government to distillers, brewers, liquor dealers of all kind, cigar manufacturers and dealers in many other articles. They are also issued by States, by counties, and also by cities, towns and villages to peddlers, hawkers, hackmen, draymen, bus drivers, cabmen, porters, expressmen, and itinerant mer- chants. They are also issued to saloons and druggists. License from the National Government to a saloon keeper does not, however, authorize him to sell liquors in violation of any city or State statute, and constitutes no protection for so doing. Licenses of the character hereinbefore named are issued usu- ally under what is called the police power of the State, and are governed by rules peculiar to that power. LICENSE IS ONE THING, LIBERTY ANOTHER. 213 Licenses to liquor dealers and cigar manufacturers are issued by the Government upon application to the local internal reve- nue collector. The following is a form of license commonly in use in cities, towns and villages for peddlers, hackmen, cab drivers, and other individuals requiring license from such authorities: BY AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO Permission is hereby given to John Henry to keep for use or hire two Hacks or Carriages in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, from July 1, 1901, to June 30, 1902, under the ordinances in such case made and pro- vided, subject, nevertheless, to revocation or suspension Jby the mayor or City Council. Witness the hand of , Mayor of said City, and the Corporate Seal thereof, this 1st day of July, 1901. (Corporate Seal.) Mayor. ATTEST: City Clerk. Book Agents and Canvassers. In many States laws have been passed in recent years requiring book agents and can- vassers to pay license fees either to the State, to the town, or to the city. In some States, such as Illinois, the Legislature has never authorized the imposition of such taxes by any of its municipal authorities, and they are absolutely 'illegal. In other States the Legislature has authorized such taxation, and such taxes may be collected from goods published and manu- factured within the limits of the State, or on goods which at the time of the canvass are actually within the limits of the State. Book agents and canvassers who are canvassing for publica- tions and articles manufactured and published within the State where they are canvassing cannot escape taxes where they are justified by the Legislature. The Supreme Court of the United States has held that such taxes are illegal where imposed upon those canvassing for goods and books manufactured and pub- lished outside of the- limits of the State and at the time of the taking of orders actually beyond its jurisdiction. Book' agents and canvassers should therefore be careful in canvassing for articles not published within the boundaries of the State to see that the goods are not at the time of making the canvass and receiving the orders actually within the limits of the State. For if they are even in the express office or in the freight depot or other warehouses within the State the tax might be legally imposed and collected. 214 EVERY DAY 18 A LITTLE LIFE. nditzance. ^ Definition. A contract whereby, for an agreed pre- mium, one party undertakes to indemnify the other against loss on a specified subject by specified perils. The party agreeing to make the indemnity is called the insurer, or underwriter, the other the insured or assured. The agreed consideration is called the premium. The written contract is called the policy. The subject, right or interest to be protected is called the insurable interest. 2. Forms. The most usual forms of insurance are Fire, Life, Marine and Accident insurance. 3. Insurable Interest. The insurer must always have an insurable interest in the subject matter of the insurance. Such an interest has been defined to be any interest in property or relation thereto or liability in respect thereof of such a nature that a contemplated peril might directly damnify the insured. 4. Corporations. All kinds of insurance are carried on by large corporations. These corporations in this country are usually organized under general laws and are conducted under the supervision and control of the State authorities. There are, however, scattered through the country a large num- ber of mutual companies. These companies also are organized under special statutes governing the same and the stockholders are also in general the insured. In most of the States an insur- ance department has been established and the management and supervision of insurance both life and fire is under the control of this department, which is generally managed by an officer called either a superintendent or commissioner of insurance. 5. Foreign Insurance Companies are generally required to deposit a certain amount of funds in this department in each State as a security for the payment of losses on all in- surances carried by them in said State. Companies doing busi- ness in any State are required to make annual reports to the in- surance department of their business and of the character and quality of their assets. 61 Authority. The insurance department also has author ity to examine into the business of any company and in case PHILOSOPHER'S STONE: PAY AS YOU C7O, 215 of weakness require 'hat any losses and failure of assets be made good, and in case of insolvency they have authority to take possession of this company and wind up the business. 7. Suits. All foreign insurance companies are also re- quired to designate some individual living within the State upon whom legal process can be served. Suits against insurance companies by statute in most of the States can be commenced in any county where the party having claims against such com- pany resides and service of summons can be had on the proper agent in any county of the State. 8. Fire Insurance is Furnishing Indemnity Against Los* by Fire. It is now generally conducted by large private cor porations or by mutual companies. 9. Mutual Companies. These mutual companies are gen- erally established by statute and provide for the payment of losses by a pro rata assessment upon the policy holders, who constitute the stockholders and who manage the affairs of the company. Some of these mutual companies require a small pre- mium paid in advance. Others simply require a small fee to pay for the expense of making the survey and issuing the pol- icy. All of them, however, in case of a loss make an assessment pro rata upon the policy holders to pay the same. Such com- panies are not very common in cities, but are quite general throughout the rural districts. 10. Old Line Companies The insurance business of pri- vate corporations generally called Line Companies is carried on through the country by means of agents established in nearly every town and city of any size throughout the coun- try. Many of the States have adopted a standard form of fire policy and nearly all reputable companies have adopted forms which are similar in their terms and conditions. n. Kind of Risks. The fire insurance policies EK usu- ally divided into commercial, dwelling house and farm risks. The time for which commercial risks are usually written is for a year, although on the very best class of buildings a three-year risk is permitted. Risks on stocks of goods and machinery are always limited to one year. The rate for the three-year term is two and one-half times the annual rate. Dwelling house and farm risks are usually written for 216 FORTUNE OFTEN LEADS TO FOLLY. three and five years, the three-year term being twice the annua* rate and the five-year term three times the annual rate. 12. Boards. The old line insurance companies of the country are nearly all united into a National Underwriters' Association which has general charge of the fire insurance busi- ness of the country. Under this national board the old line companies doing business in each State have an underwriters' association which has charge of the insurance business in the State. In nearly every town or city of any size the agents of the respective companies are also organized into local boards. The agencies of the different companies are all required by an iron-bound contract to maintain the rates of insurance fixed by the State board of underwriters, and violations of the provi- sions of this contract are punished by heavy fines. By these agreements agents of the different companies are prohibited from cutting rates or offering inducements to secure insuraices and they are limited to a fixed rate of the premium as their com- mission. Nearly every town of any size in the respective States is rated, that is the rates of insurance upon all the commercial buildings and the stocks contained therein are fixed and a rate sheet issued to the agents of all companies doing business in the town. This rating is not done by the local agents of the com- pany living in the town or city, but is done by agents appointed by the State board of underwriters and sent there for the purpose. 13. Assignment of Policy. The policy of insurance cannot wfi assigned except with the consent of the insurance company. Notice of all change in the title to property covered by insurance, whether personal or real, should immediately be given to the local agent of the company carrying the insurance and the consent of such agent to the assignment secured. 14. Mortgage Clause. In case of mortgage on real prop- erty the loss should be made payable to the mortgagee as his interest may appear by mortgage clause, which is usually printed on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the policy. 15- Loss. In case of loss under an insurance policy notice should be immediately given to the company or its agent and a request made for a form of proof of loss. These forms are usually furnished by the company gratis, and the provisions of the policy in regard to making proof of loss should be strictly followed. CHARACTER IS NOT INSURABLE. 211 16. Lightning Clauses. An ordinary policy of insurance does not usually insure against lightning, but lightning clauses without extra expense will be attached to nearly all policies if requested at the time of issue. 17. Life Insurance. Life insurance is now usually carried on by large corporations and benevolent orders having insurance departments connected? therewith. The forms of policies are almost infinite. They differ from fire insurance in that they ex- tend for life or for a definite period of years. The premium is required to be paid either annually or semi-annually. 18. Applications. Nearly all life insurance companies re- quire applications therefor to be in writing and they are usu- ally accompanied by a medical examination made by the Local Medical Examiner of the company. These applications are for- warded to the home office, and if the same pass the head Medical Examiner the policy is issued to the insured and the application is made a part of the policy. Any false statement contained therein will vitiate the policy and applicants for insurance should be careful to see that all questions are fully and truthfully an- swered. . Most life insurance policies provide that the insurance shall, not be in force until the first premium is paid, and most policies are now incontestable after the payment of two or three premiums. By the laws of some of the States in case default is made in the payment of premium after three full premiums have been paid, the policy holder may have the option of securing a paid up policy for a certain portion of the original risk, and nearly all good companies now insert an option of this char- acter into their policies. Sometimes the policies provide that after the payments cease trie applicants shall be entitled to three or four years' paid-up insurance. The usual clauses contained in life insurance policies are these: That the insurance ceases unless the premiums are promptly paid; that the company shall be exempt if the insured commits suicide whether sane or insane, or if death shall come by the hands of justice for a violation of law; that agents are not authorized to alter or discharge any part of the contract; that assignments of the policy shall not take effect until notice thereof shall be given to the company at its home office; that after two years the policy will be incontestable except for fraud or non-payment of premium. 218 LUCK IS AN IGNIS FATUUS, 19. Marine Insurance. Marine insurance is governed largely by the same rules that control fire insurances. The risks Insured against, however, are losses at sea, and are usually under taken for the voyage which the vessel is supposed to make The voyage should be described in such a manner that a man conversant with the usages of the trade shall clearly understand what voyage was intended and the voyage must be rigidly adhered to. Subject matter of insurance is usually the body of the ship, tackle, apparel and furniture thereof, or upon all kinds of goods, merchandise laden or to be laden on board the ship, or upon, the freight upon all kinds of goods, merchandise laden or to be laden on board the ship. 20. Beginning of the Risk. The risk begins from anc? immediately following the loading upon the ship. ai. Termination of the Risk. The risk does not terminate until the ship has moored anchor twenty-four hours in good safety, or until the goods and merchandise hve been safely landed. The insurance may also be against the perils of the sea This includes all casualties resulting from the unusual or violent actions of the elements. Against foundering at sea; against grounding, collision, distress of weather, fire, perils of war, rest? and restraints, jettison, and all other perils and losses and mis fortunes of the sea. 22. Accident Insurance is not yet fifty years old, but at present there are a great many companies which insure against all kinds of accidents. Policies good for one day, insuring for $3,000, can be had at . imost any railroad station upon the payment of twenty-five cents. Upon the payment of larger sums policies can be had good for any time from one day to ten years. 23. Other Kinds of Insurance. Almost every kind of risk imaginable may now be covered by insurance. There are com- panies that insure merchants against loss by bad debts, cor tractors against accident to employes, and employers again s fraud or insolvency ot their servants. NOTE. The great Chicago fire of 1871, causing a loss of more than two hundred millions, involved loss to the insurance companies amount Ing to ninety-six millions, all of which, except six millions, was in the United States companies. Fifty-seven companies were compelled to sus- pend. The loss by the Boston flre of 1872 was fifty million dollars. 4 POUND OF CARE WILL NOT PAY AX OUNCE OF I)BT. 219 ASSOCIATIONS FOR TRANSACTING BUSINESS. PARTNERSHIPS, HOW FORMED AND LAWS GOVERNING THEM. 1. Partnership is a voluntary contract between two or more persons, to place their property, labor or credit, or some or all of them, in some lawful business, to share the gains and losses in certain proportions. 2. Where no time is specified, any partner may dissolve & partnership at will. 3. The death of any partner dissolves the whole firm. 4. Each partner has full authority to act for the firm. 5. A silent partner is one who is actually a partner by par- ticipation of profit, but is not known to be such. 6. A nominal partner is one who holds himself out to the world as such, but is not so in fact. He becomes liable to creditors of the firm because he justifies them in trusting the firm on his credit. 7. Partners may agree to share the profits in whatever pro- portion they choose. They may also agree as to any way oi dividing the losses. Such agreement is valid between themselves, but it will not protect those partners who were to sustain na loss from responsibility to third parties. 8. Not only the common property, but also all the private property of each partner may be taken, to satisfy the debts of the firm. 9. Upon the dissolution the old partners are responsible to third persons for even new debts, unless such persons have had notice of the dissolution. 10. One partner may discharge himself from liability by giv- ing express notice to any customer or other person not to trust one or more of his co-partners. 11. A partner cannot make the firm responsible for his sepa- rate or private debt, nor bind the firm by entering into engage- ments unconnected with, or foreign to, the partnership. 12. The authority of a partner extends to the making or indorsing negotiable paper, and to all transactions fairly con- tacted witli that business* 220 TOO LATE TO SPARE WHEN ALL IS SPENT. 13. A person who after due care lends money to one of a partnership firm for the firm, can hold the firm liable, although the money is fraudulently appropriated by the partner to his own use. 14. If a partner borrows money to increase the capital of the firm, the firm cannot be held liable for the payment of such sum. 15. The contract of co-partnership may be made verbally or in writing. It is a serious engagement and easier to get into than to get out of. Every person should use great care in involving his property and business interests in a co-partner- ship, and where those interests are extensive, articles of co- partnership drawn by the best qualified lawyer available are the safest expedient, and will in all cases be a good investment. Articles of Co-partnership. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, made December 3d, 1901, between John H. Wagner and Gregory Ross: The said parties hereby agree to become co-partners, under the firm name of Wagner & Ross, and as such partners to carry on together the business of buying and selling all sorts of dry goods, at No. 547 Fulton treet, in the city of Brooklyn. The said John H. Wagner agrees to contribute two thousand dollars (|2,000) to the capital of said firm; and the said Gregory ROBS agrees to contribute one thousand dollars ($1,000) to the same; the sum of $2,500 of said capital to be expended in the purchase of a stock in trade. The said Wagner shall have exclusive charge of all the buying for the firm. All the net profits arising out of the business shall be divided in the following proportions, two-thirds to the said Wagner and one-third to the said Ross. Each partner shall devote all his time, attention, and efforts to the said business. Neither partner shall, without the consent of the other, sign any bond, bill or note as surety, or otherwise become obligated as security for any other person. Witness the hands and seals of the parties hereto, this 1st day of January, A. D. 1902. (Seal.) .(Seal.) Agreement to Dissolve Partnership. We, the undersigned, do mutually agree that the within mentioned partnership be, and the same is, hereby dissolved, except for the purpose of final liquidation and settlement of the business thereof, and upon such settlement wholly to cease and determine,. Witness our hands and seals, this twenty-ninth day of May, nineteen .hundred and one. Signed, Sealed and Delivered*! in Presence of JOHN H. WAGNER. (SEAL.) Harvey C. Cheater. BEUBEN H. HOWABD. (SEAL.) Porter L. Fields. BVE3Y DONKEY LOVES TO HEAR HIMSELF BRAY. 221 CORPORATIONS AND STOCK INVESTMENTS. 1. An Incorporated Company is an association authorized by law to transact business. It is a fictitious person that can sue or be sued. 2. Stocks are divided into parts called shares, and the owners of the shares are called stockholders. 3. Certificates of Stock are written statements specifying the number and value of the shares to which their holders are entitled. They are often called scrip. 4. Par Value of the stock is the sum named on the lace of the certificate, and is thence called its nominal value; the market value is the sum for which it sells. When shares sell for their nominal value, they are at par; when they sell for more they are above par, or at a premium; when they sell for less, they are below par, or at a discount. 5. Gross Earnings of a company are its entire receipts; the net earnings are the sums left after deducting all expenses. 6. Installments are portions of the capital paid by the stock- holders from time to time. Dividends are portions of the earn- ings distributed among the stockholders. They are usually paid at stated periods; as annually, etc. 7. Kinds. Corporations may be divided into corpora- tions for pecuniary profit, as banks, insurance companies, loan associations and railroad companies; corporations not for pe- cuniary profit, as religious organizations. 8. Public Corporations are those formed for the public in- terest, as towns counties, cities, etc. A municipal corporation, for example, makes laws for the government of the city and for improvements in general. 9. Private Corporations are generally formed for the bene- fit and pecuniary profit of the members; as banks, railroad com- panies, nrning companies, electric lighting, trolley companies, etc. 10. Close Corporations are those whose members fill by appointment all vacancies occurring in their membership. **- Open Corporations are those in which vacancies are filled by other individuals or bodies; for example, a college whose trustees are elected by the different legislative bodies of a church. 12. State Laws. In most of the States general acts of Incorporation have been passed under which companies may or- GROWTH IS BETTER THAN PERMANENCE. ganize, without the necessity of special legislation in each case. Since the adoption of the present constitution in 1870, all cor- porations in Illinois have been organized under general statutes,, 13. Limited Companies. In some States, notably in New York and Pennsylvania "Limited"-companies may be formed, Where this law prevails, "Limited** signifies that each share- holder is individually liable for the stock that he holds. In case of suit action can be taken against him only to the ex- tent of shares held. Limited companies are also formed in Can- ada, but in many states the law makes no provision for such companies. 14. How Laws Differ. Private corporations organized under the laws of one State are usually permitted to do business in another. This suggests the reason why many of the large stock companies of New York and Philadelphia are organ- ized under the laws of the State of New Jersey, where laws are more favorable to the companies. It is said that a large majority of the merchants and large business enterprises of Bos= ton are organized into stock companies under the laws of Maine, because Massachusetts requires a large part of the capital to be paid up when the company is organized, while Maine permits the organization of a company for $100,000, not a single stock- holder being a resident of the State, and requiring a paid up capital of only twenty-five dollars. 15. Methods of Organization. The methods of organiza* tion vary in the different States as to details, but in general are the same. In Illinois any number of persons not less than three, nor more than seven, may form a corporation by filing with the Secretary of State a statement giving name of corporation, object, amount of capital stock, number of shares, location of office, and duration of corporation. This statement must be signed and acknowledged as deeds are ac- knowledged. A license is then issued to open subscription books. As soon as the stock is subscribed for, a meeting is held and directors, not less than three or more than eleven, are elected. 16. Elections. Each stockholder is entitled to as many votes as he has shares of stock, multiplied by the number of directors to be elected. This is in accordance with the cumu- lative system in vogue in general elections in Illinois. PERMANENT GROWTH IS BETTER THAN ALL. 223 17. Charter. Upon receipt of information giving names of directors, etc., the Secretary of State issues the Charter, which must be recorded in the county office. 18. Fees. In Illinois the fees charged are as follows, and must be paid when the first papers are filed with the Secre- tary of State: For a capital of $2,500, $30; over $2,500, and not over $5,000, $50; and one dollar per thousand for every thousand above $5,000. 19. Corporations and Partnerships. A corporation differs from a partnership in two particulars: First, it cannot exist except by authority of State and National Legislature. "Second, the private property of the stockholders cannot be taken for the debts of the corporation, unless the statutes of the State so declared when the charter was granted. 20. Advantages. The advantages of corporations over part- nerships have made a great change in all lines of business, Every business of any magnitude is at once formed into a stock company. There are very few partnerships existing today, be- cause the laws are more favorable to corporations. Some of these advantages are: (i) Security of the private property of stockholders; (2) facilities for borrowing money are in- creased; (3) a retiring stockholder is no longer responsible for debts of the company; (4) change of stockholders exceedingly more simple than change of partners; (5) limited power of stockholders a partner may do what a stockholder has no power to do. 21. A Question. For large enterprises corporation lawshavo been a great benefit, but when the stock company finds adoption by all kinds of enterprises, with capital ranging from $1,000 upward, we may properly inquire into the motives of such organization. It is hardly just to plead an advantage to busi- ness for a small mercantile enterprise with $2,000 capital. There are in such cases usually some personal reasons. 22. Preferred Stock. This kind of stock takes prefer- ence of the ordinary stock of a corporation, and the holders are entitled to a stated per cent, annually out of the net earning before a dividend can be declared on the common stock. Preferred stocks are generally the result of reorganization, al- though sometimes issued in payment of floating or unsecured debts. \JU WANT A THING WELL DONE, DO IT FOG S3 ELF, BETTER SET TEN MEN TO WORK THAN TO DO TEN MEN'S WORK. HOLDING AND WATEKINO STOCK. 33. How Stock is Watered. Sometimes the charter ot a corporation forbids the declaring of a dividend exceeding a certain per cent, of the par value of its stock. In this case the directors may find it desirable to "water" the stock that is, issue additional shares. This increase in the number 01 shares of course reduces the percentage of dividend, although the same profit in the aggregate is secured to the stockholders. 24. Guarded Action. Great care and good judgment shonld be used in the purchase of shares of stock, for bad man- agement, dishonesty and contention have ruined many prosper- ous corporations and stock companies. 25. Investments. With the remarkable increase in the wealth of our nation there is a corresponding increase of persons who desire to make secure investments. There never was a time in the history of the world when it was so easy to invest money and to lose it. A good investment today does not mean a good investment next year. The possibilities of new discoveries have greatly reduced the profits of some stock com- panies. The electrical company has taken away the large profits of the gas company; the telephone competes with the telegraph, the trolley with the railroad. Great care should be taken in making an investment. Corporations may be- burdened with ^onds and mortgages. The first and main thing in making 220 ONE TH'NG AT A TIME. investments is safety. Many persons have believed their invest ments absolutely safe and have waked up to see the earnings of a lifetime vanish like distant clouds. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. BOARDS OF TRADE AND STOCK EXCHANGES. Boards of Trade and Stock Exchanges were originally organized to facilitate trade in the various commercial interests of the country; they are great factors in financial circles. There is no reason why these institutions should not prove very bene ficial to the financial interests of our nation. Gambling. Unfortunately, however, the business of nearly all stock exchanges is not confined to the legitimate; instead of blessing and benefiting mankind they have become gigantic engines of robbery and oppression. The confidence of the public has been shaken, and they are generally looked upon as gambling institutions. Members are elected by ballot, the admission fee varying greatly in different organizations. In New York, where th* membership is about 1,100, a vacant seat brings from $20,000 to $50,000. In London the membership is not limited. Number. There are many exchange institutions in the country. Besides those in large cities, in other trade centers are found produce exchanges, cotton exchanges, mining ex- changes, etc. Dealing in Futures. This is simply a "high-toned" form of gambling, or, in other words, * system of "market guess- ALWAYS PAT A HUNDRED CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, 227 ing" in which the best guesser wins. The game, like all other popular gambling games, is exceedingly simple. You simply bet on the market; if it goes up or down, yon win or lose just as you have staked your money. Margins are sums of money put up as a forfeit to secure the winner. When the margin is exhausted so that further loss is not guaranteed, it is the custom to close the trade and the winner "rakes in the pot," using the gambler's way of putting it. Option Trading. " Seller's option " gives the person sell- ing the privilege of making delivery at any time before the expiration of the contract by giving one day's notice. "Buyer's option" gives the purchaser a claim for delivery at any time be- fore the maturity of the contract. Corners. Thousands of bushels of grains are bought and sold for every bushel brought to the elevators. Chicago Board of Trade sells every day as much wheat as the State of Illinois harvests in a year. It can then be easily seen how ''commerce" can be forced. In a Board of Trade each buyer buys upon the supposition that each seller is selling what he has not got, and the buyer is buying what he does not want. Now it is easy for a set of men with an unlimited amount of money to combine and "corner" any article in the market. It simply consists of buying more than can be delivered, and then making the sellers deliver or forfeit their margins. Bull and Bear. A "bull" is one who operates to raise the market so called from the nature of the bull to toss with his horns. A "bear" is one who tries to lower the market, so called from the nature of the bear to tear down with his claws. Lame Duck. In stock-broker's slang, a "lame duck" is a member unable to fill his contracts, and he is therefore ex- pelled. Bucket Shops. These are Boards of Trade and Stock Exchanges for the boys and poor clerks, generally kept by a broken down broker who lost all his self-respect with his fortune. Here the poorest can try his luck in betting upon the markets. These shops are not reliable; they doctor the markets with false figures and deceive and take in whoever falls into their power. They are demoralizing gambling dens and in no way can they be safely trusted. There are thousands of these counterfeit concerns throughout the country. 2Z8 PADDLE YCUR OWN CANOE. A Syndicate is a party of capitalists who unite their re- sources to make successful some financial enterprise where large capital is required. TRUSTS. i. Trusts are combinations formed for the purpose of re- stricting competition and controlling trade. 3. Object. The object is to secure to a limited number of persons engaged in the manufacture or handling of a certain article absolute control of the market for that article, so that the organization is able to name prices and profits as well. 3. Supply Too Great. If the supply is too large, certain of the mills or factories or refineries in the association are closed, and the owners can make no objections, because they are partners in the scheme, and are sure of their dividends on two or three times the capital they had invested in their former business. Reducing the production only makes their dividends more certain. 4. Result. The results are that the consumer pays the increased profits of the bogus capital of the corporation, and the producer has to accept for his products just what the managers of the "trust" choose to pay. 5. Robbery. It is organized robbery, and nothing else, and should be treated by our courts the same way as any other stealing. 6. Laws Enacted. Laws have been enacted by Congress and by some of the States against trusts, and stringent pun- ishment has been decreed against combinations to control prices. Strange as it may seem, these laws are ineffective and in no way check the accumulation of wealth by existing combines, or the formation of new organizations of the kind. vt 7. Court Decisions. The courts have also declared the .xistence of trust combinations to be unlawful, but in the face of these decisions they continue to exist and multiply in numbers. 8. New Jersey. Many of these combinations have been formed under the laws of the State of New Jersey, though little or none of the business is done in that State. New Jersey laws are peculiarly lax with regard to corporations, granting them unlimited license in conspiring against the public welfare. EVERY MAN'S LIFE A PLAN OF 6^. 229 COMMERCIAL AGENCIES. 1. The Credit System. One of the greatest hindrances tc successful business interests is the credit system. From the small country grocery to the largest wholesale house, one of the most perplexing questions is whom to trust. Merchants would gladly sell goods on credit if there were always a certainty that the goods would be paid for. Many large business houses have been compelled to go into bankruptcy because they ex- tended credit to unworthy men. 2. Early Efforts. As early as 1837 a mercantile agency was organized in New York, whereby the mercantile interests of the nation might be protected from great losses brought about through the credit system. 3. First Agency. The efforts of this first agency were bent on collecting information concerning the financial standing of business men in New York and vicinity, that the largest merchants might have at least an estimate of the character an< responsibility of those with whom they dealt. 4. Increasing Trade. With the rapid increase of trade there was a corresponding increase in applications for credit. Laws for the collection of debts were then, as now, on the statute books, but were of little benefit to creditors. 5. First Reference Book The first reference book, giving information concerning the financial standing of merchants, was published about 1840, and although small was reliable. 6. Competition. The success of the first agency soon brought competing agencies into the field, and while the in- formation extended over a much greater territory, it lacked in reliability. 7. Present Status. The two noted agencies today that aim to give information covering our whole nation are Dun & Co. and Bradstreet, both of New York. 8. Object. The object of the commercial agency as it exists today is to give reliable information concerning business men throughout the country. 9. Methods. This information is obtained from local cor- respondents and is published four times a year. Although subscribers to these reports pay a good, round sum for them, they are, nevertheless, good investments, for through them merchants generally know at once whom to trust. 230 A MAN GETS ONLY WHAT HE EARNS. 10. Aim. The reports from these agencies aim to give the aature of the Business, Locality, Capital, Assets and Liabilities, Character, Experience, Economy, Honesty, Ability, Industry, Punctuality, Amount of Business, etc., of each merchant. 11. Difficulties. Some of the difficulties with which these agencies must contend in obtaining reliable reports are, incom- petency of correspondents, carelessness and indifference, per- sonal favoritism or prejudice. As local reporters get little or no pay the time is not given to it that it should have. 12. Efficiency. There are over 1,000,000 business firms in the United States, and these agencies give information con- cerning them all. 13. Value. While commercial agencies are the outgrowth of the credit system, they have been the means of greatly extending credit, so that at present credit is given very liberally =HI our country. The commercial agency alone has made this possible. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. These associations are formed by a number of persons join- ing together in the investment and loaning of money, for their mutual benefit. In these associations are found the Investor and the Borrower. The Investor simply invests his money in installments, and receives it back with the profits when the stock matures. The Borrower is also a member of the associ- ation, and must subscribe for stock at least equal to the amount of his loan. He pays for his stock and repays his loan in monthly installments. Thus a man owning a lot can obtain the money to build a house, and repay it in installments costing him a trifle more than ordinary rent. When his stock matures his house is paid for and belongs to him. These associations are a blessing to many who have by economy secured homes of their own. Although the State laws are stringent, yet many of these associations through bad management have failed. The best associations are those that do a local business. The so-called "nationals" are frequently fraudulent schemes. Any member can withdraw at any time, but the stock that matures makes the greatest percentage of profit. STERXAL VIGILANCE IS TEE PRICE OF SUCCESS THE FIRST BArLKOAD ENGINE, 1829. TRANSPORTATION. With the development and increase of trade and the settle^ ment of the vast areas of our western plains there has been a corresponding increase in facilities for transporting mail; money, and merchandise, as well as the conveying of passen- gers from one point to another. The slow ox-cart, the tow- boat on the canal, and even the more speedy horse and wagon have yielded to the modern, rapid and convenient powers of steam and electricity. Although the speed of transportation has been greatly increased, the expense has been reduced. 1. Improved Methods. With improved methods of trans- portation, distance is no longer an impediment to the exchange and transportation of fruits, vegetables and other perishable goods. The fruit and vegetable grower of Michigan can now successfully compete with the gardener residing just outside of the largest city, because of rapid yet cheap transportation. 2. Government Control. The question of government con- trol of transportation agencies is one of great importance since the growth of our cities tends to increase the gains of larger deal- ers at the expense of the smaller, and the control of the market by the larger dealers tends to the amassing of wealth by the few. MAKE YOURSELF INDISPENSABLE. MERCHANDISE. 1. Common Carriers are all those that carry goods for nirc indiscriminately for all persons. These include all stage coach proprietors, railroad companies, truckmen, wagoners, team- sters, carmen, porters and express companies who hold them- selves out to carry goods from one portion of the country to another, from one town to another, and from one place in the same town to another for all persons who desire to employ them. 2. Responsibility. Common Carriers are responsible for all Joss and damage caused by transportation from whatever cause, except the act of God and public enemy, and they are bound to carry all goods which are offered them, and if they re- fuse without just excuse they are liable to an action. 3. Act of God is held to extend only to such inevitable accidents as occur without the intervention of man's agency. The carrier is not responsible for losses occurring from natural causes, such as frosts, fermentation or natural decay of perish- able articles, or the necessary and natural wear in the course of transportation, provided he exercises all reasonable care to have the loss or deterioration as little as practical. 4. Loss by Fire. The carrier is liable for any and all loss occasioned by accidental fire. 5. Perishable Goods. Carriers are not responsible for loss to fruits that decay in their possession or goods shipped in defective boxes, such as glassware nt properly packed and other articles that are easily broken. Goods must be properly packed in order to make the carrier responsible. 6. Bill of Lading. Bill of lading is the receipt given by the Common Carrier to the owner of the goods desiring to have the same shipped and should contain a description of the quantity, the marks on the merchandise, the name of the ship- per, or the person sending the goods, and the consignee, the name of the person to whom the goods are shipped, place of departure and place of discharge of the goods and the price of freight, and also weight of the separate packages and the number of the car in which the same were shipped. 7. Equal Liability. Railroad companies and other carriers who allow express companies to carry parcels and packages on their cars or other vehicles are liable as the Common TIME AND TIDE WAIT FOR NO MAN. 233 Carriers for all damages which occur, without regard to the con- tract between them and such express company. 8. Baggage. In the transportation of the baggage of pas- sengers the liability of the carrier for loss to the same is the same as in case of transportation of goods for hire, and in case of loss the carrier must make it good. 9. When Liability Begins and Ends. The responsibility of the Common Carrier begins upon the delivery of the goods for immediate transportation. A delivery at the usual place of receiving freight or to the employes of the company in the usual course of business is sufficient. The responsi- bility of the carrier terminates after the arrival of the goods at their destination and sufficient time has elapsed thereafter for the owner to have received them during business hours. After the expiration of such time the responsibility of the carrier is simply that of a warehouse man and he is only required io keep the goods with ordinary care, v 10. Different Lines. Where goods are shipped to points beyond the line of the carrier to whom they are first de- livered, such carrier is not responsible beyond his own portion of the route unless he gives bills of lading for the entire route and the contract contemplates the transportation and delivery of the goods at their destination. n. Demurrage is the penalty exacted by transportation companies for not unloading goods from their cars within the time fixed by the rules of the companies. The rules of a large number of railroad companies require thatr-the car be unloaded within twenty-four hours after its arrival at the destination and a fixed rate of demurrage for each twenty-four hours of delay after the expiration of the usual time for unloading is imposed on the persons to whom goods are shipped. In practice com- panies are not very strict in enforcing this penalty, unless they are unable to meet the demand for cars. 12. Express Companies. These are private corporations that transport the more valuable and smaller articles. Although the charges are higher than by freight, yet the better, safer and more rapid transit of goods makes these companies de- sirable and gives them a very large patronage. The principal companies are Adams Express, American Express, Wells-Fargo Express, United States Express, Pacific Express, and Southern 234 TAKE TIME BY THE FORELOCK. Express. Express companies carry much of the money from one point to another. The special care of valuable parcels makes this method as safe as it can be. TRANSPORTATION BY WATER. Common Carriers. Those engaged in the transportation of goods and passengers in ships are Common Carriers. The same rules and principles apply to Common Carriers, by water as apply to those on land, with one or two exceptions Common Carriers of goods are practically insurers of the safe delivery of goods at their destination. DAHAGES RECOVERABLE FOR UNREASONABLE DELAY IN FORWARDING BAGGAGE. The measure of damages recoverable for a Common Car- rier's unreasonable delay in forwarding a passenger's baggage is the value of the use of the property to. owner during the delay in delivering it. As to what that value is, the opinion of persons familiar with the facts, together with the facts and con- ditions, will be considered. It would be difficult in such cases to determine the value of use by a mere statement of the facts, And the opinion of persons having a knowledge of the facts, though some evidence, is not an absolute guide, but an assist- ance, which is available in the absence of more reliable proof. Gulf C & S. F. Ry. Co. v. Vancil; C. Civil Appeals, 21 S. W. Rep. 303. LIABILITY OF COMMON CARRIERS FOR LOSS OR INJURY TO FREIGHT. A Common Carrier mu^st pay the market value, at the point of destination, of all property intrusted to it for transporta-^ tion, which, through its fault, is lost or destroyed, and is not delivered. The law, also, is that if a carrier receives property for transportation, and delivers it at the end of its route, but through its fault it is damaged, and it fails to deliver it in the same condition as when received, it must pay the difference between -the value of the property in its damaged condition, at the point of destination, and what the value of the property would have been at that place if delivered in the same condi- tion as when it was received iW transportation. New York, L. E. & W. R. Co. v. Estill; 13 Sup. Ct. Rep. 444. GIVE NO ADVICE WITHOUT BEING ASKED. 235 HOW TO SEND MONEY. Bank Drafts. A draft on some reliable bank is by far the best and most business-like way to send large amounts of money. It is safe, convenient, and cheap. Better, however, have the draft issued in your favor (to your own order), and then indorse it, and make it payable to the party to whom you intend to send it. Post Office Orders. By Post Office Order is also a safe and reliable way to send money. It costs a little more than to remit by draft, but is equally as secure, and many times more con- venient, because the Post Office is accessible at all hours of the day. Registered Letters. R ^istered Letters are reasonably safe since the Government exercises special care in their transmis- sion and in case of loss indemnifies the owner up to Twenty-five Dollars. Formerly the Post Office Department could not be held responsible for the loss of a registered letter, but in the second session of the Fifty-fourth Congress a bill was passed making the department responsible to an amount not greater than Ten Dollars. This law was later amended and the extent of liability increased to Twenty-five Dollars, and that law is now in force. Express Orders. The Express Order, as to security, has all the advantage of the Bank Draft or Post Office Order. Unlike the Post Office Orders, they are paid through the Clearing Houses of the principal cities, being current as exchange thereon; more- over, they are good, practically, everywhere, payment not being confined to any one place, but, on identification, are available everywhere. A receipt is always given the remitter, and loss of money is practically impossible. Personal Checks. Never send money by your personal check, unless you are rated in commercial agencies. It may cause much delay in having it certified. There is also generally expense connected with the cashing of the check. This may be _harged to your account. To avoid these annoyances, pay only your local bills with personal checks. Telegraph. It is sometimes necessary to send money toy telegraph. Although this is more expensive it is sometimes convenient. The rate is one per cent, of the amount of the order, plus double the tolls on a single message of fifteen worda between the transfer places. 236 IF ANYBODY EVER DID IT, I CAN DO IT. TRANSPORTATION OF MAIL. Post Office. The name Post Office originated in the posts placed at intervals along the roads of the Roman Empire where couriers were kept ready to bear dispatches and intelligence. Early Times. The first letter post was established in the I3th century. In early times both public and private letters were sent by messengers. Before 1639 postal facilities in the colonies were simply those afforded by personal accommodation, Monthly Mail. In 1672, the government of New York estate jshed a monthly mail to Boston; later this, as well as mails to other points, were carried weekly. First Post Master General. Benjamin Franklin was ap pointed First American Postmaster General, July 26th, 1775. Cost. The entire cost of the Post Office Department frorr. 1783 to 1833 was $34,700,000; revenue $36,400,000; up to 1851 the department was self-sustaining; since then there has beer* an annual deficit, except one year during the Civil war. At present it costs about Fifty Millions of dollars annually to transport the mails of our nation. Postal Union. Under the regulation of the universal Postal Union a letter may now be carried to almost any place in the civilized world for five cents. Every five years representatives of the different nations meet in the "Universal Postal Congress," and discuss and agree upon improvements in the system. TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS. It is stated that in 1797, when the first extra session oi Congress was called, one member from the west did not arrive in Philadelphia then the Nation's capital until after Con- gress had adjourned. Comparing the modes of travel of colonial days with the great speed of the elegantly furnished palace car of today, there can be no denial that we are a fast people. Rates. The usual locab passenger rates are 2^ and 3 cents a mile. Through tickets to principal terminal points are lower. Mileage books good for 1,000 miles are sold for two cents a mile. These can legally be used only by the purchaser, but deception is often practiced whereby different persons use the same ticket. In most of our large cities ticket scalpers are found who buy and sell tickets at reduced rates. Some states have laws prohibiting these scalpers from doing business. ALWAYS IN HASTE, BUT NEVER IN A HURRY. THE BUSINESS MAN'S DIGEST OF LAWS. PRESUMPTIONS OF LAW PERTAINING TO BUSINESS PAPERS. 1. Law Takes Things for Granted. The law takes certain things for granted in connection with negotiable paper, and these things are accepted as true, unless proper evidence proves them to be false. 2. A Valuable Consideration. Paper is always considered as having been given for a valuable consideration, unless the contrary can be shown. 3. The Holder of the Paper is Considered the Owner. The holder of paper is regarded as the owner so long as no suspicious facts are shown in connection with his ownership. 4. Received Before Maturity It is presumed that the holder received the paper before maturity until it is proven to have been transferred after it was due. 5. Possession in the Course of Business. The nolder is regarded as having come into possession of the paper in the course of his business, and for value, unless good evidence dis- proves these presumptions. 6. Indorsements Before Maturity. Indorsements are sup- posed to have been made before maturity, unless it clearly appears otherwise. 7. Maker and Indorsees Liability .The maker of a note is considered as the first debtor, and the indorsers are looked upon as conditionally liable. 8. Acceptor of a Draft the First Debtor. The acceptor of a draft is presumed to be the first debtor, and the drawer and in- dorsers to be only liable in the event! of his failure to meet the obligation. 9. Negotiable Paper fleans Just What It Says. The law presumes that negotiable paper means just what it says, and evi- dence is not permitted to prove that it does not. 10. Mistake in the Amount. If a mistake is made in stating the amount, evidence is allowed to correct it. n. Time. The time of negotiable paper, however, cannot be changed by outside evidence. 238 KNOW EVERYTHING OF SOMETHING. THE LAW GOVERNING FORGED PAPER. l. Forgery, Any material alteration made on commercial paper with intent to defraud is forgery. a. A Forged Instrument. A forged instrument is not com- mercial paper, for it represents neither a contract nor property, and no rights whatever are gained by its possession or transfer. The paper is worthless except as evidence against the forger. 3. No Responsibility. The person whose name is forged cannot be made responsible. The act is not his, and one cer- tainly should not be held responsible for another's acts which are entirely unauthorized and without notice. 