UC-NRLF B 3 T21 SS"] Banka for ffll|n0tmafl for tl|e c THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. 1914 ■ ^ I heard the bells on Christmas Day Their old, familiar carols play, ^ ^ And wild and sweet .''!-• The words repeat ^""^^tS^ Of peace on earth, good-will to men! S And thought how, as the day had come, The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along The unbroken song Of peace on earth, good-will to men! Till, ringing, singing on its way. The world revolved from night to day, A voice, a chime, A chant sublime Of peace on earth, good-will to men! Then from each black, accursed mouth The cannon thundered in the South, And with the sound The carols drowned Of peace on earth, good-will to men! It was as if an earthquake rent The hearth-stones of a continent. And made forlorn The households born Of peace on earth, good-will to men! And in des-pair< I bo^.fcd* tK*5' 'hCad; "There is nb'i^eace'on earth,"* I ^ said; "For-^ ha;te;is^". strong; ; /, ' '- AncJo'.raDcks j:b'e's6n^: . .: '-\ *.•" Of peace on earth, good-will to men!" Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "God is not dead; nor doth he sleep! The Wrong shall fail. The Right prevail. With peace on earth, good-will to men!" Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. THE best books for a child are the books that widen his world. A man or woman in middle life or old age who loves poetry, and great pictures and statues, is familiar with Shakespeare, and has his- toric sense, imagination, a sense of humor, and a love of nature, is full of resources and the joy of living. No one can ever have the fullness of these resources and that joy who has not had them from earliest child- hood." Caroline M. Hewins. This list suggests the books, some of which, at least, every child should have the joy of owning. Many of these are the old books "which Time has criticized for us," books which many children have known and loved. Much care has been taken to list the best editions with the most characteristic and beautiful illustrations. In many cases, cheaper editions have also been noted. Some books of more ephemeral value have been included. Many attractive French and German books have been omitted on account of the possible difficulty of getting them this year. The compiler gratefully acknowledges in- debtedness to the Christmas lists published by Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, and by the public libraries of Cleveland, Louisville, New York, St. Louis and Worcester; to the lists in the Oregon and Wisconsin Commis- sion bulletins by Clara W. Hunt and others, O U f> C O ^ to the Children's catalog and the Monthly bulletin of the Carnegie Library of Pitts- burgh, the Cleveland Open shelf, C. M. Hewins's Books for boys and girls, A. C. IMoorc's List of books recommended for a children's library, Olcott's Selected class- room libraries, the Course of study for nor- mal school pupils on literature for children in Dana's Modern American library economy series, and to the A. L. A. Booklist. Valuable suggestions have been received from Miss Mary E, Eastwood of the New York State Library, Mrs. Julia H. Harron of the Cleve- land Public Library, and Miss Annie Carroll Moore and others of the New York Public Library, in the central children's room of which much of the work on editions was done. Unaccredited notes in quotations have been taken in most cases from the prefaces of the books, or from lists published by other libraries. CoRiNNE Bacon, Compiler. CONTENTS Books about Christmas Bible Stories Classics Adapted for Young People Picture Books Books for Little Children Song Books Poetry Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends Some Good Stories for Boys Some Good Stories for Girls Historical Stories and Books about For- eign Countries Animal Stories Books about Indians Camping and Outdoor Sports Every Boy's Library : Boy Scout Edition Games and Amusements How to Make and Do Things Some Other Attractive Books of Infor- mation Story-Telling (Books for Grown-ups to Use with Children) SOME BOOKS SUGGESTED AS CHRIST- MAS PRESENTS FOR CHILDREN An asterisk (*) before the price indicates a net book. BIBLE STORIES Bible for young people, arranged from the King James version. Century, *$i.50. 24 full-page illustrations from the Old Mas- ters. Bible stories for children, ed. by R. G. Moulton. 2v. Macmillan, *5oc each, lea. *6oc each. Chisholm, Edwin. Old Testament stories. Button, *5oc. Hodges, George. The Garden of Eden, stories from the first nine books of the Old Testament. Houghton, *$i.50. When the King came. Houghton, *$i.20. Kelman, J. H. Stories from the life of Christ. Button, *50c. BOOKS ABOUT CHRISTMAS Crothers, S. M. Miss Muffet's Christmas party. Houghton, *$i. Dickens, Charles. A Christmas carol; illus. by C. E. Brock. Button, *$i. Putnam, Holiday edition, *$i.75; Ariel edition, *6oc. Cricket on the hearth; illus. by C. E. Brock. Button, *$i. Putnam, Hol- iday edition, *$i.75; Ariel edition, *6oc. Dickinson, A. D., and Skinner, A. M., edi- tcTs. Children's book of Christmas stories. Doubleday, *$i.25. Dier. J. C, coinpi(cr. Children's book of Christmas. Macmiilan, '*"$!. 50. Field, Eugene. Christmas tales and Christ- mas verse. Scribner, *$i.5o. Howells, W. D. Christmas every day. Har- per, *$i.25; Holiday edition, *$i.75. Irving, Washington. Old Christmas; illus. by R. Caldecott. Macmiilan, *$i.5o; Pocket classics, *75c. Lagerlof, Selma. Christ legends. Holt, *$i.25. Moore, C. C. " 'Twas the night before Christmas," illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. Houghton, *$i. Page, T. N. Tommy Trot's visit to Santa Claus. Scribner, *$i. Six illustrations in color. "A delightful story for younger children, tell- ing of Tommy's dream visit to the polar regions, where he sees Santa Claus' shop and has many adventures." A. L. A. Book- list. Pyle, Katharine. The Christmas angel. Lit- tle, *$1.20. "Mary's search for Kris Kringle's grand- mother and her adventures in the Wonder Country where all the toys are alive." St. Nicholas Christmas book. Century, $1.50. Stein, Evaleen. Christmas porringer. Page, $1.25. Scene is laid in Bruges. CLASSICS ADAPTED FOR YOUNG PEOPLE CERVANTES. Parry, E. A. Don Quixote of the Mancha; illus. by Walter Crane. Lane, *$i.50. 