PRESENTED BY THE RADCLIFFE TRUSTEES TO lEx Xibris GIFT OF ASTROITOFJCAL SOCIETY OP THE PACIFIC THE RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS FOR 1900. OXFORD : HORACE HART, M.A. PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY CATALOGUE 1772 STARS, CHIEFLY COMPEISED WITHIN THE ZONE 85-90 N.P.B., FOR THE EPOCH 1900, DEDUCED FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY, OXFORD, H DURING THE YEARS 18941903. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ARTHUR A. RAMBAUT, M.A. (DUEL. ET OXON.), D.SC., F.B.S., F.R.A.S., M.K.I.A., RADCLIFFE OBSEBVER, OXFORD. PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE RADCLIFFE TRUSTEES. OXFORD: HENEY FEOWDE, M.A.: 116 HIGH STEEET. LONDON: OXFOED UNIVEESITY PEESS WAEEHOUSE, AMEN COENEE, E.C. ALSO AT EDINBURGH, GLASGOW, NEW YORK, AND TORONTO. 1906. ASTRONOM THE RADCLIFFE TRUSTEES, 1906. His GEACE THE DUKE OF BEDFOED, K.G. THE RIGHT HON. THE EAEL OF JEESEY, G.C.B. THE RIGHT HON. THE VISCOUNT PEEL. THE RIGHT HON. SIB EDWAED GEEY, Barfc., P.O., M.P. SIE WILLIAM R ANSON, Bart., M.P., "Warden of All Souls College. THE REV. HENEY BOYD, D.D., Principal of Hertford College. ERRATA IN THE RADCLIFFE CATALOGUES OF STARS FOR 1845, 1860, AND 1890. All known errors except such as have been published in the first two RadcluTe Catalogues are given in the following lists. Some of these have already appeared as errata in the volumes of Radcliffe Observations. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF 6317 STABS FOE 1845 'o. Page. No. Column. For Read 26 421 Mean RA. (R.) I" 14- 27-64 i h I4 m 28-26 37 616 Mean N.P.D. (R) 11 33' i8"-o " 33' I5"'5 48 826 Mean RA. (R) 2h . A m .. T B *nQ 44 4* y^ 2 h 44 m 41-00 49 823 Mean N.P.D. (R) 43 12' 42 58' _ 2 884 Precession 1 3.Qog + 3-988 64 ut-rtf HOT Magnitude 7'e TO V *T J Estimates of Magnitude / *> 3 JP I )> Number of Observations R.A. 3 I Mean Year (R.) 57'o 56-0 70 1200 Mean RA. (R) 4 h io m 3-59 4 h io m 4-57 92 1594 Mean RA. (R) 5 h 47 m 30-88 5 h 47 29-88 108 1876 Mean RA. (R) 6" 54 m 30-37 6 h 54 m 32 ,. 37 109 1876 Ordinal Number 1676 1876 124 2 1 U Magnitude 8-9 9*1 V Estimates of Magnitude w .7 4 3 H Mean RA. (R) gh 2I m 6 .. 50 gh 2I m ^g Number of Observations RA. 4 3 Mean Year (R) 52-1 54'i 124 2ICC Magnitude Q'O 87 M Estimates of Magnitude y v 2 3 Mean RA. (R) gh 2I m 7 .. 20 8 h 2i m 7-07 Number of Observations RA. I 2 Mean Year (R) 52-1 49'2 127 2199 Mean N.P.D. (R) 42 43' 49"'8 22 43' 49"-8 I3O 226O i 966 + I'-ggS "j 247 *T^O* 4.271 Adopted P.M + o"'O9 o"~og ^t/ 20 C -j- / * sin Precession ... -f- I4"'24 i4"'24 :7O 3T2 j S438 Mean E.A. (R.) 2i b 46"" 46 a< 24 21 h 46 46"o8 J* JTO 1 -' Number of Observations E.A. 4 3 M Mean Year (R) 46-4 4&'2 312 5439 Mean RA. (R) 2I h 46 46" 56 2i h 46 46 8> 58 n Number of Observations R.A. 4 5 J Mean Year (R) 48-5 48-1 313 5431 Mean N.P.D. (R) 25 29' i9"'3 25 29' 22"'9 316 5522 Mean RA. (R) 2I h ^gm 32 5 '6l 2i h 56" 33"29 341 Sec. Var. and Adopted P.M., headings should be interchanged. 347 6044 Mean N.P.D. (R) 39 19' 53"'2 32 19' 53"'2 35i 6100 Mean N.P.D. (R) 46 46' 52"'5 46 46' 57"'5 354 6100 Precession 2"-87i + 2"-87i J J*r 359 v y 6236 Mean N.P.D. (R) v / 39 22' 2o" - 8 39 32' 2o"-8 RADOLIFFE CATALOGUE OF 2386 STARS FOR i86ox>. Page. No. Column. For Read 27 44 Mean N.P.D Q3 22' l8"'4 93 22' i8"*o Mean Year ws Wo n 54 & 55 }i 931 Number of Observations Name of Star 4 * 5 Oeltz. Arg. (N.Z.) 9703 54 & 55 93 2 Name of Star Oeltz. Arg. (N.Z.) 9703 Oeltz. Arg. (N.Z.) 9704 92 1581 Annual P.M. in RA + O"'O23 + o' - oo6 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF 6424 STARS FOR 1890-0. Page. No. Column. For Read ix j> IO 60 ri j 126 179 183 231 232 196 5> 28lO 3995 4055 da 1891 + O-IOO 0"'232 O h so m 3 g 8 . 79s + o"'ooo5 Orionis S Var. .ete the first footnote. Seztantis 28 09 o"'394 90 27' 35"-oo [otion (vide Astronomical . 5190 + 0-085 + o"'266 o h 50 38-807 + 0-0050 Orionis 8-7 Sextantis 28209 o"'4O4 90 27' 35"73 r ournal 422) 5i89 d N. 218 10 20-08 20-06 16 38 2O- 1 S. 20-O5 8 14 II 2O'9 N. 218 10 19-94 20-13 15 16 20-8 S. 20-32 9 13 4i 21'9 N. 218 10 20'06 20-27 H 4i 21-9 S. 20-49 10 13 5 23-0 N. 218 10 20-06 20-17 13 9 22'9 S - . 2O-29 ii 12 34 24-0 N. 218 10 20-33 20-20 12 34 24'O S. 20-08 The correction for run of each microscope is taken as the excess (or defect) over five minutes of arc of the differences between the readings corresponding to two adjacent traits on the circle. The mean correction for the four microscopes has been applied to every circle reading. The division errors as determined by Stone in 1881 and 1882 have been applied to all readings of the circle (see p. xix). The inclination of the horizontal wire has been frequently determined and from many observations made at various parts of the wire it is shown that it is sensibly a straight line. The refractions down to Z. D. 85 are those of Bessel's Tabulae Regiomontanae, computed by the aid of the Tables printed as an Appendix to the Greenwich Observations for 1853. Below 85 zenith-distance, the mean refractions of the Fundamenta, multiplied by the factor 1-003282, have been substituted for those of the Tabulae Regiomontanae for the sake of continuity. In the calculations, the barometer-readings used are those of the standard by Newman, No. 1220, which hangs in the Transit-Circle room with its cistern at a height of 2^ feet above the floor, and the thermometer-readings are those of Hicks, No. 576, which is mounted on the north side RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900. Xxiil of the building, and is used as a standard thermometer for the reduction of the photographic meteorological records. The star corrections have been computed by the aid of Stone's Tables (Appendix to Cape Observations, 1874) and Bessel's Day Numbers, except for stars whose apparent places are given in the Nautical Almanac. The corrections for these stars have been found by subtracting the apparent R.A., or Declination as the case might be, from the mean as given in that work. PROPER MOTION AND PRECESSION. The proper motions adopted in the catalogue are for the most part those of Auwers' Neue Reduction der Bradley schen Beobachtungen. The exceptions to- this rule are pointed out in the notes at the foot of each page. The proper motions given by Auwers in his Verbesserungen der Eigeribewegungen, published in the Astronomische Nachrichten, 3928-9, generally agree very closely with those of Auwers' Bradley for stars contained in the Radcliffe Catalogue for 1900 ; the few exceptions are indicated in the notes (e.g. Nos. 1020, 1358, 1491, &c.). The proper motion in N.P.D. of Auwers' Bradley for No. 1264 is only approximate, and that of Bossert has therefore been preferred. For close circumpolar stars the proper motions of Auwers' Bradley (reduced to 1900) have been used where possible. For No. 709 (Groomb. 1119), and No. 1178 (G-roomb. 2283), the values found by Thackeray (Monthly Notices of R. A. S., Iviii, pp. 45-6) have been adopted. As the Struve-Peters constants of the pre- cession have been used throughout, the above proper motions have been preferred to those of Newcomb, which are based on the new value of the precession obtained by him. Proper motions taken from other sources than Auwers' Bradley have been checked by the recent Radcliffe observations before they were adopted for the Catalogue. The following works have been consulted for proper motions, and are referred to in the notes to the Catalogue : AUWERS. * Verbesserungen der Oerter des vorlaufigen Fundamental-Catalogs.' . . . Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 3511. ATJWERS. 'Tobias Mayer's Sternverzeiclmiss.' (Chiefly Zodiacal Stars. Auwers considers these proper motions of equal or nearly equal value to those of Auwers' Bradley.) AUWERS. 'Catalog der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Berlin A, pp. 212-224, Verzeichniss der Eigenbewegungen.' (The corrections on pp. 360-362 have been applied.) AUWERS. 'Fundamental-Catalog fur die Zonen-Beobachtungen, i875'O ; Astronomische Gesellschaft, xiv, xvii.' BECKER. ' Catalog der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Berlin A, pp. 210-213 ; Verzeichniss der Eigenbewegungen.' (In a few instances the places of stars with marked discordances, given at pp. 221-223, nave been discussed and the proper motions determined for the present Catalogue (vide Nos. 833, 1405, and 1448.) Boss. 'Catalog der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, Albany. Notes to the Catalogue, Part I, pp. 222-231.' (In Part II of the Notes, Boss indicates possible proper motions for certain other stars. Some of these suspicions have been confirmed by the Radcliffe observations, and the values of the proper motions computed and adopted; e.g. Nos. 127, 260, &c.) BOSSERT. 'Determination des Mouvements Propres des Etoiles,' given in the Introductions to the four volumes of the ' Catalogue de 1'Observatoire de Paris.' PORTER. ' Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory, No. 12. Catalogue of 1340 Proper Motion Stars.' PORTER. 'Publications of the Cincinnati Observatory, No. 14. Catalogue of 2030 Stars and Proper Motions of 971 Stars.' SCHROETER. ' Untersuchung iiber die Eigenbewegung von Sternen in der Zone 65-7O nordlicher Declination. Publication des Universitats-Observatoriums in Christiania.' STONE. Proper motions specially computed for the ' Radcliffe Catalogue of 6424 Stars for 1890,' and adopted in that work. In several cases, as indicated in the notes, the proper motions have been specially computed for the present work. For this purpose the following Catalogues have been utilized : Lalande, 1800 ; Weisse's Bessel, 1825 ; Downing's Taylor, 1835 ; Riimker, 1836 ; Santini, 1840 ; Oeltzen's d 2 XXIV INTRODUCTION TO THE Argelander, 1842; Paris, 1845; Weisse's Argelander (S), 1850; Frisby's Yarnall, 1860; Paris, 1860; Brussels, 1865 ; Schjellerup, 1865 ; Glasgow, 1870 ; Albany A. G., 1875 ; Bonn A. G., 1875 5 Berlin (B) A. G., 1875 ; Paris, 1875 ; Lament, 1880 ; Cape, 1880 ; Eadcliffe, 1890 ; Glasgow, 1890. In comparing these catalogues Auwers' Tafeln zur Reduction von Sterncatalogen auf das System des Fundamental-Catalogs des Berliner Jahrbuchs, published as No. 7 of the Erganzungshefte zu den Astronomischen Nachrichten, have been employed in order to render the material as homogeneous as possible. At the time this comparison was made, the corrections for pivot errors had not yet been applied to the recent Oxford observations of right ascensions. The corrections for systematic errors given in that work for the Eadcliffe Catalogue, 1890 (which are to a great extent accounted for by the pivot corrections subsequently applied, see Monthly Notices of R. A. S., vol. Ixv, p. 79), have, therefore, in this part of the work, been assumed to be applicable to both the 1890 and 1900 Catalogues. The reduction of the separate results to the epoch of the Catalogue has been made in the following manner : For use in computing the precessions, preliminary places, as accurate as possible, for 1900-0 were first found for each star. These were taken, (1) for Nautical Almanac Stars, from that work for 1900 ; (2) for Zone Stars between 85 and 89 N.P.D., from Albany, A. G., adopting the pre- cessions given in that Catalogue and applying proper motions, when sensible, from some of the sources mentioned above; (3) for Zodiacal Stars, chiefly from recent Greenwich annual volumes ; (4) for Close Polar Stars, from recent Eadcliffe observations, using the precessions given in Eadcliffe, 1890, and Greenwich, 1890, allowing for the third term of the pre- cession and proper motions whenever sensible; (5) for miscellaneous stars, from some modern catalogue, e.g. Greenwich, 1880 or 1890, Paris, 1875, and various A. G. Catalogues ; or, if the star's place could not be readily found, it was specially brought up from the recent Eadcliffe observations. With these places, the precessions and secular variations were then computed with the help of Folie's Douze Tables pour le calcul des Reductions Stellaires, employing the Struve - Peters constants. The precessions and secular variations thus found were then checked by comparing them with the values given in (1) one of the A. G. Catalogues ; (2) Greenwich Catalogue, 1890 ; (3) Greenwich volumes of recent years. For stars not found in any of the above the computation was carefully examined throughout. With the values of the precessions so deduced, and, in the cases of standard stars, including proper motion, each separate observation was reduced to 1900-0. The resulting places were then compared together, and if the agreement of the separate results inter se was not perfectly satisfac- tory, those values which stood out from the mean, together with those means which differed considerably from the preliminary places found as explained above, were marked, and all computa- tions relating to them critically examined. In this way, it is hoped, the errors, from which we can scarcely expect to be entirely free, have been kept within as narrow limits as possible. In all cases, the proper motions given in the Catalogue have been included in deducing the final places. If, therefore, at any time it should be desired to substitute other values of the proper motion for those here given, this can easily be accomplished by adding to the co-ordinates of the star, as found in the Catalogue, the product obtained by multiplying the difference between the given proper motion and that which is to be substituted for it by the interval in years between the mean date of observation of the star and the epoch of the Catalogue. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900. XXV DETERMINATION OF THE EQUINOX. The right ascensions of the stars in this catalogue were in the first instance based on those of the Greenwich Clock Star Lists issued annually by the Eoyal Observatory. For the period covered by the catalogue, with the exception of the last year, these constitute a fairly homogeneous system, the mean difference of any two lists being very small, although more than one change was made in the sources from which the places were deduced. Thus for the years 1894-97 they were taken from the new Five-Year Catalogue of 258 Fundamental /Stars for 1890. From 1898 to 1900 they are the mean E. A.s adopted for the Ten-Year Catalogue for 1890. In 1901 and 1902 they are deduced from the ' Standard Mean Eight Ascensions of Clock Stars for 1890-0, based on Twelve-Hour Groups,' printed at the end of the Introduction to the Second Ten-Year Catalogue for 1890. In the Clock List for 1903, however, an abrupt change was introduced, the places being taken from the same list of standard right ascensions as in the two preceding years, but having a correction of + o s -o54 applied to them to refer them to the Equinox of Professor Newcomb's Catalogue of Funda- mental Stars for 1900. As the observations for the present catalogue were then drawing to a close, and as it was obviously advisable to refer all the observations to the same equinox, this correction with its sign changed was applied to the places of the Greenwich Clock Star List for 1903 before the latter were used in reducing the Oxford observations. Observations of the Sun were made at this Observatory during the years 1896-99, for the determination of the equinox and the position of the ecliptic. These observations were discussed in the manner described at pp. 101 and 102 of vol. xliv, and pp. 226 and 227 of vol. xlvii of the Radcliffe Observations. The results for each separate year and the number of observations are as follows : 5^ da dA doj s n 1896 71 + O'OI2 + 0-18 + 0-13 1897 29 + 0-178 o'33 0-08 1898 81 0*672 + 0'I I + 0-05 1899 81 0-069 0-19 + 0-96 In this table da denotes the mean correction required by the observed right ascensions, dA ,, .N..r.D.s, and da> tabular obliquity, as indicated by the observations of the Sun, Taking the simple means we find da = +o s -oi2 ; dA = o"-o6 ; dot) = + o"-2'j. The observations of the Sun in these years are somewhat unevenly distributed so that some of the values given above are of less weight than others. Assigning approximate weights to the individual results, determined by the number of observations and their distribution in the various seasons, we find da = +o s -oo9 ; dA = o"-O3 ; da> = + o"-2i. The solar observations, for the years 1896-99, were reduced with the value of the colatitude adopted by Stone for the 1890 Catalogue, viz. 38 14' 2 4 "-6i and no account was taken of the variation of this quantity in computing them. It was, therefore, necessary to ascertain how far they must be modified when allowance is made for this variation. The corrections for the variation of latitude up to the end of the year 1899, were obtained by means of the values of x and y given in the Astronomical Journal, No. 522, p. 147, in the columns headed ' Comp.' After 1900-0 Albrecht's values published in the Astronomische Nachrichten, 3808, 3875, and 3945 were employed in the discussion of the colatitude. XXVI INTRODUCTION TO THE When these corrections are applied to the observations of the Sun we find da = o a -oio ; dA = o"-O3 ; da> = + o"-ij. It will thus be seen that whether the variation of latitude be taken into account or not the correction to the equinox (da) is practically insensible in observations of the Sun. This result, being obtained from the observations of only four years, is naturally affected by considerable uncertainty, and it has, accordingly, not been applied in deducing the final right ascension of stars. The equinox of the catalogue is therefore the same as that of the Greenwich ' Standard Mean Right Ascension of Clock Stars for 1890-0.' The Colatitude. The colatitude deduced from 246 observations of close circumpolar stars above and below the pole is 08 14' Z^'-AI. This value had been obtained and employed in reducing the places of a large number of stars before the correction for variation of latitude had been computed. The effect of the introduction of these corrections into the places of the close polars was to improve slightly the agreement of the N.P.D.s inter se, but the resulting mean correction to the deduced colatitude was practically nil, being only o"-oi. The above value of the colatitude was therefore adopted without alteration. As an example of the effect of the movement of the pole on the observations the following table is given which exhibits the probable error of an observation in N.P.D. of Polaris as computed with and without the corrections for variation of latitude. PBOBABLE ERROR IN N.P.D. OF POLARIS. TTncorrected. Corrected. No. of Obs. Polaris 1897 a O'22O 0-256 8 1898 0-679 0-594 4 1899 0-28I 0-258 4 1903 0-179 O'lIO 7 Polaris, S.P. 1897 0-311 0-252 7 1898 + O'2OO 0-179 9 These groups of observations have been selected for the purpose of illustration as including a relatively large range of variation in latitude, i.e. not less than o"-2o. ORBITAL MOTION OF SIRIUS AND PROCYON AND PARALLAX OF SIRIUS. In recent years several alterations have been made in the method of deducing the apparent and mean places for the Nautical Almanac of the two stars Sirius and Procyon, Nos. 583 and 672 of this Catalogue. From 1896 to 1899 the apparent places of these stars have been corrected for the effect of their orbital motion since 1890-0, the corrections being deduced from Auwers' elements (Astronomische Nachrichten, Nos. 1371-3 and 3084-5). The mean places are those of the Greenwich Five-Year or Ten- Year Catalogues for 1890. In 1900 both mean and apparent places have been corrected for the orbital motion since 1890-0. In 1901 the mean places and proper motions of Professor Newcomb's Catalogue of Fundamental Stars having been adopted, the mean and apparent places of the Nautical Almanac were both corrected for the effect of orbital motion. And, finally, in 1902 a further change was made by the introduction of the correction for the effect of annual parallax in the case of Sirius. In reducing the observations of these stars the corrections to mean place were in the first instance obtained, as in the case of the other Nautical Almanac stars, by subtracting the apparent from the mean co-ordinates as given in the Nautical Almanac, and adding the differences as correc- tions to the apparent place observed at Oxford. In deducing the final place for the Catalogue, BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900. XXV11 however, the changing corrections of the Nautical Almanac for orbital motion were entirely elimi- nated so as to obtain a mean result independent of them, and the mean so found was then reduced to the centre of gravity of the system by means of Auwers' values. The places given in the Catalogue for these two objects refer therefore in each case to the centre of gravity of the system. In the case of Sirius, the correction to the apparent place for the effect of annual parallax which, adopting the value, o"37, as found by Gill, amounts in the mean to + o s -O24 in R.A. and to o"-o6 in N.P.D. has been included in deducing the final place. This is the only star in the present volume for which it has been necessary to take the annual parallax into account in forming the Catalogue place. This star was observed on 1903 March 6 and 16. THE ACCURACY OF THE RESULTS. Probable Errors. As the right ascensions of the present catalogue have been partly observed by the eye and ear method, and partly registered on the chronograph, it is a matter of some interest to compare the accuracy of the results obtained by the two methods. From observations made for this purpose shortly after the erection of the chronograph, in which the same transits were observed by the eye and ear method across six, and chronographically across ten, wires, we find : PROBABLE ERROR x SIN N.P.D. Method. Single Wire. Mean of Wires. Eye and Ear Chronograph 8 0-059 0-045 8 + O-O24 + 0-014 On the average, transits of stars for the Catalogue were observed across seven wires by the eye and ear, and across ten wires by the chronographic, method. The probable errors of the means are therefore + o"-o22 and +o s -oi4 respectively. It thus appears that the precision of the chrono- graphic, relatively to that of the eye and ear, method as used at Oxford is in the ratio 1 1 : 7, a result which may be compared with the conclusion arrived at by Dunkin from a discussion of the Greenwich observations for 1853 and 1857 (Monthly Notices, xx, p. 87), the corresponding figures found by him being +o s -O28 and +o s -oi7 deduced from transits across seven and nine wires respectively. The probable error of a single determination of the clock correction is +o s -O28, and as at least four stars have always been included in determining this quantity, the probable error arising from this cause is therefore not greater than +o s -oi4. The probable error of a single determination of the right ascension of each of the close circum- polar stars used for azimuth, as computed from all the available material contained in the present catalogue, is exhibited in the following table: PROBABLE ERRORS FOR CLOSE CIRCUMPOLAR STARS. X Ursae Min. N.P.D. Above Pole. Below Pole. P.E. x sin N.P.D. No. of Obs. P.E. x sin N.P.D. No. of Obs. / I 8 + O'OI2 29 8 + O-OO7 12 Groomb. 