4. The Purchaser of Forged Paper. It makes no differ- ence how careful or honest one is who takes forged paper; no matter what the consideration may be, the paper itself is worth- less, and one who sells it to another in reality sells nothing. The one who buys forged paper, however, may recover what he paid for it from the one from whom he bought it, because it was money paid under mistake. The person who took the paper from the forger must always bear the loss, unless he can recover the money from the person who committed the forgery. 5. Raising the Amount. Paper is sometimes forged by erasing the amount named in the genuine paper and putting in a larger amount. Trte paper is then perfectly good for the original sum, but wholly worthless as to the amount raised. Example: If a check is drawn for $5 and it is raised to $50, the signer of the check will only be held for $5, and whoever takes the check for $50 will lose the $45, unless he can secure it from the forger. 6. Caution. Never buy a paper from a stranger, unless he can show evidence of legitimate business transaction with the person or persons whose papers he desires to transfer. LAW ON OPENING LETTERS. A person who opens letters belonging to another which have been in the possession of the post-office authorities, before they reach the possession of the person to whom directed, the letters being opened for the purpose of abstracting their contents, or of obtaining information concerning the affairs of another, is lia- ble to a fine of $500 and imprisonment for one year. It makes no difference as to relationship. KNOW SOMETHING OF EVERYTHING. 239 "THE WAT OF THE TRANSGRESSOR is HARD." TERMS AND FACTS OF CRIMINAL LAW. 1. The Rule, "Every man's house is his castle" applies only to civil cases. Any locked door of the house may be forced open to arrest a criminal. 2. Every Man is compelled by law to obey the call of a sheriff for assistance in making an arrest. 3. Embezzlement is a fraudulent appropriation to one's own use of what is intrusted to one's care, and can only be charged against a clerk, servant, or agent. 4. The Offense of Stealing cannot be lawfully settled by receiving back stolen property. 5. Bigamy cannot be proved in law if one party to the marriage has been absent and not been heard from in five years. 6. Petit Larceny is where the value of the property stolen is less than $15. Grand larceny is when the value of the prop- erty stolen exceeds $25. 240 XO SUCH WORD AS FAIL. 7. Arson is the burning of an inhabited building by night, 8. Drunkenness is not a legal excuse for crime. 9. Assault and Battery is where a person has inflicted physical injury; an assault, however, is only an offer or attempt to inflict physical injury. 10. Mayhem applies to any injury done to a limb. It for- merly applied to the injury of the face, lip, tongue, eye, or ear. n. Felony is a crime punishable by imprisonment in a State prison. 12. An Accident is not a crime unless criminal carelessness can be proved. 13. Burglary is the entering of a house at night or at twilight or in darkness where it is difficult to distinguish a man's face. 14. Perjury is false swearing willfully done. A witness should always qualify his statements as "to the best of my be- lief" or "as I am informed." 15. Murder in the first degree must be premeditated and malicious, or committed while the murderer is engaged in some felonious act. 1 6. Duels. Killing a man in a duel is murder, and any per- son giving or accepting a challenge is guilty of a misdemeanor. 17. A Police Officer cannot arrest a person without a war- rant, unless he has personal knowledge of the offense. LAW ON LOST PROPERTY. In poiiit of la N, the finder of lost property is entitled to keep it until the owner is found. To attempt to keep it when the owner is known, or where there are means of discovering him, is construed .as larceny. While walking along the road, A finds by the roadside a pocketbook containing a sum of money. He picks it up, ex- amines its contents and puts it into his pocket, but it happens that there is a hole in the pocket, and it falls out. He does not discover the disappearance till he reaches home. He then retraces his steps, and near where he found the pocketbook he sees a young man who has it in his hands. The young maa had picked it up when it fell from the pocket of the first finder. Which has the best right to the pocketbook and its contents? The young man has a tight to it as against the other. A. not uncommon maxim is, "The last finder is the best owner." WORTH IS NOT TAILOR-MADS. 241 EMPLOYER AND EMPLOYE. 1. Service. Where one individual renders personal serv- ice to another by request, compensation, if not agreed upon, is implied. 2. Duties of Employer. It is the duty of the employer to furnish proper tools and machinery. He must never expose the employe to danger without informing him of the danger, Neglect of the employer in this respect makes him liable for damages in case of injury. 3. Liability of Employer. The employer is liable for the wrongful acts of his employe producing injury to others, provided the acts are done in the course of the ordinary em- ployment. Thus a railroad company is liable to passengers for negligence of conductors and engineers while running trains on the road. 4. Duties of Employe. The employe should faithfully perform the services for which he contracted for the entire term or period of service. If he leaves before expiration of time, he can claim no pay for the work done. This is the general rule and law, but some able judges have decided that even in this case the employe is entitled to pay for work done, less what the employer lost by necessity of paying higher wages, or what he lost by the employe's failing to perform his contract. 5. Wages. If no agreement has been made before, the employe can claim the price usually paid for such service. If the employe leaves because of insufficient food, ill-treatment or disabling sickness, he is entitled to pay for the time he worked. 6. Discharge. If the employe is discharged for dishon- esty, incapacity, or misconduct, some courts hold that the employer is under no obligation to pay him, but in all such cases a mutual agreement and settlement are far better in every way than resorting to law. 7. Law of Kindness. A kind and pleasant treatment on the part of the employer, even an expression of appreciation of work well done, goes far, very far, in making the employe worthy and competent. Harsh means and manners have often discouraged those who would by kind treatment have become efficient and competent in their work. SUNSHINE IN THE HEART KEEPS ARGUING THE CASE OF A LOST NOTE. THE LAW GOVERNING LOST NOTES OR BILLS. 1. The Old Law. Formerly no action could be brought on a negotiable note or bill which was lost, if at the time it was lost it was transferable by delivery only, or had been en- dorsed and transferred before or after maturity. 2. Bond. If a party should refuse to pay a note or bill vhich has been lost, he may be sued and compelled to pay it, tit the party collecting it may be required to give a bond, so that the note in question may never appear for payment 3. Proved. Of course it is necessary to establish by suffi- cient proof that the note for a certain amount by a certain party or parties had been given and up to date not paid. The maker of the note can compel the holder of the note to give evidence of the unsatisfied debt covered by the lost note. 4. Payable to Bearer. If payment of a lost note or bill is made without notice of loss to the finder, the paper heing WRINKLES OUT Ojr T tiE FACE. 243 due and payable to the bearer, the payment is good. And if it comes into the hands of an innocent purchaser, before due, ne may collect the full amount of note, and the loser of the note cannot recover it. 5. A Part of a Bill or Note. Where part of the bill or note has been torn off and lost by accident, that fact can be shown by presenting the remaining part as evidence of the debt and showing loss or destruction of the balance. 6. Caution. If a note or due-bill has been lost, it is best to take disinterested parties and interview the maker and secure his open acknowledgment of the amount of said note or bill be- fore letting him know the bill or note has been lost or burned, for it may often be difficult to secure a sufficient amount of evidence to establish the debt. LEGAL GIFTS. I. Who Can Make Gifts? Any person legally compe- tent to transact business may give whatever he or she owns to any other person. A gift by a minor, a married woman, an insane person, or a person under guardianship, or under duress, would be void, or voidable, according to the circum- stances. a. Delivery of Gift Necessary. A gift must be consum- mated that is, the thing given must be delivered before any legal right rests in the grantee. A promise to give is not binding, as it is supported by no consideration. Delivery may be actual or constructive. 3. Cannot be Revoked by Donor. A gift made perfect by delivery cannot be revoked by the donor; but if it prej- udices the rights of existing creditors, it is void as to them. It is not, however, void as to future creditors, unless made under actual or expective insolvency, or with a fraudulent purpose. 4. Gifts Because of Expected Death Revocable Gifts be- cause of expected death are revocable by the donor if life is continued; even after delivery and acceptance. Such gifts are held to have been made because death was supposed to be at hand; and if it does not ensue, the gift is defeated, as the death, which was the cause of the gift, has not taken place* r v ' o- v UNIVERSITY 1 244 HAVE A WORK. AIM AT IT, HIT IT. THE LAW OF TRADING-OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE. I. Jesting. An offer made in a jest, though accepted is not binding. The law presumes that an offer must be made with good intention. 2. An Unconditional Acceptance. If an offer has been made, the acceptance must be without any conditions attached. Any acceptance upon terms varying in the slightest degree from those proposed is not binding until all the conditions are accepted. 3. A Good Acceptance. An acceptance, to be good, must be such as to conclude a contract between the parties; and to do this it must, in every respect, meet and correspond with the offer, neither falling within nor going beyond the terms proposed, but exactly meeting them at all points and closing them just as they stand. 4. An Offer. An offer may be withdrawn any time before it is accepted, but if no time is specified, then by the expira- tion of a reasonable length of time for acceptance the offer thereafter cannot be legally accepted. A limitation of time for which an offer is to run is an equivalent to the withdrawal of the offer at the end of the time named. Where parties are so situated that it is necessary to communicate by letter or tele- gram, the contract is complete the moment the acceptance is dispatched or the letter put into the post-office, provided this is done within a reasonable length of time, or before notice of with- drawal of the offer is received. Anyone receiving an offer by mail or telegraph is entitled to a reasonable time in which to accept or reject it. 5. A Notice of Reward for Information. The offer by way of advertisement of a reward for information leading to the restoration of property or the conviction of a criminal, addressed to the public at large, becomes obligatory, if not previously reckoned, as soon as an individual, with a view to the reward, renders the specified service, but not before. To entitle one to the reward, he must have had notice of the offer at the time he rendered the service; for no one can assent tc that which he has not heard of. SHOT AT VENTURE NEVER HIT. 24* WHEN TO SIGN YOUR NAME IN FULL. When you sign deeds, mortgages, wills, contracts involving land or other instruments of a permanent character, always write your name in full. Never use your ordinary business initials for signatures of this kind. In affixing your signature to a note or receipt, it is always better to write your first name out in full. There are sometimes several individuals in a com- munity with the same initials and name, but when the first name is written out in full the names are different and con- sequently in mail matters, as well as in other things, much confusion is avoided. Therefore, in order to avoid possible errors in public records and confusion of titles, it is always better to sign your name in full. For instance, instead of writ- ing H. A. Smith, write Henry A. Smith. HOW A MARRIED WOMAN SHOULD SIGN HER NAME. A married woman doing business for herself and handling her own individual money, would better use her own name in- stead of her husband's. For example, Mrs. Clark should sigm Lucy A. Clark and not Mrs. Henry Clark. *46 EVERY MAN FOR THE GOOD OF ALL. A married woman is always at a disadvantage if she signs at one time her own name and then at another her husband's name, and it always results in more or less confusion. If she prefers to use her own name, she should always write it that way and not write L. A. Clark, Lucy Clark, or Mrs. Henry Clark, but always write it Lucy A. Clark. A married woman in writing a letter to a stranger should always prefix "Mrs." to her name. HOW TO SECURE THE SIGNATURE OF A PERSON WHO CANNOT WRITE. 1. The signature of a person who cannot write should always be witnessed. Have the person who witnesses the signa- ture sign his name at the left. 2. Use the following form: his Frederick x Miller, mark Witness, Clarence Ranck. This signature will apply to all forms of business papers, such as notes, receipts, deeds, leases, etc.: In tkese days the uneducated man or woman is laboring under a great disadvantage. Parents, you owe your children an edu- cation. Do not miss an opportunity to buy a good book. An educated man lives longer and takes in more in a month than the same man uneducated would in a year. But education should be mixed with labor and common sense. OF TWO EVILS CHOOSE NEITHER. "Who Shall I Marry ?" MARRIAGE LAWS AND CONTRACTS. i. Marriage is a civil contract. Marriage licenses are re- quired in all the States except New Mexico, New York and New Jersey (licenses for non-residents are required in New Jersey). Marriages between whites and negroes, between whites and In- dians, between whites and Chinese, are respectively forbidden in various States. a. Contract to Marry in the Future. Mutual promise by a man and a woman to marry at some future day constitutes a valid contract. 8 ABSTAIN FROM EVERY FORM OF EVIL. 3. A Marriage Contract. A marriage is a civil contract, and is entered into by the mere consent of the parties. If the man says to a woman, "Will you marry me?" or words to that effect, and she says "Yes," or words that imply an affirmative answer, it is by law an agreement or promise of marriage, and both parties are legally held to carry out in good faith the promise thus made. 4. Breach of Promise. If either party refuses to carry out the contract, he or she is guilty of breach of promise, and may recover damages of the other party. It is not very often, however, that the man sues the woman, though he has the right to do so if she fails to make good her promise. 5. Necessary Proof. Generally in case of a lawsuit for breach of promise, there are no direct witnesses, as people generally become engaged without the presence of a third party, but the engagement may be implied by the conduct of the party sued. 6. Implied Evidence. The promise of marriage is implied from circumstances, such as constant visits, presents, or open declaration of the parties, the reception of parents or friends, as an engaged couple, without any objections from the party ac- cused. There are many ways of expressing serious intentions without an open declaration of words. Conduct speaks louder than words. 7. Excuses for Breaking the Promises. A refusal may be justified on the ground of the bad character or conduct of the other party; poor health of either party is sometimes a good ex* cuse, but not generally. If the woman were a widow or divorced, and concealed this fact from the man, this justifies a refusal to marry on his part. 8. Time of Marriage. When a man promises to marry a woman without stating 'any special time, the law holds him guilty of breach of promise, unless he is ready to fulfill Vis engagement within a reasonable time; five years was held fcy law as being an unreasonable time. 9. When a Promise Is Not Binding. If either party is under fwenty-one years of age, he or she is not bound by promise to marry, ind the law will excuse them any time from making good the promise; but, if the man is over twenty-one years of age, he can be held, and must make his promise good or pa' the damages. FOR WEALTH IS SELLING ONE'S LIBERTY. 249 IO. Seduction. Seduction of a woman cf lawful age under promise of marriage, and subsequent refusal to marry on his part, while not a crime, subjects the person so doing to heavy damages in a civil action for a breach of promise to marry, the seduction being used in aggravation of the ordinary damages allowed in actions for breach of promise to marry. n. A Cowardly Act. A young man who makes promises of marriage to a young lady, or gives her reason to believe that he is sincere in his visits and intentions, and then without excuse or cause devotes his attentions to another, commits a cowardly act. No honorable young man will do it. No young man has a right to demand a young lady's ex- clusive company, without some definite understanding, and a young lady is very injudicious, if not foolish, if she receives the attentions of a young man, who claims her entire society, without some understanding or promise of sincerity. When the promise of marriage has once been made, it should be kept in good faith, unless both parties mutually agree to dissolve. The law always requires the promises of marriage to be met in good faith. THE RIGHT OF HARRIED WOMEN TO OWN PROPERTY. One of the marked evidences of the growth of true civiliza- tion in the United States is the legislative provisions enacted during the past fifty years for the benefit of married women. These legal enactments differ greatly in the different States, and there are frequent changes in some States, but all tend toward the releasing of woman from her former condition of absolute depend- ence upon her husband. By the old common law a married woman had few rights. She was subject to the authority of her husband, and he could rule over her, but the States have changed the common law and the rights of married women are now recognized by every court. 1. All property owned by the wife before marriage, or re- ceived after marriage and held as her separate property, can be sold and transferred without the consent of her husband. 2. If a husband fails to make proper provision for the sup- port of his wife, the lav/ will compel him to furnish fcex: proper rapport if he has suiiicieat property. 250 BEGIN EVERYTHING AT THE RIGHT END- 2 The wife must support her husband out of her separate property when he has no separate property and is without help or means of self-support. 4. The earnings of the wife are not liable for the debts ol the husband. 5. The separate property of the wife is not liable for the debts of her husband. 6. The property owned by the husband before marriage, or acquired after marriage by gift or inheritance, is his separate property; but his wife, however, has a dower interest in the real estate. 7. The wife who deserts- her husband cannot hold him for her support, unless she was justified in leaving, or offers to return. 8. The earnings of the wife and her minor children aftei living separate from her husband are the property of the wife. 9. If husband or wife transfer real estate of any kind, both must sign the deed, mortgage or contract. AUTHORITY OF WIFE LIVING APART FROM HUSBAND TO BIND HIM, Whether or not the person who supplies a wife with neces* saries has knowledge at the time of her husband's provision for her support, the presumption of a wife's authority to pledge her husband's credit is negatived by the fact of their living apart, and the tradesman who supplies her under such circum- stances upon the credit of her husband, and without his ex- press sanction or approval, does so at his own peril, and in order to charge her husband with supplies furnished her he must show that they were not only of the kind usually denom- inated "necessaries," because their need is common to all per- sons, but that in consequence of the inadequacy of the husband's provision, they were actually required for the wife's proper sup- port, commensurate with his means, her wonted living as his spouse, and her station in the community. Bloomingdale vs. Brinckerhoff. C. Common Pleas, N. Y, City and County, 20 N. Y. Sup. 8sa A MULE IS TAMEST IN FRONT. 251 GETTING A DIVORCE. DIVORCE AND DIVORCE LAWS. Causes. Martin Luther, speaking of his wife, said : " I would not exchange my poverty with her, for all the riches of Croesus without her. The utmost blessing that God can con- fer on a man is the possession of a good and pious wife with whom he may live in peace and tranquillity." It is the lack of this spirit that brings about so many divorces. Some persons are disappointed in marriage because they expect too much from it; but many more because they do not bring into the copartnership their fair share of cheerfulness, kindness, for- bearance, and common sense. Danger. The family is the nucleus of the State and the very foundation of all that is good. Its relations are too vital to the happiness of the individual and the good of the public generally 10 be lightly destroyed. Easy divorces are deplorable. They are threatening evils. Increase. It is safe to say that divorce has been doubled in proportion to marriages or population in most of the north- ern States within forty years. The number is still increasing 17 Standard 252 RIGHT MAKES MIGHT. as present figures indicate. President Woolsey says that there can be no question that in our country the ratio of divorces to marriages or to population exceeds that of any country in the Christian world. Even some heathen nations set us ex- amples that we might profitably follow. Laws of States. South Carolina is the only .State where marriage knots cannot be untied. The violation of the mar- riage vow is cause for absolute divorce in all other States. The divorce laws of the different States vary greatly. Some of the principal causes for divorce are impotency, willful de- sertion, cruel and abusive treatment, habitual drunkenness, imprisonment for felony, failure by husband to provide, duress, insanity or idiocy, ungovernable temper, grossly immoral before marriage, but unknown to wife, fugitive from justice. The census of 1890 reports more than 100,000 divorced persons in the United States. This tide of evil ought to be stayed. THE LEGAL RELATION OF PARENT AND CHILD. If the marriage and family relations were what they should be, then the legal relation of parent and child would not be so prominent and important. It is the unhappy marriages and the unfortunate family relations that call into question the authority of the parent and the rights of the child. In our country alone 25,000 children were deserted by their parents in 1896, and no less than 100,000 were homeless. Look at these fig- ures, and then think of the many legal questions that are in- volved by the action of one or the other of the parents, or of the child itself. Let the home be what it should be, let parents make home, however humble, a place of comfort and cheerful- ness, and legal relations will be unheard of. The conditions of society are, however, such that in almost every community it is essential that the legal relations of parents and children be clearly and definitely understood. i. Ancient Authority. In past ages the father was by custom considered as absolute monarch of the home. In the oriental countries of to-day, the same custom still prevails; modern progress and modern ideas, however, have changed old customs, and the authority of the parent in civilized countries has been considerably limited by law. RUST ROTS 8TE&L WHICH USE PRESERVES. 253 a. Rights of Parents. The parent has control of his minor child, and has all reasonable authority to enforce obedi- ence. As long as the parent treats his child properly, no one has a right to interfere with his authority, or take the child away and retain him against the wishes of the parent. 3. A Runaway Child. A child has no right to leave home without permission of the parent, and should a child run away he can be brought back by force. If relatives or other par- ties keep him and refuse to give him up, the parent by legal process can obtain possession of his child, unless it can be shown that the father is brutal, or is not capable, on account of drunk- enness or other causes, to take proper care of his child. 4. Adoption. Any child, whether its parents are living or not, may be adopted. In that case the parent is no longer entitled to the custody, but the adopting person is. The child cannot be adopted without the consent of its parents, if they are living, but the consent having once been given cannot be re- voked. If the child is over fourteen years of age, it must also consent to the adoption. Under any circumstances the court has the right to refuse to permit the adoption if it considers that the person petitioning is not a proper person to have the custody. 5. -Method of Adoption. Application must be made at the county court, and the judge will consider the application and will pass upon it. 6. Punishment of Children. A parent has a right to punish his minor child, providing he is not guilty of cruelty. Brutality is a crime, punished by severe legal penalties. The parent must be reasonable in his punishment, leave no bruises or in any way injure the health of the child. 7. Rights to Earnings. A parent is entitled to all the earnings of his minor child. If the child should refuse to turn over his earnings to the parent, the employer of the child may be notified, and be compelled to pay the parent only. 8. Special Rights. The parent may, however, make free his child from all obligations to himself and allow he child to collect his own wages and do for. himself. When i parent thus makes public such a declaration, he cannot thereafter collect the child's wages, 9. The Property of the Child. A parent may control the 254 SAY NOT "'TIS 1 ^POSSIBLE? earnings of the child, yet he has no control of the property belonging to the child, either acquired by gift, legacy or any other way. If a parent should appropriate his child's property, it would be just as criminal in the eyes of the law as stealing any one else's property. io. Parent's Obligation to Support. Parents are legally held for the support of their minor children. If a child has property, it does not relieve the parent from the support of his child; he, however, can apply to court and get per- mission to use a part, or all, of the income of the property for the child's support. n. Illegitimate Children. It is a parent's duty to sup- port even an illegitimate child. Such a child has legally no father, but his putative father, as he is called, may be com- pelled by the overseers of the poor to furnish the child with reasonable support, so that it shall not become a "burden on the parish." All children born in wedlock are legitimate, unless it is proved that the husband could not possibly be the father. The adultery of the wife cannot affect the legitimacy of the child. He is conclusively presumed to be the child of the husband. It makes no difference how soon after the marriage the child is born. A child born the same day as the marriage, if subsequent to the ceremony, is legitimate, provided there is good reason for believing that the husband is the father. 12. Effect of Illegitimacy. The only legal effect of il- legitimacy of any consequence is that the child cannot inherit property from his father; nor from his mother, if she has any legitimate children. He may, of course, take a legacy given to him by his putative father's will, but if there is no will he cannot inherit. 13. Children's Obligations. Where the parents are unable to support themselves, the child is legally held for their support and care, but it must be first shown that the parent, or parents, are unable to support themselves. 14 Crimes. The parent cannot be held for crimes com- mitted by his minor child. If a child commits a premeditated crime, he is personally liable. 15. Guardian. If a child has no parents living, a guard- ian may be appointed, or he may appoint his own guardian, who will in a legal sense exercise the prerogative of a parent. BE NOT SLOTHFUL IN BUSINESS. 255 THE LAWS GOVERNING OUR COMMON AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS. FACTS WHICH EVERY TEACHER AND PARENT SHOULD KNOW. 1. Teachers. It will be found that in all the States the authority to employ teachers is conferred upon officers known as directors, trustees, or committees. 2. The contract made by school officers with a person to teach for a period extending beyond the trustees' term of office is valid and binding on successors in office. 3. A person under age possessing the requisite qualifications may with the consent of his parent or guardian contract to teach school. 4. At common law married women were disabled from mak- ing such contracts, but most of the States have removed this disability and they can now contract the same as unmarried women. 5. Certificates. Every teacher must have a certificate of mental and moral qualifications properly signed by the ex- amining officer. If, however, the teacher has obtained a certificate without fraud, although the certificate was issued without any examina- tion having been made, still it is held that the certificate is good and that the teacher can hold the directors responsible for his salary. 25f BEAR YE ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS. 6. Should a person be employed to teach school without a proper certificate he cannot be restrained by the superintendent, but any citizen or resident of the district can make a complaint and secure the removal of such a teacher. CONDITIONS OF SCHOOL CONTRACTS. 1. It is always best to have a written contract properly signed between teacher and officers. 2. A person hired to perform the duties of a teacher cannot substitute a proxy, no matter how competent, without the con- sent of the trustees or directors. 3. The trustees of any school district have no right to dis- miss any teacher holding a proper certificate, without good and sufficient cause. If the teacher is not faithful, or incompetent, or cannot properly govern the school, these or any one of these deficiencies shall be a sufficient cause for dismissal. 4. If a teacher is dismissed without sufficient cause, full, compensation for the time hired can be collected. The teacher must present himself and show willingness to go on with the school in order to show sufficient evidence that he is ready to faithfully perform his part of the contract. If directors wantonly obstruct him in the discharge of his duties, or dispossess him of the school-house, they will be indi- vidually liable for damages. 5. Sweeping the School-House. A contract to teach school does not imply that the teacher is to sweep, build fires, or perform other janitorial work. He is not compelled to do so un- less it is specified in the contract or agreement. 6. A Calendar Month. The word month has various mean- ings. There are calendar months, solar months, and several kinds of lunar months. In law the word month means either a calendar or lunar month. The calendar months are the months as adjusted in the Gregorian calendar, and known as January, February, March, etc. A lunar month is the period of one synodical revolution of the moon, and its length is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.87 seconds, but in common usage four weeks are called a lunar month. DISTURB EL> ABOUT TRIFLES* 257 In making a contract it is always best to specify the kind of 'month to be taught. If there is no mention of the term month in the contract, then the teacher will be compelled to teach calendar months. 7. Closing School. If the district officers close the school on account of the prevalence of scarlet fever, small-pox, or on account of any other contagious disease, and the teacher con- tinues ready to perform his contract, he is entitled to full wages during such a period. OLD TIME SCHOOL. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT. i Let it be remembered by parents that children well gov tirnea at home, rarely, if ever, have any difficulty with teachers* in the school-room. The sacred duty to be performed by every parent is to teach his child to be respectful to his teacher an<* obedient to the rules of school 258 LET ALL YOUR THINGS HAVE THEIR PLACES. 2,. There would be no success in the management of a school if the teacher were not armed with some coercive power, and the law universally recognizes the fact that the school- teacher stands in the place of the parent, in relation to the pupils committed to his charge, while they are under his care. He therefore can enforce obedience to his commands, lawfully given in his capacity as a schoolmaster, and he may enforce them by a moderate correction. 3. A good school means good order and the authority to keep it so, therefore the teacher has undoubtedly the right tc> chastise his pupils for any conduct which interferes with the order and discipline of the school. 4. If the teacher in punishing a child administers more than reasonable punishment, he becomes criminally liable. 5. A teacher must punish a child without any ill-will, vin- dictive feeling, hatred or malice. The punishment must be dene when necessary, and in the proper spirit. 6. The teacher must exercise a reasonable degree of dis- cretion, and must temper the punishment according to the na- ture of the offense, at the same time taking into consideration age, size, and apparent powers of endurance of the child, and the teacher must always remember that the iury must say whether the punishment is excessive and unjust. 7. Malice on the part of the teacher may be proved or may be presumed from the circumstances under which the pun- ishment took place. 8. A teacher in order to conduct a successful school must command obedience, and control stubbornness in order to quicken diligence and reform bad habits. In order to enable the teacher to exercise this salutary sway, he must be armed with a power to administer moderate correction when he shall believe it to be just and necessary. 9. The teacher is a substitute of the parent and he is respon- sible for the successful management of the school for which he is hired to teach, and the law has therefore not undertaken to prescribe punishments for particular offenses, but has contented itself with the general grant of power of moderate correction, and has confided the graduation of punishments to the discretion and judgment of the teacher. XO. Any punishment, therefore, which may seriously LET EACH PART Ox YOUR BUSINESS HAVE ITS TIME. 259 ger life, limbs or health, or disfigure the child, or cause any per- manent injury, may be pronounced immoderate, and the teacher will be liable for criminal prosecution; but any correction, how- ever severe, which produces temporary pain only and no perma- nent ill, cannot be pronounced immoderate punishment. The law therefore is that the teacher exceeds the limits of his author- ity when he causes lasting mischief, though he acts within the limits of his authority. 11. Many severe cases of discipline may better be referred to the board of school directors, but teachers are often com- pelled to act promptly in order to maintain order. 12. It is always best before expelling a pupil from school to consuU the board and place the facts plainly before them and allow them to act for the teacher. An incorrigible child at school can work great mischief, and where parents are in sym- pathy with a disobedient child the best thing that can be done is to dismiss such a pupil from school, 13. How many men and women are there today who have made life a failure; who owe their present condition in life to the fact that their parents always took their part in every mat- ter of disobedience when they were attending school. The writer personally knows of several young men who have spent several years between the stone walls and behind iron bars of penitentiaries, and who owe their condition in life to the fact that they were not properly governed at home, and were not allowed to be governed properly at school. 14. Parents, have the respect and obedience of your children at home, and their school life will not only be pleasant but it will prepare them for a life of usefulness and success. 15. When it is known by the child that the teacher is sup- ported by the parent and that the government of the school is upheld in the home, there is very little occasion for corporal punishment. Our public schools have greatly improved in this respect. The rod has given way to methods that tend to inspire confidence, respect, and an eagerness to acquire knowl- edge. 16. It is wise for a teacher to have a private interview with the disobedient student, and often results in a most pleasing and lasting friendship. Misunderstanding is the cause of a great deal of trouble. 260 RESOLVE TO PERFORM WHAT YOU OUGHT. EXEMPTION LAWS. The Amount of Property That Cannot be Taken for Debts in Different States as we Find It September, 1907. 1. Exemption Laws are for the purpose of protecting those who are unable to pay their debts without causing distress to themselves and their families. 2. Property covered by mortgage cannot be held. 3. A safe estimate of the property of the person desiring credit should be made before the credit is given. STATES. Value of Personal Property. Value of Home- stead. Exceptions and Explanations. Married. d u 1 Married. Alabama $1,000 $1,000 175 $2,000 or 160 acres of land. A householder $50 for each mem- ber of family, $400 for tools and stock. Earnings for 80 days prior to levy. Alaska Territory 1,000 600 4,000 2,500 5,000 2,000 1,000 Arkansas 200 200 California (a) Must be designated as such in writing and recorded. Word "Homestead " must be written on record of deed. Colorado (a) Connecticut (a) Delaware (b) Dist. of Colombia (a) Florida 200 300 1,000 none nun* 160 acres of land in country, y\ acre in city. 1,600* Idaho (c) 5,000 1,000 Single, $1,000. (e) Homestead must be designated by a writ> ing executed and recorded like a deed. Illinois 400 coot 200 100 Indiana No homestead except as before stated. 40 acres in country, 1 A acre in city. No limit as to value. 160 acres in country, 1 acre in city. Iowa (c) 400 Kentucky (c). 1,000 Louisiana 8,000 "iw Homestead and personal prop- erty. Written declaration must be recorded. Certificate trust be filed. Maine(c) Maryland (c) Massachusetts (c) 500 none 800 400 40 acres in country, $1,500 ID city. PERFORM WITHOUT FAIL WHAT YOU RESOLVE. 261 STATES. Value of Personal Property. Value of Home- stead. Exceptions and Explanations. Married. ! 05 Married. $ 500 $ $ 80 acres in country, % to 1 acre in city, varying with size of Or $3,000 if statement is record- ed. From $1,500 to $3,000, according to size of city. And not to exceed 160 acres of farm land or & acre in city. Mississippi (c) 2,000 10 2,500 2,000 5,000 500 1 000 Missouri (c) 300 Nebraska (f) 600 Nevada (d). Written declaration must be recorded. Also $500 homestead for single man (e). New Hampshire (c) . 200 500 250 500 1,500 100 NeW Mexico (c) New York 1,000 1,000 1,000 North Carolina North Dakota (c)... Ohio (c) 160 acres in country, or 2 acre* in city not exceeding $5,000 in value. 1,000 160 acres in country, 1 acre in city. 1,500 soot 300 500 750 Rhode Island ( C ) Booth Carolina South Dakota 1,000 soo 160 acres 'in country, 1 acre in town, limit $5,000. 1,000 Texas . ... 200 acres in country, $5,000 in city. $1.000 for debtor, $500 for wife, $250 all members of family. Utah (c) 2,000 500 2,000 2,000 1,000 Vermont (c) Virginia (c) 200 Washington M WestVirginia(w)... Wisconein (c) Wyoming 500 200 200 500 Varies from $500 to $2,000 ac- cording to trade or profession. 40 acres in country, y\ acre in city, not exceeding $5,000. 1,500 (a) Articles of specific property too numerous to mention, no value uxed. (b) Exemptions vary in different counties. (*) In either personalty, realty or both, (f) In personalty or realty, (c) Articles of specific property too numerous to mention, varying in amount in different trades and professions (d) Articles of specific property, ranging in value from $100 to $500. (J) Real or personal, (e) A single man can claim homestead only in Idaho and New Hampshire. m'3f no homestead is taken, $500 in personality is exempt, and the exemption Jaws in New Mexico are the same aa in Nebraska, (w) Homestead must be so designated and recorded be fore debt is contracted. 262 WRONG NO ONE BY DOING INJURIES. *HOMESTEADS UNDER UNITED STATES LAND LAWS. 1. Any citizen of the United States, the head of a family of the age of twenty-one years and over, or a person who has filed his declaration of intention to become such citizen, may secure a homestead upon the unappropriated public lands be- longing to the government which are subject to pre-emption; 160 acres if such lands are subject to pre-emption at $1.25 per acre, and 80 acres of land which are subject to pre-emption at $2.50 per acre; such lands to be of legal subdivision of the pub- lic lands and can be located only after they are surveyed. 2. The person desiring to secure such homestead must make an affidavit before the register of the land office in which the land upon which he desires to make his entry is located, that he is the head of a family, and is twenty-one years or more of age, or has performed service in the army or navy of the United States; that his application is made for his own ex- clusive use and benefit, and that his entry is for the purpose of actual settlement and cultivation, and not, either directly or in- directly, for the use and benefit of any other. person, persons or corporation. Upon filing such affidavit with the register on payment of $5 for 80 acres and $10 for 160 acres he shall be allowed to enter the amount of land specified. 3. No certificate or patent can be issued until the expiration of five years from the date of such entry, and within two years after the expiration of said five years the party making the ap- plication must prove by two disinterested witnesses before the register of his land office that he has actually occupied and cultivated and improved said land as a homestead for the space of five years prior to the making of such application. Upon making such proof to the satisfaction of the register he shall be entitled to his certificate and patent. 4. The homestead right may be changed into a pre-emption and the land proposed to be homesteaded paid for at the reg- ular government rate if the homesteader so desires. 5. In case of the death of any person who would be entitled to a homestead, as hereinbefore stated, before he is able to prove up the same, his wife and children, or in case he leaves no wife, or she remarries, then his children may prove up on the land and secure the title thereto- *What is said under this head applies to homesteads under United States statutes. It has no application to homesteads under state laws. OMIT NOT THE BENEFITS THAT ARE TOUR DUTY. 263 6. Soldiers and officers who served in the army of the United States during the Rebellion for 90 days and who were honorably discharged are entitled to have the time of such serv- ice deducted from the time fixed by the statute upon which they must live upon the land. 7. Homestead lands are not liable for debts contracted prior to the issuing of the patent therefor. 8. Only one quarter section can be entered as a homestead. 9. Persons who have entered less than 160 acres are entitled to enter enough more to make up the full limit. 10. A widow, if unmarried, or minor children by their guardian, may enter homesteads. 11. Persons may be absent from their homestead claims not exceeding one year, if such absence is occasioned by the failure or destruction of crops. 12. The commissioner of the general land office may, for climatic reasons, in his discretion, allow the settler twelve months from the date of filing his application to commence his resi- dence on his homestead. 13. At the end of the third year of residence thereon, if the homesteader shall have under cultivation for two years one acre of timber, the trees whereof are not more than twelve feet apart each way, and in good thrifty condition, for each and every sixteen acres of such homestead, may, upon due proof of such facts by two credible witnesses, receive a patent for such homestead. 14. Six months' absence from the homestead claim unex- plained, forfeits the claim. 15. Persons becoming insane before securing patents to their homesteads can have the necessary proofs made by their legally appointed guardians or conservators. STATUTES OF LIMITATIONS OR THE TIME IN WHICH DEBTS ARE OUTLAWED IN THE DIFFERENT STATES AND BRITISH PROVINCES. Corrected up to Date, May, 1902. I. All of our States have statutes of limitation providing different periods of time, varying from one to twenty years, within which actions specified in the statutes must be brought 264 AVOID EXTREMES, FORBEAR RESENTING INJURIES. " THE MAN WHO IS IN DEBT CARRIES A WORLD OF TROUBLE." BURKE. 2. In accounts it generally begins from the purchase of the last item, and is renewed by every partial payment. 3. In case the debtor makes a written acknowledgment in a note, or papers of that character, the claim is renewed. d a 2 5 a d 5 1 STATES %% eg (o a a 9 STATES 00 ttt o d is g AND estS al ti Q AND cfl'-S sT5 o TERRITORIES. 1 O ** G bo T3 P i-s sj a TERRITORIES. *}*E & * 1 < i-s < o Yrs. Yrs. Y. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yrs. Yra. Alabama . . , 6 10 20 3 Nevada ft 6 ft 4 Alaska ft 10 10 g New Hampshire 6 ?o ?0 8 Arkansas 5 5 10 3 6 16 20 g Arizona 4 4 5 8 New Mexico. ft ft 7 4 California 4 4 5 2 New York fi 20 20 6 Colorado 6 6 20 g North Carolina. R 10 10 8 Connecticut ft 17 17 6 North Dakota... 6 ft 10 6 Delaware 6 20 20 3 Ohio 15 15 5 g Dist. of Columbia. 8 12 12 Oklahoma 5 5 1 3 Florida. 5 20 20 o g 10 10 g Georgia 6 20 7 4 Pennsylvania . .. 6 20 5 6 Idaho.. . 5 5 g 4 g 20 20 g Illinois 10 10 1 5 South Carolina. . ft 10 Indiana 10 20 20 ft South Dakota... 6 10 10 6 Iowa. 10 10 20 5 g 10 10 6 Kansas 5 5 5 8 Texas. 4 4 10 2 Kentucky 15 15 15 5 Utah ft ft 8 4 Louisiana 5 10 10 3 Vermon t ft 8 8 6 Maine 6 20 20 g Virginia 5 10 20 2 Maryland Massachusetts . . . 3 6 12 20 12 20 3 6 Washington W. Virginia 6 10 6 10 6 10 8 8 Michigan. 6 10 g g g 20 20 g Minnesota. 6 g 10 g 5 5 5 6* Mississippi 6 g 7 g Missouri 10 10 10 5 ft 20 20 g g 10 3 g 20 20 Nebraska 5 5 5 4 Nova Scotia 6 20 20 6 Except as to foreign claims, then 2 years. WATER SEEKS ITS LEVEL, SO DO BRAINS. 265 TAXES AND DUTIES. Definition. Taxes are assessments of money on persons 01 property, for public purposes and the public good. Duties are taxes on imported goods. A Direct Tax is levied upon the person who it is intended should pay it. The expenses of towns, cities, counties and States are paid by a direct tax upon the property or polls. An Indirect Tax is one demanded of the merchant or manu- facturer, but really paid by the consumer. Such are duties and customs collected upon imported goods. Poll Tax. In some States a tax is levied upon all able- bodied men over twenty-one years of age, or, in some States, upon all voters. This is called a Poll Tax. ' A Property Tax is an amount assessed upon all property within the limits of the State, County or Town. An Assessor is a person elected annually by the people. He is required to make a careful and true valuation of all the property in the town or township. How a Tax is Levied. Having obtained a valuation of all taxable property in a district, the amount of the tax to be raised is divided by this, giving the rate of taxation. Property is liable to be taxed for each of several purposes, one amount being assessed for State tax, another for county, the town and the school. In each case the rate may be different, because in each case the amount to be raised is different. Poll tax, if any, must first be deducted from the whole amount to be raised before the rate of taxation can be found. Equalization Boards. The work of these boards is to make such changes in the valuation of the property as the case de- mands. Any one believing his property to be assessed for too great a sum has the privilege of appealing to a board for cor- rection of assessment. This must be done within a specified time. The State Board of Equalization adjusts the rate of taxation among the counties of the State. This is done by rais- ing or lowering the valuation of property of different counties. Special Assessments are assessments against property bene- fited, for public improvements, such as widening, opening or paving of streets, water pipes, sewrs, etc. These are usually made by the town or city authorities upon the petition of prop- 266 NOTHING DECEIVES LIKE DISHONEST FIGURES. erty owners interested. Frequently a vote is taken by the to\vi before the assessment is made by the authorities. Great Care should be taken in buying real estate near cities or growing towns. Through the manipulations of real estate boomers special assessments are often made that are far ahead of the actual needs and very expensive to all property holders. Internal Revenue and Duties on Imports. The expenses of the United States Government are paid by internal revenue and taxes on imports. By internal revenue is meant the tax on tobacco, cigars, distilled spirits, fermented liquors, etc. Duties on imports are charged for the support of the Government and for the protection of home industries. Collection Districts. The waters and shores of the United States are divided into collection districts and a collector placed in charge of each of them. Ad Valorem Duty is a tax assessed at certain per cent upon the value of the goods in the country from which they were exported. Specific Duty is a tax assessed at a certain sum per ton, pound, foot, gallon, or other measure without respect to value. Bonded Warehouses. These are places for the storage of goods on which the duties or taxes have not yet been paid. If an importer does not wish to place his goods upon the market at once, he may have them stored in bonded warehouse by giving his bond for the payment of the duties and making the entry in the proper form. BREACH OF TRUST. Breach in law signifies a breaking or a violation of a right or of an obligation or engagement legally binding. If you give a person money, jewels, or valuables to be used by him, for you, for any specific purpose, such as paying a debt for you, or buying some article for you, or delivering them to some one else, and if that person applies the money, etc., to his own use, he is guilty only of a breach of trust. You have no recourse except to sue him for the value of the money or property, provided, however, that he undertook the service without pay. If you pay, or agree to pay, him anything, no matter what the amount, for his services, and he then applies the money or valuables to his own use, he is guilty of embez- zlement, which is a criminal offense. DO GOOD UNTO ALL MEN. 2ti7 HOW TO SECURE AN APPOINTMENT UNDER THE CIVIL SERVICE LAW. i. In 1883 Congress passed a law for the improvement of the civil service in the United States This law provides for three com- missioners appointed by the President. They have genera) charge of filling the vacancies in the various subordinate depart ments at Washington, and in all Custom-houses and postoffices having as many as fifty office- holders. 2. There are over 120,000 clerks in the government employ by whom the business of each ad- ministration is carried on. Abou 5,000 of these are directly ap- pointed by the President; about 15,000 are under what is known as the "Civil Service Rules." Thus it is seen that a great body of officeholders are appointed by the heads of departments. 3. In order to have better serv- ice and secure men according to their fitness rather than party af- filiation, a system of competitive examinations has been organ- ized, and the competitors are required to be examined on the following subjects: I. Orthography, penmanship and copying. 2. Arithmetic fundamental rules, fractions and percentage. 3. Interest, discount and the elements of book-keeping and ac- counts. 4. Elements of the English language, letter writing, and She proper construction of sentences, 5. Elements of the geog *aphy, history and government of the United States. 