„ 1 A =: A^ en = i_ n ^ ID n ^ U = = 33 3 = r-) 4 = ^^^ 1 — 6 m — 77= cn 33 7 = == 31 4 = 4 = ( 6 H ^H THE STRESSED VOWELS ^LFRIC'S HOMILIES, VOL. r. THE STRESSED VOWELS .ELFRIC'S HOMILIES, VOL. I. FRANK FISCHER, .^, J -> - ,^ . J J , J J > ' J J J J , J > J j' Extracted from the Publicalions of the Modern Language Asso- ciation OF America, Vol. IV, No. 2, 1889. LOS ANGELES 1,,;'UARY orfhiA t .c .-. cr» »*c • » e • « .» • • • T '-^5 THE STRESSED VOWELS OF AiLFRICS HOMILIES, VOL. I. By frank FISCHER, a. B., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. Our knowledge of the phonology of Old English, and more especially of Old English vowels, is as yet comparatively lim- ited. Nor can this afford much occasion for surprise, when we consider how short a time has elapsed since the initial steps were taken in what could justly be considered a scientific treatment of the subject. The phonology of Old English therefore offers a broad field for investigation, and it has been the purpose of the author of this monograph to cover some portion, however small, of the unexplored territory. The first volume of Thorpe's edition of '^Ifric's Homilies ' has furnished the material for this investigation, .^Ifric being chosen as typical of the Late West Saxon, and the first volume of his homilies as sufficiently comprehensive to include the greater portion of his vocabulary. As regards the form in which I have presented the work, the only explanation that need be given is that the words have been alphabetically classified according to their stressed vowels, as these appear in Old English. This system seems preferable to any other in that it leaves no room for ambiguity, while at the same time it presents the lists in a shape that requires no subsequent index- ing for purposes of reference. Though I have everywhere sought to arrive at some defi- nite conclusion as to the West Germanic originals, I have, when- ever I felt that there was room for reasonable doubt, preferred to query my judgment rather than lay it open to the charge of arbitrariness. The letters p and d, both employed in the text without apparent discrimination, I have uniformly merged under d. Moreover, in the citation of words that are subject to inflection, I have, as a rule, entered the typical or dictionary form, unless there was some particular reason for presenting the word exactly as it occured in the text. To illustrate the latter case, the plural ntdgas is left unchanged, and is not reduced to the nominative singular, for the reason that the plural has a different stressed vowel. Of the authorities that have been consulted those that have proved of the greatest assistance are Sievers' ' Grammar of 161787 4 FRANK FISCHER. Old English ' (second