CO 00 TLhc tTubor jfacsimile ^eyts Ham-I^Iku nr Mtxx^ i^ricks [by Lo. Barry Date of earliest known original edition . (B.M. 644, b. I and Dyce copy) Reproduced m Facsimile 1611 1913 Under the Supervision and Editorship of JOHN S. FARMER ant'i^Ibg or Wimi iricte [by Lo. Barry] 1611 » J », t » » 3 , » » • • • » Issued for Subscribers by the Editor of THE TUDOR FACSIMILE TEXTS MCMXIII Ham-^lkg ^^ Jiterru bricks [by Lo. Barry] 1611 This play is reproduced from an original copy of the earliest known edition of 161 1 now in the British Museum. That copy, however, is imperfect, wanting two leaves, B2 and B3. These four pages have been sitpplied from the Dyce copy at South Kensington. For all that is known of Barry and this his only known play, students may consult the D.N.B. This reproduction from the original is satisfactory having regard to its condition. JOHN S. FARMER. RAM- ALL Or / Mcrric-Trickes. -•>*. ^^ ,, theChildren the Kings RcucIj, WntttnhyLoi^afrey'. ■♦•— AT LONDON • Printed by q.EUM 1l^bertmi^» and arc to be fold at his (hop in ttolbornc, at the new gate of Gray cs Innc, X ^ I z« ^- ...-j.'ata 1 !^ A COMEDY ^ "iDiuers times here-to-forc aded. I \ 1 i-oM ,.. — ,. ■ , y ■ ■' ■' I 111 1 . — »■■ 1 III - The Prologue^^ Y^Ome-hed mirth our Mufedithjitti^ The Satyret tooth and Wafftfhfting, which tnoTt do hart when teafifrffeUed, ^J this P/4J are not apatd; , /: Bfit if Conceit with quic^-tHrndSceanes^^^^^ .?> Oifferutng all thofe ancient ftreamcs, Which from the Horfe-foot fount do flew. As Time,?UcefPerfon^andto PioWy Things neuer done with that true Itfe^ That thoughts andwitsJhaUftandatJlrife, , Whether the things novo fhexvne he trtiCp OrtrhetherweoHrfetuesnowdo The things wee butfrefent : ifthefe^ Tree from the loathfome jiage difeafi^ (So ouer^ornejo tirde andftah. Not SatyriK^ing but to railej tMay viny our fanoftrs, and inherit But caime acceptance for his merit .• A vewes h Paper, Pen and Inke, And by the learned Sifiers drinke, Tofpendhis Timejhit Lamps Mi Oyle^ Andnenerceafe his braine to toyle. Tin from thefilent houres of nighty Bee doth produce foryonr delight^ y/ Concerts fo new Jo harmlejfefree^ That Puritans them-felues may fee AP/ay.yet not mpubltkf T>reach, That Players fttch lewd doHrine teach That their pure ioynts do quake and trtmble. When they doe fee a man refetnbk The PiEiure of a Villain* ; This As hee a friend to Mufes it. To you by mee agiues his word, Ij all his Play doth now ajfeord, -FINIS. As ^ H.. _ J -«-^ I ii ■« J Adorum nomfnac IftjTfceTmchm, Thomas SmAte-^nAnkes, Wtlham ^mAlfl^mkp* 1 Throtcc Captaitti fact, "pail, ( ConfiahUa»dQ^e€r$^ t Womca. Franssi I: r^^^^^^^m*e< > ■■■WM nq^ipianmVfn^nwafTCMi ^^W^^ .j ii jin.. I m t Hamme- Alley. A6h»j. Scjcnat. E»ter ConftaniiajG/<«,w/rJ[? 4 /^^/^r «» her hand,. Confi, f N this ciifguirev crc fcarcc my mourning robe% 1 Could hauc a general! note,! hauc forfookc My fhapf ,my niptlicr,and thofe rich denicancf. Of which I am (olc heyrctand now refolue. In this difguifc qCP^i^eto follow him, Whofc louefirft cauf'd mcto aflumc this fliapc* Lord how myfcimir.incbloud ftirs at the light Of thelltfamc brceches,OTe thinkes this cod-pcece Should betray mec ; well,I will try^thc worft, Hether they fay hec vfually doth come. Whom I fo much affect, what makes he hcere. In the slcirts of HoZ/^ffrwr/o nreie the field. And at a garden h6ufc»a has feme punke Vpon my life : no noore heete he comes* £«/^Boutcher«. God fauc you fir : youi* name vnlcfie I erre, IsmaifterT^^iw^^^^rcA^r* S^^.Tisfwcccboy, CwJeliners Co**' I ^^u^ ^ letter for you* Boa. From whom il^, the lett^ Con. The infide fir will tell you 5 1 fhall fee hee reads it. What loue he bcarcs rhc now*- 'Bm* Th'art welcome boy« How does the faire Confiant'ta SomerfUldy My noble miftrcfle* Con. I left her in health* - *SoH^ Shec giucs thee hcere good words^and for her fake. Thou (halt not want a maifler,be mine for eucr* CoK. I thankc you fir : now fhall I fee the P unke* he knocks > inter WfihamSmall-Pianke. ] W^Sm^Nho knocks fo faft? I thought 'twas you,what news^ ' BoMt^^QU know my bufincffe well.l fing one fong, j f^.5»».Foot,what would you haue me Ifand is gcn, ! My credit of leffe triift then Courtiers wen d$^ To men of iudgmcnt,an.^ for tny debts I might dcfcnie a Knight-ho^d j what's to be done?" The Knight my father Wiilmoe once vouchfafc To call »c fonne 5 Tljai iiicic laud a gauc, j A 5 Throau \ — ■ '. - --=- ^ MERRY'TRlCks: Thrste tbe Lawyer fwallowcd at one gob For IcfTc then halfcthcwcrthjandrorthcCitty There be fo many rafcals^and tall yeomen A'' Vonid hang vpon mc for their maintenance. Should I but pcepc or ftep within the gates. That I am forfl ondy to eafc my charge. To liuc here in the fuburbes : or in the townc To v\ alkc in Tf»elfr$s,\ tell you fir. Your bcrt retired life is an honcftPunke ]n a to atcht houfe with Garlike : tell not mec. My Punk's my Punke,3nd noble Letchery Sticks by a man,when all his friends forfakc him* Boh* The Poxc it will, art thou fo fcnceleflc grown c. So much indcarcd to thy beftiall luft, "I hat thy originall worth fhould lyc extrncfl And buried in chy fhamc /"fatrc be fuch thoughts From Spirits free and noble; begin to lluc. Know thy felfc^and whence thou art deriu'd, 1 know that competent ftate thy father gauc. Cannot bcyct confum'd. W.S. Tis gon by hcauen. Not a denier is left. Beu. *Tis impolTible. V V. S. Impofltblc zartjl haue had two fuckers. Able to fpend the wealthy C^afus ftorc* Enter FrAttcis^ ^ff«. What are they? W.S. Why a Lawyer & a Whore, Sec hcerc comes oncjdooftthinkc this pctti-coatc, A perfu'md fmock,and twice a weckea bathe, Canbcmainta'in'd withhalfeayearesrcuenews No by heauen,wec Annuall yonger brotiiers, Muft go to't by hole-fale,by hole-fale man Thcfe creatures are maintained :hcr very face Has coft a hundred pound. Fr^.Sir,thankeyourfelt'c» Co^.Thcy keepc this whore betwixt them, /m. You know I did inioy a quiet country life, ("fir, Spotlcffe and frce,till you corrupted mce. And brought me to the Courtjl neucr knew, VVhat flceking,glaziiig,or what preffing meant. Till you prcferd me to your Aunt the Lady, Ikncw no l"0"c tcetb,no ca^ of heire, Na iJltERT'TR/CKS. No McrcHrie wncT,fucds,or perfumes. To helpc a Ladies brcath.vntill your Aunt Learnt me the common trick. fV.S. Ihc common trick Say you,a poxe vpon fuch comrrion tricks. They will vndoc vs all, Ge» And knowing this Arc thou fo WilfuU blind,ftill to pcrfift Imuineand defame? ff.S.VVhat fhould I doc ? Taue paft my word to kecpc this GentlewomaOj Tilll can place hcriohcrownc content. And what is a Gentleman but his word. y*«.Why let her goc to feruicc. fV. S.lo feruicc. Why fo fiiec docs,fhc is my Landereffe^ And by this light,no punie Inne a Court But keepes a/LandreHeat his command To doe him feruice,and (hall not I,ha ! Fr4» Sir^yeu are his friend ( ] loue him to^ Pfbpound a courfe which may aduantage him. And you (hall finde fuch reall worth in me. That rather then He Hue his hindrance, I will a(rume the mo(t penurious (^atc i • The Citty giueme meancs ofUfc. W.S. Why iber's it,you hcarc her what (he fayes. Would not he be damnd that (hoyld foifakc her, Sayes (he not well.can you propound a courfe, To get my forfit land, from yonder roaguc, Parcell Lawycr,parccH Dcuill, all Knaue, ThroatCythroAte, BoH,t^ot I. W.S.Why fo.I thought a$ much, You ar^like our Cittizens to men in need. Which cry 'tis pitty ,a propper Gentleman Should want mony,yet not an vfuring flauc. Will lend him a denicr,to hcipe his wantf. Will you lend me forty (hillings* B«uJI will. f^^.S. Why God-amercy, there's feme goodnefTe in thee, Youfe not repent. Bau.l will nor. W.S. Wiih that money I will recjtemc my forfic land,and wed My Coccatricc to a man of wor(hip , To a mah of wor(hip by this li^hr. SoM.Bm howi* VV.Thus: in Rammc-alley lies a fellow,by name T3^rw^r;onci^atprofcflcUjUw;but indtcd • "" . ■ " ' " Has HaineitTicrIawnorc9nfcicnce,afd!ow / ] That ncucrraw the barte,buc when hhUfc \ Wa^caJdinqucftionforaeoolenage, . i i TlveRogneisrichejtohinngoyoUstcU.biiB ^ ^, Is lately dead,and ih^x my hc?pc$ (taftU faire To gee his oifcly (daughter. If I fpecd. And haue but mcaqes to ftealc away the wcneh, ~ Tel! him I reckon him my chiefeft JfiieascJj To emertaine TS till quf nupjtiall rites •May be accompli flitj,jindco«liiKpsocuW My elder brother mccte me piv the way^ \^ Andbutaflbciaicm?vnrQhi$iwufCr /:^ *rwcarchi£ifaich,rdjCgi«emycunaing7T&w/!tf . Aa honeft flit for all his tric|ciiin Uyvc, . /i' Bou, W hy this (haW b<^ |KJfpftP*?w«.WUVin't^i 'fc«W f^ 5* Lee m< alone for t>e rcftjif I g^|l li^C . . Andgobcyon!d,myopcn«h|Qfe4kwy«r^ ' I • ForallhisboQkftffafr«afTr/c^ij2yia«- :-yi-:n^£ j .Toifi«YpQ©n9iy:b<[&J*s^art4'pick.rufli€»i. -:= Ht-^^U'^v^C j Will you about thisgecne. i?4«* With my bcft (pejcd. , : " ff^5.1hcn fare you welJ»y«>l€.mecj€ me. ^o«, Without liiht W.S* A< III! I ■■-•-'•■ ■ 1 Falle to her fclfcjcan trufly be to no man, Yet know I fay, how ere my life hath loft Thefamc which my Virginity afpyr'd, / |Mp I will be true to theCjmy deed rhall mooue^ Towinfrom allmcnpitty,ifnotloue. . JV,S*Tui, 1 know thee a good rafca]i,lct$ in, And on with all your neate and fineft raggcs. On with your cloakc and faue-gard,you arrant drab. You muft chcate without all confcience, fiitch for thee & me. Do but thou afl what I fhall well contriuc, Weelc teach my Lawyer a new ^^ay to thriue. Sxeunu Enter -^«//'rtf/7ipTafata,rfw Whats that a reads. T^/. Ah how light a treads > Fordurting his filke ftockings,lle tell thee what, A witty woman may with eafe diftir^guilh, All men by tjieir nofc$,as thus .- your nofc 7«/f<»w is lq«ely,large and brawdCj Much like aGoofcyour valiantgcnerou? nofc, A crooked, fmocth,and a great puffing nofc. Your fchollers nofe is very frefli and raw ■ Fotwantof fire in wintcr,and quickly fmcis, ! His cho^pcs of mutton,in his difliofporrage* Your Puritan nofe is very fliarpe and long, B And i MERRT'TRlCKi. And much like your widdovvs,and with cafe can imcll. An cdefying capon fomc fine ftrects off. Enter Boutcher and CoMfiantia, ^(^j'.Omiftris a very proper Gentleman, • j TvUece her (umpe ibould itaad.buc at laft I: ■ - - ^-- ■" ■' HcK Her valiant hwband ftep» me boldly to her, Hclpcs herj flic a flianiedj her hnliband amazed, The neighbours Iaughing,a$ none forbeare, She tells them of the fatall accident. To which oneanfv/crs,thac if her husband Would Icauc his tradc,and tarry his wife about To doe this tricke in pubUke,{hcM get more goli « Then a]] cheBaboones^CaJues with two tailes> Or motions whatfoeucr. Bou. You arc a wag. Taf. He will be gone if wc ncgk<5l to ftay him. ^^^r.Shail I cough or fneeze. T4/N0 1 ha t ftand a fide-. Aye me my handkercher AdriMtttFMkian* t^drMi^iii^ T4f» Runne>riinne,l haue let my haadkerchex fali, Gentleman fnall 1 intreacc a cureeHef B9H. Within my power your beauty ftiill commaad, ; What curtcfic ift. T>/.To doope and take rp, My handkercher* Bp*. Yourdcfireispciformd* T^/. Sir moft hearty thankes .• plcafe you come itt Your welcome (hall tranfcend your cxpc<5tation, Btf/r. I accept your curtcfic, ha 1 what* this ^ Aflaild by feare and hope in a moment. 