4. A standing of 65 per cent, in the first three branches is necessary in order to qualify an applicant for an appointment 18 Standard OFFICE SEEKERS WELCOMING A NEWLY ELECTED MEMBER OF CONGRESS ON HIS AEBIVAL, AT WASHINGTON. ^68 BE SURE YOU CAN OBEY GOOD LAWS, Where special qualifications are necessary, special examinations are given. 5. Every applicant must furnish proof that he is of good moral character and in good health. 6. There is a board of examiners in each of the principal cities of the United States, and several examinations are held each year. Several of our States have adopted the principles of the general government, and are employing clerks under their own civil service rules. 7. If you desire to enter an examination, address, "Civil Service Commissioner," Washington, D. C, and you will secure a full set of papers, and complete information as to time and place where the examinations are held, and full instructions for entering same. DOMESTIC POSTAGE. To all parts of the United States; also Canada and Mexico: 1. First-Class. Letters, 2 cents per ounce or fraction thereof; postal cards, i cent each. 2. Second-Class. Newspapers and periodicals, I cent for each 4 ounces or fractional part thereof; special rates for pub- lishers and news agents, I cent per pound. 3. Third-Class. For books, circulars, etc., I cent for each 2 ounces or fraction thereof. 4. Fourth-Class. Merchandise and samples, I cent for each ounce or fraction thereof. 5. Registry Fee. Eight cents additional to reg'^ar postage of first-class matter. VOV T&V TO ALTKk POOR ONE& :!(W 6. Immediate Delivery, Ten cents additional to regulai postage. 7. Postal Money Orders. For orders not exceeding $2.50, 3 cents; $2.50 to $5, 5 cents; $5 to $10, 8 cents; $10 to $20, 10 cents; $20 to $30, 12 cents; $30 to $40, 15 cents; $40 to $50, 18 cents; $50 to $60, 20 cents; $60 to $75, 25 cents; $75 to $100, 30 cents. FOREIGN POSTAGE. The rates of postage to all foreign countries and colonies (ex- cept Canada and Mexico) are as follows: 1. On Letters. Five cents for each half ounce or frac tion thereof. On newspapers, books, pamphlets, photographs, engravings^ and similar printed matter, one cent for each two ounces or frac* tion thereof. 2. Canada and Mexico. Letters, newspapers and printed matter are now carried to Canada and Mexico at the same rates as in the United States. 3. Limits of Size. Samples of merchandise to all postal union countries are admissible to 12 inches in length, 8 inches in width and 4 inches in depth. If they are in the form of a roll* 12 inches in length and 6 inches in diameter. ' 4. Limit of Weight. The general limit of weight is 8# ounces; but by special agreement between the United States and Great Britain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Argentine Republic, Italy, Hawaiian Republic, Austria, Egypt, and the British Colo- nies, except India, Canada and Australia, samples of merchan- dise are admissible in the mails up to 12 ounces in weight. 5. Parcels Posts. Unsealed packages of mailable merchan- dise may be sent by parcels posts to Jamafca, Barbadoes, the Bahamas, British Honduras, Mexico, Hawaiian Republic, Lee- ward Islands, Costa Rica, Colombia, Salvador, British Guiana, Danish West Indies, Windward Islands and Newfoundland at the following rate: For every pound or additional fraction thereof 12 cents. The maximum weight is n pounds. 6. Prepaid Postage. Foreign postage should always be prepaid in stamps of the country from which matter s sent, If not prepaid it is chargeable with double t S70 NO SECRET OF SUCCESS BUT WORK. LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN THE UNITED STATES. Showing at a glance the number of holidays of each State, a well as the number of States observing each holiday. (The letters on the line with each State indicate that the days designated b the same letters on next page are observed as holidays.) Alabama ..... A F r T, M P w Arizona A F, K M v w Arkansas M w California A F, K M P P v w Colorado A F K M P o R v w Hcticut. A A D E F G K K M M P P S w w Georgia 1.! A A C T, E F " J f L T, M M P P Q V w w Idaho A F M v w Illinois A | D E F K M M P p .. V w w Iowa.. 1 . Kansas Kentucky........ Louisiana Maine A A A A B ' E E E F " G K K K K M M M M M M P P P P P Q ' \ M ij v V v w w w w w Maryland Massachusetts. . . Michigan A A .. .. .. E E F, .. G ii K K K M M M P P P .. .. V w w w Minnesota Mississippi .... A A D E K M M P Q V w Missouri Montana Nebraska. Nevada A A A A ' .. E E E F, - K K K K M M M M - P P P 8 M f V v V w w w w New Hampshire. F K M P v w New Jersey New Mexico A A D E F K M M P V w w New York North Carolina.. A A r, D E F J K M M - P v w w North Dakota... A F K M o v w Ohio \ F, M p v w Oklahoma A K M v w Oregon A F M p w Pennsylvania Rhode Island.... South Carolina . . A A A r I) F E F .. G .. .. K K M M M .. P P P Q .. V v v w w w South Dakota.... Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia.... A A A A A A A A C b E E E E E E E K F G I K K k K k L M M M M M M M M N 6 P P P P P P Q v V V V v w w w w w w w w Wisconsin Wyoming A E E K K M M - P P 3 V V w w 5J a* cO W 00 a ot) 'J> 3* a cC -3 3 S .a f* H Sf .Q A March 2, F.. Good Fri., G oT a April 21, I... April 26, J... May 80, K.... J S3 >-s a "3 } S ti S3 Cu 1 xi 1 < 0? 1 0! i H 03 1 p o 1 Thanks'g, W FEW MEN CAN ENDURE GREAT SUCCESS. EXPLANATIONS TO THE LEGAL HOLIDAYS IN THE DIF- FERENT STATES AS GIVEN ON THE PRE- CEDING PAGE. A. New Year's Day, January ist. B. Battle of New Orleans, January 8th. C. Lee's Birthday, January igth. D. Lincoln's Birthday, February I2th. E. Washington's Birthday, February 22d. F. Texan Independence, March 2d. G. Good Friday (day changeable). H. Patriots' Day, April igth. I. Anniversary oi Battle of San Jacinto (Texas), April 2ist. J. Memorial Day, April 26th. North Carolina observes May 10 as Memorial Day. K. Decoration Day, May 30th. L. Jefferson Davis' Birthday, June 3d. M. Independence Day, July 4th. N. Pioneers' Day, July 24th. O. Bennington Battle Day, August i6th. P. Labor Day. The first Monday in September is Labor Day in most States. Florida observes September i2th; California, October 5th; Louisiana, November 25th. Q. Arbor Day. It is set by the Governor in most States, except (i) Texas, February 22d; (2) Nebraska, April 22d; (3) Montana, third Tuesday in April; (4) Utah, first Saturday in April; (5) Rhode Island and Idaho, first Friday in May. R. Admission Day (California), September pth. S. Lincoln Day, October isth. T. Admission Day (Nevada), October 3ist. U. All Saints' Day, November ist. V. General Election Day, first Tuesday after first Monday i November; also State election in Rhode Island. W. Thanks- giving Day, fast Thursday in November. X. Christmas Day, December 25th. N. B. There are no national holidays, not even the Fourth of July, only as they are made such by the different States. Con- gress has at various times appointed special holidays. In the second session of the Fifty-third Congress it passed an act mak- ing Labor Day a public holiday in the District of Columbia, and it has recognized certain days as holidays, for commercial pur- poses, in such legislation as the Bankruptcy act, but with this ex- ception, there is no general statute on the subject. The procla- mation of the President designating a day of Thanksgiving makes it a holiday only in those States which provide for it by law. Ct.. Ind., Kas., Ky., La., Me., Mich., Mont., Neb., N. J., N. H., N. Y., Oreg., S. D. and Va., all have a Public Fast^Day. Met- N. /., Pa., N. Y., have every Saturday afternoon. . 272 GREAT SUCCESS TURNS MOST MEN'S HKAD&, WORKING ON HOLIDAYS. There is no law which says a farm hand or any other laborer shall not work on holidays. Generally the laborer should work on such days if required to do so, or forfeit his right to pay. In many localities it is customary not to work on some of the principal days, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving Day in the East, and the Fourth of July, and still to pay the men their regular wages. If this custom is common and well known in any place, it will probably govern, so that pay can be collected although the work is not done. Of course, ordinary farm chores should be done, as on Sundays, at least. THE FIRST PRINTING I RESS. THE LAW OF NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1. There is no postal law regulating the transactions between publishers and subscribers. The ordinary rules of contract gov- ern all relations between the parties concerned, and the postoffice has no part except to deliver the article, or return it when ordered to do so. 2. If the publisher of any paper or periodical sends his paper or magazine, the postmaster must deliver it, if the person to whom it is sent will take it. If he will not take it, the postmaster must notify the publisher HAVE ONE GOOD BUSINESS AND STICK TO IT. 3. The publisher must collect his subscription the same as any other debt. 4. If a man subscribes for a paper-or periodical for one year, he cannot stop his paper at any time during that year, but at the end of the year he can stop his paper, whether he has paid for it or not. 5. If at the end of the year the publisher continues to send his paper and the subscriber to receive it, the sending is the offer of another year's subscription at the same price, and the taking of the paper out of the postofHce is an acceptance. 6. If a subscriber has by express or implied agreement be- come liable for another year's subscription, he cannot during and before the expiration of that year stop his paper, even by paying up all he owes to the publisher. 7. If the publisher advertises terms of subscription, all par- ties taking the paper under these conditions will be held accord- ing to the conditions. RESPONSIBILITY IN RUNAWAY HORSES AND TEAMS. 1. If a horse naturally quiet to ride and drive is frightened by a railroad train, steam thrasher, or other causes, not undei >:he control of the rider or driver, does any damage, or injures any person or persons, the owner is not responsible. 2. If horses are known to be vicious, or sustain a runaway Deputation, break loose or run away with their driver, or injure any person or persons, the owner is responsible, unless it can be shown that the horses were frightened by some obstacle which would naturally frighten a gentle or ordinarily quiet horse. 3. A person owning or driving a team must always use proper caution and ordinary diligence, in order to escape any damages that may be done in case his team should break loose and run away. 4. If a person enters the barn or pasture of another, and is injured by a vicious horse or bull, it must be shown that the owner used all reasonable means in the care of his animals for ^he safety of his help and neighbors. 5. If a person enters upon the land of another, and is in- jured, he must show good cause for entering upon said land and also prove ordinary caution, in going where cattle and horses were kept CONTENTMENT IS SETTER THAN RICHES. TRESPASSING ANIMALS. If cattle, cr horses, or sheep, or hogs, or chickens, or or any other animals trespass upon the land of a neighbor, the> cannot be injured or killed by the owner of the land upon ' which the trespass is committed, no matter how often repeated The law regulates these matters by damages, and every inno cent person is protected, and generally fully compensated for all damages caused by trespassing animals. Many States and local authorities have laws by which tres- passing animals can be taken up, and either held by the party upon whose land the trespassing is committed or placed in a public corral or pound. They are kept there at the expense of the owner, and damages or fines or both must be paid before the animals can be taken or removed by the owner. FENCE LAWS. 1. Fence laws are generally regulated by State statutes or local authorities. 2. A few general laws are commonly held in all the States. 3. Legal Fence. First find out from the state statute or local law what constitutes a legal fence. A legal fence is generally a four foot fence with sufficient boards or wire, or both, to turn cattle and sheep. 4. If cattle or horses break through fences in -my way defective or neglected, the owner of the cattle or horses doing the damage is not responsible, if it was not his fence, or the injury brought about through his neglect. 5. Every man is compelled to look after his own part oi the fence and keep it in good repair, and look out and restrain his own animals in trespassing upon the lands of another. 6. Owners of adjoining cultivated lands are required to make division fences in common. 7. In erecting a division fence according to law, half of it may be placed upon the adjoining land. No man has a right to build a fence on another man's land, unless there is a law that will permit him to do so. 8. Fences are fixtures that pass with the sale of land. Posts or boards that have been used as fences on a farm, though when the farm is sold are piled up, and not used at the time foi fencing purposes, cannot be removed as personal property. WHAT MAN HAS DONE MAN CAN DO. 275 LAWS OF THE PUBLIC ROAD. 1. Public Roads are those which are laid out and sup- ported by officers entrusted with that power. Their care and control are regulated by the statutes of the different States, and in detail will not be referred to h^ere, as they can be easily looked up by those who desire information so entirely local. 2. Ownership. The soil and the land remains in the owner, who may put the land to any use, and derive from it any profit, not inconsistent with the rights of the public. If the road is at any time discontinued, the land reverts back to the owner 3. Liability. The repairing of highways is usually imposed upon towns, and they are made liable by statute for all dam- ages, against persons or estates, from injuries received or hap- pening in consequence of a neglect of duty on the part of the officers having the same in charge. 4. Laws of the Road. Persons traveling with carriages or vehicles of transportation, meeting on any public way, are required to turn their carriages or wagons to the right of the center of the road, so far as to permit such carriages or wagons to pass without interruption. 5. Runaways. The owner of a runaway horse or horses if negligent, or not exercising due care, is responsible for all damages that may occur. 6. Any unreasonable occupation of the public way, whethei arising out of a refusal to turn out and allow a more rapid ve- hicle to pass, or from an unjustifiable occupancy of such a part of the road as to prevent others from passing, will render the party so trespassing liable for damages to any suffering injuries therefrom. A loaded vehicle must turn out, and allow those to pass who may reasonably and lawfully travel faster. Petition for Laying Out a Road. To the Commissioners of the Town of Lisle, County of Du Page, and State of Indiana. Your petitioners of the town of Lisle would respectfully represent that the public convenience and wants require that a road and highway should be laid and constructed, beginning at the Northwest corner of J. D. Wild's farm, in the town of Lisle, and leading in a direct line South to the town of Bennington. Your petitioners would therefore ask that your honors would Tiew the premises, and locate and construct said road and highway, according to the laws in such cases made and provided, as shown by the Statutes of Si State. (Signatures.) (Signatures.) 276 DOE YE NEXTE THYNGR. THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OWNING A DOQ. 1. Dogs must be kept upon the owner's premises, unless accompanied by the owner or some member of the family. 2. If a dog annoys travelers upon the public highway by scaring horses and frightening children, the owner is responsible for damages. 3. The owner of a dog is responsible for damages caused by his dog trespassing upon the public highway in running after teams or doing other damages. 4. If a dog not accompanied by its owner annoys travelers upon the public highway, he may be killed, without any claim of damages on the part of the owner of the dog. When a dog becomes a nuisance he may be killed anywhere except on the owner's premises. 5. If a dog kills sheep or destroys or injures any other domestic animals, the owner is responsible for damages. 6. Every owner of a savage and dangerous dog must keep him properly chained or otherwise secured that no injury maj be done to others. 7. If a person on a social or business errand is bitten or otherwise injured by a savage dog on the premises of the owner, the owner is responsible. Dangerous animals are not permitted to run at large, even on the owner's own premises, unless he has sufficient safeguards to protect his neighbor* against injury. NEVER GIVE UP ONE JOB UNTIL YOU GET ANOTHER. 277 EARLY CALIFORNIA MINING. LAW GOVERNING MINES AND MINERS. 1. The General Rule. Laws differ in different States and Territories, but there are some general principles and general laws which apply to all States and Territories. The first thing a 1 prospector should do is to find under which laws the Territory or State is governed, and then by inquiry determine the steps necessary in order to legally locate the claim. But the following principles will apply to all unless recent changes have taken place: 2. How to Stake Off a Claim. If there is evidence of mineral in paying quantity, and the property is not owned by a private party, the miner is entitled to stake off the land, and is entitled to it according to the law of the State or Territory in which the ore is found. Caution must be taken to stake off the claim and give correct boundaries, or an application for a patent will be refused. The claim must be located according to law and publication made by inserting the notice in some weekly newspaper for ten consecutive weeks, and a notice must be poste J on a conspicuous part of the claim staked out. 278 STICK TO YOUR FRIENDS IN ADVERSITY. 3. An Adverse Claim. An adverse claim, to be effective, must be made out in proper form and filed in a proper legal office during the period of publication of the application for the patent. The adverse claimant must commence suit in proper form within the required time, and runs a risk if he trusts the un- certainty of the United States Mail. He must set forth in detail the facts on which he bases his adverse claim. 4. A Foreigner. A foreigner may make a mining loca- tion and dispose of it if he becomes a citizen before disposing of the mine. 5- A Prospector. A prospector with a discovery claim is allowed sixty days to sink a discovery shaft to the distance of ten feet. At the place of discovery it is customary to post a notice. Notice of Location. Notice is hereby given, That the undersigned having complied with the requirements of Section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, and the local laws, customs and regulations of this dis- trict, have located fifteen hundred feet in length by six hundred feet in width, on this, the California lode, vein or deposit, bearing gold, silver and other precious metals, situated in Levan Mining District, Juab County, Utah, the location being described and marked on the ground aa follows, to- wit: Commencing at this monument and running 300 feet easterly, thence 1,000 feet southerly, thence 600 feet westerly, thence 1,500 feet northerly, thence 600 feet easterly, thence 500 feet southerly, thence 300 feet westerly to point of beginning; point of discovery and corners being designated by monument, stakes or blazed trees. The above mine is located about four miles up Levan Canyon on the left hand side and about six miles west of the town of Levan. The Mining Claim above described shall be known as the California Mine. Located this 17th day of September, 1901. NAMES OF LOCATORS: Richard Roe. John Doe. 6. Lawful Survey Made. After sinking the shaft ten feet the miner will, if possible, have a competent and lawful survey made. But without a survey a claim will be defined sufficiently to enable a record to be made if it is marked off by stakes driven into the ground or supported by a pile of stone around each. The next step is to have a record made in the recorder's office of that county. 7. The Term. The term of a mining tunnel, ditch or mining company cannot exceed twenty years. No miner has a right to undermine the improvements of another unless by legal permission. A copy of mining laws in each district will be found at the county clerk's oincc in the district where the mine is located. ALL MEN ARE EQUAL, IF UPRIGHT AND HONKST. 279 8. Right of Way. Miners have the right of way across any claim when hauling quartz. Water may be brought across any claim, road or ditch, or other mining improvement, provided ft is so guarded that it does not interfere with the prior rights of another. 9. In Locating a Placer. In locating a placer (that is sur- face or loose dirt) claim, the amount of land is limited to 20 acrea to one person. An association of eight persons may locate 160 acres. 10. Citizens of the United States To secure claims from the government the miner must be a citizen of the United States; or have legally declared his intention to become such. 11. Destroy or Remove Location Stakes. Any person who shall destroy or remove location stakes, except on abandoned property, shall be liable to a fine of $1,000 and one year's im- prisonment. 12. Jumping a Claim. The person jumping a claim owned by another and gaining the same by threats or violence shall be liable to a fine of $250 and imprisonment in the county jail for six months, 13. United States Law. The United States law allows five acres to be taken as a claim for a mill site, but the site must not be upon known mineral lands. Sometimes the district regu- lations restrict the amount to much less dimensions. 14. Change the True Value. Any person engaged in mill- ing, sampling, reducing, shipping or producing ores, who shall knowingly change the true value of the same, whereby the owner of such ore shall not obtain its true value, shall be liable to a fin* of $1,000 and one year's imprisonment 15. 'Salting." "Salting" a claim, that is, taking ore from another mine and placing it in the one that is to be sold, thereby deceiving the purchaser, is punishable by a fine of $1,000 and confinement in the State prison fourteen yean. 16. Liable to a Fine. The superintendent, manager Off owner of a quartz mill, mill furnace or cupel, engaged in ex trading ore, who shall neglect or refuse to account for and pay the owner of the quartz or mineral all sums which shall be due* except such as may be retained for services, shall be liable to a fine of $1,000 and imprisonment not exceeding one year. ETERNITY HAS NO GRAY HAIRS. HOW TO LOCATE A MINE. 1. Who May Locate a Mine. Any person of lawful age who is a citizen of the United States or shall have legally de- clared his intention to become such may locate a mine. 2. Must Be Actually Discovered. A mineral bearing ledge, lode or vein must be actually discovered on the claim it is proposed to locate. 3. The Ground Entitled to. Unless the width is modi- fied by the laws of a local mining district, the ground enti- tled to with a mining claim is 1,500 feet along the ledge by 300 feet each side of the ledge, or 600 feet wide. 4. Point of Discovery. The point of discovery may be within any part of the 1,500 feet. 5. Boundary Description. In the boundary description of a mine use the terms easterly and westerly, northerly and southerly instead of the more positive terms east, west, etc. 6. General Description. Make the general description as short as possible, and mention adjacent or neighboring mines, distance and direction, well-known natural objects, or permanent monuments. 7. Location Notice. Tne location notice must be posted at the point of discovery. The corners of claims must be marked by blazed trees, stakes or monuments. About five days are allowed to post up location notice, and from ten to thirty days to have the same recorded. Record with the district recorder, or if an unorganized mining district, record with the county recorder. If not in actual personal possession of the proposed location, post location notice and have it re- corded as soon as possible. N 8. Assessment Work. To hold a mine $100 worth of assessment work in labor or improvement must be done on it annually, and the calendar year in which to commence the as- sessment work begins with the January following the fractional year in which the location is made. 9. Two or More Locators. Two or more locators on the same ledge may consolidate and do the amount of their combined assessment work on one claim of the group. 10. How to Obtain a Patent. The affidavits of assess ^essment work by two credible witnesses should annually he filed AOVTS THE DAY, AND NOW 3 THE HOUR 281 with the district or county recorder. When $500 worth of as- sessment work has been done on a mine a patent to it may bfl obtained from the Government. MONEY. Definition. Any material that by agreement serves as a medium of exchange and measure of value in trade. The earliest money of our country was wampum, beads, pieces of cloth, corn, cattle, etc. Gold and Silver. Gold and silver have, from the earliest times, been used by all commercial nations as either customary or legalized money. Functions of Money. It is a commodity having a value of its own. It is a common measure of values. It has general exchangeability, and hence is a general medium of exchange. Bullion Gold or silver in bars, or ingots, uncoined. Kinds of Money in Use. Gold coins of $20, $10, $5 and $2^; silver coins of $i, 50 cents, 25 cents and 10 cents; nickel 5 cent coins; cents; United States notes ("greenbacks"). Treasury notes; United States gold certificates, issued upon deposits of gold coin; United States silver certificates, issued upon de- posits of silver dollars; United States currency certificates, issued on deposits of United States notes, to National banks only (issue now suspended) ; National bank notes issued by National banks. Subsidiary Coin. Silver coin of 50 cents, 25 cents and 10 cents. Minor Coin. Nickel 5 cent pieces and cents. Legal Tender. Lawful money ; money which may be of- fered in payment of debts. Gold is the only absolute legal tender in the United States. Silver dollars, greenbacks and Treasury notes, and fractional silver coins in amounts of $10 and less, are a legal tender, except where otherwise stipulated in the contract. Gold certificates, silver certificates, currency cer- tificates and National bank notes are not a legal tender, but are receivable for public dues, except the latter, which are not receivable for custom. Foreign coins are not legal tender in the United States. Sound Money. Standard money ; no depreciated dollars. Fiat Money. The doctrine that the Government can make 82 MANY A LITTLE MAKES A MICKLE. paper, leather or any other material into money by simply putting its stamp upon it, without reference to its redemption in coin. Amount in Circulation. From a report of the Secretary of the Treasury, the following interesting items are taken: The amount of money in circulation in our country in 1860 was $435,407,252; in 1880 it had reached $973,382,228; in 1890, $1,429,251,270, and in 1896, $1,506,434,966. In 1860 the circu- lation per capita was $13.85; in 1880, $19.41; in 1890, $22.82, and in 1896, $21.10. The Monetary Question. The question of what should be the medium of exchange has in the last few years grown into a problem of such magnitude that it has resulted in the formation of what is practically a political party. MINTS. Definition. A mint is a place where the coin of a country is manufactured, and from which it is issued by sovereign or public authority. First Mints. The first United States mint was established at Philadelphia by the coinage act of April 2, 1792. The first coinage of the United States was silver half-dimes and copper cents. The first building erected in the United States for public use, under the authority of the Federal Government, was a structure for the United States mint. This was a plain brick building and was occupied for forty years. Branches. Branches of the Philadelphia mint were organ- ized at New Orleans, Dahlonega, Ga., and Charlotte, N. C, in 1835; San Francisco, Cal., in a854, and at Carson City, Nev., in 1870. Those at Dahlonega and Charlotte have been given up. Mint Marks. These are letters or marks on the coin designating the mint at which it was struck, as "S" for San Francisco; "C. C." for Carson City; "O" for New Orleans. The coins struck at the parent mint in Philadelphia bear no mint mark. Assay Offices. These are places where coins are examined to determine their economic value. Assay offices are located at Boise City, Idaho, Charlotte, N, C., Helena, Mont., New York and St. Louis. An assayer in charge is appointed over each of these offices. ORDER IS HEAVEN' 3 FIRST LAW.~ 285 PARLIAMENTARY RULES. A Complete Set of Parliamentary Rules and Usages for Public Meetings, Political Gatherings and Debating Societies. CONDUCTING PUBLIC MEETINGS. In every community it is necessary to hold public meet- Ings from time to time, and in order to expedite the pro- ceedings of such meetings, as well as to settle matters of dispute, it is necessary that rules of proceeding? be adopted. In order to be able to take an intelligent int:rest and part in such meeting, it is essential that young and old be informed on the most important points of parliamentary rules. Ladies. This does not include men only, for we are living in a time when women are called upon to carry on a public meeting as well as men. Then, again, women are taking a much more active part in public affairs than formerly. The following suggestions, together with the three hundred points of order, if carefully followed, will be very helpful in conducting any public meeting. The chairman selected should be a man of maturity and one held in general respect and confidence. Any person of standing may call the meeting to order, and put the motion for the election of chairman. Upon taking the chair, a few remarks by the chairman are generally expected. The chairman should have a clear voice, positiveness of manner and self possession. When a motion is presented to the meeting and seconded, it should be stated or read by the secretary or chairman, and remarks called for. After debate, the motion should be put to the meeting, the chairman announcing the result No speaker should be interrupted unless his remarks are out 01 order, when he should be called to order by the chair. If the chairman fails to call him to order any member may do so. 19 Standard. 284 BETTER TO DESERVE SUCCESS THAN TO BAVS IT, Any violation of rules must be recognized and checked by the presiding officer, or demoralization must result. When a member is called to order by the president, he should take his seat, unless he is permitted to explain. It is the privilege of any member to call for the yeas and nays and thus put on record the vote of every member. OVER THREE HUNDRED POINTS OF ORDER. Trace up each reference at the right, and then look up the corresponding numbers on opposite page, which -will give the full information desired. Forms in which questions may be put 28, 29, 30, 81, 82 Questions of precedence of questions 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Motion to withdraw a motion 1,5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16 To take up a question out of its proper order , 1,5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16 Motion to take from the table. 1,5,7,11,12,14,16 Motion to suspend the rules 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16 To substitute in the nature of an amendment 8, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion to make subject a special order 3, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16 Question whether subject shall be discussed 1, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 Motion that committee do not rise ' 1,5,7, 10,13, 14, 16 Motion to refer a question 3,6,8,10,13,14,16 Motion to reconsider an undebatable question 1, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 18 Motion to reconsider a debatable question 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16 Reading papers. 1,5,7, 9, 13,14,16 Questions of privilege 3,5,8, 9, 13, 14, 16 Questions touching priority of business 1,5,8, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion for previous question 1,5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion to postpone indefinitely 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion to postpone to a definite time 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion for the orders of the day 1,5,7, 9,13,15,17 Objection to consideration of question 1, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17 Motion tolimit debate on question 1,5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 16 Motion to lay on the table 1,5, 7, 11, 13/14, 16 Leave to continue speaking after indecorum 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion to extend limits of debate on question 1,5,8, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion to commit 3,6,8, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion to close debate on question 1,5,8, 9,12,14,16 Call to order . 1,5,7, 9,13,15,17 Motion to appeal from Speaker's decision generally 8, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 17 Motion to appeal from Speaker's decision re indecorum 1, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17 Motion to amend the rules 8,5,8, 9, 12, 14, 16 Motion to amend an amendment 3, 5, 7, 9, 18, 14, 16 Motion to amend 8, 5, 8, 9, 18, 14, 16 Motion to determine time to which to adjourn 2, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16 Motion to adjourn 1,5,7,10, 13, 14, 16 1. Question undebatable; sometimes remarks tacitly allowed. 2. Undebatable if another question is before the assembly-, 3. Debatable question. 4. Limited debate only on propriety of postponement. 6. Does not allow reference to main question. 6. Opens the main question to debate. 7. Cannot be amended. 8. May be amended. FAITHFUL IN LEAST, FAITHFUL IN MUCH. 285 9. Can be reconsidered. 10. Cannot be reconsidered. 13. An affirmative vote on this question cannot be reconsidered. 12. Requires two-thirds vote, unless special rules have been enacted. 13. Simple majority suffices to determine the question. 14. Motion must be seconded. 15. Does not require to be seconded. 16. Not in order when another has the floor. 17. Always in order though another may have the floor. 18. May be moved and entered on the record when another has the floor, but the business then before the assembly may not be put aside. The motion must be made by one who voted with the prevailing side, and on the same day the original vote was taken. 19. Fixing the time to which an adjournment may be made; ranks first. 20. To adjourn without limitation; second. 21. Motion for the Orders of the Day; third. 22. Motion to lay on the table; fourth. 23. Motion for the previous question; fifth. 24. Motion to postpone definitely; sixth. 25. Motion to commit; seventh. 26. Motion to amend; eighth. 27. Motion to postpone indefinitely; ninth. 28. On motion to strike out words, "Shall the words stand part of the motion?" anless a majority sustains the words they are struck out. 29. On motion for previous question the form to be observed is: "Shall the main question be now put?" This, if carried, ends debate. 30. On an appeal from the chair's decision, "Shall the decision be sustained as the ruling of the house?" The chair is generally sustained. 31. On motion for Orders of the Day. "Will the house now proceed to the Orders of the Day?" This, if carried, supersedes intervening mo- tions. 32. When an objection is raised to considering question, "Shall the Question be considered?" objection may Tbe made by any member before debate has commenced, but not subsequently. POINTS WORTH REMEMBERING. Except in vote by ballot, the chairman can vote only when the meeting is equally divided, or when his vote given to the minority would make the division equal. That speaker is listened to with attention who speaks only when he has something to say. Speak on the question before the meeting. Make your point and stop when you have made it. Any ruling by the chairman may be appealed from and decided by a vote of the house. When several persons rise and claim the chairman's atten- tion at the same time, preference should be given to the one who first caught the chairman's eye. The chairman is the servant and not the master of the house. When a point of order is raised the person speaking should cease and wait the decision of the chair. To get rid of an undesirable chairman the house may refuse to do any business or may adjourn. 286 MAKE EVERY ARTICLE RELIABLE, COUNTERFEITING, GAMBLING, BETTING AND SWINDLING. HOW TO DETECT COUNTERFEIT HONEY. 1. A Counterfeit is a fac-simile of the genuine, or madi as nearly like it as possible. A spurious note is different in de- sign from the genuine and is calculated to pass where the genu- ine is not much known. An altered note is one altered from a lower to a higher denomination. Piecing is done by making ten notes or bills out of nine, by cutting a counterfeit note into ten pieces. 2. There are two silk threads through the bill lengthwise^ one near the top and ore near the bottom. By holding it up to the light you can easily see the threads in each bill. This is one of the best tests of a genuine bill, because no counter- feiter can put in the silk threads and imitate the genuine bill in that respect* 3. See that the portraits are good, and notice that the pupil and the white of the eye show distinctly. Then see that the sky and water are clearly transparent. In counterfeit notes the pictures are always poor and the sky, water, etc., look scratchy and irregular. 4. The ink used in genuine notes is very difficult to imitate. It gives a clear, glossy expression, while counterfeiter's ink looks dull, smutty and muddy. 5. The paper of a counterfeit is always of an inferior quality, while the government has the best and most perfect systerr of manufacturing the highest grade of paper. 6. Examine the medallion rulings and circular ornaments around the figures with a microscope, and see if they are regular and in all parts mathematically exact. This is done by a ma- chine that costs from $75,000 to $150,000, and consequently is *OFFICE OF TREASURY, U. S., Oct. 5, 1897, The present issue of notes has distinctive fibres distributed across and near the ends of the notes. Former issues had fine silk threads running; tocjrthwise of the paper near the top ^nd the bottom of the notes. ELLIS H ROBERTS. Treasurer, U, 8, TRUST IN GOD AND KEEP TOUR POWDER DRY. 287 beyond the reach of counterfeiters. Engravings by hand can never imitate this work. These medallion \,nes, or rulings, can i>e traced by means of a line through the figures, never breaking or losing itself in another line. In counterfeit it is always broken and irregular. 7. Notes are altered by raising the denomination by taking out the genuine with acid and printing in a higher denomination with a counterfeit die. They can be easily detected by the stain which the acid produces with which the figures are taken out. 8. Never Be in a Hurry in Taking Money. Look at it carefully, and never hand a bill of large denomination to a show- man, especially at the tent of these traveling circuses or at the door of cheap theaters. If they have counterfeit money they will not hesitate to mix it up in the change they return to you. GAMBLING AND BETTING. 1. Every Device that suddenly changes money or prop- erty from one person to another without leaving an equivalent produces individual embarrassment often extreme misery. More pernicious is that plan, if it changes property and money from the hands of the many to the few. 2. Inflicts Injury. Gambling does this, and often inflicts a still greater injury, by poisoning its victims with vice that eventually leads to crimes of the darkest hue. Usually, the money basely filched from its victims is the smallest part of the injury inflicted. It almost inevitably leads to intemperance. Every species of offense on the black catalogue of crime may be traced to the gambling table, as the entering wedge to its perpetration. 3. Innocent Amusement. To the fashionable of our coun- try, who play cards and other games as an innocent amuse- ment, we may trace the most aggravated injuries resulting from gambling. It is there that young men of talent, edu- cation and wealth, take the degree of entered apprentice. The example of men in high life, men in public stations and respon- sible offices, has a powerful and corrupting influence on society, and does much to increase the evil, and forward, as well as sanction, the high-handed robbery of finely dressed blacklegs. The gambling hells in our cities, tolerated and patronized, are a 288 THE TRUTH WILL OUT, disgrace to a nation bearing a Christian name, and would be banished from a Pagan community. 4. Variety of Forms. Gambling assumes a great variety 01 forms, from the flipping of a cent in the bar room for a glass \,i whiskey up to the splendidly furnished faro bank room, where men are occasionally swindled to the tune of "ten thousand a year," and sometimes a much larger amount. In addition to these varieties, we have legalized lotteries and fancy stock brokers, and among those who manage them professors of religion are not unfrequently found. 5. Gaming. Gaming cowers in darkness, and often blots out all the nobler powers of the heart, paralyzes its sensibilities to human woe, severs the sacred ties that bind man to man> to woman, to family, to community, to morals, to religion, to social order, and to country. It transforms men to brutes, desperadoes, maniacs, misanthropists, and strips human nature of all its native dignity. The gamester forfeits the happiness of this life, and endures the penalties of sin in both worlds. 6. Betting on the Races. Look for greatness and good- ness on the race track. Where is it to be found? The men who have paved their way to the front in achieving success have never been the companions of jockies or gamblers. Those who follow the races will live to seriously regret their folly. 7. Shun the Monster. Let me entreat all to shun the monster, under all his borrowed and deceptive forms. Re- membtr that gambling for amusement is the wicket gate into the labyrinth and when once in, you may find it difficult to get out. Ruin is marked in blazing capitals over the door of the gambler; his hell is the vestibule to that eternal hell where the worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. 8. Terrible Consequences. The youth should not forget that if he is onc"e taken in the coils of this vice, the hope of extricating himself, or of realizing his visions of wealth and happiness, is exceedingly faint. He has no rational grounds to expect that he can escape the terrible consequences that are inseparably connected with sin. If he does not become bankrupt in property he is sure to become so ip character and in moral principle; he becomes a debauched, debased, friendless vagabond. DISHONEST MEN CONCEAL THEIR FAULTS. 289 SWINDLING SCHEMES. Six Practical Rules to Remember. 1. Beware of the Swindler. He is everywhere and in all kinds of business. 2. Never sign a paper of any kind for a stranger. Make every man unknown f> you, who desires to do business with you, prove .o you, beyond a doubt, that his business is legitimate and that he acts within the limits of his authority. 3. Never try to beat a man at his own game. The sharpers at every fair and circus and other places where people in large numbers congregate will always offer you great inducements with cards, dice, wheels of fortune, etc. They will urge you to bet on a certain card or number and show you how one dollar could have won $20.00 or $100.00; but when you bet your money, you never win. 4. Never bet or gamble. In trying to get something for nothing, we too often find ourselves the victims of confidence and swindling schemes. Honesty is the best policy, always has been and always will be. 5. Never try to get the best of a sharper by buying a box, watch-case, or anything else in which you have seen hin* put a $10 or $20 bill. d Deal with responsible parties, or see that the arti^k s worth the price before paying for it, and you will never suffer the mortification of being swindled. HONEST MEN KNOW AND CONFESS THEM. THE CARD SWINDLER'S TRICKS. How People Lose Their Hard-Earned Money. 1. The Three-Card Monte Trick. The three-card monte game is, of course, the old one and the best one known to get the greenhorn's money. 2. The successful three-card monte player generally appears in the disguise of a farmer or cattle man, he speaks in the farmer's tone and acts in the farmer's manner and is dressed in the farmer's style. He appears ignorant and manifests more or less intoxication. Generally has his pockets full of rolls of money. 3. The Game. The cards are three in number and are made especially stiff so that they will hold a corner when turned. 4. The Capper. Every monte player has a capper. A capper is a green, ignorant looking man, who always plays the game and wins a great deal of money. This is done to induce others to play the game. The capper and gamblers are general- ly in partnership. 5. The first turn the capper wins. Then he turns the corner of a card when the player is not looking, and his friend thinking he has a sure thing bets on the card. In manipulating them the player flattens that card, with some sleight-of-hand movement, and turns the corner of another. The betting man of course picks up the wrong card and loses his money. 6. The capper sometimes marks the card by putting a wet Spot on it, and the man who bets on that card finds that the spot GAMBLING IS AS FASCINATING A8 A RATTLESNAKE. 291 from the right card has been wiped off and the spot put on an )ther card by the same sort of sleight-of-hand performance. 7. There are some three-card monte players that are such experts at the game that the capper will tear off the corner of a card, and the innocent farmer betting on the card thus marked finds it has been turned under the corner of another card and the corner of the right card is covered up with the corner of another card. 8. Beware. The man who is fooling with cards and offer- ing to bet is not fooling away his money. You will never win anything in that way. Do not try to get something for nothing and think you have a snap; for if you play the game with some one else you will soon become a wiser but a pooler man. THE PATENT FENCE SWINDLE. It 5s an old but true maxim, that "experience is an expensive teacher," but many will learn in no other way. The wire and picket fence combination is a good article for fencing gardens* etc., too expensive, hov/ever, for general use. An agent, very nicely dressed, meets you in your garden or field, and shows you extensive engravings of the patent combina- tion fence. He warrants the fence to be just as represented, 44 pickets to the rod, well painted, firmly fastened by six gal- vanized steel wires, etc. All of this he agrees to furnish at the low price of 20 cents per rod. After convincing you of the cheapness of the fence, which is easily done, he offers you a special discount to take the agency for your township, for which you are to advance your credit to the amount of $128. After securing your note he sends you a sample of the fence. But you soon find that the fence cannot be made for any such price per rod, and you are out of the amount of credit advanced. The note has been sold, and after passing into the hands of an innocent party it can be collected. 1. Caution. The fence is a Patent Right Fraud. Any man who asks you to sign a note to secure an agency is a Swindler, or ij acting the part of a rascal for some one else. 2. If the fence was not a fraud, our hardware merchant! Would long ago have investigated it, and if a good thing, would 292 THROW DICE, BUT THROW THE?f AWAY have it in stock. It must be a poor concern that necessitates such an unbusinesslike introduction. 3. Whoever deals with an agent deals with him at his own risk, for an agency can be revoked at any time. 4. Most of those swindling contracts are for no specified time and consequently the agency can be terminated at the pleas- ure of the swindler. 5. Never sign a paper for an agent without satisfactory knowledge of his character, or of his business. THE FARn-flACHINERY SWINDLE. The latest scheme for fleecing unwary farmers is as follow: A plausible, well-dressed fellow drives up to the farmer's house with two or three different kinds of farm-machinery, and asks permission to store his machines in the farmer's barn, and the accommodating farmer usually gives permission. After the machines are stored away, the sharper remarks that they are the last of a large lot that he has been selling through the country, and that he is anxious to close out the con- signment, ana if the farmer will sell two or mere of the machines while they are stored in the barn, he shall have 50 per cent, com- mission on the sale. The offer is a tempting one, and the farmer usually accepts. He is then requested, merely as a business form, to affix his signature to a document, specifying the terms on which the machines are stored on the premises. The farmer signs a lengthy printed document without reading it, or perhaps if read without understanding it. At the expiration of thirty dvys ue is astounded by finding himself called upon by another A FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED. 293 .stranger to pay an exorbitant price for the machines stored in his barn. When the farmer objects, he is shown his signa- ture attached to an agreement, which agreement, his lawyer tells him, is drawn in good legal form. The victims of this game usually lose from $200 to $500. ALWAYS READ BEFORE SIGNING. Among the pithy sayings of a well-known German philoso- pher and reader occurs the following: "Sign no paper without reading it." In these days of education, enlightenment and progress, such a caution would hardly seem necessary to any person in the full possession of his faculties; yet it is astonishing how many people there are, including good business men, who attach their signatures to papers or documents whose contents may have a serious bearing upon themselves or their affairs, with scarcely a glance at their contents. Carelessness in failing to acquaint themselves with the contents of a paper before signing it has worked incalculable harm to thousands of well intentioned people. It is a good thing, therefore, to bear in mind contin- uously the above quotation, particularly with respect to such papers as express or imply anything in the nature of a contract or a legal obligation. THE ENVELOPE SWINDLE. 1,' The envelopes filling an ordinary box each have slips in- closed marked with numbers corresponding with numbers in a show case. There are generally numerous cappers around a game of this kind who play and win large prizes. 2. Many of the envelopes contain a double ticket and the man who plays the game generally opens the envelopes himself when there is nothing at stake and shows you the winning num- ber, but when you draw it he will show you the other slip thaf contains the other number and you are the loser. 3. Many of these players give a lot of brass or silver washed prizes that are worth about two or three cents apiece. 4. If you desire to make money, remember that the man who plays games does not go around the country giving away money, but they are generally the sharpest and shrewdest of gamblers, and if you desire to be safe have nothing to do with them, and remember, "that an honest man never gambles.' 1 294 ^JV I.D.L.& BRAIN BREEDS IDLE THOUGHTS. 8 -c S S qj .S2 'O K CU C ** bo g 2 I b C rt rt 2 .s ~ 6 s 5 o w 8 1 ^ en G O O, 3 CX 3 O S a S e I C 53 3 .s 3 o JS.B.V;? CD ,G . o O *) O Si s 5 : , ? SI i c 8 -5 w ,^3 M -2 '& rt ^ ^3 u G O- o rt rt 2 P CU 10 w 6 'S 5 *O w U '^ -C 6 G a> "- o J3 O J3 > ^ in O u ^ 8 -| lil ^3 O G bJo ** w I-'*"* S 3 ^ 3 - G C P-- 8 S s s . & 3 " "S *- CL) C ^ G >i 5 *3 ^ x 8 a o 3 flj ^^ i: bo c - C c V.| (X G - ^ <^ -S2 -5 3 w rt *G vH g it "it S-" "F" I I .> I -s ^ OT !! S S .S ^ o- a, rQ *- cj 3 5 2 T3 c T3 . ^ s 1 -^ G > -i d 5 u rt rt _ G ^2 0) O II S.2 PERSEVERANCE CONQUERS ALL THINGS, 295 COUNTERFEIT MONEY SWINDLE. This scheme has long been practiced in different parts of tht? country, yet the victims are numerous, hundreds being adde before the 7, or some other figure, making the amount 67 cents per foot instead of 7 cents, as signed and agreed upon. 2. A swindling note is generally obtained, and the contract is kept in the background; but when the collector comes along and presents the note backed by the contract in plain figures, the farmer sees that he himself has been struck by lightning while trying to protect his house. 