edition), translated and edited by Profes- sor Albert S. Cook, and Cosijn's 'Altwestsachsische Gram- matik.' Kluge's ' Etymologisches Worterbuch der deutschen Sprache ' and Grein's ' Sprachschatz der angelsachsischen Dichter ' have also been found exceedingly useful. The stand- ard lexicons and other similar authorities have been employed for occasional reference, but of these no particular mention will be expected. THE VOWEL a. 1. WG. a, WS. a: — ac 2.8; assa 30.13; a.xe 246.19; batian 250.18; blacc 482.20; blace 334. 12; brastlian 68.5; cnapa 182.12 ; cwacian 132.27 ; -dafenlic 14.17 ; -dafenian 36.14 ; dagas 4.7 ; draca 68.5 ; -fadian 414.33 ; fadung 274.29 ; fagnian 88.2 ; faran 6.4 ; -faren 222.16 ; -gaderian 20.34 ; gegaf 534.2; gaffetung 306.2; gladian 36.25; -grafen 424.10; habban 350.1; hacele 48.1; hafa 400.27; -hafen 380.31 ; hafen- 128.23; hagol 52.18; -hagian 180.12; hatian 52.34; hatung 84.12; -hradian 82.30 ; hrarTe 16.9; lator 102.30; -laS'ung 34.6; (ge)maca 14.19; (ge)macian 6.11 ; mage 276.7; magon 272.29; ma^'a 86.10; nacod 18.11; pa3'as 360.32; (^rendraca 26.5; racent^ag 434.8 ; racu 46.14; -sacan 144.24; sacu 180. 1 ; -sadelian 210.30; sagol 424.32 ; -slacian 614.13 ; slaga 46.25; -slagen 400.29 ; sparian 180.8 ; stafas 92.12 ; stapas 504.9 ; starian 296.3 ; swalewe 404.25 ; talian 114. 18; -(Tafian 4.30 ; wacol 36.14 ; wacian 36.6 ; -war 16.22; ware 240.28; wlaciim 86.23; wracu 86. 3. 2. WG. a BEFORE NASALS, WS. o (cf. svvingan 424.12; swingle 472.12; swipe 406.7; tidder 256.2; tilian 18.15; tilling 474.21; -timber 2.15; -timbrung 22.25; intinga 84.2; tintreg 94.6; twig 90.3; ^icgean 168.31; 5ider 504.6; ^igen 118.25; ^i'lg 8.9; ^is 102.25 ; ^isre 348.22; ^isra 384.4 ; ^issere4.ii; r^ridda 28.4 ; ^riwa 66.24; widewe 148.10; wilde 208.22; vvilige 182.22 ; willan 6.27 ; willaio.i; wind 26.10; windan 66.24; winnan 164.21; winter 24.18; gewiss 96.3 ; gewissian 52.15 ; edwist 56.16; wiste402.11; -wita44.26; wite6.i9; -gewiten 604.8 ; witon 286.15; -witt 26.14; wifir 6.35 ; wi^er- 12.22; wi(^r5^a 594.30; wlite 46.5; wlitig 10.16; -wrigen- 60.1; -writ 2.12; -writen 282.17; -writon 598.22; wri^fa 568.33; -wrigen 456.9; -wriS^ian 446.1 ; -wriS^on 596.22. 2. The REPRESENTATIVE OF WS. y, THE /-UMLAUT OF WG. U: — bicgan 182.6; -dhW'igun 516.20; -cnittan 476.5; Drihten2.i9; filian 10.20; fliht572.9; frim3' 172.24; hig-482.10; hiht 24.2 ; hingrian 166.1 ; hricg 286.24; Jifs 550.28; -mindig 354.30; -nihtsumian 124.15; sin- derlice 96.21 ; sticce 380.24 ; stic- 108.19; tihtan 70.35 ; -tingnys 26.12 ; trimming 448.9; 3^illic 406.21; (Jincan 96.1; -d'lncdxi 82.1; -S'riccan 494.5; -(Tricced- 608.20 ; ^rim- 112. 10. 3. WG. e BEEORE A NASAL, WS. i : — niman 26.29. 