GIFT OF of St Matriculation Roll 1747-1897 H I I rl The Matriculation Roll OF THE Btubemtg of 5>t Sttttrretos 1747-1897 EDITED, WITH INTRODUCTION AND INDEX, BY JAMES MAITLAND ANDERSON LIBRARIAN TO THE UNIVERSITY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MCMV All Rights reserved PREFACE. THE present publication is one of a series of volumes in which it is proposed to publish the Matriculation and Graduation Rolls, as well as other historical records, of the University of St Andrews, from its foundation to within three years of the close of the nineteenth century. The scheme has been in contemplation for more than twenty years, and nearly all the necessary lists and documents have been transcribed; but pressure of official work and other considerations have prevented a start being made with the editing and printing until recently. For various reasons it has been found expedient to begin with one of the latest volumes. It will be followed by one of the earliest ; and thereafter the remaining volumes will be issued as nearly as possible in chronological order. But as the Rolls are in places both confused and defective, and require to be supplemented from other sources, they must be taken up in the order which seems likely to ensure the greatest ac- curacy and completeness. Each volume will be complete in itself, with introduction, text, and index ; but the unity of the series as a whole will be maintained. When finished, it is confidently believed that the series will not only pro- vide materials for an exhaustive history of the University of St Andrews, but will form a valuable contribution to academical history generally, besides yielding helpful in- formation to workers in all departments of Scottish his- 250980 vi PREFACE tory. As the University is now within a few years of celebrating the five-hundredth anniversary of its founda- tion, the time appears to be opportune for placing its more important records before the public; and it is to be hoped that the scheme, now somewhat tardily inaugurated, will receive such encouragement as will secure its being carried out in its entirety with the least possible delay. In the preparation of this volume I have received much useful assistance from my two daughters. The elder of them wrote out, or typed, nearly the whole matter for the printer, while the younger helped with the checking of the index, and in other ways. I am also very much indebted to Mr John Johnstone Smith, sub-librarian to the Univer- sity, whose painstaking and skilful reading of the proofs and comparison of them with the original manuscript have saved the volume from many misreadings and typo- graphical errors. So far only three slight mistakes have been discovered that remain uncorrected in the text, and two of them have already been corrected in the index. They were all the result of relying too implicitly on official printed class-lists. Finally, it would be ungrateful not to acknowledge here the constant interest which Principal Donaldson has taken in the progress of this volume through the press, as well as his kindness in reading the proof-sheets of the Introduction. J. MAITLAND ANDERSON. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, ST ANDREWS, 2.2nd June 1905. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION- PERIOD AND SUBJECTS DEALT WITH . . . xi THE UNIVERSITY : Constitution ..... xii Comitia . . . . . .xii Senatus Academicus ..... xii Faculties of Arts and Divinity .... xiii University Court ...... xiii General Council ..... xiv Faculties of Medicine and Science . xv Chancellor ... xv Vice-Chancellor . . . xvi Rector ... ... xvii Matriculation ...... xxii Curriculum of Study ..... xxiv THE UNITED COLLEGE : Proposals for Union ..... xxvi Reasons for Union ..... xxvii Act of Union ...... xxviii Professorships ...... xxix Lectureships ...... xxxiv Assistantships ...... xxxvii Bursaries ....... xxxviii Scholarships ...... xxxix Prizes ....... xl College Buildings ...... xl College Hall xlvi Hall of Residence for Women .... xlvii Laboratories ...... xlvii College Church ...... xlviii viii CONTENTS ST MARY'S COLLEGE : Foundation and Re-Foundation . li Professorships ... Hi College Buildings . . liii Prayer Hall ...... Hv Bursaries ....... lv Students' Rooms . Ivi Prizes and Scholarships . Ivi Class Fees ... . Ivii Divinity Session . . Ivii Irregular Students . Ivii Church Attendance . Iviii UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE : Foundation .... lix Incorporation with the University . . . Hx Matriculation of Science Students lx THE MATRICULATION ALBUMS ... Ixi METHOD OF EDITING THE ROLL . . . Ixii METHOD OF COMPILING THE INDEX . Ixiv DEFECTS IN THE ROLL . . Ixvi NUMBER OF MATRICULATED STUDENTS . Ixvii THE ILLUSTRATIONS . . . Ixviii CHANCELLORS, 1747-1897 . Ixix VICE-CHANCELLORS, 1859-1897 . . Ixix RECTORS, 1747-1897 . . . Ixx PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS, 1747-1897 . . Ixxiv UNIVERSITY LECTURERS, 1892-1897 . . . Ixxxiv GIFFORD LECTURERS, 1888-1897 . Ixxxv UNIVERSITY ASSISTANTS, 1892-1897 . . Ixxxv MATRICULATION STATISTICS, 1747-1897 . . . Ixxxvii MATRICULATION ROLL . . i INDEX TO ROLL . 337 ILLUSTRATIONS. THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY IN 1891 . From a Photograph by A. Downie, St Andrews. THE UNITED COLLEGE IN 1767 From a Drawing by John Oliphant, St A ndrews. THE UNITED COLLEGE IN 1890 Front a Photograph by J. Valentine, Dundee. ST MARY'S COLLEGE IN 1767 From a Drawing by John Oliphant, St A ndrews. ST MARY'S COLLEGE IN 1901 Front a Photograph by J. Fair-weather, St Andrews. Frontispiece Between pp. xxvi, xxvii INTRODUCTION. THE portion of the Matriculation Roll contained in the present volume covers the last of three well-defined periods into which the history of the University of St Andrews may conveniently be divided. The first extends from the foundation of the University in 1411 l to the completion of its reformation by the restriction of St Mary's College to the teaching of Divinity in 1579 ; the second extends from that fundamental change to the union of the Colleges of St Salvator and St Leonard in 1747 ; while the third extends from the amalgamation of those two ancient Colleges to the final incorporation of an entirely new one in 1897. The last was perhaps not the most stirring and eventful of these three periods, but it was a time of much activity, of many vicissitudes, and latterly of renewed vigour and expansion. In the limited space allotted to this Introduction only the merest outline of the story of this century and a half can be told, and much that would be worth recording must be passed over altogether. Thus, the personal element of the story must be wholly omitted. Biographical sketches of the more distinguished Principals and Professors would doubtless have been acceptable to many readers, but room can only be found for a bare list of names and % dates. Nor can matters relating to graduation in the different Faculties be touched upon. The various alterations that have taken place in the manner of conferring degrees and in the courses of study required for them must be left over until the 1 The foundation charter is dated 28th February 1411-12, but the University had been in active existence for some months previously. b xii CONSTITUTION OF THE UNIVERSITY Graduation Roll for the period comes to be printed. In like manner questions relating to administration and to the complicated financial arrangements of the University and its Colleges cannot be referred to, while those affecting constitution and government can only be dealt with sum- marily. Such topics in any case did not much concern the students who matriculated during these years. They were more interested in the subjects taught within the College class-rooms, in the order of the curriculum, in Bursaries, Scholarships, and Prizes, in their rights and privileges as cives of a university, in the academical and social life of the place, and in their own special organisa- tions for intellectual and physical culture. And it is there- fore to such points as these that the following observations are in the main confined. THE UNIVERSITY. As an academical body, the University, in 1747, consisted of the Chancellor, Rector, Principals of Colleges, Professors, and matriculated Students. In 1897 its composition was the same, with the addition of registered Graduates and Alumni. But its organisation had undergone a complete change notwithstanding this apparently slight accession to its component parts. In 1747 the bodies entitled to meet and transact business were the Comitia, the Senatus Academicus, the two Colleges, the Faculty of Arts, and such committees as might from time to time be appointed. The Comitia consisted of the Rector, Principals, Professors, and Students. A meeting of the Comitia was thus a general assembly of the resident members of the University for the time being, and its special function was the election of the Rector. The Senatus Academicus consisted of the Principals and Professors of both Colleges, and had the general management of all academical affairs, besides ad- ministering the property and funds of the University as a corporation distinct from the Colleges. The Senatus THE UNIVERSITY COURT xiii also acted as a Rectorial Court in matters of University discipline ; but it did so not of its own right but because it had become customary for the Rector, at his election, to nominate all its other members as his assessors. The University derived no revenue directly from the Colleges, but the Senatus had the power of assessing them for what were deemed general University purposes, such as the upkeep of the Library and the payment of University officers. The Colleges were corporations distinct from, and independent of, the University in all that pertained to matters of business. Each held its own meetings, managed its own property, appointed its own officials, and exercised discipline over its members subject to an appeal to the Rectorial Court. The Faculty of Arts was composed of the Principal and Professors of the United College, and was presided over by a Dean elected annually from within the Faculty. It administered its own revenues and re- tained to some extent its ancient power of granting degrees in Arts independently of the Senatus Academicus. The Faculty of Divinity had long been merged in St Mary's College, the Principal thereof being regarded as permanent Dean. These constitutional arrangements underwent very little change until 1858, when the University Court and the General Council were instituted. The University Court at first consisted of six members viz., the Rector, the senior Principal, and four Assessors one nominated by the Chancellor and another by the Rector, one elected by the General Council and another by the Senatus Academicus. It was empowered to review all decisions of the Senatus Academicus, and to be a Court of appeal from the Senatus ; to effect improvements in the internal arrangements of the University, with the sanction of the Chancellor, and after due communication with the Senatus and the General Council ; to require due attention on the part of the Pro- fessors to the duties imposed upon them ; to fix and regulate class-fees; to censure or suspend a Principal or Professor, or, if necessary, deprive him of his office, subject to the xiv THE GENERAL COUNCIL approval of the Queen in Council ; and to inquire into and control the administration by the Senatus and Colleges of all their pecuniary concerns, including funds mortified for bursaries and other purposes. 1 The membership of the Court was largely increased and its powers were greatly extended by the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1889. The Court was then made a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, and in it was vested all the property, heritable and movable, formerly belonging to the University and Colleges. 2 The Court thus became the supreme governing body in the University, and to it much of the business formerly transacted by the Senatus was transferred, while the Colleges were deprived of nearly all their administrative powers, and became little more than committees of the Court and of the Senatus. The General Council instituted by the Act of 1858 re- ceived no executive powers. It could only take into con- sideration questions affecting the wellbeing and prosperity of the University and make representations on them to the University Court. 3 Although its functions were not enlarged by the Act of 1889, the Council obtained increased representation in the University Court and greater freedom of action in dealing with questions of academical policy as they arose. 4 The Council was at first a purely academical body, and was composed of the Chancellor, the members of the University Court, the Professors, and such Graduates and Alumni as were entitled by the Act to membership. In 1868 the Council became a political constituency, having secured the right of electing a member of Parliament con- jointly with the General Council of the University of Edinburgh. At the same time its membership was thrown open to all classes of non-honorary graduates, who on pay- ment of a registration fee of one pound became entitled to life membership. 5 In 1881 the payment of this registra- tion fee was made compulsory, so that the General Council was thenceforth intended to consist of the entire body of living graduates, both male and female, whose degrees were 1 Universities (Scotland) Act, 1858, sects. 8, 12. 2 Ibid., 1889, sects. 5, 6. 3 Ibid., 1858, sect. 6. 4 Ibid., 1889, sect. 8. 6 31 & 32 Viet. cap. 48. THE CHANCELLOR xv gained by examination, in addition to the Chancellor, the members of the University Court and Senatus Academicus, and a few Alumni who were admitted under the original constitution of the Council. 1 A Faculty of Medicine came into existence in i862, 2 and a Faculty of Science in 1897, in which year the composition of the three other Faculties underwent revision. 3 The Senatus Academicus had for a long time assumed entire control of the conferring of degrees, so that the powers of the Faculties (including the Faculty of Arts) were confined to recommending to the Senatus such candidates as they deemed qualified for graduation. From the earliest times the official head of the University had been the Chancellor occasionally designated the Lord Chancellor. Previous to the Reformation the Bishops and Archbishops of St Andrews were, in accordance with the usual practice among Universities confirmed by Papal Bull, recognised as Chancellors ex officio. This practice was also kept up when Episcopacy happened to be in the ascendant in Scotland between the Reformation and the Revolution. It is not quite clear how the lay Chancellors who alternated with the later Archbishops were elected, but at least one of them the Earl of Montrose appears to have been appointed by the King, at the time of a visitation of the University on I5th July I-599- 4 For some years after the Revolution the office remained vacant ; but from 1697 to 1858 Chancellors were regularly elected by the Senatus Academicus, which in no single instance chose a Church- man for that exalted office. The Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858 transferred the election from the Senatus Academicus to the newly constituted General Council of the University, of which body the Chancellor was made president. The Chancellorship of the University has long been a life appointment. 5 Under the original constitution of the University the 1 44 & 45 Viet. cap. 40. 2 Ordinance No. 19, sect. 25. 3 Ordinance No. 48. 4 Evidence, vol. iii., 1837, p. 199. 5 In one case the Chancellor was held to have vacated the office by leaving the country. See list of Chancellors, p. Ixix. xvi THE VICE-CHANCELLOR primary function of the Chancellor was to confer degrees upon persons found qualified for them in any of the Faculties. But over and above this statutory duty many of the resident Chancellors took part in the actual manage- ment of the University. They were constantly consulted in matters of doubt and difficulty, and they even at times took the initiative in regulating both University and College affairs. Latterly, although the Chancellor retained his position as head of the University, and was still con- sidered its fountain of honour, it was not required that he should reside within its precincts or even in its vicinity, or that he should take any active share in its government or discipline. He continued, however, to be consulted on all matters bearing upon the welfare of the University, and was also looked upon as conservator of its privileges, an office held at one time by the Archdeacon of St Andrews. 1 By the Act of 1858 the Chancellor's authority was further extended by the provision that all improvements effected in the internal arrangements of the University must receive his sanction. It very seldom happened that the Chancellor found it convenient to confer degrees in person. This part of his duty was almost invariably performed by his deputy, the Vice-Chancellor, when there was one, or by a Promotor appointed by the University when there was no Vice- Chancellor. At the union of the Colleges in 1747 the office of Vice-Chancellor was vacant. The Duke of Cum- berland, who had been elected Chancellor in the previous year, was informed that it would be universally acceptable to the University if His Royal Highness would be pleased to re-appoint Provost Young, the previous Vice-Chancellor, to the office. But the Duke was apparently too busy with his military campaign to attend to so small a matter, and no appointment was made during his tenure of office. Some time after the Earl of KinnoulPs election to the Chancellor- ship he was requested to nominate a Vice-Chancellor, but he declined to do so, preferring that " things should go on 1 Evidence, p. 258. THE RECTOR xvii in the same manner as formerly." And so they did go on until 23rd December 1859 when, in conformity with the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858, the Duke of Argyll appointed Principal Tulloch Vice-Chancellor. With the exception of a few weeks in 1862, when Principal Forbes was Vice-Chancellor, Principal Tulloch held the office till his death in 1886. He was succeeded in the same year by Principal Donaldson, the only other Vice-Chancellor during the period under consideration. So completely did the office of Vice-Chancellor disappear from the University that for more than a hundred years no allusion was made to it in the preamble of diplomas issued to graduates. During all that time degrees were conferred by the Rector, acting in the capacity of Promoter. If the Rector happened to be absent, or indisposed, when a degree fell to be con- ferred, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, or some other member of the University, was chosen Promoter for the particular occasion. In 1860 the Vice-Chancellor resumed his ancient function of conferring degrees, and the term Promotor very soon passed out of use except as a con- venient (and quite legitimate 1 ) designation of the Dean, or other Professor, who presents the graduands of his Faculty to the Vice-Chancellor for their degrees. From 1747 to 1859 the resident head of the University and president of the Senatus Academicus was the Rector frequently, but seldom officially, called the Lord Rector. __, From 1859 to T ^9 these offices devolved, ex officio, upon the senior Principal in the University, and from 1890 on- wards upon the Principal of the United College who, under the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1889, became also Princi- pal of the University. From 1747 to 1859 tne Rector held office for one year only ; from 1859 onwards he was elected for a period of three years. The right to take part in the election of the Rector appears to have been enjoyed by all the students under the 1 At Bologna "the candidate was then introduced to the Archdeacon and Doctors by the presenting Doctor or Promotor as he was styled." Rashdall : * Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages,' vol. i. p. 227. xviii THE RECTOR original constitution of the University. In 1475 this right was withdrawn altogether and the election confined to Doctors, Masters, and Graduates. It was restored, however, in 1625, by an act of a Royal visitation ; 1 but in course of time the statute of 1475 was reverted to. From 1747 to 1825 the right of election was confined to the Principals and Professors, the students of St Mary's College, and the third and fourth year students of the United College. 2 In 1826 the Act of 1625 was rediscovered, and, having never actually been repealed, was once more put in force, so that from that date all matriculated students again had a voice in the election of the Rector. 3 Down to 1859 tne rectorial election was conducted by Nations. Each of the four Nations elected an Intrant, and these four Intrants met and elected the Rector. In the event of an equality of votes among the Intrants, the re- tiring Rector had a casting vote. A majority of votes in each of the four Nations does not appear to have been necessary to secure election. The Nations had never been very clearly defined in the older statutes, and so differences of opinion prevailed as to their respective boundaries. The matter was taken up and dealt with by the Senatus in 1826, when the following classification by shires and stewartries was adopted : FIFANI. Natives of Fife, Kinross, Clackmannan, and Perthshire south of the Tay. ANGUSIANI. Natives of Forfar, Perth north of the Tay, Kincardine, Aberdeen, Banff, Moray, Nairn, Inverness exclusive of the Isles, Ross, Sutherland, Cromarty, Caithness, and Orkney. LOTHIANI. Natives of Linlithgow, Edinburgh, Hadding- ton, Peebles, Selkirk, Berwick, and Roxburgh. ALBANI. Natives of Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Wigtown, Ayr, Renfrew, Bute, Lanark, Dumbarton, Stirling, Argyle, the Western Isles, and all who were not natives of Scotland. Voting by Nations ceased in 1859, when the Scottish 1 Evidence, p. 203. 2 Ibid., p. 9. 3 Ibid., p. 238. THE RECTOR xix University Commissioners ordained that the election of the Rector should in future be determined by a general poll of the matriculated students. 1 At the same time the Professors lost the privilege of taking part in the election, which they had enjoyed from the earliest times. After the union of the Colleges only four persons were eligible for the office of Rector viz., the Principal of the United College, the Principal of St Mary's College, the Professor of Divinity, and the Professor of Church History. These were known as the "viri rectorales," of one or the other of whom the electors were bound to make choice. , It had been enacted by a Royal visitation in 1597 " that na Rector salbe reiterat in tyme cuming, bot efter thrie yeiris space." 2 If this enactment had remained operative the "viri rectorales" would simply have held office in rotation and the election would have been reduced to a mere form. As it was, the election lost much of its interest by the very limited choice open to the electors, and by the fact that the issue was almost in every case a foregone conclusion. In 1825 a strong feeling prevailed among the students that the restriction was unnecessary and detrimental to the interests of the University, while many of them doubted if it rested on anything more substantial than use and wont. They accordingly took the bold step of electing an " ex- trinsic " Rector in the person of Sir Walter Scott, who was ^ : speedily declared to be ineligible. The matter being now brought to a point, the whole question of the Rectorship was carefully investigated by a committee of the Senatus, with the result that the restriction was proved to be in exact accordance with the " fundamental statutes and im-j memorial practice of the University." The students there- upon petitioned the Senatus to remove the limitation, but the Senatus silenced them for a time by informing them that there was " no individual of that body who would agree to the extension sought, without such a restriction of the right of voting as would effectually prevent cabals among the students . . . and would in fact render it a 1 Ordinance No. 4. 2 Evidence, p. 197. xx THE RECTOR matter of little importance to the students on what re- spectable person the choice might fall." l In 1843, when the events just narrated had been for- gotten, the Intrants, with the concurrence of their con- stituents, made another effort to secure an outside Rector by unanimously electing Dr Thomas Chalmers. They were immediately called before the Senatus to answer for their conduct in violating the statutes of the University. One of their number submitted to an admonition and was dis- charged. The others refused to be admonished, and declined the jurisdiction of the Senatus in the matter ; whereupon sentence of expulsion from the University was pronounced upon them. Fortunately for the students the St Andrews University Commissioners of 1840 were still sitting and inquiring into other disputes connected with the Rectorship. After maturely considering all the circum- stances connected with the case of the offending Intrants, the Commissioners recalled the sentence of expulsion, upon the tender of a sufficient apology. The Commissioners, however, held that the election of Dr Chalmers, being contrary to the statutes of the University, as they had been from time immemorial understood and interpreted, was properly declared null and void by the Senatus. 2 The next and final attempt at reform was begun in 1856 when, at the instance of Sir David Brewster, the "viri rectorales " were appointed a committee to inquire into the system of electing the Rector and to consider what modifications of the system might be practicable and ex- pedient. This committee made no report until on the eve of the election of 1858, when Professor Brown, the retiring Rector, was authorised to make a statement on the subject to the Comitia. On the day of election Professor Brown, having demitted office, made formal reference to the dis- advantages of the existing system of electing the Rector, and to the desirability of introducing such changes as might render what had become a mere mechanical form 1 Evidence, p. 267. 2 Report of Commissioners, Appendix No. XL THE RECTOR xxi the free untrammelled exercise of an independent right, and, in some way and measure suited to the times, restore the office to the importance and influence which belonged to it as originally constituted. It was proposed that a committee be appointed to consider the whole subject, and to take competent legal opinion on the changes thought to be desirable. But the meeting was ripe for action, and the proposal to hand the matter over to another committee was defeated. On proceeding to vote, two Intrants sup- ported Professor Buist and two Sir Ralph Anstruther. Professor Brown thereupon gave his casting vote in favour of Sir Ralph on the ground that a majority of the students wished an extraneous Rector. The validity of the election having been called in question, the whole circumstances were explained to Lord Advocate Inglis, who saw no ground for objection to the new departure, and recom- mended the Senatus to go on to the completion of the act by installing the Rector who had been chosen. On i8th March Sir Ralph Anstruther formally accepted office and was duly installed on 25th March. All further oc- casion for dispute was removed by the Universities (Scot- land) Act, passed a few months later, which completely reversed the previous practice by disqualifying all Principals and Professors from holding the office of Rector. The limitation of the Rectorship to two Principals and two Professors led to various anomalies which the Act of 1858 entirely removed. The Principals, as heads of their Colleges, presided at all College meetings, but at University meetings both they and the senior Professors not in- frequently found themselves presided over by a new and inexperienced Professor of Divinity or Church History. Principal Tulloch's reason for declining office in 1855 was a very sensible one viz., his recent appointment to the Principalship and his inadequate knowledge of University business. Not one of the eight Professors of the United College, however experienced and competent, could hold the. office of Rector, while only one of the three Professors of St Mary's College was excluded. During the period of xxii MATRICULATION 112 years from 1747 to 1859 the honour was almost equally divided between the Principal of St Mary's College and the Professor of Divinity, and between the Principal of the United College and the Professor of Church History. The Professor of Divinity was elected 36 times, the Principal of St Mary's College 35 times, the Principal of the United College 19 times, and the Professor of Church History 18 times. Three extraneous Rectors were elected, but dis- qualified, and in one year there was no election. Matriculation is the act which admits a student to membership of a University. It consists in his taking the Sponsio Academica by entering his name in the Matricu- lation Album and in paying the dues which at the time happen to be exigible. From 1859 onwards the method of matriculating differed materially from that previously in vogue. The Senatus Academicus informed the Com- missioners of 1826 that " the Matriculation Roll of this University embraces the names of those students only who have for the first time, during the course of the particular session, studied at this University; but a number of them had previously studied at other Universities." 1 Down to 1859 a student thus matriculated once for all. By a single matriculation he practically became a life member of the University. He was at liberty to discontinue his studies and to resume them after any lapse of time at either College or in any Faculty without further enrolment. But, before he could be matriculated at all he had to be registered as a student in at least one class ; in other words, he had to be a member of a College before he could be a member of the University. Matriculation in those days came after class-registration, and did not as a rule take place until the session was well advanced. It was, more- over, an act attended with a certain amount of ceremony. On the day and at the hour specially set apart for the purpose the new students assembled class by class in the Library, where their names were enrolled in presence of the Rector. Those attending one or more junior classes 1 Evidence, p. 252. MATRICULATION xxiii were generally introduced by the Professor of Greek ; the others were accompanied by their respective Professors. ^ Students who for any reason could not attend on the par- ticular day appointed for the general matriculation were enrolled at other times singly or in groups. Those who had previously attended other Universities did not require to matriculate (having done so elsewhere already), but were simply "received into the album," and held the status they had reached at their former University. There was no "^ separate matriculation for students of St Mary's College. Students entering upon the study of Divinity who had passed through the United College were of course already members of the University, while those coming from out- side had only to be received into the album to enable them to rank as Incorporati. In 1859 all this was changed. Matriculation then became the first formal act in a student's career. He had in fact to be a member of the University before he could be a member of a College. On November 12, 1859, the Senatus Academicus resolved that the Matriculation Roll should, in conformity with the practice of other Universities, be made up annually, and fixed the annual matriculation fee at half-a-crown. In 1862 annual matriculation was made statutory by the University Commissioners, who enacted that "each student shall pay to the University a matricu- lation fee of one pound at the commencement of each winter session for the whole academical year then next ensuing." l This fee was increased to one guinea by an ordinance of the Commissioners of 1889, which came into force in 1894^ At first it was attempted to overtake the matriculation of the whole of the students in one day, but this was soon found to be impracticable, and the period during which a student might matriculate was extended to the first month or six weeks of the session, and sometimes even longer. Under the old regulations matriculation and class enrolment were two quite separate transactions. The one was a University affair, and the other a College affair. 1 Ordinance No. 21, sect. 14. 2 Ordinance No. 50, sect. I. xxiv CURRICULUM OF STUDY For many years the Professors enrolled their students them- selves and collected the class -fees. These duties were afterwards performed by the Secretaries of the Colleges ; but the new ordinances largely disregarded the distinction between University and College, and so matriculation and class-enrolment became simultaneous transactions. Until the new regulations for graduation came into force in 1892 every regular student, especially if he were a bursar, entered upon a well-defined curriculum of study. This curriculum was the result of usage rather than of any special act of University legislation, but it was long some- what rigidly adhered to, and deviations from it were dis- countenanced unless they were justified by some peculiarity of circumstances. 1 It consisted of a four years' course, corre- sponding to the old regenting quadrennium with the classes rearranged to suit the new order of things. Students were expected to begin with the language classes, to commence the study of Mathematics as early as possible, and to attend successively Logic, Moral Philosophy, and Natural Phil- osophy, each one session. History did not come within the scope of the curriculum, nor, of course, did Medicine. Latin and Greek were the favoured classes, and students were recommended to take them during all the sessions of their course. As a matter of actual practice many of them did so, and thus the senior classes of Latin and Greek largely outnumbered all the others. The taste for Mathematics developed slowly, and towards the end of the eighteenth century most students seem to have avoided the subject altogether. The following table, compiled from such statistics as are available, shows the average attend- / ance at these classes during the five decades following 1790 : Senior Latin. Senior Greek. Senior Mathematics. 1791-1800 51-6 43-4 77 1801-1810 46-4 427 14-1 1811-1820 86'i 78-6 22-3 1821-1830 96-9 90-9 33-6 1831-1840 51-1 55'0 23-5 1 Evidence, p. 285. CURRICULUM OF STUDY xxv For more than a century after the union of the Colleges the normal Arts course was as follows : First Session Latin, Greek ; Second Session Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Logic ; Third Session Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Moral Philos- ophy; Fourth Session Latin, Greek, Mathematics, Natural Philosophy. Students were also recommended to avail themselves of the opportunity of attending History and Chemistry, and the lectures on such other subjects as were from time to time offered. After 1858 this programme underwent some revision to meet the requirements of the regulations for graduation in Arts then introduced. First Latin, First Greek, First Mathematics, and English Litera- ture were placed in the first session ; Second Latin, Second Greek, Second Mathematics, and Logic in the second session; Third Latin, Third Greek, Third Mathematics, and Moral Philosophy in the third session ; Natural Philosophy and supplementary subjects in the fourth session. In 1888 English Literature and Moral Philosophy were transferred to the fourth session, Logic and Natural Philosophy to the third session ; but these rearrangements were suggestive rather than obligatory, and students were allowed a fair amount of latitude in the grouping of their seven compulsory subjects. After 1892 the grouping of classes by sessions was discontinued, as the regulations which then came into operation left students free to make their own choice in the order of their class attendances. The educational advantages of an extended curriculum and elective courses are doubtless great, but since their introduction an important element in the academical life of the past has begun to disappear. A uniform curriculum had helped to keep alive the feeling of class comradeship which prevailed in the days before Professors were called upon to teach specific subjects. Students who entered in the same year for the most part remained class-fellows throughout their whole course, and so came to knOw each other intellectually in a way that is no longer possible under a system which has opened up so many avenues to a common end. So great in this respect has been the breach xxvi THE UNITED COLLEGE with the past, that it is now possible for two students to go through their whole course simultaneously and obtain the same degree without ever meeting in a single class. THE UNITED COLLEGE. The United College was constituted by the union into one corporation of the College of St Salvator (founded by Bishop Kennedy in 1450) and the College of St Leonard (founded by Archbishop Alexander Stewart and Prior John Hepburn in 1512). This union was accomplished by Act of Parliament, and took effect from and after 24th June 1747. Very little is known of the history of the movement in favour of union, and it seems to be impossible now to discover in which College the idea originated, and to whom belongs the credit of having carried it through. 1 That many difficulties had to be overcome is evidenced by the fact that the negotiations extended over so long a period as nine years. As originally conceived, the scheme contem- plated the union of all three Colleges, a proposal which the University on I4th August 1738 deemed to be "just and reasonable," and appointed a committee " to draw up a state of the revenues of the several Colleges, the salaries of the several Masters, the manner of their election," &c., with a view to carrying it into effect. On 26th December 1738 this committee reported that the Masters of St Mary's College had, after deliberation, declined to be united into one College with the two philosophy Colleges, and that therefore no " state " of that College was forthcoming. " States " of the Colleges of St Salvator and St Leonard were duly given in, whereupon the University, believing that the union would be very much to its advantage, recommended the Colleges " to proceed in that affair." No 1 Professor David Young was sent to London to procure the Act of union, and, on his return, received the thanks of the College "for his care and diligence in that matter." 4 REASONS FOR UNION xxvii further reference to the subject is met with until i8th November 1741, when the Principal of St Leonard's College reported to the Masters that the project of uniting the two Colleges was now so far advanced as to be ready to be laid before Parliament, and that it would be necessary to provide a fund to defray the expenses* of obtaining an Act. By a majority of those present it was agreed to advance, from the funds of the College, a sum not exceeding ;6o for this purpose, provided a like sum was advanced by the Provost and Masters of St Salvator's College. Financial or other difficulties must have arisen, for it was not until i2th December 1746 that proposals for uniting the Colleges were finally adjusted and signed. The reasons for union, as set forth in the preamble to these proposals, were: (i) "the meanness of the Professors' salaries, which must needs be a discouragement to men of learning and abilities to accept of vacant professions " ; (2) the ruinous condition of one of the fabrics, not to be repaired and supported without an expense far exceeding what the public funds can afford; (3) the duty "at least to attempt laying a foundation which hereafter may support this sinking though once flourishing University and give hopes of restoring it again to its former lustre." The proposals themselves dealt with the union of the Colleges, with the amalgamation and management of their respective funds and revenues, the redistribution of the professorships, the salaries of Principals and Professors, of patronage and other matters, which, as revised by Parliament, were after- wards embodied in the Act of union. The proposals were signed by three Professors of St Salvator's College, the Principal and three Professors of St Leonard's College, and by the Professors of Mathematics and Medicine, who be- longed to neither of these Colleges, but who were to be admitted members of the United College. The principal- ship of St Salvator's College and one of the professorships were at the time vacant. The three Professors who did not sign the proposals were those who had agreed to retire. The proposals, as submitted to Parliament, were thus c xxviii ACT OF UNION signed by the nine persons who became the first Principal and Professors of the United College. On I7th February 1747 a petition was presented to the House of Commons praying that leave might be given to bring in a bill for uniting the Colleges of St Salvator and St Leonard pursuant to the agreement and resolutions of the several Masters and Professors, if the same should appear for the advancement of learning and the better education of youth in the University of St Andrews. This petition was referred to the consideration of a committee consisting of all the Scotch members and thirty- seven others, with power to send for persons, papers, and records. The committee returned a favourable report on 30th March, when the House ordered that leave be given to bring in a bill for uniting these Colleges, and appointed Mr David Scott, Mr Thomas Erskine, and Sir Ludovic Grant to pre- pare and bring in the same. The bill was presented to the House and read a first time on 6th April, when the Chancellor of the Exchequer stated that the King, having been informed of the purport of the bill, had given his consent to it so far as his Majesty's interest was concerned. The bill was read a second time on loth April, and com- mitted to a committee of the whole House. On 27th April Lord Dupplin reported that the committee had gone through the bill and made several amendments thereunto which they had directed him to report to the House. It was ordered that the report be received on 2gth April, on which day Lord Dupplin, according to order, submitted the bill with the committee's amendments. These were agreed to by the House and several additional amendments made, after which the bill with its amendments was ordered to be engrossed. On ist May the bill was read a third time, passed, and ordered to be sent to the House of Lords for their concurrence. The bill was introduced into the House of Lords and read a first time on 5th May. It was read a second time on 7th May, and referred to a committee for consideration. On nth May the Earl of Findlater reported that the committee had gone through the bill and examined the allegations thereof, which were found UNITED COLLEGE PROFESSORSHIPS xxix to be true, and that the committee had directed him to report the same to the House without any amendment. On I3th May the bill was read a third time and passed. This was reported to the House of Commons on I4th May, and the Act of union received the Royal assent on I7th June. 1 The various clauses of the Act of union are substantially the same as the corresponding clauses of the signed pro- posals. A comparison of the two documents shows many verbal alterations and numerous changes of form and ex- pression but no essential departure from the scheme of union worked out by the Professors themselves. Only one of the amendments made by Parliament gave rise to friction ; but it only affected a minor financial arrangement which was soon satisfactorily adjusted. The union of the two Colleges involved the suppression of one principalship and four professorships. The principal- ship of St Salvator's College and one of its professorships being, as already stated, vacant at the time of union, were suppressed at once, while the professorships held by one member of St Salvator's College and by two members of St Leonard's College, who retired on full pay, were to be suppressed at their respective deaths. The United College, like its two predecessors, was a residential College, and consisted of a specific number of members. These were made up of one Principal, eight Professors, sixteen bursars on the original foundation, along with such others as might be separately provided for, and the necessary College servants. The first Principal of the United College was the Reverend Thomas Tullideph, formerly Principal of St Leonard's College. The following is a list of the professorial chairs, with the names of their first occupants as provided for by the Act of union : Greek. James Kemp, formerly Professor of Greek in St Salvator's College. 1 Journals of the House of Commons, vol. xxv. pp. 290-408 ; Journals of the House of Lords, vol. xxvii. pp. 110-113. The Act is 20 Geo. II. cap. 32. It was reprinted by the Commissioners of 1826 in Evidence, vol. iii. p. 278, and by the Commissioners of 1889 in Deeds and Documents, p. 31. xxx UNITED COLLEGE PROFESSORSHIPS Logic, Rhetoric, and Metaphysics. Henry Rymer, formerly Professor of Philosophy in St Leonard's College. Ethics and Pneumatics. John Young, formerly Professor of Philosophy in St Salvator's College. Natural and Experimental Philosophy. David Young, for- merly Professor of Philosophy in St Leonard's College. Humanity. Ninian Young, formerly Professor of Humanity in St Leonard's College. Civil History. William Vilant, formerly Professor of Humanity in St Salvator's College. Mathematics. David Gregory, formerly Professor of Mathematics in the University. Medicine. Thomas Simson, formerly Professor of Medicine and Anatomy in the University. No enlargement of the professorial staff was contem- plated by the Act of union, and as a matter of fact one hundred and fifteen years had come and gone before a single new professorship was added to the College. In 1808 Dr John Gray of Paddington, London, left a sum of money for the purpose of endowing a professorship of Chemistry. The sum received, after deducting legacy duty, was a small one for such a purpose, and it was found necessary to allow it to accumulate until 1840, when the first Professor of Chemistry was appointed. In the interval the teaching of Chemistry was, by a resolution of the Senatus, to be afterwards mentioned, assigned to the Pro- fessor of Medicine. This new Chair was looked upon as simply a private endowment, carrying with it no status either in College or University. In 1844, however, the Pro- fessor was received as a member of the Senatus Academicus and a University Professor; and in 1862 he was added to the list of Professors in the United College, with the proviso that he was not to be entitled to any payment out of the common stock or revenues of the College. 1 The Chairs of Greek, Humanity, and Mathematics under- went no change, except that the Professors, who at first taught junior and senior classes only, afterwards taught a third or more advanced class. The third class in 1 Ordinance No. 21, sect. n. UNITED COLLEGE PROFESSORSHIPS xxxi Mathematics is said to have commenced so early as 1793, although no trace of it appears until I822. 1 The third classes in Greek and Humanity date from 1853. The Chair of Natural and Experimental Philosophy has likewise re- mained substantially the same, but the subject has under- gone considerable expansion. In place of a single course of lectures to one class, four courses of instruction were latterly given viz., an elementary course of 100 lectures, an ad- vanced course of 60 lectures, and an elementary and ad- vanced course of training in Practical Physics. English Literature was introduced into the curriculum in 1861 under the Universities Act of 1858, and the teaching of the subject was assigned to the Professor of Logic, Rhetoric, and Metaphysics. This combination lasted ex- actly thirty years, Professor Henry Jones being the last Professor of Logic to deliver a course of lectures on English Literature, in 1891-92. From 1892-93 to 1896-97 a full course of lectures on the English Language and Literature was delivered by Professor M'Cormick of University Col- lege, Dundee, under a special agreement sanctioned by the University Commissioners. On I5th January 1897 an ordinance founding the Berry Chair of English Literature was approved by the Queen in Council, and on I4th March the Reverend Alexander Lawson, B.D., was appointed its first occupant. The professorship of Ethics and Pneumatics was soon changed to Moral Philosophy. It was afterwards expanded to Moral Philosophy and Political Economy, but it was again restricted to Moral Philosophy by an ordinance of I5th January i897. 2 Political Economy was first taught in the United College by the Professor of Moral Philosophy about 1818-19, but not apparently as a separate class. Professor Chalmers began on his own initiative to lecture on Political Economy, and taught separate classes during the last three years of his tenure of office (1825-26 to 1827-28). These classes were attended by 35, 29, and 28 students respectively. His successor, Dr George Cook, continued the two subjects in the same class, although 1 Evidence, p. 333. 2 Ordinance No. 48, sect. 5. xxxii UNITED COLLEGE PROFESSORSHIPS there were occasionally students of Political Economy who were not students of Moral Philosophy, and vice versa. This appears to have been the practice followed by Professors Ferrier, Flint, and Knight all students of Moral Philosophy being returned as students of Political Economy. The subject was dropped from the curriculum altogether when the new regulations for graduation in Arts came into force in 1892, and was not again restored within the period covered by this volume. The professorship of Civil History was the only new Chair founded by the Act of union, and unhappily it turned out to be a failure from the first. Not one of the holders of the Chair was able to carry on a regular class for any length of time. Professor Forrest (1765-73), in default of students of History, is reported to have taught Modern Languages. He had evidently been a person of some versa- tility, for he was afterwards transferred to the Chair of Natural Philosophy. His successor, Professor Cleghorn, was scarcely more successful, although certain bursars were for a time taken bound to attend his class. Professor Adamson (1793-1808) adopted the plan of delivering short courses of lectures free, and so attracted an average of over a dozen hearers. Professor Ferrie (1808-50) admitted to the University Commissioners in 1827 that his Chair had been a sinecure, so far as lecturing was concerned, ever since he had it, and he suggested that on its becoming vacant it should be converted into a Chair of Modern Languages a sugges- tion which the Commissioners adopted. But he withdrew this suggestion when the commission of 1840 visited St Andrews, on the ground that Modern Languages were sufficiently provided for in the Madras College, then recently founded, and that students had been for some years attending his classes in considerable numbers. When the Chair became vacant in 1850, the Senatus requested the Patron to select a person competent to teach Natural History, and on the understanding that he would teach it in all its branches. The Patron agreed, and presented Dr William Macdonald to the Chair of Civil History on the UNITED COLLEGE PROFESSORSHIPS xxxiii understanding that he would also teach Natural History. This anomalous combination was formally sanctioned by ordinance in 1862, the Professor of Civil History being made also Professor of Natural History, and a member of the Faculty of Medicine. 1 The experiment did not improve matters much. Professor Macdonald is credited with one class in Civil History and six classes in Natural History during his twenty-five years' occupancy of the Chair. In 1861 a statement was industriously circulated to the effect that Dr Macdonald was usually domiciled in Edinburgh during the University session at St Andrews, and that he did not lecture there ; but the Professor was able to produce evidence from former students that he had conducted classes at least to the extent mentioned. His course in Natural History extended to fifty lectures only, and included Miner- alogy, Geology, and Zoology. Under Professors Nicholson and M'Intosh classes in Natural History only were offered, the former teaching Zoology and Geology in alternate years, and the latter confining himself to Zoology. The Chair of Medicine was even less successful than the Chair of Civil History. The first three occupants of it are not known to have lectured regularly to students on any branch of Medicine, but they appear to have " demonstrated the skeleton " and given instruction in Practical Pharmacy occasionally. When the Chair became vacant in 1811, Dr Robert Briggs was appointed to teach Chemistry and Chemical Pharmacy, which he did until his death in 1841. His successor, Professor John Reid, lectured on Descriptive and Comparative Anatomy and on General Physiology from 1841 to 1849. From 1849 to J 863 Professor George Edward Day held classes regularly for instruction in General Physi- ology and Comparative Anatomy. From 1863 to 1896 Physiology only was taught, the object of the course being to instruct the general student, as well as the student of Medicine, in the Anatomy and Physiology of the human body and in the more essential departments of sanitary science. 1 Ordinance No. 21, sect. 8. xxxiv UNIVERSITY LECTURERS In 1876 a Chair of the Theory, History, and Practice of Education was founded by the trustees of Dr Andrew Bell, a native of St Andrews, and a former student and graduate of the University. Although associated with the United College, the Chair of Education was a University Chair, and no class-room was provided for it in the College build- ings. The Professor had either to obtain the loan of a class-room or lecture in his own house (which he frequently did). This Chair did not at first attract many students, but its inclusion in the Arts curriculum under the new regula- tions of 1892 led to a marked improvement in this respect. Ordinance No. 17 (1892) of the Scottish Universities Commission empowered the University Court, after con- sultation with the Senatus Academicus, to appoint Lec- turers in any subject not already taught within the Uni- versity. Under this ordinance University Lecturers were appointed in the following subjects up to 30th September 1897 : Botany, French, History, Anatomy, Materia Medica, Physiology, and Modern Greek. Some elementary instruction in Botany had been given in the United College more than fifty years previously in the courses of lectures in Natural History delivered by Mr John Gibson Macvicar in sessions 1825-26 and I826-27. 1 It was also to some extent treated of in the lectures of the professors of Natural History from 1850 onwards; but it was not until 1888 that it was taught systematically as a specific subject. In that and the two following years Dr John Hardie Wilson delivered lectures on Botany, quali- fying for graduation in Medicine and Science in all the Scottish Universities. In addition to lecturing, Dr Wilson spent much time in laying out a botanic garden suitable for teaching purposes. This nucleus of the later and larger University botanic garden was opened by Professor M'Intosh on 28th June 1889. Finding little inducement to carry on the work, Dr Wilson accepted another appoint- ment and was succeeded by Mr R. A. Robertson in 1890. Shortly afterwards, Dr Hugh F. C. Cleghorn of Stra- 1 Evidence, p. 158. UNIVERSITY LECTURERS xxxv vithie gifted 1000 towards the endowment of a Botanic lectureship or future Chair in the United College, and on 6th April 1891 Mr Robertson was appointed the first regular University Lecturer in Botany. Winter and summer courses in Botany (theoretical and practical) were then instituted in the Faculties of Arts, Science, and Medicine. The first University Lecturer on the French Language and Literature was appointed on 3rd December 1892. On 22nd September 1894 the scope of the lectureship was extended so as to include Romance Philology. French was thus the first modern foreign language to receive re- cognition as a subject qualifying for graduation in the University. But the subject was not a new one to the St Andrews student. In November 1755 Mr Percival Stockdale, with the approbation of the Professors, under- took to teach a French class, but as he left the College to enter the army in the following February, the experiment was a very brief one. 1 On igth November 1773 the Rector laid before a meeting of the University a letter from the Town Council acquainting them that the town had agreed to give Mr M'Gregor 5 sterling annually as a teacher of French in this place, provided the University give him 15 sterling annually. 2 This proposal was referred to the consideration of the two Colleges, and a year later (i4th November 1774) a committee was appointed "to settle the matter with the French master." No further reference to Mr M'Gregor has been found, but on 15th May 1782 Mr Charles Pepper, French teacher, is reported to be on the point of leaving St Andrews and in need of money. The United College resolved to give him 5 as its just pro- portion, while St Mary's College agreed "to allow him fifty shillings sterling providing he shall remove himself peaceably without giving them any trouble." The next mention of the subject is on 4th January 1794, when a 1 ' Memoirs,' vol. i. p. 235. 2 Mr Duncan M'Gregor was teacher of French in Perth Academy from 1768 till 1795. He offered to come to St Andrews if an annual salary of 20 was guaranteed to him, but there is no evidence that he ever left Perth. xxxvi UNIVERSITY LECTURERS letter from Mr Stewart of St Fort relating to the appoint- ment of a French teacher was read. The Rector was directed to reply that the University entertained a just sense of the importance of that branch of education, but had been discouraged from renewing the establishment of a French teacher on account of repeated disappoint- ments with regard to the character of the person who had previously acted in that capacity. What the Uni- versity required was " one who is not a provincial, is qualified to teach French grammatically, and who knows so much of English as to be easily understood by his scholars." It was also desirable, though not essential, that he should be able to teach Drawing. After some correspondence with Mr Stewart, and Dr Carmichael Smyth of London, Monsieur Lagrandierre, a native of France, was induced to come to St Andrews and to take up the duties of French master in the United Col- lege. He continued to hold the appointment until April 1802 when, owing to failing health, he resolved to return to France. On his resignation being intimated, the Rector was appointed to express to him the sense which the Uni- versity entertained of the propriety of his conduct, and the elegance of his manners, and their earnest wishes for his health and happiness in his native country. He also received a parting gift of twenty guineas as an ex- pression of the esteem and regard in which he was held by the University. Steps were immediately taken to ap- point a successor to M. Lagrandierre, and on 6th August 1802 the Reverend James Hunter, Minister of Dunino, was unanimously elected French teacher during the pleasure of the University. Two years later Mr Hunter was ap- pointed Professor of Logic, and as he expressed a wish to continue teaching French, he was allowed to do so on relinquishing the salary attached to that office and contenting himself with the fees. This arrangement seems to have lasted until 1817, when the Principal and Masters of the United College authorised M. Samuel Messieux to open a class in the College for the instruction of students UNIVERSITY ASSISTANTS xxxvii in French. On 8th January 1834 M. Messieux was ap- pointed first teacher of Modern Languages in the newly founded Madras College, St Andrews, his chief recom- mendation being that he had most successfully taught a French class in the University in connection with the United College. Notwithstanding this appointment, M. Messieux retained his position in the University until his retirement in 1854 > an< ^> according to the annual advertise- ment of the College classes, he offered instruction in German and Italian as well. 1 There is, unfortunately, no record of the number of students who attended these French classes, but there must have been enough to justify their existence, or the University would not have continued so long to make provision for them. The remaining lectureships having been instituted so late as 1896, were only available to those students who matricu- lated in the last year included in this volume. With the exception of Modern Greek (which was financed by the Marquess of Bute), all the subjects had, like Botany and French, already been taught in the University. History had indeed been a separate professorship, while Anatomy, Materia Medica, and Physiology had been lectured upon at one time or other by the Professor of Medicine. It is worth recording, however, that the lectureship in Physiology (also at first provided by the Marquess of Bute) was held for two years by the first lady-lecturer in the University. Although lying outside the University curriculum, notice may properly be taken here of the Gifford lectureship, founded in 1887 " for promoting, advancing, teaching, and diffusing the study of Natural Theology, in the widest sense of that term." Beginning with the academical year 1892-93, the teach- ing staff of the College was augmented by the appointment of University Assistants to most of the Professors, under the same ordinance that made provision for Lecturers. 1 On 22nd October 1852 a Lieut. Torckler petitioned the College for the use of a room in which to teach the French language, but the College declined to accede to the request. xxxviii UNITED COLLEGE BURSARIES Assistants had from time immemorial been employed by Professors in the work of their classes, but these were almost always private assistants, appointed and paid for by the Professors themselves. Some of them were indeed more than assistants, and practically had entire charge of the class-work. Thus, in the time of Professor Nicolas Vilant the Mathematical classes were taught by assistants for many years in succession, the Professor himself being seldom able to leave his room on account of ill-health. The new University Assistants, on the contrary, were to be recognised officials of the University, and entitled to various academical privileges. The right of Professors to employ private assistants was not withdrawn by the ordin- ance, but these assistants were prohibited from taking part in the public work of the classes without the permission of the University Court. The Act of union made provision for the maintenance of sixteen bursars in the United College. Six of these were on the foundation of St Salvator's College, and ten upon the foundation of St Leonard's College. There were in addition four servers, who in return for board and lodging on the same scale as the Foundation bursars performed menial duties connected with the College tables. The value of each Foundation bursary was at first 5, us. id., and that sum was paid to any bursar who obtained per- mission to live outside the College walls. This equivalent was increased in 1820 to 8, and in 1829 to 10, which remained the normal value of all Foundation bursaries till 1895 a proposal to raise it to -12 having been rejected in 1831. From 1878 onwards, through the generosity of several citizens of Dundee, some of these bursaries were, however, considerably increased in value. In 1895 ten of these bursaries and serverships were combined so as to form five bursaries of 20 each, the other ten being con- tinued at 10 each as before. At the time of the union these were the only bursaries open to competition by students entering the College. Although originally intended for poor students only, poverty UNITED COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS xxxix alone was never a sufficient qualification to hold them. And so on I2th October 1747 it was agreed that the Foun- dation bursaries should be disposed of by comparative trial, the presumption no doubt being that only those who really required them would compete for them. At first the ex- amination was confined to the Latin language ; Greek and Mathematics were afterwards added; and ultimately Modern Languages and Dynamics. About a dozen presentation or preference bursaries had been founded in the two Colleges previous to 1747. These passed to the United College, which in some cases ad- ministered the funds, although the bursars were usually presented by private patrons, who did not always take the intellectual attainments of their presentees into account. Only three additional bursaries were founded in the second half of the eighteenth century; but the number of foun- dations increased so steadily in the nineteenth century that in 1896 the College was in possession of over one hundred bursaries ranging in value from 5 to 50 each per annum. Although the eleemosynary character of the bursary system has not been altogether swept away, there has been a con- stant tendency to award not only competitive bursaries but also presentation bursaries on the basis of merit alone. The requirements of the preliminary examination instituted in 1892 render this course almost unavoidable, while the in- creased facilities for obtaining secondary education through- out the country make it more easy of accomplishment. Scholarships were first instituted in the United College in 1862 by a supplementary ordinance of the Scottish Uni- versities Commission, which utilised for that purpose the surplus revenue of the Ramsay foundation, dating from 1681. The Ramsay scholarships were succeeded by the Guthrie scholarships in 1864, by the Bruce scholarships in 1865, and by the Berry scholarships in 1895. In 1896 the number of scholarships in the College was thirteen two of the annual value of about 40 each, tenable for four years ; two of the annual value of 50 each, tenable for two years ; five of the annual value of 100 each, tenable for one or xlii UNITED COLLEGE BUILDINGS fitted up for lodging the students and to bring in an esti- mate of the expense of that reparation. On I3th June this committee reported that they had surveyed the rooms and had found no less than thirty-two rooms which might easily be fitted up for lodgings, besides six schools. Some minor repairs were forthwith effected, but very little money was spent on the old buildings during the next few years. On I3th May 1754 it was agreed, on the report of a committee appointed on 3rd April, to make certain alterations on the west wing (involving the demolition of a projecting building known as " Montrose's chambers"), and also to employ an architect to make a plan of a building the whole length of the north side of the area. Plans and estimates for the new building were submitted on 25th May, and contracts were signed for carrying out one half of the scheme, con- sisting of ten rooms and two schools. This new building was " founded" on 8th July 1754. It is not easy to follow, in the College records, the various stages of its erection, but it appears to have been completed by 1757, and to have cost 1467, i6s. 5d. It was a long narrow building three storeys in height, with an open arcade of thirteen arches running from end to end of the south side. A good deal of old material from the building which it superseded was used in its construction, and altogether it must have been of a somewhat flimsy nature. It was covered with blue slates specially brought by sea from the west of England, but these were condemned as " quite faulty and insufficient " in I76g^}and ordered to be taken off and replaced with grey slates from Arbroath. Even then the roof must have been far from satisfactory, for in 1796 it underwent further repairs at a cost of 82, 143. 8^d. On 2gth January 1763 a plan and estimates were obtained for the erection of a building, " three stairs high three rooms in length," on the east of the College area. The probable cost of this building was to have been 660, 133. 5d., but the Masters delayed going on with it, and nothing more is heard of it. In the summer of the same year additions on a small scale were carried out on the south side of the area, immediately behind the UNITED COLLEGE BUILDINGS xliii church and westwards from the vestry, which was also in- cluded in the reparation. These additions were more of the nature of domestic offices, except that the remains of a chapel at the north-west corner of the church were re- paired and heightened so as to be made capable of accom- modating students. The cost of these operations amounted to 94, 153. 8d., and they were to be completed before the opening of the session. No further extensions of the fabric were made during the eighteenth century, but a good deal of money was annually required to keep the existing build- ings in repair. Although sums amounting to about 5500 had been ex- pended in the erection and repair of the College buildings between 1747 and 1824, the Commissioners of 1826 found them to be in a lamentable condition. A committee of their number made a special inspection of them on 3ist July 1827 and reported in these terms : " The western part is extremely old, and appears entirely ruinous and incapable of repair. In this portion most of the class-rooms are con- tained, and these are extremely mean, small, confined, and insufficient; not in general fit to accommodate the classes without the risk of detriment to the health of the Professors and students. The remainder of the fabric of the United College, although erected at a much more recent period, is also in a most dilapidated state. Some of the class-rooms are in this part of the building. But they are entirely unfit for that purpose, and there is no part of the building which could be so altered as to afford the accommodation neces- sary for the classes of the College. The building is too narrow to admit of any such alteration, even if the fabric is considered to be sufficient, which appears to be extremely doubtful." 1 The evidence given a few days later by several of the Professors was equally strong. Professor John Hunter said the buildings generally were in very bad repair. Ever since he knew the College the east side of the area had been quite ruinous and dilapidated. The north building was in the opinion of tradesmen in a very bad state both 1 Evidence, p. 5. d xliv UNITED COLLEGE BUILDINGS as regards walls and timber. The west building was so much off the perpendicular that it had been necessary to bind the walls together with cross-beams. He was ashamed when any person from a distance wished to see the College, the exterior of it was so discreditable. Professor Jackson thought an entirely new set of class-rooms was required. Some of them were tolerably good, but they were for the most part too low in the roof and too narrow and confined. The whole place was in such a condition that without a new building it could not be shown without shame to any stranger, especially to any Englishman. Professor Duncan also complained of the inadequacy of the class-rooms, and described the general appearance of the buildings as cer- tainly not respectable for a great seminary of education, and apt to degrade it in the eyes of the students as well as of the public. Professor Chalmers said that his own class- room was a very mean and shabby-looking place. They " should not only have a complete suit of class-rooms, but a fabric of somewhat creditable aspect, that would announce itself to be a College, and not be mistaken for an old cotton-mill." 1 Lord Melville, the Chancellor of the University, had already been urging upon Government the necessity of repairing or rebuilding the College fabric, and plans of the old and ruinous buildings and of the College grounds had been prepared in 1825 a t the request of Sir Henry Jardine, King's Remembrancer in the Exchequer of Scotland. On 28th December 1827 Lord Melville again took up the matter in a detailed letter to the Treasury, which was officially communicated to the University Commissioners. On lyth October 1828 plans prepared by Mr Reid, King's Architect for Scotland, for repairing and restoring the buildings, were inspected by the Commissioners and approved of; and on 24th November following, the Lords of the Treasury in- formed the Commissioners that the Barons of Exchequer in Scotland had been authorised to proceed with the works. 2 A commencement was made in 1828, and by 1831 an en- 1 Evidence, pp. 45, 140, 147, 163. 2 Report, 1831, p. 417. UNITED COLLEGE BUILDINGS xlv tirely new east wing had been erected upon ground specially acquired by the Government for the purpose. This new building, although a great improvement on anything that had preceded it, was by no means a successful experiment in collegiate architecture. Not only was the exterior lack- ing in taste, but the internal arrangements were ill-designed and wasteful of space. The heating and ventilating of the new class-rooms were most unsatisfactory. Dry rot soon made its appearance in the woodwork, and before long the whole flooring in the lower rooms had to be renewed. Having proceeded so far, the work of rebuilding the College came to a sudden stop, and notwithstanding much expostulation with the Government it was not resumed for nearly fourteen years. During that period the College was obliged to expend considerable sums in maintaining the old buildings and in endeavouring to make the new one service- able. In 1843 the College enlisted the services of Sir Hugh Lyon Playfair, Provost of the city, who took up the matter with such heartiness and vigour that within a few months fresh plans for additional buildings and alterations, prepared by Mr Nixon, Queen's Architect for Scotland, were sub- mitted and approved of. The old north building was forthwith demolished and, in 1845-46, replaced by the present north wing of the College, containing hall, museum, class-rooms, and other accom- modation. As soon as this new building was ready for occupation the old west wing was pulled down, with the exception of the small portion which now forms part of the janitor's house, with secretary's office, &c., above. It was at first intended to enclose the frontage thus opened up to Butts Wynd with a parapet wall and railing to show off the new buildings, but at the urgent desire of the Principal and Professors a high wall with a large gateway near the centre was substituted. In place of the arcaded corridor which ran the whole length of the old north building, the Principal and Professors wished a covered way to be erected on the inner side of the new wall to protect the students in wet and stormy weather. But on the suggestion of the architect a xlvi THE COLLEGE HALL spacious cloister was instead erected along the north wall of the church, on the site of the vestry and other buildings above alluded to, which had been cleared away in 1839. This was afterwards found to be a mistake. With a northern exposure and a cold draught constantly blowing through it, this convenient and attractive looking retreat was no real shelter to students in winter. In 1864 its eight openings were closed up, and a portion of it was converted into a meeting-place for students' societies, under the name of the Cloister Hall. Being no longer required for such purposes, the cloister was afterwards used partly as a gymnasium and partly as a drill-hall in connection with the students' battery of volunteers. It was not until 1851 that all the additions to and alterations upon the College buildings were completed. They were then taken over by the Treasury as national property, and for the next forty years were maintained at the public expense. On ist April 1890 they were transferred to the University Court, which thereafter became responsible for their maintenance. 1 In 1861, mainly through the exertions of Principal Forbes, a joint-stock company was formed for the "establishment and conduct of a College Hall for the residence of the sons of gentlemen attending the University of St Andrews, . . . and to provide, on moderate terms, a home and the best possible aid in their studies for young men prosecuting these in the University of St Andrews." The promoters of this Hall sought to restore, in some measure, to the University the College system as it formerly prevailed. In it the habits of family life were preserved, all meals were taken in common, and morning and evening prayers were conducted by the Warden. By its means it was hoped to lure back to St Andrews the sons of the Scottish nobility and gentry who for more than half a century had been borne southward to the English universities. The venture was successful, and during its early years the Hall prospered so well that the company was induced to face the more ambitious project of erecting a large building 1 Universities (Scotland) Act, 1889, sects. 22, 23. GATTY MARINE LABORATORY xlvii specially fitted for its purpose. The Hall had been ap- propriately started in buildings which once formed part of St Leonard's College, including the house understood to have been occupied by George Buchanan when principal. On 26th April 1867 the foundation-stone of a handsome building capable of containing upwards of thirty students was laid with masonic honours. This new Hall, which cost upwards of 8000, was opened in November 1868 ; but, unlike the old one, it did not prosper, and was closed in 1874 the company being wound up and the building sold. On the admission of women to the University in 1892, steps were immediately taken to provide a Hall of Resi- dence for such of them as preferred to live together under a Head. As a temporary arrangement, the house number 79 North Street was secured for session 1892-93, and Argyle Lodge for 1895-96. No provision for residence was made during the two intervening years. Meanwhile a permanent University Hall for women students on a site granted by the University Court on the lands of Rathelpie was in course of erection, and was ready for occupation at the beginning of session 1896-97. The Hall owed its exist- ence very much to the zeal and activity of Professor Knight, who obtained a grant of 2000 towards its cost from the Pfeiffer Trust, besides numerous donations from private individuals. In January 1884 a Marine Zoological Station was organ- ised by Professor M'Intosh in connection with the Fishery Board for Scotland. A wooden building standing on the East Bents between the harbour and the sea, which had been erected some years before as a temporary fever hos- pital, was utilised for the purpose. It was neither wind- nor water-tight, but in spite of many discomforts much valuable research was carried on in it, not only by members of the University but by zoologists of eminence from the Continent and elsewhere. At the end of twelve years this important work was transferred to the very commodious and well -planned Gatty Marine Laboratory, the gift to the University of Charles Henry Gatty, Esquire of East xlviii THE COLLEGE CHURCH Grinstead, which was opened by Lord Reay on 30th October 1896. In 1891 a Chemical Laboratory was presented to the University by Mrs Thomas Purdie of Castlecliffe, St Andrews; and in 1897 preparations were begun for the erection of the Bute Medical Buildings designed to ac- commodate the departments of Anatomy, Botany, Physi- ology, and Materia Medica. Immediately after the union of the Colleges it was re- solved "that the students shall regularly attend public worship every Lord's day in the church of the United College " ; and the Hebdomadar was directed " to convene the students every Sunday before public worship begin, in the fore and afternoon, in the common schools of the College where they lodge and conduct them to church." The " church of the United College " meant St Leonard's church, of which the Principal of the United College was minister, although he seldom preached. St Salvator's church had long been disused as a place of worship, and was then in a state of neglect and decay. This arrange- ment, however, did not last long, for on loth October 1750 the Masters " considering that the students were now lodged in St Salvator's College, which is in the town parish of St Andrews, and that the United College has a more commodious seat in the Town church than in St Leonard's, it was resolved that henceforth the students shall be con- ducted to the said Town church, and that the porter be ordered to clean the College loft there, and to intimate to all persons who had been allowed to sit there, that they must provide themselves elsewhere ; and it was recom- mended to Dr Simson to inquire about the price of a ,_ carpet proper for the Masters' seat in the said loft." But before ten years were over another change was effected which in course of time led to much contention and litigation. The roof of St Leonard's church began to * fail, and its renewal threatened to tax heavily the limited resources of the College. As an alternative, the repair of St Salvator's church was thought of and ultimately adopted, THE COLLEGE CHURCH xlix chiefly because it was believed to be the cheaper scheme of the two. It was by no means so in the end, but its adoption probably helped to save from further dilapidation the finest unruined specimen of ecclesiastical architecture \ in St Andrews. In 1759 the local presbytery sanctioned the transference of the Leonardine congregation from the church of St Leonard to the church of St Salvator. As the reparation of the one church involved the partial de- molition of the other, no service could have been held in either of them for more than a year. By the summer of 1761, however, St Salvator's church had been fitted up, and seats set apart for the Principal and Masters. The removal of the Masters and students from the Town church had been taken for granted by the presbytery, and as the loss of their contributions to the " plate " would affect the poors' fund of the parish, it was agreed to take the students' offerings separately at the College church (as it now came to be called), and to hand them over to the treasurer of the Town church. The minutes of the Kirk-session for 3rd December 1761 show "that for some days past the collection of the students had been sent from the con- gregation of St Leonard's by the several Masters who had happened to be Hebdomadars." This curious practice went on until towards the middle of the nineteenth century. Although attendance at the College church was at first uniformly enjoined upon all students, 1 it soon became a recognised practice for the Principal to grant dispensations to those who belonged to dissenting communions. By 1780 this practice was so firmly established that it obtained the formal sanction of the College, and was made the subject of a special by-law. At a meeting held on I3th May of that year, the College came to the following, among other resolutions : " That instead of two Masters as at present, the Principal and all the Masters shall meet regularly in the common schools before sermon, and go from thence 1 Mr Percival Stockdale gives a realistic, but perhaps exaggerated, account of his appearance before the Professors on a charge of frequenting the Episcopal . meeting-house in 1754. 'Memoirs,' vol. i. p. 197. 1 THE COLLEGE CHURCH with the students to church " ; and " That a dispensation from attending the church shall be granted to such of the students as are not of the Presbyterian communion if they make application for it, and give assurance to the Masters that they will not appear in public nor behave improperly in the time of divine worship." As time went on com- pulsory attendance at the College church became more and more irksome, even to those students who were not dissenters, and "notwithstanding the care of the College in appointing them a conductor, it is believed that it was not uncommon for some of the less attentive to lose their way." 1 In 1824 a petition, signed by ninety-five students, was presented to the College craving for more liberal terms of dispensation from attendance upon the College church. The petitioners desired to be freed from com- pulsory attendance at a particular church, and, under such limitations as might seem just and fit, to be at liberty to worship where and under whom they pleased. The Masters having carefully considered the petition and analysed the signatures, resolved to maintain inviolable the laws of the College on the subject. Professor Chalmers, while agreeing with his colleagues as to the general ex- pediency and propriety of the College regulation, disap- proved of its application to students belonging to the Established church whose parents wished them to attend divine worship elsewhere, and set forth his views in a lengthy memorial. 2 A list of those students who had not obtained dispensations was made up at the beginning of the session, and this list was read over during the ringing of the bells for each service every Sunday in presence of one or more Professors. Two Professors then took their seats on opposite sides of the gallery, in which the majority of the students sat, and attended to the preservation of good order and decorum among them. Students who arrived late or not at all were fined, and for a time these fines were a source of revenue to the poors' fund of St Leonard's parish. 1 Evidence, p. 337. 2 Ibid., p. 344. ST MARY'S COLLEGE li As the task of enforcing church attendance became greater year by year, these regulations gradually fell into abeyance. The procession from the common hall to the church was given up, the students going direct to the gallery, where one of themselves was stationed to note the names of absentees. After the Disruption in 1843 compulsory at- tendance at the College church ceased altogether, and the clauses relating to it in the College laws were subsequently withdrawn. Students were thereafter free to worship where they pleased, and it was left to the ministers of the different congregations in the city to take spiritual oversight of those belonging to their respective denominations. The students' gallery was swept away when the church was renovated in 1862, and seats were reserved for them in the front of the area. Towards the close of the period dealt with in these pages, it became more and more customary for students of all denominations to attend at least the forenoon service in the College church. This tendency was fostered partly by the institution of monthly Universit}' services during the session, and partly by the revived interest in corporate student life which followed on the establishment of a Students' Representative Council in 1885. The scarlet gown reappeared in church after a lengthy absence. Year by year more space was required for members of the University, who began to long for a " College chapel " of their own, and for a time when " the hideous title of the ' College church ' will cease to wound the academic ear." 1 And so arose those complications already hinted at, but which belong to later history. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. The College of St Mary dates from 1537, in which year it was founded by Archbishop James Beaton. It superseded an older foundation known as the Psedagogium, which had 1 College Echoes, 1889-90, p. 97. lii ST MARY'S COLLEGE PROFESSORSHIPS steadily fallen into decay since the erection of the Colleges of St Salvator and St Leonard. The Archbishop having died before his scheme could be fully carried out, it was continued to some extent by his nephew Cardinal Beaton, but it was left to Archbishop Hamilton to complete and organise the College in 1553. It was intended to be a College for instruction in Divinity, Law, and Medicine, as well as in Arts, but its career on this extensive scale was short-lived. Under a new foundation and erection confirmed by Parliament in 1579, it was set apart for the study of Theology only, and it has remained a Divinity College ever since. This new foundation contemplated a permanent staff of five Masters, but the full number was seldom if ever reached. On account of fluctuating endowments the number was indeed not infrequently reduced to two. After 1747 a Principal and three Professors regularly taught within the College class-rooms. For a considerable time there were two Professors of Divinity, including the Principal, who acted as primarius Professor. They divided the wide field of theology between them, and endeavoured to avoid over- lapping in their teaching as best they could. In 1825 the second Professor of Divinity began to devote some attention to Biblical Criticism, and this gradually became the special subject of his Chair, although it was not formally styled a professorship of Divinity and Biblical Criticism until I862. 1 In 1707 the third mastership was revived and re- endowed as a professorship of Ecclesiastical History by Queen Anne, who provided a salary for the Professor by suppressing six Exchequer bursaries founded by King William III. in 1693. In 1668 a Chair of Hebrew and Oriental Languages was endowed by King Charles II., but it remained unoccupied for twenty years. The first Professor was appointed on gth April 1688, and the emolu- ments of the Chair were increased by King William in 1693. For a time the general term Divinity was applied to all the four Chairs in the College. The Professor of 1 Ordinance No. 21, sect. 12 (3). ST MARY'S COLLEGE BUILDINGS liii Ecclesiastical History held the title of additional or ex- traordinary Professor of Divinity, and the Professor of Hebrew was at first required to deliver one Divinity lec- ture weekly. Originally all the Masters had rooms allotted to them within the College buildings, but the practice of living in private houses in the town had set in long before the middle of the eighteenth century. In 1702 a house in South Street, nearly opposite the College gate, was purchased as a residence for Principal Forrester. Some time afterwards a suite of rooms in the north-west corner of the College was fitted up as a house for the Professor of Divinity. Before long the Professor succeeded to the principalship, and decided to retain the College rooms, and these, with many alterations and additions, have since been the official residence of the Principal. Subsequent Professors of Divinity occupied the house in South Street till 1785, when it was sold and the price added to the College funds. Thereafter an allowance for house-rent was made to each of the three Professors, along with a single apartment within the College buildings for their private use. The arms of Archbishop James Beaton and of Archbishop Hamilton, still to be seen on the buildings of St Mary's College, point back to their erection in the sixteenth century. By the end of the eighteenth century they had probably altered little, and even yet, in spite of repeated alterations and repairs, they still retain the same general outline. On the west side of the quadrangle was the main building, consisting of a common hall, dining-room, class- rooms, dormitories, kitchen, &c., with a projecting tower carrying a stone staircase to the upper floors. Along the north was another range of buildings containing apartments of various kinds, the porter's lodge, and the entrance gate- way. Under the eastern portion of this range was an open arcade of six arches known as the Cloisters. To the east was the University Library and a massive stone wall built by Principal Howie to enclose his official garden. The southern boundary was partly a wall and partly domestic liv ST MARY'S COLLEGE BUILDINGS offices, beyond which lay the College garden and the official gardens of the Professors. The proper upkeep of these buildings would have entailed considerable expense, but as no fund had been appropriated to that purpose, portions of them were allowed to fall into decay. In 1827 the whole block was found by the University Commissioners to be in a wretched and dilapidated condition. The northern por- tion was no longer used for any purpose, the lower part of the Principal's house was extremely damp, and the interior of the remaining buildings appeared to be wholly unsuitable for the purposes of academic instruction. 1 As a result of this inspection the whole buildings of the College underwent a thorough renovation at the public expense in 1829-30, when a portion of the north wing was removed to make room for an extension of the University Library. Since then extensive improvements have been carried out both by the Board of Works and by the University Court. In 1889-90 a further addition to the University Library was built in the Principal's garden, when the College quad- rangle was much enlarged by the removal of the former boundary wall on the east and of the offices and other erections on the south. 2 To the casual visitor to St Mary's College, the most attractive portion of the buildings is undoubtedly the old Prayer Hall, with its antique oak charter-chests and furni- ture. Here in bygone times the students assembled twice daily, for morning and for evening prayer. These services were held in obedience to the College laws, but no Pro- fessor took any part in them. They were conducted en- tirely by the students, and the evening service, especially on Sundays, was largely attended by the male portion of the general public, women being at all times excluded. It was in this Hall that Dr Chalmers, when only sixteen 1 Evidence, p. 5. 2 Early in the nineteenth century the College brew-house and larder had been converted into a stable and coach-house for the Principal. In later times these were chiefly used for storing firewood and lumber ; but the Principal's pigs fattened in an adjoining sty down almost to the date of its removal. ST MARY'S COLLEGE BURSARIES lv years of age, excited " universal wonder and very general admiration " by the originality and eloquence of his prayers. 1 Unfortunately attendance at the Prayer Hall in the evenings led to many irregularities of conduct on the part of students of both Colleges. Principal Haldane alleged that they " assembled there under the pretext of attending prayers, and adjourned to the lodgings of their fellow-students, or to taverns, where they spent their evenings in idleness and dissipation." 2 To such an extent did this evil increase that on gth December 1824 it was intimated to the students that evening prayers would thenceforth be discontinued, "many reasons having concurred to satisfy the Masters that it was now inexpedient to bring the students from their lodgings throughout the city, in the winter evenings, to attend prayers in the public hall." 3 Morning prayers are still appointed by the College laws, but they have long been associated with the commencement of the day's work in the Divinity class-room. In 1747 the membership of the College included eight Foundation bursars, who, along with the Moncreiffe bursar, were entitled to maintenance for four sessions at the public table out of the funds of the College. This table was kept up until 1814, when it was discontinued, and a money allow- ance made to the bursars instead. In 1874 the number of Foundation bursaries was reduced to six, tenable for three years, and their value increased from 10 to 15 or thereby. In 1895 they were further reduced to three, tenable for the same period, but with their value advanced to 24. They were at the same time renamed the Archbishop Hamilton bursaries, in memory of their founder in 1553. Several other Divinity bursaries were founded in the course of the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries, but the total number of bursaries belonging to the College was practically the same at the beginning and at the end of the period now dealt with. On the other hand, about an equal number of bursaries were transferable from the United 1 ' Memoirs,' by the Rev. Dr William Hanna, vol. i. p. 15, 1854 ed. 2 Evidence, p. 96. 3 Ibid., p. 371. Ivi ST MARY'S COLLEGE PRIZES College when their holders proceeded to the study of Divinity. For many years candidates for Foundation bursaries underwent no examination. They were selected by the Principal and Professors on the basis of certificates of character and proficiency brought from the Professors under whom they had taken their Arts course. The system of awarding bursaries at St Mary's College on the principle of merit ascertained by comparative trial dates from 1855. Long before the common table was given up, most of the students who were not bursars had ceased to occupy the College rooms. After 1814 collegiate living may be said to have terminated altogether, although the rooms still re- mained open for the reception of students, and one or two did occasionally make use of them. After the Principal had been suitably provided for in the beginning of the eighteenth century, twenty bedrooms and twenty -four closets were left for the accommodation of students, and more could have been fitted up if necessary. The rooms were not reserved exclusively for Divinity students. Students attending the United College were allowed to occupy vacant apartments on obtaining the permission of the Principal and paying the ordinary dues to the porter. The College rooms could at no time be described as com- fortable lodgings, but they were kept in a habitable con- dition so long as any one might wish to occupy them. They have now all but disappeared, only one small room in the uppermost story of the College being recognisable as a student's "chamber." Apart from class honours, few prizes fell to the lot of the Divinity student. The book-prizes given by the Earl of Kinnoull as Chancellor of the University were a novelty in their day, and very elaborate regulations were drawn up as to the manner in which they should be competed for. In 1859, after the lapse of more than three-quarters of a century, a Chancellor's prize, of 10 in books, was resumed by the Duke of Argyll and continued annually from 1861. The only permanently endowed prize was that founded by Dr John Gray in 1808, for the best essay on a prescribed ST MARY'S COLLEGE SESSION Ivii subject in some department of theology. It was derived from land, and in consequence its value varied from a maximum of 10 to a minimum of less than half that sum. The prize of 21 known as the Cook and Macfarlan testi- monial, instituted in 1847, was converted into a scholarship of the same value, tenable for one year, by the University Commissioners in 1895. The only other scholarships con- nected with the College were the Tulloch Memorial scholar- ship, of about 14, subscribed for in 1889, and two Berry scholarships instituted by the University Court on I3th March 1895. Until 1855 no fees were payable by the students of St Mary's College for attendance on any of the Professors'" classes. The Commissioners of 1826 recommended a scale of fees, but the Professors held that "the exacting of fees from theological students would impose a burden on them,, and would make but a trifling addition to the dilapidated and very inadequate livings of the Professors in St Mary's College." 1 Having regard to the practice of exacting fees in the Divinity Halls of the other Scottish universities this decision was afterwards reconsidered, and from 1855 to 1873 a fee of i, us. 6d. was charged for each class. On 24th March 1874 the University Court, at the request of the Principal and Professors, raised the fee for all the ordinary classes taught in the College to -2, 2s. At the middle of the eighteenth century the Divinity session extended from about the 20th of November to the 20th of April, with a break at Christmas. Towards the end of the century it began in the end of November and closed in the beginning of April. By 1826 it had been reduced to a period of exactly four months without any material interruption, the Christmas holidays being limited to three or four days, and this appears to have been the normal length of the session for a good many years. More recently a tendency to lengthen it again set in, and in 1896-97 the College opened on 27th October and closed on I7th March. Down to 1864 many students of Divinity only gave partial 1 Evidence, p. 427. Iviii DIVINITY STUDENTS AT CHURCH attendance on the College classes. These were known as " irregular," " occasional," or " partial " students, and were mostly young men who had gone through an Arts course and were employed as tutors in private families or as teachers in parochial schools. They contented themselves with enrolling their names and attending one or two lec- tures, after which they disappeared and were not seen again until they were required to deliver their public exercises. So long as the bulk of the students lived within the Col- lege walls they were required to assemble in the quadrangle on Sundays, at the ringing of the College bell, and thence to go in a body to the College loft in the Town church, forenoon and afternoon. It was the duty of one of the students to give in to the Principal a faithful report on the Monday following if any should fail to perform this duty. When the College rooms were abandoned the Sunday pro- cession was given up, and students were simply enjoined to attend public worship in the Town church. About 1840, on the plea of want of room in the Town church, they began to frequent the gallery of the College church and to mix with the Arts students. The Principal of the United College objected to this, and the Divinity students were in conse- quence enjoined to discontinue the practice and adhere to the Town church. 