1119 i 4 0-009 IO O-OI4 17 Polaris I 13 0-016 23 O-OI4 32 Bradley 1672 I 46 0-016 5 .... Groomb. 2283 2 23 0-009 5 .... . . Cephei 51 (Hev.) 8 Ursae Min. 2 48 3 23 O'OIO 0-015 13 22 0-013 + 0-010 30 13 XXV111 INTRODUCTION TO THE "While all these quantities are remarkably small there is one point which the table brings out clearly, viz. that, so far as the Oxford places are concerned, the observations of Polaris do not exhibit any greater accuracy than those of other close polar stars which are used in determining the azimuth error, as was found to be the case at Greenwich. (See Dr. Downing's paper on Probable Errors of Greenwich Determinations of Right Ascension at Different Zenith Distances, Monthly Notices, xlix, p. 359.) Combining all the observations included in the above. table we find o s -oi3 x cosec N.P.D. as the probable error of a single observation in right ascension of a close circumpolar star. The probable error of the right ascensions given in the Catalogue for stars, other than close circumpolars, was computed in the usual way from 2,601 separate observations of 227 stars, each of which had been observed not less than five times, and was found to be for a single observation o s -O28 x cosec N.P.D. The final places are in general the means of three or more separate observations, and we have The P.E. of a Catalogue R.A. depending on three observations = + o s -oi6x cosec N.P.D. The probable error of an observation in N.P.D. as found from 234 observations of the seven close circumpolar stars given above is + o"-34. For the other stars of the Catalogue, from 390 observations of 65 stars we find nearly the same figure, viz. + o"'32. Hence The P.E. of a Catalogue N.P.D. depending on three observations = + o"-i8. The following table exhibits the probable errors of a single obseivation of R.A. and N.P.D. at various distances from the pole, and shows that in R.A. the precision of the observations is very nearly constant from the zenith down to 120 N.P.D. The smallness of the probable error corresponding to the zone I2O-I22 is obviously an accident due to the small number of stars which it contains. As might be expected, too, the table shows a distinct falling off in accuracy in the observations of N.P.D. as the horizon is approached. TABLE V. PEOBABLE EBEOES FOE ZONES OF 10 IN N.P.D. Zone. P.E. inR.A. X sin N.P.D. No. of Obs. No. of Stars. P.E. in N.P.D. No. of Obs. No. of Stars. 8 10 20 ... ... o-33 22 4 30 40 + 0-028 5 I O'22 5 I 40 50 0-O23 7 I 0'33 7 I 50 60 0-O26 .78 9 0'35 6 I 60 70 0-O25 403 37 0-28 in 18 70 80 O-O29 528 4i O-26 38 6 80 90 0-030 654 56 0'34 119 19 90100 O-029 477 35 0'35 44 8 IOO IIO O-O28 295 26 0-40 33 6 no 120 0-030 143 18 + 0-6 1 5 i I2O 122 + O-OI9 ii 2 ... Systematic Differences. The places of the present catalogue have been compared with those of four other catalogues, viz. Professor Newcomb's Catalogue of Fundamental Stars for 1900, the Radcliffe Catalogue for 1890, the Greenwich Second Ten -Year Catalogue for 1890, and the Albany A. G. Catalogue for 1875. In the following table the mean differences between the first of these and the Radcliffe Catalogue, 190x3, in the sense Radcliffe 1900 minus Newcomb, are arranged according to N.P.D. in zones of 10 in width. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900. XXIX TABLE VI. COMPAEISON BETWEEN THE RADCLIFFE iQoo, AND NEWCOMER Fundamental, Catalogues AEEANGED IN OEDEE OF N.P.D. N.P.D. AR.A. A K. A. X sin N.P.D. A N.P.D. No. of Stars. O IO + 0-3 8 + 0-014 n O'OI 9 10 20 OX>2 0-OO7 0-24 9 20 30 O'O4 O'O20 0-13 3 30 40 0-16 O'lOO 0-40 2 40 50 O'o6 0*040 0-90 I 50 60 0-074 0-061 0-23 13 6O 70 0-064 0-058 0-43 60 7080 0-054 0-052 0-46 6 9 8O 9O 0-058 0-058 -0-13 92 90 loo 0-063 0-063 0-34 38 IOO 110 0-045 0-043 0-18 30 no 1 20 0-054 0-049 0-33 21 120 125 0-060 0-051 + O'20 4 Weighted Mean. 8 0-052 n 0-29 Remarking that the differences in the zone 30 50 N.P.D. depend upon only three stars, it will be seen that the differences in right ascension as reduced to the equator are practically constant from the zenith to within 7 or 8 of the south horizon, and almost exactly equal to the difference of the equinoxes (o s -O54) to which the places of this Catalogue and those of Professor Newcomb's are referred (see p. xxv). In comparing this Catalogue with the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1890, and with the Greenwich Second Ten-Year Catalogue, 1890, the differences have been collected in zones of 5 in N.P.D. Weights have been assigned to each of the differences by the formula nn' /(n + n'} } n and n' being the number of observations of a star in the two Catalogues. The weighted means so obtained and the corresponding weights are given in Table VII on page xxx. In this comparison the right ascensions of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1890, have been corrected for the inequalities of the pivots by the application of the quantities given in Table II, p. xiv. Here a progressive change in the differences of R.A. of the two Radcliffe catalogues dependent 011 N.P.D., similar to, but smaller than, that found by Stone*" to exist between the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1890, and the Greenwich Catalogue, 1880, is clearly indicated. The comparison with Newcomb and with the Greenwich Catalogue, 1890, seems to show that no sensible systematic error of this kind is to be attributed to the Radcliffe places for 1900, from which it would appear that while the corrections for pivot error have considerably improved the right ascensions of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1890, they have not completely removed this systematic inequality. The mean difference between the two catalogues comes out o"-oi6, or, if we take only stars south of 50 N.P.D. and exclude the zone 120 125 N.P.D., in which the comparison stars are few, we find o s -oi8. In the zone 45 50 N.P.D. there are no stars for comparison. The mean difference in right ascension between Radcliffe, 1900, and Greenwich, 1890, is only o s -oo2, while the results for the separate zones show no marked systematic change. * See Monthly Notices of R.A.S., Vol. Iv, No. 5. XXX INTRODUCTION TO THE TABLE VII. COMPAKISON BETWEEN THE EADCLIFFE IQOO, EADCLIFFE 1890, AND GKEENWICH 1890, CATALOGUES. Group. Mean N.P.D. of Group, Differences in B.A. x sin N.P.D. Differences in N.P.D. Bad. 1900 minus Had. 1890. wt. Bad. 1900 minus Gr. 1890. Wt. Bad. 1900 minus Bad. 1890. Wt. Bad. 1900 minus Gr. 1890. Wt. O / 8 8 n o5 2 O + 0-006 160 + O-OOI 205 O'll 169 0-06 228 Sio 8 o + 0-015 2 + 0-007 3 0-30 4 + 0-30 5 10 15 13 o + 0*032 4 O'OI I 5 -0-47 9 + 0-10 12 15 20 17 30 + 0-034 10 + O'O2I 16 0-30 23 O'20 41 2O 25 22 O + 0-058 6 + 0-023 7 0-18 II + 0-08 12 25 30 27 o 0-038 4 + O-OI9 7 + 0-30 6 O'2I 8 30 38^ 37 o 0-047 2 O-O42 5 + 0-40 2 O'24 5 38*- 45 39 30 0-075 6 O-O42 8 0-40 6 0-60 8 45 5 ... ... 5 55 52 30 0-069 18 0-034 35 + O-2O 12 0-37 27 55 60 58 o 0-031 30 0-003 54 + 0-58 2O O'2I 33 60-65 62 30 0-038 121 O'OI2 265 + 0-24 70 -0-59 202 65 70 67 30 0-033 161 O-OO9 365 + 0-25 92 O-62 288 70 75 72 30 0-039 195 + O-OO2 417 + 0-16 95 -071 297 75 - 8 77 30 0-030 205 O-OO2 310 + 0-24 82 0-65 178 80 85 82 30 0-032 254 O'OOI 346 + 0-50 86 0-49 176 85-90 87 30 O-O2O 295 0*003 412 + O'IO 171 0-44 296 90 95 92 o O'O2O 199 + O-O06 181 + O'II 86 0-76 76 95 loo 97 30 + O-OOI 212 0*005 215 + O'2I 68 0-60 78 zoo 105 1 02 30 + 0-017 93 + 0-003 9i + O-O2 30 0-56 34 105 no 107 30 + O-OI2 137 + O-O2I 143 + 0-30 48 0-60 62 no 115 112 30 + O-029 77 + O'OI I 68 + 0-30 43 0-70 38 115 I2O 117 30 + O'O22 59 O-O24 9i 0-33 39 0-91 73 I2O 125 122 O + 0-03I 13 O'O28 10 + 0-25 12 O'O2 9 Weighted Means o 125 and Sums. 8 0-016 2263 8 O-002 3259 ... ... Weighted Means 50 1 20 and Sums. f 8 O'OlS 2056 8 0-003 2993 + O'20 942 n 0-60 1858 In N.P.D. the agreement between the two Eadcliffe Catalogues is good, the mean difference for the range 50 to 120 N.P.D. being o"-2o. On the other hand, the comparison with Greenwich, 1890, shows a distinct systematic change depending on N.P.D. very similar to that found by Stone to exist between the Eadcliffe, 1890, and the Greenwich, 1880, N.P.D.s. If the corrections given on p. 26 of the Introduction to the Greenwich Catalogue, 1890, to reduce to the Poulkova refractions and colatitude 38 31' 2i"75, are applied to the Greenwich N.P.D.s, these differences are very much diminished, but the variation dependent on N.P.D. does not entirely disappear. In this connexion it should be remembered that the Greenwich N.P.D.s have had a correction applied for the E D discordance, which has practically the effect of rendering them the mean of the results obtained by direct and reflected observations. On the other hand, the Eadcliffe places are deduced from the direct observations without any correction of this sort whatever, the whole of the E D discordance being thrown on the reflected results. As already pointed out, the Oxford observations afford very little evidence for a term varying with sin Z.D. in the expression for E D, and a constant, amounting to o"-3o, has been found to represent closely the differences between the RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900. XXXI direct and reflected observations. Without entering into any discussion as to whether the mode of dealing with this discordance adopted at Greenwich is justified or not, it is interesting to remark that if the correction for the E, D discordance had not been applied to the Greenwich results, a comparison of the observations at Greenwich and Oxford would have shown no trace of this systematic difference. The effect of the correction for the E- D discordance at Greenwich cannot be entirely eliminated without going into the computations in detail, as the adopted zenith point of the Greenwich circle depends essentially on direct and reflected observations of stars, but as stars are observed for this purpose both north and south of the zenith, the mean effect of the discordance on the places of the Greenwich Catalogue introduced in this way must be small. If we take the values of this correction as given for the years 1887 * I ^9^ inclusive (see Greenwich Second Ten-Year Catalogue, 1890, Introduction, p. 20), we find that, as a mean value representing the whole period, the variable part of this correction is given by the expression + o"-58 sin Z.D. The value of this term at the mean N.P.D. of the various groups is given in the second column of the following Table. In the third column are given the differences Radcliffe 1900 minus Greenwich 1890. Adding these two together we get the quantities in the fourth column, which represent very closely the differences between the direct observations at Oxford and Greenwich. The mean of these is o"-22. The differences from this mean as given in the last column no longer show a sensible variation. TABLE VIII. DIFFERENCES OF N.P.D. KADCLIFFE 1900 minus GREENWICH 1890 (DIRECT). Group. it 0.58 sin. Z.D. Ead. 1900 minus Gr. 1890. Rad. Direct minus Gr. Direct. Difference from Mean. o o n // H // o5 0-36 o'o6 O'42 O'2O 5 10 0*29 + 0-30 + 0'OI + 0-23 10 15 0-25 + O'IO -0-15 + 0-07 15 20 O'2I 0*20 0*41 0*19 2O 25 O'i6 + O'o8 0-08 + 0-14 25 30 OTI O'2I 0-32 O'lO 30 38* O'OI 0*24 0-25 0-03 38J- 45 + O'OI o'6o 0-59 0-37 45 5 ... ... ... So 55 +0-14 0-37 0-23 O'OI 55 60 + O'2O 0*21 O'OI f O'2I 60 65 +0-24 0'59 -0-35 -0-13 65 70 +0-28 0-62 0-34 O'I2 70 75 +0-33 ' 071 -0-38 O'l6 75-80 +0-37 0-65 0-28 0*06 80 85 + 0-40 0-49 o'og +0-13 85-90 + 0-44 0'44 O'OO -J- 0'22 90 95 +0-47 076 0-29 O'O7 95 loo +0-50 0*60 O'lO + 0-12 loo 105 +0-52 0*56 0*04 + 0-18 105 no +0-54 0-60 0*06 + 0-16 no 115 +0-56 070 0-14 +0-08 115 I2O +0-57 0*91 0-34 0-12 e 2 XXXll INTRODUCTION TO THE The differences for the zones 50 120 N.P.D. outside these limits either there are no stars common to the pairs of catalogues or they are too few to afford a reliable comparison have been collected in Six-Hour groups, as given in the following Tables, Nos. IX and X. In each of these groups the same tendencies will be noticed as have already been shown to exist in the general table (Table VII), but there is very little, if any, indication of a systematic change from group to group depending on right ascension. TABLE IX. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE EADCLIPFE CATALOGUES, 1900 AND 1890 ; FOE Six-HouK GEOUPS. Differences of R.A. (Rad. 1900 minus Rod. 1890) x Sin N.P.D. N.P.D. o h to 6 h 6 h tO I2 h I2 h to l8 h i8 h to 2 4 h of Group. Diff. Wt. Diff. Wt. Diff. Wt. Diff. Wt. 8 8 8 8 50-55 O^I 9 ... ... O'O66 9 55-60 0'076 2 O-O29 9 0-03I 15 O'OOS 4 60-65 O-O28 21 0-054 27 0-036 48 0-03I 25 65-70 - 0-035 68 0-035 Si + 0-037 2 0-032 IO 70-75 0034 59 0-037 58 O-044 67 0-047 ii 75-80 O-OI2 38 O-O44 73 0-039 4i O-OI7 53 80-85 O-OI7 75 O-032 89 -0-055 40 0-038 50 85-90 0-015 55 0-028 59 0-034 95 O-OO2 86 90-95 0-OI4 49 O-O27 22 0-038 64 O'OO2 64 95-100 + O-QII 66 O'OIO 2O O-OO7 63 -j-o-ooi 63 100-105 +0-035 16 + 0-002 16 + O'OII 43 -|- O-O29 18 105-110 +0-005 ii + 0-022 19 + 0-006 68 + O-02I 39 110-115 +0-058 19 + 0-005 24 + 0-008 25 + 0-087 9 115-120 ... + 0-067 17 0-004 14 -f- 0-008 28 Weighted Means. 8 0-013 8 O-026 8 0-024 8 0-O06 Differences of N.P.D. (Rad. 1900 minus Rad. 1890). O It II // 50-55 +0-52 5 ... ... ... 0-03 7 55-60 O"2O 3 + 070 6 +0-30 7 + I-50 4 60-65 + 0-29 19 -I-0-46 ii +0-19 20 + 0'l6 2O 65-70 + 0-31 44 + O-26 40 -f 0-60 2 0-30 6 70-75 + 0-31 41 0-03 25 + O'2I 22 O'2I 7 75-80 + 0-29 26 + 0-42 28 0-13 II -l-o-og 17 80-85 -f-0-23 28 + 0-76 30 +0-63 IO +0-44 18 85-90 O'll 36 + 0-25 35 + 0-18 41 +0-09 59 90-95 + 0-07 19 + 0-02 18 + 0-03 34 +0-41 15 95-100 + 0-18 24 + 0-70 4 0-06 21 +0-43 19 100-105 + 0-10 6 + 0-13 7 + 0-09 12 -0-38 5 105-110 + O-2O 4 + 0-16 7 -J-O-2I 2O +0-50 17 110-115 + 078 12 0-66 10 -f-0'31 13 +0-77 8 115-120 0'35 16 0-32 10 0-31 13 Weighted Means. it + 0-23 n + 0-23 n + 0-13 // + O-2O RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAKS, 1900. XXX111 TABLE X. COMPAEISON BETWEEN THE RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE, IQOO, AND GllEENWICH CATALOGUE, 1890 ; FOR SlX-HoUE GROUPS. Differences of R.A. (Sad. 1900 minus Gr. 1890) x Sin N.P.D. N.P.D. o h to 6 h 6 h to I2 h I2 h to l8 h I8"to 24 of Group. Diff. Wt. Diff. Wt. Diff. Wt. Diff. Wt. O 8 8 8 8 50-55 0-034 14 ... ... + o'oi6 4 0'046 17 55-60 O-05I 3 O'02O 14 + 0-009 25 + O*OO2 12 60-65 O'OOS 68 0-019 86 O'OIO 70 O'OII 41 65-70 O'OIO 174 O'OO9 169 + 0-037 3 o'oo6 19 70-75 + 0-008 169 + O-003 145 0*010 88 0-015 15 75-80 + O'OI I 65 O'OIO 1 20 0-015 53 + 0-008 72 80-85 + 0-O02 105 + 0-005 118 0*01 1 62 0-008 61 85-90 O'OI 2 94 + 0-004 95 0*012 133 + O'OI2 90 90-95 O'OOI 47 + 0*002 ii + 0-003 55 + 0*014 68 95-100 O'OOI 62 O'O2O 20 + 0*003 66 O'OIO 67 100-105 o'ooS 18 O'OI I 13 + 0*001 43 + 0*028 17 105-110 + 0*024 12 +0-031 18 + 0*018 72 + 0*023 4i 110-115 + o'oi 9 13 +0-017 19 + 0*006 27 + O'OOI 9 115-120 + 0-017 10 0*049 26 O'O2O 55 Weighted Means. s O-OO2 s 0-003 8 O-OO5 8 O'OOO Differences of N.P.D. (Rad. 1900 minus Gr. 1890). II II II 50-55 O'2O II ... ... O-9O 4 0-34 12 55-60 0-50 4 0-14 8 O7O 9 + O-22 12 60-65 0-47 69 -0-68 65 076 32 -0'53 36 65-70 0-62 H5 0-68 1x8 + O'IO 6 0-47 19 70-75 0-71 160 0-72 98 0-64 28 076 II 75-80 0-50 55 0-70 73 070 16 078 34 80-85 0'54 60 0-35 62 0-69 27 0-49 27 85-90 0-44 78 0-26 72 0-52 86 0-53 60 90-95 -077 22 0-52 8 0-82 27 -075 19 95-ioo 0'59 28 0-30 5 0-68 23 0-58 22 100-105 O'lO 8 0-56 5 -o-59 14 I'OO 7 105-110 0-66 5 0-30 9 0*62 24 0-69 24 110-115 0-66 7 1-25 8 i'o6 14 +0-32 9 115-120 ... 0-88 9 -0-96 22 0-89 42 Weighted Means. -0-58 0-59 0*67 0-58 In comparing the places of the Kadcliffe Catalogue, 1900, with those of the Albany (A.G.) Catalogue, 1875, the values of the precession and secular variation given in the Albany Catalogue (which also depend on Struve's constants) were used for bringing up the Albany places to 1900-0. The proper motions of the present Catalogue were adopted, except in the case of No. 162 (Albany 720), for which no proper motion is given in this work. The Radcliffe place for 1900, XXXIV INTRODUCTION TO THE however, confirms the proper motion as given in the Albany Catalogue, viz. + o s -oi3 in E.A. and + o"-n in N.P.D., and these values have accordingly been used in bringing up the Albany place. TABLE XI. COMPAEISON BETWEEN THE RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE, igOO, AND ALBANY (A.G.) CATALOGUE, 1875. KADCLIFFE minus ALBANY. Mean Diffs. Mean Diffs. of R.A. of N.P.D. Number of 8 // Stars. Constant. 0*069 0-32 h h 8 O-I + 0'OI I 0-03 24 1-2 + 0'OIS + O'O2 33 *-3 + 0-043 O'O4 31 3-4 + O-OI5 0-08 28 4-5 + 0-028 0*24 28 5-6 O-OO9 0-14 52 0-6 + 0*014 0*09 196 6-7 O-OI9 O-O7 50 7-8 0-028 + 0-28 39 8-9 0-045 + 0-13 30 9-10 O-O46 0*09 3i 10- 1 1 O-O25 -0-15 28 11-12 O-OI5 + 0-35 28 6-12 O-O29 + 0-0? 