LIBRARY _QF_CONGRESS UC-NRLF PRELIMINARY LISTS OF Subject Headings with Local Subdivision (A) Headings with indirect subdivision (B) Headings with direct subdivision AND (C) Preliminary li; of local divisions (States, Provinces etc.) to which subdivision is always direct COMPILED BY MARY W. MAC NAIR Catalogue Division o vO LO O Q WASHINGTON (lOYERXMKNT J'ill N'l'IXG (')FFICK LIBKAR-, BRANCH 11)16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS PRELIMINARY LISTS OF (A) Headings with indirect subdivision (B) Headings with direct subdivision AND (C) Preliminary list of local divisions (States, Provinces etc,) to which subdivision is always direct COMFlt-ED. BY -.-.-, . . ; MARY w.jw/A'ciNAtR^ '': : ': ; :''; Catalogue Division WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE LIBRARY BRANCH 1916 L. C. card, 16-26001 PREFATORY NOTE. The principle upon which subjects have been classified in the one or the other of the two following lists is admittedly not susceptible of rigid application opinion may differ, and it may be conceded that in the case of a considerable number of the subjects it has not been applied with un- erring judgment and with the greatest possible consistency. The lists are printed in response to numerous requests for information as to the actual practice of the Library of Congress, and are not offered as a guide to be unquestioningly followed. List (A) comprises the subjects in which local differentiation or char- acter, or predominant interest, is regarded as pertaining to the whole country or state, and common to all or the greater part of the geographical or other local subdivisions within it. The headings are therefore divided by country or state, with further subdivision by province, county, city or other locality, except as limited by list (C). Examples: Agriculture Eng- land; Agriculture England Devon; Botany Ohio; Botany Ohio Hamilton Co.; Criminal statistics India Burma; Education Germany Berlin ; Education Prussia. Among other headings it includes the following groups of subjects: 1. Agricultural headings, fisheries, mining, minerals, ores, etc. 2. Scientific subjects (e. g. Botany, Geology, Zoology) 3. Educational subjects. 4. Classes of persons (e. g. Blind, Deaf and dumb) 5. Sports, etc. 6. Cer- tain legal headings. 7. Inspection headings (e. g. Meat inspection; Steam- boats Inspection) Exception is made in the case of certain classes of institutions (Univer- sities and colleges, Libraries, Hospitals and other social foundations) whose development is largely or exclusively identified with cities, and where the primary subject interest is local. While these headings, like the others in list (A), are subdivided by country, state, or province, etc., they are themselves made subdivisions under the names of cities when applied to works so limited (e.g. Libraries Massachusetts; but Boston Libraries. not Libraries Massachusetts Boston, or Libraries Boston) This usage is specified in the list under each subject so treated. List (B) comprises the subjects or distinctive phases of subjects, such as social, political, economic, or cultural movements, institutions, industries, classes or groups of persons, etc., peculiar to, or identified in interest with, smaller regions or localities. The headings are therefore subdivided directly by province, city, or other locality as the case may be. Examples: Architecture Card, France (Dept.) ; Cost and standard of living Paris; Fish trade Burma; Taxation Suffolk Co., Mass.; Typhoid fever Omaha, Neb. (A) Headings with indirect local subdivision. Abbeys. Accident law. Actions and defenses. Administration of estates. Admirals. Afforestation. Agricultural colleges. Agricultural colonies. Agricultural cooperative credit associations. Agricultural credit. Agricultural education. Agricultural experiment stations. Agricultural laborer. Agricultural laws and legislation. Agricultural societies. Agriculture. Agriculture, Cooperative. Algae. Aliens. Allodium. Almshouses and workhouses. Subdivision Almshouses and workhouses is used under names of cities. Amnesty. Amusements. Subdivision Amusements is used under names of cities. Anarchism and anarchists. Annotations and citations (Law) Anthropo-geography. Anthropometry. Arachnida. Arbitration, Industrial. Archaeological societies. Archives. Armories. Arrest. Arsenals. Subdivision Arsenals is used under names of cities. Art and state. Art societies. Arthropoda. Asphalt. Assignments. Association and associations. Asylums. Attachment and garnishment. Autographs. 