8 CHAUCER. Darton, F. J. H. Tales of the Canter- bury Pilgrims. Stokes, *$i.35. SHAKESPEARE. Lamb, Charles and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Dutton, *$2.5o; Everyman's library, *35c. Illus. by N. M. Price, Scribner, *$i.50. Shakespeare, William. The Ben Greet Shakespeare for young readers. 6v. Doubleday. cl. *6oc; lea. *90c each Shakespeare, William. Midsummer night's dream; with illus. by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday, *$i.5o. Shakespeare, William. Temple Shakes- peare for children, retold by Alice S. Hoffman. Dutton. cl. *40c; lea. *6oc. The stories are simply told with numerous ex- tracts from the plays. Illustrated. HOMER. Church, A. J. Story of the Odyssey. Macmillan, $i; School editions, 25c; Soc. Illustrations after Flaxman. Church, A. J. Odyssey for boys and girls. Macmillan, *$i.5o. Same story told in simpler prose than the above. Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses. Heath, 25c. Homer. Odyssey; tr. by G. H. Palmer. Houghton, *$i. SPENSER. Lang, Jeanie. Stories from the Fairie Queen. Dutton, *5oc. Royde-Smith, N. G. Una and the Red Cross Knight, and other tales from Spenser's Faery Queene. Dutton, *$2.50. PICTURE BOOKS Adelborg, Ottilie. Clean Peter and the chil- dren of Grubbylca. Longmans, $1.25. Aldin, Cecil. Farm-babies, a day in the life of a venturesome duckling. Doran, *$i.25. Arthur, E. B. Sonny Boy's day at the Zoo; illus. from photographs. Century, *90c. Brooke, Leslie. Golden goose book. Warne, *$2. The four stories contained in the "Golden goose book" are also printed separately as paper picture books. Warne, 40c. each. Golden goose and The three bears. Warne. *$i. Johnny Crow's party. Warne, *$i. Three little pigs and Tom Thumb. Warne, *$i. Browning, Robert. Pied Piper of Hamelin; illus. by Hope Dunlap. Rand, $1.25. Illus. by Kate Greenaway, Warne, *$i.50. Burgess, Gelett. Goops and how to be them. More goops and how not to be them. Stokes, $1.50 each. The goop directory. Stokes, *soc. Caldecott, Randolph. Picture books. 4v. Warne, $1.25 each; Miniature edition, 50c. each. These include "John Gilpin," "Babes in the woods," etc. The 16 titles are published separately in paper covers at 25c. each and 2v. as the "Caldecott collections" at $2.50 each. 14 titles may be had in a new "Art edition," at 50c. each. Cox, Palmer. The Brownie books. Century, $1.50 each. There are nine of these; also a "Brownie primer," *40C. ; "Brownie clown," *$i. 10 Crane, Walter. Picture books, gv. Lane, *$i.25 each. Beauty and the beast picture book. Buckle my shoe picture book. Bluebeard's picture book. Cinderella's picture book. Goody Two Shoe's picture book. Mother Hub- bard's picture book. Red Riding Hood pic- ture book. Song of sixpence picture book. This little pig's picture book. The stories in the picture books are sold sep- arately in paper covers, *2sc. each. New miniature edition, *25c. each: Puss in boots and The forty thieves. Sleeping Beauty and Bluebeard. Three bears and Mother Hubbard. Deming, E. W. Indian child life; illus. in colors and black and white. Stokes, $2. Also published in 2v. "Little red people" and "Little Indian folk." $1.50 each. Red folk and wild folk; illus. in colors and black and white. Stokes, *$i.50- Stories taken from the old Indian folk-lore. Also published in 2v. "Children of the wild" and "Little brother of the West." *$i each. Detmold, E. J, Book of baby birds; pictures in color; descriptions by F. E, Dug- dale. Doran, *$i.50. Book of baby beasts is uniform with this. Francis, J. G. Book of cheerful cats and other animated animals. Century, $1. Greenaway, Kate. Marigold garden. Under the window. Warne, *$i.50 each. Guigou, P. The animal trainer; illus. by N. A. S. Vimar. Duffield, $1.25. The animals in the ark; illus. by N. A. S. Vimar. Duffield. $1.25. Hill, F, T. Washington, the man of action; with illus. by Comte J. Onfroy de Breville (JOB). Appleton, *$5. Hoffman, Heinrich. Slovenly Peter. Win- ston, $1. "There is a difference of opinion about Slov- II Hoffman, Heinrich — Continued enly Peter. The pictures frighten some children, but amuse others, and the char- acters are so often alluded to in other books that they ought to be familiar to young readers." Caroline M. Hewins. Monvel, Boutet de. Girls and boys. Duffield, *$2.25. Price of the French edition, "Filles et gar- Qons" is *$i.2S. Joan of Arc. Century, *$3.50. Peary, Mrs. J. D. Snow baby. Stokes, *$i.25 Sage, Betty. Rhymes of real children; illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. Duffield, $1.50. Smith, E. B. The circus and all about it. Stokes, $1.50. Farm book. Railroad book. Seashore book. Houghton, *$i.50 each. Story of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith. Houghton. *$i.50. Whitney, H. H. The bedtime book; illus. by Jessie Willcox Smith. Duffield, $1.50. Linen picture books. For linen picture books see Art color books, published by Dutton at 750. each, and Play- time toy books, published by Warne at 40c. each. Painting books. Frederick Warne & Co. carry a series of "Artistic painting books" (includes "Peter Rabbit's painting book," etc.) at 50c. each; a series of "Children's painting books," 50c. each; also a 25c. and a 5c. series for quite young children. BOOKS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN Aspinwall, Mrs. Alicia. Short stories for short people. Dutton, $1.50. Beard, Lina, and Beard, A. B. Little folks* handy book. Scribner, *75c. 12 Brown, A. F. The lonesomest doll. Hough- ton, *8sc. Brown, Alice. The one-footed fairy and other stories. Houghton, *$i.25. Browne, Frances. Granny's wonderful chair and the tales it told. Button, School edition, *45c; Everyman's library, *35c; *5oc; lea. *70c. Burgess, T. W. Bed-time story-books. 6v. Little, *50c each. Adventures of Reddy Fox. Adventures of Johnny Chuck. Adventures of Peter Cot- tontail. Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum. Adventures of Mr. Mocker. Adventures of Jerry Muskrat. Old Mother West Wind. Little, *$i; with colored illus. *$i.6o. Chisholm, Louey, editor. Stories for the seven year-old. Stories for the eight year-old. Stories for the nine year- old. Stories for the ten year-old. Stokes, *5oc each. Craik, D. M. Little lame prince; with pic- tures by Hope Dunlap. Rand, $1.25. Craik, G. M. Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew. Beckley-Cardy, 30c. Crane, Walter. The baby's own TEsop. Warne, $1.50. Dodge, M. M., compiler. Baby days. New baby world. Century. $1.50 each. Stories, jingles and pictures from St. Nicholas for the very youngest. Fielding-Hall, Harold. Margaret's book; illus. by Charles Robinson. Stokes, *$2.50. "A fairy story for young children about a little girl who was given a number of wishes and what she did with them." Gates, J. S. Captain Billie. Dodd, *6oc. Tells what happened to children who kept saying "I don't want to." 13 Hopkins, W. J. The doers. Houghton, *$i. •'The various kinds of work that go into the building of a house, described in a way to interest young children. A little boy sees all the processes as they go on, and the workmen explain things to him, and soon let him do a little shingling, painting, etc., himself." The sandman, his farm stories. Page. $1.50. Oilier Sandman books are "The Sandman, more farm stories." "The Sandman, his ship stories," and "The Sandman, his sea stories." Kipling, Rudyard. Just so stories. Double- day. *$i.2o; illus. in color by J. M. Gleeson, *$2.5o. Lang, Andrew, editor. Nursery rhyme book; illus. by Leslie Brooke. Warne, $1.50. Le Mair, H. W. Old nursery rhymes. 4V. McKay, *35c. each. Lindsay, Maud. Story garden for little chil- dren. Lothrop, *$i. Morrison, M. W., compiler. Songs and rhymes for the little ones. Page, $1. Mother Goose. Mother Goose; illus. in color by Kate Greenaway. Warne, *6oc. Mother Goose; with numerous illus. in color and black and white, by Jessie Willcox Smith. Dodd, *$2.5o. Nursery rhyme picture book; illus. by Leslie Brooke. Warne, *$i. Old nursery rhymes; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Century, *$2.5o. Songs for the nursery; ed. by W. A. Wheeler; music by Charles Moulton. Houghton, *$i.50. Musset, Paul de. Mr. Wind and Madam Rain. Putnam, *$2. 14 Perkins, L. F. Eskimo twins. Houghton, *$i; School edition, *50c. Three other books are "Irish twins"; "Japan- ese twins," and "Dutch twins." Potter, Beatrix. The "Peter Rabbit" books. 15V. Warne, *5oc each. The roly-poly pudding. Warne, *$i. Poulsson, Emilie. The runaway donkey and other rhymes. Lothrop, $1.25. Pyle, Katharine. Careless Jane and other tales. Button, *75c. Also published under title "The rabbit witch and other tales." Smith, Gertrude. Arabella and Araminta stories. Small, *$i. Events in the lives of two little girls aged four. Tileston, M. W., compiler. Sugar and spice and all that's nice. Little, *$i; new illus. edition, *$i.30. Wiggin, K. D., compiler. Pinafore palace, a book of rhymes for the nursery. Dou- bleday, *$i.35. SONG BOOKS Crane, Walter. The baby's opera. Warne, $1.50. Field, Eugene. Songs of childhood; music by Reginald de Koven and others. Scribner, *$i. Moffat, Alfred. Little songs of long ago; illus. by Willebeek Le Mair. Our old nursery rhymes; illus. by Willebeek Le Mair. McKay, *$i.So each. Monvel, Boutet de. Old songs and rounds; illus. in color. Duffield, *$2.25. Poulsson, Emilie. Songs of a little child's day; music by Eleanor Smith. Brad- ley, $1.50. Words and music simple enough for young children. IS St. Nicholas songs. Century, bds. $1.25; cloth $2. Stevenson, R. L. The Stevenson song-book; verses from his "Child's garden," with music by various composers. Scribner, *$i. Terhune, Alice. Barnyard ballads for chil- dren; 15 songs with piano accompani- ment. Schirmer, *$i.25. POETRY Burt, M. E., compiler. Poems that every child should know. Doubleday, *90C. Chisholm, Louey, compiler. The golden staircase. Putnam, *$2.5o; Popular edition, *$i.5o; School edition, *$i. One of the best collections. Begins with poems for little children and ends with Browning, etc. Edgar, M. G., compiler. Treasury of verse for little children. Crowell, *$2.5o; with one illus. *50c. Field, Eugene. Lullaby land; songs of child- hood, selected by Kenneth Grahame. Scribner, *$i.35. Poems of childhood; illus. by Maxfield Parrish. Scribner, *$2.25. Henley, W. E., compiler. Lyra heroica, a book of verse for boys. Scribner, *$i.25. Lang, Andrew, compiler. Blue poetry book. Longmans. *$i; School edition, 6oc. Lear, Edward. Nonsense books; with all the original illus. Little, *$i.6o. Longfellow, H. W. Song of Hiawatha; illus. by Frederic Remington. Houghton, *$2.5o; Riverside literature series, * 40c. 16 Matthews, Brander, compiler. Poems of American patriotism. Scribner, *$i.5o; School edition, *50c. Palgrave, F. T., compiler. Children's treas- ury of English song. Macmillan, *$i. Repplier, Agnes, compiler. Book of famous verse. Houghton, Riverside library, *75c; Holiday edition, *$i.25. Stevenson, R. L. A child's garden of verses. Scribner. lUus. by Jessie Willcox Smith, *$2.25; by Charles Robinson, *$i.25; School edition, *50c. Thacher, Mrs. L. W., compiler. The listen- ing child. Macmillan, *$i.25; School edition, *50c. Wiggin, K. D., and Smith, N. A., compilers. Golden numbers. Doubleday, *$2. Posy ring. Doubleday, *$i.25. FAIRY TALES, MYTHS AND LEGENDS Fables; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday, *$i.50. Ginn publishes a school edition at 350. Andersen, H. C. Fairy tales and wonder stories; illus. by Louis Rhead. Har- per, $1.50. Fairy tales; illus. by Dugald Stewart Walton. Doubleday, *$i.50. Fairy tales; illus. by Gordon Browne. Stokes, *$i.3S. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas and illus. by Thomas, Charles and Wil- liam Robinson. Dutton, $2.50. Dutton also publishes the Fairy tales in Everyman's library at *35C. The nightingale and other stories; with illus. by Edmund Dulac. Doran, *$2. 