206 12-13 0-024 0-16 23 13-14 0-047 0-04 29 14-15 O'O4O + 0-07 28 15-16 O-OO8 + 0-19 35 16-17 + 0-006 + O'O2 29 17-18 OXII2 + O-QI Si 12-18 0-019 + 0-03 195 18-19 + 0-016 O-O9 54 19-20 + 0-030 O'O3 40 20-21 +0-037 0*04 39 21-22 + 0-047 O'OO 33 22-23 + 0-027 +0-07 36 23-24 +0-033 + 0-16 31 18-24 + 0-030 o-oo 233 RAJDCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1900. XXXV There are 830 stars common to the Radcliffe and Albany Catalogues distributed in right ascension, as shown in Table XI. As these stars are all included in the zone 85 to 89 N.P.D. or, to be more exact, between 84 50' and 89 10' of N.P.D. for the epoch 1855 it has not been necessary to separate them according to N.P.D. The mean differences of the two catalogues are o s -o69 in E.A. and o"-y. in N.P.D., as given at the head of the Table, and the differences from these means corresponding to each hour of R.A., and to each Six-Hour group, are exhibited in the columns of the Table. In N.P.D. there is very little evidence of a systematic change in these residuals, unless it be one of eight hours period and about o // -i5 amplitude, which is faintly indicated. But in R.A. we see a clearly marked variation with a period of 24 hours. In his paper, entitled Ergebnisse aus Vergleichungen der Zonencataloge der Astronomischen Gesellschaft unter einander und mit dem Romberg scJien Catalog fur 1875, which appeared in the Astronomische Nachrichten, Nos. 3842-3-4, Professor Auwers publishes a comparison between the Albany places and those of Romberg's Poulkova Catalogue, 1875. ^ e ordinates o f the curve found by Professor Auwers to represent the differences, Albany minus Romberg, will, if their signs are changed, be found to exhibit a striking similarity to the values given in Table XI for the differences, Radcliffe minus Albany. It thus appears that the right ascensions of the Radcliffe Catalogue, 1900, agree very closely with those of Eomberg's Poulkova Catalogue, which was selected by Professor Auwers, in the paper referred to, for comparison with the various A.G-. Zones as being a catalogue 'von anerkannt grosser Genauigkeit.' CONSTELLATIONS. As in the Radcliffe Catalogue for 1890, the nomenclature and constellations adopted by Francis Baily in the British Association Catalogue have been generally followed. MAGNITUDE. In all cases where the magnitudes given in the Catalogue depend upon observations made at this Observatory the number of estimations on which the magnitude is based follows in the next column. In other cases, the given magnitudes have been extracted from published lists. All the unmarked magnitudes have been taken from the Harvard publications, chiefly from the Harvard Photometric Durchmusterung (Annals, Vol. XLV), with a few exceptions, which have been taken from the Harvard Photometry (Annals, Vol. XIV). Those marked with an asterisk are from the Bonner Durchmusterung; those with a dagger from Struve's Double Stars (Dun Echt Observatory Publications, Vol. I); and those with a double dagger (Nos. 955 and 956 only) from the Argentine General Catalogue, 1875. The information with regard to the limits of magnitude and the periods of variable stars, given in the footnotes on the left-hand pages of the Catalogue, are, with the exception of that relating to No. 1052, taken from Chandler's ' Third Catalogue of Variable Stars ' (Astronomical Journal, No. 379), or his 'Revision of Elements of Third Catalogue of Variable Stars' (Astronomical Journal, No. 553). The elements for No. 1052 are Pickering's, and are taken from the Astronomische Nachrichten, No. 3347. The remarks on colour, magnitude, and position contained in these footnotes are extracted from the observers' original note-books. The footnotes on the right-hand pages refer to the authority for the proper motion adopted. '-. MISCELLANEOUS. The observations on which the places of this catalogue are founded were made by Messrs. "Walter "Wickham, F.R.A.S., William Henry Robinson, and Ernest Edgar McClellan. All three are skilled observers, with long experience in this class of work. To this fact is largely due the precision of the results. In the table of Personal Equations given on p. xx they are denoted by the letters W, R, and C respectively. XXXvi INTRODUCTION TO THE RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900. Mr. Wickham's duties as First Assistant are of a varied kind, and, where work of an un- expected character or out of the ordinary routine of observations was required, I have generally had recourse to his services. There have been many interruptions of this kind in recent years, and, in particular, the work in connexion with the erection and preliminary trials of the new equatorial telescope has made serious inroads upon his time. He has nevertheless taken an active share in the transit circle observations. The ordinary adjustments of the transit circle have been entirely in his charge. He has rendered valuable assistance in examining and checking the computations, and in reading the proof sheets. The labour of reducing the observations and preparing the catalogue has fallen principally upon Mr. Robinson, Second Assistant, and to this he has devoted himself with indefatigable assiduity and persevering skill. In some parts of the work he has had the assistance, first, of Mr. "W. Jenkins, who filled the post of computer at this Observatory from October 1892 till April 1903, and later, of one or both of the computers Messrs. J. Or. Balk and R. Harris who succeeded Mr. Jenkins. In addition to the ordinary routine of the observations, Mr. Robinson has executed a large number of miscellaneous computations arising out of the work. Mr. McClellan, Third Assistant, has general charge of the meteorological department. He is also our principal photographer, in which capacity his duties absorb more and more of his time, as the photographic work with the new equatorial develops. He has taken his share of the active work at the telescope, but the photographic work and the daily routine of meteorological reductions have prevented his giving much assistance in the astronomical computations. The present work owes its existence to the liberality of the Radcliffe Trustees. In the year 1772, in response to a request made to them by the University Authorities, the Radcliffe Trustees of that day founded and equipped the Observatory, and their successors have ever since maintained it at a high level of efficiency. The principal results of the astronomical labours carried on here since 1840 (not to mention the meteorological records, which constitute a large proportion of the total output of the Observatory) are contained in a series of forty-eight volumes of Radcliffe Observations, giving an account of the work done here from year to year and, in a more collected form, in four General Catalogues of Stars, viz. those of 1845, 1860, 1890, and the present work. The observations made before 1840 have never been completely reduced nor published. The}*- are, however, far from inconsiderable. In the form of neat MS. records they are now carefully pre- served to the number of at least 130,000 transits and 60,000 zenith distances amongst the archives of the Observatory. In the Monthly Notices of the R.A.S., Vol. Ix, p. 265, will be found a paper under the title Note on the Unpublished Observations made at the Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford, between the years 1774 and 1838; with some Results for the year 1774, from which, though it has been very much curtailed by the exigencies of space, some idea may be formed of the value of these old observations. There is also a paper bearing on the subject, by the late Mr. Stone, in the Monthly Notices, Vol. Iv, p. 409, entitled A Determination of the Mean N.P.D. 1790 January o of y Draconis from Observations made at Oxford by Dr. Hornsby. With the exception of a short note in The Observatory magazine for 1901, p. 453, entitled Dr. Downing's Revision of Taylor's Madras Catalogue and the policy of Reducing Old Observations, and four letters in the same magazine for 1902, pp. 90, 127, 165, and 166, these two papers contain, so far as I know, all the information on the subject at present published. AETHUE A. RAMBAUT. Radcliffe Observatory, Oxford. February 24, 1906. GENERAL CATALOGUE OF STARS FOB 1900'Q, FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE RADCLIFFE OBSERVATORY, OXFORD, 1894 TO 1903. A. A. RAMBAUT. 2 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900X), R.A. ,'-'' v " . CM DD Mean Jm G Year o No. Constellation. 1 "3 bo 31 a and Fraction *-" *S "1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. I a -3 of 8 s *W Year. *0 I Piscium 6-9 I 97-19 3 h. m. 8. o o 14*92 8. + 3-0728 8. + 0-0035 8. i 2 21 Andromedae ... a 2'3 97-3I 8 o 3 12-96 + 3-0829 + 0-0184 + 0*0095 2 3 Piscium ... ... ... 7'5 2 02-80 3 o 3 44-79 + 3^728 + 0*0022 3 4 Piscixim 8-0 I 02-86 3 o 4 47*19 + 3-0748 + 0*0044 4 5 Piscium , 7-6 I 02-92 3 o 5 33-26 + 3^736 + 0*0030 5 6 88 Pegasi y 2*8 97-93 13 o 8 5-10 + 3-0850 + O*OIO2 0-0007 6 7 Piscium 6-8 98-I7 3 o 8 40-22 + 3^735 + 0*0028 7 8 Piscium 7-1 98-84 3 o 9 28-88 + 3-0734 + O-O028 8 9 35 Piscium ... ( 5-8 97-94 3 o 9 49-69 + 3-08II + 0-0068 + 0*0054 9 10 Piscium 7'5 2 02-81 3 o 10 30-23 + 3-0784 + 0-0053 10 ii Piscium 7-o ... 02-86 3 o 10 49-25 + 3-0768 + 0-0044 ii 12 36 Piscium 6-2 ... 97-86 3 o ii 25-69 + 3*08l7 + O'OO66 O-OO36 12 13 Piscium 7'3 ... 98*84 3 o ii 31*72 + 3-0742 + 0*0032 + O*OOOI 13 14 Piscium ... 6*3 ... 97-47 3 12 39-47 + 3^742 + 0-0032 + 0-0047 H 15 Ceti 7*3 I 02-92 , O 12 56-18 + 1-O728 + O-OO27 15 16 Piscium 7'5 I 02*87 3 o 13 0-13 + 3-0770 + 0-0043 16 17 8 Ceti i 3'7 98*35 9 o 14 19-92 + 3-0589 O-OO22 O-OO32 i? 18 41 Piscium d 5'4 97-88 3 o 15 27-05 + 3-0848 + O'O068 O*OOI3 18 19 44 Piscium 6*1 ... 98-52 9 o 20 16-50 + 3-0756 + 0-0038 O*OO28 19 20 Piscium 6*9 ... 97-26 3 O 21 8*2O + 3^798 + 0-0048 20 21 Piscium 6*3 I 97-54 3 o 23 9-78 + 3^56 + 0-0083 + 0*OO4O 21 22 6-0 07*82 12 O 24 "C6-O7 + 1*0611 + O"OOIO O'OOO3 22 23 Piscium 7'3 I "/ -* 97-20 3 "T J i o 25 0-15 + 3-0837 + 0*0056 23 24 51 Piscium 6-7 I 97-90 3 o 27 14*13 + 3-0905 + 0*0068 + 0*0008 24 25 Piscium ... , 8-1* 98-76 3 o 28 58-97 + 3-0887 + 0-0064 25 26 Ceti 8*3* 02*80 o 20 16*17 + 1-0741 + 0*0018 26 27 Piscium ** J 6*7 I 97-50 3 ~.7 * v Ol o 32 21*47 I J v I T + 3*0812 | -V W JV + O*OO5O + 0*00 4 8 27 28 30 Andromedae ... e 4'5 I 98-43 8 o 33 16*13 + 3-I789 + O*O2 1 1 O*Ol84 28 2 9 Ceti 8*2* 02-87 1 o 33 40*64 + 3*0741 + O*OO4O 2 9 30 Piscium 7'9 I * / 02*86 J 3 o 33 59-62 + 3*0816 + 0*0482 30 31 Piscium 7'7 I 97-52 3 o 34 38-03 + 3-0836 + 0*0054 31 32 Piscium 8-3 I 02-53 3 o 37 H'05 + 3-0864 + 0*0059 32 33 16 Ceti (3 2*3 97-73 10 o 38 34-19 + 2*9976 0*0053 + 0*0147 33 34 Ceti 8*2* 02-87 , o 39 57-18 + 3-0778 + 0*0048 O'OOIO 34 35 Ceti 7-8* - *-'/ 02-81 1 0 3 + 3-1010 + O-OO76 42 43 Ceti 7*7 08-78 7 O 4"", 'TOO + 1*0810 + 0*00 r-6 43 44 Piscium 6-5 ... 7 V / w 97-26 O 3 *TJ JJ 7^ o 46 9*25 + 3-0860 | -W- W^JV + 0-0059 0*0000 44 45 Piscium ... 9-0 I 97-84 3 o 47 30*00 + 3-1022 + 0-0077 45 9. Double ; brighter observed. Companion follows about o'-5 and is south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of ObservatiorB. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755. I Lalande, 1800. 1 US 00 CO *S> "^ *<"* x ^ "3 1 0) 03 in t>. t^oo P. .0 -^ qo d fo O O\ r& 00 03 " Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. I 97-19 3 o / // 86 57 3-0 // 20-052 // -f 0-009 47229 8243 + 2 47J2 i 2 02-42 13 61 27 41-9 20-050 + 0-015 + 0-156 3215 47319 IO 15 + 28- ! 4 2 3 O2'8O 3 89 5i 5'4 20*049 + 0-016 47342 1267 14 - o J6 3 4 02-86 3 85 43 26-6 20-048 + 0*018 47373 22 17 + 4 ;8 4 5 02-92 3 88 30 4-1 20-046 -f- 0*019 16 45 21 + 1 12 5 6 oi'6o 7 75 22 20-7 20*040 + 0*024 + 0-013 I 107 92 30 52 + H 14 6 7 98-17 3 89 10 19-8 20-038 + 0*026 134 99 + o 19 7 8 98-84 3 89 15 32-0 20-035 + 0*027 163 + O 22 8 9 97-94 3 8 1 44 3'5 20-034 + 0-028 + O-O2I 5 182 119 + 8 19 9 10 02-81 3 84 42 43-4 20-031 -j- 0*029 129 34 + 5 25 IO ii 02-86 3 86 18 14-9 20*030 + 0-030 205 36 + 3 26 ii 12 97-86 3 82 18 54-2 20-027 + 0-031 + 0*OO9 7 218 M3 68 + 7 27 12 13 98-84 3 88 42 20-2 20*027 + 0-031 + 0*OO4 225 148 38 + i 28 13 M 97-47 3 8S 52 r8 20*022 + 0-033 0*02 i 260 45 49 75 + o 28 14 15 02-92 3 89 56 19-3 20*020 + 0-034 310 52 - o 37 15 16 02-87 3 86 45 3i-8 20-020 + 0-034 279 179 47 + 2 32 16 17 95-85 4 99 22 41-8 20*013 + 0-036 + 0-032 14 322 58 82 - 9 48 17 18 97-88 3 82 21 54-7 20*007 + 0-039 0-019 16 366 223 92 + 7 36 18 19 97-63 4 88 36 50-5 I9-973 + 0-048 + O'OI I 25 512 298 75 76 H3 + i 57 19 20 97-26 3 86 43 41-6 I9-967 + 0-050 546 312 79 + 3 46 20 21 97-54 3 80 21 28-4 I9-950 + 0-054 + 0*200 617 340 121 + 9 47 21 22 97-72 5 94 30 35'2 - I9-933 + 0-057 + 0*009 38 669 37i 95 129 4 54 22 23 97-20 3 85 4i 35-o - I9'9S3 + 0-058 670 372 88 + 4 63 23 24 97-90 3 83 35 48-6 19-911 + 0-062 0*022 44 763 414 148 + 6 64 24 25 98-76 3 84 35 39-7 19-892 + 0-065 828 450 1 10 + 5 69 25 26 02-80 3 89 32 55'4 19-889 + 0-066 457 + o 77 26 27 97'5 3 87 24 48-2 - I9-853 + 0*072 + 0*064 954 507 128 + 2 80 27 28 03-18 IS 61 13 52-1 19-841 + 0-076 +0*251 56 976 122 194 + 28 103 28 29 02-87 3 89 36 5'9 - 19-836 + 0-074 527 + o 96 29 30 02-86 3 87 25 26-7 19-832 + 0-075 - 0*277 999 530 142 + 2 8 4 30 31 97-52 3 86 53 52-0 19-824 + 0-076 1027 544 144 + 2 86 31 32 02-53 3 86 22 50-6 19-788 + 0-08 1 1118 164 + 3 93 32 33 00-62 3 108 32 7-6 I9'769 + 0-082 0-034 70 "55 I4O 227 18 115 33 34 02-87 3 88 44 44-4 I9-748 + 0-086 + 0-630 1198 649 182 + i I3 1 34 35 02-83 3 89 58 4-4 I9-736 + 0-088 1225 662 IIO 35 36 97-56 3 78 34 I7-7 19-720 + 0-091 + 0*013 76 1254 68 1 245 + 11 96 36 37 95-83 3 84 6 37-4 19-700 + 0-093 + 5 107 37 38 97-91 3 83 H 45-2 19-699 + 0-093 0*004 84 1300 708 2 5 8 + 6 105 38 39 97'95 3 85 14 0-6 19-698 + 0-093 + 1-138 1299 204 26l + 4 123 39 40 02-23 3 82 57 32-2 19-692 + 0-094 + 0-037 85 1312 7H 161 265 + 6 107 40 41 98-16 3 84 8 16-6 - I9-675 + 0-096 + 5 i9 4i 42 00-51 5 83 49 5'6 19-667 + 0-097 + 5 IJI 42 43 98-78 3 87 47 56-2 - 19-651 + 0-098 1403 216 + i 149 43 44 97-26 3 87 9 26-5 I9-647 + 0-099 + 0-058 9i 1407 760 217 28l + 2 IIS 44 45 97-84 3 83 52 41-0 19-623 + O'IO2 787 + 5 "7 45 13, 14, 39. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). 21, 34. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 27, 30. Authority for Proper Motions: Boss. KADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1900*0, R.A. No. Constellation. J Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Ceti 5-6 4'9 7'3 7'9* 4*0 7'3 7'2 4'4 6*0 7'3 I I I 94-86 99-35 97-56 02-84 00-23 97-88 94-86 98-80 97-95 98-84 97-96 5 5 3 3 6 3 3 17 3 3 3 b. in. 8. o 47 45'97 o 47 53-72 o 48 10*43 49 53-8o o 51 11*94 o 52 31*36 o 53 47-96 o 57 45'oS o 58 40*10 o 59 34-87 o 59 41*61 a. + 2*9464 4- 3-0646 4- 3-0900 + 3*0740 + 3-3038 + 3-0793 4- 3*0776 + 3-1036 8. O*OO77 4- 0*0037 4- 0*0064 4- 0-0308 4- 0-0054 4- 0-0089 4- 0*0055 4- 0-0060 4- 0-0078 s. O-OO22 0-0039 4-O*OI4I 4- 0*0016 0*0070 4-0*0064 4- 0*0008 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 20 Ceti Piscium Ceti 37 Andromedae ... p. Ceti Ceti 71 Piscium c 26 Ceti Ceti 73 Piscium 57 Piscium 8*0* 98-95 3 i o 32*01 + 3-0951 4- 0*0071 57 58 77 Piscium 6*4 97-97 3 i o 38*69 + 3-0995 4- 0*0074 0*0008 58 59 Piscium 8*2* 97-97 3 i o 40*89 + 3-0995 4- 0*0074 0*0007 59 60 61 62 75 Piscium 29 Ceti 6-3 6*7 6*9 97-97 98-84 97-37 3 3 3 i i 17-88 I 2 50-16 i 3 8-04 + 3-1505 , 4- 3-0820 4- 3-1328 4- 0*0119 4- 0*0060 4- 0*0102 4-0*0003 4- 0*0072 4-0-0004 60 61 62 Piscium 63 80 Piscium e 5'6 97-99 3 i 3 12-97 + 3*1053 4- 0*0079 0*0195 63 64 43 Andromedae ... /J 2*4 ... 99-89 9 i 4 7-74 + 3'332i + 0*0288 4-0-0144 64 65 66 67 68 Cassiopeiae 77 Ceti 8*8 6-5 6*8 5'3 3 2 97-17 97-97 98-90 00-48 3 3 3 4 i 5 4*3i i 7 22*87 i 8 30*27 4- 3-1214 4- 0*0529 4- 0*0064 4- 0*0065 4- 0-0092 0-0017 0-0132 4- 0-0075 65 66 67 68 75 Ceti 86 Piscium 69 70 72 73 Piscium 37 Ceti 8*1* 6-2 6-6 7-8* ... 02*54 94-85 97-94 98*89 98*91 3 3 3 3 3 i 8 40-35 i 9 21-65 i 9 30-15 i 10 27*50 I 12 I'lQ + 3-1045 4- 3-0135 4- 3*1 180 + 3-0754 + 3-0834 4- 0*0079 4- 0-0015 4- 0-0089 4- 0-0065 4-0*0055 0*0024 69 70 72 73 88 Piscium Ceti Piscium ... 74 89 Piscium / 5'4 ... 97-96 3 I 12 38-35 4- 3-0952 4- 0*0073 0-0049 74 75 Piscium 8*0* 98-98 3 I 14 I3-65 + 3-0933 4- 0*0072 4- 0*0090 75 76 Piscium 7'7 I 95-8o 3 I 14 32*63 + 3-ii49 4- 0*0087 76 77 Piscium 6-8 97-99 3 I 16 2*44 + 3^575 + 0*0117 77 78 Piscium 6-5 98-90 3 i 17 27-86 4- 3-0821 4- 0-0066 4- 0*0006 78 79 Piscium 7*0 I 98-98 3 i 17 32-70 + 3-1054 4- 0-0081 0-0036 79 80 Piscium 9'4 I 00*91 3 i 18 9-90 4- 3-iii8 4- 0-0085 80 Si Piscium 9'3 I 98-71 3 i 1 8 20*57 + 3'"68 4- 0*0088 81 82 45 Ceti 3'9 00-89 4 i 19 1-44 4- 3*0036 4- 0*0020 0-0068 82 83 Piscium 8-5 2 02-60 3 i 19 57-06 4- 3*1122 4- 0-0086 83 84 Piscium 7-0 ... 02-90 3 i 20 30-85 4- 3-0924 4- 0-0073 84 85 Piscium 9-0 2 98-26 3 I 21 8*27 + 3-"43 4- 0-0087 85 86 87 Piscium ... , Ursae Minoris ... a 9-0 2 98*91 99-70 3 ii I 21 43-35 I 22 I'44 + 3-0973 + 24*8835 4- 0-0076 4- 19-8010 86 87 88 95 Piscium 7'2 I 98*96 3 I 22 28-24 + 3" II2 6 4- 0-0086 0*0042 88 89 I Ursae Minoris ... a 2'I ... 97-86 55 I 22 33-40 4- 25*0919 4- 20-0186 4- o- 1 220 89 90 Piscium ... , 6*4 97-95 3 I 23 8*08 + 3-1347 4- 0*0100 90 65. A star (B.D. + 51 244) following south is of magnitude 10*5, or one magnitude fainter than that given in the B.D. 76. Reddish. Much brighter than No. 45. The stars are both given in the B.D. as 8*7 magnitude. EADCLLFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755.! Lalande, 1800. I Weisse's Bessel(i), 1825.1 to *. >,00 3? 3 SB" 1& T3 oo A~ Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 46 94-86 5 H4 33 2-3 19-618 // + 0-097 n M77 179 46 47 00-63 3 91 41 13-7 19-616 + 0*101 + 0-009 93 1474 1 80 298 i 114 47 48 97-56 3 86 27 22'O 19-611 -f-O'IO2 + 0-024 1481 22$ + 3 120 48 49 02-84 3 89 45 4-6 I9-579 + 0-105 82* , + o 142 49 50 02-24 3 52 233-9 - I9-554 + 0-II5 0*049 101 1578 196 321 + 37 175 50 5i 97-88 3 88 45 I9-5 19-528 + O'IIO 1638 870 236 + o 149 Si 52 94-86 3 no 10 21-5 19-502 + 0-109 + 0-046 1691 211 345 20 174 52 53 97-24 4 82 38 53-7 I9HI9 + O-I22 0*039 113- 1819 970- 227 379 + 7 153 53 54 97-95 3 89 i o 9-0 - I9-399 + O'I22 + 0-033 116 1853 987' 392 + o 174 54 55 98-84 3 88 13 18-9 - I9-378 + 0-124 1879 IOO2 280 + i 203 55 56 97-96 3 84 52 47' i I9-376 + 0-125 + 0-004 1 20 1005, 28l 232 396 + 4 172 56 57 98-95 3 86 20 9-9 I9-357 + O-I26 IOI9 284 + 3 155 57 58 97-97 3 85 37 25-9 I9-354 + O-I26 + 0-119 124 1905 286 242 406 + 4 175 58 59 97-97 3 85 37 217 I9-353 + 0-127 + 0-100 125 1908 287 407 + 4 176 59 60 97-97 3 77 34 47-6 - I9-339 + 0-I3P 0-036 127 1930 1038 246 410 + 12 135 60 61 98-84 3 88. 31 46-3 - 19-303 + 0-I30 +0-438 133 1992 1071 303 421 + I 212 61 62 97-37 3 80 37 33-4 1.9*296 + 0-133 0*020 2OOI 1075 424 + 9 132 62 63 97-99 3 84 52 45:3 19-294 + 0-I32 + 0-174 136 2O05 305 26l 426 + 4 190 63 64 01-67 8 54 54 34'3 19-272 + 0-I42 + 0-084 140 2O29 266 433 + 34 198 64 65 97-17 3 38 12 32-1 19-249 + 0-153 + 5i 243 65 66 97-97 3 88 5 in 19-241 + 0-135 + 0-004 148 2093 27- 318 442 + I 221 66 67 98-90 3 88 3 23-9 19-192 + 0-139 + 0-130 154 2I6O 61 325 455 + I 223 67 68 01-95 3 82 57 1 1-5 - 19-163 + O-I42 + 0-051 158 2187 75, 284 461 + 6 174 68 69 02-54 3 85 23 14-9 -I9-I59 + 0-I42 80. 331 + 4 212 69 70 94-86 4 98 27 37-2 19-141 + 0-139 0-27.9 164 222O 95. 290 472 8 216 70 7i 97'94 3 83 32 n I9-I37 + 0-144 + O-O2I 162 , 22l6 97' 474 + 6 181 7i 72 98-89 3 89 36 58-9 19-112 + 0-144 - 2258 in 295 + O 2IO 72 73 98-91 3 88, 30 45-4 19-070 + 0-147 138 348 + I 241 73 74 97-96 3 86 54 43-7 - I9-053 + 0-149 + O-OI9 171 2329 354 484 + 2 I8 5 74 75 98-98 3 87 14 9-6 19-010 + 0-I52 + 0-028 176 362 + 2 190 75 76 95-80 3 84 21 49-7 19-001 + 0-153 2393 1 80 + 5 168 76 77 97-99 3 78 59 I4-9 18-959 + 0-I58 2435 209, 50i + 10 168 77 78 98-90 3 88 47 45'i 18-918 + OT57 + 0-046 2479 233 372 + o 223 78 79 98-98 3 85 47 4'i - 18-915 + 0-158 0*OO2 2485, 235 373 506 + 3 190 79 80 00-91 3 85 o 43-4 18-897 + 0-160 + 4 235 80 81 98-71 3 84 23 24-4 18-892 + 0-161 + 5 175 81 82 02-25 3 98 41 57'3 18-872 + 0-156 + 0-196 184 2541- 268 325 5*3 8 244 82 83 02-60 3 85 3 56-4 18-844 + 0-163 2579 392 + 4 248 83 84 02-90 3 87 32 5J3 18-827 + 0-163 2589 295 394 + 2 2O7 84 85 95-85 3 84 52 3i-3 18-809 + 0-166 309 396 + 4 249 85 86 98-91 3 86 59 0-6 18-791 + 0-166 2632 322 397 + 2 211 86 87 98-72 13 i 13 48-2 18781 + 1-280 319 5io + 88 7 87 88 98-96 3 85 9 45'4 18-768 + 0-168 + 0-I4I 194 337 404 + 4 251 88 89 98-23 81 i 13 33-3 - 18-765 + 1-299 + O-OO2 IO2 324 5" + 88 8 89 90 97-95 3 82 33 24-7 - 18-747 + 0-170 2677 347 534 + 7 213 90 48, 62, 75, 78, 79. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Stern verzsichuis). 50. The Proper Motions adopted are those of Auwers' Bradley, but other values in R.A. are Auwers (Astronomische Nachrichten, 3928) +c".oi24, and Newcomb (Fundamental Catalogue) + o -oi32. 52. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Astronomische Nachrichten, 3511). BADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, E.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. I Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 9i 92 93 Persei 9'3 8-0 5'o I I 96-83 02*91 97-96 2 3 3 h. m. 8. I 23 49-64 I 24 45-48 I 24 56*63 s. + 3-6794 + 3-0715 + 3-1204 s. + 0-0553 + 0-0062 + 0-0091 8. + 0-0177 9i 92 93 Ceti 98 Piscium p. 94 Piscium R Var. 02*84 3 I 25 28-62 + 3-0929 + 0-0075 94 95 99 Piscium ij 3'8 01-43 4 I 26 7'8o + 3-2026 + 0-0143 0-OOO2 95 96 Trianguli 9-1 I 95-40 4 I 27 3172 + 3-4052 + 0-0287 96 97 102 Piscium TT 5-6 97-93 3 I 31 47-78 + 3-1800 + 0*0126 0-0064 97 98 Piscium 7-8* 98-90 3 i 33 10-14 + 3-0919 + 0*0076 98 99 IOO IOI 105 Piscium .^ Ceti 6-1 7'8* 4-6 ... 97-97 02-26 98-06 3 3 12 i 34 16-95 i 34 17-56 i 36 13-52 + 3-2250 + 3-0737 + 3-1202 + 0-0152 + 0-0067 + 0-0092 + 0-0032 O-OO34 99 IOO IOI 106 Piscium v 102 Piscium 6-9 I 98-58 3 i 39 25-76 + 3-0994 + 0-0082 1 02 103 Piscium 77* 98-97 3 i 39 55-12 + 3-0924 + 0-0078 103 IO4 no Piscium 4*5 ... 98-82 17 i 40 6'66 +3-1588 + 0-01 12 + O-OO29 104 105 Piscium 6-8 99-01 3 i 40 33-I5 + 3" I0 4i + 0-0084 105 106 Piscium 6-9 ... 99-03 3 i 40 44-50 + 3-1017 + 0*0083 106 107 3 Arietis 6-4 97-94 3 i 4i 9H5 + 3-2463 + 0-0160 + O-OOI9 107 108 4 Arietis 57 I 97-97 3 i 42 45-36 + 3-2439 + 0-0157 + 0-OOI5 108 109 no III 112 H3 Piscium Ceti 6-4 77 9-0 6-0 4-0 I I I 98-93 02-28 97-92 97-96 98-34 3 3 3 3 3 i 43 15-08 i 43 51-70 i 45 5-32 i 45 33-55 i 46 31-34 + 3-1051 + 3-0812 + 4-4169 + 3-I834 + 2-9581 + 0-0085 + 0-0074 + 0-1205 + 0-0124 + 0-0024 0-0062 + O-OO03 109 no in 112 H3 Cassiopeiae "?4 Ceti 55 Ceti 114 in Piscium 4'9 98-59 3 i 48 22-59 + 3-1014 + 0-0084 + O-0004 114 "5 6 Arietis ft 27 ... 99-75 M i 49 6-79 + 3-2996 + 0-0184 + O-OO5O "5 116 Piscium 6-2 98-95 3 * 50 43*55 + 3-0874 + 0-0079 + O-O09O 116 117 118 119 1 20 121 122 8 Arietis i Persei 5'i 9-2* 6-0 8-0 77 5'8 I I 97-98 02-86 97-98 95-55 95-55 98-59 4 3 3 3 3 3 i 5i 53'i3 i 53 45-35 i 54 4-54 i 54 I9-94 i 54 20-47 i 54 56-87 + 3-2684 + 3-8395 + 3-2062 + 2-7959 + 27959 + 3'IO2I + 0-0165 + 0-0544 + 0-0133 0-0018 0-0018 + 0-0086 + o-ooi i 0-0013 + 0-0141 117 III 119 1 20 121 122 Arietis Ceti Ceti 112 Piscium 123 Piscium 7'i 01-99 3 i 55 9-65 + 3-1167 + 0-0092 I2 3 124 113 Piscium a 6-5 I 99-07 3 i 56 52-09 + 3-0987 + 0-0085 + 0-0016 124 "5 113 Piscium a 5'3 2 98-48 4 i 56 52-25 + 3-0987 + 0-0085 + 0-0016 125 126 Arietis 6-3 97-92 3 i 57 12-04 + 3-2237 + 0-0140 126 127 Piscium 7-6 I 98-95 3 i 57 49-18 + 3-1057 + 0-0088 + 0-0090 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 13 Arietis a Ceti 2-3 8-0* 7'8 7'5 6-9 5'9 5'8 9-0 2 I 00-68 01-97 99-04 97-93 98-96 97-94 97-96 98-31 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 i 31-98 2 i 39-38 2 2 25-04 2 4 27-36 2 4 39-51 2 5 4-88 2 6 4-24 2 6 14-87 + 3-3596 + 3*0841 + 3-1341 + 3-1181 + 3-1126 + 3-3120 + 3-1722 + 4-5000 + 0-0204 + 0-0080 + O'OIOO + 0*0094 + 0-0092 + 0-0177 + 0-0115 + 0-1072 + 0-0127 + 0-0051 0-0105 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Ceti Ceti Ceti 15 Arietis 64 Ceti Cassiopeiae 94. The magnitude varies from 7 to below 13 ; the period is 344 days. 101. Reddish-orange. 