3. The note is generally in the hands of an innocent party, and according to law may be collected. 4. The agent canvassing the victim generally promises that the rodding of the house shall not cost over $28.00 or $35.00. But that man, however, never appears on the scene again. 5. Never deal with irresponsible persons. If you desire rods, employ your hardware merchants; or if you desire anything in the machinery line, patronize honest and trusted dealers, and take no chances of "being taken in." 293 COUNT THE DA Y LOST WHOSE LO W DESCENDING SU.V DON'T 1EY TO GET SOMETHING FOE NOTHING. THE CHEAP JEWELRY SWINDLE. Experience has proven again and again that there is nothing gained BY TRYING TO BEAT A MAN AT HIS OWN GAME and succeed in getting something for nothing. The auctioneer starts out, after getting a crowd about him, by giving back to the purchasers more money than they paid for the article, but this does not generally last long. Higher priced articles are soon put up, such as watches, etc., and the price raised from 50 cts., or $1.00 to $10.00 or $20.00. The pur- chaser sees the seller stick a $20.00 bill or a $50.00 bill into the watch and close it up, and so sure are the spectators that they saw the money go into the watch that there is no lack of pur- chasers. But when the watch is purchased and opened it con- tains a $1.00 bill instead of a $20.00, and the purchaser is i wiser, but not a richer man. VIEWS FROM THY HAND NO WORTHY ACTION DONS. oJDookkeemnq, r cJ HOW TO LEARN BOOKKEEPING. 1. Mathematics. Bookkeeping is purely a branch of mathe- matics, and every one should be familiar with the rules and prin- ciples of common arithmetic. 2. Ignorance. It is lamentably true that people do busi- ness all thair lives, settle accounts and transact various kinds- of business, and never know anything about the first princi- ples of bookkeeping. They settle all their accounts accord- ing to somebody else's bookkeeping. There is no excuse for the younger generation to be ignorant of the principles of bookkeeping. It is easily acquired and may be self-taught if a young man or woman has any degree of perseverance. 3. How to Learn. If you cannot get book-keeping in the common or public school, secure some primary work on book- keeping and devote your evenings to study, and you will be surprised at your progress. You can easily, if necessary, secure the assistance of some one that is familiar with the subject But this will be scarcely needed, as the subject of bookkeep- iug is simple as well as interesting. 4. Necessity for Bookkeeping. The particular neces- sity for bookkeeping is to preserve a record of such ex- changes as would otherwise be trusted to memory; although its ultimate purpose embraces other important results. Book- keeping is nothing more nor less than a history of business; a record of business transactions. 5. A Successful Man. A man who is successful in busi- ness invariably keeps a correct record of his transactions. He does not depend upon the merchant or lumberman with whom he deals, but he has all his own records correctly kept and by that means proves every account of those with whom he deals. Keep your own accounts; do your own figuring and never trust to the accounts or figures of others. It is the only sure road to success, 300 STEADY APPLICATION, " PEGGING AT IT." RULES FOR BOOK-KEEPING. i. The Law of Debit and Credit The first thing that a student must learn in book-keeping is the law of Debit and Credit. Debit and Credit are terms used to express the relation which exists between persons or commodities that enter into any business transaction. The simplest meaning of debit is to charge, and of credit to trust. 3. Cash. Cash is a title used to designate money. We include under it currency, bank checks, sight drafts, postal orders, etc. 3. Merchandise. Merchandise includes all goods and wares dealt in by the concern as a business, and which are in store or .stock. 4. Bills Payable. Bills payable are our notes or writ- ten obligations which others hold, for which we are to pay a certain amount when due. If you give your note it is a Bill Payable. 5 . Bills Receivable. Bills receivable are other persons' notes or written obligations, which we hold, for which we are to receive a specified sum when due. 6. Debit and Credit Side. When anything is received or bought, it is always placed on the left hand or debtor side; when money is paid or anything sold, the amount is always placed on the right hand or credit side of the account. If a man buys goods on credit, you charge him, and he then is a debtor. When he pays the amount, he then is credited in the books. 7. The Day Book. The Day Book affords a regular daily history of the business. The Day Book simply states what "has been done and is called in law the Original Book of Entry. The form of the Day Book is simple and direct, first giving the name of the person to be debited or credited with the fact of "Dr." or "Cr.," and next, the detail of the purchase, sale or payment, with the final extension of the amount in the proper Column. ( . 8. The Ledger. The Ledger is simply a classification of accounts. It places all the accounts together that belong under the same heading. (See Ledger.) 9. Posting. The student will first copy the Day Book with much care, then post the items to the Ledger indicating TOIL AND HOPE IN EARLY LIFE. 301 in the margin of the Day Book the page or number of the iccount in the Ledger, as shown in the written-up set next con- struct a Day Book and Ledger of your own from material thu? selected, and you will soon master the subject of bookkeeping. SYSTEMS. There are two systems of bookkeeping. Single Entry and Double Entry. In Single Entry, accounts are opened only with individuals, the books used being the Day Book and the Ledger. In Double Entry, business transactions are recorded so that each entry has a debit and a credit of equal amounts. Here ac- counts are kept with both persons and things. MODERN BOOKKEEPING. With the increase of business and the resulting increase of labor in keeping books the tendency in recent times is to simplify and to make practical the methods of keeping accounts. Whatever tends to save labor and at the same time gives the business man an insight into his financial standing is accepted in preference to the old methods. What concerns the business man most is what he owes others, what others owe him, and what he possesses. Modern bookkeeping varies greatly from the old systems. The immense business of the department stores of our large cities has tended greatly to simplify the keeping of accounts. Since every line of business has its own peculiar features, it is more important that the young man learn the underlying principles of good bookkeeping, and then these can be adapted to any line of business. There should constantly be an effort to use labor-saving methods, at the same time facili- tating the ascertaining of gains and losses and of taking bal- ances. LEGAL POINTS ON BOOKKEEPING. Practical Suggestions for Business Men. 1. The Day Book, or other books of original entries, is evidence of sale and delivery of goods, and work done. 2. The time to make an entry against the purchaser it the goods are ready for delivery. 302 EVERT TUB MUST STAND ON ITS OWN BOTTOM. 3. Entries, to be admissible as evidence, should be made by the proper person, and made without erasure, alterations or interlineation,s. 4. Mistakes should be corrected by marking the wrong entry void, and then making a correct entry, or if there is sufficient room, make a brief explanation. 5. All accounts must be itemized, and no general charge can be considered as evidence without giving the items. 6. If A. guarantees that he will see that B. will pay a certain bill of goods, then the goods must be charged to A. and not to B., but if A. guarantees the account of B., if the account is for some date of the past, then such a guarantee must be in writing. 7. To collect a debt on the evidence of book account, from a person in a distant place, a copy of the account should be made out, and accompanied with an affidavit, setting forth that the above account is correctly taken from the book of original entries, and that the charges were made at or about the time of their respective dates, that the goods were sold and delivered at or about the time the charges were made, and the charges are correct, and accounts just, and that the person named is not entitled to any credits not mentioned in the account. This affidavit should be sworn to before a magistrate, commissioner or notary public, and it will save the trouble of producing or sending books. HOW TO DETECT ERRORS IN A TRIAL BALANCE. No rule or set of rules can be given for the certain detection of all errors in a Trial Balance, save a careful review of the entire work. If the errors are few the following rules may be of service: If the error be exactly $i, $100, $1,000, etc., the mistake is very likely to be found in the additions either in the Ledger accounts or in the Trial Balance. 2. If the error is a large amount, see that all the amounts have been entered in the Trial Balance. 3. If an amount has been omitted in posting, the Trial Bal- ance will be out just that amount. Look for the amount in Jour- nal or other books. BONOR AND PROFIT ARE NOT ALWAYS IN THR SAME SACK. 30$ 4. The Cash Balance can never be on the credit side. The balance of Bills Receivable should never be on the credit side, nor the balance of Bills Payable on the debit side of the ac- count. 5. If tne amount has been posted on the wrong side of the Ledger the Trial Balance will be just twice that amount out of balance. Look for half that amount through the books. 6. If the error is divisible by 9, it is very likely that the mistake was made by a transposition of figures as, 345 posted 453 makes an error of 108, which is divisible by 9, again 753 posted 735 makes an error of 18, also divisible by 9. Errors ol transposition are the most difficult to find. 7. If the error is in the dollar column or cents column only, the columns on the left need not be re-added. 8. If the above rules fail, only a careful review of the entire work, checking each entry, will determine where the mistake ha* been made. TRANSACTIONS. This Set IB Written Up In the Following Pages. July 1. Commenced business -with the following resources: Cash, $1,000; Merchandise, $500. Total investment, $1,500. June 2. Sold A. C. Knox, on <#, 5 bbls. Flour @ $5. Sold Frank Fisher 25 Ibs. Coffee, @ 20? ; 15 Ibs. Oolong Tea, @ 80?. Received cash on jc $10 Paid for drayage on merchandise $5. July 8. Bought of David Spencer, on fc, 50 bushels Apples, @ 50? ; 100 bush- els Potatoes, @ $1. Sold D. N. Brown, on <#, 3 bbls. Flour, @ $5 ; 10 bushels- Apples, @ 75?. T -8old A. C. Knox, on <#. 2 bbls. Flour, @ $5 ; 25 bushels Potatoes. 6 $1.25. Received cash on ^ $30. Paid for postage stamps, $10. July 5. Sold G. W. Williams, on ", 25 bushels Potatoes, @ $1.25 ; 20 bushelt Apples @ 75?. July 5. Paid David Spencer on (1 k $50. Received of A. C. Knox on a k $10. July 6. Bought of G. N. Hudson, on % 10 bbls. Mess Pork, @ $15. Paid David Bpcncer on qfe $20. July 3. Sold A. N. Peters, on fc, 5 bbls. Mess Pork, @ $18. Sold H. C. Btockbridge, on <#, 10 Ibs. Oolong Tea, @ 80?; 10 bushels Apples, @ 75?.-Re- ceived cash of G. W. Williams in full of *>, $48.25. Paid for help around thfc store $12. July 9. Sold Chas. E. Henker 5 bbls. Mess Pork, @ $17. Received cash on, same $50. Paid David Spencer on t- $20. July lO.-Sold A. N. Peters, 20 bushels Potatoes, @ $1.20, on <#. Received of H. C, Stockbridge, cash on % $10. July 11. Sold D. N. Brown, on <, 10 bushels Apples @ 7(tf. Sold Frank Fisher on <#, 5 bushels Potatoes @ $1.20. July 12. Received of A. N. Peters, cash on fc, $100. Received of D. N. Jrown, cash on % $25. July 13. Paid G. N.Hudson, cash in full of fc, $150. Received of D. H. Brown on % $5.00. July 15. Inventory : Merchandise on hand, $625. 304 THERE 18 ALWAYS WORK FOR SKILLED HANDS. DAY BOOK. July 1. Commenced business with the following resources : Cash $1000. Merchandise 500. $1500. (1) A. C. Knox t Dr. To 5 bblt. Flour, @ $5.00, 25 (2) Frank Fisher, Dr. To 25 Ibs. Coffee, @ 20c, # 5.00 "15 " Oolong Tea, @ 80c. 12.00 Cr 17 (*) By Cash on account 10 (5) David Spencer, Cr. By 50 bu. Apples, @ 50c, $ 25.00 * 100 " Potatoes, @ $1.00 100.00 125 .. (4) D. N. Brown, Dr. To 3 bbls. Flour. @ $5.00, $15.00 " 10 bush. Apples, 75c, 7.50 22 .-><> (1) A. C. Knox. Dr. To 2 bbls. Flour, @ $5.00 $10.00 " 25 bush. Potatoes, @ $1.25 t 31.25 41 25 (1) By cash on account 30 (5) G. W. Williams, Dr. To 25 bu. Potatoes. @ $1.25, $31.25 "20 " Apples,(&75c, 15.00 46 25 (5) David Spencer, Dr. . To Cash paid him on account 50 U) A. C. Knox, Cr. By Cash on account 10 (*) G. N. Hudson, Cr. By 10 bbls. Mess Pork, @ $15.00. 150 TO HIM THAT HA'IH SHALL BE GIVEN. DAY BOOK. (5) July 6. David Spencer, Dr. To Cask paid on account 20 (7) A. N. Peters, Dr. To 5 bbls. Mess Pork, @ $ 18.00, 90 H. C. Stockbridge, Dr. To 10 Ibs. Oolong Tea, @ 8oc % $8.00 " 10 bush. Apples^ @ 75c, 7.50 I 15 5O (5) 0. W. Williams, Or. By Cash in full of account 46 2! (*) Chas. E. Henker, Dr. To 5 bbls. Mess Pork, @ $17.00, /"V 85 (9) By Cash on above 50 (5) David Spencer, Dr. To Cash paid on account 20 (7) A. N. Peters, Dr. To 20 bush. Potatoes, @ $1.20, 24 () H. C. Stockbridge, Or. By Cash on account 10 ) D. N. Brmtm, Dr. To 10 bush. Applet, @ 70c, 7 (a) Frank Fisher, Dr. To 5 bush. Potatoes, @ $130, 6 (7) A. N. Peters, Or. By Cash on account M 100 ) D. JV. Brown, Or. By Cash on account 25 (t 7 17.50 i " 100, 44 i. 7 it 1.75 M II 8, 44 it 7 M 14 II II 1,000, 29 days " 7 II 5.64 II M 100, 29 " it 7 II 56 M II 8, 29 " .. 7 14 05 Interest on amount $103.20 EXAMPLE: Find the interest on $1,024 for 1 year, 7 months, 19 days, at 4Vi per cent. From table interest on $1,000, for 1 year, at 9 per cent, $ 90.00 20, " " M " 9 " 1.80 4, " 9 " .36 Interest on $1.000. for T mos., at 9 per cent., 52.50 20, 9 1.05 4. M " " "9 " .21 Interest on $1,000, for 19 days, at 9 per cent,, 4.75 20, " 9 " .10 4, " 9 M .02 Interest at 9 per cent..... $150.79 Interest at 4 Vi per cent.=$75.40 Ans. 316 FAITHLESS TO HOMESPUW, DISLOYAL TO BROADCLOTH. INTEREST AT FIVE PER CENT. $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 1.... .14 .28 .42 .56 .69 .83 .97 1.11 1.25 a.... .28 .56 .83 1.11 1.39 1.67 1.94 2.22 2.50 s.... .42 .83 1.25 1.67 2.08 2.50 2.91 3.33 8.75 4.... .56 1.11 1.67 2.22 2.7S 8.33 3.89 4.24 5.00 .... .69 1.39 2.08 2.78 3.47 4.17 4.86 5.56 6.25 .... .83 1.67 2.50 3.33 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67 7.50 7.... .97 1.94 2.91 8.89 4.86 5.83 6.81 7.78 8.75 .... 111 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.56 6.67 7.78 8.89 10.00 .... 1.25 2.50 3.75 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 11.25 10.... 1.39 2.78 4.17 5.56 6.94 8.SW 9.72 11.11 12.50 11.... 1.53 3.06 4.59 6.11 7.63 9.17 10.69 12.22 13.75 12.... 1.67 3.33 5.00 6.67 8.33 10.00 11.67 13.33 15.00 13.... 1.80 8.61 5.42 7.22 9.02 10.83 12.64 14.44 16.25 14.... 1.94 8.89 5.83 7.78 9.71 11.67 13.61 15.5(5 17.50 15.... 2.08 4.17 6.25 8.33 10.41 12.50 14.58 16.67 18.75 16.... 2.22 4.44 6.67 8.89 11.11 13.33 15.55_ 17.78 20.00 17.... 2.36 4.72 7.08 9.44 11.80 14.17 16.53 18.89 21.25 18.... 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 19.... 2.64 5.28 7.91 10.56 13.19 15.83 18.47 21.11 23.75 20.... 2.78 5.56 8.33 11.11 18.89 16.67 19.44 22.22 25.00 21.... 2.91 5.83 8.75 11.67 14.58 17.50 20.41 23.33 26.25 22.... 8.05 6.11 9.17 12.22 15.28 18.38 21.38 24.44 27.50 23.... 3.19 6.89 9.59 12.78 15.97 19.17 22.36 25.56 28.75 ^4.... 3.33 6.67 10.00 13.33 16.67 20.00 23.33 26.67 30.00 25 .... 8.47 6.94 10.42 18.89 17.86 20.83 24.80 27.78 81.25 26.... 8.61 7.22 10.83 14.44 18.05 21.67 25.28 28.89 32.50 21 .... 3.75 7.50 11.25 15.00 18.75 22.50 26.25 30.00 s;us 28.... 8.89 7.78 11.67 15.56 19.44 23.33 27.22 81.11 85. 'JO 29.... 4.03 8.06 12.08 16.11 20.14 24.17 28.20 32.22 3625 IMo 4.17 8.33 12.50 16.67 20.83 25.00 29.17 33.33 37.50 2 " 8.33 16.67 25.00 33.33 41.67 50.00 58.33 66.67 7500 3 " 12.50 25.00 87.50 50.00 62.50 75.00 87.50 100.00 112.-)0 4 " 16.67 33.33 50.00 66.67 83.98 100.00 116.67 133.33 15000 6 " 20.83 41.67 62.50 83.33 104.16 125.00 145.83 166.67 187.50 6 " 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 225,00 7 " 29.17 58.33 87.50 116.67 145.83 175.00 204.17 233.33 262.50 8 " 83.33 66.67 100.00 133.33 166.67 200.00 233.33 266.67 800.00 9 ' 37.50 75.00 112.50 150.00 187.50 225.00 262.50 300.00 337.50 10 " 4167 83.33 125.00 166.67 208.33 250.00 291.67 833.33 875.00 11 " 45.83 91.67 137.50 183.33 229.17 275.00 820,83 866.67 412.50 lYr. 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 r In the above table accuracy is aimed at. heuce wo give interest in sums In thousands. To find the interest of any number of hundreds of dollars, find from table the interest of tho corresponding thousands and move the decimal point one place to the loft. For tens move the point two places to the left and for any number of units (from one 10 nine dollars) more the point threa places to the left. I PULLING ANOTHER DOWN MEANS GETTING BELOW HIM, 313 INTEREST AT SIX PER CENT. $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 1 .17 .83 .50 .67 .83 l.CO 1.17 1.33 1.50 2,.... .33 .67 1.00 1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67 3.00 8 .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 8.00 8.50 4.50 4.50 4 .67 1.33 2.00 2.67 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.33 6.00 5 .83 1.67 2.50 3.83 4.17 5.00 5.83 6.67 7.50 3 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 7 1.17 2.33 3.50 4.67 5.83 7.00 8.17 9.33 10.50 8 1.33 2.67 4.00 5.33 6.67 8.00 9.83 10.67 12.00 9 1.50 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50 1.67 3.33 5.00 6.67 8.33 10.00 11.67 13.13 15.00 11 1.83 3.67 5.50 7.33 9.17 11.00 12.83 14.67 16.50 82 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 i8 2.17 4.33 6.50 8.67 10.83 13.00 15.17 17.33 19.50 14 2.33 4.67 7.00 9.33 11.67 14.00 16.33 18.67 21.00 5 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 w 2.67 5.33 8.00 10.67 13.83 16.00 18.67 21.33 24.00 17 2.S3 5.67 8.50 11.33 14.17 17.00 19.83 22.67 25.50 S8 8.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 19 3.17 6.83 9.50 12.67 15.83 19.00 22.17 25.33 28.50 30 8.33 6.67 10.00 13 33 16.67 20.00 23.83 28.67 30.00 21 3.50 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 21.00 24.50 28.00 31.50 22 3.67 7.33 11.00 14.67 18.33 22.00 25.67 29.33 33.00 33 3.83 7.77 11.50 15.33 19.17 23. CO 26.83 30.67 84.50 24 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 36.00 K 4.17 8.83 12.50 16.67 20.83 25.00 29.17 83.83 37.50 38 4.33 8.67 13.00 17.33 21.67 26.00 30.33 34.67 39.00 27 4.50 9.00 13.50 18.00 22.50 27.00 31.50 86.00 40.50 28 4.67 9.33 14.00 18.67 23.33 28.00 82.67 37.33 42.00 29 4.83 9.67 14.50 19.33 24.17 29.00 83.83 38.67 43.59 IMo. 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.0P a 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.0i- 8 M 15.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 105.00 120.00 135. 0* 4 " 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180. G.'" 5 " 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 20J.OO 225. Oi> 6 " 80.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 loO.OO 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.0* 7 " 85.00 70.00 105.00 140.00 175.00 210.00 245.00 280.00 315.00 8 " 40.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 200.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 360.0? 9 45.00 90.00 135.00 180.00 225.00 270.00 315. CO 360.00 405.00 10 " 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 850.00 400.06 450.0? 11 " 55.00 110.00 165.00 220.00 275.00 830.00 885.00 440.00 495. or lYr. 80.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 480.00 540-09 In the above table accuracy is aimed al, hence we give interest of Bums io thousands. To find the interest of any nix nber of hundreds of dollars find from table the interest of the corresponding thousands and move the decimal point one place to the left. For tens move the point two places to the left, and lor any number of units (from one to nine dollars) mo* e the point threft &lee to fcte left. 318 HAPPINESS SB NES IN ALL WEATHER. INTEREST AT SEVEN PER CENT. $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,00 .... .19 .39 .58 .78 .97 1.17 1.36 1.56 1.75 .39 .78 1.17 1.56 1.94 2.33 2.72 8.11 8.50 .... .58 1.17 1.75 2.33 2.92 3.50 4.08 4.67 5. 25 .... .78 1.56 2.33 8.11 8.89 4.67 5.44 6.22 7.00 .... .97 1.94 2.92 3.89 4.86 5.83 6.81 7.78 8.75 .... .17 2.33 3.50 4.67 5.83 7.00 8.17 9.33 10.50 7.... .36 2.72 4.08 5.44 6.81 8.17 9.53 10.89 12.25 8.... .56 8.11 4.67 6.22 7.78 9.33 10.89 12.44 14.00 9.... .75 3.50 5.25 7.00 8.75 10.50 12.25 14.00 15.75 10.... .94 8.89 5.83 7.78 9.72 11.67 13.61 15.58 17.50 11.... 2.14 4.28 6.42 8.56 10.69 12.83 14.97 17.11 19.25 13.... 2.33 4.67 7.00 9.33 11.67 14.00 16.33 18.67 21.00 13.... 2.53 5.06 7.58 10.11 12.64 15.17 17.69 20.22 22.25 14.... 2.72 5.44 8.17 10.89 13.61 16.33- 19.06 21.78 24.50 15.... 2.92 5.83 8.75 11.67 14.58 17.50 20.42 23.33 26.25 16.... 3.11 6.22 9.33 12.44 15.56 18.67 21.78 24.89 28.00 17.... 3.31 6.61 9.92 13.22 16.53 19.83 23.14 26.44 29.75 18.... 3.50 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 21.00 24.50 28.00 31.50 19,... 3.69 7.39 11.08 14.78 18.47 22.17 25.86 29.56 83.25 20.... 3.89 7.78 11.67 15.56 19.44 23.33 27.22 31.11 35.00 21.... .08 8.17 12.25 16.33 20.42 24.50 26.58 32.67 36.75 22.... .28 8.56 12.83 17.11 21.39 25.67 29.94 84.22 88.50 28.... .47 8.94 13 42 17.89 22.36 26.83 81.31 35.78 40.25 24.... .67 9.33 14.00 18.67 23.33 28.00 32.67 87.83 42.00 25.... .86 9.72 14.58 19.44 24.31 29.17 34.03 38.89 43.75 26.... 5.06 10.11 15.17 20.22 25.28 30.33 35.39 40.44 45.50 27.... 5.25 10.50 15.75 21.00 26.25 31.50 36.75 42 00 47.25 28.... 5.44 10.89 16.33 21.78 27.22 82.67 38.11 43.56 49.00 29.... 5.64 11.28 16.92 22.56 28.19 83.83 89.47 45.11 50.75 IMo 5.83 11.67 17.50 23.83 29.17 35.00 40.83 46.67 52.50 2 11.67 23.33 35.00 46.67 58.33 70.00 81.67 93.33 105.00 i 17.50 85.00 52.50 70.00 87.50 105.00 122.50 140.00 157.50 4t 23.33 46.67 70.00 93.33 116.67 140.00 163. S3 186.67 210.00 ' 29.17 58.33 87.50 116.67 145.83 175.00 204.17 233.33 262.50 M 85.00 70.00 105.00 140.00 175.00 210.00 245.00 280.00 315.00 it 40.83 81.67 122.50 163.33 204.17 245.00 285.83 826.67 367.50 M 46.67 93.33 140.00 186.67 233.83 280.00 826.67 373.33 420.00 M 52.50 105.00 157.50 210.00 262.50 315.00 867.50 420.00 472.50 10 " 58.33 116.67 175.00 233.33 291.67 350.00 408.33 466.67 525.00 11 " 64.17 128.33 192.50 256.67 320.83 385.00 449.17 513.83 577.50 lYr. 7000 140.00 210.00 280.00 350.00 420.00 490.00 560.00 630.00 In the above table accuracy is aimed at, hence we give interest in sums in thousands. To find the interest of any number of hundreds of dollars, find from table the interest of the corresponding thousands and move the decimal point one place to the left. For tens move the point two places to the left, and for any number of units (from one to nine dollars) move the point three places to th left, THINK OUT TOUR WORK, WORK OUT TOUR THOUGHTS. 319 INTEREST AT EIGHT PER CENT. t $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6, 000 $7,000 $8.000 $9.000 1,... .22 .44 .67 .89 1.11 1.33 1.56 1.78 2.00 35.... .44 .89 1.33 1.78 2.22 2.67 8.11 3.56 4.00 .... .67 1.33 2.00 2.67 3.33 4.00 4.67 5.33 6.00 .89 1.78 2.67 3.56 4.44 5.33 6.22 7.11 8.00 .... 1.11 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.56 6.67 7.78 8.89 10.00 .... 1.33 2.67 4.00 5.33 6.67 8.00 9.33 10.67 12.00 1.56 3.11 4.67 6.22 7.78 9.33 10.89 12.44 14.00 &.... 1.78 3.56 5.33 7.11 8.89 10.67 12.44 14.22 16.00 9.... 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 10.... 2.22 4.44 6.67 8.89 11.11 13,33 15.56 17.73 20.00 11.... 2.44 4.89 7.33 9.78 12.22 14.67 17.11 19.56 22.00 12.... 2.67 5.33 8.00 10.67 13.33 16.00 18.67 21.33 24.00 13.... 2.89 5.78 8.67 11.56 14.44 17.33 20.22 23.11 26.00 14 .... 3.11 6.22 9.33 12.44 15.56 18.67 21.78 24.89 28.00 15.... 8.33 6.67 10.00 13.33 16.67 20.00 23.33 26.67 30.00 16.... 8.56 7.11 10.67 14.22 17.78 21.33 24.89 28.44 32.00 17.... 3.78 7.56 11.33 15.11 18.89 22.67 26.44 30.22 34.00 J8.... 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 82.00 36.00 19.... 4.22 8.44 12.67 16.89 21.11 25.33 29.56 33.78 38.00 20.... 4.44 8.89 13.33 17.78 22.22 26.67 31.11 35.56 40.00 21.... 4.67 9.33 14.00 18.67 23.33 28.00 32.67 37.33 42.00 22.... 4.89 9.78 14.67 19.56 24.44 29.33 34.22 89.11 44.00 23.... 5.11 10.22 15.33 20.44 25.58 30.67 85.78 40.89 46.00 24.... 5.83 10.67 16.00 21.33 26.67 32.00 37.33 42.67 48.00 25.... 5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00 26.... 5.78 11.56 17.33 23.11 28.89 24.67 40.44 46.22 52.00 27.... 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 36.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 28.... 6.22 12.44 18.67 24.89 81.11 37.83 43.56 49.78 56,00 29.... 6.44 12.89 19.33 25.78 32.22 38.67 45.11 51.56 58.00 IMo 6.67 13.33 20.00 26.67 33.33 40.00 16.67 53.33 60.00 ft 13.33 26.67 40.00 53.33 66.67 80.00 93.33 106.67 120.00 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 120.00 140.00 160.00 180.00 M 26.67 53.33 80.00 106.67 133.33 160.00 186.67 213.33 240.00 H 33.33 66.67 100.00 133.33 166.67 200.00 233.33 266.67 300.00 M 40.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 200.00 240.00 280.00 320.00 360.00 M 46.67 93.33 140.00 186.67 233.33 280.00 326.67 373.33 420.00 * 53.33 106.67 160.00 213.33 266.67 320.00 373.33 426.67 480.00 tl 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 480.00 540.00 10 " 66.67 133.33 200.00 266.67 333.33 400.00 466.67 533.33 600.00 11 " 73.33 146.67 220.00 293.33 366.67 440.00 513.33 586.67 660.00 lYr. 80.00 160.00 240.00 320.00 400.00 480.00 560.00 640.00 720.00 In the above table accuracy is aimed at, hence we give interest of sums in thousands. To find the interest of any number of hundreds of dollars, find from table the interest of the corresponding thousands and move the decimal point one place to the left. For tens move the point two places to the left, and for any number of units (from one to nine dollars) move the point three places to the left, 320 LOOSE LAW AT HOME MEANS LYNCH LAW ABROAD. INTEREST AT NINE PER CENT. $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 1... .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2... .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 8.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 8... .75 1.50 2.25 3.00 8.75 4.50 5.25 6.00 6.75 4... 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 6... 1.25 2.50 8.75 5.00 6.25 7.50 8.75 10.00 11.25 ... 1.50 8.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50 7... 1.75 3.50 5.25 7.00 8.75 10.50 12.25 14.00 15.75 8... 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 9... 2.25 4.50 6.75 9.00 11.25 13.50 15.75 18.00 20.25 10... 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 11... 2.75 5.50 8.25 11.00 13.75 16.50 19.25 22.00 24.75 12 ... 3.00 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21 00 24.00 27.00 13... 3.25 6.50 9.75 13.00 16.25 19.50 22.75 26.00 29.25 14... 8.50 7.00 10,50 14.00 17.50 21.00 24.50 28.00 81.50 15... 8.75 7.50 11.25 15.00 18.75 22.50 26.25 30.00 33.75 16... 4.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 24.00 28.00 32.00 36.00 17... 4.25 8.50 12.75 17.00 21.25 25.50 29.75 84.00 38.25 18... 4.50 9.00 13.50 18.00 22.50 27.00 31.50 36.00 40.50 19... 4.75 9.50 14.25 19.00 23.75 28.50 33.25 38.00 42.75 20... 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 80.00 35.00 40.00 46.00 21... 5.25 10.50 15.75 21.00 26.25 31.50 36.75 42.00 47.25 22... 5.50 11.00 16.50 22.00 27.50 33.00 38.50 44.00 49.50 23... 5.75 11.50 17.25 23.00 28.75 34.50 40.25 46.00 51.75 24... 6.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 86.00 42.00 48.00 54.00 25... 6.25 12.50 18.75 25.00 31.25 37.50 43.75 50.00 56.25 26... 6.50 13.00 19.50 26.00 32.50 89.00 45.50 52.00 58.50 27... 6.75 13.50 20.25 27.00 33.75 40.50 47.25 54.00 60.75 28... 7.00 14.00 21.00 28.00 35.00 42.00 49.00 56.00 63.0(5 29... 7.25 14.50 21.75 29.00 86.25 43.50 50.75 58.00 65.25 IMo 7.50 15.00 22.50 80.00 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 67.50 2... 15.00 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 90.00 105.00 120.00 135.00 3... 22.50 45.00 67.50 90.00 112.50 135.00 157.50 180.00 202.50 4... 30.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 180.00 210.00 240.00 270.00 5... 37.50 75.00 112.50 150.00 187.50 225.00 262.50 300.00 337.50 6... 45.00 90.00 135.00 180.00 225.00 270.00 815.00 360.00 405.00 7... 52.50 105.00 157.50 210.00 262.50 315.00 867.50 420.00 472.50 8... 60.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 300.00 360.00 420.00 480.00 540.00 ... 67.50 135.00 202.50 270.00 337.50 405.00 472.50 540.00 607.50 10... 75.00 150.00 225.00 800.00 375.00 450.00 525.00 600 00 675.00 11... 82.50 185.00 247.50 330.00 412.50 495.00 577.50 660.00 742.50 Yr 90.00 180.00 270.00 360.00 450.00 540.00 630.00 720.00 810-00 In the above table accuracy is aimed at, hence we give interest in sums in thousands. To find the interest of any number of hundreds of dollars, find from table the interest of the corresponding thousands and move the decimal point one place to the left. For tens move the point two places to the left, and for any number of units (from one to nins dollars) move the point three places to the left. A COURTESY POSTPONED IS A JOY DETHRONED. 321 INTEREST AT TEN PER CENT. $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 $9,OOO 1.... .28 .56 .83 1.11 1.39 1.67 1.94 243 2.50 2.... .56 1.11 1.67 2.22 2.78 3.33 8.89 4.44 5.00 3.... .83 1.67 2.50 3.33 4.17 5 00 5.83 6.67 7.50 4.... 1.11 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.56 6.67 7.78 8 89 lo.oa 5.... 1.39 2.78 4.17 5.5S 6.94 8.33 9.72 11.11 12. 5a 6.... 1.67 8.33 5.00 6.67 8.33 10.00 11.67 13 33 15.00- 7.... 1.94 3.89 5.83 7.78 9.72 11.67 13.61 15.56 17.50 8.... 2 22 4.44 6.67 8.89 11.11 13.33 15.56 17.78 20.00- 9.... 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.0ft 17.50 20.00 22.50 10.... 2-78 5 56 8.33 11.11 13.89 16.67 19.44 22.22 25.00- 11... 3.06 6.11 9.17 12.22 15.28 18.33 21.39 24.44 27.50- 12.... 3.33 8.67 10.00 13 33 16.67 20.00 23.33 26.67 80.00 13.... 3.61 7.22 10.83 14.44 18.06 21.67 25.28 28.89 32.r>0 14.... 3.69 7.78 11.67 15.56 19 44 23.83 27.22 31.11 3r 00- 15.... 4.17 8.33 12.50 16.67 20.83 25.00 29.17 33.38 87.50- 16.... 4.44 8.89 13.33 17.78 22.22 26.67 31.11 35.56 40 00 17.... 4.72 9.44 14.17 18.89 23.61 28.33 33.06 37.78 42.50- 18.... 5.00 10.00 15 00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 19.... 5.28 10.56 15.83 21.11 26.39 31.67 36.94 42.22 47.50* 20.... 5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33 33 38.89 44.44 50.00 21.... 5.83 11.67 17 50 23.33 29.17 35.00 40.83 46.87 52.50- 22.... 6.11 12.22 18.33 24 44 30.56 36.67 42.78 48.89 55 00> 23.... 6.39 12.78 19.17 25.56 31.94 38.33 44.72 51.11 57.50- 24.... 6.67 13 33 20.00 26.67 33.33 40.00 46.67 53.33 60.00 25 ... 6.94 13.89 20.83 27.78 84.72 41.67 48-61 55.56 62 50 26.... -7.22 14.44 21.67 28.89 36.11 43.83 50 56 57.78 65.00 27..-.. 7.50 15.00 22.50 30.00 37.50 45.00 52.50 60.00 67.5J 28.... 7.78 15.56 23.33 31.11 38.89 46.67 54.44 62-22 70.00 29.... 8.06 16.11 24.17 32.22 40.28 48.33 56.39 64.44 72.50= iMo 8.33 16.67 25.00 33.33 41.67 50.00 58.33 66.67 75.00- 2 " 16.67 33.33 50.00 66.67 83.33 100.00 116.67 133.33 150. 00 I " 25.00 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 150.00 175.00 200.00 22500- 4 " 33.33 66.67 100.00 133.33 166.67 200.00 233.33 266.67 300 CO- 6 " 41.67 83.33 125.00 166.67 208.33 250.00 291.67 333.33 375.00 6 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00- 7 " 58.33 116.67 175.00 233.33 291.67 350.00 408.33 406.67 525. 00 8 " 66.67 133.33 200.00 266.67 333.33 400.00 466.67 533.83 600.00- 9 " 75.00 150.00 225.00 300.00 375.00 450.00 525.00 600.00 675. OO 10 " 83.33 166.67 250.00 333.33 416.67 500.00 583.33 666.67 750 (XV 11 " 91.67 183.33 275.00 366 67 458.33 550 00 641.67 733 33 825.00- lYr. 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 600.00 700.00 800.00 900.00 In the above table accuracy is aimed at, hence we give interest in sums ia thousands. To find the interest of any number of hundreds of dollars, find from table the interest of the correspond in e thousands and move the decimal point one place to the left. For tens mov^ the point two places to the left, and for any number of units (from one to nine dollars) move the point places to the left. 322 A CORN-COB STOPPER DON'T HURT MILK IN A JUCk, POSSIBILITIES OF COMPOUND INTEREST. An Idaho correspondent sends the New York Tribune a pho- tograph of an old Idaho mortgage, which shows in a startling way the amazing possibilities of compound interest. The mort- gage was executed in 1861, on a piece of land in Boise City, "to secure the sum of $340, if paid in legal tender, with interest, at the rate of 10 per cent, per month. But if the said note shall not be paid then the sum of $170, with interest, at 10 per cent, per month, and if said interest is not paid at the time of maturity of this note, said interest to be added to the principal, and said principal and interest together shall draw interest per month as above stated." These conditions were evidently not fulfilled, for a note is appended to the document as follows: "The above mortgage is not satisfied, according to the records of Ada Coun- ty. With interest on $170, at 10 per cent, per month, compound- ed every six months, the debt would now amount, to $45,972,003.- 182,826.50.'" There are a great many millionaires in the coun- try, but there is probably only one man in the world who is indebted in the sum of nearly forty-six trillions of dollars. BETTER SAW WOOD WELL THAN PLEAD LAW POORLY. 323 THE APPLICATION OF COMPOUND INTEREST. Direct compound interest is illegal in all the States. But every man that loans his money and keeps it out at a legal rate of interest receives and makes a compound rate of interest. He annually collects his interest, and that in turn loaned out again makes an accumulation equal to a regular compound rate of interest. EXAMPLE :-If Captain Newport, at his first landing at Jamestown. Vir- ginia, in 1607, had loaned out $100 at compound interest, it would now equal a sum greater than the entire wealth of the United States. COnPOUND INTEREST TABLE. Showing the amount of $1 from 1 to 15 years at compound interest, interest added semi-anuually, at different rates. This table will be found valuable in computing interest on Savings Bank deposits, Ac. TEARS. 3 P.r Cent. 4 Per Cent. 5 Per Cent. 6 Per Cent. 7 PerCent. 8 Per Cent. 10 Per Cent. M 1.015000 1.020000 1.025000 1.030000 1.035000 1.040000 i.a-soono l 1.030225 1.040400 1.050625 1.060900 1.071225 1.081600 1.10251)0 iy* 1.045678 1.061208 1.076890 1.092727 1.108718 1.124864 1.157625 2 1.061363 1.082432 1.103813 1.125509 1.147523 1.169858 1.2155; .6 2H 1.077284 1.1(4081 1.131408 1.159274 1.187(P6 1.216658 1.27(52-1 3 .098443 1.126162 1.159693 1.194052 1. 229255 1.2jr>3l 1 340095 sy* .109845 1.148385 1.1881185 1.229874 1.272279 1.315931 1.4071dO 4 .126492 1.171659 1.218403 1.226770 1.316809 1.368569 1.477455 4 1 /, .143390 1.195U92 1.24K363 1.304773 1.363897 1.423312 1.551328 5 .160541 1.21H994 1.2300*1 1.343916 1.410">98 1.480244 1.62*894 5V, 1.177949 1.243374 1.312086 1.384234 1.4599R9 1.5o9454 1.7U-339 6 1.195618 1.2t8241 1.344888 1.425761 1.511068 1.601032 1.7958T-6 6H 1.213552 1.293606 1.378511 1.463533 1.563956 1.665073 1.88*649 7 1.231755 1.319478 1.412973 1.512589 1.618694 1.731676 1.P79931 7K 1.250232 1.345863 1.448298 1.557967 1.67--349 1.800943 2.078923 8 1.263985 1.372785 1.484505 1.604706 1.733986 1.872981 2 182874 sy a 1.288020 1.400241 1.521618 1.652847 1.794675 1.947900 2.292019 9 .307340 1.428246 1.559658 1.702433 1.857489 2.025816 2.406619 BMI 1.326950 1.456811 1.598650 1.753506 1.922501 2.106849 2.5269."0 10 1.346355 1.485947 1.G38616 1.806111 1.989789 2191123 2.653?97 10* 1.367058 1.515666 1.679581 1.860294 2.0594S1 2 27876 s * 2.785W2 11 .387563 1.545980 1.721571 1,916103 2.131511 2 369919 2.9252*50 114 .408377 1.576899 1.761610 1.973586 2.206114 2.464715 3.071523 12 1.429503 1.608437 1.808726 2.032794 2.28332P 2.^63304 3 2251*0 124 .450945 1.6W006 1 853944 2.093778 2 363245 2.665836 3.8963*5 13 .4727' .9 1.673418 1.900292 2.156591 2.445959 2.77-M70 3.555673 1SH .494800 1.706886 1.9478"0 2.2'21289 2.531567 2.833368 3.733456 14 .517222 1.741024 1.996*95 2.287927 2.620172 2.99*7' >3 3.920129 144 1.539980 1.775845 2.046407 2.356 Vffi 2.711878 3.118651 4 116ia5 15 1.563080 1.811361 2.097567 'J.427262 2.806793 3.243397 4321940 Ex AMPLE. What will $400 amount to in 8 years and 6 months at 4 per cent compound interest, interest added semi-annually? Referring to table, it is found $1 in 8 years and 6 months at 4 per cent will amount to $1.400241. Th amount of $400 will be 400 times this or $560.0964. No-"K. If the interest only be wanted, deduct the principal, $400, from $560.0064. S24 NO PAINS, NO GAINS. INTEREST LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. Showing days of grace in the various States as they exist January, 1903. STATES AND TERRITORIES. PENALTY or USURY. & as <& SPECIAL. Forfeiture of all interest (a) R 8 per ct. Alaska Forfeiture of debt (a) . . . fl 10 per ct. None (a) g No limit. Arkau sa s Forfeiture of principal and interest (a) 6 10 ppr ct California Noue (h) 7 Colorado None (b) g Connecticut Forfeiture of all above legal rate (b) g Delaware District of Col.. Forfeiture of interest and principal (b) Forfeiture of entire interest (b) 6 6 6 per ct. 10 per ct. Florida Forfeiture of interest (b) g 10 per ct Forfeiture of excess of interest 7 Idaho (c) (b) 7 12 per ct Illinois Forfeiture of entire interest (b) 5 Indiana Forfeiture of excess of interest *a) (\ 8 per ct. Forfeitureof interest and costs ^e) (a) 8 8 per ct. Kentucky F orf pit u re of excess of interest (a) Forfeiture of excess of interest (a) 6 (5 10 per ct. Louisiana Forfeitureof interest (a) =i 8 per ct. Haiti* None (a) . .... g Massachusetts .. M ichigan . ... None (b) Forfeiture of interest (a) .... 6 5 No limit. Minnesota Forfeiture of all interest (a) g 10 per ct. Mississippi Forfeiture of interest (a) g 10 per ct. Mis-souri Forfeiture of excess of interest (a)... ft 8 per ct. Montana None (h) g No limit. Nebraska Forfeiture of interest and costs (a) 7 10 per ct Nevada 7 New Hampshire Ne>^ Jersey NPW Mexico BWfei'ure of three times the interest Forfeiture of entire interest and costs (b).. . Forfeiture of excess and $100 fine (a) ... 6 6 g 6 per ct. 6 per ct. 12 per ct. New York (d) (b) g North 1'arolina.. Forfeitureof interest (a). ... ft N >rth Dakota... (Uno Forfeitureof double the int. if collected (b) Noue (h) 7 g 12 perct. 8 per ct Gklitioma Forfeiture of interest (a) 7 12 per ct. Oregon g 1 ^nnsylvanit. . . . Forfeiture of all interest (b) g R;i de Island. .. None (a) g No limit. South. Carolina.. Forfeiture of double the interest (a). 7 South Dukota. .. Tennessee. . . Forfeiture of interest and punishable as mis- demeanor and fine not exceeding (500) (a). Forfeit, of excess of int. alsomisdem'r (b) 7 Q 13 per ct Texas. double can be received back (a) g 10 per cl Utah None (b) g Vermont. Forfeiture of excels of interest (b) g per ct. Virginia Forfeitureof excess over 6 percent, (b) n 6 per ct. Washington Wet Virginia... Wisconsin forfeiture of twice amount of interest (b) . . Forfeitureof excess of interest (b) Forfeitureof entire interest (b). 6 ft g 12 i er ct 6 per ct. 10 per ct. Wyoming . ( a ) g 12 per ct. (a) Grace, (b) No Grace, (c) LOPS of interest by lender; 10 per cent, fror* borrower for school fund, (d) Contract void; punishable as misde- meanor, (e) Defendant also forfeits 10 per cent, a year to school fund. * 18 per cent, on less than $1,000. Corporations only 7 per cent* XANY A SLIP BETWEEN THE CUP AXD THE LIP. 825 SHORT METHODS OF COMPUTATION AND BUSI- NESS RECKONJNG TABLES. SHORT RULES OF ARITHMETIC. In these short rules, which we have developed and compiled, our aim has been to make them superior to anything that has ever been published. We have endeavored to teach the how, and not the why. Our object is brevity and completeness. Business demands brief and practical rules. To every farmer, teacher, mechanic, merchant, lawyer and laborer, these rules will prove available and valuable knowledge. AN EASY WAY TO ADD. This is a very simple and easy method, and will be a great help to those who find difficulty in adding long columns of fig- ures correctly: 4? - EXAMPLE: 7 Process. Begin at 9 to add as near 20 as you can, thus: 6 9 + 2 + 4 + 3 = 18, reject the tens and place the 8 to 3 the right of the 3, as in example; begin at 6 and 4 add 6 + 8+4 = 18, reject the tens, as before, and 9 place 8 to the right of 4, as in example; begin at 4 T 6 + 7 + 4 = 17, reject tens, place 7 to the right of 7 4, as in example; then 9 + 4 + 3=16, reject tens, 6 place 6 to the right of 3; then 6 + 7 + 4 = 17, reject 4 8 tens and place 7 to the right, as before, having 8 arrived at the top of the column, add the figures 6 in the new column, thus: 8 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 7 = 36, 3 8 or 3 tens and 6 units; place the 6 units as the 4 unit's figure of the sum, having 3 tens to carry to 2 5 tens, the number of integers or catch figures already 9 rejected. 3 + 5 = 8 tens, which prefixed with the 6, 86 makes 86 the sum. N.B. Two or more columns maybe added in the same way by rising a lead pencil, and then erasing the figures used after the addition is complete* 326 HARD LABOR PREVENTS HARD LUCK, f 3 Commence at the right and add each column of figures by itself, as for instance the first column equals 24; put down the 24; the next column equals 24; put it down as above; the next column equals 2/5, the next 27, and so on, and then add the results as shown in the above form. The advantage of this method is that a person's attention may be called to other things, while he is in the midst of his results $ and not lose any time or suffer any disadvantage. In the count- ing-house or places of business where there is a great deal of talking and many other things call the clerk, when he left off he is never at a loss to resume his work. ADDING AND SUBTRACTING FRACTIONS. To find the sum of two fractions with ones for numerators, add the denominators for the numerator of the answer and mul- tiply them for the denominator. To subtract them, subtract the denominators for the numerator of the answer and multiply ''hem for the denominator. Thus, J + i = & ^_ 1 i ff = ^. This rule is well worth remembering. BETTER CUT THE SHOE THAN PINCH THE FOOT, 327 ADDITION. "Lightning addition" lies in the ability to see and take in the result of two or more figures without stopping to add each figure separately, i. e., to read results in figures as in reading a book, the meaning of the word or sentence is known without spelling out each syllable or word. Process. Commence at the bottom at the right and add thus in the above example: n, 20, 2g; then carry the 2 tens to the second column; then add, 7, 16, 25, 33; carry the 3 hundreds to the third column and add the same way; 10, 21, 30, 36, etc., etc. Never allow yourself to add up a column in this manner: 9 and 2 are n and 5 are 16 and 4 are 20 and 9 are 29. It is just as easy to name the results of two or more figures at once, and five times as rapid. Make combinations of 10 or of other numbers and add them as mple numbers. Thus in adding ~ "+7 + 4-f 8 + 6~+4 + 9 + say 8, 18, 27, 37, 47, 53, taking each group at a glance as a single figure. Group figures as conveniently as possible. After a little practice the mind readily grasps the groups of figures and results are quickly reached. You will be astonished at the result after practicing a half hour daily for a month. DIRT IS DIRTIEST UPON THE FAIREST SPOTS. IMPROVED METHOD FOR ADDING LONG COLUflNS. Add the right-hand column as in simple addition; write down the full amount, but carry the left-hand figure or figures to the next column, as in the common method; write the full amount of the second column directly under the amount of the first column, carrying again the left-hand figure or figures as before to the next column. Thus add each column separately, always writing down the full amount and at the same time carrying the left-hand figure or figures as above di- rected. The result will appear by reading the last amount written, together with the right- hand figures of the partial amounts, in the reverse order in which they were set down. This method has all the advantages of the Civil Service method, with the addi- tional advantage of showing the result without a second addition of the partial amounts; besides, it requires less space. If it is desired to preserve the figures they may be placed in light pencil to the right or left of the column being added. Example: 2343478 71321.96 86798.43 38 30586.51 55 61369.57 54 15438.90 46 19709.76 52 20673.24 30 10931-43 34 340264.58 "NOW" IS ON THE BANNER OF THE PRUDENT. 329 LIGHTNING HETHOD OF MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION. To multiply by 125, divide by 8, and call it thousands, because 125 is y& of a thousand. To multiply by 12 J4, divide by 8; call it hundreds. To multiply by iJ4, divide by 8; call it tens. To multiply by 62^2, divide by 16, and call it thousands. To multiply by 6^4, divide by 16, and call it hundreds. To multiply by 31 *4, divide by 32, and call it thousands. To multiply by 333 1-3, divide by 3, and call it thousands. To multiply by 33 1-3, divide by 3, and call it hundreds. To multiply by 3 1-3, divide by 3, and call it tens. To multiply by 50, divide by 2, and call k hundreds. To multiply by 66 2-3, divide by 15, and call it thousands. To multiply by 833 1-3, divide by 15, and call it ten thousands, t>y annexing four ciphers. To multiply by 83 1-3, divide by 12, and call it thousands. To multiply by 8 1-3, divide by 12, and call it hundreds, be- cause 8 1-3 is 1-12 of a hundred. The reason is similar in each case. ^ ^ ^ To multiply by 166 2-3, divide by 6, and call it thousands. To multiply by 16 2-3, divide by 6, and call it hundreds. To multiply by i 2-3, divide by 6, and call it tens. To multiply by 37^, take }i of the number, and call it hun- dreds; 87^, Y% of the number, and call it hundreds, etc. We simply reverse these methods to divide. To divide by 10,100. 1,000, etc., we remove the point one, two and three places to the left. To divide by 25, remove the decimal point two places to the left, and multiply by 4. Removing the point two places divides by one hundred; hence the quotient is four times too small; hence we remove the point two places, and multiply by 4. To divide by 2^, remove the point one place to the left, and multiply by 4. To divide by 125, remove the point three places to the left, and multiply by 8. To divide by 12^2, remove the point two places to the and multiply by 8. 3)0 FttlWlON WEARS OUT MACHINERY. To divide by i^4 remove the point one point to the left, and multiply by 8. There are about 'ij4 cubic feet in one bushel Hence dividing the number of cubic feet by ij4 gives the number of bushels nearly. To divide by I33K. remove the point three places to the left, then multiply by 3 and divide by 4. To divide by 8^, remove the point two places to the left, and and multiply by 12. SHORT METHODS OF MULTIPLICATION. How to Multiply Any Small Number Ending with 5. Example: 25X85. To the product of 2 and 8 add one-half their sum, and ft (his result annex 25. Solution: 25 5X5=25 85 2X8= 16, 164-H (2+8) =21. 2125 This rule is very simple and useful ; practice it, it never fails. The Complement Rule. JJQ.O The complement of a number added to the number mekea it 10. o> IH o 100, or 1000, etc. The complement of 98 is 2, of 91 is 9. To find the prod _ net of these two numbers multiply the complements together ; and for flnia the other two figures subtract across, either the two from the 91. or the 8018 9 from the 98. How to Multiply Any Number by 21, 22, 23, 24, etc. Multiply each figure in the multiplicand by the units figure in the multi- OTn o plier, increasing each separate product by double the figure to the {: right of the one multiplied ; double the last figure. Solution : 3X2=6, 3X0=0, and double the right hand figure. 2, =4. ' ASK MR 3X1=3, and double the right-hand figure, 0, =3. 3X2=6, double the 48348 1, =8. Double the last figure. How to Multiply Any Number by 21, 31, 41, etc. To multiply any number of two figures when the last is 1, or of threfl figures when the last two are 01. Example : Multiply 230412 by 21. Instead of the ordinary long process, simply multiply by 2, placing the product one figure to the left, and then add. This rule is as practical as it is simple ; try it, using 31, 51, 201, etc. How to Multiply Any Two Numbers Whose Right-Hand Figures Add to Ten, and the Left-Hand Figures Are the Same. Example: 87 Three times 7 are 21. Put down both figures, add one to the second 83 figure, and then Bay 9 times 8 are 72. Put down both figures, and you have the correct result. This rule is practical, and the ap plica- 7221 iion of it is simple. Trvifwith 21 32 43 54 65 76 87 98 iryitwith, jjg, ^ 4? , w ^ u > ^ w , To Multiply by 9's. To multiply by 9, 99, or ar,y number of 9's annex as many ciphers to the UMiltiplicand as there are 9's in the multiplier, and from the result subtract the muliplicaud. Example: Multiply 2,736 by 999=2,736,000 2,730 2J38.264.4ni. WCRRY, JVOT .WORK, USES UP MEN, 331 To Multiply by 11. MO multiply any two figures by 11, add two figures together ana place theii sum between the two figures of that number. Example: 43X11=473, or 4, (4+3,) and 3. If the sum of the two figures exceeds 9, the left-hand figure must be increased by 1. Thus 48X11=528. To Multiply by 75. Find cost of 428 yards at 75 cents. Take H of the number of yards, 107 ^ subtract this from the number, 428-lu7=321 and call the remainder dollars, This is a very convenient and practical rule. HOW TO DETERMINE RESULTS BY CANCELLATION. 1. Cancellation is the method of shortening operations by rejecting equal factors from numbers used as a divisor and the smmbsrs used as a dividend. 2. Cancellation shortens the process of multiplication and division and is very practical in the following examples: ILLUSTEATION : Multiply 18 r 16 x 28 and divide the result by 12 1 7 x 14, and it will equal 6?. SOLUTION J 8 Or, 16 48 = 6f , Ans, HOW TO ESTIMATE ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE, AND FIGURE UP WHEAT, OATS, POTATOES, ETC., SOLD BY THE BUSHEL. Cancellation Method. EXAMPLE : What will 1660 pounds of wheat cost at 80 cents a bushel 7 Bo r 1660 .4 3 I 66.40=$22.13i, Arts. EXPLANATION : It will be seen at a glance that the number of pounds and the price are to be multi- plied together and the result divided by 60 ; so place 1660 and 80 on one side of the line and 60 on the other and determine the result by cancellation, as shown in the above. This principle will apply to any commodity, and is one of the best and most '.-apid methods in solving practical examples. 22 Standard. 332 MAN DESIRES LONG LIFE. EXAMPLE : What will 2849 pounds of corn cost at 33 cents per buthell SOLUTION; 2841^ .36 7 I 102.24 =$14.60f Ans. TO FIGURE LUMBER BY CANCELLATION. RULE. Lumber is measured by the running foot. A foot squai-e and one inch thick is the unit of measurement. It is .as y :een that the number of pieces of lumber, multiplied by the ^.ength, and that result multiplied by the cost, and the total re.ult divided by 12, will determine the cost of any quantity of lumber that may be desired. SOLUTION: EXAMPLE : How many feet in a stick of lumber 6x3 and 18 feet long? *" 8 SOLUTION: I 72 feet, Ans. EXAMPLE: What will be the cost of 10 planks 14 inches 'wide, 2 inches thick, 14 feet iong, at $20 per thousand? EXAMPLE: What will be the cost of 20 pieces 2x4, 18 feet long, at $12 per thousand. 14 10 20 SOLUTION 2 4 IS 20 <** #2.880, Ans. OW TO RQURE UP THE PLASTERING OF A ROOM BY CANCELLATION. RULE. Multiply the distance around the room in feet by the height of the room in feet, and this result by the price per square yard, and divide the product by 9, because there are 9 square feet in a square yard. For the ceiling, multiply the length of the room by the width of the room in feet, and this by the price per square yard, r.