6 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Banking law. Bankruptcy. Batrachia. Battles. Beacons. Bees. Beet and beet sugar. Beetles. Bench-marks. Bibliographical societies. Birds. Bishops. Blind. Blind Asylums and education. To be divided by country! state, etc., without further subdivision to city. Boards of trade. Borings. Botany. Bounties, Military. Brasses. Bridges. Subdivision Bridges is used under names of cities. Bronze age. Buckwheat. Building stones. Buoys. Burial laws. Business education. Business law. Butterflies. Cabinet officers. Canal-boats Inspection. Canals. Subdivision Canals is used under names of cities. Cartography. Caste. Castles. Catalogs, Booksellers'. Catalogs, Publishers'. Cathedrals. Cattle. Cattle brands. Cement. Cemeteries. Subdivision Cemeteries is used under names of cities. Chapels (Music) Charities. Subdivision Charities is used under names of cities. Charity laws and legislation. Charity-schools. Chemistry History. Children Law. Children's literature. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 7 Choral music. Church decoration and ornament. Church lands. Church music. Church property. Church schools. Churches. Subdivision Churches is used under names of cities. Cities and towns. Citizenship. General works on American citizenship are entered under this heading without subdivision. Applied to works on citizenship in particular states of the United States, or in foreign countries, the heading is subdivided by the name of the state or country, as the case may be (e. g. Citizenship Maryland; Citizenship Switzerland) Civil law. Civil list. Civil procedure. Clay. Clearing-house. Clergy. Cliff-dwellers. Cliff-dwellings. Climbing plants. Coaching. Coal. Coal mines and mining. Coaling-stations. Coasts. Coastwise navigation. Cobalt mines and mining. Code pleading. Coeducation. Coelenterata. Coffee. Coinage. Commercial courts. Commercial law. Commercial products. Communication and traffic. Communism. Conspiracy. Constitutions, State. Consular reports. Contract labor. Convents and nunneries. Convict labor. Cooperation. Copper mines and mining. Copper ores. Copyright. Corals. Corn-laws. 8 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Coronations. Corporation law. Costume. Country life. Courts-martial and courts of inquiry. Crab fisheries. Craniology. Credit. Creole dialects. Crime and criminals. Criminal law. Criminal procedure. Criminal statistics. Cross and crosses. Crown jewels. Crustacea. Currency question. Dairy laws. Dairy schools. Damages. Dancing. General works and works on dancing in the United States are entered under this heading without subdivision. Works on other countries are entered under Dancing [country subdivision] (e. g. Dancing Greece) Deaf and dumb. Deaf and dumb Asylums and education. To be divided by country, state, etc., without further subdivision to city. Debt, Imprisonment for. Decoration and ornament. Decorations of honor. Defective and delinquent classes. Degrees, Academic. Dental laws and legislation. Diamond mines and mining. Diptera. Dispensaries. Subdivision Dispensaries is used under names of cities. Dissertations, Academic. Distillery warehouses. Docks. Subdivision Docks is used under names of cities. Domestic animals. Domestic economy. Dower. Drainage. Drainage laws. Earthquakes. Subdivision Earthquake is used under names of cities (e.g. Messina Earthquake, 1908) Earthworks (Archaeology) Ecclesiastic division. Ecclesiastical law. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 9 Echinodermata. Economics History. Education. Education, Compulsory. Education and state. Education of women. Educational law and legislation. Electric railroads. For general works only. Works on electric street-railroads in a par- ticular locality are entered under Street-railroads (local subdivision^ Electric railroads Law. Emigration and immigration law. Eminent domain. Employers' associations. Employers' liability. Engineering law. Equity pleading and procedure. Ethics History. Ethnology. Etiquette. Evening and continuation schools. Evidence (Law) Executors and administrators. Extents. Factory inspection. Factory laws and legislation. Factory system. Farm buildings. Farm law. Farm produce. Farmers' institutes. Farms. Feather-work. Feeble-minded Education. Ferns. Ferries. Subdivision Ferries is used under names of cities. Festivals. Subdivision Festivals, etc., is used under names of cities. Feudalism. Fines (Penalties) Fire-departments. Fire prevention. cf. note under Fires. Fires. Subdivision Fires and fire prevention is used under names of cities. A particular fire in a city is entered under name of city (e. g. Chicago Fire, 1871) Fish-culture. Fisheries. Fishery law and legislation. Fishes. 10 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Fishing. Flags. Flax. Flood dams and reservoirs. Floods. Subdivision Floods is used under names of cities and rivers. A par- ticular flood in a city is entered under name of city (e. g. Johnstown, Pa. Flood, 1887) Flowers. Folk literature. Folk-lore. Folk-songs. Food adulteration and inspection. Food law and legislation. Food supply. Forage plants. Forest fires. Forest products. Forest reserves. Forestry law and legislation. Forestry schools and education. Forestry societies. Forests and forestry. Forms (Law) Fortification. Subdivision Fortifications is used under names of cities. Free harbors. Fresh-water fauna. Fresh-water flora. Friendly societies. Frontier and pioneer life. Fruit-culture. Funeral rites and ceremonies. Fungi. Game and game-birds. Game-laws. Game protection. Games. Garden cities. Gardening. Gardens. Gas, Natural. Generals. Geodesy. Geographical positions. Geology. Geysers. Gilds. Subdivision Gilds is used under names of cities. Gipsies. Glaciers. Gold mines and mining. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 11 Goldsmithing. Government monopolies. Granite. Grasses. Guardian and ward. Harbors. Subdivision Harbor is used under names of cities. Health boards. Health resorts, watering-places, etc. Hemiptera. Hemp. Hepaticae. Heraldry. Herring-fisheries. High schools. Subdivided by country or state. The high schools of a particular city are entered under the name of the city, with subdivision Public schools. Highway law. Historical societies. Holidays. Homestead law. Horse breeding. Hospitals. Subdivision Hospitals is used under names of cities. Hospitals, Military. Hospitals, Naval and marine. Hotels, taverns, etc. Subdivision Hotels, taverns, etc., is used under names of cities. Hunting. Husband and wife. Hydraulic engineering. Hydrography. Eymenoptera. Ice. Ice on rivers, lakes, etc. Idiocy. Idiot asylums. Illiteracy. Impeachments. India-rubber. Indians, Treatment of. Indians of Central America. Subdivided by countries or regions. Indians of Mexico. Subdivided by states. Indians of North America. Subdivided by states, provinces, regions, etc. Indians of South America. Subdivided by countries or regions. Indians of the West Indies. Subdivided by names of islands. Industrial laws and legislation. 12 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Industry and state. Inheritance and succession. Inland navigation. Inquisition. Insane Care and treatment. Insane Laws and legislation. Insane hospitals. Insanity. Insects. Instrumental music. Insurance law. Interest and usury. Internal revenue. Internal revenue law. Iron age. Iron mines and mining. Iron ores. Irrigation. Irrigation laws. Judicial statistics. Jute. Kitchen-middens. Knights and knighthood. Labor bureaus. Labor camps. Labor laws and legislation. Lace and lace-making. Lake-dwellers and lake-dwellings. Lakes. Land grants. Land tenure. Landlord and tenant. Landscape gardening. Landslides. Law reporting. Lead mines and mining. Lead ores. Learning and scholarship. Leeches. Legal aid societies. Legends. Legislation. Legislative bodies. Legislative bodies Committees. Lepidoptera. Libel and slander. Libraries. Subdivision Libraries is used under names of cities. Libraries, Depository. Libraries, Private. Libraries, Traveling. Library commissions. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 13 Library extension. Library legislation. Lichens. Liens. Life-saving. Lighthouses. Lignite. Lime. Linen. Liquor laws. Liquor problem. Literary journeys. Lobster fisheries. Local option. Lodging-houses. Subdivision Lodging-houses is used under names of cities. Lotteries. Machinery Inspection. Mackerel fisheries. Magic. Magnesite. Magnetism, Terrestrial. Mail steamers. Maize. Mammals. Man, Prehistoric. Manganese ores. Manual training. Manuscripts. Marble. Marine biology. Marine fauna. Marine flora. Marine service. Maritime law. Markets. Subdivision Markets is used under names of cities. Marriage. Marriage customs and rites. Marriage law. Marshes. Martial law. Martyrs. Master and servant. Materia medica. Meat inspection. Mechanics' liens. Medical colleges. Medical geography. Medical laws and legislation. Medical societies. Medicine. Medicine History. 14 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Medicine, Clinical. Megalithic monuments. Mercantile system. Merchant marine. Mercury mines and mining. Metayer system. Meteorology. Meteorology, Maritime. Military architecture. Military departments and divisions. Military education. Military geography. Military law. Military music. Military posts. Military reservations. Military telegraph. Military telephone. Military training camps. Mineralogy. Mines and mineral resources. Mining law. Mining schools and education. Mints. Mollusks. Monasteries. Monastic libraries. Monasticism and religious orders. Monopolies. Monuments. .Subdivision Monuments is used under names of cities. Mosques. Mosses. Moths. Mounds. Mountains. Municipal corporations. Municipal finance. Municipal government. Museums. Subdivision Galleries and museums is used under names of cities. Mushrooms. Music. Music Bibl.- -Catalogs, Publishers'. Music Manuscripts. Music and state. Music in universities and colleges. Musical instruments. Musical libraries. Mussels. Mussels, Fresh-water. Myriapoda. Names. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 15 Names, Geographical. Names, Personal. National parks and reserves. Natural history. Natural history museums. Naturalization. Naval battles. Naval education. Naval law. Navy-yards and naval stations. Negotiable instruments. Negro songs. Negroes. Sec note under Negroes on p. 25. Negroes Colonization. Neuroptera. Nickel mines and mining. Nobility, Papal. Normal schools. Ocean currents. Oil inspection. Ophthalmology. Orchids. Orders of knighthood and chivalry. Ores. Orphans and orphan-asylums. Subdivision Orphans and orphan-asylums is used under names of cities. Orthoptera. Oyster-culture. Palaces. Subdivision Palaces is used under names of cities. Paleobotany. Paleontology. Palms. Parcels-post. Parcels-post U. S. Subdivided by locality (e. g. Parcels-post U. S- Chicago) Pardon. Parks. Subdivision Parks is used under names of cities. Patent laws and legislation. Patents. Pearl-fisheries. Peasantry. Peat. Pensions. Pensions, Military. Peonage. Petroleum. Petrology. Pharmacopoeias. Pharmacy. Philosophy History. Phosphates. 