4. The REPRESENTATIVE OF WS. ie, X-UMLANT OF ea, THE BREAK- ING OF WG. a : — hlihgan 180.14; -sliht 482.33 ; -slih3^ 240.27. 5. The REPRESENTATIVE OF WS. if, THE /-UMLAUT OF CO : — gingra 420.28; hire (gsf.) (?) 316.30; hire (dsf.) (?) 276.12 ; -sihst 286.23 ; -sih3^ 4.26. 6. The REPRESENTATIVE OF WS. io, THE t'-UMLAUT OF WG./: — ^lisne 352.22. 7. The REPRESENTATIVE OF WS. tO, THE tt-UMLAUT OF WS. /, WG. e FOLLOWED BY A NASAL : — sinU 236. 21. 8. The representative of WS. to, the «-umlaut of WG. /: — -nipu 614.29; sindon 446.7 ; 3'isum (ds.) 328.18; 3^isum (dpi.) 356.5. 9. The representative of WS. ie, palatal umlaut of ea, the breaking of WG. a before h-\-A consonant: — miht 6.17; mihte 384.1; -mihtig 4.5 ; niht 36.28. 10. The representative of WS. ie, palatal umlaut of eo, the breaking ofWG. ^: — cniht 62.17; -nihtan 8.13; silf (Cf. Sievers- CooK, § 101, N. 2) 578.17; six 14.29; sixta 44.15. 11. The representative of WS. ie, developed from WG. e through THE influence of A PRECEDING PALATAL :—gifan 32.35; gife 34-27; -gifen 472.25; gifu 2.6; -gild 474-33; g'lp 124.4; -giltan 180.26; andgit (?) 86.26; -gitan 140.31; -giten 540.19; -scirian 124.6. 12. WG. a, WS. /: — swilc (Goth, swaleiks) 2.2. 13. Shortened from WG. i, generally with gemination of THE following CONSONANT OR WITH ASSIMILATION OF THE TWO 1 2 FRA NK FISCHER . FOLLOWING consonants: — bliss 36.5; liccetere 120.2; liss 330.30; riccetere 128.22; riccra 130.33; (bed)rida 472.24; riftere (?) 570.33 ; siccetung 86.8; si3^i5'an 4.13; ^rittig 20.9; wicce- 474.22; wimman 40.35- 14. The contraction of e-\-i: — binnan 22.6. 15. After the analogy of the past participles of verbs of THE First Ablaut Class : frinen 426.3. 16. Foreign: — bibliotheca 436.13 ; binn (?) 30.31 ; biscop 2.3 ; Crist 4.3; Antecrist 4.21 ; diaconas 44.8 ; discipul 6.20 ; diht 40.33 ; gedihte 16.3; gimni (Lat. e, followed by nasal) 450.21; Indisc 456.14; lilie 444.11; pistol 436.4. 17. Of UNKNOWN origin : — ablicged 314.16 ; begriwen 384.25. THE VOWEL /. 1. WG. i, WS. f: bidan 6.20; -bidian 42.18; bitan 46.27; bViSe 136.11; bridel 568.33; cidan 96.1; c\d (Cosijn, § 67) 100.16; drifan 268.26; -dwinan 592.12 ; frige-(?) 216.21 ; gitsian 68.26; gitsung 360.6; glig484.3; -gripan 358.26 ; hired62.i9; hiwan432.2S; hlisa (Cosijn, § 71) 356-33; -hnigan 428.8; hwil 2.1; hwit 88.34; idel 320.26; isen 146.11; lie 60.15; lichama 4.25 ; lician 104.23; lif 8.7 ; mil 42.35; min 4.2; 111^^54.13; rice 6.4; ricetere 82.21; ridan 210.27; gerim 98.24; -rima 442.35; -ripian (?) 84.5 ; -risan 20.6; ri.xian 28.19; scinan 62.30; scir 82.11; sicetung 614.15; sid 456.18; side 14.21; -sigan 246.17; si^an(?)i46.i2 ; -slidan 170.18; -slitan 132.17 ; -smitan 124.31 ; -stifian (?) 