The D. Van Nostrand Company
intend this book to be sold to the Public
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Instructor in the University of Chicago , Junior Member A *S.M.E.
Member A merican Gas Institute, A merican Chemical Society
Associate Professor of Chemistry in Rutgers Collegt
Member of the A merican Chemical Society
A merican Electrochemical Society
Societe chimique de France
Stanbope jpress
IN order to insure uniformity of results in the testing of
cement, it is essential that each test should invariably be
made in precisely the same manner and under exactly the
same conditions. A committee of the American Society
of Civil Engineers has, with this aim in view, prepared and
published a set of Standard Methods of Testing Cement,
and these methods are to-day employed throughout the
United States.
This little volume, as its name implies, is a laboratory
manual on cement testing, and is intended to assist in
bringing about uniformity in the testing of cement. The
authors have endeavored to present, in a somewhat con-
densed form, such directions as will enable a student in the
laboratory or an operator in the field office to correctly
interpret the Standard Methods of Testing and Specifica-
tions for Cement as published by the committee of the
American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society for
Testing Materials, Association of American Portland Cement
Manufacturers, and the American Railway Engineers and
Maintenance of Way Association; they have endeavored
to give sufficient detail to enable all students to learn the
same manipulations and thus be able to perform each test
in a certain well defined and similar manner.
All of the tests described have been performed in the
laboratory under the eyes of the writers and have been
found to produce uniformly good results.
Acknowledgment has been made to various authorities
on the subject by special mention or as references at the
end of the several chapters.
Any corrections or suggestions will be gratefully received.
W. A. R.
H. B. N.
June i5th, 1912.
Definition Classification Portland Natural Pozzuo-
lana Mixed Distinguishing Features Composition Silica
Lime Alumina Iron Oxide Magnesia Sulphuric Acid
Sulphur Alkalies Carbonic Acid Manufacture Raw
Materials Cement Rock Limestone Marl Clay Chalk
- Alkali Waste Mixing (Wet Process, Dry Process) Kilns
(Stationary, Rotary) Grinding References i
Storage Collecting the Sample Sample Cans References . . 7
Importance Method Apparatus (Sieves, Scales) To
Make the Test Results Deductions References 9
Definition Significance Apparatus (Le Chatelier Specific
Gravity Flask, Funnel, Chemical Balance) To Make the Test
Calculation Cleaning the Flask Conclusion References ... 14
Significance Standard Apparatus (Vicat Apparatus, Scales,
Burette) Mixing To Make the Test Time of Set Sig-
nificance To Make the Test Conclusions References 20
Significance Kinds of Tests (Normal, Accelerated) Appara-
tus (Boiling Apparatus) To Make the Tests Conclusions
References 28
Use Factors Affecting Strength Composition Fineness
Amount of Water Apparatus (Molds, Testing Machines) To
Make the Tests (Neat Cement) To Make the Test (Mortar)
Determine the Percentage of Water Method of Mixing
Breaking (Briquettes) Conclusions References 33
Compressive Strength Molds To Make the Test (Neat,
Mortar) Breaking Conclusions Transverse Tests (Modu-
lus of Rupture) Molds To Make the Test Breaking
Calculations Conclusions References 41
Sand Test of Natural Sand Per Cent of Loam Mechani-
cal Analysis Apparatus To Make the Test The Uniformity
Coefficient The Effective Size To Find the Uniformity Co-
efficient and Effective Size Voids Apparatus To Make the
Test Stone Mechanical Analysis (Apparatus, To Make the
Test) Voids (Apparatus, Specific Gravity, To Make the Test)
References 49
Special Apparatus Machines (Tension Test) Long Lever
Shot Spring Balance Clips Transverse Tool Compres-
sion Tool Universal Testing Machine Sand Shaker Scales
and Balance Boiling Apparatus Moist Closet Storage
Tanks Table Burette Molds (Briquette, Cube, Bar) -
Miscellaneous Apparatus 63
Part played by Chemical Analysis; Preparation of Sample for
Analysis 80
Determination of Loss on Ignition Silica (SiO2) Iron and
Alumina (Fe 2 O 3 and A1 2 O 3 ) Lime (CaO) Magnesia (MgO)
Sulphuric Acid (SO 3 ) Total Sulphur (S) Sulphur as Sulphide
(S) Moisture Alkalies (K 2 O and Na 2 O) Carbon Dioxide
(CO.) 84
THE Portland Cement Industry in the United States has
had a most marvelous development. In 1880 the United
States produced 82,000 barrels of Portland Cement, while
in 1910 the output was estimated to be 70,000,000 barrels.
This great increase in the use of cement is fitting testi-
mony of its great value as a material of construction.
Like all other materials used in construction, cement
must be tested. Iron, steel, wood and stone, in their
preparation for use or tests, have only their shapes changed ;
but it is quite different with cement, which comes from the
manufacturer to the testing laboratory, or wherever it is to
be used, in the form of a fine powder, there to be mixed with
water into a paste and deposited in forms till hardened
into a solid. It is evident that of all materials of construc-
tion subjected to a system of testing, cement is probably
the most dependent on the judgment and skill of the person
making the tests. It was with a view to eliminating this
personal factor as far as possible, and thereby placing the
tests of one operator, or one laboratory, on a basis of
comparison with another operator or laboratory, that the
American Society of Civil Engineers and several other
societies appointed a committee to draw up specifications
to be used in all tests of cement in the United States.
These specifications form the basis of this manual, and
whenever the term " Standard Specifications," is used, it
refers to the "Standard Methods of Testing and Specifi-
cations for Cement," of the American Society of Civil
Classes. Cement tests are of two classes: (i) Experi-
mental Tests, made for scientific purposes, and comprising
such tests as modulus of elasticity, coefficient of expansion,
etc., and (2) Routine Tests, made to ascertain if a certain
consignment of cement will answer the requirements of a
set of specifications, as regards soundness and strength.
The routine tests usually employed are fineness, spe-
cific gravity, soundness, tensile strength (both neat and
sand), and time of set, while compression and transverse
tests are sometimes used.
The tests for soundness and strength are called primary
tests, while fineness, specific gravity, etc., are called second-
ary, since they give only additional information, which is
of little value in itself.
Routine tests alone will be considered in this work.
Definition. Hydraulic cement is a material, which, when
pulverized and mixed into a more or less pasty mass with
water, has the property of setting or hardening under water.
Classification. Cements are usually classified as follows :
(i) Portland, (2) natural, (3) Pozzuolana, (4) blended or
Portland cement is the finely ground powder of a clinker
resulting from the incipient fusion of an intimate artifi-
cial mixture of finely ground calcareous and argillaceous*
materials, and must contain no materials added after cal-
cination other than a small amount of calcium sulphate to
regulate setting.!
Natural cement is the finely ground powder of a clinker,
* Calcareous partaking of the nature of calcite or calcium carbonate
Argillaceous of a clayey nature.
t This definition is sometimes further limited by stating: The finished
product must contain at least 1.7 times as much lime, by weight, as silica
alumina and iron oxide combined.
resulting from the burning, at a heat below incipient fusion,
of argillaceous limestone or other suitable natural rock.
Pozzuolana cement results from grinding and mixing in
definite proportions slaked lime and blast furnace slag, or
certain volcanic lava.
Mixed cement is, as the name implies, a cement made up
of different brands or kinds of cements, and sometimes
inert substances.
Distinguishing Features. Natural or common cements
are light or dark gray, according to the stone from which
they are made. The specific gravity is from 2.7 to 3.0, with
an average about 2.85. Portland cements have a specific
gravity of from 3.0 to 3.5, averaging about 3.15. Natural
cements have much quicker set and are lower in strength
in the earlier tests.
Pozzuolana cement made from slag is characterized
chiefly by its light lilac color, absence of grit, low specific
gravity (2.6-2.8), and by the intense bluish green color of
a fresh fracture after long submersion in water.
Composition. The basic elements of Portland cement
are silica, alumina and lime. Ingredients such as iron,
magnesia, alkalies, sulphuric acid, carbonic acid, and water
also occurs in varying quantities, replacing some of the
basic elements.
The following represents about the limits within which
fall the constituents of various American Portland cements,
which pass the Standard Specifications for soundness,
setting time and tensile strength:
Per Cent.
Silica 20 to 24
Alumina 5 to 9
Iron Oxide 2 to 4
Lime 60 to 63.5
Magnesia i to 2
Sulphur Trioxide 1.5
The following represents an average:
Per Cent.
Silica 22.0
Alumina 7.5
Iron Oxide 2.5
Lime 62.0
Magnesia 2.5
Sulphur Trioxide 1.5
Silica (Si0 2 ). 19-24 per cent, exists in combination with
lime as calcium silicate, which is an active hardening
factor. It should not be present as free silica.
Lime (CaO). 59-67 per cent, depending on the relative
proportions of alumina and silica and care with which the
cement has been manufactured. When in the combined
state the greater the amount the stronger the cement.
Excess of lime, or lime in the free state, will make an un-
sound cement by expanding due to slaking. The more
lime, the slower the setting.
Alumina (A1 2 3 ). 5-10 per cent, mostly combined as
calcium aluminate. The greater the proportion, the quicker
the setting and the lower ultimate tensile strength. Le
Chatelier believes calcium aluminate to be the greatest
factor in hardening.
Iron Oxide (Fe20s). Usually less than 4 per cent.
Probably has little influence on the cement, though be-
lieved by some to act the same as alumina.
Magnesia (MgO). 2-4 per cent, by some considered as
an impurity, while other investigators claim it acts the
same as lime. Four per cent is placed as the limit by the
Standard Specifications.
Sulphuric Acid or Sulphur Trioxide (SOs). 1.25-1.75
per cent, due mostly to the introduction of calcium sul-
phate into the finished cement to regulate setting. The
more calcium sulphate (CaSO 4 ) the slower the set. It
should never exceed 2-3 per cent, while the Standard
Specifications limits it to 1.75.
Sulphur (S). Found only in small amounts, usually
comes from the coal used in burning the clinker, though
sometimes from the raw materials. Sulphides, when in any
considerable quantity, cause discolorations (dark blue
spots) in the cement on hardening, and disintegration due
to oxidation.
Alkalies (K 2 O and Na20). 0.5-2 per cent, have little
or no effect on cement unless in large quantities.
Carbonic Acid (CO 2 ). 0.5-1.5 per cent, due mostly to
absorption from the air; a large proportion shows under-
burning or excess of lime.
Natural and Pozzuolana Cements. The constituents of
natural and Pozzuolana cements are practically the same
as those of Portland cement, except that in the natural they
are found in varying proportions.
The following analyses* will serve to illustrate.
* From Eckel's " Cement Materials and Industry."
21 . ^O
28 o<
II .40
o. 54
60 (K
4< 22
^O 20
2 (K
2 06
Sulphuric acid
I 8l
I 37
I . 1^
Carbonic acid and water
2 . 7Q
As the composition of natural cement from different
plants, and frequently from the same plant, varies greatly,
the analysis just given must not be considered as an aver-
age, but simply as an illustration.
Raw Materials. The essentials, silica, lime and alumina,
are obtained from six different sources.
(1) Cement rock and limestone.
(2) Limestone and clay.
(3) Marl and clay.
(4) Chalk and clay.
(5) Slag and limestone.
(6) Alkali waste and clay.
Cement rock, from which about two- thirds of the cement
manufactured in the United States is made, is an argilla-
ceous limestone, low in magnesia.
Marl, an almost pure calcium carbonate, is a soft, wet,
calcareous earth.
Clay is a more or less plastic substance composed chiefly of
aluminum silicate, formed by the decomposition of minerals.
Chalk, a soft, earthy variety of limestone or carbonate
of lime, is usually of a yellowish-white color, but is some-
times snow white. It is easily broken, has an earthy frac-
ture, is rough, dry and harsh to the touch, and adheres
slightly to the tongue. It sometimes contains a little
silica, alumina, or magnesia, and occasionally all three.
Limestone is a substance formed when clay has been
deposited with calcareous matter.
Alkali waste is the refuse from the manufacture of soda.
It exists as caustic lime.
These materials are very carefully analyzed and propor-
tioned before mixing. The mixing is done in one of two
ways, (i) by a wet or (2) by a dry process, after which the
mixture is calcined. For this there are two kinds of kilns
in use: (i) the stationary and (2) the rotary. Including
the grinding of the clinker, the manufacture of cement,
regardless of the process or method used, consists of three
steps: (i) mixing and grinding, (2) calcining the mixture,
and (3) reducing the clinker to a powder.
"Practical Cement Testing," by Taylor; "Concrete: Plain and
Reinforced," by Taylor and Thompson; "Examination of Portland
Cement," by R. K. Meade; "Manufacture of Portland Cements,"
by A. V. Bleininger; "Fourth Series," Bulletin 3, Ohio Geological
Storage. Cement is shipped in wooden barrels, cloth or
paper bags, none of which furnish very good protection
for its contents. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a
good dry storage place.
Inspection. The material, the condition of the packages,
and, if possible, the transporting medium of each shipment
should be thoroughly examined. Be very careful in the ex-
amination of the storage room or warehouse. It must be dry
and free from leaks. All packages should bear the manu-
facturer's name or trade-mark, and any unmarked packages
should be rejected. If the specifications call for sealed
packages, all packages should be sealed and all seals should
be similar. The cement should contain no hard lumps, as
these indicate injury from moisture, which has caused
partial set. Soft lumps easily broken by the fingers indi-
cate aging, which is not harmful. It is well to ascertain
the average weight of the packages.
Collecting the Sample. The selection of the sample for
testing must be left largely to the discretion of the party
taking it. The quantity must depend upon the importance
of the work and the number of tests to be made, as well as
the facilities for making them usually 8 to 10 pounds.
The sample must be a fair average of the shipment and also
of the package. One barrel in ten is a fair average for a
large shipment, but on small work or in small shipments
samples should be taken more often; and never less than
five bags should be sampled.
To obtain an average of the shipment, the samples should
be taken from packages in different parts of the pile. An
average of the package is
K obtained by means of a
sampling auger (Fig. i), such
FIG i as is used by butter or sugar
inspectors, inserting it from
top to center in bags, and from side to center in barrels,
midway between the heads.
Sample cans * marked with all necessary information as
to the shipment, brand, manufacturer, etc-., should be used
to store the sample in, until tested. Each sample should
be thoroughly mixed and passed through a sieve having
twenty meshes per linear inch, in order to break up lumps
and remove foreign material and further mix the sample.
"Practical Cement Testing," by Taylor.
* Mason (fruit) jars make good sample jars.
Importance. In itself, fineness is of little importance,
but because it affects the other properties it becomes of
considerable moment.
In the early stages of hardening only the finer particles
have any effect, as water is slow in reaching the interior of
the larger particles, thereby delaying the hydraulic action.
Also, the finer particles will more easily cover the sand
grains, making mortar much stronger, and allowing the use
FIG. 2.
of a larger percentage of sand. Neat cement mixtures are
usually less strong with fine than with coarse cement.
Seasoning can take place more easily with finely ground
cement; because of this, fine cement is less liable to un-
Method. Fineness is determined by passing the cement
through sieves (Fig. 2) ; other methods by means of currents
of air or liquids have been proposed but are little used.*
Apparatus. Sieves, numbers 20, 50, 100 and 200, pan
and cover, shot and scales. The sieves should be circular,
between 6 and 8 inches in diameter and i\ inches deep,
provided with a pan 2 inches deep, and a cover.
The wire cloth should be woven from brass wire having
diameters as follows :
No. 20 0.034
No. 50 0.0090
No. zoo 0.0045
No. 200 0.0024
The cloth should be mounted on the frames without dis-
tortion; the mesh should be regular in spacing and within
the following limits :
No. 50 not less than 48 nor more than 50 per linear inch.
No. 100 not less than 96 nor more than 100 per linear inch.
No. 200 not less than 188 nor more than 200 per linear inch.
* "The classification of coarse materials according to size is very readily
accomplished by means of sieves." But with cement and other fine materials
a large proportion will pass the finest sieve; it is, therefore, desirable to
have some way of separating these very fine particles.
"It is well known that homogeneous substances fall in liquids with a
speed that varies with their size, that is to say, the larger fall more rapidly
than the smaller ones; and if a stream of liquid can be given a definite
upward flow, certain relatively coarse particles will settle out and other
relatively fine particles will be floated away."
Classifiers for laboratory use have been made for the separation of fine
particles, but the experiments so far take from two to four hours, and for
cement are otherwise not entirely satisfactory.
See article by G. W. Thompson, Proc. Am. Socy. for Testing Materials,
1910, vol. x, p. 601, also Taylor's " Practical Cement Testing, " p. 64.
Scales. The scales used in tests for fineness should be
sensitive to 5 centigrams. Figs. 3 and 4 show the two
types generally used. That
shown in Fig. 4 is designed
especially for fineness tests.
The beam is graduated so
as to represent percentages
of 50 grams.*
To Make the Test.
Weigh out 50 grams of the
FIG. 3.
thoroughly dried and
coarsely screened sample, and place in the No. 200 sieve
with about 200 grams of rather coarse shot. Then,
FIG. 4.
with pan and cover attached, hold all in the hands in a
slightly inclined position, and move backward and forward,
* The cuts for Figs. 3 and 4 were loaned by the E. H. Sargent Co., of
changing the plane of inclination, and allowing the sieve to
strike the palm of the hand a sharp blow, squarely on the
side, at the rate of about two hundred strokes a minute,
for ten minutes. Empty the cement that has passed the
sieve, clean the pan, and shake for one minute more.*
When the amount passing the sieve in one minute of con-
tinuous shaking is less than o.i per cent (0.05 gram), the
residue is passed through the No. 20 sieve, to separate it
from the shot, and is weighed. This weight in grams,
multiplied by 2, gives the per cent retained on the No. 200
sieve. Place the residue on the No. 100 sieve and con-
tinue the operation as above.
Results should be reported to o.i per cent on forms
similar to the one shown at the end of the chapter.
A convenient method of determining when less than o.i
per cent has passed a sieve is to weigh out 0.05 gram of
cement; form it into a compact heap and lay it aside for
reference. Then, by comparing the cement being tested
with this, it can be told at a glance if the shaking should
be continued.
The difference in color and structure between the several
residues should be observed and noted.
Deductions from Test. Specifications generally state
that for natural cement a residue of not more than 15 per
cent shall be left on the No. 100 sieve, nor 30 per cent on
* Should the residue after the one minute of continuous shaking be
greater than o.i per cent the operation must be continued till not more
than o.i percent remains on the sieve after one minute of continuous shaking.
the No. 200 sieve; and for Portland cement not more than
8 per cent on the No. 100, nor 25 per cent on the No. 200
sieve; but unless the cement acts badly in the other tests
it is not well to reject a cement, except when variation from
these requirements is great.
"Taylor's Practical Cement Testing," pp. 75-78; Johnson's
" Materials of Construction," Art. 310; "Standard Methods of
Testing and Specifications for Cement," Pars. 19-27.
Condition of Sample
Weight ^o fie-
Pefa'inecl hxineoi
Definition. The specific gravity of a substance is the
ratio of the weight of a given volume of that substance to
the weight of an equal volume of water. In the metric
system it is the ratio of the weight of the substance in
grams to its volume in cubic centimeters.
Significance. " The specific gravity of cement is lowered
by adulteration and hydration, but the adulteration must be
in considerable quantity to affect the results appreciably."
As the differences in specific gravity are usually very
small, every precaution must be taken to make the results
accurate. At the best, it is now believed, the test is of but
little value, as can be seen from the following, which are the
conclusions reached by R. K. Mead and Lester C. Hawk
after a series of experiments.*
" The specific gravity test is of no value whatever in
detecting underburning, as underburned cement will show
a specific gravity much higher than that set by the stand-
ard specifications. Underburned cement is readily and
promptly detected by the soundness tests, and no others
are needed for this purpose.
* Proceedings of the loth annual meeting of the Am. Socy. for Testing
Materials, vol. vii, p. 363.
" The value of the specific gravity test as an indication
of adulteration is much exaggerated. While a large admix-
ture of any light adulterant with the cement would be
shown, there is at the same time much slag and also
Rosendale cement which could be mixed with cement
in large quantities without lowering the specific
gravity below the limit of our standard specifications.
" Low specific gravity is usually caused by sea-
soning of the cement or clinker, either of which
improves the product.
"'The proposition to ignite the cement sample
which falls below specifications and determine the
specific gravity upon the ignited portions is of no
value because adulterated cements also have
their specific gravity very much raised by such
Apparatus. Le Chatelier specific gravity flask,
glass funnel, ring stand, settling jar, glass rod
and pipette (Fig. 5), chemical balance (Fig. 20).
Various forms of specific gravity flasks have been
devised, most of them on the same principle;
but the one now used almost exclusively is the
Le Chatelier apparatus (Fig. 6).
This consists of a flask (a) of 120 c.c. capacity,
with a neck (6) about 9 mm. in diameter and 20 cm. long,
which has a bulb (c) at the middle, with graduation marks
immediately above and below; the volume between these
marks is 20 c.c. The neck, from the mark above the bulb
for about 6 cm., is graduated into tenths of a cubic centi-
To Make the Test. Fill the Le Chatelier flask with
benzine (62 Baume naphtha) to the lowest mark, taking
care not to wet the side of the neck above the bulb. Let
this stand while 65 grams* of the cement to be tested is
weighed out on a chemical
balance. With a pipette,
adjust the lower meniscus
exactly to the mark under
the bulb taking care to avoid
parallax by sighting on a
distant horizontal line of
about the same level as the
eye. Support funnel (a) by
a ring stand (&), (Fig. 7),
allowing the stem to project
into the flask about one
inch. A pad of paper should
be placed under the flask
for protection from breaking.
Introduce the cement all at one time into the funnel,
holding a glass rod in the bottom to control the dis-
charge of the cement. By slightly raising and lowering
the glass rod, a small portion of the cement will pass through
* While the Standard Specifications give 64 grams the authors have been
in the habit of using 65 grams. Other cases are known in which the test is
made with 65 grams of Portland or 64 of natural cements.
FIG. 7.
the funnel into the flask; and by slightly jarring the flask
on the paper pad, all of the cement may be made to pass
to the bottom of the flask with almost perfect elimination
of air, thereby displacing the benzine. See that all of the
cement enters the flask, by brushing scale pan, weighing
paper, rod and funnel. The funnel used in introducing
the cement must be perfectly dry; otherwise some of the
cement will be prevented from entering and the test will
be spoiled.
The displaced benzine rises to some division in the
graduated neck, as 0.8, shown by the line in Fig. 7; and
this plus 20 c.c. (the vol. of bulb), making 20.8 c.c., is the
volume of the 65 grams of cement; and
~ p _ weight of the cement _ 65 gms. _
displaced volume 20.8 c.c.
To prevent evaporation the flask should always be
grasped above the benzine. The room should be cool and
free from air currents. The flask may be immersed in
water to keep it at a constant temperature.
Cleaning the Flask. To empty the flask, shake it
vigorously to loosen the cement, then invert quickly over
a large jar and shake with a vertical motion. Add a small
amount of clear benzine and repeat the operation until all
the cement is removed.*
The benzine should be filtered and used again.
* A thorough cleaning of the lower bulb is not necessary between tests,
but the neck must always be kept clean.