16 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Physical education and training. Physical geography. Picture-writing. Pilot guides. Pinnipedia. Plankton. Plant names, Popular. Plants, Cultivated. Pleading. Police. Subdivision Police is used under names of cities. Police power. Political crimes and offenses. Political parties. Political science History. Polyzoa. Poor. Subdivision Poor is used under names of cities. Poor laws. Portages. Postage-stamps. Postal savings-banks. Postal service. Postal service U. S. Subdivided by state or other local division (e. g. Postal service U. S. Alaska; Postal service U. S. Denver; Postal service U. S. Ohio) Postal telegraph. Postmarks. Poultry. Power (Mechanics) Statistics. Precious stones. Prerogative, Royal. Press law. Priories. Prisons. Subdivision Prisons and reformatories is used under names of cities. Private schools. Prize-courts. Probate law and practice. Probation system. Professional education. Prohibition. Protestant churches. Prototracheata. Protozoa. Pseudoneuroptera. Public opinion. Public schools. Subdivision Public schools is used under names of cities. Public service commissions. Quarries and quarrying. Railroad land grants. Railroads and state. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 17 Railway mail service. Reclamation of land. Red cross. Reformation. This heading is an exception to the general rule for subdivision as quali- fied by list (C) and is divided as follows: Reformation Austria; Ref- ormation Austria Bohemia, etc. ; Reformation France; Reformation 1-rancc Savoy, etc.; Reformation Germany; Reformation Germany F'rnssia, etc. Reformatories. Subdivision Prisons and reformatories is used under names of cities. Regalia. Regency. Reindeer. Religious education. Renaissance. Replevin. Railroad law. Reptiles. Repudiation. Revenue. Revenue-stamps. Rice and rice culture. Rifle-ranges. Rites and ceremonies. Rivers. Romanticism. Rowing. Ruminantia. Salmon-fisheries. Salmon-fishing. Salt mines and mining. Sanatoriums. Scholarships. School attendance. School libraries. School management and organization. General works and works on the United States as a whole are entered under above heading without subdivision. Works dealing with states and other localities of the United States or special works on other countries are entered under School management and organization [local subdivision] (c. g. School management and organiza- tion Illinois) Schools. Subdivision Schools is used under names of cities. Science History. Seaside resorts. Secret service. Seed adulteration and inspection. Sepulchral monuments. Subdivision Sepulchral monuments is used under names of cities. Sericulture. A B c 2 18 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Serpents. Sewerage. Subdivision Sewerage is used under names of cities. Sheep. Shell-fish fisheries. Shipping bounties and subsidies. Ships Inspection. Shipyards. Shrubs. Silkworms. Silver mines and mining. Silver ores. Silversmithing. Slate. Slaughtering and slaughter-houses. Subdivision Slaughter-houses is used under names of cities. Slave-trade. Slavery in the U. S. Subdivided by locality (e. g. Slavery in the U. S. Southern states) Soil-surveys. Soils. Soldiers Civil employment. Soldiers Suffrage. Soldiers' homes. Soldiers' monuments. Special proceedings. Spiders. Sponges. Sports. Springs. Steam-boiler inspection. Steam-navigation. Steamboat disasters. Steamboats Inspection. Stock and stock-breeding. Stock-exchange. cf. note under Stock-exchange in main list of subject headings, p. 935. Stock inspection. Stone. Stone age. Stone implements. Storms. Stream measurements. Street-lighting. Subdivision Lighting is used under names of cities. Street-railroads Law. Students' societies. Suffrage. Sugar growing. Sugar laws and legislation. Sulphur mines and mining. Summer resorts. Summer schools. LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION 19 Sunday legislation. Sunday-schools. Surveying Public lands. Tariff. Taxes, Farming of. Tea. Teachers, Interchange of. Works on the interchange of , te'achers between, two countries have duplicate entry (e.g. 1. Teachers, Jiiterchar*ge j ^ of -^ ??