NRLF THE PHYSIOLOGY OF MM; DESIGNED TO REPRESENT THE EXISTING STATE OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCE, AS APPLIED TO THE FUNCTIONS OF THE HUMAN BODY. BY AUSTIN FLINT, JR., I.D., PROFESSOR OP PHYSIOLOGY AND MICROSCOPY IX THE BELLEVUE HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE, NEW YORK, AND IN THE LONG ISLAND COLLEGE HOSPITAL J FELLOW OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, MICROSCOPIST TO BELLEVUE HOSPITAL. INTRODUCTION; THE BLOOD; CIRCULATION; RESPIRATION". NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 90, 92 & 94 GRAND STREET. 1870. PO .^ ENTERED, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1865, by D. APPLETON & CO., In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District Fork. /. TO CHARLES ROBIN, THE FIKST PROFE8SOB OF HISTOLOGY IN THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE OF PABIS, AS A TOKEN OF APPEECIATION OF THE NUMEEOUS OEIGINAL EESEAEOHES AND DISCOVEEIES, PAETIOULAELY IN HISTOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTEY, BTZ "WHICH HE HAS CONTEIBTJTED SO LAEGELY TO BEING THE SCIENCE OP PHYSIOLOGY TO ITS PEESENT CONDITION, AND IN GEATEFUL EEMEMBEANOE OF MANY ACTS OF FEIENDSHIP, THIS WOEK IS INSCEIBED BY THE AUTHOR. P E E F A O E. IN entering upon the labor incident to the preparation of a work purporting to treat comprehensively of the physi- ology of man, the author appreciated the magnitude of the undertaking ; and the special study which it necessarily de- manded has not diminished that diffidence with which a student of any of the natural sciences puts forward a book which he hopes may add somewhat to existing knowledge, or fairly represent what is known in any particular depart- ment. In assuming so grave a responsibility, the author should be actuated by a sense of peculiar fitness for his task, as well as a conviction that literature demands such a work as he proposes to write. Without assuming these good and sufficient reasons, the author of the present volume pleads an earnest desire to advance the science of physiology and facili- tate its study ; and he indulges the hope that he may be in- strumental in making the student and practitioner of medi- cine better acquainted with what must be conceded to be the basis of true pathology, and interest, to some extent, the gen- eral reader in the all-important subject of human physiology. The plan of the present work involves a consideration of PEEFACE. pure hum an physiology, and will embrace physiological chemistry and the anatomy of the tissues and organs of the body, only so far as necessary for the elucidation of the func- tions of the organism. Though, undoubtedly, the chemistry and general anatomy of the tissues and organs strictly belong to physiology, they present many points which have no bear- ing, that we are as yet able to comprehend, upon the func- tions. In the present condition of the science, a considera- tion of these would only encumber and obscure the history of the physiological processes. While it is undoubtedly true that every advance in physiological chemistry or histology will have its bearing, sooner or later, upon physiology, it is evident that discoveries in these departments must be multi- plied and coordinated before their relations to the functions can be fully appreciated. Until then they are specially inter- esting only in a chemical and anatomical point of view. In the same way every discovery in physiology, no matter how unimportant it may at first appear in a practical point of view, will eventually have its bearing upon practical medi- cine, surgery, or obstetrics ; yet it will not find its way into works on those subjects until its relations become apparent. As an introduction to the study of physiology proper, a certain amount of knowledge of physiological chemistry is indispensable. It is in this direction that we are to look for advances which will enable us to comprehend the processes of nutrition, the end and object of all the vegetative functions of the body. The introduction, then, is devoted to physiolog- ical chemistry. No attempt has been made to treat of this subject exhaustively, or to include a consideration of all the proximate principles which have been isolated and studied. As the general properties and relations of the different classes PREFACE. 7 of proximate principles are by far the most important to us as physiologists, these have been specially dwelt upon, and their relations to nutrition followed out as completely as possible, with our present knowledge. A consideration of the excrementitious proximate principles, being connected exclusively with excretion, has been deferred, to be taken up in connection with that function. In treating of physiology proper, it has been the design of the author to present what is actually known regarding the functions of the body ; and in order to facilitate^ their study, he has generally commenced the consideration of in- dividual functions with a sketch of the physiological anat- omy of the parts. This is the natural point of departure in the thorough investigation of any special function. The science of physiology dates from the earliest periods in the history of medicine; and certain important physio- logical facts were demonstrated experimentally hundreds of years ago. "While the author has regarded purely historical considerations, and discussions of mere theoretical questions, as unprofitable, he has attempted to give due credit to those who, by their experiments and observations, have contributed to bring the science to its present condition. With this view, he has procured and consulted, as far as possible, accounts of original investigations ; but from the poverty in physiologi- cal works of the public libraries to which he has had access, it has been necessary to depend to a certain extent on the exhaustive treatises on physiology published in other coun tries. Though, undoubtedly, he has been unable in all in- stances to give due credit to every observer, this has been attempted as far as possible. It is an undoubted fact that nearly all the important 8 PREFACE. developments in physiology have been the result of experi ments upon living animals, by vivisections or otherwise, or accurate experimental observations upon the human subject. The great extension of this method of study is the cause of the rapid advances the science is making at the present day. For some years the author has f>een in the habit of employ- ing vivisections in public teaching, and in this way has fre- quently verified the observations of the earlier as well as the more modern physiologists. A frequent repetition of experi- ments has often enabled him to reconcile the discordant results of the observations of others ; and following out new questions which have presented themselves in the constant observa- tion of the living organs, he has advanced some original views regarding certain of the functions. A new method is likewise presented for the analysis of the blood with reference to its organic constituents. The plan of publication of the present work is one which is novel in this country, but which has been adopted abroad, particularly in France, in almost all elaborate treatises on phys- iology. It is to be issued in separate parts, each, however, forming a distinct treatise devoted to natural subdivisions of the subject. The volume now issued embraces an Introduc- tion, the Blood, Circulation, and Respiration. The remain- ing volumes, three in number, will be issued yearly until the work is finished, and will likewise be severally complete in themselves. Simple and well-known anatomical and physi- ological points have not been illustrated by engravings, which have only been introduced where they seemed neces- sary to elucidate the text. NEW YORK, October, 1865. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. General considerations Vital properties of organized structures Proximate principles Inorganic principles Organic non-nitrogenized principles Or- ganic nitrogenized principles, Page 13 CHAPTER I. THE BLOOD. General considerations Transfusion Quantity Physical characters Opacity Temperature Specific gravity Color Anatomical elements of the blood Eed corpuscles Chemical characters of red corpuscles Development of red corpuscles Formation of red corpuscles Leucocytes, or white corpuscles Development of leucocytes, , . 95 CHAPTER II. COMPOSITION OP THE BLOOD. General considerations Methods of quantitative analysis Fibrin Corpuscles Albumen Inorganic constituents Sugar Fatty emulsion Coloring matter of the serum Urea and the urates Cholesterine Creatine Creatinine, 127 CHAPTER III. COAGULATION OP THE BLOOD. General considerations Characters of the clot Characters of the serum Coagu- lating principle in the blood Circumstances which modify coagulation Co- agulation of the blood hi the organism Spontaneous arrest of hemorrhage Cause of coagulation of the blood Summary of the properties and functions of the blood, .142 10 CONTENTS. CHAPTER IY. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. Discovery of the circulation Physiological anatomy of the heart Valves of the heart Movements of the heart Impulse of the heart Succession of move- ments of the heart Force of the heart Action of the valves Sounds of the heart Cause of the sounds of the heartj .... Page 170 CHAPTER V. FREQUENCY OF THE HEAET's ACTION. Frequency of the heart's action Influence of age Influence of digestion Influ- ence of posture and muscular exertion Influence of exercise Influence of temperature Influence of respiration on the action of the heart Cause of the rhythmical contractions of the heart Influence of the nervous system on the heart Division of the pneumogastrics Galvanization of the pneumogas- trics Causes of the arrest of action of the heart Blows upon the epigas- trium, . .211 CHAPTER VI. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD IN THE ARTERIES. Physiological anatomy of the arteries Course of blood in the arteries Elasticity of the arteries Contractility of the arteries Locomotion of the arteries and production of the pulse Form of the pulse Sphygmograph Pressure of blood in the arteries Hemodynamometer Cardiometer Differential cardio- meter Pressure in different parts of the arterial system Influence of respi ration on the arterial pressure Effects of hemorrhage Rapidity of the -cur- rent of blood in the arteries Instruments for measuring the rapidity of the arterial circulation Variations in rapidity with the action of the heart Ra- pidity hi different parts of the arterial system Arterial murmurs, . . 240 CHAPTER VII. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD IN THE CAPILLARIES. Distinction between capillaries and the smallest arteries and veins Physiological anatomy of the capillaries Peculiarities of distribution Capacity of the capillary system Course of blood in the capillaries Phenomena of the capillary circulation Rapidity of the capillary circulation Relations' of the capillary circulation to respiration Causes of the capillary circulation In- fluence of temperature on the capillary circulation Influence of direct irrita- tion on the capillary circulation, . . . . . . . 278 CONTENTS. 11 CHAPTEE VIII. CIRCULATION OP THE BLOOD IN THE VEINS. Physiological anatomy of the veins Strength of the coats of the veins Valves of the veins Course of the blood in the veins Pressure of blood in the veins Rapidity of the venous circulation Causes of the venous circulation Influence of muscular contraction Air in the veins Function of the valves Yenous anastomoses Conditions which impede the venous circulation Re- gurgitant venous pulse, Page 301 CHAPTER IX. PECULIARITIES OF THE CIRCULATION IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE SYSTEM. Circulation in the cranial cavity Circulation hi erectile tissues Derivative circu- lation Pulmonary circulation General rapidity of the circulation Time re- quired for the passage through the heart of all the blood in the organism Relations of the general rapidity of the circulation to the frequency of the heart's action Phenomena hi the circulatory system after death, . . 332 CHAPTER X. RESPIRATION. General considerations Physiological anatomy of the respiratory organs Respi- ratory movements of the larynx Epiglottis Trachea and bronchial tubes Parenchyma of the lungs Carbonaceous matter in the lungs Movements of respiration Inspiration Muscles of inspiration Action of the diaphragm Action of the scaleni Intercostal muscles Levatores costarum Auxiliary muscles of inspiration, 353 CHAPTER XI. MOVEMENTS OF EXPIRATION. Influence of the elasticity of the pulmonary structure and walls of the chest Muscles of expiration Internal intercostals Infra-costales Triangularis ster- ni Action of the abdominal muscles in expiration Types of respiration Abdominal type Inferior costal type Superior costal type Frequency of the respiratory movements Relations of inspiration and expiration to each other The respiratory sounds Coughing Sneezing Sighing Yawning Laugh- ing Sobbing Hiccough Capacity of the lungs and the quantity of air changed in the respiratory acts Residual air Reserve air Tidal, or breathing air Complemental air Extreme breathing capacity Relations in volume of the expired to the inspired air Diffusion of air in the lungs, . . . 382 12 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XII. CHANGES WHICH THE AIE UNDERGOES IN RESPIRATION. General considerations Discovery of carbonic acid Discovery of oxygen Com- position of the air Consumption of oxygen Influence of temperature In- fluence of sleep Influence of an increased proportion of oxygen in the atmos- phere Temperature of the expired air inhalation of carbonic acid Influence of age Influence of sex Influence of digestion Influence of diet Influence of sleep Influence of muscular activity Influence of moisture and tem- perature Influence of seasons Relations between the quantity of oxygen consumed and the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled Exhalation of watery vapor Exhalation of ammonia Exhalation of organic matter Exhalation of nitrogen, Page 409 CHAPTER XIII. CHANGES OF THE BLOOD IN RESPIRATION. Difference in color between arterial and venous blood Comparison of the gases in venous and arterial blood Observations of Magnus Analysis of the blood for gases Relative quantities of oxygen and carbonic acid in venous and ar- terial blood Nitrogen of the blood Condition of the gases in the blood Mechanism of the interchange of gases between the blood and the air in the lungs General differences in the composition of arterial and venous blood, 452 CHAPTER XIV. RELATIONS OP RESPIRATION TO NUTRITION, ETC. Views of physiologists anterior to the time of Lavoisier Relations of the con- sumption of oxygen to nutrition Relations of the exhalation of carbonic acid to nutrition Essential processes of respiration The respiratory sense, or want on the part of the system which induces the respiratory movements Location of the respiratory sense in the general system Sense of suffocation Respiratory efforts before birth Cutaneous respiration Asphyxia, . 472 PHYSIOLOGY OF MAN. INTRODUCTION. General considerations Vital properties of organized structures Proximate prin- ciples Inorganic principles Organic non-nitrogenized principles Organic nitrogenized principles. THE epoch of purely speculative reasoning, without the basis of established facts sufficient to justify any connected theories, belongs to the remote history of Natural Science. The ideas of the great philosophers of ancient times, who studied Nature by what may be called the intuitive method, have been gradually giving place to doctrines based on the observation and investigation of phenomena. Ages of obser- vation and generalization of facts by the greatest intellects have put us but little beyond the threshold of the great domain of Science. But we have learned enough to know that all Nature is regulated by immutable laws. Students of her divine mysteries should be more than content if per- mitted to discover some of the truths, the development of which marks the scientific advancement of each succeeding age, though they may seem an insignificant portion of what is to be learned. It is only by accurate observation and generalization of a sufficient number of phenomena, that the laws of Nature are to be discovered. They are the creation 14 INTRODUCTION. of an infinite wisdom which never errs. We cannot hope to arrive at a knowledge of them by pure reasoning; or by assuming that they are in accordance with definite principles, too often the offspring of our own limited intellects. Never- theless, it is a physiological attribute of the human mind to desire to press on in advance of observation, and to form theories, which may or may not be carried out by the suc- ceeding development of actual knowledge. Theories which are not built upon false or imperfectly observed phenomena, are the pioneers of actual discovery. When theoretical pre- conceptions are justified and corrected by original observa- tions and experiments, with the brain to conceive and the will to execute, man, in thus working out the great problems of Nature, is fulfilling one of the highest purposes of his existence. With the few facts which were at first known, the ancient speculative philosophy professed to embrace the whole of natural science ; but as discoveries were made in different departments, a division of labor became necessary. We now find different classes of scientific men, each working in a particular sphere ; as in the lower zoological divisions, a single organ performs all the varied functions of nutrition, while in the higher orders, when the processes of life are more intricate and complicated, the system is divided up into elaborately-organized parts, each of which has an allotted office. From the time of Galen may be said to date, as distinct from astronomy, chemistry (or rather alchemy), physics, &c., the science which is now called PHYSIOLOGY. Physiology, from its etymology, signifies the science of Nature ; but in the sense in which the term is now used, it may be defined to be the science of life. More elaborate defi- nitions have been given, but they only qualify and explain the meaning of what we know as life. A natural division of physiology is into animal and vegetable; and again, into the physiology of the inferior GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 15 animals as compared with man, or comparative physiology, and the PHYSIOLOGY OF MAN. The latter, which is the sub- ject of the present work, is peculiarly interesting to the physician, as the basis of all accurate knowledge of the science of medicine. In the early history of physiological science, the develop- ment of anatomy necessarily gave us much information con- cerning the functions of the body ; and we now have to acknowledge our continual indebtedness to anatomical inves- tigations, particularly those made with the aid of the micro- scope, for important advancements in physiology. In treating of the subject, it is impossible to neglect what is most appro- priately called the physiological anatomy of parts, a knowl- edge of which alone enables us, oftentimes, to comprehend their functions. For example, we can scarcely conceive how the anatomy of the circulatory system could be clearly under- stood without giving us a knowledge of its physiology. Chemistry, also, when the components of the body are studied in such a way as not to destroy their properties as organic compounds, has a most important bearing on the advancement of physiology. As a striking example of this, we may take the discovery of the properties of the gases of the air and their relations to the blood by Lavoisier, which gave us the first definite ideas regarding the essential phe- nomena of respiration. We are now largely indebted to modern physiological chemistry for a knowledge of many of the essential phenomena of life, and look to a further develop- ment of this* science for an elucidation of many important, but still obscure, questions connected with nutrition. Certain physiological functions are in exact accordance with established physical laws ; which are competent, for example, to explain the refraction in the structures of the eye, or the conduction of vibrations in the ear. Physical laws are involved in most of the phenomena of life, but are generally more or less modified by the peculiar properties of organized bodies. 16 INTRODUCTION. Many of the phenomena of life are made clear by a comparison of the physiology of man with that of the infe- rior animals, which is often simpler and more easily investi- gated. As physiology is the natural and only correct basis of pathology, we frequently derive important information as to the functions of parts by studying the effects of disease, by which their functions are modified or abolished. The experiments thus performed by Nature on the human system are frequently more instructive than those which we make on the inferior animals. As the complement to anatomy, human and comparative, organic chemistry, and pathology, we have as the most pre- cious and fruitful means of physiological investigation, direct observation of the phenomena of life in man and the inferior animals, and experiments on animals by vivisections. The present condition of physiology is a testimony of the incal- culable value of this method of study. "Were it consistent with our plan to follow out the general development of the science from an historical point of view, we should find the names of Harvey, Aselli, Haller, Hales, Spallanzani, Ed- wards, Bichat, Bell, Majendie, and a host of others, bearing witness by their works to the value of vivisections in physio- logical investigations ; to say nothing of the great observers of the present day, who are constantly adding to our knowl- edge. The field would be sterile indeed were it not for experiments on living animals ; and the loss to the science which has for its object the alleviation of the sufferings of mankind, would have been incalculable, had physiologists been unwilling, from false motives of humanity, to inflict pain upon the lower animals, which is to a certain extent unavoidable in experimentation. Physiological literature, in the great Elementa Physiolo- gioB of Haller, which belonged to a past generation, and the elaborate systematic works of Berard, 1 Longet, Miiller, 1 Berard did not live to complete his great work on physiology. He died GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. IT and other experimentalists of the present generation, fur- nishes abundant proof that the faculty of observation and the power of generalization are not necessarily inconsistent with each other. It would be futile to attempt to point out all the difficul- ties and sources of error in experimentation on living animals. These must be overcome by the physiologist after he has become practically acquainted with them. It must be borne in mind, however, that we are interrogating Nature ; and our sole aim must be to put our questions intelligently and interpret the answers correctly. She does not unfold her mysteries to the careless and inconsiderate observer. An accident may lead the reflecting student to frame a particular set of experiments, for the explanation of an unexpected phenomenon ; but we should go to work with an idea of what we wish to know, always ready to correct or abandon our most cherished preconceived notions if we find they are not in accordance with facts. Experiments should not be isolat- ed. A golden opportunity is thrown away if we stop short of the end in a legitimate series of investigations ; for none are better fitted to go through the later steps of a natural series of experiments than they who have conceived and executed the first. With the many varying conditions of the system which inevitably occur in living animals, it is almost unnecessary to add that an important observation should be repeatedly con- firmed, and the answer to our experimental inquiries obtained, if possible, in different ways. It must be remembered that Nature never contradicts herself, and has no exceptions. Her laws are invariable ; and if experiments are apparently contradictory, we must look for differences in the conditions shortly after he had commenced the publication of the fourth volume in 1855. The prolegomenes, and the sections on digestion, absorption, the blood, respiration, and circulation, are perhaps the most candid, exhaustive, and best considered essays on these subjects in any language. Science suffered a great loss when the author was thus cut off in the midst of his labors. 2 18 INTRODUCTION. under which the observations were made. It would be always possible to reconcile discordant results of observations, were we able to entirely appreciate the conditions under which they were made. For this reason, a practical physiolo- gist, if entirely unbiassed, is most competent to judge of, and assimilate, the observations of others. Vital Properties of Organized Structures. In com- mencing the study of physiology, we should have some idea of the physiological chemistry of the body, comprehending fully, in the first place, what is meant by life, or the vital properties of the tissues. The tissues which are endowed with vitality are in a state of continual metamorphosis, more or less active accord- ing to their degree of organization. They are constantly undergoing transformation into what are known as effete matters and have the property of appropriating, in the great majority of instances from the blood, material for their re- generation. In other words, under proper conditions, living tissues have the property of self-regeneration. This constant waste, or physiological disintegration, is known under the name of destructive assimilation, and its products are called excretions. The power of self-regeneration is called nutrition. This property affects all the constituents of the body without exception. We shall see that physiological chemis- try divides the constituents of the organism into organic and inorganic principles ; the latter being identical with princi- ples found in the inorganic world. Inorganic principles, in the living body, are always in union with organic principles ; they are regularly thrown off with the products of their de- structive assimilation, and are supplied to the parts, as a necessity of nutrition. They never exist in their crystalline form, in which they so commonly occur in the inorganic kingdom. 1 Every part of the body either is, or has been, * There is a single exception to this law in the crystals of carbonate of lime which are found in the internal ear, constituting the otoconies or otoliths. THE PROPERTIES OF ORGANIZED STRUCTURES. 19 endowed with life. Some are desquamated and reproduced, like the nails, hair, or epidermis ; some are worn away and not reproduced, like the enamel of the teeth ; but they are all subject to vital laws in their formation, and the exceptions to the law that each tissue has the property of self-regenera- tion are very few. The power of self-regeneration of organized tissues does not exist indefinitely. After a time the tissues fail to appro- priate enough organic matter to entirely supply the waste ; they gradually degenerate, and finally die, as a necessary condition of their existence. The activity of the regenerat- ing powers seems to depend on the proportion of organic matter which the tissues contain. In childhood, when, as a condition of growth, the nutrition is greater than the waste, the organic matter of the tissues is in excess. In old age calcareous deposits are frequent, and the inorganic matter in all parts is in excess, until finally the organs become inca- pable of performing their functions. The properties above mentioned serve to distinguish organized living bodies from those not endowed with life. Man, in the general properties of his tissues and organs, does not differ from the higher classes of the inferior animals, as the mammalia. Their tissues are as highly organized, and the various functions connected with nutrition, such as secretion, digestion, circulation, respiration, etc., are essen- tially the same. In some instances, as in the digestive func- tion of some of the herbivora, the process is even more elaborate than in the human subject. For this reason, with proper precautions, we can apply without hesitation most experiments on the mammalia to the physiology of man. To the development of the great centre of the nervous system, man owes his preeminence in the animal scale. In the w T ords of Longet: "In his psychical relations, but in these only, man can constitute a distinct kingdom. Physi- ology has specially in view the acts which assimilate man to 20 INTRODUCTION. animals ; it belongs to psychology to study and make known the faculties which separate him from them." 1 Even without accidents, physiological death is a necessity of existence ; but nature has provided, as one of the most im- portant attributes of organization, a means by which organ- ized bodies may be perpetuatedjhrough all ages. In the fully- developed organism are produced two kinds of organic ele- ments, the male and the female. These, when brought in contact with each other under proper conditions, are capable of being developed into a new being, similar in organization to, and designed to take the place of^ the one which is to pass away. These new beings are generated in sufficient number to insure the perpetuation of the species. The excrementitious products of the body during life, and the body itself after death, changed by the peculiar process of putrefaction, are returned to the earth and to the air, and contribute to the nutrition of the vegetable kingdom. The vegetables, in their turn, are consumed in the nutrition of animals. All the elements necessary to nutrition, except oxygen, are taken into the alimentary canal as food. Our food consists either of vegetables, or the flesh of animals that are nourished by vegetables. PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. From the preceding general remarks, it is evident that physiology, to be systematically and properly studied, must be connected with physiological anatomy and chemistry. The physiological anatomy of special organs and systems naturally precedes the consideration of their functions ; and in treating of the functions of other parts, more especially the nutritive and excrementitious fluids and the secretions, we are unavoidably led to consider fully their chemical constitu- tion. There are, however, certain constituents of the body, 1 LONGET, TraitS dc Physiologic, Paris, 1861, tome i., p. xxviii. PROXIMATE PRINCIPLES. 21 a full consideration of which, in connection with special functions, would be out of place, as well as many points in physiological chemistry, showing the relations of the different elements to nutrition, etc. ; hence is desirable, as an intro- duction to physiology proper, a brief review of the prox- imate principles of the economy. In this introduction it is not proposed to treat exhaustively of physiological chemistry. Such principles as will demand, from their connection with special functions, extended consideration in another place, are omitted or simply alluded to, as well as some which have a very unimportant or obscure function. If we were to study the constitution of the body from a purely chemical point of view, it would be divided into elementary substances, or those which are absolutely incapa- ble of further subdivision. In this way we should lose all distinction between organic matters and those which enter indifferently into the composition of all bodies in Nature, whether inert or endowed with vital properties. After having thus ascertained the ultimate constitution of the organism, we have learned all that is possible by this method ; for we are already familiar with the properties and be- havior of elementary matter, as obtained from the inorganic . kingdom. In physiological chemistry this method is inadmissible. The substances which are presented for our study in the living organism are endowed with vital properties. Their ultimate composition is of little consequence compared with a knowledge of the laws which regulate their behavior, not as elements, but as constituents of an elaborate vital organi- ' O zation. We can separate from the organism of animals substances of a peculiar nature which are never found in the inorganic world. These demand our special consideration. If we attempt to study them by the ordinary chemical processes of analysis, they are destroyed and lose their properties as organic principles. 22 INTEODTJCTION. Combined with these organic principles we always have a certain proportion of inorganic matters which may, it is true, be separated from them easily, and apparently without decomposition, but which are, notwithstanding, necessary to the peculiar properties by which we recognize organic sub- stances. Their physiological union is so intimate that they may justly be considered as organic, though originating in the inorganic kingdom. Chemistry recognizes fifty-nine elementary substances, of which some fifteen or eighteen enter into the constitution of the human body ; but as physiologists, we must make a division of the body into component principles, without reference to the elementary substances themselves, but with a view to the form and condition of their existence in the organism. As we have seen that the distinguishing properties of organic principles are destroyed when they are reduced to their ultimate elements, it is evident that many or most of the principles into which the body is divided physiologically are compound substances. From this point of view, the organism may be said to be composed of Immediate or Proximate Principles. A Proximate Principle may be defined to be a substance extracted from the l>ody, which cannot be further subdivided without chemical decomposition and loss of its characteristic properties. According to Robin and Yerdeil, there exist from eighty- five to ninety distinct proximate principles in the human body. 1 The distinction between proximate principles and chem- ical elements is apparent from the definition above given. To illustrate this difference, however, we may take the fol- lowing example. Chloride of sodium is an important proxi- mate principle, and is composed of the chemical elements chlorine and sodium. As chloride of sodium, it has certain 1 ROBIN and VERDEIL, Chimie Anatomique et Physiologique, Paris, 1853, tome L, p. 128. PKOXIMATE PKINCIPLES. properties, and is endowed with certain functions in the econ- omy, which are, of course, entirely different from the proper- ties of chlorine or sodium ; the latter especially being only obtained in a state of chemical purity by a difficult and elab- orate process of manipulation. As physiologists we have nothing to do with the properties of chlorine, or the rare metal sodium ; we only wish to know as much as possible about the functions of these two bodies united to form com- mon salt. Again, fibrin, a proximate principle found in the blood, may be reduced by chemical manipulations to a cer- tain number of atoms of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur. But a knowledge of even the exact proportions of these ingredients would be of no practical benefit, if we were unacquainted with the general properties of fibrin and its uses in the economy. Salt cannot be subdivided into chlorine and sodium, nor fibrin into its elements, without. chemical decomposition and loss of characteristic proper- ties / but both of these substances can be extracted from the body in the condition in which they exist in the organism, and are therefore proximate principles. A constituent of the body may be at the same time a chemical element and a proximate principle. An example of this is the free oxygen in solution in the blood. This enjoys, in the body, the properties of free oxygen, and may be extracted from the blood by mere displacement with an- other gas, or by the air-pump ; a process quite different from the elaborate chemical manipulation which would be neces- sary to obtain oxygen by decomp'osition of fibrin, albumen, or any compound principle. The principles which compose the body, with the excep- tion of excrementitious substances, exist in our food ; this being the only way in which material is supplied for the con- tinual repair which is characteristic of living tissues. They are all introduced from without. Certain principles, such as water and the inorganic salts, are merely transitory in the in- terior of the body, and are discharged in the same form in 24 INTRODUCTION. which they enter. Others are consumed in the process of repair, and after having performed their functions, are thrown off as effete matters. Examples of the latter are fibrin and albumen, which are transformed first into the sub- stance of the tissues, and then into urea, creatine, choleste- rine, and other excrementitious matters, which are the re- sult of the breaking down or wearing out of the tissues. Finally, there are certain principles, the sugars and fats for example, which have an important connection with the pro- cess of nutrition, and disappear in the system, but whose transformations we have not as yet been able to follow. These, besides being taken in as food, are manufactured by certain organs, and appear de novo in the economy. Division of Proximate Principles. In the division ol proximate principles, we shall follow, with slight modifica- tions, the classification of Robin and Verdeil. With refer- ence solely to anatomical and physiological chemistry, the classification of these authors cannot be improved; but in treating of the whole subject of physiology, it will be conven- ient to take up certain of the elements in connection with the functions in which they play an important part. Oxygen and carbonic acid, for example, will be fully considered in connection with respiration ; urea and cholesterine with ex- cretion, &c. Again, there are some whose function is appa- rently of so little importance, or so obscure, that, while they may be interesting in a chemical point of view, merely as constituents of the body, it is not worth while to treat of them in connection with physiology. The two great divisions of proximate principles which we propose, comprise : FIRST. Substances which enter into the normal con- stitution of the organized tissues, and those constituents of the fluids which are used in nutrition. PROXIMATE PEmCIPLES. 25 SECOND. Substances which are the result of the wearing out of the tissues, and are not used in nutrition? The first division, which is the only one that will be taken up in this connection, may be subdivided, according to the classification of Robin and Yerdeil, into three classes. 1. Inorganic Substances. This class is of inorganic ori- gin, definite chemical composition, and crygtallizable. The substances forming it are all introduced from without, and are all discharged from the body in the same form in which they entered. They never exist alone, but are always combined with the organic principles, to form the organized fluids or solids. This union is " atom-to-atom," and so intimate that they are taken up with the organic elements, as the latter are worn out and become effete, and are discharged from the body, though themselves unchanged. To supply the place of the principles thus thrown off,- a fresh quantity is depos- ited in the process of nutrition. They give to the various organs important properties ; and, though identical with sub- stances in the inorganic world, in the interior of the body they behave as organic substances. They require no special preparation for absorption, but are soluble and taken in un- changed. They are received into the body in about the same proportion at all periods of life, but their discharge is nota- bly diminished in old age ; giving rise to calcareous incrusta- tions and deposits, and a considerable increase in the calca- reous matter entering into the composition of the tissues. As examples of this class we may cite water, chloride of so- dium, the carbonates, sulphates, phosphates, and other inor- ganic salts. 2. Organic Non-Nitrogenized Substances. This class of 1 This division is composed of excrementitious matters, which will be fully considered when treating of excretion. It is included in the second class of prox- imate principles by Robin and Verclcil. 26 INTEODUCTION. proximate principles is of organic origin, definite chemical composition, and crystallizable. With the exception of the salts peculiar to the bile, which will be considered when we come to treat of that fluid, pneumic acid, and one or two unimportant principles, they are distinguished by being com- posed of three elements, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. As they thus contain hydrogen and carbon, to the exclusion of all other elements, except the almost universal principle, oxygen, they are frequently spoken of as Hydro-carbons. They are distinguished from other organic substances by the absence of nitrogen, which has given them the name of Non- nitrogenized or Non-azotized substances. They are intro- duced into the body as food, and are manufactured in the economy by special organs ; but, unlike principles of the first class, with the exception of sugar and fat, which are dis- charged in the milk during lactation, are never discharged from the body in health. The principles of this class play an important part in development and nutrition. One of them, sugar, appears very early in foetal life, formed first by the placenta, and afterwards by the liver ; its formation by the latter organ continuing during life. Fat is a necessary element of food, and is also formed in the interior of the body. The exact influence which these substances have on development and nutrition is not known, but experiments and observation have shown that this influence is important. Many physiologists are of the opinion that principles of this class undergo direct oxidation or combustion in the lungs, and have the exclusive office of keeping up the animal tempera- ture. At one time, indeed, they were generally spoken of as calorific elements ; but in the present condition of science this exclusive view is not tenable ; and we shall see, when treating of the subject of animal heat, that its production cannot be referred entirely to combustion of the hydro-carbons. The sugars and fats, lactic acid and the lactates, pneumic acid and the pneumates, the fatty acids and their combinations, consti- tute the most important principles of this class. PKOX1MATE PRINCIPLES. 27 3. Organic Nitrogenized Su'bsta/n^ces. This class of prox- imate principles is of organic origin, indefinite chemical com- position, and non-crystallizable. Substances forming this class are apparently the only principles which are endowed with vital properties, taking materials for their regeneration from the nutritive fluids, and appropriating them to form part of their own substance. Considered from this point of view, they are different from any thing which is met with out of the living body. They are all, in the body, in a state of continual change, wearing out and becoming effete, when they are transformed into excrementitious substances, which constitute the second grand division of proximate principles. The process of repair in this instance is not the same as in inorganic substances, which enter and are discharged from the body without undergoing any change. The analogous substances which exist in food, undergo a very elaborate prep- aration, by digestion, before they can even be absorbed by the blood-vessels ; and still another change takes J)lace when they are appropriated by the various tissues. They exist in all the solids, semi-solids, and fluids of the body, never alone, but always combined with inorganic substances. As a peculiarity of chemical constitution, they all contain nitrogen, which has given them the name of Nitrogenized or Azotized principles. As before intimated, they give to the tissues and fluids their vital properties. In studying their properties more fully, we shall see that they are by far the most important elements in the organism. The elaborate preparation which they require for absorption involves the most important part of the function of digestion. Their ab- solute integrity is necessary to the operation of the essential functions of many tissues, as muscular contraction, or con- duction of nervous force. An exact knowledge of all the transformations which take place in their regeneration and the process by which they are converted into effete or excremen- titious matters, would enable us to comprehend nutrition, which is the essence of physiology ; but as yet we know little 28 INTRODUCTION. of these changes, and consider ourselves fortunate in under- standing a few of the laws which regulate them. As exam- ples of principles of this class we may cite musculine, os- teine, fibrin, albumen, and caseine. INOEGANIC PRINCIPLES. The number of principles of this class, now well estab- lished as existing in the human body, is twenty-one. 1 All substances which at any time exist in the body are proximate principles ; but some are found in small quantities, are not always present, and apparently have no very important func- tion. These will be passed over rapidly, as well as those which are so intimately connected with some important func- tion as to render their full consideration in connection with that function indispensable. The following is a list of the inorganic principles, excluding those which are excrementi- tious,' and one or two which are not yet well established : Table of Inorganic Principles. Proximate Principle. Where Found. ' Oxygen. Lungs and Blood. Hydrogen. Gases of Stomach and Colon. Nitrogen. Lungs, Intestinal Gases, and Blood. Carburetted Hydrogen. Lungs (expired air), Intestines. [_ Sulphuretted Hydrogen. Lungs (expired air), Intestines. Water. Universal. Chloride of Sodium. Universal, except the enamel. Chloride of Potassium. Muscles, Liver, Milk, Chyle, Blood, Mu- cus, Saliva, Bile, Gastric Juice, Ce- phalo-rachidian Fluid, and Urine. 1 Robin and Verdeil give twenty-nine ; but of these, three (acid phosphate of soda, acid phosphate of lime, and ammonio-magnesian phosphate) are found only in the urine, and may be considered as coming under the head of excrements, with carbonic acid, which is one of the most important excretions ; one (bicar- bonate of lime) is abnormal ; one (bicarbonate of potassa) is found only in cer- tain of the inferior animals ; and two (carbonate and bicarbonate of ammonia) are doubtful. INOKGANIC PRINCIPLES. GASES. 29 Proximate Principle. Phosphate of Lime (basic). Carbonate of Lime. Carbonate of Soda. Carbonate of Potassa. Phosphate of Magnesia. Phosphate of Soda (neutral). Phosphate of Potassa. Sulphate of Soda. Sulphate of Potassa. Sulphate of Lime. Hydrochlorate of Ammonia. Carbonate of Magnesia. Bicarbonate of Soda. Where Found. Universal. Bones, Teeth, Cartilage, Internal Ear, Blood, Sebaceous Matter, and some- times Urine. Blood, Bone, Saliva, Lymph, Cepholo- rachidian Fluid, and Urine. Blood, Bone, Lymph, and Urine. Universal. Universal. Universal. Universal, except Milk, Bile, and Gastric Juice. Same as Sulphate of Soda. Blood and Feces. Gastric Juice, Saliva, Tears, and Urine. A trace in the Blood and Sebaceous matter. Blood (Liebig). The Gases. The gases (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carburetted hy- drogen, sulphuretted hydrogen) 1 exist both in a gaseous state, and in solution in some of the fluids of the body. Oxygen plays a most important part in the function of respiration ; but the office of the others is by no means so essential. Ni- trogen seems to be formed by the system in small quantity, is taken up by the blood and exhaled by the lungs ; except dur- ing inanition, when the blood absorbs a little from the in- spired air. It exists in greatest quantity in the intestinal canal. The carburetted and sulphuretted hydrogen, with pure hydrogen, are found in minute quantities in the expired air, and are also found in a gaseous state in the alimentary canal. From the offensive nature of the contents of the large intestine, we would suspect the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen in considerable quantity ; but actual analysis has shown that the gas contained in the stomach and intestines, 1 Carbonic acid is here omitted, and will be treated of under the head of res- piration. 30 INTRODUCTION. large as well as small, is composed chiefly of nitrogen, with hydrogen and carburetted hydrogen in about equal propor- tion, five to eleven parts per hundred, and but a trace of sul- phuretted hydrogen. With the exception then of oxygen and carbonic acid, the latter being an excretion, the gases do not hold an important place among the proximate principles. At all events, their function, whether it be important or not, is but little understood. Water, HO. "Water is by far the most important of the inorganic prin- ciples. 1 It is present at all periods of life, existing even in the ovum. It exists in all parts of the body ; in the fluids, some of which, as the lachrymal fluid and perspiration, con- tain little else, and in the hardest structures, as the bones, or the enamel of the teeth. In the solids and semi-solids it does not exist as water, but enters into their structure, assuming the consistence by which they are characterized. For example, we have water in the bones, teeth, and even in the enamel, not con- tained in the interstices of their structure, as in a sponge, but incorporated into the substance of the tissue. In these situations it is essentially water of composition. During the process of nutrition, water is deposited in the tissues with the other nutritive principles, as we have it incorporated in the substance of certain inorganic compounds in the process of crystallization, when it is known in chemistry as water of crystallisation. In the interior of the body, water is thus incorporated in the substance of organic matters, which are 1 In comparing principles which are essential to nutrition and to life, it is im- possible to say that one is absolutely more important than another ; still, writers are in the habit of making a distinction in the importance of necessary constit- uents of the body, chiefly with reference to their quantity and the extent of their distribution. When we come to organic principles, we shall see that these are manifestly the most important constituents of the living body, as giving to the tissues their vital properties. WATER. 31 of indefinite chemical composition, and non-crystallizal)le, and we have no reason to be surprised, as physiologists, to find it entering into their composition in indefinite propor- tions, assuming the form and consistence of the organic sub- stance. Our definition of a proximate principle is : " a sub- stance extracted from the body, which cannot be further subdivided without chemical decomposition," The union of water with the organic principles is chemical ; and though feeble, is not more so than the chemical union of elements in some compounds found in the inorganic world. The bi- carbonates, for example, are formed by a union of two equiv- alents of carbonic acid with one of the base ; but the second atom of carbonic acid is in so feeble a condition of union, that it is set free when the compound is placed under the receiver of an air-pump. It might be objected that water is combined with organic substances in an indefinite quantity, while the carbonic acid is present in definite proportion ; but it must be remembered that indefinite proportions of all the constituents are characteristic of organic substances ; and that the quantity of water existing, within certain limits, in indefinite propor- tions, only obeys the law which regulates the components which are universally recognized as existing in a state of chemical union. The only difference between water and the other constituents of an organic compound, is that the former is extracted with facility ; as one atom of carbonic acid is extracted from the bicarbonates more easily than the other. Studying the organism as physiologists, we must consider water as an integral constituent of the tissues, and not as merely absorbed by them. All the organized structures contain a certain proportion of water, and this is necessary to the performance of all or any of their functions. If a normal muscle be considered as a con- tracting organ, and a nerve as a conducting organ, or albu- men as a nutritious element, we must consider, as one of their constituents, water. It is necessary to the proper form, consist- ence, and function of these and all organized structures. In analysis of organic matters, when water is lost or driven off 32 INTRODUCTION. in our manipulations, the principle is not brought near a state of chemical purity, but is essentially and radically changed. The quantity of water which each organic substance con- tains is important / and it is provided that this quantity, though indefinite, shall not exceed or fall below certain lim- its. The truth of this proposition is made evident from the following facts : In the first place, all organs and tissues must contain a tolerably definite quantity of water to give them proper consistence. The evils of too great a proportion of water in the system, and consequently a diminution of solid elements, are well known to the practical physician. Gen- eral muscular debility, loss of appetite, dropsies, and various other indications of imperfect nutrition, are among the re- sults of such a condition ; while a deficiency of water is im- mediately made known by the sensation of thirst, which leads to its introduction from without. The fact that water never exists in any of the fluids, semi- solids, or solids, without being combined with inorganic salts, and especially chloride of sodium, is one reason why its pro- portion in various situations is to a certain extent constant. The presence of these salts influences, in the semi-solids at least, the quantity of water entering into their composition, and consequently regulates their consistence. A very simple experiment shows this with reference to the chloride of sodium. If a piece of muscle be placed in a strong solution of common salt, as in salting meat, it becomes harder, and loses a portion of its water of composition ; while exposed to the action of pure water, it absorbs a certain quantity and becomes softer. The nutrient fluid of the muscles during life contaiiiS water with just enough saline matter to pre- serve their normal consistence. This action of saline matters is even more apparent in the case of the blood corpuscles. If pure water be added to the blood, these bodies swell up and are finally dissolved ; while if we add a strong solu- tion of salt, they lose water, and become shrunken and corrugated ; but their natural form and consistence can be restored, even after they have been completely dried, by WATEE. 33 adding water containing -about the proportion of salt which exists in the plasma. It seems clear, then, that water is a necessary element of all tissues, and is especially important to the proper constitu- tion of organic nitrogenized substances ; that it enters into the constitution of these substances, not as pure water, but always in connection with certain inorganic salts ; that its proportion is confined within certain limits ; and that the quantity in which it exists, in organic nitrogenized substances particularly, is regulated by the quantity of salts which en- ter, with it, into the constitution of these substances. The quantities of water which can be driven off by a mod- erate temperature (212 Fahr.) from the different fluids and tissues of the body, vary of course very considerably, ac- cording to the consistence of the parts. The following is a list of the quantities in the most important fluids and solids : Table of Quantity of Water. Parts per 1,000. In Enamel of the Teeth. . 2 1 a Epithelial Desquamation 37 Teeth 100 Bones 130 ' Tendons (Burdach) 500 Articular Cartilages 550 Skin (AVeinholt) 575 Liver (Frommherz and Gugert) 618 Muscles of Man (Bibra) 725 Ligaments (Chevreul) 768 Mean of Blood of Man (Becquerel and Rodier) 780 " Milk of Human Female (Simon) 887 " Chyle of Man (Rees) 904 " Bile 905 " Urine 933 " Human Lymph (Tiedemann and Gmelin) 960 " Human Saliva (Mitscherlich) 983 " Gastric Juice 984 " Perspiration 986 " Tears 990 " Pulmonary Vapor 997 1 This table is made of selections from the table of Robin and Verdeil taken from various authors. 3 34 INTRODUCTION. Function of Water. After what has been stated re- specting the condition in which water exists in the body, there remains but little to say concerning its function. As a constituent of organized tissues, it gives to cartilage its elasticity, to tendons their pliability and toughness ; it is necessary to the peculiar pow^r of resistance of the bones, and, as we have already seen, it is necessary to the proper consistence of all parts of the body. It has other important functions as a solvent. Soluble articles of food are intro- duced in solution in water. The excrementitious matters, which are generally soluble in water, are dissolved by it in the blood, carried to the organs of excretion, and discharged in a watery solution from the body. Origin and Discharge of Water. It is evident that the great proportion of water is introduced from without in the fluids, and in the watery constituents of all kinds of food ; but the theoretical views of some physiologists with regard to the hydrocarbons and their combustion, led to the supposi- tion that water is also formed in the body by a direct union of oxygen and hydrogen. The true way of determining this point is to estimate all the water introduced into the organism, and compare this quantity with that which is discharged. The latter estimate, however, presents very great difficulties. As water is continually given off in the form of vapor from the skin, and in the expired air, the quantities thus discharged are subject to great variations, dependent upon exercise, tem- perature, the state of the atmosphere, etc., and even if con- stant could be estimated with great difficulty. Experiments on this point have been undertaken by Sanctorius, Barral, Boussingault, and others; but they are not sufficiently com- plete to settle the question. In the present state of our knowledge, we can only say that water is introduced with the fluid and solid elements of food, by the stomach, and that it escapes by the urine, feces, lungs, and skin. There is no direct evidence that any is pro- CHLORIDE OF SODIUM. oO duced in the interior of the body. In the issue of water by the kidneys and skin, it has long been observed that, in point of activity, these two ermmctories bear a certain relation to each other. When the skin is inactive, as in cold weather, the kidneys discharge a large quantity of water ; when the skin is active, the quantity of water discharged by the kid- neys is diminished. Certain therapeutical agents, also, can be made to act as diaphoretics by combining other measures which favor cutaneous action ; or as diuretics, by employing measures to diminish the action of the skin. Chloride of Sodium (Common Salt), !N"aCl. Chloride of sodium is next in importance, as an inorganic proximate principle, to water. It is found in the body at all periods of life, existing, like water, in the ovum. It exists in all the fluids and solids of the body, with the single exception of the enamel of the teeth. In the fluids, it seems to be simply in a state of solution, and can be recognized by the ordinary tests ; in this respect we may class together the chlorides of sodium and potassium. The quantity of chloride of sodium in the entire body has never been estimated ; nor, indeed, has any accurate esti- mate been made of the quantity contained in the various tis- sues ; for all the chlorides are generally estimated together. It exists in greatest proportion in the fluids, giving to some of them, as the tears and perspiration, a distinctly saline taste. The following table gives an idea of the quantity which has been found in some of the most important of the fluids and solids : Table of Quantity of Chloride of Sodium. Parts per 1,000. In Blood, Human (Lehmann) 4-210 " Chyle (Lehmann) 6-310 " Lymph (Nasse) 4-120 " Milk, Human (Lehmann) 0-870 36 INTRODUCTION. Parts per 1,000. In Saliva, Human (Lehmann) 1-530 " Perspiration, Human (mean of three analyses, Piutti). . . . 3-433 " Urine (maximum) \ ( 7'280 " " (medium).. [ Valentin. < 4.610 " " (minimum)) ( 2-400 " Fecal Matters (Berzelius) 3-010 Function of Chloride of Sodium. The function of this principle is undoubtedly important, but is not yet fully un- derstood. It does not seem to enter into the substance of the organized solids and semi-solids as an important and es- sential element, but apparently exercises its chief function in the fluids. It certainly determines, to a great extent, the quantities of exudations, regulates absorption, and serves to maintain the albuminoids, especially those contained in the blood, in a state of fluidity. Albumen is coagulated by heat with much greater difficulty in a solution of chloride of so- dium than when mixed with pure water. A strong solution of common salt is capable of dissolving casein, or of prevent- ing the coagulation of fibrin. We have already alluded to the fact that it is the chloride of sodium particularly which regulates the quantity of water entering into the composition of the blood corpuscles, thereby preserving their form and consistence ; and that it seems to perform an analogous func- tion with reference to the other semi-solids of the body. "With regard to the general function of this substance, the following proposition of Liebig is adopted by Robin and Yer- deil, and a little reflection will show that it is sustained, as far as we know, by the facts : " Common salt is intermediate in certain general pro- cesses^ and does not participate ~by its elements in the forma- tion of organs" In the first place, the fluids of the body are generally in- termediate in their functions, containing nutritious elements, which are destined to be appropriated by the tissues and organs, and worn-out elements, which are to be separated from the body. In the blood and chyle chloride of sodium is found in greatest CHLORIDE OF SODIUM. 37 abundance. When the nutrition of organs takes place, which consists in the fixation of new proximate principles, chloride of sodium is not deposited in any considerable quantity, but seems to regulate the general process, at least to a certain extent. In all civilized countries salt is used extensively as a condiment, and it undoubtedly facilitates digestion by ren- dering the food more savory, and increasing the flow of the digestive fluids ; here, likewise, acting simply as an interme- diate agent. There is nothing more general among men and animals than this desire for common salt. The carnivora crave it, and obtain it in the blood of animals ; the herbivora frequent " salt licks " and places where it is found, and relish it when mixed with their food ; while by man its use is almost universal. In the domestic herbivora the effect of a deprivation of this article is very marked, and has been made the subject of some very interesting experiments by Boussingault. This observer experimented upon two lots of bullocks, of three each, all of them, at the time the ob- servations were commenced, being perfectly healthy and in fine condition. One of these lots he deprived entirely of salt, excepting what was contained in their fodder, while the other was supplied with the usual quantity. No marked difference in the two lots was noticed until between five and six months, when the difference in general appearance was very distinct. The animals receiving salt retained their fine appearance, while the others, though not diminished in flesh, were not as sleek and fine. At the end of a year the difference was very marked. The hides of those which had been deprived of salt were rough and ragged, their appearance listless and inani- mate, contrasting strongly with the sleek appearance and vivacious disposition of the others. 1 The experiments of Boussingault are the most conclusive that have ever been instituted with regard to the influence of chloride of sodium 1 BOUSSINGAULT, Memoir es de Chimie Agricole et de Physiologie, Paris, 1854, p. 271 et seq. 38 INTRODUCTION. upon nutrition. They indicate a certain deficiency in the nutrition of animals deprived of it, but not any considerable loss of weight. Before these observations were made, Dailly made upon twenty sheep analogous experiments, which were continued for three months. At the end of that time the lot which received salt presented a considerable excess of weight (about 22f Ibs.) over the others. 1 It is a significant fact that the quantity of chloride of so- dium existing in the blood is not subject to variation, but that an excess introduced with the food is thrown off by the kidneys. The quantity in the urine, then, bears a relation to the quantity introduced as food, but the proportion in the blood is constant. This is another fact in favor of the view that the presence of a definite quantity of common salt in the circulating fluid is essential to the proper performance of the general function of nutrition. Origin and Discharge of Chloride of /Sodium. This substance is always introduced with food in the condition in which it is found in the body. It is contained in the sub- stance of all kinds of food, animal and vegetable ; but in the herbivora and in man, this source is not sufficient to supply the wants of the system, and it is introduced, therefore, as salt. The quantity which is discharged from the body has been estimated by Barral 2 to be somewhat less than the quantity introduced, about one-fifth disappearing ; but these estimates are not exactly accurate, for the amount thrown off in perspiration has never been directly ascertained. It exists in the blood in connection with the phosphate of potassa, and a certain amount is lost in a double decomposition which takes place between these two salts, resulting in the forma- tion of chloride of potassium and phosphate of soda. It also is supposed to furnish the soda to all the salts which have a 1 LONGET, Traite de Physiologic, tome i., p. 76. 2 Cited by KOBIN and YERDEIL. Chimie Anatomique et Physiologique, Paris, 1853, tome ii., p. 193. CHLOEIDE OF POTASSIUM. 39 soda base, and a certain quantity, therefore, disappears in this way. Existing, as it does, in all the solids and fluids of the body, it is discharged in all the excretions, being thrown off in the urine, feces, perspiration, and mucus. Chloride of Potassium, KC1. Chloride of potassium, though not as important a proxi- mate principle as the chloride of sodium, nor so generally distributed in the economy, seems to have an analogous function. It is found in the Muscles, Liver, Milk, Chyle, Blood, Mucus, Saliva, Bile, Gastric Juice, Cephalo-Rachidian Fluid, and Urine. It is exceedingly soluble, and in these situations exists in solution in the fluids. Its quantity in these situations has not been accurately ascertained, as it has generally been estimated together with the chloride of sodium. In the muscles, it exists, however, in a larger proportion than common salt. In cow's milk, Berzelins 1 has found 1'7 pts. per 1,000 ; Pfaff and Schwartz, 1*35 per 1,000 in cow's milk, and 0*3 per 1,000 in human milk. 2 Of the function of this principle, little remains to be said after what has been stated with regard to the chloride of sodium. Their functions are probably identical, though the latter, from its greater quantity in the fluids, and its univer- sal distribution, is by far the more important. Origin and Discharge of Chloride of Potassium. This substance has two sources ; one in the food, existing, as it does, in muscular tissue, milk, etc., and the other in a chem- ical reaction between the phosphate of potassa and the chloride of sodium, forming the chloride of potassium and 1 SIMON, Chemistry of Man, American edit., p. 342. 2 ROBIN and YERDEIL, op. cit., tome ii., p. 205. 40 INTRODUCTION. the phosphate of soda. That this decomposition takes place in the body, is evident from the fact that the ingestion of a considerable quantity of common salt has been found, in the sheep, to increase the quantity of chloride of potassium in the urine, without having any influence on the amount of chloride of sodium. The chloride of potassium is discharged from the body in the urine and mucus. Phosphate of Lime, 3 CaO, PO 6 . Phosphate of Lirne is found in all the solids and fluids of the body. As it is always united, in the solids, with organic substances as an important element of constitution, it is hardly second in importance to water. It differs in its func- tions so essentially from the chlorides of sodium and potas- sium, that they are hardly to be compared. It is insoluble in water, but held in solution in the fluids of the body by virtue of free carbonic acid, the bicarbonates, and the chlo- ride of sodium. In the solids and semi-solids, the condition of its existence is the same as that of water ; i. e. it is incor- porated, particle to particle, with the organic substance char- acteristic of the tissue, and is one of its essential elements of composition. Nothing need be added here as to this mode of union in the body of organic and inorganic substances, after what has been said under the head of water. The following table 1 gives the relative quantity of phos- phate of lime in various situations : Table of Quantity of Phosphate of Lime. Parts per 1,000. In Arterial Blood, ) p iale and March&1 ( 0-790 " Venous Blood, ) ( 0-760 " Milk, Human (Pfaff and Schwartz) 2-500 " Saliva (Wright) O'GOO 1 Selections from the table of Robin and Verdeil, op. cit. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. 41 Parts per 1,000. In Urine (proportion to weight of ash, Fleitmann) 25*700 " Excrements (Berzelius) 40'000 " Bone (Lassaigne) 400- Vertebra of a rachitic patient (Bostock) 136' Teeth of Infant one day old. ^| C 510- Teeth of Adult 610- Teeth, at eighty-one years.. f Lag saignej 6fi() . Enamel of Teeth I I 885' By this table it is seen that the phosphate of lime exists in very small quantity in the fluids, but is abundant in the solids. In the latter the quantity is in proportion to the hardness of the structure, the quantity in enamel being, for example, more than twice that in bone. The variations in quantity with age are very considerable. In the teeth of an infant one day old, Lassaigne found 510 parts per 1,000; in the teeth of an adult, 610 parts; and in the teeth of an old man of eighty-one years, 660 parts. This increase in the calcareous elements of the bones, teeth, etc., in old age j / j o is very marked ; and in extreme old age they are deposited in considerable quantity in situations where there existed but a small proportion in adult life. The system seems to grad- ually lose the property of appropriating to itself organic mat- ters ; and though articles of food are digested as well as ever, the power of assimilation by the tissues is diminished. The bones become brittle, and fractures, therefore, are common at this period of life, when dislocations are almost unknown. Inasmuch as the real efficiency of organs depends on organic matters, the system actually wears out, and this progressive change finally unfits the various parts for the performance of their functions. An individual, if he escapes accidents and dies, as we term it, of old age, passes away thus by a simple wearing out of his organism. function of Phosphate of Lime. This substance, as be- fore remarked, enters largely into the constitution of the solids of the body. In the bones its function is most appa- 42 INTRODUCTION. rent. Its existence, in suitable proportion, is necessary to the mechanical office of these parts, giving them their power of resistance, without rendering them too brittle. It is more abundant in the bones of the lower extremities, which have to sustain the weight of the body, than in those of the upper extremities ; and in the ribs, which are elastic rather than resisting, it exists in less quantity than in the bones of the arm. The necessity of a proper proportion of phosphate of lime in the bones is made evident by cases of disease. In rachi- tis, where, as is seen by the table, its quantity is very much diminished, the bones are unable to sustain the weight of the body, and become deformed. Finally, when the phosphate of lime is deposited, they retain their distorted shape. The phosphate of lime may be extracted from the bones by ma- ceration in dilute hydrochloric acid,. which dissolves it, leav- ing only the organic substance. Bones treated in this way, though they retain their form, become very pliable ; and a long slender one, like the fibula, may be actually tied into a knot. Origin and Discharge of Phosphate of Lime. The ori- gin of this principle is exclusively from the external world. It enters into the constitution of our food, and is discharged with the feces, urine, and other matters thrown off by the body. Its quantity in the urine is exceedingly variable. Le- canu found from O437 to 29*250 grains thrown off by the kidneys during the twenty-four hours. 1 Carbonate of Lime, CaO, CO 2 . Carbonate of lime exists in the Bones, Teeth, Cartilage, In- ternal Ear, Blood, Sebaceous Matter, and sometimes in the Urine. It exists as a normal constituent in the urine of some herbivora, but not in the carnivora, nor in man. It is most 1 LEHMANN, Physiological Chemistry, American Edition, vol. ii., p. 161. CARBONATE OF LIME. 4:3 appropriately considered immediately after the phosphate of lime, because it is the salt next in importance in the consti- tution of the bones and teeth. In these structures it exists intimately combined with the organic matter, under the same conditions as the phosphates, and has analogous functions. In the fluids it exists in small quantity, and is held in solu- tion by virtue of free carbonic acid and the chloride of po- tassium. The carbonate of lime is the only example of an inor- ganic proximate principle existing uncombined, and in a crystalline form, in the body. In the internal ear it is found in this form, and has a function connected with audition. According to Robin and Verdeil, it is possible that in chemical analyses a certain quantity may come from a decomposition by calcination of those salts of lime which contain a combustible acid. 1 These authors give a table of the quantity of this substance in various of the solids and fluids of the body, from which we make the following selections : Table of Quantity of Carbonate of Lime. Parts per 1,000. In Bone, Human (Berzelius) 113-00 " " " (Marchand) 102-00 " " " (Lassalgne) 76-00 " Teeth of Infant one day old \ t ... 140*00 " Teeth of Adult j- Lassaigne ) . . . 100-00 " Teeth of Old Man, eighty-one years ) (,. . . lO'OO " Urine of Horse (Boussingault). 10-82 Origin and Discharge of Carbonate of Lime. Carbonate of lime is introduced into the body with our food, held in so- lution in water by the carbonic acid, Which is always present in small quantity. It is also formed in the body, particularly in the herbivora, by a decomposition of the tartrates, ma- 1 Op. cifc, vol. ii., p. 247. 44: INTRODUCTION. lates, citrates, and acetates of lime contained in the food. These salts, meeting with carbonic acid, are decomposed, and the carbonate of lime is formed. It is probable that in the human subject some of it is changed into the phosphate of lime, and in this form is discharged in the urine ; but when and how this change takes pla^e has not been definitely as- certained. Carbonate of Soda, NaO, CO 2 + 10 HO. Carbonate of soda is found in the blood and saliva, giv- ing to these fluids their alkalinity ; in the urine of the hu- man subject, when it is alkaline without being ammoniacal ; in the urine of the herbivora ; in the lymph, cephalo-rachid- ian fluid, and bone. The analyses of chemists with regard to this substance are very contradictory, on account of its formation during the process of incineration ; but there is no doubt that it is found in the above situations. The follow- ing table gives the quantities which have been found in some of the fluids and solids : Table of Quantity of Carbonate of Soda. Parts per 1,000. In Blood of the Ox (Marcet) 1-62 " Lymph (Nasse). 0'56 " Cephalo-rachidian Fluid (Lassaigne) 0*60 " Compact Tissue of Tibia in Male of 38 years (Valentin) 2 '00 " Spongy Tissue of the same (Valentin) 0-70 Function of Carbonate of Soda. This substance has a tendency to maintain the fluidity of the fibrin and albumen of the blood, and assists in preserving the form and consistence of the blood corpuscles. Its function with regard to nutri- tion is rather accessory, like that of chloride of sodium, than essential, like the phosphate of lime in the constitution of certain structures. MAGNESIA, ETC. 45 Origin and Discharge of Carbonate of Soda. This sub- stance is not introduced into the body as carbonate of soda, but is formed, as is the carbonate of lime in part, by a de- composition of the malates, tartrates, etc., which exist in fruits. It is discharged occasionally in the urine of the hu- man subject, and a great part of it is decomposed in the lungs by the action of pneumic acid, setting free carbonic acid, which is discharged in the expired air. Carbonate of Potassa, KO, C0 2 . This salt exists particularly in herbivorous animals. It is found in the human subject when subjected to a vegetable diet. Under the heads of function, origin, and discharge, what has been said with regard to the carbonate of soda will apply to the carbonate of potash. Carbonate of Magnesia, MgO, C0 2 HO, and Bicarbonate of Soda, NaO, CO 3 + HO, C(V It is most convenient to take up these two salts in con- nection with the other carbonates, though they are put at the end of the list of inorganic substances, as the least important. We know very little about them, chemically or physiologi- cally. Traces of carbonate of magnesia have been found in the blood of man, and it exists normally in considerable quantity in the urine of herbivora. In the human subject it is discharged in the sebaceous matter. Liebig has merely indicated the presence of bicarbonate of soda in the blood. Phosphate of Magnesia, 3 MgO, PO 5 + 7 HO ; Phosphate of Soda (neutral), 3 NaO, PO 5 ; and Phosphate of Potassa, 2 KO, P0 6 . 1 Formula of Graham, op. cit., p. 389. 46 INTRODUCTION. These salts are found in all the fluids and solids of the body, though not existing in a very large proportion, com- pared with the phosphate of lime, which we have already considered. In their relations to organized structures, they are analogous to the phosphate of lime ; entering into the composition of the tissues, and existing there in a state of intimate combination. They are all taken into the body with food, especially by the carnivora, in the fluids of which they are found in much greater abundance than the carbo- nates ; which latter, as we have already seen, are in great part the result of the decomposition by carbonic acid of the malates, tartrates," oxalates, etc. With respect to their functions, we can only say that, with the phosphate of lime, they go to form, and are neces- sary constituents of, the organized structures. They are discharged from the body in the urine and feces. Sulphate of Soda, ISTaO, SO 3 + 10 HO ; Sulphate of Potassa, KO, SO 3 ; Sulphate of Lime, CaO, SO 3 + 2 HO. The sulphate of soda and the sulphate of potassa a,re identical in their situation, and apparently in their functions. They are found in all the fluids and solids of the body, ex- cepting milk, bile, and gastric juice. Their origin in the body is from the food, in which they are contained in small quantity, and they are discharged in the urine. Their chief function appears to be in the blood, where they tend to pre- serve the fluidity of the fibrin and albumen, and the form and consistence of the blood corpuscles. The sulphate of lime is found in the blood and feces. It is introduced into the body in solution in the water which is used as drink, and is discharged in the feces. Its function is not understood, and is probably not very important. SUMMARY OF INOKGANIC PRINCIPLES. 47 Hydrochlorate of Ammonia, 2sH 3 , HC1. This substance has simply been indicated by chemists as existing in the gastric juice of ruminants, the saliva, tears, and urine. Some chemists make a rearrangement of its par- ticles, calling it chloride of ammonium, when instead of ]N"H 3 , HC1, it would be NH 4 C1; but as the ammonium is hypothetical, the name we have used seems more appropriate. It is discharged in the urine, in which it exists, according to Simon, 1 in the proportion of 0*41 parts per 1,000. Its origin and function are unknown. Summary. A review of the functions of the individual inorganic constituents of the body, excluding the gases, will show that they may be divided into two groups : one, which is composed of those substances, existing particularly in the solids and semi-solids, which are in a condition of molecular union with organic substances, merge their identity, as it were, into them, and become necessary constituents of the tissues / and the other, composed of substances which rather regulate, by their influence in endosmosis, or otherwise, the nutritive processes^ do not seem to be indispensable constituents of the tissues, lut have rather an accessory office to perform in the function of nutrition. At the head of the first group we may place water ; the absence of which involves destruction of the properties of the tissues, and even of the organic elements. At the head of the second group we may place common salt ; which is absolutely necessary to the functions of nutri- tion, though it does not seem to form an indispensable ele- ment of the tissues. The first group, as we should naturally expect, forms a considerable proportion of the body, and the articles compo- sing it are discharged in small quantity ; as in the case of 1 SIMON, Animal Chemistry, with Reference to the Physiology and Pathology of Man, Philadelphia, 1846, p. 403. 4:8 INTRODUCTION. water, which composes two-thirds of the entire organism, and yet only about four and a half pounds are discharged daily from the skin and lungs, and in the urine and feces. The second group enters and is discharged from the body in considerable quantity, and very little remains in the or- ganism; as common salt, which exists in the urine in a greater proportion than in any of the solids or other fluids. The following are the inorganic substances which are ap- parently indispensable to the constitution of organized tissues : Water. Basic Phosphate of Lime. Carbonate of Lime. Phosphate of Magnesia. " u Soda, " " Potassa. The following are those which appear to have an accessory office in nutrition : Chloride of Sodium. " " Potassium. Carbonate of Soda. Bicarbonate of Soda. Carbonate of Potassa. " " Magnesia. Sulphate of Soda. " Potassa. The remaining two principles, sulphate of lime and hy- drochlorate of ammonia, are so obscure in their function that they cannot be definitely put in either of the above groups. ORGANIC NON-NITROGENIZED PRINCIPLES. (Hydro- Carbons.} The principles of this class differ widely from inorganic substances In the first place, they have a different origin, STJGAKS. 