Conclusion. In order to draw conclusions from a specific
gravity test, the operator must be familiar with the specific
gravity of the brand of cement he is working with, as
different brands vary greatly. When a sample tests below
the known average of the brand it must be subjected to
further examination for adulterants, and an additional
specific gravity test should be made on an ignited sample,
to see that the low specific gravity is not due to excessive
The final rejection or acceptance must be based on the
results of the strength tests, modified by the specific gravity,
as the experience of the operator indicates.
Taylor's "Practical Cement Testing," pp. 46-51, 58-63; John-
son's, "Materials of Construction," Art. 311; "Standard Methods
of Testing and Specifications for Cement," Pars. 8-19.
Condition of Sample
Significance. Different percentages of water used in
making the pastes,* for soundness tests, setting tests,
briquettes for strength tests, etc., cause the same sample
of cement to give widely varying results. Likewise, these
results are affected by a difference in the amount of working
that the pat receives. Therefore, it is necessary to fix some
standard by which the amount of water may always be
kept uniform, and the amount of working always the same.
Standard. The standard requires the use of such a
quantity of water as will, with a definite amount of working,
reduce the cement to a certain state of plasticity, called
normal consistency. The plasticity recommended by the
Standard Specifications is such that the plunger of a Vicat
apparatus will sink to a point in the mass 10 mm. below the
top of the ring.
Apparatus. Vicat apparatus, scales, glass plate and rub-
ber ring, burette (Fig. 8 or Fig. 36). The Vicat apparatus
is the one now used almost entirely. This consists of a
frame (k), (Fig. 9), in which a rod (/) moves. There are two
caps (a and d) which may be placed on the upper end of
* The term paste is used to designate a mixture of cement and water,
and the term mortar a mixture of cement, sand and water.
the rod (/) and a needle (k) i mm. in diameter, or cylinder
(b) i cm. in diameter (0.39 in.), at the lower end and held
by a thumbscrew (g). The caps (d and a)
are of such weight that when used with
the needle or cylinder respectively, their
FIG. 9.
weight together with the rod (/) is 300 grams. To the
rod (/), which can be held in any desired position by the
thumbscrew (/), is attached an indicator, which moves
over a scale (graduated to millimeters) attached to
the frame (k). The paste is placed in a rubber ring (i)
4 cm. high and 7 cm. in diameter at the base and slightly
tapering to the top, resting on a glass plate (/) about
10 cm. square.
Mixing. Weigh out 500 grams of cement and form it
into a crater about 4 inches in diameter (Fig. 10). For
first trial, into this crater pour, all at one time, a quantity
of water equal in amount to about 20 per cent of the weight
of the cement. With a trowel turn the cement from the
outside edges, into the water, a little at a time, till the
crater is filled and the water is absorbed. This should
take about a minute's time. Now turn this mixture over
two or three times with the trowel
to distribute equally the wet
cement, and form into a pile.
Knead the mixture vigorously for
1 1 minutes, much as dough is
kneaded for bread. The process is
best described as follows : Place the
hands, with the fingers and thumbs touching, over the top
of the pile, the wrists resting on the table. Then push
rapidly forward with a downward pressure of about 15
pounds and at the same time close the fingers in, so as to
squeeze the pile. Do this two or three times. Then turn
the pile at an angle of 90 degrees and continue the kneading.
At the end of a minute and a half, form the paste into a ball
and toss from one hand to the other six times, holding the
hands 6 inches apart.*
To Make the Test. Press the ball into the large end of
the rubber ring of the Vicat apparatus, smooth off and
place on a glass plate with the large end down. Smooth
the top with a trowel, using light pressure. Place the ring
under the Vicat plunger; set the plunger in contact with
* To secure uniformity of results, these directions must be followed to
the letter.
the surface, read the scale and quickly release the
Take the final reading on the scale when perceptible
motion has ceased. The paste is of normal consistency
when the plunger penetrates 10 mm. below the surface.
If the correct penetration is not obtained, discard the sample
and make another trial, using more or less water as re-
quired. Continue until the right percentage of water is
found. Record on blanks similar to the one shown at the
end of the chapter.
The Vicat apparatus must always be kept exceptionally
During all mixing operations the hands should be pro-
tected with rubber gloves.
Significance. The time of set gives no indication of the
strength or soundness of a cement. But it is very important
to know the time of initial set (the time which elapses from
the moment water is added to the cement until the paste
ceases to be plastic, or when crystallization begins), and
final set (the time taken to become a hard mass).
Handling the cement after it commences to set, or after
the process of crystallization or hardening has begun, will
weaken it and cause it to disintegrate. It is, therefore,
very important to know how long a time may be allowed
in mixing and placing a batch of cement without injury to
it, and after it is placed how long it will take it to harden
so that the forms may be removed. It should harden as
quickly as possible after initial set. It usually takes con-
siderable time for mixing and placing concrete (the form
in which cement is most generally used) ; therefore, a cement
should have a slow " initial set " but reach " final set " soon
These periods are arbitrarily measured by the penetration
of weighted wires of given diameter, as the needle of the
Vicat apparatus.
Things Affecting the Time of Set. Fineness, allowing
the water to reach the interior of the particles more easily,
increases the rapidity of setting.
Long standing cements absorb moisture from the air
and lose their hydraulic property.
The greater the amount of water used in mixing, the
slower will be the set.
Increased temperature of the mixing water hastens the
time of set.
To Make the Test. The Vicat apparatus with needle
is used. Mix 500 grams of cement to a paste of normal
consistency. Record the time of adding the water. Place
the paste in the Vicat ring as in normal consistency tests,
bring the Vicat needle into contact with the surface, and
release quickly. Find to what mark the needle should
descend to be 5 mm. from the bottom of the ring. Release
needle at intervals till set occurs.
Initial set is said to have occurred when the needle
ceases to penetrate beyond a point 5 mm. from the bot-
tom, and final set when it makes no indentation.
Always see that the needle and apparatus are clean.
If Portland and natural cements are to be tested at the
same time, mix the Portland first, as it requires more time
to attain set. Test Portland cement for initial set after
15 minutes, and natural after 5 minutes.
The rings with the samples being tested should be stored
in a damp closet during the test.
Conclusions. Time of set being influenced by so many
conditions, tests made by the' same operator often do not
check closer than 10 per cent and by different operators
vary even more. Therefore, considerable allowance should
be made in judging a cement for time of set. It requires
from 20 to 30 minutes to mix and place a batch of concrete
in large work, but it also takes much longer to set than in
the tests; so that, in general, a cement need not be rejected
unless the mixing and placing on the work takes two or
three times as long as the test set.
Normal Consistency. Taylor's, "Practical Cement Testing,"
pp. 92 to 95, 120 to 126; Johnson's, "Materials of Construction," Arts.
316, 318; "Standard Methods of Testing and Specifications for
Cement," Pars. 27, 37, 52, 59.
Time of Set. Taylor's "Practical Cement Testing," pp. 80 to 83,
88 and 89; Johnson's, "Materials of Construction," Arts. 164, 312,
421; "Standard Methods of Testing and Specifications for Cement,"
Pars. 37 to 44.
Temperature of
Temperature of
ig Water
Per Cent
Remarks ..
Temperature of Room
Temperature of Mixing Water . .
Initia/ $*f
/V>7^/ ^/
Pat-$ /n water
Condition of Ball
Condition of Pat steamed 3 Hours
Use. Cement is used in compression, but since there is
a certain fairly definite relation between its strength in
compression and tension, the accepted method for deter-
mining this strength is the use of a tensile test, which is the
test most easily performed. It is made by mixing the
cement into a paste, or the cement and sand into a mortar,
and molding into test specimens or briquettes, which are
allowed to set and are tested at the end of i, 7 and 28 days,
or, in some cases, at longer intervals. Strength tests of
mortar briquettes are of much greater importance than are
neat cement tests, as it is in the form of a mortar that
cement is used.
Composition. Aluminates are presumably responsible
for the setting, and silicates for the final hardening; there-
fore, high aluminates will give a cement a higher early
strength and a lower ultimate, and vice versa.
Aging. Cement should not age longer than necessary
for manufacture, as this will lower the initial strength and,
if it is allowed to continue much longer, the ultimate
Fineness. Fineness will, in general, weaken neat cement,
but will strengthen sand mortar. This increase in strength
of sand mortar is due to the fact that fine cement more
thoroughly covers the sand grains, while in the neat the
weakening seems to be due to the fact that, in a coarse
briquette, the line of break passes around, rather than
through the grains, thereby increasing the breaking area.
Amount of Water. The amount of water used in mixing
and the method employed seem to affect the strength of
the cement greatly. (Chap. V.)
Apparatus. Briquette molds, either
single (Fig. 13) or gang (Fig. 14),
glass plate the size of the mold.
To Make the Test. (Neat
Cement.) Weigh out 800 grams of
cement (which will make 5 bri-
quettes), mix to normal consistency and fill the molds as
FIG. 13.
FIG. 14.
follows. (The molding of the briquettes is perhaps the
most important factor in cement testing.)
Place a well-oiled mold on an oiled glass plate,* sides
toward the operator, put enough cement to half fill the
molds into each opening, and press it lightly and evenly
* Plate should be of the same width as the outside of the molds and
enough longer tc rest on the cleats of the damp closet to be used.
into the bottom of the molds. Do this with the fingers
and thumbs, never with a tamper of any sort. Place
enough cement in and above the molds to more than fill
them; turn the molds 90 and begin at the end farthest
away to press, without ramming, the cement into the molds
with the thumbs, gripping the sides of the molds with the
fingers so as to exert a pressure of about 25 pounds. Press
each briquette in this manner three times, once at each
end and once in the middle. Turn the mold back to the
original position, add more material and smooth off with
a trowel, using about 5 pounds pressure. The smoothing
should be a cutting action, taking away the excess material
and yet filling in all the openings. With a few final strokes
of the trowel, make the surface perfectly smooth and press
the cement well up to the sides. Place a glass plate on top
and turn the mold over, and smooth the bottom in the same
manner as the top, by adding material and troweling. The
mold resting on the glass plate is now placed in a damp
closet for 24 hours, when the briquettes are removed from
the molds and stored on edge in water. They must remain
here until they are to be broken, which should be done
immediately after removal from the water.
Make enough briquettes so that five may be broken at
each period called for, usually i, 7 and 28 days, though
often the i-day tests are omitted.
To Make the Test. Weigh out materials as follows:*
For Portland cement, i to 3 mortar, cement 250 grams,
sand 750 grams.
For natural cement, i to 2 mortar, cement 300 grams,
sand 600 grams.
Determine the percentage of water by Taylor's formula,
as follows :
4 (n + i)
X = per cent of water for the sand mixture;
N = per cent of water for the neat cement ;
n = parts of sand to one of cement by weight;
S = a constant depending on the character of the
sand and consistency desired. (For Ottawa sand,
S = 25; for bar sand, 5 = 27 to 33; usually
use 33.)
The method of mixing and filling the molds is the same
as for the neat briquettes, except that the amount of water
is determined as above, and the cement and sand are
mixed dry to a uniform color before forming into a crater.
Make six briquettes of each cement, three to be tested
at each period of 7 and 28 days. Briquettes should be
stored in water in a damp closet (the same as the neat),
after being marked with the necessary information as to
brand, proportions of sand, etc.
* This amount should be sufficient to fill 4 3-gang molds.
Test pieces must be broken as soon as they are taken
from the water. Any standard machine (Figs. 21-25)
may be used, but it should be supplied with the solid metal
clips (Fig. 15), as they are the ones recommended by the
Standard Specifications. Clips should be
used without cushioning the points of
contact. Great care must be observed
to center the briquettes in the clips and
to see that they are free from sand, in
order to avoid cross-strains, which cause
clip breaks. Apply the load slowly, as
a suddenly applied load may produce
vibration or shock, which will cause the
briquette to break before the ultimate
strength is reached. The Standard Spec-
ifications recommend that the rate of
application of pressure be 600 pounds per minute. The
average value of the briquettes of one sample broken
should be taken, with high or low results excluded.
Conclusions. A cement, to be acceptable, should fulfil
the following conditions in the tension test: " (i) Both neat
and sand briquettes shall pass a minimum specified amount
at 7 and 28 days. (2) That the neat value at 7 days shall
not be excessive. (3) There shall be no falling off between
7 and 28 days in neat test. (4) Sand tests must show an
increase of at least 10 to 15 per cent. (5) Sand tests are
the true tests of the strength. A cement failing in sand
FIG. 15.
tests should be rejected even if it passes the neat test.
When the reverse is true, i.e., when it passes the sand test
and fails in the neat, cement may be accepted if no signs of
unsoundness have developed."
The following rules, given by Taylor in " Practical Cement
Testing," should be followed.
" At 7 days: Reject on a decidedly low sand strength.
Hold for 28 days on low or excessively high neat strength,
or a sand strength barely failing to pass requirements.
"At 28 days: Reject on failure in either neat or sand
strength. Reject on retrogression in sand strength, even
if passing the 28-day requirements. Reject on retrogres-
sion in neat strength, if there is any indication of poor
quality, or if the 7-day test is low; otherwise accept.
" Accept if failing slightly in either neat or sand at 7
days and passing at 28 days."
For Neat. Taylor's "Practical Cement Testing," pp. 120-125;
Johnson's, "Materials of Construction," Arts. 315, 316, 319, 320,
323, 324 and 325; "Standard Methods of Testing and Specifications
for Cement," Pars. 59-69.
For Mortar. Taylor's "Practical Cement Testing," pp. 108, 114,
120-125; Johnson's "Materials of Construction," Arts. 317-319,
406-411; Taylor and Thompson's "Concrete: Plain and Rein-
forced," pp. 132, 133; "Standard Methods of Testing and Specifica-
tions for Cement," Pars. 35-36.
(Neat Cement.)
Machine used for Breaking
Per cent of Water used in Mixing..
Brarnaf Afo.
5r&r?af f\fo.
from Mearr?
Pe war tier?
frem Macrr?
Per- Cent
Machine used for Breaking...
Deviation from Mean.
Per Cent
Compressive Strength. In the United States, compres-
sion tests are not used as standard tests for the reception
of a cement, but where a concrete is required to be tested,
or where a comparison test of different sands and stones
that are to be used in concrete is to be made, the com-
pression test is necessary as the size of the aggregate
requires the use of larger specimens than the regular bri-
quettes of the tension tests.
The form and size of the specimen most generally used
are two-inch cubes for mortar and six-inch cubes for con-
crete. Cylinders six inches in diameter and ten inches to
twelve inches deep are preferable for concrete because the
ease of rilling and packing them makes the specimens of
this size more uniform.
In order that there may be proper contact between the
testing machine and the specimen, the bearing surfaces of
the specimen should be smoothed to true planes, and to
correct any slight angle between the bearing surfaces, one
surface should rest on a plate having a ball and socket
Blotting paper or plaster of Paris should be placed be-
tween the block and the machine to counteract the irregu-
larities in the specimen; this will, however, slightly lower
the strength.
Molds. Four gang 2-inch cube molds (Fig. 16) are gen-
erally used, but the size depends to some extent on the
capacity of the machines obtainable for breaking the
To Make the Test. Oil the molds and glass plate thor-
oughly before mixing.
Neat. Weigh out 900 grams of cement (if 2-inch cubes
are to be used) and mix by standard methods, as given
FIG. 16.
under Normal Consistency. Fill the molds in a manner
similar to that described for briquettes, mark and place in
the damp closet for 24 hours. Remove the cubes from the
molds and place in water. Do not take from the water until
ready to break. Test the cubes at the end of 7 and 28 days.
Mortar. Weigh out 400 grams of cement and 1 200 grams
of sand for 1:3 mortar, or 550 grams of cement and
1 1 oo grams of sand for i : 2 mortar.
Determine the amount of water to use and fill the molds,
following directions given for mortar briquettes. Place in
a damp closet, remove from the molds, store and break,
using directions given under Neat.
Breaking. Use an ordinary universal testing machine
(Fig. 29) of 30,000 capacity (for 2-inch cubes), with com-
pression tool in the moving head. Place the cube exactly
in the center of the machine. (This can be done by means
of the circles cut in the table of the machine.) Run the
head down until nearly in contact with the cube, with
medium speed; change to the slowest speed and apply
load, keeping the beam balanced until the cube yields under
the load.
Conclusion. The results of compressive tests are to be
interpreted in accordance with the same general rules as for
tension tests. There is a ratio between compression and ten-
sile strength, which varies from 5 to 10 for average results.*
(Modulus of Rupture.)
Molds. The molds for this test are usually i-in. by i-in.
by i3-in. beam molds, though sometimes i^-in. by ij-in. by
i3-in. or 2-in. by 2-in. by i3~in. molds are used; 6 beams
will give a very good average result. Fig. 17 shows a gang
To Make the Tests. Oil the molds and the glass platef
thoroughly. Weigh out 1000 grams of cement; mix and
fill the molds in the same manner as for briquettes or cubes.
When using gang molds do not try to turn the molds over,
* See discussion in "Materials of Construction " by J. B. Johnson, and
Practical Cement Testing, p. 215.
t If glass plate large enough for gang mold is wanting, a water-soaked
asbestos board may be used.
but use extra precautions to see that the cement fills the
bottom of the molds. Place in damp closet for 24 hours;
remove from the molds and place in storage water for 7
days, and then break.
FIG. 17.
Breaking. Beams should be broken on the long lever
testing machine with special attachment (see description
on p. 70), using, if possible, a 1 2-inch span. Should any
beams be broken in handling before being tested, they may
be broken at shorter spans. Reports of this test should
include the calculations.
Calculations. The modulus of rupture is calculated by
the formula
i W L
R = ^77;' which for i-inch square specimens becomes
R=$W.L,m which
W = the center load in pounds,
L = the length of span in inches,
B = width of the specimen,
H = the depth.
Illustration. Suppose a beam i in. by i in. on a 1 2-inch
span breaks with a center load of 50 pounds; then
R = $W.L = - X 50 X 12 = 900 inch-pounds.
2 2
Another beam 2 ins. by 2 ins. on a 1 2-inch span breaks with
400 pounds, center load.
3 -W.L 3 X 400 X 12
R = : = = ooo inch-pounds.
2-B.H 2 2X2X4
Conclusion. There is a ratio* between transverse
strength and tensile strength varying between 1.3 and 2.5.
By assuming an average of 1.5 and multiplying the modulus
of rupture by this average, an approximate estimate of the
tensile strength may be obtained. However, this is rather
unsatisfactory, since transverse specimens are subject to so
many variations. A cement should never be condemned by
a transverse test alone, unless a series of tests shows a very
low value.
Compression Tests (Neat). Taylor's "Practical Cement Testing,'*
pp. 212-216; Johnson's "Materials of Construction," Arts. 280, 315,
326. (Mortar) Taylor, pp. 212-216; Taylor and Thompson's "Con-
crete: Plain and Reinforced," p. 136; Sabin's "Cement and Con-
crete," Art. 52.
Modulus of Rupture. Taylor's " Practical Cement Testing,"
pp. 216, 217, 231-234.
* The student should compare tension and transverse tests and ascertain
the ratio.
(Neat Cement.)
Machine used for Crushing.
Per Cent of Water used in Mixing
4 is frequently employed instead of K^SaO?. The latter salt
is preferable.
to cool; then dissolve in water. The solution thus ob-
tained contains the iron and alumina in the form of sul-
phates together with the excess of K 2 SO 4 .
To determine the Fe 2 Os, the solution is acidified with
H 2 SO 4 , the iron reduced to the ferrous condition, and then
titrated with a standardized KMnO 4 solution. The re-
duction of the iron may be brought about by one of the three
methods described below.
Reduction by Means of Zinc. Introduce the solution of
iron and alumina from the bisulphate fusion into a 200 c.c.
Erlenmeyer flask fitted with a one-hole rubber stopper,
carrying an exit tube as shown in the
drawing (Fig. 39). Add about 3 grams
of pure, finely divided zinc and a few
cubic centimeters of concentrated H 2 S0 4 .
Tightly stopper the flask and allow the
outer end of the exit tube to dip into a
beaker of water as illustrated. This
serves as a trap. The hydrogen generated by the sul-
phuric acid and zinc completely reduces the iron to the
ferrous condition and drives all air from the flask.
When the zinc is entirely dissolved, filter rapidly through
a Gooch crucible and wash the crucible several times with
small amounts of water. Remove the stopper and quickly
titrate the solution in the filter flask with a standardized
solution of KMnO 4 . The number of cubic centimeters of
KMnO 4 solution used, multiplied by its Fe 2 3 factor, gives
the total weight of Fe 2 O 3 .
Reduction with a Jones Reductor. A very convenient,
as well as quick, method of reduction is accomplished by
the aid of a Jones reductor. This apparatus is a glass tube
of the form shown in Fig. 40, and is fitted to a filter flask
by a tightly fitting rubber stopper. The
reductor is filled as follows: Directly over
the stopcock a few glass beads are placed and
over these a little glass wool. This is then
covered with a layer of sand. The balance
of the tube, up to the enlargement at the top,
is then filled with pure granulated zinc, after
which the apparatus is ready for use.
Once filled, it may be used indefinitely
with no care save the occasional addition of
a little zinc as the column of this metal is
reduced by the action of acid. When not
in use, the reductor should be tightly stop-
pered to prevent evaporation, and under no circumstances,
either when in use or not in use, should the surface of the
liquid be allowed to recede below the top of the column of
The operation of reduction is as follows: Suction is
applied to the filter flask and the stopcock of the reductor
is so regulated as to allow the liquid to be slowly drawn
through the reductor into the filter flask. At first a little
dilute H 2 SO 4 is drawn through the apparatus. The liquid
to be reduced, which should contain enough H 2 S04 to have
a moderate action on zinc, is then run through, and this is
FIG. 40.
followed by successive small quantities of water to displace
all acid. The reductor is then removed from the flask
and the solution in the latter is rapidly titrated to a per-
manent pink color by means of standardized KMnO 4 solu-
tion. As before mentioned, great care must be exercised
during the process of reduction to prevent the surface of
the liquid from falling below the top of the column of zinc.
Reduction by Means of H 2 S. The solution from the bi-
sulphate fusion is placed in a 200 c.c. flask, tightly stoppered
with a rubber stopper provided with two tubes through
which gas can enter and leave the flask (Fig. 41). The
tube through which the gas enters should dip below the
surface of the liquid, as is shown in the drawing. The
solution is heated to boiling and a current HS
of pure H 2 S is passed through until the
solution is saturated. The tube through
which the gas enters is now connected with
a C02 generator, and while the solution in
the flask is still boiling C0 2 is passed
FIG. 41.
through until all H 2 S has been removed -
until wet lead acetate paper held near the exit tube is no
longer blackened. The solution is then allowed to cool in
the atmosphere of CO 2 , after which it is filtered and then
titrated with standard KMnO 4 as previously described.
A1 2 3 .
The total weight of A1 2 3 is simply the difference between
the combined weight of Fe 2 3 and A1 2 3 , and Fe 2 3 alone.