^d divide the product by 9. Add the two results, and you have the cosi of plastering the room. .VO If^V WOULD BE OLD. 333 EXAMPLE : What would it cost to plaster a room 18 feet wide, 22 feet long, and 9 feet high, at 20 cents per square yard? SOLUTION : i OQ 20 22 20 #16.00 + $8.80=$24.8Q,Ans. RAPID METHODS IN BUSINESS CALCULATIONS. To Multiply Any Two Numbers Together, Each Having the Same fractions. EXAMPLE: Rule. 1. Multiply the whole numbers together. 2. Add the two numbers together and multiply this sum by either one of the fractions. _ 3. Multiply the tico fractions together. 4. Add the results together. llli"e Ane. How to Multiply Any Mixed Numbers. EXAMPLE. MULTIPLY 16% BY 95Si. 16* 9% Rule. 1. Multiply the whole numbers together ..................... 144 9. Mu Itiply the upper whole number by the lower fraction ......... 12 3. Multiply the lower whole number by the upper fraction ........ 6 4. Multiply the fractions together ................................... y s 5. Add the four products together .................................. 162V3 Ans. N. B. The middle parts should be added mentally without writing them out. Business Methods for Multiplying All Kinds of Mixed Numbers. Rule. Multiply the whole numbers together, then multiply each whole number by the fraction in the other number to its nearest unit and add the products. NOTK. In business it is the custom to reject fractions less than V4 in each um and count one for each fraction over V6- How much will 34% yards of cloth cost at 22*4 cents per yard. Solution : 34 x 'J2=$7.48 34xy 2 = .17 Nearest unit, 22 x %= .16^ $7.81^=7.82 Ans. What is the cost of 17 dozen and 9 eggs at 1214 cents per dozen? Solution : 17 x 12=$2.04 17xH= 9 (Make the V* a unit.) eggs=M dozen, 12 x %= 9 $2.22 Ans. The Curious Figure 9. Multiply 9 by any figure you like, and the sum of the digits of the prod. net will be 9. Thus, 4 X 9=36 ; add the digits, 3 + 6=9. So it goes up to 11 times 9=99 ; add these, 9 + 9=18, add again 8 + 1=9. You will never be able to get away from the figure nine. 9 X 454=4086, add the digits and the result is 18, and 8 and 1=9. Again : Take a row of figures. 487,632 Reverse the order of the figures. 236,784 Subtract, 250,848 Add the digits and the result is 27, and 2 + 7=9. 334 A FAT KITCHEN MAKES A LEAN WILL. How to Find tlie Number of Yards of Carpet to Cover a Floor. Ingrain carpet is 1 yard wide, Brussels and velvet carpets are % yard wide. Rule. Divide the width of the carpet into the width of the room and the result will be the number of strips ; multiply the number of strips by the length of the room and the result will equal the number of yards of carpeting to cover the floor. If there is a fraction in the division add one to the number of strips. In that case it will be necessary to turn under the carpet at one side. Example : A room is 12 feet, 9 inches by 14 feet, 6 inches. How much ingrain carpet is required to cover the floor? 12% ft., width of room -*- 3 width of ingrain carpet = 4 and a fraction. 5 Strips are therefore required. 14*4 ft. length .of room X 5 = 72*4 f t -*- 3 = 24J yards. It is sometimes more desirable or economical to run the strips crosswise. In that case divide the length of the room by the width of the carpet, and multiply this, the number of strips, by the width of the room. Example above: 14% ft., length of room, * 3 = 4 and a fraction. It, therefore, takes 5 strips. 12 X ft., width of room. X 5 = 63% ft. * 8 = 2134 yds. The difference in the results arises from the fact that more must be turned under when the strips run lengthwise. For Brussels carpet reduce the width or length to inches and divide by 27, width of Brussels in inches. The result will b the number of strips, then proceed as above. RUNNING AFTER A SHADOW IS A WEARISOME RACE. 335 How to Find the Amount of Paper Required to Paper a Room. Measure the distance around the room; deduct the width of each window and door; take % of the result and it will equal the number of strips required. Divide the result thus found by the number of strips that can be cut from one roll, and it will equal the number of rolls required to paper the room. Each roll is 1^ feet wide, 24 feet long and contains 36 square feet or 4 square yards. If the room has but few doors and windows, no allowance is made for them, as there is always a waste in cutting the paper. Paper will stick better on new walls, if they are brushed over with a sizing of weak glue. If you have no glue, brush paste over the wall, as well as over the paper. How to Find the Contents of a Watering-Trough. Rule. Multiply the height in feet by the length in feet, and the product by the width in feet, and divide the result by 4, and you will have the contents in barrels o/3lV gallons each. Example: What are the contents of a watering trough 8 feet long, 4 feet wide, and 3 feet deep? Solution: 3x4x8 *- 4=24 barrels. NOTE. For exact results multiply' the length in inches by the height in inches, by the width in inches, and divide the result by 231, and you will have the coctenta in gallons. How to Find the Contents of a Round Tank. Multiply the square of the diameter in feet by the depth in feet, and multi* ply this result by 6, and you have the approximate contents of the tank in gal- lons. (For exact results multiply the product by 5X instead of 6.) Example: How many gallons will a tank hold 6 feet in diam- eter and 8 feet deep? Solution: 6x6x8=288. 288x6=1728 gallons. Ans. NOTE. If the tank is larger at the bottom than at the top, find the aver- age diameter by measuring the middle part of the tank, half way between the top and bottom. FOR MORE EXACT RESULTS. Rule. Multiply the square of the diameter in feet by the depth in feet, and multiply this result by 47, and divide the product by 8, and you will have the number of gallons. NOTE. In calculating the capacity of tanks, 31V gallons are estimated to one barrel, and 63 gallons to one nogshead. A TABLE FOR CIRCULAR TANKS ONE FOOT IN DEPTH. Five feet in diameter holds. 4H barrels. Six feet in diameter holds 6% Seven feet in diameter holds 9 " Eight feet in diameter holds 12 Nine feet in diameter holds 15 " Ten feet in diameter holds 19 r /i " N. B. To find the contents of a tank by the table, multiply the contents of one foot in depth by the number of feet deep. 336 CONTENTMENT MAKES THE POOREST MAN RICH. Table for Square Tanks One Foot in Depth. A Tank Five feet by five 'feet holds 6 barrels. Six feet by six feet holds 8^ Seven feet by seven feet holds \\ l / 2 Eight feet by eight feet holds 15^ *' Nine feet by nine feet holds " Ten feet by ten feet holds : To find the contents of a trough, measure its depth in feet and multiply it by the contents of one foot in depth. Shorter Forms of How to Find the Contents of Cylindrical Cisterns, Tanks, Etc. If you cut the largest possible square from a circle drawn on paper, the square will be a little more than % of the whole circle. Therefore, to find the area of a circle, take }{ of the square of the diameter (or for exactness .78) and the result will be the area of the circle. Rule. Multi-ply the square of the diameter of the cistern in feet, by the height in feet, and divide this result ly 5, and it will equal the number of barrels the cistern -will hold (approximately). ( Or for exact results, instead of dividing by 5, take i\ of the product. ) Example: A cistern is 5 feet in diameter, and 8 feet deep. How many barrels will it hold? Solution: 5X5X8=200. 200-^5=40 barrels. Ans. To find the number of gallons, multiply by DISCONTENT MAKES THE MILLIONAIRE POOR. 33? FINDING THE CONTENTS OF A BARREL. BARRELS In measuring cisterns, reservoirs, vats, etc., the barrel is esti- mated at 31 X gallons, and the hogshead at 63 gallons. A gallon of water weighs nearly S l /i pounds, avoirdupois. A pint is generally estimated as a pound. How to Find the Contents of Barrels and Casks. Rule. Add together the diameters of the bung and head in inches, an& divide the sum by 2. and its result icill equal the average diameter. Then mul- tiply the square of the average diameter by the length in inches and multiply this result by 34 and cut off the four right hand figures, and you will have the number of gallons. Example: How many gallons in a barrel whose bung diame- ter is 22 inches, head diameter 18 inches, and length 80 inches? Solution: 22 + 18-^2 = 20, average diameter. 20X20X30X 34 = 40.8000, or 40f gallons To Find the Number of Barrels in a Square Cistern. Multiply the height, width and depth together, and divide the product obtained by 4 (or for exactness, by 4.2), and the result will equal the number cf barrels of 31% gals, each the cistern will hold. Example: 4x8x5 = 160. 160 -M = 40 barrels. 338 NEVER QUIT CERTAINTY FOR HOPE, STONE-WORK, A cord of stone, three bushels of lime and a cubic yard of sand will make 100 cubic feet of wall. One cubic foot of stone-work weighs from 130 to 175 pounds, Short Method of Estimating Stone-work. Rule. Multiply the length in feet by the height in feet, and thai by the thickness in feet, and divide this result by 21% and the quo- tient will be the number of perches of stone in the wall. Example: A wall is 4 X 15 X 2 = 120 the solid contents, 120 -5- 27^ = 4 T 4 r perches. N. B. A perch of stone is a variable measure of about 25 cubic feet. Usually 24|^ cubic feet are allowed, to which 2% cubic feet .re added for the mortar and filling, making 27^ cubic feet of wall for every perch of stone. How to Find the Number of Cords of Stone to Build Cellar and Barn Walls. RULE. Multiply the length, height and thickness together ic feet and divide the result by 156. N. B. There are 128 cubic feet in a cord, but the mortar and sar/i make it necessary to use but 100 cubic feet of stone. FACTS FOR BUILDERS. A cubic yard of sand is called a load. Five hundred bricks make a load. A bricklayer's hod will hold 20 bricks; the ordinary load, however, is 16 walling, or 12 facing bricks. A bricklayer can lay about 1,500 bricks in a day of 10 hours, where the joints are left rough; about 1,000 when both faces are to be worked fair, and not more than 500 when carefully joined and faced with picked bricks of a uniform color. To every barrel of lime estimate about {Hi of a cubic yard of good sand for plastering and brickwork. One-third of a barrel of stucco will hard-finish 100 square yards of plastering. One and one-quarter barrels cement and ^ yards sand will lay loo feet rubble stone. One and one-eighth barrels of lime and 6 yards of sand will lay bricks. LITTLE AND OFTEN FILLS THE PURSE, 339 HOW TO FIND THE NUMBER OF COMMON BRICKS IN A WALL OR BUILDING. A BRICK is 8 inches long, 4 inches wide and 2 inches thick, and contains 84 cubic inches. Twenty-seven bricks make one cubic foot of wall without mor tar, and it takes from 20 to 22 bricks according to the amount of mortar used to make a cubic foot of wall with mortar. Rule. Multiply the length of the wall in feet by the height in feet, and that by its thickness in feet, and then multiply that result by 20, and the product will be the number of bricks in the wall. Example: How many bricks ir a wall 30 feet long, 20 feet high and 18 inches thick? Solution: 30 length X 20 height X \ 1 A thick = 900 X 20 = 18,000. Ans. N. B. For a wall 8 inches thick, multiply the length in feet by the height iir feet, and that result by 14, and the product will equal the number of bricks. When doors and windows occur in the wall, multiply their height, width end thickness together, and deduct the amount from the solid contents of the wall before multiplying by 20 or 14, as the case may be. BRICK-WORK. Five courses of bricks will make one foot in height on achirn ney. One cubic foot of brick -work with common mortar weighs from 100 to 110 pounds. A cask of lime will make mortar sufficient for 1,000 bricks, FOR PLASTERING. Six bushels of lime, 40 cubic feet* of sand, and 1^ bushels of hair will plaster 100 square yards with two coats of mortar. In plastering no deductions are made for openings, because the extra work in finishing around them balances the material saved. N. B, There are about IM cubic feet in a bushel. 340 THOUGHT IS MORTAR; DEEDS ARE STONE. How to Calculate the WEIGHT of Coal in a Bin or Box. A solid cubic foot of anthracite coal weighs about 93 pounds. When broken for use it weighs about 54 pounds. Bituminous coal when broken up for use weighs about 50 pounds. Rule. Multiply the length in feet by the height in feet, and again by the breadth in feet, and this result by 54 for anthracite coal, or by 50 for bituminous coal, and the result will equal the number of pounds. ' To find the number of tons, divide by 2,000. Example: A coal bin is ten feet long, 8 feet wide, and 5 feet high. How many tons of anthracite coal will it hold? Solution: 10x8x5x54=21,600. 21,600-^2,000=10 tons and 1,600 pounds. Amount of Charcoal in a Bin. Multiply length, breadth, and height (all in inches) together, and divide by 2571, the number of cubic inches in a bushel of charcoal. How to Find the Number of Cords in a File of Wood. A. cord of wood is a pile 8 feet long, 4 feet .wide and 4 feet high and con- tains 128 cubic feet. Rule. Multiply the length in feet by the width in feet and that result by the height in feet and divide the product by 128 and you have the number of cords. Example : How many cords in a pile of wood 4 feet wide, 7 feet high, 24 feet long. Solution; 4X7X24=672 cubic feet. 672+128=514 cords. Ans. A cord of wood contains 128 cubic feet when the wood is Cut 4 feet long. It is an error to suppose that a cord should always contain 128 cubic feet, as, for instance, cooking stove wood is seldom over 20 inches in width when corded, but the width is. counted the same as if it was four feet. As for instance in the following example: Rule. Multiply the length of the pile by the height, and divide by 32. Example: How many cords are contained in a pile of stove wood 17 feet long, 6 feet high and 19 inches in width? Solution: 17 length X 6 height=102; 102 -;- 32=3 ft cords. Ans. TO BE AN HONEST MAN IS THE MASTER CRAFT. 341 PRICE OF WOOD PER CORD. EXPLANATION. Find the number of feet in the left-hand column of the table, then the price in dollars and cents at the top of the table, and trace the line and column until they meet, and you will find the amount in dollars and cents. r-(r-lr-lCOCOCOCOCOCOTf<> rtpr} " p O p p p O_ '-'.' '.CO^CO ^iOCOt^OOO;ip?-HCOCOCO'rf*O?Dt^ 342 NEVER PROMISE WHAT YOU CANNOT FULFIL. A TILE FACTORY. HOW TO FIND THE CARRYING CAPACITY OF TILE. Gallons Per Minute. FALL PER 100 FEET. SIZE OF TILE. lin. Sin. 6 in. 9 in. 12 in. 24 in. 36 in. 8-inch 13 23 32 40 46 64 79 4- inch 27 47 66 81 93 131 163 6-inch . . 75 129 183 224 258 864 450 8-inch 158 265 875 460 529 750 923 9-inch . " . .. 205 355 593 617 711 1006 1240 10-inch . 267 463 655 803 926 1310 1613 12-inch 422 730 1033 1273 1468 2076 2551 A large tile will carry more water according to its size than a small one. This is because there is less surface on the inside of the large tile compared with the size of stream, and therefore less friction. More water will flow through a straight tile than a crooked one having the same diameter. EXAMPLE : A nine-inch tile at 6 inches fall to the 100 feet will flow 593 gale, per minute. AREA AND WEIGHT OF TILE. The following table shows the area and the weight of the different sized tile: SIZE. WEIGHT. AREA. SIZH. WEIGHT. AREA. 8 inch . 5 Ibs ea 8Vi BQ in 7 inch. 15 Ibs ea 8K " . 6 " 9Y* " 8 " 18 " 53 Y* ** I .. 7 " 14 " 9 " 21 " 67 " 5 " 10 " 21 V4 " 10 " 24 " 6054 " 6 " 12 " 30V4 12 '* 28 " 113 - ILL GOTTEN GOODS SELDOM PROSPER. 343 A COMPLETE SET OF CARPENTER'S RULES. Plain, Simple and Practical. THE GABLE is a space the form of a triangle on the end of & building, with a common double roof. QUARTER PITCH. Is a roof that is one-fourth as high as the width of the building. 24 feet. Rule. To find the area of the gable end, multiply the width of the building by the height of the roof, and take one-half of tht result. Or, if the roof is " quarter pitch," find the area by multi- plying width of the roof by Y* of itself. To find the number of feet of stock boards to cover a house or barn. Rule. Multiply the distance around the barn by the height of the post, and to this result add the area of the two gable ends, (If there are many openings, allowance should be made for them), 344 THJX EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WJRM. How to Find the Number of Shingles Required for a Roof. Rule. Multiply the length of the ridge pole by twice the length of on rafter, and, if the shingles are to be exposed 4 l /z inches to the weather, multi- ply by 9, and if exposed 5 inches to the weather, multiply by 8, and you have the number of shingles. NOTE. Shingles are 16 inches long, and average about i inches wide. They are put up in bundles of 250 each. Rule. 900 shingles, laid 4 inches to the weather, will cover 100 square feet, and 800 shingles laid 4^ inches to the weather will cover 100 square feet. How to Find the Number of Laths for a Room. Laths are 4 feet long and 1> inches wide, and 16 laths are generally estimated to the square yard. There are 50 in a bunch. RULE. Find the number of square yards in the room, and multiply by 16, and the result will equal the number of laths necessary to cover the room. FLOORS AND SIDING. To find the number of feet of 6- inch matched flooring for a given floor. Find the number of square feet of surface to be covered, and add \ of itself to it, and the result will be the required number of feet. FOR THREE-INCH FLOORING. Find the number of square feet to be covered, to which add l / 2 of itself. JL How to Find the Length and Bevels of Rafters. 1. Place your steel square on a board (say the building is 40 feet long), 20 inches from the corner one way, and 7 inches the other, and mark it as shown in the above figure. Now the angle at c will be the bevel of the upper end, and the angle at a the bevel at the lower end of the rafter. THE EARL Y WORM IS A VICTIM OF THE EARL Y BIRD- 345 2. LENGTH OF RAFTER. The length will be from a to b on the outer edge of the board. The 20 inches shows the 20 feet, or half of the width of the building; the 7 inches the 7 foot rise. Now the distance from a to b, on the edge of the board, is 21 inches, two-twelfths and one-quarter of a twelfth (always use a square with inches on one side divided into twelfths), therefore this rafter will be 21 feet and 2# inches long. f How to Make a Curve with a Set Triangle. 1. In the above figure let a, b represent the length, and c t eftht height of the curve. Drive two awls at e and e; then take two strips, marked s s, and nail them together at the point d, and spread out the -i^es to the awls at e and e\ then tack on the brace f t hold a penal at the point d t then move the point toward the point e both ways. Be sure and keep the strips s s hard against the awls at e and e t and the pencil will mark out the exact curve. SLATE TABLES. Slates are sold by the square, which covers 100 square feet, weighs about 600 pounds and costs from $3.00 to $10.00: average about $5.00. They are laid with three inches under-lap, and to find how much to lay each size to the weather subtract three inches from the length of the slate and divide the remainder by two. Example: How much will an 18 inch slate lay to the weather? Solution: 18 3 = 15. 15 -*- 2 = 7^ inches. Ans. NUMBER OF ELATES PER SQUARE. Sizes Number Sizes Number Sizes Number Sizes Number 6x10 685 8x14 328 10x18 192 13x22 116 7x10 588 9x14 291 11x18 175 14x22 108 8x10 515 10x14 262 12x18 160 12x24 115 6x12 534 12x14 219 10x20 170 13x24 105 7x12 458 8x16 277 11x20 154 14x24 98 86 8x12 K>xl2 400 9x16 247 12x20 142 16x24 356 10x16 222 14x20 121 18x24 77 820 12x16 185 11x22 138 14x26 90 7x14 374 9xlB 214 12x22 127 14x28 83 346 8H1NE AS LIGHTS IN THE How to Make the Curves for Brick and Stone Arches. Measure the width, and draw the figure as above. If the points in 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., are equal on both sides, the curve will be an exact part of a circle. DEFINITIONS FOR MECHANICS. An angle is the opening between two lines that have a different direction. When two straight lines cross each other so as to form four equal angles, each angle is called a right angle. An acute angle is less than a right angle. An obtuse angle is greater than a right angle. A triangle is a figure having three sides. A surface having four straight lines and four right angles is called a rectangle. A rectangle whose sides are equal is called a square. The perimeter of a figure is the distance around it. An arc is any part of the circumference of a circle. A chord is a line drawn through the circle and ending on the circumference. A quadrant is a quarter circle. A tangent is a line that touches a circle but does not cut it A polygon is a figure bounded by straight lines. The following figures show the principal polygons used with numbers of sides of each: JOOOOO Pentagon, Hexagon, Heptagon. Octagon. Nonagon. Decagon. Concentric circles are circles that have the same center and the space included between their circumference is called a ring. POINTERS FOR MECHANICS. A good stain for floors is made by boiling shellac and borax in water. Marble mantels require very careful handling. Gas fixtures should be carefully stored away in some dry place, for they may often be in service, and can easily be renovated if tarnished or soiled. BUT DO NOT PUT THE CANDLE IN A DRA UGHT. 347 Furnace registers should never be placed near a mantel if it is desired to utilize the heat. A monthly rubbing of floors with oil is much better than painting. This will also make them look as good as new. Locks, hinges, keys and other hardware should have special care, every piece represents money, and if not well cared for will result in waste. Porch floors should be made of narrow stuff! it is well to lay the joints in white lead. Shingles or any other light wood work can be made fire proof by using lime water. Poor work testifies to the fact that the lowest priced builder is not always the cheapest. Use oak instead of maple for basement flooring, because it will stand dampness better. Tools should be kept in a handy place and in good con- dition. There is nothing like having an exact place for every tool and keeping it there when not in use. Keeping tools in good order is as essential as keeping them in the proper place. No man should use a dull cool. If there is time to use it there ought to be time to keep it in good order. Old material should never be destroyed because it is old. Do not use one chimney flue for two stove-pipes; one draught may counteract the other. It is well to have a ventilating Hue from the kitchen into the chimney; this will do away with atmospheric meals. Don't grumble if you do not get as good results from the use of old material as from new. Fasten stops to doors and windows with round-headed screws: they can be easily removed. Moths and insects will not be found in closets finished with red cedar shelves and drawers. All fixtures, such as grates, hearth-stones, bath-tubs, desks, heating appliances, should be moved with care; they may fre- quently be used for inferior fixings and thus much money saved. Furnaces should be located with care. It is easier to force warm air through a furnace flue 50 feet^away from the prevalen wind than 10 feet in the opposite direction. Hot air flues should not be carried for any distance through cold cellars or basements, as they will become chilled, and will not draw, unless they are inclosed in some non-conducting material. Hot water heating has a number of advantages in its favor. For mild climates it answers very well; there are, however, ob- jections to its use in northern latitudes. Hot water will cool down and freeze much quicker than ordinary water, under the same circumstances. 23 Standard $48 A BUSINESS WILL RUN ITSELF ONLY ONE WAY. L. soldering, see that the surface to be soldered is clean; it not, make it so by riling or scraping. There is no surer way of gaining knowledge than by a careful and understanding watchfulness of others in the same line of business as yourself. Don't tell all you know, or else others will know one valuable thing that you don't know, and that is that you don't know as much as you pretend to know. USEFUL AND PRACTICAL RULES FOR MECHANICS To Find the Diagonal of a Square. Multiply the side of the square by 1.41421. To Find the Circumference of a Circle. Multiply the diameter by 3 or multiply the area by 12.566 aiwJj extract the square root of the product. To Find the Area of a Circle. Multiply the square of the radius by 3}. The radius is one-half the "diameter. To Find the Diameter of a Circle. Divide the circumference by 3f. To Draw a Circle Through Three Points. Let the three points be A, B and C. Join A and B and B and C by straight lines. At the middle points of these lines draw lines perpendicular to them. This can easily be done by using a square. Produce these lines and let them meet at O. O is the center of the circle. With O as center and OA as radius construct the circle. To Find the Area of any Polygon. Find the center of the figure and multiply distance around the figure (perimeter) by one-half of the diameter and the re- sult will equal the area. Inscribed and Circumscribed Squares. GRAVITY IS ALWA$~S DOWNWARD. 349 The square described within the circle is exactly half as large as the square described outside of the circle, that i& the described one is one half the area of the circumscribed square. The square c dn k contains exactly one-half the area of the square a c m b. It is thus easily seen that the area of the circumscribed square (that is the square a c m b] is equal to the square of the diameter of the circle. How to Lay Off Small Lots of Land. Farmers and gardners often find it necessary to lay off small jwrtionfi at land for the purpose of experimenting with different crops, fertilizers, etc. To such the following rules will be helpful : One acre contains 160 sq. rods, or 4,840 sq. yards, or 43,560 sq. feet. One acre it will take 208, 7 feet each way. One-half acre it will take 147*4 feet each way. One-third acre it will take 120'^ feet each way. One-fourth acre it will take 104X feet each way. One-eighth acre it will take 73& feet each way. How to Make an Ice Chest. Take two dry goods boxes, one enough smaller than the other to leave a space of three or four inches all around when placed inside the larger box. Pack this space between the two boxes closely with sawdust and make a heavy cover to fit neatly inside the top of the larger box. A small pipe inserted in the bot- tom of the chest will carry off the waste water. For family use and all ordinary purposes it will be as serviceable as refriger- ators costing twenty-five times as much. THE LIGHTNING METHOD FOR MEASURING LUMBER. 1. A FOOT OF LUMBER is one foot long, one foot wide and one inch thick. This is called a Board Foot. 2. PIECE STUFF OR DIMENSION STUFF is lumber that is two or more irithes thick and of uniform width and length. 3. SCANTLING is usually from three to four inches wide and from two to four inches thick. 4. JOIST is two-inch lumber of any width. 5. PLANK is two inches in thickness and wider than a scantling. Rule for 12-foot Boards : Find the width of the boards in inches and add together, and the sum obtained will be equal to the number of feet in the pile. (Each inch in width equals one foot of lumber.) Note: U?e no fractions If a board is between 9 and 10 inches wide, but nearer 9 than 10, call it 9; if nearer 10 than 9, call it 10. If it is 9J4, call it either 9 or 10. For 14-foot boards add the width ot the boards in inches, and to the sum add i of itself, and the result will equal the number of feet in the pile. For 16-foot lumber, add the width of the bo irds in inches and to that sum add i of itself, ana you will have the number of feet in the pile. Example : How many feet of lumber in ten boards, 9 inches wide. -*nd 16 ffeet long? Solution. 10x9=90. H of 90=30. 804-90=120, the number of feet 350 BETWEEN IDLENESS AND OVERWORK LIES THE 20ft. ft 10 ft. \ How to Find the Height of a Tree. Suppose you desire a log 30 feet long measure off from the base of the tree 30 feet (allow for the height of the stump), then measure 10 feet back, and put your 10-foot pole at b ; let some one hold it the height of the stump from the ground, then put your eye at ^, looking over the top of the pole at c t and where the eye strikes the tree at d t will be 30 feet from a. N. B. This rule will apply to any tree, or any height. The princip'e* hold true in any case. How to Ascertain the Number of Feet (Board Measure) in a Log. Rule : Subtract from the diameter of the log in inches, 4 inches (for slabs) f one-fourth of this result squared and multiplied by the length in feet ivill give the correct amount of lumber made from any log. Example : How many feet of lumber can be made from a log which is 86 inches in diameter and 10 feet long? Solution : From 36 (diameter) subtract 4 (for slabs) =32. Take ^ jf 32 =8, which multiplied by itself equals 64. Then multiply 64 by 10 (length) =640. Ans. ROPP'S RULE: Square the diameter in inches and subtract 60 from the result, then multiply this result by the length and divide by 2, and cut off the right hand figure. How to Reduce Logs to Square Timber. Rule: Multiply the square of the diameter in inches by the length of the log in feet and divide the result by 300, and the result will equal the number of cubic feet. Example : How many cubic feet in a log 30 inches in diameter and 20 feet long? Solu tion : 30x30x20 * 300= Ans . 60 cubic feet. The Actual Weight of Dry Pine Lumber. Timber 8 Ibs. per ft. Joists 2.8 ' Inch Lumber (rough).. 2.6 " (dressed) .2.3 " " " White Pine Flooring.. .1.9 Ibs. per ft. Norway Flooring 2.3 " " 4t Shingles 250 " " M. Latha 500 " " 1L FIGURES DON" T LIE. IF LIARS DO' NT FIGURE. EASTERN LOO TABLE. (For larger logs see table on page 854.) 351 Ft long Dia. 6 Dia. 7 Dia. 8 Dia. 9 Dia. 10 Dia. 11 Dia. 12 Dia. 13 Dia. 14 Dia. 15 Dia. 16 Dia. 17 Dia. 18 Dia. 19 Dia. 20 Dia. 21 Dia. 22 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 49 61 72 89 99 116 133 150 175 190 209 11 16 22 27 33 38 44 54 67 79 98 109 127 147 165 192 209 230 & 18 24 80 36 42 48 59 73 86 107 119 139 160 180 210 228 251 18 19 26 82 89 45 52 64 79 93 116 129 150 173 195 227 247 272 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 69 85 100 125 139 162 187 210 245 266 292 15 22 30 37 45 52 60 74 91 107 134 149 173 200 225 262 285 813 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 79 97 114 142 159 185 213 240 280 304 334 17 25 84 42 51 59 68 84 103 122 151 168 196 227 255 297 323 855 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 88 109 129 160 178 208 240 270 315 849 376 19 28 88 47 57 66 76 93 116 136 169 188 219 253 285 832 361 897 20 80 40 BO 60 70 80 98 122 143 178 198 232 267 800 850 380 418 21 81 42 52 63 73 84 103 128 150 187 208 243 280 815 868 399 439 22 88 44 55 66 77 88 108 134 157 196 Z18 255 293 830 885 418 460 23 84 46 57 69 80 92 113 140 164 205 228 266 807 345 403 437 480 24 86 48 60 72 84 96 118 146 172 214 238 278 320 860 420 456 501 25 37 50 62 75 87 100 123 152 179 223 248 289 333 375 438 475 522 CUBICAL CONTENTS OF ROUND TIMBER. Ft. Dia. Dis . Hi a. E ia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. long 6 7 * 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 8 1.57 2.1 4 2 79 a .53 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 14 16 17 19 9 1.76 2J 3 14 a .97 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 10 1.96 2.( >7 8 49 4 .42 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 11 2.16 2.1 >4 3 84 4 .86 6 7 8 10 12 18 15 17 19 22 24 26 12 2.35 8.; JO 4 19 5 .80 6 8 11 13 15 17 19 21 24 26 20 j 18 2.55 3.4 17 4 54 5 .74 7 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 23 26 28 81 i 14 2.75 8.' 4 4 89 fl .19 7 9 11 18 15 17 19 22 25 28 81 84 ! W 2.94 4.( )5 5 24 6 .63 8 10 12 14 16 18 21 23 26 80 33 36 ! 16 3.14 4.2 57 5 58 1 .07 9 11 12 14 17 20 22 25 28 82 35 88 17 8.33 4.! )4 5 98 1 .51 9 11 13 16 18 21 24 27 80 33 87 41 18 8.53 4.{ il 6 28 1 .95 10 12 14 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 39 43 19 3.78 5.C )7 6. 63 E .39 10 13 15 17 21 23 27 30 83 87 41 45 20 8.92 B.J 14 6. 98 8 .84 11 13 16 18 21 25 28 31 35 89 44 48 Ft. Dia. Dia. D a. Du i. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. long 22 23 2 4 2f 26 27 28 29 80 31 82 38 34 35 86 87 38 ~F 21 23 5 5 2' 29 32 34 37 39 42 45 48 50 53 57 60 ~63 9 24 26 J 8 8 i 33 36 38 41 44 47 50 53 57 60 64 67 70 10 26 29 I 34 I 87 40 43 46 49 52 56 59 63 67 71 75 79 11 29 32 1 5 3' ' 41 43 47 50 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 82 86 12 82 34 8 4 I 44 47 51 55 58 62 67 71 76 80 85 90 94 13 34 87 4 1 1< I 48 51 56 60 63 68 72 77 82 87 92 97 102 14 37 40 4 4 4! J 52 55 60 64 68 73 78 83 88 94 99 105 110 15 40 43 4 t7 5 L 55 59 64 69 78 78 84 89 95 IOC 106 112 118 16 42 46 I 5 i 59 63 68 78 78 83 8S 95 101 107 118 US 126 17 45 49 I 3 5 3 63 68 73 78 83 8fl 95 101 107 114 121 127 135 18 48 52 ! 7 6 L 66 72 77 82 88 94 IOC 106 114 12C 128 134 143 19 50 55 ( >0 6 i 70 75 81 87 93 9S KM 112 12C 12 r 135 142 151 20 53 58 f )3 61 j 74 79 85 91 98 10S 112 118 12* 134 142 14t 159 If a log is longer than given in table, unite two numbers. Thus, if it is 88 feet, double the product of 19. 352 MAGNIFY YOUR OFFICE. THE ORGAN BLOWER SAYS, STATISTICS ON LUMBER, Manufactures Census of 1890. Establish- Cost of Valu* et ments. Capital. Employes. Wages. Material. ProducU. tHii I Products from Logs .... 21,011 $496,339,968 286,197 $87, 784.. 433 $231,555,618 $403,667,575 Planing Mill Products 3,670 120,271,440 86,888 48,970,080 104,926,834 183,681,552 Looking Glass and Picture Frames 1,290 8,554,995 9,664 5.257,553 7,069,115 16,376,178 Furniture 5,970 93,642,147 92,504 48,792,752 55,125,830 135,627,332 JOISTS, SCANTLING AND TIMBER MEASUREMENT. Size in Inches. Length in Feet. 12 H 16 18 12 2O 22 2 4 16 2.6 28 30 20 30 2 x 4 8 9 11 13 15 17 19 2 x 6 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 2 8 16 19 21 24 27 29 32 40 35 37 40 2 10 20 23 27 30 83 37 43 47 50 2 12 3 4 24 28 32 36 40 44 22 48 52 56 60 30 12 14 16 18 20 24 26 28 3 6 18 21 24 27 30 83 44 36 48 39 52 42 45 60 8 24 28 32 36 40 56 70 10 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 75 90 12 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 4 16 19 21 24 27 40 29 82 85 37 40 60 6 24 28 37 .82 36 44 48 52 56 8 32 43 48 53 59 64 69 75 ~W 80 10 40 47 53 60 67 73 80 87 100 12 48 56 64 72 54 ~~72 80 88 96 104 112 120 ~90~ ~i20 150 6 86 42 48 60 66 72 78 84 ( 8 48 56 64 80 80 88 96 120 104 112 6 10 60 70 90 100 110 136 130 140 6 12 72 84 96 108 120 144 128 160 156 139 168 149 180 8 8 64 75 85 96 107 117 160 8 10 80 93 107 120 133 147 173 187 200 8 12 96 112 128 144 160 176 192 208 224 240 ~250 10 10 100 117 133 150 167 183 200 217 233 10 12 120 140 160 180 200 220 264 240 260 280 308 12 12 144 ~m~ 168 192 216 240 288 812 336 360 12 U 196 224 252 280 308 336 864 425 892 420 14 14 196 229 261 294 827 359 392 457 490 Example : A timber 12 by 14 inchoe, 18 feet long, contains 252 square feet. -J CAJf PUMP ASY TUNE THE ORGANIST CAN PLAT.' 363 BOARD AND PLANK MEASUREMENT AT SIGHT. This table gives the aq. ft. and inches in hoards from 6 to 25 in. wide, and from 8 to K ft. long. If a board be longer than 36 ft., unite two numbers. Thus, if a board ! 40 ft, long and 16 in. wide, add 30 and 10 and you have 53 ft. 4 inches. For 2 inch plank double the product. 00 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 7 in. 8 in. 9 in. 10 in. .1 in. 12 in. 13 in. 14 in. W 15 in. W J PM w. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. t. in. ft. in. t. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. ft. in. 8 2 8 3 4 4 4 8 5 4 6 6 8 7 4 8 8 8 9 4 10 V 3 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 6 9 7 6 8 3 9 9 9 10 6 11 10 3 4 4 2 5 5 10 6 8 7 6 8 4 9 2 10 10 10 11 8 12 11 to 3 8 4 7 5 6 6 5 7 4 8A 8 3 9/\ 9 2 1 A A 10 1 nn 11 10 fi 11 11 i Q n 12 10 Uf\ 13 -t n 13 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 u 8 8 U 9 9 1U U 10 10 u 11 11 \L U 13 la u 14 1 U 15 2 ID 16 14 mm 4 8 5 10 7 8 2 85 9 4 1 J t fl 10 6 11 8 1 ., c 12 10 1 Q (I 14 t r , , 15 2 1 A O 16 4 no 17 1O la 16 5 4 6 8 8 \ 9 4 10 10 8 11 3 12 1- 13 4 13 V 14 8 id o 16 JO o 17 4 18 8 10 20 17 5 8 7 1 8 6 9 11 11 4 12 9 14 2 15 7 17 18 5 19 10 21 18 6 7 6 9 10 6 12 13 6 15 16 6 18 19 6 21 22 19 6 4 7 11 9 6 11 1 12 8 14 8 15 10 17 5 19 20 7 22 2 23 20 6 8 8 4 10 11 8 13 4 15 16 8 18 4 20 21 8 23 4 25 91 7 8 9 10 6 12 8 14 15 9 17 6 19 3 21 22 9 24 6 26 22 7 4 9 2 11 12 10 14 8 16 6 18 4 20 2 22 23 10 2i 8 27 23 7 8 9 7 11 13 5 15 4 17 3 19 2 21 1 23 24 11 26 10 28 24 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 25 8 4 10 5 12 14 7 16 8 18 9 20 10 22 11 25 27 1 29 2 81 9 8 8 1010 13 15 2 17 4 19 6 21 8 23 10 26 28 2 30 4 82 3? 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191! 2025 205? 213< 21M 22S2 ) 225612376 HOW TO USE THE LOG TABLE. First find the average diameter of the log by adding together the two ends of the log, in inches ; then divide by two, and the result will equal the arerage diameter, and then apply the above table. Ezample. How many feet of lumber ara there in a log 15 inches at one end and 21 inches at the other, and 22 feet long? Solution. 15+21=36 ; one-half of 86=13 inches, the average diameter. Then refer to the column under 13 inches opposite to 22 and yon will find tne answer 2f.9 foet. WE MUST GO TO IT STEP BY 3TSP. HOW TO FIND THE DISTANCE TRAVELED IN PLOWING.. Showing the distance traveled by a horse in plowing an acre of land, and the quantity of land cultivated per day, computed at the rate of 16 and 18 miles per day of 9 hours: Breadth of furrow lice in inches.] Miles traveled in plowing an acre. Acres plowed per day. Breadth of furrow slice in inches. Miles traveled in plowing an acre. Acres plowed per day. 18 Mi. 16 Mi. 18 Mi. 16 ML i 8 14* 1* IK ii 14 15 7 2* lit 9 11 li 16 n 10 j* li 17 53 3| 2/! 11 9 1 2 i/ 18 5* S'i 2n 12 13 IV* 21 2* ift 19 20 a 34 H a HOW MUCH ADVANTAGE IS GIVEN IN CHANGING THE EVENER. Caution. In moving the center pin of an evener one inch toward one of the end pins it changes the draft twice as much as it does to move one of the end pins one inch toward the center pin. Or in other words, moving the center pin changes the draft twice as much as changing one of the end pins or clevises. An average evener is 42 inches in length. Now if the center pin is moved one inch from the center to the right or left, the horse drawing on the short end will pull about g 1 ,, more than the horse drawing on the opposite end. If one of the end pins is moved one inch the difference will be about ^,. Example: If a team of horses draw 2000 pounds, and the cen- ter pin is moved one inch from the center, what part of the whole iioad will each draw? 2090X5^ = 100 pounds, the difference. 100+1000=1100 pounds. 1000100 = 900 pounds. Hence the horse at the short end of the evener draws 1100 Ibs., and the other horse draws 900 Ibs. The draft on a 14 inch plow, plowing 4 inches deep, is aboi* HOOO Ibs.; 5 inches deep, 1250 Ibs.; 6 inches deep, 1500 Ibs. 24 Stp'idard. 366 WOULD YOU LIVE LONV> WORK BARD HOW TO MEASURE HAY IN THE MOW OR STACK. *A ton of dry hay is variously estimated from 400 to 500 cubis feet to the ton. To be on the safe side it is best to estimate about 500 cubic leet to the ton. Hay in a Mow. Rule. Multiply the length in feet by the height in feet, and this by the Breadth infect, and divide the result by 500 and you have the number of tons. Example: How many tons of hay in a mow 20 feet long, 10 5et high, and 15 feet wide? Solution: 20 X 10 X 15-5- 500-6. Ans. How to Estimate the Number of Tons in a Stack. Rule. Multiply the length in feet by the width in feet, and this by one* Jtcl/ the height, and divide the product by 300. Example: How many tons of hay in a stack 20 feet lorg, 12 leet high, and 15 feet wide? Solution: 20 X 6 X 15 -f- 300=6 tons. Ans. How to Estimate the Contents of a Round Stack. Rule. Multiply the square of the distance around the stack in yards by 4 MS the height in yards, and point off two places from the right, and thU will be the number of cubic yards in the stack, which divided by ?0 will equal ftto number of tons. Example: How many tons of hay in a stack, distance around lie bulge, 25 yards, and height, C-" yards? Solution: 25 X 25 = 625, the- 625 X 36 = 22,500, pointing off two places makes 225, then 225 --'*0 = 11^ tons. Ans *Some authorities aMow only 850 cnbic feet for a ton of timothy hay when thoroughly settled. Others allow 344 to 420. For millet allow only 216 cubic feet to a ton. The fact is, hay in stuck or mow can only be approximately ascertained by measurement. LITTLE STROKES FELL LARGE OAKS. 357 NOTE. No exact rule can be given for measuring hay in the bulk because of its settling more in one case than another, and the different kinds of hay vary greatly. While timothy hay requires from 400 to 500 cubic feet for a ton, common meadow hay requires from 800 to 1,000 cubic feet. The above estimates are as reliable as estimates can be made. There were about 67,000,000 tons of hay harvested in the United States in 1890. HOW TO FIND THE CONTENTS OF A WAGON BOX. A common wagon box is a little more than 10 feet long and 3 feet wide, and will hold about 2 bushels for every inch in depth, Rule. Multiply the depth of the wagon box in inches by 2, and you have the number of bushels. If the wagon box is 11 feet long, multiply the depth in inches by 2, and add one-tenth of the number of bushels to itself. Example: How many bushels of grain will a wagon box hold, 22 inches deep and 10 feet long? , Solution: 22 X 2 = 44. Ans. N. B. A bushel to the inch is calculated for corn 011 the cob. HW TO FIND THE NUMBER OF BUSHELS OF GRAIN IN A BIN OR BOX. Rule. Multiply the length in feet by the height in feet, and then again by the breadth in feet, and then .igain by S, and cut off the right hand figure. The last result will be the number of bushels. Example: How many bushels in a bin 12 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 6 feet high? Solution: 12 X 10 X 6 X ,8=576.0. Ans. NOTE. For exact results multiply the length in inches by the height in inches, and that again by the width in inches, and divide the result by 2150.4, the number of cubic inches in a bushel. SHRINKAGE OF GRAIN. In deciding to keep their grain farmers should take into account the shrinkage. Wheat will shrink two quarts to the bushel in six months from the time it is threshed. Corn shrinks much more, the shrinkage being nearly one fifth' of the whole amount. So that for corn forty cents from the field is as much as fifty cents in March. In the case of potatoes, the loss from October to May is about thirty-three per cent. BUSHELS. The dimensions of the bushel are 1854 inches inner diameter; 19^4 inches outer diameter, and 8 inches deep ; and wben heaped the cone is not to be loss than 6 inches high, which makes a heaped bushel equal to 1H struck ones. 858 HE THAT WOULD THRIVE MUST RISE AT FIVE. HOW TO MEASURE EAR CORN IN THE CRIB. Measuring corn in the crib is at best an estimate. Much Depends upon the condition of the corn. A bushel of corn means cither a bushel of shelled corn or ear corn enough to make a bushel of shelled corn. Rule. Multiply the length in feet by the height in feet and that again by the width in feet, multiply the result by 4 and cut off the right hand figure and you have the contents in bushels of shelled corn. Example : How many bushels of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, V) feet long, 10 feet high and 8 feet wide? Solution: 20X10x8X4=640.0 bushels. Ans. This is the result when 2*4 cubic feet or 4320 cubic inches are taken fora ih-el. mting 4200 cubic inches in a bushel multiply by 411 - 4100 " 421 4000 " " " " " " 432 * 8900 " '* " M " " 443 3800 4 " " 455 la each of these cases cut off the three right hand figures after multiply- ing. The result will be the number of bushels. There is often a disagreement in measuring ear corn in the crib. As will be seen from the above, the differ- ences result from taking a different number of cubic inches to the bushel. Here is another very simple rule: Multiply the cubic feet by 4 and divide the product by 9. Example : A crib of corn is 15 feet long, 8 feet wide and 9 feet high. How many bushels of corn does it contain? Solution : 15X8X9=1080X4-4320-1-9-480 bushels. This allows 2*4 cubic feet, or about 3900 cubic inches for a bushel. This rule is not only very simple but is very frequently used. It will hold ont in good dry corn. When the crib is flared at the side multiply half the sum of the top and bottom widths in feet by the perpendicular height in feet, and then again by the length in feet. This gives the number of cubic feet. Then proceed as above. MAN, KNOW THY WORK AND DO IT. HOW TO ESTIMATE THE CONTENTS OF A PILE OF GRAIN, POTATOES, ETC. Rule. Put the commodity in the form of a heap. Then multiply the diam* eter in feet by itself, and then again by the height in feet, and divide the result by 4, and you have the approximate contents in bushels. Example: How many bushels in a heap of grain 6 feet in diameter and 3 feet high? Solution: 6x6x3-*-4=:27 bushels. Ans. HOW TO FIGURE UP A LOAD OF GRAIN. Rule. Find the total number of pounds and divide that by the number of pounds in one bushel and it will equal the number of bushels. Example: How many bushels in 2840 pounds of wheat, and what will it cost at 90 cents per bushel? Solution: 2840-5-60=47 bushels and 20 pounds or 47^ bushels. 47K X 90c.=$42.60. Ans, HOW TO USE THE GRAIN TABLE. The heavy type column represents the weight of the load, and the number of bushels and pounds ar* at the right under the kind Of grain. Example: How many bushels of oats in 2490 pounds? Answer: 77 bushels and 26 pounds, n 360 IF NO WE ALES, TRY AN OIL WELL, MOW TO RND THE NUMBER OF BUSHELS IN A LOAD OF GRAIN AT SIGHT. Wg't Oats. 321bs. Corn, rye. 56 Ibs. Barley. 48 Ibs. Wheat. 60lbs. Weig't Gate. 32 Ibs. Corn, rye. 56 Ibs. Barley. 48 Ibs. Wheat. 60 Ibs. Baa Lbs BUB Lbs Bus Lbs Bus i Lbs Bus Lbs Bus Lbs Bus Lbfl Bus LlM 1500 1510 46 47 28 06 26 26 44 54 31 31 12 22 25 25 00 10 2010 2020 62 63 26 04 35 36 50 04 41 42 42 04 33 33 30 40 47 16 27 08 81 32 25 20 2030 63 14 36 14 42 14 33 50 47 26 27 18 31 42 25 3^_ The census of 1890 gives, in round numbers, the following as the production* of the cereals for that year : Corn. 2.122 million bushels : oaU, 809 million buahala ; wheat, 408 million bushels ; and barley, 78 million boahal*. 862 FIREFLIES 8H1NE ONLY WBEN IX EQ Millet I g i igg iggg : : : i i i :g i : i : :g i : : : : : ig it Anthracite I o : loo :QOO r,n*\. . .S>3> : S^ Clover Seed. 8888888 88888 38S888S 88:8888 Blue Grass ^ Seed. " Timothy Beed. - Flax Seed, g Dried I Peaches. Dried Apples. S :S :S 22? :S :S SS i S Peas. 8 888888 i Beans. 8 8 88888S Turnips. *ift o -o -U350 -CD 'g Onions. Sweet o Potatoes. K : : :g : Potatoes. gOOOOOOO QOO< 55 35 35 55 25 95 35 35 < Corn Meal, g gg : : gg : ur o o : irt O *A CO N t O t- ia o >a ta o I :g : : 8 :S :S ': ': : : .gg :g :g Corn on the Tob. c - : : :g : : :| T^ SheUed I : Corn. I : Buckwheat Barley. 5325^^^S' Oats. Rye. Wheat. | 88888i8i88S888888i8 yiljjjij!iiili iHhjjjji A YOUNG MAN IDLE- AN OLD MAN IfEEDY, 363 HOW TO FIND THE COST OF COAL, HAY, ETC., AT SIGHT, Cost per Pound or Ton. No. t # t $t $ j ] $ t$ $ $ # _ J _ .1 _ $ $ $ M 9 ea XIX S8 2 IS 8 aa m Ujc> ** IS 3 . 5 a H THE SIEVE, THE NEEDLE FOR HAVING A HOLE IN 369 8CE, BRAN, MILL-FEED, STONE, HAY, IRON, COAL AN COTTON PICKER'S TABLE. Pounds. * -" **. x/- vr 1 . vr> vO o ^ !/- ^ ' t^- ii-* 00 s - ir% 8 u- M 5 . .03 .05 .08 .10 .13 .15 .18 .20 .28 .25 .28 .30 .33 .85 .38 .40 .43 .45 .48 .50 .53 .55 .58 .0 .63 .65 .68 .70 .73 .75 78 .03 .06 .08 .11 .14 .17 .19 .22 .25 .28 .30 .83 .36 .39 .41 .44 .47 .50 .52 .55 .58 .61 .63 .66 .69 .72 .74 .77 .80 .83 .85 .88 .91 .94 .96 .99 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 1.65 2.20 .03 .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 .30 Z .45 .48 .51 .54 ..'.7 .60 .68 .66 .69 .72 .75 .78 .81 .84 .87 .90 .93 .96 .99 1.02 1.05 1.08 1.11 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.80 2.40 .03 .07 .10 .13 .16 .20 .23 .26 .29 .33 .8rt .89 .42 .46 .49 .52 .55 .59 .62 .65 .68 .72 .75 .78 .81 .85 .88 .91 .94 .98 1.01 1.04 1.07 1.10 1.14 1.17 1.20 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.95 2.60 .04 .07 .11 .14 .18 .21 .25 .28 .32 .85 .89 .42 .46 .49 .53 .56 .60 .63 .67 .70 .74 .77 .81 .81 .88 .91 .95 .98 1.02 1.05 1.09 1.12 1.16 1.19 1.23 1.26 1.30 1.33 1.87 1.40 2.10 2.80 .04 .08 .11 .15 .19 .28 .26 .30 .34 .38 .41 .45 .49 .53 .56 .60 .64 .68 .71 .75 .79 .83 .86 .90 .94 .98 1.01 105 1.09 1.13 1.16 1.20 1.24 1.28 1.81 1.35 1.39 1.43 1.46 1.50 2.25 3.00 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 .40 .44 .48 .52 .56 .60 .64 .68 .72 .76 .80 .84 .88 .92 .96 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.24 l.8 I.o2 1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 2.40 3.20 .04 .09 .13 .17 .21 .26 .30 .34 .88 .43 .47 .51 .55 .60 .64 .68 .72 .77 .81 .85 .89 .94 98 1.02 1.06 1.11 1.15 1.19 1.23 1.28 1.32 1.36 1.40 1.45 1.49 1.53 1.57 1.62 1.66 1.70 2.55 3.40 .05 .09 .14 .18 .23 .27 .32 .36 .41 .4f- .50 .54 .59 .63 .68 .72 .77 .81 .88 .90 .95 .99 1.04 1.08 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.26 1.31 1.35 1.40 1.44 1.49 1.53 1.58 1.62 1.67 1.71 1.76 1.80 2.70 3.60I .05 .10 .14 .19 .24 .29 .83 .38 .43 .48 .52 .57 .62 .67 .71 .76 .81 .86 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.09 1.14 1.19 1.24 1.28 1.33 1.38 1.43 1.47 1.52 1.57 1.62 1.66 1.71 1.76 1.81 1.85 1.90 2.85 3.80 .05 .10 .15 .20 .25 .80 .35 .40 .45 .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80 .85 .90 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.85 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 2.00 3.00 4.00i .05 .11 .16 .21 .26 .32 .37 .42 .47 .53 .58 .63 .69 .74 .79 .84 .89 .95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.16 1.21 1.26 1.31 1.87 1.42 1.47 1.52 1.58 1.63 1.68 1.73 1.79 1.84 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.05 2.10 3.15 4.20) .06 .11 .17 .22 .28 .83 .39 .44 .50 .55 .61 .66 .72 .77 .83 .88 .94 .99 1.05 1.10 1.16 1.21 1.27 1.32 1.38 1.43 1.49 1.54 1.60 1.65 1.71 1.76 1.82 1.87 1.93 1.98 2.04 2.09 2.15 2.20 3.30 4.40J .06 .12 .17 .28 .29 .35 .40 .46 .52 .58 .63 .69 .75 .81 .86 .92 .98 1.04 1.09 1.15 1.21 1.27 1.32 1.38 1.44 1.5i' 1.55 1.61 167 173 1.78 1.84 1.90 1.96 2.01 2.07 2.1S 2.19 2.24 2.80 3.45 4.60 .06 .12 .18 .24 .3d .36 .42 .48 .54 .60 .66 .72 .78 .84 .90 .96 1.02 1.08 1.14 1.20 1.26 1.32 1.88 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.62 1.68 1.74 1.80 1.86 l.t'2 1.98 2.04 2.10 2.16 2.22 2.28 2.34 2.40 3.60 4.80 .09 .13 .19 .25. .81 .33 .44 .50 .5ft .6$ .69- .75 .81 .8 .94 1.00 1.06. 1.1* 1.19 1.25 1.31 1.39 1.44 1.50 1.5ft 1.63 1.69 1.75 1.81 1.88 1.94 200 2.0ft 2.13 2.1 2.25 2.31 2.38 2.44 2.50 3.75 500 10 15 20 25 80 35 40 45 50 65 60 65 70 75 .. 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 ... 115 120 125 130... 135 140 145 . .. 150 155 160 .80 .83 .85 .88 .90 .93 .95 .98 1.00 1.50 2.00 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 300 too Example : 165 pounds at 1.05=1.73. Amount of Cotton, Flax and Hemp Raised in the United States. AOBES. BALES. Cotton,1890 20,175,270 "i 7,472,511 * 1880 ,. 14,480,019 5,755,359 BUSHELS or POUNDS OF SEED. FIBER. Flax,1890 ,. ^... 10,250,410 241,389 " 1880 7,170,951 1,565,54ft ACRES. TONS. Hemp,1890 25,054 11,511 In 1860 there were 74,493 tons of hemp raised and in 1850 34,871. 370 DO NOT WAIT FOR SOMETHING TO TURN UP, HOW TO FIND THE WEIGHT OF CATTLE BY MEASURE- flENT. To find the approximate weight, measure as follows: 1. The girth behind the shoulders. 2. The length from the fore-part of the shoulder-blade along the back to the bone at the tail, in a ver* tical line with Ae buttocks. Then multiply the square of the girth in feet by five times the length in feet. Divide the product by 1.5 for average cattle (if cattle be very fat, by 1.425; if very lean, by 1.575) and the quotient will be the dressed weight of the quarters. Thus: The girth of a steer is 6.5 feet, and the length from the shoulder-blade to the tail bone is 5.25. The square of .5 is 42.25, and 5 times 5.25 is 26.25. Multiplying these together gives 1109.0625, which, when divided by 1.5, produces 739.375 Ibs. the approximate net weight of the steer aftefr being dressed. THE SHORT METHOD. Multiply the distance around the animal (back of the fore- shoulder) by itself, and then multiply that result by 17.5 and you have the weight of the animal (nearly.) WEIGHT OF HOGS. What will be the cost of 3345 pounds of live hogs, at $3.25 per hundred weight? See table, next page. 3300 @ 3.25=107.25. 