49 being formed exclusively in animal or vegetable bodies. They are of definite chemical composition, and crystallizable. The most important groups of this class, i. e. the sugars and fats, are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, whence they are sometimes called Hydro-Carbons. They are distinguished from another class of organic substances by the fact that they do not contain nitrogen ; which has given them the name of Non-nitrogenized Principles. They are in part introduced into the body as food, and in part formed in the economy by special organs. In the former instance, they undergo an elaborate preparation by digestion before they become part of the organism, differing in this respect from the inorganic principles, which are absorbed unchanged With the exception of butter and the sugar of milk, they are never discharged from the body in health, but disappear in the processes of nutrition. In this respect, also, they differ from the inorganic principles, all of which are discharged from the body, most of them in the condition in which they entered. The most important principles of this class may be divided into two great groups, the Sugars and the Fats ; in addition to which we have, lactic acid and the lactates, pneumic acid, pneumate of soda, the fatty acids and their combinations, and certain organic salts which are found in the bile. The varieties of sugar with which we are most familiar, of which cane sugar may be taken as the type, are not found in the animal body, but belong to the vegetable kingdom. These, which form an important element of food, must . be modified by digestion before they become proximate principles. For a long time it was supposed that sugar was an exclusively vegetable production and consumed by animals ; but late experiments, especially those of Bernard, have shown that sugar is constantly produced by animals, presenting, in this instance, marked differences from 4 50 INTRODUCTION. the vegetable varieties. Yegetable sugar taken as food is changed so as to resemble animal sugar, before it is absorbed. In considering, then, the proximate principles of the body, we have only to do with the animal sugars. There are two varieties of sugar manufactured in the economy. The first is constantly formed by the liver, and is found in this organ and the blood which circulates between it and the lungs. This variety is called Liver Sugar / and, as it appears in the urine of diabetics, is sometimes known un- der the name of diabetic sugar. The second variety is only present in the organism during lactation. It exists in the milk, and is called Milk Sugar. We have also sugar resulting from the transformation by digestion of cane sugar and starch, which is called Glucose. This resembles the liver sugar very closely, and is, indeed, identical with it in composition, but differs from it in the fact that it ferments less easily. The presence of sugar in the economy seems to be a ne- cessity of existence. It, or starch which is readily converted into glucose, constitutes an important and necessary element of food. In early life large quantities are taken in with the milk. This, however, does not seem to be sufficient to supply the wants of the system, and we have it continually manufac- tured in the interior of the body ; but once formed, or intro- duced from without, it undergoes some transformation innutri- tion, and is never discharged in health. Sugar is exceedingly soluble, and in the economy, exists in solution in the blood. Here it forms a union with the chloride of sodium, which masks, to a certain extent, some of its characteristic proper- ties, such as the peculiar taste by which it is so readily .recognized. Composition and Properties. The sugars are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; and it is noticeable that the hydrogen and oxygen always exist in equal proportions, or in the proportions which form water ; a peculiarity affording an explanation of the transformation of one variety of sugar SUGAES. 51 into another, which is effected in some instances with great facility. Simon 1 gives the following composition of the animal sugars in a crystalline form : Liver Sugar and Glucose, C I2 H 14 O U . Milk Sugar, C 12 H 12 O 12 . On exposing either of these varieties of sugar to a dry heat, two atoms of water of crystallization are driven off, leaving the formula for liver sugar, C 12 H 12 O 12 , and for milk sugar, C 12 H 10 O 10 . From the relative composition of these varieties of sugar, it is seen that the addition of two atoms of hydrogen and oxygen, or water, to milk sugar, will trans- form it into glucose. This change actually takes place in digestion. The digestive fluids act also upon cane sugar (C 12 H u O n ) and starch (C 12 H ]0 O 10 ), transforming them into glucose. Animal sugars are distinguished from cane sugar by their different behavior in the presence of acids and alkalis. Cane sugar is converted into the animal variety by boiling for a few seconds with a dilute mineral acid, and is unaffected by boiling with an alkali; while the animal sugars are not affected by acids, and are transformed into a dark-brown substance, melassic acid, by boiling with an alkali. If .a solution of sugar be mixed with a little fresh yeast and kept for a few hours at a temperature of from 80 to 100 Fahr., a peculiar change takes place which is called fer- mentation. The sugar is decomposed into carbonic acid gas, which rises to the top in bubbles, and alcohol, which remains in the liquid. Some ferments, especially organic matters in process of decomposition, when they exist in a saccharine solution, have the property of inducing a change of the sugar into lactic acid (C 6 H O 6 ), giving rise to what is called the lactic-acid fermentation. This process is peculiarly interest- 1 SIMON'S Chemistry of Man, Philadelphia, 1846. 52 INTRODUCTION. ing in a physiological point of view, from the fact that much of the sugar which disappears in the economy is now thought to undergo this change. A clear solution of sugar has a peculiar effect upon polar- ized light, being possessed of what is called a rotatory power. If a ray of polarized light be gassed through a tube contain- ing simple water, its direction is unchanged ; but if a saccha- rine solution be substituted, it is found to possess what is called molecular activity, and turns the ray to the right. The amount of deviation, which can easily be measured by an instrument constructed for this purpose by Biot and Soleil, called a polarimeter, indicates the quantity of sugar in the solu- tion. The instrument above mentioned is sometimes used for quantitative analysis. Tests for Sugar. Eeliable tests for determining the presence of sugar in the animal tissues and fluids are useful to the practical physician as well as the physiologist; for this substance frequently occurs in the urine, as a pathological condition, when it is essential to ascertain the fact of its presence, even if no attempt be made to determine its quan- tity. For this purpose a number of tests have been devised, which are most of them reliable and simple of application. Moords, or the Potash Test. This test depends on the conversion of the animal sugars into melassic acid by boiling with a caustic alkali. It is employed in the following way : To a small portion of the suspected liquid in a test tube we add a little caustic potash in solution, and boil the mixture. If sugar be present, a brownish color will be produced, its intensity depending upon the quantity of sugar. This test is applicable only to glucose, grape sugar, and the animal varieties. Trommels Test. This is one of the most delicate and convenient tests for sugar. It is employed in the following SUGARS. 53 way : To the suspected liquid in a test tube, we add one or two drops of a moderately strong solution of sulphate of copper, and render the mixture distinctly alkaline by the addition of caustic potash in solution. On the addition of the alkali the mixture will assume a distinctly blue color, especially marked if sugar be present. On the application of heat, if sugar be -present, a little before the liquid reaches the boiling point, a yellowish or reddish precipitate will begin to show itself in the upper part of the test tube, which as the heat continues will gradually extend through the whole of the liquid. If no sugar be present, the liquid will retain its clear blue color, unless the boiling be prolonged, when a black precipitate of the black oxide of copper is likely to appear. In this test, before the heat is applied, the copper is in the form of the sulphate of a protoxide (CuO, SO 3 ), which is soluble; but on boiling in an alkaline solution, the sugar becomes oxidized, is transformed into an acid, the nature of which is not well determined, and the copper, losing an equivalent of oxygen, becomes reduced to the con- dition of a sub-oxide (Cu 2 O), which has a reddish or yellow- ish color, and is insoluble. This is the way in which the test is generally employed. Trommer recommended (1841), with special reference to examination of urine, to first add the solution of potash, then filter, and then add the solution of copper. If sugar be present, a reduction of the sub-oxide will take place spontaneously in a few hours, or may be produced immediately by boiling. This removes certain sources of obscurity in examining the urine, which result from a pre- cipitate produced by the simple action of the potash, and not dependent on the presence of sugar. If care be taken to employ the following simple precau- tions in the application of this test, it will be found the most reliable and simple of any that are in use for qualitative analysis. The solution to be examined must be clear. A clear extract of the blood, muscles, or liver, is easily made in the 54: INTRODUCTION. following way : The blood, or tissue, finely divided, is boiled with a little water and sulphate of soda. In a few moments the organic and coloring matters will become coagulated, when it is to be thrown on a filter, and a clear extract will pass through. This extract will contain sulphate of soda, which is very soluble in hot watgr, but this does not interfere with the application of the test. The same result may be obtained by boiling with animal charcoal, enough being added to make a thin paste, and filtering ; a process, how- ever, which is more tedious and has no advantages over the one just described. In testing the urine, a light flocculent precipitate will generally be obtained, though no sugar be present. "With a little experience this may be distinguished from the deposit of sub-oxide of copper, by the fact that it is less highly colored, and appears in flakes after it finally settles to the bottom of the test tube, of a light grayish color ; while the sub-oxide of copper settles to the bottom in the form of a heavy red powder. If there be any doubt as to the nature of the reaction, the urine may be purified in va- rious ways before testing. A very simple, and perhaps the best method, is to make a paste with animal charcoal and filter. Robin recommends the following process: "To be certain of the presence of glucose, we free it (the liquid) from all reducing matters ; 1st, adding to the urine an excess of the neutral acetate of lead, then filtering ; 2d, adding to this clear filtered liquid, ammonia, until it is slightly alkaline, and filtering. We can then treat the second liquid with the reagents ; and if it precipitates, it is certain that there is sugar in the urine." : Another method is to evaporate the urine to the consistence of a syrup, extract this with alcohol, drive off the alcohol by evaporation, and dissolve the residue in water; when if sugar be present it will respond to the test. 1 Didionnaire de Medecine, etc., de P. H. NYSTEN, par E. LITTRE et CH. ROBIN, Paris, 1858. " Sucre." SUGAES. 55 It is a curious fact that sugar added to healthy urine, even in large quantity, will not respond to Trommer's test, on account of organic matters, which interfere with the reduc- tion of the copper. The cause of this interference we do not understand ; but in diabetes, the organic substances, whatever they may be, are not present, or at least do not interfere with the application of tests for sugar. Another precaution to be adopted is to add a small quan- tity, two or three drops only, of the solution of sulphate of copper, especially if we suspect the sugar to be present in small quantity ; for if too much be added, a portion only of the oxide of copper will be reduced, and that which remains, by its blue color, may obscure the reaction. Ban^eswiWs Test. For those engaged in physiological investigations, when it is desired to roughly estimate the quantity of sugar in any clear extract, and when the test is to be employed very -frequently, Barreswill's solution is con- venient. This is simply a solution of tartrate of copper and caustic potash. The reaction with this fluid is precisely the same as in Trommer's test. It has seemed to me, if there be any difference, that the reduction takes place more promptly with the sulphate of copper, but that the tartrate will detect a smaller quantity of sugar. The advantage of Barreswill's test is, that but a single fluid is to be added to the suspected solution. The only disadvantage is, that the solution is liable to alteration if kept more than a few days or weeks. After standing for a certain time, a yellowish sediment is deposited, and the fluid will no longer reduce in the presence of sugar. Its properties may be renewed by adding a little potash and iiltering ; but in delicate observations, it is always better to use a solution which has not undergone alteration. In employing this test, we add to the suspected fluid enough of the solution to give the whole a distinctly blue color, and boil ; if sugar be present, we have a reduction of the yellowish sub-oxide of copper as in Trommer's test. 56 INTRODUCTION. The solution may be prepared according to the following formula, reduced to grains from the formula given by' Ber- nard : 1 Of bitartrate of potash, 3 vi. gr. xxiij. Of crystallized carbonate of soda, 3 v. gr. ix. Dissolve in vss. of water ^ add to the solution 3 iij. gr. li. of sulphate of copper, and boil ; allow the mixture to cool and add 3 v. gr. ix. of potash dissolved in 5 iv. of water. Add water till the whole measures 3 xvii. Maumen&s Test. B'6ttger*s Test. The first of these tests is employed by saturating strips of some woollen tissue, such as flannel, with a strong solution of bichloride of tin, and drying. One of these strips is moistened with the sus- pected liquid, and dried quickly by the heat of a fire or lamp. If sugar be present, the strips will assume a brownish or black tint. Bottger's test depends upon the reduction of a salt of bis- muth, analogous to the. reduction of the copper in Trommer's test. It is employed in the following way : We add to the suspected liquid a few drops of a weak solution of the nitrate of bismuth in nitric acid, render the whole alkaline by the addition of a solution of carbonate of soda, and boil for three or four minutes. If sugar be present, the bismuth will be reduced, and form a dark precipitate. Neither of these tests presents any advantage over Trommer's test, which is the one most generally employed. Fermentation Test. With the exception of actual ex- traction, this is the most certain test for sugar, and should always be employed when the other tests leave any doubt with regard to its presence. It depends on a property of sugar whereby it is decomposed into alcohol and carbonic acid in the presence of certain ferments, at a moderately ele- vated temperature. The test is applicable to all varieties of 1 BERNARD, Lemons de Physiologic Expirimcntalc, Paris, 1855, p. 34. 6UGAKS. 67 sugar; but it must be remembered that milk sugar fer- ments slowly and with difficulty. In its application, all that is necessary is to add a few drops of fresh yeast, and keep the suspected liquid for a few hours at a temperature of from 80 to 100 Fahr. The mixture should be placed in some appa- ratus by which the gas which forms may be collected and an- alyzed. To effect this, we may fill a large test tube and in vert it in a small shallow vessel ; or if there be but a small quantity of liquid, we may use a very simple and convenient apparatus described by Bernard. This is simply a large test tube fitted with a good cork, perforated to allow the passage of a small tube which extends to the bottom. This tube may be turned up at the lower end, and bent above so as to permit the escape of the liquid as the gas is formed. The whole is com- pletely filled with the suspected solution, to which have been added a few drops of fresh yeast, and kept at a temperature of 80 to 100 Fahr. If sugar be present, bubbles of gas will soon begin to appear, which will collect at the top and force a portion of the liquid out by the small tube. If no gas has appeared at the end of four or six hours, it is certain that no sugar is present. This test is conclusive, if proper care be taken in its application ; and to insure accuracy, it is well to test the yeast with a saccharine solution to demonstrate its activity, and test it also with pure water, to be sure that it contains no sugar. "We may then demonstrate that the gas produced is carbonic acid by removing the cork and inserting a lighted taper, which will be immediately extinguished, or passing it into another vessel and agitating with lime-water, which will be rendered milky by the formation of the insolu- ble carbonate of lime. The alcohol remains in the liquid, from which it may be separated by careful distillation. Measures for demonstrating the composition of the gas and the presence of alcohol in the liquid are by no means necessary in the ordinary application of the test. The dis- tinct formation of gas in the liquid is generally sufficient evidence of the presence of sugar. 58 INTRODUCTION. Torulce. Another test of the presence of sugar is the growth of the Torulce cerevisice. After diabetic urine has stood for some time at a moderate temperature, a delicate scum will form upon the surface, which, on microscopic examination, will be found to consist of a vegetable growth, presenting a number of oval joints irregularly connected. These are called Torulce. After a time they break up and fall to the bottom of the vessel, as minute oval spores. This appearance is observed even when a small quantity of sugar is present. Yarious modes of procedure have been described for the determination of the quantities of sugar. In general terms it may be stated that the copiousness of the precipitate in Trommer's test, and the amount of gas evolved in the fer- mentation test, give some idea of the quantity of sugar present. For directions for accurate quantitative analysis the reader is referred to works on organic chemistry. Origin and Functions of Sugar. Sugar is an important element of food at all periods of life. In the young child it is introduced , in considerable quantity with the milk." In the adult it is introduced partly in the form of cane sugar, but mostly in the form of starch, which is converted into sugar in the process of digestion. With the exception of milk sugar, which is present only during lactation, all the sugar in the body exists in a form resembling glucose, into which milk sugar, cane sugar, and starch are all converted, either before they are absorbed, or as they pass through the liver. In addition to these external sources of sugar, it is continually manufactured in the economy by the liver, whence it is taken up by the blood passing through this organ. It disappears from the blood in its passage through the lungs. Sugar is found then in the economy con- stantly, in the substance of the liver, in the blood coming from the liver, and in the blood of the right side of the heart; and after the ingestion of saccharine or amylaceous STJGAKS. 59 articles of food, in the blood of the portal vein. It is not found in other organs, nor does it normally exist in the arterial blood. During the first three or four months of foetal life sugar is formed by the placenta, and exists in all the fluids of the foetus, in greater quantity even than after birth. At the third or fourth month the liver begins to take on this func- tion, which is gradually lost by the placenta. The constant production of this principle in the economy, even in the early months of foetal life, is significant of the importance of its function. The function of sugar and its mode of disappearance in the economy are not yet well understood. Its early forma- tion in large quantity, when the processes of nutrition are most active, seems to point to an important office in the performance of this general function. Its presence is un- doubtedly necessary at all periods of life ; for its formation never ceases in health. Bernard has attempted to show that its presence in the animal fluids favors cell development, but has hardly succeeded in establishing this fully. 1 It has been claimed that the sugars and fats are for the purpose of keeping up the animal temperature, and are oxidized or undergo combustion in the lungs. This view was afterwards modified by Liebig and others, who supposed that the oxidation takes place in the general system. This theory will be discussed more fully in the chapter on animal heat. Here we can only say that, while there are many cir- cumstances which, taken by themselves, might lead to such a conclusion, the production of heat in the body is closely connected with the general process of nutrition, of which the disappearance of oxygen and formation of carbonic acid are but a single one of many important changes. "We have not yet sufficient ground for the supposition that the substances under consideration are directly and exclusively acted upon by oxy- 1 BERNARD, Lemons de Physiologic Uxperimcntale, Paris, 1855, p. 247 et seq. 60 INTRODUCTION. gen in the organism. The term calorific elements, which is sometimes applied to them, cannot therefore be accepted. When we endeavor to substitute for this theory a definite ex- planation of the uses of sugar in the economy, we find our- selves at a loss ; but it must be remembered that we are yet far from having a complete knowledge of the functions of the body, particularly those connected with the intimate pro- cesses of nutrition. In the present state of science, we are only justified in saying that sugar is important in the process of development and nutrition, at all periods of life. The precise way in which it influences these processes is not fully understood. Sugar disappears from the blood in its passage through the lungs, in great part, probably, by conversion into lactic acid. This change has been demonstrated in the blood of a diabetic patient ; all the sugar contained in the blood being thus changed in less than twenty minutes. 1 Sugar is never discharged from the body in health, with the single exception of the sugar of milk in the female during lactation. Under certain diseased conditions of the system its production by the liver is exaggerated, so that a certain quantity passes through the lungs, exists in the arterial blood, and appears in the urine, constituting the very serious affec- tion, called diabetes mellitus. Fats. Fatty or oily matters exist in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Those which are most interesting to us as physiologists are the varieties found in animals, which constitute an important group of proximate principles. Both vegetable and animal fats are important elements of food. In the animal economy fat exists in three varieties, which are called, respectively, Oleine, Margarine, and Stearins. In certain situations are found some of the fatty acids and 1 ROBIN and YERDEIL, Chimie Anatomique, tome ii., p. 553. FATS. 61 their combinations, but they exist in minute quantity, and their function is comparatively unimportant. Composition and Properties. In their ultimate composi- tion, fats bear a certain resemblance to the sugars. Like them they are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen ; but the two latter elements do not exist, as in sugar, in the proportions to form water. From this difference we should be led to suspect, what is really the fact, that the different varieties of fat are not mutually convertible. The fat which exists in the body is a mixture of the three varieties above mentioned, and is found in the ordinary adi- pose tissue, and in the substance of certain tissues in the form of minute globules or granules. It is not found in any great quantity in the blood, except after digestion of a full meal. It exists in the chyle in a state of extremely minute subdivision and suspension. It exists in the milk, also in a state of minute subdivision, but presenting some slight differ- ences from the ordinary fatty matter of the economy. Robin and Yerdeil give, as the ultimate composition of Stearine, C 71 H 70 O 8 . The other varieties are separated from their union with each other with great difficulty, and have not yet been obtained in a state of sufficient purity for ulti- mate analysis. The reaction of all the varieties of fat is neutral. Fat, in greater or less quantity, is found in all the tissues of the body, with the exception of the substance of the bones, the teeth, and the elastic and inelastic fibrous tissue. It always consists of a mixture of the three varieties in varying proportions, but, with one or two exceptions, is never com- bined with any other of the proximate principles. In the adipose tissue proper, it is enclosed in little cells which are called the adipose vesicles. In all other situations it is in the form of microscopic globules or granules. As it is thus dis- tinct from other elements, it may be always recognized in the organism by the naked eye or the microscope. In the ner- 62 INTRODUCTION. vous matter there exists a phosphorized fat, the composition and properties of which are not very well understood, in union with organic matter. A minute quantity of fat exists in combination with the organic matter of the blood corpus- cles. The fats are insoluble in waier and in the animal fluids, with the exception perhaps of the bile, which holds a small quantity in solution by virtue of its saponaceous constituents. They are all very soluble in ether and hot alcohol, and but slightly soluble in cold alcohol. The varieties which are solid at the temperature of the body, stearin e and margarine, are easily dissolved by oleine, which is liquid. The most marked distinction between the varieties of fat is in their consistence. Oleine is liquid at the temperature of the body, and even at the freezing point of water. Mar- garine is liquid at or above the temperature of 118, and stearine at the temperature of 143 Fahr. The difference in the consistence of adipose tissue of different animals depends upon the relative proportion of the various kinds of fat. Saponification. When fat is boiled for a certain time with an alkali, in the presence of water, it undergoes a pecu- liar decomposition which is called saponification. A portion of the water is appropriated, and the fat is converted into glycerine and an acid. The acid is called oleic, margaric, or stearic acid, as it is formed from oleine, margarine, or stearine. In this process the glycerine remains uncombined, and the acid unites with the alkali to form what is commonly known as a soap. This kind of decomposition is called saponin'cation by a base ; but technically, saponification is regarded as any pro- cess by which a fat is decomposed into its acid and glycerine. This may be effected by passing the vapor of water through fat which has been raised to a temperature of 572 Fahr. The action of the strong acids is also to decompose fat. "When a small quantity of acid is used, it unites with the glycerine ; FATS. 63 I when a large quantity is used, it unites with the fatty acid. The process of formation of glycerine and fatty acids in- volves the fixation of a certain quantity of water ; so that the combined weights of the glycerine and acid exceed that of the fat originally employed. 1 It is thought by some that this acidification of fat takes place to a certain extent in di- gestion ; however this may be, it is not an essential part of the digestive process. Emulsion. When liquid fat is violently shaken up with water, it is minutely subdivided, and an opaque milky mix- ture is the result. But this is momentary,' the two liquids separating almost immediately from each other when they are no longer agitated. There are certain fluids, however, which have the property of holding fat permanently in a state of minute subdivision and suspension, forming what is called an emulsion. Out of the body, mucilaginous fluids and white of egg have this property. In the body, we find as examples of emulsions the chyle, which is formed by the action of the pancreatic juice upon the fatty elements of food, and milk, which is composed of butter held in suspen- sion by the water and caseine. The property of forming emulsions with certain liquids is one of the most interesting attributes of the fats, as it is in this form only that it can find its way from the alimentary canal into the general system. Origin and Functions of Fat. One source of fat in the economy is the food. It constitutes an important article of diet, existing in animal food in the form of adipose tissue, and mingled to a certain extent with the muscular tissue. Yegetable oil also is quite a common article of food. When introduced in the form of adipose tissue, the fat is freed from its vesicles by the action of the gastric juice, is generally 1 REGNAULT, Cours filementaire de Chimie, Paris, 1853, tome iv., p. 414. O INTRODUCTION. melted at the temperature of the body, and floats in the form of oil on the alimentary mass. It passes then into the smal] intestines unchanged, is emulsified by the pancreatic juice, and absorbed by the lacteals. A small quantity of fat is absorbed by the radicles of the portal vein. After a full meal, the blood of a carnivorous animal frequently contains enough fatty emulsion to form a thick white pelicle on cooling. The question as to the possibility of the formation of fat in the organism may be now considered as definitely settled. It has been shown by Liebig, Boussingault, and others, that in young animals especially, the fat in the body cannot all be accounted for by that which has been taken in as food added to that which the body contained at birth. The experiments of Boussingault, 1 on this point, on young pigs, are very con- clusive, and demonstrate that fat must be produced some- where in the organism. Bernard 2 has shown that an emul- sive substance, which he regards as fat in combination with organic nitrogenized matters, is produced by the liver, and is taken up by the blood of the hepatic vein. He believes that it is produced at the expense of the amylaceous or sac- charine elements of food. It is very certain that the generation or deposition of fat in the body may be influenced very considerably by diet, and the conditions of the system. This is daily exem- plified in the inferior animals, and is true, though it is not perhaps as universal, in the human subject. It has been found that a diet consisting largely of fatty, amylaceous, and saccharine principles favors the accumulation of fat, while an exclusively nitrogenized diet is unfavorable to it, and will produce emaciation, if rigidly followed. Muscular activity, it is well known, is unfavorable to the accumulation of fat ; which may account in a measure for its greater relative quan- tity in the female. In some individuals, especially when its ac- 1 BOUSSINGAULT, Chimie Agricole, Paris, 1854. 8 BERNARD, Lemons de Physiologic Experimentale, Paris, 1855, p. 154 et seq. FATS. 65 cumulation is excessive, there is an hereditary tendency to fat. Organs which are in process of atrophy from disease, or other causes, are apt to be the seat of a deposit of fatty granules ; as the muscular fibres, which, in many diseases character- ized by rapid emaciation, are found to be the seat of fatty degeneration. There are certain situations where fat never exists, as in the eyelids and scrotum ; and others where it is always found, even in extreme emaciation, as in the orbit and around the kidneys. Ordinarily, fat is pretty well distributed through- out the body, having a tendency to accumulate, however, beneath the skin, and in the omentum, where its presence is least likely to interfere w T ith the function of parts, and where it serves to maintain the uniform temperature of the body, and particularly of the delicate abdominal organs. The average relative quantity of fat in the human body has been calculated by Burdach to be five parts per hundred. In the body of a man weighing 176 pounds, he found 8'8 pounds of fat. 1 In certain parts fat has an important mechanical func- tion. It serves as a soft bed for delicate organs, as the eye and kidney. It is a bad conductor, and thus prevents the loss of heat by the organism. This is very important in some warm-blooded animals, as the whale, in which the loss of heat would be very great were it not for the immensely thick layer of fat just beneath the skin. It is important in filling up the interstices between the muscles, bones, ves,- sels, &c. Fat, like sugar, has undoubtedly an important office in connection with the general processes of development and nit- trition. We have not yet arrived at an accurate knowledge of the changes which it undergoes as it is used up by the economy ; for with the single exception of butter in the milk, 1 BURDACH, Traite de Physiologic, Paris, 1837, tome viii., p. 80. Translated-' from the German by Jourdan. bO INTRODUCTION. it is never discharged from the body in health. We have already alluded to the view that the sugars and fats are respiratory or calorific elements, which undergo oxidation in respiration, and are immediately concerned in the produc- tion of animal heat. One of the arguments in favor of this function of fat has been that ip. cold climates, where there is a greater demand for the generation of heat by the system, fat is a more common and more abundant article of diet. This is undoubtedly true, but other principles are consumed in greater quantity, and the general process of nutrition, of which the production of heat is but a single phenomenon, is intensified. There is not sufficient ground for supposing that fat has any such exclusive function. Its office is connected with the general process of nutrition ; and its various trans- formations in connection with this function, we have as yet been unable to follow. Fatty Acids and Soaps. In addition to the fatty sub- stances just described, the following fatty acids, free, and united with bases to form soaps, have been found in the blood : Oleic Add (C 36 H 33 O 3 HO), Margaric Acid (C 34 H 33 O 3 HO) Oleate of Soda, Mar gar ate of Soda. Oleic and margaric acids have been detected in minute quantities in a free state in the blood and bile. Their function is unknown. The oleate and margarate of soda are found in small quantity in the blood, bile, and lymph. They serve to hold in solution the small quantity of the fatty acids and fats which exists in these fluids. The function of all these substances is comparatively unimportant. In the blood of the ox, Robin and Yerdeil have found a small quantity of ;Stearic acid and the stearate of soda. Odorous Principles. It is well known that the perspira- , ODOROT76 PRINCIPLES. 67 tion of certain parts, as the axilla and sometimes the feet, has a distinct odor. This is supposed to be due to combinations of volatile fatty acids with soda and potassa. Most of the inferior animals have a distinctive odor, which may generally be readily recognized, and is always strongly developed in the blood by the addition of sulphuric acid. Barreul gives the following conclusions as the result of an extended series of observations on this subject : "1. That the blood of every species of animal contains a principle peculiar to each one. 2. This principle, which is very volatile, has an odor like that of the perspiration. 3. The volatile principle is in a state of combination in the blood, and while this combination exists it is not appreciable. 4. When this combination is destroyed, the principle of the blood becomes volatile, and from that time it is not only possible, but very easy to recognize the ' animal to which it belongs. 5. In each species of animal the odorous principle is manifested with greater intensity in the male than in the female. 6. The combination of this odorous principle is in a state of solution in the blood which permits it to be devel- oped either in the blood entire, in the defibrinated blood, or in the serum. 7. Of all the means employed for setting free the odorous principle of the blood, concentrated sulphuric acid is that which succeeds the best. It suffices to add one- third or one-half of the volume of blood employed, and a few drops of blood is sufficient." 1 Lactic Acid Pneumic Acid Pneumate of Soda. Lactic acid may be formed by what is called the lactic acid fermentation of sugars, particularly sugar of milk. This kind of action is induced by the presence of certain organic fer- ments, or by organic nitrogenized matter in process of de- composition. This principle does not exist, as was at one 1 ROBIN and VEKDIEL, op. cit., tome iiL, p. 90. 68 INTRODUCTION. time supposed, in fresh milk, but only after it has become sour. Its composition (C G H 5 O 5 + HO) assimilates it to the sugars, and indicates how it may be formed theoretically from them by transposition of their atoms ; milk sugar having for its composition 12 H 12 O 12 , which is also the formula for an- hydrous glucose. It is a constant constituent of the gastric juice, and is indispensable to the digestive properties of this secretion. Lactic acid has been demonstrated by Liebig in the juice of muscular tissue. 1 Sources and Function. This principle may be formed, in minute quantity, in the intestines, from the saccharine and amylaceous articles of food ; but it is in greatest part pro- duced in the economy as an element of secretion. It is thought that a great portion of the sugar which passes in the blood from the liver to the lungs is converted into lactic acid. If this be the case, it unites with bases and is almost imme- diately decomposed and lost. Lactates in the blood are very readily converted into carbonates, as has been shown by the experiments of Lehmann, 2 who took into the stomach half an ounce of dry lactate of soda, and ' in thirteen minutes his urine had an alkaline reaction from the presence of carbon- ates. Alkalinity of the urine from this cause is often pro- duced by the ingestion of combinations of the vegetable acids in fruits, etc. The most marked function of lactic acid is in the gastric juice, and will be considered under the head of digestion. Pneumic Acid and Pneumate of Soda. Pneumic acid was discovered and extracted from the tissue of the lungs by Yerdeil in 1851. 3 Its ultimate composition is not given. According to this author, it exists in the lungs of the mam- 1 LEHMANN, Physiological Chemistry, Philadelphia, 1855, voL i., p. 90. 2 Ibid, p. 97. 8 ROBIN and VERDEIL, op. cit., tome il, p. 466. ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. C9 malia at all periods of life. He extracted about three-fourths of a grain from the perfectly healthy lungs of a female who was guillotined. It has not been found in other situations. Its function is connected with respiration. The carbon- ates and bicarbonates of the blood, in passing through the lungs, are in part decomposed by pneumic acid, a certain portion of the carbonic acid in the expired air being evolved in this way. Pneumate of Soda is produced by the action of pneumic acid upon the carbonates of soda in the blood, and is found in the blood which passes through the lungs. It is not dis- charged from the body, undergoing in the system some transformation with which we are unacquainted*. ORGANIC NITROGENIZED PRINCIPLES. Principles of this class differ essentially from all the other constituents of the body. They are the only elements en- dowed with what are called vital properties, and upon them depend all the phenomena which characterize living struc- tures. This important fact cannot be too fully insisted upon. All the vital phenomena which take place in the lody depend primarily upon organic nitrogenized principles, which are the only elements in the organism endowed with life. By a tissue or fluid endowed with life is meant : A combination of proximate principles which has the prop- erty, under certain conditions, of appropriating materials for its nourishment and regenerating itself , to repair the continual destruction or waste to which all living ~bodies are subject. This, which is the great process of NUTRITION, is going on from the beginning to the end of life ; its phenomena are distinct from those which take place in inert com- pounds, and are called vital. Take, for example, the nutri- tive processes which take place in the muscles or the bones. In common with all pails of the body, these tissues arc continually undergoing waste. The circumstances under TO INTRODUCTION. which they can supply this waste, or regenerate themselves by the appropriation of suitable materials, involve contact with the circulating blood. They take materials from this fluid and change them into their own substance. This process takes place only in living bodies, and is unknown in the inorganic kingdom. As it is the great cliaracteristic of life, its accom- plishment being the end and object of all the functions of the organism, the study of these organic principles is mani- festly of the greatest importance. We shall find that their properties are peculiar to themselves, and their chemical study must necessarily be eminently physiological. To arrive at any definite idea of their properties, the methods of study which have been generally employed by chemists must be discarded, as by these they are reduced to inorganic ele- ments, and treated simply as combinations of inert sub- stances. They must be studied as nearly as possible in the condition in which they exist in the body ; which is neces- sarily the condition in which they are capable of manifesting their characteristic vital phenomena. These principles are found in all the fluids, semi-solids, and solids of the body, except the excrementitious fluids. 1 The nutritive fluids contain several. In each tissue an or- ganic principle is found which presents certain peculiarities more or less distinctive. They are all formed in the or- ganism, and, with the exception of the milk, a little mucus, desquamated epidermis and epithelium, and an almost inap- preciable quantity exhaled by the lungs and skin, are never discharged unchanged from the body, in health. They assunie the consistence of the part in which they are found ; being, therefore, fluid, semi-solid, and solid. They constitute by far the greater part of the organism ; but their quantity in the whole body has never been accurately estimated. Their reaction is neutral. As a peculiarity of chemical com- position, they all contain nitrogen ; whence they are called 1 The excrementitious fluids contain coloring matters, which Robin and Verdeil put in this class, but which do not seem to be endowed with vital properties. OEGAJSTIC PRINCIPLES. 71 Nitrogenized Principles. They all closely resemble one of the most important and certainly the most carefully studied of their number, namely, albumen ; whence they are some- times called Albuminoids. They were regarded by Mulder as compounds of a theoretical radical or base which he called Proteine, and after this chemist are sometimes called Proteine com/pounds. Composition and Properties. 1. Studied, as they gener- ally have been, from a purely chemical point of view, they are regarded by many as solid substances in solution in the fluids, in a condition approximating to this in the semi-solids, and of course as solid in the solids, like the bones and teeth. This view is erroneous, as we shall see that some are natu- rally fluid, some are semi-solid, and some are solid. In this condition they have been found to consist of Carbon, Hydro- gen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, with sometimes a little Sulphur and Phosphorus. The coloring matters contain in addition a small proportion of Iron. By ultimate analysis they have been found to be of indefinite chemical composition* which, indeed, we would be led to expect from the state of continual change in which they exist in the body. By the method em- ployed in arriving at their ultimate composition, even before analysis, they are completely destroyed as organic principles by desiccation, and rendered incapable of exhibiting any of their characteristic properties. The composition of their dry residue only is thus given, while in reality they all con- tain more or less water, which enters into their composition, and deprived of which they cannot be called organic sub- stances. The proportion of water is to some extent variable, but confined within tolerably narrow limits. 2 2. The organic principles never exist alone, but always in 1 ROBIN and VERDEIL, op. cit., tome iii., p. 147. 2 For a further discussion of this important subject, see an article by the author in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, October, 1863, On the Organic Nitrogenized Principles of the Body, ivith a New Method for their Estimation in tfie Blood. INTRODUCTION. combination with inorganic substances, which, though per- haps not absolutely necessary to the properties by which they are recognized out of the body, are essential in the perform- ance of their vital functions in the economy. Under these cir- cumstances the organic and inorganic principles are so closely united, that the latter may be. said to acquire, by virtue of this union, vital properties. Though unaltered, the inorganic are discharged with the worn-out organic substances, and, combined with fresh organic matter, are deposited in the tissues in the process of regeneration. 3. The organic principles which are naturally fluid may be coagulated, but under no circumstances do they assume a definite or crystalline form. We should be led to expect this from the fact that they have no absolutely fixed composition. When the liquids of this class are thus solidified, they are not precipitated from a solution, but are made to assume a new form, still retaining their water of composition. When exposed to evaporation, whether they be fluid or semi- solid, their water may be driven off, and they are said to be desiccated. They can be made to assume their water of composition again by simple contact, as they have in a high degree the property of Tiygrometmcity . Both these properties are peculiar to organic substances. 4. When exposed to a very elevated temperature, that which has been considered by chemists as the organic sub- stance . proper is volatilized and driven off, leaving the inor- ganic substances, which always enter into its composition. 5. In their natural condition, the organic principles have no very distinct odor ; but when exposed for some time to a moderate heat, certain odorous or empyreumatic substances are produced. This change is peculiar to organic matters, and takes place in the process of cooking. When these ele- ments are used as food, this process serves a useful purpose, rendering them more agreeable to the taste, and facilitating their digestion. 6. One of the great distinctive properties of organic prin- ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 73 ciples, out of the body, is putrefaction. In contact with the air, at a moderate temperature, they undergo decompo- sition into carbonic, lactic, and butyric acids, and ammonia. When this change has once commenced, it has been found by "Wurtz to continue in a vacuum. 1 Putrefaction is a process peculiar to organic substances. By it they are transformed into substances which are used in the nutrition of vegetables ; and as vegetables are eventually consumed by animals, the animal matter is not lost, but returns again through this channel, so that the two kingdoms are continu- ally interchanging elements. Organic matters in putrefac- tion are capable of setting up the same process in other articles of this class by simple contact, neither giving up nor taking away any chemical elements. They are then called ferments, and this action is said to be catalytic. As before remarked, this constitutes one of the most important charac- teristics of organic matters ; one, indeed, which enables us to recognize them when they exist in quantities too minute for chemical analysis, as in exhalations from the pulmonary and cutaneous surfaces. Proteine. In 1838, just after the promulgation of the theory of vegetable organic radicals by Liebig and Dumas, Mulder attempted to show that the organic animal substan- ces were all compounds of a radical which he called Prote- ine. This theory was pretty generally received, and gave to organic matters the name of Proteine Compounds, by which they are sometimes known. He treated albumen, fibrin, and ca seine with alcohol and ether to remove the fats, and with hydrochloric acid to remove inorganic salts ; dissolved them, thus purified, in a solution of potash, and precipitated with acetic acid a substance said to possess always the same char- acters, which he called proteine ; and which, by union with a certain quantity of sulphur and phosphorus, was capable of forming fibrin, albumen, and caseine. But the analyses 1 Cited by ROBIN and VERDEIL, op, cit. : tome Hi., p. 142. 74 INTRODUCTION. of different chemists have shown that proteine itself has an indefinite chemical composition, hardly any two formulae being the same. It is essentially an artificial product ; and with the views we have taken of the composition of organic substances, there is not the slightest reason to suppose that it plays the part of a base or radical for a group of definite compounds. It is not a distinct chemical substance, for its composition is indefinite ; nor a proximate principle, for it is produced artificially and by decomposition. We must therefore reject the theory that it serves as the radical of a definite series, and discard the name of Proteine Compounds, as applied to organic principles. Catalysis. Catalysis, or catalytic action, is a name given to a certain process which we do not as yet understand. The word was introduced by Berzelius in 1835, and applied to certain actions or affinities brought into play in inorganic bodies by the mere presence of another substance, the latter not undergoing any chemical alteration. It is now applied to all chemical changes which are induced by the simple presence of any substance, like the particular class of sub- stances called ferments, in which the substance inducing this action undergoes no chemical change. Fermentation, which was considered in treating of sugar, is an example of catalysis ; the sugar being decomposed into carbonic acid and alcohol from the fact of the mere presence of yeast, which has nothing to do, chemically, with the process. Putrefaction, which we have just considered, is an example of catalysis ; for a small quantity of any animal substance in a state of putrefaction is capable, ~by its presence, of setting up the same process in other principles of this class. Nutrition, and to a certain ex- tent digestion, are examples of catalysis ; for in the repair of the system, certain materials are taken from the blood by the tissues, and by the latter changed into different sub- stances, as musculine for the muscles, osteine for the bones, etc. ; and in digestion, the organic elements which are dissolved ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 75 are changed by the presence of certain organic substances in the digestive fluids. Any process set up by the mere presence of substances, which themselves undergo no chemical change, or the transformation of one variety of organic matter into another from the mere fact of contact, is called catalysis. The general properties we have mentioned are possessed by all organic principles ; which, indeed, differ from each other very little in their general characters, and even in ultimate composition. Those which go to form the tissues are endowed with identical vital properties. Robin and Yerdeil give seven- teen distinct substances belonging to this class, of which four are coloring matters. 1 But three of these principles have been carefully studied with reference to their ultimate composition ; but their composition, which is indefinite, and not necessary to their vital properties, is of little physiological interest. The number of equivalents of the various ultimate elements is entirely arbitrary, as these principles enter into no definite combinations. Table of Organic Principles. Name. Where Found. 'Fibrin (C M8 H M6 M X 4 oS a ) , .Blood, Chyle, Lymph. ( Blood, Chyle, Lymph, Albumen WW>.N.A) j Seros u ics , ant. Albuminose Chyme, Blood. Caseine (C 288 H 228 PO N 36 S 2 ) Milk. Mucosine Mucus. Pancreatine Pancreatic Juice. ^Pepsin Gastric Juice. Globuline Blood Globules. Musculine Muscles. Osteine Bone. o Cartilagine Cartilage. Elasticine Elastic Jissue. Keratine Nails, Hair, Epidermis. . Crystalline Crystalline Lens. 1 These authors do not consider that pepsin has been fully established as a distinct proximate principle. Its distinctive properties seem to be sufficiently well marked, and it has therefore been included in the list. 76 INTKODUCTION. Name. Where Found. 60 . HEematine ...... " f Coloring Matter of Blood. *** ....... AU contain Iron 3 os Bihverdme ...... Bile. [Urrosacine ...... J ^ " " Urine. fibrin. Fibrin is found in the Wood, lymph, and chyle. In the first-named fluid it exists in considerable quantity, but in the last two it is much less abundant. Its quantity has been estimated by chemists in all the above-mentioned fluids, but the analyses which are generally given represent dried fibrin, and give us no definite idea of its quantity in the form in which it naturally exists. The quantity of fibrin in the blood, estimated by the author by a process in which it is not exposed to desiccation, is between 8 and 9 parts per 1000. 1 This proportion is undoubtedly quite variable within the limits of health. According to Becquerel and Eodier, 2 its quantity is considerably increased during gestation, and is greater in adults than in very young or very old persons. As a general rule, it is more abundant in arterial than in venous blood, and is often entirely absent from the blood of the hepatic and renal veins. No constant difference in quantity has been established in the sexes, and its proportion appears to bear no definite relation to the vigor of the individual. It appears in the blood at about the fifteenth day of intra- uterine life, and exists constantly from that time. The composition of fibrin is given in the table. It con- tains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and a little sulphur. The proportion of these substances, however, is indefinite, and the formula, like that of all the principles of this class, is entirely arbitrary, as it enters into no definite combina- tions, and consequently has no combining equivalent. Its ultimate composition is comparatively unimportant, for it 1 See article in Am. Jour., loc. cit. Though the ordinary methods of analysis do not give the real quantities of fibrin, they give important results with regard to the comparative quantities in different situations. 2 BECQUEREL and RODIEK, Traite de Chimie Pathologique, p. 101 et scq. ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 77 gives us no indication of the properties by which it is recog- nized, nor of its functions ; and, indeed, has been found to differ little, if at all, from the composition of masculine or albumen, the properties of which are very different. Fibrin may be easily extracted from the fluids in which it exists. Perhaps the best mode of procedure is to whip the fluid, freshly drawn, with a bundle of twigs or broom corn. In this way the fibrin may be quickly and completely separated. It is then freed from foreign matters, such as blood-corpuscles, by washing under a stream of water, at the same time kneading with the fingers. Fibrin is not, as is supposed by many, a solid substance in solution in the liquids in which it is found. It is naturally liquid and mingled with the watery elements. After coagu- lation it contains a certain proportion of water, capable, it is true, of being driven off by evaporation, but nevertheless water of composition, deprived of which it loses the prop- erties by which we recognize it as fibrin. Properties of Fibrin. The striking peculiarity by which fibrin is recognized is its spontaneous coagulability. All the fluids in which it is contained, when drawn from the body or placed under abnormal conditions, become more or less coagulated, and their coagulating principle is called fibrin. It is this substance, therefore, which gives to the blood its peculiar and important property of coagulability. The con- dition under which fibrin coagulates seems to be that of stasis. Whenever it is drawn from the body, or in the vessels, when circulation becomes arrested, it assumes, after a variable time, a semi-solid consistence. The cause of this remarkable phe- nomenon was obscure until the essay of Eichardson on the " Cause of the Coagulation of the Blood" appeared in 1856. By a series of carefully conducted experiments, this observer demonstrated that the blood contains a small quantity of free ammonia, which has the power of maintaining the fibrin in its liquid condition. This ammonia is being continually devel- 78 INTRODUCTION. oped in the system, is taken up by the circulating blood and exhaled by the lungs. When the circulation is arrested in any part, of course the blood takes up no more ammonia ; and as that which it contained is gradually exhaled through the tissues, arrest of the circulation in any part for a certain time is followed by coagulation o/ the fibrin. When blood is drawn from the vessels, the exhalation of ammonia is rapid, and coagulation takes place very readily. Some other chem- ical substances, such as the carbonate of soda, have the power of maintaining the fluidity of the fibrin. Fibrin does not coagulate into a homogeneous mass, but forms minute microscopic filaments, or fibrils, which after- wards contract for ten or twelve hours, so that the clot at the end of that time is much smaller than immediately after coagulation. We recognize only as fibrin that liquid organic principle which coagulates whenever removed from its natural con- dition. By coagulation its form only is changed, not its weight, and we must consider, therefore, the water which is contained in the coagulated mass as water of composition. Pure coagulated fibrin is a grayish-white substance, com- posed of microscopic fibrils, and possessing considerable strength and elasticity. It is insoluble in water and in the serum of the blood, but dissolves slowly in solutions of caustic alkalis. It swells, assumes a jelly-like consistence, and is finally partially dissolved in a very feeble mixture of hydro- chloric acid and water. Like all principles of this class, it decomposes at a moderate temperature in contact with the air and moisture. Organization of Fibrin. The question of the organiza- tion of accidentally effused and coagulated fibrin has occupied the attention of pathologists a great deal, and some are of opinion that it is capable of becoming part of the organized living structure. This supposition had its origin in an assumed identity between fibrin and reparative lymph, or, ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 79 as it is sometimes called, coagulable lymph, which repairs losses of tissue. As the process of repair of parts after destruction must be considered as analogous to, and almost identical with, ordinary nutrition, the above question, which is so important in pathology, is one of great physiological interest. The conditions under which the organization of fibrin has been assumed to have taken place, are in clots remaining after vascular extravasations, and fibrinous exudations upon inflamed surfaces. The most important information is to be derived from a study of the anatomical characters of such effusions. By the microscope, and all means of investigation which are at our command, it is impossible to distinguish in these effusions any thing but fibrin. There are no blood- vessels, nerves, nor any anatomical elements which would lead us to suppose them capable of self-regeneration, that distinctive property of all organized tissues; and, in addi- tion, these are never developed. The changes which these effusions undergo are retrograde in their character ; and the fibrin, if it be not absorbed, remains as a foreign substance. The fibrillation which takes place is by no means an evidence of even commencing organization; for in effusions into the tissues it soon disappears, and if the effusion be not too large, the mass breaks down and is finally absorbed. When, on the other hand, effusion of organizable lymph takes place, the process is very different. It is elaborated, indeed, rather than effused; first appearing as a homogeneous fluid, in which fibro-plastic nuclei, then fibres, are developed, and in some instances blood-vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. Ac- cording to Robin, plastic lymph does not even contain fibrin ; 1 much less are the two identical. The process of organization is slow and gradual, and in no case does it take place from the blood, or elements of the blood, suddenly or accidentally effused. There can be no doubt that effused and coagulated 1 Dictionnaire de NTSTEN, par KOBIN et LITTRE, Paris, 1858. " Lymph Plas- tique." 80 INTRODUCTION. fibrin is incapable of organization ; and it may be further stated as a general law that no single proximate principle, nor mere mechanical mixture of proximate principles, effused into any part of the l>ody, ever acts in any other way than as a foreign substance. In certain instances of morbid action, effusions take place, either on the surfaces of membranes, or between two opposing surfaces, attaching them to each other by bridles or adhe- sions, which actually become organized. This occurs most frequently in serous membranes, and the structure thus formed is entirely different from coagulated fibrin, which has no connection with the parts, except that of contiguity. Both of these formations have been included in the term, false membranes ; but Robin makes a very proper distinction be- tween them, calling the one, which is merely coagulated fibrin, like the membrane of croup, false membranes, or pseudo-membranes / and the others membranes of new forma- tion, or neo-meinbranes. The former consist simply of the fibrin, which nature has been unable to remove by absorption ; and the latter, of regularly elaborated anatomical elements, endowed with the properties of self-regeneration common to all organized structures. Origin and Function of Fibrin. The fibrin of the blood has its direct origin, in part at least, from the albumen, by the catalytic transformation which so often takes place in principles of this class. It has been noticed that when fibrin is increased in the blood, albumen is diminished. In some experiments presented to the Society of Biology of Paris by Dr. Brown-Sequard, it was shown that defibrinated blood injected into the arteries of a criminal just after death, on being returned by the veins, coagulated, and presented a notable quantity of fibrin. 1 The remote origin of fibrin is from the organic nitrogenized elements of food ; which, after having undergone the catalytic changes incident to digestion, 1 ROBIN and VERDEIL, op. Y M tome iii., p. 269. ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 81 are absorbed and transformed into albumen. As albumen exists in the lymph and chyle, it is probable that in these fluids fibrin is produced in the same way as in the blood. A very important office of fibrin is to give coagula- bility to the blood. This will be taken up more fully here- after. At present we need only say that by virtue of this property spontaneous arrest of hemorrhage after division or rupture of small vessels is effected. In its natural liquid condition, in intimate union with albumen and certain inor- ganic matters which cannot be separated from it without incineration, fibrin constitutes one of the two peculiar organic principles of the plasma of the blood. It is brought in con- tact with the tissues in the capillary vessels, and probably takes part in the catalytic changes which constitute nutrition, being transformed into the peculiar organic element of each part. In this way it disappears forever as fibrin, and is only discharged from the body after the tissue has undergone the transformations which result in excrementitious products. Simon, Lehmann, Bernard, and others have noticed the remarkable fact that the blood of the hepatic and renal veins generally contains no fibrin. The liver and kidneys seem to have the power of destroying this principle. Its transfor- mations in these organs we have not been able to follow. Albumen. Albumen is found in the blood, lymph, chyle, intermus- cular fluid, secretions of serous membranes, and in small quantity in the milk. It is most abundant in the blood, constituting the most important organic constituent of the plasma. Its proportion has been estimated in the various situations in which it is found, but, as in the case of fibrin, this has been done after complete desiccation, and the results thus obtained are far from representing the real quantities. In some analyses designed to give the quantity of moist albu- men in the blood, we have found a proportion in a healthy specimen of 329*82 parts per 1000. The proportion will 6, 82 INTRODUCTION. undoubtedly be found to vary considerably within the limits of health, and, as a rule, it bears an inverse ratio to the quan- tity of fibrin. "No constant difference in the quantity of albumen in the sexes has been established. The quantity is greater in the well-nourished and vigorous, than in anemic and feeble subjects. Albumen is found in the organism at all periods of life, existing even in the ovum. In ultimate composition albumen has been found by chemists to differ very little, if at all, from fibrin. Like the other principles of this class, the proportions of its ultimate elements are indefinite. Albumen may be extracted from the fluids in which it is contained by simple coagulation. The most convenient method of separating it is to add to the liquid a quantity of absolute alcohol, and immediately filter. In operating upon the serum, we have found that about twice its volume of alcohol will coagulate all the albumen. It may then be collected on a filter, and its weight will represent the propor- tion of this principle in its natural condition. Like fibrin, albumen is naturally fluid, and in this con- dition and this condition only forms the important organic principle of the fluids in which it is contained. Properties of Albumen. Liquid albumen has certain properties which serve to distinguish it from other principles of the same class. In a neutral mixture it is coagulated com- pletely by a temperature of 167 Fahr. The same result fol- lows the addition of the strong mineral acids, alcohol, and some of the metallic salts. It is distinguished from caseine by the fact that it is not coagulated by the vegetable acids. Coagulated albumen is a grayish- white substance, always com- bined with inorganic matter, which cannot be separated with- out incineration, insoluble in water, but soluble in a weak solu- tion of a caustic alkali. In an alkaline solution it is no longer coagulable by heat. Becqnerel has found that albumen has ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 83 the property of deviating the plane of polarization to the left. He has employed a polarizing apparatus like the one used by Biot in the examination for sugar, for the purpose of estimating the quantity of albumen in a watery mixture, and found that "each minute of deviation corresponds to 18 decigrammes (29*77 grains) of dried albumen in 1,000 cubic centimetres (1*76 pints) of water." 1 This instrument he calls an albuminimeter. A current of galvanism passed through a mixture containing albumen produces coagulation, whicli has been attributed to a decomposition of certain salts which are combined with it and maintain its fluidity. Some organic principles almost identical with albumen in chemical reactions, are found to possess very different vital properties. One of these is the organic principle of the gastric juice, which, like albumen, is coagulable by heat, alcohol, and the metallic salts, but exerts a peculiar and distinctive action in the digestion of certain articles of food. Tests for Albumen. As a pathological condition, albu- men sometimes exists in the urine, and it becomes important clinically to be able to determine this fact by the application of tests. These require certain precautions for their suc- cessful application. They depend upon its property of coagulation. If a solution containing albumen be exposed to heat in a test tube, as the temperature rises a slight cloudiness or opacity in the upper part of the liquid occurs, which gradually extends through the whole mass, until, at a temperature of about 167, a precipitate more or less abun- dant is produced, which is entirely insoluble. If albumen be very abundant, the whole mass may become solidified, and we may have all shades between this and the slight opacity produced by a very minute quantity. In the latter case 1 BECQUEREL and RODIER, Traite de Chimie Pathologiqice, Paris, 1854, p. 53. 84 INTRODUCTION. coagulation is not complete until the liquid has been brought to the boiling point. It must be remembered, however, that albumen is not coagulated by heat in an alkaline solution. In testing the urine for albumen by heat, if the liquid be alkaline it must be neutralized with a little acetic acid ; other- wise there will be no coagulation, even if albumen be present in abundance. There may also arise a source of error from the precipitation by heat of an excess of earthy phosphates. This precipitate is distinguished from albumen by the fact that it is dissolved by a few drops of hydrochloric acid, while coagulated albumen is not changed. Coagulated albumen in urine is redissolved by the addition of a little potash, which has no effect upon an opacity produced by the phosphates. Another test is the addition to the suspected solution of a strong mineral acid ; when, if albumen be present, coagu- lation will take place. There is only one source of error in the application of this test to the urine. If the urates be present in very large quantity, we may have a deposit of uric acid, giving an opacity something like that produced by coagulated albumen. This error may be avoided by adding an excess of nitric acid, which will clear up the mix- ture if the deposit be due to the presence of urates, but has no effect upon albumen. In such a case, also, no turbidity is produced by heat. "When uric acid is deposited, the turbidity makes its appearance more slowly than when albu- men is present Various acid mixtures have been proposed as tests for albumen, but they seem to possess no advan- tages over nitric acid, which is the one most generally em- ployed. The tests by heat and nitric acid are sufficient to deter- mine the presence or absence of albumen in any clear fluid, if applied with the precautions above indicated. We may employ, however, coagulation by alcohol, or the albu- minimeter of Eecquerel ; but the latter, like the saccharom- eter of Biot and Soleil, is little used on account of the ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 85 expense of the instrument, and a certain dexterity which, is necessary for its exact application. Origin and Function of Albumen. The albumen of the blood has its origin from a catalytic transformation of the products of digestion of the albuminoid elements of food. It forms the great organic nutrient element of the blood. As we have already seen, it seems to be used in the formation of the fibrin. In nutrition, it undergoes catalytic transfor- mations which result in the peculiar organic principles of the various tissues. In the circulating blood there seems to be a union of the fibrin and albumen which is necessary to the nutritive properties of the latter. Bernard has shown 1 that the albumen of white of egg injected into the veins of an animal is incapable of assimilation, and is therefore rejected by the kidneys. The same result follows the injection of fresh serum, even from an animal of the same species ; but the blood itself, containing both albumen and fibrin, can be injected without the appearance of albumen in the urine, show- ing that in this state it is capable of being used in nutrition. In the passage of the blood through the liver, it has been found that a small quantity of albumen disappears ; but, as in the case of fibrin, we have not been able to follow its transformations. With the exception of the minute quantity which is discharged in the milk during lactation, albumen is never discharged from the body in health. After being appropriated by the tissues in the process of nutrition, it undergoes changes in the wearing out of the system, which convert it into excrementitious matter. Albuminose. This principle is intermediate between the organic nitro- genized elements of food and the albumen of the blood. It is found in the blood in very small quantity after digestion, 1 BERNARD, Lemons sur les Proprietes Physiologiques et les Alterations Pa* thologiquto den Liquidcs de VOrganisme, Paris, 1859, tome i., p. 467. 86 INTRODUCTION. almost immediately undergoing transformation into albu- men. It is also contained in the stomach and small intestines during digestion. It is naturally fluid, like albumen and fibrin. In its behavior to reagents, albuminose presents certain differences from albumen. It. is coagulated by alcohol and many metallic salts, but is not coagulable by heat, and only imperfectly by nitric acid. It is coagulated by a small quan- tity of acetic acid, but the coagulum is dissolved in an excess of this agent, the latter peculiarity distinguishing it from caseine, which is coagulated by acetic acid in any quantity. Mialhe states that albuminose is more endosmotic, or passes through membranes with much greater facility than albumen, which he says is absolutely non-endosmotic. This property favors its introduction into the blood. Albuminose has its origin from the organic nitrogenized elements of food, which are not only liquefied by the diges- tive fluids, but undergo a catalytic transformation into this substance. By virtue of its endosmotic properties, it passes into the blood-vessels, and is there converted into albumen. Mialhe, who first described this substance under the name of albuminose, has shown that, injected into the veins of an animal, it becomes assimilated, and does not pass away in the urine. 1 Caseine. This organic principle is peculiar to the milk, and there- fore exists in the body only during lactation. Like fibrin and albumen, it is naturally fluid. Caseine may be easily extracted by the following process, which is recommended by Robin and Yerdeil. 2 " "We add to the milk a few drops of acetic acid, which precipitates the caseine accompanied by the fats. The coagulum separated 1 MIALHE, Chimie Appliquee d la Physiologic, Paris, 1856, p. 125. 2 Op. cit., tome iii., p. 341. OEGANIC PEINCIPLES. 87 from the liquid, then washed, is redissolved in a solution of carbonate of soda ; this solution separates from the fat which floats on the top, and can be completely removed at the end of twelve hours of repose. The liquid thus freed from fat is acidified by a few drops of hydrochloric acid, and the caseine is precipitated perfectly pure." Obtained by this process, it is perfectly white, and insoluble in water, resembling pot cheese. Caseine has certain marked properties by which it is dis- tinguished from albumen. It is not coagulable by heat; is coagulable by the feeble vegetable, as well as the mineral acids, and by rennet. This latter substance is obtained from the fourth stomach, or abomasus, of sucking ruminating ani- mals, and is the milk almost reduced to caseine, and mixed with the gastric fluids. It is salted and dried, and in this con- dition used in making cheese. Added to the milk in the pro- portion of fifteen to twenty grains to a quart, it produces com- plete coagulation. According to Robin and Yerdeil, caseine is precipitated by the metallic salts, with which it forms com- binations not to be distinguished from like combinations of albumen. 1 It is a curious fact that caseine is sometimes coagulated almost instantly during thunder storms. This phenomenon we cannot fully explain; but the immediate cause of the coagulation is the transformation of some of the sugar of milk into lactic acid. Caseine retains its fluidity in the milk by union with the carbonate of soda ; and when coagulated spontaneously, it may be restored to its liquid condition by the addition of this salt, which does not render the fluid alkaline, "but seems to enter into combination with the organic substance. Caseine has its origin in the albumen of the blood, by a catalytic process which takes place in the mammary glands. In its liquid condition it constitutes the important organic element of the milk. It is taken into the stomach of the 1 Loe. tit. 88 INTRODUCTION. infant, converted into albuminose, which it resembles very closely, and absorbed by the blood, where it is converted into fibrin and albumen, and contributes to the nutrition of the system. At this period it constitutes almost the only nitro- genized element of food. It is the only proximate principle of this class, with the exception of a little mucosine and the coloring matter of the urine and bile, which is discharged from the body in health. Pancreatine. This is the organic principle peculiar to the pancreatic juice. Bernard was the first to describe its properties, both chemical and physiological. 1 Before the appearance of his admirable monogragh on the pancreas it was confounded with albumen; but we shall see that it possesses properties by which it may be distinguished as readily as caseine. Pancreatine exists in the pancreatic juice in large quan- tity. It is naturally fluid, but very viscid. It is coagulated by heat, the strong acids, and alcohol, but is unaffected by the feeble vegetable acids. It is distinguished from albumen by the fact that it is completely coagulated by an excess of sulphate of magnesia. Its distinctive physiological character is its powerful digestive action upon certain elements of food, and its property of forming an instantaneous, complete, and very fine emulsion with liquid fats. Pancreatine has its origin from the albumen of the blood by a catalytic change which takes place in the pancreas. It gives to the pancreatic juice its digestive properties. , Pepsin. Pepsin is the organic principle of the gastric juice. It is hardly to be distinguished from albumen, except by its phys- iological action in digestion. The principle which has been extracted by various processes from the mucous membrane 'BERNARD, Hemoire sur le Pancreas* Paris, 1858. ORGANIC PRINCIPLES. 89 of the stomach, particularly after commencing putrefaction, cannot be regarded as pure pepsin. It is undoubtedly neces- sary to the digestive action of the gastric juice, which loses its physiological properties when this substance has been coagulated by heat and separated by filtration. Its properties will be more fully considered under the head of digestion, Mucosine. This is the organic principle of the general secretion of mucous membranes, presenting, however, some differ- ences in different situations. In its general properties it closely resembles albumen ; indeed, what is generally taken as the type of pure albumen, the white of egg, should strictly be called mucosine, as it is the secretion of the mucous mem- brane of the Fallopian tubes, and almost identical with some specimens of pure mucus, such as the secretion at the neck of the uterus during gestation. It is imperfectly coagulated by heat, but is thrown down by strong acids and the metal- lic salts. It is formed from the blood by the mucous follicles ; and, as a small quantity is discharged from the body, forms one exception to the general law that organic nitrogenized principles are never discharged from the body in health. Semi-solid or Solid Principles. Most of the liquid elements which we have just considered have been found to be connected, directly or indirectly, with the nutrition of the body. Those which we now have to consider are all directly formed from the organic principles of the blood, and constitute the organic portion of the econ- omy. Here is found to be the final destination of fibrin and al- bumen in nutrition ; for the organic principles constitute the vital elements of all the tissues, and are nourished exclusively by these elements of the blood. We include here the blood corpuscles, which must be regarded as organized bodies, nourished like any of the tissues. The following are the prin- 90 INTRODUCTION. * ciples in this group which are well established, and have been studied to a greater or less extent : * Globuline, Crystalline, Musculyne, Osteine, Cartilagine, ElastiGine, Keratine. Gldbuline. This is a semi-solid organic principle, con- stituting the greater portion of the blood corpuscles. It is soluble in water, from which it is coagulated by a tempera- ture a little below the boiling point. Excepting that when mixed with water it requires a much higher temperature for its coagulation, it has nearly the same properties as albumen. Like the rest of these principles, it exists in a state of intimate molecular union with inorganic elements; but, exceptionally in this case, is united with a small quantity of fat. In this condition it goes to form the organized structure of the blood corpuscles. Crystalline. This is a semi-solid organic principle, peculiar to the crystalline lens. It presents most of the characters of globuline, but is coagulated at a little lower temperature, though higher than is required to coagulate albumen. Musculine. This semi-solid organic principle is peculiar to the muscular tissue. It is immediately dissolved at the ordinary temperature by a mixture of ten parts of water with one of hydrochloric acid. It may be precipitated from this solution by neutralizing the acid, and the precipitate is re- dissolved by an alkali. It is always united with a consider- OEGANIC PEINCIPLES. 