1 St Mary's church was then in course of erection, and after its completion several gallery pews were reserved for the use of Divinity students. For the next fifty years the College laws enjoined the students "to attend public worship in the Town church or St Mary's." In 1895, with the view of permitting them to attend the 1 The relations between the two Colleges were at the time rather strained. Among other things, some Divinity students were accused of causing a disturb- ance at a non-intrusion meeting held in the College church. The case came before the General Assembly, by way of appeal, on 3Oth May 1840, when the following finding was come to without a vote : ' ' That on the report of the Pres- bytery there appear no grounds for interfering with the internal government and discipline of the University of St Andrews, therefore dismiss the whole cause, recommending to the Presbytery of St Andrews to continue in the faithful exercise of their constitutional superintendence of the morals and general conversation of students of Theology in that University." MS. Register of Assembly, 1840, pp. I45-M7- UNIVERSITY COLLEGE lix College church, all mention of particular churches was with- drawn from the laws, and they were simply enjoined " to attend public worship with regularity." The restriction to two specified churches had been complained of as " peculi- arly irritating " by a writer in the " University News Sheet " as early as February 3rd, 1886. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. University College, Dundee, was founded in 1880 by Miss Mary Ann Baxter of Balgavies, Forfarshire, and Dr John Boyd Baxter, writer, Dundee. It was opened on 5th October 1883 by Professor James Stuart, LL.D., Cam- bridge, afterwards Rector of the University. On 2ist March 1890 the College was affiliated to, and made to form part of, the University by an order of the Com- missioners under the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1889, subject to the conditions set forth in an "Agreement" previously come to between the University and the College. This union w 7 as declared null and void by the House of Lords on 8th April 1895, on the ground that it ought to have been accomplished by means of an ordinance and not by an order. An ordinance to the same effect was thereafter prepared by the Commissioners, and it received the sanction of the Queen in Council on i5th January 1897 ;* but the University Court postponed its coming into opera- tion until ist October of that year. Although University College was thus not finally " incorporated with and made to form part of the University of St Andrews " until ist October 1897, certain of its students had matriculated as students of the University during the ten years beginning with 1885 and ending with 1894. They did so under two separate arrangements first, as extra-mural students of Science from 1885-86 to 1889-90, and second, as students of what was believed to be a constituent College of the 1 Ordinance No. 46. 6 Ix MATRICULATION OF SCIENCE STUDENTS University from 1890-91 to 1894-95. During 1895-96 and 1896-97 no student of University College was allowed to matriculate as a student of the University. The extra- mural arrangement arose in the following manner. On 3oth January 1885 the University Court received and remitted to the careful and favourable consideration of the Senatus Academicus a communication from the Prin- cipal of University College on the subject of graduation in Science, in which it was suggested that it might be possible to admit to the degree examinations (conducted by exam- iners appointed by the University) students who might have received their whole education at the College, provided they had matriculated as students of the University. Before coming to a decision the Senatus determined to be guided by the opinion of counsel as to the powers of the University to confer degrees upon persons who had not been educated within its walls. A memorial and questions were thereupon prepared and submitted to Mr ^Eneas J. G. Mackay and Mr J. Campbell Smith, who gave it as their opinion that under its charters the University was amply justified in admitting to examination for degrees in Science students who had re- ceived their whole education at other seats of learning. These opinions were considered by the Senatus on loth October 1885, when it was resolved, by a majority, to carry the arrangement into effect, with the sanction of the Uni- versity Court. The Court met on 2nd November, and agreed to authorise the Senatus to matriculate students of University College who intended to graduate in Science at the University. When the matter came before the Chan- cellor for his sanction he demurred to such students being allowed to matriculate for the reason that it was a departure from the immemorial usage of the Scottish Universities. After a good deal of correspondence the Chancellor's ob- jection was got over, and on 22nd December he wrote in- timating his assent to the resolution of the University Court. This resolution was immediately homologated by the matriculation of ten students who had been preparing for the B.Sc. degree in anticipation of a favourable decision. THE MATRICULATION ALBUMS Ixi Before concluding this Introduction a few observations fall to be made as to the Matriculation Roll itself, and the manner in which it has been edited. The portion now printed has been transcribed from three separate Albums. In 1738, a new Album having become necessary, about 332 leaves of strong unruled white paper were bound up in rough brown leather. The Album thus formed measures 15 inches in height and 10 inches in breadth. It was intended to serve both as a Matriculation Roll and as a Graduation Roll, and so was used from both ends concurrently till the two Rolls met. The Matriculation Roll from 1738-39 to 1887-88 occupies 217 leaves. The Graduation Roll for the same period occupies 105 leaves. The remaining 2 are fly-leaves, while 7 or 8 others have been spoilt and cut out. The volume has been re-backed and otherwise repaired, but is still in a good state of preservation in spite of the enormous amount of handling to which it has been subjected. In designing another Album in 1888, it was thought desirable to discontinue keeping the Matriculation and Graduation Rolls in the same volume, as had been the custom for over three^hundred years. The Matriculation Album now in use at St Andrews begins with the academical year 1888-89, an d the first 108 pages of it are here printed. It is a rather more massive volume than its predecessor, measuring 15^ inches by n inches, and is composed of stout ruled paper of a bluish tint. From 1885 to 1891 the Dundee students were re- quired to matriculate at St Andrews ; but in 1892 a separate Album, uniform in size and style with the St Andrews one, was provided for the enrolment, at Dundee, of matriculated students attending University College. Beginning with 1865 the old Album was ruled off into columns to contain the number, name, parish, and county of those matriculating. In 1867 a column for the age of the students was added, and from 1868 these columns were regularly headed Nu. j Nomen | Aet. | Parochia | Comi- tatus. In the new Albums the use of Latin was abolished, and the following printed headings introduced : No. | Name Ixii METHOD OF EDITING ROLL in full | Age last birthday | Native town or parish | County. In printing the Roll these columns have been disregarded and the entries set up continuously and punctuated. Seem- ingly useless repetitions of words (such as Perth, Perth; Stirling, Stirling) are easily explained when it is borne in mind that the one occurs in the column headed " Native town or parish," and the other in the column headed " County." With a few exceptions all names and designations have been entered by the students themselves. The Roll is therefore, in one of its aspects, an autograph album of a most interesting kind. This being so, all the entries have been printed exactly as they are written. To this rule no exception has been wittingly made. The printed proof- sheets were carefully compared letter by letter with the original manuscript, and every peculiarity of spelling was scrupulously adhered to. The reader of the printed Roll is thus, as nearly as may be, in the same position as the consulter of the manuscript Roll. There is nothing in the one that is not in the other, and as regards names and designations the two correspond not merely verbally but also literally. Quite a number of students have found it difficult to spell their own names correctly especially when they attempted to Latinise them, as they were ex- pected to do up to 1888. Nor have they always located their native towns or parishes in their proper counties. It may also be pointed out that the ages given are not in all cases to be relied upon. All students were not a year older at each annual matriculation. Some grew younger rather than older, while others advanced in years by leaps and bounds. It is obvious that in a good many instances the age recorded is purely arbitrary. Any one who cares to tabulate the figures will find numerous unaccountable discrepancies. In the matter of matriculation it may be remarked that no age limit was imposed. So far as ages are recorded, the youngest " bejant " appears to have been twelve when he entered, the oldest sixty-two. The " native town or parish " is likewise frequently misleading. Judging METHOD OF EDITING ROLL Ixiii from the information given in the Roll, it was no uncommon thing for a student to have two or more birthplaces. The explanation of this is that he put down the name of the place which he regarded as his home for the time being. This necessarily varied if his parents chanced to remove from one town or parish to another. In a test case, less than half of the students who professed to belong to a certain parish could be traced in its register of births. The various Latin headings and sub-headings that occur in the Roll have not been reproduced with the same literal exactness as the signatures of the students. In the manu- script they are frequently ungrammatical and otherwise in- accurate. In revising them for the press, errors of fact as well as of spelling and grammar have been corrected, and contracted words have as a rule been extended. Nor have they always been printed in the precise order in which they occur in the Roll, as many of the sub -entries have been inserted where there appeared to be most room for them without regard to chronological sequence. A certain amount of method will be noticed in the arrangement of the names in the earlier portion of the Roll. So long as a distinction of rank among the students was kept up, noblemen's sons matriculated first as Primars ;* then followed the Secondars, or gentlemen-commoners ; and lastly the Ternars, or those of the ordinary ranks of life. These distinctions were done away with in 1829, and subse- quently the students were matriculated without classifica- tion, and as far as possible according to alphabetical order at first of their Christian names, and afterwards of their surnames. On the introduction of annual matriculation it was found impracticable to adhere to any particular order of enrolment, and so the names were entered in whatever order the students presented themselves. It had been a custom of long standing for the Luminator of a class to matriculate last. This designation only occurs once in the present volume (in 1748-49), but the office was nominally in exist- ence for about a century later. The principal duty of a 1 Lord Kennedy (1809) is said to have been the last Primar. Evidence, p. 35. Ixiv METHOD OF COMPILING INDEX Luminator was to furnish fire and light to his class, in return for which service he enjoyed certain perquisites and privileges. 1 It is much to be regretted that the University officials did not ascertain and record somewhere the full baptismal name of every student. Middle names were not much in use in the eighteenth century, but long after they had become common they were pretty much ignored in the University records, while the modern practice has been to confine them to initials. It is thus often difficult to recognise and identify in the roll the names of students who in after life have in- variably used more than one Christian name. Since the Index was in type a great deal of time has been spent in an effort to complete those entries containing one or more initials. A good many blanks have in this way been filled up from reliable sources, but in numerous cases the quest has proved quite fruitless. Oddly enough, some former students on being applied to for their full names declared they never had middle names, and were at a loss to know how they came to enter superfluous initials in the Roll. In dealing with such cases, the meaningless initials have been retained in the Roll but omitted from the Index. All names and initials which appear in the Index but not in the Roll have been enclosed between square brackets. In the manuscript, the Sponsio Academica subscribed by students at matriculation is repeated every year from 1747 to 1887. In the new Roll, beginning with 1888, it is written at the beginning once for all. From 1747 to 1866 it re- mained unchanged except that in 1821 the word est was altered to sit. In 1867 the clause involving adherence to the reformed religion was deleted. It has not been deemed necessary to print the Sponsio more than twice first in its original form on page I, and again in its abbreviated form on page 154. In compiling the Index something more has been attempted than a list of the names occurring in the Roll, arranged in alphabetical order, with a reference to the pages on 1 Evidence, p. 292. METHOD OF COMPILING INDEX Ixv which they are to be met with. The Index is intended to be an alphabetical register of individual students, and pains have been taken to avoid, on the one hand, indexing the same person as two separate students, and on the other, of indexing two or more separate students as one and the same person. This proved to be a more difficult task than was at first anticipated, and it is to be feared that it has been carried through with only partial success. In writing the Index slips, it was taken for granted that previous to 1859 no student matriculated more than once. But when the slips came to be arranged it was found that this general rule had not been rigidly followed, and that certain students had quite obviously matriculated twice. All doubtful cases were then inquired into, and whenever it seemed clear, from similarity of handwriting or otherwise, that two entries referred to the same person, they were indexed accordingly. In a good many instances the available evidence was not decisive enough to warrant this being done, and so the names have been treated as belonging to different persons and indexed separately. After 1859, when the students matriculated annually (some of them as many as eleven times), a good deal of difficulty was experienced in pre- serving their identity especially in the case of those whose courses were not taken in successive years. In spite of every care, it is probable that now and then two students of the same name have been treated as one, while one student matriculating twice or oftener, after lengthened intervals, has been treated as two. The first and last matriculations of not a few students are separated by intervals of many years. Nothing but personal knowledge of the fact could, for instance, have identified the James Mitchell of 1888 as the same person who previously matricu- lated in 1830. This is an extreme, but not an isolated case. Elderly gentlemen resident in St Andrews were at one time in the habit of matriculating with the view of attending lectures on physiology or natural history and obtaining the use of the library. Some of these had in their youth been students of the University, and so their names re- Ixvi DEFECTS IN MATRICULATION ROLL appeared in the Matriculation Roll after the lapse of twenty years and upwards. The Index contains 6807 names and 11,727 page refer- ences. One of the names is that of Professor Lee, who, following, for the last time, an ancient custom applicable to Professors as well as to students, was admitted to membership of the University by being received into the Matriculation Album. The remaining names are those of the 6806 students who, according to the Roll, entered the University during the period dealt with. Unhappily there is too much reason to believe that the Roll has not always been so carefully kept as it ought to have been, and that it is not a complete and final record of students attending the University. 1 In the prepara- tion of the present volume a good many names have been discovered in class-lists and elsewhere which are not to be found in the Roll. In some instances spaces have evi- dently been left for these names, and some of them have even been entered in pencil by an official. Wher- ever it could be done with safety these names have been included in the printed Roll and enclosed between square brackets. Until all extant class-lists, prize-lists, presenta- tions to bursaries, and other University and College documents have been scrutinised, and the names occur- ring in them extracted and indexed, it will be impossible to compile a full and accurate list of students; and even then finality may not be reached, for these various re- cords are likewise more or less defective. The Matric- ulation Roll is a valuable and authoritative register so far as it goes, but the absence of a name from it is not absolute proof that its owner did not attend classes in either of the Colleges. On the other hand, the occur- rence of a name in the Roll is no guarantee that its owner was a bond fide student who actually attended classes. There are several names in the Roll which cannot be found in any existing class-list. Now and then an in- 1 "At an early period there is reason to believe that the register had not been kept with accuracy, and that there were many omissions." Evidence, p. 338. NUMBER OF STUDENTS Ixvii tending student came up and matriculated, but from some unforeseen circumstance was prevented from proceeding further. This, for instance, was the case with Miss Elizabeth Garrett (afterwards Mrs Garrett Anderson, M.D.), the first lady who matriculated at the University. Her name still stands in the Matriculation Roll, but she was never really a student of the University, as she was prohibited from entering the United College class-rooms, and her matriculation and class tickets were declared to be null and of no effect. Except from 1859 onwards, the Roll yields no information as to the total number of students attending the University in each academical year. Comparative statistics for the whole period from 1747 to 1897 can only be obtained on the basis of first matriculations. These have been collected from the Index, and are given in the appended table of Matriculation Statistics. For the period previous to 1859 "^ it has been found by experimental calculation on averages of ten years, that the number of first matriculations for any year multiplied by 3^ gives approximately the total number of students in attendance at both Colleges for that year. J It will be noticed that the smallest number of first matric- ulations (5) was in 1749-50, and that the largest number (149) was in 1824-25. Both figures are the result of special circumstances. In 1750 a keen controversy was raging as to the validity of the Rector's installation ; and the students of the United College, although its Principal was the Rec- tor, were forbidden by the Professors to appear on the day appointed by him for their matriculation. Two of them disobeyed, and were severely reprimanded for their contu- macy. Three others afterwards, on separate days, were " received into the Album," the first two of them being also reprimanded. Most of the remainder matriculated in the following year, but it is probable that some of them never matriculated at all. In 1825 Dr Chalmers was at the height of his fame as Professor of Moral Philosophy, and was attract- ing students of all ages in large numbers to his class-room. The total number of students at the University in 1824-25 Ixviii THE ILLUSTRATIONS appears to have been 343, including 20 irregular students of Divinity. 1 This is the highest recorded attendance during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The at- tendance at the University has necessarily fluctuated con- siderably during the 150 years represented by this volume ; but upon the whole the numbers have steadily increased. The average attendance at the two Colleges during the last decade was nearly three times larger than it was during the first. The legislation which culminated in the preliminary examination system of 1892 was calculated to decrease the number of students, and it did so in the case of men ; but the loss in this respect was more than counter- balanced by the admission of women to all the classes. The improvement in respect of College buildings will best be realised by a glance at the illustrations. In the case of the United College the contrast is very great. It is scarcely credible that the north and west wings, as sketched by Oliphant in 1767, were still standing within living memory. The quaint old common hall, with its floor a few feet below the level of the quadrangle, and the rooms which once contained the College library overhead, was the last portion of the old fabric to be removed. As its site was not required for other purposes, an attempt might have been made to restore and preserve it ; but, after the manner of the time, it was disposed of to a contractor. While the main building of the United College is entirely new, the ancient walls of St Mary's College still exist, but so transformed as to make it the most typical collegiate building in Scotland. The street frontage of the Library forms a fitting frontispiece to this volume. Since its erection in the seventeenth century, the Library has been the official seat of the University. Here the Comitia, the Senatus Academicus, and the University Court have regularly met ; and here, too, the great majority of the students whose names appear in the following pages were admitted to membership of the University. 1 Evidence, pp. 338, 400. 1X1X CHANCELLORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS. 1747=1897. H.R.H. Prince William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland. Elected i4th February 1746. Died 3ist October 1765. Thomas Hay, eighth Earl of Kinnoull. Elected 22nd November 1765. Installed 7th April 1766. Died 27th December 1787. Henry Dundas, first Viscount Melville. Elected 2nd February 1788. Installed i7th October 1788. Died 29th May 1811. H.R.H. Prince Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge. Elected 6th July 1811. Held to have vacated the office, ist February 1814, on leaving the country to take up his duties as Viceroy of Hanover. Robert Dundas, second Viscount Melville. Elected 7th February 1814. Installed 2oth October 1826. Died loth June 1851. George Douglas Campbell, eighth Duke of Argyll. Elected 8th November 1851. Installed 25th March 1852. VICE-CHANCELLORS. 1859=1897. John Tulloch. Appointed 23rd December 1859 and i6th May 1862. Died 1 3th February 1886. James David Forbes. Appointed 29th April 1862, ad interim. James Donaldson. Appointed i5th April 1886. Ixx RECTORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS. 1747=1897. (With dates of election.) 1747 March 2. Andrew Shaw. 1748 March 7. James Murison. 1749 March 6. Thomas Tullideph. 1750 March 5. Andrew Shaw, 1751 March 4. James Murison. 1752 March 2. Thomas Tullideph. 1753 March 5. Andrew Shaw. 1754 March 4. James Murison. 1755 March 3. Thomas Tullideph. 1756 March i. Andrew Shaw. 1757 March 7. James Murison. 1758 March 6. Andrew Shaw. 1759 March 5. James Murison. 1760 March 3. Andrew Shaw. 1761 March 2. James Murison. 1762 March i. Andrew Shaw. 1763 March 7. James Murison. 1764 March 5. Andrew Shaw. 1765 March 4. James Murison. 1766 March 3. William Brown. 1767 March 2. Andrew Shaw. 1768 March 7. James Murison. 1769 March 6. Andrew Shaw. 1770 March 5. James Murison. 1771 March 4. Thomas Tullideph. 1772 March 2. Andrew Shaw. 1773 March i. James Murison. 1774 March 7. Andrew Shaw. RECTORS Ixxi 1775 March 6. James Murison. 1776 March 4. Andrew Shaw. 1777 March 3. James Murison. 1778 March 2. Robert Watson. 1779 March i. Andrew Shaw. 1780 March 6. James Gillespie. 1781 March 5. Hary Spens. 1782 March 4. Joseph M'Cormick. 1783 March 3. James Gillespie. 1784 March i. Hary Spens. 1785 March 7. Joseph M'Cormick. 1786 March 6. James Gillespie. 1787 March 5. Hary Spens. 1788 March 3. Joseph M'Cormick. 1789 March 2. James Gillespie. 1790 March i. George Hill. 1791 March 7. Joseph M'Cormick. 1792 March 5. Robert Arnot. 1793 March 4. George Hill. 1794 March 3. Charles Wilson. 1795 March 2. Joseph M'Cormick. 1796 March 7. Robert Arnot. 1797 March 6. Charles Wilson. 1 1798 March 5. George Hill. 1799 March 4. Charles Wilson. 1800 March 3. Robert Arnot. 1 80 1 March 2. James Playfair. 1802 March i. George Hill. 1803 March 7. John Trotter. 1804 March 5. Robert Arnot. 1805 March 4. James Playfair. 1806 March 3. George Hill. 1807 March 2. John Trotter. 1808 March 7. Robert Arnot. 1809 March 6. John Cook. 1810 March 5. James Playfair. 1811 March 4. George Hill. 1812 March 2. John Cook. 1813 March i. John Lee. 1814 March 7. James Playfair 1815 March 6. George Hill. 1816 March 4. John Cook. 1817 March 3. John Lee. 1818 March 2. John Lee. 1 Declined to accept office : Dr Arnot elected pro-Rector. Ixxii RECTORS 1819 March i. George Hill. 1820 March 6. John Cook. 1821 March 5. John Lee. 1822 March 4. Francis Nicoll. 1823 March 3. Robert Haldane. 1824 March i. John Cook. 1825 March 7. Sir Walter Scott. 1 1826 March 6. George Buist. 1827 March 5. Francis Nicoll. 1828 March 3. Robert Haldane. 1829 March 2. John Mitchell. 1830 March i. George Buist. 1831 March 7. Francis Nicoll. 1832 March 5. Robert Haldane. 1833 March 4. John Mitchell. 1834 March 3. George Buist. 1835 March 2. Francis Nicoll. 1836 March 7. Robert Haldane. 1837 March 6. Thomas Thomson Jackson. 1838 March 5. George Buist. 1839 March 4. Sir David Brewster. 1840 March 2. Robert Haldane. 1841 March i. Thomas Thomson Jackson. 1842 March 7. George Buist. 1843 March 6. Thomas Chalmers. 2 1844 March 4. Robert Haldane. 1845 March 3. Thomas Thomson Jackson. 1846 March 2. George Buist. 1847 March i. Robert Haldane. 1848 March 6. Robert Haldane. 1849 March 5. Thomas Thomson Jackson. 1850 March 4. George Buist. 1851 March 3. No election? 1852 March i. Robert Haldane. 1 " The Praeses intimated to the meeting that Sir Walter Scott was not eligible to the office of Rector in this University and then dissolved the Comitia." University Minutes. 2 On the following day the Senatus Academicus declared the election of Dr Chalmers to be " null and void, and that the late Rector, Dr Buist, shall, accord- ing to usual practice, officiate as the pro-Rector during the ensuing year." University Minutes. 3 " The Comitia for electing the Rector met this day according to the usual solemnities. The Nations not having appeared to elect Intrants, there was no nomination of a Rector, and under these circumstances the late Rector continues, according to usage, to discharge the duties of the office for the ensuing year as pro-Rector." University Minutes. RECTORS Ixxiii 1853 March 7. William Brown. 1854 March 6. George Buist. 1855 March 5. John Tulloch. 1 1856 March 3. John Tulloch. 1857 March 2. William Brown. 1858 March i. Sir Ralph Anstruther. 2 1859 March 7. Sir Ralph Anstruther. 1859 December 20. Sir Ralph Anstruther. 3 1862 November 27. William Stirling of Keir, M.P. 4 1865 November 23. John Stuart Mill. 1868 November 26. James Anthony Froude. 1872 March 28. Lord Neaves. 5 1874 November 26. Dean Stanley. 1877 November 22. Lord Selborne. 1880 November 25. Sir Theodore Martin. 1884 January 16. Lord Reay. 6 1886 November 25. Arthur James Balfour. 1889 November 28. Marquess of Dufferin and Ava. 1892 November 24. Marquess of Bute. 1895 November 28. Marquess of Bute. 1 Declined to accept office : Dr Buist elected pro-Rector. 2 Sir Ralph was the first "extrinsic" Rector who was permitted to hold the office. 3 On November 24, 1859, Colonel Mure of Caldwell had been elected the first Rector under the Universities (Scotland) Act of 1858, but declined to accept office on account of the state of his health. 4 Afterwards Sir William Stirling-Maxwell, Bart., K.T. 5 On November 23, 1871, Mr John Ruskin had been elected Rector, but was held to be disqualified for the office on account of his being a Professor. 6 On November 22, 1883, Mr James Russell Lowell had been elected Rector, but withdrew on his eligibility for the office being challenged. Ixxiv PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS. 1747=1897. THE UNIVERSITY. PRINCIPAL. James Donaldson. Appointed ist January 1890. UNITED COLLEGE. PRINCIPALS. Thomas Tullideph. Admitted Principal of St Leonard's College ist August 1739. Appointed first Principal of the United Col- lege 24th June 1747. Died i4th November 1777. Robert Watson. Admitted 9th January 1778. Died ist April 1781. Joseph M'Cormick. Admitted i8th July 1781. Died i7th June 1799. James Play fair. Admitted i2th December 1799. Died 26th May 1819. Francis Nicoll. Admitted i6th November 1819. Died 8th October 1835. John Hunter. Admitted i2th December 1835. Died i8th January 1837. John Lee. Admitted i2th June 1837. Resigned 3oth November 1837- Sir David Brewster. Admitted 3rd March 1838. Resigned 26th November 1859. PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS Ixxv James David Forbes. Admitted loth December 1859. Resigned nth Novem- ber 1868. John Campbell Shairp. Admitted i4th December 1868. Died i8th September 1885. James Donaldson. Admitted loth April 1886. PROFESSORS OF GREEK. James Kemp. Admitted Professor of Greek in St Salvator's College in August 1729. Appointed first Professor of Greek in the United College 24th June 1747. Died i7th April 1748. Walter Wilson. Admitted 29th June 1748. Died 2nd February 1769. Alexander Morton. Admitted i8th May 1769. Resigned i9th May 1772. George Hill. Admitted 2ist May 1772. Resigned 2nd January 1788. Henry David Hill. Admitted 2ist October 1789. Died i4th February 1820. Andrew Alexander. Admitted i8th October 1820. Died 5th June 1859. William Young Sellar. Admitted 4th November 1859. Resigned i8th August 1863. Lewis Campbell. Admitted 3rd November 1863. Resigned 1 5th July 1892. John Burnet. Admitted 2oth October 1892. PROFESSORS OF LOGIC, RHETORIC, AND METAPHYSICS. Henry Rymer. Admitted Professor of Philosophy in St Leonard's College in July 1709. Appointed first Professor of Logic, Rhetoric, and Metaphysics in the United College 24th June 1747. Resigned i7th June 1756. Ixxvi PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS Robert Watson. Admitted i8th June 1756. Resigned gth January 1778. William Barren. Admitted i5th May 1778. Died 28th December 1803. James Hunter. Admitted i5th May 1804. Died 25th February 1845. William Spalding. Admitted nth June 1845. Died i6th November 1859. John Veitch. Admitted 26th June 1860. Resigned i2th October 1864. Thomas Spencer Baynes. Admitted 2nd November 1864. Died 3oth May 1887. Andrew Seth. Admitted ist November 1887. Resigned 8th July 1891. Henry Jones. Admitted 3ist October 1891. Resigned ist October 1894. David George Ritchie. Admitted nth October 1894. PROFESSORS OF ETHICS AND PNEUMATICS (MORAL PHILOSOPHY). John Young. Admitted Professor of Philosophy in St Salvator's College 8th June 1733. Appointed first Professor of Ethics and Pneumatics in the United College 24th June 1747. Died 3oth December 1772. John Cook. Admitted i7th May 1773. Died ist July 1815. William Crawford. Admitted 8th November 1815. Died 23rd September 1822. Thomas Chalmers. Admitted i4th November 1823. Resigned 6th November 1828. George Cook. Admitted loth November 1828. Died i3th May 1845. PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS Ixxvii James Frederick Ferrier. Admitted nth August 1845. Died nth June 1864. Robert Flint. Admitted i6th November 1864. Resigned 2gth July 1876. William Angus Knight. Admitted iyth October 1876. PROFESSORS OF NATURAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY. David Young. Admitted Professor of Philosophy in St Leonard's College 8th November 1716. Appointed first Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the United College 24th June 1747. Died i6th May 1759. William Wilkie. Admitted i2th November 1759. Died 9th October 1772. George Forrest. Admitted i3th November 1772. Died 5th October 1795. John Rotheram. Admitted 24th November 1795. Died 6th November 1804. James M'Donald. Admitted i4th February 1805. Declared by the House of Lords to have been elected illegally 26th May 1809. Thomas Jackson. Admitted 29th June 1809. Died i7th February 1837. Adam Anderson. Admitted 3rd August 1837. Died 5th December 1846. William Lewis Ferdinand Fischer. Admitted i8th June 1847. Resigned i5th March 1859. William Swan. Admitted i9th March 1859. Resigned 9th January 1880. Arthur Stanley Butler. Admitted nth September 1880. Ixxviii PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS PROFESSORS OF HUMANITY. Ninian Young. Admitted Professor of Humanity in St Leonard's College in March 1706. Appointed first Professor of Humanity in the United College 24th June 1747. Died 7th June 1753. Alexander Morton. Admitted 2oth September 1753. Resigned i8th May 1769. John Cook. Admitted loth October 1769. Resigned i7th May 1773. John Hill. Admitted nth November 1773. Resigned 28th June I775- John Hunter. Admitted 4th December 1775. Resigned i2th December 1835- Thomas Gillespie. Admitted assistant and successor to Professor Hunter 2ist February 1824. Died nth September 1844. William Pyper. Admitted 4th November 1844. Died 7th January 1861. John Campbell Shairp. Admitted i9th January 1861. Resigned 26th August 1871. Alexander Roberts. Admitted 28th October 1871. PROFESSORS OF CIVIL AND NATURAL HISTORY. William Vilant. Admitted Professor of Humanity in St Salvator's College 8th January 1695. Appointed first Professor of Civil History in the United College 24th June 1747. Resigned i2th June 1751. Alexander Morton. Admitted i3th June 1751. Resigned 2oth September 1753- " PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS Ixxix William Vilant. Re-admitted 20th September 1753. Died 2 ist January I759- Alexander Vilant claimed the Chair, in succession to his father, but the claim was disallowed and afterwards withdrawn. Richard Dick. Admitted i3th May 1762. Died i5th February 1764. George Forrest. Admitted loth January 1765. Resigned iath November 1772. Hugh Cleghorn. Admitted ist April 1773. Chair declared vacant, on account of the long-continued absence of the Pro- fessor, 2nd March 1793. John Adamson. Admitted i6th April 1793. Died 2Oth August 1808. William Ferric. Admitted 23rd December 1808. Died 7th June 1850. William Macdonald. Admitted i2th August 1850. Died ist January 1875. Henry Alleyne Nicholson. y Admitted 2oth April 1875. Resigned 22nd May 1882. William Carmichael M'Intosh. Admitted 28th October 1882. PROFESSORS OF MATHEMATICS. David Gregory. Admitted Professor of Mathematics in the University 1 4th May 1739. Appointed first Professor of Mathematics in the United College 24th June 1747. Died 1 3th April 1765. Nicolas Vilant. Admitted 8th October 1765. Died 25th May 1807. Robert Haldane. Admitted i4th October 1807. Resigned 2 ist July 1820. Thomas Duncan. Admitted 3 ist October 1820. Died 23rd March 1858. John Couch Adams. Admitted 22nd April 1858. Resigned 8th January 1859. Ixxx PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS William Lewis Ferdinand Fischer. Admitted i5th March 1859. Resigned ist October 1877. George Chrystal. Admitted loth November 1877. Resigned in August 1879. Peter Redford Scott Lang. Admitted 8th November 1879. PROFESSORS OF MEDICINE. Thomas Simson. Admitted Professor of Medicine and Anatomy in the University 20th January 1722. Appointed first Professor of Medicine in the United College 24th June 1747. Died 3oth March 1764. James Simson. Admitted i8th July 1764. Died 30th August 1770. James Flint. Admitted 6th December 1770. Resigned 28th April 1804. James Flint and John Flint. Admitted joint Professors i6th July 1804. Their election declared by the House of Lords to have been illegal and void 26th May 1809. James Flint re-elected 29th July 1809. Died i6th December 1810. Robert Briggs. Admitted 4th March 1811. Died loth July 1840. John Reid. Admitted 3rd May 1841. Died 3oth July 1849. George Edward Day. Admitted 23rd October 1849. Resigned i6th May 1863. Oswald Home Bell. Admitted 3rd November 1863. Died 24th June 1875. James Bell Pettigrew. Admitted ist November 1875. PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS Ixxxi PROFESSORS OF CHEMISTRY. Arthur Connell. Admitted 3oth October 1840. Resigned 6th August 1862. Matthew Forster Heddle. Admitted 8th November 1862. Resigned i5th November 1884. Thomas Purdie. Admitted 1 2th January 1885. PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION. John Miller Dow Meiklejohn. Admitted 2ist April 1876. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. PRINCIPALS. James Murison. Admitted 22nd July 1747. Died 3ist July 1779. James Gillespie. Admitted i4th September 1779. Died 2nd June 1791. George Hill. Admitted 27th July 1791. Died i9th December 1819. Robert Haldane. Admitted 2ist July 1820. Died 9th March 1854. John Tulloch. Admitted gth November 1854. Died i3th February 1886. John Cunningham. Admitted 6th November 1886. Died ist September 1893. Alexander Stewart. Admitted i8th July 1894. Ixxxii PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS PROFESSORS OF DIVINITY AND BIBLICAL CRITICISM. Andrew Shaw. Admitted 30th August 1739. Died 27th November 1779. Hary Spens. Admitted 2gth December 1779. Died 24th November 1787. George Hill. Admitted 2nd January 1788. Resigned 27th July 1791. Robert Arnot. Admitted 6th October 1791. Died 2nd July 1808. John Cook. Admitted 27th September 1808. Died 28th November 1824. John Mitchell. Admitted i5th December 1825. Died i4th November 1835- Thomas Thomson Jackson. Admitted 26th April 1836. Resigned i4th June 1851. William Brown. Admitted i4th June 1851. Died i9th July 1868. Frederick Crombie. Admitted 27th November 1868. Died igth June 1889. Allan Menzies. Admitted nth November 1889. PROFESSORS OF DIVINITY AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Archibald Campbell. Admitted i7th December 1730. Died 24th April 1756. William Brown. Admitted 28th February 1757. Died loth January 1791. Charles Wilson. Admitted igth November 1793. Died 5th September 1801. John Trotter. Admitted ist May 1802. Died nth November 1811. John Lee. Admitted 8th April 1812. Resigned 4th January 1823. PRINCIPALS AND PROFESSORS Ixxxiii George Buist. Admitted i4th October 1823. Died nth April 1860. John Cook. Admitted i5th June 1860. Resigned 30th July 1868. Alexander Ferrier Mitchell. Admitted 2ist November 1868. Resigned 3ist March 1894. John Herkless. Admitted i8th July 1894. PROFESSORS OF HEBREW AND ORIENTAL LANGUAGES. George Hadow. Admitted 8th November 1748. Died nth September 1780. Charles Wilson. Admitted 7th December 1 780. Resigned i9th November John Trotter. Admitted 3oth April 1794. Resigned ist May 1802. John Cook. Admitted 5th May 1802. Resigned 27th September 1808. Daniel Robertson. Admitted ist February 1809. Died zoth January 1817. George Buist. Admitted 25th June 1817. Resigned i4th October 1823. Archibald Baird. Admitted 4th November 1823. Died i2th October 1832. David Scott. Admitted ist July 1833. Died i7th September 1834. William Tennant. Admitted i4th January 1835. Died i5th October 1848. Alexander Ferrier Mitchell. Admitted igth December 1848. Resigned 2 ist Novem- ber 1868. John M'Gill. Admitted 2 ist November 1868. Died i6th March 1871. John Birrell. Admitted 4th November 1871. Ixxxiv UNIVERSITY LECTURERS. 1892=1897. Botany. Robert Alexander Robertson, iSgz-g?. 1 French. Fran9ois Frederic Roget, 1892-96. Jules Kirke de Dreux Kunz, 1896-97. History. James Mackinnon, 1892-97. Anatomy. James Musgrove, 1896-97. Materia Medica. William Henry de Wytt, 1896-97. Physiology. Alice Marion Umpherston, 1896-97. Modern Greek. Antonios Nikolaou Jannaris, 1896-97. 1 Mr Robertson was appointed Lecturer in Botany on 6th April 1891. Ixxxv GIFFORD LECTURERS. 1888=1897. Andrew Lang, 1888-90. Edward Caird, 1890-92. Lewis Campbell, 1894-96. UNIVERSITY ASSISTANTS. 1 1892=1897. Greek. John Maclennan, 1892-96. William Menzies, 1896-97. i Logic and Metaphysics. Robert Latta, 1892-97. Moral Philosophy. Harold Henry Joachim, 1892-94. James Gibson, 1894-96. William Robert Scott, 1896-97. 1 The Assistants were also appointed Lecturers for the Summer Sessions. Ixxxvi UNIVERSITY ASSISTANTS Natural Philosophy. William George Robson, 1892-97. Humanity. Alfred Newth Macfadyen, 1892-93. William Alexander Craigie, 1893-97. Natural History. Arthur Thomas Masterman, 1893-97. Mathematics. George Lawson, 1892-97. Chemistry. Alexander M'Kenzie, 1892-97. Hebrew. Andrew Gray, 1892-93. George Gordon Stott, 1893-94. . Alan Cant, 1894-95. James Goodlet Robertson, 1895-96. Henry Grey Graham, 1896-97. Ixxxvii MATRICULATION STATISTICS. I. FIRST MATRICULATIONS AT ST ANDREWS. 1747=1897. 1747-48 16 1776-77 25 1805-06 J 3 1748-49 20 1777-78 23 1806-07 30 1749-50 5 1778-79 3 1 1807-08 26 1750-5! 34 1779-80 39 1808-09 20 i75!-52 18 I780-8I 3 1 1809-10 33 1752-53 28 1781-82 36 1810-11 35 1753-54 18 1782-83 33 1811-12 42 1754-55 24 1783-84 44 1812-13 47 1755-56 24 1784-85 36 1813-14 45 1756-57 33 1785-86 37 1814-15 43 1757-58 29 1786-87 29 1815-16 45 1758-59 20 1787-88 29 1816-17 43 1759-60 2 5 1788-89 39 1817-18 5i 1760-61 21 1789-90 20 1818-19 52 1761-62 26 1790-91 27 1819-20 53 1762-63 29 1791-92 36 1820-21 54 1763-64 29 1792-93 20 1821-22 66 1764-65 25 1793-94 2 5 1822-23 77 1765-66 2 9 1794-95 29 1823-24 68 1766-67 26 1795-96 24 1824-25 149 1767-68 27 1796-97 24 1825-26 9i 1768-69 28 1797-98 24 1826-27 74 1769-70 26 1798-99 22 1827-28 86 1770-71 41 I799-I8OO 27 1828-29 76 1771-72 27 I 8OO-0 I 25 1829-30 61 1772-73 22 1801-02 18 1830-31 54 1773-74 26 1802-03 26 1831-32 54 T 774-75 19 1803-04 23 1832-33 68 1775-76 21 1804-05 32 1833-34 55 Ixxxviii MATRICULATION STATISTICS 1834-35 40 1855-56 45 1876-77 39 1835-36 40 1856-57 46 1877-78 56 1836-37 5 1857-58 44 1878-79 61 1837-38 43 1858-59 33 1879-80 48 1838-39 35 1859-60 67 1 880-8 1 65 1839-40 39 1 860-6 1 61 1881-82 58 1840-41 37 1861-62 66 1882-83 57 1841-42 42 1862-63 62 1883-84 59 1842-43 39 1863-64 52 1884-85 62 1843-44 57 1864-65 53 1885-86 62 1844-45 54 1865-66 56 1886-87 48 1845-46 57 1866-67 59 1887-88 56 1846-47 62 1867-68 49 1888-89 66 1847-48 64 1868-69 66 1889-90 46 1848-49 5 1869-70 59 1890-91 61 1849-50 60 1870-71 60 1891-92 4i 1850-51 57 1871-72 64 1892-93 68 1851-52 77 1872-73 45 1893-94 58 1852-53 69 i873-74 38 1894-95 48 1853-54 5 1 1874-75 53 1895-96 68 1854-55 57 1875-76 48 1896-97 83 II. ANNUAL MATRICULATIONS AT ST ANDREWS. 1859=1897, 1859-60 141 1872-73 157 1885-86 212 1860-61 M7 1873-74 140 1886-87 216 1861-62 163 1874-75 141 1887-88 218 1862-63 182 1875-76 146 1888-89 232 1863-64 170 1876-77 131 1889-90 208 1864-65 166 1877-78 *53 1890-91 201 1865-66 171 1878-79 161 1891-92 189 1866-67 173 1879-80 158 1892-93 204 1867-68 1 68 1880-81 188 1893-94 214 1868-69 184 1881-82 i93 1894-95 203 1869-70 177 1882-83 195 1895-96 212 1870-71 172 1883-84 195 1896-97 236 1871-72 176 1884-85 203 MATRICULATION STATISTICS Ixxxix III. FIRST MATRICULATIONS AT DUNDEE. 1885=1895 1885-86 IO 1889-90 12 1893-94 1886-87 12 1890-91 9 1894-95 1887-88 IO 1891-92 39 1888-89 5 1892-93 60 42 IV. ANNUAL MATRICULATIONS AT DUNDEE. 1885=1895, 1885-86 IO 1889-90 23 1893-94 77 1886-87 22 1890-91 21 1894-95 68 1887-88 26 1891-92 59 1888-89 17 1892-93 92 MATRICULATION ROLL. 1747=1748. Februarii 24to 1748. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! corarrf Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Schaw in Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae Professore et Univer- sitatis Rectore. Nos ingenui adolescentes, nomina subscribentes, sancte pollicemur, nos in religione reformata perseveraturos, prae- ceptoribus obsequium debit um exhibituros, et hujus Aca- demiae Andreanae emolumentum et commodum, quantum in nobis est, procuraturos, ad quemcunque vitae statum pervenerimus. E classe Magistri Jacobi Kemp Linguae Graecae Professoris. Georgius Dempster. Henricus Smith. Jacobus Monypenny. Peter Stewart. yneas Macleod. David Russell. Gabriel Lyon. Gulielmus Reid. Jacobus Paton. Josephus M'Auslane. Hieronimus Stones. Robertus Blair. Robertus Grant. Thomas Oliphant. Carolus Allan. E classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Semibajanorum Regentis. Joannes Duncan. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1748 1748=1749. Februarii lomo A.D. 1749. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Muri- son Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Ja. Durham. Ja. Shaw. Pat. Simson. Rob. Simson. Alexr. Duff. Alexr. Frazer. Car. Robertsone. Willm. Duncan. Gul. Sturrock. Jacobi Crambie. Jacobi Robertson. Jo. Ramsay. John Sutherland. Pat. Frazer. Patrick Moray. Robert Dunbar. Simon Blair. Ja. Thomson, Lum, Jacob. Adamson. E classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Semibajanorum Regentis. Georgi Gourlay. 1749=1750. Februarii igno A.D. 1750. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris nostri et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Mariani Collegii Praefecto atque Universitatis Vice-Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Thomas Hill. Joannes Settle. 1749] MATRICULATION ROLL Februarii 22do A.D. 1750. Ex eadem classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson receptus est in album Academiae Thomas Dall. Februarii 28vo A.D. 1750. Ex eadem classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson receptus est in album Academiae Griffithus Ferguson. Martii 2gno A.D. 1750. Ex eadem classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson receptus est in album Academiae Gulielmus Porteous. 1750=1751. Februarii I5to A.D. 1751. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris nostri et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw in Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Alexander Shaw. Georgeus Oswald. Gulielmus Walker. Jacobus Stoddart. Joannes Arnot. Patricius Brydone. Thomas Duncan. Thomas Pringle. Tho. Marshall. Alexander Munro. Andreas Murray. Alexr. Mackenzie. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [175 Georgius Munro. Jacobus M'Lagan. Joannes Robertson. Joannes Ross. Patricius Bryce. Robertas M' Lagan. Thomas Masson. Gulielmus Crombie. E classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Semibajanorum Regentis. Elgin. | Alexander Bisset. | Jacobus Stewart. E classe Magistri Joannis Young Baccalaureorum Regentis, David Smith. | Jacobus Lighton. Maii 3imo A.D. 1751. E classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Philosophiae Professoris. Milcolumbus Pack. Daniel Bryce. David Swan. Gulielmus M'Ligh. Jacobus Buchannan, Jacobus Laing. Joannes Barcklay. Thomas Skinner. Joannes Miller. 1751=1752. Februarii I4to A.D. 1752. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris nostri et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Geo. Duff. Lud. Duff. Jacobus Dudingston. Joannes Craigie. Joannes Gourlay. Gul. Mackenzie. MATRICULATION ROLL Da. Donaldson. Ja. Anderson. Ja. Greig. Jo. Richey. Jo. Grant. Pat. Key. Rob. M'farlane. Rob. Swan. Rob. Sommervel. E classe Magistri Joannis Young Philosophiae Professoris. Arch. Menzies. | Alexr. Gibson. E classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Philosophiae Professoris. James Bruce. 1752=1753- Februarii 2omo A.D. 1753. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Thoma Tulli- deph Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Geo. Home. Gul. Oliphant. Joannes Gillespie. Joannes Home. Robt. Farq r son. Thomas Graeme. Thomas Lockhart, Alexr. Grant. Allan Stewart. Georgius M'Liesh. Georgius Wright. E classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Philosophiae Professoris. Andrea Waddell. Jacobus Bennet. James Hay. Joannes Bennet. Jacobus Cheap. Johannes Mitchell. Gulielmus Keyden. Gulielmus Dow. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1752 Jacobus Stewart. Jacobus Whyte. Joannes Murray. Joannes Richardson. Nicola Vilant. Petrus Wright. Josephus M'Intyre. E classe Magistri Joannis Young Philosophiae Professoris. ^Eneas Macalester. Martii 2do A.D. 1753 receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens, coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto et Universitatis Vice-Rectore. Dav. Coventry. i 753= '754- Februarii igno A.D. 1754. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw in Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Gulielmus Masson. Gulielmus Maxwell. Robertus Scott. Donald M'Nicol. William Keay. Gulielmus Mackenzie. Gulielmus Ross. Christianus Adamson. Joannes Adamson. Joannes Low. Thomas Glass. Thomas Hallyburton. Thomas Wilkie. Jacobus Simson. Joannes Bethune. E classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Philosophiae Professoris. Doune. Jac. Clephan. Alex. Cadger. J 754] MATRICULATION ROLL 1754=1755. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1755. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Muri- son Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Baillie. And. Shaw. Col. Beveridge. David Miln. Gulielmus M'pherson. Hugo Shaw. Jas. Watson. Joannes Cook. Robertus Baillie. Robertus Menzies. Archibaldus M' Arthur. Alexander Small. Alexr. Pryde. George Greig. James Playfair. James Wilson. Johannes Campbell. John Ewan. John Trail. John Ferguson. Ex classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Philosophiae Professoris. Jas. Stewart. John Stewart. John Fitchet. Petrus Watson. 1 755 Februarii 171110 A.D. 1756. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Thoma Tullideph Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Archibald Ogilvy. D. Parkhill. Duncn. Harrison. George Bethune. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1755 Patrick Graeme. Alexander Campbell. Bernard M'kenzie. Charles Keay. Geo. Grantt. George Micklejohn. James Fergus. Jacobi Campbell. Jacobe Ferguson. Joannes Robertson, Joannes Robertson. Joannes Malcolm. Joannes Miller. Ninian Paton. William Richard. George Schaw. Ex eadem classe. Alex. Parkhill. Ex classe Magistri Henrici Rymer Philosophiae Professoris. Chas. Lockhart. Eodem die ex classe Magistri Joannis Young Philosophiae Professoris. Thomas Litster. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. George Henderson. 1756=1757. Februarii I5to A.D. 1757. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw in Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Archibaldus Gibsone. David Milne. Gulielmus Laird. Jacobus Stuart. 1756] MATRICULATION ROLL Johannes Scot. M'nachtane Hunter. Nisbit Balfour. Roberte Halkerston. Thomas Hog. Andreas Scott. David Fairny. Jaco. Lumsdaine. Donaldus Grant. Gulielmus Bethune. Gulielmus Eadie. Hamilton Killgour. Henricus Shand. Jacobus Mitchell. Joannes Duff. Laurentius Adamson. Laurentius Douglas. Lodovicus Dunbar. Mauricius Ritchy. Thomas Young. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Georgius Scott. Gulielmus Crawford. Jacobus Carmichael. Joannes Pringle. Robertus Robertson. Thomas Dundas. Robertus Bogie. Thomas Spankie. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. David Moncrief. "757=1758. Februarii 23tio A.D. 1758. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Arthurus Duff. Georgius Home. Gulielmus Chalmers. Joannes Fergusson. Joannes Jamison. Johanes Smyth. 10 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [i7S7 Robertus Lindsay. Thomas Strang. Alexander Balmain. Andrew Malcolm. Carolus Scott. Colinus Simmers. David Ferguson. David Reid. Gullielmus Duncan. Gulielmus Garvie. Gulliemus Thomson, Jacobus Wilson. Joannes Camron. Joannes Campbel. Joannes Warden. Patricius Rob. Rob. Methven. Thoma Foggo. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson. Zachary M'killichoan. | Laurentius Johnston. Ex classe Magistri Joannis Young Philosophiae Professoris. Joannes Gellatly. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Andreas Wilson. Gulielmus Mitchel. 1758=1759. Februarii 2omo A.D. 1759. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw in Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. David Forrester. Jacbus Foulis. Joannes Govan. Robertus Stewart. Thomas Kettle. Alexander Roy. Donaldus M'Lennan. Duncanus M'Kay. 1758] MATRICULATION ROLL ii Jacobus Moyes. Joannis Miller. Joannis Moncrieff. Robertus Buchan. Robertus Futt. Robertus Stewart. Jacobus Izat. E classe Magistri Robert! Watson Philosophiae Professoris. David Scott. Joannes Seton. Joannes Lamont. Robt. Scott. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Fredericus MacLagan. 1759=1760. Februarii 2omo A.D. 1760. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. E classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Brodie. Fran. Balfour. Gul. Nairne. Henricus Erskine. Johanes Balfour. Johanis Erskine. Andrew Duncan. Andreas Ireland-Malcolm. Gul. Crichton. Gulielmus Rob. Jacobus Alexander. Jacobus Fergusson. Jacobus Marshall. Joannes Burn. Joannes Kemp. Patricius Maxton. Patricius M'Vean. Patricius Wilson. Thomas Elder. Patricius Wright. Robertus Arnott. Robertus Ballingall. Thomas Bonthron. Thomas Scott. Andreas Gray. 12 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1760 1760=1761. Februarii 26to A.D. 1761. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti, Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S. S, Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Universi- tatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Georgius Shaw. Georgius Stark. Gulielmus Murray. Jacobus Hamilton. Joanes Hill. Joanes Thomson. Alexander Duncan. Alexander Hill. Georgius Stirtan. Gulielmus Barron. Gulielmus Duncan. Gulielmus Graham. Jacobus Croon. Jacobus Finlayson. Jacobus Robertson. Johannes Brodie. Johannis M'kay. Peter Woodderspoon, Richardus Watson. Jacobus Walker. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gulielmus Young. 1761 = 1762. Februarii 171110 A.D. 1762. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. David Smyth. | Gul. Douglas. | Robertus Rintoul. I 7 6i] MATRICULATION ROLL Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Carolus Stuart. Carolus Wedderburn. David Burnet. Georgius Hill. Gulielmus Moncrieff. Mauritius Young. Nigelli Fergusson. Alexander Gibson. David Brown. David Campbell. David Fair. David Rattray. Georgius Campbell. Henricus Rattray. Hugo Stalker. Jacobus Christie. Jacobus Scot. Joannes Beatson. Johannes Dow. Joannes M'Liesh. Joannes Matheson. Thoma Peirson. Gulielmus Thomson. 1762=1763. Februarii 22do A.D. 1763. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S. S. Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Alexander Hog. Andreas Houstoun. David Wemyss. Franciscus Charteris. Johannes Craigie. Johanes Playfair. Joannes Stark. Robertus Shaw. Robertus Wellwood, Richard Whishaw. Adam Fergusson. Alexander Duncan. Alexander Meldrum. Andreas Greig. Andreas Thomson. Archibaldus Buchanan, David Richardson. David Tod. Donaldus M'Intyre. Georgeus Heggie. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1762 Guilielmus Duncan. Hugo Sutherland. Jacobus Brown. Joanes Braid. Joannes Grant. Joanes Norisson. Patricius Grant. Thomas Reatt. Jacobus Drummond. 1763=1764- Februarii 2imo A.D. 1764. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Alexander Bayne. Claud Meldrum. David Ireland. Duncanus Stewart. Jacobus Lawrie. Joannes Buddo. Johannes M'Cliesh. Johannes Small. Johannes Stark. Joannis Steedman. Joannes Malcolm. Patrick M'Dougall. Robertus Paterson. Thoma Barclay. Robers. Dow. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Alexr. Brodie. Alexr. Innes. Archd. Murdoch. David Walker. Gul. Campbell. Hugo Pollock. Jacobus Gillespie. Joannes Dick. John Graham. Lachlan Ballingall. Robertus Graham. Jacobus Cunninghame. Joannes Cunninghame. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Georgius Low. 1764] MATRICULATION ROLL 1764=1765. Februarii igno A.D. 1765. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S. S, Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Univer- sitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. Alexr. Cumberland. Alexr. Cumming. Alexander Turnbull. Alexr. Young. Jacobus Cook. Jacobus Nairne. Joannes Anstruther. Joannes Henderson. David Davidson. Gulielmus Gourlay. Henry Watt. James Bell. Jacobus M'Diarmid. Jacobus Weems. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Inches. Lud. Grant. Patricius Hood. Patricius Hutchison. Robertus Drysdale. Robert Stewart. Rob Fergusson. Thomas Hill. Wemyss Robertson. John Gordon. 1765=1766. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1766. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Wilson Linguae Graecae Professoris. David Maxwell. Geo. Norie. Hugo Maxwell. Jac. Stark. 16 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1765 Joannes Ramsay. Ninian Imrie. Thomas Hay. Alexander Paterson. Alexander Tod. Andreas Low. Carolus Webster. David Meldrum. Gulielmus Braid. Johannis Adamson. Joannes Henry. Joannes Scott. Joannes Smith. Joannes Steedman. Joannes M'Laren. Patricius Bower. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Hector M'Aulay. Eodem die recepti sunt in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Alexander Falconer. Alex. Ramsay. Jacobus Kirkpatrick, Februarii 24to 1766 receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Alexr. M'konochie. Martii 3tio A.D. 1766 recepti sunt in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosi nomina sub- scribentes. Gulielmus Gordon. Alexr. Robertson. Alexander Gibson. Jacobus Forrester, 1766=1767. Februarii igno A.D. 1767. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison i 7 66] MATRICULATION ROLL Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Vice- Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Robert! Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Richd. French, Hibernus. Thomas Martin, Anglus. Allani Cornfoot. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexander Murray. Gulielmus Rankine. Johannes Anstruther. Johannes Rankine. Patricius Fairweather. Philip Anstruther. Stewart West. Thomas Davidson. Alexander Grant. Alexr. Ingram. Coll. M'Dougall. David Dick. Ebenezer Marshal. Gulielmus Ritchie. Jacobus Brown. James Buik. James Fortune. Jacobus Gleny. Jacobus Hill. Jacobus Litster. Joannes Stewart. Patricus Watson. Jacobus J affray. 1767=1768. Februarii A.D. 1768. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti, Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S. S, Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Universi- tatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti W T atson Philosophiae Professoris. Georgius Smith. Laurentius Craigie. Robertus Arbuthnott, Carolus M'Nab. i8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1767 Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Archibaldus Stevenson. David Gray. Gulielmus Douglas. Gulielmus Ramsay. Jacobus Wood. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Rutherford. Joannes Williamson. Munro Ross. Robertus Milligan. Robertus Young. Alexr. Wilson. Andreas Gray. Carolus Stewart. David Simm. Georgius Gib. Jac. M'Donald. John Gibson. Matthaeus Taylor. Thomas Melvill. Thomas Stewart. Georgius Walker. Martii 5to 1768 receptus est in album Academiae ex classe Magistri Joannis Young nomen subscribens. Jacobus M'farlane. 1768=1769. Februarii 2imo A.D. 1769. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Alexander Renton. John Ferguson. Alexander Low. Jacobus Husband. Ex classe Magistri Gualteri Wilson Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. M'Dougall. Alexr. Murray. Gullielmus Gillespie. Jacobus Crichton. MATRICULATION ROLL Johannes Chalmers. Joannes Fissher. Joannes Hunter. Joannis Jobson. Joannes Stark. Thomas Ranken. Alexander Stewart. Allan Robertson. Andrseas Bell. Archibaldus Singer. David Thomson. Georgius Bruce. Georgius Gordon. Gulielmi Mitchel. Jacobus Badenach. Jacobus Playfair. Joannes M* Arthur. Thomas Constable. Jacobus Laing. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. David Wilkie. 1769=1770. Februarii 23tio A.D. 1770. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti, Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S. S, Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Univer- sitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. David Carnegie. Gull. Villettes. Henricus Makdougall. Henricus Villettes. Johannes Mackenzie. Normannus MacLeod, Glen Drayton. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Wilkie Philosophiae Professoris. Jas. Patton. Patrick Anderson. 20 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1769 Ex classe Magistri Alexandri Morton Graecae Linguae Professoris. Jacob! Cargill. Jacobi Ramsay. John Wilkie. Henry Miller. Lau. Gillespie. Walter Wilson. Alexr. M'Aulay. Alexr. Salmon. And. Duncan. Fran. Grant. James Jack. John West. Robert Gun. Joannes Webster. Thomas Fairfull. Thomas Fleming. Joannes Sandeman, 1770=1771. Februarii 2imo A.D. 1771. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Georgius Douglas. Gulielmus Bertram. Robertus Steavenson. Thomas Bowdler. Gulielmus Henderson. Robertus Robertson. Ex classe Magistri Alexandri Morton Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Mair. Caroli Gray. Georgius Graeme. Georgius De Haddo. Gual. Ogilvy. Gulielmus Honyman. Gulielmus Menzies. Jacobus Dallas. James Mair. Joannis Hay. i77] MATRICULATION ROLL 21 Robertus Donaldson. Robertas Burnett. Alexr. Bishop. Alexr. M'kenzie. Andreas Bell. Andreas Bell. Christopherus Seton. David Grant. David Hill. David Ritchie. Duncan Ferguson. Duncanus M'Farlan. Gulielmus Chalmers. Hay Reekie. Henricus Dempster. Jacobus Christie. Jacobus Miln. Jacobus Saunders. Joannes Hall. Patricius Murray. Spence Oliphant. Thomas Couper. Thomas Craigdallie, Thomas Scott. Gulielmus Ritchie. 1771=1772. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1772. [omina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sri. mardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Thoma Tullideph Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Wilkie Philosophiae Professoris. Gul. Laur. Brown. Ex classe Magistri Alexandri Morton Graecae Linguae Professoris. Carolus Campbell. David Ogilvy. Gulielmus Inglis. Gulielmus Sinclair. Jacobus M'Neill. Johannes Abercrombie. Johannes Sinclair. Johannes Ogilvie. Robertus Bisset. Alexr. Kirk. Alexr. Robertson. Chas. Grace. 22 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1771 Georgius Fortune. Gulielmus Henderson. Gulielmus M 'Ritchie. Gulielmus Scott. Jacobus Fisher. Jacobus Yeaman. Joannes Bayne. Joannes Bennet. Joannis Carstairs. Robertus Robertson. Robertus Young. Thomas Whitson. Thrift Meldrum. Joannes Maxton. 1772=1773. Februarii i6to A.D. 1773. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S.' S. Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Universi- tatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Jacobus Hadow. Meade Hobson. Saml. Hobson. Thos. Durham. Alexr. Luders. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Forrest Philosophiae Professoris. Robertus Riddell. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexander Walker. Jacobus Meik. Robertus Traill. Thoma Moncreiffe. Andreas Stirtan. David Chisholm. Gulielmus Grame. Jacobus Trail. Joannes Gordon. Joannes Mitchel. Joannes Shand. Kentigernus Henry. Thomas Pitcairn. Thos. Young. James Robertson. 1772] MATRICULATION ROLL Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gulielmus Maule. 1773=1774. Februarii 1510 A.D. 1774. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Joannes Bennettus Popkin. Gulielmus Fisher. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Henry Whinfield. John Brown. Joannes Rait. Robertus Hunter. Thomas Murray. Andreas Grant. Alexr. Macfarlane. Carolus Moodie. Colin Matheson. Donaldus Smith. Georgius Bennet. Georgius Rollo. Gulielmus Constable, Gulielmus Moodie. Jacobe Fraser. Jacobus Grant. Jacobus Hird. Jacobus Mitchell. Jacobus Wilkie. Johanes Groves. Joannes Manson. Robertus M'ara. David Tod. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Antonius Traill. 24 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1774 1774=1775. Februarii 23tio A.D. 1775. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S. S. Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Universi- tatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Geo. Jas. Riddell. Jacobus Mylne. Gul. Cuninghame. Thomas Dalyell. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Loraine. Gulielmus Robertson. Henricus Hill. Joannes Fullerton. Thomas Hutton. Thomas Wilson. Alexr. Hunter. Georgius Drummond. Jacobus Lyon. Jacobus Will. Kentigernus M'Farlane. Patricius Matthew. Robertus Anderson. Robertus Henry. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Jacobus Patricius Bannerman. 1775=1776. Februarii I5to A.D. 1776. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. David Brown. 1775] MATRICULATION ROLL 25 Ex classe Magistri Forrest Philosophiae Professoris. Kiel Campbell. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. David Jobson. Andreas High. Dad. Litster. Daniel M'Kiech. Gulielmus Inches. Gulielmus Spence. Jacobus Grant. Jacobus Markham. Joannes Grant.' Joannes M'Intyre. Joannes Sherriffs. Milcolumbus Campbell. Petrus Greenhill. Patricius M'llchonell. Thomas Barty. Gershomus Guthrie. Gulielmus Campbell. Jacobus Reid. David Burn. 1776=1777. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1777. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti, Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Andrea Shaw S. S, Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Universi- tatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Andreas Willison. Robtus. Brown. Thomas Williamson, Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Duff. Alexr. Gillespie. Georgius Hadow. Gramii Mercer. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1776 Joannes Thomson. Emanuel Thomas Hay. Antonius Dow. Alexr. Thain. David Arnot. David Low. David Pyper. Gulielmus Hall. Jacobus Lonie. Joannis Barclay. Patricius Frazer. Robertus Halkerston. Robertus Marr. Thomas Adamson. Thomas Campbell. Jacobus Mackay. Jac. Fullarton Carnegy. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gualterus Kinross. 1777=1778- Februarii I7mo A.D. 1778. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Murison Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Roberti Watson Philosophiae Professoris. Jacobus Brugh. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Georgius Cumine. Josephus Pitcarn. Joannes Hepburn. Robertus Hepburn. Robertus Speid. Samuel Hepburn. Alexander Goodsir. Edwd. Hankin. Alexr. Stewart. Allan Saunders. Andreas Bethune. David Malcolm. David Bower. Jacobus Bruce. 1777] MATRICULATION ROLL 27 Jacobus Morris. Joannes Boyd. Joannes Somerville. Robertus Meldrum. Thomas Blair. Jacobus Paton. Jacobe Brown. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Thos. Thompson. 1778=1779. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1779. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Roberto Watson Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Forrest Philosophiae Professoris, Car. Fyffe. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Latinarum et classe Mathematica. Arthur Burnett. | Joannes Burnett. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Greenhill. Gul. Paston. Gul. Ramsay. Joannes Neilson. Patricius Whitson. Robertus Banks. Thomas Millar. Thomas Rogers. Alexr. Maule. Alanus Stewart. Colenus Morison. George Purves. Gulielmus Walker. Gulielmus Forfar. 28 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1778 Jacobus Hall. Jacobus Simmie. Johanes Edmond. Joannes Hutchison. Joannes M'Intyre. Pat. M'Intyre. Patricius Walker. Robertus Duncan. Robertus Knox. Robertus Russel. Robertus Wilson. Thomas Traill. Gulielmus Menzies. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Robert Gillan. 1779=1780. Februarii I5to A.D. 1780. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Roberto Watson Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Umversitatis ex-Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barron Philosophiae Professoris. Gul. Durham. Gul. Shiel. James Stewart. M. Campbell. Charles Alison. Ex classe Magistri Joannis Cook. Thomas Hobhouse. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Tho. Crookenden. | James Leith. | James Leslie. 1779] MATRICULATION ROLL 29 Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Andreas Smith. Jacobus Crow. Johannes Guthrie. Johannes Marshall. Thomas Driver. Thomas Turnbull. Allanus Briggs. Andreas Hutton. Colenus M'Vean. David Balmain. David Duncan. Daniel Fergusson. David Ritchie. Gulielmus Kemp. Gulielmus Raiding. Gulielmus Johnston. Gulielmus Wilson. Gulielmus Watt. Joannes Brown. Joannes Grant. Joannes Lootfoot. Jacobus Ivory. James Smart. Jacobus Duncan. Jacobus Duncan. Patricius M'Laren. Robertus Crawfurd. Robertus Gordon. Robertus Watt. Joannes Swan. 1780=1781. Februarii 2omo A.D. 1781. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Gillespie Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexander Gordon. David Hadow. Georgi Kirkaldie. Joannes Flint. Joannes Gordon. Alexr. Coldstream. Alex. Hackney. David Guild. David Traill. David Williamson. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1780 David Wilson. Donaldus Campbell. Donaldus M'Nicol. Georgius Kennedy. Georgius Ker. Gualterus Sim. Gulielmus Chalmers. Gulielmus Craik. Gulielmus Nicol. Gulielmus Reid. Jacobus Maxton. Jacobus Paterson. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Lamb. Joannes Malcolm. Joannes Maxton. Joannes Paterson. Joannes Roger. Laurentius Adamson, Thos. Adamson. Jacobus Thomson. Februarii igno A.D. 1782. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Henrico Spens S. S. Theologiae in .Collegio Mariano Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Archd. Hepburn. Corbin Braxton. Carter Braxton. William Hunter. Holte Mackenzie. James Burn. Jacobus Gordon. Robertus Menzies. Alexander M'uan. Alexr. Reid. Alexr. Stalker. And. Finlay. Archd. Campbell. Archd. M' Arthur. Archd. Menzies. Dav. Dow. Duncan M'Naughtan. William Bonella. William Wilson. Jacobus Brown. Jacobus Cant. Jacobus Roger. i 7 8i] MATRICULATION ROLL Joannes Flowers. Joannes Bayne. Joannes Lesslie. John Whytock. Joseph M'Gibbon. Georgius Monck Berkeley. Thos. Thomas. Johannes Halkett. Laurence Butter. Patricius Beath. Robertus Doig. Thomas Cunningham. Gulielmi Mitchell. Eodem die receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. John Buist. 1782=1783. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1783. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Josepho M'Cormick Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barren Philosophiae Professoris. Elgin. J. Hume. Georgius Greig. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum. John Robins Gaine. | Adam Cairns. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Grant. Alexr. Guthrie. Alexr. M'kenzie. Carolus Grant. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1782 David Hunter. Gualterus Grant. Jacobus Oswald. Joanes M'Neill. Joanes Mellis. Joannes Pearce. Kenethus Mackenzie. Meredith Price. Robertus Wood. Thos. Denman Ledward. Alexr. Falconer. Alexr. Flockhart. Alexr. I sale. Alexr. MacGregor. David Davidson. George Smith. Jacobus Stewart. Joannes Martin. Laurs. Moyes. Milcolumbus Downie. Thos. Adamson. Thos. Guillan. Patreck M'Lellan. John Armet. 1783=1784. Februarii igno A.D. 1784. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Gillespie Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barren Philosophiae Professoris. Henricus Grimston. Jacobus Garthshore. Pridem ex hac classe nunc vero ex Graeca. Carolus Bruce. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Humaniorum. Georgius Morison. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Archd. Butter. George Greenlaw. Willm. Drummond. Jas. Gordon. 1783] MATRICULATION ROLL 33 James Craik. Thomas Graham. Jas. M'Neill. Jas. Mitchell. Jas. Smith. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Cook. Joannes Greenlaw. Malcolm M'Neill. Murdoch Mackenzie. Alexander Davie. Alexr. M'Intyre. Andrew Ballingall. Charles Sivright. David Moncur. David Pitcairn. Duncanus Forbes. Gul. Creighton. Gul. Walker. Gul. Watson. Henry Garnock. James Johnston. Jac. Wilson. Joannes Duff. Joannes Pringle. Joannes Grieg. Joannes M'Naughtan. Patricius Moir. Robertus Anderson. Robertus Henry. Robertus Malcolm. Robertus Tait. Samuel Cameron. Jacobus Kirk. Eodem die recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosi. Carolus Hunter. Georgius Lawrance. 1784=1785- Decembris A.D. 1784. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Henrico Spens S. S. Theologiae in Collegio Mariano Professore atque Univer- sitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barron Philosophiae Professoris. George Paterson. John Murray. 34 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1784 Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Alexr. Hunter. Donald M'Neill. William Dalgleish. James Hunter. Joannes Crichton. Joannes Hunter. Joannes Todd. Laurent. Oliphant. Murray Grant. Thomas Frazer. Alexander Fleming. Alexander M'Killop. David Purves. Alexander Menzies. Georgius Cant. Gulielmus Greig. Gulielmus M'Call. Gulielmus West. Henricus Listen. Jacobus Carstairs. Jacobus Davidson. Jacobus Davidson. Jacobus Hutton. Jacobus Robertson. Johannes Carmichael, Johannes M' Lagan. Patricius Keilar. Patrcius Penny. Thomas Meek. Duncanus Campbell. Ex classe Ethica. Georgius Cookes. | Joshua Middleton. Theologiae Studiosi. Thomas Scott. I Alexr. Forrester. 1785=1786. Februarii 2imo A.D. 1786. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Josepho M'Cormick Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barren Philosophiae Professoris. Gulielmus French. 1785] MATRICULATION ROLL Ex classe Graeca secunda. 35 Carolus Graham. Carolus Lyell. Georgius Douglas. Joannis Carnegie. Alexander Stewart. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Graecae Linguae Professoris. Adamus Greenlaw. Antonius Murray. Arthur Jarvis. Daniel M'Lean. Eduardus Graham. Georgius Cook. Gulielmus Pearce. Gulielmus Vilant. Hugo Bairnsfather. Jacobus Dewar. Joannes Campbell. Joannes M'Lean. Alexander Henderson. Alexander Rintoul. Andreas Kemp. Daniel Dewar. David Hunter. David Watt. Fordice Roger. Griffith Ireland. Gulielmus Grant. Jacobus Ogilvy Henderson, Jacobus Langlands. Jacobus M'Reith. Jacobus M'Laren. Jacobus Malcolm. Joannes Mitchell. Joannes Webster. Patricius M'Pherson. Richardus Rose. Robertus Burton. 1786=1787. Februarii 22do A.D. 1787. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Gillespie Collegii Mariani Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barron Philosophiae Professoris. Home. Carolus Maitland. Patricius Maitland, Andrew Patton. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1786 Ex classe Graeca secunda. David Boyle. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Linguae Graecae Professoris. Alexander Craik. Alexr. Blackwood Vilant. Alexr. Wood. David Erskine. Georgius Chaplin. Georgius Douglass. Georgius Logan. Georgius Murray. Gulielmus Berry. Gulielmus Robertson. Josephus M'Cormick. Thomas Peat. Gulielmus Anderson. Gulielmus Donaldson, Gulielmus M'Culloch. Hugo M'Dougall. Joannes Beattie. Joannes Cupples. Joannes Stewart. Richardus Turpin. Robertus Purves. Robertus Coutts. Roger Hutton. David Ballingall. 1787=1788. Februarii 22do A.D. 1788. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Josepho M'Cormick Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Magistri Georgii Hill Linguae Graecae Professoris. Andreas Jameson. Calenus Campbell. Hugo Arnot. Hew Dalrymple. Jacobus Floyer Erskine. Jacobus Johnston. Jacobus Stuart. Joannes Johnston. John Murray. Robert Alison. i 7 8 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 37 Thomas Logan. David Savile. Franciscus Bathie. George Admson. Gulielmus Davie. Gulielmus Greigor. Gulielmus Stark. Henry Thomson. Jacobus Hunter. Jacobus Kerr. Joannis Anderson. Joanis King. Josephus Farquharson, Patricius Maclsaac. Robertus Kerr. Robertus Swan. Thomas Carnie. Thomas Couston. Joannes MacNicol. 1788=1789. Februarii igno A.D. 1789. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Josepho M'Cormick Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum. David Johnston. Joannes MacVean. Robertus Spankie. Patricius Ker. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barren Philosophiae Professoris. Gulielmus Horton. Joannes Blaquiere. Thomas Blaquiere, Jacobus Fraser. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum. Alexr. Stewart. Arthurus Hunter. Georgius Hogarth. Georgius H. Montgomery. Gulielmus Pairman. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Carmichaell, Joannes Dalyell. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1788 Joannes Renton. Thomas Gibson. Alexander Meldrum. Andreas Burns. Andreus Ramsay. David Brichan. Donaldus M'Donald. Duncanus Stuart. Edwardus Warden. Gulielmus Anderson. Gulielmus Arnot. Gulielmus Duncan. Gulielmus Smith. Henricus Duncan. Jacobus Dorward. Joannes Clarkson. Joannes Millar. Patricius M'Cewen. Patricius Maclntyre. Thomas Kyd. Thomas Watson. Thomas Thomson. Joannes Couper. 1789=1790. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1790. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Jacobo Gillespie Collegii Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum. David Wedderburn. | R. R. Sparrow. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum. Gualterus Cook. Henricus Alison. Henricus Clephane. Thomas Hallows. Alexander King. Alexander M 'Donald. Arthurus Edie. Gaulterus Dickson. Gulielmus Kermock. Jacobus M'Gregor. Jacobus Peters. Jacobus Soutter. Joan. M'Culloch. Robertus Campbell. Robertus Henderson. Thomas Blair. Alexander Stewart. i 7 8 9 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 39 Februarii decimo nono 1790 receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Franciscus Nicol. 1790=1791 Februarii ijmo A.D. 1791. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino D. Georgio Hill Collegio Stae. Mariae Theologiae Professore atque Uni- versitatis Rectore. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum. David Stewart Moncrieffe. Edvardus Strachey. Gulielmus Crombie. Josephus Lowe. Georgius Whitson. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum, Abrahamus Home. Archibaldus Nicol. Carolus Nicol. Georgius Guthrie. Gulielmus Bett. Jacobus Greenhill. Joannes Wilson. Patricius Chalmers. Alexander M'Donald. Andreas Smith. Archibaldus M'Dougall. David Baxter. Gilbertus Stewart. Gulielmus Smith. Henricus Robertson, Hugo Dewar. Joannes Campbell. Joannis M'Dougall. Joannis Wemyss. Paterson Saunders. Thomas Brown. Thomas Duncan. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1791 1791 = 1792. Februarii 23tio A.D. 1792. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Josepho M'Cormick Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum. Joans. Dunbar. Johannes Lyell. Alexander Irvine. Joannes Walker. Thomas Menzies. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barren Philosophiae Professoris. Brooke Hinds. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Daniel Maclntyre. David Symers. Fridericus Grant. Georgius Campbell. Georgius Jacobus Gillespie. Gualterus Stirling Glas. Jacobus Scott. Jacobus Williamson. Josephus Cook. Robertus Adamson. Robertus Gillespie Smyth. Robertus Ramsay. Alexr. Williamson. Andrias M 'Donald. Andreas Melvill. Gulielmus Carstairs. Gulielmus Chalmers. Gulielmus Malcolm. Gulielmus Shaw. Gulielmus Stewart. Gulielmus Thomson. Jacobus Miller. Jacobus Smith. Jacobus Walker. Joannes Peddie. Joannes Walker. Patricius Grant. Robertus Watson. Thomas Chalmers. Georgius Watson. 1792] MATRICULATION ROLL 41 1792=1793. Februarii 2imo A.D. 1793. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Roberto Arnot Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum. Alexander Irvine. | Alexander Stewart. Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barren Philosophiae Professoris. D. G. Hallyburton. Joannes P. Dalrymple. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Carolus Broadhead. David Gillespie. David Wemyss. Jacobus Knox. Jacobus Nicol. Normandus Lockhart. Thomas Stark. Thomas Wilson. David Harris. Gulielmus Mitchell. Jacobus Calvert. Jacobus Guild. Jacobus Hill. Jacobus Robertson. Joannes Ross. David Mason. 1793=1794- Februarii 2omo A.D. 1794. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Georgio 42 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1793 Hill Collegii Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Archibaldus Brodie. Carolus Irvine. Gulielmus Walker. Jacobus Ogilvy. Joannes Bethune Grace. Patricus Douglass Hamilton. Robertus Guild. Robertus MacDonald. Alexander Campbell. Andreas Carstairs. Daniel Ramsay. Gulielmus Pool. Gulielmus Sime. Jacobus Robertson. Joannes Beattie. Joannes Rae. Lauchlan Peterkin. Patricius Brown. Patricius Dow. Petrus Crow. Robtus. Buchanan. Georgius Halson. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum. Jacobus MaGregor. | Philippus Hosburgh, Ex classe Magistri Gulielmi Barron Philosophiae Professoris. Joannes MacDiarmid. 1794=1795. Februarii igno A.D. 1795. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Carolo Wilson Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. *794] MATRICULATION ROLL 43 Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Gulielmus Laird. David Richardson. Georgius Buist. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum. Edvardus Terrill. Gabriel Hamilton. Georgius Pattullo. Hugo Rose. Jeremias Kirby. Johannes Govan. Joannes Hill. Joannes Robertson. Laurentius Craigie. Robertus Gourlay. Thomas Barren. Alexander Kid. Alexander Methven. Alexander Swan. Andreas Farmer. Andrew Hutchison. Andrew Mitchell. David Adams. Gulielmus Chalmers. Gulielmus Swan. Jacobus Baird. James Fergusson. Joannes Halket. Robertus Shaw. Smith Kinmonth. Johannes M'Lean. 1795=1796. 25to Februarii A.D. 1796. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Josepho M'Cormick Collegii Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Alexr. Murray. Carolus Chadd. Joannes Stewart. Allanus MacLean, 44 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS 0795 Alexander Hill. Gulielmus Macdonald Fowler. Henrey Knight. Hugo Hope. Jacobus Brodie. Joannes Hope. Joannes Tod. Patricius Millar. Petrus Hay. Andreas Anderson. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Oliphant. Jacobus Rob. Coutts, John Archbald. Jacobus Scott. Joannes Honey. Kirtigernes Dick. Ludovicus Grant. Robertus Lunnen. David Howie. 1796=1797. i6to Februarii A.D. 1797. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Roberto Arnot in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. David Holden. Gulielmus Ogilvy. Hugo Irvine. Jacobus Cook. Joannes MacGillivray. Joannes Beck. Petrus Murray. Robertus Hunter. Thomas Megget. Alexr. Berry. Alexr. Nimmo. David Duff. David Duncan. Finlay MacRae. David Stewart. Duncan M'Laren. Alexr. Small. Archibaldus Menzies. Georgius Walker. Jacobus Dick. Jacobus Henderson. Jacobus Robertson. Petrus Cosens. Jacobus M'Lachlan. 1797] MATRICULATION ROLL 45 1797=1798. 22do Februarii A.D. 1798. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Roberto Arnot in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Praeside. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Adamus Hunter. Alexander Kettle. Alexander Mowat. Burton Scott. Eugenius MTherson. Georgius Hunter. Gulielmus Campbell. Gulielmus Terrill. Jacobus Sprot. Jacobus Scott. John Ogilvy. Josephus Brodie. Patricius Stirling. Thomas Hunter. Thomas Lawson. Thomas Wyllie. Joannes Walker. Adamus Anderson. David Thomson. Gulielmus Rodger. Jacobus Henderson. Jacobus Small. Joannes Cunnison. Jocobus Couper. 1798=1799. Februarii 2imo A.D. 1799. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Re.verendo Domino Doctore Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Dempster Heming. Evanus Johannes M. Murray. Gulielmus Macpherson. John Marshall. 4 6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1798 Jacobus Rigg. Carolus Macpherson. David Hill. David Melville. Georgius Wilson. Gulielmus Bayne. Gulielmus Chalmers. Gulielmus Kircaldy. Joannes Edgar. Petrus Cleghorn. Simon Taylor, Equis. David Couper. Gulielmus Rogers. Joannes Isles. Joannes Riach. Josephus Brown. Thomas Kidd. Gulielmus Walker. 1799=1800. Februarii igno A.D. 1800. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis pro- Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Alexr. Macdougall. Clotworthy Gowan. Fredericus Eden. Joannes Williams. Archibaldus Henderson. Jacobus M'Intyre. Gulielmus Tennant. Colinus Mackenzie. Carolus Adie. Georgius Ballingall. Georgeus Beck. Gulielmus Hope. Jacobus M. Sim. Joannes Barren. Joannes Butter. Lionel Hervey. Marcus Mackenzie. Peter Barclay. Andreas Walker. Daniel-Dewar. David Watson. Georgius Armit. Guilielmus Simpson, Joannis Thompson. Robertus Stewart. Joannes Angus. 1799] MATRICULATION ROLL 47 Februarii decimo nono 1800 receptus est in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Michael Stirling. 1800=1801. Februarii igno A.D. 1801. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Roberto Arnot in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Jannes Penleaze. Carolus Hunter. David Wilson. Georgius Sandie. Henricus Warkman. Joannes Hedderick. Joannes Purves. Alexander George. Alexander Lawson. Cathcart Methven. David M' Ritchie. Gualterus Stewart. Gulielmus Graham. Georgius Macklin. Gulielmus Murdoch. Jacobus Mitchell. Jacobus Peterkin. Jacobus Trail. Jacobus Thomson. Petrus Fair. Robertus Anderson. Robertus Ramsay. Robertus Thomson. Thomas Farquharson, Petrus Dewar. 1801 = 1802. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1802. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti, Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Jacobo Play- 4 8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1801 fair in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Georgius Cupples. Adamus Paul. David Moncreiffe. Georgius Hill. Hercules Melville. Jacobus M' Lagan. Robertus Skinner. Robertus Low. Duncanus M. Drummond. Jacobus Fergusson. Jacobus Ferguson, Junr. Jacobus Kilgour. Jacobus Miller. Joannes Bissett. John Monteath. Joannes Stirling. Ricardus Scott. Joannes Black. l802=l803. Februarii 171110 A.D. 1803. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Alexr. Scott. Petrus Nelson. David Carolus Guthrie. Georgius Gray. Georgius Wright. Jacobus Anderson. Joannes Low. Rodericus Kilgour. Williamson Hunter. Alexander Fergusson. David Baird. David Low. Georgius Bell. Georgius Shaw. Gilbertus Stewart. Gordon Urquhart. Gulielmus Brown. Jacobus Asher. 1802] MATRICULATION ROLL 49 Jacobus Stewart. David Robertson. Joannes Allan. Joannes Burns. Joannes M'Lauchlan, Robertus Carver. Thomas Wilson. Andreas Hunter. 1803-1804. Februarii i6to A.D. 1804. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis ex-Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Douglas Kinnaird. Fredericus Kinnaird. Joannes Wilson. Andreas Ramsay. Carolus Grace. Carolus Lambert. David Smith. Georgius Smyttan. Gulielmus Spink. Henricus Cox. Henricus Hill. Thomas Watt. Alexander Campbell. Alexander Robertson. Gulielmus M'Innes. Goleilmus Robertson. Henricus Henderson. Jacobus Morison. Joannes Baird. Robertus Smith. Joannes Aitken. Thomas Taylor. Daniel MacNaughtan. 1804=1805. Februarii I4to A.D. 1805. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Roberto Arnot D UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1804 in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Joannes Sangster. Alexander Stormont. Edwardus Cadogan. Georgius Wilkie. Gulielmus Ball. Henricus D. Cook. Jacobus Arnott. Jacobus W. Burnett. Jacobus J. Duncan. Jacobus Robertson. Joannes B. Keyden. Joannes Nicoll. Nigellus M'Dougall. Alexr. Baillie. Alexander Lockhart. Alex. Milne. Andreas Key. David Bell. Ebenezer Ferguson. Georgius Louden. Jacobus Clow. Jacobus Edie. Joannes Birrell. Joannes Cassel. Joannes Cosens. Joannes Eadie. Joannes Thomson. Normanus Braid. Petrus Comrie. Robertus Armstrong. Robertus Court. Jacobus Boyd. l8O5=l8o6. Februarii 2omo A.D. 1806. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et$Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Jacobo Play- fair in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. David Ogilvie. Alexr. Macneill. Carolus Chalmers. Duncanus M'Neill. i8o 5 ] MATRICULATION ROLL Jacobus Playfair. Joannes Argyle Maxwell. Andreas Robertson. Jacobus Robertson. Jacobus Robertson. Joannes Crombie. Josephus Cay. Robertus Burn. Robertus Guillan. 1806=1807. Februarii igno A.D. 1807. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Alexander Kennedy. David Bell. David Blair. Georgius Scott. Gulielmus Crichton. Jacobus M. Melville. Joannes Burnett. Joannes Wyllie. Robertus Dalgleish. Robertus Dunbar. Robertus J. Robertson. Samuel Gray. Alexander Anderson. Alexander Barren. Alexander M'Caill. Georgius Greig. Georgius Miller. Georgius Tod. Gulielmus Edie. Jacobus Brown. Joannes Beveridge. Joannes Hall. Robertus Mill. Joannes Moon. Robertus Watt. Robertus Watt. Sylvester Fenton. David Wilson. Ex classe secunda Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Andreas Young. Robertus Haig. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1807 1807=1808. Februarii 2410 A.D. 1808. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis ex-Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Joannes Stephen. Alexander Carnegy. Andreas Bell. Carolus Neil Kennedy. Cudbertus Glass. Jacobus Butter. Jacobus Alexander Oswald. Jacobus Walker. Joannes M'Neill. Patricius Carnegy. Robertus Meldrum. Robertus Wemyss. Thos. Paton. Alexander Duncan. Alexander M'Kinley. Archibaldus Haxton. Daniel Stewart. Donaldus M'Donald. Gualterus Dawson. Gulielmus Baird. Gulielmus Frazer. Gulielmus Strachan. Jacobus Strachan. Jacobus Wemyss. Patricius Playfair. Gulielmus Gray. 1808=1809. Februarii i6to A.D. 1809. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto atque Universitatis ex-Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Alexander Thorns. Carolus Cowan. David Sim. Gulielmus Stoddart. i8o8] MATRICULATION ROLL 53 Mereducus Jones. Jannes M'Gregor. Joanes Thorns. Alexander Simpson. "Anstruther Tayler. David Donaldson. David Lesly Molyson. Gulielmus Coke. Gulielmus Melville. Gulielmus Ogilvie. Gulielmus Reid. Jacobus M'Laren. Jacobus Scott. Robertus Blackwood. Alexander Galloway. Joannes B. Sydserff. l8()9*l8lO. Februarii 15 to A.D. 1810. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Doctore Joanne Cook in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Johannes Bigsby. Joannes Hamilton. David Christie. Robertus Browne. Kennedy. David Baird. Georgius Thomson. Gulielmus Adie. Gulielmus Grant. Joannes Clark. Patricius Duncan. Patricius Grant. Patricius H. Thorns. Alexander Boyd. Allan M'Naughton. Archdus. M'Rae. David Lamb. Gulielmus Brouster. Gulielmus Fleming. Hugo Mackay. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Marshall. Jacobus Robertson. Jacobus Robertson, Junior. Jacobus Whitson. Joannes Balmain. Joannes Ferguson. Joannes Gow. Joannes Moncur. Robertus Greig. Thomas Barclay. Thomas Clunie. Robert Kilgour. 54 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1810 l8lO=l8lI. Februarii 1410 A.D. 1811. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Jacobo Playfair in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Georgius Westwater. Jacobus Dillon. Alexander Baxter. Alexr. Duncan. Archibald Macvicar. Daniel Fergusson. David Kennedy. George Gardiner. William Alison. Henry Low. James Adamson. Jacobus Duncan. Joannis Butchart. Joannis Henderson. Thomas Butter. Thomas Hill. Alexander Murray. Alexander Webster. Duncanus Fergusson, Gulielmus Anderson. Gulielmus Cowan. Jacobus Buist. Jacobus Cochrane. Jacobus M'Laren. Joannes Bruce. Joannes Hill. Joannes Inglis. Joannes Robertson. Patricius Barty. Henry W. Shaw. Robertus Niven. Jacobus Finlay. Robert Coventry. Joannes Johnstone. Georgius Barlas. i8u] MATRICULATION ROLL 55 l8l2. Februarii i3tio A.D. 1812. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe prima Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Arthurus Burnett. Carolus Shaw. David E. Dewar. Georgius Boulton. Jacobus Dewar. Joannes Crawford. Marmaducus Ramsay. Thomas Boulton. Gulielmus Menzies. Robertus Campbell. Andreas Bousie. Andreas Crawford. Andreas Reid. Cathcart Christie. Daniel Fergusson. David Hepburn. Gulielmus Tod. Henricus Hope. Henricus Palmer. Jacobus Condie. Jacobus Smith. Jacobus Wilkie. Jacobus Wyllie. Thomas Beattie. Thomas Pratt. Alexander Beath. Alexander Esplin. Andreas Bennet. Duncan Fisher. Georgeus Mudie. Gulielmus Hoyes. Gulielmus Lind. Hector Wood. Henricus Edie. Joannes Livingston. Joannes Nicolson. Patricius Buttar. Patricius M'Lallen. Petrus Mailer. Thomas Thow. Johannes Young. 1812, octavo die mensis Aprilis, receptus est in album Academiae Professor Hist. Eccl. et S. S. Theol. in Coll. Mariano nomen subscribens. Joannes Lee. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1812 I8l2=l8l3. Februarii i8vo A.D. 1813. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Doctore Joanne Cook in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum. Archibaldus O. Dalgleish, Ludovicus Beauvais. Andreas Shirran. Robertus Watson. Samuel Muir. Allanus M'Dougall. Alexander Mitchell. Alexander Niven. Alexander Smith. Alexander Tainsh. Carolus Dempster. David Tod. Georgius Hood. Gulielmus M'Comish. Jacobus Caw. Jacobus Caw, Junior. Jacobus Wright. Joannes Hunter. Joannes Pattullo. Joannes Thomson. Marmaducus Mitchell. Thomas Dempster. Robertis Sim. Alexander Latto. Archibaldus Davidson. Carolus Blair. Georgius Blyth. Georgius L. Craik. Georgius Anderson. Georgius Reid. Gulielmus Paton. Gulielmus Young. Henricus Arnot. Henricus Laurie. Jacobus Lockie. Jacobus Low. Jacobus M'Lachlan. Jacobus Mudie. Jacobus Wilson. Joannes Anderson. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Kirk. Joannes Laing. Joannes Cameron. Ricardus Pratt. Thomas Blyth. Joannes B. M'Kinley. MATRICULATION ROLL 57 1813=1814. Februarii 2410 A.D. 1814. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Doctore Joanne Lee in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Jacobus W. Hawkins. Hugo Moncrieff. Robertus Houstoun. Thoma Clarke. Daniel Stewart. William Johnstone. Alxr. M'Donald. Alexr. Lindesay. Archibaldus Duthie. Donaldus Butter. Gualterus Glass. Henricus Glass. Jacobus Macneil. Jacobus Stuart-Hall. Jacobus Skelton. Jacobus Smith. Jacobus Struthers. Joannes Bertram. Joannes Philp. Joannes Reid. Alexander Anderson. Thomas Galloway. Alexr. M'Donald. Andreus Malloch. Colinus Marquis. Duncanus M'Donald. Georgius Webster. Gulielmus Cameron. Gulielmus Campbell. Gulielmus Nicolson. Henricus Carmichael. Jacobus Archer. Jacobus Horn. Jacobus Flowerdew. Jacobus Macculloch. Joannes Bell. Gulielmus Graham. Joannes Carruthers. Joannes M'Donald. Joannes Reid. Ricardus Low. Petrus Craig. Petrus Cumming. Andreas Ambrose. Robertus Lamb. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1814 1814=1815. Aprilis 7mo A.D. 1815. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill. Gulielmus Glen Currie. Gulielmus Traill. Johannes Soper. Ricardus Boulton. Gulielmus Niven. Jacobus Jervis. Jacobus Gloag. Adamus Cairns. Cathcart Leslie. David Davidson. David Thomson. Edwardus Glass. Georgius Glass. Gullielmi Bruce. Jacobus Shields. Joannes Macvicar. Robertus White. Petrus Thomson. Alexander Dunn. Alexander M'Naughtan. Alexander Paton. Andreas Rutherford. Andreas Wilson. Archibaldus Stewart. Cathcartus Drysdale. David Buddo. David Lunan. Georgius R. Davidson. Gualterus Cation. Gulielmus Bethune. Gulielmus Brown. Gulielmus Fairnie. Gulielmus Malcolm. Jacobus M'Kerchar. Jacobus M'Laren. Joannes Primrose. Joannes Whitson. Macintosh Mackay. Patricius M'Farlane. Petrus M'Laren. Robertus Wallace. Thomas Bartie. Josephus Young. MATRICULATION ROLL 59 I8l5=l8l6. Martii imo A.D. 1816. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Hill in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill Professoris. Carolus M. Rennie. Gulielmus Campbell. James Cameron. Joannes Lochtie. Angus Cameron. David Adamson. Donaldus M'Lean. Fox Maule Carnegy. Franciscus Hawkins. Georgius Duncan. Georgius Crawford. Georgius T. Graham. Georgius Tulloch. Gulielmus Clark. Hugo Grace. Hugo F. Kennedy. Jacobi Dalgleish. Joannes P. Cairns. Joannes Dalgleish. Robertus Pattullo. Robert Crawford. Alexr. Anderson. Melville Dalyell. Alexr. Mitchell. Joannes Lawrenson. Andreas Hutton. Archibaldus Colquhoun, David Bennet. Georgius Laurenson. David Hill. David Martin. Grant Gray. Georgius Broatch. Jacobus Carnie. Jacobus Fergusson. Jacobus Menzies. Jacobus M'Culloch. Jacobus Reid. Joanis Cairns. Joannes Drummond. Patricius Ogilvie. Richardus Armstrong. Robertus Tulloch. Thomas Dewar. Joannes Forbes. 6o UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1816 I8l6=l8l7. Decimo quarto mensis Martii A.D. 1817. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonard! coram Reverendo Doctore Joanne Lee in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill Professoris. Jacobus H. Burnett. Patricius Kinnear. Patricius S. Murray. Robertus Nesbit. Archibaldus M'Neill. Franciscus Hunter. Carolus R. M'Farlane. Forbes M'Neill. Gulielmus D. Macfarlane. Henricus Swayne. Jacobus Hare. Jacobus Murray. Jacobus Watt. Jacobus Webster. Joannes Bell. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Hill. Rodolphus Anstruther. Robert Adamson. Thomas Mackay. Donaldus MacDonell. Jacobus Nicolson. Alexr. Doctor. Andreas M'Farlane. Andreas Archer. Carnegie Addison. Dand Grant. David Ramsay. Donaldus Sinclair. Georgius Greig. Gulielmus Ewart. Gulielmus Fleming. Gulielmus Hamilton. Gulielmus Mowbray. Jacobus Craik. Jacobus M'Bean. Joannes E. Lawson. Robertus Marr. Robertus Nelson. Thomas Bruce. Thomas Lyell. Gulielmus Masson. Jacobus Niven. i8i 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 61 I8l7=l8l8. Decimo die mensis Aprilis A.D. 1818. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Sti. Leonardi coram Reverendo Doctore Joanne Lee in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. T. Professore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill Professoris. Alexander Melville. Andreas Thomson. Georgius Dempster. Robertus Williamson. Alexander Kinmont. Jacobus Laidlaw. Alexander Christie. Alexr. Crawford. Archibaldus M'Lean. Charles A. M'Queen. David B. Bell. David Duncan. Georgius Walker. William F. Beatson. Gulielmus Brown. Gulielmus Hope. Gulielmus Kennedy. Gulielmus Nolan. Gulielmus Weir. James Roy. Joannis D'Oyly. Joannes Haig. Joannes Hope. Laurentius C. Brown. Patricius J. Macfarlane. Robertus Tod. Adamus Warden. Alexr. Boswall. Alexr. Glass. Alexander M'Intosh. Alexander Robertson, Alexander Wilson. Carolus Ramsay. David Dewar. Georgius Buist. Gulielmus Morrison. Gulielmus Stewart. Jacobus M'Dougall. Jacobus Murray. Jacobus Thomson. Jacobus M'Laren. Joannes Bell, Junr. Joannes R. Calvert. Joannes Fergusson. Joannes Martin. Laurentius Adamson. Robertus Menzies. Robertus Wilson. Georgius Bruce. Thomas Will. Carolus Skene. 62 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1818 I8l8=l8l9. Vigesimo quinto mensis Februarii A.D. 1819, Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Jacobo Play- fair in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum Magistri Henrici Davidis Hill Professoris. Carolus Niven. Joannes Dobie. Alexander Irvine. Gulielmus Graham. Henricus Clunie. Joannes Murray. Alexander Bertram. Bazett Colvin. Gulielmus Chalmers. Gulielmus Glass. Gulielmus Peddie. Jacobus Thomson. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Colvin. Joannes Cook. Joannes Jameson. Robertus Hamilton. Robertus Morris. Robertus Young. Thomas Binny. Alexr. H. Adams. Alexr. Archer. Alexr. Gardiner. Carolus M'Donald. David Fleming. David Marshall. David Mason. Donaldus Stewart. Duncanus Campbell. Georgius Graham. Gulielmus Donaldson. Gulielmus Henderson. Gulielmus Sanderson Nicholson. Gulielmus M'Pherson. Gulielmus Steven. Henricus Cockburn. Jacobus Aitken. Jacobus Drummond. Jacobus Black. Jacobus M'Donald. Jacobus Alexr. Ore. Joannes Campbell. Jacobus Armstrong. Joannes Keay. Joannis Mackay. Joannes Strathern. Joseph Maclntyre. Irvine Black. Petrus Adam. Robertus Mitchell. Thomas Thomson. Gulielmus Fergusson.. i8i 9 ] MATRICULATION ROLL l8l9=l82O. Vigesimo quinto mensis Februarii A.D. 1820. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et D. Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Joanne Lee in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. T. Professore et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum. Alexander Campbell. Alexr. Graham. Aleander M'Donald. Andreas Normand. Carolus Dalgleish. Carolus Shaw Duthie. Carolus Livingstone. David Elder. David Meldrum. George Malcolm. Gulielmus Hood. Gulielmus Thorns. Jacobus Cairns. Jacobus Cruickshank. Jacobus M'Donald. Jacobus Simpson. Jacobus Watson. Joannes Cook. Joannes Dalgleish. Joannes Livingstone. Patricius Stewart. Robertae Jameson. Thomas Henricus Duthie. Thomas Stewart. Alexr. Bullians. Alexr. Walker. Andreas Lesslie. Carolus Grant. David Hay Lyell. Donaldus MacGregor. Donald M'Intosh. Donaldus Stewart. Duncanus Dewar. Duncanus Stewart. Gulielmus Cobb. Gulielmus Findlay. Gulielmus Maxwell Wright. Jacobus Adamus Burn. Jacobus M'Kay. Jacobus Moncur. Jacobus Watson. Joannes Adamson. Joannes Ballantyne. Joannes G. Eraser. Joannis Key. Joannis Lesslie. Joannes M'Ewen. Josephus Glass. Josephus Loudon. Kentigernus M'Farlane. Patricius Bell. Patricius M'Intyre. Robertus Trail. 6 4 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1820 l820=l82I. Tertio die mensis Aprilis A.D. 1821. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Joanne Lee in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. T. Professore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum. Alexander Anderson. Andreas Walker. David Dempster. Francis Wylie. Georgius Buist. Georgius Cook. Georgius Tullis. Graham Ramsay. Gulielmus Tullis. Jacobus W. Allan. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Wemyss. Joannis Shepherd. Miller Berrie. Thomas Crichton. Patricius Robertson. Radolphus Kellock. Gulielmus Mailliardet. Thomas Carstairs. Alexander Grant. Alexander Maclntyre. Alexander Stewart. Alexander Welsh. Alexander Wilson. Carolus Johnston. David Lindsay. David Mitchell. David Todd. Dempster Wallace. Henricus Craik. Gregor M'Gregor. Gulielmus Barrie. Gulielmus Herald. Gulielmus Keay. Gulielmus Young. Jacobus Barty. Jacobus Brown. Jacobus Finlay. Jacobus Lindsay. Jacobus M 'Gregor. Jacobus Paterson. Joannes Kemp. Joannes Kilgour. Joannes Menzies. Joannes Watson. Joannes Young. Malcolm Robertson. Patricius M'Naughton. Robertus Douglas. Robertus Young. Thomas M'Kenzie. Joannes Mieklejohn. David Water ston. Petrus Ferguson. l82l] MATRICULATION ROLL Decimo nono die mensis Februarii A.D. 1822. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Joanne Lee in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. T. Professore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alex. Melville. Carolus Jenkins. David Lyall. David Miller. Georgius Hutchison. Gulielmus Carstairs. Gulielmus Duncan. Gulielmus Jobson. Joannes Alison. Joannes B. Meldrum. Joannes Gordon Peterkin. Malcolumbus Ramsay. Mathseus Trigg. Richardus Jenkins. Robertus Hedderick. Thomas Duncan. Adamus Robertson. Alexander Cockburn. Alexander Duff. Alexander Fortune. Alexander M'Laren. Alexander Macnaughton. Alexander Ritchie. Andreas Broom. Andreas Roy. Archer Campbell. Carolus Watson. David Dougall. David Drummond. David Ewart. David Fairweather. David Gow. David Melville. David Swan. David Thomson. Duncanus Buchanan. Georgius Barclay. Georgius Lees. Gulielmus Graham. Gulielmus Kemp. Gulielmus Reid. Gulielmus Simpson. Gulielmus Stevenson. Gulielmus Yule. Henricus Brunton. Jacobus Fleming. Jacobus Paterson. Jacobus Scott. Jacobus Stirling. Joannes Lindsay Adamson. Joannes B. Bell. Joannes Beveridge. 66 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1821 Joannes Campbell. Joannes Graham. Joannes Smart. Joannes Whyte. Petrus Gardner. Robertus Stewart. Thomas Hutton. Thomas W. Jack. Thomas M'Intosh. Thomas M'Kenzie. Ex classe Jacobi Hunter, LL.D., Philosophiae (Logicae et Rhetoricae) Professoris. Julianus Carolus Young. Robertus Adamus Dundas. Alphons. Bronner. Alexr. MacDougall. Decimo septimo mensis Decembris A.D. 1822. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Francisco Nicoll in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi Praefecto et Uni- versitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Andreas Morison. Carolus Leitch. David S. Murray. David Wallace. Franciscus Cannan. Georgius Johnston. Gulielmus Watt. Jacobus Archer. Jacobus Hunter. Jacobus Rait. Joannes Adamson. Joannes Bower. Joannes Saunders. Joannes Steill. Robertus Bell. Robertus Knox. Robertus Tullis. Robertus Young. Thomas Fairnie. Thomas Ross Jameson, Alexander Grubb. Alexander Rose. 1822] MATRICULATION ROLL 67 Andreas Gloag. Archibald Murray. Carolus M' Donald. David Foulis. David Rintoul. Duncanus Sutherland. Georgius M'Kay. Georgius Middleton. Georgius Nicol. Georgius Paterson. Gulielmus Alexander. Gulielmus Armstrong. Gulielmus Barnet. Gulielmus Deas. Gulielmus Gilchrist. Gulielmus Nicolson. Gulielmus Russell. Gulielmus Scott. Jacobus George. Jacobus Law. Jacobus Mackenzie. Jacobus Millar. Jacobus Wilson. Jacobus Russell. Jacobus Young. Innes Grant. Joannes Baxter. Joannes Craig. Joannes Crawford. Joannis Graham. Joannes Houston. Joannes M'Farlane. Joannes M'Kay. Joannes Orphat. Joannes Paton. Joannis Reid. Joannes Stewart. Joannes Urquhart. Joannes Wilkie. Kentigernus Smith. Petrus Davidson. Petrus Ferguson. Petrus M'Laren. Petrus Wilson. Robertus Hardie. Robertus Millar. Robertus Scott. Thomas Walker. Ex classe Jacobi Hunter Philosophiae (Logicae et Rhetoricae) Professoris. Jacobus Goodchild. Joannes M'Lellan. Gulielmus Sinclair MacKay. Joannes M'Queen. Ex classe Thomae Jackson Philosophiae (Physices) Professoris. Alexander Wightman. Archibaldus M'Laren. Jacobus Walker. 68 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1823 1823=1824. Decimo sexto mensis Decembris A.D. 1823. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Andreas Blowers Smith. Buchan Wright. Carolus Gordon. Duncanus M'Lachlan. Gulielmus C. Maitland. Henricus Bruce. Henricus David Watt. Henricus Jardine. Jacobus Oliphant. Joannes Bower. Johannus Cameron. Johannes Cathcart. Joannes Hood. Joannes Waugh. Johannes H. W. Waugh. Robert Stevenson. Samuel Miller. Adam Paterson. Alexr. M'Donald. Alexr. Riddich. Andw. Brown. Andrew Steele. David Couper. David Trail. David White. Donaldus Matheson. Duncan M'Arthur. William Archibald. Gulielmus Balfour. Gulielmus Bell. Gulielmus Lockhart. Gulielmus Lorrain. Jacobus Brichan. Jacobus Cleland. Jacobus Dun. Jacobus Lumsden, Sen. James Lumsden, Jr. Jacobus M'gregor. Jacobus Mathew. Joannes Dunn. Joannis Buttar. Joannes Smith. Joannes Steedman. Josephus Lyell. Patricius Campbell. Patricius Stirling. Robertus Black. Robertus Swan. Rhodolphus Drummond. Samuel Forrester. Samuel M'Laren. Thomas Clarke. Thomas Lindsay. Joannes Hay. MATRICULATION ROLL 69 Thomas Rihardus Dal- rymple. Alexr. Whitson. Jacobus D. L. Campbell. Jacobus Sproat. Joannes Eraser. Gulielmus Nicol. Jacobus Wilson. Joannes M'Intyre. Joannes Whyte. Thomas Archer. John M. Bowman. Thos. Richard. Carolus Baillie. Ex classe Jacobi Hunter Logicae Professoris. Joannes Campbell. 1824=1825. Vigesimo primo mensis Decembris A.D. 1824. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis pro- Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Cameron. Alexr. S. Cook. Alexr. G. Glass. Andreas Jameson. Carolus Scott. David Drummond. David Henry. David Paton. David Small. Georgius Bogle. Georgius Ruddach. Georgius Tod. Jacobus Cameron. Jacobus Dalyell. Jacobus Ogilvy. Jacobus Reid. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Hyndman Cameron. Joannes Gulielmus Thomson. Joannes Thomson. Joannes Tullis. Paterson Saunders. Robt. M'Nab. Robertus A. W. M'Pherson. Robertus Smyth Mudie. Robertus Stuart. Thoma Hunter Whitson. Alanus Munro. Alexander Forbes. Alexander Luke. Alexander Munro. Alexander Steele. 7 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1824 Daniel Fergusson. David Baillie. David Connel. David Fleming. David Peattie. David Reid. Duncan Graham. Duncan Stewart. Georgius Stewart. Gualterus Brodie. Gualterus Forrester. Gulielmus Duff. Gulielmus M'Intosh. Gulielmus Mitchell. Gulielmus Nicol. Gulielmus Niven. Henricus Dall. Henricus Duff. Jacobus Ogilvie Haldane. Jacobus Miller. Jacobus Monro. Jacobus Orphat. Jacobus Rattray. Jacobus Skinner. Jacobus Sommervile. Jacobus Watt. Jacobus Will. Joannes Aitken. Joannes Crerar. Joannes Davidson. Joannes Fairbairn. Joannes Fairweather. Joannes Forbes, [Rannoch.] Joannes Forbes, [Perth.] Joannes Forbes, Inveray. Joannes Inglis. Joannes Macgregor. Joannes Roddan. Joanes Sloane. John Walker, [Dunblane.] John Walker, Kenmore. Poular Macfarlane. Patricus Buchan. Patricius Williamson Donald- son. Petrus M'Arthur. Philippus Oliphant. Robertus S. Irvine. Robertus M'Clyment. Robertus Sinclair. Thomas Barnet. Thomas Beveridge. Thomas Mitchell. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter Professoris. Gulielmus Guthrie. Jacobus Pringle Baillie. Jocubus Charteris. Joannes Fraser. James Taylor. Ex classe Ethica Thomae Chalmers. Alexr. Galloway. Colinus R. M'Lachlan. Georgius Gray. Gulielmus Gledstane Pon- sonby. Georgius Lewis. 1824] MATRICULATION ROLL Gulielmus Tait. Gulielmus Wood. Henricus Felix. Hepburnus Renton. Herbert Smith. James Hoby. Jacobus Lewis. Joannes Hutton Balfour. Joannes Kinloch. Robertus Devey. Alexander Watson. Andreas Brodie. Andreas Wallace. Colinus M'Callum. Daniel Kerr. David Brown. David Caw. Donaldus Kennedy. Donaldus M'Kenzie. E. Newman. Gulielmus King. Gulielmus Lindsay. Gulielmus M'Lean. Gulielmus Scott Moncrieff. Gulielmus Stevenson. Hugo Nicolson. Jacobus Bannatyne. Jacobus Brown. John Adam. John Tod Brown. John Drennan. John Gordon Lorimer. Joannes M'Millan. Matthaeus Adam. Robertus Lindsay. Robertus Rankin. Robertus Wardrop. Andreas Wallace, Scoonie. In classe Mathematica Thomae Duncan Professoris. Robertus R. Felix. Benjamin Adam. Georgius Thomas Fenwick. Thomas Fleming. Gulielmus Holcroft. Jacobus Edie. Patricius Jacobus Wilson. Robertus Lee. In classe Latina Provectiorum. David Walker. Jacobus Miln. Joannes Ogilvie. Gulielmus Kirton. Joannes Marshall. In classe Chemica Roberti Briggs Professoris. Robert Smith. Thos. Reid. In Collegio Sanctae Mariae. Richardus M'Lachlan. I Alexander Webster. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1825 1825=1826. Vigesimo secundo mensis Decembris A.D. 1825. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Duff. Alexr. Fairweather. Alexr. M'Millan. Alexr. Shand. Andrew Taylor. Antonius Christie. Carolus Nairne. Christopher Proctor. David Croom. David Johnston. David Marshall. David Scott. David Wylie. Donaldus Macarthur. Duncanus MacGregor. Edmond Knox. Franciscus Waddle. Georgius Chapman. Georgius Lamb. Georgius Moncrieff. Georgius Paul. Gulielmus Bruce, Senior. Gulielmus Bruce, Junior. Guielmus Comrie. Gulielmus Hutcheson. Gulielmus Nicoll. Gulielmus Paterson. Gulielmus Shaw Paterson, Gulielmus Rait. Guielmus Reid. Gulielmus Stuart Smith. Gulielmus Spidie. Gulielmus Stewart. Gulielmus Woodcock. Henricus Black. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Barrie. Jacobus Bonnar. Jacobus Clark. Jacobus Douglas. Jacobus Duff. Jacobus Honey. Jacobus Ramsay. Joannes Chalmers. Joannes Adamson Honey. Joannes Hunter Gillespie. Joannes Lyell. Joannes Jacobus Mudie. Joannes Scott Moncrieff. Joannes Robertson, Senr. Joannes Robertson, Junr. Joannes Smith. MATRICULATION ROLL 73 Joannes Strachan. Joannes Trail. Joannes Findlay. Joannes White. Robertus Aitkin. Robertus Waugh. Samuel Edgar. Thomas Burns. Thomas Butter. Thomas Miller. Thomas Rattray. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter Professoris. Graham Hunter. William Thorn. Jacobus Corse Scott. Jacobus Ogilvie. Ex classe Ethica Thomae Chalmers, D.D., Professoris. Franciscus Knox. Adam Reid. Gulielmus F. Skene. Gulielmus Lindsay Alex- ander. Gulielmus Torrance. Jacobus Cannan. Joannes Dickinson. John Muir. Kentigenus Fairlie Parke. Robertus Archibald. Robertus Russell. E classe Latina Provectiorum. Jacobus D. Hume. In classe Mathematica Magistri Thomae Duncan Professoris. Edwardus Williams. Gulielmus Armstrong. Josephus Murray. Jacobus Robertson. Joannes Millar. Robertus Sharp. E Collegio Sanctae Mariae. Henricus Riddell. Edvardus Reid. Jacobus Scott. 1 1 This name has been deleted. Jacobus Robb. Duncanus Macaulay. Jacobus Anderson. 74 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1826 1826=1827. Vigesimo primo mensis Decembris A.D. 1826. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sancti Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Buist in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Andreas Fergisson. Andreas Murray Wedder- spoon. Colinus Drummond. Carolus Hill. David Clark. Georgius Cook. Georgius Ramsay. Gulielmus Bell. Gulielmus Pitcairn. Gulielmus Speirs. Hendricus Walker. Jacobus Hill. Jacobus Jardine. Jacobus Lyall. Jacobus Masson. Joannes H. Gillespie. Joannes Goodsir. Robertus Christie. Oliver Miller. Thomas Smith. Alexander Campbell. Alexander Carmichael. Alexander Thomson. Donaldus Ferguson. David Russell. Erick Reay MacKay. Georgius Wallace. Gulielmus Aitken. Gulielmus Bowman. Gulielmus Elder. Gulielmus Kinghorn. Jacobus Burdon. Jacobus Davidson. Jacobus Lawson. Jacobus M'Intyre. Jacobus Murray. Joannes Bell. Joannes Deans. Joannes Duff. Jacobus Connell. Joannes Macdonell. Joannes Walker. Lewis M'Donell. Petrus M'Laren. Petrus Blair. Robertus Campbell. Robertus Findlay Fisher, Robertus Pirie. Sidney Calder Hony. Thomas Torrance. David Pitcairn. 1826] MATRICULATION ROLL 75 Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D., Professoris. Gulielmus Craig. Gulielmus Johnstone. Hugo Barr. Jacobus Murray. Joannes Rankine. Robertus Thornton. Ex classe Ethica Doctoris Thomae Chalmers. Alexr. Forbes. Alexander Wood. David Syme. David Taylor. Georgius Christie. Gulielmus Toland. Jas. A. Wylie. John Duff. Robt. Macdougall. E classe Mathematica Juniorum Magistri Thomae Duncan Professoris. Joannes Barclay. Henricus Stuart. Robertus Millar. E classe Physica Doctoris Thomae Jackson. John Brackenridge. | David Crich'ton. Eodem die receptus fuit in album Academiae Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. David Fergusson. Sexto die mensis Januarii A.D. 1827 receptus fuit Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Thomas Reid. Vigesimo secundo die mensis Martii A.D. 1827 receptus fuit Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Joannes Stevenson. 7 6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1827 1827=1828. Decimo tertio die mensis Decembris A.D. 1827. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Francisco Nicoll Col- legii Sancti Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. [Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum.] Alexander Selkirk. Alexander Wilson. Andreas Small. Andreas Steven. Arthurus Lang. Carolus MacDiarmid. Carolus Miller. Davidus Sommervile. Ford Littlejohn. Georgeius B. Hogg. Georgius K. Honey. Georgius Sime. Gulielmus Ballingall. Gulielmus Fernie. Gulielmus Gordon. Gulielmus Holliday. Gulielmus Knox. Gulielmus M'Laren. Gulielmus Robertson. Gulielmus Simpson. Gulielmus Skae. Hugo M'Pherson. Jacobus Bruce Burnett. Jacobus Dickson. Jacobus Dunbar. Jacobus Holliday. Jacobus Horsburgh. Jacobus Hunter. Jacobus Lindsay. Jacobus Niven. Jacobus Reid. Jacobus Smyth. Jacobus Smith. Jacobus Taylor. Jacobus Watt. Jacobus Wilson. Joannes Bennet. Joannes Greig. Joannes Macrae. Joannes W. Millie. Joannes Moncur. John Mudie. John A. Robertson. John Russell. Joannes Swinton. Joannes Wilson. Josephus Lyell. M'Arra Halley. Petrus Anderson. Petrus Cochrane. Petrus Crighton. Ricardus Winton. 827] MATRICULATION ROLL 77 Robertus Brodie. Robertus Ebenezer Frew. Robertus Gourlay. Robertus Gulielmus Kilgour. Robertus Cargill Leslie. Robertus Lowe. Robertus Nisbet. Thomas Carstairs. Thomas Collier. Thomas Maxwell. Tho. Wilson. Robertus Tullis. E classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D., Professoris. Gulielmus Crawford. Franciscus Gordon. Robertus Gordon. E classe Ethica Thomae Chalmers, D.D., Professoris. Thoma Marjoribanks. Andrew Stevenson. Thoma Tough. Michael Bain. Charles Hope. Douglassius G. Littlejohn. Robertus Wright. Joannes Small. Joannes W. Ferrier. Rowland R. Davies. E classe prima Mathematica Thomae Duncan, A.M., Professoris. Carolus Hunter. Edmundus Wills. Georgius Arklay. Gulielmis Mushet. Jacobus Gilmour. E classe Graeca Provectiorum Andreae Alexander, A.M., Professoris. Robertus M'Gill. E classe Chemica Roberti Briggs Professoris. Andreas Martin. Decimo quarto die mensis Decembris A.D. 1827 recepti sunt in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano coram Rever- 7 8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1827 endo Domino supradicto Universitatis Rectore, nomina subscribentes, studiosi Theologiae. Guellemus Nicol Aitkin. Jacobus Chrystal. 1828=1829. Decimo octavo die mensis Decembris A.D. 1828. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Adamus Drysdale. Alexr. Mathers. Alexr. Geekie. Andreas Anderson. Andreas Douglas. Andw. R. Morton. Andreas Ogilvie. Carolus G. Robertson. Carolus Oatts. C. G. M'Kenzie. David W. Buist. David Cars well. David Mudie. David Page. David Skae. David Strang. David Wilson. Forbes Black. George S. Moodie. Gaulterus Cook. Gulielmus Ferrie. Gulielmus Henderson. Gulielmus M'Grigor. Gulielimus Golld Shand. Gulielmus Spink. Gulielmus Watson. Henry D. Cook. Jacobus K. Dow. Jacobus Fortescue. Jacobus Gray. Jacobus M'Donald. Jacobus Robb. Joannes Cannan. Jacobus Cockrell. Joannes Duncan. Joannes Fortune. Joannes Glennie. Joannes Hyslop. Joannes Jennings. Joannes Lowe. Joannes Pentland. Joannes Rollo. Joannes Somerville. Joannes Thomson. 1828] MATRICULATION ROLL 79 Joannes Tindal. Joannes Wise. Joseph Goodsir. Joseph Lorrain. Mattheus Shepherd. Negelius F. Fraser. Petrus Cannan. Philippus Jones. Ricardus Jobson. Robert M'Donald. Robert Taylor. Robt. T. Walker. Thomas Fairley. Thomas Jackson. Jacobus Scott. Ricardus Moon. Joannes Baillie. Joannes Young Caw. Guilielmus C. R. Patrick. Carolus Webster. Allan M'Pherson. Andrew Robertson. Gulielmus Constable. Gulielmus Walker. Henricus Bell. Jacobus Stuart. Bethune Pitcairn. Charles Bell. Jacobus Watson. Petrus Hastie. Vigesimo secundo die mensis Decembris A.D. 1828 recepti sunt in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano coram Rev- erendo viro supradicto Universitatis Rectore, nomina sub- scribentes, studiosi Theologiae. Alexr. Stevenson. Thomas Myles. 1829=1830. Decimo septimo die mensis Decembris A.D. 1829. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Joanne Mitchell in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Allanus Macnicol. Alexander Burdon. Alexander Lowden. Alexander Stewart. Alexander Watson. Alexr. Woodcock. 8o UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1829 Andreas Webster. Archibaldus Laing. Carolus Goodale. David Black. David Foulis. David Millie. David Murray. Gulielmus Beattie. Gulielmus Davidson. Gulielmus Fernie. Gulielmus Findlay. Gulielmus Malcolm. Gulielmus Miller. Jacobus Blair. Jacobus Kennedy. Jacobus Kerr. Jacobus Lumsden. Jacobus Murray. Jacobus Robertson. Jacobus Simpson. Jacobus Stevenson. Joannes Berwick. Joannes Burns. Joannes Fernie. Petrus Duff. Peter Emslie. Petrus Mitchell. Thomas Buddo. Thoma Carstairs. Thoma Clark. Thoma Dick. Alex. Adamson. Charles Adie. Charles Kid. David Deas Foulis. 1 Ebenezer Gordon Munro. Georgius Addison. Andrea Innes. Jacobus Soot. Thos. Barland. Thomas Malcolm. Thomas Gordon. Ex classe Physica Thomae Jackson Professoris. Thos. Jackson Crawford. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter Professoris. Gulielmus Lambert Methven. Ex classe Philosophiae Moralis Georgii Cook Professoris. Jacobus Howie. Robert Auld. Job Alfred Jacobs. 1 This name has been deleted, probably because it is a repetition of the David Foulis above. I82 9 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 81 Decimo octavo die mensis Decembris A.D. 1829 recepti sunt in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano coram Rev- erendo Domino supradicto Universitatis Rectore, nomina subscribentes, studiosi Theologiae. David Esdaile. Quintin Stewart. Ralph Drummond. James Fraser. James C. Muir. William Paterson. James Munro. Jamieson Willis. 1830=1831. Decimo quinto die mensis Decembris A.D. 1830. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexr. M 'Donald. Alexr. Swan. Andw. Taylor. Carolus Greenhill. C. Ogilvy. Cathcart Findlay. David Fernie. David Philip. David Storrar. David Thomson. David Young. Duncan C. M'Donald. Georgius Bain. Georgius Campbell. Georgius Davidson. Georgius Glennie. Georgius Hart. Georgius Playfair. Georgius Shaw. Grant Dalrymple. Gul. Augs. Aymard. Gulielmus Jaffrey. Gulielmus Mackay. Gulielimus M'Laren Gulielmus Oliphant. Jacobus Birrell. Jacobus Grant. Jacobus Kinross. Jacobus Mylne. Jacobus Mitchell. Jacobus Monteath. Jacobus Philp. 82 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1830 Jacobus Play fair. Jacobus Powrie. Joannes Duncan. Joannes Forrester. Joannes Inglis. Johannes Mylne. Joanes Oliphant. Joannes Robertson. Josephus M'Cormick Ferrie. Johannis Masson. Joannes M'Donald. Robertus Stuart Campbell. Robertus Ferrie. Thoma Addis. Thoma Masson. Thomas Lennie Robertson. Thoma Skinner. Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook, D.D., Professoris. Gulielmus Reid. Thomas Leslie. Ex classe prima Mathematica Thomae Duncan, A.M., Professoris. Gulielmus Bain. Decimo die mensis Decembris 1830 receptus fuit in album Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. William Telfer. Vigesimo nono die mensis Martii 1831 receptus fuit in album Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Archd. Brunton. 1831=1832. Decimo tertio die mensis Decembris A.D. 1831. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Francisco Nicoll MATRICULATION ROLL Collegii Sancti Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! Praefecto atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Allan M'Donald. Alexr. Birrell. Alexander Findlay. Andrew Stirling. Andrew Webster. Archd. Dumbreck. Benjamin M'Laren. Carolus Alston. David Mackenzie. David Martin. David Munro. Donaldus M'Caill. Dumfries Alston. Georgius Anderson. Georgius Blair. Georgicus Kidd. Georgius Low. Gulielmus Blair. Gulielmus Dawson. Gulielmus Fisken. Gulielmus Ritchie Moncur. Gulielimus Ritchie. Henricus Fergusson. Henricus Smith. Henricus Ramsay. Jacobus Cross. Jacobus M'Pherson. Jacobus Wilson. Joannes Moody. Joannes Bisset. Joannis Clark. Jaannes Ogilvie. Joannes Proudfoot. Joannes Stewart. Joannes Stewart. Laurentius MacKenzie. Lyon Playfair. Ord Graham Campbell. Robertus Hamilton. Robertus Paterson. Robertus Renwick. Rodham Home. Thos. Keay. Thomas Shairp. Robertus Downie. Ex classe Physica Thomae Jackson, LL.D., Professoris. Andreas Whelpdale. Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook, D.D., Professoris. Henricus Scott. | Robertus Moon. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D., Professoris. Joannes Lister. 84 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1831 Vigesimo secundo die Decembris 1831 recepti sunt in album Academiae e Coilegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Alexr. Graham. Thomas Stevenson. Vigesimo primo die Januarii 1832 receptus est in album Academiae e Coilegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Robert Coltart. Tertio die mensis Martii 1832 receptus est in album Academiae e Coilegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. W. Cunningham. Tricesimo primo die mensis Martii 1832 receptus est in album Academiae e Coilegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. John Carruthers. 1832=1833. Decimo tertio die mensis Decembris A.D. 1832. Nomina incorporatorum in Coilegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Roberto Haldane in Coilegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alex. M'Innes. Alex. V. Ireland. Alex. H. Miln. Alexander Thomson. Andreas Easton. Andreas Gardiner. Atholl Stewart. Carolus Fletcher. 1832] MATRICULATION ROLL Carolus Glass. Carolus Gray. Carolus Roger. David Bain. David B. Ramsay. David Thomson. Donald M'Glashan. Georgius Aitken. Georgius Ballingall. Georgius Malcolm. Georgius Ogilvie. Georgius Russell. Georgius Taylor. Gualterus Burt. Gul. Bisset. Gul. Forrest. Gul. Jarvis. Gulielmus Low. Gul. Buist. Gulielmus Greig. Gulielmus M'Cathie. Gulielmus Martin. Gulielmus Ross. Joannes Arnott. Hew Grace. Jacobus Bonnar. Jacobus Byres. Jacobus Douglas. Jacobus Inglis. Jacobus Izett. Jacobus M'Lean. Jacobus Pattullo. Jacobus Taylor. Jacobus Webster. Jacobus Woodcock. Hamilton Arnot. Joannes Moodie. Joannes Cruickshank. Joannes Husband. Joannes Isdale. Joannes Johnston. Joanis M'Gregor. John Mathew. Joannes Taylor. Laurentius Gowans. Patricius Kinnear. Petreus Guilielmus Young. Robert Hill Kinnear. Robertus Millar. Robertus Morton. Robertus Oliphant. Robertus Roger. Robertus Young. Thomas Easton. Thoma Latto. Wedderburn Dundas. Ex classe Mathematica secunda Thomae Duncan Professoris. David Cowan Mudie. Ex classe Mathematica prima Thomae Duncan Professoris. Robertus Crawfurd. Ex classe Mathematica prima Thomae Duncan Professoris. Joannes Campbell. 86 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1832 Decimo octavo die mensis Januarii 1833 receptus fuit Collegio Mariano S. S. Theologiae studiosus nomen sub- scribens. Jacobus J. Beck. "833=1834. Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii A.D. 1834. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Hal- dane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Adam Lothian. Alexander Dempster. Alexander C. Rankin. Alexander Steel. Andreas Mallach. Antonius Pius Lee. Carolus Fowler. Carolus Winchester. David Bruce. David Honeyman. David W. Irving. Donaldus Campbell. Duncan Low. Duncan MacKenzie. Edvardus Cross. Erskine Bain. Georgius Blyth. Georgius Harris. Georgius Hill. Georgius Shaw. Gulielmis Black. Gulielmus Graham. Gulielmus Hunter. Henricus Hart. Hugh Cleghorn. Jacobus Crichton. Jacobus M'Farlane. Jacobus Glen. Jacobus Mackenzie. Jacobus Oliphant. Jacobus Porteous. Joannes Cross. Joannes Hill. Joannes Hutcheson. Joannes Graham. Joannes Mackay. 1833] MATRICULATION ROLL 87 Joannes Thomson. Joannes M'Intyre. Josephis Laird. Kenneth M'K. Adams. Petrus Clark. Petrus Guel. Grant. Robertus Graham. Simson Philp. Thomas Carstairs Gray. Thomas Hastie. Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook, D.D., Professoris. Jaanerres A. Russell. Ex classe Mathematica prima Thomae Duncan Professoris. Alexander M. Smith. Ex classe Graeca Provectiorum Andreae Alexander, A.M., Professoris. Gulielmus Wilson. Jacobus Davidson. Ex classe Latina Provectiorum Thomae Gillespie, LL.D., Professoris. Georgius Hume Gordon. Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii recepti sunt in album Academiae e Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Jacobus Lee. | Jacobus Todd. | David Playfair. Vigesimo octavo die mensis Martii 1834 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gulielmus Johnston. 88 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1834 1834=1835. Decimo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1835. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Pro- fessore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Anderson. Archibald Adamson. Charles Maitland Thomson. David Donaldson. Ebenezer Blacklock. Franciscus Christie. Georgius Miller. Georgius Williamson. Gulielmus Herdman. Gulielmus M. Alexander. Gulielmus Ramsay. Gulielmus Touch. Henricus Buist, Senior. Henricus Buist, Junior. Henricus Gordon Dickson. Jacobus Ewing. Jacobus Fisher. Jacobus Howison. Jacobus S. Lithgow. Jacobus M'Currich. James Sinclair. Joannes Young Smith. Joannes Anderson. Joannes Campbell. Joannes Georgius Brown. Johannes Watson Morris. Joannes Wright. Joannis Kyd. Joannes Ronaldson. Kenneth M'Kenzie. Philip Mackie. Robertus MacLennan. Stewart Erskine Pattullo. Thomas Archibald. Thomas Goodall. Ex classe Chemica Roberti Briggs Professoris. A. G. Morgan. I Guelimus Rennie. Duodecimo die mensis Januarii 1835 receptus est in MATRICULATION ROLL 89 album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. John M'Liesh. Decimo die mensis Februarii 1835 recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Joan. Maclaurin. Thomas M'Crindle, A.M. 1835=1836. Quinto die mensis Februarii 1836. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Pro- fessore et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Cook. Alexander Pomphery. Andrew Anderson. Andreas Morrison. Carolus Scott. Claudius Jacobus Erskine. David Moir. Joannes Peddie. David Peddie. Georgius C. Stewart. Georgius T. Wright. Georgius Manson. Gulielmus Bryden Jack. Gulielmus Inglis. Gulielmus Woodcock. Hugo Robertus Cunnyng- hame. Joannes Aitken. Joannes I. Wright. Joannes M'Donald. Johannes Purvis. Joannes Robertus Skinner. Joannes Scott. Matthaeus F. Conolly. Mungo Campbell. Petrus Mercer. Samuel Hunter Headrick. Thomas Brewster. Thomas Bell. Thomas Scott. go UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1835 Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D., Professoris. Jacobus Forsyth. Ex classe Chemica Robert! Briggs Professoris. Gulielmus Kidd. Ex classe Graeca Provectiorum. Alexander M. Ferguson. Georgius Inverarity. Gulielmus Milligan. Ex classe Latina Provectiorum. Colinus Pearson. Ex classe Physica Thomae Jackson Professoris. Joannes Whyte. Eodem die recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Archibaldus M. Black, A.M. Gulielmus Lee. Jacobus Spiers. Jacobus Inglis. 1836=1837. Sexto die mensis Decembris 1836 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Georgius Panton. Vigesimo die mensis Decembris 1836 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Alexr. Laurie. i8 3 6] MATRICULATION ROLL Decimo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1837. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Morris. Alexander Thomson. Allanus Cleghorn. Andraeas Herdman. Andraeas Russell. David Ballingall. David P. Buchanan. David Drummond. David Wilkie. Duncan M'Naughton. Georgius Hunter. Georgius Mackay. Gulielmus Cross. Gulielmus Graham. Gulielmus Hutchan. Gulielmus Lonie. Gulielmus Mackintosh. Gulielmus Playfair. Gulielmus Swan. Gulielmus White. Jacobus Browning. Jacobus Duff Drummond. Jacobus Fernie. Jacobus Mason. Joannis Allison. Joannis Browning. Joannis Fleming. Joannes Thomson, Junior. Oliver Russell. Robertus Glass. Robertus Foulis. Robertus Stewart. Thomas Mylne. Ex classe Graeca Provectiorum Andreae Alexander Professoris. George Anderson. Joannis Henry Mackenzie. Theophilus Smith. Ex classe Physica Thomae Jackson Professoris, Carolus Chalmers. Gulielmus Marr. Gualterus Shaw. Robertus Adamson. 92 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1836 Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook Professoris. Duncanus Campbell. | Duncanus Ogilvie. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter Professoris. David Halbert. Ex classe Mathematica secunda Thomae Duncan Professoris. Joannis Jackson. Eodem die recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Jacobus Latta. | Joannes Heriot Ballingall. Decimo septimo die mensis Martii receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Georgius Stevenson. Vigesimo septimo die mensis Martii receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gulielmus Laing Wotherspoon. 1837=1838- Duodecimo die mensis Januarii 1838 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gulielmus Mitchell. i37] MATRICULATION ROLL 93 Vigesimo quinto die mensis Januarii 1838 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Donald R. Clarke. Vigesimo tertio die mensis Februarii 1838. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Thoma T. Jackson in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Mitchell. Alexr. Ogilvy. Andreas Glass. Claudius Brown. David Brown. David Low. Jacobus Cuthbert. Dugaldus Reid. George Campbell. Gulielmus Gray. Gulielmus Fyfe. Gulielmus P. Dickson. Gulielmus Parsons Kent. Jacobus Crombie. Henry Blythe. Jacobus Harvey. Jacobus Ireland. Jacobus S. Milne. Jacobus Wright. Jacobus Easton. Jacobus Findlay. Jacobus Ferrie. Jacobus Daun. Joannes Alexander. Joannes Alexander. Joannes Anderson. Joannis Buick. Joannes Cox. Joannes Govan. Joannes Tulloch. Patricius Alexander. Petrus Gilruth. Petrus Milligan. Sandford Ballingal. Stuart Grace. Thomas B. Sydserff. Thomas Gilruth. Ex classe Mathematica 2da et 3tia Thomae Duncan, A.M., Professoris. Joannes Wallace. 94 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1837 Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook, D.D., Professoris. David Bonnallo. Ex classe Chemica Robert! Briggs, M.D., Professoris. Petrus Dewar. Decimo quarto die mensis Martii 1838 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. yneas Macintyre. 1838=1839. Vigesimo secundo die mensis Februarii 1839. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Pro- fessore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Grace. Alexander P. Murray. Andreas Gordon. Archibaldus Brown. David Cook. David Meldrum. Georgius Brewster. Georgius Barclay. Georgius Dott. Georgius Oswald. Willm. Boyack. Gulielmus Duguid. Jacobus Adie. Jacobus F. S. Gordon. Jacobus Herdman. James Mailler. Jacobus Williamson. Jacobus Ramsay. Joanes Sydserff. Joanes Inches Dickson. Joannes Sampson. Joannis Stewart. Joannes G. Touch. Petrus Thomson. 1838] MATRICULATION ROLL 95 Paulus R. Forrester. Robertus Dewar. Robertus Struthers. Thomas W. Brown. Thomas White. Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook Professoris. Josephus P. Simpson. Eodem die recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. William Alexr. Corkindale. | Gulielmus Allan. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D., Professoris. Jacobus Lindsay. Ex classe Mathematica prima Thomae Duncan Professoris. Andrews Bell Morrison. Ex classe Graeca Provectiorum Andreae Alexander Professoris. Patricius Anderson. Vigesimo primo die mensis Februarii Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano. Archibaldus Storie. Duodecimo die mensis Martii A.D. 1840. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Hal- 9 6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1839 dane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexr. Forrester Brown. Alexr. W. Isdale. Alexr. Liddle. Andreas Henderson. Carolus Roger. Danielis M. Stewart. David S. Fergus. David S. Rae. David Stark. Georgius Blyth. Georgius Morris. Gualterus M. Dempster. Gualterus Thos. Milton. Gulielmus Anderson. Gulielmus Laidlay. Gulielmus J. Martin. Jacobus Caesar. Jacobus M'Gregor. Jacobus Stewart. Jacobus Taylor. Joannes Duncan. Joannes Henderson. Joannes Luke. Joannes Marr. Joannes Rutherford. Joannis Wright. Laurentius Thomson, Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D. Jacobius Nicoll. | Colinus Maclaverty. Ex classe Mathematica secunda Thomae Duncan, M.A, Georgius W. Johnston. Carolus C. Boyack. Gulielmus Johnston. Ex classe Physica Adami Anderson, LL.D. William Philp. Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook, D.D. Gulielmus Davidson. Eodem die recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Robt. Smith. Andreas Jacobus Maclntyre. Joannes Gibson. Joannes Hendry. i8 4 o] MATRICULATION ROLL 97 1840=1841. Vigesimo septimo die mensis Januarii receptus est in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Carolus Merson. Decimo octavo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1841. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Milne. Andreas Brown. Andreas Hood. Andreas Spence. Carolus Lyon. David Terras. Donaldus M'Kay. Edwardus Drummond. Frederickus Home. Jacobus Miller. Joannes Edie. Joannes Robertson. Joannes Ramsay. Joannes Wann. Georgius Alexander, Georgius Black. Georgius Carnegie. Georgius Milligan. Hugo Alexander. Gulielmus Imrie. Gulielmus Walker. Gullielmus Small. Gulielmus Wilson. Robertus Borwick. Thomas Porteous. Robertus Stewart. Gulielmus Murray. Gulielmus Caesar. Ex classe Logica. Peter MacLaren. Ex classe Mathematica prima Thomae Duncan Professoris, Joannes Grant Tainsh. Henricus M'Kechnie. Donald Mackechnie. \ UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1840 Ex classe Chemica. Alexander Govan. Receptus est in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus. Georgius A. Syme. Decimo sexto die mensis Martii recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Joannes T. Telfer. Andrew Young. 1841 = 1842. Decimo septimo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1842. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Thoma T. Jackson in Collegio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum, Allanus Briggs. ^Eneas Ross. Arthurus Playfair. David Turpie. David Dunlop. E. Syme. Georgius Wise. Gulielmus Porteous. Gulielmus Ramsay. Gulielmus Just. Gulielmus Reid. Gulielmus Livingstone. Gulielmus Rattray. Jacobus Whyte. Jacobus Brown. Jacobus Henderson. Jacobus Martin. Jacobus Lindsay. Joannes Birrell. Joannis Berwick. Joannis West. Joannes Duncanson. Joannes Thomson. Joannis Miller. Leonard Gow. Ludovicus Stirling. Maxwellus Wright. Petrus M'Laren. 1841] MATRICULATION ROLL 99 Robertus Christie. Patricius Macrae. Robertus Campbell. Robertus Fisher. Robertus Smithe. Rogerus Thomson. Thomas Smeaton. Petrus Campbell. Ex classe Physica. Alexr. Guild. | Andreas Leiper Peock. Ex classe Chemica. Gulielmus Lindsay Carnegie. Eodem die recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Jacobus Sellar. Jacobus Anderson. Georgius Taylor. 1842=1843. Decimo die mensis Januarii receptus est in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus. Gulielmus Garden. Decimo sexto die mensis Februarii A.D. 1843. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Ramsay. Andreas Alexander. Andreas Horsburgh. Archibaldus Goodsir. 100 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1842 Balfour Stewart. Colinus Greig. Carolus Walker. David Rattray. Elliotus Playfair. Fredericus Crombie. Franciscus Lawrie. Gulielmus Johnston. Gulielmus Cameron. Gulielimus Cowan. Gulielmus Bell. Gulielmus M. Hutton. Gulielmus Smith Lyall. Jacobus Culross. Jacobus Lumsdaine. Jacobus Duncan. Jacobus Walker. Joannus Ramsay. Joannes Whyte. Joannes Pearson. Petrus M* Lagan. Petrus Douglas. Petrus Richardson. Robert Adamson. Robertus Lindsay. Thomas Alexander. In classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D. Alexr. M'K. Bannatyne. In classe Physica Adami Anderson, LL.D. Walter Walker. | Wm. H. Norrie. Eodem die recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Georgius Morton. Donaldus MacKenzie. Georgius Clugston. James Young. Matthew Armour. 1843=1844. Tertio die mensis Januarii receptus est in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Joannes Reid. MATRICULATION ROLL 101 Eodem die recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Georgius Hutchison. Gulielmus Graham. Joannes Orr. Hugo F. M'Donald. William M'Laren. Paton J. Gloag. William Sutherland, Decimo quinto die mensis Februarii A.D. 1844. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander M'Whannel. Alexander F. Taylor. Alexr. B. Todd. Alexander Stewart, aetat. xvi., Morven, com. Argyle. Andreas Cant. Andreas Lawson. Carolus Morrison. Carolus Turner. Daniel Fraser. David A. Mitchell. David Thomson. Georgius Simpson. Gulielmus Hunter. Gulielmus Gray. Gulielmus Muir. Hugo Drinnan. Jacobus Bain. Jacobus Campbell. Jacobus Craig. Jacobus Hutchinson. Jacobus Imrie. Jacobus Menzies. Jacobus Stewart. Jacobus Terras. Joannes Beck. Joannes Hood. Joannes Kay. Johannes Lumsdaine Small, Joannes M'Owan. [Joannes Ramsay.] Joannes Reid. Joannes Steele. Petrus Myles. Robertus Barclay. Robertus Herdman. Thomas Brown. Thomas Just. Thomas Spence. Thomas Smith. 102 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1843 Ex classe Logica Jacobi Hunter, LL.D. Andreas Drummond. Davidus Drummond. Georgius Mackie. Robt. M. MacKenzie. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell, F.R.S. Franciscus Davidson. Alexander Thain. Chalmers Edie. Alexander Small. Ex classe Anatomiae Joannis Reid, M.D. Duncanus MacKenzie. Ex classe Ethica Georgii Cook, D.D. John Stewart. 1844=1845. Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii A.D. 1845. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Adamus Gracie. ^Eneas S. Dallas. Alexander Duff. Alexander Inglis. Alexander M'lvor. Alexander Roderick kenzie. Alexander Smith. David Conacher. Mac- David Galloway. David Meldrum. David Thomson. Donaldus M'Kay. Ebenezer Wilkie. Georgius M. Govan. Georgius E. Stewart. Gilbertus Fraser. Gulielmus Dowie. 8 4 4] MATRICULATION ROLL 103 Gulielmus Edie. Gulielmus Howat. Gulielmus L. Lumsdaine. Gulielmus M'Intyre. Gulielmus Stewart. Gulielmus Wright. Jacobus Wallace Connor. Jacobus B. M'Laurin. Jacobus H. M'Naughton. Jacobus Spalding, aetat. xii. Jacobus B. M'A. Strachan. Joannes Forbes. John Hunter. John Kinnear. Joannes M'Nab. Joannes Stewart. Joannes C. M'Rae. Patricius Thomson Forfar. Patricius E. Smith. Robertus Craig. Robertus Pearson. Ranaldus Macpherson. Thomas Scott Curr. Thomas Dow. Thomas Seater. Ex classe secunda Graeca et Latina. Martinus Ferguson. | Gulielmus F. Lindesay. Ex classe Mathematica prima. Jacobus M'William. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. Christiphorous Fernie. Duodecimo die mensis Februarii receptus est in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. J. Mein Austin. Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Thomas Millar. David Stevenson. Robertus Steuart. Franciscus Brown Caldwell. Robert Dinning. Dav. Carruthers. Robert Ross. 104 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1845 1845=1846. Vigesimo tertio die mensis Decembris receptus est in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens, A. S. Hunter. Decimo septimo die mensis Februarii recepti sunt in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Jacobus Orr Burns. Guelunis Murray. Jacobus Gerardus Young. Joannes Nicoll. Gulielmus Gunnyon, Decimo septimo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1846. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Thoma T. Jackson in Collegio S. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Uni- versitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander S. Douglas. Alexander M'Ewen. Alexander M'Laren. Alexr. K. Simpson. Alex. Stuart. Andreas G. Mackenzie. Andreas Maxwell. Andrias B. Nielson. David C. Lindsay. David Maxwell. Ewen M'Ewen. Fredericus L. Playfair. Georgius S. Burns. Georgius D. Crombie. Georgius D. M'Gregor. Georgius Marshall. Gulielmus Dobie. Guelimus M. Hannay. Gulielmus Masson. Gulielmus Williamson. Henricus Stirling. Jacobus Adamson. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Carstairs. Jacobus Erskine. Jacobus Wilkie. Joannes Bell. Joannes Bowman. MATRICULATION ROLL 105 Joannes Campbell. Joannes Findlay. Joannes Hay. Joannes M'Adam. Joannas Myles. Josephus Davidson. Josephus M'Caig. Petrus Cameron. Richardus P. Greaves. Robertus Scrimgeour. Ronaldus Thomson. Thomas Bell. Thos. Jeneson. Thos. Stirton. Thos. A. Wise. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. David S. Reid. Edward Rae. Andreas Nicoll. Geo. W. Thain. Jacobus Wood. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. John Corstorphine. | Andreas Morgan. Ex classe Mathematica prima Thomae Duncan Professoris, Jacobus M'Lachlan. 1846=1847. Decimo sexto die mensis Februarii A.D. 1847. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Campbell. Alexander M'Lean. Alexander Shepherd. [Alexander Young.] Andreas Dryburgh. Augustus C. Bell. David Campbell. David S. Maxwell. io6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1846 David Paterson. David Stott. David Wishart. Daniel Conolly. Duncanus M'Owan. Fredericus W. L. Wright. Georgius Nicol Anderson. Georgius Barclay. Georgius Greig. Gualterus Ross. Gulielmus Blair. Gulielmus M. Johnstone. Gulielmus R. Meldrum. Henricus A. Pattullo. Hugo Ramsay. Jaccobus Bonthorne. Jacobus Stewart. Joannes Brown. John Buchanan. Joannes Greig. Joannes F. S. Darling. Joanes Lilburne. Joannes Duncan. Johnes Grant. Joannes Knight. Joannes S. Lumsdaine. Joannes Carstairs M'Neill, Joannes Ramsay. Joannes Stewart. Joannes Tyrie. Joannes E. Wakefield. Joannes Y. Walker. John Wyllie. Kentigernus M'Gilchrist. Law Blair. Petrus M 'Donald. Robert Kerr. Samuel Fergusson. Stamford R. Lumsdaine. Thomas M. B. Gardyne. Thomas H. Thompson. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. James Tetley. Patrick Stewart. Francis Moss. Thomas Morgan. Alexander Duncan. Robertus Salmond. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. Anthony Murray Touch. Ashmore Wood. Robertus Peddie. Joannes Smith. Ex classe Physica. Jacobus Wishart. | Joannes Barnet. Eodem die receptus est in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Georgius Gordon Milne. 1847] MATRICULATION ROLL 107 1847=1848. Decimo quinto die mensis Februarii A.D. 1848. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Alexander Campbell. Alexander Renny. Andrius Mackie. Andreas G. Merson. ^Eneas J. Gregorson. David Thomson. David Aitken. David Paton. David G. D. Ramsay. David Justice. Gulielmus Aitken, Senior. Gulielmus Aitken, Junior. Gulielmus Playfair. Gulielmus Graham. Gulielmus Knight. Gulielmus Y. Moir. Gulielmus Ogilvy. Gulielmus Winter. Gulielmus Sharp. Jacobus Mylne. Jacobus Blackwood. Jacobus Crabb. Jacobus Millar Lowe. Jacobus M'Gregor. Jacobus Morrison. James Smeaton. Jacobus Wood. Johannis Chisholm. Joannes Dow. Johannes Graham. Johannes Davidson Grant. John Home. Johannes Hunt. Johannes M'Gilchrist. Robertus M'Laren. Johannes Stewart. Johannes F. Thomson. Joannes Y. Thomson. Patricius M'Gregor. Patricius Samuel. Petrus Reid. Petrus Robertson. Petrus Taylor. Petrus Vallance. Petrus G. Walker. Robert L. Turnbull. David Maitland. Thomas Bell. Thomas Duncan. Thomas Johnstone. Thomas Miller. Thomas Downie. Thos. H. Wright. io8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1847 Ex classe Chemica Arthur! Connell Professoris. David Blair. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. John Maclennan. Ex classe Anatomiae, etc., Joannis Reid, M.D., Professoris. Alfredus C. Pope. | Alexander Borthwick. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Spalding Professoris. Patricius Dickson. Jacobus Brown. Gulielmus Johnstone Boyd. Ex classe Physica Gulielmi L. Fischer Professoris. John Reid. | Robt. Smith. Eodem die recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Robertus Dobie. Gulielmus M' Robbie. 1848=1849. Undecimo die mensis Januarii 1849 receptus est in Collegio Mariano nomen subscribens. Jacobus Murray. Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Fredericus Cruickshank. Carolus Campbell. Joannes Fergusson. Alexr. Milne. D. D. M'Coll. Duncanus Anderson, Walter Brock. Georgius Buist. 1848] MATRICULATION ROLL log Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii A.D. 1849. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo viro Domino Roberto Haldane in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Thomas B. Blair. Jacobus Bower. David Brewster. Andreas Brown. Georgius G. Buchanan. Joannes Chalmers. Alexander Doctor. Petrus Ferguson. Carolus W. Fettes. Andreas Forrester. Georgius Graham. Andreas Gray. David Hay. Gualterus Home. Robertus Johnston. Thomas Lawson. Duncanus Macintyre. Alexander MacKay. Petrus M'Kercher. Joannes M'Lean. Alexander Matthew. Joannes Samuelis Milton, David Nicol. David H. Pearson. Gulielmus Ramsay. Georgius Stewart. Joannes Stewart. Joannes Walker. Alexander Williamson. Thomas Wilson. Jacobus Russell Wright. Ex classe Logica Jacobi Spalding Professoris. Andrias M'Lean. James Salisbury. Adamus Burnes. Robertus C. Lumsden. Ex classe Mathematica Thomae Duncan Professoris, Joannes Stewart. Jacobus Raeburn. Georgius Russell. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. Robertus Berry. no UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1848 Ex classe Chemica. Alexander Reid. | Georgius Buist. 1849=1850. Duodecimo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1850. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Thoma T. Jackson in Collegio S. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Uni- versitatis Rectore. Theologiae studiosi. Alex. Rattray. Andreas Lochhead. David Rose. George Roddick. Gulielmus Ross. Jacobus Sanders. Joannes Brown. John Hart. James Gray. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Gulielmus M. Bell. Robertus Bell. Joannes M. Beveridge. Edwardus Broughton. Alexander R. Cowie. Daniel Dewar. Georgius W. Edgar. Robertus Fisher. Alexander Forbes. Georgius D. Forbes. James Forrester. Thomas Gilchrist. Georgius R. Gordon. Fredericus Gourlay. Alexander Hay. Gulielmus Hendry. Gullelinus Johnston. Alexr. Keddie. David Kellock. Joannis Leach. Carolus B. Mackay. Jacobus Richmond. David Simpson. David Smeaton. Jacobus Smieton. Joannes Smith. Alexander Stewart. Daniel Stewart. 1 849] MATRICULATION ROLL in Duncanus Steuart. Petrus Stewart. Joannes Sutherland. Alexander Terras. Robertus M. Walker. Joannes C. Wallace. Robertus Wallace. Joannes Watters. Thomas Wood. Daniel Wright. Jacobus Scott. Ex classe Physica Gulielmi L. Fischer Professoris. Jacobus Pennell. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding. Alexander Davidson. Jacobus B. Robertson, Richardus Philp. Gulielmus Lauder. Alexander Stevenson. Johannes Mackay. Ex classe Chemica. Roderick J. MacKenzie. Robert Smith. Thos. Rodger. Henricus Gourlay. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. Carolus Johnstone Taylor. 1850=1851. Vigesimo sexto]die mensis Novembris 1850 recepti sunt in Col- legio .Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Gulielmus Clark. | Joannes Milne. Undecimo die mensis Februarii 1851 recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Simon Mackenzie. Thomas Mitchell. Alexander MacDonald. H2 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1850 Undecimo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1851. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio S. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Marcus L. Anderson. Georgius Aitken. Jacobus Berwick. Gulielmus A. Brown. Alexander Butter. Gulielmus Couper. Robertus Craig. Jacobus Davidson. David Donaldson. Henricus B. Farnie. Joannes Fergusson. Jacobus Geddie. Carolus Grace. Robertis Graham. Gulielmus Graham. Thomas Grant. David Jack. Thomas Jackson. David Johnston. Gulielmus Keay. Alexander M. Lindesay. Alexander Murray M'Callum, Alexander Maclntyre. Andrew Mackay. John M'Kenzie. Henricus N. MacLaurin. Jacobus M. M'Owan. David Marshall. Jacobus Maxwell. Carolus Melville. Andreas Miller. Jacobus Brown. Joannes Hunter. Georgius Moir. Joannes C. Niven. Robertus H. Playfair. Alexr. E. Ramsay. David Y. Storrar. Alexander M'F. Stewart. David Stewart. Joannes Thomson. Robertus Thomson. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. Johannes Hill. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. Oswald H. Bell. Guillens Walker. Robertus Garland. M. Van der Byl. Rodericus Mackenzie. Gulielmus S. Playfair. 1850] MATRICULATION ROLL 113 Ex classe Mathematica Thomae Duncan, A.M., Professoris. Archibaldus Thomson. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. Gulielmus Cunningham. Decimo octavo, die mensis Martii 1851 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Archibaldus C. Cameron. 1851 = 1852. Quinto die mensis Januarii 1852 recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Alexander Gray. G. W. S. Cruickshank. Gulielmus Pratt. Alexander Joannes Murray. Decimo septimo die mensis Februarii recepti sunt in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Alexr. M'Clellan. Bryce Frood. Carolus MacLean. Georgius Anderson. Gulielmus Duke. Jacobus MacDonald. Jacobus M. Rose. Joannes Dick. Joannes Keith. Malcolumbus Maclntyre. Malcolm C. Taylor. Nigellius M'Intyre. Robertus Bell. Thomas Tallach. H UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1851 Decimo septimo die mensis Februarii A.D. 1852. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio S. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio S. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theo- logiae Professore et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Jacobus Anderson. Thomas Barty. Carolus Beatson Bell. Alexander Bennet. Gulielmus Buist. David Boyd. Donaldus Boyd. Dugald Cameron Boyd. Robert Steele Cook. Jacobus Crichton. Joannes Davidson. John Fisher. Gulielmus Galletly. Douglas Moncrieff Govan. Alexander Gray. George Selkirk Jack. Georgius Leslie. Gulielmus Hannah Lundie. David Lyell. Carolus M'Ewen. Boswell MacKay. Joannes M'Kerchar. David Millar. Alexander Morrison. Robertus Napier. Joannes Paterson. David Pryde. Jacobus Purdie. Hugo Franciscus Ramsay. Robert Ramsay. Henricus Reid. Alexander Robertson. Jacobus Robertson. Gulielmus Robb. Jacobus Sim. Joannes Stevenson. Patricius Stevenson. Gulielmus Stewart. Georgius Wallace. Joannes Wallace. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. David Arthur. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. William Henry Houlds- worth. Jacobus Crawford Gray. Hugo Lyon. Johannes Mitchell. Alexander Dunn Pattison. Robert Smith. Antonius Stewart. 1851] MATRICULATION ROLL 115 Ex classe Mathematica Thomae Duncan Professoris. George Smith. Neil Campbell. Finlay H. M'Kichan. Oswald H. Bell. Franciscus Tocher. Ex classe Anatomiae Georgii E. Day, M.D. Carolus Christie Graham. Petrus Bowie Bain. Kennethus Bruce Stuart. Ex classe Chemica. Guiliellmus Bogie. Jacobus P. Morgan. Jacobus Kirkland. Vigesimo quarto die mensis Februarii receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Jacobus Craig. 1852=1853. Vigesimo quinto die mensis Novembris 1852 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Samuel Robinson. Decimo septimo die mensis Decembris 1852 recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. David Stewart. | Robertus Milne. Decimo octavo die mensis Decembris 1852 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. . Gul. R. Fraser. n6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1852 Vigesimo septimo die mensis Decembris 1852 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Evan Masson. Septimo die mensis Januarii 1853 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. James Young. Undecimo die mensis Januarii 1853 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Alexander MacHardy. Decimo quinto die mensis Februarii recepti sunt in Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Alexander M'Intyre. Donaldus M'Caig. Franciscus Rae. Georgius Selbie. Gulielmus Burnie. Gulielmus Murray Keay. Jacobus Macfadyen. Joannes Barnett. Joannes Macfarlane. Robertus Listen. Jacobus Kerr. Decimo quinto die mensis Februarii A.D. 1853. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theo- logiae Professore et Universitatis Vice-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Gulielmus Aitken. Samuelis Bankier. Joannes Birrell. Alexander Carstairs. 1852] MATRICULATION ROLL 117 David Campbell. Joannis Christie. Joannis Cook. Joannes Coutts. Alexander M. Davidson. Joannes Dobie. Gulielmus Donald. Robertus Ewan. Andreas Fergusson. Gulielmus Forbes. Jacobus W. C. Fraser. Duncanus M. Henderson. Thomas A. Hill. Alexander Kay. Kenneth Kerr. Robertus Lidderdale. Alexander Low. Joannes M 'Caiman. Joannes Macdonald. Jacobus M'Kenzie. Alexander J. M'Kichan. Fletcher N. M. M'Laren, Robertus Menzies. Jacobus P. Morgan. Jacobus Nicoll. Jacobus Peattie. Georgius Philp. Alexander Robertson. Ernestus Scott. Joannes Sime. Robertus Small. Guilielmus Smith. Duncanus Stewart. Andreas D. Tait. Joannes H. Stewart. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. Douglas Robertson. James Stewart. Donaldus M. Simpson. Alexander M'Gregor. Robert M. Webster. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. Joannes Lindsay Adamson. Joannes Robertson Mac- Kenzie. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. Thomas H. Methven. Joannes Paton Watt. Alexander D. Campbell. Alfredus Wilson. Jacobus Beattie. n8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1852 Trigesimo primo die mensis Martii receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gualterus R. Ross. 1853=1854. Vigesimo octavo die mensis Decembris 1853 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. David Stewart. Trigesimo primo die mensis Decembris 1853. John Calder. Undecimo die mensis Januarii 1854. John Cameron. Decimo quarto die mensis Februarii 1854 recepti sunt in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. David Reid. Gulielmus MacVicar. Hugo M'Alpine. Jacobus Anderson. Jacobus Macarthur. Joannes Falconer. Robertus Milne. Mense Martii. Alexander Young. Jacobus M. Joass. Kennethus A. Mackenzie. Daniel Fraser. 1853] MATRICULATION ROLL ng Decimo quarto die mensis Februarii A.D. 1854. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Gulielmo Brown, D.D., in Col- legio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Uni- versitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Jacobus Aitken. Joannes T. Bain. Jacobus M. Bell. Joannes Boyd. Alexander O. Brown. Jacobus M. Brown. Robertus W. Cunningham. Jacobus Douglas. Alexander Grant. Georgius Hume. Gulielmus Imrie. Joannes Kinnear. Walterus Lorraine. David Lyon. Gulielimus C. M'Intosh. Ninianus Francis M'Kenzie. Petrus N. MacKichan. David M'Laren. Alexander L. Meldrum. Adamus B. Messer. Robertus Reid. Joannes S. Small. David Sproat. Gulielmus Stevenson. Jacobus R. Stewart. Joannes C. Stuart. Jacobus T. Stuart. Joannes Sturrock. Frederickus Swanston. William Sharp. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. Josephus B. MacDougal. Ex classe Graeca secunda Andreae Alexander Professoris. Jacobus Christie. | Robertus Gray. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. Jacobus F. Mackenzie. | Georgius Forbes. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. Edvardus Septimus Wood. Jonathan W. Greig. Robertus I. Ross. 120 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1854 Vigesimo secundo die mensis Decembris 1854 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Alexr. Young. Recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Mariano Theo- logiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Peter Calder. Alexander Davidson. John Russell. Joannes Hall. Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii 1855. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio S. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio S. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Robert Balgarnie. David Beatt. Archibaldus Bell. Edwardus Bell. Joannes Brown. Gulielmus Cant. Joannes Charlton. Jacobus R. Chrystal. Henricus Cook. Andreas David Ducat. Guilelmus Graham. Georgius Guthrie. Alexander O. Hood. Tyndall Lethbridge. Gulielmus MacFarlane. Hugh M'Kay. Gulielmus Murray MacKay. Duncanus Dugald Mac- lachlan Macleod. [William A. Macleod.] Patricius Macvicar. David Marshall. Joannes Martin. Jacobus Meagle. Andreas Monilaws. Jacobus Nimmo. William Pattullo. [Robert E. Playfair.] MATRICULATION ROLL 121 Peter Pennycook. Alexander Ramsay, Senior. [Alexander Ramsay, Junior.] Andreas Robertson. Jacobus Robertson. Joannes Robinson. Andreas Roy. Robertas Scott. Gulielmus Scott. Alexander Reid Skene. Gulielmus Stevenson. David Brown Stuart. Alexander M'Kay Trotter. David Watson Wemyss. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. James S. Laing. Ex classe Physica Gulielmi L. Fischer Professoris. Gulielmus Smith. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. David Lyell. Archibaldus Playfair. Decimo tertio die mensis Februarii 1855 recepti sunt in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Robertus Jacobus Craig. Johannes Haggart. Jacobus MacColl. Thomas Smith. David Stewart. Andreas Edgar. Nigelius Brodie. David W. Gunn, 1855=1856. Vigesimo primo die mensis Novembris 1855 recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Stae. Mariae Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Alexander Maclean. James P. M'Dougall. Gulielmus M. Philip. 122 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1855 Duodecimo die mensis Februarii 1856 recepti sunt in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Joannes F. Hill. Lachlan M'Neil. Joannes M'Diarmid. Duodecimo die mensis Februarii 1856. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio S. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio S. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theo- logiae Professore et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. John Anderson. Jacobus Webster Barty. Gulielmus Boyd. Joannes Johnstone Copland. Jacobus Dickson. Alex. Wilkie Donaldson. Johnas Douglas. Daniel Forbes. Jacobus Caithness Gellie. Thomas Gray. Joannes Greenfield. Alexander Guthrie. Jacobus Hally. Georgius Hart. Thomas Ireland. Andreas Keay. Jacobus Kerr. Andreas Leitch. Georgius Stark Leslie. David Lyell. Ranaldus M 'Donald. Gulielmus Archibald Mac- leod. David M'Ewan. Joannes Mercer. Robertus Rintoul. Jacobus Gaul Robertson. Georgius Ross. Thomas Spalding. Robertus Stephen. Jacobus Syme. Georgius Thomson. David Macrither Walker. Thomas White. Thomas Whitelaw. Joannes Williamson. Joannes Watson Wemyss. Ex classe Latina secunda Gulielmi Pyper Professoris. Gulielmus Vary Hunter. i8ss] MATRICULATION ROLL 123 Ex classe Graeca secunda Andreae Alexander Professoris. Mattheus Copland. Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. Rodericus Lawson. Ex classe Physica Gulielmi Fischer Professoris. Daniel M'Corquodale. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. David Edie. 1856=1857. Vigesimo nono die mensis Decembris 1856 recepti sunt in album Academiae Collegio Stae. Mariae Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Jacobus S. Forsyth. | James R. Souter. Decimo septimo die mensis Februarii 1857. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Domino Joanne Tulloch, D.D., in Collegio Stae. Mariae Praefecto et Universitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Gulielmus Ballingall. Joannes Barclay. Jacobus Black. Jacobus A. Crichton. Alexander Crighton. Archibald Campbell Douglas. Gulielmus Duncan. Jacobus Ewan. Frederick Fair. David P. Fenwick. Carolus G. Forrester. Jacobus Robertson Grewar. Matthaeus Henry. Mattheus Howieson. Jacobus N. M'Culloch. Josephus Miller. 124 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1856 Joannes Prain. Thomas Sim. Joannes Sloan. Jacobus Thomson. Carolus K. Watt. Adamus Wilson. Gulielmus Walker. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. James Annandale. Robertus Walker. Joannes R. Liddell. Ex classe Chemica Arthuri Connell Professoris. Niel Ballingal. Andrew H. Ballingal. David Skirving. John Paterson. John Douglas. Jacobus Glover. David Thomson Glover. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. Jacobus V. Wylie. | Daniel Turner. Decimo septimo die mensis Februarii 1857 recepti sunt in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Edvardus Caird. Petrus Galbraith. Robertus Herbert Story. Joannis Johnstone. Robertus Walker Mackersy, Jacobus Smart. Jacobus Wilson. Vigesimo primo die mensis Martii. James S. Smith. | John M'Donald. 1857=1858. Decimo septimo die mensis Novembris 1857 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Stae. Mariae Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Joannes Scott. i57] MATRICULATION ROLL Decimo sexto die mensis Februarii 1858 recepti sunt in Col- legio Mariano Theologiae studiosi nomina subscribentes. Gulielmus Brodie. Joannes Gibson. Robertus Murray, Georgius Smith. Decimo sexto die mensis Februarii 1858. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonardi coram Reverendo Gulielmo Brown, D.D., in Col- legio Stae. Mariae S. S. Theologiae Professore atque Uni- versitatis Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Jacobus Allan. Guilielmus Allan. Georgius Blair. Archibaldus Connel. Gulielmus Calder. Alexander E. Colquhoun. Guilielmus Foggo. Josephus Hunter. Carolus D. Kay. Ephraim A. Kay. Jacobus Kibble. David Lindsay. Finlay MacGillivray. Jacobus S. MacGregor. Carolus Meldrum. Robertus A. C. Richard. Joannes Scott. Robertus Scott. Carolus Stewart. Joannes Gulielmus Taylor. Alexander Todd. Ex classe Graeca et Latina secunda Andreae Alexander Professoris. Johannes Maitland. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. Andrias Forrest. Gualterus H. Sidey. Arthur W. Walkinshaw. Jacobus R. Walkinshaw. Ex classe Physica Gulielmi L. F. Fischer Professoris. Alexander Hill Macnair. 126 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1857 Ex classe Ethica Jacob! Ferrier Professoris. Hugo Stewart. | Gulielmus Adamson. Ex classe Chemica Arthur! Connell Professoris. Thos. Nimmo. Thos. Lawson. Robert Muirhead. James Balfour. David Robertson. Gulielmus Renny. Farquhar Carnie. Nicol M'Nicoll. Johannes Meldrum. Robertus Meldrum. 1858=1859. Septimo die mensis Decembris 1858. Nomina incorporatorum in Collegio Sti. Salvatoris et Divi Leonard! coram Reverendo Domino Georgio Buist, D.D., in Collegio Stae. Mariae Historiae Ecclesiasticae et S. S. Theologiae Professore et Universitatis pro-Rectore. Ex classe Litterarum Graecarum et Humaniorum. Edmundus Armitage. Guilielimus Bonnar. Guilielmus Boyd. Guilielimus Black. Hector C. Cameron. Ludivicus Cameron. Thomas Cameron. Alexander Carmichael. Edwardus Day. Fredericus Johnston. Georgius Johnston. Archibaldus Kerr. Georgius M' Hardy. Petrus M'Gilchrist. Carolus M'Intosh. Alexander MacKay. Wauchope Paterson. Jacobus Porteous. Josephus Ramsay. David Reid. Joannes Robson. James S. Scotland. Guilielmus Sloan. Joannes Gulielmus Thomson, Ex classe Ethica Jacobi Ferrier Professoris. John B. Scott. 1858] MATRICULATION ROLL 127 Ex classe Chemica. George R. Glover. Alexander Paterson. James Younger. William Wright. Ex classe Logica Gulielmi Spalding Professoris. Georgius Franciscus Mylne. | Gulielmus Henricus Haig. Ex classe Graeca secunda Andreae Alexander Professoris. Herbertus Mather. Decimo nono die mensis Januarii 1859 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Stae. Mariae Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Georgius Walker. Quinto die mensis Martii 1859 receptus est in album Academiae Collegio Stae. Mariae Theologiae studiosus nomen subscribens. Gulielmus Allan. 1859=1860. Vigesimo secundo die mensis Novembris 1859. Students of the First Year. Robertus Aikman. Robertus Eduardus Ander- son. Robert Burn. John Connel. Franciscus Crichton. Davidus B. Cruickshank. Gulielmus Ewen. Robertus Geekie. Danielus Gunn. Jacobus Henderson. Thomas Henderson. Frederick Hunter. Davidus Imrie. Andrew Jameson. Robertus Jamieson, 128 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1859 Thomas Johnstone. Joannes Keltic. Joannes R. Lyell. Joannes Macalister. Guliemus M'Culloch. Eric M'Kay. Joannes S. Mackay. Robertas Millar. Jacobus Russell Middleton. Joannes A. Moniot. Charles Moon. Robertus Pryde. Jacobus Ramsay. Joannes Ramsay. Isaacus P. A. Renwick, Play ford Reynolds. Joannes Robson. Georgius Sinclair. Joannes Rutherford. Jacob. Juv. Thirde. Thomas Trotter. Jacobus Younger. John Young. Stormont Watt. Mathematics and Logic. Robert Tullis. I H. Wood. John A. Watt. Students of the Second Year. Gulielmus Black. Wauchope Paterson. Guilielmus Bonnar. Hector C. Cameron. Thomas Cameron. Alexander Carmichael. Edwardus Day. Robert Dick. Aw. James Duncan. Charles G. Forrester. Frederickus Johnston. Georgius Johnston. Archibald Kerr. George M' Hardy. Petrus M'Gilchrist. James Dewar. Junior Greek. Alexander Mac Kay. John Thomas Morgan. Josephus Ramsay. David Reid. Guilielmus C. T. Sloan. James Stuart. Matthew Howieson. Students of the Third Year. William Ballingall. Georgius Blair. William Fogo. Joseph Hunter. Gulielmus Henricus Haig. Carolus D. Kay. Jacobus Kibble. David Lindsay. MATRICULATION ROLL 129 Finlay MacGillivray. Herbertus Mather. Johannes Maitland. Robertus Scott. Joannes Scott. Carolus Stewart. James N. M'Culloch. Alexander Todd. Archibaldus Connel. Charles Meldrum. William Bonthron. Students of the Fourth Year. Alexander Crighton. George Ross. William Walker. James R. Grewar. David P. Fenwick. Charles K. Watt. Thomas Finlayson. John Bain Scott. John R. Izatt. Josephus Miller. James Ewan. Matthew Henry. James A. Crichton. James Rutherford. Adam Wilson. Alexr. K. Bruce. Chemistry. Geo. M. Abbott. Students of Divinity. Thomas Bell. Gulielmus Brodie. Joannes Brown. Joannes Boyd. David Campbell. Jacobus C. Gellie. Petrus Galbraith. Gulielmus Graham. Joannes Martin. Donald M'Corquodale. David M'Laren. William Macfarlane. Petrus Pennycook. Jacobus Purdie. David Lochhead. Jacobus Robertson. Jacobus Robertson, Junior. Andreas Roy. Joannes S. Small. Georgius Smith. Jacobus Smith. Georgius Thomson. Alexander M. Trotter. Jas. R. Walkinshaw. Chem- istry. Joannes Birrell. Divinity. Robertus E. Curwen. Natural Philosophy. William Ross. Moral Phil- osophy. John Watt. Chemistry. James Thomson. Natural Philosophy. John C. Stewart. Divinity. i 3 o UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1859 Archibald Bell. Divinity. Walter Tho. Milton. Chemistry. W. F. Ireland. Chemistry. Robertas W. Mackersy. Divinity. Carolus Thomson. Chem- istry. Charles M'Intosh. Logic. Jacobus R. Souter. Divin- ity, occasional. Thomas Hain. Chemistry. James M'Naughten. Divin- ity, occasional. Jacobus Russell. Divinity, occasional. 1860=1861. Vigesimo die mensis Novembris 1860. Students of the First Year. Hunter Lindsay Adamson. Georgius C. Baxter. Georgius M. Bell. Gulielmus J. Blacklock. David Fenton Buick. James Butchart. Jacobus D. Connel. Jacobus Cook. Henry Cribbes. Sylvester Falconer Reid Deas. William Deane. James Dewar. Petrus Fergusson. Jacobus N. Forrest. David Imrie. Andrew R. Jolly. Jacobus Kean. Joannes Lorraine. G. B. Lunan. Joannes M'Gregor. William M'Gregor. Georgius G. Maclaren, Joannes M'Pherson. Gulielmus Martin. Joannes Mathewson. Alexr. M. Milne. George Morriss. David Munro. David Neish. Carolus Reid. James Ross. David Ross. Daniel Scrimgeour. Mackenzie Smeaton. Joannes Sturrock. Andreas Swinton. Gulielmus Troup. Gulielmus Wallace. Robert Watt. George Younger. i86o] MATRICULATION ROLL Students of the Second Year. Robertus Aikman. R. Eduardus Anderson. Joannes Connel. Carolus Johan. Pearson. David B. Cruickshank. William Ewen. Danielus Gunn. Jacobus Henderson. Thomas F. Henderson. Fredericus Hunter. Robert I. Jamieson. Joannes R. Lyell. William M'Culloch. Joannes S. Mackay. James R. Middleton. Charles Moon. James Moon. Robertus Pryde. Jacobus Ramsay. John S. Ramsay. Isaacus P. A. Renwick. Playfordius Reynolds. Christopher Smith. Lewis Pyper. David Reid. Edwardus F. Day. Robertus Millar. John Blair. William E. Brand. Thomas Trotter. James Y. Thirde. John A. Moniot. Robert Dick. Jacobus Younger. Archd. David Constable, Stormont Watt. Students of the Third Year. William A. Black. Hector C. Cameron. Thomas Cameron. Alexander Carmichael, Frederick Johnston. Georgius Johnston. P. M'Gilchrist. Georgius M' Hardy. Charles M'Intosh. Wauchope Paterson. Josephus Ramsay. Jacobus Stuart. Robert Tullis. Students of the Fourth Year. Gulielmus Ballingall. Georgius Blair. Gulielmus Fogo. Josephus Hunter. Carolus D. Kay. David Lindsay. Finlay M'Gillivray. Alexander Macmaster. Robertus Scott. Carolus Stewart. 132 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1860 Chemistry. Constantine Walkinshaw. Thomas George Tyzack. Jacobus Forgan. John Rankin. Henry Lamb. Robertas Bryson. Archibaldus Connel. Fourth Year. Joannes Scott. Fourth Year. Alexander Todd. Fourth Year. Alexander M. Wei wood. Chemistry. Students of Divinity. Archibald Bell. Gulielmus Bell. Thomas Bell. John Birrell. John Boyd. William Boyd. [William Brodie.] John Brown. James A. Crichton. James C. Gellie. David Lochhead. Donald M'Corquodale. David M'Laren. William Macfarlane. John Martin. Joseph Miller. James Nimmo. Peter Pennycook. James Purdie. James Robertson. George Ross. Andreas Roy. John S. Small. James Smith. James Thomson. Alex. M. Trotter. David Winter. Jacobus Roberts. John Stewart Falconar. Second Greek, etc. Guleimus Falconar. First Latin. Eric K. F. M'Kay. Second Year. Georgius Walker. Divinity. John C. Stewart. Divinity, occasional. James Christie. Divinity, occasional. Edwin Lovegrove. Anatomy. Robert Stephen. Divinity, occasional. Gulielmus Allan. Divinity, occasional. Lindesay Bell. Divinity, occasional. i86i] MATRICULATION ROLL 133 Vigesimo sexto die mensis Novembris 1861. Students of the Second Year. Hunter Adamson. Georgius C. Baxter. David F. Buick. Jacobus Ogilvy. Chemistry. James Butchart. Sylvester Deas. James Dewar. Johan. Stewart Falconar. Petrus Fergusson. Alexander E. Henderson. David N. Imrie. Andreas R. Jolly. Andreas Lang. Georgius Bell Lunan. John Lorraine. John M'Gregor. William M'Gregor. Joannes M'Pherson. Gulielmus Martin. Joannes Mathewson. Alexander Milne. George Morriss. Ludovicus Mylne. David Neish. Robertus Pringle. Charles Reid. Daniel Scrimgeour. D. Mackenzie Smeaton, Andw. Swinton. Gulielmus Troup. William Wallace. George Younger. Donaldus MacKenzie. Students of the Third and Fourth Years. Robertus Aikman. Robertus Eduardus Ander- son. Gulielmus A. Black. Wm. Bonnar. Joannes Connel. Robert Dick. William P. Ewen. Danielus Gunn. James Henderson. Thomas F. Henderson. Joannes R. Lyell. Joannes S. Mackay. Gulielmus M'Culloch. Eric K. F. M'Kay. James R. Middleton. Robert Pryde. Joannes S. Ramsay. Jacobus Ramsay. Christopherus Smith. James Y. Thirde. Stormont Watt. 134 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1861 Thomas Trotter. Thomas Cameron. Nat- ural Philosophy. David B. Cruickshank. Chemistry. Henry Cribbes. Rhetoric. Hector C. Cameron. Alexander Carmichael. Edwardus F. Day. Frederick Johnston. George Johnston. Peter M'Gilchrist. George M 'Hardy. Wauchope Paterson. David Reid. James Stuart. James Younger. Jacobus Robertson Grewar. Students of the First Year. Jacobus Anderson. James Aitken. John A. Birrell. James Brodie. Henricus Brown. James J. A. Black. Georgius Barclay. Robertus Cox. James Collier. David Carswell. Alexander Duncan. Archibald Davidson. James Findlay. John H. Finlayson. Joannis Ferrier. Gulielmus Gordon. Robert Gardner. Robert Gentle. Carolus Goodall. Andrew Gourlay. Alfred J. Honey. Thomas Johnston. John Ireland. Robert Johnston. Alexander R. Irvine. Jacobus Kean. James Lindsay. Peter Livingston. John Macfarlan. Alex. Morrison. Lindsay Mackie. Wm. Murray. Alexander M 'Donald. Gulielmus M'Gregor. Joannes Menzies. Jacobus Neaves. A. Greig Pye. Alexander Pirie. George Park. David Neish. John Ritchie. Alex. Robertson. Archd. Reid. Joannes Rutherford. Charles Rodger. Henricus Richardson. Jacobus Paterson. David Younger. John Sime. George Stephen. Robertus M. H. Smith, Alexander Scott. i86i] MATRICULATION ROLL 135 William W. Tulloch. Constantine Walkinshaw. William Walkinshaw. John Walker. Charles K. Watt. James W. Wylie. Students of Divinity. William Allan. Archibald Bell. John Birrell. Gulielmus Bonthron. William Boyd. John Brown. James A. Crichton. William Fogo. Jacobus C. Gellie. Joseph Hunter. David Lochhead. William Macfarlane. John Martin. Joseph Miller. Peter Pennycook. Jacobus Roberts. James Robertson. George Ross. Andrew Roy. Robert Scott. John S. Small. Robert Stephen. James Thomson. Alexander Todd. Alexander Macky Trotter. David Winter. Joannes Scott. Rhetoric. Robert Millar. Rhetoric. Georgius Walker. Divinity. Alexander Crerar. Divinity. Alexr. Crombie. Chemistry and Anatomy. Walter Wilson. Chemistry. Jacobus Douglas. Divinity, occasional. David Lindsay. Divinity, occasional. Alexander Ross. Chemistry. 1862=1863. Students of the First Year. Elizabeth Garrett. Ana- tomy, etc. Alexander B. Watt. Hugo Campbell. Wm. M. Robertson. Gulielmus R. Laing. Rhetoric. Ewan Cameron. Thomas Reid. Duncan Campbell. Andrew Jameson. Henricus Cook. Gulielmus S. Cooper. 136 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1862 Alexander Low. Alexander Jacobus Ireland. Georgius Whyte. David Miller. Jacobus Black. Johannis Thomson. Jacobus Watt. Hugo Elder. Moral Phil- osophy. Joannes Gordon. Thos. H. Gibson. Robertus Menzies. Gulielmus Calder. Alexander J. Christie. Jacobus Nicoll. Robertus Robertson. Andreas Pringle Hogarth. David Brown Spence. Georgius Smith. Gulielmus W. Tulloch. Gulielmus Colville. Georgius Haddo, Dominus. Gulielmus Mitchell. Gulielmus Bruce. Gulielmus M. Falconer. Edwardus Balfour Ogilvy. Allan Menzies. Gulielmus Goldie. Joannis Peebles. Robert Munro. Robert Smeaton. George T. Chiene. Senior Greek and Latin. Robertus Dove. Joannes Stewart. Gulielmus Burns. Lome. Archibald Campbell, Dom- inus. Georgius Hodgson Middle- ton. Jacobus Dick. Hugo Veitch Haig. Georgius Waters. Joannes Lyal Ewing. Robertus J. Orr Moore. Second Latin and Logic. Alexander Watson Wemyss. David Robertson. Logic and Mathematics. Carolus C. Glass. Allan Robertson. Logic. Jacobus Hunter. Rhetoric. Patricius Thorns. Chemistry. Students of the Second Year. Guilelimus Murray. Joannes Sime. Alexander Robertson. James Lindsay. Alexander Pirie. Thos. Johnston. Alexander Greig Pye. Carolus Goodall. Alexander Duncan. Lindsay Mackie. Jacobus R. Findlay. Jacobus Collier. Archibaldus Reid. Robertus Gentle. Petrus Livingston. Guilelimus Gordon. 1862] MATRICULATION ROLL Alfredus Jacobus Honey. Joannes Ritchie. John A. Birrell. A. T. Davidson. Robertus Cox. Jacobus Paterson. Joannes Macfarlan. Robertus M. H. Smith. Jacobus Brodie. Davidus Neish. Jacobus Anderson. Georgi Park. Andrew Gourlay. Jacobus Wylie. Georgius Stephen. Alexander Scott. Alexander M 'Donald. Joannes Menzies. Robertus M. Gardner. Andreas Lang. W. McGregor, Dundee. Alexander R. Irvine. Joannes Ferrier. Joannes Ireland. Alex. Morrison. Jacobus Kean. Students of the Third Year. George Morriss. William Wallace. Daniel Scrimgeour. David F. Buick. George Bell Lunan. Alexander E. Henderson. Alexander Milne. George C. Baxter. Joannis Mathewson. Joannes M'Pherson. Georgius Younger. Jacobus Butchart. Joannes Lorraine. Students of the Gulielmus P. Ewen. Joannes S. Mackay. Robertus Aikman. Joannes Stewart Falconar. Joannes Scott Ramsay. Jacobus Ramsay. Jacobus Henderson. Andreas R. Jolly. Donaldus Mackenzie Smeaton. Gulielmus Troup. David N. Imrie. Joannes McGregor. Gulielmus Martin. Gulielmus McGregor. Hunter L. Adamson. Charles Reid. Robertus Millar. Andreas Swinton. Fourth Year. Stormont Watt. Joannes Connel. Archibaldus B. Connel. Thomas F. Henderson. Robert Pryde. Jacobus Russell Middleton. Robertus Dick. 138 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1862 Johannes R. Lyell. Gulielimus M'Culloch. Robertas Eduardus Ander- son. Jacobus Y. Thirde. Danielus Gunn. Thomas A. Cameron. Jacobus Dewar. Eric K. F. M'Kay. Studios! Theologiae. Wauchope Paterson. Petrus M'Gilchrist. George Johnston. Georgius Walker. Alexander Gray. Alexander Carmichael. Alexander Jacobus Mac- Master. David P. Fenwick. David Winter. Robertus Scott. Benjamin Strachan. Jacobus C. Gellie. Gulielmus Boyd. Georgius Ross. Robertus Stephen. Gulielmus Allan. Josephus Hunter. Jacobus A. Crichton. Josephus Miller. Alexander Todd. Joannes S. Small. Jacobus Thomson. Gulielmus Bonthron. James Douglas. Gulielmus Fogo. Jacobus Roberts. Alexander Crerar. Thomas Cannan Newall. Occasional. Alexander M'Kay Trotter. Occasional. David Lochhead. Occasional. Jas. Purdie. Occasional. Carolus K. Watt. Occasional. Andrew Mac Kay. Occasional. Joannes M. Robertson. Occasional. David Lindsay. 1863=1864. Students of the First Year. Joannes Skeoch Cleland. Jacobus Lawson Anderson. Archibaldus Henderson. Joannes Fraser. Russell Bell. Josephus Brown. John A. Gordon. Hugo Mackay. i86 3 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 139 Carolus C. Ross. Robertus Ross. Gulielmus Lyall. Jacobus Mitchell. John Geddes. Moral Phil- osophy and Mathematics. Robertus T. Hamilton. Robertus Ewing. Jacobus C. Thomson. Loudoun M'Lean. Chemistry. Robertus M'Intosh. Jacobus G. Maitland. Cosmo Romilly. Thomas Bayne. Robert Craig. Archibald Goldie. John William Jackson. Thomas W. Bonnar. Joannes Bell. Joannes Thomson. Robertus Grant. Andrew B. Morrison. Jacobus Colville. Logic. Joannes F. Macnair. Joannes Leitch. Francis Ford Freeman. Jacobus Gordon. Edmundus Robertson. Edwin S. Mitchell Innes. Jacobus Collier. Johannes Gordon. Augustus Henricus Colville. George Francis Mitchell Innes. Wm. Campbell. Alexander Stuart. William K. Bruce. Chem- istry. Henricus Coubrough. David Burn. Fred. R. Goddard. Robert Munro. James W. Ferrier. Adamus Macpherson. Chem- istry. Johannes Thirkill. Rhetoric. Students of the Second Year. Carolus C. Glass. Gulielmus A. Mitchell. Georgius B. Lunan. Hugo Campbell. Alexander B. Watt. Joannes Peebles. Duncan Campbell. Gulielmus M. Falconer. Ewan Cameron. Jacobus Nicoll. Georgius H. Middleton. Gulielmus Burns. Joannes Stewart. Andreas P. Hogarth. David Brown Spence. Henry Cook. Gulielmus S. Cooper. Third Greek. Edwardus Ogilvy. Georgius Smith. Andreas Jameson. Allanus Menzies. Natural Philosophy. Gulielmus M. Robertson. 140 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1863 Gulielmus Bruce. Gulielmus Goldie. Gulielmus Colville. Georgius White. Alexander W. Wemyss. A. J. Ireland. Joannis Ewing. Alexander Low. Robert us Robertson. David Ross. Davidis Miller. Gulielmus Dundas Scott, Davidis Robertson. Robertus Smeaton. Patricius Thorns. Alexander J. Christie. Studiosi Tertii Anni. Alfredus Jacobus Honey. Alexander Robertson. Alexander Greig Pye. Archibaldus Reid. Jacobus Lindsay. Lindsay Mackie. Thos. B. Johnston. Jacobus Collier. Carolus Goodall. Alexander R. Irvine. Alexander Duncan. George Stephen. Joannes Ritchie. Gulielmus M'Gregor. Jacobus Anderson. Alexander Pirie. Joannes Alex. Ireland. Georgius Park. Alexander M'Donald. 1 Guilelimus Murray. Jacobus Brodie. Alexander Scott. Alexander E. Henderson, Robertus Cox. Robertus M. H. Smith. Robert M. Gardner. Jacobus Kean. Robertus J. Orr Moore. Joannes Menzies. Andrew Gourlay. Joannes Adam Birrell. Studiosi Quarti Anni. Joannes M'Pherson. Daniel Scrimgeour. James Butchart. Georgius Younger. David F. Buick. Jacobus Henderson. Georgius C. Baxter. Gulielmus Wallace. George Morriss. Alexander Milne. John B. Lorraine. Carolus Reid. Carolus G. Forrester. Johannes Stewart Falconar. Joannes Mathewson. Gulielmus Martin. 1 "Erased by order/ i86 3 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 141 Thomas F. Henderson. David N. Imrie. James Younger. Anatomy. Joannes M'Gregor. Gulielmus Troup. Robertus Aikman. Joannes Prain. Andrew Swinton. Donaldus M. Smeaton. Studiosi Theologiae. Jacobus Ffrench. Carolus D. Kay. Thomas Cannan Newall. Joseph Miller. Robertus Scott. Alexander Gray. Josephus Hunter. David P. Fenwick. Petrus M'Gilchrist. Alexr. Jacobus MacMaster. Alexander Carmichael. George Johnston. Alexander M. Trotter. Oc- casional. Fredericus Johnston. Robertus Pryde. Gulielmus Bonthron. Gulielmus Fogo. Jacobus A. Crichton. Robertus Stephen. Carolus K. Watt. Wauchope Paterson. Alexander Todd. Thomas Gentles. Occasional. Withdrew. Georgius Ross. Alexander Crerar. Occasion- al, $th February. Georgius Thorn. Occasional, i6th March. 1864=1865. Studiosi Primi Anni. Franciscus Robertus Japp. Hugo M 'Caiman. Gulielmus A. Kyd. Robertus Hutcheson. Georgius Forbes. Alexr. Gilruth. Joannes M'Laren. Edmundus Forbes. David Lundie. Alexander Stewart. David R. Robertson. Eliott M. Bell. Gulielmus Orr Ewing. Andreas Chapman. Gulielmus Thomas John- stone. Alexander Duncan. Jacobus B. Henderson. 142 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1864 A. C. Alexander. Henricus B. Neave. Robert Main Wilson. T. G. Salmon. Donaldus Stewart. Jacobus Readman. Robertus Hope Moncrieff. Jacobus A. H. Caird. Fulton M. Smith. Andreas Mackie. Robertus Peattie. Georgius Low. Leslie Smith. Johannes Masson. Jacobus R. Torry. Robertus Armstrong. Georgius Crichton. Joannes Cook. Edwin Wallace. Thomas Constable. David Stevenson. Gulielmus Macintosh. Jacobus Reid. Alexander T. Watson. Alexander R. Stewart. Robertus Jackson. Joannes Robertson. Robertus Menzies. Joannes Moravius Dunlop. Joannes Jamieson. Dominus Gualterus Camp- bell. Georgius B. Carr. Georgius J. Birrell. Jacobus M'Laren. Studios! Secundi Anni. Josephus Brown. Jacobus Collier. Edmundus Robertson. Robertus Ross. Robertus Ewing. Jacobus J. A. Black. Hugo Mac Kay. Jacobus Gibsonius Maitland. Jacobus Lawson Anderson. Robertus Munro. Russell Bell. Alexander Stuart. Robertus M'Intosh. Jacobus Mitchell. Joannes Bell. Carolus C. Ross. Archibaldus Goldie. Edwin S. Mitchell Innes. Joannes Guliemus Jackson. Cosmo Romilly. David Boyce Burn. Joannes Stewart Falconar. Gulielmus Lyall. Franciscus F. Freeman. Thomas Bayne. Robertus Grant. Andrew B. Morrison. Johannes C. Gordon. Jacobus Gordon. Loudoun F. M'Lean. Johannes Leitch. Gulielmus Weir Tulloch. Johannes Eraser. Archibaldus Henderson. i86 4 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 143 Studiosi Tertii Anni. Alexander Barclay Watt. Hugh Campbell. Andreas Jameson. Andreas P. Hogarth. William Burns. Gulielmus M. Falconer. Joannes Peebles. David B. Spence. Gulielmus A. Mitchell. Georgius White. Joannes A. Gordon. Alexander James Ireland. Henry Cook. Gulielmus Cooper. Duncan Campbell. David Ross. Robertus Robertson. Alexander Robertson. Alexander J. Christie. Jacobus Nichol. Gulielmus M. Robertson, Georgius H. Middleton. Gulielmus Bruce. Georgius Smith. Robertus Smeaton. David Robertson. Studiosi Quarti Anni. Alexander Pirie. Alexander Robertson. Alexander R. Irvine. Alfredus Jas. Honey. Thomas B. Johnston. Jacobus Lindsay. John Ritchie. Gulielmus M'Gregor. Robertus M. H. Smith. Carolus Goodall. Jacobus Brodie. Georgius B. Lunan. Lindsay Mackie. Archibaldus Reid. Jacobus Collier. Joannes Menzies. Alexander Greig Pye. Robertus Cox. Johannes Adam Birrell. Alexander Duncan. Georgius Stephen. Alexander Scott. Gulielmus Murray. John Alex. Ireland. Jacobus Kean. Donaldus Mackenzie Smeaton. Jacobus Butchart. Thomas A. Cameron. Studiosi Theologiae. Wauchope Paterson. Daniel Scrimgeour. David P. Fenwick. Robertus Scott. Joseph Hunter. Alexander J. MacMaster. i 4 4 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1864 Alexander Carmichael. Petrus M'Gilchrist. George Morriss. David F. Buick. George Johnston. Carolus K. Watt. Gulielmus Boyd. Alexander Gray. Fred. Johnston. John G. M'Pherson. Robertus Pryde. Gulielmus Fogo. Alexander Guthrie. Jacobus Ffrench. Joannes Prain. Alexander Todd. Thomas C. Newall. Carolus G. Forrester. Gulielmus Bonthron. Benjamin Strachan. Gulielmus Troup. 1865=1866. Studios! Primi Anni. Gulielmus B. Miller, Perth, Perthensis. Gulielmus Collier, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Gulielmus T. Husband, Ber- wick-on-Tweed, Northum- briensis. Gulielmus Duff, Logierait, Perthensis. Gulielmus Cunningham, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Cunningham, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Thoma Bell, Dundee, An- gusiensis. Gulielmus Jameson, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Henricus Cook, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Thomas Alexander Gibsone Thomson, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Edvinus C. Ross, Cocos Island, East India. Frankus Abbott, Hyderabad, India. Samuel Fairtlough, Stanwix, Cumbriensis. Patricius Keir, Candy, Cey- lon. Robertus K. Moncrieff, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Johannes F. Ewing, Dundee, Angusiensis. Petrus Webster, Largoward, Fifensis. Edouardus A. Baxter, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Donaldus Grant, Abernethy, Invernessiensis. i86 5 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 145 Carolus C. Bethune, Strea- tham, Surriensis. Georgius C. Wylie, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. Thoma Maitland, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. Robertas Young, Burnt- island, Fifensis. Henricus Stevens, Calcutta, Bengal. Joannes Jacobus Cowan, Torquay, Devon. Dalzielus Pearson, St George's, Edinensis. Finlay Graham, Fearn, Ross- iensis. Petrus M'Kenzie, Dull, Perthensis. Gulielmus Young, Leslie, Fifensis. Georgius A. Esson, St Mary's, Edinensis. David C. Robb, Blairgowrie, Perthensis. Henricus G. Shepherd, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Fisher, Perth, Perth- ensis. Fredericus C. Halkett, Fut- teghur, India. Jacobus Park, Sorn, Ayrensis. Joannes Adamson Honey, Inchture, Perthensis. Thomas Collier, Arbirlot, Angusiensis. Georgius J. Birrell, Ceres, Fifensis. Gulielmus Y. Davidson, Jed- burgh, [Roxburgh.] Jacobus Thorns, Long For- gen, Perthensis. Joannes Fortune, Kilrenny, Fifensis. David Moir, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Innes, Cupar, Fif- ensis. Gulielmus Home, Dunferm- line, Fifensis. Jacobus Campbell Joannes Brodie, Auldearn, Moravi- ensis. Georgius -#neas Gunn, Inver- nessiensis, Invernessiensis. Georgius Wishart Gairdner, Barrackpore, India, E. Thomas Surtees Raine, Gain- ford, Durham. Gulielmus Lindsay, Dundee, Angusiensis. David Bruce, St Andrews, Fifensis. Andreas J. M'Intyre, Strath- miglo, Fifensis. Andreas Gillespie, Kinghorn, Fifensis. Studiosi Secundi Anni. David Lundie, Crathie, Aber- Thomas C. Reid, Kinnoull, donensis. Perthensis. 146 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1865 Joannes R. M'Laren, Kin- noull, Perthensis. A. C. Alexander, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Gulielmus M'Intosh, Cupar- Fife, Fifensis. Franciscus Robertus Japp, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius Crichton, Perth, Perthensis. Robertus H. Moncrieff, Perth, Perthensis. David Rae Robertson, Lethendy, Perthensis. Joannes Masson, Dundee, Angusiensis. Andreas Chapman, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alexander T. Watson, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus T. Johnstone, Cal- cutta, Bengal. Alexander Duncan, Kil- conquhar, Fifensis. Jacobus Reid, Old Kil- patrick, Dumbarton. Georgius Low, Dunse, Ber- wick. Alexander Stewart, Liver- pool, Lancastrensis. Joannes Robertson, Cupar, Fifensis. Gulielmus A. Kyd, Dundee, Angusiensis. Donaldus Stewart, Fortin- gall, Perthensis. Joannes Watters, Galashiels, Selkirk. G. Leslie Smith, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. Gulielmus Orr Ewing, Bon- hill, Dumbarton. Hugh M 'Caiman, Latheron, Caithenses. Gualterius Campbell, Inver- aray, Argyllensis. Joannes M. Dunlop, St George's, Edinensis. Joannes Guthrie, Scone, Perthensis. Georgius Hunsworth, Hali- fax, Eboracensis. Andreas Mackie, Elgin, Moraviensis. Edwin Wallace, Cupar, Fifensis. Thomas G. Salmon, Glas- gow, Glasgowensus. Alexander R. Stewart, Perth, Perthinensis. Joanness Jamieson, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Armstrong, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius Forbes, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. Jacobus R. Torry, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Robertus Peattie, Kirkcaldy, Fifensis. Thomas Marr, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Stevenson, Beith, Ayrensis. Robertus Menzies, Weem, Perthensis. i86 5 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 147 Studiosi Tertii Anni. Robertus Ewing, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Ross, Crieff, Perth- ensis. Joannes Bell, Annan, Dum- friesshire. Jacobus Mitchell, Mains, Angusiensis. Robertus Grant, Abernethy, Moraviensis. Thomas Constable, Currie, Edinensis. Edmundus Robertson, Kin- naird, Perthensis. Archibaldus Goldie, West Anstruther, Fifensis. Archibaldus Henderson, Cameron, Fifensis. Joannes Fraser, Calcutta, Bengal. Franciscus F. Freeman, Stoke, Devoniensis. Josephus Brown, Dundee, Angusiensis. Andreas B. Morrison, Gulielmus Lyall, Logic, Fifensis. Thomas Bayne, Cameron, Fifensis. Russell Bell, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Joannes C. Gordon, Methlic, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Collier, Dunferm- line, Fifeshire. Robertus Munro, Dull, Perthensis. Jacobus J. A. Black, Dun- fermline, Fifeshire. Gulielmus Weir Tulloch, Saint Andrews, Fifenses. Robertus M'Intosh, Dundee, Angusiensus. David Robertson, Markinch, Fifensis. Joannes Leitch, Monimail, Fifensis. Carolus C. Ross, Cocos Island, East India. St Andrews, Fifeshire. Studiosi Quarti Anni. Georgius H. Middleton, Strathmiglo, Fifensis. Alexander B. Watt, Foveran, Aberdonensis. Henricus Cook, St Stephen's, Edindensis. Gulielmus M. Falconer, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fifensis. Hugh Campbell, Dundee, Angusiensis. David Ross, Perth, Perth- ensis. Joannes Peebles, Weem, Perthensis. Joannes Stewartus Falconar, Kirkliston, Linlithgovensis. 148 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1865 Jacobus Nicoll, Dundee, Angusiensis. Duncanus Campbell, For- tingall, Perthensis. Alexander J. Christie, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fifensis. Georgius White, Eassie, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Bruce, Brechin, Angusiensis. Robertus Robertson, Auch- tergaven, Perthensis. Andreas P. Hogarth, Cupar, Fifensis. Alexander Pirie, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes A. Gordon, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander R. Irvine, Blair Athole, Perthensis. David B. Spence, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Smeaton, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alex. Milne, Lunan, Angusi- ensis. Georgius Smith, Anstruther, Fifensis. Studiosi Theologiae. David P. Fenwick, Tibber- muir, Perthensis. Daniel Scrimgeour, Methven, Perthensis. Georgius B. Lunan, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Pryde, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Carmichael, Weem, Perthensis. Joannes Ritchie, Longfor- gan, Perthensis. Alexander Robertson, Meth- ven, Perthensis. Wauchopus Paterson, Scoonie, Fifensis. Carolus Goodall, Cameron, Fifensis. Fredericks Johnston, Bal- merino, Fifensis. Joannes Gordon MTherson, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Kean, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Troup, Pitsligo, Aberdonensis. Carolus Kinnear Watt, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Jacobus Ffrenche, Crawford- john, Lanark. Petrus M'Gilchrist, Little Dunkeld, Perthensis. Joannes Menzies, Weem, Perthensis. Georgius Stephen, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Joannes A. Ireland, Edin- ensis. Georgius Johnston, Bal- merino, Fifensis. i86 5 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 149 Carolus G. Forrester, Leuchars, Fifeshire. Georgius Morriss, Saline, Fifensis. Alfred Jacobus Honey, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Joannes Adam Birrell, Ceres, Fifensis. Joannes Prain, Inchture, Perthensis. Alexander Todd, Logie, Fifensis. Jacobus Butchart, Monifieth, Angusiensis. David F. Buick, Carnock, Fifensis. Alexander Gray, Old Monk- land, Lanarkshire. Thomas A. Cameron, Kirk- michael, Banffiensis. Alexander Guthrie, Arngask, Kinross-shire. Lindsay Bell, Forgandenny, Perthensis. 1866=1867. Studiosi Anni Primi. Jacobus Hunter, Methven, Perthensis. Jacobus L. H. Forrester, Methven, Perthensis. Andreas Dunn, St Monance, Fifensis. Henricus J. C. M'Intosh, Kirkmichael, Banffiensis. Didymus Young, Galashiels, Selkirk. Joannes H. Oatts, Calcutta, India. David Wallace, Dunino, Fifensis. Robertus H. Hill, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Adam, Liff, Angusi- ensis. Jacobus Butchart, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes S. Ewen, Hopekirk, Roxburgh. Claudius C. Carnegie, St Vigeans, Angusiensis. Ernest Udny, Boulogne s/M, France. Joannes A. Black, Cupar- Fife, Fife. Carolus Jacobus Watt, Fov- eran, Aberdonensis. Joannes Young, Carnbee, Fifensis. Andreas Manley Archibald, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Patricius Watson, Dundee, Angusiensis. Henricus A. G. Stiven, Ben- gal, India. David S. Luke, Dundee, Angusiensis. 150 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1866 Georgeius Gordon, Monie- fieth, Angusiensis. Georgius Walker, Leuchars, Fifensis. Georgius Ogilvie, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius R. Gillespie, St Andrew's, Edinensis. Jacobus Aitken, Cupar, Fifensis. Georgius T. Dodds, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Joannes Forgan, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Dick, Tweedsmuir. Jacobus M. Reekie, St Andrews, Fifensis. Johannes M'Diarmid, For- tingall, Perthensis. Alexander R. Gibson, Fowlis, Perthensis. Thomson Whyte, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Lindsay, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Balsillie, Kirkcaldy, Fifensis. Arthurus Wills, Westbury, Glevumensis. Fredericus C. Halkett, Fut- tehghur, India. Joannes S. Robertson, Kin- naird, Perthensis. Gulielmus Rutherford, Jed- burgh, Roxburgh. Arthurus Carnie, Port of Menteith, Perthensis. Alexander Ramsay, Crieff, Perthensis. Ebenezer A. Carswell, Kil- many, Fifensis. Petrus R. Bairnsfather, Rescobie, Angusiensis. Thoma E. Ivens, St Michael's, Azores, Portugal. Alexander Simpson, Auchter- arder, Perthensis. Alexander Menzies, Dull, Perthensis. Patricius Murray, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. Joannes M'Ewen, Dyke, Moraviensis. Robertus H. Traill, Rousay, Orkney. Gulielmus Playfair, St Andrews, Fifensis. Carolus Morrison, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Kean, St Andrews, Fifensis. Carolus B. Tivendale, Singa- pore, India. Jacobus B. Mackay, Kinloch- bervie. Gulielmus M. Smeaton, St Andrews, Fifensis. Edvardus J. F. Wood, Bhan- gulpoor, India. David S. Barclay, Aberdeen, Aberdonensis. Carolus M. Ochterlony, Bar- onettus, Rescobie, Angus- iensis. Wallace C. Houstoun, Haddington. Alexander C. Ochter Lonie, Kinghorn, Fifensis. i866] MATRICULATION ROLL Studiosi Anni Secundi. Gulielmus Home, Dunferm- line, Fifensis. Henricus G. Shepherd, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Duff, Logierait, Perthensis. Jacobus Thorns, Longforgon, Perthencis. Petrus Webster, Kilconquhar, Fifensis. Jacobus Cunningham, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Edvardus A. Baxter, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes A. Honey, Inchture, Perthensis. Joannes F. Ewing, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus B. Young, Leslie, Fifensis. Jacobus Fisher, Perth, Perth- ensis. David C. Robb, Blairgowrie, Perthensis. Robertus K. Moncrieff, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Donaldus Grant, Abernethy, Invernessiensis. Andreas Gillespie, Kinghorn, Fifensis. Thoma Maitland, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. Thomas Surtees Raine, Kencot, Oxonensis. R. W. Young, Burntisland, Fifensis. Henricus Cook, Edinensis. Finlay Graham, Fearn, Ross- iensis. Gulielmus B. Miller, Perth, Perthensis. Georgius ^Eneas Gunn, Inverness, Invernessiensis. Jacobus C. J. Brodie, Auld- earn, Moraviensis. David Bruce, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Park, Sorn, Ayrensis. Joannes Fortune, Kilrenny, Fifensis. Joannes Guthrie, Scone, Perthensis. Gulielmus Y. Davidson, Jed- burgh, Roxburghshire. Josephus Gordon Stuart, Markinch, Fifeshire. Georgius Johnstone Birrell, Ceres, Fifiensis. Carolus C. Bethune, Streatham, Surriensis. David Miller, Selkirk. Franciscus Robertus Japp, Dundee, Angusiensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Galashiels, Alexander Duncan, Kil- conquhar, Fifensis. David Stevenson, Beith, Ayrensis. 152 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1866 Alexander Stewart, Liverpool, Lancastrensis. Donaldus Stewart, Fortingal, Perthensis. Andreas Chapman, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alexander C. Alexander, Liff and Benvie, Angus- iensis. Alexander T. Watson, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Joannes R. M'Laren, Kin- noull, Perthensis. Gulielmus M'Intosh, Duiri- nish, Isle of Skye. Joannes Masson, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gul. Orr Ewing, Killearn. David Lundie, Kirkmichael, Perthensis. Gulielmus Anderson Kyd, Dundee, Angusiensis. Henricus Bremner Neave, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus R. Torry, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Andreas Mackie, Elgin, Moraviensis. Edwin Wallace, Cupar, Fifensis. Robertus Armstrong, Edin- burgh, Edinensis. Georgius Crichton, Perth, Perthensis. David R. Robertson, Lethendy, Perthensis. Robertus Peattie, Kirkcaldy, Fifensis. Thoma G. Salmon, City Parish, Glasgoensus. Hugh M'Calman, Latheron, Caithness. Gulielmus Johnstone, Cal- cutta, India. Thomas C. Marr, Montrose, Angusiensis. Joannes M. Dunlop, St George's, Edinensis. Robertus Menzies, Rannoch, Perthensis. Thomas C. Reid, Perth, Perthensis. Georgius Forbes, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. G. Leslie Smith, St Cuth- bert's, Edinensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Gulielmus A. Mitchell, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Archibaldus Henderson, Cameron, Fifensis. Jacobus Mitchell, Tannadice, Angusiensis. Edmundus Robertson, Kin- naird, Perthensis. Joannes Bell, Kirkpatrick Fleming, Dumfriesiensis. Robertus Grant, Abernethy, Moraviensis. i866] MATRICULATION ROLL 153 Gulielmus Lyall, Logic, Fifensis. Johannes Eraser, Calcutta, Bengal. Jacobus Collier, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Thomas Bayne, Cameron, Fifensis. Josephus Brown, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Munro, Dull, Perthensis. Robertus M'Intosh, Archibaldus Goldie, West Anstruther, Fifensis. Gulielmus Weir Tulloch, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Peebles, Weem, Perthensis. Robertus Ross, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jas. J. A. Black, Dunferm- line, Fifensis. Andreas B. Morrison, St Andrews, Fifensis. Dundee, Angusiensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Jacobus Lindsay, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Butchart, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Jacobus Nicoll, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Stewartus Falconar, Kirkliston, Linlithgovi- ensis. Duncanus Campbell, Fort- ingal, Perthensis. Robertus Robertson, Auchter- gaven, Perthensis. Carolus Goodall, Cameron, Fifensis. Georgius Bell Lunan, Kin- nettles, Angusiensis. David Ross, Perth, Perthensis. Daniel Scrimgeour, Methven, Perthensis. Georgius Park, Inverness, Invernessiensis. George Morriss, Saline, Fifensis. Joannes Gordon M'Pherson, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alfredus Jacobus Honey, Inchture, Perthensis. Jacobus Kean, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Guthrie, Orwell, Kinrossiensis. Jacobus Ffrenche, Crawford- john, Lanark. Andreas P. Hogarth, Cupar, Fifensis. Joannes Ritchie, Longforgan, Perthensis. David B. Spence, Dundee, Angusiensis. Fredericus Johnston, Bal- merino, Fifensis. Gulielmus Troup, Pitsligo, Aberdonensis. 