'BoufhertXhn womanidi paHion fits not men» Who know the worth of frecdome : fliall fmilcs and eyes With their lafciuious glances conquer him / Hath ftill bccne Lord of his affe«5^ions f . Shall fimpringnifenefTcload-floncs but to foplcs, Attra<5l a knowing fpirit?it fliall, it dooes. Not Phceha rifing from ^urtras lap, Sprcds his bright raies with moremaieftique grace, Then came the glances from her quickning eye. And what of this, Co«. By my troth I know not. S"*' B(7«.I will not enter: continued flames- burncf^rong, 1 yet am free,aad rcafon keepes her featc, Aboue all fond affcdlionsjyet is flic faire. Enter uidrtAn, Mr. S ir I bring you thankcs for this great curtciie. And if y ou pleaf^r to enter I dare pr Then a well traded lawy« Ina-whoictermc, Pandarifmt ! why*t is Igrbw^ea Jfbetallicience Or anew fd^, awd the ^ood pjrofdfoTS Will like the BroVirnift fi<^nt gtaueilpits fliorcly^ '> For they vfe woods and-obtcure boles already, 'BntirTfifma.miBmchir* Not marry a widdow* ^^^^No, Tv^^ And why ? ■ Belike you thinke it ba^afidileruanr'^likie, 1 To fe^d rpon teuejfioiiB,^oaboidTS-widdowcs, But as a pie thruA rothe Idwer end That hath had man V fingers int before. And isf eferti'd for grofe *nd himgry^omack«» 'BoH.^oyx much miftakeme. 7w/3Gomc in faith you do^ And let mc tell you chats 'but ceremony. For though the Pyc bee broken vp before. Yet rrfjrtrtfhe-jjto^wr^eithettetfperis obe-t^ And though a capons>wingwwd ^lo^es bex?tft« d. The flcfli leftivi*'drt Niitipc Ihope isfwcct. By worthy Kriigiiti of fairc ^Tts^ornzna^iyof your rcpute«t>d note. To credk fiMXune-tc Jlcrs^apetcy sogue. That ncuer ixm fiuc (hsUings in a hcapc. Will take i^ton him co dtui ne mens face. Yet neuer knowes himfelfc Ihall dye a bcgger. Or be hanged yp ierpiiiftrii)^ cihleHcloaihs> Shins and fmopoi^Bged out to dry on hedges, Tismecrely bafCjiDirtift them,or if there be, A man in whom the 1)tifhkkJjio^ hathbrcath'^ His true diuining Hrc ; tb« canibrccdl. The fi«t decree of fatc,2tcJske»(irc knowfff. What is within the eiieiial}>ke I Of Dcftcny decreed, ottifjotl^ wit. Or mans Inumtien be di(blue4>or Hiund, Thtn giucthy louc ftec fcGpc,imbracc andkiilc^ And to the<^4le ifiilecsleauc th'eucoc. Bou.\io)M 'powcrfiall *tc t heir Mords whom wc affe(^>. Small force (hall necdjto win the firoogeft fort,, If to his ftate the.Capndne be perfidious, I muftimrrate yonitomaemy ^kqpatt For feme fewJiiiuies. iTajflGhDmfrwbait ypu will oftime,. , There lyes your wzy.dBott, J.ftay> Taf, Did you call 6r. ,Bim.No. T^/.Then fare you'WcU. [ Botf^Who gois lolooe^necds not afccond Hell* JEM^Adr B 3 T<,f, L r^^fv I prythee r«w>lfhe«hiurfcft the howf.1j ; niT Let pallion ch^Idreit?,6r.w^akc w©men fway,' ; 'U.?4 bsntllQ Myioucfha^gdiraiyli}^ittcneiiill&b«^tf-» fii:»ir.3iq;ti>iT TW/. Whas d«e& heo^fWs^ hAr'M\%^w^!Teif^aixKdti4^it* hdr;K went his v.-^i^ fliBa^rlo<«fbeh4JJKlhiii^ .•>!:» o T 74/. Sure he's taken^ AtHemlMi'^ilJ' doe in ame^ ^ / t^rj-a^-r H 5ci ^r> Forloucgood^'Mifti-eflcls^raisdiiiketowaxc, - i! j The more 'rls rub'd,1pc(^ick$ the fafter too. Or like a bird in bii'd-!im^,or a pit*fall. The moore a Jaboursiftili the deeper in* a < ., \ Taf. Come,Eh!»ttvm«fihclpeibcnow|l Kaifc*>tridkn j;]' To fecond this begianinlg^^nd in 'the nicl^ • f^ . ' vv f r? • 7 To ftrike it dead ifaich, women muft woe, When men forget what^Nature leads tbeni toa. Enter Throif the Ltwyer fromhfi fitidy^6«k^f andhagt ofmentyonaTMeyathmmmdc^i^t^it oj in A' 7V.Ch*ft Phtsife.filefidenhetts fchaticft jpct,: • Next to my book ^; C/^rfl ;w/^ Thruft ac a barre,and cry my Lord as lowdj As ere alif^ed gowne man of them all. I ncuer plead before the honor'd bench. But bench right- wdrfhipfuli ofpeaccfull luflices And Country-Gentlcmen,and ye: Tauc found Good gcttings by the Maflfcjbcfides od cheatcs, TVtU Small-fhankes land$,and many garboyles more, Dafh. 1>aJhS\t. ThrA$ that reioyndcr done. JD^.Doncfir, Thr, Haue you drawn*t at length,haue you daflit it out. According to your name. ©^/Some feauen^fcow flieetes. 7>Sr. Is the dcmurror drawne twixt ^»/;> and ff'^*^*^ ^ ^ j And what do you fay to Peacocks pi ttifuU bill, Daf,\ haue drawne his anfwer negatiue to all* T^r.N'egatiue to all. The plaintiuc fayes. That William goofi,wzs fonnc to Thomas Goofe^ And will a fweai c the generall bill is falfc. 2)4/. A wiU. Thr. Then he forfwearcs hi$ fathcr,/i$ well. Some of our clients will go prig to hell Before our felues ; has a paide all his fees. Daf.Klth them all with me. T/fer.Thcn trofle my pointj^ And how thinkjft thou of law.? *JDaf. Moft reucrcntly, Law is the worlds great light,* fecond funne. To this terrcftriail Globe,by which all things Haue life and being,and without which Confufion and diforder foone would fcazc The generall ftate of rnenjwarreSjOutrages, The vlcerous deeds of pcace,it curbes and cures. It is the kingdpmes eye^by which fliec fees Thcai^santTthoughcsofmen. ZAr.ThekJngdomeseye, I tell rhee foole,it is the kingdomcs nofe. By which (he fmcli out all thcfe rich cjanfgtefTors, Nor ift of fldlh, but mecrely ma^e of wax, And'tiSjWithin rhe power of vs Lawyers, To wreft this nofe of waxc which way we plea(c : Or it niay be as thou faiii a» eye indeed, ■^■aMi ^ .^- T^ .1 CuriricbejtlsAu'cawQnunjcvc k^o^^yfhhin/ Thats cuer rowling, Daf. one knocks. Thr, G* fee who tis, Scay,my chairr,and gowneiand then go fee who knocks, TliusmiifllTeciue I Lawyer which amindeed. But mccrly dregs and oftfcuAi of the Law, €nt. Bon/Dafh, [irk'eftmoprim9 (^I'sertiMagnit OftdConfiA*- Tis very clcere. ^^^.Godfaueyounr. Thr, The place is very pregnanc,Mainer ^§Mcher \ Mo(l harry welcome lir, i^^w. You ply this geere , You arc no crewanc in the !aw,I fee. ' * Thr, Faith Tome hundred bookes in folio I haue Turnd ouf r to beccer my owne knowledge, But that is nothing for a (ludient* ^#«. Or ^Stationer they (urne them oucf too. But not afyou doc gentill Malftcr Throte, -^ ■ And what f the Law fpeaket profit does it not ^ 7%r. haith Tome bad angels haunt fS now and then. But what brought you hether. :^9». Why chefe fmall legSi T^r. You are conceited fir, J?#»»I am in Law. But lec that poc»and tell me how you doe, Hoiv dots Pf^iUSmAllJhAMkes and bis loucly bride. 7h, Introth you make me blu(h,I fliould haue askt, His health ofyou,buc tis not yet too lare. ^<»«#,Nay good fir Throat forbeare your quillets now. Thr, By Heotien I dealc moft plaincj faw hitn nor. Since la(l I tooke Ms Morgage. ^bi^«Sir be not nice, (Yet I mult need^ herein commend your loue) To let me fcchim; for know \ know him wed. And that a (bie away S«mmtrfi*tds heire. Therefore fufpcdt me no« I am his ffiend* 7^r, How»Wtd to ritch .Jowwrr/e/j^iHiely h^Jffli Is Id So»merfif/die*d f BA^jheire.naywccanfinde, | Yoiirwi!dcftpaths,your turnings and returnes, Yourtraccs/qHats.thcmuffcrs.formcs and holes. You yongmen vfc, ifoncc our fagcft wits Bcfet a huntiqg,are you now crept forth, ! Haueyou hid your head wiihin a fuburbe hole , All this whilc^and are you now crept for'th ? W.^. 'Tis a fiarkc lye. 5.0/. How? W.S. who told you Co Foot«r,a Gentleman cannot Icaue the Citty (did lye, | AndkeepcthefuburbstotalccalittlcPhifick, I ButOraitc fome flauc will fay he hides his head ; I hidcmy head within a fuburbe hole. pr- MERRT-rnrcKs. I conld hauc holes ac Cpurt to hide my head, Were I but fo dirpofcl. Sir OU Thou varlet knaue, T'haft ftolne away Sir M« .^ow^r/rtf/^,; beire, ^ -| But neuerlookcfoi countenance from me, . [ ' Carry her whether thou wilt* ^.5» Father, father Zart-will you vndoe your poRcrky, . Will you fir rndoe your pofterity f I caa but kill my brothcr,then hang my felfe, And where is thcR your houfc^make me not difpare, Footc now I haue g©t a. wcnch,worth by the y eare Two thouland pound and vpwards,to croflc my hopes: WouM ere a clownein Chrirtendom doo't but you, Th.S, Good Fathfcr,let him leauc this thundring. And giue him grace. IV.S, Why law^ra • brother knowcs . Rca(bn,and what an honeft man fliould doe, (behind, S, Ol. WeH, whore's your wife, l^S* Shees comming here ^.O/.Ile giue her fome-what,thoughI louc not thcc, fV^S, My father right,! knew you could not hold j Out long with a woman,but giuefome-thing Worthy your gift and her acceptance father. This chaine were excellent by this good light, Shec fhall giu« you as good, if once her lands Enter Francis ^eard. Come to my nngring.S.O.Pcacc kiiaue,whats (lie'y our wife? ^.>y.Thatl"halI be fir, 5.0/.And what* he. }KS, My man* ^.O/. A Ruffian Knauea is. ;^.^. X Ruffian fir. By hcauen,as tail a man as ere drew fword. Not being counted of the damned crew, A was her fathers Butlcr,his name is "Beard, Of with your Ma»ke,now (liallyoufindemctrue. And that I am^ fonne vnto a Knight, This is my father. S.Ol. I am indeed fairc maide. My f^ile is Knight^: come let me kifle your lips. W.S. Thatkiflfc fhali ^oft your chaine. S.O.It fmacks ifaith, X muft commend your choifc/'r^.^ir I haue giuea A larger venture then true modcHy Will well alio w,or your more graue'r wit Commend, W^S.Idarebefwornefhehas. S. 0/.Notfb« The fooUfh }sjiwc ha'$ bcens accounted wil^e, ^" "■ ^" ' An4 tMER Y'TR IC KS^ ^ ^ / nd fo haue I,but I am now come home. And fo will he. Fra* I muft belccuc it now, FF,S. Beg his chainc wench. i^f.Wil you cheat your father? W.5 I by this light will I. S.O/, Nay figh not, ■ For you fliall findc him lou'tng and me thankf ull : And were it not a fcandall to my honour. To be confenting to my fonnes attempt, YoH-fliould vnto my houfe,meane while take this, Aspledgc and token of my after loue: [ How long fincc dyed your father* W.S. Some fix weeks fince. We cannot ftay to talke,for flaues purfue, 1 haucahoufe fhall lodge vs till the Prieft May make vs fure, S.O/, ^ ell firra,loue this woman. And when you are man and wifc,bring her to me, Shee rtiall be welcome. W.S." I humbly thankc you fir. S*0/, I muft be gone, I muft a wooing too. W.S. loue and Vriafw fpeed you,youle returnc. €xit Sir Oliner and Thorn: Small-[h^»^» T/>.S. Inftantly W.S.Why this came cleanly off, Giue me the chaine,you little Cockatrice, Why this wasluck/oote foure hundred crowned, Got at a clap,hold ftill your owne you whore. And we fliall thriue, Bea. Twas brauely fetcht about. W. S. Jjwhen will your nole and beard performe as much* Fra, I am glad he is gon,aputmetotheblufli, ' When a did aske me of ritch Somer fields death. W«S. And tooke not I my q: waft not good. Did I not bring you off, you arrant drab. Without a ccnintcrbuffc ?looke who comes hecre, And three merry mcHjand three merry men, And three merry men bee wee a. Enter Boucher and Conj}ar< tia. 5o;/. Still in this vaine,lhaiic done you feruicc ^ .. The Lawyers houfe will giue you entertainment, \ Bountifull and free. W.S.Omyfecondfeife, I Come let me buffc thy bcard,wc are all made,i { Why attfomelancholly,dooft want money ? j Lookc heer's goldjand-as we paffc along, ' lie tell thee how I got icpaot a vvord C 3 But i Bur tliat dice's S^»;tfrj?^/af Here are Gemleincn in haft would fpcakc with you, T/;r. What are they ? Da/A cannot know them fir, "They are fo wrapt In Cloakes. T^r.Hauc they a woman ? ^af Yes fir,but flicc's lCIa8kt,and in her riding futc, 7l&r.Goe,makc haft,bring them vp with rcuercnce, Oh |re chcy ifaicb,ha$ brought the wealthy iieire ; Thefe floolcs and cufhions fland not handfomly, Smalp3^>tke^Ft4^.cts and "Beard ^.i'.BIc(rethccT^ro/ff,7Ar.Maiflcr5'w<*/y;^rf»)^ welcome. ^ j VV.S. Wdconic loue,kiflc thisGcntJewoman,7'/(;rorr, T-^r. Your wotfliip fliall cpmmand me. fV^.hrt not weary* !ff<>«.Can you blame her fince flie has rid fo hard > Tifcr.You are welcome Gentlemen, — Da(h, 2)^/1 Sir# TA''. a fire in the great chambcr,quickly, . VV^. I that's well faid, we are almoft weary, • j But M aiftcr TAror^,if any come to inquire For me,my brother.or this Gentlewoman^ y Ve ate not hpte^nor haue you heard of vt; Thr, Not a word fir,hecre you are as fafe Ai in y 3ur fathers houfe. T,S.And he (hall thanke you^ W.5. Th art not merry loue,good maifter Threte Bid this Gentlewoman welcome : fhe is one Ofwhomyou may receiuc feme courtefic In time, T^r, She is moft harty welcome, ' y Vilt pleafe you vvalke into another rooine. Where is both bed and fire, ^K.