91 able quantity of inorganic salts, in which the phosphates predominate. Musculine, in combination with inorganic substances, goes to form the muscles ; but in addition, is interesting as being by far the most important and abundant nitrogenized element of food. It is the great source of the fibrin and albumen of the blood of man and of the carnivorous animals. Osteine. This organic principle, naturally solid, is pecu- liar to the bones. If the earthy matter of bone be dissolved out with dilute hydrochloric acid, the residue is nearly pure osteine. By boiling with water it is transformed into gelatine^ a soluble substance differing in many respects from osteine. According to the experiments of Magendie, fresh bones possess considerable nutritive power, which is entirely de- stroyed by prolonged boiling. It enters into combination with large quantities of earthy salts, to form the bones. Cartilagine. This principle holds the same relation to cartilage as osteine does to bone. By prolonged boiling it is transformed into a substance resembling gelatine, called by Miiller chondrine. This presents many points of difference from gelatine, which renders it probable that the transfor- mation of cartilage into bone, does not merely consist in the deposition of calcareous matter, but also the substitution of a new organic principle. JElasticine. This is the organic principle of the yellow elastic tissue and the investing membrane of the muscular fibres. According to Robin and Yerdeil it is slowly dissolved by sulphuric, nitric, and hydrochloric acids, and these solu- tions, diluted with water, are not precipitated by alkalis. It is possessed of great strength and elasticity. Keratine. This is an organic principle, found in the nails and hair, about which we know very little. It differs from 92 INTRODUCTION. the other principles in the fact that it is not dissolved, but decomposed by potash, giving off ammoniacal vapor. Coloring Matters. These substances have beii classed with the organic nitrogenized principles, from the fact that they contain ni- trogen ; but they do not seem to be endowed with the vital properties which characterize this class, with the exception perhaps of hematine and melanine. As a peculiarity of chemical constitution, they all contain iron, which is molec- ularly united with their other elements. The following are the principles of this group : Hcematine, Melanine^ JBiliverdine, Urrosacine. Hcematine. This is the red coloring matter of the blood, and exists, intimately united with globuline, in the blood corpuscles. The iron which it contains can be readily dem- onstrated, even in a single drop of blood, by the following process : To a small quantity of blood in a watch-glass we add a drop of nitric acid, then evaporate slowly over a lamp, when fumes of nitrous acid are driven off, the iron takes oxygen and is converted into a per-oxide. If we then add a drop of the sulpho-cyanide of potassium, we produce the characteristic red color of the sulpho-cyanide of iron. Sep- arated from the blood, hsematine is soluble in ether and boil- ing alcohol, but insoluble in water and in acids. "We do not exactly understand the mode of formation of haematine, but pathology teaches us that it is an essential principle of the blood. In certain cases of anaemia, when there is extreme pallor and consequently deficiency of hema- tine, the administration of iron in any form induces the for- mation of this substance, restores the normal constitution of COLORING MATTEES. 93 the circulating fluid, and relieves the general effects of the deficiency of coloring matter; an effect which cannot be produced by the most nutritious articles of food. Hsematine is probably destroyed in the organism, and furnishes material for the formation of the other coloring matters. Melanine. This substance resembles hsematine, contain- ing, however, a smaller proportion of iron. It is of a brown- ish color, and is found in all parts of the body where pigment exists ; such as the choroid, iris, hair, or epidermis. It exists in the form of granulations, either free or enclosed in epithe- lial cells. In all probability it is formed by a transformation of'hematine. Biliverdine. This is a greenish-yellow coloring matter peculiar to the bile. Extracted from the bile, it is insoluble in -water, but soluble in alcohol or ether. It contains iron in nearly the same proportion as haematine. Biliverdine is formed from haematine, enters into the con- stitution of the bile, is discharged into the small intestine, and, after undergoing certain modifications, is discharged from the body in the feces. Urrosacine. This is the principle which gives the amber color to the urine. After extraction, it is insoluble in water, but soluble in alcohol or ether. It exists in the urine in very small quantity, and is formed in the kidney, in all probability at the expense of the haematine. Urrosacine and biliverdine are the two coloring matters discharged from the body. Summary. A review of the individual properties of the organic nitrogenized principles shows great differences in their physiological, and very slight differences in their purely chemical characters. It is a fact too apparent to require argument, that their chemical history is of little importance compared to a study of their vital properties. In fact re- searches into their ultimate composition, with the excep- 94: INTRODUCTION. tion that they have shown them all to contain nitrogen, are almost without value. Without exception they are all in a state of intimate molecular union with inorganic matter, and in this union inorganic compounds become endowed with life ; that is, the inorganic parts of the body, as the calcareous elements of bone, taken up ty the blood with the worn-out organic principles and undergoing constant waste, are capa- ble of self-regeneration. The vitality thus imparted to inorganic matters, and the fact that neither the organic nor inorganic elements are alone capable of engaging in the phenomena of life, cannot le too fully insisted upon. Both are taken into the body as food, are digested, assimilated, and finally discharged, always in combination; the organic principles changed, and converted into excrementitious substances, and the inorganic principles unchanged. The readiness with which the organic principles are con- verted one into the other by catalysis must also be appre- ciated, as well as the constant operation of this process in all the phenomena of life. Even albumen, taken in as food, must be converted into albuminose, and again into albumen, before it is capable of building up the tissues ; and all the nitrogenized articles of food are converted into the same sub- stance, regenerating the blood, and through it the body. In the economy we find two great divisions of organic elements : one, which, is nutritive, and the other, which forms the great part of the tissues. By simple contact, the plastic, or nutritive, principles are mysteriously converted into the varied elements of the organism, and take w r ith them the inorganic elements necessary to the proper constitution of the parts. It is only with a just appreciation of these general princi- ples that we are able to study intelligently the special functions of respiration, circulation, digestion, absorption, secretion and excretion, which are all tributary to the complicated function of nutrition. CHAPTEE I. THE BLOOD. General considerations Transfusion Quantity Physical characters Opacity- Temperature Specific gravity Color Anatomical elements of the blood Eed corpuscles Chemical characters of red corpuscles Development of red corpuscles Formation of red corpuscles Leucocytes, or white corpuscles Development of leucocytes. IN all ages, even before physiology became known as a dis tinct science, the importance of the blood in the animal economy has been recognized ; and with the progress of knowledge this great nutritive fluid has been shown to be more and more intimately connected with the phenomena of life. It is now known to be the most abundant and highly organized of the animal fluids; providing materials for the regeneration of all parts, without exception, receiving the products of their waste and conveying them to proper organs, by which they are removed from the system. These processes, on the one hand, require constant regeneration of its constit- uents, and on the other, constant purification by the removal of effete matters. As it has been found desirable to preface our study of general physiology with a history of proximate principles, showing the chemical and vital properties of what maybe considered as the permanent constituents of the body, so before considering individual functions, all of which bear finally on the great process of nutrition, we should have an accurate knowledge of the anatomy and chemistry 96 THE BLOOD. of what is most appropriately called the great nutritive fluid. It has been said that all parts are dependent on the blood for nourishment. Those tissues in which the processes of nutri- tion are active are supplied with blood by vessels ; but some less highly organized, like the epidermis, hair, cartilage, etc., which are sometimes called ^xtra-vascular because they are not penetrated by blood-vessels, are none the less dependent upon the fluid under consideration; imbibing, as they do, nourishment from the blood of adjacent parts. It must be remembered that in nutrition the tissues are active, selecting, appropriating, and modifying material which is simply furnished by the blood ; and as the real vital force which governs these processes resides in the tissues, ten- dencies of the system, such as the tubercular, scrofulous, or cancerous diatheses, which lead to disordered nutrition, must have their seat in the solids, and not in the circulating fluid. The first cause of these conditions may lie in a disordered state of the blood, from bad nourishment, from the introduc- tion of poisons, such as malaria, or the emanations from per- sons affected with contagious diseases, and under some cir- cumstances the elimination of these poisons may be effected through the blood ; but when they exist in the blood, they either become fixed in the system, or are thrown off. We must regard most of the morbid actions which are dependent on diathesis, as the result of a vice in the tissue itself, not the blood with which it is supplied. It is none the less essential to health, however, that the blood should have its proper constitution. The final importance of the blood in the processes of nutrition is evident ; and in animals in which nutrition is active, death is the immediate result of its abstraction in large quantity. Its immediate importance to life can be beauti- fully demonstrated by experiments upon inferior animals. If we take a small dog, introduce a canula through the right jugular vein into the right side of the heart, adapt to it a syringe, and suddenly withdraw a great part of the blood TRANSFUSION. 97 from the circulation, immediate suspension of all the vital processes is the result. If we then return the blood to the system, the animal is as suddenly revived. 1 To perform this experiment satisfactorily, we must accurately adjust the ca- pacity of the syringe to the size of the animal. Carefully performed, it is very striking. Trcwsfusion. Certain causes, one of which is diminution in the force of the heart after copious hemorrhage, prevent the escape of all the blood from the body, even after division of the largest arteries ; but after the arrest of the vital functions which follows copious discharges of this fluid, life may be re- stored by the injection into the vessels of the same blood, or the fresh blood of another animal of the same species. This observation, which was first made on the inferior animals, has been applied to the human subject ; and it has been as- certained that in patients sinking under hemorrhage, the in- troduction of even a few ounces of fresh blood will restore the vital forces for a time, and sometimes permanently. The operation of transfusion, which consists in the introduction of the blood of one individual into the vessels of another,, was performed upon animals in the middle of the seven- teenth century, and was soon after attempted in the human subject. So great was the enthusiasm with which some re- garded these experiments, that it was even thought possible to effect a renewal of youth by the introduction of young blood into the veins of old persons ; and it was also proposed to cure certain diseases, such as insanity, by an actual renewal of the circulating fluid. These ideas were not without ap- parent foundation. It was stated in 1667, that a dog, old and deaf, had his hearing improved and was apparently rejuve- nated by transfusion of blood from a young animal. A year later Denys and Emmerets published the case of a maniac who was restored to health by the transfusion of eight ounces 1 BERNARD, Lemons sur les Liquides de V Organisme, tome i., p. 44. 7 98 THE BLOOD. of blood from a calf; and another case was reported of a man who was cured of leprosy by the same means. But a reac- tion followed. The case of insanity, which was apparently cured, suffered a relapse, and the patient died during a third attempt at transfusion. 1 It is almost unnecessary to say that these extravagant ^expectations were not realized. In fact some operations were followed by such disastrous con- sequences, that the practice w r as forbidden by law in Paris in 1668, and soon fell into disuse. Transfusion, with more reasonable applications, was re- vived in the early part of this century (1818) by Blundell, who, with others, demonstrated its occasional efficacy in des- perate hemorrhage, and in the last stages of some diseases, especially cholera. There are now quite a number of cases on record where life has been saved by this means ; and often- times, when the result has not been so happy, the fatal event has been considerably delayed. In a case which occurred at 'New Orleans, when the system was prostrated by an obscure affection and life became nearly extinct, about seven ounces of blood in all were transfused in three operations, within two hours, with the palpable effect of prolonging life for from twelve to sixteen hours.' Berard had collected from various sources thirteen observations of hemorrhage, which w r ould have been fatal, in which life was permanently restored by the injection of a few ounces of healthy human blood. In all but two of these cases the hemorrhage was uterine. 3 1 Philosophical Transactions, London, 1668, p. 710, et seq. * In this case the patient suffered extreme prostration after the delivery of a seven and a half months' child. This continued for a few days, and at the time of transfusion, the pulse was 140 and very feeble ; respirations six to eight per minute ; nostrils compressed at each inspiration ; surface cool ; countenance Hip- pocratic, and the coma so profound that the patient could not be aroused. After each transfusion the lips became more florid, the nostrils dilated in inspiration, and the surface became warmer. The patient lived twenty-four hours after the first operation. The blood was taken from the arm of a healthy male and trans- fused immediately into the median cephalic vein. 3 BERARD, Cours de Physiologic, Paris, 1851, tome iii., p. 219, et scq. TEANSFUSION. 99 Since this time a great many experiments on transfusion in animals have been performed, with very interesting results. Prevost and Dumas l have shown, that while an animal may be restored after hemorrhage by the transfusion of defibrinated blood, no such effect follows the introduction of the serum ; showing that the vivifying influence in all probability resides in the corpuscles. These observers have also shown, that though an animal may be temporarily revived by the injection of defibrinated blood from an animal of a different species, death follows the operation in a few days. 3 Brown-Sequard has shown that in parts detached from the body, after nervous and muscular irritability have disappeared, these properties may be restored for a time by the injection of fresh blood. 3 lie also reports a curious experiment in which blood was passed from a living dog into the carotid of a dog just dead from peritonitis. The animal was so far revived as to sustain himself on his feet, wag his tail, etc., and died a second time, twelve and a half hours after. In this experiment insufflation was employed in addition to the transfusion. 4 It may then be considered established, that in animals, after hemorrhage, life may be restored by injecting the blood, defibrinated or not, of an animal of the same species, pro- vided it be introduced slowly, without admixture with air, and not in too great quantity. If, however, the blood of an animal of a different species be used, life will be restored but for a short time. Death occurs after the transfusion of blood in this instance, only when the animal receiving it is exsan- guine, and the blood of an animal of a different species is substituted. If the animal be not exsanguine, a little blood can be superadcled to the mass from an animal of different species without this result, as is shown by the experiments 1 BERARD, op. tit., tome iii., p. 219. 2 MILNE-EDWARDS, Lemons sur la Physiologic el VAnatomie Comparee, tome i., p. 322 et seq. 3 Journal de la Physiologic, tome i., p. 106. 4 Ibid., p. 668. 100 THE BLOOD. already alluded to, of transfusion of the blood of a calf into the veins of a man. In the human subject, especially after hemorrhage, the vital powers are sometimes restored by careful transfusion of human blood, with the above precautions; remembering that a very small quantity, three or four ounces, will some- times be sufficient. Quantity of Blood. The determination of the entire quantity of blood contained in the body is a question of great interest, and has long engaged the attention of physiologists, without, however, absolutely definite results. Among those who have experimented on this point, may be mentioned Allen-Moulins, Herbst, Fried. Hoffmann, Yalentin, Blake, Lehmann and "Weber, and Yierordt. 1 The fact that the labors of these eminent observers have been so far unsuccess- ful in determining definitely the entire quantity of blood, shows the difficulties which are to be overcome before the question can be entirely settled. The chief difficulty lies in the fact that all the blood is not discharged from the body on division of the largest vessels, as after decapitation ; and no perfectly accurate means have been devised for estimating the quantity which must always remain in the vessels. The estimates of experimenters present the following wide differ- ences. Allen-Moulins, who was one of the first to study this question, estimates the quantity of blood at one-twentieth the weight of the entire body. The estimate of Herbst is a little higher. Hoffmann estimates the quantity at one-fifth the weight of the body. These observers estimated the quan- tity remaining in the system after opening the vessels, by mere conjecture. Yalentin was the first who attempted to overcome this difficulty by experiment. For this purpose 1 The reader is referred to the works of Longet (Physiologic, Paris, 1861, tome L, p. 705 et seg.) and Milne-Edwards (Physiologie, Paris, 1857, tome i., p. 308 et seq.\ for a more extended account of the various experiments which have been made with a view of determining the entire quantity of blood in the body. QUANTITY OF BLOOD. 101 he employed the following process. He took first a small quantity of blood from an animal for purposes of comparison ; then injected into the vessels a known quantity of a saline solu- tion, and taking another specimen of blood some time after, he ascertained by evaporation the proportion of water which it contained, compared with the proportion in the first speci- men. He reasoned that the excess of water in the second specimen over the first would give the proportion of the water introduced, to the whole mass of blood; and as the entire quantity of water introduced is known, the entire quantity of blood could be deduced therefrom. Suppose, for example, that the excess of water in the second specimen should be one part to ten of the blood, it would show that one part of water had been mixed with ten of the blood ; and if we had injected in all five ounces of water, we would have the whole quantity of blood ten times that, or fifty ounces. This method is open to the objection that it is impossi- ble to take note of the processes of imbibition and exhalation which are constantly in operation. Taking it for what it is worth, the estimates, applied to the human subject, give the weight of blood as -ff^ that of the body. Blake estimated the quantity of blood by an analogous process, injecting a known quantity of sulphate of alumina into the vessels, estimating its proportion in a specimen of blood, and from that deducing the entire quantity. He gives the proportion of blood in dogs as from one-ninth to one- third the weight of the body. The objection we have men- tioned applies also to these experiments. The following process, which is, perhaps, least open to sources of error, was employed by Lehmann and Weber, and applied directly to the human subject, in the case of two decapitated criminals. These observers estimated the blood remaining in the body after decapitation, by injecting the vessels with water until it came through nearly colorless. It was carefully collected, evaporated to dryness, and the dry residue assumed to represent a certain quantity of blood ; the 102 THE BLOOD. proportion of dry residue to a definite quantity of blood having been previously ascertained. If we could be certain that only the solid matter of the blood was thus removed, the estimate would be tolerably accurate. As it is, we may con- sider it as approximating very nearly to the truth. We quote the following account of these observations : " My friend, Ed. Weber, determined, with my coopera- tion, the weights of two criminals both before and after their decapitation. The quantity of blood which escaped from the body was determined in the following manner : Water was injected into the vessels of the trunk and head, until the fluid escaping from the veins had only a pale red or yellow color ; the quantity of the blood remaining in the body \vas then calculated, by instituting a comparison between the solid residue of this pale-red aqueous fluid, and that of the blood which first escaped. By way of illustration, I subjoin the results yielded by one of the experiments. The living body of one of the criminals weighed 60,140 grammes (132*7 pounds), and the same body after decapitation 54,600 gram- mes; consequently 5,540 grammes of blood had escaped. 28*560 grammes of this blood yielded 5*36 grammes of solid residue ; 60*5 grammes of sanguineous water collected after the injection, contained 3*724 grammes of solid substances ; 6,050 grammes of the sanguineous 'water that returned from the veins were collected, and these contained 37*24 grammes of solid residue, which corresponds to 1,980 grammes of blood ; consequently, the body contained 7,520 grammes (16*59 pounds), 5,540 escaping in the act of decapitation, and 1,980 remaining in the body ; hence, the weight of the whole blood was to that of the body nearly in the ratio of 1:8. The other experiment yielded a precisely similar result. " It cannot be assumed that such experiments as these possess extreme accuracy, but they appear to have the advan- tage of giving in this manner the minimum of the blood con- tained in the body of an adult man ; for although some solid substances, not belonging to the blood, may be taken up by QUANTITY OF BLOOD. 103 the water from the parenchyma of the organs permeated with capillary vessels, the excess thus obtained is so completely counteracted by the deficiency caused by the retention of some blood in the capillaries, and in part by transudation, that our estimate of the quantity of blood contained in the human body may be considered as slightly below the actual quantity." * In extreme obesity, the weight of the blood would not bear a natural ratio to that of the body ; but from the data which we have at our command, we may state the proportion in a well-formed man to be about 1 to 8, or the whole quantity of blood at from 16 to 20 pounds avoirdupois. The quantity of blood undoubtedly varies in the same individual in differ- ent conditions of the system ; and these variations are fully as important, in a physiological point of view, as the entire quantity. Prolonged abstinence has a notable effect in diminishing the mass of blood, as indicated by the small quantity which can be removed from the body, under these circumstances, with impunity. It has been experimentally demonstrated 2 that the entire quantity of blood is considerably increased during digestion. Bernard drew from a rabbit weighing about 2-J- Ibs., during digestion, over 10 J- ounces of blood without producing death ; .while he found that the removal of half that quantity from an animal of the same size, fasting, was followed by death. In Burdach, 3 we find a case reported by "Wrisberg, of a female criminal, very plethoric, from whom 21 Ibs. Tf ounces of blood flowed after decapitation. As the relations of the quantity of blood to the digestive function are so important, it is unfortunate that in the observations of Lehmann and Weber, the conditions of the system in this 1 LEHMANN, Physiological Chemistry, Philadelphia, 1855, vol. i., p. 638. The weights of the body and the entire quantity of blood have been reduced from grammes to pounds avoirdupois. 2 BERNARD, Liquidcs de V Organisme, tome i., p. 419. 8 Op. tit., tome vi., p. 119. 104: THE BLOOD. respect were not noted ; a circumstance which would have added materially to their value. It is thus evident that the quantity of blood in the body is considerably increased during digestion ; but as to the extent of this increase, we cannot yet form any definite idea. It is only shown that there is a very marked difference in the effects of hemorrhage in" animals, during digestion and fasting. The reaction of the blood, which has been determined after the globules have separated so as to allow the applica- tion of test paper to the clear plasma, has been found to be uniformly alkaline. Physical Characters of the Blood. Opacity. One of the first physical characters of the blood which attract our attention is its opacity. This depends upon the fact that it is not a homogeneous fluid, but com- posed of two distinct elements : a clear plasma, and corpus- cles, which are nearly as transparent, but which have a dif- ferent refractive power. If both of these elements had the same refractive power, the mixture would present no obstacle to the passage of light ; but as it is, the rays, which are bent or refracted in passing from the air through the plasma, are again refracted when they enter the corpuscles, and again when they pass from the corpuscles to the plasma, so that they are lost, even in a thin layer of the fluid. This loss of light in a mechanical mixture of two transparent liquids of unequal refractive power can be demonstrated by the fol- lowing simple experiment. If to a little chloroform, col- ored red, clear water be added in a test-tube, these liquids remain distinct from each other, and are both transparent ; but if we agitate them, violently, the chloroform is tempo- rarily subdivided into globules and mixed with the water ; and as they refract light differently, the mixture is opaque. Odor. The blood has a faint but characteristic odor. This PHYSICAL CHAKACTEBS. 105 may be developed more strongly by the addition of a few drops of sulphuric acid, when an odor, peculiar to the animal whose blood we are examining, becomes very distinct. Temperature. The temperature of the blood is generally given as 98 to 100 Fahr., but recent experiments have shown that it varies considerably in different parts of the circulatory system, independently of exposure to the refrig- erating influence of the atmosphere. By the use of very delicate registering thermometers, Bernard has succeeded in establishing the following facts with regard to the temperature in various parts of the circulatory system in dogs and sheep : 1. The blood is warmer in the right than in the left cav- ities of the heart. 2. It is warmer in the arteries than in the veins, with a few exceptions. 3. It is generally warmer in the portal vein than in the abdominal aorta, independently of the digestive act. 4. It is constantly warmer in the hepatic than in the portal veins. He found the highest temperature in the blood of the hepatic vein, where it ranged from 101 to 107. In the aorta it ranged from 99 to 105. We may assume, then, in general terms, that the tem- perature of the blood in the deeper vessels is from 100 to 107 Fahrenheit. 1 Specific Gravity of the Blood. According to Becquerel and Eodier, who, perhaps, are as high authority as any on this subject, the specific gravity of defibrinated blood is from 1055 to 1063. 2 It is somewhat less in the female than in the male. 1 These facts were taken from the lectures of Bernard, " Sur les Liquides de V Organisme," Paris, 1859, in two volumes. The first volume is devoted to th innnr Carp, . . . 1 nVr ^Vir Eel. . . . Post-mortem Changes of Blood-Corpuscles. In examining the fresh blood under the microscope, after the specimen has been under observation a short time, the corpuscles assume a peculiar appearance, from the development on their surface of very minute rounded projections, like the granules of a raspberry; indeed they are said by the French to become framboisees, which expresses the appearance very well. A little later, when they have become desiccated to a certain extent, they .present a shrunken appearance, and their edges become serrated. Under these circumstances, their original form may be restored by adding to the specimen a liquid of the density of the serum. "When they have been completely dried, as in blood spilled upon clothing or a floor, months or even years after, they can be made to assume their char- acteristic form by being carefully moistened with an appro- priate fluid. This property is taken advantage of in exami- nations of old spots supposed to be blood ; and if the manipu- 116 THE BLOOD. lations be carefully conducted, the corpuscles may be recog- nized without difficulty by the microscope. 1 If pure water be added to a specimen of blood under the microscope, the corpuscles will first swell up, become spher- ical, and are finally lost to view by solution. The same effect follows almost instantaneously on the addition of acetic acid. Structure. The structure of the blood-corpuscles is very simple. They are perfectly homogeneous, presenting, in their normal condition, no nuclei nor granules, and are not provided with an investing membrane. A great deal has been said by anatomists concerning this latter point, and many are of the opinion that they are cellular in their struc- ture, being composed of a membrane, with viscid, semi-fluid contents. Without going fully into the discussion of this point, it may be stated that few have assumed actually to demonstrate this membrane; but they hate, for the most part, inferred its existence from the fact of the swelling, and as they term it, bursting on the addition of water ; and par- ticularly, as it seems to me, to make the blood-corpuscles obey the theoretical laws of cell-development and nutrition laid down by Schwann. Their great elasticity, the persist- ence with which they preserve their bi-concave form, and their general appearance, would rather favor the idea that they are homogeneous bodies of a definite shape, than that they have a cell-wall with semi-fluid contents ; especially as the existence of a membrane has been interred rather than demonstrated. Their mode of nutrition is like that of any other anatomical elements. They are continually bathed in a nutritive fluid, the plasma, and as fast as their substance becomes worn out and effete, new material is supplied. In this way they undergo the same changes as other anatomical elements. When destroyed, or removed from the body in 1 For full directions for the examination of blood stains, the reader is referred to an article on the medico-legal examination of spots of blood by Robin, in the Buffalo Medical Journal, 1857-'58. Vol. xiii., p. 555 BED COEPUSCLES. 117 hemorrhages, new corpuscles are gradually developed, until their quantity reaches the normal standard. Thus in the anemia which follows considerable loss of blood, the color gradually returns with the development of the corpuscles. Chemical Characters. In all chemical analyses of the blood-corpuscles, the proportions of dried constituents only are given. As we have seen in treating of organic-nitrogen- ized elements, such estimates give no idea of the actual pro- portions of the organic constituents of fluids or tissues. We must consider the corpuscles as organized bodies, consisting almost entirely of globuline, with which are combined a small quantity of hsematine, or coloring matter, fat, and cer- tain inorganic salts, from which it cannot be separated with- out decomposition. The chemical characters of globuline have already been considered. 1 The iron which the blood contains is regarded as existing in the hsematine. Its pres- ence can readily be demonstrated in a single drop of blood by adding nitric acid and evaporating, which reduces it to the condition of a per-oxide, when a red color is produced on the addition of the sulpho-cyanide of potassium. The iron is molecularly united with the other constituents, probably as iron, and not as an oxide, as has been supposed by some. 2 The fat which is found in the corpuscles forms an exception to the general law regulating the condition of this principle in the tissues, namely, that it is always uncombined with 1 Vide page 90. 2 Crystals have long been observed in blood under certain circumstances. Sir Everhard Home first observed them in the clots of aneurismal sacs in 1830. Since then they have been described by Scherer, Virchow, and others, and by many are supposed to be pure hsematine, or the normal coloring matter of the red corpuscles. Robin and Yerdeil, who have studied them very closely, do not con- sider these crystals as constituting a proximate principle, but as formed by an alteration of the hsematine, consisting in the substitution of water for the iron. By careful analysis, these observers have failed to detect any iron entering into their composition. They are treated of in their " Chimie Anatomique," under Hcernatoidine. Op. tit., tome iii., pp. 376 and 430, and Kysterfs Dictionary, 1858. Hcemato'idine. 118 THE BLOOD. other principles, existing as adipose tissue or in granules. Here it is molecularly united with the other elements. In accordance with the invariable law, that the organic nitrogenized elements of the body are combined with inor- ganic principles, we find entering into the composition of the blood-corpuscles certain inorganic salts. These all exist in the plasma in about the same proportions as in the cor- puscles. In short, as we shall see when we take up the com- position of the entire blood, the corpuscles differ from the plasma only in the fact that they contain coloring matter and globuline, instead of fibrin and albumen, and that the fat is united with the organic matter instead of being in distinct granules. In all other respects their composition is nearly identical. "We can thus appreciate how favorable their con- stitution and situation are for their nutrition at the expense of elements furnished by the plasma. 1 Development of the Blood-Corpuscles. Yery early in the development of the ovum the blood-vessels appear, consti- 1 Lehmann gives the following table showing the comparative composition of the corpuscles and plasma ; the organic matters being desiccated. 1000 parts of Blood-Corpuscles contain : Water, Solid constituents, 312-00 Specific Gravity, 1.0885. Hematine, 16-75 Globuline and cell-membrane, 282-22 Fat, 2-31 Extractive matters, 2-60 Mineral substances (without iron), 812 Chlorine, 1-680 Sulphuric Acid 0-066 Phosphoric Acid, 1'134 Potassium, 3-328 Sodium, 1-052 Oxygen, 0-667 Phosphate of Lime, 0-114 Phosphate of Magnesia, 0-073 1000 parts of Liquor Sanguinis contain : Water, 902-90 Solid constituents, 97-10 Specific gravity, 1-028 Fibrin, 4-05 Albumen, 7S-84 Fat, 1-72 Extractive matters, 3'94 Mineral substances, 8 - 55 Chlorine, 3'664 Sulphuric Acid, 0-115 Phosphoric Acid, 0-191 Potassium, . Sodium, 0-323 Oxygen, 0403 Phosphate of Lime, 0-311 Phosphate of Magnesia, 0-222 Physiological Chemistry. Philadelphia, 1855 ; vol. i., p. 546. RED CORPUSCLES. 119 tuting what is called the area yasculosa. At first the vessels are filled with a colorless fluid, which soon becomes yellow, and when the embryo is about one-tenth of an inch in length, becomes red, and the corpuscles make their appearance. From this time until the sixth to the eighth week, they are from 30 to 100 per cent, larger than in the adult. Most of them are circular, but some are ovoid, and a few are globular. At this period, nearly all of them are provided with a nucleus ; but from the first, there are some in which this is wanting. The nucleus is from TT i jnr to -g^Vo of an inch in diameter, globular, granular, and insoluble in water and acetic acid. As development advances, these nucleated corpuscles are gradually lost ; but even at the fourth month we may still see a few remaining. After this time they present no ana- tomical differences from the blood-corpuscles in the adult. In many works on physiology and microscopic anatomy, we find accounts of the development of the red corpuscles from the colorless corpuscles^ or leucocytes, which are sup- posed to become disintegrated, their particles becoming de- veloped into red corpuscles ; but there seems to be no suffi- cient evidence that such a process takes place. The red corpuscles appear before the leucocytes are formed ; 1 and it is only the fact that the two varieties coexist in the blood- vessels which has given rise to such a theory.' It is most reasonable to consider that the red corpuscles are formed by a true genesis in the sanguineous blastema. We can offer no satisfactory explanation of the process by which the tissues are formed from their blastema, nor can we explain the way in which the blood-corpuscles, which are true anatomical elements, take their origin. There is furthermore no suffi- cient evidence that any particular organ or organs have the function of producing the blood-corpuscles. Hewson sup- posed that they were formed in the spleen. Kolliker is of the opinion that they are destroyed in the spleen. It ia 1 LONGET, Traite de Physiologic, tome i., p. 715. 120 THE BLOOD. regarded by some as a necessity that there should be an organ for the destruction of the corpuscles, and one for their forma- tion. Regarding them, as wo certainly must, as organized bodies which are essential anatomical elements of the blood, it is difficult to imagine what reasons, based on their function, should lead physiologists to geek so persistently after an organ for their destruction. The hypothesis that they are used in the formation of pigment seems hardly sufficient to account for this. In the present state of our science, the following seem to be the most rational views with regard to the development and nutrition of the blood-corpuscles : 1. At their first appearance in the ovum, they are formed by no special organs, for no special organs exist at that time, but appear by genesis in the sanguineous blastema. 2. When fully formed, they are regularly organized ana- tomical elements, subject to the same laws of gradual molec- ular waste and repair as any of the tissues. 3. They are generated de novo in the adult, when dimin- ished in quantity by hemorrhage or otherwise, and under these circumstances they are probably formed in the liquor sanguinis by the same process by which they take their origin in the ovum. Function of the Blood- Corpuscles. Though the fibrin and albumen of the plasma of the blood are essential to nutrition, the red corpuscles are the parts most immediately necessary to life. We have already seen, in treating of trans- fusion, that life may be restored to an animal in which the functions have been suspended from hemorrhage, by the in- troduction of fresh blood ; and while it is not necessary that this blood should contain fibrin, it has been shown by the experiments of Provost and Dumas and others, that the introduction of serum, without the corpuscles, has no resto- rative effect. When all the arteries leading to a part are ligated, the tissues lose their properties of contractility, sen- LEUCOCYTES, OR WHITE CORPUSCLES. 121 sibility, &c., which may be restored, however, by supplying it again with the vivifying fluid. We shall see when we come to treat of the function of Respiration, that one great distinction between the corpuscular and fluid elements of the blood, is the great capacity which the former have for absorb- ing gases. Direct observations have shown that blood will ab- sorb ten to thirteen times as much oxygen as an equal bulk of water. This is dependent almost entirely on the presence of the red corpuscles. 1 As all the tissues are continually absorbing oxygen and giving off carbonic acid, a property which is immediately essential to a continuance of vitality, a great function of the corpuscles is to carry this principle to all parts of the body. In the present state of our knowledge, this is the only well-defined function which can be attributed to the red corpuscles, and it undoubtedly is the principal one. They have an affinity, though not so great, for carbonic acid, which, after the blood has circulated in the capillaries of the system, takes the place of the oxygen. In some experiments performed a few years ago on the effects of hemorrhage and the location of the " besoin de respirer" it w r as shown that one of the results of removal of blood from the system, was a condition of asphyxia, dependent upon the absence of these respiratory elements. 2 The following may then be stated as the principal function of the red corpuscles of the blood : They are respiratory organs ; taking up the greater part of the oxygen which is absorbed by the blood in its passage through the lungs, and conveying it to the tissues, where it is given up, and its place supplied by carbonic acid. Leucocytes ) or White Corpuscles of the Blood. In addition to the red corpuscles of the blood, this fluid always contains a number of colorless bodies, globular in form, in the sub- 1 ROBIN and VERDEIL, op. cit., tome ii., p. 32. 3 See an article by the Author in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, October, 1861. 122 THE BLOOD. stance of which are embedded a greater or less number of minute granules. These have been called by Robin, Leucocytes. This name seems more appropriate than that of white or colorless blood-corpnscles, inasmuch as they are not peculiar to the blood, but are found in the lymph, chyle, pus, and various other fluids, in which ^iey were formerly known by different names. All who have been in the habit of exam- ining the animal fluids microscopically, must have noticed the great similarity existing between the corpuscular ele- ments found in the above-mentioned situations. As mi- croscopes have been improved, and as investigations have become more exact, the varieties of corpuscles have been narrowed down. Now it is pretty generally acknowledged that the corpuscles found in mucus and pus are identical ; also that there is no difference between* the white corpuscles found in the lymph, chyle, and blood ; and finally, the recent investigations of Robin have shown that all of these bodies, which were formerly supposed to present marked distinctive characters, belong to the same class, presenting but slight differences in different situations. The description which will be given of the Avhite corpuscles of the blood, and the effects of reagents upon them, will answer, in the main, for all that are grouped under the name of Leucocytes. 1 Leucocytes are normally found in the Blood, Lymph, Chyle, Semen, Colostrum, and Yitreous Humor. Patholog- ically they are found in the secretion of mucous membranes, after the slightest irritation, and in inflammatory products, when they are called pus-corpuscles. In examining a specimen of blood with the microscope, we immediately notice the marked difference between the leucocytes and red corpuscles. The former are globular, with a smooth surface, but rendered somewhat opaque by 1 For a full account of the Anatomy and Physiology of these bodies, the reader is referred to an elaborate article on this subject by Robin in the Journal de la Physiologic, tome ii., p. 41, and the article "Leucocyte" in Nysten's Dictionary, Paris, 1858. OK WHITE CORPUSCLES. 123 the presence of more or less granular matter, white, and larger than the red corpuscles. In examining the circulation under the microscope, we are struck with the adhesive character of the leucocytes as compared with the red corpuscles. The latter circulate with wonderful rapidity in the centre of the vessel, while the leucocytes have a tendency to adhere to the sides, moving along slowly, and occasionally remaining for a time entirely stationary, until they are swept along by a change in the direction or force of the current. Their size varies somewhat, even in any one fluid, as the blood. Their average diameter may be stated as g-gJy-g- of an inch. It is in pus, where they exist in greatest abundance, that their microscopic characters may be studied with greatest advantage. In this fluid, after it is discharged, the corpuscles sometimes present remarkable deformities. They become polygonal in shape, and sometimes ovoid ; oc- casionally presenting projections from their surface, which give them a stellate appearance. These alterations, how- ever, are only temporary ; and after from twelve to twenty- four hours, they resume their globular shape. On the addi- tion of acetic acid they swell up, become transparent with a delicate outline, and present in their interior one, two, three, or even four rounded nuclear bodies generally collected in a mass. This is rather to be considered as a coagulation of a O portion of the corpuscle, than a nucleus brought out by the action of the acid, which renders the corpuscle transparent ; though in some it is seen through the granules without the addition of any reagent. This appearance is produced, though more slowly, by the addition of water. Leucocytes vary considerably in their external characters in different situations. Sometimes they are very pale and almost without granulations, while at others they are filled with fatty granules, and are not rendered clear by acetic acid. As a rule, they increase in size and become granular when confined in the tissues. In colostrum, when they are 124 THE BLOOD. called colostrum corpuscles, they generally undergo this change. 1 As the result of inflammatory action, when they are sometimes called inflammatory or exudation-corpuscles, leucocytes frequently become much hypertrophied, and are filled with fatty granules. They always retain, however, general characters by which they may be recognized. Development of Leucocytes. These corpuscles appear in the blood-vessels very early in foetal life, before the lym- phatics can be demonstrated. They arise in the same way as the red corpuscles, by genesis from materials existing in the vessels. They appear in lymphatics, before w r e come to the lymphatic glands, and in the foetus anterior to the devel- opment of the spleen, and also on the surface of mucous membranes ; so they cannot be considered as produced exclu- sively by these glands, as has been supposed. There is no organ nor class of organs in the body specially charged w T ith their formation ; and though frequently a result of in- flammation, this process is by no means necessary for their production. Robin 2 has carefully noted the phenomena of their development in recent wounds. The first exudation consists of clear fluid, with a few red corpuscles ; then a finely granular blastema. In from a quarter of an hour to an hour, pale transparent globules, -g-^oir to -g-gVo of an inch in diameter, make their appearance, which soon become finely granular, and present the ordinary appearance of leucocytes. They are thus developed, like other anatomical elements, by 1 Colostrum is the discharge from the mammary glands, occurring during the first few days after delivery, which precedes the full establishment of the lacteal secretion. It is a serous fluid, rather clear, which presents, on microscopical examination, a few milk-globules, large drops of oil, rounded masses of small fatty granules, and enlarged and granular leucocytes, called colostrum- corpuscles, as well as those which have undergone no alteration. These gradually disappear, as the secretion is established, and their place is supplied by the milk-globules. (See Colostrum, Nysten's Dictionary, by Littre and Robin ; Paris, 1858.) 8 Loc. cit. OB WHITE CORPUSCLES. 125 organization of the necessary elements furnished by a blas- tema, and not by the action of any special organ or organs. The quantity of leucocytes compared to the red corpuscles can only be given approximately. It has been estimated by counting under the microscope the red corpuscles and leucocytes contained in a certain space. Moleschott 1 gives the proportion as 1 : 335 ; others at from 1 : 300 to 1 : 500. It has been found by Dr. E. Hirt, of Zittau, whose obser- vations have been confirmed by others, that the relative quantity of leucocytes is much increased during diges- tion. He found in one individual a proportion of 1 : 1800 before breakfast; an hour after breakfast, which he took at 8 o'clock, 1 : TOO ; between 11 and 1 o'clock, 1 : 1500 ; after dining at 1 o'clock, 1 : 400 ; two hours after, 1 : 1475 ; after supper at 8 P. M., 1:550; at 11 J P. M., 1 : 1200. 2 The leucocytes are much lighter than the red corpuscles, and when the blood coagulates slowly, are frequently found forming a layer on the surface of the clot, which is called the " buffy coat." Numerous observers, among whom may be mentioned Donne, Kolliker, Gray, and Hirt, 3 have noticed a great in- crease in the number of leucocytes in the blood coming from the spleen, and have supposed that they are chiefly manufac- tured in this organ. It is inconsistent with the mode of development of these corpuscles to suppose that any special organ is exclusively engaged in their production ; and their persistence in animals after extirpation of the spleen shows that they are developed in other situations. The function of the leucocytes is not understood. The supposition that they break down and become nuclei for the development of red corpuscles, which at one time obtained, is a pure hypothesis, and has no basis in fact. 1 KOLLIKER, Manual of Microscopic Anatomy, London, 1860, p. 521. 2 MILNE-EDWARDS, Lecons our la Physiologic et V Anatomic Comparec^ tome i., p. 350. 3 Ibid., p. 353. 126 THE BLOOD. Elementary Corpuscles. Little granules are found in the blood, especially during digestion, which, as they were supposed to take part in the formation of the white corpuscles, have been called elementary granules or corpuscles. They are little fatty particles of the chyle which come from the thoracic duct, and are not positively known to have any con- nection with the formation of the other corpuscular elements of the blood. CHAPTER II. COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD. General considerations Methods of quantitative analysis Fibrin Corpuscles Albumen Inorganic constituents Sugar Fatty emulsion Coloring matter of the serum Urea and the Urates Cholesterine Creatine Creatinine. ASSUMING, as we certainly must, that the blood furnishes material for the nourishment of all the tissues and organs, we expect to find entering into its composition all the proximate principles existing in the body which undergo no change in nutrition, like the inorganic principles, and organic matters which are capable of being converted into the organic ele- ments of every tissue. Furthermore, as the products of waste are all taken up by the blood before their final elimination, these also should enter into its composition. With these great principles in our minds, it is unnecessary to insist upon the importance of accurate proximate analyses of the circu- lating fluid. It is not many years that our knowledge of the laws of nutrition and destructive assimilation have enabled us to appreciate the full importance of the blood ; but it has been so palpable that this fluid is necessary to life, that the older physiologists made numberless futile attempts to obtain some clear idea of its composition. "We have only to go back to the beginning of the present century to find the first analyses of the blood which were attended with any degree of success. In 1808, Berzelius analyzed the serum of the 128 THE BLOOD. human blood, indicating certain proportions of albumen, lactate of soda, muriate of soda, etc. ; lie was followed by Marcet in 1811, by whom his observations were confirmed. In 1823, Provost and Dumas published their elaborate re- searches into the composition of the blood, which seemed to give an impulse to investigations in this direction, and were soon followed by the analyses of Andral and Gavarret, Leh- mann, Simon, Becquerel and Rodier, Denis, and a host of others, whose labors have made us comprehend some of the most important laws which regulate the general processes of nutrition. Notwithstanding the immense amount of labor bestowed by the most eminent chemists of the day upon the quantita- tive analysis of the blood, and the great physiological interest attaching to every advance in our knowledge in this direction, the difficulties in the way are so great, that even now there are no analyses which give the exact quantities of each of its inorganic constituents. This is owing to the great difficulty in the analysis of any fluid in which inorganic and or- ganic principles are so closely united ; for there is no more delicate problem in analytical chemistry than the determina- tion of the presence and quantities of inorganic substances united with organic matter. Of the animal fluids which are easily obtained, the blood, from the large proportion of differ- ent organic principles which enter into its composition, presents the greatest difficulties to the analytical chemist. Another difficulty presents itself in the necessity of & proximate, and not an ultimate analysis. It is not sufficient to give the amount of certain chemical elements which the blood contains ; we must ascertain the amount of these elements in the state of union with each other to form proximate principles. Analyses have shown that the constituents of the blood may be divided into : 1. Inorganic Constituents. These exist in a state of inti- mate and molecular union with the organic-nitrogenized ele- COMPOSITION OF THE BLOOD. 129 ments. Their presence is indicated by the appropriate tests applied to the residue of the blood after incineration, which show the well-known reactions of the chlorides, sulphates, phosphates, and carbonates, with sodium, potassium, lime, magnesia, and iron. In addition we have certain gases (oxygen, nitrogen, and carbonic acid), which may be extracted by the air-pump or by displacement. 2. Organic, Non-nitrogenized, Constituents. These are the sugars and fats ; which are separated from the other ele- ments without much difficulty, and may be recognized by their peculiar properties. 3. Organic, Nitrogenized Constituents. These constitute the greater part of the blood, and are inseparably connected, in their functions, and as a condition of existence, with the inorganic principles. They may be extracted by processes already described in treating of fibrin, albumen, and globu- line, and recognized by their peculiar properties. Most of the constituents of the blood are found both in the corpuscles and plasma. It is difficult to determine the different constituents of these two parts of the blood. It has been shown, however, by Schmidt, of Dorpat, that the phos- phorized fats are more abundant in the globules, while the fatty acids are more abundant in the plasma. The salts with a potash base have been found by the same observer to exist almost entirely in the corpuscles, and the soda salts are four times more abundant in the plasma than in the corpuscles/ All the iron exists in the red corpuscles. The proportions of the various constituents of the blood are subject to certain variations. These points, with their relations to the tissues in the processes of nutrition, have been so fully taken up in the consideration of Proximate Principles, that they do not demand special notice in this 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, Le$ons sur la Physiologic, etc., tome i., p. 225. 9 ISO THE BLOOD. connection. In addition to the nutritive principles, we have entering into the composition of the blood, urea, cholesterine, urate of soda, creatine, creatinine, and other substances, the characters of which are not yet fully determined, belonging to the class of JExcrementitious Principles. Their considera- tion comes more appropriately*under the head of Excretion, and they will be fully taken up in the chapter devoted to that subject. Though a knowledge of the exact proportions of the various elements of the blood is not necessary in order to appreciate the relations of this fluid to the tissues, the great interest which is attached to this line of investigation, and the important advantages which we may look for in the future from extended inquiry in this direction, lead us to discuss at some length the methods which have been employ- ed by physiological chemists in quantitative analyses, with some of the results which have already been obtained. Quantitative Analysis of the Blood. The methods which have been, and are now, commonly employed for quantitative analysis of the blood vary very little from the process recommended by Provost and Dumas in 1823. They are based upon the supposition that the organic constituents, fibrin and albumen, are solid substances in solution in the watery elements, and that all the water of the blood is to be attributed to the serum. As we have shown in treating of organic substances that this view of their con- dition in the fluids is erroneous, and that the desiccated ma- terials obtained from the blood do not represent the real quantities of its organic elements, a new method of analysis, based on the view that these principles are naturally fluid, seems necessary. The same process has been employed for the estimation of the proportion of corpuscles. Here the error is too manifest to require discussion. It is evident that the blood-corpuscles are semi-solid bodies which become altered by desiccation ; and an estimate which does not give QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 131 their weight in their natural moist condition, gives us no idea of their real proportion. So apparent has this been to phy- siological chemists, that attempts have been made by Denis, Schmidt, Yierordt, Figuier, and others to estimate the moist corpuscles; but in attempting to attain extreme accuracy, these observers have almost entirely failed, and their ideas of the real proportion of the corpuscles are merely conjectural. These remarks only apply to researches into the organic constituents of the blood. The analyses with reference to the inorganic elements, though they have not yet shown us the exact proportion of each one of them, are of course accurate as far as they go. The various processes for analysis of the blood now em- ployed by chemists do not differ very much. As one of the best, we may take that recommended by Becquerel and Ro- dier, who are perhaps as high authority on this subject as any. Their process, which we give in its essential particulars, has an advantage over most others in simplicity. Two specimens of blood are taken and carefully weighed ; one of them is defibrinated, the fibrin collected, dried, and weighed, which gives the proportion of fibrin. The other is set aside to coagulate. A known weight of the defibrinated blood is then evaporated to dryness, and the proportion of dry residue carefully estimated. The residue is then calci- nated to give the proportions of inorganic constituents, which remain after the organic matters have become volatilized. After the blood set aside to coagulate has separated into clot and serum, a definite quantity of the serum is evaporated to dryness and the residue estimated. As the dry residue of the defibrinated blood contains the solid matters of the serum + the dried corpuscles the proportion per 1,000 parts of the solid matters of the defibrinated blood the proportion per 1,000 parts of the solid matters of the serum, would give the proportion of corpuscles. We thus have obtained the proportions of water, of inor- ganic matter, of corpuscles, and of fibrin. The next step is 132 THE BLOOD. to estimate the albumen, fatty, and extractive matter. For this purpose we desiccate a known quantity of serum, care- fully pulverize the dry residue, and treat it repeatedly with boiling water till it has washed out all soluble matters. These are undetermined extractive matters, and free salts in solution in the serum. Tke residue, thus treated with boiling water, is desiccated and treated several times with boiling alcohol, which dissolves all the fatty substances. The insoluble residue is then dried and weighed, and represents pure albumen, which, it will be remembered, is not affected by boiling water or alcohol. The loss after treating with boiling alcohol gives the quantity of fatty matters. The pro- portions of inorganic matters are obtained by analysis of the residue after incineration. It is unnecessary to describe the complicated and difficult manipulations involved in this process. 1 1 The above is condensed from BECQUEREL and RODIER, " Traite de Chimie Pathologique appliquee d la Medecine Pratique" Paris, 1854, page 21 et seq. As the result of analyses of the blood of twenty-two healthy persons, they give the following table, page 86. The list of inorganic salts is taken from pages 65, 66, and 67. DENSITY OF THE BLOOD 1060 COMPOSITION. Water 781-600 Globules 135-000 Albumen 70-000 Fibrin . . . . 2-500 Seroline 0-025 Cholesterine . 0*125 Oleate, margarate, and stearate of soda 1-400 Chlorides of sodium, potassium, and magnesium 3-500 Carbonate of soda... Free soda Sulphate of s'oda Phosphate of soda... (Carbonate of soda most abundant) .... 2'COO Carbonate of potassa .... Sulphate " Phosphate " .... Sulphate of magnesia. . . . Phosphate of lime j t\ar\ Phosphate of magnesia . . j " Iron 0-550 Undetermined extractive matters 2*450 1,000-000 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 133 The above process is perhaps as simple and reliable as any ; but of course each chemist has some slight modifica- tions. By some the globules are estimated by drying the clot after coagulation and deducting the weight of the fibrin. Some recommend to expose the fibrin after desiccation to in- cineration, and deduct the weight of the residue of inorganic matter. All of the processes, however, are materially the same, and differ but little from that employed by Provost and Dumas. As before remarked, the results, as regards the fatty and inorganic constituents of the blood, are as accurate as possible with our present means of investigation ; and the comparative results, in analyses of the blood for fibrin, albu- men, and corpuscles in health and disease, which have crowned the labors of Andral and Gavarret, Becquerel and Rodier, and a number of others, are of permanent value. But a glance at the process, and the quantities given for the fibrin, albumen, and corpuscles, indicate that the whole is inconsist- ent with our ideas of the condition under which these sub- stances exist in the body. Microscopic examination shows that at least one-half the mass of the blood consists of cor- puscles, while analysis gives only 135 parts per 1,000. The fibrin of the blood is sufficient to entangle, as it coagulates, all the corpuscles, and with them form the clot ; yet we are told that its proportion is 2*5 parts per 1,000. We boil the serum, the albumen changes from a fluid to a semi-solid con- dition, and the whole mass is solidified ; yet the estimate of its proportion is 70 parts per 1,000. The fact is that these estimates give us only the dry residue of the organic princi- ples ; and to form an idea of their actual proportion, we should estimate them, if possible, with their water of composition, and united with the inorganic salts, which cannot be separated from them without incineration and consequent destruction. With this end in view, and for want of a better process, we may employ the following mode of analysis, which is easy of application, and sufficiently accurate for all practical purposes. 1 1 See an article by the author, on The Organic Nilrogenized Principles of the 134 THE BLOOD. The blood to be analyzed is taken from the arm, and re- ceived into two carefully weighed vessels. The quantity in each vessel may be from two to four ounces. One of the specimens is immediately whipped with a small bundle of broom-corn, previously moistened and weighed, so as to col- lect the fibrin ; and after the fibrin is completely coagulated, the whole is carefully weighed, deducting the weights of the vessel and broom-corn, which gives the weight of the specimen of blood used. The other specimen is set aside to coagulate. The first specimen is used in the estimation of the fibrin and corpuscles ; the second is set aside to coagulate, and is used to estimate the albumen. It is important to cover the vessels as soon as the blood is drawn, for, as has been demon- strated by Becquerel and Rodier, blood exposed to the air loses weight rapidly by evaporation. 1 We now pass the first specimen of blood through a fine sieve to collect any fibrin that may not have become attached to the wisp, strip the fibrin from the wisp, and wash it under a stream of water. This may be done very rapidly if we cause the water to flow through a small strainer, by which it is broken up into a number of little streams, and knead the fibrin with the fingers, doing this over a sieve so as to catch any particles that may become detached. In this way it may be freed from the corpuscles in five or ten minutes. The fibrin is then freed from most of the adherent moisture by bibulous paper, and weighed as soon as possible. By the following formula we estimate the proportion per 1,000 parts of blood : Weight of blood used : Weight of fibrin : : 1,000 : Fi- brin per 1,000. The next step is to estimate the corpuscles. For this pur- pose a portion of the defibrinated blood, which is carefully Body, with a New Method for their Estimation in the Blood, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, October, 1863. 1 Op.cit., p. 31. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 135 weighed, is mixed with twice its volume of a saturated solu- tion of sulphate of soda, and thrown upon a filter which has been carefully weighed and moistened with distilled water, and also, just before receiving the mixture of blood and sulphate of soda, with the saline solution. The fluid which passes through should be about the color of the serum ; if a few corpusles pass at first, the liquid should be poured back until it becomes clear. The funnel is then covered, and the fluid allowed to separate, the blood-corpuscles being retained on the filter. The filter and funnel are then plunged several times into a vessel of boiling water, by which all the sulphate of soda which remains is washed out, and the corpuscles are coagulated without changing in weight. The funnel should be again covered and the water allowed to drip from the filter, after which it is weighed, deducting the weight of the moist filter previously obtained, which gives us the weight of the corpuscles. We obtain the proportion of corpuscles to 1,000 parts of blood by the following formula : Defibrinated blood used : Corpuscles : : Defibrinated blood per 1,000 : Corpuscles per 1,000. The next step is to estimate the quantity of albumen in the serum, and thence its proportion in the blood. Fo'r this purpose we first ascertain the quantity of serum in 1,000 parts of blood, which is done by subtracting the sum of the fibrin and corpuscles per 1,000 from 1,000. Having done this, and waited ten or twelve hours for specimen "No. 2 to sepa- rate completely into clot and serum, we take a small quan- tity of the serum, about half an ounce, weigh it carefully, and add suddenly twice its volume of absolute alcohol. The albumen will be thrown down in a grumous mass, and the whole is thrown upon a filter, Avhich has been previously moistened with alcohol and weighed. The funnel is imme- diately covered, and the fluid separates from the albumen very rapidly. "We ascertain that no fluid albumen passes through the filter by testing the fluid with nitric acid. After 136 THE BLOOD. the filter has ceased to drip, it is weighed, and the weight of the albumen ascertained by deducting the weight of the filter. The proportion of albumen to 1,000 parts of blood is obtained by the following formula : Serum used : Albumen : : Serum per 1,000 : Albumen per 1,000. The above process, which has been described in detail in the hope that it may be employed by others in analysis of the blood for its organic constituents, has at least the advan- tage of simplicity and facility of application. As regards accuracy, having repeatedly made analyses of different por- tions of the same fluid with almost identical results, it has seemed sufficiently exact for all practical purposes. As an example we may mention an analysis of two equal portions of defibrinated blood (34*20 grammes) for corpuscles ; one speci- men gave 16*4:0, and the other 16*43 grammes. This part of the process would seem more open to the objection of inaccuracy than any, yet the difference of the result in the two analyses is so slight that it may be disregarded. Repeated examinations of different specimens of the same serum for albumen were followed by identical results. 1 While the exceeding accu- racy which is desired by chemists, and is necessary in many analyses, is not attainable in such examinations as these, it is not even desirable ; for as physiologists we must see that even an approximation of the proportions of the organic matters, as they really exist, is better than the most accu- rate estimate of their dry residue. In taking the weights, the only point is to do it rapidly and avoid loss by evapo- ration. If this be borne in mind, and care be taken in differ- ent examinations to weigh the principles at the same stage of the operation, the simplicity of the process should make it valuable in comparative analyses of the blood in different conditions of the system. In estimating the proportion of fibrin, the ordinary 1 American Journal of the Medical Sciences, loc. cit. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 137 method is followed, with the exception that the weight of the moist fibrin is taken instead of the dry residue. In estimating the corpuscles, after a number of trials, the process recommended by Figuier was adopted, with a similar modification. Figuier dried the corpuscles after separating them from the serum by filtration, taking advantage of the property of sulphate of soda, which retains them on the filter. He employed this method to separate the corpuscles com- pletely, and investigate their chemical constitution. 1 In estimating the albumen, the object was, as in the case of the other principles, to obtain it as nearly as possible in its natural condition, simply changing its form from fluid to semi-solid, without adding any thing which would decompose it, or unite with it. For this purpose absolute alcohol seemed better than heat, nitric acid, the galvanic current, or any other agents by which it is coagulated. If the different organic principles be incinerated, the ash will present the characteristic reactions of the chlorides, sul- phates, phosphates, etc., inorganic principles, which, as we have already seen, cannot be separated from the organic con- stituents of the body without destruction of the latter. The blood of a healthy male, set. 27 years, weight 170 pounds, who had never suffered from disease, taken from the arm at 1 p. M., the last meal having been taken at 8 A. M., furnished the proportions of organic constituents given in the following table. To complete the table, the proportions of inorganic principles, fats, etc., were taken from the analyses of Becquerel and Rodier, to which reference has already been made. The proportion of water is estimated by subtracting the sum of the solid and semi-solid constituents from the entire weight of the blood. 2 1 Sur une Method* nouvelle pour V Analyse du Sang, et sur la Constitution chimique des Globules mnguins. Par M. L. FIGUIER. (Ann. de Chim. et de Phys., 1844, 3 m serie, tome xi., p. 506.) 2 Further details of experiments on this subject are contained in the article, to which reference has been made, in the ' American Journal," October, 1 863. 138 THE BLOOD. Composition of the Water 154-870 Corpuscles , . . . 495-590 Albumen 329-820 Fibrin 8'820 Seroline(?) 0'025 Cholesterine 0-125 Oleate, margarate, and stearate of soda. . .T 1*400 Chloride of sodium, ) potassium (a trace), f Carbonate of soda Free soda Sulphate of soda ^OMteoflSSia:. \ ( Carbonate of soda most abundant), Sulphate of potassa... Phosphate of potassa. Sulphate of magnesia. Phosphate of lime Phosphate of magnesia. Iron 0*550 Undetermined extractive matters 2-450 0-350 1,000-000 There exist in the blood certain well-determined principles not given in the above table, some of which have great physio- logical importance ; and it is to be expected that further investigations will reveal others, among what are now called extractive matters, an acquaintance with which will mate- rially advance our pathological, as well as our physiological knowledge of this fluid. The developments of the last few years with regard to urea and cholesterine lead us to look for the discovery of new principles, variations from the nor- mal proportions of which will, perhaps, be found to constitute important pathological conditions. In both a physiological and pathological point of view, there is much to be done in this line of investigation. Aside from the gases^ we are now acquainted with the 1 For purposes of comparison, the fibrin, albumen, and corpuscles were desic- cated and weighed, giving the following proportions of dry residue : Fibrin, 2-50 parts per 1,000 of fresh blood. Albumen, 71 '5 3 do. do. Corpuscles, 125*00 do. do. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 139 following additional principles in the blood, which are either constant or temporary constituents : Sugar, Fatty Emulsion, a Coloring Matter peculiar to the serum, Urea, Uric Acid in combination, Cholesterine, Creatine, and Creatinine. Sugar. Bernard ' showed in 1848 that sugar always exists in the blood of the hepatic veins and the right side of the heart. It is manufactured by the liver, and disappears in the lungs. When its production is most active, as in full diges- tion, it may exist in small quantity in the arterial blood. Ordinarily it is only to be found in the blood between the liver and the lungs, except when it exists in the blood of the portal vein, after the ingestion of saccharine or starchy matters. Fatty Emulsion. After a full meal with an abundance of fat, the blood contains a considerable proportion of fatty emulsion. Bernard 2 has shown, also, that the blood of the hepatic veins contains an emulsive substance which is formed by the liver. "We have already seen that the blood corpuscles contain a certain proportion of fatty matter in a state of molecular union with the organic nitrogenized prin- ciples. Coloring Matter of the Serum. The serum has a yellowish color, more or less intense, which is dependent upon a pecu- liar coloring matter. This has never been isolated, but is thought by some to be identical with the coloring matter of the bile, 3 a supposition, however, which does not seem very probable. 1 Recherches sur une Nouvelle Fonction du Fole considers comme Organe Producteur de Mature Sucree chez THomme et les Animauz. These. Paris, 1853. 2 See page 64. 3 BECQUEREL and RODIER, .Recherches sur la Composition du Sang dans Tetat de Sante et dans Vetat de Maladie, Paris, 1844. 140 THE BLOOD. Urea and the Urates. In 1821 Prevost and Dumas l discovered urea in the blood of auimals from which the kidneys had been removed ; which was the first experimental demonstration that this principle is formed in the system and eliminated by, not manufactured in, the kidneys. It was demonstrated in healthy blood* by Marchand, 2 in 1838, and since then has been recognized as one of its normal constit- uents, though existing in very minute quantity. These observations have been confirmed by numerous French, Ger- man, and English physiologists. The urate of soda also exists in small quantity in the blood, and possibly the hippurate of soda. The reason why the proportion of these principles is so small, is that they are eliminated by the proper organs as soon as formed. Cholesterine. This substance was demonstrated in the blood by Denis in 1830. 3 It is now known to exist in this fluid in considerable quantity. It is most abundant in the blood coming from the nervous centres, where it is produced in great part, and is diminished in the passage of the blood through the liver/ A substance was described by Boudet in 1833, in the blood, which he called Seroline. Its existence in the blood is problematical. 6 Creatine and Creatinine. Yerdeil and Marcet have de- monstrated the presence of these substances in the blood.' Their proportion is very small, and has not been determined. They undoubtedly have the same relation to the system as urea and cholesterine. 1 Annales de Chimie et de Physique, 1821, tome xviii., p. 280. a Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 1838, 2me serie, tome x., p. 46. 3 ROBIN and VERDEIL, op. cit., tome iii., page 63. 4 See an article by the author on a New Excretory Function of the Liver, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, October, 1862. 6 Ibid. 6 ROBIN and VERDEIL, Chimie Anatomique, tome ii., pp. 480 and 439 QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 141 A consideration of abnormal or accidental constituents of the blood, such as poisonous or medicinal substances, does not belong to its physiological history. It is hardly necessary to mention certain substances, the existenc^ of which is doubtful, such as lactic acid, copper, magnesia, etc. CHAPTEE III. COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. General considerations Characters of the clot Characters of the serum Coagu- lating principle in the blood Circumstances which modify coagulation Co- agulation of the blood in the organism Spontaneous arrest of hemorrhage Cause of coagulation of the blood Summary of the properties and functions of the blood. THE remarkable property in the blood of spontaneous coagulation has been commonly recognized as far back as we can look into the history of physiology ; and since the immortal discovery of Harvey, which naturally gave an im- pulse to investigations into the properties of the circulating fluid, there have been few subjects connected with the physi- ologj- of the blood which have excited more universal interest. At first, the ideas with regard to the cause of this phenom- enon were entirely speculative. The first definite experi- ments on record were performed by Malpighi and published in 1666. He was followed by Borelli, Euysch, and a host of others who hold conspicuous places in the history of our science; among whom may be mentioned Hunter, Hewson, Miiller, Thackrah, J. Davy, Magendie, Nasse, and Dumas. While much labor has been expended on this subject, the final cause of coagulation cannot even now be said to be settled beyond question. The blood retains its fluidity while it remains in the vessels, and circulation is not interfered with. It is then co^- COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 143 posed, as we have seen, of clear plasma, holding corpuscles in suspension ; but these little bodies do not differ much from the plasma, either in consistence or specific gravity, and give to the fluid only a slight degree of viscidity. Shortly after the circulation is interrupted, or after blood is drawn from the vessels, it coagulates or " sets" into a jelly-like mass. In a few hours we find that contraction has taken place, and a clear, straw-colored fluid has been expressed, the blood thus separating into a solid portion, the crassamentum or clot, and a liquid, which is called serum. The serum contains all the elements of the blood except the red corpuscles and fibrin, which together form the clot. Coagulation takes place in the blood of all animals, commencing a variable time after its removal from the vessels. In the human subject, accord- ing to Nasse, 1 when the blood is received into a moderately deep, smooth vessel, the phenomena of coagulation present themselves in the following order : First, a gelatinous pellicle forms on the surface, which occurs in from 1 minute and 45 seconds to 6 minutes ; in from 2 to 7 minutes a gelatinous layer lias formed on the sides of the vessel ; the whole mass becomes of a jelly-like consistence in from 7 to 16 minutes. Contrac- tion then begins, and if we watch the surface of the clot we will see little drops of clear serum making their appearance. This fluid increases in quantity, and in from 10 to 12 hours separation is complete. The clot, which is heavier, sinks to the bottom of the vessel, unless it contain bubbles of gas, or the surface be very concave. In most of the warm-blooded animals the blood coagulates more rapidly than in man. It is particularly rapid in the class of birds, in some of which it takes place almost instantaneously. Observations have shown that coagulation is more rapid in arterial than in venous blood. In the former the proportion of fibrin is notably greater. 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, Lcfons sur la Physiologic, etc., tome i., p. 125. 144 THE BLOOD. The relative proportions of the serum and clot are very variable, unless we include in our estimate of the serum that portion which is retained between the meshes of the clot. 1 As the clot is composed of corpuscles and fibrin, and as these in their moist state represent in general terms about one-half of the blood (see table, page 198), it may be stated that after coagulation, the actual proportions of the clot and serum are about equal. If we take simply the serum which separates spontaneously, we have a large quantity when the clot is densely contracted, and a very small quantity when it is loose and soft.' Characters of the Clot. On removing the clot, after the separation of the serum is complete, it presents a gelatinous consistence, and is more or less firm, according to the degree of contraction which has taken place. As a general rule, when coagulation lias been rapid, the clot is soft and but slightly contracted. When, on the other hand, coagulation has been slow, it contracts for a long time, and is much denser. When coagulation is slow, the clot frequently pre- sents what is known as the cupped appearance, having a con- cave surface, a phenomenon which merely depends on the extent of its contraction. It also presents a marked differ- 1 It is estimated by Milne-Edwards that the clot retains, in most instances, one-fifth of the entire volume of serum. Lemons sur la Physiologic, etc., tome L, p. 124. a According to Thackrah the following are the periods required for the coagu- lation of the blood in some of the inferior animals : Horse, Blood coagulates in from 5 to 13 minutes. Ox, Dog, Sheep, Hog, Babbit, Lamb, Duck, Fowl, Pigeon, 12 3 H H H i 2 almost instantaneously. CHAEACTEE8 OF THE CLOT. 145 ence in color at its superior portion. The blood having re- mained fluid for some time, the red corpuscles settle, by virtue of their greater weight, leaving a colorless layer on the top. This is the buify coat so frequently spoken of by authors. The buffed and cupped appearance of the clot has been sup- posed to indicate an inflammatory condition of the circulating fluid; inasmuch as the quantity of fibrin is generally in- creased in inflammation, and the greater the quantity of fibrin the more rapid is the gravitation of the red corpuscles. Though this frequently presents itself in the blood drawn in inflammations, it is by no means pathognomonic of this con- dition, and is liable to occur whenever coagulation is slow, or retarded by artificial means. It is always present in the blood of the horse. Examined microscopically, the buffy coat presents fibrils of coagulated fibrin with some of the white corpuscles of the blood. On removing a clot of ve- nous blood from the serum, the upper surface is florid from contact with the air, while the rest of it is dark ; and on making a section, if the coagulation has not been too rapid, the gravitation of the red corpuscles is apparent. The sec- tion, which is at first almost black, soon becomes red from contact with the atmosphere. The clot from arterial blood has a dark-red color. If the clot be cut into small pieces, it will undergo further contraction, and express a part of the contained serum. If the clot be washed under a stream of water, at the same time kneading it with the fingers, we may remove almost all the red corpuscles, leaving the meshes of fibrin, which, on microscopic examination, will present the fibrillated appearance to which we have already referred. This is a method sometimes employed for the extraction of the fibrin. It was in this way that fibrin was isolated by Malpighi ; who made the first experiments which rendered it probable that coagulation of the blood depended upon this principle. In a few days, as the result of putrefaction, the clot softens, mixes with the serum, and the blood regains its fluidity. 10 14:6 THE BLOOD. Characters of the Serum. After coagulation, if the seruin be carefully removed, it is found to be a fluid of a color varying from a light amber to quite a deep, but clear, red. This depends upon a peculiar coloring matter, distinct from hematine, but which has never been isolated. The specific gravity of the serum is some^diat less than that of the entire mass of blood; being, according to Becquerel and Rodier, about 1,028.' It contains all the principles found in the plasma, or liquor sanguinis, with the exception of the fibrin. It can hardly be called a physiological fluid, as it is formed only after coagulation of the blood, and never exists isolated in the body. The effusions which are commonly called serum, though they resemble this fluid in some particulars, are not identical with it, being formed by a process of transu- dation rather than separation of the blood, as in coagulation. "We have already seen that, in the body, fibrin and albumen are in combination, and that the organic principle of the serum (albumen) when injected into the vessels of a living animal does not become assimilated, but is rejected by the kidneys. The serum must not, therefore, be confounded with the plasma or liquor sanguinis, which is the natural clear portion of the blood. Coagulating Principle in the Blood. Acquainted, as we are, with the properties of fibrin, it is evident that this principle is the agent which produces coagulation of the blood. In fact, whatever coagulates spontaneously is called fibrin, and whatever requires some agent to produce this change of consistence is called by another name. But before the prop- erties of fibrin were fully understood, the question of the coagulating principle was a matter of much discussion. 3 Malpighi was probably the first to isolate this principle; 1 Op. tit., p. 86. 9 An admirable historical review of the theories and discoveries relating to the properties of fibrin and the coagulation of the blood is to be found in Mr. Gulliver's introduction to the Sydenham edition of the works of William Hewson, London, 1846, p. 25 el seq. COAGULATING PRINCIPLE IN THE BLOOD. 14:7 which he did by washing the clot in a stream of water, which removed the corpuscles and left a whitish fibrous network. His experiments are set forth in an article in which he at- tempted to show that the so-called polypi of the heart were formed of fibrin, though it was not then called by that name. These observations were soon confirmed by others, and finally Ruysch extracted fibrin from his own blood and the blood of the pig by whipping with a bundle of twigs, and thereby prevented its coagulation. This is the method now most com- monly employed for the separation of fibrin. It then became a question whether this substance existed as a fluid in the> liquor sanguinis, or was furnished by the corpuscles after the re- moval of blood from the vessels. This was decided by Hew- son, whose simple and conclusive experiments, published in 1YY1, leave no doubt that coagulation of the blood is due to fibrin, and that this principle is entirely distinct from, and independent of, the corpuscles. This observer, taking advan- tage of the property possessed by certain saline substances of preventing the coagulation of the blood, was the first to sepa- rate the liquor sanguinis from the corpuscles. He mixed fresh blood with a little sulphate of soda, which prevented coagulation, and after the mixture had been allowed to stand for a time, the corpuscles gravitated to the bottom of the ves- sel. The clear fluid was then decanted, and diluted with twice its quantity of water, when the fibrin became coagu- lated. 1 Another experiment is still more conclusive ; and as the credit of having first separated the corpuscles from the plasma and demonstrated the coagulability of the latter is by some ascribed to Miiller, we will give it in the author's own words : " Immediately after killing a dog, I tied up his jugular veins near the sternum, and hung his head over the edge of the table, so that the parts of the veins where the ligatures were might be higher than his head. I looked at the veins 1 The Works of William Hewson, F. R. S., Sydenham edition, p. 12. 148 THE BLOOD. from time to time, and observed that they became trans- parent at their upper part, the red particles subsiding. I then made a ligature upon one vein, so as to divide the trans- parent from the red portion of the blood ; and opening the vein, [ let out the transparent portion, which was still fluid, but coagulated soon after. On pressing this coagulum, I found it contained a little serum. The other vein I did not open till after the blood was congealed, and then I found the upper part of the coagulum whitish like the crust in pleuritic blood." l Nothing could more conclusively demonstrate that coag- ulation of the blood depends upon a coagulating principle existing in the liquor sanguinis, than this simple experiment. It also beautifully illustrates the formation of the buify-coat. The facts thus demonstrated by Hewson were confirmed by Miiller in 1832. He succeeded in separating the plasma from the corpuscles in the blood of the frog by simple filtra- tion ; first diluting it with a saccharine solution. "The great size of the corpuscles in this animal prevents their passage through a filter, and the clear fluid which is thus separated soon forms a colorless coagulum. 2 From these observations it is evident that the coagulation of the blood is due to the presence of fibrin in the liquor san- guinis. Coagulation of this principle first causes the whole mass of blood to assume a gelatinous consistence ; and by virtue of its contractile properties it soon expresses the serum, but the red corpuscles are retained. One of the causes which operate to retain the corpuscles in the clot is the adhesive matter which covers their surface after they escape from the vessels, which produces the arrangement in rows like piles of coin, which we have already noted under the head of microscopic appearances. This undoubtedly prevents those 1 The Works of William Hewson, F. R. S., Sydenham edition, p. 32. 3 J. MUELLER, Manuel de Physiologic, trad, par Jourdan, Paris, 1851, tome i., p. 96. CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MODIFY COAGULATION. 149 which are near the surface from escaping from the clot during its contraction. Circumstances which modify Coagulation out of the Body. The conditions which modify coagulation of the blood have been closely studied by Ilewson, Davy, Thackrah, Robin and Yerdeil, and others. They are, in brief, the following : Blood flowing slowly from a small orifice is more rapidly coagulated than when it flows in a full stream from a large orifice. If it be received into a shallow vessel, it coagulates much more rapidly than when received into a deep vessel. If the vessel be rough, coagulation is more rapid than if it be smooth and polished. If the blood, as it flows, be received on a cloth or a bundle of twigs, it coagulates almost instan- taneously. In short, it appears that all circumstances which favor exposure of the blood to the air, hasten its coagulation. The blood will coagulate more rapidly in a vacuum . than in the air. Coagulation of the blood is prevented by rapid freezing, but afterwards takes place when the fluid is carefully thaw- ed. Between 32 and 140 Fahr., elevation of temperature increases the rapidity of coagulation. 1 Experiments are impracticable above 140, as we are- then likely to have coagulation of the albumen. According to Hichardson, agi- tation of the blood in closed vessels retards, and in open vessels hastens coagulation. 2 Yarious chemical substances retard or prevent coagula- tion. Among them we may mention : solutions of potash and of soda; carbonate of soda; carbonate of ammonia; carbonate of potash ; ammonia ; sulphate of soda. In the menstrual flow the blood is kept fluid by mixture with the abundant secretions of the vaginal mucous membrane. 1 RICHARDSON, The Cause of the Coagulation of the Blood. Astley Cooper Prize Essay for 1856, p. 140 et seq. 2 Ibid., p. 228. 150 THE BLOOD. Coagulation of the Blood in the Organism. The blood coagulates in the vessels after death, though less rapidly than when removed from the body. As a gen- eral proposition it may be stated that this takes place in from twelve to twenty-four hours after circulation has" ceased. Under these circumstances it is found chiefly in the venous system, as the arteries are generally emptied by post mortem . contraction of their muscular coat. Coagula are found, how- ever, in the left side of the heart and in the aorta, but they are much smaller than those found in the right side of the heart and the large veins. These coagula present the general characters we have already described. They are frequently covered by a soft whitish film, analogous to the buffy coat, and are dark in their interior. It was supposed by John Hunter that coagulation of the blood did not take place in animals killed by ]ightning } hydrocyanic acid, or prolonged muscular exertion, as when hunted to death ; but it appears from the observations of others that this view is not correct. J. Davy reports a case of death by lightning where a loose coagulum was found in the heart twenty-four hours after. In this case decompo- sition was very far advanced, and it is probable that the coagula had become less firm from that cause. His obser- vations also show that coagulation occurs after poisoning by hydrocyanic acid, and in animals hunted to death. 1 Coagulation in different parts of the vascular system is by no means unusual during life. In the heart we sometimes find coagula which bear evidence of having existed for some time before death. These were called polypi by some of the older writers, and are often formed of fibrin almost free from red corpuscles. They generally occur when death is very gradual, and the circulation continues for some time with 1 DR. JOHN DAYY, Researches Physiological and Anatomical, vol. ii., p. 70 si *e. COAGULATION IN THE ORGANISM. 151 greatly diminished activity. It is probable that a small coagulum is first formed, from which the corpuscles are washed away by the current of blood; that this becomes larger by farther depositions, until we have large vermicular masses of fibrin, attached, in some instances, to the chordae tendinese. Clots formed in this way may be distinguished from those formed after death by their whitish color, dense consist- ence, and the closeness with which they adhere to the walls of the heart. Cases have been reported by Richardson and others, where concretions of this kind extended from the' cavities of the heart far into the large vessels. It is also stated by Richardson 1 that they sometimes become partly organized, and connected with the tissue of the heart ; but we have seen that accidental deposits of a proximate prin- ciple, like fibrin, never become transformed into organized structures. We need only enumerate some of the other circumstances under which the blood coagulates in the vessels, as this sub- ject belongs rather to pathology than to physiology. Coag- ulation may be said, in general terms, to occur as a con- dition of stasis. When a ligature is applied to an artery, the vessel becomes filled with a coagulum up to the site of the first branch which is given off, whatever be its situation. In applying the ligature, the delicate inner coat is ruptured, and the shreds, which curl up in the interior of the vessel, soon become covered with a layer of coagulated blood, which thickens until the whole vessel is filled. In cases in which the flow of blood becomes arrested, or very much retarded, as in varicose veins of the extremities, the enlarged veins in hemorrhoids, etc., these vessels may become obliterated by the formation of a clot. In some aneurisms, the retardation of the blood-current produces spontaneous cure by the deposi- tion of successive layers of fibrin next the walls of the dilated vessel. A knowledge of this fact has been made use of in the treatment of aneurism by compression of the artery which 1 Op, tit. 152 THE BLOOD. supplies it with blood. Many cases are on record, where this has been continued for a number of hours, and a cure effected. Bodies projecting into the caliber of a blood-vessel soon become coated with a layer of fibrin. Rough concretions about the orifices of the heart* frequently induce the depo- sition of little masses of fibrin, which sometimes become detached, and are carried to various parts of the circulatory system, as the lungs or brain, plugging up one or more of the smaller vessels. These masses have been called by Yirchow, emboli, and have been traced by him, in some instances, from the heart to the situations above mentioned. The experiment has been made of passing a thread through a small artery, allowing it to remain for a few hours, when it is found coated with a layer of coagulated fibrin. Blood generally coagulates when it is effused into the areolar tissue, or any of the cavities of the body ; though, effused into the serous cavities, the tunica vaginalis for exam- ple, it has been known to remain fluid for days and even weeks, and coagulate when let out by an incision. In the Graafian follicles, after the discharge of the ovum, we gener- ally have the cavity filled with blood, which forms a clot, and is slowly removed by the process of absorption. Coagulation thus takes place in the vessels as the result of stasis, or very great retardation of the circulation, and in the tissues or cavities of the body, whenever it is accidentally effused. In the latter case, it is generally removed in the course of time by absorption. This takes place in the fol- lowing way : First, we have disappearance of the red cor- puscles, or decoloration of the clot, and the fibrin is then the only element which remains. This becomes reduced from a fibrillated to a granular condition, softens, finally be- comes amorphous, and is absorbed; though when the size of the clot is considerable, this may occupy weeks, and even months, and may never be completely effected. Effused in this manner, the constituents of the blood act as foreign SPONTANEOUS ARREST OF HEMORRHAGE. 153 bodies ; the corpuscles cease to be organized anatomical elements capable of self-regeneration, break down, and are absorbed. The fibrin which remains undergoes the same process ; the stages through which it passes being always those of decay, and not of development. In other words, it is incapable of organization. Office of the Coagulation of the Blood in Arresting Hemorrhage. The property of the blood under consideration has a most important office in the arrest of hemorrhage. The effect of an absence or great diminution of the coagu- lability of the circulating fluid is exemplified in instances of what is called the hemorrhagic diathesis ; a condition in which slight wounds are apt to be followed by alarming, and it may be fatal, hemorrhage. This condition of the blood is not characterized by any symptoms excepting the obstinate flow of blood from slight wounds, and may con- tinue for years. In a case which came under the observation of the author a few years since, excision of the tonsils was followed by bleeding, which continued for several days, and was arrested with great difficulty. On inquiry it was ascertained that the patient, a young man about twenty years of age, in other respects perfectly healthy, had been subject from early life to persistent hemorrhage from slight wounds. In reviewing the functions of fibrin, we find that apparently its most important office is in the arrest of hem- orrhage. The degree of coagulability of the blood depends on the quantity of fibrin, but its proportion has not been shown to bear any definite relation to the vigor of the indi- vidual, nor to the processes of nutrition generally. The necessary and constant variations in the organic elements of the blood, which are the result of insufficient alimentation, exhausting discharges, or diseases characterized by impover- ishment of this fluid, are observed in the albumen and red corpuscles, and not in the fibrin. By this it must not be understood that the quantity of fibrin is not variable. 'It has 154: THE BLOOD. been found, for example, by Andral and Gavarret to be pretty generally increased in the phlegm asise ; but it bears no rela- tion to the richness of the blood. Its proportion is not in- creased always in plethora and diminished in anemia ; and in fact it has been found by Nasse to be increased in animals suffering from hunger. 1 After l^emorrhage, which diminishes the corpuscles and albumen, the fibrin is generally increased ; so that the fact of loss of blood, diminishing the force of the heart and increasing the tendency to coagulation, has an in- fluence in the arrest of the flow. Circumstances which accelerate coagulation have a ten- dency to arrest hemorrhage. It is well known that exposure of a bleeding surface to the air has this effect. The way in which the vessel is divided has an important influence. A clean cut will bleed more freely than a ragged laceration. In division of large vessels this difference is sometimes marked. Cases are on record where the arm has been torn off at the shoulder-joint, and yet the hemorrhage was, for a time, spon- taneously arrested ; while we know that division of an artery of smaller size, if it be cut across, would be fatal if left to itself. Under these circumstances the internal coat is torn in shreds, which retract, their curled ends projecting into the caliber of the vessel, and have the same effect on the coagu- lation of blood as a bundle of twigs. In laceration of such a large vessel as the axillary artery, the arrest cannot be per- manent, for as soon as the system recovers from the shock, the contractions of the heart will force out the coagulated blood which has closed the opening. In our study of the functions of the body we shall con- tinually see evidences that Nature, not content with simply providing for the ordinary wants of the system, has made provision for extraordinary occurrences and accidents. A striking example of this is the function of fibrin. All the ordinary operations of the body go on perfectly well in a 1 KOBIN and YERDEIL, Chimie Anatomique, tome iii., p. 205. SPONTANEOUS ARREST OF HEMORRHAGE. 155 person affected with the hemorrhagic diathesis, in whose blood the fibrin is wanting ; and, as we have already seen in treat- ing of transfusion, the vivifying effects of defibrinated blood are equal to those of blood which contains all its constituents ; yet it is provided that in hemorrhage the blood solidifies and closes the opening in the vessels, if they be not too large. She often makes attempts to cure aneurisms, or hemorrhoids, by the same process ; and hence does not obliterate the vessels by an organized substance, which would be capable of self- regeneration and always remain as part of the body, but throws out a temporary plug, which is destined to be re- moved, partially, if not completely, by absorption. The pro- cess of coagulation of the fibrin of the blood is essentially different from that of gradual effusion of plastic lymph by which injuries are repaired. Individuals suffering under the hemorrhagic diathesis, are not deprived of the power of repairing injuries by means of plastic exudations from the blood, though the blood contains no fibrin, and hemorrhage is not arrested until the process of repair has closed the openings in the vessels, or we have closed them by the effect of our styptics. We likewise see that in the lower animals who have not the means of artificially arresting hemorrhage, its spontaneous arrest is more effectually provided for by a more rapid coagulation of the blood. From the foregoing considerations it is evident that the remarkable phenomenon of coagulation of the blood, which has so much engaged the attention of physiologists, has rather a mechanical than a vital function ; for its chief office is in the arrest of hemorrhage. Coagulation never takes place in the organism, unless the blood be in an abnormal condition with respect to circulation. Here its operations are mainly con- servative ; but as almost all conservative processes are some- times perverted, clots in the body may be productive of injury, as in the instances of cerebral apoplexy, clots in the heart occurring before death, the detachment of emboli, etc. 156 THE BLOOD. Cause of the Coagulation of the Blood. Though the phe- nomena of coagulation, and the circumstances which modify it, especially as occurring in the organism, are of more prac- tical importance than any thing else, the study of these phenomena naturally leads us to inquire into the reason why fibrin thus changes its form. When we say that this prin- ciple is endowed with the property of spontaneous coagula- bility, we do not express what is strictly the fact. It remains fluid until it is placed in abnormal conditions, when, without the application of heat, or any chemical reagents, it coag- ulates ; but so long as it remains in the circulating blood, lymph, or chyle, coagulation does not take place. This property, which has been so long recognized, has been the subject of many speculations as to its cause, and some experi- ments ; but until the last few years the experiments have done nothing but familiarize us with the actual phenomena which take place, and left the cause, as before, entirely a matter of speculation. Under these circumstances it will not be found very profitable to discuss the old theories on the subject. Our object in the historical review of physiological questions is to show the gradual development of truth, as facts have been accumulated by different observers, which those last in the field have been able to coordinate, rather than to exhume hypotheses which have fallen before actual observation. On no subject have hypotheses been more vague and unsatis- factory, and more readily disproved by experiment, than with regard to the cause of coagulation of the fibrin. The idea that exposure to the air is the cause of coagulation, which was held by Hewson, is disproved by the simple fact that coagulation takes place in a vacuum. The vital theory of Hunter, which was adopted by most physiologists of his time, is too indefinite for discussion at the present day, and really expresses utter want of knowledge on the subject. The theory that motion is the cause of the fluidity of fibrin in the body, is disproved by the fact that violent agitation of the blood out of the body does not prevent coagulation. CAUSE OF COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 157 On the other hand, we are not justified, with Eobin and Yerdeil, in abandoning the subject with the assertion that it is " as vain to seek after the cause of this fact as to inquire why fibrin exists, why sulphate of copper is blue, etc." ; ! assuming that fibrin coagulates merely because it has the property of coagulation, as albumen is coagulated by heat, or ca seine by acetic acid. An extension of this method in physiology would put an end to all generalization, restricting the operations of the intellect to the mere observation of phenomena. Circulating in the organism, the plasma contains, molec- ularly united with each other and uniformly distributed in the fluid, fibrin, albumen, salts, and volatile substances. Albumen retains its fluidity out of the body, until heat or some coagulating agent is applied ; but by employing a current of galvanism, which we know changes the condition of the inorganic substances in the serum, something is taken away which causes albumen to coagulate, or which, when it existed unchanged, retained albumen in its fluid condition. Is it not possible that the blood while circulating may contain a substance capable of keeping fibrin fluid, the evolution of which out of the body is the cause of coagulation ? We are particularly led to ask this question, as we are acquainted with many substances which possess this property when added to blood drawn from the vessels ; such as carbonate of soda, ammonia, etc. This idea forms a fit basis for experimental inquiry, by a study of the substances evolved by the blood during coagulation in the form of vapor. If it be objected that no coagulation takes place in the vessels, while an op- portunity for volatilization is constantly presented in the lungs in normal circulation, it must be remembered that the blood is continually washing out, as it were, in the course of circulation, matters formed in the various parts of the organ- ism ; and substances which are continually discharged by the lungs, skin, kidneys, etc., are necessarily as continually taken 1 ROBIN ana VERDEIL, op. cit., tome iii., p. 210. 158 THE BLOOD. up by the blood in the system. From this point of view it does not seem entirely unprofitable to look after the cause of the coagulation of the blood. It was with such an idea as this that almost the first definite experiments which we have on the cause of coagulation, were performed. These consti- tute the basis of the Astley Cooper prize essay for 1856, and if they be not sufficient to convince all physiologists, must be acknowledged to settle many points with reference to the question under consideration. Dr. Richardson has here given us the only definite and probable explanation of this phenom- enon that has ever been presented. 1 The views of Richardson, and the experiments on which they are based, are briefly the following : Taking as a point of departure the fact, which, as we have already seen, is sufficiently proven, that all circumstances which facilitate the separation of volatile elements from the blood hasten coagulation, Richardson attempted to show that the volatile substances which thus escape, if retained, or if made to pass through blood, will retard or arrest coagulation. His experiments on the prevention of exhalation are very satisfactory. The jugular vein is laid bare ; a portion of it, filled with blood, is included between two ligatures, then separated from the body and drawn under mercury in a U tube, the vein being allowed to remain in the bend of the tube for from nine to twenty-four hours. At the end of this time it is removed, the blood let out, and exposed to the air. In a number of experiments he found the blood entirely fluid when drawn from the vein immediately after removal from beneath the mercury, while it coagulated firmly in a few minutes after exposure to the air. 2 This simple experiment we have repeated with the same result. It shows conclusively that coagulation of the blood is not a consequence of simple rest, or lowering of temperature, and that it is not kept fluid in the organism by any vital influence. 1 RICHARDSON, The Cause of the Coagulation of the Blood, London, 1858. a Ibid., p. 204 et seq. CAUSE OF COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 159 The next experiments, which bear directly on the subject under consideration, were made with reference to the impor- tant question, whether the volatile substances escaping from coagulating blood, if passed through fresh blood, would have the effect of retarding or preventing coagulation. The ex- periments on this point are likewise conclusive. The appa- ratus which is used consists of two wide-mouthed bottles, capable of holding about two ounces, and a Wolffe's bottle capable of holding about three pounds. The small bot- tles, fitted with perforated corks, are half filled, and the large bottle nearly filled, with fresh blood. A tube con- nected with a small bellows is introduced into one of the small bottles, passing nearly to the bottom, while a second perforation in the cork is fitted with a short tube which simply allows the escape of air or vapor. The latter is con- nected with a tube passing nearly to the bottom of the Wolffe's bottle through one of the necks, while the other is fitted with a short tube to permit the escape of the vapor. The vapor is then made to pass through the blood in the third bottle by a long tube reaching to the bottom. If air be now gently forced through the apparatus by the bellows, the vapor from the mass of blood (about two pounds is used) in the large bottle will pass through the third, which contains but an ounce of blood. In an experiment of this kind performed by Richardson, " the blood through which the air was first passed coagulated in two minutes ; that in the Wolffe's bottle coagu- lated in three minutes ; while the blood in the third bottle, which for a time received a full charge of the vapor, retained its red color and its fluidity for eight minutes and a half; as long, in fact, as any vapor could be sent through it. When the vapor failed, and air only began to circulate, this blood coagulated feebly, the fibrin separating and floating on the top." 1 These experiments apparently have but one explanation. As the blood when drawn from the body may sometimes be 1 Op. cit., p. 268. 160 THE BLOOD. kept fluid by preventing the escape of volatile substances, and the vapor of coagulating blood forced through another specimen of blood prevents coagulation so long as it continues to pass, something is given oif from the blood which, when contained in this fluid, has the power of retaining fibrin in its fluid state. Having gone tkus far in the investigation, the next point is to subject the vapor of blood to analysis, and ascertain, if possible, what substance or substances it contains which, when retained in the blood, or introduced, have the power of keeping it fluid. This was the next step in .Richardson's investigations. He found that blood-vapor contained, among other things, ammonia. This lie detected by passing blood-vapor through hydrochloric acid and afterwards testing it with the per- chloride of platinum, forming the ammonio-chloride of plati- num. He also obtained crystals of the chloride of ammo- nium, by allowing the vapor to pass over a glass slide moist- ened with hydrochloric acid. He demonstrated in this way the presence of ammonia in the exhalation from the blood of the human subject, as well as the inferior animals. He also demonstrated by numerous experiments that ammonia mixed with blood, or the vapor passed through it, will prevent coag- ulation ; while the passage of air and the various gases has the effect of hastening, rather than retarding this process. It was further demonstrated that ammonia is constantly dis- charged by the organism, particularly by the lungs ; and, of course, must be as constantly produced in the tissues, and taken tip by the blood in the course of the circulation. 1 The points above enumerated certainly seem to be ex- 1 In the discussion of Richardson's views, we have attempted to connect the great experimental links in his chain of evidence. His admirable and laborious treatise contains details of 399 experiments ; and though a summary is given at the end of each chapter, and a summary at the conclusion, much labor is necessary on the part of the reader to separate those which are important from the great mass of minor facts, and appreciate the proofs of the doctrines advanced. This, as it seems to me, has had the effect of causing the views of Dr. Richardson to receive far less attention at the hands of physiologists than they really merit. CAUSE OF COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 161 perimentally proven. The experiments cited show conclu- sively that as blood coagulates, out of the body, a vapor is given off which contains some substance capable of preserv- ing the fluidity of the fibrin ; and that ammonia, which is a constituent of this vapor, has this property. But the rigid requirements of our science render it necessary, in order to establish the fact that the evolution of ammonia is the sole and constant cause of coagulation, to show how ammonia is given off under all the varied circumstances under which coagulation of the blood is known to take place. In other words, it must be demonstrated that the evolution of ammo- nia in coagulation is not a coincidence, occurring, it may be, pretty generally, but a necessity. The fact that ammonia added to blood prevents coagulation is not sufficient evidence of this ; for, as we have seen, other substances, such as carbon- ate of soda, have the same effect. Are there any circumstances under which coagulation of blood takes place, where ammonia is not, and cannot be, given off? There are observations which seem to answer this question in the affirmative; and it becomes necessary now to carefully study, with reference to this point, all the varied conditions under which the blood will coagulate. The view that coagulation of the blood is due to the evolution of ammonia explains perfectly how this process is hastened by exposure to air, by a moderately high tempera- ture, by a vacuum, by the blood flowing slowly in a small stream, and in brief, the various circumstances which modify coagulation out of the ~body. Its evolution from the blood by the lungs is not incompatible with the fact of the fluidity of the blood in the body, for it is taken up from the tissues as fast as it is eliminated. Some instances, however, of coagulation m the ~body, and some experiments on coagulation out of the body, when, as is thought, ammonia is not and cannot be evolved, seem opposed to the view advanced by Richardson. It is easy to understand, adopting the views of Eichard- 11 162 THE BLOOD. son, why the blood coagulates in the body after death. Under the circumstances in which it is then placed, the escape of volatile substances, though retarded, is evidently not pre- vented. Thus when the body is opened shortly after death, we may find the blood perfectly fluid, coagulating, however, shortly after it is removed from the vessels and exposed to the air. During life, when circulation is arrested or much retarded, the blood will coagulate ; but here there is the same opportunity presented for the escape of volatile matter. As ammonia is undoubtedly received by the blood in the course of circulation, arrest of circulation in any part of the vascular system prevents the blood therein contained from receiving its constant supply. As it has been shown that out of the body the evolution of ammonia always accompanies coagu- lation, we must infer simply that coagulation in the body, under the above-mentioned circumstances, is attended with the evolution of this principle, for the conditions here do not admit of direct experimentation,, situated as the blood is in the midst of tissues, from which volatile substances are also evolved. It is not proper, however, to shut our eyes to the fact that blood effused into the tissues and into the cavities, during life, has been known to remain fluid for days and even weeks, when there are no circumstances which we can appreciate as modifying or preventing the gradual evolution of ammonia. But we know that there are many animal products, such as the vaginal mucus, etc., which prevent coagulation ; and in these instances, which are not very fre- quent, it has not been shown that some influence of this kind was not brought to bear on the process. It is a curious fact, also, that leech-drawn blood remains fluid in the body of the animal. Richardson has verified this fact, but says that he can offer no satisfactory explanation. He observed also that the blood flowing from the leech-bite presented the same persistent fluidity, which explains the well-known fact that the insignificant wound gives rise to considerable hemorrhage. On. this point he has made the following curious experiment : CAUSE OF COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 163 " After the leech was removed from the arm, the wound it had produced continued to give out blood very freely. I caught the blood thus flowing at different intervals, allowing it to trickle into teaspoons of the same size and shape. The results were curious. The blood which was received into the first spoon, and which was collected immediately after the removal of the leech, was dark, and showed the same feeble- ness of coagulation as the blood taken from the leech itself. Another portion of blood, received into a second spoon five minutes later, coagulated in twenty-five minutes with mod- erate firmness. A third portion of blood, caught ten min- utes later still, coagulated in eight minutes ; while at the end of half an hour the blood which still flowed from the wound coagulated firmly, and in fine red clots, in two min- utes. Ultimately the blood coagulated as it slowly oozed from the wound, so that the wound itself was sealed up." 1 The existence of projections into the caliber of vessels, or, as was done by Simon, the passage of a fine thread through an artery or vein, will determine the formation of a small coagulum upon the foreign substance, while the circulation is neither interrupted nor retarded. These facts demand explanation, but all we can say with regard to them is, that in the present state of our knowledge explanation is difficult, if not impossible. As before remarked, the process, under these circumstances, cannot be subjected to direct experiment, as in the case of the blood coagulating out of the body. Since the publication of Hichardson's essay, various experiments on coagulation out of the body have been made which are claimed to disprove his views. Dr. John Davy has reported some experiments on the coagulation of blood in the common fowl, in which he attempts to show that the process is not attended with the evolution of ammonia, and furthermore, that ammonia mixed with the blood will not prevent coagulation.' 2 It is well known that the blood of 1 Op. dt., p. 207. 3 JOHN DAVY, M.D., Physiological Researches, London, 1863, p. 384 et seq. 164 THE BLOOD. birds is remarkable for the rapidity of its coagulation, and is therefore not so well adapted to experiments relative to the circumstances which attend this process as the blood of animals in which coagulation is less rapid. The experiments referred to are imperfect, and no attempt is made to invali- date the accuracy of the observations of Richardson on the blood of mammals and the human subject The most recent experiments on this subject are by Jo- seph Lister, published in a lecture on " Coagulation of the Blood," in the u London Lancet," February, 1864. The view entertained by Mr. Lister is, that the blood is kept fluid in the organism by its contact with living parts ; and that all other contact, especially that of inorganic bodies, produces a tendency in this fluid to coagulate. The power of retaining the fluidity of the blood he supposes to reside particularly in the coats of the blood-vessels, but he further says : " I think it probable, though not yet proved, that all living tissues have these properties with reference to the blood." l The ammonia theory he considers entirely fallacious, and ascribes coagula- tion either to the contact of animal tissues after death, when their vital property of maintaining the fluidity of the blood slowly disappears, or the contact of ordinary matter. 2 Various experiments are cited in support of the view thus briefly given. In one of them, the author, by an ingenious mechanism, draws the blood into an apparatus consisting of a tube in which it is eifectually secluded from the air, and which allows the fluid to be stirred with a little wire which is provided with projecting spokes. In one experiment the tube was filled with blood, which did not come in contact with the air, and the blood stirred with the wire. In thirty- seven minutes the wire was removed and found enveloped in a mass of clot. In another experiment, "Receiving blood from the throat of a bullock into two similar wide-mouthed 1 London Lancet, American republication, Feb. 1864, p. 91. 2 This view, as stated by Mr. Lister, was entertained by Astley Cooper, Thack- rah, Briicke, and others. CAUSE OF COAGULATION OF THE BLOOD. 165 bottles, I immediately stirred one of them with a clean ivory rod for ten seconds very gently, so as to avoid the introduc- tion of any air, and then left both undisturbed. At the end of a certain number of minutes, I found that, while the blood which had not been disturbed could be poured out as a fluid, with the exception of a thin layer of clot on the surface and an incrustation on the interior of the vessel, the blood in the other vessel, which had been stirred for so brief a period, was already a solid mass." 3 Other experiments are brought forward, modifications of the one already mentioned as performed by Simon, showing that incrustations will form on the surface of foreign sub- stances introduced into the vessels ; and that after death their introduction will induce coagulation in the entire vessel much sooner than it would otherwise have taken place. The idea of simple contact with living tissues preventing coagulation hardly merits discussion. It is well known that coagulation frequently takes place during life, almost always following arrest of the circulation. After division of the ves- sels, the blood, in contact with living parts, performs its con- servative function in the arrest of hemorrhage. There is cer- tainly something very curious in the effect of the contact of foreign substances, and the experiments on this point are very striking. Why is it that a coagulum forms upon a fine thread or a needle passed through a vessel ; or on the wire with which the blood in Mr. Lister's apparatus was stirred, though there was no exposure to the air ? And why did the blood, which was only gently stirred for a few seconds with a. smooth ivory rod, coagulate so much more rapidly than that which was undisturbed ? These are questions which we must acknowledge our inability to answer. The phenomena cannot be satisfactorily explained by the supposition that ammonia is evolved ; but on the other hand, this is not a sufficient reason for rejecting the fact, experimentally demonstrated, that, out of the or- 1 Op. cit., p. 83. 166 THE BLOOD. ganism, ammonia, a substance capable of maintaining the fluidity of the fibrin, is given off from coagulating blood. We may suppose that ammonia separates itself from one portion of the blood, and is retained in another. An experi- ment by Richardson gives color to this supposition, for in one experiment 011 the passage of blood-vapor through blood, he found that the lower part coagulated while the upper part remained fluid; and on examination, ascertained, in expla- nation of this, that the tube which carried the vapor into the blood did not extend to the bottom of the vessel. 1 The effect of foreign bodies on coagulation is not more inexplicable than the operation of inert substances in certain chemical processes ; as the action of the oxide of manganese in the formation of oxygen from the chlorate of potash ; or, to take a process more like the one under consideration, the formation of crystals on threads and projections in vessels, or the escape of electricity from points. Examples of this kind in the organic world are numerous, and we are content to say that these facts are entirely beyond explanation, in the present state of our knowledge. "We should hardly be sur- prised, then, at our inability to explain the tendency which the presence of foreign bodies has to induce the deposition of so coagulable a substance as fibrin. The theory that coagu- lation of the blood is always, or even generally, due to the contact of foreign substances, or tissues which have lost their vital properties and act as foreign substances, must be rejected as opposed to experiment and observation. When, as hap- pens in the interior of the body, the blood coagulates under circumstances when the process will not admit of direct experimentation as far as the evolution of volatile substances is concerned, the best we can do is to apply, as far as possible, the facts which are proven with regard to coagulation out of the body, when the phenomena can be minutely studied. Here, at least in the human subject and in mammals, it seems demonstrated to be due to the evolution of ammonia. 1 Op. cit., p. 269. SUMMARY OF PEOPEETIES AND FUNCTIONS. 167 Summary of the Properties and Functions of the Blood. The blood, constituting as nearly as can be estimated one- eighth of the weight of the body, is the great nutritive fluid ; its presence being necessary to life, and its normal constitution and circulation essential to the performance of all the func- tions. Anatomically ', its most important elements are a clear plasma and the red corpuscles, these existing in about equal proportions. The corpuscles are intimately connected with the function of respiration. Their chief office seems to be to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. Their presence is immediately essential to life, and their normal proportion essential to health. They are organized anatomical elements, capable of self-regeneration from principles contained in the plasma. They contain all the principles which exist in the plasma, with the difference that the fibrin and albumen of the latter are replaced by globuline, and a coloring matter, hematine, is superadded. The plasma seems to be the part chiefly employed in the nourishment of the tissues, some of which, as cartilage, do not receive any of the corpuscular elements of the blood. Chemically, the plasma contains all the elements which are necessary for the regeneration of all parts of the body. These are continually being used up in nutrition, but are replaced by the absorption of articles of food after they have undergone the preparation of digestion. In the deposition of new matter in the regeneration of the tissues, the organic and inorganic constituents of the plasma are deposited to- gether ; the inorganic elements of the tissues receiving, as it were, the vital properties of self-regeneration, which we sup- pose to reside particularly in organic principles, from the fact of their molecular union with these organic principles. Of the organic constituents, albumen constitutes by far the greater proportion, and is the one chiefly used in the- 168 THE BLOOD. nutrition of the organic nitrogen ized elements of the tissues. Its diminution in the blood to any considerable extent de- termines defective nutrition. It is proJbable that all the other organic nitrogenized principles are formed from it. In the blood, part of the albumen is transformed into fibrin, which exists in small quantity, and does not appear to bear any relation to nutrition. Its peculiar property of spontaneous coagulation gives it a most important conser- vative function in the arrest of hemorrhage. Ammonia, which is contained in the blood, has the property of maintaining its fluidity ; but on exposure to air, or in rupture of vessels, we have an escape of ammonia, and the fibrin by its coagulation reduces the whole mass of blood to a semi-solid consistence. The proportion of fibrin in the blood bears no relation to the function of nutrition. Its occasional absence only induces obstinate hemorrhage on the division of vessels, even of very small size. Fat, which exists in small quantity in the blood, and sugar, which exists only in certain parts of the circulatory system, disappear .in the organism in a way which is not at present understood. They are concerned in, and necessary to, the processes of nutrition ; but the exact nature of their function is unknown. The inorganic constituents of the body are found in vary- ing proportions in the plasma, and have varied functions. Their presence tends to preserve the proper constitution of the corpuscles, which are dissolved and lost in pure water. The water which does not enter into the constitution of the albumen and fibrin serves to hold the various salts in solution, and cannot vary much in quantity from a certain standard. Some of the inorganic salts, the chlorides particularly, seem to regulate, to a certain extent, the processes of nutri- tion, are found most abundantly in the fluids, and apparently do not form a very essential portion of the tissues themselves. A tendency to an excess in the blood is relieved by discharge SUMMARY OF PROPERTIES AND FUNCTIONS. 169 from the system, and a diminution is accompanied by certain indefinite disorders in the general processes of nutrition. The alkaline carbonates have a tendency to preserve the fluidity of the fibrin. Some of the inorganic salts, such as \ho, phosphate of lime, are important elements entering into the constitution of the various tissues. They are most abundant in the solids and semi-solids of the body ; and when their introduction with food is prevented, we have certain definite changes in the constitution of some of the tissues, as softening of the bones in animals deprived of the phosphate of lime. As already remarked, the inorganic principles are neces- sary to, and participate in the performance of the vital func- tions of organic principles. In addition to these elements, the blood contains large quantities of carbonic acid, which is eliminated by the lungs, and small quantities of other excrementitious matters, such as urea, the urates, cholesterine, creatine, creatinine, and am- monia (which is perhaps an excretion), their proportion being kept down by their constant removal by the proper eliminat- ing organs. Their increase in the blood from any cause produces toxic efiects, which, as regards some, urea and cho- lesterine for example, are easily recognized. CHAPTEK IV. CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD. Discovery of the circulation Physiological anatomy of the heart Valves of the heart Movements of the heart Impulse of the heart Succession of move- ments of the heart Force of the heart Action of the valves Sounds of the heart Cause of the sounds of the heart. HARVEY discovered the circulation of the blood in 1616, taught it in his public lectures in 1619, and in 1628 published the " Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus" It is justly said by Flourens, in his ele- gant little work on the discovery of the circulation, that from this discovery dates the epoch of modern physiology, when tradition began to give place to observation. "When we reflect that it is through the medium of the blood that all the processes of life take place ; that all tissues are nour- ished by it, and all fluids formed from it ; that it gives fresh material to every part, and takes away that which is worn out ; that it carries oxygen to every part of the system, and gives to each structure its vital properties ; we can form some idea of the state of physiology before anything was known of the circulation. This momentous discovery, from the isolated facts bearing upon it which were observed by nu- merous anatomists, to its grand culmination with Harvey, so fully illustrates the gradual development of most great phy- siological truths, that it does not seem out of place to begin our study of the circulation with a rapid sketch of its history. DISCOVERY OF THE CIRCULATION. 171 The facts bearing upon the circulation which were devel- oped before the time of Harvey were chiefly of an anatomical character. Hippocrates and his contemporaries distinguished two kinds of vessels, arteries and veins ; but they regarded the former as air-bearing tubes, as their name implies, in communication with the trachea. Galen, by a few simple experiments upon living animals, demonstrated the error of this view. He showed that blood issued from divided arte- ries, and demonstrated its presence in a portion of one of these vessels included between two ligatures in a living ani- mal. His ideas, however, of the mode of communication between the arteries and veins were entirely erroneous, be- lieving, as he did, in the existence of numerous small orifices between the ventricles. In 1553, Michael Servetus, who is generally regarded as the discoverer of the passage of the blood through the lungs, or the pulmonary circulation, described in "a work on theology the course of the blood through the lungs, from the right to the left side of the heart. This description, complete as it is, was merely incidental to the development of a theory with regard to the formation of the soul, and the development of what were called animal and vital spirits (spiritus). The same year, by order of Calvin, Servetus was burned alive at Geneva, and nearly every copy of his work was committed to the flames. But one or two copies of this work are now in existence. One is in the library of the Institute of France, and bears evidence, in some pages which are partially burned, of the fate which it so narrowly escaped. 1 A few years later, Columbo, professor of anatomy at Padua, and Cesalpinus, of Pisa, also described the passage of the blood through the lungs, though probably without any knowledge of what had been written by Servetus. To Cesal- pinus is attributed the first use of the expression, circulation 1 The physiological portion of the Christianismi Restitutio of SERVETUS has been extracted from the original by FLOURENS, and is published in his little work entitled Histoire de la Decouverte de la Circulation du Sang, Paris, 1854. 172 CIRCULATION. of the Uood. He also remarked that after ligature or com- pression of veins, the swelling is always below the point of obstruction. These ideas, the importance of which is evi- dent now that we understand the circulation, passed into oblivion. They were unknown to investigators during the succeeding century, and were onljP brought to light after the discoveries of Harvey had become widely disseminated. From this point of view they can hardly be called discoveries, taking no place in science, and their authors not considering them definite enough, or of sufficient importance, to be fully insisted upon. A great discovery, preparatory to that of the circulation, was made by Fabricius ab Aquapendente, professor at Padua, who, in the words of Flourens, had a double glory: "He discovered the valves of the veins, and he was the master of Harvey." Yalves had been described by Etienne in the portal vein, by Cananius in the azygos vein, and Eustachi had discovered the valve which bears his name and the valves of the coronary veins ; but to Fabricius is generally ascribed the honor of the discovery of the valvular system in the veins. 1 This was demonstrated to Harvey at Padua, though Fabricius does not appear to have had any definite idea of their function. It is possible that this anatomical fact may have directed the mind of Harvey in his first spec- ulations on the circulation. Shortly after his return from Padua in 1602, he advanced beyond the study of inanimate parts by dissections, and investigated animated nature by 1 BERARD, ( Cours de Physiologic, tome iv., p. 34) quotes a passage from Piccolomini, an Italian anatomist, in which the valves of the veins are mentioned : " *- * * quod est, in mediis venis reconditas esse innumerabiles pene valvas, quemadmtidum in orificiis vasorum cordis. Jfce venarum valvce maxime con- spicuce sunt in divisione ramorum vence cavce" (Anatomicce Prcdectiones, Romce, 1586, p. 412). It is the assertion, undoubtedly made in good faith, in the great work of Fabricius, that the valves had never before been seen, which has led many physiologists to regard him as the discoverer ; especially when this fact is taken in connection with their demonstration by Fabricius to Harvey, to whom is due the sole credit of having pointed out their function. DISCOVERY OF THE CIRCULATION. means of vivisections. As is evident when we consider the state of science at that time, anatomists had long been preparing the way for the discovery of the circulation, though they knew little of the functions of the parts they described. The conformation of the heart and vessels, and even the arrangement of the valves of the veins, did not lead them to suspect the course of the blood ; but a few well conceived experiments on living animals have made it appear so sim- ple, that we now wonder it remained unknown so long. Furthermore, these experiments made it evident that there was a communication at the periphery between the arteries and the veins. In the work of Harvey are described, first, the move- ments of the heart, which he exposed and studied in living animals. He describes minutely all the phenomena which accompany its action; its diastole, when it is filled with blood, and its systole, when the fibres of which the ventricles are composed contract simultaneously, and " by an admirable adjustment all the internal surfaces are drawn together, as if with cords, and so is the charge of blood expelled with force." From the description of the action of the ventricles, he passes to the auricles, and shows how these, by their con- m traction, fill the ventricles with blood. By experiments upon serpents and fishes, he proved that the blood, fills the heart from the veins, and is sent out into the arteries. Ex- posing the heart and great vessels in these animals, he applied a ligature to the veins, which had the effect of cutting off the supply from the heart so that it became pale and flaccid ; and by removing the ligature the blood could be seen flowing into the organ. When, on the contrary, a ligature was applied to the artery, the heart became unusually distended, which continued as long as the obstruction remained. "When the ligature was removed, the heart soon returned to its normal condition. 1 The descriptions given by Harvey were the result of nu- 1 The Works of William Harvey, M. D. Sydenham Edition, p. 53. 174: CIRCULATION. merous experiments upon living animals ; exposing the heart of cold-blooded animals, in which the movements are com- paratively slow; studying also the action of this organ in warm-blooded animals,- after its movements had become enfeebled. As we shall see when we come to describe the movements of the heart, nothing can exceed the simplicity and accuracy of the descriptions of Harvey, which are uni- versally acknowledged to be correct in almost every par- ticular. Harvey completed his description of the circulation, by experiments showing the course of the blood in the arteries and veins, and the uses of the valves of the veins. These experiments are models of simplicity and pertinence. First, he showed that a ligature tightly applied to a limb prevented the blood from entering the artery and arrested pulsation. The ligature then relaxed, and applied with moderate tight- ness so as to compress only the superficial veins, allowed the blood to pass into the part by the arteries, but prevented its return by the veins, which consequently became excessively congested. The ligature being removed, the veins soon emptied themselves, and the member regained its ordinary appearance. 1 He observed the " knots" in the veins of the arm when a ligature is applied, as for phlebotomy, and showed that the space between these knots, which are formed by the valves, could be emptied of blood by pressing toward the heart, and would not fill itself while the finger was kept at the lower extremity. It was impossible, by pressure with the fingers, to force the blood back through one of the valves. 3 By such simple, yet irresistibly conclusive experiments, was completed the chain of evidence establishing the fact of the circulation of the blood. Truly is it said that here commenced an epoch in the study of physiology ; for then the scientific world began to emancipate itself from the ideas of the ancients, which had held despotic sway for two 1 Op. cit. t p. 55 et seq. 9 Ibid., p. 65. DISCOVERY OF THE CIRCULATION. 175 centuries, and study Nature for themselves by means of experiments. Though Harvey described so perfectly the course of the blood, and left not a shadow of doubt as to the communica- tion between the arteries and veins, it was left to others to actually see the blood in movement and follow it from one system of vessels to the other. In 1661, Malpighi saw the blood circulating in the vessels of the lung of a living frog, in examining it with magnifying glasses ; and a little later, Leeuwenhoek saw the circulation in the wing of the bat. The great discovery was then completed. Enough has been said in the preceding historical sketch to give a general idea of the course of the great nutritive fluid, and the natural anatomical and physiological divisions of the circulatory system. There is a constant flow from the central organ to all the tissues and organs of the body, and a constant return of the blood after it has passed through these parts. But before the blood, which has thus been brought back, is fit to return again to the system, it must pass through the lungs and undergo the changes which constitute the process of Respiration. In some animals, like fishes, the same force sends the blood through the gills, and from them through the system. In others, like the reptiles, a mixture of aerated and non-aerated blood takes place in the heart, and the general system never receives blood that has been fully arterialized. But in man and all warm-blooded ani- mals, the organism demands blood that has been fully purified and oxygenated by its passage through the lungs, and here we find the first great and complete divisions of the circula- tion into the pulmonary and systemic, or, as they have been called, the lesser and greater circulation. The heart in this instance is double; having a right and left side which are entirely distinct from each other. The right heart receives the blood as it is brought from the system by the veins, and sends it to the lungs ; the left heart receives the blood from 176 CIECULATIOK". the lungs and sends it to the system. 1 It must be borne in mind, however, that though the two sides of the heart are distinct from each other, their action is simultaneous ; and in studying the motions of this organ, we will find that the blood is sent simultaneously from the right side to the lungs, and from the left side to the system*. It will not be necessary, therefore, to separate the two circulations in our study of their mechanism; for the simultaneous action of both sides of the heart enables us to study its functions as a single organ, and the constitution and operations of the two kinds of vessels do riot present any material differences. For convenience of study, the circulatory system may be divided into heart and vessels, the latter being of three kinds : the arteries, which carry blood from the heart to the system ; the capillaries, which distribute the blood more or less abundantly in different parts of the system ; and the veins, which return the blood from the system to the heart. The function of each of these divisions may be considered separately. Action of the Heart. Physiological Anatomy of the Heart. The heart of the human subject is a pear-shaped, muscular organ, situated in the thoracic cavity, with its base about in the median line, and its apex at the fifth intercostal space, midway be- tween the median line and a perpendicular dropped through the left nipple. Its weight is from 8 to 10 ounces in the female, and from 10 to 12 ounces in the male. It has four distinct cavities : a right and a left auricle, and a right and a left ventricle. Of these, the ventricles are the more capa- cious. The heart is held in place, or may be said to be attached, by the great vessels, to the posterior wall of the thorax, while the apex is free and capable of a certain degree 1 In some animals, as the dugong, the division between the two sides of the heart is very marked. The heart is really double, having two points, the two sides joined together only at the base. PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF THE HEAKT. 177 of motion. The whole organ is enveloped in a fibrous sac called the pericardium, lined by a serous membrane which is attached to the great vessels at the base and reflected over its surface. This sac is lubricated by a drachm or two of fluid, so that the movements are normally accomplished without any friction. The serous pericardium does not present any differ ences from serous membranes in other situations. The cav ities of the heart are lined by a smooth membrane, called the endocardium, which is continuous with the lining membrane of the blood-vessels. The right auricle receives the blood from the venae cavse and empties it into the right ventricle. The auricle presents a principal cavity or sinus, as it is called, with a little appen- dix, called, from its resemblance to the ear of a dog, the auricular appendix. It has two large openings for the vena cava ascendens and the vena cava descendens, with a small opening for the coronary vein, which brings the blood from the substance of the heart itself. It has, also, another large opening, called the auriculo-ventricular opening, by which the blood flows into the ventricle. The walls of this cavity are quite thin as compared with the ventricles, measuring about one line. They are constituted of muscular fibres which are arranged in two layers ; one of which, the external, is common to both auricles, and the other, the internal, is proper to each. These muscular fibres, though involuntary in their action, belong to the striped, or what is termed vol- untary, variety, and are similar in structure to the fibres of the ventricles. The fibres of the auricles are much fewer than those of the ventricles. Some of them are looped, arising from a cartilaginous ritfg which separates the auricles and ventricles, and passing over the auricles ; and others are cir- cular, surrounding the auricular appendages and the openings of the veins, extending, also, a short distance along the course of these vessels. One or two valvular folds are found at the orifice of the coronary vein, preventing a reflux of blood ; but there are no valves at the orifices of the venae cava3. 12 178 CIRCULATION. The left auricle receives the blood which comes from the lungs by the pulmonary veins. It does not differ materially in its anatomy from the right. It is a little smaller, and its walls are thicker, measuring about a line and a half. It has four openings by which it receives the blood from the four pul- monary veins. These openings are not provided with valves. Like the right auricle, it has a large opening by which the blood flows into the left ventricle. The arrangement of the muscular fibres is essentially the same as in the right auricle. In adult life the cavities of the auricles are entirely distinct from each other. Before birth they communicate by a large opening, the foramen ovale, and the orifice of the inferior vena cava is provided with a membranous fold, the Eustachian valve, which serves to direct the blood from the lower part of the body through this foramen into the left auricle. After birth the foramen ovale is closed, and the Eustachian valve gradually disappears. The ventricles, in the human subject and in warm-blooded animals, constitute the bulk of the heart. They have a ca- pacity somewhat greater than that of the auricles, and are provided with thick muscular walls. It is by the powerful action of this portion of the heart that the blood is forced, on the one hand, to the lungs and back to the left side, and on the other, through the entire system of the greater circulation to the right side. It was supposed by Legallois 1 that the capacity of the right ventricle was considerably greater than the left, while the more recent observations of Bouillaud 2 on the human heart seem to show that there is no great differ- ence between the two sides in this regard. The most recent and conclusive observations on this subject are those of Hif- felsheim and Robin. 3 In these experiments the cavities were filled with an injection of wax, and the estimates 1 LEGALLOIS, (Euvres, Paris, 1824, tome i., p. 331. 2 J. BODILLAUD, Traitc Clinique dcs Maladies du Cceur, precede de Recherches nouvelles sur V Anatomic et la Physiologic de cette Organe, Paris, 1841, tome i., p. 54. 3 Journal de I 1 Anatomic et de la Physiologic, Paris, juillet, 1864, p. 413. PHYSIOLOGICAL ANATOMY OF THE HEAET. 179 made by calculating the amount of liquid displaced by the moulds of the different cavities. Care was taken to make the injection in animals before cadaveric rigidity set in, or after it had passed away in the human subject. The com- parative results obtained by these observers are the most interesting, for the cavities were undoubtedly distended by the injection to their extreme capacity, and contained more than they ever do during life. They found the capacity of the right auricle from -J to -| greater than that of the left. The capacity of the right ventricle was from T 1 to ^ greater than that of the left, but more frequently there was less dis- parity between the two ventricles than between the auricles. The capacity of each ventricle exceeded that of the corre- sponding auricle by from J to -J. Nine times out of ten, this predominance of the ventricle was more marked on the left side. The absolute capacity of the left ventricle, according to these observations, is from 143 to 212 cubic centimeters, which is about 4*8 to 7 ounces. This is much greater than most estimates, which place the capacity of the various cavi- ties, moderately distended, at about 2 ounces. The estimates of Yolkmann and Yalentin are about equal to those we have cited. In spite of the disparity in the extreme capacity of the various cavities, the quantity of blood which enters the cav- ities is necessarily equal to that which is expelled. This. is given in the "Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology" (vol. ii., p. 585) as a little more than two ounces. There are no means of estimating with exactness the quantity of blood discharged with each ventricular contraction ; and we find the question rather avoided in works on physiology. All we can say is, that from observation on the heart during its action, it never seems to contain much more than half the quantity in all its cavities that it does when fully distended by injection ; but it is the right cavities which are most dilatable, and prob- ably the ordinary quantity of blood in the left ventricle is within one-fifth or one-sixth of its extreme capacity. 180 CIRCULATION. The cavities of the ventricles are triangular or conoidal ; the right being broader and shorter than the left, which ex- tends to the apex. The inner surface of both cavities is marked by peculiar ridges and papillae, which are called the columnce carnece. Some of these are mere fleshy ridges pro- jecting into the cavity ; others aVe columns attached by each extremity and free at the central portion ; and others are papillae giving origin to the chordae tendinece^ which are at- tached to the free edges of the auriculo-ventricular valves. These fleshy columns interlace in every direction, and give the inner surface of the cavities a reticulated appearance. This arrangement evidently facilitates the complete emptying of the ventricles during their contraction. The walls of the left ventricle are uniformly much thicker than the right. Bouillaud found the average thickness of the right ventricle at the base to be 2J- lines, and the thick- ness of the left ventricle at the corresponding part 7 lines. The arrangement of the muscular fibres constituting the walls of the ventricles is more regular than in the auricles, and their course enables us to explain some of the phenom- ena which accompany the heart's action. The direction of the fibres cannot be well made out unless the heart has been boiled for a number of hours, when part of the intermus- cular tissue is dissolved out, and the fibres can be easily sep- arated and followed. Without going into a minute descrip- tion of their direction, it is sufficient to state, in this con- nection, that they present two principal layers: a super- ficial layer common to both ventricles, and a deep layer proper to each. The superficial fibres pass obliquely from right to left from the base to the apex; here they take a spiral course, become deep, and pass into the interior of the organ to form the columnse carnese. These fibres envelop both ventricles. They may be said to arise from cartilaginous rings which surround the auriculo-ventricular orifices. The external surface of the heart is marked by a little groove which indicates the division between the two ventricles. VALVES OF THE HEART. The deep fibres are circular, or transverse, and surround eacli ventricle separately. The muscular tissue of the heart is of a deep red color, and resembles, in its gross characters, the tissue of ordinary voluntary muscles ; but, as already intimated, it pre- sents certain peculiarities in its minute anat- onfy. The fibres are considerably smaller and more granular than those of ordinary muscles. They are, moreover, connected with each other by short inosculating branches, while in the voluntary muscles each fibre runs . . . . i -i Anastomosing: muscu- irom its origin to its insertion enveloped in la ^ fibres fro^ the nu - r man heart. (After Kol- its proper sheath, or sarcolemma. In the ker -> heart the fibres have no sarcolemma. 1 These peculiarities, particularly the inosculation of the fibres, favor the contrac- tion of the ventricular walls in every direction, and the complete expulsion of the contents of the cavities with every systole. Each ventricle has two orifices : one by which it receives the blood from the auricle, and the other by which the blood passes from the right side to the lungs, and from the left side to the system. All of these openings are provided with valves, which are so arranged as to allow the blood to pass in but one direction. Tricuspid Valve. This valve is situated at the right auriculo-ventricular opening. It has three curtains, formed of a thin but resisting membrane, which are attached around the opening. The free borders are .attached to the chordae tendineae, some of which arise from the papillae on the inner surface of the ventricle, and others directly from the walls of 1 ROBIN states (Dictionnaire de Medecine, etc., de P. H. Nysten, onzieme edition par E. Littre et Ch. Robin. Coeur.) that the fibres of the heart have no sarco- lemma, which I believe to be the fact, though Kolliker (Manual of Microscopic Anatomy, London, 1860, p. 477) says : " Their sarcolemma is very deh'cate, or even may not be demonstrable at all, except by the aid of reagents." 182 CIRCULATION. the ventricle. When the organ is empty, these curtains are applied to the walls of the ventricle, leaving the auriculo- ventricular opening free ; but when the ventricle is com- pletely filled, and the fibres contract, they are forced up, their free edges become applied to each other, and the opening is closed. Pulmonw Valves. These valves, also called the semi- lunar or sigmoid valves of the right side, are situated at the orifice of the pulmonary artery. They are strong membra- nous pouches, with their convexities, when closed, looking towards the ventricle. They are attached around the orifice of the pulmonary artery, and are applied very nearly to the walls of the vessel when the blood passes in from the ven- tricle ; but at other times their free edges meet in the centre, forming an effectual barrier to regurgitation. In the centre of the free edge of each valve is a little corpuscle called the corpuscle of Arantius / and just above these points of attach- ment, the artery presents three little dilatations, or sinuses, called the sinuses of Valsalva. The corpuscles of Arantius have been supposed to facilitate the closure of the valves by slightly removing them from the walls of the vessel, so that the blood may get behind them. This, however, is probably not their function. They aid in the adaptation of the valves to each other, and the effectual closure of the orifice. Mitral Valve. : This valve, sometimes called the bicuspid, is situated at the left auriculo-ventricular orifice. It is called mitral from its resemblance, when open, to a bishop's mitre. It is attached to the edges of the opening, and its free borders are held in place when closed by the chordae tendinese of the left side. It presents no material difference from the tri- cuspid valve, with the exception that it is divided into two curtains instead of three. Aortic Valves. These valves, also called the semilunar MOVEMENTS OF THE HEAKT. 183 or sigmoid valves of the left side, present no difference from the valves at the orifice of the pulmonary artery. They are situated at the aortic orifice. The physiological anatomy of the tricuspid and mitral valves may be studied, by cutting away the auricles so as to expose the auriculo-ventricular openings, introducing a pipe into the pulmonary artery and aorta, after destroying the semilunar valves, and then forcing water into the ventricles by a syringe or from a hydrant. In this way the play of the valves will be beautifully exhibited. We can study the action of the semilunar valves, by cutting away enough of the ventricles to expose them, and forcing water into the vessels. These experiments give an idea of the immense strength of the valves; for they can hardly be ruptured by a force which is not sufficient to rup- ture the vessels themselves. Movements of the Heart. In studying the phenomena which accompany the action of the heart, we shall follow the course of the blood, begin- ning with it as it flows from the vessels into the auricles. The dilatation of the cavities of the heart is called the diastole, and their contraction the systole. When these terms are used without any qualification, they are understood as refer- ring to the ventricles ; but they are also applied to the action of the auricles, as the auricular diastole or systole, which, as we shall see, is distinct from the action of the ventricles. A complete revolution, so to speak, of the heart consists in the filling and emptying of all its cavities, during which they experience an alternation of repose and activity. As these phenomena occupy, in many warm-blooded animals,- a period of time less than one second, it will be appreciated that the most careful study is necessary in order to ascertain their exact relations to each other. When the heart is ex- posed in a living animal, the most prominent phenomenon 184 CIRCULATION. is the alternate contraction and relaxation of the ventricles ; but this is only one of the operations of the organ. In any of the class of mammals the anatomy and action of the vas- cular system are to all intents and purposes the same as in the human subject ; and though the exposure of the heart by opening the chest modifies somewhat the force and frequency of its pulsations, the various phenomena follow each other in their natural order, and present essentially their normal characters. The operation of exposure of the heart may be performed on a living animal without any great difficulty ; and if we simply take care to keep up artificial respiration, the action of the heart will continue for a considerable time. 1 We may keep the animal quiet by the administration of ether, or by poisoning with woorara, the latter agent acting upon the motor nerves, but having no effect upon the heart. Having opened the chest, we see the heart enveloped in its pericardium, regularly performing its functions ; and on slitting up and removing this covering, the various parts are completely exposed. The right ventricle and auricle, and" a portion of the left ventricle, can be seen without disturbing the position of the parts; but the greater part of the left auricle is concealed. As both auricles and ventricles act- together, the parts of the heart which are exposed are suffi- cient for purposes of study. Action of the Auricles. Excepting the short time occu- pied in the contraction of the auricles, these cavities are con- tinually receiving blood on the right side from the system, by the venae cavse, and on the left side from the lungs, by the pulmonary veins. This continues until their cavities are completely filled, the blood coming in by a steady current ; and during the repose of the heart, the blood is also flowing 1 For a full description of the operations for exposing the heart in living ani- mals, the reader is referred to an article by the author in the American Journal of the Medical Sciences, October, 1861, entitled Experimental Researches on points connected with the Action of the Heart and with Respiration. MOVEMENTS OF THE HEART. 185 through the patent auriculo-ventricular orifices into the ven- tricles. When the auricles have become fully distended, they contract quickly and with considerable power ^(the auricular systole), and force the blood into the ventricles, effecting the complete diastole of these cavities. During this contraction, the blood not only ceases to flow in from the veins, but some of it is regurgitated, as the orifices by which the vessels open into the auricles are not provided with valves. The size of the auriculo- ventricular orifices is one reason why the greater portion of the blood is made to pass into the ventricles ; and furthermore, during the auricular systole, the muscular fibres which are arranged around the orifices of the veins constrict them to a certain extent, which tends to diminish the reflux of blood. There can be no doubt that some regurgitation takes place from the auricles into the veins, but this prevents the possibility of over-distention of the ventricles. It has been shown by experiments that the systole of the auricles is not immediately necessary to the performance of the circulation. M. Marey, 1 in a recent work on the circu- lation, cites an experiment of Chauveau in which the con- tractility of the auricles was temporarily exhausted by pro- longed irritation ; nevertheless the ventricles continued to act and keep up the circulation. Action of the Ventricles. Immediately following the contraction of the auricles, which has the effect of producing complete distention of the ventricles, we have the contraction of the ventricles. This is the chief active operation performed by the heart, and is generally spoken of as the systole. As we should expect from the great thickness of the muscular walls, the contraction of the ventricles is very much more powerful than that of the auricles. By their action, the blood is forced from the right side to the lungs by the pulmonary artery, and from the left side to the system by the aorta. Kegurgitation into the auricles is effectually prevented by the 1 MAREY, Circulation du Sang, Paris, 1863, p. 36. 