45 @ 8.25= 1.46. 108.71. Ans. WEIGHT OF CATTLE. What will 2251 pounds of live cattle cost, at $2.65 per hundred weightl 2200 @ $2.50=$55.00. 55 @ 2.50= 1.38. 2200 @ 15c. 3.30. 55 @ 15c. .08. $59.76. Ans. What will 5625 pounds of live cattle cost at $3.45 per hundred weight? 4000 @ $3.25 = $130.00 1600 @ 3.25= 52.00 25 @ 8.25= .81 4000 @ .20= 8.00 1GOO < .20= 8.20 25 @ .20= .05 $194.06 N. B. In above example get the amount first from table for the 2200 oonnds at $2.50, then for 55 pounds. Now you have the amount at $2.50 per tmndred weight. To make it $2.65, take from th table the amount of 2255 at tfic. per hundred weight, and you will have the amount for all at $2.65 per cwt, THOSE WHO DO, ARE LIKELY TO TURN UP IN JAIL. 371 HOG AND CATTLE TABLE. The first column gives the number of pounds, and the top of each column the price per hundred weight. WEIGHT. 5c. lOc. 15c. 20c. 30c. 40c. 50c. 60c. 70c. 80c. 90c. ^iT. ~ .00 .00 .Oo .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .03 &... .00 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .03 .04 .04 .05 10 .01 .01 .02 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 15 .01 .02 .02 .03 .05 .06 .08 .09 .11 .12 .14 20 .01 .02 .03 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .18 26 .01 .03 .04 .05 .08 .10 .13 .15 .18 .20 .23 30 .02 .03 .05 .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .21 .24 .27 35 .02 .04 .05 .07 .11 .14 .18 .21 .25 .28 .32 40 .02 .04 .06 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 .36 45- ... .02 .05 .07 .09 .14 .18 .23 .27 .32 .36 .41 50. ... .03 .05 .08 .10 .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 65. ... .03 .06 .08 .11 .17 .22 .28 .33 .39 .44 .50 60. ... .03 .06 .09 .12 .18 .24 .30 .36 .42 .48 ;.54 65. ... .03 .07 .10 .13 .20 .26 .33 .89 .46 .52 .59 ;o. ... .04 .07 .11 .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .49 .56 .63 75 .04 .08 .11 .15 .23 .30 .38 .45 .58 .60 .68 80 .04 .08 .12 .16 .24 .32 .40 .48 .56 .64 .72 85 .04 .09 .18 .17 .26 .84 .43 .51 .60 .68 .77 90 .05 .09 .14 .18 .27 .36 .45 .54 .63 .72 .81 95 .05 .10 .14 .19 .29 .88 .48 .57 .67 .76 .86 100 .05 .10 .15 .20 .30 .40 .50 .60 .70 .80 .90 200 .10 .20 .30 .40 .60 .80 l.CO 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 300 .15 .80 .45 .60 .90 1.2U 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.40 2.70 400. ... .20 .40 .60 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.60 BOO. ... .25 .50 .75 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 8.00 8.50 4.00 4.50 600. ... .30 .60 .90 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 8.60 4.20 4.80 5.40 700. ... .35 .70 1.05 1.40 2.10 2.80 8.50 4.20 4.90 5.60 6.80 800. ... -40 .80 1.20 1.60 2.40 8.20 4.00 4.80 5.60 6.40 7 20 900. ... .45 .90 1.35 1.80 2.70 3.60 4.50 5.40 6.30 7.20 8.10 1000. ... .50 1.00 1.50 2.00 3. CO 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 1100. ... .55 1.10 1.65 2.20 3.30 4.40 5.50 6.60 7.70 8.80 9.90 1200. ... .60 .20 1.80 2.40 3.60 4.80 6.00 7'. 20 8.40 9.60 10.80 1300- ... .65 .30 1.95 2.6U 3.90 5.20 6.50 7.80 9.10 10.40 11.70 1400. ... .70 .40 2.10 2.80 4.20 5.60 7.00 8.40 9.80 11.20 12.60 1500. ... .75 .50 2.25 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 9.00 10.50 12.00 13.50 1600. ... .80 .60 2.40 3.20 4.80 6.40 8.00 9.60 11.20 12.80 14.40 1700. ... .85 .70 2.55 8.40 5.10 6.80 8.50 10.20 11.90 13.60 15.30 1800. ... .90 .80 2.70 3.60 5.40 7.20 9.00 10.80 12.60 14.40 16.20 1900. ... .95 .90 2.85 3.80 5.70 7.60 9.50 11.40 13.30 15.20 17.10 2000. ... 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 2100. ... 1.05 2.10 8.15 4.20 6.30 8.40 10.50 12.60 14.70 , 16.80 18.90 2200. ... 1.10 2.20 8.80 4.40 6.60 8.80 11.00 13.20 15.40 I 17.60 19.80 2300. ... .15 2.30 3.45 4.60 6.90 9.20 11.50 13.80 16.10 18.40 20.70 2400. ... .20 2.40 3.60 4.80 7.20 9.60 12.00 14.40 16.80 19.20 21.60 2500. ... .25 2.50 3.75 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00 22.50 2600. ... .30 2.60 3.90 5.20 7.80 10.40 13.00 15.60 18.20 20.80 23.40 2700. ... .35 2.70 4.05 5.40 8.10 1080 13 50 16.20 18.90 21.60 24 30 2800. ... .40 2.80 4.20 5.60 8.40 11.20 14.00 16.80 19.60 22.40 25 20 2900. ... .45 2.90 4.35 5.80 8.70 11.60 14.50 17.40 20.30 2320 26.10 3000. ... .50 3.00 4.50 6. 00 9.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 21.00 24.00 27.00 8100. ... .55 3.10 4.65 6.20 9.30 12.40 15.50 18.60 21.70 24.80 27.90 8200. ... .60 3.20 4.80 6.40 9.60 12.80 16.00 19.20 22.40 25.60 28.80 3300. ... .65 8.30 4.95 6.60 9.90 13.20 16.50 19.80 23.10 26.40 29.70 3400. ... .70 340 5.10 6.80 10.20 1360 17.00 20.40 23.80 27.20 30.60 3500. ... .75 3.50 5.25 7.00 10.50 14.00 17.50 21.00 24.50 28.00 31.50 8600. ... .80 3.60 5.40 7.20 10.80 14.40 18.00 21.60 25.20 28.80 32.40 8700. ... .85 3.70 5.55 7.40 11.10 14.80 18.50 22.20 25.90 29.60 83.30 3800. ... .90 8.80 5.70 7.60 11.40 15.20 19.00 22.80 26.60 30.40 84. 20 8900. ... .95 3.90 5.85 7.80 11.70 15.60 19.50 23.40 27.30 31.20 35.10 4000. ... 2.00 1 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 ! 24.00 23.00 32. OQ, 86.09 372 JfO ONE WAS &VER LOST ON A STRAIGHT ROAD. HOQ AND CATTLE TABLE. Theflrtt column gives the number of pounds and the top oj each column the price per hundred weight. ^Wght. $1.00 $2.00 $2.50 $2.75 $3.00 $3.25 $3.50 $3.75 $4.00 $4.25.$4.50 3.. . .03 .06 .08 .08 .09 .10 .11 .11 .12 .13 .14 6.. . .05 .10 .13 .14 .15 .16 .18 .19 .20 .21 !28 10.. .10 .20 .25 .28 .30 .83 .35 .88 .40 .48 .45 18.. .15 .30 .38 .41 .45 .49 .53 .56 .6U .6i .68 30.. .20 .40 .50 .55 .60 .65 .70 .75 .80 .85 90 88.. .25 .50 .63 .69 .75 .81 .88 .94 .00 .06 1 IS 30.. .30 .60 .75 .83 .90 .98 1.05 1.13 .20 .28 1.35 36.. .15 .70 .88 .96 .05 .14 1.28 1.31 .40 .49 1.58 40.. .40 .80 1.00 .10 .20 .30 1.40 1.50 1.60 .70 1.80 48.. .45 .90 1.13 .24 .85 .46 1.58 1.69 .80 .91 2.08 80.. .50 1.00 1.25 .38 .50 .63 1.75 1.88 2.00 2.13 2.25 68.. .55 10 1.38 .51 .65 .79 1.93 2.06 2.20 2.84 2.48 60.. .60 .20 1.50 .65 .80 .95 2.10 2.25 2.40 2-55 2.70 66.. .65 .30 1.63 .79 .95 2.11 2.28 2.44 2.60 2.76 2.98 TO.. .70 .40 1.75 1.98 2.10 2.28 2.45 2.63 2.80 2.98 8.15 76.. .75 .50 1.88 2.06 2.25 2.44 2.63 2.81 3.00 3.19 3.38 80.. .80 .60 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 8.00 8.20 8.40 3.60 86.. , .85 .70 2.13 2.34 2.55 2.76 2.98 3.19 3.40 8.61 3.83 90.. '.SO .80 2.25 2.48 2.70 2.93 8.15 3.38 8.60 8.88 4.05 96.. .95 .90 2.38 2.61 2.85 3.08 3.33 3.56 8.80 4.04 4.29 100.. 1.00 2.00 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 8.75 4.00 4.25 4.50 200.. 2.00 4.00 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00 300.. 3.00 6.00 7.50 8.25 9.00 9.75 10.50 11.25 12.00 12-75 13.50 400.. 4.00 8.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15 00 16.00 17.00 18.00 600.. 5.00 10.00 12.50 13.75 15.00 16.25 17.50 18.75 20.00 21.25 22.50 00.. 6.00 12.00 15.00 16.50 18.00 19.50 21.00 22.50 24.00 25.50 27.00 700.. 7.00 14.00 17.50 19.25 21.00 22.75 24.50 26.25 28.00 29-75 31.50 800.. 8.00 16.00 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 30.00 82.00 84.00 36.00 900.. 9.00 18.00 22.50 24.75 27.00 29.25 31.50 33.75 86.00 38.25 40.50 1000.. 10.00 20.00 25.00 27.50 30.001 32.50 35.00 37.50 40.00 42.50 45.00 1100.. 11.00 22.00 27.50 30.25 33.00 85.75 38.50 41.25 44.00 46.75 49.50 1200.. 1300.. 12.00 13.00 24.00 26.00 30.00 32.50 33.00 35.75 36.00 39.00 39.00 42.25 42.00 45.50 45.00 48.75 48.00 52.00 51.00 55.25 54.00 58.50 1400.. 14.00 28.00 35.00 88.50 42.00 45.50 49.00 52.50 56.00 59. SO 63.00 1600.. 15.00 30.00 37.50 41.25 45.00 48.75 52.50 66.25 60.00 63.75 67.50 1600.. 16.00 32.00 40.00 44.00 48.00 52.00 56.00 60.00 64.00 68. CO 72.00 1700.. 17-00 34.00 42.50 46.75 51.00 55.25 59.50 63.75 68.00 72.25 76.50 1800.. 18.00 36.00 45.00 49.50 54.00 58.50 63.00 67.50 72.00 76.50 81.00 1900.. 19.00 38.00 47.50 52.25 57.00 61.75 66.50 71.25 76.00 80.75 85.50 2000.. 20.00 40.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 PO.OO 2100.. 21.00 42.00 52.50 57.75 63.00 68.25 73.50 78.75 84.00 89.25 94.50 2200.. 22.00 44.00 55.00 60.50 66.00 71.50 77.00 82.50 88.00 93.50 99.00 2300.. 23.00 46.00 57.50 63.25 69.00 74.75 80.50 86.25 92.00 97.75 108.50 2400 . . 24.00 48.CO 60.00 66.00 72.00 78.00 84.00 90.00 98.00 102.00 108.00 2600.. 25.00 50.00 62 50 68.75 75.00 81.25 87.50 93.75 100.00 106.25 112.50 2600.. 26.00 52.00 65.00 71.50 78.00 84.50 91.00 97.50 104.00 110.50 117.00 2700.. 27.00 54.00 67.50 74.25 81.00 87.75 94.50 101.25 108.00 114.75 121.50 2800.. 28.00 56.00 70.00 77.00 84.00 91.00 98.00 105.00 112.00 119.00 126.00 2900.. 29.00 58.00 72.50 79.75 87.00 94.25 101.50 108.75 116.00 123.25 130.50 3000.. 80.00 60.00 75.00 82.50 90.00 97.50 105.00 112.50 120.00 127. EC 135.00 3100.. 81.00 62.00 77.50 85.25 93.00 100.75 108.50 116.25 124.00 181.75 139.50 8200.. 32.00 64.00 80.00 88.00 96.00104.00 112.00 120.00 128.00 136.00 144.00 3300.. 33.00 66.00 82.50 90.75 99.00107.25 115.50 123.75 182.00 140.25 148.50 8400.. 84.00 68.00 85.00 93.50 102.00!ll0.50 119.00 127.50 136.00 144.50 158.00 8600.. 35.00 70.00 87.50 96.25 105.001113.75 122.50 131.25 140.00 148.75 157.50 8600.. 38.00 72.00 90.00 99.00 108.00117.00 126.00 135.00 144.00 153.00 162.00 8700.. 87.00 74.00 92.50 101.75 111.00120.25 129.50 138.75 148.00 157.25 166.50 3800.. 38.00 76.00 95.00 104.50 114. 00 1123.50 138.00 142.50 152.00 161.50 171.00 900.. 4000.. 39.00 78.00 40.00 1 80.00 97.50 100.00 107.25 110,00 117.001126.75 120.00130.00 136.50 140.00 146.25 150.00 156.00 160.00 165.75 175.50 170.00180.00 'CHEERFULNESS IS A DUTY WE OWE TO OTHERS. 373 READY RECKONER, How to Find the Price of any Number of Pounds, Yards. Pieces or Bushels. The first column gives the NUMBER the top columns the PBICES. los. *c. 4c. .. 2c. 3c. 4c. 5c. 6c. 6*c. 6%c. 7c. 8c. 8%c. 9c. lOc. lie. "2 4 01 .014 .04 .06 .08 .10 .12 .124 .13% .14 .16 .16% .18 .20 .23 8 014 .02* .06 .09 .12 .15 .18 .18% .20 .21 .24 .25 .27 .30 .33 4 .01 02 .03 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .25 .26% .28 .32 .33% .86 .40 .44 & .01* 024 .03% .10 .15 .20 .25 .80 .31* .33% .35 .40 .41% .45 .50 .55 6 .014 03 .044 .12 .18 .24 .80 .36 .374 .40 .42 .48 .50 .54 .60 .66 7 .01% 034 .05* .14 .21 .28 .35 .42 .43% .46% .49 .56 .58% .63 .70 .77 8 .02 04 .06 .16 .24 .32 .40 .48 .50 .53% .56 .64 .66% .72 .80 .88 9 .02* 044 .06% .18 .27 .86 .45 .54 .56* .60 .63 .72 .75 .81 .90 .99 10 .024 05 .074 .20 .80 .40 .50 .60 .624 .66% .70 .80 .83% .90 1.00 1.10 11 .02% 054 .08* .22 .83 .44 .55 .66 .68% .73% .77 .88 .91% .99 1.10 1.21 12 .03 06 .09 .24 .86 .48 .60 .72 .75 .80 .84 .96 1.00 1.08 1.20 1.32 18 .03* 064 .09% .26 .89 .52 .65 .78 .81* .86% .91 1.04 1.08% 1.17 1.80 1.48 14 .034 07 .104 .28 .42 .56 .70 .84 .874 .93% .98 L12 1.16% 1.26 1.40 1.54 15 .03% 074 .11* .30 .45 .60 .75 .90 1.00 1.05 1.20 1.25 1.85 1.50 1.65 16 .04 08 .12 .32 .48 .64 .80 .96 i!oo* 1.06% 1.12 1.28 1.33% 1.44 1.60 1.76 17 .04* 18 .044 084 09 .12% .134 .84 .3t> .51 .54 .68 .72 .85 .90 1.02 1.08 1.06* 1.124 1.13% 1.20 1.19 1.26 1.36 1.44 1.41% 1.50 1.53 1.62 1.70 1.80 1.87 1.98 19 .04% 094 .14* .38 .57 .76 .951.14 1.18% 1.26% 1.33 1.52 1.58% 1.71 1.90 2.09 10.05 10 .15 .40 .60 .80 1.001.20 1.25 1.33% 1.40 1.60 1.66% 1.80 2.00 2.20 21 .05* 104 .15% .42 .63 .84 1.051.26 1.81* 1.40 1.47 1.68 1.75 1.89 2.81 22 .054 11 .164 .44 .66 .88 1.101.32 1.374 1.46% 1.54 1.76 1.83% 1.98 2.20 2.42 23.05% 114 .17* .46 .69 .92 1.151.38 1.43% 1.53% 1.61 1.84 1.91% 2.07 2.80 2.53 24.06 12 .18 .48 .72 .96 1.201.44 1.50 1.60 1.68 1.9218-00" " 2.16 2.40 264 25 .06* 124 .18% .50 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.56* 1.75 2.002.08% 2.25 2.50 2.75 28 .064 27 .06% 13 134 .194 .20* .52 .54 .78 .81 1.04 1.08 1.30 1.35 1.56 1.624 1.6P* L73% 1.80 1.82 1.89 2.082.16% 2.16 2.25 2.34 2.43 2.60 2.70 2.86' 2.97 28 07 .14 .21 .56 .84 1.12 1.40 L68 1.7JPL86J< 1.96 2.24 2.33% 2.52 2.80 3.08 29 07* .144 .21% .58 .87 1.16 1.45 1.74 1.81* 1.93% 2.03 2 32 2.41% 2.61 2.90 3.19 80 074 .15 .224 .60 .90 1.20 1.50 1.80 1.874 2.00 2.10 2.40 2.50 2.70 3.00 3.30 81 .07% .154 .23* .62 .98 1.24 1.55 1.86 1.93% 2.06% 2.17 2.48 2.58% 2.79 3.10 3.41 82 .08 .16 .24 .64 .96 1.28 1.60 1.92 2.00 ~ 2.13% 2.24 2.56 2.66% 2.88 3.20 3.52 83 .08* .164 .24% .66 .99 1.32 1.65 1.98 2.06^ 2.20 2.31 2.64 2.75 2.97 3.30 3.63 84 .084 .17 .254 .68 1.02 1.36 1.70 2.04 2.124 2.26% 2.38 2.72 2.83% 3.06 8.40 8.74 85 86 .08% .09 174 .18 !27* .70 .72 1.05 1.08 1.40 1.44 1.75 1.80 2.102.18% 2.16 2.25 2.33% 2.40 2.45 2.52 2.80 2.88 2.91% 3.00 3.15 3.24 3.50 8.60 3.85 3.96 87 .09* 184 .27% .74 1.11 1.48 1.85 2.22 2.31* 2.46% 2.59 2.96 3.08% 3.33 3.70 4.07 38 .094 .19 .284 .76 1.14 1.52 1.90 2.282.374 2.53% 2.66 3.04 3.16% 3.42 3.80 4.18 89 .09% 194 .29* .78 1.17 1.56 1.95 2.342.43% 2.60 2.73 3.12 3.25 3.51 3.90 4.29 40 .10 .20 .80 .80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.50 2.66% 2.80 3.20 3.83% 3.60 4.00 4.40 41 .10* .204 .30% .82 1.23 1.64 2.05 2.46 2.56* 2.73% 2.87 3.2S 3.41% 3.69 4.10 4.51 42 .104 .21 .314 .84 1.26 1.68 2.10 2.52 2.624 2.80 2.94 3.36 3.50 3.78 4.20 4.62 43 .10% 214 .32* .86 1.29 1.72 2.15 2.58 2.68% 2.86% 3.01 3.44 3.58% 3.87 4.30 4.73 44 .11 .22 .33 .88 1.32 1.76 2.20 2.64 2.75 2.93% 3.08 3.52 3.66% 3.96 4.40 4.84 45 .11* .224 .33% .90 1.85 1.80 2.25 2.70 2.81* 3.00 3.15 3.60 3.75 4.05 4.50 4.95 46 .114 .23 .344 .92 1.38 1.84 2.30 2.76 2.874 3.06% 3.22 3.68 3.83% 4.11 4.60 5.06 47 .11% .234 .35* .94 1.41 1.88 2.35 2.82 2.93% 3.13% 3.29 3.76 3.91% 4.23 4.70 5.17 48 .12 .24 .36 .96 1.44 1.92 2.40 2.88 8.00 3.20 3.36 3.84 4.00 4.32 4.80 5.28 49 .12* .244 .36% .98 1.47 1.96 2.45 2.94 3.06* 3.26% 3.43 3.92 4.08% 14.41 4.90 5.39 50 .124 .25 .374 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 8.124 3.33% 3.50 4.00 4.16% 4.RO 5.00 5.50 60 .15 .30 .45 1.20 1.80 2.40 3.00 3.60 3.75 4.00 4.20 4.80 5.00 J5.40 6.00 6.60 70 .174 .35 .524 1.40 2.10 2.80 3.50 4.20 4.374 4.66% 4.90 5.60 5.83% 6.80 7.00 7.70 80 .20 .40 .60 1.60 2.403.20 4.0C 4.80| 5.00 5.33% 5.60 640 6.66% 7.20 8.00 880 90 100 M .224 .25 J \ .45 .674 .75 1.80 2.00 2.703.60 3.004.00 4.50 5.00 5.4015.624 6.006.25. 6.00 6.66% 6.3U 7.0U 7.20 8.00 7.50 18.10 8.33% 9.00 9.001 6.90 10.00 11 -JO 374 THE ASS BRATS AT THE DOG FOR BARKING. READY RECKONER Continued. The first column gives the NUMBER the top columns the PRICES. IM. I2o. 12*4c. 13c. 14c. 15c. 16c. 16%c. 17c. 18c. 18% o. 19c. 20c. 21o. 2 .24 .25 .26 .28 .30 .32 .33*6 .84 .36 .87*4 .38 .40 .42 8 .36 .37*4 .39 .42 .45 .48 .50 .51 .54 .56*4 .57 .60 .63 4 .48 .50 .52 .56 .60 .64 .66% .68 .72 .75 .76 .80 .84 5 .60 .62 1 /, .65 .70 .75 .80 .83^ .85 .90 .93% .95 1.00 1.05 6 .72 .75 .78 .84 .90 .96 .00 1.02 1.08 1.12*4 1.14 1.20 1.26 1 .84 .87*4 .91 .98 1.05 1.12 .16% 1.19 1.26 1.31*4 1.33 1.40 1.47 8 .96 1.00 1.04 1.12 1.20 1.28 .33*6 1.36 1.44 1.50 1.52 1.60 1.68 9 1.08 1.12*4 1.17 1.26 1.35 1.44 .50 1.53 1.62 1.68% 1.71 1.80 1.89 10 .20 1.25 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 .66% 1.70 1.80 1.87*4 1.90 2.00 2.10 11 .32 1.87*4 1.43 1.54 1.65 1.76 .83*6 1.87 1.98 2.06*4 2.09 2.20 2.81 12 .44 1.50 1.56 1.68 1.80 1.92 2.00 2.04 2.16 2.25 2.28 2.40 2.52 IS .56 1.62*4 1.69 1.82 1.95 2.08 2.16% 2.21 2.34 2.43% 2.47 2.60 2.73 14 .68 1.75 1.82 1.96 2.10 2.24 2.33*6 2.38 2.52 2.62*4 2.66 2.80 2.94 15 .80 1.87*4 1.95 2.10 2.25 2.40 2.50 2.55 2.7( 2.81*4 2.85 3.00 3.15 16 .92 2.00 2.08 2.24 2.40 2.56 2.66% 2.72 2.88 3.00 3.04 3.20 3.36 17 2.04 2.12V4 2.21 2.38 2.55 2.72 2.83*6 2.89 3.06 3.18% 3.23 3.40 8.57 18 2.16 2.25 2.34 2.52 2.70 2.88 3.0-1 3.06 3.24 8.87*4 3.42 3.60 3.78 i9 2.28 2.87*4 2.47 2.66 2.85 3.04 3.1f>% 3.23 8.42 356*4 3.61 3.80 3.99 20 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.80 3.0U 3.20 3.83*6 3.40 3.60 3.75 3.81 4.00 4.20 21 2.52 2.621/2 2.73 2.94 3.15 3.36 3.50 3.57 3.78 3.93% 3.99 4.20 4.41 22 2.64 2.75 2.85 3.08 8.30 8.52 3.66% 3.74 3.9(5 4.12*4 4.18 4.40 4.62 23 2.76 2.87 1 /, 2.99 3.22 3.45 3.68 3.83*6 3.91 4.14 4.31*4 4.37 4.60 4.83 24 2.88 3.00 3.12 3.36 8.60 3.84 4.00 4.08 4.32 4.50 4.56 4.80 5.04 25 8.00 8.12J4 3.25 3.50 3.75 4. 6.08 6.33*6 6.4R 6.84 7.12*4 7.22 7.60 7.99 89 .68 4.87*4 5.07 5.46 5.85 6.24 6.50 6.58 7.02 7.31*4 7.41 7.80 8.19 40 .80 5.00 5.20 5.60 6.0(1 6.40 6.66% 6 80 7.20 7.50 7.60 800 8.40 41 4.92 5.12*4 5.33 5.74 6.15 6.56 6.83*6 0.97 788 7.68% 7.79 8.20 8.61 42 5.04 5.25 5.46 5.88 6.30 6.72 7.00 7.14 7.56 7.87*4 7.98 8.40 8.82 43 5.16 5.371/2 5.59 6.02 6.45 6.88 7.16% 7.31 7.74 8.06*4 8.17 8.60 9.03 44 5.28 5.50 5.72 6.16 6.60 7.04 7.33*6 7.48 7.92 8.25 8.36 8>0 9.24 45 5.40 5.62*4 5.85 6.30 6.75 7.20 7.50 7.65 8.10 8.43% 8.55 9.00 9.45 4 5.52 5.75 5.98 6.44 6.90 7.36 7.66% 7.82 8.28 8.62*4 8.74 9.20 9.66 4, , ^64 5.87*4 6.11 6.58 7.05 7.52 7.83*$ 7.99 8.4G 8.81*4 8.93 9.40 9.87 48 ' 5.76 6.00 6.24 6.72 7.20 7.68 8.00 8.16 864 9.00 9.12 9.60 0.08 49 5.88 6.12*4 G.37 6.86 7.35 7.84 8.16% 8.33 8.82 9.18% 9.31 9.80 0.29 50 6.00 6.25 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.33*$ 8.50 9.00 9.37 l /2 9.50 10.00 0.50 60 7.20 7.50 7.80 8.40 9.00 9.GO 10.00 10.20 10.80 11.25 1.40 12.00 2.60 70 8 40 8.75 9.10 9.80 10.50 11.20 11.66% 11.90 12.60 13.12*4 3.30 14.00 1470 80 9.30 10.00 10.40 11.20 12.00 12.80 13.33*6 13.60 4.40 15.00 5.20 16.00 6.80 90 100 10.80 12.00 11.25 12.50 11.70 13.00 12.60 14.00 13.50 15.00 14.40 16.00 15.00 16.66% 15.80 17.00 6.20 6.87*4 18.00 18.75 7.10 9.00 8.00 20.00 8.90 21-00 * 1 1 I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. 375 READY RECKONER Continued. The first column gives the NUMBER the top columns the PRICES. IM. 22c. 23c. 24c. 25c 26c. 27c. 28c. 29c. 30c. 31c. 32c. 83c. 83Hc. 84o a 2 .44 .46 .48 .50 .52 .54 .56 .58 .60 .62 .64 .66 .66% .68 3 M .69 .72 .75 .78 .81 .84 .87 .90 .93 t .96 .99 1.00 1.02 4 .88 .92 .96 1.00 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 1.20 1.24 1.28 1.32 1.33M 1.88 5 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 '.55 1.60 1.65 1.66% 1.70 6 1.32 1.38 1.44 1.50 1.56 1.62 1.68 1.74 1.80 /.86 1.92 1.98 2.00 2.04 7 1.54 1.61 1.68 1.75 1.82 1.89 1.96 2.03 2.10 2.17 2.24 2.31 2.33M 2.38 8 1.76 1.84 1.92 2.00 2.08 2.16 2.24 2.32 2.40 2.48 2.56 2.64 266% 2.72 9 1.98 2.07 2.16 2.25 2.34 2.43 2.52 2.61 2.70 2.79 2.88 2.97 3.00 8.08 10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 2.70 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 3.30 3.33^ 3.40 11 2.42 2.53 2.64 2.75 2.86 2.97 8.08 3.19 3.3u 3.41 3.52 3.63 3.66% 3.74 12 2.64 2.76 2.88 3.00 3.12 3.24 3.36 8.48 3.60 3.72 3.84 8.93 4.00 4.08 IS 2.86 2.99 3.12 3.25 3.38 8.51 3.64 3.77 3.90 4.03 4.16 4.29 4.88M 4.42 14 3.08 3.22 3.36 3.50 3.64 3.78 3.92 4.06 4.20 4.34 4.48 4.62 4.66% 4.79 15 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.90 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.50 4.65 4.80 4.95 5.00 5.10 16 3.52 3.68 3.84 4.00 4.16 4.32 4.48 4.64 4.80 4.96 5.12 5.28 5.33M 5.44 17 3.74 3.91 4.08 4.25 4.42 4.59 4.76 4.93 5.10 5.27 5.44 5.61 5.66% 5.78 18 3.96 4.14 4.32 4.50 4.68 4.86 5.04 5.22 5.40 5.58 5.76 5.94 6.00 6.12 19 4.18 4,37 4.56 4.75 4.94 5.13 5.32 5.51 5.70 5.89 6.08 6.27 6.83*4 6.46 20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 6.20 6.40 6.60 6.66% 6.80 21 4.62 4.83 5.04 5.25 5.46 5.67 5.88 6.09 6.30 6.51 6.72 6.93 7.00 7.14 22 4.84 5.06 5.28 5.50 5.72 5.94 6.16 6.38 6.60 6.82 7.04 7.26 7.38^ 7.48 28 5.06 5.29 5.52 5.75 5.98 6.21 6.44 6.67 6.90 7.13 7.36 7.59 7.66% 7.82 24 5.28 5.52 5.76 6.00 6.24 6.48 6.72 6.96 7.20 7.44 7.68 7.92 8.00 8.18 25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75 7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.CO 8.25 8.33}$ 8.50 26 5.72 5.98 6.24 6.50 6.76 7.02 7.28 7.54 7.80 8.06 8.32 8.58 8.66% 8.84 27 5.94 6.21 6.48 6.75 7.02 7.29 7.56 7.88 8.10 8.87 8.64 8.91 9.00 9.18 26 6.16 6.44 6.72 7.00 728 7.f6 7.84 8.12 8.40 8.68 8.96 9.24 9.33*4 9.52 29 6.38 6.67 6.96 7.25 7.54 7.83 8.12 8.41 8.70 8.99 9.28 9.57 9.66% 9.86 80 6.60 6.90 7.20 7.50 7.80 8.10 8.40 8.70 9.00 9.30 9.60 9.90 10.00 10.20 81 6.82 7.13 7.44 7.75 8.06 8.37 8.68 8.99 9.30 9.61 9.92 10.23 10.3314 10.54 82 7.04 7.36 7.68 8.00 8.32 8.64 8.96 9.28 9.60 9.92 10.24 10.56 10.66% 10.88 83 7.26 7.59 7.92 8.25 8.58 8.91 9.24 9.57 9.90 10.23 10.56 10.89 11.00 11.22 34 7.48 7.82 8.16 8.50 8.84 9.18 9.52 9.86 10.20 10.54 10.88 11.22 11.38*4 11.58 85 7.70 8.05 8.40 8.75 9.10 9.45 9.80 10.15 10.50 10.85 11.20 11.55 11.66% 11.90 36 7.92 8.28 8.64 9.00 9.36 9.72 10.08 10.44 10.80 11.16 11.52 11.88 12.00 12.24 87 8.14 8.51 8.88 9.25 9.62 9.99 10.36 10.73 11.10 11.47 11.84 12.21 12.33}$ 12.58 88 8.36 8.74 9.12 9.50 9.88 10.26 10.64 11.02 11.40 11.78 12.16 12.54 12.66% 12.92 89 8.58 8.97 9.36 9.75 10.14 10.53 10.92 11.31 11.70 12.09 12.48 12.87 18.00 13.28 40 8.80 9.20 9.60 10.00 10.40 10.80 11.20 11.60 12.00 12.40 12.80 13.20 13.3314 13.60 41 9.02 9.43 9.84 10.25 10.66 11.07 11.48 11.89 12.30 12.71 18.12 13.53 13.66% 13.94 42 9.24 9.66 10.08 10.50 10.92 11.34 11.76 12.18 12.60 13.02 13.44 13.86 14.00 14.28 43 9.46 9.89 10.32 10.75 11.18 11.61 12.04 12.47 12.90 13.33 13.76 14.19 14.3314 14.62 44 9.68 10.12 10.56 11.00 11.44 11.88 12.32 12.76 13.20 13.64 14.08 14.52 14.66% 14.98 45 9.90 10.35 10.80 11.25 11.70 12.15 12.60 13.05 13.50 13.95 14.40 14.85 15.00 15.30 16 10.12 10.58 11.04 11.50 11.96 12.42 12.88 13.34 13.80 14.26 14.72 15.18 15.3314 115.64 47 10.34 10.81 11.28 11.75 12.22 12.69 13.16 13.63 14.10 1457 15.04 15.51 15.66% 15.98 48 1056 11.04 11.52 12.00 12.48 12.96 13.44 13.92 14.40 14.88 15.36 15.84 16.00 16.32 49 10.78 11.27 11.76 12.25 12.74 13.23 13.72 14.21 14.70 15.19 15.68 16.17 16.33M 16.66 60 11.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.50 14.00 14.50 15.00 15.50 16.00 16.50 16.66% 17.00 60 13.20 13.80 14.40 15.00 15.60 16.20 16.80 17.40 18.00 18.60 19.20 19.80 20.06 20.40 70 15.40 16.10 16.80 17.50 18.20 18.90 19.60 20.30 21.00 21.70 22.40 23.10 23.33^ 23.80 80 17.60 18.40 19.20 20.00 20.80 21.6022.40 23.20 24.00 24.80 25.60 26.40 26.66% 27.20 PO 19.80 20.70 21.60 22.50 23.40 24.30125.20 26.10 27.00 27.90 28.80 29.70 30.00 30.60 100 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00 26.00 27.00128.00 29.00 30.00 31.00 32.00 33.00 33.33M 34.0? } 376 A WOODEN POT CANNOT OFTEN BE PUT ON TEE FIRS. 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The first column gives the NUMBER the top columns the PRICES. los. 48c. 49c. 50c. 51c. 52c. 53c. 54c. 550. 60c. 62!/,c. 65c. 66 %c. 70c. 75c. 2 .96 .98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 1.10 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.33}$ 1.40 1.50 3 1.44 1.47 1.50 1.53 1.56 1.59 1.62 1.65 1.80 1:8754 1.95 2.00 2.10 2.25 4 1.92 1.96 2.00 2.04 2.08 2.12; 2.16 2.20 2.40 2.50 2.60 266% 2.80 3.00 5 2.40 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 3.10 3.12V! 8.25 8.33}$ 3.50 3.75 6 2.88 2.94 8.00 3.06 8.12 8.18 8.24 8.30 3.60 3.75 8.90 4.00 4.20 4.50 7 3.36 3.43 3.50 3.57 8.64 3.71 3.78 3.85 4.20 4.37 H *55 4.66% 4.90 5.25 8 8.84 3.92 4.00 4.08 4.16 4.24 4.32 4.40 4.80 5.00 520 5.33}$ 5.60 6.00 9 4.32 4.41 4.50 4.59 4.68 4.77 4.86 4.95 5.40 5.62} 5.85 6.00 6.30 6.75 10 4.80 4.90 5.00 5.10 5.20 5.30 5.40 5.50 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.66% 7.00 7.50 11 5.28 5.39 5.50 5.61 5.72 5.83 5.94 6.05 6.60 6.8714 7.15 7.33}$ 7.70 8.25 12 5.76 5.88 6.00 6.12 6.24 6.36 6.48 6.60 7.20 7,50 7.80 8.00 8.40 9.00 13 6.24 6.37 8.50 6.63 6.76 6.89 7.02 7.15 7.80 8.12V4 8.45 8.66% 9.10 9.75 14 6.72 6.86 7.00 7.14 7.28 7.42 7.56 7.70 8.40 8.75 9.10 9.33}$ 9.80 10.50 15 7.20 7.35 7.50 7.65 7.80 7.95 8.10 8.25 9.00 9.37 14 9.75 10.00 10.50 11.25 16 7.68 7.84 8.00 8.16 8.32 8.48 8.64 8.80 9.60 10.00 10.40 10.66*; 11.20 12.00 17 8.16 8.33 8.50 8.67 8.84 9.01 9.18 9.35 10.20 10.62Vi 11.05 11.33}$ 11.90 12.75 18 8.64 8.82 9.00 9.18 9.36 9.54 9.72 9.90 10.80 11.25 11.70 12.00 12.60 13.50 IV 9.12 9.31 9.50 9.69 9.88 10.07 10.26 10.45 11.40 11.87 l /, 12.35 12.66% 13.30 14.25 2U 9.60 9.80 10.00 10.20 10.40 10.60 10.80 11.00 12.00 12.50 13.00 13.33}$ 14.00 15.00 21 10.08 10.29 10.50 10.71 10.92 11.13 11.34 11.55 12.60 13.12& 13.65 14.00 14.70 15.75 22 10.56 10.78 11.00 11.22 11.44 11.66 11.88 12.10 13.20 13.75 14.30 14.66?$ 15.40 16.50 23lll.04lll.27 11.50 11.73 11.96 12.19 12.42 12.65 13.80 14.87V4 14.95 15.33}$ 16.10 17.25 24 11.5211.76 12.00 12.24 12.48 12.72 12.96 13.20 14.4015.00 15.60 16.00 16.80 18.00 25112.00 12.25 12.50 12.75 13.00 13.25 13.50 13.75 15.00 15.62H 16.25 16.66% 17.50 18.75 26 1 12.48112.74 13.00 13.26 13.52 13.78 14.04 14.30 15.60 16.25 16.90 17.33}$ 18.20 19.50 27 12.9613.23 13.50 13.77 14.04 14.31 14.58 14.85 16.20 16.87 Vi 17.55 18.00 18.90 20.25 2813.44 13.72 14.00 14.28 14.56 14.84 15.12 15.40 16.80 17.50 18.20 18.66% 19.60 21.00 39 13.92 14.21 14.50 14.79 15.08 15.37 15.66 15.95 17.40 18.12& 18.85 19.33}$ 20.30 21.75 8014.40 14.70 15.00 15.80 15.60 15.90 16.20 16.5018.0018.75 19.50 20.00 21.00 22.50 81 14.88 82 15.36 15.19 15.68 15.50 16.00 15.81 16.32 16.12 16.64 16.43 16.96 16.74 17.28 17.05 18.60 19.37 tf 17.60 I9.20j20.00 20.15 20.80 20.66% 21.33}$ 21.70 23.25 22.40 24.00 8315.84 4! 16.32 16.17 16.66 16.50 17.00 16.83 17.34 17.16 17.68 17.49 18.02 17.82 18.36 18.15 19.80 20.62 Vi 18.70 20.40 21.25 21.45 22.10 22.00 22.66% 23.10 23.80 24.75 25.50 S5 16.81) 17.15 17.50 17.85 18.20 18.55 18.90 19.25 21. 00 21. 87 tf 22.75 23.33}$ 24.50 26.25 86 17.28 17.64 18.00 18.36 18.72 19.08 19.i4 19.8021.6022.50 23.40124.00 25.20 27.00 87.17.76 18.13 18.50 18.87 19.24 19.61 19.98 20.35 22.20 23.1214 24.0524.66% 25.90 27.75 88 ' 18.24 18.62 19.00 19.38 19.76 20.14 20.52 20.90 22.80 23.75 2470 25.33}$ 26.60 28.50 89 18.72 4019.20 19.11 19.60 19.50 20.00 19.89 20.40 20.28 20.80 20.67 21.20 21.06 21.60 21.45 23.40 22.00i24.00 24.37 1 /2 25.00 25.35 2600 26.00 26.66% 27.30 29.25 28.00 30.00 4119.68 20.09 20.50 20.91 21.32 21.73 22.14 22.55 24.60 25.62 1 /2 26.65 27.33}$ 28.70 30.75 42 20.16 20.58 21.00 21.42 21.84 22.26 22.68 23.10 25.20 26.25 27.30 28.00 29.4031.50 43 20.64 21.07 21.50 21.93 22.36 22.79 23.22 23.65 2;,. so 26.87 Mi 27.95 28.66% 10.1032.25 44 21.12 21.56 22.00 22.44 22.88 23.32 23.76 24.20 26.40 27.50 28.60 29.33}$ 30.80 33.00 45 21.60 22.05 22.50 22.95 23.40 23.85 24.30 24.75 27.00 28.12 l /2 29.25 30.00 31.50 33.75 4622.08 22.54 23.00 23.46 23.92 24.38 24.84 25.30!27.60 28.75 29.90 30.66% 32.20 34.50 17 22.56 23.03 23.50 23.97 24.44 24.91 25.38 25.85 28.20 29.37 Vz 30.55 31.33}$ 32.90 85.25 18 23.04 23.52J24.00 24.48 24.96 25.44 25.92 26.40'28.80 80.00 31.20 32.00 33.60 86.00 49 23.52 24.01 24.50 24.99 25.48 25.97 26.46 26.9529.40 30.6214 31.85 32.66% 34.80 86.75 8024.00 24.50 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 27.50 ! 30.00 31.25 32.50 33.33}$ 35.00 37.50 70 28.80 33.60 29.40 34.30 30.00 35.00 30.60 35.70 31.20 36.40 31.80 37.10 32.40 37.80 33.00; 36.00 87.50 38.50i42.00 43.75 39.00 45.50 40.00 42.00 46.66% 49.00 45.00 52.50 30 38.40 39.20 40.00 40.80 41.60 42.40 43.20 44.0048.00 50.00 52.00 53.33}$ 56.00 60.00 id 43.20 44.10 45.00 45.CO 46.80 47.70 48.60 49.50 54.00 56.25 59.50 60.00 63.00 67.50 100 48.00 49.00 50.00 51.00 52.00 53.00 54.00 55.00j60.00 62.50 65.00 66.66% 170.00 75.00 378 BETTER A DONKEY THAT CARRIES YOV READY RECKONER Continued. The first column gives the NUMBER the top columns the PRICES. In 80c. 85c. 87 Vic. 90c. 95c. 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 10.00 2 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.90 2.00 3.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 20.00 2.40 2.55 2.6254 2.70 2.85 3.00 4.50 6.00 9.00 12.00 15.00 80.00 3.20 3.40 8.50 8.60 3.80 4.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 40.00 4.00 4.25 4.3754 4.50 4.75 5.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 50.00 4.80 5.10 5.25 5.40 5.70 6.00 9.00 12.00 18.00 24.00 80.00 60.00 5.60 5.95 6.1254 6.30 6.65 7.00 10.50 14.00 21.00 28.00 85.00 70.00 8 6.40 6.80 7.00 7.20 7.60 8.00 12.00 16.00 24.00 8200 40.00 80.00 9 7.20 7.65 7.8754 8.10 8.55 9.00 13.50 18.00 27.00 86.00 45.00 90.00 10 8.00 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 100.00 11 8.80 9.35 9.6254 9.90 10.45 11.00 16.50 22.00 83.00 44.00 55.00 110.00 12 9.60 10.20 10.50 10.80 11.40 12.00 18.00 24.00 86.00 48.00 60.00 120.00 18 10.40 11.05 11.8754 11.70 12.35 13.00 19.50 26.00 39.00 52.00 65.00 130.00 14 11.20 11.90 12.25 12.60 18.80 14.00 21.00 28.00 42.00 56.00 70.00 140.00 15 12.00 12.75 18.1254 13.50 14.25 15.00 22.50 30.00 45.00 60.00 75.00 150.00 16 12.80 18.60 14.00 14.40 15.20 16.00 24.00 82.00 48.00 64.00 80.00 160.00 17 13.60 14.45 14.871/2 15.30 16.15 17.00 25.50 34.00 51.00 68.00 _ 85.00 170.00 18 14.40 15.30 15.75 16.20 17.10 18.00 27.00 86.00 54.00 72.00 90.00 180.00 19 15.20 16.15 16.6254 17.10 18.05 19.00 28.50 88.00 57.00 76.00 95.00 190.00 20 16.00 17.00 17.50 18.00 19.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 200.00 21 16.80 17.85 18.8754 18.90 19.95 21.00 31.50 42.00 63.00 84.00 105.00 210.00 22 17.60 18.70 19.25 19.80 20.90 22.00 83.00 44.00 66.00 88.00 11000 220.00 23 18.40 19.55 30.12V4 20.70 21.85 23.00 34.50 46.00 69.00 92.00 115.00 2bO.OO 24 19.20 20.40 21.00 21.60 22.80 24.00 36.00 48.00 72.00 98.00 120.00 240.00 25 20.00 21.25 21.87*4 22,50 23.75 25.00 37.50 50.00 75.00 100.00 125.00 250.00 26 20.80 22.10 22.75 28.40 24.70 26.00 39.00 52.00 78.00 104.00 130.00 260.00 27 21.60 22.95 28.62H 24.30 25.65 27.00 40.50 54.00 81.00 108.00 135.00 270.00 28 22.40 23.80 24.50 25.20 26.60 28.00 42.00 56.00 84.00 112.00 140.00 280.00 29 23.20 24.65 25.3754 213.10 27.55 29.00 43.50 58.00 87.00 116.00 145.00 290.00 30 24.00 25.50 26.25 27.00 28.50 30.00 45.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 300.00 31 24.80 26.55 27.1254 27.90 29.45 81.00 46.50 62.00 93.00 124.00 155.00 310.00 32 25.60 27.20 28.00 28.80 30.40 82.00 48.00 64.00 96.00 128.00 160.00 820.00 83 26.40 28,05 28.8754 29.70 305 33.00 49.50 66.10 99.00 132.00 165.00 330.00 84 27.20 28.90 29.75 30.60 82.80 34.00 51.00 68.00 102.00 136.00 170.00 840.00 85 28.00 29.75 30.6254 31.50 33.25 35.00 52.50 70.00 105.00 140.00 175.00 850.00 36 28.80 30.60 31.50 32.40 d4.20 36.00 54.00 72.00 108.00 144.00 180.00 360.00 87 29.60 31.45 32.3754 33.30 35.15 37.00 55.50 74.00 111.00 148.00 185.00 370.00 88 30.40 32.90 33.25 34.20 36.10 38.00 57.00 T6.00 114.00 152.00 190.00 880.00 39 31.20 S3.15 34.1254 35.10 ^7.05 39.00 58.50 78.00 117.00 156.00 195.00 390.00 40 32.00 34.00 35.00 J6.00 3S.OO 40.00 60.00 80.60 120.00 160.00 200.00 400.00 41 32.80 34.85 35.8754 36.90 38.95 41.00 61.50 82.00 121.00 164.00 205.00 410.00 42 33.60 35.70 36.75 37.80 39.90 42.00 63.00 84.00 126.00 168.00 21000 420.00 43 34.40 36.55 37.6254 88.70 40.85 48.00 64.50 86.00 129.00 172.00 215.00 430.00 44 35.20 37.40 38.50 39.60 41.80 44.00 66.00 88.00 182.00 176.00 220.00 440.00 45 88.00 38.29 Sfl.3754 40.50 42.75 45.00 67.50 90.00 135.00 180.00 225.00 450.00 46 36.80 39.10 40.25 41.40 43.70 46.00 69.00 92.00 138.00 184.00 280.00 460.00 47 37.60 30.95 41.1254 42.80 44.* 47.00 70.50 94.00 141.00 188.00 235.00 470.00 48 38.40 40.80 42.00 43.20 45.60 48.00 72.00 96.00 144.00 192.00 240.00 480.00 49 39.20 41.65 42.8754 44.10 48.55 49.00 73.50 98.00 147.00 196.00 245.00 490.00 40.00 42.50 48.75 45.00 47.50 50.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 20000 250.00 500.00 no 48.00 51.00 52.50 54.00 57.00 60.00 90.00 120.00 180.00 240.00 800.00 600.00 TO 56.00 59.50 61.25 63.00 66.50 70.00 105 .(X 140.00 210.00 280.00 850.0C 700.00 80 64.00 68.00 70.00 72.00 76.00 80.00 120.00 160.00 240.00 320.00 400.00 800.00 90 72.00 76.50 78.75 81.00 85.50 90.00 135.00 180.00 270.00 860.00 450.00 900.00 100 80.00 85.00 87.50 90.00 95.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 800.00 400.00 500.00 100.00 - ^ THAN A HORSE THAT THROWS YOU. 379 THE COST OF SMOKING. The following figures show the expense of smoking two cigars and three cigars a day, at 5 cents each, and at 10 cents each, from the age of 20 to the end c * each period of five years, tip to the age of 70, 6 per, cent, compound interest eemi-annually being reckoned upon the money. FROM THE AGZ C1 'Two Cigars a Day at 5 Three Ce=. Sash. Cigars a Day at 5 Cents Each. Principal. Prm.ocjoit. Principal. Prin.&xnt. 20 to 25 years . $ 182.50 365.00 574.50 730.00 912.50 1,095.00 1,277.50 1,460.00 1,642.00 1,825.00 $ 209.71 490.39 868.25 1,376.08 2,058.44 8,094.99 4,367.46 6,078.73 8,378.52 11,469.25 $ 273.75 547.50 821.25 1,095.00 1,368.75 1,642.50 1,916.25 2,190.00 2,463.75 2,737.10 $ 318.95 745.74 1,314.72 2,081.16 8,110.74 4,494.41 6,353.87 8,655.02 12,215.88 16,216.37 20 to 80 20 to 35 20 to 40 20 to 45 20 to 50 .... 20 to 55 20 to 60 20 to 65 20 to 70 .. FEOM THE AGE OF Two Cigars a Day at 10 Cents Each. Three Cigars a Day at 10 Cents Each. Principal. Prin.&Int. Principal. Priu. & Int. $ 865.00 780,00 1,095.00 1,460.00 1,825.00 2,190.00 2,555.00 2,920.00 8,285.00 3,650.00 $ 418.43 980.78 1,736.52 2,752.20 4,115.92 6,949.88 8,414.47 11,738.08 16,093.51 21,937.72 $ 547.50 1,095.00 1,642.50 2,190.00 2,737.50 3,285.00 8,882.50 4,380.00 4,927.50 5,475.00 $ 627.95 1,471.56 2,717.85 4,281.24 6,882.47 9,205.16 12,998.61 18,100.14 24,952.73 84,162.14 20 to 30 20to85 20 to 40 20to45 20 to 50 20 to 55 20to60 20 to 65 .. . 20 to 70 PRISONERS IN 1890. * Total Number in U. 8 82,829 Whites ; 57,810 Negroes 24,277 Chinese 407 Indians S22 Japanese 18 Males 75,924 I.. 1 6,405 New York 11,468 Pennsylvania 6,48# Massachusetts 5,227 rexas 4,747 Illinois 3,986 California 8,398 Wyoming ( had the least) 74 PAUPEKS IN 1890 Alms-house paupers, 73,045. Males, 40,741; females, HOW WE SPEND OUR MONEY ANNUALLY. Foreign Missions $ 5,000,000 Potatoes 110,000,000 Churches 125,000,000 Public Education 165,000,000 Boots and Shoes 835,000,000 *Census of 1900 not complete. Flour $ 845,000,000 Tobacco 515,000,000 I ron and Steel 560,000,000 Meat 870,000,000 Liquors 1,080,000,000 380 TALKING PAYS NO TOLL. TABLES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. TROY WEIGHT. 24 grains make 1 pennyweight, 20 pennyweights make 1 ounce. By this weight gold, silver and jewels only are weighed. The ounce and pound in this are same as in Apothecaries' weight. APOTHECARIES' WEIGHT. 20 grains make one scruple, 3 scruples make 1 drachm, 8 drachms make 1 ounce, 12 ounces make 1 pound. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT. 16 drachms make 1 ounce, 16 ounces make 1 pound, 25 pounds make 1 quarter, 4 quarters make 100-weight, 2,000 pounds make a ton. DRY MEASURE. 2 pints make 1 quart, 8 quarts make 1 peck, 4 pecks make 1 bushel, 86 bushels make 1 chaldron. LIQUID OR WINE MEASURE. 4 gills make 1 pint, 2 pints make 1 quart, 4 quarts make 1 gallon 81V4 gallons make 1 barrel, 2 barrels make I hogshead. TIME MEASURE. 60 seconds make 1 minute, 60 minutes make 1 hour, 24 hours make 1 day, 7 days make 1 week, 4 weeks make 1 lunar month, 28, 29, 30 or 81 days make 1 calendar month (30 days make 1 month in computing interest), 52 weeks and 1 day, or 12 calendar months, make 1 year, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 49 seconds make 1 solar year. CIRCULAR MEASURE. 60 seconds make 1 minute, 60 minu tes make 1 degree, 30 degrees make 1 sign, 90 degrees make 1 quadrant, 4 quadrants or 360 degrees make 1 circle. LONG MEASURE-DISTANCE. 3 barleycorns 1 inch, 12 inches 1 foot, 3 feet 1 yard, 5H yards 1 rod, 40 rods 1 furlong, 8 furlongs 1 mile, &,ut 1.18 mile. CLOTH MEASURE. 2 l / t inches 1 nail, 4 nails 1 quarter, 4 quarters 1 yard. MISCELLANEOUS. 8 inches 1 palm, 4 inches 1 hand, 6 inches 1 span, 18 inches 1 cubit, 21.8 inches 1 Bible cubit, 2 l /6 feet 1 military pace. SQUARE MEASURE. 144 square inches 1 square foot, 9 square feet 1 square yard, 30*4 square yards 1 square rod, 40 square rods 1 rood, 4 roods 1 acre, or 160 square rods 1 acre, 43,560 square feetl acre, 100 square feet 1 square. SURVEYOR'S MEASURE. 7.92 inches 1 link, 25 links 1 rod, 4 rods 1 chain, 10 square chains or 160 square rods 1 acre, 640 acres 1 square mile. CUBIC MEASURE. 1,728 cubic inches 1 cubic foot, 27 cubic feet 1 cubic yard, 128 cubic feet 1 cord (wood), 40 cubic feet 1 ton (shipping), 2,150.42 cubic inches 1 standard bushel, 231 cubic inches 1 standard gallon, 1 cubic foot four-fifths of a bushel. METRIC SYSTEM. The unit of the Metric System is the meter 39.37 inches long, 1 kilometer= about % of a mile. The gram is the unit of weight, weighing 15J4 avoirdupois grains; a kilogram weighs 2fc pounds. The liter is the unit of measure of capacity and = .908 dry quarts, a hectoliter equal about 26 gallons. A hectare equals 2.47 acres. TREAD ON HOT COALS AND YOUR FEET WILL BE BURNED. 381 MISCELLANEOUS TABLE. 12 things make 1 dozen. 12 dozen make 1 gross. 12 gross make 1 great gross, 20 things mak j 1 score. 196 pounds of flour make 1 barrel. 200 pounds of beef or pork make 1 barrel. 135 pounds of potatoes make 1 barrel. 280 pounds of salt make 1 barrel. 400 pounds of molasses make 1 barrel. 200 pounds of sugar make. .1 barrel, 240 pounds of lime make... .1 barrel. 100 pounds of fish make 100 pounds of nails make . . 50 pounds of soap make. . . 20 pounds of raisins make 2 pounds of cigars make. 20 pounds of soda make. . . . 1 box. . 1 box. .Ibox. .Ibox. .1 box. 40 pounds of cheese make. .* w~. 25 pounds of tobacco inake.l box. 62 pounds of tea make 1 box. 60 pounds of saleratus make 1 box. 25 pounds of chocolate makel box. 66 pounds of butter make. . . 1 firkin. CARRYING CAPACITY OP FREIGHT CARS. One Car-Load. Salt SOtolOObblo. Lumber 8,000 to 13,000 feet.. Barley 800 bush. Wheat 350 bush. Corn 400 bush. Potatoes 430 bush. Oats 680 bush. Rye 400bu&h. Cattle 16 to 24 head. Hogs 40to60head. Sheep SOtolOOhead* Hay lOtona. Coal 20to30tons. Stone 2 cords. Tile, 3-inch. Tile, 4-inch. Tile, 6-inch. Tile, 10-inch. Tile, 12-inch. Gravel .6,000 feet. .4,000 feet .2,500 feet. .1,200 feet. .1,000 feet. A CUBIC FOOT OF Common soil weighs . . Pounds. 124 Strong Loose earth or sand' . . . 95 Clay ' . 135 Le&.'.Y. ... . 7085 555 Wrought iron . ' 486 % Anthracite coal " 50-55 Bituminous " " ...45-55 Clay or stone weighs. Cork Tallow Bricks Marble Granite Oak wood Red pine White pine 7 cubic yards Pounds. . 15 . 59 .125 .171 .165 :8. . 30 NAILS TO THE POUND. Number to the Ib. Length in inches. 3 penny fine 700 V6. 3 penny common 480 \y. 4 penny common 800 iy t 6 penny common 160 2 8 penny common 92 2 1 /4 10 penny common 60 3 16 penny common 82 114 / 2 20 penny common 24 40 penny common 14 5 60 penny common 3 Q 8 penny fence 50 24 10 penny fence 34 3 WEIGHT AND VALUE OF GOLD AND SILVER. A ton of pure gold is valued at $602,799.21. The weight of a million dollars in gold coin is 3,685.8 pounds. A ton of pure silver is valued at $37,704.84. The weight of a million dollars in silver coin is 58,929.9 pounds. 382 CREDIT LOST IS LIKE VENICE GLASS BROKEN, HOW TO FIND THE DAY OF THE WEEK FOR ANY DATE. RULE. Take the last two figures of the given year and add one-fourth of itself to it; add also to this the day of the month and the ratio of the month and divide the sum by 7, and the remainder will be the day of the week. 1 de- noting Sunday, 2 Monday, 3 Tuesday, and so on, and when there is no remain- der it is Saturday. Ratio: For Feb., March and Nov. is 6; for Sept. and Dec. 1; for April and July 2; for May 4; for Jan. and Oct. 3; for Aug. 5, and for June 0. Example: On what day of the week was John born if the date was Sept. 16, 1841? Last 2 figures of the year 41. Solution: 41-^4=10 ~ Day of the month 16 Ratio 1 Total 68 68-*-7=9 with 5 remainder. Hence John was born on the 5th day of the week or Thursday. N. B. The above rule is for the 19th century ; for the 18th century add 9 before dividing by 7, and for the present century subtract 2 before dividing by I . For leap years, subtract 1 from the ratio of January and February. A MEAN ACT WILL SOON RECOIL. 383 BUSINESS FAILURES IN THE UNITED STATES 1857 TO 1905. YEAE. Failures. Amount of liabilities. YEAR. Failures. Amount of liabilities. 1857 4,932 $291,750,000 1884 10,968 226 843,427 1858 4,225 95,749,000 1885... 10,637 124,220,821 1859 3,913 64,394 UuO 1886 . 9,834 114 644,119 I860 8,676 79,807,000 1887... 9,634 167,560,944 1861 6,993 207,210,000 1888 10,679 123,829,978 1862 1652 23,049,000 1889 10882 148 784 887 1868..!!... 495 7,899,900 1890 10,907 189,856,964 1864 .... 520 8,579,000 1891 12,273 189,868 688 1865 530 17,625,000 1892 10,344 114,044,167 1866 1,505 58,783,000 1893 15,242 346 779 889 1867... 2,780 96,686,000! 1894 13,885 172,992,856 1868 2,608 68,691,000! 1895 18,197 178,196 060 1869... 2,799 75,064.054 1898... 15,088 266,096.834 1870 8,546 88,242,000 1897 13,851 154 832,071 1871 2,915 85,252,000 1898 12186 130 662 899 1872 4,069 121,056,000 1899.... 9,337 90,879,889 1878 5,183 228,499,900 1900... 10,774 188,495,673 1874 5,830 155,239 000 1901 11 002 118 092 376 1875 7,740 201,000,000 1902 11,615 117 476,7(59 1876. .. 9,092 191,177,000 1903 12069 155 444 185 1877 8,872 190,669,936 1904... 12,199 144,202,311 187& 10,478 234,383,132 1905* 9,728 101,032,975 1879 6,658 98,149,053 1880 4,735 65,752,000 1881 6,582 81,155,982 1882 6.738 101,547,564 1888 9.181 172,874.172 *Ten months to Oct. 31st, 1905. IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES 1820=1905. (From 1789 to 1820, estimated at 250, 000.) Year. Immi- grants. Year. Immi- grants. Year Immi- grauts. Yea r. Immi- grants. 1820. 8,385 1842. 104,565 1884. 193,195 1886. 334,203 1821. 9,127 1848. 52,496 1865. 247,453 1887. 490,109 1822. 6,911 1844. 78,815 1866. 163,594 1888. 546,889 1823. 6,354 1845. 114,371 1867. 298,967 1889. 444,427 1824. 7,912 1846. 154,416 1868. 282,189 1890. 455,302 1825. 10,199 1847. 234,968 1869. 352,569 1891. 5*0,319 1826. 10,837 1848. 226,527 1870. 387,203 1892. 623,084 1827. 18,875 1849. 297,021 1871. 821,350 1893. 502,917 1828. 27,382 1850. 869,986 1872. 404,806 1894. | 314,467 1829. 22,520 1851. 879,468 1873. 459,803 1895. 279,948 1830. 23,322 1852. 871,603 1874. 813,839 1896. 843,267 1881. 22,633 1853. 868,645 1875. 227,498 1897. 230,832 1882. 60,482 1854. 427,833 1876. 169981) 1898. 229,299 1833. 68,640 1855. 200,877 1877. 141,857 1899. 811,715 1834. 65,865 1856. 195,857 1878. 138,469 1900. 448.572 1835. r 45.371 1857. 246,945 1879. 177,826 1901. 487.918 1836. 76,242 1858. 119,501 1880. 457,257 1902. 648,743 1837. 79,840 1859. 118,616 1881. 699,431 1908. 857,046 18SS. 38,914 1860. 150,237 1882. 788,992 1904. 815,861 1889. 68,069 1861. 89,724 1883. 603,322 1905. 1,027,421 1840. 8t,066 1862. 89,207 1884. 518,592 1841. 80,289 1863. 174,524 1885. 395,546 384 A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING. (Year Book 190 1.) Colleges in the United States. Universities and colleges. , Instructors Students, male , Students, female 443 17,614 139,157 41,977 Public Schools. Teachers, male 113,744 Teachers, female 841,498 Total pupils 16,256,038 Armies of Different Nations Army and Navy Combined. Russia .. .. 1,160,000 Italy 288,775 France 650,404 Germany 639,475 Turkey . 732,577 China 300,000 Great Britain 451,753 United States 87,946 RELIGIOUS STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES. Denomination. Members. Catholic ... .... 10,233,824 Methodist 6,256,738 Baptist... 5.150,815 Presbyterian 1,697,697 Lutheran 1,789,966 Disciples of Christ 1,233,866 Protestant Episcopals 798,642 Congregational 667,951 All other bodies 2,484,012, CREEDS IN THE WORLD. Christianity. 480 millions. Confucianism 258 " Hindooism ......190 Mohammedanism 175 " Buddhism 147 " Polytheism ...120 " ILLITERACY. The per cent, of illiteracy in the scale of 100 in different countries is: India 95 Mexico 98 Russia 85 Greece 82 Spain 72 Italy 68 China 50 Austria 45 Ireland 28 France 15 United States 18 Japan 10 England 9 Switzerland 5 Germany 4 Scandinavia 3 SALARIES OF RULERS. The following condensed table Shows the salaries of the principal rulers of the world. Out of these salaries some rulers have much to pay in order to maintain the charac- ter of their position, BO that compari- sons cannot easily be made. In many of these cases the royal household is included. Country. Ruler. Salary. Russia Czar $12,000,(X-0 Turkey Sultan. . . . 10,000,000 Great Britain King .... 8,000,000 Germany Emperor. 4,000,000 Italy King 2,900,000 Austria Emperor. 5,000,000 Bpain King 1,800,000 Japan Mikado.. 1,250,000 Brazil, Sweden, Portugal, each 600,000 Franca .President 240,000 United States.. . " 60,000 Switzerland " 8,000 SALARIES OF UNITED STATES OFFICERS. President $50,000 Vice President 8,000 Cabinet Officers 8,000 each Inter-State Commerc' Commissioners 7,500 " Chief Justice.... 10,500 Associate Justices 10,000 '* Speaker of House 8,000 Senators 5,000 " Representatives in Con- gress 5,000 M Treasurer of U. S 6,000 U.S. Ministers to Great Britain, France, Ger- many, Mexico, Russia... 17,500 * U. S. Ministers to Italy, Brazil, China, Japan, and Spain 12,000 U. S. Ministers to Austria, Argentine Republic, Chile, Columbia, Guate- mala, Nicaragua, Peru. and Turkey 10,000 * TREAT WITH MEN ABOUT BUSINESS AT FIT 'J.1MES. 385 5^ & A BOY IS BETTER UNBORN TZAN UNTAUGHT, DOES IT TAKE MORE PICKETS TO BUILD OVER A HILL THAN ON A LEVEL? Many arguments and discussions have taken place over this simple problem. It takes no more pickets to build over a hill than on a level. You can see from the above figure, that the num- ber of pickets are the same by actual count. The curve lines represent the hill, and the lower lines the level ground. The dotted lines join the two, and they make the same fence over the hill, and are no farther apart than on the level. DOES THE TOP OF A CARRIAGE WHEEL MOVE FASTER THAN THE BOTTOM? This seems absurd, but it is strictly true, as any one may sat- isfy himself in a moment by setting up a stake by the side of a wheel and then moving the wheel forward a few inches. The accompanying illustration may make it still clearer. Let the wheel move from position held by Fig. 1 to position of Fig. 2. 1 has moved over a much greater space than 3, and consequently has moved faster. HE THAT 3EGAEZETH THE CLOUDS SHALL NOT REAP. 387 USEFUL REFERENCE RULES AND ITEMS. HOW TO WRITE YOUR NAME ON IRON TOOLS. 1. Melt a little beeswax or hard tallow and pour it on the iron at the place intended to be marked. After the wax or. tallow cools take an awl or sharp piece ot iron and write your name in it. 2. Pour a little nitric acid on the wax, where you have writte" your name, and allow it to remain a few moments. Then wipe off the wax, and your name remains indelibly marked as written in the wax. 3. Be careful and allow none of the acid to come in contact with your clothes or hands. HOW TO WRITE YOUR NAME ON GLASS. 1. Apply beeswax and write your name as in the above. 2. Then instead of nitric acid, apply hydrofluoric acid and your name will remijp permanently written on the clear surface of the glass. HOW TO MAKE A HOLE IN GLASS. Place a piece of stiff clay or putty on the part where you wish to make the hole. Make a hole in the putty reaching to the glass and just the size you want the hole in the glass. Pour a little molten lead into this hole and the piece of glass will drop out. This will not fail unless the glass is very thick. COMMON NAMES OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. Blue Vitriol Sulphate of Copper Chalk Carbonate of Calcium Common Salt Chloride of Sodium Copperas Sulphate of Iron Water Oxide of Hydrogen Lime Oxide of Calcium Glucose Grape Sugar Soda Bicarbonate of Sodium Cream of Tartar Bitartrate of Potassa Epson Salts Sulphate of Magnesia Oil of Vitriol Sulphuric Acid Potash Hydrate of Potassium Vinegar Acetic Acid (diluted) Spirits of Hartshorn Aqua Ammonia WHO LIES DOWN WITH DOGS RISES WITH FLEAS. PAINTING RULES. One coat, or priming, will take, per 100 yards of painting, 20 pounds of lead and 4 gallons of oil. Two-coat work, 40 pounds of lead and 4 gallons of oil. Three-coat, the same quantity as two-coat; so that a fair estimate for 100 yards of three-coat work would be 100 pounds of lead and 16 gallons of oil. One gallon priming color will cover 50 superficial yards; white zinc, 50 yards; white paint, 44 yards; lead color, 50 yards; black paint, 50 yards; stone color, 4 yards; yellow paint, 44 yards; blue color, 45 yards; green paint, 45 yards; bright emerald green, 25 yards; bronze green, 75 yards. One pound of paint will cover about 4 superficial yards the first coat, and about 6 each additional coat. One pound of putty, for stopping, every 20 yards. One gallon of tar and one pound of pitch will cover 12 yards, interchange the first coat, and 17 yards each additional coat. A square yard of new brick wall requires, for the first coat of paint in oil, ^ pound; for the second, 3 pounds; for the third, 4 pounds. A day's work on the outside of a building is 100 yards of the first coat, and 80 yards of either second or third coat. An ordi- nary door, including casings, will, on both sides, make 8 to 10 yards of painting, or about 5 yards to a door without the casings. An ordinary window makes about 2% or 3 yards. HOW TO MIX PAINTS OF VARIOUS COLORS. Buff White, y3llow ochre and red. Chestnut Red, black and yellow. Chocolate Baw umber, red and black. Claret Red, umber and black. Copper Bed, yellow and black. Dove White, vermilion, blue and yellow. Drab White, yellow ochre, red and black. Fawn White, yellow and red. Flesh White, yellow ochre and vermilion. Freestone Red, black, yellow ochre and white. French Grey White, Prussian blue and lake. Grey White lead and black. Gold White, stone ochre and red. GreenBronze Chromegreen, black and yellorv Green Pea White and chrome green. Lemon White and chrome yellow. Limestone White, yellow ochre,black andi"e<^ Olive Yellow, blue, black and white. Orange Yellow and reu. Peach White and vermilion. Pearl White, black and blue. Pink White, vermilion and lake. Purple Violet, with more red and white. Rose White and madder lake. Sandstone White, yellow ochre, black and red. Snuff Yellow and Vandyke brown. Violet Red, blue and white. The first named color is always the principal incrrodient. and the others follow in the order of their importance. Thus in mixing a limestone tint, white is the principal ingredient, and the red tho color of which the least needed The exact proportions of each color must bo determined by experi- ment with a smaller quantity. It is best to have the principal ingredient thick, and add to it the other paints thinner TIME TO A BUSINESS MAN IS MONET. 389 DISTANCES, POPULATIONS AND TIMES OF FASTEST MAILS. INDIA, CHINA, JAPAN AND AUSTRALIA MAILS. Figures in parenthesis indicate number of days in transit from port Of embarkation. The Post-Office Department allows 6 days for transmission of mails from New York to San Francisco, and 7 days from New York to Van- couver, B. C., and Tacoma, Wash., and 9 days from New York to London, Leave London, Eng., every Friday for Aden (11-13), Bombay (17), Co- lombo (18), Singapore (26), Hong Kong (33), Shanghai (38), Yokohama (44), Leave San Francisco, Cal., about every 9 to 12 days for Singapore (31-35), Hong Kong (25), Shanghai (25-28), Yokohama (17). By Pacific Mail and Occidental and Oriental Steamship lines. Leave Tacoma, Wash., about every 17 days for Hong Kong (25), Yokohama (16). By Northern Pacific Steamship Co. Australia Mails. Mails for Weat Australia are all sent via London, Leave San Francisco, Cal., every 9 to 19 days for Honolulu, Sand- wich Islands (7); and every 28 days for Auckland, New Zealand (21), Syd- ney, New South Wales (26). By Oceanic Steamship Co. Mails also leave Vancouver, B. C., on the 8th of each month, and must be marked "Via Vancouver." POSTAL DISTANCES AND TIME FROM NEW YORK CITY. * As indicated by the Official Postal Guide, showing the distance by short- est routes and time in transit by fastest trains from New York City. CITIES IN UNITED STATES. Miles. Hours CITIES IN UNITED STATES. Miles. Hour* Albany N Y 142 882 188 1,738 2,736 217 410 172 3,036 804 853 1,899 900 744 568 624 292 1,957 1,930 1,257 743 1,789 182 112 2.423 1,367 808- 1.077 1,302 4 l / 2 24*4 6 604 924 114 6 109 214 32 56 2) 23 1 4 194 20 94 654 604 S* 56i/ 2 6 4 89 55 23 314 38 V 4 Louisville, Ky 854 1,163 985 1,057 827 1,344 1,8P3 90 431 825 3.181 2,724 189 344 1,048 1.800 2,452 3,250 905 3209 1,370 57 1,288 1,412 228 496 117 593 34 40 304 10<4 40 43 3 IS 12 1144 94 6 B* 37 714 1244 26 127 1 50 42 6H 1* 20 Atlanta Ga Memphis, Tenn Baltimore, Md Milwaukee, Wis Montgomery, Ala Bismarck N Dak Montpelier, Vt Buffalo N Y Omaha Neb Cape May N J Philadelphia, Pa Carson City Nev Pittsburg, Pa Charleston 'S C Portland, Me .... Chattanooga, Tenn Cheyenne \Vyo Portland, Ore Prescott, Ariz Providence, R. I Richmond, Va St. Louis, Mo Cincinnati, O Cleveland, O. St. Paul, Minn Concord, N.H Deadwood, S. Dak Salt Lake City, Utah .... San Francisco, Cal Savannah, Ga Des Moines, la Detroit, Mich. Tacoma, Wash . Topeka, Kan Trenton, N J Vicksburg, Miss Vinita, Ind.Ter Washington, D. C Wheeling, W. Va Wilmington, Del Hartford, Ct . . . Helena Mont Hot Springs, Ark Indianapolis, Ind j Wilmington. N.C Kansas City ( Mo 390 BE PROMPT TO ADMIT AND RECTIFY A WRONG. Distance in Miles of the Different State Capitals from Washington, the National Capital. According to a compilation of the Postmaster-General, February 12, 1894. Jefferson City, Mo 1,019 Lansing, Mich 661 Lincoln, Neb. 1,285 Little Rock, Ark 1,064 Madison, Wis 910 Montgomery, Ala 824 Montpelier, Vt 556 Nashville, Tenn 770 Newport, R. 1 415 Olympia, Wash 3,110 Phoenix, Ariz 2,472 Pierre, S. D 1,554 Raleigh, N. C 299 Richmond, Va 116 Sacramento, Cal 3,022 St. Paul, Minn 1,172 Salem, Ore. 3,104 Santa Fe, N. M 2,006 Springfield, 111 835 Tahlequah, Ind. Ter 1,319 Tallahassee, Fla 872 Topeka, Kans 1,204 Trenton, N., J 169 Albany, N. Y 373 Annapolis, Md 42 Atlanta, Ga 649 Augusta, Me 615 Austin Tex 1,556 Baton Rouge, La 1,179 Bismarck, N. D 1,610 Boise City, Idaho 2,600 Boston, Mass 444 Carson City, Nev 2,898 Charleston, W. Va 386 Cheyenne, Wyo 1,763 Columbia, S. C 490 Columbus, 487 Concord, N. H 491 Denver, Colo 1,748 Des Moine, la 1,113 Frankfort, Ky 604 Guthrie, Okla ..1,466 Harrisburg, Pa 125 Hartford, Conn 341 Helena, Mont 2,295 Indianapolis, Ind 643 Jack-son, Miss 1,011 Distances from New York and the Time it Takes Letters to Reach their Destination in Different Parts of the World. To Miles. Days. Adelaide, via San Francisco 12,845 34 Alexandria, via London 6,150 15 Amsterdam, via London 3,985 10 Athens, via London 5,655 14 Bahia, Brazil 5,870 21 Berlin, via London 4,385 10 Bombay, via London 9,765 27 Buenos Ayres 8,045 29 Calcutta, via London 11,120 30 Cape Town, via London 11,245 30 Constantinople, via London 5,810 13 Florence, via London 4,800 11 Glasgow 3,375 10 Greytown, via New Orleans 2,810 7 Halifax, N. S 645 2 Havana, Cuba 1,400 3 Hong Kong, China, via San Francisco 10,590 Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, via San Francisco 5,645 13 Liverpool, England 3,540 8 London, via Queenstown 3,740 9 Madrid, via London 4,925 11 Melbourne, Australia, via Sau Francisco 12,265 32 Mexico City by railroad 3,750 7 Panama 2,355 8 Paris 4,020 8 Rio de Janeiro 6,730 23 Rome, via London 5,030 11 St. Petersburg, via London 5,370 12 Shanghai, via San Francisco 9,920 25 Stockholm, via London 4,975 12 Sydney, via San Francisco 11,570 31 Valparaiso, via Panama 5,910 37 Vienna, via London 4,740 12 [Yokohama, via San Francisco 8,725 80 VE THAT LOVETH WINE AND OIL SHALL NOT BE RICH. 391 DIFFERENCE OF TIME BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD AND LONGEST DAY AT PRINCIPAL PLACES. LONGEST DAY, Hr. Min. o'clock noon at WASHINGTON. St. Petersburg. . . 