^w. 1,1, that th«C Good brother Ic^d her in,Maifter Throteznd I -Will follow inflantly,now Maiftcr Throfe txhi It refts withinyour power to pleafure me. Know that this fame is fir Tohn Somerfields Heire, Now if (he chance to queflion what I am. Say fbnne vnto a Lord,! pray thc,e tell her I haue a world of Iand,and fland in hope JTo bee cceated1?arron,for I pi-otcft ' I was conftrain*d to fweare it forty times, Andyet (hec'le fcarce beleeue me, 7'^r, y'<*//rrfyrt/>/>;f/f> Let me alone to fet you out in length And breadth t VV.S. I prethee doo't eflfciflually : Shat haue a quartet fhare by this good hgbc, ^In all (he has,l prethee forget not To tell tier the Smal-^hankes haue bccrie dihcers, Tiltcrs,and very antient Courtiers, And in rcqucl^ at Cotit fince fir fohn Shrt-hofe. With his long filkcLftockings was beheaded. Wilt r J MERY'tRICKS. Wilt thou do this ^ T'Ar. Rcferrc it to my carcT W.Sw, Excclicnt,llcbutfliiftniybootes>andthea / GocfcckcaPricftjthisnightlwiUbefurc, ] If we be furCjit cannot be vndone. Can it Maifter Throte ! Thr. O fir not poffiblc' : You hauc many Prefidents and booke Cafes for*r, Bee you but fuie and then let me alone. W.S. Nay then hang care,come lets in. T/»r. Aha, fksuc you dole UcTyfalUrefa/Untem non ejlfiaus . Exit W.S* Itfliallgoehardbutl will (iripyouboy. . You ftoic the wcnch,buc I muft her i nsoy. Enter Mtflris Tafata^^drianaJfeloWt Come zyidriana^iQW me what thou think'tt, 1 am tickled with conceit of marriage. And whonuhinkft thou (for mejthefittefi husband, • What faift thou to yong Boucher, Adri. A pretty fellow. But that his back is weake* Taf. What dooft" thou fay To7l5?r5/tftheLawyerf ^.s/r/l like that well, VV"erc the Rogue a Lawyer, but he is none, Hce neuer was of any Innc-of-court ; But Inne of Chancery ,whcre a was knowne, But onely for a fwaggcring whyflcr. To kecpe out rogues,and prentifes,! faw him. When a was ftockt for ftealing the cookes fees, A T. iwycc I could like,^or tis a thing, ^ . Vfed by you Cittizcns' wiucs,your husbands dead; To get frcnch hoods you ftraight muft Lawyers wed. r^/.Whatfaift thou then to Nimble Sir 0/<;<..Sw4/-y^4»^^ fiy^dr. Faith he muli hit the haire; a fellow fit, To make a pritty Cuckold, take an old man, Tis now the new eft fafhioii,bettci be An old mans darling then a young mans wailing, Take me the old brifl« knight, the foole is ritch. And will be ftronff enough to father children. Though not to get them, Taf. Tis true he is the man. Yet will I beare fomc dozen more in hand. And make them all my gulls, Mr. Miftris ftand afide, Emer ^0fftcbt:r^4»d ^ofifianfiai • Young Young'Scfttfher conics,Ictnic alone to touch himi £oa. This is the houfe. Con, And thats the chambcT-maidc' JSou. VVhcrx the widdow gentle Adr'tand, Air. The Widdow fir is not to be fpokcn to, 'Bou, Not fpoke to, I muft fpcakc with her* Adr, mufl you? Come you with authority, or do you come To fuc her with a warrant that you muft fpcakc with her. *B^H, Iwould intrcat it. ^dr. O you would intrcat it. May not I ferue your turnc, may not I vnfold. Your fecrcts to my Miftris,loue is your fate, 'Sou* It is fairc creature, Adr, And why did you fall otf When you perceiued my raiftris was fo cuaningj D you thinke (lie is ftill the fame, BouA doc. Adr* Why Coi I tooke you for a nouicc: and I muft thinke. You know not yet the inwardes of a woman* Z>otfyou not know that wowcn arc like fifli. Which muft be ftrooke when they arc prone to bite. Or all your labours loft, but fir walkc here. And He informc my Miftris your defires, (boy Cffft. Maiftcr Bou. boy. Con. come not you for louCyBoM, I do C<7.And you would haue the widdow.B*.! would Co. by I««rj I ncuer fiw one goe about his bufincs More vntowardJy : why fir, do not yon know. That he which would be inward with the Miftris Muft make a way firft through the waiting maydc? If youlc know the w.iddowcs afFedlions Fcclc firft the waiting Gentlc-woman,do it Maifler, Some halfe a dozen kiflcs were not loft, Vppcn this Gentle-woman, for you muft know, 1 hcfe waiting maidcsiarc to their miHrcflcs Like Porches vnto doores, you pafle the one Before you can haue entrance at the other. Or like your mufterd to your peece of brawne. If youlc haue one taft well you muft not fkornc To be dipping in the other Jtell you Maiftcr Tis not a few mens tales which they prcfcrrc, Vnto their Miftrcffes in compafTcofaycare, Be ruld by mc, v ntruffe your felfe to her. Out with all your loue-fickc thoughtes to her, D Kifii J 'r {U:T^K*r -tid giuc her an angell to boy pinncs, i^irici this n-i.iIjV6r.jirr vvinne her Mifttisloue, i Thca all)' our prorc(l.iticns,{tghcs And teares. Enter Tajfata, yidriana* Here th*y come: to her bouldly Maifter, ■2)oe, but dally nor,thats the widdowes phrafe, B(}H, Moft worthy fairc fuch is the power ofloue, Thatnow Icomet*accept yourprofered grace: Ani with fubmiffiacthou'htes t'cntreat a pardon, ] For my fog rofle neglect* T*^/*. Thcrs no offence, j My mind ii changed, >4dr. I told you as much before, j Cofi. VVir h a hey paffc with a repaflc. Be«.Decfeft of wonjcn^ TneconPcantvcrtueofyour nobler mind, i Spealces in your lookcs: Nor can you entcrtaine I Both lone and h ate at once. Tajf. Tis all in y aine, (Maifter \ ^dr.You (Iriue againft the ftrcame.O* Fee the waitiag niaid Bau, Stand thoupropitious, indeere me to my loue 'BoHuher g\ues Adriana his purfe fecretly , u^ir. Deere MiftrclTe turnctothis Gentleman. I protcft^ I haue fome feeling of his conftantloUe, Caft him not away; try his loue,T*^/. Why fir, With what audacious front can you intreat Toinioymyloue.whichyet nottwohowcrsfince, ,- You fcorncfiilly refuf'd.Co». Wei fate the waiting maide, B Yes, t/^*^. what or whom.(fTo get rich vviues,men muft not vfe delay* P 3 Aaus MERYR'TRICKSS Actusg.Scasnai. EKttr Sir Oliuer Smaifhanke, infi^ce Ttitchia, ift Th. a h u nting Sir O liner an d df ye^footc tc, | S 01, vVe ©Id mcii haiiic our crocchecs^our conundrtjoii, i Our 'cgares, quiiks &nd quibibJw, i I A%\\e.\^$yo\xi)\.TiiJticeTHtcktn\^Qto | i To hunt no Buck, but prick a lully Doc, | I Igoeiurutha wooing, /.TlThcfiridewithaic, lie bring ycu to my i\i\st Somerjie/ it, S»Oi. lufti cc not Co by her there hangs * Tale. /. ft*, Tha'ts triic indeed* StOi, 5he has a daughrcrj v/, 7«. And what cf that S>0£. I likewife bauc a fonncj A villanous Boy, his father v|> and downe» What fliould 1 fay., thefc Vcluct bearded boycs wil! ftill be doing, fay what we old men can, /. T*«. «\nd what of this Sir Oliuer ^ be piaine* S. 01. A nimble Spirited knaue, the villainc boy, * \ Has one tricks ofhls/ier, has got the wench. ] Stolne your rich lifieri heire« LTu^Somer-jielth hcire,' | iS.C?/. Has done the deed, has peirft the veflells head, ; And knowe? bv this the vintage, /.7«. when (hould this be, 5. OL As I am by my counfell well informed. This very day , /. Th» Tut it cannot be , Some ten milcsiience I faw the maide laft night. S.O/. Maides may be maides to night and not to (norrcw* Women are free and fell th'eic maiden-heads. As men fell cloath by yard and handful!. But ifyou chance to fee your Sifter widdow. Comfort hcrteares and fay Her daughters matcht. With one that has a knocker to his father. An honeft Noble Knight.1. 7«. Stand dole Knight, dofc. And mirkc this Capraines huinor,hi$ name isPftffit, A dreames as a waikes, and thinkes no woman Emer Cdptaiue^ufe* Sees him but is in loue with him. /**, Twere brauc, /ffbme great Lady through a window fpied mCj, And (Iraight fliouldlouc inc. fay (he (hould fend, |ooo*pound yaio mj Lodging^ Afld L liiii' — ■^' — -^•— O^BRT-f RICKS, And crauc my company : with that mony, I woqid make three rcucral!cJoakes,and line them Witljj bIacksCnmron,and Tawny three pyl'd vcluei^ I would cate at Chares Ordinary ,and dice At Afj'toKies : then would I kccpc my whore. In beaten veJuet,and haue two flauei to tend her^ S.O/, Ha,ha,ha. Puf. What my cafe of luftices. What arc you caues-dropping,or doe you thinkc. Your tawny coates wiih grcfic facings here, ShaJI carry it ? Sir 0/s»er Smal-^^^nkfs, Knowmynamcis^«#^^,kn?ght,thcehauelfoughf, , ^ To fright thee from thy wits. /. 7«fNay good Sir T/y^, Wee haue too many mad men already* P»/. How ? I tell thee lulUce 7V^;&/CT,noc all Thy BaylifeSjScrgants, bufic Conftables, Dcfefants,warrants,or thy Mittimufles, Shall faue his throte from cutting,if he prcfume. To woe the wi d do w eclippcd Tafata^ Sheeismy tvifebyoth. Therefore take heed. Let me not catch thee in the widdowes houfe. If I doejlc pick thy head vpotj my fword. And pific in thy very vifn0my,beware,bewarc. Come there no more,a Captains word. Flies not foficrcc as doth his fatall fword. SxltPuft^ i ^.O. How like you this,{hall we indure this thunder, i Or gcvJ no further. /.Tk. Wc will on Sir 0//wr, ] We will on,lct me alone to touchim, i Iwondcrhowmyfpiritdidforbeare, ' i To fttikc him on the face : had this bcenc ipoke. Within my Libertics,had dyed for it» *. ^ . t. . ^"^'^ Cap.Vsfe. S.O.I was about to draw. P«Of you come there Thy beard (haU ferue to ftuffe.thofe balls by uhich' I get tne heat at Tenice, f.Tu, Is he gon. ^.v/r P^fc. I would a durft a flood to this awhile, Well I fhall catch him in a narrow roome. Where neither of vi can flinch ; Ifl do. He make him dance a trenchmooreto my fysord. Come lie alpng with you to the widdo w. Wee Vw^ MnRTR-TRlCKES ^ We vvillHctb^out-braucdjCakemy word, 1 VV cdc not be wrongd while 1 can draw a Tword. Exitt ' j Enter Throatcind other G<»t\ennH ^ ] Thr. Let the Coach (Uy at fliovvlanc end: be ready. Let the boo.c iXiwA opcu and.whcn flie's in : I lui ry towards Saint (/»/?$ in the field. As if the Diuell himfcli'c were waggoner, . Now for an armcofoakc, and heart ofrteclc. To bcare away the wench, to gee a wife, A gentlewoman^ a maidc, nay which is more, ^nhoneflniaide, and which is moft ©fall, , A ritch and hcneft maide: O hue O lone^ For a man to wed uich a wife as this, • Is to d well in the furbutbs of Heaucn, i.Cjcr,. 1$ fine lb cxquefite. T-^r. Sir flic is ritch, And a great heirc z.Gen. Tis the more daugeroBg, 71^^. Dangerous! Lord where be tliofc gallant fpritcs! The time has bcefie when fcarfe an honneft woman, M uch Icrte a wench could paffe an Innc of court. But foms of the fry would hauebecnedooing. With hciv I knew the day when Shreds a Taylor, Comming once late by an Inne ofChanccriej Was laid along, and muRed in his cloake, His wife tooke in, Stycht yp, turnd out againc. And he perfwaded all.wasbut in left. Tut thofe braue boyes are, gone, thefe which arc left, Are wary lads, liuc poring on thtir bookes. And giue their lynnen to their landrefles. By tayle, they now can faue their purfes, ] knew when euery gallant had his man. But now atweluepeny wcckely Landrcflc, Will fcruc the curnc to halfe a dozen of them, Erjterpajff, Here comes my man.what ncwcs? Daf, As yott would wifli, The Lady Samer -field is c6aic to townc. Her horfes yet are walking, and her men fay, Hcroncly daughter, is conuayd away, - ■ , Noc man knowes how: now to it mailer. You tnd your feruanc "Dafh are made for eucf^ If -W«i>»lH*»^»^|Wit»Fr " -.'