598.11 ; -stigan 22.20 ; -swic 6.32 ; -swican 16.22 ; swig- 218.31 ; tid 32.13 ; tima 2.17; -timian 10.32; ^ihan 16.14; ^i" i4-6 ; 'Trim 324.17; 3"ritig 20.32; wic 402.21; wica 242.13; wician 30.10; wid 20.32; wif 14.21; win 26.9; wipian 426.30; wis 2.10; wise 176.3; edwit 162.12; -witan 56.31; wite 12.3; witega 96.27; -witegode 50.13; witegung 80.18; -wrih? 364.27 ; -writan 8.10; -wri^an 208.3. 2. Lengthened FROM WG. z with ecthlipsis a)OF^: — frinan 78.5; -lire 526.26; 113^ 116.35; sil- 454.11; ti3' 384.19; -tif^'ian 76.22; ^■inen 200.14. b) of ;« : — fif 182.16; fiftig 20.32. c)of«: — li^'e 210.18; liS'nys 320.10; midl 360.19; gesi^um 416.3; -si? 58.29; si3'ian 298.30; sti? 46.23; swi3'2.i7. 3. The representative of WS. ie, the z-umlaut of ea: — -bicnian 106.27; -bigan 170.23; bigels 170.23; cigan 30.7; digelian 34.14; digellice 4.25 ; -flian 466.3 ; -fligan 64.22 ; gime- 164.26; gimen 346.8; igeo? 58.29; -ihte 32.25; -iwan (?) 220.20 ; lig 68.5 ; liget 222.31 ; -lipig 34.4; -tigan 206.10; tige 248.21. 4. The representive of WS. ie, the z-umlaut of eo: drihS" 102.15; -flig3^6o6.6; flih? 306. 10 ; lihst 378.7; lihtan 36.30; smic592.11; tihst 434.7 ; -tihst 180.12 ; -tih?' 514.21. 5. The representative of WS. ie, the z-umlaut of io before w: — hiw 20.34; -hiwian6.i8; hiwisc 310.27 ; hiwung 250.21 ; niw 36.23 ; niwelnys 8.24; ?iwan 378.2. 6. The representative of WS. y, the z-umlaut of WG. H : — -bisnung 120.28; brice 140.27; bric3' 52.4; drie 24.17; bin? 340.33; -ligenod 54.1 ; -sihton 84.16; S^rih 222.12. STRESSED VOWELS OF ALLFRICS HOMILIES. 13 7. The representative of WS. jj/, the /-umlaut of {i from WG. tin: — ci^^hi 396.25 ; wiscan 594.20 ; gewi.scendlice 258.24. 8. The representative ok VVS. y, the /-umlaut of WG. n, the length being due to the loss of a following ,^: — ingehid 530.7. 9. W.S. in : — fir (CosijN, § 107), 132.25. TO. The representative OF WS. ze", the contraction of / + f : — hi (npl.) 4.33 ; hi (asf.) 458.16. 11. The contraction OF /+« (CosijN, § 40) : — hwi 320.2 ; 3^i226.io; forS'i 312.27. 12. The result of secondary lengthening of i: — bigspell 342.16; bigwist 358.23; -bitene 242.10; -biton 244.17; -blin 434.13; -cinan336.9; -dvvimor 86. 18 ; -gif(WS. 7>) 596.17 ; -gifen (WS. zV) 498.24 ; hine 26.22; hlid 222.8; -ligre 240.25; scip 268.25; sigrian 424.33; stincan 86.13 ; wiglung 476.4. 13. Latin oe before a nasal (pronounced c) : — pinung 160.17. THE VOWEL (?. 1. WG. o, WS. o : — (be)bod 6.34 ; -boden 596.22 ; bodig 366.27 ; boga 212.33; -bogen 434.25; -boht 582.27; -bohte 374.4; -bolgen 420.1; -bora 330.27 ; -bord 246.2 ; -boren 278.8 ; -borgen 56.18 ; -borsten 86.5 ; botl 244.18; broc 536.1; -brocen 268.25 ; -brocod 464.6 ; brosnung98.9 ; -browen 352.7 ; cnoll 502.13 ; -cora 332.19 ; -coren 324.20 ; -corfen 420.5 ; corn 184.32 ; coss 566.19; cossian 566.19; -costnian 166.8; costnung 4.7 ; -cropen 400.7 ; dohtor 20.8 ; dolh 234.25 ; dorste 316.33 ; drohlnung 126.2; dropa 296.28; dwollic 602.35; -dwolmann 16.19; flocc- 142.9; fola 216. 