Combine the filtrates B and C from the two precipita-
tions of iron and alumina, acidify with HC1 and evaporate
to a volume of about 250 c.c. Make alkaline with NH 4 OH
and heat to boiling.* While the solution is still boiling,
add an excess of a boiling solution of (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O4. Boil
for a moment longer and then allow to stand and settle for
20 minutes, or, better still, over night. Filter and wash
thoroughly with hot water containing a little (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 .t
(The nitrate, D, is used for the determination of magnesia,
Place the filter paper containing the precipitate while
still wet in a weighed platinum crucible and heat carefully
in the Bunsen flame until the paper
is burned. Cover the crucible and
ignite for 15 or 20 minutes in a good
strong blast, to completely reduce
the oxalate to oxide. After ignition
quickly transfer the hot crucible to
a desiccator, preferably one fitted with a U-tube containing
soda lime as shown in Fig. 42. When cool, weigh. The
crucible should be reheated, cooled and weighed until the
weight is constant. This gives total lime, CaO.
* A little A1(OH)3 often separates at this point. This will not happen,
however, if the Fe(OH) 3 and A1(OH) 3 precipitates were kept hot while being
filtered. If any separates, it should be filtered off, ignited and weighed.
f Some chemists prefer to redissolve and reprecipitate the calcium, but
this is entirely unnecessary in ordinary analytical work.
To the filtrate D from the calcium oxalate precipitation,
add HC1 until acid. Evaporate to a volume of about 75 or
100 c.c. Then add an excess of Na 2 HPO 4 or NaNH 4 HPO4
solution and ammonia in moderate excess. Allow to stand
at least 4 hours (better over night).* Filter and wash once
or twice with a 2.5 per cent solution of NH 4 OH.
Dissolve the precipitate on the paper in a little hot,
dilute HNO 3 . Add a few drops of Na 2 HPO 4 solution and
then NH 4 OH, drop by drop, until in moderate excess, with
constant agitation of the solution. Allow to stand 4 hours,
or over night if convenient. Filter and wash with 2.5 per
cent NH 4 OH. Reject the filtrate.
Transfer the precipitate and paper while still wet to a
weighed platinum crucible and heat with a low Bunsen flame
to dry and char the paper. Burn the paper at as low a
temperature as possible. When entirely burned, ignite
the crucible in a weak blast flame, cool and weigh. Repeat
until constant weight is obtained. This gives weight of
MgO as Mg 2 P 2 7 . This weight, multiplied by the factor
0.3621, gives total magnesia, MgO.
Into a porcelain evaporating dish or casserole, weigh out
one gram of the finely powdered sample, add dilute HC1 to
* It is not necessary to remove ammonium salts before making this first
precipitation of magnesia. Large amounts of ammonium salts do, however,
greatly retard precipitation.
cover the powder and take to dryness on the water bath.
(By this treatment all the sulphur which was present in the
cement as sulphide will be expelled as H 2 S.) Dissolve the
residue in water,* treat with NH 4 OH and (NH 4 ) 2 C03 in
excess, filter and wash thoroughly. Concentrate the fil-
trate, acidify with HC1, heat to boiling for a moment and
precipitate the sulphuric acid as BaS0 4 by adding a boiling
solution of BaCl 2 , drop by drop, with constant stirring, until
in excess. Allow to stand on the water bath about two hours,
filter and wash. Or, if convenient, allow to stand over night
at the ordinary temperature before filtering. Transfer the
filter and precipitate to a platinum crucible and burn the
paper at as low a temperature as possible. Ignite for 10
or 15 minutes with the cover off, cool and weigh as BaSO 4 .
The weight of BaSO 4 obtained multiplied by the factor
0.3430 gives weight of sulphuric acid (SO 3 ).
For the determination of total sulphur, two methods are
available. The first to be described below, the fusion
method, is the one reported by the committee on uniform
methods of analysis. The alternate method is a very good
one and is especially good for the determination of sulphur
in cement.
* Many chemists filter the solution at this point and precipitate the sul-
phuric acid immediately without going through the NH 4 OH and (NH^COa
treatment. This procedure seems to be very satisfactory though it is
liable to give too high results, inasmuch as the BaSC>4 brings down other
substances mechanically.
Fusion Method. About i gram of the powdered sample
is weighed out into a large platinum crucible and about
5 or 6 grams of pure dry Na 2 C0 3 (free from sulphur) and
0.3 gram of KNOa are added.* This charge should be
intimately mixed by means of a platinum spatula or glass
rod, and then fused. In order to protect the contents of
the crucible from sulphur in the flame, the crucible should
be placed through a hole in a piece of asbestos board held
in a slightly inclined position. A good Bunsen burner is
sufficient to bring about the fusion. Heat until a quiet
fusion is obtained.
After cooling, the melt is treated in the crucible with
boiling water and the solution poured into a tall beaker.
More hot water is added and the whole is agitated until
disintegration is complete. The solution is then filtered,
the filtrate is acidified with HC1 and diluted to about
250 c.c. It is then heated to boiling and the S0 3 is pre-
cipitated as BaS0 4 , by the addition, drop by drop, of a
boiling solution of BaCk as previously described in the de-
termination of sulphuric acid. The precipitate is filtered,
washed, ignited and weighed as described in the same place.
The weight of BaSO 4 obtained, multiplied by the factor
0.1374, gives total sulphur.
Bromine Method. This method depends upon the oxida-
tion of S to 80s by means of Br water. Weigh out i gram
* As the reagents here used, Na2COs and KNOs, are liable to contain
sulphur, a blank should be run first. Results of subsequent analyses can
then be corrected for the amount found.
of the sample into a porcelain evaporating dish or casserole
and treat with Br water in excess. Allow to digest on the
water bath for 10 or 15 minutes, then acidify with HC1 and
evaporate to dryness. Moisten the residue with i c.c. of
concentrated HC1 and dilute with 200 c.c. of water. This
solution is then treated with NH 4 OH and (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 , etc.,
as described previously in the determination of sulphuric
acid (SO 3 ). This result gives all the sulphur as BaS0 4 ;
this figure, multiplied by the factor 0.1374, gives total
From the weight of BaSO 4 , obtained in the determination
of total sulphur, subtract the weight of BaSO 4 obtained
in the determination of sulphuric acid (SO 3 ). The dif-
ference will represent the sulphur existing in the cement as
sulphide, weighed in the form of BaSO 4 . By multiplying
this weight by the factor 0.1374 the weight of sulphur (S)
existing as sulphide will be ascertained.
If a determination of moisture is desired, it can be made
in the following simple manner. Weigh out into a platinum
crucible i or 2 grams of the sample and heat for an hour in
an air bath maintained at a temperature of 110. The
crucible is then cooled in a desiccator and weighed. This
procedure should be repeated until the weight is con-
slant. The loss in weight represents moisture in the
In the analysis of cement, many chemists determine
alkalies solely by difference, a procedure which is entirely
satisfactory for all ordinary purposes. In accurate work,
however, and especially in the analysis of clay, the alkalies
must be determined gravimetrically. For this determina-
tion the J. Lawrence Smith method alone is satisfactory.
About 0.5 gram of the sample is intimately mixed with
an equal weight of pure NH 4 C1 and 3 grams of pure CaCO 3 .
This mixing is usually done in an agate mortar. The mix-
ture is transferred to the crucible and
covered with about i gram of pure
The J. Lawrence Smith crucible, which
was especially designed for this determi-
nation, is a long tube-like receptacle
with a cap for the open end. When the
crucible is filled it is capped and placed
in an inclined position in a clay cylinder,
as shown in Fig. 43. The outer end of
the crucible remains cool and thus prevents loss by volati-
lization. Instead of a clay cylinder a piece of asbestos
* A rough determination of moisture is sometimes made in testing
laboratories, with a 100 or 200 gram sample in a porcelain evaporating dish,
the weighings being made with an ordinary scale as described on page n.
Such a determination is probably entirely satisfactory for all practical
FIG. 43-
9 8
board with a hole in the center to admit the crucible may be
conveniently used by clamping it in a vertical position.
An ordinary platinum crucible of 25 or
30 c.c. capacity may be used for this de-
termination with equally good results,
though it requires a little more care during
the process of heating. If an ordinary
crucible is employed, it should be fitted
into a hole in a piece of asbestos board
so that about half or two-thirds of the
crucible protrudes below the board (Fig.
44). The crucible should be covered
FIG. 44. with a platinum lid.
Heat is at first applied by means of a Bunsen burner
turned very low, or placed some distance below the crucible.
If a regular J. Lawrence Smith crucible is employed, a flat
flame should be used. When the odor of ammonia is no
longer perceptible, the temperature is gradually raised until
the full flame of a strong Bunsen burner is employed.
Two burners can be used with the J. Lawrence Smith
crucible. This heat is continued for about 40 minutes.
After the crucible is cool, the cintered mass is loosened by
gently tapping the crucible and is then transferred to a
porcelain or platinum dish, and treated with 50-75 c.c. of
water. Any of the mass which sticks to the crucible is
loosened by digesting with a little water, and washed into
the dish.
The dish containing the cintered mass and water is
digested on the water bath for 30 minutes and any large
particles are broken by means of a glass rod. Water lost
by evaporation should be replaced.
When disintegration is complete, the solution in the dish
is decanted through a filter and the residue washed 3 or 4
times by decantation. The residue is then transferred to
the filter and washed until free from chlorides.*
The filtrate is then treated with an excess of NH 4 OH
and (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 , heated to boiling, filtered and washed once
or twice. Inasmuch as the precipitate probably still con-
tains traces of alkalies, it should be dissolved in HC1 and
reprecipitated by mean's of NH 4 OH and (NH 4 ) 2 CO 3 in
excess. It is now filtered and washed thoroughly. The
two filtrates are combined, evaporated to dry ness on the
water bath and then gently ignited to expel all ammonium
salts. Dissolve the residue in a small amount of water
and treat with a little NH 4 OH and (NH 4 ) 2 C 2 O 4 to remove
the last traces of Ca. Allow to stand over night; filter
and wash, allowing the filtrate and washings to run into a
weighed platinum dish or large crucible. Evaporate to
dry ness and ignite to expel ammonium salts as before.
Allow to cool; moisten with HC1 to change any carbonate
into chloride, again evaporate tp dryness and ignite at a
low red heat. Cool in a desiccator and weigh. This gives
total alkali as chloride.
Determination of Potassium (K 2 O). Dissolve the ignited
chlorides in a small amount of water and treat with a slight
* The residue on the filter should be entirely soluble in HC1.
excess of platinum chloride solution. The approximate
amount of platinum chloride solution necessary can be
easily calculated from the weight of the alkali as chloride
determined above. The solution should be so dilute that
the precipitate redissolves when heated on the water bath.
Allow to evaporate on the water bath until the residue
solidifies on cooling. Drench the solidified mass with
absolute alcohol or with 80 per cent alcohol, and decant
the liquid through a very small filter. Wash by decanta-
tion with alcohol of the same strength, being careful to
bring as little as possible of the precipitate on the paper.
The dish and filter are allowed to dry for a few moments,
after which the contents of the dish are transferred to a
weighed platinum crucible. Any particles of the K 2 PtCl 6
precipitate still adhering to the dish should now be washed
through the filter by means of hot water, the solution being
caught in the crucible. The latter is then placed on the
water bath for a time and then heated for a few moments
in an air bath at 135. The dish should be covered during
the first few moments in the air bath to prevent loss due
to decrepitation. The crucible is cooled in a desiccator and
weighed. The weight of K 2 PtCl 6 thus obtained, multiplied
by the factor 0.1937, gives the weight of potassium as K 2 O.
Determination of Sodium Oxide (Na 2 O). To calculate
the weight of Na 2 0, multiply the weight of K 2 PtCl 6 above
found by the factor 0.3067 to find the weight of potassium
as KC1. This weight should be subtracted from the total
weight of alkalies as chloride previously determined. The
difference, which represents the weight of sodium as Nad,
should be multiplied by the factor 0.5303, which gives the
weight of sodium as Na 2 O.
The determination of CO 2 may be made by either of two
totally different methods, the " indirect " and the " direct,"
both of which are described below.
The " indirect " method has the advantage of being
rapid and requires less apparatus. It is not as accurate as
the direct method, although for determinations in limestone,
marl, or other substances rich in CO 2 , it yields very satis-
factory results. This method is far less satisfactory for
cement, inasmuch as the percentage of C0 2 therein is very
The " direct " method is very accurate and especially
well adapted to substances containing only small amounts
of CO 2 . The apparatus required, although somewhat com-
plicated, is easily assimilated and consists only of such
pieces as are ordinarily found in a chemical laboratory.
The principle involved in the " indirect " method is the
determination of the loss in weight due to expulsion of the
CO 2 . A special form of apparatus is needed for this deter-
mination, the Schrotter apparatus,* shown in Fig. 45, being
one of the more common forms.
* Many other forms of apparatus have been described for this de-
termination, among them those of Bunsen, Fresenius, Mohr, Geissler,
FIG. 45-
Procedure. The apparatus is first cleaned and dried.
Compartment b is then about one-third filled with concen-
trated H 2 S04 and compartment c is
nearly filled with dilute HC1 (i to 3).
The glass stopper is then replaced in c
and the end of b is closed by means of
a piece of rubber tubing carrying a
piece of glass rod in one end. The
apparatus is then weighed.
The sample is then introduced into
the apparatus through #, after which
the stopper is quickly replaced and
the apparatus is again weighed. The
increase in weight is the weight of the sample.
The rubber stopper is now removed from the end of b
and stopcock d is partially opened to allow the HC1 in c
to run slowly down into the flask and come into contact
with the sample. The C0 2 is thus liberated and is forced
out of the apparatus through b, the concentrated H 2 SO4 in
this compartment preventing the escape of moisture. The
flow of HC1 is so regulated that the C0 2 bubbles through
the H 2 SO4 slowly not faster than two bubbles per
After decomposition is complete and all HC1 has run from
c into the flask, stopcock d is closed and the flask is gradually
Rohrbeck, etc. All of these are designed on the same principle as the
Schrotter apparatus and all are equally well adapted to the determination
of CC>2 in carbonates, etc.
heated until the boiling point is reached, in order to expel
any CO 2 remaining in solution.
The stopcock d is then quickly opened and the stopper in
c is quickly replaced by a one-hole rubber stopper carrying
a drying tube filled with soda lime. The end of compart-
ment b is now connected with a CaCl 2 tube which in turn is
connected with an aspirator and a current of air is slowly
drawn through the apparatus to drive out all CO 2 .
After several liters of air have been drawn through the
apparatus, and the liquid contents of the latter are cool, the
glass stopper is again placed in c, and the end of b is again
closed by means of the rubber tube and glass rod. The
apparatus is now carefully weighed. The loss in weight
represents the weight of CO 2 .
In the direct determination of CO 2 , the gas, evolved by
the action of acid, is first passed through a number of drying
tubes, after which it is absorbed in soda lime or a concen-
trated solution of KOH. By weighing the absorption tubes
before and after the experiment, the actual weight of the
CO 2 is obtained.
The apparatus employed is shown in Fig. 46. The flask
b is of about 100 c.c. capacity and is used for the decompo-
sition of the sample. The U-tube c contains a few glass
beads moistened with a little concentrated H 2 SO 4 .* The
* A small condenser can be advantageously employed between b and c,
so arranged as to cause moisture condensed to run back into b.
first half of d is filled with CaCk and the second half with
anhydrous CuSO 4 and glass wool or pumice, e contains
CaCl 2 to remove final traces of moisture. Glass stoppered
U-tubes / and g are the absorption tubes. The former is
filled with soda lime and the latter contains soda lime in the
first half and CaCl 2 in the other half. This CaCl 2 absorbs
any moisture liberated by the absorption of CO 2 in the soda
lime, h is a Liebig bulb filled with concentrated H 2 SO 4 .
This prevents moisture from backing up into the absorption
tubes, and also indicates the rate at which the gas is passing
through the apparatus. The bulb h is connected directly
to the aspirator. The small U-tube a is filled with soda lime,
and is attached as shown in the figure while air is being
drawn through the apparatus, thus freeing it from CO 2 .
After filling the various tubes as described above, they
are joined together as shown in the drawing, by means of
small pieces of rubber tubing. Every joint should be
securely wired.
Procedure. Air is first passed through the apparatus for
some time in order to free it from traces of CO 2 . During
this process h may be connected directly to e, as it is not
necessary for the absorption tubes to be in position. The
weighed sample is then introduced into the flask b, which is
immediately closed. The tube a is now removed and the
funnel tube in b is filled with dilute HC1 (about 1:3). The
two absorption tubes, which should be tightly closed, are
now weighed, after which they are connected with the
apparatus, as shown, and the joints tightly wired.
The dilute HC1 in the funnel tube is now allowed to run
into b a little at a time, to decompose the carbonate. The
rate of flow must be so regulated that not more than two
bubbles a second pass through h. When all HC1 has run
into b, the stopcock in the funnel tube is closed and the
contents of the flask are gradually heated to the boiling
point to drive out any CO2 in solution in the acid. The
flame is then removed, the stopcock in the funnel tube is
opened and the U-tube a connected as shown in the draw-
ing. By means of the aspirator, air is now drawn through
the apparatus to completely sweep all CO 2 into the absorp-
tion tubes.
After several liters of air have been aspirated through the
apparatus, the stoppers in / and g are tightly closed, after
which they are taken from the apparatus and weighed.
The increase in weight is the weight of the CC>2.
Limestone is essentially a carbonate of calcium, but it
always contains more or less silica, iron, alumina, and
magnesia as impurities. Limestone is very readily at-
tacked by dilute HC1, hence no preliminary treatment is
necessary to prepare it for the various determinations.
Procedure. Weigh out 0.5 gram of the finely powdered
sample into a good- sized platinum dish and add water to
cover the powder. Add dilute HC1, a little at a time,
being careful to cover the dish quickly with a watch glass
after each addition. When sufficient acid has been added
and effervescence no longer takes place, wash the cover
glass, allowing the washings to run into the dish, place the
latter on the water bath and evaporate to dryness. Take
up with HC1 and water, etc., and proceed with the
various determinations as heretofore described under the
heading, " Analysis of Cement."
Moisture, loss on ignition, and C0 2 are made with sepa-
rate samples. Frequently CO 2 is determined by difference
a method which yields results entirely satisfactory for
all ordinary purposes.
Determinations of SO 3 , total S, and alkalies are not
In the analysis of marl, decomposition is effected by
means of HC1 as described under the heading, " Analysis
of Limestone." Marl may, however, contain more or less
clay which is not decomposed by the acid. If this is the
case, as can readily be told from the appearance of the
silica, the latter must be fused with dry Na 2 CO 3 , as de-
scribed under the heading, " Analysis of Clay."
In the analysis of marl the same determinations should
be made as in the case of cement the analysis should
always include determinations of S, SO 3 and alkalies.
In the analysis of slag, proceed exactly as in the case of
cement, making all the determinations as described under
the heading, " Analysis of Cement."
In the analysis of clay, practically the same determina-
tions are made as in the case of cement, although a far
different preliminary treatment is necessary on account of
the insolubility of clay in HC1. This preliminary treat-
ment consists in fusing the clay with Na 2 CO3, thereby
changing its ingredients into forms which are readily de-
composed by HC1.
About 0.5 gram of the finely powdered sample* is weighed
out into a platinum crucible of 25 or 30 c.c. capacity, 3 or
4 grams of pure dry Na 2 CO 3 are added, and the whole is
intimately mixed by stirring with a platinum spatula or
glass rod. A little Na 2 CO 3 is now sprinkled on top, the
crucible covered, placed on a triangle and heated. Heat
should be applied gently at first by means of a Bunsen
burner turned low. The temperature is then gradually
raised until the full force of a Teclu burner or blast lamp
is used. The heating is continued until CO 2 is no longer
evolved, and the contents of the dish are in a state of quiet
When the crucible is cool it is placed in a beaker and
partially covered with water. It is then allowed to digest
until the melt is thoroughly disintegrated. The crucible
is then withdrawn and washed with water and a little
dilute HC1, the washings being added to the contents of
the beaker.
The beaker is then covered with a watch glass and HC1
is added a little at a time, the watch glass being quickly
replaced after each addition of acid. When C0 2 is no
* It is customary to dry the sample at 105 or 110 in the air bath before
making the analysis.
longer evolved, the contents of the beaker are transferred
to a platinum dish and evaporated to dryness on the water
bath. The various determinations Si0 2 , Fe 2 O 3 , etc., are
then made as heretofore described in the analysis of cement.
For the determination of alkalies in clay, exactly the same
procedure is employed as for the determination of alkalies
in cement.
(Reprinted by permission)
Adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, August i6th,
These remarks have been prepared with a view of pointing out the
pertinent features of the various requirements and the precautions
to be observed in the interpretation of the results of the tests.
The Committee would suggest that the acceptance or rejection
under these specifications be based on tests made by an experienced
person having the proper means for making the tests
Specific gravity is useful in detecting adulteration. The results
of tests of specific gravity are not necessarily conclusive as an indi-
cation of the quality of a cement, but when in combination with the
results of other tests may afford valuable indications.
The sieves should be kept thoroughly dry.
Great care should be exercised to maintain the test pieces under
as uniform conditions as possible. A sudden change or wide range
of temperature in the room in which the tests are made, a very dry
or humid atmosphere, and other irregularities vitally affect the rate
of setting.
The tests for constancy of volume are divided into two classes,
the first normal, the second accelerated. The latter should be re-
garded as a precautionary test only and not infallible. So many
conditions enter into the making and interpreting of it that it should
be used with extreme care.
In making the pats the greatest care should be exercised to avoid
initial strains due to molding or to too rapid drying-out during the
first twenty-four hours. The pats should be preserved under the
most uniform conditions possible, and rapid changes of temperature
should be avoided.
The failure to meet the requirements of the accelerated tests
need not be sufficient cause for rejection. The cement may, how-
ever, be held for twenty-eight days, and a retest made at the end of
that period, using a new sample. Failure to meet the requirements
at this time should be considered sufficient cause for rejection,
although in the present state of our knowledge it cannot be said
that such failure necessarily indicates unsoundness, nor can the
cement be considered entirely satisfactory simply because it passes
the tests.
All cement shall be inspected.
Cement may be inspected either at the place of manufacture or
on the work.
In order to allow ample time for inspecting and testing, the cement
should be stored in a suitable weather-tight building having the floor
properly blocked or raised from the ground.
The cement shall be stored in such a manner as to permit easy
access for proper inspection and identification of each shipment.
Every facility shall be provided by the contractor and a period
of at least twelve days allowed for the inspection and necessary
Cement shall be delivered in suitable packages with the brand
and name of manufacturer plainly marked thereon.
A bag of cement shall contain 94 pounds of cement net. Each
barrel of Portland cement shall contain 4 bags, and each barrel of
natural cement shall contain 3 bags of the above net weight.
Cement failing to meet the seven-day requirements may be held
awaiting the results of the twenty-eight day tests before rejection.
All tests shall be made in accordance with the methods proposed
by the Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement of the American
Society of Civil Engineers, presented to the Society, January 21,
1903, and amended January 20, 1904, and January 15, 1908, with
all subsequent amendments thereto.
The acceptance or rejection shall be based on the following re-
DEFINITION. This term is applied to the finely pulverized
product resulting from the calcination to incipient fusion of an inti-
mate mixture of properly proportioned argillaceous and calcareous
materials, and to which no addition greater than 3 per cent has been
made subsequent to calcination.
The specific gravity of cement shall not be less than 3.10. Should
the test of cement as received fall below this requirement, a second
test may be made upon a sample ignited at a low red heat. The
loss in weight of the ignited cement shall not exceed 4 per cent.
It shall leave by weight a residue of not more than 8 per cent on
the No. 100, and not more than 25 per cent on the No. 200 sieve.