186 CIRCULATION. closure of the tricuspid and mitral valves. This act accom- plished, the heart has a period of repose, the blood flowing into the auricles, and from them into the ventricles, until the auricles are filled, and another contraction takes place. Locomotion of the Heart. Jhe position of the heart after death, or during the repose of the organ, is with its base di- rected slightly to the right, and its apex to the left side of the body ; but with each ventricular systole, it raises itself up, the apex is sent forward, and moved a little from left to right. The movement from left to right is a necessary con- sequence of the course of the superficial fibres. The fibres on the anterior surface of the organ are longer than those on the posterior surface, and pass from the base, which is com- paratively fixed, to the apex, which is movable. From this anatomical arrangement the heart is moved upwards and forwards. Their course, from the base to the apex, is from right to left ; and as they shorten, the apex is of necessity slightly moved from left to right. The locomotion of the entire heart forwards was observed by Harvey in the case of the son of the Viscount Montgom- ery. "The young man, aged about nineteen years, suffered a severe injury to the chest, resulting in an abscess, which on cicatrization left an opening into which Harvey could intro- duce three fingers and the thumb. This opening was directly over the apex of the heart. The action of the portion of the heart thus exposed is described by Harvey in the following words : "We also particularly observed the movements of the heart, viz. : that in the diastole it was retracted and with- drawn; whilst in the systole it emerged and protruded; and the systole of the heart took place at the moment the diastole or pulse in the wrist was perceived. To conclude, the heart struck the walls of the chest, and became prominent at the time it bounded upward and underwent contraction on itself." 1 1 HARVEY, op. cit., p. 384. MOVEMENTS OF THE HEAKT. 187 The locomotion of the heart takes place in the direction of its axis, and is due to the sudden distention of the great vessels at its base. These vessels are eminently elastic, and as they receive the charge of blood from the ventricles, be- come enlarged in every direction, and consequently project the entire organ against the walls of the chest. This movement is somewhat aided by the recoil of the ventricles as they discharge their contents. The displacement of the heart during its systole has long been observed in vivisec- tions, and may be demonstrated in any of the mammals. The most interesting observations on this point are those of Chauveau and Faivre, which were made upon a monkey. In this animal, in which the position of the heart is very much the same as in the human subject, the locomotion of the organ was fully established. 1 Twisting of the Heart. The spiral course of the super- ficial fibres would lead us to look for another phenomenon accompanying its contraction, namely, twisting. If we attentively watch the apex of the heart, especially when its action has become a little retarded, there is a palpable twist- ing of the point upon itself from left to right with the systole, and an untwisting with the diastole. Hardening of the Heart. If the heart of a living ani- mal be grasped by the hand, it will be observed that at each systole it becomes hardened. The fact that it is composed almost exclusively of fibres resembling very closely those of the voluntary muscles, explains this phenomenon. Like any other muscle, during contraction it is sensibly hardened. Shortening and Elongation of the Heart. The foregoing phenomena are admitted by all writers on physiology, .and 1 Nbuvelles Rccherches experimentales sur les Mouvements et les Bruits nor- maux du Coeur, envisages au point de vue de la Physiologie Medicate. Par A. CHAUVEAU et J. FAIVRE, Paris, 1856, p. 24. 188 CIRCULATION. can easily be observed ; but the change in length of the heart during its systole has been, and is now, a matter of discussion. All who have studied the heart in action have observed changes in length during contraction and relaxation ; but the contemporaries of Harvey were divided as to the periods in the heart's action which are Attended with elongation and shortening. Harvey himself is not absolutely definite on this point. In one passage he says, in describing the systole, " that it is everywhere contracted, but especially towards the sides, so that it looks narrower, relatively longer ', more drawn together." ' In his description of the case of the Yiscount Montgomery, who suffered from ectopia cordis, he states that during the systole, the heart " emerged and protruded." * Ye- salius, Riolan, Fontana, and some others, contended for elon- gation during the systole; but Haller, Steno, Lancisi, and Bassuel contended that it shortened. The view generally entertained at the present day is that the heart becomes shorter during its systole; but there are some eminent au- thorities who hold an opposite opinion. Among the latter may be mentioned Drs. Pennock and Moore, who made a great number of experiments on the action of the heart in sheep and young calves. These experiments were made in Philadelphia in 1839, and it was apparently demonstrated that the heart elongated to such a marked degree, that the distance could be measured with a shoemaker's rule. In one experiment (a ewe one year old), the elongation was a quarter of an inch. 3 Of all the writers of systematic works on phy- siology, Prof. Dalton is the only one, as far as we know, who accepts this view. 4 The experiments of this observer appa- 1 HARVEY'S Works, published by the Sydenham Society, p. 21. 3 Ibid., p. 384. 8 HOPE, on the Heart. American Edition by PENNOCK, Philadelphia, 1846, p. 59. 4 DALTON, A Treatise on Human Physiology, Philadelphia, 1864, third edition, pp. 275, 276. The heart of the eel is said by Haller to elongate during its ventricular systole, though this is denied by Fontana (Memoires de Haller* Lau- MOVEMENTS OF THE HEART. 189 rently confirm those of Drs. Pennock and Moore. Some experiments made by the author a few years ago, published in the "American Journal of Medical Sciences," Oct. 1861, had apparently the same result. There is no doubt that the point of the heart is protruded during the ventricular systole, as the experiments referred to conclusively prove ; but the author was led by the perusal of recent experiments by Chau- veau and Faivre, to recognize the fact that this protrusion is probably due to other causes than the elongation of the ven- tricles, and that during the systole the ventricles are short- ened. The experiment cited by these eminent physiologists is very simple and conclusive. It is made by suddenly cutting the heart out of a warm-blooded animal, and watch- ing the phenomena which accompany the few regular con- tractions which follow. They found that the ventricles invariably shortened during the systole. This could easily be appreciated by the eye, but more readily if the point of the organ were brought just in contact with a plane surface at right angles, when at each contraction it is unmistakably observed to recede. 1 This experiment we have lately repeated before the class of the Bellevue Hos- pital Medical College, and have satisfied ourselves of its accuracy. A large Newfoundland pup, about nine months old, was poisoned with woorara, artificial respiration was kept up, and the heart exposed. After showing the protru- sion of the point and the apparent elongation while in the sanne, 1760, tome iii., p. 224) ; but in experimenting on the organ after excision, the position in which it is held is important. If, for example, we take the heart of a turtle between the thumb and finger and hold it with the point upwards, the ventricle is so thin and flabby that it will become flattened during the intervals of contraction, and the point will be considerably elevated at each systole ; but if we reverse the position and allow the point to hang down, it will be drawn up and the ventricle will shorten with the systole. 1 CHAUVEAU ET FAIVRE, op. cit., p. 14. These observers show the shorten ing of the heart during its systole by holding it by the great vessels with the point down. It is more free from sources of error to observe the phenomena as the heart lies on a flat surface. 190 CIRCULATION. chest, the organ was rapidly removed, placed upon th table, and confined by two long needles passed through the base, pinning it to the wood. It contracted for one or two min- utes; and at each systole, the ventricles were manifestly shortened. The point was then placed against an upright, and it receded with each systole about an eighth of an inch. This phenomenon was apparent to all present. In another experiment, performed a few weeks later, the heart, which had been exposed in the same way, was exam- ined in situ by pinning it with two needles to a thin board passed under the organ. The presence of these needles did not seem to interfere with the heart's action, and at each ventricular systole the point evidently approached the base. To render this absolutely certain, a knife was fixed in the wood at right angles to and touching the point during the diastole, and a small silver tube was introduced through the walls into the left ventricle. At each contraction, a jet of blood spurted out through the tube, and the point of the heart receded from the knife about an eighth of an inch. The animal experimented upon was a dog a little above the me- dium size. These simple experiments demonstrate that, in the dog at least, the ventricles shorten during their systole. The arrangement of the muscular fibres is too nearly identical in the heart of the warm-blooded animals to leave room for doubt that it also shortens in the human subject. The error which has arisen in this respect, and which obtained in our former experiments, is due to the locomotion and protrusion of the entire organ, so as to make the point strike against the chest. A little reflection indicates the mechanism of this phenomenon. . During the intervals of contraction, the great vessels, particularly the aorta and pul- monary artery, which attach the base of the heart to the pos- terior wall of the thorax, are filled, but not distended, with blood ; at each systole, however, these vessels are distended to their utmost capacity ; their elastic coats permit of con- IMPULSE OF THE HEAKT. 191 siderable enlargement, as can be seen in the living animal, and this enlargement, taking place in every direction, pushes the whole organ forward. We have also considerable loco- motion of the heart from recoil. It is for this reason that, observing the heart in situ, the ventricles seem to elongate, and an instrument applied to it apparently indicates removal of the apex from the base. It is only when we examine the heart firmly fixed, or contracting after it is removed from the body, that we can appreciate the actual changes which occur in the length of the ventricles. 1 In addition to these marked changes in form, position, etc., which the heart undergoes during its action, we observe, on careful examination, that the surface of the ventricles becomes marked with slight longitudinal ridges during the systole. This was not observed by Harvey, but is men- tioned by Haller. 2 Impulse of the Heart. Each movement of the heart pro- duces an impulse, which can be readily felt and sometimes seen, in the fifth intercostal space, a little to the left of the median line. Yivisections have demonstrated that the impulse is synchronous with the contraction of the ventricles. If the hand be introduced into the chest of a living animal, and the finger placed between the point of the heart and the walls of the thorax, every time we have a hardening of the point the finger will be pressed against the side. If the im- pulse of the heart be felt while the linger is on the pulse, it is evident that the heart strikes against the thorax at the time of the distention of the arterial system. The impulse is due to the locomotion of the ventricles. In the words of Harvey, 1 The observations of Fontana on the shortening of the heart are very con- clusive. He constructed a little instrument consisting of two vertical rules, slid- ing on a horizontal bar like a shoemaker's measure, one of which was applied to the base, and the other just grazed the apex. He estimated the shortening of the heart in a lamb at about two Paris lines (Mem. de Haller, tome iii., p. 225). a Elementa Physiologies, vol. i., p. 389. 192 CIRCULATION. " the heart is erected, and rises upwards to a point, so that at this time it strikes against the breast and the pulse is felt ex- ternally." 1 In the case of the son of the Yiscount Mont- gomery, already referred to, Harvey gives a most graphic de- scription of the manner in which the heart is " retracted and withdrawn " during the diastole, and " emerged and protrud- ed " during the systole. Succession of the Movements of the Seart. We have al- ready followed, in a general way, the course of the blood through the heart, and the successive action of the various parts ; but we have yet to consider these points more in de tail, and ascertain if possible the relative periods of activity and repose in each portion of the organ. The great points in the succession of movements are read- ily observed in the hearts of cold-blooded animals, where the pulsations are very slow. In examining the heart of the frog, turtle, or alligator, the alternations of repose and activity are very strongly marked. During the intervals of contraction, the whole heart is flaccid, and the ventricle is comparative- ly pale ; we then see the auricles slowly filling with blood ; when they have become fully distended, they contract and fill the ventricle, which in those animals is single ; the ven- tricle immediately contracts, its action following upon the contraction of the auricles as if it were propagated from them. When the heart is filled with blood, it has a dark red color, which contrasts strongly with its appearance after the systole. This operation may occupy from ten to twenty sec- onds, giving an abundance of time for observation. The' case is different, however, with the warm-blooded animals, in which the anatomy of the heart is nearly the same as in man. Here a normal revolution may occupy less than a second, and it is evident that the varied phenomena we have just men- tioned are followed with the utmost difficulty. In spite of this rapidity of action, it can be seen that a rapid contraction 1 Op. dt. SUCCESSION OF MOVEMENTS OF THE HEAKT. 193 of the auricles precedes the ventricular systole, and that the latter is synchronous with the impulse. Various estimates have been made of the relative time occupied by the auricular and ventricular contractions. This interesting point has been carefully studied by MM. Chau- veau and Faivre, by auscultating the heart exposed in a living animal, and establishing, by the touch, the relations between the contractions of its different parts and the heart sounds. These observers made a great number of experiments upon horses and dogs, in which the pulse was not more accelerated than the pulse of the human subject. As the result of these observations, the following numbers are given as representing the rhythm of the movements of the heart in man : Auricular systole, 6 ; Ventricular systole, 10 ; Diastole, 8. 1 Though this estimate is perhaps better than any we had before, it is evi- dent from the way in which it was arrived at that it can be nothing more than an approximation ; for it is impossible to estimate accurately, by the stethoscope and the touch, opera- tions which follow each other with such rapidity. This question has been at last definitely settled by the late observations of Marey, who has constructed some very ingenious instruments for registering the form and frequency of the pulse. He devised a series of most interesting experi- ments, in which he was enabled to register simultaneously the pulsations of the different divisions of the heart, and has succeeded in establishing a definite relation between the con- tractions of the auricles and ventricles. The method of M. Marey enables us to determine, to a small fraction of a sec- ond, the duration of the contraction of each of the divisions of the heart. The method of transmitting the movement from the heart to a registering apparatus is very simple. It consists of two little elastic bags connected together by an elastic tube, the whole closed and filled with air. A pressure, like the pres- 1 CIIAUVEAU et FAIVRE, op. tit., p. 18. These authors represent the rhythm by musical notes, which have been reduced to the numbers given above. 13 194: CIRCULATION. sure of the fingers, upon one of these bags produces, of course, an instantaneous and corresponding dilatation of the other. If we suppose one of these bags to be introduced into one of the cavities of the heart, and the other placed under a small le- ver, so arranged on a pivot as to be sensible to the slightest impression, it is evident that a*ny compression of the bag in the heart would produce a corresponding change in volume in the other, which would be indicated by a movement of the lever. M. Marey has arranged the lever with its short arm on the elastic bag, and the long arm, provided with a pen, moving against a roll of paper which passes along at a uniform rate. When the lever is at rest and the paper set in motion, the pen will make a horizontal mark ; but when the lever ascends and descends, a corresponding trace will be made, and the duration of any movement can readily be es- timated by calculating the rapidity of the motion of the paper. The bag which receives the impression is called by Marey the initial bag, and the other, which is connected with the lever, is called the terminal bag. The former may be modified in form with reference to the situation in which it is to be placed. The experiments of M. Marey, with reference to the rela- tions between the systole of the auricles, the systole of the ventricles, and the impulse of the heart, were performed upon horses in the following way : A sound is introduced into the right side of the heart through the jugular vein, an operation which is performed with certainty and ease. 1 This sound is provided with two initial bags, one of which is lodged in the right auricle, while 1 Catheterization of the cavities of the heart, especially upon the right side, is an operation familiar to physiologists. With a double canula, such as is described by Marey (p. 61), of the requisite dimensions and with the proper curves, it must be easy to lodge the bags respectively in the auricle and ventricle ; especially in an animal of large size like the horse. A tube is easily introduced into the right side of the heart, in the dog, through the external jugular. M. Marey gives full details of every step of the operation, and there can be no doubt of the facility and accuracy with which it may be performed. SUCCESSION OF MOVEMENTS OF THE HEART. 195 the other passes into the ventricle. The bags are connected with distinct tubes which pass one within the other, and are connected by elastic tubing with the registering apparatus. At each systole of the heart the bags in its cavities are com- pressed, and produce corresponding movements of the levers, which may be registered simultaneously. To register the impulse of the heart, an incision- is made over the point where the apex beat is felt, through the skin FIG. 2. Figure representing the " cardiographe " of Marey. "The instrument is composed of two principal elements: A E, the registering apparatus, and AS, the sphygmo- graphic apparatus, that is to say, which receives, transmits, and amplifies the movements which are to be studied. " The compression exerted upon the hag c, which is placed over the apex of the heart "between the intercostal muscles, is con- ducted hy the tube t c, which is filled with air, to the first lever. The compression exerted upon the bags o and , in the double sound, is conducted by the tubes to and tv to the two remaining levers. The movements of the levers are registered simultaneously by the cylinders AE. (MAREY, Sur la circulation du sang, Paris, 1863, p. 54.) ' and external intercostal muscle. A little bag, stretched over two metallic buttons separated by a central rod, is then care- fully secured in the cavity thus formed, and connected by an 196 CIRCULATION. elastic tube with the registering apparatus. All the tubes are provided with stop-cocks, so that each initial bag may be made to communicate with its lever at will. "When the oper- ation is concluded, and the sound firmly secured in place by a ligature around the vein, the animal experiences no incon- venience, is able to walk about, eat, &c., and there is every evidence that the circulation is not interfered with. The cylinders which carry the paper destined to receive the traces are arranged to move by clock-work at a given rate. The paper may also be ruled in lines, the distances between which represent certain fractions of a second. Fig. 2, taken from the work of Marey, represents the apparatus reduced to one-sixth of its actual size. Two of the levers are connected with the double sound for the right auricle and ventricle, and one is connected with the bag des- tined to receive the impulse of the heart. In an experiment upon a horse, every thing being care- fully arranged in the way indicated, the clock-work was set in motion, and the movements of the three levers produced traces upon the paper which were interpreted as follows : 1. The paper was ruled so that each division represented one-tenth of a second. The traces formed by the three levers indicated four revolutions of the heart. The first revolution occupied l^ sec., the second 1-^- sec., the third 1 T V sec., and the fourth 1 sec. 2. The auricular systole, as marked by the first lever, immediately preceded the ventricular systole, and occupied about two-tenths of a second. The elevation of the lever indicated that it was much more feeble than ihe ventricular systole, and sudden in its character ; the contraction, when it had arrived at the maximum, being immediately fol- lowed by relaxation. 3. The ventricular systole, as marked by the second lever, followed immediately the auricular systole, and occupied about four-tenths of a second. The almost vertical direc- tion of the trace, and the degree of elevation, showed that it FORCE OF THE HEART. 197 was sudden and powerful in its character. The abrupt de- scent of the lever showed that the relaxation was almost in- stantaneous. 4. The impulse of the heart, as marked by the third lever, was shown to be absolutely synchronous with the ventricular systole. 1 Condensing the general results obtained by Marey, which are of course subject to a certain amount of variation, we have, dividing the action of the heart into ten equal parts, three distinct periods, which occur in the following order : Auricular Systole. -This occupies two- tenths of the heart's action. It is feeble compared with the ventricular systole, and relaxation immediately follows the contraction. Ventricular Systole. This occupies four-tenths of the heart's action. The contraction is powerful, and the relaxa- tion sudden. It is absolutely synchronous with the impulse of the heart. Diastole. This occupies four-tenths of the heart's action. Force of the Heart. There are few points in physiology on which opinions have been more widely divergent, than on the question of the force employed by the heart at each con- traction. Borelli, who was the first to give a definite esti- mate of this force, put it at 180,000 pounds ; while the calcu- lations of Keill give only 5 ounces. 2 These estimates, how- ever, were made on purely theoretical grounds. Borelli esti- mated the force employed by the deltoid in sustaining a given weight held at arm's length, and formed his estimate of the 1 MAREY, op. cit., p. 68 et seq. I have preferred to give the general signifi- cance of the three traces obtained by Marey, rather than reproduce the traces themselves, which present certain minor characters which might confuse the read- er. Nothing could be more distinct than the illustration of the particular points above enumerated ; and there can be no other opinion than that these observa- tions settle the question of the rhythm of the heart's action in the animals on, which the experiments v/ere performed. 2 JAMES KEILL, M.D., Essays on Several Parts of the Animal (Economy, Lon- don, 1717, pp. 87, 91. 198 CIRCULATION. power of the heart by comparing the weight of the organ with that of the deltoid. Keill made his estimate from a calculation of the rapidity of the current of blood in the arteries. Hales was the first to investigate the question ex- perimentally, by the application of the cardiometer. He showed that the pressure of blood in the aorta could be meas- ured by the height to which the fluid would rise in a tube connected with that vessel, and estimated the force of the left ventricle by multiplying the pressure in the aorta by the area of the internal surface of the ventricle. The cardiometer has undergone various improvements and modifications, but this is the principle which is so extensively made use of at the present day, in estimating the pressure of the blood in different parts of the circulatory system. First we have the improvement of Poiseuille, who substituted a U tube partly filled with mercury, for the long straight tube of Hales ; and then the -various forms of cardiometers constructed by Magen- die, Bernard, Marey, and others, which will be more fully discussed in connection with the arterial circulation. These instruments have been made use of by Marey, with very good results, in investigating the relative force exerted by the different divisions of the heart. Hales estimates, from experiments upon living animals, the height to which the blood would rise in a tube connected with the aorta of the human subject, at 7 feet 6 inches, and gives the area of the left ventricle as 15 square inches. From this he estimates the force of the left ventricle at 51*5 pounds. 1 Though this estimate is only an approximation, it seems based on more reasonable data than any other. The apparatus of Marey for registering the contrac- tions of the different cavities of the heart enabled him to as- certain, also, the comparative force of the two ventricles and the right auricle ; the situation of the left auricle as yet pre- cluding the possibility of introducing a sound into its cavity. 1 STEPHEN HALES, B.D., F.K.S., &c., Statical Essays : Containing Hwmastaticks, &c., London, 1733. Vol. II., p. 40. ACTION OF THE VALVES. 199 By first subjecting the bags to known degrees of pressure, the degree of elevation of a lever may be graduated so as to represent the degrees of the cardiometer. In analyzing traces made by the left ventricle, right ventricle, and right auricle, in the horse, Marey found that, as a general rule, the comparative force of the right and left ventricles is as 1 to 3. 1 The force of the right auricle is comparatively insignifi- cant, being in one case, as compared with the right* ventricle, only as 1 to 10. Action of the Valves. "We have already indicated the course of the blood through the cavities of the heart, and it has been apparent that the necessities of the circulation de- mand some arrangement by which the current shall always be in one direction. The anatomy of the valves which guard the orifices of the ventricles gives an idea of their function ; but we have yet to consider the precise mechanism by which they are opened and closed, and the way in which regurgitation is prevented. In man and the warm-blooded animals, there are no valves at the orifices by which the veins open into the auri- cles. As has already been seen, compared with the ventri- cles, the force of the auricles is insignificant ; and it has furthermore been shown by experiment that the ventricles may be filled with blood, and the circulation continue, when the auricles are entirely passive. Though their orifices are not provided with valves, the circular arrangement of the fibres about the veins is such, that during the contraction of the auricles the openings are materially narrowed, and re- gurgitation cannot take place to any great extent. The force of the blood flowing into the auricles likewise offers an obsta- cle to its return. There is really no valvular apparatus which operates to prevent regurgitation from the heart into the veins ; for the valvular folds which are so numerous in the 1 MAREY, op. cit., p. 104. 200 CIRCULATION. general venous system, and particularly in the veins of the extremities, do not exist in the vense cavse. The continuous flow of blood from the veins into the auricles, the feeble character of their contractions, the ar- rangement of the fibres around the orifices of the vessels, and the great size of the auriculo- ventricular openings, are condi- tions which provide sufficiently well for the flow of blood into the ventricles. Auricula - Ventricular Valves. After the ventricles have become completely distended by the auricular systole, they take on their contraction ; which, it will be remembered, is very many times more powerful than the contraction of the auricles. They have to force open the valves which close the orifices of the pulmonary artery and aorta, and empty their contents into these vessels. To accomplish this, at the moment of the ventricular systole, there is an instantaneous and com- plete closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves, leaving but one opening through which the blood can pass. That these valves close at the moment of contraction of the ventricles is demonstrated by the experiments of Chauveau and Faivre, who introduced the finger through an opening into the auri- cle, and actually felt the valves close at the instant of the ven- tricular systole. 1 This tactile demonstration, and the fact that the first sound of the heart, which is produced in great part by the closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves, is absolutely syn- chronous with the ventricular systole, leave no doubt as to the mechanism of the closure of these valves. It is probable that as the blood flows into the ventricles the valves are slightly floated out, but they are not closed un- til the ventricles contract. A German physiologist, Baum- garten," has attempted to show that the valves are closed by the contraction of the auricles, basing this opinion upon the fact that when the auricles are cut away, and fluid is poured 1 Op. cit., p. 21. a MILNE-EDWARDS, op. cit., tome iv., p. 31. ACTION OF THE VALVES. 201 through the auriculo-ventricular opening, the valves are floated up, and finally closed when the ventricle is completely filled. This experiment we have repeated and found to be correct ; but in this way we are far from fulfilling the natu- ral conditions of the circulation. In the natural action of the heart, the blood flows from the auricles in a large stream, which opens the valves and applies them to the walls of the ventricles. This is quite different from the action of a small stream, which may insinuate itself between the lips of the valves, and force them up by reacting from the ventricle. If the semilunar valves be exposed, and the artery closed, a stream of water poured from the ventricles will close the valves ; and yet we could hardly say that in the natural course of the circulation the valves at the arterial orifices are closed by the ventricular systole. These experiments do not throw any doubt upon the fact that the auriculo-ventricular valves are closed by the pressure of blood against them during the ventricular systole. If a bullock's heart be prepared by cutting away the auri- cles so as to expose the mitral and tricuspid valves, securing the nozzles of a double syringe in the pulmonary artery and aorta, after having destroyed the semilunar valves, and if fluid be injected simultaneously into both ventricles, the play of the valves will be exhibited. The mitral valve effectually prevents the passage of the fluid, its edges being so accurately approximated that not a drop passes between them ; but when the pressure is considerable, a certain quantity of fluid passes the tricuspid valve. There is, indeed, a certain amount of insufficiency at the right auriculo-ventricular orifice, which does not exist on the opposite side. This fact was first pointed out by Mr. T. W. King, 1 and is called by him the " safety-valve function of the right ven- tride" The advantage of this slight insufficiency is apparent on a little reflection. The right ventricle sen ds its blood to the 1 KING, An Essay on the Safety-valve Functions of the Eight Ventricle of the Human Heart. Guy's Hospital Reports, 1837, vol. ii., p. 104. 202 CIRCULATION. lungs, where, in order to facilitate the respiratory processes, the walls of the capillaries are very thin. The lungs them- Belves are exceedingly delicate, and an effusion of blood, or considerable congestion, would be liable to be followed by serious consequences. To prevent this, the right ventricle is not permitted to exert all its "force, under all circumstances, upon the blood going into the pulmonary artery ; but when the action of the heart is exaggerated from any cause, the lungs are relieved by a slight regurgitation, which takes place through the tricuspid valve. The lungs are still further protected by the sufficiency of the mitral valve, which pro- vides that no regurgitation shall take place into their substance from the left heart. In the systemic circulation the capilla- ries are'less delicate ; extravasation of blood would not be followed by any serious results, and the circulating fluid is made to pass through a considerable extent of the elastic vessels, before it begins to be distributed in the tissues. It is evident that on the left side there is no necessity for such a provision, and it does not exist. Aortic and Pulmonic Valves. The action of the semi- lunar valves is nearly the same upon both sides. In the in- tervals of the ventricular contractions, they are closed, and prevent regurgitation of blood into the ventricles. The sys- tole, however, overcomes the resistance of these valves, and forces the contents of the ventricles into the arteries. During this time the valves are applied, or nearly applied, to the walls of the vessel ; but as soon as the ventricles cease their contraction, the constant pressure of the blood, which, as we shall see hereafter, is very great, instantaneously closes the openings. The action of the semilunar valves can be seen by cutting away a portion of the ventricles in the heart of a large ani- mal, securing the nozzles of a double syringe in the aorta and pulmonary artery, and forcing water into the vessels. In performing this experiment, it will be noticed that while the SOUNDS OF THE HEAKT. 203 aortic semilunar valves oppose the passage of the liquid so effectually that the aorta may be ruptured before the valves will give way, a considerable degree of insufficiency exists, under a high pressure, at the orifice of the pulmonary artery. There is at this orifice a safety-valve function as important as that ascribed by King to the tricuspid valve. It is evi- dent that the slight insufficiency at the pulmonic orifice may be even more directly important in protecting the lungs than the insufficiency of the tricuspid valve. The difference in the sufficiency of the semilunar valves on the two sides is fully as marked as between the auriculo-ventricular valves, and it is surprising that since the observations of King, this fact has not attracted the attention of physiologists. 1 It is probable that the corpuscles of Arantius, which are situated in the middle of each valvular curtain, assist in the accurate closure of the orifice. The sinuses of Yalsalva, situated in the artery behind the valves, are regarded as facil- itating the closure of the valves by allowing the blood to pass easily behind them. Sounds of the Heart. If the ear be applied to the prse- cordial region, it will be found that the action of the heart is accompanied by certain sounds. A careful study of these sounds, and their modifications in disease, has enabled the practical physician to distinguish, to a certain extent, the conditions of the heart. This increases the purely physiologi- cal interest which attaches to the audible manifestations of the action of the great central organ of the circulation. The appreciable phenomena which attend the heart's action are connected with the systole of the ventricles. It is this which produces the impulse against the walls of the thorax, and, as we shall see further on, the dilatation of the arterial system, called the pulse. It is natural, therefore, in 1 This observation was first made, and the fact publicly demonstrated, in the course on physiology at the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, session of 1864-'65. 204: CIRCULATION. studying these phenomena, to take the systole as a point of departure, instead of the action of the auricles, which we cannot appreciate without vivisections ; and the sounds, which are two in number, have been called first and second, with reference to the systole. The first sound is absolutely synchronous with the apex beat. The second sound follows the first without any appre- ciable interval. Between the second and first sounds there is an interval of silence. Some writers have attempted to represent the sounds of the heart, and their relations to each other, by certain sylla- bles, as, "lull-dup or lull-tub ;" 1 but it seems unnecessary to attempt to make a comparison, which can only be appre- ciated by one who is practically acquainted with the heart- sounds, when the sounds themselves can be so easily studied. Both sounds are generally heard with distinctness over any part of the prsecordia. The first sound is heard with its maximum of intensity over the body of the heart, a little below and within the nipple, between the fourth and fifth ribs, and is propagated with greatest facility downwards, towards the apex. The second sound is heard with its max- imum of intensity at the base of the heart, between the nipple and the sternum, about the locality of the third rib, and is propagated upwards, along the course of the great vessels. The rhythm of the sounds bears a certain relation to the rhythm of the heart's action, which we have already dis- cussed ; the difference being, that we here regard the heart's action as commencing with the systole of the ventricles, while in following the action of different parts of the organ, we followed the course of the blood, and commenced with the systole of the auricles. Laennec, the father of auscultation, was the first to direct special attention to the rhythm of these sounds, though they had been recognized by Harvey, who compared them to the sounds made by the passage of fluids 1 C. J. B. WILLIAMS, in Dunglison's Human Physiology. Philadelphia, 1856, voL L, p. 393. SOUNDS OF THE HEART. 205 along the oesophagus of a horse when drinking. 1 He divides a single revolution of the heart into four parts : the first two parts are occupied by the first sound ; the third part by the second sound ; and in the fourth part there is no sound. 2 He regards the second sound as following immediately after the first. Some authors have described a " short silence " as occurring after the first sound, and a " long silence " after the second. The short silence, if appreciable at all, is so indistinct that it may practically be disregarded. Attempts have been made to improve upon this division of Laennec, by dividing the heart's action into three equal parts, as is done by M. Beau ; 3 the first being occupied by the first sound, the second by the second sound, and the third, silence. This hardly needs discussion. M. Beau bases this division upon a theory of the production of the sounds which, though pretty generally discussed by physiologists, is, as far as we have seen, adopted by none, and is so entirely opposed to facts that it hardly demands comment. It is evident to any one who has heard the sounds of the heart, that the first is longer than the second. Most physiologists regard the duration of the first sound as a little less than two-fourths of the heart's action, and the second sound as a little more than one-fourth. When we come to consider the mechanism of the production of the two sounds, we shall see that if our views on that point be correct, the first sound should occupy the period of the ventricular systole, or four-tenths of the heart's action, the second sound about three-tenths, and the repose three-tenths. * The first sound is relatively dull, low in pitch, and made up of two elements : one, a valvular element, in which it resembles in character the second sound; the other, an ele- ment which is due to the action of the heart as a muscle. It has been ascertained that all muscular contraction is at- 1 Op. dt, p. 32. 9 LAENNEC, Traite de V Auxcuttatian, Mediate, Paris, 1837, tome in., p. 48. 3 BEAU, Traite expcrimentale et clinique d 1 Auscultation, Paris. 1856, p. 228. 206 CIKCULATIOK". tended with a certain sound. To this is added an impulsion element, which is produced by the striking of the heart against the walls of the thorax. The second sound is relatively sharp, high in pitch, and has but one clear, element, which we have already alluded to as valvular. Cause of the Sounds of the Heart. There is now scarcely any difference of opinion respecting the cause of the second sound of the heart. The experiments of Rouanet, published in 1832, settled beyond a doubt that it was due to a closure of the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves. In his essay upon this subject, Bouanet acknowledges his indebt- edness, for the first suggestion of this explanation, to Mr Carswell, who was at that time prosecuting his studies in Paris. 1 The experiments by which this is demonstrated are as simple as they are conclusive. First we have the experi- ments of Rouanet, who imitated the second sound by produ- cing sudden closure of the aortic valves by a column of water. We then have the experiments, even more conclusive, of the British Commission, in which the semilunar valves were caught up by curved hooks introduced through the vessels of a living animal, the ass, with the result of abolishing the second sound, and substituting for it a hissing murmur. When the instruments were withdrawn, and the valves per- mitted to resume their action, the normal sound returned. 3 It is unnecessary to discuss the various theories which have been advanced to explain the second sound, as it is now, generally acknowledged to he due to the sudden closure of the 1 Cydop&dia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. ii., p. 617. In this article, we find Dr. Elliott, of Carlisle, alluded to as having stated in his thesis, published in 1831, " that the second sound of the heart is dependent upon the rush of blood from the auricles into the ventricles during their diastole, and also upon the sud- den flapping inward of the sigmoid valves at the origin of the large arteries by the refluent blood." 8 Ibid., p. 618. CAUSE OF THE SOUNDS OF THE HEART. 207 semilunar valves at the orifices of the aorta and pulmonary artery. We remark, however, that the sound is heard with its maximum of intensity over the site of these valves, and is propagated along the great vessels, to which they are attach- ed. It also occurs precisely at the time of their closure ; i. e., immediately following the ventricular systole. The cause of the first sound of the heart has not, until within a few years, been as well understood. It was maintain- ed by Rouanet, that this sound was produced by the sudden closure of the auriculo- ventricular valves ', but the situation of these valves rendered it difficult to demonstrate this by actual experiment. We have already seen, that while the second sound is purely valvular in its character, the first sound is composed of a certain number of different elements ; but auscultatory experiments have been made by which all but the valvular element are eliminated, and the character of the first sound made to resemble that of the second. Con- clusive observations on this point were made a few years ago by Dr. Flint, constituting part of an essay which received the prize of the American Medical Association in 1858. 1 The following facts were developed in this essay : 1. If a folded handkerchief be placed between the stetho- scope and integument, the first sound is divested of some of its most distinctive features. It loses the quality of impul- sion, and presents a well-marked valvular quality. 2. In many instances, when the stethoscope is applied to the praecordia, while the subject is in a recumbent posture, and the heart by force of gravity is removed from the anterior wall of the thorax, the first sound becomes purely valvular in character, and as short as the second. 3. When the stethoscope is applied to the chest a little distance from the point where the first sound is heard with its maximum of intensity, it will present only its valvular element. 1 AUSTIN FLINT, Prize Essay on the Heart-Sounds in Health and Disease. Transactions of the American Medical Association, 1858. 208 CIRCULATION. These facts, to which we may add the modifications of the first sound in disease, so as to leave only the valvular ele- ment, taken in connection with the fact that the first sound occurs when the ventricles contract, and necessarily accom- panies the closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves, show pretty conclusively that these valves produce at least a cer- tain element of the sound. In further support of this opinion, we have the fact that the first sound is heard with its maxi- mum of intensity over the site of the valves, and is propa- gated downwards along the ventricles, to which the valves are attached. Actual experiments are not wanting to confirm the above view. Chauveau andFaivre 1 have succeeded in abolishing the first sound by the introduction of a wire ring through a little opening in the auricle into the auriculo-ventricular ori- fice, so arranged as to prevent the closure of the valves. When this is done, the first sound is lost ; but on taking it out of the opening, the sound returns. These observers also abolished the first sound by introducing a small curved tenotomy-knife through the auriculo-ventricular orifice, and dividing the chordae tendinese. In this experiment a loud rush- ing murmur took the place of the sound. We have already alluded to the experiment of introducing the finger through an opening in the auricle ; if this be done, and the heart be auscultated at the same time, the valves will be felt striking against the finger in unison with the first sound. The above observations and experiments settle beyond question the fact that the closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves produces one element of the first sound. The other elements which enter into the composition of the first sound are not as prominent as the one we have just considered, though they serve to give it its prolonged and " booming " character. These elements are, a sound like that produced by any large muscle during its contraction, called 1 Op. cit., pp. 30 and 81. CAUSE OF THE SOUNDS OF THE HEART. 209 by some the muscular murmur, and the sound produced by the impulse of the heart against the walls of the chest. The muscular sound has been recognized by Wollaston, Laennec, and others, and by Laennec was supposed to be the sole cause of the first sound of the heart. This observer attributed the first sound to the muscular action of the ven- tricles, and the second to the action of the auricles. There can be no doubt but that this is one of the elements of the first sound ; and it is this which gives it its prolonged character, when the stethoscope is applied over the body of the organ, as the sound produced in muscles continues during the whole period of their contraction. Admitting this to be an element of the first sound, we can understand how its duration must necessarily coincide with the ventricular systole. We can appreciate, also, how all but the valvular element is eliminated when the stethoscope is moved from the body of the heart, the muscular sound not being propagated as completely as the sound made by the closure of the valves. The impulse of the heart against the walls of the thorax also contributes to produce the first sound. This is demon- strated by noting the difference in the sound when the sub- ject is lying upon the back, and when he is upright ; or by interposing any soft substance between the stethoscope and the chest, or by auscultating the heart after the sternum has been removed. Under these circumstances the first sound loses its booming character, retaining, however, the muscular element, when the instrument is applied to the exposed organ. It was thought by Magendie that the shock of the heart against the chest was the sole cause of the first sound. 1 This observer maintained that when the sternum is removed in a living ani- mal, the first sound cannot be heard over the heart. This, however, is not the fact ; and though the element of impul- sion enters into the composition of the first sound, the view that it is the sole cause of this sound is not tenable. The first sound of the heart is complex. It is pro 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, Lemons sur la Physiologic, etc., tome iv., p. 3S. 14 210 CIRCULATION. duced by the sudden closure of the auriculo-ventricular valves at the beginning of the ventricular systole ; to which are superadded the muscular sound, due to the contraction of the muscular fibres of the heart, and the impulsion sound due to the shock of the organ against the walls of the thorax. The second sound is simple. It is produced by the sud- den closure of the aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves, immediately following the ventricular systole. It is of the greatest importance, with reference to pathol- ogy, to have a clear idea of the currents of blood through the heart, with their exact relation to the sounds and intervals. At the commencement of the first sound, the blood is forcibly thrown from, the ventricles into the pulmonary artery on the right side and the aorta on the left, and the auriculo-ventricular valves are suddenly closed. During the entire period occupied by this sound, the blood is flowing rapidly through the arterial orifices, and the auricles are re- ceiving blood slowly from the vense cavse and the pulmonary veins. "While the second sound is produced, the ventricles hav- ing become suddenly relaxed, the recoil of the arterial walls, acting upon the column of blood, immediately closes the semilunar valves upon the two sides. The auricles continue to dilate, and the ventricles are slowly receiving blood. Immediately following the second sound, during the first part of the interval the auricles become fully dilated ; and in the last part of the interval immediately preceding the first sound, the auricles contract, and the ventricles are fully dilated. This completes a single revolution of the heart. CHAPTER Y. FREQUENCY OF THE HEARTS ACTION. Frequency of the heart's action Influence of age Influence of digestion Influ- ence of posture and muscular exertion Influence of exercise Influence of temperature Influence of respiration on the action of the heart Cause of the rhythmical contractions of the heart Influence of the nervous system on the heart Division of the pneumogastrics Galvanization of the pneumogas- trics Causes of the arrest of action of the heart Blows upon the epigas- trium. Frequency of the Heart's Action. Physicians have al- ways attached the greatest importance to the frequency of the action of the heart, as one of the great indications of the general condition of the system. The variations which are met with in health, dependent upon age, sex, muscular activ- ity, the condition of the digestive system, etc., point to the fact that the action of the heart is closely allied to the various functions of the economy, and readily sympathizes with their derangements. As each ventricular systole is followed by an expansion of the arteries which is readily appreciated by the touch, it is more convenient to study the succession of these movements by exploring the vessels, than by examina- tion of the heart itself. Leaving out certain of the qualities of the pulse, this becomes an exact criterion of the acts of the heart. The number of pulsations of the heart is not far from seventy per minute in an adult male, and from six to ten 212 CIRCULATION. more in the female. 1 There are individual cases where the pulse is normally much slower or more frequent than this, a fact which must be remembered when examining the pulse in disease. It is said that the pulse of Napoleon I. was only forty per minute. Dr. Dun^lison mentions a case which came under his own observation, in which the pulse was on an average thirty-six per minute. The same author states that the pulse of Sir William Congreve w T as never below one hundred and twenty-eight per minute, in health. 2 It is by no means unfrequent to find a healthy pulse of a hundred or more per minute. Influence of Age and Sex. In both the male and female, observers have constantly found a great difference in the rapidi- ty of the heart's action at different periods of life. The observa- tions of Dr. Guy on this point are very numerous, and were made with the utmost care with regard to the conditions of the system, at the time the pulse was taken, in each case. All were taken at the same hour, and with the subject in a sitting posture. Dr. Guy found the pulsations of the heart in the foetus to be pretty uniformly 140 per minute. At birth the pulse is 136. It gradually diminishes during the first year to about 128. The second year the diminution is quite rapid, the tables of Dr. Guy giving 107 as the mean frequency at two years of age. After the second year, the frequency progres- sively diminishes until adult life, when it is at its minimum, which is about 70 per minute. It is a common, but erro- neous, impression that the pulse diminishes in frequency in old age. On the contrary, numerous observations show that at the latter periods of life the movements of the heart be- come slightly accelerated, ranging from 75 to 80. During early life there is no marked and constant differ- 1 Most of the facts which will be referred to with regard to the frequency of the pulse are taken from the article of Dr. Guy (Pulse) in Todd's Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology. a Human Physiology. Philadelphia, 1856, vol. i., p. 445. FREQUENCY OF THE HEART ? 8 ACTION. 213 ence in the rapidity of the pulse in the sexes ; but towards the age of puberty, the development of the sexual peculiarities is accompanied with an acceleration of the heart's action in the female, which continues even into old age. The differ- ence at different ages is shown in the following table, com- piled by Milne-Edwards from the observations of Dr. Guy : ; AGES. MALES. FEMALES. Average Pulsations. Average Pulsations. From 2 to 7 years . . 97 .... 98 8 14 21 28 35 42 14 " .84 94 21 " .. 76 .... 82 28 " . . . 73 . . . . .80 35 " . . 70 . ' . . . 78 42 " . 68 . . 78 49 " .. 70 .... 77 " 49 " 56 " . .67 76 " 56 " 63 " . . 68 . . . 77 " 63 " 70 " . .70 78 " 70 " 77 u . . 67 . . . . 81 " 77 " 84 " . .71 82 Influence of Digestion. The condition of the digestive system has a marked influence on the rapidity of the pulse. According to observations cited by Milne-Edwards, 2 there is an increase in the pulse of from five to ten beats per minute after each meal. Prolonged fasting diminishes its frequency from twelve to fourteen beats. Alcohol first diminishes, and afterwards accelerates, the pulse. Coffee is said by the same author to accelerate the pulse in a marked degree. It has been ascertained that the pulse is accelerated to a greater degree by animal than by vegetable food. These variations have long been recognized by physiologists. Influence of Posture and Muscular Exertion. It has been observed that attitude has a very marked influence upon, the rapidity of the action of the heart. Experiments of a 1 Le$ons sur la Pkysiologie, tome iv., p. 62. 2 Loc. cit. 214: CIRCULATION. very interesting character have been made by Dr. Guy and others, with a view to determine the difference in the pulse in different postures. In the male, there is a difference of about ten beats between standing and sitting, and fifteen beats between standing and the recumbent posture. In the . female, the variations with p^ition are not so great. The average given by Dr. Guy is, for the male : . standing, 81 ; sitting, 71 ; lying, 66 ; for the female : standing, 91 ; sitting, 84 ; lying, 80. This is given as the average of a large num- ber of observations. There were a few instances, however, in which there was scarcely any variation with posture, and some in which the variation was much greater than the average. In the inverted posture, the pulse was found to be reduced about fifteen beats. The question at once suggests itself whether the accelera- tion of the pulse in sitting and standing may not be due, in some measure, to the muscular effort required in making the change of posture. This is answered by the further experi- ments of Dr. Guy, in which the subjects were placed on a revolving board, and the posture changed without any mus- cular effort. The same results as those cited above were obtained in these experiments ; showing that the difference is due to the position of the body alone. In a single obser- vation, Dr. Guy found the pulse, standing, to be 89 ; lying, 77; difference, 12. With the posture changed without any muscular effort, the results were : standing, 87 ; lying, 74 ; difference, 13. Various theoretical explanations of these variations have been offered by physiologists; but Dr. Guy seems to have settled experimentally that the acceleration is due to, the mus- cular effort required to maintain the body in the sitting and standing positions. The following are the results of experi- ments which bear conclusively on this point, in which it is shown that when the body is carefully supported in the erect or sitting posture, so as to be maintained without muscular effort, the pulse is less frequent than when the subject is FBEQUENCY OF THE HEAET's ACTION. 215 standing; and furthermore that the pulse is accelerated, in the recumbent posture, when the body is only partially sup- ported : "1. Difference between the pulse in the erect posture, without support, and leaning in the same posture, in an average of twelve experiments on the writer, 12 beats; and on an average of eight experiments on other healthy males, 8 beats. " 2. Difference in the frequency of the pulse in the recum- bent posture, the body fully supported, and partially sup- ported, 14 beats, on an average of five experiments. " 3. Sitting posture (mean often experiments on the writer), back supported, 80 ; unsupported, 87 ; difference, 7 beats. " 4. Sitting posture with the legs raised at right angles with the body (average of twenty experiments on the w r riter), back unsupported, 86; supported, 68; difference, 18 beats. An average of fifteen experiments of the same kind on other healthy males gave the following numbers : "back unsupport- ed, 80 ; supported, 68 ; a difference of 12 beats." 1 Influence of Exercise. It is a fact generally appreciated that muscular exertion increases the frequency of the pul- sations of the heart ; and the experiments just cited show that the difference in rapidity, which is by some attributed to change in posture (some positions, it is fancied, offering fewer obstacles to the current of blood than others), is in reality due to muscular exertion. Every one knows that the action of the heart is much more rapid after violent exertion, such as running, lifting, etc. Experiments on this point date from quite a remote period. Bryan Robinson, who published a treatise on the "Animal Economy" in 1734, 1 TODD'S Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. iv., p. 188. There is an apparent contradiction between these results, and results of the experiments with the " revolving board." It is probable, however, that the subjects experi- mented upon with the board were simply placed in the erect posture without muscular effort, but maintained themselves in position without any aid. CIRCULATION. states, as the result of observation, that a man in the recum bent position has 64 pulsations per minute ; after a slow walk, 78 ; after walking a league and a half in an hour, 100 ; and 140 to 150 after running with all his might. 1 This general statement, which has been repeatedly verified, shows the powerful influence of the muscuiar system on the heart. The fact is so familiar that it need not be further dwelt upon. The influence of sleep upon the action of the heart reduces itself almost entirely to the proposition, that during this con- dition, we have an entire absence of muscular effort, and consequently the number of beats is less than when the in- dividual is aroused. It has been found that there is no differ- ence in the pulse between sleep and perfect quiet in the recumbent posture. This fact obtains in the adult male ; but it is said by Quetelet that there is a marked difference in females and young children, the pulse being always slower during sleep. 2 Influence of Temperature. The influence of extremes of temperature upon the heart is very decided. The pulse may be doubled by remaining a very few minutes exposed to ex- treme heat. Bence Jones and Dickinson have ascertained that the pulse may be very much reduced in frequency, for a short time, by the cold douche. 3 It has also been remarked that the pulse is habitually more rapid in warm than in cold climates. Though many circumstances materially affect the rapidi- ty of the heart's action, they do not complicate, to any great extent, our examinations of the pulse in disease. In cases which present considerable febrile movement, the patient is generally in the recumbent posture. The variations induced by violent exercise are easily recognized, while those depend- ent upon temperature, the condition of the digestive system, etc., are so slight that they may practically be disregarded. 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, Lemons sur la Physiologic, tome iv., p. 68. 2 Ibid. 3 Journal de la Physiologic, 1858, tome i., p. 72. INFLUENCE OF RESPIRATION ON THE HEART. 217 It is necessary to bear in mma, however, the variations which exist in the sexes, and at different periods of life, as well as the possibility of individual peculiarities, when the action of the heart may be extraordinarily rapid or slow. Influence of Respiration upon the Action of the Hea/rt. The relations between the functions of circulation and respi- ration are very intimate. One function cannot go on without the other. If circulation be arrested, the muscles, being no longer supplied with fresh blood, soon lose their contractile power, and respiration ceases. We shall also find that circu- lation is impossible if respiration be permanently arrested. When respiration is imperfectly performed, the action of the heart is slow and labored. All physicians are familiar with the slow, full pulse, indicating labored action of the heart, which occurs in profound coma. The effects of arrest of respiration are marked in all parts of the circulatory system, arteries, capillaries, and veins ; but the disturbances thus pro- duced all react upon the heart, and the modifications which take place in the action of this organ are of the greatest in- terest and importance. If the heart be exposed in a living animal, and artificial respiration be kept up, though the pulsations are increased in frequency and diminished in force, after a time they become perfectly regular, and continue thus as long as air is ade- quately supplied to the lungs. Under these circumstances we have the respiration entirely at our command, and can study the effects of its arrest upon the heart with the greatest facility. If we arrest respiration, we observe the following changes in the action of the heart : For a few seconds pulsations go on as usual ; but in about a minute they begin to diminish in frequency. At the same time the heart becomes engorged with blood, a condition which rapidly increases. For a time its contractions are competent to discharge the entire contents of the left ventri- cle into the arterial system, and a cardiometer applied to an 218 CIRCULATION. artery will indicate a great increase in the pressure of blood, and a corresponding increase in the movements of the mer- cury will be noted at each action of the heart ; indicating that the organ is acting with an abnormal vigor. If respira- tion be still discontinued, the engorgement becomes intense, the heart at each diastole being distended to its utmost capa- city. It now becomes incapable of emptying itself; the con- tractions become very unfrequent, perhaps three or four in a minute, and are progressively enfeebled. The organ is dark, almost black, owing to the circulation of venous blood in its substance. If respiration be not resumed, this distention continues, the contractions become less frequent and more feeble, and in a few minutes entirely cease. The arrest of. the action of the heart, under these circum- stances, is chiefly mechanical. The UD aerated blood passes with difficulty through the capillaries of the system, and as the heart is constantly at work, the arteries become immensely distended. This is proven by the great increase in the arte- rial pressure, while these vessels are full of black blood. If we now closely examine the heart and great vessels, we are able to note distinctly the order in which they become dis- tended. These phenomena were particularly noticed and de- scribed by Prof. Dalton, and they demonstrate conclusively that in asphyxia the obstruction to the circulation commences, not in the lungs, as is commonly supposed, but in the capil- laries of the system, and is propagated backwards to the heart through the arteries. " The obstacle to the passage of venous blood through the capillaries, therefore, is partial, not complete. But it is still sufficient to produce an immediate backward engorgement of the arterial system. Then the aorta becomes distended at its origin, and the left ventricle and left auricle in succession, being unable to relieve themselves of blood through the arte- rial system, become distended in 1 a similar manner. During this time the same kijid of engorgement takes place in the pul- monary artery and the right cavities of the heart ; though INFLUENCE OF RESPIRATION ON THE HEAKT. 219 the distention of the pulmonary artery is never so excessive as that of the aorta, either because there is less obstacle to the passage of venous blood through the lungs than through the general capillaries, or because the injecting force of the riffht ventricle is less than that of the left, or because less O ' blood is supplied by the capillaries to the veins, and by the veins to the right side of the heart. In either case the prin- cipal accumulation is certainly in the arterial system." 1 The distention of the heart in asphyxia is therefore due to the fact that uhaerated blood cannot circulate in the systemic capillaries. "When thus distended, its muscular fibres become paralyzed, like any muscle after a severe strain. If respiration be resumed at any time before the heart's action has entirely ceased, the organ in a few moments re- sumes its normal function. "We first notice a change from the dusky hue it has assumed to a vivid red, which is owing to the circulation of arterial blood in its capillaries. The distention then becomes gradually relieved, and for a few moments the pulsations are abnormally frequent. If we now open an artery, it will be found to contain red blood. An in- strument applied to an artery will show a diminution of arterial pressure and force of the heart's action, if the arrest of respiration has been carried only far enough to moderately distend the heart ; or an increase in the pressure and force of the heart, if its action has been nearly arrested. A few mo- ments of regular insufflation will cause the pulsations to re- sume their normal character and frequency. In the human subject, the effects of temporary or perma- nent arrest of respiration on the heart, are undoubtedly the same as those observed in experiments upon the warm-blood- ed animals. In the same way, also, it is possible to restore the normal action of the organ, if respiration be not too long suspended, by the regular introduction of fresh air into the lungs. The numerous examples of animation restored by 1 D ALTON, Lectures on the Physiology of the Circulation, published in the Buffalo Medical Journal and New York Review, Lecture III., April, 1860. 220 CIRCULATION. artificial respiration, in drowning, etc., particularly by what is known as the Marshall Hall method, are evidence of this fact. In cases of asphyxia, those measures by which artificial respiration is most effectually maintained have been found most efficient. Certain individuals have the power of temporarily arrest- ing the action of the heart by a voluntary suspension of res- piration. The most remarkable case of this kind on record is that of Colonel Townshend, which is quoted in many works on physiology. 1 Col. T. was said to be able to arrest respiration and the action of the heart so completely as to simulate death. "When in this condition, the pulse was not perceptible at the wrist nor over the prsecordia, a mirror held before the mouth was not tarnished, and he was to all ap- pearances dead. On one occasion, in the presence of several medical gentlemen, he remained in this condition for half an hour ; afterwards the functions of respiration and circulation becoming gradually reestablished. This, to say the least, is a very remarkable case, but is credited by many physiologists. Cause of the Rhythmical Contractions of the Heart. The phenomena attending the action of the heart pre- sent few difficulties in their investigation, compared with the study of the cause of the regular contractions and relaxations, which commence early in foetal development, to terminate only with life. This interesting question has long engaged the attention of physiologists, and has been the subject of numerous experiments and speculations. It would be idle to follow the various theories which have been offered to account for this constant movement, except as a subject of purely historical interest ; for many of them are based upon a very imperfect knowledge of the phenomena of the circu- 1 DUNGLISON, Human Physiology, Philadelphia, 1856. Eighth edition, vol. i., p. 405. CAUSE OF THE RHYTHMICAL CONTRACTIONS OF THE HEAKT, 221 lation, and have fallen to the ground, as science has advanced. At the present day, though we are perhaps as far as ever from a knowledge of the actual cause of the regular move- ments, we are pretty'well acquainted with the various condi- tions which modify and regulate them, and have arrived at a limit of knowledge which there seems little prospect of ex- ceeding. The enthusiastic dreamers of past ages hoped to discover the seat of the soul and arrive at the principle of life, but we are as much in the dark as were they with regard to the cause of the various vital phenomena. We know, for example, how to induce contraction in a living muscle, or one which is just separated from the organism and has not yet lost what we call its vital properties y \)Mi we must confess our utter ignorance when we ask ourselves why it acts in response to a stimulus. The wonderful advances we have made in chemistry and microscopic anatomy do not disclose the vital principle ; and when we come to examine the various conditions under which the heart will continue its contractions, we are arrested by the impossibility of fathom- ing the mystery of the cause of contraction. The heart is, anatomically, very much like the voluntary muscles ; but it has a constant function to perform, and will act without any palpable excitation, while the latter, which have an occa- sional function, act only under the influence of a natural stimulus like the nervous force, or artificial irritation. The movements of the heart are not the only examples of, what seems to be, spontaneous action. The ciliated epithe- lium is in motion from the beginning to the end of life, and will continue for a certain time even after the cells are de- tached from the organism. This motion cannot be explained, unless we call it an explanation to say that it is dependent on vital properties. But if we are yet ignorant of the absolute cause of the rhythmical contraction of the heart, we are pretty well ac- quainted with the influences which render its action regular, powerful, and sufficient for the purposes of the economy. It 222 CIRCULATION. will facilitate our comprehension of this, to compare this action with that of the ordinary voluntary muscles. In the first place, every one knows that the action of the heart is involuntary. We can neither arrest, retard, nor accelerate its pulsations by a direct effort of the will. In this statement we of course except those examples of arrest by the stoppage of respiration, or acceleration by violent exer- cise, etc. In this respect the heart differs from certain mus- cles, like the muscles of respiration, which act involuntarily, it is true, but whose action may be temporarily arrested or accelerated by a direct voluntary effort. The last-mentioned fact gives us the precise difference between the heart and all other striped muscles. All of them, in order to contract, must receive a stimulus, either natural or artificial. The natural stimulus comes from the nervous centres, and is conducted by the nerves. If the nerves going to any of the respiratory muscles, for example, be divided, the muscle is paralyzed, and will not contract with- out some kind of irritation. Connection with the nervous system does not seem necessary to the action of the heart, for it will contract, especially in the cold-blooded animals, some time after its removal from the body. When a muscle has been removed from the body, and is subjected to a stimulus, such as galvanism, mechanical or chemical irritation, it is thrown into contraction ; but if care- fully protected from irritation, will remain quiescent. Con- traction in this instance is evidently produced by the appli- cation of the stimulus ; but the question arises, Why does the muscle thus respond to stimulation ? This is a question which it is impossible to answer satisfactorily, but one concerning which our ideas, since the time of Haller, have assumed a definite form. This great physiologist called the property which causes the muscle thus to contract, irritability which is nothing more nor less than an unexplained property in- herent in the muscle, and continuing as long as it retain^ its absolute physical and chemical integrity. More than a hun- CAUSE OF THE RHYTHMICAL CONTRACTIONS OF THE HEART. 223 dred years ago, Haller described certain tissues of the body which possessed this "irritability," such as the muscles, stomach, bladder, etc., and the different degrees of irritability with which each one was endowed. 1 He applied this theory to the action of the heart, which he considered as the part endowed with irritability to the highest degree. His theory of the action of the heart was that its rhythmical contraction depended upon the irritability inherent in its muscular fibres. He was far from denying the various influences which modi- fied this action, but regarded its actual power of contraction as independent. It will be interesting to review some of the facts which were established by Haller, and by numerous physiologists who have since investigated this subject, and see how far this view of the independence of the contractile power of the heart accords with the present state of our knowledge. Experiments have shown that the heart will pulsate for a time when removed from all connection with other parts of the organism. 2 In the cold-blooded animals, in which the irritability of the tissues remains for some time after death, this is particularly marked. It is not the blood in the cavi- ties of the heart which causes it to contract, for it will pul- sate when its cavities have been 'emptied. It is not the con- 1 HALLER, Memoires sur la Nature Sensible et Irritable des Parties du Corps Animal, Lausanne, 1756, tome i. These views with regard to the cause of the action of the heart were first advanced by Haller in 1739 in commentaries on the " Institutes " of Boerhaave (Mem. de HALLER, p. 87). 2 Numerous instances of contractions of the heart in cold-blooded animals con- tinuing for a very long time after excision, are on record. Dr. Dunglison, in his work on Physiology (op. cit., vol. i., p. 408), mentions several instances where the heart pulsated for from ten to twenty-four hours after removal from the body. The most remarkable examples of this prolonged action were in the heart of the sturgeon. In one instance, in an experiment on a large alligator, we found the heart pulsating, in situ, twenty-eight hours after the animal had been killed by the injec- tion of a solution of woorara. The heart was then excised, and continued to beat during a long series of experiments, until it was arrested by powerful compres- sion with the hand, after it had been filled with water and the vessels tied. 224: CIRCULATION. tact of the air, for the heart will pulsate in a vacuum. 1 The heart does not receive its irritability from the nervous sys- tem, for, when removed from the body, it has no connection with the nervous system ; and it is not probable that it re- ceives any influence from sympathetic ganglia which have lately been discovered in its substance, for detached portions of the heart will pulsate, and the contractions of the organ will continue in animals poisoned with woorara, which is known to paralyze the motor system of nerves. It is unnecessary to refer to the various experiments which have demonstrated the independence of the contrac- tions of the heart. They are of such a simple nature that they may be verified by any one who will take the trouble to ex- cise the heart of a frog or turtle, place it under a small bell- glass so that it will not be subject to possible irritation from currents of air, and watch its pulsations. In such an observa- tion as this, it is evident that for a certain time contractions, more or less regular, will take place ; and the experiments referred to above show that they take place without any ex- ternal influence. In short, it is evident that the muscular fibres of the heart possess an irritability, by virtue of which they will contract intermittently for a time, though no stim- ulus ~be applied; as ordinary striped muscular fibres have an irritability, by virtue of which they will respond, for a time, to the application of a stimulus. It is manifestly necessary that the action of the heart should be constant, regular, and powerful ; and when we say that the irritability inherent in its muscular tissue is such that it will contract for a time without any external stimulus, we by no means assume that this is the cause of its physiolog- ical action. It is only an important and incontestable prop- erty of the muscular fibres of the heart, and its regular action is dependent upon other circumstances. In the first place, we have to inquire what makes the ac- tion of the heart constant. The answer to this is, that the 1 JOHN REID, in Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. ii., p. 611. CAUSE OF THE RHYTHMICAL CONTRACTIONS OF THE HEART. 225 changes of nutrition, by which, through the blood circulating in its substance, the waste of its tissue is constantly supplied, preserves the integrity of the fibres, and keeps them, conse- quently, in a condition to contract. This is true, likewise, of the ordinary striped muscular fibres. If the supply of blood be cut off from the substance of the heart, especially in the warm-blooded animals, the organ soon loses its irritabil- ity. This was beautifully shown by the experiments of Erichsen. This observer, after exposing the heart in a warm- blooded animal and keeping up artificial respiration, ligated the coronary arteries, thus cutting off the greatest part of the supply of blood to the muscular fibres. He found, as the mean of six experiments, that the heart ceased pulsating, though artificial respiration w r as continued, in 23^ minutes. After the pulsations had ceased, they could be restored by removing the ligatures and allowing the blood to circulate again in the substance of the heart. 1 The same is true of the irritability of ordinary muscles, as has been lately shown by the experiments of Dr. Brown-Sequard, though the continu- ous action of the heart undoubtedly causes these phenomena to be more marked and rapid. If we take a muscle which has just lost its irritability and will no longer respond to the most powerful stimulus, and inject fresh blood by the artery supplying it, the irritability w r ill be immediately restored. 8 In the second place, the regular and powerful contraction of the Jieart is provided foi* l>y the circulation of the blood through its cavities. Though the heart, removed from the body, will contract for a time without a stimulus, it can be made to contract during the intervals of repose by an irri- tant, such as the point of a needle, or a feeble current of gal- vanism. For a certain time after the heart has ceased to contract spontaneously, contractions may be induced in this way. This can easily be demonstrated in the heart of any 1 London Medical Gazette, July 8, 1842. - 8 BROWN-SEQUARD, Proprietes et Usages du sang rouge et du sang noir,. Journal de la Physiologic, 1858, tome i., p. 95 et seq. 15 226 CIRCULATION. animal, warm or cold-blooded. This irritability, which is manifested, under these circumstances, in precisely the same way as in ordinary muscles, is different in degree in different parts of the organ. Haller and others have shown that it is greater in the cavities than on the surface ; for long after ir- ritation applied to the exterior*fails to excite contraction, the organ will respond to a stimulus applied to its interior. The experiments of Haller also show that fluids in the cavities of the heart have a remarkable influence in exciting and keep- ing up its contractions. This observation is of much interest, as showing conclusively that the presence of blood is neces- sary to the natural and regular action of the heart. "We quote one of the experiments on this point performed upon a cat: -x- # * T^ superior vena cava having been divid- ed, and the inferior ligated, and the pulmonary artery opened, and the right ventricle emptied by a sufficient compression, and the aorta ligated, all with promptitude, I saw the right auricle repose first, the right ventricle continued to beat for some time in unison with the left ventricle, and its walls de- scended toward the middle line of the heart : but this ven- tricle did not delay to lose its movement the first. As for the other ventricle, which could no longer empty itself into the aorta, it was filled with blood, and its movement contin- ued for four hours. * * * This experiment was confirmed by numerous others. It will be observed that one side of the heart was made to cease its pulsations, while the other side continued to contract, by simply removing the blood from its interior ; which conclu- sively proves that, though the heart may act for a time in- dependently, the presence of blood in its cavities is a stim- ulus capable of prolonging its regular pulsations. Schiff has gone still further, and succeeded in restoring the pulsations in the heart of a frog, which had ceased after it had been 1 HALLER, Memoircs sur la Nature Irritable et Sensible des Parties, etc., tome i., p. 363. CAUSE OF THE RHYTHMICAL CONTRACTIONS OF THE HEART. 