■'■ I'l'll^^'^''—" "' .'A ■•■II I I 1" MEltY'TRICKS. If you but ftick to it now. Tl&r.Gefitl^meii, Now Oiovv your fclucs at fuil,and not a man, ;| But fliarcs a fortune with me if I Ipced, Enter JViUiam Smaljbanke Boutcher^ThomAS Swrf/- (hayike^ Francis and ^eard vpt, h a torch. T. (jen^ Tut fcare nocys, be furc you runne away. And wtelcpcrforme thequaricU.T^r.Stand ciofe,thcy come,' ^,S. AU furc he will be hcre.Fr.Moft (MxzJV,S:Be^rd,'BS)X, IV. S* Bearc vp the torch,and kcepc your w^y apace DiredUy to the Saiioy. r^.^.Hauc you a Licence, Looke to that brother before you marry. For fcare the Parfon loofc his benifice. fl^iJ, Tut our Curat craucs no liceocc^a fw«re$ Hi? liutng came CD him by a miracle, * t^<;». How by miracle Pff'*^. Why a paid nothing fort, . Afwarcs thatf^ew be frecfrom (ymony. But onely Welchtnen,and ihofe a faycs to, Arc but mountaine Pricfts, J?fl«. B ut hang him foole he lyes* i Whats his rcafon? W.^. His reafon is this, I That all their liuings arc fo rude and bare, | That Hot a man,will venter his damnation By giuingmonyforthcm: a does proteft, Thercisbuttwapaireof hofcandihooes, * ^ ^ InallhisParifh. i.6'f;;.Holdvp your light Sir. jBf^.Shalll be taught how to aduancc my torch, (analTe. ^♦S»\A hats the matter Leiftenant. 2.(j Ccmcwc will find her,or wcele-firetheSubmbsr Put vpyourtooles,Iettsfirftalong(hew-]anc, Then flraightvpFJoibornCjlf we find her nota Welc thence dirc6l to Thro;tes\\^()cit be loft, ^ I am vndone and all your hopes are croft. • £fi9t, Enter Sir Olmcr SmalePmnk^^ luftice Tutchim^ cMiJlrisTafataft/fdriana^, 5.0/.Widdow Imuft be fhort, ht.Ttt.SirOliHeri Will you fhameyour felfe.ha/ You muft be ftiort. Why what a word was that tatell a widdow? S,Ol. 1 ment I muft be brcefeJ«r.7i«#, Why fay fo thcn^ Yet thats almoft as illjgo tOjfpcakc on* S.O. Widdovv I muft be brcefejwhat old men doc. They muft doc quickly.TV/.Then good fir do it, Wi'ddowes are lildomeflow to put men to it. » . . S.O, And old men know their//, my loue you know. Has bin protefted long, 'and now I ccme, To make my latcft tendcr,an old grownc oake Can keepe you firom the raincand ftands as faire. And portly as the beft. Taf, Yet fcarch him well, 4 ^ And we fhaH find no pithe or hearty Timber To vnderlay a building, Ih.Th, I woiild that cake. Had beene a fire.forward good fir Olmery Your Oake is naught; fticke not too much to that. | S/>-0/.IfyoucanUke,youftiallbeLadified, \ Liuc at the court,andfooncbe got with child, ' ■ ' I What do you thinkc we old men can do nothing? (wels, j I/^.T^/^.Tbis was fomewhat like.-Sir O/.You ftiall hauc le- I ABaboonc,PaKat,andanIzeland Dog, ' | Andlmyfclfctobeareyoucompany, ' . -^ Your ioynier is fiuc hundred pqund by ycarc, J ' ' ' Bcfidcs ^^^- ^-" I h i ■■■* I ■■*■*■ MBItRY-R ICKS, Be Wes your Platcyour Chaincs and houfliould fiuffci When enuious fact fliall change tiii-j mortall life. Taf, But flialilnot boouer-cloydc wich louc? Will you nor to be too buricPlliall 1 kecpe My chamber by the monih,if I bee pleafd To take Phificke^to fend for Vifitants, To haue my roaide read Amddis de Gmle, Ot'DonzxUelPhosbo to mc ? fhall I haue A Carotch of the laft edition. The Coatch-mans fcatc a good way from thtf Coatch, That if fome other Ladies and my feifc Chance to taike bawdy,hc may not oucr-hcarc vs. 4$'.0A All this and more, T^/.Sh all we haue two chambel$? And willyou notprcfumc vnto my bed. Till 1 fhajl call you by my waiting maide. S^Oty Not 1 by heaucn. Taf, Mid when I fend her, ' Will you not intice her to your luft. Nor tumble her before you come to me. Adr, Nay let him do his worft,makeyour match fiire. And fcare not me,T neuer yet did fcarc. Any thing my maifter could doc to me. Kf^ocl^^ T^/. What noife is that^goe fee Adna»a, And bring me word .- 1 am fo haunted ,With a daggering Captaihe,that fwearcs, God bleflevs. Like a very TannagAnt.z Raskall knaue, ey:ter. Thar faies he will kiii all men which feckcs to wed mc. Adu Kdr. O MiftriffcICaptaine Ttiffe halfc now Commingyp ftaires.^.O/.O God haue you no roome. Beyond thisChambcr,has fwornc to kill mc. And piflc in my very vifnomy, TV- What are you afraid Sir.O/iner^S- 01. Not affraid. But of all men 1 loue not to meddle with a Drunkard.* Haue you any Rome backwards. T"-*/ None Sir. /». Tu, Is there ncre a Truncke or Cobbert for him. Is there nercahdlcbackwarbs to hide him in, {ap'^u. /muft fpeake with her. S, Ol. O God a comen Adr, Creepe vndcr my Miftris Farthingale Knight, Thats the beft and fafeft place in the Chamber. ^ / r«. I therc,iherc that he will neuer miftiuft. ~~ , *--^ t. ki "AiBRRt-r ricks: !!^^. Enter Knight, kecpe clofc, gather your fcire 1 Round like a Hcdg-hog,ftir not what crc you hcarc. Sec or fmell Knight. God blcflc vs, here a comes* £»/. CPm* C4, *Pu» Blcfle thee v\iddow and wife. Taf, Sir get you goii Leauc my houfe or I will haue you coniur'd With/uch i fpell you neucr yet haue heard of^ Haue you no other place to vent your ftoth. But in my houfcjis this the fitceft place. Your Captaincfhip can find to puffe in ha? Ci P»^ How, ani 1 not thy fpoufc, didft thou not fay, Thefc aimes (liould clip thy naked body faft Betwixt two linnen ftiects, and be fole Lord, OraUthypeucerworke,tby wordispaft. ' - And knowjthat man is pouder, duft, and eartha That (liallonce dare tothinkc thee for his wife. Taff, How now you flaue, one call the ConftabIc> ^'^«. No-Conftable with all his Holbertiercs, Dare once aduance his head or peepevp ftaires, If I cry but keepc downe:haue I notliu d. And marcht on ficged walls, ' Inthunder, lightening, raine, and friow. And cake in ^oiteofjfpoudered bails, Whofe coftly markes are yet to fliew. Taf, Captains Face, fov my hfkhuCbands fakei # Wth whom you were fo familiarly acquainted, • I am content to winkc at thefe rudetrickes. But hence, trouble me no more, if you docj & . I fhall lay you faft, where you fhall fee, No Sunne or Moone. C P/i.Nor yet the Northerne Polci ' , j A fico for the Sunne and Moone,let meliuein ^ hole,- ^ So thefc two ftarres may fiiine, .T^jj^.Sir get you gonne. You fwaggering cheating Turne-buU-ftfectc roague. | Or I will hale you to the common-lay le, - where Lice (hall eat you, ^.*P«.Gojco,Ii}iallfpurne, And flafli your petty-coate, T*^/.Runnc to the counter, ; Fetch nac a red-bearded Sargcant, ile mak,e You Capta^ne thinke the Deuili of hell is come. To fetch you,ifh« once fa^n on you. , /^/#. Dambe thee and thy Sargeant5,thou Xierccrs Punkci ■ .... .r' ^ ■ . . ihiis (J^ERY'TR/CKS. Thus will 1 kick thcc and thy Farthingales.' 5.01. Hold Captaine. (f./'^. What do you caft your whclpJ^ What haue 1 found you fir? haue not 1 plac'd My Sakers, CuIucringSjDcmi-cuIuerings, My Cannons, Dcmi-cannons, Bafilifk?, Vpon her breach, and do I not fland. Ready with my Pike to make my entry. And arc you come to man herf S.O/. Good Captainchold, ^P«. Are not herBulwarkesjParapets, Trenches, Scarfcs, Counter- fcarfes, Fortifications, Curtaines, Shaddowes, Mines, Counteimines, Rampires, Forts, Ditchcs,,Workes, Water-workes, And is not her half e-raoone miHC,and do you bring, . A refcuc good man Knight. Taff, Call vp my men, Efiter 2, Where be thefeknauesjhauc they no cares.or hearts, or 3 .n>ith Bc«e hence this rafcall jfomc other fetch a warrant, cluh, Ilcteach him know himfelfc, I.Tu. Downe with the flaue, S.O/ Tis not your beard fhall carry it,downe with the rogue ^.P«.Not //l?rf»/tfsgainfttwenty,/,7«, A firra, €x*Fdcc, 1 knew my hands no longer could forbcare him, . Why did you not ftrikc the Knaue, fir Oliueri S.O/. Why fo Idid, /.T«. But then it was to late, S,OL What wouM you haue me do when I was downcj And hoe flood thundering with his weapon drawne. Enter ^drmna. Ready to cut my throatc. nA^r, The roague is gone. And hcr's one from the Lady S. T^r Pay the Coatch-man 2)a/h,pzy him well, And thank him for his fpeed. Now rJtiat Rex^ ' The knot is : .it which not the Law it fclfe, ' ■ E 3 Witi* - ^-— —■ . ' J -. — . — , — ■ •■■■ . I . . 1 I I iiir " untr-r RICKS. With all hU 'Hydra heads and ftrongeft ncniej; • Is able to dilioync : No w let him hang, Fret on: his ;i5Ui:s,ind fvvcarc the ftarres from bcauen, A ncuer fliall e:iioy you^you fhall be rich. Your Lady mother this day came to to wnc In your piufutc ; wee will but rhift fome ragges. And (kaight go take her bleffing. Fra. That muft not bc» FurniiTi me with Ic vvels,and then my felfc. I Attended by your man and hone(l^tf«2r.j/, v^ [ Willchethcrfirft,and with my Lady mother ^ \ Craue a peace for you. Thr^, I like that well, • |^ Her anger (bmc-what calm'dj brisk and fine, ;^ Son\c halfe houre after will prefcnt my felfc As Ibnne in law vnto bcr which (he muft needs Accept with gratious Jookes, Fra. I when fhce knoww Before by nie,from what an eminent plague Your wifdomc has prcferu'd me. Thr. I, that,that. That will (Irikc it dead : but heerc comes "BcArd» Znter 'Beard, 'Bed, What are you fure^tide faft by heart and hand4 . Thr, 1 now da call her wi^ejOie now is mine. Scald and deliuercd by an honeft Prieft, -^ At Sam Giles in the field. Beti, God giue you ioy fir. Thr. But where $ mad Sm^l-Jhanh* 'Se^r, O hard at hand, And almoft mad with lofTe of his faire bride. Let not my louely Miflrcffe bee feene. And fee if you can draw him to compound For all his title to her,l haue Sargiants Rc:^dy to do the feate,when time (hall ferue. Jlyr. Stand you afidc dcerc loue,nay I wil firkc My filly nouice,a8 he \A'a8 neuer firkt Since Midwiues bound his noddle : hecre they come. Enter JV.SmalJh.Th.Smaljh.and^oHcher, W,S» O Maiftcr r-6m^,vnlefle you fpcakc good ncwcs^ ■■ My hopes arc croft,and I vndofic for cucr. Thr, I Bcucr thought you'd come to other end. Your coutfcs hauc bcenc alwaycs fo prophane, Extrauagantandbafc. W.S. Nay good fir hearc ? , Di J not my loac rccumc ? came ftic not hcthcr ? %itiA.iin-. ■ -. _,.■. ^ .■.■i:...-^.^^ : MERY'tRlCKS. ^ ^ 'tor hues louc fptake. nr.Sir will you get you g©n. 1 And fcckc your louc elfewhcrc/or know my hoHfe, Is not to enterraine fuch cuftomers, I As you'and your comrades, fFS. Is the man mad, ' \ Or drunke, why Maiftcr Tkroate know you to whom i You talkc Co fawcily/' T^r. Why vnto you. And to your brother Smalfhankes, wilj you be gon,^ | Bott, Nay good fir hold vs nor in this fufpcnce, ' ! Anfwere directly came not the Virgin hcthcr, Thn will you be gon directly i'arc you mad? Come you to fccke a Virgin mTlam>allcy: So ncere «n Inne of Court and among(t Cookes, ' Ale-men and Landrcfles.^. why arc you foolcs? . • j W'.^. Sir leauc this firkeoflaw or by this light, * J : lie giuc your throate a flit, came fhe not h ether, ^ Anfwere to that point, Thr, VVhu haue you loft heri* Come doc not gull your frcinds, py.S, By heauen fhecs gon^ . Vnles rhe be returnd iince we lafl leftyou. rhr. Nay then I cry you mercy fhe came not hcthcr, As I am an honneft man,.If^ pofT ble. A maid fo loijcly (aire, fo well demeand. Should be tookeffomyouJ'what frcm you threef So youngjfo braue^and valiant Gentlemen. Sufe It cannot bee, n o^'w. Afore God tis true. «^. i'w. To our pcrpetuall fhames tis now to true, Thr, Is fl\e not left behind you in thcTaucrne, Are you fureyou brought her ouii were you not drunke. And fo forgot her, h^.Sm, A pox on allfuch lucke, - 1 will find her, or by th is good 1 ght I le fire all the Citiy, come lets goc. Who euer has her rhall no t long enioy her, lie prooue a contra^.