11; folc 6.33; folgian 52.6; for 20.10; -foran 20.26; -fored (CosijN, § 42) 260.29; forhtian 52.15; forma 44.11; forst 84.15; for^ 16.4; God 2.6; gpde- 62.26; gold 6.2; -golden 332.4; goretende 530-31; -goten- 594.17; hogian 56.23; hoi 160.33; hold 170.9; holt 384.9; hopa 350.24; hopian 250.25 ; hoppian 202.18; hoppystre 484.3; hord 62.4; hosp 56.11; horig 472.16; horn 522.25; hors 432.33; (on)hrop 248.32; -hroren 492.33; -hworfen 590.24; loc 572.27; locc 566.25; -locen 272.17 ; loddere 256.8 ; lof 10,17; -logen 316.27; -loren 340.13; losian (CosijN, § 42) 92.2; -loten 276.5; lot- 192.9; mold- 492.33; -molsnian 218.25 ; -molten 488.7 ; nor^ 10.25; ofer- 12.4; ofet 352.7 ; ofost 380.14; oft 74.28 ; olfend (CosijN, § 42) 330.2 ; open- 4.25 ; orf; or5'4.29; orS'ian 86.8 ; o^'^e 6.35 ; oxa 42.25 ; rodor- 308.3 ; rotian 116. 7 ; -scofen 332.26 ; scop (CosijN,§42) 118. i; -scoren 448.29 ; scorian 114. 12; scort 218.19; scortlice 202.29; -scoten 502.28; -slopen 86.25; snotor 2.14; -soden 84.15; -solcen 306.11; -sorgian 50.25; sorh 52.18; store 404.25; storm 526.31; -swollen 86.ir ; -sworcennys 428.30; -svvoren 132.24; -toga 78.15; -togen 266.4; toll 510.28; tolMre 324.3; -toren 542.20; -torfian 42.1 ; torr(CosijN, §42) 380.8; gea'ofta 46.12; ge^^oftraeden 90.18; ^Tolian 140.32; ^orfte 18.23; S^orn 18.16; ^■oterung 68.7 ; ^rosm 332.17; wolcen 22.11; wolde 320.7 ; word 18.14; -worden 432.5 ; -worpen- 330.9. 2. WG. u, WS. o :— orw^ne 86.28. 3. WG. a, before a nasal, WS. g :— lichomlice 142.7 ; dasghwom- lice 408.6; on 2.2; onettan 384.14; ungesome 478.25; 3^one (but cf. 14 FRANK FISCHER. SiEVERS-CooK, §65, N. 2)352.15; for3'on(but cf. Siev^ers-Cook, §65, N. 2) 172.18; '?onne 2.2; womm 256.31. 4. WG. a, WS. o: — nosu 456.8; of 2.7. 5. The result op the influence of a preceding m on WS. eo, THE 7^-UMLAUT OR THE BREAKING OF WG. € : WOrht 360.8 ; WOruId 2.18. 6. Shortened from WS. 6, WG. 6, with gemination of fol- lowing CONSONANT : — Hioddrie 58.3. 7. The CONTRACTION OF ^ -f- ^ : — nolde 320.9. 8. After the analogy of the past participles of the Second Ablaut Class of verbs : 5'ogen 448.34; -^wogen (?) 472.5. 9. Foreign: — coccel 526.21; forca 430.11; offrian 22.33; offring- 218.9; port- 490.29; portic 508.10; potian 522.25. THE VOWEL 6. 1. WG. 6, WS. 6 : — bled 6.27 ; blostma 84.13 ; blowan 64.15 ; boc 2.7 ; bog 236.19; bosm84.9; bot268.2i; -brc'^ru 32.5; dom 2.10; don 12.13 ; flod 20.36; -flor 314.5; -flowend- 334.30 ; foda 42.27; -gefoh 408.16; foster- 30.6 ; fostor 20.34 ; fot 16.6; frofor 14.19; glowan 424.35; god U4-33 (good 2.5, g6od 144.28, go6d 238.16); gegodian 266.7; -grof 466.13; growan 304.26; hlowan 590.15; hoc 362.27; -hofian 2.17; -hofon 596.21 ; hrof 22.20 ; hwon 86.18 ; nateshwon 78.14 ; hwonlic 38.6 ; locian 152.22; -logian 12.33; gelome 36.16; mod 2.6; modignys 12.28; modor 20.18; moste 268.32 ; mot 260.23; gemot 290.12; moton 350.1; genoh 18.2; oga 222.32 ; rod 26.34 ; rohte 162. i ; rot 268.27; -unrotsian 142.20; rowan 182.32; -5000574.15; -slogon 290.30 ; -sloh 404.11; -soc 390.21; -socon 386.34; sohte 338.31; stod 86.13; stodon 296.3; -stop 360.35; stow 42.35; swor 452.3 ; to 2.4;3^rowian 26.28; 5^woh 418.21; wod 26.13; wop 60.15; worian 148.3. 2. WG. d before a nasal, WS. 6\ — oom 290.19; oomon 290.16; gedon 324.12; mona 14.27; mona^ 98.35 ; sona 12.3. 3. The contraction of 6^ k following vowel: — doS^ 464.15; -fo 72.17; -fon 34.31 ; -fo^ 294.26; -Hon 162.13; scos 456.21. 4. Lengthened from WS. o, WG. a, with loss of the follow- ing nasal: — brohte 230.20; co3' 466.16; -foh 426.16; ol^cung 488.9; 0^4.9; o3'er6.35; softe 164.2; softnys 270.5; so^ 4.15; to^ 126.20; ge^^oht 96.20 ; (5>ohte 82.12 ; woh 8.15. 5. Lengthened from o, with ecthlipsis of following g: — broden 300.17. 6. Ths result of secondary lengthening of o : — ^bebod 14.12 ; -goten 554.28; hoga 132.13; hogian 38.32; hopian 256.25; hord 78.27; horig 456.20; lof 364.8 ; ofet 546.5; ofne 544.6; on 614.16; or- 52.18; wolcen 22.11 ; word 30.35; -worpen- 130.29. 7. Foreign: — non 108.18; Romanise 318.29; rose 64.14; see! 440.8. THE VOWEL u. I. WG. 7/, WS. u: — blunnen 544.9; budon 450.6; bugon 316.2; -bunden 364.24; -bundon 594.31; burh 22.19; burston 108.20; crume 330.28; -cund 348.7 ; cunne6.i9; cunnon 154.15; -curfe 92.34; -curon 434.30; cuwon 404.5; -drugon 340.28 ; drunce 72.11 ; -druncen 590.30; STRESSED VOWELS OF CLERICS HOMILIES. 15 dugii^ 160.15; dumb 26.12; durre 508,32; duru 64.31 ; -flugon 54^.29; -fruma 8.20; fultuni 4.8; funde 414.20; -funden 340.5; grund- 72.5; -gunnen 270.18; -gunnon 314-10; -gute 420.1; hund 20.31; hunger 58.30; hunta 576.14; huntian 576.25; iugo^ 322.33; -lugon 44.26; -lumpen 316.31 ; -lumpen 352.24; -luron 360.28; lust5S.i7; -luton 538.18; niund- 330.27; -munde 42.24; pluccian 2f2.35 ; -runnen 40.29; scrutnian 582.26; scuton 404.4; -scufon 402.17 ; -sprungon 610.12 ; ■stunt 96.11; sum 2.4; sumerlic 98.22 ; sund 16.7; -sundron 152.3; -sungen 56.27; -sungon 582.32; sunne 14-27; sunu 10.10; swulton 404.2; swunce 102.18; swunge 384.6; -swungen 392.3 ; -trum 4.21; -truma 442.34 ; wyrtruma 132.7; trumnj-s 52.13 ; tugon 246.11 ; tunge S.i; tungol 64.30; turnian (?) 51423; -(Junden 330.20 ;-rTungen 344.12 ; (Turfon 138.21 ; ?urh 2.4 ; ^urstig 582.25; (Tus 78.19; under 2.16; undern 74.21; ungel (?) 