102. Reddish. 104. W.B. magnitude, 9. 113. Reddish-yellow. 124. Slight orange tint. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755.1 Lalande, 1800. 1 Ml > 0 >>00 *- *H I ^ " 3d !, .aT o- o O\ T3 oo Greenwich, 1 1890. B.D. No. 9i 96-83 2 / II 38 14 2O- 1 i 18726 /; + O'200 '/ o + 51 316 9i 92 02-91 3 90 8 33-0 18-697 + 0-I70 375 o 240 92 93 97-96 3 84 22 17-6 18-690 + 0-173 + 0-031 199 2735 379 352 544 + 5 194 93 94 02*84 3 87 38 2-8 18-674 + 0-I72 413 + 2 222 94 95 03-08 7 75 I0 io-5 - 18-653 + 0-179 + 0-003 203 2763 356 548 + 14 231 95 96 95-40 4 56 16 547 18-607 + 0-193 + 33 253 96 97 97-93 3 78 22 i r8 18-465 + 0-I89 - 0-054 214 2951 50i 378 574 + 11 205 97 98 98-90 3 87 55 22-0 18-418 + 0-I86 3012 457 + i 293 98 99 97-97 3 74 6 4-5 - 18-379 + O-I96 + 0-008 223 3041 391 584 + 15 245 99 IOO O2-26 3 89 53 457 18-379 + 0-I87 3045 556 - o 257 IOO IOI 97-63 3 85 i 5'3 18-310 + 0-193 0-005 228 3111 609 474 396 589 + 4 293 IOI IO2 98-58 3 87 1 6 43' i 18-194 + 0-I98 679 495 + 2 259 IO2 103 98-97 3 87 59 55'3 18-176 + 0-I98 3206 686 498 + I 313 103 IO4 97*35 5 8 1 20 43-3 18-169 + 0-203 0-058 232 3212 688 407 606 + 8 273 IO4 105 99-01 3 86 50 2-2 - 18-153 + O-2OO 3226 499 + 2 266 105 I O6 99-03 3 87 5 0-2 18-146 + O-2OO 3230 50i + 2 268 106 107 97-94 3 73 5 16-3 18-131 + O-2IO O-OO2 234 3238 + 16 196 107 1 08 97-97 3 73 32 32'3 18-070 + 0-213 + 0-016 235 3278 6i3 + 16 203 108 IO9 98-93 3 86 48 49'5 18-051 + O-2O5 3298 735 512 6i5 + 2 27O 109 no 02-28 3 89 9 57'9 18-028 + O-2O4 745 + o 294 no III 97-92 3 23 45 307 17-981 + 0-293 + 66 167 III 112 97-96 3 79 27 6-1 17-962 + 0-214 + 0-031 243 3380 767 425 623 + 10 252 112 H3 98-34 3 100 49 45-1 17-925 + O-20I + 0-028 247 34l6 794 428 626 -" 359 "3 114 98-59 3 87 18 217 - I7-852 + 0-214 O-O2O 251 3478 827 534 636 + 2 290 114 H5 02-77 12 69 40 50*5 17-822 + 0-228 + OT02 252 3494 435 640 + 2O 306 "5 116 98-95 3 88 38 44-8 17757 + O-2I7 0-180 3563 865 547 + i 347 116 117 97-99 3 72 40 13-4 -I77IO + 0-23I + O-OI9 262 3594 659 + 17 289 "7 118 02-86 3 39 4i 57'8 I7-633 + 0-274 + 50 418 118 119 97-98 3 78 ii 23-6 17-619 + 0-23I + O-025 3663 912 449 669 + 11 261 119 1 20 95-55 3 113 24 207 17-608 + 0-203 3684 45i 1 20 121 95-55 3 113 24 25-3 17-608 + 0-203 3684 452 121 122 98-59 3 87 22 51*6 - I7-582 + 0-225 + 0-250 271 3688 933 560 675 + 2 311 122 123 01-99 3 86 5 43'5 - I7-573 + O-227 3696 940 56i + 3 273 123 124 99-07 3 87 43 7'o - 17-501 + 0-228 + O-OO9 277 3768 571 684 + 2 317 124 125 98-48 4 87 43 9'8 I7'50I + 0-228 + O-OO9 277 3768 572 685 + 2 317 125 126 97-92 3 77 o 20-3 17-487 + 0-238 973 688 + 12 271 126 127 98-95 3 87 7 38-4 17-460 + 0-230 O-I4O 987 577 + 2 321 127 128 03-27 12 67 o 37-2 17-298 + 0-255 + 0-134 287 3870 478 705 |- 22 306 128 129 01-97 3 89 2 6-4 I7-293 + 0-235 + o 352 129 130 99-04 3 84 5 57*3 17-259 + O-24O 39H 1072 597 + 4 354 130 131 97-93 3 86 14 27-1 17-168 + 0-242 3978 7 602 + 3 288 131 132 98-96 3 86 42 13-3 -17-158 + O-242 3985 13 604 + 3 289 132 133 97-94 3 70 58 1 6-8 I7-I39 + 0-2 5 8 + 0-03I 296 3988 498 722 + 18 277 133 134 97-96 3 81 53 54'2 I7-094 + 0-249 + D-IOO 302 4035 32 726 + 7 347 134 135 98-31 3 26 6 577 17-086 + 0-35I 725 + 63 305 135 Il6. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 119. Authority for Proper Motions: Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). 127. The Proper Motions have been specially computed for the present catalogue. 8 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, E.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. 1 Number of Estimations. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean E.A. Precess. Sec. Van Proper Motion. No. 136 137 138 139 '140 -141 142 ?43 i"44 145 1-46 H7 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 ISS 156 157 158 159 1 60 161 162 163 164 165 1 66 167 1 68 169 , 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 -177 178 179 1 80 Ceti 67 67 6-3 4-6 7'4 7-8 67 8-0* 57 5-6 5'8 7-8* 5'5 8-3* 5'5 6-5 4-3 6-3 8-2* 6-2 6-4 5*4 77t rat 6-1 7'5 8-0* 5'i 57 5'3 67 3'9 7-8* 7-1 67 57 6-3 3'6 6-5 5'8 5-2 4'3 67 7'3 6-0 I I I I ;I ! I 2 99-05 98-95 97-63 0170 99-07 99-08 99-03 01-98 00-93 97^7 97-93 02-85 01-95 O2'02 97-67 98-32 99-19 97-98 01-97 98-33 98-33 98-95 99-04 99-04 97-96 99-01 02-04 98-46 97-93 98-29 98-99 00-63 99-07 99-07 02-6 1 98-63 98-66 99-46 98-63 98-63 98-70 98-67 99-07 98-64 98-41 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 7 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 ii 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 h. m. s. 2 6 31-91 2 7 5-12 2 7 35-88 2 7 41-86 2 8 15-91 2 9 27-86 2 IO I'54 2 II I3'28 2 II 59-68 2 12 33-66 2 12 49'6i 2 I 4 1773 2 1 6 49-08 2 17 4772 2 19 27-30 2 22 5O-2I 2 22 50-43 2 24 14-88 2 24 54-27 2 25 I '80 2 25 21-44 2 26 19-65 2 26 20-83 2 26 2I'4O 2 27 25-33 2 27 3374 2 29 56-24 2 30 37-45 2 31 10-57 2 33 8-17 2 33 24-46 2 34 21-34 2 35 42-25 2 36 7-86 2 36 22-43 2 36 43-52 2 37 5-7i 2 38 7-05 2 38 44-I3 2 39 2-16 2 39 30-54 2 39 32-09 2 40 6'2I 2 41 31-40 2 42 55^6 s. + 3-1092 + 3-1007 + 3-2595 + 3-1768 ; + 3-1291 + 3-0879 + 3-0759 + 3-1254 + 2-9848 + 3-3306 + 3-0892 + 3-1032 + 3-0719 + 3-1169 ; +-3*2096 + 3-0933 + 3-1825 + 3-1990 + 3-1302 + 3-35I3 + 3-3189 + 3-0981 + 3-0817 + 3-0818 + 3-2815 + 3-0810 + 3-1252 + 3-I465 + 3-2471 + '3-3994 + 3-1164 + 3-0712 + 3-1380 + 3-1316 + 3-0745 + 3-3732 +-3-2268 +TH45 + 3-3393 + 3-3000 + 3-2553 + 3-2191 + 3-1372 + 3-4322 + 3'3539 s. + 0-0090 + 0-0087 + 0-0152 + 0-0117 + 0-0098 +0-0083 + 0-0079 +0-0097 + 0-0050 + 0-0181 + 0-0084 + 0-0089 + 0-0079 + 0-0094 + 0-0127 + 0-0087 + 0-0117 + O-OI22 + O-0099 + 0-0180 + 0*0167 + 0-0089 + 0-0084 + 0*0084 + 0-0151 + 0-0084 + 0-0097 + 0-0104 + 0-0137 + 0-0193 + 0-0095 + 0-0082 + O-QIOI + 0-0099 +0-0083 + 0-0180 + 0-0128 + 0-0094 +0-0166 + 0-0152 +0-0137 + 0-0125 + Q-OIOI + 0-0198 + 0-0169 8. + 0-OO49 O-O032 + O'OOI I + 0-0036 0-0023 + O-O22O 0-0015 O-OOQ7 + O'OOI I + 0-0043 + 0-001-4 0-0028 0-0051 + 0-0177 0-0019 + 0-0004 + 0-0009 0-0041 0-0114 + 0-0024 0-0013 + 0-0073 + 0-0164 + 0-0018 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1 80 Ceti 19 Arietis 65 Ceti ' 'Ceti 'Ceti Ceti Ceti I 67 Ceti 22 Arietis Ceti ; Ceti 69 Ceti Ceti 24 Arietis Ceti 73 Ceti * Ceti Ceti 26 Arietis 27 Arietis Ceti Ceti Ceti : 29 'Arietis Ceti Ceti 78 Ceti v 31 Arietis 32 Arietis v Ceti 82 Ceti 8 'Ceti Ceti "Ceti 34 'Arietis //, 85 Ceti 86 Ceti y 2 36 'Arietis 37 Arietis o 38 Arietis 87 Ceti fj. Ceti Arietis 40 Aridtis 139. W.B. magnitude, 9. 158, 159. The second star is brighter than the first by o'6 magnitude. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 MeanN.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755. Lalande, 1 800. MB m CO '%^ - 1 ' '-' Q) ^_^ ^1 I CO o r~ pi cQ ** 3* d Id 3? Greenwich, 1 1890. B.D. No. 136 99-05 3 1 II 87 I 5-0 Ti 17-073 a + 0-245 a 4053 612 + 2 346 136 137 98-95 3 87 43 30-3 17-047 + 0-245 4077 58 616 + 2 347 137 138 97-63 3 75 " i9'3 17-024 + 0-258 + 0-016 305 4091 62 5" 738 + 14 357 138 139 01-95 3 81 37 197 17-019 + 0-253 + 0-001 306 4074 65 5i3 739 + 8 345 139 140 99-07 3 85 27 157 16-993 + 0-250 + 0-066 4"3 76 623 + 4 367 140 141 99-08 3 88 47 21-3 16-937 + 0-248, 4152 97 628 + o 369 141 142 99-03 3 89 44 44-1 16-910 + 0-248 4174 106 522 + o 370 142 143 02-26 4 85 50 167 16-854 + 0-254 4212 123 637 + 3 313 143 144 00-61 3 96 52 58-2 16-817 + 0-244 + 0-109 321 4250 140 530 767 7 393 144 H5 97-97 3 70 33 40-8 16-790 + 0-273 O'OIO 320 4243 532 770 + 19 340 145 146 97-93 3 88 42 54-1 - 16-778 + 0-254 0-350 4268 147 648 + i 4io 146 147 02-85 3 87 38 25-2 16-707 + 0-258 43i8 177 655 + 2 360 147 148 01-95 3 90 3 39H 16-584 + 0-259 + 0-015 333 221 548 - o 355 148 149 02-02 3 86 39 24-2 16-536 + 0-264 666 + 3 327 149 150 97-59 3 79 So 31*8 16-453 + 0-275 + 0-013 338 4449 268 800 + 9 3i6 150 151 98-32 3 88 29 14-6 16-282 + 0-270 4565 334 682 + i 43i I5i 152 00-99 3 81 59 16-6 16-282 + 0-278 + O-OOI 347 4557 329 574 819 + 7 388 152 153 97-98 3 80 52 50*6 16-210 + 0-282 4602 358 830 + 8 385 153 154 01-97 3 85 5 23-8 16-176 + 0-277 696 + 3 346 154 155 98-33 3 7 35 18-5 16-169 + 0-296 + 0-025 349 4623 833 + 19 365 155 156 98-33 3 72 44 17-9 16-153 + 0-294 +0-086 351 4636 834 + 17 380 156 157 98-95 3 88 10 33-4 16-102 + 0-276 4681 399 705 + i 438 157 158 99-04 3 89 21 4-9 16-101. + 0-275 4684 400 + o 415 158 159 99-04 3 89 20 53-9 16-100 + 0-275 4686 401 + o 415 159 160 97-96 3 75 24 28-9 16-045 + 0-294 0-636 352 4707 412 844 + 14 419 160 161 99-01 3 89 24 28-9 16-037 + 0-277 4725 418 + o 421 161 162 02-04 3 86 1 8 40-0 15*912 + 0-284 455 720 + 3 359 162 163 01-95 3 84 50 34-2 - 15-875 + 0-287 + 0-028 362 472 724 611 858 + 4 4i8 163 164 97-93 3 77 59 9'0 15'845 + 0-297 +0-075 364 4828 6i5 862 + 11 360 164 165 98-29 3 68 28 15-2 - 15740 + 0-314 + Q-OII 367 4886 868 + 21 362 165 1 66 98-99 3 86 59 23-5 15*725 + 0-289 4905 523 733 + 2 406 1 66 167 02-37 5 90 6 9-2 15-674 + 0-286 + 0-007 372 4927 547 631 871 o 406 167 168 99-07 3 85 33 29-6 15-600 + 0-294 573 745 + 4 425 168 169 99-07 3 85 59 57'2 - 15-576 + 0*294 585 748 + 3 373 169 170 O2'6l 3 89 52 537 15-563 + 0-289 592 o 410 170 171 98-63 3 70 24 52-0 15-543 + 0-3*8 + 0-037 377 4992 879 + 19 403 171 172 98-66 3 79 41 4-0 I5-523 + 0-305 + 0-028 38i 5006 600 880 + 10 360 172 173 99-94 3 87 ii 7-8 15-466 + 0-296 + 0-156 383 5045 616 759 647 886 + 2 422 173 174 98-63 3 72 39 32-9 I5-432 + 0-318 + 0-032 384 5051 889 + 17 426 174 175 98-63 3 75 6 41-3 - I5-4I5 + 0-314 + O-022 385 5061 890 + 14 457 175 176 98-70 3 77 58 29-3 15-389 + 0-311 + 0*069 386 5075 634 652 893 + n 377 176 177 98-67 3 80 1 8 28-9 - I5-387 + o'3o8 + O-02O 387 5079 636 653 894 + 9 359 177 178 99-07 3 85 42 34' - 15-355 + 0-301 5110 652 772 + 4 437 178 179 98-64 3 67 27 30-5 15-275 + 0-331 5134 903 + 22 392 179 1 80 98-58 3 72 7 57'5 -I5-I95 + 0-326 + O-O2I 393 5184 664 911 + 17 442 1 80 140. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 146. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 10 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. 1 No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean E.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 181 182 i83 184 185 1 86 187 1 88 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 20 1 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 2IO 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 22O 221 222 223 224 225 42 Arietis IT Ceti 5'2 7'3 57 7'5 7'3 8-0 7'3 6-0 7-0 57 6-3 7'3 9-2 5'8 4'6 6-3 2-9 6-5 6-5 6-1 5'8 6'5 6-9 6-6 4'5 8-0 8-2* 9-0* 5'o 9-0 4'9 6-8 5'i 67 5'2 rg 7-0 5'9 7-0 6-2 6-0 3-8 6'5 7'4 6-1 2 I I I I I 3 2 I I I I 2 I I I I I 97-99 99-01 99-27 99-00 99-05 02*02 99-07 97-98 99-04 97*95 99-04 02-92 OO'2I 98-31 00-37 99-03 98-6I 99-00 97-95 98-98 97-97 97-98 98-98 98-28 97-98 02-90 02-00 02-34 99-74 02-95 97-64 99-00 98-81 99-01 97-34 01-78 99-07 98-34 99-04 98-62 98-29 98-68 96-68 02*06 98-00 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 h. m. 8. 2 43 42-58 2 44 29-27 2 45 58-I5 2 46 9-99 2 48 28-29 2 48 57-58 2 49 55*37 2 50 11-24 2 50 21-26 2 50 47-30 2 5 1 5" 12 2 52 2-37 2 52 5-99 2 52 2I*6O 2 53 29*46 2 56 36*22 2 57 3*01 2 57 8-16 2 59 6-69 2 59 27-74 3 o 54-16 3 2 40-86 3 5 44*44 3 5 52-28 3 5 54-47 3 6 19-29 3 8 54-08 3 9 7-27 3 9 9'04 3 12 55-11 3 14 6-88 3 H 52-16 3 *5 27-08 3 15 52-84 3 16 59-78 3 17 10*76 3 1 8 23*23 3 18 23*99 3 1 8 27*62 3 18 39-86 3 1 8 40*00 3 19 25*78 3 21 20*59 3 22 2*47 3 22 35*66 8. + 3-34I3 + 3-0805 + 3-3046 + 3-1000 + 3-0972 + 3-I457 + 3-I2I3 + 3-3652 + 3-O982 + 3-3607 + 3-1380 + 3-0734 + 4-3873 + 3-4099 + 3-4241 + 3-I53I + 3-I330 + 3-I372 + 3-3333 + 3-0970 + 3-2884 + 3-39IO + 3-I055 + 3-2906 + 3-4I3I + 3-H65 + 3-0790 + 3-II08 + 3*4434 + 3-7866 + 3'I253 + 3-0923 + 3'4549 + 3T3I2 + 3-4490 + 4-2595 + 3-I533 + 3-5339 + 3*0826 + 3-2944 + 3-4527 + 3-2287 + 3'4I52 + 3-I075 + 3*5000 s. + 0-0163 + 0-0085 + 0-0150 + 0-0090 + 0*0090 + 0*0102 + 0*0096 + 0*0167 + 0-0090 + 0-0165 + O'OIOO + 0*0084 + 0*0662 + 0*0181 + 0*0184 + 0*0103 + 0*0098 + 0*0099 + 0*0152 + 0*0089 + 0*0138 + 0-0166 + 0-0091 + 0-0136 + 0-0171 + 0*0100 + 0*0085 + 0-0092 + 0-0177 + 0-0289 + 0*0094 + 0-0087 + 0-0175 + 0-0095 + 0-0172 + 0*0483 + 0*0099 + 0-0195 + 0*0085 + 0*0130 + 0-0171 + 0-0115 + 0-0159 + 0-0089 + 0-0181 s. O'OOI I O-O002 0*0040 O-O022 + 0-0186 + 0-0147 O-0025 0-OO29 o'ooi6 0*0026 0*0005 + 0-0095 0*0032 + 0*0164 + 0-0008 + 0*0027 0-0043 + 0-0015 0*0004 0-0003 0-0052 0-0008 181 182 183 184 185 1 86 187 1 88 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 2O2 203 2O4 2O5 206 2O7 208 2O9 2IO 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 22O 221 222 223 224 225 43 Arietis ^" o 00 _oj <* (s. T JS No. and Fraction "s 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 1 IV 1 "to -. a J- ^ o "o &* '* ek 1? B.D. No. of 3 g> jj 13 ^ 00 ^ * ol IH Year. ^0 1 3 M 3 j 226 97-63 3 O 1 II 87 5 50-4 12-629 + 0*359 6424 376 1003 + 2 552 226 227 01*50 7 46 26 17-5 12-592 + 0-466 227 228 99-71 3 77 24 20-6 12*527 + 0-382 O*OI I 486 6461 822 1086 + 12 486 228 229 98-98 3 84 58 31-0 12*518 + 0*366 6479 405 1008 + 4 543 229 230 97*32 3 72 24 12-5 12-506 + 0-393 1089 + 17 564 230 231 01*79 5 99 47 48-0 12-330 + 0-338 O'OII 493 6581 470 831 1097 - 9 697 231 232 97-93 3 65 52 15-1 12-310 + 0-413 + 0-035 491 6559 1099 + 23 473 232 233 98-95 3 89 44 19-0 12-092 + 0-363 + 0-160 496 6663 541 842 + o 616 233 234 02-06 3 89 54 S4'6 12-084 + 0*363 + 0-501 497 6665 542 843 i"3 o 572 234 235 97-33 3 69 24 36-8 11-984 + 0:411 6686 + 20 602 235 236 99-00 3 87 33 46*i 11-948 + 0*370 6719 580 1057 + 2 577 236 237 97-33 3 73 47 18*3 11-944 + 0-402 + 0*018 6705 849 1 120 + 1 6 484 237 238 98-34 3 87 16 5*4 11-882 + 0*372 0-019 503 6744 601 1064 + 2 581 238 239 01-99 3 64 59 37'3 11*871 + 0*425 + 0*011 500 6732 854 1126 + 24 529 239 240 99-07 3 85 ii 50*8 11-844 + o*377 6765 1066 + 4 571 240 241 98*33 3 70 37 "'6 11748 + 0*413 + 0*007 504 6795 867 "33 + 19 578 241 242 99-11 3 44 1 6 40*6 11-663 + 0-502 + 0*120 6793 + 45 805 242 243 98-63 3 70 39 37 11-644 + 0*415 +0-034 5Q7 6855 "38 + 19 582 243 244 02-04 3 100 6 57 11-612 + o*347 - 0*743 SIS 6899 687 873 1141 10 728 244 245 98-62 3 69 23 13-3 11-598 + 0-4*9 6873 1142 + 20 621 245 246 98-72 3 66 i 29-4 -"583 + 0*429 + 0-055 508 6875 "45 + 23 505 246 247 98-72 3 66 12 3-1 -"578 + 0*428 + 0-036 509 6877 "49 + 23 507 247 248 99-11 3 65 28 27-7 -"'559 + 0*431 + 0-050 5*0 6883 "Si + 24 546 248 249 99-06 3 65 So 46*7 "555 + 0*430 + 0-039 5" 1152 + 24 547 249 250 98-38 3 87 41 29-7 -"513 + o*377 6932 713 IIOO + 2 602 250 251 98-08 3 65 56 40*7 "*5" + 0*430 + 0*036 512 6911 1156 + 23 516 251 252 02-65 3 87 4 25*6 11-476 + o-379 6944 728 1104 + 2 603 252 253 98-63 3 66 21 46-9 11*474 + 0*430 + 0-042 5* 6927 "65 + 23 522 253 254 02*76 5 66 12 14-0 11-391 + 0*432 + 0-040 521 6965 885 "74 + 23 541 254 255 98*33 3 66 15 7-5 11-270 + 0*434 + 0*047 52^ 7006 1181 + 23 557 255 256 98-66 3 66 10 7-1 11-268 + 0*434 + 0*057 528 7007 1182 + 23 558 256 257 02-05 3 90 4 44-8 11-248 + 0-376 7051 790 892 o 602 257 258 98*70 3 68 3 35-6 II-2IO + 0-430 + 21 535 258 259 98*62 3 64 43 20-0 Il-igi + 0*440 + 0-117 7050 + 25 624 259 260 99-06 3 88 56 23-7 II-I84 + 0*379 + 0*590 8u 1 120 + o 659 260 261 99-11 3 88 44 21-4 II-IO2 + 0-381 7122 836 1124 + i 667 261 262 97-67 3 68 16 10-7 II-087 + 0*432 7102 + 21 539 262 263 97'63 3 72 58 I3-5 10-962 + 0-422 + O-O2O 7153 905 1198 + 16 523 263 264 00-08 3 88 10 39-1 10-898 + 0-385 7195 888 "33 + i 673 264 265 02-39 5 85 7 12*3 10-836 + o*394 7212 900 1138 + 4 601 265 266 99-05 3 88 12 19-2 IO-8O9 + 0*386 7228 915 "44 + i 679 266 267 97-60 3 67 48 36*3 IO-703 + 0*440 + O-IO7 7248 922 1213 + 22 605 267 268 00-06 3 87 13 59*6 IO-670 + 0*391 943 "5i + 2 628 268 269 99-I3 3 88 50 29-0 IO-538 + 0*389 7356 991 "58 + I 685 269 270 00-64 3 103 47 34*7 IO-525 + 0-351 + o g io6 546 7376 1009 934 1224 13 781 270 237. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Berlin A). 242, 260. The Proper Motions have been specially computed for the present catalogue. 259. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 263, 267. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 3" 3" 313 3H 315 Eridani Tauri 77 6-3 5-8 6*9 7'3 7*1 7'4 5-6 6*0 4'5 6*8 5'4 6*1 5'3 6-5 6*0 5'5 8*2* 6-5 5'5 6*6 8*2* 5'7 6*2 6-1 4'5 6-7 6-3 8-2* 4'5 9'4 4-8 7'7* 5-6 5'3 5'2 3'9 5*0 6-0 5'4 6-1 5'3 6-9 3'9 5'9 2 I I I I I I 3 99-05 98-00 98-33 98-01 99-10 01-04 01-03 98-67 00-09 99-19 98-63 98-43 98-70 99-04 98-41 97-69 99-07 02-07 98-40 98-72 98-63 99-I3 99-14 97-03 98-62 99-76 99-09 97-3I 02-05 98-40 99-07 98-35 99-09 98-03 98-65 97'35 99-17 99-11 99-I3 98-77 98-66 98-10 00-09 98-66 99-14 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 h. 111. E. 3 54 30-79 3 54 53-99 3 55 2-93 3 55 I7-34 3 57 I4-34 3 58 5-8i 3 58 7-67 3 58 22-67 3 58 26-51 3 58 46-84 3 58 56-10 3 58 56-13 3 59 24-87 4 o 28-18 4 2 2-23 4 2 15-71 4 3 20-30 4 3 33-20 4 4 29-45 4 4 44-3I 4 4 55'I4 4 5 57-6i 4 6 0-81 4 6 47*18 4 6 55-36 4 6 58-97 4 7 0-66 4 10 5-49 4 10 11-59 4 10 40-08 4 10 45-41 4 ii 23-92 4 12 5-08 4 12 27-98 4 13 32-3I 4 13 41-44 4 14 6*05 4 14 12-13 4 14 36-40 4 14 55-92 4 1 6 29-64 4 16 29-71 4 16 34-03 4 17 9-98 4 17 38-74 8. + 3-I028 + 3-4223 + 3-442I + 3^872 + 3'I444 + 3-I29I + 3-I3I3 + 3-5820 + 3-I768 + 3-5345 + 3-43IO + 3-I243 + 3-5337 + 3-67I7 + 3-3822 + 3-4303 + 3-4825 + S^S + 3-I353 + 3-6495 + 3-4571 + 3' "49 + 3-1810 + 3-4330 + 3-552I + 2-9261 + 3-0825 + 3-3938 + 3-1507 + 2-9099 + 2-9097 + 3-5I35 + 3-1202 + 3-5385 + 3-5291 + 3-5445 + 3-4020 + 3-6855 + 3-4736 + 3-3907 + 3^245 + 3-6437 + 3-1180 + 3-448i + 3-5295 8. + O'OOS I + 0-0133 + 0-0137 + O-OI46 + 0-0086 + 0-0083 + 0-0084 + 0-0162 + 0-0090 + 0-0152 + 0-0132 + 0-0082 + 0-0151 + 0-0180 + 0*0120 + 0*0129 + 0*0137 + 0-0076 + 0*0082 + 0-0169 + 0-0131 + 0-0079 + 0-0087 + 0-0125 + 0*0147 + 0-0058 + 0*0074 + 0*0116 + 0-008 1 + 0*0056 + 0*0056 + 0*0135 + 0*0077 + 0*0138 + 0-0135 + 0*0138 + 0-0114 + 0*0164 + 0*0125 + 0*0112 + 0-0131 + 0-0152 + 0-0075 + 0-0118 + 0-0131 8. 0*0016 + 0*0078 0*0009 0*0005 0-0033 + 0*0053 + O*OI IO + 0*0122 + 0*0009 0*0004 + 0*006 1 0*0059 0*0034 + 0*0050 + 0-0080 + O-OO2O O*OOO6 + 0*0074 O*I442 0*1442 0*0039 + 0*0059 O-O002 + O-0007 + 0*0073 O*OOI9 + 0*0058 + O-OOI7 O'OOOO + 0*0066 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 3ii 312 313 3M 3iS Tauri Tauri Tauri Tauri Tauri 36 Tauri 40 Tauri 37 Tauri A 1 Tauri Tauri 39 Tauri A 2 41 Tauri Tauri Tauri 43 Tauri to* Tauri Tauri 44 Tauri p Tauri Tauri 45 Tauri ... Tauri Tauri 38 Eridani 6* Tauri 48 Tauri Tauri 40 Eridani o 2 Eridani 50 Tauri o o IO 5 Year " U} "* ir o CO 00 00 *-. >%OO J? J No. and Fraction P tr3 !> S M Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. s . S aT rs "<1J M co ,-"C .w _, y> *-' 1-5 a o *0 O\ 173 00 il S B.D. No. of 3 % y-f Q ^1 9 T| 273, 286, 291, 294. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Berlin A). 282, 313. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 289. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 301. Authority for Proper Motions: Badcliffe, 1890, 1012. 16 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STAES, 1900'0, E.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 316 317 3i8 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 33i 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 35i 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 63 Tauri 57 6'2 4'9 6-0 4-0 5'4 4-0 4-2 4-6 *s 8-0 5'o 5'4 6-4 5*8 -5'2 3'5 4-2 6*1 I I I 99-04 9874 98-09 97-95 98-37 98-74 98-08 99-11 98-80 02*07 02-97 98-78 99-76 O2-I2 98-09 99-11 97-3I 99'i3 oro6 99-12 00-83 99-12 O2- 1 2 96-08 98-63 98-73 98-74 98-37 00-38 98-34 99-09 98-41 O2-O9 99T5 97-36 98-77 98-64 99-I4 97-73 98-69 98-73 98-33 96-08 O2'OO 99-I3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 ii 3 3 3 :3 3 3 3 3 3 h. m. s. 4 17 40-74 4 17 57-9I 4 18 19-72 4 19 7-36 4 19 24-46 4 19 27-44 4 19 42-I5 4 20 19-35 4 20 38-86 4 20 44-76 4 20-46-93 4 20 57-31 4 21 18-52 4 21 48-65 4 22 4-59 4 22-43-33 4 22 46-51 4 22 51-62 4 22 52-31 4 22 57-09 4 23 9'l8 4 23 16-51 4 23 21-89 4 24 6'i8 4 24 26-40 4 24 50-11 4 24 56-54 4 26 8-91 4 26 45-23 4 27 45-36 4 27 45-66 4 28 22-42 4 28 59-71 4 29 18-83 4 29 50-74 4 30 10-85 4 30 27-67 4 32 '4'43 4 32 2177 4 32 25-89 4 33 26-47 4 33 33-19 4 35 4-04 4 35 45-o6 4 36 12-07 s. + 3-4309 + 3-6116 + 3-4467 + 3-4848 + 3'5632 + 3-5610 + 3-459I + 3-5770 + 4067 + 3-1607 + 3-0897 + 3-3864 + 3-5827 + 3-1121 + 3-5494 + 3'4252 +3-4912 + 3-4162 + 3-1075 + 3-4I4I + 3-6988 + 3-4210 + 3'0974 + 37198 + 3-4098 + 3-4230 + 3-4II4 + 3'4i59 + 3-1843 + 3-4678 + 3-4678 + 37484 + 3-1490 + 3'0770 + J5I42 + 3-4342 + 3-6009 + 3-0899 + 3'536o + 3-4245 + 3'4i97 + 3-4225 + 37471 + 3-1231 + 3'5962 s. + 0-0115 + 0-0145 + 0-0117 + O-OI22 + 0-0135 + 0-0134 + O-QI 18 + 0-0136 + 0-0109 + 0-0078 + 0-0070 + 0-0106 + 0-0136 + 0-0072 + 0-0130 + O'OI IO + 0*OI2O + O-OIO9 + O-O07I + O'OIOS + 0-0153 + O'OIOg + O-O07O + 0-OI56 +0-0106 + 0*0108 + 0-0106 + 0*OIO6 + 0-0077 + O-OIII + O-OIII +0-0155 +0-0073 + 0-0066 + 0-0116 + 0-0105 + 0-0128 + 0-0066 + o-oi 16 + O'OIOI + O'OIOO + O'OIOO + 0*0144 + 0-0067 + O-OI2O 8. + O-OO57 O'OOO2 + 0-0072 + 0-O097 + 0-004O + 0-0086 + 0-0065 + 0-0068 + 0-0067 O*OOO8 O'OOIO + 0*0059 O*OOO4 + O-OO7O + 0-0048 + 0-0064 + 0-0097 + O-OOO2 + O-OO5O + 0-0073 + O'OO69 + 0-0058 + O-OO5O + O-0028 + 0-0028 O-OO2O + 0-0035 + 0-OI32 O-OO20 + 0-0054 + O-OOO9 + O-OO5O 3i6 317 3i8 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 34i 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 35i 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 62 Tauri 64 Tauri 8" Tauri 65 Tauri K 1 67 Tauri jc 2 68 Tauri S 3 69 Tauri v* 71 Tauri Tauri Tauri 73 Tauri TT 72 Tauri v Tauri Tauri 75 Tauri 74 Tauri e 77 Tauri O l Eridani 78 Tauri (f Tauri 3'6 6-6 6-6 5'5 : Tauri 44 Eridani Tauri 6-3 5-8 4-8 S'3 6'5 6-3 7'ot 7-of 5'8 8-0* 7'5 6-4 ri 6-0 5'3 6-0 5-8 5'2 5'o 67 8-0* 8-2 I I I I I I 80 Tauri Tauri 81 Tauri 85 Tauri Tauri Tauri Tauri Tauri Tauri Eridani Tauri 87 Tauri a Tauri 49 Eridani Tauri 89 Tauri 91 Tauri o- 1 92 Tauri o* 2 Tauri Orionis Tauri 317. A star of 8*5 magnitude (B.D. + 23 683) precedes 2* and is north. 345. 1896 Feb. 3, Slightly brighter than second star, No. 346; 1899 Jan. 24, Bluish, slightly fainter than second star, No. 346; 1899 Feb. 3, Equal to No. 346 in magnitude. 346. Pale orange. 351. Orange-red. 358. Harvard magnitude, 5*7 ; B.D. 5-0. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. 17 Mean CO ITS o" o IO n NB Year o o "IE ir 00 ^Oo" ftf *o . No. and Fraction p S fc Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. % . aT **3 ' c ''* T3 OO B.D. No. of o o o >0 Year "8 "2 " 00 IH ^00 00 -I"-* ta 4 No. and Fraction ii 2 > f- Mean N.P.D. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. >oo 3? 4 *^ f?f ^ ON rQ OO pT Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 406 99-12 3 1 II 85 42 54-7 // 4-641 // -f 0-452 n + 0-100 55 1600 o + 4 858 406 407 O2' I O 3 89 36 28-3 4-634 + 0-439 9767 61 + o 974 407 408 99' 1 5 3 89 5 7-o 4*630 + 0-441 64 1602 + o 975 408 409 99-14 3 87 15 27'i 4-505 + 0-447 + 0-001 725 103 1608 1594 + 2 888 409 410 99-11 3 88 9 2-6 4-482 + 0-445 9802 1614 + i 938 410 411 99-I5 3 89 33 24-3 4-456 + 0-440 9806 126 + o 988 411 412 OO'II 3 84 57 34-9 4-390 + 0-456 9820 1623 1606 + 4 877 412 413 02-06 3 98 19 07 4-363 + 0-412 0-005 736 9834 163 1248 1609 8 1063 413 414 97^4 3 61 12 20-3 4-260 + 0-542 9827 1613 + 28 772 414 415 99-04 3 88 9 48-0 4-212 + 0-446 9878 1639 + i 957 415 416 96-79 3 68 o 24-4 4-061 + 0-516 + 0-082 741 9909 1622 + 21 816 416 417 98-41 3 69 58 12-9 -4-055 + 0-509 + O-O2I 9913 1623 + 19 893 417 418 99-14 3 87 30 27-7 4-000 + 0-449 + 0-048 744 9953 248 1653 + 2 916 418 419 9779 3 70 31 27-4 - 3-963 + 0-507 + O'O2O 9948 1625 + 19 898 419 420 9875 3 62 8 38-1 3-937 + 0-540 + 0-015 9944 1627 ' + 27 758 420 421 98-10 3 60 31 537 3-925 + 0-547 9947 1628 + 29 869 421 422 98-77 3 70 17 12-8 3-909 + 0-508 + 0-012 9963 1630 + 19 902 422 423 99-16 3 87 33 25-8 3-868 + 0-449 IOOO2 287 1663 + 2 924 423 424 02-05 3 87 10 21-3 -3-857 + 0-451 1 0012 291 1664 + 2 926 424 425 99-16 3 86 5 15-8 - 3-822 + 0-454 IOO28 303 1667 + 3 857 425 426 01 -08 3 87 17 55'9 3-694 + o*4Si 10086 1683 + 2 936 426 427 99-I5 3 86 33 6-9 3-690 + 0-453 + O-OO2 753 10088 342 1684 + 3 871 427 428 99-I5 3 86 32 38-7 -3-689 + 0-453 lOOSg 343 1685 + 3 872 428 429 98-45 3 72 42 33'4 3-604 + 0-501 O006 754 IOO97 1284 1641 + 17 920 429 430 99-10 3 87 44 19*9 3-534 + 0-450 IOI33 1703 + 2 947 430 431 OO'IO 3 88 14 42-1 3-520 + 0-448 + O-OO9 763 IOI45 39i 1708 + i 1005 431 432 00-09 3 61 28 36-6 - 3-485 + 0-546 + 0-180 756 IOII4 1295 1647 + 28 795 432 433 01-09 3 89 34 7'i 3H27 + 0-444 IOl8l 414 + o 1056 433 434 O2- 1 2 3 86 13 54-8 -3-386 + 0-456 430 1718 + 3 898 434 435 96-08 3 72 7 24-6 - 3-367 + 0-504 +0-003 767 IOI79 1655 + 17 928 435 436 O2-I7 3 86 o 14-6 - 3-355 + 0-456 444 1721 + 3 899 436 437 99-I6 3 86 59 28-0 3'344 + 0-453 + 0-006 773 1 0212 1723 1303 1658 + 2 962 437 438 98-76 3 68 8 53-8 J342 + 0-519 0-006 768 IOI85 1302 1657 + 21 847 438 439 OI-J2 3 86 13 48-8 3'32i + 0-456 IO22I 458 1726 + 3 903 439 440 99-10 3 87 44 39-9 3-306 + 0-451 466 1729 + 2 I 965 440 441 98-41 3 72 50 37'8 -3-290 + 0-502 + 0-045 I02I7 1660 + 17- 931 441 442 01-13 3 88 47 7-8 3-236 + 0-448 10264 1736 1663 + I IO2I 442 443 98-72 3 64 55 49-2 3-213 + 0-533 + 0-018 775 I023I 1666 + 25 839 443 444 01-15 3 88 26 16-7 3-174 + 0-449 IO292 509 i75i + I IO26 444 445 01-13 3 88 17 23-8 3-074 + 0-450 10328 1764 + I IO32 445 446 00-15 3 85 52 22'O 3-046 + 0-458 10339 543" 1768 + 4 949 446 447 99-I5 3 86 47 2-2 2-964 + 0-455 + 0-005 784 10375 568 1779 + 3 948 447 448 98-78 3 71 28 48-2 2-934 + 0-508 + O-O02 783 10367 1327 1683 + 18 875 448 449 98-44 3 73 o 56-3 2-926 + 0-503 0-005 1685 + 16 794 449 450 98-I2 3 90 22 22'4 - 2-886 + 0-444 + 0-005 787 10404 604 1331 1688 o 983 450 406. Authority for Proper Motions: Boss. 417,419,420,422. Authority for Proper Motions: Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). 441, 449. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Berlin A). 22 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. t> 13 a "3 CO 1 Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 451 452 453 120 Tauri 5'6 6-1 2-6 96-06 98-46 00-84 3 3 4 h. ra. s. 5 27 39-90 5 27 42-10 5 28 19-10 s. + 3-5148 + 3-5650 + 2-6452 s. + 0-0053 + 0-0056 + 0-0029 s. + 0-0001 0-0017 O'OOII 451 452 453 Tauri II Leporis a 454 455 45 6 457 458 459 Orionis 38 Orionis n 121 Tauri 6-4 5'8 S'i r6 5'5 3-0 2 OI'I2 99' 1 5 98-06 9977 98-76 98-80 3 3 3 6 3 3 5 28 47-09 5 29 0-95 5 29 20-56 5 31 8-26 5 3i i5'48 5 3i 40-03 + 3-1037 + 3-1584 + 3-6618 + 3-0434 + 3-4777 +3-5841 + 0-0037 + 0-0039 + 0-0058 + 0-0034 + 0-0048 + 0-0052 0-0025 0-0003 0-0018 + 0-0024 0-0007 454 455 456 457 458 459 46 Orionis 122 Tauri 123 Tauri 460 Orionis 7'5 02-15 3 5 3i 55*02 + 3-1819 + 0-0037 460 461 462 463 Aurigae 125 Tauri 6-0 5"i 5*2 3 98-77 97-76 99-14 3 3 3 5 32 56-75 5 33 32-31 5 33 54-26 + 3-8134 +37158 + 3-1671 + 0-0060 + 0-0055 + 0-0036 O'OOOO 0-0003 461 462 463 47 Orionis w 464 Orionis 7'3 I 99-16 3 5 34 38-24 + 3-1060 + 0-0034 464 465 466 467 Orionis 126 Tauri 7-2 4-8 67 2 I OI'II 96-11 02-13 3 3 4 5 35 26-09 5 35 30-90 5 35 57-45 + 3-1896 + 3-4659 + 3-0794 + 0-0035 + 0-0043 + 0-0033 + 0-0001 465 466 467 Orionis 468 Columbae a 27 01-43 3 5 36 i-55 + 2-1716 + 0-0028 + 0-0050 468 469 Orionis 7'2 I OO'II 3 5 36 10-45 + 3-1594 + 0-0034 469 470 47i 472 Orionis Tauri 7'2 6-3 6-0 I I I OO-I2 96-IO OI'II 3 3 3 5 37 4'8i 5 37 15-06 5 37 18-30 + 3-1265 + 3-6416 + 3-1058 + 0-0033 + 0-0047 + 0-0032 0-0050 470 47i 472 51 Orionis b 473 Orionis 7'i 2 99-09 3 5 39 45-27 + 3-1651 + 0-0032 473 474 475 476 477 Orionis 130 Tauri 6-2 57 5*0 2-3 I I I 99-12 98-08 98-I7 98-OO 3 3 3 18 5 4i 25-39 5 41 36-26 5 42 52-66 5 43 0-75 + 3-0991 + 3-4978 + 3-6812 + 2-8447 + 0-0030 + 0-0037 + 0-0040 + 0-0026 0-0049 0-0013 0-0009 0-0017 474 475 476 477 132 Tauri 53 Orionis K 478 Orionis 8-3* ... 00-05 3 5 43 3-52 + 3-1094 + 0-0029 478 479 480 481 Orionis Tauri 7'4 57 6-1 I I 00-13 96-76 99-12 3 3 3 5 43 37-00 5 44 39-93 5 44 55-39 + 3-0888 + 3-7801 + 3-1752 + 0-0028 + 0-0040 + 0-0029 479 480 481 Orionis 482 483 484 Orionis Tauri 7-0 6-3 5'3 I I 02-37 98-I5 95-3I 4 3 4 5 45 I7-97 5 46 27-96 5 46 32-25 + 3-1192 + 3-5543 + 2-8960 + 0-0028 + 0-0033 + 0-0025 O-OO22 O'ooi4 482 483 484 55 Orionis 485 486 487 488 15 Leporis 6 136 Tauri 3'9 47 57 47 2 I 95-10 96-76 OO'IO 97'45 3 3 4 3 5 47 I-I5 5 47 2-42 5 47 14-81 5 48 27-59 + 2-5634 + 3-7701 + 3-1154 + 3-5655 + 0-0024 + 0-0036 + 0-0027 + 0-0031 + 0-0158 + 0-OOO2 O-OOI2 0-0154 485 486 487 488 56 Orionis 54 Orionis ^ 489 490 Orionis 57 Orionis ^ 6-6 5-8 I 99-11 98-46 3 3 5 49 0-49 S 49 1-41 + 3-1476 + 3-5516 + 0-0026 + 0-0030 0-0016 489 490 491 Orionis 6-6 2 99-16 3 5 49 34-40 + 3-0949 + 0-0025 491 492 58 Orionis a Var. 98-75 10 5 49 45-40 + 3-2459 + 0-0026 + 0-0008 492 493 Aurigae 6-4 ... 98-46 3 5 50 12-58 + 3-8109 + 0-0032 493 494 495 Orionis 139 Tauri 5-8 47 . . 98-73 98-47 3 3 5 So 48-58 S 5 47-29 + 3-6740 + 3-7226 + 0-0029 + 0-0028 o-oooo , 494 495 470. Light yellow. 487. Orange-red. 491. Orange. 492. Orange-red. The limits of magnitude are I and 1*4 ; the period is irregular. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755. 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 U) ft 00 "i 5 "53 ^ h^. < * Vf. & r OQ CD pq U3 *. >> 1^ 3d d. Id 7! o\ -o oo " M Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 45i 96-06 3 1 II 71 31 50-8 it 2-820 // + 0-509 // 0*008 786 10409 1693 + 18 877 451 452 98-46 3 69 35 47-8 2-817 + 0-516 0*002 10403 1694 + 20 989 452 453 02*14 3 i7 53 37-8 2-763 + 0-383 O'OIO 796 10476 1339 1699 17 1166 453 454 01*12 3 88 39 41-8 2-723 + 0-450 10465 1800 + i 1058 454 455 99' 1 5 3 86 1 8 5-4 2-703 + 0-458 + O'02I 793 10469 646 1804 + 3 964 455 456 98-06 3 66 i 36-1 2-674 + 0-530 + O*OI9 790 10453 1702 + 23 954 456 457 00-13 3 91 15 56-0 2-519 + 0-441 0-006 809 10563 1366 1717 I 969 457 458 98-76 3 73 i 16-3 - 2-508 + 0-504 + 0-039 798 10537 + 16 822 458 459 98-80 3 68 55 5'4 2'473 + 0-520 + 0-024 800 10548 1368 1719 + 21 908 459 460 02-14 3 85 17 34-7 2-451 + 0-462 10585 73i 1818 + 4 989 460 461 98-77 3 60 50 32-3 2-362 + 0*553 10582 1727 + 29 947 461 462 97-76 3 64 9 3 1 " 6 2-310 + 0-539 + 0-014 810 10605 1730 + 25 902 462 463 99-14 3 85 56 7-6 2-278 + 0-460 0*019 8i3 10654 789 1834 1734 + 4 1002 463 464 99-16 3 88 33 48-3 2-214 + 0-451 10682 817 1838 + I 1088 464 465 orii 3 84 58 31-0 2-145 + 0-463 10718 836 1844 + 4 1007 465 466 96-11 3 73 3i 3'7 -2-138 + 0-503 + 0*013 817 10698* 1743 + 16 841 466 467 02-12 3 89 42 54-2 2-IOO + 0-448 10737 854 1390 + o 1152 467 468 02-81 3 124 7 39-1 2-094 + 0-316 + 0*030 1393 1751 468 469 OO'II 3 86 1 6 24-5 2-08 1 + 0-459 857 1849 + 3 1007 469 470 00*12 3 87 40 55-5 2-OO2 + 0-454 10785 889 1855 + 2 1040 470 47i 96-10 3 66 50 34-1 - I-987 + 0-529 10752 1755 + 23 1015 471 472 orii 3 88 34 25-8 1-982 + 0-452 + 0*01 1 822 10795 892 1857 + I "OS 472 473 99-09 3 86 2 2-8 I-769 + 0-461 10869 955 1875 1759 + 3 1025 473 474 99-12 3 88 52 0-3 r623 + 0-45I + 0*126 10940 990 1880 + I 1126 474 475 98-08 3 72 18 29-7 I '608 + 0-509 0*001 832 10918 1765 + 17 1004 475 476 98-17 3 65 27 57-2 1-497 + 0-536 + 0*010 835 10966 1773 + 24 970 476 477 97-33 5 99 42 17-7 -1-485 + 0-414 0*004 844 11013 1036 1423 1774 - 9 1235 477 478 00-05 3 88 25 28-9 1-481 + 0-453 10996 1901 + i "37 478 479 00-13 3 89 1 8 29-0 I-432 + 0-450 11027 1043 + o 1184 479 480 96-76 3 62 3 43-4 - I-34I + 0-551 IIO2I 1778 -f 27 888 480 481 99-12 3 85 36 I9-7 1-318 + 0-463 HO6l 1083 1913 + 4 1052 481 482 02-11 4 88 o 16-1 - r285 + 0-455 II073 1096 1921 + i 1148 482 483 98-I5 3 70 9 27-5 1-184 + 0-518 0*034 II088 1782 + 19 mo 483 484 95-36 3 97 32 40-9 -I-I77 + 0-422 0*003 853 IIII4 1436 - 7 "87 484 485 95'IQ 3 no 53 14-2 I-I35 + 0-374 + 0*654 858 III42 1438 1785 2O 121 1 485 486 96-76 3 62 24 39-9 -I'I33 + 0-550 + 0*02 1 848 IIO9O 1784 + 27 899 486 487 99-09 3 88 10 9-5 -I-II5 + 0-454 + 0*004 855 III25 1138 1930 + I H5I 487 488 97-45 3 69 44 3i-9 I-OO9 + 0-520 + 0*096 856 i"33 1446 1790 + 2O Il62 488 489 99'H 3 86 47 36-3 0-961 + 0-459 11172 1187 1940 + 3 1071 489 490 98-46 3 70 16 10-5 0-960 + 0-518 0*009 857 i"53 1448 1793 + 19 1126 490 491 99-I6 3 89 3 1-8 0-912 + o-45i 11189 "97 1943 + o 1208 491 492 98-76 3 82 36 407 0-896 + 0-473 0*024 860 11185 1452 1795 + 7 1055 492 493 98-46 3 61 4 25-6 0-856 + 0-556 11174 + 28 952 493 494 98-73 3 65 45 54-o 0-804 + 0-536 11198 + 24 1033 494 495 98-47 3 64 3 30-2 0-718 + 0*543 + 0*009 862 1 1 220 1458 1810 + 25 1052 495 452. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Stern verzeichnis). 468. Authority for Proper Motions : Stone (Cape Catalogue, 1880). 474. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 483. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Berlin A). RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. Mean =2 S " if d fd 3 r Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 496 O2'I2 3 85 o 40-8 a 0-687 H + 0-465 n 11263 1263 1952 + 4 1082 496 497 99' 1 5 3 88 47 13-9 0-635 + 0-452 11288 1282 1957 + i 1168 497 498 99-09 3 88 9 14-1 0-610 + 0-454 11301 1289 1958 + i 1170 498 499 99-09 3 88 10 21-9 o-594 + 0-454 + Q-OII 869 11307 1295 1959 1823 + i "7i 499 500 99'i5 3 89 27 22-4 - o'5S3 + 0-450 O'OO2 870 11329 1309 + o 1239 500 5i 98-79 3 87 5 18-5 - 0-386 + 0-458 11398 1358 1983 + 2 1106 Si 502 99-10 3 88 1 8 23-9 0-254 + 0-454 "444 1403 20OO + i "95 502 503 96-14 3 70 1 8 27-3 O'2l6 + 0-518 + O'OI2 878 "433 1484 1842 + 19 1186 53 504 97-45 3 69 51 32-7 0-177 + 0-520 0-006 88 1 "447 1485 1844 + 20 1233 504 55 97-29 5 66 43 52-0 0-172 + 0-532 + 0-093 880 "445 1486 1845 + 23 1170 505 506 99-I3 3 85 50 8'i 0-027 + 0-462 +0-013 885 11527 1461 201 1 + 4 1116 506 507 "97-47 3 60 28 46*6 O'OOI + 0-559 11501 1849 + 29 III2 507 508 99-16 3 89 22 48-2 + O'O2O + 0-450 "550 1482 + o 1270 508 59 01-12 3 75 13 9'9 + 0-163 + 0-499 +0-013 887 11602 1516 1505 1859 + 14 1152 509 Sio 98-48 3 67 47 37-6 + 0-307 +0-528 O'OI I 11651 1868 + 22 1198 Sio 5" 98-47 3 66 52 12-8 + 0-320 +0-531 + O-OO2 891 11656 + 23 1226 5" 512 99-12 3 87 29 3-9 + 0-328 + 0-456 11688 1586 2041 1873 + 2 1139 5" 513 99-12 3 87 29 15-4 + 0-331 + 0-456 11690 1589 2042 1874 + 2 1140 5i3 514 01-13 3 87 6 40-0 + 0-401 + 0-458 "715 19 2049 + 2 1144 SH 515 OO'I2 3 87 4 45*4 + 0-452 + 0-458 "738 48 2053 + 2 1147 515 5i6 02-17 3 86 6 31-9 + 0-467 + 0-461 "745 53 2054 + 3 "47 5i6 5i7 95-04 3 112 45 25-4 + 0-490 + 0-366 11784 1524 22 1330 517 5i8 98-45 3 70 ii 13-0 + 0-534 + 0-518 + O-OO2 900 1890 + 19 1253 5i8 5i9 98-IO 3 7i 17 35-6 + 0-672 + 0-513 + 0-017 3235 11791 1907 + 18 1129 519 520 98-8I 3 72 3 55'6 + 0-755 + 0-510 + O"O2O 11839 1910 + 17 1182 520 521 95-35 3 67 27 50-3 + 0-773 + 0-528 + 0-003 909 11842 1539 1911 + 22 1241 521 522 98-83 3 70 48 34-5 + 0-784 + 0-515 + O-I7O 9" "855 1540 1913 + 19 I27O 522 523 98-77 3 60 27 54-3 + 0-788 + 0-558 + 0-263 907 11831 1912 + 29 1154 523 524 98-82 3 65 59 50-9 + 0-893 + 0-534 + O-O27 914 11896 1920 + 24 Il82 524 525 99-16 3 85 4i 37 + 0-918 + 0-462 11927 217 2O9O + 4 1181 525 526 98-48 3 72 47 6-9 + 0-926 + 0-508 + O'OIO 11918 1924 + 17 1191 526 527 99-I7 3 88 47 58-3 + 0-939 + 0-451 "947 2094 1928 + i 1275 527 528 02'13 3 89 57 4'5 + 0-973 + 0-447 241 + o 1354 528 529 02-20 3 88 53 8-9 + 0-979 + 0-451 11961 2099 + i 1278 529 53 02-17 3 88 16 40-1 + 1-039 + 0-453 262 2IO2 + i 1285 53 53i 02- 1 6 3 84 52 7-2 + i'047 + 0-465 0-140 12018 265 2103 + 5 "68 53i 532 98-43 3 72 38 7"2 + 1-156 + 0-508 12007 1940 + 17 1203 532 533 97-85 4 60 24 50-1 + 1-295 + 0-557 + 29 1190 533 534 98-I7 3 72 " 24-5 + 1*364 + 0-509 + 0-070 12093 195 + 17 1214 534 535 99-12 3 87 41 6-7 + 1-418 + o-454 12146 400 2129 1951 + 2 1197 535 536 96-43 3 67 26 6-0 + I-478 + 0-527 + 0-101 929 12136 1574 1956 + 22 1304 536 537 02-I3 3 85 44 22-4 + 1-527 + 0-461 12184 439 2139 + 4 1229 537 538 OO-I7 3 86 ii 6-6 + 1-577 + o-459 456 2144 1962 + 3 1221 538 539 00-18 3 107 54 21-9 + i'599 + 0-383 0-003 936 12241 1578 1963 17 1467 539 540 99'i3 3 85 21 21'9 + 1-614 + 0-462 O'OIO 93i I222I 2149 1964 + 4 1236 540 510. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). 520, 526, 534. Authority for Proper Motions: Auwers (Berlin A). 531. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 20 ItADCUKKK CATAMMMJI' 1 OK NTAUM, IJMWO, \l.\. Menu 4 *S 3 Ymr 8 No. Conitellatlon. I ii iiml I 1 I HI 1 Ii >ll JT| Moan H.A. 1'reoem. Hec. Var. Proper M. . No. u> S N M ** olioll. "5 > ' of J ;t; * Y.-ar. * 54i 6*7t 99-13 3 Ii. in. . 6 1 8 28-54 i. + 3'l8lo i. + 0*0006 1. O-OOI 2 54 1 543 Monooerotii 7'i 02*17 3 6 18 33*97 + 3-1360 + 0-0007 542 543 Gi'iiiiMoniiu 6*6 <><<<; 5 6 18 34*12 + 3-6969 0*0010 543 544 Moi, -..liH ... T Var. i 97-80 3 6 19 49-07 + 3*2396 + 0-0003 544 545 Orionii 7*2 4 03-12 3 6 20 7-61 + 3*1089 + 0*0007 545 546 Monooorotii 6-3 ... 02*17 3 6 20 33-85 + 3-1268 + 0*0006 546 547 OrioniH 6-8 on i 3 6 20 42-06 + 3*0929 + 0*0007 547 548 Orionin 6*5 ... 02*14 3 6 21 49-47 + 3*0936 + 0*0006 548 549 77 Orionii 5-4 ... 99-I5 3 6 22 5-62 + 3-0810 + 0*0006 0-0019 549 550 Monororot.iM 5'9 2 99-14 3 6 22 6*56 + 3*1417 + 0-0005 55 55i 18 Gominorum ... v 4*0 98-51 n 6 23 1-51 + 3-564I o-ooi i O'OOttt 55i 553 MonornroiiH 7-5 I 01*19 3 6 23 4-93 + 3-1186 + 0*0005 553 553 Monooorotii 6-4 00*17 3 6 24 1-25 + 3*1357 + 0*0004 553 554 Gominorum , 6*2 ... 96*07 3 6 25 22-26 + 3*4791 0*0010 O'OOI 2 554 555 7'4 I 99-15 3 6 26 8-04 + 3*1419 + 0*0002 555 556 20 Gominorum 6*8 3 96*80 3 6 26 27-61 *4* 3*5^03 0*0012 + 0*0025 556 557 21 Gominorum 6-3 3 96-45 3 6 26 28-32 *4" 3*5005 O*OO 1 2 + 0*0013 557 558 Monooorotii 6-8 ... 02*12 3 6 26 36-66 +3-1892 O'OOOO 558 559 12 Monooorotii 6*8 I 00*12 4 6 27 0-74 +3*1872 o-oooo 0-0038 559 560 Gominorum 8-7 3 98*48 3 6 28 38-34 +3*4569 0-0012 560 56i 49 Aurigao 5*1 ... 96-80 3 6 28 54-15 +3-7808 O'0030 0-0007 56i 562 Monooorotii 7-2 i 99-14 3 6 28 54-31 +3*1416 o-oooo 562 563 Monooerotii 7*0 2 99-16 3 6 29 1 6-60 +3*1898 O-O002 563 564 Monooorotii 5'7 ... 00-16 4 6 30 6-33 +3*0952 + 0-0001 564 565 Monooorotii 6-5 ... 02*14 3 6 30 42-21 +3*1788 0*0002 565 566 24 Gominorum ... y 2*3 I 99*17 17 6 31 56-06 + 3*4645 0-0016 + 0-0023 566 567 53 Aurigao 5-6 ... 97-44 3 6 32 2-52 +3-8086 0*0036 0-0031 567 568 Monooerotii 6-4 01*16 3 6 32 26-90 +3*1373 0*0002 568 569 Monooerotii 6*2 ... 99-14 3 6 33 33-83 + 3*1895 0*0004 569 570 54 Aurigao 6-5 2 97-13 3 6 33 14-72 +3*7865 0-0037 0-0025 570 57i Monooorotin 6-1 02*20 3 6 33 27-01 +3-1120 0*0001 57i 573 MotiooorotlH 7'3 2 03*12 3 6 33 31-11 +3*1835 0*0004 573 573 25 Gominorum 6-6 96-08 3 6 35 2-70 +3-7838 0-0039 0*0014 573 574 Monooorotii 6*9 I <><)<> 4 6 35 56-93 + 3*0863 0*0002 0-0019 574 575 26 Gominorum 5*3 2 97-14 3 6 36 34-92 + 3*4951 0-0023 0-0009 575 576 Monocorotii 7*0 ... 02*15 4 6 36 49-84 +3*1498 0-0005 576 577 27 Gominorum ... 3'5 I 96*48 3 6 37 46-73 +3*6941 0-0037 0-0018 577 578 Monooerotii 6*4 ... 99*11 3 6 37 52-11 +3*1448 0-0005 578 579 Monocorotii 5-8 ... 00*18 3 6 38 22-18 +3*1656 0-0007 579 580 28 Gominorum 5'5 98-15 3 6 38 25-21 +3*8055 0-0046 0-0015 580 58i 31 Geminorum ... 3'5 ... 99-79 17 6 39 40-55 +3*3768 0-0019 0-0087 581 583 Monooorotia 7*6 I oo- 18 3 6 40 15*19 +3-1809 0-0008 583 583 9 Canis Majorii ... a -i*7 03-19 2 6 40 44'55 + 2-6810 + 0*0010 0-0372 583 584 Gominorum 6-7 I 97-14 4 6 41 32-86 +3*5077 0-0029 o-oooo 584 585 1 8 Monooerotii 5*o I 99-I5 3 6 42 38*71 +3*1306 0-0007 O-0020 585 541. B.D. magnitude, 8*a ; Albany, 7-3. 544. 1898 Feb. 7, magnitude 7. The limits are 5*8 and 8-3 ; the period it ardayi. 553. Harvard magnitude, 6*3; B.D. 7*1. 560. Red. 563. B.D. magnitude, 8*0 ; Albany, 7-4. 566. Yellowish-green. KAJM:UFIM <:ATALOC;I;K or STARH, N.IM>. "r ? 'f ' ' -.jj i, i . K< , .; No. niul Fraction 11 MuiN.P.U. Proa* |U V;u. Motion. \A J i^T i| ||| /'. l>. No. of Year. i\ 4| | "1 ^ I f J 54' 99' '3 3 85 21 10-2 + 1-615 -| 0-4',* o-oio 932 12222 2150 i '/i ', + 4 1337 541 542 02-17 3 87 16 58-I + 1*623 + 0-455 IMJ| 2151 + 2 I2I3 543 543 97-05 3 64 53 55'i + 1-623 + 0-537 I2I97 / '//'i + 25 1255 543 544 IT* 3 82 51 34-6 + 1-732 + 0-470 507 1972 + 7 1273 544 545 "{'" 3 88 26 35-7 + 1*759 \ "4V 12280 2169 + i 133* 545 546 02-17 3 87 40 17-9 + 1-797 + 0-453 EJJ00 2175 + 2 1227 546 547 orii 3 89 7 49-6 + 1-809 + 0-448 537 3179 + o 1414 547 548 02-14 3 89 5 58-6 + 1-907 + 0-448 12350 582 3193 + o 1421 Hi 549 99''5 3 '':', '/, '/.', ', + 1-930 + 0-446 0-013 V4! 591 + o 1426 549 550 99-14 3 7 I 5^3 + 1'932 + "'455 2195 + * 1237 550 551 98-83 3 69 43 277 + 2'O1I + 0-516 + 0-006 942 12361 ,4 12426 642 2206 + 3 1253 553 554 'A"7 3 72 59 29-1 + 2-215 -i rfoj 4 /o% '997 + 17 1275 554 555 '//'5 3 87 I 1O-2 + 2'282 + 0-454 12502 2225 + 3 "79 555 556 'A*o 3 72 8 59-9 + 2-310 + 9 7'> -0-025 955 12492 2005 + 17 1286 556 557 96-45 3 72 8 42-8 + 2-3II + 0-506 0041 r/> 2493 2tJfjf> + 17 1286 557 558 02 12 4 84 59 9-7 + 3-323 f oV'i 723 2236 + 5 '283 558 m '//" 3 85 4 19-6 + 2-358 + 0-461 '/ +0-035 3 89 24 41*1 + 3-133 -t "'44 ', 0-012 12855 i',/0 ^47 + o 1546 574 575 97-14 3 72 15 23-3 + 3'i87 + 0-502 4 ffpflO 982 12850 1665 3049 + 17 1357 575 576 02-15 3 86 39 20-6 + 3-309 + 0-453 12879 1041 2^3 + 3 1359 576 577 96-48 3 64 46 1 1-2 +3'39i + 0-530 fowj 93 12880 2"5 { + 35 1406 577 578 99-11 3 86 52 5-6 + 3-298 + 0-451 12917 1074 2 '/^ + 3 *37i 578 579 NTlfl 3 8558 6-3 + 3'34i + 0-454 1294^^ 9ffO + 4 1414 579 0i 98-15 3 6055 40-1 + 3'346 +0-546 +0-014 V% 12897 2055 + 39 1337 580 5i 00-15 3 765946-8 + 3-454 + 0-484 +0-195 f* 12964 1124 1677 M|f + 13 1396 5i 582 00 / ^> 3 85 18 7-6 + 3-504 +0-455 IJOM 9JM + 4 1439 ft 583 OJI9 2 106 34 42-9 +y546 - <> 'fa + 1-199 994 13035 iC>,i 2//,2 - 16 1501 583 ft 97-14 4 7 41 52-3 + 3'6i5 + 0-502 '/'//, ijm 2063 + If 1349 584 585 99-15 3 87 28 42-2 + 3-710 +0-447 + 0-012 y/s 13075 2416 2072 + a 1397 5*5 554,584- Authority for Prop* Motfoo* : IMM MiMMilrtM, acf f} *>,. Th*. '> Authority : Auwr Ajtronomkebe JUcferiefeU Auwn (BerH A), 174, Atttfaority for Prop* Hottaf: AawMpMlRMM* Orbital Mrffc* M* + o-ij in BJL, and + o"'9 to M.P.D. , jofcf-l ). 28 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. *- d* Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 586 Monocerotis 7-0 02*17 3 h. m. s. 6 42 39-29 8. + 3-0830 s. 0*0005 s. 586 587 Monocerotis 6-1 ... 99*09 3 6 43 53-9I + 3-0982 0*0007 587 588 33 Geminorum 5'8 96*08 3 6 44 4-45 + 3-4568 0*0028 O'O025 588 589 36 Geminorum ... d 5'7 I 97*80 3 6 45 33-43 + 3-5989 0*0040 o'ooi5 589 590 Geminorum 5-8 98-I7 3 6 45 55-74 + 3-6483 0*0045 590 591 34 Geminorum ... 6 3'5 ... 98-39 4 6 46 n-86 + 3-9589 0-0074 0*0002 59i 592 Monocerotis 7'9 I 99-I5 3 6 46 22-68 + 3-I36I O'OOIO 592 593 Monocerotis 6-2 ... 99-21 3 6 46 24-95 + 3-I450 O'OOIO 593 594 Monocerotis 7'9* 02-17 3 6 46 38*96 + 3*l846 0*0013 594 595 37 Geminorum 6-0 I 98-48 3 6 4.9, 9-67 + 3-6957 0*0053 0*0037 595 596 14 Canis Majoris ... v 4'3 99-76 10 6 49 32-58 + 2*7972 + 0*0003 0*0105 596 597 Monocerotis 7'5 I 98-83 3 6 51 24-06 + 3-I025 O'OOI I O'OOOO 597 598 Monocerotis 8-0* 02-17 3 6 51 25-67 + 3*078l O'OOIO 598 599 39 Geminorum 6-2 98-46 3 6 52 37-67 + 3-7I36 0-0060 0-0134 599 600 Monocerotis 7'7* 01-15 3 6 53 1-20 + 3" l6 44 0-0016 600 60 1 40 Geminorum 6-3 98-76 3 6 53 I7-5I + 3-7086 0*0060 O*OO2I 60 1 602 Monocerotis 6-0 99-19 3 6 53 41*41 + 3-I577 0-0016 602 603 Cephei 51 (Hev.) 5'6 3 99-I5 43 6 53 44-39 + 29*7120 2-6204 0*0415 603 604 41 Geminorum 5-8 97-09 3 6 54 31*02 + 3-4506 0-0038 0*002 1 604 605 21 Canis Majoris ... 17 oi*45 4 6 54 41-67 + 2*3576 + 0-0013 O'OOI I 605 606 42 Geminorum ... to 5'2 ... 98*09 3 6 56 19*14 + 3-6598 O'oo6o 0-0016 606 607 Monocerotis 7'i i 99*20 3 6 56 23-06 + 3-1853 0*0019 607 608 Geminorum 6-2 ... 98*49 3 6 56 36-48 + 3-49I3 0*0044 + 0-0018 608 609 Geminorum 6-0 i 98*78 3 6 56 47-21 + 3-4645 0*0041 609 610 Geminorum 6-3 i 98-83 3 6 57 9-12 + 3-8058 0*0077 + 0-0130 610 611 43 Geminorum ... Var. 00-13 3 6 58 io>66 + 3*5621 0*0052 O'OOI I 6x1 612 Monocerotis 7*0 ... O2'2O 3 6 58 21-56 + 3-13" 0*0016 612 613 Monocerotis 8*2* ... 99-22 3 6 59 5-00 + 3-1795 O-OO2O 613 614 Monocerotis 6'5 99'2I 3 6 59 9-33 + 3-1096 0*0016 614 615 23 Canis Majoris ... y 4'i 98-I7 6 6 59 14-04 + 2*7146 + 0*0005 0-0018 615 616 44 Geminorum 5'9 ... 98-09 3 6 59 I7-H + 3*6156 0*0059 0*0010 616 617 Monocerotis 7*6 3 03-I6 3 7 o 0*81 + 3-0836 0*0014 617 618 Canis Majoris 6-4 95'42 3 7 o 31-50 + 2*5545 + 0*0009 618 619 Monocerotis 7-0 2 98-76 3 7 i 48-04 + 3-1869 0*0022 619 620 45 Geminorum 5'7 96-45 3 7 2 37-91 + 3-4440 0*0045 0-0016 620 621 25 Canis Majoris ... 8 2-1 97-39 4 7 4 I9-45 + 2*4397 + O-OOII 0*0015 621 622 47 Geminorum 5'7 I 96-14 3 7 5 10*90 + 3-727I 0*0080 0*001 8 622 623 Monocerotis 7'3 I 99-11 3 7 5 57*01 + 3-I479 0-OO22 623 624 Monocerotis 8-2* 02-19 3 7 6 10-62 + 3-H3 1 0*0020 624 625 48 Geminorum 5-8 98-18 3 7 6 21-85 + 3-65II 0*0072 0-0025 625 626 51 Geminorum 5'3 99-61 18 7 7 37-73 + 3*4474 0*0051 + 0-0003 626 627 52 Geminorum 6*1 97-52 3 7 8 35-06 + 3*6700 0-0077 + 0-0027 627 628 Monocerotis 5'7 99T5 3 7 9 5-65 + 3-I458 0-0023 0-0097 628 629 53 Geminorum 5'9 98-19 3 7 9 42-46 + 3-7529 0-0090 0*0020 629 630 Canis Minoris 8*1* 02-18 3 7 9 42-64 + 3-1838 0-0027 630 591. Light green. 603. Reddish-yellow. 609. Orange. 611. The limits of magnitude are 3*7 and 4*5 ; the period is 10 days. 614. Brighter than No. 607. A star (Albany 2597) one magnitude fainter precedes 4' and is i r north. 616. B.D. magnitude, 7-1 ; Berlin (B), 6'6. 619. Harvard magnitude, 6*0 ; B.D., 6*5. 626. Orange-red. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. Mean BQ A . 10 Year "1 W5 O oo OQ OO do" " 4 No. and Fraction II a Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. i? oT T3 JS J-5 00 1& 00 B.D. No. of 3 g Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. <0 T3 li ti ^_. ^ON '0 W B.D. No. of Year. - OJ Jz > *< 1 1 a *3 ^d 09 M O 631 99T3 3 1 II 89 59 15-1 + 6-047 + 0-425 0-008 1055 14093 1814 o + o 1871 631 632 98-22 3 63 7 48-9 + 6101 + 0-514 + 0-170 14080 2186 + 26 1508 632 633 97-5I 3 73 16 44-5 + 6-225 + 0-476 + 0*026 1058 14139 1824 2189 + 16 1443 633 634 99-17 3 87 4 33'9 + 6-375 + 0-431 14234 350 2746 + 2 1640 634 635 96-50 5 67 49 59'9 + 6-375 + 0-494 0-003 1062 14197 1835 2195 + 22 1645 635 636 99-21 3 87 21 16-9 + 6-428 + 0-430 14250 364 2752 + 2 1644 636 637 99-23 3 89 24 38-3 + 6-477 + 0-423 14272 389 + o 1909 637 638 oo'i6 3 86 13 55-2 + 6-485 + 0-433 390 2762 + 3 1649 638 639 97-54 3 69 22 2'7 + 6-532 + 0-487 + 0-008 1065 14267 2207 + 20 1775 639 640 99-17 3 89 38 ri + 6-605 + 0-421 14328 432 + o 1915 640 641 99-19 3 89 6 26-8 + 6-637 + 0-423 + 0-080 14340 448 2791 + o 1916 641 642 98-21 3 64 45 25-0 + 6-642 + 0-502 + 0-017 1068 14310 22IO + 25 1660 642 643 98-48 3 66 51 42-9 + 6-649 + 0-494 + 0-034 1070 14315 221 1 +23 1698 643 644 99-22 3 86 37 38-9 + 6-781 + 0-429 14395 497 2804 + 3 1670 644 645 98-79 3 62 O IO'2 + 6-819 + 0-310 + 0-075 1072 14378 222O + 28 1385 645 646 02-20 3 84 57 9'9 + 6-871 + 0-433 533 2816 + 5 1652 646 647 98-51 3 69 32 33"i + 6-944 + 0-481 + Q-OII 1076 14426 1864 2228 + 20 1805 647 648 00-17 3 8 1 30 32-3 + 7-000 + 0-443 + 0-030 1079 14466 573 1872 2230 + 8 1774 648 649 98*53 3 68 20 59-3 + 7-006 + 0-485 + O1OI 1077 1874 2231 + 21 1602 649 650 99-20 3 88 20 45-4 + 7-034 + 0-422 14497 598 2833 + i 1811 650 651 96-47 3 61 40 31-9 + 7'"3 + 0-508 +0-053 1080 14494 + 28 1396 651 652 99-19 3 87 30 41-3 + 7-145 + 0-423 2848 + 2 1681 652 653 98-23 3 61 52 38-1 + 7-153 + 0-507 + 0-018 1082 14513 2239 + 28 1400 653 654 99-14 3 86 29 5-2 + 7-283 + 0-425 14603 694 2859 + 3 1701 654 655 99-17 3 ST 31 45-8 + 7-290 + 0-422 700 2860 + 2 1685 655 656 02-20 3 89 38 5'4 + 7-335 + 0-415 7i7/ + o 1971 656 657 97-94 4 72 42 3'9 + 7-352 + 0-466 + 0-078 14620 + 17 1596 657 658 99-21 3 87 3 45'i + 7-4i6 + 0-422 14666 75i 2878 + 3 1708 658 659 98-I5 3 66 53 56-7 + 7-4i8 + 0-485 2246 + 23 1744 659 660 99-23 3 87 52 24-8 + 7-423 + 0-419 0-023 1088 14672 754 2880 + 2 1691 660 661 99-14 3 86 29 48-2 + 7-508 + 0-423 0-038 1092 790 2891 + 3 1715 66 1 662 01-64 3 57 53 35-3 + 7-530 + 0-517 +0-079 1087 14673 1910 225O + 32 1581 662 663 00-38 3 57 53 3i-4 + 7-530 + 0-5I7 +0-079 1087 14673 1911 2251 + 32 1581 663 664 99-19 3 86 24 40-8 + 7-594 + 0-422 O-O02 1095 8i5 2900 + 3 1719 664 665 02-20 3 87 3 23-0 + 7-637 + 0-420 14769 829 2905 + 3 1723 665 666 99'2O 3 85 20 31-0 + 7-650 + 0-424 14774 834 2907 + 4 I75i 666 667 99-I4 3 86 30 22-3 + 7-651 + 0-421 836 2908 + 3 1725 667 668 97-I4 3 62 52 54-3 + 7-654 + 0-496 + OTOI 1094 14744 2259 + 27 1424 668 669 O2'2O 3 87 50 49-2 + 7-875 + 0-415 14880 927 2932 + 2 I72O 669 670 99-2O 3 89 1 6 6-8 + 7-945 + 0-410 14904 957 2938 + o 2026 670 671 97-I3 3 72 5 50-8 + 7-972 + 0-461 0-018 1103 14894 1938 228O + 18 1701 671 672 99H7 8 84 31 6-9 + 8-001 + 0-423 + 1-027 1106 14914 977 1941 228l + 5 1739 672 673 98-16 3 66 45 0-4 + 8-075 + 0-477 14921 + 23 1780 673 674 99-21 3 85 4i 39'2 + 8-120 + 0-419 + 0-089 14950 1 022 2958 + 4 1781 674 675 99-I7 3 86 8 29-9 + 8-182 + 0-417 14970 1045 2964 + 3 1758 675 632, 641, 674. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 657. Authority for Proper Motions: Auwers (Berlin A). 672. The corrections applied for Orbital Motion are o''o6 in R.A., and o"'6 in N.P.D. Authority : Auwers (Astronomische Nachrichten, 1371-3). 32 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 676 Monocerotis 6-4 ... 99-22 3 h. m. s. 7 37 57-40 8. + 3-08I7 8. O-OO3 1 s. 676 677 76 Geminorum ... c 5'5 ... 97-53 3 7 38 0-96 + 3-6666 O-OII7 0-0028 677 678 77 Geminorum ... K 3-6 98-19 3 7 38 24-66 + 3'6302 O'OIIO 0-0034 678 679 680 Canis Minoris 78 Geminorum ... /? 6-3 i'3 00-94 99-29 4 14 7 38 55-o6 7 39 "78 + 3-1288 + 3-7252 0-0037 0-0129 0*0481 679 680 681 79 Geminorum 67 I 98-22 3 7 39 17-12 + 3-5277 0-0093 0-0037 68 1 682 8 1 Geminorum ... g 5-o 98-20 3 7 40 20-06 + 3-4838 0-0087 0-0062 682 683 Canis Minoris 7-6 I 00-80 5 7 4i 25-71 + 3-II7I 0-0036 683 684 82 Geminorum 6-3 ... 97-86 3 7 42 34-92 + 3*5939 0-0109 0*0019 684 685 Canis Minoris 7-0 I ori6 7 7 43 42-40 + 3-I69I 0-0044 685 686 7 Argus 3'5 99'63 ii 7 45 5-26 + 2-5237 + 0-0009 croon 686 687 Canis Minoris 6'3 ... 00-19 4 7 45 32-55 + 3-I466 0-0042 687 688 Canis Minoris 6-6 99-22 3 7 45 34-34 + 3-I7H 0-0045 688 689 690 Monocerotis 13 Canis Minoris ... 6-6 6-0 I 00-19 99-18 3 3 7 45 45-5I 7 46 30-77 + 3-0797 + 3" "49 0-0034 0-0038 0*0036 689 690 691 Canis Minoris 6-6 99-19 3 7 46 52-41 + 3-I465 0-0042 691 692 83 Geminorum ... ^> 57 I 96-17 3 7 47 22-54 + 3-6811 0-0132 0*0023 692 693 85 Geminorum 5'3 97-21 3 7 49 49-77 + 3-5079 O'OIOI 0-0028 693 694 Canis Minoris 6-6 I 99-67 4 7 5i 7-07 + 3-1710 0-0047 694 695 I Cancri 6-0 ... 98-17 3 7 5i 18-77 + 3-4I30 0-0085 0-0030 695 696 Canis Minoris 7-0 I 99-19 3 7 52 7-4i + 3-1014 0-0039 0-0130 696 697 Cancri 6-0 98-22 3 7 52 49-15 + 3-4282 0-0089 0*0014 697 698 14 Canis Minoris 5'5 00-20 4 7 53 9-53 + 3-1239 0-0042 0*0123 698 699 700 Cancri 2 Caneri to 6-5 6-3 I 02-20 97-88 3 3 7 53 16-70 7 54 52-77 + 3-I386 f 3-6361 0-0044 0-0133 O'OOII 699 700 701 Cancri 6-4 ... 98-51 3 7 55 2-51 + 3-59io 0-0123 0*0040 701 702 3 Cancri 57 98-50 3 7 55 3-50 + 3H44I 0*0094 0*0022 702 703 5 Cancri 5'9 98-51 3 7 55 48-33 + 3H243 0-0091 0-0018 703 704 Canis Minoris 5'6 ... 02-44 4 7 55 56-51 + JI782 0-0051 704 705 Canis Minoris 7'5 I 99-19 3 7 56 53-9I + 3-I387 0-0045 705 706 Canis Minoris 5'o I 99-22 3 7 57 3-77 + 3-1259 0*0044 0*0024 706 707 6 Caneri 5'2 2 97-17 10 7 57 22-60 + 3-6943 0*0149 0-0025 707 708 7 Cancri 6-3 I 98-54 3 7 57 56-26 + 3-55I2 0*0118 0-0051 708 709 710 Ursae Minoris 9 Caneri /x 7'i 6-2 I 00-78 98-22 27 3 7 58 2-49 8 o 22-91 -f 65-5480 + 3-56i8 32-9572 0-0123 0-1198 0*0028 709 710 711 712 7i3 7H Canis Minoris Monocerotis 7'3 6-4 7'9* 5'5 2 99-19 02-44 02-22 97-90 3 4 3 3 8 o 35-76 8 o 43-23 8 i 3'95 8 i 52-78 + 3-1222 + 3-0669 + 3-1022 + 3-5352 0-0044 0-0037 0-0042 0-0119 + CTOOI2 711 712 713 714 Canis Minoris 10 Cancri p. 7i5 12 Cancri 6-2 ... 98-18 3 8 3 7-07 + 3-3576 0-0084 0-0008 715 716 717 718 15 Argus p 14 Cancri if/ Cancri 2-9 5'9 6-1 ... 98-90 98-22 98-21 H 3 3 8 3 17-07 8 4 25-85 8 5 2179 + 2-5612 + 3-6263 + 3-3770 + O'OOIO 0-0142 0-0090 0-0075 0-0072 0-0028 716 717 718 719 Hydrae 7'i 02-46 4 8 5 27-22 + 3-I374 0-0048 719 720 16 Cancri 6-0 I 97-19 4 8 6 28-56 + 3-44I5 0-0104 4-0-0033 720 680. Orange. 716. Reddish. 720. Very close double. Observed as one mass. A third star, magnitude 6*8, follows closely and is south. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. Mean - - JL - g o Year *jo i^ u 00 *>. aT "O *g) '""^ |x !* -oo 1? B.D. No. of Year. 3 " ^1 -a V ^d 08 M PH CD w " w 676 99-22 3 / II 89 34 25-7 + 8-312 + 0-405 n 15019 1095 + o 2054 676 677 97-53 3 63 58 38-8 + 8-317 + 0-483 + 0-026 1109 14991 2295 + 26 1633 677 678 98-19 3 65 21 43-0 + 8-348 + 0-478 + 0-055 IIII 15000 2296 + 24 1759 678 679 00-19 3 87 21 20'4 + 8-389 + 0-411 1122 2990 + 2 1761 679 680 98-16 5 6 1 43 55-8 + 8-411 + 0-490 + 0-051 1112 15028 1960 2300 + 28 1463 680 68 1 98-22 3 69 26 36-6 + 8-418 + 0-463 O'O2O i"3 15050 2301 + 20 1893 68 1 682 98-20 3 71 14 45-6 + 8-501 + 0-457 + 0-044 i"5 15078 2304 + 18 1733 682 683 99-22 3 87 53 52-5 + 8-588 + 0-407 15135 Il87 3015 + 2 1776 683 684 97-86 3 66 36 40-7 + 8-679 + 0-469 0-OI5 1119 15146 2313 + 23 1812 684 685 98-49 3 85 25 1-6 + 8-767 + 0-412 15207 1241 3035 + 4 1826 685 686 OI-2O 4 114 36 30-7 + 8-876 + 0-326 O-O24 "32 15300 1991 2324 686 687 99-I9 3 86 28 7-5 + 8-911 + 0-407 1289 3052 + 3 1818 687 688 99-22 3 85 17 18-4 + 8-914 + 0-410 15271 3053 + 4 1833 688 689 OO'ig 3 89 40 I'2 + 8-928 + 0-398 15286 + o 2108 689 690 OO'lS 3 87 58 40-8 + 8-988 + 0-402 O-OO9 "3i 15321 1319 3062 + 2 1808 690 691 99-19 3 86 27 52-5 + 9-016 + 0-406 1324 3065 + 3 1824 691 692 96-I7 3 62 58 30-8 + 9-055 + 0-475 + 0-028 1128 15316 2336 + 27 1499 692 693 97-21 3 69 51 6-4 + 9-246 + 0-450 + 0-035 "37 15417 2345 + 20 1946 693 694 98-50 3 85 14 56-7 + 9-346 + 0-405 15475 3098 + 4 1860 694 695 98-I7 3 73 56 32-0 + 9-36i + 0-436 + 0-026 "38 15468 2350 + 16 1590 695 696 99-19 3 88 36 20-9 + 9-424 + 0-395 O'OOO 15522 1473 3108 + I 1959 696 697 98-22 3 73 12 42-4 + 9-477 + 0-437 O-O2I 15525 + 16 1598 697 698 99-21 3 .. 87 30 30-5 + 9-504 + 0-397 0-085 "39 15556 1503 3"2 2354 + 2 1833 698 699 O2'2O 3 86 47 39'0 + 9-5I3 + 0-399 15562 1506 3"5 + 3 1860 699 700 97-88 3 64 19 59-0 + 9-636 + 0-461 0-013 1140 15581 2360 + 25 1812 700 701 98-51 3 66 8 30-9 + 9-648 + 0-455 + O'OIO 15590 2363 + 23 1866 701 702 98-50 3 72 25 0-9 + 9-649 + 0-436 O'OIO "43 15602 2364 + 17 1731 702 703 98-51 3 73 16 7-3 + 9-707 + 0-433 0-003 1146 15630 2039 2367 + 16 1612 703 704 02-20 3 84 50 41-9 + 9717 + 0-401 15657 1581 + 5 1857 704 70S 99-19 3 86 45 42-9 + 9-790 + 0-395 3H2 + 3 i875 70S 706 99-22 3 87 23 26-3 + 9-803 + 0-394 0-123 "53 15695 1609 3143 2370 + 2 1854 706 707 96-84 3 61 55 30-4 + 9-827 + 0-465 + 0-039 "49 15676 2047 2371 + 28 1532 707 708 98-54 3 67 38 55-6 + 9-869 + 0-447 0-009 1152 15702 2374 + 22 1845 708 709 01-94 19 i 4 0-4 + 9-877 + 8-316 O-O2O 2006 2337 + 89 13 709 710 98-22 3 67 4 42-9 + 10-055 + 0-445 O-OO5 "57 15786 2381 + 23 1887 710 7" 99-19 3 87 32 58-9 + 10-071 + 0^389 15820 1717 3180 + 2 1868 7" 712 02-20 3 90 17 16-6 + 1 0-081 + 0-382 15832 I72O 2062 o 1903 712 713 02-22 3 88 32 10-4 + 10-107 + 0-386 1726 3185 + I 1995 713 7H 97-90 3 68 7 39-7 + 10-168 + 0-440 + 0-059 1161 15847 2384 + 22 1862 7i4 715 98-18 3 76 4 3'9 + 10-261 + 0-416 + 0-019 "65 15893 1776 2388 + 14 1831 7i5 716 02-84 3 "4 o 57-5 + 10-274 + 0-316 0-061 1170 15946 2074 2389 716 717 98-22 3 64 ii 19-9 + 10-360 + 0-448 + 0-351 1167 15925 2080 2393 + 25 1865 717 718 98-21 3 75 4 28-0 + 10-430 + 0*416 0-007 15968 2396 + 15 1775 718 719 02-22 3 86 45 I5-3 . +10-437 + 0-386 15984 4 6 3223 + 3 1913 719 720 97-19 3 72 3 2-8 + 10-513 + 0-423 + 0-104 "75 16004 2402 + 18 1867 720 696. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 697,718. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwere (Berlin A). 701. Authority for Proper Motions : Becker. 709. Authority for Proper Motions : Thackeray. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean E.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 721 Hydrae 7'7 2 99-I5 3 h. m. s. 8 6 33-56 s. + 3-1637 s. 0-0053 s. 721 722 Cancri 6*3 I 98*21 3 8 7 46-22 + 3-5645 0-0132 722 723 Hydrae 7*8* 02*20 3 8 9 29-11 + 3-1015 0*0044 723 724 17 Cancri ft 3-8 ... 97-99 22 8 n 5-52 + 3-2607 0-0071 0*0044 724 725 Hydrae 7'i 3 99*16 3 8 12 2-65 + 3-1615 0-0054 725 726 Hydrae 7-6 O2'22 3 8 12 25-65 + 3-1012 0-0045 726 727 Cancri 6-7 i 96-56 3 8 12 3574 + 3*3934 0-0099 727 728 Cancri 6-0 ... 98-16 3 8 14 31-04 + 3-50I4 0*0124 + 0-0041 728 729 Hydrae 6-1 99-96 4 8 14 34-47 + 3-I556 0-0054 729 730 19 Cancri A. 6-0 i 97-49 3 8 14 35-39 + 3-576o 0-0143 0-0024 730 731 Hydrae 7-8* 99-20 3 8 16 6-18 + 3-0995 0-0046 + 0*0020 731 732 Hydrae 6*9 i 00-20 4 8 16 59-66 + 3-1204 0-0049 732 733 20 Cancri d 5'7 ... 00*25 16 8 17 38-29 + 3-445 o-oi 14 0*0053 733 734 Hydrae 7-6 2 99-17 3 8 18 37*97 + 3-0800 O-O043 734 735 25 Cancri d 6-2 ... 97-17 3 8 20 10*25 + 3-4I52 0-0109 0-0144 735 736 Hydrae 5'9 99-69 4 8 20 24-04 + 3-1191 0-0050 736 737 Hydrae 6*7 99*20 3 8 20 37-77 + 3-1090 0-0048 737 738 24 Cancri v 7*1 2 98*19 3 8 20 42-92 + 3-579I 0-0150 0*0053 738 739 27 Cancri 5'7 I 97-53 3 8 21 12-12 + 3-3243 0-0090 0*0026 739 740 28 Cancri v 6-1 97*89 3 8 22 41-05 + 3-567I 0-0150 0*0042 740 74i Hydrae 7'3 I 00*21 4 8 22 42-05 + 3-1400 0-0054 74i 742 29 Cancri 5'9 ... 98*21 3 8 23 2-50 + 3-354I 0-0098 0-0028 742 743 Hydrae 7'4 I OO'2I 3 8 23 6-46 + 3-0836 0-0045 743 744 Hydrae 7-6 I 00*21 4 8 23 26-12 + 3-1026 0-0048 744 745 Hydrae 7'4 2 OO*2O 4 8 24 39-60 + 3-0842 0-0045 745 746 Hydrae 7*2 ... 99*19 3 8 24 47-54 + 3-0794 0-0044 746 747 30 Cancri v 5'7 ... 96-I5 3 8 25 35-70 + 3-5612 0-0151 0-0072 747 748 31 Cancri 5'5 ... 97-89 3 8 25 53-63 + 3'43io 0-0118 0-0051 748 749 33 Cancri 77 5-6 ... OO*67 15 8 26 55-55 + 3-4793 0-0131 0-0039 749 750 32 Cancri 6*4 ... 97-85 3 8 27 5-45 + 3-5590 0-0152 0-0074 750 75i Hydrae 6' i O2*2 1 3 8 28 27-11 + 3-1678 0-0061 751 752 Hydrae 7-2 I 00*18 4 8 30 0-76 + 3-0858 0-0046 752 753 Hydrae 6'5 00-19 4 8 30 12-25 + 3-1299 0-0054 753 754 Cancri 6'3 96-54 3 8 30 31-24 + 3-3695 0-0106 0-0003 754 755 Cancri 6-8 ... 96-81 3 8 32 52-46 + 3-54I2 0-0154 0-0030 755 756 Hydrae 7'3 01*71 4 8 33 n'77 + 3-0918 0-0048 756 757 5 Hydrae t>-00 ftf No. and Fraction ' a > a - Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. fjj- M . 00 /~x 1^ =3& *O CO CO B.D. No. of s "^ li 1 c^ H <3 O 03 >H 8 "* Year. ^0 M 3 I PQ i O 721 99-I5 3 85 25 45'2 a + 10-519 + 0-388 16023 78 3231 + 4 1932 721 722 98-21 3 66 33 39*6 + 10-609 + 0-437 16053 2407 + 23 1913 722 723 O2'2O 3 88 32 20-9 + 10-736 + 0-378 I6I26 163 3258 + I 2040 723 724 96*20 4 80 30 22'I + 10-854 + 0-395 + 0*041 Il8o I6I74 2OI 2105 2417 + 9 1917 724 725 99-I6 3 85 28 20-1 + 10-925 + 0-382 I62I3 228 3288 + 4 1945 725 726 02'22 3 88 32 38-8 + 10-953 + 0-374 16239 241 3292 + I 2056 726 727 96-56 3 74 o 42-0 + 10-965 + 0-410 16224 2422 + 16 1679 727 728 98-16 3 68 56 12-0 + 11-105 + 0*420 + 0-053 16292 2428 + 21 1817 728 729 98-89 3 85 44 14-6 + ii'iog + 0*378 I63I2 33" + 4 1954 729 730 97-49 3 65 39 45'2 + II-HI + 0*429 + 0-028 Il82 16288 2429 + 24 1909 730 731 99'2O 3 88 36 54-1 + H'221 + 0-370 + 0-128 16369 350 3327 + I 2074 73i 732 99-21 3 87 31 46-6 + II-285 + 0*371 16397 3335 + 2 1948 732 733 01-20 3 71 20 47-4 + II-332 + 0-410 + O'O22 1185 16406 2145 2434 + 18 1930 733 734 99-I7 3 89 37 5'4 + 11-403 + 0-365 16463 + o 2288 734 735 97-17 3 72 37 26-7 + "514 + 0-403 + 0-143 1192 I65O6 + 17 1842 735 736 98-53 3 87 34 20-0 + "530 + 0-367 16534 466 3362 + 2 1965 736 737 99-20 3 88 5 54-3 + H-547 + 0-366 16546 475 3366 + 2 1967 737 738 98-19 3 65 8 12-5 + "'553 + 0-422 + O'OSO 1193 I65I7 + 25 I92O 738 739 97-53 3 77 o 54-8 + 11-587 + 0-391 + 0-093 1196 16558 483 2448 + 1-3 1912 739 740 97-89 3 65 31 23-0 + 11-693 + 0-418 + 0-057 1198 16597 2452 + 24 1931 740 741 99-22 3 86 27 4'7 + 11-694 + 0-367 16623 526 338i + 3 1983 741 742 98-21 3 75 27 28-0 + 11-719 + 0-392 + 0-005 1200 I662I 529 2172 2454. + 14 1899 742 743 OO-2I 3 89 25 28-3 + 11723 + 0-360 16645 + o 2305 743 744 OO-2O 3 88 25 15-5 + 11-747 + 0-362 547 3387 + I 2102 744 745 99-20 3 89 23 33'4 + "833 + 0-358 16680 577 + o 2312 745 746 99-I9 3 89 38 47-3 + 11-842 + 0-357 16686 580 + o 2313 746 747 96-I5 3 65 34 53*2 + 11-899 + 0-413 + 0-059 1 201 16685 2464 + 24 1940 747 748 97-89 3 71 34 2*6 + 11*920 + 0-397 + O*O5O 1203 I67I6 2467 + 18 1963 748 749 00*69 4 69 13 8*4 + 11-993 + 0*401 + 0*047 I2O7 16760 2186 2473 + 20 2109 749 750 97-85 3 65 34 28-8 + 12-004 + 0-411 + 0*037 I2O5 16739 2474 + 24 1946 750 75i 02-21 3 84 54 5'9 + 12-099 + 0-363 I68I4 665 + 5 1997 75i 752 99-I7 3 89 17 33"i + 12*208 + 0-352 I688I 711 3444 + o 2335 752 753 99-I9 3 86 54 44-4 + 12*221 + 0*357 16886 713 3447 + 3 2014 753 754 96-54 3 74 20 25*6 + 12-243 + 0-384 + O-O27 16882 2481 + 15 1851 754 755 96-81 3 65 57 35'4 + 12-406 + 0-400 + OT7O 16964 2496 + 24 1968 755 756 O2'2I 3 88 57 32-3 + 12-428 + 0-348 17007 3469 + i 2142 756 757 98-23 3 86 18 27*0 + I2-45I + 0-354 + 0-003 1221 I7O20 810 3471 2216 + 3 2026 757 758 97-54 3 70 6 23*7 + 12-490 + 0-388 0-016 17024 2507 + 20 2150 758 759 97-85 3 70 6 20*3 + 12-498 + 0-388 2510 + 20 2153 759 760 98-23 3 70 6 4*5 + I2-532 + 0-387 O'OOI 1225 17045 2516 + 20 2171 760 761 99-I7 3 87 43 30-8 + 12-559 + 0-349 17085 855 3479 + 2 2039 761 762 O2-2I 3 68 10 18-1 + I2-72I + 0-388 + 0-033 1230 I7H3 2232 2523 + 21 1895 762 763 98-24 3 76 57 36-7 + 12-734 + 0-368 O'OIO 1232 I7I66 918 2524 + 13 1972 763 764 99-I9 3 86 14 32-2 + 12-755 + 0-348 0-005 "35 I7I80 929 3499 2235 2525 + 3 2039 764 765 98-55 3 70 36 20-9 + I2-770 + 0-381 + 19 2O9O 765 728. Authority for Proper Motions : Becker. 731, 755. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 754, 758. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). 36 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 766 Hydrae 6-3 i. 98-54 3 h. m. s. 8 38 44-43 8. + 3-I572 8. 0-0062 s. 766 767 47 Cancri 6 4'l 96-94 3 8 39 0-15 + 3-4I7I 0-0125 O-OO26 767 768 Hydrae 7-8* ... ocri6 3 8 39 4-06 + 3-0037 O-O032 768 769 Hydrae ... 7-0 2 OO'20 4 8 40 15-45 + 3-0827 0-0047 769 770 Hydrae 6-5 ... O2'2I 3 8 40 18-62 + 3-I628 CrOO63 770 771 772 Hydrae 2 50 Cancri A 7'5 6-0 2 I 00-18 97-21 4 3 8 41 11-31 8 41 27-15 + 3-0907 + 3-298I CTO049 O-OO95 0-0063 771 772 773 774 775 II Hydrae e Hydrae 3'5 7-1 I 98-81 OO'2O 99-7I ii 4 4 8 41 28-81 8 43 20-67 8 44 26-75 + 3-I939 + 3-I246 + 3-I053 0-007I O-OO56 O-OO52 -0-0135 773 774 775 Hydrae 7'4 I 776 Cancri 6-1 97*54 3 8 45 3-55 + 3^227 CrOI3I 0*0038 776 777 Cancri 6-5 ... 96-2I 3 8 49 44-90 + 3-3859 O-OI24 O-OOI2 777 778 60 Cancri 57 I 97-53 3 8 50 27-98 + 3'2820 O-OO96 O-OOI9 778 779 Hydrae 6-6 3 00'20 5 8 51 22-18 + 3-I5I9 O-OO63 779 780 Hydrae 8-0* ... 02-21 3 8 51 37-21 + 3-0860 0*0049 780 78i 782 62 Cancri 63 Cancri 5'i 57 ... 98-19 97-53 3 3 8 51 40-30 8 52 0-15 + 3-3480 + 3'3524 O*OII5 O-OII6 + O-O029 + 0-003I 781 782 783 Hydrae 6-8 02-23 3 8 52 2-00 + 3-I223 0-0057 783 784 Hydrae 7-1 2 99-19 3 8 52 58-19 + 3^055 0-0053 784 785 65 Cancri a 4'3 ... 98-83 16 8 53 1-09 + 3*2840 O-O097 + O'OOIO 785 786 Hydrae 7-0 ... O2-20 3 8 56 46-68 + 3'1240 0-0058 786 787 Hydrae 5'9 ... 02-46 4 8 56 5I-43 + 3-0712 O-OO46 O*OO40 787 788 Hydrae 6-9 2 00-23 5 8 57 25'i3 + 3*2018 O*OO77 788 789 Hydrae 7-6 3 9970 4 8 59 26-47 + 3'1380 0-0061 789 790 Hydrae 7'5 I O2'2O 3 9 o 3-99 + 3-"92 0-0057 790 791 Cancri 6-3 I 97'57 3 9 i 41-06 + 3-4784 0*0164 O-OI5O 791 792 Hydrae 6-7 2 OO-22 5 9 i 49-92 + 3-1032 0*0053 792 793 Hydrae 6-6 98-90 3 9 2 4-71 + 3*1215 0-0058 793 794 76 Cancri K 5'4 2 97-96 12 9 2 19-85 + 3-2558 0-0094 O-OO28 794 795 77 Cancri 5'2 ... 