-lcts waJke the round, ' lie haue her iffheekeepeaboue the ground, Exst, Z^;'. Ha ha ha, a makes me fpor t ifaiih. The gull is mad, f^arke mad, D^Jh draw the bond. And a feleafc ofall his intercii In this ny loued wife.^S^r^. I be fure ofihat, Far 1 hauecertainegdblins in bufFe lerkins, e»t.ry,ith the . I.yc in arobufcado for him.Ofl arcfl yo« fir, ^ar^e^nts. '■" ■ — "" — I I^ J. i .JL ' -'. ' ll. ' ';.^^ ' ' ' ."^'». ' ':. ' .i."f .» ■!■■»■ > ■ .--- . I , J I 11,1111 ^/m^fff^ ?^. r. Rcsltuc,resku> T/j^O he is caught, W.^f.Ilcg'nieyoii Hw'^ oif hot^di catch.poIc$,Af.71{'rtf^tf>good,wife, (bailc Lcarned^and honed maiftcrT/(;rtff^, now, now. Now or pcuer hclpe mc. Thret, Whats the matter ? * W.i*. Here are two r£taincrs,hangerson iir. Which will confumc more thcn-.ten iiuerics,. iFby your meancs they be not ftraitefhooke off, .1 I am a'rrcfted. Tkr, Arreftcd r what's the fummc? -W. Of all your claimc to Miftrefle Somerfield* W«3'. Sergeants do your Idndc, hale mc to the hole. Scale a relcafe.Sargeants come,to prifon. Scale a releafcforMiftrifrc *y<7W?r/^/i^, Firrt 1 will ftinck in Iayle,be cate with Lyce, Indure an obic6l worfe then the DcuiU himfetfc. And that's ten Sergeants peeping through the grates Vpon my lo wfic linncn:come to laylet Foote a rclcafe. T*»i'.rThcr's no confcience in it. Bm. ' tig a demand vncharitable. Thr„ Nay choofe, fVrf» I c^n hold no longcr,impudent man. VV.S, My wife/oote my wife,lct me go Sergeants; Fra.O thoup'srfidious raanldarft thou prefume To call her wife,whom thou To much haft wroog'd? What conqneft haft thou got,to wrong amaide, A filly harmelcfle maidc? what glory ift That thou haft thus decciued a nmple Virgin, And brought her from her friends? what honor waft For thee to make the Butler loofc his office And runne away with thee. Yoiit tricks arc knownc ; . Didft thou not fweare thou ftiouldft be Bar6niz*d ? And hadft both lands and fortunes ? both which thoa wantft. W.S. Foote that's not my fault,! would ha' ' '. ; dt Iflcoiildgctcui^ fr^.Xkflowyoiu: trick, ": " " ' — — ■ And yiMMi MERRT-mCKES. An^ know 1 now am wife vnto this man, Omft. How? Thr.l chankc her fir,{he has now vbuchfaft Tocafthcrfelfconme. Fr^.Thereforc fubfcribe. Take fomc-what of him for a full relcafe, And pray to God to make you an honcft man. If not, I doe proteft by earth and Heauen, Although I ftarue,thou ncuer flialt inioy me. Tear. Her vow is paft,nor will (he brc'ake her word, ; Looke to it mirchcr • Fra. 1 hope a will compound. ^.S. Foote fliall I glue two thoufand poand a ycarc For nothing* T.i'. Brother rul'd by me. Better to take a little then loofe all. Tom You fee (hee s rcfolute, y' had bcft compound. W.S. He fitft be damn'd ere 1 will loofe my right, Vnlcfleagiuemevpmyforfitmorgage, - And baile me of this aftion. FraSir ycu may choofc. What's the morgage worthf VV.S.Lcrs haue no whifpcrlng. Tifcr.Some forty pounds a yearc. Fr^.Doe it^doe it. Come y ou fliall do it,we will be rid of him, At any rate. T'^r.'Z)4/^,go fetch his mo rgage. So that your frirnds be bound,you fhall not claimc TitIe,righr,pofrefTion,in part or whole, In time to coinc,iu this my loued wife.- I will reliorc the morgage jpay this debt, ^ And fet you free. «^.S. They iliallnot.'5(j«.VVe will, ^^ Come draw the bond$,and we will foone fubfctibe theai. Enter*Z>afi, T^r^ They're ready drawne; here's hi s relcafe, Sergiant s let him goe.2)<«/^.Here's the morgage fir', ^.S.VVas cucr man thus cheated of a wife: 1^ this my morgage^T^rThe very fame fir, rr^S. Weill wi 1 fubfcribe,God giue you ioy, Although 1 haue but little caufe to wi fh it. My heart will fcarceconfent vnto my hand, Tis done.TAr-.You giucthii as your deeds.O«?».Wcdo9, ^ 77;r.Certifie them 'Da/h, W S.What am I free. TAr.You are,Sargiants I difchargc you. p^ . There's your fees. i5tf<«.Not fo^ mn^ haue mony. ^ 2l&*-.IIe palTc 0jy yfoxd^Bea.fofttre^yfoxdi «c wind, - P - - I ■ mllMlli .iMiWiiii.! tot,wi^^^ come hcther; Heerc take this money ; goc borrow lewcls Of the ncxtCold-fmith: ^^^r^ take thou thcfebookcs, Goe both to the Breakers in Ferrer lane, \ Lay theminpavtncforaVeluetlerken i AndadoubleRuffe,tell himafliallhaue . ^^ i Asmuchforloane tonight,asIdogiuc |i Vdially for a whole circuit,which done f You two fliall man her to her mothers : goe. Ex, \ My fate lookes big ; me thinkes I fee already, 1 Ninctcene gold cnaines/euenteene great bcards,and ten I Reuerentbaldheads,proclaimcmy way beforf me, ; My Coacchfhall now go prancing through Chcapfide, t And not be forft to hurry through the ftrcctes, ! ForfeareofSargeants: norHialJIncedtotryc, ' Whether my wcl-graft tumbling fbot-cloth nag, I Be able to out-runnc a wcl-brcath'd Catchpolc, I now in pompe will ride,fot *tis moft fit, Hccfbouldhaucftateihatrifcthbyhisvvic Exi A(5lu$4. Scasna.t." S,Ol, Good meatc the belly fils,good wine the braine. Women pi cafe men, men pleafure them againe^ Ka me,ka thee,onc thing mjft rub another, EnghQi louc ScotSjWelfhraen louc each other, I.Ttt, You fay very right fir 0//»^r, very right, I haue'c In my aoddic itaith^Thac'^ all the fiituic : : Gid I 1 MEMY.TRlCKtS. Old luftices bauc,when they arc at feafts. They will bib hard,they will be fine Sun-burnt, Sufficicnc/ox^to^CoIumbcrd now and than, Now could I fit in my chayre at home and nod, A diunkard to the ftocks,by vcrtue of The la'ii ftatiitc rarely. Taf. Sir you are merry, /.7W. I am indeed. 7>/. Your fuppcr fir was light, But I hope you thinfcc you welcome. /.T«.Idoc, A light fupper quoth you,pray God it be. Pray God 1 carry it cleanly,! am furc it lyes] . As heauy in my belly as moult lead. Yet lie goe fee my Sifter SommerjUU* S.O. So lare good luflice. I.Tft. I euen (o late.' Night is the mother of wit,a$ you may fee. By Poets or rather Conftables ]n their examinations at midnight, Weelc lye together without marrying, Saue the Curats feeff,and the parifti a labour, Tis a thriuing courfe. iS.O/.Thar may not be, Forcxcemmunications then will flee. A7«,Thats trucjthcy flic indeed likewild-gc^^<^> In flocks,one in the breech of another. But the befl is a fmall matter ftayes them, And fo farewell. S.O.Farwcll good luftice Ttitchinf, Exif* Alafic good Gentleman his braines are crafcd. But let that paflc : fpeakc widdow ifl a match. Shall we clap it vp, ^^r-.Nay if 't come to clapping. Good night ifaith,Mifiris lockc before you. There's nothing more dangerous to maidc or widdow, Thcnfuddaine clapings vp,ncthinghas fpoyld. So m4ny proper Ladies,as clappings vp : Your fliittle-cock,flriding from tables to ground, Oncly to try thcftrengih of the backe. Your riding a hunting,! though they fall, With their heel cs vpw ard.and 1 ay as if They were taking the height,of fomehigh ftarrt With a aofle flaffe : no nor your iumlings In horsflittcrSjCoatchci or caroatchcs, Haucipoil4 fo many wodko as dappingi vp. *mt ■ . 5.0/.Why then wcele chop it vp. Taf, Fbats not alowcd, Vnlcffe you wcrcfonne to a welch Curate : Bui faith fir Knight I haue a kind of Itching, • To be a Lady »that I can tell you woes. And can pctfwade with better rethorick, Thenothes,wit,wealth,vafour,Iand!J,orperron, I hanc Tome debts at court,and marrying you, 1 hope the Courtier will not flick to pay me. Si ()/. Neucr feare thy paimcnt This I will fay^ For Courtiers theylc be fure to pay each other. How ere they deale with Cittizens.T'^/.Then heres my hand;, I am your wifCjCondition we be ioynd, ' Before to morrows funne. 5'/>0, Nay euen to night Soyou be pieafd with litile warning widdow, ; We old men can be ready, and thou (halt fee, ] Before the time that chanticleerc, Shall call and tell the day is necte, \ When wenches lying on their backs, • Recciue with icy their loue-ftolne fmacks. When maids awak'c from their firft fleepe, ') Deceiud with dreamcs begin to weepe, And thinke of drcameSjfuch pleasures know. What fport the fubftancc them would lliow, j When Ladies gin white Lymmes to fpred, 1 Her loue but new ftolne to her bed. His cotten fliowes yet fcarcc put oflf, j And dares not laugh,fpcake,fneeze,or cough, ;*j When precifc dames begin to thinke, . ' ' .1 Why their grofefouring husbands ftincke, •• What pleafures twere then to inioy, A nimble viccar,or a boy. Before this time thou (halt behold, Me quafling out our brydall bole. ■ vi^y.Then bdike before the morning Sutlne You will be coupled. TafJYcs faith Aariana, f^dr. Well I will looke you iTiail haue a cleaHc (inack, Prouided thit you pay the fee -V/V 0//; Why a dog feazd on ten dayes by death • Stinkcs not fo loathfomc as his breatb> Nor can a citty common laques, i Which all mcrfs Breeches vndertakes, Ycfld fafling ftomakcs fuch a faaour, Asdochhisbrcath.andvglyfauour, 5.0/. Rogue,. ' pyidr.Th;it% all one fir,fhe meancs to be a Lady, W.S.Docs Hie fo,and thou muft be her waiting woman* Ftiirh thou wilt make a fine dainty creature. To fit ar. a cha;pb;rd60reand.l'iok<.- fleas ) Inmy Ladiesdcg,\Vhiieni5is(hovvii>g • Somcfl)pperybriccluCounicrrarefaces> In a by-vvindov : 'bote widdow^ Marry me a yong and cbmpjcate gallafltv . ■ : - • Taf4. Haw acoihplcat g,alJdnt,.? '^hatf^ fftH^iiv^ • -'F 3 " *' VVkU.. itu.. I in K MEKYR-TRICKBS With a hat tuckt vp bchind,and what we vfe. About our iilppcs to kcepcpur coacs from dabling/ He weares about his ncckii farthingale, Aflandingc'oliertokeepehisneatebandcleane, Tiic whiUt his fhirc doth rtinke and is more foule. Then an Inne ofcbanGcry table cioath: His breeches miirt be plcited as if he had Some thirty pockets, when one poore halfpeny purfe, Will carry all his treafurc, his knees all pDints, As if hisleggcsand hams were tied logcather, A fellow that has no infide, but prates < By roate, as players and parrots vfc tqdoe. And to define acompleat gallant right, A mercer form d him, a Taylor makes him. And a player giues him fpi ight, W. Sm. Why fo in my confcience to be a counteflc Tfiou wou!dft marry a hedg-ho?.- 1 muft confeflc, Tis ftate to haue a coxe-corabe kifle your hands. While yet thechamber-ly rs fcarfc wiptc ofli To haue an vpright vflrr march before you Bare headed in a Tufcafata ierkin, Madcof youro'd caft gowne,flicwes paflirig well. But when you fecic your hufbands pulfes,thats hell. Then you fly oUt an'd bid Ihaiti^nockcs farewell, T<«/i I hope fir wh^t ere our hufbands be. We may be honeft. H^.Sm. May be nay y'arc Women and honefty *re as neere allicdi As parfons Hues are to their do^rincs, One and the fame,but widdbw now be ruld, 1 hope the heaucns will glue thee better grace. Then to accept the father, and I yet liue. To be beftowed if you wed the ftinkcrd. You (hall find thct ale of TW»m/«/ ^ ' To be rioe fable widdow.5#.(?/.H oWl fwcate, I can hold no longer, degenerate baflard; * Iheere difclaimethce,calheer€ thee, nay more^ I difhiahcrit thee both of my 1ouc,{ And liuing.get thee a gray cloake and hat ^ ^ And walkc in Paulc* among thy caihcttd mates*- " 4 4 .r« t-^ I CMERr-f RICKS. As melancholly as ilic bcfl: T^f. Come not nccrc mcj 1 forbid-thee my houfe: my out hoiifcs. My Garden, Oi chard, and my backfidc. Thou Hialt not harbor necre mc/5'/>.0/,Nay to thy grcife^ KrTow varlet I will be wed this morning. Thou (halt not be there nor once be grac'd, With a pcccc of Rofemaiy, He cafheerc thee. Do not reply I will not flay lo hcere thee, f-KSw. Now may I goe put me on a cleane Aiirt, And hang my felfc.foot who would hauc thought. The Fox had carth'd fo neerc nicjwhats to be donc> What Miracle fhall I now vndertake, To winne refpe(5liuc gi ace with God and men ? Whatif Iturn'd Courtierandliu'dhoncft f Sure that would doe, I dare not walke the ftrccts. Fori dwindle at a Sargeant in buffe, Almoft as much as a new Player docs. At a plague bill certefied forty, Well I like this widdow,alufty plumpc drab. Has fubftancc btfth i n bretch and purfe. And pitty and finncit were fhe fhould be wed To a furd cloack and a night^rcap. He hauc her^ This widdow I will hauc : her money Shall pay my debt8,and fet me vp againe, Tis hecrc, *tis almoft for.i^'d,which if it take/ The world fhall praifc my wit,admire my fate. Sxit^ Snter Beardy 'jD^/h, Trancis, Sargeant ^ Drawers, 5" '» I I ■■ ! ■ <» UM.I.