tfrcaaitmal OF THE $0st0n Storidjj O f lateral FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. 1 11. LIST OF THE AVES. BY GLOVER M. ALLEN. BOSTON : PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY FROM THE GURDON SALTONSTALL FUND. JUNE, 1909. r\ ' b AVES. The following list aims to include all species of birds known to have occurred in New England within historic times. Those only whose occurrence is believed to be natural are given a serial number, while introduced, escaped, or hypothetical species are given in a separate list. The nomenclature is that adopted by the American ornithologists' union, including the changes of the 14th supplement to the Check-List, July, 1908. Of the vernacular names, the first given is in each case that of the Check-List, and those following are local names current for the most part in New England. Unless otherwise stated, the term "migrant" means that the species oc- curs in both the spring and the fall migrations; "summer resident" implies that the species breeds; "resident," that individual birds remain the entire year in the State. The migration and nesting dates given, are almost wholly those available from published sources and are hence in many cases, somewhat meager. Un- usual dates are enclosed within parentheses. If the records for the presence of a given species within any State do not exceed three, the place and date of each are given if known. For brevity of citation, references to figures of eggs in the works of Bendire, Capen, and Seebohm are given by the name of the author followed by the date, plate, and figure. The titles of these works follow:- Bendire, C. Life histories of North American birds with special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. Special bull. no. 1, U. S. nat. mus., 1892, viii + 446 p., 12 pis.; special bull. no. 3, U. S. nat. mus., 1895, ix+518 pp., 7 pis. Capen, El win A. Oology of New England : a description of the eggs, nests, and breeding habits of the birds known to breed in New England, with colored illustrations of their eggs. Boston, 1886, 4to, 116 pp., 25 pis. Seebohm, Henry. Coloured figures of the eggs of British birds, with descriptive notices. Sheffield, xxiv+304 pp., pis. 702835 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. The Library and Publishing Committee will issue, as volume seven of the Occasional Papers, a Catalogue of the animals of New England. Parts will be published at irregular intervals, and though the details of the several lists will vary somewhat in the different groups, each list will include, 1st, the accepted name (scientific and vernacular); 2d, reference to the original description, with record of locality; 3d, reference to an authentic description and illustration, and 4th, habitat and occurrence. The Committee considers these lists a necessary preliminary to a series of comprehensive, illustrated monographs, the publication of which it is hoped the Society will at some later time take upon itself. The Committee also believes that these lists will aid in the accumulation of valuable material for the New England collection of the Society. With this in view a separate check list of names will be issued with each part. In this check list the + indicates a specimen in the Society's Museum; the that a trustworthy record exists. Toward the accomplishment of its aims the Committee invites the cooperation of all interested in the Fauna of New England. Communications concerning specimens should be addressed to the CURATOR of the Society (Chas. W. Johnson), notes and records of occurrence to the EDITOR of the "Fauna of New England" (Samuel Henshaw). Boston Society Natural History, 234 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass. Colymbus holboellii auritus . Podilymbus podiceps Gavia immer Me N.H Vt. Mas R. Conn arctica . . . stellata . . . Lunda cirrhata . . Fratercula arctica . . Cepphus grylle . . . Uria troile lomvia .... Alca torda .... Plautus impennis . Allealle ...... Megalestris skua . . Stercorarius pomarinus parasiticus longicaudus Pagophila alba . . . Rissa tridactyla . . . Larus hyperboreus . . leucopterus . . kumlieni . mannus argentatus .... delawarensis . . . atricilla Philadelphia .... Xema sabinii . . . . . Gelochelidon nilotica . . . Sterna caspia maxima sandvicensis acuflavida forsteri hirundo paradisaea .... dougalli antillarum ,Me. Sterna fuscata ........ Hydrochelklon ir'gra surinamensis Rynchops nigra . . . ... Fulmarus glacialis '. Puffinus borealis gravis . . .... . griseus . . . ... Aestrelata hasitata Daption capensis . . . . Oceanodroma leucorhoa . . . Oceanites oceanicus Sula leucogastra bassana ........ + Phalacrocorax carbo + auritus . . Pelecanus erythrorhynchos . occidentals . . Fregata aquila ..... Mergus americanus . . . serrator .... Lophodytes cucullatus . . Anas platyrhynchos . rubripes Chaulelasmus streperus . . . Mareca penelope . . americana .... Nettion crecca ..... carolinensis . . . Querquedula discors ... Spatula clypeata . . Dafila acuta . . ... Aix sponsa . . . . > . Marila americana . . . > vallisneria .... marila affinis collaris . . . Clangula clangula americana islandica + Charitonetta albeola Harelda hyemalis . Histrionicus histrionicus .... Camptorhynchus labradorius ... . 2 N.H. vt. + Mass. + + R.I. Conn. -f -h f J - Somateria mollissima borealis dresseri . . . spectabilis . . . Oidemia americana . . . deglandi .... perspicillata . . Erismatura jamaicensis . Nomonyx dominicus . . . Chen hyperborea . . . nivalis . caerulescens . . . Anser albifrons gambeli . . Branta canadensis . . . hutchinsii bernicla glaucogastra nigricans . . . . leucopsis Olor cygnus columbianus buccinator Guara alba Plegadis autumnalis . . Mycteria americana . . Botaurus lentiginosus . . . Ixobrychus exilis Ardea herodias Herodias egretta Egretta candidissima . . . . Florida caerulea Butorides virescens . Nycticorax nycticorax naevius . Nyctanassa violacea . . . . Grus americana canadensis Me. + + + mexicana . . Rallus elegans .... crepitans virginianus . . . Porzana Carolina . . . Coturnicops noveboracensis Creciscus jamaicensis . Crex crex lonornis martinica . N.H. vt Mass. R. Conn Me. Gallinula galeata Fulica americana Phalaropus fulicarius Lobipes lobatus Steganopus tricolor Recurvirostra americana Himantopus mexicanus Philohela minor Gallinago delicata Macrorhamphus griseus ..... scolopaceus . . . Micropalama himantopus . ... Tringa canutus Arquatella maritima Pisobia maculata *. . fuscicollis bairdii . . . minutilla Pelidna alpina sakhalina . . . Erolia ferruginea Ereunetes pusillus * . mauri Calidris leucophaea Limosa fedoa haemastica Totanus melanoleucus ..... flavipes . ..... Helodromas solitarius Catoptrophorus semipalmatus . . . inornatus Pavoncella pugnax Bartramia longicauda Tryngites subruficollis Actitis macularia '. . Numenius americanus ..... hudsonicus ..... borealis Squatarola squatarola Charadrius dominicus ..... Oxyechus vociferus . . . ... Aegialitis semipalmata . . . . . meloda N.H. vt Mass. R. I. Conn. ft Ochthodromus wilsonius . . . Arenaria interpres . . . . morinella Haematopus palliatus . . . Colinus virginianus .... Canachites canadensis canace . Bonasa umbellus togata . . Lagopus lagopus Tympanuchus cupido . . . Meleagris gallopavo silvestris . Ectopistes migratorius . . . Zenaidura macroura carolinensis Starnoenas cyanocephala . . . Cathartes aura septentrionalis . Catharista urubu Elanoides forficatus .... Circus hudsonius Accipiter velox cooperii Astur atricapillus Buteo borealis . lineatus swainsoni platypterus Archibutep lagopus sancti-johannis Aquila chrysaetos Haliaeetus leucocephalus .... Falco islandus rusticolus gyrfalco .... rusticolus obsoletus . . . peregrinus anatum .... columbarius tinnunculus . Me. N.H Vt. Mass R. I. Conn sparverms .... Pandion haliaetus carolinensis Aluco pratincola .... Asio wilsonianus . . . . flammeus Strix varia Scotiaptex nebulosa . . . Glaux funerea richardsoni Glaux acadicus Otus asio . . Bubo virginianus subarcticus . heterocnemis Nyctea nyctea Surnia ulula caparoch . . . Speotyto cunicularia hypogaea Coccyzus americanus . . . erythrophthalmus . . Ceryle alcyon Dryobates villosus pubescens medianus Picoides arcticus . . . . . americanus . . . . Sphyrapicus varius . . . Phloeotomus pileatus abieticola Melanerpes erythrocephalus Centurus carolinus . . . . . Colaptes auratus luteus . . . Antrostomus carolinensis . . . vociferus . . . Chordeiles virginianus Chaetura pelagica . . . . Trochilus colubris *...^-* Muscivora forficata . . . - Tyrannus tyrannus . . . . dominicensis . verticalis . . . . Myiarchus crinitus . . . . Sayornis phoebe saya Nuttallornis borealis . . . . Myiochanes virens . . . . Empidonax flaviventris . . . virescens . . . traillii alnorum . minimus . Otocoris alpestris . . . praticola hoyti . Cyanocitta cristata . . Perisoreus canadensis . Corvus corax principalis . Me. N.H. Vt. Mass. + + + R.I. Corvus brachyrhynchos . . . ossifragus Sturnus vulgaris Dolichonyx oryzivorus . . . Molothrus ater Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Agelaius phoeniceus .... fortis Sturnella magna Icterus spurius galbula bullocki Euphagus carolinus . . ... Quiscalus quiscula aeneus . . Hesperiphona vespertina . . Pinicola enucleator leucura . . Carpodacus purpureus . . . Loxia curvirostra minor . . . leucoptera Acanthis hornemannii exilipes . linaria holboellii rostrata . . . "brewsteri" . . Astragalinus tristis .... Spinus pinus spmus Plectrophenax nivalis Calcarius lapponicus ornatus Pooecetes gramineus Passerculus princeps sandwichensis savanna Coturniculus savannarum australis Ammodramus henslowii .... caudacutus . . . nelsoni .... subvirgatus maritimus . . . Chondestes grammacus .... Zonotrichia leucophrys .... albicollis Spizella monticola Me. N.H Vt. IMass R.I Conn. Me. N.H. Vt. Spizella passerina breweri pusilla . Junco hyemalis + montanus Melospiza melodia . . lincolnii georgiana . Passerella iliaca . . Pipilo erythrophthalmus Cardinalis cardinalis . Zamelodia ludoviciana Guiraca caerulea . . . Passerina cyanea . . . Spiza americana ... . Calamospiza melanocorys Piranga ludoviciana . . erythromelas . ., rubra ? Progne subis . . ... . Petrochelidon lunifrons . . Hirundo erythrogaster . . Iridoprocne bicolor . . . Riparia riparia . . . . . Stelgidopteryx serripennis Bombycilla garrula . . . cedrorum . . . Lanius borealis .... ludovicianus . . . migrans Vireosylva olivacea . . . philadelphica gilva .... Lanivireo flavifrons . . . solitarius . . . Vireo griseus . . ? ? bellii . . Mniotilta varia . Protonotaria citrea Helmitheros vermivorus ? ? Helminthophila pinus . ? chrysoptera rubricapilla celata .... ? 8 Mass. R. I. Conn Helminthophila peregrina . . . Compsothlypis americana usneae . Dendroica tigrina . . . . . . aestiva . . . . . caerulescens . . . . coronata auduboni magnolia . . ... cerulea pensylvanica . . . . striata blackburniae . . . castanea dominica Me N.H virens vigorsii palmarum hypochrysea discolor Seiurus aurocapillus Seiurus noveboracensis .... notabilis motacilla Oporornis formosa agilis Philadelphia .... Geothlypis trichas . . . . . . Icteria virens Wilsonia citrina pusilla ....... canadensis Setophaga ruticilla Anthus rubescens Mimus polyglottos . . -i . . . Dumetella carolinensis .... Toxostoma rufum . . . *. . Thryothorus ludovicianus Thryomanes bewickii Troglodytes aedon Nannus hiemalis Cistothorus stellaris Telmatodytes palustris .... Certhia familiaris americana . . Sitta carolinensis Vt. Mass. R. I Conn Me. N.H. Vt. Sitta canadensis . . Baeolophus bicolor Penthestes atricapillus hudsonicus + Regulus satrapa . . . . calendula . ... Polioptila caerulea .... Hylocichla mustelina ... fuscescens . . salicicola aliciae .... bicknelli ustulata swainsonii guttata pallasii . Planesticus migratorius . . Ixoreus naevius . . ... Sialia sialis . .... Mass. R. I. Conn 10 AVES. PYGOPODES. COLYMBI COLYMBIDAE. 1. COLYMBUS HOLBOELLII (Reinhardt) Ridgway. Holboell's grebe; Red-necked grebe. Podiceps holbollii Reinh., Vidensk. meddel. naturh. forh. Kjoben- haven for 1853, 1854, p. 76. "GRONLAND JULIANEHAABS DISTRIKT." Podiceps rubricollis Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 312 pi. 480. Fresh and salt water; nests among rushes in sloughs. ME. Uncommon winter resident coastwise. Sept.-April 24. N. H. Uncommon migrant and coastwise winter resident. Oct. -May (June). VT. Rare migrant: Middlebury; Wells River; Windsor, spring. MASS. Uncommon migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise. (Sept.) Oct. 10-May 24. R. I. Uncommon winter resident coastwise. Oct. 23-May 2. CONN. Uncommon winter resident coastwise. Oct. 19-spring. 2. COLYMBUS AURITUS Linne*. Horned grebe; Devil diver; Hell diver; Little diver; Tinker; , Tinker loon. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 135. "!N SUMMIS EUROPAE & AMERICA LACUBUS." Podiceps cornutus Linne". Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 316, pi. 481. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, fig. 3. Salt and fresh water; nests among rushes in marshes. OCC. PAPERS B. S. X. H. 1909. VOL. 7. 2. - FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PYGOPODES. COLYMBI. COLYMBIDAE. ME. Common migrant, mainly coastwise; rare winter, and in northeastern part, rare summer resident. N. H. Uncommon migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise. Oct. -April. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise. Oct. 1-Maj 6 (June 1, Springfield). R. I. Common winter resident coastwise. Oct. 23-April 24 (May). CONN. Common winter resident coastwise ; accidental in summer (Melrose, July 26, 1882). Sept-May (July 26). 3. PODILYMBUS PODICEPS (Linne) Lawrence. Pied-billed grebe; Dabchick; Devil diver; Diedapper; Dipper; Frog-in-throat; Hell diver; Water witch. * Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 57; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, fig. 5. Colymbus podiceps Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 136. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Freshwater rivers, ponds, swamps; nests among reeds in swamps. ME. Common migrant, mainly coastwise; less common summer resident. April-May 19; summer; Sept. 1-Nov. 13 (late Nov.). Eggs, June 6. N. H. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident. Mar.- Nov. VT. Rare summer resident. Spring-Oct. 19. MASS. Rare spring, common fall migrant, and uncommon local summer resident; accidental in winter. (Feb.) Mar. 1-Dec. 10. Eggs, April 23-June 28. R. I. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. April-Oct. 22. Eggs, June 6. CONN. Common migrant, mainly in fall, and rare summer resident. April-summer; Sept. -Nov. (Dec. 25, 1908, South Norwalk). AVES. 3 PYGOPODES. CEPPHI. GAVIIDAE. 4. GAVIA IMMER (Briinnich) A. O. U. comm. Loon; Big loon; Call-up-a-storm; Great northern diver. Colymbiis immer Briinn., Ornith. borealis, 1764, p. 38. "E FAEROA." Urinator imber (Gunnerus). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 58; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, fig. 2. Salt and fresh water; nests on shores of lakes. ME., N. H. Common migrant, less common winter and sum- mer resident. Eggs, June 11-19 (July). VT. Uncommon summer resident. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise; rare summer resident inland (formerly Springfield); a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 15-May 28; summer. CONN. Common winter resident coastwise ; formerly a rare summer resident (Easthampton). Qct.-April 29. 5. GAVIA ARCTIC A (Linne) Allen. Black-throated loon or diver. Colymbus arcticus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 135. "IN EUROPA & AMERICA BOREALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 295, pi. 477. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 78, pi. 21, fig. 1. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME. Rare winter visitor: China, Kennebec Co., April 19, 1899; Cutler, Dec. 8, 1881. MASS. Doubtfully recorded. CONN. Doubtfully recorded ( ? near Southbridge, Mass.). 4 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PYGOPODES. CEPPHI. GAVIIDAE. 6. GAVIA STELLATA (Pontoppidan) A. O. U. comm. Red-throated loon; Cape-race; Little loon; Red-throated diver; Scape-grace. Colymbug stellatus Pontopp., Danske atlas, 1763, vol. 1, p. 621. (Based on Willughby.) Colymbus septentrionalis Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 299, pi. 478. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 78, pi. 21, fig. 2. Salt water mainly, sometimes on lakes; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise. (Aug. 16) Sept. 22-(June 22). VT Rare migrant. Nov. 1. MASS. Uncommon spring, common fall migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise; casual in summer. Aug. 27-April 8 (July 2). R. I. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Oct.l-April 27 (summer). CONN. Common winter resident, coastwise. Oct.-May. ALGID AE. 7. LUNDA CIRRHATA (Pallas) Pallas. Tufted puffin. Alca cirrhata Pallas, Spic. zool., 1769, fasc. 5, p. 7, pi. 1; pi. 2, figs. 1-3. "IN MARI INTER KAMTSCHATKAM ET AMERICAM ARCHI- PELAGUMGUE KuRILUM." Mormon cirrhatus Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 234, pi. 462. Rocky sea coasts; nests in burrows. ME. Accidental visitor: mouth of Kennebec River, winter of 1831-32. AVES. 5 PYGOPODES. CEPPHI ALCIDAE. 8. FRATERCULA ARCTICA (Linne") Schaffer. Puffin; Paroqueet; Sea parrot. Aka arctica Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 130. "IN EUROPAE BOREALIS OCEANO." Mormon arcticus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 238, pi. 464. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, fig. 6. Rocky seacoasts; nests in burrows. ME. Common winter resident coastwise, and rare summer resident (Matinicus Rock and Machias Seal Island). N. H. Uncommon winter visitor (at Isles of Shoals). MASS. Uncommon winter visitor coastwise. Oct. 16-March. R. I. Doubtfully reported. 9. CEPPHUS GRYLLE (Linne) Brehm. Black guillemot; Pigeon murre; Sea pigeon. Aka grylle Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 130. "IN EUROPAE BOREALIS OCEANO." Uria grylle (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 272, pi. 474. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, figs. 7, 8. Rocky seacoasts; nests in deep crevices of rocks. ME. Common winter resident coastwise; less common summer resident from Knox Co. eastward. Eggs, June 15-23. N. H. Uncommon winter visitor coastwise. MASS. Uncommon winter visitor coastwise. Sept.-April 19 (May). R. I. Rare winter visitor. Nov. 18-April. CONN. Rare winter visitor coastwise: Stony Creek, Dec., 1887. 6 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PYGOPODES. CEPPHI. ALCIDAE. 10. URIA TROILE (Linne) Latham. Murre; Foolish guillemot; Guillemot. Coues, Key No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 1082, figs. 742, 743. Colymbiis troille (sic) Linne*, Fauna Suec., ed. 2, 1761, p. 52. "IN ALTO MART SEPTENTRIONALI." Alca troile (Linne"). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, pi. [621]. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, fig. 9; pi. 25, fig. 1-3. Rocky seacoasts; nests on sea cliffs. ME. Rare winter visitor: Eastport, Dec. 27, 1886; Scarbor- ough. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Rare winter visitor: "Massachusetts" (Society collec- tion). R. I. Doubtfully recorded. CONN. ? Rare winter visitor (Merriam, probably in error for U. lamina). 11. URIA LOMVIA (Linne*) Bryant. Briinnich'smurre; Briinnich's guillemot; Ice-bird; Large-billed guillemot; Sea crow. Aka lomvia Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 130. "IN EUROPA BOREALI." Uria brunnichii Sabine. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 265, pi. 472. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 94, pi. 26, figs. 5, 6. Rocky seacoasts; nests on sea cliffs. ME. Common winter visitor coastwise, casual inland; a doubt- ful breeding record (Penobscot Bay, M. Hardy). Nov. 23-Mar. N. H. Irregular winter visitor coastwise; occasional inland. Nov. 25-Mar. AVES. 7 PYGOPODES. CEPPHI. ALCIDAE. VT. Irregular winter visitor. Nov.- Jan. MASS. Uncommon, irregular winter visitor coastwise; occa- sional inland. Nov. 21-Mar. 14 (April 15). R. I. Uncommon and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 15- Feb. 23. CONN. Irregular winter visitor, sometimes common. Nov. 18- Feb. 16. 12. ALCA TORDA Linne. Razor-billed auk; Razor-bill; Tinker murre; Turre. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 130. "IN EUROPAE BOREALIS OCEANO." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 247, pi. 466. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 25, fig. 4-6. Rocky seacoasts; nests in rock crevices. ME. Common winter visitor coastwise; said to have nested formerly. N. H. Uncommon winter visitor coastwise. Nov.-Mar. MASS. Uncommon winter visitor coastwise. Nov. 1-April 15. R. I. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Nov. 15-Feb. 4. CONN. Rare winter visitor coastwise. 13. PLAUTUS IMPENNIS (Linne*) Steenstrup. Great auk; Garefowl. Alca impennis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 130. "IN EUROPA ARCTICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 245, pi. 465. Egg, S. Grieve, Great Auk, or Garefowl, London, 1885, pis. 1, 2 (opp. pp. 108, 109). Formerly a coastwise species, breeding at Funk Id., near New- foundland, and at a few places on the European coast; last spec- imen killed in 1844. 8 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PYGOPODES. CEPPHI. ALCIDAE. ME., N. H., MASS. Formerly a winter visitor coastwise. R. I., CONN. Probably occurred formerly as a winter visitoi coastwise (bones in shell heaps at Block Id., R. I.). 14. ALLE ALLE (Linne) Stejneger. Dovekie; Ice-bird; Knotty; Little auk; Pine-knotty; Rotche; Sea dove. Alca die Linne, Syst. nat, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 131. "IN EUROPAE, AMERICAE ARCTICAE OCEANO." Mergulus alle Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 257, pi. 469. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 95, pi. 26, fig. 3. Rocky coasts; nests on ledges or in crevices of sea cliffs. ME. Uncommon winter visitor coastwise, casual inland; Late Nov.-Mar. 15. N. H. Uncommon winter visitor coastwise; casual inland. VT. Accidental winter visitor. MASS. Uncommon winter visitor, coastwise; casual inland. (Sept.) Nov. 4-May 1. R. I. Rare and irregular winter visitor coastwise; casual in- land. Nov. 14-April 27. CONN. Rare and irregular winter visitor coastwise; casual inland. (Sept.) Nov. 10. LONGIPENNES. STERCORARIIDAE. 15. MEGALESTRIS SKUA (Briinnich) Ridgway. Skua; Great Skua; Sea-hen. Catharacta skua Brtinn., Ornith. borealis, 1764, p. 33. "E FEROA & ISLANDIA." Megalestris catarrhactes (Linne"). Saunders, Cat. birds Brit- ish mus., 1896, vol. 25, p. 315. AVES. (J LONGIPENNES. STERCORARIIDAE. Stercorarius catarrhactes (Linne"). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, pi. [609]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 118, pi. 37, figs. 3, 4. Pelagic; nests on rocky cliffs or tundras. MASS. Rare visitor offshore: Georges Banks, July, 1878; Nantucket Shoals, Oct. 11, 1883; Polluck Rip, Sept. 10, 1884. 16. STERCORARIUS POMARINUS (Temminck) Vieillot. Pomarine jaeger. Lestris pomarinus Temm., Man. d'ornith., 1815, p. 514. "LES REGIONS DU CERCLE ARCTiQUE. " Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 186, pi. 451. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 116, pi. 37, fig. 6. Largely marine; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant, casual in summer. May; (June 23, 24); July 14-late Oct. MASS. Uncommon migrant, occasional in summer. May 23; July 5-Sept. 28. R. I. Uncommon migrant offshore, mainly in fall. Oct. 17. STERCORARIUS PARAS'ITICUS (Linne") Schaffer. Parasitic jaeger; Gull chaser; Marlinspike; Richardson's jaeger; Robber gull; Sea hen. Larus parasiticus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 136. "iNTRA TROPICUM CANCRI, EuROPAE, AMERICAE, AsiAE." Lestris richardsonii Swains. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 190, pi. 452. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 116, pi. 37, figs. 1, 2. Largely marine; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant offshore; casual in summer. May- June; (July) Aug.-Oct. 10 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. STERCORARIIDAE. N. H. Uncommon migrant offshore. Sept. MASS. Uncommon migrant and summer visitor offshore; rare in winter. May 31-Oct. 14 (Jan., Feb.). R. I. Rare migrant offshore: Charlestown Beach, three, Sept. 2, 1897. CONN. Rare migrant offshore: Bridgeport; Portland, fall, 1875. 18. STERCORARIUS LONGICAUDUS Vieillot. Long-tailed jaeger; Buff on' s jaeger or skua; Marlinspike; Whiptail. VieilL, Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 32, p. 157. "LE NORD DE L'EUROPE, DE L'ASIE ET DE L'AMERIQUE." Lestris parasiticus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 192, pi. 453. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 117, pi. 37, fig. 5. Largely marine; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant offshore. VT. Accidental migrant: West Castleton, Sept. 7, 1877. MASS. Rare migrant. Spring; Aug. 24-Sept. 29. CONN. Rare or accidental visitor: Community Lake, Walling- ford, Aug. 30, 1873. LARIDAE. 19. PAGOPHILA ALBA (Gunnerus) Coues. Ivory gull. Larus albus Gunn., in Leem's Beskriv. Finmark. Lapp., 1767, p. 285 (note). NORTHERN NORWAY. Larus eburneus Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Arner., 1844, vol. 7 p. 150, pi. 445. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 115, pi. 32, fig. 3. Arctic seas, following the pack ice; nests on rocky cliffs. AVES. 11 LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. ME. The Boardman record refers to a New Brunswick speci- men. MASS. Accidental winter visitor: Monomoy Id., Dec. 1, 1886. 20. RISSA TRIDACTYLA (Linne) Bonaparte. Kittiwake; Frost-bird; Jack gull; Meterick; Pinny owl or Pinyole; Snow gull; Winter gull. Larus tridactylus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 136. "IN EUROPA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 146, pi. 444. Egg, Samuels, Ornith. and ool. N. E., 1867, pi. 4, fig. 3. Maritime; nests on sea cliffs. ME. Common fall and winter visitor oifshore; casual inland, and in summer. Nov.-April (June; July 11, 1903, Jericho Bay, barren bird; July 14, 1907, off Portland). N. H. Common fall and winter visitor offshore. Nov. 1- spring. VT. Rare winter visitor: Enosburg Falls, Nov. 12, 1906; St. Albans; St. Johnsbury. MASS. Common fall and winter visitor offshore, casual inland. Sept. fr-Mar. 10. R. I. Common fall and winter visitor offshore. Nov.-Mar. 23. CONN. Uncommon fall and winter visitor offshore. Fall- April 14. 21. LARUS HYPERBOREUS Gunnerus. Glaucous gull; Burgomaster; Owl gull; White minister. Gunnerus, in Leem's Beskriv. Finmark. Lapp., 1767, p. 226 (note), p. 283 (note). No locality. Larus glaucus Brlinn. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 170, pi. 449. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 112, pi. 32, figs. 4, 5. Seacoasts; nests on cliffs. 12 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. ME. Rare winter visitor. Late Nov.-April 27. N. H. Rare winter visitor: Hampton, about Feb. 20, 1886, and in May. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Rare winter visitor. Nov. 29-April 23 (May 26, 1907, Ipswich). R. I. Rare winter visitor: Newport, Mar. 12, 1900 (three): Dec. 1901. 22. LARUS LEUCOPTERUS Faber. Iceland gull; White-winged gull. Faber, Prodr. Isl. ornith., 1822, p. 91. "IM WINTER .... .".NACH ISLAND/' Saunders, Cat. birds British mus., 1896, vol. 25, p. 296. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, pi. 447. Egg, Seebohm 1896, p. 113, pi. 33, fig. 3. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME. Rare winter visitor. Nov.-April. MASS. Rare winter visitor. Nov. 4-Mar. 20. CONN. Rare winter visitor: Stamford, Feb. 16, 1894. 23. LARUS KUMLIENI Brewster. Kumlien's gull; Lesser glaucous-winged gull. Brewst., Bull. Nuttall ornith. club, 1883, vol. 8, p. 216. " CUM- BERLAND SOUND, ARCTIC AMERICA." Dwight, Auk, 1906, vol. 23, p. 36-41, pi. 1, figs. Coastwise; breeds on Arctic coasts. ME. Probably occasional winter visitor: near Eastport (may have been N. B.); "seen" in Portland Harbor and at Scarborough. MASS. Rare winter visitor: Boston Harbor, Feb. 22, 1905; AVES. 13 LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. Plymouth, Jan. 5, 1888 (Dwight, immature); Boston and Swamp- scott, two or more, Dec. 29, 1907-Mar. 13, 1908. CONN. Rare winter visitor: Stamford, Feb. 16, 1894 (Dwight, immature). 24. LARUS MARINUS Linne. Great black-backed gull; Black-back; Black minister; Coffin carrier; Ghost-bird; Minister; Saddle-back. Linn, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 136. "IN EUROPA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 172, pi. 450. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 22, figs. 2, 3. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and winter resident; casual summer visitor. Sept. 21-April (summer). N. H. Common winter resident coastwise. Oct. 15-spring. MASS. Common winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer. Late Aug.-May 1 (summer). R. I. Common winter re'sident coastwise. Aug. 26-April 23. CONN. Uncommon winter resident coastwise. Fall-Mar. 25. LARUS ARGENT ATUS Pontoppidan. Herring gull; Gray gull; Sea gull; Winter gull. Pontopp., Danske atlas, 1763, vol. 1, p. 622. No locality. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 163, pi. 448. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 22, fig. 4-6. Seacoasts, large rivers and lakes; nests on the ground or rarely in trees. ME. Abundant resident* breeding mainly on outer islands, rarely on inland lakes. Eggs, (May 14) June 12-July 18 (Aug. 19). 14 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. X. H. Common migrant and winter resident; less common summer visitor coastwise. VT. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident (Lake Champlain). MASS. Common migrant and winter resident, less common summer visitor coasrVise; not now known to breed (nested at Wepecket Id., 1882, Mackay). R. I. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise; a few non-breeding birds summer. Sept. 10-May 22; summer. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise; a few non-breeding birds summer. Oct. -May; summer. 26. LARUS DELAWARENSIS Ord. Ring-billed gull. Ord, Guthrie's Geogr., hist., and commercial grammar, 2d Amer. ed., 1815, vol. 2, p. 319. "ON THE DELAWARE BELOW PHILADELPHIA." Chapman, Handb. birds east. Xo. Amer., 1895, p. 73. Larus zonorhynchus Richardson. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 152, pi. 446. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME., X T . H. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident coastwise. Mar .-April; Oct.-Xov. (winter). MASS. Uncommon migrant coastwise. Spring; July 17- Oct. 30. R. I. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Nov. April. CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. AVES. 15 LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. 27. LARUS ATRICILLA Linne. Laughing gull; Black-headed gull; Black-poll. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 136. "AMERICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 136, pi. 443. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 23, fig. 1-3. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME. Rare summer resident (Metinic Green Id., Western Egg Rock). (Late April)-Sept. Eggs, June 30- July 5. VT. Rare visitor: Bristol, May, 1883; St. Albans. MASS. Uncommon summer resident south of Cape Cod (Mus- keget Id.; formerly at Egg Rock, Nahant); elsewhere a rare visitor. May 7-Oct. 1 (late Nov.). Eggs, June 7- July 10. R. I. Rare summer visitor: Seakonnet Point, Sept., 1884; Sea- konnet Point, Aug. 24, 1903. CONN. Rare summer visitor; may breed rarely. 28. LARUS PHILADELPHIA (Ord) Gray. Bonaparte's gull. Sterna Philadelphia Ord, Guthrie's Geogr., hist., and commer- cial grammar, 2d Amer. ed., 1815, vol. 2, p. 319. No locality; probably PHILADELPHIA. Larus bonapartii Richardson. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 131, pi. 442. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 106, pi. 36, fig. 7. Salt and fresh water; nests on stumps or in low trees. ME. Common migrant, rare in winter. April- June 20; July 25-Nov. 20 (winter). N. H. Common migrant and rare winter resident coastwise. May; Aug. 3-Oct. 20 (winter). VT. Rare migrant; ? "summer resident." MASS. Common migrant, mainly coastwise, and rare winter resident. Mar. 10- June 3; July 24-Nov. 25 (winter). 16 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. R. I. Common migrant and uncommon winter resident. Aug. 5-May 22. CONN. Common migrant, mainly in fall. Aug. 1 Nov.; (win- ter ?)-April 21. 29. XEMA SABINII (Sabine) Leach. Sabine's gull; Fork-tailed gull. Larus sabinii J. Sab., Trans. Linn. soc. London, 1818, vol. 12, p. 520, pi. 29. "WEST COAST OF GREENLAND LATITUDE 75 29' N., AND LONGITUDE 60 9' W.V Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 127, pi. 441. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 105, pi. 36, fig. 8. _ Arctic seas and coasts; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Brothers Id., near Portland, Sept. 22, 1899; Scarborough, May 31, 1877; (nee Calais, 1878). MASS. Accidental visitor: Boston Harbor, Sept. 27, 1874; Cape Cod, 1888; North Truro, Aug. 21, 1889. R. I. Doubtfully recorded. 30. GELOCHELIDON NILOTICA (Hasselquist) Stejneger. Gull-billed tern; Marsh tern. Sterna nilotica Hasselq., Reise nach Pal., deutsch. ausg., 1762, p. 325. [NILE RIVER, EGYPT]. Sterna anglica Montagu. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 81, pi. 430. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 99, pi. 31, figs. 6, 8. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor, several instances. March; May 21; Sept. MASS. Accidental visitor: Ipswich, Sept. 1871. R. I. Doubtfully recorded. AVES. 17 LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. 31. STERNA CASPIA Pallas. Caspian tern; Squawker. Pallas, Nov. comm. petrop., 1770, vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 582, pi. 22, fig. 2. "MARE CASPIUM ET CIRCA OSTIUM IAICI." Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, pi. [584]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 100, pi. 31, fig. 2. Sterna tschegrava Lepech. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 79, fig. 61, a. Seacoasts and lakes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant. May 11; Aug.-Sept. (Oct. 16). N. H. Rare migrant: Hampton, 1899. MASS. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. Early May; Aug. 8-Sept. 26. R. I. Rare migrant. May 10; July 27-Oct. 32. STERNA MAXIMA Boddaert. Royal tern; Cayenne tern. Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 58. Based on Buffon: "CAYENNE." Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 79, fig. 61, b. Sterna cayana Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 76, pi. 429. Seacoasts and lagoons; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Chatham, July 29, 1889; Ipswich, July 17, 1904; Nantucket, July 1, 1874. 33. STERNA SANDVICENSIS ACUFLAVIDA (Cabot) Ridgway. Cabot's tern. Sterna acuflavida Cabot, Proc. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1847, vol. 2, p. 257. "TANCAH, ON THE COAST OF YUCATAN/' 18 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. Sterna cantiaca Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 87, pi. 431. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Chatham, Aug., 1865; Monomoy Id., Oct. 2, 1888. 34. STERNA FORSTERI Nuttall. Forster's tern. Nutt., Manual ornith. U. S. and Canada, 1834, vol. 2, p. 274. Based onForster: " CHURCHILL RIVER," HUDSON BAY. Saunders, Cat. birds British mus., 1896, vol. 25, p. 47. Sterna havellii Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 103, pi. 434. Marshes and sea coasts; nests in grassy marshes. MASS. Rare fall migrant. Aug.-Oct. 2. 35. STERNA HIRUNDO Linne. Common tern; Mackerel gull; Medrake or Medrick; Red- shank; Sea swallow; Summer gull; Wilson's tern. Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 137. "EUROPA." Chap- man, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 81, fig. 61, c; Audu- bon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 97, pi. 433. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 23, figs. 4, 5. Seacoasts; nests on sandy or pebbly shores. ME. Abundant summer resident coastwise. May 3-Sept. 2 (late Sept.). Eggs, late May-Aug. 19. N. H. Common migrant coastwise, casual inland; formerly summer resident at Isles of Shoals. May; Aug.-Sept. VT. Rare visitor: Bennington, May 30, 1907; St. Albans. AVES. 19 LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. MASS. Locally common summer resident coastwise, casual inland; accidental in winter (Woods Hole, Jan. 17, 1894, Feb. 20, 1891). May 1-Oct. 30 (Nov. 14, winter). Eggs, May 20- July 30. R. I. Common summer resident coastwise. May 10-Oct. 6. Eggs, June 5- July 11. CONN. Common local summer resident coastwise. Eggs, June 20. 36. STERNA PARADISAEA Brtinnich. Arctic tern. Briinn., Ornith. borealis, 1764, p. 46. "CHRISTIANSOE," DEN- MARK. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 82, fig. 61, d. Sterna arctica Temm. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 107, pi. 436. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 23, fig. 6-8. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME. Common summer resident coastwise. May-Sept. Eggs, June 28. MASS. Uncommon local summer resident coastwise; occa- sional inland. May-Oct. CONN. Migrant. 37. STERNA DOUGALLI Montagu. Roseate tern; Mackerel gull. Montagu, Ornith. diet., suppl., 1813, p. [386], 1 pi. "WEST HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND." Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 83, fig. 61, e; Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, pi. [581]. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 23, fig. 9-11. Seacoasts; nests on sandy or pebbly shores. 20 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. ME. Rare summer visitor coastwise; not certainly known to breed. May-Aug. 31. N. H. Formerly rare summer resident at Isles of Shoals. MASS. Locally common summer resident coastwise. May 1- Oct. 4. Eggs, May 20-July 30. R. I. Common migrant and summer visitor; not known to nest. May-Oct. CONN. Common migrant and local summer resident. Eggs, June 20. 38. STERNA ANTILLARTJM (Lesson) Coues. Least tern; Little striker; Oyt. Sternula antillarum Less., Descr. mamm. et. ois., 1847, p. 256. "ANTILLES. . . . PRINCIPALEMENT GUADELOUPE." Sterna minuta Linne*. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 119, pi. 439. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 23, fig. 12-14. Seacoasts and lakes; nests on the ground. ME. Formerly rare summer resident in Casco Bay. N. H. Rare migrant : Hampton. MASS. Uncommon summer resident, from Cape Cod south (formerly at Ipswich); elsewhere now casual. (April 27) May 4- Oct. Eggs, May 31-June 29. R. I. Now rare but formerly a more common summer visitor coastwise. -Aug. 20. CONN. Rare migrant and summer visitor, formerly common. 9. STERNA FUSCATA Linne. Sooty tern; Egg-bird. Linne, Syst. nat, ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 228. "IN INSULA DOMINICENSI." AVES. 21 LONGIPENNES. LARIDAE. Sterna fuliginosa Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 90, pi. 432. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 104, pi. 30, fig. 4-6. Seacoasts; nests on sandy shores. ME. Accidental visitor: Parkman, Oct. 5, 1878. N. H. Accidental visitor: Newmarket, about Sept. 14, 1878; (nee Lake Winnepesaukee). VT. Accidental visitor: Lake Champlain, early Sept. 1876; Rutland, 1876. MASS. Accidental visitor: Chatham, Sept. 1877; Lawrence, Oct. 29, 1876; Williamstown, Sept. 1876. R. I. Accidental visitor: (?) Newport, 1877; Point Judith, Sept. 1876; Woonsocket, July 16, 1897. CONN. Accidental visitor. Sept. 40. HYDROCHELIDON NIGRA SURINAMENSIS (Gmelin) Stejneger. Black tern. Sterna surinamensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 604. "SURINAM." Sterna nigra Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 116, pi. 438. Fresh and salt water; nests in fresh marshes. ME. Rare fall migrant. Aug. 14-28. N. H. Uncommon migrant, mainly coastwise. June 10; Aug. 24-Sept. 30. VT. Rare migrant : Lake Bomoseen, June 6, 1883. MASS. Rare spring and uncommon early fall migrant. June 7-10; (July 11) Aug. 8-Sept. 26. R. I. Uncommon migrant, mainly in fall, coastwise. Spring; July 30-Sept. 18. CONN. Uncommon migrant coastwise, mainly in fall. Aug. 24. 22 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LONGIPENNES. RYNCHOPIDAE. 41. RYNCHOPS NIGRA Linne. Black skimmer; Cut-water; Scissor-biU; Sea-crow; Sea-dog; Razor-bill. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 138. "AMERICA. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 67, pi. 428. Seacoasts; nests on sandy shores. ME. Accidental visitor: Matinicus Id.; off Saco, Aug. 31, 1879; Washington Co.; Wells Bay. MASS. Occasional summer visitor coastwise, said to have bred about 1830 at Muskeget Id.; casual inland (Springfield). July 16-Aug. 19'. CONN. Accidental visitor: Stonington (Linsley). TUBINARES. PROCELLARIIDAE. 42. FULMARUS GLACIALIS (Linne") Stephens. Fulmar; Marbleheader; Noddy; Oil-bird. Procellaria glacialis Linne, Fauna Suec., ed. 2, 1761, p. 51. "IN MARI SEPTENTR. INTRA CIRCULUM ARCTICUM." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 204, pi. 455. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 73, pi. 20, fig. 5. Mainly pelagic; nests in shallow burrows or on cliffs. ME. Rare winter visitor offshore: "coast of Maine/' March, 1879. MASS. Rare fall and winter visitor offshore: Georges Bank. Oct. 28-winter. AVES. 23 TUBINARES. PROCELLARIIDAE. 43. PUFFINUS BOREALIS Cory. Cory's shearwater. Cory, Bull. Nuttall ornith. club, 1881, vol. 6, p. 84. "NEAR CHATHAM ISLAND, CAPE COD, MASS/' Pelagic; nest unknown. MASS. Uncommon summer and fall visitor offshore. Aug. 2 Nov. R. I. Uncommon summer and fall visitor offshore. Aug. 15- Oct. 26. 44. PUFFINUS GRAVIS (O'Reilly) Salvin. Greater shearwater; Hag; Hagdon. Procellaria gravis O'Reilly, Greenland, adjacent seas, and northwest pass., 1818, p. 140, pi. 12, fig. 1. "LATITUDE OF CAPE FAREWELL AND STATEN HOOK," GREENLAND. Puffinus cinereus Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 212, pi. 456. Pelagic; nest and eggs unknown. ME. Common summer visitor offshore. Aug. 10. N. H. Summer visitor offshore: Portsmouth. MASS. Common summer and fall visitor offshore; casual inland (Dover). May 26-Nov. (?Dec. 31). R. I. Uncommon summer and fall visitor offshore. CONN. Uncommon summer and fall visitor offshore. 45. PUFFINUS GRISEUS (Gmelin) Finsch. Sooty shearwater; Black hag or hagdon. Godman, Monogr. petrels, 1908, pt. 2, p. 145, pi. 38. Procellaria grisea Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 561. "IN HEMISPHAERIO AUSTRALI, INTER 35 & 50." Pelagic; nests in burrows on sea islands. 24 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. TUBINARES. PROCELLARIIDAE. ME. Common summer visitor offshore. May-summer. MASS. Common summer and fall visitor offshore. (Mar.) July 4-Oct. R. I. Uncommon summer visitor offshore. (Mar. 28) May- Sept. 46. AESTRELATA HASITATA (Kuhl) Coues. Black-capped petrel; Diablotin. Procellaria hasitata Kuhl, Beitr. z. zool., 1820, pt. 2, p. 142. No locality. Oestrelata liaesitata (Kuhl). Godman, Monogr. petrels, 1908, pt. 3, p. 184, pi. 49. Mainly pelagic; nests in burrows on islands. N. H. Accidental visitor: Pittsfield, about Aug. 30, 1893. VT. Accidental \isitor: last of August, 1893 (place unknown). 47. DAPTION CAPENSIS (Linne") Stephens. Pintado petrel; Gape pigeon. Salvin, Cat. birds British mus., 1896, vol. 25, p. 428. Gould, Birds of Australia, 1848, vol. 7, pi. 53. Procellaria capensis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 132. "AD CAP[ITEM] B[ONAE] SPEI." Pelagic; nests in burrows on islands of southern hemisphere. ME. Accidental visitor: Lake Mooseluckmeguntic, Sept. 1872 (nee Harpswell). 48. OCEANODROMA LEUCORHOA (Vieillot) Stejneger. Leach's petrel; Carey chicken; Mother Carey's chicken. Procellaria hucorhoa Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1817, vol. 25, p. 422. "LES BORDS MARITIMES DE LA PICARDIE," FRANCE. AVES. 25 TUBINARES. PROCELLARIIDAE. Thalassidroma leachii Temm. Audubon, Birds o'f Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 219, pi. 459. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 24, fig. 1. Pelagic; nests in colonies on islands, in burrows. ME. Abundant summer resident on outer islands from Casco Bay north. May-Oct. 21. Eggs, June 10- Aug. 19. N. H. Common migrant offshore; occasional inland in fall. Spring-Nov. VT. Accidental visitor: Lake Champlain. MASS. Common migrant offshore; casual inland in fall. June 21; Sept. 1-Nov. 25. R. I. Uncommon migrant offshore. June 9; Aug. 29-Oct. 14. CONN. Uncommon migrant offshore, casual inland. Oct. 27. 49. OCEANITES OCEANICUS (Kuhl) Lichtenstein. Wilson's petrel; Mother Carey's chicken. Procellaria oceanica Kuhl, Beitr. z. zooL, 1820, pt. 2, p. 136, pJ. 10, fig. 1. No locality given. Thalassidroma wilsonii Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 223, pi. 460. Pelagic; nests within Antarctic circle, in burrows. ME. Common summer visitor offshore; casual inland (near Augusta). June-Sept. 17. N. H. Common summer visitor offshore. VT. Accidental visitor: St. Albans (may have been 0. leu- corhoa) . MASS. Common summer visitor offshore. June 17-Sept. 23. R. I. Common summer visitor offshore. July-Aug. CONN. Uncommon summer visitor offshore. 26 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. STEGANOPODES. SULIDAE. 50. SULA LEUCOGASTRA (Boddaert) Sclater & Salvin. Booby; Booby gannet. Pelecanus leucogaster Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 57. Based on Buffon. Sula fusca Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 57, pi. 426. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Cape Cod, about Sept. 17, 1878 (nee Essex Co.). CONN. Linsley's record (Guilford) said to refer to S. bassana. 51. SULA BASSANA (Linne) Boie. Gannet; Solan goose; White gannet. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 44, pi. 425. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 69, pi. 19, fig. 4. Pelecanus bassanus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 133. "IN SCOTIA, AMERICA." Coastwise; nests in colonies on a few rocky islets of North Atlantic. ME., N. H. Uncommon migrant. April-May; Sept.-Oct. 9. MASS. Common migrant offshore. Mar. 26- June 7; Aug. 3- Dec. 21. R. I. Uncommon migrant offshore. April-May 16; Sept. 10- Oct. 26. CONN. Rare migrant offshore. AVES. 27 STEGANOPODES. PHALACROCORACIDAE. 52. PHALACROCORAX CARBO (Linne") Leach. Cormorant; Common cormorant; Shag; Taunton shag; Taun- ton turkey. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 412, pi. 415. Coues, Key No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 963. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 8. Pelecanus carbo Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 133. "IN EUROPA." Salt water mainly; nests in colonies on sea cliffs. ME. Common migrant and uncommon winter resident. Oct.- April 20. VT. Rare migrant: Rutland, 1867. MASS. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident coastwise. April-May 14; Sept. 22-Nov. (winter). R. I. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Sept. 15- (June 3). CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Fall-May. 53. PHALACROCORAX AURITUS (Lesson) Grant. Double-crested cormorant; Shag; Taunton turkey. Carbo auritus Less., Traite d'ornith., 1831, vol. 1, p. 605. "Nou- VELLE-ZELANDE. "[ !] Phalacrocorax dilophus Coues, Key No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 963, fig. 676; Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1835, vol. 3, pi. 257. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 22, fig. 1. Coastal; nests in colonies on sea cliffs. ME. Common migrant; rare winter and summer (Black Horse Ledge) resident. Eggs, June 23- July 3. N. H. Uncommon migrant coastwise; occasional inland. Spring; Oct. 28 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. STEGANOPODES. PHALACROCORACIDAE. VT. Rare migrant: Burlington, Nov.; Cambridge, Dec.; Windsor. MASS. Common migrant, mainly coastwise. April 4-June 18 (July 7); Aug. 22-Nov. 24. R. I. Common migrant, mainly coastwise. April 22-May 22; (Aug. 21) Sept. 16-Nov. CONN. Uncommon migrant, mainly coastwise. April-May; mid-July-Nov. 13. PELECANIDAE. 54. PELECANUS ERYTHRORHYNCHOS Gmelin. American white pelican. Gmel., Syst. nat, 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 571. "ix AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Pelecanus americanus Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 20, pi. 422. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Calais; Eliot, pair, June 8, 1897; Saponic Lake, May 28, 1892. N. H. Formerly a visitor (Belknap). MASS. Accidental visitor: Gloucester, 1886; North Scituate, Oct. 5, 1876; Sandwich, May 13, 1905. 55. PELECANUS OCCIDENTALS (Linne) Richmond. Brown pelican. Pelecanus onocrota'us occidentalis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 215. "AMERICA." Pelecanus fuscus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 32, pis. 423, 424. Coastal; nests on the ground or in low trees. AVES. 29 STEGANOPODES. PELECANIDAE. ME. The supposed Bar Harbor specimen was an escape brought from South America. MASS. Accidental visitor: (? Ipswich, doubtful); Nantucket, about 1867 (flock of 13). CONN. Accidental visitor: near New Haven. FREGATIDAE. 56. FREGATA AQUILA (Linne") Reichenbach. Man-o'-war bird; Frigate-bird; Man-o'-war hawk. Pelecanus aquilus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 133. "IN INSULA ADSCENSIONIS ALIISQUE PELAGICIS." Tachypetes aquilus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 10, pi. 421. Coastal ; nests in colonies, in low trees or on ground. ME. Doubtfully recorded from Boothbay. MASS. Accidental visitor: New Bedford, Oct. 17, 1893 (rec- ord not confirmed). CONN. Accidental visitor: Faulkner's Id., autumn, 1859. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. 57. MERGUS AMERICANUS Cassin. American Merganser; Buff-breasted Merganser; Goosander; Pond she lid rake. Cassin, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1853, vol. 6, p. 187. Based on Wilson, no locality; probably New Jersey or Pennsylvania. Mergus merganser Linne". Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 387, pi. 411. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 5. Mainly in fresh water; nests in hollow trees. 30 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND ANSERES. ANATIDAE. ME. Common migrant and winter resident; less common summer resident inland. Eggs, late May-June 19. N. H. Common migrant; less common summer resident from White Mts. north, and winter resident in open streams south of White Mts. VT. Uncommon summer resident; rare winter resident in open streams. Eggs, June 18. MASS. Uncommon migrant and winter resident, mainly on freshwater lakes and streams; said to have bred formerly. Oct. 12- May 1; summer (Springfield). R. I. Uncommon migrant and winter resident, mainly on ponds and rivers. Nov.-May 2. CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident, mainly on ponds and rivers. Fall-April 17. 58. MERGUS SERRATOR Linne. Red-breasted Merganser; Shelldrake. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 129. "IN EUROPA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 395, pi. 412. Egg Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 6. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; uncom- mon summer resident on coastal islands or inland lakes. Eggs, June 21. N. H. Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise. Nov.-April. VT. Uncommon migrant. April; Oct. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise; a few non- breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 23-May 26 (summer). AVES. 31 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise ; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Oct. 29-May 19 (summer). CONN. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise. Fall-April 14. 59. LOPHODYTES CUCULLATUS (Linne") Reichenbach. Hooded Merganser; Hairy-crown; Hairy-head; Hooded shell- drake; Sawbill diver; Water pheasant. Mergus cucullatus Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 129. "AMERICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 402, pi. 413. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 7. Fresh water mainly; nests in hollow trees. ME. Rare migrant and summer resident. Mar. 31-May; sum- mer; Sept .-late Nov. N. H. Rare migrant and summer resident (Lake Umbagog). Mar.-Nov. VT. Rare summer resident. Mar. 27-Sept. MASS. Uncommon migrant. Mar. 18-April 18; (Aug. 11, Cambridge) Oct. 7-Nov. 30 (Dec. 22). R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. Oct.- May. CONN. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. Nov.- Mar. 6. 60. ANAS PLATYRHYNCHOS Linne". Mallard; Greenhead; Wild mallard. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 125. "IN EUROPAE MARITIMIS." Anas boschas Linne". Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 236, pi. 385. Rivers, ponds, and in migrations, seacoasts; nests in marshes. 32 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. ME. Rare migrant and winter resident. April; Oct. 1-Nov. 15 (winter). N. H. Rare migrant. Spring; Oct. -Nov. 9. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Uncommon migrant ; rare in winter. Mar. 27 May 1 ; Sept. 22-Dec. 17 (Dec. 26, Jan. 9). R. I. Rare migrant and winter resident. Oct.-April. CONN. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. Spring; Sept. 30-Nov. 61. ANAS RUBRIPES (Brewster) A. O. U. comm. Black duck; Black mallard; Dusky duck; Red-legged black duck; Spring black duck; Winter black duck. Anas obscura rubripes Brewst., Auk, 1902, vol. 19, p. 184. "LAKE UMBAGOG (NEW HAMPSHIRE SHORE)." Anas obscura Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 244, pi. 386. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 10. Salt and fresh water; nests in marshes. ME., N. H. Common migrant, less common summer and (coastwise) winter resident. Eggs, April 28 (Me.). VT. Common migrant, less common summer resident. Eggs, May. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident (mainly coast- wise); uncommon local summer resident. Eggs, April 19-May. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident, rare summer resident. Sept. 29-May; summer. Eggs, May 5-21. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident; rare summer resident. Sept.-May; summer. 62. CHAULELASMUS STREPERUS (Linne) Bonaparte. Gad wall; Gray duck. Anas strepera Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 125. "IN AVES. 33 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. EUROPAE AQUIS DULCifius." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 254, pi. 388. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 37, pi. 14, fig. 3. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Rare migrant. April 29, 1879 (Scarborough); Oct. 27- 29. N. H. Rare migrant: Hampton; Portsmouth, spring. VT. Rare migrant: Otter Creek, spring 1879; St. Albans. MASS. Rare migrant. Oct. 2-Nov. 1. R. L Rare migrant. Feb. 26-May 4; Oct. 8-Dec. 1. i i CONN. Rare migrant. Aug.-Oct. 14. 63. MARECA PENELOPE (Linne) Selby. Widgeon; European widgeon. Anas penelope Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 126. "IN EUROPAE MARITIMIS & PALUDIBUS." Salvadori, Cat. birds of British mus., 1895, vol. 27, p. 227. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 6, pis. [432, 433]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 38, pi. 13, fig- 4. . Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Accidental visitor: Halifax, Oct. 20, 1899; Marblehead, Dec. 29, 1900; Mass. ? (Samuels). \{. I. Accidental visitor: Middletown, Sept. 20, 1889. 64. MARECA AMERICANA (Gmelin) Stephens. Baldpate; American widgeon. Anas americana GmeL, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 526. "AMERICA A CAYENNA INSULISQUE VICINI OCEANI AD SINUM HUD- SONIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 259, pi. 389. Fresh and salt water; nests in marsHes. 34 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. ME. Uncommon migrant, mainly coastwise; accidental in winter. Mar. 18-April; Sept.-Nov. 18 (Feb. 20, 1884, Freeport). N. H. Uncommon migrant. April; Sept.-Oct. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident (Nan- tucket). Mar. 22-April 17; Sept. 6-Dec. 2 (winter). R. I. Uncommon migrant. ? April; Sept. 20-early Dec. CONN. Uncommon migrant. 65. NETTION CRECCA (Linne) Kaup. European teal; Teal. Salvadori, Cat. birds British mus., 1895, vol. 27, p. 243. Anas crecca Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 126. "IN EUROPAE AQUIS DtTLCIBUS." Querquedula crecca (Linne). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871- 81, vol. 6, pi. [426]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 40, pi. 16, fig. 3. Fresh water mainly; nests in marshes. ME. Accidental visitor: Casco Bay, April 6, 1903. MASS. Accidental visitor: "Massachusetts" (Samuels'); Mus- keget Id., Mar. 16, 1890; Sagamore, Feb. 20, 1896. CONN. Accidental visitor: East Hartford, Nov. 14, 1889. 66. NETTION CAROLINENSIS (Gmelin) Baird. Green-winged teal. Anas carolinensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 533. "IN AMERICAE, A CAROLINA AD SINUM HUDSONIS, STAGNIS SILVA- TICIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 281, pi. 392. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 11. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Common migrant. April; Sept. 15-Nov. 15. N. H. Uncommon migrant. AVES. 35 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. VT. Common migrant; (? " summer resident"). Mar.; Sept. MASS. Uncommon spring and rare fall migrant; accidental in winter. April 4-23; Sept. 6-Dec. 13 (Jan. 1; Feb. 1, 1892, West Barnstable). R. I. Uncommon migrant; rare in winter. Mar..; Sept. 2- Nov. 7 (Dec. 30). CONN. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. Fall- Mar. 67. QUERQUEDULA DiscoRS (Linne) Stephens. Blue-winged teal. Anas discors Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 205. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 287, pi. 393. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 12. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Common migrant and in Washington Co., a rare summer resident. (Mar. 8) April-May; summer; Sept. 15-Oct. 16. N. H. Uncommon migrant. May; Aug. 15-Nov. VT. Uncommon migrant; (? "summer resident"). April- May; fall. MASS. Rare spring and common fall migrant; probably once bred. April 11-May 31; (June 8 and 20, Cambridge); Aug. 16- Nov. 26. R. I. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant and rare sum- mer resident (at Sakonnet). May (summer); Aug. 27-Nov. 5. Eggs, May. CONN. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. Spring; Aug.-Oct. 20. 68. SPATULA CLYPEATA (Linn) Boie. Shoveler; Spoonbill. Anas clypeata Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 124. "IN 36 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. EUROPAE MARITIMIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 0, p. 293, pi. 394. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 42, pi. 13, fig. 2. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Rare migrant coastwise. April 14-23; Sept. N. H. Rare migrant: Hampton; Rye Beach, Aug. 1872. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Rare migrant. Spring; Sept. 17-Nov. 7. R. I. Rare migrant. April 10; Oct. 2-28. CONN. Rare migrant. (Late July) Aug.-Dec. 8. 69. DAFILA ACUTA (Linne) Bonaparte. Pintail; Gray duck (9); Pheasant duck; Sprigtail. Anas acuta Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 126. "IN EUROPAE MARITIMIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, p. 266, pi. 390. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 38, pi. 13, fig. 3. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Rare migrant. Late Mar.-April; Sept. 20-Nov. 7 (late Nov.). N. H., VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Rare migrant. (Feb. 21) Mar. 8-April 3; Sept. 11- Dec. 21. R. I. Uncommon migrant coastwise. Spring; Sept. 4. CONN. Uncommon migrant; (? rare winter resident). Mar. 23; fall. 70. Aix SPONSA (Linne) Bonaparte. Wood duck; Bride duck; Rainbow duck; Regal duck; Summer duck. Anas sponsa Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 128. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 271, pi. 391. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 1. AVES. 37 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. Freshwater streams and ponds; nests in hollow trees, rarely on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. Mar. 28- late Nov. N. H. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. Mar.-Dec. VT. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. April 8- Oct. 23. MASS. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident; acci- dental in winter. (Mar. 10) Mar. 20-April 30; summer; Sept. 15-Nov. 18 (Dec. 31, 1890, So. Weymouth; Jan. 11, 1888, Taunton). Eggs, April 23-May 2. R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident. Mar.- Nov. 11. Eggs, May 10. CONN. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident; acci- dental in winter. Mar. 18-Oct. (Jan. 9, 1880, Norwich). Eggs, May. 71. MARILA AMERICANA (Eyton) A. O. U. comm. Redhead; American pochard. Fuligula americana Eyt., Monogr. Anatidae, 1838, p. 155. "NORTH AMERICA/' Fuligula ferina Linne*. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 311, pi. 396. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Rare migrant; said formerly to have bred in Washington Co. Mar. 27; Sept. 21-Nov. 5. N. H. Rare fall migrant. VT. Rare fall migrant: Lake Champlain. MASS. Rare migrant more frequent in fall, and rare winter resident on south coast. Mar. 6-April 3; Oct. 4-Dec. 21 (winter). R. I. Rare migrant and winter resident. Oct. 8-Feb. 3. CONN. Rare migrant. 38 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES ANATIDAE. 72. MARILA VALLISNERIA (Wilson) A. O. U. comm. Canvas-back. Anas valisineria Wils., Amer. ornith., 1814, vol. 8, p. 103, pi. 70, fig. 5. "HUDSON AND DELAWARE RIVERS AND IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF THE CHESAPEAKE BAY." Fuligula valimeriana (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 299, pi. 395. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Very rare fall migrant. VT. Very rare migrant: Lake Champlain (Perkins). MASS. Rare migrant. Mar. 11-31; Oct. 19-Dec. 18 (Jan. 8, Cambridge). R. I. Rare migrant. April; Oct. 2-Nov. 16. CONN. Rare migrant. May 7. 73. MARILA MARILA (Linne*) A. O. U. comm. Greater scaup; Blackhead; Bluebill; Bluehead; Broadbill; Raft duck; Widgeon. Anas marila Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 196. "IN EUROPAE ALPINIS IN SVECIA, NORVEGIA, AUSTRIA." Fuligula marila (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 355, pi. 498. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 46, pi. 14, fig. 2. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Common coastwise migrant; rare in winter. Oct.- Nov. ; (winter) ; Mar .-April. N. H. Uncommon migrant, mainly coastwise. April; Oct.- Dec. 13. VT. Uncommon migrant at Lake Champlain. MASS. Rare spring, and common fall migrant; winters locally on coast. Mar. 27-May 1; Sept. 18-Dec. 26; winter. AVES. 39 ANSERES ANATIDAE. R. I. Common migrant and less common winter resident coastwise. Oct. 1-May 1 (July 19, 1900, cripple). CONN. Common migrant and uncommon winter resident coastwise. Oct.-May 17 (June). 74. MARILA AFFINIS (Eyton) Bonaparte. Lesser scaup; Blue-billed shoveler; Greek broadbill; Little blackhead; Little bluebill; Little raft duck; River broadbill. Fuligula affinis Eyt., Monogr. Anatidae, 1838, p. 157. " NORTH AMERICA." Fuligula marila (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 316, pi. 397. Aythya affinis (Eyt.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 112. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Rare migrant. Mar.-AprH; Oct.-Nov. N. H. Rare migrant. VT. Rare migrant: Lake Champlain; Otter Creek, May 19, 1883. MASS. Rare spring and common fall migrant; rare winter resident on south coast. Mar. 2-April 14 (May 5); Oct. 8-Dec. 6 (winter). R. I. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Oct. 15- April. CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Oct.-May 17 (June). 75. MARILA COLLARIS (Donovan) Bonaparte. Ring-necked duck; Ring-neck scaup. Anas collaris Donov., British birds, 1809, vol. 6, pi. 147 and text. "SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN LINCOLNSHIRE," ENGLAND. Fuligula rufitorques Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 320, pi. 398. 40 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. Aythya collaris (Donov.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 112. Fresh and salt water; nests in marshes. ME. Rare migrant; once bred in Washington Co. Mar. 31- May 1; (summer); Oct. 11-Nov. 2. N. H. Rare migrant: Concord, Nov.; Little Bay near Ports- mouth. MASS. Rare migrant. Mar.-April; Oct. 4-Nov. 30. R. I. Rare migrant. Nov. 11. CONN. Rare migrant. 76. CLANGULA CLANGULA AMERICANA (Bonaparte) Faxon. American goldeneye; Garrot; Whistler; Whistle-wing. Clangula americana Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and No. Amer., 1838, *p. 58. "AMERICA." Fuligula clangula (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 362, pi. 406. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 2. Fresh and salt water; nests in hollow trees. ME. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; less common summer resident in northern part. Eggs, May 27- June 8. N. H. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise or in open rivers; uncommon summer resident (Lake Umbagog). VT. Common migrant on Lake Champlain and Connecticut River. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident mainly coast- wise. Oct. 8-May 1 (July 26, Boston). R. I. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise. Nov. 15-April 20. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise. Late Oct.-April 16. AVES. 41 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. 77. CLANGULA ISLANDICA (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Barrow's goldeneye. Anas islandica Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 541. "IN ISLANDIA." C languid barrovii Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali- Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 456, pi. 70. Fresh and salt water; nests in hollow trees. ME. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Jan.-April. N. H. Rare winter visitor: Little Bay, Portsmouth. VT. Erroneously recorded. MASS. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Dec. 7-Feb. 22. CONN. Rare winter visitor coastwise: off Portland, Nov. 14, 1867. 78. CHARITONETTA ALBEOLA (Linne") Stejneger. Bufflehead; Bumble-bee duck; Butter ball; Devil diver; Dipper; Hell diver; Spirit duck. Anas albeola Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 124. " AMER- ICA." Fuligula albeola (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 369, pi. 408. Fresh and salt water; nests in hollow trees. ME. Common migrant and on south coast an uncommon winter resident; said to nest in Washington Co. Late Oct. -April (May 11) (summer). N. H. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident chiefly coastwise. Mar.-April; Oct.-Nov. (winter). VT. Uncommon migrant. / MASS. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. Mar. 1 1- April 8; Oct. 9-Dec. 23 (winter). 42 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident coastwise. April; Oct. 13-Dec. 7 (winter). CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Nov.-April 15. 79. HARELDA HYEMALIS (Linne) L. Brehm. Old squaw; Long-tailed duck; Old injun; Old wife; Scolde- nore; Scolder; South-southerly. Anas hyemalis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 126. "IN EUROPA & AMERICA ARCTICA." Fuligula glacialis (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 379, pi. 410. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 50, pi. 15, fig. 3. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer. Late Nov.-May 21 (summer). N. H. Common migrant and winter resident, chiefly coastwise. VT. Rare migrant to Lake Champlain and Connecticut Valley. Oct. 24. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise. Oct. 10-May 22 (June 17). R. I. Common migrant and winter resident. Nov. 7-May 4. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise. Oct.-May. 80. HISTRIONICUS HISTRIONICUS (Linne) Boucard. Harlequin duck; Lord-and-lady; Sea mouse. Anas histrionica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 127. "AMERICA." Fuligula histrionica (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 374, pi. 409. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 49, pi. 15, fig. 1. Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground or in hollow trees. AVES. 43 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. ME. Uncommon winter resident about rocky islands. Oct. 19-Mar. (April). N. H. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Nov. MASS. Rare winter visitor coastwise; casual inland. Nov. 1- Jan. R. I. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Nov. 28-Jan. 29. 81. CAMPTORHYNCHUS LABRADORIUS (Gmelin) Bonaparte- Labrador duck; Pied duck; Sand-shoal duck. Anas labradoria Gmel., Syst, nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 537. "IN AMERICA BOREALI." Fuligula labradora Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 329, pi. 400. Formerly on seacoast; nests on "tops of low fir trees." Last specimen taken in 1875. ME. Formerly a winter visitor coastwise. MASS. Formerly a winter visitor coastwise; last taken in the State at Swampscott, early September, 1862. CONN. Formerly a winter resident (Stratford). 82. SOMATERIA MOLLISSIMA BOREALis (C. L. Brehm) A. E. Brehm. Northern eider; Greenland eider. Platypus borealis C. L. Brehm, Lehrb. naturg. europ. vogel, 1824, vol. 2, p. 813. COASTS AND ISLANDS OF BAFFIN BAY AND DAVIS STRAIT (fide H. C. Oberholser). Somateria mollissima (Linne). Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Water birds No. Amer., 1884, vol. 2, p. 72, figs, on p. 77. Salt water chiefly; nests on the ground. ME. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Oct. 19-April 6. MASS. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Late Oct.-April 3. R. I. Unsatisfactorily recorded from Newport. 44 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. 83. SOMATERIA DRESSERI Sharpe. American eider; Ganvasback; Sea duck; Wamp. Sharpe, Ann. mag. nat. hist., 1871, ser. 4, vol. 8, p. 51. [NORTH AMERICA]. Fuligula mollissima (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 349, pi. 405. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 3. Salt water chiefly; nests on the ground. ME. Common winter, and from Isle au Haut north, rare summer resident. Nov.-April; summer. Eggs, June 15- July 4. N. H. Uncommon migrant and winter resident coastwise. MASS. Uncommon migrant and winter resident coastwise. Nov. 5-April 19. R.I. Uncommon migrant and winter resident coastwise. CONN. Rare winter resident coastwise. Fall-(May 29). 84. SOMATERIA SPECTABILIS (Linne") Leach. King eider. Anas spectabilis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 123. "IN CANADA, SVECIA." Fuligula spectabilis (Linne*). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 347, pi. 404. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 54, pi. 9, fig. 1. Salt water chiefly; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon winter resident coastwise. Dec. 11-April 15 (May 29). N. H. Rare winter visitor: Hampton. MASS. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Oct. 21-April 5. R. I. Rare winter visitor coastwise. (Sept. 15) Nov. 27-Feb. CONN. Rare winter visitor coastwise. Nov. 4. AVES. 45 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. 85. OIDEMIA AMERICANA Swainson. American scoter; Black coot; Butterbill; Butterbill coot; Tel- low-billed coot. Swains., in Swains, and Rich., Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 450. "HUDSON'S BAY, LAT. 57." Fuligula americana (Swains.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 343, pi. 403. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. VT. Uncommon migrant: St. Johnsbury; Windsor. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident; a few non- breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 8-May 24 (summer). R. I. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise. Oct.- May 11. CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident. Oct. 4-May. 86. OIDEMIA DEGLANDI Bonaparte. White-winged scoter; May white-wing; Velvet duck; White- winged coot. Bonap., Rev. crit. de Torn. Europ. de Dr. Degland, 1850, p. 108. "AMERICA." Fuligula fusca (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 332, pi. 401. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. VT. Rare migrant : Middlebury. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 6-May 25 (summer). 46 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 15-May; sum- mer. CONN. Abundant migrant and common winter resident, mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Oct. 4- May 15; summer. 87. OIDEMIA PERSPICILLATA (Linne*) Stephens. Surf scoter; Baldheaded coot; Box coot; Gray coot; Hollow- billed coot; Patch-bill coot; Patch-poll coot; Sea coot: Skunk-head. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 118. Anas perspicillata Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 125. "CANADA." Fuligula perspicillata (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 337, pi. 402. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 52, pi. 15, fig. 2. Salt water mainly; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Common migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. VT. Rare migrant: Bradford. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non-breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 4-May 9; sum- mer. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; a few non- breeding birds summer offshore. Sept. 1-May 21; summer. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident; a few non-breed- ing birds summer offshore. Sept.-April; summer. 88. ERISMATURA JAMAICENSIS (Gmelin) Salvadori. Ruddy duck; Booby; Broadbill; Dumb-bird; Foolish coot. Anas jamaicensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 519. "JAMAICA." AVES. 47 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. Fuligula rubidd Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 324, pi. 399. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 21, fig. 4. Fresh water chiefly; nests in marshes. ME. Uncommon migrant, and rare summer resident. April- May; (summer); Oct.-Nov. N. H. Uncommon migrant, rare in summer; may breed (Newfound Lake, July 11, 1901; Rye Beach, Aug. 22, 1879). VT. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident (Lake Memphremagog) . MASS. Common migrant; very rare summer resident (Cape Cod). Mar. 20-(summer); Sept. 30-Dec. 14 (Dec. 25, 1902, Woods Hole; Jan. 9, 1909, Jamaica Plain). R. I. Common migrant and occasional summer resident. Mar.; Oct. 1-Dec. 22. CONN. Common migrant, mainly in fall; rare in summer (June 5, 1893, flock of 5, Portland). Spring; Oct.-Dec. 25. 89. NOMONYX DOMINICUS (Linne*) Ridgway. Masked duck. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 114. Anas dominica Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, p. 201. "IN AMERICA MERIDIONALI." Erismatura dominica Eyt. Baird, Cassin, and Lawrence, Birds of No. Amer., 1870, vol. 2, pi. 92. Fresh water; nests among rushes. VT. Accidental visitor (or escape) : Alburgh Springs on Lake Champlain. MASS. Accidental visitor: Maiden, Aug. 27, 1889. 90. CHEN HYPERBOREA (Pallas) Boie. Lesser snow goose; Mexican goose; Wavy; White brant. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 115. Dresser, 48 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 6, pi. [417], lower fig. Egg, See- bohm, 1896, p. 30, pi. 11, fig. 3. Anser hyperboreus Pall., Spicilegia zool., 1769, fasc. 6, p. 25. "IN TERRIS BOREALIBUS, AD ORIENTEM 130. LONGITUDINIS, SIVE CIRCA LENAM ET IANAM FLUVIOS." Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME. Rare fall migrant. Oct. 2-Dec. N. H. Rare fall migrant: Lake Umbagog, Oct. 2, 1896; Sea- brook. VT. Rare fall migrant: Lake Champlain; ? Lunenburg; St. Johnsbury. MASS. Rare migrant. April 13, 1908, Townsend; (? July) Oct. 15-Nov. 21. R. I. Rare fall migrant. Sept. 3-Oct. 16. CONN. Rare fall migrant: Saybrook, fall, 1875; Stratford, Oct. 5, 1842. 91. CHEN HYPERBOREA NIVALIS (Forster) Ridgway. Greater snow goose; Wavy. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 115. Anas nivalis Forster, Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, p. 413. " SEVERN RIVER," HUDSON BAY. Anser hyperboreus Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 212, pi. 381, fig. 1. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME. Now an accidental visitor: Georgetown, April 25, 1903; mouth of Kennebec River, April 7, 1890; Lubec, April 30, 1906. MASS. Now an accidental visitor: near Springfield (Morris); various doubtful records. CONN. Now an accidental visitor: Stratford, three wintered, 1867-68 (fide Averill); also listed by Linsley (1843), but may have been C. hyperborea. AVES. 49 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. 92. CHEN CAERULESCENS (Linne") Gundlach. Blue goose; Blue wavy. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 114. Elliot, New and heretofore unfigured birds No. Amer., 1869, vol. 2, pi. 43. Anas caerulescens Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 124. " CANADA." Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. N. H. Rare fall migrant: Lake Umbagog, Oct. 2, 1896. MASS. Rare fall migrant: West Gloucester, Oct. 20, 1876. R. I. Rare migrant: Westerly, Mar. 16, 1894. Other records in error for C. hyperborea. 93. ANSER ALBIFRONS GAMBELI (Hartlaub) Coues. American white -fronted goose; Laughing goose. Anser gambelli (sic) Hartl., Rev. and mag. zool., ser. 2, 1852, vol. 4, p. 7. "TEXAS." Anser albifrons Bechst. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 209, pi. 380. Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Accidental migrant (? formerly regular): Ipswich, Aug. 1907; Plymouth, Nov. 26, 1897; Quincy. 94. BRANTA CANADENSIS (Linne) Bannister. Canada goose; Wild goose. Anas canadensis Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 123. "CANADA." Anser canadensis (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 178, pi. 376. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 35, pi. 12, fig. 2. Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground, rarely in trees. 50 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. ANSERES. ANATIDAE. ME. Common migrant. (Feb. 28) Mar. 5-May; Oct. 13- Dec. 8. N. H., VT. Common migrant. Mar. 11-April; Oct.-Dec. 7. MASS. Common migrant, formerly summer resident (said to have bred at Lexington, late April, 1888); may winter rarely on south coast. Mar. 8- June 5; (Aug. 3) Sept. 21-Dec. 30 (Jan. 10; Jan. 31). R. I. Common migrant. Mar. 13-May 7; Sept. 17-Dec. 29. CONN. Common migrant and less common winter resident. Mar .-May 22; Oct.-winter. 95. BRANTA CANADENSIS HUTCHINSII (Richardson) Coues. Hut chins 's goose; ? Southern goose. Coues, Key to No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 905. Anser hutchinsii Rich., in Swainson and Rich., Fauna Boreali- Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 470. " MELVILLE PENINSULA," ARCTIC AMERICA. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1835, vol. 3, p. 226, pi. 277. Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental migrant: Cape Elizabeth, Nov. 13, 1894; Portland, spring 1899; Rangeley. MASS. Supposed to occur as a migrant. CONN. ? Uncommon fall migrant; said to arrive later than B. canadensis and to pass at once south (Merriam, 1877). 96. BRANTA BERNICLA GLAUCOGASTRA (C. L. Brehm) Coues. White-bellied brant; Blue brant; Brant; May brant. Bernicla glaucogaster C. L. Brehm, Handb. d. naturgesch. aller vogel Deutschl., 1831, p. 849. "AUS DEM HOHEN NORDEN IM HERBSTE AN DIE KUSTEN DER DEUTSCHEN OSTSEE." Anser bernicla Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 203, pi. 379. Salt water; nests on the ground. AVES. 51 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. ME. Common coastwise migrant. April 27-May; Oct.-Nov. N. H. Uncommon coastwise migrant, casual inland. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Common coastwise migrant; uncommon winter resi- dent on south coast. Mar. 12-May 17 (June 2); Sept. 12-Dec. 12 (winter). R. I. Common migrant and rare winter resident offshore. Mar. 24-April 28; Nov.-Dec. 16 (winter). CONN. - Common migrant and occasional winter resident off- shore. April 14-May; Oct. 15- (winter). 97. BRANTA NIGRICANS (Lawrence) Bannister. Black brant. Anser nigricans Lawr., Ann. lyceum nat. hist. New York, 1846, vol. 4, p. 171, pi. 12. "EGG HARBOR, N. J." Seacoasts; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Chatham, spring, 1883. 98. BRANTA LEUCOPSIS (Bechstein) Bannister. Barnacle goose. Anas kucopsis Bechst., Ornith. taschb. Deutschl., 1803, p. 424. NORTHERN REGIONS OF THE EARTH; GERMANY IN MIGRATION. Anser kucopsis (Bechst.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 200, pi. 378. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 34, pi. 10, fig. 2. Seacoasts and grassy flats; nests on the ground among rocks. ME. Doubtfully reported from near Portland about 1878. VT. Accidental visitor: Marshfield, 1878. MASS. Accidental visitor: North Chatham, Nov. 1, 1895. CONN. Recorded from Stonington (Linsley). 52 FALINA OF NEW ENGLAND ANSERES. ANATIDAE. 99. OLOR CYGNUS (Linne) Bonaparte. Whooping swan; Whooper; Wild swan. Anas cygnus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol.. 1, p. 122. "IN EUROPA, AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Cygnus musicus Bechst. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 6, p. [433], pi. [419], fig. 4. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 29, pi. 7, fig. 1. Seacoasts, lakes, swamps; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Poke-a-moon-shine Lake, Washing- ton Co., Sept. 10, 1903. 100. OLOR COLUMBIANUS (Ord) Stejneger. Whistling swan; American swan. Anas columbianus Ord, in Guthrie's Geogr., hist., and com- mercial grammar, 2d Amer. ed., 1815, p. 319. Based on Lewis and Clarke: "BELOW THE GREAT NARROWS OF THE COLUMBIA." Cygnus americanus Sharpless. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 226, pi. 384. Salt and fresh water; nests on the ground. ME. Unsatisfactorily recorded from mouth of Kennebec River Nov., 1881; and near Crawford Lake, Sept. 10, 1903. N. H. Rare migrant: Great Bay (bis), Dec. 16, 1902, and ; Seabrook, Oct. 18, 1878. VT. Rare migrant: Alburg, Lake Champlain. MASS. Rare migrant and winter resident (at Nantucket) formerly commoner. Oct. 16-Dec. 27 (winter-Mar. 4). R. I. Rare migrant: Quonocontaug Pond, Nov. 9, 1879; West- erly, Nov. 13, 1879. CONN. Rare migrant. Middle Mar.; fall-Nov. 2. AVES. 53 ANSERES. ANATIDAE. 101. OLOR BUCCINATOR (Richardson) Wagler. Trumpeter swan. Cygnus buccinator Rich., in Swainson and Rich., Fauna Boreali-- Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 464. "HUDSON'S BAY." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 219, pis. 382, 383. Fresh and salt water; nests on the ground. ME. Once erroneously recorded for 0. cygnus. N. H. Formerly a migrant (Belknap). MASS. Believed to have occurred formerly as a migrant. R. I., CONN. Doubtfully reported, and believed to have oc- curred formerly as a migrant. HERODIONES. IBIDES. IBID ID AE. 102. GUARA ALBA (Linne") Stejneger. White Ibis. Scolopax alba Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 145. "AMERICA." Ibis alba (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 54, pi. 360. Swamps and lagoons; nests in trees and reedy marshes. VT. Accidental visitor: South Woodstock, summer, 1878. CONN. Accidental visitor: near Milford, May 23, 1875. 103. PLEGADIS AUTUMNALIS (Hasselquist) Stejneger. Glossy Ibis. Tringa autumnalis Hasselq., Reise nach Palast., deutsche ausg., 1762, p. 306. [EGYPT.] 54 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. HERODIONES. IBIDES. IBIDIDAE. Ibis falcinellus Linne*. Bonaparte, Amer. ornith., 1833, vol. 4, p. 23, pi. 23, fig. 1. Marshes and borders of lagoons; nests among low bushes or jeeds. N. H. Accidental visitor: Alton, Oct. 1858. MASS. Accidental visitor: noteworthy flights in May of 1850 and 1878. CONN. Accidental visitor: Middletown, May 16, 1850; Strat- ford (5 specimens) about 1836. CICONIAE. CICONIIDAE. 104. MYCTERIA AMERICANA Linne*. Wood Ibis. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 140. "IN AMERICA CALIDIORE." Tantalus loculator Linne*. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 64, pi. 361. Swamps and marshes; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: Berwick, July 16, 1896. N. H. Erroneously recorded for Glossy ibis. VT. Accidental visitor: pair in summer, about 1897, near Burlington. MASS. Accidental visitor: (? Georgetown, June 19, 1880); Seekonk, July 17, 1896. R. I. Accidental visitor: Barrington, Aug. 8, 1896. AVES. 55 HERODIONES. HERODIL ARDEIDAE. 105. BOTAURUS LENTIGINOSUS (Montagu) Stephens. American bittern; Bog hen; Indian hen; Meadow hen; Stake driver; Thunder pump. Ardea lentiginosa Montag., Ornith. diet., suppl., 1813, [p. 186] "Her." "THE WEST OF ENGLAND." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 94, pi. 365. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 14. Fresh and salt marshes and borders of streams; nests on ground. ME. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. April 27- Oct. 28. Eggs, late May-June 6. N. H. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. Mar .-Nov. (Dec. 11). Eggs, May 27. VT. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. April 30-fall. MASS. Common migrant and less common summer resident; casual in winter. Mar. 31-Nov. 26 (Dec. 30; Jan. 5). Eggs, May 5- June 10. R. I. Common migrant and uncommon summer resident. April 6-Nov. 10. Eggs, May 23-June 13. CONN. Common migrant and uncommon summer resident. April-Nov. 106. IXOBRYCHUS EXILIS (Gmelin) A. O. U. comm. Least bittern. Ardea exilis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 645. "JA- MAICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 100, pi. 366. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 15. Fresh marshes and swamps; nests among rushes or in bushes. ME. Rare summer resident in southern counties. (Mar. 4, 1891, Georgetown) May 12-Aug. (Nov. 13). N. H. Rare in summer; may breed in southeastern part: Hamp- ton; Hampton Beach, 1869; Seabrook. VT. Said to have occurred "formerly." 56 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. HERODIONES. HERODII. ARDEIDAE. MASS. Rare local summer resident, mainly near the coast. April 15-Sept. 1. Eggs, June 1-29. R.I. Common summer resident; casual in winter. (Mar. 1)- Sept. 14 (Feb. 28, 1881, Providence). Eggs, May 23- June 16. CONN. Uncommon local summer resident. Spring-Sept. Eggs, June 10-27. 107. ARDEA HERODIAS Linne*. Great blue heron; Blue crane; Crane; Frog stabber; Poke. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 143. "AMERICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 122, pi. 369. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 11. Swamps and borders of ponds; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant and local summer resident. Mar. 29- Nov. 12 (Dec. 9). Eggs, late April-May 16. N. H. Common migrant and, northward from L. Winnepe- saukee, a local summer resident. April 5-Nov. (Dec. 21; Dec. 31, 1901, Randolph). VT. Common migrant and, in northern part, a local summer resident. Summer-(Dec. 22, 1884, Milton). MASS. Common migrant and rare winter resident ; occasional in summer but not now known to breed (formerly at Naushon). Mar. 15- June 4; (summer); July 30-Dec. 20 (winter). R. I. Common migrant. Mar.-May 4; July 15-Dec. 11. CONN. Common migrant, occasional in summer; rare winter resident. Mar. 15-May (June 2); Aug.-Dec. (winter). 108. HERODIAS EGRETTA (Gmelin) Cabanis. American egret. Ardea egretta Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 629. "IN INSULA S. DOMINICI, INSULIS FALKLAND & AMERICA AUSTRALI AD AVES. 57 HERODIONES. HERODII. ARDEIDAE. LOUISIANAM." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 132, pi. 370. Swamps and lowlands; nests in small trees. ME. Occasional summer visitor. April 7-Aug. 22. N. H. Rare summer visitor: near Newmarket, 1897. VT. Rare summer visitor: New Haven, two in Aug. 1882; Winooski River, summer, 1869. MASS. Occasional summer and fall visitor. April-Nov. 22. R. I. Occasional summer visitor; may have bred at Wes- quage Pond in 1894. June 1-Oct. 12. CONN. Occasional summer visitor. July-Oct. 109. EGRETTA CANDIDISSIMA (Gmelin) Gosse. Snowy heron. Ardea candidissima Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 633. "IN INUNDATIS PROPE CARTHAGENAM AMERICAE." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 163, pi. 374. Swamps and lowlands; nests in small trees. ME. Erroneously accredited. VT. Accidental visitor: St. Albans Bay, two in Oct., 1890. MASS. Accidental visitor: near Boston, 1862; Nantucket, March, 1881; Northampton, 1887 (? nee Essex Co.). CONN. Accidental visitor: Hartford; Stratford ("seen"). 110. FLORIDA CAERULEA (Linne") Baird. Little blue heron. Ardea caerulea Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 143. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 148, pi. 372. Swamps and lowlands; nests in bushes. 58 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. HERODIONES. HERODIL ARDEIDAE. ME. Accidental visitor. April 1-Sept. N. H. Accidental visitor: Amherst, April 28, 1897. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Occasional visitor. April 14-Aug. R. I. Rare visitor. June 7-Aug. CONN. Rare visitor. May-Sept. 7. 111. BUTORIDES VIRESCENS (Linne) Bonaparte. Little green heron; Fly-up-the-creek; Green heron; Poke. Ardea virescens Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 144. "AMERICA/' Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 105, pi. 367. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 12. Mainly freshwater streams and ponds; nests in small trees. ME. Uncommon migrant and summer resident in southern counties. May 2-Sept.l9. N. H. Uncommon summer resident in southern half, and in Connecticut valley. Late April-Oct. Eggs, June 16. VT. Uncommon summer resident in southern part. May- Get. MASS. Common summer resident. (April 9 and 16) April 26- Oct. 16. Eggs, May 10-June 2. R. I. Common summer resident. April 20-Sept. 24. Eggs, May 21, 23. CONN. Common summer resident. Late April-Oct. Eggs, May 30- June 17. 112. NYCTICORAX NYCTICORAX NAEVIUS (Boddaert) Zeledon. Black-crowned night heron; Buttermunk; Qua-bird; Quok; Shitepoke; Squawk. Ardea naevia Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 56. Based on Buffon: "CAYENNE." AVES. 59 HERODIONES. HERODII. ARDEIDAE. Ardea nycticorax Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 82, pi. 363. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 13. Swamps and marshes; nests in colonies in trees, rarely on the ground. ME. Common summer resident, chiefly near the coast. Spring- Sept. 16. Eggs, May 26. N. H. Uncommon summer resident north to southern White Mt. valleys. April-Oct. VT. Uncommon summer resident near lakes and streams. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident near coast. Mar. 27-Nov. 1 (winter). Eggs, May 2- June 13. R. I. Common summer and rare winter resident. April 1- Sept. 23 (winter) . Eggs, May 7- June 7. CONN. Common migrant and less common summer resident. April-Oct. Eggs, April 17. 113. NYCTANASSA VIOLACEA (Linne") Sharpe. Yellow-crowned night heron. Ardea violacea Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 143. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 89, pi. 364. Swamps and lowlands; nests in low trees. ME. Accidental visitor: Deering, April 13, 1901; Portland, April 11, 1906. MASS. Accidental visitor: six instances. July-Oct. R. I. Accidental visitor: Newport, Aug. 1892; Tiverton, April 23, 1886. 60 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PALUDICOLAE. GRUES. GRUIDAE. 114. GRUS AMERICANA (Linne") Vieillot. Whooping crane. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 188, pi. 313. Ardea americana Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 142. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Freshwater marshes and open lowlands; nests in marshes. VT., MASS. Supposed to have been a migrant in colonial times. 115. GRUS CANADENSIS (Linne") Temminck. Little brown crane. Ridgway, Manual of No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 135. Ardea canadensis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 141. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Grus fraterculus Cassin. Baird, Cassin, and Lawrence, Expl. and surveys for railroad to Pacific, 1858, birds, pi. 37. Grassy flats and marshes; nests on the ground. R. I. Accidental visitor: Natick Hill, Oct. 9, 1889. 116. GRUS MEXICANA (Muller) Vieillot. Sandhill crane. Coues, Key to No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 848. Ardea (grus) mexicana Mull., Linnets Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 110. "MEXICO." Grus americana Forst. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, pi. 314. Freshwater marshes and open lowlands; nests in marshes. N. H. Believed to have occurred formerly; now accidental visitor: Wakefield, 1896 or 1897. VT. Believed to have occurred formerly as a migrant; now accidental visitor: Lunenburg. MASS., CONN. Believed to have occurred formerly as a migrant. AVES. 61 PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. 117. RALLUS ELEGANS Audubon. King rail; Fresh-marsh hen; Royal rail. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1835, vol. 3, p. 27, pi. 203. " SOUTH- ERN STATES." Coues, Key No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 854. Freshwater marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Occasional fall visitor. Sept. 19-Dec. 17. MASS. Occasional visitor at all seasons; may breed. R. I. Rare visitor (four records). Jan., Feb., Mar., fall. CONN. Rare summer resident (Saybrook, Stratford) and occasional at other seasons. 118. RALLUS CREPITANS Gmelin. Clapper rail; Salt-marsh hen. GmeL, Syst. na*., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 713. "IN NOVEBORACO." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 165, pi. 310. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, figs. 1, 2. Saltwater marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor in southern counties : Popham Beach, Oct. 12 and (25), 1900; Sabattus Pond, 1874; ? York and Cum- berland Cos. N. H. Accidental visitor: Portsmouth. VT. Accidental visitor: Burlington (Conger). MASS. Occasional visitor, may breed. R. I. Doubtfully recorded. CONN. Rare visitor and summer resident (New Haven Stratford). 119. RALLUS VIRGINIANUS Linne". Virginia rail; Water-hen. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 263. "IN AMERICA 62 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 174, pi. 311. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, figs. 3, 4. Fresh and brackish marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare summer resident. Late April-Oct. N. H. Rare summer resident south of White Mts. April- Oct. 1. Eggs, May 21-28. VT. Rare summer resident locally: Burlington; Rutland Co. MASS. Summer resident, more common near coast ; rare winter resident (Cape Cod). April 11-Nov. 27 (Jan. 1, 1891, Worcester) (winter). Eggs, May 12- June 1. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. April-Nov. 2. Eggs, May 29. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. Eggs, June 6. 120. PORZANA CAROLINA (Linne) Baird. Sora; Carolina rail; Meadow-hen; Rail-bird. Rallus carolinus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 153. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Ortygometra carolinus (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 145, pi. 306. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 5. Fresh and brackish marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon summer resident. Late April-Oct. 26. Eggs, -July 27. N. H. Uncommon summer resident northward to White Mt. valleys. May-Oct. VT. Uncommon summer resident. MASS. Common migrant and local summer resident. (Mar. 20) April 14-Nov. 1 (Dec. 20). Eggs, June 9-11. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. (Mar. 2) April-Nov. 10. Eggs, May 24. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. April-Oct. (Dec. 29, 1881, Hartford). AVES. 63 PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. 121. COTURNICOPS NOVEBORACENSIS (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Yellow rail. Fulica noveboracensis GmeL, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 701. "IN NOVEBORACO." Rallus noveboracensis (Lath.). Bonaparte, Amer. ornith., 1833, vol. 4, p. 136, pi. 27, fig. 2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 6. Freshwater marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant and said to have bred near Calais. May 31 ; Oct. 4-Nov. 15. N. H. Rare migrant: Hampton. VT. Rare migrant: Newport; northern Vt.'; Rutland Co. MASS. Rare migrant and possible summer resident. April- May 26; Sept. 2-Oct. 22. R. I. Rare migrant (five records). Sept. 28. CONN. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant; said to have bred at Middletown, 1874, 1875. (Mar. 24, Gaylordsville) ; Sept.- Oct. 14 (Nov. 10). 122. CRECISCUS JAMAICENSIS (Gmelin) Cabanis. Black rail; Little black rail. Rallus jamaicensis GmeL, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 718. "JAMAICA." Porzana jamaicensis (Gmel.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 144; Allen, Auk, 1900, vol. 17, pi. 1. Freshwater marshes ; nests on the ground. ME. Doubtfully recorded from Scarborough, Oct. 4, 1881. MASS. Very rare visitor and summer resident (at Chatham, Hazardville). May 16-Sept. 20. Eggs, May. CONN. Very rare summer resident (at Lyme, Saybrook); also taken at Hazenville. Eggs, June 6-July 10. 64 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. 123. CREX CREX (Linne) Sharpe. Corn crake; Daker-hen; European land rail. Coues, Key to No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 859. Ralhis crex Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 153. "IN EUROPAE AGRIS, CARECTIS." Crex pratensis Bechst. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 7, pi. [499]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 83, pi. 22, fig. 9. Grassy meadows and grain fields; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental from Europe: near Falmouth, Oct. 14, 1889. R. I. Accidental visitor: Cranston, 1857. CONN. Accidental visitor: Saybrook, Oct. 20, 1887. 124. IONORNIS MABTINICA (Linne) Reichenbach. Purple gallinule. Fulica martinica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 259. "IN MARTINICAE INUNDATIS." Gallinula martinica (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 128, pi. 303. Freshwater marshes; nests among rushes. ME. Accidental visitor. April 11-Dec. 17. N. H. Accidental visitor: Dover; Rye. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Occasional visitor, mainly in April and Oct.-Nov., once in June. R. I. Occasional visitor. Jan.; May; June 8, 1902, Seaconnet Point; Aug.; fall. CONN. Rare visitor: Middletown, 1855. 125. GALLINULA GALEATA (Lichtenstein) Bonaparte. Florida gallinule; Pond hen; Red-billed mud-hen. Crex galeata Licht., Verz. d. doubletten zool. mus. Berlin, 1823, p. 80. "SAN PAULO/' BRAZIL. AVES. 65 PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. Gallinula chloropus Linne*. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 132, pi. 304. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, figs. 7, 8. Freshwater marshes; nests among rushes near the ground. ME. Rare migrant and (?) summer resident. May 5; Sept. 20-Oct. 16. N. H. Accidental visitor: Rollinsford. VT. Rare local summer resident at Lake Bomoseen, Lake Champlain, St. Albans. April 28-fall. Eggs, May 28-June 5. MASS. Rare local summer resident, mainly near coast. April 29-Oct. 25 (Nov. 9). Eggs, June 5- July 17. R. I. Uncommon local summer resident. May-Nov. 29. CONN. Uncommon local summer resident. Eggs, June 25 (Stratford). 126. FULICA AMERICANA Gmelin. American coot; Blue Peter; Coot; Marsh hen; Mud-hen; Pond crow; Pond hen. Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 704. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 138, pi. 305. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 20, fig. 9. Freshwater ponds and marshes mainly; nests among reeds. ME. Uncommon migrant, mainly in fall. (Mar. 23) April 14- May 13; Oct. 26-Nov. N. H. Uncommon migrant, mainly in southern part. Spring; late Aug.-Oct. 15. VT. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident (Lake Bomoseen). MASS. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant; rare winter resident near coast; may breed rarely (pair, Cheshire reservoir, June 21, 1892). Mar. 29-April 25; (June 21); (Aug. 16) Sept. 3-Nov. (winter). 66 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PALUDICOLAE. RALLI. RALLIDAE. R. I. Common migrant, mainly in fall. April-May 28; Sept. 26-Dec. 20. CONN. Common migrant, mainly in fall. Spring; Sept. 29- Nov. 14. LIMICOLAE. PHALAROPODIDAE. 127. PHALAROPUS FULICARIUS (Linne") Bonaparte. Red phalarope; Bank-bird; Brown bank-bird; Gray phalarope; Gulf-bird; Sea goose; Whale-bird. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 291, pi. 339. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 18, fig. 11; pi. 19, fig. 1. Tringa fulicaria Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 148. "AMERICA." Chiefly maritime; nests on the ground in marshes. ME. Uncommon migrant, mainly offshore, and rare summer resident (near Calais). May 8-17; (summer); July 25-Oct. 17. N. H. Migrant, mainly offshore; sometimes common. May; Oct. VT. Rare migrant at Lake Champlain. MASS. Offshore migrant, irregularly common. May 1-26; Aug. 31-Nov. 24. R. I., CONN. Offshore migrant, sometimes common. Late May; Sept. 26-Dec. 20. 128. LOBIPES LOBATUS (Linne) Baird, Brewer, & Ridgway. Northern phalarope; Bank-bird; Jersey goose; Mackerel goose; Red-necked phalarope; Sea goose; Sea snipe; Whale- bird; White bank-bird. Tringa lobata Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, pp. 148, 824. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI, LAPPONIA." Lobipes hyperboreus Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 295, pi. 340. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 131, pi. 38, fig. 1. Chiefly maritime; nests on the ground in marshes. AVES. 67 LIMICOLAE. PHALAROPODIDAE. ME. Common migrant, mainly offshore. (Feb.) May 3- June 15; July 24-Nov. N. H. Common migrant, mainly offshore. May; Aug. 9- Sept. 22. MASS. Common migrant, mainly offshore. May 1-26; Aug. 10-Oct. 13. R. I. Common migrant, mainly offshore. May; Aug. 16- Sept. 15. CONN. Offshore migrant. Spring ?; Aug. 4-Sept. 27 (Dec. 25). 129. STEGANOPTJS TRICOLOR Vieillot. Wilson's phalarope. Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 32, p. 136. "PARA- GUAY." Phalaropus wilsonii Sabine. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 405, pi. 69. Chiefly freshwater marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Sabattus Pond, Sept. or Oct. 1906; Scarborough, three, June 9, 1891. N. H. Accidental visitor: Rye Beach, Aug. 15, 1872. MASS. Accidental visitor (five records). May 20; Aug. 18-31. R. I. Accidental (fall) visitor (five records). Aug. 2-Sept. 13. CONN. Accidental visitor: Bridgeport. RECURVIROSTRIDAE. 130. RECURVIROSTRA AMERICANA Gmelin. American avocet. Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 693. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI & NOVA HOLLANDS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 24, pi. 353. 68 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE RECURVIROSTRIDAE. Open lowlands and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Cape Elizabeth, Nov. 5, 1878. VT. Accidental visitor: St. Albans, fall, 1875, and 1890; (nee Rutland, 1882). MASS. Accidental visitor: Ipswich, three, Sept. 13, 1896; Lynn; Natick, Oct. 19, 1880. CONN. Accidental visitor: between Saybrook and East Lyme, 1871. 131. HIMANTOPUS MEXICANUS (Muller) Ord. Black-necked stilt. Charadrius mexicanus Mull., Linne's Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 117. "MEXICO." Himantopus nigricollis Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 31, pi. 354. Salt marshes and lagoons; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Rockland, May, 1889; (nee Board- man, New Brunswick). N. H. Accidental visitor: Rye Beach. MASS. Accidental visitor: Lynn; Mass, coast. SCOLOPACIDAE. 132. PHILOHELA MINOR (Gmelin) Gray. American woodcock; Bog-sucker; Woodcock. Scolopax minor Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 661. "IN AMERICAE, A SEPTEMBRI INDE IN CAROLINAE, AB APRILIS FINE IN NOVEBORACI SILVIS HUMIDIS." Microptera americana Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 15, pi. 352. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 2. Freshwater swamps, damp woods and thickets; nests on the ground. AVES. 69 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. ME. Common migrant and summer resident; possibly winters. (Mar. 10) Mar. 23-Nov. 30 (Dec. 18) (Feb., two instances). Eggs, April 26-May 19. N. H. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. Late Mar. -Oct. Eggs, May 10. VT. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. Mar. 27-Oct. Eggs, May 4. MASS. Common migrant and uncommon summer resident; rare in winter. Mar. 4-Nov. 25 (winter). Eggs, April 11-May 6. R. I. Common migrant and now a rare summer resident. Mar .-Dec. 4. Eggs, April 5-May 17. CONN. Common migrant, uncommon summer and winter resident. Feb. 26-Nov.; winter. Eggs, (Mar. 30) April 3- June 3; July 20 (2d brood). 133. GALLINAGO DELICATA (Ord) A. O. U. check-list. Wilson's snipe; Alewife-bird; Common snipe; English snipe; Jack snipe. Scolopax delicata Ord, Wilson's Ornith., 1825, vol. 9, p. ccxviii. " KENTUCKY, .... ILLINOIS, . . . .PENNSYLVANIA." Scolopax wilsonii Temm. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 339, pi. 350. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 3. Fresh and brackish meadows and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and rare summer resident. April 19- May 15; summer; Sept.-Nov. 15. N. H. Common migrant, mainly coastwise; very rare winter resident (Nashua). Mar.-May 7; July 22-mid-Dec. (winter). VT. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident (Rutland Co.); ? "summer resident/' MASS. Common migrant, rare winter resident; rare and irregular summer resident (at Carlisle, Concord). (Mar. 8) Mar. 20-May 18; (summer); Aug. 1-Nov. 30 (winter). 70 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. R. I. Common migrant and rare winter resident. Mar. 9- May 6; (July 29) Aug. 12-Nov. 14 (Dec., Jan.). CONN. Common migrant, rare summer and winter resident. Mar. 18-Dec.; winter. Eggs, May 13 (Portland). 134. MACRORHAMPHUS GRISEUS (Gmelin) Leach. Dowitcher; Brownback; Deutscher; Fool plover; German snipe; Grayback; Gray snipe; Red-breasted snipe; Robin snipe. Scolopax grisea Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 658. "IN NOVEBORACI MARITIMIS." Scolopax noveboracensis Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 10, pi. 351. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 143, pi. 41, fig. 8. Chiefly maritime marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant coastwise. May 21-29; late July- Sept. (Oct. 29). N. H. Migrant, common in fall. May 20-25; July 20-Sept. MASS. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant, mainly coast- wise. May 1-June 7 (June 18) ; July 5-Sept. 30. ^R. I. Uncommon migrant coastwise. May; July 5-Oct. 20. CONN. Uncommon migrant, mainly in fall. 135. MACRORHAMPHUS SCOLOPACEUS (Say) Lawrence. Long-billed dowitcher. Elliot, New and unfigured birds No. Amer., 1869, vol. 2, pi. 40. Limosa scolopacea Say, Long's exped. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 1, p. 170. "NEAR THE BOWYER CREEK," IOWA. Chiefly maritime marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. MASS. Rare fall migrant. Aug. 29-Nov. 3. R. I. Rare fall migrant: Middletown, Oct. 8, 1890. AVES. 71 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. 136. MICROPALAMA HIMANTOPUS (Bonaparte) Baird. Stilt sandpiper; Bastard yellow-leg; Long-legged sandpiper; Mongrel. Tringa himantopus Bonap., Ann. lyceum nat. hist. New York, 1826, vol. 2, p. 157. "LONG BRANCH, NEW JERSEY." Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1833, vol. 4, p. 89, pi. 25, fig. 3. Marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. ME. Rare fall migrant coastwise. July 19-Sept. 26 (Oct. 2, 1908, Pine Point). N. H. Rare fall migrant coastwise. July 31-Aug. 28. MASS. Uncommon fall migrant coastwise. July 19-Sept. 29. R. I. Very rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. May 9, 1895, Sakonnet Point; July 6-Sept. 19. CONN. Rare migrant: New Haven, Sept. 16, 1886. 137. TRINGA CANUTUS Linne. Knot; Ash-colored sandpiper; Blue plover; Grayback; Gray snipe; Red-breasted plover or sandpiper; Robin snipe; Silver plover. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 149. "ix EUROPA." Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 144, pi. 43, fig. 10. Tringa islandica Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 254, pi. 328. Sandy beaches; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Uncommon migrant coastwise. May 24- June 11; Aug.-Sept. MASS. Common migrant coastwise, casual inland (Springfield) ; rare winter resident. May 11- June 5 (June 25); July 13-Nov. 8 (winter). R. I. Common migrant coastwise. May; July 11-Sept. 14. CONN. Common migrant coastwise. 72 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. 138. ARQUATELLA MARITIMA (Briinnich) Coues. Purple sandpiper; Rock snipe; Winter peep; Winter snipe. Tringa maritima Briinn., Ornith. borealis, 1764, p. 54. "HRIS- TIANSOE" I., DENMARK, AND "NORVEGIA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 261, pi. 330. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 146, pi. 43, figs. 2, 5. Rocky islands and coasts of the sea; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and winter resident coastwise; acci- dental in summer. Sept. 15-April (Aug. 6, 1907, Metinic Green Id.; Aug. 11, 1902, Metinic reef). N. H. Rare winter visitor coastwise. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Common fall and winter visitor coastwise. (July 30) Sept. 6-April 19 (May 11). R. I. Common winter resident on rocky coasts. Sept. 13- April 15. CONN. Common winter resident on rocky islands coastwise. 139. PISOBIA MACULATA (Vieillot) A. O. U. comm. Pectoral sandpiper; Brown-back; Creaker or Krieker; Grass- bird; Grass snipe; Jack snipe; Pert; Squatter. Tringa maculata Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 465. "AUX ILES ANTILLES ET DANS LES PARTIES ME RIDIONALES DES ETATS-UNIS." Tringa pectoralis Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 259, pi. 329. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 148, pi. 43, fig. 12. Marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. ME. Rare spring and common fall migrant, mainly coastwise. (Spring); Aug. 13-Oct% 5. N. H. Migrant, common in fall, mainly coastwise. July-Oct. 10. AVES. 73 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. VT. Uncommon fall migrant. MASS. Rare spring and common fall migrant. (April 4) April 9-May 16 (May 23); July 1^-Nov. 11. R. I. Rare spring and common fall migrant. April 25; July 16-Oct. 20. CONN. Rare spring and common fall migrant. 140. PISOBIA FUSCICOLLIS (Vieillot) A. O. U. comm. White -rumped sandpiper; Bonaparte's sandpiper; Bull-peep; Schinz's sandpiper. Tringa fuscicollis Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 461'. " PARAGUAY. " Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 145, pi. 43, fig. 8. Actodromas fuscicollis (Vieill.). Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Water birds of No. Amer., 1884, vol. 1, p. 227, fig. Tringa schinzii Brehm. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1835, vol. 3, pi. 278. Beaches and marshy shores; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant, mainly coastwise. May 29, 30; late July-Oct. 23 (Nov. 18). N. H. Uncommon migrant, mainly coastwise. ? Spring; July- Oct. 14. VT. Uncommon fall migrant. Aug.-Sept. MASS. Rare spring and common fall migrant mainly coastwise. May 15-June 5; July 10-Nov. 10. R. I. Uncommon fall migrant. July 11-Oct. CONN. Uncommon migrant. Aug. 31. 141. PISOBIA BAIRDII (Coues) A. O. U. comm. Baird's sandpiper. Actodromas bairdii Coues, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1861, p. 194. "NORTH AMERICA/' Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Water birds No. Amer., 1884, vol. 1, p. 230, colored fig. of head. 74 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare fall migrant. Aug. 7-Sept. 20 (Nov. 1, 1881, Bangor). N. H. Rare fall migrant. Aug. 26-Sept 5. MASS. Rare fall migrant. July 27-Oct. 1. R. I. Rare fall migrant (seven records). Aug. 26-Sept. 17. CONN. Rare fall migrant: New Haven, Oct. 19, 1889, Oct. 28, 1887; Stratford, Nov. 3, 1888. 142. PISOBIA MINUTILLA (Vieillot) A. O. U. comm. Least sandpiper; Bumble bee; Meadow ox-eye; Mud peep; Peep; Wilson's sandpiper. Tringa minutilla Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 466. "EN AMERIQUE JUSQU'AU DELA DU CANADA." Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 149, pi. 44, fig. 8. Tringa pusilla Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 280, pi. 337. Marshes and mudflats; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant. May 13-24 (June) ; July 5-Oct. 1 (Oct. 15). N. H. Common migrant. Late May- June 3 ; July 10-Sept. VT. Uncommon migrant. MASS. Common migrant. (April 18) May 5- June 7; (sum- mer) July 6-Sept. 21 (Oct. 13). R.I. Common migrant. (April 25)-May 26; July 15-Oct. CONN. Common migrant. May- June; Aug.-Sept. 143. PELIDNA ALPINA (Linne) C. L. Brehm. European dunlin. Sharpe, Cat. birds British mus., 1896, vol. 24, p. 602. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, p. [21], pi. [548]. AVES. 75 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. Tringa alpina Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 149. "IN LAPPONIA." Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 144, pi. 43, figs. 7, 9. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental from Old World: Chatham, Aug. 11, 1900. 144. PELIDNA ALPINA SAKHALINA (Vieillot) Buturlin. American dunlin; Black-bellied sandpiper; Black-breast; Brant-bird; Crooked-billed snipe; Fall snipe; Lead-back; Ox-bird; Ox-eye; Red-back; Red-backed sandpiper. Scolopax sakhalina Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1816, vol. 3, p. 359. "EN RUSSIE." Tringa alpina Linne". Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 266, pi. 332. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare spring and commoner fall migrant coastwise Late May; Oct. -Nov. 17. N. H. Uncommon coastwise migrant. MASS. Rare spring and common fall migrant coastwise. (?Mar. 15) late April-May 20 (June 18); Sept. 1-Dec. 13 (Dec. 24). R. I. Rare spring and common fall migrant coastwise. May; Aug. 29-Oct. 29. CONN. Rare spring and common fall migrant; "may winter." 145. EROLIA FERRUGINEA (Briinnich) A. O. U. comm. Curlew sandpiper. Tringa ferruginea Briinn., Ornith. bor., 1764, p. 53. "!SLANDIA & CHRISTIANSOE" ISLAND. Tringa subarquata Temm. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 269, pi. 333. Seacoasts and tundras; nests on the ground. 76 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. ME. Accidental visitor: Pine Point, Cumberland Co., Sept. 15, 1881. MASS. Accidental visitor: five records. May; Aug. R. I. Doubtfully recorded. CONN. Accidental visitor: four records. (June 1874, New Haven); Aug. 30-Oct. 3. 146. EREUNETES PUSILLUS (Linne*) Cassin. Semipalmated sandpiper; Black-legged peep; Peep; Sand ox-eye ; Sand peep. Tringa jmsilla Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 252. "IN DOMINGO." Tringa semipalmata Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 277, pi. 336. Sand beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant. May-June 5; July29-Sept. 28 (Oct.). N. H. Common migrant. May; July-early Sept. VT. Uncommon migrant to larger lakes. MASS. Common migrant; non-breeding birds occur in summer coastwise. (May 1) May 13-June 14; (summer); July 3-Oct. 8 (Oct. 30). R. I. Common migrant. May 13-June 2; July 14-Oct. 10. CONN. Common migrant. May-early June; July-Oct. 147. EREUNETES MAURI Cabanis. Western semipalmated sandpiper Cab., Journ. f. ornith., 1856, p. 419. "CUBA." Ereunetes pusillus occidentalis (Lawrence). Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Water birds of No. Amer., 1884, vol. 1, p. 206, fig. of head. Sand beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. AVES. 77 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. N. H. Rare fall migrant: Hampton, Oct. 10, 1899. MASS. Uncommon fall migrant. July 19-Sept. 20. R. I. Rare fall migrant: Middletown, Aug. 25, and Aug. 29, 1899. CONN. Rare fall migrant: Lyme, Sept. 4, 1889 (six). 148. CALIDRIS LEUCOPHAEA (Pallas) A. O. U. comm. Sanderling; Beach-bird; Beach plover; Bull-peep; Gray- back; Ruddy plover; Surf snipe; Whitey; Whiting. Tringa leucophaea Pallas, in Vroeg's Catalogue, 1764, p. 32. NORTH SEA COAST. Tringa arenaria Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 287, pi. 338. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 150, pi. 41, fig. 4. Sand beaches; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Uncommon spring and common fall migrant coast- wise. . May 5-30; late July-Get. 13 (Nov. 5, Portland). VT. Rare migrant. Sept. MASS. Common coastwise migrant and, south of Cape Cod, a winter resident. (Late April) May 19-June 4 (June 24); July 6-Dec. 6 (Dec. 13); winter. R. I. Common migrant, casual inland; probably a rare winter resident. (Mar. 20) May- June; Aug. 1-Nov. 5. CONN. Common migrant coastwise. May; July-Oct. 149. LIMOSA FEDOA (Linne) Sabine. Marbled godwit; Brown marlin; Red curlew. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 331, pi. 348. Scolopax fedoa Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 146. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant. May, 1884 (Scarborough); Aug. 8- Sept. 13. 78 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. N. H. Rare migrant: Rye Beach, Aug. 27, 1868. VT. Formerly a migrant. MASS. Rare migrant. May 20-23; July 17-Sept. 5. R. I. Rare migrant. Aug. 6-Oct. 2. CONN. Rare migrant. Aug. 150. LIMOSA HAEMASTICA (Linne) Coues. Hudsonian godwit; Black-tail; Goose-bird; Ring-tailed marlin; Spot-rump. Scolopax haemastica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 147. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Limosa hudsonica Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 335, pi. 349. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare fall migrant coastwise. N. H. Rare fall migrant coastwise. Aug. 2-Oct. VT. Rare migrant: Burlington. MASS. Rare ( ? spring and) fall migrant. ( ? April 29-May 25); July 15-Nov. 7. R. I. Rare ( ? spring and) fall migrant coastwise. July 22- Oct. 13. CONN. Rare migrant. 151. TOTANUS MELANOLEUCUS (Gmelin) Vieillot. Greater yellow-legs; Cucu; Greater tattler or telltale; Long- legged tattler; Stone snipe; Winter yellow-legs. Scolopax melanoleuca Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 659. "AUCTUMNO IN ARENIS LITTORIS LABRADOR." Totanus vociferus Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 316, pi. 345. Salt and fresh marshes; nests on the ground. AVES. 79 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. ME. Common migrant and possibly a rare summer resident in extreme north (Woolastook valley). Late April-May 19 (July); late July-Oct. 22. N. H. Common migrant, mainly coastwise. May; July 17- Oct. 27. VT. Uncommon migrant. May; fall. MASS. Common migrant mainly coastwise; a few non-breed- ing birds rarely summer. (Mar. 27) April 4- June 16 (June 28); July 6-Nov. 12. R. I. Common migrant. (? Mar. 10) April 10-May 26; July 20-Nov. 4. CONN. Common migrant. May 14- June 1 (June 13, 1898 New London); Aug-Nov. 15. 152. TOTANUS FLAVIPES (Gmelin) Vieillot. Yellow-legs; Lesser yellow-legs; Summer yellow-legs; Wan- dering tattler. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 313, pi. 344. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 139, pi. 44, fig. 11. Scolopax flavipes Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 659. "IN NOVEBORACO." Salt and fresh marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare spring and common fall migrant. May 16; late July-(Oct. 17). N. H. Rare spring and common fall migrant. May; Aug.- Sept. 4. VT. Uncommon migrant. MASS. Rare spring and common early fall migrant. April 29- June 2 (June 15); July 10-Sept. 29 (Oct. 11 and 30). R. I. Rare spring and common fall migrant. April 28; July 3-Oct. 1. CONN. Rare spring and common fall migrant. May 7; Aug. 17-Oct. 80 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. 153. HELODROMAS SOLITARIUS (Wilson) Sharpe. Solitary sandpiper or tattler. Tringa solitaria Wils., Amer. ornith., 1813, vol. 7, p. 53, pi. 58, fig. 3. "KENTUCKY TO NEW YORK." Totanus solitarius (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 309, pi. 343. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, fig. 6. Borders of woodland streams and ponds, rarely near salt water; nests on the ground or in other birds' deserted nests. ME. Common migrant and in northern part a rare summer resident (Woolastook valley). May 7-30; summer-Oct. 2 (Oct. 21). N. H. Common migrant, and possibly a rare summer resident. May 9- June; July 17- (Nov. 1). VT. Common migrant; reported breeding at Lake Bomoseen, St. Albans Bay, Wells River. May-Sept. 3. Eggs, middle of May. MASS. Common migrant, mainly inland. May 2-26 (June) ; (July 8) July 20-Oct. 14 (Nov. 28). R. I. Uncommon migrant. May 3-20; July 18-Sept. 25. CONN. Common migrant. May 2-(June 10); Aug.-Sept. 154. CATOPTROPHORUS SEMIPALMATUS (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Willet; Goose-bird; Humility. Scolopax semipalmata Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 659. "IN NOVEBORACO." Totanus semipalmatus Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 324, pi. 347. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, figs. 4, 5. Salt and fresh marshes, and beaches; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Rare migrant coastwise. Oct. 25. VT. Rare migrant : Middlebury. MASS. Rare migrant coastwise; formerly rare summer resident AVES. 81 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. (Muskeget, about 1869, New Bedford). May 2-31 (June 17); July 8-Sept. 11. R. I. Rare migrant coastwise, mainly in fall. May; July 2- Sept. 18. CONN. Formerly a rare summer resident (Madison, Stratford), now only a rare migrant. May; (summer); Aug. 9-Oct. Eggs, June 5, 1873. 155. CATOPTROPHORUS SEMIPALMATUS INORNATUS (Brewster) A. O. U. comm. Western willet. Symphemia semipalmata inornata Brewst., Auk, 1887, vol. 4, p. 145. "LARIMER COUNTY, COLORADO." Totanus semipalmatus Temm. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 388, pi. 67. Salt and fresh marshes, and beaches; nests on the ground. MASS. Rare fall migrant: Newburyport, Aug. 5, 1908 (and probably most of those now found). CONN. Rare fall migrant: Stony Creek, Aug. 15, 1897, and other fall birds. 156. PAVONCELLA PUGNAX (Linne) Leach. Ruff (tf); Reeve (9). Tringa pugnax Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 148. "IN EUROPA MINUS BOREALI." Machetes pugnax Linne". Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 8, p. [87], pis. [557, 558]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 135, pi. 42, figs. 4, 6. Shores and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental from Old World: Camden, Sept. 14, 1900; Scarborough, April 10, 1870; Upton, Sept. 8, 1874. 82 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. N. H. Accidental visitor: Seabrook, Sept. 23, 1907. MASS. Accidental visitor: Chatham, Sept. 12, 1880; Nan- tucket, July, 1901; Newburyport marshes, May 20, 1871. R. I. Accidental visitor: Point Judith, Aug. 31, 1903; Sakon- net, July 30, 1900. 157. BARTRAMIA LONGICAUDA (Bechstein) Bonaparte. Bartramian sandpiper; Field plover; Grass plover; Pasture plover; Upland plover. Tringa longicauda Bechst., Kurze uebers. vogel Lathams, 1812, vol. 2, p. 453. NORTH AMERICA. Tringa bartramia Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 248, pi. 327. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, figs. 9, 10. Grassy prairies and fields; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant, and uncommon local summer resident. April 19-summer; Aug. 4-Sept. 16. Eggs, June 6. N. H. Now uncommon migrant and summer resident in southern part. May 4-Sept. VT. Uncommon migrant and local summer resident. April 24- Sept. Eggs, May 26. MASS. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant, rare local summer resident ; formerly commoner. April 3-May 10; summer; July 16-Sept. 14. Eggs, May 25-June 3 (June 22). R. I. Uncommon migrant; formerly more common and prob- ably bred. April; Aug. 2-Sept. 18. CONN. Formerly common summer resident; now an uncom- mon migrant. May 2; fall. 158. TRYNGITES SUBRUFICOLLIS (Vieillot) Ridgway. Buff -breasted 'sandpiper; Hill grass-bird. Tringa subruficollis Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 465. " PARAGUAY." AVES. 83 LIMICOLAE SCOLOPACIDAE. Tringa rufescens Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 264, pi. 331. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 151, pi. 43, fig. 11. Grassy uplands and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare fall migrant coastwise. Aug.-Sept. 5. N. H. Rare fall migrant coastwise: Portsmouth; Rye Beach, Aug. 25 and 28, 1871. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Rare fall migrant coastwise. July 28-Sept. 24. R. I. Rare fall migrant coastwise. Sept. 6-15. CONN. Rare fall migrant coastwise. Aug.-Sept. 30. 159. ACTITIS MACULARIA (Linne") Naumann. Spotted sandpiper; Ox-eye; Peet-weet; Sand lark; Teeter peep; Tip-tail; Tip-up. Tringa macularia Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 249. "IN EUROPA & AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Totanus macularius Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 303, pi. 342. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 19, figs. 7, 8. Seacoast and freshwater streams and lakes; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. April 26- Oct. 3 (Nov. 19). Eggs, May 20-July 1. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. May 1-Oct. Eggs, May 31. VT. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. Late April-Sept. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 19) April 26-Nov. 6 (Nov. 14). Eggs, May 25-July 4. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 16)- Oct. 3. Eggs, May 27-June 6. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. Late April Oct. 6. Eggs, May 31-June 1. 84 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. 160. NUMENIUS AMERICANUS Bechstein. Long-billed curlew; Great curlew; Hen curlew; Sickle-bill. Bechst., Kurze uebers. vogel Lathams, 1812, vol. 4, pt. 2, p. 432. "NEW YORK & HUDSON BAY." Numenius longirostris Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 35, pi. 355. Marshes and grassy flats; nests on the ground. ME. Very rare migrant. May 2 ; Aug. N. H. Formerly rare, now accidental migrant. Aug. 12-25. MASS. Now an accidental migrant. July 20-Oct. 18. R. I. Now an accidental migrant; last record Jamestown, Sept. 9, 1897. July 15-Sept. 9. CONN. Formerly uncommon, now accidental migrant. Aug. 3. 161. NUMENIUS HUDSONICUS Latham. Hudsonian curlew; Blue-legs (young); Foolish curlew (young); Jack curlew; Short-billed curlew. Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 2, p. 712. "IN SINU HUDSONIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 6, p. 42, pi. 356. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant. May 20; July 19-late Sept. (Oct. 12, 1898, Dover). N. H. Rare migrant. Aug. 6-Sept. 2. MASS. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. April 10- May 30 (June 8); (June 23) July 6-Oct. 1. R. I. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. April 27-May; July 2-Sept. 25. CONN. Rare migrant, mainly in fall. July 20- Aug. 27. 162. NUMENIUS BOREALIS (Forster) Latham. Eskimo curlew; Dough-bird; Fute. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 378, pi. 65. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 133, pi. 45, fig. 3. AVES. 85 LIMICOLAE. SCOLOPACIDAE. Scolopax borealis Forst., Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, pp. 411, 431. "ALBANY FORT," HUDSON BAY. Marshes, beaches, and grassy uplands; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Formerly common fall migrant, coastwise. Late Aug.-Sept. MASS. Formerly a common fall migrant, accidental in spring. (Late May 1873, Cape Cod); July 15-Oct. 2. R. I. Formerly a common fall migrant coastwise. Aug. 27- Sept. CONN. Formerly a common fall migrant coastwise, now very rare. Aug.-Oct. 13. CHARADRIIDAE. 163. SQUATAROLA SQUATAROLA (Linne) Cuvier. Black-bellied plover; Beetlehead; Blackbreast; Blackheart; Frost-bird; Ox-eye; Palebelly (young); Whistling field plover. Tringa squatarola Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 149. "IN EUROPA." Charadrius helveticus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 199, pi. 315. Beaches and marshes; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Common migrant chiefly coastwise. May 12- ( June 24); Aug.-Oct. 24. VT. Rare migrant: Lunenburg; Middlebury. MASS. Common migrant coastwise. April 15-June 13 (June 25); July 8-Nov. 16 (Dec.). R. I. Common migrant. May 15-22; Aug. 9-Oct. 15. CONN. Common migrant coastwise. 86 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. CHARADRIIDAE. 164. CHARADRIUS DOMINICUS Miiller. American golden plover; Bullhead; Frost-bird; Greenback; Greenhead; Green plover; Muddy breast; Pale belly; Pale breast; Three toes; Toad-head. Mull., Linne" s Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 116. "ST. DOMINGO." Charadrius marmoratm Wagl. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 203, pi. 316. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 125, pi. 39, fig. 5. Beaches, marshes, and open hilltops; nests on the ground. ME. Formerly common, now rare fall migrant coastwise. Aug. 12-Xov. 15.* N. H. Rare migrant coastwise. (May); Aug. 26-mid-Oct. VT. Rare migrant : Lunenburg. MASS. Very rare spring, and formerly common but now rare fall migrant coastwise. (May); Aug. 12-Nov. 2 (Nov. 19; Nov. 25, 1908, Ipswich). R. I. Migrant, formerly rare in spring and common in fall coastwise; now very rare. (May); Aug. 14-Oct. 25. CONN. Formerly common migrant, now rare; mainly coast- wise. Oct. 24. 165. OXYECHUS VOCIFERUS (Linne) Reichenbach. Killdeer. Charadrius vociferus Linne", Syst. nat, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 150. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Aegialitis vocifera (Linne). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 173; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 11. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 18, figs. 8, 9. Meadows, fields, and marshes; less often on beaches; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant and accidental visitor. Aug. 17-Oct. 24 (Nov. 28-Dec. 4, 1888). AVES. 87 LIMICOLAE. CHARADRIIDAE. N. H. Rare migrant and accidental winter resident (1888-89) ; formerly rare summer resident. VT. Rare migrant and summer resident (Lake Champlain). MASS. Rare migrant and summer resident; accidental winter resident (1888-89). Mar. 1-Dec. 15 (winter). Eggs, May 30. R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident; acci- dental winter resident in 1888-89. Mar. -Dec. (winter). Eggs, May 10-31. CONN. Rare migrant and summer resident, formerly more plentiful. (Feb. 24) late Mar.-May; summer. Eggs, June 6. 166. AEGIALITIS SEMIPALMATA (Bonaparte) Bonaparte. Semipalmated plover; Little ring-neck; Ring-neck. Charadrius semipalmatus Bonap., Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1825, vol. 5, p. 98. Based on Wilson : "NEW JERSEY." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 218, pi. 320. Sandy beaches and salt-marsh flats; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant; mainly coastwise. May-(June 22); July 29-Sept. N. H. Common migrant, mainly coastwise. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Common migrant, mainly coastwise. Late April- June 14 (June 26); July 12-Oct. 28. R. I. Common migrant, mainly coastwise. April 19-May 15; July 6-Sept. 25. CONN. Common migrant, mainly coastwise. May 17-June; July-Sept. 167. AEGIALITIS MELODA (Ord) Bonaparte. Piping plover; Clam-bird; Mourning-bird; Pale ring-neck; Ring-neck. Charadrius melodus Ord, Wilson's Amer. ornith., 1824, vol. 7, 88 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. CHARADRIIDAE. p. 71. "GREAT EGG-HARBOR," N. J. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 223, pi. 321. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 18, fig. 10. Sandy beaches; nests on the ground. ME. Formerly a rare summer resident coastwise (Wells Beach). May 2-Aug. N. H. Rare migrant coastwise. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Uncommon migrant and summer resident coastwise. (Mar. 26) April 5-Sept. 22. Eggs, May 10-June 14 (July 20). R. I. Uncommon migrant and summer resident coastwise. (Mar. 24) May 15-Sept. Eggs, June 5^-14. CONN. Uncommon migrant and summer resident coastwise. 168. OCHTHODROMUS wiLSONius (Ord) Reichenbach. Wilson's plover. Charadrius wilsonia Ord, Wilson's Amer. ornith., 1814, vol. 9, p. 77, pi. 73, fig. 5. "CAPE ISLAND, NEWJERSEY." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 214, pi. 319. Sandy beaches and mudflats; nests on the ground. VT., N. H. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Accidental visitor: Gernet Pt., Plymouth, Aug. 22, 1877; Ipswich, May 8, 1904 (nee Nahant, Aug. 1839). R. I. Doubtfully included. CONN. Accidental visitor: Bridgeport, July 28, 1888 ("seen," Averill); Stratford (Linsley). APHRIZIDAE. 169. ARENARIA INTERPRES (Linne*) Vieillot. European turnstone; Tangle -picker. Tringa interpres Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 148. "IN EUROPA & AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." AVES. 89 LIMICOLAE. APHRIZIDAE. Strepsilas interpres (Linne). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 7, p. [555], pi. [532]. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Monomoy Island, Sept. 8, 1892, (Bishop). 170. ARENARIA INTERPRES MORINELLA (Linne") A. O. U. comm. Ruddy turnstone; Bead-bird; Brant-bird; Calico-back; Calico- bird; Chicken plover; Horsefoot snipe; Rock-bird; Rock plover; Stone plover; Turnstone. Tringa morinella Linne, Syst. nat , ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 249. "AD MARIS LITTORA AMERICAE SEPTENTRIONALIS; & EuROPAE." Strepsilas interpres (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 231, pi. 323. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant. May 22-27; July 28-Sept. N. H. Uncommon migrant. VT. Rare migrant: Lake Champlain. MASS. Uncommon migrant. May 1-31 (June 24); July 25-Oct. 16. R. I. Common migrant. May 14-20; Aug. 4-Oct. 8. CONN. Common migrant. May 23; Aug.-Sept. HAEMATOPODIDAE. 171. HAEMATOPUS PALLIATTJS Temminck. American oyster-catcher. Temm., Man. d'ornith., ed. 2, 1820, vol. 2, p. 532. "L'AMERI- QUE MERIDIONALE." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 236, pi. 324. Egg, Gentry, Nests and eggs birds U. S., 1882, p. 277, pi. 47. Seacoasts; nests on the ground. 90 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. LIMICOLAE. HAEMATOPODIDAE. ME. Formerly at Portland (Audubon) . MASS. Now an accidental visitor. Late April; Aug. CONN. Now very rare migrant; formerly more plentiful. GALLINAE. PHASIANI. TETRAONIDAE. 172. COLINUS VIRGINIANUS (Linne) Stejneger. Bob-white; Quail; Virginia partridge. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 178, pi. 1. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 1, fig. 1. Tetrao virginianus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 161. "AMERICA." Weedy and brushgrown fields and edges of woods; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Formerly common, now rare resident in southern counties; also introduced from the South. VT. Rare resident at lower elevations ; largely introduced. MASS. Uncommon resident; also introduced. Eggs, May- June 30 (Sept.). R. I. Common resident; also frequently introduced. Eggs, May 25- June 20 (! Oct. 10). CONN. Common resident, also introduced. Eggs, June 14- Aug. (! Sept. 2). 173. CANACHITES CANADENSIS CAN ACE (Linne) Norton. Canadian spruce grouse; Black grouse; Fool-hen; Spotted grouse; Spruce partridge; Wood partridge. Tetrao canace Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 275. "CANADA." Tetrao canadensis Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 83, pi. 294. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 1, fig. 23. AVES 91 GALLINAE. PHASIANI. TETRAONIDAE. Dense fir and spruce woods; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon resident in northern forests. Eggs, May. N. H. Uncommon resident in northern part, and above 3000 ft. in White Mts. south to Mt. Passaconaway. Eggs, late May. VT. Uncommon resident in northernmost part (Victoria). MASS. Accidental visitor: Gloucester, Sept. 1851; Roxbury Nov. about 1865. 174. BONASA UMBELLUS (Linne") Stephens. Ruffed grouse; Birch partridge ; Partridge; Pheasant. Tetrao umbellus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 275. "IN PENSYLVANIA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 73, pi. 293. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 2, fig. 1. Woods and thickets; nests on the ground. VT. Nearly typical birds rarely found in south part; resident. MASS. Uncommon resident. Eggs, April 27-June 2. R. I. Common in northern and western parts. Eggs, May 8- 19. CONN. Common resident. Eggs, April 21-May 20. 175. BONASA UMBELLUS TOGATA (Linne) Ridgway. Canadian ruffed grouse; Partridge; Pheasant. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 198. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 2, fig. 2. Tetrao togatus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 275. "CANADA." Woods and thickets; nests on the ground. ME. Common resident. Eggs, April 27-May 25. N. H. Common resident up to tree limit on mountains. VT. Common resident. 92 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. GALLINAE. PHASIANI. TETRAONIDAE. MASS. Resident; nearly typical birds occur in Berkshire Co. (North Adams). 176. LAGOPUS LAGOPUS (Linne*) Stejneger. Willow ptarmigan. Tetrao lagopus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 159. "IN EUROPAE ALPINIS." Lagopus albus Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 114, pi. 299 (summer). Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 2, fig. 5- 10. Dense thickets; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: near Dennisville (Audubon); Ken- duskeag, April 23, 1892. MASS. Accidental visitor (or escape) : Manchester, May 10, 1859. R. I. Doubtfully recorded. 177. TYMPANUCHUS CUPIDO (Linne) Ridgway. Heath-hen; Eastern pinnated grouse ; He then. Tetrao cupido Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 160. "IN VIRGINIA/' De Kay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 205, pi. 77, fig. 175. Cupidonia cupido Brewster, Auk, 1885, vol. 2, p. 82. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 3, fig. 2. Scrub-oak thickets; nests on the ground. ME. Ascribed by Audubon to Maine, but perhaps erroneously. MASS. Resident, now confined to Martha's Vineyard, but (till about 1815) occurring coastwise nearly to Boston, and in lower Connecticut valley. Eggs, June 2-July 24. R. I. Formerly common, but practically extirpated by 1800. CONN. Formerly common; extirpated before 1840 (Westford, about 1832, Nuttall). AVES. 93 GALLINAE. PHASIANI. TETRAONIDAE. 178. MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO SILVESTRIS (Vieillot) Allen. Wild turkey. Meleagris silvestris VieilL, Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1817, vol. 9, p. 447. ''ILLINOIS JUSQU'A L'ISTHME DE PANAMA." Meleagris gallopavo Linne". Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 42, pis. 287, 288. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 3, fig. 14. Woods and thickets; nests on the ground. ME. Formerly a resident in southern counties (to Mt. Desert ?) ; now extirpated. N. H. Formerly a resident in southern part; last record in 1841 or '42. VT. Formerly resident in southern part; now extirpated. MASS. Formerly common resident; last recorded capture at Mt. Tom, winter of 1850-51. R. I. Formerly common resident. CONN. Formerly common resident; last killed about 1813 on Totoket Mt., Northford. COLUMBAE. COLUMBIDAE. 179. ECTOPISTES MIGRATORIUS (Linne") Swainson. Passenger pigeon; Wild pigeon. Columba migratoria Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 285. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Ectopistes migratoria (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 25, pi. 285. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 4, fig. 6. Woods and fields; nests in trees in colonies. ME. Formerly an abundant migrant and local summer resident; last specimens taken near Dexter, Aug. 16, 1896, and at Bar Harbor, early summer 1904. April 7-Sept. 94 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. COLUMBAE. COLUMBIDAE. N. H. Formerly abundant migrant and local summer resident ; last specimen taken at Concord, 1885. April 2-18; summer- Oct. 10. VT. Formerly abundant migrant and summer resident. Mar. 20-Oct. 10. MASS. Formerly abundant migrant and common local summer resident, rare in winter; last recorded in 1889. Mar. 10-Oct. 21 (winter). Eggs, May 22. R. I. Formerly abundant migrant; last killed in 1886. CONN. Formerly an abundant migrant, and common summer resident. April 2-fall. Eggs, late May. 180. ZENAIDURA MACROURA CAROLINENSIS (Linne) A. O. U. comm. Mourning dove ; Carolina dove; Long-tailed dove ; Turtledove. Columba carolinensis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 286. "IN AMERICA." Zenaidura macroura (Linne). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 188; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 13. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 4, figs. 8,9. Open woods and fields; nests in trees, or rarely on the ground. ME. Rare migrant and summer resident in southern part; accidental in winter. Mar. 21-Oct. 24 (Nov. 21 and winter). N. H. Rare migrant and summer resident in southern part. Late Mar.-Oct. (Dec. 15). VT. Rare summer resident : Rutland Co. MASS. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident. Mar. 5-Nov. 15 (winter). Eggs, April 19-May 20. R. I. Uncommon summer resident in northern and western parts. April 3-Oct. 15. Eggs, May 15-25. CONN. Uncommon summer and rare winter resident. Mar.- Nov. (winter). Eggs, May 24- June 20 (July 27). AVES. 95 COLUMBAE. COLUMBIDAE. 181. STARNOENAS CYANOCEPHALA (Linne") Bonaparte. Blue -headed quail-dove. Columba cyanocephala Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 163. "AMERICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 23, pi. 284. Thickets and woods; nests among vines. MASS. One taken at Brookline, Oct. 10, 1870, probably an escape. RAPTORES. SARCORHAMPHI. CATHARTIDAE. 182. CATHARTES AURA SEPTENTRIONALIS (Wied) Nelson. Turkey vulture ; Turkey buzzard. Cathartes septentrionalis Wied, Reise Nord- America, 1839, vol. 1, p. 162. Locality elsewhere given as NEAR NEW HARMONY, INDIANA. Cathartes aura Linne*. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 15, pi. 2. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 4, figs. 1, 3. Open country; nests on ground in shallow caves or in hollow logs. ME. Accidental visitor at all seasons (eight records). N. H. Accidental visitor: Hampton Falls, April 1882; North Weare, spring 1887. VT. Accidental visitor: Eutaw. MASS. Occasional visitor at all seasons. R. I. Occasional visitor; four records. May 10-Nov. CONN. Occasional (mainly summer) visitor. April 20-Oct. 18. 183. CATHARISTA URUBU (Vieillot) Vieillot. Black vulture; Black-headed buzzard; Carrion crow; Jim crow. Vultur urubu Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Amer. Sept., 1807, vol. 1, 96 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. SARCORHAMPHI. CATHARTIDAE. p. 23, pi. 2. "L'AMERIQUE, DEPUIS LA NOUVELLE-ECOSSE jus- Qu'A LA TERRE DE FEU." Cathartes atratus Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 17, pi. 3. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 4, figs. 7, 10. Open country and vicinity of dwellings; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor. Aug. 20-Nov. 3. VT. Accidental visitor: Lunenburg; Woodbury, July 10, 1884. MASS. Accidental visitor. July-Nov. CONN. Accidental visitor: East Lyme, July 6, 1901. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. 184. ELANOIDES FORFICATUS (Linne) Coues. Swallow-tailed kite. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 196; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 1. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, figs. 1, 2. Falco forficatus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 89. "AMERICA." Open country; nests in tall trees. ME. Erroneously recorded. N. H. Doubtfully recorded (Franklin, 1875). VT. Doubtfully recorded (Williams). MASS. Accidental visitor: Amesbury (= West Newbury) about Sept. 25, 1882; Whately; (?) near Northampton, 1880. CONN. Accidental visitor: Lyme, July 2, 1877; Portland, summer 1861; Saybrook, June 16, 1889. 185. CIRCUS HUDSONIUS (Linne*) Vieillot. Marsh hawk; Blue hawk; Bog-trotter; Frog hawk; Harrier; Mole hawk; Mouse hawk; Mouser; Snake hawk. A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, p. 26, pi. 3. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, fig. 8-10. AVES. 97 RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. Falco hudsonius Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 128. "AD FRETUM HUDSONIS." Open country, fields, marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant, less common summer resident. Mar. 19-Oct. 7 (Nov. 12). Eggs, June 4. N. H. Common migrant, uncommon summer resident. Mar. 16-Nov. 12. VT. Uncommon summer resident. April 14-Oct. MASS. Common migrant, uncommon summer resident; rare winter resident on the coast. Mar. 1-Nov. 29 (winter). Eggs, May 12- June 8. R. I. Common migrant, rare summer and winter resident. Mar. 15-Oct. 29 (winter). Eggs, May 23, 25. CONN. Common migrant, uncommon summer resident; winters rarely. Mar .-Nov. 6 (winter). Eggs, May 9- June 9. 186. ACCIPITER VELOX (Wilson) Vigors. Sharp-shinned hawk; Pigeon hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 198; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 4. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, fig. 11-17. Falco velox Wils., Amer. ornith., 1812, vol. 5, p. 116, pi. 45, fig. 1. "BANKS OF THE SCHUYLKILL." Open or wooded country; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant, less common summer resident; rare winter resident (Portland, 1905; Westbrook, 1907). Mar. 27- Nov. 23 (winter). Eggs, June 1. N. H. Common migrant, less common summer resident; rare winter resident in southern part. Eggs, May 23- June 1. VT. Uncommon summer and rare winter resident. MASS. Common migrant, uncommon summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 3-June 10. 98 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. R. I. Uncommon migrant, rare summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 23, 25. CONN. Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 15-June 26. 187. ACCIPITER COOPERII (Bonaparte) Gray. Cooper's hawk; Chicken hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 199; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 5. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 5, fig. 18-20. Falco cooperii Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1828, vol. 2, p. 1, pi. 10, fig. 1. "NEAR BORDENTOWN, NEW JERSEY." Open country and woods; nests in trees. ME. Uncommon summer resident. April 4-Oct. 24 (? Jan. 16). N. H. Uncommon migrant and summer resident at lower elevations. Mar. 26-Oct. Eggs, May 12-30. VT. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; (? winter). Eggs, April 22. MASS. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; rare in winter. Eggs, April 25- June 11. R. I. Common migrant, less common summer resident; prob- ably winters rarely. Eggs, May 12-14. CONN. Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Eggs, April 25-June 18. 188. ASTUR ATRICAPILLUS (Wilson) Bonaparte. American goshawk; Blue hawk; Partridge hawk. Falco atricapillus Wils., Amer. ornith., 1812, vol. 6, p. 80, pi. 52, fig. 3. NEAR "PHILADELPHIA." Accipiter atricapillus (Wils.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. AVES. 99 RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. No. Amer., 1895, p. 199; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 6. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 6, fig. 1. Open country and heavy woods; nests in trees. ME. Common winter resident, less common summer resident. Oct. 26-May; summer. Eggs, April 25-May. N. H. Irregularly common winter resident; rare summer resident south to Alstead. VT. Irregular winter visitor; rare summer resident south to Rutland, Mendon. Eggs, April 23-May 1. MASS. Winter visitor, irregularly common; casual summer visitor (Hoosac Mt., Aug. 15, 1900). Oct. 4-Feb. 26. R. I. Irregular winter visitor, sometimes common. Oct. 27- Feb. 14. CONN. Irregular winter visitor, sometimes common ; accidental in late summer. (Aug. 24, 1893, West Haven) Oct. 2-winter. 189. BUTEO BOREALIS (Gmelin) Vieillot. Red-tailed hawk or buzzard; Hen hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 200; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 7. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 6, figs. 5, 6. Falco borealis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 266. "IN AMERICA BOREALI, POTISSIMUM CAROLINA." Open country and forests; nests in large trees. ME. Uncommon summer resident, and in southern counties rare winter resident. Eggs, May 6-26. N. H. Uncommon resident, wintering from White Mts. south. VT. Uncommon resident. Eggs, April 22. MASS. Uncommon migrant and winter resident; rare summer resident. Eggs, April 6-27. R. I. Uncommon winter, and rare summer resident. Nov. 30- Mar. 25; summer. Eggs, April 5-30. 100 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident ; rare summer resident. Sept.-Mar. ; summer. Eggs, Mar. 28- April 24 (May 25). 190. BUTEO LINEATUS (Gmelin) Vieillot. Red-shouldered hawk; Chicken hawk; Hen hawk; Winter hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 201; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 8. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 7, fig. 1-5. Falco lineatus Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 268. "IN INSULA LONGA," NEW YORK. Open country and woods; nests in large trees. ME. Uncommon summer resident. (Mar. 4) Mar. 20-Oct. 21. Eggs, late April-May 24. N. H. Uncommon summer resident north to southern valleys of White Mts. Mar. 27-Nov. VT. Uncommon summer resident (? winters). Mar. 17-fall. Eggs, April 22. MASS. Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Eggs, April 3- June 6. R. I. Uncommon resident. Eggs, April 5-13. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident, less common summer resident. Eggs, April 5- June 1. 191. BUTEO SWAINSONI Bonaparte. Swainson's hawk. Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and No. Amer., 1838, p. 3. Based on Audubon: "NEAR THE COLUMBIA RIVER." Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 203; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 9. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 8, fig. 1-6. AVES.: RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. Open prairie country or edges of woods near streams; nests in trees. ME. Occasional visitor from West. May 19; Sept. 15, Oct. 8. VT. Rare visitor: Lunenburg. MASS. Rare visitor (four records). April 20-Nov. 7. 192. BUTEO PLATYPTERUS (Vieillot) Faxon. Broad-winged hawk. Sparvius platypterus Vieill., Encycl. method, ornith., 1823, vol. 3, p. 1273. Based on Wilson: "NEAR THE SCHUYLKILL." Buteo latissimus (Wils.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 204; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 10. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 7, fig. 10-13. Woodlands, and along streams; nests in trees. ME. Uncommon summer resident. (Mar. 31) April 11-Sept. 17. Eggs, May 2- June 12. N. H. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. April 8- Sept. 15. Eggs, May 16. VT. Uncommon summer resident. April 14-falL MASS. Uncommon migrant, and in remoter districts, a rare summer resident. April 12-Sept. 30 (Oct. 16). Eggs, May 7-31. R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident. April- Oct. Eggs, May 15-19. CONN. Uncommon migrant, and rare summer (and ? winter) resident. Eggs, May 3-18. 193. ARCHIBUTEO LAGOPUS SANCTI-JOHANNIS (Gmelin) Coues. American rough-legged hawk; Black hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 205; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S. 1893, pi. 11. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 8, fig. 10-12. 102; : I f.'/Y'^AttfX P NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. Falco S. johannis Gmel., Syst. nat, 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 273. "IN FRETO HUDSONIS ET NOVA TERRA/' Open country; nests on cliffs or in trees. ME. Uncommon fall and winter visitor. Oct. 28-Mar. N. H. Uncommon irregular fall and winter visitor. Oct.- (May 6). VT. Rare fall and winter visitor. Oct. MASS. Rare fall and winter visitor. Oct.-April 13 (May 8). R. I. Uncommon fall and winter visitor. Oct.-April 12. CONN. Fall and winter visitor, irregular, but sometimes com- mon. Nov. 20-April. 194. AQUILA CHRYSAETOS (Linne) Sprungli. Golden e agle ; Ring-tailed e agle . Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 206; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 13. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 9, figs. 3, 5. Falco chrysaetos Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 88. "IN EUROPA." Mountainous country; nests on cliffs or in large trees. ME. Rare visitor; not now known to breed (young (?), Sandy Bay Mt., 1895). N. H. Rare visitor; formerly rare resident in White Mts. VT. Rare visitor; formerly a resident. MASS. Rare visitor at all seasons, not now known to breed. R. I. Rare visitor in fall and winter. CONN. Rare visitor, at all seasons. 195. HALIAEETUS LEUCOCEPHALUS (Linne) Boie. .Bald eagle; Gray eagle; Washington eagle (young); White- headed eagle. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 207; A. K. AVES. 103 RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 14. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 9, fig. 7. Falco leucocephalus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 124. "IN AMERICA, EUROPA." Open wild country, especially near lakes and seacoasts; nests in tall trees or on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident coastwise. Eggs, April 4-21. N. H. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; rare in winter in southern part. VT. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. MASS. Uncommon migrant and, near coast, occasional at all seasons. No recent breeding records (formerly on Mt. Tom). R. I. Occasional at all seasons, though not known to breed. CONN. Occasional at all seasons, but most frequent as a mi- grant; formerly bred (Mt. Carmel, Saltonstall Ridge, West Peak). 196. FALCO ISLANDUS Briinnich. White gyrfalcon; White or Speckled hawk. Brtinn., Ornith. borealis, 1764, p. 2. "!SLANDIA." Falco islandicus Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 81, pi. 19. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 4, pi. 1, fig. 2. Open country and barrens; nests on sea cliffs. ME. Accidental visitor: South Winn, Oct. 8, 1893; (nee Cape Elizabeth). N. H. Doubtfully recorded (Errol, Nov. 4, 1868, Maynard). MASS. Doubtfully recorded (Cambridge, Jan.-Feb., 1833, Nuttall). 197. FALCO RUSTICOLUS Linne". Gray gyrfalcon. Linne\ Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 88. "IN SVECIA." 104 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. Coues, Key to No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 2, p. 665; Brisson, Ornith., 1760, vol. 1, pi. 31. Open country; nests on cliffs. ME. Accidental visitor: Cape Elizabeth, Oct. 13, 1877. 198. FALCO RUSTICOLUS GYRFALCO (Linne) Stejneger. Gyrfalcon; MacFarlane's gyrfalcon. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 245-246. Falco gyrfalco Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 91. "IN EUROPA." Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 6, pi. [367]. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 9, figs. 6, 8, 9. Open or mountainous country; nests on cliffs. ME. Very rare winter visitor: Jacques Id., Mar. 7, 1907; Ktaadn Iron Works, December, 1876; "Maine;" North Deering, Dec. 11, 1906. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Very rare winter visitor: Melrose, Jan. 1, 1891; North- ampton, Feb., 1880; Stowe, 1881. R. I. Very rare winter visitor: Point Judith, Oct. 11, 1883; near Providence, winter, 1864-65. 199. FALCO RUSTICOLUS OBSOLETUS (Gmelin) Stejneger. Black gyrfalcon; Labrador gyrfalcon. Ridgway, Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 245-246. Falco obsoletus Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 268. "IN FRETO HUDSONIS." Falco labradora Audubon, Ornith. biogr., vol. 2, pi. 196. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 10, fig. 1. Open and mountainous country; nests on cliffs or rarely in trees. ME. Rare fall and winter visitor. Sept.-Mar. 22. N. H. Rare winter visitor: Milford, January, 1891. AVES. 105 RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. MASS. Rare fall and winter .visitor (four records). Oct.- Mar. 11. R. I. Rare fall and winter visitor: Conanicut Id., Nov. 22, 1891; Newport, Oct. 28, 1896; Tiverton, Dec. 26, 1896. 200. FALCO PEREGRINUS ANATUM (Bonaparte) Blasius. Duck hawk; American peregrine falcon; Black hawk (Vt.); Bullet hawk; Great-footed hawk; Ledge hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 209; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 15. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 10, fig. 5-7. Falco anatum Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and No. Amer., 1838, p. 4. "NORTHERN PARTS" of No. America. Open and mountainous country; nests on ledges or in cavities of large trees. ME. Rare summer resident. Mar. 14-Oct. Eggs, April 14. N. H., VT. Rare migrant and local summer resident. Mar. 14 Oct. VT., Eggs, May 2-June 30. MASS. Rare migrant, and in western mountains, rare local summer resident; rare in winter. Eggs, April 15-May 23. R. I. Rare migrant. May; Oct. CONN. Rare migrant, summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 9 (large young, May 25, Talcott Mt.). 201. FALCO COLUMBARIUS Linne". Pigeon hawk. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 90. "AMERICA." Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 210; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 16. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 10, figs. 4, 8. Woods and open country; nests in low trees. 106 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. ME. Uncommon migrant, rare in winter and summer; prob- ably breeds in northern counties (fledglings noted, Knight). Mar. 28-May 13; (summer ; Sept.-Oct. 10 (Dec. 1, 1906, Westbrook; Feb. 22, 1907, Scarborough). N. H. Uncommon migrant. May; Aug.-Sept. VT. Uncommon migrant; doubtfully recorded in summer. MASS. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. April 10-May 16; Sept. 7-Nov. 24; winter. R. I. Uncommon migrant, mainly in fall, and rare winter resident. April 24-May; Sept. 3-Nov. 21 (Jan.). CONN. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident; doubt- fully recorded in summer. April ; ( ? Aug.) ; Sept. 25-Nov. ; winter. 202. FALCO TINNUNCULUS Linne*. Kestrel. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 90. "IN EUROPAE TURRIBUS." Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 6, p. [113], pi. [384]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 7, pi. 4, fig: 5. Open and wooded country; nests in dense woods, on cliffs, or in towers of buildings. MASS. Accidental visitor from Old World : Nantasket Beach, Sept. 29, 1889. 203. FALCO SPARVERIUS Linne. American sparrow hawk; Killyhawk; Pigeon hawk. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 90. " AMERICA." Chap- man, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 211; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 17. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 10, fig. 11-16. Open country; nests in cavities of trees or rarely of buildings. ME. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; rare winter AVES, 107 RAPTORES. FALCONES. FALCONIDAE. resident in southern part (Portland, 1907-08; Yarmouth, Jan. 10, 1904). Mar. 19-Oct. 15 (winter). Eggs, May 30. N. H. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. Mar. 15-Oct. Eggs, May 16. VT. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. Mar. 21-fall. MASS. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; uncommon winter resident near coast. Eggs, April 27-May 26. R. I. Uncommon migrant, rare winter and summer resident. Eggs, May 10. CONN. Uncommon resident. Eggs, April 26-May 7. 204. PANDION HALIAETUS CAROLINENSIS (Gmelin) Ridgway. American osprey; Fish hawk. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 212; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 18. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 10, fig. 17; pi. 11, fig. 5-9. Falco haliaetos y. carolinensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 263. "AMERICA." Seacoasts and vicinity of large streams and lakes; nests in high or low trees, on rocks or artificial sites. ME. Common summer resident. (Mar. 28) April 5-Oct. 15. Eggs, May 8- June 19. N. H. Uncommon migrant; formerly bred at Lake Umbagog. April; Aug.-Nov. 1. VT. Uncommon migrant. MASS. Common migrant, and in Bristol Co. a summer resi- dent. (Mar. 16) April 2-May 29; summer; Aug. 26-Nov. 11. Eggs, May 8-July. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident coastwise. Mar. 24-Oct. 21. Eggs, May 2-24. CONN. Common migrant and uncommon summer resident coastwise. Mar. 20-Nov. 13 (Dec. 1). Eggs, May 5- July 4. 108 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. STRIGES. ALUCONIDAE. 205. ALUCO PRATINCOLA (Bonaparte) A. O. U. comm. American barn owl; Monkey-faced owl. Strix pratincola Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and No. Amer., 1838, p. 7. "NORTHERN PARTS" of No. America. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 213; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 19. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 1.. Open country, hiding in hollow trees and cavities during the day; nests in hollow trees, burrows, cavities in cliffs or buildings. ME. Erroneously recorded from Falmouth. VT. Accidental visitor: Danby, 1902; Lyndon, June 4, 1894. MASS. Rare visitor. May-Dec. R. I. Rare visitor; five records. CONN. Rare visitor. June 11-Oct. 28. STRIGIDAE. 206. Asio WILSONIANUS (Lesson) Coues. American long-eared owl; Cat owl. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer.," 1895, p. 214; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 20. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 1, fig. 2. Otus wilsonianus Less., Traite* d'ornith., vol. 1, 1831, p. 110. "LES ETATS-UNIS. . . . PENSYLVANIE . . . .NEW- YORK." Dense woods and swamps; nests in trees, usually in old crow or hawk nests. ME., N. H., VT. Uncommon resident. Eggs, May 1. MASS. Uncommon fall and winter visitor, rare summer resi- dent. Eggs, April 1-May 14. R. I. Rare resident. Eggs, April 10. CONN. Uncommon resident. Eggs, early April-April 25. AVES. 109 RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. 207. Asio FLAMMEUS (Pontoppidan) A. O. U. comm. Short-eared owl; Bog owl; Gray marsh owl; Marsh owl. Strix flammea Pontopp., Danske atlas, 1763, vol. 1, p. 617, pi. 25. Based on Linne*: [Sweden]. Asio accipitrinus (Pallas). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 215; A. K Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 21. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 3. Open country and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon resident, more common migrant near coast. N. H. Uncommon migrant. April; Nov. VT. Uncommon migrant (? winters). MASS. Uncommon migrant mainly near coast, rare in winter; rare summer resident. Mar. 15- April 15; summer; Sept. 24-Nov. 30 (winter). R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident; may winter rarely. April; Oct. 26-Dec. 23. Eggs, April 28. CONN. Uncommon migrant; rare summer and winter resident. 208. STRIX VARIA Barton. Barred owl; Barn owl (Me.); Black-eyed owl; Hoot owl; Round-headed owl. Strix varius Barton, Fragm. nat. hist. Penna., 1799, p. 11. " PENNSYLVANIA." Syrnium nebulosum (Forst.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 215; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 22. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 4. Heavy woods, preferably near water; nests in hollows of trees or in abandoned hawk or crow nests. ME. Rather common resident. Eggs, Mar. 27. N. H. Rather common resident up to 3000 feet. VT. Rather common resident. HO FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. MASS. Uncommon resident, more frequent in fall migration. Eggs, Mar. 27-May 13. R. I. Uncommon resident, occasionally more common in fall and winter. Eggs, Mar. 15- April 12. CONN. Uncommon resident. Eggs (Feb.), Mar. 1-April 30 (May 10). 209. SCOTIAPTEX NEBULOSA (Forster) Preble. Great gray owl; Cinereous owl; Spectral owl. Strix nebulosa Forst., Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, p. 424. "CIRCA SINUM HUDSONIS." Strix cinerea Gmel. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali- Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 77, pi. 31. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 5. Wooded country; nests in trees. ME. Rare and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 8-Mar. 2. N. H. Rare winter visitor. VT. Rare and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 27-Feb. 11. MASS. Rare winter visitor. Nov. 10-Mar. 4. R. I. Very rare winter visitor: Fox Island, Mar. 25, 1883; near Providence, 1870, Nov. 19, 1906. CONN. Rare winter visitor: North Haven, Jan. 18, 1893; Stratford, Jan. 6, 1843. 210. GLAUX FUNEREA RICHARDSONI (Bonaparte) A. O. U. comm. Richardson's owl; Sparrow owl. Nyctale richardsoni Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and No. Amer., 1838, p. 7. Based on Audubon: "AT BANGOR, IN MAINE, ON THE PENOBSCOT RIVER." Strix tengmalmi Linne. Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Bor- eali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 94, pi. 32. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 6. AVES. HI RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. Wooded country; nests in holes in trees. ME. Winter visitor of irregular abundance. (Sept.) Nov. 30- Mar. 16. N. H. Rare winter visitor. Dec. 15-Mar. 1. VT. Rare winter visitor. MASS. Rare winter visitor. Nov. 26-Mar. R. I. Rare winter visitor (four records). Dec. 18. CONN. Rare winter visitor: East Windsor, 1859. 211. GLAUX ACADICUS (Gmelin) A. O. U. comm. Saw-whet owl; Acadian owl; Little owl. Strix acadica Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 296. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Nyctala acadica (Gmel.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 217. Ulula acadica (Gmel.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 123, pi. 33. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 7. Dense woods; nests in old woodpecker holes or cavities of trees. ME., N. H. Uncommon resident. Eggs, April 6. VT. Uncommon resident, mainly in northern part. MASS. Uncommon resident, breeding locally. Eggs, April 4- May 1 (July 3). R. I. Uncommon winter visitor; may breed rarely. Nov.- Feb. CONN. Rare resident. 212. OTUS ASIO (Linne) Stone. Screech owl; Cat owl; Little horned owl; Mottled owl; Red owl. Strix asio Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 92. "AMER- 112 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. Megascops asio (Linne*). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 218; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 23. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 8. Open woods, orchards, and shade trees; nests in cavities of trees. ME. Rare resident. N. H. Uncommon resident of southern part, becoming rare in southern valleys of White Mts. VT. Uncommon resident at lower elevations. MASS. Common resident. Eggs, April 15-May 5. R. I. Common resident. Eggs, April 7-May 2. CONN. Common resident. Eggs, April 7-26. 213. BUBO VIRGINIANUS (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Great horned owl; Gat owl; Eagle owl; Hoot owl. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 219; A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, pi. 24. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 12. Strix virginiana Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 287. "IN OMNI AMERICA, IN ASTRACANIA AD CAMSCHATCAM USQUE, ET POLO ARCTICO PROPIUS." Heavy woods; nests in cavities of trees, in open nests on the branches, or rarely on the ground. ME., N. H. Uncommon resident. Eggs, Mar. 11-23. VT. Uncommon resident. MASS. Uncommon resident. Eggs, Feb. 17-April 20. R. I. Rare resident. Eggs, Feb. 28-Mar. 11. CONN. Uncommon resident. Eggs, Feb. 19-Mar. 8 (April 12, second laying). 214. BUBO VIRGINIANUS SUBARCTICUS (Hoy) Ridgway. Arctic horned owl. Bubo subarcticus Hay, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1852, vol. 6, p. 211. "WISCONSIN." AVES. 113 RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. Strix arctica Swains. Swains, and Richardson, Fauna Boreali- Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 87, pi. 32. Heavy woods or open country; nests probably in cavities of trees, or on their branches. ME. Accidental visitor: "Maine"; Brownfield, 1886. (Knight supposes these to be "pale or faded individuals of the typi- cal Horned Owl.") MASS. Accidental visitor: Waltham, Nov. 30, 1867. 215. BUBO VIRGINIANUS HETEROCNEMIS (Oberholser) A. O. U. comm. Labrador horned owl. Asio magellanicus heterocnemis Oberh., Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1904, vol. 27, p. 187 "LANCE AU LOUP, LABRADOR." Dense forests; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: near Portland, Mar. 1870 (recorded as B. v. saturatus). 216. NYCTEA NYCTEA (Linne") Lichtenstein. Snowy owl; Arctic owl; White owl. Strix nyctea Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 93. "IN EUROPA & AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Surjiia nyctea (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 113, pi. 28. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 19. Open country and barren grounds ; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon fall and winter visitor. (Sept.) Oct. 15 Feb. N. H. Late fall and winter visitor, sometimes common; acci- dental in summer (Concord, July). Oct. 10-April (July). VT. Irregular fall and winter visitor. Oct. 20. MASS. Irregular fall and winter visitor, sometimes common. (Oct. 12) Oct. 28-April 15 (May 20). 114 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. RAPTORES. STRIGES. STRIGIDAE. R. I. Uncommon and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 3-Feb. 15. CONN. Uncommon and irregular winter visitor. Oct. 17. 217. SURNIA ULULA CAPAROCH (Muller) Stejneger. American hawk owl; Day owl. Strix caparoch Mull., Linne' Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 69. "EUROPA." Surnia funerea Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 112, pi. 27. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 18. Open country or woods; nests in trees or rarely in cliffs. ME. Rare fall and winter visitor. Oct. 24-Mar. 10 (April 16, 1906, Van Buren). N. H. Rare fall and winter visitor. Oct. 25-(April 20, Con- necticut Lakes). VT. Rare fall and winter visitor; (? summer in north). Nov. 2-winter. MASS. Rare fall and winter visitor. Nov. 16-Mar. 25. R. I. Rare winter visitor: West Greenwich, Nov. 16, 1906; (also one doubtful record). CONN. Rare winter visitor: New Haven, Nov. 1869. 218. SPEOTYTO CUNICULARIA HYPOGAEA (Bonaparte) Coues. Burrowing owl. A. K. Fisher, Hawks and owls of U. S., 1893, p. 195, pi. 25. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 12, fig. 14. Strix hypogaea Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 72, pi. 7, fig. 2. "WESTERN AMERICAN TERRITORY/' Open prairie country; nests in old burrows of prairie-dogs and spermophiles. MASS. Accidental visitor: Newburyport, May 5, 1875. AVES. 115 COCCYGES. CUCULI. CUCULIDAE. 219. COCCYZUS AMERICANUS (Linne") Bonaparte. Yellow-billed cuckoo; Chow-chow; Egg sucker; Milk sourer; Rain crow; Rain dove. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 293, pi. 275. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 5, fig. 1. Cuculus americanus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 111. "CAROLINA." Thickets, shade trees, and open woods; nests in low trees or bushes. ME. Rare summer resident in southern counties. May 18 Aug. N. H. Rare summer resident of coast and southern valleys. May-Sept. VT. Rare summer resident at lower elevations. May-summer. Eggs, June 4- July 10. MASS. Uncommon summer resident, mainly of south and east parts. (May 4) May 9-Sept. 26 (Oct. 6; Nov.). Eggs, May 20- June 30. R. I. Summer resident, sometimes common. May 9-Sept. 25 (Oct. 23). Eggs, May 24-30. CONN. Common summer resident. May 7-Sept. (Oct. 11). Eggs, June 1-July 24 (Aug. 4, 18, 26, Sept. 23). 220. COCCYZUS ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (Wilson) Bonaparte. Black-billed cuckoo; Chow-chow; Egg sucker; Milk sourer; Rain crow; Rain dove. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 300, pi. 276. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 5, figs. 3, 4. Cuculus erythropthalma Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 4, p. 16, pl..28. "GEORGIA." Thickets, shade trees, and open woods; nests in low trees or bushes. 116 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. COCCYGES. CUCUL1. CUCULIDAE. ME. Common summer resident. May 11-Sept. 14. Eggs, June 17. N. H. Common summer resident at lower elevations. May 12- Sept. 22 (Oct. 5). VT. Common summer resident. Eggs, (Aug. 13). MASS. Common summer resident. May 4-Sept. 27 (Oct. 21). Eggs, May 20-June 17. R. I. Common summer resident. May 11-Sept. 16. Eggs, May 27- June 1. CONN. Common summer resident. May 15-Sept. 28 (Nov. 28, 1888, Stratford). Eggs, June 7- July 24 (Aug. 26). ALCYONES. ALCEDINIDAE. 221. CERYLE ALCYON (Linne) Bonaparte. Belted kingfisher; Kingfisher; Lazy-bird. Alcedo alcyon Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 115. "AMERICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 205, pi. 255. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, fig. 3. Vicinity of bodies of water; nests in burrows excavated in banks. ME. Common summer resident. April 12-Sept. (Dec. 27). Eggs, June 1. N. H. Common summer resident; rare winter resident near open streams. Mar.-Nov. 24 (winter). Eggs, May 20. VT. Common summer resident; rare winter resident. Mar. 27-Oct. (winter, Brattleboro). MASS. Common summer resident, and rare winter resident. Mar. 15-Dec. 5 (winter). Eggs, May 15-June 6. R. I. Common summer and uncommon winter resident. Mar .-Oct. 20; winter. Eggs, May 15-20. CONN. Common summer and uncommon winter resident. Mar. 29-Nov. 13; winter. Eggs, May 14. AVES. 117 PICI. PICIDAE. 222. DRYOBATES VILLOSUS (Linne") Cabanis. Hairy woodpecker; Big guinea woodpecker; Big sapsucker. Picus villosus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 175. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 244, pi. 262. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, fig. 9. Forests; nests in holes dug in dead or live trees. ME. Common resident. Eggs, May 28. N. H. Common resident up to 4500 ft. VT. Uncommon resident. Eggs, June 8. MASS. Uncommon winter visitor and less common summer resident, especially in western part. Eggs, April 22-May 30. R. I. Uncommon fall and winter visitor and rare summer resident (Chepachet, Cranston). Sept. l.-Mar.; summer. Eggs, May 12-28. CONN. Uncommon fall and winter visitor, rare summer resident. Eggs, May 2-9. 223. DRYOBATES PUBESCENS MEDIANUS (Swainson) Brewster. Downy woodpecker; Little guinea woodpecker; Little sap- sucker. Picus (Dendrocopus) medianus Swains., in Swains, and Richard- son, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 308. "MIDDLE PARTS OF NORTH AMERICA .... NEW JERSEY." Dry abates pubescens (Linne). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 230; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 24. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 10. Open woods, shade and orchard trees; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. ME. Common resident. Eggs, May 27. N. H. Common resident, mainly below 3000 ft. VT. Common resident. 