- wi/ U. S.; 2. Teachers, Interchange of U. S. Germany) Teachers, Training of. Teaching, Freedom of. Technical education. Temples. Text-books. Theaters. Subdivision Theaters is used under names of cities. Tides. Timber. Time (Law) Tin mines and mining. Tin ores. Tobacco. Tombs. Subdivision Tombs is used under names of cities. Town-site law. Trade and professional associations. Trade-marks. Tramps. Transportation. Treason. Trees. Trial practice. Trials. Trials (Conspiracy) Trials (Sedition) Trout fishing. Truck system. Trusts and trustees. Tungsten. Uniforms, Civil. Universities and colleges. University extension. Usury laws. Vaccination. Vegetable gardening. Vertebrates. Veterinary colleges. Veterinary medicine. Vigilance committees. Subdivided by states. Village communities. Villages. 20 LIST A. INDIRECT SUBDIVISION Villeinage. Violent deaths. Viticulture. Vocal music. Vocational education. Volcanoes. . u Wasps. Waste lands. Water Laus ana legislations Water, Underground. Water-power. Water-rights. Water-storage. Water-supply. Subdivision Water-supply is used under names of cities. Waterfalls. Wayfaring life. Weeds. Weights and measures. Wharves. Subdivision Wharves is used under names of cities. Wheat. Winter resorts. Woman Legal status, laws, etc. Woman Suffrage. Women as authors. Worms. Yachts and yachting. Zinc mines and mining. Zinc ores. Zoology. (B) Headings with direct local subdivision. Accountants. Administrative and political division. Administrative law. Agricultural machinery Trade and manufacture. Alcohol Taxation. Anecdotes. Apprentices. Architects. Architecture. Architecture, Domestic. Art. Art Study and teaching. Art, Municipal. Art industries and trade. Art objects. Artesian wells. Automobiles Laws and regulations. Automobiles Registers. Bakers and bakeries. Bankers. Banks and banking. Baths. Book collectors. Book industries and trade. Bookbinding. Booksellers and bookselling. Boots and shoes Trade and manufacture. Brass industry and trade. Brewing industries. Brick trade. Bronzes. Brooms and brushes. Budget. Building. Building and loan associations. Building laws. Building trades. Cab and omnibus service. Calico-printing. Camphor industry and trade. Capitalists and financiers. Caricatures and cartoons. Carpenters. Carriage and wagon making. Carriage industry. Carriage manufacturers and dealers. Cattle trade. 21 LIST B. DIRECT SUBDIVISION Chattel mortgages. Children Charities, protection, etc. Children Employment. Cholera, Asiatic. Choral societies. Christian antiquities. Church architecture. Church plate. Cigar makers. Cigar manufacture and trade. Cigarette manufacture and trade. Civil service. Civil service pensions. Clay industries. Clerks. Clock and watch makers. Clock and watch making. Clothing trade. Coal miners. Coal trade. Coffee trade. Commercial associations. Confectionery. Constables. Consumption. Copper industry and trade. Coroners. Corporations. Cost and standard of living. Cotton Taxation. Cotton growing and manufacture. Cotton trade. Court rules. Courts. Credit guides. Cultus. Cutlery. Cycling. Dairying. Debts, Public. Deeds. Dentists. Diphtheria. Dissenters. Distilling industries. Divorce. Drawings. Drug trade. Dry-goods. Durbars. Educators. Election law. Elections. LIST B. DIRECT SUBDIVISION 23 Electric engineering. Electric engineering Laws and legislation. Electric industries. Electric light plants. Electric lighting. Electric power-plants. Embroidery. Employment agencies. Engineering. Engineering Study and teaching. Engraving. Engravings. Epidemics. Epitaphs. Etching. Etchings. Examinations. Excavations (Archaeology) Express service. Finance. Fire-alarms. Fire-escapes. Firearms industry and trade. Fish trade. Fishermen. Flour and feed trade. Flour-mills. Fresh air charity. Fruit trade. Fuel trade. Fur trade. Furniture. Furniture industry and trade. Gas companies. Gas manufacture and works. Glass manufacture. Glass painting and staining. Glass trade. Glass-workers. Glassware. Gloves. Grain elevators. Grain trade. Grocery trade. Gunsmiths. Hardware. Harness making and trade. Hat trade. Hay trade. Health-officers. Horse-racing. House decoration. Ice industry. 