It shall not develop initial set in less than thirty minutes; and
must develop hard set in not less than one hour, nor more than ten
The minimum requirements for tensile strength for briquettes
one square inch in cross section shall be as follows and the cement
shall show no retrogression in strength within the periods specified :
Age. Neat Cement. Strength.
24 hours in moist air 175 Ibs.
7 days (i day in moist air, 6 days in water) 500 Ibs.
28 days (i day in moist air, 27 days in water) 600 Ibs.
One Part Cement, Three Parts Standard Ottawa Sand.
7 days (i day in moist air, 6 days in water) 200 Ibs.
28 days (i day in moist air, 27 days in water) 275 Ibs.
Pats of neat cement about three inches in diameter, one-half inch
thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge, shall be kept in
moist air for a period of twenty-four hours.
(a) A pat is then kept in air at normal temperature and observed
at intervals for at least 28 days.
(b) Another pat is kept in water maintained as near 70 F. as
practicable, and observed at intervals for at least 28 days.
(c) A third pat is exposed in any convenient way in an atmos-
phere of steam, above boiling water, in a loosely closed vessel for
five hours.
These pats, to satisfactorily pass the requirements, shall remain
firm and hard and show no signs of distortion, checking, cracking, or
The cement shall not contain more than 1.75 per cent of anhydrous
sulphuric acid (SO 3 ), nor more than 4 per cent of magnesia (MgO).
Presented at the Annual Meeting, January i8th, ign.
Your Committee on Uniform Tests of Cement presents the fol-
lowing report:
i. Selection of Sample. The selection of the sample for test-
ing is a detail that must be left to the discretion of the engineer;
the number and the quantity to be taken from each package will
depend largely on the importance of the work, the number of tests
to be made and the facilities for making them.
2. The sample shall be a fair average of the contents of the
package; it is recommended that, where conditions permit, one bar-
rel in every ten be sampled.
3. Samples should be passed through a sieve having twenty
meshes per linear inch, in order to break up lumps and remove for-
eign material; this is also a very effective method for mixing them
together in order to obtain an average. For determining the char-
acteristics of a shipment of cement, the individual samples may be
mixed and the average tested; where time will permit, however, it
is recommended that they be tested separately.
4. Method of Sampling. Cement in barrels should be sampled
through a hole made in the center of one of the staves, midway
between the heads, or in the head, by means of an auger or a sampling
iron similar to that used by sugar inspectors. If in bags, it should
be taken from surface to center
5. Significance. Chemical analysis may render valuable
service in the detection of adulteration of cement with considerable
amounts of inert material, such as slag or ground limestone. It is
of use, also, in determining whether certain constituents, believed
to be harmful when in excess of a certain percentage, as magnesia
and sulphuric anhydride, are present in inadmissible proportions.
6. The determination of the principal constituents of cement
silica, alumina, iron oxide and lime is not conclusive as an in-
dication of quality. Faulty character of cement results more fre-
quently from imperfect preparation of the raw material or defective
burning than from incorrect proportions of the constituents. Cement
made from very finely-ground material, and thoroughly burned, may
contain much more lime than the amount usually present, and still
be perfectly sound. On the other hand, cements low in lime may,
on account of careless preparation of the raw material, be of danger-
ous character. Further, the ash of the fuel used in burning may
so greatly modify the composition of the product as largely to de-
stroy the significance of the results of analysis.
7. Method. As a method to be followed for the analysis of
cement, that proposed by the Committee on Uniformity in the
Analysis of Materials for the Portland Cement Industry, of the
New York Section of the Society for Chemical Industry, and pub-
lished in Engineering News, Vol. 50, p. 60, 1903; and in The Engineer-
ing Record, Vol. 48, p. 49, 1903, is recommended.
8. Significance. The specific gravity of cement is lowered by
adulteration and hydration, but the adulteration must be in con-
siderable quantity to affect the results appreciably.
9. Inasmuch as the differences in specific gravity are usually
very small, great care must be exercised in making the determina-
10. Apparatus and Methqd. The determination of specific
gravity is most conveniently 'made with Le Chatelier's apparatus.
FIG. i.
This consists of a flask (D), Fig. i, of 120 cu. cm. (7.32 cu. in.)
capacity, the neck of which is about 20 cm. (7.87 in.) long; in the
middle of this neck is a bulb (C), above and below which are two
marks (F) and (); the volume between these marks is 20 cu. cm.
(1.22 cu. in.). The neck has a diameter of about 9 mm. (0.35 in.),
and is graduated into tenths of cubic centimeters above the mark
11. Benzine (62 Baume naphtha), or kerosene free from water,
should be used in making the determination.
12. The specific gravity is determined as follows:
The flask is filled with either of these liquids to the lower mark
(), and 64 gms. (2.25 oz.) of powder, cooled to the temperature of
the liquid, is gradually introduced through the funnel (B) [the stem
of which extends into the flask at the top of the bulb (C)], until all
the powder is introduced, and the level of the liquid rises to some
division of the graduated neck. This reading plus 20 cu. cm. is the
volume displaced by 64 gms. of the powder.
13. The specific gravity is then obtained from the formula:
Weight of Cement, in grams
Specific Gravity =
Displaced Volume, in cubic centimeters
14. The flask, during the operation, is kept immersed in water
in a jar (^4), in order to avoid variations in the temperature of the
liquid. The results should agree within o.oi. The determination
of specific gravity should be made on the cement as received; and,
should it fall below 3.10, a second determination should be made on
the sample ignited at a low red heat.
15. A convenient method for cleaning the apparatus is as
follows: The flask is inverted over a large vessel, preferably a glass
jar, and shaken vertically until the liquid starts to flow freely; it
is then held still in a vertical position until empty; the remaining
traces of cement can be removed in a similar manner by pouring
into the flask a small quantity of clean liquid benzine or kerosene
and repeating the operation.
16. Significance. It is generally accepted that the coarser
particles in cement are practically inert, and it is only the extremely
fine powder that possesses adhesive or cementing qualities. The
more finely cement is pulverized, all other conditions being the
same, the more sand it will carry and produce a mortar of a given
17. The degree of final pulverization which the cement re-
ceives at the place of manufacture is ascertained by measuring the
residue retained on certain sieves. Those known as the No. 100
and No. 200 sieves are recommended for this purpose.
18. Apparatus. The sieves should be circular, about 20 cm.
(7.87 in.) in diameter, 6 cm. (2.36 in.) high, and provided with a
pan, 5 cm. (1.97 in.) deep, and a cover.
19. The wire cloth should be of brass wire having the following
No. 100, 0.0045 m -5 No. 200, 0.0024 in.
20. This cloth should be mounted on the frames without dis-
tortion; the mesh should be regular in spacing and be within the
following limits:
No. 100, 96 to 100 meshes to the linear inch.
No. 200, 188 to 200 meshes to the linear inch.
21. Fifty grams (1.76 oz.) or 100 g. (3.52 oz.) should be used
for the test, and dried at a temperature of 100 Cent. (2i2Fahr.)
prior to sieving, tj
22. Method. The thoroughly dried and coarsely screened
sample is weighed and placed on the No. 200 sieve, which, with pan
and cover attached, is held in one hand in a slightly inclined posi-
tion, and moved forward and backward, at the same time striking
the side gently with the palm of the other hand, at the rate of about
200 strokes per minute. The operation is continued until not more
than one-tenth of i per cent passes through after one minute of con-
tinuous sieving. The residue is weighed, then placed on the No. 100
sieve and the operation repeated. The work may be expedited by
placing in the sieve a small quantity of large steel shot. The results
should be reported to the nearest tenth of i per cent.
23. Significance. The use of a proper percentage of water in
making the pastes * from which pats, tests of setting, and briquettes
are made, is exceedingly important, and affects vitally the results
24. The determination consists in measuring the amount of
water required to reduce the cement to a given state of plasticity,
or to what is usually, designated the normal consistency.
25. The Committee recommends the following method for
determining normal consistency.
*The term "paste" is used in this report to designate a mixture of
cement and water, and the word "mortar" a mixture of cement, sand and
26. Method, Vicat Needle Apparatus. This consists of a
frame (1C), Fig. 2, bearing a movable rod (,), with the cap (A) at
one end, and at the other the cylinder (B), i cm. (0.39 in.) in diam-
eter, the cap, rod, and cylinder weighing 300 gms. (10.58 oz.). The
rod, which can be held in any desired position by a screw (F), car-
ries an indicator, which moves over a scale (graduated to centi-
meters) attached to the frame (K). The paste is held by a conical,
hard-rubber ring (7), 7 cm. (2.76 in.) in diameter at the base, 4 cm.
(1.57 in.) high, resting on a glass plate (7), about 10 cm. (3.94 in.)
FlG. 2.
27. In making the determination, the same quantity of cement
as will be subsequently used for each batch in making the briquettes,
but not less than 500 gms., is kneaded into a paste, as described in
Paragraph 52, and quickly formed into a ball with the hands, com-
pleting the operation by tossing it six times from one hand to the
other, maintained 6 in. apart; the ball is then pressed into the rubber
ring, through the larger opening, smoothed off, and placed (on its
large end) on a glass plate and the smaller end smoothed off with
a trowel; the paste, confined in the ring, resting on the plate, is
placed under the rod bearing the cylinder, which is brought in con-
tact with the surface and quickly released.
28. The paste is of normal consistency when the cylinder in
one minute from the time it is released penetrates to a point in the
mass 10 mm. (0.39 in.) below the top of the ring. Great care must
be taken to fill the ring exactly to the top. The apparatus must be
free from all vibrations during the test.
29. The trial pastes are made with varying percentages of
water until the correct consistency is obtained.
30. The Committee has recommended, as normal, a paste, the
consistency of which is rather wet, because it believes that variations
in the amount of compression to which the briquette is subjected in
moulding are likely to be less with such a paste.
31. Having determined in this manner the proper percentage
of water required to produce a paste of normal consistency, the
proper percentage required for the mortars is obtained from the
table below.
One cement,
One cement,
One cement,
three standard
three standard
three standard
Ottawa sand.
Ottawa sand.
Ottawa sand.
II .0
II .2
10. O
10. 2
ii. 7
ii. 8
32. Significance. The object of this test is to determine the
time which elapses from the moment water is added until the paste
ceases to be fluid and plastic (called the "initial set"), and also the
time required for it to acquire a certain degree of hardness (called
the "final" or "hard set"). The former of these is the more im-
portant, since, with the commencement of setting, the process of
crystallization or hardening is said to begin. As a disturbance of
this process may produce a loss of strength, it is desirable to com-
plete the operation of mixing and moulding or incorporating the
mortar into the work before the cement begins to set.
33. It is usual to measure arbitrarily the beginning and end
of the setting by the penetration of weighted wires of given di-
34. Method. For this purpose the Vicat Needle, which has
already been described in Paragraph 26, should be used.
35. In making the test, a paste of normal consistency is
molded and placed under the rod (Z,), Fig. 2, as described in Para-
graph 27; this rod, bearing the cap (D) at one end and the needle
(H), i mm. (0.039 m O m diameter, at the other, weighing 300 gms.
(10.58 oz.). The needle is then carefully brought in contact with
the surface of the paste and quickly released.
36. The setting is said to have commenced when the needle
ceases to pass a point 5 mm. (0.20 in.) above the upper surface of
the glass plate, and is said to have terminated the moment the needle
does not sink visibly into the mass.
37. The test pieces should be stored in moist air during the
test; this is accomplished by placing them on a rack over water con-
tained in a pan and covered with a damp cloth, the cloth to be kept
away from them by means of a wire screen; or they may be stored
in a moist box or closet.
38. Care should be taken to keep the needle clean, as the collec-
tion of cement on the sides of the needle retards the penetration,
while cement on the point reduces the area and tends to increase the
39. The determination of the time of setting is only approxi-
mate, being materially affected by the temperature of the mixing
water, the temperature and humidity of the air during the test, the
percentage of water used, and the amount of kneading the paste
40. The Committee recommends the natural sand from Ottawa,
111., screened to pass a sieve having 20 meshes per linear inch and
retained on a sieve having 30 meshes per linear inch; the wires to
have diameters of 0.0165 and 0.0112 in., respectively, i.e., half the
width of the opening in each case. Sand having passed the No. 20
sieve shall be considered standard when not more than i per cent
passes a No. 30 sieve after one minute's continuous sifting of a 5oo-g
41. For tension tests the Committee recommends the form of
test piece shown in Fig. 3.
FlG. 3.
42. For compression tests a 2-in. cube is recommended.
43. The molds should be made of brass, bronze, or some equally
non-corrodible material, having sufficient metal in the sides to pre-
vent spreading during molding.
44. Gang molds, which permit molding a number of briquettes
at one time, are preferred by many to single molds; since the
*This sand may be obtained from the Ottawa Silica Company at a
cost of two cents per pound, f. o. b. cars, Ottawa, Illinois.
greater quantity of mortar that can be mixed tends to produce
greater uniformity in the results. The type shown in Fig. 4 is
FIG. 4.
45. The molds should be wiped with an oily cloth before using.
46. All proportions should be stated by weight; the quantity of
water to be used should be stated as a percentage of the dry material.
47. The metric system is recommended because of the con-
venient relation of the gram and the cubic centimeter.
48. The temperature of the room and the mixing water should
be as near 21 Cent. (70 Fahr.) as it is practicable to maintain it.
49. The sand and cement should be thoroughly mixed dry.
The mixing should be done on some non-absorbing surface, prefer-
ably plate glass. If the mixing must be done on an absorbing sur-
face it should be thoroughly dampened prior to use.
50. The quantity of material to be mixed at one time de-
pends on the number of test pieces to be made; about 1,000 gms.
(35.28oz.) makes a convenient quantity to mix, especially by hand
51. The Committee, after investigation of the various mechan-
ical mixing machines, has decided not to recommend any machine
that has thus far been devised, for the following reasons:
(i) The tendency of most cement is to "ball up" in the machine^
thereby preventing the working of it into a homogeneous paste;
(2) there is no means of ascertaining when the mixing is complete
without stopping the machine; and (3) the difficulty of keeping the
machine clean.
52. Method. The material is weighed and placed on the mix-
ing table, and a crater formed in the center, into which the proper
percentage of clean water is poured; the material on the outer edge
is turned into the crater by the aid of a trowel. As soon as the
water has been absorbed, which should not require more than one
minute, the operation is completed by vigorously kneading with the
hands for an additional one minute, the process being similar to that
used in kneading dough. A sand-glass affords a convenient guide
for the time of kneading. During the operation of mixing, the
hands should be protected by gloves, preferably of rubber.
53. Having worked the paste or mortar to the proper consist-
ency, it is at once placed in the molds by hand.
54. The Committee has been unable to secure satisfactory re-
sults with the present molding machines; the operation of machine
moulding is very slow, and the present types permit of molding
but one briquette at a time, and are not practicable with the pastes
or mortars herein recommended.
55. Method. The molds should be filled immediately after
the mixing is completed, the material pressed in firmly with the
fingers and smoothed off with a trowel without mechanical ramming;
the material should be heaped up on the upper surface of the mold,
and, in smoothing off, the trowel should be drawn over the mold
in such a manner as to exert a moderate pressure on the excess
material. The mold should be turned over and the operation
56. A check upon the uniformity of the mixing and molding
is afforded by weighing the briquettes just prior to immersion, or
upon removal from the moist closet. Briquettes which vary in
weight more than 3 per cent from the average should not be tested.
57. During the first 24 hours after molding, the test pieces
should be kept in moist air to prevent them from drying out.
58. A moist closet or chamber is so easily devised that the use
of the damp cloth should be abandoned. Covering the test pieces
with a damp cloth is objectionable, as commonly used, because the
cloth may dry out unequally, and, in consequence, the test pieces are
not all maintained under the same condition. Where a moist closet
is not available, a cloth may be used and kept uniformly wet by
immersing the ends in water. It should be kept from direct contact
with the test pieces by means of a wire screen or some similar
59. A moist closet consists of a soapstone or slate box, or a
metal-lined wooden box the metal lining being covered with felt
and this felt kept wet. The bottom of the box is so constructed as
to hold water, and the sides are provided with cleats for holding
glass shelves on which to place the briquettes. Care should be
taken to keep the air in the closet uniformly moist.
60. After 24 hours in moist air, the test pieces for longer
periods of time should be immersed in water maintained as near
21 Cent. (70 Fahr.) as practicable; they may be stored in tanks or
pans, which should be of non-corrodible material.
61. The tests may be made on any machine. A solid metal
clip, as shown in Fig. 5, is recommended. This clip is to be used
without cushioning at the points of contact with
the test specimen. The bearing at each point of
contact should be | in. wide and the distance
between the center of contact on the same clip
should be i^ in.
62. Test pieces should be broken as soon as
they are removed from the water. Care should
be observed in centering the briquettes in the
testing machine, as cross-strains, produced by
improper centering, tend to lower the breaking
strength. The load should not be applied too
suddenly, as it may produce vibration, the shock
from which often breaks the briquettes before
the ultimate strength is reached. Care must
be taken that the clips and the sides of the
briquette be clean and free from grains of sand
or dirt, which would prevent a good bearing. The load should be
applied at the rate of 600 Ib. per min. The average of the bri-
quettes of each sample tested should be taken as the test, excluding
any results which are manifestly faulty.
FIG. 5.
63. Significance. The object is to develop those qualities
which tend to destroy the strength and durability of a cement. As
it is highly essential to determine such qualities at once, tests of this
character are for the most part made in a very short time, and are
known, therefore, as accelerated tests. Failure is revealed by crack-
ing, checking, swelling, or disintegration, or all of these phenomena.
A cement which remains perfectly sound is said to be of constant
64. Methods. Tests for constancy of volume are divided into
two classes: (i) normal tests, or those made in either air or water
maintained at about 21 Cent. (70 Fahr.), and (2) accelerated tests,
or those made in air, steam, or water at a temperature of 45 Cent.
(113 Fahr.) and upward. The test pieces should be allowed to
remain 24 hours in moist air before immersion in water or steam,
or preservation in air.
65. For these tests, pats, about 7^ cm. (2.95 in.) in diameter,
i cm. (0.49 in.) thick at the center, and tapering to a thin edge,
should be made, upon a clean glass plate [about 10 cm. (3.94 in.)
square], from cement paste of normal consistency.
66. Normal Test. A pat is immersed in water maintained as
near 21 Cent. (70 Fahr.) as possible for 28 days, and observed at
intervals. A similar pat, after 24 hours in moist air, is maintained
in air at ordinary temperature and observed at intervals.
67. Accelerated Tests. A pat is placed in an atmosphere of
steam upon a wire screen i in. above boiling water for five (5) hours.
The apparatus should be so constructed as to permit the free escape
of steam and maintain atmospheric pressure. Since the type of
apparatus used has a great influence on the uniformity of the results,
that shown in Fig. 8 is recommended.
68. To pass these tests satisfactorily, the pats should remain firm
and hard, and show no signs of cracking, distortion or disintegration.
69. Should the pat leave the plate, distortion may be detected
best with a straight-edge applied to the surface which was in contact
with the plate.
70. In the present state of our knowledge it cannot be said
that cement should necessarily be condemmed simply for failure to
pass the accelerated tests; nor can a cement be considered entirely
satisfactory simply because it has passed these tests.
Submitted on behalf of the Committee,
JANUARY iSxn, 1911.
Louis C. SABIN,
W. B. W. HOWE,
Method Suggested for the Analysis of Limestones, Raw Mixtures and
Portland Cements by the Committee on Uniformity in Techni-
cal Analysis with the Advice of W. F. Hillebrand.
One-half gram of the finely-powdered substance is to be weighed
out and, if a limestone or unburned mixture, strongly ignited in a
covered platinum crucible over a strong blast for fifteen minutes, or
longer if the blast is not powerful enough to effect complete conver-
sion to a cement in this time. It is then transferred to an evaporating
dish, preferably a platinum for the sake of celerity in evapora-
tion, moistened with enough water to prevent lumping, and 5 to
10 c.c. of strong HC1 added and digested with the aid of gentle heat
and agitation until solution is complete. Solution may be aided by
light pressure with the flattened end of a glass rod.* The solution
is then evaporated to dryness, as far as this may be possible on the
SILICA (SiO 2 ).
The residue without further heating is treated at first with 5 to
10 c.c. of strong HC1, which is then diluted to half strength or less,
or upon the residue may be poured at once a larger volume of acid
of half strength. The dish is then covered and digestion allowed to
go on for 10 minutes on the bath, after which the solution is filtered
and the separated silica washed thoroughly with water. The filtrate
is again evaporated to dryness, the residue without further heating
taken up with acid and water and the small amount of silica it con-
tains separated on another filter paper. The papers containing the
residue are transferred wet to a weighed platinum crucible, dried,
ignited, first over a Bunsen burner until the carbon of the filter is
completely consumed, and finally over the blast for 15 minutes and
checked by a further blasting for 10 minutes or to constant weight.
The silica, if great accuracy is desired, is treated in the crucible with
about 10 c.c. of HF and four drops of H 2 SO 4 and evaporated over
a low flame to complete dryness. The small residue is finally blasted,
for a minute or two, cooled and weighed. The difference between
this weight and the weight previously obtained gives the amount
of silica.f
ALUMINA AND IRON (A1 2 O 3 AND Fe 2 O 3 ).
The filtrate, about 250 c.c., from the second evaporation for
Si0 2 , is made alkaline with NH 4 OH after adding HC1, if need be,
to insure a total of 10 to 15 c.c. strong acid, and boiled to expel
excess of NH 3 , or until there is but a faint odor of it, and the pre-
cipitated iron and aluminum hydrates, after settling, are washed once
by decantatkm and slightly on the filter. Setting aside the filtrate,
* If anything remains undecomposed it should be separated, fused with
a little Na 2 CO 3 , dissolved and added to the original solution. Of course a
small amount of separated non-gelatinous silica is not to be mistaken for
undecomposed matter.
t For ordinary control in the plant laboratory this correction may,
perhaps, be neglected; the double evaporation never.
the precipitate is dissolved in hot dilute HC1, the solution passing
into the beaker in which the precipitation was made. The-aluminum
and iron are then reprecipitated by NH 4 OH, boiled and the second
precipitate collected and washed on the same filter used in the first
instance. The filter paper, with the precipitate, is then placed in a
weighed platinum crucible, the paper burned off and the precipitate
ignited and finally blasted 5 minutes, with care to prevent reduction,
cooled and weighed as A1 2 C>3 + Fe 2 C>3.*
IRON (Fe 2 3 ).
The combined iron and aluminum oxides are fused in a platinum
crucible at a very low temperature with about 3 to 4 grams of
KHSO 4 , or, better, NaHSO 4 , the melt taken up with so much dilute
H 2 SO 4 that there shall be no less than 5 grams absolute acid and
enough water to effect solution on heating. The solution is then
evaporated and eventually heated till acid fumes come off copiously.
After cooling and redissolving in water the small amount of silica is
filtered out, weighed and corrected by HF and H 2 SO 4 .f The filtrate
is reduced by zinc, or preferably by hydrogen sulphide, boiling out
the excess of the latter afterwards while passing CO 2 through the
flask, and titrated with permanganate. J The strength of the per-
manganate solution should not be greater than .0040 grm. Fe 2 Os
per c.c.