17 Andersen, H. C. — Continued Stories and tales. Wonder stories told for children. Houghton, *$i each. ARABIAN NIGHTS' ENTERTAINMENTS. Arabian nights' entertainments; ar- ranged for young people by F. J. Ol- cott; illus. by M. S. Orr. Holt, *$i.50. "Best edition for a children's library." A. L. A. Booklist. Arabian nights; edited by K. D. Wiggin and N. A. Smith; illus. by Maxfield Parrish. Scribner, *$2.25. Arabian nights' entertainments; sel. and ed. by Andrew Lang. Longmans, *$i. Stories from the Arabian nights, retold by Laurence Housman; drawings by Edmund Dulac. Doran, *$5; Popular edition, *$i.5o. ARTHUR, KING. Macleod, Mary. Book of King Arthur and his noble knights; illus. from drawings by A. G. Walker. Stokes, *$i.3S. Malory, Sir Thomas. Boy's Kmg Arthur; ed. by Sidney Lanier. Scrib- ner, *$i.8o. Pyle, Howard. Story of King Arthur and his knights, written and illus. by Howard Pyle. Story of Sir Launce- lot and his companions. Story of the Champions of the Round Table. Story of the Grail and the passing of Ar- thur. Scribner, *$2 each. Stevens, L. O., and Allen, E. F. King Arthur stories from Malory. Hough- ton, *40c. Illustrations from Abbey's frescoes in the Boston Public library. i8 Baker, E. K. Stories from Northern myths. Macmillan, *$i.25. Stories of old Greece and Rome. Mac- millan, *$i.5o. Baldwin, James. Old Greek stories. Amer. Book Co., 45c. Story of the golden age; illus. by Howard Pyle. Scribner, *$i.35. The Sampo: hero adventures from the Finnish Kalevala; illus. by N. C. W^^eth. Scribner, *$2, Story of Siegfried; illus. by Howard Pyle. Scribner. *$i.3S. Barrie, J. M. Peter and Wendy; illus. by F. D. Bedford. Scribner, *$i.50. Bradish, S. P. Old Norse stories. Amer. Book Co., 45c. Brown, A. F. In the days of giants; illus. by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton, *$i.io. Buckley, E. F. Children of the dawn, old tales of Greece; illus. by F. C. Pape. Stokes, *$i.35. Carroll, Lewis. Alice's adventures in won- derland; illus. by John Tenniel. Through the looking-glass; illus. by John Tenniel. Macmillan, *$i each. This is the edition of Alice with the original pictures. There are a number of others. Chisholm, Louey. In fairy-land; with pic- tures in color, by Katharine Cameron. Putnam, *$2.5o; *$i.50. Craik, Mrs. D. M. Fairy book, the best pop- ular fairy stories rendered anew. Sully, *$2.5o. Darton, J. H. Wonder book of old romance; illus. by A. G. W^alker. Stokes, *$i.35. Dasent, Sir G. W. Norse fairy tales. Lippin- cott, *$i.25. France, Anatole. Honey-bee. Lane, *$i.5o. 19 Francillon, R. E. Gods and heroes. Ginn, 40 c. Fuller, Eunice. Book of friendly giants; with drawings by Pamela Colman Smith. Century, *$2. Gask, Lilian. The fairies and the Christ- mas child; illus. by Willy Pogany. Crowell, *$2. Grimm, J. L. K., and Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. Edgar Lucas; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Lippincott, *$i.25. Gammer Grethel's fairy tales; illus. by Cruikshank and others. Dodge Pub. Co., *$i.25. Household stories; tr. by Lucy Crane and done into pictures by Walter Crane. Macmillan, *$i.5o. A carefully selected collection is published by Houghton at *40C. and *6oc. under the title: "German household tales." Harris, J. C. Uncle Remus and his friends; with illus. from photographs. Visitor's edition. Houghton, *$i.25. Uncle Remus, his songs and sayings; illus. by A. B. Frost. Appleton, *$2. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales; illus. by G. W. Edwards. Houghton, *$2.25; Riverside literature series, *40c. Wonderbook for boys and girls; illus. in color by Walter Crane. Houghton, *$2.75; Riverside literature series, *40c. Wonder book and Tanglewood tales; with pictures by Maxfield Parrish. Duffield, *$2.25. Houghton, L. S. The Russian grand- mother's wonder tales. Scribner, *$i-35. 20 Jacobs, Joseph. Indian fairy tales. Putnam, *$i75- Kingsley, Charles. The heroes; or, Greek fairy tales for my children; illus. by T. H. Robinson. Button, $2.50; Re- told by Mary MacGregor, *50c. Water babies; illus. in color by War- wick Goble. Macmillan, *$i.75- Other Macmillan editions at *$i.2s; *75C. Illustrated in color by Margaret W. Tarrant, Button, $2.50; retold by Amy Steedman, *5oc. La Motte-Fouque, F. H. K., baron de. Sin- tram and his companions and Undine. Stokes, *$i.35. Undine; illus. by Arthur Rackham. Doubleday, *$2.50. Lang, Andrew. Lang fairy book. Long- mans, *$i. "There are 12 of these, the best of which are the Blue, Green, Orange, Red and Yellow- fairy books." Selections from these are published in Long- man's fairy books, *6oc. and *7Sc. Leamy, Edward. Golden spears and other fairy tales. Desmond Fitzgerald, $1. Irish fairy tales written for children. Mabie, H. W. Norse stories, *$i.25; illus. in color by George Wright. *$2. Macdonald, George. At the back of the north wind; illus. by F. C. Pape and Arthur Hughes. Dodge Pub. Co., *$i.S0. Simplified by Elizabeth Lewis. Lippincott, *5oc Princess and the goblin; illus. by Helen Stratton and Arthur Hughes. Dodge Pub. Co., *$i.5o. Simplified by Elizabeth Lewis. Lippincott, *soc Macdonald, Anne. Italian fairy book; illus. by Morris Meredith Williams. Stokes, *$i.35. 21 Macmanus, Seumas. In chimney corners, merry talcs of Irish folk-lore. Dou- bleday, *$i.5o. McSpadden, J. W. Stories from Wagner; illus. in color. Crowell. *$i.5o. Nyblom, Helena. Jolly Calle and other Swedish fairy tales; illus. by Charles Folkard. Dutton, $2.50. Pogany, Nandor. Hungarian fairy book; illus. by Willy Pogany. Stokes, *$i.35. Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur. Sleeping Beauty and other fairy tales retold from the old French; illus. by Edmund Dulac. Doran, *$5; *$2. ROBIN HOOD. Finnemore, John. Story of Robin Hood and his merry men. Macmillan, *$i.50. Perkins, L. F. Robin Hood, his deeds and adventures as recounted in the old English ballads; sel. and illus. by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Stokes, $1. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood. Scribner, *$2.75. Rhead, Louis. Bold Robin Hood and his outlaw band; penned and pictured by Louis Rhead. Harper, $1.50. Russell, Violet. Heroes of the dawn; illus. by Beatrice Elvery. Macmillan, *$i.75. Irish folklore. Scudder, H. E., editor. Children's book. New holiday edition, Houghton, *$2.25. "A treasure-house of delightful stories and poems." Stigand, C. H. Black tales for white chil- dren. Houghton, *$i.50. Thackeray, W. M. The rose and the ring; illus. by Gordon Browne. Stokes, $1.25. School editions with the author's illustradons. Heath, 25c.; Macmillan, *soc. 22 Thorne-Thomsen, Gudrun. East o' the sun and west o' the moon, with other Norwegian folk tales. Peterson, 50c. True annals of fairy-land. 3 volumes. But- ton, $1.50 each. Reign of King Cole; edited by J. M. Gibbon. Reign of King Herla; edited by William Can- ton. Reign of King Oberon; edited by Walter Jer- rold. Welsh, Charles, editor. Fairy tales children love. Dodge Pub. Co., $1.25. Wheeler, Post. Russian wonder tales; con- taining 12 of the famous Bilibin illlus- trations in color. Century, *$2.5o. Wiggin, K. D., and Smith, N. A., editors. Tales of laughter. Doubleday, *$i.35. SOME GOOD STORIES FOR BOYS Many girls will enjoy most of these books. Alden, W. L. The moral pirates. Harper, 60c. Aley, Max. Barnstormers. Scribner, *$i.25. Four boys form a dramatic club. Ames, Fisher, jr. Boys of Eastmarsh. Cro- well, *$i.25. Bond, A. R. With the men who do things. Munn. *$i.5o. Fiction based on fact. Tells of skyscrapers, battleships, sand-hogs, submarines, etc. Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants; illus. by H. J. Dunn. Scribner, *$2. Camp, Walter. Jack Hall at Yale, a football story. The substitute. Appleton, $1.35 each. Cooper, J. F. Last of the Mohicans; illus. by E. Boyd Smith. Holt, *$i.35. Davis, R. H. The boy scout. Scribner, *5oc. 23 Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe; with draw- ings by the Brothers Rhead. Harper, $1.50. Illus. by E. Boyd Smith, Houghton, *$i.5o; Riverside school library, *6oc. Dickens, Charles. Great expectations, retold for children by A. F. Jackson. Jacobs, *75c. Miss Jackson has retold five of Dickens's other novels for children. Duncan, Norman. Adventures of Billy Top- sail. Revell, *$i.25. French, Allan. The runaway. Century, *$i.25. Green, L. W. Boy fugitives in Mexico. Houghton, *$i.25. Adventures of two American boys in Mexico at the outbreak of the Revolution in 191 1. Haines, D. H. The last invasion. Harper, *$i.25. An invasion of the United States. Heyliger, William. Off side. Appleton, *$i.25. Johnson, Rossiter. Phaeton Rogers. Scrib- ner, *$i.35- "A boy whose adventures lead him into and out of many scrapes." Kaler, J. O. Toby Tyler; or, Ten weeks with a circus. Mr. Stubbs's brother (se- quel). Harper, 6oc each, Kipling, Rudyard. Captains courageous. Century, $1.50. "How Harvey Cheyne, the spoiled son of a millionaire, sailed unwillingly with Disko Troop and his crew on a fishing voyage to the Newfoundland Banks, and was thereby made a man." Matthews, Brander. Tom Paulding. Cen- tury, $1.50. New York boy's search for buried treasure. Munroe, Kirk. Derrick Sterling. Harper, 60c. 24 Pier, A. S. Grannis of the Fifth. Houghton, *$i.25. Quirk, L. W. The third strike. Little, *$i.20. Raid, Capt. Mayne. Cliff climbers. Button, $1. Schultz, J. W. Quest of the fish-dog skin. Houghton, *$i.25. "Boys, with one man for guide, take the perilous journey to the Pacific to find a fish-dog (seal) skin." A. L. A. Booklist. Stevenson, R. L. Kidnapped; illus. by N. E. C. Wyeth. Scribner, *$2,25; another Scribner edition, *$i.25. Treasure island; illus. by N. E. C. Wyeth. Scribner, ^$2.25. Scribner also publishes editions at *$i.25 and *$i. Also in Every boy's library, Grosset, *Soc. Stoddard, W. O. Talking leaves. Two ar- rows, Harper. 6oc each. Two Indian stories. Tomlinson, E. T. Scouting with Daniel Boone. Doubleday, *$i.2o. Young sharpshooter at Antietam. Houghton, *$i.35. Sequel to Young sharpshooter, *$i.3S. Twain, Mark. Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Harper, $1.75 each; Holiday edition of Tom Sawyer, $2. Verrill, A. H. An American Crusoe, a record of remarkable adventure on a desert island with only a jacknife and brains. Dodd, *$i.25. "The scientific side of the story is strongly emphasized, as the author is himself a scien- tist and is thoroughly familiar with the flora and fauna of the locality described." Wallace, Dillon, The gaunt gray wolf, a tale of adventure with "Ungava Bob." Revell, *$i.25. 25 Weir, H. C. Cinders. Wilde, *$i. Interests one in the steel industry. Wyss, J. D. Swiss family Robinson, new edition from the original German. Ja- cob, *$i. SOME GOOD STORIES FOR GIRLS A few titles on this list will interest boys. Alcott, L. M. Little men. Little, *$i.35; illus. by R. B. Birch, *$i.8o. Little women. Little. *$i.35; illus. by A. B. Stephens, *$i.8o. Brown, Alice. Secrets of the clan. Macmil- lan, *$i.25. Brown, E. A. Four Gordons. Lothrop, $1.50. When Max came. Lothrop, *$i.20. An English boy visits his New England cousins. Burnett, F. H. The secret garden. Stokes, *$i.35; illus. ed. *$i.50. Comstock, H. T. Camp Brave Pine, a Camp- fire Girl story. Crowell, *$i.25. Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Donald and Dorothy. Century, $1.50. Haines, A. C. Luck of the Dudley Grahams. Holt, $1.50. Hale. L. P. Peterkin papers. Houghton, *$i.40. Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Ramona. Little, *$i.35. Jacob, Mrs. C. E. A Texas Blue Bonnet. Page, $1.50. "Pleasant story of an impetuous motherless Texas girl of fifteen who goes to her grand- mother and aunt near Boston to attend school." A. L. A. Booklist. Sequel: Blue Bonnet's ranch party. Page, $1.50. Jewett, S. O. Betty Leicester's Christmas. Houghton, *$i. 26 Montgomery, L. M. Anne of Green Gables. Page, $1.50. "The dearest and most moving and delightful child since the immortal Alice." Mark Twain. Perry, S. G. S. The kind adventure. Stokes, *$i.25. "Shows the fun of doing good to others." Richards, L. E. Quicksilver Sue. Century, $1. Shaw, Flora. Castle Blair. Little, *$i. Heath, 50c. Scene laid in Ireland. Smith, M. P. W. Two in a bungalow. Little, *$1.20. For boys and girls from 6 to 12. Vaile, C. M. W. Orcutt girls. Sue Orcutt. Wilde, *$i.25 each. Webster, Jean. When Patty went to college. Century, $1.50. Wiggin, K. D. Mother Carey's chickens. Houghton, *$i.25. Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Hough- ton, *$i.2o; Holiday edition, *$i.50. Woolsey, S. C. What Katy did. Little, *$i.2o; new illustrated edition, *$i.50. Other books of this series are "What Katy did at school." "What Katy did next," "Clover" and "In the high valley." HISTORICAL STORIES AND BOOKS ABOUT FOREIGN COUNTRIES Baden-Powell, Sir R. S. S. Boy scouts be- yond the seas. Lippincott, *$i. Banks, H. W. Boy's Motley; 12 illus. in color. Stokes, *$2. Colum, Padriac. A boy in Eirinn. Button, "A delightful picture of the everyday life of an Irish peasant lad, into which are intro- 2.7 Colum, Padriac — Continued duced the Irish legends and hero tales of the Children of Lir, Finn MacCoul, King Brian and Daniel O'Connell." Coxhead, Margaret. Mexico. (Romance of history series.) Stokes, *$2. Demetrios, George. When I was a boy in Greece. Lothrop, *6oc. Dickens, Charles. Tale of two cities. Gads- hill edition, Scribner, *$i.5o. The French Revolution. Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Hans Brinker. Scribner, New Amsterdam edition, *$i.5o; Popu- lar edition, *50c. Story of Dutch life. Dragoumis, J. D. Under Greek skies. But- ton, *$i. Fiction. Du Chaillu, Paul. Land of the long night; illus. by M. J. Burns. Scribner, *$i.8o. Finnemore, John. Peeps at history: Ger- many; 8 illus. in color. Macmillan, *S5c. Fletcher, C. R. L., and Kipling, Rudyard. History of England; pictures by Henry Ford. Doubleday, *$i.8o. Gaines, Ruth. Little Light (Lucita). Rand. *75c. "Story of a little Mexican girl of the better class." Gilbert, Henry. Conquerors of Mexico; re- told from Prescott. Crowell, *$i.50. Huntington, H. S. His majesty's sloop, Dia- mond Rock. Houghton, *$i.35- English naval warfare in Nelson's time. Kaleel, M. J. When I was a boy in Palestine. Lothrop, *6oc. "From his own boyhood recollections, the au- thor gives a description of peasant life and customs in the Holy Land." 28 Kipling, Rudyard. Kim. Doubleday, *$i.35; illus. by J. L. Kipling, *$3.50. Scene laid in India. Lang, Mrs. Andrew. The red book of heroes. Longmans, *$i. Macdonald, E. B., and Dalrymple, Julia. Fritz in Germany. Little, *6oc. MacGregor, Mary. Story of France. Stokes, *$2.50. Mitton, G. E, London (Peeps at great cities). Macmillan, *5Sc. Riis, Jacob. Hero tales of the Far North. Macmillan, *$i.35. Seaman, A. H. Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons. Sturgis & Walton, $1.25. A story of the siege of Leyden. Seawell, M. E. Rock of the Lion. Harper, $1.50. Siege of Gibraltar, 1779-83. Siepen, Edith. Berlin. (Peeps at great cities.) Macmillan, *S5c. "Includes a good account of a German Christ- mas." A. L. A. Booklist. Synge, M. B, A book of discovery. Putnam, *$2.50. "History of the world's exploration from the earliest times to the finding of the South Pole; fully illustrated from authentic sources and with maps." Taylor, Bayard. Boys of other countries. Putnam, *$i.25; illus. by F. S. Coburn and others. *$2. Twain, Mark. The prince and the pauper. Harper, $1.75. "How poor Tom Canty and the Prince of Wales exchanged clothes and places, and what befell them thereafter." Winslow, C. V. Our little Bulgarian cousin. Our little French cousin. Page, *6oc each. 29 TIVO TRAVEL SERIES, POPULAR WITH CHILDREN. Peeps at many lands. Macmillan. 75c each. "Descriptive sketches and colored pictures in- troducing the English child to the life, his- tory and folk lore of various countries. The colored illustrations for this attractive series, are taken from beautiful books of travel published by Black. In some books of the series the language and treatment is too mature for all but high school children and adults. Some of these suited in interest to children from ten to fourteen, are Jung- man's Holland; Grierson's Scotland; Leith's Iceland; Kelley's Burma and Egypt; Finne- more's India, Italy, The Holy Land, Japan, Morocco, and Switzerland; Johnston's China and Young's Corsica." J. H. Harron. Little people everywhere. Little. 60c each. "A series of 12 volumes by E. B. McDonald and Julia Dalrymple describing child life in different countries in story form, with in- formation on customs, daily life, history, etc. The illustrations, one colored and eight or nine from photographs, are good, the paper and binding unsatisfactory. Four of the best are Kathleen in Ireland; Manuel in Mexico; Ume San in Japan; Rafael in Italy." J. H. Harron. ANIMAL STORIES Barbour, R. H. The story my doggie told to me. Dodd, *$i. Bertelli, Luigi. The prince and his ants. Holt, *$i.35. Bostock, F. R. Training of wild animals. Century, *$i. Author a great trainer. Brown, John. Rab and his friends, and other stories of dogs. Houghton, Riverside school library, 60c. 30 Carter, M. H., editor. Animal stories, sel. from St. Nicholas. 6v. Century, 65c. each. Grinnell, G. B. The wolf hunters, a story of the buffalo plains, from the manu- script account of Robert M, Peck. Scribner, *$i.25. "True story of a hunting expedition beyond the Missouri River in 1861-62, from the manuscript record of a veteran plainsman." Book Review Digest. Hawkes, Clarence. King of the thundering herd; the biography of an American bison. Jacobs, *$i.25. Jordan, D. S. Story of Matka. Whittaker & Ray-Wiggin Co. *$i; School edition, *75c. "The life story of the fur seal, simply and charmingly told from personal observation on the Privilov Islands and attractively il- lustrated." A. L. A. Booklist. Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book. Century. *$i.5o; with colored illus. by M. & E, Detmold, *$2.50. Second jungle book. Century, *$i.5o. Lagerlof, Selma. Wonderful adventure of Nils; from the Swedish, Doubleday. *$i.35; illus. in color by M. H. Frye, *$2.50. London, Jack. White Fang. Macmillan, *$i.50. About a wolf with a strain of tame blood. This book and London's "Call of the wild" will interest older children. Long, W. J. Little brother to the bear; Se- crets of the woods; Ways of wood folk; Wilderness ways; Wood folk at school, Ginn. *6oc; School edition, *5oc. (Wilderness ways, *4Sc), "Little brother to the bear" is also published in a large paper edition at *$i.5o. 31 Loring, J. A. African adventure stories. Scribner, *$i.50. By the field naturalist to the Roosevelt African expedition. Reynard the Fox, adapted by E. L. Smythe. Amer. Book Co., 30c. Roberts, C. G. D. Kings in exile. Macmil- lan, *$i.5o; *5oc. "The life in confinement of the lords of the great woods and open spaces of the North- west. Roberts's animal stories are of the best type. They are dramatic and enter- taining, but the author does not to any extent substitute his own psychology for the mental processes of the animals." J. H. Harron. Red fox. Page, $2. Saunders, Marshall. Pussy Black-Face. Page, $1.50. Segur, S. R. Comtesse de. Story of a donkey, abridged from the French by Charles Welsh. Heath, 20c. Seton, E. T. Lives of the hunted; with more than 200 drawings by the au- thor. Scribner, *$i.75. Four of these stories have been published under the title "Krag and Johnny Bear," *Soc. Wild animals at home; with over 150 sketches and photographs by the author. Doubleday, *$i.5o. Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty; illus. in color by Cecil Aldin. Stokes, *$2. Crowell publishes editions at 3SC. and at soc. Wright, W. H. Ben, the black bear; illus. from photographs. Scribner, *6oc. BOOKS ABOUT INDIANS Beck, R. E. Little Buffalo Robe; illus. by Angel DeCora and Lone Star. Holt, *$i.35. Story of an Indian girl's capture by a hostile tribe. 32 Grinnell, G. B. Blackfeet Indian stories. Scribner, *$i. Humphreys, M. G., editor. Boy's Catlin, my life among the Indians; with i6 il- lus. from Catlin's drawings. Scribner, *$i.50. Partridge, E. N. Glooscap the great chief and other stories. Sturgis and Wal- ton, *$1.25. Legends of the Micraacs. Rolt-Wheeler, F. W. The boy with the U. S. Indians. Lothrop, $1.50. "Full of authoritative information, as it passed the censorship of the Bureau of Ethnology and Office of Indian Affairs. For the older children." A. L. A. Booklist. Schultz, J. W. On the warpath. Houghton, *$i.25. CAMPING AND OUTDOOR SPORTS See also Beard and Boy Scouts of America under Every Boy's Library. Adams, J. H. Harper's outdoor book for boys. Harper, *$i.5o. Bancroft, J. H. Games for the playground, home, school and gymnasium. Mac- millan, *$i.50. Includes indoor games. Beard, D. C. Field and forest handy book. Scribner, *$i.50. Shelters, shacks, and shanties. Scrib- ner, *$1.25, Camp Fire Girls. Book of the Camp Fire Girls for 1914. National headquarters. New York, 25c. Cave, Edward. The boy's camp book: based on the encampment of a Boy Scout troop. Doubleday, *50c. "Supplements the Boy Scout's hike book. An eight-day camping trip of a Boy Scout troop 33 Cave, Edward — Continued is used as the means of presenting informa- tion on the choice of grounds, tents, per- sonal equipment, camping kit, cooking, etc." A. L. A. Booklist. Davis, C. G. Motor boating for boys. Har- per, *50c. Davis, P. H. Football, the American inter- collegiate game. Scribner, *$2.5o. Dier, J. C, editor. Book of winter sports. Macmillan, *$i.50. Eastman, C. A. Indian scout talks, a guide for Boy Scouts and Camp-Fire Girls. Little, *8oc. McGraw, J. J. How to play baseball; illus. from photographs of big league stars. Harper, *6oc. Reed, Herbert. Football for public and player. Stokes, *$i.5o. "Assumes a knowledge of rudiments and rules, and attempts to give something of the finer points of individual technique, of team play, system and generalship." A. L. A. Booklist. Withington, Paul, editor. Book of athletics. Lothrop, *$i.5o. Editor is one of America's greatest amateur athletes and has collaborated with some 30 college stars and champions. EVERY BOY'S LIBRARY: BOY SCOUT EDITION A guaranteed library for boys; clean, wholesome, vigorous stories, selected by the Library Commission of the Boy Scouts of America. Grosset and Dunlap. Each *50C. Adams, Andy. Wells brothers: the young cattle kings. Altsheler, J. A. Horsemen of the plains. Barbour, R. H. For the honor of the school. Barnes, James. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors. Beard, D. C. Boat-building and boating. 34 Boy Scouts of America. Hand book for boys: revised edition. Brady, C. T. Midshipman in the Pacific. Bullen, F. T. Cruise of the Cachalot. Connolly, J. B. Jeb Hutton. "Story of a Georgia boy brought up on the banks of the Savannah River." Doubleday, Russell. Cattle ranch to college. Fitzhugh, P. K. Along the Mohawk trail. Adventures of Boy Scout patrols around Lake Champlain. Inman, Henry. Ranche on the Oxhide. Pioneer life in Kansas in the late sixties. London, Jack. Call of the wild. A vivid story of life in the Klondike regions. McFarlane, A. E. Redney McGaw. A story of circus life. Masefield, John. Jim Davis. Mason, A. B. Tom Strong, Washington's scout. Mathewson, Christy. Pitching in a pinch. "A series of gripping stories of the big leaguers, told by "Matty," the star pitcher of the New York Giants." Matthews, Brander. Tom Paulding. A story of buried treasure in New York, deal- ing with Revolutionary history. Munroe, Kirk. Cab and caboose. Paine, R. D. College years. Stories of life at Yale. Pier, A. S. Jester of St. Timothy's. Quirk, L. W. Baby Elton, quarter-back. Remington, Frederic. Crooked trails. "A collection of ten stories — scenes laid along the border line between Texas and Mexico." Seton, E. T. Animal heroes. Stevenson, B. E. Tommy Remington's battle. Story of a coal-miner's son's fight for an edu- cation. Stevenson, R. L. Treasure Island. Stockton, F. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coast. 