154 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1866 Jacobus Davidson, Moy, Invernessiensis. Alexander Milne, Lunan, Angusiensis. Alexander Robertson, Moneydie, Perthensis. Joannes Adam Birrell, Ceres, Fifeshire. Andreas D. Tait, Errol, Perthensis. Georgius Stephen, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Joannes Menzies, Dull, Perthensis. Joannes Prain, Inchture, Perthensis. Joannes A. Ireland, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Thomas A. Cameron, Kirk- michael, Banffiensis. 1867=1868. Nos ingenui adolescentes, nomina subscribentes, sancte pollicemur, nos praeceptoribus obsequium debitum exhibi- turos, et hujus Academiae Andreanae emolumentum et commodum, quantum in nobis sit, procuraturos, ad quem- cunque vitae statum pervenerimus. Studiosi Anni Primi. Henricus F. Mudie, 14, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Petrus Anton, 15, Eroll, Perthensis. Ross Wilkie Ochterlony, 15, Rescobie, Angusiensis. Thomas Menzies, 16, Crieff, Perthensis. Alex. C. Oughter Lonie, 17, Kinghorn, Fifensis. Gulielmus Berwick, 18, Bel- ford, Northumbrensis. Henricus J. Wotherspoon, 17, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Nigellus Campbell, 17, Foss, Perthensis. Jacobus N. Smith, 16, Dun- 1 dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Key, 14, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander C. Wylie, 16, Leslie, Fifeshire. Jacobus Russell, 20, Fal- kirk. Carolus Durward, 17, Fetter- cairn. Alexander Spence, 21, Kings- barns, Fifensis. x86 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 155 Robertus Niven, 21, Dun- barton. Albertus Edward, 18, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Joannes Gilmour, 18, Mon- treal, Canada. Colin C. Mackay, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Duncanus L. M. Mackay, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Andreus W. Mackie, 15, Cupar, Fifensis. Montague W. White, 16, Inverness, Invernessiensis. Henricus Rhind, Cupar, Fifensis. Joannes Hunter, 19, Wemyss, Fifensis. Thomas R. Biscoe, 17, Kirk- hill, Inverness-shire. Joannes M. Moncrieff, 18, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Joannes Traill, 16, St Ola, Orcades. Joannes Kennedy, 15, Edin- ensis. Franciscus Gordon, 15, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Josephus C. Penney, 16, Edinensis. Holmes Ivory, 16, Edinensis. Henricus C. Sinclair, 17, Cullen, Banffensis. Thomas D. Hall, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Henricus D. Maitland, 16, Wuzeerabad, India. Joannes L. Paterson, 16, Rutherglen. Thomas G. Clark, 17, Crail, Fifensis. Gulielmus Key, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius More Gordon, 51, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Campbell M 'Intosh M 'Arthur, 17, Calcutta, India. Robertus Alex. Hogg, 17, Thurloe Sq., Brompton, Londoniensis. Wedderburn D. Thorns, 17, Long Forgon, Perthensin. Jacobus Riddell, 18, Jedburgh. Andreas Morris, 25, Abdie, Fifensis. Gulielmus M. Fraser, 20, Portman Square, London- ensis. Joannes Marshall Tulloch, 1 6, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes C. Dick, 17, Tweeds- muir. Gaulterus Bennett Williams, 17, Walton, Lancastrensis. Glenorchy, 16, Killin, Perth- ensis. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Joannes Forgan, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Menzies, 20, Dull, Perthensis. 156 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1867 Andreas Dunn, 20, St Monance, Fifensis. Joannes M'Ewen, 16, Dyke, Moraviensis. Joannes S. Robertson, 17, Kinnaird, Perthensis. Georgius R. Gillespie, 16, St Stephen's, Edinensis. Joannes S. Ewen, 16, Hope- kirk, Roxburgh. Ernest Udny, 15, Boulogne- sur-Mer, France. Carolus J. Watt, 17, Foveran, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Aitken, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. Thoma Young, 22, Galashiels, Selkirk. Wallace C. Houstoun, Haddington, Haddington. Henricus J. C. M'Intosh, 20, Kirkmichael, Banffiensis. Thomson Whyte, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Simpson, 18, Auchterarder, Perthensis. Robertus Hutchison, 24, Dundee, Angusiensis. Henricus A. G. Stiven, 17, Moradabad, Bengal, India. Edvardus J. F. Wood, 17, Bengal, India. Alexr. R. Gibson, 23, Fowlis Easter, Perthensis. George T. Dodds, 17, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Alexander Keith Ramsay, 18, Crieff, Perthensis. Arthurus R. Guerard, 16, Charleston, U.S.A. Joannes M'Diarmid, 20, Ran- noch, Fortingal, Perth- ensis. Jacobus L. H. Forrester, 18, Methven, Perthensis. Jacobus S. Butchart, 21, Dundee, Angusienses. Jacobus Adam, 23, Liff, Angusienses. Jacobus Balsillie, 21, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Christopherus Beaumont, 23, Biggar, Selkirk. Georgius Gordon, 17, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Joannes Macmillan, 20, Fearn, Angusiensis. David S. Barclay, 17, Aber- deen, Aberdonensis. Jacobus M. Reekie, 20, St Andreas, Fifensis. Petrus R. Bairnsfather, 17, Rescobie, Angusiensis. Georgius Ogilvie, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Patricius Murray, 17, St Cuthbert's, Edinensis. Claudius C. Carnegie, 17, Leamington, Warick- shire. Carolus Morrison, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Hunter, Methven, Perthensis. Jacobus B. MacKay, 15, Kinlochbervie. i86 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 157 Studiosi Anni Tertii. Gulielmus Duff, 26, Logie- rait, Perthensis. Petrus Webster, 22, Largo- ward, Fifensis. Henricus G. Shepherd, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Thorns, 19, Long- forgon, Perthencis. Gulielmus Home, 23, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Henricus Cook, 16, St Stephen's, Edinensis. Joannes Fortune, 18, Kil- renny, Fifensis. Finlay Graham, 26, Kilmuir, Rossensis. Joannes A. Honey, 18, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Donaldus Grant, 19, Aber- nethy, Invernessiensis. J. Gordon Stuart, 18, Markinch, Fifeshire. Robertus K. Moncrieff, 20, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Thoma S. Raine, 18, Ken- cot, Oxon. Jacobus Cunningham, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Young, 18, Lesli- ensis, Fifensis. Jacobus C. J. Brodie, 19, Auldearn, Moraviensis. Joannes F. Ewing, 18, Dun- dee, Augusiensis. Gulielmus Y. Davidson, 18, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire. David C. Robb, 16, Blair- gowrie, Perthensis. Jacobus Fisher, 20, Perth, Perthensis. Joannes Guthrie, 26, Scone, Perthensis. Jacobus Park, 21, Sorn, Ayr- ensis. Fredericus C. Halkett, 15, Futteghur, India. Thomas Maitland, 18, St Cuthbertus, Edinensis. David H. Bruce, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus B. Miller, 19, Perth, Perthensis. Georgius J. Birrell, 17, Ceres, Fifensis. Andreas Gillespie, 22, King- horn, Fifiensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. David Lundie, 20, Crathie, Aberdonensis. Robertus Armstrong, 19, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Thomas G. Salmon, 22, City, Glasgoensis. Joannes Masson, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. 158 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1867 Gulielmus A. Kyd, 25, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander Duncan, 19, Kil- conquhar, Fifensis. Andreas Chapman, 21, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander T. Watson, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alexander C. Alexander, 22, Liff et Benvie, Angusi- ensis. Georgius Crichton, 21, Perth, Perthensis. Alexander Stewart, 20, Liver- pool, Lancastrensis. Andreas Mackie, 19, Elgin, Moraviensis. David R. Robertson, 19, Lethendy, Perthensis. Robertus Menzies, 44, David Miller, 26, Galashiels, Selkirk. Franciscus Robertus Japp, 19, Dundee, Angusi- ensis. Jac. R. Torry, 19, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Robertus Peattie, 28, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Gulielmus Mackintosh, 19, Cupar, Fifensis. David Robertson, 23, St Andrews, Fifensis. Donaldus Stewart, 18, For- tingall, Perthensis. Thomas C. Marr, 20, Mon- trose, Angusiensis. Joannes R. MacLaren, 18, Kinnoull, Perthensis. Fortingal, Perthensis. Studiosi Theologiae. David B. Spence, 25, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Butchart, 23, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Robertus Robertson, 22, Auchtergaven, Perth- ensis. Jacobus Nicoll, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes M. MacGregor, 19, Lismore and Appin, Ar- gatheliensis. Carolus Goodall, 21, Cam- eron, Fifensis. Georgius Bell Lunan, 21, Kinnettles, Angusiensis. David Ross, 26, Perth, Perth- ensis. Georgius Park, 23, Inverness, Invernessiensis. Andreas P. Hogarth, 20, Cupar, Fifensis. Daniel Scrimgeour, 27, Methuen, Perthensis. Thomas Bayne, 22, Cam- eron, Fifensis. Joannes Menzies, 22, Dull, Perthensis. i86 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL Joannes Adam Birrell, 22, Ceres, Fifensis. Robertas Munro, 24, Dull, Perthensis. Alexander Robertson, 25, Moneydie, Perthensis. Georgius Stephen, 27, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Joannes A. Ireland, 21, St Stephen's, Edinensis. Alfredus Jacobus Honey, 21, Inchture, Perthensis. Georgius Morriss, 26, Saline, Fifensis. Joannes Ritchie, 21, Long- forgan, Perthensis. Jacobus Ewan, 29, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Kean, 22, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus W. Tulloch, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. Thomas A. Cameron, 25, Kirkmichael, Banffiensis. Josephus Brown, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alex. Milne, 26, Lunan, Angusiensis. Carolus G. Forrester, 29, Leuchars, Fifensis. Joannes Prain, 33, Inchture, Perthensis. Joannes Bell, 24, Annan, Dumfriesiensis. Jacobus M. Davidson, 34, Moy, Invernessiensis. 1868=1869. Studiosi Anni Primi. Joannes W. Bell, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus F. Balfour, 17, Edinburgh. Gulielmus Brown Miller, 15, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Joannes Tulloch, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Munro, 15, Strathy, Sutherlandis. Joannes A. R. R. L'Amy, 16, Ayton. Joannes H. Baxter, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Joannes F. Dempster, 24, Dundee, Angusienses. Stewart Smith, 17, Glasgow, Angusienses. Georgius Lorimer, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Taylor, 15, Cupar, Fifensis. Carolus H. Gosset, 17, Northam, Damnonium. Jacobus Barnard, 17, Abbots- hall, Fifensis. Gualterus Burt, 19, Wemyss, Fifensis. i6o UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1868 Nigellus Campbell, 18, Foss, Perthensis. Petrus Lyall, 15, Logie, Fifensis. Joannes R. Stewart, 16, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Gulielmus J. Macdonald, 16, Huntly, Aberdonensis. Georgius Cunningham, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Ogilvie, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Ogilvie, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander H. Cooper, 16, Tarbolton, Ayrensis. Joannes W. Ritchie, 17, Tarbolton, Ayrensis. Robertus T. Buchan, 17, Cleish. Jacobus R. Moir, 16, South Sheilds. Gulielmus Smith, 22, Cupar, Fifensis. Carolus F. Watt, 16, St Andrews, Fifeness. Buchanan Blake, 16, East- wood, Glasgowensis. Herbert A. D. Hain, 16, Leuchars, Fifensis. Jacobus Patterson, 20, Arbroath, Angrensis. Vivian Gulielmus Kinsman, 16, Falmouth. Joannes Robertson, 18, New- tyle, Angusiensis. Joannes Budge, 18, An- struther W., Fifensis. David W. Muir, 20, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomas W. Smith, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus G. Rutherford, 15, Newlands. Jacobus Millar, 15, Inver- arity, Angusiensis. Duncanus L. M. Mackay, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Alexander Paton, 19, Dunbarney, Perthensis. Louis Henricus Mylne, 15, Shahabad, India. Arthurus B. Wright, 16, Singapore, India. Guilielmus A. Francken, 19, Hull, Eboricus. Guilielmus Forbes Cockell, 18, Mussooree, India. Henricus Littledale Dick, 15, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Jacobus Litster, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Carolus J. Lennox, 18, Hoo- shiarpore, India. Gulielmus Lamb, 16, Luck- now, India. Georgius David Paton, 16, Brechin, Angusiensis. Alexander Dishart, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Colinus Campbell, 17, Craig- nish, Argyleshire. Normanus H. Leckie, 16, Uphall, W. Lothian. Alexander C. Paterson, 15, Glasgow, Glasguensis. i868] MATRICULATION ROLL 161 Henricus Cooper, 15, Bal- j Gulielmus Bell, 16, Mains, fron, Strivlinensis. Joannes C. Orr, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. Thomas D. Miller, 17, Perth, Perthensis. Richardus Muir, 19, Caer- laverock. Alexander E. Rothney, ig, Angusiensis. Gulielmus M'Intyre, 16, Strathmiglo, Fifenis. Alfredus C. Ross, 16, New Selma, India. Gulielmus Beattie, 16, Leuchars, Fifensis. Jacobus Clinkskill, 15, Glas- Meerut, India. gow, Lanarkshire. Robertus Bonthron, 15, St ! Jacobus Edwards, 24, Andrews, Fifenis. Drainie, Morayshire. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Carolus Durward, 18, Fetter- cairn. Henricus Wotherspoon, 18, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Jacobus N. Smith, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Josephus C. Penney, 17, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Ross W. Ochterlony, 15, Rescobie, Angusiensis. Thomas R. Biscoe, 18, Inver- ness, Invernessiensis. Arthurus R. Guerard, 17, Charleston, U.S.A. Joannes M. Watson, 18, Glasgow, Glasgow. Holmes Ivory, 17, Edinensis, Edinensis. Andreas Morris, 25, Abdie, Fifensis. Alexander Spence, 22, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Jacobus Key, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Petrus Anton, 18, Liff, Perthensis. Henricus Sinclair, 18, Cullen, Banffensis. Glenorchy, 17, Killin, Perth- ensis. Andreas W. Mackie, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Joannes Alexander Black, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. Alexander Oughter Lonie, 18, Kinghorn, Fifensis. Gulielmus Berwick, 19, Bel- ford, Northumbrensis. Henricus Mudie, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Franciscus Gordon, 16, Monifeith, Angusiensis. Thomas Menzies, 17, Crieff, Perthensis. l62 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1868 Joannes L. Paterson, 17, Glasgow, Glasguensis. Ebenezer A. Carswell, 18, Kilmany, Fifensis. Joannes H. Oatts, 18, Cal- cutta, India. Jacobus Russell, 21, Falkirk. Joannes Kennedy, 16, Edin- burgh, Edinensis. Joannes M. Moncrieff, 19, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Campbell M. M'Arthur, 18, Calcutta, India. Joannes Traill, 17, Kirkwall, Orcadiensis. Joannes Macmillan, 21, Fearn, Angusiensis. Joannes Gilmour, 19, Mon- treal, Canada. Joannes Hunter, 20, Wemyss, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Jacobus M. Reekie, 21, St Andreas, Fifensis. Andreas Dunn, 21, St Monance, Fifensis. Georgius Ogilvie, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus S. Butchart, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes M'Ewen, 17, Dyke, Moraviensis. Alexander Simpson, 20, Auchterarder, Perthensis. Ernest Udny, 16, Boulogne. Joannes S. Robertson, 18, Kinnaird, Perthensis. Jacobus Adam, 22, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Jacobus L. H. Forrester, 19, Methven, Perthensis. Alexr. R. Gibson, 24, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Carolus Jacobus Watt, 18, Foveran, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Balsillie, 22, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Joannes Forgan, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Aitken, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. Alexander Keith Ramsay, 19, Crieff, Perthensis. Joannes Crawford Dick, 18, Tweedsmuir. Georgius T. Dodds, 18, Liff and Benvie, Angusi- ensis. Thomson Whyte, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Petrus R. Bairnsfather, 18, Rescobie, Angusiensis. Robertus Thornton, 23, For- far, Angusiensis. Petrus Livingston, 22, Monzie, Perthensis. Alexander Menzies, 21, Weem, Perthensis. i868] MATRICULATION ROLL 163 Jacobus C. Hunter, 21, Methven, Perthensis. Joannes M'Diarmid, 21, Fortingal, Perthensis. Christopherus Beaumont, 24, Biggar, Lanark. Henricus J. C. M'Intosh, 21, Kirkmichael, Banffiensis. Thomas Young, 22, Gala- shiels, Selkirk. Josephus G. Stuart, 19, Markinch, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Joannes A. Honey, 19, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Gulielmus Mackintosh, 20, Duirinish, Invernessensis. Andreas Gillespie, 23, King- horn, Fifensis. Henricus G. Shepherd, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Henricus Cook, 17, Edin- burgh, Edinensis. Fredericus C. Halkett, 16, Futteghur, India. Jacobus Cunningham, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomas Surtees Raine, 19, Kencot, Oxonensis. Gulielmus Duff, 27, Logie- rait, Perthensis. Gulielmus B. Miller, 20, Perth, Perthensis. Donaldus Grant, 20, Aber- nethy, Invernessiensis. Finlay Graham, 27, Kilmuir, Rossensis. Robertus K. Moncrieff, 21, Arbroath, Angusiensis. David H. Bruce, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Home, 24, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Gulielmus Y. Davidson, Jed- burgh, Roxburgh. Jacobus Fisher, 21, Perth, Perthensis. David Constable Robb, 17, Blairgowrie, Perthensis. Josephus Brown, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Park, 22, Sorn, Ayrensis. Andreas Mackie, 20, Elgin, Moraviensis. Petrus Webster, Kilcon- quhar, Fifensis. Thomas Marr, 21, Montrose, Angusiensis. Joannes F. Ewing, 19, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Lyall, 21, Logic, Fifensis. Joannes Guthrie, 27, Scone, Perthensis. Donald Stewart, 20, Fortingall, Perthensis. 164 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1868 Studiosi Theologiae. Joannes R. M'Laren, 19, Kinnoull, Perthensis. David Ross, 27, Perth, Perthensis. Georgius Park, 24, Inverness, Invernessiensis. Hugo M'Diarmid, 17, Fowlis Wester, Perth- ensus. David Neish, 26, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Joannes M. MacGregor, 20, Lismore and Appin, Argatheliensis. Georgius Bell Lunan, 22, Kinnettles, Angusiensis. Robertus Armstrong, 20, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Joannes Robb, 21, Kinross, Kinrossiensis. Robertus Robertson, 22, Logiealmond, Perthensis. Alexander Stewart, 21, Liver- pool, Lancastriensis. William Weir Tulloch, 22, St Andrews, Fifienses. Joannes Menzies, 23, Dull, Perthensis. David R. Robertson, 20, Lethendy, Perthensis. Joannes A. Ireland, 22, St Stephen's, Edinensis. Thomas Bayne, 23, Cameron, Fifensis. David Lundie, 22, Crathie, Aberdonensis. Jacobus Collier, 24, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Davidson, 35, Moy, Invernessiensis. Andreas P. Hogarth, 21, Cupar, Fifensis. Jacobus Nicoll, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Ritchie, 22, Long- forgan, Perthensis. Jacobus Ewan, 30, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Munro, 25, Dull, Perthensis. Joannes Bell, 25, Annan, Dumfriesiensis. Joannes A. Birrell, 23, Ceres, Fifensis. Alexander Milne, 27, Lunan, Angusiensis. Georgius Stephen, 28, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Thomas A. Cameron, 26, Kirkmichael, Banffiensis. David Stevenson, 23, Beith, Ayrensis. Carolus G. Forrester, 30, Leuchars, Fifensis. 1869] MATRICULATION ROLL 165 1869-1870. Studios! Anni Primi. Guilielmus Pistor Carmichael, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alfred Edward, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius W. Constable, Errol, Perthensis. Gulielmus H. Cook, 18, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Jacobus M. Grant, 16, Secunderabad, Madras Presidency. Joannes Hardie, 15, King- horn, Fifensis. Arturus W.Wotherspoon, 16, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Georgius Baxter, 15, Liff and Benvie, Forfar. Jacobus Cameron, 18, Meth- ven, Perthensis. Alexander Lawson, 17, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Joannes Gunn, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Hovardus Hill, 14, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus T. Cunningham, 17, Dundee, Angusienses. Carolus H. Anderson, 16, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Robertus C. Burnett, 18, Skene, Aberdeen. Robertus Armstrong, 14, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Mitchell, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Thomas Pryde, 18, Kilmany, Fifeshire. James R. Brown, 17, Pit- lochry, Perthshire. Joannes Y. Boath, 15, For- far, Forfar. Joannes Brown, 18, Wemyss, Fifensis. Joannes Cameron, 16, Glen- orchy, Argyll. David Cameron, 14, Glen- orchy, Argyll. Gulielmus Gilmour, 16, Montreal, Canada. Andreas Wilson, 18, Green- law, Berwickshire. Franciscus Paton, 16, Mon- trose, Angusiensis. David Hepburn Lawrence, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Philp, 15, Largo, Fifensis. Joannes Glasse, Auchter- muchty, Fifeshire. Joannes Black, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Patricius Robson Mackay, 15, Latheron, Caithness- ensis. James Douglas, 19, Strath- kinness, Fifeshire. i66 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1869 Carolus Gordon, 16, New- lands, Peebleshire. Alexander Thorn, 16, Crieff, Perthensis. David Coull, 30, Straiton Hill, Fifeshire. Matthaeus Russell, 20, Fal- kirk, Stirlingshire. Colin Campbell, 16, Inverary, Argyllshire. Wm. Hall Maxwell, 22, of Dargavel, Renfrewshire. Josephus W. T. Anderson, 17, London, Middlesex. Jacobus Anderson, 18, Port Glasgow, Renfrewshire. Joannes H. Gillespie, 17, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Alexandrius Middleton, 16, Strathmiglo, Fifeshire. Francis J. W. Critchley, 17 Gullielmus Robertson, 16, Lethendy, Perthensis. Gulielmus Proudfoot, 17, Leuchars, Fifeshire. Joannes M'Crae, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Fraser, 16, Edin- burgh, Midlothian. Josephus S. Finlayson, 20, Perth, Perthensis. Robertus G. Heddle, 21, Walls, Ocadunis. Francis P. Butler, 17, Rawul Pindee, India. Arthur Wm. Traill, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Carlus Mellor, 16, St James's, Kent. Le"on Sapieha, 18, Wysokie, Pologne. , Dornock, Dumfriesshire. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Thomas Duncan Miller, 18, Perth, Perthensis. Gulielmus Jacobus Mac- donald, 17, Huntly, Aber- donensis. Nigellus Campbell, 19, Foss, Perthensis. Thomas Wilson, 22, Paisley, Renfrewensis. Stewart Smith, 18, Barony, Renfrewshire. Joannes W. Ritchie, 18, Tarbolton, Ayrshire. Vivian W. Kinsman, 17, Falmouth, Cornwall. David W. Muir, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Joannes Robertson, 19, Newtyle, Angusensis. Arthurus Wright, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Louis H. Mylne, 16, Shaha- bad, Bengal. Jacobus H. Millar, 16, Fearn, Angusiensis. John F. Dempster, 25, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Thomas W. Smith, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. i86 9 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 167 Petrus Lyall, 16, Logic, Fifensis. Gulielmus Rutherford, 16, Newlands, Pebliensis. Alexander H. Cooper, 17, Tarbolten, Ayrshire. Joannes H. Baxter, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Norman H. Leckie, 17, Up- hall, Linlithgowshire. Henry L. Dick, 16, Tweeds- muir, Peeblesensis. Gulielmus D. Beattie, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. Jacobus A. Paton, 19, Dun- barney, Perthensis. Joannes Budge, 19, An- struther, Fifensis. Carolus H. Cosset, 18, Nor- tham, Devoniensis. Alexander C. Paterson, 16, Rutherglen, Lanarkensis. Herbert A. D. Hain, 17, Leuchars, Fifensis. Gulielmus Smith, 23, Cupar, Fifensis. Andreas Ferguson, 26, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Jacobus Barnard, 18, Abbots- hall, Fifensis. Gulielmus Lamb, 17, Luck- now, India. Charolus Lennox, 19, Hoo- shiarpore, India. Johannes L. Taylor, Cupar, Fifensis. Robertus Munro, 16, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. Alexander Dishart, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Carolus F. Watt, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius Cunningham, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius Lorimer, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Johannes C. Orr, 19, Glas- gow, Glasgow. James S. Ogilvie, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alexander E. Rothney, 20, Loodiana, India. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Carolus Durward, 19, Fetter- cairn, Kincardinensis. Petrus Anton, 19, Liff and Benvie, Angusensis. Alexander C. Oughter Lonie, 19, Kinghorn, Fifensis. Jacobus N. Smith, 18, Dun- dee, Augusiensis. Ross W. Ochterlony, 16, Rescobie, Angusiensis. Thomas Henderson, 17, Gordon, Berwickshire. Joannes M. Watson, 19, Glasgow, Glasgow. Jacobus Russell, 22, Falkirk, Stirlingshire. i68 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1869 J. Lumsden Paterson, 18, Rutherglen, Lanarkshire. Jacobus Key, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Berwick, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Spence, 23, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Franciscus Gordon, 17, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Arthurus Guerard, 18, Charleston, America. John M. Moncrieff, 20, Ar- broath, Forfar. Thomas Menzies, 18, Crieff, Perthensis. Duncanus L. M. Mackay, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Brown, 25, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Joannes Hunter, 21, Wemyss, Fifensis. Joannes Macmillan, 21, Fearn, Angusiensis. Henricus F. Mudie, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Andreas Morris, 26, Abdie, Fifensis. H. J. Wotherspoon, 19, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Andreas Dunn, 22, St Monans, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Reekie, 22, Stus. Andreas, Fifensis. Alexander Menzies, 22, Dull, Perthensis. Duncanus M. Wilson, 19, Paisley, Renfrewensis. Thomson Whyte, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Adam, 23, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Carolus J. Watt, 19, Foveran, Aberdonensis. Jacobus L. H. Forrester, 20, Methven, Perthensis. Alexander Simpson, 20, Auchterarder, Perthensis. Joannes M'Ewen, 18, Dyke, Moraviensis. Jacobus S. Butchart, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alexander K. Ramsay, 20, Crieff, Perthensis. Jacobus Aitken, 19, Cupar, Fifensis. Gulielmus Duff, 28, Logie- rait, Perthensis. Joannes Forgan, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius T. Dodds, 19, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Ernest Udny, 17, Boulogne- s.-M., France. Henricus J. C. M'Intosh, 22, Kirkmichael, Banffiensis. Christopherus Beaumont, 24, Biggar, Lanarkshire. Jacobus Balsillie, 23, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. i86 9 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 169 Joannes Spence Robertson, 19, Kinnaird, Perthensis. Joannes M'Diarmid, 22, For- tingall, Perthensis. John Dick, Tweedsmuir, Peeblesshire. Alexr. R. Gibson, 25, Fowlis Easter, Perthensis. Robertus Thornton, 25, For- far, Angusiensis. David C. Robb, 18, Blair- gowrie, Perthensis. Jacobus C. Hunter, 22, Wemyss, Fifensis. Joannes F. Ewing, 20, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius J. Birrell, 19, Ceres, Fifensis. Thoma S. Raine, 20, Kencot, Oxon. Studiosx Theologiae. Gulielmus Mackintosh, 21, Duirinish, Inverness. Jacobus Nicoll, 24, Dundee, Angus. Gulielmus W. Tulloch, 23, Saint Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes R. M'Laren, 20, Kinnoull, Perthensis. Andreas P. Hogarth, 22, Cupar, Fifensis. Petrus Webster, 23, Largo- ward, Fifensis. Joannes M. MacGregor, 21, Lismore and Appin, Ar- gatheliensis. Blenheim Ava Campbell, 21, Lea, Hampshire. Donaldus Grant, 21, Aber- nethy, Invernessiensis. Robertus K. Moncrieff, 22, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Joannes A. Honey, 20, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Gulielmus Home, 25, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Jacobus Park, 23, Sorn, Ayrensis. Donaldus Stewart, 20, For- tingall, Perthensis. Hugh M'Diarmid, 18, Fowlis Wester, Perth- ensis. Alexander Stewart, 22, Liver- pool, Lancastriensis. Robert Munro, 26, Dull, Perthensis. Jacobus Ewan, 31, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Guthrie, 28, Scone, Perthensis. Gulielmus Bruce, 22, Brechin, Angusiensis. David R. Robertson, 21, Lethendy, Perthensis. Jacobus Collier, 25, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Lundie, 23, Crathie, Aberdonensis. Robertus Armstrong, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. 170 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1869 Joannes Peebles, 24, Dull, Perthensis. Partial. Joannes Bell, 26, Annan, Dumfriesiensis. Thomas Bayne, 24, Cameron, Fifensis. Joannes A. Ireland, 23, St Stephen's, Edinensis. Thomas A. Cameron, 27, Kingussie, Inverness. David Stevenson, 24, Beith, Ayrensis. John Robb, 24, Kinross, Kinrossensis. 1870=1871. Studiosi Anni Primi. Jacobus Butter, 16, Kirk- michael, Perthensis. Georgius K. Smith, 16, Broughty Ferry, Angusi- ensis. Archibald Scott, 19, St Stephen's, Edinburgh. Robertus Mackay, 17, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Joannes M'Kenzie, 20, Kirk- michael, BanfTensis. Gulielmus Low, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Stewartius Burns, 15, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Robertus Mackintosh, 16, Duirinish, Invernesiensis. Joannes Laing, 16, Cameron, Fifensis. Henricus S. Boase, 15, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander Forbes, 17, Dull, Perthensis. Gulielmus Matthew, 17, Logic, Fifensis. Andreas F. Murray, 15, Edinensis, Edinensis. Gulielmus P. Brodie, 16, St George's, Edinensis. Arthur W. Smith, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Donald Fletcher, 17, N. S. Wales, Australia. Alexander M. Brown, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus B. Butter, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Carolus Bell, 15, Flisk, Fifensis. Jacobus Boyd, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Walker Milne, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Josephus Hume Watt, 20, Montrose, Angusiensis. Jacobus G. Petrie, 21, Taodunum, Angusiensis. Robertus M. Murray, 15, Fettercairn, Kincara- dine. 1870] MATRICULATION ROLL 171 Gulielmus Newall, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Cox, 16, Singa- pore, Malayan Peninsular. Jacobus G. Robertson, 16, Gambia, Africa. Thomas Barclay, 16, Dor- noch, Sutherlandshire. Jacobus Armstrong, 14, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Birrell, 19, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Gualterus Burt, 21, E. Wemyss, Fifensis. Georgius Duncan, Inchture, Perthshire. William Low, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Millne, 24, Dun- dee, Forfar. Carolus Rocheid, 17, Weimar, Weimar. Robertus Stewart, 16, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. Joannes M'Laren, 26, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Andreas Mitchell, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Henricus Gordon, 17, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Andrewus Ogilvie, 16, Dei- donum, Forfar. Joannes Meldrum, 23, Kem- back, Fifensis. David Methven, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Macdonald, 19, Reay, Sutherlandienses. Robertus Scott-Moncrieff, 17, Edinburgh, Mid Lothian. Jacobus Panton, 21, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fifensis. Joannes Edie, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Chemistry. Joannes H. A. Ivens, 15, Azores, Portugal. Francis P. Butler, 18, Rawul Pindee, India. Georgius A. Douglas, 16, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Nor- thumberlandensis. David Wilson, 17, Dunferm- line, Fifensis. Francis Anderson, 16, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Alexander Lawson, 18, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Robertus Philp, 16, Largo, Fifensis. Thomas Pryde, 19, Kilmany, Fifensis. Quilielmus H. Cook, 19, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Alexr. Middleton, 17, Strath- miglo, Fifeshire. Philip S. Smith, 16, Notting- ham, Nottinghamshire. 172 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1870 Robertus T. Cunningham, 18, Taodunum, Angusi- ensis. Joannes A. Black, 18, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Carolus Gordon, 17, New- lands, Peebleshire. James M. Grant, 17, Secun- derabad, Madras Presi- dency. Alexander Thorn, 17, Ban- chory, Aberdeenensis. Dav. Coull, 31, Logic, Fife- enses. Joannes Cameron, 17, Glen- orchy, Arguliensis. David Cameron, 15, Glen- orchy, Arguliensis. Josephus S. Finlayson, 21, Perthensis, Perthensis. Robertus Carr Burnett, 19, Skenensis, Aberdenensis. Jacobus Ramsay, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Howard Hill, 15, Dundee, Angusiensis. Patricius R. Mackay, 16, Latheron, Caithnessiensis. James Douglas, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Armstrong, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Budge, 20, An- struther W., Fifensis. Georgius W. Baxter, 17, Liff and Benvie, Forfar. Gulielmus Robertson, 17, Lethendy, Perthensis. Robertus Kinnis, 23, Kenno- way, Fifensis. Carolus H. Anderson, 17, St Cuthbert, Edinensis. Jacobus Robertus Brown, 17, Moulin, Perthshire. Andrew Wilson, 19, Green- law, Berwickshire. Joannes Hardie, 16, King- horn, Fifensis. Robert Haldane Mitchell, 17, Fifensis, Fifensis. David H. Lawrence, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Proudfoot, 18, Leuchars, Fifensis. Franciscus Critchley, 18, Dornock, Dumfriesshire. A. W. Wotherspoon, 17, Kilspindie, Perthshire. Thomas D. Hall, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Andreas Ferguson, 27, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Joannes Robertson, 20, New- tyle, Angustiensis. Jacobus Alexr. Paton, 21, Dunbarney, Perthenses. Guilielmus G. Rutherford, 17, Newlands, Peeblesshire. i8 7 o] MATRICULATION ROLL 173 Gulielmus J. Macdonald, 18, Huntly, Aberdonienses. Petrus Lyall, 17, Logic, Fifensis. Herbert A. D. Hain, 18, Leuchars, Fifensis. David W. Muir, 22, Dundee, Angustiensis. Joannes Glasse, 22, Auchter- muchty, Fifensis. Nigellus Campbell, 20, Foss, Perthensis. Robertas Munro, 17, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. Georgius Lorimer, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Traill, 19, St Ola, Orcadiensis. Gulielmus D. Beattie, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. Joannes Cameron, 27, Ard- clach, Morayensis. Jacobus Barnard, 19, Abbots- hall, Fifensis. Joannes H. Oatts, Thomas Young, 22, Gala- shiels, Selkirk. Thomas D. Miller, 19, Perth, Perthshire. Thomas W. Smith, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. John F. Dempster, 26, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alexander C. Paterson, 17, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Joannes L. Taylor, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. Carolus H. Gosset, 19, Northam, Damnonium. Gulielmus Smith, 24, Cupar, Fifensis. Alexander Dishart, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. James S. Ogilvie, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Normanus Macleod, (Barony) Glasgow, Lanark. Jacobus H. Millar, 17, Inver- arity, Angusiensis. 20, Calcutta, India. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Arthurus R. Guerard, 19, Charleston, South Caro- lina. Ross W. Ochterlony, 17, Rescobie, Forfar. Carolus Durward, 20, Fetter- cairn, Kincardine. Henricus F. Mudie, 19, Dun- dee, Forfar. Harry C. Hill, 18, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire. Edvard P. Dansey, 21, Dyffryn, Carmarthen- shire. Guillermus Brown, 26, Dun- nichen, Angusensis. Alexander C. Oughterlonie, 20, Kinghorn, Fifensis. 174 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1870 Petrus Anton, 20, Liff, An- gusensis. Jacobus Key, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Henricus J. Wotherspoon, 20, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Gullielmus R. Fisher, 24, Cambridge, Cambridge- shire. Christoferus Greatheed, 25, Corringham, Essexensis. Joannes M. Moncrieff, 21, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Thomas Menzies, 19, Crieff, Perthensis. Gulielmus Berwick, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Hunter, 22, East Wemyss, Fifensis. Joannes Lumsden Paterson, 23, Rutherglen, Lanark- shire. Joannes M. Watson, 20, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Duncanus L. M. Mackay, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. David E. Hutchins, 20, London, Middlesex. Christopherus Beaumont, 25, Galashiels, Selkirk. Andreas Morris, 27, Abdie, Fifensis. Franciscus Gordon, 18, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Alexr. Spence, 24, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Francis B. Dickinson, 19, Rugby, Warwickshire. Jacobus M. Reekie, St Andreas, Fifensis. Thomas Henderson, Gordon, Berwickensis. John C. Dick, Tweedsmuir, Peeblesshire. Studiosi Theologiae. Robertus K. Moncrieff, 23, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Joannes R. M'Laren, 21, Kinnoull, Perthensis. Joannes S. Robertson, 20, Kinnaird, Perthensis. Alexander R. Gibson, 26, Fowlis Easter, Perthensis. Gulielmus Mackintosh, 21, Duirinish, Invernesiensis. Jacobus Aitken, 20, Cupar, Fifensis. Gulielmus Duff, 29, Logierait, Perthensis. Joannes A. Honey, 21, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Carolus J. Watt, 20, Foveran, Aberdonensis. Gulielmus Home, 26, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. David Lundie, 23, Crathie, Aberdonensis. Alexander K. Ramsay, 21, Crieff, Perthensis. i8 7 o] MATRICULATION ROLL Joannes M'Ewen, 19, Dyke, Moraviensis. Hugo M'Diarmid, 20, Fowlis Wester, Perthensis. Donald Stewart, 22, Fortin- gall, Perthensis. Alexander Stewart, 23, Liver- pool, Lancastriensis. Robertus Munro, 29, Dull, Perthensis. Jacobus Park, 24, Sorn, Ayrensis. David Brown Spence, 28, Dundee, Angusiensis. Blenheim Ava Campbell, 23, Lea, Hampshire. Joannes Bell, 27, Annan, Dumfriesshire. David R. Robertson, 22, Lethendy, Perthensis. John Guthrie, 30, Scone, Perthensis. Jacobus Collier, 26, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Stevenson, 25, Beith, Ayrensis. Petrus Webster, 24, Kil- conquhar, Fifensis. John Robb, 24, Kinross, Kinross. Georgius J. Birrell, 21, Ceres, Fifiensis. 1871=1872. Studiosi Anni Primi. Jacobus Menzies, 14, Dull, Perthensis. Jacobus Orchar, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomas Henderson, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alexander Ritchie, 16, Car- gill, Perthensis. William Smith, 16, Barony, Lanark. Jacobus Fraser, 17, Dull, Perthensis. Alexander I. Burnside, 14, Falkland, Fifensis. William F. Gourlay, 15, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomas Purdie, Junr., 16, Biggar, Lanark. RandolphDouglas Mackenzie, 17, Ballater, Aberdeen. Jacobus M. Crombie, 16, Greenwich, Kent. Archibaldus Browning, 19, St Leonards, Fifeshire. Laurentius Tuttiett, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. George M. Walker, 16, Crail, Fifensis. Robertus Keys, 17, Neil- stone, Renfrew. Andreas Lindsay, 25, Largo, Fifensis. i 7 6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1871 T. Ramsay Thorn, 15, Crieff, Perthensis. Franciscus C. Turner, 36, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Gulielmus L. Craig, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Charles W. Z. Mayes, 16, Calcutta, India. Joannes Miller, 44, Easie, Perthenis. Jacobus Armstrong, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Douglas Barron, St Andrews, Fifensis. Andreas Anderson, 18, Torry- burn, Fifensis. Edwardus R. Udny, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius B. Hamilton, 15, Callander, Perthensis. Ludovicus Tovani, 19, Ar- doch, Perthensis. Joannes Stewart, 22, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Robert Birkett, 24, Abdie, Fensis. Alexander Black, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Johannes M'Donald, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. David M'Farlane, 15, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Donaldus Grant, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Buchanan, 22, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Johannes Hill, 21, Melrose, Selkirk. Gulielmus Salmond, 22, Kin- noull, Perthensis. Georgius Smart, 23, Perth, Perthensis. Alexander Wallace, Dunino, Fifensis. Jacobus Malcolm, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Andreas Clark, 15, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Alexander Birrell, 17, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. David Paterson, 27, Perth, Perthensis. Morice Leslie, 19, Bletching- ley, Surrey. Joannes Pitcairn, 16, Moni- mail, Fifensis. Georgius Lees, 14, Ceres, Fifensis. Granville Gordon, Lord, 15, Orton, Huntingdonshire. David L. Comtesse, 23, St Andrews, Fife. Joseph Johnston, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. Thomas Rodger, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Joannes H. A. Ivens, 16, Azores, Portugal. Fransiscus Powell, 16, Pun- jaub, India. Thomas Hunt, 16, Perth, Perth. Carnegie, Lord, 18, Farnell, Forfarshire. Percy Harvey, 17, Kilpatrick, Wexford. ' i8 7 i] MATRICULATION ROLL 177 Joannes Gardner, 15, New- castle, Northumberland. Alexander Watson, 17, St Andrews, Fifenes. Johnstone Mitchell, 14, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus C. Methven, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. John Readdie, 27, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Gulielmus Wood, 14, An- struther, Fifensis. Gulielmus Sloan, 17, New Cumnock, Ayrensis. Joseph Low, 21, Balmerino, Fifeshire. Joannes Cameron, 16, Fetter- cairn, Kincardinensis. Francis Tulloch, 14, St Andrews, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Robertus Stewart, 17, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. Jacobus F. Butter, 17, Kirk- michael, Perthensis. Robertus Mackintosh, 17, Duirinish, Invernesiensis. Robertus M. Murray, 16, Fettercairn, Kincardini- ensis. Alexander M. Forbes, 18, Dull, Perthensis. Gorgius K. Smith, 17, Broughty Ferry, Angusi- ensis. Philip S. Smith, 17, Notting- ham, Nottinghamshire. Jacobus B. Butter, 19, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexr. M. Brown, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus G. Petrie, 22, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Steuartius Burns, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander C. Milne, 25, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Walker Milne, 18, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. James Boyd, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gualterus Burt, 22, Wemyss, Fifensis. Robertus Scott-Moncrieff, 18, Fossaway, Perthensis. Henricus Gordon, Monifieth, Angusiensis. John M'Kenzie, Kirkmichael, Banffensis. Gulielmus Matthew, 18, Logie, Fifensis. Jacobus Panton, 22, Tayport, Fifensis. Henricus S. Boase, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Birrell, 20, Abbots- hall, Fifensis. Gulielmus Lowe, Dundee, Forfar. M I 7 8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1871 Georgius Duncan, 16, Inch- ture, Perthshire. Arthurus Smith, 17, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Francis Anderson, 17, Edin- burgh, Edinensis. William J. Tennant, 19, Edinr., Edinr. Jacobus Buchan, 22, Fraser- burgh, Aberdeen. Joannes M'Laren, 29, Josephus H. Watt, 21, Mon- trose, Forfarshire. Archibaldus Scott, 20, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Carolus von Rocheid, 18, Weimar, Weimar. Andreas Ogilvie, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Laing, 17, Cameron, Fifensis. Dundee, Angusiensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Alexander Lawson, 19, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Joannes Hardie, 17, King- horn, Fifensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 18, Lethendy, Perthensis. Joannis A. Black, 19, Tao- dunum, Forfarensis. Robertus C. Burnett, 20, Skenensis, Aberdonensis. Dav. Coull, 32, Logie, Fifeenses. Robertus T. Cunningham, 19, Taodunum, Forfarensis. Thomas Pryde, 20, Kilmany, Fifeshire. David H. Lawrence, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Philp, 17, Largo, Fifensis. Howard Hill, 16, Strathmar- tine, Angusiensis. Jacobus Ramsay, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Henry L. Dick, 18, Peebles, Peeblesensis. Alexander Thorn, 18, Crieff, Perthensis. John K. Cameron, 18, Glen- orchia, Arguliensis. David Cameron, 16, Glen- orchy, Arguliensis. Alexander Middleton, 18, Strath miglo, Fifensis. Carolus Gordon, 18, New- lands, Peebleshire. Robertus Armstrong, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. A. W. Wotherspoon, 18, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. Josephus S. Finlayson, 22, Perthensis, Perthensis. Patricus R. Mackay, 17, Latheron, Caithnessiensis. William C. Proudfoot, 19, Leuchars, Fifensis. Jacobus Douglas, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. i8 7 i] MATRICULATION ROLL 179 Andreas Wilson, 20, Green- law, Berwickshire. Francis Jn. Wylie Critch- ley, 18, Dornock, Dum- friesseensus. Arthurus B. Wright, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertas Kinnis, 24, Kenno- way, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Thomas W. Smith, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. William D. Beattie, 19, Cupar, Fifensis. Gulielmus J. Macdonald, 19, Huntly, Aberdonensis. Petrus Lyall, 18, Logic, Fifensis. Nigellus Campbell, 21, Foss, Perthensis. Guilelmus G. Rhetorfortis, 18, Newlands, Peebles. Joannes Robertson, 21, New- tyle, Angustiensis. Robertus Munro, 18, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. Jacobus Barnard, 20, Abbots- hall, Fifensis. James Millar, 18, Montrose, Angusiensis. John Glasse, 23, Auchter- muchty, Fifensis. Franciscus Gordon, 20, Thomas Young, 23, Gala- shiels, Selkirk. Andreas Ferguson, 28, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Thomas D. Miller, 20, Perth, Perthshire. Alexander C. Paterson, 18, Glasgow, Lanarkensis. Herbert A. D. Hain, 19, Leuchars, Fifensis. Gulielmus Smith, 25, Cupar, Fifensis. Henricus F. Mudie, 20, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Alexr. Paton, 22, Dunbarney, Perthensis. Christopherus Beaumont, 25, Biggar, Lanarkshire. Alexander Dishart, 22, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes F. Dempster, 27, Dundee, Angusiensis. Monifieth, Angusiensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Carolus Durward, 21, Fetter- cairn, Kincardinensis. Robertus K. Moncrieff, 24, Arbroath, Angusiensis. John Dick, 20, Tweedsmuir, Peeblesshire. Joannes M'Ewen, 20, Dyke, Moraviensis. i8o UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1871 Joannes A. Honey, 22, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Jacobus Key, 18, Sanct Andreae, Fifensis. Gulielmus Mackintosh, 22, Duirinish, Invernesiensis. Joannes R. M'Laren, 22, Kinnoull, Perthensis. Joannes M. Moncrieff, 22, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Duff, 30, Logie- rait, Perthensis. Joannes S. Robertson, 21, Kinnaird, Perthensis. Petrus A. Anton, 21, Dun- dee, Angusensis. Alexr. R. Gibson, 27, Liff and Benvie, Perthensis. Hugo M'Diarmid, 21, Fowlis Wester, Perthensis. Joannes Hunter, 23, Wemyss, Fifensis. Josephus Brown, 22, Dun- dee, Angusensis. Blenheim Ava Campbell, 23, St Andrews, Fifensis. A. K. Ramsay, 22, Crieff, Perthensis. Dav. R. Robertson, 23, Lethendy, Perthensis. David Lundie, 24, Crathie, Aberdoniensis. Joannes Robb, 24, Kinross, Kinrossensis. Alexander Spence, 25, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Georgius J. Birrell, 21, Ceres, Fifiensis. Jacobus Collier, 27, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Park, 25, Sorn, Ayrensis. Joannes Guthrie, 31, Scone, Perthensis. Donaldus Stewart, 22, Fortingall, Perthiensis. . 1872=1873. Studiosi Anni Primi. Gulielmus C. Anderson, 15, Hawick, Roxburiensis. Jacobus Duncan, 14, Crail, Fifensis. Joannes Cook, 17, Tay Port, Fifeshire. Gulielmus Symon, 17, Stir- ling, Sterlinensis. Robertus Hill Falconer, 16, Ferry-Port-on-Craig, Fife. Joannes M. Methven, 15, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Morrison, 16, Logic- Pert, Angusiensis. James G. Fothringham, 15, Cupar, Fifensis. l8 7 2] MATRICULATION ROLL 181 Joannes K. Duff, 17, Aber- feldy, Perthensis. Archibaldus Menzies, 17, Dull, Perthensis. Jacobus Meldrum, 17, Kil- conquhar, Fifensis. David Anderson, 16, Pan- bride, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Dick, 16, Kilcon- quhar, Fifensis. Henricus Rundle, 16, High- week, Devonshire. Charles J. Dudgeon, 17, Dumfries, Dumfrieshire. Henricus Reid, 16, Calton, Lanarkensis. Hugo Watson, 18, Stow, Peebelsis. Joannus C. Auldjo, 15, Broughty Ferry, Angusi- ensis. Herbertus M. Baynes, 17, London, Middlesex. Colinus B. Phillip, 17, Lon- don, Middlesex. Johannes Leask, 15, Stirling, Sterlinensis. Petrus Nicholson, 15, Cupar, Fifensis. Franciscus Scott, 15, Kelso, Roxburiensis. Jacobus Reid, 17, Kirkwall, Orkney. Gulielmus Paterson, 17, Hackney, Middlesex. Stanley Avery, 17, Tyne- mouth, Northumbria. David Bell, 16, Alnwick, Northimbriae. Jacobus F. G. Williamson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. Jacobus Wallace, 17, Brake, Fifensis. Carolus Wilson, 16, Mark- inch, Fifeshire. Christopherus Storrar, 18, Lathrisk, Fifensis. Magnus Sandison, 15, Cold- ingham, Berwickensis. Carolus B. Macdonald, 16, Nigaria Falls, Ontario. Jacobus Inglis, Cupar, Fif- ensis. Adamus Thomson Land- reth, 17, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Alexander Duff, 17, Salen, Mull, Argyleshire. Jacobus Simpson G. Wilson, 17, Kennoway, Fifensis. Jacobus M'Callum, 16, Crieff, Perthshire. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Thomas R. Rodger, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Myles Crombie, 17, St Cuthburtus, Edenburgensis. Andreas Clark, 16, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Joannes Miller, 45, Easie, Perthshire. 182 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1872 Ludovicus A. Tovani, 20, Ardoch, Perthshire. Alexander Isdale Burnside, 15, Falkland, Fife. Gulielmus Wood, 15, An- struther, Fifensis. Laurentius Tuttiett, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Douglas G. Barren, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Andreanus Anderson, 19, Torryburn, Fifeshire. Joannes F. Cameron, 17, Fettercairn, Kincardin- ensis. Alexander Black, 17, Cupar, Fifeshire. Carolus W. Z. Mayes, 17, Calcutta, India. Josephus Low, 23, Balmer- ino, Fifeshire. Gulielmus Wilson, 20, St Ninians, Stirlinensis. Alexander Penney, 19, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Joannes Readdie, 29, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Birrell, 18, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Georgius B. Hamilton, 16, Callander, Perthensis. William E. Smith, 17, Barony, Lanark. Thomas Hunt, 17, Kinnoull, Perthensis. William L. Craig, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Jacobus Menzies, 16, Aber- feldy, Perthshire. Eduardus R. Udny, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Thomas R. Thorn, 16, Crieff, Perthshire. Walter J. Leslie, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Georgius M. Walker, 17, Crail, Fifensis. Gulielmus F. Gourlay, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes L. Stuart, 17, Taodunensis, Angusi- ensis. David Methven, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Pitcairn, 17, Moni- mail, Fifensis. Andreas Miller, 19, New- burgh, Fifensis. George Lees, 16, Ceres, Fifensis. Franciscus Powell, 17, India, India. Jacobus Buchanan, 23, Dunfermlinensis, Fifensis. Joannes Stewart, 23, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. David M'Farlane, 16, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Georgius Smart, 24, Perth, Perthensis. Josephus Johnston, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Gulielmus Salmond, 23, Kin- noull, Perthshire. I8 7 2] MATRICULATION ROLL 183 David Paterson, 28, Perth, Perthshire. Johnstone Mitchell, 15, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexander Ritchie, 17, Car- gill, Perthensis. James S. Orchar, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Robertus Stewart, 18, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. James F. Butter, 18, Kirk- michael, Perthensis. Robert Mackintosh, 18, Duirinish, Invernesi- ensis. Jacobus Panton, 23, Tayport, Fifeshire. Steuartius Burns, 17, Dun- dee, Anguniensis. Gulielmus Low, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gualterus Burt, 23, Wemyss, Fifensis. Joannes Laing, 18, Cameron, Fifensis. Valkerus Milne, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus B. Butter, 20, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexr. M. Brown, 19, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Georgius Duncan, 17, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Robertus M. Murray, 17, Fettercairn, iensis. Kincardin- Joannes Sharpe, 24, Falk- land, Fifensis. Alex. M. Forbes, 19, Dull, Perthensis. Gulielmus Matthew, 19, Logie, Fifensis. Jacobus Birrell, 21, Abbots- hall, Fifensis. Jacobus Boyd, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Armstrong, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. W. J. Tennant, 20, Edin- burgh. George K. Smith, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Jacobus Buchan, 23, Fraser- burgh, Aberdeeniensis. Jacobus G. Petrie, 23, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Joannes M'Kenzie, 22, Kirk- michael, Banffensis. Joannes M'Laren, 28, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. David H. Lawrence, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Andrew Wilson, 21, Green- law, Berwickensis. 184 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1872 Robt. Carr Burnett, 21, Skene, Aberdeenshire. Thomas Pryde, 21, Kilmany, Fifensis. Dav. Coull, 33, Logic, Fifensis. Joannes Hardie, 18, King- horn, Fifensis. Robt. Tennent Cunningham, 20, Taodunum, Angus- iensis. Robertus Philp, 18, Largo, Fifensis. Josephus S. Finlayson, 23, Perthensis, Perthensis. Gulielmus J. Macdonald, 20, Huntly, Aberdoniensis. Joannes Cameron, 19, Glen- orchy, Argatheliensis. Patricus R. Mackay, 18, Latheron, Caithnessiensis. Robertus Kinnis, 25, Kenno- way, Fifensis. Christopherus Beaumont, 26, Biggar, Lanarkensis. Joannes A. Black, 20, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Proudfoot, 20, Leuchars, Fifensis. David Cameron, 17, Glen- orchy, Argatheliensis. Robertus Munro, 19, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. David W. Muir, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomas Young, 23, Gala- shiels, Selkirkensis. Henry L. Dick, 19, Tweeds- muir, Peebles. Alexander Lawson, 20, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 19, Lethendy, Perthensis. Arturus W. Wotherspoon, 19, Kilspindie, Perthiensis. Alexander Thorn, 19, Crieff, Perthensis. Guilielmus G. Rhetorfortis, 19, Newlands, Peebles- shire. Studiosi Theologiae. Carolus Durward, 22, Fetter- cairn, Kincardinensis. Gulielmus Duff, 31, Logie- rait, Perthensis. Henricus J. Wotherspoon, 22, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Jacobus Barnard, 21, In- vertiel, Fifensis. Joannes A. Honey, 23, Inch- ture, Perthensis. Gulielmus Smith, 26, Cupar, Fifensis. Josephus Brown, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes M'Ewen, 21, Dyke, Moraviensis. Petrus Lyall, 19, Logic, Fifensis. Thomas D. Miller, 21, Perth, Perthensis. I8 7 2] MATRICULATION ROLL 185 Nigellus Campbell, 22, Foss, Perthensis. Petrus A. Anton, 22, Inver- gowrie, Angusiensis. Alexander Dishart, 23, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes C. Dick, Tweeds- muir, Peeblensis. Stewartus Galloway, 25, Orwell, Kinross. Robertas Armstrong, 24, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Thomas W. Smith, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus K. Moncrieff, 25, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Alexr. R. Gibson, 28, Liff, Perthensis. Alexr. Spence, 26, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Joannes M. Moncrieff, 23, Arbroath, Angusiensis. Joannes Hunter, 24, Buck- haven, Fifensis. Alexander Keith Ramsay, 23, Crieff, Perthensis. Georgius J. Birrell, 22, Ceres, Fifiensis. 1873=1874. Studiosi Anni Primi. David C. Banks, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus H. Winter, 14, Dyke, Moraviensis. Robertus J. Davidson, 15, Cupar, Fifensis. David Scotland, 24, Perth, Perthensis. Joannes Henry, 19, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Robertus J. P. Wilson, 17, Edinburgh, Edinensis. Gulielmus B. Strachan, 17, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Arthurius Lawrie, 16, Fetter- cairn, Kincardinensis. Gulielmus Green, 20, King- horn, Fifeshire. Malcolmus Drummond, 16, Dunkeld, Perthensis. Henricus [M.] Drummond, 15, Dunkeld, Perthensis. Gulielmus Hay, 15, Dundee, Angusiensis. Henricus Buchan, 16, Cam- eron, Fifensis. Alexander A. Mitchell, 17, Brechin, Forfarsis. Christopherus N. Johnston, 16, Kincardine, Perthensis. Thomas Adamson, 14, Grangemouth, Stirling. i86 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1873 Gulielmus Maclachlan, 17, Edinburgh, Edinensi- ensis. Gulliemus Morton, 15, Cam- eron, Fife. Gulielmus Philp, 15, Largo, Fifensis. David Thorn, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius Hunter, 17, Weemyss, Fifensis. Lesslie Newbigin, 15, Aln- wick, Northumberland. Carolus Grant, 17, at sea. Frank Russell Burn, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gualterus Rutherford, 16, Crailing, Roxburghensis. Gulielmus Cox, 18, Maitland, Hants County. Stocks Millar, 15, Logie, Fifensis. Eduards Ridsdale Burgess, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Millar, 16, Logie, Fifensis. Andrew M'Kenzie, 17, Green- law, Berwickshire. Gulielmus Monro, 16, Largo, Fifensis. Neil Mackay, 20, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Hume F. Chancellor, 19, Liberton, Lanarkshire. Jacobus M. Andrew, 17, Mains, Angusiensis. Ronald Burn, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Joannis K. Duff, 18, Aber- feldy, Perthensis. Petrus Nicholson, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Jacobus Duncan, 15, Crail, Fifensis. Robertus H. Falconer, 17, Ferry -Port -on -Craig, Fif- ensis. John Morrison, 17, Logic- Pert, Angusiensis. Gulielmus C. Anderson, 16, Epworth (Hawick), Rox- buriensis. Archibaldus Menzies, 18, Aberfeldiae, Perthensis. Gulielmus Symon, 19, Stir- ling, Sterlinensis. Joannes Cook, 18, Tayport, Fifeshire. Jacobus G. Fothringham, 16, Cupar, Fifeshire. Jacobus S. G. Wilson, 18, Markinch, shire. Fife- Franciscus D. O. Wolfe Murray, 19, Eddleston, Peeblensis. Joannes Leask, 16, Stirling, Sterlinensis. David Anderson, 17, Pan- bride, Angusiensis. i73] MATRICULATION ROLL 187 Colin Bent Phillip, 17, Ken- sington, Middlesex. Carolus Wilson, 17, Mark- inch, Fifeshire. Alexander Duff, 18, Salen, Argatheliensis. Jacobus F. G. Williamson, 22, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Henry M. B. Reid, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Carolus B. Macdonald, 17, Chicago, Illinois. Arthurius Hamilton Baynes, 19, Hampstead, Middlesex. Franciscus Tulloch, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Adam T. Landreth, 18, Cupar-Fife, Fifensis. Magnus Sandison, 16, Cold- ingham, Berwickensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. David M'Farlane, 17, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Alexander I. Burnside, 16, Falkland, Fifensis. Georgius Smart, 25, Perth, Perthensis. Alexander Ritchie, 18, Car- gill, Perthensis. Andreas Clark, 17, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Andreas Anderson, 20, Torry- burn, Fifensis. James Menzies, 17, Dull, Perthensis. Jacobus Myles Crombie, 18, S. Cuthbertus, Edenburg- ensis. Gulielmus L. Craig, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Andreas Miller, 20, New-* burgh, Fifensis. Joannes F. Cameron, 18, Fettercairn, Kincardin- ensis. Josephus Low, 24, Balmer- ino, Fifensis. Gulielmus Wood, 17, An- struther, Fifensis. Alexander Birrell, 19, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Walter J. Leslie, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Johannes Stewart, 24, Coupar-Angus, Perthensis. Josephus Johnston, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Gulielmus F. Gourlay, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Salmond, 24, Kin- noull, Perthensis. Thomas Hunt, 18, Kinnoull, Perthensis. Douglas G. Barren, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius M. Walker, 18, Crail, Fifensis. Johnstonus Mitchell, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. i88 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1873 Joannes L. Stuart, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarensis. Thomas R. Rodger, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Paterson, 28, Perth, Perthshire. Joannes Readdie, 30, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Buchanan, 24, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Jacobus Orchar, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Jacobus F. Butter, 19, Blair- gowrie, Perthensis. Jacobus G. Petrie, 24, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Steuartius Burns, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Birrell, 22, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Alexander M. Brown, 20, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Boyd, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Valkerus Milne, 20, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Alexander M. Forbes, 20, Dull, Perthensis. Robertus Stewart, 19, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. Georgius K. Smith, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Jacobus Armstrong, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Hardie, 19, King- horn, Fifensis. Jacobus Buchan, 24, Fraser- burgh, Aberdeeniensis. Joannes Laing, 19, Cameron, Fifensis. Robertus M. Murray, 18, Fet- tercairn, Kincardiniensis. David W. Muir, 25, Forfar, Angusiensis. Jacobus Panton, 24, Tayport, Fifensis. Robertus Philp, 19, Largo, Fifensis. Gulielmus Matthew, 20, Logie, Fifensis. John M'Laren, Dundee, For- farshire. Andreas Gourlay, 39, An- struther, Fifensis. Gulielmus Low, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Sharpe, 25, Falk- land, Fifensis. Jacobus B. Butter, 21, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Thomas Pryde, 23, Kilmany, Carolus Durward, 23, Mary Fifensis. kirk, Kincardinensis. MATRICULATION ROLL 189 Alexander Lawson, 21, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Alexander Spence, 27, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 20, Lethendy, Perthensis. Joannes Hunter, 25, Wemyss, Fifensis. Henricus J. Wotherspoon, 23, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Joannes S. Robertson, 23, Kinnaird, Perthensis. Josephus Brown, 24, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Joannes MacEwen, 22, Dyke, Moraviensis. Stewartus Galloway, 26, Or- well, Kinross. Robertus C. Burnett, 22, Echt, Aberdonensis. Henricus L. Dick, 20, Tweedsmuir, Peebles. Nigellus Campbell, 23, Foss, Perthensis. Joannes A. Black, 21, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Joannes C. Dick, 23, Tweeds- muir, Peebliensis. Petrus- Lyall, 20, Logie, Fifensis. Thomas D. Miller, 22, Perth, Perthensis. Dav. Coull, 32, Logie, Fifensis. Arthur W. Wotherspoon, 20, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Petrus Anton, 23, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. David Cameron, 18, Glen- orchy, Argullienis. Joannes M. Moncrieff, 24, Arbroath, Angusiensis. George K. Heughan, 23, Urr, Kirkcudbrightensis. Robertus T. Cunningham, 21, Taodunum, Angusiensis. Alexander K. Ramsay, 24, CriefT, Perthensis. Gulielmus Proudfoot, 21, Leuchars, Fifensis. Georgius J. Birrell, 23, Ceres, Fifensis. 1874=1875. Studiosi Anni Primi. Joannes G. M'Vitie, 15, Liverpool, Lancashire. Robertus T. Hill, 15, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Dowie, 16, Kem- back, Fifensis. Evanus Ross, 16, Ardersier, Invernessensis. John Mackinnon, 15, Strath, Invernessiensis. Donald Alexander M'Neill, 19, Tongue, Sutherlandshire. igo UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1874 Duncanus Menzies, 20, Aber- feldy, Perthensis. Alexander Westwater, 27, Lochgelly, Fifenisis. Archibaldus Watson, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Strachan, 17, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Joannes G. A. Dow, 16, Cameron, Fifensis. Eduvardus Morrison, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. George W. Walker, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Richardus S. Ritchie, 15, Cameron, Fifensis. Carolus J. Ritchie, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Kaye, 18, Perthensis, Perthensis. Davidus L. Taylor, 15, Cupar, Fifensis. Joannes C. Miller, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Henderson, 15, Dol- lar, Clackmannanensis. Joannes Yule, 22, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Cram, 16, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Gulielmus Taylor, 55, Leith, Midlothian. Maxwell J. Wright, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Joannes A. Grant, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Walter S. Moon, 17, Spring- field, Fifensis. Thomas Sinton, 19, Kin- gussie, Invernessensis. Edmund Hay Barclay, 15, Arngask, Perthensis. Jacobus Morrison, 18, Kirrie- muir, Angusiensis. Norman Walker, 16, Penn, Staffordshire. Gulielmus Bayne, 16, Cam- eron, Fifensis. Robertus Spence, 16, Mom- mail, Fifensis. Gulielmus Ewing, 15, Leuchars, Fifensis. Joannes Scott, 16, Kelso, Roxburgh. Gulielmus Duncan, 25, New Pitsligo, Aberdeenensis. T. Mackenzie, 15, London, Middlesex. Jacobus Wilson, 16, Berwick, Northumberland. Jacobus Williamson, 15, Greenlaw, Berwickensis. Jacobus M'Reath, 15, Largo, Fifensis. Joannes Williamson, 17, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Richd. L. Stowe, 16, Cardiff, Glamorgan. George Silver, 16, London, Middlesex. James Paterson, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus L. Govan, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Kenneth C. Bairnsfather, 16, Rescobie, Angusiensis. 1874] MATRICULATION ROLL 191 Thomas H. Bairnsfather, 15, Rescobie, Angusiensis. David Blyth, 19, Newburgh, Fifensis. John Fisher, 16, Pitlochrie, Perthensis. Joannes M'Intyre, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Blyth, 31, Creich, Fifensis. Jacobus Mack, 31, Scoonie, Fifensis. Robertus Thomson, 16, Gilmerton, Fifeshire. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Christopher N. Johnston, 17, Tulliallan, Perthensis. Georgius Hunter, 18, Wemyss, Fifensis. Gulielmus Philp, 16, Largo, Fifensis. Nigellus Mackay, 21, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Gulielmus Green, 21, King- horn, Fifeensis. David C. Banks, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus J. Davidson, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Gulielmus H. Winter, Dyke, Moraviensis. David Scotland, 25, Perth- ensis, Perthensis. Arthurius Lawrie, 17, Fetter- cairn, Kincardinensis. Gulielmus Hay, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. David Thorn, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus B. Strachan, 18, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Alexander A. Mitchell, 18, Brechin, Angusiensis. Malcolm Drummond, 17, Dunkeld, Perthensis. Henricus M. Drummond, 16, Dunkeld, Perthensis. Gulielmus Morton, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Millar, Logie, Fifensis. Joannes Henry, Monifieth, Forfarshire. Henricus Buchan, 17, Cam- eron, Fifensis. Andreas M'Kenzie, 18, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. Gulielmus B. Carmichael, 21, Kettins, Perthensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Gulielmus C. Anderson, 17, Epworth, Lincolensis. Gulielmus Symon, 19, Stir- ling, Sterlinensis. IQ2 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1874 Joannes K. Duff, 19, Aber- feldy, Perthensis. Archibaldus Menzies, 19, Aberfeldy, Perthensis. Joannes Morrison, 18, Logie- Pert, Angusiensis. Jacobus G. Fothringham, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. Robertus H. Falconer, 18, Ferry- Port -on -Craig, Fif- ensis. Joannes Cook, 19, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fifensis. Henricus M. B. Reid, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jacobus S. G. Wilson, 19, Leven, Fifensis. Jacobus F. G. Williamson, 23, Sancti Andree, Fif- ensis. Joannes Leask, 17, Stirling, Sterlinensis. Adamus T. Landreth, 19, Cupar-Fifensis, Fifensis. Colinus B. Phillip, 19, Ken- sington, Middlesex. A. H. Baynes, 20, Hamp- stead, Middlesex. Joannes Miller, 22, Falkirk, Sterlinensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Jacobus Myles Crombie, 19, Sancti Cuthberti, Eden- burgensis. David Paterson, 29, Perth- ensis, Perthense. Johannes Stewart, 25, Coupar - Angus, Perth- ensis. Gulielmus Wood, 18, An- strutherensis, Fifensis. Andreas Miller, 21, New- burgh, Fifensis. Andreas Clark, 18, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Gualterus Burt, 25, Wemyss, Fifensis. Jacobus Buchanan, 25, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. David M'Farlane, 18, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Gulielmus L. Craig, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander Ritchie, 19, Car- gill, Perthensis. Robertus Armstrong, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Isdale Burnside, 17, Falkland, Fife. Joannes Laing, 20, Cameron, Fifensis. Jacobus Menzies, 18, Dull, Perthensis. Josephus Low, 25, Bal- merino, Fifensis. Alexander Birrell, 20, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. James Armstrong, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Johannes F.Cameron, 19, Fet- tercairn, Kincardinensis. 1874] MATRICULATION ROLL 193 Joannes Sharpe, 26, Falk- land, Fifensis. Gulielmus Salmond, 25, John M'Laren, 28, Dundee, Angunienses. Johnstone Mitchell, St Kinnoull, Perthensis. Andrews, Fifensis. Douglas G. Barron, i George Smart, 26, Perth, 20, St Andrews, Fif- | Perthensis. ensis. Thomas Young, 25, Selkirk, Georgius M. Walker, 19, ! Selkirk. 1 Crail, Fifensis. : Robertus Milne Murray, 20, Robertus Philp, 20, Largo, ; Fettercairn, Kincardini- Fifensis. ensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Alexander Lawson, 22, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Robertus Carr Burnett, 23, Echt, Aberdeenshire. Nigellus Campbell, 24, Foss, Perthensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 21, Lethendy, Perthensis. Gualkerus Milne, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Proudfoot, 22, Leuchars, Fifensis. Thomas D. Miller, 23, Perth, Perthensis. Jacobus J. Birrell, 23, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. David Cameron, 19, Glen- orchy, Argyll. Thomas Pryde, 24, Kilmany, Fifensis. Laurentius Tuttiett, 20, St Andrews, Fifeensis. Petrus Lyall, 21, Logie, Fifensis. Robertus Stewart, 20, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. Andreas Gourlay, 40, An- struther, Fifensis. Henricus L. Dick, 21, Tweedsmuir, Peeblensis. David Coull, 33, Logie, Fifeenses. Jacobus B. Butter, 22, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Josephus S. Finlayson, 25, Perth, Perthensis. Joannes A. Black, 22, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. Jacobus Thomson, 26, Skene, Aberdenensis. Gulielmus Matthew, 21, Logie, Fifensis. David W. Muir, 26, Dundee, Forfar shire. Josephus Brown, 25, Dundee, Angusiensis. 1 This name has been deleted. N UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1875 1875=1876. Studiosi Anni Primi. Petrus Dow, 20, Kinclaven, Perth. Robertus H. Miller, 21, Perth, Perthensis. Georgius Park, 17, Kirk- andrews-on-Esk, Cumber- land. Georgius Davidson, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alexr. Ramsay, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Somers, 18, Col- lessie, Fifensis. Gulielmus T. W. Lowe, 21, Laurencekirk, Kincardin- ensis. David Elder, Preston Hall, Cupar, Fifensis. Charles S. Grace, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Allan Mill, 24, Collessie, Fifensis. Jacobus Thomson, 15, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. David Ramsay, 20, Dundee, Angusiensis. James MacReath, 17, Largo, Fifensis. James Edward, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Paterson, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius Lowson, 18, Dun- nichen, Forfarshire. George Geekie, 21, West Ferry, Forfarshire. George Winter, 39, Dundee, Forfarshire. Gulielmus Carstairs, 17, Duirinish, Inverness. Robertus Begg, 16, E. India, India. Thomas Wilson, 27, An- struther, Fifensis. Georgius Gordon, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Marcus Ashton, 17, Dids- bury, Lancastris. Alfred Adie, 16, Delting, Shetlandensis. Robertus Laing, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Hugo Fergusson,St Andrews, Fifmsis. Gulielmus Robertson, 24, Dundee, Angusiensis. Colin Wilson, 17, Markinch, Fifinsis. Gulielmus MacKinnon, 15, Strath, Inverness. William R. Fortune, 17, Crail, Fifensis. William F. Lindesay, St Andrews, Fifensis. MATRICULATION ROLL 195 Robertus Mitchell, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Andreas Adamus Hutton, 24, Dunbar, Hadding- tonshire. Gulielmus Traill, St Ola, Orcadensis. Robertus Inglis, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Cyril Walker, 15, Wolver- hampton, Stafford. Joannes Alicius Haig, 18, Markinch, Fifensis. Aeneas Johannes Galbraith, 20, Whitehaven, Cumber- land. Joannes A. St Clair, 16, Perth, Perthensis. William J. Kerr, 22, Cor- wen, Merioneth. Ludivicus Ree, 14, Forfar, Angusiensis. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Richardus S. Ritchie, 16, Cameron, Fifensis. J. Carolus Miller, 17, St Andrews, Fifeensis. Joannes Strachan, 18, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Joannes G. A. Dow, 17, Cameron, Fifeensis. Duncanus Menzies, 22, Aber- feldy, Perthensis. Robertus T. Hill, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Thomas Sinton, 20, Kin- gussie, Invernessensis. Carolus J. Ritchie, 17, St Andrews, Fifeensis. Archibaldus Watson, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Dowie, 17, Kem- back, Fifensis. Gulielmus Bayne, 17, Cam- eron, Fifensis. Joannes Williamson, 18, Glasgow, Lanarkensis. Jacobus Morrison, 19, Kirrie- muir, Angusiensis. John Mackinnon, 17, Strath, Invernesshire. Maxwell J. Wright, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Jacobus Kaye, 18, Perth, Perthensis. Joannes Cram, 17, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Jacobus F. Aikman, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Edmundus Hay Barclay, 16, Arngask, Perthensis. Thomas H. Bairnsfather, 15, Rescobie, Angusiensis. John Campbell Shairp, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Thomas Mackenzie, 16, London, Middlesex. 196 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1875 Alexander Blyth, 32, Creich, ! 20, Tongue, Sutherland- Fifeensis. ensis. David Blyth, 20, Newburgh, j James Alexr. Williamson, Fifensis. 16, Greenlaw, Berwick- Alexander Westwater, 27, I ensis. Lochgelly, Fifeshire. i Evan Ross, 17, Ardersier, Eduardus Morrison, 17, St Invernessiensis. Andrews, Fifensis. j John Yule, 23, St Andrews, David Taylor, 16, Cupar, ! Fifensis. Fifensis. Donald Alexander M'Neill, Kenneth C. Bairnsfather, 17, Rescobie, Angusiensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Nigellus Mackay, 22, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Joannes Clarkius, 19, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Alexander Duff, 20, Salen, Argatheliensis. Jacobus Mackintosh, 17, Duffus, Elginensis. Johannes Macdonaldus Mac- kay, 19, Latheron, Caith- nesiensis. Gulielmus Green, 22, King- horn, Fifensis. Arthurius Lawrie, 18, Fet- tercairn, Kincardinensis. Gulielmus Philp, 17, Largo, Fifensis. Alexander Arnot Mitchell, 18, Brechin, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Buchanan Strachan, 19, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Henricus Buchan, 18, Arn- gask, Fifensis. David Thorn, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Scotland, 26, Perth, Perthensis. Robertus J. Davidson, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. David C. Banks, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Winter, 16, Dyke, Moraviensis. Jacobus M. Dixon, 19, Ayr, Airensis. Gulielmus Hay, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius Hunter, 19, Wemyss, Fifiensis. Wm. B. Carmichael, 22, Kettins, Forfarshire. Jacobus T. Cathcart, 17, Newburgh, Fifensis.' MATRICULATION ROLL 197 Studiosi Anni Quarti. Gulielmus C. Anderson, 18, Epworth, Lincolnensis. Robertus H. Falconer, ig, Tay Port, Fifensis. Gulielmus Symon, 20, Stir- ling, Sterlinensis. Robertus Armstrong, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Cameron, 22, Glen- orchia, Argatheliensis. Jacobus Armstrong, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Cook, 20, Tay Port, Fifensis. Archibaldus Menzies, 20, Aberfeldiae, Perthensis. Jacobus G. Fothringham, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. Joannes Laing, 21, Cameron, Fifensis. Andreas Anderson, 22, Torry- burn, Fifensis. Gulielmus Wood, 19, An- struther, Fifensis. Joannes M'Kenzie, 25, Kirk- michael, Banffshire. Joannes K. Duff, 20, Aber- feldy, Perthensis. I Henricus M. B. Reid, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus S. G. Wilson, 20, Markinch, Fifensis. Jacobus F. G. Williamson, 24, Saint Andrews, Fif- ensis. David M'Farlane, 19, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Joannes Leask, Stirling, Sterlinensis. Joannes Morrison, Logie- Pert, Angusiensis. Joannes M'Diarmid, Ran- noch, Perthensis. Joannes Miller, Falkirk, Sterlinensis. Joannes F. Cameron, 20, Fettercairn, Kincardin- ensis. Adam T. Landreth, 20, Cupar- Fife, Fifeshire. Gulielmus Matthew, 22, Logie, Fifeshire. Studiosi Theologiae. Thomas D. Miller, 24, Perth, Perthensis. Petrus Lyall, 22, Logie, Fifensis. Gulielmus Proudfoot, 23, Leuchars, Fifensis. Josephus S. Finlayson, 26, Perth, Perthensis. Alexander Lawson, 23, Cul- ross, Perthensis. Thomas Pryde, 25, Kilmany, Fifensis. ig8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1875 Douglas G. Barren, 21, St Andrews, Fifinsis. Andrew Miller, 22, New- burgh, Fifensis. Alexander Ritchie, 20, Car- gill, Perthensis. Thomas Armstrong, 20, Newhaven, Edinensis. Robertus Carr Burnett, 24, Echt, Aberdon- ensis. Josephus Low, 26, Bal- merino, Fifensis. Robertus Stewart, 21, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. David Coull, 33, Logie, Fifensis. Jacobus J. Birrell, 24, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Gualkerus Milne, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Myles Crombie, 20, Sancti Cuthberti, Edin- burgensis. David Cameron, 20, Glen- orchy, Argulliensis. Jacobus Thomson, 27, Skene, Aberdonenis. Jacobus Mackay, 24, Bridge of Allan, Stirlingensis. Joannes Stewart, 26, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Jacobus M. Reekie, A.M., 27, Cupar, Fifensis. Robertus Macmillan, 25, Glasgow, Lanarkenses. Joannes A. Black, 23, Taoduni, Angusiensis. Joannes Sharp, 26, Falk- land, Fifensis. David W. Muir, 27, Dundee, Angusiensis. David Paterson, 30, Perth, Perthensis. 1876=1877. Studiosi Anni Primi. Gulielmus Traill, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Matthew H. Speedie, 15, Perth, Perthensis. David R. Dow, 16, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Alvan Millson, 15, Halifax, Yorkshire. Roger Kirkpatrick, 17, Ban- galore, India. Jacobus A. Armitage, 19, Casterton, Westmoreland. Edwardus Armitage, 17, Casterton, Westmoreland. Robertus C. Buist, 16, St Mary's, Angusiensis. i8 7 6] MATRICULATION ROLL 199 Easton S. Valentine, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. David Kydd, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Petrus B. Crowley, 19, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Galielmus Gibb, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Thomas H. Smith, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomson Chiene Shepherd, 15, North Berwick, Had- dington. Hugo D. M'Intyre, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Gulielmus Macqueen, 22, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Joannes Eaton, 16, Mary- kirk, Kincardinensis. Robertus Anderson, 17, Ceres, Fifensis. Gulielmus Watson, 16, Kem- back, Fifensis. Jacobus Christie Johnson, 20, Ferry- Port-on- Craig, Fif- ensis. John M'Cowan, 24, Ardna- murchan, Argyll. Robertus Forgan, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus H. Oswald, Joannes Scott, 15, Gifford- town, Fifensis. Henricus Armstrong, 14, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus A. Duthie, 17, Dol- lar, Clackmannanensis. L. William Bode, 16, Dol- lar, Clackmannanensis. Jacobus Bannerman, 26, St Martins, Perthensis. Joannes Inglis, 22, Leuchars, Fifensis. Magnus M. Mowat, 21, Latheron, Caithness. Alfred Aikman, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Allen Allen, 43, Bath, Somerset. Robertus Heddle, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robert S. Hall, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Gulielmus Sutherland, 19, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. Robertus Thomson, 17, Kil- brandon, Argatheliensis. Alexander Stookes, 16, Liver- pool, Lancashire. Jacobus Nicoll, 16, Forfar, Angusiensis. 19, Markinch, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Georgius Gordon, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus M'Reath, 18, Largo, Fifensis. Georgius Lowson, 19, Dun- nichen, Angusensis. Georgius Geekie, 22, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. 200 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1876 Robertas Somers, 19, Col- lessie, Fifensis. Georgius Park, 18, Kirk- andrews-on-Esk, Cumber- land. Alexander Ramsay, 19, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Georgius Davidson, 21, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Louis Ree, 15, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Gulielmus T. W. Lowe, 22, Laurencekirk, Kin- cardinensis. Jacobus Edward, 21, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Angus John Galbraith, 21, Halifax, Yorkshire. Petrus Dow, 21, Kinclaven, Perthshire. David Elder, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. James Thomson, 16, Dundee, Forfariensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 25, Dundee, Forfariensis. Gulielmus Mackinnon, 16, Strath, Invernessensis. Robertus Hugh Miller, 22, Perth, Perthensis. Alfred Adie, 17, Delting, Zetlandensis. Andreas Adamus Hutton, Rawyards, Lanarkshire. Gulielmus Carstairs, 18, Duirinish, Inverness. Allan Mill, 24, Collessie, Fifensis. William J. Kerr, 24, Cor- wen, Merioneth. John A. St Clair, 17, Perth, Perthensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Ricardus S. Ritchie, 17, j Arthurus Smith, 22, Dundee, Cameron, Fifensis. Angusiensis. J. Carolus Miller, 18, St j Joannes Strachan, 19, Dun- Andrews, Fifensis. nichen, Angusiensis. Jacobus Dowie, 18, Kem- j Alexander Westwater, 28, back, Fifensis. Lochgelly, Fifensis. Gulielmus Bayne, 18, Cam- ! Duncanus Menzies, 23, Dull, eron, Fifensis. Perthensis. Carolus J. Ritchie, 18, St I Joannes Henry, 22, Mom- Andrews, Fifensis. fieth, Angusiensis. Jacobus Morrison, 20, Kirrie- I Archibaldus Watson, 18, muir, Angusiensis. Glasgow, Angusiensis. David L. Taylor, 17, Cupar, Maxwell J. Wright, 19, St Fifensis. Andrews, Fifensis. i8 7 6] MATRICULATION ROLL 201 Joannes Yule, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus A. Williamson, 17, Greenlaw, Berwickensis. Thomas Sinton, 21, Kin- gussie, Invernessensis. Joannes Cram, 18, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Edmund Hay Barclay, 17, Arngask, Perthensis. Donaldus A. M'Neill, 22, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Eduardus Morrison, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Campbell Shairp, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Joannes Clark, 20, Dunferm- line, Fifensis. Nigellus Mackay,23, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Gulielmus Philp, 18, Largo, Fifensis. Georgius Hunter, 20, Wemyss, Fifensis. Jacobus Mackintosh, 18, Elgin, Elginensis. Gulielmus Green, 23, King- horn, Fifenses. Alexander Duff, 21, Salen, Argatheliensis. Robertus J. Davidson, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. Arthur Lawrie, 19, Fetter- cairn, Kincardinensis. David C. Banks, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus H. Winter, 17, Dyke, Moraviensis. Gulielmus Hay, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Macdonald Mackay, 20, Latheron, Caithnessiensis. Henry R. Buchan, 19, Arn- gask, Fifensis. David Scotland, 27, Perth, Perthensis. David Thorn, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus G. Fothringham, 19, Cupar, Fifensis. James Main Dixon, 20, Ayr, Airensis. William B. Strachan, 20, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Jacobus F.G.Williamson, 25, Sancti Andreae, Fifensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Andreas Miller, 23, New- burgh, Fifensis. David W. Muir, 29, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joseph S. Finlayson, 27, Perth, Perthensis. Joannes Stewart, 27, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. 202 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1876 Alexander Lawson, 24, Cul- ross, Perthensis. David Paterson, 30, Perth- ensis, Perthensis. Josephus Low, 27, Bal- merino, ' Fifensis. David Coull, 53, Logic, Fifensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 23, Lethendy, Perthensis. Thomas Armstrong, 21, St Andrew's, Edinensis. John Cameron, 23, Glen- orchy, Argatheliensis. Carolus B. Ross, 20, Cleish, Kinross. David M'Farlane, 20, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Walker Milne, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Stewart, 22, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. Gulielmus Low, 25, New- port, Fifensis. Joannes Morrison, 20, Logic- Pert, Angusiensis. Jacobus Myles Crombie, 21, Sancti Cuthberti, Edin- burgensis. Henricus M. B. Reid, 2O r Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes F. Cameron, 21, Fettercairn, Kincardin- ensis. Henricus L. Dick, 24, Tweedsmuir, Peebleensis. Joannes Sharp, 28, Falk- land, Fifensis. Jacobus J. Birrell, 25, Ab- botshall, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Reekie, 27, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Cameron, 21, Glen- orchy, Argulliensis. Jacobus B. Butter, 24, Glen- isla, Angusiensis. Joannes A. Black, 24, Tao- dunum, Angusiensis. 1877=1878. Studiosi Anni Primi. Kenneth A. Macleay, 16, Lochbroom, Ross- ensis. Samuel Gibson, 24, Kirk- patrick-Durham, Kirkcud- brightshire. Thomas H. Chapman, 18, Forgan, Fifensis. Carolus Christie, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Robertus Stevenson, 16, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Robertus Higgs, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Thomson, 17, Mur- roes, Angusiensis. i77] MATRICULATION ROLL 203 Carolus Bain, 18, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Colin A. R. Blackwell, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes M'Tavish, 21, Amul- ree, Perthensis. Georgius A. Russell, 17, Ab- die, Fifensis. Alexander M. Christie, 18, Liff and Benvie, Angusi- ensis. Joannes Wallace, 19, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. David L. Reid, 24, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Spence, 17, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Walterius F. Dangerfield, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Archibald Cape, 18, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fifeshire. David Rintoul, 15, Kem- back, Fifensis. Joannes C. Tennant, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Thomson, 16, Dar- lington, Dunensis. Jacobus Whyte, 20, Dundee, Angusiensis. David Graham, 23, Falkirk, Stirlingensis. Joanes Wilson, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. George J. F. R. Boothby, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Lauchlan K. S. M'Kinnon, 15, Strath, Inverness- ensis. James B. Wallace, 19, Auch- terderran, Fifensis. Joannes Brown, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Macpherson, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. David M. Moir, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus O. Duncan, 19, Airlie, Angusiensis. Georgius Lyell, 18, New- burgh, Fifensis. George Gibson Carmichael, 17, Kirkurd, Peebles. George Sinton, 18, Kingussie, Invernessensis. William Fortune, 17, Elie, Fifensis. Edgar Solly Anthony, 24, Croydon, Surrey. Duncanus M'Eachern, 19, Tarbert, Argatheliensis. Gulielmus Hay Barclay, 16, Arngask, Perthshire. Walter Hay Barclay, 16, Arngask, Perthshire. Thomas Bell, 15, Dairsie, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Strachan, 16, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. George Patrick, 24, Wemyss, Fife. Carl Faye, 19, Skjeberg, Norway. Jacobus Kinipple, 19, Greenock, Renfrew. Gualterus Kinipple, 18, Greenock, Renfrew. 204 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1877 Petrus C. Walker, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes P. Noble, 19, Greenock, Renfrew. Andreas N. C. Scott, 19, Montrose, Forfar. Carolus E. E. Day, 16, Sun- derland, Durham. David Pattullo, 15, Airlie, Angusiensis. Allan Briggs, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Petrus S. Browning, 16, St Leonards, Fifensis. David Reid, 18, Logic, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Joannes Scott, 16, Gifford- town, Fifensis. Gulielmus Macqueen, 23, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Jacobus Nicoll, 17, Inver- arity, Angusiensis. Henricus Armstrong, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Eaton, 17, Mary- kirk, Kincardinensis. Joannes M'Cowan, 24, Ardnamurchan, Argatheli- ensis. Gulielmus Watson, 17, Kem- back, Fifensis. Joannes Inglis, 23, Leuchars, Fifensis. David R. Dow, 17, Liff and Benvie, Angusi- ensis. Robertus Thomson, 18, South Knapdale, Ar- gatheliensis. Jacobus Bannerman, 27, St Martins, Perthensis. Thomas E. Miller, 20, Liff and Benvie, Angusi- ensis. Alfredus Aikman, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Matthew H. Speedie, 17, Perth, Perthensis. Gulielmus Traill, 16, St Andrews, Fifeness. Jacobus A. Duthie, 18, Dollar, Clackmannan- ensis. Josephus W. Ross, 17, "Ardersier, Inverness- shire. Robertus F. Anderson, 17, Ceres, Fifensis. William Sutherland, 20, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. James H. Oswald, 20, Mark- inch, Fifensis. Robertus Forgan, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Petrus B. Crowley, 20, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Leonard Huxley, 16, Mary- lebone, Middlesex. i8 77 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 205 Alvan Millson, 16, Halifax, Yorkshire. Easton S. Valentine, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Robertus C. Buist, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander P. Goudy, 18, Strabane, Tyrone. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Gulielmus T. W. Lowe, 23, Laurencekirk, Kincardin- ensis. Jacobus Edward, 22, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus M'Reath, 19, Largo, Fifensis. David Elder, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. Thomas H. Smith, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Edvardus Armitage, 18, Cas- terton, Westmoreland. Georgius Gordon, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Somers, 20, Col- lessie, Fifensis. Georgius Davidson, 22, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander Ramsay, 20, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Georgius Lowson, 20, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Petrus Dow, 22, Kinclaven, Perth. Robertus Hugh Miller, 23, Perth, Perthensis. Gulielmus Carstairs, 19, Duirinish, Inverness. Georgius Geekie, 23, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 26, Dundee, Forfar. Gulielmus MacKinnon, 18, Strath, Invernessensis. Alfred A. Adie, 18, Delting, Zetlandensis. Georgius Park, 19, Kirk- andrews-on-Esk, Cumber- land. Jacobus Thomson, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Andreas A. Hutton, 26, Raw- yards, Lanark. Joannes A. St Clair, 18, Perth, Perthensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Gulielmus Philp, 19, Largo, Fifensis. Ricardus S. Ritchie, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Eduardus Morrison, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Maxwell J. Wright, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. 206 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1877 Archibaldus Watson, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Johannes Clark, 21, Dun- fermline, Fifensis. Davidus Taylor, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. J. Carolus Miller, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Strachan, 20, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. A. Arnot Mitchell, 20, Brechin, Angusiensis. Carolus J. Ritchie, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Bayne, 19, Cam- eron, Fifensis. Jacobus Dowie, 19, Kem- back, Fifensis. Thomas Sinton, 22, Kin- gussie, Invernessensis. David Thorn, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Nigellus Mackay, 24, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Henricus Buchan, 19, Arn- gask, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Dixon, 21, Air, Airensis. Duncanus Menzies, 23, Dull, Perthensis. Joannes Cram, 19, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Johannes Macdonald Mackay, 21, Latheron, Caithness. Arthurus W. Smith, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus A. Williamson, 18, Greenlaw, Berwickensis. Joannes Yule, 25, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Morrison, 21, Kirrie- muir, Angusiensis. Joannis Henry, 23, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Edmundus Hay Barclay, 18, Arngask, Perthensis. Donaldus A. M'Neill, 23, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Henricus M. B. Reid, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Stewart, 28, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Thomas Armstrong, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes Morrison, 21, Logie- Pert, Angusiensis. Jacobus Myles Crombie, 22, Sancti Cuthberti, Edin- burgensis. Alexander Duff, 22, Salen, Argatheliensis. Andreas Miller, 24, New- burgh, Fifensis. Gulielmus B. Strachan, 21, Langholm, Dumfries- ensis. David Paterson, 31, Perth, Perthensis. Gulielmus Green, 24, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. i77] MATRICULATION ROLL 207 David Scotland, 28, Perth, Perthensis. Joannes Cameron, 24, Glen- orchy, Argatheliensis. Jacobus Armstrong, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander M. Brown, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Low, 21, New- port, Fifensis. Steuartus Burns, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Carolus B. Ross, 21, Cleish, Kinross. Jacobus B. Butter, 25, St Andrews, Fifensis. Johannes F. Cameron, 22, Fet- tercairn, Kincardinensis. Arthurius Lawrie, 20, Fet- tercairn, Kincardinensis. Josephus Low, 28, Bal- merino, Fifensis. Joannes Sharp, 29, Falkland, Fifensis. David M'Farlane, 21, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Reekie, 28, St Andrews, Fifensis. 1878=1879. Studiosi Anni Primi. Jacobus M. Wother spoon, 16, Kilspindie, Perthensis. Fredericus J. Bishop, 23, Charles, Plymouth, Devon. Alexander Murray, 23, Scone, Perthensis. Jacobus C. Anderson, 17, Menmuir, Angusiensis. Carolus Carmichael, 18, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. Gualterus Campbell, 17, Dun- dee, Anguisiensis. Ernest Lush, 21, Deal, Kent, Eng. Robertus Gillespie, 16, King- horn, Fifensis. Gilbertus Whittle, 23, South- port, Lancastrensis. Jacobus M' Walter, 19, Dun- dee, Anguisiensis. Gordon W. Paterson, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. James B. Nicoll, 29, Forfar, Angusiensis. Robert W. Cowan, 17, Glas- gow, Lanarkensis. Arthur J. Brander, 15, Tahiti. Georgius J. B. Hope, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander B. M'Kechnie, 18, Greenock, Renfrew. 208 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1878 G. Turbayne Lees, 20, Cupar, Fifensis. David J. Murray, 16, Meigle, Perthensis. David B. Braid, 17, Colins- burgh, Fifensis. Leopold Faber, 25, Niirting- en, Wurttemberg. Joannes H. Bruce, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Cameron Morrison, 16, India, India. Alexr. M'Donald, Coupar- Angus, Perthienses. Joannes Alexander, Stirling, Stirlingensis. James Brown, Bendochy, Perthshire. Jacobus Galloway, 26, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Joannes R. Pullar, 18, Methven, Perth. Archibald M'Neill, 18, Tongue, Sutherland. James M. Irvine, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Alexander L. Lindesay, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Josephus Mitchell, 19, Craig, Forfar. Alexander Macrae, 15, Kin- gussie, Inverness. Donald Macintyre, 16, Lag- gan, Inverness. Duncanus Robertson, 16, Blair Athole, Perthienses. Gulielmus K. Duthie, 16, Dollar, Clackmannan. David Nairne, 22, Cupar, Fifensis. Angus M'Kay, 17, Farr, Sutherland. David M^unro, 24, Kiltearn, Ross. Jacobus Jack, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Robertus Leader, Junr., 17, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Thomas M. Davidson, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Henderson, 15, Leven, Fifensis. Ninian Hill, 16, Greenock, Renfrewshire. Joannes M. Leask, 16, Evie, Orkney. Geo. Galloway, 16, King- lassie, Fifeshire. George W. Mackay, 14, Assynt, Sutherland. Ebenezer D. Kemp, 16, Govan, Lanarkshire. Gulielmus Melville Pater- son, 23, Minories, Middle- sex. Thomas D. Waddell, 22, Blair Athole, Perthensis. Johannus T. Browne, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Peter Harrower, 16, Aber- feldy, Perthshire. Johannis W. Liddell, 18, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Hugo Erskine Wemyss, 16, Wemyss Castle, Fife. i8 7 8] MATRICULATION ROLL 209 Studiosi Anni Secundi. Jacobus E. Grosset, 17, Lasswade, Edinensis. Thomas H. Chapman, ig, Forgan, Newport, Fif- ensis. John L. Macpherson, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. David H. Nagel, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Higgs, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Carolus Christie, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Brown, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Graham, 24, Airth, Stirlingensis. George Lyell, 19, Newburgh, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Strachan, 17, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Kenneth A. Macleay, 17, Lochbroom, Rossensis. David Rintoul, 16, Kemback, Fifensis. Georgius A. Russell, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Edgar Solly Anthony, 25, Croydon, Surrey. James B. Wallace, 20, For- gan, Fifeshire. Joannes C. Tennant, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Thomson, 18, Murroes, Dundee, Angusiensis. Charles Bain, 18, Coupar- Angus, Perthienses. Joannes M'Tavish, 22, Am- ulree, Perthensis. Walter F. Dangerfield, 17, St Andrews, Fif- ensis. Robertus Stevenson, 17, Dunfermline, Fifensis. James Spence, 19, Kings- barns, Fifensis. James Robertson, 19, Glas- gow, Lanarkensis. Alexander Sharp Alexander, 18, Dollar, Clackmann- ensis. William O. Duncan, 20, Airlie, Forfar. Jacobus F. Whyte, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. Alexander M. Christie, 19, Liff and Benvie, Forfar. John Wallace, 20, Liff and Benvie, Forfar. Archibald Cape, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus F. M 'Hardy, 24, Fettercairn, Kincardine- shire. Andreas N. C. Scott, 19, Montrose, Forfarshire. Joannes Park Noble, 20, Greenock, Renfrew- shire. 