To the combined filtrate from the A1 2 O 3 -f Fe 2 O 3 precipitate a
few drops of NH 4 OH are added, and the solution brought to boil-
ing. To the boiling solution 20 c.c. of a saturated solution of
ammonium oxalate are added, and the boiling continued until the
precipitated CaC 2 O 4 assumes a well-defined granular form. It is
then allowed to stand for 20 minutes, or until the precipitate has
* This precipitate contains TiO2, P2Os, Mn 3 O4.
t This correction of A1 2 O3 Fe2O3 for silica should not be made when the
HF correction of the main silica has been omitted, unless that silica was
obtained by only one evaporation and filtration. After two evaporations
and nitrations i to 2 mg. of SiO2 are still to be found with the A^Os Fe2Oa.
| In this way only is the influence of titanium to be avoided and a cor-
rect result obtained for iron.
settled, and then filtered and washed. The precipitate and filter are
placed wet in a platinum crucible, and the paper burned off over a
small flame of a Bunsen burner. It is then ignited, redissolved in
HC1, and the solution made up to 100 c.c. with water. Ammonia
is added in slight excess, and the liquid is boiled. If a small amount
of A1 2 O 3 separates, this is filtered out, weighed, and the amount
added to that found in the first determination, when greater accu-
racy is desired. The lime is then reprecipitated by ammonium oxa-
late, allowed to stand until settled, filtered, and washed,* weighed as
oxide by ignition and blasted in a covered crucible to constant
weight, or determined with dilute standard permanganate.!
The combined filtrates from the calcium precipitates are acidi-
fied with HC1 and concentrated on the steam bath to about 150 c.c.,
10 c.c. of saturated solution of Na(NH 4 )HPO 4 are added, and the
solution boiled for several minutes. It is then removed from the
flame and cooled by placing the beaker in ice water. After cooling,
NH 4 OH is added drop by drop with constant stirring until the crys-
talline ammonium-magnesium ortho-phosphate begins to form, and
then in moderate excess, the stirring being continued for several
minutes. It is then set aside for several hours in a cool atmosphere
and filtered. The precipitate is redissolved in hot dilute HC1, the
solution made up to about 100 c.c., i c.c. of a saturated solution of
Na(NH 4 )HP0 4 added, and ammonia drop by drop, with constant
stirring, until the precipitate is again formed as described and the
ammonia is in moderate excess. It is then allowed to stand for
about 2 hours, when it is filtered on a paper or a Gooch crucible,
ignited, cooled and weighed as Mg 2 P2O 7 .
ALKALIES (K 2 O AND Na 2 0).
For the determination of the alkalies, the well-known method
of Prof. J. Lawrence Smith is to be followed, either with or without
the addition of CaCO 3 with NI^Cl.
* The volume of wash- water should not be too large; vide Hillebrand.
t The accuracy of this method admits of criticism, but its convenience
and rapidity demand its insertion.
One gram of the substance is dissolved in 15 c.c. of HC1, filtered
and residue washed thoroughly.*
The solution is made up, to 250 c.c. in a beaker and boiled. To
the boiling solution 10 c.c. of a saturated solution of BaQ 2 is added
slowly drop by drop from a pipette and the boiling continued until
the precipitate is well formed, or digestion on the steam bath may
be substituted for the boiling. It is then set aside over night, or for
a few hours, filtered, ignited and weighed as BaS0 4 .
One gram of the material is weighed out in a large platinum cru-
cible and fused with Na 2 C0 3 and a little KNO 3 , being careful to
avoid contamination from sulphur in the gases from source of heat.
This may be done by fitting the crucible in a hole in an asbestos
board. The melt is treated in the crucible with boiling water and
the liquid poured into a tall narrow beaker and more hot water
added until the mass is disintegrated. The solution is then filtered.
The filtrate contained in a No. 4 beaker is to be acidulated with
HC1 and made up to 250 c.c. with distilled water, boiled, the sul-
phur precipitated as BaSO 4 and allowed to stand over night or for
a few hours.
Half a gram of cement is to be weighed out in a platinum cru-
cible, placed in a hole in an asbestos board so that about | of the
crucible projects below, and blasted 15 minutes, preferably with an
inclined flame. The loss by weight, which is checked by a second
blasting of 5 minutes, is the loss on ignition.
May, 1903: Recent investigations have shown that large errors
in results are often due to the use of impure distilled water and
reagents. The analyst should, therefore, test his distilled water by
evaporation and his reagents by appropriate tests before proceeding
with his work.
* Evaporation to dryness is unnecessary, unless gelatinous silica should
have separated, and should never be performed on a bath heated by gas;
vide Hillebrand.
Aging, 33.
Alkalies, 4.
determination of, 97.
Alkali waste, 5.
Alumina, 3.
determination of, 91.
Analyses of cements, typical, 5.
chemical, 80.
Appendix, in.
Beam molds, 43, 78.
Beams, breaking of, 44.
Boiling test apparatus, 75.
Briquette molds, 34, 78.
Briquettes, breaking of, 37.
mortar, 36.
Burette, 78.
Lesley, 78.
Carbonic acid, 4.
Carbon dioxide, direct method for
determination of, 103.
indirect method for determination
of, 101.
Cement, chemical analysis of, 84.
classification of, i.
definition of, i.
rock, 5.
specific gravity of, 14.
typical analyses of, 5.
Chalk, 6.
Chemical analysis, 80.
factors influencing, 82.
sample for, 83.
Classification of -cements, i.
Clay, 5.
analysis of, 107.
Clips, 70.
Composition of cement, i, 33.
Compression tool, 70.
Compressive strength, 41.
determination of, 42.
report blanks, 46, 47.
Constancy of volume, 28.
determination of, 29.
report blank, 32.
Constant level apparatus, 75.
Cube molds, 42, 78.
Cubes, breaking of, 43.
Definition of cement, i.
Effective size of sand, 52.
Fairbanks machine, 63.
operation of, 64.
Falkenau-Sinclair machine, 64.
operation of, 66.
Fineness, 9, 34.
determination of, n.
importance of, 9.
report blank, 13.
Inspection, 7.
Iron and Alumina, determination
of, 87.
i 3 6
Iron, determination of, 88.
reduction of, by H^S, 91.
reduction of, by zinc, 89, 90.
Iron oxide, 3.
Jones reductor, 90.
Laboratory equipment, 63.
Le Chatelier flask, 15.
Lesley burette, 78.
storage tank, 77.
Lime, 3.
determination of, 92.
Limestone, 6.
analysis of, 106.
Loam in sand, determination of, 49.
Loss on ignition, determination of,
Machines, for compression tests, 72.
for tension tests, 63.
Magnesia, 4.
determination of, 93.
Manufacture of cement, 5.
Marl, 5.
analysis of, 107.
Mechanical analysis, of sand, 50.
of stone, 54.
Mixed cement, 2.
Mixing, 21.
Modulus of rupture, calculation of,
determination of, 43.
report blank, 48.
Moist closet, 76.
Moisture, determination of, 96.
Molds, beam, 43, 78.
briquette, 34, 78.
cube, 42, 78.
Mortar briquettes, 36.
Natural cement, i, 4.
Normal consistency, 20.
determination of, 22.
report blank, 26.
Olsen briquette machine, 63, 64.
operation of, 66.
Olsen hydraulic compression ma-
chine, 72.
Pats, preparation of, 29.
Portland cement, i.
Potash, determination of, 99.
Pozzuolana cement, 2, 4.
Raw material, 5.
Riehle machine, 63, 64.
operation of, 66.
Sampling, 7, 83.
auger, 8.
Sand, 49.
determination of loam in, 49.
mechanical analysis of, 50.
report blank, 60.
percentage of loam report blank,
sifter, 74.
specific gravity of, report blank,
standard, 49.
weight per cubic foot of, report
blank, 61.
Scales, n, 75.
Set, time of, 23.
Shot machines, 63.
Sieves, 10.
Sifter, sand, 74.
Silica, 3.
determination of, 85.
Slag, analysis of, 107.
Soda, determination of, 100.
Specific gravity of cement, 14.
determination of, 16.
report blank, 19.
significance of, 14.
Standard specifications, in.
Stone, 54.
mechanical analysis of, 54.
specific gravity of, 55.
report blank, 61.
weight per cubic foot of, report
' blank, 62.
Storage, 7.
tanks, 76.
Lesley, 77.
Sulphur, 4.
as sulphide, 96.
determination of, 94.
Sulphuric acid, 4.
determination of, 93.
Sulphur trioxide, 4.
Table, 77.
Tensile strength, 33.
determination of, mortar, 36.
determination of, neat cement, 34.
Tensile strength, factors affecting.
report blanks, 39, 40.
Testing machines, 63.
Tests, accelerated, 29.
normal, 28.
transverse, 43.
Time of set, 23.
determination of, 24.
factors affecting, 24.
report blank, 27.
significance of, 23.
Tool, compression, 70.
Transverse test attachment, 70.
Uniformity coefficient, 52.
Universal testing machine, 72.
Unsoundness, causes of, 28.
Vicat apparatus, 20.
Voids in sand, 52.
determination of, 52.
Voids in stone, 55.
determination of, 56, 57.
Weight per cubic foot of sand, 54.
of stone, 56.
Work table, 77.
This list includes the technical publications of the following English
publishers :
for whom D. Van Nostrand Company are American agents.
Descriptive Circulars sent on request.
JULY, 1912
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Testing Machines. (Science Series No. 74.) i6mo, o 50
Adams, H. Theory and Practice in Designing 8vo, *2 50
Adams, H. C. Sewage of Seacoast Towns 8vo, *2 oo
Adams, J. W. Sewers and Drains for Populous Districts 8vo, 2 50
Adam, P. Practical Bookbinding. Trans, by T. E. Maw.i2mo, *2 50
Addyman, F. T. Practical X-Ray Work . 8vo, *4 oo
Adler, A. A. Principles of Projecting Line Drawing 8vo,
Vol. I. Theory of Engineering Drawing
Aikman, C. M. Manures and the Principles of Manuring. . .8vo, 2 50
Aitken, W. Manual of the Telephone 8vo, *8 oo
d'Albe, E. E. F. Contemporary Chemistry I2mo, *i 25
Alexander, J. H. Elementary Electrical Engineering i2mo, 2 oo
Universal Dictionary of Weights and Measures 8vo, 3 50
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Allan, W. Strength of Beams under Transverse Loads.
(Science Series No- 19 ) i6mo, o 50
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tions .- i2mo, *2 50
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Anderson, F. A. Boiler Feed Water 8vo, *2 50
Anderson, Cap. G. L. Handbook for the Use of Electricians .8vo, 3 oo
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Animal Fats and Oils. Trans, by C. Salter 8vo, *4 oo
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Trans, by C. Salter 8vo, *4 oo'
Oil Colors and Printers' Ink. Trans, by A. Morris and
H. Robson 8vo, *2 50
Treatment of Paper for Special Purposes. Trans, by C.
Salter i2mo, *2 50
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Vol. L (1904) 8vo, *2 oo
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Argand, M. Imaginary Quantities. Translated from the French
by A. S. Hardy. (Science Series No. 52.) i6mo, o 50
Armstrong, R., and Idell, F. E. Chimneys for Furnaces and
Steam Boilers. (Science Series No. i.) i6mo, o 50
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Trans, by F. B. DeGress 8vo, *2 oo
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cally and Practically Treated. Vol. I. Rolling Stock
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liminaries and Direct Current Sub-Stations i2mo, *2 50
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i2mo, *2 oo
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Atkinson, J. J. Friction of Air in Mines. (Science Series
No. 14.) i6mo, o 50
Atkinson, J. J., and Williams, E. H., Jr. Gases Met with in
Coal Mines. (Science Series No. 13.) i6mo, o 50
Atkinson, P. The Elements of Electric Lighting i2mo, i 50
The Elements of Dynamic Electricity and Magnetism. 1 2mo, 2 oo
Power Transmitted by Electricity i2mo, 2 oo
Auchincloss, W. S. LUIK and Valve Motions Simplified 8vo, *i 50
Ayrton, H. The Electric Arc 8vo, *s oo
Bacon, F. W. Treatise on the Richards Steam-Engine Indica-
tor i2mo, i oo
Bailes, G. M. Modern Mining Practice. Five Volumes. 8 vo, each, 3 50
Bailey, R. D. The Brewers' Analyst 8vo, *5 oo
Baker, A. L. Quaternions i2mo, *i 25
Thick-Lens Optics (In Press.)
Baker, Benj. Pressure of Earthwork. (Science Series No. 56.)
Baker, I. O Levelling. (Science Series No. 91.) i6mo, o 50
Baker, J. B. Magneto and Sparking Coil (In Press.)
Baker, M. N. Potable Water. (Science Series No. 61) . i6mo, o 50
Sewerage and Sewage Purification. (Science Series No. 18.)
i6mo, o 50
Baker, T. T. Telegraphic Transmission of Photographs.
i2mo, *i 25
Bale, G. R. Modern Iron Foundry Practice. Two Volumes.
Vol. I. Foundry Equipment, Material Used *2 50
Vol. II. Machine Moulding and Moulding Machines *i 50
Bale, M. P. Pumps and Pumping i2mo, i 50
Ball, J. W. Concrete Structures in Railways 8vo (In Press.)
Ball, R. S. Popular Guide to the Heavens 8vo, *4 50
Natural Sources of Power. (Westminster Series) 8vo, *2 oo
Ball, W. V. Law Affecting Engineers 8vo, *3 50
Bankson, Lloyd. Slide Valve Diagrams. (Science Series No.
108.) i6mo, o 50
Barba, J. Use of Steel for Constructive Purposes i2mo, i oo
Barham, G. B. Development of the Incandescent Electric
Lamp (In Press.)
Barker, A. Textiles and Their Manufacture. (Westminster
Series) 8vo, 2 oo
Barker, A. H. Grapic Methods of Engine Design i2mo, *i 50
Barnard, F. A. P. Report on Machinery and Processes of the
Industrial Arts and Apparatus of the Exact Sciences at
the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 8vo, 5 oo
Barnard, J. H. The Naval Miliatiaman's Guide. .i6mo, leather, 125
Barnard, Major J. G. Rotary Motion. (Science Series No. 90.)
i6mo, o 50
Barrus, G. H. Boiler Tests 8vo, *3 oo
Engine Tests 8vo, *4 oo
The above two purchased together *6 oo
Barwise, S. The Purification of Sewage I2mo, 3 50
Baterden, J. R. Timber. (Westmenster Series) 8vo, *2 oo
Bates, E. L., and Charlesworth, F. Practical Mathematics and
Geometry for Technical Students i2mo,
Part I. Preliminary and Elementary Course *i 50
Part n. Advanced Course *i 50
Beadle, C. Chapters on Papermaking. Five Volumes . 1 2mo, each, *2 oo
Beaumont, R. Color in Woven Design 8vo, *6 oo
Finishing of Textile Fabrics 8vo, *4 oo
Beaumont, W. W. The Steam-Engine Indicator 8vo, 2 50
Bechhold. Colloids in Biology and Medicine. Trans, by J. G.
Bullowa (In Press.)
Bedell, F., and Pierce, C. A. Direct and Alternating Current
Manual 8vo, *2 oo
Beech, F. Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics 8vo, *3 oo
Dyeing of Woolen Fabrics 8vo, *3 50
Beckwith, A. Pottery 8vo, paper, o 60
Beggs, G. E. Stresses in Railway Girders and Bridges .... (In Press.)
Begtrup, J. The Slide Valve 8vo, *2 oo
Bender, C. E. Continuous Bridges. (Science Series No. 26.)
i6mo, o 50
Proportions of Piers used in Bridges. (Science Series No. 4.)
i6mo, o 50
Bennett, H.G. The Manufacture of Leather 8vo, *4 50
Leather Trades. (Outlines of Industrial Chemistry. 8vo (In Press.)
Bernthsen, A. A Text-book of Organic Chemistry. Trans, by
G. M'Gowan i2mo, *2 50
Berry, W. J. Differential Equations of the First Species.
i2mo (In Preparation.)
Atkinson, J. J., and Williams, E. H., Jr. Gases Met with in
Coal Mines. (Science Series No. 13.) i6mo, o 50
Atkinson, P. The Elements of Electric Lighting i2mo, i 50
The Elements of Dynamic Electricity and Magnetism. i2mo, 2 oo
Power Transmitted by Electricity i2mo, 2 oo
Auchincloss, W. S. LmK and Valve Motions Simplified 8vo, *i 50
Ayrton, H. The Electric Arc 8vo, *s oo
Bacon, F. W. Treatise on the Richards Steam-Engine Indica-
tor i2mo, i oo
Bailes, G. M. Modern Mining Practice. Five Volumes. 8 vo, each, 3 50
Bailey, R. D. The Brewers' Analyst 8vo, *5 oo
Baker, A. L. Quaternions i2mo, *i 25
Thick-Lens Optics (In Press.)
Baker, Benj. Pressure of Earthwork. (Science Series No. 56.)
Baker, I. O Levelling. (Science Series No. 91.) i6mo, o 50
Baker, J. B. Magneto and Sparking Coil (In Press.)
Baker, M. N. Potable Water. (Science Series No. 61) . i6mo, o 50
Sewerage and Sewage Purification. (Science Series No. 18.)
i6mo, o 50
Baker, T. T. Telegraphic Transmission of Photographs.
i2mo, *i 25
Bale, G. R. Modern Iron Foundry Practice. Two Volumes.
Vol. I. Foundry Equipment, Material Used *2 50
Vol. II. Machine Moulding and Moulding Machines *i 50
Bale, M. P. Pumps and Pumping i2mo, i 50
Ball, J. W. Concrete Structures in Railways 8vo (In Press.)
Ball, R. S. Popular Guide to the Heavens 8vo, *4 50
Natural Sources of Power. (Westminster Series) ..... 8vo, *2 oo
Ball, W. V. Law Affecting Engineers 8vo, *3 50
Bankson, Lloyd. Slide Valve Diagrams. (Science Series No.
108.) i6mo, o 50
Barba, J. Use of Steel for Constructive Purposes i2mo, i oo
Barham, G. B. Development of the Incandescent Electric
Lamp (In Press.)
Barker, A. Textiles and Their Manufacture. (Westminster
Series) 8vo, 2 oo
Barker, A. H. Grapic Methods of Engine Design i2mo, *i 50
Barnard, F. A. P. Report on Machinery and Processes of the
Industrial Arts and Apparatus of the Exact Sciences at
the Paris Universal Exposition, 1867 8vo, 5 oo
Barnard, J. H. The Naval Miliatiaman's Guide. .i6mo, leather, i 25
Barnard, Major J. G. Rotary Motion. (Science Series No. 90.)
i6mo, o 50
Barrus, G. H. Boiler Tests 8vo, *3 oo
Engine Tests 8vo, *4 oo
The above two purchased together *6 oo
Barwise, S. The Purification of Sewage izmo, 3 50
Baterden, J. R. Timber. (Westmenster Series) .8vo, *2 oo
Bates, E. L., and Charlesworth, F. Practical Mathematics and
Geometry for Technical Students i2mo,
Part I. Preliminary and Elementary Course *i 50
Part n. Advanced Course *i 50
Beadle, C. Chapters on Papermaking. Five Volumes. i2mo, each, *2 oo
Beaumont, R. Color in Woven Design 8vo, *6 oo
Finishing of Textile Fabrics 8vo, *4 oo
Beaumont, W. W. The Steam-Engine Indicator 8vo, 2 50
Bechhold. Colloids in Biology and Medicine. Trans, by J. G.
Bullowa (In Press.)
Bedell, F., and Pierce, C. A. Direct and Alternating Current
Manual 8vo, *2 oo
Beech, F. Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics 8vo, *3 oo
Dyeing of Woolen Fabrics 8vo, *3 50
Beckwith, A. Pottery 8vo, paper, o 60
Beggs, G. E. Stresses in Railway Girders and Bridges .... (In Press.)
Begtrup, J. The Slide Valve 8vo, *2 oo
Bender, C. E. Continuous Bridges. (Science Series No. 26.)
i6mo, o 50
Proportions of Piers used in Bridges. (Science Series No. 4.)
i6mo, o 50
Bennett, H.G. The Manufacture of Leather 8vo, *4 50
Leather Trades. (Outlines of Industrial Chemistry. 8vo (In Press.)
Bernthsen, A. A Text-book of Organic Chemistry. Trans, by
G. M'Gowan i2mo, *2 50
Berry, W. J. Differential Equations of the First Species.
i2mo (In Preparation.)
Bersch, J. Manufacture of Mineral and Lake Pigments. Trans.
by A. C. Wright 8vo, *5 oo
Bertin, L. E. Marine Boilers. Trans, by L. S. Robertson . . 8 vo, 5 oo
Beveridge, J. Papermaker's Pocket Book i2mo, *4 oo
Binns, C. F. Ceramic Technology 8vo, *5 oo
Manual of Practical Potting 8vo, *7 50
The Potter's Craft i2mo, *2 oo
Birchmore, W. H. Interpretation of Gas Analysis i2mo, *i 25
Elaine, R. G. The Calculus and Its Applications i2mo, *i 50
Blake, W. H. Brewers' Vade Mecum 8vo, *4 oo
Blake, W. P. Report upon the Precious Metals 8vo, 2 oo
Bligh, W. G. The Practical Design of Irrigation Works 8vo, *6 oo
Blucher, H. Modern Industrial Chemistry. Trans, by J. P.
Millington 8vo,
Blyth, A. W. Foods: Their Composition and Analysis 8vo,
Poisons: Their Effects and Detection 8vo,
Bockmann, F. Celluloid i2mo,
Bodmer, G. R. Hydraulic Motors and Turbines i2mo,
Boileau, J. T. Traverse Tables 8vo,
Bonney, G. E. The Electro-platers' Handbook i2mo,
Booth, W. H. Water Softening and Treatment 8vo, *2 50
Superheaters and Superheating and their Control. . . .8vo, *i 50
Bottcher, A. Cranes: Their Construction, Mechanical Equip-
ment and Working. Trans, by A. Tolhausen. . . -4to, *io oo
Bottler, M. Modern Bleaching Agents. Trans, by C. Salter.i2mo, *2 50
Bottone, S. R. Magnetos for Automobilists i2mo, *i oo
Boulton, S. B. Preservation of Timber. (Science Series No.
82.) i6mo, o 50
Bourgougnon, A. Physical Problems. (Science Series No. 113.)
i6mo, o 50
Bourry, E. Treatise on Ceramic Industries. Trans, by
W. P. Rix 8vo, *5 oo
Bow, R. H. A Treatise on Bracing 8vo, i 50
Bowie, A. J., Jr. A Practical Treatise on Hydraulic Mining . 8vo, 5 oo
Bowker, W. R. Dynamo Motor and Switchboard Circuits . . 8vo, *2 50
Bowles, 0. Tables of Common Rocks. (Science Series) .i6mo, 050
Bowser, E. A. Elementary Treatise on Analytic Geometry. i2mo, i 75
Elementary Treatise on the Differential and Integral
Calculus.. i2mo, 2 25
Bowser, E. A. Elementary Treatise on Analytic Mechanics
i2mo, 3 oo
Elementary Treatise on Hydro-mechanics I2mo, 2 50
A Treatise on Roofs and Bridges I2mo, *2 25
Boycott, G. W. M. Compressed Air Work and Diving 8vo, *4 oo
Bragg, E. M. Marine Engine Design 1 2mo, *2 oo
Brainard, F. R. The Sextant. (Science Series No. ioi.).i6mo,
Brassey's Naval Annual for 1911 8vo, *6 oo
Brew, W. Three-Phase Transmission 8vo, *2 oo
Brewer, R. W. A. Motor Car Construction i2mo, *2 oo
Briggs, R., and Wolff, A. R. Steam-Heating. (Science Series
No. 67.) i6mo, o 50
Bright, C. The Life Story of Sir Charles Tilson Bright 8vo, *4 50
Brislee, T. J. Introduction to the Study of Fuel. (Outlines of
Industrial Chemistry.). 8vo, *3 oo
British Standard Sections 8x15 *i oo
Complete list of this series (45 parts) sent on application.
Broadfoot, S. K. Motors Secondary Batteries. (Installation
Manuals Series.) i2mo, *o 75
Broughton, H. H. Electric Cranes and Hoists *9 oo
Brown, G. Healthy Foundations. (Science Series No. 80.)
i6mo, o 50
Brown, H. Irrigation 8vo, *5 oo
Brown, Wm. N. The Art of Enamelling on Metal i2mo, *i oo
Handbook on Japanning and Enamelling I2mo, *i 50
House Decorating and Painting i2mo, *i 50
History of Decorative Art i2mo, *i 25
Dipping, Burnishing, Lacquering and Bronzing Brass
Ware i2mo, *i oo
Workshop Wrinkles 8vo, *i oo
Browne, R. E. Water Meters. (Science Series No. 81.). i6mo, o 50
Bruce, E. M. Pure Food Tests I2mo, *i 25
Bruhns, Dr. New Manual of Logarithms 8yo, half mor., 2 oo
Brunner, R. Manufacture of Lubricants, Shoe Polishes and
Leather Dressings. Trans, by C. Salter 8vo, *3 oo
Buel, R. H. Safety Valves. (Science Series No. 21.) i6mo, o 50
Bulmann, H. F., and Redmayne, R. S. A. Colliery Working and
Management 8vo, 6 oo
Burgh, N. P. Modern Marine Engineering 410, half mor., 10 oo
Burstall, F. W. Energy Diagram for Gas. With text. .8vo, *i
Diagram sold separately *i
Burt, W. A. Key to the Solar Compass i6mo, leather, 2
Burton, F. G. Engineering Estimates and Cost Accounts.
I2mo, *i
Buskett, E. W. Fire Assaying i2mo, *i
Byers, H. G., and Knight, H. G. Notes on Qualitative
Analysis 8vo, *i
Cain, W. Brief Course in the Calculus i2mo, *i
Elastic Arches. (Science Series No. 48.) i6mo, o
Maximum Stresses. (Science Series No. 38.) i6mo, o
Practical Designing Retaining of Walls. (Science Series
No. 3.) i6mo, o
Theory of Steel-concrete Arches and of Vaulted Structures.
(Science Series) i6mo, o
Theory of Voussoir Arches. (Science Series No. 12.) . i6mo, o
Symbolic Algebra. (Science Series No. 73.) i6mo, o
Campin, F. The Construction of Iron Roofs 8vo, 2
Carpenter, F. D. Geographical Surveying. (Science Series
No. 37.) i6mo,
Carpenter, R. C., and Diederichs, H. Internal -Combustion
Engines 8vo, *5
Carter, E. T. Motive Power and Gearing for Electrical Machin-
ery ..8vo, *s i
Carter, H. A. Ramie (Rhea), China Grass i2mo, *2
Carter, H. R. Modern Flax, Hemp, and Jute Spinning 8vo, *3 i
Cathcart, W. L. Machine Design. Part I. Fastenings 8vo, *3 i
Cathcart, W. L., and Chaffee, J. I. Elements of Graphic Statics
and General Graphic Methods 8vo, *3
Short Course in Graphic Statics i2mo, *i
Caven, R. M., and Lander, G. D. Systematic Inorganic Chemis-
try I2mo,
Chalkley, A. P. Diesel Engines 8vo,
Chambers' Mathematical Tables 8vo,
Charnock, G. F. Workshop Practice. (Westminster Series.)
8vo (In Press.}
Charpentier, P. Timber 8vo, *6 oo
Chatley, H. Principles and Designs of Aeroplanes. (Science
Series.) i6mo, o 50
Chatley, H. How to Use Water Power i2mo, *i oo
Child, C. D. Electric Arc 8vo (In Press.)
Child, C. T. The How and Why of Electricity i2mo, i oo
Christie, W. W. Boiler- waters, Scale, Corrosion, Foaming
8vo, *3 oo
Chimney Design and Theory 8vo, *3 oo
Furnace Draft. (Science Series) i6mo, o 50
Water, Its Purification for Use in the Industries. .8vo (In Press.)
Church's Laboratory Guide. Rewritten by Edward Kinch. .8vo, *2 50
Clapperton, G. Practical Papermaking 8vo, 2 50
Clark, A. G. Motor Car Engineering.
Vol. I. Construction 8vo, *3 oo
Vol. II. Design (In Press.)
Clark, C. H. Marine Gas Engines i2mo, *i 50
Clark, D. K. Rules, Tables and Data for Mechanical Engineers
8vo, 5 oo
Fuel: Its Combustion and Economy 12010, i 50
The Mechanical Engineer's Pocketbook i6mo, 2 oo
Tramways: Their Construction and Working 8vo, 5 oo
Clark, J. M. New System of Laying Out Railway Turnouts..
i2mo, i oo
Clausen-Thue, W. ABC Telegraphic Code. Fourth Edition
i2mo, *5 oo
Fifth Edition 8vo, *7 oo
The Ai Telegraphic Code : 8vo, *7 50
Cleemann, T. M. The Railroad Engineer's Practice i2mo, *i 50
Clerk, D., and Idell, F. E. Theory of the Gas Engine. (Science
Series No. 62.) i6mo, o 50
Clevenger, S. R. Treatise on the Method of Government Sur-
veying i6mo, mor., 2 50
Clouth, F. Rubber, Gutta-Percha, and Balata 8vo, *5 oo
Cochrane, J. Treatise on Cement Specifications 8vo (In Press.)
Coffin, J. H. C. Navigation and Nautical Astronomy i2mo, *3 50
Colburn, Z., and Thurston, R. H. Steam Boiler Explosions.
(Science Series No. 2.) i6mo, o 50
Cole, R. S. Treatise on Photographic Optics i2mo, i 50
Coles-Finch, W. Water, Its Origin and Use 8vo, *s oo
Collins, J. E. Useful Alloys and Memoranda for Goldsmiths,
Jewelers i6mo, o 50
Constantino, E. Marine Engineers, Their Qualifications and
Duties 8vo, *2 oo
Coombs, H. A. Gear Teeth. (Science Series No. 120). . . i6mo, o 50
Cooper, W. R. Primary Batteries 8vo, *4 oo
" The Electrician " Primers 8vo, *5 oo
Part I *i 50
Part II * 2 50
Part III *2 oo
Copperthwaite, W. C. Tunnel Shields 4to, *p oo
Corey, H. T. Water Supply Engineering. 8vo (In Press.)
Corfield, W. H. Dwelling Houses. (Science Series No. 50.) i6mo, o 50
- Water and Water-Supply. (Science Series No. 17.). . i6mo, o 50
Cornwall, H. B. Manual of Blow-pipe Analysis 8vo, *2 50
Courtney, C. F. Masonry Dams 8vo, 3 50
Cowell, W. B. Pure Air, Ozone, and Water I2mo, *2 oo
Craig, T. Motion of a Solid in a Fuel. (Science Series No. 49.)
i6mo, o 50
Wave and Vortex Motion. (Science Series No. 43.) . i6mo, o 50
Cramp, W. Continuous Current Machine Design 8vo, *2 50
Crocker, F. B. Electric Lighting. Two Volumes. 8vo.
Vol. I. The Generating Plant 3 oo
Vol. II. Distributing Systems and Lamps 3 oo
Crocker, F. B., and Arendt, M. Electric Motors 8vo, *2 50
Crocker, F. B., and Wheeler, S. S. The Management of Electri-
cal Machinery I2mo, *i oo
Cross, C. F., Bevan, E. J., and Sindall, R. W. Wood Pulp and
Its Applications. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 oo
Crosskey, L. R. Elementary Prospective 8vo, i oo
Crosskey, L. R., and Thaw, J. Advanced Perspective 8vo, i 50
Culley, J. L. Theory of Arches. (Science Series No. 87.)i6mo, o 50
Davenport, C. The Book. (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 oo
Da vies, D. C. Metalliferous Minerals and Mining 8vo, 5 oo
Earthy Minerals and Mining 8vo, 5 oo
Da vies, E. H. Machinery for Metalliferous Mines 8vo, 8 oo
Da vies, F. H. Electric Power and Traction 8vo, *2 oo
Dawson, P. Electric Traction on Railways 8vo, *p oo
Day, C. The Indicator and Its Diagrams I2mo, *2 oo
Deerr, N. Sugar and the Sugar Cane 8vo, *8 oc
Deite, C. Manual of Soapmaking. Trans, by S. T. King .. 4to, *5 oo
De la Coux, H. The Industrial Uses of Water. Trans, by A.
Morris 8vo, *4 50
Del Mar, W. A. Electric Power Conductors 8vo, *2 oo
Denny, G. A. Deep-Level Mines of the Rand 4to, *io oo
Diamond Drilling for Gold *$ oo
De Roos, J. D. C. Linkages. (Science Series No. 47.). . . i6mo, o 50
Derr, W. L. Block Signal Operation Oblong i2mo, *i 50
Maintenance of Way Engineering (In Preparation.)
Desaint, A. Three Hundred Shades and How to Mix Them. .8 vo, *io oo
De Varona, A. Sewer Gases. (Science Series No. 55.)... i6mo, o 50
Devey, R. G. Mill and Factory Wiring. (Installation Manuals
Series.) i2mo, *i oo
Dibdin, W. J. Public Lighting by Gas and Electricity 8vo, *8 oo
Purification of Sewage and Water 8vo, 6 50
Dichman, C. Basic Open-Hearth Steel Process 8vo, *3 50
Dietrich, K. Analysis of Resins, Balsams, and Gum Resins .8vo, *3 oo
Dinger, Lieut. H. C. Care and Operation of Naval Machinery
I2H1O. *2 OO
Dixon, D. B. Machinist's and Steam Engineer's Practical Cal-
culator i6mo, mor., i 25
Doble, W. A. Power Plant Construction on the Pacific Coast. (In Press.)
Dodd, G. Dictionary of Manufactures, Mining, Machinery, and
the Industrial Arts i2mo, i 50
Dorr, B. F. The Surveyor's Guide and Pocket Table-book.
i6mo, mor., 2 oo
Down, P B. Handy Copper Wire Table i6mo, *i oo
Draper, C. H. Elementary Text-book of Light, Heat and
Sound i2mo, i oo
Heat and the Principles of Therm o-dynamics i2mo, i 50
Duckwall, E. W. Canning and Preserving of Food Products. 8 vo, *5 oo
Dumesny, P., and Noyer, J. Wood Products, Distillates, and
Extracts 8vo, *4 50
Duncan, W. G., and Penman, D. The Electrical Equipment of
Collieries 8vo, *4 oo
Dunstan, A. E., and Thole, F. T. B. Textbook of Practical
Chemistry i2mo, *i 40
Duthie, A. L. Decorative Glass Processes. (Westminster
Series) 8vo, *2 oo
Dwight, H. B. Transmission Line Formulas 8vo, * (In Press.)
Dyson, S. S. Practical Testing of Raw Materials 8vo, *5 oo
Dyson, S. S. and Clarkson, S. S. Chemical Works 8vo, *7 50
Eccles,R.G.,andDuckwall,E.W. Food Preservatives. 8 vo, paper, o 50
Eddy, H. T. Researches in Graphical Statics 8vo, i 50
Maximum Stresses under Concentrated Loads 8vo, i 50
Edgcumbe, K. Industrial Electrical Measuring Instruments .
8vo, *2 50
Eissler, M. The Metallurgy of Gold 8vo, 7 50
The Hydrometallurgy of Copper 8vo, *4 50
The Metallurgy of Silver 8vo, 4 oo
The Metallurgy of Argentiferous Lead 8vo, 5 oo
: Cyanide Process for the Extraction of Gold 8vo, 3 oo
A Handbook of Modern Explosives 8vo, 5 oo
Ekin, T. C. Water Pipe and Sewage Discharge Diagrams
folio, *3 oo
Eliot, C. W., and Storer, F. H. Compendious Manual of Qualita-
tive Chemical Analysis i2mo, *i 25
Elliot, Major G. H. European Light-house Systems 8vo, 5 oo
Ennis, Wm. D. Linseed Oil and Other Seed Oils 8vo, *4 oo
Applied Thermodynamics 8vo, *4 59
Flying Machines To-day i2mo, *i 50
Vapors for Heat Engines i2mo, *i oo
Erfurt, J. Dyeing of Paper Pulp. Trans, by J. Hubner. . .8vo, *y 50
Erskine -Murray, J. A Handbook of Wireless Telegraphy.. 8vo, *3 50
Evans, C. A. Macadamized Roads (In Press.)
Ewing, A. J. Magnetic Induction in Iron 8vo, *4 oo
Fairie, J. Notes on Lead Ores i2mo, *i oo
Notes on Pottery Clays i2mo, *i 50
Fairley, W., and Andre, Geo. J. Ventilation of Coal Mines.
(Science Series No. 58.) i6mo, o 50
Fairweather, W. C. Foreign and Colonial Patent Laws . . .8vo, *3 oo
Fanning, T. T. Hydraulic and Water-supply Engineering.
8vo, *5 oo
Fauth, P. The Moon in Modern Astronomy. Trans, by J.
McCabe 8vo, *2 oo
Fay, I. W. The Coal-tar Colors 8vo, *4 oc
Fernbach, R. L. Glue and Gelatine 8vo, *3 oo
Chemical Aspects of Silk Manufacture i2mo, *i oo
Fischer, E. The Preparation of Organic Compounds. Trans.
by R. V. Stanford i2mo, *i 25
Fish, J. C. L. Lettering of Working Drawings Oblong 80, i oo
Fisher, H. K. C., and Darby, W. C. Submarine Cable Testing.
8vo, *3 50
Fiske, Lieut. B. A. Electricity in Theory and Practice . . . .8vo, 2 50
Fleischmann, W. The Book of the Dairy. Trans, by C. M
Aikman 8vo, 4 oo
Fleming, J. A. The Alternate-current Transformer. Two
Volumes 8vo,
Vol. I. The Induction of Electric Currents *5 oo
Vol. II. The Utilization of Induced Currents *5 oo
Propagation of Electric Currents 8vo, *3 oo
Fleming, J, A. Centenary of the Electrical Current 8vo, *o 50
Electric Lamps and Electric Lighting 8vo, *3 oo
Electric Laboratory Notes and Forms 4to, *5 oo
A Handbook for the Electrical Laboratory and Testing
Room. Two Volumes 8vo, each, *5 oo
Fluery, H. The Calculus Without Limits or Infinitesimals.
Trans, by C. 0. Mailloux (In Press.)
Flynn, P. J Flow of Water. (Science Series No. 84.). . . i6mo, o 50
Hydraulic Tables. (Science Series No. 66.) i6mo, o 50
Foley, N. British and American Customary and Metric Meas-
ures folio, *3 oo
Foster, H. A. Electrical Engineers' Pocket-booko (Sixth
Edition.) I2mo, leather, 5 oo
Engineering Valuation of Public Utilities 8vo, 3 oo*
Foster, Gen. J. G. Submarine Blasting in Boston (Mass.)
Harbor 4to, 3 50
Fowle, F. F. Overhead Transmission Line Crossings .. . . i2mo, *i 50
The Solution of Alternating Current Problems. 8vo (In Press.)
Fox, W. G. Transition Curves. (Science Series No. no.). i6mo, 050
Fox, W., and Thomas, C. W. Practical Course in Mechanical
Drawing i2mo, i 25
Foye, J. C. Chemical Problems., (Science Series No. 69. ).i6mo, o 50
Handbook of Mineralogy. (Science Series No. 86.) .
i6mo, o 50
Francis, J. B. Lowell Hydraulic Experiments 4to, 15 oo
Freudemacher, P. W. Electrical Mining Installations. (In-
stallation Manuals Series.) i2mo, *i oo
Frith, J. Alternating Current Design 8vo, *2 oo
Fritsch, J. Manufacture of Chemical Manures. Trans, by
D. Grant 8vo, *4 oo
Frye, A. I. Civil Engineers' Pocket-book .... i2mo, leather, (In Press.)
Fuller, G. W. Investigations into the Purification of the Ohio
River 4to, *io oo
Furnell, J. Paints, Colors, Oils, and Varnishes 8vo, *i oo
Gairdner, J. W. I. Earthwork 8vo (In Press.)
Gant, L. W. Elements of Electric Traction 8vo, *2 50
Garforth, W. E. Rules for Recovering Coal Mines after Explo-
sions and Fires i2mo, leather, i 50
Gaudard, J. Foundations. (Science Series No. 34.) i6mo, o 50
Gear, H. B., and Williams, P. F. Electric Central Station Dis-
tributing Systems i2mo, *3 oo
Geerligs, H. C. P. Cane Sugar and Its Manufacture 8vo, *5 oo
Geikie, J. Structural and Field Geology 8vo, *4 oo
Gerber, N. Analysis of Milk, Condensed Milk, and Infants'
Milk-Food 8vo, i 25
Gerhard, W. P. Sanitation, Water-supply and Sewage Disposal
of Country Houses i2mo, *2 oo
Gas Lighting. (Science Series No. in.) i6mo, o 50
Household Wastes. (Science Series No. 97.) i6mo, o 50
House Drainage. (Science Series No. 63.) i6mo, o 50
Sanitary Drainage of Buildings. (Science Series No. 93.)
i6mo, o 50
Gerhardi, C. W. H. Electricity Meters 8vo, *4 oo
Geschwind, L. Manufacture of Alum and Sulphates. Trans.
by C. Salter 8vo, *$ oo
Gibbs, W. E. Lighting by Acetylene i2mo, *i 50
Physics of Solids and Fluids. (Carnegie Technical Schools
Text-books.) *i 50
Gibson, A. H. Hydraulics and Its Application 8vo, *5 oo
Water Hammer in Hydraulic Pipe Lines i2mo, *2 oo
Gilbreth, F. B. Motion Study. A Method for Increasing the
Efficiency of the Workman i2mo, *2 oo
Gilbreth, F. B. Primer of Scientific Management I2mo, *i oo
Gillmore, Gen. Q. A. Limes, Hydraulic Cements and Mortars.
8vo, 4 oo
Roads, Streets, and Pavements i2mo, 2 oo
Golding, H. A. The Theta-Phi Diagram i2mo, *i 25
Goldschmidt, R. Alternating Current Commutator Motor .8vo, *3 oo
Goodchild, W. Precious Stones. (Westminster Series.). . -8vo, *2 oo
Goodeve, T. M. Textbook on the Steam-engine i2mo, 2 oo
Gore, G. Electrolytic Separation of Metals 8vo, *3 50
Gould, E. S. Arithmetic of the Steam-engine i2mo, i oo
Calculus. (Science Series No. 112.) i6mo, o 50
High Masonry Dams. (Science Series No. 22.) i6mo, o 50
Practical Hydrostatics and Hydrostatic Formulas. (Science
Series.) i6mo, o 50
Grant, J. Brewing and Distilling. (Westminster Series.)
8vo (In Press.)
Gratacap, L. P. A Popular Guide to Minerals. 8vo (In Press.)
Gray, J. Electrical Influence Machines I2mo, 2 oo
Marine Boiler Design I2mo (In Press.)
GreenhiU, G. Dynamics of Mechanical Flight 8vo (In Press.)
Greenwood, E. Classified Guide to Technical and Commercial
Books 8vo, *3 oo
Gregorius, R. Mineral Waxes. Trans, by C. Salter i2mo, *3 oo
Griffiths, A. B. A Treatise on Manures i2mo, 3 oo
Dental Metallurgy 8vo, *3 50
Gross, E. Hops 8vo, *4 50
Grossman, J. Ammonia and its Compounds 12 mo, *i 25
Groth, L. A. Welding and Cutting Metals by Gases or Electric-
ity 8vo, *3 oo
Grover, F. Modern Gas and Oil Engines 8vo, *2 oo
Gruner, A. Power-loom Weaving 8vo, *3 oo
Giiidner, Hugo. Internal-Combustion Engines. Trans, by
H. Diedrichs 4to, *io oo
Gunther, C. O. Integration i2mo, *i 25
Gurden, R. L. Traverse Tables folio, half mor. *7 50
Guy, A. E. Experiments on the Flexure of Beams 8vo, *i 25
Haeder, H. Handbook on the Steam-engine. Trans, by H. H.
P. Powles i2mo, 3 oo
Haenig, A. Emery and the Emery Industry 8vo (In Press.)
Hainbach, R. Pottery Decoration. Trans, by C. Slater . . 1200, *3 oo
Hale, W. J. Calculations of General Chemistry. i2mo, *i oo
Hall, C. H. Chemistry of Paints and Paint Vehicles i2mo, *2 oo
Hall, R. H. Governors and Governing Mechanism i2mo, *2 oo
Hall, W. S. Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus
8vo, *2 25
Descriptive Geometry 8vo volume and 4to atlas, *3 50
Haller, G. F., and Cunningham, E. T. The Tesla Coil i2mo, *i
Halsey, F. A. Slide Valve Gears i2mo, i
The Use of the Slide Rule. (Science Series.) i6mo,
Worm and Spiral Gearing. (Science Series.) i6mo,
Hamilton, W. G. Useful Information for Railway Men. . i6mo, i
Hammer, W. J. Radium and Other Radioactive Substances,
8vo, *i
Hancock, H. Textbook of Mechanics and Hydrostatics 8vo, i
Hardy, E. Elementary Principles of Graphic Statics i2mo, *i
Harrison, W. B. The Mechanics' Tool-book i2mo, i
Hart, J. W. External Plumbing Work 8vo, *3
Hints to Plumbers on Joint Wiping 8vo, *3
Principles of Hot Water Supply 8vo,
Sanitary Plumbing and Drainage 8vo,
Haskins, C. H. The Galvanometer and Its Uses i6mo,
Hatt, J. A. H. The Colorist square I2mo,
Hausbrand, E. Drying by Means of Air and Steam. Trans.
by A. C. Wright i2mo, *2
Evaporating, Condensing and Cooling Apparatus. Trans.
by A. C. Wright 8vo, *s
Hausner, A. Manufacture of Preserved Foods and Sweetmeats.
Trans, by A. Morris and H. Robson '. . . . . 8vo, *
Hawke, W. H. Premier Cipher Telegraphic Code 410,
100,000 Words Supplement to the Premier Code 410,
Hawkesworth, J. Graphical Handbook for Reniforced Concrete
Design 4to, *2
Hay, A. Alternating Currents 8vo, *2
Electrical Distributing Networks and Distributing Lines.
8vo, *3
Continuous Current Engineering 8vo, *2
Heap, Major D. P. Electrical Appliances .8vo, 2
Heaviside, 0. Electromagnetic Theory. Two volumes.
8vo, each, *5 oo
Heck, R. C. H. Steam Engine and Turbine 8vo, *5 oo
Steam-Engine and Other Steam Motors. Two Volumes.
Vol. I. Thermodynamics and the Mechanics 8vo, *3 50
Vol. II. Form, Construction and Working 8vo, *S oo
Notes on Elementary Kinematics 8vo, boards, *i op
Graphics of Machine Forces 8vo, boards, *i oo
Hedges, K. Modern Lightning Conductors 8vo, 3 oo
Heermann, P. Dyers' Materials. Trans, by A. C. Wright.
i2mo, *2 50
Hellot, Macquer and D'Apligny. Art of Dyeing Wool, Silk and
Cotton . 8vo, *2 oo
Henrici, 0. Skeleton Structures 8vo, i 50
Bering, D. W. Essentials of Physics for College Students.
8vo, i 75
Hermann, G. The Graphical Statics of Mechanism. Trans.
by A. P. Smith i2mo, 2 oo
Herring-Shaw, A. Domestic Sanitation and Plumbing. Two
Parts . . . : 8vo, *s oo
Elementary Science of Sanitation and Plumbing .... 8vo, *2 oo
Herzfeld, J. Testing of Yarns and Textile Fabrics 8vo, *3 50
Hildebrandt, A. Airships, Past and Present 8vo, *3 50
Hildenbrand, B. W. Cable-Making. (Science Series No. 32.)
i6mo, o 50
Hildich, H. Concise History of Chemistry i2mo, *i 25
Hill, J. W. The Purification of Public Water Supplies. New
Edition (In Press,)
Interpretation of Water Analysis (In Press.)
Hiroi, I. Plate Girder Construction. (Science Series No. 95.)
i6mo, o 50
Statically-Indeterminate Stresses 12 mo, *2 oo
Hirshfeld, C. F. Engineering Thermodynamics. (Science
Series.) i6mo, o 50
Hobart, H. M. Heavy Electrical Engineering 8vo, *4 50
Design of Static Transformers 8vo, *2 oo
Electricity 8vo, *2 oo
Electric Trains 8vo, *2 50
Electric Propulsion of Ships 8vo, *2 oo
Hobart, J. F. Hard Soldering, Soft Soldering, and Brazing .
i2mo, (In Press.)
Hobbs, W. R. P. The Arithmetic of Electrical Measurements
1 2 mo, o 50
Hoff, J. N. Paint and Varnish Facts and Formulas i2mo, *i 50
Hoff, Com.W. B. The Avoidance of Collisions at Sea. i6mo, mor., o 75
Hole, W. The Distribution of Gas 8vo, *7 50
Holley, A. L. Railway Practice. . folio, 12 oo
Holmes, A. B. The Electric Light Popularly Explained.
i2mo, paper, o 50
Hopkins, N. M. Experimental Electrochemistry 8vo, *3 oo
Model Engines and Small Boats i2mo, i 25
Hopkinson, J., Shoolbred, J. N,, and Day, R. E. Dynamic
Electricity. (Science Series No. 71.) i6mo, o 50
Homer, J. Engineers' Turning 8vo, *3 50
Metal Turning i2mo, i 50
Toothed Gearing i2mo, 2 25
Honghton, C. E. The Elements of Mechanics of Materials. i2mo, *2 oo
Houllevigue, L. The Evolution of the Sciences 8vo, *2 oo
Howe, G. Mathematics for the Practical Man ; . . i2mo, *i 25
Howorth, J. Repairing and Riveting Glass, China and Earthen-
ware 8vo, paper, *o 50
Hubbard, E. The Utilization of Wood-waste 8vo, *2 50
Hubner, J. Bleaching and Dyeing of Vegetable and Fibrous
Materials. (Outlines of Industrial Chemistry.) . *(In Press.)
Hudson, O. F. Iron and Steel. (Outlines of Industrial
Chemistry.) 8vo (In Press.)
Humber, W. Calculation of Strains in Girders i2mo, 2 50
Humphreys, A. C. The Business Features of Engineering
Practice 8vo, * i 25
Hunter, A. Bridge Work 8vo (In Press.)
Hurst, G. H. Handbook of the Theory of Color 8vo, *2 50
Dictionary of Chemicals and Raw Products 8vo, *3 oo
Lubricating Oils, Fats and Greases 8vo, *4 oo
Soaps 8vo, *s oo
Textile Soaps and Oils 8vo, *2 50
Hurst, H. E., and Lattey, R. T. Text-book of Physics 8vo, *3 oo
Hutchinson, R. W., Jr. Long Distance Electric Power Trans-
mission i2mo, *3 oo
Hutchinson, R. W., Jr., and Ihlseng, M. C. Electricity in
Mining i2mo (In Press.)
Hutchinson, W. B. Patents and How to Make Money Out of
Them i2mo, i 25
Hutton, W. S. Steam-boiler Construction 8vo, 6 oo
Practical Engineer's Handbook 8vo, 7 oo
The Works' Manager's Handbook 8vo, 6 oo
Hyde, E. W. Skew Arches. (Science Series No. 15.).- .i6mo, o 50
Induction Coils. (Science Series No. 53.) i6mo, o 50
Ingle, H. Manual of Agricultural Chemistry.. 8vo, *3 oo
Innes, C. H. Problems in Machine Design I2mo, *2 oo
Air Compressors and Blowing Engines i2mo, *2 oo
Centrifugal Pumps i2mo, *2 oo
The Fan i2mo, *2 oo
Isherwood, B. F. Engineering Precedents for Steam Machinery
8vo, 2 50
Ivatts, E. B. Railway Management at Stations 8vo, *2 50
Jacob, A., and Gould, E. S. On the Designing and Construction
of Storage Reservoirs. (Science Series No. 6.). .i6mo, 050
Jamieson, A. Text Book on Steam and Steam Engines. . . . 8vo, 3 oo
Elementary Manual on Steam and the Steam Engine. 1 2mo, I 50
Jannettaz, E. Guide to the Determination of Rocks. Trans.
by Go W. Plympton I2mo, I 50
Jehl, F. Manufacture of Carbons 8vo, *4 oo
Jennings, A. S. Commercial Paints and Painting, (West-
minster Series.) 8vo (In Press.)
Jennison, F. H. The Manufacture of Lake Pigments 8vo, *3 oo
Jepson, G. Cams and the Principles of their Construction... 8 vo *i 50
Mechanical Drawing 8vo (In Prep^-ation.)
Jockin, W. Arithmetic of the Gold and Silversmith i2mo, *i oo
Johnson, G. L. Photographic Optics and Color Photography.Svo, *3 oo
Johnson, J. H. Arc Lamps. (Installation Manuals Series.)
i2mo, *o 75
Johnson, T. M. Ship Wiring and Fitting. (Installation
Manuals Series) i6mo, *o 75
Johnson, W. H. The Cultivation and Preparation of Para
Rubber 8vo, *3 oo
Johnson, W. McA. The Metallurgy of Nickel (In Preparation.)
Johnston, J. F. W., and Cameron, C. Elements of Agricultural
Chemistry and Geology i2mo, 2 60
Joly, J. Radioactivity and Geology I2mo, *3 oo
Jones, H. C. Electrical Nature of Matter and Radioactivity
I2mo, *2 oo
Jones, M. W. Testing Raw Materials Used in Paint i2mo, *2 oo
Jones, L., and Scard, F. I. Manufacture of Cane Sugar 8 vo, *5 oo
Jordan, L. C. Practical Railway Spiral. . . i2mo, Leather *(In Press.)
Joynson, F. H. Designing and Construction of Machine Gear-
ing 8vo, 2 oo
Jtiptner, H. F. V. Siderology : The Science of Iron 8vo, *5 oo
City Bridge 4to, 6 oo
Kapp, G. Alternate Current Machinery. (Science Series No.
96.) i6mo, o 50
Electric Transmission of Energy i2mo, 3 50
Keim, A. W. Prevention of Dampness in Buildings 8vo, *2 oo
Keller, S. S. Mathematics for Engineering Students.
i2mo, half leather,
Algebra and Trigonometry, with a Chapter on Vectors. ... *i 75
Special Algebra Edition *i oo
Plane and Solid Geometry *i 25
Analytical Geometry and Calculus *2 oo
Kelsey, W. R. Continuous-current Dynamos and Motors.
v 8vo, *2 50
Kemble, W. T., and Underbill, C. R. The Periodic Law and the
Hydrogen Spectrum 8vo, paper, *o 50
Kemp, J. F. Handbook of Rocks 8vo, *i 50
Kendall, E. Twelve Figure Cipher Code 4to, *i5 oo
Kennedy, A. B. W., and Thurston, R. H. Kinematics of
Machinery. (Science Series No. 54.) i6mo, o 50
Kennedy, A. B. W., Unwin, W. C., and Idell, F. E. Compressed
Air. (Science Series No. 106.) i6mo, o 50
Kennedy, R. Modern Engines and Power Generators. Six
Volumes 4to, 15 oo
Single Volumes each, 3 oo
. Electrical Installations. Five Volumes 4to, 15 oo
Single Volumes each, 3 50
Kennedy, R. Principles of Aeroplane Construction. . . . i2mo, *i 50
Flying Machines; Practice and Design i2mo, *2 oo
Kennelly, A. E. Electro-dynamic Machinery 8vo, i 50
Kent, W. Strength of Materials. (Science Series No. 4i.).i6mo, o 50
Kershaw, J. B. C. Fuel, Water and Gas Analysis 8vo, *2 50
Electrometallurgy. (Westminster Series.), 8vo, *2 oo
The Electric Furnace in Iron and Steel Production.. i2mo, *i 50
Kinzbrunner, C. Alternate Current Windings 8vo, *i 50
Continuous Current Armatures 8vo, *i 50
Testing of Alternating Current Machines 8vo, *2 oo
Kirkaldy, W. G. David Kirkaldy's System of Mechanical
Testing 4to, 10 oo
Kirkbride, J. Engraving for Illustration 8vo, *i 50
Kirkwood, J. P. Filtration of River Waters 4to, 7 50
Klein, J. F. Design of a High speed Steam-engine 8vo, *s oo
Physical Significance of Entropy 8vo, *i 50
Kleinhans, F. B. Boiler Construction 8vo, 3 oo
Knight, R.-Adm. A. M. Modern Seamanship 8vo, *7 50
Half Mor. *Q oo
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Knott, C. G., and Mackay, J. S. Practical Mathematics. . .8vo, 2 oo
Koester, F. Steam-Electric Power Plants 4to, *5 oo
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Cosmetics 8vo, *2 50
Kretchmar, K. Yam and Warp Sizing 8vo, *4 oo
Lambert, T. Lead and its Compounds 8vo, *3 50
Bone Products and Manures 8vo, *3 oo
Lamborn, L. L. Cottonseed Products 8vo, *3 oo
Modern Soaps, Candles, and Glycerin 8vo, *7 50
Lamprecht, R. Recovery Work After Pit Fires. Trans, by
C. Salter .8vo, *4 oo
Lanchester, F. W. Aerial Flight. Two Volumes. 8vo.
Vol. I. Aerodynamics *6 oo
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Larner, E. T. Principles of Alternating Currents i2mo, *i 25
Larrabee, C. S. Cipher and Secret Letter and Telegraphic
Code i6mo, o 60
La Rue, B. F. Swing Bridges. (Science Series No. 107.) . i6mo, o 50
Lassar-Cohn, Dr. Modern Scientific Chemistry. Trans, by M.
M. Pattison Muir i2mo, *2 oo
Latimer, L. H., Field, C. J., and Howell, J. W. Incandescent
Electric Lighting. (Science Series No. 57.) i6mo, o 50
Latta, M. N. Handbook of American Gas-Engineering Practice.
8vo, *4 50
American Producer Gas Practice 4to, *6 oo
Leask, A. R. Breakdowns at Sea i2mo, 2 oo
Refrigerating Machinery i2mo, 2 oo
Lecky, S. T. S. " Wrinkles " in Practical Navigation 8vo, *8 oo
Le Doux, M. Ice-Making Machines. (Science Series No. 46.)
i6mo, o 50
Leeds, C. C. Mechanical Drawing for Trade Schools . oblong, 4to,
High School Edition *i 25
Machinery Trades Edition *2 oo
Lefe*vre, L. Architectural Pottery. Trans, by H. K. Bird and
W. M. Binns 4to, *7 50
Lehner, S. Ink Manufacture. Trans, by A. Morris and H.
Robson 8vo, *2 50
Lemstrom, S. Electricity in Agriculture and Horticulture . . 8vo, * i 50
Le Van, W. B. Steam-Engine Indicator (Science Series No.
78.) i6mo, o 50
Lewes, V. B. Liquid and Gaseous Fuels. ^Westminster Series.)
8vo, *2 oo
Lewis, L. P. Railway Signal Engineering 8vo, *3 50
Lieber, B. F. Lieber's Standard Telegraphic Code 8vo, *io oo
Code. German Edition 8vo, *io oo
Spanish Edition 8vo, *io oo
French Edition 8vo, * 10 oo
Terminal Index 8vo, *2 50
Lieber's Appendix folio, "15 oo
Handy Tables 4to, *2 50
Bankers and Stockbrokers' Code and Merchants and
Shippers' Blank Tables 8vo, *i$ oo
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Livermore, V. P., and Williams, J. How to Become a Com-
petent Motorman i2mo, *i oo
Livingstone, R. Design and Construction of Commutators.
8vo, *2 25
Lobben, P. Machinists' and Draftsmen's Handbook ...... 8vo, 2 50
Locke, A. G. and C. G. Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid 8vo, 10 oo
Lockwood, T. D. Electricity, Magnetism, and Electro-teleg-
raphy 8vo, 2 50
Electrical Measurement and the Galvanometer i2mo, o 75
Lodge, 0. J. Elementary Mechanics I2mo, i 50
Signalling Across Space without Wires 8vo, *2 oo
Loewenstein, L. C., and Crissey, C. P. Centrifugal Pumps. 8vo, *4 50
Lord, R. T. Decorative and Fancy Fabrics 8vo, *3 50
Loring, A. E. A Handbook of the Electromagnetic Telegraph.
(Science Series No. 39) i6mo, o 50
Lubschez, B. J. Perspective (In Press.)
Lucke, C. E. Gas Engine Design 8vo, *3 oo
Power Plants: their Design, Efficiency, and Power Costs.
2 vols (In Preparation.)
Lunge, G. Coal-tar Ammonia. Two Volumes 8vo, *i$ oo
Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid and Alkali. Three Volumes
Vol. I. Sulphuric Acid. In two parts *I5 oo
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In two parts *i$ oo
Vol. IE. Ammonia Soda *io oo
Vol. IV. Electrolytic Methods (In Press.)
Technical Chemists' Handbook i2mo, leather, *3 50
Lunge, G. Technical Methods of Chemical Analysis. Trans,
by C. A. Keane. In collaboration with the corps of
Vol. I. In two parts 8vo, *i$ oo
Vol. n. In two parts 8vo, *i8 oo
Vol. Ill (In Preparation.)
Lupton, A., Parr, G. D. A., and Perkin, H. Electricity as Applied
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Luquer, L. M. Minerals in Rock Sections 8vo, *i 50
Macewen, H. A. Food Inspection 8vo, *2 50
Mackenzie, N. F. Notes on Irrigation Works 8vo, *2 50
Mackie, J. How to Make a Woolen Mill Pay 8vo, *2 oo
Mackrow, C. Naval Architect's and Shipbuilder's Pocket-
book i6mo, leather, 5 oo
Maguire, Wm. R. Domestic Sanitary Drainage and Plumbing
8vo, 4 oo
Mallet, A. Compound Engines. Trans, by R. R. Buel.
(Science Series No. 10.). i6mo,
Mansfield, A. N. Electro-magnets. (Science Series No. 64)
i6mo, o 50
Marks, E. C. R. Construction of Cranes and Lifting Machinery
1 2 mo, *i 50
Construction and Working of Pumps i2mo, *i 50
Manufacture of Iron and Steel Tubes I2mo, *2 oo
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Marks, G. C. Hydraulic Power Engineering 8vo, 3 50
Inventions, Patents and Designs I2mo, *i oo
Marlow, T. G. Drying Machinery and Practice 8vo, *5 oo
Marsh, C. F. Concise Treatise on Reinforced Concrete 8vo, *2 50
Reinforced Concrete Compression Member Diagram. i 50
Marsh, C. F., and Dunn, W. Reinforced Concrete 4to, *5 oo
Manual of Reinforced Concrete and Concrete Block Con-
struction i6mo, mor., *2 50
Marshall, W. J., and Sankey, H. R. Gas Engines. (Westminster
Series.) 8vo, *2 oo
Martin, G. Triumphs and Wonders of Modern 'Chemistry.
8vo, *2 oo
Martin, N. Reinforced Concrete (In Press.)
Massie, W. W., and Underbill, C. R. Wireless Telegraphy and
Telephony I2nio, *i oo
Matheson, D. Australian Saw-Miller's Log and Timber Ready
Reckoner i2mo, leather, i 50
Mathot, R. E. Internal Combustion Engines 8vo, *6 oo
Maurice, W. Electric Blasting Apparatus and Explosives ..8vo, *3 50
Shot Firer's Guide 8vo, *i 50
Maxwell, J. C. Matter and Motion. (Science Series No. 36.)
i6mo, o 50
Maxwell, W. H., and Brown, J. T. Encyclopedia of Municipal
and Sanitary Engineering 410, *io oo
Mayer, A. M. Lecture Notes on Physics 8vo, 2 oo
McCullough, R. S. Mechanical Theory of Heat 8vo, 3 50
Mclntosh, J. G. Technology of Sugar 8vo, *4 50
Mclntosh, J. G. Industrial Alcohol 8vo, *3 oo
Manufacture of Varnishes and Kindred Industries. Three
Volumes. 8vo.
Vol. I. Oil Crushing, Refining and Boiling *3 50
Vol. II. Varnish Materials and Oil Varnish Making *4 oo
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McKnight, J. D., and Brown, A. W. Marine Multitubular
Boilers *i So
McMaster, J. B. Bridge and Tunnel Centres. (Science Series
No. 20.) i6mo, o 50
McMechen, F. L. Tests for Ores, Minerals and Metals. . . i2mo, *i oo
McNeill, B. McNeill's Code 8vo, *6 oo
McPherson, J. A. Water-works Distribution 8vo, 2 50
Melick, C. W. Dairy Laboratory Guide I2mo, *i 25
Merck, E. Chemical Reagents ; Their Purity and Tests 8vo, *i 50
Merritt, Wm. H. Field Testing for Gold and Silver . i6mo, leather, i 50
Messer, W. A. Railway Permanent Way 8vo (In Press.)
Meyer, J. G. A., and Pecker, C. G. Mechanical Drawing and
Machine Design 4to, 5 oo
Michell, S. Mine Drainage 8vo, 10 oo
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and H. Robson 8vo, *2 50
Miller, E. H. Quantitative Analysis for Mining Engineers . . 8vo, *i 50
Miller, G. A. Determinants. (Science Series No. 105.). .i6mo,
Milroy, M. E. W. Home Lace -making I2mo, *i oo
Minifie, W. Mechanical Drawing 8vo, *4 oo
Mitchell, C. A., and Prideaux, R. M. Fibres Used in Textile and
Allied Industries 8vo, *3 oo
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Monckton, C. C. F. Radiotelegraphy. (Westminster Series.)
8vo, *2 oo
Monteverde, R. D. Vest Pocket Glossary of English-Spanish,
Spanish-English Technical Terms 64010, leather, * i oo
Moore, E. C. S. New Tables for the Complete Solution of
Ganguillet and Kutter's Formula 8vo, *5 oo
Morecroft, J. H., and Hehre, F. W. Testing Electrical Ma-
chinery 8vo, *i 50
Moreing, C. A., and Neal, T. New General and Mining Tele-
graph Code 8vo, *5 oo
Morgan, A. P. Wireless Telegraph Construction for Amateurs.
I2mo, *i 50
Moses, A. J. The Characters of Crystals 8vo, *2 oo
Moses, A. J., and Parsons, C. I. Elements of Mineralogy .. 8vo, *2 50
Moss, S. A. Elements of Gas Engine Design. (Science
Series.) ibmo, o 50
The Lay-out of Corliss Valve Gears. (Science Series) . i6mo, o 50
Mulford, A. C. Boundaries and Landmarks (In Press.)
Mullin, J. P. Modern Moulding and Pattern- making . . . . i2mo, 2 50
Munby, A. E. Chemistry and Physics of Building Materials.
(Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 oo
Murphy, J. G. Practical Mining i6mo, i oo
Murray, J. A. Soils and Manures. (Westminster Series.). 8 vo, *2 oo
Naquet, A. Legal Chemistry I2mo, 2 oo
Nasmith, J. The Student's Cotton Spinning 8vo, 3 oo
Recent Cotton Mill Construction i2mo, 2 oo
Neave, G. B., and Heilbron, I. M. Identification of Organic
Compounds i2mo, *i 25
Neilson, R. M. Aeroplane Patents 8vo, *2 oo
Nerz, F. Searchlights. Trans, by C. Rodgers 8vo, *3 oo
Nesbit, A. F. Electricity and Magnetism (In Preparation.)
Neuberger, H., and Noalhat, H. Technology of Petroleum.
Trans, by J. G. Mclntosh 8vo, *io oo
Newall, J. W. Drawing, Sizing and Cutting Bevel-gears . . 8 vo, i 50
Nicol, G. Ship Construction and Calculations 8vo, *4 50
Nipher, F. E. Theory of Magnetic Measurements i2mo, i oo
Nisbet, H. Grammar of Textile Design 8vo, *3 oo
Nolan, H. The Telescope. (Science Series No. 51.) i6mo, o 50
Noll, A. How to Wire Buildings I2mo, i 50
Nugent, E. Treatise on Optics i2mo, i 50
O'Connor, H. The Gas Engineer's Pocketbook. . . i2mo, leather, 3 50
Petrol Air Gas i2mo, *o 75
Ohm, G. S., and Lockwood, T. D. Galvanic Circuit. Trans, by
William Francis. (Science Series No. 102.). . . . i6mo, o 50
Olsen, J. C. Text book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis . .8vo, *4 oo
Olsson, A. Motor Control, in Turret Turning and Gun Elevating.
(U. S. Navy Electrical Series, No. i.) . . . i2mo, paper, *o 50
Oudin, M. A. Standard Polyphase Apparatus and Systems . . 8vo, *3 oo
Palaz, A. Industrial Photometry. Trans, by G. W. Patterson,
Jr 8vo, *4 oo
Pamely, C. Colliery Manager's Handbook 8vo, *io oo
Parr, G. D. A. Electrical Engineering Measuring Instruments.
8vo, *3 50
Parry, E. J. Chemistry of Essential Oils and Artificial Per-
fumes 8vo, *5 oo
Foods and Drugs. Two Volumes 8vo,
Vol. I. Chemical and Microscopical Analysis of Food
and Drugs *7 5<>
Vol. II. Sale of Food and Drugs Acts *3 oo
Parry, E. J., and Coste, J. H. Chemistry of Pigments 8vo, *4 5
Parry, L. A. Risk and Dangers of Various Occupations 8vo, *3 oo
Parshall, H. F., and Hobart, H. M. Armature Windings 4to, *7 So
Electric Railway Engineering 4to, *io oo
Parshall, H. F., and Parry, E. Electrical Equipment of Tram-
ways (In Press.)
Parsons, S. J. Malleable Cast Iron 8vo, *2 50
Partington, J. R. Higher Mathematics for Chemical Students
i2mo, *2 oo
Passmore, A. C. Technical Terms Used in Architecture . . .8vo, *3 5o
Paterson, G. W. L. Wiring Calculations i2mo, *2 oo
Patterson, D. The Color Printing of Carpet Yarns 8vo, *3 5o
Color Matching on Textiles 8vo, *3 oo
- The Science of Color Mixing 8vo, *3 oo
Paulding, C. P. Condensation of Steam in Covered and Bare
Pipes 8vo, *2 oo
Paulding. C. P. Transmission of Heat through Cold-storage
Insulation i2mo, *i oo
Payne, D. W. Iron Founders' Handbook (In Press.)
Peddie, R. A. Engineering and Metallurgical Books. . . i2mo,
Peirce, B. System of Analytic Mechanics 4to, 10 oo
Pendred, V. The Railway Locomotive. (Westminster Series.)
8vo, *2 oo
Perkin, F. M. Practical Method of Inorganic Chemistry . .i2mo, *i oo
Perrigo, O. E. Change Gear Devices 8vo, i oo
Perrine, F. A. C. Conductors for Electrical Distribution . . . 8vo, *3 So
Perry, J. Applied Mechanics 8vo, *2 50
Petit, G. White Lead and Zinc White Paints 8vo, *i 50
Petit, R. How to Build an Aeroplane. Trans, by T. O'B.
Hubbard, and J. H. Ledeboer 8vo, *i 50
Pettit, Lieut. J. S. Graphic Processes. (Science Series No. 76.)
i6mo, o 50
Philbrick, P. H. Beams and Girders. (Science Series No. 88.)
Phillips, J. Engineering Chemistry 8vo, *4 50
Gold Assaying , . . . 8vo, *2 50
Dangerous Goods 8vo, 3 50
Phin, J. Seven Follies of Science i2mo, *i 25
Pickworth, C. N. The Indicator Handbook. Two Volumes
i2mo, each, i 50
Logarithms for Beginners i2mo, boards, o 50
The Slide Rule i2mo, i oo
Plattner's Manual of Blowpipe Analysis. Eighth Edition, re-
vised. Trans, by H. B. Cornwall 8vo, *4 oo
Plympton, G. W. The Aneroid Barometer. (Science Series.). i6mo, o 50
How to become an Engineer. (Science Series No. 100.)
i6mo, o 50
Plympton, G. W. Van Nostrand's Table Book. (Science Series
No. 104.). , i6mo, o 50
Pochet, M. L. Steam Injectors. Translated from the French.
(Science Series No. 29.) i6mo, o 50
Pocket Logarithms to Four Places. (Science Series.) i6mo, o 50
leather, i oo
Polleyn, F. Dressings and Finishings for Textile Fabrics . 8vo, *3 oo
Pope, F. L. Modern Practice of the Electric Telegraph 8vo, i 50
Popplewell, W. C. Elementary Treatise on Heat and Heat
Engines I2mo, *3 oo
Prevention of Smoke 8vo, *3 50
Strength of Minerals. 8vo, *i 75
Porter, J. R. Helicopter Flying Machines i2mo, i 25
Potter, T. Concrete 8vo, *3 oo
Potts, H. E. Chemistry of the Rubber Industry. (Outlines of
Physical Chemistry.) 8vo, *2 oo
Practical Compounding of Oils, Tallow and Grease 8vo, *3 50
Practical Iron Founding I2mo, i 50
Pratt, K. Boiler Draught I2mo, *i 25
Pray, T., Jr. Twenty Years with the Indicator 8vo, 2 50
Steam Tables and Engine Constant 8vo, 2 oo
Calorimeter Tables 8vo, i oo
Preece, W. H. Electric Lamps (In Press.)
Prelini, C. Earth and Rock Excavation 8vo, *3 oo
Dredges and Dredging 8vo, *3 oo
Graphical Determination of Earth Slopes 8vo, *?, oo
Tunneling 8vo, *3 oo
Prescott, A. B. Organic Analysis 8vo, 5 oo
Prescott, A. B., and Johnson, 0. C. Quantitative Chemical
Analysis 8vo, *3 50
Prescott, A. B., and Sullivan, E. C. First Book in Qualitative
Chemistry i2mo, *i 50
Prideaux, E. B. R. Problems in Physical Chemistry 8vo, *2 oo
Pritchard, 0. G. The Manufacture of Electric-light Carbons.
8vo, paper, *o 60
Pullen, W. W. F. Application of Graphic Methods to the Design
of Structures i2mo, *2 50
Injectors: Theory, Construction and Working i2mo, *i 50
Pulsifer, W. H. Notes for a History of Lead 8vo, 4 oo
Purchase, W. R. Masonry i2mo, *3 oo
Putsch, A. Gas and Coal-dust Firing 8vo, *3 oo
Pynchon, T. R. Introduction to Chemical Physics 8vo, 3 oo
Rafter, G. W. Mechanics of Ventilation. (Science Series No.
33-) i6mo, o 50
Potable Water. (Science Series No. 103.) i6mo, o 50
Treatment of Septic Sewage. (Science Series.) .... i6mo, o 50
Rafter, G. W., and Baker, M. N. Sewage Disposal in the United
States 4to, *6 oo
Raikes, H. P. Sewage Disposal Works 8vo, *4 oo
Railway Shop Up-to-Date 4to, 2 oo
Ramp, H. M. Foundry Practice (In Press.)
Randall, P. M. Quartz Operator's Handbook i2mo, 2 oo
Randau, P. Enamels and Enamelling 8vo, *4 oo
Rankine, W. J. M. Applied Mechanics 8vo, 5 oo
Civil Engineering 8vo, 6 50
Machinery and Millwork 8vo, 5 oo
Rankine, W. J. M. The Steam-engine and Other Prime
Movers 8vo, 5 oo
Useful Rules and Tables 8vo, 4 oo
Rankine, W. J. M., and Bamber, E. F. A Mechanical Text-
book 8vo, 3 50
Raphael, F. C. Localization of Faults in Electric Light and
Power Mains 8vo, *3 oo
Rasch, E. Electric Arc. Trans, by K. Tornberg (In Press.)
Rathbone, R. L. B. Simple Jewellery 8vo, *2 oo
Rateau, A. Flow of Steam through Nozzles and Orifices.
Trans, by H. B. Brydon 8vo, *i 50
Rausenberger, F. The Theory of the Recoil of Guns 8vo, *4 50
Rautenstrauch, W. Notes on the Elements of Machine Design,
8vo, boards, *i 50
Rautenstrauch, W., and Williams, J. T. Machine Drafting and
Empirical Design.
Part I. Machine Drafting 8vo, *i 25
Part II. Empirical Design (In Preparation.)
Raymond, E. B. Alternating Current Engineering i2mo, *2 50
Rayner, H. Silk Throwing and Waste Silk Spinning 8vo, *2 50
Recipes for the Color, Paint, Varnish, Oil, Soap and Drysaltery
Trades 8vo, *3 50
Recipes for Flint Glass Making i2mo, *4 50
Redffc*n, J. B. Bells, Telephones. (Installation Manuals
Series.) i6mo (In Press.)
Redwood, B. Petroleum. (Science Series No. 92.) i6mo, o 50
Reed's Engineers' Handbook 8vo, *5 oo
Key to the Nineteenth Edition of Reed's Engineers' Hand-
book. 8vo, *3 oo
Reed's Useful Hints to Sea-going Engineers i2mo, i 50
Marine Boilers i2mo, 2 oo
Reinhardt, C. W. Lettering for Draftsmen, Engineers, and
Students oblong 4to, boards, i oo
The Technic of Mechanical Drafting. . . oblong 4to, boards, *i oo
Reiser, F. Hardening and Tempering of Steel. Trans, by A.
Morris and H. Robson I2mo, *2 50
Reiser, N. Faults in the Manufacture of Woolen Goods. Trans.
by A. Morris and H. Robson 8vo, *2 50
Spinning and Weaving Calculations 8vo, *s oo
Renwick, W. G. Marble and Marble Working 8vo, 5 oo
Reynolds, 0., and Idell, F. E. Triple Expansion Engines.
(Science Series No. 99.) i6mo, o 50
Rhead, G. F. Simple Structural Woodwork i2mo, *i oo
Rhead, G. W. British Pottery Marks 8vo, *3 oo
Rice, J. M., and Johnson, W. W. A New Method of Obtaining
the Differential of Functions i2mo, o 50
Richards, W. A. and North, H. B. Manual of Cement Testing
(In Press.")
Richardson, J. The Modern Steam Engine 8vo, *3 50
Richardson, S. S. Magnetism and Electricity i2mo, *2 oo
Rideal, S. Glue and Glue Testing : 8vo, *4 oo
Rings, F. Concrete in Theory and Practice I2mo, *2 50
Ripper, W. Course of Instruction in Machine Drawing. . . folio, *6 oo
Roberts, F. C, Figure of the Earth, (Science Series No. 79.)
i6mo, o 50
Roberts, J., Jr. Laboratory Work in Electrical Engineering. 8vo, *2 oo
Robertson, L. S. Water- tube Boilers 8vo, 3 oo
Robinson, J. B. Architectural Composition 8vo, *2 50
Robinson, S. W. Practical Treatise on the Teeth of Wheels.
(Science Series No. 24.) i6mo, o 50
Railroad Economics. (Science Series No. 59.) i6mo, o 50
Wrought Iron Bridge Members. (Science Series No. 60.)
i6mo, o 50
Robson, J. H, Machine Drawing and Sketching 8vo, *i 50
Roebling, J. A. Long and Short Span Railway Bridges. . folio, 25 oo
Rogers, A. A Laboratory Guide of Industrial Chemistry. . i2mo, *i 50
Rogers, A., and Aubert, A. B. Industrial Chemistry 8vo, *$ oo
Rogers, F. Magnetism of Iron Vessels. (Science Series No. 30.)
i6mo, o 50
Rohland, P. Colloidal and its Crystalloidal State of Matter.
Trans, by W. J. Britland and H. E. Potts i2mo, *i 25
Rollins, W. Notes on X-Light 8vo, 5 oo
Rollinson, C. Alphabets Oblong I2mo, (In Press.)
Rose, J. The Pattern-makers' Assistant 8vo, 2 50
Key to Engines and Engine-running I2mo, 2 50
Rose,T. K. The Precious Metals. (Westminster Series.). .8 vo, *2 oo
Rosenhain, W. Glass Manufacture. ( Westminster Series.) ..8 vo, *2 oo
Ross, W. A. Blowpipe in Chemistry and Metallurgy. . .i2mo, *2 oo
Rossiter, J. T. Steam Engines. (Westminster Series.) 8vo (In Press.)
Pumps and Pumping Machinery. (Westminster Series.)
8vo (In Press.)
Roth. Physical Chemistry 8vo, *2 oo
Rouillion, L. The Economics of Manual Training 8vo, 2 oo
Rowan, F. J. Practical Physics of the Modern Steam-boiler.Svo, 7 50
Rowan, F. J., and Idell, F. E. Boiler Incrustation and Corro-
sion. (Science Series No. 27.) i6mo, o 50
Roxburgh, W. General Foundry Practice 8vo, *3 50
Ruhmer, E. Wireless Telephony. Trans, by J. Erskine-
Murray 8vo, *3 50
Russell, A. Theory of Electric Cables and Networks 8vo, *3 oo
Sabine, R. History and Progress of the Electric Telegraph. i2mo, i 25
Saeltzer, A. Treatise on Acoustics i2mo, i oo
Salomons, D. Electric Light Installations. i2mo.
Vol. I. The Management of Accumulators 2 50
Electric Light Installations. i2mo.
Vol. II. Apparatus 2 25
Vol. III. Applications i 50
Sanford, P. G. Nitro-explosives 8vo, *4 oo
Saunders, C. H. Handbook of Practical Mechanics i6mo, i oo
leather, i 25
Saunnier, C. Watchmaker's Handbook i2mo, 3 oo
Sayers, H. M. Brakes for Tram Cars 8vo, *i 25
Scheele, C. W. Chemical Essays 8vo, *2 oo
Schellen, H. Magneto-electric and Dynamo -electric Machines
8vo, 5 oo
Scherer, R. Casein. Trans, by C. Salter 8vo, *3 oo
Schidrowitz, P. Rubber, Its Production and Uses 8vo, *5 oo
Schmall, C. N. First Course in Analytic Geometry, Plane and
Solid i2mo, half leather, *i 75
Schmall, C. N., and Schack, S. M. Elements of Plane Geometry
i2mo, *i 25
Schmeer, L. Flow of Water 8vo, *3 oo
Schumann, F. A Manual of Heating and Ventilation.
1 2 mo, leather, i 50
Schwartz, E. H. L. Causal Geology 8vo, *2 50
Schweizer, V., Distillation of Resins 8vo, *3 50
Scott, W. W. Qualitative Chemical Analysis. A Laboratory
Manual ,..8vo *i 50
Scribner, J. M. Engineers' and Mechanics' Companion.
i6mo, leather, i 50
Searle, A. B. Modern Brickmaking 8vo, *5 oo
Searle, G. M. " Sumners' Method." Condensed and Improved.
(Science Series No. 124.) 8vo. o 50
Seaton, A. E. Manual of Marine Engineering 8vo, 6 oo
Seaton, A. E., and Rounthwaite, H. M. Pocket-book of Marine
Engineering i6mo, leather, 3 oo
Seeligmann, T., Torrilhon, G. L., and Falconnet, H. India
Rubber and Gutta Percha. Trans, by J. G. Mclntosh
8vo, *5 oo
Seidell, A. Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Substances . 8vo, *3 oo
Sellew, W. H. Steel Rails 4to (In Press.)
Senter, G. Outlines of Physical Chemistry 1 2010, *i 75
Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry i2mo, *i 75
Sever, G. F. Electric Engineering Experiments .... 8vo, boards, *i oo
Sever, G. F., and Townsend, F. Laboratory and Factory Tests
in Electrical Engineering 8vo, *2 50
Sewall, C. H. Wireless Telegraphy 8vo, *2 oo
Lessons in Telegraphy I2mo, *i oo
Sewell, T. Elements of Electrical Engineering 8vo, *3 oo
The Construction of Dynamos 8vo, *3 oo
Sexton, A. H. Fuel and Refractory Materials i2mo, *2 50
Chemistry of the Materials of Engineering i2mo, *2 50
Alloys (Non-Ferrous) 8vo, *3 oo
The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel 8yo, *6 50
Seymour, A. Practical Lithography 8vo, *2 50
Modern Printing Inks 8vo, *2 oo
Shaw, H. S. H. Mechanical Integrators. (Science Series No.
83.) i6mo, o 50
Shaw, P. E. Course of Practical Magnetism and Electricity . 8vo, *i oo
Shaw, S. History of the Staffordshire Potteries 8vo, *3 oo
Chemistry of Compounds Used in Porcelain Manufacture. 8 vo, *5 oo
Shaw, W. N. Forecasting Weather 8vo, *3 50
Sheldon, S., and Hausmann, E. Direct Current Machines. . 8vo, *2 50
Alternating-current Machines 8vo, *2 50
Electric Traction and Transmission Engineering 8vo, *2 50
Sherriff, F. F. Oil Merchants' Manual i2mo, *3 50
Shields, J. E. Notes on Engineering Construction i2mo, i 50
Shock, W. H. Steam Boilers 4to, half mor., 15 oo
Shreve, S. H. Strength of Bridges and Roofs 8vo, 3 50
Shunk, W. F. The Field Engineer i2mo, mor., 2 50
Simmons, W. H., and Appleton, H. A. Handbook of Soap
Manufacture 8vo, *3 oo
Simmons, W. H., and Mitchell, C.A. Edible Fats and Oils. *3 oo
8vo, *3 oo
Simms, F. W. The Principles and Practice of Leveling 8vo, 2 50
Practical Tunneling 8vo, 7 50
Simpson, G. The Naval Constructor. i2mo, mor., *5 oo
Simpson, W. Foundations 8vo (In Press.)
Sinclair, A. Development of the Locomotive Engine.
8vo, half leather, 5 oo
Twentieth Century Locomotive 8vo, half leather, 5 oo
Sindall, R. W. Manufacture of Paper. (Westminster Series.)
8vo, *2 oo
Sloane, T. O'C. Elementary Electrical Calculations i2mo, *2 oo
Smith, C. A. M. Handbook of Testing. Vol. I. Materials . . *2 50
Smith, C. A. M., and Warren, A. G. New Steam Tables . 8vo,
Smith, C. F. Practical Alternating Currents and Testing . . 8vo, *2 50
Practical Testing of Dynamos and Motors 8vo, *2 oo
Smith, F. E, Handbook of General Instruction for Mechanics.
i2mo, i 50
Smith, J. C. Manufacture of Paint 8vo, *3 oo
Smith, R. H. Principles of Machine Work i2mo, *3 oo
Elements of Machine Work i2mo, *2 oo
Smith, W. ' Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing i2mo, *3 oo
Snell, A. T. Electric Motive Power 8vo, *4 oo
Snow, W. G. Pocketbook of Steam Heating and Ventilation.
(In Press.)
Snow, W. G., and Nolan, T. Ventilation of Buildings. (Science
Series No. 5.) i6mo, o 50
Soddy, F. Radioactivity 8vo, *3 oo
Solomon, M. Electric Lamps. (Westminster Series.),.. . .8vo, *2 oo
Sothern, J. W. The Marine Steam Turbine 8vo, *5 oo
Southcombe, J. E. Paints, Oils, and Varnishes. (Outlines of
Industrial Chemistry.) 8vo (In Press.)
Soxhlet, D. H. Dyeing and Staining Marble. Trans, by A.
Morris and H. Robson 8vo, *2 50
Spang, H. W. A Practical Treatise on Lightning Protection.
1 2 mo, i oo
Spangenburg, L. Fatigue of Metals. Translated by S. H.
Shreve. (Science Series No. 23.) i6mo, o 50
Specht, G. J., Hardy, A. S., McMaster, J. B., and Walling. Topo-
graphical Surveying. (Science Series No. 72.). . i6mo, o 50
Speyers, C. L. Text-book of Physical Chemistry 8vo, *2 25
Stahl, A. W. Transmission of Power. (Science Series No. 28.)
1 6 mo,
Stahl, A. W., and Woods, A. T. Elementary Mechanism . 1 2mo, *2 oo
Staley, C., and Pierson, G. S. The Separate System of Sewerage.
8vo, *3 oo
Standage, H. C. Leatherworkers' Manual 8vo, *3 50
Sealing Waxes, Wafers, and Other Adhesives 8vo, *2 oo
Agglutinants of all Kinds for all Purposes i2mo, *3 50
Stansbie, J. H. Iron and Steel. (Westminster Series.) .... 8vo, *2 oo
Steinman, D. B. Suspension Bridges and Cantilevers. (Science
Series No. 127.) o 50
Stevens, H. P. Paper Mill Chemist i6mo, *2 50
Stevenson, J. L. Blast-Furnace Calculations. . . . i2mo, leather, *2 oo
Stewart, A. Modern Polyphase Machinery i2mo, *2 oo
Stewart, G. Modern Steam Traps i2mo, *i 25
Stiles, A. Tables for Field Engineers 12 mo, I oo
Stillman, P. Steam-engine Indicator i2mo, i oo
Stodola, A. Steam Turbines. Trans, by L. C. Loewenstein . 8vo, *5 oo
Stone, H. The Timbers of Commerce 8vo, 3 50
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Stopes, M. Ancient Plants 8vo, *2 oo
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Sudborough, J. J., and James, T. C. Practical Organic Chem-
istry I2H10, *2 00
Suffling, E. R. Treatise on the Art of Glass Painting 8vo, *3 50
Swan, K. Patents, Designs and Trade Marks. (Westminster
Series.) 8vo, *2 oo
Sweet, S. H. Special Report on Coal 8vo, 3 oo
Swinburne, J., Wordingham, C. H., and Martin, T. C. Electric
Currents. (Science Series No. 109.) i6mo, o 50
Vega, Baron, Von. Logarithmic Tables 8vo, half mor.,. . 2 oo
Villon, A. M. Practical Treatise on the Leather Industry.
Trans, by F. T. Addyman '. 8vo, *io oo
Vincent, C. Ammonia and its Compounds. Trans, by M. J.
Salter 8vo, *2 oo
Volk, C. Haulage and Winding Appliances 8vo, *4 oo
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Trans, by C. Salter 8vo, *4 50
Chemistry of Dyestuffs. Trans, by C. Salter 8vo, *4 50
Vose, G. L. Graphic Method for Solving Certain Questions in
Arithmetic and Algebra. (Science Series No. 16.) . i6mo, o 50
Wabner, R. Ventilation in Mines. Trans, by C. Salter. . .8vo, *4 50
Wade, E. J. Secondary Batteries 8vo, *4 oo
Wadsworth, C. Primary Battery Ignition I2mo (In Press.)
Wagner, E. Preserving Fruits, Vegetables, and Meat i2mo, *2 50
Walker, F. Aerial Navigation 8vo, 2 oo
Dynamo Building. (Science Series No. 98.) i6mo, o 50
Electric Lighting for Marine Engineers 8vo, 2 oo
Walker, S. F. Steam Boilers, Engines and Turbines 8vo, 3 oo
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Pocket Book of Refrigeration and Ice Making. i2mo, i 50
Refrigeration, Cold Storage and Ice Making 8vo, *4 50
Sugar Machinery i2mo, *2 oo
Wanklyn, J. A. Water Analysis I2mo, 2 oo
Wansbrough, W. D. The ABC of the Differential Calculus. 12 mo, *i 50
- Slide Valves i2mo, *2 oo
Ward, J. H. Steam for the Million 8vo, i oo
Waring, Jr., G. E. Sanitary Conditions,, (Science Series No. 31.)
i6mo, o 50
Sewerage and Land Drainage *6 oo
Modern Methods of Sewage Disposal i2mo, 2 oo
How to Drain a House i2ino, i 25
Warren, F. D. Handbook on Reinforced Concrete i2mo, *2 50
Watkins, A. Photography, (Westminster Series.) 8vo, *2 oo
Watson, E. P. Small Engines and Boilers I2mo, i 25
Watt, A. Electro-plating and Electro-refining of Metals *4 50
Electro-metallurgy i2mo, i oo
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The Art of Soap-making 8vo, 3 oo
Leather Manufacture 8vo, *4 oo
Weale, J. Dictionary of Terms used in Architecture i2mo, 2 50
Weale's Scientific and Technical Series. (Complete list sent on
Weather and Weather Instruments i2mo, i oo
paper, o 50
Webb, H. L. Guide to the Testing of Insulated Wires and
Cables i2mo, i oo
Webber, W. H. Y. Town Gas. (Westminster Series.) 8vo r *2 oo
Weisbach, J. A Manual of Theoretical Mechanics 8vo, *6 oo
sheep, *7 50
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8vo, *3 75
Welch, W. Correct Lettering (In Press.)
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1 2 mo, *i 50
Weymouth, F. M. Drum Armatures and Commutators. .8vo, *3 oo
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Wheeler, J. B. Art of War * i2mo, i 75
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Whipple, S. An Elementary and Practical Treatise on Bridge
Building 8 vo, 3 oo
Whithard, P. Illuminating and Missal Painting i2mo, i 50
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