35 Tisdale, Lieu. Three years behind the guns. "The true chronicles of a 'diddy box' set down by a boy who ran away to sea." Tomlinson, E. T. Tecumseh's young braves. White, S. E. Blazed trail. GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS Armstrong, D. C. Boys' book of stamp col- lecting. Stokes, *$i.75. Canfield, Dorothy, and others. What shall we do now? Stokes, $1.50. Games book for boys and girls. Button, $2.50. Glover, E. H. "Dame Curtsey's" book of games for children. McClurg, *5oc. Hatton, Henry, and Plate, Adrian. Ma- gicians' tricks: how they are done. Century, *$i.6o. Keyes, A. M. When mother lets us play. Moffat, *75c. Lucas, E. v., and Lucas, Elizabeth. Three hundred games and pastimes. Moffat, *75c. St. Nicholas book of plays and operettas. Century, $1. Stevenson, Augusta. Plays for the home. Houghton, *$i.25. Wells, Carolyn. Rainy day diversions. Moffat, *$i. Diverting games, puzzles, etc. HOW TO MAKE AND DO THINGS Adams, J. H. Harper's indoor book for boys. Harper, *$i.So. Bailey, C. S. Boys' make-at-home things. Girls' make-at-home things. Stokes, *$i.2S each. 36 Beard, D. C. American boy's handy book. Things worth doing and how to do them. What a girl can make and do. Scribner, *$i.5o each. Beard, Patten. Jolly book of boxcraft. Stokes, *$i.35. Tells how to make houses, forts, sleighs, etc., out of boxes. Benton, C. F. Saturday mornings; or. How Margaret learned to keep house. Page, 75 c. Boy mechanic; 700 things for boys to do. Popular Mechanics, *$i.50. Collins, F. A. Boy's book of model aero- planes. Second boy's book of model aeroplanes. Century, *$i.20 each. Foster, O. H. Cookery for little girls. Housekeeping for little girls. Sewing for little girls. Duffield, *75c each. Grubb, M. B. When mother lets us make gifts. Moffat, *75c. Kelland, C. B. American boy's workshop. McKay, *$i.25. Rich, G. E. When mother lets us make pa- per-box furniture. Moffat, *75c. Verrill, A. H. Harper's aircraft book. Har- per, *$i. Harper's book for young naturalists. Harper, *$i.5o. A guide to collecting and preparing specimens; with descriptions of the life, habits and haunts of birds, plants, etc. Harper's gasoline engine book. Harper, *$i. Harper's wireless book. Harper, *$i. Shows boys "what to do and how to do it in the lines of wireless telegraphy, telephony, and power transmission." Williams, Archibald. How to make things. Sully, *$i.20. 37 SOME OTHER ATTRACTIVE BOOKS OF INFORMATION Adams, J. H. Harper's electricity book for boys. Harper's machinery book for boys. Harper, *$i.5o each. Booth, W. S., editor. Wonderful escapes by Americans. Houghton, *$2. Boys* book of battles; with illustrations from famous paintings. Houghton, *$2. "The selections, taken together, give a graphic picture of the development of warfare from the earliest times to the present day." Caffin, C. H. Child's guide to pictures. Baker, *$i.25. "The average child will understand, and the exceptional child will be interested in the clear and simple explanation of the prin- ciples and qualities which underlie true art." A. L. A. Booklist. Clodd, Edward. Childhood of the world; re- written and enlarged. Macmillan, *$i.25. A simple account of man's origin and early- history. Conway, A. E., and Conway, W. M. Chil- dren's book of art. Macmillan, *$2, Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast; illus. by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton, *$i.50. Dole, N. H. A score of famous composers. Crowell, 75c. DuPuy, W. A. Uncle Sam's modern mir- acles. Stokes, *$i.25. Tells about transforming deserts, shackling the Mississippi, taking the census, etc. Esquemeling, John. Buccaneers of America; ed. and illus. by G. A. Williams. Stokes, *$2. "The first hand story of a man who was ac- tually with them, edited for young readers," 38 Gibson, C. R. Our good slave electricity. Lippincott, *$i. Told in simple language. Hill, F. T. On the trail of Grant and Lee; illus. in color. Appleton, *$i.5o. Howden, J, R. Boys' book of warships. Stokes, *$i.7S. Other books in this series deal with railways, locomotives and steamships. Jenks, Tudor. Book of famous sieges. Dou- bleday, *$i.50. Moffett, Cleveland. Careers of danger and daring. Century, $1.50. Ogden, H. A. Boys' book of famous regi- ments. McBride, *$i.5o. Rogers, J. E. Trees that every child should know. Doubleday, *$i.20. "Describes in a simple, attractive manner the life and appearance at different seasons of the most familiar trees." Rolt-Wheeler, Francis. The boy with the U. S. explorers. Lothrop, *$i.50. "The hero saves the farm in Kansas through a visit to Washington which results in the sending of a Government agent to make the place a kind of temporary experiment sta- tion. Wonderful facts of plant and animal life are brought out, and the boy wins as a special prize in a cornfield contest a trip around the world." Steedman, Amy. Knights of art. Jacobs, *$2. Stevens, W. O. Story of our navy. Harper, *$i.5o. Wade, M. H. The light-bringers. Little, *$i. Interesting accounts of Robert E. Peary, Clara Barton, the Wright brothers, Julia Ward Howe, Guglielmo Marconi and Roald Amundsen. Whitcomb, L P. Young people's story of music. Dodd, $2. Williams, Archibald. Wonders of modern invention. McKay, *75c. Interesting descriptions, in non-technical lan- guage'^ ^/'wirsloss telei'rdi)^y,* modern artil- Williams, Archibald — Continued lery, submarines, etc. Abridged and brought up to date from Williams's Romance oi modern invention. STORY-TELLING (BOOKS FOR GROWN-UPS TO USE WITH CHILDREN) Bryant, S. C. Best stories to tell to chil- dren. Houghton. *$i.50. How to tell stories to children. Stories to tell to children. HoughtGn^ *$i each. Coe, F. E. First book of stories for the story-teller. Second book of stones for the story-teller. Houghton, *8oc each. Gould, F. J. Conduct stories. Macmlllan, *$i. Houghton, L. C. Telling Bible stpxieiB, Scribner, *$i.25. ' :i j^l ;;:;i^ Olcott, F. J., compiler. Good stories for great holidays. Houghton, *$2. Illus. in color. "This volume, though intended also for the children's ov/n rea4j^g and for reading aloud, is especially planned for st.-rj'-tell- ing." Story-telling poems; selected and ar- ranged for story-telling and reading aloud and for the children's own i .-,.d-. ing. Houghton, $1.25. Partridge, E. N., and Partridge, G. E. Story- telling in school and home. S -r •'^ *$i.25. Includes stories to tell. Scott, Mrs. E. L. Story-telling; wl t lo tell and how to tell it. McClurg *''5t- Shedlock, M. L. Eastern stories and lej, ^ds. DuttQn„' •''50c. . , , AC