>Pi|iii9< MBRTR-TRICKES Then ten oryoin Gentlemen ofrorc. 2^.7;A. Sir vTe her wcli,fliee's wife to Maiftcr Throatet S,-?r. lie vfc her lir a$ if flie were my wife, WouJd you hauc^ny more. Bea. Drinkc vpon that, WiViTft wc goe fecch hsr baylej £)r4,Faith.Captaine, I attend a conucnticic of Players. Ca* How PIaycrs,what is there ere a Cuckold among them ? Dra, loue defend, elfc it ftands with pollicic. That one (hould be a notorious Cuckold* If it be but for the better keeping, Thercft of his company together. C^^ When did you fee fir Thecphr^flus Slop, The Citty Dog-maiftcr ? T)ra.Hot to day fir. C/?;>.Whatiiaae you for my fuppcr. 2)M.Nothing ready Vnleflc you plcafc to ftay th drcffing Captaine. C4^, Zowncs flay the drcffing.ycu damned rogue. What fliall I wajte vpon your greafie cooke, And waite his lcafurc,go dov/ne ftaires rogue, Now all hcrothcr cufiomcrs be fcru'd, Aske ifyour Miftrcffc haue a fnip of Mutton Yctleft for me. Dm. Yes fir. Cdp, And good-man roague? See what good thing your Kitchin-maide has left Forme to workcvpon^my batrow-gutlingj grumble And would haue food i Say now 'he Vintners wife iMERT-rRICKS. Should biing mc vp a PhcaCintjPartridgCjQuane^ Apleafantbanquetjand extreamly loue me, Delirc nie to cate,ki{re,and protctt, I fhoiild pay nothing for it/ay flie iliould drinkc Her felfe three quarters drunke,to winvmy loue, Then giue nie a chaine,worthTomc three fcore poundf^ , Say twere worth but foi ty,fay but twenty, For Cittizens do fildome in their wooing, . ' . Giuc aboue twenty pounds: lay then *tis twenty, , )Ie gocfell fome fifteenc pounds worth of the chain^' To buy fome clothes.ahdlbifc my lowfie lianen. And wearc the reft as a perpcruall fauour. About my arme in fafliion of a Bracelet, Say then her husband ftiould grow iealious^ • Ide make bin drunke^and then He Cuckold h!nv But then a Vintners wifcjfbme Rogues will fay,, "Which fits at Barrc for the receit of cuftome, i Tbatlhiels of chippings,and of broken firh. Is loue to Captaine F^r^jWhich to prcuent. He neuer come but when her beft fticcht har, j Her BowgIegowne,andbcft wrought fmock is on^ I Then docs flvc neither fmcll of bread,of mcatc, j Ordrappingsofthetap,!tflialibcfo, jBoi*. Now leaue vs boy ; blefle you Captaine Frftftf, Cap. lie haue no Mufick? W.S.Foot dooft take vs for fidlers,' C^p. Then turneStraight.Drawerrunncdownethcftaircs, And thanke the Gods a gaue me that great patience Not to ftrikeyou. Bott. Your patience fir is great^ For you dare fildome ftrike. Sirra they fay, ^ Younccds will wed the widdow7<»J^f<«, Nolens v$Uns, C^p'^ oe not vrge my patience. Awake not furiCjnew rakt vp in cmoers, I giuc you Icaue to Hue. ff^.S, Men fay y'aue trickf,' YVc an admirable Apc,and you can doc More feates then three Babounes^wcmuA haucromc* C^. My patience yet is great,! fay be gone. My tricks arc dangerous. ISou, That's noihihg, I bauc brought you furniture, come get vp I rrrWT'toi . T .i - -11-nfV i lfr-iff . "^■ i. ' j.i- Vp i Vp vpon this tablc.doyonrfcatcs. Or 1 will whip you to them,doc not I know You arc a lowfic knaue* Cap, How /loufic knauc. Arc we not Englifli bred ? Boft, Yare a coward Roaguc, That dares not lookc a Killing in the face, If (he but ftarc or mc w. Cap, My patience yet is grcatt Doe you bandic iroopes,by Dis I will be Knight, Wcare a blew coaic on great Saint Georgts day, ♦- And with my fello wes driue you all from Paulcs For this attempt, ^cm. Will you yet get vp, Imul^laOiyoutoit, C4i^.6yP/w^9,Gentlcmen> To doc you plcafurc,and to make you fport. Be do't. Jv'sSjomc get vp then quick* E«/y. He drcffe you C\t» Cap By I$He*ivi not for feare^' But for aloue I beare vnto thcfc tricks, That I pcrforme it, Bo«. Hold vp your fnout fir. Sit handfomly ,by heauen,fir you muft do it. Come boy, /f'.^jNo by this good light,lle plav Ctlcmen? Him that goes with the motions. Dra^ Wher s tne Cap«Gcn» ^.iS. Stand back boy;andbca(pe<^at<»r,Gentleracn You {hall fee the Ihangc nature of an out-landiih beaf^. That ha s but tv)'o legs,bcarded like a man, Nofd likca Goofc,and toungd like a woman,, Lately brought from the land of Catita, A beaii of much vndernanding,wercit not giuen Too much ta the louc of Vcncry .• do I not do it well ? Boh Admirably. ^,5*. Remember noble Captainc, You skip when I /liall (hake my whip. Now fir, What can you doe for the great Turkc t What can you doc for the Pope of Rome ? Harkcjhc ftirrctb not.hc mooucih not,hc waggcth nor. What tan you do for the townc ofGcncua firra ? Be. holds vp his hands tnfieed of pray wg, C^n^Sute this Baboanc is a great Puritane, *£oM* Is not tljis flrange. f^,,$'.Not a whit by this ligKtj 'Baftkfs his horfe and hee were taught both in a (^able, 2)r4,Orarc. Cf/.Zoune$ He firA be damn'd,fball Iport Bee laught at ; by i?//,by P/f4to,znd great Profirfint, ^ly fatJ^ blade once drawoc/alls but with deatlij - "^^ - Ga Yet jMJ Yet ifyoule let me goc, I vow by Une, No widdow,maidc,wife^punkc, or Cockatrice, Shall makcmchauntyourgoafts. ^tf«. 'Twill not feme fir. You miift flicw more. Cap, lie firft be hangd and damn'd* W.S. Foote can a iumpe foXvell? Bou, Is a Co quick f I hope the flauc will haunt no more the widdow. /^.i". As for that take no care/orby this light Sheeic not hauc thee. 'Ssu.Noihzuc mef W.S.Nonothaue By this hand,flcfh,and bloud fhe is refolu'd (thee. To make my father a moft fearefull Cuckold, And he's refolu'd to faue his foulc by her. 5fl;/,Ha w by her ? W.S.Thus.aH old men which marry Young wiueSj/liall queftionknc be fau'd. For while th'are young,they keepe other mens wiues. And when th*are old,thcy keepe wiues for other men. And fo by fati(Ta<5tion procure faluatioa. Why thou deie6lcd taile ofa Crab, Does not the faitc ^onflantia, Somerfield Doate on thy filthy face ; and wilt thou wed A wanton widdow ? what canfl thou fee To doate on her, '^tf« Onely this,Iloueher, ^.S. Doo'lHoue her,then take a purgation. For louc He afliire thee is a binder Of all things vnder heaucn , there's no fitter parralells then a Drunkard and a Loucr : for a drunkard looics hig fences, fo does your louer ; your drunkard is quarrelfomc, fo is your loucr ; your drunkard will fweare, lye, and fpeake great words/o will your louer; your drunltard is moft defirous of his letchery,and fo is your loucr : Well the night gtowes old, farewell ; I am fo much thy friend,rhat nonefliall'bcd thee. While faire Co»^<«/;/;Vi is refoluM to wed thee. Ex, Enter ThemM ^mal-fhanks ^^d others, T.S J'ootc fliall we let the wench goe thus. My mafters now fliow your fclues Gentlemen, And takeaway the Lawyers wife'; Foote though I haue no wic,yet I can <^ Loueawench,andchoofcawife, Gen* Why fir, what ihould you doc with a wife ,that are - held ' ^' MERT'TRICKS. ' ^IS held none ofthe wifcft ?youlc get none but fooles. * Th, S. How fooles, why may not I a foolc get a wife chiM as well as wife men get fooles : all lyes but in the agillity of the woman; introthl thinke all fooles arc got when their mothers a flecpe; therefore He ncuerlyc with my wife but when (he is broad-waking , fland to't honcft friends , knocks downe the Lieftenant , and then hurry the wcntch to Flect- ftreet,therc my father and I will this morning be married. Enter Beird and Francis, Gen. Stand clofe they come. Bea. By lone the night growcs darkc and Luna Icokes As if this houre fome fifty cuckolds were making, Then Jet vs trudge, (j^». Downe with 'cm, downc with them , away with her Maifter SntaUfhankes to Flcetftrcet , goe, the Curate there Hayes for you. ^^4. And flay es the Curat, Whats here, knockt downe,and bloud of men let out, JVluft men in darkeneflfe bleed,then Erebns lookc big, And Boreas blow the fire of all my rage, " Into his nofe.^Night thou art a whore, Smal'jhanke a rogue : and is my wench tookc from mc. Sure I am guld,this was no Coccatricc, I^ neucr faw her before this day-light peept: ' What dropft thou head,thi$ furely is the hcyre. And mad will Smd-^ankes lay in Ambufcado, To get her now from mcS^r^/, Lieftenant Beard, Thou art an afle^ what a dull flaue was I, That all this while fmclt not her honefty. Pate I doe not pitty thcc : hadft thou braincf, Lieftenant 5r4r<^ had cot this wealthy hcyre, ' R-om all thcfrroguestbloud to bethis cre-reachd. In pate and wench : reuenge^reuenge come vp, And with thy curled locks cling to my beard, Sma/'Jhankes I m ill betray thcc: I now w il! trudge. To Saint lohnsjreete to informe the L ady Sommerfield Where thou art ? I will preuent the match, Thou art to Flcetftrcctgoncrcucnge fnall follow. And my inccnfcd wrath fhall like gvcatthunder, G 3 Difperfc ft^m^^rw'mmim 1 ME kr '•TRICKS. "^ Difpcrfle thy hopes and thy brauc wife a funcicr* Sitter Lady SommerfeU^twd Infiice Ttttchinl Tu, Say as 1 fay widdow,the wench is gon. But I know whethcr,ftolnc fl^c is.wcll, 1 know by whom/ay as I fay widdow, I bauc bin drinking hard.why fay (o too. Old men they can be finc,with fmall a doe. The law is not offcnded,l had no punke. Nor in an ale.houfc^aue I made mc druftkc. The ftatute is not brokc,I haue the ikill. To drinke by lawjthcn fay as I fay ftill.' La.Si To what extremes doth thij licentious time, • Hurry, vnlhycdvouch,nor Gods nor Lawes, Whofc pcnnall Icourgei arc inough to fauc Euen damned fiendsjcan in this loofcr age Confine vnboundcd yourh,whQ durft prcfurae. To fteale my youths dc!ight,my ages hope. Her fathej^ heyre.and the laft noble ftemme, © Ofall hcrHnccIlorr. fearcthcy orGodsorlawci^ /.7>». I fay as you fay fifter.but for the lawes. There are fo many, that men do ftand in awe, Ofnone at all ; take heed they fteale not you. Who woes a widdow with a faire full Moone Shall furcly ware of full Mooncs widdow,' yNi\\Smal^'pJankesh^i your daughter,no word but mum,' My warrant you fhall hauc when time (hall come. La^, Your warrant ? /.T«. I ray warrant widdow* My warrant can ftretch far J no more but fo, . Twill fcruc to ketch tknaue.or fetch a Doe. Enter SeruingmaH, SerMttt^z gentleman much dcfirous to fccyou madaau I. Suite vpon fuite wafts fome, yet makes me thriuc, Firft lawjthen gold,then loue,and then we wiue. l.T. A man of forme like me,but what's your bufinefTe? Za.BQ briefe good fir : what makes this bold intiufion ? Thr. Intrude,! do uor,for 1 know the la we. It is the rule that fquares out ail our a(5):ions, Thofe aolions bring in coync,coyncgets me friends. Your fonne in law hath law at $ fingers ends. La, My fonne in law. ThMadzmc your fonne in law> Mother I come, (be glad I call you fo) To make a s;entle breach into your fauour. And win your approbation of my choke. Your cherry-ripefweet daughter (fortnownd> For beauty,vertue,and a wealthy dowre^ I haue cfpoufd* LutMowfyoM efpoufe my daughter ? Thr* NoHcrint VKtuer ft ^ihc lawes of heauen, Of naturc,churchjand chance,hauc made her mine. Therefore deliuer her by thefe prefents. / Ttt. H ^ w's t hi s ? made her yours fir ffer ^uam regnUm^ Nay vv e arc Ic ttcr 'd well as you, - Rgddi MERY'TRICKS. Thr, fimint Indiftcamtfuirifst By thit fame rule thcfe lippci hauc takc»j fcazon/ Tut I doc all by ftamcc law and rcafon, Ka, Hcnccyou bafc knauc you petty-foggin g groomc Clad in ould ends and pcecd with Brokery, You wed my daughter.