118 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PICI. PICIDAE. MASS. Common resident, most conspicuous in fall and winter. Eggs, May 20- June 21. R. I. Uncommon summer and common winter resident. Eggs, May 12-25. CONN. Common resident. 224. PICOIDES ARCTICUS (Swainson) Gray. Arctic three-toed woodpecker; Black-backed three -toed wood- pecker. Picus (Apternus) arcticus Swains., in Swains, and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 313, pi. 57. "NEAR THE SOURCES OF THE ATHABASCA RlVER, LAT. 57." Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 11. Evergreen forests; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. ME. Uncommon winter visitor, and in northern and western counties, rare resident. Eggs, May 23. N. H. Rare resident above 3000 ft. in White Mts., south to Mt. Passaconaway and possibly on Mt. Monadnock (Keene, breeding), elsewhere rare visitor. VT. Rare resident in northern part and on higher peaks (nests at Burlington, Lunenburg, Sherburne, Pico Peak, etc.); occasional visitor to lower country in fall and winter. Eggs, May 29, June 1. MASS. Occasional fall and winter visitor. (Late Sept.) Oct. 16-April 27 (July, 1888, Boxford; Aug. 11, 1883, Dorchester). CONN. Rare winter visitor: East Windsor Hill; Simsbury, 1860. 225. PICOIDES AMERICANUS Brehm. American three-toed woodpecker; Banded-backed woodpecker; Ladder-backed woodpecker. Picoides americana Brehm, Handb. d. naturgesch. aller vogel Deutschl., 1831, p. 195. "AMERIKA." AVES. 119 PICI. PICIDAE. Picus hirsutus Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 268, pi. 269. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 12. Evergreen forests; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. ME. Rare winter visitor, and in north and west, a rare resident. Eggs, June 2. N. H. Rare resident above 3000 ft., south to Sandwich range; elsewhere rare winter visitor. Eggs, June 4. VT. Rare winter visitor and local resident (Pico Peak above 2500 ft.). MASS. Rare winter visitor. April 28. 226. SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS (Linne") Baird. Yellow-bellied sapsucker; Red-throated sapsucker; Squealing or Whining woodpecker. Picus varius Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 176. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." DeKay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 188, pi. 18, fig. 38; Bonaparte, Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, pi. 8, figs. 1, 2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 13. Woods, orchards, and shade trees; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. ME. Common migrant and in northern counties a common summer resident. (Mar. 8 and 31) April 10 Oct. 26 (Nov. 15). Eggs, May 15- June 8. N. H. Common migrant and in northern half a common sum- mer resident up to 3000 ft.; accidental winter resident (Charles- town, 1898-99). April 14-Oct. 20 (winter). VT. Common migrant, less common summer resident. MASS. Uncommon migrant and accidental winter resident; in Berkshire Co. a rare summer resident. April 4-May 10; summer; Sept. 10-Nov. 1 (winter). R. I. Uncommon migrant. (Mar. 23)-April; Sept. 26-Oct. 11. CONN. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. Mar. 30- May 3; Sept. 28-Oct. (Dec. 21, 1908, New Haven). 120 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PICI. PICIDAE. 227. PHLOEOTOMUS PILEATUS ABIETICOLA (Bangs ) A. O. U. comm. Northern pileated woodpecker; Black woodpecker; Cock of the woods; Laughing woodpecker; Logcock; Stump-breaker; Wood chuck; Woodcock; Woodhen. Ceophloeus pileatus abieticola Bangs, Auk, 1898, vol. 15, p. 176. "GREENVILLE, MAINE." Pieus pileatus Linne". DeKay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, pi. 18, fig. 35. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 6. Heavy timber; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. ME. Uncommon resident in wilder portions. Eggs, May 11- May 28. N. H. Rare resident mainly in northern and western parts. VT. Rare resident, breeds south to Taftsville, Townshend, Wells River. Eggs, May 22. MASS. Rare resident in western counties; elsewhere casual. Eggs, May 17. CONN. Rare or now an accidental visitor (Granby, Nov. 1, 1890, 1894-95; Litchfield, June 20, 1908). 228. MELANERPES ERYTHROCEPHALUS (Linne) Swainson. Red-headed woodpecker. Piciis erythrocephalus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 113. "AMERICA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 274, pi. 271. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 14. Open woodlands and shade trees; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. ME. Occasional visitor, mainly in spring and fall; said to have bred in York Co. N. H. Rare and irregular visitor in southern half. May 25- Sept. VT. Irregular visitor at all seasons, sometimes common ; resi- dent and bred in western part about 1880 (Orwell, Rutland). AVES. 121 PICI. PICIDAE. MASS. Rare irregular visitor at all seasons, sometimes breeding (Agawam, Brookline, Newton). Eggs, May- June 17. R. I. Irregular visitor, sometimes common in fall; rare sum- mer resident (Providence Co.; Warwick, young in nest, July 28, 1882). Eggs, May 28. CONN. Rare summer resident and irregular visitor at all. sea- sons; formerly more common. 229. CENTURUS CAROLINUS (Linne") Bonaparte. Red-bellied woodpecker. Picus carolinus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 113. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." DeKay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 189, pi. 17, fig. 37. Wooded bottomlands; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. MASS. Accidental visitor (five records). May-Nov. R. I. Accidental visitor: near Providence, two specimens. CONN. Accidental visitor: Hartford; Stratford, Oct. 16, 1842. Suffield, July 30, 1874. 230. COLAPTES AURATUS LUTEUS Bangs. Northern flicker; Anteater; Clape; Golden-winged woodpecker; Grasshopper woodpecker (Vt.); Harry wicket; High-hole; Pigeon woodpecker; Wake-up; Yaffle; Yellow jay; Yellow- hammer; Yellow-wing (Mass.); Yucker. Bangs, Auk, 1898, vol. 15, p. 177. "WATERTOWN, MASS/' Colaptes auratus (Linne). Chapman, Bird-life, 1898, p. 116, pi. 26. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 14, fig. 15. Open woods, orchards, fields, clearings; nests in holes excavated in dead trees, or in cavities. ME. Common summer, and near coast, a rare winter resident. Mar. 11-Nov. 13 (winter). Eggs, May 27- June 14. 122 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PICI. PICIDAE. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident below 2000 ft. ; rare winter resident near coast. Eggs, May 24. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. April 18-fall. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident, mainly near coast. Eggs, May 6- June 20. R. I. Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Mar. 18-Nov.; winter. Eggs, April 29-May 19. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident. Mar. 28-Nov. 28; winter. Eggs, May 18- June 9. MACROCHIRES. CAPRIMULGI. CAPRIMULGIDAE. 231. ANTROSTOMUS CAROLINENSIS (Gmelin) Gould. Chuck-will' s-widow. Caprimulgus carolinensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 1028. "VIRGINIA & CAROLINA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 151, pi. 41. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, figs. 8, 9. Woods and thickets, active at night; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Revere (Oct. or Dec.), 1884. CONN. Accidental visitor: New Haven, May 19, 1889 (after southerly storm). 232. ANTROSTOMUS VOCIFERUS (Wilson) Bonaparte. Whip-poor-will. Caprimulgus vociferus Wils., Amer. ornith., 1812, vol. 5, p. 71, pi. 41, fig. 1-3. "KENTUCKY." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 155, pi. 42. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, figs. 10, 11. Woods and thickets, active at night; nests on the ground. ME. Common summer resident. April 28-Sept. 21. AVES. 123 MACROCHIRES. CAPRIMULGI. CAPRIMULGIDAE. N. H. Common summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. May 6-Sept. 26. VT. Common summer resident at lower elevations. May 5- Sept. 16. Eggs, May 24-31. MASS. Common summer resident. (April 22) April 30-Sept. 25. Eggs, May 18-June 9. R. I. Common summer resident. April 25-fall. Eggs, May 25-June 8. CONN. Common summer resident. Late April-Sept. (Nov. 1, 1880, Noank). Eggs, May 20- June 5 (July 4). 233. CHORDEILES VIRGINIANUS (Gmelin) Swainson. Nighthawk; Bull-bat; Mosquito hawk; Pork-and-beans. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 159, pi. 43. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, fig. 1-3. Caprimulgus virginianus Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 1028. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI, PRAESERTIM VIRGINIA." Woods, thickets, or in cities and open country; nests on the ground or on flat gravelled roofs; largely nocturnal. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 11, East Hebron; April 22) May 3-Sept. 14. Eggs, June 26-July 4. N. H. Common migrant and at lower altitudes a less common summer resident. (April 17) May 9-Sept. 15. Eggs, June 10. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. May-Sept. MASS. Common migrant, less common summer resident. (April 23) May 9-Oct. 6. Eggs, June 5-15. R. I. Common migrant (mainly inland), and summer resident. (April 7) May-Sept. (Oct.) Eggs, June 5-8. CONN. Common migrant and less common summer resident. May 11-Oct. Eggs, June 3-23. 124 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. MACROCHIRES. CYPSELI. MICROPODIDAE. 234. CHAETURA PELAGICA (Linne") Stephens. Chimney swift; Chimney-bird; Chimney swallow. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 239; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 28. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, fig. 25. Hirundo pelagica Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 192. "AMERICA." Lives largely on the wing; rests and nests in hollow trees, chim- neys, or barns. ME. Common summer resident. April 26-Sept. 11. Eggs, June 15-July 10. N. H. Common summer resident. April 27-Sept. 7 (Oct. 1). VT. Common summer resident. May 1-Sept. __.__ MASS. Common summer resident. (April 18) April 25-Sept. 25 (Oct. 12, 1907, Sharon). Eggs, June 10-30. R. I. Common summer resident. April 26-Sept. 17. Eggs, June 10- July 1. CONN. Common summer resident. (April 14) April 21-Sept. 27. Eggs, June 24. TROCHILI. TROCHILIDAE. 235. TROCHILUS COLUBRIS Linne". Ruby-throated hummingbird. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 120. "IN AMERICA, IMPRIMIS SEPTENTRIONALI." DeKay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 21, p. 46, pi. 40, fig. 87. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, fig. 27. Open country, haunting flower growths; nests in trees. ME. Common summer resident. May 6-Sept. 26 (Oct. 1). N. H. Common migrant, less common summer resident at lower elevations. May 13-Sept. 25. Eggs, June 29-July 15. VT. Uncommon summer resident. May 15-Sept. AVES. 125 MACROCHIRES. TROCHILL TROCHILIDAE. MASS. Common migrant, less common summer resident, (May 1) May 6-Sept. 23 (Oct. 15). Eggs, May 24-June 15. R. I. Common summer resident. (May 3) May 6-Sept. 23. Eggs, May 20-July 4. CONN. Common summer resident. May 5-Oct. 5 (Oct. 16). Eggs, May 27- June 3 (Aug. 4). PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. 236. MUSCIVORA FORFICATA (Gmelin) Oberholser. Scissor-tailed flycatcher. Muscicapa forficata Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 931. "IN NOVA HISPANIA." Bonaparte, Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 15, pi. 2, fig. 1. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, figs. 12, 13. Open tree-grown country; nests in trees. VT. Accidental visitor: St. Johnsbury, ? 1884. CONN. Accidental visitor: Wauregan, about April 27, 1876. 237. TYRANNUS TYRANNUS (Linne) Jordan. Kingbird. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 243; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 30. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, figs. 14, 15. Lanius tyrannus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 94. " IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Orchards and tree growth along streams and lakes; nests in trees. ME. Common summer resident. May 3-Sept. 12 (Sept. 25). Eggs, June 15. N. H. Common summer resident north to the White Mt. valleys. May 3-Sept. 1 1 . VT. Common summer resident. May 5-Sept. MASS. Common summer resident. (April 27) May 3-Sept. 19 (Sept. 26). Eggs, May 30-July 4 (July 17). 126 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. R. I. Common summer resident. May 1-Sept. 12 (Sept. 28). Eggs, May 31- June 17. CONN. Common summer resident. (April 13, 26) May 1- Sept. 15. 238. TYRANNUS DOMINICENSIS (Gmelin) Richardson. Gray kingbird. Lanius tyrannus /?. dominicensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 302. "iNSULA S. DOMINICI ET JAMAICA." Muscicapa dominicensis Brisson. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 201, pi. 55. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 3,4. Tree growth along seacoasts and large streams; nests in low trees. MASS. Accidental visitor: Lynn, Oct. 23, 1869. 239. TYRANNUS VERTICALIS Say. Arkansas kingbird. Say, Long's Exped. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 2, p. 60. On the "ARKANSA" River. Muscicapa verticalis (Say). Bonaparte, Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 18, pi. 2, fig. 2. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, figs. 16, 17. Open country, usually near water; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: Eliot, Oct., ? 1864. 240. MYIARCHUS CRINITUS (Linne") Lichtenstein. Crested flycatcher; Great crested flycatcher. Muscicapa crinita Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 325. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 209, pi. 57. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 8, 9. Open woods; nests in hollow limbs. AVES. 127 PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. ME. Uncommon summer resident, mainly in southern part. May 8-Sept. 20. Eggs, June 11-25. N. H. Uncommon summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. May 13-Sept. Eggs, early June-July 7. VT. Common summer resident. May 8-Sept. MASS. Uncommon summer resident. (May 1) May 9-Sept. 26 (Oct. 15). Eggs, June 13-27. R. I. Uncommon summer resident. May 2-Aug. 23. Eggs, June 5, 6. CONN. Common summer resident. May 4-Sept. 17. Eggs, May 27-June 13. 241. SAYORNIS PHOEBE (Latham) Stejneger. Phoebe; Barn, Bridge, or House pe wee; Bridge-bird; Pewit. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 594. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, fig. 28. Muscicapa phoebe Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 2, p. 489. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI, NOVEBORACO." Muscicapa fusca Bonap. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1834, vol. 2, p. 122, pi. 120. Borders of streams and ponds, or about buildings; nests under bridges or culverts, or on projections of buildings or ledges. ME. Common summer resident. Mar. 22-Oct. 19 (Nov. 24, 1884, Brewer). Eggs, May 7-June 24. N. H. Common summer resident at lower elevations. Mar. 22-Oct. 17. Eggs, June 7-July. VT. Common summer resident. Mar. 22-fall. MASS. Common summer resident. (Feb. 20) Mar. 12-Oct. 26 (Nov. 15). Eggs, April 27-May 10; June 13-July 3 (2d brood) ; Aug. 15 (? 3d brood). R. I. Common summer resident. Mar. 8-Oct. 27. Eggs, May 7-12. 128 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. CONN.-; Common summer and rare or accidental winter resi- dent (New Haven, Dec. 21, 1906-Mar. 10, 1907; Dec. 25, 1907). (Feb. 25) Mar. 11-Oct. 30 (winter). Eggs, May 12- June 11; July 10. 242. SAYORNIS SAYA (Bonaparte) Baird. Say's phoebe. Muscicapa say a Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 20, pi. 2, fig. 3. "NEAR THE ARKANSAW RIVER, ABOUT TWENTY MILES FROM THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS." Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 1, fig. 29. Open country; nests under bridges, projections of buildings and ledges. MASS. Accidental visitor: North Truro, Sept. 30, 1889. 243. NUTTALLORNIS BOREALis (Swainson) Oberholser. Olive-sided flycatcher; Three-deer. Tyrannus borealis Swains., in Swains, and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 141, pi. 35. "CUMBERLAND HOUSE, LAT. 54. " Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 15, 16. Mixed and coniferous woods; nests in trees. ME. Uncommon summer resident, south to Cape Elizabeth. May 7-Sept. 15. Eggs, June 17-23. N. H. Uncommon summer resident. May 18-Sept. 14. VT. Uncommon summer resident, mainly of mountainous regions. May 10-fall. Eggs, June 10-16. MASS. Uncommon summer resident in western part, rare and local in the east. May 10-Sept. 10. Eggs, June 16-July. R. I. Rare migrant. May 14-24; ? fall. CONN. Rare migrant ; may breed in northwestern part. Spring; Aug. 5-Oct. 18. AVES. 129 PASSERES. CL AM ATORES . TYRANNIDAE. 244. MYIOCHANES VIRENS (Linne") Ridgway. Wood pewee; Dead-limb bird. Muscicapa virens Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 327. "IN CAROLINA AD RIPAS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, pi. 64. Contopus virens (Linne"). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 247. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 18, 19. Woods and shade trees; nests in trees. ME. Common summer resident. May 12-Sept. 27. Eggs, June 20. N. H. Common summer resident at lower elevations. May 17-Sept. 17. Eggs, June 9-16. VT. Common summer resident. May 19-Sept. MASS. Common summer resident. (May 10) May 12-Sept. 26 (Oct. 1). Eggs, June 10- July 10. R. I. Common summer resident. May 12-Sept. 24. Eggs, June 15-30. CONN. Common summer resident. May 10-Sept. 245. EMPIDONAX FLAVIVENTRIS (Baird) Baird. Yellow-bellied flycatcher. Tyrannula flaviventris Baird, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1843, vol. 1, p. 283. "NEAR CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA/' Muscicapa flaviventris (Baird). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 341, pi. 490. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, fig. 23. Damp evergreen thickets; nests among tree roots. ME. Uncommon summer resident in northern part. May 21- June 1 ; summer-Sept. 8. Eggs, June 14-27. N. H. Common summer resident above 3000 ft. from White Mts. north; local south to Dublin. May 18-Aug. (? Sept.). Eggs, June 14. 130 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. VT. Uncommon local summer resident at lower elevations south to Londonderry. May 16-summer. MASS. Rare migrant and possible summer resident on Mt. Greylock (June 15, 1907). (May 10) May 15- June 10 (June 15); Aug. 25-Sept. 10 (Nov. 29, 1876, Reading; Dec. 1, 1876, Newton). R. I. Rare migrant. May 21 ; ( ? July 27) Aug. 7. CONN. Uncommon migrant. May 20-early June; Sept. 17. 246. EMPIDOXAX VIRESCENS (Vieillot) Brewster. Green-crested flycatcher; Acadian flycatcher. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 249. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, figs. 26, 27. Platyrhynchos virescens Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1818, vol. 27, p. 22. No locality, based on Wilson. Muscicapa acadica Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 221, pi. 62. Deep woods near water; nests, pensile, in low trees. VT. Rare summer resident : Bennington (nest with young, July 14, 1904); various doubtful records. MASS. Very rare summer resident (Hyde Park, 1888; nee Springfield). CONN. Rare local summer resident (Greenwich, Stamford, Suffield). Eggs, June 2-22. 247. EMPIDONAX TRAILLII ALNORUM Brewster. Alder flycatcher; Traill's flycatcher. Brewst., Auk, 1895, vol. 12, p. 161. "UPTON, MAINE." Bird- lore, 1908, vol. 10, plate in no. 3, figs. 2, 3. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, fig. 30. Alder swamps; nests in low bushes. ME. Common local summer resident. (May 15) May 18 Sept. 5. Eggs, June 21. AVES. 131 PASSERES. CLAMATORES. TYRANNIDAE. N. H. Local summer resident below 2000 ft.; uncommon south of White Mts. (May 11, 16) May 20-Aug. 31. Eggs, June 22-July 8. VT. Uncommon local summer resident. (May 17) May 21- Sept. Eggs, June 13-July 30. MASS. Local summer resident, rare in eastern part (Essex and Middlesex Cos.), commoner in western. May 16- June 6; summer-Aug. 24. Eggs, June 15-July 3. CONN. Local summer resident (Norfolk). (May 6). 248. EMPIDONAX MINIMUS (Baird) Baird. Least flycatcher; Chebec. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 561. Bird- lore, 1908, vol. 10, plate in no. 3, fig. 1. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 2, fig. 31. Tyrannula minima Baird, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1843, p. 284. "NEAR CARLISLE, PENNSYLVANIA." Orchards, shade trees, and borders of woods; nests in trees. ME. Common summer resident. (April 21) April. 27- Aug. 31 (Sept. 5). Eggs, June 11. N. H. Common summer resident below 2000 ft. April 29- Sept. Eggs, May- June 10; July 10-late July (2d brood). VT. Common summer resident of low country. April 29- Sept. MASS. Common summer resident. (April 22) April 28-Sept. 21 (Oct. 2). Eggs, May 20- July 1 (2 broods). R. I. Common summer resident. (April 22) April 27-fall. Eggs, May 24-June 2. CONN. Common summer resident. April 26-Sept. 132 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. ALAUDIDAE. 249. OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS (Linne") Bonaparte. Horned lark; Shore lark. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 303; Chap- man, Bird-life, 1898, pi. 34. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 259, pi. 58, fig. 15. Alauda alpestris Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 166. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Seashores and open fields; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Common migrant and winter resident, chiefly coastwise. (Sept. 25, Milo, Me.) Oct. 18-April (May 1-7, Monson, Me.). VT. Common migrant. Feb.-Mar.; (Sept. 15)-Nov. MASS. Common migrant, less common winter resident, mainly coastwise. (Sept. 27) Oct. 17- April 19 (May 27). R. I. Common migrant and winter resident. (Sept. 25)- April 15. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident, mainly coast- wise. Nov. 18-Mar. 26. 250. OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS PRATICOLA Henshaw. Prairie horned lark. Hensh., Auk, 1884, vol. 1, p. 264. "RICHLAND .Co., ILL.," but type locality "DENVER, COLORADO" (see Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 311, foot note). Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 5, fig. 25. Eremophila cornuta (Wils.). Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, Hist. No. Amer. birds, 1874, vol. 2, pi. 32, fig. 2 (head of young). Open fields; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant and summer resident ; casual in winter. Feb. 10-Mar. 30; summer-No\. 26 (Jan. 24, 1899, Pittsfield). Eggs, May 12-31. AVES. 133 PASSERES. OSCINES. ALAUDIDAE. N. H. Uncommon migrant, and in White Mt. valleys ( ? and summit of Mt. Washington, 1905) a rare summer resident. Feb. 28- Aug. Eggs and young, May 21, June 22. VT. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident (at Burling- ton, Cornwall, Mt. Mansfield, Rygate, St. Albans, Stowe). Feb.- fall. Eggs, Mar.-April 19. MASS. Rare migrant and summer resident, occasional winter resident (Longmeadow). Feb. 19-Mar. 22; summer; Oct. 26- Dec. 15 (winter). Eggs, July 10. R. I. Rare migrant: Pawtuxet, Nov. 25, 1889. CONN. Uncommon migrant and summer resident (Danbury, 1908, Litchfield, 1905, Washington, 1906); "occasional in winter." Eggs, Mar. 25. 251. OTOCORIS ALPESTRIS HOYTI Bishop. Hoyt's horned lark. Bishop, Auk, 1896, vol. 13, p. 130. "CANDO, TOWNER COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTA." Open country and coasts; nests on the ground. CONN. Rare migrant and ( ?) winter resident : Guiiford, Mar . 7, 1903; West Haven, Jan. 24, 1905 (Bishop). CORVIDAE. 252. CYANOCITTA CRISTATA (Linne") Strickland. Blue jay; Corn-bird. Corvus cristatus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 106. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Garrulus cristatus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 110, pi. 231. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 5, figs. 5, 6. Woodlands; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant and resident. Eggs, May-June 4. 134 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. CORVIDAE. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident ; less common in winter south of the White Mts. VT. Common migrant and resident. Eggs, May 11. MASS. Common migrant and resident. Eggs, April 28-June 15. R. I. Common resident. Eggs, May 2-22. CONN. Common resident. Eggs, May 5-June 13. 253. PERISOREUS CANADENSIS (Linne) Bonaparte. Canada jay; Camp robber; Caribou-bird; Gray jay; Grease- bird; Meat-bird; Meat hawk; Moose-bird; Venison hawk; Whiskey-Jack; Whiskey-John; Wiss-ka-chon (Indian). Corvus canadensis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 158, "CANADA." Garrulus canadensis (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 121, pi. 234. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 3, figs. 18, 19. Fir and spruce forests; nests in trees. ME. Uncommon resident in northern part, south to Umbagog; elsewhere casual. Eggs, Mar. 16-28. N. H. Uncommon resident above 3000 ft. on Sandwich Range north; elsewhere casual. VT. Uncommon resident in northern part and on high peaks (Mt. Mansfield); elsewhere casual (Somerset, Aug. 5, 1896). MASS. Accidental visitor: Lexington (nee Arlington Heights), Oct. 16, 1889; Newton ville, early summer, 1875; Salem, Oct. 25, 1878. 254. CORVUS CORAX PRINCIPALIS Ridgway. Northern raven. Ridgw., Manual No. Amer. birds, 1887, p. 361. " NORTHERN NORTH AMERICA, FROM GREENLAND TO ALASKA, SOUTH TO BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, NEW BRUNSWICK." AVES. 135 PASSERES. OSCINES. CORVIDAE. Corvus corax Linne". Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1843, vol. 4, p. 78, pi. 224. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 4, fig. 3. Vicinity of seacoasts and large rivers; nests on cliffs or rarely in trees. ME. Uncommon resident, mainly coastwise. Eggs, April 14. N. H. Accidental visitor (in winter?). VT. Very rare visitor in northern part: Brandon, 1879. MASS. Accidental visitor, no recent records (Williamstown, before 1877). CONN. Accidental visitor: South Manchester, Sept. 18, 1890. 255. CORVUS BRACHYRYNCHOS C. L. Brehm. American crow. C. L. Brehm, Beitr. z. vogelkunde, 1822, vol. 2, p. 56. AMER- ICA. Corvus americanus Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 87, pi. 225. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 4, fig. 8-12; pi. 5, figs. 21, 22. Ubiquitous, though avoiding dense forests in the breeding season; nests in coniferous trees. ME. Common resident, in winter chiefly confined to coast. Eggs, April 20-May 25 (June 15). N. H. Common migrant and summer resident; in winter less common near coast and large rivers, rare elsewhere. Eggs, April 17. VT. Common resident. Eggs, April 22. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident; common winter resident near coast, but less so inland. Eggs, April 15- June 13. R. I. Common migrant, summer and winter resident. Eggs, April 12-23. CONN. Common migrant, summer and winter resident. Eggs, April 12-May 9. 136 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES CORVIDAE. 256. CORVUS OSSIFRAGUS Wilson. Fish crow. Wils., Amer. ornith., 1812, vol. 5, p. 27, pi. 37, fig. 2. "NEW JERSEY .... NEAR .... PHILADELPHIA/' Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 4, figs. 16, 17. Seaboard and near large streams; nests in trees. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Rare visitor in southern part (Cambridge, Springfield, Wareham). Mar. 16- July 16. CONN. Rare summer resident (Bridgeport, Fairfield, near New London, New Haven, Stratford). Mar.-Nov. 10. Eggs, May 12-16. STURNIDAE. 257. STURNUS VULGARIS Linne. Starling. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 167. "EuROPA, AFRICA." Coues, Key to No. Amer. birds, ed. 5, 1903, vol. 1, p. 503, frontis- piece. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 230, pi. 54, fig. 13. Open country and fields; nests in holes of buildings, trees, or cliffs. ME. Accidental visitor: Calais, May 4, 1889. MASS. Introduced at Springfield in 1897 but all disappeared; also straggler: Agawam, April, 1908; Pittsfield, Oct. 1, 1899. CONN. Local resident; apparently spreading from New York colony (New Haven, Dec. 3, 1900; Stamford, 1900; Norwalk, 1900; Weathersfield and Stonington, 1906; Bethel, 1907; New London, 1907). Eggs, April. AVES. 137 PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. 258. DOLICHONYX ORYZIVOEUS (Linne*) Swainson. Bobolink; Butter-bird; May-bird; Meadow- wink; Reed-bird; Rice-bird; Skunk blackbird. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 261; Auk, 1893, vol. 10, pi. 7. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 6, figs. 1, 2. Fringilla oryzivora Linne", Syst. nat, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 179. "IN CUBA,. . . .FEMINAE SOLAE DESCENDUNT IN CAROLINAM." Grassy meadows; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and local summer resident. May 1 Sept. 15. Eggs, June 6-15. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. May 1-Sept. 23. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. Eggs, June 1. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 27) May 1-Sept. 29. Eggs, June 1-8. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. May 10-Sept. 25. Eggs, May 30-June 3. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. May 7-Sept. 5. Eggs, June 5. 259. MOLOTHRUS ATER (Boddaert) Gray. Cowbird; Clodhopper; Cow blackbird; Cow bunting; Lazy- bird; Shiney-eye. Oriolus ater Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 37. Description in Buffon: "AMERIQUE." Molothrus pecoris Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 16, pi. 212. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 6, figs. 3-4. Open country; lays eggs in nests of other small birds. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. Mar. 19-Oct. 13 (Dec. 27) . Eggs, May 26- June 2. N. H. Uncommon summer resident in southern part; rare winter resident. Mar. 25-Oct. 2 (winter). Eggs, June 1. 138 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. VT. Uncommon summer resident ; very rare in winter. March 23-(Dec. 30). MASS. Common migrant and less common summer resident; occasional in winter. (Mar. 1) Mar. 11-Nov. 21; winter. Eggs, May 15-June 15 (July 1). R. I. Common migrant and summer resident ; rare in winter. Mar. 14-Nov. 3 (Jan. 19). Eggs, May 16- June 2. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident. Mar.-Nov. 4; winter. Eggs, May 9- June 14. 260. XANTHOCEPHALUS XANTHOCEPHALUS (Bonaparte) Jordan. Yellow-headed blackbird. Icterus xanthocephalus Bonap., Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1826, vol. 5, p. 223. Founded on Say: "ENGINEER CANTON- MENT," Iowa. Icterus icterocephalus (Linne). Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 27, pi. 3, figs. 1, 2. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 6, fig. 10-12. Open prairies, marshes, and sloughs; nests among reeds. ME. Accidental visitor: Spruce Head, Metnic Id., Aug. 17, 1882. MASS. Accidental visitor: Eastham, two, Sept. 10, 1877; Monomoy Id., Sept. 8, 1897; Watertown, Oct. 15, 1869. CONN. Accidental visitor: Hartford, late July, 1884; New Haven, June, 1878; Stamford, July, 1888. 261. AGELAIUS PHOENICEUS (Linne) Vieillot. Red-winged blackbird; Fire-wing; Marsh blackbird; Quonk- a-ree; Redwing; Swamp blackbird. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 31, pi. 216. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 6, fig. 13-15. Oriolus phoeniceus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 161. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." AVES. 139 PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. Open country, swamps, and marshes; nests in marsh grass or in bushes near water. ME. Common migrant and local summer resident. Mar. 13- Oct. 13 (Nov. 9). Eggs, June 1-July 1. N. H. Common migrant and local summer resident in valleys; accidental in winter (Warren). Mar. 3-Nov. 11 (winter). VT. Common migrant and summer resident. Mar. 2-Oct. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident, wintering rarely in south and east. (Feb. 26) Mar. 6-Oct. 20 (Nov. 28) (winter). Eggs, May 10-June 18. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident; casual in winter. Mar. 7-Oct. 19 (Dec. 15, Feb. 10-13). Eggs, May 12-June 16. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident. Mar. 4-Oct. (winter). Eggs, May 30- June 6. 262. AGELAIUS PHOENICEUS FORTIS Ridgway. Thick-billed redwing; Northern redwing. Ridgway, Proc. Washington acad. sci., 1901, vol. 3, p. 153. " OMAHA, NEBRASKA." Marshes and open country; nests among reeds or bushes. CONN. Rare fall migrant and winter resident : North Haven, Nov. 11, 1903, Dec. 25, 1901, Jan. 10, 1902 (Bishop). 263. STURNELLA MAGNA (Linne) Swainson. Meadowlark; Marsh quail; Old-field lark. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 265; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 39. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 6, figs. 20, 21. Alauda magna Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 167. "IN AMERICA, AFRICA/' Open fields and marshes ; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant and local summer resident in southern 140 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. counties (Rangeley, April 21, 1897); rare in winter (Calais, Jan., 1899; Cape Elizabeth; Westbrook, Jan. 16, 18, 1904). Mar. 15- Nov. 19 (winter). Eggs, June-(July 22). N. H. Uncommon summer resident north to White Mt. valleys; rare winter resident on coast. Mar. 26-Oct. 12 (winter). VT. Uncommon local summer resident; rare winter resident (L. Champlain, Middlebury, Pawlet, St. Albans, West Rutland). April 2-Nov. 15 (winter). MASS. Common summer resident, and near the coast an un- common winter resident. Mar. 2-Nov.; winter. Eggs, May 11- June 28. R. I. Common summer resident, and in coastal marshes a common winter resident. Eggs, May 6-30. CONN. Common summer resident and less common winter resident coastwise. Eggs, June 6. 264. ICTERUS SPURITJS (Linn 6) Bonaparte. Orchard oriole. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 266; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 36. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, fig. 3-5. Oriolus spurius Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 162. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Shade trees and orchards; nests pensile in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: near Auburn; near Calais; Thomas- ton. N. H. Accidental visitor: Rollinsford. VT. Very rare summer resident : Bennington ; Brattleboro (with young); Middlebury, June 1, 1883. MASS. Rare local summer resident near coast (to Ipswich) and in western valleys. (May 1) May 8- Aug. 15. Eggs, May 28- June 25. R. I. Rare summer resident. May 14- July. Eggs, May 30- June 3. AVES. 141 PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. CONN. Common summer resident. May 4-Aug. Eggs, June 11-14 (Aug.). 265. ICTERUS GALBULA (Linne*) Coues. Baltimore oriole; Fire-bird; Golden oriole; Golden robin; Hang-bird; Hang-nest; Pea-bird. Coracias galbula Linne, Syst. nat, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 108. "IN AMERICA." Icterus baltimore (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 37, pi. 217. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, fig. 6-9. Orchards and shade trees; nest pensile in trees. ME. Common summer resident mainly in southern counties. May 9-Aug. 30 (Sept. 10). N. H. Common summer resident at lower elevations. May 6- Sept. 6 (Sept. 20). VT. Common summer resident; accidental in winter. May 10-Sept. (Dec. 4, 1884). MASS. Common summer resident ; accidental in winter. (April 29) May 1-Sept. 9 (Nov. 15, 1885, E. Templeton; Nov. 18, 1888, Hyde Park) . Eggs, May 24- July 4. R. I. Common summer resident. May 4-Sept. 1. Eggs, May 24-28. CONN. Common summer resident. May 1-early Sept. (Nov. 15, 1885, Portland). Eggs, June 6. 266. ICTERUS BULLOCKI (Swainson) Bonaparte. Bullock's oriole or troupial. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 43, pi. 218. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, fig. 10-13. Xanthornus bullockii Swains., Phil, mag., 1827, new ser., vol. 1, p. 436. "TABLE LAND. . . .IN MEXICO." Open country along streams; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: Sorrento, about middle of Nov., 1889. 142 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. 267. EUPHAGUS CAROLINUS (Mliller) Richmond. Rusty blackbird; Rusty grackle. Turdus carolinus Mull., Linne's Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 140. "CAROLINA." Quiscalus ferrugineus Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 65, pi. 222. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, fig. 14-16. Swamps, marshes, and wet woods ; nests in bushes and low trees. ME. Common migrant and in northern part a rare summer resident; accidental winter resident (Calais, 1899). Mar. 17- May; summer-Oct. 29 (winter). N. H. Common migrant and in northeast part, a rare summer resident (Megalloway R.). Mar. 8 May; summer; Sept. 9- Oct. 16. VT. Common migrant. MASS. Common migrant, accidental in winter (Brookline, Feb. 8, 1879; Concord, Jan. 22, 1905; Fresh Pond, Feb. 20, 1887; Jamaica Plain, winter 1907-8). Mar. 7-May 18 (May 30); Sept. 12-Nov. 27 (winter). R. I. Common migrant. Mar. 13-(? June 5); Sept.-Oct. 23. CONN. Common migrant, and rare winter resident. Mar.- April 19; Sept. 11-Nov. (Jan. 16, 29, Feb. 6, Milford; Dec. 25, 1908, New Haven). 268. QUISCALUS QUISCULA (Linne) Jordan. Purple grackle; Crow blackbird. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 269. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, fig. 21-23. Gracula quiscula Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 109. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Quiscaliis versicolor Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 58, pi. 221. AVES. 143 PASSERES. OSCINES. ICTERIDAE. Open country, groves, fields; nests in branches of coniferous trees, rarely in cavities or bushes. N. H. Accidental visitor: Tilton, Sept. 13, 1902. VT. ? Summer resident (Perkins). MASS. Occasional typical birds breed in southernmost part and coastwise to Cambridge. R. I. Common summer resident in southern part, where most birds are typical; casual in winter. Mar. 6-Sept. 21 (Nov., Dec. 31). Eggs, April 25-June 6. CONN. Common summer and accidental winter resident. (Feb. 13) Mar. 1-Nov. (winter, East Haven). 269. QUISCALUS QUISCULA AENEUS (Ridgway) Stejneger. Bronzed grackle; Crow blackbird. Quiscalus aeneus Ridgw., Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1869, p. 134. "MISSISSIPPI REGION OF U. S., EAST TO ALLEGHANY MTS." etc. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 7, figs. 26, 27. Open country, frequenting clumps of coniferous trees in breeding season; nests in branches of trees, or less often in cavities or bushes. ME. Common migrant and local summer resident. Mar. 19- Oct. 26. Eggs, May 27-June 21. N. H. Uncommon local summer resident; casual in winter. Mar. 12-Nov. (Dec. 24, 1907, Lancaster; Jan.). VT. Uncommon local summer resident. April 11-Oct. MASS. Common migrant and local summer resident; rare in winter near coast (also Springfield). (Feb. 23, 1909, Boston) Mar. 10-Nov. 22 (winter). Eggs, May 2- June 1. R. I. Common migrant and in the northern part a less common summer resident, intergrading with Q. quiscula. Mar. 5-Nov. 1. Eggs, May 1-17. CONN. Common migrant. Mar. 5- April; Oct.-Nov. 144 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES FRINGILLIDAE. 270. HESPERIPHONA VESPERTINA (W. Cooper) Bonaparte. Evening grosbeak; Sugar-bird. Fringilla vespertina Coop., Ann. lye. nat. hist. New York, 1825, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 220. "SAULT STE. MARIE, NEAR LAKE SUPERIOR." Coccothraustes vespertinus (Coop.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 279; Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 217, pi. 207. Wooded districts; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: several records in winter of 1889-90, Jan. 10-Mar. 18; Woodfords, Mar. 6, 1909. N. H. Accidental visitor: several records in winter of 1889-90, Jan. fr-May 1. VT. Accidental visitor: Burlington, about Feb. 20, 1890; Rut- land, Feb. 1909. MASS. Accidental visitor, first recorded in the 1890 flight (Jan. 1-April); also Wellfleet, one, Dec. 5, 1903; Beverly, flock of five, Mar. 23, 1904; So. Sudbury, Feb. 14, 1909; Townsend, Feb. 7, 1909; Williamstown, Jan. 26, 1909. CONN. Accidental visitor, first recorded in 1890 flight (East Hampton, Mar. 2; Gaylordsville, Mar. 10; Portland, Feb., Mar.); also Litchfield, ? Feb. 1, 1905, and Feb. 11, 1905; Bristol, Feb. 27, 1907. 271. PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR LEUCURA (Muller) Richmond. Pine grosbeak; Canadian pine grosbeak; Mope. Loxia leucura Muller, Linne*'s Vollstand. natursyst., suppl., 1776, p. 150. " CANADA." Pinicola enucleator canadensis (Cab.). Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 60. Pyrrhula enucleator Temm. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1838, vol. 4, p. 414, pi. 358. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, fig. 13. AVES. 145 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Spruce and fir forests; nests in trees. ME.- Fall and winter visitor of varying abundance, and in northern forests a rare resident. Oct. 25- April 18; summer. Eggs, May 14-27. N. H. Fall and winter visitor of varying abundance, and un- common summer resident above 3000 ft. in White Mts., north. Oct. 18- April 20; summer. VT. Winter visitor of varying abundance. Nov. 15-Mar. 24. MASS. Irregular winter visitor of varying abundance. Oct. 24-April4(April24). R. I. Irregular winter visitor, sometimes common. CONN. Irregular winter visitor, sometimes common. Nov. 24 Mar. 31. 272. CARPODACUS PURPUREUS (Gmelin) Gray. Purple finch; Red linnet. Fringilla purpurea Gmelin, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 923 "CAROLINA." Erythrospiza purpurea (Gmel.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 170, pi. 196. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, figs. 14, 15. Orchards, shade trees, and forests; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident (Rangeley Lakes, Jan. 15, 1884). Mar. 21-Oct. (winter). Eggs, June 4. N. H. Common summer resident below 3000 ft. ; rare in winter. April 15-Dec. 22; winter. VT. Common summer resident. MASS. Common migrant, less common summer, and occasional winter resident. Mar. 8-Oct. 21; winter. Eggs, May 25-June 19 (! Sept. 10). R. I. Common summer and uncommon winter resident. April 7-Oct.; winter. Eggs, May 19-June 8. 146 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. CONN. Common summer and uncommon winter resident. Eggs, June; July 22 (2d brood). 273. LOXIA CURVIROSTRA MINOR (Brehm) Ridgway. American crossbill; Red crossbill; Screwbill. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 47. Crucirostra minor Brehm, Naumannia, 1853, p. 193. "DER NORDAMERIKANISCHEN FREISTAATEN." Loxia curvirostrata Linne. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1835, vol. 2, p. 559, pi. 197. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, figs. 1, 2. Coniferous forests ; nests in trees. ME., N. H. Resident, nomadic and irregularly abundant. Nests from Jan .-Oct. VT. Irregular at all seasons, but commonest in winter; breeds occasionally. Eggs, Feb., Mar. MASS. Irregularly common winter visitor, and occasional at f all seasons; nests rarely (Framingham, 1884; Highland Light, April, 1889; Tyngsborough, Aug., 1875). R. I. Irregularly common winter visitor, and occasional at other seasons ; not known to breed. CONN. Irregular winter visitor, sometimes common. Oct. 7-spring. 274. LOXIA LEUCOPTERA Gmelin. White-winged crossbill. Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 844. "IN SINU HUD- SONIS & NOVEBORACO." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3 p. 190, pi. 201. Coniferous forests; nests in trees. ME. Uncommon resident of northern part; elsewhere an irregular visitor. Nest, June. AVES. 147 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. N. H. Uncommon resident above 3000 ft.