24 LIST B. DIKECT SUBDIVISION Illumination of books and manuscripts. Illustration of books. Income tax. India-rubber industry. Influenza. Inheritance and transfer tax. Inscriptions. Insurance. Insurance, Accident. Insurance, Agricultural. Insurance, Agricultural Crops. Insurance, Agricultural Live stock. Insurance, Assessment. Insurance, Burial. Insurance, Casualty. Insurance, Employers' liability. Insurance, Fire. Insurance, Hail. Insurance, Health. Insurance, Industrial. Insurance, Life. Insurance, Lightning. Insurance, Marine. Insurance, Maternity. Insurance, State and compulsory. Insurance, Strike. Insurance, Surety and fidelity. Insurance, Unemployment. Investments. Iron industry and trade. Iron-works. Ironwork. Jewelry trade. Journalism. Journalists. Judges. Justice, Administration of. Justices of the peace. Juvenile courts. Labor and laboring classes. Labor exchanges. Land Taxation. Land titles. Land titles Registration and transfer. Landscape painting. Law. Law reports, digests, etc. Lawyers. Lead industry and trade. Leather industry and trade. Lectures and lecturing. Leprosy. Librarians. LIST B. DIRECT SUBDIVISION 25 License system. Licenses. Liquor traffic. Literary landmarks. Lithography. Local government. Locomotive works. Longshoremen. Lumber trade. Lumbering. Machinery Trade and manufacture. Machinists. Malarial fever. Manufacturers. Marriage licenses. Meat industry and trade. Medals. Medicine Study and teaching. Metal trade. Metal-work. Metal-workers. Midwives. Milk supply. Milk trade. Millers. Mineral industries. Mineral waters. Miners. Miners' phthisis. Miniature painting. Mining industry and finance. Missions. Monasteries. Money. Mortgage banks. Mortgages. Mortgages Taxation. Municipal buildings. Municipal ownership. Music Instruction and study. Music trade. Musical societies. . Musicians. Nail-makers. Needlework Instruction and study. Negroes. General works on negroes in the United States are entered under Ne- groes without subdivision. Works on negroes in special states or locali- ties are entered under Negroes [local subdivision} (e.g. Negroes Ar- kansas; Negroes Philadelphia) Works on negroes in foreign countries, cities, etc., are entered under Negroes in Africa, [Canada, London, etc.] For works on the negro in general see the heading Negro race. 26 LIST B. DIRECT SUBDIVISION Notaries. Numismatics. Octroi. Oil industries. Opera. Operetta. Optical trade. Organists. Pageants. Painting. Paintings. Paper box industry. Paper making and trade. Paper money. Patent lawyers. Pawnbroking. Pearl button industry. Pearl industry and trade. Petroleum industry and trade. Pharmacists. Pharmacy Study and teaching. Philosophy Study and teaching. Phosphate industry. Physicians. Pilgrims and pilgrimages. Pilots and pilotage. Pioneers. Plague. Plate. Plumbing Laws and regulations. Pneumonia. Police magistrates. Pork industry and trade. Portrait painting. Potash industry and trade. Potassium industry and trade. Potters. Pottery. Press. Prices. Printers. Printers' marks. Printing- History. Printing, Public. Printing as a trade. Probate records. Produce trade. Prostitution. Public utilities. Publishers and publishing. Quarantine. Quarantine, Veterinary. LIST B. DIEECT SUBDIVISION 27 Railroads. Railroads, Elevated. Railroads, Local and light. Rain and rainfall. Real property. Registers of births, etc. Retail trade. Riparian rights. Roads. Roads, Roman. Rope-makers. Safe-deposit companies. Salt Taxation. Salt industry and trade. Savings-banks. Scarlatina. ' School-houses. School lands. School savings-banks. Sculpture. Seals (Numismatics) Secret societies. Securities. Serfdom. Servants. Sheriffs. Ship-building. Shippers' guides. Shipping. Shoemakers. Shrines. Silk manufacture and trade. Sinking-funds. Smallpox Soap trade. Soda industry. Special assessments. Stamp-duties. Starch industry. Staves and stave trade. Steamboat lines. Steel industry and trade. Steel-works. Stenographers. Stock companies. Stove industry and trade. Straw industries. Street-railroads. Students. vSubways. Sugar Manufacture and refining. Sugar Taxation. Sugar trade. "28 LIST B. DIRECT SUBDIVISION Sulphur miners. Supervisors. Surgeons. Surveyors. Tailors. Tapestry. Tax-sales. Taxation. Taxation of articles of consumption. Taxation of