I -in r r T^ Iv L\ 10 THE \ VVERLEY NOVELS SPROUL HALL LIBRARY A KEY WAVERLEY NOVELS a OPINIONS OF THE PRESS (A Iphabctkally arranged) ' The entire essence of the stories.' Bedfordshire Mercury. 'A valuable and exceedingly handy little work.' Court Journal. ' We heartily commend this very happy idea.' Ecclesiastical Gazette. 'Another useful work by Mr Grey.' Edinburgh Coiirant. 'An admirable idea carried out with great literary skill. '--Glasgow Herald. ' The plot of each novel is carefully condensed in as few words as possible.' Graphic. ' Very skilfully and attractively epitomised.' Hampshire Telegraph. ' A marvel of compactness.' Harper s Magazine. ' Written in a very attractive manner.' Jersey Express. ' Admirably compiled.' Manchester Courier. ' The plots are clearly set forth.' New York Critic. ' The principal scenes are vividly sketched.' North Wales Guardian. ' Will be welcomed by a large class of readers.' Ontario Chronicle. ' Will be read with interest and advantage.' Oxford Chronicle. ' Gives a lucid outline of the plots.' Oxford and Cambridge Undet- graduates' Journal. '' Very successfully condensed.' People's Journal, Dundee. ' A very careful summary.' St Andrews Gaze tic. ' Gives a very pithy outline of each tale.' School Newspaper. ' Fits into the wards of each story in the smoothest fashion.' SnnJ