522.35; unne 506.27 ; -unnen 366.16 ; -unnon 370.8; upp 246.5; urnon 470.7; wuldor 32.26; wund 50.26; -wunden 340.1 ; -wundon 84.32; wundor 4.31 ; -wunnen 354. 8 ; -wunnon 218.17 •: wurdon 316.18; vvurm 102.6; wurpon 246.2. 2. WG. o, WS. ?<:— bucca (Cosijn, §47) 59°- 15; cnucian 248.31; fugel 14.28; full 34.7; fur^on 52.34; furfur 360.29 ; hulc 336.10; lufian 10.20; murcnian 140.19; must 314-21; pu.sa 254.31; spurnan 116.20; ufan 6.7 ; -uferian 80.28; ufor 70,35 ; wulf 36.15. 3. WG. o BEFARE NASALS, VVS. u: cuman 2.19; guma 200.21; -hunig 352.7 ; -numa 32.34 ; -numen 296.6 ; ^unres- 214.28 ; wunian 4.10 ; wunung 12.27. 4. Due to z£;-influence upon eo or io, themselves the result OF BREAKING OR OF U- OR 0-UMLAUT OF A WG. i" OR I : -CUCU 16.4; -hwur- fan 562.13; suwian geat 76.3; -sceacan 212.10; gesceaft 8.24; sceal 6.14; scealt 578.17; sceamian 18.12; sceamu 256.5; -sceamul 262.5; -sceap 94.1; -sceapen 70.17; gesceapu 86.10; sceatt 88.4; scea^fa 72.30; sleac (Sievers-Cook, § 210.1) 602.15; sleacnys 350.15. 4. The representative of WS. eo, the (?-umlaut of WG. i:^ teala 332.15. 5. The representative of WS. eo, the breaking of WG. e:— Sllhearwen (a corruption of the stem of hweorfan ?) 454.11. THE DIPHTHONG ^a. I. WG. a«, WS. ) 80.9; gleawlice 122.18; great 52.8; heafod3o.4; heah 10.13; heap 298.10; heawan 62.34; hleapung 480.35; hream 156.26; -hreas 608.26; -leac 272.15; lead 254.26; leaf 236. 19; geleafa6.i9; leah 170.4; lean 200.16; edlean6.6; leas 4.30; leasung 6.5; leat 296.2; neadian 4.18; read 46.16; reafi8.i9; -reafian 42S.5 ; -sceaf 570.28; sceat 502.18 ; sceavvian 76.11; screadian (?) 88.9; seam 20.33; -searian 610.19; sea? 488.5; smeagan (Cosijn, § 92) 10.2; steam 86. 14; steap 456.17; stream 562.15 ; streamlic 444.10; streaw 404.6; racenteag 434-8; teah 378.9; team 238.1; rTeah2.i; f^reaw 94.32; ^reagan 66.34; ^reagian 360.17; (Treal 362.34; 3"rean 52.18; ?reat 346.32; ^reatian 126.6; S^reatung 410.8; S'rea? 530.7. 2. Due to the influence of a preceding palatal upon d ok a: — gea 316.32; gear 4.31 ; -geaton 68.4; -scead 96.13; -sceadan 344.2 ; -scean3o. 16; sceap 240.18; scea? 482.32. 3. Due to the influence of a following w on an original WG. a: — feavve 70.21. 4. Due to the influence of a following w upon d:, the i-UMLAUT OF d, WG. ai\ — eaw- 314.12; hreavv 380.34. 5. The representative of WG. d before h (Cf. Sievers-Cook, § 57.2. d): — neawist (h has disappeared) 346.18. 6. The representative of WS. (-8,'28 ys SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY fACILI|Y 346 744 6 .';.'l'r'^'Di;>,','l;i'j.'-;.'.'X>i'-,','.'^.''.'i''J K- I'ii'^vi'-Si^'iJtJiH^S; -Jt-'-h-Cj** "'T'tt '»*■•■-< '-j'^'l ■'■■* "-.IMi ■•■;'1,''A"' ' •• V'-''""i'trMti;'>---. '-'-."1 .*rftiI>J|'.\H N .l.t (.■,.,.>»» nil-!, , .-,l,K-lf. h,5,>. frv:. -■..1. 1', *..>,«„..., Mt^- ■,' "■■ •