*' / Tn. You fir nAmho-dextery ASumnersfonne and Icarn't in Norfolkc wiles, Some common bailc, or Counter Lawyer, Marry my nccce?your halfc flecuesQiall not carry her, Zcr, Thefc ftormcs will be diflbiu'd in tcarcs of ioy, Moclier I doubt it not: luOice to you. That icrke at my halfc flceues, and yet your fclfc. Do ncucr wearc but Buckcrom out of fight, A Flannclt waft-coat or a Canuas TrufTc, A fhift of thrift, I vfe it: lets be friends. You know the law has trickcs, ka me, ka* hee, Vtaerit vtilttaSii\^t mot to ihcfe halfc armcs, Ccrpfts cHTOcanfa needcs no bumbaftifig, We wearc Tnall hayrc yet hauc we tongue ^nd wit. Lawyers dofc-bveecht hauebodics poUitick, Lrf,Spcakc,anrwer me fir lack: ftole you my daughter, Tbr^ 5hort tale to make I fingered hauc your daughter: I hauc tanc liuery and feazon of the wench. Dcliuer her then,you knaw the Statute lawes, Shce*s mine without exception,barrc or claufc ; Come,comc,rcftore. i[/4. The fellow's mid Ithinte* Thr, I was not mad before I married* But, ipfbfaBe,wvhzt the ad may make me. That know I not./. T* Fellows come in there. £«^ t*(fr l*fo^* By this fir you confelTc you ftole my Ncecc, And I attach you hecrc of fcUony : Lay hold on him : lie make my Mtttimns, Add fend him to the layle ; haue we no barre Nor claufc to hamper ydu^sway with him, Thofe cla wes fhall claw you co a barre of diame. Where thou (halt fticw thy GoU,Ilc barre your clalmfj If I be iHJtiee Tutchift, Thr. Hands off you flsues. Oil 1 fauour my lerkia^though you cearc my 6efti^ irct wmmmmm MERRT'TR/CKES. I fct more ftorc by that : my t/<{fidit4 Qf^eU (hall be hcard,and with.a Cr hold a Chambcr-poc Steddy till a ^es jThe doorcs are faft, J"?9Wthcinidft9fttightjyct(b»lltbischainc, ^ eim Procure acceffe and confcrch^'fvltJjtficWiddowf ^' '^ >'»»'?^^3s ' What thx)nuh I cheatr^tjr-.fdtii^pj^ll hien haue^ " ' ^ Though in the rr(«fcra!l kindsjall cHds in this. So they g«-gold»thcy cftrcliot whftfeit is; Begging the Court,vfebcarc8 tht€ Citty out, Lawyers th«rfi]Oj Ae«./th«s g^s xH^ W^tld ^bouti • ' Th*cfFe6l^ ir!tone,andpo(jre*ii?d ar^bm Ape* -^ '^•^'- To imitate their bwtrt^thi^ is tbd dlffererttc,- V'"-' AH great mens finaewnuti^ili be humored j-'i'-.^ v 2 ... .1 ; .: : . /,. And pooremcns viccjIjffg«tylpBniflbcdf ^ 'j^i'-'i or»'i ^.r::njr>olfiT Thcpriuiicd^e thatgreicti3fc»kitj«i(iinscoy)eft ladies loue, • k^i^\eil''\ I ^^. What v«ould ypu fir, that yoo ^altnock /o holdlyX ■ ^' i ^>S* I muf^ come ih to tht widSowi ./^i^.How comi In, ' ' I The vvid4irw lias no entrance for fuch rnmf. ''■■ S^ 1", /r,^« 0ooftiiercj[w»5i Ch«>ajber-maid, by heauen^ Wriiej ' |- With ieuers from my %fajef,rh»He brought her f*ones,,V w Jewels and'«ehainfig;«^^|sjHfhtlBlmf4»0 vfe tofnori^^v • ' ' • - • *^ Your father has cifliecniyiKJwnor wili si tm/^ ytiu, ' BegoUjIea^ Idde wifli yoii hcncciW',5. Dooft hei*^^^ Which by my fathers will J -am ownmao^ied ' ' ' ^'^ ? J'^^r-^ ^ To giue to hcrownehaods.»^<^,Sayyou (b, Introilil thinlccyoulc pTooueanhone.^ man, . . Had yo'j! once got a heard:!ct m^ fee the chcinCj W.^J. DQoft thinlcB Hye^&y this li^>>r jW'Una I loae her wi ch my ibUlCjIfccr'^ kttcrs • < . ; And gthc: Jcwt?f fcnt^horftommy father. An J tfcll her vvhi^t you fay'M 5". Bet; make f^'ue hafi;^- ^'' • "VVhj Co\ will tajce;taf 6 hov?: a. \»i^3y ^ |«g m^id^, : ;n ^i; 7.*y : ■^ ^ Hi j ii ny ■ i , i > I !■ — ■-» ■ . im, i,.,i Mr ■'■i »» ^ t. ' _ ipi>*<^w^^w^^^^»«i*^-»— i^^ipp -^•M, .V'".; ♦c,. ■»' ^ Can fiialce a r<|iCM' .v|> tiiat b. <«flj?f r.«ich^- '. Plcafc you to let the chamber-miidc /hake otfk. ^ AndriandasC€mif.«li.r4fJtfhallnptn<^ ... . I h«pe I haue not hccught hjcr vp f<^ »JI,f. . f;i : ^ 'utl ik^ > But that flie kttosycs hew to^cgr^lpcyour f, *'' Before fhe leaue the uyome.t^drjii ndz indce<^» Therefore lie wattem the wkh-drftwi«^ f ^o*nei . c ■ • Vntillyou call.ri/. N<)>y f^r,wHat!ffCAjr;wiU?n') e i -jocttA W.^. Dtercvi;iddQ!w,pi)t«yihc,ft«fii>fa:young, ■;.'-; r^i.Tii Poore,yeipro^rGen,tJ€awnjbyr<>/rflr/pap -'f.vnrV Vpon my knees tJe creeps vnto yoiwUp, r!.i'.': Forone fmall drop-pffauourjar^^iibew^^Uracc, -. O -r'7* Isnot the finr ft fac;Siy,cc,5'3$ |>«e9ftj^|j^; .n ."c^^r,.'!! By Ladies ofgoodvVudgiiTieofiw^&ceiW^rr' 'r'-r'Th ./i , Zw/. Arc thefc you| ^ctmy W S. YoH fiiall h*ue fe^rmp MorepIeafing:nayh€yei,(iv<€twiddow^- • . v^uH: ..'{ Some wantons do|;d^ii§H^-^ei^$!.me.o cxeepe, '; ^. ^ j v: ,» And onihcir knees to^^^^§i^ih(tmlTtlf^ m,»Mcpf4m»::r Stand vp,I more def r< ^m9«:0iOwJ«iiUfld>:i', . .ii r r,: : rIT Then rriTigcand c-rcepe,ihf>t:pi«afK«£« winpc wy iloJi^i -- a - 1 fay fiandvpl.andl ij?rr\»Agf>e y^'^ji tc^. ' :^'d " '' v. c- ••.:; \ VV.S. Forckic'rlct m^^fff^fjcMfiOftti^d^i'QUnd, ^vo!i;oi>cT Vnlcflc-j^f .y,jjijcf$HryfAjW»;T4A"^9WhR^ W^.k^S^^Ar.M jL-iT Would you^f^ca^iif^.in;yqw:fjkthf.if?/^ditj:?>^rjbcgonjif,,-.rnc ji;;i r!:r.H Docnot I knaW;d?!r:fa^iGfl?oryoii all,.': jar::, i! zicic-'.v. si.Z When apaoii5illr :( V •: f!/ r: rri :-J^ Her thoughts jc^>i$>y>,tij\eivyp|i ^wfrcivrf 4^4f ^-M»cv sr rH ,. - Bnt v.hen wife rr.aid^fn^ill^p.iprleaina jkey^erfi'.^^^iof rv tj friA | Thenyoupoorerf>^-?]»^f»W£Kf{H8g<>oy<>i^b^l^)'?»>r'.cr i Andv\uhalIoylcdl<^Usp^^te3{0"»^*^^^ ' : 'iiVi.^v' ,i tMEnRY'TRJCKS. Before 0(ir beauties runne,wlicrc once but warme, Like liaccfuUriiakesyouftrike vs with yout flings. And clien forfakc v%l know your tricks,begon, f^.S, Footc He fir(^ be !iang'd,nay if you go You Hull Icaue your fmock behinde you widdow. Keep: dofe your womanilli weapon^hold your tongue^ Norfpcake.cough/neczcor ftampe,forif youdoe. By this good blade He cut your throte directly, Peacc.rtirrc not, by Heauen He cut your throtc ]f you but rtixre ; fpcake nor,ftand rtill,go to. He teach coy widdowei a new way to woe. Come you fhall kiffe, why fo,lIc (hb by Heauca •fyou but ttirrc, now hecrCjArli kifle againc, .Vhy Ibjftirre not,Now come I to the point. My hopes are paft,nor can my prcfent flatc, \ffoord a finglc hal(c-penny,my father Hates me deadly; to birth forbidy. To ftcalcjthe law,thc hang man,and the Rope With one conienc deny : to go a truft. The Citty common-councell has forbad ic> Therefore my ftatc is defperate,ftirrc not. And 1 by much will rather choofc to hang^ Then in a ditch or prifon-hole to ftarue, Refolue^wed me,and take mc to your bed. Or by my foule ' Ic ftraite cut offyour hcae a match, ■ Clap handsjcontrad and ftrakc to bed. If not,pray,forgiue and ftraight goes off Vour head. r#i. I take thy loue. W'.^.Then flrme lets both to be4. ^ . T/». lie wed to morrow, ^^.i*. You (hall not flccpevpon't. ^ An honeft coBtraft is as good as marriage* A bird in hand you know the prouerbe \\nddow. Taf* To let me tell thee,ll« loue thee while I liur^ For this atcempcgiuc me that lufly lad. That wioneslib widdow with his wdl drawnt blade» And not with oaths and words i a widdowt wooiogt Not in bare words^but Hiould con(iftin dooing, I take thee to my husband, ff^,S, 1 thee to wife. Now to thy bed,and there weele end this ftnfe; gMtir Sir O/mar Mnd FidUrs, ^.O.Wirmc bloud,theyong mans flaue.the old mans Cod^ Makes me fo ftinre thas foone,it ftirs ifaith. And with a ktnde of itching pricks me on, TobidmybfidtfiM»/M#r, Othisdcfire, Is euen another fil&cbt PromitbtM^t By which we old neh liue,pcrformtnce then* 1 (hats poore old mens bttne^that in old men x' ' }^ i Comes ^ J I I I I » I II II I II n I iiii» j«ii I II IIP I I m pif j ^ III I I I . Comes liinping off more lam^Godknowcs ?^n Jiejov ii j^tj't Which in a cloic^a hot anctdan^crous fighc, ! . ' , - Has bin dirojcmbr^dj^nd craucs by letter p.attcma : Yet foarce a woimn that con/idcrj this Women hauc trickSjfitkcs^and farthfinggalcf, Agcaeraiion arc they full of fabiilejf, _ .■ . • And all moft honcft where they want themeanei To be othcrwife. Tkcrcforc He hauean cjrc, My widdowgoesnotofttoyifitkinsfolke^: ' By birth il>c^$ a Ninny,and thit Iknonr, ts n6i in London hdd the fci-i&Jeri kindred, I muft h&ue wits And brajr.^s^comc on my fntnd$i Out with' your t oolcs.and root, a lliir.c of mirth, .' And a plcafant fong to wake the widdow. EfJUf W»S» airofta inhti (birU - : . ' - : f. W.S.Mufidonsjminn'rils/opter^giUes,:; r./wj- : A ForGods loueicaucyour fiJthy rqucaking>;oy& . •; \ And get you gone,ihc widdow and my Icifc/ . . •• . Will fcanibJc out t1ie fhaking ofthc rtiict? Wichouc your ityufick; vv^.hauc no need offidli-Vi: , ^ . . . . i. To o^r «>9cing/0c^chj^Ciypunoillwiq§r,$»! v.f': ?■ ":: f"rr: Curittot a man ukc his narurjill.-tr^lfl .. ..>•, r.; •- /• • l^or your fcraplng, I fliall wa/h your gut-hrfng?,, If you butftay a ;vhiie.' yet honelt tafcallf, . A If youIelctV5h4ucch;- .. .,. :, u . . . v THe widclovv art J lie ko?pcci;Tie,thfrc^faryoiir p;>mef»: ..■? S.O.Hqwi this ?vvili the widdo W;*^ you keepCWi^Ci. T Whit trick ? what quiddit /^hat feg^re is this ? : • ■ . -< r \ • A My cafhVerd Sonne fpeake from the widdpwei tkambcfa / Aad in his fhiVt lii fare £he ii not therc>..(;(i -rv. Tis fo Oic has tookc Iti^n in forpitjy^ " 3 ,.4; j qj w v>l / cd now rcmoGue? her chamber I wi)!! home, ^ • Orrwith !?iy nraaJii r,o')efi> i>9tfuine my be^rd, . E.KCciouei,Eringo£:s,3pddrmkefomcAqu3uica . . To f/vuvtcr; bi'ea,t!i^a;i(i J,-£cpc my wcamefrom wambiingw; j Thtn like the moncihof March.comcblurtHng in^ Majrrythcwiddow^Oiikcvpthisfprin^all, ' . iknd then is quiet as-a fucking Jambe, CioU b^ the '.video H will I ccft all ni«ht, r I ■•'■ <,i<-' H \ R '■ ■!■ . H ■ P .1 » II ...... . ' ... ^ "I .^ ift* fcT my breath I hau€ crotchets and deuifw,' ^ jft Ladies raolic breaths arc often hfjljit v;i:h fpiccsa £»l^/* vidrM»a,a?fd atiothtr flrawMg he ay hi ^» ■^ 9y^dr» Come ttraw a pacc,Lord fhaH I ncucr Jiu*i I Towalkc to Cnurch on flowers. Otis fine, To fee a bride trip k to Ghurch fo light ly, As if her new choppines would fcornc to bruic J A filly flower ? and now I prethec tell me, f. What flower thinkeft thou is like ft to a woman if \ Vi. A man'goW I shinkc >f<^. Why a marygold? ?^*,^»cftiifc a little beaie makes it to ^pedi ' v^-.-.rr'i , i y And open wide his lcaiies.v^i>»;Th'aft quite Wide, ' ^ AmarygolddoihopeavVidcallday, And (huts moft clofe at night ; I hope thou knov?ft> All wenches doc the contrary J biK firra. How does thy Vncle ths old Doilor, DoofttWiikeheelebcaBifhop:' W. OquefiionWfc, v For hasgot him a young wire,and Carried her, ■ To Court already : but now I prethee fay, Whywilhhcw'iddowwedfooldaknighf, - * ^ . .wi - AndimiftrcffeT^^M the rich widdow, j Muft thi$daybecoup!cd»conioyned, j Married,cfpoufed,weddcd,contra61:ed, I Or as the PuritainefaycSjput together, \ And fo fir,to the fliifting of our dcanc fmocks,' I Weeleaueyou. BridcaUftcps, f Can Yowcs and othe$,with fuch proteliing a£^ion, - As ifthctr hearts were (pic forih with their words, I As ifthtirfoulcs were darted through their eyes, t Be ofno more validity with women f Hauc I for her conteni*d niy fixed fStte, Neglc<^cd my lairc hopcf ,and fcorn'd the loue Ofocautio ui,vertuous,and bonor'd Cfl/^4»/A*. Ca». Now workes it with my wi5i : my hopes %te full. % B9/#. Andlingag'dmy wotch,indventur'dlife . 1 OoTPadecbuSblnefaceitoh^iueaienfcocBc^ ¥ ^ And »— — ~— . . • . ' r , , ■ ■• ■.. fW p^ lW'^^Wi MERRT^RICKS. ' And point at my difgme / firft wiU r Icaue to liUf I ^ 1 he»< take my purfcliw thou to bfMot f«c, ^f5">'y7*^^ Better thus dyc^ihcnliiic^VRfowiMTiw. mmjttff* ! Cofi' Aye me accuri^ : bclpc,hcJpr,fPttKhcr,fnwrtper, Cufft bcibcHay andhourcthat gaue me brettbr Klurthcrimurchcr : if any Gencleman Can hcarc my plaims^ome forth and affift BW. W.S. What out-crycs call me from my naked bed# • Vi ho calls feronimo, fpeake here I am. ^o». Good fir Icauc your ftrugglirg and a^ng, /.^ helpc to faue the life of a ditiredcd man, C nclpc if you be Gcmlcmcn. W S. Whats here? A man hangd vp,and dl the ntmrthercn gone? Acd at my doorc,co lay the guilt on me. Thh place was made to pkafutc Cittizens WMCf , ^»f^, - And not to hang vp honcO Gentlenieii. Tsfai4» Taf Where be thefc laxie knaues t Come ttlfc the houfe> What meant the cry of murther ? Where's my leue ? W,5. Come IftkeiU^l^t me to lament* For fighes are (!opt,aad all my ceares an fpent. Thefc clothes I oft bane jeene^sye me my frien<} » Purfue the murtheirers,raffe all the Oreet* C«fy. It fhal! iiornecd,a Airres.gloe him bf eoth. W.S. Is there yet life^ H#r4rt* 0*3^ deere boy, H^r^i/tf 1 H«M^^«,whatha^fhoumti-done, To loie'^lvy Kfc,w hen n(e was new begun / '^pH Zcartamanhadasgoodbchangdoucrtghe, As to indure chiiclapping { fhanne to thy ff ace, PetHdicus periur'd womaf iwhere^sthv Hiame ? How can thy modeOy ferbcarr to bluff). And knowf) I know,ih«ean adulcMltet :Hai^ not'>(hy yo'wes made thee my l^wSful! wlf^ Beifbre the face of heaoen f where is thy Hiamc f But why fpeake I of ^ame to tKcet whofefacc Is ftecl d \^tth ai^tfm'd itnfte,i9oh6ie chooghts wanv grace : The cuRoDie of thy^j^ntie fo Ki(oJctl1 ofifenoff To breakc rHy viim' to mepaiid ftfttght t6 wed^ Adotuie(Uad(««iW«SrB(i»hpldyouno9&k» k. "MERR T'TR ICKl S ^ OrbytlTjsIjgHcIIetruflcyouvpagaine; ' \2cart raile on my wife, am I a rtinkerd. Or do I dote ? fpeake fuch another word. And yp you tf ufTe I a ftinkerd ? Bou, The^knight your father is* ^.^.Why who denies Jt^ He fupplants thce,and I fiipplarncd him: C0me,come,yoiiniall be fricnds.comcforgiuc her^ For by this light there is no remedy, Vi Jeifc you will b stake you to my Icauings. .\ CoK' Ratiicrthtn fo,llc hclpe you to a wife .•' j R'tcli.wel! borne,and by fomc accounted fairc, I And 'ortbcworthof her Virginity, \ Idareprefiimetopawnemy honcfty f • . \ Wi-.nt (^y you to Confiautia SotmrfieUt j fF, i.Do^ft know where fhc is boy? Cen, I do,fiayin«e, 1 irhcbutfwearc toimbraccherconffantloue, i He fetch her to this place, ff', 5, A /ball do it boy, \ Enter Sir OliHcr and Fidiers / ^ A fliall do it,goe fetch her boy,foote my father. Stand too't now old wench,ftand too't now. . '! S.O/, Now fredi and youthfull as the month of May, ' j lie bid my Bride good morrow.Mufitions on, .. I Lightly,lightly,and by my knighthood fpurres, . This ycare you fliall haiie ray prote(ftion. And yet not buy your liucrycoatcsyQUtftJucsl ;^l i %v. c '. Cod morfowBride/iefli/rcflijas the month of M^f ! .' I come to kifle thee on thy wedding day.' ~ ; ^. y.^Sauing your tale fir,]le (hew you bow, Aprill fliowers fpring-May flowers, ... ! So merrily fings the Cucko.*. j\. xmu-^ The truth isjhauelaidc my kttifc abor4,. ; ' o .: The widdow fir is wedded. S.0/.Ha.^.5,Beddcd. SiO/.hi: ^.S.Why my good father what Owuld you do with a wif ., i i. l-iil 'i Weare a Citty cappe and aCoUrc fdatlien?. I) : >-.i^.' •).'> '; /. Becadfe the firft word he fpeakcs is the Diucll Take hii jToule.and who will ginc him truft, That oncchasgiucnhis foulc vnto the Diuell, ;» W>'.5'. She faycs moft true fathcr.thc foulc once gQn, The bdt pan ofa man is gone.T**/. And ifaith* , It the be ft part of a nwn is gone. The reft of the body is not worth a rudij Though it be nerefohandfome. • Etfter 'La.SonterfieUXhrote d»dBearelhu»J,an(hl/t, Tnuh. I^'.S Bring them lA-ay.^r.S.How now? WyiawiVdirpitMoo'd.l begin to fimkc • Already.! '.S.dcatcr my daoghtcr.W.S.Shce's mad. Thr. My wife fir. my wife. fT.S.Thci'rc niad,ftarkc mad, Ian) forry [if yon hauc loft thofe happy vvits £y which you liu'd fo well. The ayrc f;rovvcs cold, . , Therefore lie take my leaue.L^,So.So Stay him officciii ■ ' Sir'tis not your ttickes of wit can carry it. officers attach him^and this Gentleman, For ftcaling away my heir c.^r.S.You do me wrong, ZartlncucrfawyourhcirCjT/jr.That'salye, 'r You fiole hcr.and by chance 1 married her* . . • r?;, . . ' FT.S.God giue you ioy fir. T/fcr. Aske the Butler z\Ccy TfaeKfofc widdow wlcafe niCjfor by no law, "■ ' la iStacute i- ■tai ■.li.i' , liLJ^I-^ j,^^ ^-- . . ._ . .... jr tMERT'fR/CKS. Statute or boolvc cafe, fofi^/r^yTw* S'divardi Sccnn V nof by the Statute Nor by a»y bookc cafe ofdfcimf Of the late Qucenc,am I acceflarie, Part,or party conrederate,abctter, Hclpcr,iecondcr,pcrfwader,forvvarder, Piincipall or msincainer o( this lace chcfc i But by law,I fbrward,and fhee wilHng, Clapt vp the match,and by a good Statute OfDecimo tertio Rtchardi cjunrti. She is my lecfull,lawfull,ancl my tiue Married wife, tejit Lief tenant Beard, IVS, Vfho liues,wouldthinke that you could prate To faftj Your hands being bound behind you/oote a talkes With as much ealc as if a were in s (hirt. SO/. 1 am witneflTc thou hadft the hcire. /.TW.Soam T, Thr Andfo s my mzn Dpf 'B§h. Heeiemebuc^cakc, Sit you as Iudges,vni!c€ the Lawyers hands. That a may fredy a6^.3nd He be bound That fVtlliam Smalfhvnkes (hall put yout Throate to filence,' And ouer-tbrow him at his ownc weapon, Ih.Tu. Agreedjtakc each hisplace,and ht ere the cafe Argued bccwixt them two. Ow.Agrecd,3grecd^ LTt*. Now Throte or neucr,ft retch your felfc.T'/^^Fcare not W, '»'« Here ftand 1 for my client,this GcjitlcGian. Tbr.l for the widdow« wS.Begin, T^r.Rjght worft^if^uH I fay that iVitliam Smal-{hank« mad-man, Jsby a Statute made in O^auo Of 'RJckard Cordelt«»^ gui^^y to the law Of fellcny,for ftca! ng this Ladies hcire. That a liole hcr,the proofe is mott pregnant. He broupht hci to my houfe.confcft himfclfe, r\ ' f \ 111 A made great meanes to fteale her,l like her. (A-iid finding him a nouice) truth to tell. Married her my felfeiand as I faid, 'Ry ^%i2iixtt Fichardi ^artt, Shec is my lawfull wife IV.S. For my client, I fay the wench brought vmo your kou^ 1 Was noahc daughter to rich 5*«vr>/^.' *-^«»i»« ^,0. What proofc ot that? fyXThis gcntl€man,7».Tat W Hcc is a party in the caufc,bur fir, If t were not the daughter to this good v^ iddow. Who was It ? anfwer that, ^.5 An arrant wbofC Which you haue mamed,and (he is runne Away with all your lcwcls,th» is true : /nd this Lieutenant Twr*/ can teftific, Twas the wench I kept in Hofier- lane. Tea. What was it Ihee ? ff'.S.The ycry fame. 7.n« Spcakefirra«^i And fcaptfo many fearches.' VV.S. I anfwer, ThatmoftConftiblessnout-panflics r \, Are bawdes thcmfclnes ; by which we fcapt the fearches. S.OIJhis is moft ftrange. L4.5. What's become of this wo^ I tStf^.Thatknownotl. Asl wasfquiringher (iv^ j Alongtbcftreete,MaifterS«w/^4«/^fetvponme, ., ■ ^ 1 Bcate me downe,and tooke away the maide, A which \ fuppofc yvas daughter to the widdow* ^^S. A lycs^et mebc hangdif a lye not. S.0/ Wnatconfufionisthis. C««.Bring them forward, God prefer ue your woifhip. And it like you Maddam, We w ere commanded by our deputy, ... 1 hat it we tooke a woman in the watch, To bring her Itraight to you. And hearing there -You were come hethefjhether we brooght them. ^;/;/.Thc one is my ionne,! doe acknowledge hira, What woman's that. T.$. The widdowes daoghierrir* W.S. Bloud is he guld to. T.S.My brother floleher firft, Throte coozcnd him.and I had cotyznedThrttf, Had not the Conftable tooke vs in the wa^cb, Shee is the widdowes daughtcT,h»d Ih.od luck. 7*r.And my cfpoufc^l wife, X«.S*Vnmaske her face, ^ I 3 My ( "'" CMERir-TRlCKS. My dnug^tcr I dcfic her. W.S. Your vvorlTiips wife; Thr, \ a:-n guld and abufVljand by a Scatucc ^l TriccjJinjQ ofthe late Qj/vcnc, I vvili Star-chamber you a!i tor cDofona" e, And be by \\n diiurli W.SSir cwiii n> c !;o' J, Shcc's your lccrii!I,lawru!I,and truevvcdd;d wife, Tef}e Lteftenxnt 'Fe^rd. Be.^.\\^i{\ you that brake my head ? W.S. Buc why fiiou'dfl thinkc much to dye a Cuckold, B *ing borne a Knauc f a> good Lawyers as you Scorne not h^rne?. Thr. I am gulJ,ayc m: accurft f Whydiould the harnilelTc man be vcxt with Iiornes, When women moQ defcriietlicm? W.SJlc{hcvvyoufir, The husband is the ^iues headland I pray Where Hiould the homes (land but vpon the head: Why wert not rhou begot (^thou fcolifh knauc ) By a poore Siimner,on a Scrgiants widdow? Wert not thou a Puritane,and put in triid To gather relcefc for the di(^rcflod Cfw.'.r?, And didfi not thou Icauc thy poorcbrerhcreii,' Andjunnc away with all the money,Q'eake, Wasnotthatthyfirdrifingpgo, ' Y*are well coupled by /oHe yee are, (lie is But; a yonger fi(ler,ncvvly come to tovvne. Shoe's currant mett!c,not a penny the worlc For a little vfc, whole within the Ring, By my foule, Bea. Will a take her thinkft thou f B0tt. Yes faith.vpon herpromifeof amcnd.ncnr, I.Tut. The Lawyer is guld. Thr. Am I thus ouer-reach'd,to haue a wife. And not of the brfl neither ? Fr^.Good lir be content, A Lawyer fliould make al! things right and rtraighf, All lyes but in the handling,! may prooue A wife that fhall defcrue your belt of Ioue» SiO/. Take her Thretf^yon haue a better iewcll now Then euer.kiffe her.k'.ffe her m3n,all friends. L.f^i.Yct in this happy clofc, I ftill haue loft My onely daughter. W,S, Wher's thy Page Boatcber ? Cort» Here I prcfcnt the Page : and that all doubts, May hccrc be clccrd> hccrc ia my propper fbape, Uat UHERRT'TRICKS, That all yourioycs may beecompleat and full, I muft make onc,\vith pardon gcnilc mother. Since all our friends Co happily arc met. Here wiill choofe a husband : ^his be the iDDn, Whom fined left yourhoufcinfliapeof Page, 1 ftil! hauc followed. W.S.Foot would 2 had knowne fb niuch> 1 would haucbccnc bold to hauc lainc with your page, {^»», Say am 1 welcome. 'Boh, As is my life and foulc, "LaS. Heauen giue j/ou ioy, Since all To well fuccceds^take my confent* ^ W.S.Thcnarevveallpaird,landmylafrc, ^ You and yourwife,thc lawyer and his wench. And father fall you abordc of the widdow, Butthenmybroth^n T.S.FaithlamafooIe, W.S. Thats all oile; IfGod had not made Some elder. brothers fooles,how ftiould witty Yongcr brothers be maintain'd, . Strike vp Mufick, lets haue an old /bng. Since all my tricks haue found fo good fucccfle, y Vecle fing,dance^dice,and drinke downe heauincfle. • • ■■ ~ ~ ' ' — ■- ' ) \ ] \ ' 1 >'' ''■ ^ :r.- t I J I ! ( Efilogm. ^h(tt mil ft ted'tom hanret ham^ind^ ^ tUres rt9t glory nor diflrt^f^^ 'But he (M other writers m**fi ) Submits the eenfuret of his painet To thofe (vhofemt Mtd nimifU braiftes^ Are Able befi to indge : ttut^ MforfomCi Whofild mth maliee^thereomt To belch their poyfin on his labotttt Of them he doth htredt nofatioWf But bids them h.wjr^or foone am^ttdj ForrPorth/haUfiiHitfelfe defend^ jiftdforoMrfeluesvreedoedeJtre, Tofife breath on vs that grorvhtg ff§^ ) ; Bj which m time wee may obtstfte, yV Lik^ fanours which fome others gdine ! For bee afftrd our touts (hall tend^ T0cqHAUtheirs,*fft9t$r4Hjctnd, FIHIS. N>^^-^/4«. '* ^:' <':"'•' '-"^^"- 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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