227 emptied, by introducing a few drops of blood into the au- ricle. 1 Our own experiments upon the hearts of alligators and turtles show that when removed from the body and emptied of blood, the pulsations are feeble, rapid, and irreg- ular ; but that when filled with blood, the valves being de- stroyed so as to allow free passage in both directions between the auricles and ventricle, the contractions become powerful and regular. In these experiments, when water was intro- duced instead of blood, the pulsations became more regular but were more frequent and not as powerful as when blood was used. 2 These experiments show also that the action of the heart may be affected by the character, particularly the density, of the fluid which passes through it, which may ex- plain its rapid and feeble action in anemia. It seems w r ell established that the heart, though capable of independent action, is excited to contraction by the blood as it passes through its cavities. A glance at the succession of its movements, particularly in the cold-blooded animals, where they are so slow that the phenomena can be easily ob- served, will show how these contractions are induced. If we look at the organ as it is in action, we see first a disten- tion of the auricle ; this is immediately followed by a con- traction filling the ventricle, which in its turn contracts. Undoubtedly the tension of the fibres, as well as the contact of blood in its interior, acts as a stimulus ; and as all the fibres of each cavity are put on the stretch at the same in- stant, they contract simultaneously. The necessary regular distentionof each cavity thus produces rhythmical and forcible contractions ; and the mere fact that the action of the heart alternately empties and dilates its cavities, insures regular pulsations as long as blood is supplied, and no disturbing in- fluences are in operation. The muscular fibres of the heart are endowed with 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, op. cit., tome iv., p. 126. 2 Action of tlie Heart and Respiration, American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Oct. 1861. 228 CIRCULATION. an inherent property, called irritability, by virtue of which they will contract for a certain time without the application of a stimulus. Irritability, manifested in this way, continues so long as, by the processes of nutrition, the fibres are main- tained in their integrity. The muscular tissue, however, may be thrown into contraction, dufing the intervals of repose, by the application of a stimulus, a property which is enjoyed by all muscular fibres. The irritability manifested in this way is much more marked in the interior than on the exterior of the organ. Blood in contact with the lining membrane of the heart acts as a stimulus in a remarkable degree, and is even capable of restoring irritability after it has become ex- tinct. The passage of blood through the heart is the natural stimulus of the organ, and may be said to be the cause of its regular pulsations, though it by no means endows the fibres with their contractile properties. Influence of the Nervous System on the Heart. The movements of the heart, as we have seen, are not directly under the control of the will ; and observations on the human subject, as well as on living animals, have shown that the organ is devoid of general sensibility. The latter fact was demonstrated in the most satisfactory manner by Har- vey in the case of the Yiscount Montgomery. In this case the heart was exposed ; and Harvey found that it could be touched and handled without even the knowledge of the sub- ject. This has been verified in other instances in the human subject. Its physiological movements are capable of being influenced in a remarkable degree through the nervous sys- tem, notwithstanding this insensibility, and in spite of the fact that the muscular fibres composing it are capable of contraction when removed from all connection with the body, and that the regular pulsations can be kept up for a long time "by the mere passage of blood through its cavities. The influence thus exerted is so great, that some eminent au- INFLUENCE OF THE NEEVOTJS SYSTEM ON THE HEART. 229 thorities held the opinion that the cause of the irritability of the organ was derived from the nerves. One of the most distinguished advocates of this opinion was Legallois. This observer arrested the action of the heart of the rabbit by sud- denly destroying the spinal cord, from which he drew the conclusion that the heart derived its contractile power from the cerebro-spinal system. 1 The experiments which we have already cited, showing the continuance of the heart's action after excision, disprove this so completely, that it was not thought worth while to discuss this view while treating of the cause of its rhythmical contraction. The same may be said with regard to the experiments of Brachet, in which he endeavored to prove that the contractility of the heart is de- rived from the cardiac plexus of the sympathetic system of nerves. The fact that the heart does not depend for its con- tractility upon external nervous influence may be regarded as long since definitely settled ; but within a few years the discovery in its substance of ganglia belonging to the sympa- thetic system has revived, to some extent, the view that its irritability is derived from nerves. It is not necessary to follow out all the experiments which combine to demonstrate the incorrectness of this view. Ber- nard, by a series of admirably conceived experiments upon the effects of the woorara poison, has succeeded in demon- strating the distinction between muscular and nervous irri- tability. 2 In an animal killed with this remarkable poison, the functions of the motor nerves are entirely abolished ; so that galvanization, or other irritation, does not produce the slightest effect. Yet the muscles retain their irritability, and if artificial respiration be kept up, the circulation will con- tinue for a long time. The heart, by this means, seems to be isolated from the nervous system as completely as if it were excised; and galvanization of the pneumogastric nerves in 1 LEGALLOIS, (Euvres, tome i., p. 97. BERNARD, Lemons sur les Effete des Substances Toxiques el Medicamen femes, Paris, 1857. 230 CIRCULATION. the neck, which, in a living animal, will immediately arrest its action, has no effect. On the other hand, poisoning by the sulpho-cyanide of potassium destroys the muscular irrita- bility, and leaves the nerves intact. By these experiments, which we have frequently repeated, we can completely sep- arate the nervous from the rSuscular irritability, and show their entire independence of each other ; and there is every reason to suppose that the heart, like the other muscles, does not derive its contractility from any other system. It is evident, however, that the heart is often powerfully influenced through the nerves. Sudden and violent emotions will occasionally arrest its action, and have been known to produce death. Palpitations are to be accounted for in the same way. Some of the modifications which we have already considered, depending on exercise, digestion, etc., are effected through the nerves ; and it is through this system that the heart, and all the important organs of the body, are made to a certain extent mutually dependent. It becomes interesting, and highly important, then, to study their influences, and follow out, as clearly as possible, the action of the nerves which are distributed to the heart. The anatomical connections of the heart with the nervous centres are mainly through the sympathetic and the pneu- mogastric nerves. We can study the influence of these nerves to most advantage in two ways : first, by dividing them and watching the effect of depriving the heart of their influence ; and second, by exciting them by means of a feeble current of galvanism. It is well known that in an animal just killed the " nervous force " may be closely imitated by galvanism, which is better than any other means of stimulation, as it does not affect the integrity of the nerves, and the amount of the irritation may be easily regulated. 1 1 We shall not discuss the effects upon the heart of sudden destruction of the great nervous centres. It has been shown that the heart becomes arrested when the brain is crushed, as by a blow with a hammer, when the medulla oblongata or the spinal cord is suddenly destroyed ; and even the crushing of a foot, in the frog. DIVISION OF THE PNEUMOGASTRIC8. 231 Experiments on the influence of the sympathetic nerves upon the heart are not quite as satisfactory as we might desire. Brachet asserts that the action of the heart is imme- diately arrested by destroying the cardiac plexus. 1 With regard to this observation, we must take into account the difficulty of making the operation, and the disturbance of the heart consequent upon the necessary manipulations ; circum- stances which take away much of its value. It has been shown pretty conclusively, however, that stimulation of the sympathetic in the neck has the effect of accelerating the pulsations of the heart. 2 The extreme difficulty of dividing all the branches of the sympathetic going to the organ leaves a doubt as to whether such an operation would definitely abridge its action. We have next to consider the influence of the pneumo- gastrics upon the heart. Experiments on these nerves are made with greater facility than on the nerves of the sympa- thetic system, and the results are much more satisfactory. Like all the cerebro-spinal nerves, the influence generated in the nervous centre from which they take their origin is conducted along the nerve, and manifested at its distribu- tion. When they are divided, we may be sure that, as far as they are concerned, all the organs which they supply are cut off from nervous influence ; and when galvanized in their course, we imitate or exaggerate the influence sent from the nervous centre. The invariable effect on the heart of division of the pneu- mogastric nerves in the neck is an increase in the frequency, and diminution in the force, of its pulsations. One or two has been known to produce this effect. In fine, this may be done by any exten- sive injury to the nervous system ; but this fact does not teach us much with regard to the physiological influences of the nerves. For example, while crush- ing of the brain arrests the heart, the brain may be removed from a living animal, and the heart will beat for days. Experiments upon the influence of the medulla oblongata and spinal cord are by no means satisfactory. 1 Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. ii., p. 612. 3 MILNE-EDWARDS, Physiologic, tomeiv., p. 156, note. 232 CIRCULATION. writers have denied this fact, but it is confirmed bj the testi- mony of nearly all experimenters. To anticipate a little in the history of the pneumogastric nerves, it may be stated that while they are exclusively sensitive at their origin, they receive after having emerged from the cranial cavity a number of filaments from various motor tierves. That they influence certain muscles, is shown by their paralysis after division of the nerves in the neck; as, for example, the arrest of the movements of the glottis. Having this double property of motion and sensation, and being distributed in part to an organ composed almost exclu- sively of muscular fibres, which, as we have seen, is not en- dowed with general sensibility, we should expect that their section would arrest, or at least diminish, the frequency of the heart's action. "What explanation, then, can we offer for the fact that this seems actually to excite the movements of the heart? We will be better prepared to answer this question after we have studied the effects of galvanization of the nerves in a living animal, or one in which the action of the heart is kept up by artificial respiration. Numerous experiments have been made with reference to the effects on the heart of galvanic currents, both feeble and powerful, passed through the pneumogastrics before division, of currents passed through the upper and lower extremities after division, etc., a full detail of which belongs properly to the physiological history of the nervous system. In this con- nection, a few of these facts only need be stated. It has been shown by repeated experiments, which we have frequently confirmed, that a moderately powerful cur- rent of galvanism passed through both pneumogastrics will arrest the action of the heart, and that the organ will cease its contractions as long as the current is continued. This experiment has been performed upon living animals, both with and without exposure of the heart. The arrest is not due to violent and continued contraction of the muscular fibres ; on the contrary, the heart is relaxed, its ventricles are GALVANIZATION OF THE PNEUMOGASTKICS. 233 flaccid, and its fibres are for the time paralyzed. The ques- tion then arises whether this action is directly exerted on the heart through the nerves, or whether an influence is conveyed to the nervous centre, and transmitted to the heart in another way. This is settled by the experiment of dividing the nerves and galvanizing alternately the extremities connected with the heart and those connected with the nervous centres. It has been ascertained that galvanization of the extremities connected with the heart arrests its action, while galvaniza- tion of the central extremities has no such effect. Another interesting fact also shows that the influence exerted upon the heart is through the motor filaments of the pneumogas- trics. It has been shown by Bernard, in a very curious series of experiments which we will not fully discuss in this connec- tion, that the woorara poison paralyzes only the motor nerves, leaving the sensory nerves intact. If we expose the heart and pneumogastric nerves in a warm-blooded animal poi- soned with this agent, and continue the pulsations by keep- ing up artificial respiration, we find that the most powerful current of galvanism passed through the pneumogastrics has no effect upon the heart. The effect of a feeble current of galvanism upon the motor nerves is so like the operation of the natural stimulus, or nervous force, that for a time many physiologists regarded the two forces as identical. Though this view is not received at the present day, it is an admitted fact that by galvanism we imitate in the closest manner the natural action of the motor nerves, and this has become a most valuable means of investigation into the physiology of the nervous system. Though galvanization of the pneumogastrics arrests the action of the heart in nearly all animals, there are some in which this does not take place, as in birds ; a fact which is stated by Bernard, 1 but for which he offers no explanation. In some experiments instituted on this subject a few years 1 BERNARD, Physiologic et Pathologie du Systeme J!Wvefore it has had time to diffuse itself suffi- ciently to interfere with the observation. It is not apparent how this objection can be overcome, for a substance must be used which will mix with the blood, otherwise it could not pass through the capillaries. The objection made by Mat- teucci, especially as it does not appear how the difficulty can be obviated, seems an unnecessary refinement ; for the ques- tion itself is not one of vital importance, on which depends an important physiological principle, but simply one to which a tolerably close approximation of the exact truth is a sufficient answer. It is interesting to know that the varied and complicated actions which we have been studying effect a single complete circuit of the. blood in about half a min- ute ; but it makes no great difference whether it be four or five seconds more or less. In this statement, we must not be understood as denying the value of the closest possible accu- racy in physiological investigations ; but it is evident that this accuracy is important in proportion to the importance of the question, in itself, and in its physiological relations. There seems no reason why, with the above restrictions, the results obtained by Hering should not be accepted, and their application, as far as possible, made to the human subject. Hering found that the rapidity of the circulation in dif- ferent animals was in inverse ratio to their size, and in direct ratio to the rapidity of the action of the heart. The following are the mean results in certain of the do- mestic animals, taking the course from jugular to jugular, when the blood passes through the lungs and through the capillaries of the face and head : In the Horse, the circulation is accomplished in 27'3 seconds. " Dog, " " 16-2 " " Goat, " 12-8 " " Rabbit, " " 6-9 "' 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, loc. cit. Vierordt found the mean rapidity in the horse GENERAL RAPIDITY. 347 Applying these results to the human subject, taking into account the size of the body and the rapidity of the heart's action, the duration of the circuit from one jugular to the other is estimated at 21*4 seconds, and the general average through the entire system, at 23 seconds. This is simply approximative ; but the results in the inferior ani- mals may be received as very nearly, if not entirely, accurate. An estimate of the time required for the passage of the whole mass of blood through the heart is even less definite than the estimate of the general rapidity of the circulation. To arrive at any satisfactory result, it is necessary to know the entire quantity of blood in the body, and the exact quantity which passes through the heart at each pulsation. If we divide the whole mass of blood by the quantity discharged from the heart with each systole of the ventricles, we ascer- tain the number of pulsations required for the passage of the whole mass of blood through the heart ; and, knowing the number of beats per minute, can ascertain the length of time thus occupied. The objection to this kind of estimate is the inaccuracy of the data respecting the quantity of blood in the system, and the quantity which passes through the heart with each pulsation. Nevertheless, an estimate can be made, which, if it be not entirely accurate, cannot be very far from the truth. The entire quantity of blood, according to estimates which seem to be based on the most reliable data, is about one-eighth the weight of the body, or eighteen pounds in a man weighing one hundred and forty-four. The quantity discharged at each ventricular systole is estimated by Yalen- tin at five ounces, and by Yolkmann at six ounces. 1 In to be 28*8 seconds. In experimenting on the crural vein, this observer found that the circulation in the lower extremities, probably from the greater length of the vessels, occupied from one to three seconds more than in the head. 1 TODD and BOWMAN, Physiological Anatomy, American edition, 1857, p. 704. 348 CIRCULATION. treating of the capacity of the different cavities of the heart, it has been noted that the left ventricle, when fully distend- ed, contains from five to seven ounces. Assuming that at each systole the left ventricle discharges all its blood, except perhaps a few drops, and that tins quantity in an ordinary- sized man is five ounces (for in the estimates of Robin and Hiffelsheim, the cavities were fully distended, and contained more than under the ordinary conditions of the circulation), it would require fifty-eight pulsations for the passage through the heart of the entire mass of blood. Assuming the pulsa- tions to be seventy-two per minute, this would occupy about forty-eight seconds. We have given elsewhere the opinions of various physiol- ogists on the quantity of blood in the body, and the capacity of the cardiac cavities, and shall not discuss the discordant views on the " duration of the circulation," as each is based on different opinions regarding the two essential questions in the problem. As the quantity of blood in the body is sub- ject to certain physiological variations, there should be cor- responding variations in the duration of the circulation, which it is unnecessary to take up fully in this connection. The almost instantaneous action of certain poisons, which must act through the blood, confirms our ideas with regard to the rapidity of the circulation. The intervals between the introduction of some agents (strychnine for example) into the circulation, and the characteristic effects on the system, have been carefully noted by Blake, 1 whose observations coincide pretty closely in their results with the experiments of Hering. The relation of the rapidity of the circulation to the fre- quency of the heart's action is a question of considerable in- terest, which was not neglected in the experiments of He- ring. It is evident that if the charge of blood sent into the arteries be the same, or nearly the same, under all circuin- 1 Edinburgh Med. and Surgical Journal, 1840, vol. liii., p. 35, and 1841, voL Ivi., p. 412. GENERAL EAPIDITr. 349 stances, any increase in the number of pulsations of the heart would produce a corresponding acceleration of the general current of blood. But this is a proposition which cannot be taken for granted; and there are many facts which favor a contrary opinion. It may be enunciated as a general rule, that when the acts of the heart increase in frequency, they diminish in force ; which renders it probable that the ven- tricle is most completely distended and emptied when its ac- tion is moderately slow. When, however, the pulse is very much accelerated, the increased number of pulsations of the heart might be sufficient to overbalance the diminished force of each act, and increase the rapidity of the circulation. Hering has settled these questions experimentally. His observations were made on horses by increasing the frequen- cy of the pulse, on the one hand, physiologically, by exercise, and on the other hand, pathologically, by inducing inflamma- tory action. He found, in the first instance, that in a horse, with the heart beating at the rate of 36 per minute, with 8 respi- ratory acts, ferro-cyanide of potassium injected into the jugu- lar appeared in the vessel on the opposite side after an inter- val of from 20 to 25 seconds. By exercise, the number of pulsations was raised to 100 per minute, and the rapidity of the circulation was from 15 to 20 seconds. The observa- tions were made with an interval of 24 hours. The same results were obtained in other experiments. 1 Here there is a considerable increase in the rapidity of the circulation fol- . lowing a physiological increase in the number of beats of the heart ; but the value of each beat is materially diminished ; otherwise the rapidity of the current would be increased about three times, as the pulse became three times as frequent. In its tranquil action, with the pulse at 36, the heart con- tracted thirteen times during one circuit of blood ; while it required twenty-nine pulsations to send the blood over the same course, after exercise, with the pulse at 100 ; showing a MILNE-EDWARDS, Lemons sur la Physiologic, tome ir., p. 371, note. 350 CIRCULATION. diminution in the value of the ventricular systole of more than one-half. In animals suffering under inflammatory fever, either spontaneous or produced by irritants, the same observer found a diminution in the rapidity of the circulation, accom- panying acceleration of the pulse. In one observation, in- flammation was produced in the horse by the injection of ammonia into the pericardium. At the commencement of the experiment, the pulse was from Y2 to 84: per minute, and the duration of the circulation about 25 seconds. The next day, with the pulse at 90, the circulation was accomplished in from 35 to 40 seconds ; and the day following, with the pulse at 100, the rapidity of the circulation was diminished to from 40 to 45 seconds. If we are justified in applying these observations to the human subject (and there is no reason why this should not be done), it is shown that when the pulse is accelerated in disease, the value of the contractions of the heart, as rep- resented by the quantity of blood discharged, bears an inverse ratio to their number; and is so much diminished as absolutely to produce a current of less rapidity than normal. "With regard to the relations between the rapidity of the heart's action and the general rapidity of the circulation, the following conclusions may be given as the result of experi- mental inquiry : 1. In physiological increase in the number of beats of the hear^ as the result of exercise, for example, the general circu- lation is somewhat increased in rapidity, though not in pro- portion to the increase in the pulse. 2. In pathological increase of the hearts action, as in febrile movement, the rapidity of the general circulation is generally diminished, it may be, to a very great extent. 3. Whenever the number of beats of the heart is consider- ably increased from any cause, the quantity of Hood dis- charged at each ventricular systole is very much diminished, CIRCULATION AFTER DEATH. 351 either from lack of complete distention, or from imperfect emptying of the cavities. 1 Phenomena in the Circulatory System after Death. -We do not believe that any one has proven the existence of a force in the capillaries or the tissues (capillary power) which materially assists the circulation during life, or produces any movement immediately after death; and shall not discuss further the extraordinary post-mortem phenomena of circu- lation, particularly those which have been observed by Dr. Dowler in subjects dead of yellow fever. 1 But nearly every autopsy shows that after death the blood does not remain equally distributed in the arteries, capillaries, and veins. Influenced by gravitation, it accumulates in and discolors the most dependent parts of the body. The arteries are always found empty, and all the blood in the body accumulates in the venous system and capillaries ; a fact which was observed by the ancients, and gave rise to the belief that the arteries, as their name implies, were air-bearing tubes. This phenomenon has long engaged the attention of phys- iologists, who have attempted to explain it by various theories. Without discussing the views on this subject an- terior to our knowledge of the great contractile power of the arteries as compared with other vessels, we may cite the ex- periment of Magendie, already referred to, 2 as offering a satisfactory explanation. If the artery and vein of a limb be exposed in a living animal, and all the other vessels be tied, compression of the artery does not immediately arrest the current in the vein, but the blood will continue to flow until the artery is entirely emptied. The artery, when relieved 1 These great variations in the value of the ventricular systole, amounting even, in the experiment on the healthy animal, to a diminution of one-half, as the result of exercise, show the uncertainty of the basis of those estimates with regard to the time required for the entire mass of blood to pass through the heart, which are calculated from the entire quantity of blood, the quantity discharged from the heart at each pulsation, and the number of pulsations per minute. 2 See page 295. 352 CIRCULATION. from the distending force of the heart, reacts on its contents by virtue of its contractile coat, and completely empties itself of blood. An action similar to this takes place after death throughout the entire arterial system. The vessels react on their contents, and gradually ^force all the blood into and through the capillaries, which are very short, to the veins, which are capacious, distensible, and but slightly contractile. This begins immediately after death, while the irritability of the muscular coat of the arteries remains, and is seconded by the subsequent cadaveric rigidity, which affects all the in- voluntary, as well as the voluntary muscular fibres. Once in the venous system, the blood cannot return on account of the valves. Thus after death the blood is found in the veins and capillaries of dependent parts of the body. CHAPTEE X. RESPIRATION. General considerations Physiological anatomy of the respiratory organs Respi- ratory movements of the larynx Epiglottis Trachea and bronchial tubes Parenchyma of the lungs Carbonaceous matter in the lungs Movements of respiration Inspiration Muscles of inspiration Action of the diaphragm Action of the scaleni Intercostal muscles Levatores costarum Auxiliary muscles of inspiration. THE characters of the blood are by no* means identical in the great divisions of the vascular system ; but thus far, phys- iologists have been able to investigate only the differences which exist between arterial and venous blood ; for the capil- laries are so short, communicating directly with the arteries on the one side and the veins on the other, that it has been impossible to obtain a specimen of blood which can be said to belong to this system. In the capillaries, however, the nutritive fluid, which is identical in all parts of the arterial system, undergoes a remarkable change, rendering it unfit for nutrition. It is then known as venous blood; and, as we have seen, the only office of the veins is to carry it back to the right side of the heart, to be sent to the lungs, where it loses the vitiating materials it has collected in the tissues, takes in a fresh supply of the vivifying oxygen, and goes to the left or systemic heart, again prepared for nutri- tion. As the processes of nutrition vary in different parts of the organism, necessarily, there are corresponding variations 23 354 RESPIRATION. in the composition of the blood throughout the venous system. The important principles which are given off by the lungs are exhaled from the blood ; and the gas which disap- pears from the air is absorbed by the blood, mainly by its corpuscular elements. A proper supply of oxygen is indispensable to nutrition, and even to the comparatively mechanical process of circula- tion ; but it is no less necessary to the vital processes that carbonic acid, which the blood acquires in the tissues, should be given off. Respiration may 1)6 defined to 1)6 the process by which the system receives oxygen, and is relieved of carbonic acid. As it is almost exclusively through the blood that the tissues and organs are supplied with oxygen, and as the blood receives and exhales most of the carbonic acid, the re- spiratory process may be said to consist chiefly in the change of venous into arterial blood. But experiments have demon- strated that the tissues themselves, detached from the body and placed in an atmosphere of oxygen, will absorb this gas and exhale carbonic acid. 1 Under these circumstances, they certainly respire, and it is evident, therefore, that in this process the intervention of the blood is not an absolute necessity. The tide of air in the lungs does not constitute respiration, as we now understand it. These organs only serve to facili- tate the introduction of air into the blood, and the exhalation of carbonic acid. If the system be drained of blood, or if the blood be rendered incapable of interchanging its gases with the air, respiration ceases, and all the phenomena of asphyxia are presented, though air be introduced into the lungs with 1 G. Liebig demonstrated that the muscles of the frog, separated from the body and carefully freed from blood, will continue to absorb oxygen and exhale carbonic acid as long as they retain their irritability. (LEHMANN, Physiological Chemistry, Philadelphia, 1855, vol. ii., pp. 247, 474.) GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 355 the utmost regularity. It must be remembered that the es- sential processes of respiration take place in all the tissues and organs of the system, and not in the lungs. Respiration is a process similar to what are known as the processes of nutrition ; and although it is much more active and uniform, as far as its products are concerned, than the ordinary nutri- tive acts, it is inseparably connected with, and strictly a part of the general process. As in the nutrition of the substance of tissues, certain principles of the blood, fibrin and albu- men, for example, united with inorganic principles, are used up, transformed into the tissue itself, finally changed into excrementious products, such as urea or cholesterine, and dis- charged from the body, so the oxygen of the blood is appro- priated, and carbonic acid, which is an excrementitious prod- uct, produced whenever tissues are worn out and regener- ated. There is a necessary and inseparable connection be- tween all these processes ; and they must be considered, not as distinct functions, but as different parts of the one great function of nutrition. As we are as yet unable to follow out all the changes which take place between the appropriation of nutritive materials from the blood, and the production of effete or excrementitious substances, it is impossible to say precisely how the oxygen is used by the tissues, and how the carbonic acid is produced. We only know that more or less oxygen is necessary to the nutrition of all tissues, in all ani- mals, high or low in the scale, and that they produce a cer- tain quantity of carbonic acid. The fact that oxygen is con- sumed with much greater rapidity than any other nutritive principle, and that the production of carbonic acid is corre- spondingly active, as compared with other effete products, points pretty conclusively to a connection between the ab- sorption of the one principle and the production of the other. In asphyxia, indeed, it is difficult to say which destroys life, the absence of oxygen or the accumulation of carbonic acid. In some of the lowest of the inferior animals, there is 356 RESPIRATION. no special respiratory organ, the interchange of gases being effected through the general surface. Higher in the animal scale, special organs are found, which are called gills, when the animals live under water and respire the air which is in solution in the water, and lung^ when the air is introduced in its gaseous form. 1 Animals possessed of lungs have a tol- erably perfect circulatory apparatus, so that the blood is made to pass continually through the respiratory organs. In the human subject and warm-blooded animals generally, the lungs are very complex, and present an immense surface by which the blood is exposed to the air, only separated from it by a delicate permeable membrane. These animals are likewise provided with a special heart, which has the duty of carrying on the pulmonary circulation. Though respiration is carried on to some extent by the general surface, the lungs are the important and essential organs in which the inter change of gases takes place. The essential conditions for respiration in animals which have a circulating nutritive fluid are : air and Nood, sepa- rated by a membrane which will allow the passage of gases. The effete products of respiration in the blood pass out and vitiate the air. The air is deprived of a certain portion of its oxygen, which passes into the blood, to be conveyed to the tissues. Thus the air must be changed to supply fresh oxygen and get rid of the carbonic acid. The rapidity of this change is in proportion to the nutritive activity of the animal and the rapidity of the circulation of the blood. 2 1 Insects have no lungs ; but the air is disseminated throughout the organism by a system of air-bearing tubes (true arteries), or tracheas, and is probably ap- propriated directly by the tissues, without the intervention of the blood. 2 The manner in which this change of air is effected in the different classes of animals constitutes one of the most interesting subjects in comparative physiology. Its study has shown how, as we pass from the lower to the higher orders of ani- mals, and the functions become more active, a division of labor takes place. Functions which in the lowest animals have no special organs, one part, as the integument or alimentary track, performing many offices, in the higher classes are assigned to special organs, which are brought to a high condition of develop- ANATOMY OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS. 357 In treating in detail of the function of respiration, it will be convenient to make the following division of the subject: 1. The mechanical phenomena of respiration ; or the pro- cesses by which the fresh air is introduced into the lungs (inspiration), and the vitiated air is expelled (expiration). 2. The changes which the air undergoes in respiration. 3. The changes which the blood undergoes in respiration. 4. The relations of the consumption of oxygen and the production of carbonic acid to the general process of nutri- tion. 5. The respiratory sense ; a want, on the part of the sys- tem, which induces the respiratory acts (besoin de respirer}. 6. Cutaneous respiration. 7. Asphyxia. The study of these questions will be facilitated by a brief consideration of some points in the anatomy of the respira- tory organs. Physiological Anatomy of the Respiratory Organs. Passing backward from the mouth to the pharynx, two openings present themselves: one, posteriorly, which leads to the oesophagus, and one, anteriorly, the opening of the larynx, which is the commencement of the passages devoted exclu- sively to respiration. The construction of the oesophagus and the air-tubes is entirely different. The oesophagus is flaccid, and destined to receive and convey to the stomach the ar- ticles of food which are introduced by the constrictions of the muscles above. The trachea and its ramifications are exclu- sively for the passage of air, which is taken in by a suction force produced by the enlargement of the thorax. The act of inhalation requires that the tubes should be kept open by ment. The perfection of organization in the higher animals seems to consist in the multiplication of organs, for the more efficient performance of the various functions. 358 RESPIRATION. walls sufficiently rigid to resist the external pressure of the air. Commencing with the larynx, it is seen that the cartilages of which it is composed are sufficiently rigid and unyield- ing to resist the pressure produced by any inspiratory effort. Across its superior opening are the yocal cords, which are four in number, and have a direction from before backwards. The two superior are called the false vocal cords, because they are not concerned in the production of the voice. The two inferior are the true vocal cords. They are ligamentous bands covered by folds of mucous membrane, which is quite thick on the superior cords, and very thin and delicate on the inferior. Anteriorly, they are attached to a fixed point between the thyroid cartilages, and posteriorly, to the movable arytenoid cartilages. Air is admitted to the trachea through an opening between the cords, which is called the rima glottidis. Little muscles, arising from the thyroid and cricoid, and attached to the arytenoid cartilages, are capable of separating and approximating the points to which the vocal cords are attached posteriorly, so as to open and close the rima glottidis. If the glottis be exposed in a living animal, certain regu- lar movements are presented which are synchronous with the acts of respiration. The larynx is widely opened at each in- spiration by the action of the muscles referred to above, so that the air has a free entrance to the trachea. At the ter- mination of the inspiratory act, these muscles are relaxed, the vocal cords fall together by their own elasticity, and in expiration, the chink of the glottis returns to the condition of a narrow slit. These respiratory movements of the glottis are constant, and essential to the introduction of air in proper quantity to the lungs. The expulsion of air from the lungs is rather a passive process, and tends in itself to sepa- rate the vocal cords ; but inspiration, which is active and more violent, were it not for the movements of the glottis, would have a tendency to draw the vocal cords together. EESPDRATOBY MOVEMENTS OF THE GLOTTIS. 359 The muscles which, are engaged in producing these move- ments are animated by the inferior laryngeal branches of the pneumogastric nerves. If these nerves be divided, the movements of the glottis are arrested, and respiration is very seriously interfered with. This is particularly marked in young animals, in which the walls of the larynx are com- paratively yielding, when the operation is frequently followed by immediate death from suffocation. The movements of the glottis enable us to understand how foreign bodies of considerable size are sometimes accidentally introduced into the air-passages. The respiratory movements of the larynx are entirely dis- tinct from those engaged in the production of the voice, and are simply for the purpose of facilitating the entrance of air in inspiration. Attached to the anterior portion of the larynx is the epi- glottis ; a little leaf-shaped lamella of fibro-cartilage, which, during ordinary respiration, projects upward, and lies against the posterior portion of the tongue. During the act of de- glutition, respiration is momentarily interrupted, and the air- passages are protected by the tongue, which presses backward carrying the epiglottis before it, completely closing the open- ing of the larynx. Physiologists have questioned whether the epiglottis be necessary for the complete protection of the air-passages ; and, repeating the experiments of Magendie, it has been frequently removed from the lower animals without apparently interfering with the proper deglutition of solids or liquids. We have been satisfied from actual experiment that a dog will swallow liquids and solids immediately after the ablation of the epiglottis, without allowing any to pass into the trachea ; but it becomes a question whether this ex- periment can be absolutely applied to the human subject. In a case of entire loss of the epiglottis, which was observed in the Bellevne Hospital, the patient experienced slight difficulty in swallowing, from the passage of little parti- cles into the larynx, which produced cough. Tljis- case 360 RESPIRATION. seemed to show that the presence of the epiglottis, in the human subject at least, is necessary to the complete protec- tion of the air-passages in deglutition. 1 Passing down the neck from the larynx toward the lungs, is a tube, from four to four an$ a half inches in length, and about three-quarters of an inch in diameter, which is called the trachea. It is provided with cartilaginous rings, from sixteen to twenty in number, which partially surround the tube, leaving about one-third of its posterior portion occupied by fibrous tissue, mixed with a certain number of unstriped muscular fibres. Passing into the chest, the trachea divides into the two primitive bronchi; the right being shorter, larger, and more horizontal than the left. These tubes, pro- vided, like the trachea, with imperfect cartilaginous rings, enter the lungs, divide and subdivide, until the minute rami- fications of the bronchial tree open directly into the air-cells. After penetrating the lungs, the cartilages become irregular, and are in the form of angular plates, which are so disposed as to completely encircle the tubes. In tubes of very small size, these plates are less numerous than in the larger bronchi, until in tubes of a less diameter than -^ of an inch, they are lost altogether. The walls of the trachea and bronchial tubes are com- posed of two distinct membranes : an external membrane, between the layers of which the cartilages are situated, and a lining mucous membrane. The external membrane is com- posed of inelastic and elastic fibrous tissue. Posteriorly, in the space not covered by cartilaginous rings, these fibres are mixed with a certain number of unstriped or involuntary muscular fibres, which exist in two layers : a thick internal layer, in which the fibres are transverse, and a thinner longi- tudinal layer, which is external. This collection of muscular fibres is sometimes called the trachealis muscle. Throughout 1 This remarkable case, in which the epiglottis had sloughed entirely away leaving the parts completely cicatrized, as demonstrated by a laryngOscopic exam- ination, will be given in eztenso in connection with the subject of deglutition. PARENCHYMA OF THE LUNGS. 361 the entire system of bronchial tubes, there are circular fasciculi of muscular fibres lying just beneath the mucous membrane, with a number of longitudinal elastic fibres. The character of the bronchi abruptly changes in tubes less than -^ of an inch in diameter. They lose the cartilaginous rings, and the external and the mucous membranes become so closely united that they can no longer be separated by dissection. The circular muscular fibres continue down to the air-cells. The mucous membrane is smooth, covered by ciliated epithelium, the movements of the ciliae being always from within out- ward, and it is provided with numerous mucous glands. These glands are of the racemose variety, and in the larynx are of considerable size. In the trachea and bronchi, racemose glands exist in the membrane on the posterior surface of the tubes ; but anteriorly are small follicles, terminating in a single, and sometimes a double, blind extremity. These follicles are lost in tubes less than -g 1 -^ of an inch in diameter. It is the anatomy of the parenchyma of the lungs which possesses the most physiological interest, for here the essential processes of respiration take place. When moderately in- flated, the lungs have the appearance of irregular cones, with rounded apices, and concave bases resting upon the diaphragm. They fill all of the cavity of the chest which is not occupied by the heart and great vessels, and are completely separated from each other by the mediastinum. In the human subject, the lungs are not attached to the thoracic walls, but are closely applied to them, each covered by a reflection of the serous membrane which lines the cavity on the corresponding side. They thus necessarily follow the movements of ex- pansion and contraction of the thorax. Deep fissures divide the right lung into three lobes, and the left lung into two. The surface of the lungs is divided into irregularly polygonal spaces, from J of an inch to an inch in diameter, which mark what are sometimes called the pulmonary lobules, though this term is incorrect, as each of these divisions includes quite a number of the true lobules. 362 "RESPIRATION. Following out the bronchial tubes from the diameter of fa of an inch, the smallest, which are from yfo to fa of an inch in diameter, open into a collection of oblong vesicles, K g. 10. which are the air- cells. Each collec- tion of vesicles con- stitutes one of the true pulmonary lo- bules, and is from fa to fa of an inch in diameter. After entering the lobule, the tube forms a sort of tortuous central canal, sending off branches which ter- minate in groups of from eight to fifteen pulmonary cells. The cells are a little deeper than they are wide, and have a rounded blind ex- tremity. Some are smooth, but many (After Eobin.) are mar k e d by little circular constrictions, or rugse. In the healthy lung of the adult, after death, they measure from -^ to T |o- or fa of an inch in diameter, but are capable of very great distention. The smallest cells are in the deep portions of the lungs, and the largest are situated near the surface. By sections of lung inflated and dried, Magendie demonstrated, a number of years ago, that there is a considerable variation in the size of the cells at different periods of life ; that the smallest cells are found in young children, and that they progres- Mould of a terminal bronchus and a group of air-cells moderately distended by injection, from the human subject. PARENCHYMA OF THE LUNGS. 363 sively increase in size with age. 1 The air-cells are sur- rounded by a great number of elastic fibres, which do not form distinct bundles for each cell, but anastomose freely with each other, so that the same fibres belong to two or more. This structure is peculiar to the parenchyma of the lungs, and gives these organs their great distensibility and elasticity, properties which play an important part in ex- pelling the air from the chest, as a consequence simply of cessation of the action of the inspiratory muscles. Inter- woven with these elastic fibres is the richest plexus of capillary blood-vessels found in the economy. The vessels are larger than the capillaries in other situations, and the plexus is so close that the spaces between them are narrower than the vessels themselves. When distended, the blood-ves- sels form the greater part of the walls of the cells. There is some difference of opinion among anatomists with regard to the lining of the air-cells. Some are of the opinion, with Rainey and Mandl, that the mucous membrane, and even the epithelium, cease in the small bronchial tubes, and the blood-vessels in the cells are uncovered. The presence of pavement epithelium has been demonstrated, however, in the cells, but the scales are detached soon after death, and cannot always be observed. All who contend for the existence of a mucous membrane admit that it is of excessive tenuity. Robin, Kolliker, and others have demonstrated in the air- cells very thin scales of pavement epithelium, from -g-^L-o- * jroVo f an i ncn i* 1 diameter, which are applied directly to the walls of the blood-vessels. 2 The epithelium here does not seem to be regularly desquamated, as in other situations. Examination of injected specimens shows that the blood-ves- sels are so situated between the cells, that the blood in the greater part of their circumference is exposed to the action of the air. 1 MAGENDIE, Memoire sur la /Structure du Poumon de THomme. Journal de Physiologic, 1821, tome i., p. V8. a KOLLIKER, Manual of Human Microscopic Anatomy, London, 1860, p. 387 ; and POUCHET, Histologie Humaine, Paris, 1864, p. 286. 364: RESPIRATION. The entire mass of venous blood is distributed in the lungs by the pulmonary artery for the purposes of aeration. Arte- rial blood is conveyed to these organs by the bronchial arte- ries, which ramify and subdivide on the bronchial tubes, and follow their course into the lyings, for the nourishment of these parts. It is possible that the tissue of the lungs may receive some nourishment from the blood conveyed there by the pulmonary artery ; but as this vessel does not send any branches to the bronchial tubes, it is undoubtedly the bron- chial arteries which supply the material for their nutrition and the secretion of the mucous glands. This is one of the anatomical reasons why inflammatory conditions of the bron- chial tubes do not extend to the parenchyma of the lungs, and vice versa. The foregoing anatomical sketch shows the admirable adaptation of the trachea and bronchial tubes to the pas- sage of the air by inspiration to the deep portions of the lungs, and the favorable conditions which it there meets with for an interchange of the elements of the air and blood. It is also evident, from the enormous number of air-cells, that the respiratory surface must be immense. 1 Carbonaceous Matter in the Lungs. The lungs of most of the inferior animals and the human subject, in early life, have a uniform rose tint ; but in the adult, and particularly in old age, they contain a greater or less quantity of black matter, which may exist in little masses, deposited here and there in the pulmonary structure, or forming lines on the 1 Hales estimated the combined surface of the air-cells at 289 square feet (Statical Essays, voL i., p. 242) ; Keill at 21,906 square inches (Essays on Several Parts of the Animal (Economy,}). 122); and Lieberkiihn at 1,500 square feet (DUNGLISON'S Human Physiology, 1856, vol. i., p. 278). There are not sufficient data on this point for us to form any thing like a reliable estimate. It is simply evident that the extent of surface must be very great. In passing from the lower to the higher orders of animals, it is seen that Nature provides for the necessity of an increase in the activity of the respiratory process, by a ished size and a multiplication of the air-cells. CARBONACEOUS MATTER IN THE LUNGS. 365 surface of the organs. The deposit is generally most abun- dant at the summit of the lungs. This matter also exists in the lymphatic glands connected with the pulmonary struc- ture, which are sometimes called the u bronchial glands." The nature of this deposit has been the subject of consider- able discussion. Some have supposed that it was connected with melanotic deposits, and consisted of ordinary pigmentary matter ; but chemical investigations have now pretty conclu- sively demonstrated that it is nothing more nor less than carbon. It exists in great abundance in the lungs of miners, who inhale great quantities of carbonaceous particles, and of those who are much exposed to the inhalation of smoke. These facts, taken in connection with its absence in young persons and the inferior animals, and its small quantity, even in old age, in those who inhabit villages and are not exposed to a smoky atmosphere, point to its introduction from with- out. The subject has been most completely and ably inves- tigated by Robin, w r ho has come to the conclusion that the matter is really carbon ; that it is introduced in fine particles in the inspired air, and that, once in the lungs, it penetrates the tissue, not by absorption, but by mechanical action, until it finds its way beneath the pleura and into the intercellular substance. From the fact that carbon is insoluble, its penetra- tion must be mechanical ; and, when found in the lymphatic- glands, it is carried there by the absorbent vessels. When it has penetrated the substance of the tissues, it can no more be removed than the tattooing beneath the skin ; indeed, the deposition in the lungs may be compared very aptly to the process of tattooing. The mechanism of its introduction is the following : The little sharp, almost microscopic, particles are inhaled and come in contact with the delicate walls of the air-cells, in which they are imbedded under a certain pressure. "When any part is subject to pressure, it is well known that it gives way by absorption, the pressure facilitating the removal of worn-out matter, but interfering with the deposition of new 366 RESPIRATION. material. These particles thus penetrate the lung substance, from which they can never be removed. They may find their way into the lymphatic vessels, but become fixed in the lymphatic glands, in which the quantity is always propor- tionate to that which exists in ihe lungs. It has been shown that the particles introduced under the skin in tattooing may also be taken up by the lymphatics, but are arrested and fixed in the glands. 1 There is no ground for the hypothesis that the carbona- ceous matter of the lungs and bronchial glands is deposited as a residue of combustion of the hydrocarbons, in the process of respiration. Movements of Respiration. In man and the warm-blooded animals' generally, the lungs attain their greatest degree of development, the sur- face which is exposed to the atmosphere is relatively great- est, and it is in these organs that nearly all of the process of interchange of gases takes place. In all animals of this class, inspiration takes place as a consequence of enlargement of the thoracic cavity, and the entrance of a quantity of air through the respiratory passages corresponding to the in- creased capacity of the lungs. In the mammalia, the chest is enlarged by the action of muscles; and in ordinary respi- ration, inspiration is an active process, while expiration is comparatively passive. In many birds, the chest is com- pressed by muscular action in expiration, and inspiration is effected in a measure by elastic ligaments. In both classes, the air is drawn into the chest to supply the space produced by its enlargement. In some of the lower orders of animals which have no ribs or sternum, or in which the thorax is immovable and there exists no division between its cavity and the abdomen, the air is forced into the lungs by an act like deglutition. In these animals (frogs, lizards, turtles, 1 The results of the investigations of Kobin are to be found in the Chimic Anatomique, by ROBIN and YERDEIL, tome iii., p. 505 et seq. INSPIRATION. 367 etc.) the respiratory acts are very infrequent ; and in some, the oxidation of the blood is more effectually performed by the general surface than by the lungs. A glance at the physiological anatomy of the thorax in the human subject makes it evident that the action of certain muscles will considerably increase its capacity. In the first place, the diaphragm mounts up into its cavity in the form of a vaulted arch. By contraction of its fibres, it is brought nearer a plane, and thus the vertical diameter of the thorax is increased. The walls of the thorax are formed by the dorsal vertebrae and ribs posteriorly, by the upper ten ribs laterally, and by the sternum and costal cartilages anteriorly. The direction of the ribs, their mode of connection with the sternum by the costal cartilages, and their articulation with the vertebral column, are such that by their movements the antero-posterior and transverse diameters of the chest may be considerably modified. Inspiration. The ribs are somewhat twisted upon themselves, and have a general direction forwards and downwards. The first rib is nearly horizontal, but the obliquity progressive- ly increases from the upper to the lower parts of the chest. They are articulated with the bodies of the vertebrae, so as to allow of considerable motion. The upper seven ribs are attached by the costal cartilages to the sternum, these cartilages running upwards and inwards. The cartilages of the eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs are joined to the cartilage of the seventh. The eleventh and twelfth are floating ribs, and are only attached to the vertebrae. It may be stated in general terms that inspiration is effect- ed by descent of the diaphragm and elevation of the ribs ; and expiration by elevation of the diaphragm and descent of the ribs. Arising severally from the lower border of each rib, and 368 RESPIRATION. attached to the upper border of the rib below, are the eleven ex- ternal intercostal muscles, the fibres of which have an oblique direction from above downwards and forwards. Attached to the inner borders of the ribs are the internal intercostals, which have a direction from above Downwards and backwards, at right angles to the fibres of the external intercostals. There are also a number of muscles attached to the thorax and spine, thorax and head, upper part of humerus, etc., which are capable of elevating either the entire chest or the ribs. These must act as muscles of inspiration when the attach- ments to the thorax become the movable points. Some of them are called into action during ordinary respiration; others act as auxiliaries when respiration is a little exagger- ated, as after exercise, and are called ordinary auxiliaries ; while others, which ordinarily have a different function, are only brought into play when respiration is excessively difficult, and are called extraordinary auxiliaries. The following are the principal muscles concerned in in- spiration : Muscles of Inspiration. ORDINARY RESPIRATION. Muscle. Attachments. Diaphragm Circumference of lower border of thorax. Scalenus Anticus Transverse processes of third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae tubercle of first rib. Scalenus Medius Transverse processes of six lower cervi- cal vertebrae upper surface of first rib. Scalenus Posticus Transverse processes of lower two or three cervical vertebras outer sur- face of second rib. External Intercostals Outer borders of the ribs. Sternal portion of Internal Intercostals . .Borders of the costal cartilages. Twelve Levatores Costarum Transverse processes of dorsal vertebrae ribs, between the tubercles and angles. ACTION OF THE DIAPHRAGM. 369 Ordinary Auxiliaries. Muscle. Attachments. Serratus Posticus Superior Ligaraentum nuchae, spinous processes of last cervival and upper two or threo dorsal vertebrae upper borders of second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs just beyond the angles. Stemo-mastoideus Upper part of sternum mastoid pro- cess of temporal bone. Extraordinary Auxiliaries. Levator Anguli Scapulse .Transverse processes of upper three or four cervical vertebrae posterior border of superior angle of the scapula. Trapezius (superior portion) Ligamentum nuchse and seventh cervical vertebra the upper border of the spine of the scapula. Pectoralis Minor Coracoid process of scapula anterior surface and upper margins of third, fourth, and fifth ribs near the cartilages. Pectoralis Major (inferior portion) Bicipital groove of humerus costal cartilages and lower part of the ster- num. Serratus Magnus Inner margin of posterior border of scap- ula external surface and upper bor- der of upper eight ribs. Action of the Diaphragm. The descriptive and general anatomy of the diaphragm gives a pretty correct idea of its functions in respiration. It arises, anteriorly, from the inner surface of the ensiform cartilage, laterally, from the inner surface of the lower borders of the costal cartilages and the six or seven inferior ribs, passes over the quadratus lumborum by the external arcuate ligament, and the psoas magnus by the internal arcuate ligament, and has two tendinous slips of origin, called crurse of the diaphragm, from the bodies of the second, third, and fourth lumbar vertebrae and the interverte- bral cartilages on the right side, and the second and third lum- bar vertebrae and the intervertebral cartilages on the left side. From this origin, which extends around the lower circumfer- 24 370 RESPIRATION. ence of the thorax, it mounts up into the cavity of the chest, forming a vaulted arch or dome, with its concavity toward the abdomen and its convexity toward the lungs. In the cen - tral portion there is a tendon of considerable size, and shaped something like the club on a^ playing card, with middle, right, and left leaflets. The remainder of the organ is com- posed of radiating fibres of the striped or voluntary muscular tissue. The oesophagus, aorta, and inferior vena cava pass through the diaphragm from the thoracic to the abdominal cavity, by three openings. The opening for the oesophagus is surrounded by muscular fibres, by which it is partially closed when the diaphragm contracts in inspiration, as the fibres simply surround the tube, and none are attached to it. The orifice for the aorta is bounded by the bone and aponeurosis posteriorly, and in front by a fibrous band to which the muscular fibres are attached; so that their con- traction has rather a tendency to increase, than diminish, the caliber of the vessel. The orifice for the vena cava is surrounded entirely by tendinous structure, and contraction of the diaphragm, though it might render the form of the orifice more nearly circular, can have no effect upon its caliber. The action of the diaphragm can be easily studied in the inferior animals by vivisections. If the abdomen of a cat, which, from the conformation of the parts, is well adapted to this experiment, be largely opened, we can observe the descent of the tendinous portion, and the contraction of the muscular fibres. The action of this muscle may be rendered more apparent by compressing the walls of the chest with the hands, so as to interfere somewhat with the movements of the ribs. In ordinary respiration, the 'descent of the diaphragm and its approximation to a plane is the chief phenomenon ob- served; but. as there is a slight resistance to the depres- sion of the central tendon, it is probable that there is also a slight elevation of the inferior ribs, the diaphragm assisting, ACTION OF THE DIAPHKAGM. 371 in a limited degree it is true, the action of the external intercostals. The phenomena referable to the abdomen, which coincide with the descent of the diaphragm, can easily be observed in the human subject. As the diaphragm is depressed, it necessarily pushes the viscera before it, and inspiration is therefore accompanied by protrusion of the abdomen. This may be rendered very marked by a forced or deep in- spiration. The action of the diaphragm maybe illustrated by a very simple yet striking experiment. In an animal just killed, after opening the abdomen, if we take hold of the structures which are attached to the central tendon, and make traction, we imitate, in a rough way, the movements of the diaphragm in respiration, and the air will pass into the lungs, sometimes with a distinctly audible sound. The effects of the action of the diaphragm upon the size of its orifices are chiefly limited to the oesophageal opening. The anatomy of the parts is such that contraction of the muscular fibres has a tendency to close this orifice. When we come to treat of the digestive system, we shall see that this is auxiliary to the action of the muscular walls of the oeso- phagus itself, by which the cardiac opening of the stomach is regularly closed during inspiration. This may become important when the stomach is much distended ; for descent of the diaphragm compresses all the abdominal organs, and might otherwise cause regurgitation of a portion of its con- tents. The contractions of the diaphragm are animated almost exclusively, if not exclusively, by the phrenic nerve ; a nerve which, having the office of supplying the most important respiratory muscle, derives its filaments from a number of sources. It arises from the third and fourth cervical nerves, receiving a branch from the fifth, and sometimes from the sixth ; it passes through the chest, penetrates the diaphragm, and is distributed to its under surface. This nerve was the 372 RESPIRATION. subject of numerous experiments by the earlier physiologists, who were greatly interested in the minutiaa of the action of the diaphragm, and other muscles, in respiration. Its gal- vanization produces convulsive contractions of the diaphragm, and its section paralyzes the muscle almost completely. It was noticed by Lower, that after section of both phrenic nerves the movements of the abdomen were reversed, and it became retracted in inspiration. 1 This is explained and illus- trated by voluntary suspension of the action of the diaphragm, and exaggeration of the costal movements. As the ribs are raised, the atmospheric pressure causes the diaphragm to mount up into the cavity of the thorax, and of course the abdominal organs follow. From the great increase in the capacity of the chest pro- duced by the action of the diaphragm, and its constant and universal action in respiration, it must be regarded as by far the most important and efficient of the muscles of inspiration. Hiccough, sobbing, laughing, and crying are produced mainly by the action of the diaphragm, particularly hic- cough and sobbing, which are produced by spasmodic con- tractions of this muscle, generally beyond the control of the will. Action of the Muscles which elevate the JRibs. /Scalene Muscles. In ordinary respiration, the ribs and the entire chest are elevated by the combined action of a number of muscles. The three scalene muscles are attached to the cervi- cal vertebrae and the first and second ribs. These muscles, which act particularly upon the first rib, must elevate with it, in inspiration, the rest of the thorax. The articulation of the first rib with the vertebral column is very movable, but it is joined to the sternum by a very short cartilage, whicli allows of very little movement, so that its elevation necessa- rily carries with it the sternum. This movement increases both the transverse and antero-posterior diameters of the 1 BERARD, Cours de Physiologic, Paris, 1851, tome iii., p. 245. ACTION OF THE SCALENI. 373 thorax, from the mode of articulation and direction of the ribs, which are somewhat rotated as well as rendered more horizontal. Perhaps there is no set of muscular actions to which as much observation and speculation have been devoted as those concerned in respiration ; and the actions of the muscles which are attached to the thorax are so complex and difficult of observation, that the views of physiologists concerning them are still somewhat conflicting. While some adopt the opinion of Haller, 1 that the first rib is almost fixed and im- movable, others contend, as did Magendie, that it is the most movable of all. 2 With regard to this point there can now, it seems, be no doubt. By putting the thumb and fin- ger on either side of thp neck over the scaleni, we can dis- tinctly feel these muscles contract with every tolerably deep inspiration (a movement which Magendie proposed to call the respiratory pulse, loo. tit.) ; and it is further evident that though in the male, in ordinary respiration, the sternum is almost motionless, in the female, and in the male, in deep inspirations, the sternum is considerably elevated and pro- jected, particularly at its lower part. This latter movement increases the antero-posterior diameter of the thorax, and can be measured with an appropriate instrument. The elevation of the sternum is necessitated by its close and almost im- movable connection, through its short cartilage, with the first rib. The action of the scaleni, while it is inconsiderable in ordinary respiration in the male, in all cases renders the first rib practically a fixed point, from which those intercostal muscles which raise the ribs can act. Intercostal Muscles. Concerning the mechanism of the action of these muscles, there is great difference of opinion among physiologists ; so much, indeed, that the author of a 1 Elementa Physiologies, Lausanne, 1761, tomus iii., p. 23. 2 Precis filementaire de Physiologic, tome ii., p. 317. 374 RESPIRATION. late elaborate work assumes that the question is still left in considerable uncertainty. 1 The most elaborate researches on this point are those of Beau and Maissiat (Archives Generates de Medecine, 1843), and Sibson (Philosophical Transactions, 1846). The latter seem to settle the question of the mode of action of the intercostals, and explain satisfactorily certain points which even now are not generally appreciated. 2 Let us first note the changes which take place in the direction of the ribs, and their relation to each other, in inspiration, before considering the way in which these move- ments are produced. In the dorsal region, the spinal column forms an arch with its concavity toward the chest, and the ribs increase in length progressively, from above downwards, to the deepest portion of the arch, where they are longest, and then become progressively shorter. " During inspiration the ribs approach to or recede from each other according to the part of the arch with which they articulate ; the four superior ribs approach each other anteriorly and recede from each other posteriorly ; the fourth and fifth 'ribs, and the intermediate set (sixth, seventh, and eighth), move further apart to a moderate, the diaphragmatic set (four inferior), to a great extent. The upper edge of each of these ribs glides toward the vertebrae in rela- tion to the lower edge of the rib above, with the exception of the lowest rib, which is stationary." 3 These movements, accurately and admirably described by Sibson, and illustrated by drawings of the chest, empty, 1 LONGET, Traite de Physiologic, Paris, 1861, tome i., p. 629. a Sibson's article is the most complete ever published upon the mechanism of respiration. The action of the respiratory muscles was observed in vivisections, and the mechanism by which the capacity of the thorax is modified is illustrated in the most ingenious manner by mechanical contrivances, representing the posi- tion, etc., of the ribs, and their movements. By dilating the chest after death, also, he shows the change which takes place in the direction of the ribs and the consequent shortening of certain muscles, which, he assumes, must act as muscles of inspiration, a fact which he has taken care to verify by vivisections. 8 SIBSON, op. cit. t p. 529. INTEECOSTAL MUSCLES. 375 Dorsal Eegion. Expiration. Inspiration. Anterior Eegion of the Thorax. Inspiration. Expiration. FIG. 14. Inspiration. 376 KESPIRA.TION. as in expiration, and distended with air, increase the antero posterior and transverse diameters of the thorax. As the ribs are elevated and become more nearly horizontal, they must push forward the lower portion of the sternum. Their configuration and mode of artioulation with the vertebrae are such, that they cannot be elevated without undergoing a con- siderable rotation, by which the concavity looking directly toward the lungs is increased, and with it the lateral diameter of the chest. All the intercostal spaces posteriorly are widen- ed in inspiration. These points are clearly illustrated in the accompanying diagrams. 1 The ribs are elevated by the action of the external inter- costals, the sternal portion of the internal intercostals, and the levatores costarum. The external intercostals are situated between the ribs only, and are wanting in the region of the costal cartilages. As the vertebral extremities of the ribs are the pivots on which these levers move, and the sternal extremities are movable, the direction of the fibres of the intercostals, from above downwards and forwards, renders elevation of the ribs a necessity of their contraction ; if it can be assumed that the first rib is fixed, or at least does not move downwards. The scalene muscles elevate the first rib in ordinary inspiration ; and in deep inspiration, this takes place to such an extent as to palpably carry with it the sternum and the lower ribs. Theoretically, then, the external intercostals can do nothing but render the ribs more nearly horizontal. The action of these muscles has, however, been the subject of considerable controversy, on theoretical grounds. We shall discuss the question chiefly from an experimental point of view. If the external intercostals be exposed in a living animal, the dog for example, in which the costal type of respiration is very marked, close observation cannot fail to convince any one that these muscles enter into action in inspiration. This 1 SIBSON, loc. cit INTEECOSTAL MUSCLES. 377 fact has been observed by Sibson and many other physiolo- gists. If attention be now directed to the sternal portion of the internal intercostals, situated between the costal cartilages, their fibres having a direction from above downwards and backwards, it is equally evident that they enter into action with inspiration. By artificially inflating the lungs after death, Sibson confirmed these observations, and showed that when the lungs are filled with air, the fibres of these muscles are shortened. In inspiration the ribs are all separated pos- teriorly ; but laterally and anteriorly, some are separated (all below the fourth), and some are approximated (all above the fourth). Thus all the interspaces, excepting the anterior por- tion of the upper three, are widened in inspiration. Sibson lias shown by inflation of the chest, that though the ribs are separated from each other, the attachments of the intercostals are approximated. The ribs, from an excessively oblique position, are rendered nearly horizontal; and consequently the inferior attachments of the intercostals are brought nearer the spinal column, while the superior attachments on the upper borders of the ribs are slightly removed from it. Thus these muscles are shortened. If, by separating and elevating the ribs, the muscles are shortened, shortening of the muscles will elevate and separate the ribs. In the three superior interspaces, the constant direction of the ribs is nearly hori- zontal, and the course of the intercostal fibres is not as oblique as in those situated between the lower ribs. These spaces are narrowed in inspiration. The muscles between the costal cartilages have a direction opposite to that of the external intercostals, and act upon the ribs from the sternum, as the others do from the spinal column. The superior interspace is narrowed, and the remainder are widened, in inspiration. The probable explanation of the great difference of opin- ion with regard to the action of the intercostals is the diffi- culty of comprehending, at the first blush, that the contrac- tion of muscles situated between the ribs can separate them from each other ; a phenomenon which is easily understood 378 RESPIRATION. after a careful consideration of the relative position of the parts. Xevatores Costarum. The action of these muscles cannot be mistaken. They have imnaovable points of origin, the transverse processes of twelve vertebrae from the last cervical to the eleventh dorsal, and, spreading ont like a fan, are at- tached to the upper edges of the ribs between the tubercles and the angles. In inspiration they contract and assist in the elevation of the ribs. They are more developed in man than in the inferior animals. Auxiliary Muscles of Inspiration. The muscles which have just been considered are competent to increase the ca- pacity of the thorax sufficiently in ordinary respiration ; there are certain muscles, however, which are attached to the ches* and the upper part of the spinal column, or upper extremities, which may act in inspiration, though ordinarily the chest is the fixed point, and they move the head, neck, or arms. These muscles are brought into action when the movements of respiration are exaggerated. When this exaggeration is but slight and physiological, as after exercise, certain of them (ordinary auxiliaries) act for a time, until the tranquillity of the movements is restored. But when there is obstruction in the respiratory passages, or when respiration is excessively difficult from any cause, threatening suffocation, all the muscles which can by any possibility raise the chest are brought into action. The principal ones are put down in the table under the head of extraordinary auxiliaries. Most of these muscles can voluntarily be brought into play to raise the chest, and the mechanism of their action can in this way be demonstrated. Serratus Posticus Superior. This muscle arises from the ligamentum nuchse, the spinous processes of the last cervical and upper two or three dorsal vertebras, its fibres passing AUXILIARY MUSCLES OF mSPIEATION. 379 obliquely downwards and outwards, to be attached to the upper borders of the second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs just beyond their angles. By reversing its action, as we have re- versed the description of its origin and insertions, it is capable of increasing the capacity of the thorax. Sibson has seen this muscle contract in inspiration, in the dog and the ass. 1 Sterno-mastoideus. That portion of the muscle which is attached to the mastoid process of the temporal bone and the sternum, when the head is fixed, is capable of acting as a muscle of inspiration. It does not act in ordinary respira- tion, but its contractions can be readily observed whenever respiration is hurried or exaggerated. The following muscles, as a rule, only act as muscles of inspiration when respiration is exceedingly difficult or la- bored. In certain cases of capillary bronchitis, for example, the anxious expression of the countenance betrays the sense of impending suffocation ; the head is thrown back and fixed, the shoulders are braced, and every available muscle is brought into action to raise the walls of the thorax. 2 Levator Anguli Scapulae and Superior Portion of the Trapezius. Movements of the scapula have often been ob- served in very labored respiration. Its elevation during in- spiration is chiefly effected by the levator angnli scapulae and the upper portion of the trapezius. The former arises from the transverse processes of the upper three or four cer- vical vertebrae, and is inserted into the posterior border of the scapula below the angle. It is a thick flat muscle, and when the neck is the fixed point, assists in the elevation of the thorax by raising the scapula. The trapezius is a broad flat muscle arising from the occipital protuberance, part of the superior curved line of the occipital bone, the ligamentum 1 Op. tit., p. 521. 2 Under these circumstances, some muscles which we have not thought it ne- cessary to enumerate may act indirectly as muscles of inspiration. 380 RESPIRATION. michae, and the spinous processes of the last cervical and all the dorsal vertebrae, to be inserted into the upper border of the spine of the scapula. Acting from its attachments to the occiput, the ligamentum nuchse, the last cervical vertebra, and perhaps one or two of the. dorsal vertebrae, this muscle may elevate the scapula and assist in inspiration. Pectoralls Minor and Inferior Portion of the Pectoralis Major. These muscles act together to raise the ribs in diffi- cult respiration. The pectoralis minor is the more efficient. Tracing it from its attachment to the coracoid process of the scapula, its fibres pass downwards and forwards to be attached by three indigitations to the external surface and upper mar- gins of the third, fourth, and fifth ribs, just posterior to the cartilages. With the coracoid process as the fixed point, this muscle is capable of powerfully assisting in the elevation of the ribs. That portion of the pectoralis major which is at- tached to the lower part of the sternum and costal cartilages is capable of acting from its insertion into the bicipital groove of the humerus, when the shoulders are fixed, in con- cert with the pectoralis minor. In great dyspnoea, it is fre- quently observed that the shoulders are braced, the pectorals acting most vigorously to raise the walls of the chest. Serratus Magnus. This is a broad thin muscle covering a great portion of the lateral walls of the thorax. Attached to the inner margin of the posterior border of the scapula, its fibres pass forwards and downwards, and are attached to the exter- nal surface and upper borders of the eight superior ribs. Acting from the scapula, this muscle is capable of assisting the pectorals in raising the ribs, and becomes a powerful aux- iliary in difficult inspiration. We have thus considered the functions of the principal inspiratory muscles, without taking up those which have an insignificant or undetermined action. In many animals the nares are considerably distended in inspiration; and in the AUXILIARY MUSCLES OF INSPIRATION. 