2IO UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1878 Robertas Heddle, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Macbeth Moir, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius Patrick, 25, Wemyss, Fifensis. Allanus Briggs, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Joannes Eaton, 18, Mary- kirk, Kincardinensis. David R. Dow, 18, Liff and Benvie, Angussi- ensis. Joannes M'Cowan, 25, Ardnamurchan, Argatheli- ensis. Robertas Forgan, 18, Saint Andrews, Fifensis. Robertas C. Buist, 18, Dun- dee, Augusiensis. James Nicoll, 18, Inverarity, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Traill, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Easton S. Valentine, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thomas E. Miller, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Robertus Thomson, 19, South Knapdale, Argath- eliensis. Gulielmus Sutherland, 23, Joannes Scott, 17, Gifford- town, Fifensis. James Bannerman, 28, St Martins, Perthensis. James A. Duthie, 19, Dollar, Clackmannan. Alvan Millson, 17, Halifax, Yorkensis. John Thomson, 17, Hough- ton - le - Skerne, Dunelm- ensis. Peter Brown Crowley, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. Joannes Inglis, 24, Leu- chars, Fifensis. Leonard Huxley, 17, Lon- don, Middlesex. Jacobus H. Oswald, 21, Markinch, Fifensis. Josephus W. Ross, 18, Ar- dersier, Inverness-shire. Gulielmus Macqueen, 24, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Strathy, Sutherlandensis. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Georgius Lowson, 21, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Ricardus S. Ritchie, 19, St Andrews, Fifeensis. Thomas Henry Smith, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Petrus Dow, 23, Kinclaven, Perthensis. i8 7 8] MATRICULATION ROLL 211 Duncanus Menzies, 24, Dull, Perthensis. Jacobus Thomson, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Edward, 23, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Georgius Davidson, 24, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 27, Dundee, Angusiensis. David Elder, 18, Cupar, Fifensis. J. Carolus Miller, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius Geekie, 24, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Joannes Strachan, 21, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Carolus J. Ritchie, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Somers, 21, Col- lessie, Fifensis. William Carstairs, 20, Duir- inish, Inverness. Alexander Ramsay, 21, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Thomas Binning Porteous, 20, Ballantrae, Ayr. Guielielmus T. W. Lowe, 23, Laurencekirk, Kincardini- ensis. Jacobus M'Reath, 19, Largo, Fifensis. Alexander Arnot Mitchell, 21, Brechin, Angusi- ensis. Jacobus M. Dixon, 22, Air, Airensis. Georgius Park, 20, Kirk- andrews-on-Esk, Cumber- land. Robertus H. Miller, 24, Perth, Perthensis. Georgius Gordon, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Edvardus Morrison, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes A. St Clair, 19, Perth, Perthensis. Edmundus Hay Barclay, 19, Arngask, Perth- ensis. Studiosi Theologiae. David M'Farlane, 22, Kings- barns, Fifensis. William B. Strachan, 22, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Alexander Duff, 23, Ardrish- aig, Argatheliensis. James Alex. Williamson, 19, Greenlaw, Berwickensis. Johannes F. Cameron, 23, Fet- tercairn, Kincardinensis. Henricus M. B. Reid, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus B. Butter, 26, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander M. Brown, 24, Dundee, Angusiensis. 212 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1878 Joannes Morrison, 22, Logic- Pert, Angusiensis. Joannes Henry, 24, Moni- fieth, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Green, 25, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Joannes Cameron, 25, Glen- orchia, Argatheliensis. Jacobus Myles Crombie, 23, Sancti Cuthberti, Edin- burgensis. Gulielmus Watt, 25, Strath- don, Aberdonensis. Angus M. Nicolson, 26, Portree, Portree. David Scotland, 29, Perth, Perthensis. Jacobus Armstrong, 22, St Andrews, Fifensis. Thomas Sinton, 23, Kin- gussie, Invernessensis. Maxwell James Wright, 21, St Andrews, Fife- shire. Charles B. Ross, 22, Cleish, Kinross-shire. Gulielmus Bayne, 20, Cameron, Fifeshire. Henricus R. Buchan, 20, Cameron, Fifensis. 1879=1880. Studiosi Anni Primi. Robertus R. Constable, 17, Persie, Perthshire. Thomas H. Paterson, 16, Ayr, Ayr. Georgius Everett, 18, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. Jacobus Winter, 17, Dyke, Elgin. Louis Wright, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus M'Nidder, 18, Crail, Fifensis. Joannes Morgan, 23, Clack- mannan, Clackmannan- ensis. Joannes Greig, 24, Tayport, Fifensis. Georgius A. Pirie, 15, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Malcolm M'Kerracher, 16, Cupar, Fifensis. Carolus Smith Peters, 17, Kinross, Kinrossiensis. Max Meiklejohn, 13, Bow- don, Cheshire. George D. Brown, 21, Dun- dee, Angusienses. Guliamus H. G. Smith, 17, Eday, Orcades. Ricardus Muckersie, 15, Melrose, Roxburgh. i8 79 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 213 Gulielmus D. Bell, Scone, Perthensis. Georgius H. Douglas, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Patricius O. Macdonald, 17, Montrose, Angusiensis. Georgius M. Wills, Mon- trose, Angusiensis. Robertus Lawson, 18, Cameron, Fifensis. Gulielmus Cormack, 19, Kilrenny, Fifensis. Joannes Moore Fergusson, 16, Scoonie, Fifensis. Alfred Turner, 17, Burnley, Lancashire. Carolus G. MacLeod, i6 } Newport, Fifensis. Robertus T. Marshall, 22, Leslie, Fifensis. Jacobus H. W. Laing, 17, Ferry -Port -on -Craig, Fif- ensis. John Davidson, 16, Madagascar. William H. Pople, 16, Perth, Perthensis. Thomas Carmichael, 19 Jacobus Somers, 15, Col- lessie, Fife. Charles J. Black, 15, Craig- loun, Fife. Andrew G. Dow, 17, Liff and Benvie, Angusensis. Henrius Norwell, 18, Perth, Perthensis. Didymus Albius, 17, Allec- tum, Angusiensis. Jacobus Fotheringham, 20, Dumfries, Dumfries. Joannes M. Smith, 20, Kirk- michael, Banffensis. John Menzies, Aberfeldy, Perthensis. William W. Grant, Rossi- ensis. Gulielmus Turnbull, 16, Newport, Fifensis. Gulielmus A. Sim, Inverness, Invernessiensis. Galliamus C. Henderson, 15, Scoonie, Fifensis. Harricus S. C. Everard, 31, Leamington, War- wick. , St Andrews, Fifensis. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Cameron Morrison, 17, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. George Galloway, King- lassie, Fife. David Munro, 25, Kiltearn, Rossensis. Thomas M. Davidson, 22, Dundee, Angusienses. Jas. M. Wotherspoon, Kil- spindie, Perth. Wm. Ewing, 20, Leuchars, Fifensis. 214 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1879 Gordon W. Paterson, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Alexander L. Lindesay, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Jack, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jacobus C. Anderson, 18, Menmuir, Angusiensis. Jacobus Brown, 19, Ben- dochy, Perthshire. Joannes Pullar, 19, Methven, Perth. Jacobus M. Irvine, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Ernest M. Lush, 22, Deal, Kent. John M. Leask, 17, Evie, Orkney. Andrew MacKenzie, 22, Ednam, Roxburgh. Jacobus Nicoll, 30, Forfar, Angusienses. Joannes Alexander, 25, St Ninians, Stirlingensis. Alexander M'Donald, 21, Coupar-Angus, Perthedsis. Robertus Gillespie, 17, King- horn, Fifensis. Georgius Turbayne Lees, 21, Cupar, Fifensis. Gualtrus Hay Barclay, 18, Arngask, Perthensis. William Hay Barclay, 18, Arngask, Perthensis. John Henderson, 16, Leven, Fifensis. Edward Henry Steel, 21, Leeds, Yorkshire. Georgius J. B. Hope, 19, Edinburgum, Edinburgum. Gulielmus K. Duthie, 17, Clackmannan, Clackman- nanensis. Gulielmus Thomson, 16, Haughton-le-Skerne, Dun- elmensis. David Nairne, 23, Cupar, Fifensis. John T. Browne, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. George W. Mackay, 15, Assynt, Sutherland. Alexander Macrae, 16, Kin- gussie, Inverness-shire. Gregor S. Drummond, 18, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. Donald Macintyre, 17, Laggan, Inverness-shire. Fredericus Johnannes Bishop, 24, Carolus Martyr, Ply- mutha, Devonensis. Josephus Mitchell, 20, Craig, Angusiensis. Archibald M'Neill, 19, Tongue, Sutherland. Petrus S. Browning, 19, Peebles, Peebles. Angus Mackay, 18, Farr, Sutherland. Hugo Erskine Wemyss, 18, Wemyss Castle, Dysart, Fife. Peter Harrower, 17, Aber- feldy, Perthshire. Thomas D. Waddell, 23, Blair Athole, Perthshire. i8 79 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 215 Studiosi Anni Tertii. Thomas H. Chapman, 20, Forganensis, Fifensis. Edgar Solly Anthony, 26, Croydon, Surrey. Robertus Stevenson, 18, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Joannes Brown, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Rintoul, 17, Kemback, Fifensis. Carolus Christie, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes L. Macpherson, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Kenneth A. Macleay, 18, Loch Broom, Ross-shire. David H. Nagel, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Higgs, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander M. Christie, 20, Liff and Benvie, Angusi- ensis. Jonnanes Wallace, 21, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. Archibald B. Cape, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Joannes C. Tennant, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander S. Alexander, David Thomson, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes M'Tavish, 23, Amulree, Perthensis. Georgius Lyell, 20, New- burgh, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Strachan, 18, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Jacobus F. Whyte, 22, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Georgius A. Russell, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus B. Wallace, 21, Forgan, Fifensis. Gulielmus O. Duncan, 21, Airlie, Angusiensis. Jacobus Robertson, 20, Peebles, Peebles. Carolus A. M. Carmichael, 19, Nowton, Suffolk. Jacobus Spence, 19, Kings- barns, Fifensis. David M. Moir, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus F. M'Hardy, 25, Fettercairn, Kincardine- shire. Joseph W. Ross, 19, Arder- sier, Invernesssiensis. 19, Dollar, Clackmannan. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Richardus S. Ritchie, 20, Cameron, Fifeensis. Georgius Lowson, 22, Dun- nichen, Angusensis. 2l6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1879 Robert C. Buist, 19, Tao- dunensis, Angusiensis. Jacobus H. Oswald, 22, Markinch, Fifeensis. Robert Thomson, 20, South Knapdale, Argatheliensis. Thomas E. Miller, 22, Dun- dee, Dundee. David R. Dow, 19, Liff and Benvie, Angusiensis. John Eaton, 19, Marykirk- ensis, Marykirkensis. John M 'Cowan, 26, Ardna- murchan, Argatheliensis. Petrus B. Crowley, 22, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. John Scott, 18, Giffordtown, Fife. Robertus Forgan, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. James Nicoll, 19, Inverarity, Angusiensis. Easton S. Valentine, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alvan Millson, 18, Halifax, Yorkensis. Jacobus Bannerman, 29, St Martins, Perthensis. Joannes Inglis, 25, Leuchars, Fifensis. Jacobus E. Grosset, 18, Markinch, Fifensis. Joannes Thomson, 18, Houghton-le-Skerne, Dun- elmensis. Gulielmus Macqueen, 25, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Gulielmus Robertson, 28, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus A. Duthie, 20, Dollar, Clackmannan. Gulielmus Sutherland, 23, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. Edmundus Hay Barclay, 20, Arngask, Perth- ensis. Jacobus Edward, 24, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Davidus R. Kyd, 29, Dundee, Forfar. Maxwell J. Wright, 22, St Andrews, Fife. Jacobus Dowie, 21, Kem- back, Fifensis. Gulielmus Bayne, 21, Cameron, Fife. Petrus Dow, 24, Kinclaven, Perthensis. Jacobus A. Williamson, 20, Greenlaw, Berwickensis. Joannes A. St Clair, 20, Perth, Perthensis. Robertus Somers, 22, Col- lessie, Fifensis. Joannes Morrison, 23, Logic- Pert, Angusiensis. Gulielmus B. Strachan, 23, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. i8 79 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 217 Joannes Fowlie, 24, New Deer, Aberdoniensis. James W. Armstrong, 23, St Andrews, Fif- ensis. Thomas Sinton, 24, Kin- gussie, Invernessensis. Joannes Strachan, 22, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Green, 26, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Georgius Geekie, 26, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander M. Brown, 25, Dundee, Angusiensis. John Henry, 25, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Henricus R. Buchan, 22, Carnbee, Fifensis. Joannes F. Cameron, 24, Fettercairn, Kincardin- ensis. 880=1881. Studiosi Anni Primi. Ricardus Arturus, 16, Kirk- caldy, [Fifjensis. Johannes Gardiner, 17, Green- knowe, Dumfriesshire. Richardus Arturus, 15, | Robert Hill, 24, Dundee, Dover, Dover. Angusieses. Joannes Caesar, 15, Panbride, Angusiensis. John Alex. Canning, 19, Camlin, Antrim. John M. Wilson, 15, Dundee, Angusiensis. Reginald O. Petrie, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Kinnear, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Samuel Martin, 15, Dundee, Angusiensis. William D. Spence, 39, Monikie, Forfar. Jacobus M. Morrison, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. William M. Tocher, 16, Barry, Forfarshire. Edward E. Prince, 22, Leeds, Yorks. David M. Greig, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Kenneth M. Craig, 26, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen. John Ritchie, 16, Perth, Perth. Andrew Whitton, 15, New- tyle, Angusiensis. Robertus M'Pherson, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Fordyce, 16, Anstruther, Fifensis. 2l8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1880 Robertus M. Watson, 18, Glasgow, Lanark. Joannes A. Ewan, 16, Broughty Ferry, Angusi- ensis. Gulielmus Saunders, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Young, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus Niger, Lundie, Angusiensis. Andreas Armit, Craig- sanquhar, Fifensis. Gulielmus Yool, 20, Ceres, Fifensis. Joannes Beveridge, 15, Dairsie, Fifensis. David Watson, 14, Markinch, Fifensis. John C. Wilson, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. David G. Mitchell, 19, Inch- ture, Perth. Robert B. Mearns, 24, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. H. G. Rathbone, 23, Liver- pool, Lancashire. Hamlet S. Philpot, 24, Oxford, Oxfordshire. Joannes C. Braid, 16, Crail, Fifensis. Joannes Johnstone, 16, Leuchars, Fifensis. Albertus Gregoire, 16, King's Norton, Worcester- ensis. Andrew Brown, 16, St Andrews, Fife. John Ferguson Chal- mers, 20, Perth, Perth- shire. Robert Ruxton, 16, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Alexander Bisset, 14, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. David Matthew, 20, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Harry Browning, 14, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Milne, 15, Cupar, Fifensis. Jacobus Allison, 15, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Turnbull, 15, St Andrews, Fifensis. Arthurius F. Home, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Thomas P. Milne, Fraser- burgh, Aberdeenshire. Andrew Macleod, Kilmuir Easter, Ross-shire. James A. Taylor, 15, India, India. Hugh F. M'Neill, 18, Tongue, Sutherland. Fredericus Murray Honey, St Andrews, Fif- ensis. John A. Ross, 18, Fowlis Wester, Perth. Donald K. Cameron, 18, Kenmore, Perthshire. William M'Culloch, St Andrews, Fifensis. Adam Gunn, 21, Strathy, Sutherland. i88o] MATRICULATION ROLL 219 Studiosi Anni Secundi. Gulielmus Cormack, 20, Kilrenny, Fifensis. Georgius D. Brown, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomas L. Wilson, 18, Cambuslang, Lanarkshire. Patrick O. Macdonald, 18, Montrose, Angusiensis. William D. Bell, 18, Scone, Perthensis. Joannes M. Smith, 21, Kirk- michaelensis, Banffensis. Gulielmus Turnbull, 17, Newport, Fife. Ricardus Muckersie, 16, Melrose, Roxburgh. Joannes Greig, 26, Tayport, Fifeensis. Didymus W. H. Albus, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Max Meiklejohn, 14, Bow- don, Cheshire. C. G. MacLeod, 17, New- port, Fife. Duncan Robertson, 19, Blair Athole, Perthensis. James H. W. Laing, 18, Ferry - Port - on - Craig, Fife. Andreas G. Dow, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robert T. Marshall, 23, Leslie, Fifensis. Joannes Morgan, Brucefield, Clackmannan. Georgius A. Pirie, 16, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Gulielmus A. Sim, 21, Inverness, Invernessi- ensis. Jacobus M'Nidder, 19, Crail, Fifensis. Georgius H. Douglas, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Milcombus M'Kerracher, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. Edward King, 23, St Andrews, Fife. George Everett, 19, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. John M. Fergusson, 17, Scoonie, Fife. Gulielmus C. Henderson, 16, Scoonie, Fife. Thomas H. Paterson, Auch- mithie, Forfarshire. Carolus S. Peters, 18, Kin- ross, Kinross. Henricus Norwell, 19, Perth, Perthshire. George Mitchell, 21, Dundee, Angusiensis. Henry Paterson Moir, 16, St Andrews, Fife- shire. Guilielmus H. G. Smith, 18, Eday, Orkney. Joannes Menzies, 17, Logie- rait, Perthensis. 220 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1880 Robert B. Stephen, 23, Elgin, Elgin. Thomas Carmichael, 21, St Andrews, Fife. George M. Wills, 18, Mon- trose, Angusiensis. James Somers, 17, Cupar, Fife. Studiosi Anni Tertii. William Thomson, 17, Con- nington, Huntingdon. George J. B. Hope, 20, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. William K. Duthie, 18, Dollar, Clackmannan. Alexander M'Donald, 22, Coupar - Angus, Perth- shire. Gordon W. Paterson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. James C. Anderson, 19, Men- muir, Angusiensis. John M. Leask, 18, Evie, Orkney. Joseph Mitchell, 21, Craig, Angusiensis. Cameron Morrison, 18, Laurencekirk, Kincardin- ensis. George Galloway, 18, King- lassie, Fifensis. James Jack, 21, Dundee, Forfar. William H. Pople, 18, Perth, Perthensis. Thos. M. Davidson, 23, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Thomas D. Waddell, 24, Blair Athole, Perthensis. Jacobus M. Irvine, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Gulielmus Ewing, 21, Forteviot, Perthensis. Gregor Drummond, 19, Kin- gussie, Inverness. Donaldus Maclntyre, 18, Laggan, Inverness. Alexander Macrae, 17, Kin- gussie, Inverness. John Alexander, St Ninians, Stirling. Andrew MacKenzie, 23, Ednam, Roxburgh. John T. Browne, 18, St Andrews, Fife. A. L. Lindesay, 18, S. Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Brown, 20, Bendochy, Perthshire. Joannes R. Pullar, 20, Methven, Perthshire. Angus Mackay, 20, Farr, Sutherland. Archibald M'Neill, 2O,Tongue, Sutherland. George W. Mackay, 16, Stoer, Sutherland. Jas. M. Wotherspoon, 18, Kilspindie, Perthshire. i88o] MATRICULATION ROLL 221 Robertus Gillespie, 18, King- horn, Fifensis. Henricus Armstrong, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Petrus S. Browning, 19, St Andrews, Fife. John Henderson, 17, Leven, Fifensis. Petrus Harrower, 18, Aber- feldy, Perthshire. Fredericus Johannes Bishop, 25, Carolus Martyr, Ply- mutha, Devonia. Allanus Briggs, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Edwurdus Rathbone, 21, Liverpool, Lancashire. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Robert Thomson, 21, South Knapdale, Argatheliensis. Carolus Christie, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Macpherson, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. David Rintoul, 18, Kemback, Fifensis. Joannes Brown, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Archibald B. Cape, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alvan Millson, 19, Halifax, Yorkshire. Robertus Stevenson, 19, Dunfermline, Fifensis. Edgar Solly Anthony, 27, Hastings, Sussex. James John Browne, Edin- burgh, Mid Lothian. David Thomson, 20, Murroes, Angusiensis. David H. Nagel, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Johannes C. Tennant, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alexander Sharp Alexander, 20, Alloa, Clackmannan- ensis. Jacobus F. Whyte, 23, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Alexander M. Christie, 21, Liff and Benvie, Angusi- ensis. Robertus Forgan, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Joannes M'Tavish, 24, Amulree, Perthensis. Robertus Higgs, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Georgius Lyell, 21, New- burgh, Fifensis. David Macbeth Moir, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Jacobus Spence, 20, Kings- barns, Fifensis. Thomas E. Miller, 23, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. John Wallace, 22, Lochee, Angusienus. Thomas H. Chapman, 21, Forgan, Fifensis. 222 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1880 Gulielmus O. Duncan, 22, Airlie, Angusiensis. Josephus W. Ross, 20, Ardersier, Invernesssi- ensis. Easton S. Valentine, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Nicolle, 20, Inverarity, Angusiensis. Georgius A. Russell, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Carolus A. M. Carmichael, 20, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolkus. Georgius Gordon, 21, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus M. Strachan, 19, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Jacobus F. M'Hardy, 26, Fettercairn, Kincardine. Jacobus Robertson, 21, Glasgow, Lanark. Jacobus B. Wallace, 21, Forgan, Fifensis. Gulielmus Sutherland, 23, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. Georgius Lowson, 23, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Rikardus S. Ritchie, 21, Cameron, Fifensis. Jacobus Dowie, 22, Kemback, Fifensis. Thomas Martin, 24, Scone, Perthensis. Joannes Henry, 26, Monifieth, Angusiensis. Joannes M'Cowan, 28, Ardna- murchan, Argatheliensis. Robertus Somers, 23, Col- lessie, Fifensis. Joannes A. St Clair, 21, Perth, Perthensis. Maxwell J. Wright, 23, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Cowie, 30, Auchter- less, Aberdonia. Gulielmus B. Strachan, 24, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus Bayne, 22, Cameron, Fifensis. Jacobus H. Oswald, 23, Markinch, Fifensis. Thomas Sinton,25, Kingussie, Invernessensis. David R. Kyd, 30, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius Geekie, 26, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Strachan, 23, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Jacobus A. Williamson, 21, Greenlaw, Berwickensis. Petrus Dow, 25, Kinclaven, Perthensis. Joannes Fowlie, 25, New Deer, Aberdonensis. Henricus Buchan, 23, Carnbee, Fifensis. i88i] MATRICULATION ROLL 223 l882. Studiosi Anni Primi. Georgius Wilson, 21, New- castle - upon - Tyne, Nor- thumberland. Joannes Dow, 18, Blair Athole, Perthensis. Murray Stirling, 16, Prest- wich, Lanchishire. Jacobus Robb, 16, Kirrie- muir, Angusiensis. Arthurus B. Harris, 21, Forgan, Fifensis. Archibaldus Carswell, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Alexander M'Gregor, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus L. Walker, 17, Kirkcaldy, Fifensis. Henricus Reid, 17, Monikie, Forfarshire. Alexr. Cleland, 18, Calder, Lanarkshire. Jacobus N. Hill, Leuchars, Fifensis. Joannes Reid, 19, Little Dunkeld, Perthensis. Alexander Frew, 18, Kirkcaldy, Fifensis. Robertus Hunter, 16, Forgan, Fifensis. Fredericus Spankie, 14, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Joannes Dow, 19, St Mon- ance, Fifeshire. Thomas White, 19, Largo, Fifeshire. Robertus Thomson, 18, Pittenweem, Fifeshire. Jacobus R. Browne, 17, St Andrews, Fif- ensis. Andreas S. D. Scott, 18, Markinch, Fifnesis. Jacobus A. Adamson, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. Jacobus Sword, 23, Monifieth, For far. Petrus Dawson, 23, Kenno- way, Fifensis. Johannus Liddell, 23, Moni- fieth, Forfar. Robert F. Murray, 17, Ilminster, Somerset. Peter Brown, 16, Bendochy, Perth. David Matthew, 22, Arbroath, Forfar. David Christie, 16, Arbroath, Forfar. Marcus Anderson, 18, Men- muir, Anguniensis. Jacobus Hill, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Paul, 19, Tibbermuir, Perthensis. Jacobus M. Christie, 17, Lochee, Angusiensis. 224 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1881 Thomas C. Sturrock, 16, Dundee, Angusiensis. John Thomson, 18, Perth, Perthshire. Johannes L. Clark, 2O,Dysart, Fife. Jacobus A. Lowe, 18, Laurencekirk, Kincardin- ensis. Robert Macdonald, 17, Laurencekirk, Kincar- dine. George Brown, 18, Bendochy, Perth. Adamus Norie Barclay, 24, Montrose, Forfar. Alanus Stewart, 15, Cathcart, Renfrewensis. Joannes R. Strachan, 17, Langholm, Dumfries- ensis. Jacobus A. Milne, 16, Cortachy, Forfarensis. David Duthie M'Laren, 21, Fordoun, Kincardine. Hugh Mackenzie, 20, Ross- keen, Ross-shire. David Aikman, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Robert D. Thompson, 19, Brechin, Forfarshire. Robertus A. Wills, 16, Montrose, Forfarshire. Frank S. Thomson, Brechin, Forfarshire. James C. M'Clure, 15, Mary- kirk, Kincardine. Samuel Walker, 18, Dep. du Nord, Lille, France. Henry M. Grindlay, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Murdo M'Kay, 18, Farr, Sutherland. Fredericus Williamson, 16, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. Hugh Maclellan, 24, Islay, Argyll. Arnold Glover, 16, Stoke Newington, London, Middlesex. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Joannes Ritchie, 17, Perth, Perthensis. Thomas P. Milne, 17, Tyrie, Aberdonienses. Donald Kercher Cameron, 19, Kenmore, Perth- shire. James A. Taylor, 16, India, India. William Saunders, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Gulielmus Kinnear, 18, Broughty Ferry, Angusi- ensis. Joannes Johnstone, 17, Leuchars, Fifeshire. John M. Wilson, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. i88i] MATRICULATION ROLL 225 Reginaldus O. Petrie, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Samuel Martin, 16, Pieter- maritzburg, Natal. Jacobus Allison, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robertus A. Ruxton, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. David Watson, 15, Markinch, Fifeshire. William Black, 19, Lundie, Forfarshire. Andrew Whitton, i6,Newtyle, Forfarshire. William M. Tocher, 17, Barry, Forfarshire. Robertus Arturus M'Pherson, 17, St Andrews, Fif- ensis. Robertus Terras, 18, Leuchars, Fifensis. Andrew Brown, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Robert M. Watson, 19, Dun- dee, Forfar. James M. Morrison, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexander Bisset, 15, Ar- broath, Forfar. Robert B. Mearns, 25, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John A. Ewan, 17, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Kenneth M. Craig, 27, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen- shire. William Fordyce, 17, An- struther, Fife. Edward E. Prince, 23, Leeds, Yorkshire. R. Lindsay Stark, 16, St Andrews, Fife. John Charles Braid, 17, Crail, Fife. John James Beveridge, 16, Dairsie, Fife. Edward Rathbone, 22, Liver- pool, Lancashire. Adam Gunn, 22, Farr, Sutherland. John Caesar, 17, Panbride Manse, Forfarshire. Gulielmus Young, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Richard Arthur, 16, Dover, Kent. Robert Hill, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert Milne, 16, Cupar, Fife. William Cox M'Culloch, 17, St Andrews, Fife. William Campbell, 20, Dor- noch, Sutherland. David G. Mitchell, 19, Inchture, Perth. Andrew Armit, 16, Falkland, Fife. Hugh F. M'Neill, 19, Tongue, Sutherland. John Turnbull, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. 226 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1881 Studiosi Anni Tertii. Ricardus Muckersie, 17, Melrose, Roxburgensis. Gulielmus D. Bell, 19, Scone, Perthensis. Joannes Menzies, 18, Logie- rait, Perthensis. Duncanus Robertson, 20, Blair Athole, Perthensis. Gulielmus Ewing, 22, Leu- chars, Fifensis. Carolus G. MacLeod, 18, Newport, Fifensis. William Turnbull, 18, New- port, Fifensis. Georgius A. Pirie, 17, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus M'Nidder, 20, Crail, Fifensis. Henricus Norwell, 20, Perth, Perthensis. Gulielmus H. G. Smith, 19, Eday, Orkney. Andreas G. Dow, 19, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Geo. H. Douglas, 18, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Didymus White, 19, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Malcolm M'Kerracher, 18, Cupar-Fife, Fifensis. Patrick O. Macdonald, 19, Montrose, Angusi- ensis. William Cormack, 21, Kil- renny, Fifensis. James H. W. Laing, 19, Ferry -Port -on -Craig, Fif- ensis. Thomas L. Wilson, 19, Cambuslang, Lanark- shire. William A. Sim, 22, Inver- ness, Invernessensis. Robert T. Marshall, 24, Leslie, Fifensis. John Morgan, 24, Clack- mannan, Clackmann- ensis. Joannes M. Smith,- 22, Kirk- michael, Banffshirensis. Thomas Carmichael, 22, St Andrews, Fifensis. James Somers, 18, Collessie, Fife. Robert B. Stephen, 24, Elgin, Elgin. Gulielmus C. Henderson, 17, Scoonie, Fifensis. Georgius D. Brown, 22, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius Everett, 20, Hack- ney, Middlesex. Carolus S. Peters, 20, Kin- ross, Kinross. Thomas H. Paterson, 19, Auchmithie, Forfarshire. Henry P. Moir, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Edward King, 24, Whitburn, Linlithgow. i88i] MATRICULATION ROLL 227 Studies! Anni Quarti. Georgius J. B. Hope, 21, Edinburgum, Edinburgum. Jacobus M. Irvine, 18, An- dreapole, Fifensis. Joannes R. Pullar, 21, Methven, Perthensis. Gulielmus Thomson, 18, Connington, Huntingdon- shire. J. M. Wotherspoon, 19, Kil- spindie, Perthensis. Georgius Galloway, 19, King- lassie, Fifensis. Peter Harrower, 19, Aber- feldy, Perthshire. David H. Nagel, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Archibald B. Cape, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Gordon W. Paterson, 18, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alex. MacDonald, 23, Coupar- Angus, Perthensis. Kenneth A. Macleay, Loch Broom, Rossensis. Joannes L. MacPherson, 19, Andreapole, Fifensis. Josephus Mitchell, 22, Craig, Angusiensis. Jacobus C. Jack, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jacobus C. Anderson, 20, Menmuir, Angusiensis. Archibaldus M'Neill, 21, Tongue, Sutherland. Joannes Henderson, 18, Leven, Fifensis. Alexander M. Christie, 22, Lochee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Brown, 21, Ben- dochy, Perthiensis. Robertus Higgs, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. Cameron Morrison, 19, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. Thomas M. Davidson, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. James M. Strachan, 20, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Joannes M'Tavish, 24, Amulree, Perthensis. Joannes Alexander, 25, Stir- ling, Stirling. Gregor S. Drummond, 20, Inverness, Invernessiensis. Robertus Gillespie, 19, King- horn, Fifensis. Alvan Millson, 20, Halifax, Eboracensis. Thomas D. Waddell, 24, Blair .Athole, Perth. Alexander S. Alexander, 21, Alloa, Clackmannensis. Angus Mackay, 20, Farr, Sutherland. George W. Mackay, 17, Stoer, Sutherlandshire. Andreas MacKenzie, 24, Ednam, Roxburgh. 228 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1881 Donaldus Macintyre, 19, Laggan, Invernessiensis. Henricus Armstrong, 19, St Andrews, Fifensis. Gulielmus K. Duthie, 19, Dollar, Clackmannanensis. Alexander Macrae, 18, Kin- gussie, Invernessiensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Joannes A. St Clair, 22, Perth, Perthensis. Jacobus Dowie, 23, Kem- back, Fifensis. Rikardus S. Ritchie, 22, Cameron, Fifensis. Alexander Arnot Mitchell, 24, Brechin, Forfarensis. Joseph W. Ross, 21, Arder- sier, Invernesssiensis. Jacobus A. Williamson, 22, Greenlaw, Berwickensis. Thomas Martin, 24, Scone, Perthshire. Petrus Dow, 26, Kinclaven, Perthshire. Robertus M. Fergusson, 22, Fortingall, Perthensis. Robertus Somers, 24, Col- lessie, Fifensis. Davidus R. Kyd, 31, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Jacobus H. Oswald, 24, Markinch, Fifensis. Robert Thomson, 22, South Knapdale, Arguliensis. Georgius Geekie, 27, Dun- dee, Angusiensis. Jacobus Nicoll, 21, Inver- arity, Angusiensis. Joannes Fowlie, 26, New Deer, Aberdonensis. David Thomson, 21, Murroes, Angusuensis. Joannes C. Tennant, 20, St Andrews, Fifensis. * Joannes Strachan, 24, Dun- nichen, Angusiensis. Joannes M' Cowan, 29, Ardna- murchan, Argatheliensis. Nigellus Mackay, 26, Tongue, Sutherlandensis. Gulielmus Bayne, 23, Cameron, Fifensis. Gulielmus Sutherland, 23, Strathy, Sutherlandensis. H. R. Buchan, 23, Carnbee, Fifensis. 1882] MATRICULATION ROLL 229 1882=1883. Studiosi Anni Primi. Archie Allan, 30, Aberdour, Fifeshire. Henry William Gibson, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Andrew Snadden, 18, Sauchie, Clackmannan. Andrew Gray, 15, Dalkeith, Mid-Lothian. Alexr. Murray, 41, Kettle, Fife. Alexr. A. Milne, 25, Forgan, Fife. John Wilson, 23, St Leonards, Fife. Hugh G. Riviere, 13, Hamp- stead, Middlesex. Albertus Tarbet, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Adam B. Kelly, 17, Glasgow, Lanark. Frederick Williamson, 16, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. William Tweeddale Thom- son, 21, Cameron, Fife. W. F. Blackwell, 18, St Andrews, Fife. David D. M'Laren, 22, Fordoun, Kincardineshire. James A. Lowe, 19, Laurence- kirk, Kincardineshire. William Archer Porter, 57, St Andrews, Fifeshire. G. S. Samuelson, 17, Kensing- ton, Middlesex. Wm. Orr, 16, Kaim, Loch- winnoch. James M'Farlane, 22, Stanley, Perthshire. Frank S. Noble, 17, Paisley, Renfrewshire. John T. Levens, 20, London, Middlesex. John Erasmus Philipps, 19, Haverfordwest, Pembroke. Geo. T. Shettle, 20, Morden, Dorset. Robert Lawson, 18, Glasgow, Renfrew. Wm. E. Thomson, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alexander Thomson, 15, St Vigeans, Forfarshire. John Stewart, 18, Blair Athole, Perthshire. David Ness, 19, Abbotshall, Fifeshire. David Finlayson, 19, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Henricus Lawrie, 19, Wemyss, Fife. Donald M'Rae, 18, Duthil, Inverness. James Grant, 18, Abernethy, Inverness. 230 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1882 Kincardine- William Edie, 17, Roberton, Roxburgh. George Soutar, 17, Montrose, Forfarshire. William Lamond, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexander Scott, 18, King- horn, Fifeshire. John M'Lean, 17, Braes, Inverness-shire. David Brewster, 16, Kilmany, Fife. Robert M'Gregor, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. David Reid, 17, Balmerino, Fife. John Grierson, 15, Wigan, Lancashire. William Tovani, 19, Black- ford, Perthshire. George Croll, 19, Fet- tercairn, shire. William Simmers, 17, Mains and Strathmartine, Forfar- shire. Georgius Brown, 19, Ben- dochy, Perthiensis. Donaldus M. Macdonald, 21, Uig, Ross-shire. W. Latto Smith, 20, Pitten- weem, Fife. Andrew Walker, i7,Kemback, Fife. James Campbell M'Clure, 16, Marykirk, Kincardine. James Robert Scott, 54, St Andrews, Fife. William F. Morgan, 16, Inverkeillor, Forfar. David S. L. Archibald, 22, St Andrews, Fife. Diderik Cappelen, 26, Ulefos, Norway. Studiosi Anni Secundi. David Christie, 17, St Vigeans, Forfar. Murray Stirling, 17, Prestwich, Lanchashire. Joannes R. Strachan, 18, Langholm, Dumfries- ensis. Patricius Gulielmus Ander- son, 16, Dundee, Angusi- ensis. Adamus Norie Barclay, 24, Montrose, Forfar. Arthurus Baird Harris, 22, Newport, Fifensis. Robert G. Hunter, 17, New- port, Fifensis. Andrew S. D. Scott, 19, Markinch, Fifensis. Alexander M'Gregor, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander Cleland, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Robert Fuller Murray, 18, Ilminster, Somerset. 1882] MATRICULATION ROLL 231 Thomas C. Sturrock, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Robb, 17, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. Robertus L. Walker, 18, Leith, Edinburgh. James K. Browne, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Archibald Carswell, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Fredericus Mills Spankie, 15, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jacobus Paul, 2O,Tibbermuir, Perthshire. J. A. Adamson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Joannes Reid, 20, Dunkeld, Perthensis. James M.Christie, 17, Lochee, Forfarshire. George Wilson, 22, New- castle, Northumberland. John L. Clark, 21, Dysart, Fifeshire. Joannes Liddell, 24, Moni- fieth, Forfarshire. Petrus Dawson, 24, Kenno- way, Fifensis. Petrus Brown, 17, Bendochy, Perthiensis. Marcus L. Anderson, 18, Menmuir, Forfar. Thomas White, 20, Largo, Fife. Alexander Frew, 19, Kirk- caldy, Fife. R. Macdonald, 18, Laurence- kirk, Kincardine. Murdo MacKay, 19, Farr, Sutherlandshire. Jacobus A. Milne, 18, Cortachy, Forfar. Hugh Mackenzie, 21, Ardross, Rosskeen, Ross-shire. David Matthew, 22, Ar- broath, Forfar. James Hill, 19, Dundee, Forfar. James M 'Donald, 32, Banff, Banff. Joannes Dow, 19, Blair Athole, Perth. Jacobus N. Hill, Leuchars, Fife. Maxwell Ogilvy- Ramsay, 18, Closeburn, Dumfriesshire. Robertus Thomson, 19, Pittenweem, Fife. Robertus D. Thomson, 20, Brechin, Forfar. Frank S. Thomson, 17, Brechin, Forfar. Hugh MacLellan, 24, Islay, Argyle. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Richardus Arthurus, 16, Dovor, Kent. Thomas P. Milne, 18, Tyrie, Aberdeen. 232 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1882 John Ritchie, 18, Perth, Perthensis. Robert B. Mearns, 26, Dun- dee, Forfar. Kennethus M. Craig, 28, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen. Alexander Bisset, 16, Ar- broath, Arbroath. James M'Call Morrison, 19, St Andrews, Fife- shire. William C. M'Culloch, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. William Kinnear, 19, Broughty Ferry, Angusi- ensis. Gulielmus Saunders, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes M. Wilson, 17, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Terras, 19, Leuchars, Fifensis. John Caesar, 17, Panbride, For far shire. Gulielmus Young, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Reginaldus O. Petrie, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert A. MTherson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Edward E. Prince, 23, Leeds, Yorkshire. Samuel Martin, 17, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. John Conway, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Black, 20, Lundie, Forfarshire. Andrew Whitton, 17, New- tyle, Forfarshire. John James Beveridge, 17, Dairsie, Fifeshire. Robert M. Watson, 20, Glasgow, Lanark. John A. Ewan, 18, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. Andrew Armit, 17, Falkland, Fifeshire. Jacobus Allison, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Davidus Watson, 16, Mark- inch, Fifensis. Jacobus A. Taylor, 17, Sealkote, India. Robertus L. Stark, 17, Glasgow, Lanark. Andrew Brown, 18, Kings- barns, Fife. William M. Tocher, 18, Barry, Forfarshire. Joannes Turnbull, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. William Dow Bell, 20, Scone, Perthensis. John Morison, 21, Kil- ninian and Kilmore, Argyll. William Fordyce, 18, West Anstruther, Fifensis. Adam Gunn, 23, Strathy, Sutherland. Joannes Johnstone, 18, Leuchars, Fifensis. Joannes C. Braid, 18, Crail, Ftfensis. 1882] MATRICULATION ROLL 233 Robertus Milne, 17, Cupar, Fifensis. D. G. Mitchell, 20, Long- forgan, Perthshire. Robert Hill, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. Hugh F. M'Neill, 20, Tongue, Sutherland. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Gulielmus Turnbull, 19, Forgan, Fifensis. Gregor S. Drummond, 21, Kingussie, Invernessi- ensis. Georgius Galloway, 2O X King- lassie, Fifensis. Joannes Morgan, 25, Clack- mannan, Clackmannensis. Joannes M. Smith, 22, Kirk- michael, BanfTshirensis. Carolus G. MacLeod, 19, Newport, Fifensis. Didymus White, 20, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus T. Marshall, 25, Leslie, Fifensis. William C. Henderson, 18, Scoonie, Fifensis. Gulielmus Ewing, 23, Leuchars, Fifensis. Jacobus H. W. Laing, 20, Ferry -Port -on -Craig, Fif- ensis. Thomas M. Davidson, 25, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus Gillespie, 20, King- horn, Fifensis. Ricardus Muckersie, 18, Mel- rose, Roxburgensis. | Gulielmus H. G. Smith, 20, Eday, Orcades. Henry Norwell, 21, Perth, Perth. William A. Sim, 23, Inver- ness, Invernessiensis. Duncanus Robertson, 20, Blair Athole, Perthensis. Joannes Menzies, 19, Aber- feldy, Perthensis. Robert B. Stephen, 25, Elgin, Elgin. Thomas L. Wilson, 20, Cam- buslang, Lanarkensis. Georgius H. Douglas, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Georgius D. Brown, 23, Dundee, Angusiensis. Patricius O. Macdonald, 20, Montrose, Angusiensis. Jacobus Brown, 22, Ben- dochy, Perthiensis. Thomas Carmichael, 22, St Andrews, Fife. Malcolm M'Kerracher, 19, Cupar, Fifeshire. Andreas G. Dow, 19, Dun- dee, Angusienses. Charles S. Peters, 20, Kin- ross, Kinross. 234 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1882 Jacobus Somers, 19, Col- lessensis, Fifensis. John R. Pullar, 22, Methven, Perthensis. Andreas MacKenzie,* 25, Ednam, Roxburgh. Cameron Morrison, 20, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. Edward King, 25, St Andrews, Fife. William Cormack, 21, Kil- renny, Fife. Studiosi Theologiae. John Picken, 21, Craigie, | William L. Milroy, 19, Ayrshire. Moneydie, Perthensis. George W. Mackay, 18, j John Henderson, 19, Scoonie, Assynt, Sutherlandshire. Fifensis. Richard S. Ritchie, 23, i James Nicoll, 22, Inverarity, Cameron, Fifensis. Angusiensis. David Wilson, 23, Scone, j Thomas Martin, 26, Scone, Perthshire. Perthensis. James M. Strachan, 21, j John M 'Cowan, 30, Ard- Langholm, Dumfriesensis. David Thomson, 22, Murroes, Angusiensis. Jas. H. Oswald, 25, Mark- inch, Fifensis. namurchan, Argatheli- ensis. James C. Jack, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. Archibaldus M'Neill, 22, Robert Menzies Fergusson, j Tongue, Sutherlandshire. 23, Stanley, Perthensis. William Sutherland, 25, Robertus Thomson, 23, i Strathy, Sutherlandshire. South Knapdale, Argath- j James C. Anderson, 21, St. eliensis. Andrews, Fifensis. Wm. B. Campbell, 21, j Kenneth A. Macleay, 21, Methven, Perthensis. Loch Broom, Ross-shire. Alexander Macrae, 18, Kin- ! Gulielmus O. Duncan, 24, gussie, Invernessiensis. Airlie, Forfarshire. i88 3 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 235 1883=1884. Studios! Anni Primi. Neville Friederichs, 16, Berk- hamsted, Hertford. Robert Coupar, 15, Fordoun, Kincardineshire. Thomas Crichton, 16, Lady- bank, Fife. Andreas Sime, 16, Newburn, Fife. John C. Peat, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Hugh G. Riviere, 14, Hamp- stead, Middlesex. James G. Goodall, 21, Tilli- coultry, Clackmanan. Alfred Macfarlane, 16, Airth, Stirling. William F. Farquharson, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Jack, 28, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thomas Gulielmus Davidson, 16, Cupar, Fifeshire. Jacobus M'Owan, 19, Kettle, Fifeshire. Johannes Murray, 19, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Andrew Watt, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Guliellmus Scotus, 16, Dollar, Clackmannshire. Jacobus Gillies, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Richard A. Fluck, 23, Tewkesbury, Gloucester- shire, England. William P. Adam, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Littlejohn, 15, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. William Brown, 18, Mon- trose, Forfarshire. James Grieve, 19, Montrose, Forfarshire. Weaker M'Leod, 19, Burnt- island, Fife. William A. Craigie, 16, Dundee, Forfar- shire. William Edie, 18, Roberton, Roxburghshire. Andw. Snadden, 19, Sauchie, Clackmannanshire. George Higgs, 15, St Andrews, Fife. James Troup, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Lauchlan Rose, 17, Blair Athole, Perth. James Walker, 16, Kemback, Fife. John Pentland Smith, 16, Carnbee, Fife. John Grierson, 16, Wigan, Lancashire. 236 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1883 John Clark, 20, Kinnoull, Perthshire. John Stott, 18, Haslingden, Lancashire. David Ramsay, 17, Cupar, Fife. Alexander Stuart, 22, Brechin, Forfarshire. James Wood, 17, Brechin, Forfarshire. David Scott Moncrieff, 18, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Henry Stephen Matthews Young, 17, Merkara, India. William Hay MTherson, 16, St Andrews, Fifensis. William Rae, 22, Melrose, Selkirkshire. Thomas Kerr, 25, Melrose, Selkirkshire. George Addison- Scott, 17, Kelso, Roxburghshire. John D. F. Gilchrist, 18, Carnbee, Fife. John C. Williamson, 19, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. Hector Macaulay, 19, Gair- loch, Ross-shire. David Finlayson, 20, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. John Moir, 18, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire. Morris Benjamin Wells, 16, Ionia, Ionia County. David Anderson Spence, 15, Craig, Forfarshire. James Macdonald, 17, Bole- skine, Inverness-shire. Archibald Hume, 17, Edin- burgh, Mid-Lothian. Herbert Edwards, 39, Cupar, Fife. Hugh James Moore Play- fair, 19, Edinburgh, Mid- lothian. Thomas Burton, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Stewart, 19, Wig- gington, Staffordshire. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Alexander Thomson, 16, Ar- broath, Forfar. David D. M'Laren, 23, For- doun, Kincardineshire. David Reid, Jr., 18, Bal- merino, Fifeshire. Alexr. A. Milne, 26, Newport, Fifeshire. William Lamond, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. W. E. Thomson, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Simmers, 18, Strath- martin, Forfarshire. Albert Tarbet, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Georgius R. Croll, 20, Fetter- cairn, Kincardine. Jacobus A. Lowe, 20, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. i88 3 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 237 Georgius Soutar, 18, Mon- trose, Forfar. Donaldus M. Macdonald, 22, Uig, Ross-shire. Archibaldus Allan, 31, Aber- dour, Fifeshire. Henricus Gulielmus Gibson, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David M. Kay, 17, Muthill, Perthshire. Robert Lawson, 20, New- port, Fife. Cuthbert George M'Ewen, 16, Eltham, Kent. Andrew Walker, 18, Kem- back, Fife. William Tovani, 20, Black- ford, Perthshire. David Ness, 20, Abbotshall, Fifeshire. Alexr. Murray, 42, Kettle, Fifeshire. Donald M'Rae, 19, Duthil, Inverness-shire. James Grant, 19, Abernethy, Inverness-shire. John Maclean, 18, Braes, Inverness-shire. Allan John Sinclair, 18, James H. White, 20, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fife. John Erasmus Philipps, 20, Haverfordwest, Pembroke. Geo. T. Shettle, 22, Morden, Dorset. Frederick Williamson, 17, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. David Brewster, 17, Kil- many, Fife. Frank Stanley Noble, 18, Paisley, Renfrewshire. Andrew Gray, 15, Dalkeith, Edinburgh. Edmund S. Taylor, 16, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Robert M'Gregor, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alexander Scott, 19, King- horn, Fife. William W. Grant, 23, St Andrews, Fife. Henry K. Lawrie, 20, Wemyss, Fife. James Sword, 25, Monifieth, Forfar. Wm. S. Moir, 25, Tough, Aberdeen. Kenmore, Perthshire. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Joannes Robertus Strachan, 19, Langholm, Dumfriess- ensis. Robertus F. Murray, 19, Ilminster, Somerset. Jacobus Hill, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Andreas S. D. Scott, 20 , Largo, Fif- ensis. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1883 Hugh Mackenzie, 22, Ross- keen, Ross-shire. Maxwell Ogilvy- Ramsay, 19, Closeburn, Dumfriesshire. Jacobus M. Christie, 19, Lochee, Angusiensis. Alexander M'Gregor, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Thomas C. Sturrock, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Robertus L. Walker, 19, Kirkcaldy, Fifensis. David Christie, 18, St Vigeans, Angus. Robertus G. Hunter, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert D. Mackenzie, 19, Inverallan, Elgin. Murdo MacKay, 20, Farr, Sutherlandshire. Joannes Dow, 20, Blair Athole, Perthenses. Archibaldus Carswell, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robertus Thomson, 20, Pit- tenweem, Fife. David Matthew, 23, Arbroath, Forfar. Fredericus M. Spankie, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Robertus Macdonald, 19, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. Alexr. Cleland, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Thomas White, 21, Largo, Fife. Jacobus Robb, 18, Kirrie- muir, Angusiensis. Joannes Liddell, 25, Moni- fieth, Forfar. Alexander Frew, 20, Kirk- caldy, Fife. Jacobus A. Milne, 18, Cor- tachy, Forfar. Petrus Dawson, 25, Kenno- way, Fifensis. Joannes Reid, 21, Little Dunkeld, Inverness. Georgius Wilson, 23, New- castle-on-Tyne, Northum- berland. Joannes L. Clark, 22, Dysart, Fife. Arthurus B. Harris, 23, Forgan, Fife. Adamus Norrie Barclay, 25, Montrose, Forfar. Jacobus N. Hill, Leuchars, Fifensis. Robertus D. Thomson, 21, Brechin, Forfar- shire. Franciscus S. Thomson, 18, Brechin, Forfarshire. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Joannes Ritchie, 19, Perth, Thomas P. Milne, 19, Tyrie, Perthensis. Aberdonensis. i88 3 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 239 Ricardus Muckersie, 18, Mel- rose, Roxburgensis. Gulielmus Kinnear, 20, Broughty Ferry, Angusi- ensis. Alexander Bisset, 17, Ar- broath, Forfar. Robertus Terras, 20, Leuchars, Fifensis. John M. Wilson, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William M. Tocher, 19, Barry, Forfarshire. John Caesar, 18, Panbride, Forfarshire. Gulielmus Ewing, 24, Leuchars, Fifensis. Carolus G. MacLeod, 20, Newport, Fifensis. Gulielmus Saunders, 19, Dundee, Angusiensis. Kenneth M. Craig, 29, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen- shire. Jacobus Allison, 18, Dundee, Angusiensis. Joannes Jacobus Beveridge, 18, Dairsie, Fifensis. Andrew Brown, 19, Kings- barns, Fifeshire. Robert Burns Mearns, 27, Dundee, Forfar. R. M. Watson, 21, Glasgow, Lanark. John A. Ewan, 19, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Thos. Carmichael, 23, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Reginald O. Petrie, 20, Dundee, Forfar- shire. John Conway, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Malcolm M'Kerracher, 20, Cupar, Fifeshire. David Watson, 17, Mark- inch, Fifensis. Richard Arthur, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Andrew Armit, 18, Cupar- Fife, Fifeshire. Jas. M. Morrison, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Menzies, 20, Logierait, Perthensis. J. A. Taylor, 18, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. William Fordyce, 18, An- struther, Fife. Edvardus E. Prince, 25, Leeds, Yorkshire. William Black, 21, Lundie, Forfarshire. William Cormack, 22, Kil- renny, Fife. William D. Bell, 21, Scone, Perth. John C. Braid, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Adamus Gunn, 24, Strathy, Sutherland. David G. Mitchell, 22, Inch- ture, Perth. John Morison, 22, Kil- ninian and Kilmore, Argyll. 240 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1883 Robert Malcolm Hill, 27, Dundee, Forfarshire. Edward King, 26, St Andrews, Fife. Gregor S. Drummond, 23, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. James Somers, 20, Collessie, Fife. Studiosi Theologiae. Jacobus C. Jack, 25, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Duncan Robertson, 21, Blair Athole, Perthensis. Robert Thomson, 24, South Knapdale, Argatheliensis. William O. Duncan, 25, Airlie, Angusiensis. Josephus Mitchell, 24, Craig, Angusiensis. Andrew Burns, 25, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. Kenneth A. Macleay, 22, Loch Broom, Ross-shire. David Thomson, 23, Mur- roes, Angusiensis. Robert T. Marshall, 26, Leslie, Fifensis. James Brown, 23, Bendochy, Perthiensis. Robertus Menzies Fergusson, 24, Stanley, Perthensis. John Picken, 23, Craigie, Ayrshire. Gulielmus Sutherland, 26, John Somerville, 25, Orwell, Kinross. William Ballantine Camp- bell, 22, Methven, Perthi- ensis. John Henderson, 20, Scoonie, Fifensis. William L. Milroy, 21, Moneydie, Perthensis. George W. Mackay, 20, Stoer, Sutherlandshire. James M. Strachan, 22, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. David Wilson, 24, Scone, Perthshire. Archibald M'Neill, 23, Tongue, Sutherland- shire. Alexander Macrae, 20, Kin- gussie, Inverness-shire. Jacobus C. Anderson, 22, St Andrews, Fifensis. Robertus Gillespie, 21, King- horn, Fifensis. Strathy, Sutherlandensis. 1884] MATRICULATION ROLL 241 884=1885. Studiosi Anni Primi. Charles William Fleming, 16, Inverallan, Elgin. James Fergusson, 17, Pais- ley, Renfrew. Alfred Douglas Farmer, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Joannes Caseby, 23, Orwell, Kinross. David Georgius Rose, 15, Ferry - Port - on - Craig, Fife. Thomas Nicoll Hepburn, 23, West Wemyss, Fife. Joannes Alexr. Grant, 17, St Andrews, Fife. George Home Monro, 18, Blenheim, Marlborough, N. Z. Carolus Brown, 17, Cum- lodden, Argathaliensis. Gulielmus B. Jack, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Cameron, 16, Abdie, Fife. Robert Lyon, 18, Perth, Perth. David W. Scott, 19, Boar- hills, Fife. David Ramsay Henderson, 17, Tibbermuir, Perth. Gulielmus Roy Jackson, 16, Tibbermuir, Perth. Duncan Hamilton Wood, 16, Falkland, Fife. Joannes Ogilvie, 17, Dollar, Clackmanan. James O. F. Gracie, 17, Tan- nadice, Forfar. Georgius Brown, 15, Kings- barns, Fifeshire. Josephus Wilson Birch, 18, Wigan, shire. Lanca- Thomas Carmichael, 16, Edinburgh, Midlothian. David G. Young, 22, Leuchars, Fifeshire. William Sharp, 16, Comrie, Perthshire. Matthew Elder, 17, Leven, Fifeshire. Charles Stewart, 16, Liff, Forfarshire. Alexander Dallas, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Robert Whyte Gibson, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Robert Coupar, 16, Fordoun, Kincardine. James Patrick, 15, Barry, Forfarshire. George G. Roger, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Geoffrey Mackness, 16, 242 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1884 Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. Charles A. Fleming, 15, Lunette, Forfarshire. Joannes Ogg, 15, Brechin, Forfarshire. Charles Whyte, Jr., 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Carolus Watson, 21, Brechin, Forfarshire. James Maclean, 16, Dunning, Perthshire. John Heggie, 19, Markinch, Fife. Sidney Duke, 16, St Vigeans, Forfarshire. Thomas Lauder, 17, St Andrews, Fife. George Harper, 19, Fetter- cairn, Kincardine. Wm. G. M'Andrew, 19, Fordoun, Kincardine. Colin M'Leay, 20, Barvas, Ross. Thomas Gulielmus Davidson, 17, Cupar, Fife. James Littlejohn, 16, Ar- broath, Forfar. Fred. R. Bremner, 17, Cupar, Fife. Georgius Mann Macdonald, 22, Laurencekirk, Kin- cardine. William Ballingall, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Wm. G. Law, 17, Montrose, Forfarshire. James W. Walker, 17, Kem- back, Fifeshire. Alexander Moir Wood, 17, Sunderland, Durham. Alford William Anderson, 16, St Andrews, Fife- shire. William A. Craigie, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Robert Osier, 24, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand. Donald J. MacDonald, 26, Stornoway, Ross-shire. Edward Bramley, 16, Shef- field, Yorkshire. Arthur Moorhouse, 19, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. William Berwick, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James Wilson, 27, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James W. Auchterlonie, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James Cribbes, 22, Leuchars, Fifeshire. A. M. Archibald, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James S. Newland, St An- drews, Fifeshire. John C. Scrimgeour, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. 1884] MATRICULATION ROLL 243 Studiosi Anni Secundi. John Grierson, 17, Wigan, Lancashire. Jacobus M'Owan, 20, Perth, Perth. Hugh G. Riviere, 15, Ham- stead, Middlesex. Alexander Jack, 29, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Hill Stewart, 15, Ardrossan, Ayr. Walter M'Leod, 20, Burnt- island, Fife. Thos. Crichton, 17, Collessie, Fife. Joannes Pentland Smith, 17, Carnbee, Fife. Andreas Sime, 17, Newburn, Fife. Gulielmus Scott, 17, Dollar, Clackmannan. Alfred Macfarlane, 17, Loan- head, Edinburgh. Jacobus Macdonald, 18, Boleskine, Inver- ness. Andreas Watt, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. John George Mackay, 18, Crieff, Perth. William Brown, 19, Montrose, Forfarshire. John T. Levens, 22, London, Middlesex. Jacobus Wood, 18, Brechin, Forfarshire. Joannes C. Peat, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Gillies, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Andrew Snadden, 2O,Sauchie, Clackmannanshire. Gulielmus P. Adam, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Gulielmus Edie, 19, Rober- ton, Hawick, Roxburgh- shire. James Grieve, 20, Montrose, Forfarshire. David Finlayson, 21, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Richard A. Fluck, 22, Tewkesbury, Gloucester- shire. Jacobus M'D. Troup, 16, St Andrews, Fife. John Hunter Gavin, 16, Stirling, Stirlingshire. Jacobus G. Goodall, 22, Tillicoultry, Clackmanan- shire. Joannes M'L. Murray, 20, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Gulielmus H. MTherson, 16, St Andrews, Fife. John Dow, 22, St Monance, Fife. Georgius Higgs, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Joannes Clark, 21, Kinnoull, Perth. 244 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1884 John D. F. Gilchrist, 19, Carnbee, Fife. Hector Macaulay, 20, Gair- loch, Ross. Lauchlan Rose, 18, Blair Athole, Perth. John C. Williamson, 20, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. Studiosi Anni Tertii. William Edwin Thomson, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Alexr. A. Milne, 27, Forgan, Fife. David Reid, 19, Balmerino, Fife. Robert Lawson, 21, Forgan, Fife. Donald M. Macdonald, 23, Uig, Ross. William Simmers, 19, Mains, Forfar. George R. Croll, 21, Fetter- cairn, Kincardine. David Miller Kay, 18, Crieff, Perthensis. Alexander Thomson, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. James Sword, 26, Monifieth, Forfarshire. Henricus Gulielmus Gibson, 19, St Andrews, Fife- shire. Andrew Walker, 19, Kemback, Fifeshire. Wm. S. Moir, 26, Tough, Aberdeen. John Maclean, 19, Braes, Inverness-shire. Albertus Tarbet, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. David D. M'Laren, 24, Fordoun, Kincardineshire. William T. Tovani, 21, Blackford, Perthshire. Geo. T. Shettle, 23, Morden, Dorset. James H. White, 21, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fife- shire. George Soutar, 19, Montrose, Forfar. Robert M'Gregor, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Andrew Gray, 16, Dalkeith, Edinburgh. Allan John L. Sinclair, 19, Kenmore, Perthshire. Gulielmus Lamond, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Edmond S. Taylor, 18, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian. Cuthertus Georgius M'Ewen, 17, Eltham, Kent. David Brewster, 18, Kilmany, Fife. Frank Stanley Noble, 19, Gravesend, Kent. Joannes Wilson, 25, St Andrews, Fife. Alexander Scott, 20, King- horn, Fife. i88 4 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 245 Archibald Allan, 32, Aberdour, Fife. David Ness, 21, Abbotshall, Fife. Henry K. Lawrie, 21, Wemyss, Fife. William W. Grant, 24, St Andrews, Fife. Frederick Williamson, 18, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. James Grant, 21, Abernethy, Inverness-shire. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Gulielmus M. Tocher, 20, Barry, Angusiensis. Joannes Robertus Strachan, 20, Langholm, Dumfries- ensis. Robertus F. Murray, 20, Ilminster, Somerset. David Christie, 19, St Vigeans, Angusiensis. George Wilson,24, Newcastle, Northumberland. Petrus Dawson, 26, Kenno- way, Fifensis. Alexr. Murray, 43, Kettle, Fifeshire. R. Malcolm Hill, 27, Dundee, Forfar. Joannes Johnstone, 20, Leucharensis, Fifensis. D. G. Mitchell, 23, Inchture, Perth. Joannes Liddell, 26, Moni- fieth, Forfarshire. Archibald Carswell, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Robertus G. Hunter, 19, Newport, Fifensis. Hugh Mackenzie, 23, Ross- keen, Ross-shire. Robert Dunbar Mackenzie, 20, Inverallan, Morayshire. Thomas C. Sturrock, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert L. Walker, 20, Edin- burgh, Midlothian. Fredericus M. Spankie, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Davidus Watson, 18, Mark- inch, Fifensis. Jacobus A. Lowe, 21, Laurencekirk, Kincardin- ensis. Hugh F. M'Neill, 22, Tongue, Sutherland. Alexr. Cleland, 22, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander M'Gregor, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. James M. Christie, 2O,Lochee, Forfarshire. Andrew S. Dingwall Scott, 21, Largo, Fifensis. Thomas P. Milne, 20, Tyrie, Aberdeenshire. David Matthew, 24, St Vigeans, Forfar. James Robb, 19, Kirriemuir, Forfar. 246 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1884 M. Ogilvy-Ramsay, 20, Close- burn, Dumfries. Robertus Macdonald, 20, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. James Hill, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Frew, 21, Kirk- caldy, Fife. Joannes Reid, 22, Little Dunkeld, Perthensis. Murdo MacKay, 22, Farr, Sutherlandshire. William Young, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. Edward King, 27, Whitburn, Linlithgow. Arthur B. Harris, 24, Forgan, Fife. Adam Norrie Barclay, 26, Montrose, Forfar. Richard Muckersie, 19, Melrose, Roxburgensis. Studiosi Theologiae. Jacobus C. Jack, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. Milcombus M'Kerracher, 21, Cupar, Fifeshire. Duncan Robertson, 22, Blair Athole, Perthshire. Joannes Menzies, 21, Logie- rait, Perthshire. Kenneth M. Craig, 30, Fraser- burgh, Aberdeenshire. Robert T. Marshall, 27, Leslie, Fifeshire. Kenneth A. Macleay, 23, Loch Broom, Ross-shire. Josephus Mitchell, 25, Craig, Angusiensis. Archibald M'Neill, 24, Tongue, Sutherlandshire. Andrew Burns, 26, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. Joannes Picken, 27, Craigie, Ayrshire. John Caesar, 19, Panbride, Forfarshire. Gulielmus L. Milroy, 22, Moneydie, Perthshire. Georgius W. Mackay, 21, Stoer, Sutherlandshire. John Henderson, 21, Scoonie, Fifeshire. Wm. B. Campbell, 23, Meth- ven, Perthshire. Andrew Armit, 19, Cupar- Fife, Fifeshire. Jacobus C. Anderson, 23, St Andrews, Fifeshire. William Black, 22, Lundie, Forfarshire. Alexander Macrae, 21, Kin- gussie, Inverness-shire. George Smith Dobbie, 27, Redgorton, Perth. Patrick Arthur Andrew, 26, Markinch, Fife. John Somerville, 26, Orwell, Kinross. Robert Thomson, 25, South Knapdale, Argathaliensis. 1884] MATRICULATION ROLL 247 James M. Strachan, 23, Langholm, Dumfriesensis. Gregor S. Drummond, 23, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. Robertas Gillespie, 22, King- horn, Fifensis. Gulielmus O. Duncan, 26, Airlie, Forfarshire. 1885=1886. Studiosi Anni Primi. Henry Borthwick, 17, Moni- mail, Fifeshire. George Kenneth Menzies, 16, St John's Wood, Middlesex. Wm. Cameron, 16, Edrom, Berwickshire. John Ogg, 16, Brechin, Forfarshire. Andrew Hanley, 15, Leswalt, Wigtonshire. Ronald Thomson, 16; West Wemyss, Fifeshire. Francis M. Anderson, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert Barclay, 16, Greenock, Renfrewshire. Chas. C. Cruickshank, 20, Southampton, Hamp- shire. William B. M'Naughton, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander M. Wyllie, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Robertson, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Peter Peebles, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. Guthrie F. Watson, 18, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Gerald Maitland Heriot, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Arthur Niel Stewart, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Thomas J. Lowe, 15, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. John Irvine, 17, St Andrews, Fife. John T. Patterson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. John Hastie, 21, Kennoway, Fife. Thomas B. Nicholson, 17, Scoonie, Fife. Douglas B. Watters, 23, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire. John Sorley, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexander B. Smith, 15, Dundee, Forfarshire. David G. Young, 23, Leuchars, Fifeshire. John B. Scott, 17, Forgan, Fifeshire. John Nicoll, 15, Meigle, Perthshire. 248 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1885 Alexander M'Kenzie, 15, Tealing, Forfarshire. William A. Taylor, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Stewart F. Butchart, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander M. Wood, 18, Sunderland, Durham. John C. Scrimgeour, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Duncan MacRae, 17, Loch- alsh, Ross-shire. Norman Maclean, 16, Portree, Inverness-shire. Angus M'Donald, 24, North Uist, Inverness- shire. James Dalgety, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert Robertson, 16, Cupar- Fife, Fife. David Murray, 39, Bower, Caithness. David Ramsay Henderson, 18, Perth, Perthshire. Alexander Campbell Robert- son, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Neil MacLeod, 21, Strathy, Sutherlandshire. Millar Patrick, 17, Collessie, Fifeshire. William Anderson, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James H. Lyon, 16, Perth, Perth. Jacobus O. F. Gracie, 18, Tannadice, Forfar. William D. Anderson, 19, Kirriemuir, Forfar. William G. M'Andrew, 20, Fordoun, Kincardine. George Luke, 18, Kinross, Kinross. John Leitham, 19, Perth, Perth. Jas. Ernest Moorhouse, 16, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. Archd. J. Miller, i7,Arbroath, Forfarshire. Murdo J. C. Matheson, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Cecil H. Cribb, 22, London, W., Middlesex. William Smith, 17, Cramond, Edinburgh. David Lawson, 17, Stirling, Stirling. Gustave Severn, 17, Rother- field, Sussex. William Reid, 17, Crail, Fife. John Stewart Black, 20, Carriden, Linlithgow. John Robertson, 21, Dun- nichen, Forfar. Robert Maxwell Cansh, 16, Glasgow, Lanark. Studiosi Anni Secundi. James Barty, 17, Dunblane, Perthshire. Alford W. Anderson, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. MATRICULATION ROLL 249 James Maclean, 17, Dunning, Perthshire. Joseph W. Birch, 19, Wigan, Lancashire. John G. Mackay, 20, Crieff, Perthshire. John Ogilvie, 19, Dollar, Clackmananshire. Charles Watson, 22, Brechin, Forfarshire. Charles Brown, 18, Cumlod- den, Argyleshire. Gulielmus B. Jack, 22, St Mary's Terrace, [Dundee], Forfarshire. Gulielmus A. Craigie, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander K. Dallas, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thomas Carmichael, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Charles W. Fleming, 17, Inverallan, Elginshire. James Cameron, 17, Abdie, Fifeshire. David G. Rose, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Carolus Stewart, 17, Lochee, Forfarshire. Robertus Coupar, 17, Fordoun, Kincardine. Georgius Roger, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Geoffrey M. Mackness, 17, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. James Patrick, 17, Barry, Forfarshire. Sidney Duke, 17, St Vigeans, Forfarshire. George M. Macdonald, 23, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. Carolus Whyte, Jr., 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Heggie, 20, Markinch, Fifeshire. James Littlejohn, 17, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Wm. Guthrie Law, 18, Montrose, Forfarshire. Frederick R. Bremner, 18, Cupar, Fife. Charles A. Fleming, 16, Lundie, Forfarshire. James W. Walker, 18, Kern- back, Fife. Thomas W. Davidson, 18, Cupar, Fife. John A. Grant, 18, St Andrews, Fife. William Sharp, 17, Comrie, Perth. Colin M'Leay, 18, Barvas, Lewis. Georgius Brown, 16, St Andrews, Fife. George Harper, 20, Fetter- cairn, Kincardine. John Caseby, 25, Orwell, Kinross. Robert Lyon, 19, Perth, Perth. William R. Jackson, 17, Perth, Perth. Alfred Douglas Farmer, 18, St Andrews, Fife. 250 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1885 James Fergusson, 18, Paisley, Renfrew. Alexr. St Clair, 18, Newport, Fifeshire. John Mackay, 20, Farr, Sutherlandshire. Gulielmus Ballingall, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Gulielmus Henderson, 18, Wick, Caithness. Jacobus Wilson, 28, St Andrews, Fife. C. Brown, 21, New Kilpatrick, Dumbartonshire. Robertus Whyte Gibson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Arthur Moorhouse, 20, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. Studiosi Anni Tertii. James Wood, 19, Brechin, Forfarshire. Georgius Higgs, 17, St Andrews, Fifensis. Alfred Macfarlane, 18, Airth, Stirlingshire. William Brown, 2O,Montrose, Forfarshire. James Grieve, 21, Montrose, Forfarshire. Hugh Riviere, 16, Hamstead, Middlesex. Alexander Jack, 30, Dundee, Forfarshire. Lauchlan Rose, 19, Blair Athole, Perthshire. Andreas Sime, 18, Newburn, Fifeshire. Donald M'Rae, Aviemore, Inverness-shire. Thomas Crichton, 18, Lady- bank, Fife. John Grierson, 18, Wigan, Lancashire. James Macdonald, 19, Bole- skine, Inverness-shire. John C. Williamson, 21, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. Andrew Watt, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Pentland Smith, 18, Carnbee, Fifeshire. Joannes M'L. Murray, 21, Dollar, Clackmannan. Gulielmus Edie, 20, Robert- onensis, Selkirk. Hector Macaulay, 21, Gair- loch, Ross-shire. James Goodall, 23, Tilli- coultry, Clackmannanshire. Andrew Snadden, 21, Sauchie, Clackmannanshire. Gulielmus P. Adam, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Dow, 23, St Monance, Fifeshire. James M'D. Troup, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Walter M'Leod, 21, Burnt- island, Fife. James Gillies, 20, Dundee, Forfar. i88 5 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 251 John Thomson Levens, 23, London, Middlesex. John Clark, 22, Kinnoull, Perth. William Scott, 18, Dollar, Clackmannan. W. H. MTherson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Edward Bramley, 17, Shef- field, Yorkshire. David Finlayson, 22, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. John C. Peat, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. James H. Stewart, 17, Ar- drossan, Ayr. William Thomson, 23, Resolis, Ross-shire. Richard A. Fluck, 23, Tewkes- bury, Gloucestershire. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Albertus Tarbet, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Geo. T. Shettle, 24, Morden, Dorset. David M. Kay, 19, Crieff, Perthshire. Jacobus Sword, 26, Monifieth, Forfarshire. William Simmers, 20, Strath- martin, Forfarshire. James Grant, 22, Abernethy, Inverness-shire. William C. M'Culloch, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Andrew Gray, 17, Dalkeith, Edimburgensis. David Ness, 22, Dysart, Fife. David Reid, 20, Balmerino, Fife. Andrew Walker, 20, Kem- back, Fifeshire. Alexander J. Thomson, 18, Arbroath, Forfarshire. James H. White, 22, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fifeshire. Frederick Williamson, 19, Greenlaw, Berwick- shire. Robert M'Gregor, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alexander Scott, 21, King- horn, Fife. John Wilson, 26, St Andrews, Fife. George R. Croll, 22, Fetter- cairn, Kincardine. Frank Stanley Noble, 20, Gravesend, Kent. Hugh Mackenzie, 24, Ross- keen, Ross-shire. Edmund S. Taylor, 19, Edin- burgh, Midlothian. David Christie, 20, St Vigeans, Forfarshire. George Soutar, 20, Montrose, Forfarshire. Archibald Allan, 33, Aberdour, Fifeshire. Henry K. Lawrie, 22, Wemyss, Fife. 252 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1885 Robert D. Mackenzie, 21, Inverallan, Morayshire. David Brewster, 19, Kilmany, Fifeshire. Robert Lawson, 22, Glasgow, Renfrew. David D. M'Laren, 25, Fordoun, Kincardine. Arthur B. Harris, 25, Forgan, Fife. William W. Grant, 25, St Andrews, Fife. Henricus Gulielmus Gibson, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Alexander Frew, 22, Kirk- caldy, Fife. Gulielmus Edvinus Thomson, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Studiosi Theologiae. John Liddell, 27, Monifieth, Forfar. Alexander Cleland, 22, Dun- dee, Forfar. William M. Tocher, 21, Barry, Forfar. John Johnstone,2i, Leuchars, Fife. John Robert Strachan, 21, Langholm, Dumfries. Thomas Patton Milne, 21, Tyrie, Aberdeen. Robert T. Marshall, 28, Leslie, Fife. Kenneth A. Macleay, 24, Loch Broom, Ross-shire. James A. Lowe, 22, Laurence- kirk, Kincardine. Andrew Burns, 27, Dreghorn, Ayrshire. John Dow, 22, Blair Athole, Perthshire. Joseph Mitchell, 26, Craig, Angusiensis. David Matthew, 24, Arbroath, Forfar. James Hill, 22, Dundee, Forfar. John Menzies, 22, Logie- rait, Perthensis. John Caesar, 20, Panbride, Forfar. James Robb, 20, Kirriemuir, Forfar. James Brown, 25, Bendochy, Perth. Kenneth M. Craig, 31, Fraser- burgh, Aberdeenshire. Christopher Y. M. Harrower, 28, Biggar, Lanarkshire. Alexander M'Gregor, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. George S. Dobbie, 28, Redgorton, Perthshire. Alexander Brown, 26, Port- moak, Kinross. Charles D. Bentick, 19, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. Robert Malcolm Hill, 28, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Black, 24, Lundie, Forfarshire. MATRICULATION ROLL 253 Andreas S. Dingwall Scott, 22, Largo, Fifensis. Archibald M'Neill, 25, Tongue, Sutherlandshire. Robertus Macdonald, 21, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. Malcolm M'Kerracher, 22, Cupar, Fife. Andrew Armit, 20, Cupar, Fife. Robert Gillespie, 23, King- horn, Fifensis. Duncan Robertson, 23, Blair Athole, Perthensis. Richard Muckersie, 21, Melrose, Roxburgensis. Studiosi Scientiae Collegii Taodunensis. John Dunn, 30, St Andrews, Fife. William Low, 23, Monifieth, Forfar shire. Thomas Reid, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Powrie, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Malcolm, 40, Tealing, Forfarshire. James Schleselman, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William Frew, 15, Perth, Perthshire. J. M. White, 28, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Dawson, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Drummond Cargill, 16, Mains, Forfarshire. 1886=1887. Studiosi Anni Primi. George William Guy Linde- say, 15, St Andrews, Fife- shire. David Gordon Bett, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alan Cant, 15, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Edgar Nathaniel Loftus Brock, 19, All Saints', Middlesex. Andrew Brown, 18, Montrose, Forfarshire. Samuel C. Brush, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alexander M. Cowan, 18, Perth, Perthshire. Walter J. Robertson, 17, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian. David M. Hampton, 31, Dundee, Forfarshire. 254 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1886 Duncan Cameron, 17, Kil- monivaig, Inverness. John S. Smart, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Douglas B. Smith, 16, Arbroath, shire. Forfar- Thomas C. Darling, 17, Cupar, Fife. John Hood, 16, Cupar, Fife. Frank G. Proudfoot, 17, Leuchars, Fife. Robert Bruce, 23, Edin- burgh, Mid-Lothian. Thomas J. Lowe, 16, Laurencekirk, Kin- cardine. Alexander R. Moon, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Stott, 18, Craig, Forfarshire. Robertus Beveridge, 22, Orwell, Kinross. G. Lindsay Leslie, 15, Creich, Fifeshire. William Ramsay, 17, Cupar, Fifeshire. John Ramsay, 15, Cupar, Fifeshire. Herbert J. Bremner, 16, Cupar, Fifeshire. Adam P. Nimmo, 16, Cupar, Fifeshire. Julianus Irvine, 15, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. James Gilruth, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Allison, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Archibaldus L. Pentland Smith, 16, Carnbee, Fife- shire. Charles Wright, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Dalgety, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Ross, 19, St Mar- tins, Perthshire. John J. Cameron, 17, Brechin, Forfarshire. John Harris, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Edward Macrae, 23, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Duncan Macpherson, 23, Gairloch, Ross-shire. John Phyn, 18, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. John Sutherland Fraser, 18, Forres, Moray- shire. Wm. Gordon, 29, London, England, Middlesex. William Menzies, 18, Weem, Perthshire. Allan Wilson, 18, Assynt, Sutherlandshire. Chas. C. Cruickshank, 21, Southampton, Hamp- shire. Edward W. Mackay, 17, Latheron, Caith- ness. Frank Cecil Turner, 18, St Andrews, Fife. i886] MATRICULATION ROLL 255 James B. Grahame, St Andrews, Fife. John P. Browning, 17, St Andrews, Fife. John M. Anderson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Samuel Laing, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Andrew M'Lean Hanley, 16, Leswalt, Wigtonshire. Joannes Ogg, 17, Brechiri, Forfarshire. David Murray, 40, Bower, Caithness. Ronald Thomson, 17, West Wemyss, Fife. John Leitham, 20, Perth, Perth. Norman Maclean, 17, Braes, Portree, Inverness. Duncan MacRae, 20, Loch- alsh, Ross-shire. Patricius Gulielmus Ander- son, 20, Dundee, Angusi- ensis. Franciscus M. Anderson, 18, Taodunum, Angusiensis. Alexander B. Smith, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thomas B. Nicholson, 18, Scoonie, Fifeshire. J. C. Scrimgeour, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Charles Brown, 22, Inch- innan, Renfrewshire. Wm. B. M'Naughton, 21, Longforgan, Perthshire. George Luke, 19, Kinross, Kinross. David Robertson, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alex. M'Kenzie, 16, Tealing, Forfarshire. Wm. Cameron, 17, Edrom, Berwickshire. Wm. A. Taylor, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. James O. F. Gracie, 19, Tannadice, Forfarshire. Robertus Robertson, 17, Cupar, Fife. John Patterson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. David Lawson, 18, Stirling, Stirling. Archd. J. Miller, 18, Ar- broath, Forfar. W. G. M'Andrew, 21, Fordoun, Kincardine- shire. John Robertson, 22, Dun- nichen, Forfarshire. Stewart F. Butchart, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Irvine, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. William Anderson, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James H. Lyon, 17, Perth, Perth. 256 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1886 John Sorley, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Millar Patrick, 18, Collessie, Fifeshire. William Reid, 18, Crail, Fifeshire. William Berwick, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Nicoll, 16, Meigle, Perthshire. Robert Barclay, 17, Green- ock, Renfrewshire. Henry Borthwick, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Angus M'Donald, 25, North Uist, Inverness- shire. G. Kenneth Menzies, 17, Marylebone, Middlesex. William D. Anderson, 20, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. David G. Young, 24, Leuchars, Fifeshire. Murdo J. C. Mafheson, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Gustave Severn, 18, London, Middlessex. James Ernest Moorhouse, 17, Linthwaite, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. Robert Maxwell Cansh, 17, Glasgow, Lanark. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Alexander Campbell Robert- son, 20, Dundee, Forfar. William Guthrie Law, 19, Montrose, Forfar. Joseph W. Birch, 20, Wigan, Lancashire. James Maclean, 18, Dunning, Perthshire. John A. Grant, 19, St Andrews, Fife. G. M. Macdonald, 24, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. Gulielmus Henderson, 19, Wick, Caithness. James Barty, 18, Dunblane, Perthshire. Geoffrey M. Mackness, 18, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. Robert Coupar, 18, Fordoun, Kincardine. Thos. W. Davidson, 19, Cupar, Fife. A. Douglas Farmer, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Chas. Stewart, 18, Lochee, Forfarshire. George G. Roger, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William A. Craigie, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire.' James Patrick, 17, Barry, Forfarshire. James W. Walker, 19, Kem- back, Fifeshire. David Ramsay Henderson, 19, Tibbermuir, Perth- shire. i886] MATRICULATION ROLL 257 William Roy Jackson, 18, Tibbermuir, shire. Perth- Charles Brown, 19, Cum- lodden, Argyllshire. Thomas Carmichael, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Sidney Duke, 18, St Vigeans, Forfarshire. James Cameron, 18, Abdie, Fifeshire. Charles W. Fleming, 18, Inverallan, shire. Moray- Edward Bramley, 18, Shef- field, Yorkshire. Charles A. Fleming, 17, Lundie, Forfar. Alexr. St Clair, 19, Newport, Fife. John Ogilvie, 21, Dollar, Clackmanan. Carolus Watson, 23, Brechin, Forfar. William Sharp, 18, Comrie, Perth. Carolus Whyte, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Frederick R. Bremner, 19, Cupar, Fifeshire. George Harper, 21, Fetter- cairn, Kincardineshire. Wm. B. Jack, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Heggie, 21, Markinch, Fifeshire. David G. Rose, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alex. K. Dallas, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Wm. Ballingall, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Littlejohn, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. James Fergusson, 19, Paisley, Renfrewshire. Colin M'Leay, 20, Barvas, Ross-shire. Arthur Moorhouse, 21, Linth- waite, Yorkshire. Jacobus Wilson, 29, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Robert P. Lyon, 20, Perth, Perthshire. John Mackay, 21, Farr, Sutherland. Studiosi Anni Quarti. Donald M. Macdonald, 25, Uig, Ross-shire. John G. Mackay, 21, Crieff, Perthshire. John Dow, 24, St Monance, Fifeshire. William H. M'Pherson, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alfred Macfarlane, 19, Airth, Stirlingshire. William Brown, 21, Mon- trose, Forfarshire. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1886 Hugh Riviere, 17, Hamp- stead, Middlesex. James Gillies, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. John M'L. Murray, 22, Dollar, Clackmannan. John Maclean, 21, Braes, Inverness-shire. Lauchlan Rose, 20, Blair Athole, Perth- shire. Hector Macaulay, 22, Gair- loch, Ross-shire. John Grierson, 19, Wigan, Lancashire. Walter M'Leod, 22, Burnt- island, Fifeshire. James Wood, 20, Brechin, Forfarshire. Andrew Walker, 21, Kem- back, Fifeshire. Thomas Crichton, 19, Lady- bank, Fifeshire. James M'D. Troup, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James Macdonald, 20, Boleskine, Inverness- shire. George Higgs, 18, Aber- nethy, Perthshire. Donald M'Rae, 21, Duthil, Inverness. James Grieve, 22, Montrose, Forfarshire. Andrew Snadden, 22, Sauchie, Clackmannan. William Edie, 21, Roberton, Roxburghshire. William P. Adam, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William Scott, 19, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Andrew Sime, 19, Newburn, Fifeshire. John Wilson, 27, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Pentland Smith, 19, Carnbee, Fifeshire. Alexander Jack, 31, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Clark, 23, Kinnoull, Perth. James G. Goodall, 24, Tilli- coultry, Clackmannan. George R. Croll, 23, Fetter- cairn, Kincardine. Richard Andrews Fluck, 25, Tewkesbury, Gloucester- shire. David Finlayson, 23, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Andrew Watt, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Thomson, 24, Inverness, Inverness- shire. John C. Williamson, 22, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. John C. Peat, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Allan Briggs, 25, Cupar, Fife. i886] MATRICULATION ROLL 259 Studiosi Theologiae. David Ness, 23, Pathhead, Fifeshire. Robert Dunbar Mackenzie, 22, Inverallan, Elginshire. David D. M'Laren, 26, For- doun, Kincardineshire. John Dow, 23, Blair Athole, Perthshire. Thomas Patton Milne, 22, Tyrie, Aberdeenshire. Kenneth M. Craig, 32, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen- shire. William M. Tocher, 22, Barry, Forfarshire. James A. Lowe, 23, Laurence- kirk, Kincardineshire. James Robb, 21, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. David Matthew, 26, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. James Brown, 26, Bendochy, Perthshire. James B. Wallace, 28, Ben- dochy, Perthshire. John Liddell, 28, Monifieth, Forfarshire. Andrew Gray, 18, Dalkeith, Edinburgensis. Archibald M'Neill, 26, Tongue, Sutherlandshire. David Brewster, 20, Kil- many, Fifeshire. Archibald Allan, 34, Aber- dour, Fifeshire. " Alexander M'Gregor, 21, Dundee, Forfar. William Black, 25, Lundie, Forfar. James Hill, 23, Mains and Strathmartine, Forfar. William G. Donaldson, 25, Cupar, Fife. Robert Malcolm Hill, 29, Dundee, Forfarshire. Andreas S. Dingwall Scott, 23, Largo, Fifeshire. John Johnstone, 22,Leuchars, Fifeshire. John Menzies, 22, Logierait, Perthensis. Alexander Cleland, 23, Dun- dee, Forfar. Edward E. Prince, 28, Leeds, Yorkshire. Alexander Frew, 23, Kirk- caldy, Fife. George J. Mackay, 24, Latheron, Caithness. Alexander Brown, 27, Port- moak, Kinross-shire. Andrew Armit, 21, Cupar- Fife, Fife. Robert Macdonald, 22, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. Charles D. Bentick, 20, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. John R. Strachan, 22, Langholm, Dumfries- ensis. 260 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1886 Henricus Gulielmus Gibson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. William Candlish, 34, Kirk- cudbright, Kirkcudbright. William C. M'Culloch, 22, Dundee, Forfar. John Caesar, 21, Panbride, Forfar. Studiosi Scientiae Collegii Taodunensis. William Low, 24, Monifieth, Forfarshire. James Sword, 28, Monifieth, Forfarshire. John Dunn, 31, St Andrews, Fife. David Dawson, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. Geo. Grant Hepburn, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Henry J. Waddie, 17, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Walter W. H. Brownlee, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Blaine C. Douglas, 17, Moni- fieth, Forfar. Robert H. Adamson, 17, Forfar, Forfar. Duncan Sinclair, 15, Perth, Perth. Jas. A. Lamb, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Frew, 16, Perth, Perth. Thomas Reid, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Williamson, 23, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Hugh P. Holburn, 24, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William Kidd, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Malcolm, 41, Tealing, Forfarshire. Alexander Meek, 21, Moni- fieth, Forfarshire. George Powrie, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Arthur B. Harris, 26, Forgan, Fifeshire. James Anderson, 32, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. William Drummond Cargill, 17, Mains, Forfarshire. 1887=1888. Studiosi Anni Primi. Alexander Moody Stuart Martin, 19, Auchterarder, Perth. William R. Addison Scott, 17* Fife. St Andrews, i88 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 261 William M'Callum, 16, Monzievaird, Perth. James Wilson, 22, Strath- miglo, Fife. James Robertson, 19, Dun- dee, Forfar. James Gray, 15, Dundee, Forfar. Daniel M'Laren, 24, Comrie, Perth. James P. Sturrock, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. Clive Riviere, 15, London, Middlesex. David W. Scott, 22, Kings- barns, Fife. Alexander Jack, 15, Ferry- Port-on-Craig, Fife. David Annal, 22, Dundee, Forfar. Robert Mitchell, 17, Dundee, Forfar. John MacBeth, 20, Black- ford, Perth. William B. Clarke, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John E. M'Rae, 17, Peni- cuik, Midlothian. John M. Anderson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Wm. E. Philip, 17, Dundee, Forfar. James Smart Ogilvy, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Edward John Smyth Teviot- dale, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Arthur W. K. Herdman, 22, Blairgowrie, Perth. Balfour S. Nicholson, 15, Scoonie, Fife. Douglas B. Smith, 17, St Vigeans, Forfarshire. James A. Davidson, 15, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. John W. Craig, 15, Kelton, Kircudbrightshire. Robert Affleck, 17, Bal- maghie, Kirkcudbright. Archibald C. Morrison, 17, Logie-Pert, Forfarshire. John Lang, 19, St Andrews, Fife. John Campbell, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Ferdinand Thornely Fried - erichs, 17, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire. Charles Hutchison, 18, Kirrie- muir, Forfar. Andrew Dalgety, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Oswald Raitt, 16, Blairgowrie, Perth. Joseph A. Ellison, 21, St Andrews, Fife. George Christie, 17, Elgin, Morayshire. Robert L. Proudfoot, 16, Leuchars, Fife. James M'Pherson, 16, St Andrews, Fife. D. Don Watson, 16, Cupar, Fife. John S. Smart, 19, St Andrews, Fife. 262 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1887 Archibald G. Brown, 19, Bendochy, Perthshire. Charles Alexander King, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Robert Cameron, 16, Kil- monivaig, Inverness- shire. George Lindsay Leslie, 16, Creich, Fifeshire. William L. Stewart, 15, Dairy, Kirkcudbright. D. Bruce Millar, 16, Kin- cardine O'Neil, Aber- deen. Edward W. Mackay, 18, Latheron, Caithness. John C. Leslie, 16, Parish of St Vigeans, Forfar. William J. S. Ewan, 17, Fyvie, Aberdeen. Hugh M'Lellan, 27, Kil- choman, Argyle. Archibald Hume, 43, Cross- michael, Kirkcudbright. John M. Ramsay, 22, Cupar, Fife. David Irons, 18, Mains and Strathmartine, Forfar. John Charles Bell, 48, St Andrews, Fife. James Herbert Curie, 17, Melrose, Roxburgh. Studiosi Anni Secundi. Samuel Laing, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Alan Cant, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Thomas J. Lowe, 17, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. George Stott, 19, Craig, Forfar. Ronald Thomson, 18, West Wemyss, Fife. John J.Cameron, 18, Brechin, Forfar. David Machardy Hampton, 32, Dundee, Forfar. James Dalgety, 21, Dundee, Forfar. George Lawson, 16, Culross, Perthshire. Thos. C. Darling, 18, Cupar, Fife. James Gilruth, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Neil MacLeod, 23, Strathy (Farr), Sutherlandshire. Duncan Cameron, 18, Kil- monivaig, shire. Inverness- Alexander R. Moon, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Walter J. Robertson, 18, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian. John Ramsay, 16, Cupar, Fife. Robert Beveridge, 23, Orwell, Kinross. Duncan Macpherson, 24, Gairloch, Ross-shire. i88 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 263 Frank G. Proudfoot, 18, Leuchars, Fife. William Menzies, ig, Weem, Perthshire. Andrew Brown, ig, Montrose, Forfarshire. David M. Allison, ig, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Charles Wright, ig, Dundee, Forfarshire. John M. H. MacLeod, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. John William Critchley, 18, Skelmersdale, Lanca- shire. Archibald L. Pentland Smith, 17, Carnbee, Fife- shire. Andrew Gavin, 18, Stirling, Stirlingshire. Herbert J. Bremner, 17, Cupar, Fifeshire. Julian Irvine, 16, Arbroath, Forfarshire. A. Prentice Nimmo, 17, Springfield, Fife. Charles C. Cruickshank, 22, Southampton, Hampshire. John Irvine, ig, Strathkin- ness, Fife. Jas. B. Grahame, St Andrews, Fife. Studiosi Anni Tertii. Andrew M'L. Hanley, 17, Leswalt, Wigtonshire. Franciscus M. Anderson, ig, Deidonum, Angusi- ensis. David Murray, 41, Bower, Caithness. Stewart F. Butchart, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robertus Barclay, 18, Greenock, Renfrewshire. John Nicoll, 17, Meigle, Perthshire. William B. M'Naughton, 22, Longforgan, Perthshire. William Alexr. Taylor, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Robertson, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alexander B. Smith, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Reid, ig, Crail, Fifeshire. Archd. J. Miller, ig, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Thomas B. Nicholson, ig, Scoonie, Fifeshire. John C. Scrimgeour, 20, Dundee, Forfar- shire. Robert Robertson, 18, Cupar- Fife, Fifeshire. John Patterson, ig, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Wm. Cameron, 18, Edrom, Berwickshire. Alex. M'Kenzie, 17, Tealing, Forfarshire. 2 6 4 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1887 William Anderson, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Carolus Brown, 23, New Kilpatrick, Renfrewshire. John Leitham, 21, Perth, Perthshire. George Luke, 20, Kinross, Kinross-shire. David G. Young, 25, Leuchars, Fifeshire. Millar Patrick, 19, Collessie, Fifeshire. Norman Maclean, i8,Portree, Inverness. George Kenneth Menzies, 18, Marylebone, Middlesex. James O. F. Gracie, 20, Tannadice, Forfar. David Lawson, 19, Stirling, Stirling. Duncan MacRae, 20, Loch- alsh, Ross-shire. John Sorley, 18, St Andrews, Fife. John Ogg, 18, Brechin, Forfarshire. D. Ramsay Henderson, 20, Tibbermuir, Perthshire. William D. Anderson, 21, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. William G. M'Andrew, 22, Fordoun, Kincardineshire. Henry Borthwick, 19, Moni- mail, Fifeshire. William Berwick, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James Ernest Moorhouse, 18, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. Robert Whyte Gibson, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Studiosi Anni Quarti. George Guthrie Roger, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander Campbell Robert- son, 21, Dundee, Forfar- shire. John A. Grant, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Thomas Carmichael, 19, St Andrews, Fife. William Sharp, 19, Comrie, Perthshire. Alexr. St Clair, 20, Newport, Fifeshire. David M. Kay, 21, Muthill, Perthshire. John George Mackay, 22, Crieff, Perthshire. James Wallace Walker, 20, Kemback, Fife- shire. John Pentland Smith, 20, Carnbee, Fifeshire. James Barty, 19, Dunblane, Perthshire. Charles Brown, 20, Cumlod- den, Argyllshire. William P. Adam, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alfred Douglas Farmer, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. i88 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 265 Robert Coupar, ig, Fordoun, Kincardine. William A. Craigie, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William Ballingall, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Maclean, 19, Dunning, Perthshire. John Mackay, 22, Farr, Sutherlandshire. Edward Bramley, 19, Shef- field, Yorkshire. Carolus Stewart, 19, Lochee, Forfarshire. James Grieve, 23, Montrose, Forfarshire. John Wilson, 28, St Andrews, Fifeshire. G. M. Macdonald, 25, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. James Patrick, 18, Barry, Forfarshire. William Henderson, 20, Wick, Caithness. John Robertson, 23, Bower, Caithness. Andrew Watt, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Charles W. Fleming, 19, Inverallan, Elginshire. James Fergusson, 20, Paisley, Renfrewshire. William R. Jackson, 19, Tibbermuir, Perthshire. James Littlejohn, 19, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Charles A. Fleming, 18, Lundie, Forfarshire. Geoffrey M. Mackness, 19, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. Joseph W. Birch, 21, Wigan, Lancashire. William B. Jack, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. Charles Watson, 24, Brechin, Forfarshire. John Ogilvie, 22, Dollar, Clackmananshire. David G. Rose, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Richard Andrews Fluck, 25, Tewkesbury, Gloucester- shire. Alexander Jack, 31, Dundee, Forfarshire. Charles Whyte, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander K. Dallas, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Harper, 22, Fetter- cairn, Kincardineshire. Frederic R. Bremner, 20, Cupar, Fifeshire. John Heggie, 22, Markinch, Fifeshire. Wm. Guthrie Law, 20, Montrose, Forfarshire. Arthur Moorhouse, 22, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. James G. Goodall, 25, Tilli- coultry, Clackmananshire. John C. Williamson, 23, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. James Grant, 24, Abernethy, Inverness. 266 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1887 Studiosi Theologiae. Jacobus Brown, 27, Bendochy, Perthiensis. David Ness, 24, Abbotshall, Fifeshire. Joannes Robertas Strachan, 23, Langholm, Dumfries- ensis. John Maclean, 22, Portree, Inverness-shire. Robert D. Mackenzie, 23, Inverallan, Morayshire. David D. M'Laren, 27, For- doun, Kincardineshire. Andrew Sime, 20, Newburn, Fifeshire. Alexr. Cleland, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. James A. Lowe, 24, Laurence- kirk, Kincardineshire. James Robb, 22, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. John Dow, 24, Blair Athole, Perthshire. John Cochrane, 25, Scone, Perthshire. John Caesar, 22, Panbride, Forfarshire. Alfred Macfarlane, 20, Airth, Stirlingshire. Alex. Brown, 28, Portmoak, Kinross. Andrew Gray, 19, Dalkeith, Edimburgensis. Walter M'Leod, 23, Burnt- island, Fife. Wm. M'Culloch, 23, Dundee, Forfar. William Rankin, 23, Old Monkland, Lanark. Alexander Scott, 23, King- horn, Fife. Andrew Snadden, 23, Sauchie, Alloa, Clackmannan. Henry Reid Chalmers, 21, Perth, Perthshire. Charles M'Glashan, 19, Monzievaird, nr. Crieff, Perthshire. James Hill, 24, Dundee, Forfar. William Brown, 22, Montrose, Forfar. Robert Macdonald, 23, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. James Gillies, 22, Dundee, Forfar. Archibald Allan, 35, Aber- dour, Fife. John Johnstone, 23, Leuchars, Fife. Kenneth M. Craig, 33, Fraserburgh, Aberdeen. Charles D. Bentinck, 21, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. John Liddell, 29, Monifieth, Forfar. Robert Malcolm Hill, 30, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander M'Gregor, 23, Dundee, Forfar. i88 7 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 267 Jacobus Bell Wallace, 29, Dundee, Forfar. Thomas P. Milne, 23, Tyrie, Aberdeen. Frederick Williamson, 21, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. William M. Tocher, 23, Barry, Forfar. John C. Peat, 21, Dundee, Forfar. David Brewster, 21, Kil- many, Fife. Andreas S. Dingwall Scott, 24, Largo, Fifensis. Alexander Frew, 24, Kirk- caldy, Fifensis. Studiosi Scientiae Collegii Taodunensis. John Mudie, 42, Dundee, Forfar. George Caird, 47, Dundee, Forfar. James Anderson, 32, Dundee, Forfar. G. Grant Hepburn, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. John Dunn, 31, St Andrews, Fife. William D. Cargill, 18, Mains, Forfar. James Sword, 29, Monifieth, Forfar. R. H. Adamson, 18, Forfar, Forfar. Duncan Sinclair, 16, Perth, Perth. H. J. Waddie, 18, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. John S. Lumsden, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. Blaine C. Douglas, 18, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. David Williamson, 24, Dun- dee, Forfar. Hugh P. Holburn, 25, Dun- dee, Forfar. James Braik Mason, 36, Dundee, Forfar. David Low, 22, Claverhouse, Forfar. William G. Smith, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. Alexander Meek, 22, Moni- fieth, Forfar. George R. Powrie, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. William Low, 25, Monifieth, Forfar. William Frew, 17, Perth, Perth. David Symon, 17, Perth, Perth. John F. Macdiarmid, 22, Dundee, Dundee. Jas. Lamb, 25, Dundee, Forfar. James B. Robb, 22, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Edward, 29, Kirriemuir, Forfar. 268 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1888 1888=1889. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. John Gillavray Taylor, 17, Arbroath, Forfar. Edward Leadbetter Milne, 15, Arbroath, Forfar. Robert Ingles, 16, Crieff, Perth. Harry M'Donald Kyle, 16, Glasgow, Lanark. Alexander Boyd Barty, 15, Dunblane, Perth. Alexander Moody Stuart Martin, 20, Aberuthven, by Auchterarder, Perth.