12.12 12.24 12.27 1.37 4.31 4.43 4.55 5.07 5.17 5.58 6.02 6.14 7.04 11.01 12.54 2.48 4.51 8.58 9.40 11.08 11.18 11.52 12.00 The above is actual time, not standard time. noon at P. M WASHINGTON. New York St. Petersburg. . . Stockholm. 18 18 38 35 Boston. Cape Horn 17 34 M Portland. Edinburgh 17 3ft II St. John(N. F.). Lisbon. Copenhagen ,. . . . Dublin 17 16 20 5ft tl Dublin. Berlin IB 40 < Edinburgh. London 16 34 It London. Paris . 16 05 II II Paris. Rome. Victoria, B. C... 16 15 00 56 II Berlin. Albany 15 ?0 II Vienna. Boston 15 14 It Constantinople. Chicago 15 08 tl Calcutta. Ogden 15 05 A. M. n Pekin. Melbourne. Constantinople . . Naples 15 15 04 00 i Auckland. Pekin 14 58 i M tl San Francisco. Salt Lake. New Orleans. Philadelphia Washington Cape Town 14 14 14 56 52 flO tl Chicago. Calcutta 13 94 II Buffalo. Panama Itt 34 noon Lima (Peru). Quito . . 12 00 392 JUMP WHILE THE WAVE IS ON THE SWELL. DISTANCES AND RAILROAD FARES FROM CHICAGO TO ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. First-Class Fare Subject to Slight Changes. (We aim to give the moet direct route only.) PLACXS. MILES. FAKE. PLACES. MILES. FARE. Akron O. 368 838 1,391 467 916 385 686 834 733 886 556 1,200 905 37 987 1,263 859 164 296 469 445 652 1,004 998 523 207 1,095 365 367 903 271 1,103 595 1,000 300 339 398 ^88 d37 963 975 280 760 183 265 170 1,118 tf7 272 921 188 $850 1665 43 00 12 Ou 1800 970 1550 1750 2140 1925 1250 2250 2570 112 3210 2450 1750 "414 872 1100 1060 1975 1900 1969 1200 617 2119 1094 915 2000 685 2630 1730 2365 800 850 835 1250 2570 1900 2825 800 2695 502 727 446 3065 1015 725 1970 5.64 Dunkirk N Y 500 478 36 452 287 1,042 645 1,083 954 148 239 557 957 368 114 1,152 164 771 215 618 198 905 472 238 329 716 961 638 1,034 1,562 693 548 1,102 836 183 237 666 1,083 730 209 91 876 37 141 489 250 566 280 85 754 2U) $1350 1355 110 1265 865 1982 1848 2780 1900 445 715 1460 2695 998 332 3250 488 1750 540 1874 595 2610 1150 805 725 1725 1950 1715 1975 4650 2025 1585 3100 1931 500 664 1530 2780 2200 550 273 1105 10S 400 1250 715 1600 788 240 1825 505 Albany N. Y. Albuquerque N . M. Allegheny City Pa Doluth Minn . Elgin. 111. Erie.. Pa Allentown Pa Evansville Ind. Fall River Mass Alliance O. Altooua Pa. Fargo N. D. Fernandina Fla Fitchburg Mass . Fort Wayne. . Ind Atlanta Ga. Atlantic City N. J. Atchison Kan. Forest O. Augusta . . Me. Fort Scott Kan. Fort Worth. Tex Aurora . .... 111. Frankfort Ky . Austin Tex. Freeport. . . Ill Bangor Me Galveston Tex. Baltimore Md. Galesburg .... Ill Battle Creek Mich. Bay City. . .Mich. Gettysburg Pa . Grand Rapids.... Mich. Grenada. . Miss Bellaire O. Berlin Ont Green Bay Wis Greenville . Tex Boston Mass. Hamilton Can . Bridgeport Conn. Buffalo N Y Hamilton O. Hannibal.. Mo Burlington la. Harrisbnrg Pa. Burlington... ...Vt. Hartford Conn . Hastings Neb. Haverhill . Mass Cairo 111. Canton O. Cape May N J Helena.. Mont Cedar Rapids. . . la. Hot Springs Ark. Holly Springs Miss . Houston Tex. Charleston S. C. Chattanooga Tenn Cheyenne -. . . . Wyo. Cincinnati O. Cleveland O. Hudson N. Y Iowa City la. Ithaca.. N. Y Council Bluffs la. Colombia 8 C. Jacksonville Kla. Jackson.. Miss Concord N.H. Jackson Mich. Janesville Wis. Jefferson City Mo. Joliet 111. Corsicana Tex. Crestline O. Dallas Tex. Kalamazoo Mich. Kansas City Mo. Dayton O. Decatur .. ..111. Kookuk la. Denver Colo. Knoxville Tenn. LaCrosse Wis. Lake Geneva Wis. Lancaster Pa. Bes Moines la. Detroit.. ., Mich. Dover Del. Dnbuque la. TALL OAKS FROM LITTLE ACORNS GROW. 393 PLACES. MILES. FAKE. PLACES. MILES. FARE. Leadville Colo. 1,169 589 376 552 628 116 914 399 2,266 137 269 138 611 821 162 390 , 288 528 265 85 420 165 1,224 793 973 837 211 444 498 912 915 912 36r> 905 927 1,044 408 513 1,514 788 498 497 757 2,255 969 955 155 132 822 633 468 1,114 2,488 335 413 1,107 14 1,107 '$3750 1250 1040 1440 1785 350 2000 9JS5 6250 427 700 392 1414 2405 487 1087 860 1590 790 255 1150 492 1900 2100 2200 ,1800 586 i350 1300 1800 2025 2300 835 2000 1800 2032 1125 1255 4150 1800 1200 1275 1800 6250 1800 2200 425 385 1825 1900 1100 2050 6150 730 1025 2950 15 2100 Quincy 111. 262 62 1,154 223 933 86 550 181 711 1,213 283 2,257 1,566 1,342 807 1,088 2,411 2,342 8*1 815 510 300 185 935 1,914 426 280 HO 469 673 2,314 1,033 178 773 254 243 555 506 859 826 267 725 761 235 1,031 819 916 475 1,037 637 930 306 345 280 569 , 398 * 390 $725 185 2735 675 2100 250 1338 497 1578 3450 843 6250 4225 4105 825 2630 6250 6150 2535 2405 1275 775 475 1900 5650 1330 750 1150 1250 1498 6150 2780 538 2220 740 700 14 CK) 1240 1800 1680 805 1604 2300 710 2880 1750 1800 1100 1965 1655 1800 862 2570 840 1515 995 900 Leavenworth Kan. Hacine .Wis Raleigh N C Richmond.. Ind. Little Rock Ark Richmond Va Rockford Ill, Rochester N. Y. Rock Island Ill, Long Branch N. J. London ..Can. Rome N. Y. Lyons la. San Antonio Tex. Saginaw. .. . Mich. Madison Wis. Sacramento Cal. Manchester ... N. Y. Salt Lake City.... Utah. Santa Fe. N M Macon Ga. Manitowoc Wis. Sandusky O. Marquette Mich. Savannah Ga Marsnalltown la. San Francisco Cal. Seattle Wash. Memphis .. Tenn. Sherman Tex Milwaukee Wie. Shreveport . ..La. Minneapolis Minn. Moline 111 Sioux City la. Springfield O. Springfield . 111. Montpelier. . . Vt. Montgomery Ala. Springfield Mass. Mobile Ala. Spokane Falls Wash. Stenbenville O, St. Louis .... Mo. Montreal Can. Muscatine la. Nashville ...Tenn. 8t Paul Minn Nebraska City Neb. New York .. N. Y. St. Joseph Mo. Syracuse N. Y. New Haven .Conn. New Orleans La. Newark . . . O. Tallahassee. . . Fla. Terre Haute Ind Newark N J Newark . ...N. Y. Tiffin O Newport . . R.I. Toledo O Newport... ...Ky. Topeka . . Kan. Niagara Falls N. Y. Ogden . Utah Toronto, Can. Trenton N. J. Troy . N.Y Ogdensburg N. Y. Oil City Pa. Omaha Neb. Urbana... ...O. Utica N. Y. Ottawa . Can Vicksburg Miss. Pasadena . ... Cal. Paterson N. J. Waco Tex. Washington D C Peoria 111. West Point N Y Peru Ind Wheeling W Va Philadelphia.. ...Pa. White Mountains.. N. H. White Sul. Spgs...W.Va. Wilmington Del. Pine Bluff Ark. Pittsburg Pa. Portland Me. Portland ... Ore. Winnipeg Manitoba Xenia O Portsmouth O. Yankton S. D- Pueblo. ... ... Colo. Youngstown O. Zanesville O. Pullman 111. OuebPC ...Can. 394 2YES AND NOT LEGS MAKE A TRAVEL THE POPULATION OF T!1E PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. THE CENSUS OF 1880, 1890, AND 1900 OF* EVERY TOWN AND CITY HAVING A POPULATION OF 3,000 OR MORE. CITIES. 1 1880. 1890. 1900. ALABAMA. Anniston . 942 9 998 9 695 1 642 3 060 4 544 6 358 3 086 26 178 38 415 Decatur 1 063 2 765 3 114 Dothan 247 3 27-5 3 836 4 394 4 532 Florence 1 359 6 012 6 478 1 697 2 901 4 282 Gerard v. 3 840 Greenville. 2 471 2 806 3 162 Huntsville 4 977 7 995 8 068 Mobile. 29 132 31 076 38 469 16 713 21 883 30 346 New Decatur 1 905 3 565 4 437 Opelika 3 245 3 703 4 245 Phenix 2 224 3 700 4 163 Pratt City 1 946 3 485 Selma 7 529 7 622 8 713 Sheffield .... 2 731 3 333 Troy 2 294 3 448 4 097 Tuscaloosa .*t 2 418 4 215 5 095 ARIZONA. Phoenix 3 452 5 544 Prescott 1 759 3f^C^Q Tucson , 7 007 5 150 7 531 ARKANSAS. Eureka Springs 3 984 3 706 3 572 Fort Smith... 3 099 11 311 11 587 Helena 3 652 5 189 5 550 Hot Springs 3 554 8 086 9 973 Jfonesboro 2 065 4 508 Little Rock. 13 138 25 874 qo Qf)7 Men a 3 423 Paragauld 1 666 Q QO4. Pine Bluff. 3 203 9 952 U4.Qfi Texarcana 1 390 3 528 4014 CALIFORNIA. Alameda 5 708 11 165 " ^ 4 410 4 997 4 109 Muscatine 8 295 11 454 14 073 Newton 2 607 2 564 3 682 Oelwein .... . 830 5 142 Oskaloosa 4 598 6 558 9 212 Ottumwa 9 004 14 001 18 197 Perry 952 2 880 3 986 Red Oak 3 755 3 321 4 355 Shenandoah 1 387 2 440 3 573 Sioux City i 7 366 37 806 33 111 Spencer .. 824 1 813 3 095 Vinton 2 906 2 865 3 499 "Washington 2 949 3 235 4 255 ^\faterloo 5 630 6 674 12 580 \Vaverly 2 345 2 346 3 177 Webster 1 848 2 829 4 613 \Vinterset 2 583 2 281 3 039 KANSAS. Abilene 2,360 3,547 3 507 4 732 5 878 Arkansas . .. .... 1 012 8 347 6 14O Atchison 15 105 13 963 15 722 Chanuti 887 2 826 4 208 Cherryvale ...... 690 2 104 3 472 Clay Center 1 753 2 802 3 069 Coffeyville 753 2 282 4 853 1 853 3 184 3 401 1 411 3 339 3 466 Emporia 4 631 7 551 8 223 HIS PLENTY MADE HIM POOR. 401 CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Fort Scott 5,372 11,946 10,322 1,463 2,496 10.155 2,727 8,082 3 316 8,398 1,540 8,682 9,379 2,915 3,127 4,851 lola 1,096 1,706 5,791 2.684 4,502 4.695 3.200 38,316 51.418 8,510 9,997 10.862 16 546 21 768 20,735 2,105 3,004 8,438 2601 5605 6,208- Olathe 2,285 8,294 8.451 681 2662 4,191 Ottawa 4,032 6,248 6,934 p ao l a 2 812 2943 3,144 4 199 6 736 7682 Pittsburg 624 6697 10,112 962 2 276 3.27O Salina . .. 3.111 6.149 6.074 Topeka 15 452 81 007 33.608 2,694 4,391 4.245 "Wichita 4 911 23 853 24,671 Winfielci 2 844 5 184 6 554 Wyandotte . . 8,343. KENTUCKY. Ashland .. . 3 280 4 195 6.80O Bellevue 1,460 3.163 6,332 Bowling Green 5 114 7 803 8,226 Catlettsburg 1.225 1,374 3,081 Covington 29 720 87 371 42,938 Cynthiana 2 101 3 016 3 257 Danville 3 074 8 766 4,285 Dayton . . . 3 210 4 264 6,104 907 1 748 3,012 Frankfort 6 958 7 892 9,487 Georgetown 3,823 Henderson 5 365 8 835 10.272 Hopkinsville ... . 4 229 5 833 7,280 2054 2,816 3,043 Lexington 16 656 21 567 26,369 Louisville . . ... 123 758 161 129 204 731 Ludlow 2 469 3,334 Madisonville. 1 544 2 212 3 628 Mayfield . 1 839 2 909 4 081 5220 6 358 6,423 Middleboro .. .... 3 271 4 162 Mount Sterling . ..... 2 087 3 629 8 561 20 433 24 918 28,301 Owensboro 6 231 9 837 13 189 Paducah 8 036 12 797 19 446 Paris 3 204 4 218 4,603 Richmond 2 909 5 073 4 653 Shelbyville . . 2 893 2 679 3 016 2 625 3,384 ^^inchester 2 277 4 519 5 964 LOUISIANA. Alexandria 1 800 2 861 564& 7 197 10 478 11 ?6A 402 THEY LOSE THE WORLD WHO BUT IT WITH MUCH CAKE, CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Crowley 428 ^2i4 Donaldsonville 2 600 3 121 4 105 Houma 1 084 1 280 3 212 Lafayette 2 106 3 314 Lake Charles 838 3 442 6.68O Monroe 2 070 3 256 5 428 New Iberia 2.709 3 447 6 815 216 090 242 039 287 104 PlaQuemine . . 2 061 3 222 3 590 Shreveport 8 009 11 979 16 013 Thibodeaux 1 515 2 078 32 513 MAINE. Auburn .. .. 9 555 11 250 12 951 Augusta 8 665 10 527 11 683 Bangor 16 856 19 103 21 850 Bath 7 874 8 723 10 477 Belfast 5 308 5 294 4 615 Biddeford .. .... 12 651 14 443 16 145 Brewer 4 193 4 835 Brunswick. . . 5 384 6 012 6 806 Calais 6 173 7 290 7 655 Caniden 4 386 4 621 2 825 Caribou . 2 756 4 087 4 758 Chelsea 1 537 2 356 3 092 Eden 1 629 1 946 4 379 Eastport 4 006 4 908 5 311 Ellsworth 5 052 4 804 4 297 Fairfield . 3 044 2 130 2 238 Farmington "" 3 353 3 207 3 288 Fort Fairfield 2 807 3 526 4 181 Gardiner , 4 439 5 491 5 501 Houlton 3 228 j 4 015 4 686 Kennebunk 2 852 3 172 3 228 Lewiston . 19 083 21 701 23 761 2 641 3 120 3 603 Lubec . . 2 109 2 069 3 005 Orono . 2 245 2 790 3 257 Paris 2 931 3 156 3 225 Portland 33 810 36 425 50 145 1 305 3 046 3 804 Rockland . 7 599 8 174 8 150 Rumford 898 3 770 Saco 6 389 6 075 6 122 Sanford 2 734 4 201 6 078 3 860 4 266 South Berwick 2 677 3 434 3 188 'Waldoboro . . 3 758 3 505 3 145 Watervi lie 4 672 7 107 9 477 Westbrook 6 632 7 283 MARYLAND. Annapolis .... 6 642 7 604 8 402 332 313 434 439 508 957 Cambridge .. . .... 2 262 4 192 5 747 2 359 2 63 3 008 Crisfield 986 1 565 3 165 Cumberland 10 693 12 729 17 128 3 005 o 939 3 074 Frederick 8 659 8 193 9 296 Frostburti 3 804 5 274 6 627 10 112 13 591 Z.E NOT WISE IN THINE OWN EYES. 403 CITIES. 1880. 189O. 1900. 2,816 3.244 3 423 Salisbury 2,581 2,905 4 277 2 507 2 903 3 199 MASSACHUSETTS. Abington 3,697 4,260 4.489 Adams 5,591 9.213 11 134 Amesbury 3.355 9.798 9,473 Amherst . 4,298 4,512 5 028 Andover 5.169 6.142 6.813 Arlington... .. '.. 4,100 5.629 8.603 Athol 4.307 6.319 7 061 Attleboro 11.111 7.577 11.335 Barnstable. . . . 4,242 4.023 4364 Belmont 1,615 2.098 3 929 Beverly 8.456 10,821 13.884 Blackstone... 4.907 6.138 5 721 Boston 362 839 448 477 660 892 Braintree 3,855 4,848 5.981 Bridge water 3,620 4.249 5 806 Brockton 13 608 27 294 40063 Brookfield 2,820 3,352 3062 Brookline . .. 8,057 12,103 19 935 Cambridge 52,669 70,028 91.886 Canton 4,516 .4,538 4 584 Chelmsford 2,553 2 695 3 984 Chelsea 21,762 27,909 34 072 Chicopee. 11.286 14,050 19 167 Clinton 8 029 10424 13 667 Concord 3,922 4.427 5 652 Dalton 2 052 2 885 3 014 Danvers 6 593 7 454 8 542 Dartmouth 3,430 3,122 3 669 Oedham . 6 233 7 123 7 457 Dracut 1 595 1 996 3 253 Dudley 2 803 2.994 3 555 East Bridgewater 2.710 2,911 3,025 East Hampton 4.206 4,395 5.603 Easton... 3 902 4 493 4 837 Everett 4 159 11 040 24 336 Fairhaven . . 2,875 2.919 3,567 Fall River 48 961 74 398 104 863 Falmouth 2,422 2,567 3.50O Fitchburgf ... 12,429 22,037 31 531 Foxboro 2 950 2 933 3 266 6 235 9 239 11 302 Franklin 4,051 4831 5 017 Gardner 4 988 8 424 10 813 Gloucester 19 329 24 651 26 121 Graf ton 4 030 5 002 4 869 Great Barrington 4 653 4 612 5 854 Greenfield 3 903 5 252 7 927 Hardwick 2 233 2 922 3 203 Haverhill .'. 18 472 27 412 37 175 Hingham 4 485 4 564 5 059 Holyoke 21 915 35 637 45 712 Hopkinton 4 601 4 088 2 623 3 739 4 670 ** 5*454 Hyde Park 7 088 10 193 13 244 Ipswich 3 699 4 439 4 658 Lawrence . .... H3 151 44 654 62 559 Lee 3 939 3 785 3 596 404 THRIFT IS BLESSING, IF MEN STEAL IT NOT. 1880. Leicester 2,779 Leominster 5,772 Lexington 2.460 Lowell 69,475 Ludlow 1,526 Lynn 38.274 Maiden 12,017 Mansfield 2,765 Marblehead 7,467 Marlboro 10,127 Maynard 2,291 Medford 7.573 Melrose 4.560 Methuen 4.392 Middleboro 5.237 Milford 9,310 Milbury 4,741 Milton 8,206 Monson 3, 758 Montague 4,875 Nantucket 3,227 Natick 8.479 Needham 5,252 New Bedford 26,845 Newburyport 13,538 Newton 16,995 North Adams 10.191 Northampton 12,172 North Andover 3,217 North Attleboro 6,727 North Bridge 4,053 North Brookfield 4,459 Norwood 2, 345 Orange 8,169 Palmer 5, 504 Peabody 9,028 Pepperell 2,348 Pittsfield 13,364 Plymouth 7,093 Provincetown 4,346 Quincy 10,570 Randolph 4,027 Reading 3,181 Revere 2,263 Rockland 4,553 Rockport 8, 912 Salem 27.563 talisbury 4,079 augus 2,665 Somervil le 24, 933 South Bridge 6.464 South Hadley 3, 538 Spencer 7.466 Springfield 83,340 Stoneham 4.890 Stoughton 4,875 Sutton 8.105 Taunton 21,213 Templeton 2, 789 Tewkesbury 2.179 Uxbr idge .- 8,111 1890. 3,120 7,269 3,197 77,696 1,939 55.727 22,984 3,432 8,202 13,805 2,700 11,079 8,519 4.814 6,065 8,780 4,428 4,278 8,650 6.296 3,268 9,118 3,035 40,733 13,947 24,359 16,074 14,990 3,742 6,727 4,603 3,871 3,733 4,568 6,520 10.158 3.127 17,281 7.314 4.642 16.723 3,946 4,088 5,568 5,218 4,087 30.801 1,316 3,673 40.152 7,655 4,261 8.747 44,161 6.155 4,852 8,180 25.448 2,999 2.515 3,408 TIS DEEDS MUST WIN THE PRIZE. 405 CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Wakefield 5.547 6.982 9,290 \Valpole . 2,494 2.604 3,572 Waltham 11,712 18,707 23.481 Ware 4,317 7.329 8.263 \\fareham . 2,896 3.451 3,432 3 889 4.681 4,417 ^Vate^town #.. 5.426 7,073 9.706 5.696 7031 8,804 Wellesley 3 600 5,072 W^estboro 5.214 5,195 5.400 Westfield 7 587 9.805 12,310 West Springfield 4 149 5 077 7.105 ^V^eymouth 10,570 10.866 11.324 Whitman . ... 3 024 4 441 6 155 3.394 4,221 5.013 \Vinchendon 3 722 4,390 5,001 Winchester 3 802 4 861 7 248 1,043 2,726 6,058 10 931 13 491 14254 58,291 84,655 118.421 MICHIGAN. Adrian 7.849 9,239 9,654 Albion ... 1,191 1,042 4.519 6,153 11,228 11.802 Ann Arbor . 8016 9.509 14,509 Battle Creek 7 063 13,090 18.563 BayCity 20,693 27,839 27.628 Belding . 562 1,730 3.282 1,230 3.692 6.562 2,566 3.911 8i# Rapids Cadillac ;V^l f .v.vtv&i-tv^^.. .. 3.552 2.213 5,265 4.455 4,686 5.997 Charlotte 2.910 3,867 4,092 2.269 6,244 6,489 oldwater /.{...UNIVERSITY...}. 4,681 5.462 6.216 Crystal Falls \ . -OF* */* 3,231 Dcl'rav ^^* s 4573 Detroi^ ^^Jr^iJGR^iLx / '^ 116,340 205.876 285,704 2 100 2 806 4.151 3.026 6,808 9,549 Plint 8.409 9,845 13,103 Gladstone .... 1,337 3,380 4 862 4 988 4,743 Grand Rapids 32,016 60,278 87,565 3 144 3.056 3.372 1 783 1 772 4,050 Hastings 2,531 2.972 3.172 Hillsdale .. 3 441 3 920 4.151 Holland 2 620 3 928 7.79O 1,438 2,062 3,359 4 190 4999 5.209- 8 599 9 242 7,745 9,705 6 039 11.184 13.255 16 105 20 798 25 180 Kalamazoo 11.937 17.857 24,404 8 319 12,630 16,485 5 643 4.190 4.999 7.166 6 930 12 799 14.260 2 940 4 126 A'O LEGACY IS 80 RICH AS HONESTY. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Marine City ... . 1 673 3 268 3 829 ViarQuette < 4 690 9 096 10 058 Marshall 8 795 3 957 4 37Q Menominee. . . . 3 288 10606 12 818 Monroe 4 930 5 246 5 043 Mount Clemens 3 057 4 742 6 576 Mount Pleasant 1,115 2,701 3 662 Muskegon 11 262 22 668 20 818 Negaunee 3 931 6 061 6 935 Niles . . .. 4 197 4 197 4 287 Norway . . 4 17O Owosso 2 501 6 544 8 696 Petoskey 1 815 2 872 5 285 Pontiac 4.509 6,243 9 769 Port Huron .... 8 883 13 519 19 158 Red Jacket 2 140 3 070 4 668 Saginaw .... 10 525 46,322 42 349 St. John's . . . 2 370 3 127 3 388 St. Joseph 2 603 3 733 5 155 Sault Ste. Marie 1 947 5 760 10 538 South Haven 1 442 1,924 400O Three Rivers 2 525 3 122 3 55O Traverse City 1 897 4,353 9,407 West Bay City . .... 6 397 2 910 13 119 Wyandotte . . 3 631 3 798 5 183 Ypsilanti 4 984 6,128 7 378 MINNESOTA. Albert Lea 1 966 3 305 4.50O Anoka 2,706 4,264 3,769 Austin 2 305 3,901 5 474 Brainerd... . 1 865 5 704 7 524 Cloquet 2,530 3,074 Crookston 1,227 3,457 5,359 Duluth .., 838 33,115 52,969 Ely 8 717 Fairmont , 541 1,205 3,040 Faribault 5 415 6,524 7,868 Fergus Falls 1 635 4 050 6 072 Hastings 3 809 3,691 3 bll Little Falls .. 508 2 354 5 774 Mankato 5 550 8 805 10 599 Minneapolis 46 887 164 738 202 718 Moorehead .. 2.088 3.736 NewUlm... 2,471 5,721 5,432 Northfield 2 296 2 659 3 21O Owatonna 3,161 8,845 5,561 Red Wing 5 876 6 277 7 525 Rochester 5,103 5,321 6,843 St. Cloud 2 462 6.532 8 663 St Paul - . 41 473 133 156 163 065 St. Peter 3436 3,671 4.302 Stillwater 9 055 11 239 12 318 Two Harbors 3 278 Waseca... 1 708 2482 3,103- Willmar 1 002 1 825 8 409 1 Winona 10,208 18,208 19.714 MISSISSIPPI. Aberdeen .... 2339 3,445 3,434 Biloxi 1 640 3 234 5467 Canton 2 131 2 083 3 '04 CARE'S AN ENEMY TO LIFE. 407 CITIES. 1880. 1890. Columbus 3.955 4,552 Corinth 2.275 2,111 Greenville 2 191 6 655 Greenwood 308 1.055 Hattiesburg . ... 1,172 4ickson 5 204 6 041 McComb 1,982 2,384 Meridian 4008 10 889 Natchez . 7,058 Vicksburg 11 814 13 298 Water Valley 2,220 2,832 V/esson ... 1 707 3,168 West Point 1 786 2 762 Yazoo 2542 5.247 MISSOURI. Aurora. ... 3,482 Boon vi lie 3 854 4 141 Brooktield .... 2,264 4.547 Butler 2 162 2812 Cape Girardeau 3 889 4 297 Carrollton 2 313 3.878 Carterville 483 2 884 Carthage 4.167 7,981 Chillicothe 4078 5717 Clinton 2 868 4 737 Columbia 3.326 4 000 DeSoto 1 989 3 960 Fulton 2 409 4 314 Hannibal 11 074 12 857 Independence 3 146 6 380 Jefferson C it y 5 271 6 742 Joplin 7 038 9 943 Kansas City 55 785 132 716 Kirksville ... 2 314 3 510 Lexington ... 3 996 4 537 Louisiana 4 325 5 090 3 046 3 371 Marshall 2 701 4 297 .Maryville 3 485 4 037 Mexico. . . 3 835 4 789 Moberly 6 070 8 215 Monett. .. 1 699 Nevada... 1 913 7 262 Poplar Bluff 791 2 187 Rich Hill 4 008 Richmond . .... . . 1 424 2 895 St Charles 5 014 6 161 St. Joseph 32 431 52 324 St Louis 350 518 451 770 Seda'-a 9 561 14 068 Springfield 6 522 21 850 "Trenton 3 312 5 039 ^^arrensburg 4 049 4 706 ^^ashington 2 421 2 725 Webb City 1 588 5 043 MONTANA. Anaconda 3 975 Billings 836 fiozeman . . 894 2 143 1900. 6,484 3.661 7,642 3.026 4.175 7,816 3,193 4.477 14,050 12,210 14.834 3.813 3.279 3.193 4,944 6.191 4,377 5,484 3.158 4,815 3.854 4.445 9.416 6.905 5.061 5,651 5,611 4.883 12.780 6,974 9.664 26,023 163,752 5,966 4.190 5,131 4,068 5,086 4.577 5,099 8,012 3,115 7,461 4.321 4,053 3.478 7,982 102,979 575,238 15,231 23.267 5,396 4,724 3,015 9,201 9,453 3,221 3,419 THERE IS NO DARKNESS BUT IGNORANCE. CITIES. 1880. 1890. Butte . 3,363 10,723 3reat Falls 3 979 Helena 3,624 18,834 3 426 NEBRASKA. Beatrice 2,447 13 836 Columbus 2,131 3,134 Kairburv .. 1,251 2 630 Falls City 1 583 2 102 Fremont 3,013 6,747 Grand Island 2 963 7 536 Hastings 2,817 13,584 Holdrege ... . 2 601 Kearney 1 782 8 074 Lincoln 13,003 55,154 Nebraska City 4 183 11 941 Norfolk 547 3,038 North Platte.. . 363 3 055 30 518 140 452 Plattsmouth 4,175 8,392 South Omaha 8 062 York 1,259 3,405 NEVADA. Carson City 4,229 3,950 Reno 1 302 3 562 Virginia City 10,917 8,511 NEW HAMPSHIRE. Berlin.. - 1,144 8,729 Claremont 4 704 5 565 Concord 13,843 17,004 Dover 11 682 12 790 Franklin 3,265 4,085 JCeene ... 6 784 7 446 3 790 6 143 Manchester 32,630 44 126 Nashua . .. 13 397 19 311 9 690 9 827 Rochester . 5 784 7 396 5 586 6 207 NEW JERSEY. Asbury Park . . . . Atlantic City 5 477 13 055 9 372 19 033 Bloomfield . 7 708 2 981 Bordentown . 4 258 4232 Bridgeton , ... 8 722 11 402 Burlington 6,090 7,264 Camden 41 659 58 313 13 282 Elizabeth 28 229 37 764 Garfield 1 028 5 347 6 564 1,206 1,947 Hackensack 4 248 6 004 1 776 3 833 Harrison . 6,898 8528 Hoboken... 30.999 43.648 TOO LIGHT WINNING MAKES THE PRIZE LIGHT. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. 5,255 Jersey City 120,722 163,987 206 433 10 896 3,411 3,413 Lambertville 4,183 4,142 4.637 3 833 7,231 8 872 2 469 3 754 Millville 7,660 10,002 10,583 8 656 13 962 5,418 8,156 11,267 Newark 136,508 181.518 246,070 17 166 18 603 20 006 Newton . 2,513 3,003 4,376 North Plainfield . 5,009 13,207 18.844 24,141 Passaic.. . 6,532 13,028 27,777 Paterson 51 031 78 347 105 171 4 808 9 512 17 699 Phillipsburg 7,181 8.644 10 052 Plainfield 8 125 10 267 15 369 3 422 3 899 Rahway* . 6 455 7,105 7 935 2,046 2,556 3.244 Red Bank . . 2,684 4,145 5,428 Rutherford < . .. 2 293 4 411 Salem 5,056 5,516 5,811 Somerville . 8105 3,861 4 843 4 330 6 349 2 178 3 106 4- 608 Summit ^.- 3 502 5 302 Trenton 29,910 57,458 73,307 5,849 10,643 15 187 Vineland 2 519 3 822 4 370 2 834 3 580 West Hoboken . 11 665 23 094 West New York 5 267 4 358 6 889 VVoodbury .*. 2 298 3 911 4087 NEW MEXICO. AlbuQuerQue . 2 315 8 785 6 238 2,385 3,552 Raton ... 1.255 3 540 Sante Fe 6 635 6 185 5 603 NEW YOKK. 90,758 94,923 94,151 4,586 4,477 Amsterdam . 9466 17 336 20 929 21 924 25 858 30 345 3 Oil 3 527 3 923 Batavia 4 845 7221 9 180 Bath 3 183 3 261 4 994 17 317 35 005 39 647 Brockport 4 039 3 724 3 398 Buffalo 155 134 255 664 352 387 .5 726 5 868 6 151 Canastota 1 569 2 774 3 030 a t 3 kill 4 320 4 920 5 484 19,416 22.509 23 910 or ii ing 4 802 8 550 11 061 Co"~tland 4050 8 590 9 014 i 410 VIRTUE IS BOLD, AND GOODNESS NEVER FEARFUL. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. 3.625 3,758 3 633 Depew 3 379 Dunkirk 7.248 9,416 11,616 Elmira 20,541 30 893 35 672 Fishkill Landing 2,503 3,617 3,673 3 521 Fredonia 2 692 3 399 4 127 Fulton 3,941 4,214 5,281 Geneva 5 878 7 557 10 433 Glens Falls 4,900 9,509 12,613 Gloversville . . 7.133 13 864 18 349 Gouverneur 2,071 3,458 3,689 Green Island . .... 4 160 4 463 4 77O Haverstraw 3 506 5 070 5 935 Hempstead 2,521 4 831 3 582 Herkimer 5 555 Hoosick Falls . .. 4,530 7,014 5,671 Hornellsville 8 195 10 996 11 918 Hudson 8 670 9 970 9 528 Ilion 3 731 4 057 5 138 Ithaca 9 105 11 079 13 136 Jamestown 9 357 16 038 22 892 Johnstown 5 013 7 768 10 13O Kingston 18 344 21 261 24 53 1> Lancaster 1 602 1 692 3 75O Lansingburg 7,432 10 550 12,596 Leroy 2 743 3 144 Lestershire 3,111 Little Falls 6 910 8 783 10 381 Lockport . 13 522 16 038 16 581 Lyons 3 820 4 475 4 30O Malone 4 193 4 986 5 935 Mamaroneck 4 722 Matteawan .... 4 411 4 278 5 807 Mechanicsville 1,265 2,679 4.695 Medina 3 632 4 492 4,716 Middletown . . .. 8 494 11 977 14 522 Mount Vernon 4 586 10,830 20,346 Newark 2 450 3 698 4 578 s Newburg 18 049 23 087 24 943 New Rochelle 9 057 14 7'2tr Greater New York New York 1,206,299 1,513,501 1,850,09$ Bronx 200,507 Brooklyn . . 599 495 838 547 1 166 582 Richmond 38 991 51,693 67; 021 Queens 90 574 128 059 152 999- Total 1 935 359 2 531 800 3,437,202. Niagara Falls 3 320 5 502 19 457 North Tarry town 2 684 8,179 4,241 North Tonawanda 1 492 4 793 06 9> Norwich 6 212 5 766- Nyack 3 881 4,111 4,275 Ogdensburg . .. 10 341 11 662 12 633> Olean 3 036 7 358 9 462: Oneida 8,984 6 083 G 364 Oneonta 4 461 6 272 7 147 Oswego 21 116 - 21,842 <>2.1 99> Owego 6 525 6 039 Peekskill... 6&98 9.676 10,358 SWEET MERCY IS NOBILITY'S TRUE BADGE. 411 CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Penn Yan . 3 475 4 254 4 65G Plattsburg 5,245 7,010 8 434 Port Chester 3,254 5 274 7 440 Port Jervis 8 678 9 327 9 385 Potsdam 2,762 3,961 3 843 Poughkeepsie . .... 20 207 22 206 24 029 Rensselaer 7 301 7 466 Rochester 89,366 133 896 162 608 Rome *12 194 14 991 15 343 Salamanca 2 531 3 692 4 251 Sandy Hill.... .. . 2 487 2 895 4 473 Saratoga Springs 8 421 11 975 12 409 Saugerties 3.923 4,237 3 697 Schenectady . 13 655 19 902 31 682 Seneca Falls 5,880 6,116 6 519 Sing Sing ... . . . 6 578 9 352 7 939 Solvay 563 3 463 Syracuse 51,792 88,143 108,374 Tarrytown 3 025 3 562 4 770 Tonawanda 3,864 7,145 7 421 Troy 56 747 60 956 60 651 Utica . 33 914 44 007 56 383 Walden 1 804 2 132 3 147 \Vappinger's Falls 3 718 3 504 Warsaw 1,910 3,120 3 048 Waterford.... .... 3 146 "Waterloo 3 893 4 350 4 256 Watertown 10,697 14,725 21 696 Watervliet . 12 967 14 321 Waverly... 2,767 4,123 4 465 Wellsville... 2 049 3 435 3 556 Whitehall 4 270 4 434 4 377 White Plains 2 381 4,042 7 89& Yonkers 18 892 32 033 47 931 NORTH CAROLINA. Asheville . . 2 616 10,235 14 694 Burlington 817 1,716 3,692 Charlotte 7 094 11,557 18,091 Concord 1 264 4 339 7 910 Durham 2,041 5,485 6,679 1 382 2 205 3 046 Elizabeth City 2 315 3 251 6 348 Fayetteville 3,485 4.222 4 670 Gastonia 236 1,033 4 610 Goldsboro 3 286 4 017 5 877 Greensboro 2 105 3 317 10 035 Henderson 1,421 4 191 3,746 High Point 4 163 Kinston 1,216 1,726 - 4,106 Newbern 6 443 7 843 9 090 Raleigh 9 265 12 678 13 643 Reidsville 1 316 2 969 3 262 Salem 2,716 3 642 Salisbury 2 723 4418 6 277 Statesville - . 1 062 2 318 3 141 Washington 2 462 3 545 4 842 V/ilmington 17 350 20 056 20 976 Wilson 1 475 2 126 3 525 Winston 2 854 8 018 10 008 27 Standard 412 THEY STUMBLE THAT RUN FAST. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. NORTH DAKOTA. Bismarck 1,758 2,186 3 319 Fargo 2,693 5,664 9 589 Grand Forks 1,705 4,979 7 652 OHIO. Akron 16,512 27.601 42,728 Alliance 4,636 7,607 8 974 Ashland 3,004 3,566 4 087 Ashtabula . 4,445 8,338 12,949 Athens 2,457 2,620 3 066 Barberton 4 354 Barnesville . ...--. 2,435 3,207 3 721 Bellaire 8,025 9,934 9 912 Bellefontaine 3,998 4,245 6,649 Bellevue 2,169 3,052 4 101 Bowling Green 1,539 3,467 5,067 Bridgeport 2,395 3,367 3 963 Bryan 2,952 3 068 3 131 Bucvrus 3,835 5,974 6 560 Cambridge 2 883 4.361 8 241 3 470 5 422 Canton . ... 12,258 26,189 30 667 Chillicothe 10 938 11 288 12 976 Cincinnati 255,139 296,908 32,3 902 Circleville 6 046 6 556 6 991 Cleveland 160,146 261,353 381 768 Collinwood 3 639 Columbus 51,647 88,150 125 560 Conneaut 1,256 3 241 7 133 Coshocton 3 044 3 672 6 473 Crestline 2,848 2,911 3 282 Cuyahoga Falls 2 294 2 614 3 186 Dayton 38,678 61,220 85 333 Defiance 5 907 ^7 694 7 579 6 894 8 224 7 946 3 814 4 516 4 517 Dennison 1 518 2 925 3 763 Kast Liverpool 5 568 10 956 16 485 Eaton 2 143 2 934 3 155 4 777 5 611 8 791 Findlay 4 633 18 553 17 613 Fostoria 3 569 7 070 7 730 Fremont 8 446 7 141 8 439 Galion 5 635 6 326 7 282 Gallipolis 4 400 4 550 6 432 Blenville 5 588 reenfield 2 104 2 460 3 979 Greenville 3 535 5 473 5 501 Hamilton 12 122 17 565 23 914 Hillsboro 3 234 3 620 4 535 Ironton 8 857 10 939 11 868 Jackson 3 021 4 320 4 672 Kent 3 309 3 501 4 541 Kenton 3 940 5 557 6 852 Lakewood 3 355 Lancaster 6 803 7 555 8 991 Lima 7 567 15 981 21 723 Lisbon 2 278 3 330 Logan 2 666 3 119 3' 480 London 3 067 3 313 3 511 1.595 4,863 16,028 I WASTED TIME AND NOW DOTH TIME WASTE ME. 413 CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Madisonville .. 1.274 2.214 3,140 Mansfield 9,859 13.473 17,640 Marietta 5 444 8 273 13 348 Marion 3,899 8.327 11,862 Martin's Ferry 8,819 6.250 7,760 Mary svi lie 2,061 2,810 3,048 Massillon .. .. 6,836 10,092 11,944 Miamisburg 1,936 2.952 3 941 Middletown 4,538 7,681 9,215 Mount Vernon 5,249 6.016 6,633 Napoleon 3 032 2,764 3 639 3 095 4 558 5 421 Newark 9,600 14.270 18,157 5,909 New Philadelphia 3,070 4.456 6,213 Niles 3 879 4,289 7.468 North Baltimore 701 2 857 3 561 Norwalk 5,704 7.195 7.074 Norwood 4,865 Oberlin 3 242 4 376 4 082 Painesville 3,841 4.755 5.024 Piqua 6 301 9 090 12 172 5 560 4 726 4 639 Portsmouth.... 11,321 12.394 17,870 Ravenna 3 255 3 417 4 003 3 076 St Bernard 1 779 3,384 St Mary 1 745 3 000 5 559 Salem 4,041 5,780 7 582 Sandusky . 15 838 18 471 19 664 Shelby 1 871 1 977 4 685 Sidney b,823 4,903 5 688 Springfield . . . 20 730 31 895 38 253 Steubenville 12 093 13 394 14 394 Tiffin 7 879 10 801 10 989 Toledo 50 137 81*434 131 822 Toronto 2 536 3 526 Troy 3 803 4 494 5 881 Uhrichsville 2 790 3 842 4 582 Upper Sandusky 3 540 3 572 3 355 6 252 6 510 6 808 Van Wert 4 079 5 512 6 423 Wapakoneta 2 765 3 616 3 915 \Varren - 4428 5 973 8 529 Washington 3 798 5 742 5 751 \Vellston .... 952 4 377 8 045 Wellsville 3 377 5 247 6 146 "Wilmington 2 745 3 079 3 613 "\Vooster t ^ . ... 5 840 5 901 6 063 15 435 33 220 44 885 Xenia 7 026 7 301 8 696 Zanesville. ... 18 113 21 009 23 538 OKLAHOMA. Fl Reno 285 3 383 Enid City 3,444 Guthrie 5.333 10 006 Oklahoma 4 151 10 037 3 351 3 462 414 A PURE CONSCIENCE MAY DEFY GOSSIP. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. OREGON. Albana . 143 3.079 3.149 Astoria 2 803 6 184 8 381 Baker City 1,258 2,604 6,663 Eugene 1 117 3,958 3 236 Oregon City 1,263 3,062 3,494 Pendleton. . 730 2,506 4,406 Portland 17,577 46,385 90.426 Salem 4,258 The Dalles 2,232 3,029 3,542 PENNSYLVANIA. Allegheny 78 682 105 287 129 896 Allentown 18,063 25,228 35,416 Altoona 19 710 30 337 38 973 Archbald 3,049 4,032 5.396 Ashland . . 6 052 7,346 6.438 Ashley _ 2,799 3,192 4.046 Athens 1 592 3,274 3,749 Avoca 1 913 3 031 3,487 Bangor 1 328 2,509 4,106 Beaver Falls 5 104 9 735 10,054 Bellefonte 3,026 3,946 4,216 Bellevue 915 1 418 3,416 Berwick 2,095 2,701 3,916 Bethlehem 5 193 6,762 7.293 Blairsville... 1,162 3,126 3,386 Blakely .. . . 871 2,452 3,915 Bloomsburg 3 702 4 635 6 170 Braddock 3,310 8,561 15,654 Bradford 9 197 10,514 15 029 Bridgeport 1,802 2,625 3,097 Bristol 5 273 6 553 7,104 Butler 3,163 8,733 10,853 Carbondale . . .... 7 714 10833 13,536 Carlisle 6 209 7 620 9,626 Carnegie 7,330 CatasauQua. 3 065 3 704 3,963 Chambersburg Charlevoi. ... . . . 6,308 7,863 8,864 5,930 Chester 14 997 20 226 33 988 Clearfield 1 809 2,248 5,081 Coatesville. 2 766 3 680 5,721 Columbia 8,312 10,599 12,316 Connellsville 3 609 5,629 7,160 Conshohocken 4,561 5,470 5,762 Corry 5 277 5,677 6,369 Coudersport 1 530 3,217 Danville 8 346 9 073 8 042 Darby .... . 1 779 2998 3,429 Dickson City 838 3.110 4,943 Doylestown 2 070 2.519 3,034 Dubois ... 2 718 6 149 9,375 Dun more 5 151 8.315 12,583 DuQuesne .. ... 9,036 East Mauch Chunk 1 853 2 772 3458 Easton 11 924 14,481 25,238 Edwardsville 3 284 5.165 Elliott 3 345 Erie 27 737 40,634 52,733 Etna -. . . 2 334 3 767 5,384 Forest City 2 319 4 279 THERE IS NO EDUCATION LIKE ADVERSITY 415 CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Franklin 5,010 6,221 7,317 Freeland 624 1 730 5 254 Gettysburg 2,814 3,221 3,495 Gilberton 3 098 8 687 4373 Girardville 2 730 3 584 3'666 Greensburg 2,500 4,204 6508 Greenville 3 007 3 674 4814 Hanover 2 317 3 746 5 302 Harrisburg 30 762 39385 50 167 Hazleton 6 935 11 872 14 230 Homestead 592 7,911 12 554 Huntingdon 4 125 5 729 6053 Indiana.. . . 1 907 1 963 4 142 Jeanette 3,296 5865 Jersey Shore 1 411 1 853 3070 Johnsonburg 1 280 8 394 Johnstown 8 380 21 805 85 936 Kane 2 944 5 296 Kingston 1 418 2 381 3 846 Kittanning * 2 624 3 095 3*902 Knoxville 393 1 723 3 511 Lancaster 25,769 32 Oil 41*459 Lansford 2 206 4 004 4*888 Latrobe ... 1 815 3 589 4 614 Lebanon 8 778 14 664 17*628 Lehighton 1 937 2 959 4 629 Lewis burg 3 080 3 248 3*457 Lewistown 3 222 3 273 4*451 Lock Haven 5 845 7 358 7 210 Luzerne 2 398 3*817 McKeesport 8 212 20 741 84 227 McKee's Rocks 1 687 6352 Mahanoy City 7 181 11 265 13 504 Mauch Chunk 3 752 4 091 4 029 Meadville 8 860 9 520 10*291 Mechanicsburg. . . 3 018 3 6JBO 3*841 Media 1 919 2 735 3 075 Meyer sdale 1 423 1 847 3 024 Middletown.. . 3 351 5 080 5 608 Millville 1 824 3 809 6 736 Milton 2 102 5 317 6*175 Minersville 3 249 3 504 4 815 Monongahela 2 904 4 096 5*173 Mount Carmel 2 378 8 254 13 179 Mount Pleasant 1 197 3 652 4 745 Nanticoke 3 884 10 044 12 116 New Brighton 3 653 5 616 6 820 Newcastle 8 418 11 600 28 339 New Kensington 4 665 Norristown 13 063 19 791 22 265 North Braddock 6 535 Oil City 7 315 10 932 13 364 Old Forge 5 630 Olyphant 2 094 4 083 6 180 Philadelphia 847 170 1 046 964 1 293 697 Philipsburg 1 779 3 245 3 266 Phoenixville 6 682 8 514 9 196 Pittsburg 156 389 238 617 321 616 Pittston 7 472 10 302 12 556 Plymouth 6 065 9 344 13 649 Pottstown 5 305 13 285 13 696 416 PLEASURE SHOULD FOLLOW BUSINESS. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Pottsville 13.253 674 1.769 14.117 2,792 2,169 15,710 4.375 3,014 3,775 78.961 4.082 3.435 3,515 4,688 4,638 4,295 5,243 3,654 4,261 102.026 3,568 18,202 8,916 6,842 20,321 3,228 3.773 13.241 3.328 12,086 3,450 9,810 3.813 7,267 5,472 4.215 8,244 4.663 3,262 5,847 3,104 7,344 8,043 7,670 5,396 3.465 9,524 5,846 51,721 11,886 28,757 4,179 3.425 33,708 6,901 6,317 18,167 5,279 13,343 8,925 12,138 4,305 8.937 22.034 Punxsutawney Quaker town Rank in .... Reading ... 43,278 3,708 1,410 1,100 2,552 4,149 1.501 58.661 4.154 2,789 1,903 3,649 3,680 1.745 Renovo Reynoldsville Ridgway . . Rochester St Clair . . St Mary... . Sayre Schuylkill Haven 3,052 1,275 45,850 2,053 8,184 5,684 3,466 10.147 2,213 1,634 4.925 3,088 2.693 75,215 2,776 14.403 7.459 4,898 15.944 2,188 2,716 10,302 2,900 9,250 2.419 5,930 3,872 6,054 4,627 Scottdale Scranton Sewickley Shamokin .... Sharon Sharpsburg Shenandoah Shippensburg Slatington South Bethlehem South Williamsport Steelton 2,447 1.860 4,077 3,467 5,730 1,245 Stroudsburg Sunbury SusQuehanna Depot TamaQua Tarentum Taylor Titusville 9.045 3,814 8,073 4,169 Towanda Turtle Creek Tyrone 2,678 2,171 3,265 2.810 4,292 1,888 1,414 7,046 2,544 23.339 1.529 18.934 4.705 2.261 6,359 . 4,333 7,063 3,811 2,759 8,028 3,906 37.718 4.662 27.132 419 1,797 20,793 5.478 5.492 Uniontown . ... \Varren \Vashington Waynesboro West Bethlehem West Chester ... West Pittston ^Vilkesbarre Wilkinsburg \Villiamsport Wilmerding Winton... 905 13.940 6.028 5.714 York RHODE ISLAND. Bristol Burrillville '. Central Falls Coventry 4,519 5.940 6.445 5,056 5,765 13.765 15.693 5.068 8,099 8,090 8,422 9.778 20.355 19.457 Cranston Cumberland ... East Providence Johnston Lincoln Newport WHOEVER IS CONTENTED, HE IS RICH. 417 CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. North Kingstown 3 949 4,193 4 194 North Providence 1 467 2 084 3 016 Pawtucket 19 030 27,633 39 231 Providence .... 104 857 132 146 175 597 Scituate . 3 810 " 3 174 3 361 South Kingstown 5 114 4,823 4 972 \Varren 4 007 4 489 5 108 Warwick 12 164 17 761 21 316 Westerly . ... 6 104 6 813 7 541 Woonsocket 16 050 20 830 28 204 SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville 1 543 1 696 3 766 Aiken 1 817 2,362 3 414 Anderson 1 850 3 018 5 498 Beaufort 2 549 3 587 4 110 Charleston 49 984 54 955 55 807 Chester 1 899 2 703 4 075 Columbia 10 036 15 353 21 1O8 Darlington . ^ 940 2 389 3 028 Florence 1 914 3 395 4 647 Gaffney 400 1 631 3 937 Georgetown 2 557 2 895 4 138 Greenville 6 160 8 607 -11 860 Greenwood 745 1 326 4 824 Laurens 752 2 245 4 029 Newbury 2 342 3 020 4 607 Orangeburg... 2 140 2 964 4 455 Rock Hill 809 2 745 5 485 Spartanburg 3 253 5 544 11 395 Sumter 2 Oil 3 865 5 673 Union .... )1 267 1 609 5 400 SOUTH DAKOTA. Aberdeen 3 182 4 087 Deadwood 2,366 3498 Lead City... 1 437 2 581 6 210 Mitchell 2 217 4 055 Sioux F'alls . . 2 J.64 10 177 10 266 Watertown '746 2 672 3 352 Yankton 3 431 3 670 4 125 TENNESSEE. Bristol 1 647 3 324 5 271 Chattanooga 12 892 29 100 30 154 Clarksville ... 3 880 7 924 9 431 Cleveland 1 874 2 863 3 858 Columbia 3 400 5 370 6 052 Dyersburg 1 010 2 009 8 647 Harriman 716 3 442 Jackson 5 377 10 039 14 511 Johnson City 685 4 161 4 645 Knoxville 9 693 22 535 32 637 Memphis . . 33 592 64 495 102 320 Murfreesboro 3 800 3 638 3 999 Nashville 43 350 76 168 80 865 1 879 3 441 3 407 TEXAS. \bilene ' 3 194 3 411 Austin 11 013 14 575 22 258 Beaumont 3 296 9 427 Beiton 1 797 3 000 3 700 418 NOT FAILURE, BUT LOW AIM IS CHIME. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Benham. . 1 880 3 361 5 042 Brenham 4,101 5,209 5 968 Brownsville 4 938 6 134 6 305 Brown wood 725 2 176 3 965 Bryan 2 979 3 589 Calvert 2 280 2 632 3 322 Cameron 441 1 608 3 341 Celburne 3 278 7 493 Corpus Christi 3 257 4 387 4 703 Corsicana 3,373 6 285 9 313 Cuero . . 1 333 2 442 3 422 Dallas 10 358 38 067 42 638 Denison 3 975 10 958 11 807 Denton . 1 194 2 558 4 187 El Paso 736 10 338 15 906 Ennis 1 351 2 171 4 919 Fort Worth 6 663 20 076 26 688 Gainesville 2 667 6 594 7 874 Galveston 22 248 29 084 37 789 Gonzales 1 581 1 641 4 297 Greenville. . 4 330 6 860 Hillsboro 2 541 5 346 Houston 16 513 27 557 44 633 Laredo 3 521 11 319 13 429 Longview 1 525 2 034 3 691 McKinney 1 479 2 489 4 342 Marlin... 2 058 3 092 Marshall.. .. 5 624 7 207 7 855 Navasota 1 611 2 997 3 857 Oak Cliff 2 470 3 630 Orange 3 173 3 835 Palestine 2 97 5 834 8 297 Paris 3 980 8 254 9 358 San Antonio 20 550 37 673 53 321 fherman 6 093 7 335 10 243 ulphur Springs 1 854 3 038 3 685 Taylor 2 584 4 211 Temple 4 047 7 065 Terrell 2 003 2 988 6 330 Texarkana 1 833 2 852 5 256 Tyler 2 423 6 908 8 069 Victoria 3 046 4 010 Waco 7 295 14 445 20 686 Waxahachie 1 354 3 076 4 215 Weatherford 2 046 3 369 4 786 Yoakum 1 745 3 499 UTAH. Eureka 122 1 733 3 085 Logan 3 396 4 565 5 451 Ogden 6 069 14 889 16 313 Park 1 542 2 850 3 759 Provo 3 432 5 159 6 185 SaltLakeCity 20 768 44 843 53 531 Springville . .. 2 312 2 849 3 422 VERMONT. Barre 2 060 4 146 8 448 Bellows Falls 2 229 3 090 4 337 6 333 6 371 5 656 5 880 5 467 5 297 Burlington 11 365 14 590 18 640 THOSE CAN CONQUER WHO THINK THEY CAN. 419 CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. Colchester 4,421 5,143 5,352 Montpelier 3,219 4,160 6 266 Rutland . .... 12,149 11,759 11 499 St Albans 7 193 7 771 6 239 St. Johnsbury ,800 3,857 5 666 \Vinooski 3 659 3 783 VIRGINIA. Alexandria.. 13,659 14,*339 14 528 Berkley 3 899 4 988 Bristol 1,562 2,902 4 579 Charlottesville 2 676 5 591 6 449 Clifton Forge 1 792 3 212 Danville 7,526 10.305 16 520 Fredericksburg 5 010 4 528 5 068 Hampton 2 684 2 513 3 441 Harrisonburg 2,831 2 792 3 521 Lexington 2 771 3 059 3 203 Lynchburg 15,959 19,709 18 891 Manchester 5 729 9 246 9 715 Newport News 4 449 19 635 Norfolk 21,966 34,871 46 624 Petersburg ... . 21 656 22 680 21 810 Portsmouth 11 390 13 268 17 427 Radford 2 060 3 344 Richmond 63 600 81 338 85 050 Roanoke 669 16 129 21 495 Salem 1,759 3 279 3 412 Staunton 6 664 6 975 7 289 Suffolk 1 963 3 354 3 827 ^^inchester 4 958 5 196 5 161 Wytheville 1 885 2 570 3 003 WASHINGTON. Aberdeen 1 638 3 747 Bal lard 1 173 4 568 Everett . . . . 7 838 Fairhaven 4 076 4 228 New Whatcom 6 834 North Yakima 1 535 3 154 Olympia 1 232 4 698 4 082 Port Townsend 917 4 558 3 443 Seattle 3 533 42 837 80 671 Spokane 350 19 922 36 848 Xacoma . . . 1,098 36 006 87 711 Vancouver 1 722 3 545 4 006 Walla Walla 3 588 4 709 10 049 WEST VIRGINIA. 2 934 4 511 Bluefield . 1 775 4 644 Charleston 4 192 6 734 11 099 2 307 3 008 4 050 '900 1 027 5 655 Graf ton 3 030 3 159 5 650 Hinton 879 2 570 3 763 Huntington 3,174 10 084 11 923 Martinsburg 6,335 7 207 7 564 1 774 2 688 5 352 Parkersburtr . . . 6,582 8 389 11 703 Wheeling .. '. 30,737 34' 522 38 878 420 FACTS AND FIGURES ARE STUBBORN THINGS. CITIES. 1880. 1890. 1900. WISCONSIN. Antigo City 4.424 5,145 Appleton. . . 8 005 11 869 15 085 Ashland 951 9,956 13.074 Baraboo 4,594 4,605 5 751 Beaver Dam 3,416 4,222 5.128 Beloit .. .. 4,790 6,315 10 436 Berlin .... 3 353 4 149 4 489 Chippewa Falls 3,982 8,670 8 094 Depere 1 954 3 625 4 038 Eau Claire . .. 10.119 17.415 17,517 Fond, du Lac 13 094 12 024 15 110 Fort Atkinson 1,969 2,283 3,043 Greater Grand Rapids 1,350 1,702 4 493 Green Bay 7,464 9,069 18,684 Hudson 2,298 2,885 3 259 Janesville 9 018 10 836 13 185 FCaukauna 2,235 4,667 5 115 Kenosha 5 039 6 532 11 606 La Crosse 14,505 25,090 28,895 Madison 10 324 13 426 19 164 Manitowoc 6,367 7,710 11,786 Marinette.... 5 412 11,523 16 195 Marshfield 2 044 3 450 5 240 Menasha 4,581 5,589 Menominee 4 177 5 491 5 655 Merrill 6,809 8 587 Milwaukee 115 587 204 468 285 315 Monroe 448 3,768 3,927 Neenah . .. 4,202 5 083 5 954 Oconto 4 171 5 219 5 646 Oshkosh 15.748 22 836 28,284 Platteville 2 740 3 340 Portage 4.346 5,143 5,459 Port Washington.. . . 2 604 1 659 3 010 Prairie du Chien v . 3,131 3,233 Racine 16 031 21 014 29 102 Rhine lander 1 542 2 658 4 998 RiceLake 454 2,130 3 002 Ripon, 3 117 3 358 3 818 Sheboygan . . . 7 314 16 359 22 962 South Milwaukee 3 892 Sparta . .. 2 387 2 795 3 555 Stevens' Point 4,449 7 896 9 524 ttoughton .... 2 470 3 431 turgeon Bay 1,199 2 195 3 372 Superior .... 11 983 81 091 Two Rivers . . 2 052 2 870 8 784 Watertown ' 7,883 8 755 8 437 M^aukesha .... 4 613 6 321 7 419 Waupun 2,313 2 757 3 185 \Vausau 4 277 9 253 12 354 Whitewater . . 3 617 4 359 3 405 WYOMING. Cheyenne 11 690 14087 Laramie 6 388 8 207 Rock Springs ... 8 406 4 363 iS PLENTY MADE HIM POOR. STATES OP THE UNION. Governors' Terms and Salaries, Areas, Dates of Admission, Thirteen Original States, Population in 1890 and 1900, and Electoral Votes. States and Territor's. Gov'raVs Term and Salary. Area Square Miles. When Ad- mitted. Popula- tion in 1890. Popula- tion in 1900. El VoJ 1900 3C. -68. 1904 Alabama 1* 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 4 1 2 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 3 2 4 2 2 4 4 1 2 2 2 2 5 2 $3,500 3,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 2,000 3,500 3,000 3,000 6,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 6,500 4,000 2,500 4,500 8,000 4,000 5,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 2,500 4,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 3,000 3,000 8,000 1,500 10,000 3,000 3,000 2,500 4,000 4,000 2,000 1.500 5,000 4,000 2,700 5,000 2,500 3,000 2,600 50,540 53,045 158,360 103,645 4,990 2,050 58,680 59,475 84,800 56,650 86,350 56,025 82,080 40,400 48,720 83,040 12,210 8,315 58,915 83,365 46,810 68,735 146,080 77,510 110,700 9,305 7,815 49,170 52,250 70,795 41,060 96,030 45,215 1,250 80,570 77,680 42,050 265,780 84,900 9,565 42,450 69,180 24,780 56,040 97,890 531,410 113,020 70 81,400 122,580 89,030 1819 1836 1850 1876 *1788 *1788 1845 *1788 1890 1818 1816 1846 1861 1792 1812 1820 *1788 *1788 1837 1858 1817 1821 1889 1867 1864 *1788 *1787 *1788 *1789 1889 1802 1859 *1787 *1790 *1788 1889 1796 1845 1896 1791 *1788 1889 1863 1848 1890 1,513,017 1128,179 1,208,130 412,198 746,258 168,493 391,422 1,837,353 84,385 3,826,351 2,192,404 1,911,896 1,427,096 1,858,635 1,118,587 661,086 1,042,390 2,238,943 2,093,889 1,301,826 1,289,600 2,679,184 132,159 1,058,910 45,761 376.560 1,444,933 5,997,853 1,617,947 182,719 3,672.316 313,767 5,258,014 345,506 1,151,149 328,808 1,767,518 2,235,523 207,905 332,422 1,655,980 349,390 762,794 1,686,880 60,705 32,052 59,620 230,392 180,182 153,593 61,834 89,990 1,828,697 1,311,564 1,485,053 539,700 908 355 184,735 528,542 2,216,331 161,772 4,821,550 2,516,462 2,231,853 1,470,495 2,147,174 1,381,625 694,466 1,190,050 2,805,346' 2,420,982 1,751,394 1,551,270 8,106.665 243,329 1,068,539 42,335 411,588 1,883,669 7,268,012 1,893,810 819,146 4,157,545 413,536 6,302,115 428,556 1,840,316 401,570 2,020,616 3,048,710 276,749 343,641 1,854,184 518,103 958,800 2,069,042 95,531 63.441 122,931 278,718 391,960 195,310 898,245 154,001 11 8 9 4 6 3 4 13 3 24 15 13 10 13 8 6 8 15 14 9 9 17 8 8 8 4 10 86 11 3 23 82 4 9 4 12 15 3 4 12 4 6 12 3 11 9 10 5 7 8 5 18 8 27 15 18 10 13 y 6 8 16 14 11 10 18 3 8 3 12 39 12 4 23 4 34 4 9 4 12 18 3 4 12 5 7 13 3 Arkansas . California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire .... New York North Carolina, North Dakota ... . Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota . . Tennessee Texan . ; Utah . . . Vermont , Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Alaska Arizona . District of Columbia. New Mexico 4 4 2,600 2,600 Hawaii . Total 3,557,010 62,824,504 76,218,129 447 470 *Datea of ratifying constitution of original thirteen states. NOTE. All have biennial sessions of legislature except Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jer- sey, New York, Rhode Island and South Carolina, where they are held annually. NOTE. A bill was passed by Congress in 190fi adm'tting Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one state subject to the will of a majority iu those territories. 422 SUCCESS IS OFTEN A CAUSE OF FAILURE. BUSINESS ABBREVIATIONS. Acct Account. Advtg Advertising. Agmt Agreement. Agt Agent. Ami Amount. Art Article. Atty Attorney. .OT Bk Bank. Bal Balance. Bbl Barrel. R B Bill-book or Bank-book. B. Ex Bill of Exchange. B. P. or Bills Pay. Bills Payable. B. R. or Bills Rec. Bills Receivable. Bo't Bought. Bu Bushel. C. C7or? Cent. Cash Cashier. C. B Cash Book. Cer Certificate. Chgd Charged. Ck Check. Co Company. C/Q InCareof. [ery. C. O. D Collect on Deliv- Com Commission. Con. or Const Consignment. Cr Creditor. Cwt Hundredweight. j7 B Day Book. Dep. B DepositBook. Dft Draft. Dis Discount. Do. or do (Ditto) The same. Doz Dozen. Dr Debtor. Ds or ds Days. ea Each. E. E Errors excepted. e. g For example. E.&O.E Errors and omis- sions excepted. Ex. or Sxch Exchan ge. Exp Expense. fav Favor. F. B. E Foreign Bill of Exchange. fi.fa Cause it to be done. A writ of execution. F. O. B Free on board. For'd Forward. Frt Freight. Ft or ft Footer Feet. Gal Gallon. Ouar Guarantee. Hdkf Handkerchief. Hhd. Hogshead. Hund Hundred. I. or Inv Invoice. J. B Invoice Book. i. e That is. Int Insurance. inst (Instant) The present month. Insol Insolvency. Int Interest. Invt Inventory. J. or Jour , Journal. J.P Journal L. B Letter Ibs Pounds. L. F Ledger Folio. Mdse Merchandise. Mem. or memo Memorandum, Mols Molasses. Nat National. N. B (NotaBene)Take Notice. Net Without deduc- tion. O. I. B Outward Invoice P. orp Page. [Book. Payt Payment. PCS Pieces. Pd Paid. Pkg Package. Per. or pr By the. per ct (Per centum) By the hundred. P.&L Profit and Loss. P. O. D Pay on Delivery. Pr Pair. Prem Premium. prox (Proximo) The next month. P. C. B Petty Cash Book. Reed Received. R.R Railroad. S. B Sales Book. 8. 8 Steamship. Shipt Shipment. 83 Sworn Statement. St. Dft Sight Draft. Stg Sterling. Sunds Sundries. Tr. or Trans Transaction. ult ( Ultimo) The last month. viz (Videlicet) To wit ; namely. vol Volume. vs (Versus) Against. Yds Yards. $ Dollar, tf Cents. Pounds Sterling. d Pence. @ At, or to. * Percent. <% Account. * r . (Ditto) The same. $ Number. V Check Mark. li One and 1 fourth. 12 One and 2 fourths. la One and 3 fourths. THE PROSPERITY OF GOOLS SHALL DESTROY THEM. 423 BUSINESS DICTIONARY. Abatement. A discount allowed for damage or overcharge, or for the payment of a bill before it is due. Acceptance. An assent and en- gagement to pay a bill or draft when due. Acceptance for Honor. An ac- ceptance made after a bill has been protested for non-acceptance, for the honor of the drawer or any in- dorser. Accommodation Paper. A bill or note to which a party has put his name to accommodate another, who is to provide payment when due. Account. A written or printed state- ment of debits and credits in any business transaction. Account Current. A detailed state- ment of the transactions between parties for a certain period, show- ing the condition of affairs at the current or present time. Account Sales. -A detailed state- ment of a commission merchant to his principal, showing his sales, the expenses attending the same, and the net proceeds. Accountant. A person trained to keep accounts. Accrued. Increase, or interest due and unpaid. Acknowledgment. A formal ad- mission made before an officer. Actionaire. The owner of shares in a stock company, a stockholder. Actuary. A registrar or clerk. Gen- erally applied to the manager of a life insurance company. Administrator. A person appoint- ed to settle the estate of a testator, or to manage an intestate estate. Admiralty. The power that con- trols naval affairs in Great Britain. Courts of Admiralty. A court which decides questions of mari- time justice. Adulteration. The debasing of an article or substance by spurious or lees valuable admixture. Ad valorem. According to value. Advance. A rise in price, addi- tional profits, stocks above par. Adventure. Goods sent to sea at the owner's risk, a speculation. Adventure in Co. Goods sent to be sold on joint account of shippers and consignee. Advice. Admonition, or sugges- tion^ offered, usually in regard to buying and selling goods. Affidavit. A written statement made upon oath. Affreight. To hire, as a ship, for transporting freight. Agent. One intrusted with the busi- ness of another, a deputy or factor. Agio. A term used to denote the difference between the real and nominal value of money. Allonge. A paper attached to a bill of exchange when there are too many endorsements to be contained on the bill itself. Allowance A deduction made, fcn instance, from the gross weight of goods. Ambassador. A minister employed by one government to represent it at the court of another. Anker. A common liquid measure, varying, in different European countries, from nine to ten gallons, Antal. A wine measure of Hungary, holding about thirteen and a half gallons. Anticipate. To be before in doing, or pay before due. Appraise. To set a value on goods or property. Appurtenance. Adjunct or ap- pendage Arbitration. The hearing and de- cision of a cause between parties in controversy, by chosen persons. Arbitration of Exchange. The deduction of a proportional or ar- bitrated rate of exchange between two places through an intermediate place, to ascertain the most advan- tageous method of drawing or re- mitting. Arrear. That which remains un- paid though due. Assay. To subject an ore to chemi- cal examination to find the amount of any metal contained in it. Assess. To fix a certain value for the purpose of taxation. Assets. The entire property of an individual or company. Assignee. One to whom something is assigned, usually one who re- ceives property to dispose of for the benefit of creditors. Assignor. One who assigns an in- terest to another. Assignment. Placing property into the hands of assignees. Association. The union of a num- ber oi persons for some special aim. Assume To take on another's debts. Attachment. --A seizure by virtue of a legal process. 