381 horse, winch does not respire by the mouth, these movements are as essential to life as are the respiratory movements of the larynx. In man, as a rule, the nares undergo no movement unless respiration be somewhat exaggerated. In very diffi- cult respiration the mouth is opened at each inspiratory act. "We have not thought it necessary to treat of the action of those muscles which serve to fix the head, neck, or shoulders in dyspnoea. The division into muscles of ordinary inspiration, ordi- nary auxiliaries, and extraordinary auxiliaries, must not be taken as absolute. In the male, in ordinary respiration, the diaphragm, intercostals, and levatores costarum are the great inspiratory muscles, and the action of the scaleni, with the consequent elevation of the sternum, is commonly very slight, or perhaps wanting. In the female, the movements of the upper parts of the chest are very marked, and the scaleni, the serratus posticus superior, and sometimes the sterno-mastoid, are brought into action in ordinary respiration. In the vari- ous types of respiration, the action of the muscles engaged in ordinary respiration necessarily presents considerable varia- tions. CHAPTER XI. MOVEMENTS OF EXPIRATION. Influence of the elasticity of the pulmonary structure and walls of the chest- Muscles of expiration Internal intercostals Infra-costales Triangularis ster- ni Action of the abdominal muscles in expiration Types of respiration Abdominal type Inferior costal type Superior costal type Frequency of the respiratory movements Relations of inspiration and expiration to each other The respiratory sounds Coughing Sneezing Sighing Yawning Laugh- ing Sobbing Hiccough Capacity of the lungs and the quantity of air changed in the respiratory acts Residual air Reserve air Tidal, or breathing air Complemental air Extreme breathing capacity Relations in volume of the expired to the inspired air Diffusion of air in the lungs. THE air is expelled from the lungs, in ordinary expiration, by a simple and comparatively passive process. The lungs contain a great number of elastic fibres surrounding the air- cells and the smallest ramifications of the bronchial tubes, which give them great elasticity. "We can form an idea of the extent of elasticity of these organs, by simply removing them from the chest, when they collapse and become many times smaller than the cavity which they before completely filled. The thoracic walls are also very elastic, particularly in young persons. After the muscles which increase the capacity of the thorax cease their action, the elasticity of the costal cartilages and the tonicity of muscles which have been put on the stretch, will restore the chest to what we may call its passive dimensions. This elasticity is likewise capable of acting as an inspiratory force when the chest has been com- EXPIRATION. 383 pressed in any way. There are also certain muscles, the action of which is to draw the ribs downward, and which, in tranquil respiration, are antagonistic to those which elevate the ribs. Aside from this, many operations, such as speak- ing, blowing, singing, etc., require powerful, prolonged, or complicated acts of expiration, in which numerous muscles are brought into play. Expiration may be considered as depending upon two causes : 1. The passive influence of the elasticity of the lungs and the thoracic walls. 2. The action of certain muscles, which either diminish the transverse and antero-posterior diameters of the chest by depressing the ribs and sternum, or the vertical diameter by pressing up the abdominal viscera behind the diaphragm. Influence of the Elasticity of the Pulmonary Structure and Walls of the Chest. It is easy to understand the in- fluence of the elasticity of the pulmonary structure in expi- ration. From the collapse of the lungs when openings are made in the chest, it is seen that even after the most complete expiration, these organs have a tendency to expel part of their gaseous contents, which cannot be fully satisfied until the chest is opened. They remain partially distended, from the impossibility of collapse of the thoracic walls beyond a certain point ; and by virtue of their elasticity, they exert a suction force upon the floor of the thorax, the diaphragm, causing it to form a vaulted arch or dome above the level of the lower circumference of the chest. When the lungs are collapsed, the diaphragm hangs loosely between the abdominal and thoracic cavities. In inspiration and in expiration, then, the relations between the lungs and diaphragm are reversed. In inspiration, the descending diaphragm exerts a suction force on the lungs, drawing them down ; in expiration, the elastic lungs exert a suction force upon the diaphragm drawing it up. This antagonism is one of the causes of the great power 384 RESPIRATION. of the diaphragm as an inspiratoiy muscle. Carson, in 1820, 1 was the first to note the relation of the elasticity of the lungs to the expulsion of air. Introducing a IT tube partly filled with water into the trachea of an animal just killed, and securing it by a ligature, this ^bserver noted a considerable pressure on opening the chest ; equal in the calf, sheep, or dog to a column of water of from 12 to 18 inches, and in the cat or rabbit, from 6 to 10 inches. 2 The elasticity of the lungs operates chiefly upon the dia- phragm in reducing the capacity of the chest ; for the walls of the thorax, by virtue of their own elasticity, have a reac- tion which succeeds the movements produced by the inspi- ratory muscles. A simple experiment, which we have often performed in public demonstrations, illustrates the chief ex- piratory influence of the elasticity of the lungs. If, in an animal just killed, we open the abdomen, seize hold of the vena cava as it passes through the diaphragm, and make traction, we imitate the action of this muscle sufficiently to produce at times an audible inspiration ; on loosing our hold, we have expiration, as it is in a measure accomplished in natural respiration, by virtue of the resiliency of the lungs, carrying the diaphragm up into the thorax. Though this is the main action of the lungs themselves in expiration, their relations to the walls of the thorax are important. By virtue of their elasticity, they assist the pas- sive collapse of the chest. When they lose this property to any considerable extent, as in vesicular emphysema, they offer a notable resistance to the contraction of the thorax ; so much, indeed, that in old cases of this disease the movements are much restricted, and the chest presents a characteristic 1 Philosophical Transactions, 1820. 2 If, after noting the elevation in the liquid due to the elasticity of the lungs, these organs be stimulated by means of a current of galvanism, the liquid will gradually rise, in obedience to the contractions of the muscular elements of the bronchial tubes. This slow contraction, characteristic of the non-striated muscu- lar fibres, does not intervene in the physiological phenomena of expiration, but the action of these fibres is important in certain cases of disease. EXPIRATION. 385 rounded and distended appearance. In some of these cases the elasticity of the lungs is so far lost, that when the chest is opened after death, they are actually protruded, instead of collapsed. 1 Little more need be said concerning the passive move- ments of the thoracic walls. When the action of the inspi- ratory muscles ceases, the ribs regain their oblique direction, the intercostal spaces are narrowed, and the sternum, if it have been elevated and drawn forward, falls back to its place by the simple elasticity of the parts. Action of Muscles in Expiration. The following are the principal muscles concerned in expiration : Muscles of Expiration. ORDINAEY RESPIRATION. Muscle. Attachments. Osseous portion of Internal Intercostals. .Inner borders of the ribs. Infra-costales Inner surfaces of the ribs. Triangularis Sterni Ensiform cartilage, lower borders of sternum, lower three or four costal cartilages cartilages of the second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs. 1 In old cases of emphysema, the chest generally becomes rounded and dis- tended, presenting constantly the appearance which it has in forced inspiration. This is explained in the following way : Emphysema is generally preceded and accompanied by a difficulty in respiration, from some cause which is more or less constant. This gives rise to frequent violent movements of inspiration, when the lungs and chest are distended to their utmost capacity. In this condition, expi- ration is difficult, and the chest collapses but imperfectly. Gradually, as the per- manent dilatation of the air-cells gains ground, the lungs lose their elasticity, and offer considerable resistance to the collapse of the thoracic walls. But difficult breathing, and consequent violent elevation of the ribs, becomes more and more frequent; the chest is constantly dilated, the lungs following, of course, but refus- ing to collapse in expiration, until the chest becomes permanently distended. In this condition, the lungs press downward, as well as laterally, and the movements of the diaphragm are considerably restricted. 25 386 RESPIRATION. Auxiliaries. Attachments. Obliquus Externus External surface and inferior borders of eight inferior ribs the anterior Half of the crest of the ileum, Pou- part's ligament, linea alba. Obliquus Internus Outer half of Poupart's ligament, ante- rior two-thirds of the crest of the ileum, lumbar fascia cartilages of four inferior ribs, lineal alba, crest of the pubis, pectineal line. Transversalis Outer third of Poupart's ligament, ante- rior two-thirds of the crest of the ileum, lumbar vertebrae, inner sur- face of cartilages of six inferior ribs crest of the pubis, pectineal line, linea alba. Sacro-lumbalis Sacrum angles of the six inferior ribs. Internal Intercostals. The internal intercostals have dif- ferent functions in different parts of the thorax. They are attached to the inner borders of the ribs and costal cartilages. Between the ribs they are covered by the external intercos- tals, but .between the costal cartilages are simply covered by aponeurosis. Their direction is from above downwards and backwards, at right angles to the external intercostals. The function of that portion of the internal intercostals situ- ated between the costal cartilages has already been noted. They assist the external intercostals in elevating the ribs in inspiration. Between the ribs these muscles are directly an- tagonistic to the external intercostals. They are more nearly at right angles to the ribs, particularly in that portion of the thorax where the obliquity of the ribs is greatest. The ob- servations of Sibson have shown that they are elongated when the chest is distended, and shortened when the chest is collapsed. This fact, taken in connection with experiments on living animals, shows that they are muscles of expiration. Their contraction tends to depress the ribs, and consequentlv INFKA-COSTALES TRIANGULAKIS STEENI. 387 to diminisli the capacity of the chest. If we bring an ani- mal, a dog for example, completely under the influence of ether, expose the walls of the chest, dissect off the fascia from some of the external intercostals, then remove carefully a portion of one or two of these muscles so as to expose the fibres of the -internal intercostals, it is not difficult, on close examination, to observe the antagonism between the two sets of muscles ; one being brought into action in inspiration and the other in expiration. Infra-costales. These muscles, situated at the posterior part of the thorax, are variable in size and number. They are most common at the lower part of the chest. Their fibres arise from the inner surface of one rib to be inserted into the inner surface of the first, second, or third rib below. The fibres follow the direction of the internal intercostals, and acting from their lower attachments, their contractions assist these muscles in drawing down the ribs. Triangularis Sterni. There has never been any doubt concerning the expiratory function of the triangularis sterni. From its origin, the ensiform cartilage, lower borders of the sternum, and lower three or four costal cartilages, it acts upon the cartilages of the second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs, to which it is attached, drawing them downwards, and thus diminishing the capacity of the chest. The above-mentioned muscles are called into action in ordinary tranquil respiration, and their sole function is to diminish the capacity of the chest. In labored or difficult expiration, and in the acts of blowing, phonation, etc., other muscles, which are called auxiliaries, play a more or less important part. These muscles all enter into the formation of the walls of the abdomen, and their general action in expiration is to press the abdominal viscera and diaphragm into the thorax, and diminish its vertical diameter. Their action is voluntary ; and by an effort of the will it may be 388 RESPIKATION. opposed more or less by the diaphragm, by which means the duration or intensity of the expiratory act is regulated. They are also attached to the ribs or costal cartilages, and while they press up the diaphragm, depress the ribs, and thus diminish the antero-postemr and transverse diameters of the chest. In this action they may be opposed by the voluntary action of the muscles which raise the ribs, also for the purpose of regulating the character of the expiratory act. The importance of this kind of action in declamation, singing, blowing, etc., is evident; and the skill exhibited by vocalists and performers on wind instruments shows how delicately this may be regulated by practice. In labored respiration in disease, and in the hurried respiration after violent exercise, the auxiliary muscles of ex- piration, as well as of inspiration, are called into action to a considerable extent. Obliquus Externus. This muscle, in connection with the obliquus internus and transversalis, is efficient in forced or labored expiration, by pressing the abdominal viscera against the diaphragm. Its fibres run obliquely from above downwards and forwards. Acting from its attachments to the linea alba, crest of the ileum, and Poupart's ligament, by its attachment to the eight inferior ribs, it draws the ribs downwards. ObliquiCs Internus. This muscle also acts in forced expi- ration by compressing the abdominal viscera. The direction of its fibres is from below upwards and forwards. Acting from its attachments to the crest of the ileum, Poupart's lig- ament, and the lumbar fascia, by its attachments to the carti- lages of the four inferior ribs, it draws them downwards. The direction of the fibres of this muscle is the same as that of the internal intercostals. By its action the ribs are drawn inwards as well as downwards. Transversalis. The expiratory action of this muscle is mainly in compressing the abdominal viscera. TYPES OF RESPIRATION. 389 Sacro-lwnbalis. This muscle is situated at the posterior portion of the abdomen and thorax. Its fibres pass from its origin at the sacrum, upwards and a little outwards, to be inserted into the six inferior ribs at their angles. In expira- tion it draws the ribs downwards, acting as an antagonist to the lower levatores costarum. There are some other muscles which may be brought into action in forced expiration, assisting in the depression of the ribs ; such as the serratus posticus inferior, the superior fibres of the serratus magnus, the inferior portion of the trapezius ; but their function is unimportant. 1 Types of Respiration. In the expansive movements of the chest, though all the muscles which have been classed as ordinary inspiratory muscles are brought into action to a greater or less extent, the fact that certain sets may act in a more marked manner than others has led physiologists to recognize different types of respiration. Following Beau and Maissiat, three types are generally given in works on physiology : 2 1. The Abdominal type. In this, the action of the dia- phragm, and the consequent movements of the abdomen, are most prominent. 2. The' Inferior Costal type. In this, the action of the muscles which expand the lower part of the thorax, from the seventh rib inclusive, is most prominent. 3. The Superior Costal type. In this, the action of the muscles which dilate the thorax above the seventh rib, and which elevate the entire chest, is most prominent. 1 It is uncertain whether the straight muscles of the abdomen are ever con- cerned hi expiration. From their situation, it might be supposed that they would have some action in the more violent phenomena of expiration, such as sneezing, toughing, crying, etc. ; but Beau and Maissiat, who have investigated these ques- tions very carefully, state that in dogs they have never seen these muscles act, even in the most violent efforts. (Archives Generates^ 4th series, vol. iii.) 8 Loc. cit. 390 RESPIRATION. The abdominal type is most marked in children under the age of three years, irrespective of sex. In them, respira- tion is carried on almost exclusively by the diaphragm. At a variable period after birth, a difference in the types of respiration in the sexes begins to show itself. In the male the abdominal, conjoined with th inferior costal type, is pre- dominant, and continues thus through life. In the female the inferior costal type is insignificant, and the superior costal type predominates. Observers differ in their statements of the period when this distinction in the sexes becomes appa- rent. Haller states that he observed a difference in children less than a year old. Beau and Maissiat state that after the age of three years the superior costal type begins to be marked in the female. Sibson states that no great difference is ob- servable before the age of ten or twelve years. 1 Without discussing the nice question as to the exact age when this difference in the sexes first makes its appearance, it may be stated in general terms, that shortly before the age of pu- berty, in the female, the superior costal type becomes more marked, and soon predominates ; while in the male, respira- tion continues to be carried on mainly by the diaphragm and lower part of the chest. The cause of the excessive movements of the upper part of the chest in the female has been the subject of considerable discussion. It is evident that it is not due to the mode of dress now so general in civilized countries, which confines the lower part of the chest, and would render movements of ex- pansion somewhat difficult, for the same phenomenon is ob- served in young girls, and others who have never made use of such appliances. But there is evidently a physiological condition, the enlargement of the uterus in gestation, which at certain times would nearly arrest all respiratory move- ments, excepting those of the upper part of the chest. The peculiar mode of respiration in the female is a provision of Nature against the mechanical difficulties which would other- 1 LONGET, Traite de Physiologie, Paris, 1861, tome i., p. 617- FREQUENCY OF RESPIRATORY MOVEMENTS. 391 wise follow the physiological enlargement of the uterus. In pathology it is observed that, in consequence of this peculiar- ity, females are able to carry, without great inconvenience, immense quantities of water in the abdominal cavity ; while a much smaller quantity, in the male, produces great distress from difficulty of breathing. 1 Frequency of the Respiratory Movements. In counting the respiratory acts, it is desirable that the subject be uncon- scious of the observation, otherwise their normal character is apt to be disturbed. Of all who have written on this sub- ject, Hutchinson presents the most numerous and convincing collection of facts. This observer ascertained the number of respiratory acts per minute, in the sitting posture, in 1,897 males. The results of his observations, with reference to fre- quency, are given in the following table : a Bespirations per minute. Number of cases. From 9 to 16 79 16 239 17 105 18 195 19 74 20 561 21 129 22 143 23 42 24 243 24 to 40 87 Though this table shows considerable variation in differ- ent individuals, the great majority (1,Y31) breathed from six- teen to twenty-four times per minute. Nearly a third breathed twenty times per minute, a number which may be taken as the average. 1 Modifications of the types of respiration by disease are frequently very marked. In peritonitis, when movements of the diaphragm would be productive of excessive pain, the abdominal type may be wholly suppressed. In the early stages of acute pleurisy, the affected side may become nearly or quite motionless. a Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. iv., part ii., p. 1085. 392 RESPIRATION. The relations of the respiratory acts to the pulse are quite constant in health. It has been shown by Hutchinson that the proportion in the great majority of instances is one re- spiratory act to every four pulsations of the heart. The same proportion generally obtains when the pulse is accelerated in disease, except when the pulmonary organs are involved. Age has an influence on the frequency of the respiratory acts, corresponding with what we have already noted with regard to the pulsations of the heart. Quetelet gives the following as the results of observations on 300 males : 44 respirations per minute soon after birth ; 26, at the age of five years ; 20, at the age of fifteen to twenty years ; 19, at the age of twenty to twenty-five years ; 16, about the thirtieth year ; 18, from thirty to fifty years. The influence of sex is not marked in very young chil- dren. The same observer noted no difference between males and females at birth ; but in young women the respirations are a little less frequent than in young men of the same The various physiological conditions which have been noted as affecting the pulse have a corresponding influence on respiration. In sleep the number of respiratory acts is diminished about twenty per cent (Quetelet). Muscular ef- fort accelerates the respiration pari passu with the move- ments of the heart. Relations of Inspiration and Expiration to each other. The Respiratory Sounds. In ordinary respiration, inspira- tion is produced by the action of muscles, and expiration, in greatest part, by the passive reaction of the elastic walls of the thorax and the lungs. The inspiratory and expiratory acts do not immediately follow each other. Commencing 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, Lemons de Physiologic, tome ii., pp. 482, 483. RELATIONS OF INSPIRATION AND EXPIRATION. 393 with inspiration, it is found that this act maintains about the same intensity from its commencement to its termination; there is then a very brief interval, when expiration follows, which has its maximum of intensity at the commencement of the act, and gradually dies away. 1 Between the acts of ex- piration and inspiration is an interval, somewhat longer than that which occurs after inspiration. The duration of expiration is generally somewhat greater than that of inspiration, though they may be nearly, or in some instances quite, equal. After from five to eight ordinary respiratory acts, one generally occurs which is rather more profound than the rest, and by which the air in the lungs is more effectually changed. The temporary arrest of the acts of respiration in all violent muscular efforts, in straining, in parturition, etc., is familiar to all. Ordinarily respiration is not accompanied by any sound which can be heard without applying the ear directly, or by the intervention of a stethoscope, to the respiratory organs ; excepting when the mouth is closed, and breathing is carried on exclusively through the nasal passages, when a soft, breezy murmur accompanies both acts. If the mouth be sufficiently opened to admit the free passage of air, no sound is to be heard in health. In sleep, the respirations are un- usually profound ; and if the mouth be closed, the sound is rather more intense than usual. Snoring, a peculiar sound, more or less marked, which sometimes accompanies the respiratory acts during sleep, oc- curs when the air passes through both the mouth and the nose. It is more marked in inspiration, sometimes accom- panying both acts, and sometimes not heard in expiration. It is not necessary to describe the characters of a sound so 1 la listening to the respiratory murmur over the substance of the lungs, the expiratory follows the inspiratory sound without an interval (see p. 395). The interval between the acts of inspiration and expiration is only appreciated as the air passes in and out at the mouth. 394: EESPIEATION. familiar. Snoring is an idiosyncrasy with many individuals, though those who do not snore habitually may do so when the system is unusually exhausted and relaxed. It only oc- curs when the mouth is open, and the sound is produced by a vibration, and sort of flapping, of the velum pendulum pa- lati between the two currents of air from the mouth and nose, together with a vibration in the column of air itself. The auscultatory phenomena which accompany the act of respiration have been made the subject of special experimen- tal observations by Dr. Flint, who, from carefully recorded examinations of a large number of healthy persons, has ar- rived at the following conclusions : 1 Applying the stethoscope over the larynx or trachea, a sound is heard, of a distinctly and purely tubular character, accompanying both acts of respiration. In inspiration, " it attains its maximum of intensity quickly after the develop- ment of the sound, and maintains the same intensity to the close of the act, when the sound abruptly ends, as if sudden- ly cut off." After a brief interval, the sound of expiration follows. This is also tubular in quality ; it soon attains its maximum of intensity, but, unlike the sound of inspiration, gradually dies away and is lost imperceptibly. It is seen that these phenomena correspond with the nature of the two acts of respiration. Sounds approximating in character to the foregoing are heard over the bronchial tubes before they penetrate the lungs. Over the substance of the lungs, a sound may be heard entirely different in its character from that heard over the larynx, trachea, or bronchial tubes. In inspiration, the sound is much less intense than over the trachea, and has a breezy, expansive, or what is called in auscultation a vesicular char- acter. It is much lower in pitch than the tracheal sound. It 1 FLINT, Physical Exploration and Diagnosis of Diseases affecting the Respi- ratory Organs, Philadelphia, 1856, p. 137 et seq. We give but a brief summary of these results, which are specially applied to auscultation iu disease. COUGHING, SNEEZING, ETC. 395 is continuous, and rather increases in intensity from its com- mencement to its termination; ending abruptly, like the tracheal inspiratory sound. The sound is produced in part by the movement of air in the small bronchial tubes, but chiefly by the expansion of the innumerable air-cells of the lungs. It is followed, without an interval, by the sound of expiration, which is shorter, one-fifth to one-fourth as long, lower in pitch, and very much less intense. A sound is not always heard in expiration. In fifteen examinations record- ed by Dr. Flint, five presented no expiratory sound. The variations in the intensity of the respiratory sounds in different individuals are very considerable. As a rule they are more intense in young persons; which has given rise to the term puerile respiration, when the sounds are exaggerated in parts of the lung, in certain cases of disease. The sounds are generally more intense in females than in males, particularly in the upper regions of the thorax. It is difficult by any description or comparison to convey an accurate idea of the character of the sounds heard over the lungs and air-passages ; and it is superfluous to make the attempt, when they can be so easily studied in the living subject. Coughing^ /Sneezing, Sighing, Yawning, Laughing, Sobbing, and Hiccough. These peculiar acts demand a few words of explanation. Coughing and sneezing are generally involuntary acts, produced by irritation in the air-tubes or nasal passages ; though cough is often voluntary. In both of these acts there is first a deep inspiration, followed by convulsive action of the expiratory muscles, by which the air is violently expelled with a characteristic sound, in the one case by the mouth, and in the other by the mouth and nares. Foreign bodies lodged in the air-passages are frequently expelled in violent fits of coughing. In hypersecretion of the bronchial mucous 396 RESPIRATION. membrane, the accumulated mucus is carried by the act of coughing either to the mouth, or well into the larynx, whence it is expelled by the act of expectoration. When either of these acts is the result of irritation, either from a foreign substance or secretions, it may be modified or partly smothered by the will, but is not completely under control. The exquisite sensibility of the mucous membrane at the summit of the air-passages, under most circumstances, protects them from the entrance of foreign matter, both liquid and solid ; for the slightest impression received by the membrane gives rise to a violent and involuntary cough, by which the offending matter is removed. The glottis is also spasmodically closed. In sighing, a prolonged and deep inspiration is followed by a rapid and generally audible expiration. This occurs, as a general rule, once in every five to eight respiratory acts, for the purpose of changing the air in the lungs more com- pletely, and is due to an exaggeration of the cause which gives rise to the ordinary acts of respiration. "When due to depressing emotions, it has the same cause ; for at such times, respiration is less effectually performed. Yawning is an analogous process, but differs from sighing in the fact that it is involuntary, and cannot be produced by an effort of the will. It is characterized by a wide opening of the mouth, and a very profound inspiration. Yawning is generally assumed to be an evidence of fatigue, but it often occurs from a sort of contagion. When not the result of imitation, it has the same exciting cause as sighing, viz., defi- cient oxygenation of the blood, and is followed by a sense of satisfaction, which shows that it meets some decided want on the part of the system. Laughing and sobbing, though expressing opposite condi- tions, are produced by very much the same mechanism. The characteristic sounds accompanying these acts are the result of short, rapid, and convulsive movements of the dia- phragm, accompanied by contractions of the muscles of the CAPACITY OF THE LUNGS. 397 face, which produce the expressions characteristic of hilarity or grief. Though to a certain extent under the control of the will, they are mostly involuntary. Yiolent and convul- sive laughter may be excited in many individuals by titilla- tion of certain portions of the surface of the body. Laugh- ter and sometimes sobbing, like yawning, may be the result of involuntary imitation. Hiccough is a peculiar modification of the act of inspira- tion, to which it is exclusively confined. It is produced by a sudden, convulsive, and entirely involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, accompanied by a spasmodic constriction of the glottis. The contraction of the diaphragm is more exten- sive than in laughing and sobbing, and occurs only once in four or five respiratory acts. The causes which give rise to hiccough are numerous, and many of them are referable to the digestive system. Among these may be mentioned the rapid ingestion of a quantity of dry food, or of effervescing or alcoholic drinks. It occurs frequently in cases of disease. Capacity of the Lungs, and the Quantity of Air changed in the Respiratory Acts. Several points of considerable physiological interest arise in this connection. It is evident from the simple experiment of opening the chest, when the elastic lungs collapse and ex- pel a certain quantity of air which cannot be removed while the lungs are in situ, that a part of the gaseous contents of these organs necessarily remains after the most complete and forcible expiration. After an ordinary expiration, there is a certain quantity of air in the lungs which can be expelled by a forced expiration. In ordinary respiration, a comparatively small volume of air is introduced with inspiration, which is expelled by the succeeding expiration. 1 By the extreme action 1 Experiments have shown that a certain volume of air is lost in the lungs, the expired air being a little less in volume than the quantity inspired (from Vu to o 1 ^). This is not taken into account in this connection. RESPIRATION. of all the inspiratory muscles in a forced inspiration, a sup- plemental quantity of air may be introduced into the lungs, which then contain much more than they ever do in ordi- nary respiration. For convenience, many physiologists have adopted the following names, which are applied to these various volumes of air : 1. Residual Air / that which is not, and cannot be, ex- pelled by a forced expiration. 2. Reserve Air ; that which remains after an ordinary expiration, deducting the residual air. 3. Tidal, or ordinary Breathing Air / that which is changed by the ordinary acts of inspiration and expiration. 4. Complemented Air / the excess over the ordinary breathing air, which may be introduced by a forcible inspi- ration. The questions relating to the above divisions of the re- spired air have been made the subject of numerous investiga- tions ; but though at first it might seem, easy to determine all of them by a sufficient number of experiments, the necessary observations are attended with considerable difficulty, and the sources of error are numerous. In measuring the air changed in ordinary breathing, it has been found that the acts of res- piration are so easily influenced by the mind, and it is so difficult to experiment on any individual without his knowl- edge, that the results of many good observers are not to be relied upon. This is one of the most important of the ques- tions under consideration. The difficulties in the way of estimating with accuracy the residual, reserve, or comple- mental volumes, will readily suggest themselves. The ob- servations on these points, which may be taken as the most definite and exact, are those of Herbst of Gottingen, and Hutchinson of England. 1 Those of the last-named observer 1 A summary of the observations of Herbst, made in 1828, is to be found in the Archives Generates de Medecine, tome xxi., p. 412. The observations of Hutch- RESERVE AIR. 399 are exceedingly elaborate, and were made on an immense number of subjects of both sexes, and of all ages and occupa- tions. They are generally accepted by physiologists as the most extended and accurate. Residual Air. Perhaps there is not one of the questions under consideration more difficult to answer definitely than that of the quantity of air which remains in the lungs after a forced expiration ; but fortunately it is not one of any great practical importance. The residual air remains in the lungs as a physical necessity. The lungs are always, in health, in contact with the walls of the thorax ; and when this cavity is reduced to its smallest dimensions, it is impossible that any more air should be expelled. The volume which thus remains has been variously estimated at from 40 cubic inches (Fontana) to 220 cubic inches (Jurin). Dr. Hutchinson, who has carefully considered this point, estimates the residual volume at about 100 cubic inches, but states that it varies very considerably in different individuals. Taking every thing into consideration, we may assume this estimate to be as nearly correct as any. It is certain that the lungs of a man of ordinary size, at their minimum of distention, contain more than 40 cubic inches of air ; and from measurements of the capacity of the thorax, deducting the estimated space occupied by the heart and vessels and the parenchyma of the lungs, it is shown that the residual air cannot amount to any thing like 200 cubic inches. 1 There is no special division of the function of res- piration connected with the residual air. It remains in the lungs merely as a physical necessity, and its volume must not be taken into account in considering the volumes inson are contained in extemo in the Cyclopcedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. iv., part 1, article Thorax. 1 Hutchinson found the mean absolute capacity of the thorax to be 312 cubic inches. He allows 100 cubic inches for the heart and blood-vessels, and 100 for the parenchyma of the lungs, leaving about 100 for the residual volume Op. cit., p. 1067. 400 RESPIRATION. which are changed in any of the operations connected with breathing. Air. This name is appropriately given to the volume of air which may be expelled and changed by a vol- untary effort, but which remains in the lungs, added to the residual air, after an ordinary act of expiration. It may be estimated, without any reference to the residual air, by for- cibly expelling air from the lungs, after an ordinary expira- tion. The average volume is 100 cubic inches. 1 The reserve air is changed whenever we experience a necessity for a more complete renovation of the contents of the lungs than ordinary. It is encroached upon in the unu- sually profound inspiration and expiration which occur every five or six acts. It is used in certain prolonged vocal efforts, in blowing, etc. Added to the residual air, it constitutes the minimum capacity of the lungs in ordinary respiration. As it is con- tinually receiving watery vapor and carbonic acid, it is always more or less vitiated ; and when reen forced by the breathing air, which enters with inspiration, is continually in circulation, in obedience to the law of the diffusion of gases. Those who are in the habit of arresting respiration for a time, as the pearl-diver, learn to change the reserve air as completely as possible by several forcible acts, and then fill the lungs with fresh air. In this way they are enabled to suspend the re- spiratory acts for from one to two minutes without inconven- ience. The introduction of the fresh air with each inspira- tion, and the constant diffusion which is going on, and by which the proper quantity of oxygen finds its way to the air- cells, gives, in ordinary breathing, a composition to the air in the deepest portions of the lungs which insures a constant aeration of the blood. The slight difference in the rapidity of oxidation between inspiration and expiration is only suffi- cient to give rise to the involuntary reflex acts of respiration, 1 HUTCHINSON, IOC. df. COMPLEMENTAL AIR. 401 and is not sufficiently marked to produce any sensation, such as is experienced when respiration is in the slightest degree interrupted. Tidal, or Ordinary Breathing Air. The volume of air which is changed in the ordinary acts of respiration is subject to immense physiological variations, and the respira- tory movements, as regards intensity, are so easily influenced by the mind, that great care is necessary to avoid error in estimating the volume of ordinary breathing air. The esti- mates of Herbst and of Hutchinson are the results of very extended observations made with great care, and are gener- ally acknowledged to be as nearly accurate as possible. As a mean of these observations, it has been found that the average volume of breathing air, in a man of ordinary stat- ure, is 20 cubic inches. According to Hutchinson, in perfect repose, when the respiratory movements are hardly percep- tible, not more than from 7 to 12 cubic inches are changed ; while, under excitement, he has seen the volume increased to 77 cubic inches. Of course the latter is temporary. 1 Herbst noted that the breathing volume is constantly increased in proportion to the stature of the individual, and bears no defi- nite relation to the apparent capacity of the chest. Complemental Air. The thorax may be so enlarged by an extreme voluntary inspiratory effort, as to contain a quan- tity of air much larger than after an ordinary inspiration. The additional volume of air thus taken in may be estimated by measuring all the air which can be expelled from the lungs after the most profound inspiration, and deducting the sum of the reserve air and breathing air. This quantity has been found by Hutchinson to vary in different individuals, bearing a close relation to stature. The mean complemental volume is 110 cubic inches. The complemental air is drawn upon whenever an effort 1 We have not thought it worth while to enumerate the varied estimates found in works on physiology, which are not based on extended experimental inquiry * 26 402 RESPIRATION. is made which requires a temporary arrest of respiration. Brief and violent muscular exertion is generally preceded by a profound inspiration. In sleep, as the volume of breathing air is somewhat increased, the complemental air is encroached upon. A part or the whole of the complemental air is also used in certain vocal efforts, in blowing, in yawning, in the deep inspiration which precedes sneezing, in straining, etc. Summary. In a healthy male of medium stature, the residual air, which cannot be expelled from the lungs, amounts to about 100 cubic inches. The reserve air, which can be expelled, but which is not changed in ordinary respiration, amounts to about 100 cubic inches. The tidal air, which is changed in ordinary respiration, amounts to about 20 cubic inches. The complemental air, which may be taken into the lungs after the completion of an ordinary act of inspiration, amounts to about 110 cubic inches. 1 1 In Robin's Journal de V Anatomic et de la Physiologie, Sept. 1864, p. 523 et seg.j we find an article by Dr. Nestor Grehant, on the physical phenomena of respiration in man, which contains some novel and interesting observations on the capacity of the lungs, volume of breathing air, etc. The volumes of air are estimated by a process which is exceedingly ingenious, and apparently accurate ; but the number of observations is very small compared with those of Hutchinson, and in estimating the capacity of the lungs, he does not take into consideration the very decided influence of stature. The method employed is essentially the following : It having been demonstrated by Regnault and Reiset that hydrogen intro- duced into the lungs is not absorbed by the blood, the author, taking advantage of the well-known property of gases, by which they form a uniform mixture when brought hi contact with each other, caused the subjects of his experiments to re- spire a measured volume of hydrogen often enough to make the mixture uniform, and estimates, by analysis of the expired air, the quantity which remains in the lungs, which is necessarily represented by the volume of hydrogen lost. He as- certained by experiments that five respirations of the gas caused a perfect mixture. By this method he estimates the normal capacity of the lungs after an ordi- nary expiration (the sum of the residual and reserve air), at from 133*65 to 191*51 cubic inches, in men between 17 and 30 years of age (p. 554). EXTREME BREATHING CAPACITY. 403 Extreme Breathing Capacity. By the extreme breathing capacity is meant the volume of air which can be expelled from the lungs by the most forcible expiration, after the most profound inspiration. This has been called by Dr. Hutchin- son the vital capacity r , as signifying "the volume of air which can be displaced by living movements." Its volume is equal to the sum of the reserve air, the breathing air, and the complemental air, and represents the extreme capacity of the chest, deducting the residual air. Its physiological interest is due to the fact that it can readily .be determined by an appropriate apparatus, the spirometer, 1 and compari- sons can thus be made between different individuals, both healthy and diseased. The number of observations on this point made by Dr. Hutchinson is enormous, amounting in all to little short of five thousand. The extreme breathing capacity in health is subject to variations which have been shown to bear a very close rela- tion to the stature of the individual. Hutchinson com- mences with the proposition that in a man of medium height (5 feet 8 inches\ it is equal to two hundred and thirty cubic inches. He has shown that the extreme breathing capacity is constant in the same individual, and that it is not to be increased by habit or practice. The most striking result of the experiments of Dr. Hutchinson, with regard to the modifications of the vital ca- The tidal or breathing air, he estimates at 30 cubic inches. The observations of Dr. Grehant are as yet so few in number that we prefer to adhere to the results of the greatly extended observations of Hutchinson ; though the new method is very ingenious, and further experiments will probably lead to important results. 1 The spirometer consists of a vessel containing water, out of which a receiver is raised by breathing into it through a tube ; the height to which the receiver is raised indicating the volume of the vital capacity (Cyclop, of Anat. and Phys., vol. iv., part 2, p. 1068). In all the observations of Dr. Hutchinson, he has taken care to see that the level of the water was the same in the receiver and the reser- voir, and to carefully correct the volumes of air for temperature. All observa- tions were made with the subject erect, and every thing carefully avoided which could interfere with the free action of the respiratory muscles. 404 RESPIRATION. pacity, is that it bears a definite relation to stature, without being affected in a very marked degree by weight, or the circumference of the chest. This is especially remarkable, as it is well known that height does not depend so much upon the length of the body, as the length of the lower extremities. It has been ascertained that for every inch in height, 'be- tween five and six feet, the extreme breathing capacity is in- creased eight cubic inches. The following table shows the mean results of the im- mense number of observations on which this conclusion is based : l Progression of the Vital Capacity Volume with the Stature. si Joo en 1 g* o 2 o 2 **"* *-* Height. s| 5|| |H o ^fi 6 feet inches ) K ? , , . , r o " V inch. 1st result 175-0 3d result. 176-0 174-0 5 4 [ 5 " 3 " 188-5 191-0 190-0 5 4 [K K 5 6 f 5 206-0 207-0 206-0 S fi ) 5 s k-:.-.i" 222-0 228-0 222-0 50 i L K M Q " 5 10 " f. 237-5 241-0 238-0 5 10 " Is 11 6 " j" 5 254-5 258-0 254-0 Mean of all Heights. . . . 214-0 217-0 214-0 Age has an influence, though less marked than stature, upon the extreme breathing capacity. As the result of 4,800 1 Op. cit., p. 1072. The increase in breathing capacity, pari passu witn an increase in height, was mentioned by Herbst (loc. cit.\ but Hutchinson was the first to make any extended observations, and give any definite information on this point. EXTREME BREATHING CAPACITY. 405 observations (males), it was ascertained that the volume in- creases with age up to the thirtieth year, and progressively decreases, with tolerable regularity, from the thirtieth to the sixtieth year. These figures, though necessarily subject to certain indi- vidual variations, may be taken as the basis for examinations of the extreme breathing capacity in disease, which frequently give important information. Of course, the breathing capa- city is modified by any abnormal condition which interferes with the mobility of the thorax, or the dilatability of the lungs. Of all diseased conditions, phthisis pulmonalis is the most interesting in this connection. With regard to the significance of the variations in this disease, Dr. Hutchinson has arrived at the following conclusions : " It has been found that ten cubic inches below the due quantity, i. e., 220 instead of 230' inches, need not excite alarm ; but there is a point of deficiency in the breathing volume at which it is difficult to say whether it is merely one of those physiological differences dependent on a certain irregularity in all such observations, or deficiency indicative of disease. A deficiency of 16 per cent, is suspicious. A man below 55 years of age breathing 193 cubic inches instead of 230 cubic inches, unless he is excessively fat, is probably the subject of disease. " In phthisis pulmonalis the deficiency may amount to 90 per cent., and yet life be maintained. The vital capacity volume is likewise a measure of improvement. A phthisical patient may improve so as to gain 40 upon 220 cubic inches." Herbst has shown l that the extreme breathing capacity is diminished by obesity ; that it is proportionally less in females than in males, and in children than in adults. Relations in Volume of the Expired to the Inspired Air. A certain proportion of the inspired air is lost in respira- tion, so that the air expired is always a little less in volume 406 RESPIRATION. than that which is taken into the lungs. All the older ex- perimenters, except Magendie, were agreed upon this point. The loss was put by Davy at -fa, and by Cuvier at -^ of the amount of air introduced. 1 Observations on this point, to be exact, must include a considerable number of respiratory acts ; and from the difficulty of continuing respiration in a perfectly regular and normal manner, when the attention is di- rected to that function, the most accurate results may prob- ably be obtained from experiments on animals. Despretz a caused six young rabbits to respire for two hours in a con- fined space containing 299 cubic inches of air, and ascertained that the volume had diminished 61 cubic inches, or a little more than one-fiftieth. "We may take the approximations of Davy and Cuvier, as applied to the human subject, as nearly correct, and assume that in the lungs, from -fa to -^ of the inspired air is lost. Diffusion of Air in the Lungs. When it is considered that with each inspiration but about twenty cubic inches of fresh air is introduced, sufficient only to fill the trachea and larger bronchial tubes, it is evident that some forces must act by which this fresh air finds its way into the air-cells, and the vitiated air is brought into the larger tubes, to be expelled with the succeeding expiration. The expired air may be- come so charged with noxious gases, by holding the breath for a few seconds, that when collected in a receiver under water, it is incapable of supporting combustion. The interchange between the fresh air in the upper portions of the respiratory apparatus and the air in the deeper parts of the lungs is constantly going on, in obedience to the well- known law of the diffusion of gases, aided by the active cur- rents or impulses produced by the alternate movements of the chest. When two gases, or mixtures of gases, of different densities are brought in contact with each other, they diffuse 1 BERABD, Cours de Physiologic, Paris, 1851, tome iii., p. 338, 3 Idem. DIFFUSION OF AEB IN THE LUNGS. 407 or mingle with great rapidity, until, if undisturbed, the whole mass has a uniform density and composition. This has been shown to take place between very light and very heavy gases in opposition to the laws of gravity, and even when two res- ervoirs are connected by a small tube many feet in length, though then it proceeds quite slowly. In the respiratory ap- paratus, at the termination of inspiration, the atmospheric air, composed of a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen, is intro- duced into the tubes with a considerable impetus, and is brought into contact with the gas in the lungs, which is much heavier, as it contains a considerable quantity of car- bonic acid. Diffusion then takes place, aided by the elastic lungs, which are gradually forcing the gaseous contents out of the cells, until a certain portion of the air loaded with carbonic acid finds its way to the larger tubes, to be thrown off in expiration, its place being supplied by the fresh air. In obedience to the law established by Graham, that the diffusibility of gases is inversely proportionate to the square root of their densities, the penetration of atmospheric air, which is the lighter gas, to the deep portions of the lungs would take place with greater rapidity than the ascent of the air charged with carbonic acid ; so that 81 parts of carbonic acid should be replaced by 95 of oxygen. 1 It is found, in- deed, that the volume of carbonic acid exhaled is always less than the volume of oxygen absorbed. This diffusion is constantly going on, so that the air in the pulmonary vesicles, where the interchange of gases with the blood takes place, maintains a pretty uniform composi- tion. The process of aeration of the blood, therefore, has none of that intermittent character which attends the me- chanical processes of respiration, which would undoubtedly occur if the entire gaseous contents of the lungs were changed with every act. There is no evidence sufficiently definite to show that the muscular fibres in the bronchial tubes, which are of the un- 3 Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. iv., part 1, p. 362, 408 RESPIRATION. striped variety, and slow and gradual in their contraction, have any thing to do with the diffusion of gases in the lungs ; nor is it probable that any marked influence is exerted by the movements of the cilioe which cover the mucous mem- brane. CHAPTEK XII. CHANGES WHICH THE AIR UNDERGOES IN RESPIRATION. General considerations Discovery of carbonic acid Discovery of oxygen Com- position of the air Consumption of oxygen Influence of temperature In- fluence of sleep Influence of an increased proportion of oxygen in the atmos- phere Temperature of the expired air Exhalation of carbonic acid Influence of age Influence of sex Influence of digestion Influence of diet Influence of sleep Influence of muscular activity Influence of moisture and tem- perature Influence of seasons Relations between the quantity of oxygeii consumed and the quantity of carbonic acid exhaled Exhalation of watery vapor Exhalation of ammonia Exhalation of organic matter Exhalation of nitrogen. FROM the allusions which have already been made to the general process of respiration, it is apparent, that before the discovery of the nature of the gases which compose the air and those which are exhaled from the lungs, it was impossible for physiologists to have any correct ideas of the nature of this important function. It is not surprising that the ancients, observing the regular introduction of air into the lungs, and noting the fact that the air is generally much cooler than the body, supposed the great object of respiration to be the cool- ing of the blood. It is also evident that no definite knowl- edge of any of the processes of respiration could exist prior to the discovery of the circulation of the blood. Though it is foreign to our purpose to treat historically of the theories concerning any of the functions of the body, the facts relating to changes in the respired air, which from 410 KESPEBATION. time to time have been developed, bear so close a relation to discoveries of the properties of certain gases, particularly carbonic acid and oxygen, that it seems desirable to give at least a rapid sketch of these discoveries, and follow the ad- vances in our knowledge of thg processes of respiration, with which they are necessarily connected. 1 In the latter part of the fifteenth century, Leonardo da Yinci, the great painter, mathematician, and naturalist, made a discovery which conclusively proved the fallacy of the idea that the air simply cooled the blood in respiration. He dis- covered that fire consumed the air, and that animals could not live in a medium which was incapable of supporting combustion. This is the first statement in the history of science which points to the fact that the function of the air in respiration depends on its composition, and not on its physical properties. About the middle of the seventeenth century, Yan Hel- mont discovered some of the properties of what is now known as carbonic acid gas. He showed that a gas, the result of fermentation, or of the combustion of carbon, and formed by the action of vinegar on certain carbonates, was incapable of supporting combustion or maintaining animal life. He rec- ognized this as the gas which is found in the lower part of the celebrated Grotto del Cane, near Naples, into which a man may enter with impunity, but which will asphyxiate a small animal, as it is brought under the influence of the lower strata. A few years later (1670), Boyle, the founder of the Royal Society of London, by some experiments published in the Philosophical Transactions, attempted to show that air was necessary to the life of all animals, even those which live under water. In a remarkable paper entitled /Suspicions about some Hidden Qualities of the Air, he pointed to the 1 The reader is referred to the elaborate "work of MILNE-EDWARDS (Legons sur la Physiologic, tome i., p. 375 et seq.) for a complete and highly interesting history of the physiology of respiration, from which we have taken most of the historical facts to which reference will be made. CHANGES IN THE AIR IN RESPIRATION. 411 probable existence of some unknown vital substance in the atmosphere. A few years later it was demonstrated by Ber- noulli, that the existence of aquatic animals depends upon air held in solution in the water. About this time Robert Hooke performed his celebrated experiment of exposing the lungs of a living animal, and maintaining the vital processes by artificial respiration. He demonstrated that asphyxia occurred when he ceased to change the air in the lungs, though these organs were allowed to remain distended. Fracassati also showed that the red color of the upper surface of a clot of blood was due to its exposure to the air ; and Lower, examining the blood before and after its passage through the lungs, in artificial respiration, showed that the red color of arterial blood depends on the renewal of the atmosphere. In 1667, Mayow published his work on Eespiration, in which he advanced the view that the air contained a princi- ple, capable of supporting combustion, which is absorbed in respiration, changes venous into arterial blood, and is the cause of the heat which is developed in animal bodies. 1 The importance of this discovery was not appreciated by the phys- iologists of that day ; and it was more than a century before it received its appropriate place in science. In 1757, Joseph Black, of Glasgow, isolated and studied carbonic acid, which he called fixed air. He recognized this gas in the expired air, by passing the breath through lime- 1 We find the following passage in an analysis of the work of MAYOW on Res piration, published in the Philosophical Transactions, 1668, p. 833 : " The author * * * delivers his thoughts on the use of Respiration, waving those opinions, that would have respiration either to cool the heart, or make the Bloud pass through the Lungs out of the right ventricle of the heart to the left, or to reduce the thicker venal blood into thinner and finer parts ; and affirming, That there is something in the Air, absolutely necessary to life, which is conveyed into the Bloud; which, whatever it be, being exhausted, the rest of the air is made useless, and no more fit for Respiration. Where yet he doth not exclude this use, That with the expelled Air, the vapors also, steaming out of the Bloud, are thrown out together." 412 RESPIRATION. water. It is evident that this was the gas which was ob- served so many years before by Yan Helmont. In 1775, Priestley discovered that the air is composed of oxygen and nitrogen, though he did not make use of these names; and a few years latei^ showed that air which has been vitiated by the respiration of animals is consumed by vegetables, which return the elements necessary to the life of animals. In a paper published in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1776, he proved that the change in the color of the blood in the lungs is due to the absorption of the newly discovered oxygen ; and showed, furthermore, that the inter- change of gases between the air and the blood can take place through membranes, as readily as when the two fluids are brought directly in contact with each other. 1 The discoveries above enumerated, though all bearing on the great question, were simply isolated facts, and failed to develop any definite idea of the changes of the air and blood in respiration. The application of these facts was made by the great chemist Lavoisier ; who was the first to employ the delicate balance in chemical investigation, and whose obser- vations mark the beginning of an accurate knowledge of the function of respiration. With the balance, Lavoisier showed the nature of the oxides of the metals ; he discovered that carbonic acid is formed by a union of carbon and oxygen ; and, noting the consumption of oxygen and the production of carbonic acid in respiration, advanced, for the first time, the view that the one was employed in the production of the 1 BERARD attributes the discovery of oxygen to Bayen (op. cit., tome iii., p. 328). It is true that Bayen in 1774 evolved oxygen by heating the red oxide of mercury, but he simply saw a gas given off, the nature and properties of which he did not describe. Priestley first published his discovery of oxygen, with a descrip- tion of certain of its important properties, in the same year; and because he thus described properties which distinguish this from every other gas, to Priestley is generally, and justly, ascribed the honor of its discovery. Scheele, in Sweden, obtained and described oxygen (" the air of fire ") shortly after it had been ob- tained by Priestley, without the knowledge that his discovery had been anticipated. His work was published in 1777. COMPOSITION OF THE ADJ. 413 other. Though, as should naturally be expected, the doc- trines of this great observer have been modified with the advances in science, he developed facts which will stand for- ever, and which have served as the starting point of all our knowledge on this subject. From that time physiol- ogists began to look on respiration as consisting in the appro- priation of oxygen and the exhalation of carbonic acid; and now the seat of this process is only changed from the lungs to the tissues. From the limited knowledge of the intimate phenomena of nutrition which obtained in his day, Lavoisier could not be expected to entertain any other view than that the carbonic acid produced was the result of the direct union of oxygen with carbon in the blood. It is only since investigations have made manifest the great complexity of the processes of nutrition, that some are unwilling to be- lieve that carbonic acid is produced in as simple a way as it appeared to Lavoisier. 1 Composition of the Air. Pure atmospheric air is a mechanical mixture of 79*19 parts of nitrogen with 20'81 parts of oxygen (Dumas and Boussingault). 2 It contains in addition a very small quantity of carbonic acid, about one part in 2,000 by volume, and traces of ammonia. The air is never free from moisture, which is very variable in quan- tity, being generally more abundant at a high than at a low temperature. In 1840, Schonbein discovered in the air a pecu- liar odorous principle called ozone, which he conceived to be a compound of oxygen and hydrogen (HO 3 ), but which is now pretty well shown to be an allotropic form of oxygen. The 1 The applications of the discoveries of Lavoisier to the production of animal heat will be taken up in connection with that phenomenon. a Some chemists suppose that the oxygen and nitrogen in the air are in a con- dition of feeble chemical combination. However that may be, it is certain that in respiration it is the oxygen which is absorbed by the blood, and which carries on the function. The nitrogen seems to act simply as a diluent, thus providing that the blood in the lungs shall be exposed to but a certain quantity of the re- spiratory principle. 4:14: RESPIRATION. oxygen which is obtained by decomposing water by the Yol- taic pile is in this condition. It exists in very small quantity in the air, and plays no part in the function of respiration. Its chief interest has been in a theoretical connection with epidemic diseases. 1 Floating ii the atmosphere are a num- ber of excessively minute organic bodies. Yarious odor- ous and other gaseous matter may be present as accidental constituents. In considering the function of respiration, it is not neces- sary to take account of any of the constituents of the atmos- phere, except oxygen and nitrogen ; the others being either inconstant, or existing in excessively minute quantity. It is necessary to the regular performance of the function that the air should contain about four parts of nitrogen to one of oxygen, and have about the density which exists on the gen- eral surface of the globe. When the density is very much increased, as in mines, respiration is somewhat, though not gravely, disturbed. By exposure to a rarefied atmosphere, as in the ascent of high mountains or in aerial voyages, respira- tion may be very seriously interfered with, from the fact that less oxygen than usual is presented to the respiratory surface, and the reduced atmospheric pressure diminishes the capa- city of the blood for holding gases in solution. Magendie and Bernard, in experimenting on the minimum proportion of oxygen in the air which is capable of sustaining life, found that a rabbit, confined under a bell-glass with an arrangement for removing the carbonic acid and water ex- 1 Ozone may be formed bypassing electric discharges through the ordinary at- mosphere, or through oxygen. Its proportion in the air is supposed to be much increased in storms which are accompanied by electric phenomena. Schonbein exposed animals to the action of this substance. A dog, confined for an hour in a bell-glass, into which ozone was passed, died, though it was estimated that he absorbed only about *03 of a grain. An examination showed the lungs in a con- dition of acute inflammation. M. de la Kive, who has also experimented upon it, compares its action on the respiratory organs to that of chlorine (BERNARD, JLefOns sur les Effete des /Substances Toxiques et Medicamenteuses, Paris, 1857, p. 150). COMPOSITION OF THE AIR. 415 haled, as fast as they were produced, died of asphyxia when the quantity of oxygen became reduced to from 3 to 5 per cent. 1 Following Lavoisier, the Abbe Spallanzani, 2 by researches on a great number of animals of all classes, demonstrated the universal necessity of air, either in a gaseous condition or in solution in liquids, throughout the animal kingdom. A few experiments are on record in which the human subject and animals have been made to respire for a time pure oxygen. Though this is the gas which is essential in ordinary respiration, the process being carried on about as well in a mixture of oxygen with hydrogen as with nitrogen, the functions do not seem to be much altered when the pure gas is taken into the lungs. Some authors state that its pro- longed inhalation exaggerates the function for a time, and that inflammation of the lungs and death follow its pro- longed use ; while the experiments of others show that it is harmless. Allen and Pepys confined animals for twenty- four hours in an atmosphere of pure oxygen, without any notable results ; 3 but, as is justly remarked by Longet, these experiments do not show that it would be possible to respire unmixed oxygen indefinitely without inconvenience. As it exists in the air, oxygen is undoubtedly in the best form for the permanent maintenance of the respiratory function. The blood seems to have a certain capacity for the absorp- tion of oxygen, which is not increased when the pure gas is presented. The only other gas which has the power of maintaining respiration, even for a time, is nitrous oxide. This is ab- sorbed by the blood-corpuscles with great avidity, and for a time produces an exaggeration of the vital processes, with delirium, etc. properties which have given it the common 1 BERNARD, op. cit., p. 115. a SPALLANZANI, Memoires sur la Respiration, traduits en Fran$ais cFapres son manuscrit in'edit, 1803. * LONGET, Traite de Physiologic, Paris, 1861, tome i., p. 458. 416 RESPIRATION. name of the " laughing gas " ; but this condition is followed by anaesthesia, and finally asphyxia, probably because the gas has such an affinity for the blood-corpuscles as to re- main to a certain extent fixed, interfering with the inter- change of gases which is essential to life. Notwithstanding this, experimenters have confined rabbits and other animals in an atmosphere of nitrous oxide for a number of hours. In all cases they became asphyxiated, but in some instances were restored on being brought again into the atmosphere. 1 Other gases which may be introduced into the lungs either produce asphyxia, negatively, from the fact that they are not absorbed by the blood and are incapable of carrying on respiration, like hydrogen or nitrogen, or positively, by a poisonous effect on the system. The most important of the gases which act as poisons are, carbonic oxide, sulphuretted hydrogen, and arseniuretted hydrogen. It is somewhat un- certain whether carbonic acid exerts its deleterious influence as a poison, or as merely taking the place of the oxygen in the blood-corpuscles. It is easily displaced from the blood by oxygen, and therefore does not seem to possess the prop- erties of a poison, like carbonic oxide, and some other gases, which become fixed in the blood, and are not readily dis- placed when fresh air is introduced into the lungs. Consumption of Oxygen. The determination of the quantity of oxygen which is removed from the air by the process of respiration is a question of great physiological in- terest, and one which engaged largely the attention of La- voisier and those who have followed in his line of observa- tion. On this point there is an accumulated mass of observations which are comparatively unimportant, from the fact that they were made before the means of analysis of the gases were as perfect as they now are. Though many of the results obtained by the older experimenters are interesting and instructive, as showing the comparative quantities of 1 LONGET, op. dt., tome i., p. 460. CONSUMPTION OF OXYGEN. 417 i oxygen consumed under various physiological conditions, they are not to be compared with the more recent observations, particularly those of Kegnault and Eeiset, Valentin and Brun- ner, Dumas, Andral and Gavarret, Scharling, and Edward Smith, with regard to the absolute quantity of oxygen made use of in respiration. In the observations of Regnault and Reiset, the animal to be experimented upon was enclosed in a receiver filled with air, a measured quantity of oxygen was introduced as fast as it was consumed by respiration, and the carbonic acid was constantly removed and carefully esti- mated. In most of the experiments, the confinement did not appear to interfere with the functions of the animal, which ate and drank in the apparatus, and was in as good condition at the termination as at the beginning of the observation. This method is infinitely more accurate than that of simply causing an animal to breathe in a confined space, when the consumption of oxygen and accumulation of carbonic acid and other matters must interfere more or less with the proper performance of the respiratory function. This is known as the direct method of investigating the changes in the air pro- duced by respiration. As employed by Regnault and Reiset, it is only adapted to experiments on animals of small size. These give but an approximative idea of the processes as they take place in the human subject, as it is natural to suppose that the relative quantities of gases consumed and produced in respiration vary in different orders of animals-. 1 1 In Robin's Journal de TAnatomie et de la Physiologic, July, 1864, tome i., p. 429, we find an analysis of researches on respiration by Dr. Max Pettenkofer, in which the conditions for accurate observations on the human subject seem to be fulfilled. Dr. Pettenkofer has constructed a chamber large enough to admit aman t and allow perfect freedom of motion, eating, sleeping, etc., into which air is con- stantly introduced in definite quantity, and from which the products of respiration are constantly removed, and estimated. An incomplete series of observations is- published, which has particular reference to the products of respiration. Thus far the subject of consumption of oxygen has not been considered. Extended ob- servations by Dr. Pettenkofer will undoubtedly settle many disputed questions regarding the changes of the air in respiration. This method was adapted to the 27 418 EESPEBATION. The indirect method was first employed by Boussingault, but was particularly directed to the exhalation of carbonic acid. This observer experimented upon large animals, such as the horse or cow, in the following way : Having first care- fully regulated the diet, so that there was no change in weight during the experiments, he carefully weighed all that was introduced as food and drink, and all that was discharged as urine and feces. The excess in the quantity introduced, over that discharged in the way above mentioned, represents, necessarily, the amount lost by the skin and lungs. By a quantitative comparison of the elementary constituents of the food and excrements, tolerably accurate results were arrived at ; though it must be admitted that this method would be considered of little value, did the results not correspond pretty closely with those obtained by direct analysis. 1 Estimates of the absolute quantities of oxygen consumed, or of carbonic acid produced, which are based on analyses of the inspired and expired air, calculations from the aver- age quantity of air changed with each respiratory act, and the average number of respirations per minute, are by no means as reliable as analyses showing the actual changes in the air, like those of Eegnault and Keiset, provided the physiological conditions be fulfilled. When there is so much multiplication and calculation, a very slight and perhaps unavoidable inaccuracy in the quantities consumed or pro duced in a single respiration will make an immense error in the estimate for a day, or even an hour. Bearing all these sources of error in mind, from the ex- periments of Yalentin and Brunner, Dumas, and others, a suf- ficiently accurate approximation of the proportion of oxygen consumed by the human subject may be formed. The air, human subject on a small scale in 1843, by Scharling, but there was no arrange- ment for estimating the quantity of oxygen furnished (MILNE-EDWARDS, Physi- ologic, tome ii., p. 498, note.) 1 BOUSSINGAULT, Memoires de Chimie Agricole et de Physiologic, Paris, 1854, pp. 1-12. CONSUMPTION OF OXYGEN. 419 which contains, when inspired, 20*81 parts of oxygen per 100, is found on expiration to contain but about 16 parts per 100. In other words, the volume of oxygen absorbed in the lungs is five per cent, or -^ of the volume of air in- spired. 1 It is interesting and useful to extend this estimate as far as possible to the quantity of oxygen absorbed in a definite time ; for the regulation of the supply of oxygen where many persons are assembled, as in public buildings, hospitals, etc., is a question of great practical importance. Assuming that the average respirations per minute are 18, and that with each act 20 cubic inches of air are changed, 15 cubic feet of oxygen are consumed in the twenty-four hours, which represents 300 cubic feet of pure air. This is the minimum quantity of air which is actually used, making no allowance for the increase in the intensity of the respiratory processes, which is liable to occur from various causes. To meet all the respiratory exigencies of the system, in hospitals, prisons, etc., it has been found necessary to allow at least 800 cubic feet of air for each person, unless the situation is such that the air is changed with unusual frequency; for, beside the actual loss of oxygen in the respired air, constant emanations from both the pulmonary and cutaneous surfaces are taking place, which should be removed. In some institutions as much as 2,500 cubic feet of air is allowed to each person. 2 ^ The quantity of oxygen consumed is subject to great variations, depending upon temperature, the condition of the digestive system, muscular activity, etc. The following con- clusions, the results of the observations of Lavoisier and Se- guin, give at a glance the variations from the above-men- tioned causes : 3 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, Phyxiologie, tome ii., p. 510. 2 TODD and BOWMAN, Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man, Phila- delphia, 1857, p. 728. 8 Taken from LONGET, Traite de Physiologic, Paris, 1861, tome i., p. 526. Though the absolute quantities obtained by Lavoisier and Seguin are not so rp- liable as those obtained by later observers, yet the accurate employment of the 420 RESPIRATION. " 1. A man, in repose sad fasting, with an external tem- perature of 90 Fahr., consumes 1,465 cubic inches of oxygen per hour. " 2. A man, in repose and fasting, with an external tem- perature of 59 Fahr., consume^ 1,627 cubic inches of oxygen per hour. " 3. A man, during digestion, consumes 2,300 cubic inches of oxygen per hour. " 4. A man, fasting, while he accomplishes the labor ne- cessary to raise, in fifteen minutes, a weight of 7*343 kil. (about 16 Ib. 3 oz. av.) to the height of 656 feet, consumes 3,874 cubic inches of oxygen per hour. " 5. A man, during digestion, accomplishing the labor necessary to raise, in fifteen minutes, a weight of 7*343 kil. (about 16 Ib. 3 oz. av.) to the height of 700 feet, consumes 5,568 cubic inches of oxygen per hour." Influence of Temperature. All who have experimented on the influence of temperature upon the consumption of oxygen, in the warm-blooded animals and in the human sub- ject, have noted a marked increase at low temperatures. Cold-blooded animals always suffer a depression of the vital processes at low temperatures, with a corresponding diminu- tion in the quantity of oxygen consumed, until they finally become torpid. Immediately after birth, the consumption of oxygen in the warm-blooded animals is relatively very slight. Buffon * and Legallois 2 have shown that just after birth, dogs and other animals will live for half an hour or more under water ; and cases are on record where life has been restored in newly- born children after seven, and, it has been stated, after twenty- three hours of asphyxia. During the first periods of exist- ence, the condition of the newly-born approximates to that of a best means of investigation at their command leads us to place every confidence in the comparative results. 1 MILNE-EDWARDS, Physiologic, tome ii., p. 559. 2 LEGALLOIS, (Euvres, Paris, 1824, tome i., p. 67. INFLUENCE OF TEMPEKATUKE. 421 cold-blooded animal. The lungs are relatively very small, and it is some time before they fully assume their function. The muscular movements are hardly more than is necessary to take the small amount of nourishment consumed at that period, and nearly all of the time is passed in sleep. There is also very little power of resistance to low temperature. Though accu- rate researches regarding the comparative quantities of oxy- gen in the venous and arterial blood of the foetus are wanting, it has been frequently observed that the difference in color is not as marked as it is after pulmonary respiration becomes established. The direct researches of "W". F. Edwards have shown that the absolute consumption of oxygen by very young animals is very small ; * and the observations of Lcgal- lois on rabbits, made every five days during the first month of existence, show a rapidly increasing demand for this prin- ciple with age. 2 Regnault and Reiset have shown that the consumption of oxygen is greater in lean than in very fat animals, pro- vided they be in perfect health. They have also shown that the consumption is much greater in carnivorous than in herbivorous animals; and in animals of different sizes, is relatively very much greater in those which are very small. In very small birds, such as the sparrow, the proportional quantity of oxygen absorbed was ten times greater than in the fowl. 3 In sleep, the quantity of oxygen consumed is considerably 1 De ^Influence des Agens Physiques sur la Vie, Paris, 1824, p. 178 et seq. 2 Loc. oil. In his experiments on rabbits, Legallois found that immmediately after birth they would live for fifteen minutes deprived of air. "In asphyxiating rabbits of different ages, for example, every five days, from the moment of birth to the age of one month, it was constantly observed that the duration of sensa- tion, of voluntary motion, in a word, the signs of life, always diminished in pro- portion as the animals advanced in age. Thus, in a rabbit newly born, sensation and voluntary movements were not extinct until the end of about fifteen minutes of asphyxia, while they were extinct in less than two minutes in a rabbit of the age of thirty days." Pp. 57, 58. * Loc. cit. 422 RESPIRATION. diminished ; and in hibernation is so small, that Spallanzani could not detect any difference in the composition of the air in which a marmot, in a state of torpor, had remained for three hours. 1 In experiments on a marmot in hibernation, Regnault and Reiset observed % reduction in the quantity of oxygen consumed to about -^ of the normal standard. 2 It has been shown by experiments, that the consumption of oxygen bears a pretty constant ratio to the production of carbonic acid ; and as the observations on the influence of sex, number of respiratory acts, etc. on the activity of the respiratory processes, have been made chiefly with reference to the carbonic acid exhaled, we will consider these influences in connection with the products of respiration. Experiments on the effect of increasing the proportion of oxygen in the air have led to varied results in the hands of different observers. Regnault and Reiset, whose observa- tions on this point are generally accepted, did not discover any increase in the consumption of oxygen when this gas was largely in excess. The results of confining an animal in an atmosphere com- posed of 21 parts of oxygen and 79 parts of hydrogen are very curious and instructive. "When hydrogen is thus sub- stituted for the nitrogen of the air, the consumption of oxygen is largely increased. Regnault and Reiset attribute this to the superior refrigerating power of the hydrogen ; but a more rational explanation would seem to be in its superior diffusi- bility. Hydrogen is the most diffusible of all gases; and when introduced into the lungs in the place 6f the nitrogen of the air, the vitiated air, charged with carbonic acid, is undoubtedly more readily removed from the deep portions of the lungs, giving place to the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen ; and it is probably for this reason that the quantity of oxygen consumed is increased. It is probable that the 1 SPALLANZANI, Memoires sur la Respiration, traduites par SENEBIER, Geneve, 1803, p. 334. 2 Op. cit., p. 442. INFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE. 423 nitrogen of the air plays an important part in the phenomena of respiration by virtue of its degree of diffusibility. In view of the great variations in the consumption of oxygen dependent on different physiological conditions, such as digestion, exercise, temperature, etc., it is impossible to fix upon any number which will represent, even approximative^, the average quantity consumed per hour. The estimate arrived at by Longet, 1 from a comparison of the results ob- tained by different reliable observers, is perhaps as near the truth as possible. This estimate puts the hourly consumption at from 1,220 to 1,525 cubic inches, " in an adult male, during repose and in normal conditions of health and temperature." In passing through the lungs, the air, beside losing a proportion of its oxygen, undergoes the following changes : 1. Increase in temperature. 2. Gain of carbonic acid. 3. Gain of watery vapor. 4. Gain of ammonia. 5. Gain of a small quantity of organic matter. 6. Gain, and occasionally loss, of nitrogen. The elevation in temperature of the air which has passed through the lungs has been carefully observed by Dr. Gre- hant. 2 He found that with an external temperature of 72, respiring 17 times per minute, the air taken in by the nares and expired by the mouth, through an apparatus containing a thermometer carefully protected from external influences, marked a temperature of 95*4. Taking in the air by the mouth, the temperature of the expired air was 93. At the commencement of the expiration, Dr. Grehant noted a tem- perature of 94. After a prolonged expiration, the temper- ature was 96. In these observations the temperature taken beneath the tongue was 98. 1 Op. cit., p. 531. 2 GREHANT, Rcchcrclws Physiques sur la -Respiration de VHomme. Journal d< FAnatomie et de la Physiologic, 1864, tome i, p. 546. 4:24 RESPIRATION. Valentin had previously made experiments on this point, and put the temperature of the expired air a little higher, i. 130 c.c. gave 16'3 c.c. of gas-< 4'1 of oxygen, or 3'15 per cent health ) ( 1-5 of nitrogen, or 1 -15 " ( 7'0 of carbonic acid, or 5'74 per cent The same blood 122 c.c. gave 10-2 c.c. of gas-C 2-2 of oxygen, or 1'SO per cent ( 1 -0 of nitrogen, or 0'82 " Yenous blood of the same ) ( 12'4 of carbonic acid, or T'29 per ct. old horse, drawn three VlTO c.c. gave 18-9 c.c. of gas-( 2'5 of oxygen, or 1-47 per cent. days after ) ( 4-0 of nitrogen, or 2-35 " I 9-4 of carbonic acid, or 7'64 per cent Arterial blood of calf 123 c.c. gave 14'5 c c. of gas^ 3-5 of oxygen, or 2-84 per cent. / 1-6 of nitrogen, or 1-30 " ( 7'0 of carbonic acid, or 6*49 per cent. The same blood 108 c.c. gave 12-6 c.c. of gas-< 3-0 of oxygen, or 2-87 per cent ( 2-6 of nitrogen, or 2-40 u Yenous blood of the same ) 1 10-2 of carbonic acid, or 6'66 per ct calf, taken four days >-153 c.c. gave 13 3 c.c. of gas-< 1-8 of oxygen, or 1-17 per cent after. ) / 1-3 of nitrogen, or 0'85 " ( 6'1 of carbonic acid, or 4'35 per cent The same blood 140 c.c. gave 7'7 c.c. of gasX I'O of oxygen, or 0'71 per cent ( 0'6 of nitrogen, or 0'43 " We have given this table in full, and calculated the percentage of gas to the blood in each observation, because it is a common impression that the observa- tions of Magnus show a greater proportion of oxygen in the arterial blood, and a greater proportion of carbonic acid in the venous blood. This is not the fact. The table shows that the proportion of all gases is greater in the arterial blood, and that the proportion of carbonic acid to the oxygen is greater in the venous blood ; but while the percentage of oxygen is greater in the arterial blood, there is also a larger percentage of carbonic acid. In the specimens of arterial blood examined, the mean proportion of oxygen was 2*44 per cent., and of carbonic acid 6 '48 per cent. In the venous blood, the mean proportion of oxygen was 1'15 per cent., and of carbonic acid, 6*54 per cent. It is difficult to reconcile an analysis, showing a greater absolute quantity of carbonic acid in arterial than in venous blood, with our settled and well-sustained ideas regarding the processes of respiration. A glance at the wide differences in the different analyses of speci- mens of the same blood shows that there must have been some grave error in the process. 464 RESPIRATION. blood. As far as we know, no analyses of the human blood have jet been made by his method. In two specimens taken from a dog in good condition, a specimen of arterial blood, drawn from the vessels by a syringe and put in contact with carbonic oxide withoutbeing exposed to the air, was found to contain 18*28 per cent., and a specimen of venous blood, taken in the same way, 8*42 per cent., in volume, of oxygen. 1 The proportion of gases in the blood is found to vary very considerably under different conditions of the sys- tem, particularly with reference to the digestive process. The following are the general results of later observations, showing the differences and variations in the proportions of all the gases, in arterial and venous blood. 2 Arterial Blood^ while an animal is fasting, contains from nine to eleven parts per hundred of oxygen. In full digestion, the proportion is raised to seventeen, eighteen, or even twenty parts per hundred. The proportion varies in different animals ; being much greater, for example, in birds than in mammals. The quantity of carbonic acid is even more variable than the quantity of oxygen. During digestion there are from five to six parts per hundred of free carbonic acid in the arterial blood. During the intervals of digestion this quan- tity is reduced to almost nothing ; and after fasting for twenty- four hours, frequently not a trace is to ~be discovered. Venous Blood always contains a large quantity of car- bonic acid, both free in solution, and combined in the form of carbonates and bicarbonates. This quantity varies in dif- ferent parts of the venous system, and bears a relation to the color of the blood. It is well known that the venous blood coming from some glands is dark during the intervals of secretion, and nearly as red as arterial blood during their functional activity. In the venous blood from the sub-max- 1 Loc. cit., p. 367. 2 These results were given in a course of lectures which we had the privilege of hearing at the College of France in the summer of 1861, and which have not yet been published. NITROGEN OF THE BLOOD. 465 illary gland of a dog, Bernard found 18*07 per cent, of car- bonic acid during repose, and 1O14 per cent, during secre- tion. The blood coming from the muscles is the darkest in the body, and contains the greatest quantity of free carbonic acid. The quantity of free carbonic acid is immensely increased in the venous blood during digestion. It is owing to this fact that the gas then exists in the arterial blood. During the intervals of digestion, the quantity is so small that the lungs are capable of completely eliminating it, and none passes into the arteries ; but during digestion, the proportion is so much greater, that for a time it cannot be entirely re- moved, and a part finds its way into the arterial system. These facts coincide with the views which are now held regarding the essential processes of respiration. The blood going to the lungs ordinarily contains carbonic acid, and no oxygen ; for during the intervals of digestion, there is only enough oxygen taken up by the blood to supply the wants of the system. In the lungs, carbonic acid is given off, appear- ing in the expired air, and the oxygen which disappears from the air is carried away by the arterial blood. Under some conditions, and particularly during the height of the digestive process, the quantity of oxygen absorbed is largely increased, and so much may exist in the arterial blood that a small por- tion passes into the veins. At the same time the production of carbonic acid is increased in activity, and it may exist in such quantity in the venous blood, as temporarily to pass in small quantity into the arteries. Nitrogen of the Blood. As far as is known, nitrogen has no important office in the process of respiration. There is generally a slight exhalation of this gas by the lungs, and the analyses of Magnus and others have demonstrated its existence in solution in the blood. Magnus found generally a larger proportion in the arterial than in venous blood, though in one instance there was a larger proportion in the 30 466 RESPIRATION. venous blood. It is not absolutely certain whether the ni- trogen which exists in the blood is derived from the air or from the tissues. Its almost constant exhalation in the ex- pired air would lead to the supposition that it is produced in small quantity in the system,or supplied by the food. Ac- cording to Bernard, the quantity of nitrogen in the arterial blood is from two to five parts per thousand, but it is present in very much larger quantity in the venous blood. 1 There is no evidence that nitrogen enters into combination with the blood-corpuscles; it exists simply in solution in the blood, which is capable of absorbing about ten times as much as pure water. 2 Nothing is known with regard to the rela- tions of the free nitrogen of the blood to the processes of nutrition. Condition of the Gases in the Blood. It is now pretty generally admitted that the oxygen of the blood exists, not in simple solution, but in a condition of feeble combination with certain of the constituents of the blood-corpuscles. 3 It is clearly demonstrated that the corpuscles are the elements which fix the greatest quantity of this gas. Carbonic oxide, which has a great affinity for the corpuscles, displaces almost immediately all the oxygen which the blood contains. When the corpuscles are destroyed, as they may be readily by re- ceiving fresh blood into a quantity of pure water, the red color is instantly changed to black. Oxygen in the blood bears a closer relation to the corpuscles than that of mere solu- 1 Unpublished lectures delivered at the College of France in the summer of 1861. 2 MAGNUS, loc. cit. 3 It is not settled which of the constituents of the blood-corpuscles has the greatest affinity for oxygen. It has been supposed to be combined especially with the coloring matter ; but experiments on this point are contradictory. Lehmann noticed no difference in the color of a solution of blood-crystals treated with oxy- gen, and the same solution treated with carbonic acid ; the only difference was that the latter became turbid (Physiological Chem., Am. ed., vol. i., p. 573). Meckel made some experiments in which " hsematoglobulin " was changed to a bright red by oxygen, and to a bluish red by carbonic acid (Ibid., p. 674). CONDITION OF THE GASES IN THE BLOOD. 467 tion. The proportion which they are capable of containing is to a certain degree absolute, and not dependent upon phys- ical conditions, such as pressure, which invariably have an influence on the proportion of gas merely held in solution by liquids. The proportion of oxygen in the blood cannot be increased by pressure, nor is it diminished by reduction of the pressure, until it approaches a vacuum. 1 The fact that the blood-corpuscles are capable of consuming oxygen and giving off carbonic acid is an additional argument in favor of the union of these anatomical elements with the gas, though this union is very feeble and easily disturbed. The plasma will absorb a certain quantity of oxygen, and its action in respiration seems to be intermediate ; it first takes oxygen from the air and then gives it up to the corpuscles. Carbonic acid is more easily exhaled from the blood than oxygen. It was this principle which was obtained by those who first succeeded in extracting gas from the blood. While there is every reason to suppose that oxygen is in combina- tion with the blood-corpuscles, carbonic acid seems to be in a condition of simple solution, and is contained more especially in the plasma. What may be considered as the free carbonic acid of the blood behaves in all regards like a gas simply held in solution. The view that it is held in solution chiefly in the plasma is sustained by the fact that serum will absorb more carbonic acid than an equal volume of defibrinated blood. 2 Liebig has shown that the phosphate of soda, one of the constituents of the blood, influences to a remarkable degree the quantity of carbonic acid which can be held in solution by any liquid. One hundredth of a part of this salt in pure water will double its capacity for dissolving carbonic acid. 3 1 The fact that oxygen is exhaled from the blood in vacua is not an argument against the view that it enters into feeble combination with the blood-corpuscles ; for it is well known that many distinctly recognized chemical combinations are disturbed by the same means. For example, a vacuum is capable of disengaging from some of the bicarbonates one equivalent of carbonic acid. 2 LONGET, Traite de Physiologic, Paris, 1861, tome i., p. 494. 3 MILNE-EDWARDS, Physiologic, tome i., p. 471. 468 RESPIRATION. When carbonic acid is formed by the blood, after it is drawn from the body, it is immediately exhaled, at least in part. When blood is in contact with a certain quantity of air, oxy- gen is consumed and carbonic acid is exhaled. The fact that carbonic oxide, which has sueti a remarkable affinity for the corpuscles, displaces oxygen almost exclusively, is another argument in favor of the view that the carbonic acid is con- tained mainly in the plasma. A portion of the carbonic acid which is formed by the system unites with the carbonates in the blood, particularly the carbonate of soda, to form bicarbonates, is carried to the lungs, and there set free by the pneumic acid. It here exists in so loose a condition of combination, that it may be dis- engaged by treating the blood with inert gases, or putting it under the receiver of an air-pump. The carbonic acid which is formed in the tissues, and taken up by the blood in its passage through the capillaries, exists in this fluid in two forms : one, in simple solution, chiefly in the plasma ; and the other, in a state of such loose chemical combination in the bicarbonates, that it may be disengaged by displacement by another gas, and is readily set free by pneumic acid. This gas is a product of excretion, and is not engaged in any of the vital functions ; while oxygen, which has an all-important function to perform, unites immediately with the blood-corpuscles, and is not easily disengaged, except when it undergoes transformation in the process of nutrition. It is certain that all the carbonic acid in the blood is not in combination with bases, for the proportion of salts is not sufficient to account for all the carbonic acid that can be disengaged. In addition to this excrementitious carbonic acid, there is another portion which is a permanent constituent of the blood, in the carbonates, and cannot be set free without the use of reagents. Nitrogen exists in the blood in the same condition of solu- o tion in the plasma as carbonic acid. MECHANISM OF THE INTEKCHANGE OF GASES. 469 Mechanism of the Interchange of Gases between the Blood and the Air, in the Lungs. The gases from tlie air pass into the blood, and the gases of the blood are exhaled through the delicate membrane which . separates these two fluids, in accordance with laws which are now well understood. The first to point out the power of gases thus to penetrate and pass through membranes was the late Dr. J. K. Mitchell, of Philadelphia. 1 His attention was first directed to this subject by noticing the escape of gas from gum-elastic balloons filled with hydrogen. In order to satisfy himself that the gas passed through the membrane independently of pressure, he put different gases in wide-mouthed bottles covered with gum- elastic, and by a series of ingenious experiments, which have become so common that it is unnecessary to describe them in detail, extended Dutrochet's law of endosmosis and exos- mosis to the gases. He demonstrated the same phenomena when he used thin animal membranes instead of the gum- elastic, and found that the more recent the membrane, the more rapid was the action. The rapidity of transmission was found to be very great in living animals. Observations on the lungs of the snapping turtle, filled with air and placed in an atmosphere of carbonic acid or nitrous oxide, showed a very rapid passage of gas from the exterior to the interior. Dr. Mitchell recognized the passage of gases through mem- branes into liquids, and the exhalation of gases which were in solution in these liquids. He noted this action in the ab- sorption of oxygen and the exhalation of carbonic acid in the lungs ; though he fell into the error of supposing that there was no carbonic acid in solution in the blood, and that it was exhaled as soon as formed. 2 A few years later, Dr. Rogers, of Philadelphia, enclosed a fresh pig's bladder, filled with 1 On the Peneirativeness of Fluids. By J. K. MITCHELL, M.D., Lecturer on Medical Chemistry in the Philadelphia Medical Institute. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Nov., 1830, p. 36. 470 RESPIRATION. venous blood, in a bell-glass of oxygen. 1 In two hours a quantity of oxygen had disappeared, and a large quantity of carbonic acid had made its appearance. Dr. Rogers is fre- quently referred to as the first to demonstrate the passage of gases through animal membranes to and from the blood. The credit of this is due to Mitchell, whose paper was pub- lished in 1830, while the experiments of Rogers were pub- lished in 1836. We have already seen that the blood is exposed to the air in the lungs, separated from it only by a very delicate mern- brane, over an immense surface. The membrane, far from interfering with the interchange of gases, actually favors it ; and thus, in obedience to the laws which regulate endosmosis between gases and liquids, the oxygen is continually passing into the blood, and the free carbonic acid is exhaled. General Differences in the Composition of Arterial and Venous Blood. All observers agree that there are certain marked differences in the composition of arterial and venous blood, aside from their free gases. The arterial blood con- tains less water, and is richer in organic, and most inorganic, constituents than the venous blood. It also contains a greater proportion of corpuscles, fibrin, and inorganic salts. It is more coagulable, and offers a larger and firmer clot than venous blood. Numerous analyses have failed to detect a constant difference in the proportion of albumen ; sometimes the proportion is greater in the venou% and sometimes in the arterial blood. The only principles which are constantly more abundant in venous blood are water and the alkaline carbonates. 10,000 parts of venous blood contained 12*3 parts of carbonic acid combined, and the same quantity of arterial blood contained but 8*3 parts. 2 The deficiency of water in the blood which comes from the lungs is readily ex- plained by the escape of watery vapor in the expired air. 1 Experiments on the Blood, etc. By ROBERT E. EOGERS, M.D., of Philadelphia. American Journal of the Medical Sciences, August, 1836, p. 296, 9 LONGET, op, cit., tome i., p. 584. DIFFERENCES DT COMPOSITION OF BLOOD. 4Y1 An important distinction between arterial and venous blood is one to which we have already incidentally alluded, viz., that the former has a uniform composition in all parts of the arterial system, while the composition of the latter varies very much in the blood coming from different organs. Arte- rial blood is capable of carrying on the processes of nutrition ; while venous blood ia not, and cannot even circulate freely in the systemic capillaries. CHAPTEE XIY. ETC. V r iews of physiologists anterior to the time of Lavoisier Relations of the con- sumption of oxygen to nutrition Relations of the exhalation of carbonic acid to nutrition Essential processes of respiration The respiratory sense, or want on the part of the system which induces the respiratory movements Location of the respiratory sense in the general system Sense of suffocation Respiratory efforts before birth Cutaneous respiration Asphyxia. IT has been demonstrated that all tissues, so long as they retain their absolute integrity of composition, have the prop- erty of appropriating oxygen and exhaling carbonic acid, in- dependently of the presence of blood ; and that the arterial blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, there gives it up, and receives carbonic acid, which is carried by the venous blood to the lungs, to be exhaled. From this fact alone, it is more than probable that respiration is inseparably connected with the general act of nutrition. Its processes must be studied, therefore, as they take place in the tissues and organs of the body. In the present state of the science, the questions which naturally arise in connection with the essen tial processes of respiration are : 1. In what way is oxygen consumed in the system ? 2. How is carbonic acid produced by the system ? 3. "What is the nature of the processes which take place between the disappearance of oxygen and the evolution of carbonic acid ? When these questions are satisfactorily answered, we shall understand the essence of respiration ; but in reasoning on this RELATIONS TO NUTRITION. 473 subject, we must not fall into the error of assimilating the respiratory phenomena too closely to those with which we are acquainted as they occur in inorganic bodies. It must be re- membered that in the organism we are dealing with principles which have the remarkable property of self-regeneration; and which, as a simple condition of vital existence, consume oxygen, when it is presented to them, and exhale carbonic acid. Without a proper supply of oxygen, the tissues die, lose these peculiar properties, and finally disappear by putre- factive decomposition. This consumption of oxygen cannot be regarded in any other light than as the appropriation by a living part, of an element necessary to supply waste ; in the same way as those materials which are ordinarily called nutritive are appropriated. That waste is continually going on there can be no doubt; and as the production of urea, creatine, creatinine, cholesterine, etc., is to a certain extent independent of the absorption of food, so the production of carbonic acid is to a certain extent independent of the ab- sorption of oxygen. This has been fully demonstrated by the experiments of Spallanzani, Edwards, Geo. Liebig, and others, who have noted the exhalation of carbonic acid in at- mospheres which contained no oxygen. How different are these phenomena from those which attend combinations and decompositions of inorganic matters ! As an example, let oxygen be brought in contact, under proper conditions, with iron. Under these circumstances, a union of iron and oxy- gen takes place, and a new substance, oxide of iron, is formed, which has peculiar and distinct properties. In the same way, carbonic acid may be disengaged from its combinations by the action of a stronger acid, which unites with the base and forms a new substance, in no way resembling the origi- nal salt. To make the contrast still more striking, let a hy dro-carbon, like fat, be heated in oxygen or the air, until it undergoes combustion ; it is then changed into carbonic acid and water, by a definite chemical reaction, and is utterly de- stroyed as fat. RESPIRATION. In the living body the organic nitrogenized principles are in a condition of continual change ; breaking down, and form- ing various excrementitious principles, at the head of which may be placed carbonic acid. It is essential to life that these principles be maintained in their chemical integrity, which requires a supply of fresh matter as food, and above all a supply of oxygen. We put ourselves in the position of ig- noring well-established facts and principles when we assimi- late without reserve the process of the consumption of oxygen and production of carbonic acid by living organic bodies, to simple combustion of sugar or fat. The ancients saw that the breath was warmer than the surrounding air, that in the lungs the air took heat from the body ; and as they knew of no other changes in the air produced by respiration, they as- sumed that its object was simply to cool the blood. Lavoisier discovered that the air, containing oxygen, lost a portion of this principle in respiration, and gained carbonic acid and watery vapor. He saw that this might be imitated by the combustion of hydro-carbons, such as exist in the blood. He called respiration a slow combustion, and regarded as its prin- cipal office the maintenance of animal temperature. "When it was shown by analyses of the blood for gases, that oxygen was not consumed in the lungs, but taken up by the circulating fluid, and carried all over the body, and that carbonic acid was brought from all parts by the blood to the lungs, these facts, taken in connection with the fact that the tissues have the property of consuming oxygen and exhaling carbonic acid, led physiologists to change the location of the combus- tive process from the lungs to the tissues. We cannot stop at this point. Now it is known that the organic principles of the body, w^hich form the basis of all tissues and organs, are continually undergoing change as a condition of existence; that they do not unite with any substance in definite chemical proportions, but their par- ticles, after a certain period of existence, degenerate into excrementitieus substances, and they are regenerated by an RELATIONS TO NUTRITION. 4/T5 appropriation and change of materials furnished by the blood. As far as the respiration of these parts is concerned, we can only say, that in this process, carbonic acid is produced and oxygen is consumed. These facts show that respiration is essentially a phenomenon of nutrition, possessing a degree of complexity equal to that of the other nutritive processes. It must be acknowledged that thus far its cause and intimate nature have eluded investigation. In respiration by the tis- sues, no one has yet been able to give the cause of the ab- sorption of oxygen or the exhalation of carbonic acid ; or to demonstrate the condition in which oxygen exists when once appropriated, or the particular changes which take place, and the principles which are lost, in the formation of carbonic acid. The views of physiologists with regard to the essential processes of respiration, before the time of Lavoisier, have barely an historical interest at the present day ; except the remarkable idea of Mayow, which comprehended nearly the whole process, and which was unnoticed for about a hundred years. 1 It is not our object to dwell upon the various theo- ries which have been proposed from time to time, or even to fully discuss, in this connection, the combustion theory as proposed by Lavoisier, and modified by Liebig and others. Though this theory is nominally received by many physiolo- gists of the present day, it will be found that most of them, in accordance with the facts which have since been developed, really regard respiration as connected with nutrition. They only differ from those who reject the combustion theory, in their definition of the term combustion. Lavoisier regarded respiration as a slow combustion of carbon and hydrogen ; and if every rapid or slow combination of oxygen with any other body be considered a combustion, this view is abso- lutely correct, and was proven when it was shown that oxygen united with any of the tissues. Longet says that since the time of Lavoisier it is agreed to give the above signification 1 See page 411. 476 RESPIRATION. to the word combustion ; l but this must simply be for the purpose of retaining the name applied by Lavoisier to the respiratory process, while its signification is altered to suit the facts which have since taken their place in science. There is no doubt that combustion m generally regarded as signify- ing the direct and active union of oxygen with certain prin- ciples, which commonly contain carbon and hydrogen; and the immediate products of this union are carbonic acid, water, and incidentally heat and light. It is certain that oxygen does not unite in the body directly with carbon and hydrogen, though it is consumed, and carbonic acid and water are pro- duced, in respiration. Important intermediate phenomena take place, and we do not therefore fully express the respiratory process by the term combustion. The researches of Spallan- zani, W. F. Edwards, Collard de Martigny, 2 and others, who have demonstrated the abundant exhalation of carbonic acid by animals and by tissues deprived of oxygen, show that it is not a product of combustion of any of the principles of the organism. 3 Rejecting this hypothesis as insufficient to explain the intimate nature of the respiratory process, it remains to be seen how satisfactorily, in the present state of the science, it is possible to answer the several questions proposed at the beginning of this chapter. 1. In what way is the oxygen consumed in the system f Oxygen, first taken from the air by the plasma of the blood, is immediately absorbed by, and enters into the composition of, the red corpuscles. Part of the oxygen disappears in the red corpuscles themselves, and carbonic acid is given of 1 LONGET, Traite de Physiologie, Paris, 1861, tome i., p. 392, note. 2 COLLARD DE MARTIGNY, Recherches Experimentales et Critiques sur V Ab- sorption et sur T Exhalation Kcspiratoires. Journal de Physiologie, 1830, tome x., p. 111. 3 Various other considerations concerning the combustion theory of respira- tion, such as the so-called " respiratory, or calorific food," will be discussed in connection with the subject of animal heat. CONSUMPTION OF OXYGEN. 477 To how great an extent this takes place it is impossible to say ; but it is evident, even from a study of the methods of analyses of the blood for gases, that the property of absorbing oxygen and giving off carbonic acid, which Spallanzani dem- onstrated to belong to the tissues, is possessed as well by the red corpuscles. Daring life it is not possible to determine how far this takes place in the blood, and how far in the tissues. Lagrange and Hassenfratz * advanced the theory that all the respiratory change takes place in the blood as it circulates ; but the avidity of the tissues for oxygen, and the readiness with which they exhale carbonic acid, leave no room for doubt that much of this change is effected in their substance. The late experiments of Bernard, 8 showing that when blood is sent to the glands in large quantities, the oxygen is only imperfectly destroyed, the blood which is returned by the veins having nearly the color of arterial blood, are positive evidence against this view. Oxygen, carried by the blood to the tissues, is appropri- ated and consumed in their substance, together with the nu- tritive materials with which the circulating fluid is charged. We are acquainted with some of the laws which regulate its consumption, but have not been able to follow it out and as- certain the exact nature of the changes which take place. Some have said that oxygen unites with the iron of the blood, or with the coloring matter of the corpuscles ; but ex- periments on this point are contradictory and unsatisfactory. Some have said that it unites with the hydro-carbons of the blood and of the tissues ; but there is more evidence that it enters into combination chiefly with the organic nitrogenized principles. All that we can say definitely on this point is, 1 HASSENFRATZ, Memoire sur la Combination de TOxygene avec le Carbone et r Hydrogene du Sang, sur la Dissolution de V Oxgyene dans le Sang, et sur la Maniere dont le Calorique se degage. Annales de Chimie, 1791, tome ix., p. 261. 2 Liquides de C Organisme, tome i. ; and unpublished lectures at the College of France, 1861. In the latter, Bernard gives comparative analyses of the venous blood from the submaxillary gland, showing a larger proportion of oxygen during its functional activity than during repose. 478 RESPIRATION. that it unites with the organic principles of the system, satis- fying the " respiratory sense," and supplying an imperative want which is felt by all animals, and extends to all parts of the organism. After being absorbed, it is lost in the intri- cate processes of nutrition. There is no evidence in favor of the view that oxygen unites directly- with carbonaceous mat- ters in the blood which it meets in the lungs, and, by direct union with carbon, forms carbonic acid. 2. How is carbonic acid produced ~by the system f That carbonic acid makes its appearance in the blood it- self, produced in the red corpuscles, has been abundantly proven by observations already cited; though it is impos- sible to determine to what extent this takes place during life. It is likewise a product of the physiological decompo- sition of the tissues, whence it is absorbed by the blood cir- culating in the capillaries and conveyed by the veins to the right side of the heart. It has been experimentally demon- strated that its production is not immediately dependent upon the absorption of oxygen ; for it will go on in an atmos- phere of hydrogen or of nitrogen. It is most reasonable to consider the carbonic acid thus formed as a product of excre- tion or destructive assimilation, like urea, creatine, or choles- terine. The fact that it may easily be produced artificially, out of the body, does not demonstrate that its formation in the body is as simple as when it is formed by the pro- cess of combustion. We may be able at some future time to produce artificially all the excrementitious principles, as has already been done in the case of urea ; 1 but we are hardly justified in supposing that the mode of formation of this principle, as one of the phenomena of nutrition, is precisely the same as when it is made by our chemical ma- nipulations. 1 Woller first formed urea artificially by a union of cyanic acid and am- monia. Since then it has been prepared by chemists by various processes (LEHMAKN, Physiological Chemistry, Philadelphia, 1855, vol. i., p. 147). KESPIKATOKY SENSE. . 479 As expressing nearly all that is known, even at the pres- ent day, regarding the mode of formation of carbonic acid in the economy, we may take the following concluding passage from the paper of Collard de Martigny, published in 1830 : l " The carbonic acid expired is a product of assimilative decomposition, secreted in the capillaries and excreted by the lungs." The carbonic acid thus produced is taken up by the blood, part of it in a free state in solution, particularly in the plasma, and a part which has united with the carbonates to form bicarbonates. Carried thus to the lungs, the free gas is removed by simple displacement, and that which exists in combination is set free by the acids found in the pulmonary substance. 3. What is the nature of the intermediate processes, from the disappearance of oxygen to the evolution of carbonic acid ? A definite answer to this question would complete our knowledge of the respiratory process ; but this, in the present state of the science, we are not prepared to give. "We can only repeat what has already been so frequently referred to, that oxygen must be considered as a nutritive principle, and carbonic acid a product of excretion. The intermediate processes belong to the general function of nutrition, with the intimate nature of which we are unacquainted. We have not sufficient evidence for supposing that this process is identical with what is generally known as combustion. The Respiratory Sense; or Want on the part of the System which induces the Respiratory Movements. (Besoin de Eespirer.) We are all familiar with the peculiar and distressing 1 Loc. cit., p. 160. The author adds: "The chemical theory of Lavoisier, of respiration, is a gratuitous supposition. This function should be considered as a complete series of acts of general assimilation." 480 RESPIRATION. sense of suffocation which attends an interruption in the re- spiratory process. Under ordinary conditions, the act of breathing takes place without our knowledge; but even when the air is but little vitiated, when its entrance into the lungs is slightly interfered dwith, or when a considerable portion of the pulmonary structure is involved by disease, we experience a certain sense of uneasiness, and become con- scions of the necessity of respiratory efforts. This gradually merges into the sense of suffocation, and, if the obstruction be sufficient, is followed by convulsions, insensibility, and final- ly by death. Though we are not sensible of any want of air under or- dinary conditions, it was proven by the celebrated experi- ment of Robert Hook, in 1664, that there is a want always felt by the system ; and that if this want be effectually sup- plied, no respiratory movements will take place. We have often repeated the experiment demonstrating this fact. If a dog be brought completely under the influence of ether, the chest and abdomen opened, and artificial respiration be carefully kept up by means of a bellows fixed in the trachea, even after the animal has come from under the influence of the anaesthetic, so as to look around and wag his tail when spoken to, he will frequently cease all respiratory move- ments when the air is properly supplied to the lungs. This fact can be very satisfactorily observed, as the diaphragm and other important respiratory muscles are denuded, and exposed to view. If the artificial respiration be interrupted or imperfectly performed, the animal almost immediately feels the want of air, and the exposed respiratory muscles are thrown into violent but ineffectual contraction. 1 It is generally admitted, indeed, that there exists in the 1 For full details of these experiments the reader is referred to an article by the author, entitled Experimental Researches on Points connected with the Action of the Heart and with Respiration (American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Oct., 1861). Since the publication of this paper, the experiments on respiration have been frequently repeated publicly, and the conclusions verified. BESPIEATOKY SENSE. 481 system what may appropriately be called a respiratory sense, or, as it is called by the French, l>esoin de respirer, which is conveyed to the respiratory nervous centre and gives rise to the ordinary reflex and involuntary movements of respira- tion ; that this sense is exaggerated by any thing which inter- feres with respiration, and is then carried on to the brain, where it is appreciated as dyspnoea, and finally as the over- powering sense of suffocation. An exaggeration of the respiratory sense constitutes an oppression, which is referred to the lungs. It has been demonstrated, however, that the sensation of hunger, which is felt in the stomach, and of thirst, which is felt in the throat and fauces, have their seat really in the general system, and are instinctively referred to the parts mentioned, because they are severally relieved by the introduction of food into the stomach, and the passage of liquid along the throat and oesophagus. It cannot there- fore be assumed, from sensations only, that the sense of want of air is really located in the lungs. The question of its seat and its immediate cause is one of the most interesting of those connected with respiration. Many physiologists accept the view of Marshall Hall, who first accurately described the reflex phenomena, that the re- spiratory sense is located in the lungs, is carried to the medulla oblongata by the pulmonary branches of the pneumogastric nerves, and is due to the accumulation of carbonic acid in the pulmonary vesicles ; but there are facts in physiology and pathology which are inconsistent with such an exclusive view. In cases of disease of the heart, when the system is im- perfectly supplied with oxygenated blood, the sense of suffoca- tion is frequently most? distressing, though the lungs be unaf- fected, and receive a sufficient supply of pure air. This and other similar facts led Berard to adopt the view that the respiratory sense has its point of departure in the right cavi- ties of the heart, and is due to their disterition as the result of obstruction to the passage of blood through the lungs. 1 John 1 Cours de Physiologic, tome ili., p. 523. 31 482 RESPIRATION. Reid thought it was due in a measure to the circulation of venous blood in the medulla oblongata. 1 "What lias been shown to be the correct explanation was given by Yolkmann in 1841. He regarded the sense of want of air as dependent on a deficiency of oxygen in "the tissues, producing an im- pression which is conveyed to the medulla oblongata bv the nerves of general sensibility. By a series of experiments, tin's observer disproved the view that this sense resides in the lungs and is transmitted along the pneumogastric nerves ; and by exclusion, he located it in the general system, and showed that such a supposition is competent to explain all the phenomena connected with the respiratory movements. 8 In the hope of settling some of these questions, which might be regarded as somewhat uncertain, we instituted, a few years ago, a series of experiments, which were embodied in the paper already re- ferred to. 3 In these observations, the following facts, some of which had been previously noted, were demonstrated ; and their results leave no doubt as to the location and cause of the respiratory sense : 1. If the chest be opened in a living animal, and artificial respiration be carefully performed, inflating the lungs suffi- ciently but cautiously, and taking care to change the air in 1 An Experimental Investigation into the Functions of the Eighth Pair of Nerves, etc. Part second. Anatomical and Physiological Researches, Edin- burgh, 1848, p. 285 ; and Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, April, 1839. 3 YOLKMAXX, in Schmidt's Jahrbucher, 1842, p. 290. Yolkmann shows that after division of the pneumogastrics, an animal dies when deprived of air, not calmly, but with undoubted symptoms of distress from suffocation, as if it had been strangled without previous division of the vagi. He also made a number of experiments, in which respiratory efforts continued, for many minutes after extir- pation of the lungs, in cats and dogs, care being taken to leave the phrenic nerves intact. He goes on to reason that the sense of want of air must reside in the gen- eral system, that it is due to a deficiency of oxygen, and that its exaggeration constitutes the sense of suffocation. His observations do not show, however, that this is not due to the presence of carbonic acid, as has been supposed by many. Yierordt is of the opinion that the respiratory sense is due to the circu- lation of the venous blood in the substance of the nerves. * American Journal, October, 1861. the bellows every few moments, as long as this is continued, the aTiimail wiQ make no respiratory effort ; showing that, for the time, the respiratory sense is abolished. 2. l^en the artifidal respiration is m^ ratory muscles are thrown into contraction, and the animal makes regular, and at last Tiolent efforts. If we now expose an artery, and note the color of the blood as it flows, it wfll be observed that &e respiratory efforts only commence when the blood in the vessel begins to be dark. When artificial respiration is resumed, the respiratory efforts cease only when the blood becomes red in the arteries. The invariable result of this experiment seems to show that the respiratory sense is connected with a supply of blood containing little oxygen and charged with carbonic add to the systemic capillaries by the arteries, and that it varies in intensity with the degree of change in the blood. 3. L while artificial respiration is regularly performed, a large artery be opened, and the system be thus drained of blood, when the hemorrhage has proceeded to a certain ex- tent, the animal makes respiratory efforts, which become more and more violent, until they terminate, just before death, in general convulsions. The s&me result follows when the blood is prevented from getting to the system by applying a ligature to the aorta. These facts, which may be successively observed in a single experiment, remain precisely the same if we previously divide both pnemnogastrie nerves in the neck; showing that these are by no means the only nerves which convey the respiratory sense to the medulla oblongata. The conclusions which may legitimately be drawn from the above-mentioned facts are the following : The respiratory sense has its seat in the system, and is transmitted to the medulla oblongata by the general sensory nerves. It is not located in the lungs, for it operates when the lungs are regularly filled with pure air, if the system be drained of the oxygen-carrying fluid. 484: RESPIRATION. It is due to a want of oxygen on the part of the system, and not to any fancied irritant properties of carbonic acid ; for when the lungs are filled with air, and the system is grad- ually drained of blood, though all the blood which finds its way to the capillaries is fullj oxygenated, as the quantity becomes insufficient to supply the required amount of oxygen, the sense of want of air is felt, and respiratory efforts take place. The experimental results on which these conclusions are based are invariable, and have been demonstrated re- peatedly ; so that the location of the respiratory sense in the general system, and the fact that it is an expression of a want of oxygen, seem as certain as that oxygen is taken up by the blood from the lungs, and distributed to the tissues by the arteries. With this view we can explain all the .reflex phe- nomena which are connected with the respiratory function. 1 The supposition of Berard that the respiratory sense is due to distention of the right cavities of the heart is disproved by the simple experiment of sudden excision of this organ. In that case, as the system is drained of blood, efforts at respiration invariably take place, though the supply of air to the lungs be continued. Sense of Suffocation. We must separate, to a certain extent, the respiratory sense from the sense of distress from want of air, and its extreme degree, the sense of suffocation. The first is not a sensation, but an impression conveyed to the medulla oblongata, giving rise to involuntary reflex move- ments. The necessities on the part of the system for oxygen regulate the supply of air to the lungs. We have already seen that every five to eight respirations, or when the respi- 1 There are many phenomena which physiologists found it impossible to ex- plain on the supposition that the " besoin de respirer" was located in the lungs and conveyed to the medulla oblongata by the pneumogastrics ; among which may be mentioned the effect of irritation of the general surface in the resuscitation of new-born children in which respiration is not established spontaneously. Dr. Marshall Hall and John Keid thought that in these cases the sensory filaments dis- tributed on the skin had something to do in transmitting impressions to the respi- ratory centre. SENSE OF SUFFOCATION. 485 ratory movements are a little restricted under the influence of depressing emotions, an involuntary deep or sighing in- spiration is made, for the purpose of changing the air in the lungs more completely. The increased consumption of oxygen and a certain amount of interference with the mechanical process of respiration during violent muscular exercise put us " out of breath ;" and for a time the respiratory move- ments are exaggerated. This is perhaps the first physiological way in which the want of air is appreciated by the senses. A deficiency in hematosis, either from a vitiated atmosphere, mechanical obstruction in the air-passages, or grave trouble in the general circulation, produces all grades of sensations, from the slight oppression which is felt in a crowded room, to the intense distress of suffocation. When hematosis is but slightly interfered with, only an indefinite sense of oppression is experienced ; the respiratory movements are a little in- creased, the most marked effect being an increase in the number and extent of sighing inspirations. In the experi- ments upon animals to which we have referred, when artifi- cial respiration was interrupted, we first noticed regular and not violent contractions of the respiratory muscles ; but as the sense of want of air increased, every muscle which could be used to raise the chest was brought into action. In the human subject in this condition, the countenance has a peculiar expression of anxiety and distress, and the move- ments soon extend to the entire muscular system, resulting in general convulsions, and, finally, insensibility. Bearing in mind the fact, that though these sensations are referred to the lungs, indicating increased respiratory effort as the common means for their relief, they have their real point of departure in the general system, we can under- stand the operation of various abnormal conditions of the circulation, when the lungs are adequately supplied with fresh air. The first subjective symptom of air in the veins is a sense of impending suffocation. There is no want of air in the lungs, but the circulation is instantaneously inter- 486 RESPIRATION. rupted, and oxygenated blood is not supplied to the tis- sues. The same effect, practically, follows abstraction of the circulating fluid, or the absorption of any poisonous agent which destroys the function of the corpuscles as carriers of oxygen ; though in hemorrhage, the effects are not as marked, as generally the system is gradually debilitated by the pro- gressive loss of blood. It was invariably noticed in the ex- periments above referred to, that after the division of a large artery, though artificial respiration was carefully performed, respiratory efforts took place when the system was nearly drained of blood. As the hemorrage continued, these efforts became more violent, and eventuated, just before death, in general convulsions. 1 A comparison of this experiment with those in which artificial respiration was simply interrupted shows that in sudden hemorrhage there can be no doubt that the system feels the want of oxygen ; and when the loss of blood is very great, this is increased until it amounts to a sense of suffocation. In gradual hemorrhage, there is a con- 1 "Expt. xxxiv., Feb. 19, 1861. A good-sized dog was etherized and the chest opened in the usual way. Artificial respiration was established, and Expt. xxix. verified. The blood was then allowed to flow freely from the femoral artery, while artificial respiration was actively continued. While the blood continued to flow, the respiratory muscles were carefully observed. During the first part of the bleeding no respiratory efforts took place ; but when the blood had flowed for a considerable time, and the system was becoming drained, respiratory efforts com- menced, feeble at first, but as the bleeding continued, becoming more violent until the whole muscular system was affected by convulsive movements" (Am. Journ., loc. cit., p. 376.) Convulsions after profuse hemorrhage have long been observed by physiol- ogists, but no entirely satisfactory explanation of their occurrence has ever been given. There now can be no doubt that they are due to a deficiency of oxygen. The experiments of Kusmaul and Tenner ( On the Nature and Origin of Epilepti- form Convulsions caused by Profuse Bleeding. New Sydenham Society, London, 1859) show that convulsions may be produced by ligature of the great vessels carrying blood to the brain. In this case they are probably due to a deficiency of oxygen in this vascular and highly organized part. In their experiments, which were made on rabbits, it was observed that " respiration is at first accelerated, but shortly afterwards, a little while before the approach of general convulsions, it becomes prolonged and deep." P. 14. KESPIRATOKY EFFOKTS BEFORE BIRTH. 487 servative provision of Nature, by which faintness and dimi- nution in the force of the heart's action favor the arrest of the flow of blood. Poisoning by carbonic oxide is generally accompanied with convulsions, which arise from the sense of suffocation, and are due to a fixation of this gas in the blood-corpuscles, by which they are rendered incapable of giving oxygen to the system. Convulsions also attend poisoning by hydrocyanic acid, in cases in which the system is not overpowered immediately by a large dose of this agent, and the muscular irritability destroyed. Experiments have failed to show that the respiratory sense, or the sense of suffocation, is due to irritation produced by carbonic acid in the non-oxygenated blood. Respiratory Efforts ~before Birth. It is generally admitted that one of the most important functions of the placenta, and the one which is most im- mediately connected with the life of the foetus, is a respira- tory interchange of gases, analogous to that which takes place in the gills of aquatic animals. The vascular pro- longations from the foetus are continually bathed in the blood of the mother, and this is the only way in which it can receive oxygen. Notwithstanding the statements of those who have been unable to note any difference in color between the blood contained in the umbilical arteries and the vein, there are direct observations showing that such a difference does exist. Legallois frequently observed a bright red color in the blood of the umbilical vein ; and on alter- nately compressing and releasing the vessel, he saw the blood change in color successively from red to dark, and dark to red. 1 As oxygen is thus adequately supplied to the system, the foetus is in a condition similar to that of the animals in which artificial respiration was effectually performed. The want of oxygen is fully met, and therefore no respiratory 1 BERARD, Cours de Physiologic, tome iii., p. 422. 4:88 RESPIRATION. efforts take place. Respiratory movements will take place, however, even in very young animals, when there is a defi- ciency of oxygen in the system. It has been observed that the liquor amuii occasionally finds its way into the respira- tory passages of the foetus, whose it could only enter in efforts at respiration. "Winslow, in the latter part of the last cen- tury, first noticed respiratory efforts in the foetuses of cats and dogs, in the uterus of the mother during life ; 1 and many others have observed that when foetuses are removed from vascular connection with the mother, they will make vigor- ous efforts at respiration. This fact we have frequently had occasion to demonstrate in making operations upon pregnant animals. After the 'death of the mother, the foetus always makes a certain number of respiratory efforts, which are not uncertain in their character, but distinct, accompanied by great elevation of the ribs, opening of the mouth, and follow- ing each other at regular intervals, independently of irritation of the general surface. 11 From what has been experimentally demonstrated with regard to the location and cause of the respiratory sense after birth, it is evident that want of oxygen is the cause of re- spiratory movements in the foetus. When the circulation in the maternal portion of the placenta is interrupted from any cause, or when the blood of the foetus is obstructed in its course to and from the placenta, the impression due to the want of oxygen is conveyed to the medulla oblongata, and efforts at respiration are the result. This cannot be due to an accumulation of carbonic acid in the lungs, and is entirely 1 British and Foreign Medico- Chirurgical Review, April, 1864, p. 330. 2 We take from our note-book the following observation showing respiratory efforts in a very young animal : " Jan. 6, 1865. In operating to-day on a small-sized bitch, for the purpose of demonstrating the glycogenic process in the liver, I found her pregnant, and hi the uterus were six pups, certainly not more than one-fourth the size which they attain before birth. (They were four niches long.) On removing them from the womb, and dividing the umbilical vessels, they all made a number of profound respiratory efforts at intervals of from two to three minutes." CUTANEOUS EESPIEATION. 489 consistent with our views, locating the respiratory sense in the general system. 1 Cutaneous Respiration. This mode of respiration, though very important in many of the lower orders of animals, is insignificant in the human subject, and even more slight in animals covered with hair or feathers. 2 Still, an appreciable quantity of oxygen is absorbed by the skin of the human subject, and an amount of carbonic acid, which is proportionately larger, is exhaled. Exhalation of carbonic acid, which is connected rather with the functions of the skin as a general excreting organ and is by no means an essential part of the respiratory process, will be more fully considered under the head of excretion. Carbonic acid is given off with the general emanations from the surface, being found at the same time in solution in the urine and in most of the secretions. It is well known that death follows the application of an imper- meable coating to the entire cutaneous surface; but this is by no means due to a suppression of its respiratory function alone. The skin has other offices, particularly in connection with regulation of the animal temperature, which are infi- nitely more important. An estimate of the extent of cutaneous, compared with pulmonary respiration, has been made by Scharling, 3 by com- 1 The physiological and pathological questions connected with the subject of " respiration before birth," are ably and exhaustively discussed in a review pub- lished in the ' Medico- CMrurgical Review, for April, 1864. A number of ex- periments by various observers are here detailed, fully establishing the facts we have stated. Among the most interesting are those of Schwartz, showing respi- ratory movements in foetuses, when care was taken not to expose them to the cool air or any other irritation of the general surface, p. 333. 2 REGNAULT and REISET found the cutaneous respiration so slight in the ani- mals which they used for their experiments, that its influence upon the compo- sition of the air in which they Were confined could be disregarded. (Op. cit.} 3 In MILNE-EDWARDS, Lemons sur la Phijsiologie, tome ii., p. 635. The reader will here find an account of the experiments of DeMilly, Abernethy, and others, demonstrating the absorption of oxygen and exhalation of carbonic acid by the skin. 490 RESPIRATION. paring the relative quantities of carbonic acid exhaled in the twenty-four hours. According to this observer, the skin performs from -fa to -fa of the respiratory function. Asphyxia. The effects of cutting off the supply of oxygen from the lungs are mainly referable to the circulatory system, and have already been considered under the head of the influence of respiration upon the circulation. 1 It will be remembered that in asphyxia the non-aerated blood passes with so much difficulty through the systemic capillaries, as finally to arrest the action of the heart. It is the experience of those who have experimented on this subject, that the movements of the heart, once arrested in this way, cannot be restored ; but that while the slightest regular movements continue, its functions will gradually return if air be readmitted to the lungs. A remarkable power of resisting asphyxia exists in newly born animals that have never breathed. This was noticed by Haller and others, and has been the subject of numerous experiments, among which we may mention those of Buffon, Legallois, and W. F, Edwards. Legallois found that young rabbits would live for fifteen minntes deprived of air by submersion, but that this power of resistance diminished rapidly with age. 2 W. F. Edwards has shown that there exists a great difference in this regard in different classes of animals. Dogs and cats, that are born with the eyes shut, and in which there is at first a very slight development of animal heat, will show signs of life after submersion for more than half an hour; while Guinea pigs, which are born with the eyes open, are much more active, and produce a greater amount of heat, will not live more than seven minutes. 3 1 See page 290. a See page 421, note. 8 W. F. EDWARDS, De V Influence des Agcns Physiques sur la Vie, Paris, 1824, pp. 171, 172. ASPHYXIA. 491 The cause of this peculiarity has been attributed to the existence of the foramen ovale, enabling the blood to get to the system without passing through the lungs, by those who regard the arrest of the circulation in asphyxia as due to obstruction to the pulmonary circulation ; but this expla- nation is not sufficient, as blood passes easily through the lungs in asphyxia, and is obstructed only in the systemic capillaries. The true explanation seems to be, that in most warm- blooded animals, during the very first periods of extra-uterine life, the demands on the part of the system for oxygen are comparatively light. At this time there is very little activity in the processes of nutrition, and the actual consumption of oxygen and exhalation of carbonic acid are very much below, the regular standard in animals of this class. -In fact, their condition is somewhat like that of cold-blooded animals. The actual difference in the consumption of oxygen immediately after birth and at the age of a few days is sufficient to explain the remarkable power of resisting asphyxia just after birth. The comparative observations of Edwards on dogs, cats, and Guinea pigs, show that this power bears a definite relation to the respiratory activity. One of the most interesting questions, in a practical point of view, connected with the subject of asphyxia, is the effect on the system of air vitiated from breathing in a confined space. There are here several points presented for consideration. The effect of respiration on the air is to take away a certain proportion of oxygen, and add certain principles which are regarded as deleterious. The emanation which is generally regarded as having the most decided influence upon the system is carbonic acid. A careful review of the most reliable observations on this subject shows that the influence of carbonic acid is generally very much over-estimated. In poisoning by charcoal fumes, it is generally carbonic oxide which is the active princi- 492 RESPIRATION. pie. Kegnault and Eeiset 1 exposed dogs and rabbits for many hours to an atmosphere containing 23 parts per 100 of carbonic acid artificially introduced, and 30 to 40 parts of oxygen, without any ill effects. They took care, however, to keep up a constant supply ef oxygen. These experiments are at variance with the results obtained by others, but Re- gnault and Reiset explain this difference by the supposition that the gases in other observations were probably impure, containing a little chlorine or carbonic oxide. There is no reason to doubt, from the high reputation of the observers for skill and accuracy, that their experiments are perfectly reliable ; and in that case, they prove that carbonic acid does not act upon the system as a poison. This view is sustained by the more recent observations of Dr. Hammond, which we give in his own words : " I confined a sparrow under a large bell-glass, having two openings. Through one of these I introduced every hour 1,000 cubic inches of an atmosphere containing 45 parts of oxygen, 30 of nitrogen, and 25 of carbonic acid, allowing the vitiated air in which the animal had respired partially to escape. At the end of twelve hours the bird was in as good a condition as at the commencement of the experiment ; and when the bell-glass was raised, it flew away as if nothing had happened to it. A mouse subjected to a similar experiment also suffered no inconvenience." 2 In breathing in a confined space, the distress and finally fatal results are produced, in all probability, more from animal emanations and deficiency of oxygen, than from the presence of carbonic acid. When the latter gas is removed as fast as it is produced, the effects of diminution in the proportion of oxygen are soon very marked, and progressively increase till death occurs. Bernard has shown that birds enclosed in a confined space, from which the carbonic acid is carefully 1 Loc. dt. 3 HAMMOND, Treatise on Hygiene, Philadelphia, 18G3, p. 351. ASPHYXIA. 493 removed, will gradually consume oxygen, until, when death occurs, the proportion is reduced to from 3 to 5 parts per 100. 1 When the carbonic acid is allowed to remain, the increased density of the atmosphere interferes with the dif- fusion between the gases of the blood and the air, and death supervenes with greater rapidity. The influence on animals of emanations from the lungs and general surface, from which the carbonic acid and watery vapor have been removed, has been shown by Dr. Hammond to be very decided and rapid. He confined a mouse in a large glass jar, so arranged as to admit fresh air as the at- mosphere became rarefied by respiration, causing the carbonic acid to be absorbed by sponges saturated with baryta-water, and the watery vapor by pieces of chloride of calcium. The animal died in forty-five minutes ; when, by passing the gas- eous contents of the jar through baryta-water, it was shown to contain no carbonic acid, and the presence of organic matter in large quantity was demonstrated. 2 In crowded assemblages, the slight diminution of oxygen, the elevation of temperature, increase in moisture, and particularly the presence of organic emanations, com- bine to produce unpleasant sensations. The terrible ef- fects of this carried to an extreme were exemplified in the confinement of the 146 English prisoners, for eight hours only, in the "Black Hole" of Calcutta; a chamber eigh- teen feet square, with only two small windows, and those obstructed by a verandah. Out of this number, 96 died in six hours, and 123 at the end of the eight hours. Many of 1 BERNARD, Lemons sur les Effets des Substances Toxigues et Medicamenteuses, Paris, 1857, p. 116. 3 Op. cit., p. 170. " For the detection of organic matter in the atmosphere, the permanganate of potassa affords a very sensitive reagent. A solution of this substance in water loses its brilliant red color, and the salt undergoes decompo- sition, when air containing organic matter is passed through it. By the extent to which the loss of color reaches we are enabled to form an approximative idea of the amount of such matter present in the air. The solution is placed in Liebig's bulbs, and the air is drawn through it by means of an aspirator." P. 172. 494: RESPIRATION. those who immediately survived afterwards died of putrid fever. 1 This frightful tragedy has frequently been repeated on emigrant and slave ships, by confining great numbers in the hold of the vessel, where they were entirely shut out from the fresh air. This subject possesses great pathological in- terest; the effects of an insufficient supply of air and the accumulation in the atmosphere of animal emanations being very important in connection with the cause and prevention of many diseases. The condition of the system has a marked and important influence on the rapidity with which the effects of vitiated atmosphere are manifested, as we should anticipate from what we know of the variations in the consumption of oxygen under different conditions. As a rule, the immediate effects of con- fined air are not as rapidly manifested in weak and debilitated persons, as in those who are active and powerful. It has sometimes b.een observed, in cases where a male and a female have attempted suicide together by the fumes of charcoal, that the female may be restored some time after life is ex- tinct in the male. This is probably owing to the greater demand for oxygen on the part of the male. The following interesting fact is reported by Bernard, showing the relative power of resisting asphyxia in health and disease : " Two young persons were in a chamber warmed by a stove fed with coke. One of them was seized with asphyxia and fell unconscious. The other, at that time suffering with typhoid fever and confined to the bed, resisted sufficiently to be able to call for help. "We know already that this resistance to toxic influences is manifested in animals, when they are made sick ; we here have the proof of the same phenomenon in man. As for the one who, in good health, had experienced the effects of the commencement of poisoning, she had a 1 A full account of the sufferings of these unfortunate men, by one of the survivors, is to be found in the Annual Register, 1758, p. 278. ASPHYXIA. 495 paralysis of the left arm, which was not completely cured at the end of six months." 1 It is thought that the condition of syncope has an influence on the power of resistance to asphyxia. A case is quoted by Carpenter in which a woman, who had been submerged for fifteen minutes, was taken out of the water and recovered spontaneously. She stated that she was insensible at the moment of her submersion. 2 When poisoning by confined air is gradual, the system becomes somewhat accustomed to the toxic influence ; the temperature of the body is lowered, 3 and an animal will live in an atmosphere which will produce instantaneous death in one that is fresh and vigorous. Bernard has made a number of curious and instructive experiments on this point. In one of them, a sparrow was confined under a bell-glass for one hour and a half, at the end of which time another was intro- duced, the first being still quite vigorous. The second be- came instantly much distressed, and died in five minutes ; but ten minutes after, the sparrow which had been confined for more than an hour and a. half was released, and flew away. 4 This is simply demonstrating, with experimental accuracy, a fact of which we are all conscious ; for it is well known, that going from the fresh air into a close room, we experience a malaise which is not felt by those who have been in the room, for a length of time, and whose emanations have vitiated the atmosphere. 1 BERNARD, op. ciL, p. 197. 2 CARPENTER, Principles of Human Physiology, Am. edit., 1853, p. 536. 3 Bernard noted a diminution in the temperature in the rectum of a pigeon, from 105 to 88 Fahr., after four hours' sojourn in a confined space, containing 732 cubic inches of air. The animal was nearly dead when removed. (Loc. cit. p. 128.) 4 Op. cit., p. 119. E X. Air, diffusion of, in the lungs, . . . 406 composition of, 413 changes of, in passage through the lungs, 423 increase in temperature of, in passage through the lungs, 423 Air-cells, anatomy of, 362 Albumen, situations and quantity of, 81 mode of extraction and prop- erties of, 82 influence of, on polarized light, 83 tests for, 83 origin and functions of, 83 Albumiuometer, 84 Albuminose, 85 Alcohol, exhalation of, by the lungs, * 450 Ammonia, exhalation of, in respi- ration, 448 Arteries, circulation in, 240 physiological anatomy of,.. . 241 divisions of, 243 coats of, 243 nerves in walls of, 245 blood-vessels in walls of, ... 245 elasticity of, 246 experiments showing dilata- tion of, 247 influence of elasticity of, on the current of blood, 248 contractility of, 230 locomotion of, and produc- tion of the pulse, 252 variations in caliber of, at different periods of the day, 261 32 Arterial pressure, 261 in different vessels, 206 influence of respiration on,. . 267 influence of hemorrhage on, . 269 Arterial circulation, rapidity of,. . 270 apparatus of Volkmann and Hiittenheim for measuring ra- pidity of, 271 apparatus of Vierordt, 272 apparatus of Chauveau, 273 rapidity of, in different ves- sels, 274 Arterial murmurs, 276 Asphyxia, 490 power of resistance to in the newly-born, 421, 490 from breathing in a confined space, 491, 495 from charcoal fumes, 491 influence of, on pulmonary circulation, 343 Besoin de respirer, 479-484 Bicarbonate of soda, 45 Biliverdine, 93 Black Hole of Calcutta, 493 Blood, general considerations,. ... 95 immediate importance to life, 96 experiment of withdrawing a large quantity from the vessels, 97 transfusion of, 97 transfusion of, in disease, ... 98 transfusion of, in experi- ments on animals, !j9 entire quantity of, in the body, 100 498 INDEX. Blood, reaction, odor, and opacity of, 104 temperature and specific gra- vity of, 105 'color of, 106 color of, in veins of the glands, 107 analyses of, 127 inorganic constituents of,.. .. 128 organic nitrogenized constit- uents of, 129 organic non-nitrogenized con- stituents of, 129 quantitative analyses of, 130 quantitative analysis of, by method of Becquerel and Ro- dier, 131 quantitative analysis of, by the author's method, 134 table of composition of, .... 138 coagulation of, 142 rapidity of coagulation of, . . 143 circumstances modifying co- agulation of, 149 coagulation of, in the organ- ism, 160 office of coagulation in arrest of hemorrhage, 153 cause of coagulation of, .... 156 summary of properties and functions of, 167 changes of, in respiration, . . 452 difference in color between venous and arterial, 454 general differences between arterial and venous, 470 analyses of, for gases, . . 458-464 condition of gases in, 466 Blood-corpuscles (red), 108 anatomical characters of, ... 109 table of measurements of, .. 113 chemical characters of, 117 development of, 118 functions of, 120 (white), 121 elementary corpuscles, 126 absorption of oxygen by, ... 455 Blood-crystals, 117 Breathing capacity, extreme, 403 Bronchial tubes, anatomy of,. ... 360 Calorific elements, 60 Capillaries, circulation in, 278 anatomy of, 279 distribution of, 281 course of blood in, 283 Capillary system, capacity of, 282 Capillary circulation, microscopic examination of, 284 rapidity of, 289 relations of, to respiration,. . 290 causes of, 293 phenomena in patients dead , with yellow fever, 295 influence of temperature on, 297 influence of direct irritation on, 298 Carbonate of lime, 42 crystals of, in internal ear,. . 43 formation of, in analysis by incineration, 43 quantity of (table), and func- tion, 43 Carbonate of soda, quantity of (table), and function, 44 Carbonate of potassa, and carbon- ate of magnesia, 45 Cartilagine, 91 Cardiometer of Magendie and Bernard, 263, 265 of Marey (differential), 264 Carbonaceous matter in the lungs, 364 Carbonic acid, discovery of, 410 exhalation of, in respiration, 424 influence of arrest of respira- tory movements on exhalation of, 425 quantity of, exhaled, 427 influence of age on exhala- tion of, 431 influence of sex, 432 influence of digestion, 433 influence of diet, 435 influence of alcohol, 437 influence of sleep, 439 influence of moisture and temperature, 441 influence of seasons, 442 ' sources of, in the expired air, 445 proportion in arterial and venous blood, 464 condition of, in the blood, . . 467 effect of inhalation of, 492 production of, in respiration, 478 Carbonic oxide, exhalation of, by the lungs when injected into the blood, 450 Caseine, extraction of, etc, 86 Catalysis, definition of, 74 Cephalo-rachidian fluid, uses of, . . 334 Chloride of sodium, 35 quantity of (table), .... 35 function of, 36 INDEX. 499 Chloride of sodium, desire of all animals for, 37 effect of deprivation of, on nutrition, 37 quantity of in blood almost constant, 38 removal of excess of by the kidneys, 38 Chloride of potassium, 39 Chloride of ammonium, 47 Circulation of the blood, discovery of, 170 general course of, 175 action of the heart in (see Heart), 177 in the arteries (see Ar- teries), 240 in the capillaries (see Capil- laries), 278 in the veins (see Veins), . . . 301 Circulation, derivative, 339 pulmonary, 340 general rapidity of, 343 rapidity of, in different ani- mals, 346 relations of rapidity of, to the frequency of the heart's action, 348 Circulatory system, phenomena in, after death, 351 Clot, characters of, 144 Coloring matters, 92 Cornplemental air, 401 Convulsions from hemorrhage, ... 486 Coughing, 395 Coagulation of the blood (see Blood), 142 Cranial cavity, circulation in,. ... 332 amorphous sheath of blood- vessels of, 336 Crystalline, 90 Diabetic sugar, 50 Diaphragm, action of, in respira- tion, 369 Diffusion of air in the lungs, 406 Elasticine, 91 Emulsion, 63 Emphysema, changes of thorax in, 385 Epiglottis, action of, in deglutition, 359 Erectile tissues, circulation in,. . . . 336 Erection, mechanism of, 338 Expiration, movements of, 382 influence of elasticity of the lungs and thoracic walls in, .... 383 muscles of (table), 385 Expiration, action of internal iuter- costals in, 386 action of infra-costales and triangularis sterni in, 387 action of obliquus externus and internus in, 388 action of transversalis in, ... 388 action of sacro-lumbalis in, . . 389 Fats, varieties of, &c 60 composition and properties of, ........ 61 condition of, in nervous tissue and blood-corpuscles,.. 62 saponification of, 62 emulsion of, (53 origin and functions of, .... 63 formation of, in the organ- ism, 64 average quantity of, in the body, and mechanical func- tion of, 65 changes which they undergo in the organism, 66 Fatty acids, .. 62, 66 Fermentation of sugar, 51 Fermentation-test for sugar, 56 Fibrin, 76 mode of extraction of, and condition in the organism, 77 organization of, 78 distinctions from plastic lymph, 79 origin of, 80 function of, and destruction by liver and kidneys, 81 Gases, as proximate principles,.. . 29 in the alimentary canal,. ... 29 proportions of, in venous and arterial blood, 456, 464-470 of the blood, table of Magnus, 463 Gases, condition of, in the blood, . 466 Globuline, 90 Glucose, 50 Glycerine, 62 Hsematoidine, 117 Heart, anatomy of, 176 capacity of different cavities of, 179 valves of, 181 movements of, 183 action of the auricles,... ., 184 action of the ventricles, ... 185 500 INDEX. Heart, locomotion of, 186 twisting, hardening, short- . ening, and elongation of, 187 -impulse of, 191 succession of movements of, 192 force of, 197 action of the valves, 199 sounds of, 203 cause of the sounds of, 207 relations of the sounds to the blood-currents, 210 frequency of action of, 211 influence of age and sex on frequency, 212 influence of posture and mus- cular exertion, 213 influence of exercise, 215 influence of sleep, 216 influence of temperature, ... 216 influence of respiration on action of, 217 cause of rhythmical contrac- tions of, 220 irritability of, 222 pulsations of, after removal from the body, 223 effect of ligature of coronary arteries on pulsations of, 225 effect of emptying the cavi- ties, 226 influence of the nervous sys- tem on, 228 influence of pneumogastrics on, 231 effects of blows on epigastrium on, 238 Hsematine, 92 Hsematosis, 452 Haemodynamometer of Poiseu- ille, 262, 265 registering instrument of Ludwig (note), 264 differential instrument of Ber- nard (note), 266 Hydro-carbons, general considera- tions, 26, 48 Hydro-chlorate of ammonia, 47 Inorganic principles, general con- siderations, 25 table of, 28 division into essential constit- uents of the tissues and those which influence nutrition, 47 Inspiration, muscles of (table),.. . . 368 action of diaphragm in, 369 action of scaleni, 372 Inspiration, action of intercostals, . 373 movements of, the ribs in, ... 374 action of levatores costarum, 378 auxiliary muscles of, 378 action of serratus posticus superior, 378 action of sterno-mastoideus, levator anguli scapuloe, and su- perior portion of trapczius,. . . . 379 action of pectoralis minor, .inferior portion of pectoralis major, and serratus magnus,. .. 380 Intercostals, internal, action of, in respiration, 386 Infra-costales, action of, in respira- tion, 387 Keratine, 91 Lactic acid, 67 sources and function of,. ... 68 Larynx, anatomy and respiratory movements of, 358 Laughing, 396 Levatores costarum, action of, in respiration, 378 Levator anguli scapulae, action of, in respiration, 379 Leucocytes, 121 development of, 124 proportion of, to red corpus- cles, 125 Liver, influence of respiration on circulation in, 322 Liver-sugar, 50 Lungs, anatomy of parenchyma of, 361 capacity of, 397 carbonaceous matter in, .... 364 vital capacity of, 403 Melanine, 93 Milk-sugar, 50 Mucosine, 89 Musculine, 90 Nitrogen, exhalation of, in respira- tion, 451 of the blood, 465, 468 Nitrogenized principles, general considerations, 27, 69 Nitrous oxide, effects of respira- tion of, 415 Non-nitrogenized principles,. . . 25, 48 Obliquus externus and internus, action of, in respiration, 388 INDEX. 501 Odorous principles, 66 exhalation of, by the lungs, . 450 Organic non-nitrogenized princi- ples, general considerations,.. 27, 69 Organic nitrogenized principles, . composition, properties, and condition of, in the organism, .. 71 table of, 75 summary of properties of, ... 93 Organic matter, exhalation of, in respiration, 449 Osteine, 91 Otoconies, or otoliths, 18 Oxygen, discovery of, 412 minimum proportion in the air which will support life, 414 effects of confining animals in atmosphere of, 415 consumption of, in respira- tion, 416, 476 influence of age on consump- tion of, 421 influence of temperature, .... 420 consumption of, in hiberna- tion, 422 absorption of, by blood-cor- puscles, 455 proportion in arterial and venous blood, 464 condition of, in the blood, . . 466 Ozone, 414 Pancreatine, 88 Pepsin, 88 Pectoral muscles, action of, in res- piration, 380 Phosphate of lime (table of quan- tity of ), 40 Phosphates of magnesia, soda, and potassa, 45 Physiology, definition of, 14 Piezometer (note), 267 Pneumic acid, 68 action of, on the bicarbonates in the blood, 446 Pneumate of soda, 69 Poisonous gases, exhalation of, by the lungs, 450 Proximate principles, general con- siderations, 20-24 inorganic, 25 do. (table), 28 organic non-nitrogenized, ... 25 organic nitrogenized, 27 Proteine, 73 Pulmonary artery, pressure of blood in, 341 Pulse, mechanism of production of, 252 .frequency of, 212 form of, 254 dicrotic, 257 variations in character of,. . . 260 influence of temperature on, 260 Putrefaction, 73 Rennet, 87 Respiration, influence of, on the action of the heart, 217 general considerations, '. . . . . 353 movements of, 366 frequency of movements of,. 391 movements of ribs in, 374 types of, 389 relations of inspiration and expiration, 392 relations in volume of in- spired and expired air, 405 changes of air in (historical considerations), 409 consumption of oxygen in (see Oxygen), 416 effect of confining an animal in a mixture of oxygen and hy- drogen, 422 exhalation of carbonic acid (see Carbonic Acid), 424 relations between the quan- tity of oxygen consumed and carbonic acid exhaled, 443 exhalation of watery vapor, . . 446 exhalation of ammonia,. . . . 448 exhalation of organic matter, 449 exhalation of alcohol, 450 exhalation of odorous princi- ples, 450 exhalation of certain poison- ous gases, 450 exhalation of nitrogen, 451 changes of the blood in, .... 452 absorption of oxygen by the blood-corpuscles, 455 proportions of gases in venous and arterial blood, . . . 456, 464-470 relations of, to nutrition, .... 472 combustion-theory of,. . 473-476 consumption of oxygen, 476 production of carbonic acid, 478- cutaneous, 489 Respiratory organs, anatomy of,.. 357 Respiratory sounds (murmurs),. . . 393 Respiratory sense, the sensation inducing respiratory move- ments, 479-484 Respiratory efforts before birth,. . . 487 502 INDEX. Kesidual air, 399 Reserve air, 400 Saponification, 62 Sacro-lumbalis, action of, in res- piration, 389 Scalene muscles, action of, in res- piration, 372 ' Serratus posticus superior, action of, in respiration, 378 Serratus magnus, action of, in res- piration, 380 Serum, characters of, 146 Sighing, 396 Sleep, cerebral circulation in, 334 Snoring, 393 Sneezing, 395 Sobbing, 396 Soaps, 62-66 Sphygmograph of Marey, 255 ofVierordt, 256 Sterno-mastoideus, action of, in res- piration, 379 Sulphates of soda, potassa, and lime,. 46 Sulphuretted hydrogen, exhalation of, by the lungs, 450 Sugar, 49 varieties of, 50 union of, with chloride of sodium, 50 composition and properties of, 50 fermentation of, 51 lactic-acid fermentation of, .. 51 influence of solution of on polarized light, 52 tests for, Moore's or the potash test, Trommer's test,. ... 52 BarreswilFs test, 55 Maumene's test, fermenta- tion test, Bottger's test, 56 formation of torula?, 58 origin and functions of, .... 58 formation of, hi the foetus, and influence on cell-develop- ment, 59 destruction of, in the lungs, . 59 Suffocation, sense of, 484 Tidal air, 401 Torulae cerevisia?, 58 Transfusion of blood,. 97-99 Transversalis, action of, in res- piration, 388 Trapezius, action of, in respiration, 379 Trachea, anatomy of, 360 Triangularis sterni, action of, in res- piration, 387 Urrosaoine,. Valves of the veins, discovery of, . 172 Valves of the heart (see Heart),. . . 181 Vasa vasorum, 245 Veins, anatomy of, 301 capacity of, 302 strength of, 306 valves of, 308 function of valves of, 325 course of blood in, 311 pressure of blood in, 314 rapidity and causes of circu- lation in, 315 influence of muscular con- traction on current of blood in, 817 influence of aspiration from the thorax, 319 influence of gravitation, 324-330 entrance of air into, 323 conditions which impede cir- culation in, 328 influence of expiration on current of blood in, 328 Venous pulse, 313 Venous pulse, regurgitant, 329 Vital properties of organized struc- tures, 18 Vital capacity of the lungs, 403 Water, as a proximate principle, . 30 condition of, in the organ- ism, 30 quantity of, in different parts, (table), 33 entire quantity in the body, . 48 origin, discharge, and func- tion of, 34 Watery vapor, exhalation of, in respiration, 446 Yawning, 396 "A BOOK WHICH 13 A3 READABLE AS A NOVEL: HISTORY OF EUROPEAN MORALS, From Augustus to Charlemagne. 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