bonds, securities, etc. Taxation of personal property. Tea trade. Teachers. Telegraph. Telephone. Tenement-houses. Terra-cottas. Textile factories. Textile industry and fabrics. Theater. Theology Study and teaching. Tin miners. Tithes. Tobacco Taxation. Tobacco manufacture and trade. Tokens. Tolls. Trade-unions. Traffic regulations. Trained nurses Directories. Trust companies. Tuberculosis. Tunnels. Turpentine industry and trade. Typhoid fever. Typhus fever. Unemployed. Upholstery trade. Vases. Vaudeville. Veterinarians. Visitations, Ecclesiastical. Visitations, Heraldic. Wages. Wages Minimum wage. Warehouses. Water-color painting. Water-colors. Water-power electric plants. Weavers. Weaving. Wheat trade. Wills. LIST B. DIRECT SUBDIVISION .29 Windows. Wine and wine making. Wine and wine making Taxation Witchcraft. Woman Employment. Wood-engraving. Wood-engravings. Woodwork. Woodworkers. Wool trade and industry. Woolen and worsted manufacture. Yellow fever. Zinc industry and trade. Zoologists. (c) List of local divisions (states, provinces, etc.) to which subdivision of heading is always direct. The following local divisions are exceptions to the general rule in re- gard to indirect subdivision (cf. list A) ; they are always used directly after the subject heading (e.g. Agriculture Bohemia; Botany Ohio; Education Prussia; Fruit-culture Ontario) The states and territories of the United States ; also District of Columbia, New York (City) and Washington, D. C. The provinces of Canada. The states of Australia. New South Wales ; Queensland ; South Australia ; Tasmania ; Victoria ; Western Australia. The states of Germany. Alsace-Lorraine ; Anhalt ; Baden ; Bavaria ; Bremen ; Brunswick ; Ham- burg ; Hesse ; Lippe ; Liibeck ; Mecklenburg-Schwerin ; Mecklenburg- Strelitz ; Oldenburg; Prussia; Reuss (Elder line); Reuss (Younger line); Saxe-Altenburg ; Saxe-Coburg-Gotha ; Saxe-Meiningen ; Saxe- Weimar ; Saxony ; Schaumburg - Lippe ; Schwarzburg - Rudolstadt ; Schwarzburg-Sondershausen ; Waldeck ; Wiirttemberg. The provinces of Prussia. Brandenburg; Hanover; Hesse-Nassau; Pomerania; Posen; Prussia, East ; Prussia, West ; Rhine Province ; Saxony ; Schleswig-Holstein ; Silesia ; Westphalia ; also Hohenzollern. The provinces of Bavaria. Bavaria, Lower ; Bavaria, Upper ; Franconia, Lower ; Franconia, Mid- dle ; Franconia, Upper ; Palatinate ; Palatinate, Upper ; Swabia. The provinces, etc., of Austria. Austria, Lower; Austria, Upper; Bohemia; Bukowina; Carinthia; Carniola; Dalmatia; Galicia; Gorz and Gradiska; Istria; Moravia; Salzburg; Silesia; Styria; Tyrol; Vorarlberg. The provinces of Hungary. Croatia ; Slavonia ; Transylvania. The Austro-Hungarian provinces Bosnia and Herzegovina. The provinces of the Netherlands. Brabant, North; Drenthe ; Friesland; Gelderland; Groningen ; Holland, North; Holland, South; Limburg; Overyssel; Utrecht; Zealand. 31 32 LIST C. LOCAL DIVISIONS The old divisions of France (not the present departments) Alsace; Angoumois ; Anjou; Artois ; Aunis ; Auvergne ; Beam; Berry; Bourhonnais ; Brittany ; Burgundy ; Champagne ; Dauphine ; Flanders ; Foix ; Franche-Comte ; Gascony ; Guyenne ; lie de France ; Languedoc ; Limousin ; Lorraine ; Lyonnais ; Maine ; Marche ; Navarre ; Nivernais ; Normandy ; Orleanais ; Perche, Le ; Picardy ; Poitou ; Provence ; Rous- sillon; Saintonge ; Savoy; Touraine ; also .Corsica. The compartimenti of Italy (not the provinces) Abruzzi and Molise ; Apulia ; Basilicata ; Calabria ; Campania ; Emilia ; Liguria; Lombardy ; Marches; Piedmont; Rome (Province); Sardinia; Sicily ; Tuscany ; Umbria ; Venetia. Besides the local divisions given above, subdivision of subject heading is direct also to certain other divisions, political, ecclesiastical, etc. (e. g. Clergy Padcrborn (Diocese) ; Coal mines and mining Lusatia; Monas- teries Thuringia) ; and to many bodies of water, mountain ranges, islands, etc. (e. g. Fisheries North Sea; Natural history Rocky Moun- tains; Meteorology Hongkong) 1C. 90560 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY