The Home of this Book IREXE AND EKXEST PACF BY THE NAME OF RICE An Historical Sketch of DEACON EDMUND RICE The Pilgrim (1594-1663) Founder of the English Family of Rice in the United States; and of his Descendants to the Fourth Generation. By Charles Elmer Rice Author of the "History of the Hanna Family,' "History of the Hole Family in England and America," "The Wrights of Kelvedon Hall," etc., etc. Press of The Williams Printing Co. Alliance, Ohio 1911 Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1910, by Charles Elmer Rice, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Limited edition, of which this is number . PREFACE "Oh that mine adversary had written a book" quoth the afflicted Job ; and let him tackle the Rice family chronology, say I, and Nemesis has him by the scruff. There are too many Rices and few of them are wildly enthusiastic upon the ques- tion of their origin. When Mary A. Livermore, that Queen of the American Platform, was nearing her eightieth year, she wrote me that 'the question of where she was going to she thought upon by day and by night.' Now I had early formed the bad habit of sleeping at night, after I had said my "Now I lay me," and even by day I seldom worried over the question of a tropical futurity. That great and good woman has long since departed and I do not know the result of her nocturnal introspection. If she could read this history of her Ancestors she would learn whence she came, but I hope she has ere this, met the good Deacon, and knows all about it without having incurred insomnia. It must be told, however that there was once a question as to the Deacon's whereabouts after "life's fitful fever." It was in this wise. Upon the return of one of Deacon Rice's grandson's to the patrimonial fields and ancestral acres he viewed his grandfather's grave and sadly remarked to the old sexton, "Well, John, the old Deacon has joined the great majority." "Oh, Sir," replied the enlightened sexton, "I wouldn't just like to say so Sir, the Deacon he was always considered a very fair sort of a man Sir." And so he was, and I have endeavored to give his history faithfully and impartially, not being deterred for a moment by the apathy encountered when seeking information from some of the wisest and best informed of the Deacon's posterity. At first it seemed a futile and frenetic search, likely to be "a great cry for little wool," as the Devil said when he tried to shear the pig. However it soon transpired that these antipathetic and recusant relatives were only sporadic cases and kindly "first aid to the genealogist" was furnished, until we are in possession of many facts in regard to the family history that were quite unknown when the "chronology" was written in 1856. 3 2056514 I have only planned to preserve in this little book the main facts regarding the Deacon, his children and grand-children, with their dates and records. Almost any one of the present generation will be able to connect by tracing backwards, for surely any of us can tell who were our great-grand parents. There is an immense and ever increasing number of german Rice families in the U. S., and more are on the way. I am informed, in a hectic letter from an aspiring german Rice, that there is "one entire Township of Rices, in Switzerland." May the Lord preserve them, in Switzerland. Among the descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice I have found almost every famous New England name. The families of many of our Methodist and Episcopal Bishops, of poets, authors, statesmen, clergymen, inventors, financiers, actors, musicians and politicians are de- scended from Deacon Edmund or some of his family. Directly descended from Deacon Edmund Rice, amongst many others, are found the well known families of: Adams, Allen, Abbott, Alvord, Arnold, Alden, Ainsworth, Brigham, Brewer, Ball, Burke, Brintwell, Barber, Bouker, Barton, Baker, Bannister, Belcher, Bigelow, Bachellor, Boyd, Bacon, Bartlett, Bancroft, Brooks, Baxter, Buckminster, Barnum, Briggs, Bowman, Barrows, Bugbee, Butterfield, Bascom, Babcock, Bradford, Bryant, Bagley, Baldwin, Boynton, Barnard, Bullard, Cutler, Carpenter, Coolidge, Curtis, Clifford, Chapin, Clarke, Cotton, Cook, Childs, Coffin, Cheney, Chandler, Crawford, Chase, Gushing, Cooper, Crosby, Dudley, Dole, Dwight, Dennison, Dana, DeGraff, Dickerson, Day, Dodge, Denio, Draper, Eames, Eaton, Erskine, Emerson, Edwards, Endicott, Fairbank, Fletcher, Fiske, Fay, Force, Froeman, Foster, Francis, Fuller, Fales, Farnsworth, Farrar, Field, Gary, Goodenow, Goddard, Gates, Goodale, Greenwood, Goldthwaite, Garfield, Gilman, Gray, Gerry, Grosvenor, Gordan, Hubbard, Howard, Holbrook, Haven, Howe, Hamilton, Hoffman, Hart, Hale, Hoyt, Huntington, Holland, Hosmer, Hall, Hodges, Jackson, Jennings, Johnson, Kendall, Knight, Knapp, Kellogg, King, Kinsman, Kemp, Kingsbury, Lowell, Leland, Lamb, Livermore, Looker, Laurence, Luther, Lucas, Longfellow, Lee, LeCaine, Lewis, Morse, Moore, Maynard, Munroe, Miles, May, Manning, Manchester, Mann, Merrick, Marsh, Mead, Morrill, Morton, McClure, Mason, Newton, Newhall, Niles, Oakes, Osgood, Orcutt, Olmstead, Parmenter, Pratt, Parker, Paine, Peck, Putnam, Pierce, Philipps, Prentice, Perry, 'Proctor, Prince, Peabody, Phelps, Pulsifer, Perkins, Phipps, Potter, Randall, Raymond, Reed, Ranny, Ross, Russell, Stone, Swift, Spofford, Snow, Sturtevant, Sherman, Symms, Shaw, Simpson, Sprague, Spencer, Stiles, Stillman, Toombs, Taylor, Trowbridge, Train, Tarbell, Tillotson, Trask, Torrey, Upham, Valentine, Welles, Wells, Ward, Wheelock, White, Wheeler, Willard, Whitney, Walker, Wilder, Warren, Whipple, Woolson, Willis, Whitcomb, Warner, Wright, Weed, Webber, Williams, Wadsworth, Washburn, Winchester, Waite, Woodward, Young. All these can be definitely traced and for any one who can produce a grandfather "By the name of Rice," I will gladly supply the data that will complete the ascent to the Deacon, if he be of the Deacon's blood. CHAS. ELMER RICE. Alliance, Ohio. Nov. 1910. FOREWORD This book is being re-published by the Edmund Rice (1638) Association, Inc. by permission of the heirs of the late Charles Elmer Rice. We wish to extend to them our grateful thanks for the privilege. Many of our members have expressed a desire to own a copy of this little volume and we know they will find it both informative and highly entertaining. Because of our regard for historical accuracy it is only fair to state that since the publication of this book research has brought to light certain facts that render inaccurate some of the statements made herein. There is a very grave doubt that our family can claim rela- tionship to Royalty, since painstaking work has never uncovered the record of the birth of Edmund Rice nor any facts that would indicate his parentage. There are also corrections in the list of Edmund's children, since no records have been found to establish the births to the Deacon of Edmund, the ninth, and Ann, the eleventh as listed. It is believed on good authority today that there never was a child named Edmund, and that the Ann who married Nathaniel Gary belonged to another family. These and any other errata were accepted as facts at the time of Mr. Rice's writing and do not materially detract from the value of the narra- tive. "By the Name of Rice" is a charming story delight- fully written and will bring pleasure and information to many of the descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice. THE FOUNDERS OF THE RICE FAMILY N illuminated pedigree of the family of Rice in the possession of Lord Dynevor, drawn and attested in the year 1600 by Ralph Brooke, York Herald, and continued by different hands to the present time, makes Sir Rhys Ap-Thomas Fitz-Urian, K. G., to be eighteenth in paternal descent from Vryan Reged, Lord of Kid- welly, Carunllon and Yskenen, in South Wales and Margaret La-Faye, his wife, daughter of Gorlois Duke of Cornwall. Sir Rhys Ap-Thomas, 19th. in descent from Gorlois, was the founder of the English house of Rice. 11 Of this distinguished person, Fuller, in his "Worthies," writes: Sir Rhys Ap-Thomas of Elmalin in Carmathanshire, was never more than a knight, yet little less than a Prince in his native country. 1F To King Henry VII., on his landing with a small force at Milford Haven, Sir Rhys repaired with a considerable accession of choice soldiers, marching with them to Bosworth field, where he right valiantly behaved himself. That thrifty King, afterwards made him a Knight of the order and well might he have given him a garter, by whose effectual help he had re- ceived a crown." At the Battle of Bosworth, however, Henry made him a Knight Banneret, and in the 21st. year of that King's reign he was elected a Knight companion of the most noble order of the Garter. In the next reign he was Captain of the Light Horse at the battle of Therouenne, and at the siege of Tourney, in 1513. 1f Sir Rhys was the son of Thomas Ap-Griffith and his first wife, the daughter and heir of Sir John Griffith, of Abermarlais. (The second wife, and mother of the brothers of Sir Rhys, was Elizabeth, daughter of Philip Duke of Burgundy.) 1f Sir Griffith Rice, son and heir of Sir Rhys Ap-Thomas, was made a Knight of the Bath at the marriage of Arthur, Prince of Wales, in 1501. To William Rice, of Bohmer, in Buckingham- shire, a grandson of Sir Griffith, a coat of arms was granted in the 2nd. year of Philip and Mary, May 1555. This Wm. Rice was in the 22nd. generation from Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall and 21st. in the male line from Vryan Reged, Lord of Kidwelly. The 9th. in descent from Sir Griffith Rice is the present Lord Dynevor. (Arthur de Cardonnel Rice, of Dynevor Co., Car- mathan, M.A. Oxford, D. L., born Jan. 24, 1836, succeeded his father the 6th. Baron, in 1878.) He is descended from George Rice and Cecil De Car- donnel, through George Talbot 3d. Baron Dynevor. IT This George Rice, of Newton, M. P., was the son of Edward Rice, M. P. for Carmathan, and the grandson of Griffith Rice, M. P., in the last Parliament of King William and the first four of Queen Anne. The Barony was not created until Oct. 17, 1780- (George III.) Thus the branch of the Rice family bearing the Dynevor Arms and succeeding to the Peerage, is, in point of age, far behind the younger branch, entitled to the Arms granted by Philip and Mary in 1555, and used in Mass, by the descendants of Deacon Edmund Rice. 10 There is a good and sufficient reason for this but it is too lengthy to explain fully in these pages. In brief, the effete elder branch ran out of male heirs in the year 1756 and it took a patent from the crown to keep up the title, by allowing the earldom to revert to the heirs, male, through Lady Cecil De Cardonnel Rice. Such a crisis in the Rice family will be quite unthinkable to one who reads further in this little book. 11 1T Deacon Edmund Rice was modestly descended from Sir Griffith Rice, Knight of the Bath, (1501) being his great great grandson, and was therefore 24th. in descent from the Duke of Cornwall, and 23d. in the male line from Vryan Reged. The writer (and all the Rice's of his generation in the U. S.) is in the 9th. generation from Deacon Edmund Rice and thus the pedigree can be certainly and accurately traced (see Burke's Peerage; Lodge's Peerage, etc.,) for 33 generations, while there are now some representatives of two succeeding generations. Antiquity is not my private property, and it has been a long and difficult chase, this search for the origin of the family. 1f It took much research in the British Museum and years of study at home and abroad. It is perhaps fortunate that I can not hark back to the time when we would find our ancestors barking a good-morning from a hole in the ground or grinning a cimmian greeting from the top of a cocoanut tree. Let us be content with the eleven hundred years covered by the 33 generations from the great Lord of Kidwelly. If Deacon Edmund Rice was born in Buckinghamshire, England in the year 1594; probably in the little town of Sudbury, which is only 8 miles north of London, for he gave the name of Sudbury to his home town in Massachusetts in 1638. When the future Deacon was born the wreckage of the Spanish Armada still strewed the shores of England and Elizabeth had yet a decade to reign. Shakespeare was 30 years old and Sir Walter Raleigh was yet in possession of his head. Sir Francis 12 Drake was alive and Peter Paul Rubens was just be- ginning to dabble in paint. Francis Bacon and John Smith (later of Pocohontas fame) were young men. Oliver Cromwell; Wm. Penn; John Bunyan and John Milton were yet unborn. He lived in the time of Rembrandt and as an ancestor was as great a success as was Jonathan Edwards, who came an hundred years later. There exists no portrait or verisimilitude of the Deacon. H Little Willie was drawing a picture. "Willie", said his mother, "What are you doing?" "Making a picture of God," replied Willie. "Tut-tut," said Willie's mother, "No one knows what God looks like." "Well, they will know when I get this done," replied Willie, and, like Willie, I have some confidence that when I have written this little sketch of Deacon Edmund Rice, for the delectation of his posterity, we will know what our great ancestor was like. In 1627, the Deacon and his wife Tamazine were living in the village of Berkhamstead, 28 miles north of London, in Hertfordshire. Their first three children were doubtless born in Sudbury, Bucks., and the Parish Register at Berkhamstead contains the record of 5 others who were baptized in that Parish. The Deacon and his wife, with seven of these children, (one had died and one was born during the voyage,) landed in Massachusetts in 1638. They came in the early Post- Mayflower period and the Deacon has always been known as Edmund Rice the Pilgrim. Why did they leave Hertfordshire and come to New England ? We do not know. Most of our information is unauthenticated conjecture. Any one who has an expurgated edition of Mrs. Hemans' poems will find that female poet asking many questions in regard to the motives and designs of the Pilgrims. "What sought they thus afar? Jewels ? the wealth of seas ?" Scarcely. Did they intend following the black flag and becoming corsairs and pirates, emulating future Captain Kidds? The spoils of war?" Did they contemplate despoiling the Aborigines? If so it worked the wrong way. The Deacon and his family were pretty thoroughly de- spoiled before they got through with the business. By elimination we are almost forced to the conclusion recited in the poem-that they "sought a faith's pure shrine." It is rather difficult for us to get an angle on the Deacon's intentions. There were amongst the founders of New England, many eminent ministers such as Hooker, Cotton and Williams, Eliot and the Mathers, and the Deacon himself had several Bishops who followed in his train, besides some other queer old pieces of theological confusion. If they came purely from religious motives they probably suffered many disillusions. Yet we are astonished at the way these people clung to their belief and we do not realize the pleasure they derived from it. Mortification has its raptures and religion can supply one with almost carnal sensations, while perse- cution even had its debaucheries. The Aborigines with patient and persistent deviltry supplied an abund- ance of the last named "thrills" and our ancestors, with remarkable tenuity, lived 80, 90, and 100 yrs., content with these conditions. It was surely not a "short life and a merry one." IF There were other reasons however that Mrs. Hemans has overlooked. During the reign of Charles I and the Cromwellian period many family antipithies developed. Families were divided and the younger and older branches, in families of the nobility, had a very beautiful natural and mutual disdain for each other. 14 Many of the younger sons, who did not inherit titles and estates hastened to put the seas between themselves and old England. It is possible, yea probable, that some such touching regard for the older branch of his father's family may have actuated the future Deacon in his hegira to the Colonies. He came before money began to talk or monkey dinners were given at New- port. Happy lives are said to make dull biographies and the Deacon led an uneventful but strenuous and hard working life. He must have spent a considerable portion of his time dodging the Indians, but here again he was a success. Neither his own nor any of the dozen little Rice scalps ever adorned any tepee but his own. Through the various burnings of Deerfield and other towns the Deacon's "noble impes," as Chaucer would call them, were preserved, intact. He was the father of twelve children; which probably steadied his con- ception of sub-lunary affairs, and he appears to have been upon very good terms with God, as represented by the church in Sudbury. He was an honest man and never got four hams out of a hog. If he could come back to us now he wouldn't know the difference between an incubator and an egg-plant, but it is highly probable that he knew all about several other things of which his descendants are woefully ignorant. In his day the song which intimates that every member of the household, with the exception of the head of the family, performed manual labor, would have been tabu, on the ground of untruthfulness and being a libel on the Deacon and also 15 on his wife and daughter Ann. No, the Deacon surely worked, six days in the week, at least, and the inven- tory of his estate shows that he acquired a very respect- able fortune for one so circumscribed and surrounded. If It was not advantages but disadvantages that made the Deacon great. He never used a safety razor nor had his appendix removed. He was educated by actu- alities and he never got goose flesh. Some of his de- scendants have lived to an age to have regained such infantile graces as a total want of memory, understand- ing and interest in life, but the Deacon never withered at the top. Mrs. Eddy's boasted descent from King David is not a thing to be more proud of than the fact that she is a granddaughter, in the seventh generation, of Deacon Edmund Rice. The village of Tremont, now sometimes called Boston, in Massachusetts, was but 8 yrs. old when Edmund Rice, Tamazine and their 8 children reached Plymouth. In 1633 the Rev. Jno. Cotton came to Tremont and renamed the village in honor of his birthplace, Boston in Lincolnshire, England. In 1633 there were only 307 persons living in Boston. We do not know how many were living there in 1638 but we do know that the Deacon and his wife with the bizarre name, added a full half score to the number and then and thereafter did their full share towards populating the Colony and the future Commonwealth. In 1858 a chronology was published which listed 1400 families and over 7000 individuals having one common Ancestor in the person of Deacon Edmund Rice. What his descendants would number at the present date it would be difficult to estimate. The first we hear of Edmund after his arrival in Mass. 16 he is living at Sudbury, known as "the plantation near unto Concord" and incorporated in 1639 by the name of Sudbury. He lived on the east side of the Sudbury river in the southerly part of what is now Wayland. He was Selectman in 1644 and for years thereafter, and was made a Deacon in the Church in 1648. In 1656 he was one of thirteen petitioners who be- sought the general court for a new plantation. This being granted, and the plantation being recorded under the name of Marlboro, the Deacon and his family moved into that village in the year 1660. Here he had 50 acres of land granted to him and here he lived and died. His wife Tamazine had died, in Sudbury, June 13, 1654; and on March 1, 1655, he married "Mercie," widow of Thomas Brigham, of Cambridge. Mercie and her first husband had come to Mass, in 1635, and she was left a widow in 1654. The Deacon was intrusted with various important duties by the General Court, which he discharged with a fidelity that occasioned repeated calls for his serv- ices. The records of Sudbury and Marlboro contain ample evidence of his vigilant and fatherly care in pro- moting the welfare of those infant settlements. He died at Marlboro, May 3, 1663, and was buried at Sudbury. 17 CHILDREN OF EDMUND RICE (1) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Henry, born 1617. m. Eliza Moore Edward, " 1619. m. Anna Thomas, " 1622 (?).m. Mary- Lydia, b. Mch. 1627. m. Hugh Drury j Mathew, b. 1629. m. Martha Lamson Daniel, bap. Nov. 1 , 1 632, d. Nov. 1 0, 1 632 Samuel, b. 1634. m. Elizabeth King Joseph, born 1637. m. Mercy King Born in Bucking- hamshire England. 1 Born in Ber- | khamstead, \. Hertford- shire, England. 10, 9, Edmund, 1638, Born at sea. 11,10, Benjamin,b.May31,1640,m.MaryBrown B. Sudbury 12, 11, Ruth, b. Sept. 29, 1659. m. Samuel Welles 13, 12, Ann, b. Nov. 19, 1661, m. Nathaniel Gerry, Marlboro 18 WAY back, in the early days of the Rice family in Mass., one Alpheus Rice, petitioned the Court to change his name to that of Alpheus Royce; giving as a sufficient reason that he "greatly feared at the present rate of increase the Rice family would entirely over run New England and all identities would be lost." Moreover the name of Royce was more elegant and aristocratic. This was a bung-starter and the good Judge sat up and began to count noses. What did he find? He began at Deacon Edmund, and his fingers were all used up and he was well on the second round before he had counted the Deacon's sons and daughters. Then he began on the Deacon's grandchildren. The Deacon's English born sons had started out to break all laws of entail and primogeniture. Henry, confessed to ten children; Edward to eleven; Thomas to fourteen; "Bus," "stop !" cried the Judge, "The motion prevails," and Edw. Royce he was. It was no good; nix kum heraus, he proceeded immediately to beget 12 little Royces. This proved that God meant him to be a Rice. Verily "a live dog is better than a dead lion." But all the same some good may have come from this first census. A Senate or House Investigating Committee must have reported or given their ideas on supply and demand. Henry, Edward and Thomas having bulled the market, 19 the bears had it for awhile; Lydia, the next member of the family, limited her family to one child. Benjamin raised his Ebenezer, his only child, while Edmund was so mortally scared that he never married at all. Mathew came in with a 9 spot, and Joseph and Samuel responded with a royal flush-having 10 each. After this, the perpetuity of the race and the safety of the Colony being assured, all competition ceased. The Indians had burned Deerfield and various other out posts but they could not decimate the ranks of the Colonists so as to make any visible showing. It was an unequal contest and they gave it up. The Rices had it. 20 A FEW FACTS IN REGARD TO THE FAMILY OF THE DEACON'S FIRST-BORN No. II. Henry Rice, the first member of the Deacon's remarkable family, was born in Buckinghamshire, England, in Jan. 1617 ; came with his parents to Mass. in 1638 and married Elizabeth Moore of Sudbury. Resided in Sudbury and Framington, where he died Feb. 10, 1710-11, at the age of 93 years. His wife died Aug. 3, 1705. Children: 13. 1. Mary, Sept. 19, 1646, m. Thomas Brigham. 14. 2. Elizabeth, Aug. 4, 1648, m. John Brewer. 15. 3. Hannah m. Eleazer Ward. 16. 4. Jonathan, July 3, 1654, m. Martha Eames. 17. 5. Abigail, June 17, 1657, m. Thomas Smith. 18. 6. David, Dec. 27, 1659, m. Hannah Walker. 19. 7. Tamasin, Feb. 2, 1661, m. Benj. Parmenter. 20. 8. Rachel, May 10, 1664, m. Thos. Drury. 21. 9. Lydia, June 4, 1668, m. Sam. C. Wheelock. 22. 10. Mercy, Jan. 1, 1670, m. Elnathan Allen. The will of Henry Rice, proved Feb. 29, 1710-11 makes his sons, Jonathan and David executors and the inventory is 527 pounds 11.0. A sum equal in this day, to five times that amount, which goes to show that; with a family of 77 grand-children and 88 great grand- children, it still paid to be a Pilgrim Father. The lines of all these married sons and daughters can be accurately traced and certified to, but it is beyond the scope of this little work to trace any of the families in their intricate and remote ramifications. Through 21 the one son Jonathan (16.4), Henry had 53 great grand-children. Jonathan was the Ancestor of the Cutlers ;-Manasseh, Ephraim, Wm. P. Cutler, Julia and Sarah. All dis- tinguished in various lines. Manasseh was the originator of the Ohio Company and sent out the first colony of settlers to Marietta, O. in 1788. Ephraim, his son, was one of the little band, and was a Member of the Constitutional Con- vention of Ohio, in 1802. Ephraim's children, Wm. P., Julia and Sarah, were eminent authorities on pioneer history and published the "Cutler" books. Through David Rice, (18.6), Henry was the Ancestor of the Haven's, altho there were many intermarriages of Haven's and Rice's. The two Bishops Haven, Gilbert and Erastus O.* were descended directly from Hannah (Bent) Belknap, whose first husband was Richard Rice, and whose mother was Hannah Rice, the grand-daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Moore) Rice. Gilbert Haven, one of the Bishops of the M. E. Church was born in Maiden, Mass., Sept. 19, 1821. Chaplain 'of the 8th. Mass. Regt. under the command of Gen'l Butler, Editor of Zion's Herald 1867. Elected Bishop by the General Conference of 1872, author of several volumes of travels and sketches. Bishop Haven died Jan. 3, 1880. Mary Rice (13.1) had 8 children by her husband Thomas Brigham. This Thos. Brigham was the son Erastus Otis Haven, D.D., LL.D., was born Nov. 1, 1820. In 1863 was elected to the presidency of Michigan University, Ann Arbor, Mich., where he remained until 1869, when he became Presi- dent of the Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. In 1872 he was made Sec. of the Board of Education of the M. E. Church. In 1874 became Chancellor of Syracuse University. Elected a Bishop of the M. E. Church 1880. Di<"* * - 1881. 22 of Thos. Brigham who "embarked in the 'Susan and Ellen' April 1635, then aged 32," and with his wife Mercie and two children came to Cambridge, where he died Dec. 8, 1653. His widow Mercie became the 2d. wife of Deacon Edmund Rice, and the mother of No. 11 and No. 12 of the Deacon's children. Thus Mary (Rice) Brigham's children, were the great grand-children of Deacon Edmund Rice; but grand-children of his predecessor Tho. Brigham his wife's first husband. Two of Mary's children married Howes (then spelled How) and one married a Ward. These are the first intermarriages with the Wards and Howes but I could enumerate at least 20 more in each family. The Deacon became the progenitor of all the Mass. Wards and Howes, amongst whom should be named Elias Howe, Samuel Gridley Howe and his distinguished wife, Julia Ward Howe,t now in her 91st. year, Timothy O. Howe, P. M. Gen'l of the U. S., John Q. A. Ward, one of our most famous sculptors, etc., etc. Hannah Rice (15.3) married another Ward, Eleazer, son of Deacon Wm. and Elizabeth Ward of Sudbury and Marlboro. He was slain by the Indians, on the road between Marlboro and Sudbury, in April 1676, aged 27 years. His widow married Richard Taylor, Oct. 17, 1777. By the first marriage there was one child and by the second there were four. Tamasin Rice (19.7) married Benj. Parmenter and left t Julia Ward Howe, 7th. in descent from John Ward, a soldier in Cromwell's army, is also descended from Deacon Edmund Rice through the Cutler family. Her mother was Julia Rush Cutler. Mrs. Howe's sister, Louisa Cutler Ward, married Thomas Crawford, the eminent Sculptor. Francis Marion Crawford (1854-1909) was their son and 8th. in descent from John Ward and Deacon Edmund Rice. 23 a large posterity, of whom are the Adams family, the Brewers, the Burkes, and the Springs, along with a liberal sprinkling of the Parmenters. She survived her husband, who died in 1737. He had been impressed into the service against the Indians in 1676 and was one of the foremost warriors in this family. Rachel Rice (20.8) married Thomas Drury, who was the first Town Clerk of Framingham; its first repre- sentative in the Gen'l Court 1701 ; Captain, Selectman, etc., etc. He died in 1723. Rachel and Thomas Drury had 9 children. Their 3 sons Caleb, Micah and Uriah, married three sisters; Elizabeth, Abigail and Martha Fames. Thomas married another Ward; Rachel mar- ried a Fairbanks; Elizabeth a Morse and John a Goddard. Lydia Rice (21.9) married Samuel Wheelock in 1692. She was the mother of 10 children, 9 of whom married and had large families. Her daughter Martha married Ephraim Pratt, July 9, 1724. This Ephraim Pratt, of Shutesbury is the one men- tioned in Dwight's Travels, Vol. 2, page 358, viz; Rev. Dr. Timothy Dwight, Pres. of Yale College who visited Mr. Pratt on Nov. 13, 1803, and remarks of him that "he was born at East Sudbury, Mass., in 1687, and in one month from the day of our visit to him will complete his one hundred and sixteenth year." "His memory was still vigorous, his understanding sound, and his mind sprightly in its conceptions." "We were informed by him and by his host that he had mown grass for one hundred and one years suc- cessively. Four of his sons are now living, the eldest of whom is 90 and the youngest 82 years of age." See President Dwight's Travels. 24 Mercv Rice (22.10) married Elnathan Allen. They had Eight Children, the oldest of whom, Obadiah, married Susannah Pratt, May 17, 1720 (daughter of John and Ruth Pratt; brother of Ephraim of Shutes- bury. Thankful Rice married a Whitney and Israel married Elizabeth Wheelock. After these various "crossings" in the Rice, Pratt and Wheelock families the patriarchs Ephraim Pratt of Shutesbury, and Henry Rice of Framingham, whose combined age was 209 years, could safely gather up their loins, what was left of them, and depart in peace. The country was saved again. But it was Abigail Rice (17.5) who was to be her father's proudest asset. Abigail married a Smith to be sure, but she was the great grand-mother of Abigail Smith * who was the wife of John Adams and mother of John Quincy Adams; the only woman in the history of our country who has been both the wife and mother of a President of the United States. * Abigail (Smith) Adams, born in Weymouth, Mass. 23d. Nov. 1744, died in Quincy, Mass. 28th. Oct. 1818. Her father was for more than forty years minister of the Congregational Church in Weymouth. Abigail was among the most remarkable women of the American Revolutionary period. Oct. 25, 1764 she was married to John Adams, who became President of the U. S., was a member of the Continental Congress, and a signer of the Declaration of In- dependence. She was the mother of three sons and one daughter. Her Son John Quincy Adams was 6th. President of the United States and 6th. in descent from Deacon Edmund Rice. 25 SOME ENLIGHTENMENT AS TO THE POS- TERITY OF THE DEACON'S SECOND-BORN Edward Rice (3.2) was twice married. His first wife was Agnes Bent. All his children were by his 2nd. wife Anna. All but the last two children were born at Sudbury. Edw. and Anna removed to Marlboro. He was Deacon of the Church there and died Aug. 15, 1712. He was born in 1619 and therefore 93 years old. Edward Rice owned the farm that had belonged to Deacon Edmund, the Pilgrim, and deeded it and other lands to his son Edmund, April 1, 1686. Deed recorded Aug. 16, 1734. A good deed long delayed. Children of Edward and Anna Rice. 23. 1. John, b. about 1647, m. Tabitha Stone 24. 2. Lydia, b. July 30, 1648, died same day 25. 3. Lydia, b. Dec. 10, 1649. 26. 4. Edmund, Dec. 9. 1653, m. Joyce Russell 27. 5. Daniel, Nov. 8, 1655, m. Bethia Ward 28. 6. Caleb, b. Feb. 8, 1657, died Apr. 27, 1658 29. 7. Jacob, b 1660, m. Mary 30. 8. Anna, b. Nov. 19, 1661, m. Thomas Rice (35.2) 31. 9. Dorcas, b. Jan. 29, 1664, m. Thos. Forbush 32. 10. Benjamin, b. Dec. 22, 1666, m. Mary Graves 33. 11. Abigail, b. May 9, 1671, m. Sam'l Forbush brother of Thos. Forbush 1F While Deacon Edward did not have so large a pos- terity as some others of his father's family, he yet had an embarrassment of riches in 47 grand-children (through 6 children) and 162 great grand-children (through but 5). 26 The female lines are not here traced beyond the 2d. generation. The little Caleb (28.6) and the two little Lydias (24.2 and 25.3) early departed this life and fortunately, for they would have inevitably married Pinkhams; and while Deacon Edmund Rice could claim for his own many of the best and most famous New Englanders, there was never a Lydia Pinkham in the family, for the Deacon was a modest man and never played to the grand-stand. The 4th. child John Rice (23.1 ) by his wife Tabitha had 11 children, 8 of whom married and left large families. John resided at Sud- bury, on a part of the homestead of his grandfather, Deacon Edmund Rice and near his brother Deacon Edmund Rice. This second Deacon Edmund married Joyce Russell, of Cambridge, Oct. 12, 1680. In 1707 he represented Sudbury in the General Court. He died Sept. 25, 1719, in his 66th. year. He left 5 children. Daniel Rice (27.5) married the 5th. Ward and carried it by a large majority. They had 8 children, naming the first one, born Oct. 29, 1682, Bethia and the 8th. one, born exactly 20 yrs. later, Hopes till, (born Oct. 27, 1 702 ) . This was characteristic of the family. It is a family tradition that one of its members, when questioned by a village enumerator, confessed to 56 years and a husband, and to the next question, "Have you any children ?" she cheerfully responded "Not yet !" H Anna Rice (30.8) married her cousin, Thomas Rice and not being superstitious they had 13 children every one of whom lived to maturity. The 9th. one, Adonijah (born Aug. 11, 1696), was captured by the Indians, Aug. 8, 1704, carried to Canada and never returned. The set was scarcely broken however for they still had the full dozen, with such choice names as Ashur, Jason, Jedediah, Perez, 27 Vashtai, Noah, and Beriah. Dorcas Rice (31.9) mar- ried Thomas Forbush and left 5 children. Benjamin Rice (32.10) married Mary Graves and had 9 children, amongst whom we find Azariah, Zerubabel and Damaris. It was a rabbit proposition. They were in the 3d. generation and had run out of names. 11 In this line of Edward Rice, traced through the daughters and granddaughters, we find many persons of note in New England and elsewhere. The Virginia and Ohio Rices are descended from Edmund (26.4) son of Edward; and from Isaac (54.8) son of Mathew. The Willard family, of whom the late Francis E. Willard, and Joseph Willard, Pres. of Harvard Col- lege were the most distinguished members, are in this line of descent from Deacon Edmund Rice. Harriett Hosmer, the sculptor, is descended from both Edward and Mathew Rice. She was born in Mass. 6th. Oct. 1830. She took a course in Anatomical in- struction at St. Louis and alone traveled in the western wilderness and visited the Dakotah Indians. Going to Rome with Charlotte Cushman, in 1852, she entered the studio of Gibson, the English Sculptor, and before many years was acknowledged the foremost woman sculptor of the age. Her colossal figure of "Zenobia" was completed in 1859, followed by a statue of Thos. H. Benton, cast in bronze, now in Lafayette Park, St. Louis. Besides her skill in sculpture, Harriett Hosmer had decided talent for designing and constructing machinery, and devising new processes, such as converting the ordinary limestone of Italy into marble, and a peculiar process of modelling in clay and wax. Miss Hosmer 28 resided in Rome until a short time before her death and died Feb. 21, 1908, at the age of 78 years. Our pride is flattered to its innermost fibre when we learn that the most succesful writer the world has ever known, Mary Baker G. Eddy, founder of Christian Science, is descended from Deacon Edmund Rice in this line of Edward Rice his second-born. An effort has been made by some recent investigator to establish Mrs. Eddy's descent from David, King of Israel. Of King David as a direct Ancestor and Solomon his son as a mere side issue, Mrs. Eddy could well be proud, or, if descended through Solomon, she can at least be sure that there was adequate ground for a large relationship. Deacon Edmund Rice, however, was an eminent success as an ancestor and not to be despised. True he did not have as many wives as did Solomon. His collection was small but choice, and when we come to tracing his posterity we can be perfectly cock-sure that Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Eddy will come nearer to immortality through her inheritance from the Deacon, than through any application of Christian Science. By this I mean that she will probably live an hundred years * she is now in her 90th. ; and has the magnificent record of Longevity of the Rice and allied families, to stimulate her. Elbert Hubbard saw Mrs. Eddy when she was 87 years old and describes her thus. "She is so great that she keeps her own counsel, receives no visitors, makes no calls, writes no letters, and never goes inside a Church more than once a year. Her face shows experience but not extreme age. Her eyes are not dimmed nor her face wrinkled. The day * Mrs. Eddy died Dec. 4th. 1910. 29 I last saw her she was dressed all in white satin ; her hat was a milliner's dream. Her gloves came to the elbow and were properly wrinkled. Her step is light, her form erect a slender, handsome, queenly woman. Her form is the form of Bernhardt." What matters it that no man ever has been able to understand her book, "Science and Health," or that no man ever will understand it? Her sayings are as dark as those of Dickens' Captain Bunsby. "What I says, I stands to." "Whereby, why not ?" "If so, what odds? Can any man say otherwise? No ! Awast then." No matter, she is the first and only woman who has made four millions of dollars after she was 80 years old. She is the greatest general and most efficient organizer the world has to-day. Let her chase her literary tail. She would be an orna- ment in the family of any old Puritan Deacon. 30 BEING THE POSTERITY OF THOMAS RICE CALCULATED AND TABULATED BY MEANS OF GEOMETRICAL RATIO AND THE AID OF LOGARITHMS Thomas Rice (4.3) was the third of the Deacon's Buckinghamshire sons, born 1620-1626, which allows us considerable latitude in guessing at his age. At any rate he was but a youth when he came to Sudbury, where he married Mary King; afterwards they removed to Marlboro but not until the birth of 6 children had been recorded at Sudbury. At Marlboro the Parish Clerk got a new book and entered up 8 more. If If the reader does not see what this meant to Marl- boro he is utterly devoid of imagination. Fourteen children ! It was the making of Marlboro, as we shall see later. Two of these children died young. Twelve married, and Thomas Rice became the grandfather of 75; the great-grandfather of 253 plus, for some lines have been lost, thank God. 31 THE OUTPUT OF THOMAS AND MARY (FIRST PRIZE.) 34. 1, Grace, died at Sudbury, Jan. 3, 1653-4. 35. 2, Thomas, June 30, 1654, m. Mary 36. 3, Mary, Sept. 4, 1656, m. Josiah White. 37. 4, Peter, Oct. 24, 1658, m. Rebecca Howe. 38. 5, Nathaniel, Jan. 3, 1660, m. Sarah 39. 6, Sarah, Jan. 15, 1682, m Adams. 40. 7, Ephraim, Apr. 15, 1665, m. Hannah Livermore. 41. 8, Gershom, May 9, 1667, m. Elizabeth Haynes. 42. 9, James, March 6, 1669, m. Sarah Stone. 43. 10, Frances, Feb. 3, 1670-1, m. Benj. Allen. 44. 11, Jonas, March 6, 1672-3, m. Mary Stone. 45. 12, Grace, Jan. 15, 1675, m. Nathaniel Moore. 46. 13, Elisha, Dec. 12, 1679, m. Elizabeth Wheeler. 47. 14, Remnant, name not given, died young. The first child, Grace, died an infant. The second child, Thomas, married his cousin Anna Rice (30.8) Nov. 10, 1681. He represented Marlboro in the General Court several years and is said, by the Boston Gazette of Dec. 26, 1768, to have died at the age of 94 years. 1F Thomas Rice and Anna Rice were the parents of 13 children and their son Charles was the grandfather of Persis Rice, (born Nov. 19, 1737), who married General Rufus Putnam,* Jan. 10, 1765. She was a * Gen. Rufus Putnam was born Apr. 8, 1738, at Sutton, Mass. He entered the Army at 19 years of age and was appointed Military Engineer, by the Continental Congress. In Jan. 1783 he was com- missioned Brigadier General. He was Superintendent of the Ohio 32 sister of Enoch Rice, who married Olive Bruce and became the ancestress of the large family of Rices now colonized in and about Los Angeles, California. Peter Rice m. Rebecca Howe, who died in 1749, aged 81, and Peter died Nov. 28, 1753, aged 95 plus. To Peter and Rebecca were born eleven children, called euphoniously, Elisha, Zipporah, Zephaniah, Cyprian, Pelatiah, Elnathan, Peter, Abigail, Deborah, Rebecca, and Abraham. Ephraim Rice (40.7) m. 1st. Hannah Livermore, of Watertown; and Mary Noyes of Sudbury 37 years later. There were eleven children. One of these John, was Ancestor of Dr. William Rice of Springfield, and of his eminent sons Wm. North Rice and Charles Francis Rice.t Company and leader of the settlement at Marietta, O. in 1788. In 1789, Washington appointed him a Judge of the Supreme Court of N. W. Territory. On May 5, 1792, he was appointed Brigadier General in the Army of the U. S. In Oct. 1796, he was appointed Surveyor General of the United States, which office he held until 1803. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of Ohio in 1802. At the time of his death he was the last surviving General officer of the Revolutionary Army, excepting Gen'l Lafayette. Gen. Putnam was deeply interested in Sabbath Schools and Missions and he formed, in 1812, the first Bible Society west of the Alleghenies. Gen'l Putnam and Persis Rice were married Jan. 10, 1765. They, with a family of eight children and two grand-children came to Marietta, Ohio, in 1788. Gen'l Putnam died in 1824, in his 87th. year; Persis Rice Putnam in 1820, aged 83. Five children survived them and their descendants are widely scattered through the west and are amongst its leading and influential citizens. Gen'l Putnam had the Rice family arms painted above his fire-place in the old mansion at Marietta. A copy of the painting is given in this little book. It is pretty conclusive evidence that Gen'l Putnam's children were descendants of William Rice, of Buckinghamshire, England, [supposed to be the Deacon Edmund's grandfather,] when he adopted and used this Coat of Arms, granted to the aforesaid Rice in 1555, by Mary of Eng. t Dr. Wm. Rice, born in Springfield, Mass. Mar. 10, 1821, was the grandson of Nathan Rice, and 7th. in descent from Deacon Edmund. He was graduated from Wilbraham in 1840, and received his M.A. from Wesleyan University in 1853. He died Aug. 17, 1897. 33 Through this line of Ephraim also came the ancestors of Clara E. Barton the famous President of the Ameri- can Red Cross Society. (See the Military Record of the Rice family for sketch of Miss Barton.) Gershom Rice, (41.8) m. Elizabeth Haynes and here we find a most remarkable instance of longevity. Gershom himself died in 1768 aged 102 years. A few years prior to this date he gave out the informa- tion that of his Parents 14 children, excepting 2 that died in infancy, all had lived to advanced ages and that the sum of the ages of the 12 persons was at that time exactly one thousand yrs. At least two of them were still living at the time this remarkable statement was made. Gershom and his wife Elizabeth had but 6 children, three sons and three daughters. Each of the three sons had 9 children but the daughters accomplishments have not been recorded. One of these 27 grandsons had a Deacon's family of 10 children, eight of whom averaged 81 1-2 yrs. each Dr. Rice was a member of the New England Conference for 16 years, when, his health failing, he became City Librarian at Spring- field, an office which he held until his death. Dr. Rice was 15 years President of the Board of Trustees of Wilbraham Wesleyan Academy, the oldest Literary Institution in Methodism in the U. S. He was 25 years a Trustee of Wesleyan University at Middletown, several times a delegate to General Conference and the author of two valuable works; "Moral and Religious Quotations," 1860 and "The Pastor's Manual," 1863. He was Chairman of the Committee on Revision of the Methodist Hymn Book in 1876. Dr. Rice was a great Librarian. He raised the no. of volumes in the Springfield Library from 6800 to 100,000 and raised $357,423 for buildings and library purposes. The "Wm. Rice Building," in Springfield, cost $100,000. Dr. Rice married, in 1843, Caroline Laura North, of Lowell. They had four children ; of whom Wm. North Rice, is a Prof, and has been acting President of Wesleyan University. Dr. Charles Francis Rice is an eminent member of the New Eng- land Conference and Caroline Laura is wife of Prof. Morris B. Crawford of Wesleyan University. A grandson, Edward L. Rice, is Prof, of Biology in Allegheny College. 34 in point of age ; with two living to bring up the average. The longevity of this branch of the family has pre- vailed in a remarkable degree in the 6th. and 7th. generations. James Rice (42.9) m. Sarah Stone and died in Worces- ter 1730. They were the parents of 10 children 9 of whom married and had large families. Frances Rice (43.10) was born Feb. 3, 1670, and as she was the 10th. child, Thomas, her father, was due, about this time to become a Deacon. For doing her parent this great honor Frances had length of days added unto her, and died at 96 yrs. of age, if the Boston Gazette could be relied upon to tell the truth. Frances married Benjamin Allen of Weston and they had six children. Jonas Rice (44.1 1 ) married Mary Stone of Sudbury, a sister of the wife of his brother James. Judge Jonas Rice commenced the permanent settlement of Worcester and is known as the "First Settler" or "Father of Worcester." When past 80 yrs. of age he was elected one of the Justices of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Worcester, in which office he died. This election was an unquestionable evidence that he had retained his mental and bodily faculties to a re- markable degree, exceeding then as he did by ten years the age at which many Judges are required by law to retire from the bench. Judge Rice left 5 children * and his son Adonijah was * Silence Rice's grand-daughter, Margaret Bigelow, married, [Sept. 10, 1765], Nathan Longfellow [born Dec. 30, 1743.] Nathan was the son of Jonathan Longfellow of Machias, Maine, and brother of Stephen Longfellow. Nathan and Stephen were in the 4th. generation from Wm. Longfellow, who came fror Yorkshire and settled in Newbury in 35 the first white child born in Worcester, Mass. (Nov. 7, 1714). Adonijah was in several campaigns against the French and Indians. (See Military Record of Rice's.) Grace Rice (45.12) m. Nathaniel Moore, Feb. 10, 1701-2. He was the "third settler" and Deacon of the Church in Worcester from its foundation. We have no record of the family, but can safely assert that there were at least ten children. No Deacon's admitted without that number. One son, Nathaniel, born 1715, resided at Worcester where he died July 19, 1811, aged 96; and his wife, Mehitable, died Apr. 25, 1809, aged 89. "He had resided in Worcester more than 95 years, and lived with his wife 69 yrs. and was a man of exemplary piety and benevolence. Thus ended the life of an honest man." Massachusetts Spy. We do not know when Grace Rice Moore died, but the Boston Gazette says that she was living, at the age of 94, on Dec. 19th. 1768. She is probably dead now. Elisha Rice (46.13) the unlucky 13th. child of Thomas and Mary Rice, was a proprietor of Worcester and living there in 1719, where he had 30 acres of land granted to him in 1718. He died at 82, leaving only seven children, but here we strike a rich vein. There were two Elishas, one Elijah, Julia, Eliakim, Silas, and Zebulon. Elijah Rice, about 1748, married Hulda Keys, and died at Holden, Mass., in March, 1818, in his 97th. year. His daughter Zeriah married 1675. Stephen graduated at Harvard in 1798, was delegate to the Hartford Convention 1814 and Member of Congress 1823-1825. He compiled 16 vols. of Massachusetts, and 12 vols. of Maine Reports, and was the father of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Margaret Bigelow was the mother of eleven children, one of whom, Betsey, born Oct. 17, 1788, was the mother of the late Roswell D. Hitchcock, President of Union Seminary, N. Y. 36 Thadeus Colburn, and moved to Vermont. Now Zeriah Rice Colburn had a son whom she named in a curious manner. She called him Abiah, beginning with her A-b-abs and adding the last syllable of her own name. Abiah Colburn, when he had a son, began at the other end of the Alphabet, added the last syllable of his own name and called him Zeriah or Zerah. This Zerah Colburn was one of the greatest natural mathematicians the world has ever produced and a brief sketch should here be given, that we may keep his memory green. 11" Zerah Colburn was born in Cabot, Vermont, Sept. 1, 1 804 and died Mar. 2, 1 840. When only six years old he began to manifest extraordinary powers of compu- tation. He mentally solved problems involving the use of numbers containing four and five places of figures with greater ease and rapidity than that to which ex- perienced mathematicians could attain. The Question "How many days and hours in 1811 years?" was answered correctly in 20 seconds. When he was nine years old he was able to solve Questions like the following : "What is 999,999 2 x 49 2 x 25 ?" The result occupied 17 places of figures. He immediately gave the factors of 294, 967, 297, which French mathe- maticians had supposed to be a prime number. His performances show that his mental processes were in- conceivablv rapid and his memory very powerful. After exhibiting his son in the middle and southern states, Abiah Colburn took him to England, Scotland, and Ireland and finally placed him in the Lycee Na- poleon in Paris where he remained 18 months. He attracted the attention of the Earl of Bristol, who placed him in Westminster school for three years. After his father's death, in 1824, young Colburn re- 37 turned to the U. S., entered the University of Vermont and taught French for a living. He eventually became a Methodist preacher and in 1835 a professor of languages in Norwich University, Vermont. In 1833 he published a book of memoirs. At one time, while in England, Zeriah studied for the stage. He soon abandoned this idea and engaged for a time in performing Astronomical calculations for Dr. Thomas Young, the Sec'y. of the Board of Longitude. In London, where he was exhibited for two years, his performances were almost incredibly difficult. Princes, nobles, philosophers, teachers and the public were equally astounded. He gave, in less than half a minute, the no. of seconds that had elapsed since the Christian era. He extracted the square root of numbers con- sisting of six figures and the cube root of numbers con- sisting of nine figures in less time than the result could be put down on paper. He was asked one day the factors of 171,395. There are seven pairs of factors by which that number can be produced, and only seven; the boy named them all as rapidly as they could be put down. He was required to name the factors of 36,083. "There are none," was his instantaneous reply; and he was right. Again the number 4,294,967,297 was proposed to him to find the factors. Now certain French mathematicians had asserted that this was a prime no. ; but the German Euler, had discovered that its factors are 641 and 6,700,417. This wonderful boy, then aged 8 years, by the mere operation of his mind, named the factors in about twenty seconds. He could raise numbers consist- ing of one figure to the sixteenth power in less than a minute. He was totally unable to explain the processes by which he effected his calculations. 38 "God put it into my head," he said one day to, an in- quisitive lady, "but I can not put it into yours." Zerah, like other members of his father's family, had one more finger and one more toe than the regular number. Perhaps this aided him in his miraculous calculations. We do not know. It is a matter so subtle that it has never been explained. His relative and kinswoman, Mary Baker G. Eddy was also born in Vermont. Does any one know how many toes she had? And now we come to Zebulon Rice, youngest son of Elisha, and on whom a double portion of Elisha's mantle fell. Zeb. was in a class all by himself, a class called "Sweepstakes." He lived in Sudbury, Lancaster, Boyleston and Ashburnham. His widow, Susanna, died in Ashburnham, Dec. 17, 1823, aged 92 yrs. and on her tombstone might have been engraved, to parody an old English Epitaph, Some has no children and some has 'steen, Here lies the mother of seventeen. Susanna was a valuable adjunct and with remarkable regularity added the little Rice's to the flock. Beginning in 1750, with little Josiah, very few bad seasons or total failures are found in the Rice crop. The years 1762 '63, '64, '65, and '66, were eminently successful; '67 appears to have been a bad year; but again in '68, (the Constitution having been changed) '70, '72 '74 and until 1776 the family increased with frightful regularity. On June 5, 1776, just one month before the Declaration of Independence was signed, Susanna added no. 17, and, anticipating that document, she declared 'That in the course of human events it became necessary for her to be "free and independent' and retired to private life. 39 She lived 48 years after her Declaration of Independence, surrounded by an army of children, grand-children and great grand- children. It is a curious list of names, these seventeen, beginning with Josiah and ending with the pet name of Dolly. Dolly was very distantly related to Josiah, he being the 1st. of his mother's children and she the seven- t e e n t h. 40 ON THE FAMILY OF SAMUEL, THE DEACON'S SIXTH SON Oh, Look Who's Here! Samuel Rice, (8.7) was the Deacon's Sixth son and 7th. child. He was baptized at Berkhamstead, Eng- land, Nov. 12, 1634 (Parish Register). His immediate predecessor, little Daniel, was baptized Nov. 1st. 1632, and buried Nov. 10, 1632. Daniel was a nine days wonder and was promptly re- placed a little less than eighteen months later by Samuel, who, to make reparation for his little brother's delinquincies, married three several times. His second wife was Mary Brown, his third was Sarah White, but ere he ran farther in the chromatic scale he was rudely cut off by death at the early age of 51 and thus effectually handicapped in his laudable efforts to run the connubial spectrum. His first wife was buried Oct. 30, 1667. His second died at Concord June 18, 1675. They had probably retired to Concord as a place of safety or a refuge from the Indians. His third wife survived him and doubtless married again. Her first husband was James Hosmer, Jr. who was killed by the Indians in the "Sudbury fight" in the Spring of 1676. 41 CHILDREN OF SAMUEL RICE AND HIS THREE WIVES 56. 1, Elizabeth, Oct. 26, 1656, m. Peter Haynes. 57. 2, Hannah, , 1658, m. Jonathan Hubbard. 58. 3, Joshua, Apr. 19, 1661, m. Mary 59. 4, Edmund, , 1663, m. Ruth Parker. 60. 5, Esther, Sept. 18, 1665, m Hubbard. 61. 6, Samuel, Oct. 14, 1667, m. Abigail Clapp. 62. 7, Mary, Aug. 6, 1669. 63. 8, Edward, June 20, 1672, m. Lydia Fairbank. 64. 9, Abigail, March 10, 1673-4, m. Palmer Goulding. 65. 10, Joseph, May 16, 1678, m. Mary Townsend. The oldest child, Elizabeth, (56.1) left four children the youngest of whom, Mary, married Hezekiah Rice, and thus turned all the grand-children back into the Rice family again. She left 6 children but we have no knowledge of any children by the first three of Eliza- beth and Peter. The second daughter, Hannah, (57.2) married Jon- athan Hubbard of Concord, March 15, 1681, where he died July 17, 1728 aged 70. She died, at Concord, April 9, 1747, in her 90th. year, leaving eleven children and the dog, if perchance, the hungry canine had sur- vived his keen disappointment. Considering the fact that this venerable Mother Hubbard had been a widow for almost 20 years and had a round dozen of mouths to fill, it is not at all im- probable nor a matter of surprise, that, "When she got there, The Cupboard was bare." 42 We are not surprised, but gratified to know that being a Rice, she "got there" and it is all we could expect of her. We have very little further knowledge of the good woman. She left a large posterity, and was an Ancestress of Gov. John Davis and other eminent Davises (not including Jeff). All that we have to regret in the history of this vener- able relative is the fact that she became some what careless in dress, as she grew older; a matter which attracted considerable publicity and will doubtless per- petuate her name and gown. The third child, Joshua (58.3) resided at Marlboro and died June 23, 1734. He was a proprietor of Worcester and had 30 acres of land granted to him there in 1718. He returned to Marlboro before 1730 and his widow, Mary Rice, died there Dec. 1766, aged 95 yrs. They had four sons and one daughter. The son be- came a Deacon (Oct. 14, 1742) and had the regulation number of children. Edmund Rice (59.4) the 4th. child, married Ruth Parker, of Roxbury, Nov. 15, 1692 and became, in an accidental and curious way, the ancestor of a famous Indian Chief, in manner and form as follows. Edmund and Ruth were the parents of 12 children, (only 2 or three of whom married Rices), of whom were Silas, Timothy, and Nahor. Now Thomas Rice (35.2) and Edmund Rice (59.4) were cousins, and resided in Westboro. On the 8th. of Aug. 1704, while the people in the fields were spreading flax a short distance from the house of Thomas Rice, a band of Indians rushed out of the woods, where they had concealed themselves, and killed little Nahor aged 5, (probably on account of his name) . knocking him in the head. 43 At the same time they seized Silas and Timothy, aged 9 and 7 respectively, sons of Edmund Rice, and 2 others, Ashur and Adonijah, aged 10 and 8, sons of Thomas Rice, and carried the four little boys off to Canada. Silas and Timothy were adopted by the Indians and had Indian wives, and children by them. To Silas Rice the Indians gave the name Tookanovuras. Timothy was named Oughtsorangoughton and became the third of six chiefs of the Cognawaga tribe. In that capacity he addressed a speech to Col. Bur- goyne, employed in an expedition against Canada, in the French, War of 1755. (Afterwards Gen'l. Bur- goyne, who surrendered himself and his army to Gen'l. Gates, at Saratoga, in the Revolutionary War.) Timothy Oughtsorangoughton Rice visited Westboro, in Sept. 1740, with an interpreter, he having lost his mother tongue, and viewed the place where he had been captured; of which he had a perfectly clear re- membrance, together with all the circumstances under which he was taken. He also knew and well remem- bered several persons then living in Westboro. He was urged to remain amongst his people in Sud- bury, Marlboro and Westboro, but nothing said or done could induce him to remain. He was filled with contumacy and contravention; he did not want to stay and he said so. So he returned to Canada, to his copper- colored wife and his copper-stock. Both Silas and Timothy were living in the Summer of 1790. Silas was then 95 and Timothy 93 years old. That these two aged chiefs of the Conawaga tribe had many children we are certain. The only certified record of any of them is the following: "Eunice Williams, born Sept. 16, 1696, was captured 44 at Deerfield and taken to Canada in 1704. She died in 1786 aged 90. She married John De Rogers, an Indian and had three children." 1. John, who was killed at Lake George in 1758. 2. Sarah, married in 1758, an Englishman named Williams. 3. Katherine, married Francis Here Rice and had one son, Thomas Rice, who married Marian De Rice, "a daughter of one of the Captive Rice's from Marl- boro, Mass." Thos. and Marian De Rice had 10 children some of whom were living, in Canada, as re- cently as 1831, and probably have many Indian de- scendants now in that Country. Samuel Rice, through the line of his son Joshua, was the Ancestor of many of the descendants of the re- maining children of Edmund Rice, who did not turn Indian. Dinah married a Brigham, and left 5 children; Huldah married Sam'l Wheelock and left 6 children, Seth married Dorothy Robinson of Marlboro, begat 7 children and died, a Deacon, in 1796, aged 91. His widow Dorothy, died June 21, 1801, aged 93. Thank- ful married Josiah Rice, (a cousin again) and left 5 children. Josiah died in 1792, aged 92. Edward Rice (63.8) died July 20, 1741, in his 70th. year. He left 10 children, but for some reason never was made a Deacon. This should be investigated. Abigail Rice (64.9) has been discovered to belong to another branch of the family. She was daughter of Timothy Rice, (whose father Richard Rice, of Concord and Cambridge, died June 9, 1709, aged 100 years,) and Abigail Marrett. Abigail Rice married Captain Palmer Goulding, Sen. who had commanded a company at the reduction of Louisburg, June 17, 1745. 45 Abigail and the Captain had Palmer, Ignatius, Peter and Abel, and a daughter Martha. Martha, true to the traditions of the family, married Wm. Rice (son of Luke Rice of Shrewsbury) and had 10 children. All the Morses are descended from Samuel Rice (8.7) in the same generation as from Sam'l Morse, who came to Mass, in 1635 and died 1654. In this line are Jedediah Morse, the great geographer and Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor of the electric telegraph. 46 OSEPH RICE (9.8) was the Deacon's 8th. child and the last one born in Hertfordshire. He was the "toddler" on the outward voyage and his "nose was out of joint" before the voyage was done. He was forced, by circum- stances over which he had no control, to take to spoon victuals. The voyage had been long and not utterly devoid of "squalls," for the Deacon's wife with the Arabian Night's name had added another to the passenger list. This was little Edmund, born at sea, in 1638, a man without a country; born when his mother was away from home, and named, in honor of the Deacon, Edmund. The usurping Edmund died. No one knows when. No record of his ever having married, or of his residence, or death, or settlement of any estate ever belonging to him has been discovered. Joseph lived. He lived and had 4 wives; not simul- taneously nor contemporaneously, but quite continu- ously. Joseph Rice was baptized at Berkhamstead, Hertford- shire, England, March 13, 1637. Coming at a tender age to Mass. Colony he considered it his duty to be- come a Pilgrim Father. Like a good Democrat he married early and often. In rapid succession we find his wives to have been, 1st. Mercy; 2nd. Martha; 3d. Mary; 4-th.^Sarah. Beyond this and the fact that the names of his ten children are recorded at Sudbury we have no further knowledge of his marital exploits. 47 The date of his death we do not know. He was living as late as Feb. 10, 1684, and that is the last we know of him. He was but 47 years old at that date, so that, with the remarkable longevity of the Rice family star- ing him in the face, we are left with a large field for conjecture as to what matrimonial pyrotechnics he may have performed in his declining years, if he had any. We are only certain that he was married four times and with this paucity of bliss we are satisfied that he was fully prepared to die and that he entered into Abra- ham's bosom calmly and unregretfully. B S H H 48 CHILDREN OF JOSEPH AND MERCY RICE, ET AL 66. 1, Rebecca, April 6, 1660, at Sudbury. 67. 2, Martha, Jan. 14, 1662, m. Jonathan Coolidge. 68. 3, Josiah, May 3, 1663. 69. 4, Caleb, May 19, 1666, m. Mary Ward. 70. 5, Joseph, June 5, 1671, m. Mercy Kerley. 71. 6, Eleazar, Oct. 26, 1672, d. young. 72. 7, Mary, Aug. 6, 1674, m. David Stone. 73. 8, Jonathan, Mar. 26, 1679, m. Anna Derby. 74. 9, Sarah, Feb. 14, 1680-1, d. June, 1681. 75. 10, Phineas, Aug. 24, 1682, m. Elizabeth Willard. Of Rebecca we know nothing more. Martha Coolidge resided at Watertown and had 6 children. Her hus- band died at Watertown in 1724, aged 77, (son of John Coolidge of Watertown 1639. A Representative in 1658 and died 1690.) Caleb Rice, the 4th. child, married a Ward. (It was becoming a habit). Was a Deacon in the Church at Marlboro from 1718 till his death Jan. 5, 1738-9. (His gravestone says he was 77 years, 7 mos. and 7 days old). As all good Deacons should he had 10 children ; 4 sons and 6 daughters. Caleb, his 4th. son was graduated from Harvard University 1730, and became first minister of the Gospel at Sturbridge, Sept. 29, 1736. Died there in 1759. Caleb's son Nathan, born Aug. 2, 1754, was graduated from Harvard University in 1773. He was an officer in the Army of the Revolution, and during the quasi war with France, 1799 and 1800; was commissioned Lieutenant Colonel and stationed at Oxford. He re- 49 turned to Hingham upon the disbanding of the Army and died there, April 17, 1834, aged 80 years. His son Charles Rice born Nov. 28, 1781, entered Harvard in 1797, but died Aug. 17, 1799. Another son, Caleb, Dec. 5, 1784, graduated from Harvard, 1803, and died 1849. A daughter, Sophia, born Feb. 12, 1797, married Gamaliel Bradford* (Harvard 1814) M.D. Their children (4) are in the same generation from Gov. Bradford and Edmund Rice. By his other 9 children the Deacon had a large pos- terity. It is not traced through the daughters. Mary, we know, married David Stone, (Dec. 10, 1710,) and resided at Watertown, where he "died Oct. 7, 1750, aged 78, having lived 56 years without sight." If this was not the origin of "stone-blind" it is at least an early example to the real thing. Their daughter Mercy Stone, born Feb. 2, 1713-14, married Rev. David Goddard born 1706. A graduate of Harvard, 1731, and minister at Leices- ter. Joseph Rice (70.5) married Mercy Kerley of Marl- boro, Nov. 10, 1708. His 2nd. wife was Elizabeth Robinson. His 3d. wife was Jane Corey, of Boston. He died Dec. 3, 1745. His widow, Jane, died 1762. They had, amongst them, 6 children. At least one of whom married a Ward. Mary, the 5th. child married Thaddeus Bond and her name is perpetuated to this day, by many eminent per- sons of that family. This is in no wise meant to adver- tise Boston Bond. * Son of Capt. Gamaliel Bradford, Lieut, in Rev. and 5th. in descent from Gov. Wm. Bradford who arrived in Mayflower Dec. 1620. Gov. of Plymouth Colony from 1620 to 1657, with the exception of 5 yrs. 50 Jonathan Rice (73.8) was Deacon in the church at Sudbury, and, being a deacon, had 10 children, of course. Jonathan died, full of years and honors, June 7, 1772, aged 92 and his widow Anne, died Dec. 23, 1773, also aged 92. They had 9 daughters and one son, William Rice, who married Mary Estabrook and had 7 children and many, many Grand children. The last of Joseph's children, Phineas, (75.10) mar- ried Elizabeth Willard, Oct. 2, 1707, resided in Sud- bury and was a representative in the General Court. He seems to have been the literary member of his father's family and is described in the Boston news- papers, Sept. 5, 1768, as being "a gentleman of an enlarged soul, bright parts, a penetrating wit, tenacious memory and well acquainted with both men and books. Perhaps his superior could scarce be found in New England." A newspaper of 1910 could scarcely do better than that. This erudite member of the Deacon's family died aged 86, and left 5 children. Through one of them (Joseph) he was the ancestor of the late eminent financier, Spencer Trask, who was killed Dec. 31, 1909, on the N. Y. Central R. R. near N. Y. City.t t Spencer Trask was born in 1844, Son of Alanson Trask and Sarah Marquand. His Grand-mother Trask was a daughter of Mary (Rice) Goodale. Spencer Trask was graduated from Princeton and engaged in the Banking business with his Uncle Henry G. Marquand. From its beginning he was president of the Edison Light and Power System. To the general public he was better known as a promoter of philanthropic and educational projects and as a patron of Art, then as a banker. He was one of the founders and for 15 years a trirstee of Teacher's College; one of the founders and a trustee of the Kindergarten Association ; a trustee of the General Theological Seminary; the principal founder of the National Arts Society and President of the Reservation Commission which has sought to pre- serve the Springs at Saratoga. Mrs. Trask is a well known writer, and has recently written a play, "The Little Town of Bethlehem," which has been produced by the Ben Greet Players. 51 BEING A GENERAL ROUND-UP OF THE DEACON'S OTHER CHILDREN, EVEN UNTO AND INCLUDING THE TWELFTH Lydia Rice, (5.4) was the first child born to Deacon Edmund and Tamazin Rice after the removal from Buckinghamshire to Hertfordshire. The Parish Register at Berkhamstead informs us that Lydia was baptized Mar. 9, 1627. She married Hugh Drury and resided in Boston. Her husband was a member of the Artillery Company, 1659, and subsequently its Lieutenant. Lydia and Hugh Drury had but one child John, born at Sudbury, May 2, 1646. John married Mary , and their one child, Thomas, the son of the house and the hope of the family made his calling and election sure in the Rice family by marrying, when 19 years old, his father's first cousin, Rachel Rice, (daughter of Henry, oldest son of the Deacon) , and thus all of Lydia's descendants are doubly descended from the old President of the Company, Deacon Edmund. Next after Lydia comes Mathew Rice, (6.5) baptized at Berkhamstead, England, Feb. 28, 1629. Matthew, as it was afterwards spelled, lived to the Patriarchal age of 89 years and some months, married at Sudbury, July 7, 1654, Martha Lamson, and became the father of only nine children. By a very narrow margin he thus escaped being a Deacon; a man with fewer than 10 children apparently being utterly pro- scribed. 52 CHILDREN OF MATTHEW RICE AND MARTHA LAMSON 47. 1, Sarah, Sept. 15, 1655, m. John Looker. 48. 2, Martha, Aug. 17, 1657, m. John Bent. 49. 3, Deborah, Feb. 14, 1659-1660, m. Thomas Sawin. 50. 4, Ruth, April 2, 1662, m. Joseph Hastings. 51. 5, Elizabeth, May 20, 1663, m. Samuel Ware. 52. 6, Dorothy, Feb. 14, 1664-5, m. Sam'l Ware. 53. 7, Mary, died young. 54. 8, Isaac, May 1, 1668, m. Sybil Collins. 55. 9, Patience, March 5, 1671, m Holbrook. In this rather remarkable family of eight daughters and one son the lines will not be traced here. Sarah Rice, the eldest daughter, married John Looker, and had 4 children, the 3d. of whom, Henry Rice Looker, to make assurance doubly sure, married, in 1716 Mary Rice, (daughter of Ebenezer, son of Benj. 1 Oth. son of Deacon Edmund, ) She being his 2d. cousin. They became the Ancestors of Gov. Othniel Looker, 5th. Gov. of Ohio. Apropos of this marriage of cousins, Coleridge once debated with Charles Lamb, the question of con- sanguinity and proved, to his own satisfaction at least, that the marriage of cousins was eminently sane, proper, just and right, and fraught with the best results for humanity. Coleridge certainly had ample backing and justification for his argument in the family and descendants of the Pilgrim Deacon. Matthew's only son Isaac died Feb. 4, 1717-18 leaving 5 children; all daughters. This mistake was later 53 rectified by the marriage of the 2d. dau. Martha, to William Rice, and they were the progenitors of the Ohio Rices, through the line of Matthew. In the death of Isaac Rice, the male descendants of Matthew, (6.5) in direct line, became extinct. His mother, Martha Rice, survived him and was past 90 at the date of his death, in 1717-18. Benjamin Rice (11.10) was the 10th. child of the Deacon and the only son born in Mass. He was born, according to Sudbury records, May 31, 1640, and died Dec. 19, 1713, aged 73. Benjamin married Mary Brown, of Sudbury, about 1662, and resided there. Benj. Rice, on May 23d. 1685, sued Dr. William Avery, of Boston, for mal- practice, verdict for defendant. An extract from the records of this suit relates that "one, Daniel Pond, testified that 10 years ago Benj. Rice came to my house in Deadham, with his feet frozen, and lodged there. Dr. Wm. Avery's son Benj. cut off one foot at the lowest joint and staunched the blood with a musquash skin." The old Dr. does not appear, from Pond's Extract, to have been present at the operation, and the malpractice, if any, was not chargeable to him, but to his presump- tious and irresponsible son, who adventured this feat of surgery purely on his own account. Benj. Rice was the first member of the family on record who got cold feet. His son Ebenezer married Bethia Williams in 1698 and died in Sudbury June 21, 1724. Bethia Rice died July 6, 1721. They left a family of 8 daughters and one son. The oldest daughter, Mary Rice, mentioned under Matthew (6.5) became a progenitor of Gov. Looker 54 of Ohio. Only 2 other daughters married and we do not know that they left any posterity. The only son, Ebenezer Rice II, (born Nov. 24, 1709) married his second cousin, Anna Rice, and had 7 chil- dren. Three of these never married; two died in in- fancy, while Joseph and Benjamin, twins, born Feb. 12, 1745, married twins, Mary Green * and Sarah Green.* And thus, so far as the tribe of Benjamin is concerned, endeth the chapter, all his posterity having gone to Greens. When little Benjamin, her 10th. and last child was in his 15th. year Tamazin Rice, died, (at Sudbury, June 13, 1654.) The record of her death is the only one wherein her name is found. She was doubtless a faith- ful, wise and prudent Pilgrim Mother. She had made her husband a Deacon. The careful observer who has read thus far in the Rice family history must be aware of an omission on the part of the Apostle Paul when he imparted to Timothy that "a Bishop must be the husband of one wife." He should have added that a Deacon shall be the father of 10 children. This seems to have been one of the rules of the Church in Mass. Colony. And so Edmund Rice became a Deacon, but not until after his son Benj. was born. All honor to our Grand- mother Tamazin, she of the gypsy name. The Deacon's sincerest tribute to her worth was in speedily replacing her. It was not long before he began to wear his Sunday hat on week days and "sit up" to Dame Mercie Brigham. He was only 60, a mere "broth of a lad" * Verdant Green, Hettie Green and Darius Green, are not of this family. 55 for that family, and in the light of his youthful coun- tenance the widow's weeds soon wilted. Mercy and the Deacon were married Mar. 1, 1655, but the wed- ding was strictly private owing to the fact that the Deacon was not yet out of mourning for his first wife. The bride herself was only getting into lavender. Her 1st. husband, Thomas Brigham had been dead but 17 months. But marriage was a good thing and Mercie knew it and when the Deacon died she married again in 17 months, and she said "she didn't carel" To the Deacon and his second wife were born two more children, both daughters. Ruth (12.11) was born Sept. 29, 1659, when the Deacon was 66 yrs. old. Ann (13.12) was born Nov. 19, 1661, when he was 68. Ann was the Deacon's swan-song. Ruth and Ann were the penultimate and anti-penultimate Rices of their generation. Beyond the fact that both Ruth and Ann were happily married, (for we know to whom and when and where) , we know nothing more of the after life of these two sisters. Ruth married Samuel Welles and removed to Weathersfield, Conn., in 1684. They were the direct ancestors of Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy in President Lincoln's Cabinet. Ann married Nathaniel Gerry, of Roxbury, Nov. 12, 1685, (son of Nathaniel Gerry and Ann Dugglas, who were married at Roxbury, Oct. 14, 1685.) Just how many children these younger sisters had we do not know. We only know that none of the Deacon's daughters were born in years when the peach crop failed and by only 7 sons he had 65 grandchildren. And so our imagination, like a soaring Hippogriff, 56 journey's straightway toward infinite numbers. Let some other chronicler straighten out the Welles and Gerry families and tell us, (for we do not know when she died.) "How old was Ann?" 57 This Little Chapter telling the story of their descent from Deacon Edmund Rice is only meant for the pos- terity of Wm. Rice of Va. and Ohio, (1780-1827) for unto us it was given to inherit from the Puritan Deacon, through 2 of his English born Sons a double portion of Rice characteristics and obliquities. William Rice, born 1697, was the 3d. son of Deacon Edmund Rice, (born Dec. 6, 1653) and Joyce Russell; Dea. Edmund was the 2d. son of Deacon Edward Rice, (born 1619) and his wife Anna; Edward was the 2d. son of Deacon Edmund, the Pilgrim. Martha Rice, (born 1693) was the daughter of Isaac Rice (born May 1, 1668) and Sybil Collins; Isaac Rice was the son of Matthew Rice, 1629, 5th. child and 4th. son of Deacon Edmund Rice, the Pilgrim. 11 Now William Rice (1697) and Martha Rice (1693) being great-grand children of Deacon Edmund and full second cousins on the Rice side, concluded, very sen- sibly, that this degree of consanguinity was not suffi- cient, and accordingly they were married at Sudbury, Mass., Oct. 7, 1719. William was at this time 22 years old and was the youngest member of his father's family. He had 2 brothers and 2 sisters. The oldest sister Joyce, married Samuel Abbot and became the progenitor of the long line of Abbots, who have been "Makers of History" in the U. S. Martha (Rice) Rice was born Oct. 17, 1693, and so was 26 years old plus 10 days, when she was married. She evened up this discrepancy by departing this life 58 some years in advance of her younger husband. We do not have the exact date of her death, but William married on May 10, 1733, Hannah Graves, and there were soon 2 more Rices added to the family. These were Beulah 1735 and Micah 1740. Martha, before her departure, had added to the Deacon's posterity 3 sons, and a daughter called "Sibleth." The sons were, Isaac Rice, born June 10, 1720; William, July 10, 1722; and Elijah, June 4, 1728. Elijah followed his parents example and mar- ried Elizabeth Rice, his 2nd. cousin, and became the father of a large family of double Rices. The father, William Rice, lived in Sudbury, until his death in 1769, aged 72. The second son, William, in whom we are most inter- ested, born July 10, 1722, married Abigail Willis, of Sudbury, Aug. 16, 1753. He was then living at Natick, and was 31 yrs. of age. They had four children born in Mass., viz: Isaac, Sarah ; Ruth ; and Abel. Abel was baptized at Natick, June 27, 1768. This is the last record we find of the family in Mass., for William and Abigail left that Commonwealth about 1769 and settled in Virginia, living throughout the Revolutionary War in Fairfax County. Here Abigail Rice died and William married again. We do not know whom he married, but it was probably not a Rice this time unless he returned to Mass, to hunt one. To this union three sons were born; Samuel, Richard and William. The little William, born 1780, and brought up at the heels of the Revolution, was his father's 7th. child, tho' not a 7th. son. Living near Alexandria and Mt. Vernon it was probably a common sight for him to look upon the Father of his country 59 and see the Washington family coach-and-four, as it started to Church at Powhick or Alexandria, or bore George and Martha to Gunston Hall to visit George Mason. Just across from Alexandria, in Prince George Co., Maryland, dwelt the Hawley family. The first Hawley, Samuel, came to New England in 1639, just one year after Deacon Rice settled in Sudbury. The Hawleys and the Rices had intermarried in Massa- chusetts and Connecticut and were related thru many lines. It was quite natural therefore that the boys of the Rice family, in Fairfax, should frequently cross the river and pay extended visits to the Hawleys of Prince George. Samuel and Richard did not seem to have been hard hit, or if hard hit did not make good, or, possibly, (but this seems highly improbable in our family) there were not enough daughters of the house to go around; however this may be, when William Rice, the father died in 1804, the three boys at once started west, and after a long and adventurous journey settled in Belmont Co., Ohio. In a short time Elizabeth Hawley, born 1782, appeared upon the scene, she having found an opportunity of coming to the Ohio Country with a family with whom she lived until her lover, Wm. Rice, could clear the land and build his log cabin. In 1810 William and Elizabeth were married and at once moved into this house, which is still standing and occupied. It was an exceedingly well built and com- modious house for those days in Ohio. It consisted of 2 large rooms down stairs with a cut stone outside chimney at either end of the house ; a "lean-to" or shed, extending the entire length of these 2 rooms and also 60 having a cut stone chimney; while above, an unusual luxury, were 2 half-story bed-rooms. All this luxury had been provided by the hard work of William, aided and assisted by his two older brothers, Samuel and Richard. At the same time they each built cabins for themselves, but they were not so extensive or elaborate. One of them still stands, but the other was washed away, many years ago, by a freshet and the creek bed now marks its site. 11" In this "luxurious" cabin home were born the six children of Wm. and Elizabeth Hawley Rice. This was the order and succession: Charles Hawley Rice, born Nov. 25, 1811 ; died Oct. 8, 1898, aged 87. Nancy Rice, born Feb. 17, 1813, died Apr. 11, 1904, aged 92. Jemima Rice, born Nov. 10, 1814; died Nov. 25, 1814, aged 15 days. Hannah Rice, born Oct. 20, 1816; died 1905, aged 89. Richard Rice, born Feb. 17, 1818; died May 2, 1870, aged 52. Elizabeth Rice, born March 25, 1821; died July 27, 1850, aged 29. Our great-grand mother, Elizabeth Hawley Rice, did not long survive the birth of her last child and died during the summer of 1821. Her husband, Wm. Rice died in the Fall of 1827; the little home was aban- doned and the 5 children were parceled out or divided around amongst the relatives and neighbors and were never to see or know much of each other thereafter. Both Wm. Rice and Elizabeth, his wife were buried at the little "meeting-house" grave yard known as "Hur- ford," 1 mile west of Bethesda, Belmont Co., O. A spot long neglected and the graves now almost obliter- ated. 61 The oldest son Charles Hawley, who was but eleven years old at the time of his mother's death, went im- mediately to the home of his Uncle Richard Rice, only a few rods distant from his birthplace, lived there during the winter and went to school to John Correy, at Burr's Station (now Bethesda.) In the Spring of 1828, after his father's death, he went to the home of John Williams, two miles east of Barnesville, in Belmont Co., to learn the Tailor's trade. With John Williams he lived four years and nine months. John was the son of Daniel Williams, of Chester Co., Pa., and the father of Casper Williams; all well known Orthodox Friends or Quakers. From this good family the young Tailor obtained a peculiarly valuable training, and acquired principles of integrity and honesty that were characteristics with him throughout his long and remarkably eventful life. His parents, in Va., and Maryland, had been Method- ists, under the preaching of Bishops Coke, Asbury and Whatcoat; but Chas. Hawley Rice early joined the Friends, before the division in 1828, and eventually went with the Gurney branch in 1854. In the Fall of 1832 he went to Salem, Ohio and at- tended school during that winter. The teacher was Dr. John Shreve. Of his schoolmates who attended that school with him during the winter of 1832-'33, one still survives in the person of Mrs. Mary Koll, at that date Mary Johnson she was then 22 years old and Chas. H. Rice was 21. Mrs. Koll has recently passed her one hundred and first anniversary (Jan. 10, 1911) and is in good health. The children of Dr. Benjamin Stanton and his wife Martha (Townsend) Stanton were also in this school. The oldest, Rebecca, born the same year as Chas. H. 62 Rice, recently died, but a younger daughter in school that winter, Mrs. Laura Barnaby, now resides in Pasa- dena, Cal. and is in her 91st. year. What a school it must have been and what a teacher! He had been an officer in the American Revolution. He helped to cap- ture and to guard Major Andre, and died at 95 years and 8 months, after living to greet Louis Kossuth to the City, of Alliance. And at least two of this Hero's pupils are living in this year of Grace. 1911 ! ! Verily his works have not "followed him" very rapidly, and it has been an hundred and fifty and five years since he began them. In March, 1833, the young Chas. Hawley, was taken violently ill, for the first and last time in his 87 years and was cared for at the home of Casper Williams until "Harvest time." In July he went to Cleveland, on foot; worked for a short time in a little shop on Superior Street, north side, about 1-2 block from the "City Square." He walked thence to Milan, in Huron County; thence to Lower, Sandusky and on to Tiffin, in Seneca Co., where he sewed in a tailor shop, until the latter part of Oct. IF When he returned to Salem, Nov. 1st. 1833, he had $40.00 in cash and enough cloth for a new coat. During this winter he again attended school and in the Spring of 1834, went to Damascus, O., where he established himself, in a neat little shop on the south side of Main St. ( "Old State Road" ) about a half block west of the centre of the village. While attending school in Salem he had met Margaret Pettit, (also born in Nov. 1811) and one day, in May 1834 saw her, with her younger sister, Charity, coming through town, walking down to the office of their older brother, Dr. Wm. Pettit, M. D. He followed them 63 down the street, in his shirt sleeves, just as he had left the tailor's bench, and secured an introduction to the fair Charity, in Dr. Pettit's office. All was not strictly comme il faut, but Charity, doubtless flattered, and true to her name, could forgive or 'cover a multitude of sins.' He called that evening and "sat up" till midnight. It was "love at first sight" : the real thing. Two weeks later he went to visit her at her home near Hanover, and from that date till the 28th. of the next Jan. he never failed to visit the Pettit home every other Satur- day night. On the 28th. of Jan. 1835, Chas. Hawley Rice and Charity Dean Pettit were married, by Friend's cere- mony, in the old Sandy Spring Meeting House, a mile north of Kensington, (at that time Ingram Station.) Charity had been a pupil of the famous Platt R. Spencer, and the wedding certificate, now owned by the writer, is a beautifully engrossed document, written by Spencer's own hand, and signed by some 50 or more relations and friends as witnesses to the Ceremony. Certified to by this multitude of witnesses it is a pretty sure thing that our Grandparents were firmly and se- curely married and if any further attestation be wanted we find endorsed underneath the above list the names of some 30 persons who attended the celebration of their Golden Wedding 50 years later, or on Jan. 28, 1885. Three years beyond that date did they live happily together, before death dissolved this certified contract, but it had been an eventful 53 years. They began housekeeping in a house that stood on the present site of the Wesleyan M. E. Church Building, in Damascus, O. In Sept. 1835 they moved to Hanover, O. and here at the home of James and Elizabeth Raley 64 their first and only child was born, on Nov. 27th. 1835. Very properly he was named William Pettit Rice, for on the Rice side of the house there was the long line of Williams, and on the Pettit side it was the name of his grand father and of his great-grand fathers for 4 generations batk. There were many unheavals and removals from this date onward. A number of years were spent in Minne- sota, Wm. Pettit Rice taking with him his young bride Rachel (Hole) Rice, and in Minnesota their 2 oldest children were born. Harrassed by the Indians and driven from their homes the Parents, Children and Grandparents returned to Ohio, where Chas. Hawley and Charity Dean Rice spent a happy life and grew gracefully older until she died, in Alliance, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1887, aged 73. After 53 years of connubial bliss, Chas. H. Rice knew to a certainty that it was a good thing and with the courage of his convictions, at the age of 78, he married Deborah Bentley Trescott, a Quaker lady of high cul- ture and genuine worth, who was to him a loving and faithful wife for ten years. She was held in high esteem and loved by every member of the family and the marriage in old age was an un- qualified success. Chas. Hawley Rice died in Alliance, Ohio, Oct. 8, 1898, at the age of 87 years and his widow died May 9, 1905, aged 80 yrs. Of the other 4 children of Wm. and Elizabeth Rice the record will be brief, tho in some instances it covers a remarkably long life. Elizabeth, the youngest child, made her home with her oldest brother, Charles, and died at the early age of 29 yrs. She was an invalid for many years and was tenderly cared for by the brothers and their wives. She died July 27, 1850, and was 65 buried at the Augusta Friends' Meeting House, near East Rochester, O. Nancy Rice, the oldest daughter, married Henry Burton, Jan. 4, 1 836. Henry Burton was born June 3d. 1806 and died Sept. 2, 1855. After his death Nancy Rice Burton married Charles Walker who died in 1889. To Nancy and Henry Burton were born 6 children, all now deceased. Only three of these children left pos- terity and Nancy Rice Burton had but 18 grand- children. Her second son, David, born Apr. 27, 1843, married Lavina Ford, Feb. 22, 1870. He died Jan. 9, 1891, leaving a widow and seven children, in Brown County, Indiana. The third son, Henry Burton Jr., (born Aug. 10, 1848) married Sarah Hawley, Feb. 19, 1885 and died at Toledo, Illinois, May 20, 1909. He is survived by the widow, 3 sons and a daughter. A daughter of Nancy and Henry Burton, Ella, married Newton Parsley, and left four children, Mary, Frank, Newton and Jasper. Hannah Rice, the 4th child, married three times; Daniel Murdock; Israel Murdock and Wm. Lockridge. She died at Carlyle, Iowa, 1905 aged 89 years. Richard Rice, the second son and 5th child of Wm. and Eliz. Rice, after the death of his parents was raised and educated by Jeremiah Harris who lived on Still- water Creek in Belmont Co., Ohio. He married, March 2nd 1841, Mary Mason, born July 18, 1820, in Green Co., Penna. She had come into Ohio with her parents in 1826 and was in her 21st year at the date of her marriage. Richard Rice died May 2nd 1870 and was buried at Antioch, Monroe Co., Ohio. Mary Rice, his widow still lives (1911) and at 66 91 years of age is a remarkably handsome, intelligent and strong woman. The writer visited her a few months ago and found her in the fullest possession of all her faculties, bright, cheerful and happy; able bodied and a perfectly sound piece of human mechanism. Only 2 of her eight chil- dren are living and with her daughter, Charity Ellen, widow of William Twinem she makes her home. It is also the home of her grand daughter Mabel Twinem Harmon, her husband and 2 children; thus making a delightful family of 4 generations under the one roof. Pearly Twinem, only son of Charity E. and Wm. Twinem with his 2 children Mabel and Catherine are next door neighbors. All these live at Mt. Vernon, O. and constitute an ideal Patriarchial group or family. The only other surviving child of Richard and Mary Rice is Henry Allen Rice, who resides in Nebraska and has one daughter, Bessie Lea (Rice) Martin. She has 2 children, Eunice and Mary Catharine. Through other children now deceased Richard and Mary Rice had 7 other Grand-children; and 4 other great Grand- children. 67 CIVIL AND MILITARY RECORD OF A FEW OF THE DEACON'S DESCENDANTS Peter Rice, born Oct. 24, 1658, (son of Thomas) was Captain of the train-band and one of the committee, in 1711, who designated the garrison houses in Marlboro, (Mass.) and the heads of families that were to belong to them respectively. Capt. Peter Rice died Nov. 28, 1753, aged a little more than 95 years. Henry Rice born Dec. 6, 1685, was in the Army in 1755 and '57, and died in the service. Abraham Rice, born 1697, was a Captain and Selectman. Killed June 3d. 1777. John Rice, born Apr. 9, 1725, was from Apr. 26 to Nov. 6, 1757 in Smith's Company and marked "deceased." Bezaleel Rice, born about 1694, was in the service, in Clarke's Company, from Framingham. Edward Rice, born Dec. 23, 1689, was in the Service in 1724 in Capt. Sam'l Wright's Company, and was afterwards Captain in the Militia. Aaron Rice, Aug. 3d. 1700, was a Corporal in Sam'l Wright's Company from April 12 to Nov. 10, 1724. His name appears on the military rolls, as in occasional service, every year to the date of his death. He commanded a company on the northern frontier in 1755 and died in the Autumn of that year at Crown Point. He became a Captain, but was usually known as Quartermaster Rice, to distinguish him from his brothers, Capt. Edward and Capt. Moses Rice. Moses Rice, brother of above, was on Garrison duty in 1724, under Capt. Samuel Wright. Was a Captain and killed by the Indians June 11, 1755. Tyrus Rice, born Oct. 20, 1700. Was a soldier in several Campaigns during the French and Indian Wars and subse- 68 quently a Lieutenant under Brigadier Dwight, who left Worces- ter with his Company to fight the Indians, in Aug., 1748. Tyrus Rice died in 1783, aged 83. Adonijah Rice, born Nov. 7, 1714, was in several Campaigns against the Indians. He belonged to Capt. Andrew Dalrhymple's Company five months, ending Dec. 12, 1755; and in 1756 was a Sergeant in same Co. Died Jan. 20, 1802, in his 88th. year. Gideon Rice, born Apr. 5, 1712; was in the Army and living in 1741 ; (died previous to 1748). Joseph Rice, born May 24, 1712; was a soldier from Graf ton in 1757. Died in Graf ton, Feb. 12, 1789, aged 77. Peter Rice, born Feb. 7, 1761. In Page's Co. Rand's Regiment, at West Point in 1780 and died in Service. Sam'l Rice, May 10, 1730. Was in the Army and on roll of Williams' Co. in 1755 and 1757, and was still living in 1793. Henry Rice, Apr. 3, 1736, was in the "Lake Expedition" in 1758 ; in Fletcher's Co. from Holden, and enlisted in Chandler's Co., April 2, 1759. Uriah Rice, born 1734, was in the Army in 1780, in Drury's Co., Perry's Regiment. Silas Rice, born about 1736, was in the Revolutionary Army and probably died before Sept. 6, 1780. Aaron Rice, born Jan. 31, 1724-5. Corporal in Burke's Co. 1758, and member of State Convention in 1779, to frame a Constitution for the Commonwealth of Mass. Died 1808, aged 84. Sylvanus Rice, born Jan. 6, 1728-9. Served as Captain in 1776 and in 1779, in Chaplin's Regt. He died in 1819 in his 91st. year. His widow died in her 87th. Isaac Rice, Nov. 2, 1738, was in Ruggle's Co. in 1755 (aged then 17) and in Brown's Co. and Parker's Co. from Nov. 8, 1761 to Nov., 1762. Jason Rice, born Aug. 7, 1728, was Corporal in Jones' Co. 1756, from Hopkinton. Aaron Smith, born June 22, 1736, son of Ephramin Smith and Hannah Rice, fought at Bunker Hill, and died at Shrewsbury, May 9, 1825, aged 89. Military record of Jabez Rice and his wife, Miriam Morse. The parents of 15 children, "two of whom, born June 27, 1775, were baptized the next Sabbath John Hancock and Dorothy Quincy" Boston Gazette, July, 1775. 69 Abner Maynard, son of Abigail Rice, born Nov. 27, 1753, died in the Army in 1775. Amos Rice, Feb. 17, 1743, one of the Committee of Corre- spondence, 1775, and was at Lexington Alarm, and 2nd. Lieut. 1777, in Col. Job Cushing's regiment. Afterwards Captain. Died Dec. 14, 1827, in his 85th year. Benjamin Rice, born Feb. 1, 1722-23. "Captain; Selectman; and Representative." Died in Brookfield, Mass., Feb. 8, 1796, aged 73. Jonas Rice, born June 30, 1731. Was in Caldwell's Co. Aug. 1757, for Fort William and Henry; also in the Army of the Revolution and died in Service in 1776. Jason Rice, son of above, born May 14, 1756. In Hamilton's Co., July 4, 1778, at Fishkill. Levi Rice, born Apr. 13, 1760. In Hamilton's Co. July 4, 1778 at Fishkill, aged 18, and in 1780 under Miller six months. Asa Rice, Aug. 8, 1732. A soldier in the French War, from Westboro, and belonged to Capt. Bezaleel Eager 's Co. in 1757. Zebulon Rice, born Feb. 27, 1711-12. A soldier in Fay's Co. 1757, from Westboro. Joel Rice, born Apr. 13, 1760, was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, from Greenfield, 3 months, 25 days, in Day's Com- pany, 7th Regt. and on military rolls marked "dead" (Died in Service. ) Adam Rice, born Aug. 18. 1715. A soldier from Westboro, in Capt. Benj. Fay's Co., 1757. Oliver Rice, May 2, 1717. Soldier from Hardwick in 1757. Adonijah Rice, born May 28, 1727, a soldier in Capt. B. Fay's Co., 1757. Also in the War of the Rev. and in Barn's Co., 15th Regt. and on rolls marked "dead." Sam'l. S., son of above, born May 3, 1759, a soldier of the Rev. in Lee's Co., Smith's Regt. Charles Rice, born March 1, 1731, a soldier from Westboro, in John Taplin's Co., six months in 1755, also in 1757 in Capt. Fay's Co. Stephen Rice, Mar. 15, 1737. Delegates to Conventions of 1774 and 1775. Lieut. Col. in Reg't. of Job Gushing, Col. Warner's Brigade on Northern frontier, 1777. Representative from Hardwick 1775 and again in 1784. Died at Hardwick, Nov. 24, 1831, in his 95th year. Thomas Rice, of Westboro, Nov. 27, 1734, Captain. Graduate 70 of Harvard University, 1756. Judge Court of Common Pleas, County of Lincoln. Member State Convention that adopted Constitution of the U. S. and voted for it; and other offices of trust and responsibility. Died Apr. 21, 1812, in his 78th year. Nathaniel Rice, born Oct. 15, 1749, was in the 8 months service, 1775, and belonged to Moore's Company, Nixon's Regt. and died in the service. Peter Rice, born June 25, 1775 ; enlisted in the 8 months service, S. Washburn's Co., J. Ward's Regt., from Spencer. Died Feb. 1, 1813. Joel Rice, born Sept. 16, 1758. A Soldier of the Revolution and in the battle of White Plains. Died Apr. 19; 1838, in his 80th year. Joseph Livermore, born, 1740. Husband of Anna Rice, of E. Sudbury, was a Lieutenant at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and afterwards Captain. Solomon Rice, May 13, 1749, was in the 8 months service 1775. In Haynes' Company, Brewers' Regt. Probably killed in the Service Sept. 1777. Matthias, brother of above, born Oct. 31, 1752, was at Lexing- ton Alarm, April, 1775. Died Sept. 17, 1798. Joel Rice, born May 17, 1752, was in Day's Company, 7th. Reg't., 1777, and marked "dead" Military Rolls. Wm. Gates, (son of Jane Rice) born Apr. 21, 1758, was a drummer in the Army of the Rev., 4 yrs. and 7 mos., and died at Vienna. N. Y., Mar., 1852, aged 94 yrs. Jonathan Rice, Apr. 8, 1 736. For many years a deputy sheriff ; one of the law and order vo^nteers during Shav's Rebellion and shot, in a skirmish at New Braintree, in the Winter of 1786. Abel Rice, March 29, 1746, was a soldier in the Rev. in the 8 mos. service, 1775, in Drapers' Co., Gardner's Reg't. and sub- sequently a Sergeant in the service. Died July 9, 1800. Jacob Hememway, husband of Mary Rice, was a Lieutenant in the Company under command of Capt. Aaron Rice of Rutland, 1756 and upon the death of Capt. Rice at Crown Point suc- ceeded to the command, and died Feb. 6, 1801, aged 78. Joel Rice, born May 3, 1733. A member of the Committee of Correspondence and on the 19th of April, 1775, at Lexington Alarm. Lieut, in Gates' Co. and continued in service during most of the war. Died at Concord, Feb. 4, 1819, in his 86th year. 71 Nathan Rice, born Aug. 2, 1754, Harvard 1773. An officer in the Army during the Rev. Lieut. Col. stationed at Oxford. Died Apr. 17, 1834, aged 80. Hezekiah Rice, Sept. 19, 1748, soldier from Framingham in Prentiss' Co. Marshall's Reg't., 1776. In July, 1776, he was stationed at Noddle's Island, Boston Harbor. Nathan Rice, Nov. 1751, was at Lexington Alarm, Apr., 1775, and subsequently served in the Revolution. Died, a Rev. Pensioner, Jan. 30, 1836, aged 84. Daniel Rice, born Nov. 25, 1755. A Soldier of the Rev. in Brook's Co. Dyke's Reg't., 1782. Augustus Rice, his son, also entered the Army and died there. Hezekiah Rice, born Oct. 2, 1745. On the Military Rolls is called Hez. Jr. to distinguish him from his cousin Hez. Rice, both of whom were in the Service from Framingham. He was in Prentiss' Co., Marshall's Regt. in Boston Harbor from July 19, to Dec. 1, '76 ; also in the Service Aug. 16-Nov. 29, '77. Josiah Rice, born 1760, served in the Rev. Army 44 months and 17 davs and rec'd a bounty of 20 pounds. Died a Rev. Pensioner Oct. 29, 1830, aged 70. Martin Rice, born 1749, was in the 8 months service, in Maxwell's Co. Prescott's Regiment, 1775, from Charlemont and died July 17, 1841, aged 92. Edmund Rice, born Dec. 28, 1755. A Soldier of the Revolution and in the 8 months service 1775, Russell's Co., Brewer's Regi- ment. He died May 14, 1841, in his 86th. year. Martin Rice, born March 17. 1757, was in the 8 months service, in Holman's Co., and in Pollard's Co., Denny's Reg't., 1780. He died in 1833, aged 76. Asa Rice, born Mar. 12, 1742. A soldier in Maynard's Co. from Apr. 3, to Nov. 30, 1759, when aged 17. From Shrews- bury, in an expedition against the French and Indians. At Lexington Alarm, 1775, and a Captain 1777, in Col. Job. Cushing's Reg't. at Bennington. Made returns Sept. 14, 1778, of men under his command, as Captain from Shrewsbury. Sub- sequently was Major and Colonel of 6th. Reg't., 7th Division, Mass. Militia, and 16 years Selectman. Died Aug. 4, 1823, in his 82nd. year. Jacob Rice, born Apr. 21, 1784, was a Lieutenant Colonel; Selectman and Representative and died at Sudbury, 1833. Nahum Rice, born Mar. 16, 1757. A soldier of the Revolution. 72 Summary of Services of Nahum Rice, as stated on Military Rolls, Smith's Co., 13th. Regt. 46 Months, 21 Days. He died Sept. 29, 1831, on his 75th. year. Elisha Rice, born Apr. 4, 1756. Was a Soldier of the Rev. and engaged in several battles, in one of which he was wounded in the head, and from his shattered skull thirteen pieces of bone were extracted. His revolutionary services as summed up on the Military Rolls, were "45 months, 5 days, in the Light Infantry." He died in 1811, in his 56th. year. Joseph Rice, born Apr. 7, 1760. Was in the 5th. Division, 6 months men from Northboro, July 6, 1780, and in March, 1781, in Brigham's Co., Cushing's Regiment from Northboro. He was in service also in 1778 and was a Rev. Pensioner, died Sept. 11, 1826, in his 67th year. ALEXANDER HAMILTON RICE, born Aug. 30, 1818, Union College, 1844. Mayor of Boston, 1855-57. Member of Con- gress 4 terms, serving from Dec. 5, 1859 to March 3rd, 1867. Delegate to the Republican National Convention in 1868. Governor of Mass, in 1876-77-78. Died 22nd July, 1895, aged 77. Americus V. Rice, born Nov. 18th, 1735. Union College 1860. Lieutenant and Captain in Civil War, afterwards reenlisted and became Lieut. Colonel ; fought in Sherman's campaigns in Gen. Hazen's division. Brig. Gen. 31 May, 1865, and mustered out 15th Jan., 1866. Elected to Congress in 1874 and re-elected 1876. BENJ. FRANKLIN RICE, May 26, 1828, was Presidential Elec- tor, from Ky., 1856. Moved to Minnesota in 1860 and enlisted in the National Army in 1861. Captain in 3d. Minn, infantry till 1864. Removed to Arkansas and was the Organizer of the Republican party in that state in 1867. Elected U. S. Senator, and served from June 3, 1868, to Mar. 3, 1873. Harvey Rice, born June 11,1 800. Graduated Williams College and removed to Ohio in 1824. In 1828 purchased and pub- ished "The Independent News Letter," now known as "The Cleveland Plain Dealer." In 1830 was the first Democrat ever elected to the Legislature from Cleveland, O. In 1851 elected to the State Senate and was author of the bill for the re-organi- zation of the Common-school System of Ohio. Received the degree of LL.D. from Williams College in 1871. Was com- 73 monly known as "Father of the School System of Ohio." Poet and Author, wrote "Mt. Vernon and Other Poems," pub. 1864 ; "Nature and Culture," "Boston 1875," "Pioneers of the West- ern Reserve" (1882), "Select Poems" (1885), and "Sketches of Western Life," (1888). Hon. Harvey Rice was a brother-in- law of Reuben Wood, Gov. of Ohio. He died in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1891 in his 92d. year. HENRY M. RICE, born Nov. 29, 1816. Emigrated to Mich. 1835, and to Fort Snelling (then in Iowa Territory) in 1839. In Aug. 1847 was U. S. Commissioner in making a treaty with the Ojibway Indians at Fond du Lac. Settled in St. Paul, Minn., in 1849 and elected a delegate to Congress in 1853, and again in 1855. Framed and introduced the bill for a State Constitution, preparatory to the admission of Minnesota into the Union. Elected to the United States Senate, serving from May 11, 1858, to March 3rd, 1863. A delegate to the National Union Convention at Philad. in 1866. He was a Founder of Bayfield, Wisconsin, and of Munising, Michigan ; and gave Rice Park to the City of St. Paul. Died in San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 15th., 1894, aged 78. James Clay Rice, born in Mass. Dec. 27th, 1829. Yale 1854. Entered Civil War and became Adjutant and Captain and, on the organization of the 44th N. Y. Reg. was Lieutenant Colonel. Soon became its Col. and led it in the battles of Yorktown; Hanover Court House; Gaine's Mill; Malvern Hill; Manas- sas ; Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and at Gettysburg he commanded a brigade. Commissioned, for service at Gettysburg, a Brig. Gen'l. of Vol. Aug. 17, 1863. Killed in Battle near Spottsylvania Court House, Va.. Mav 11, 1864. Samuel Allen Rice, born Jan 27, 1828. Union College 1849. In 1856 elected Attorney Gen. of Iowa, and re-elected in '58. Entered the National Army as Col. of the 33d. Iowa Vol. Commissioned Aug. 10, 1862. For bravery at Helena, Ark., he was promoted Brigadier General, of volunteers on 4th. Aug., 1863. Mortally wounded 30th. Apr., 1864. Elliott Warren Rice, brother of above, born 16th. Nov., 1835. Enlisted in National Army and rose to rank of Brigadier Gen. Commissioned 20th. June, 1864. Commanded a brigade in Gen. John M. Corse's division in Carolinas and was in Gen. Sherman's Campaigns in Georgia. He was brevetted Major General 13th. March, 1865. 74 MARY A. RICE LIVERMORE, (dau. of Timothy Rice) (Line of Edw. Rice) b. Dec. 19, 1820, has the best Civil War record of any woman in the U. S. with the single exception of Clara Barton, who is her kinswoman and also a descendant of Deacon Edmund Rice. Mary Ashton Rice married, May 6, 1845, Rev. Daniel P. Livermore of Maiden, Mass. All Livermores are descendants of Deacon Rice, they having intermarried since the 1st. settlement in Mass. Mrs. Livermore edited a paper for 12 yrs. before the Civil War and in 1862 was appointed an Agent of the U. S. Sanitary Commission. She traveled exten- sively in this work and organized the Sanitary Fair in Chicago and raised nearly $100,000, for the Association. She obtained the original draft of the Emancipation Proclamation from Presi- dent Lincoln, which she sold for $3,000, for the same purpose. She was a Hospital Nurse during the war, for account of which, see her book entitled "My Story of the War." After the close of the War she became a lecturer of note. At a time when the Lyceum Bureau was at the height of its popularity she was one of the four lecturers who were most in demand ; the other three being men. For many years she spoke 5 nights in the week, for 5 months in the year, travelling 25,000 miles annually. She was long known as "Queen of the American Platform." She died May 23, ,1905, aged 84 years plus. CLARA BARTON, born in Oxford, Mass. Dec. 25, 1821. 7th. generation from Deacon Edmund Rice, was, in 1864 appointed by Gen. B. F. Butler, "Lady in charge" of the Hospitals at the front of the Army of the James. In 1865 she was placed, by Pres. Lincoln, in charge of the search for the missing men of the Union Armies. She lectured in 1866-67 on her War experi- ences and then went abroad for her health. At the beginning of the Franco-Prussian War, in 1870, she assisted the Grand Dutchess of Baden in the preparation of Military Hospitals. At the close of the War she was decorated with the Golden Cross of Baden and the Iron Cross of Germany. In 1881 she became the first President of the American Red Cross Society. She was a delegate to the International Peace Conference at Geneva in 1884, and a Commissioner for foreign exhibits at the New Orleans Exhibition. In 1883, by request of the Senate Committee on foreign relations, she prepared a "History of the Red Cross," which was published at the expense of the U. S. Government. 75 Miss Barton, now nearing her 90th. year, lives near Washing- ton, D. C., and is keenly alive to all the affairs of the Nation as well as to the affairs of the Foreign Governments under which she has played so important a part. 76 "WHOM THE GODS LOVE, DIE YOUNG." "For why should youth and beauty in the grave lie low?" Henry Rice. Died Feb. 10, 1710, aged 93. Edward Rice. Died Aug. 15, 1812, aged 93. Mathew Rice. Died 1717, aged 90. Martha Rice. Died 1720, aged 91. Ephraim Pratt m. Martha Rice d. aged 116 yrs. 5 mo. 22 dys. See Timothy Dwight's Travels, Vol. 2. Page 358. He was born Nov. 1st, 1687. Died May 22nd, 1804. Ephraim and Martha Pratt had 4 sons who lived to be over 90 years of age; and 2 daughters who were between 80 and 90 years old. Mary Rice. Died Feb. 1804, aged 99. Thos. Rice. Died Dec. 1768, aged 94. Peter Rice. Died Nov. 28th, 1753, aged 95. Gershom Rice died Dec. 19th, 1768, aged 101 yrs. 7 mos. Gershom Rice was one of his parents. 14 children, of whom, except 2 who died in infancy, all lived to a great age, Peter was 97 ; Thomas 94 ; Mary 80 ; Nathaniel 70 ; Ephraim 71 ; James 72; Sarah 80; Frances 96; Jonas 84; Grace 95 ; Elisha 60 ; The aggregate age of the 12 children being 1000 years. Nathaniel Rice. Died July 19, 1811, aged 96. Mehitabell (his wife). Died 1809, aged 90. Mary Rice. Died Dec. 1766, aged 95. Hannah Rice. Died June 6th, 1766, aged 93. Richard Rice. Died June 9th, 1709, aged 100. Jonathan Rice. Died June 7th, 1772, aged 92. Anne (his wife). Died Dec. 23, 1773, aged 92. Patience Rice. Died Jan. 2nd, 1796, aged 94. Hannah Rice. Died 1822, aged 95. Margaret Rice. Died 1794, aged 91. Lydia Rice. Died Jan. 1832, aged 96. 77 Lydia Rice. Died Jan. 1793 aged 92. Elisha Rice. Died March 10th, 1789, aged 99. Martha (his wife). Died 1785, aged 90. Cyprian Rice. Died Nov. 1788, aged 95. Elizabeth Rice. Died 1801, aged 91. Gershom Rice. Died 1829, aged 93. Mary Rice. Died 1803, aged 97. Reuben Rice. Died 26th, 1826, aged 94. Elijah Rice. Died March, 1818, aged 97. Susanna Rice. Died Dec. 17, 1823, aged 92. Seth Rice. Died 1796, aged 91. Dorothy Rice (his wife). Died June, 1801, aged 93. Mary Rice. Died May 18, 1790, aged 91. Josiah Rice. Died 1792, aged 92. Submit Rice. Died 1849, aged 91. Dinah Rice. Died Sept. 6th, 1818, aged 92. Sylvanus Rice. Died 1819, aged 91. Thomas Rice. Died Oct. 28th, 1840, aged 93. Mary Rice. Died Dec. 1841, aged 92. Ashur Rice. Died 1823, aged 93. Stephen Rice. Died 1831, aged 95. Hepzibah Rice. Died 1854, aged 91. Esther Rice. Died Dec. 29, 1755, aged 93. Ruth Rice. Died Feb. 12th, 1837, aged 91. Ezekiel Rice. Died Jan. 23, 1835, aged 93. Copiah Rice. Died March 25, 1844, aged 98. Charles Rice. Died 1848, aged 90. Israel Rice. Died 1833, aged 91. Uriah Rice. Died Sept. 22, 1850, aged 94. Mary (his wife). Died 1855, aged 93. Asa Rice. Died 1847, aged 91. Martin Rice. Died July 17, 1841, aged 92. Rachel Rice. Died 1858, aged 96. Aaron Rice. Died 1856, aged 92. Abigail Rice. Died Apr. 6, 1837, aged 90. Prudence Rice. Died Jan. 23, 1836, aged 92. William Rice. Died 1854, aged 95. Hannah Rice. Died 1856, aged 90. Jemima Rice. Died Feb. 14, 1855, aged 97. Eber Rice. Died June 11, 1853, aged 90. Mary Rice Richardson. Died Oct. 25, 1798, aged 105. 78 Hon. Harvey Rice. Died Nov. 6, 1891, aged 92. Nancy (Rice) Walker. Died April 11, 1904, aged 92. Nancy Rice. Died Plymouth, Mass., aged 101 yr. 9 mo. Sophia Rice. Died Los Angeles, Cal., 1909, aged 99. Mary Mason Rice, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, now (1911) aged 91. 79 ICE FAMILY GRADUATES OF HARVARD AND OTHER UNIVERSITIES Caleb Rice, Dec. 13, 1712, H. U. 1730. David Goddard, Rev. born 1706, H. U. 1731. Amariah Frost, son of Elizabeth Rice, Oct. 4, 1720, H. U. 1740. Caleb Rice, May 7, 1740, H. U. 1764. Noah Rice, Sept. 10, 1751, H. U. 1777. Nathan Rice, Aug. 2, 1754, H. U. 1773. Jesse Rice, May 25, 1751, H. U. 1772. Isaac Stone, Son of Rachel Rice, Mar. 6, 1748, H. U. 1770. Merrick Rice, Feb. 19, 1765, H. U. 1785. Jacob Rice, Nov. 27, 1740, H. U. 1765. Luther Rice, March 25, 1783, Williams College 1810. Ebenezer Rice, Dr. Jan. 2, 1733, H. U. 1760. Asaph Rice, May 9, 1733, H. U. 1752. Asapah Rice, Feb. 17, 1777, H. U. 1799. Thomas Rice, June 9, 1782, Yale 1803. Benj. Rice, May 11, 1749, H. U. 1773. Thomas Rice, Nov. 27, 1734, H. U. 1756. Thos., his Son, Mar. 30, 1769, H. U. 1791. Benjamin Rice, July 8, 1774, H. U. 1796. Charles Rice, Nov. 28, 1781, H. U. 1797, died '99. Caleb Rice, Dec. 5, 1784, H. U. 1803. Samuel Rice, 1795, H. U. 1816. Geo. Shattuck, son of Mary Rice, Dartmouth Col. 1 839. Jonas L. Sibley, Son of Lydia Rice, Brown Col. 1813. John J. Sibley, Son of Lydia Rice, Brown College, 1815. Clough R. Miles, Son of Elizabeth C. Rice, b. 1796, H. U. 1817 Asa Miles, Dartmouth College, 1787. Geo. E. Rice, July 10, 1822, H. U. 1842. John Paine m. Sally Rice, H. U. 1799. John F. Ware m. Caroline Rice, H. U. 1838. 80 Nathan Payson Rice, May 26, 1828, H. U. 1849. (A Grand Son of Hon. Levi Lincoln, Sec. War.) Gamaliel Bradford, m. Sophia Rice, H. U. 1814. Henry G. Rice, Feb. 18, 1784, H. U. 1802. William B. Rice, H. U. 1843. John G. Coffin, m. Elizabeth Rice, H. U. 1811. Henry Rice Coffin, Nov. 10, 1810, H. U. 1830. Augustus Warren Wbipple, Son of Martha M. Rice, born 1824, H. U. 1849. Caleb Rice, born 1792, Williams Col. 1814. Spencer Trask, born 1844, Princeton 1866. Josiah Rutter, m. Abigail E. Rice, H. U. 1833. George Rice, Sept. 28, 1839, Yale 1857. Lorenzo P. Blood, Son of Hannah Rice, 1824, Amherst 1846. Freeman Parker, born July 13, 1776, married Rebecca Rice, H. U. 1797. Geo. F. Farley, married Lucy R. Rice, H. U. 1816. James Clay Rice, Dec. 27, 1829, Yale 1854. Harvey Rice, born June 11, 1800, Williams College, 1824. Americus V. Rice, Nov. 18, 1835, Union College 1860. Gov. Alexander H. Rice, Aug 30, 1818, Union College 1844. 81 Thus Endeth the Record of the Sapient and Militant Deacon Edmund Rice, The Pilgrim, to whom the Lord added much Posterity and Great Length of Days. Done by the Deacon's 6th. Great Grand Son Chas. Elmer Rice, Antiquarian and Genealogist. 19101911. See next Page 82 "ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL." A Romance, in Two Chapters, Copied Verbatim from the Letters in Possession of the Author. Chapter 1. New York July 25 1794 Dear Betsey After I Left your Farthers My Mind Was not att Pease the Eyeidea of Being Absent from you for three or fouer Months Was Sufisshent to Make me Misrable for that Time if that Was all But the Unsertenty of My Ever Seing you again Was and is still Wors But I Hope in God That if We ever Meate Again that we shall not Part as We Did then the Little Time that I was with you Was the Happyist Days of My Life But the Situation that We Parted in Has Mad Me Mis- rable Ever Sense and Had You the Least feling for Ahart that is Bound up in you you Wold not Delay My Happynis Eney Longer But Comply to the Wishes of your Lover And frind Tild Death" Signed "Thomas Hart-" Miss Betsey Rice N. B. Give My Love to your Sisters. T. 83 Chapter 2. New York June 30 1795, Dear Betsey These Will lett you no that I am Well Which I Hope that they May find You and Little Abby thrue the Blessing of God The Vessel that I Expected to go to Sea in Had Sailed Before I Arived But I Have Partley Agread to go to Sea in the Schooner Presadent Belonging To Mr. Ogden of New York and Do Expect to Go to Sum Part of Hispaoley (Prob- ably "Hispanola,") But Shall Wright you More Perticulers Before I Sail. Give my Duty to Dady and Mamma and Love to Brothers and Sisters from Your Loveing Husband Tild Death Thomas Hart Mrs. Betsey Hart Killingworth, Conn, Per Captn. Buell, Sloop Sally. 84 University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. A 000 034 709 6