424 A WELL LIGHTED LAMP MUST BE KEPT FILLED. BUSINESS DICTIONARY Continued. Attest. To bear witness, to certify. Attorney (Power of). A written authority from one person empow- ering another to act for him. Attorney in Fact. An agent with full power. Auctioneer. One who sells goods at a public sale. Auditor. A person appointed to ex- amine and settle accounts. Avails. Profits of property dis- posed of, proceeds of goods sold. Average. A proportional share of a general loss ; also, a mean time of Sayment for several debts due at ifferent times. Avoirdupois. Commercial stand- ard of weight in United States and England. Bail. The security given for releas- ing a person from custody. Bailee. The person to whom goods are entrusted. Bailor. One who furnishes goods to another. Bailment. A delivery of goods in trust. Balance. The excess on one side; or what added to the other makes equality in an account. Balance Sheet. A statement in condensed form showing the con- dition and progress of business. Ballast. Any heavy material placed in the hold of a ship to steady it in the water. Ballot. A Swedish term signifying ten reams of paper; used also to designate a small bale or package. Balsa. A kind of float or raft used on the coast of South America for landing goods through a heavy surf. Banco. A commercial term used in Hamburg to distinguish bank money from common currency. Banking. The business of a banker, or pertaining to a bank. Bankrupt. An insolvent, one who is unable to pay his debts. Bank Stock. Shares in the capital stock of a bank. Barratry^ An intentional breach of trust, particularly any fraud by the master of a ship. Barque. A three-masted vessel car- rying no square sails on her miz- zen mast. Bazaar. A word of Eastern usage, signifying a place of exchange or general market place, a repository of fancy articles especially of dress. Beacon. A signal or light for th'> guid ance of mariners; usually erected and sustained by the gov- ernment. Bidder. -One who bids or offers a price. Bill. A name given to statements in writing; as goods; a note; a draft; a law not enacted; exhibi- tion of charges. Bill Of Exchange. A bill ordering one party to pay another a certain sum of money. Bill of Lading. Written statement of goods shipped with terms of delivery. Bill of Parcels. A detailed account of goods sold. Bill Of Sale. A formal instrument for the transfer of goods and chat- tels. Bills Payable.-Notes to be paid by a party. Bills Receivable. Notes to be paid to a party. Board of Trade. An association of business men for the advancement of commercial interests. Bona Fide. In good faith, in reality. Bond. A writing, under seal, bind- ing a person and his heirs to fulfill certain obligations. Bonded Goods. Goods in charge of the officers of customs for the du- ties on which bonds are given at the custom house. Bonds. A premium or extra sum paid for a loan, a charter or other privilege. Book-Debt. An entry or charge on a ledger; called also an open ac- count, in contradistinction to a written promise or note. Bottomry. A contract by which the owner of a ship pledges it as se- curity for money loaned him. Bottomry Bond. A bond given upon a ship to secure the repay- ment of money borrowed. Breakage. An allowance made by the shipper or seller on certain de- scriptions of fragile goods. Breach. Violation of an agreement in contracts. Breadstuff's. Material for bread, grain, meal or flour. Brief. A paper containing the lead- ing points in a lawyer's argument. Broker. A person who transacts business for another, commonly in stocks, money, etc., using the nam^ of his principal. Brokerage. The fee charged, for transacting business by a broker MOXEY OFTEN MAKES THE MARE BUN AWAY WITH YOU. 425 BUSINESS DICTIONARY-Continued. Bulls and Bears. Persons engaged in the gambling transactions of the stock exchange. The bulls are personally interested in tossing up the prices of certain goods while the bears are fighting to pull down prices. Bullion. A commercial name for uncoined gold or silver. Capital. The stock employed In trade; the fruit of past labors saved. Capital Stock. Capital of an incor- porated company. Carat. An imaginary weight that expresses the fineness of gold. SargO. A ship's lading, or freight, ashler. One who has charge of money and superintends the re- ceipts and payments. Centage. - A rate by the hundred. Certificate of Stock. A written in- strument issued by a company cer- tifying the number of shares the holder owns. Certified Check. A check which has been certified by the bank on which it is drawn, making the bank absolutely responsible for its pay- ment. Chanc3llor. The chief judge of a court of chancery or equity. Charter. An instrument in writing from the sovereign power or legis- lature, conferring certain rights and privileges. Charter Party. A written agree- ment by which a ship is hired un- der specified conditions. Chattel. Personal property. Choses in Action. Things of which the owner has not possession, but merely the right of legal action, for possession, as notes, accounts, etc. Choses in Possession. Things in possession of the owner. Circulating Medium. Cash and bank notes payable on demand; the medium of exchange. Clearance. Permission from the custom house officer for a ship to sail. Clearing House. A kind of bank- ing exchange tor the convenience of daily settlements between banks. Clerical Error. An error in calcu- lation or other accidental error on books or documents. Coasting. Sailing near land, or vessels trading between ports of the same country. . A supplement to a will. Collaterals. Pledges or security for loans of money, or other indebt- edness. Commerce. The exchange of mer- chandise on a large scale. Commercial Paper. Bills of ex- change, drafts or promissory notei given in the course of trade. Common Law. The unwritten law receiving its force from universal reception, as distinguished from statute law. Commission. The brokerage or al- lowance made to an agent or factor for doing business for another. Cooperage. Charges for putting hoops on casks or bales. Compact. A covenant or contract between different parties. Company. A number joined to- getner to undertake some common enterprise. Compound. To adjust by agree- ment differently from the original terms, to settle by compromise. Compromise. A friendly settle- ment of differences by mutual con- Consignment. The act of consign- ing, as a charge for safe keeping and management, as goods, prop* erty, etc. -, Consignee. One to, whom goods are intrusted. Consignor. The person who com- mits goods to another. Consols In England three per cent, annuities granted at different tknes, and consolidated into one stock or fund. Consul. A person commissioned to reside in a foreign country as an agent of the government. Contraband. Prohibited merchan- dise or traffic. Contract. To make an agreement, to covenant. Copartnership. A joint interest in business. Counsellor. A legal adviser. Counterfeit. To copy or imitate without authority, with a view to defraud ; a forgery. Countersign. To sign, in addition to the name of a superior, that of the secretary or subordinate officer, as bank notes are signed by the president and countersigned by the cashier. Coupon. An interest warrant printed at the end of bonds, to be cut off when the interest is paid. Court. An ofilcial assembly legally met together for the transaction of judicial business. 426 DO THAT FOR WHICH YOU ARE FITTED. BUSINESS DICTIONARY Continued. Covenant. A formal contract be- tween two or more parties. Coverture. The condition of a mar- ried woman, being considered as under the shelter and protection of her husband. Credentials. Testimonials, or cer- tificates, showing that a person is entitled to credit, authority, or official powers. Credit. Trust given or received; mercantile reputation entitling one to be trusted ; also the side of an account on which payment is en- tered. Creditor. One to whom money is due. Credit Mobilier. A name given to a joint-stock company in Paris, established in 1852, with excep- tional charter privileges. Theterm has become familiar to intelligent persons in thi 3 country through the Congressional investigation of the Credit Mobilier Company of the Pa- cific Railroad. Curb-Stone Brokers. A term ap- plied to a class of stock operators in New York, who do business on the sidewalk or pavement. Currency.- That which circulates as a representative of value. Customs. Customary toll, tax, or tribute on imported or exported goods. Custpm House. A building where duties are paid and vessels entered and cleared. Damages. A compensation to one parly for a wrong done him by another, the estimated reparation in money for the injury. Days of Grace. Days granted for delay in the payment of a note, usually three after it is due. Debase. To lessen in value by adul- teration. Debenture. A certificate given by the collector of the port of entry. to an importer for drawback of duties on imported merchandise, duties on which, when the mer- chandise is exported, are to be re- funded. Debit. A recorded item of debt the debtor side of an account. Debt. That which is due from one person to another. Debtor. The person who owes an- other either money, goods, or serv- Decimal. Having a ten-fold in- crease or decrease. Decimal frac~ Having any power of ten for a denominator. Deed. A sealed instrument in writ- ing used to transfer property. Defalcation. A diminution, deficit Defaulter. One who fails to dis- charge a public duty, as to account for money entrusted to him. Defendant. The party sued*" an action. Deficit. A deficiency ; thedifferpnce between an account's statement of the assets and the assets them- Del Credere. A commercial term implying a guarantee of the sol- vency of the purchaser. Delivery. Giving money or goods to another. Demand. A peremptory urging of a claim, an exaction. Demise. To convey, to bequeath by wiU. Demurrage. Allowance for deten- tion of a ship. Deposition. Testimony of a wit- ness put in writing. Depositary. A trustee, one to whom something is committed for safe keeping. Deputy. One appointed to act for another, a representative or dele- gate. Diplomacy. The science of con- ducting negotiations between na- tions. Disability. Incapacity to do a legal act. Discount. An allowance or deduc- tion made for the payment of money before it is due. Discount Days. The days of the week on which the directors of a bank meet to consider paper offered for discount. Distress for Rent. A landlord's taking personal property found on the land for rent due. Dividend. A percentage of profits paid to stockholders. Divorce. Dissolution of the mar- riage relation. Donee. The person to whom a gift or donation is made. Donor. One who confers anything gratuitously. Dormant. Silent partner, one who takes no share in the active busi- ness, but shares profit. Dower. Interest of a woman in the real estate of her deceased husband. Drawback. Money paid back on goods exported, a part or the whole of the duty charged. Draft. An order from one man to A CHICKEN CANNOT SWIM WITH DUCKS. 46? BUSINESS DICTIONARY Continued. another directing the payment of money, a bill of exchange. Drawee. The person to -whom a bill of exchange is addressed, the payer. Drawer. One who draws c, Bill of exchange, or an order for payment. Dress Goods. A term applied to fabrics for the garments of women and children, most commonly to those made of mixed materials, as silk and cotton, and silk and worsted, etc. Due-Bill. A written acknowledg- ment of debt ; not transferable by mere endorsement. Dun.. To press urgently the payment of a debt. Duplicate. A copy or counterpart of anything. Duress. Personal restraint, or fear of personal injury, or imprison* ment. It nullifies all contracts into which it enters. Duties. A tax levied by the govern- ment on imported goods; money paid to the government on imports and exports. Earnest. A pledge, something given by the buyer to the seller to bind the bargain, and prove the sale. Effects. Goods, or personal estate. Eleemosynary. Foun . jd by char- ity, or intended for the distribution of charity, as a hospital or college. 11. An English measure of length, equal to 154 yards; the Scotch ell is Mi yards. Embargo.- A detention of vessels in port, prohibition from sailing. H-iibarr ssment . Perplex i y arisu ing fr v .n insolvency, or temporary inability to discharge ebts. Embassy. The public business in- trusted ;o diplomatic officers. Encrosser. One who buys large quantities of any goods in order to control the market. Embezzlement. To appropriate public money to private use by a breach of trust. Eminent Domain. The power of the State to take private property for public purposes. Emporium. A place of extensive commerce, a market place. Endorse. To endorse a note by writ- ing the name on the back. Entreport. A bonded warehouse. a storeroom for the deposit of goods ; a free port. Equity. A system supplemental to law, qualifying or correcting it in "Ytreme cases. Estate. The degree, quantity, na- ture, and extent of interest which a person has in real property. Estoppel. A stop, a bar to one's alleging or denying a fact contrary to his own previous actions; allega- tion or denial. Exchange. Act of bartering ; a bill dra n for money; a place where merchants meet; difference be- tween the value of money in two places, or premium and discount arising from purchase and sale of goods. Excise. Taxes or duties on articles produced and consumed at home ; internal revenue tax. Execution. A written authorization to enforce a Judgment. Executor. The person appointed by a testator to execute his will. Executory. To be executed in the future. Exports. That which is carried out of a country, as goods and produce in traffic. Ex Post Facto. After the act. Express. A courier; also regular and quick conveyance for pack- ages, etc. Face. The amount expressed on note or draft. Factor. An agent who buys and sells in his own name, being intrusted with the goods, in this respect dif- fering from a broker. Facture. An invoice, or bill of par- cels. Failure. Becoming bankrupt, sus- pension of payment. Fac-Simile. An exact copy or like- ness. Favor. A note or deaf t is said to be iu favor of the payee. Fee Simple. In the United States, an estate held by a person in JYis- own right and descendable to his heirs. Fiduciary. In trust. Finance. Revenue, public money, income. Financier. One skilled in financial operations, a treasurer. Firm. A business house or com- pany ; the title used by a business house. Firkin. A mensure of capacity ; the fourth part of a barrel ; or eight or nine gallons. Fiscal. Pertaining to the public treasury or revenue. Fixtures. The part of the furniture of a store or office, which is JM* 428 HUNGER TEACHES MANY THINGS. BUSINESS DICTIONARY -Continued. movable, as g- pipes and burners, partitions, etc. f. O. b. Free on board; the bill or invoice with f. o. b. includes the transportation to the shipping port and all the shipping expenses. Foreclose. To cut off by a court judgment from the power of re- deeming mortgaged property. Forestall. To buy goods on their way to market, intending to sell again at a higher price. Forgery. Fraudulently changing or making a written instrument. Folio. A page in an account book, sometimes two opposite pages bear- ing the same serial number. Franc. A silver coin used in France, equal to about nineteen cents. Frank. To exempt from charge for postage. Fraud. Injurious stratagem, deceit. Free Trade. The policy of conduct- ing international commerce witu- out duties. Freehold. Land held by free ten. nre, or in fee simple, subject to no superior or-conditions. Freight. Merchandise being moved from one place to another; the price paid for carrying freight ; also to load or burden. Funded. Turned into a permanent loan on which annual interest is paid. Funds. The supply of money or the capital. Gain. Advantage, acqni s i t i o n, profit. Garbled. Drugs, spices or other goods which have been sorted or picked over and freed from impuri- Gauging. Measuring the capacity of casks, etc. Gist. The principal point of a ques- tion, the pith of the matter. Go-between. Agent for both par- ties. Good Will. The advantage accruing from a successful conduct of busi- ness ; it is a property that may bo transferred. Grant. A transfer of property by deed ; a conveyance made by the Government. Gross. Twelve dozen ; qrosx weight; weight of goods including dust, dross, bag, cask, etc. Guarantee (or Guaranty). A secu- rity or warranty given by a third party ; one who warrants. Guarantor. One who promises for another's debt. H Habeas Corpus. -A writ to bring a party before a court, to prevent false imprisonment. Haberdasher. A seller of small wares, as thread, pins, etc. Hand-book. A book of reference ; a manual. Hand-money. Money paid by the purchaser at the closing of a con- tract or sale. Harbor. A port or haven for ships. Haven. A port or shelter for ships ; a harbor. Hazardous. Precarious, dangerous, uncertain. High Seas. The unclosed waters of the ocean outside the boundaries of any country. Hplding-Over. A tenant's remain- ing in possession of the premises without the consent of the land- lord. Hollow-ware. A trade name for camp and kitchen utensils made of cast iron or wrought iron. Honor. To accept and pay when due. Husbandage. An owner's or an agent's commission for attending to a ship. Hypothecate. To pledge for the security of a creditor. I Impolitic. Wanting in prudent management; not politic. Import. To bring in from abroad. Importer. The merchant who im- ports goods. Imposition. Tax, toll, duty or ex- cise prescribed by authority. Impost. A tax or duty imposed on imported goods. Indemnify. To recompense for loss, to reimburse. Indenture. A mutual agreement in writing. Indorsement. A writing on the , back of a note. Indulgence. Extension of time of payment; forbearing to press for Syment. ind Bills. Drafts or bills of ex- change drawn on a party in the same State as the drawer. Insolvency. Inability to discharge debts when due. Insurance. Indemnity from loss; the premium paid. Installment. Payment of part, at different times. POVERTY TS TEE MOTHER OF ALL ARTS. BUSINESS DICTIONARY Continued. Instrument. A writing containing an agreement. Interest. Premium paid for the use of money. Internal Revenue. The part of the revenue of our Government which is collected in the form of internal duties. Intestate. Without a will ; not dis- posed of by will. In toto. Wholly, entirely. Inventory. A list of merchandise made periodically for the purpose of knowing the quantity and value of unsold goods, in order to ascer- tain the condition of business. Investment. - The laying out of money in the purchase of some species of property. Invoice. A written account or bill of merchandise bought ; a bill of items. Jettison. Throwing goods over- board in case of peril to lighten and preserve the vessel. Jointure. An estate settled on a wife at the husband's death, for her life at least. Joint Stock.-Stock held in com- pany. Joint Tenancy. Joint occupancy; not so close intimacy as partner- ship. Journal. A book used to classify and arrange business transactions. Judgment Note. A note in the usual form, with the addition of the powerfto confer judgment if not paid. Jurisdiction. The po\rter of exer- cising judicial authority. Lay-days. Days allowed for load- ing and unloading a cargo. Laydown. A phrase used to express the entire cost of a commodity, in- cluding transportation, etc., at a place remote from its prodncti n. or purchase. Lease, Renting lands, etc.; the- written contract. Legacy. -A gift, by will, of personal property. Ledger. A book in which a sum- mary of accounts is preserved. Lessee. One who takes an estate by lease. Letter of Attorney. A writing by which one person authorizes an- other to act in his stead, commonly called power of attorney. Letters of Credit. A letter author- izing credit to a certain amount to- be given to the bearer. Liability. Obligation ; debts. License. A grant of permission bjr the authorities. Lien. A legal claim on property for debt. Lieu. Instead ; in place of. Liquidate. To clear off; to settle; \ to pay as debts. Lloyds. A marine insurance aseocl- ation, or society of underwriters in London, deriving its name from the coffee house where it originated. The records of this society contain a complete history of the sea, so far as concerns the number of ship- wrecks, collisions, fires, piracies, mutinies, etc. Loan. A thing furnished to another for temporary use, on condition that it be returned. Long Price.- Price after the dutiea are paid. Kilogram. The French measure of weight equal to 2J Ibs. avoirdu- pois, or 10(X) grains. Kiting or Kite Flying. Exchang- ing checks on different banks for the purpose of obtaining the use of money for a single day. Lame Duck. A stockbroker's term fur one who fails to meet his en- gagements. Larceny. Theft ; taking personal property belonging to another. Law -merchant. The general body of commercial usages in matters relative to commerce. Malfeasance. Evil conduct ; illegal deed. Mandatary. A person to whom a charge is given, or business in- trusted. Manifest. An invoice of a ship's cargo. Manufacture. The process of re- ducing raw material into a form suitable for use. Marine. Relating to the ocean; nautical. Maritime Law. Law relating to harbors, ships, seamen. Mark.-A weight of gold and silver used as a measure for these metal* in Europe. Mart. A commercial center , :- mar* ket place I : ' DON'T WAIT FOR THE WAGON WHILE WALKING 18 GOOD. BUSINESS DICTIONARY Continued. Material Men. Men who furnish materials for ships, houses, etc. Maturity. The date when a note or draft falls Hue or is payable. Mercantile Law. Law pertaining to trade and commerce. Merchandise. Whatever is bought and sold in trade. Merger. The absorption of a thing of lesser importance by a greater, whereby the lesser ceases to exist, hut the greater is not increased. For instance, a note on which a judgment is recovered is absorbed by and merged in the judgment. Metallic Currency. Silver and gold coins forming the circulating medium of a country. Mint. The place where money 10 coined. Misfeasance. A trespass ; doing improperly an act that might be done lawfully. Mitigation. The abatement of a judgment, penalty or punishment. Monetary. Pertaining to, or con- sisting in, money. Money. Coin ; any currency lawful- ly need instead of coin, as bank notes. Money-Broker. A broker who deals in money. Monopoly. Sole permission and ' , \ower to deal in any species of ejoods. Mortgage.- To convey property for the security of a debt, the convey- ance being void when the debt is paid. Mortgagee. One to whom a mort- gage is given. Mortgagor. One who gives a mort- National Banks. Banking institu- tions, established in the United States under the provisions of an act of Congress, the object of which is to unify the currency. Navigation. The science of con- ducting vessels on the ocean. Negotiate. To transact business ; to hold intercourse in bargain or trade. Negotiable. Transferable by as- signment or indorsement to another Net. Clear of all charges and deduc- tions. Net Proceeds. The sum left after deducting commissions or discount. Non-Feasance. An omission of what ought to be done. Notary Public. An officer appoint- ed by the governor to take affida- vits, acknowledgments, to protest bills and notes, etc. Note. A written or printed paper acknowledging a debt and promi- ing payment. Null.--Yoid. O Open Account. A running or un- settled account with an individual or firm. Open Policy. An insurance policy covering undefined risks, which provides that its terms shall be definite by subsequent additions or endorsements. Option. A stockbroker's term for the privilege of taking or deliver- ing at a future day a certain num- ber of shares of a given stock at a price agreed upon. Ordnance. All kinds of large guns. Ostensible Partners. Those known to the public. Ouster. Turning out of possession any one entitled to it. Out-Standing Debts. - Unpaid debts. Overt. Not covert, open, manifest. Owe. To be obliged to pay. Panic. - A financial crisis among business men, generally the result of overtrading and speculation. Par. State of equality in value, equality of nominal and actual value. Parol. Oral declaration, word of mouth. Partnership. Union in business; business firm. Par Value. Face value or value named on certificate of stock. Pass-Book. A book in which a trader enters articles bought on credit, and then sends it to the creditor for his information. Passport. A document carried by neutral merchant vessels in time of war for their protection, also a gov- ernment document given to travel- ers, which permits the person therein named to pass from place to place. Pawn - Broker. One who lends money on pledge or the deposit of goods. Pay. To make requittal, to give an equivalent for goods. Payee. One to whom money is to be paid. Payer. One who pays. BET A STOUT HEART AGAINST A STIFF HILL. 431 BUSINESS DICTIONARY Continued. Pigments. Paints. Pledge. A pawn, personal property deposited as security. Policy of Insurance. The writing or instrument in which a contract of insurance is embodied. Politic. Well advised, adapted to ita end. Port Of Entry. A harbor where a custom house is established for the legal entry of merchandise. Preferred Stock. Stock taking preference over the ordinary stock. Premises. The thing previously mentioned ; houses, lands, etc. Premium. The percentage paid for insurance ; the excess of value above par. Price. Current value, 01 rate paid or demanded in barter. Price Current. A printed list of the prevailing prices of merchandise, stocks, specie, bills of exchange, rate of exchange, etc. Prlma Facie. At first view or ap- pearance. Principal. An employer, the head of a firm ; a capital sum placed at interest. Procuration. A power of attorney ; an instrument empowering one person to act for another. Pro Rata. A proportional distribu- tion. Protest. A formal declaration, made by a notary, for want of pay- ment of a note or bill of exchange. Proxy. A person appointed to rep- resent and vote for another. Quarantine. To prohibit a ship from intercourse with shore, when suspected of having contagious dis- eases on board. Quasi. As if, in a manner, in a cer- tain sense. Quo Warranto. A writ by which the government ascertains by what warrant a corporation acts. Bate. The ratio or standard. Real Estate. Property in houses and lands. Rebatement. Deduction on account of prompt payment, discount. Receipt. An acknowledgment of payment in writing. Reciprocity Treaty. A commer- cial treaty between two nations se- curing mutual advantages. Reclamation. A claim made against the seller of goods which prove deficient or defective. Refund. To repay ; to restore. Release. To give up a claim against a person or property. Reprisal. The act of seizing ships or property as indemnity for un- lawful seizure or detention Resources. Available means, funds. Respondential Bond. A pledge of a cargo at sea. Retail. Selling goods in small quantities. Retainer. The fee paid to a lawyer when engaging him. Retire. To take up one's note before due, to relinquish business. Revenue. income, return; annual income of a nation for public uses. Revenue Cutters. Small vessels employed to aid revenue officers iu the collection of duties, or to pre- vent smuggling. Revocation. The act of calling back, recalling some power or authority conferred. 8 Salvage. A compensation allowed to persons fpr voluntarily saving a ship or her cargo from peril. Seaworthy. Fit for sea: a ship worthy of being entrusted with a cargo. Sans Recours. Without recourse. Secondarily. Applied to the en- dorser of a note or drawer of a bill, signifying that he is only condi- tionally liable, or liable if the mak- er and drawee fail. Seize. To take possession of, by vir- tue of a warrant or legal authority. Seller's Option. A term mostly confined to the sales of stocks, for a sale which gives to the seller the option of delivering the article sold within a certain time, the buyer paying interest up to delivery. Shipment. That which is shipped. Sight. Time of presenting bill to the drawee. Signature. The name of a person written with his own hand, signi- fying his consent to the writing above it. Sinking Fund. A fund set apart from earnings or other income, for the redemption of debts of govern- ment, or of a corporation. Sleeping Partner. One who shares the profits of a business without letting his name appear, or part in it actively. 432 QOD EXPECTS YOU TO DO YOUR BEST. BUSINESS DICTIONARY-Contlnued. Slop-shop. A store where cheap ready made clothing is sold. Smuggler. One who avoids the payment of duties by secretly im- porting goods into a country; a vessel engaged in smuggling. Solicitor. Aa attorney or advocate, the title of a person admitted to practice in the court of chancery or equity. Solvency. Ability to pay all debts or just claims. Specialty. Acontract or obligation under seal. Statement. Usually a list of prop- erty, or resources and liabilities. Statistics. A collection of facts ar- ranged and classified. Statute. A positive law, established by act of Legislature. Stipend. Settled pay or compensa- tion for services. Stipulation. A contract or bargain. Stock. Money invested in business. Stocks. Property consisting of shares in joint stock companies. Stock Broker and Jobber. A bro- ker who deals in shares or stocks.- Stoppage in Transitu. The seller of goods upon credit resuming pos- session after their shipment before they get into actual possession of the bnyer. Sue. To seek justice by a legal proc- ess. Surcharge. An overcharge. Surety. A bondsman, a bail, se- curity. Suspend. To stop payment. Suspense Account. An account used to contain balances of per- sonal accounts which may be con- sidered doubtful. Sutler. An authorized vender of provisions, etc., to soldiers in camp or garrison. Tacit. Implied but not expressed. Tally Man. One who receives pay- ment for goods in weekly install- ments. Tare. An allowance in weight for the cask in which goods are con- tained. Tariff. A list of duties to be im- posed on goods imported or ex- ported. Tax. A levy made upon property for the support of the government. Teller. An ollicer in a bank who re- rrivt or pays monoy. Tenants in Common. Persons holding land*, etc., by several and distinct titles, ana not by joint Tenant. One holding property tin- der another. Tenement. That which is held. Tender. To offer^ or present for ac- ceptance. Tenure. The manner of holding property in lands. Testator. The person leaving a valid will. Textile Fabrics. All kinds of woven goods, generally restricted to piece goods. Tickler. A book containing a mem- oranda of notes and debts arranged in the order of their maturity. Time Draft. A. draft maturing at a future specified time. ""'mnage. The weight of goods car- . .od in a boat or ship. Tort. Mischief, any wrong or injury. Trade Discount. An allowance or discount made to a dealer in the same trade. Transact. To perform commercial business, to conduct matters. Transfer. To convey right, title, or property. Transship. To transfer merchan- dise from one conveyance to an- other. Treasury. A place where public revenues are deposited and kept. Treasury Notes. Notes of various denominations issued by the gov- ernment, and received in payment of all dues, except duties on im- ports. Tret. An allowance to purchasers for waste of 4 pounds on every 104 pounds of weight after the tare hud been deducted. Trustee. One who is entrusted with property for the benefit of another. Ultimo or Ult. Last month. Uncurrent. Not current, not pass- ing in common payment as nncnr- rent coin, notes, etc. Underwriter. An insurer, so-callod because he underwrites his name to the conditions of the policy. Usage of Trade. Custom, or the* frequent repetition of the same act in business. Usance. Business custom which is generally conceded and acted upon. Usury. Exorbitant intercut, form- ing merely interest. Valid. Having legal strength of force. DO NOT HUNT PARTRIDGES WITH A BAND OF MDBIQ. BUSINESS DICTIONARY-Contlnued Value. Rate of estimated worth; amount obtainable in exchange for a thing. Value Received. Phrase used in notes and bills. Vend. To sell. Vendee. The person to whom a thing is sold. Void.-Null, having no legal or bind- ing force. Voidable. Having some force, bnt capable of being adjudged void. Vouchers. A paper attesting the truth of any thing, especially one confirming the truth of accounts. W Wages. Hire, reward, salary. Waiver. The act of waiving ; of not insisting on some right, claim, or privilege. Wares. : -<^oodB, merchandise, oom- nuxiiues. Warrant. A precept authorizing an officer to seize an offender ana bring him to justice ; also to insure against defects. Warranty. An agreement to make good all defects in an article sold. Water-logged. Said of a ship when she has received so much water into her hold by leakage as to become unmanageable. Way-bill. A document containing: a list and description of goods sent by a common carrier by land. Wharfage. Fee or duty for using a wharf. Wharfinger. The proprietor of a wharf. Wrecker. One who searches for the wreck of yessels. Wreck-Master. A person appoint- ed by 1-iw to take charge Of goodat etc., thrown ashore after a ship- wreck. Writ. A o order of court. DICTIONARY OF LEGAL TERMS. Alibi. In another place. Alimony. Allowance by court to wife from husband living separate from her. A vinculo matrimonii. From the bonds of matrimony. Bequeath. To give personal prop erty by will. Compos Mentis. Sound mind. Contempt.- Violation of rules or orders of a court of justice or legis- lative body. Crime. Violation of law punishable by the State. Devised. To give real estate by will. Defeasance. An inetrumen t defeat- ing the force of some other deed. Disseized. Unlawfully put out of possession. Easement. Privilege, like a way through another's land, water- course, etc. Entail. An estate limited in descent to a particular heir or heirs. Escheat. Falling of real property to the State. Eee. Hereditary estate. Fee-tail. Estate limited to certain heirs by will of the first donor. Fieri Facias. Writ of Execution. Heirloom. Chattel descending to heir instead of going to adminis- trator. Investiture. Giving possession. Judicature. A court of justice. Jurisprudence. Laws interpret ing and applying them. Leasehold. Lease of land or tene- ments. Ley. Loci. Laws of the place. Mandamus. Writ of superior court to inferior tribunal, etc., command- ing performance of specified duty. Moiety. One-half of estate, good* or profits. Non-age. Under twenty-one. Parcenary. Holding laads andi tenements in copartnership. Particeps Criminis. A helper of the criminal. Replevin. Recovering goods wrong- fully taken. Reprieve. Warrant suspending ex- ecution of sentence. Riparian. Rights of water-courses. Seisin. Possession intending to claim freehold interest. Vi et Armis. By force of arms. Writ Of Capias. Writ commanding; officer to take the person. 434 GOLDEN DEEDS MAKE GOLDEN DATS. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. PAGE. Abbreviations 97, 422 Accident Insurance 218 Addition, short methods 325 Administrators and Execu- tors 202,'203 Ad valorem duty 266 Advantages of credit system. . 141 Advantages of changing evener 355 Affidavits H8 Agent, how to do business with 151 Agent's license 213 Agent's responsibility 151 Agreements and contracts 157 Agreement to build a house 164 Agreement for hiring a clerk.. 165 Alphabet, business 44 Apprenticeship 155 Arbitration, how to settle diffi- culties by 149 Arbitration best for farmers. . 150 Arches, how to curve for brick or stone 346 Area and weight of tile 342 Area of the world by grand divisions Vreas of principal count ies of the world Areas of states in U. S Arithmetic, short rules 325 Armies of nations 384 Assault and battery 240 Assay offices 282 Assignment of mortgage 194 Associations for transacting business 219 Authority of wife living apart from husband 2. r >0 Baggage, damages recoverable 234 Baggage, transportation of .... -3P> Bail 197 Banks and banking 119 Bank account 121 Bank drafts < 133, 235 Bank failures 121 Bankruptcy 169 Banks, government 121 Banks, national 120 Banks, number of 121 Banks, discounting notes at... 123 Banks, how to do business with 122 "Banks, method of discounting notes ' 312 Banks, savings 121 Banks that never fail 121 Bankers' method of interest. . 313 Bankers' time table 314 Bankruptcy 169 Barb wire swindle 296 Barrels, how to find contents.. 337 PAG is. Betting 287 till of sale 168 ills, formsof 45 Bills of exchange 134 Boards of trade 226 Board measure < 364 Bonds 197 Book agents, license 213 Bookkeeping 299 Breach of promise 248 Breach of trust 166 Bricks, how to find number for wall 339 Brick work 339 Brokers 155 Builders, facts for 33 Building and loan asso. ...230, 379 Bull and bear 227 Bullion 2S1 Bushels, dimensions of 357 Business alphabet 44 Business , a profession.... 20 Business " calculation, rapid methods 5fcs3 Business dictionary 428 Business education 18 Business failures 28 Business failure* in U. S 383 Business letters 78, 97 Business man's code 15 Business man's digest of laws. . 237 Business manners S Business maxims M Business qualifications 32 Business, teaching to wives, daughters and children 146 Business writing 47 C^londar month 258 Cancellation, figuring the plas- tering of a room 332 Cancellation, how to determine - results by 331 Canceled notes 104 Canvassers' license 213 Capital 27 Capitals, use ol 38 Capital letters 45 Card swindlers' tricks 290 Cards, visiting and address... 98 Carpenters' rules \. 343 Carpets, yards required for a room 334 Carriage wheel, top and bottom 880 Carrying capacity of tile 342 Cattle, weight of by measure- ment 370 Certificate of acknowledgment. 196 Certificate of deposit 128 Certificate of stock 224 Certified check 129 A DAT OF WORRY IS WORSE THAN A WEEK OF WORK. 435 PAGE. Change, how to make 144 Charcoal, amount in bin 340 Chattel mortgages 192 Cheap jewelry swindle 298 Checks, how to indorse 125 Check, payable to order 128 Checks, personal 235 Checks, raising 127 Checks and stubs 131 Checks, vital points on 124 Chemicals, common names 387 Circle, area of, etc 348 Cisterns, how to find contents. 336 Civil service law 267 Civil service, method of addi- tion 326 Clearing house management . . 137 Clearing house system 136 Coal table 369 Coal, how to find weight 340 Coal, how to find cost 863 Coal lands 171 Coal, production 363 Collateral notes 106 Collecting notes 103 Colleges in U. S 384 Commercial agencies 229 Commercial correspondence.... 75 Commercial forms 101 Commission merchants 155 Common faults in writing and speaking, 42 Common carrier 232 Common names of chemical substances 887 compound interest, possibilities of 322 Compound interest table 323 Congratulation, letters of 91 Consideration in contract 158 Contracts 157 Contracts, law governing 159 Contracts, not lawful 160 Contracts, damages for violat- ing 162 Contract for sale of land 163 Contract for hiring farm hand. 165 Contract for laying tile 166 Contract for sale of horses, cattle, etc 166 Corn, how to measure in crib.. 358 Corners 227 Corporations 221 Corporal punishment "... 257 Correspondence 69 Correspondence, helpful hints. 97 Cotton raised in the U. S 369 Cotton pickers' table 369 Counterfeiting S6 Counterfeit money, how to de- tect 286 Counterfeit money swindle'.!. 295 Credit system 141 229 Creeds, statistics 384 PAGE. Criminal law 239 Curves, how to make for arches 346 Damages for violation of con- tract 16* Dates of ratifying constitution. 421 Dates of admission of states 421 Days of grace 103, 324 Deaf and dumb alphabet 64 Debts, how to collect 142 Debts, time in which outlawed. 263 Deeds, how written, kinds 184 Definitions for mechanics 348 Degrees, honorary, etc 97 Demand of payment 140 Difference of time between Washington and other princi- pal -cities of the world 391 Discounts at bank 120 Discounting notes at bank. .123, 813 Distance traveled in plowing... 851 Distances, population and times of fastest mails 889 Distance of state capitals from Washington 890 Distances from New York to principal points in the world. 39(5 Distances from Chicago to other principal cities 8fc~ Distress for rent 182 Division, short method 329 Divorce, and divorce laws 251 Dog, responsibility of owning.. 276 Domestic postage 268 Don't 98 Drafts, hints om writing 132 Drafts, hints on transferring. . 132 Draft, kinds and forms 133 Due bills 113 Duties or customs 265 Duties of employes 241 Electoral votes, number ...421 Employer and employe ^."... 241 Energy, push 15 Envelope swindle 293 Equalization boards 265 Estimating stone we.-- 338 Estimating contents ->i > pile of grain 359 Estray notice 166 Evener, advantage of ch inging. 355 Exemption laws 260 Express companies 233 Express orders 235 Facts for builders 838 Facts concerning railroad Failures, business 28,383 Failures, causes of 29 Failure and success 30 Famous men 21 Fares, railroad, from Chicago to principal cities in the U. S. 393 436 FONDNESS OF FAME IS AVARICE OF AIR. Farm accounts, how to keep Farm lease Farm machinery swuiu.e ... Fiat money Field, Marshall Fire insurance Flax raised in the U. S. .. Flooring estimates Foreclosure of mortgage Forged paper Foreign postage freight cars, capacity of PAGE. . . 309 . . 179 .. 292 .. 281 19, 22 .. 215 .. 369 .. 344 .. 196 .. 238 .. 269 .. 381 Cable end 343 Gambling and betting 287 Garnishment 143 Generals commanding U. S. army 381 Genius 27 German alphabet 63 Gifts, legal 243 Girard, Stephen 22 Giving away property in old age 145 Glass, how to make a hole in. . 387 Glass, how to write your name on 387 Gold and silver, weight and value 381 Gold production 363 Governors' salaries and terms .... 421 Grace, days of 103, 324 Grain, how to estimate contents of a pile 359 Grain, how to find number of bushels in box 357 Grain, how to figure up a load. 359 Grain, shrinkage 357 Grain table, how to use 359 Grain tables 360 Grocers' tables 381 Guarantees, with forms 174 Hay, how to find cost 363 Hay, how to measure 35U Helpful hints to correspondents 97 Hemp, raised in the U. S 369 Heredity :.... 34 Hints and helps on wriihig drafts 132 History of banks 119 Hog and Battle table 371 Holidays, legal 270 Holidays, working on 272 Homestead laws 202 How money grows at interest. . 313 How stock is watered 223 How success is won 16 How to close a letter 75 How to collect d bts 142 How to do business with an agent 151 How to do business with a bank 1-2 PAOSL How to estimate the eontents of a pile of grain 359 How to find amount of carpet for room 334 How to find amount of paper for room 335 How to find bushels of grain in bin 357 How to find contents of a wa- gon box 357 How to find cost of coal and hay at sight 363 How to find the day of the week 382 How to find the height of a tree 350 How to find the number of bushels in a load 366 How to find the weight of cattle b" measurement 370 How to indorse a check 125 How to keep farm accounts ... 309 How to lay out small lots of land 349 How to learn bookkeeping 299 How to locate a mine 280 How to make change quickly. . 144 How to make a hole in glass.. 387 How to make an ise chest .... 349 How to measure hay 356 How to mix paints 388 How to obtain wealth 144 How to secure an appointment under civil service 267 How to secure a lien 172 How to send money 235 How to settle difficulties by ar- bitration 149 How to write a contract 157 How to write a postal card.... 77 How to write your name on glass and iron tools 887 |ce chest, how to make 349 Illegitimate children 254 Illiteracy 384 Immigration in tlu< U. S 383 Indemnifying bonds IW Indorsements of notes 104, 110 Insurance 214 Insurance, accident 218 Insurance, fire 215 Insurance, life 2i7 Insurance, marine 218 Interest, hints and helps 311 Interest, compound 323 Interest i-ws of the U. S 324 Interest tables FJG Interest tables, how to ur,e.... 15 Interest, time at which money doubles 314 I. O. U 113 Iron, production cW DELAYS HAVE DANGEROUS ENDS. PAGE. Joists, scantling and timber measurements 352 Journeyings of checks 137 Judgment notes 107 Labor 27 Laborers' wages 364 Landlord and tenant 175 Landlord's notice 181 Landlord's lien iS3 Lands how to lay off small lots 349 Laths, number required for a room 244 Law governing contracts 159 Law governing foiged paper... 238 Law governing lost notes 242 Laws governing mines 277 Laws governing partnersaips. .. 219 Law governing public schools. 255 Law governing property sales.. 167 Law dictionary 433 Law of kindness 241 Law of public roads 275 Law on guarantees 174 Law on lost property 240 Law on newspaper subscrip- tion 272 Law on opening letters 238 Law on trading 244 Leases 176 Leases, forms 177 Legal gifts 243 Legal hints on interest 311 Legal holidays 270 Legal points of bookkeeping. . 301 Legal relation of parent and child 252 Legal tender 281 Legal weights 362 Legislatures, sessions Lien, how to secure 172 Letter, body of 73 Letter, superscription 73 Letter writing 69 Letters, arrangement 70 Letters, folding 98 Letters, heading 70 Letters, how to close 75 Letters, kinds of 69 Letters, models for beginning. 71 Letters, parts of ..." 69 Letters of application 82 Letters of condolence 92 Letters of congratulation 91 Letters of credit 135 Letters of friendship 93 Letters of invitation 84 Letters of introduction 88, 98 Letters of recommendation. .89, 100 Letters of sympathy 92 l.'t<-rs to different parts of the world, tiine required 330 Liabilities of employes 241 Liability of commotr carriers.. 234 PAQB License 212 Liens, how to write 173 Lite insurance 217 Lightning method of interest. . 312 Lightning method of multipli- cation and division 329 Lightning rod swindle 297 Logs, how to reduce to board measure 351, 354 Longest days at principal places 391 Lost notes, law governing 242 Lost paper 141 Lost property, law on 240 Lumber, how to figure 332 Lumber, eastern table and cu- bical contents 351 Lumber, lightning method for measurement 34> Lumber, number of feet in a log 360 Lumber statistics and table 352 Lumber, weight of 3oU Mail, time of fastest 388 Mail transportation 236 Man a victor 36 Mann, Horace 32 Marine insurance 218 Marking alphabet 62 Marriage laws and contracts.. 247 Married women signing name. 245 Married women, the right to own property 249 McKinley. Wm I'l Mechanics, definitions for 346 Mechanics' lien 173 M chanics, pointers for 346 Mechanics, rules for 348 Merchandise 232 Mill feed table 369 Mint- and miners 277 Mines, how to locatn 280 Mints and mint marks 282 Miscellaneous table 3* Modern bookkeeping 301 Money 281 Money, amount in circulation.. 282 Money, functions, kinds 281 Money, how to send 235 Money by telegraph 235 Money orders, cost 26 Money question 282 Monthly wages table 365 Months, calendar and lunar 256 Mortgage assignment 1$ Mortgage, chattel 192 Mortgage foreclosure 1i Mortgage laws ^ Mortgage release 13 Multiplication, short method ... 330 438 EFFORT IS THE PRICE OF CONQUEST. PAGE. Nails to a ponnd 881 National banks 120 Naturalization 204 Newspaper subscription, law of 272 Note, promissory 51 Note, swindling 294 Note, canceled 104 Notes, collateral 106 Notes, collecting 103 Notes, fifty facts and principles 101 Notes, forms 106 Notes, indorsements 104, 110 Notes, inquiry at the bank 104 Notes of invitation 84 Note, judgment 107 Notes, paying 104 Notes, payment defeated 105 Notes, receipt for lost 118 Notes, transferring 102 Notes, when void 105 Notes, writing 101 Notice to quit 181 Offer and acceptance 244 Opening letters, law on 238 Opinions of successful men 23 ption trading 227 Orders 113 Outlawed debts 263 Owning property, rights of married women 249 Painting rules 388 Paints, how to mix 388 Paper, how to find amount for room 335 Parcels Posts 269 Parent and child, legal rela- tion 252 Parliamentary rules 283 Partnerships 219 Passengers, transportation of. 236 Passports 207 Patents 207 Patent fence swindle 291 Paupers in U. S Paying notes 104 Peabody, Geo 21 Pen drawing 57 Penmanship 47 Penmanship, how to improve. 48| T2 Penmanship, principles of 49 Penmanship, ornamental 56 Pensions 211 Pension bureau, cost of 212 Petitions 44, 275 Picket fence, level or over hill 388 Plastering 339 Plastering, how to figure by cancellation 332 Plowing, distance traveled in . . 355 Pointers for mechanics 346 Points of law NS PAtiB. Points of order 284 Polygon, area of 348 Population of all towns and cities of the U. S, having a population of 8,000 inhabitants and up- ward, according to the census of 1900 394-420 Population of states 42i Poor boys 21 Possibilities of compound in- terest 322 Postage, domestic 268 Postage, foreign 269 Postal card 77 Postal distances and time of mail from New York City ... 889 Postal Union 286 Post office orders 235 Power of attorney 154 Practical information for, busi- ness men 139 Preferred stock 223 Presumptions of law pertain- ing to business papers 237 Presidents of the U. S 385 Presidents, inaugurated other day than March 4th 385 Presidents, birth, education, term of office, age, etc 385 Production of coal, iron, etc. in the U. S S63 Property, real and personal 167 Proposal to erect public build- ings ] Proxy to vote 1 R4 Public meetings, conducting... 283 Public road laws 275 Public schools, statistics 384 Public schools, law governing school contracts 255 Punctuation, rules 39, 40, 41 Purpose 33 Qualifications for suffrage 206 Rafters, lengths and bevels 844 Railroads, facts concerning.... Raising a check J 7 Rapid method in business cal- culation 333 Rates of interest 324 Read before signing 293 Ready reckoner 373 Ready reference tables 379 Receipts 114 Receipts, forms 115 Receipt for lost note 118 Registered letters 235 Release of mortgage 195 Religious statistics of the U. S. 384 Resolutions, how to write 95 Resolutions, forms of 43, 95 Responsibility of owning a dog. 276 Rulers' salaries 384 A DA Y MISSPENT IS LOST. (39 PAGE. Rules for bookkeeping 300 Rules for mechanics 348 Rules for spelling ::> Runaway horses and teams ... 273 Safe principles and rules 25 Salaries of rulers of the world.. 384 Salaries of U. S. offices 384 Sale and transfer of property.. 167 Savings banks 1-1 Set of books written up 303 Shingles, number required for roof 344 Shorthand i5 Shrinkage of grain 357 Signing name in full 245 Signing name, married women. 245 Signing name, persons who cannot write 246 Signing, read before 293 Skill 27 Slate tables 345 Smoking, cost of 379 Soil, weight of 381 Specific duty 266 Spelling 37 Statistics of lumber 352 Statutes of limitation 263 Stock investments 221 Stock exchange 226 Stone, how to find number of cords for wall 338 Stone table 369 Stone work 338 Success, foundations of 16 Suffrage, qualifications for 206 Superscription, forms of 76 Swindle, barb wire 296 Swindle, card 290 Swindle, cheap jewelry 298 Swindle, counterfeit money 295 Swindle, envelope 293 Swindle, farm machinery 292 Swindle, lightning rod 297 Swindle, patent fence 291 Swindler, securing signature. . 296 Swindling note 294 Swindling schemes 289 Syndicates 228 Talent 33 Tanks, how to find contents 335 Taxes 265 Teaching business to wives, daughters and children.. 146 Terms and facts of criminal law 239 Thirteen original states 421 Tile, area and weight, etc 342 Timber measurements 352 Time at which money doubles at interest 314 PAG a. Time, difference of, between Washington and other princi- pal cities of the world 891 Times and sessions of legisla- tures Titles 77, 100 Trading, law on 244 Transferring notes 102 Transferring commercial papers 139 Transferring found or stolen papers 139 Transportation 231 Transportation by water 234 Transportation of mail 236 Transportation of merchandise. 232 Transportation of passengers.. 236 Tree, how to find height of 360 Trial balance, how to detect errors 302 Trusts 187, 229 United States interest laws 824 Useful reference rules and items 387 Useful rules for mechanics ... 348 Uselessness of lightning rods.. 393 Usury .311 Usury, Penalty of 324 Vanderbilt. Cornelius 21 Vertical writing 5 Visiting and address cards 96 Vital part of a contract 158 Vital points on checks 124 Voting 20S Wages table '. 365 Wages in the U. S 364 Wagon box, how to find con- tents of 357 Wanamaker, John Watered stock 225" Watering trough, how to find contents 335 Wealth, how to obtain 144 Weekly wages table 368 Weight, legal, in different states 362 Weight of cattle, how to find... 370 Weights and measures 380 Where women vote 206 Will 33 Wills, and laws of wills 200 Wills, form of 201 Women, where they vote 206 Wood table 341 Wood, how to find number of cords in a pile. 34 Working on holidays 272 Writing notes 101 Writing, rules for 42 UNIVERSITY UNIVEESITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE~ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW expiration of loan period. 50m-7/16 YB 66672 163566