* Richard Watt Todd, 22, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. James Roberson Dykes, 21, Strathmiglo, Fife. Henry N. Patrick, 15, Cole- raine, Antrim. William Burns, 16, Eassie, Forfar. Jas. Kennedy, 20, Dundee, Forfar. John M. Ramsay, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. George Wyllie Howie, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Robert B. R. Mair, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. Robert C. Mitchell, 16, Dun- dee, Forfar. Robert Pryde, 15, Kinin- month, Aberdeen. George Thompson, 22, Coupar, Fife. Duncan Robertson, 26, Tibermuir, Perth. Stewart Crabb, 18, Kirrie- muir, Forfar. Chas. A. King, 16, St Andrews, Fife. James Orr, 17, Brisbane, Queensland. Roderick M'Quarrie, 24, North Uist, Inverness. William Wilson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Robt. P. Anderson, 16, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian. Norman D. Smith, 16, Dun- dee, Forfar. Robert L. Proudfoot, 17, Leuchars, Fife. James C. Rait, 17, Leuchars, Fife. Alexander M. Macleod, 16, Ardnamurchan and Sunart, Argyll. Robert D. Robertson, 18, Oban, Argyll. Peter C. Anderson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. i888] MATRICULATION ROLL 269 Christopher Maclean, 20, Lochalsh, Ross-shire. Alexander Chambers, 31, Ready, Armagh, Ireland. David W. Guthrie, 16, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. Ebenezer Lang, 16, Cupar, Fifeshire. Thomas A. A. Wilson, 16, Cupar, Fifeshire. Alfred Patrick Thorns, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. W. Arthur R. M'Rae, 17, Penicuik, Midlothian. George Carmichael Low, 16, Monifieth, Forfarshire. Thomas S. MacPherson, 18, Ardnamurchan, Argyll- shire. Donald Munro, 17, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Robert Johnstone, 16, The Manse, Leuchars, Fife. James Turner, 26, Ladybank, Fife. David W. M. Wilson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. David D. Gold, 16, Kings- kettle, Fife. James A. Davidson, 16, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. Roderick Macleod, 18, Urray, Ross-shire. George R. S. Reid, 17, Bal- merino, Fife. Edward Howat, 16, Stirling, Stirlingshire. Alexr. S. M. Imrie, 17, Mark- inch, Fife. John Davidson, 16, Dun- fermline, Fife. Peter Leslie, 19, Ruthven, Forfar. James Macpherson, 17, Edinburgh, Midlothian. George Leslie, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexr. Thorns, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David Wilson Wallace, 17, Carluke, Lanark. Alexander Govan, St Andrews, Fife. John Wallace, 19, Lesma- hagow, Lanark. William Archibald, Laun- ceston, Tasmania. Thomas Berwick, 27, Forres, Moray. William Bright Rawlin- son, 22, Hawick, Rox- burgh. Robert Troup, Rhynie, Aberdeen. John Milne, Fettercairn, Kincardine. James Mitchell, St Andrews, Fife. Donald Hodge, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Douglas Murray, 61, St Andrews, Fife. 270 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1888 Second Year. James Gray, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Fred. P. Shepherd, 15, Dun- dee, Forfar. David Annal, 23, Dundee, Forfar. Robert Mitchell, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Jack, 16, Tayport, Fifeshire. James Wilson, 23, Strath- miglo, Fifeshire. Arthur W. K. Herdman, 23, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Douglas B. Smith, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Daniel M'Laren, 24, Comrie, Perth. William B. Clarke, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. Edward J. S. Teviotdale, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Henry C. Williamson, 17, Dundee, Forfar. James Smart Ogilvy, 18, Dundee, Forfar. William M'Callum, 16, Monzievaird, Perth. John Campbell, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Archibald G. Brown, 19, Bendochy, Perthshire. John C. Leslie, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Charles Hutchison, 19, Kirriemuir, Forfar- shire. John Lang, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. George Christie, 18, Elgin, Morayshire. Robert Cameron, 18, Kil- monivaig, Fortwilliam, Inverness. James P. Sturrock, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Herbert Curie, 18, Melrose, Roxburgh. James M'Pherson, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexander M. Wyllie, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Oswald Raitt, 17, Blair- gowrie, Perth. James G. Robertson, 20, Dundee, Forfar. David W. Scott, 23, Kings- barns, Fife. Edward W. Mackay, 18, Latheron, Caithness. John^ MacBeth, 21, Black- ford, Perthshire. Peter Comrie, 20, Muthill, Perthshire. William L. Stewart, 16, Dairy, Kirkcudbright. John E. M'Rae, 18, Penicuik, Midlothian. Balfour S. Nicholson, 16, Scoonie, Fife. i888] MATRICULATION ROLL 271 D. Don Watson, 17, Cupar, Fife. John W. Craig, 16, Castle Douglas, Kircudbright- shire. George Lindsay Leslie, 17, Creich, Fife. Robert Affleck, 18, Bal- maghie, Kirkcudbright- shire. Charles E. W. Fluck, 20, Tewkesbury, Gloucester- shire. D. Bruce Millar, 17, Kin- cardine O'Neil, Aberdeen. Walter Lamb, 17, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Wm. Ramsay, 19, Cupar, Fife. John Milne Anderson, 19, St Andrews, Fife. James Schleselman, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Barclay Grahame, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Semple Smart, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Harris, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David Irons, 19, Mains, Forfarshire. Third Year. Samuel Laing, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Ronald Thomson, 19, West Wemyss, Fife. David M. Allison, 19, Edina Villa, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Machardy Hampton, 33, Dundee, Forfar. Duncan Cameron, 19, Kil- monivaig, Inverness-shire. John J. Cameron, 19, Brechin, Forfar. Alan Cant, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Jas. Gilruth, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Jas. Dalgety, 22, Dundee, Forfar. William Menzies, 20, Weem, Perthshire. Frank G. Proudfoot, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Duncan Macpherson, 25, Gairloch, Ross-shire. Neil MacLeod, 24, Strathy, Sutherlandshire. Charles Wright, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. Geo. Lawson, 17, Culross, Perthshire. A. Prentice Nimmo, 18, Springfield, Fife. J. M. H. MacLeod, 18, Galston, Ayrshire. John W. Critchley, 19, Skelmersdale, Lanca- shire. Thomas C. Darling, 20, Warkworth, Northumber- land. 272 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1888 George Stott, 20, Craig, Forfar. Walter J. Robertson, 19, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian. Andrew Brown, 20, Mon- trose, Forfar. Archibald C. Morrison, 18, Logic- Pert, Forfar. Thomas J. Lowe, 18, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. John Ramsay, 17, Cupar, Fife. Charles C. Cruickshank, 22, Southampton, Hants. Herbert J. Bremner, 18, Cupar-Fife, Fifeshire. Andrew Gavin, 19, Stirling, Stirlingshire. Maxwell Robert Canch, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Archibald L. Pentland Smith, 18, Carnbee, Fife. Julian Irvine, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Fourth Year. Andrew M'Lean Hanley, 18, Leswalt, Wigton- shire. John Ogg, 19, Brechin, Forfarshire. Thomas B. Nicholson, 20, Scoonie, Fifeshire. James O. F. Gracie, 21, Tan- nadice, Forfar. Murdo J. C. Matheson, 20, Glasgow, Lanark. James Wallace Walker, 21, Kemback, Fifeshire. William A. Taylor, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Millar Patrick, 20, Collessie, Fifeshire. Alexander B. Smith, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. William Reid, 20, Crail, Fifeshire. Duncan MacRae, 20, Loch- alsh, Ross-shire. William D. Anderson, 22, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. Stewart F. Butchart, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Murray, 42, Bower, Caithness. F. M. Anderson, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Leitham, 22, Perth, Perthshire. George Luke, 21, Kinross, Kinross-shire. John Heggie, 22, Coaltown, Markinch, Fifeshire. James Littlejohn, 20, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Archd. James Miller, 20, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Hugh Mackenzie, 28, Ross- keen, Ross-shire. David Lawson, 20, Stirling, Stirling. Chas. Brown, 24, New i888] MATRICULATION ROLL 273 Kilpatrick, Dumbarton- shire. Robert Robertson, 19, Cupar- Fife, Fife. David Ramsay Henderson, 21, Perth, Perthshire. David Gowans Young, 26, Leuchars, Fife. William Cameron, 19, Edrom, Berwickshire. Robert Whyte Gibson, 20, St Andrews, Fife. John T. Patterson, 20, St Andrews, Fife. George Kenneth Menzies, 19, London, Middlesex. John Sorley, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Norman Maclean, 19, Portree, Inverness-shire. John Nicoll, 18, Meigle, Perthshire. John C. Scrimgeour, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander M'Kenzie, 18, Tealing, Forfarshire. William Roy Jackson, 20, Perth, Perthshire. William Henderson, 2 1, Wick, Caithness. David Miller Kay, 22,Muthill, Perthshire. Robert Barclay, 19, Greenock, Renfrewshire. James Ernest Moorhouse, 19, Linthwaite, Huddersfield, Yorkshire. George Guthrie Roger, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Mann Macdonald, 26, Laurencekirk, Kin- cardine. William Garland M* Andrew, 23, Fordoun, Kincardine. Lauchlan Rose, 22, Blair Athole, Perth. Joannes Pentland Smith, 21, Carnbee, Fife. William Berwick, 20, Stravithie, Dunino, Fife. James Wilson, 31, St Andrews, Fife. David George Rose, 19, Tayport, Fife. Colin M'Leay, 23, Barvas, Ross-shire. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. William Edie, 23, Roberton, Hawick, Roxburghshire. Wm. Guthrie Law, 21, Montrose, Forfarshire. William Simpson, 25, Elgin, Morayshire. David D. M'Laren, 28, For- doun, Kincardineshire. Robert Coupar, 20, Fordoun, Kincardineshire. Henry Reid Chalmers, 22, Perth, Perthshire. 274 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1888 James Fergusson, 21, Paisley, Renfrewshire. Andrew Sime, 21, Newburn, Fifeshire. James Grieve, 24, Montrose, Forfarshire. Andrew Gray, 20, Dalkeith, Edimburgensis. Alfred Macfarlane, 21, Airth, Stirlingshire. William Candlish, 35, Kirk- cudbright, Kirkcudbright- shire. Charles M'Glashan, 20, Monzievaird, Perth- shire. John Cochrane, 26, Scone, Perthshire. William B. Jack, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thomas Carmichael, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David Ness, 25, Abbotshall, Fifeshire. James B. Wallace, 29, Port- moak, Kinross. Alexander Scott, 24, King- horn, Fifeshire. Walter M'Leod, 24, Burnt- island, Fifeshire. Charles Watson, 25, Brechin, Forfarshire. John Ogilvie, 23, Dollar, Clackmananshire. AndrewSnadden, 24, Sauchie, Clackmannanshire. William Rankin, 24, Coat- bridge, Lanark. James Robb, 23, Kirriemuir, Forfar. William Cox M'Culloch, 24, St Andrews, Fife. Charles Stewart, 20, Lochee, Forfarshire. William Brown, 23, Montrose, Forfarshire. Robert D. Mackenzie, 24, Inverallan, Morayshire. James Patrick, 19, Barry, Forfarshire. James G. Goodall, 26, Tillicoultry, Clackmannan- shire. Archibald Allan, 36, Aberdour, Fife. John Maclean, 23, Braes of Portree, Inverness. Robert Macdonald, 24, Laurencekirk, Kin- cardine. James Gillies, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Brewster, 22, Kilmany, Fife. John C. Williamson, 24, Greenlaw, Berwick- shire. Frederick Williamson, 22, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. Andreas S. Dingwall Scott, 25, Largo, Fife- shire. i888] MATRICULATION ROLL 275 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. William Drummond Cargill, 19, Mains, Forfarshire. John S. Lumsden, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Geo. C. Douglas, 32, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Jas. Braik Mason, 37, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Y. Murray, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexr. Meek, 23, Monifieth, Forfarshire. H. P. Holburn, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Williamson, 25, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. David Low, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. William G. Smith, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alex. M. Rodger, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Lowson, 27, Car- noustie, Forfar. Wm. Salmond, 18, E. New- port, Fife. Duncan Sinclair, 17, Perth, Perthshire. Geo. Grant Hepburn, 21, Dunkeld, Perthshire. James A. Anderson, 34, Dun- dee, Forfar. Jas. Lamb, 26, Dundee, Forfar. 1889=1890. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. David Valentine M'lntyre, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Stuart Oliphant, 17, West- ward Ho, Devonshire. James George Constable, 19, Strathardle, Perthshire. David C. Sinton, 21, Kin- gussie, Inverness-shire. James M. Hunt, 17, Scone, Perthshire. John Miller, 31, Beath, Fife. Andrew M 'Gregor, 17, Grange- mouth, Stirling. Duncan MacKenzie Macrae, 19, Stornoway, Ross- shire. Henry Lillie, 16, Crail, Fife- shire. - Norman MacLeod, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. 276 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1889 John Boyd, 17, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. David Roger, 17, Benholme, Kinkardineshire. Andrew Hewat, 18, Water- gate, Perthshire. Gordon Lennox, 15, Maxwell- town, Kirkcudbright- shire. James Scott, 23, Collessie, Fife. \Yalter George Mair, 18, Rathven, Banff. Henry Grey Graham, 15, Maxton, Roxburgh. Donald Munro, 18, Aber- feldy, Perthshire. John Menzies, i7,Camserney, Perthshire. Campbell Fraser, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Wm. Caine, 16, London, Surrey. Nathaniel Caine, 17, Liver- pool, Lancashire. Geo. M. Howat, 16, Stirling, Stirlingshire. Alexander Leighton, 19, Closeburn, Dumfriesshire. Louis R. Bremner, i5,Cupar, Fifeshire. George Wallace, 17, Cupar, Fifeshire. David Sutherland, Lybster, Caithness. Thomas Bruce Gardyne Cameron, 16, Farnell, Forfar. 20, William Gavin, 18, Stirling, Stirlingshire. David P. Miller, 17, Bolas, Shropshire. Albert W. Borthwick, 17, Monimail, Fife. George Allan Seath, 17, Aber- dour, Fife. James Ramsay Tosh, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Thomas R. Cansh, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Charles Reid, 62, Glasgow, Lanark. George Lawrence, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Clement M. Scott, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Allan, 16, Dunferm- line, Fife. John R. Forsyth, 20, Forfar, Forfarshire. William Macpherson, 16, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Alexander M. Ewan, 17, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire. David W. Wallace, 19, Carluke, Lanarkshire. John Wallace, 20, Les- mahagow, shire. Lanark- Rt. S. Gordon, 25, London, Middlesex. Duncan M'Coll, 17, Lis- more and Appin, Argyle- shire. George C. Norman, 28, London, Middlesex. i88 9 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 277 Second Year. Norman D. Smith, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Edward L. Milne, 16, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Robert Ingles, 17, Crieff, Perthshire. Robert B. R. Mair, 18, Crieff, Perthshire. James A. Davidson, 16, Laurencekirk, Kin- cardine. William Burns, 17, Eassie, Forfarshire. James Kennedy, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. John M. Ramsay, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alex. B. Barty, 16, Dunblane, Perthshire. George R. S. Reid, 18, Bal- merino, Fife. Alexr. S. M. Imrie, 18, Markinch, Fife. Robert Johnstone, 17, Leuchars, Fife. Chas. A. King, 17, St Andrews, Fife. James R. Dykes, 22, Strath- miglo, Fife. James Turner, 28, Ladybank, Fife. David D. Gold, 17, Kettle, Fife. Alexander M. S. Martin, 20, Auchterarder, Perth. Robert C. Mitchell, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. Geo. Wyllie Howie, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. James Prentice, 16, Dysart, Fife. Stewart Crabb, 19, Kirrie- muir, Forfar. Robert Pryde, 16, Glasgow, Lanark. Peter C. Anderson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Henry N. Patrick, 16, Barry, Forfarshire. James B. Ballingall, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. George Thompson, 23, Cupar-Fife, Fife. Duncan Robertson, 27, Huntingtower, Perth. James Orr, 18, Brisbane, Queensland. John Davidson, 17, Dun- fermline, Fife. George Carmichael Low, 17, Monifieth, Forfar. Peter Leslie, 19, Ruthven, Forfar. Richard Watt Todd, 23, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Alfred P. Thorns, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. David William Morrison Wilson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. 2 7 8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1889 Christopher MacLean, 21, Lochalsh, Ross-shire. Roderick M'Quarrie, 26, North Uist, Inverness. Robert L. Proudfoot, 18, Leuchars, Fife. James Macpherson, 18, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Donald Hodge, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Ebenezer Lang, 17, Cupar, Fife. James C. Rait, 18, Leuchars, Fifeshire. Thomas Berwick, 29, Forres, Morayshire. Thomas Smith MacPherson, 19, Ardnamurchan, Argyll- shire. H. M'Donald Kyle, 17, Glasgow, Lanark. William Wilson, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Thomas A. A. Wilson, 17, Cupar, Fife. Arch. Fawns Cameron, 18, Monikie, Forfar. Third Year. Charles E. W. Fluck, 21, Tewkesbury, Gloucester- shire. Robert Mitchell, 19, Dundee, Forfar. William M'Callum, 18, Monzievaird, Perth. John Semple Smart, 21, St Andrews, Fife. Daniel M'Laren, 25, Comrie, Perth. Arthur W. K. Herdman, 24, Blairgowrie, Perth. John C. Leslie, 18, Arbroath, Forfarshire. John Campbell, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Douglas B. Smith, 19, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Peter Comrie, 21, Muthill, Perthshire. Alexander Jack, 17, Tayport, Fifeshire. John Macbeth, 22, Blackford, Perthshire. James Smart Ogilvy, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Fred. P. Shepherd, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Gray, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Annal, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert Affleck, 19, Bal- maghie, Kirkcudbright- shire. G. Lindsay Leslie, 18, Creich, Fifeshire. A. Graham Brown, 20, Bendochy, Perthshire. George Christie, 19, Elgin, Morayshire. 1889] MATRICULATION ROLL 279 Oswald Raitt, 18, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Edward J. S. Teviotdale, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Charles Hutchison, 20, Kirriemuir, Forfar- shire. James P. Sturrock, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John M. Anderson, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David Irons, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander M. Wyllie, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. H. Charles Williamson, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. William L. Stewart, 17, Dairy, Kirkcudbright- shire. John Lang, 21, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David W. Scott, 24, St Andrews, Fifeshire. D. Bruce Millar, 18, Kin- cardine O'Neil, Aberdeen- shire. James G. Robertson, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. John E. M'Rae, 19, Penicuik, Midlothian. Walter Lamb, 18, Academy St., Dollar, Clackmannan- shire. Fourth Year. Thomas John Lowe, 19, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. Alexander Campbell Robert- son, 23, Dundee, Forfar- shire. Alan Cant, 18, St Andrews, Fife. John Ramsay, 18, Cupar, Fife. Ronald Thomson, 20, West Wemyss, Fife. Walter J. Robertson, 20, Manchester, Lanca- shire. Duncan Cameron, 20, Kil- monivaig, Inverness. William T. Tovani, 26, Ardoch, Perthshire. David Machardy Hampton, 34, Dundee, Angus. George Lawson, 18, Culross, Perth. James Dalgety, 23, Dundee, Forfar. John J. Cameron, 20, Brechin, Forfar. Jas. Gilruth, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Millar Patrick, 21, Collessie, Fife. Andrew Gavin, 20, Stirling, Stirlingshire. George Stott, 21, Montrose, Forfar. A. Prentice Nimmo, 19, Springfield, Fife. 280 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1889 John Sorley, 20, St Andrews, Fife. William Menzies, 21, Weem, Perthshire. J. M. H. MacLeod, 19, Galston, Ayrshire. David M.Allison, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Henderson, 22, Wick, Caithness. Duncan Macpherson, 26, Gairloch, Ross-shire. Neil M'Leod, 25, Strathy, Sutherlandshire. Alexander M'Kenzie, 19, Tealing, Forfarshire. Stewart F. Butchart, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. John W. Critchley, 20, Dalton, Lancashire. Andrew Brown, 20, Montrose, Forfarshire. Archibald C. Morrison, 19, Logie-Pert, Forfarshire. Thomas C. Darling, 20, Warkworth, Northumber- land. Robert Macdonald, 25, Charles Wright, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Archibald L. Pentland Smith, 19, Carnbee, Fifeshire. Charles Brown, 25, New Kilpatrick, Dumbarton- shire. Julian Irvine, 18, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Geo. A. Pirie, M.B., CM., 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. Frank G. Proudfoot, 20, Leuchars, Fifeshire. John Pentland Smith, M.A., 22, Carnbee, Fifeshire. Geo. Grant Hepburn, 22, Dunkeld, Perth. David M. Kay, 23, Blenner- hasset, Cumberland. John T. Patterson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. David Lawson, 21, Stirling, Stirling. William Reid, 21, Crail, Fife. Herbert J. Bremner, 19, Cupar, Fife. Laurencekirk, Kincardine. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. William Simpson, M.A., 26, Elgin, Elginshire. James Fergusson, 21, Paisley, Renfrewshire. Robert Barclay, 20, Greenock, Renfrewshire. Robert Coupar, 21, Fordoun, Kincardine. William Edie, 24, Roberton, Hawick, Roxburgh. Wm. Guthrie Law, 22, Montrose, Forfarshire. i88 9 ] MATRICULATION ROLL 281 Andrew Sime, 22, Newburn, Fifeshire. Charles M'Glashan, 21, Monzievaird, Perth- shire. Henry R. Chalmers, 23, Perth, Perthshire. John Heggie, 23, Markinch, Fifeshire. Charles Stewart, 21, Lochee, Forfarshire. William Candlish, 36, Kirk- cudbright, Kirkcudbright- shire. Albert Tarbett, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. Walter M'Leod, 25, Burnt- island, Fifeshire. Alexander Scott, 25, King- horn, Fifeshire. William B. Jack, 26, Lochee, Forfarshire. John K. Maclean, 24, Portree, Inverness-shire. James Patrick, 20, Barry, Forfarshire. Andrew Snadden,25,Sauchie, Clackmannanshire. James Gillies, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. John S. Clark, 25, Perth, Perth. John Cochrane, 26, Scone, Perth. David G. Young, 27, Leuchars, Fife. Hector Macaulay, 25, Gair- loch, Ross-shire. John C. Williamson, 25, Greenlaw, Berwick- shire. James G. Goodall, 27, Tilli- coultry, Clackmannan. William Brown, 24, Montrose, Forfarshire. Alfred Macfarlane, 22, Airth, Stirlingshire. Charles Watson, 26, Brechin, Forfarshire. John Ogilvie, 24, Kincardine- on-Forth, Perthshire. Fredk. Williamson, 23, Greenlaw, Berwick- shire. Thomas Carmichael, 21, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David Brewster, 23, Kilmany, Fifeshire. William Rankin, 25, Old Monkland, Lanark. James Grieve, 25, Montrose, Forfarshire. D. R. Henderson, 22, Tibber- more, Perth. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. William Gardner Smith, 23, Dundee, Forfar. Hugh P. Holburn, 27, Dun- dee, Forfar. 282 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1889 John S. Lumsden, 22, Dun- dee, Forfar. Wm. Lowson, 28, Barry, Forfar. Evan H. Fraser, 26, Dallas, Moray. Thomas S. Nicolson, 24, Aberdeen, Aberdeen. William Armour, 31, Cock- pen, Edinburgh. Thomas Miller, 27, Perth, Perth. John Mudie, Dundee, Forfar. David Williamson, 26, Dun- dee, Forfar. James A. Anderson, 35, Dun- dee, Forfar. Wm. Salmond, 19, Dundee, Forfar. David Hodge, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Alister F. W. Gourlay, 17, Dundee, Forfar. William J. L. Gumming, 17, Arbroath, Forfar. Andrew Blackwood, 26, Kirk- caldy, Fife. John F. Macdiarmid, 24, Dundee, Forfar. Thomas Macpherson, 25, Orwell, Kinross-shire. Alexander Leighton, 23, Dundee, Forfar. George Corbet Dingwall, 24, Meigle, Perthshire. Andrew M'Farlane, 31, Dun- dee, For far shire. David Low, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jas. Lamb, 27, Dundee, Forfar. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. John Stirton,i8, Perth, Perth. John A. Clark, 17, Perth, Perth. Sim Hirst, 34, Clayton, Yorkshire. Fred. Adamson, 16, Forfar, Forfar. James Cuthbertson, 15, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. Ernest H. Duke, 17, Arbroath, Forfar. Thomas Fergusson, 16, Kin- buck, Perth. Beaumont Fletcher, 16, London, Middlesex. Gerald Holmden, 18, Birmingham, Warwick- shire. 1890] MATRICULATION ROLL 283 John Lundie, 18, Torryburn, Fife. James Kirk, 17, Beath, Fife. Frederic George Fisher, 17, Croydon, Surrey. John Hunter Park Paton, 15, Duddingston, Edinburgh. Adam Stewart Marshall, 21, Motherwell, Lanark. Frank Kemp, 18, Perth, Perthshire. Hugh Menzies, 21, Larbert, Stirlingshire. Robert S. Ramsay, 19, Dun- dee, Forfar. John Ross, 20, Rogart, Sutherlandshire. Geo. M. Maclean, 18, Portree, Inverness. J. Shaw Maclaren, 20, Glas- gow, Lanark. John Muir, 16, Castle- Douglas, Kirkcudbright- shire. Thomas A. Hill, 15, Boar- hills, Fife. James Thomson, 14, Buck- haven, Fife. William Fogo, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Joseph Gilzean Reid, 18, Middlesbrough - on - Tees, Yorks. James Blair Lawson, 19, St Andrews, Fife. George Moncur Fairweather, 17, Monifieth, Forfar. Alexander Inglis, 25, Aber- deen, Aberdeenshire. James Knox, 16, Crail, Fife. Henry Cargill, 16, West Anstruther, Fife. Archibald M'Lean, 18, Montrose, Forfar. John W. Bell, 18, St Mon- ance, Fife. George Oswald, 18, Kinghorn, Fife. Thomas Chaffer Howard, 17, Cartmel, Lancashire. Arthur William Cunningham, 16, Campbeltown, Argyll- shire. Hugh Birrell, 15, St Andrews, Fife. William A. Mackenzie, 15, Grantown, Morayshire. Charles Maxwell Gray, 19, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Walter Anderson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. David B. King, 17, Pitten- weem, Fife. James M. Watson, 16, Campbeltown, Argyll. James W. Wilson, 17, Cupar, Fife. James M'Cosh, 17, Dairy, Ayrshire. John Ravenshaw, 23, Whit- church, Salop. James M. Scott, 24, Heart- ridge, Collessie, Fife. John Henry Bentinck, 18, Kingussie, Inverness. 284 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1890 Alexander Gillies Abbie, 17, | Robert Curr, 25, Auchter- Largo, Fife. Matthew A. B. Gilmour, 21, Hamilton, Lanark. Tom R. Marr, 17, Mains of Strathmartine, Forfar- shire. John Weipers, 22, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. Henry Bromley Cadogan Fraser, 16, St Andrews, Fife. muchty, Fife. James C. Rose, 15, St Andrews, Fife. James Cooper, 16, Cupar, Fife. Peter J. Geddes, 23, Cabrach, Banff. Charles J. Guthrie, 19, Kirk- caldy, Fife. Joseph H. H. Dare, 22, Wandsworth, Surrey. Second Year. John Boyd, 18, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. David Sutherland, 21, Lybster, Caithness. John Miller, 32, Beath, Fife. George A. Seath, 18, Aber- dour, Fifeshire. Henry Lillie, 17, Crail, Fife. James M. Hunt, 18, Perth, Perthshire. Walter G. Mair, 19, Rathven, Banffshire. AndrewM'Gregor,i8,Grange- mouth, Stirlingshire. David V. M'Intyre, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. John Menzies, 18, Camserney, Perthshire. Henry Grey Graham, 16, Maxton, Roxburghshire. James Allan, 17, Dunfermline, Fifeshire. Alexander Leighton, 20, Closeburn, Dumfries. William Gavin, 19, Stirling, Stirlingshire. David Hodge, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Duncan MacKenzie MacRae, 20, Stornoway, Ross-shire. David Campbell Sinton, 22, Kingussie, Inverness- shire. David W. Wallace, 19, Carluke, Lanark. Andrew Hewat, 19, Perth, Perthshire. Alexander Chambers, 33, Ready, Armagh, Ireland. Gordon Lennox, 16, Maxwell- town, Kirkcudbright. Donald Munro, 19, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. William Macpherson, 17, Edinburgh, Midlothian. 1890] MATRICULATION ROLL 285 William Darling, 17, Cupar, Fife. Alexander John Walker, 16, Perth, Perth. Louis Rae Bremner, 15, Cupar, Fifeshire. William Caine, 17, London, Surrey. Nathaniel Caine, 18, Liver- pool, Lancashire. Thomas R. Cansh, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Wallace, 21, Lesma- hagow, Lanarkshire. Charles Reid, 63, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. George Wallace, 18, Cupar, Fifeshire. James Ramsay Tosh, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Clement M. Scott, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. George Lawrence, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. David P. Miller, 18, Bolas, Shropshire. Norman MacLeod, 17, London, Middlesex. Albert W. Borthwick, 18, Caputh, Perthshire. Third Year. Harry M 'Donald Kyle, 18, Glasgow, Lanark. Stewart Crabb, 20, Kirrie- muir, Forfarshire. James A. Davidson, 18, Laur- encekirk, Kincardineshire. Norman D. Smith, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. A. Fawns Cameron, 19, Monikie, Forfarshire. Richard Watt Todd, 24, Edinburgh, Mid-Lothian. Alexander S. M. Imrie, 19, Markinch, Fifeshire. James Kennedy, 22, Dundee, Forfar. William Wilson, 20, St Andrews, Fife. George R. S. Reid, 19, Bal- merino, Fife. Alex. B. Barty, 17, Dunblane, Perth. John Davidson, 18, Dun- fermline, Fife. Edward Milne, 17, Arbroath, Forfar. William Burns, 18, Eassie, Forfar. Robert Johnstone, 18, Leuchars, Fife. John M. Ramsay, 23, Dun- dee, Forfar. Peter Leslie, 20, Ruthven, Forfar. Robert B. R. Mair, 19, Crieff, Perth. Geo. Wyllie Howie, 19, Dundee, Forfar. David D. Gold, 18, Kettle, Fife. 286 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1890 George C. Low, 18, Moni- fieth, Forfar. James Turner, 29, Ladybank, Fife. James R. Dykes, 23, Strath- miglo, Fife. George Thompson, 24, Cupar, Fife. Robert C. Mitchell, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. Henry Niven Patrick, 17, Barry, Forfarshire. James Prentice, 17, Dysart, Fifeshire. Chas. A. King, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Peter C. Anderson, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alex. M. Wyllie, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alfred P. Thorns, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert Ingles, 18, Crieff, Perthshire. James B. Ballingall, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert L. Proudfoot, 19, Leuchars, Fife. James Macpherson, 19, Edin- burgh, Edinburghshire. Alex. M. S. Martin, 20, Auchterarder, Perthshire. Roderick M'Quarrie, 28, North Uist, Inverness. Ebenezer Lang, 18, Cupar, Fifeshire. Christopher Maclean, 22, Lochalsh, Ross-shire. Donald W. M. Hodge, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Fourth Year. Charles Hutchison, 21, Kirrie- muir, Forfar. Chas. E. W. Fluck, 22, Tewkesbury, Gloucester- shire. Fred. P. Shepherd, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. David Annal, 25, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Jack, 18, Tayport, Fife. Robert Mitchell, 20, Dundee, Forfar. G. Lindsay Leslie, i9,Creich, Fife. Edward J. S. Teviotdale, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Oswald Raitt, 19, Blair- gowrie, Perthshire. John MacBeth, 23, Black- ford, Perth. Peter Comrie, 22, Muthill, Perth. George Lawson, 19, Culross, Perth. Robert Affleck, 20, Bal- maghie, Kirkcud- bright. John Lang, 22, St Andrews, Fifeshire. 1890] MATRICULATION ROLL 287 J. Smart Ogilvy, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. John E. M'Rae, 20, Penicuik, Midlothian. William L. Stewart, 18, Dairy, Kirkcudbright. John Campbell, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Ogg, 21, Brechin, Forfarshire. James Gray, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. A. L. Pentland Smith, 20, Carnbee, Fifeshire. David Irons, 21, Mains, Forfar. John S. Smart, 22, St Andrews, Fife. Arthur W. K. Herdman, 25, Picton, Nova Scotia. James G. Robertson, 22, Dundee, Forfar. George Christie, 20, Elgin, Moray. James P. Sturrock, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. William M'Callum, 19, Monzievaird, Perth. D. Bruce Millar, 19, Kin- cardine O'Neil, Aber- deen. Alex. M'Kenzie, 20, Tealing, Forfarshire. H. Chas. Williamson, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. David W. Scott, 25, Kings- barns, Fife. John M. Anderson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. John Watt Duncan, 22, Aberdeen, Aberdeen. Walter Lamb, 19, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Julian Irvine, 19, Arbroath, Forfarshire. William W. Peyton, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. Archibald C. Morrison, 20, Logie-Pert, Forfarshire. James Beattie, 25, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. William Simpson, M.A., 27, Elgin, Morayshire. Alan Cant, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Robert Coupar, 22, Fordoun, Kincardine. John T. Patterson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. John S. Clark, 27, Perth, Perth. Albert Tarbett, 24, Dundee, Dundee. D. Ramsay Henderson, 23, Tibbermore, Perthshire. William B. Jack, 27, Dundee, Forfarshire. 288 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1890 John Ogilvie, 25, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Charles Watson, 27, Brechin, Forfarshire. Robert Barclay, 21, Greenock, Renfrewshire. James Christie Johnston, 30, Tayport, Fife. George G. Stott, 22, Montrose, Forfar. James G. Goodall, 28, Tilli- coultry, Clackmannan- shire. David G . Young, 28, Leuchars, Fife. James Fergusson, 23, Paisley, Renfrewshire. Wm. Guthrie Law, 23, Montrose, Forfar. Andrew Brown, 22, Montrose, Forfar. John Reggie, 24, Markinch, Fife. David M. Hampton, 35, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jas. Gilruth, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. Charles Stewart, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Edie, 25, Hawick, Roxburghshire. Hector Macaulay, 26, Gair- loch, Ross-shire. Thomas Carmichael, 22, St Andrews, Fife- shire. James Grieve, 25, Montrose, Forfarshire. John C. Williamson, 26, Greenlaw, Berwickshire. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. William J. L. Cumming, 18, Arbroath, Forfar. William Lowson, 29, Barry, Forfar. Alfred C. Russell, 16, Cupar, Fife. John B. Briggs, 16, Arbroath, Forfar. William Salmond, 19, Errol, Perthshire. Andrew Blackwood, 27, Kirkcaldy, Fife. John S. Lumsden, 23, Dun- dee, Forfar. Robert L. Kinnear, 16, Mary- ton, Forfar. John A. M'Innes, 23, Alyth, Perth. William Irvine, 24, Kirrie- muir, Forfar. Thomas Macpherson, 25, Orwell, Kinross. James B. Robb, 25, Dundee, Forfar. David Wallace, 29, Arbroath, Forfar. William Johnston, 28, Largo, Fife. 1890] MATRICULATION ROLL 289 Evan H. Eraser, 27, Dallas, Moray. James Brown, 33, Dundee, Forfar. Alister F. W. Gourlay, 18, Dundee, Forfar. John F. Macdiarmid, 25, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Leighton, 24, Dundee, Forfar. Andrew M'Farlane, 32, Dun- dee, Forfar. John Irons, 24, Mains, Forfar. 1891 = 1892. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. Andrew Asher Brown, 17, Strathaven, Lanarkshire. Bertram Houlding Walmsley, 19, Eccles, Lancashire. John Sutherland White- wright, 33, Edinburgh. Michael Alexander Russel, 17, St Andrews, Fife- shire. Hubert Frederic Winter- botham, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Hector Munro Ferguson, 24, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. James Mitchell, 15, Perth, Perthshire. John Gunn Nicolson, 18, Durness, Sutherland- shire. William S. Morrison, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Reuben William Linder, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James T. Fergusson, 16, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. John M'Naughton, 16, Killin, Perthshire. Alexander B. Smith, 15, St Andrews, Fife. George Yule, 16, Tayport, Fife. Thomas David Murray, 17, Anstruther, Fife. Andrew Morrison, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. Donald Macquarrie, 17, Ferintosh, Ross. David R. Kerr, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Edward Forester Leigh- ton, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Andrew Thorn, 16, Cupar, Fife. Edwin J. Brechin, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. 290 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1891 Robert H. Mackay, 16, Brechin, Forfar. John Cargill, 16, West Anstruther, Fife. William A. Mackenzie, 16, Grantown-on-Spey, Moray- shire. William K. Stewart, 20, Kin- gussie, Inverness. James Fairweather, 17, St Andrews, Fife. St George Richard Burton, 32, Tuam, Galway, Galway. John Campbell Smith, 17, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. George Blair, 18, Dollar, Clackmannan. Robert H. Corstorphine, 16, Arbroath, Forfar. Neil M'Coll, 18, Kilninian, Argyle. Second Year. Hugh Birrell, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Archd. M'Lean, 19, Montrose, Forfar. John Muir, 17, Castle- Douglas, Kirkcudbright- shire. Hugh Menzies, 22, Dunipace, Stirlingshire. William Fogo, St Andrews, Fife. George Oswald, 19, King- horn, Fife. R. Macgregor Mitchell, 16, Perth, Perthshire. James M. Scott, 25, Heart- rige, Cbllessie, Fife. Jno. Ravenshaw, 24, Whit- church, Salop. James M'Cosh, 18, Dairy, Ayr. Alexr. G. Abbie, 18, Largo, Fife. James Kirk, 18, Beath, Fife. Ernest H. Duke, 18, St Vigeans, Forfar. Matthew A. B. Gilmour, 22, Hamilton, Lanark. James C. Rose, 17, Tay Port, Fife. John W. Bell, 19, St Monans, Fife. John Ross, 20, Rogart, Sutherlandshire. Thomas Fergusson, 17, Kin- buck, Perthshire. George M. Maclean, 19, Portree, Inverness-shire. Adam S. Marshall, 22, Motherwell, Lanark. John Weipers, 23, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Sim Hirst, 35, St Andrews, Fife. Kenneth Lyle Reid, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. James Blair Lawson, 20, St Andrews, Fife. i8 9 i] MATRICULATION ROLL 291 Joseph Gilzean Reid, Middles- ! Frederic George Fisher, 19, brough, Yorks. James Thomson, 15, Buck- haven, Fife. Thomas C. Howard, 18, Cartmel, Lancashire. John Hunter Park Paton, 16, Duddingston, Mid Lothian. Walter Anderson, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Henry Cargill, 17, Anstruther, Fife. James Knox, 17, Crail, Fife. Robert S. Ramsay, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. David B. King, 18, Pitten- weem, Fife. William Reid, 16, Montrose, Forfar. Croydon, Surrey. Norman M'Leod Caie, 17, Forfar, Forfar. Marshall Patullo Constable, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Charles Maxwell Gray, 20, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Joseph H. H. Dare, 23, London, Surrey. J. Shaw Maclaren, 21, Glas- gow, Lanark. Beaumont Fletcher, 17, Barrow-in-Furness, Lanca- shire. Tom R. Marr, 18, Mains, Forfar. James W. Wilson, 18, Cupar, Fife. John Henry Bentinck, 19, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. Third Year. John Miller, 33, Beath, Fife. John Boyd, 19, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. Donald Munro,2O, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Gordon Lennox, 17, Maxwell- town, Kirkcudbright. Frank Kemp, 19, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Henry Lillie, 18, Crail, Fife. William Darling, 18, Cupar, Fife. Alexr. J. Walker, 17, Perth, Perth. David V. M'Intyre, 19, Ar- broath, Forfar. William Gavin, 20, Stirling, Stirlingshire. Alexander Leighton, 21, Close- burn, Dumfries. David W. Wallace, 20, Car- luke, Lanark. Walter G. Mair, 20, Rathven, Banffshire. John Wallace, 22, Lesma- hagow, Lanarkshire. Henry Grey Graham, 17, Maxton, Roxburgh. David Campbell Sinton, 23, UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1891 Kingussie, Inverness- shire. John Menzies, 19, Dull, Perthshire. Charles Reid, 64, Glasgow, Lanark. Andrew Hewat, 19, Perth, Perthshire. James M. Hunt, 19, Perth, Perthshire. John Lundie, 19, Torryburn, Fife. William Caine, 18, London, Surrey. Harry J. Thorns, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Louis R. Bremner, Cupar, Fife. T. R. Cansh, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Norman MacLeod, 18, Lon- don, Middlesex. James Ramsay Tosh, 18, Dundee, Forfar. George Allan Seath, 19, Aberdour, Fife. James Allan, 18, Dunferm- line, Fife. A. W. Borthwick, 19, Ponteland, Northumber- land. Clement M. Scott, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. David P. Miller, 19, Bolas, Shropshire. William Macpherson, 18, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Alexr. Chambers, 34, Ready, Armagh, Ireland. Walter Edward Collinge, 24, Banbury, Oxford- shire. Andrew P. M'Gregor, 19, Grangemouth, Stirling. Fourth Year. James A. Davidson, 19, Laur- encekirk, Kincardine- shire. Stewart Crabb, 21, Kirrie- muir, Forfarshire. Alexander Jack, 19, Tayport, Fife. Alex. B. Barty, 18, Dunblane, Perthshire. Alexander S. M. Imrie, 20, Markinch, Fife. George Thompson, Cupar, Fife. Edward J. S. Teviot- dale, Forfar. 20, Dundee, Charles A. King, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Edward L. Milne, 18, Ar- broath, Forfar. William Burns, 19, Eassie, Forfarshire. John C. Leslie, 19, Arbroath, Forfarshire. John Davidson, 19, Dun- fermline, Fife. i8 9 i] MATRICULATION ROLL 293 Peter Leslie, 21, Ruthven, Forfar. Robert Johnstone, ig, Leuchars, Fife. Robert B. R. Mair, 20, Crieff, Perth. George C. Low, 19, Moni- fieth, Forfar. James Prentice, 18, Dysart, Fife. James P. Sturrock, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. H. Chas. Williamson, 20, Lochee, Forfar. Fred. P. Shepherd, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. A. Fawns Cameron, 20, Monikie, Forfar. Geo. Wyllie Howie, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. James Kennedy, 23, Dundee, Forfar. Richard Watt Todd, 25, Edinburgh, Mid Lothian. George R. S. Reid, 20, Bal- merino, Fife. Harry Kyle, 19, Glasgow, Lanark. Douglas B. Smith, 21, Arbroath, Forfar- shire. Henry N. Patrick, 18, Barry, Forfarshire. James R. Dykes, 24, Strath- miglo, Fifeshire. James Turner, 29, Ladybank, Fifeshire. William Wilson, 21, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alex. M. S. Martin, 21, Auchterarder, Perth- shire. Robert C. Mitchell, 19, Alyth, Perthshire. Alfred P. Thorns, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Ogg, 22, Brechin, Forfarshire. Peter C. Anderson, 20, St Andrews, Fife. John M. Ramsay, 24, Dun- dee, Forfar. John M. Anderson, 22, St Andrews, Fife. Norman D. Smith, 19, Dun- dee, Forfar. R. L. Proudfoot, 20, Leuchars, Fife. Robert Ingles, 19, Crieff, Perthshire. J. B. Ballingall, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Ebenezer Lang, 19, Cupar, Fifeshire. James B. Robb, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander M. Wyllie, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. David W. Scott, 26, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James Macpherson, 20, Edinburgh, Mid- lothian. C. J. M. Gordon, 26, Tobago, W. Indies. 294 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1891 A. L. Pentland Smith, 21, David Irons, 22, Dundee, Carnbee, Fife. Forfar. Peter Comrie, 23, Muthill, Perth. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. James Dalgety, 25, Dundee, Forfar. William M'Callum, 19, Monzievaird, Perthshire. Alexander James Marshall, 27, Linlithgow, Linlith- gow. D. Ramsay Henderson, 24, Perth, Perth. Alan Cant, 20, St Andrews, St Andrews. George Christie, 21, Elgin, Moray. D. Stewart Rose, 24, Blair Athole, Perth. George G. Stott, 23, Montrose, Forfar. Hector Macaulay, 27, Gair- loch, Ross-shire. G. Lindsay Leslie, 20, Creich, Fifeshire. Donald Fergusson, 21, Red- gorton, Perthshire. John E. M'Rae, 21, Penicuik, Midlothian. Alexander Jack, 36, Dundee, Forfar. Andrew Brown, 23, John MacBeth, 24, Blackford, Perth. Albert Tarbett, 25, Dundee, Forfar. Jas. Gilruth, 23, Dundee, Forfar. Robert Barclay, 22, Greenock, Renfrewshire. James Grieve, 26, Montrose, Forfarshire. John Heggie, 25, Markinch, Fifeshire. James G. Robertson, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. David M. Hampton, 36, Dundee, Forfarshire. John T. Patterson, 23, St Andrews, Fife. David G. Young, 29, Leu- chars, Fife. James Christie Johnston, 31, Tayport, Fife. David Bruce Millar, 20, Tor- phins, Kincardine O'Neil, Aberdeen. Thomas Carmichael, 23, St Andrews, Fife. Montrose, Forfar. i8 9 i] MATRICULATION ROLL 295 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. Wm. Ewan, 34, Car- noustie (Barry Par.), Forfar. Alex. Anderson, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Wm. Ramsay Murray Brown, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Robert L. Kinnear, 17, Montrose, Forfar. John B. Briggs, 17, Arbroath, Forfar. James Henderson, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. And. Blackwood, 28, Kirk- caldy, Fife. Evan H. Fraser, 28, Dallas, Moray. David Wallace, 30, Arbroath, Forfar. William Lowson, 30, Barry, Forfar. John Dawson, 16, Dundee, Forfar. David H. M. Dawson, 15, Dundee, Forfar. Thomas U. Liddell, 17, Mur- roes, Forfar. John B. Chalmers, 18, Coupar- Angus, Perth. John L. Clark, 30, Dysart, Fife. Andw. G. Hutton, 23, Inver- keithing, Fife. Alexander Edward, 32, Kirrie- muir, Forfar. William Minty, 31, Aberdeen, Aberdeen. David Morrison, 24, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander Inglis, 26, Aber- deen, Aberdeenshire. Alex. Leighton, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Johnston, 29, Largo, Fife. Thomas Macpherson, 26, Orwell, Kinross. W. Norman Boase, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. John Bruce, 20, Errol, Perth. Oswald Raitt, 20, Nairn, Nairn. John H. Lyell, 23, Perth, Perth. William D. Osier, i6,Coupar- Angus, Perth. Edward M. Johnstone, 18, Inverurie, Aberdeen. John Irons, 25, Dundee, Forfarshire. Laurence J. Byrne, 33, Gort, Galway. Arthur D. Yule, 16, Arbroath, Forfarshire. J. Godfrey Anderson, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Nicoll, 19, Errol, Perthshire. William B. Anderson, 18, Dundee, Forfar. 296 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1891 Henry B. C. Eraser, 17, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. James Gray, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. William J. L. Gumming, 19, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Alexr. Bannerman, 17, Perth, Perth. Robt. H. Garvie, 16, Perth, Perthshire, James S. Greig, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Fred. H. Merry, 17, Edin- burgh, Mid Lothian. J. Smart Ogilvy, 21, Alyth, Perthshire. George W. Miller, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. A. Geo. Tolputt, 20,Broughty Ferry, Forfar. J.G. P. Murray, 16, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. R. K. Wybrants, 17, Dundee, Forfar. W. Stewart, Jr., 22, Brechin, Forfar. A. B. Findlay, 22, Montrose, Forfar. Jas. Inglis, 16, Montrose, Forfar. Frank White, 21, Dunnichen, Forfar. Alex. G. Keiller, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander E. Kidd, 19, Dun- dee, Forfar. John G. Barr, 16, Glasgow, Lanark. Hugh R. Barr, 15, Glasgow, Lanark. W. G. Keay, 15, Greenwich, Kent. James M. Campbell, 22, Grange, Banff. J. Mitchell Christie, M.A., 27, Lochee, Forfar. George Lawrence, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. 1892=1893. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. David Munro, 14, Little- hampton, Sussex. Katherine Chambers, 18, Lon- donderry, Londonderry. Annie Lloyd - Evans, 18, Warwick, Warwickshire. Jessie N. Nelson, 19, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. Ella G. Lumsden, 18, Preston- kirk, Haddingtonshire. William Hodgson Burnet, 19, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. I8 9 2] MATRICULATION ROLL 297 Margaret A. Hannan Watson, 19, Glasgow, Lanark. Jessie Burnet, 20, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Mary Strathearn Burnet, 17, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. John George Laing, 16, Cameron Bridge, Fifeshire. Chas. Wm. M'Millan, 17, Markinch, Fifeshire. Bertoe Charles Moxon Cantor, 18, Bedford, Bed- ford. Lischen P. Steele Hutton, 25, Liverpool, Lancashire. Robert Scott, 17, Craig, Forfar. Helen Alexander Russel, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Arnold Hilary Meiklejohn,i8, St Andrews, Fife. George Mackay, 19, Durness, Sutherland. Oswald George Bell, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Frederick George Ralston, 16, Biggar, Lanarkshire. William Gunn, 18, Halkirk, Caithness. John Sime, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Norman C. Keith, 16, Dun- dee (Landward), Forfar- shire. Lucius A. Holcroft, 16, St Andrews, Fife. James A. Murray, 15, Dairsie, Fife. Frank M. Milne, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Hill M'Intosh Dawson, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Dawson, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. George B. Neave, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Robert S. Barclay, 23, Fraser- burgh, Aberdeen. Alexander B. Smith, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Margaret Lees, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Mary Jane Christie, 17, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Mary Ann Bathie, 17, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Alexander Reid Taylor, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Andrew D. Duncan, 18, Irvine, Ayrshire. Annie Davidson, 20, Peter- head, Aberdeenshire. John R. Cunningham, 16, Campbeltown, Argyll. John M. M'Naughton, 17, Killin, Perthshire. Mary Campbell Smith, 19, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Sidney Lampard Clarke, 21, Southport, Lancashire. James W. Harris, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Wm. R. Murray Brown, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Ewan, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. 298 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1892 William A. M. Forbes, 18, Perth, Perthshire. Thomas S. Cargill, 15, An- struther, Fifeshire. Findlay S. Douglas, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Emily Fischer, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alice H. Barclay, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Stewart, 15, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. George Sellars, 17, Kenmore, Perthshire. W. Fulton Spiers, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. M. Alice Matthewson, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. J. Dorothy Gilfillan, London, Middlesex. D. W. Rusack, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Henry J. Hoile, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander Miller, 16, Darwin, Lancashire. Bertha Marian Skeat, 30, Cambridge, Cambridge- shire. Dond. Maclennan, 27, Parish of Lochs, Lewis, Ross- shire. John Ainslie Duncan, 17, St Andrews, Fife- shire. John Greig, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Roberta Florence Smith, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Robert Anderson, Newton, W. Millerhill, Mid Lothian. Alex. Dawson, 18, Buck- haven, Fife. Alex. Mason, 18, St Andrews, Fife. John B. Chalmers, 19, Coupar- Angus, Perth. Donald Wallace, 18, Grand- tully, Perth. George H. Simson, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Second Year. Thomas David Murray, 18, Anstruther, Fife. Michael Alexander Russel, 18, St Andrews, Fife. James Fairweather, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Robert Henry Mackay, 17, Brechin, Forfar. James Thomson Fergusson, 17, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Reuben William Linder, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Edward Forester Leighton, 18, St Andrews, Fife. David Robert Kerr, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. 1892] MATRICULATION ROLL 299 Andrew Thorn, 17, Cupar, Fife. George Yule, 17, Tayport, Fife. John Cargill, 17, Anstruther, Fife. William S. Morrison, 16, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. William A. Mackenzie, 17, Grantown, Morayshire. James Mitchell, 16, Perth, Perthshire. Archibald Menzies, 20, Weem, Aberfeldy, Perth- shire. Bertram Houlding Walmsley, 20, Eccles, Lancashire. William K. Stewart, 21, Kin- gussie, Inverness-shire. Robert H. Corstorphine, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Neil MacColl, 19, Kilninian, Argyllshire. Andrew Morrison, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. George Blair, 19, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Edwin J. Brechin, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Hector Munro Ferguson, 25, Kirkcaldy, Fife. J. Campbell Smith, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Third Year. Hugh Birrell, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Alexr. G. Abbie, 19, Largo, Fife. James Kirk, 19, Beath, Fife. James Knox, 18, Cellardyke, Fife. James M'Cosh, 19, Dairy, Ayr. John G. Nicolson, 19, Dur- ness, Sutherland. .William Fogo, 19, St Andrews, Fife. William Reid, 17, Montrose, Forfar. Norman M. Caie, 18, Forfar, Forfar. John Bentinck, 19, Inverness, Inverness-shire. John Ross, 21, Rogart, Sutherlandshire. Sim Hirst, 36, St Andrews, Fife. Geo. M. Maclean, 2O,Portree, Inverness-shire. Kenneth Lyle Reid, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Henry C. Cargill, 18, West Anstruther, Fife. John Weipers, 24, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Thos. Fergusson, 18, Dun- blane, Perth. Walter Anderson, 20, St Andrews, Fife. 300 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1892 Tom R. Marr, 19, Mains, Forfarshire. Marshall P. Constable, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. David B. King, 19, Pitten- weem, Fifeshire. Adam S. Marshall, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Hugh Menzies, 22, Dunipace, Larbert, Stirlingshire. Frederic G. Fisher, 19, Croydon, Surrey. James M. Scott, 25, Collessie, Fife. R. Macgregor Mitchell, 17, Perth, Perthshire. Robert S. Ramsay, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Tom C. Howard, 19, Cartmel, Lancashire. George Oswald, 20, King- horn, Fife. James C. Rose, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Ernest H. Duke, 19, St Vigeans, Forfarshire. Maxwell R. Canch, 23, St Andrews, Fife. Charles Maxwell Gray, 21, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. J. Shaw Maclaren, 22, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. James Thomson, 16, Buckhaven, Fifeshire. Fourth Year. Andrew Hewat, 21, Perth, Perthshire. John Miller, 34, Beath, Fife. Henry Lillie, 19, Crail, Fife. Norman D. Smith, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Henry Grey Graham, 18, Maxton, Roxburgh. Donald Munro, 21, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. J. Semple Smart, 24, St Andrews, Fife. Frank Kemp, 20, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. David V. M'Intyre, 20, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Walter G. Mair, 21, Ra'thven, Banffshire. H. Chas. Williamson, 21, Lochee, Forfarshire. Norman MacLeod, 19, Lon- don, Middlesex. Alexander B. Barty, 19, Dun- blane, Perthshire. John Milne Anderson, 23, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Boyd, 20, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. Alexr. S. M. Imrie, 21, Markinch, Fifeshire. Harry J. Thorns, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Darling, 19, Cupar, Fife. William Macpherson, 19, Edinburgh, Midlothian. 1892] MATRICULATION ROLL 30 r Roderick MacQuarrie, 29, North Uist, Inverness. G. Allan Seath, 20, Aberdour, Fife. Henry N. Patrick, 19, Barry, Forfarshire. James M. Hunt, 20, Perth, Perthshire. William Gavin, 21, Stirling, Stirlingshire. James R. Tosh, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alex. Leighton, 22, Closeburn, Dumfries. David W. Wallace, 21, Car- luke, Lanark. Clement M. Scott, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Menzies,20, Camserney, Perthshire. Edward L. Milne, 19, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Walter Lamb, 21, Dollar, Clackmannan. Louis R. Bremner, 18, Cupar, Fifeshire. James Macpherson, 21, Edin- burgh, Midlothian. James B. Allan, 19, Dunferm- line, Fife. John Lundie, 20, Torryburn, Fife. Alexander John Walker, 18, Perth, Perthshire. John Wallace, 23, Lesma- hagow, Lanarkshire. Fred. P. Shepherd, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. George Lawson, 21, Culross, Fifeshire. Alexr. M. S. Martin, 22, Auchterarder, Perth- shire. Albert W. Borthwick, 20, Chillingham, Northumber- land. David P. Miller, 20, Bolas, Salop. Peter Comrie, 24, Muthill, Perth. T. R. Cansh, 21, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Summer Session, 1893. Edward Miall Johnstone, 20, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. Charles Russell Campbell, 17, St Andrews, Fife. John A. R. Macdonald, 18, Leuchars, Fife. Joseph H. Dare, 23, Wands- worth, Surrey. James Knowles, 17, St Andrews, Fife. John W. N. Thomson, 17, Aberdeen, shire. Aberdeen- Nettie Macdonald, 23, Glasgow, Lanark- shire. 3 02 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1892 ST MARY'S COLLEGE. Peter C. Anderson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. George Christie, 22, Elgin, Moray. Robert C. Mitchell, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Donald S. Rose, 25, Blair Athole, Perth. George G. Stott, 24, Montrose, Forfar. David Machardy Hampton, 37, Dundee, Forfar. Richard Watt Todd, 26, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Alexander Jack, 37, Dundee, Forfar. Donald Fergusson, 22, Red- gorton, Perth. Geo. D. B. Stewart, 27, San Francisco, California. William M'Callum, 21, Monzievaird, Perth. John MacBeth, 25, Black- ford, Perthshire. G. Lindsay Leslie, 2i,Creich, Fifeshire. Robert Johnstone, George Thompson, 26, Cupar, Fife. John Stewart, 24, Crieff, Perthshire. Jas. Dalgety, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jas. Gilruth, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jas. G. Robertson, 24, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alex. M. Wyllie, 27, Dundee, Forfarshire. John M. Ramsay, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. D. Bruce Millar, 21, Kincar- dine O'Neil, Aberdeenshire. Alan Cant, 21, St Andrews, Fife. John T. Patterson, 23, St Andrews, Fife. Andrew Brown, 24, Montrose, Forfar. J. Christie Johnston, 32, Tayport, Fife. Wm. Wilson, 22, St Andrews, Fife. 20, Leuchars, Fife. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. Patrick Kinmont, 16, Errol, Perth. Alexander Leighton, 26, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Ford Petrie, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Maggie Gardiner Stuart, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. 1892] MATRICULATION ROLL 303 Charles Reid, 65, Glasgow, Lanark. Jeannie W. Robertson, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Naulty, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Alexander, 17, Forfar, Forfarshire. Agnes Forbes Blackadder, 16, West Ferry, Forfarshire. Edward F. M. Neave, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Agnes Hanning, 16, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire. Alex. Anderson, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert Gibson, 25, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Emma Isabel Wilson, 21, Edinburgh, Midlothian. A. G. Worrall, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. Constance E. Luis, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Pitkeathly, 18, Scone, Perth. Edward T. Harley, 17, Bal- merino, Fifeshire. W. T. Caiman, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. James D. S. Milln, 16, Tay- port, Fife. James Robertson, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Minty, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thos. Wylie, 15, Dundee, Forfarshire. William Young, 17, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Alexr. H. Pirie, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thomas Cameron, 19, Farnell, Forfarshire. Jno. Bennett Briggs, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. William N.Pattullo, 21, Oath- law, Forfarshire. A. Asher-Brown, [Strathairn]. John G. P. Murray, 17, Gosport, Hants. G. Waterston Miller, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Christina Halket Stirling, Perth, Perthshire. Bessie N. Hamilton, 18, Mains, Forfarshire. Philip Lyle Riviere, 18, Lon- don, Middlesex. James Henderson, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William Johnston, 30, Largo, Fife. William Gorrie, 16, Perth, Perthshire. Robert H. Garvie, 17, Perth, Perthshire. D. E. Dickson, 18, Blair- gowrie, Perthshire. G. M. Marshall, 34, Dundee, Forfarshire. J. D. Brown, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alexander Inglis, 27,, Aberdeen, Aberdeen- shire. 304 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1892 L. J. Byrne, 34, Gort, Galway. James Inglis, 17, Montrose, Forfarshire. Frances M. Laing, 19, Middlesbrough, York- shire. Arnold George Tolputt, 21, Folkestone, Kent. Annie Brown Foreman, 35. Born at sea. William Maule Alexander Smith, 18, Forfarshire. Monikie, John H.Lyell, 24, Newburgh, Fife. Peter Dickson, 16, Montrose, Forfarshire. Henry Francis Boland, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Hilda L. Lorimer, 19, Strath- martine, Forfar. And. Blackwood, 29, Kirk- caldy, Fife. John L. Clark, 31, Dysart, Fife. Thomas Scott Millar, 31, Dundee. Matthew Forbes, 47, Dundee, Forfar. Frank White, 22, Dunnichen, Forfar. John W. Kippen, 30, Crieff, Perth. Zerlina A. Weinberg, 19, Dundee, Forfar. E. Weston Bell, 32, Dundee, Forfar. Gertrude E. Garriock, 19, Tingwall Parish, Shet- land. Charles M. Robertson, 17, Miraflores, Mexico. J. Godfrey Anderson, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Constance M. Ramsay, 22, Liff, Forfar. James N. Graham, 16, Forfar, Forfar. James Gray, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Fred. Nallard Merry, 18, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. William Mair, 25, Dundee, Forfar. Ethel Campbell Smith, 20, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Evan Hugh Fraser, 29, Dallas, Morayshire. Helen H. Lamb, 19, Dundee Forfarshire. Frank H. Clark, Errol, Perthshire. James B. Corr, 38, Dundee, Forfar. E. A. Watson, Invergowrie, Forfar. A. D. Watson, Invergowrie, Forfar. Hugh Parker Holburn, 30, Galston, Ayrshire. William Gregory Keay, 16, Greenwich, Kent. John S. Lumsden, B.Sc., 25, Dundee, Forfar. Mabel L. Johnson, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. 1892] MATRICULATION ROLL 305 Robert Kerr Wybrants, 18, Dundee, Forfar. John Irons, 26, Dundee, Forfar. Evelyn Scott, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Thomas Macpherson, 27, Orwell, Kinross. John Dewar, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Andrew Caird, [Dun- dee.] Ina Mary White, Aberdeen, Aberdeen. Adele True, Braunschweig, Germany. Clara Whytock, Dundee, Forfar. Summer Session, 1893. William Lowson, 32, Barry, Forfar. J. Barry Robb, Dundee, Forfar. John Robertson Barbour, 18, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Lewis Beesly, 16, London, Middlesex. 1893-1894. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. Robert Kinmond, 15, Dun- dee, Forfar. Jeanie C. C. Reid, 16, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Lewis M'Glashan, 16, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. William D. Millar, 23, Dun- dee, Forfar. Richard de Mattos, 16, Rich- mond, Surrey. Harold T. J. Waring, 19, Warwick, Warwick. Frank S. Findon, 18, War- wick, Warwick. Archibald Campbell, 16, Falkirk, Stirling- shire. John Anderson, Glasgow. Fred. G. Innes, 16, Cupar- Fife, Fifeshire. Ernest M. Anderson, 16, Falkirk, Stirlingshire. Margaret Murray, 19, St Andrews, Fife. u 306 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1893 David Munro, 15, Little- hampton, Sussex. John A. F. Dean, 18, Rothes, Elgin. Peter Walker, 16, St Andrews, Fife. James Cox, 24, Carnoustie, Forfar. Jessy Thomson Philip, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Leonard Kininmonth, 17, Dunbog, Fife. James Nairn, 18, Perth, Perth. Andrewjameson Macculloch, 17, Edinburgh, Mid- lothian. James M'Kay Smith, 16, Dundee, Forfar. David Graham, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Harry Kinnes, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Jno. G. Boyd, 20, Coleraine, Derry. Samuel T. Linton, 19, Gar- vagh, Derry. Edward Miall Johnstone, 19, Inverurie, Aberdeen- shire. Mary C. Anderson, St Andrews, Fife. William Pitkeathly, 19, New Scone, Perth. Samuel Nicolson, 18, Dur- ness, Sutherland. Mary J. Menzies, 18, Wake- field, Yorkshire. James Knowles, 18, Newent, Gloucestershire. Alice A. Linder, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Katherine C. Caird, 17, Montrose, Forfarshire. Letitia Jane Gardiner, 19, Croston, Lancashire. Maud Cracknell, 30, London, Middlesex. Ralph D. Cox, 15, Droughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Mrs 'Lizzie. M'Lachlan, Hind- head, Surrey, England. Robert Blair, 15, Dunblane, Perthshire. Marion E. Archibald, St Andrews, Fife. John W. N. Thomson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Robert Craig, 16, Lerwick, Shetland. William Scott, 35, Buck- haven, Fife. James Black, 22, Elgin, Moray shire. Margaret Elsie Ruston, 17, Lincoln, Lincolnshire. Annie Grace Holcroft, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Evelyn Helen C. Fraser, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Annie I. K. Dickson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Edith Paterson, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Jane A. Paterson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. 1893] MATRICULATION ROLL 307 Margaret E. Clouston, 17, Isabel O. Clouston, 16, St St Andrews, Fife. Andrews, Fife. Second Year. George H. Simson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. John M. M'Naughton, 18, Killin, Perthshire. John G. Laing, 17, Cameron Bridge, Fife. Chas. W. M'Millan, 18, Mark- inch, Fife. Robert Scott, 18, Craig, Forfar. Margaret Lees, 18, London, Middlesex. Annie Lloyd-Evans, 19, War- wick, Warwickshire. Katherine Chambers, 19, Perth, Perthshire. Margaret A. Hannan Watson, 20, Glasgow, Lanark- shire. Jessie N. Nelson, 20, Thorn- hill, Dumfries. Ella G. Lumsden, 19, Preston- kirk, Haddingtonshire. James T. Fergusson, 18, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Robert H. Corstorphine, 18, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Mary Jane Christie, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Mary Ann Bathie, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. John Stewart, 16, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Sidney L. Clarke, 22, South- port, Lancashire. Bertie C. M. Cantor, 19, St Andrews, Fife. John Sime, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Mary S. G. Burnet, 18, Edinburgh, Edin- burgh. Annie Davidson, 21, Peter- head, Aberdeen. William A. M. Forbes, 19, Perth, Perthshire. James W. Harris, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Andrew D. Duncan, 19, Lockerbie, Dumfries. Lucius A. Holcroft, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Norman C. Keith, 17, Dun- dee (Land.), Forfar. George B. Neave, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. William M. J. Gunn, 19, Halkirk, Caithness. Thos. S. Cargill, 16, An- struther, Fife. Alexander R. Taylor, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Mary Alice Matthewson, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Henry J. Hoile, 17, St Andrews, Fife. 3 o8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1893 Oswald G. Bell, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Helen Alexander Russel, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Wm. R. Murray Brown, 23, Dundee, Forfar. James A. Murray, 16, Dairsie, Cunningham, Campbeltown, Fife. J. R. 17, Argyll. Frank M. Milne, 17, Dundee, Forfar. David S. Brown, 16, Lochee, Forfar. Alexander Mason, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Eliza P. Steele Hutton, 26, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. George Sellars, 18, Kenmore, Perthshire. Findlay S. Douglas, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Alice G. H. Barclay, St Andrews, Fife. Arnold H. Meiklejohn, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Wm. Ewan, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. Roberta F. Smith, St Andrews, Fife. Robert N. Buist, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. D. W. Rusack, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Mary Campbell Smith, 20, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Alexander Dawson, 19, Buck- haven, Fifeshire. John Dawson, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. David H. M. Dawson, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Third Year. Bertram Houlding Walmsley, 21, Eccles, Lancashire. James Fairweather, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Archibald Menzies, 2 1 , Weem, Perthshire. George Yule, 18, Tayport, Fifeshire. John Gunn Nicolson, 20, Durness, Sutherland- shire. Robert Henry Mackay, 18, Brechin, Forfarshire. William Andrew Mackenzie, 18, Grantown - on - Spey, Morayshire. Andw. Thorn, 18, Cupar, Fife. Edwin J. Brechin, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Robert Kerr, 22, New- port, Fifeshire. W. Fulton Spiers, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Cargill, 17, Anstruther, Fife. 1893] MATRICULATION ROLL 309 George Blair, 20, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. Reuben W. Linder, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Thomas D. Murray, 19, An- struther, Fife. William S. Morrison, 17, Laurencekirk, Kincardine- shire. Andrew Morrison, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Mitchell, 17, Perth, Perthshire. David Oliphant, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John B. Chalmers, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Campbell Smith, 19, Edinburgh, Edin- burgh. Michael Alexander Russel, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Joseph H. H. Dare, 24, Wandsworth, London, Surrey. Fourth Year. Sim Hirst, 37, St Andrews, Fife. Ernest H. Duke, 20, St Vigeans, Forfar. Norman Macleod Caie, 19, Forfar, Forfar. Frank Kemp, 21, Perth, Perthshire. Alexander John Walker, 19, Perth, Perthshire. James Kirk, 20, Beath, Fife- shire. John Weipers, 25, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. Tom R. Marr, 20, Mains, Forfarshire. William Reid, 18, Montrose, Forfarshire. Thomas Fergusson, 19, (Kin- buck) Dunblane, Perth- shire. Robt. S. Ramsay, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Hugh Menzies, 23, Larbert, Stirlingshire. James R. Tosh, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Ross, 22, Rogart, Sutherlandshire. George M. Maclean, 21, Portree, Inverness-shire. John H. Bentinck, 20, Kin- gussie, Inverness-shire. Clement M. Scott, 21, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Miller, 35, Beath, Fife. David W. Wallace, 22, Lanark, Lanarkshire. William Macpherson, 20, Edinburgh, Midlothian. William Fogo, 20, St Andrews, Fife. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1893 Henry C. Cargill, 19, West Anstruther, Fife. Marshall P. Constable, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Adam S. Marshall, 23, Mother- well, Lanarkshire. N. D. Smith, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Knox, 19, Crail, Fife. Hugh Birrell, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Walter Anderson, 21, St Andrews, Fife. James Thomson, 17, Buck- haven, Fife. James M. Scott, 26, Collessie, Fife. Kenneth Lyle Reid, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. Alexr. S. M. Imrie, 22, Mark- inch, Fife. Alexander Leighton, 23, Closeburn, Dumfries. David B. King, 20, Pitten- weem, Fife. H. Chas. Williamson, 22, Lochee, Forfarshire. Edward L. Milne, 20, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. R. MacGregor Mitchell, 18, Perth, Perth. Harry MacDonald Kyle, 21, Glasgow, Lanark. John M. Anderson, 24, St Andrews, Fife. George Oswald, 21, King- horn, Fife. Fred. P. Shepherd, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. Albert W. Borthwick, 21, Scarbrough, York- shire. R. Macquarrie, 30, North Uist, Inverness. Chas. M. Gray, 22, Glasgow, Lanark. Alexr. G. Abbie, 20, Largo, Fife. T. R. Cansh, 22, St Andrews, Fife. Matriculated for Examination. James B. Robb, Dundee, Forfarshire. Summer Session, 1894. Adolf Oppe, 15, London, Surrey. Francis Stewart, 14, St Andrews, Fife. Alexander Matheson Lang, 16, Inverness, Inverness. John Barns Graham, 17, Milngavie, Stirling. James Macpherson, 22, Edin- burgh, Midlothian. Fred. B. Clough, 19, Den- bigh, .Denbigh. MATRICULATION ROLL 31.1 William P. Napier, 21, Aber- Edith S. Hooper, 26, Erith, deen, Aberdeen. Kent. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. John Boyd, 21, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. H. Grey Graham, 19, Maxton, Roxburgh, Donald Fergusson, 23, Red- gorton, Perthshire. John M. Menzies, 21, Dull, Perthshire. George Thompson, 27, Cupar, Fifeshire. Robert C. Mitchell, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. John M. Ramsay, 26, Dundee, Forfar. G. Lindsay Leslie, 22,Creich, Fife. Robert Johnstone, 21, Leu- chars, Fife. George Christie, 23, Elgin, Elgin. , William M'Callum, 22, Mon- zievaird, Perth. Alex. M. Wyllie, 29, Dundee, Forfar. James Dalgety, 27, Dundee, Forfar. Jas. Ruth Gilruth, 25, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Chas. S. Burdon, 31, Rait, Perth. George Munro, 26, Farr, Sutherlandshire. Andrew M. Hewat, 22, Perth, Perthshire. John MacBeth, 26, Black- ford, Perthshire. John Stewart, 25, Crieff, Perthshire. John Wallace, 24, Wiston, Lanarkshire. Donald S. Rose, 26, Blair Athole, Perthshire. George A. Seath, 21, Aber- dour, Fifeshire. James R. Dykes, 26, Strath- miglo, Fifeshire. Peter C. Anderson, 22, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Alexander Jack, 38, Dundee, Forfarshire. D. Bruce Millar, 22, Kincar- dine O'Neil, Aberdeen. J. Goodlet - Robertson, 25, Dundee, Forfar. Andrew Brown, 25, Montrose, Forfar. William Wilson, 23, St Andrews, Fife. David P. Miller, 21, Bolas, Wellington, Salop. Norman MacLeod, 20, Lon- don, Middlesex. James M. Hunt, 21, Perth, Perthshire. 3 I2 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1893 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE, Alex. Leighton, 27, Dundee, Forfar. William Doig, 18, Forgan, Fife. Adele True, 21, Braun- schweig, Germany. Ella Mackie, 17, Droughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Elizabeth Anderson M'Intyre, 18, Mains, Forfarshire. Janie S. M'Intyre, 17, Mains, Forfarshire. Robert Smith, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Laurence Maclagan Wedder- burn, 1 6, Forfar, Forfar- shire. Maggie Whytock, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Basil Broun - Morison, 17, Folkestown, Kent. Thomas Pettigrew Wylie, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert John Ramsay, 22, Newport, Fifeshire. Hilda Luke, 16, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Agnes Manning, 17, Dum- fries, Dumfriesshire. Agnes Forbes Blackad- der, 17, Dundee, Forfar- shire. Bessie Neilson Hamilton, 19, Mains, Forfarshire. John Bennett Briggs, 19, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Lewis Beesly, 16, London, Middlesex. Arthur Dixon, 16, Bradford, Yorks. James Ritchie, 26, Perth, Perth. Charles Reid, 66, Glasgow, Lanark. Philip Lyle Riviere, 19, London, Middlesex. David Elliot Dickson, 19, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. Henry Francis Boland, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Angus R. Fulton, 22, Dundee, Forfar. John B. Cuthbert, 28, Perth, Perth. George Marshall, 35, Dundee, Forfar. James Allan, M.A., 20, Old Kilpatrick, Dumbarton- shire. Alex. Muirden, 16, Montrose, Forfar. Robert Hendry, 17, Dundee, Forfar. James R. Cargill, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Andrew Caird, 22, Montrose, Forfar. Charles Mann, 20, Dundee, Forfar. 1893] MATRICULATION ROLL 313 William Thomas Caiman, 21, Dundee, Forfar. Daniel John M'Kinnon, Jr., 24, Dundee, Forfar. James Scrimgeour, 15, New- port, Fife. Sydney A. Kay, 19, Newport, Fife. Ethel Campbell Smith, 21, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. George Alexander, 18, Forfar, Forfar. Robert H. Garvie, 18, Perth, Perth. Wm. Gorrie, 17, Perth, Perth. Charles Wm. Cochrane, 16, Dundee, Forfar. Arthur G. Worrall, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. Alexander H. Pirie, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. William M. A. Smith, [19, Monikie, Forfarshire.] C. M. Robertson, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Robert M'Culloch, 19, Dun- dee, Forfar. James D. S. Milln, 17, Tay- port, Fife. David Lockhart Robertson Lorimer, 16, Strathmartine, Forfar. Charles Edward Douglas, 37, India. Edward F. M. Neave, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. M. L. Walker, Dundee, Forfarshire. Campbell Fraser, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John D. Brown, 24, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Godfrey Anderson, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Henderson, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. And. Blackwood, 30, Kirk- caldy, Fifeshire. Barbara J. Sutherland, 20, Lanarkshire. Winnie K. Ritchie, 17, New- port, Fifeshire. William Johnston, 31, Largo. R. A. Mudie, 24, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. [Robert Gibson, 26, Arbroath, Forfarshire.] [Evan Hugh Fraser, 30, Dallas, Morayshire.] John Irons, Downfield, Forfarshire. Summer Session, 1894. Charles Soutar, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Ferrier, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Frank Hull, 17, Kingston, West Indies. James M. Templeman, 19, Blairgowrie, Perthshire. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1893 Maud Meyerheim, 25, Lymm, Cheshire. George B. Deas, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. James T. Munsie, 22, Slate- ford, Mid Lothian. William W. George, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alex. W. Donaldson, 21, Newport, Fifeshire. Charles William Somer- ville, 16, Dalkeith, Mid Lothian. Alister Forbes Mackay, Southend. Edith Mary Talbot Fidler, 20, Richmond, Surrey. Catherine Fidler, 18, Rich- mond, Surrey. 1894-1895. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. John Herbert Spivey, 19, Liversedge, Yorkshire. Robert L. Watson, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Arthur K. Agar, 17, Wimble- don, Surrey. Frank Y. Leggatt, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Robert S. F. Macrae, 17, Kirkwall, Orkney. John Barns - Graham, 17, Milngavie, Stirlingshire. Robert Nelson, 16, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. Edward J. Balfour, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. David H. Bell, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Walter M. Thorburn, 17, Peebles, Peeblesshire. Robt. M. M. Buntine, 21, Kirby Stephen, West- moreland. Eneas N. Craig, 27, New- castle-on-Tyne, Northum- berland. William Linton, 24, West- ruther, Berwickshire. Robert Rose, 16, Blair Atholl, Perthshire. David G. Anderson, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. George Bell, 17, Lochee, Forfarshire. Adolf P. Oppe, 16, London, Surrey. Lcetitia N. Ede, 17, Gates- head, Durham. Margaret Rust, 16, Arbroath, Forfarshire. 1894] MATRICULATION ROLL 315 Henry Herbert Vicars Moss- man, 23, Newark, Notting- hamshire. Eliza M. Anderson, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Thomas Noel Fowke, 17, Wolverhampton, Stafford- shire. William Crawford, 17, Alloa, Clackmannanshire. Allan M. Sinclair, 18, Perth, Perthshire. James R. Forgan, 17, Perth, Perthshire. Christian Mary Brown, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Duncan, i6,St Andrews, Fifeshire. Frank Findlay, 17, Mark- inch, Fifeshire. James Westwood, 17, Dun- fermline, Fifeshire. John B. Murray, 15, Dairsie, Fifeshire. William P. Brakenridge, 17, Cupar, Fife. Charles Thompson Hill, 16, Chicago, 111., U.S.A. William Braid Taylor, 17, St Andrews, Fife. David Fogo, 17, St Andrews, Fife. James Hunter, 30, Kinloch, Perthshire. Alexander Matheson Lang, 17, Inverness, Inverness- shire. Hector MacKay, 21, Farr, Sutherland. William A. Henderson, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Walker, 19, Larbert, Stirlingshire. David M'Leish, 17, Aber- feldy, Perthshire. John Phillips Milne, 16, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. Alfred W. W. Mackie, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Jane M. Finlayson, 28, Aberdeen, shire. Aberdeen- Ellen C. Scott, 30, St Andrews, Fife. Annie Wallace, 24, Ceres, Fife. Isabella F. Stewart, 17, Mains, Dundee, Forfar. William Watson, 17, New- field, Johnstone, Renfrew- shire. John A. R. Macdonald, 19, L. Rannoch, Perthshire. Lewis J. Garriock, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. R. Campbell-Smith, 16, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Alexander P. Cunningham, 16, Campbeltown, Argyll- shire. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1894 Second Year. Jane C. C. Reid, 17, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Frank S. Findon, 19, War- wick, Warwickshire. Archibald Campbell, 17, Falkirk, Stirlingshire. Harold T. J. Waring, 20, Warwick, Warwickshire. Samuel Nicolson, 19, Durness, Sutherlandshire. Lewis M'Glashan, 17, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. James Black, 23, Elgin, Moray. Robert Kinmond, 16, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Fred. G. Innes, 17, Cupar, Fife. William Pitkeathly, 20, Scone, Perth. James M. Smith, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. John A. F. Dean, 19, Rothes, Morayshire. Samuel T. Linton, 20, Cross- hill, Co. Derry. Richard de Mattos, 17, Rich- mond, Surrey. John Gage Boyd, 21, Cole- raine, Co. Derry. Robert Craig, 17, Lerwick, Shetland. William D. Millar, 24, Annie Grace Holcroft, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Jessy Philip, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Edward Miall Johnstone, 20, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. David Graham, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Margaret Murray, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Robert L. Blair, 16, Dunblane, Perthshire. Harry Kinnes, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. Peter Walker, 16, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Leonard Kininmonth, 18, Dunbog, Fifeshire. Alexander Miller, 18, Darwin, Lanes. Katherine C. Caird, 18, Montrose, Forfarshire. Mary J. Menzies, 19, Hull, Yorkshire. James Nairn, 19, Perth, Perthshire. William Scott, 16, Buck- haven, Fife. Laetitia Gardiner, 20, Cros- ton, Lancashire. Robert N. Buist, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Dundee, Forfarshire. 1894] MATRICULATION ROLL 317 Third Year. Beaumont Fletcher, 20, Barrow-in-Furniss, Lanca- shire. Margaret A. Han nan Watson, 21, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Jessie N. Nelson, 20, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. Annie Lloyd- Evans, 20, Warwick, Warwickshire. Ella G. Lumsden, 20, Preston- kirk, Haddingtonshire. Mary J. Christie, 19, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. Mary A. Bathie, 19, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. David Munro, 16, Little- hampton, Sussex. John G. Laing, 18, Cameron, Fife. John Sime, 20, Dundee, For far. James A. Murray, 17, Dairsie, Fife. Norman C. Keith, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. Sidney L. Clarke, 23, Derby, Derbyshire. Robert Scott, 19, Craig, Montrose, Forfarshire. Alexander Reid Taylor, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Archd. Menzies, 22, Weem, Perthshire. Frank M. Milne, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Thos. S. Cargill, 17, An- struther, Fifeshire. George B. Neave, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John M. M'Naughton, 19, Kenmore, Perthshire. David S. Brown, 17, Lochee, Forfarshire. Annie Davidson, 22, Peter- head, Aberdeenshire. Lucius Austen Holcroft, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Findlay S. Douglas, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Roberta F. Smith, 40, St Andrews, Fife. William A. M. Forbes, 20, Inver (Dunkeld), Perth- shire. Mary S. G, Burnet, 19, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Margaret Lees, 19, Dundee, Dundee. Katherine Chambers, 20, Perth, Perthshire. Bertie C. M. Cantor, 20, St Andrews, Fife. John Stewart, 17, Logierait, Perthshire. D. W. Rusack, 19, St Andrews, Fife. George Mackay, 21, Durness, Sutherlandshire. Wm. Ewan, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1894 Chas. W. M'Millan, 20, Markinch, Fife. Alex. Dawson, 20, Buck- haven, Fife. William R. M. Brown, 24, Dundee, Forfar. Oswald G. Bell, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Alexander Mason, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Henry J. Hoile, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Arnold H. Meiklejohn, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Mary Campbell Smith, 21, Edinburgh, Midlothian. George Sellars, 19, Kenmore, Perthshire. J. R. Cunningham, 18, Campbeltown, Argyll. Alice Hay Barclay, St Andrews, Fife. John Dawson, 19, Dundee, Forfar. David H. M. Dawson, 18, Dundee, Forfar. John B. Chalmers, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. Fourth Year. John Gunn Nicolson, 21, Durness, Sutherland- shire. George Yule, 19, Tayport, Fifeshire. W. Fulton Spiers, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John Cargill, 18, Anstruther, Fife. Bertram H. Walmsley, 22, Eccles, Lancashire. David Oliphant, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Robert H. Mackay, 19, Brechin, Forfar. James Fairweather, 19, St Andrews, Fife. James T. Fergusson, 19, Aberfeldy, Perth. James Mitchell, 18, Perth, Perthshire. Marshall P. Constable, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. David R. Kerr, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. William A. Mackenzie, 19, Grantown-on-Spey, Moray- shire. Robert H. Corstorphine, 19, Arbroath, Forfarshire. William S. Morrison, 18, Laur- encekirk, Kincardineshire. Edwin J. Brechin, 20, Dun- dee, Forfar. Andrew Thom, 19, Cupar, Fife. George Blair, 21, Dollar, Clackmannanshire. J. Campbell Smith, 20, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Andrew Morrison, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. i8 9 4] MATRICULATION ROLL 319 Fifth Year and upwards. Robert Macdonald, 30, Laurencekirk, Kincardine. Walter George Mair, 23, Rathven, Banffshire. Harry MacDonald Kyle, 22, Glasgow, Lanark. George Oswald, 22, King- horn, Fife. Edward L. Milne, 21, Ar- broath, Forfar. James Kirk, 21, Beath, Fifeshire. John Weipers, 26, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. Thomas Fergusson, 20, Dun- blane (Parish), Perthshire. John Miller, 36, Beath, Fife. Hugh Birrell, 19, St Andrews, Fife. William Fogo, 21, St Andrews, Fife. James Thomson, 18, Buck- haven, Fife. Henry C. Cargill, 20, West Anstruther, Fife. H. Chas. Williamson, 23, Lochee, Forfar. A. W. Borthwick, 22, Scar- borough, Yorkshire. Alexander Leighton, 24, Closeburn, Dumfriesshire. T. R. Cansh, 23, St Andrews, Fife. James Robb, 29, Kirriemuir, Forfar. Summer Session, 1895. William Wallace, 20, Dum- fries, Dumfries. Bertram H. Wedgwood, 18, London, Middlesex. David Morrison, 28, Dundee, Forfar. Alexr. S. M. Imrie, 23, Mark- inch, Fife. ST MARY'S COLLEGE. George M. Maclean, 22, Portree, Inverness. David P. Miller, 22, Bolas, Wellington, Salop. Norman M. Caie, 20, Forfar, Forfar. Hugh Menzies, 24, Larbert, Stirling. William Wilson, 24, St Andrews, Fife. C. S. Burdon, 31, Kilspindie, Perth. 320 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1894 George M. Munro, 27, Farr, Sutherland. George Thompson, 28, Cupar, Fife. John Stewart, 26, Crieff, Perth. Robert C. Mitchell, 22, Alyth, Perth. Walter Lamb, 23, Ednam, Roxburghshire. John Stirton, 23, Perth, Perth. John M. Ramsay, 27, Dun- dee, Dundee. Henry Grey Graham, 20, Maxton, Roxburgh. Peter Corsar Anderson, 23, St Andrews, Fife. John M. Anderson, 25, St Andrews, Fife. Ernest H. Duke, 21, St Vigeans, Forfar. Andrew M. Hewat, 23, Perth, Perth. Robert Johnstone, 22, Leuchars, Fife. Jas. G. Robertson, 26, Dun- dee, Forfar. Alex. M. Wyllie, 28, Dundee, Forfar. Alexander John Walker, 20, Perth, Perthshire. John Wallace, 25, Lanark, Lanark. James M. Scott, 26, Collessie, Fife. John M. Menzies, 22, Dull, Perth. James Malcolm Hunt, 22, Perth, Perthshire. John Boyd, 22, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. George A. Seath, 22, Aber- dour, Fifeshire. Norman MacLeod, 21, London, Middlesex. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DUNDEE. Annie Mercer Watson, 32, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Hettie Nelson Grant, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Elizabeth A. M'Intyre, 19, Mains, Forfarshire. Thomas P. Wylie, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. Mary G. Smith, 17, Dundee, Dundee. Helen J. Pirie, 16, Dundee, Dundee. Fred. J. Scrimgeour, 15, Newport, Fife. Crissy Ingles Dawson, 17, Dundee, Dundee. Mary M'G. Miller, 16, Dun- dee, Dundee. Margaret Eva Wilson, 17, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. James Scrimgeour, 16, New- port, Fife. James Walker, 21, Montrose, Forfar. 1 894] MATRICULATION ROLL 321 Mary C. Macdonald, Dun- dee, Dundee. David Ferrier, ig, Dundee, Dundee. Robt. John Ramsay, 23, Newport, Fife. Alice Fleming, 15, Broughty Ferry, Dundee. Robert Smith, 20, Dundee, Dundee. John B. Briggs, 20, Arbroath, Forfarshire. F. D. Hull, 18, West Indies. Duncan Macnab Burden, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Bryden Merry, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. George Addison Lister Sin- clair-Thomson, 18, Dun- dee, Forfar. Harry Kebel Smith, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Angus Robertson Fulton, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. Agnes Forbes Blackadder, 1 8, West Ferry, Forfar- shire. John Richardson, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Bessie Neilson Hamilton, 20, Dundee, Dundee. Arnold G. Tolputt, 23, Folkestone, Kent. A. Asher Brown, Strath- aven, Lanarkshire. Winnie K. Ritchie, 18, New- port, Fifeshire. Sydney A. Kay, 20, Newport, Fifeshire. Hilda B. M. Luke, 17, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. David M. H. M'Ken- drick, 23, Perth, Perth- shire. William Hill, 21, Perth, Perthshire. Alexander M'Millan, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Peter S. M'Intyre, 15, Douglasfield, Forfarshire. Philip Lyle Riviere, 20, London. Alexander Muirden, 17, Mon- trose, Forfarshire. John T. Tiplady, 17, Dum- fries, Dumfriesshire. Basil Broun - Morison, 18, Folkestone, Kent. Robert Hendry, 18, Dundee, Dundee. David Gilchrist, 27, Dundee, Dundee. Charles Wm. Cochrane, 17, Dundee, Dundee. Arthur Dixon, 17, Bradford, Yorkshire. Kate E. Spiers, 22, Leith, Midlothian. D. Elliot Dickson, 20, Blair- gowrie, Perthshire. W. T. Caiman, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. J. Barry Robb, Dundee, Forfarshire. x 322 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1894 James R. Cargill, Mains, Forfarshire. James Henderson, 22, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Andrew Blackwood, 31, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Arthur Stewart Robertson, 22, Jamaica, West Indies. [J. M. H. Macleod, 24, Dundee.] [Edward Craner, 29, Blair- gowrie.] [Wm. B. Anderson, 21, Dun- dee.] [James Gray, 22, Dundee.] [George Lawrence, Dundee.] [George Halley, Dundee.] [George Scott, 23, St Bos- wells.] [John S. Lumsden, Dundee.] James G. Craik, Forfar, Forfar. Evan H. Fraser, 31, Dallas, Moray. Alex. Leighton, 28, Dundee, Forfar. Summer Session, 1895. Emily C. Thomson, 31, Lahore, India. Alice M. Moorhead, 27, Maidstone, England. Alexr. Lickely, 25, Dundee, Forfar. William W. George, 19, Dundee, Dundee. Charles W. Somerville, 17, Dalkeith, Midlothian. 1895=1896. UNITED COLLEGE, First Year. James M'Lean Watson, 15, St Andrews, Fife. Sarah Caroline Logan, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. James Dickson Lindsay, 17, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Henry William Hewlett, 17, Addington, Kent. James Walter Montague Scott, 16, Cromarty, Cromarty. David Gray, 17, Lochee, Forfarshire. Anne Loveday, 18, Cropredy, Oxfordshire. James Thomas Munsie, 23, Colinton, Mid Lothian. MATRICULATION ROLL 323 John C. G. Ewan, 16, Fyvie, Aberdeenshire. Marian Louise Reece, 16, Christ Church, Barbados, W. I. John Gordon Jameson, 17, Edinburgh, Mid Lothian. Nigel Austin Stebbing, 16, London, Middlesex. Janette T. Hill, 20, Chicago, U. S. A. John M. Kay, 21, Comrie, Perthshire. Thos. Pettigrew Wylie, 18, Dundee, Dundee. David Kenneth Watson, 17, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. John Bain Macdonald, 16, Baldovan, Perthshire. Charles Rudolph Stahel Farmer," 17, Harrow, Middlesex. Henrietta W. Rusack, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Helen J. Pirie, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Margaret S. Dickson, 15, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. William Nichol Thorn, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Andrew Robertson, 17, Kingsbarns, Fife. John M'Kenzie, 16, Aber- deen, Aberdeen. John Murray, 17, Kings- kettle, Fife. Henry Pemberton Ponsonby, 19, London, Middlesex. James Simpson Stalker, 17, Canisbay, Caithness. Arthur Inglis, 20, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. Edwin Jackson, 18, Brough, Yorkshire. Christina S. Auchterlonie, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Alice E. Craigie, 17, Mon- trose, Forfar. Thomas Gillespie, 16, St Andrews, Fife. John F. Philip, 17, Glasgow, Lanark. Lawrence J. D. Gibson, 16, Dysart, Fife. James Donaldson, 17, Dun- dee, Forfar. William Barbour, 17, Par- bold, Lancashire. David R. MacGregor, 17, Dunfermline, Fife. Alexander Lundie, 17, Torry- burn, Fife. Eleanor Kate Vane, Hamlet of RatclifT, London. Ella Lundie, 19, Torryburn, Fife. John Gilmour, 19, Blackford, Perth. Mary C. Macdonald, 17, Dundee, Forfar. William Wallace, 21, Dum- fries, Dumfries. Agnes Birrell, St Andrews, Fife. Alexander F. Munro, 20, Al- ness, Ross. 324 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1895 Eliza C. Rose, Tayport, Fife. Katharine B. C. Rose, Tay- port, Fife. Alexander Logan, 18, Broad- ford, Inverness. David Morrison, 28, Dundee, Forfar. Isabel Keith Campbell, 20, Montrose, Forfar. Elizabeth Cook Houston, 19, St Andrews, Fife. Archibald J. M'Kenzie, 17, Tealing, Forfarshire. James Paterson Scott, 17, Kirriemuir, Forfarshire. Lucy Linder, 26, St Andrews, Fife. Robert L. Craig, 20, Berwick - on - Tweed. J. Martin Dower, 23, Kok- stadt, E. Griqualand, S. Elizabeth K. Mitchell, 18, Anstruther, Fifeshire. M. Kantrovitch, 14, Wilna, Wilna. David Williamson, 18, Green- law, Berwickshire. John Whittle, 26, Little Hulton, Lancashire. William D'Esterre R. Mac- Leod, 18, London, Middle- sex. John Key, 18, Kirkcaldy, Fife. William Scrimgeour, 16, Methven, Perthshire. Murdo Maclean, 16, Urray, Ross-shire. B. H. Wedgwood, 18, Lon- don, Middlesex. Allan M. Ritchie, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Margaret Macgregor, Bir- Africa. | mingham, Warwickshire. Daniel Johnstone, 16, Dysart, Fifeshire. Second Year. William Braid Taylor, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Christian Mary Brown, 17, St Andrews, Fife. James M'Kay Smith, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Robert Nelson, 17, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. James Hunter, 31, Kinloch, Perthshire. Margaret Rust, 17, Arbroath, Forfarshire. John Duncan, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James R. Forgan, 18, Perth, Perthshire: William Scott, 17, Buck- haven, Fifeshire. John Begg, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. MATRICULATION ROLL 325 Frank Findlay,i8, Markinch, Fifeshire. Frank Young Leggatt, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Charles Thompson Hill, 17, Chicago, 111., U. S. A. John Phillips Milne, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Walter M. Thorburn, 18, Peebles, Peeblesshire. Alfred W. W. Mackie, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Thomas N. Fowke, 18, Wolverhampton, Stafford- shire. David G. Anderson, 17, Dundee, Forfar. Edward J. Balfour, 17, Dundee, Forfar. William Crawford, 18, Alloa, Clackmannanshire. William Linton, 26, West- ruther, Berwickshire. Alexander Miller, 19, Dar- win, Lanes. Adolf Oppe, 17, London. Alexander P. Cunningham, 17, Campbeltown, Argyll- shire. J. Brown Murray, 16, Dairsie, Fife. Robert S. F. Macrae, 18, Kirk wall, Orkney. John Herbert Spivey, 20, Liversedge, Yorkshire. Robert Rose, 17, Blair Atholl, Perthshire. Alice Linder, 20, St Andrews, Fife. Eneas N. Craig, 28, New- castle-on-Tyne, Northum- berland. James Westwood, 18, Dun- fermline, Fife. David H. Bell, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Robert Campbell-Smith, 17, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. George Bell, 18, Lochee, Forfar. Third Year. William Pitkeathly, 21, Scone, Perth. Margaret Murray, 21, St Andrews, Fife. Katherine C. Caird, 19, Montrose, Forfar. Jane C. C. Reid, 18, Ar- broath, Forfar. Jessy Philip, 18, Dundee, Forfar. Fred. G. Innes, 18, Cupar- Fife, Fife. Harold T. J. Waring, 21, Warwick, Warwick. David S. Brown, 18, Lochee, Forfarshire. Robert Craig, 18, Lerwick, Shetland. Robert N. Buist, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. 326 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1895 Harry Kinnes, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Richard de Mattos, 18, Rich- mond, Surrey. Annie G. Holcroft, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Robert L. T. Blair, 17, Dun- blane, Perthshire. Samuel Nicolson, 20, Dur- ness, Sutherlandshire. Peter Walker, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Lewis M'Glashan, 18, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. Leonard Kininmonth, 19, Dunbog, Fifeshire. David Graham, 20, John A. F. Dean, 20, Rothes, Elgin. Robert Kinmond, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. James Nairn, 20, Perth, Perth. Edward M. Johnstone, 21, Inverurie, Aberdeen. Archibald Campbell, 18, Wigan, Lancashire. Frank S. Findon, 20, War- wick, Warwickshire. Samuel T. Linton, 22, Gar- vagh, Londonderry. John Gage Boyd, 22, Cole- raine, Londonderry. St Andrews, Fife. Fourth Year. George Mackay, 22, Dur- ness, Sutherland. Beaumont Fletcher, 21, Bar- row -in- Furness, Lanca- shire. John Sime, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. Katherine Chambers, 21, Perth, Perthshire. Mary Campbell Smith, 22, Edinburgh, Mid- lothian. Annie Davidson, 23, Peter- head, Aberdeen. Alexander Reid Taylor, 21, Dundee, Forfar. David Munro, Junr., 17, Elstree, Hertford. John George Laing, 19, Cameron, Fife. Alexander Dawson, 21, Buck- haven, Fifeshire. Norman C. Keith, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John L. Clark, 34, Dysart, Fifeshire. George B. Neave, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John M. Dawson, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Margaret A. Hannan W T atson, 22, Glasgow, Lanarkshire. Annie Lloyd - Evans, 21, Warwick, Warwickshire. Wm. F. Spiers, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. MATRICULATION ROLL 327 David W. Rusack, 20, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Thos. S. Cargill, 18, An- struther, Fifeshire. Chas. W. M'Millan, 21, Falkland, Fifeshire. J. M. M'Naughton, 20, Ken- more, Perthshire. Sidney L. Clarke, 24, Derby, Derbyshire. Jessie N. Nelson, 21, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. James A. Murray, 18, Dairsie, Fife. Findlay S. Douglas, 20, St Andrews, Fife. David H. M. Dawson, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Stewart, 18, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. William A. M. Forbes, 21, Perth, Perthshire. John B. Chalmers, 22, Dun- dee, Forfar. Wm. R. Murray Brown, 24, Dundee, Forfar. Frank M. Milne, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Alice Hay Barclay, St Andrews, Fife. Mary S. G. Burnet, 20, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Margaret Lees, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. Joseph H. H. Dare, 24, London, Surrey. ' Fifth Year and upwards. John Miller, 37, Beath, Fife. Edward L. Milne, 22, James Fairweather, 20, St Arbroath, Forfar. Andrews, Fife. | Andw. Thorn, 20, Cupar, Harry M. Kyle, 23, Glasgow, j Fife. Lanark. John Cargill, 20, West An- struther, Fife. Andrew Morrison, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. David Robert Kerr, 24, Dun- dee, Forfar. George Blair, 22, Dollar, Clackmannan. Edwin J. Brechin, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. Bertram H. Walmsley, 23, Eccles, Lancashire. Jas. Thomson, 19, Buck- haven, Fifeshire. Walter G. Mair, 24, Rathven, BanfTshire. John G. Nicolson, 22, Dur- ness, Sutherlandshire. Robert H. Corstorphine, 20, Arbroath, Forfarshire. T. R. Cansh, 24, St Andrews. 328 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1895 Summer Session, 1896. Ayliffe St John Burroughs, 17, Bristol, Gloucester- shire. Francis Hugh Stewart, 16, St Andrews, Fife. James C. Irvine, 20, Glasgow, Lanark. Ben. P. Watson, 16, An- struther, Fife. Jas. M. Cunningham, 17, Cambridge, Cambridge. Maud Cracknell, 30, London, Middlesex. [James Scott, St Andrews.] [John Campbell Smith, Edinburgh.] ST MARY'S COLLEGE. P. C. Anderson, 24, St Andrews, Fife. Robert H. Mackay, 20, Brechin, Forfar. David L. Guild, 29, Dundee, Forfarshire. James M. Hunt, 23, Perth, * Perthshire. Geo. M. Munro, 28, Farr, Sutherland. John Boyd, 23, Kirriemuir, Forfar. Henry Grey Graham, 21, Maxton, Roxburgh. Ernest H. Duke, 22, St Vigeans, Forfar. John Wallace, 26, Lanark, Lanark. David Proctor Miller, 23, Bolas, Salop. Norman MacLeod, 22, Dun- dee, Forfar. John Stewart, 27, Crieff, Perthshire. Norman Macleod Caie, 21, Forfar, Forfarshire. Hugh Menzies, 26, Larbert, Stirlingshire. Andrew Hewat, 24, Perth, Perthshire. John M. Anderson, 26, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John Stirton, 23, Perth, Perth. James M. Scott, 27, Col- lessie, Fife. Henry C. Cargill, 21, West Anstruther, Fife. George M. Maclean, 23, Portree, Inverness. William Wilson, 25, St Andrews, Fifeshire. John M. Ramsay, 28, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. MATRICULATION ROLL 329 Walter Lamb, 24, Ednam, Roxburghshire. George Allan Seath, 23, Aberdour, Fife. 1896=1897. UNITED COLLEGE. First Year. Robert Barr M* Vicar, 22, Coupar-Angus, Forfar. Harry Arnott, 26, Dunferm- line, Fife. David Lawson, 30, Dundee, Forfar. G. Houghton Thorne, 17, London, London. Francis Hugh Stewart, 17, St Andrews. Ewen J. Taylor, 16, Cupar, Fife. John Dall, 15, Cupar, Fife. Ben. P. Watson, 16, Largo, Fife. John P. Grant, 17, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. William D. Barrie, 19, West Wemyss, Fife. A. Burnett, Edgecliffe, Fife. Duncan M. Y. Sommerville, Perth, Perthshire. Daniel E. Cameron, 17, Stanley, Perthshire. Gwendolyn Lawrence-Hamil- ton, 16, Brighton, Sussex. Hugh Sharpe Roberts, 26, Denbigh, Denbighshire. J. M. Cunningham, 18, Cam- bridge, Cambridgeshire. James Gregor Laing, 20, Luncarty, Perthshire. Alexander Parker, Jr., 21, Dundee, Forfar. Samuel Cameron M'Kim, 16, Marykirk, Kincardine. Thomas Scott, 17, Dollar, Clackmannan. Edward Joseph Thomas, 27, Thornhill, Yorkshire. Alexander Marshall Stewart, 17, Mains and Strath- martine, Forfar. Clara Mary Fleming Yelf, 22, Moreton in Marsh, Gloucestershire. Alexander M'Nie Ferguson, 18, Menstrie, Perth. Alice Fleming, 17, Broughty Ferry, Forfar. Winnie K. Ritchie, 20, New- port, Fife. Agnes E. Melville, 18, Moni- fieth, Forfarshire. John R. Simpson, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. 