*in]White Mts. and north; elsewhere an irregular visitor. VT. Irregularly common winter visitor, rare in summer in northern part and on higher peaks. Nested at Lunenburg, 1878. MASS. Irregular fall and winter visitor, sometimes common. Oct. 22-May 12 (May 25); (June 4, 1900, Lanesboro; June 13, 1866, Newton ville). R. I. Rare and irregular winter visitor. Jan. 14-Feb. 24. CONN. Rare and irregular winter visitor. Nov. 6-Mar. 7. 275. ACANTHIS HORNEMANNII EXiLiPES (Coues) Stejneger. Hoary redpoll. Aegiothus exilipes Coues, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1861, p. 385. " FORT SIMPSON." Fringilla borealis Temm. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1839, vol. 5, p. 87, pi. 400. Arctic thickets in summer, open tree growth in winter migrations; nests in low trees. ME. Rare winter visitor: Westbrook, Jan. 26, 1896; eastern Maine (Boardman). N. H. Rare winter visitor: Hampton v VT. Doubtfully reported. MASS. Rare winter visitor (some ten instances). Nov. 15- Mar. 20. 276. ACANTHIS LINARIA (Linne*) Bonaparte and Schlegel. Redpoll; Lesser redpoll; Mealy redpoll. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 85. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 246, pi. 57, figs. 6, 7. Fringilla linaria Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 182. "IN EUROPA." Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1838, vol. 4, p. 523, pi. 375. 148 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Arctic thickets in summer, open tree growth in winter migrations; nests in low trees. ME. Winter visitor of irregular abundance, and rare summer resident (Calais). Oct. 12-April 27 (May 19, 1875; summer). N. H. Winter visitor of irregular abundance. Nov. 1-April. VT. Winter visitor of irregular abundance ; (nest and three eggs said to have been found in late March, 1878, at Taftsville). Nov. 11-May 1 (May 11). MASS. Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. (Oct. 16) Oct. 25-April 25. R. I. Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. Oct.-Mar. 25. CONN. Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. Fall- Mar. 31. 277. ACANTHIS LINARIA HOLBOELLii (C. L. Brehm) Dubois. Holboell's redpoll. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, pp. 80, 89. Linaria holboellii C. L. Brehm, Handb. d. naturgesch. aller vogel Deutschl., 1831, p. 280. "IN DAS MITTLERE DEUTSCHLAND." Acanthis holboellii Bonaparte and Schlegel, Monogr. Loxiens, 1850, p. 50, pi. 53. Arctic thickets in summer, open tree growth in winter migrations; nests in low trees. ME. Rare winter visitor: Gorham, Feb. 3, 1903; North Bridg- ton, Nov. 25, 1878. MASS. Rare winter visitor: Lexington, Mar. 10, 1890; Swamp- scott, two, Mar. 26, 1883. 278. ACANTHIS LINARIA ROSTRATA (Coues) Stejneger. Greater redpoll. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, pp. 80, 91. AVES. 149 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Aegiothus restrains Coues, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1861, p. 378. "JACOBSHAVN, GREENLAND." Linota hornemanni Holb. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 4, pi. [190], lower fig. Arctic thickets in summer, open tree growth in winter migrations; nests in low trees. ME. Winter visitor of irregular abundance. Dec. 12-Mar. 15. N. H. Unsatisfactorily recorded. MASS. Winter visitor near coast, irregular and sometimes common. Dec. 27-Feb. 25. R. I. Rare winter visitor: East Providence, Mar. 14, 1896. CONN. Rare winter visitor: New Haven, Dec. 17, 1878. 279. ASTRAGALINUS TRiSTis (Linne*) Cabanis. American goldfinch; Lettuce-bird; Thistle-bird; Wild canary; Yellow-bird. Fringilla tristis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 181. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." &pinus tristis (Linne). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 286; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 52. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, fig. 3. Orchards, shade trees, and edges of woods in summer, weedy fields and open country in winter; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant and summer resident; uncommon in winter. Eggs, July 29- Aug. 18 (Sept. 5). N. H. Common migrant and summer resident; uncommon in winter from White Mts. south. VT. Common migrant and summer resident, less common in winter. Eggs, July 26. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident, less common winter resident. Eggs, July 21-Aug. 11. R. I.: Common summer, and less common winter resident. Eggs, July 1-Aug. 7. CONN. Common resident. Eggs, July- Aug. 150 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. 280. SPINUS PINUS (Wilson) Stejneger. Pine siskin; Gray linnet; Pine finch; Pine linnet. Fringilla pinus Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 133, pi. 17, fig. 1. "NEIGHBOURHOOD OF PHILADELPHIA." Linaria pinus (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 125, pi. 180. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, fig. 4. Coniferous forests in summer, open country and coniferous trees in fall and winter; nests in trees. ME. Common resident of northern part; elsewhere of irregular occurrence mainly in fall and winter. Eggs, April. N. H. Common resident, breeding mainly above 3000 ft. in White Mts. Eggs, mid-April. VT. Common winter visitor, less common in summer, breeding irregularly. Nesting, April-May 15. MASS. Irregularly common fall and winter visitor, sometimes lingering till late spring and rarely nesting. Sept. 19-May 30 (June 8, July 15, summer). Eggs, May 9-29. R. I. Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. Oct. -April 17 (May 31). CONN. Irregularly common fall and winter visitor. Oct.- April(May20). 281. SPINUS SPINUS (Linne) Stejneger. European siskin. Fringilla spinus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 181. "IN EUROPAE JUNIPERETIS." Chrysomitris spinus (Linne). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871- 81, vol. 3, p. [541], pi. [169]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 242, pi. 56, fig. 18. Coniferous woods; nests in trees. MASS. Cambridge, Aug. 11, 13, 17, 1904, an apparently wild bird (Brewster). AVES. 151 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. 282. PLECTROPHENAX NIVALIS (Linne) Stejneger. Snowflake; Snow bunting; White snowbird. Emberiza nivalis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, voL 1, p. 176. "IN ALPIBUS LAPPONIAE, SPITZBERGAE AD SINUM HUDSONIS ALIBIQUE." Plectroplianes nivalis (Linne"). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 55, pi. 155. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 247, pi. 57, figs. 9, 10. Open fields, coasts, and barrens; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and winter resident ( ? accidental in summer, flock, Mt. Ktaadn, early Aug. 1869, fide Minot). (Oct. 10) Oct. 15-April 13. N. t H. Common migrant and winter resident; accidental in summer (Webster, June, a cripple). Oct. 18-April 6. VT. Common migrant and winter resident. Nov. 17-spring. MASS. Common winter resident, especially coastwise. Oct. 12-April 3 (May). R. I. Common winter resident. Oct. 29-Mar. 29. CONN. Irregularly common winter resident. Nov. 14-Mar. 283. CALCARIUS LAPPONICUS (Linne) Stejneger. Lapland longspur. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mub., 1901, pt. 1, p. 155. Fringilld lapponica Linne", .Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 180. "IN LAPPONIA." Plectrophanes lapponicus (Linne). Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 4, pi. [223]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 248, pi. 57, figs. 11, 12. Open barrens and plains; nests on the ground. ME. Rare migrant. Mar. 10-16; Oct. 26-Dec. 29. N. H. Rare migrant in late fall: Hampton Beach, Nov. 30, 1899. 152 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES FRINGILLIDAE. VT. Rare or accidental migrant: Brandon, Feb. 21, 1879; ? Townshend. MASS. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant and winter resident mainly coastwise. Feb. 22-May 1; Oct. 9-Dec. 11; winter. R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident. (Jan. 6, Feb. 16). CONN. Uncommon migrant; may winter. (Jan. 26, 1883, Portland) Feb. 11-Mac. 16; Nov. 284. CALCARIUS ORNATUS (Townsend) Stejneger. Chestnut-collared longspur. Plectrophanes ornata Towns., Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1837, vol. 7, pt. 2, p. 189. "PRAIRIES OF THE PLATTE RIVER." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 53, pi. 154. Open plains; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Scarborough, Aug. 13, 1886. MASS. Accidental visitor: Magnolia, July 28, 1876. 285. POOECETES GRAMINEUS (Gmelin) Baird. Vesper sparrow; Bay-winged bunting; Grass finch; Gray-bird; Ground sparrow; White-tailed field sparrow. Fringilla graminea Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 922. "IN NOVEBORACO." Emberiza graminea (Gmel.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 65, pi. 159. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, fig. 9-12. Grassy fields and uplands; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (Mar. 30) April 9-Oct. 28. Eggs, late May- June 24; late July-Aug. (2d brood). N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. Mar. 29-Oct. (Nov. 14). AVES. 153 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. Mar. 31-fall. Eggs, June 6. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (Mar. 17) Mar. 27-Oct. 24 (Nov. 10; Dec. 25, 1889, Somerville). Eggs, May 10-June 10. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. Mar. 19- Oct. 17. Eggs, May 5-21. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident. Late Mar.-Nov. (winter). Eggs, May 22- July 5. 286. PASSERCULTJS PRINCEPS Maynard. Ipswich sparrow; Gray-bird. Mayn., Amer. nat., 1872, vol. 6, p. 637. " IPSWICH," Mass. Ammodramus princeps (Mayn.). Dwight, Mem. Nuttall ornith. club, 1895, no. 2, p. 21, plate. Sand dunes and sea shores; nests on the ground (Sable Id., N. S.). ME. Rare migrant coastwise; may winter rarely. Mar. 20- April 8; Oct. 11-Nov. 17 (Jan. 23, 1886, near Pine Point). N. H. Rare migrant coastwise. Mar.-April; late Oct.-early Dec. (nee Lake Umbagog.) MASS. Common migrant and rare winter resident among coastal dunes; casual inland (Fresh Pond, Cambridge). Oct. 12- April 12. R. I. Uncommon migrant and winter resident among coastal dunes. Oct. 20-April 11. CONN. Uncommon migrant and winter resident coastwise. Oct.-Mar. 24. 287. PASSERCULUS SANDWICHENSIS SAVANNA (Wilson) Ridgway. Savanna sparrow. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 192. Fringilla savanna Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 55, pi. 22, fig. 3. "ATLANTIC COAST, FROM SAVANNAH .... TO .... NEW 154 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. YORK." Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1839, vol. 5, p. 516, pi. 109. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, fig. 5-8. Grassy fields and marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Common summer resident, accidental in winter. (Jan. 24, 1897, Seguin Id.) April 6-early Nov. (Nov. 28). Eggs, May 31-June 18; July (2d brood). N. H. Common summer resident at lower elevations, un- common on barren summits of White Mts. (Mar. 31) April 15- Oct. 27. Eggs, June 16-late July. VT. Common summer resident. April 7-fall. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident ; rare winter resident near coast (Ipswich, Longmeadow, Sandwich). (Mar. 22) April 5-Nov. 12 (winter). Eggs, May 21- June 20. R. I. Common migrant, less common summer and rare win- ter resident. April 4-Oct. 23 (winter). Eggs, May 17-29. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. April-Nov. 288. COTURNICULUS SAVANNARUM AUSTRALis (Maynard) A. O. U. comm. Grasshopper sparrow; Yellow-winged sparrow. Ammodromus australis Mayn., Amer. exch. and mart, 1887, vol. 3, p. 33. "BAHAMAS FLORIDA/' Ammodramus savannarum passerinus (Wils.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 293. Emberiza passerina (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, pi. 162. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 8, fig. 13-15. Grassy fields and meadows; nests on the ground. ME. Rare summer visitor (? or resident) east to Calais. May 24- June 29. N. H. Rare summer resident in lowlands south of Lake Winne- pesaukee. May 13-? VT. Rare summer resident of southern and western valleys. Eggs, July 17. AVES. 155 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. MASS. Uncommon local summer resident near coast and in western valleys. (April 25) May 10-Sept. 1 (Dec. 10, 1892, Arling- ton). R. I. Common local summer resident. April 22-Oct. 23. Eggs, May 30-June 5. CONN. Common summer resident in southern part and Con- necticut valley. Late April- ? 289. AMMODRAMUS HENSLOWII (Audubon) Gray. Henslow's sparrow. Emberiza henslowii Aud., Ornith. biogr., 1831, vol. 1, p. 360, pi. 77. "OPPOSITE CINCINNATI, IN THE STATE OF KENTUCKY." Ammodramus henslowii (Aud.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 294. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 9, figs. 1, 2. Meadows and sedgy weed-grown bogs; nests on the ground. N. H. Rare local summer resident north to White Mt. valleys (Wonalancet). April 17- Aug. VT. Rare local summer resident in southern part (Pownall). MASS. Uncommon local summer resident. May 6-Sept. (Nov. 6, Osterville). Eggs, May 25. R. I. Rare migrant and summer resident: Cranston, late April, 1874; Warwick, Oct. 6, 1898; Westerly, June 6 and 8, 1900. CONN. Rare local summer resident (Eastford, Killing worth, Woodstock, etc.). May-fall. Eggs, -Aug. 6. 290. AMMODRAMUS CAUDACUTUS (Gmelin) Swainson. Sharp-tailed sparrow. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 295; Audu- bon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 108, pi. 174. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 9, figs. 3, 4. Oriolus caudacutus Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 394. "IN NOVEBORACO." 156 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Salt marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Rare summer resident locally in Cumberland Co. June 5-lateOct. (?Nov.). N. H. Rare summer resident of the coastal salt marshes. Spring-Oct. 14. VT. Doubtfully recorded (Lunenburg). MASS. Uncommon summer resident of the coastal salt marshes (Ipswich); rare winter resident (West Barnstable). May 19-Nov. 8 (winter). Eggs, June 8- July 12. R. I. Common summer resident of the coastal salt marshes. May 15-Oct. 2. Eggs, May 24-July 14. CONN. Common summer and rare winter resident of the coastal salt marshes. April 14-Nov. (winter). Eggs, May 31- June 9. 291. AMMODRAMUS NELSONI (Allen) Norton. Nelson's sparrow; Nelson's sharp-tailed finch. Ammodromus caudacutus var. nelsoni Allen, Proc. Boston soc. nat. hist., 1875, vol. 17, p. 293. "CALUMET MARSHES NEAR CHICAGO, ILL." Ammodramus caudacutus nelsoni Allen. Dwight, Auk, 1896, vol. 13, p. 273-274, pi. 4, lower fig. Marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant. May 22- June 5; Oct. 9-25. MASS. Uncommon fall migrant; rare winter resident on south coast. Sept. 25-Oct. 15 (winter). CONN. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant on coastal marshes. May; Oct. 292. AMMODRAMUS NELSONI SUBVIRGATUS (Dwight) Norton. Acadian sharp-tailed sparrow. Ammodramus caudacutus subvirgatus Dwight, Auk, 1887, vol. 4 AVES. 157 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. p. 233. "HlLLSBOROUGH, ALBERT Co., NEW BRUNSWICK." Dwight, Auk, 1896, vol. 13, pi. 4, upper fig. Brackish or freshwater marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant and local summer resident coastwise from Sagadahoc Co., north. May 20-summer; Sept. 10-Oct. 24 (Nov. 15). MASS. Uncommon migrant coastwise (once at Springfield). May 20- June 11; Sept. 3-Nov. 5. R. I. Uncommon migrant: Charlestown Beach, four, Oct. 15, 1899; Point Judith, April 27, 1887. CONN. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. Late May- June 9; Oct. 293. AMMODRAMUS MARITIMUS (Wilson) Swainson. Seaside sparrow or finch; Meadow chippy. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 103, pi. 172. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 9, figs. 5, 6. Fringilla maritime/, Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 4, p. 68, pi. 34, fig. 2. "LOW, RUSH-COVERED SEA ISLANDS ALONG OUR AT- LANTIC COAST." Salt marshes; nests on the ground. ME. Accidental visitor: Shark Id., Aug. 18, 1884. N. H. Erroneously recorded for A. caudacutus. MASS. Rare local summer (Westport) and winter resident on south coast. April 14- (winter). Eggs, July 17. R. I. Uncommon summer resident at Point Judith and Middle- own marshes. Eggs, July 14. CONN. Common summer and possibly rare winter resident of the salt marshes. Late May-Sept. (Dec. 9, 1889, Bridgeport). Eggs, June 8-19. 158 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. 294. CHONDESTES GRAMMACUS (Say) Bonaparte. Lark sparrow; Quailhead; Road-bird. Fringilla grammaca Say, Long's Exped. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 1, p. 139. "BELLE FONTAIN, AS WELL AS AT SEVERAL OTHER POINTS ON THIS [MISSOURI] RIVER/' Bonap., Amer. ornith., 1825, vol. 1, p. 47, pi. 5, fig. 3. Grassy fields; nests on the ground or in low trees and bushes. MASS. Rare visitor (seven records). April 29; Aug. 12-Nov. 25. 295. ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS (Forster) Swainson. White-crowned sparrow. Emberiza leucophrys Forst., Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, p. 426. "IN AMERICA BOREALI AD SINUM HUDSONIS." Fringilla leucophrys Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 157, pi. 192. Edges of thickets; nests on the ground or in low bushes. ME. Uncommon migrant; casual in summer (Androscoggin Lake, June, 1898; Farmington, late June, 1887; Woolastook Valley, Aug.). (May 2) May 5-25; (June, Aug.); Sept. 22-Oct. 22 (Nov. 8). N. H. Uncommon migrant. May 6-25; Sept. 21-Oct. 11. VT. Uncommon migrant; said to have bred at Rutland; nest built and one egg laid at East Berkshire. May 14 (July, 1906, Mt. Mansfield); Oct. 4-24. MASS. Uncommon migrant. May 4-27 (June 6) ; Sept. 23- Nov. 5. R. I. Uncommon migrant; casual in summer (near Providence, July 9). May; Oct. CONN. Uncommon migrant; may winter rarely. (Mar. 20) May 10-15; Oct. 12-Dec. 5. AVES. 159 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. 296. ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS (Gmelin) Swainson. White-throated sparrow; Mountain lark; Peabody-bird. Fringilla albicollis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 921. "IN PENSILVANIA." Fringilla pennsylvanica Latham. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 153, pi. 191. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, figs. 5, 6. Thickets; nests on the ground, rarely in bushes. ME. Common migrant, and jrom Cumberland Co. north, a eommon summer resident ; accidental in winter (Falmouth, winter, 1904; Lewiston, Mar. 30, 1904; Lubec, Mar. 24, 1906; Saco Jan. 20, 1886). April 18-Nov. 9 (Nov. 20) (winter). Eggs, May 24-June 13. N. H. .Common migrant, and a common summer resident to 5000 ft. in northern half, local in southern. April 23-May 14; summer; Sept.-Oct. VT. Common migrant, and except at lower elevations, a less common summer resident; accidental in winter (Brattleboro, Dec. 25, 1904, Mar. 31, 1907). April 29-Oct. 24 (winter). Eggs, June 21-July 3. MASS. Common migrant and at higher elevations of western part, a less common summer resident, sporadic in eastern (Box- ford, Framingham, Wakefield); rare winter resident near coast. April 15-May 26; summer; Sept. 1-Nov. 24; winter. Eggs, June. R. I. Common migrant and rare winter resident. April 28- May 10; Oct. 1-Nov. 1; winter. CONN. Common migrant and uncommon winter resident; may breed at higher elevations (Litchfield, June 26, 1906). April 15-May 20 (June); Sept. 22-Nov.; winter. 297. SPIZELLA MONTICOLA (Gmelin) Baird. Tree sparrow; Winter chip-bird; Winter chippy. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 301; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 49. 160 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Fringilla monticola Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 912. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Arctic thickets in summer; fields and marshes in winter migra- tion; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and in southern counties a winter resi- dent. (Early Aug., Fort Kent; Sept.) Oct. 8-April 28 (May 16). N. H. Common migrant, and from White Mts. south, uncom- mon winter resident. Oct. 8-April 24. VT. Common migrant and less common winter resident. Oct. April. MASS. Common migrant and less common winter resident. (Sept. 21) Oct. 16-April 28 (May 7, 1893, Lexington). R. I. Common winter resident. Nov. 7 April 15. CONN. Common migrant and less common winter resident. Oct. 28-April 12. 298. SPIZELLA PASSERINA (Bechstein) A. O. U. comm. Chipping sparrow; Chip-bird; Chippy; Hair-bird. Fringilla passerina Bechstein, in Latham, Allgem. uebers. vogel, 1798, vol. 3, pt. 2, p. 544, pi. 120, fig. 1. "CANADA." Spizella socialis (Wils.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 302. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, figs. 1, 2. Fringilla socialis Wils. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1839, vol. 5, p. 517, pi. 104. Orchards, fields, and vicinity of dwellings ; nests in trees, hedges, or vines. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 2) April 9-Oct. 23 (Nov. 7). Eggs, May 23- June 2; early July (2d brood). N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. April 10-Oct. 31. Eggs, May 31-June 16; July 29 (2d brood) . VT. Common migrant, and summer resident. April 4-Oct. AVES. 161 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (Mar. 13, 24) April 5-Nov. 25 (Dec. 31, 1869, Watertown). Eggs, May 12- June 26 (2d brood ?). R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. April 4-Oct. 17. Eggs, May 19-June 15. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident. April-Nov. (winter). 299. SPIZELLA BREWERI Cassin. Brewer's sparrow. Cass., Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1856, vol. 8, p. 40. " WESTERN NORTH AMERICA, CALIFORNIA, NEW MEXICO." Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 326. Emberiza pallida Swains. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, pi. 161 (fide Ridgway). Prairies; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Watertown, Dec. 15, 1873. 300. SPIZELLA PUSILLA (Wilson) Bonaparte. Field sparrow; .Ground sparrow; Huckleberry-bird. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 318. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, figs. 3, 4. Fringilla pusilla Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 121, pi. 16, fig. 2. " PENNSYLVANIA .... NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA." Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1834, vol. 2, pi. 139. Bushy fields; nests on the ground or in low bushes. ME. Uncommon summer resident in southern counties. April 7-Oct. 1. N. H. Locally common summer resident north to White Mt. valleys April 3-Oct. Eggs, June- 12. VT. Locally common summer resident. April 4-fall (Dec. 25, 1908, Clarendon). Eggs, July 10. 162 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. MASS. Common summer resident and near the coast a rare winter resident. (Mar. 29) April 1-Nov. 13; (winter). Eggs, May 8- June 12. R. I. Common summer and rare winter resident. April-Oct. 23; (winter). Eggs, May 19- June 11. CONN. Common summer and rare winter resident. (Late Mar.) April 6-Dec. 2 (winter, Hartford, New Haven). Eggs, June 22. 301. JUNCO HYEMALIS (Linne) Sclater. Slate-colored Junco; Black snowbird; Blue snowbird; Junco; Snowbird; White-bill. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 304; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 48. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 9, figs. 14, 15. Fringilla hyemalis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 183. "AMERICA." Thickets, weedy and brushgrown fields; nests on the ground, rarely in bushes. ME., N. H. Common migrant and mainly in northern part, a common summer resident; rare winter resident in southern part Eggs, May 7- June 29; July 19 (2d brood) . VT. Common migrant, less common summer and winter resi- dent. MASS. Common migrant, less common winter resident; un- common summer resident in western highlands (Mts. Holyoke, Nonotuck, Tom, Wachusett, Berkshires), sporadic in east ( ? Box- ford, Medford, Wellfleet). Mar. 8-May 21; summer; Sept. 3- Nov. 30; winter. Eggs, -(Aug. 6). R. I. Common migrant and winter resident. Oct. 2-April 4 (May 19). CONN. Common migrant -and winter resident; rare local summer resident (Bear Mt., Salisbury, 2354 ft.). Oct. 8-May 3 (summer). AVES. 163 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. 302. JUNCO HYEMALIS MONTANUS (Ridgway) A. O. U. comm. Montana Junco. Junco montanus Ridgw., Auk, 1898, vol. 15, p. 321. "COLUMBIA FALLS, MONTANA." Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 289. Edges of thickets; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Watertown, Mar. 25, 1874 (this specimen has been recorded as J.'h. shufeldti and J. h. oregonus). 303. MELOSPIZA MELODIA (Wilson) Baird. Song sparrow; Bush sparrow; Ground-bird; Ground sparrow, Fringilla melodia Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 125, pi. 16, fig. 4. "UNITED STATES." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, pi. 189. Melospiza cinerea melodia (Wils.). Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 354. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 9, fig. 10-13. Swamps, marshes, weedy fields; nests on the ground, in bushes, or even hollow trees. ME. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident (Calais, Cape Elizabeth, Gardiner). Mar. 7-Nov. (winter). Eggs, (April) May 20- June 7; July (2d brood). N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions; rare winter resident near coast. Mar. 9-Dec. (winter). Eggs, May 24- June 22; July 27 (2d brood). VT. Common migrant and summer resident ; rare winter resi- dent in southern part (Bethel, Brattleboro, Brownsville, Taftsville) . Mar. 7-fall (winter). .MASS. Common migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident at lower elevations. Mar. 10-Nov. 15; winter. Eggs, April 30- July 29 (2d brood). R. I. Common migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident. Mar. 1-Nov. 14; winter. Eggs, May 7-10. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident. Eggs, May 24-(Aug. 20). 164 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. 304. MELOSPIZA LINCOLNII (Audubon) Baird. Lincoln's sparrow; Lincoln's finch. Fringilla lincolnii Aud., Ornith. biogr., 1834, vol. 2, p. 535, pi. 193. " LABRADOR." Peucaea lincolnii Aud., Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 116, pi. 177. Edges of dense thickets and tangled growth; nests on the ground. ME. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant ; rare summer resident in extreme north (Ft. Kent; & said to have been taken at Boothbay, July 14, and four birds at Bobson's Id., Aug. 9). May 12-June 1; (summer); Sept. 8-Oct. 13. N. H. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant (once reported in summer, Nubanusit Lake, July 28, 1900, Thayer). May 13- 26; (? summer); Sept. 7-Oct. 4. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. May 7- June 1; Sept. 12-Oct. 14 (Nov. 1). R. I. Rare migrant, mainly in fall. (Spring) ; Sept. 27. CONN. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. May 23; Sept. 21-Oct. 3. 305. MELOSPIZA GEORGIANA (Latham) Ridgway. Swamp sparrow. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 382. Fringilla georgiana Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 1, p. 460. "CUM PRAECEDENTE," = "iN GEORGIAE AMERICANAE INTERIORI- BUS." Fringilla palustris Wils. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1839, vol. 5, pi. 64. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 9, fig. 7-9. Swamps, marshes, and old fields; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant and local summer resident. (Mar. 20, Bangor) April 6-Nov. 15. Eggs, May 31- June 3. AVES. 165 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. N. H., VT. Common migrant and less common local summer resident at lower elevations. April-Oct. 25. MASS. Common migrant and local summer resident; rare winter resident near the coast (to Beverly, Fresh Pond, Cambridge). Mar. 27-Nov. 30; winter. Eggs, May 13-July 14. R. I. Common migrant and less common local summer resident; may winter locally. April 4-Nov.l4 (Dec. 25). Eggs, May 24-31. CONN. Common migrant and less common local summer resident; rare winter resident. April 5-Nov. 20 (winter). 306. PASSERELLA ILIACA (Merrem) Swainson. Fox sparrow; Fox-colored sparrow. Fringilla iliaca Merr., Beitr. z. besond. gesch. d. vogel, 1786-87, vol. 2, p. 40-41, pi. 10. "NORD-AMERIKA." Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1835, vol. 2, p. 58, pi. 108. Thickets and edges of woods ; nests on the ground or in low trees. ME. Common migrant; accidental in winter. Mar. 15- April 17 (May 15); Oct. 8-Nov. 28 (Dec. 2, 9, 17, Seguin Id.; Jan. 24, 1909, Cape Elizabeth; Feb.). N. H. Common migrant. Mar 16-April 23; Oct. 5-Nov. 13. VT. Common migrant. Mar. 15- April 5; fall. MASS. Common migrant and rare winter resident near the coast. (Feb. 26, 1906, Springfield; Mar. 3) Mar. 9-April 25 (May 2); (Sept. 17, Oct. 2) Oct. 15-Nov. 29 (Dec. 6 and winter). R. I. Common migrant and occasional winter resident. Mar. 19-April 20 (May 21); Oct. 13-Nov. 27 (winter). CONN. Common migrant, and rare winter resident. Mar. 6- April 19; Oct. 10-Nov. 28 (winter): 307. PIPILO ERYTHROPHTHALMUS (Linne") Vieillot. Towhee; Che wink; Ground robin; Marsh robin; Pewink. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 310; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 55. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, fig. 13-15. 166 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. Fringilla erythrophthalma Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 180. "AMERICA." Thickets and sprout land; nests on the ground, rarely in bushes. ME. Uncommon summer resident in southwestern counties. May 6-Oct. 18 (Nov. 21). N. H. Common summer resident in southern part, becoming uncommon north to White Mt. valleys. May 1-Oct. 15. VT. Uncommon summer resident. May-Sept. MASS. Common summer and very rare winter resident. (April 2) April 18-Oct. 22 (Nov. 30, Dec. 4); (winter). Eggs, May 17- June 12. R. I. Common summer and very rare winter resident. April 19-Oct. 13 (Jan. 14, 1896, Newport). Eggs, May 21-June 3. CONN. Common summer and very rare winter resident. April 25-Nov. 25 (Dec. 28, 1908, New Haven; Jan. 22, 1876, Portland). Eggs, May 21-June 6. 308. CARDINALIS CARDINALIS (Linne) Lichtenstein. Cardinal; Cardinal grosbeak; Red-bird; Virginia nightingale. Loxia cardinalis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 172. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Pitylus cardinalis Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 198, pi. 203. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, figs. 11, 12. Bushy fields and thickets; nests in bushes. ME. Several recorded ; probably some are escaped cage birds (9 from flock of three, Gardiner, Dec. 19, 1895). VT. Rare visitor or escape: Brattleboro. MASS. Occasional visitor at all seasons and escape ; doubtfully stated to have bred at Cambridge (a wild bird and a freed cage bird nested in Brookline, eggs, June 6, 1898). CONN. Occasional visitor or escape. AVES. 167 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. 309. ZAMELODIA LUDOVICIANA (Linne") Coues. Rose-breasted grosbeak; Throat-cut. Loxia ludoviciana Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 306. "IN LUDOVICIA." Habia ludoviciana (Linne). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 312; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 54; Stone, Auk, 1899, vol. 16, pi. 4. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, figs. 9, 10. Orchard and shade trees and borders of woods near water; nests in bushes and trees. ME. Common summer resident except in eastern part. (April 26) May 4-Aug. 27. Eggs, June 10-30. N. H. Common summer resident at lower elevations. May 12-Sept. 18. VT. Common summer resident. May-Sept. 14. Eggs, June 2-23. MASS. Common summer resident. (April 26) May 2-Oct. 3. Eggs, May 25- June 15. R. I. Common summer resident, mainly in northern part. May 4-Oct. 2. Eggs, May 23-June 4. CONN. Common summer resident; accidental in winter. May 1-Sept. (Nov. 25; Jan. 18, 1893, Stonington). Eggs, May 24. 310. GUIRACA CAERULEA (Linne*) Swainson. Blue grosbeak. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 313. McAtee, U. S. dept. agric., biol. surv., bull. 32, pi. 4. Loxia caerulea Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 175. "AMERICA." Brush-grown fields and thickets; nests in bushes or weedy growths. ME. Recorded from Calais, but in error for Grand Menan, N. B. 168 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES FRINGILLIDAE. N. H. Doubtfully recorded from East Deny, May 26, 1894. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Accidental visitor: Brookline, May 29, 1880. R. I. Accidental visitor: Drownville, Oct. 12, 1899. 311. PASSERINA CYANEA (Linne) Vieillot. Indigo bunting; Indigo-bird. Tanagra cyanea Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 315. "IN CAROLINA." Spiza cyanea Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 96, pi. 170. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, fig. 8. Brush-grown fields, thickets, and weedy tangles ; nests among low bushes, brambles, or tall weeds. ME. Common summer resident in southern, and rare in north- ern counties (Caribou). May 11 Oct. 2. Eggs, June- July 15. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. May 9-Oct. 1. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. May 18-fall. Eggs, May 30. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. May 8- Oct. 29 (Dec. 5, 1871, Watertown). Eggs, June 3-22. R. I. Common summer resident, mainly in northern part. May 10-Oct. Eggs, June 1-11. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. May 9-Oct. Eggs, June 16. 312. SPIZA AMERICANA (Gmelin) Ridgway. Dickcissel; Black-throated bunting; Judas-bird. Emberiza americana GmeL, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 872. "IN NOVEBORACO." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 58, pi. 156. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 10, fig. 7. Grassy fields; nests on the ground or in low bushes. AVES. 169 PASSERES. OSCINES. FRINGILLIDAE. ME. Accidental visitor: Job's Id., Penobscot Bay, Sept. 29, 1884; St. George; Westbrook, Oct. 10, 1888. MASS. Formerly an uncommon summer resident along coast and in western valleys; now unknown. May 15-Oct. 3. Eggs, June 9, 1877 (Medford)-Aug. 1, 1878 (2d brood, Hyde Park). R. I. Formerly a rare migrant: Newport, Sept. 25, 1888. CONN. Formerly a summer resident, now unknown. 313. CALAMOSPIZA MELANOCORYS Stejneger. Lark bunting. Stejn., Auk, 1885, vol. 2, p. 49. Based on Townsend: "PLAINS OF THE PLATTE RIVER." Corydalina bicolor Towns. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 195, pi. 202. Prairies; nests on the ground. MASS. Accidental visitor: Lynn, Dec. 5, 1877. TANGARIDAE. 314. PIRANGA LUDOVICIANA (Wilson) Richardson. Louisiana tanager; Western tanager. Tanagra ludoviciana Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 27, pi. 20, fig. 1. "LOUISIANA." Pyranga ludoviciana (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841 vol. 3, p. 231, pi. 210. Mountain forests; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: near Bangor, about Oct. 1, 1889. MASS. Accidental visitor: Salem, Jan. 20, 1878. CONN. Accidental visitor: New Haven, Dec. 15, 1892. 315. PIRANGA ERYTHROMELAS Vieillot. Scarlet tanager; English robin (Berkshires) ; Fire-bird; Pocket-bird; War-bird. Pyranga erythromelas Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 28, p. 293. "AMERIQUE." 170 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TANGARIDAE. Pyranga rubra (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 226, pi. 209. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, figs. 6, 7. Deciduous woods, especially oaks and chestnuts; nests in trees. ME. Rare summer resident. May 12-Oct. 5. N. H. Uncommon summer resident, mainly below 2000 ft. south of White Mts. May 13-Sept. 25. VT. Uncommon summer resident. May-fall. MASS. Common summer resident. (April 30, May 4) May 8- Oct. 16. Eggs, June 2-17. R. I. Common summer resident, mainly of northern part. (April 4, 1891, Apponaug) May 4-Oct. 9. Eggs, May 22- June 5. CONN. Common summer resident. May 10-Sept. 11. Eggs, May 31-June 17. 316. PIRANGA RUBRA (Linne") Vieillot. Summer tanager; Summer redbird. Fringilla rubra Linne", Syst. nat, ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 181. "AMERICA." Pyranga aestiva Gmel. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 222, pi. 208. Open deciduous and mixed woods; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: Portland, May 18, 1906; Wiscasset. N. H., YT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Accidental summer visitor. April 21, May, June, July, Aug. R. I. Accidental summer visitor: Providence (two seen); Seaconnet, April 27, 1901; Ten Mile River. CONN. Rare visitor. April, July. HIRUNDINIDAE. 317. PROGNE SUBIS (Linne") Baird. Purple martin; Black martin; Cape Cod swallow; House martin; Martin. AVES. 171 PASSERES. OSCINES. HIRUNDINIDAE. Hirundo subis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 192. "AD SINUM HUDSONIS." Hirundo purpurea Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 170, pi. 45. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, fig. 1. Open country and vicinity of dwellings ; nests in cavities or bird houses. ME. Till recently a common local summer resident. April 22- Sept. 4 (Sept 30). Eggs, June 5- July 4. N. H. Local summer resident north to White Mt. valleys; now uncommon. April 19-Sept. VT. Till recently a common local summer resident. April 25- Sept. 20. Eggs, -June 23. MASS. Till recently a common local summer resident. April 14-Sept. 30. Eggs, May 30-June 21. R. I. Uncommon migrant and summer resident; formerly more common. April 25-Oct. 8. Eggs, May 25-June 4. CONN. Uncommon migrant and local summer resident; form- erly more common. April 17-fall. Eggs, May 21. 318. PETROCHELIDON LUNIFRONS (Say) Cassin. Cliff swallow; Eave swallow; Mud swallow; Republican. Hirundo lunifrons Say, Long's Exped. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 2, p. 47. " ROCKY MOUNTAINS, ABOUT THE SOURCES OF THE ARKANSA AND PLATTE." Hirundo fulva Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 177, pi. 47. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, fig. 11-13. Open country; nests in colonies under cliffs or eaves of outbuild- ings. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 11, Ban- gor) April 21-Sept. 6 (Sept. 19). Eggs, June 1-July 2. N. H. Common migrant and local summer resident. April 28- Sept. 1. 172 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. HIRUNDINIDAE. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. Late April- summer. MASS. Common migrant and less common local summer resi- dent. April 23-Sept. 4 (Sept. 30). Eggs, May 25- July 20. R. I. Uncommon migrant and summer resident. April 28- Sept. 15. Eggs, May 31- July 16. CONN. Common migrant and less common local summer resident. (April 15) April 20-Sept. Eggs, May 26- ? (2 broods). 319. HIRUNDO ERYTHROGASTER Boddaert. Barn swallow; Fork-tailed swallow. Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 45. De- scription in Buffon: " CAYENNE." Hirundo rustica Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 181, pi. 48. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, figs. 8, 9. Open country; nests in crevices of cliffs, but now generally on rafters of old barns. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. April 19-Sept. 19 (Oct. 29, Seguin Id.; Oct. 31, 1907, Portland). Eggs, May 28- June 24. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. April 20-Sept. 21. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. April 25-fall. MASS. Common migrant, less common summer resident. (April 5, 1893, Waltham) April 17-Sept. 30 (Oct. 7). Eggs, May 18-July 12. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident; still breeds in cliffs at Middletown. (April 10)-Sept. 23. Eggs, May 18-30. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. April 21 Sept. Eggs, (ISept. 3). 320. IRIDOPROCNE BICOLOR (Vieillot) Coues. Tree swallow; Little martin; White-bellied swallow. Hirundo tricolor Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Ame"r. Sept., 1807, vol. 1, AVES. 173 PASSERES. OSCINES. HIRUNDINIDAE. p. 61, pi. 31. "ETATS-UNIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 175, pi. 46. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, fig. 10. Open country, especially near water; nests in cavities of dead trees or in bird boxes. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (Mar. 19) April 4-Sept. 21. Eggs, May 30-June 11. N. H. Common migrant and less common summer resident at lower elevations. Mar. 23-Sept. VT. Common migrant and less common summer resident. Eggs, June 1. MASS. Common migrant and less common summer resident. (Mar. 15) Mar. 22-Oct. 17 (Nov. 2). Eggs, May 14-June 15. R. I. Common migrant and less common summer resident; casual in winter. (Mar. 12) Mar. 28-Oct. 18. Eggs, May 24- 30. CONN. Common migrant and less common summer resident. Mar. 25-Oct. 17 (Oct. 22). Eggs, June. 321. RIPARIA RIPARIA (Linne) Sharpe and Wyatt. Bank swallow; Sand martin or swallow. Hirundo riparia Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 192. "IN EUROPAE COLLIBUS ARENOSis ABRUPTis." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 187, pi. 50. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, fig. 14. Open country near rivers and lakes ; nests in colonies in burrows dug in sandy bluffs. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 19) April 25-Sept. 1 (Sept. 19). Eggs, May 29-June 24. N. H. Common migrant and local summer resident. May- Aug. 24. Eggs, May 26. VT. Common migrant and local summer resident. April 28- summer. 174 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. HIRUNDINIDAE. MASS. Common migrant and local summer resident. April 24- Sept. 2 (Nov. 2). Eggs, May 28- June 17. R. I. Common migrant and local summer resident. April 25-Aug. 29. Eggs, May 26-June 6. CONN. Common migrant and local summer resident. April 21-summer. 322. STELGIDOPTERYX SERRIPENNIS (Audubon) Baird. Rough-winged swallow. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 322, fig. 90. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, fig. 15. Hirundo serripennis Aud., Ornith. biogr., 1838, vol. 4, p. 593. "A FEW MILES FROM BAYOU SARA/' LA. Aud., Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, pi. 51. Open country near water; nests in holes in banks, or in cavities of cliffs and walls. N. H. Rare summer resident: near Hanover, 1905, 1906. VT. Rare summer resident (noted at Bennington; Lunenburg; Norwich, May 6, 1905, April 29, 1906; West Danville, June 11, 1901; White River Junction). April 29-summer. Eggs, May 16. MASS. Rare local summer resident in western part (Glendale, young, 1906; Longmeadow, nesting, May, 1906; North Adams, two nesting pairs, June-, 1895). May-summer. CONN. Rare local summer resident. (April 12) May 9-sum- mer. Eggs, May 26-June 9. BOMBYCILLIDAE. 323. BOMBYCILLA GARRULA (Linne") Vieillot. Bohemian wax wing. Bonaparte, Amer. ornith., 1828, vol. 3, p. 14, pi. 16, fig. 2. Egg, Ibis, 1861, ser. 1, vol. 3, pi. 4, fig. 1-6. AVES. 175 PASSERES. OSCINES. BOMBYCILLIDAE. Lanius garrulus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 95. "IN EUROPA & AMERICA BOREALI; AESTIVAT SUPRA SVECIAM." Evergreen forests; nests in trees. ME. Rare and irregular winter visitor. Dec. 6-Feb. 6. N. H. Rare winter visitor: Hampton Falls, Feb. 17 and 21, 1897; Nashua, 1880. VT. Rare winter visitor: ^ Brattleboro, April, 1901; Burlington (bis); St. Albans (bis). Nov. 25-April. MASS. Rare winter visitor: about six authentic records. Dec. 26-Feb. 18. CONN. Accidental winter visitor: East Windsor Hill, near Hartford; ? New Haven, Feb. 11, 1875. 324. BOMBYCILLA CEDRORUM Vieillot. Cedar waxwing; Apple-bird; Canada robin; Cedar-bird; Cherry-bird. Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Ame>. Sept., 1807, vol. 1, p. 38, pi. 57. "EN AMERIQUE DEPUIS LE CANADA JUSQU'AU MEXIQUE." Ampelis cedrorum (Vieill.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 323; Bird-life, 1898, pi. 57. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, figs. 2, 3. Orchards, shade trees, and woods; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant and summer resident; rare in winter. Eggs, June 29. N. H. Common migrant, and at lower elevations a common summer resident; rare in winter in southern part. Eggs, July 29. VT. Common migrant and summer resident; uncommon in winter in southern part. MASS. Common migrant and less common summer resident; irregularly common in winter but generally absent in Nov. and Dec. Eggs, May 30-July. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident; irregular in winter. Eggs, June 7-20. 176 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. BOMBYCILLIDAE. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; irregular in winter. Eggs, June 20-Aug. 1 (Aug. 27). LANIIDAE. 325. LANIUS BOREALIS Vieillot. Northern shrike; Butcher-bird. Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Ame"r. Sept., 1807, vol. 1, p. 80, pi. 50. "CANADA ET SUR-TOUT LA BAIE D'HUDSON." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 130, pi. 236. Open country and edges of woods; nests in trees. ME. Uncommon winter resident; supposed breeding records refer to L. I. migrans. Oct. 15- April 17. N. H. Uncommon winter resident at lower elevations. Nov. 12-April. VT. Uncommon winter resident. Fall-April 13. MASS. Uncommon winter resident. (Oct. 6) Oct. 12-April 16 (May). R. I. Uncommon, irregular winter resident. Nov. 28-Mar. 23. CONN. Irregular winter resident, sometimes common. Oct. 29-Mar. 24 (April 11). 326. LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS Linne". Loggerhead shrike. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p ; 134. "IN LUDOVICIA." Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1904, pt. 3, p. 241. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, pi. 237. Open country; nests in trees. CONN. Accidental visitor: South Norwalk, Feb. 17, 1905 (J. A. Allen). AVES. 177 PASSERES. OSCINES. LANIIDAE. 327. LANIUS LUDOVICIANUS MIGRANS W. Palmer. Migrant shrike; Butcher-bird; Cricket hawk; Grasshopper hawk; Joree; Mouse hawk. W. Palmer, Auk, 1898, vol. 15, p. 248. "KINGSTON, ONTARIO." Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, figs. 11, 12. Orchards and open tree growth; nests in trees. ME. Uncommon local summer resident. (Mar. 1) Mar 24 Sept. (Nov. 17). Eggs, May 5-25. N. H. Uncommon summer resident in valley country; acci- dental in winter. Mar. 20-Sept. (Jan. 20, Concord). Eggs, April 26-May 5. VT. Uncommon local summer resident. Mar. 3-fall. Eggs, April 28-May 23. MASS. Rare migrant and in western part, rare summer resi- dent; very rare in winter. Mar. 29-Nov. 27 (Dec. 19, Jan., Feb.). Eggs, May 10 (Williamstown). R. L Rare migrant. ( ? Spring) ; Aug. 29-Sept. 2. CONN. Rare migrant and winter resident (Portland, Nov. 1876; Saybrook, Jan., 1879); possibly a rare summer resident (Mt. Carmel, May 24, 1873). Spring-(May 24); Aug. 29-winter. VIREONIDAE. 328. VIREOSYLVA OLIVACEA (Linne) Bonaparte. Red-eyed Vireo; Politician; Preacher; Red-eyed greenlet. Muscicapa olivacea Linne", Syst. nat, ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 327. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Vireo olivaceus (Linne). DeKay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 124, pi. 36, fig. 79. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, figs. 4, 5. Orchards and deciduous shade and forest trees; nest pensile in trees or bushes. 178 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. VIREONIDAE. ME. Common summer resident. (May 1) May 7 Oct. 2 (Oct. 11). Eggs, -June 29. N. H. Common summer resident below 3000 ft. May 8- Sept. 30. VT. Common summer resident. May 9-fall. MASS.^ Common summer resident. May 4-Oct. 11 (Oct. 26; Nov. 2, 1870, Watertown). Eggs, May 25- July 20. R. I. Common summer resident. (April 29) May-Sept. 24 (Oct. 11). Eggs, May 28-June 6. CONN. Common summer resident. May 6-Oct. 2. Eggs, June 1-12. 329. VlREOSYLVA PHILADELPHIA CaSSUl. Philadelphia Vireo; Brotherly-love Vireo. Cass., Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1851, vol. 5, p. 153, pi. 10, fig. 2. "NEAR PHILADELPHIA." Vireo philadelphicus (Cass.). Dwight, Auk, 1897, vol. 14, p. 269, pi. 2. Egg, Brewster, Auk, 1905, vol. 22, pi. 11. Open deciduous growth, especially of birch and poplar; nest pensile in trees or bushes. ME. Uncommon summer resident in northern part (Bucks- port, Lake Umbagog). May 21-Oct. 2. Eggs, June 15. N. H. Uncommon summer resident north of White Mts., else- where rare migrant. May 26-Sept. 29. VT. Rare migrant: Breadloaf, Sept. 19, 1900; Morrisville; Pittsford, Sept. 11, 1889. (Reported nesting at Brattleboro, June, 1901.) May; Sept. 11-19. MASS. Rare migrant. May (? 10)-17; Sept. 7-27. R. I. Rare migrant: Drown ville, May 31, 1891; West Green- wich, May 21, 1902. CONN. Rare migrant: New Haven, May 19, 1888; Portland, Sept. 21, 1893, Sept. 17, 1894; (? Stratford, "Vireo gilvus . . . . under parts. . . .mostly bright yellow"). AVES. 179 PASSERES. OSCINES. VIREONIDAE. 330. VIREOSYLVA GILVA (Vieillot) Cassin. Warbling Vireo. Muscicapa gilva Vieill., Hist nat. ois. Amr. Sept., 1807, vol. 1, p. 65, pi. 34. "L'ETAT DE NEW-YORCK." Vireo gihus (Vieill.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 329. Dwight, Auk, 1897, vol. 14, pi. 2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, fig. 6. Orchard and shade trees, especially elms; nest pensile in trees. ME. Uncommon local summer resident. May 5-Sept. 15 (Oct. 7). . N. H. Uncommon local summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. May 1-Sept. 17. VT. Uncommon local summer resident. May 3- MASS. Common summer resident. (April 24, 1908, Auburn- dale) April 29-Sept. 26. Eggs, May 30- June 11. R. I. Common summer resident, especially of village shade trees. May 5-Sept. 25. Eggs, May 28-30. CONN. Common summer resident. (April 20, 1898, Jewett City) April 29-Oct. 13 (Oct. 25, 1900, Hartford). Eggs, June 2-17. 331. LANIVIREO FLAVIFRONS (Vieillot) Lawrence. Yellow-throated Vireo. Vireo flavifrons Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Amer. Sept., 1807, vol. 1, p. 85, pi. 54. "ETATS-UNIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 141, pi. 238. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, figs. 7, 8. Orchard and shade trees and edges of woods; nest pensile in trees. ME. Rare summer resident in southwestern counties. Mar. 12-Sept. N. H. Uncommon summer resident becoming rare north to White Mt. valleys. May 8-Sept. Eggs, June 14. 180 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. VIREONIDAE. VT. Uncommon summer resident (East Bethel). MASS. Common summer resident becoming local in western part. May 1-Sept. 19. Eggs, May 24-June 17. R. I. Common summer resident. May 1-Sept. Eggs, May 24-June 2. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. May 6- Sept 17. Eggs, May 21-June 11. 332. LANIVIREO SOLITARIUS (Wilson) Allen. Blue-headed Vireo; Solitary Vireo. Muscicapa solitaria Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 143, pi. 17, fig. 6. "NEAR PHILADELPHIA." Vireo solitarius Vieill. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 144, pi. 239. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, fig. 9. Cool mixed woods; nest pensile in trees. ME. Uncommon summer resident mainly in northern part. (April 24) April 28-Oct. 6 (Nov.). N. H. Uncommon summer resident up to 3000 ft. April 29- Oct. 7. Eggs, May 29-late June. VT. Uncommon summer resident. MASS. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident, becom- ing local in south and east. (April 11, 1908, Stoughton) April 14-Oct. 17. Eggs, May 13- June 26. R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare local summer resident (Washington, West Greenwich) . April 23-Oct. 22. Eggs, May 15- June 15. CONN. Uncommon migrant and rare summer resident (East- ford, near New Haven, Norfolk, West Simsbury). Late April-Oct. 13. Eggs, May 27-June 23. 333. VIREO GRISEUS (Boddaert) A. O. U. comm. White-eyed Vireo; White-eye. Tanagra grisea Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 45. Based on Buffon. AVES. 181 PASSERES. OSCINES. VIREONIDAE. Vireo noveboracensis (GmeL). DeKay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 122, pi. 36, fig. 78. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 7, fig. 10. Bushy thickets; nest pensile in bushes. ME. Doubtfully recorded. N. H. Several unsatisfactory records: Chesterfield, Man- chester. VT. Accidental visitor: Brattleboro; ? St. Johnsbury, various records (Clark); Townshend, 1893. MASS. Rare local summer resident near coast and in southern valleys (Sheffield). May 2-Sept. 27 (Oct. 30). Eggs, May 22- June 18. R. I. Uncommon local summer resident. May 7-Sept. 18. Eggs, June 2, 3. CONN. Common summer resident in southern part and Con- necticut valley. May 2-Sept. Eggs, June 9-12. 334. VIREO BELLII Audubon Bell's Vireo. Aud., Birds of Amer., 1844, vol. 7, p. 333, pi. 485. "SHORES AND PRAIRIES OF THE UPPER MISSOURI." Bushy thickets; nest pensile in bushes or low trees. N. H. Accidental visitor: Durham, Nov. 19, 1897. MNIOTILTIDAE. 335. MNIOTILTA VARIA (Linne") Vieillot. Black and white warbler; Black and white creeper. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 39, pi. 2, figs. 4, 5. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, figs. 2, 3. Motacilla varia Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 333. "IN JAMAICA, DOMINICA." Deciduous and mixed woods; nests on the ground. 182 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. ME. Common migrant and local summer resident. (April 27) May 3-Oct. 5. Eggs, May 25- June 21. N. H. Common migrant and less common summer resident at lower altitudes. April 27-Sept. 29. Eggs, June 24. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. May 5-fall. Eggs, June 20. MASS. Common migrant and less common summer resident. (April 18) April 28-Oct. 29 (Dec. 5). Eggs, May 17-June 22. R. I. Common migrant and less common summer resident. (April 15) May 1-Oct. 7. Eggs, May 21, 23. CONN. Common migrant and less common summer resident. (April 20) April 25-Oct. 10. Eggs, May 20-June 4. 336. PROTONOTARIA CITREA (Boddaert) Baird. Prothonotary warbler; Golden swamp warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 54, pi. 3, fig. 3-4. Motacilla citrea Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 44. Description in Buffon: "LouisiANiE." Bushy and tree-grown swamps; nests generally in cavities of stumps or dead trees. ME. Accidental visitor: Calais, Oct. 30, 1862. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Accidental visitor. May 1-Sept. 15. R. I. Accidental visitor: Lonsdale, April 29, 1892, April 19, 1893; South Kingston, April 20 or 21, 1884. 337. HELMITHEROS VERMIVORUS (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Worm-eating warbler. Motacilla mervimora[= vermivora] Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 951. "IN PENSILVANIA." Helinaia vermivora Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 86, pi. 105. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 6. AVES. 183 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Dry wooded slopes and ravines with undergrowth; nests on the ground. ME., N. H. Unsatisfactorily recorded. VT. Accidental visitor: St. Albans, 1891. MASS. Accidental visitor: Cambridge, Sept. 19, 1881; East- hampton; Salem Willows, April 14-16, 1902; Taunton, May 9, 1890. CONN. Rare summer resident. May 10-Aug. 22. Eggs, (New Haven, Saybrook) May 25-June 19. 338. HELMINTHOPHILA PINUS (Linne) Ridgway. Blue-winged warbler; Blue-winged yellow warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 65, pi. 5, fig. 1-2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 7. Certhia pinus Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 187. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONAL:." Low woods and sprout land; nests on the ground. VT. Unsatisfactorily recorded. MASS. Very rare visitor. May 12-17 (? 29). R. I. Very rare summer resident: nest at Gloucester, May 30, 1890. ' CONN. Locally common summer resident in southern part and Connecticut valley. (May 2) May 9-late Aug. Eggs, May 20-June 20. 339. HELMINTHOPHILA CHRYSOPTERA (Linne*) Ridgway. Golden-winged warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 60, pi. 5, fig. 5-6. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 8. Motacilla chrysoptera Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 333. "IN PENSYLVANIA." Low bushy growths and sprout lands; nests on the ground. 184 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. N. H. Rare in spring and early summer in southernmost part ; may breed. May, June. VT. Rare migrant; ? "rare summer resident" (Perkins). Spring; (Oct. 26, 1907, Woodstock). MASS. Uncommon summer resident, mainly in eastern part. (May 4) May 7-Sept. 1 (Oct. 8). Eggs, June 1-20. R. I. Rare summer resident. CONN. Uncommon summer resident. (May 3) May 12- Aug. 24. Eggs, May 29-June 4. 340. HELMINTHOPHILA RUBRICAPILLA (Wilson) Faxon. Nashville warbler. Sylvia rubricapilla Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 120, pi. 27, fig. 3; vol. 6, p. xv. "TENNESEE. . . .NOT FAR FROM NASH- VILLE." Helinaia rubricapilla (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 103, pi. 113. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, figs. 9, 10. Open woodland and thickets bordering swamps; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 30) May 4r-Sept. 27 (Oct. 4). Eggs, June 3- July 10. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident up to 4500 ft. (April 30) May 4r-Sept. 13. Eggs, May 25-June 8. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. May 3-fall. MASS. Common migrant and less common summer resident, accidental in winter. (April 20, 28) May 2-Sept. 25 (Oct. 14; Jan. 1890, Swampscott). Eggs, May 21- June 21. R. I. Common migrant and uncommon summer resident. May 4-Sept. 17. Eggs, May 22- June 1. CONN. Common migrant and uncommon summer resident. (April 22, 1889, Bridgeport) May 5-Sept. Eggs, May 30- June 8. AVES. 185 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. 341. HELMINTHOPHILA CELATA (Say) Ridgway. Orange-crowned warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 86, pi. 7, figs. 3, 4. Sylvia celatus Say, Long's Exped. to Rocky Mts., 1823, vol. 1, p. 169. "ENGINEER CANTONMENT," IOWA. Wooded and bushy country; nests on or near theground. ME. Unsatisfactorily accredited (Brunswick). N. H. Very rare migrant: Hollis, May 16, 1876 (nee Isles of Shoals). MASS. Very rare spring and late fall migrant; accidental in winter. May 15 (Springfield); Sept. 30-Nov. 29 (Jan. 1, 1875, Lynn). R. I. Very rare spring and late fall migrant: Cranston, Dec. 3, 1874; East Providence, May 9, 1891. CONN. Rare migrant. May 8, 1888 (East Hartford) ; Oct.- Nov. 342: HELMINTHOPHILA PEREGRINA (Wilson) Ridgway. Tennessee warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 83, pi. 7, figs. 1, 2. Sylvia peregrina Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 83, pi. 25, fig; 2. "BANKS OF THE CUMBERLAND RIVER, TENNESEE." Dense thickets and edges of woods; nests near the ground. ME. Rare migrant and in northern part, a rare summer resi- dent. May 15-26; summer. Eggs, June 4. N. H. Rare migrant and from White Mts. north, a rare local summer resident (Franconia, Lake Umbagog). May 20-Sept. 9. VT. Rare migrant and possible summer resident (Mt. Holly, two pairs, June, 1897, above 2000 ft.). MASS. Rare migrant and possibly a very rare summer resident (Mt. Greylock, July 15 and 16, 1888; ? Springfield, very doubtful). May 10-30; (July 15, 16); Aug.-Sept. 10. 186 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. R. I. Rare migrant. May 18; Sept. 18. CONN. Rare migrant. May 19-27 (June 8); Sept. 24- (?Nov., Clark). 343. COMPSOTHLYPIS AMERICANA USNEAE BreWSter. Northern Parula warbler; Blue yellow-backed warbler; Usnea warbler. Brewst., Auk, 1896, vol. 13, p. 44. "LAKE UMBAGOG, MAINE." Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 104, pi. 8, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, figs. 4, 5. Forests and open tree growth; nests in pendulous masses of Usnea lichen. ME.- Common migrant and uncommon local summer resident. May 5-Sept. 30. Eggs, May 31-June 17. N. H. Common migrant and less common summer resident below 3000 ft. (April 30) May 3-Oct. 1. Eggs, May 31-June 12. VT. Common migrant and less common summer resident. May 2-fall. MASS. Common migrant and less common local summer resi- dent. (April 25) May 1-Oct. 10 (Nov. 19, 1881, Cambridge). Eggs, May 30-July 5. R. I. Common migrant and uncommon local summer resident. April 30-Oct. 7. Eggs, June 2-5. CONN. Common migrant and uncommon local summer resi- dent. May 2-Oct. 15 (Oct. 20). Eggs, (May 18) May 29- June 22 (Aug.). 344. DENDROICA TIGRINA (Gmelin) Baird. Gape May warbler. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 352. ' Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, fig. 15. Motacilla tigrina Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 985. "CANADA." AVES. 187 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Sylvicola maritime Wils. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 44, pi. 85. Northern coniferous forests in summer, and open tree growth in migration; nests in trees. ME. Rare migrant and in northern part a rare summer resident. May 6-24; summer- Aug. 22. N. H. Rare migrant and north of White Mts. a rare summer resident (Franconia, June 3). May 10-Sept. VT. Rare migrant and ( ?) summer resident (Mt. Killington, Ross). MASS. Rare migrant. (May 2) May 10-25; Aug. 18-Sept. 15 (Oct. 9). R. I. Rare migrant. May 13-20; Sept. CONN. Rare migrant. May 8-26; Aug. 28. 345. DENDROICA AESTIVA (Gmelin) Baird. Yellow warbler; Cotton wren; Garden warbler; Golden warbler; Spy-about; Summer yellow-bird; Wild canary; Yellow-belly; Yellow-bird. Motacilla aestiva Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 996. "IN GUJANA, AESTATE IN CANADA." Sylvicola aestiva (Gmel.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 50, pi. 88. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 11-14. Orchards, shade trees, and bushy swamps; nests in trees and bushes. ME. Common summer resident. (April 30) May 3-Sept. 10. Eggs, May 29- June 30 (July). N. H. Uncommon local summer resident of valleys and bottom- lands; rare from White Mts. north. May 4-Sept. 11. Eggs, June 7. VT. Common summer resident of valleys and bottomlands. May 4-Sept. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 23) 188 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. May 1-Sept. 30 (Nov. 28, 1891, Cambridge). Eggs, May 20- June 14. R. I. Common summer resident. (April 17, 29) May 1-Sept. Eggs, May 25-June 4. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 30) May 1-Sept. Eggs, May 20-June 30. 346. DENDROICA CAERULESCENS (Gmelin) Baird. Black-throated blue warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 133, pi. 9, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, fig. 1. Motacilla caerulescens Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 960. "IN INSULA S. DOMINICI." Thickets and forest undergrowth; nests near the ground. ME. Common migrant, and less common summer resident. May 4-late Oct. Eggs, June 10. N. H. Common migrant, and from White Mts. north a less common summer resident, becoming rare and local south. May 10- Oct. 10. Eggs, June 19. VT. Uncommon summer resident in northern part. May 5- fall. MASS. Common migrant and at higher elevations of western part (Granville, Russell, and north) a less common summer resi- dent. May 5- June 3; summer; Aug. 26-Oct. 11 (Nov. 3, 19). R. I. Uncommon migrant. May 14-22; fall-Oct. 17. CONN. Common migrant and rare summer resident (Eastford, Litchfield). (April 29) May 10-summer; Sept.-Oct. 19. Eggs, June 6-13. 347. DENDROICA CORONATA (Linne*) Gray. Myrtle warbler; Golden-crowned warbler; Willow warbler; Yellow-ramped warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 141, pi. 10, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, fig. 2-4. AVES. 189 PASSERES. OSC1NES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Motacilla coronata Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 333. "PENSYLVANIA." Coniferous woods, and in migration, open tree growth; nests in trees. * ME. Common migrant and south to Scarboro a less common summer resident; rare winter resident (Cape Elizabeth). April 15- Oct. 30 (winter). Eggs, May 30- June 11. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident, local south of White Mts. (Mar. 5, Mar. 20) April 23-May 28; summer; Sept.- Oct. 23 (Nov. 30). Eggs, May 31- June 7. VT. Common migrant, and uncommon summer resident (south to Brattleboro). April 12-fall. MASS. Common migrant, and in higher parts of western coun- ties an uncommon summer resident (to Mt. Wachusett) ; near the coast a regular local winter resident in small numbers. April 13- May30; summer; Aug. 21-Nov. 26; winter. R. I. Common migrant and less common winter resident. Sept. 7-May 10. CONN. Common migrant and uncommon winter resident. April 8-May 20; Sept. 20-Nov. 10; winter. 348. DENDROICA AUDUBONI (Townsend) Baird. Audubon's warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 147, pi. 10, fig. 4-6. Sylvia auduboni Towns., Journ. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1837, vol. 7, p. 191. "FORESTS OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER." Coniferous woods; nests in trees. MASS. Accidental visitor: Cambridge, Nov. 15, 1876. CONN. Doubtfully recorded: New Haven, May 6 and 8, 1893 (A. H. Verrill). 349. DENDROICA MAGNOLIA (Wilson) A. O. U. comm. Magnolia warbler; Black and yellow warbler; Spotted warbler. Sylvia magnolia Wilson, Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 63, pi. 190 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. 23, fig. 2. "BANKS OF THE LITTLE MIAMI NEAR ITS JUNCTION WITH THE OHIO"; and "NOT FAR FROM FORT ADAMS ON THE MISSISSIPPI." Dendroica maculosa (Gmel.). Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 121, pi. 11, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, figs. 12, 14. Coniferous and mixed thickets near streams in summer, wood- lands generally in migration; nests in low trees. ME. Common migrant and in northern part a less common summer resident. May 6-Sept. 26. Eggs, May 30- June 16. N. H. Common migrant; uncommon local summer resident south of White Mts., commoner north, to 3000 ft. May 9-Oct. 3. Eggs, May 24-June 20. VT. Common migrant, less common local summer resident. May 14-fall. MASS. Common migrant and in northwestern counties a less common local summer resident. (May 4) May 7-30; summer; Aug. 25-Oct. 9. Eggs, June 15. R. I. Common migrant. May 14-25; Sept.-Oct. 8. CONN. Common migrant. May 9-June 1; Sept. 15-Oct. 1. 350. DENDROICA CERULEA (Wilson) Baird. Cerulean warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 170, pi. 9, fig. 4-6. Sylvia caerulea Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 141, pi. 17, fig. 5. "PENNSYLVANIA." High tree tops; nests in trees. MASS. Accidental visitor: Cohasset, 1874. R. I. Accidental visitor: Lonsdale, May 14, 1893; Pawtucket, May 22, 1879; Providence, May 22, 1878. CONN. Accidental visitor: Seymour, May 10,. 1888; Stratford, April, 1841; Suffield, June 12, 1875. AVES. 191 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. 351. DENDROICA PENSYLVANICA (Linne*) Baird. Chestnut-sided warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 187, pi. 12, fig. 4-6. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, figs. 11, 12. Motacilla pensylvanica Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 333. "IN PENSYLVANIA." Brushy thickets, clearings, and sproutlands; nests in low bushes. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. May 6-Sept. 8. Eggs, June 4- July 4. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident, mainly at lower elevations. May 6-Sept. 25. Eggs, May 26-June 6. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. Eggs, June 6. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 28, 1908, Stoughton) May 2-Sept. 20. Eggs, May 2fr-June 17. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. May 1-Sept. 7. Eggs, May 22-June 4. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. May 4-Sept. Eggs, May 23- June 15. 352. DENDROICA STRIATA (Forster) Baird. Black-poll warbler; Autumnal warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 196, pi. 2, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, figs. 7, 8. Muscicapa striata Forst., Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, pp. 406, 428. "SEVERN RIVER. . . .AD SINUM HUDSONIS." Spruce and fir forests in summer, and tree growth generally in migrations; nests in low trees. ME. Common migrant, and in northern part, a common sum- mer resident. May 9- June 9; summer-Oct. 10. Eggs, June 15-early July. N. H. Common migrant and from White Mts. north, a com- 192 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. mon summer resident mainly above 3000 ft. May 8-Oct. 10. Eggs, June 28. VT. Common migrant, and on higher mountains an uncommon summer resident (Killington Peak, Mt. Mansfield, Stratton Mt.). MASS. Common migrant; may breed rarely (young at North Adams, August). (April 15) May 8-June 14; (Aug. 17, 1886, Concord) Sept. 1-Nov. 7. R. I. Common migrant. May 10-31 (June 17); Sept. 3-Oct. 23. CONN. Common migrant. May 11- June 5; Sept. 10-Oct. 26. 353. DENDROICA BLACKBURNIAE (Gmelin) Baird. Blackburn! an warbler; Hemlock warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 175, pi. 3, figs. 1, 2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, figs. 5, 6. Motacilla blackburniae Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 977. "IN NOVEBORACO." High coniferous and mixed woods, especially hemlock and white pine; nests in tree tops. ME. Rare migrant in southern counties, elsewhere an uncom- mon local summer resident. (May 4) May 6-Sept. 17. Eggs, June 5-15. N. H. Uncommon local summer resident south of White Mts., thence commoner up to 3000 ft. (May 3) May 8-Sept. 10. Eggs, June 4^15. VT. Uncommon local summer resident. (May 2) May 7- summer. MASS. Rare migrant and summer resident in eastern, com- moner in northwestern part. (May 2) May 6-30; summer; Sept. 7-23 (Oct. 10). Eggs, June 5-26. R. I. Uncommon migrant. May 14; Sept.-Oct. CONN. Common migrant and rare summer resident. May 5- 27; summer; Sept. 15-Oct. 3 (Nov. 8, 1907, New Haven). AVES. 193 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. 354. DENDROICA CASTANEA ' (Wilson) Baird. Bay-breasted warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 192, pi. 12, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 4, figs. 9, 10. Sylvia castanea Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 97, pi. 14, fig. 4. "PENNSYLVANIA." Spruce and fir forests in summer, tree tops generally in migration ; nests in trees. ME. Rare migrant and in northern part a rare summer resident. (May 8) May 14-Aug. Eggs, June 8-15. N. H. Uncommon migrant and from White Mts. north an uncommon summer resident from 2-4000 ft. May 14-Sept. Eggs, June 3. VT. Rare migrant. MASS. Usually rare, but sometimes common migrant. May 8 May 28 (June 19; July 2, Springfield); Aug. 23-Oct. 8. R. I. Uncommon migrant. May 9- ; Sept. CONN. Migrant, irregularly rare or common. May 15-30; Sept. 30-Oct. 17. 355. DENDROICA DOMINICA (Linne) Baird. Yellow-throated warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 180, pi. 13, figs. 1, 2. Motacilla dominica Linne*, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 334. "JAMAICA, DOMINICA." Tree growth bordering streams or bayous; nests in trees. VT. Recorded from Lunenburg, 1878. MASS. Accidental visitor: Dedham, Nov. 4, 1866; Springfield, May, 1892. CONN. Accidental visitor: Connecticut valley, "several"; New Haven. 194 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. 356. DENDROICA VIRENS (Gmelin) Baird. Black-throated green warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 157, pi. 14, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 15. Motacilla virens GmeL, Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 985. " PENSILVANIA." Forest trees, particularly white pines; nests in coniferous trees (once "on the ground/' Brewster). ME. Common migrant and summer resident. April 28-Oct. 13. Eggs, May 30-July 1. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident mainly below 3000 ft. (April 26) May 1-Oct. 25. Eggs, June 2. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. May 2-fall. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 20) May 1-Oct. 19 (Nov. 3). Eggs, May 30-June 18. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 25) May 1-Oct. 13. Eggs, June 10. CONN. Common migrant and uncommon local summer resi- dent. (April 27) May 1-23; summer; Sept. 15-Oct. 20. Eggs, May 21-June 18. 357. DENDROICA VIGORSII (Audubon) Stejneger. Pine warbler; Pine-creeping warbler. Sylvia vigorsii Aud., Ornith. biogr., 1832, vol. 1, p. 153, pi. 30. "A SMALL ISLAND OF PERKIOMING CREEK, .... PENNSYLVANIA." Sylvicola pinus Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 37, pi. 82. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, figs. 2, 3. Coniferous woods, especially pitch-pine groves; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant and uncommon local summer resident mainly in southern counties. April 5-Oct. 21. Eggs, June- July 6. N. H. Uncommon local summer resident north to White Mts. April 6-Sept. 30. AVES. 195 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. VT. Uncommon local summer resident in southern part. April 17-fall. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident; accidental in winter. (Mar. 29) April 1-Nov. 25 (winter). Eggs, May 8- June 16; July (2d brood). R. I. Common summer resident of pitch-pine groves. April 9-Oct. 29 (Nov. 15). Eggs, May 25. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. April 14- Sept. 29. 358. DENDROICA PALMARUM (Gmelin) Baird. Palm warbler; Redpoll warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 213, pi. 16, figs. 4, 5. Motacilla palmarum Gmel., Syst. nat, 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 951. "IN INSULA S. DOMINICI." Open tree or bushy growth, and edges of fields; nests on the ground. N. H. Uncommon fall migrant (a doubtful spring record, Manchester, May 9, 1900). Sept. 7-16. VT. Rare fall migrant. MASS. Rare fall migrant. Sept. 7-Oct. 28 (Dec.. 6, 1902, Belmont). R. I. Rare fall migrant: Westerly, Sept. 21, 1896. CONN. Rare fall migrant; once recorded in winter (Jan. 1880, at New Haven). Sept. 19-Oct. 10 (Jan.). 359. DENDROICA PALMARUM HYPOCHRYSEA Ridgway. Yellow palm warbler; Twitch-tail warbler; Yellow redpoll warbler. Ridgw., Bull. Nuttall ornith. club, 1876, vol. 1, p. 85. "CAM- BRIDGE, MASS/' Sylvicola petechia Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 55, pi. 90. 196 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Swamps, edges of woods, or open country; nests on or near the ground. ME. Common spring and uncommon fall migrant and local summer resident. April 11-May 20; summer; Sept. 17-Oct. 20 (Oct. 27, Nov. 2). Eggs, May 27- June 26. N. H. Common spring and uncommon fall migrant. April 13- May 11; Sept. 16-Oct. 9. VT. Uncommon migrant. MASS. Common spring and uncommon fall migrant ; said to have wintered. (Mar. 28, 1908, Hyde Park; April 5) April 13- May 21; Sept. 5-Oct. 26. R. I. Common spring and uncommon fall migrant. April 5- 22; Sept. 15-26. CONN. Common spring and uncommon fall migrant. April 9 May 5; Oct. 18-Nov. 4. .360. DENDROICA DISCOLOR (Vieillot) Baird. Prairie warbler. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 364. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, fig. 1. Sylvia discolor Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Amer. Sept., 1807, vol. 2, p. 37, pi. 98. "ETATS-UNIS ET LES GRANDS ILES ANTILLES." Sylvicola discolor (Vieill.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 68, pi. 97. Dry bush-grown fields and sproutlands; nests in bushes. N. H. Rare local summer resident in southern part (Hollis, Manchester). VT. Accidental visitor: Uxbridge, Dec. 4, 1884. MASS. Uncommon summer resident, mainly near coast; acci- dental in winter (South Yarmouth, Jan. 2, 1909). May 2-Sept. 25 (Jan. 2). Eggs, May 28-June 18. R. I. Common local summer resident. May 4-Sept. (Dec. 4, 1884, Providence). Eggs, May 27- June 14. AVES. 197 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. CONN. Uncommon summer resident. (April 27) May 1- Sept. 15. Eggs, May 27-June 25. 361. SEIURUS AUROCAPILLUS (Linne) Swainson. Oven-bird; Golden- crowned thrush. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 365; Allen, Auk, 1894, vol. 11, pi. 2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, figs. 4, 5. Motacilla aurocapilla Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 334. "IN PENSYLVANIA." Forests and groves; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 23) May 5-Sept. 28. Eggs, May 30-June 10 (July 29). N. H. Common migrant and summer resident below 3000 ft. May 3-Oct. 2. Eggs, June 2-July 5. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. May 5-fall. Eggs, June 7. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 30) May 2-Sept. 27 (Dec. 30, 1881, Watertown). Eggs, May 17- June 16 (July 8). R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. May 2- Sept. 28. Eggs, May 19-30. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident ^April 26) May 3-Sept. Eggs, May 20-July 10. 362. SEIURUS NOVEBORACENSIS (Gmelin) Bonaparte. Water-thrush; New York Accentor; Northern water-thrush; Wagtail warbler; Water wagtail. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1902, pt. 2, p. 642. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, figs. 6, 7. Motacilla noveboracensis Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 958. "IN LOUISIANA, & NOVEBORACI SEPIBUS." Turdus aquations Wils. Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1839, vol. 5, p. 284, pi. 433, fig. 7. 198 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTTLTIDAE. Swampy woods and borders of streams; nests on the ground or among tree roots. ME. Common migrant and in northern part a less common local summer resident. (April 28) May 6-Sept. 25. Eggs, May 28-June 23. N. H. Common migrant and less common summer resident, local at lower elevations south of White Mts. (April 30) May 3- Sept. 26. VT. Common migrant, and mainly in northern part, a less com- mon summer resident. MASS. Common migrant and rare local summer resident (near Boston, Lancaster). (April 25) May 2- June 5; summer; Aug. 1-Oct. 16. Eggs, May 21. R. I. Common migrant and rare local summer resident (Wash- ington Co.). May 7-(summer); Aug. 12-Sept. 15. Eggs, May 19, 20. CONN. Common migrant. (May 1) May 5-27; Aug.-Oct. 18. 363. SEIURUS NOVEBORACENSIS NOTABILIS (Ridgway) Ridgway. GrinnelTs water-thrash. Siurus naevius notabilis Ridgw., Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1880, vol. 3, p. 12. "BLACK HILLS, WYOMING." Vicinity of streams; nests on or near the ground. CONN. Rare migrant: East Haven, Sept. 21, 1904; Hamden, Sept. 7, 1904; Orange, May 20, 1905 (Bishop). 364. SEIURUS MOTACILLA (Vieillot) Bonaparte. Louisiana water-thrash; Large-billed water-thrash. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1902, pt. 2, p. 639. Turdus motacilla Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Amer. Sept., 1807, vol. 2, p. 9, pi. 65. "KENTUCKY." Turdus ludovicianus Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1831, vol. 1, p. 99, pi. 19. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, fig. 8. AVES. 199 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Wooded borders of streams; nests on the ground or among tree roots. ME. Accidental visitor: Norway, May, 1865 (nee Waterville, 1865). N. H. Doubtfully recorded (Dublin). VT. Doubtfully recorded (Brattleboro, "fall"). MASS. Rare visitor and summer resident (Berkshire Co. and Connecticut valley). April 13- July 28. R. I. Rare summer resident. May 2. Eggs, May 15-28. CONN. Uncommon summer resident in southern part. (Feb. 15, 1882, ? Saybrook) April 13-July. Eggs, May 6-June 10. 365. OPORORNIS FORMOSA (Wilson) Baird. Kentucky warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 235, pi. 18, figs. 1, 2. Sylvia formosa Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 85, pi. 25, fig. 3. "KENTUCKY AND TENNESSEE." Undergrowth of swampy woods; nests on or near the ground. VT. Accidental visitor: Lunenburg, May 30, 1905; also a former doubtful record (Taftsville, May 19, 1884). MASS. Accidental visitor: Wellesley, May 14, 1907; also doubtfully recorded from Lynn. R. I. Accidental visitor: Newport, spring of 1890. CONN. Rare summer visitor (Lyme; Suffield, Aug. 16, 1876; West Stratford, May 30, 1888) and summer resident (Greenwich, with nestlings, July 10, 1892). 366. OPORORNIS AGILIS (Wilson) Baird. Connecticut warbler. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 241, pi. 18, figs. 3, 4. Sylvia agilis Wils., Amer. ornith., 1812, vol. 5, p. 64, pi. 39, fig. 4. "CONNECTICUT." 200 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Tamarack swamps, and in migration, damp woods and thickets; nests on the ground. ME. Rare fall migrant. Sept. 5-20 (nee Aug. 30, 1878, Cape Elizabeth). N. H Rare fall migrant. Sept. 6-Oct. 11. VT. Rare (? spring and) fall migrant. (? Brattleboro, May; ? Rutland, April 24, 1879); Sept. 20-30. MASS. Uncommon fall migrant ( ? accidental in spring). (May 1890, West Newton, fide Maynard); Sept. 7-Oct. 9. R. I. Uncommon fall migrant. Sept. 24-Oct. 2 (Nov. 12). CONN. Accidental spring and uncommon fall migrant. (Spring, Saybrook; nee New Haven) ; Sept. 15-Oct. 10. 367. OPORORNIS PHILADELPHIA (Wilson) Ridgway. Mourning warbler. Sylvia Philadelphia Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 101, pi. 14, fig. 6. "WITHIN A FEW MILES OF PHILADELPHIA." Trichas Philadelphia (Wils.). De Kay, Zool. New York, 1844, vol. 2, p. 81, pi. 54, fig. 122. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, figs. 12, 13. Tangles of bushes, vines, and briers; nests on or near the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant, and in northern part an uncommon summer resident. (May 16) May 24-fall. Eggs, June 10-16. N. H. Uncommon migrant and from White Mts. north an uncommon summer resident. May 19-Sept. 13. Eggs, June 8. VT. Uncommon migrant and summer resident south to Londonderry. May 20-Sept. 20. MASS. Rare migrant and in Berkshire Co., a rare summer resident. (May 14) May 21-June 13; summer; Sept. 12-30. R. I. Rare migrant. May 21-June 5; Sept. 4. CONN. Rare migrant. May 12-27; fall. AVES. 201 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. 368. GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS (Linne") Cabanis. Maryland yellowthroat; Black-masked ground warbler; Yel- lowthroat. Turdus trichas Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 293. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Geothlypis trichas brachidactyla (Swains.). Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 251, pi. 20, fig. 3-5. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, fig. 9-11. Weed patches and thickets near water; nests on or near the ground. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. May 6-Oct. 13 (Oct. 22). Eggs, May 28-June 12. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident at lower eleva- tions. May 6-Oct. 7. Eggs, June 3-21. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. Eggs, June 2. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident; accidental in winter. (April 30) May 2-Oct. 21 (winter). Eggs, May 24- June 17. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 22)-Oct. 17. Eggs, May 25- June 5. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 29) May 4-Nov. 1. Eggs, May 22- June 18. 369. ICTERIA VIRENS (Linne") Baird. Yellow-breasted chat; Ghost-bird (Indian); Yellow chat. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 162, pi. 244. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 5, figs. 14, 15. Turdus wrens Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 171. "AMERICA/' Bushy thickets; nests in low bushes. ME. Accidental visitor (five instances). June 6-Oct. 5. 202 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. N. H. Doubtfully recorded. VT. Very rare summer resident in extreme south : Pownall, June 16, 1896. MASS. Rare local summer resident near coast and in western valleys. May 10-Sept. 10 (Oct. 26, 1907, Lynnfield). Eggs, May 18-June 18. R. I. Locally common summer resident in southern part. May 3-Aug. 5. Eggs, May 31-June 13. CONN. Locally common summer resident. May 5-Aug. Eggs, May 22-July 7. 370. WILSONIA CITRINA (Boddaert) A. O. U. comm. Hooded warbler. Muscicapa citrina Bodd., Tabl. d. planch, enlum. d'hist. nat., 1783, p. 41. Based on Buffon. Wilsonia mitrata (Gmel.). Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 269, pi. 21, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, fig. 1. Undergrowth of woods; nests in bushes. ME. Accidental visitor: Falmouth, Sept. 10, 1904. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Rare visitor; possibly breeding in southwestern valleys. May 8-Oct. 15 (June 25, 1879, Brookline; June 25, 1888, Province- town). R. I. Accidental visitor: Kingston. CONN. Uncommon summer resident of laurel undergrowth. M.ay 2-Sept. Eggs, May 25- June 24. 371. WILSONIA PUSILLA (Wilson) Bonaparte. Wilson's warbler; Black-capped flycatching warbler; Wilson's blackcap. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 274, pi. 22, figs. 1, 2. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, fig. 2. AVES. 203 PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. Muscicapa pusilla Wils., Amer. ornith., 1811, vol. 3, p. 103, pi. 26, fig. 4. "SOUTHERN STATES, AND.... NEW JERSEY AND DELAWARE." Bushy growth near streams or in swamps; nests on the ground. ME. Uncommon migrant and summer resident (south to Pittsfield). May 7-June 5; summer; Aug. 18-Sept. 11 (Oct.). Eggs, May 31- June 19. N. H. Uncommon migrant and north of White Mts. a rare local summer resident (Lancaster). May 9-29; (summer); Aug. 15-Oct. 3. Eggs, June 6. VT. Uncommon migrant; (? summer). May 17; Aug. 24. MASS. Uncommon migrant. May 7-30 (June 1); Aug. 23- Sept. 27 (Nov. 20, 1898, Belmont). R. I. Uncommon migrant. May 15-22; Sept. (Nov. 30). CONN. Uncommon migrant. May 10-25; Sept. 27. 372. WILSONIA CANADENSIS (Linne") Coues. Canadian warbler; Canada flycatcher. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 280, pi 22, fig. 3-5. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, figs. 3, 4. Muscicapa canadensis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 327. "CANADA." Wet woods or thickets along streams ; nests on or near the ground. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 25, Bangor; May 7) May 10-Sept. 12. Eggs, May 30. N. H. Common migrant and less common local summer resident below 3000 ft. May 13-Sept. 13. Eggs, June 9-13. VT. Common migrant and less common local summer resident. May 15-fall. MASS. Common migrant and less common summer resident mainly in western part. May 9-Sept. 29. Eggs, June 9-26. R. I. Common migrant and uncommon local summer resident. May 11-fall. 204 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MNIOTILTIDAE. CONN. Common migrant and rare local summer resident (Portland). (May 6) May 12-fall. Eggs, May 30. 373. SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA (Linne) Swainson. American redstart. Chapman, Warblers No. Amer., 1907, p. 287, pi. 23, fig. 1-3. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 6, fig. 5. Motacilla ruticilla Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 186. "AMERICA." Orchards, shade and forest trees; nests in trees. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. May 4-Oct. 1 (Oct. 13). Eggs, June 2-30. N. H. Common migrant and summer resident below 3000 ft. May 4-Oct. 5. Eggs, May 30- June 13. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. May 8-fall. MASS. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 13, 23, 30) May 4-Oct. 12 (Nov. 1, 1908, Arnold arboretum). Eggs, May 29- June 21. R. I. Common migrant and summer resident. May 1-Sept. 8. Eggs, June 1-13. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident. May 3- Oct. 16 (Oct. 26). Eggs, May 20-June 27. f MOTACILLIDAE. 374. ANTHUS RUBESCENS (Tunstall) A. O. U. comm. American pipit; Brown lark; Titlark; Wagtail. Alauda rubescens Tunstall, Ornith. Britannica, 1771, p. 2. No locality; based on Red lark from London and North America (fide Oberholser). Anthus pensilvanicus (Lath.). Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1904, pt. 3, p. 12. Anthus pipiens Audubon, Ornith. biogr., 1832, vol. 1, pi. 80. AVES. 205 PASSERES. OSCINES MOTACILLIDAE. Barren grounds, fields. and sea coasts; nests on the ground. ME. Rare spring and common fall migrant. May 2-18 (June 1, 1907, Lubec); Sept. 13-Oct. 25 (Dec. 13, 1901, Seguin Id.). N. H. Rare spring and common fall migrant. April 3-May 10; Sept. 15-Nov. VT. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant. MASS. Uncommon spring and common fall migrant; acci- dental in winter (Boston Harbor, Feb. 25, 1882; Newburyport, Jan. 4, 1878). April 18-May 20 (June 8); (Aug. 29, 1888, Mon- omoy Id.) Sept. 10-Nov. 24 (winter). R. I. Rare spring and common fall migrant. Mar. 29-May 15; Sept. 16-Nov. 28. CONN. Rare spring and common fall migrant. April-May; Sept. 15-Nov. 14 (Dec. 25, 1908, South Norwalk). MIMIDAE. 375. MIMUS POLYGLOTTOS (Linne) Bonaparte. Mockingbird. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 377; Bird- life, 1898, pi. 66. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, fig. 8-10. Turdus polyglottos Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 169. "VIRGINIA." Thickets and dense tree clumps; nests in bushes or trees. ME. Occasional visitor at all seasons or escape; said to have bred at Leeds about 1885. N. H. Accidental visitor or escape: Hampton; Milford. VT. Accidental visitor or escape ; pair nested at Lunenburg, 1884. MASS. Occasional visitor at all seasons or escape ; rare summer resident (Arlington, Groton, Marshfield, ? Provincetown, Spring- field). Eggs, June 13-20. R. I. Occasional visitor at all seasons (or escape). 206 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. MIMIDAE. CONN. Rare summer resident (more frequent formerly) ; occasional visitor (or escape) at all seasons. Eggs, June 20 (Jewett City). 376. DUMETELLA CAROLiNENSis (Linne) A. O. U. comm. Catbird; Pussy. Muscicapa carolinensis Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 328. "CAROLINA." Orpheus carolinensis (Linne). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 195, pi. 140. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, fig. 11. Bushy thickets near water; nests in bushes or among vines. ME. Common summer resident, mainly of southern counties. May 17-Oct. 4. Eggs, June 2-17; July (2d brood). N. H. Common summer resident north to White Mt. valleys; accidental in early winter (Concord, Dec. 3, 1901 ; Wilton, Dec. 25, 1904). May6-Oct. 14 (Dec. 25). Eggs, June 6- July 28 (?2d brood). VT. Common summer resident. MASS. Common summer resident ; accidental in winter. (April 13, 1908, Westwood) April 29-Oct. 16 (Dec.; winter 1908- 09, Forest Hills). Eggs, May 22- June 20. R. I. Common summer and casual winter resident. (April 24)-Oct. 13 (Dec. 28-Mar. 4, Mar. 19). Eggs, May 25- June 10. CONN. Common summer resident. May 3-Nov. 4. Eggs, May 17-23; July 26 (2d brood). 377. TOXOSTOMA RUFUM (Linne) Cabanis. Brown thrasher; Brown thrush; Mavis; Mocking thrush; Planting-bird; Song thrush; Thrasher. Turdus rufus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 169. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI & MERIDIONALI." Orpheus rufus (Linne). Audubon. Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 9, pi. 141. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, figs. 12, 13. AVES. 207 PASSERES. OSCINES. MIMIDAE. Thickets and sproutlands; nests in bushes or rarely on the ground. ME. Common summer resident in southwestern counties. (? April 8) April 28-Oct. 14. N. H. Uncommon summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. (April 16)-Oct. 10. VT. Uncommon summer resident at lower elevations. MASS. Common summer and accidental winter resident (Arlington). (April 16) April 20-Oct. 26 (Nov. 4; winter). Eggs, May 10- June 21. R. I. Common summer resident; casual in winter. (April 14)-Oct. 13 (Jan. 30). Eggs, May 19-June 4. CONN. Common summer resident. April 22-Oct. 2. TROGLODYTIDAE. 378. THRYOTHORUS LUDOVICIANUS (Latham) Bonaparte. Carolina wren; Great Carolina wren; Mocking wren. Sylvia ludoviciana Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 2, p. 548. " LOUISIANA." Troglodytes ludoviciamis Bonap. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 116, pi. 117. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 11. Dense undergrowth and tangles; nests in cavities of trees or crevices of buildings. ME. Accidental visitor (Falmouth, Oct. 3, 1908; Waterville) and accidental summer resident (Norway Lake, eggs, June, 1883, fide Knight). N. H. Accidental visitor: Alstead, July 6, 1903; Rye Beach, Aug. 7, 1880; Webster, about 1900. VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Occasional visitor at all seasons and very rare summer resident (Naushon Id., July, 1901). 208 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TROGLODYTIDAE. R. I. Occasional visitor in summer and fall, and rare summer resident (at Middletown). April 9-Nov. 28. Eggs, April 15. CONN. Occasional visitor at all seasons and rare resident (near Bridgeport, Chester, South Norwalk). Eggs, July 16. 379. THRYOMANES BEWICKII (Audubon) Ridgway. Bewick's wren. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1904, pt. 3, p. 552. Troglodytes bewickii Aud., Ornith. biogr., 1831, vol. 1, p, 96, pi. 18. "ABOUT FIVE MILES FROM ST. FRANCISVILLE, . . . .LOUIS- IANA." Brush piles, orchards, and vicinity of outbuildings; nests in cavities of trees or buildings. ME. Doubtfully recorded (Seguin Id., Oct. 6). N. H. Accidental visitor: Alton, April 25, 1890. 380. TROGLODYTES AEDON Vieillot. House wren. Vieill., Hist. nat. ois. Ame'r. Sept., 1807, vol. 2, p. 52, pi. 107. "CANADA, ... .NOUVELLE-ECOSSE." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 125, pi. 120. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, figs. 12, 13. Brush piles, orchards, and vicinity of outbuildings; nests in hollow limbs, bird boxes, or any convenient crevice. ME. Uncommon local summer resident (to Caribou). May 8-Aug. N. H. Uncommon summer resident becoming rare among White Mt. valleys. May 18-Sept. 24. VT. Uncommon summer resident. May 11-fall. MASS. Locally common summer resident. (April 24) May 1- Oct. 30. Eggs, May 25-June 5. R. I. Locally common summer resident; formerly more common. April 26-Sept. Eggs, May 21-27. CONN. Common summer resident. April 25-Oct. 30. AVES. 209 PASSERES. OSCINES. TROGLODYTIDAE. 381. NANNUS HIEMALIS (Vieillot) A. O. U. comm. Winter wren. Troglodytes hiemalis Vieill., Nouv. diet, d'hist. nat., 1819, vol. 34, p. 514. "NOTJVELLE-ficOSSE ET DANS L^TAT DE NEW YORK." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 128, pi. 121. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 14. Damp woods or thickets near water, and in migration, tangles, brush heaps, and brier patches; nests in crevices of upturned roots. ME. Common migrant and in northern part a common sum- mer resident; very rare winter resident (Bangor). (April 1) April 9-Nov. 17 (winter). Eggs, May 20-June 3; Aug. 8 (2d brood). N. H. Common migrant and less common summer resident, local south of White Mts.; rare winter resident in southeast part. April 5-Nov. 15 (winter). Eggs, May 20- July 23 (2d brood). VT. Uncommon migrant, less common summer resident in mountainous parts south to Londonderry; may winter. April 7- Nov. 24 (Dec. 30, Jan. 1). Eggs, June 4. MASS. Uncommon migrant, less common summer resident (Berkshire Co., and locally east, Lynn, Winchendon) ; rare winter resident near coast. April 4-29; summer; Sept. 2-Nov. 25; winter. R. I. Uncommon migrant and rare winter resident; rare local summer resident (Washington Co., nest with young, May 24, 1908). April; (summer); Sept.-Nov. 28; winter. CONN. Uncommon migrant and less common winter resident. Oct. 2-April. 382. CISTOTHORUS STELLARIS (Lichtenstein) Cabanis. Short-billed marsh wren. Troglodytes stellaris Licht., in Naumann's Vogel Deutschl., 1823, vol. 3, tab. ad p. 724. "CAROLINA." 210 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TROGLODYTIDAE. Troglodytes brevirostris Nutt. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 138, pi. 124. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 3, fig. 1. Wet grassy meadows; nest usually built among tall grass stems near the ground. ME. Rare local summer resident (Bangor, Glenburn). May 4-Oct. 10. N. H. Rare local summer resident in southern part; rare visitor in White Mt. region. MASS. Very local summer resident, sometimes common. May 6-Oct. 9. Eggs, May 25- June 18; July 7 (? 2d brood). R. I. Rare local summer resident (Newport). Eggs, June 6. CONN. Rare local summer resident. Spring-Sept. 17. 383. TELMATODYTES PALUSTRIS (Wilson) Henry. Long-billed marsh wren. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1904, pt. 3, p. 489. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 15. Certhia palustris Wils., Amer. ornith., 1810, vol. 2, p. 58, pi. 12, fig. 4. " PENNSYLVANIA . . . .ALONG THE TIDE WATER OF OUR RIVERS." Cat-tail swamps; nests among the flags. VT. Rare visitor: Brattleboro, May, 1902; Middlebury; Rutland, May 27, 1907. MASS. Common local summer resident in western valleys and coastwise (Essex Co.) ; rare winter resident (Fresh Pond). (May 2) May 15-Nov. 30 (winter). Eggs, June 5-29 (Aug. 1). R. I. Common local summer resident. May-Oct. 6. Eggs, May 31- June 16. CONN. Common summer and rare winter resident. May 5- (winter). Eggs, June 7- July 28 AVES. 211 PASSERES. OSCINES. CERTHIIDAE. 384. CERTHIA FAMILIARIS AMERICANA (Bonaparte) Ridgway. Brown creeper; Tree creeper. Certhia americana Bonap., Geogr. and comparative list birds Europe and No. Amer., 1838, p. 11. "WESTERN AND NORTHERN PARTS" OF No. AMERICA. Certhia familiaris Linne. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, p. 109, pi. 115. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 10. Cool mixed or coniferous woods in summer, tree growth gener- ally at other seasons; nests behind loose flake of bark. ME. Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 31- June 23. N. H. Resident, breeding locally south of White Mts., and more commonly north. Eggs, May. VT. Common migrant and winter resident; uncommon local summer resident. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident; less common summer resident in western part, but rare and local in eastern swamps (to Taunton). Sept. 12-May 8; summer. Eggs, May 6-23. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident. Sept. 2-April 26. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident; rare summer resident. Late Sept .-late April (summer). SITTIDAE. 385. SITTA CAROLINENSIS Latham. White-breasted nuthatch; Sapsucker. Lath., Index ornith., 1790, vol. 1, p. 262. "IN AMERICA, JAMAICA; EUROPAEA MINOR." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 4, p. 175, pi. 247. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 8. Orchards, shade and forest trees; nests in holes in trees or stumps. 212 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. SITTIDAE. ME., N. H., VT. Common migrant, uncommon summer and winter resident. Eggs, May 1-15 (ME.). MASS. Common migrant and winter resident; uncommon summer resident. Eggs, April 3-May 1. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident; uncommon summer resident. Sept. 14- April 22; summer. Eggs, April 20- May 22. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident, less common summer resident. Eggs, May 8-June 7. 386. SITTA CANADENSIS Linne. Red-breasted nuthatch; Canada nuthatch; Red-bellied nut- hatch. Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 177. " CANADA." Audubon, Birds of Anier., 1842, vol. 4, p. 179, pi. 248. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 9. Coniferous woods, or, on migrations, tree growth generally; nests in holes excavated in dead trees. ME. Common resident south to Cape Elizabeth; elsewhere a periodically common winter resident. Eggs, May 6- June 2 (early July). N. H. Common resident from White Mts. north, elsewhere a rare summer and irregular winter resident. Eggs, May 20. VT. Uncommon winter visitor and local summer resident. Eggs, May 5-30. MASS. Irregular fall and winter visitor; in western part at higher levels an uncommon, and elsewhere a rare and irregular summer resident. Aug. 15-May 20; summer. Eggs, May 18- June 10. R. I. Uncommon and irregular fall and winter visitor. Oct. 5- winter. CONN. Uncommon and irregular fall and winter visitor. (Aug. 28) Sept. 24-April 19. AVES. 213 PASSERES. OSCINES. PARIDAE. 387. BAEOLOPHUS BICOLOR (Linne*) Cabanis. Tufted titmouse. Parus bicolor Linne", Syst. nat, ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 340. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 143, pi. 125. Woodlands generally; nests in holes of trees and stumps. ME. Accidental visitor: near Orono. N. H., VT. Doubtfully recorded. CONN. Rare visitor: near Hartford; Lyme, Feb. 27, 1872, Jan. 1874; New Haven (Linsley). 388. PENTHESTES ATRICAPILLUS (Linne) Ridgway. Chickadee; Black-capped chickadee or titmouse. Parus atricapillus Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 341. "CANADA." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 146, pi. 126. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, figs. 4, 5. Tree growth generally; nests near water in low dead stumps. ME. Common resident. Eggs, May 10-June 18. N. H. Common resident, breeding below 3000 ft. VT. Common resident. Eggs, May 10. MASS. Common winter and less common summer resident. Eggs, May 4-June 25. R. I. Common winter and less common summer resident. Eggs, May 9-18. CONN. Common resident. Eggs, May 10-June 4. 389. PENTHESTES HUDSONICUS (Forster) Ridgway. Hudsonian chickadee. Parus hudsonicus Forst., Phil, trans, roy. soc. London, 1772, vol. 62, pp. 408, 430. "SEVERN RIVER AD SINUM HUDSONIS." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 155, pi. 128. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, figs. 6, 7. 214 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. PARIDAE. Spruce and fir forests; nests in holes in low trees or stumps. ME. Rare resident in northern and eastern counties; else- where an uncommon or rare winter visitor. N. H. Uncommon resident mainly above 3000 ft. on White Mts., north; elsewhere a rare winter visitor. VT. Uncommon resident in northern part and on higher mountains (Mt. Stratton, Sutton); elsewhere a rare winter visitor. MASS. Rare late fall and winter visitor; once in Plymouth Co., June 5, 1896. Oct. 18-April 5 (June 5). R. I. Accidental late fall visitor: Smithfield, Nov. 1, 1880. CONN. Accidental late fall visitor: New Haven, Nov. 13, 1875. SYLVIIDAE. 390. REGULUS SATRAPA Lichtenstein. Golden-crowned kinglet; Golden-crested wren. Licht., Verzeichn. d. doubl. d. Mus. Berlin, 1823, p. 35. "AM[ERICA] SEPT[ENTRIONALI]." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 165, pi. 132. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, figs. 1, 2. Spruce and fir forests in summer, tree growth generally at other times; nests in conifers. ME. Common migrant and less common winter resident; common summer resident in northern part. Eggs, June 15-24. N. H. Common migrant, less common winter resident; com- mon summer resident from White Mts. north, local to the south. Eggs, May 24. VT. Common migrant and winter resident ; less common local summer resident. Sept. 18-May 7; summer. MASS. Common migrant and winter resident; uncommon summer resident in western part but rare and local in eastern (Lynn, Plymouth Co., Winchendon). Sept.-April; summer. Eggs, May- June 29. R. I. Common migrant and winter resident. Sept. 25- April 2. AVES. 215 PASSERES. OSCINES. SYLVIIDAE. CONN. Common migrant and winter resident. Oct. 13-May. 391. REGULUS CALENDULA (Linne") Lichtenstein. Ruby-crowned kinglet; Ruby-crested wren. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 168, pi. 133. Motacilla calendula Linne, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 337. "PENNSYLVANIA." Spruce and fir forests, and in migrations, tree growth generally; nests in conifers. ME. Common migrant and probably a rare summer resident in northern part (Ft. Kent, with young; near Bangor, nest without eggs). April 14-May 16 (May 23); (summer); Sept. 25-Oct. 22. N. H. Common migrant. April 14-May 11; Sept. 9-Oct. 20. VT. Common migrant. April 11; fall. MASS. Common migrant ; casual in winter (at Highland Light, Jan. 15, 1892; Fresh Pond, Cambridge, Dec. 23, 1899). April 5- May 13; Sept. 23-Nov. 20 (winter). R. I. Common migrant. April-May 6; Oct. CONN. Common migrant. April 1 l-(May 16) ; Oct. 13-Nov. 24. 392. POLIOPTILA CAERULEA (Linne) Sclater. Blue-gray gnatcatcher. Motacilla caerulea LinnS, Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 337. " PENSYLVANIA." Culicivora coerulea Lath. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1840, vol. 1, p. 244, pi. 70. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 2, fig. 3. Woodlands; nests in trees. ME. Accidental visitor: Cape Elizabeth, Aug. 29, 1880; April 18, 1896. N. H., VT. Doubtfully recorded. MASS. Accidental visitor ( ? may once have bred near Taunton). Aug. 27-Dec. 18. 216 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. SYLVIIDAE. R. I. Accidental visitor (several instances). May 23, June 24. CONN. Rare summer visitor (five instances, nee Wauregan). April 6-Sept. 1. TURDIDAE. 393. HYLOCICHLA MUSTELINA (Gmelin) Ridgway. Wood thrush; Mountain thrush (Vt.); Swamp angel; Swamp thrush; Wood robin. Turdus mustelinus Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 817. "IN NOVEBORACO." Seebohm and Sharpe, Monogr. of Turdidae, 1898, pt. 4, pi. 43. Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 395, fig. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, fig. 2. Bushy growth near edges of moist shady woods; nests in bushes or trees. ME. Rare summer resident in southwestern part (to Franklin Co.). Spring-Sept. 6. . N. H. Rare summer resident north to White Mt. valleys. May 15-Sept. VT. Uncommon summer resident at lower elevations (to Mt. Mansfield and Willoughby Lake). May 10-fall. MASS. Common summer resident, mainly at low elevations. (April 26) May 1-Sept. 28 (Oct. 10; Nov. 18, 1897, Wellesley Hills). Eggs, May 25-June 15 (June 26). R. I. Common summer resident. May 4-Sept. Eggs, May 21-June 6. CONN. Common summer resident. May 1-Oct. Eggs, May 27- June 21. 394. HYLOCICHLA FUSCESCENS (Stephens) Ridgway. Wilson's thrush; Cheeury; Nightingale; Swamp robin; Tawny thrush; Veery. Turdus fuscescens Steph., Shaw's Gen. zool., 1817, vol. 10, pt. AVES. 217 PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. 1, p. 182. "TO THE NORTH OF PENSYLVANiA." Seebohm and Sharpe, Monogr. Turdidae, 1898, pt. 4, pi. 44. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, fig. 7. Swamps and undergrowth along streams; nests on or near the ground, rarely in trees. ME. Common summer resident. (? April 17, 26) May 1- Sept. 20 (Oct. 1). Eggs, June 1-18 (July 1). N. H. Common summer resident below 1500 ft. May 10- Sept. Eggs, June 9. VT. Common summer resident. May 11-Sept. Eggs, May 30- June 28 (July 26). MASS. Common summer resident. (April 30) May 1-Sept. 27 (Oct. 14, 1871, Fresh Pond, Cambridge). Eggs, May 20- June 30. R. I. Common summer resident. (April 29)-Sept. 25. Eggs, May 26-31. CONN. Common summer resident. May 1-Sept. 1. 395. HYLOCICHLA FUSCESCENS SALICICOLA Ridgway. Willow thrush; Newfoundland thrash. Ridgw., Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1882, vol. 4, p. 374. " ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION. . . .FORT GARLAND, COLO./' etc. Swamps and undergrowth bordering streams; nests on or near the ground. MASS. Rare migrant: Lanesboro, Sept. 27, 1900; Lowell (these are the race "fuliginosa" Howe, considered by the A. O. U. committee inseparable from salicicola and by Ridgway as synony- mous with H. fuscescens). R. I. Rare migrant: Bristol, Sept. 24, 1899; Newport, Sept. 25, 1885. CONN. Rare migrant. May 5, 6, 14, 16; Sept. 23 (= salici- cola, Bishop). 218 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. 396. HYLOCICHLA ALICIAE (Baird) Ridgway. Gray-cheeked thrush; Alice's thrush; Arctic thrush. T urdus aliciae Baird, U. S. war dept., expl. and surv. Miss. Riv. to Pac. Ocean, 1858, pt. 2, birds, p. 217. " ILLINOIS, .... UPPER MISSOURI." Seebohm and Sharpe, Monogr. Turdidae, 1898, pt. 4, pi. 45, fig. 1. Dense fir thickets in summer, moist shaded spots on migration; nests in low trees. ME. Uncommon migrant. May 20-25; Sept. 20. N. H. Rare migrant: Dublin, Oct. 2, 1899. VT. Rare migrant. May 18. MASS. Uncommon migrant. (May 13) May 17-June 3 (June 18); Sept. 10-Oct. 9. R. I. Uncommon migrant. May 20; Sept. 23-Oct. 7. CONN. Uncommon migrant. 397. HYLOCICHLA ALICIAE BICKNELLI Ridgway. Bicknell's thrush. Ridgw., Proc. U. S. nat. mus., 1882, vol. 4, p. 377. " SLIDE MOUNTAIN, ULSTER COUNTY, NEW YORK." Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 62. (Unfigured). Fir and spruce thickets in summer, moist shady spots on migra- tion; nests in low trees. ME. Common local summer resident on higher mountain tops (Mt. Abraham, Ktaadn, etc.); Maine breeding birds may be true aliciae (Knight). May-Sept. 20. N. H. Common summer resident above 3000 ft. to tree limit among White Mts., south to Sandwich Range. May 25-Sept. 15. Eggs, June 22. VT. Uncommon summer resident on higher mountains : Jay Peak, Mt. Annanance, Mt. Killington, Mt. Mansfield, Pico Peak, etc. May-Sept. Eggs, June 22. MASS. Uncommon migrant, and on summit of Mt. Greylock AVES. 219 PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. (3505 ft.) a rare summer resident. (May 2)-May 30; summer; Sept. 18-Oct. 25. R. I. Uncommon migrant. Oct. 9. CONN. Uncommon migrant. 398. HYLOCICHLA USTULATA SWAINSONII (Cabanis) Ridgway. Olive-backed thrash; Flycatching thrash; Mosquito thrash; Swainson's thrash; Swamp robin. Turdus swainsonii Cab., Fauna Peruana, 1845-46, p. 188. "PERU"; specimen described from NEW JERSEY (= type locality). Seebohm and Sharpe, Monogr. Turdidae, 1898, pt. 4, pi. 45, fig. 3. Turdus ustulatus swainsonii (Cab.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 398. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, figs. 5, 6. Cool shady thickets; nests in low trees or bushes. ME. Common migrant and in northern part a common sum- mer resident. (May 6) May 9-26; summer-Oct. 23. Eggs, May 29- June 9 (early July). N. H. Common migrant, and from White Mts. north a com- mon summer resident, local to the south. May 16-Oct. Eggs, June 16- July 11. VT. Common migrant and less common summer resident mainly in northern part and at higher levels south to Londonderry. MASS. Common migrant and in higher parts of Berkshire Co., an uncommon summer resident. May 3- June 7; summer; Sept. 9-Oct. 21. R. I. Common migrant. May 8-; Sept. 27-Oct. 2. CONN. Common migrant. May 10-26; Sept. 4-Oct. 13. 399. HYLOCICHLA GUTTATA PALLASII (Cabanis) Faxon and Hoff- mann. Hermit thrash; Ground swamp robin (Me.); Rufous-tailed thrash; Solitary thrash; Swamp robin or thrash; Wood- chuck. Turdus pallasii Cab., Arch. f. naturgesch., 1847, vol. 13, pt. 1, 220 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. p. 205. Locality not given; based on Cab., in Tschudi's Fauna Peruana. Seebohm and Sharpe, Monogr. Turdidae, 1898, pt. 4, pi. 46, fig. 2. Turdus aonalaschkae pallasii (Cab.). Chapman, Handb. birds east. No. Amer., 1895, p. 400. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, figs. 3, 4. Undergrowth of dry woods; nests on the ground. ME. Common migrant and summer resident; may winter rarely. (April 5) April 13-Nov. 26 (Dec. 25, 1904, Cape Elizabeth). Eggs, (May 1) May 17- June 10; July 14-Aug. 10 (2d brood). N. H. Common migrant and summer resident below 3000 ft. (April 5) April 10-Nov. 24. Eggs, -July 8. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. (April 4) April 10-fall. MASS. Common migrant, less common summer resident in western, local in eastern part (Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard); rare winter resident near coast. (April 1) April 8-Nov. 30 (winter). Eggs, June 14. R. I. Common migrant and rare winter resident; rare local summer resident (Kent Co.). April lO-(summer); Oct.-Nov. 20 (Dec. 3, winter). Eggs, June 6. CONN. Common migrant, uncommon local summer resident (Bear Mt, Hartford Co., Norfolk, Salisbury); rare winter resident. (April 3) April 12-May; summer; Oct.-Nov. 20 (winter). 400. PLANESTICUS MIGRATORIUS (Linne) Coues. American robin. Turdus migratorius Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, p. 292. "IN AMERICA SEPTENTRIONALI." Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 14, pi. 142. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, fig. 1. Ubiquitous, but avoiding woods in breeding season ; nests in trees, on ledges of buildings, or on the ground. ME., N. H., VT. Common migrant and summer resident; rare winter resident mainly in southern part. Mar. 3-Nov.; win- AVES. 221 PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. ter. Eggs, (ME.) April 28- June 15; July-early Aug. (2d and 3d broods). MASS. Common migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident chiefly near coast. Mar. 8-Nov. 23 ; winter. Eggs, April 25- July 25 (2d brood) (! Oct. 29, 1903, Brandon). R. I. Common migrant, less common summer and winter resident. Mar. 11-Nov. 28; winter. Eggs, April 17- June 7; July. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; less common winter resident. Feb. 18-Nov.; winter. Eggs, April 27-July 2. 401. IXOREUS NAEVIUS (Gmelui) Richmond. Varied thrush. Turdus naevius Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 817. "IN SINU AMERICAE NATCA." Orpheus meruloides (Swains.). Swainson and Richardson, Fauna Boreali-Amer., 1831, vol. 2, p. 187, pi. 38. Evergreen forests; nests in trees. MASS. Accidental visitor: Ipswich, Dec. 1864. 402. SIALIA SIALIS (Linne") Haldeman. Bluebird. Motacilla sialis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 187. "IN BERMTJDIS & AMERICA CALIDIORE." Sialia wilsonii Swains. Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 2, p. 171, pi. 134. Egg, Capen, 1886, pi. 1, figs. 14, 15. Orchards and open country; nests in hollow limbs or in bird houses. ME. Common migrant and summer resident. (Feb. 28) Mar. 10-Nov. 14. Eggs, April 21-May 15; June 24-July 6 (2d brood). N. H. Common migrant and less common summer resident at lower elevations. Mar. 2-Oct. 25. Eggs, May 1-June 25. 222 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. PASSERES. OSCINES. TURDIDAE. VT. Common migrant and summer resident. (Feb. 23) Mar. 17-Oct. 16. MASS. Common migrant, less common summer resident; near coast, a rare winter resident (Melrose Highlands, Roxbury, Wellesley, Cape Cod). (Feb. 23) Mar. 1-Nov. 20 (Dec. 10, 29); winter. Eggs, April 15- June 5. R. I. Common migrant, less common summer resident, and occasional winter resident. Mar. 2-Nov. 27; winter. Eggs, (Mar. 1, Westerly) April 7-20. CONN. Common migrant and summer resident; uncommon winter resident. Mar. 5-Nov. 13; winter. Eggs, April 15- June 14. SPECIES INTRODUCED OR ERRONEOUSLY ACCREDITED. COLYMBUS CRISTATUS Linne. Crested grebe. An Old World species erroneously recorded by early writers. AETHIA CRISTATELLA (Pallas). Crested auklet. Doubtfully recorded from Chatham, Mass., winter of 1884-85. CEPPHUS MANDTII (Lichtenstein). Mandt's guillemot. The sup- posed Maine specimen proves to be C. grylle, and the Massachusetts record is too doubtful for acceptance. PUFFINUS PUFFINUS (Brunnich). Manx shearwater. PUFFINUS " CINEREUS" (= KUHLi Gould). Mediterranean shearwater. European species listed from New England by several of the older writers but probably in error for P. gravis or P. borealis. THALASSIDROMA PELAGICA (Linne"). Stormy petrel. Given on au- thority of Boardman as a rare summer visitor "off the coast of Eastern Maine," but the record is not allowed by Knight. PELAGODROMA MARINA (Latham) . White-faced petrel. A specimen taken in lat. 40 34' 18" N., long. 66 09' W., Sept. 2, 1885, was included in Dr. J. A. Allen's list of Massachusetts birds (1886), but the locality is out- side the limits covered by the present catalogue. PHALACROCORAX GRACULUS (Linne"). Green cormorant. This Euro- pean species is accredited to Massachusetts by W. B. O. Peabody, who doubtless confused it with the American P. auritus. AVES. 223 MERGELLUS ALBELLUS (Linne"). Smew. Accredited by Samuels to Massachusetts, but apparently without good reason CHENALOPEX AEGYPTIACUS (Linne") Stephens. Egyptian goose. Salvadori, Cat. birds British mus., 1895, vol. 27, p. 169; Gould, Birds of Europe, 1837, vol. 5, pi. [353]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 36, pi. 12, fig. 1. Anas aegyptiaca Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 197. "IN AEGYPTO?" Rivers and marshes; nests on the ground. MASS. The several instances of capture may relate to either accidental visitors or escapes. ARDEA OCCIDENTALS Audubon. Great white heron. Recorded from Massachusetts in error ior'Herodias egretta. SCOLOPAX RUSTICOLA Linne". European woodcock. Doubtful refer- ence to this species at Newport, R. I. ; ? Maine. TOT ANUS NEBULARIUS (Gunnerus). Greenshank. This Old World species was accredited to Connecticut by Linsley who states that a speci- men was killed at Stratford in fall of 1842. OREORTYX PICTUS (Douglas) Baird. Mountain partridge ; Plumed partridge. Ortyx picta Dougl., Trans. Linn. soc. London, 1829, vol. 16, p. 143. "INTERIOR OF CALIFORNIA." Ortix plumifera Gould. Audubon, Birds of Amer., vol. 5, p. 69, pi. 291. Thickets and open woods; nests on the ground. MASS Introduced unsuccessfully about 1890. LOPHORTYX CALIFORNICUS (Shaw) Bonaparte. California partridge or quail. Tetrao californicus Shaw, Naturalist's miscellany, 1797 (?), vol. 9, pi. 345 and text. "CALIFORNIA." Callipepla calif ornica (Shaw). Gould, Monogr. of Odontophorinae No. Amer., 1850, p. [57], pi. [16]. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 1, fig. 8-10. Bushy lowlands; nests on the ground. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced in Berkshire Co. about 1890. CONN. Introduced: Bridgeport, Dec. 1840. LOPHORTYX GAMBELII Gambel. Gambol's partridge. Gambel (ex Nuttall), Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1843, p. 260. "WEST OF CALIFORNIA." 224 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. Callipepla gambelii (Nuttall). Cassin and Stephens, Illustr. birds of Calif., Texas, 1853, no. 2, p. 45, pi. 9. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1,'pl. 1, fig. 11-14. Bushy growth; nests on the ground. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced in Berkshire and Bristol Cos. in 1893; Martha's Vineyard in 1890; Winchendon in 1891. TETRAO UROGALLUS Linne". Capercaillie ; Muscovian black gamecock ; Wood grouse. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 159. "IN EUROPAE FRIGIDAE PINETIS PALUDOSIS." Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. birds British mus., 1893, vol. 22, p. 62. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 5, pi. [489], p. [490]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 274, pi. 59, fig. 11. Mountainous forests; nests on the ground. VT. Introduced about 1897 at Middlebury, Rutland, and elsewhere, unsuccessfully. TYMPANUCHUS AMERICANUS (Reichenbach) Ridgway. Prairie hen ; Prairie chicken. Cupidonia americanus Reich., Syst. avium, 1852, p. xxix. No locality. Tetrao cupido Linne\ Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 93, pi. 296. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 2, fig. 18-20. Grassy prairies; nests on the ground. N. H. Unsuccessfully introduced at Blue Mt. Park about 1893. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced: Barnstable and Berkshire Cos. in the '80's; between Concord and Belmont in 1884 or 1885; Martha's Vineyard, 1902; Naushonld.; Springfield, 1893. R. I. Unsuccessfully introduced about 1897. PEDIOECETES PHASIANELLTJS (Linne) Elliot. Sharp tailed grouse. Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, No. Amer. birds, 1874, vol. 3, p. 434, pi. 9, fig. 3 (head). Tetrao phasianellus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 160. "CAN- ADA." Pediaecaetes phasianellus (Linne). Elliot, Monogr. of Tetraoninae, 1865, pi. 15. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 3, fig. 3-5. Thickets and clearings; nests on the ground. VT. Unsuccessfully introduced about 1897. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced near Westport about 1892. AVES. 225 PEDIOECETES PHASIANELLUS CAMPESTRIS Ridgway. Prairie sharp-tailed grouse. Ridgway, Prop. biol. soc. Washington, 1884, vol. 2, p. 93. "ILLINOIS, AND. . . .ROSEBUD CREEK, MONTANA TERR." Tetrao phasianellus Linne". Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1842, vol. 5, p. 110, pi. 298. Egg, Bendire, 1892, vol. 1, pi. 3, figs. 9, 10. Woods and thickets; nests on the ground. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced at Springfield, 1892. COTURNIX COTURNIX (Linne") Lichtenstein. European quail; Migratory quail. Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. birds British mus., 1893, vol. 22, p. 235. Tetrao coturnix Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 161. "EUROPA, ASIA, AFRICA." Coturnix communis Bonnaterre. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 7, pi. [476]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 277, pi. 59, figs. 1, 3. Meadows and fields; nests on the ground. ME. Introduced unsuccessfully in 1880; 2600 liberated, but failed to establish themselves. Nest at Falmouth, June. VT. Unsuccessfully introduced at Rutland, June, 1877. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced at various places (No. Falmouth, Springfield, Wareham) between 1870 and 1890. CONN. Unsuccessfully introduced : Lakeville, 1878. PERDIX PERDIX (Linne"). European partridge ; Hungarian partridge ; Partridge. Tetrao perdix Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 166. "IN EURO- PAE AGRIS." Perdix cinerea Latham. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 7, p. [131], pis. [474, 475]. Open country and thickets; nests on the ground. CONN. Introduced in 1908. PHASIANUS COLCHICUS Linne. English pheasant ; Pheasant. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 158. "AFRICA, ASIA." Ogilvie- Grant, Cat. birds British mus., 1893, vol. 22, p. 321. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 7, pi. [469]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 275, pi. 59, fig. 9. 226 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. Bushy woods; nests, on the ground, rarely in trees. N. H. Introduced from England at Wolfboro in 18th century. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced in Berksh re Co. PHASIANUS TORQUATUS Gmelin. Ring-necked pheasant; Denny pheasant; Ring pheasant. Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 742. Refers to Latham's Synop- sis: " CHINA .... ABOUT THE CASPIAN SEA, ... .GREAT TARTARY, AND IN THE SOUTH OF THE MONGOLIAN DESERT." Ogilvie-Grant, Cat. birds British mus., 1893, vol. 22, p. 332. Elliot, Monogr. Phasianidae, 1872, vol. 2, pi. 5. Thickets ; nests on the ground. VT. Introduced successfully at Shelburne. MASS. Introduced at Winchester and elsewhere, since 1894, and now well established at many places, mainly in eastern part. CONN. Successfully introduced (Fisher's Id.) . COLUMBA DOMESTICA Gmelin. Rock dove ; Domestic pigeon ; Dove ; Pigeon. Gmel., Syst. nat., 1788, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 769. No locality. Columba livid Linne. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 7, p. [11], pi. [457] (upper fig., wild bird). Tegetmeier, Pigeons: their structure, varieties, habits, and management, London, 1868, 190 pp., 16 pis. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 158, pi. 47, fig. 9. Sea cliffs, nesting in crevices of rocks; now domesticated about buildings. ME.-CONN. Introduced under domestication but now common in a feral state in towns and cities. BUTEO BOREALIS HARLANi (Audubon). Harlan's hawk. Accredited to Massachusetts by Peabody on Nuttall's authority, probably in error. " BUTEO COOPERI" Cassin. Cooper's hen-hawk; California hawk. A record for Cambridge, Mass., is believed to have been based on a very light-colored example of B. lineatus. SURNIA ULULA (Linne"). European hawk owl. Specimens of this and the American race are said to have been taken at Houlton, Me., in 1877, but probably all were S. u. caparoch. DRYOBATES VILLOSUS LEUCOMELAS (Boddaert). Northern hairy wood- pecker. Under this name Chadbourne lists the Hairy woodpecker from Williamstown, Mass., probably in error for D. villosus. AVES. 227 SPHYRAPICUS VARIUS NUCHALIS Baird. Rei-naped sapsucker. The supposed New Hampshire and Massachusetts specimens prove to be S. varius varius. AGYRTRIA VIRIDISSIMA (Lesson). Linne's hummingbird. The au- thenticity of the supposed Cambridge specimen is open to doubt. ALAUDA ARVENSIS Linne". Skylark; Laverock. Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 165. "IN EUROPAE APRICIS." Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1907, pt. 4, p. 292; Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 4, pi. [231]. Egg, Bendire, 1895, vol. 2, pi. 5, fig. 23. Open country, fields and meadows; nests on the ground. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced from Europe at Cambridge, prior to 1880. MUNIA ORYZIVORA (Linne"). Java sparrow. A specimen was taken at Belmont, Mass., Nov. 2, 1884, but this and others are doubtless escaped cage birds. MUNIA ATRICAPILLA (Vieillot). Rufous -and black weaver finch. A specimen of this Indian species, (doubtless an escape), was captured near Brunswick, Maine, in March, 1879 (recorded as Amadina rubronigra). STURNELLA NEGLECTA Audubon. Western meadowlark. Doubtfully recorded from Taunton, Mass. MEGAQUISCALUS MAJOR (Vieillot). Boat-tailed grackle. Formerly accredited to Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut but probably the Bronzed grackle was the species observed. SERINUS BUTYRACEA (Linne") Bonaparte. Yellow finch. Fringilla butyracea Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 181. "MA- DERA." Serinus flaviventris (Swains.). Sharpe, Cat. birds British Mus., 1888, vol. 12, p. 353. A South African species. MASS. Accidental visitor or escape: South Scituate, Feb. 1879, with flock of Redpolls. SERINUS SERINUS (Linne") Sharpe. Serin finch. * Sharpe, Cat. birds British mus., 1888, vol. 12, p. 369. 228 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. Fringilla serinus Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 12, 1766, vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 320. " IN EUROPA AUSTRALI." Serinus hortulanus Koch. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 3, [pi. 170]. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 240, pi. 56, fig. 16. Open country, orchards and gardens; nests in trees. MASS. Probably escaped cagebird: Springfield, Nov. 1866. PASSER DOMESTICUS (Linne") Koch. House sparrow ; English sparrow ; European house sparrow. Ridgway, Birds No. and Middle Amer., Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 143. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1876, vol. 3, p. [587], pi. [176], fig. 1. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 238, pi. 56, fig. 10-12. Fringilla domestica Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 183. "IN EUROPA PROPE RURA." Villages and cities in vicinity of dwellings; nests in trees, vines, or any cavity. ME. Common resident; introduced at Portland in 1854 and 1858, at Lewiston in 1874, at Bangor about 1875. N. H. Resident, common about large cities, less common in White Mt. valleys. VT. Common resident about towns and cities ; introduced at St. Johns- bury between 1874 and 1876. MASS. Common resident about towns and cities; introduced at Boston in 1858 and 1868, Brookline, 1868, Charlestown, 1869, Cottage C ty about 1882, Somerville, 1871. R. I. Common resident; introduced at Peacedale in 1858, Providence in 1866 or before, Newport, 1874. CONN. Common resident; introduced at New Haven in 1867, Nor- wich and Meriden between 1865 and 1870, Portland, 1869. ACANTHIS BREWSTERII (Ridgway). Brewster's linnet. Brewster, Mem. Nuttall ornith. club, 1906, no. 4, pi. 6. Aegiothus (flavirostris var.) brewsterii Ridgw., Amer. nat., 1872, vol. 6, p. 433. " WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS." Status uncertain; probably a hybrid between Acanthis linaria and Spinus pinus. MASS. Only known specimen taken at Waltham, Nov. 1, 1870. CARDUELIS CARDUELIS (Linne) Schaffer. European goldfinch. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S.-nat mus., 1901, pt. 1, p. 94. Egg, Seebohm, 1896, p. 241, pi. 56, fig. 17. AVES. 229 Fringilla carduelis Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 180. "IN EUROPAE JUNIPERETIS." Carduelis elegans Steph. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol. 3, pi. [166]. Open country, orchards, and deciduous woods; nests in trees. MASS. Introduced in eastern part, but not well established; bred near Worcester, July 11, 1890. CONN. Escape, or straggler from lots introduced in neighboring country: New Haven, May 9, 1892. RYNCHOPHANES MACOWNII (Lawrence). McCown's longspur. Doubt- fully recorded for Massachusetts on the basis of a market specimen said to have been taken at Ipswich, Jan. 7, 1877. COTURNICULUS BAiRDii (Audubon). Baird's sparrow. The first known specimens of Passerculus princeps were recorded under this name. PEUCAEA AESTIVALIS BACHMANII (Audubon). Bachman's finch. Recorded from Berlin, Mass., in error for Ammodramus henslowii. PASSERINA CIRIS (Linne) Vieillot. Painted bunting ; Nonpareil. Emberiza ciris Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 179. "AMERICA." Spiza ciris (Wils.). Audubon, Birds of Amer., 1841, vol. 3, p. 93, pi. 169. Thickets and hedges ; nests in bushes or low trees. ME. "Escape," Portland, June 10, 1904. MASS. Four instances; believed to be escaped cape birds. R. I. Accidental visitor or escape: Scituate, summer, 1882. PAROARIA CUCULLATA (Latham). Crested cardinal. A South American species, once taken at Newport, R. I., Sept., 1885, but doubtless an escaped cagebird. GUBERNATRIX CRiSTATA (Vieillot). A South American finch, of which a specimen supposed to be an escape, was taken at Providence, R. I., July 7, 1888. VIREO ATRICAPILLUS Woodhouse. Black- capped Vireo. Very doubt- fully recorded from Lanesboro, Mass. HELINAIA SWAINSONII (Audubon). Swainson's warbler. Erroneously accredited to Massachusetts by Audubon. HELMINTHOPHILA LAWRENCEI (Herrick) Ridgway. Lawrence's warbler. Ridgway, Bull. 50, U. S. nat. mus., 1902, pt. 2, p. 452. 230 FAUNA OF NEW ENGLAND. Helminthophaga lawrencii Herrick, Proc. acad. nat. sci. Phila., 1874, p. 220, pi. 15. "NEAR CHATHAM, NEW JERSEY." Probably a hybrid form between H. pinus and H. chrysoptera, which it resembles in habits. MASS. One recorded as seen at Dedham, May 27, 1908. CONN. Summer resident: Bridgeport, New Haven, Portland, Stam- ford. May 12-July. Eggs, June 14. HELMINTHOPHILA LEUCOBRONCHIALIS (Brewster) Ridgway. Brewster's warbler; White -throated warbler. Helminthophaga leucobronchialis Brewst., Bull. Nuttall ornith. club, 1876, vol. 1, p. 1, pi. 1. " NEWTONVILLE, MASS." Probably a hybrid form between H. pinus and H. chrysoptera, which it resembles in habits. MASS. : Rare summer resident in eastern part (Hudson, Lexington, Newtonville, Jamaica Plain). May 14-summer. Eggs, June 8-18. CONN. Rare summer resident. May 6-Aug. 8. Eggs, June 24. "MUSCICAPA MINUTA" Wilson = WILSONIA MICROCEPHALA (Ridgway). Small-headed flycatcher. An hypothetical species, described by Wilson and accredited to Massachusetts by Nuttall, Brewer, and Peabody. PENTHESTES ATRICAPILLUS SEPTENTRIONALIS (Harris). Long -tailed chickadee. Erroneously recorded from Rhode Island; the specimen proves to be P. a. atricapillus. SYLVIA ATRICAPILLA (Linne*) Scopoli. European blackcap warbler ; Blackcap. Dresser, Birds of Europe, 1871-81, vol 2, p. [421], pi. [66]. Egg, See- bohm, 1896, p. 201, pi. 52, fig. 17-19. Motacilla atricapilla Linne", Syst. nat., ed. 10, 1758, vol. 1, p. 187. "IN EUROPA." Groves and orchards ; nests in bushes. MASS. Unsuccessfully introduced at Cambridge prior to 1877. TURDUS PILARIS Linne. Fieldfare. A European species, once taken near Stamford, Conn., Mar. 1888, but this probably an escaped cagebird. PLANESTICTJS MERULA (Linne"). Blackbird. A male, probably an escape, spent the writer of 1908-09 near the Boston public garden. SAXICOLA OENANTHE LEUCORHOA (Gmelin). Greenland wheatear. The supposed Maine records in reality refer to birds taken across the line in New Brunswick.