330 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1896 Alexander Stephen, 17, Dun- fermline, Fifeshire. John Young, 15, Dunfermline, Fifeshire. Lizzie H. B. Macdonald, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. A. Helen Ward, 29, Radford, Notts. Constance Mellor, 20, Hud- dersfield, Yorks. Thomas T. Buchanan, 18, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Lockhart I. Campbell, 16, Montrose, Forfarshire. Elizabeth Jamieson, 21, Nairn, Nairn. Gertrud von Petzold, 20, Thorn, Germany. Ellen G. Scott, 20, Saline, Fife. Katharine I. Smith, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Isabel Gregson, 18, Hull, Yorkshire. John Grierson Wilson, 16, Victoria West, South Africa. William Notman Neill, 16, Forfar, Forfar. Leonard Crossley, 27, West- moreland. Duncan Conacher, 17, Logie- rait, Perthshire.- Dorothea de Brissac Dob- son, 20, London, Middle- sex. Constance Marion Swan, 17, Constantinople. Elise J. P. Nimmo, 18, Springfield, Fife. Robert J. M'Intosh, 17, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Jean Corsar Anderson, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Robert C. Bridgett, 18, Dun- fermline, Fife. Nellie Findlay Bathie, 16, Arbroath, Forfarshire. Euphemia Murray Bennet, 1 8, Arbroath, Forfar- shire. Thomas Patrick William Barty, 16, Dunblane, Perthshire. Alexander Lorimer Miller, 17, Berwick- on -Tweed, Ber- wickshire. William Hume, 16, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. James Cairns, 16, Crail, Fifeshire. Arthur Elliot Adams, 16, Broughty Ferry, Forfar- shire. Harry Leman Purdom, 16, Hawick, Roxburghshire. Ian Ross Matheson, 16, Heb- burn, Durham. David Wilkie, 16, Kirrie- muir, Forfarshire. Joseph Donald Parkin, 17, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Thomas Watson Young, 16, Dundee, Forfarshire. Trevor Lloyd Evans, 18, Warwick, Warwickshire. 1896] MATRICULATION ROLL 33i William Thompson, 19, Kinglassie, Fife. Frank Clark Budge, 16, Edinburgh, Midlothian. Isabel Cunningham, 19, Campbeltown, Argyll- shire. George Everard Walmsley, 22, Eccles, Lanes. Elizabeth Cruden, 17, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Ada H. Walker, 17, St Andrews, Fife. Emma Mabel Case, 45, London. Lord Haddo (George Hamil- ton-Gordon), 17, Methlick, Aberdeen. Joseph Holman, 22, Bath- gate, Linlithgow. David J. Small, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. John Unsworth, 16, Golborne, Lancashire. W. R. Scott, 28, Dublin, Dublin. Second Year. James Donaldson, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. William Barbour, 18, Wigan, Lancashire. Nigel Stebbing, 17, London, London. Margaret Scott Dickson, 16, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. James Walter Montague Scott, 17, Cromarty, Ross-shire. Helen Johnson Pirie, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. James T. Munsie, 23, Manse, Slateford, Mid Lothian. John Whittle, 26, Middle Hulton, nr. Bolton, Lanes. James M. Watson, 16, St Andrews, Fife. Andrew Robertson, 18, Kings- barns, Fife. James D. Lindsay, 18, Edin- burgh, Edinburgh. Sarah C. Logan, 18, Ar- broath, Forfarshire. James P. Scott, 18, Kirrie- muir, Forfar. Tom Gillespie, 17, St Andrews, Fife. David Gray, 18, Lochee, Forfar. William N. Thorn, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Elizabeth K. Mitchell, 18, Anstruther, Fife. James Simpson Stalker, 18, Canisbay, Caithness. Edwin Brook Jackson, 19, Brough, E. Yorkshire. David Williamson, 19, Green- law, Berwick. David MacGregor, 18, Dun- fermline, Fifeshire. 332 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1896 Mary C. Macdonald, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Eleanor Kate Vane, London, London. J. Martin Dower, 24, Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony. Ella Lundie, 20, Torryburn, Fife. Alice E. Craigie, 18, Montrose, Forfarshire. John Bain Macdonald, 17, Baldovan, Forfarshire. Alexr. Lundie, 18, Torryburn, Fife. John Fleming Philip, 18, Glasgow, Lanark. Arthur Inglis, 21, Broughty Ferry, Forfarshire. Daniel Johnston, 17, Dundee, Forfarshire. David Kenneth Watson, 18, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Archibald John M'Kenzie, 18, Tealing, Forfarshire. John Key, 19, Kirkcaldy, Fifeshire. William Scrimgeour, 17, Methven, Perthshire. Janet Hill, 21, Chicago, Ills., U. S. A. Henrietta W. Rusack, 18, St Andrews, Fife. Robert L. Craig, 21, Berwick- on-Tweed. John C. G. Ewan, 17, Fyvie, Aberdeen. Morris Kantrovitch, 15, Wilna. Alexander Logan, 19, Broad- ford, Inverness. Agnes Birrell, St Andrews, Fifeshire. David Morrison, 29, Dundee, Forfar. John MacKenzie, 17, Aber- deen, Aberdeen. Charles Rudolph Stahel Farmer, 18, Harrow- on - Hill, Middlesex. William Wallace, 22, Dum- fries, Dumfries. Alexander F. Munro, 21, Alness, Ross. James C. Irvine, 22, Glas- gow, Lanark. Lawrence James Douglas Gibson, 17, Dysart, Fife. Wm. d'E. R. MacLeod, 19, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire. John Begg, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Christina Auchterlonie, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Margaret Macgregor, 26, Birmingham, Warwick- shire. H. P. Ponsonby, 20, Futti- ghur, India. 1896] MATRICULATION ROLL 333 Third Year. Christian Mary Brown, 18, St Andrews, Fifeshire. James Rea Forgan, 19, Perth, Perthshire. William Braid Taylor, 19, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Margaret Rust, i&^Arbroath, Forfarshire. David Galloway Anderson, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Adolf Oppe, 18, London. Robert Nelson, 18, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire. Charles Thompson Hill, 17, Chicago, 111., U. S. A. William Crawford, 19, Alloa, Clackmannanshire. Alexander P. Cunningham, Campbeltown, Argyll- shire. John Phillips Milne, 18, Dundee, Forfarshire. Frank Y. Leggatt, 18, Dun- 'dee, Forfarshire. Mne&s N. Craig, 29, New- castle-on-Tyne. James M. Smith, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Frank Findlay, 19, Markinch, Fife. Edward J. Balfour, 18, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Alfred W. W. Mackie, 19, Dundee, Forfarshire. Eliza P. Steele Hutton, 29, Liverpool, Lancashire. Robert Rose, 18, Blair Atholl, Perthshire. James Westwood, 19, Dun- fermline, Fife. Robert Campbell-Smith, 18, Edinburgh, Edinburgh. Thomas N. Fowke, 19, Wol- verhampton, Staffs. John Brown Murray, 17, Dairsie, Fife. David H. Bell, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Fourth Year. William Pitkeathly, 22, | Samuel Nicolson, 21, Dur- Scone, Perth. ness, Sutherland. Margaret Murray, 22, St j Alexander Miller, 19, Darwin, Andrews, Fife. Lancashire. Katherine C. Caird, 20, I Harry Kinnes, 19, Dundee, Montrose, Forfarshire. Forfar. R. L. Blair, 18, Dunblane, Peter Walker, Perthshire. Andrews, Fife. 19, St 334 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1896 John A. F. Dean, 21, Rothes, Elgin. David Graham, 20, St Andrews, Fife. David S. Brown, 19, Lochee, Forfar. Archibald Campbell, 19, Wigan, Lancashire. Frank S. Findon, 21, War- wick, Warwickshire. Lewis M'Glashan, 19, Thorn- hill, Dumfriesshire. Robert Kinmond, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. John G; Boyd, 23, Coleraine, Londonderry. Jessy Thomson Philip, 19, Dundee, Forfar. Arnold Hilary Meiklejohn, 22, London, Middlesex. Fifth Year and upwards. Jno. Stewart, 19, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. George Yule, 21, Tayport, Fifeshire. Andw. Thorn, 21, Cupar,Fife. George B. Neave, 20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. David Munro, 18, Elstree, Herts. Sidney L. Clarke, 25, Derby, Derbyshire. John Sime, 22, Dundee, Forfarshire. Norman C. Keith, '20, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Hugh Mackenzie, 35, Ross- keen, Ross-shire. Wm. F. Spiers, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. John G. Laing, 20, Cameron, Fifeshire. David R. Kerr, 25, Dundee, Forfar. David H. M. Dawson, 20, Dundee, Forfar. James Robb, 30, Kirriemuir, Forfar. Margaret A. Hannan Wat- Glasgow, son, 23, Lanark. James Fairweather, 22, St Andrews, Fife. Thomas P. Wylie, 19, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. Frank M. Milne, 20, Dundee, Forfarshire. John M. Dawson, 21, Dun- dee, Forfar. T. R. Canch, 25, St Andrews, Fife. Alexr. S. M. Imrie, 25, St Andrews, Fife. Alice Hay Barclay, St Andrews, Fife. Margaret Lees, 21, Dundee, Forfarshire. Mary Campbell Smith, 23, Dundee, Forfarshire. James Thomson, 20, Buck- haven, Fifeshire. 1896] MATRICULATION ROLL 335 Jessie N. Nelson, 23, Glas- gow, Lanark. John Cargill, 21, Anstruther, Fife. H. M. Kyle, 24, Glasgow, Lanark. Thos. S. Cargill, 19, An- struther, Fife. Summer Session, 1897. Louis Edward I^orster, 17, Burton-Wood, Lancashire. Christina Merry, 20, Dundee, Forfar. Robert Craig, 20, Ruther- glen, Lanark. Mary S. G. Burnet, 21, Edinburgh. John Stratton, 15, Glasgow, Lanark. Catherine D. Macintosh, 25, Aberfeldy, Perthshire. Helen B. Sibbald, 26, Glas- gow, Lanark. Jeanie Marshall Wilson, 29, Perth, Perth. Jessie Barclay Robertson, 24, St Leonards, Fife. Jessie Berwick Macgregor, 16, Broughty Ferry, For- farshire. [Annie Gilchrist, Lon- don.] [Florence Forsythe, Glas- gow.] [John Wilson Moir Jamieson, St Andrews.] [Alice Sibbald, Glasgow.] ST MARY'S COLLEGE. James M. Scott, 28, Col- lessie, Fife. John Boyd, 24, Kirriemuir, Forfar. Edwin J. Brechin, 22, Dun- dee, Forfar. Edward M. Johnstone, 22, Inverurie, Aberdeen. William A. Mackenzie, 21, Grantown-on-Spey, Moray- shire. Norman Macleod Caie, 22, Forfar, Forfarshire. Hugh Menzies, 27, Larbert, Stirlingshire. George M. Maclean, 24, Portree, Inverness. John G. Nicolson, 23, Durness, Sutherland. John Stirton, 24, Perth, Perth. David L. Guild, 30, Dundee, Forfarshire. Henry C. Cargill, 22, An- struther, Fife. Robert Henry Mackay, 21, Brechin, Forfarshire. 336 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [1896 Harold T. J. Waring, 22, Warwick, Warwick- shire. John M. Anderson, 27, St Andrews, Fifeshire. Ernest H. Duke, 23, St Vigeans, Forfar. Sim Hirst, 40, Clayton, Yorkshire. Samuel T. Linton, 22, Gar- vagh, Londonderry, Ire- land. John M. Menzies, 24, Cam- serney, Perth. John Wallace, 27, Lanark, Lanarkshire. Norman MacLeod, 23, Dun- dee, Forfarshire. E. R. Jones, 20, Aberystwith, Cardigan, S. Wales. INDEX. Abbie Alexander Gillies (1890), 284, 290, 299, 310. Abbott Francis (1865), 144. George M. (1859), 129. Abercrombie John (1771), 21. Adam Benjamin (1824), 71. James (1866), 149, 156, 162, 168. John (1824), 71. Matthew (1824), 71. Peter (1818), 62. William P. (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 264. Adams Alexander Heron ( 1 8 1 8), 62. Arthur Elliot (1896), 330. David (1794), 43- Kenneth M'Kenzie (1833), 87. Adamson (Admson) Alexander (1829), 80. Archibald (1834), 88. Christianus (1753), 6. David (1815), 59. Frederick (1890), 282. George (1787), 37. Adamson (Admson) Hunter Lindsay (1860), 130, 133, 137- James (1748), 2. James (1810), 54. James (1845), 104. James A. (1881), 223, 231. John (1753), 6. John (1765), 1 6. John (1819), 63. John (1822), 66. John Lindsay (1821), 65. John Lindsay (1852), 117. Laurence (1756), 9. Laurence (1780), 30. Laurence (1817), 61. Robert (1791), 40. Robert (1816), 60. Robert (1836), 91. Robert (1842), 100. Robert Hay (1886), 260, 267. Thomas (1776), 26. . Thomas (1780), 30. Thomas (1782), 32. Thomas (1873), 185. William (1857), 126. Addis Thomas (1830), 82. Addison Carnegie (1816), 60. George (1829), 80. 338 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Adie Alfred A. (1875), 194, 200, 205. Charles (i799)> 46. Charles (1829), 80. James (1838), 94. William (1809), 53. Affleck Robert (1887), 261, 271, 278, 286. Agar Arthur K. (1894), 314. Aikman Alfred (1876), 199, 204. David (1881), 224. James Fortune (1875), 195. Robert [Smith] (185 9), 127, Aitken (Aitkin) David (1847), I0 7- George (1832), 85. George (1850), 112. James (i 8 1 8), 62. James (1853), 119. James (1861), 134. James (1866), 150, 156, 162, 168, 174. John (1803), 49. John (1824), 70. John (1835), 89- Robert (1825), 73. William (1826), 74. William, jun. (1847), I0 7- William, sen. (1847), I0 7- William (1852), 116. William Nicol (1827), 78. Alexander Alexander Crichton (1864), 142, 146, 152, 158. Alexander Sharp (1878), 209, 215, 221, 227. Andrew (1842), 99. George (1840), 97. George (1892), 303, 313. Alexander Hugh [Morrice] (1840), 97. James (1759), n. John (1837), 93. John (1837), 93. John (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227. Patrick [Proctor] (1837), 93- Thomas (1842), 100. William (1822), 67. William Lindsay (1825), 73- William Maule (1834), 88. Alison (Allison) Charles (1779), 28. David Millar (1886), 254, 263, 271, 280. Henry (1789), 38. James (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. John (1821), 65. John (1836), 91. Robert (1787), 36. William (1810), 54. Allan (Allen) Archibald (1882), 229, 237, 245> 251, 259, 266, 274. Charles (1747), i. James (1857), 125. James Baxter (1889), 276, 284, 292, 301, 312. James W. (1820), 64. John (1802), 49. John Allen (1876), 199. William (1838), 95. William (1857), 125. William (1858), 127, 132, J 35> 138- Alston Charles (1831), 83. Dumfries (1831), 83 Ambrose Andrew (1813), 57. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 339 Anderson Adam (1797), 45- Alexander (1806), 51. Alexander (1813), 57. Alexander (1815), 59. Alexander (1820), 647^ Alexander (1834), 88. Alexander (1891), 295, 303. Alford William (1884), 242, 248. Andrew (1795), 44. Andrew (1828), 78. Andrew (1835), 89. Andrew (1871), 176, 182, 187, 197. Charles H. (1869), 165, 172. David (1872), 181, 186. David Galloway (1894), 3*4> 3 2 5> 333- Duncan (1848), 108. Eliza Matthew (1894), 315. Ernest Masson (1893), 35- Francis (1870), 171, 178. Francis Molison (1885), 247, 255, 263, 272. George (1812), 56. George (1831), 83. George (1836), 91. George (1851), 113. George Nicol (1846), 106. James (1751), 5. James (1795), 44- James (1802), 48. James (1809), 5.3. James (1820), 64. James (1825), 72. James (1825), 73. James (1841), 99. James (1845), I0 4' James (1851), 114. James (1853), 118. James (1861), 134, 137, 140. James (1869), 166. Anderson James A. (1886), 260, 267, 275, 282. James Corsar (1878), 207, 214, 220, 227, 234, 240, 246. James Godfrey (1891), 295, 304, 313- James Lawson (1863), 138, 142. Jean Corsar (1896), 330. John (1787), 37- John (1812), 56. John (1834), 88. John (1837), 93. John (1855), 122. John (1893), 35- John Milne (1886), 255, 261, 271, 279, 287, 293, 300, 310, 320, 328, 336. Joseph W. T. (1869), 166. Mark Lowden (1850), 112. Mark Lowden (1881), 223, 231. Mary C. (1893), 306. Patrick (1769), 19. Patrick (1838), 95. Patrick William (1882), 23> 255. Peter (1827), 76. Peter Corsar (1888), 268, 277, 286, 293, 302, 311, 320, 328. Robert (1774), 24. Robert (1783), 33. Robert (.1800), 47. Robert (1892), 298. Robert Edward (1859), 127, 131, 133, 138. Robert Ferrie (1876), 199, 204. Robert P. (1888), 268. Walter (1890), 283, 291, 299, 310. William (1786), 36. William (1788), 38. 340 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Anderson William (1810), 54. William (1839), 96. William (1885), 248, 255, 264. William B. (1891), 295, 322. William C. (1872), 180, 186, 191, 197. William D. (1885), 248, 256, 264, 272. Andrew James M. (1873), l86 - Patrick Arthur (1884), 246. Angus John (1799), 46. Annal David (1887), 261, 270, 278, 286. Annandale James (1856), 124. Anstruther John (1764), 15. John (1766), 17. Philip (1766), 17. Ralph (1816), 60. Anthony Edgar Solly (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221. Anton Peter (1867), 154, 161, !67, 174, 1 80, 185, 189. Arbuthnott Robert (1767), 17. Archer Alexander (1818), 62. Andrew (1816), 60. James (1813), 57. James (1822), 66. Thomas (1823), 69. Archibald (Archibald) Andrew Manley (1866), 149, 242. David Sydney Lyell (1882), 230. John (1795), 44- Marion Elizabeth (1893), 306. Robert (1825), 73. Thomas (1834), 88. William (1823), 68. William (1888), 269. Arklay George (1827), 77. Armit (Armet) Andrew (1880), 218, 225, 2 32 5 239, 246, 253, 259. George (1799), 46. John (1782), 32. Armitage Edmund (1858), 126. Edward (1876), 198, 205. James A. (1876), 198. Armour Matthew (1842), 100. William (1889), 282. Armstrong James (1818), 62. James Wright (1870), 171, 176, 183, 188, 192, 197, 207, 212, 217. Richard (1815), 59. Robert (1804), 50. Robert (1864), 142, 146, J 5 2 , 157, 164, 169, 185. Robert (1869), 165, 172, 178, 192, 197. Thomas (1875), I 9&, 202 , 206. [Thomas] Henry (1876), 199, 204, 221, 228. William (1822), 67. William (1825), 73. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 341 Arnot (Arnott) David (1776), 26. Hamilton (1832), 85. Henry (1812), 56. Henry (1896), 329. Hugh (1787), 36. James (1804), 50. John (1750), 3. John (1832), 85. Robert (1759), n. William (1788), 38. Arthur David (1851), 114. Richard (1880), 217. Richard (1880), 217, 225, 231, 239. Asher James (1802), 48. Ashton Mark (1875), 194. Auchterlonie Christina Shairpe (1895), 3 2 3> 33 2 - James Wilson (1884), 242. Auld Robert (1829), 80. Auldjo John C. (1872), 181. Austin John Mein (1844), 103. Avery Stanley (1872), 181. Aymard William Augustus (1830), 81. Badenach James (1768), 19. Baillie Alexander (1754), 7. Alexander (1804), 50. Charles (1823), 69. Baillie David (1824), 70. James Pringle (1824), 70. John (1828), 79. Robert (1754), 7- Bain (Bayne) Alexander (1763), 14. Charles (1877), 203, 209. David (1832), 85. Erskine (1833), 86. George (1830), 81. James (1843), I01 - John (1771), 22. John (1781), 31. JohnT. (1853), 119. Michael (1827), 77. Peter Bowie (1851), 115. Thomas (1863), 139, 142, i47, i53> i5 8 l6 4, 170. William (1798), 46. William (1830), 82. William (1874), 190, 195, 2OO, 2O6, 212, 2l6, 222, 228. Baird David (1802), 48. David (1809), 53. James (1794), 43- John (1803), 49. William (1807), 52. Bairnsfather Hugh (1785), 35. Kenneth Charles (1874), 190, 196. Peter Robert (1866), 150, 156, 162. Thomas Henry (1874), 191, 195- Balfour Edward James (1894), 314, 3 2 5> 333- Francis (1759), 1 1. James (1857), 126. James F. (1868), 159. 342 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Balfour John (i759)> " John Hutton (1824), 71. Nisbit (i75 6 )> 9- William (1823), 68. Balgarnie Robert (1854), 120. Ball William (1804), 50. Ballantyne John (1819), 63. Ballingall (Ballingal) Andrew (1783), 33. Andrew H. (1856), 124. David (1786), 36. David (1836), 91. George (1799), 46. George (1832), 85. James Bell (1889), 277, 286, 293. John Heriot (1836), 92. Lachlan (1763), 14. Niel (1856), 124. Robert (1759), n. Sandford (1837), .93. William (1827), 76. William (1856), 123, 128, 131- William (1884), 242, 250, 257, 265. Balmain Alexander (1757), 10. David (17 79), 29. John (1809), 53. Balsillie James (1866), 150, 156, 162, 168. Bankier Samuel (1852), 116. Banks David Cooper (1873), I ^5> 191, 196, 201. Robert (1778), 27. Bannatyne Alexander M'K. (1842), 100. James (1824), 71. Bannerman Alexander (1891), 296. James (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216. James Patrick (1774), 24. Barbour John Robertson (1892), SOS- William (1895), 323, 331. Barclay (Barcklay) Adam Norrie (1881), 224, 230, 238, 246. Alice Gertrude Hay (1892), 298, 308, 318, 327, 334. David S. (1866), 150, 156. Edmund Hay (1874), 190, 195, 201, 206, 211, 216. George (1821), 65. George (1838), 94. George (1846), 106. George (1861), 134. John (1750), 4. John (1776), 26. John (1826), 75. John (1856), 123. Peter (1799), 46. Robert (1843), 101. Robert (1885), 247, 256, 263, 273, 280, 288, 294. Robert Stevenson (1892), 297. Thomas (1763), 14. Thomas (1809), 53. Thomas (1870), 171. Walter Hay (1877), 203, 214. William Hay (1877), 203, 214. Barland Thomas (1829), 80. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 343 i6 7j Barlas George (1810), 54. Barnard James (1868), 159, J 73> I 79, l8 4- Barnet (Barnett) John (1846), 106. John (1852), 1 1 6. Thomas (1824), 70. William (1822), 67. Barr Hugh (1826), 75. Hugh R. (1891), 296. John G. (1891), 296. Barrie James (1825), 72. William (1820), 64. William Dawson (1896), 329- Barren Alexander (1806), 51. Douglas Gordon (1871), 176, 182, 187, 193, 198. John (1799), 46. Thomas (1794), 43- " William (1760); i'2 : . Barty (Bartie) Alexander Boyd (1888), 268, 277, 285, 292, 300. James (1820), 64. James (1885), 248, 256, 264. James Webster (1855), 122. Patrick (1810), 54. Thomas (1775), 25. Thomas (1814), 58. Thomas (1851), 114. Thomas Patrick William (1896), 33- Bathie Francis (1787), 37. Helen Findlay (1896), 330. Mary Ann (1892), 297, 307, Baxter Alexander (1810), 54. David (1790)5 39- Edward Armitstead (1865), 144, 151. George C. (1860), 130, !33> 137, 140. George Washington (1869), 165, 172. John (1822), 67. John Henry (1868), 159, 167. Bayne. See Bain. Baynes Arthur Hamilton (1873), 187, 192. Herbert M. (1872), 181. Beath Alexander (1811), 55. Patrick (1781), 31. Beatson John (1761), 13. William F. (1817), 6 1. Beatt David (1854), 1 20. Beattie James (1852), 117. James (1890), 287. John (1786), 36. John (i793X 42. Thomas (1811), 55. William (1829), 80. William David (1868), 161, 167, 173, 179. Beaumont Christopher (1867), 156, 163, 1 68, 174, 179, 184. Beauvais Louis (1812), 56. Beck George (1799), 46. James J. (1832), 86. 344 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Beck John (1796), 44. John (1843), 1 01. Beesly Lewis (1892), 305, 312. Begg John (1895), 324, 332. Robert (1875), 194. Bell Andrew (1768), 19. Andrew (1770), 21. Andrew (1770), 21. Andrew (1807), 52. Archibald (1854), 120, i3> I 3 2 > T 35- Augustus Clifford (1846), 105. Charles (1828), 79. Charles (1870), 170. Charles Beatson (1851), 114. David (1804), 50. David (1806), 51. David (1872), 181. David B. (1817), 61. David Herd (1894), 314, 325, 333- E. Weston (1892), 304. Edward (1854), 120. Eliott M. (1864), 141. George (1802), 48. George (1894), 314, 3 2 5. George M. (1860), 130. Henry (1828), 79. James (1764), 15. James Murray (1853), 119. John (1813), 57. John (1816), 60. John (1817), 61. John (1826), 74. John (1845), 104. John (1863), 139,142,147, I 5 2 > I 59, 164, 170, 175. John B. (1821), 65. John Charles (1887), 262. Bell John W. (1868), 159. John W. (1890), 283, 290. Lindsay (1860), 132, 149. Oswald George (1892), 297, 38, 3*8. Oswald Home (1850), 112, "5- Patrick (1819), 63. Robert (1822), 66. Robert (1849), IIQ - Robert (1851), 113. Russell (1863), 138, 142, 147. Thomas (1835), 89. Thomas (1845), I0 5- Thomas (1847), 107. Thomas (1859), 129, 132. Thomas (1865), 144. Thomas (1877), 203. William (1823), 68. William (1826), 74. William (1842), 100. William (1860), 132. William (1868), 161. William Dow (1879), 213, 219, 226, 232, 239. William Malcolm (1849), no. Bennet Alexander (1851), 114. Andrew (1811), 55. David (1815), 59. Euphemia Murray (1896), 33- George (1773), 23. James (1752), 5- John (1752), 5- John (1771), 22. John (1827), 76. Bentick (Bentinck) Charles Donald (1885), 252, 259, 266. John Henry (1890), 283, 29*> 299, 309. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 345 Berkeley George Monck (1781), 31. Berry (Berrie) Alexander (1796), 44. Miller (1820), 64. Robert (1848), 109. William (1786), 36. Bertram Alexander (1818), 62. John (1813), 57. William (1770), 20. Berwick James (1850), 112. John (1829), 80. John (1841), 98. Thomas (1888), 269, 278. William (1867), 154, 161, 168, 174. William (1884), 242, 256, 264, 273. Bethune Andrew (1777), 26. Charles C. (1865), 145, iS 1 - George (1755), 7. John (1753), 6. William (1756), 9. William (1814), 58. Bett David Gordon (1886), 253. William (1790), 39. Beveridge Colin (1754), 7- John (1806), 51. John (1821), 65. John James (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. John M. (1849), II0 - Robert (1886), 254, 262. Thomas (1824), 70. Bigsby John (1809), 53. Binny Thomas [Hare] (1818), 62. Birch Joseph Wilson (1884), 241, 249, 256, 265. Birkett Robert (1871), 176. Birrell Agnes (1895), 323> 332. Alexander (1831), 83. Alexander (1871), 176, 182, 187, 192. George Johnstone (1864), 142, i45> I 5 I > I 57, 169, 175, 180, 185, 189. Hugh (1890), 283, 290, 299, 3 IO > 3 X 9- James (1830), 81. James J. (1870), 171, 177, 183, 188, 193, 198, 202. John (1804), 50. John (1852), 116, 129, 132, 135- John Adam (1861), 134, 154, *59> l6 4- John [Turnbull] (1841), 98. Biscoe Thomas R. (1867), 155, 161. Bishop Alexander (1770), 21. Frederick John (1878), 207, 214, 221. Bisset (Bissett) Alexander (1750), 4. Alexander (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. John (1801), 48. John (1831), 83. Robert (1771), 21. William (1832), 85. 346 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Black Alexander (1871), 176, 182. Archibald M. (1835), 90. Charles Jeffrey (1879), 2 1 3- David (1829), 80; Forbes (1828), 78. George (1840), 97. Henry (1825), 72. Irvine (1818), 62. James (1818), 62. James (1856), 123. James (1893), 306, 316. James J. A. (1861), 134, 136, 142, 147, 153. John (1801), 48. John Alexander (1866), 149, 161. John Anderson (1869), 165 172, 178, 184, 189, 193, 198, 202. John Stewart (1885), 248. Robert (1823), 68. William (1833), 86. William (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239, 246, 252, 259. William A. (1858), 126, 128, 131, 133. Blackadder Agnes Forbes (1892), 303, 312, 321. Blacklock Ebenezer (1834), 88. William J. (1860), 130. Blackwell Colin Alexander Robertson (1877), 203. Walter Frederick [Elliot] (1882), 229. Blackwood Andrew (1889), 282, 288, 2 95> 34, 3i3 ? 322. James (1847), 107. Robert (1808), 53. Blair Charles (1812), 56. David (1806), 51. David (1847), 108. George (1831), 83. George (1857), 125, 128, I 3 I - George (1891), 290, 299, 39, 3 J 8, 327- James (1829), 80. John (1860), 131. Law (1846), 1 06. Peter (1826), 74. Robert (1747), i- Robert Leighton Thomas (1893), 306, 316, 326, ,. Simon (1748), 2. Thomas (1777), 27. Thomas (1789), 38. Thomas B. (1848), 109. William (1831), 83. William (1846), 106. Blake Buchanan (1868), 160. Blaquiere John (1788), 37. Thomas (1788), 37. Blyth (Blythe) Alexander (1874), 191, 196. David (1874), 191, 196. George (1812), 56. George (1833), 36. George (1839), 96. Henry (1837), 93. Thomas (1812), 56. Boase Henry S. (1870), 170, 177. William Norman (1891), 295- Boath John Y. (1869), 165. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 347 Bode L. William (1876), 199. Bogie Robert (1756), 9. William (1851), 115. Bogle George (1824), 69. Boland Henry Francis (1892), 304, 312. Bonella (Bonnallo) David (1837), 94. William (1781), 30. Bonnar James (1825), 72. James (1832), 85. Thomas W. (1863), 139. William (1858), 126, 128, J 33- Bonthron (Bonthorne) James (1846), 106. Robert (1868), 161. Thomas (1759), n. William (1859), 129, 135, 138, 141, 144. Boothby George James Fitz Robert (1877), 203. Borthwick Albert William (1889), 276, 285, 292, 301, 310, 319. Alexander (1847), 108. Henry (1885), 247, 256, 264. Berwick Robert (1840), 97. Boswall Alexander (1817), 61. Boulton George (i 8 1 1), 55. Richard (1814), 58. Thomas (1811), 55. Bousie Andrew (1811), 55. Bowdler Thomas (1770), 20. Bower David (1777), 26. James (1848), 109. John (1822), 66. John (1823), 68. Patrick (1765), 16. Bowman John M. (1823), 69. John [S.] (1845), 104- William (1826), 74. Boyack Charles C. (1839), 96. William (1838), 94. Boyd Alexander (1809), 53. David (1851), 114. Donald (1851), 114. Dugald Cameron (1851), 114. James (1804), 50. James (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188. John (1777), 27. John (1853), 119, 129, 132. John (1889), 276, 284, 291. 3 3 IT > 3 20 > 328, 335- John Gage (1893), 306, 316, 326, 334. William (1855), 122, 126, 132, J 35> T 3 8 > J 44- William Johnstone (1847), 108. Boyle David (1786), 36. Brackenridge (Brakenridge) John (1826), 75. William Patrick (1894), 34 8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Braid David Birrell(i878), 208. John (1762), 14. John Charles (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. Norman (1804), 50. William (1765), 1 6. Bramley Edward (1884), 242, 251, 257, 265. Brand William E. (1860), 131. Brander Arthur J. (1878), 207. Braxton Carter (1781), 30. Corbin (1781), 30. Brechin (Brichan) David (1788), 38. Edwin James (1891), 289, 299, 38, 318,327, 335. James (1823), 68. Bremner Frederick Russell (1884), 242, 249, 257, 265. Herbert John (1886), 254, 263, 272, 280. Louis Rae (1889), 276, 285, 292, 301. Brewster (Brouster) David (1848), 109. David (1882), 230, 237, 244, 252, 259, 267, 274, 281. George (1838), 94. Thomas [H. B.j (1835), 8 9- William (1809), 53. " Bridgett Robert Currie (1896), 330. Briggs Allan (1779), 29. Allan (1841), 98. Briggs Allan (1877), 204, 210, 221, 258. John Bennett (1890), 288, 2 95> 33> 3 12 , 321. Broadhead Charles (1792), 41. Broatch George (1815), 59. Brock Edgar Nathaniel Loftus (1886), 253. Walter (1848), 108. Brodie Alexander (1759), n. Alexander (1763), 14. Andrew (1824), 71. Archibald (1793), 4 2 - James (i79S>> 44- James (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143. James Campbell John (1865), 145, 151, 157. John (1760), 12. Joseph (1797), 45- Neil (1854), 121. Robert (1827), 77. Walter (1824), 70. William (1857), 125, 129, 132. William P. (1870), 170. Bronner Alphonse (1821), 66. Broom Andrew (1821), 65, Broughton Edward (1849), no. Brown (Browne) Alexander (1885), 252, 259, 266. Alexander Forrester (1839), 96. INDEX MATRICULATION ROLL 349 Brown (Browne) Alexander Malcolm (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188, 207, 211, 217. Alexander Ogilvie (1853), 119. Andrew (1823), 68. Andrew (1840), 97. Andrew (1848), 109. Andrew (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. Andrew (1886), 253, 263, 272, 280, 288, 294, 302, 311- Andrew Asher (1891), 289, 33, 321. Archibald (1838), 94. Archibald Graham (1887), 262, 270, 278. Charles (1884), 241, 249, 257, 264. Charles (1885), 250, 255, 264, 272, 280. Christian Mary (1894), 3i5> 324, 333- Claudius (1837), 93. David (1761), 13. David (1775), 24. David (1824), 71. David (1837), 93. David Small (1893), 308, 3*7, 325, 334- George (1881), 224, 230. George (1884), 241, 249. George D. (1879), 212, 219, 226, 233. Henry (1861), 134. James (1762), 14. James (1766), 17. James (1777), 27. James (1781), 30. James (1806), 51. James (1820), 64. James (1824), 71. James (1841), 98. James (1850), 112. Brown (Browne) James (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227, 233, 240, 252, 259, 266. James (1890), 289. James John (1880), 221. James K. (1881), 223, 231. James [L.] (1847), 108. James Mungo (1853), 119. James Robert (1869), 165, 172. John (1773), 23. John (1779), 29. John (1846), 106. John (1849), no. John (1854), 120, 129, J 32, 135- John (1869), 165. John (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221. John D. (1892), 303, 313. John George (1834), 88. John T. (1878), 208, 214, 220. John Tod (1824), 71. Joseph (1798), 46. Joseph (1863), 138, 142, 147, 153, 159, 163, 1 80, 184, 189, 193. Laurence C. (1817), 61. Patrick (1793), 42. Peter (1881), 223, 231. Robert (1776), 25. Robert (1809), 53. Thomas (1790), 39. Thomas (1843), 101. Thomas Wemyss (1838), 95- William (1802), 48. William (1814), 58. William (1817), 61. William (1869), 168, 173. William (1883), 235, 243, 250, 257, 266, 274, 281. William Alexander (1850), 112. 350 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Brown (Browne) William Laurence (1771), 21. William Ramsay Murray (1891), 295, 297, 308, Browning Archibald (1871), 175. Henry (1880), 218. James (1836), 91. John (1836), 91. John Peddie (1886), 255. Peter Steele (i$77), 204, 214, 221. Brownlee Walter W. H. (1886), 260. Bruce Alexander Keiller (1859), 129. Charles, Earl of Elgin (^S )* 4- Charles (1783), 32. David (1833), 86. David Herd (1865), 145, I 5 I > I 57, 163. George (1768), 19. George (1817), 61. Henry (1823), 68. James (1751), 5- James (1777), 26. John (1810), 54. John (1891), 295. John Herd (1878), 208. Robert (1886), 254. Thomas, Earl of Elgin (1782), 31. Thomas (1816), 60. William (1814), 58. William, /. (1825), 72. William, sen, (1825), 7 2 - William (1862), 136, 140, 143, 148, 169. William Keiller (1863), 139. Brugh James (1777), 26. Brunton Archibald (1830), 82. Henry (1821), 65. Brush Samuel C. (1886), 253. Bryce Daniel (1750), 4. Patrick (1750), 4. Brydone Patrick (1750), 3. Bryson Robert (1860), 132. Buchan Henry Ritchie (1873), 185, 191, 196, 2OI, 2O6, 212, 217, 222, 228. James (1871), 178, 183, 188. Patrick (1824), 70. Robert (1758), n. Robert T. (1868), 160. Buchanan Archibald (1762), 13. David P. (1836), 91. Duncan (1821), 65. George G. (1848), 109. James (1750), 4. James (1871), 176, 182, 188, 192. John (1846), 1 06. Robert (1793), 42. Thomas Thomson (1896), 330- Buddo David (1814), 58. John (1763), 14. Thomas (1829), 80. Budge Frank Clark (1896), 331. John (1868), 160, 167, 172. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL Buick (Bulk) Burn David Fenton (1860), 130, James (1766), 17. John (1837), 93. Buist David W. (1828), 78. George (1794), 43- George (1817), 61. George (1820), 64. George (1848), 108. George (1848), no. Henry, jun. (1834), 88. Henry, sen. (1834), 88. James (1810), 54. John (1781), 31. Robert Cochrane (1876), 198, 205, 210, 216. Robert Nicoll (1893), 308, 3* 6 > 325- William (1832), 85. William [Fraser] (1851), 114. Bullians Alexander (1819), 63. Buntine Robert Morris MacEwan (1894), 314. Burdon (Burden) Alexander (1829), 79. Charles Scott (1893), 311, 319- Duncan Macnab (1894), 321. James (1826), 74. Burgess Edward Ridsdale (1873), 186. Burn David (1775), 25. David Boyce (1863), 139, 142. Frank Russell (1873), l86 - James (1781), 30. James Adam (1819), 63. John (1759), ii. Robert (1805), 51. Robert (1859), 127. Ronald (1873), l86 - Burnett (Burnet) Arthur (1778), 27. Arthur (1811), 55. Arthur (1896), 329. David (1761), 13. James Bruce (1827), 76. James H. (1816), 60. James W. (1804), 50. Jessie (1892), 297. John (1778), 27. John (1806), 51. Mary Strathearn Gordon (1892), 297, 307, 317, 3 2 7, 335- Robert (1770), 21. Robert Carr (1869), 165, 172, 178, 184, 189, 193, 198. William Hodgson (1892), 296. Burnie William (1852), 116. Burns (Burnes) Adam (1848), 109. Andrew (1788), 38. Andrew (1883), 240, 246, 252. George Stewart (1845), 104. James Orr (1845), I0 4- John (1802), 49. John (1829), 80. Stewart (1870), 170, 177, !8 3 , 188, 207. Thomas (1825), 73. William (1862), 136, 139, 143. William (1888), 268, 277, 285, 292. 352 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Burnside Alexander Isdale (1871), 175, 182, 187, 192. Burroughs Ayliffe St John (1895), 328. Burt Walter (1832), 85. Walter (1868), 159, 171, i?7i l8 3> r 9 2 ' Burton Robert (1785), 35- St George Richard (1891), 290. Thomas (1883), 236. Butchart James (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140, 143, 149* 153, JS 8 - James S. (1866), 149, 156, 162, 168. John (1810), 54. Stewart Fairweather (1885), 248, 255, 263,272, 280. Butler Francis P. (1869), 166, 171. Butter (Buttar) Alexander (1850), 112. Archibald (1783), 32. Donald (1813), 57. James (1807), 52. James B. (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188, 193, 202, 207, 211. James F. (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188. John (1799). 46. John (1823), 68. Laurence (1781), 31. Patrick (1811), 55. Thomas (1810), 54. Thomas (1825), 73. Byl Michael S. Van der (1850), 112. Byres James (1832), 85. Byrne Laurence J. (1891), 295, 34- Cadger Alexander (1753), 6. Cadogan Edward (1804), 50. Caesar James (1839), 96. John (1880), 217, 225, 232, 239, 246, 252, 260, 266. William (1840), 97. Caie Norman Macleod (1891), 29 J > 2 99> 39> 3 r 9> 328, 335- Caine Nathaniel (1889), 276, 285. William (1889), 276, 285, 292. Caird Andrew (1892), 305, 312. Edward (1856), 124. George (1887), 267. James A. H. (1864), 142. Katherine Christie (1893), 306, 316, 325, 333. Cairns Adam (.1782), 31. Adam (1814), 58. James (1819), 63. James (1896), 330. John (1815), 59. John P. (1815), 59. C alder John (1853), 118. Peter (1854), 120. William (1857), 125. William [Forrester] (1862), 136. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 353 Caldwell Francis Brown (1844), 103. Caiman William Thomas (1892), 303> 3i3 3 21 - Calvert James (1792), 41. John R. (1817), 61. Cameron (Camron) Alexander (1824), 69. Angus (1815), 59. Archibald C. (1850), 113. Archibald Fawns (1889), 278, 285, 293. Daniel Ewing (1896), 329. David (1869), 165, 172, 178, 184, 189, 193, 198, 202. Donald Kercher (1880), 218, 224. Duncan (1886), 254, 262, 271, 279. Ewan (1862), 135, 139. Hector C. (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134. James (1815), 59. James (1824), 69. James (1869), 165. James (1884), 241, 249, 257- John (i757) 5 10. John (1812), 56. John (1823), 68. John (185 3), 1 1 8. John (1870), 173. John Fawns (1871), 177, 182, 187, 192, 197, 202, 207, 211, 217. John Hyndman (1824), 69. John Julian (1886), 254, 262, 271, 279. John K. (1869), 165, 172, 178, 184, 197, 202, 207, 212. Cameron (Camron) Lewis (1858), 126. Peter (1845), 105. Robert (1887), 262, 270. Samuel (1783), 33. Thomas Alexander (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134, 138, M3> 149, 154, I59 l6 4, 170. Thomas Bruce Gardyne (1889), 276, 303. William (1813), 57. William (1842), 100. William (1885), 247, 255, 263, 273. Campbell (Campbel) Alexander (1755), 8. Alexander (1793), 4 2 - Alexander (1803), 49. Alexander (1819), 63. Alexander (1826), 74. Alexander (1846), 105. Alexander (1847), 107. Alexander D. (1852), 117. Archer (1821), 65. Archibald (1781), 30. Archibald, Lord (1862), 136. Archibald (1893), 305, 316, 326, 334. Blenheim Ava (1869), 169, 175, 180. Charles (1771), 21. Charles (1848), 108. Charles Russell (1892), 301. Colin (1787), 36. Colin (1868), 160. Colin, Z0/v*(i869), 166. David (1761), 13. David (1846), 105. David (1852), 117, 129. Donald (1780), 30. Donald (1833), 86. Duncan (1784), 34. 354 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Campbell (Campbel) Duncan (1818), 62. Duncan (1836), 92. Duncan (1862), 135, 139, 143, 148, 153. Gavin, Lord Glenorchy (1867), 155, 161. George (1761), 13. George (1791), 40- George (1830), 81. George (1837), 93. Hugh (1862), 135, 139, 143, 147- Isabel Keith (1895), 324. James (i755) 8 - James (1843), 101. James D. L. (1823), 69. James M. (1891), 296. John (1754), 7- John (1757), 10. John (1764), 15. John (1767), 18. John (1780), 30. John (1783), 33. John (1785), 35. John (1788), 37. John (1790), 39- John (1812), 56. John (1816), 60. John (1818), 62. John (1818), 62. John (1821), 66. John (1823), 69. John (1824), 69. John (1832), 85. John (1834), 88. John (1845), 105- John (1887), 261, 270, 278, 287. John Douglas Sutherland, Marquess of Lome (1862), 136. Lockhart Innes (1896), 330- M. (1779), 28. Malcolm (1775), 25. Campbell (Campbel) Mungo (1835), 89. Neil (1851), 115. Neil (1867), 154, 160, 166, i73i J 79 l8 5> l8 9> 193- Niel(i77s), 25. Ord Graham (1831), 83. Patrick (1823), 68. Peter (1841), 99. Robert (1789), 38. Robert (1811), 55. Robert (1826), 74. Robert (1841), 99. Robert Stuart (1830), 82. Thomas (1776), 26. Walter, Lord (1864), 142, 146. Walter (1878), 207. William (1763), 14. William (1775), 25. William (1.797), 45- William (1813), 57. William (1815), 59. William (1863), 139. William (1881), 225. William Ballantine (1882), 234, 240, 246. Canch (Cansh) Maxwell Robert (1885), 248, 256, 272, 300. Thomas Richard (1889), 276, 285, 292, 301, 310, 3*9, 327, 334- Candlish William (1886), 260, 274, 281. Cannan Francis (1822), 66. James (1825), 73. John (1828), 78. Peter (1828), 79. Canning John Alexander (1880), 217. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 355 Cant Alan (1886), 253, 262, 271, 279, 287, 294, 302. Andrew (1843), I01 - George (1784), 34- James (1781), 30. William (1854), 120. Cantor Bertie Charles Moxon (1892), 297, 307, 317. Cape Archibald Buchanan (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221, 227. Cappelen Diderik (1882), 230. Cargill Henry Chalmers (1890), 283, 291, 299, 310, 319, 3 2 8 5 335- James (1769), 20. James R. (1893), 3 12 , 3 22 - John (1891), 290, 299, 308, 318, 327, 335. Thomas Sherritt (1892), 298, 37, 3 1 ?, 3 2 7, 335- William Drummond (1885), 253, 260, 267, 275. Carmichael (Carmichaell) Alexander (1826), 74. Alexander (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134, 138, ^ 141, 144, 148. Charles Adolphus Murray ^ (1878), 207, 215, 222. George Gibson (1877), 203. Henry (1813), 57. James (i75 6 )> 9- John (1784), 34. John (1788), 37. Thomas (1879), 213, 220, 226, 233, 239. Carmichael (Carmichaell) Thomas (1884), 241, 249, 257, 264, 274, 281, 288, 294. William Baker (1869), l6 5> 191, 196. Carnegie (Carnegy) Alexander (1807), 52. Charles Noel, Lord (1871), 176. Claud Cathcart (1866), 149, 156. David \_Sir\ (1769), 19. Fox Maule (1815), 59. George (1840), 97. James Fullarton (1776), 26. John (1785), 35. Patrick (1807), 52. William Lindsay (1841), 99- Carnie Arthur (1866), 150. Farquhar (1857), 126. James (1815), 59. Thomas (1787), 37. Carr George B. (1864), 142. Carruthers David (1844), 103. John (1813), 57. John (1831), 84. Carstairs Alexander (1852), 116. Andrew (i793)> 4 2 - James (1784), 34. James [G.] (1845), 104. John (1771), 22. Thomas (1820), 64. Thomas (1827), 77. Thomas (1829), 80. William (1791), 40. William (1875), J 94> 2OO > 205, 211. William [Dickson] (1821), 65- 35 6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Carswell Archibald (1881), 223, 231, 238, 245- David (1828), 78. David (1861), 134. Ebenezer Anderson (1866), 150, 162. Carver Robert (1802), 49. Case Emma Mabel (1896), 331. Caseby John (1884), 241, 249. Cassel John (1804), 50. Cathcart James T. (1875), 196. John (1823), 68. Cation Walter (1814), 58. Caw David (1824), 71. James (1812), 56. James, /&. (1812), 56. John Young (1828), 79. Cay Joseph (1805), 51. Chadd Charles (1795), 43- Chalmers Charles (1805), 50. Charles (1836), 91. Henry Reid (1887), 266, 273, 281. John (1768), 19. John (1825), 72. John (1848), 109. John Black (1891), 295, 298, 39> 3*8, 327- John Ferguson (1880), 218. Patrick (1790), 39. Thomas (1791), 40. Chalmers William (175 7), 9- William (1770), 21. William (1780), 30. William (1791), 40. William (1794)5 43- William (1798), 46. William (1818), 62. Chambers Alexander [(1888), 269, 284, 292. Katherine (1892), 296, 37> 3 J 7> 326. Chancellor HumeF. (1873), 186. Chaplin George (1786), 36. Chapman Andrew (1864), 141, 146, 152, 158. George (1825), 72. Thomas Henderson (1877), 202, 209, 215, 221. Charlton John (1854), 120. Charteris Francis (1762), 13. James (1824), 70. Cheap James (i75 2 )> 5- Chiene George T. (1862), 136. Chisholm David^(i772), 22. John (1847), 107. Christie Alexander (1817), 61. Alexander J. (1862), 136, 140, 143, 148. Alexander Mackenzie (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221, 227. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 357 Christie Anthony (1825), 72. Cathcart (1811), 55. Charles (1877), 202, 209, 215, 221. David (1809), 53. David (1881), 223, 230, 238, 245, 251. Francis (1834), 88. George (1826), 75. George (1887), 261, 270, 278, 287, 294, 302, 311. James (1761), 13. James (1770), 21. James (1853), 119. James (1860), 132. James Mitchell ( 1 8 8 1 ), 223, 231, 238, 245, 296. John (1852), 117. Mary Jane (1892), 297, 37, 3*7- Robert (1826), 74. Robert (1841), 99. Chrystal James (1827), 78. James Robert (1854), 120. Clark (Clarke) Andrew (1871), 176, 181, 187, 192. David (1826), 74. Donald R. (1837), 93. Frank H. (1892), 304. James (1825), 72. John (1809), 53. John (1831), 83. John (1875), 196, 201, 206. John Adamson (1890), 282. John L. (1881), 224, 231, 2 3 8 > 2 95> 34, 3 2 6. John Sinclair (1883), 236, 243, 251, 258, 281, 287. Peter (1833), 87. Sidney Lampard (1892), 297, 3 7. 3*7. 327, 334- Clark (Clarke) Thomas (1813), 57. Thomas (1823), 68. Thomas (1829), 80. Thomas G. (1867), 155. William (1815), 59. William (1850), in. William B. (1887), 261, 270. Clarkson John (1788), 38. Cleghorn Allan (1836), 91. Hugh [Francis Clarke] (1833), 86. Peter (1798), 46. Cleland Alexander (1881), 223, 230, 238, 245, 252, 259, 266. James (1823), 68. John Skeoch (1863), 138. Clephan (Clephane) Henry (1789), 38. James (1753), 6. Clinkskill James (1868), 161. Clough Frederick Butler (1893), 310. Clouston Isabel Osla (1893), 307. Margaret Emma (1893), 37- Clow James (1804), 50. Clugston George (1842), 100. Clunie Henry (1818), 62. Thomas (1809), 53. 358 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Cobb William (1819), 63. Cochrane Charles William (1893), 3*3, 3 21 - James (1810), 54. John (1887), 266, 274,281. Peter (1827), 76. Cockburn Alexander (1821), 65. Henry (i 8 1 8), 62. Cockell William Forbes (1868), 160. Cockrell James (1828), 78. Coke William (1808), 53. Coldstream Alexander (1780), 29. Collier James (1861), 134, 136, 140, 143, 164, 169, 175, 1 80. James (1863), 139, 142, 147, i53. I Thomas (1827), 77. Thomas (1865), 145. William (1865), 144. Collinge Walter Edward (1891), 292. Colquhoun Alexander E. (1857), 125. Archibald (1815), 59. Coltart Robert (1831), 84. Colville Augustus Henry (1863), !39- James (1863), 139. William (1862), 136, 140. Colvin Bazett (1818), 62. John (1818), 62. Comrie Peter (1804), 50. Peter (1888), 270, 278, 286, 294, 301. William (1825), 72. Comtesse David L. (1871), 176. Conacher David (1844), 102. Duncan (1896), 330. Condie James (1811), 55. Connel (Connell) Archibald Browning (1857), 125, 129, 132, 137. David (1824), 70. James (1826), 74. James Dall (1860), 130. John(i859), 127, 131, 133, i37. Connor James Wallace (1844), 103. Conolly Daniel (1846), 106. Matthew Forster (1835), 89. Constable Archibald David (1860), I3* George W. (1869), 165. James George (1889), 275. Marshall Patullo (1891), 29*> 3> 3 IO > 3 l8 - Robert R. (1879), 212. Thomas (1768), 19. Thomas (1864), 142, 147. William (1773), 2 3- William (1828), 79. Conway John (1882), 232, 239. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 359 Cook Alexander (1835), 8 9- Alexander Shank (1824), 69. David (1838), 94. George (1785), 35. George (1820), 64. George (1826), 74. Henry (1862), 135, 139, i43> 147- Henry David (1804), 50. Henry David (1828), 78. Henry [David] (1854), 120. Henry [Shank] (1865), 144, I5 1 * T 5?> l6 3- James (1764), 15- James (1796), 44. James (1860), 130. John (1754), 7- John (1783), 33. John (1818), 62. John (1819), 63. John (1852), 117. John (1864), 142. John (1872), 180, 186, 192, 197. Joseph (1791), 40. Robert Steele (1851), 114. Walter (1789), 38. Walter (1828), 78. William Home (1869), 165, 171. Cookes George (1784), 34- Cooper Alexander H. (1868), 160, 167. Henry (1868), 161. James (1890), 284. William Samuel (1862), r 35> X 39< 143- Copland John Johnstone (1855), 122. Matthew [J.] (1855), 123. Corkindale William Alexander (1838), 95- Cormack William (1879), 213, 219, 226, 234, 239. Cornfoot Allan (1766), 17. Corr James B. (1892), 304. Corstorphine John (i845),io5. Robert Henry (1891), 290, 2 99> 37, 3 l8 > 3 2 7- Cosens John (1804), 50. Peter (1796), 44. Coubrough Henry (1863), 139. Coull David (1869), 166, 172, 178, 184, 189, 193, 198, 202. Couper (Coupar) David (1798), 46. David (1823), 68. James (1797), 45- John (1788), 38. Robert (1883), 235, 241, 249, 256, 265, 273, 280, 287. Thomas (1770), 21. William (1850), 112. Court Robert (1804), 50. Couston Thomas (1787), 37- Coutts James Robert (1795), 44* John (1852), 117. Robert (1786), 36. 360 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Coventry David (1752), 6. Robert (1810), 54. Cowan Alexander M. (1886), 253. Charles (1808), 52. John James (1865), 145. Robert W. (1878), 207. William (1810), 54. William (1842), 100. Cowie Alexander R. (1849), IIO William (1880), 222. Cox Henry (1803), 49. James (1893), 36- John (1837), 93. Ralph D. (1893), 306. Robert (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143. William (1873), 186. William [L.] (1870), 171. Crabb James (1847), 107. Stewart (1888), 268, 277, 285, 292. Cracknell Maud (1893), 306, 328. Craig Eneas Nelson (1894), 314, 325, 333- James (1843), 101- James (1851), 115. John (1822), 67. John William (1887), 261, 271. Kenneth M. (1880), 217, 22 5> 232, 239, 246, 252, 259, 266. Peter (1813), 57. Robert (1844), 103. Robert (1850), 112. Robert (1863), 139. Craig Robert (1893), 3^6, 316, 325, 335- Robert James (1854), 121. Robert Logan (1895), 324, 332. William (1826), 75. William Low (1871), 176, 182, 187, 192. Craigdallie Thomas (1770), 21. Craigie Alice Elizabeth (1895), 3 2 3> 332. John (1751), 4. John (1762), 13. Laurence (1767), 17. Laurence (1794), 43- William Alexander (1883), 235, 242, 249, 256, 265. Craik Alexander (1786), 36. George Lillie (1812), 56. Henry (1820), 64. James (1783), 33. James (1816), 60. James G. (1894), 322. William (1780), 30. Cram John (1874), 190, 195, 201, 206. Crambie James (1748), 2. Craner Edward (1894), 322. Crawford (Crawfurd) Alexander (1817), 61. Andrew (1811), 55. George (1815), 59. John (1811), 55. John (1822), 67. Robert (1779), 29. Robert (1815), 59. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 361 Crawford (Crawfurd) Robert (1832), 85. Thomas Jackson (1829), 80. William (1756), 9. William (1827), 77. William (1894), 315, 325, 333- Crerar Alexander (1861), 135, 138, 141. John (1824), 70. Cribb Cecil H. (1885), 248. Cribbes Henry (1860), 130, 134. James (1884), 242. Crichton (Crighton, Creigh- ton) Alexander (1856), 123, 129. David (1826), 75. Francis (1859), 127. George (1864), 142, 146, 152, 158. James (1768), 18. James (18.33), 86. James (1851), 114. James Alexander (1856), 123, 129, 132, 135, 138, 141. John (1784), 34. Peter (1827), 76. Thomas (1820), 64. Thomas (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258. William (1759), n. William (1783), 33. William (1806), 51. Critchley Francis John Wylie (1869), 166, 172, 179. John William (1887), 263, 271, 280. ^Croll George Ritchie (1882), 230, 236, 244, 251, 258. Crombie Alexander (1861), 135. Frederick (1842), 100. George Dunn (1845), 104. James (1837), 93. James Myles (1871), 175, 181, 187, 192, 198, 202, 206, 212. John (1805), 51. William (1750), 4. William (1790), 39. Crookenden Thomas (1779), 28. Croom David (1825), 72. Croon James (1760), 12. Cross Edward (1833), 86. James (1831), 83. John (1833), 86. William (1836), 91. Crossley Leonard (1896), 330. Crow James (1779), 29. Peter (1793), 42. Crowley Peter Brown (1876), 199, 2O4, 2IO, 2l6. Cruden Elizabeth (1896), 331. Cruickshank Charles Carmichael (1885), 247. 254, 263, 272. David B. (1859), 127, 131, Frederick (1848), 108. 362 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Cruickshank George W. S. (1851), 113. James (1819), 63. John (1832), 85. Culross James (1842), 100. Cumberland Alexander (1764), 15. Cumine George (1777), 26. Gumming Alexander (1764), 15. Peter (1813), 57. William J. L. (1889), 282, 288, 296. Cunningham (Cuninghame, Cunninghame, Cunnyng- hame) Alexander Patrick (1894), 3 J 5> 3 2 5> 333- Arthur William (1890), 283. George (1868), 160, 167. Hugh Robert (1835), 89. Isabel (1896), 331. James (1763), 14. James (1865), 144, 151. 157, 163. James Michael (1895), 328, 329- John (1763), 14. John Richard (1892), 297, 308, 318. Robert Tennent (1869), 165, 172, 178, 184, 189. Robert Wiseman (1853), 119. Thomas (1781), 31. William (1774), 24. William (1831), 84. William (1850), 113. William (1865), i44. Cunnison John (1797), 45- Cu'pples George (1801), 48. John (1786), 36. Curie James Herbert (1887), 262, 270. Curr Robert (1890), 284. Thomas Scott (1844), 103. Currie William Glen (1814), 58. Curwen Robert Ewing (1859), 129. Cuthbert James (1837), 93. John B. (1893), 312. Cuthbertson James (1890), 282. Dalgety Andrew (1887), 261. James (1885), 248, 254, 262, 271, 279, 294, 302, 3M- Dalgleish Archibald Ogil vy (1812), 56. Charles (1819), 63. James (1815), 59. John (1815), 59. John (1819), 63. Robert (1806), 51. William (1784), 34. Dall Henry (1824), 70. John (1896), 329. Thomas (1749), 3. Dallas Alexander K. (1884), 241, 249, 257, 265. Angus S. (1844), 102. James (1770), 20. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 363 Dairy m pie Grant (1830), 81. Hew (1787), 36. John P. (1792), 41. Thomas Richard (1823), 69. Dalyell James (1824), 69. John (1788), 37. Melville (1815), 59. Thomas (1774), 24. Dangerfield Walter F. (1877), 203, 209. Dansey Edward P. (1870), 173. Dare Joseph H. H. (1890), 284, 29i> 3!, 39> 3 2 7. Darling John F. S. (1846), 1 06. Thomas Crow (1886), 254, 262, 271, 280. William (1890), 285, 291, 300. Daun James (1837), 93. Davidson Alexander (1849), JII Alexander (1854), 120. Alexander Milne (1852), 117. Annie (1892), 297, 307, 3 I 7, 326. Archibald (1812), 56. Archibald T. (1861), 134, 137. David (1764), 15. David (1782), 32. David (1814), 58. Francis [C.] (1843), 102. George (1830), 81. George (1875), iQ4 200, 205, 211. ^Davidson George Ramsay (1814), 58. James (1784), 34. James (1784), 34- James (1826), 74. James (1833), 87. James (1850), 112. James Alexander (1887), 261, 269, 277, 285, 292. James M. (1866), 154, 159, 164. John (1824), 70. John (1851), 114. John (1879), 213. John (1888), 269, 277, 285, 292. Joseph (1845), I0 5- Peter (1822), 67. Robert John (1873), 185, 191, 196, 201. Thomas (1766), 17. Thomas M'Laren (1878), 208, 213, 220, 227, 233. Thomas William (1883), 235> 242, 249, 256. William (1829), 80. William (1839), 96. William Y. (1865), 145, i5 T > J 57, l6 3- Davie Alexander (1783), 33. William (178 7), 37. Davies Rowland Robert (1827), 77. Dawson Alexander (1892), 298, 308, 318, 326. Crissy Ingles (1894), 320. David (1885), 253, 260. David Hill M'Intosh (1891), 295, 297, 308, 318, 327, 334. John Mackintosh (1891), 2 95> 297, 308, 318, 326, 334- 364 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Dawson Peter (1881), 223, 231, 238, 245. Walter (1807), 52. William (1831), 83. Day Charles E. E. (1877), 204. Edward Forbes (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134. Dean (Deane) John Andrew Fowler (1893), 306, 316, 326, 334- William (1860), 130. Deans John (1826), 74. Deas George B. (1893), 314. Sylvester Falconer Reid (1860), 130, 133. William (1822), 67. Dempster Alexander (1833), 86. Charles (1812), 56. David (1820), 64. George (1747), i. George (1817), 61. Henry (1770), 21. John Fleming (1868), 159, 1 66, 173, 179. Thomas (1812), 56. Walter Mackay (1839), 9 6 - Devey Robert (1824), 71. Dewar Daniel (1785), 35. Daniel (1799), 4 6 - Daniel (1849), II0 - David (1817), 61. David Erskine (1811), 55. Duncan (1819), 63. Hugh (1790), 39. James (1785), 35. Dewar James (1811), 55. James (1859), 128, 130, J 33> 138. John (1892), 305. Peter (1800), 47. Peter (1837), 94. Robert (1838), 95. Thomas (1815), 59. Dick David (1766), 17. Henry Littledale (1868), 160, 167, 178, 184, 189, 193, 202. James (i79 6 ), 44- James (1862), 136. John (1763), 14. John (1851), 113. John Crawford (1866), 150, 155, 162, 169, 174, 179, 185, 189. Mungo (1795), 44- Robert (1859), 128, 131, i33, 137. Thomas (1829), 80. William (1872), 181. Dickinson Francis B. (1870), 174. John (1825), 73. Dickson (Dixon) Annie Isabella Knox (1893), 306. Arthur (1893), 312, 321. David Elliot (1892), 303, 312, 321. Henry Gordon (1834), 88. James (1827), 76. James (1855), 122. James Main (1875), 196, 201, 206, 211. John Inches (1838), 94. Margaret Scott (1895), 3 2 3, 33 1 - Patrick (1847), lo8 - INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 365 Dickson (Dixon) Peter (1892), 304. Walter (1789), 38. William Purdie (1837), 93. Dillon James (1810), 54. Dingwall George Corbet (1889), 282. Dinning Robert (1844), 103. Dishart Alexander (1868), 160, 167, 173, 179, 185. Dixon. See Dickson. Dobie (Dobbie) George Smith (1884), 246, 252. John (1818), 62. John (1852), 117. Robert (1847), 108. William (1845), 104. Dobson Dorothea de Brissac (1896), 330- Doctor Alexander (i 8 1 6), 60. Alexander (1848), 109. Dodds George T. (1866), 150, 156, 162, 168. Doig Robert (1781), 31. William (1893), 3 I2 Donald William (1852), 117. Donaldson Alexander Wilkie (1855), 122. Alexander Wilkie (1893), David (i75 J )> 5- ^Donaldson David (1808), 53. David (1834), 88. David (1850), 112. James (1895), 323, 33'- Patrick Williamson (1824), 70. Robert (1770), 21. William (1786), 36. William (1818), 62. William Galloway (1886), 2 59- Dorward. See Durward. Dott George (1838), 94. Dougall David (1821), 65. Douglas (Douglass) Alexander S. (1845), 104. Andrew (1828), 78. Archibald Campbell (1856), 123. Elaine C (1886), 260, 267. Charles Edward (1893), Findlay Small (1892), 298, 38, 317, 327- George (177), 20. George (1785), 35. George (1786), 36. George A. (1870), 171. George C. (1888), 275. George Henderson ^(1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. James (1825), 72. James (1832), 85. James (1853), 119. James (1861), 135, 138. James (1869), 165, 172, 178. John (1855), 122. John (1856), 124. Laurence (1756), 9. Peter (1842), 100. 366 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Douglas (Douglass) Robert (1820), 64. William (1761), 12. William (1767), 18. Dove Robert [S.] (1862), 136. Dow Andrew Gardner (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. Anthony (1776), 26. David (1781), 30. David Robert (1876), 198, 204, 210, 216. James K. (1828), 78. John (1761), 13. John (1847), 107- John (1881), 223, 231, 238, 252, 259, 266. John (1881), 223, 243, 250, 257. John George Alexander (1874), 190, 195. Patrick (1793), 42. Peter (1875), 194, 200, 205, 210, 2l6, 222, 228. Robert (1763), 14. Thomas (1844), 103. William (1752), 5. Dower James Martin (1895), 3 2 4, 332. Dowie James (1874), 189, 195, 200, 206, 2l6, 222, 228. William (1844), 102. Downie Malcolm (1782), 32. Robert (1831), 83. Thomas (1847), 107. D'Oyly John (1817), 61. Drayton Glen (1769), 19. Drennan (Drinnan) Hugh (1843), 1 01. John (1824), 71. Driver Thomas (1779), 29. Drummond Andrew (1843), I02 - Colin (1826), 74. David (1821), 65. David (1824), 69. David (1836), 91. David (1843), I02 - Duncan M. (1801), 48. Edward (1840), 97. George (1774), 24. Gregor Stuart (1879), 214, 220, 227, 233, 240, 247. Henry M. (1873), 185, 191. James (1762), 14. James (1818), 62. James Duff (1836), 91. John (1815), 59. Malcolm (1873), l8 5> 191; Ralph (1823), 68. Ralph (1829), 81. William (1783), 32. Dryburgh Andrew (1846), 105. Drysdale Adam (1828), 78. Cathcart (1814), 58. Robert (1764), 15. Ducat Andrew David (1854), 120. Dudgeon Charles J. (1872), 181. Dudingston James (1751), 4. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 367 Duff Alexander (1748), 2. Alexander (1776), 25. Alexander (1821), 65. Alexander (1825), 72. Alexander (1844), 102. Alexander (1872), 181, 187, 196, 201, 206, 211. Arthur (1757), 9- David (1796), 44. George (17 51), 4. Henry (1824), 70. James (1825), 72. John (i75 6 )> 9- John (1783), 33- John (1826), 74. John (1826), 75. John Kippan (1872), 181, 186, 192, 197. Lewis (1751), 4- Peter (1829), 80. William (1824), 70. William (1865), 144, 151, 157, 163, 168, 174, 1 80, 184. Duguid William (1838), 94. Duke Ernest Hamilton (1890), 282, 290, 300, 309, 320, 328, 336. Sidney (1884), 242, 249, 257. William (1851), 113. Dumbreck Archibald [W.] (1831), 83. Dunbar James (1827), 76. John (1791), 40. Louis (i75 6 )> 9- Robert (1748), 2. Robert (1806), 51. "Duncan Alexander (1760), 12. Alexander (1762), 13. Alexander (1807), 52. Alexander (1810), 54. Alexander (1846), 106. Alexander ( 1 86 1 ), 134, 136, 140, 143. Alexander (1864), 141, 146, 151, 158- Andrew (1759), 1 1. Andrew (1769), 20. Andrew D. (1892), 297, 307. Andrew James (1859), 128. David (1779). 2 9- David (1796), 44. David (1817), 61. George (1815), 59. George (1870), 171, 178, 183. Henry (1788), 38. James (1779), 29. James (1779), 29- James (1810), 54. James (1842), 100. James (1872), 180, 186. James J. (1804), 50. John (1747)1 i- John (1828), 78. John (1830), 82. John (1839), 96. John (1846), 106. John (1894), 315, 324. John Ainslie (1892), 298. John Watt (1890), 287. Patrick (1809), 53. Robert (1778), 28. Thomas (1750), 3. Thomas (1790), 39. Thomas (1821), 65. Thomas (1847), 107. William (1748), 2. William (1757), 10. William (1760), 12. William (1762), 14. 3 68 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Duncan William (1788), 38. William (1821), 65. William (1856), 123. William (1874), 190. William Ogilvy (1877), 203, 209, 215, 222, 234, 240, 247. Duncanson John (1841), 98. Dundas Robert Adam (1821), 66. Thomas (1756), 9. Wedderburn (1832), 85. Dunlop David (1841), 98. John Murray (1864), 142, 146, 152. Dunn (Dun) Alexander (1814), 58. Andrew (1866), 149, 156, 162, 168. James (1823), 68. John (1823), 68. John (1885), 253, 260, 267. Durham James (1748), 2. Thomas (1772), 22. William (1779), 28. Durward (Dorward) Charles (1867), 154, 161, 167, i73 *79> l8 4, 188. James (1788), 38. Duthie Archibald (1813), 57. Charles Shaw (1819), 63. James Arthur (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216. Thomas Henry (1819), 63. William Knibb (1878), 208, 214, 220, 228. Dykes James Roberson (1888), 268, 277, 286, 293, 3"- Eadie. See Edie. Easton Andrew (1832), 84. James (1837), 93. Thomas (1832), 85. Eaton John (1876), 199, 204, 210, 2l6. Ede Loetitia N. (1894), 314. Eden Frederick (1799), 46. Edgar Andrew (1854), 121. George W. (1849), no. John (1798), 46. Samuel (1825), 73. Edie (Eadie) Arthur (1789), 38. Chalmers (1843), 102. David (1855), 123. Henry (1811), 55. James (1804), 50. James (1824), 71. John (1804), 50. John (1840), 97. John (1870), 171. William (1756), 9. William (1806), 51. William (1844), 103. William (1882), 230, 235, 243, 2 5> 2 58 5 273, 280, 288. Edmond John (1778), 28. Edward Albert (1867), 155. Alfred (1869), 165. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 369 Edward Alexander (1887), 267, 295- James (1875), X 94> 200, 205, 211, 216. Edwards Herbert (1883), 236. James (1868), 161. Elder David (1819), 63. David (1875), J 94> 200,^ 205, 211. Hugh (1862), 136. Matthew (1884), 241. Thomas (1759), n. William (1826), 74. Ellison Joseph A. (1887), 261. Emslie Peter (1829), 80. Erskine Claud James (1835), 89. David (1786), 36. Henry (1759), n. James Floyer (1787), 36. James [Muckersie] (1845), 104. John (i759) 5 ii. Esdaile David (1829), 81. Esplin Alexander (1811), 55. Esson George A. (1865), 145. Evans Annie Lloyd (1892), 296, 37 317, 326. Trevor Lloyd (1896), 330. Everard Harry Stirling Crawford (1879), 213. Everett George (1879), 212, 219, 226. Ewan (Ewen) Alexander Morrison (1889), 276. James (1856), 123, 129, 159, 164, 169. John (1754), 7- John Alfred (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. John Campbell Gordon (1895). 323, 332. John S. (1866), 149, 156. Robert (1852), 117. William (1891), 295, 297, 308, 3 J 7- William John Strachan (1887), 262. William Pierre (1859), 127, 131, 133, 137. Ewart David (1821), 65. William (1816), 60. Ewing James (1834), 88. John Ferguson (1865), 144, 151, 157, 163, 169. John Lyal (1862), 136, 140. Robert (1863), 139, 142, 147. William (1874), 190, 213, 220, 226, 233, 239. William Orr (1864), 141, 146, 152. Faber Leopold (1878), 208. Fair David (1761), 13. Frederick (1856), 123. Peter (1800), 47. 2 A 37 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Fairbairn John (1824), 70. Fairfull Thomas (i7 6 9)> 20 - Fairley Thomas (1828), 79- Fairnie (Fairny) David (i75 6 )> 9- Thomas (1822), 66. William (1814), 5 8 - Fairtlough Samuel (1865), 144- Fairweather Alexander (1825), 72. David (1821), 65. George Moncur (1890), 283. James (1891), 290, 298, 308, 318, 327, 334. John (1824), 70. Patrick (1766), 17. Falconer (Falconar) Alexander (1765), 16. Alexander (1782), 32. John (1853), 118. John Stewart (1860), 132 Farquharson Joseph (1787), 37- Robert (i75 2 )> 5- Thomas (1800), 47. William F. (1883), 235. 147, 153- Robert Hill (1872), 180 186, 192, 197. William (1860), 132. William Meek (1862), 136 139, 143, 147. Farmer Alfred Douglas (1884) 241, 249, 256, 264. Andrew (1794), 43- Charles Rudolph Stahe (1895), 323, 332. Farnie Henry Brougham (1850 112. Faye Carl (1877), 203. Henry (1824), 71. Robert R. (1824), 71. Fenton Sylvester (1806), 51. Fenwick David Pitkaithly (1856), 123, 129, 138, Ui, 143, 148. George Thomas (1824), Fergus David S. (1839), 96- James (17 5 5), 8. Fergusson (Ferguson, Fer- gisson) Adam (1762), 13. Alexander (1802), 48. Alexander M. (1835), 90. Alexander M'Nie (1896), 329- Andrew (1826), 74. Andrew (1852), 117. Andrew (1869), 167, 172, 179. Daniel (1779)1 2 9- Daniel (1810), 54- Daniel (1811), 55. Daniel (1824), 70. David (17 5 7), 10. David [Scott] (1826), 75. Donald (1826), 74. Donald (1891), 294, 302, Duncan (1770), 21. Duncan (1810), 54. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 371 Fergusson (Ferguson, Fer- gisson) Ebenezer (1804), 50. Griffith (1749), 3- Hector Munro (1891), 289, 299. Henry (1831), 83. Hugh (1875), 194. James (17 55), 8. James (1759), n. James (1794), 43- James (1801), 48. James, jun. (1801), 48. James (1815), 59. James (1884), 241, 250, 2 57> 265, 274, 280, 288. James Thomson (1891), 289, 298, 307, 318. John (1754), 7- John (1757), 9. John (1768), 1 8. John (1809), 53. John (1817), 61. John (1848), 108. John [M'Gregor] (1850), 112. John Moore (1879), 213, 219. Martin (1844), 103. Nigel (1761), 13. Peter (1820), 64. Peter (1822), 67. Peter (1848), 109. Peter (1860), 130, 133. Robert (1764), 15. Robert Menzies (1881), 228, 234, 240. Samuel (1846), 106. Thomas (1890), 282, 290, 2 99> 39> 3i9- William (i 8 1 8), 62. Fernie Christopher (1844), 103. David (1830), 81. Fernie James (1836), 91. John (1829), 80. William (1827), 76. William (1829), 80. Ferrie James [Lindsay] (183 7), 93. Joseph M'Cormick (1830), 82. Robert (1830), 82. William (1828), 78. Ferrier David (1893), 313, 321. James Walter (1863), *39- John (1861), 134, 137. John W. (1827), 77. Fettes Charles William (1848), 109. Fidler Catherine (1893), 314. Edith Mary Talbot (1893), 314. Findlay (Finlay) Alexander (1831), 83. Andrew (1781), 30. Archibald B. (1891), 296. Cathcart (1830), 81. Frank (1894), 315, 325, 333- James (1810), 54. James (1820), 64. James (1837), 93. James R. (1861), 134, 136. John (1825), 73. John (1845), 105. . William (1819), 63. William (1829), 80. Findon Frank 35> Standish (1893), 326, 334. 372 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Finlayson David (1882), 229, 236, 243> 2 5 J > 2 5 8 - James (1760), 12. Jane Murrion (1894), 3 X 5- John H. (1861), 134. Joseph Sage (1869), 166, 172, 178, 184, i93 197, 201. Thomas (1859), 129. Fisher (Fischer, Fissher) Duncan (1811), 55. Emily (1892), 298. Frederic George (1890), 283, 291, 300. James (1771), 22. James (1834), 88. James (1865), 145, 151, 157, 163. John (1768), 19. John (1851), 114. John (1874), 191. Robert (1841), 99. Robert (1849), no. Robert Findlay (1826), 74. William (1773), 23. William Rogers (1870), 174. Fisken William (1831), 83. Fitchet John (1754), 7. Fleming Alexander (1784), 34. Alice (1894), 321, 329. Charles Alexander (1884), 242, 249, 257, 265. Charles William (1884), 241, 249, 257, 265. David (1818), 62. David (1824), 70. James (1821), 65. John (1836), 91. Fleming Thomas (1769), 20. Thomas (1824), 71. William (1809), 53. William (1816), 60. Fletcher Beaumont (1890), 282, 291, 317, 326. Charles (1832), 84. Donald (1870), 170. Flint John (1780), 29. Flockhart Alexander (1782), 32. Flowerdew James (1813), 57. Flowers John (1781), 31. Fluck Charles E. W. (1888), 271, 278, 286. Richard Andrews (1883), 235> 2 43> 25 1 * 2 5 8 > 265. Fogo (Foggo) David (1894), 315. Thomas (1757), 10. William (1857), 125, 128, I3 1 * i35i J 3 8 > T 4ii 144. William (1890), 283, 290, 2 99> 39> Forbes Alexander (1824), 69. Alexander (1826), 75. Alexander (1849), no. Alexander M. (1870), 177, 183, 188. Daniel (1855), 122. Duncan (1783), 33. Edmund (1864), 141. George (185 3), 119. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 373 Forbes George (1864), 141, 146, !5 2 ' George D. (1849), IIQ - John (1815), 59. John, Inveraray (1824), 70. John, Perth (1824), 70. John, Rannoch (1824), 70. John (1844), 103. Matthew (1892), 304. William (1852), 117. William Alexander Macfar- lane (1892), 298, 307, 3*7, 327. Fordyce William (1880), 217, 225, 232, 239. Foreman Annie Brown (1892), 304. Forfar Patrick Thomson (1844), 103. William (1778), 27. Forgan James (1860), 132. James Rea (1894), 315, 324, 333- John (1866), 150, 155, 162, 168. Robert (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216, 221. Forrest Andrew (1857), 125. James Nairne (1860), 130. William (1832), 85. Forrester Alexander (1784), 34. Andrew (1848), 109. Charles G. (1856), 123, 128, 140, 144, 149, 159, 164. David (1758), 10. James (1765), 16. James (1849), no. Forrester James L. H. (1866), 149, 156, 162, 168. John (1830), 82. Paul R. (1838), 95. Samuel (1823), 68. Walter (1824), 70. Forster Louis Edward (1896), 335. Forsyth (Forsythe) Florence (1896), 335. James (1835), 90. James S. (1856), 123. John R. (1889), 276. Fortescue James (1828). 78. Fortune Alexander (1821), 65. George (1771), 22. James (1766), 17. John (1828), 78. John (1865), 145, 151, 157- William (1877), 203. William R. (1875), J 94- Fotheringham (Fothringham) James (1879), 213. James Gainsborough (i 87 2), 1 80, 186, 192, 197, 2OI. Foulis David (1822), 67. David (1829), 80. David Deas (1829), 80. James (1758), 10. Robert (1836), 91. Fowke Thomas Noel (1894), 315, 325, 333- Fowler Charles (1833), 86. William Macdonald (1795), 44. 374 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Fowlie John (1879), 217, 222, 228. Francken William A. (1868), 1 60. Fraser (Frazer) Alexander (1748), 2. Campbell (1889), 276, Daniel (1843), IO1 - Daniel (1853), 118. Evan Hugh (1889), 282, 289, 295, 304, 313, 322. Evelyn Helen C. (1893), 306. Gilbert (1844), 102. Henry Bromley Cadogan (1890), 284, 296. James (17 73), 23. James (1788), 37. James (1829), 81. James (1871), 175. James W. C. (1852), 117. John (1823), 69. John (1824). 70. John (1863), 138, 142, 147, 153- John Gordon (1819), 63. John Sutherland (1886), 254. Neil F. (1828), 79. Patrick (1748), 2. Patrick (1776), 26. Robert (1869), 166. Thomas (1784), 34. William (1807), 52. William M. (1867), 155- William Ruxton (1852), TI 5- Freeman Francis Ford (1863), 139, 142, 147- French (Ffrench, Ffrenche) James (1863), 141, 144, 148, 153- Richard (1766), 17. William (1785), 34. Frew Alexander (1881), 223, 231, 238, 246, 252, 259, 267. Robert Ebenezer (1827), 77- William (1885), 253, 260', 267. Friederichs Ferdinand Thornely (1887), 261. Neville (1883), 235. Frood Bryce(i85i), 113. Fullerton John (1774), 24. Fulton Angus Robertson (1893), 312, 321. Futt Robert (1758), n. Fyfe (Fyffe) Charles (1778), 27. William (1837), 93. Gaine John Robins (1782), 31. Galbraith Angus John (1875), 200. Peter (1856), 124, 129. Galletly (Gellatly) John (17 5 7), 10. William (1851), 114. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 375 Galloway Alexander (1808), 53. Alexander (1824), 70. David (1844), 102. George (1878), 208, 213, 220, 227, 233. James (1878), 208. Stewart (1872), 185, 189. Thomas (1813), 57. Garden William (1842), 99. Gardiner (Gardner, Gairdner) Alexander (1818), 62. Andrew (1832), 84. George (1810), 54. George Wishart (1865), 145- John (1871), 177. John (1880), 217. Letitia Jane (1893), 306, 316. Peter (1821), 66. Robert M. (1861), 134, 137, 140. Gardyne Thomas M[ C P.] B. (1846), 106. Garland Robert (1850), 112. Garnock Henry (1783), 33. Garrett Elizabeth (1862), 135. Garriock Gertrude E. (1892), 304. Lewis James (1894), 315. Garthshore James (1783), 32. Garvie Robert Halley (1891), 296, 33> 3*3- William (1757), 10. Gavin Andrew (1887), 263, 272, 279. John Hunter (1884), 2 43- William (1889), 276, 284, 291, 301. Geddes John (1863), 139. Peter J. (1890), 284. Geddie James [Watson] (1850), 112. Geekie Alexander (1828), 78. George (1875), 194, 199, 205, 211, 217, 222, 228. Robert (1859), 127. Gellatly. See Galletly. Gellie James Caithness (1855), 122, 129, 132, 135, 138- Gentle Robert (i 86 1), 134, 136. Gentles Thomas (1863), 141. George Alexander (1800), 47. James (1822), 67. William White (1893), 314, 322. Gib (Gibb) George (1767), 18. William (1876), 199. Gibson (Gibsone) Alexander (1751), 5. Alexander (1761), 13. Alexander (1765), 16. Alexander Robertson (1866), 150, 156, 162, 169, 174, 180, 185. Archibald (1756), 8. 376 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Gibson (Gibsone) Henry William (1882), 229, 237,244, 252, 260. John (1767), 1 8. John (1839), 96. John (1857), 125. Lawrence James Douglas (1895), 323, 332. Robert (1892), 303, 313. Robert Whyte (1884), 241, 250, 264, 273. Samuel (1877), 202. Thomas (1788), 38. Thomas H. (1862), 136. Gilchrist Annie (1896), 335. David [M.] (1894), 321. John Dow Fisher (1883), 236, 244. Thomas (1849), no. William (1822), 67. Gilfillan Janet Dorothy (1892), 298. Gillan Robert (1778), 28. Gillespie Alexander (1776), 25. Andrew (1865), 145, 151, 157, 163. David (1792), 41. George James (1791), 40. George R. (1866), 150, 156. James (1763), 14. John (1752), 5. John H. (1826), 74. John H. (1869), 1 66. John Hunter (1825), 72. Laurence (1769), 20. Robert (1878), 207, 214, 221, 227, 233, 240, 247, 253. Thomas (1895), 323, 331. William (1768), 18. Gillies James (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 266, 274, 281. Gilmour James (1827), 77. John (1867), 155, 162. John (1895), 323. Matthew A. B. (1890), 284, 290. William (1869), 165. Gilruth Alexander (1864), 141. James Ruth (1886), 254, 262, 271, 279, 288, 294, 302, 311. Peter (1837), 93. Thomas (1837), 93. Glass (Glas, Glasse) Alexander (1817), 61. Alexander Grant (1824), 69. Andrew (1837), 93. Charles (1832), 85. Charles Cunningham (1862), 136, 139. Cuthbert (1807), 52. Edward (1814), 58. George (1814), 58. Henry (1813), 57. John (1869), 165, 173, 179. Joseph (1819), 63. Robert (1836), 91. Thomas (1753), 6. Walter (1813), 57. Walter Stirling (1791), 40. William (1818), 62. Glen- James (1833), 86. Glennie (Gleny) George (1830), 81. James (1766), 17. John (1828), 78. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 377 Gloag Andrew (1822), 67. James (1814), 58. Paton James (1843), 101. Glover Arnold (1881), 224. David Thomson (1856), 124. George Raleigh (1858), 127. James (1856), 124. Goddard Frederick R. (1863), 139. Gold David Dryburgh (1888), 269, 277, 285. Goldie Archibald (1863), 139, 142, 147, 153- William (1862), 136, 140. Goodall (Goodale) Charles (1829), 80. Charles (1861), 134, 136, 140, 143, 148, i53> !5 8 - James Graham (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 265, 274, 281, 288. Thomas (1834), 88. Goodchild James (1822), 67. Goodsir Alexander (1777), 26. Archibald (1842), 99. John (1826), 74. Joseph (1828), 79. Gordon Alexander (1780), 29. Andrew (1838), 94. Charles (1823), 68. Charles (1869), 166, 172, 178. Charles J. M. (1891), 293. Francis (1827), 77. Gordon Francis (1867), 155, 161, 168, 174, 179, George (1768), 19. George, Lord Haddo (1862), 136. George (1866), 150, 156. George [Andrew Storrar] (1875), 194, 199, 205, 211, 222. George Hamilton, Lord Haddo (i% 9 6\ 331. George Hume (1833), 87. George More (1867), 155. George R. (1849), no. Granville, Lord (1871), 176. Henry (1870), 171, 177. James (1781), 30. James (1783), 32. James, Hon. (1863), 139, 142. James Frederick Skinner (1838), 94. John (1764), 15. John (1772), 22. John (1780), 29. John (1862), 136. John A. (1863), 138, 143, 148. John Campbell, Hon. (1863), 139, 142, 147. Robert (1779), 29. Robert (1827), 77. Robert S. (1889), 276. Thomas (1829), 80. William (1765), 1 6. William (1827), 76. William (1861), 134, 136. William (1886), 254. Gorrie William (1892), 303, 313. Gosset Charles H. (1868), 159, 167, 173. 378 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Goudy Alexander P. (1877), 205. Gourlay Alister F. W. (1889), 282, 289. Andrew (1861), 134, J 37> 140, 188, 193. Frederick (1849), no. George (1748), 2. Henry (1849), in. John (i75 I X 4- Robert (1794), 43- Robert (1827), 77. William (1764), 15. William F. (1871), 175, 182, 187. Govan Alexander (1840), 98, 269. Douglas Moncrieff (1851), 114. George Moncrieff (1844), 102. James L. (1874), 190. John (1758), 10. John (i794), 43- John (1837), 93. Gow David (1821), 65. John (1809), 53. Leonard (1841), 98. Gowan Clotworthy (1799), 46. Gowans Laurence (1832), 85. Grace Alexander (1838), 94. Charles (1771), 21. Charles (1803), 49. Charles [Cudbert] (1850), 112. Charles Stuart (1875), 194. Hew (1832), 85. Grace Hugh [Douglas] (1815), 59. John Bethune (1793), 42. Stuart (1837), 93. Gracie Adam (1844), 102. James Ogilvy Fenton (1884), 241, 248, 255, 264, 272. Graham (Grahame, Graeme, Grame) Alexander (1819), 63. Alexander (1831), 84. Charles (1785), 35. Charles Christie (1851), ii5- David (1877), 203, 209. David (1893), 306, 316, 3 2 6, 334- Duncan (1824), 70. Edward (1785), 35- Finlay (1865), 145, 151, 157, 163. George (1770), 20. George (1818), 62. George (1848), 109. George T. (1815), 59. Henry Grey (1889), 276, 284, 291, 300, 311, 320, 328. James Barclay (1886), 255, 263, 271. James N. (1892), 304. John (1763), 14. John (1821), 66. John (1822), 67. John (1833), 86. John (1847), 107. John Barns (1893), 310, Patrick (1755), 8 - Robert (1763), 14- Robert (1833), 87. Robert (1850), 112. Thomas (1752), 5. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 379 Graham (Grahame, Graeme, Grame) Thomas (1783), 33. William (1760), 12. William (1772), 22. William (1800), 47. William (1813), 57. William (1818), 62. William (1821), 65. William (1833), 86. William (1836), 91. William (1843), 101. William (1847), 107. William (i 8 5)> 112. William (1854), 120, 129. Grant (Grantt) Alexander (1752), 5. Alexander (1766), 17. Alexander (1782), 31. Alexander (1820), 64. Alexander (1853), 119. Andrew (1773), 23. Charles (1782), 31. Charles (1819), 63. Charles (1873), 186. Band (1816), 60. David (1770), 21. Donald (1756), 9. Donald (1865), 144, 151, 157, 163, 169. Donald (1871), 176. Francis (1769), 20. Frederick (1791), 40. George (1755), 8 - Hettie Nelson (1894), 320. Innes (1822), 67. James (1773), 23. James (1775), 25. James (1830), 81. James (1882), 229, 237, 245? 251, 265. James M. (1869), 165, 172. John (1751), 5. John (1762), 14. John (1775), 25. Grant (Grantt) John (1779), 29. John (1846), 106. John A. (1874), 190. John Alexander (1884), 241, 249, 256, 264. John Davidson (1847), 107. John Peter (1896), 329. Ludovic (1764), 15. Ludovic (1795), 44- Murray (1784), 34- Patrick (1762), 14. Patrick (1791), 40. Patrick (1809), 53. Peter William (1833), 87. Robert (1747), i- Robert (1863), 139, 142, 147, 152. Thomas (1850), 112. Walter (1782), 32. W T illiam (1785), 35. William (1809), 53. William W. (1879), 213, 237, 245, 252. Gray Alexander (1851), 113. Alexander (1851), 114. Alexander (1862), 138, 141, 144, 149- Andrew (1759), 1 1. Andrew (1767), 18. Andrew (1848), 109. Andrew (1882), 229, 237, 244, 251, 259, 266, 274 Charles (1770), 20. Charles (1832), 85. Charles Maxwell (1890), 283, 291, 300, 310. David (1767), 18. David (1895), 322, 331. George (1802), 48. George (1824), 70. Grant (1815), 59- James (1828), 78. James (1849), no. 380 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Gray James (1887), 261, 270, 278, 287, 296, 304, 322. James Crawford (1851), 114. Robert (1853), 119. Samuel (1806), 51. Thomas (1855), 122. Thomas Carstairs (1833), 87. William (1807), 52. William (1837), 93. William (1843), I01 - Greatheed Christopher (1870), 174. Greaves Richard P. (1845), I0 5- Green William (1873), 185, 191, 196, 201, 206, 212, 217. Greenfield John (1855), 122. Greenhill Alexander (1778), 27. Charles (1830), 81. James [D.] (1790), 39. Peter (1775), 25. Greenlaw Adam (1785), 35. George (1783), 32. John (1783), 33. Gregoire Albert (1880), 218. Gregorson Angus J. (1847), 107. Gregson Isabel (1896), 330. Greig (Grieg) Andrew (1762) 13. Colin (1842), ioo. David M. (1880), 217. Greig (Grieg) George (1754), 7- George (1782), 31. George (1806), 51. George (1816), 60. George (1846), 106. James (1751), 5. James S. (1891), 296. John (1783), 33. John (1827), 76. John (1879), 212, 219. John (1892), 298. John [M'E.] (1846), 106. Jonathan W. (1853), 119. Robert (1809), 53. William (1784), 34. William (1832), 85, Greigor William (1787), 37. Grewar James Robertson (1856), 123, 129, 134. Grierson John (1882), 230, 235, 243, 250, 258. Grieve James (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 265, 274, 281, 288, 294. Grimston Henry (1783), 32. Grindlay Henry M. (1881), 224. Grosset James Edington (1878), 209, 216. Groves John (1773), 23. Grubb Alexander (1822), 66. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL Guerard Arthur R. (1867), 156, 161, 168, 173. Guild Alexander (1841), 99. David (1780), 29. David L. (1895), 328, 335. James (1792), 4*- Robert (1793), 42. Guillan Robert (1805), 51. Thomas (1782), 32. Gunn (Gun) Adam (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. Daniel (1859), 127, 131, i33, 138- David W. (1854), 121. George Angus (1865), 145, 151- John (1869), 165. Robert (1769), 20. William M. J. (1892), 297, 37- Gunnyon William (1845), 104. Guthrie Alexander (1782), 31. Alexander (1855), 122. Alexander (1864), 144, 149, 153- Charles J. (1890), 284. David Charles (1802), 48. David W. (1888), 269. George (1790), 39. George (1854), 120. Gershom (i775)> 2 5- John (i779) 5 29- John (1865), 146, IS 1 157, 163, 169, 175, 180 William (1824), 7.0. Hackney Alexander (1780), 29. Hadow (Haddo) David (1780), 29. George (1776), 25. George de (1770), 20. James (1772), 22. Haggart John (1854), 121. Haig Hugh Veitch (1862), 136. John (1817), 61. John Alicius (1875), 195. Robert (1806), 51. William Henry (1858), 127, 128. Hain Herbert A. D. (1868), 160, 167, 173, 179- Thomas (1859), 130. Halbert David (1836), 92. Haldane James Ogilvie (1824), 70. Halding William (1779), 29. Halkerston Robert (i75 6 ) 9- Robert (1776), 26. Halkett (Halket) Frederick C. (1865), 145, 15. J 57, 163. John (1781), 31. John (1794), 43- Hall James (1778), 28. James Stuart (1813), 57. John (1770)5 2I - John (1806), 51. John (1854), 120. Robert (1876), 199. Thomas Douglas (1867), i55, J 72. William (1776), 26. 382 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Halley (Hally) George (1894), 322. James (1855), 122. M'Arra (1827), 76. Hallows Thomas (1789), 38. Hallyburton D. G. (1792), 41. Thomas (if 53), 6. Halson George (1793), 42. Hamilton Bessie Neilson (1892), 303, 312, 321. Gabriel (1794), 43- George B. (1871), 176, 182. Gwendolyn Lawrence (1896), 329. James (1760), 12. John (1809), 53. Patrick Douglass (1793), 42. Robert (1818), 62. Robert (1831), 83. Robert T. (1863), 139. William (1816), 60. Hampton David Machardy (1886), 253, 262,271, 279, 288, 294, 302. Hankin Edward (1777), 26. Hanley Andrew M'Lean (1885), 247, 255, 263, 272. Han nay William M. (1845), J 04. Hanning Agnes (1892), 303, 312. Hardie John (1869), 165, 172, 178, 184, 1 88. Robert (1822), 67. Hare James (1816), 60. Harley Edward T. (1892), 303. Harper George (1884), 242, 249, 257, 265. Harris Arthur Baird (1881), 223, 230, 238, 246, 252, 260. David (1792), 41. George (1833), 86. James William (1892), 297, 307. John (1886), 254, 271. Harrison Duncan (1755), 7- Harrower Christopher Y. M. (1885), 252. Peter (1878), 208, 214, 221, 227. Hart George (1830), 81. George (1855), 122. Henry (1833), 86. John (1849), II0 - Harvey James (1837), 93. Percy (1871), 176. Hastie John (1885), 247. Peter (1828), 79. Thomas (1833), 87. Hawkins Francis (1815), 59. James W. (1813), 57. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 383 Haxton Archibald (1807), 52. Hay Alexander (1849), no. David (1848), 109. Emanuel Thomas (1776), 26. James (i75 2 )> 5- John (1770), 20. John (1823), 68. John (1845), I0 5- Peter (1795), 44- Thomas (1765), 16. William (1873), 185, 191, 196, 201. Hedderick (Headrick) John (1800), 47. Robert (1821), 65. Samuel Hunter (1835), 89. Heddle Robert [Mackechnie] (1876), 199, 210. Robert W. (1869), 166. Heggie George (1762), 13. John (1884), 242, 249, 257, 265, 272, 281, 288, 294. Heming Dempster (1798), 45- Henderson Alexander (1785), 35. Alexander Edward (1861), 133, 137, 140. Andrew (1839), 96. Archibald (1799), 46. Archibald (1863), 138, 142, 147, 152. David Ramsay (1884), 241, 248, 256, 264, 273, 281, 287, 294. Duncan MacGillivray (1852), 117. Henderson George (1755), 8. Henry (1803), 49. James (1796), 44- James (1797), 45. James (1841), 98. James (1859), 127, 131, !33, 137, 140- James (1891), 295, 303, 3 J 3, 3 22 - James B. (1864), 141. James Ogilvy (1785), 35. John (1764), 15. John (1810), 54. John (1839), 96. John (1874), 190. John (1878), 208, 214, 221, 227, 234, 240, 246. Robert (1789), 38. Thomas (1869), 167, 174. Thomas (1871), 175. Thomas Finlayson (1859), 127, 131* r 33> I 37, 141- William (1770), 20. William (1771), 22. William (1818), 62. William (1828), 78. William (1885), 250, 256, 265, 273, 280. William Alexander (1894), 315- William Coutts (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. Henry (Hendry) David (1824), 69. John (1765), 1 6. John (1839), 96. John (1873), 185, 191, 200, 206, 212, 217, 222. Matthew (1856), 123, 129. Mungo (1772), 22. Robert (1774), 24. Robert (1783), 33. Robert (1893), 312, 321. William (1849), no. 384 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Hepburn Archibald (1781), 30. David (1811), 55. George Grant (1886), 260, 267, 275, 280. John (1777), 26. Robert (1777), 26. Samuel (1777), 26. Thomas Nicoll (1884), 241. Herald William (1820), 64. Herdman Andrew [Walker] (1836), 91. Arthur Walker K. (1887), 261, 270, 278, 287. James [Chalmers] (1838), 94. Robert (1843), 101. William (1834), 88. Heriot Gerald Maitland (1885), 247. Hervey Lionel (1799), 46. Heughan George K. (1873), 189. Hewat Andrew Middlemass (1889), 276, 284, 292, 300, 311, 320, 328. Hewlett Henry William (1895), 322. Keys Robert (1871), 175. Higgs George (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258. Robert (1877), 202 , 209, 215, 221, 227. High Andrew (1775), 25. Hill Alexander (1760), 12. Alexander (1795), 44- Charles (1826), 74. Charles Thompson(i894), 3!5> 3 2 5> 333- David (1770), 21. David (1798), 46. David (1815), 59. George (1761), 13. George (1801), 48. George (1833), 86. Henry (1774), 24. Henry (1803), 49. Henry C. (1870), 173. Howard (1869), 165, 172, 178. James (1766), 17. James (1792), 41- James (1826), 74. James (1881), 223, 231, 237, 246, 252, 259, 266. James Niven (1881), 223, 231, 238. Janette Theresa (1895), 323, 332. John (1760), 12. John (1794), 43- John (1810), 54. John (1816), 60. John (1833), 86. John (1871), 176. John F. (1855), 122. John [Henry] (1850), 112. Ninian (1878), 208. Robert H. (1866), 149. Robert Malcolm (1880), 217, 225, 233, 240, 245, 252, 259, 266. Robert T. (1874), 189, 195. Thomas (1749), 2. Thomas (1764), 15. Thomas (1810), 54. Thomas Adamson (1852), 117. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 385 Hill Thomas Alexander (1890), 283. William (1894), 321. Hinds Brooke (1791), 40. Hird James (1773), 2 3- Hirst Sim (1890), 282, 290, 299, 39> 33 6 - Hobhouse Thomas (1779), 28. Hobson Meade (1772), 22. Samuel (1772), 22. Hoby James (1824), 71. Hodge David (1889), 282, 284. Donald William Mackinnon (1888), 269, 278, 286. Hogarth AndrewPringle(i862), 136, 139, i43 J 48, 153, 158, 164, 169. George (1788), 37. Hogg (Hog) Alexander (1762), 13. George B. (1827), 76. Robert Alexander (1867), 155- Thomas (1756), 9. Hoile Henry John (1892), 298, 37> 3 l8 - Holburn Hugh Parker (1886), 260, 267, 275, 281, 304. Holcroft Annie Grace (1893), 36, 316, 326. William (1824), 71. [William Francis] Lucius Austen (1892), 297, 307, 3i7. Holden David (1796), 44. Holliday James (1827), 76. William (1827), 76. Holman Joseph (1896), 331. Holmden Gerald (1890), 282. Home Abraham (1790), 39. Alexander, Earl o/(i786), 35- Frederick (1840), 97. George (1752), 5- George (1757), 9. John (i75 2 )> 5- John (1847), 107. Rodham (1831), 83. Honey (Hony) Alfred James (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143, 149, *53> 159- Frederick Murray (1880), 218. George Kinloch (1827), 76. James (1825), 72. John (1795), 44- John Adamson (1825), 72. John Adamson (1865), 145, i5 x > I 57, 163, 169, 174, 180, 184. Sidney Calder (1826), 74. Honeyman (Honyman) David (1833), 86. William (1770), 20. 2 B 3 86 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Hood Alexander Ogilvy (1854), 120. Andrew (1840), 97. George (1812), 56. John (1823), 68. John (1843), 101. John (1886), 254. Patrick (1764), IS- William (1819), 63. Hooper Edith Sophia (1893), 311. Hope Charles (1827), 77. George John Brown (1878), 207, 214, 220, 227. Henry (1811), 55. Hugh (i795X 44- John (1795), 44- John (1817), 61. William (1799), 46. William (1817), 6 1. Horn (Home) Arthur Frederick (1880), 218. James (1813), 57. Walter (1848), 109. William (1865), 145, 151, 157, 163, 169, 174. Horsburgh (Hosburgh) Andrew (1842), 99. James (1827), 76. Philip (1793), 42. Horton William (1788), 37. Houldsworth William Henry (1851), 114. Houston (Houstoun) Andrew (1762), 13. Elizabeth Cook (189 5), 3 24. John (1822), 67. Robert (1813), 57. Wallace C. (1866), 150, 156. Howard Thomas Chaffer (1890), 283, 291, 300. Howat Edward (1888), 269. George Montgomery (1889), 276. William (1844), 103. Howie David (i795)> 44- George Wyllie (1888), 268, 277, 285, 293. James (1829), 80. Howieson (Howison) James (1834), 88. Matthew (1856), 123, 128. Hoyes William (1811), 55. Hull Frank D. (1893), 313, 321. Hume Archibald (1883), 236. Archibald (1887), 262. George (1853), 119. J. (1782), 31. James Dodds (1825), 73. William (1896), 330. Hunsworth George (1865), 146. Hunt James Malcolm (1889), 275, 284, 292, 301, 311, 320, 328. John (1847), 107. Thomas (1871), 176, 182, Hunter Adam (1797), 45- Alexander (1774), 24. Alexander (1784), 34. Alexander S. (1845), 104. Andrew (1802), 49. Arthur (1788), 37. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 387 Hunter Charles (1783), 33. Charles (1800), 47. Charles (1827), 77. David (1782), 32. David (1785), 35. Francis (1816), 60. Frederick (1859), 127, 131. George (179?), 45- George (1836), 91. George (1873), l86 > I 9 I 196, 201. Graham (1825), 73. James (1784), 34. James (1787), 37- James (1822), 66. James (1827), 76. James, Colonel (1862), 136. James (1894), 315, 324. James C. (1866), 149, 156, 163, 169. John (1768), 19. John (1784), 34. John (1812), 56. John (1844), 103. John (1850), 112. John (1867), 155, 162, 168, 174, 180, 185, 189. Joseph (1857), 125, 128, 131, 135, 138, 141, 143. M'Nachtane (1756), 9. Robert (1773), 2 3- Robert (1796), 44. Robert George (1881), 223, 230, 238, 245. Thomas (1797), 45- William (1781), 30. William (1833), 86. William (1843), 101. William Vary (1855), 122. Williamson (1802), 48. Husband James (1768), 18. John (1832), 85. William T. (1865), M4- Hutchan William (1836), 91. Hutchins David E. (1870), 174. Hutchison (Hutcheson, Hutchinson) Andrew (1794), 43- Charles (1887), 261, 270, 279, 286. George (1821), 65. George (1843), 101. James (1843), 101. John (1778), 28. John (1833), 86. Patrick (1764), 15. Robert (1864), 141, 156. William (1825), 72. Hutton Andrew (1779), 29. Andrew (1815), 59. Andrew Adam (1875), Z 95> 200, 205. Andrew G. (1891), 295. Elizabeth Peddie Steele (1892), 297, 308, 333. James (1784), 34- Roger (1786), 36. Thomas (1774), 24. Thomas (1821), 66. William Menzies (1842), 100. Huxley Leonard (1877), 204, 210. Hyslop John (1828), 78. Imrie Alexander Stewart Melville (1888), 269, 277, 285, 292, 300, 310, 319, 334- David N. (1859), 127, 130, 133, J 37> MI- James (1843), 101. 3 88 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Imrie Ninian (1765), 16. William (1840), 97. William (1853), 119. Inches John (1764), 15- William (1775), 25. Inglis (Ingles) Alexander (1844), 102. Alexander (1890), 283, 295, 33- Arthur (1895), 323, 332. James (1832), 85. James (1835), 90. James (1872), 181. James (1891), 296, 304. John (1810), 54. John (1824), 70. John (1830), 82. John (1876), 199, 204, 2IO, 2 I 6. Robert (1875), 195. Robert (1888), 268, 277, 286, 293. William (1771), 21. William (1835), 89. Ingram Alexander (1766), 17. Innes Alexander (1763), 14. Andrew (1829), 80. Edwin S. Mitchell (1863), 139, 142. Frederick George (1893), 35, 3 l6 > 325- George Francis Mitchell (1863), 139. John (1865), 145. Inverarity George (1835), 9 o. Ireland Alexander James (1862), 136, 140, 143. Alexander V. (1832), 84. Ireland David (1763), 14- Griffith (1785), 35. James (1837), 93. John Alexander (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143, 148, 154, 159, 164, 170. Thomas (1855), 122. Walter Fogo (1859), 130. Irons David (1887), 262, 271, 279, 287, 294. John (1890), 289, 295, Irvine Alexander (1791), 40. Alexander (1792), 41. Alexander (1818), 62. Alexander Robertson (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143, 148. Charles (1793), 42. Hugh (1796), 44. James Colquhoun (1895), 328, 332. James Mercer (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227. John (1885), 247, 255,263. Julian (1886), 254, 263, 272, 280, 287. Robert S. (1824), 70. William (1890), 288. Irving David W. (1833), 86. Isdale (Isale) Alexander (1782), 32. Alexander W. (1839), 96. John (1832), 85. Isles John (1798), 46. Ivens John H. A. (1870), 171, 176. Thomas E. (1866), 150. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 389 Ivory Holmes (1867), 155, 161, James (1779), 29. Izat (Izatt, Izett) James (i75 8 )> II - James (1832), 85. John R. (1859), 129. Jack Alexander (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 265, 294, 302, 311. Alexander (1887), 261, 270, 278, 286, 292. David [Rait] (1850), 112. George Selkirk (1851), 114. James (1769), 20. James Craig (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227, 234, 240, 246. Thomas W. (1821), 66. William Black (1884), 241, 249, 257, 265, 274, 281, 287. William Bryden (1835), 89. Jackson Edwin Brook (1895), 323, 33 1 - John (1836), 92. John William (1863), 139, 142. Robert (1864), 142. Thomas (1828), 79. Thomas (1850), 112. William Roy (1884), 241, 249, 257, 265, 273. Jacobs Job Alfred (1829), 80. J affray (Jaffrey) James (1766), 17. William (1830), 81. Jameson (Jamieson, Jamison) Andrew (1787), 36. Andrew (1824), 69. Andrew (1859), 127. Andrew (1862), 135, 139, 143- Elizabeth (1896), 330. John (I757X 9- John (1818), 62. John (1864), 142, 146. John Gordon (1895), 323. John Wilson Moir (1896), 335- Robert (1819), 63. Robert I. (1859), 127, 131. Thomas Ross (1822), 66. William (1865), 144. J a PP Francis Robert (1864), 141, 146, 151, 158. Jardine Henry (1823), 68. James (1826), 74. Jarvis Arthur (1785), 35- William (1832), 85. Jeneson Thomas (1845), 105. Jenkins Charles (1821), 65. Richard (1821), 65. Jennings John (1828), 78. Jervis James (1814), 58. Joass James Maxwell (1853), 118. Jobson David (1775). 2 5- John (1768), 19. Richard (1828), 79. William (1821), 65. 390 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Johnston (Johnstone, John- son) Charles (1820), 64. Christopher Nicholson (1873), 185, 191. Daniel (1895), 324, 332. David (1788), 37. David (1825), 72. David (1850), 112. Edward Miall (1891), 295, 301, 306, 316, 326, 335. Frederick (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134, 141, 144, 148, !53- George (1822), 66. George (1858), 126, 128, I3 1 , 134, i3 8 > J 4i } 144, 148. George W. (1839), 96. James (1783), 33. James (1787), 36. James Christie (1876), 199, 288, 294, 302. John (1787), 36. John (1810), 54. John (1832), 85. John (1856), 124. John (1880), 218, 224, 232, 245, 252, 259, 266. Joseph (1871), 176, 182, 187. Laurence (1757), 10. Mabel L. (1892), 304. Robert (1848), 109. Robert (1861), 134. Robert (1888), 269, 277, 28 5> 293, 302, 311, 320. Thomas (1847), 107. Thomas (1859), 128. Thomas Boston (1861), *34, 136, 140, 143. William (1779), 29. William (1813), 57- William (1826), 75. William (1833), 87. William (1839), 96. Johnston (Johnstone, John- son) William (1842), 100. William (1849), no. William (1890), 288, 295, 33> 3 J 3- William Murray (1846), 106. William Thomas (1864), 141, 146, 152. Jolly Andrew R. (1860), 130, 133, i37- Jones Edward Rowland (1896), 336. Meredith (1808), 53. Philip (1828), 79. Just Thomas (1843), 101. William (1841), 98. Justice David (1847), 107. Kantrovitch Morris (1895), 324, 332. Kay (Kaye) Alexander [Cant] (1852), 117. Charles Donald (1857), 125, 128, 131, 141. David Miller (1883), 237, 244, 251, 264, 273, 280. Ephraim A. (1857), 125. James (1874), 190, 195. John (1843), 101. John M. (1895), 323. Sydney Alexander (1893), 313, 321- Kean James (1860), 130, 134, 137, 140, 143, 148, 153, J59- William (1866), 150. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL Keay Andrew (1855), 122. Charles (1755), 8. John (1818), 62. Thomas (1831), 83. William (1753), 6. William (1820), 64. William (1850), 112. William Gregory (1891), 296, 304. William Murray (1852), 116. Keddie Alexander (1849), no. Keiller (Keilar) Alexander G. (1891), 296. Patrick (1784), 34- Keir Patrick (1865), 144. Keith John (1851), 113. Norman Coutts (1892), 297> 37> 3*7, 326, 334- Kellock David (1849), 1 10. Ralph (1820), 64. Kelly Adam B. (1882), 229. Keltie John [Scott] (1859), 128. Kemp Andrew (1785), 35. Ebenezer D. (1878), 208. Frank (1890), 283, 291, 300, 309. John (1759), n. John (1820), 64. William (1779), 29. William (1821), 65. Kennedy Alexander (1806), 51. Archibald, Lord (1809), 53. Charles Neil (1807), 52. Kennedy David (1810), 54. Donald (1824), 71. George (1780), 30. Hugh F. (1815), 59. James (1829), 80. James (1888), 268, 277, 285, 293. John (1867), 155, 162. William (1817), 6 1. Kent William Parsons (1837), 93. Kermock William (1789), 38. Kerr (Ker) Archibald (1858), 126, 128. Daniel (1824), 71. David Robert (1891), 289, 298, 308,318,327,334. George (1780), 30. James (1787), 37- James (1829), 80. James (1852), 116. James (1855), 122. Kenneth (1852), 117. Patrick (1788), 37. Robert (1787), 37. Robert (1846), 106. Thomas (1883), 236. William J. (1875), 195. 200. Kettle Alexander (1797), 45. John (1749), 2. Thomas (1758), 10. Key Andrew (1804), 50. James (1867), 154, 161, 168, 174, 180. John (1819), 63. John (1895), 324, 332. Patrick (1751), 5. William (1867), 155. - 392 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Keyden John B. (1804), 50. William (1752), 5. Kibble James (1857), 125, 128. Kidd (Kid, Kyd, Kydd) Alexander (1794)5 43- Alexander E. (1891), 296. Charles (1829), 80. David (1876), 199. David Russell (1879), 216, 222, 228. George (1831), 83. John (1834), 88. Thomas (1788), 38. Thomas (1798), 46. William (1835), 90. William (1886), 260. William Anderson (1864), 141, 146, 152, 158. Kilgour (Killgour) Hamilton (1756), 9. James (1801), 48. John (1820), 64. Robert (1809), 53. Robert William (1827), 77. Roderick (1802), 48. King Alexander (1789), 38. Charles Alexander (1887), 262, 268, 277, 286, 292. David Barty (1890), 283, 2 9!> 3> 3 10 - Edward (1880), 219, 226, 234, 240, 246. John (1787), 37. William (1824), 71. Kinghorn William (1826), 74. Kininmonth Leonard (1893), 36, 316, 326. Kinipple James (1877), 203. Walter (1877), 203. Kinloch John (1824), 71. Kinmont (Kinmond, Kin- month) Alexander (1817), 61. Patrick (1892), 302. Robert (1893), 305, 316, 326, 334- Smith (1794), 43- Kinnaird Douglas (1803), 49. Frederick (1803), 49. Kinnear John [Boyd] (1844), 103. John (1853), 119. Patrick (1816), 60. Patrick (1832), 85. Robert Hill (1832), 85. Robert L. (1890), 288, 295- William (1880), 217, 224, 232, 239. Kinnes (Kinnis) Harry (1893), 306, 316, 326, 333. Robert (1870), 172, 179, 184. Kinross James (1830), 81. Walter (1776), 26. Kinsman Vivian William (1868), 160, 166. Kippen John W. (1892), 304. Kirby Jeremiah (1794), 43. INDEX] Kirk MATRICULATION ROLL 393 Alexander (1771), 21. James (1783), 33- James (1890), 283, 290, 299, 309, 3*9- John (1812), 56. Kirkaldie (Kircaldy) George (1780), 29. William (1798), 46. Kirkland James (1851), 115. Kirkpatrick James (1765), 16. Roger (1876), 198. Kirton William (1824), 71. Knight Henry (1795), 44- John (1846), 106. William (1847), 107. Knowles James (1892), 301, 306. Knox Edmond (1825), 72. Francis [A. S.] (1825), 73. James (1792), 41. James (1890), 283, 291, 299, 310. Robert (1778), 28. Robert (1822), 66. William (1827), 76. Kyle Harry M 'Donald (1888), 268, 278, 285, 293, 310, 319, 327, 335- Laidlaw James (1817), 61. Laidlay William (1839), 96. Laing Archibald (1829), 80. Frances M. (1892), 304. James (1750), 4. James (1768), 19. James Gregor (1896), 329. James Hill Williamson (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233- James S. (1854), 121. John (1812), 56. John (1870), 170, 178, 183, 188, 192, 197. John George (1892), 297, 307 5 3 J 7> 326, 334- Robert (1875), 194. Samuel (1886), 255, 262, 271. William R. (1862), 135. Laird Joseph (1833), 87. William (1756), 8. William (1794), 43- Lamb David (1809), 53. George (1825), 72. Helen H. (1892), 304. Henry (1860), 132. James A. (1886), 260, 267, 275, 282. John (1780), 30. Robert (1813), 57. Walter (1888), 271, 279, 287, 301, 320, 329. William (1868), 1 60, 167. Lambert Charies (1803), 49. Lamond (Lamont) John (1758), ii. William (1882), 230, 236, - 244. L'Amy John A. R. R. (1868), 159. 394 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Landreth Adam Thomson (1872), 181, 187, 192, 197. Lang Alexander Matheson (1893), 310, 315. Andrew (1861), 133, 137. Arthur (1827), 76. Ebenezer (1888), 269, 278, 286, 293. John (1887), 261, 270, 279, 286. Langlands James (1785), 35. Latto (Latta) Alexander (1812), 56. James (1836), 92. Thomas (1832), 85. Lauder Thomas (1884), 242. William (1849), in. Law James (1822), 67. William Guthrie (1884), 242, 249, 256, 265, 273, 280, 288. Lawrence David Hepburn (1869), 165, 172, 178, 183. George (1783), 33. George (1889), 276, 285, 296, 322. Lawrenson (Laurenson) George (1815), 59. John (1815), 59. Lawrie (Laurie) Alexander (1836), 90. Arthur (1873), 185, 191, 196, 201, 207. Francis (1842), 100. Henry (1812), 56. Henry K. (1882), 229, 237, 245, 251. James (1763), 14. Lawson Alexander (1800), 47. Alexander (1869), 165, 171, 178, 184, 189, 193, 197, 202. Andrew (1843), I01 - David (1885), 248, 255, 264, 272, 280. David (1896), 329. George (1887), 262, 271, 279, 286, 301. James (1826), 74. James Blair (1890), 283, 290. John E. (1816), 60. Robert (1879), 213. Robert (1882), 229, 237, 244, 252. Roderick (1855), 123. Thomas (179?), 45- Thomas (1848), 109. Thomas (1857), 126. Leach John (1849), no. Leader Robert, jun. (1878), 208. Leask John (1872), 181, 186, 192, 197. John M. (1878), 208, 214, 220. Leckie Norman H. (1868), 160, 167. Ledward Thomas Denman (1782), 32- Lee Anthony Pius (1833), 86. James (1833), 87. John, Professor (1811), 55. Robert (1824), 71. William (1835), 90. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 395 Lees George (1821), 65. George (1871), 176, 182. George Turbayne (1878), 208, 214. Margaret (1892), 297, 307, 3*7, 327, 334- Leggatt Frank Young (1894), 314, 333- Leighton (Lighten) Alexander (1889), 276, 284, 291, 301, 310, 319. Alexander (1889), 282, 289, 295, 302, 312, 322. Edward Forester (1891), 289, 298. James (1750), 4- Leitch Andrew (1855), 122. Charles (1822), 66. John (1863), 139, 142, 147. Leith James (1779), 28. Leitham John (1885), 248, 255, 264, 272. Lennox Charles J. (1868), 160, 167. Gordon (1889), 276, 284, 291. Leslie (Lesslie) Andrew (1819), 63. Cathcart (1814), 58. George (1851), 114. George (1888), 269. George Lindsay (1886), 254, 262, 271, 278, 286, 294, 302, 311. George Stark (1855), I2 2. James (1779), 28. John (1781), 31. John (1819), 63. Leslie (Lesslie) John C. (1887), 262, 270, 278, 292. Morice (1871), 176. Peter (1888), 269, 277, 285, 293. Robert Cargill (1827), 77. Thomas, Hon. (1830), 82. Walter J. (1872), 182, 187. Lethbridge Tyndall (1854), 120. Levens John Thomson (1882), 229, 243, 251. Lewis George (1824), 70. James (1824), 71. Lickely Alexander (1894), 322. Liddell (Liddle) Alexander (1839), 96. John (1881), 223, 231, 238, 245, 252, 259, 266. John Robertson (1856), 124. John W. (1878), 208. Thomas U. (1891), 295. Lidderdale Robert (1852), 117. Lilburne John (1846), 106. Lillie Henry (1889), 275, 284, 291, 300. Lind William (1811), 55. Linder Alice Annie (1893), 306, 325- Lucy (1895), 324. Reuben William (1891), 289, 298, 309. 396 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Lindsay (Lindesay) Alexander (1813), 57. Alexander Lumsdaine (1878), 208, 214, 220. Alexander Monypenny (1850), 112. Andrew (1871), 175. David (1820), 64. David (1857), 125, 128, I3 1 * i35> Z 3 8 - David C. (1845), 104. George William Guy (1886), 253- James (1827), 76. James (1838), 95. James (1841), 98. James (1861), 134, 136, 140, 143, 153. James [Bowman] (1820), 64. James Dickson (1895), 322, 331. Robert (1757), 10. Robert (1824), 71. Robert (1842), 100. Robert (1866), 150. Thomas (1823), 68. William (1824), 71. William (1865), 145. William Francis (1844), 103, 194. Linton Samuel Thomas (1893), 306, 316, 326, 336. William (1894), 314, 325. Listen Henry (1784), 34. Robert (1852), 116. Lithgow James S. (1834), 88. Litster (Lister) David (1775), 25. James (1766), 17. Litster (Lister) James (1868), 160. John (1831), 83. Thomas (1755), 8 - Littlejohn Douglas G. (1827), 77. Ford (1827), 76. James (1883), 235, 242, 249, 2 57, 265, 272. Livingstone (Livingston) Charles (1819), 63. John (1811), 55. John (1819), 63. Peter (1861), 134, 136, 162. William (1841), 98. Lochhead Andrew (1849), II0 - David (1859), 129, 132, i35 5 138- Lochtie John (1815), 59. Lockhart Alexander (1804), 50. Charles (1755). 8 - Norman (1792), 41. Thomas (1752), 5. William (1823), 68. Lockie James (1812), 56. Logan Alexander (1895), 324, 332. George (1786), 36. Sarah Caroline (1895), 322, 331- Thomas (1787), 37. Lonie Alexander Charles Oughter (1866), 150, 154, 161, 167, 173. James (1776), 26. William (1836), 91. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 397 Lootfoot John (1779), 29. Lorimer David Lockhart Robertson (1893), 313. George (1868), 159, 167, 173- Hilda L. (1892), 304. John Gordon (1824), 71. Lorrain (Lorraine, Loraine) Alexander (1774), 24. John B. (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140. Joseph (1828), 79. Walter (1853), 119. William (1823), 68. Lothian Adam (1833), 86. Louden (Loudon, Lowden) Alexander (1829), 79. George (1804), 50. Joseph (1819), 63. Loveday Anne (1895), 322. Lovegrove Edwin (1860), 132. Low (Lowe) Alexander (1768), 18. Alexander (1852), 117. Alexander (1862), 136, 140. Andrew (1765), 16. David (1776), 26. David (1802), 48. David (1837), 93. David (1887), 267, 275, 282. Duncan (1833), 86. George (1763), 14. George (1831), 83. George (1864), 142, 146. George Carmichael (1888), 269, 277, 286, 293. Low (Lowe) Henry (1810), 54. James (1812), 56. James Anderson (1881), 224, 229, 236, 245, 252, 259, 266. James Millar (1847), 107. John (1753), 6. John (1802), 48. John (1828), 78. Joseph (1790), 39. Joseph (1871), 177, 182, 187, 192, 198, 202, 207. Richard (1813), 57. Robert (1801), 48. Robert (1827), 77. Thomas John (1885), 247, 254, 262, 272, 279. William (1832), 85. William (1870), 170. William (1870), 171, 177, 183, 188, 202, 207. William (1885), 253, 260, 267. William T. W. (1875), 194, 2OO, 2O5, 211. Lowson George (1875), 194, 199, 205, 210, 215, 222. William (1888), 275, 282, 288, 295, 305. Luders Alexander (1772), 22. Luis Constance E. (1892), 303. Luke Alexander (1824), 69. David S. (1866), 149. George (1885), 248, 255, 264, 272. Hilda B. M. (1893), 312, 321. John (1839), 96. 398 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Lumsden (Lumsdaine) Ella G. (1892), 296, 307, 317- James (i75 6 )> 9- James, jun. (1823), 68. James, sen. (1823), 68. James (1829), 80. James (1842), 100. John S. (1846), 1 06. John Scott (1887), 267, 275, 282, 288, 304, 322. Robert C. (1848), 109. Stamford R. (1846), 106. William L. (1844), 103. Lunan (Lunnen) David (1814), 58. George Bell (1860), 130, !33 J 37 i39> J 43> 148, 153, 158, 164. Robert (1795), 44- Lundie Alexander (1895), 3 2 3> 332. David (1864), 141, 145, i5 2 > J 57> 164, 169, 174, 1 80. Ella (1895), 323, 332. John (1890), 283, 292, 301. William Hannah (1851), 114. Lunnen. See Lunan Lush Ernest M. (1878), 207, 214. Lyell (Lyall) Charles (1785), 35. David (1821), 65. David (1851), 114, I2Ij 122. David Hay (1819), 63. George (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221. James (1826), 74. Lyell (Lyall) John (1791), 40. John (1825), 72. John H. (1891), 295, 304. John Ronaldson (1859), 128, 131, 133, 138. Joseph (1823), 68. Joseph (1827), 76. Peter (1868), 160, 167, i73> i79, 184, 189, 193, 197. Thomas (1816), 60. William (1863), 139, 142, 147, 153, 163. William Smith (1842), 100. Lyon Charles (1840), 97. David (1853), 119. Gabriel (1747), i. Hugh [P.] (1851), 114. James (1774), 24. James H. (1885), 248, 255- Robert P. (1884), 241, 249, 257. M'Adam John (1845), i5- Macalester (Macalister) Angus (1752), 6. John (1859), 128. M 4 Alpine Hugh (1853), 118. M' Andrew William Garland (1884), 242, 248, 255, 264, 273. M'Ara Robert (1773), 23. M'Arthur (Macarthur) Archibald (1754), 7- Archibald (1781), 30. Campbell M'Intosh (1867), 155, 162. INDEX MATRICULATION ROLL 399 M'Arthur (Macarthur) Donald (1825), 72. Duncan (1823), 68. James (1853), 118. John (1768), 19. Peter (1824), 70. M'Aulay (Macaulay) Alexander (1769), 20. Duncan (1825), 73. Hector (1765), 16. Hector (1883), 236, 244, 250, 258, 281, 288, 294. M'Auslane Joseph (1747), i. M'Bean James (1816), 60. MacBeth John (1887), 261, 270, 278, 286, 294, 302, 311. M'Caig Donald (1852), 116. Joseph (1845), 105. M'Caill Alexander (1806), 51. Donald (1831), 83. M'Call William (1784), 34- M'Callum Alexander Murray (1850), 112. Colin (1824), 71. James (1872), 181. William (1887), 261, 270, 278, 287, 294, 302, 311. M'Calman Hugh (1864), 141, 146, 152. John (1852), 117. M 'Cathie William (1832), 85. M'Clellan Alexander (1851), 113. M'Cliesh John (1763), 14- M'Clure James Campbell (1881), 224, 230. M'Cly merit Robert (1824), 70. M'Coll (MacColl) D. D. (1848), 108. Duncan (1889), 276. James (1854), 121. Neil (1891), 290, 299 M'Comish William (1812), 56. M'Cormick Joseph (1786), 36. M'Corquodale Daniel (1855), 123. Donald (1859), 129, 132. M'Cosh James (1890), 283, 290, 299. M 'Cowan John (1876), 199,204,210, 2l6, 222, 228, 234. M'Crae John (1869), 166. M'Crindle Thomas (1834), 89. M'Culloch (Macculloch) Andrew Jameson (1893), 306. James (1813), 57. James (1815), 59. James N. (1856), 123, 129. John (1789), 38. Robert (1893), 313 William (1786), 36. 400 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX M'Culloch (Macculloch) William (1859), 128, 131, i33, 138. William Cox (1880), 218, 225, 232, 251, 260, 266, 274. M'Currich James (1834), 88. M'Diarmid (MacDiarmid, Macdiarmid) Charles (1827), 76. Hugh (1868), 164, 169, 175, 180. James (1764), 15- John (1793), 42. John (1855), 122. John (1866), 150, 156, 163, 169, 197. John F. (1887), 267, 282, 289. M'Donald (MacDonald, Mac- donald) Alexander (1789), 38. Alexander (1790), 39. Alexander (1813), 57. Alexander (1813), 57. Alexander (1819), 63. Alexander (1823), 68. Alexander (1830), 81. Alexander (1850), in. Alexander (1861), 134, 137, 140. Alexander (187 8), 2 08, 214, 220, 227. Allan (1831), 83. Andrew (1791), 40. Angus (1885), 248, 256. Charles (1818), 62. Charles (1822), 67. Charles B. (1872), 181, 187. Donald (1788), 38. Donald (1807), 52. Donald J. (1884), 242. Donald Martin (1882), 230, 237, 244, 257. M'Donald (MacDonald, Mac- donald) Duncan (1813), 57. Duncan C. (1830), 81. Elizabeth Home Bain (1896), 330. George Mann (1884), 242, 249, 256, 265, 273. Hugh F. (1843), 10 1. James (1767), 18. James (1818), 62. James (1819), 63. James (1828), 78. James (1851), 113. James (1882), 231. James (1883), 236, 243, 250, 258. John (1813), 57. John (1830), 82. John (1835), 89. John (1852), 117. John (1856), 124. John (1871), 176. John A. R. (i892),3oi,3is. John Bain (1895), 3 2 3> 33 2 - Mary Christian (1894), 321, 3 2 3> 332. Nettie (1892), 301. Patrick Ogilvy (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. Peter (1846), 106. Ranald (1855), 122. Robert (1793), 42. Robert (1828), 79. Robert (1870), 171. Robert (1881), 224, 231, 238, 246, 253, 259, 266, 274, 280, 319. William James (1868), 160, 166, 173, 179, 184. M'Donell (MacDonell, Mac- donell) Donald (1816), 60. John (1826), 74. Lewis (1826), 74. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 401 M'Dougall(MacDougal, Mac- Dougall, Macdougall) Alexander (1768), 18. Alexander (1799), 4-6- Alexander (1821), 66. Allan (1812), 56. Archibald (1790), 39. Colin (1766), 17. Henry (1769), 19. Hugh (1786), 36. James (1817), 61. James P. (1855), 121. John (1790), 39. Joseph B. (1853), 119. Niel (1804), 50. Patrick (1763), 14. Robert (1826), 75. M'Eachern Duncan (1877), 203. M'Ewan (M'Ewen, M'Cewen, M'Uan) Alexander (1781), 30. Alexander (1845), 104. Charles (1851), 114. Cuthbert George (1883), 237, 244. David (1855), 122. Ewen (1845), I0 4- John (1819), 63. John (1866), 150, 156, 162, 168, 175, 179, 184, 189. Patrick (1788), 38. Macfadyen James (1852), 116. M'Farlan (M'Farlane, Mac- Farlane, Macfarlan, Mac- farlane) Alexander (1773), 23. Alfred (1883), 235, 243, 250, 257, 266, 274, 281. Andrew (1816), 60. Andrew (1889), 282, 289. Charles R. (1816), 60. M'Farlan (M'Farlane, Mac- Farlane, Macfarlan, Mac- farlan e) David (1871), 176, 182, 187, 192, 197, 202, 207, 211. Duncan (1770), 21. James (1767), 18. James (1833), 86. James (1882), 229. John (1822), 67. John (1852), 116. John (1861), 134, 137. Mungo (i774) 5 24. Mungo (1819), 63. Patrick (1814), 58. Patrick J. (1817), 61. Poular (1824), 70. Robert (I75 1 )* 5- William (1854), 120, 129, 132, 135- William D. (1816), 60. M'Gibbon Joseph (1781), 31. M'Gilchrist John (1847), 107. Mungo (1846), 106. Peter (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134, 138, 141, 144, 148. M'Gill Robert (1827), 77. MacGillivray Finlay (1857), 125, 129, 131- John (1796), 44- M'Glashan Charles (1887), 266, '274, 281. Donald (1832), 85. Lewis (1893), 305, 316, 326, 334- 2 C 402 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX M'Gregor (MacGregor, Mac- gregor, M'Grigor, Ma- Gregor) Alexander (1782), 32. Alexander (1852), 117. Alexander [Oram] (1881), 223, 230, 238, 245, 252, 259, 266. Andrew P. (1889), 275, 284, 292. David Robertson (1895), 3 2 3> 33i- Donald (1819), 63. Duncan (1825), 72. George Douglas (184 5), 104. Gregor (1820), 64. James (1789), 3 8 - James (1793)) 42. James (1820), 64. James (1823), 68. James (1839), 96. James (1847), I0 7- James S. (1857), 125. Jessie Berwick (1896), 335. John (1808), 53. John (1824), 70. John (1832), 85. John (1860), 130, 133, 137, 141. John M. (1867), 158, 164, 169. Margaret (1895), 324, 332. Patrick (1847), 107. Robert (1882), 230, 237, 244, 251. William (1828), 78. William (1860), 130, 133, 137- William (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143. M'Hardy (MacHardy) Alexander (1852), 116. George (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134. James F. (1878), 209, 215, 222. M'llchonell Patrick (1775), 25. M'Innes Alexander (1832), 84. John A. (1890), 288. William (1803), 49. M'Intosh (Macintosh, Mac- intosh, Mackintosh) Alexander (1817), 61. Charles (1858), 126, 130, I3 1 - Donald (1819), 63. Henry J. C (1866), 149, 156, 163, 168. James (1875), T 9^ 201 - Katherine D. (1896), 335. Robert (1863), 139, 142, i47, 153- Robert (1870), 170, 177, 183- Robert Jack (1896), 330. Thomas (1821), 66. William (1824), 70. William (1836), 91. William (1864), 142, 146, 152, 158, 163, 169, 174, 180. William Carmichael (1853), 119. M'Intyre (Maclntyre, Mac- intyre) Alexander (1783), 33. Alexander (1820), 64. Alexander (1850), 112. Alexander (1852), 116. Andrew J. (1865), 145. Andrew James (1839), 96. Angus (1837), 94. Daniel (1791), 40. David Valentine (1889), 275, 284, 291, 300. Donald (1762), 13. Donald (1878), 208, 214, 220, 228. Duncan (1848), 109. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 403 M'Intyre (Maclntyre, Mac- intyre) Elizabeth Anderson (1893), 312, 320. Hugh D. (1876), 199. Jane Stuart (1893), 312. James (1799), 46. James (1826), 74. John (1775), 25. John (1778), 28. John (1823), 69. John (1833), 87. John (1874), 191. Joseph (1752), 6. Joseph (1818), 62. Malcolm (1851), 113. Neil (1851), 113. Patrick (1778), 28. Patrick (1788), 38. Patrick (1819), 63. Peter Stuart (1894), 321. William (1844), 103. William (1868), 161. Mac Isaac Patrick (1787), 37. M'lvor Alexander (1844), 102. Mack James (1874), 191. M'Kay (MacKay, Mackay) Alexander (1848), 109. Alexander (185 8), 126, 128. Alister Forbes (1893), 3 Z 4- Andrew (1850), 112. Andrew (1862), 138. Angus (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227. Boswell (1851), 114. Charles B. (1849), no- Colin C. (1867), 155. Donald (1840), 97. Donald (1844), 102. Duncan (1758), 10. M'Kay (MacKay, Mackay) Duncan L. M. (1867), 155, 160, 168, 174. Edward W. (1886), 254, 262, 270. Eric K. F. (1859), 128, Erick Reay (1826), 74. George (1822), 67. George (1836), 91. George (1892), 297, 317, 326. George J. (1886), 259. George W. (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227, 234, 2 4 0, 246. Hector (1894), 315. Hugh (1809), 53. Hugh (1854), 120. Hugh (1863), 138, 142. James (1776), 26. James (1819), 63. James (1875), I 9%- James B. (1866), 150, 156. John (1760), 12. John (1822), 67. John (1833), 86. John (1849), in. John (1885), 250, 257, 265. John George (1884), 243, 249, 257, 264. John Macdonald (1875), 196, 201, 206. John [Scobie] (1818), 62. John Sturgeon (1859), 128, i? 1 * i33 J 37- Macintosh (1814), 58. Murdo (1881), 224, 231, 238, 246. Neil (1873), l86 > 191* 196, 201, 2O6, 228. Patrick Robson (1869), 165, 172, 178, 184. Robert (1870), 170. Robert Henry (1891), 290, 298, 308, 318, 328, 335. 44 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX M'Kay (MacKay, Mackay) Thomas (1816), 60. William (1830), 81. William Murray (1854), 120. William Sinclair (1822), 67. M'Kechnie (Mackechnie) Alexander B. (1878), 207. Donald (1840), 97. Henry (1840), 97. M'Kendrick David M. H. (1894), 321. M'Kenzie (MacKenzie, Mac- kenzie) Alexander (1750), 3. Alexander (1770), 21. Alexander (1782), 31. Alexander (1885), 248, 2 55> 26 3> 2 73> 28o > 28 7- Alexander Roderick (1844), IO2. Andrew (1873), 186, 191. Andrew (1879), 214, 220, 227, 234. Andrew G. (1845), 104. Archibald John (1895), 3 2 4> 33 2 - Bernard (1755), 8. Christopher G. (1828), 78. Colin (1799), 46. David (1831), 83. Donald (1824), 71. Donald (1842), 100. Donald (1861), 133. Duncan (1833), 86. Duncan (1843), I02 - Holte(i 7 8i), 30. Hugh (1881), 224, 231, 238, 245, 251, 272, 334. James (1822), 67. James (1833), 86. James (1852), 117. James F. (1853), 119. John (1769), 19. M'Kenzie (MacKenzie, Mac- kenzie) John (1850), 112. John (1870), 170, 177, 183, 197. John (1895), 323, 332. John Henry (1836), 91. John Robertson (1852), 117. Kenneth (1782), 32. Kenneth (1834), 88. Kenneth A. (1853), n 8. Laurence (1831), 83. Mark (1799), 46. Murdoch (1783), 33. Ninian Francis (1853), 119. Peter (1865), 145- Randolph Douglas (1871), ITS- Robert Dunbar (1883), 238, 245, 252, 259, 266, 274. Robert M. (1843), 102. Roderick (1850), 112. Roderick J. (1849), in. Simon (1850), in. Thomas (1820), 64. Thomas (1821), 66. Thomas (1874), 190, 195. William (1751), 4- William (1753), 6. William Andrew (1890), 283, 290, 299, 308, 318, 335- M'Kerchar (M'Kercher) James (1814), 58. John (1851), 114. Peter (1848), 109. M'Kerracher Malcolm (1879), 2I2 > 2I 9> 22 6, 233, 239, 246, 253. Mackersy Robert Walker (1856), 124, 130. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 405 M'Kichan (MacKichan) Alexander John (1852), 117. Finlay H. (1851), 115. Peter Niel (1853), 119. Mackie Alfred William White (1894), 315, 325, 333. Andrew (1847), 107. Andrew (1864), 142, 146, 152, 158, 163. Andrew W. (1867), 155, 161. Ella (1893), 312. George (1843), 102. Lindsay (1861), 134, 136, 140, 143. Philip [Jervis] (1834), 88. M'Kiech Daniel (1775), 25. M'Killichoan Zachary (1757), 10. M'Killop Alexander (1784), 34. M'Kim Samuel Cameron (1896), 329- M'Kinley Alexander (1807), 52. John B, (1812), 56. M'Kinnon (MacKinnon, Mac- kinnon) Daniel John (1893), 3*3- John (1874), 189, 195. Lauchlan K. S. (1877), 203. William (1875), 194, 200, 205. Macklin George (1800), 47. Mackness Geoffrey Marlow (1884), 241, 249, 256, 265. M'Konochie Alexander (1765), 16. M'Lachlan (Maclachlan, M' Lauchlan) Colin R. (1824), 70. Duncan (1823), 68. Elizabeth (1893), 306. James (1796), 44. James (1812), 56. James (1845), 105. John (1802), 49. Richard (1824), 71. William (1873), 186. M'Lagan (MacLagan) Frederick (1758), n. James (1750), 4. James (1801), 48. John (1784), 34. Peter (1824), 100. Robert (1750), 4. M'Lallen Patrick (1811), 55. M'Laren (MacLaren, Mac- laren) Alexander (1821), 65. Alexander (1845), 104. Archibald (1822), 67. Benjamin (1831), 83. Daniel (1887), 261, 270, 278. David (1853), 119, 129, 132. David Duthie (1881), 224, 229, 236, 244, 252, 259, 266, 273. Duncan (1796), 44. Fletcher N. M. (1852), 117. George G. (1860), 130. James (1785), 35- James (1808), 53. James (1810), 54. James (1814), 58. James (1817), 61. James (1864), 142. 4 o6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX M'Laren (MacLaren, Mac- laren) James Shaw (1890), 283, 291, 300. John (1765), 16. John (1870), 171, 178, 183, 1 88, 193. John R. (1864), 141? !4 6 J 152, 158, 164, 169, 174, 1 80. Patrick (1779), 29. Peter (1814), 58. Peter (1822), 67. Peter (1826), 74. Peter (1840), 97. Peter (1841), 98. Robert [G.] (1847), 107. Samuel (1823), 68. William (1827), 76. William (1830), 81. William (1843), 101. M'Laurin (MacLaurin, Mac- laurin) Henry Normand (1850), 112. James B. (1844), 103. John (1834), 89. Maclaverty Colin (1839), 96. M'Lean (MacLean, Maclean) Alexander (1846), 105. Alexander (1855), 121. Allan (1795), 43- Andrew (1848), 109. Archibald (1890), 283, 290. Archibald [N.] (1817), 6 1. Charles (1851), 113. Christopher (1888), 269, 278, 286. Daniel (1785), 35. Donald (1815), 59. George Murdoch (1890), 283, 290, 299, 309, 319, 328, 335. James (1832), 85. M'Lean (MacLean, Maclean) James (1884), 242, 249, 256, 265. John (1785), 35- John (1794), 43- John (1848), 109. John K. (1882), 230, 237, 244, 258, 266, 274, 281. Loudoun F. (1863), 139, 142. Murdo (1895), 324. Norman (1885), 248, 255, 264, 273. William (1824), 71. M'Leay (Macleay) Colin (1884), 242, 249, 257, 273. Kenneth Alexander (1877), 202, 209, 215, 227, 234, 240, 246, 252. M'Leish (M'Liesh) David (1894), 315. George (1752), 5- John (1761), 13. John (1834), 89. M'Lellan (Maclellan) . Hugh (1881), 224, 231. Hugh (1887), 262. John (1822), 67. Patrick (1782), 32. M'Lennan (MacLennan, Maclennan) Donald (1758), 10. Donald (1892), 298. John (1847), 108. Robert (1834), 88. M'Leod (MacLeod, Macleod) Alexander M. (1888), 268. Andrew (1880), 218. Angus (1747), i. Charles Gordon (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233, 239. Duncan Dugald Maclachlan (1854), 120. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 407 M'Leod (MacLeod, Macleod) John MacLeod Hendrie (1887), 263, 271, 280, 322. Neil (1885), 248, 262, 271, 280. Norman (1769), 19. Norman (1870), 173. Norman (1889), 275, 285, 292, 3> 3 11 , 320, 328, 336. Roderick (1888), 269. Walter (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 266, 274, 281. William Archibald (1854), 120, 122. William d'Esterre Roberts ( l8 95) 3 2 4 3 332. M'Ligh William (1750), 4. Macmaster Alexander James (1860), 13^ J 3 8 > MI, 143- M'Millan (Macmillan) Alexander (1825), 72. Alexander (1894), 321. Charles William (1892), 297, 307, 318, 327. John (1824), 71. John (1867), 156, 162, 168. Robert (1875), 198. M'Nab Charles (1767), 17. John (1844), 103. Robert (1824), 69. Macnair Alexander Hill (1857), 125. JohnF. (1863), 139. M'Naughtan (MacNaughtan, M'Nauchten, M'Naughton, Macnaughton) Alexander (1814), 58. Alexander (1821), 65. M'Naughtan (MacNaughtan, M'Nauchten, M'Naughton, Macnaughton) Allan (1809), 53. Daniel (1803), 49. Duncan (1781), 30. Duncan (1836), 91. James (1859), 130. James H. (1844), 103. John (1783), 33. John M'Kerchar (1891), 289, 297, 307, 317, 327- Patrick (1820), 64. William B. (1885), 247, 255. 263. M'Neil (M'Neill, MacNeill, Macneil) Alexander (1805), 50. Archibald (1816), 60. Archibald (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227, 234, 240, 246, 253, 259. Donald (1784), 34. Donald Alexander (1874), Q 189, 196, 201, 206. Duncan (1805), 50. Forbes (1816), 60. Hugh F. (1880), 218, 225, 233> 245- James (1771), 21. James (1783), 33- James (1813), 57. John (1782), 32. John (1807), 52. John Carstairs (1846), 106. Lachlan (1855), 122. Malcolm (1783), 33. M'Nicol(M'Nicoll, MacNicol, Macnicol) Allan (1829), 79. Donald (i7S3)> 6 - Donald (1780), 30. John (1787), 37- Nicol (1857), 126. 408 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX M'Nidder James (1879), 2I2 > 2I 9> 226. M'Owan Duncan (1846), 106. James (1883), 235, 243. James Mitchell (1850), 112. John (1843), 101. MTherson (MacPherson, Macpherson) Adam (1863), 139. Allan (1828), 79. Charles (1798), 46. Duncan (1886), 254, 262, 271, 280. Evan (1797), 45. Hugh (1827), 76. James (1831), 83. James (1887), 261, 270. James (1888),- 269, 278, 286 > 2 93> 3 OI > 310- John Gordon (1860), 130, J 33> 137, 140, 144, 148, J 53- * John Lumsden (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221, 227. Patrick (1785), 35. Ranald (1844), 103. Robert Alexander Went- worth (1824), 69. Robert Arthur (1880), 217, 225, 232. Thomas (1889), 2 82, 288, 2 95, 305- Thomas Smith (1888), 269 278. William (1754), 7. William (1798), 45. William (1818), 62. William (1889), 2 76, 284, 292, 300, 309. William Hay (1883), 236, 243, 25*, 2 57- M'Quarrie (Macquarrie) Donald (1891), 289. Roderick (1888), 268, 278, 286, 301, 310. M'Queen (Macqueen) Charles A. (1817), 61. John (1822), 67. William (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216. M'Rae (MacRae, Macrae) Alexander (1878), 208,214, 220, 228, 234, 240, 246. Archibald (1809), 53. Donald (1882), 229, 237, 250, 258. Duncan (1885), 248, 255, 264, 272. Duncan Mackenzie (1889), 275, 284. Edward (1886), 254. Finlay (1796), 44. John (1827), 76. John Corquodale (1844), 103. John Eric (1887), 261, 270, 279, 287, 294. Patrick (1841), 99. Robert Scarth Farquhar (1894), 3M 5 3 2 5- W. Arthur R. (1888), 269. M'Reith (M'Reath) James (1785), 35. James (1874), 190, 194, 199, 205, 211. M'Ritchie David (1800), 47. William (1771), 22. M'Robbie William (1847), 108. M'Tavish John (1877), 203,209,215, 221, 227. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 409 M'Vean (MacVean) Colin (1779), 29. John (1788), 37. Patrick (1759), n. M'Vicar (MacVicar, Mac- vicar) Archibald [D.] (1810), 54. John [Gibson] (1814), 58. Patrick (1854), 120. Robert Barr (1896), 329. William (1853), 118. M'Vitie John G. (1874), 189. M'Walter James (1878), 207. M'Whannel Alexander (1843), 101. M'William James. [F.] (1844), 103. Mailer (Mailler) James (1838), 94. Peter (1811), 55. Mailliardet William (1820), 64. Mair Alexander (1770), 20. James (1770), 20. Robert Bird Robertson (1888), 268, 277, 285, 293- Walter George (1889), 276, 284, 291, 300, 319, 327. William (1892), 304. Maitland Charles (1786), 35. David (1847), I0 7- Henry David (1867), 155. James Gibson (1863), 139, 142. John (1857), 125, 129. Maitland Patrick (17 86), 35. Thomas (1865), 145, 151, 157- William C. (1823), 68. Malcolm Andrew (1757), 10. Andrew Ireland (1759), n. David (i777) } 26. George (1819), 63. George (1832), 85. George (1885), 253, 260. James (1785), 35. James (1871), 176. John (1755), 8. John (1763), 14. John (1780), 30. Robert (1783), 33. Thomas (1829), 80. William (1791), 40. William (1814), 58. William (1829), 80. Mallach (Malloch) Andrew (1813), 57. Andrew (1833), 86. Mann Charles (1893), 312. Manson George (1835), 89. John (1773), 23. Marjoribanks Thomas (1827), 77. Markham James (1775), 25. Marquis Colin (1813), 57. Marr John (1839), 96. Robert (1776), 26. Robert (1816), 60. Thomas C. (1865), 146, 152, 158, 163. 410 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Marr Thomas Robert (1890), 284, 291, 300, 309. William (1836), 91. Marshall (Marshal) Adam Stewart (1890), 283, 290, 300, 310. Alexander James (1891), 294. David (1818), 62. David (1825), 72. David (1850), 112. David (1854), 120. Ebenezer (1766), 17. George (1845), 104. George M. (1892), 303, 312. James (1759), n. James (1809), 53. John (1779)5 29. John (1798), 45- John (1824), 71. Robert Thomas (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233, 240, 246, 252. Thomas (1750), 3. Martin Alexander Moody Stuart (1887), 260, 268, 277, 286, 293, 301. Andrew (1827), 77. David (1815), 59. David (1831), 83. James (1841), 98. John (1782), 32. John (1817), 61. John (1854), 120. John (1859), 129, 132, !35- Samuel (1880), 217, 225, 232. Thomas (1766), 17. Thomas (1880), 222, 228, 234. William (1832), 85. Martin William (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140. William J. (1839), 96. Mason Alexander (1892), 298, 308, 318. David (1792), 41. David (1818), 62. James (1836), 91. James Braik (1887), 267, 275- Masson Evan (1852), 1 1 6. James (1826), 74. John (1830), 82. John (1864), 142, 146, IS 2 , 157- Thomas (1750)5 4- Thomas (1830), 82. William (1753), 6. William (1816), 60. William (1845), 104. Mather Herbert (1858), 127, 129. Mathers Alexander (1828), 78. Matheson (Mathewson, Matthewson) Colin (1773)5 23- Donald (1823), 68. Ian Ross (1896), 330. John (1761), 13. John (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140. Mary Alice (1892), 298, Murdo J. C. (1885), 248, 256, 272. Mathew (Matthew) Alexander (1848), 109. David (1880), 218, 223, 231, 238, 245, 252, 259. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 411 Mathew (Matthew) James (1823), 68. John (1832), 85. Patrick (1774), 24. William (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188, 193, 197. Mattos Richard de (1893), 305, 316, 326. Maule Alexander (1778), 27. William (1772), 23. Maxton James (1780), 30. John (1771), 22. John (1780), 30. Patrick (1759), n. Maxwell Andrew (1845), 104. David (1765), 15. David (1845), 104. David S. (1846), 105. Hugh (1765), 15. James (1850), 112. John Argyle (1805), 51. Thomas (1827), 77. William (1753), 6. William Hall (1869), 166. Mayes Charles W. Z. (1871), 176, 182. M eagle James (1854), 120. Mearns Robert Burns (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. Meek (Meik) Alexander (1886), 260, 267, 275. James (1772), 22. Thomas (1784), 34. Megget Thomas (1796), 44. Meiklejohn (Micklejohn, Mieklejohn) Arnold Hilary (1892), 297, 38, 318, 334. George (1755)1 8 - John (1820), 64, Max [John Christian] (1879), 212, 219. Meldrum Alexander (1762), 13. Alexander (1788), 38. Alexander Lewis (1853), 119. Charles (1857), 125, 129. Claud (1763), 14- David (1765), 1 6. David (1819), 63. David (1838), 94. David [Bayne] (1844), 102. James (1872), 181. John (1857), 126. John B. (1821), 65. John [Hepburn] (1870), 171. Robert (1777), 27. Robert (1807), 52. Robert (1857), 126. Thrift (1771), 22. William Roy (1846), 106. Mellis John (1782), 32. Mellor Charles (1869), 166. Constance (1896), 330. Melville (Melvill) Agnes Easson (1896), 329. Alexander (1817), 61. Alexander (1821), 65. Andrew (1791), 4- Charles [Nairn Barker] (1850), 112. 412 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Melville (Melvill) David (1798), 46. David (1821), 65. Hercules (1801), 48. James Moncrieff (1806), Si- Thomas (1767), 18. William (1808), 53. Menzies Alexander (1784), 34. Alexander (1866), 150, 155, 162, 168. Allan (1862), 136, 139. Archibald (1751), 5. Archibald (1781), 30. Archibald (1796), 44. Archibald (1872), 181, 186, 192, 197. Archibald (1892), 299, 308, 317- Duncan (1874), 190, 195, 2OO, 206, 211. George Kenneth (1885), 247, 256, 264, 273. Hugh (1890), 283, 290, 3oo, 309, 319, 328, 335. James (1815), 59. James (1843), 101. James (1871), 175, 182, 187, 192. John (1820), 64. John (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143, 148, 154, 158, 164. John (1879), 213, 219, 226, 2 33, 239, 246, 252, 259- John M. (1889), 276, 284, 292, 301, 311, 320, 336. Mary Jenny (1893), 306, 316. Robert (17 54), 7. Robert (1781), 30. Robert (1817), 61. Robert (1852), 117. Menzies Robert (1864), 142, 146, 152, 158. Robert [C] (1862), 136. Thomas (1791), 40. Thomas (1867), 154, 161, 1 68, 174. William (1770), 20. William (1778), 28. William (1811), 55. William (1886), 254, 263, 271, 280. Mercer Graeme (1776), 25. John (1855), 122. Peter (1835), 89. Merry Christina (1896), 335. David Bryden (1894), 321. Frederick Hallard (1891), 296, 304. Merson Andrew Glass (1847), 107. Charles (1840), 97. Messer Adam B. (1853), 119. Methven Alexander (1794), 43. Cathcart (1800), 47. David (1870), 171, 182. James C. (1871), 177. John M. (1872), 1 80. Robert (1757), 10. Thomas H. (1852), 117. William Lambert (1829), 80. Meyerheim Maud (1893), 3 J 4- Middleton Alexander (1869), 1 66, 171, 178. George (1822), 67. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 413 Middleton George Hodgson (1862), I3 6 , i39 J 43> 147- James Russell (1859), 128, 131, 133, J 37- Joshua (1784), 34. Mill (Milln, Millne, Miln, Milne, Mylne) Alexander (1804), 50. Alexander (1840), 97. Alexander (1848), 108. Alexander A. (1882), 229, 236, 244. Alexander C. (1870), 171, 177. Alexander H. (1832), 84. Alexander M. (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140, 148, 154, 159, 164. Allan (1875), 194, 200. David (1754), 7- David (1756), 8. Edward Leadbetter (1888), 268, 277, 285, 292, 301, 310, 319, 327. Francis Molison (1892), 297> 3 8 > 3 r 7> 3 2 7, 334- George Francis (1858), 127. George Gordon (1846), 106. James (1770), 21. James (1774), 24. James (1824), 71. James (1830), 81. James A. (1881), 224, 231, 238. James D. S. (1892), 303, 3.1 3- James S. (1837), 93. James [Strange] (1847), 107. John (1830), 82. John (1850), in. John (1888), 269. Mill (Milln, Millne, Miln, Milne, Mylne) John Phillips (1894), 315, 325> 333- Louis [G.] (1861), 133. Louis Henry (1868), 160, 166. Robert (1806), 51. Robert (1852), 115, 118. Robert (1880), 218, 225, 233- Thomas (1836), 91. Thomas Patton (1880), 218, 224, 231, 238, 245, 252, 259, 267. Walker (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188, 193, 198, 202. Miller (Millar) Alexander (1892), 298, 3 l6 > 3 2 5> 333- Alexander Lorimer (1896), 330- Andrew (1850), 112. Andrew (1872), 182, 187, 192, 198, 201, 206. Archibald James (1885), 248, 255, 263, 272. Charles (1827), 76. David (1821), 65. David (1851), 114. David (1862), 136, 140, I5 1 * 158. David Bruce (1887), 262, 271, 279, 287, 294, 302, 3ii- David Proctor (1889), 276, 285, 292, 301, 311, 319, 328. George (1806), 51. George (1834), 88. George Waterston (1891), 296, 303. Henry (1769), 20. James (1791), 4- James (1801), 48. 414 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Miller (Millar) James (1822), 67. James (1824), 70. James (1840), 97. James (1873), 186, 191. James H. (1868), 160, 166, i73> J 79- John (1750), 4. John (i75S) 8 - John (i75 8 ) IJ * John (1788), 38. John (1825), 73. John (1841), 98. John (1871), !7 6 > l8l John (1874), 192, 197. John (1889), 275, 284, 291* 3> 39> 3 J 9> 327- John Charles [Strettell] (1874), 190, 195, 200, 206, 211. Joseph (1856), 123, 129, 132, i35 *3 8 > 141. Mary M'G. (1894), 320. Oliver (1826), 74. Patrick (1795), 44- Robert (1822), 67. Robert (1826), 75. Robert (1832), 85. Robert (1859), 128, 131, i35 137- Robert Hugh (1875), 194, 200, 205, 211. Samuel (1823), 68. Stocks (1873), 1 8 6. Thomas (1778), 27. Thomas (1825), 73. Thomas (1844), 103. Thomas (1847), 107. Thomas (1889), 282. Thomas Duncan (1868), 161, 166, 173, 179, 184, 189, 193, 197. Thomas Easson (1877), 204, 210, 216, 221. Thomas Scott (1892), 304. William (1829), 80. Miller (Millar) William Birkmyre (1865), i44, iS 1 * J 57, 163. William Brown (1868), 159. William Dick (1893), 305, 316. Millie David (1829), 80. John Wallace (1827), 76. Milligan George (1840), 97. Peter (1837), 93. Robert (1767), 18. William (1835), 90. Millson Alvan (1876), 198, 205, 2IO, 2l6, 221, 227. Milroy William Listen (1882), 234, 240, 246. Milton John Samuel (1848), 109. Walter Thomas (1839), 96, 130. Minty William (1891), 295, 303. Mitchell (Mitchel) Alexander (1812), 56. Alexander (1815), 59. Alexander Arnot (1873), 185, 191, 196, 206, 211, 228. Alexander [Ferrier] (1837), 93- Andrew (1794), 43- Andrew (1870), 171. David (1820), 64. David A. (1843), 101. David Gibb (1880), 218, 225, 233, 239, 245. Elizabeth K. (1895), 324, 33i- George (1880), 219. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 415 Mitchell (Mitchel) James (1756), 9. James (1773), 23. James (1783), 33- James (1800), 47. James (1830), 81, 269. James (1863), 139, 142, 147, 152. James (1891), 289, 299, 39 3 l8 - John (1752), 5- John (1772), 22. John (1785), 35. John (1851), 114. Johnstone(i87i), 177, 183, 187, 193. Joseph (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227, 240, 246, 252. Marmaduke (1812), 56. Peter (1829), 80. Robert (1818), 62. Robert (1875), 195- Robert (1887), 261, 270, 278, 286. Robert Constable (1888), 268, 277, 286, 293, 302, 311, 320. Robert Haldane (1869), 165, 172. Robert MacGregor (1891), 290, 300, 310. Thomas (1824), 70. Thomas (1850), in. William (1757), 10. William (1768), 19. William (1781), 31. William (1792), 41. William (1824), 70. William (1837), 92. William A. (1862), 136, i39> i43 i5 2 - Moir David (1835), 89. David (1865), 145. David Macbeth (187 7), 2 03, 210, 215, 221. Moir George (1850), 112. Henry Paterson (1880), 219, 226. James R. (1868), 160. John (1883), 236. Patrick (1783), 33. William S. (1883), 237, 244. William Young (1847), 107. Molyson David Lesly (1808), 53. Moncreiffe (Moncrief, Mon- crieff, Moncrieffe) David (1756), 9. David (1801), 48. David Scott (1883), 236. David Stewart (1790), 39. George (1825), 72. Hugh (1813), 57. John (i75 8 )> ii- John Mitchell (1867), 155, 162, 168, 174, 1 80, 185, 189. John Scott (1825), 72. Robert Hope (1864), 142, 146. Robert Kirk wood (1865), 144, 151, 157, 163, 169, 174, 179, 185. Robert Scott (1870), 171, 177. Thomas (1772), 22. William (1761), 13. William Scott (1824), 71. Moncur David (1783), 33- James (1819), 63. John (1809), 53. John (1827), 76. William Ritchie (1831), 83. Monilaws Andrew [M.] (1854), 120. 416 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Moniot John Adolph (1859), 128, I3 1 - Monro (Munro) Alan (1824), 69. Alexander (1750), 3. Alexander (1824), 69. Alexander Finlay (1895), 323. 332. David (1831), 83. David (1860), 130. David (1878), 208, 213. David (1892), 296, 306, 3 r 7> 326, 334- Donald (1888), 269, 276, 284, 291, 300. Ebenezer Gordon (1829), 80. George- (17 50), 4. George Home (1884), 241. George Mackay (1893), 311, 320, 328. James (1824), 70. James (1829), 81. Robert (1862), 136, 139, 142, 147, 153, 159, 164, 169, 175. Robert (1868), 159, 167, *73 *79> 184. William (1873), 186. Monteath James (1830), 81. John (1801), 48. Montgomery George H. (1788), 37. Monypenny James (1747), i. Moodie (Moody, Mudie) Charles (1773), 23. David (1828), 78. David Cowan (1832), 85. George (1811), 55. George S. (1828), 78. Moodie (Moody, Mudie) Henry Ferguson (1867), 154, 161, 168, 173, 179. James (1812), 56. John (1827), 76. John (1831), 83. John (1832), 85. John (1887), 267, 282. John James (1825), 72. Robert A. (1893), 313. Robert Smyth (1824), 69. William (17.73), 23. Moon Alexander R. (1886), 254, 262. Charles (1859), 128, 131. James [S.] (1860), 131. John (1806), 51. Richard (1828), 79. Robert (1831), 83. Walter S. (1874), 190. Moore Robert J. Orr (1862), 136, 140. Moorhead (Muirhead) Alice M. (1894), 322. Robert (1857), 126. Moorhouse Arthur (1884), 242, 250, 257, 265. James Ernest (1885), 248, 256, 264, 273. Morgan Alexander G. (1834), 88. Andrew (1845), 105. James Peatie (1851), 115, 117. John (1879), 212, 219, 226, 233- John Thomas (1859), .128. Thomas (1846), 106. William F. (1882), 230. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 417 Morris (Morriss) Alexander (1836), 91. Andrew (1867), 155, 161, 168, 174. George (1839), 96. George (1860), 130, 133, 159. James (1777), 27. John Watson (1834), 88. Robert (1818), 62. Morrison (Morison) Alexander (1851), 114. Alexander ( 1 86 1 ), 134, 137. Andrew (1822), 66. Andrew (1835), 89. Andrew (1891), 289, 299, 39> 3 l8 > 327- Andrew Bell (1838), 95. Andrew Bell (1863), 139, 142, 147, 153. Archibald Cameron (1887), 261, 272, 280, 287. Basil Broun (1893), 312, 32i. Cameron (1878), 208, 213, 220, 227, 234. Charles (1843), 101. Charles (1866), 150, 156. Colin (1778), 27. David (1891), 295, 319, 324, 332. Edward (1874), 190, 196, 201, 205, 211. George (1783), 32. James (1803), 49. James (1847), I0 7- James (1874), 190, 195, 200, 206. James M'Call (1880), 217, 225, 232, 239. John (1872), 180, 186, 192, 197, 202, 206, 212, 216. John (1882), 232, 239. Morrison (Morison) William (1817), 61. William Stalkartt (1891), 289, 299, 309, 318. Morton Andrew R. (1828), 78. George (1842), 100. Robert (1832), 85. William (1873), 186, 191. Moss Francis (1846), 106. Mossman Henry Herbert Vicars (1894), 315- Mowat Alexander (1797), 45. Magnus M. (1876), 199. Mowbray William (1816), 60. Moyes James (1758), u. Laurence (1782), 32. Muckersie Richard (1879), 2I2 , 219, 226, 233, 239, 246, 253. Mudie. See Moodie. Muir David W. (1868), 160, 166, 173, 184, 188, 193, 198, 201. James C. (1829), 81. John (1825), 73. John (1890), 283, 290. Richard (1868), 161. Samuel (1812), 56. William (1843), 101. Muirden Alexander (1893), 312,321, Muirhead. See Moorhead. Munro. See Monro. 2 D 4 i8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Munsie James Thomas (1893), 322, 33 1 - Murdoch Archibald (1763), 14- William (1800), 47- Murray (Moray) Alexander (1766), 17. Alexander (1768), 18. Alexander (i795)> 43- Alexander (1810), 54. Alexander (1878), 207. Alexander(i882), 229, 237, 245. Alexander John (1851), Alexander P. (1838), 94. Andrew (i75)> 3- Andrew F. (1870), 170. Anthony (1785), 35. Archibald (1822), 67. David (1829), 80. David (1885), 248, 255, 263, 272. David J. (1878), 208. David Smyth (1822), 66. Douglas (1888), 269. Evan John M. (1798), 45- Francis D. O.Wolfe (1873), 186. George (1786), 36. James (1817), 61. James (1826), 74. James (1826), 75. James (1829), 80. James (1848), 108. James Alexander (1892), 297, 308, 317, 327. James [L.] (1816), 60. John (1752), 6. John (1784), 33. John (1787), 36. John (1818), 62. John (1895), 323. Murray (Moray) John Brown (1894), 315, 325, 333- John G. P. (1891), 296, 33- John M'L. (1883), 235, 243, 2 5> 2 58. John Younger (1888), 275. Joseph (1825), 73. Margaret (1893), 305, 316, 3 2 5> 333- Patrick (1748), 2. Patrick (1770), 21. Patrick (1866), 150, 156. Patricks. (1816), 60. Peter (i79 6 )> 44- Robert (1857), 125. Robert Fuller (1881), 223, 230, 237, 245. Robert Milne (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188, 193- Thomas (1773)* 2 3- Thomas David (1891), 289, 298, 39- William (1760), 12. William (1840), 97. William (1845), 104. William (1861), 134, i3 6 > 140, 143. Mushet William (1827), 77. Myles John (1845), 105. Peter (1843), 101. Thomas (1828), 79. Mylne. See Mill. Nagel David Henry (1878), 209, 215, 221, 227. Nairn (Nairne) Charles (1825), 72. David (1878), 208, 214. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 419 Nairn (Nairne) James (1764), 15. James (1893), 306, 316, 326. William (1759), n. Napier Robert [D.] (1851), 114. William P. (1893), 3". Naulty John (1892), 303. Neave Edward F. M. (1892), 303, 313- George Ballingall (1892), 297,307, 317, 326, 334- Henry Bremner (1864), 142, 152. N eaves James [M.] (1861), 134. Neill William Notman (1896), 330- Neish David (1860), 130, 133. David (1861), 134, 137. David (1868), 164. Nelson (Neilson, Nielson) Andrew B. (1845), 104. Jessie Nicholas (1892), 296, 37 3 J 7, 3 2 7) 335- John (1778), 27. Peter (1802), 48. Robert (1816), 60. Robert (1894), 314, 324, 333- Nesbit (Nisbet) Robert (1816), 60. Robert (1827), 77. Ness ' David (1882), 229, 237, 245, 251, 259, 266, 274. Newall Thomas Cannan (1862), 138, 141, 144. William [H.] (1870), 171. Newbigin Lesslie (1873), 186. Newland James Small (1884), 242. Newman Edward (1824), 71. Nicholson (Nicolson) Angus M. (1878), 212. Balfour Stewart (1887), 261, 270. Hugh (1824), 71. James (1816), 60. John (1811), 55. John Gunn (1891), 289, 2 99> 38, 3^, 3 2 7, 335- Peter (1872), 181, 186. Samuel (1893), 306, 316, 326, 333. Thomas Brown (1885), 247, 255, 263, 272. Thomas S. (1889), 282. William (1813), 57. William (1822), 67. William Sanderson (1818), 62. Nicol (Nicoll, Nicolle) Andrew (1845), 105. Archibald (1790), 39. Charles (1790), 39. David (1848), 109. Francis (1789), 39. George (1822), 67. James (1792), 41- James (1839), 96. James (1852), 117. James (1862), 136, 139, 143, 148, 153, 158, 164, 169. 420 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Nicol (Nicoll, Nicolle) James (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216, 222, 228, 234, James (1891), 295. James B. (1878), 207, 214, John (1804), 50. John (1845), I0 4- John (1885), 247, 256,263, 273- William (1780), 30. William (1823), 69. William (1824), 70. William (1825), 72. Nimmo Adam Prentice (1886), 254, 263, 271, 279. Alexander (1796), 44. Elise Jean Provan (1896), 330- James (1854), 120, 132. Thomas (1857), 126. Niven Alexander (1812), 56. Charles (1818), 62. James (1816), 60. James (1827), 76. John Coutts (1850), 112. Robert (1810), 54. Robert (1867), 155. William (1814), 58. William (1824), 70. Noble Frank Stanley (1882), 229, 2 37, 244, 251. John Park (1877), 204,209. Nolan William (1817), 61. Norie (Norrie) George (1765), 15. William H. (1842), ioo. Norisson John (1762), 14. Norman George Cameron (1889), 276. Normand Andrew (1819), 63. Norwell Henry (1879), '213, 219, 226, 233. Oatts Charles (1828), 78. John H. (1866), 149, 162, 173- Ochterlony Charles Metcalfe, Bart. (1866), 150. Ross Wilkie (1867), 154, 161, 167, 173. Ogg John (1884), 242, 247, 255, 264, 272, 287, 293. Ogilvie (Ogilvy) Alexander (1837), 93. Andrew (1828), 78. Andrew (1870), 171, 178. Archibald (1755), 7. Charles (1830), 81. David (1771), 21. David (1805), 50. Duncan (1836), 92. Edward Balfour (1862), 136, 139- George (1832), 85. George (1866), 150, 156, 162. James (1793), 42. James (1824), 69. James (1825), 73. James (1861), 133. James S. (1868), 160, 167, 173- James Smart (1887), 261, 270, 278, 287, 296. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 421 Ogilvie (Ogilvy) John (1771), 21. John (1797), 45- John (1824), 71. John (1831), 83. John (1884), 241, 249, 257, 265, 274, 281, 288. Patrick (1815), 59. Walter (1770), 20. William (1796), 44. William (1808), 53. William (1847), 107. William (1868), 1 60. Oliphant David (1893), 309, 318. James (1795), 44- James (1823), 68. James [S.j (1833), 86. John (1830), 82. Laurence (1784), 34. Philip (1824), 70. Robert (1832), 85. Spence (1770), 21. Stuart (1889), 275. Thomas (1747), i. William (1752), 5. William (1830), 81. Oppe Adolf Paul (1893), 3 IO 3 J 4, 325. 333- Orchar James S. (1871), 175, 183, 188. Ore James Alexander (1818), 62. Orphat James (1824), 70. John (1822), 67. Orr James (1888), 268, 277. John (1843), 101. John Campbell (1868), 161, 167. William (1882), 229. Osier Robert (1884), 242. William D. (1891), 295. Oswald George (1750), 3. George (1838), 94. George (1890), 283, 290, 3) 3 IO > 3*9- James (1782), 32. James Alexander (1807), 52. James Honeyman (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216, 222, 228, 234. Pack Malcolm (1750), 4. Page David (1828), 78. Pairman William (1788), 37. Palmer Henry (1811), 55. Panton George (1836), 90. James (1870), 171, 177, 183, 188. Park George (1861), 134, *37 George (1875), 194, 200, 205, 211. James (1865), 145* I 5 I i 157, l6 3> l6 9> i75 l8 Parke (afterwards Parker) Mungo Fairlie (1825), 73. Parker Alexander (1896), 329. Parkhill Alexander (i755) 8 - D. (I755). 7- 422 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Parkin Joseph Donald (1896), 330. Paston William (1778), 27. Paterson (Patterson) Adam (1823), 68. Alexander (1765), 16. Alexander (1858), 127. Alexander Craig (1868), 1 60, 167, 173, 179. David (1846), 106. David (1871), 176, 183, 188, 192, 198, 202, 206. Edith (1893), 306. George (1784), 33. George (1822), 67. Gordon Walker (1878), 207, 214, 220, 227. James (1780), 30. James (1820), 64. James (1821), 65. James (1861), 134, 137. James (1868), 160. James (1874), 190, 194. Jane A. (1893), 306. John (1780), 30. John (1851), 114. John (1856), 124. John Lumsden (1867), I 55^ 162, 168, 174. John Thomas (1885), 247, 2 55> 263, 273, 280, 287, 294, 302. Robert (1763), 14. Robert (1831), 83. Thomas H. (1879), 212, 219, 226. Wauchope ( 1 8 5 8), 1 2 6, 1 2 8, J 3i> 134, 138, 141, 143, 148. William (1825), 72. William (1829), 81. William (1872), 181. Paterson (Patterson) William [Berry] Shaw (1825), 72. William Melville (1878), 208. Paton (Patton, Peyton) Alexander (1814), 58. Andrew (1786), 35. David (1824), 69. David (1847), 107. Francis (1869), 165. George David (1868), 160. James (1747), i- James (1769), 19. James (1777), 27. James Alexander (1868), 1 60, 167, 172, 179. John (1822), 67. John Hunter Park (1890), 283, 291. Ninian (1755), 8. Thomas (1807), 52. William (1812), 56. William W. (1890), 287. Patrick George (1877), 203, 210. Henry Niven (1888), 268, 277, 286, 293, 301. James (1884), 241, 249, 256, 265, 274, 281. Millar (1885), 248, 256, 264, 272, 279. William C. R. (1828), 79. Pattison Alexander Dunn (1851), 114. Pattullo David (1877), 204. George (1794), 43- Henry Alexander (1846), 106. James (1832), 85. . John (1812), 56. Robert (1815), 59. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 423 Pattullo Stewart Erskine (1834), 88. William (1854), 120. William N. (1892), 303. Paul Adam (1801), 48. George (1825), 72. James (1881), 223, 231. Pearce John (1782), 32. William (1785), 35. Pearson (Peirson) Charles John (1860), 131. Colin (1835), 90. Dalziel (1865), 145. David H. (1848), 109. John (1842), 100. Robert (1844), 103. Thomas (1761), 13. Peat John Chalmers (1883), 2 35> 2 43> 2 5 J > 2 5 8 > 26 7- Thomas (1786), 36. Peattie David (1824), 70. James (1852), 117. Robert (1864), 142, 146, i5 2 > 158. Peddie David (1835), 89. John (i79i)> 40. John (1835), 89. Robert (1846), 106. William (1818), 62. Peebles John (1862), 136, 139, 143* 147, i53> i7- Peter (1885), 247. Penleaze John (1800), 47. Pennell James (1849), in. Penney (Penny) Alexander (1872), 182. Joseph C. (1867), 155, 161. Patrick (17 84), 34. Pennycook Peter (1854), 121, 129, *3 2 , 135- Pentland John (1828), 78. Peock Andrew Leiper (1841), 99. Peterkin James (1800), 47. John Gordon (1821), 65. Lauchlan (1793), 42. Peters Charles Smith (1879), 212, 219, 226, 233. James (1789), 38. Petrie George Ford (1892), 302. James Guild (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188. Reginald Ogilvy (1880), 217, 225, 232, 239. Petzold Gertrud von (1896), 330. Peyton. See Paton. Philip (Phillip, Philp) Colin Bent (1872), 181, 187, 192. David (1830), 81. George (1852), 117. James (1830), 81. Jessy Thomson (1893), 306, 316, 325, 334- John (1813), 57- John Fleming (1895), 323, 33 2 - Richard (1849), in. Robert (1869), 165, 171 178, 184, 188, 193. 424 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Philip (Phillip, Philp) Simson (1833), 87. William (1839), 96. William (1873), 186, 191, 196, 201, 205. William E. (1887), 261. William M. (1855), 121. Philipps John Erasmus (1882), 229, 237. Philpot Hamlet S. (1880), 218. Phyn John (1886), 254. Picken John (1882), 234, 240,246. Pirie Alexander (i 86 1), 134, 136, 140, 143, 148. Alexander H. (1892), 303, 313- George Alexander (1879), 212, 219, 226, 280. Helen Johnson (1894), 320, 323, 33i. Robert (1826), 74. Pitcairn (Pitcarn) Bethune (1828), 79. David (1783), 33. David (1826), 74. John (1871), 176, 182. Joseph (1777), 26. Thomas (1772), 22. William (1826), 74. Pitkeathly William (1892), 303, 306, 3i6, 325, 333 . Playfair Archibald [Lewis] (1854), 121. Arthur (1841), 98. David (1833), 87. Playfair Elliot (1842), 100. Frederick Lyon (1845), I0 4- George (1830), 81. Hugh James Moore (1883), 236. James (1754), 7- James (1768), 19. James (1805), 51. James (1830), 82. John (1762), 13. Lyon (1831), 83. Patrick (1807), 52. Robert Edward ( 1 8 54), 1 2 o. Robert Haldane ( 1 8 5 o), 1 1 2. William (1836), 91. William (1847), 107. William [Morgan] (1866), 150. William Smoult( 1 850), 112. Pollock Hugh (1763), 14. Pomphery Alexander (1835), 89. Ponsonby Henry Pemberton (1895), 323, 332. William Gledstane (1824), 70. Pool William (1793), 4 2 - Pope Alfred C. (1847), i8. Popkin John Bennett (1773), 23. Pople William H. (1879), 213, 220. Porteous James (1833), 86. James [Lindsay Howieson Herbert] (1858), 126. Thomas (1840), 97. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 425 Porteous Thomas Binning (1878), 211. William (1749), 3- William (1841), 98. Porter William Archer (1882), 229. Powell Francis (1871), 176, 182. Powrie George R. (1885), 253, 260 267. James (1830), 82. Prain John (1856), 124, 141, 144, 149) i54 5 159- Pratt Richard (1812), 56. Thomas (1811), 55. William (1851), 113. Prentice James (1889), 277, 286, 293- Price Meredith (1782), 32. Primrose John (1814), 58. Prince Edward Ernest (1880), 217, 225, 232, 239, 259. Pringle John (1756), 9- John (1783), 33. Robert (i 86 1), 133. Thomas (1750), 3. Proctor Christopher (1825), 72. Proudfoot Frank Gregoire (1886), 254, 263, 271, 280. John (1831), 83. Proudfoot Robert Letalle (1887), 261, 268, 278, 286, 293. William (1869), 166, 172, 178, 184, 189, 193, 197. Pryde Alexander (1754), 7.. David (1851), 114. Robert (1859), 128, 131, !33> *37> MI, 144, 148. Robert (1888), 268, 277. Thomas (1869), 165, 171, 178, 184, 188, 193, 197. Pullar John Robertson (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227, 234. Purdie James (1851), 114, 129, 132, r 3 8 . Thomas (1871), 175. Purdom Harry Leman (1896), 330. Purves (Purvis) David (1784), 34- George (1778), 27. John (1800), 47. John (1835), 89. Robert (1786), 36. Pye Alexander Greig (1861), 134, 136, 140, 143. Pyper David (1776), 26. Lewis (1860), 131. Rae David Smith (1839), 96. Edward (1845), I0 5- Francis (1852), 116. John (1793). 42- William (1883), 236. Raeburn James (1848), 109. 426 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX (1865), i l6 3> Raine Thomas Surtees 145, iS 1 ! J 169. Rait (Raitt, Reatt) James (1822), 66. James C. (1888), 268, 278. John (1773)1 2 3- Oswald (1887), 261, 270, 279, 286, 295. Thomas (1762), 14. William (1825), 72. Ralston Frederick George (1892), 297. Ramsay Alexander (1765), 16. Alexander (1842), 99. Alexander, jun. (1854), 121. Alexander, sen. (1854), 121. Alexander (1875), 194, 200, 205, 211. Alexander E. (1850), 112. Alexander Keith (1866), 150, 156, 162, 168, 174, 1 80, 185, 189. Andrew (1788), 38. Andrew (1803), 49. Charles (1817), 6 1. Constance M. (1892), 304. Daniel (1793), 42. David (1816), 60. David (1875), 194. David (1883), 236. David B. (1832), 85. David Graham Drummond (afterwards David Ogilvy- Ramsay) (1847), IO 7- George (1826), 74. Graham (1820), 64. Henry (1831), 83. Hugh (1846), 106. Hugh Francis (1851), 114. James (1769), 20. Ramsay James (1825), 72. James (1838), 94. James (1859), 128, 131, James (1870), 172, 178. John (1748), 2. John (1765), 16. John (1840), 97. John (1842), 100. John (1843), 101. John (1846), 106. John (1886), 254, 262, 272, 279. John M. (1887), 262. John M'Tavish (1888), 268, 277, 285, 293, 302, 311, 320, 328. John Scott (1859), 128, I3 1 , i33 J 37- Joseph (1858), 126, 128, I3 1 - Malcolm (1821), 65. Marmaduke (1811), 55. Maxwell Ogilvy (1882), 23*, 2 3 8 > 2 46. Robert (1791), 4- Robert (1800), 47. Robert (1851), 114- Robert John (1893), 312, 321. Robert Sparks (1890), 283, 291. 3> 39- William (1767), 18. William (1778), 27. William (1834), 88. William (1841), 98. William (1848), 109. William (1886), 254, 271. Rankin (Rankine, Ranken) Alexander C. (1833), 86. John (1766), 17. John (1826), 75. John (1860), 132. Robert (1824), 71. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 427 Rankin (Rankine, Ranken) Thomas (1768), 19. William (1766), 17. William (1887), 266, 274, 281. Rathbone Edward (1880), 221, 225. Henry G. (1880), 218. Rattray Alexander (1849), II0 - David (1761), 13. David (1842), 100. Henry (1761), 13. James (1824), 70. Thomas (1825), 73. William (1841), 98. Ravenshaw John (1890), 283, 290. Rawlinson William Bright (1888), 269. Readdie John (1871), 177, 182, 188. Readman James (1864), 142. Reatt. See Rait. Ree Louis (1875), 195, 200. Reece Marian Louise (1895), 323. Reekie Hay (1770), 21. James Millar (1866), 150, 156, 162, 168, 174, 198, 202, 207. Reid Adam (1825), 73. Alexander (1781), 30. Alexander (1848), no. Andrew (1811), 55. Archibald (1861), 134, 136, 140, 143. Reid Charles (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140. Charles (1889), 276, 285, 292, 33> 3 12 - David (1757), 10. David (1824), 70. David (1853), 1 1 8. David (1858), 126, 128, 131, 134- David (1877), 204. David (1882), 230, 236, 244, 251. David L. (1877), 203. David S. (1845), 105. Dugald (1837), 93. Edward (1825), 73. George (1812), 56. George Reynolds Sommer- ville (1888), 269, 277, 285, 293. Henry (1851), 114. Henry (1881), 223. Henry Martin Beckwyth (1872), 181, 187, 192, 197, 2O2, 206, 211. James (1775). 25. James (1815), 59. James (1824), 69. James (1827), 76. James (1864), 142, 146. James (1872), 181. Jane Craig Clark (1893), 305, 316, 325. John (1813), 57. John (1813), 57. John (1822), 67. John (1843), 100. John (1843), 101. John (1847), 108. John (1881), 223, 231, 238, 246. Joseph Gilzean (1890), 283, 291. Kenneth Lyle (1891), 290, 299, 310. 428 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Reid Peter (1847), 107. Robert (1853), 119. Thomas (1824), 71. Thomas (1826), 75. Thomas (1862), 135. Thomas (1885), 253, 260. Thomas C. (1865), 145, 152. William (1747), i. William (1780), 30. William (1808), 53. William (1821), 65. William (1825), 72. William (1830), 82. William (1841), 98. William (1885), 248, 256, 263, 272, 280. William (1891), 291, 299, 309- Rennie (Renny) Alexander (1847), 107. Charles M. (1815), 59. William (1834), 88. William (1857), 126. Renton Alexander (1768), 18. Hepburn (1824), 71. John (1788), 38. Renwick Isaac Parker Anderson (1859), 128, 131. Robert (1831), 83. Reynolds Playford (1859), 128, 131. Rhind Henry (1867), 155- Riach John (1798), 46. Richard RobertA. C. (1857), I25 . Ihomas (1823), 69. William (1755), 8. Richardson David (1762), 13. David (1794), 43- Henry [Gresham Stewart] (1861), 134. John (1752), 6. John (1894), 321. Peter (1842), 100. Richmond James (1849), no. Riddell George James (1774), 24. Henry (1825), 73. James (1867), 15 5- Robert (1772), 22. Riddich Alexander (1823), 68. James (1798), 46. Rintoul Alexander (1785), 35. David (1822), 67. David (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221. Robert (1761), 12. Robert (1855), 122. Ritchie (Ritchy, Richey) Alexander (1821), 65. Alexander (1871), 175, 183, 187, 192, 198. Allan Marshall (1895), 3 2 4- Charles John (1874), 190, 195, 200, 206, 211. David (1770), 21. David (1779), 29. James (1893), 312. John (1751). 5- John (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143, 148, 153, 159, 164. John (1880), 217, 224, 232, 238. John W. (1868), 1 60, 1 66. INDEX MATRICULATION ROLL 429 Ritchie (Ritchy, Richey) Maurice (1756), 9. Richard Spenser (1874), 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215, 222, 228, 234. William (1766), 17. William (1770), 21. William (1831), 83. Winnie Kate (1893), 313, 321, 329- Riviere Clive (1887), 261. Hugh Goldwin (1882), 229, 235> 2 43> 250, 258. Philip Lyle (1892), 303, 312, 321. Robb (Rob) David Constable (1865), 145, 151, 157, 163, 169. James (1825), 73. James (1828), 78. James (1881), 223, 231, 238, 245, 252, 259, 266, 274, 3*9, 334- James Barry (1887), 267, 288, 293, 305, 310, 321. John (1868), 164, 170, 175, 180. Patrick (i757)> I0 - William (1759), n. William (1851), 114. Roberts Hugh Sharpe (1896), 329. James (1860), 132, 135, 138. Robertson (Robertsone) Adam (1821), 65. Alexander (1765), 16. Alexander (1771), 21. Alexander (1803), 49. Alexander (1817), 61. Alexander (1851), 114. Alexander (1852), 117. Robertson (Robertsone) Alexander (1861), 134, 136, 140, 143, 148, 154, 159. Alexander (1864), 143. Alexander Campbell (1885), 248, 256, 264, 279. Allan (1768), 19. Allan (1862), 136. Andrew (1805), 51. Andrew (1828), 79. Andrew (1854), 121. Andrew (1895), 323, 331. Arthur Stewart (1894), 322. Charles (1748), 2. Charles G. (1828), 78. Charles M. (1892), 304, 313- David (1802), 49. David (1857), 126. David (1862), 136, 140, David (1885), 247, 255, 263. David Rae (1864), 141, 146, 152, 158, 164, 169, 175, 180. Douglas (1852), 117. Duncan (1878), 208, 219, 226, 233, 240, 246, 253. Duncan (1888), 268, 277. Edmund (1863), 139, 142, 147, 152. Henry (1790), 39. James (1748), 2. James (1760), 12. James (1772), 22. James (1784), 34. James (1792), 41. James (1793)* 4 2 - James (1796), 44. James (1804), 50. James (1805), 51. James (1805), 5 1 - James (1809), 53. James, jun. (1809), 53. James (1825), 73. 430 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Robertson (Robertsone) James (1829), 80. James (1851), 114. James (1854), 121, 129, 132* !35- Jame*/**. (1859), 129- James (1878), 209, 215, 222. James (1887), 261. James (1892), 303. James B. (1849), IIJ - James G. (1870), 171. James Gaul (1855), 122. James Goodlet (1888), 270, 279, 287, 294, 302, 311, 320. Jane W. (1892), 303. Jessie Barclay (1896), 335. John (1750), 4. John (1755), 8. John (i755)> 8. John (1794), 43- John (1810), 54. John,>. (1825), 72. John, sen. (1825), 72. John (1830), 82. John (1840), 97. John (1864), 142, 146. John (1868), 160, 166, 172, 179. John (1885), 248, 255, 265. John Anderson (1827), 76. John M. (1862), 138. John Spence (1866), 150, 156, 162, 169, 174, 180, 189. Malcolm (1820), 64. Patrick (1820), 64. Peter (1847), 107. Robert (1756), 9. Robert (1770), 20. Robert (1771), 22. Robert (1862), 136, 140, J 43> 148, 153, 158, 164. Robert (1885), 248, 255, 26 3> 273. Robertson (Robertsone) Robert D. (1888), 268. Robert J. (1806), 51. Thomas Lennie (1830), 82. Walter James (1886), 253, 262, 272, 279. Wemyss (1764), 15. William (1774), 24. William (1786), 36. William (1803), 49. William (1827), 76. William (1869), 166, 172, 178, 184, 189, 193, 202. William (1875), 194, 200, 205, 211, 216. William M. (1862), 135, 139, 143- Robinson John (1854), 121. Samuel (1852), 115. Robson John (1858), 126, 128. Rocheid Carl von (1870), 171, 178. Roddan John (1824), 70. Roddick George (1849), no. Roger (Rodger) Alexander M. (1888), 275. Charles (1832), 85. Charles (1839), 96. Charles [F.] (1861), 134. David (1889), 276. Fordice (1785), 35. George Guthrie (1884), 241, 249, 256, 264, 273. James (1781), 30. John (1780), 30. Robert (1832), 85. Thomas (1849), IJI - Thomas Rodger (1871), 176, 181, 188. William (1797), 45. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 431 Rogers Thomas (1778), 27. William (1798), 46. Rollo George (1773), 23. John (1828), 78. Romilly Cosmo (1863), 139, 142. Ronaldson John (1834), 88. Rose Alexander (1822), 66. David (1849), no. David George (1884), 241, 249, 257, 265, 273. Donald Stewart (1891), 294, S 02 , 3 11 - Eliza Chrystal (1895), 324. Hugh (1794), 43. James Christie (1890), 284, 290, 300. James M. (1851), 113. Katherine Baillie Cargill (1895), 324- Lauchlan (1883), 235, 244, 250, 258, 273. Richard (1785), 35- Robert (1894), 314, 3 2 5> 333- Ross Alexander (1861), 135. Alfred C. (1868), 161. Angus (1841), 98. Charles Beveridge (1876), 202, 207, 212. Charles C. (1863), 139 142, 147. David (1860), 130, 140 i43i J 47, i53i ^8, 164- David (1886), 254. Edwin C. (1865), 144- Evan (1874), 189, 196. George (1855), 122, 129 132, i3Si *3*> I 4 I - Ross James (1860), 130. John (1750), 4. John (1792), 41- John (1890), 283, 290, 299, 309. John A. (1880), 218. Joseph W. (1877), 204, 2IO, 215, 222, 228. Munro (1767), 18. Robert (1844), 103. Robert (1863), 139, 142, 147, 153- Robert I. (1853), 119. Walter (1846), 106. Walter R. (1852), 118. William (17 53), 6. William (1832), 85. William (1849), no. William (1859), 129. Rothney Alexander E. (1868), 161, 167. Roy Alexander (1758), 10. Andrew (1821), 65. Andrew (1854), 121, 129, 132, 135- James (1817), 61. Ruddach George (1824), 69. Rundle Henry [M. L.] (1872), 181. Rusack David Welsh (1892), 298, 38, 317, 327- Henrietta Wilhelmina (1895), 323, 332. Russell (Russel) Alfred C. (1890), 288. Andrew (1836), 91. David (i747)> I - David (1826), 74. George (1832), 85. 432 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Russell (Russel) George (1848), 109. George Alexander (1877), 203, 209, 215, 222. Helen Alexander (1892), 297, 308. James (1822), 67. James (1859), 130. James (1867), 154, 162, 167. John (1827), 76. John (1854), 120. John A. (1833), 87. Matthew (1869), 166. Michael Alexander (1891), 289, 298, 309. Oliver (1836), 91. Robert (1778), 28. Robert (1825), 73. William (1822), 67. Rust Margaret (1894), 314, 324, 333- Ruston Margaret Elsie (1893), 306. Rutherford Andrew (1814), 58. James (1859), 129. John (1767), 1 8. John (1839), 96. John (1859), 128. John (1861), 134. Walter (1873), 186. William (1866), 150. William Gunion (1868), 160, 167, 172, 179, 184. Ruxton Robert A. (1880), 218, 225. Salisbury James (1848), 109. Salmond (Salmon) Alexander (1769), 20. Robert (1846), 106. Thomas G. (1864), 142, 146, 152, 157. William (1871), 176, 182, 187, 193. William (1888), 275, 282, 288. Sampson John (1838), 94. Samuel Patrick (1847), 107. Samuelson Gerald Septimus (1882), 229. Sandeman John (1769), 20. Sandie George (1800), 47. Sandison Magnus (1872), 181, 187. Sangster John (1804), 50. Sapieha Leon (1869), 166. Saunders (Sanders) Allan (1777), 26. James (1770), 21. James (1849), no. John (1822), 66. Paterson (1790), 39. Paterson (1824), 69. William (1880), 218, 224, 232, 239. Savile David (17 8 7), 37. Schleselman James (1885), 253, 271. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 433 Scotland David (1873), 185, 191, 196, 201, 2O7, 212. James S. (1858), 126. Scott (Scot) Alexander (1802), 48. Alexander ( 1 86 1 ), 134, 137, 140, 143. Alexander [Inglis] (1882), 230, 237, 244, 251, 266, 274, 281. Andrew (1756), 9. Andrew N. C. (1877), 204, 209. Andrew Sidney Dingwall (1881), 223, 230, 237, 2 45. 253, 259, 267, 274. Archibald (1870), 170, 178. Burton (1797), 45- Charles (1757), 10. Charles (1824), 69. Charles (1835), 89. Clement Murray (1889), 276, 285, 292, 301, 309- David (1758), ii. David (1825), 72. David William (1884), 241, 261, 270, 279, 287, 293. Ellen Charlotte (1894), 315. Ellen Gillespie (1896), 330. Ernest [R] (1852), 117. Evelyn (1892), 305. Francis (1872), 181. George (1756), 9. George (1806), 51. George (1894), 322. George Addison (1883), 236. Henry (1831), 83. James (1761), 13. James (1791), 40. James (1795), 44- James (1797), 45- James (1808), 53. James (1821), 65. Scott (Scot) James (1825), 73. James (1828), 79. James (1849), in. James (1895), 328. James Corse (1825), 73. James M'Glashan (1889), 276, 283, 290, 300, 310, 320, 328, 335. James Paterson (1895), 324, SSL- James Robert (1882), 230. James Walter Montague (1895), 322, 331. John (1756), 9- John (1765), 1 6. John (1835), 89. John (1857), 124. John (1857), 125,129, 132, *35- John (1874), 190. John (1876), 199,204, 210, 216. John B. (1885), 247. John Bain (1857), 126, 129. Richard (1801), 48. Robert (17 53), 6. Robert (1758), 11. Robert (1822), 67. Robert (1854), 121. Robert (1857), 125, 129, I 3 I > J 35> 138, 141, 143- Robert (1892), 297, 307, 3i7- Thomas (1759), n. Thomas (1770), 21. Thomas (1784), 34- Thomas (1835), 89. Thomas (1896), 329. William (1771), 22. William (1822), 67. William (1854), 121. William (1883), 235, 243, 251, 258. William (1893), 306, 316, 324- 2 E 434 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Scott (Scot) William Dundas (1803), 140. William Robert (1896), 331- William R. Addison (1887), 260. Scrimgeour Daniel (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140, 143, 148, i53> 158. Frederick John (1894), 320. James (1893), 313, 3 20 - John Cockburn (1884), 242, 248, 255, 263, 273. Robert (1845), 105. William (1895), 324, 332. Seater Thomas (1844), 103. Seath George Allan (1889), 276, 284, 292, 301, 311, 320, 329- Selbie George (1852), 116. Selkirk Alexander (1827), 76. Sellar James (1841), 99. Sellars George (1892), 298, 308, 318. Seton Christopher (1770), 21. John (1758), ii. Severn Gustave (1885), 248, 256. Shand Alexander (1825), 72. Henry (1756), 9. John (1772), 22. William Goold (1828), 78. Sharp (Sharpe, Shairp) John (1872), 183,188, 193, 198, 202, 207. John Campbell (187 5), 195, 2OI. Robert (1825), 73. Thomas (1831), 83. William (1847), 107. William (1853), 119- William (1884), 241, 249, 257, 264. Shaw (Schaw) Alexander (1750), 3. Andrew (i754)> 7- Charles (1811), 55. George (i755>> 8 - George (1760), 12. George (1802), 48. George (1830), 81. George (1833), 86. Henry W. (1810), 54. Hugh (1754), 7- James (1748), 2. Robert (1762), 13. Robert [R.] (i794>, 43- Walter (1836), 91. William (1791), 40. Shepherd Alexander (1846), 105. Frederick Peter (1888), 270, 278, 286, 293, 301, 310. Henry George (1865), 145, 151, 157, 163. John (1820), 64. Matthew (1828), 79. Thomson Chiene (1876), 199. Sherriffs John (1775), 25. Shettle George Thomas (1882), 229, 237, 244, 251. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 435 Shiel William (1779), 28. Shield or Shields James (1814), 58. Shirran Andrew (1812), 56. Sibbald Alice (1896), 335. Helen B. (1896), 335. Sidey Walter H. (1857), 125. Silver George (1874), 190. Sim (Simm) David (1767), 18. David (1808), 52. James (1851), 114. James Milne (1799), 46. Robert (1812), 56. Thomas (1856), 124. Walter (1780), 30. William A. (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. Sime (Syme) Andrew (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 266, 274, 281. David (1826), 75. Ebenezer (1841), 98. George (1827), 76. George A. (1840), 98. James (1855), 122. John (1852), 117. John (1861), 134, 136. John (1892), 297, 307,317, 326, 334- William (1793), 42. Simmers Colin (1757), 10. William (1882), 230, 236, 244, 251. Simmie James (1778), 28. Simpson (Simson) Alexander (1808), 53. Alexander (1866), 150, 156, 162, 168. Alexander K. (1845), I0 4- David (1849), no. Donald M. (1852), 117. George (1843), 101. George H. (1892), 298, 37- James (1753), 6. James (1819), 63. James (1829), 80. John Robertson (1896), 329- Joseph P. (1838), 95. Patrick (1748), 2. Robert (1748), 2. William (1799), 46. William (1821), 65. William (1827), 76. William (1888), 273, 280, 287. Sinclair (St Clair) Alexander (1885), 250, 257, 264. Allan John L. (1883), 237, 244. Allan MacGregor (1894), 315- Donald (1816), 60. Duncan (1886), 260, 267, 275- George (1859), 128. Henry C. (1867), 155, 161. James (1834), 88. John (1771), 21. John A. (1875), 195, 200, 2O5, 211, 2l6, 222, 228. Robert (1824), 70. William (1771), 21. Singer Archibald (1768), 19. 43 6 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Sinton David Campbell (1889), 275, 284, 291. George (1877), 203. Thomas (1874), i9> i95t 201, 206, 212, 217, 222. Sivright Charles (1783)5 33- Skae David (1828), 78. William (1827), 76. Skeat Bertha Marian (1892), 298. Skelton James (1813), 57. Skene Alexander Reid (1854), 121. Charles (1817), 61. William Forbes (1825), 73. Skinner James (1824), 70. John Robert (1835), 89. Robert (1801), 48. Thomas (1750), 4. Thomas (1830), 82. Skirving David (1856), 124. Sloan (Sloane) John (1824), 70. John (1856), 124. William (1871), 177. William C. T. (1858), 126, 128. Small Alexander (1754), 7. Alexander (1796), 44. Alexander (1843), 102. Andrew (1827), 76. David (1824), 69. David J. (1896), 331. James (1797), 45. John (1763), 14. Small John (1827), 77. John Lumsdaine (1843), 101. John S. (1853), 119, 129, Robert (1852), 117. William (1840), 97. Smart George (1871), 176, 182, 187, 193. James (1779), 29. James (1856), 124. John (1821), 66. John Semple (1886), 254, 261, 271, 278, 287, 300. Smeaton (Smieton, Smyttan) David (1849), no. Donald Mackenzie (1860), i3> J 33. J 37, 141, 143- George (1803), 49. James (1847), 107. James (1849), no. Robert (1862), 136, 140, 143, 148. Thomas (1841), 99. William Macnab (1866), ISO- Smith (Smithe, Smyth) Alexander (1812), 56. Alexander (1844), 102. Alexander B. (1891), 289, 297. Alexander Blairford (1885), 247, 255, 263, 272. Alexander M. (1833), 87. Andrew (1779), 29. Andrew (1790), 39. Andrew Blowers (1823), 68. Archibald Lumsdaine Pent- land (1886), 254, 263, 272, 280, 287, 294. Arthur William (1870), 170, 178, 200, 206. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 437 Smith (Smithe, Smyth) Christopher (1860), 131, 133- David (1750), 4. David (1761), 12. David (1803), 49. Donald (1773), 23. Douglas Bannerman (1886), 254, 261, 270, 278, 293- Ethel Campbell (1892), 304, 3*3- Fulton M. (1864), 142. George (1767), 17. George (1782), 32. George (1857), 125, 129. George (1862), 136, 139, 143, 148. George Kidd (1870), 170, 177, 183, 188. George [L.] (1851), 115. Gilbert Leslie (1864), 142, 146, 152. Harry Kebel (1894), 321. Henry (1747), i. Henry (1831), 83. Herbert (1824), 71. James (1783), 33. James (1791), 40. James (1811), 55. James (1813), 57. James (1827), 76. James (1827), 76. James (1859), 129, 132. James M'Kay (1893), 306, 3 l6 > 3 2 4, 333- James Nicoll (1867), 154, 161, 167. James S. (1856), 124. John (1757), 9- John (1765), 16. John (1823), 68. John (1825), 72. John (1846), 1 06. John [Campbell] (1849), no. Smith (Smithe, Smyth) John Campbell (1891), 290, 299, 309, 318, 328. John M. (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. John Pentland (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 264, 273, 280. John Young (1834), 88. Katherine Isabel (1896), 330- Mary Campbell (1892), 297, 3 8 > 3 l8 , 326, 334. Mary Gardner (1894), 320. Mungo (1822), 67. Norman Duncan (1888), 268, 277, 285, 293,300, 310. Patrick E. (1844), 103. Philip Samuel (1870), 171, 177. Robert (1803), 49. Robert (1824), 71. Robert (1839), 96. Robert (1841), 99. Robert (1847), Io8 - Robert (1849), in. Robert (1893), 312, 321. Robert Campbell (1894), 3 r 5> 3 2 5> 333- Robert Gillespie (1791), 40. Robert M. H. (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143. Robert [P.] (1851), 114. Roberta Florence (1892), 298, 3 8 3*7- Stewart (1868), 159, 166. Theophilus (1836), 91. Thomas (1826), 74. Thomas (1843), 101. Thomas (1854), 121. Thomas Henry (1876), 199, 205, 210. Thomas Walker (1868), 160, 166, 173, 179, i 8 5- William (1788), 38. 438 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Smith (Smithe, Smyth) William (1790), 39. William (1852), 117. William (1854), 121. William (1868), 160, 167, 173. J 79> 184. William (1885), 248. WilliamE.(i87i),i75, 182. William Gardner (1887), 267, 275, 281. William Henry Gray (1879) 212, 219, 226, 233. William Latto (1882), 230. William Maule Alexander (1892), 304, 313. William Stuart (1825), 72. Snadden Andrew (1882), 229, 235, 243. 250, 258, 266, 274, 281. Somers James (1879), 213, 220, 226, 234, 240. Robert (1875), 194, 200, 205, 211, 216, 222, 228. Somerville(Sommervile, Som- merville, Sommervel) Charles William (1893), 3 J 4, 322. David (1827), 76. Duncan M'Laren Young ('896), 329. James (1824), 70. John (1777), 27. John (1828), 78. John (1883), 240, 246. Robert (1751), 5. Soot James (1829), 80. Soper John (1814), 58. Sorley John ( I8 8 5 ), 247, 256 264, 273, 280. Soutar (Souter, Soutter) Charles (1893), 313. George (1882), 230, 237, 244, 251. James (1789), 38. James R. (1856), 123, 130. Spalding James (1844), 103. Thomas (1855), 122. Spankie Frederick Mills (1881), 223, 231, 238, 245. Robert (1788), 37. Thomas (1756), 9. Sparrow Robert R. (1789), 38. Speedie Matthew H. (1876), 198, 204. Speid Robert (1777), 26. Spence Alexander (1867), 154,161, 168, 174, 180, 185, 189. Andrew (1840), 97. David Anderson (1883), 236. David Brown (1862), 136, J 39> i43> 148, 153, 158, James (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221. Robert (1874), 190. Thomas (1843), IOI William (1775), 25. William D. (1880), 217. Spidie William (1825), 7 2 - Spiers (Speirs) James (1835), 90. Kate E. (1894), 321. William (1826), 74. William Fulton (1892), 298, "> 3i8, 326, 334. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 439 Spink William (1803), 49. William (1828), 78. Spivey John Herbert (1894), 314, 325- Sproat (Sprot) David (1853), 119. James (179?), 45- James (1823), 69. Stalker Alexander (1781), 30. Hugh (1761), 13. James Simpson (1895), 331- Stark David (1839), 96. George (1760), 12. James (1765), 15. John (1762), 13. John (1763), 14. John (1768), 19. Robert Lindsay (1881), 225, 232. Thomas (1792), 41. William (178 7), 37. Stebbing Nigel Austin (1895), 323, 331- Steedman John (1763), 14. John (1765), 1 6. John (1823), 68. Steele (Steel, Steill) Alexander (1824), 69. Alexander (1833), 86. Andrew (1823), 68. Edward Henry (1879), 214. John (1822), 66. John (1843), 101. Stephen (Steven, Stevens, Stiven) Alexander (1896), 330. Andrew (1827), 76. George (1861), 134, 137, 140, 143, 148, 154, 159, 164. Henry A. G. (1865), 145. 149, 156. John (1807), 52. Robert (1855), 122, 132, '35, 138, 141. Robert Brander (1880), 220, 226, 233. William (1818), 62. Stevenson (Steavenson) Alexander (1828), 79. Alexander (1849), in. Andrew (1827), 77. Archibald (1767), 18. David (1844), 103. David (1864), 142, 146, 151, 164, 170, 175. George (1836), 92. James (1829), 80. John (1826), 75. John (1851), 114. Patrick (1851), 114. Robert (1770), 20. Robert (1823), 68. Robert (1877), 202, 209, 215, 221. Thomas (1831), 84. William (1821), 65. William (1824), 71. William (1853), 119. William (1854), 121. Stewart (Stuart) Alan (1778), 27. Alan (1881), 224. Alexander (1768), 19. Alexander (1777), 26. Alexander (1785), 35. Alexander (1788), 37. Alexander (1789), 38. 440 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Stewart (Stuart) Alexander (1792), 41. Alexander (1820), 64. Alexander (1829), 79. Alexander (1843), 101. Alexander (1845), 104. Alexander (1849), no. Alexander (1863), 139, 142. Alexander (1864), 141, 146, 152, 158, 164, 169, !75- Alexander (1883), 236. Alexander M'Farlane (1850), 112. Alexander Marshall (1896), 329- Alexander R. (1864), 142, 146. Allan (1752), 5. Anthony (1851), 114. Archibald (1814), 58. Arthur Kiel (1885), 247. Atholl (1832), 84. Balfour (1842), 100. Charles (1761), 13. Charles (1767), 18. Charles (1857), 125, 129, 13I- Charles (1884), 241, 249, 256, 265, 274, 281, 288. Daniel (1807), 52. Daniel (1813), 57. Daniel (1849), no. Daniel M. (1839), 96. David (1796), 44- David (1850), 112. David (1852), 115. David (1853), n8. David (1854), 121. David Brown (1854), 121. Donald (1818), 62. Donald (1819), 63. Donald (1864), 142, 146, J 52, 158, 163, 169, 175, 1 80. Stewart (Stuart) Duncan (1763), 14. Duncan (1788), 38. Duncan (1819), 63. Duncan (1824), 70. Duncan (1849), in. Duncan (1852), 117. Francis, Lord Doune (1753), 6. Francis Hugh (1893), 3 IO > 328, 329. George (1824), 70. George (1848), 109. George Cunningham (183 5), 89. George D. B. (1892), 302. George E. (1844), I 2 - Gilbert (1790), 39. Gilbert (1802), 48. Henry (1826), 75. Hugh (1857), 126. Isabella Forbes (1894), 315- James (1750), 4. James (1752), 6. James (1754), 7- James (1756), 8. James (1779), 28. James (1782), 32. James (1787), 36. James (1802), 49. James (1828), 79. James (1839), 96. James (1843), I01 - James (1846), 106. James (1852), 117. James (1859), 128, 131, i34. James Hill (1884), 243, 2 5L James R. (1853), 119. John (1754), 7. John (1766), 17. John (1786), 36. John (1795), 43- John (1822), 67. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 441 Stewart (Stuart) John (1831), 83. John (1831), 83. John (1838), 94. John (1843), 102. John (1844), 103. John (1846), 106. John (1847), 107. John (1848), 109. John (1848), 109. John (1862), 136, 139. John (1871), 176, 182, 187, 192, 198, 201, 206. John (1882), 229. John (1892), 298, 307, 3*7* 3 2 7 334- John (1892), 302, 311, 320, 328. John Cameron (1853), 119, 129, 132. John Hepburn (1852), 117. John Low (1872), 182, 188. John R. (1868), 160. JohnT. (1853), 119. Joseph Gordon (1866), I5 1 * I 57> l6 3- Kenneth Bruce (1851), US- Margaret Gardiner (1892), 302. Patrick (1819), 63. Patrick (1846), 106. Peter (1747), I - Peter (1849), in. Quintin (1829), 81. Robert (1758), 10. Robert (1758), n. Robert (1764), 15. Robert (1799), 46. Robert (1821), 66. Robert (1824), 69. Robert (1836), 91. Robert (1840), 97. Robert (1844), 103. Stewart (Stuart) Robert (1870), 171, 177, 183, 188, 193, 198, 202. Thomas (1767), 18. Thomas (1819), 63. Walter (1800), 47. William (1791), 40. William (1817), 61. William (1825), 72. William (1844), 103. William (1851), 114. William (1883), 236. William (1891), 296. William Kennedy (1891), 290, 299. William Lithgow (1887), 262, 270, 279, 287. Stirling Andrew (1831), 83. Christina Halket (1892), 33- Henry (1845), 104. James (1821), 65. John (1801), 48. Louis (1841), 98. Michael (1799), 47- Murray (1881), 223, 230. Patrick (i797)> 45- Patrick (1823), 68. Stirtan (Stirton) Andrew (i77 2 )> 22 - George (1760), 12. John (1890), 282, 320,328, 335- Thomas (1845), 105. Stoddart James (i75)> 3- William (1808), 52. Stones Jerome (i747)> * Stookes Alexander (1876), 199. 442 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Storie (Story) Archibald (1839), 95. Robert Herbert (1856), 124. Stormont Alexander (1804), 50. Storrar Christopher (1872), 181. David (1830), 81. David Y. (1850), 112. Stott David (1846), 106. George Gordon (1886), 254, 262, 272, 279, 288, 294, 302. John (1883), 236. Stowe Richard L. (1874), 190. Strachan Benjamin (1862), 138, 144. James (1807), 52. James B. M'A. (1844), 103. James MTurk (1877), 203, 209, 215, 222, 227, 234, 240, 247. John (1825), 73- John (1874), 190, 195,200, 206, 211, 217, 222, 228. John Robert (1881), 224, 2 3o, 237, 245, 252, 259, 266. William (1807), 52. William Buchanan (1873), 185, 191, 196, 201, 206, 211, 216, 222. Strachey Edward (1790), 39. Strang David (1828), 78. Thomas (1757), 10. Strathern John (1818), 62. Stratton John (1896), 335. Struthers James (1813), 57. Robert (1838), 95. Sturrock James Prain (1887), 261, 270, 279, 287, 293. John (1853), 119. John (1860), 130. Thomas Chapman (1881), 224, 231, 238, 245. William (1748), 2. Sutherland Barbara J. (1893), 3 J 3- David (1889), 276, 284. Duncan (1822), 67. Hugh (1762), 14. John (1748), 2. John (1849), in. William (1843), 101. William (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216, 222, 228, 234, 240. Swan Alexander (1794), 43. Alexander (1830), 81. Constance Marion (1896), 33- David (1750), 4. David (1821), 65. John (1779), 29- Robert (1751)* 5- Robert (1787), 37. Robert (1823), 68. William (1794), 43- William (1836), 91. Swanston Frederick (1853), 119. Swayne Henry (1816), 60. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 443 Swinton Andrew (1860), 130, 133, 137, 141- John (1827), 76. Sword James (1881), 223, 237, 244, 251, 260, 267. Sydserff John B. (1808), 53. John [B.] (1838), 94. Thomas Buchan (1837), 93. Symers David (1791), 40. Symon David (1887), 267. William (1872), 180, 186, 191, 197. Tainsh Alexander (1812), 56. John Grant (1840), 97. Tait Andrew Dempster (1852), Robert (1783), 33. William (1824), 71. Tallach Thomas (1851), 113. Tarbet (Tarbett) Albert (1882), 229, 236, 244, 251, 281, 287, 294. Taylor (Tayler) Alexander F. (1843), 101. Alexander Reid (1892), 297, 37>' 317, 326. Andrew (1825), 72. Andrew (1830), 81. Anstruther (1808), 53. Charles Johnstone (1849), in. David (1826), 75. David Leslie (1874) 190, 196, 200, 206. Taylor (Tayler) Edmund Stacpoole (1883), 237, 244, 251. Ewen James (1896), 329. George (1832), 85. George (1841), 99. James (1824), 70. James (1827), 76. James (1832), 85. James (1839), 96. James Anderson (1880), 218, 224, 232, 239. John (1832), 85. John Gillavray (1888), 268. John L. (1868), 159, 167,. 173- John William (1857), 125. Malcolm Campbell (1851), Matthew (1767), 18. Peter (1847), 107. Robert (1828), 79. Simon, Knt. (1798), 46. Thomas (1803), 49. William (1874), 190. William Alexander (1885), 248, 255, 263, 272. William Braid (1894), 315, 324, 333- Telfer JohnT. (1840), 98. William (1830), 82. Templeman James M. (1893), 313- Tennant John Cook (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221, 228. William (1799), 4 6 - William J. (1871), 178, 183. Terras Alexander (1849), in. David (1840), 97. James (1843), 101. Robert (1881), 225, 232, 239- 444 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Terrill Edward (1794), 43- William (1797), 45- Tetley James (1846), 106. Teviotdale Edward John Smyth (1887), 261, 270, 279, 286, 292. Thain Alexander (1776), 26. Alexander (1843), 102. George William (1845), 105. Third (Thirde) James Young (1859), 128, Thirkill John (1863), 139. Thorn Alexander (1869), 166, 172, 178, 184. Andrew (1891), 289, 299, 308, 318, 327, 334. David (1873), 186, 191, 196, 2OI, 2O6. George (1863), i4-i- Thomas Ramsay (1871), 176, 182. William (1825), 73. William Nichol (1895), 323, 33i- Thomas Edward Joseph (1896), 3 2 9. Thomas (1781), 31. Thorns Alexander (1808), 52. Alexander (1888), 269. Alfred Patrick (1888), 269, 277, 286, 293. Henry J. (1891), 292, 300. James (1865), H5, 151. *57< John (1808), 53. Thorns Patrick (1862), 136, 140. Patrick H. (1809), 53. Wedderburn David (1867), 155- William (1819), 63. Thomson (Thompson) Alexander (1826), 74. Alexander (1832), 84. Alexander (1836), 91. Alexander James (1882), 229, 236, 244, 251. Andrew (1762), 13. Andrew (1817), 61. Archibald (1850), 113. Charles [C] (1859), 130. Charles Maitland (1834), 88. David (1768), 19. David (i797)> 45- David (1814), 58. David (1821), 65. David (1830), 81. David (1832), 85. David (1843), 1 01. David (1844), 102. David (1847), 107. David (1877), 202, 209, 215, 221, 228, 234, 240. Emily Charlotte (1894), 322. Francis S. (1881), 224, 231, 238. George (1809), 53. George (1855), 122, 129. George (1888), 268, 277, 286, 292, 302, 311, 320. George Addison Lister Sin- clair (1894), 321. Henry (1787), 37. James (1748), 2. James (1780), 30. James (1800), 47. James (1817), 61. James (1818), 62. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 445 Thomson (Thompson) James (1856), 124, 129, 132, i35> T 38. James (1874), 193, 198. James (1875), 194, 200, 205, 211. James (1890), 283, 291, 3o> 3 IO 3 J 9> 327) 334- James C. (1863), 139. John (1760), 12. John (1776), 26. John (i799) 46. John (1804), 50. John (1812), 56. John (1824), 69. John (1828), 78. John (1833), 87. John (1836), 91. John (1841), 98. John (1850), 112. John (1862), 136, 139. John (1881), 224. John[C] (1877), 203, 210, 216. John Fernie (1847), 107. John William (1824), 69. John William (1858), 126. John William Newport (1892), 301, 306. John Young (1847), 107. Laurence (1839), 96. Peter (1814), 58. Peter (1838), 94. Robert (1800), 47. Robert (1850), 112. Robert (1874), 191. Robert (1876), 199, 204, 210, 216, 221, 228, 234, 240, 246. Robert (1881), 223, 231, 238. Robert D. (1881), 224, 231, 238. Roger (1841), 99. Ronald (1885), 247, 255, 262, 271, 279. Thomson (Thompson) Ronald [F.] (1845), 105. Thomas (1777), 27. Thomas (1788), 38. Thomas (1818), 62. Thomas Alexander Gibsone (1865), 144. Thomas H. (1846), 106. William (1757), 10. William (1761), 13. William (1791), 40. William (1879), 214, 220, 227. William (1885), 251, 258. William (1896), 331. William Edwin (1882), 229, 236, 244, 252. William Tweeddale (1882), 229. Thorburn Walter Milne (1894), 314, 325- Thorne George Hough ton (1896), 329- Thornton Robert (1868), 162, 169. Robert [Hill] (1826), 75. Thow Thomas (1811), 55. Tindal John (1828), 79. Tiplady John T. (1894), 321. Tivendale Charles B. (1866), 150. Tocher Francis (1851), 115. William Middleton (1880), 217, 225, 232, 239, 245) 252, 259, 267. 446 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Tod (Todd) Alexander (1765), 16. Alexander (185 7), 125,129, 132, i35> J 3 8 > J 4i, 144, 149. Alexander Bruce (1843), 101. David (1762), 13. David (i773) 23. David (1812), 56. David (1820), 64. George (1806), 51. George (1824), 69. James (1833), 87. John (1784), 34. John (1795)* 44- Richard Watt (1888), 268, 277, 285, 293, 302. Robert (1817), 61. William (1811), 55. Toland William (1826), 75. Tolputt Arnold George (1891), 296, 34, 3 2 1- Torrance Thomas (1826), 74. William (1825), 73. Torry James R. (1864), 142, 146, 152, 158. Tosh James Ramsay (1889), 276, 28 5> 292, 301, 309. Touch (Tough) Anthony Murray (1846), 106. John G. (1838), 94. Thomas (1827), 77- William (1834), 88. To van i Luigi A. (1871), 176, 182. William T. (1882), 230, 237, 244, 279. Traill (Trail) Anthony (1773), 23- Arthur William (1869), 166. David (1780), 29. David (1823), 68. James (1772), 22. James (1800), 47. John (1754), 7- John (1825), 73. John (1867), 155, 162, 173. Robert (1772), 22. Robert (1819), 63. Robert H. (1866), 150. Thomas (1778), 28. William (1814), 58. William (1875), 195. William [Henry] (1876), 198, 2O4, 2IO. Trigg Mathew [Thomas] (1821), 65- Trotter Alexander M'Kay (1854), 121, 129, 132, 135, 138, 141. Thomas (1859), 128, 131, 134. Troup James M'Donald (1883), 235 243, 250, 258. Robert (1888), 269. William (1860), 130, 133, 137, 141, 144, 148, 153. True Adele (1892), 305, 312. Tullis George (1820), 64, John (1824), 69. Robert (1822), 66. Robert (1827), 77. Robert (1859), 128, 131. William (1820), 64. Tulloch Francis (1871), 177, 187. INDEX MATRICULATION ROLL 447 Tulloch George (1815), 59. John (1837), 93. John Marshall (1867), 155, 159. Robert (1815), 59. William Weir (1861), 135, 136, 142, 147, 153, 159, 164, 169. Turnbull Alexander (1764), 15. John (1880), 218, 225, 232. Robert L. (1847), 107. Thomas (1779), 29. William (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. Turner Alfred (1879), 213. Charles (1843), 101. Daniel (1856), 124. Francis Cecil (1886), 254. Francis Charles (1871)5176. James (1888), 269, 277, 286, 293. Turpie David [M'Calman] (1841), 98. Turpin Richard (1786), 36. Tuttiett Laurence (1871), 175, 182, 193- Tyrie John (1846), 1 06. Tyzack Thomas George (1860), 132. Udny Edward R. (1871), 176, 182. Ernest (1866), 149, 156, 162, 168. Unsworth John (1896), 331. Urquhart Gordon (1802), 48. John (1822), 67. Valentine Easton Smith (1876), 199, 205, 210, 216, 222. Vallance Peter (1847), 107. Vane Eleanor Kate (1895), 323, 332. Vilant Alexander Blackwood (1786), 36. Nicola (1752), 6. William (1785), 35. Villettes Henry (1769), 19. William (1769), 19. Waddell (Waddle) Andrew (i75 2 )> 5- Francis (1825), 72. Thomas D. (1878), 208, 214, 220, 227. Waddie Henry J. (1886), 260, 267. Wakefield John E. (1846), 1 06. Walker Ada Hill (1896), 331. Alexander (1772), 22. Alexander (1819), 63. Alexander John (1890), 285, 291, 301, 309, 320. Andrew (i799)> 4 6. Andrew (1820), 64. Andrew (1882), 230, 237, 244, 251, 258. 44 8 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Walker Charles (1842), 100. Cyril (1875), 195. David (1763), 14- David (1824), 71. David Macrither (1855), 122. George (1767), 18. George (i79 6 )> 44- George (1817), 61. George (1858), 127, 132, i35 138- George (1866), 150. George M. (1871), 175, 182, 187, 193. George W. (1874), 190. Henry (1826), 74. James (1760), 12. James (1791), 40- James (1807), 52. James (1822), 67. James (1842), 100. James (1894), 320. James Wallace (1883), 235, 242, 249, 256, 264, 272. John (1791), 40. John (1791), 40. John (1797), 45- John, Dunblane (1824), 70. John, Kenmore (1824), 70. John (1826), 74. John (1848), 109. John (1861), 135. John (1894), 315. John Y. (1846), 1 06. Mary L. (1893), 313. Norman (1874), 190. Patrick (1778), 28. Peter (1893), 306, 316, 326, 333. Peter Charles (1877), 204. Peter G. (1847), 107. Robert (1856), 124. Robert Langlands (1881), 223, 231, 238, 245. Robert M. (1849), m. Walker Robert T. (1828), 79. Samuel (1881), 224. Thomas (1822), 67. Walter (1842), 100. William (1750), 3. William (1778), 27. William (1783), 33- William (1793), 42. William (1798), 46. William (1828), 79. William (1840), 97. William (1850), 112. William (1856), 124, 129. Walkinshaw Arthur W. (1857), 125. Constantine (1860), 132, 135- James R. (1857), 125, 129. William (1861), 135. Wallace Alexander (1871), 176. Andrew (1824), 71. Andrew, Scoonie, (1824), 71. Annie (1894), 315. David (1822), 66. David (1866), 149. David (1890), 288, 295. David Wilson (1888), 269, 276, 284, 291, 301, 309. Dempster (1820), 64. Donald (1892), 298. Edwin (1864), 142, 146, 152. George (1826), 74. George (1851), 114. George (1889), 276, 285. James (1872), 181. James Bell (1877), 203, 209, 215, 222, 259, 267, 274. John (1837), 93. John (1851), 114. John (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 449 Wallace John (1888), 269, 276, 285, 291, 301,311, 320, 328, 336. John C. (1849), Iir - Robert (1814), 58. Robert (1849), in. William (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140. William (1894), 319, 323, 332. Walmsley Bertram Moulding (1891), 289, 299, 308, 318, 327. George Everard (1896), 331- Wann John (1840), 97. Ward Ada Helen (1896), 330. Warden Adam (1817), 61. Edward (1788), 38. John (1757), 10. Wardrop, Robert (1824), 71. Waring Harold Thomas Josiah (!893) 305) 3 l6 > 3 2 5> 336. Warkman Henry (1800), 47. Waterston David (1820), 64. Watson Alexander (1824), 71. Alexander (1829), 79. Alexander (1871), 177. Alexander Tosh (1864), 142, 146, 152, 158. Alice D. (1892), 304. Annie Mercer (1894), 320. Watson Archibald (1874), 190, 195, 200, 206. Benjamin Philp (1895), 328, 329. Charles (1821), 65. Charles (1884), 242, 249, 257, 265, 274, 281, 288. David (1799), 46. David (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239, 245. David Don (1887), 26 1, 2 7 1. David Kenneth (1895), 323> 332. Elizabeth A. (1892), 304. George (1791), 40. Guthrie F. (1885), 247. Hugh (1872), 181. James (1754), 7- James (1819), 63. James (1819), 63. James (1828), 79. James M. (1890), 283. James M'Lean (1895), 322, 33i- John (1820), 64. John M. (1868), 161, 167, 174. Margaret Alexandra Hannan (1892), 297, 307, 317, 326, 334. Patrick (1766), 17. Patrick (1866), 149. Peter (1754), 7- Richard (1760), 12. Robert (1791), 40. Robert (1812), 56. Robert L. (1894), 314. Robert Matthew (1880), 218, 225, 232, 239. Thomas (1788), 38. William (1783), 33. William (1876), 199, 204. William (1894), 315. William [Ranken] (1828), 78. 2 F 450 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Watt Alexander Barclay (1862), 135. '39, U3 X 47- Andrew (1883), 235, 243, 250, 258, 265. Charles F. (1868), 160, 167. Charles James (1866), 149, 156, 162, 168, 174- Charles Kinnear (1856), 124, 129, 135, 138, 141, 144, 148. David (1785), 35- Henry (1764), I 5- Henry David (1823), 68. James (1816), 60. James (1824), 70. James (1827), 76. James (1862), 136. John (1859), 129. John A. (1859), 128. John Paton (1852), 117. Joseph Hume (1870), 170, 178. Robert (1779), 29. Robert (1806), 51. Robert (1806), 51. Robert (1860), 130. Stormont (1859), 128, 131 133, 137- Thomas (1803), 49. William (1779), 29. William (1822), 66. William (1878), 212. Watters (Waters) Douglas B. (1885), 247. George (1862), 136. John (1849), in. John (1865), 146. Waugh John (1823), 68. John Hugh Wharrie (1823 68. Robert (1825), 73. Webster Alexander (1810), 54. Alexander (1824), 71. Andrew (1829), 80. Andrew (1831), 83. Charles (1765), l6 - Charles (1828), 79. George (1813), 57. James (1816), 60. James (1832), 85. John (1769), 20. John (1785), 35- Peter (1865), 144, iS 1 * i57 l6 3 l6 9 X 75- Robert M. (1852), 117. Wedderburn Charles (1761), 13. David (1789). 3 8 - Laurence Maclagan (1893) 312. Wedgwood Bertram Hensleigh (1894), 3*9, Weinberg Zerlina A. (1892), 304. Weipers John (1890), 284, 290, 299, 309, 3*9* Weir William (1817), 6 1. Wells Morris Benjamin (1883), 236. Welsh Alexander (1820), 64. Welwood (Wellwood) Alexander M. (1860), 132. Robert (1762), 13. Wemyss (Weems) Alexander Watson (1862), 136, 140. David (1762), 13. INDEX MATRICULATION ROLL Wemyss (Weems) David (1792), 41. David Watson (1854), 121. Hugo Erskine (1878), 208, 214. James (1764), 15. James (1807), 52. James (1820), 64. John (1790), 39- John Watson (1855), I22 - Robert (1807), 52. West John (1769), 20. John (1841), 98. Stewart (1766), 17. William (1784), 34. Westwater Alexander (1874), 190, 196, 200. George (1810), 54. Westwood James (1894), 315, 325, 333- Whelpdale Andrew (1831), 83. Whinfield Henry (1773), 2 3- Whishaw Richard (1762), 13. White (Whyte) Charles (1884), 242, 249, 257, 265. David (1823), 68. Francis (1891), 296, 304. George (1862), 136, 140, 143, 148. Ina Mary (1892), 305. James (1752), 6. James Farquharson (1877), 203, 209, 215, 221. James Hunter (1883), 237, 244, 251. James Martin (1885), 253. White (Whyte) James [S.] (1841), 98. John (1821), 66. John (1823), 69. John (1825), 73. John (1835), 90. John (1842), 100. Montague W. (1867), 155. Robert (1814), 58. Thomas (1838), 95. Thomas (1855), 122. Thomas (1881), 223, 231, 238. Thomas W. H. (1879), 213, 219, 226, 233. Thomson (1866), 150, 156, 162, 1 68. William (1836), 91. Whitelaw Thomas (1855), 122. Whitewright John Sutherland (1891), 289. Whitson Alexander (1823), 69. George (1790)) 39- James (1809), 53. John (1814), 58. Patrick (1778), 27. Thomas (1771), 22. Thomas Hunter (1824), 69. Whittle Gilbert (1878), 207. John (1895), 324, 331. Whitton Andrew (1880), 217, 225, 232. Whytock Clara (1892), 305. John (1781), 31. Margaret (1893), 312. Wightman Alexander (1822), 67. 452 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Wilkie .David (1768), 19. David (1836), 91. David (1896), 330. Ebenezer (1844), 102. George (1804), 50. James (17 73)) 2 3- James (1811), 55. James (1845), 104. John (1769), 20. John (1822), 67. Thomas (i753)> 6 - Will James (17 74) 2 4- James (1824), 70. Thomas (1817), 61. Williams Edward (1825), 73. John (1799), 46. Walter Bennett (1867), 155. Williamson Alexander (1791), 40. Alexander (1848), 109. David (1780), 29. David (1886), 260, 267, 275, 282. David (1895), 3 2 4, 33 1 - Frederick (1881), 224, 229, 237, 245, 251, 267, 274, 281. George (1834), 88. Henry Charles (1888), 270, 279, 287, 293,300, 310, James (1791), 40. James (1838), 94. James Alexander (1874), 190, 196, 201, 206, 211, 2l6, 222, 228. James Ferguson Grace (1872), 181, 187, 192, 197, 201. John (1767), 18. John (1855), 122. John (1874), 190, 195. Williamson John C. (1883), 236, 244, 250, 258, 265, 274, 281, 288. Robert (1817), 61. Thomas (1776), 25. William [Taylor] (1845), 104. Willis Jamieson (1829), 81. Willison Andrew (1776), 25. Wills Arthur (1866), 150. Edmund (1827), 77. George M. (1879), 213, 220. Robert A. (1881), 224. Wilson Adam (1856), 124, 129. Alexander (1767), 18. Alexander (1817), 61. Alexander (1820), 64. Alexander (1827), 76. Alfred (1852), 117. Allan (1886), 254. Andrew (1757), 10. Andrew (1814), 58. Andrew (1869), 165, 172, 179, 183. Charles (1872), 181, 187. Colin (1875), X 94- David (1780), 30. David (1800), 47. David (1806), 51. David (1828), 78. David (1870), 171. David (1882), 234, 240. David William Morrison (1888), 269, 277. Duncan M. (1869), 168. Emma Isabel (1892), 303. George (1798), 46. George (1881), 223, 231, 245. INDEX] MATRICULATION ROLL 453 Wilson James (1754), 7- James (1757), 10. James (1783), 33- James (1812), 56. James (1822), 67. James (1823), 69. James (1827), 76. James (1831), 83. James (1856), 124. James (1874), 190. ^James (1884), 242, 250, 257, 273. James (1887), 261, 270. James Simpson G. (1872), 181, 186, 192, 197. James W. (1890), 283, 291. Jeanie Marshall (1896), 335- John (1790), 39. John (1803), 49. John (1827), 76. John (1877), 203. John C. (1880), 218. John Grierson (1896), 330. John [Hardie] (1882), 229, 244, 251, 258, 265. John M'Artney (1880), 217, 224, 232, 239. Margaret Eva (1894), 320. Patrick (1759), n. Patrick James (1824), 71. Peter (1822), 67. Robert (1778), 28. Robert (1817), 61. Robert J. P. (1873), 185. Robert Main (1864), 142. Thomas (1774), 24. Thomas (1792), 41. Thomas (1802), 49. Thomas (1827), 77. Thomas (1848), 109. Thomas (1869), 166. Thomas (1875), 194. Thomas A. A. (1888), 269, 278. Wilson Thomas L. (1880), 219, 226, 233. Walter (1769), 20. Walter [Cracroft] (1861), /35- William (1779), 29. William (1781), 30. William (1840), 97. William (1872), 182. William [Bower] (1888), 268, 278, 285, 293, 302, 3 JI > 3 J 9> 328. William [T] (1833), 87. Winchester Charles [Alexander] (1833), 86. Winter David (1860), 132, 135, 138. George (1875), r 94- James (1879), 212. William (1847), 107. William H. (1873), 185, 191, 196, 201. Winterbotham Hubert Frederic (1891), 289. Winton Richard (1827), 76. Wise George (1841), 98. John (1828), 79. Thomas A. [M.] (1845), 105. Wishart David (1846), 1 06. James (1846), 106. Wood Alexander (1786), 36. Alexander (1826), 75. Alexander Moir (1884), 242, 248. 454 UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS [INDEX Wood Ashmore (1846), 106. Duncan Hamilton (1884), 241. Edward J. F. (1866), 150, 156. Edward Septimus (1853), 119. Hector (1811), 55. Henry [M.M.] (1859), 128. James (1767), 18. James (1845), 105. James (1847), 107. James (1883), 236, 243, 250, 258. Robert (1782), 32. Thomas (1849), in. William (1824), 71. William (1871), 177, 182, 187, 192, 197. Woodcock Alexander (1829), 79. James (1832), 85. William (1825), 72. William (1835), 89. Wotherspoon (Wedderspoon, Woodderspoon) Andrew Murray (1826), 74. Arthur Wellesley (1869), 165, 172, 178, 184, 189. Henry Johnstone (1867), 154, 161, 168, 174, 184, 189. James M. (1878), 207, 213, 220, 227. Peter (1760), 12. William Laing (1836), 92. Worrall Arthur G. (1892), 303,313 Wright Arthur B. (1868), 160, 166 179. Buchan [Warren] (1823) 68. Wright Charles (1886), 254, 263, 271, 280. Daniel (1849), in. Frederick Walker Leslie (1846), 106. George (i75 2 ) 5- George (1802), 48. George Tod (1835), 89. James (1812), 56. James (1837), 93. James Russell (1848), 109. John (1834), 88. John (1839), 96. John Innes (1835), 89. Louis (1879), 212. Maxwell (1841), 98. Maxwell James (1874), 190, 195, 200, 205, 212, 2l6, 222. Patrick (17 5 9), n. Peter (1752), 6. Robert (1827), 77. Thomas H. (1847), 107. William (1844), 103. William (1858), 127. William Maxwell (1819), 63- Wybrants Robert Kerr (1891), 296, 35- Wylie (Wyllie) Alexander C. (1867), 154- Alexander Matthew (1885), 247, 270, 279, 286, 293, 302, 311, 320. David (1825), 72. Francis (1820), 64. George C. (1865), 145. James (1811), 55. James Aitken (1826), 75. James Vere (1856), 124. James W. (1861), 135, 137- John (1806), 51. John (1846), 1 06. INDEX] MATRICITLATION ROLL 455 Wylie (Wyllie) Thomas (1797), 45- Thomas Pettigrew (1892), 303, 312, 320,323,334. Yeaman James (1771), 22. Yelf Clara Mary Fleming (1896), 329- Young Alexander (1764), 15. Alexander (1846), 105. Alexander (1853), 118. Alexander (1854), 120. Andrew (1806), 51. Andrew (1840), 98. David (1830), 81. David Gowans (1884), 241, 247, 256, 264, 273, 281, 288, 294. Henry Stephen Matthews (1883), 236. James (1822), 67. James (1842), 100. James (1852), 116. James Gerard (1845), 104. John (1811), 55. John (1820), 64. John (i 8 59)> 128. John (1866), 149. John (1896), 330. Joseph (1814), 58. Julian Charles (1821), 66. Maurice (1761), 13. Peter William (1832), 85. Robert (1767), 18. Young Robert (1771), 22. Robert (1818), 62. Robert (1820), 64. Robert (1822), 66. Robert (1832), 85. Robert W. (1865), 145, Thomas (1756), 9. Thomas (1772), 22. Thomas (1866), 149, 156, 163, 173, 179, 184, 193. Thomas Watson (1896), 330. William (1760), 12. William (1812), 56. William (1820), 64. William (1880), 218, 225, 232, 246. William (1892), 303. William B. (1865), 145, Younger David (1861), 134. George (1860), 130, 133, 137, 140. James (1858), 127. James (1859), 128, 131, 134, 141. Yule (Yool) Arthur D. (1891), 295. George (1891), 289, 299, 3 8 > 3 l8 > 334- John (1874), 190, 196, 201, 206. William (1821), 65. William (1880), 218. PRINTED BY WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE'OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $I.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. JUN 2 JIIJL o " & 'SEP 2 NOV 5*5 12 LIBRARY USE ONLY GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. 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