97-86 3 9 3 36-69 + 3-457I 0-0159 O'OOII 795 796 Hydrae 77 4 99-22 3 9 4 1878 + 3-I270 0*0059 796 797 Hydrae , 5'9 95-16 3 9 4 23-69 + 2-8765 0*0005 797 798 79 Cancri , 6-1 98-21 4 9 4 36-23 + 3^545 0-0159 0-0004 798 799 Hydrae 7'3 I 99-83 5 9 6 20-99 + 3*0839 0*0049 799 800 Hydrae 7-0 3 00-20 4 9 6 59-37 + 3'I4I2 0*0063 800 801 Cancri 6-1 ... 98-19 3 9 7 54-62 + 3^356 0-0155 0-0019 801 802 Hydrae 7'4 3 99-20 3 9 8 11-25 + 3*~402 0-0063 802 803 22 Hydrae 3'9 ... 00-88 6 9 9 9*65 + 3-1161 0-0057 + 0-0078 803 804 Hydrae 8-0* ... O2'20 3 9 9 3975 + 3-1496 0-0066 804 805 82 Cancri TT 5-6 ... 97-57 3 9 9 42-58 + 3-3211 0-0117 0-0029 805 806 Hydrae 7-1 2 99-21 3 9 " 3 I 76 + 3-0907 0*0050 806 807 Hydrae 7'3 I OI-72 4 9 12 1-87 + 3-1094 0-0055 807 808 Hydrae 7'4 3 00-98 4 9 12 24-28 + 3'o879 0*0050 808 809 83 Cancri 6-6 ... 98-49 18 9 13 24-03 + 3'3636 0-0134 0*0090 809 810 Hydrae 7'i 3 00-43 5 9 15 28-65 + 3-0820 0-0048 810 767. Reddish. 777. Red. 791. Double. Brighter observed. Companion, of magnitude 6*7, precedes south. 792. Orange-yellow. 804. The Declination of this star in W.B. (i) is 10' too great. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STABS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755. Lalande, 1800. 1 U) , U3 ^_ 00 HI ^ K- r m n 10 *>. t*>00 p. _D s~*> qe *>. IS i 1 ' is M Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 856 96-27 3 1 tl 81 12 30-9 + I7-044 + 0-237 + 0-015 1396 195" 1086 2559 2780 + 9 2269 856 857 97-20 3 77 4 4i-3 + I7-045 + 0-241 + 0-004 1395 19508 2781 + 13 2183 857 858 98-56 3 86 8 14-0 + 17-122 + 0-229 0-039 19542 I I 20 3928 2784 + 4 2276 858 859 98*28 4 81 28 33-5 + 17-140 + 0-233 + O'OI I 1398 19549 1127 2567 2787 + 8 2301 859 860 98-60 3 85 32 43"2 + 17-297 + 0-223 19642 1208 3945 + 4 2283 860 86 1 98-26 3 86 1 8 43-8 + I7-320 + 0*221 + 0-086 1400 19659 1222 3948 2798 + 3 2311 861 862 95-76 6 72 44 58-3 + I7-447 + 0*228 0*002 H03 19729 2596 2814 + 17 2171 862 863 97-58 3 88 35 35-7 + 17-470 + 0-214 19743 1289 396i + i 2403 863 864 96-20 3 79 30 44-1 + I7-478 + O-22I + 0-038 1405 19744 1290 2818 + IO 2112 864 865 99'73 4 89 52 57'4 + 17-488 + O-2I2 0*024 1407 19753 1298 2605 2819 + o 2615 865 866 99-41 3 77 32 38'i + I7H97 + O'222 0*018 1406 19752 1299 2607 2820 + 12 2149 866 867 02-25 3 88 21 0-7 + I7-5I8 + O-2I2 I3H 3967 + I 2406 867 868 97-95 3 87 8 17-8 + I7-548 + O-2I2 + 0-035 19782 6 3969 + 3 2321 868 869 96-28 3 84 53 28-0 + I7-689 + O-2O7 0*019 1417 19861 69 2830 + 5 2301 869 870 97-55 3 86 25 54-4 + I7-707 + O-2O5 19874 78 3987 + 3 2334 870 871 95-27 3 116 32 5-1 + 17735 + 0-180 2832 871 872 96-22 3 75 46 21-9 + I7-839 + O-2O7 + 0*025 1426 19946 138 2844 + 14 2228 872 873 97-18 8 69 39 9-1 + I7-963 + O'2O6 + 0-136 1432 20023 2663 2857 + 20 2467 873 874 99-55 3 69 39 10-8 + I7-963 + 0-206 + 0-136 1432 20023 2858 + 20 2467 874 875 02-23 3 89 42 27*8 + 17-966 + 0-I92 20038 203 + o 2641 875 876 97-88 3 87 12 25*1 + 18-018 + 0-I 9 I 0-018 1435 20077 225 4012 + 3 2352 876 877 02-23 3 89 43 0*5 + 18-032 + 0-188 20088 230 + o 2642 877 878 96*28 3 74 31 12*0 + 18-041 + 0-I98 + O'O22 1436 20087 2864 + 15 2192 878 879 96-28 3 82 56 58-3 + 18-090 + O-I9O + 0-09I 1441 20131 256 2686 + 7 2289 879 880 97-96 3 87 7 29-7 + 18-138 + 0-I85 20170 4027 + 3 2358 880 881 99-25 3 87 5 57-9 + 18-146 + 0-I85 20171 4029 + 3 2361 88 1 882 98-24 3 80 42 24-0 + 18-173 + 0-I87 + O'O2O 20191 295 2869 + 9 2351 882 883 01-26 3 86 33 45'4 + 18-203 + O-I82 20216 313 4034 + 3 2365 883 884 00-95 3 85 33 32-5 + 18-209 + 0-183 20224 315 4036 + 4 2328 884 885 98-23 3 106 19 32-9 + 18-219 + 0*l69 + 0'06 1 1451 20257 2701 2872 16 3052 885 886 98-92 3 85 55 33-9 + 18-259 + 0*180 + 0-015 20278 346 4045 + 4 2333 886 887 96-24 3 79 43 39-7 + 18-260 + 0-183 O-OI5 1453 20271 344 2881 + 10 2152 887 888 95-29 4 120 33 30-6 + 18-267 + 0-157 + O-OOI 2707 2882 888 889 01-28 3 86 50 26-0 + 18-312 + 0-177 20323 374 4052 + 3 2371 889 890 00-22 3 87 59 37'3 + 18-339 + 0-174 +0-150 20351 392 4057 + 2 2323 890 891 02-28 3 90 7 26-4 + 18-360 + 0-172 + 0-01 1 1459 20358 405 2720 2891 + o 2663 891 892 00-25 3 87 20 lo-o + 18-366 + 0-174 + 0-019 1460 20367 404 4061 + 2 2325 892 893 97-94 3 86 38 27-8 + 18-404 + 0-172 20388 421 4063 + 3 2379 893 894 96-27 3 75 20 58-0 + 18-419 + 0-177 0-024 1463 20400 424 2899 + 14 2255 894 895 95-63 3 80 i o 43-2 + 18-443 + 0-173 O'OI I 1467 20421 438 2730 2901 + 10 2l66 895 896 98-25 3 82 31 52-1 + 18-512 + 0-168 0-067 1468 20473 476 2738 + 7 2330 896 897 96-28 3 80 49 58-5 + 18-518 + 0-169 0-007 1469 20478 482 2906 + 9 2374 897 898 98-90 3 87 16 43'5 + 18-524 + 0-165 20484 489 4077 + 2 2334 898 899 99-25 3 86 44 6-9 + 18-555 + 0-164 20506 54 4079 + 3 2394 899 900 95-3I 4 "6 53 39-6 + 18*609 + 0-145 2755 900 858. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Astronomische Nachrichten, 3511). 862. The sign of the Proper Motion in R.A. has been adopted on the authority of Auwers (Astronomische Nachrichten, 3508, p. 55). 868. The Proper Motion adopted is the mean of Bossert and Porter. 882. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). 886. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 888. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Catalog der Fundamental-Sterne). 890. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 42 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, B.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 901 50 Leonis 67 96*22 3 h. m. s. 10 33 32-75 8. + 3-2200 s. 0-0117 8. + O-OOI9 901 902 Sextantis 7'5 I 02-49 4 10 36 3-41 + 3-0748 O'OO26 902 903 Sextantis 7'6 ... 98-60 3 10 37 13-65 + 3-0842 0-0031 903 904 34 Sextantis 6-9 4 99-54 10 10 37 27-61 + 3-I065 0-0045 O-OOgO 904 90S 35 Sextantis 6-1 ... 96-28 3 10 38 9-41 + JII58 0-0050 O'OOOO 905 906 Sextantis 7'3 I 99-99 4 10 39 51-48 + 3-I034 0-0042 906 907 36 Sextantis 6-6 ... 96-96 3 10 40 0-27 + 3-0968 0-0038 0-0053 907 908 37 Sextantis 6-3 ... 98-26 3 10 40 53-23 + 3-1275 0-0058 0*0029 908 909 910 911 Leonis 52 Leonis Jc 6-8 5-6 5'3 ... 98-28 97-65 97-69 3 3 19 10 41 177 10 41 7-47 10 44 0*07 + 3'I793 + 3-I9I3 + 3-1579 0*0094 O"OIO2 O'OOSO 0-0109 0-0015 909 910 911 53 Leonis I 912 Leonis 7'5 2 98-30 3 10 45 46-92 + 3-1034 O-OO4I 912 913 Leonis 7-0 I 97-64 3 10 47 5-40 + 3-0841 O-O028 913 914 Leonis 7-0 I 99-23 3 10 47 28-70 + 3^751 O-OO2I 914 915 Leonis 7'3 4 OO'OI 4 10 47 36-14 + 3-09I9 0-0033 915 916 55 Leonis 6'3 4 97-97 4 10 50 33-72 + 3-08l6 O-O024 +0-0057 916 917 56 Leonis 6-1 ... 96-28 3 10 50 49-96 + 3-II95 0-0053 0-0018 917 918 57 Leonis 6-9 2 98-27 3 10 51 2-71 + 3-0794 0-OO23 + 0-0005 918 919 Leonis 7'3 I 01-79 4 10 52 1-32 + 3-0742 0-0019 919 920 Leonis 7'9 3 02-30 3 10 53 39-30 + 3-0878 O-O028 920 921 58 Leonis d 5*4 2 98-23 17 10 55 23-76 + 3-0997 O-OO37 0-0018 921 922 59 Leonis ... ... c 5'i 96-22 3 10 55 33-76 + 3-II59 O-OO5O 0-0057 922 923 Leonis 6-9 2 99-51 4 10 58 7-61 + 3-0714 O-OOI3 o-oooo 923 924 62 Leonis p 6-1 ... 96-95 3 10 58 29-49 + 3-0761 0-0017 0-0071 924 925 Leonis 77 2 99-93 3 10 58 49-45 + 3-0985 0-0036 0-0033 925 926 Leonis 67 98-26 3 10 59 18-27 + 3-I548 0-0085 926 927 63 Leonis \ 4-6 ... 98-70 12 10 59 Si'Si + 3-I207 0-0055 0-0255 927 928 Hydrae \ 5'0 95-31 5 ii o 30-82 + 2-8998 + 0-OII7 0-0173 928 929 Leonis 7'3 2 97-97 3 ii o 54-10 + 3-083I O-OO22 929 930 65 Leonis p 5"9 2 96-27 3 II I 48-17 + 3-0874 0-OO25 0-0287 930 93i 69 Leonis p 6-1 I 97-23 4 ii 8 38-40 + 3-0752 O-OOI2 0*0028 931 932 Leonis 7'i 3 97-30 3 ii 8 44-98 + 3-0873 O-OO24 932 933 68 Leonis 8 2'5 ... 97-27 19 ii 8 47-42 + 3-I869 O-OI3O + 0*0102 933 934 Leonis 5-8 96-28 3 ii 8 50*05 + 3-II75 0-0055 934 935 75 Leonis 6-0 I 98-03 4 ii 12 8-58 + 3-085I O-OO2I + 0*0023 935 936 76 Leonis 7-0 I 96-62 3 ii 13 47-00 + 3-0830 O'OOlS 0*0051 936 937 12 Crateris b 37 98-29 8 ii 14 20-36 + 3-0056 + 0*0065 0-0106 937 938 Leonis 8-0 I 02-30 3 n 14 35'5i + 3-09I9 O*OO28 938 939 Hydrae 67 ... 96-71 5 II 15 26-37 + 2-9366 + 0-OI36 0*0200 939 940 77 Leonis 0 - d ^ Year " IO 00 * CO >>co" dff O No. and Fraction || Mean N.P.D. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 1 3 aT T-J |5 d *H ta . "o ON 73 CO '"* ON B.D. No. of *o " 8 trj US Year J " 00 ~ ai< 5 * >>0 fjf 4 No. and Fraction fe - a Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. - * 5? 3 J2 aT Is *J2 v x 1^ =2rh ^ *; 38s 13 OO 1* goo B.D. No. of a v flj'2 I ^"$ ^ 2 M M Year. *< i m 3 s < V_x fH 946 98-29 3 1 II 78 i iro // + I9-744 ii + 0-071 // 21722 287 + 12 2335 946 947 99-62 3 86 8 53-1 + I9-755 + 0-069 + 0-030 1566 21744 305 4268 3089 + 4 2461 947 948 00-98 3 85 35 20-0 + I9-758 + 0-068 + 0*041 1567 21749 310 4272 + 4 2463 948 949 96-30 3 86 26 30-8 + I9-773 + 0-066 0-181 1568 21781 33 4278 2960 3092 + 3 2502 949 950 99-30 3 88 4 23-2 + I978I + 0-065 + 0-130 21798 337 4280 + 2 2431 950 95i 96-06 4 86 35 34-7 + I9-788 + 0-064 + 0-006 1570 21817 348 4284 2965 3097 + 3 2504 95i 952 02-30 3 89 47 29-1 + 19-808 + 0-06 1 21850 378 + o 2793 952 953 98-31 3 8 1 50 55'4 + 19-812 + 0-06 1 + O'OI I 21860 38i + 8 2512 953 954 97-65 3 86 23 8-4 + I9-835 + 0-058 21895 409 4297 + 3 2513 954 955 02-31 3 118 42 54-5 + 19-848 + 0-053 0-180 1578 2990 955 956 02-31 3 118 42 46-6 + 19-849 + 0-053 0-180 1578 2991 956 957 95-30 3 121 18 16-5 + 19-858 + 0-051 + 0-025 1580 2995 3125 957 958 97-28 3 86 56 53'5 + I9-863 + 0-053 448 4305 + 3 2519 958 959 96-26 3 86 23 3'3 + 19-874 + 0-052 + 0-089 1582 21965 459 4307 3127 + 3 2521 959 960 98-30 3 83 20 I2'9 + 19-897 + 0-048 22008 503 + 6 2470 960 961 02-81 2 123 o 57-6 + 19-899 + 0-045 0-006 1587 3008 961 962 96-92 5 90 16 16-9 + 19-901 + 0-046 0-047 1586 22O22 5" 3010 3133 o 2458 962 963 99-99 5 83 10 35-6 + 19-904 + 0-046 22O3O 5i4 + 7 2465 963 964 96-30 3 81 18 43-9 + I9-9I6 + 0-044 + O'OOI 1590 22066 538 3014 3139 + 8 2532 964 965 97-29 4 88 29 36-5 + 19-936 + 0-040 22109 57i 4327 + * 2597 965 966 99-96 3 68 5 29-8 + I9-938 + 0*040 + 0-049 1592 221 1 1 3028 3148 + 22 2391 966 967 02-30 3 90 7 io'i + I9-94I + 0-039 583 3030 + o 2821 967 968 97-32 3 87 4 56-3 + 19-954 + 0-036 22155 609 4338 + 3 2539 968 969 96-27 3 81 ii 9-2 + I9-977 + 0-030 + 0-008 1599 22223 660 3158 + 9 2545 969 970 96-29 3 82 54 37-0 + I9-98I + 0-029 +0-165 1601 22242 668 3052 3159 + 7 2479 970 971 98-29 3 82 1 6 8-8 + 19-983 + 0-029 22248 672 + 7 2480 971 972 02-28 3 85 58 10-6 + 19-988 + 0-027 22264 686 4350 + 4 2526 972 973 96-35 3 81 ii 547 + 19-996 + 0-025 0-024 1602 22292 706 3164 + 9 2549 973 974 95-3I 4 116 ii 36-7 + 20-00 1 + 0-023 3065 974 975 97-27 3 89 45 46-3 + 20-003 + 0-023 o-ooo 22312 719 3165 + o 2843 975 976 98-33 3 74 52 7'7 + 20-003 + 0-023 + 0-098 1605 22314 3067 3166 + IS 2383 976 977 98-30 3 84 15 23-4 + 20*003 + 0-023 + 0-180 22322 722 3167 + 5 2545 977 978 97-98 3 87 12 42-2 + 20-007 + O'O2I 22330 734 4356 + 3 2560 978 979 99-32 3 87 40 17-8 + 20-OI2 + 0-02O + 0-262 1606 22341 745 4361 3071 3169 + 2 2489 979 980 OI'OO 3 94 46 37'5 + 2O-OI4 + O-OI9 22361 753 3072 4 3152 980 981 96-28 3 35 44 56-9 + 2O-027 + 0-OI4 0-008 1608 224II 3086 3177 + 54 H75 981 982 97-31 3 88 53 29-9 + 20-O28 + O-OI4 22421 794 4369 + i 2624 982 983 95-31 4 "5 9 33-6 + 2O-032 + O-OI2 22439 3089 983 984 02-28 3 88 34 22-5 + 20-043 + O-OO5 22538 868 4385 + i 2633 984 985 97-29 3 85 57 39-8 + 20-043 + O-OO5 + 0-005 1616 22537 869 4386 + 4 2553 985 986 97-35 3 88 54 48-1 + 20-045 + 0-003 0-044 22555 883 4389 3191 + i 2636 986 987 97-64 3 87 36 55-o + 20-046 + 0-003 889 4390 + 2 2499 987 988 96-33 3 85 47 1 6-0 + 2O-O47 + O-OO2 0-015 1617 22571 899 4392 3193 + 4 2556 988 989 97-06 4 82 49 40-8 + 20-049 o-ooo + 0-017 1618 22590 919 3117 3197 + 7 2502 989 990 98-30 3 83 52 59-1 + 20-O52 O-006 + 0-073 22659 961 + 6 2543 990 950. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 953, 986, 990. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Stern- verzeichnis). 975. The Proper Motions have been specially computed for the present catalogue. 97 7. Authority for Proper Motions : Bossert. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. *> Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 99i Virginis 8-5 2 02*29 3 h. m. 8. II 58 57^5 a. + 3-0731 8. O*OOO2 S. + 0*0040 99i 992 9 Virginis 4-0 I 97-44 17 12 O 6*89 + 3-0726 O*OO3O 0*0159 992 993 Virginis 6-6 98*36 3 12 O 52*52 + 3-0730 + 0*0033 0*0032 993 994 Virginis 7'5 I 02*30 3 12 2 4*19 + 3-0727 + O-OO2I 994 995 Virginis 7'3 I 97-27 3 12 2 53*31 + 3-0724 + 0*OOI5 O-OO2I 995 996 10 Virginis 6-2 I 96*36 3 12 4 33-79 + 3-0716 + O*OOO9 + 0*0008 996 997 II Virginis 5'7 ... 96*31 3 12 4 57-56 + 3-0695 O'OOI I 0-0125 997 998 2 Corvi e 3'4 ... 98*46 7 12 4 58*76 + 3-0845 + 0*0144 0*0059 998 999 Virginis 7'3 I 97-33 3 12 6 33-28 + 3*0696 O'OOOI 999 IOOO Virginis 7-2 3 97-56 4 12 8 49*29 + 3-0702 + O*O009 IOOO IOOI Hydrae 6-5 96-71 5 12 9 55-23 + 3-1044 + O*OI9I IOOI IOO2 Virginis 8*0 i 02*29 3 12 II 51*27 + 3-0716 + O*OO2I IOO2 1003 13 Virginis 5'9 98-36 3 12 13 32-63 + 3-0730 + O*O028 O'OOOI 1003 IOO4 Ursae Minoris 6*9 i 00*93 5 12 14 23*88 + 0-3195 + 0*7796 0*0858 IOO4 IOO5 15 Virginis r) 4*0 ... 97-59 13 12 14 47*33 + 3-0729 + O*O028 0*0056 IOO5 IOO6 16 Virginis c 5'3 I 96*32 3 12 15 l6*I9 + 3-0667 + O*OO08 0-0213 I006 IOO7 17 Virginis 6-5 ... 98*32 3 12 17 26*9I + 3-0623 0-0002 0-0126 1007 1008 Virginis 6*7 I 98*83 4 12 18 679 + 3-0809 + O-OO52 + 0-0005 1008 1009 Virginis 7'3 I 97-29 3 12 20 54*37 + 3-0672 + O-OOI7 IO09 IOIO Virginis 77 i 02-30 3 12 21 38-77 + 3-0719 + O-OO29 IOIO IOII 15 Comae y 4'4 ... 95-3I 5 12 21 57-22 + 3-0024 O-OI24 0-0081 IOII 1012 Virginis 6*0 i 98-66 3 12 22 43*64 + 3-0821 + 0-0053 0-0065 IOI2 1013 Virginis 6*7 98-37 3 12 22 47-39 + 3-0917 + 0-0075 0-0178 1013 IOI4 Virginis 6*8 ... 97-99 3 12 23 12-57 + 3-0610 + O-O007 0-0037 1014 IOI5 Virginis 7*1 98-33 3 12 24 23-06 + 3-0593 + O*OOO5 0-0070 IOI5 1016 7 Corvi 8 3*0 98-84 7 12 24 41*27 +3-1138 + O*OI2O 0-0142 1016 1017 Virginis 8*0 2 01*65 3 12 26 7*91 + 3-0677 + O*O024 1017 1018 Virginis 6*1 98-30 3 12 26 1 6*49 + 3-0508 O*OOO8 1018 1019 21 Virginis q 5'3 ... 00-99 3 12 28 37*01 + 3-0988 + O*OO82 0-0082 1019 1 020 9 Corvi ft 2-7 97*94 6 12 29 7*95 + 3-1441 + O*Ol66 0-0008 1 020 IO2I Virginis 7*0 I 97-35 3 12 30 IO*2O + 3-0641 + O-QO22 0-0073 IO2I IO22 25 Virginis f 5'3 I 98-36 3 12 31 38*19 + 3-0897 + O-O064 - 0-0035 1022 1023 Hydrae 5'4 ... 95-3I 4 12 32 24*OO + 3-1670 + O-OI94 + 0-0030 1023 IO24 Virginis 6*9 97*67 3 12 32 46*21 + 3-0566 + 0-0013 IO24 1025 Virginis 6*2 96-34 3 12 32 58*53 +3-0599 + O*OOl8 IO25 IO26 Virginis 5'9 97-33 3 12 33 16*35 + 3-0646 + 0-0025 IO26 1027 Virginis R Var. 6 00-96 3 12 33 25*46 + 3-0470 O'OOOI 1027 1028 Comae 8-3* 00-98 3 12 34 22*63 + 2*9977 0-0067 1028 IO29 Draconis 8-5 i 96-98 6 12 36 1*99 + 2*5173 0*0458 0-0854 IO29 I03O 30 Virginis p 4'9 ... 00*30 ii 12 36 4^35 + 3-0320 0*0015 +0-0033 1030 1031 31 Virginis rf 1 5'5 ... 98-31 3 12 36 53*01 + 3-045I + 0*0002 0-0071 1031 1032 Virginis 8-2 2 02*32 3 12 36 56-67 + 3*0688 + 0*0034 IO32 1033 27 Comae 5'3 ... 96-15 6 12 41 39-02 + 2-9983 0*0044 0-0009 1033 1034 Virginis 6-4 ... 97-99 3 12 41 57-52 + 3-0450 + 0*0010 1034 1035 Virginis 6-3 98-36 3 12 42 23-21 + 3-0975 + 0*0073 0-0014 1035 991. A star (Albany 4408), magnitude 8'o, precedes several seconds. 992. Light orange. 1017. A star (Albany 4505), magnitude 8*7, precedes 3* and is slightly north. 1018, 1022, 1035. The magnitude of each of these stars in W. B. (i) is 9. 1027. 1897 April 14, mag. 8*3 ; 1897 May i, mag. 7*9 ; 1898 April 29, mag. 9*3 ; 1902 April 18, mag. 9*5 ; 1902 April 28, mag. about 10 ; 1903 April 22, mag. 6-5. The limits are 6*5 and ii'o ; the period is 145 days. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. 47 No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755. I Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel(i),i825. in ^- f s -g of 3 CO g *1 Year. *s 1081 Virginia 6*4 99*41 3 h. m. s. 13 24 55^3 s. + 3-0173 s. + 0-0032 s. 1081 1082 Virginia 6*3 ... 00*15 4 13 24 59*14 + 3-0073 + 0*0027 1082 1083 Virginia 6*8 ... 99*41 3 13 28 7*10 + 3*0168 + 0*0035 1083 1084 78 Virginia 5'0 98*36 3 13 29 3-77 + 3-0358 + 0*0045 + 0*0014 1084 1085 79 Virginia 3'4 ... 99-18 16 13 29 35-78 + 3-0735 + 0*0065 0*0205 1085 1086 Virginia 6-7 ... 99-41 3 13 32 39*20 + 3-0462 + 0-0052 1086 1087 82 Virginia m 5'2 ^85 19 13 36 21*68 + 3-1513 + 0*0108 0*0085 1087 1088 BoOtia 6-5 I 99-1:8 4 I"? 17 16*48 + 2*986 ; + 0*0028 0*02/17 1088 1089 84 Virginia o J 6-5 I yy j 07*^2 3 J J/ *** T^*"* 13 38 2*03 -p ;7 VV O + 3-0335 + 0*0049 W ^^tj 0-0223 1089 1090 Virginia 6*4 ... 98-74 3 13 38 41-93 + 3-I2I5 + 0*0093 0-0038 1090 1091 Virginia 8*0 I 02-33 3 13 39 20*70 + 3*O6O9 + 0-0063 1091 1092 I Centauri 4'4 95-41 4 13 40 0*10 + 3-433I + 0-0281 0-0374 1092 1093 Virginia 7*2 ... 99-41 3 13 4i 5-56 + 3*0166 + 0-0044 1093 1094 Virginia 6*3 ... " 98-02 3 13 4i 59-96 + 3-0036 + 0-0039 0-0321 1094 1095 4 BoOtia T 4'5 99-54 21 13 42 30-57 + 2*8854 0*0006 0-0346 1095 1096 Virginia 8*0 I 02-41 3 13 44 16*79 + 3*0209 + 0*0048 1096 1097 Virginia 6-8 98-03 3 13 44 29*11 + 3*0021 + 0*0040 1097 1098 Virginia 6-3 I 98-41 3 13 45 23-33 + 3-0104 + 0*0044 1098 1099 Draconia 7'7 97-35 3 13 46 49-08 + 1*9882 0*0066 1099 IIOO Virginia 77* ... 02-34 3 13 47 32-I7 +3-0588 + 0*0065 IIOO IIOI 8 BoOtia i} 2-8 99-52 20 13 49 55-32 +2*8615 0-0005 0-0049 IIOI IIO2 92 Virginia 6-3 3 97-66 3 13 51 22-08 + 3-0560 + 0-0066 0*0040 IIO2 1103 Virginia 7'4 i 02-34 3 13 Si 36-87 +3-0347 + 0*0057 1103 IIO4 Virginia 7'5 I 98-03 3 13 54 37-50 + 3-0667 + 0*0071 IIO4 IIO5 Virginia 7-1 2 97-35 3 13 56 32-56 + 3-0188 + 0*0054 1105 1106 93 Virginia T 4'4 00*06 21 13 56 33-33 + 3-0497 + 0*0065 0-0005 1106 1107 Virginia 7-8* ... 98-42 3 13 57 45-90 + 3-0264 + 0-0057 - 0-0135 1107 1108 BoOtia 6'4 99'OQ 3 I-? eg -28*8 <; _|_ 2*Q7Q4 + 0*0041 1108 1109 Virginia v " 6-3 ... yy y 99-42 o 3 j O j J 13 58 54-52 T * y/ y*r + 3-0103 + 0-0052 1109 IIIO Virginia 6-4 99-07 3 13 59 33-29 + 3-0404 + 0-0063 IIIO IIII 94 Virginia 6-6 98*92 12 14 o 59*94 + 3-1723 + 0-0116 0-0032 mi III2 BoOtia ... 7'4 99-07 , 14 i 26*15 4- 2*084.0 4- 0*0044 III2 1113 Virginia 8-1 ... yy v i 98-39 3 14 2 32*60 i yvtpj + 3-0693 ~ V WWi^if +0-0075 III3 1114 Virginia 7'4 99*41 3 14 2 42*96 + 3-0677 +0*0074 III4 1115 Virginia 7-0 I 01*70 3 14 4 24-73 + 3-0332 + 0*0062 IJI 5 1116 Virginia 7'3 2 97-34 3 14 5 4I-97 + 3-0572 + 0-0071 1116 1117 Virginia 6-3 98*66 4 14 6 26-65 + 3-0503 + 0-0069 1117 1118 Virginia 5'8 2 98*06 3 14 7 12-00 + 3-0373 + 0-0065 mS 1119 98 Virginia K 4'4 ... 97-77 12 H 7 33-56 + 3-1948 + 0-0124 0-0004 1119 II2O Virginia 6-8 I 98-38 3 14 9 50*51 + 3-0250 + 0-0062 II2O II2I 16 BoOtia ... a 0*3 99-53 8 14 ii 5*94 + 2*8136 +0-0005 0-0799 II2I 1 122 Virginia ... 7'6 I 99-40 3 14 ii 21*08 + 2*9896 + 0-0051 1122 1123 Virginia 8*2 2 97-34 3 14 12 41*33 + 3*0191 + 0*0061 1123 1124 Virginia 7'3 2 97-71 3 14 13 27*57 + 3*0196 + 0-0062 1124 1125 Virginia 6-2 ... 98-42 3 14 14 34*62 + 3-0618 +0-0075 1125 1089. Orange. Companion, magnitude 9*1, precedes south. The Declination of this star in W.B. (i) appears to be 10 too great. 1118. Harvard magnitude, 4*9 ; B.D., 4*8. 1120. W.B. magnitude, 9. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. 51 Mean U5 8 w> Year 'S m o 00 i CO *>. sf .0" No. and Fraction ll Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. ~! r "8 -- M * ^ 6 'o o\ -a oo rtT B.D. No. of Year. a *j m a i M d s M M O 1 II " " " 1081 99-41 3 83 28 16-0 + 18-691 0-167 24967 364 + 6 2750 1081 1082 99-10 3 82 18 15-9 + 18-689 0-167 24972 365 + 7 2655 1082 1083 99-41 3 83 38 0-9 + 18-588 0-173 25050 428 + 6 2756 1083 1084 98-36 3 85 49 38-2 + 18-557 0-176 + 0-015 1788 25082 446 4753 + 4 2764 1084 1085 02-37 3 90 5 4'4 + 18-539 0-179 0-056 1789 25101 457 3523 3499 + o 3076 1085 1086 99-41 3 87 6 27-6 + 18-436 0-183 25177 515 4760 + 3 2799 1086 1087 00-36 3 98 ii 54-1 + 18-306 0-196 0*046 1796 25258 580 3545 3525 - 7 3674 1087 1088 98-33 3 81 6 14-7 + 18-273 0-187 O'OOO 25288 600 + 9 2798 1088 1089 97-32 3 85 57 20-7 + 18-245 0-191 + 0-062 1800 25297 614 4781 + 4 2775 1089 1090 98-74 3 94 59 42-5 + 18-221 0-198 + 0-01 1 253H 624 3554 3531 - 4 3540 1090 1091 02-33 3 88 47 43-7 + 18-197 -0-195 25337 4786 + i 2840 1091 1092 95-41 4 122 32 17-9 + 18-173 0*219 + 0-151 1803 3562 1092 1093 99-41 3 84 22 56-9 + 18-132 0-196 25380 670 + 5 2794 1093 1094 98-02 3 83 8 47-3 + 18-099 0-196 + O-I2I 25404 679 + 7 2690 1094 1095 96-71 3 72 2 41-2 + 18-080 0-190 O-O4O 1810 25426 3574 3551 + 18 2782 1095 1096 02-41 3 84 57 19-6 + 18-012 O-2OI 723 + 5 2801 1096 1097 98-03 3 83 9 28-2 + 18-004 O-2OI 25466 728 + 7 2701 1097 1098 98-41 3 84 o 23-2 + 17^69 O-2O3 25485 739 + 6 2800 1098 1099 97-35 3 28 59 2-4 + I7-9I3 0-I38 + 61 1381 1099 1 100 02-34 3 88 40 53-0 + 17-885 O-2O9 25528 767 4807 + i 2857 IIOO HOI 96-43 3 71 6 3-0 + I7-790 0-200 + 0-344 1821 25608 3607 3577 + 19 2725 HOI 1 102 97-66 3 88 27 36-4 + I7-73I 0-216 O'OlS 1822 25633 4825 + i 2865 1 102 1103 02-34 3 86 31 25-8 + I772I 0-215 25641 850 4828 + 3 2834 1103 IIO4 98-03 3 89 27 51-6 + 17-596 O-222 25705 896 + o 3118 1104 IIO5 97-35 3 85 15 49-5 + I7-5I5 D'222 25751 935 4845 + 4 2816 1105 1106 00-36 3 87 58 17-4 + I7-5I4 O-224 + 0-033 1829 25747 934 4844 3631 3597 + 2 2761 no6 1107 98-42 3 85 58 "7 + 17'463 O-225 + 0-098 25794 961 4855 + 4 2817 1107 1108 99-09 3 8 1 58 20-7 + I7-424 0-223 25816 982 + 8 2810 1108 1109 99-42 3 84 37 5-8 + I7-4I3 0-225 25827 + 5 2836 1109 mo 99-07 3 87 13 21-5 + I7-385 0-228 25849 1004 4865 + 2 2768 mo mi O2'6l 3 98 24 51-3 + I7-322 O-24I O'OI2 1833 25879 1030 3652 3609 - 8 3696 mi III2 99-07 3 82 31 1-5 + 17-303 O-227 25892 1045 + 7 2746 III2 1113 98-39 3 89 42 48-2 + I7-253 0-235 25904 + o 3134 "13 1114 99-41 3 89 34 48-5 + 17*246 0-236 25911 1062 + o 3135 1114 i"5 01-70 3 86 43 43'4 + 17-169 0-236 25947 12 4882 + 3 2859 1115 1116 97-34 3 88 43 39'5 + 17-111 O-24O 25990 40 4888 + i 2895 1116 1117 98-42 3 88 10 3-2 + 17-077 0-240 26017 51 4895 + 2 2783 1117 1118 98-06 3 87 7 ii-o + 17*042 O-24I 26031 64 4897 3626 + 3 2867 1118 1119 97-93 4 99 48 29-4 + 17-026 0-254 O-I4I 1842 26035 68 3674 3628 - 9 3878 1119 II2O 98-38 3 86 ii 48-0 + 16-919 0-244 26093 "4 49" + 4 2841 I 120 II2I 02-34 3 70 17 48-8 + 16-860 O-229 + 1-977 1847 26132 3692 3641 + 19 2777 H2I 1 122 99-40 3 83 27 15-2 + 16-848 0-244 146 + 6 2863 1 122 "23 97-34 3 85 48 16-5 + 16-784 0-248 26152 175 4920 + 4 2844 1123 1124 97-71 3 85 Si 45'5 + 16-747 0-249 26173 191 4922 + 4 2847 1124 "25 98-42 3 89 9 1 8-8 + 16-693 0-255 26200 213 4927 + i 2913 1125 1088, 1094. Authority for Proper Motions : Bossert. 1090. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Stern verzeichnis). 1107. The Proper Motion adopted is the mean of Boss and Bossert. 52 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1126 Virginia 7*0 ... 98-72 3 h. m. s. 14 15 22*67 s. + 3-0643 8. + O-O076 s. 1126 1127 Virginia 7'4 I 01-71 3 14 17 38-83 + 3-0751 + 0-OOSO 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 Virginia BoOtis 6-9 5-8 7-0 7'2 5'3 2 I 97-35 98-76 98-73 99*42 98*74 3 3 3 3 17 14 18 8-38 14 19 12-67 14 20 50-36 14 21 43-38 14 21 48*24 + 3-0501 + 2*9888 + 3-0533 + 2-7954 + O-0072 + 0-0055 + O-O074 + 0-0055 + O'OOIO + 0*0150 0*0057 1128 1129 1130 1131 "32 Virginis BoOtis 22 BoOtia / "33 Virginia RS Var. 2 03*07 2 14 22 I5*82 + 3-0029 + 0-0060 "33 "34 Virginia 7'3 I 98-75 3 14 23 29-23 + 3-0285 + 0*0068 0*0140 "34 "35 Virginia ... 7*0 I 99*41 3 14 23 54-58 + 3-0155 + 0*0064 "35 1136 Virginia 6*3 2 98-03 3 14 24 44-52 + 3-0552 + 0*0076 1136 "37 Virginis 6-5 I 98-73 3 14 25 45-01 + 3-0002 + 0*0061 "37 1138 Virginis 7'4 98*76 3 14 27 11-85 + 3-0085 + 0*0063 1138 "39 25 BoOtia p 4*0 00*13 13 14 27 31-18 + 2-5943 0*0015 0*0085 "39 1140 1141 1142 Virginia BoOtia 7*0 6-4 7'9 2 2 99-09 97-41 0173 3 3 14 28 3-48 14 29 I5*OI 14 30 34-42 + 2-9914 + 2-4532 + 3-0170 + 0*0059 0*0024 + 0*0067 1140 1141 1142 Virginis "43 Virginis 7'3 2 97-34 3 14 32 24-94 + 3-0336 + 0-0071 "43 "44 Virginia 8*1 98*06 3 14 36 19-64 + 3-0649 + 0*0081 "44 "45 Virginis 8*0 2 0173 3 H 39 53-77 + 3" OI 4i + 0*0068 "45 1146 "47 108 Virginia 36 BoOtia e S'S 2*6 98*40 00*27 3 9 14 40 24-49 14 40 37-13 + 3-0556 + 2*6241 + 0*0079 + 0*0001 0*0050 0*0043 1146 "47 1148 09 Virginia 3'8 ... 99-41 3 14 41 11-47 + 3-0378 + 0*0074 0*0090 1148 "49 Virginis 6*6 99-08 3 14 41 59-98 + 3-0516 + 0*0078 "49 1150 Virginis 77* 98-10 3 14 42 21-86 + 3-0354 + 0*0074 1150 "5 1 Virginis 7'5 I 99-42 3 14 43 55-45 + 2*9748 + 0-0060 "5 1 1152 Virginia 7'5 I 99-10 3 14 44 43-51 + 3-0068 + 0-0068 "52 "53 9 Librae a 2*7 ... 98-18 13 14 45 20*64 + 3-3I97 + 0-0155 0*0093 "53 "54 Librae 6'5 2 99-10 3 H 45 52-79 + 3-0703 + 0-0083 "54 "55 Virginia 7-i 98-43 3 14 48 35-93 + 3-0312 + 0-0074 "55 1156 Virginis 6*7 99-41 3 14 48 42*85 + 2-9681 + 0-0060 1156 "57 Virginis 7'3 I 99-44 3 14 50 26*62 + 2-9585 + 0-0059 "57 1158 BoOtis 7-8 2 01-40 3 14 50 29*18 + 27767 + 0-0027 1158 "59 1160 1161 1162 Virginis 15 Librae BoOtis 5'7 7'3 6-3 I I 99-11 99-10 97-40 3 IO 4 3 14 51 15*51 14 51 20*41 14 52 13*47 14 52 25*48 + 3-0120 + 2-2642 + 3-0690 + 0-0070 + 0-0131 0*0004 + 0-0083 0-0019 + O-OOI7 "59 1160 1161 1162 i Serpentia 1163 Virginia 6-3 I 99-41 3 H 54 23*50 + 2-9926 + 0*0066 1163 1164 Virginia 7*0 2 98-41 3 14 55 59-68 + 3-0192 + 0*0072 0-0060 1164 1165 2 Serpentia 5'9 ... 98-76 3 14 56 4I-57 + 3-0686 + 0*0083 o-oooi 1165 1166 io Virginia 4'7 ... 99-41 3 14 57 50-75 + 3-0321 + 0*0075 0-0050 1166 1167 Virginis 7'5 I 99-42 3 14 58 21-33 + 2-9869 + 0*0066 1167 1168 Virginis 8*0 I 00-42 3 14 59 8*36 + 2-9756 + 0*0064 1168 1169 Virginia 77 I 00-42 3 H 59 8*58 + 2-9757 + 0*0064 1169 1170 43 BoOtia \J/ 4*8 ... 98*70 10 15 o 9*58 + 2-5837 + 0*0012 0*0145 1170 1129. A star (B.D. + 6 2874), magnitude 7-3, precedes several seconds at nearly same N.P.D. 1132. B.D. magnitude, 6*4 ; Radcliffe, 1890, 5*0. H33- 1903 Jan. 22, mag. 7*5 (probably brighter) ; 1903 Jan. 28, reddish, mag. 7*3. Chandler's limits are 8*2 and about 12 ; the period is 355 days. H47- 1902 June 2 : the companion, t 1 , precedes o**o2. 1155. The R.A. of this star in W.B. (i) appears to be io 8 too great. . RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. Mean j .0 8 in Year J v i? 00 M JO OO >>" ff 4 . No. and Fraction 3 ' IS Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. M > iCT *1 cq IO 1 t*>00 Fj .0 ^ <* 4 ^/ fjf "o o\ o oo 03 HI H Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 1171 99-42 3 a i H 85 22 43-5 // + 14-118 // 0-316 // 27489 1105 5134 o + 4 2964 1171 1172 99'43 3 84 3 43'7 + 14-096 0-314 27496 III2 + 6 2995 1172 "73 97'44 3 87 15 4-1 + I4-05I 0-321 27507 1123 5141 + 2 2915 "73 1174 99'43 3 84 6 59'3 + 14-010 0-316 27541 II4I + 6 3001 "74 ii75 98-92 4 85 45 6-3 + I3-90I 0-321 27599 19 5148 + 4 2970 "75 1176 02-86 3 86 25 42-4 + IJ777 0-325 54 5155 + 3 2991 1176 1177 97-78 3 109 24 47-7 + 13-770 -0-368 + 0-042 1927 27649 3920 3829 19 4047 "77 1178 00-79 18 2 22 56*2 + I3-589 + 2-199 0-031 3855 + 87 143 1178 1179 02-86 3 84 41 21*4 + IJ533 0-327 0-003 1932 27790 131 + 5 2985 "79 1180 97-47 3 89 IS 27-9 + I3-500 0-336 O-O02 1933 27800 136 5174 + o 3327 1 1 So 1181 99-09 3 88 49 47-4 + 13-491 0-335 + O'IO2 27808 140 5176 + i 3052 1181 1182 00-8 1 3 99 o 49-6 + 13-442 0-355 + O-OI7 1934 27821 154 3943 3851 - 8 3935 1182 1183 99'43 3 88 41 39-4 + 13-334 -0-338 27885 1 86 5183 + * 3059 "83 1184 98-21 4 87 51 22-0 + 13-273 -0-338 + 0-528 1937 27917 5186 3857 + 2 2944 1184 1185 02-86 3 86 18 i6x> + I3'24I 0-335 27939 216 5189 + 3 3009 "85 1186 97-16 3 88 55 I5-4 + I3-I59 0-342 + 0-098 1940 27974 233 5190 + i 3067 1186 1187 97-12 3 75 19 33-8 + I3-09I 0-316 28014 3869 + 14 2864 1187 uSS 99-93 4 104 46 37-3 + 13-059 -0-375 0-013 1941 28000 256 3966 3874 14 4188 1188 1189 03-21 3 88 12 49-4 + 13-044 0-342 + 0-344 268 5192 + i 3071 1189 1190 98-77 3 89 10 42*2 + 13-028 0-345 28033 274 5194 + o 3349 1190 1191 98-61 6 1 06 22 3'8 + 12713 0-386 + 0-046 1949 28160 3986 3904 i 6 4089 1191 1192 97-80 3 89 2 47'0 + 12*656 -0-35I 388 5213 + i 3084 1192 "93 98-78 3 87 48 38-4 + 12-647 0-349 + 0-039 1952 28200 394 5216 + 2 2965 "93 1194 99-09 3 88 46 24-0 + 12-440 0-354 + 0-095 28283 443 5230 + I 3092 "94 "95 02-40 3 86 20 20*4 + 12-325 0-35I 28337 478 5234 + 3 3048 "95 1196 02-86 3 84 56 i '9 + 12-237 0-349 28370 501 + 5 3037 1196 1197 97-47 3 87 59 45'S + 12*205 0-356 28381 505 5239 3929 + 2 2977 "97 1198 02-98 3 88 55 10-6 + 12*204 -0-358 5240 + i 3098 1198 1199 00-70 8 62 56 55-2 + 12-176 0-298 + 0-094 1973 28417 4022 3933 + 27 2512 "99 1 200 97-50 3 88 26 23-6 + 12-155 -0-358 28401 5245 + i 3101 1 200 I2OI 98-94 4 86 12 16-6 + 11-926 0-357 28513 603 5253 + 3 3061 1201 1202 98-77 3 89 13 18-8 + 11-721 0-367 28598 660 5262 + o 3389 I2O2 1203 97-45 3 86 22 25-8 + 11-689 0-361 671 5264 + 3 3077 1203 1204 97-15 3 85 34 44-6 + 11-650 0-360 681 5266 + 4 3051 I2O4 1205 orii 3 87 14 34-2 + 11-592 0-364 28664 699 5267 + 2 2987 I2O5 1206 99'44 3 87 9 50-6 + H-573 0-365 + 0-145 1989 28673 707 5269 + 2 2989 I2O6 I2O7 00-42 3 83 IS 35'2 + "549 0-356 0-056 1990 28690 712 4064 3974 + 6 3088 I2O7 1208 99-45 3 86 18 47-1 + H-537 0-363 715 5273 + 3 3o8o 1208 I2O9 99-47 3 88 47 44-9 + 11-461 0-370 5278 + i 3"5 I2O9 1210 99-46 3 89 57 33'4 + "'344 0-374 + 0-045 28754 4074 + o 3401 1210 I2II 98-81 3 88 8 37-4 + IT330 0-370 773 5285 + i 3131 I2II 1212 02-49 3 7i 32 58-9 + 11-196 0-332 + 0-083 2002 28823 4081 3986 + 18 3074 1212 1213 97-16 3 61 32 11-4 + 11-180 0-304 28843 + 28 2477 1213 1214 97-5I 3 87 29 54-5 + 11-123 0-372 + 0-055 2OO3 28841 829 5299 + 2 3007 1214 1215 98-18 7 85 13 16-9 + 11-080 0-367 0-059 2OO5 28854 842 5301 4089 3996 + 4 3069 1215 1178. Authority for Proper Motions : Thackeray. 1181, mo. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 1189, 1194. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 56 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. Mean 00 (U * fl Year o g No. Constellation. E3 "3 "s s and Fraction 1! Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. I a "43 of S to S *H Year. O 1216 Serpentis R Var. 5 03-14 3 h. m. s. 15 46 5-06 8. + 2-7648 B. + O-OO44 8. 0-0030 1216 1217 41 Serpentis y 3'7 i 00-54 30 15 51 49-96 + 2-7480 + 0-0043 + 0-0194 1217 1218 Serpentis 8-9 2 02-63 3 15 52 14-41 + 2-9994 + 0-0068 1218 1219 Serpentis 7'9 I 02-63 3 15 52 14-82 + 2-9995 + 0-OO68 1219 1 220 Serpentis 7'i 01-98 3 15 53 31-26 + 2-9723 + O-OO65 1220 1221 7 Scorpii 8 2'7 01-76 7 15 54 25-07 + 3-5416 + 0-OI58 O'OOlS 1221 1222 Serpentis 7'3 I 03-20 3 15 54 56-37 + 3-0547 + O-OO74 1222 1223 Coronae T Var. 3 98-78 3 IS 55 18-93 + 2-5098 + 0-003I 1223 1224 Serpentis 5'9 97-17 3 15 55 53-I9 + 2-9784 + 0-OO65 0*0047 1224 1225 Scorpii 4'9 ... 98-44 3 15 57 17-85 + 3^232 + 0-0173 0-0075 1225 1226 Serpentis 7'3 i 97-50 3 15 59 23-78 + 3-0536 + 0-0073 1226 1227 8 Scorpii ft 3-0 00-50 30 15 59 37-23 + 3-4830 + O-OI4I 0-0026 1227 1228 Scorpii ft" 5'2 02-87 3 15 59 37-63 + 3-4829 + O*OI4I 0-0026 1228 1229 Serpentis 7'5 '00-77 5 16 i 10-99 + 3-0325 + 0-0070 1229 1230 Serpentis 6-7 i 98-45 3 16 3 59-08 + 2-9967 + O-OO66 I23O 1231 Serpentis 6-8 99-44 3 16 4 35-94 + 3-0506 + O-OO7I 1231 1232 Serpentis 6-6 99-12 3 16 5 8-30 + 3-0346 + O-O069 1232 1233 Serpentis 7'5 i 02-46 3 16 8 3-41 + 3-0782 + O-O074 1233 1234 Scorpii 6-0 98-44 3 1 6 8 49-62 + 3-6298 + O*Ol6O 0*0038 1234 "35 i Ophiuchi 8 3-i 99-66 27 16 9 6-19 + 3-I438 + O'OO8l 0-0049 1235 1236 Serpentis 7-i 96-85 3 1 6 9 20*44 + 3-OI27 + O-OO66 1236 1237 Serpentis 7'2 2 96-51 3 1 6 12 39-46 + 3-0365 + 0-0068 1237 1238 2 Ophiuchi 3'3 99-5I 5 16 13 171 + 3-I656 + O-O082 + 0-0040 1238 1239 Scorpii 6-2 ... 98-44 3 16 13 16-18 + 3-5069 + 0-OI32 1239 1240 50 Serpentis -iOO SI ^ 3 ^ Id o - ' f 4 + 6-848 0-405 + 0-274 2130 30480 731 + 6 3288 1264 1265 96-89 3 88 47 46-2 + 6-824 0-421 0-009 2129 30483 734 5541 + i 3298 1265 1266 02-55 3 85 46 30-9 + 6-776 0*412 30501 745 5545 + 4 325 1266 1267 98-49 3 87 34 40-4 + 6-706 0-418 0*060 2134 30527 55Si + 2 3174 1267 1268 97-22 3 87 45 1 8-8 + 6-684 0-419 + 0-015 2135 30535 5553 4207 + 2 3175 1268 1269 97-82 3 88 43 537 + 6-599 0-422 780 5559 + I 3309 1269 1270 97*49 3 88 36 48-9 + 6-334 0-424 + O-OO2 2140 30656 848 5575 + I 3323 1270 1271 99-13 3 89 49 7'8 + 6'2OI 0-428 + 1-490 30694 873 4385 + o 3593 1271 1272 96-52 3 81 24 12-3 + 6-092 0-403 30748 + 8 3298 1272 1273 02-76 3 88 25 9-6 + 5'944 0-426 30790 925 5586 + i 3346 "73 1274 97-81 8 80 28 IDT + S-785 0*402 O-OI5 2156 30861 4409 4242 + 9 3298 1274 1275 02-85 3 85 52 50-3 + 57o6 0-419 30875 977 5597 + 43301 1275 1276 02-81 6 7 47 52-5 + 5-5io + 0-883 + 0-003 22OI 443 4262 + 82 498 1276 1277 01-76 3 58 55 34-9 + 5-488 -0-325 0-032 2161 30996 4425 4257 + 3i 2947 1277 1278 98-50 3 90 o 14-5 + 5'3" 0-434 31022 1062 4434 + o 3624 1278 1279 96-52 3 89 9 1-4 + 5-I74 0-432 + 0-360 31065 1089 5634 + o 3629 1279 1280 95-55 3 in 25 33-4 + 5-I7I - 0-507 + 0-098 2l62 31046 4445 4276 21 45 12 1280 1281 96-55 3 86 25 26-7 + 5-I56 0-424 1099 5638 + 3 3338 1281 1282 97-5I 3 46 3 7'2 + 5-018 0-260 31192 + 44 2652 1282 1283 01-56 3 85 26 217 + 4-901 0-422 + 0-203 3"73 1160 5663 + 4 3336 1283 1284 01-57 3 105 36 4-3 + 4-797 0-488 ,Q-097 2171 31191 4464 4287 15 4467 1284 1285 99-50 3 89 23 33-4 + 4-753 -0-435 3"3I 26 + o 3649 1285 1286 98-52 3 117 38 19-9 + 4-668 - 0-534 31226 4292 1286 1287 97-54 3 85 II 1 1'2 + 4-643 0-422 31272 5i 5682 + 4 3349 1287 1288 98-83 3 89 31 33'6 + 4-528 0-437 79 4299 + o 3654 1288 1289 02-85 6 24 9 44-3 + 4-469 0-026 O'O22 2193 31445 4480 4302 + 65 1170 1289 1290 99-59 4 75 29 44-0 + 4-333 0-391 0*030 2183 31365 125 4486 4307 + 14 3207 1290 1291 96-53 3 87 42 6 % o + 4-238 0-432 31384 57o8 43" + 2 3283 1291 1292 96-89 3 88 40 40-1 + 4-216 0-436 31392 143 57io + i 3408 1292 1293 99*49 3 88 8 55-9 + 4-121 0*434 31422 170 57i8 4323 + i 34" 1293 1294 00-59 3 86 44 48-9 + 4-076 0-430 3 J 440 5721 + 3 3379 1294 1295 99-19 3 46 45 23-3 + 3-993 0-265 31544 4327 + 43 2711 1295 1296 99-50 3 87 45 27-9 + J935 0-434 31494 209 5732 4328 + 2 3296 1296 1297 oi-59 3 90 13 197 + J923 0-442 31496 o 3265 1297 1298 0177 3 U4 53 58-5 + 3-838 0-529 + 0-035 2189 3M95 4517 4336 1298 1299 98-91 3 88 27 5i-9 + 3-820 0-437 O'260 31546 237 5738 + i 3421 1299 1300 98-88 3 85 16 48-3 + 3-8i8 0-426 31569 5739 + 4 3398 1300 1301 99-19 3 84 53 59-i + 3-728 0-425 31588 5750 + 5 3378 1301 1302 99-52 3 89 3 5*'4 + 3-659 0-439 271 5756 + o 3678 1302 1303 99-64 3 86 35 58-2 + 3'439 0-432 3i5 5764 + 3 3404 1303 I3 4 96-82 4 115 5i 18-3 + 3'4i9 -0-535 31671 4348 1304 1305 01-57 3 87 45 59-9 + 3-4I5 o ! 435 + ri56 322 5766 + 2 3312 1305 1264, 1271, 1279, 1283. Authority for Proper Motions : Bossert. 1299. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 1305. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 60 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OP STARS, 1900*0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1306 Ophiuchi 7-0 99'S 1 3 h. in. B. 17 21 26-15 8. + 3-05I8 s. + 0-0040 8. 1306 1307 49 Ophiuchi cr 4'4 ... 9974 15 17 21 33'H + 2-9753 +0-0037 0*0017 1307 1308 Ophiuchi 5-1 ... 98-54 3 17 23 43-55 + 3-0633 +0-0039 1308 1309 Ophiuchi 6-0 97-84 3 17 25 31-71 + 3-7229 + 0-0067 O'OO2O 1309 1310 Ophiuchi 7-1 98-52 3 17 25 46-75 + 3-045 x + 0-0037 1310 1311 Ophiuchi 5'8 I 99-25 3 17 26 20-45 + 3-0080 + 0-0036 1311 1312 Ophiuchi 7-2 99-59 3 17 26 27-42 + 3-0324 + 0-0037 1312 1313 76 Herculis A 47 02'55 4 17 26 4177 + 2-4223 + 0-0028 O-OOO2 1313 I3H Ophiuchi 7-0 I 00-51 4 17 26 50-41 + 3-0700 +0-0037 I3U 1315 Ophiuchi 77 I 99-55 3 17 27 2'08 + 3-0058 + 0-0036 1315 1316 Herculis 6-5 97-56 3 17 27 19-80 + 2*0028 +0-0031 1316 1317 Ophiuchi 9'5 2 99-59 3 17 28 3-55 + 3-0037 +0-0035 1317 1318 Ophiuchi 8-0* 99-64 3 17 29 40-78 + 2-9762 +0-0034 1318 1319 55 Ophiuchi a 2' I ... 99-68 14 17 30 I7H5 + 27756 + 0-0030 + 0*0066 1319 1320 Ophiuchi 8-3 I 00-61 3 17 30 45-40 + 3-0482 +0-0035 1320 1321 Ophiuchi 8-6 I 00-61 3 17 30 45-57 + 3-0482 +0-0035 1321 1322 Ophiuchi 6-3 I 96-58 3 17 34 5-57 + 3-0243 +0-0033 1322 1323 Ophiuchi 7-0 I 97-91 3 17 34 19-01 + 2-9888 + 0-0032 0-0129 1323 I3 2 4 Ophiuchi 6-8 98-59 3 17 34 3 J 70 + 2-9926 +0-0032 1324 1325 Ophiuchi 7-0 I 99-5I 3 17 36 58-60 + 2-9700 +0-0030 1325 1326 Draconis 77* 99*58 3 17 37 0-53 0-3118 + 0-0138 1326 1327 28 Draconis w 4'9 99-61 3 17 37 32-21 0-3580 +0-0139 + 0*0024 1327 1328 60 Ophiuchi ft 3-0 ... 00-23 19 17 38 31-91 + 2-9654 +0-0030 0-0041 1328 1329 Ophhichi 8-0 I 99-62 3 17 39 3*53 + 3-0634 + 0-0031 1329 1330 61 Ophiuchi 6-3 I 99-52 3 17 39 32-68 + 3-0117 +0-0030 0-0005 1330 1331 Ophiuchi 6*6 I 99-52 3 17 39 34-oo + 3-0117 + 0-0030 1331 1332 Ophiuchi 6-3 I 96-89 3 17 41 19-91 + 3-0475 + 0-0029 1332 1333 86 Herculis yn 37 I 99-55 12 17 42 32-60 + 2-3706 + 0-0025 0-0244 1333 1334 62 Ophiuchi y 37 97-23 3 17 42 52-61 + 3-0088 + 0-0028 0-0037 1334 1335 Ophiuchi 6'2 97-93 3 17 43 21-63 + 2-9833 + 0-0027 1335 1336 Ophiuchi 7-2 98-56 3 17 44 2-10 + 2-9560 + 0-0027 1336 1337 Ophiuchi 6-3 I 98-91 3 17 44 16-29 + 3'0263 + 0*0027 0-0030 1337 J338 Ophiuchi 7'9 ... 99-21 3 17 44 28-62 + 3-0509 + 0-0028 1338 1339 Ophiuchi 7-0 I 99-60 3 17 46 9-71 + 2-9500 + 0*0026 1339 1340 Ophiuchi 7'i 3 98-26 3 17 46 55-81 + 3'0465 + 0-0026 1340 I34i Ophiuchi ... ... ... 6-4 3 97-57 3 17 47 0-41 + 3-0463 + 0-0026 1341 1342 Ophiuchi 6-5 2 99-53 3 17 47 JI7 + 2-9674 + 0-0026 1342 1343 Ophiuchi 6-0 I 97-26 3 17 47 3I-33 + 3-04I7 + 0-0026 1343 1344 Ophiuchi 7'4 ... 99-55 3 17 48 1 8-01 + 3-0100 + 0-0025 1344 1345 Ophiuchi 7-0 I 99-22 3 17 49 29-60 + 2-9851 + 0-0025 1345 1346 Sagittarii 57 ... 97-55 3 17 50 22-87 + 3-7844 +0-0031 1346 1347 Ophiuchi 67 97-57 3 17 50 35-oo + 3-0239 + 0-0024 1347 1348 Ophiuchi 57 ... 98-95 3 17 51 12-62 + 3-0567 + 0*0024 1348 1349 89 Herculis 57 I 99-67 13 17 51 23-10 + 2-4I93 + 0*0024 +0-0003 1349 1350 Ophiuchi 6-r ... 99'54 3 17 51 56-89 + 3-0708 + 0*0024 1350 1320, 1321. 1899 August 19, Second star slightly fainter than first ; 1902 July 28, Second star slightly brighter than first. 1324. Orange. 1328, 1333. Orange-red. I34- Blue. J34I- Light orange. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1 755. I Lalande, 1800. 1 o r re "ix: "S *~* ^1 8 tt tn t* X* eS - ,aO qo d !l ? M Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 1306 99-5I 3 1 II 89 5 25-9 n + 3-358 0-440 // 31734 335 5771 + o 3690 1306 1307 98-99 7 85 46 21-4 + 3-348 0-429 0-015 2206 5773 4546 4354 + 4 3422 1307 1308 98-54 3 89 35 i7-o + 3-161 0-442 31804 376 4357 + o 3697 1308 1309 97-84 3 116 ii 347 + 3-005 - 0-538 + 0-034 3248 31832 4362 1309 1310 98-52 3 88 48 10-2 + 2-983 0-440 31877 5801 + * 3449 1310 1311 99-25 3 87 12 2'0 + 2-934 0-435 31898 5807 + 2 3337 1311 1312 99-59 3 88 15 7-6 + 2-924 0-439 31905 443 5808 + i 3450 1312 1313 02-52 4 63 48 50-4 + 2-904 -o-35i O'O22 2213 31950 4364 + 26 3034 1313 I3H 99-52 3 89 S 2 59-i + 2-891 0-444 31900 446 4562 + o 3709 I3M 1315 99-55 3 87 6 7-2 + 2-874 0-435 31924 S8i5 + 2 3341 1315 1316 97-56 3 5i 2 34-9 + 2-849 0-290 31990 4365 + 39 3H7 1316 1317 99-59 3 87 o 53-7 + 2785 0-435 474 5821 + 3 3440 1317 1318 99-64 3 85 49 59-7 + 2-645 0-431 32016 509 5831 + 4 3448 1318 1319 00-38 3 77 22 1-9 + 2-592 0-402 + 0'2I7 22l8 32049 532 4580 4369 + 12 3252 1319 1320 00*61 3 88 56 18-2 + 2-552 0-442 529 5842 + i 3463 1320 1321 00-61 3 88 56 17-8 + 2-55I 0-442 529 5843 + I 3463 1321 1322 96-58 3 87 54 52-5 + 2-262 0-439 32176 619 5863 4382 + 2 3373 1322 1323 97-91 3 86 23 8-4 + 2-242 0-434 + 0-096 32204 5866 + 3 3465 1323 1324 98-59 3 86 33 i'4 + 2-224 o-435 32206 5868 + 3 3466 1324 1325 99-5 1 3 85 34 59*0 + 2'OI I 0-432 32288 673 5884 + 4 3482 1325 1326 99-58 3 21 27 15-2 + 2-008 + 0-045 32482 + 68 945 1326 1327 00-76 8 21 II 44-5 + 1-962 + 0-051 0-308 2238 32502 4611 4402 + 68 949 1327 1328 98-27 10 85 23 277 + r876 0-431 0-167 2229 32346 705 5892 4618 4404 + 4 3489 1328 1329 99-62 3 89 35 59-8 + I-830 0*446 715 + o 3763 1329 1330 99-52 3 87 22 38-6 + 1787 0-438 0-016 2231 32378 729 5896 + 2 3390 1330 I33i 99-52 3 87 22 39-8 + 1785 0-438 32380 730 5897 + 2 3391 I33i 1332 96-89 3 88 54 59-4 + I-6 3 I 0-444 32438 769 59" + i 350i 1332 1333 98-73 3 62 13 14-9 + I-526 0-345 +0-745 2237 32519 4635 4410 + 27 2888 1333 1334 97-23 3 87 15 18-3 + 1*497 0-438 + 0-056 2236 32494 805 5925 4413 + 2 3403 1334 1335 97-93 3 86 9 41-3 + 1-455 0-434 325H 8i5 5932 + 3 3493 1335 1336 98-56 3 84 59 547 + 1-396 0-431 32545 827 5938 + 5 3505 1336 1337 98-91 3 88 o 30-8 + 1-375 0-441 0*080 32553 832 5940 + 2 3406 1337 1338 99-21 3 89 3 43-4 + 1-357 0'444 5941 + o 3786 1338 1339 99-60 3 84 44 37'5 + I'2IO 0-430 873 + 5 3521 1339 1340 98-26 3 88 52 31-0 + I-I43 0-444 32644 886 5960 + i 3525 1340 1341 97-57 3 88 51 47-1 + I-I 3 6 0-444 32649 892 5962 + i 3526 I34i 1342 99-53 3 85 29 13-7 + I-I32 0-433 32662 901 5964 + 4 354i 1342 1343 97-26 3 88 40 13-1 + I-09I 0'444 32679 912 5967 + i 3528 1343 1344 99-55 3 87 1 8 34-7 + r023 0-439 32705 5974 + 2 3420 1344 1345 99-22 3 86 14 51-5 + 0-9I9 0-435 32749 959 5983 + 3 3528 1345 1346 97-55 3 118 2 56-2 + 0-84I 0-552 32727 4440 1346 1347 97-57 3 87 54 30-5 + 0-824 0-441 32792 981 5987 + 2 3427 1347 1348 98-95 3 89 18 51-4 + 0769 0*446 32812 998 4442 + o 3813 1348 1349 99-61 5 63 56 2-1 + 0-754 0-353 0-009 2249 4677 4443 + 26 3120 1349 1350 99-54 3 89 55 10-7 + 0-704 0-448 1014 4679 + o 3816 1350 1323. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 1337- The Proper Motions have been specially computed for the present catalogue. 62 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1900*0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean K.A. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. I35i Sagittarii ... 5'9 97-91 3 h. in. s. 17 52 I8-28 8. + 3-8056 s. + 0-0028 8. 1351 1352 Ophiuchi 7'i 3 99*55 3 17 52 48-84 + 3-OI99 + 0-0023 1352 1353 Ophiuchi 7*2 99-23 3 17 53 2-13 + 3-0090 + 0-0023 1353 1354 35 Draconis 5'i 99-59 3 17 53 55-46 2-7045 + 0*0142 + 0-0135 1354 1355 33 Draconis ... ... y 2'5 97-36 5 17 54 16-88 + I-3926 + 0-0030 O-OOI7 1355 1356 Ophiuchi 6*7 I 98-65 3 17 55 9-7o + 3-0579 + O-OO22 1356 1357 66 Ophiuchi 4-8 ... 97-58 3 17 55 18-60 + 2-9705 + O-OO22 O-O024 1357 1358 67 Ophiuchi 3'9 ... 96-59 3 17 55 38-10 + 3-0042 + O-002I 0-0004 1358 1359 68 Ophiuchi . 4'5 98-58 3 17 56 40-72 + 3'0422 + O*OO2I O'OOOS 1359 1360 Ophiuchi 6-3 I 98-68 3 17 59 34-47 + 3-028I + O-OOI9 1360 1361 70 Ophiuchi 4'i ... 99-55 3 1 8 o 24-00 + 3-OI38 + O-OOI9 + O*OI46 1361 1362 Ophiuchi 6-7 ... 98-96 3 18 o 41-19 + 2-9638 + Q-OOI9 O*OO2O 1362 1363 Ophiuchi 7'3 I 99-55 3 1 8 o 44*98 + 3-0265 + O-OOI9 1363 . 1364 Sagittarii 4'7 97-90 3 18 i 44*91 + 3-7976 + 0-0013 + O*O007 1364 1365 Ophiuchi 6-6 99'do 3 18 2 19-41 + 3-OI5I + O-OOI8 O'OOOO 1365 1366 72 Ophiuchi 3'7 98-50 10 1 8 2 36-44 + 2-8478 + O-OOI9 0*0056 1366 1367 Ophiuchi 7*0 2 99-30 4 1 8 3 4-96 -f- 3-02I2 + O'OOlS 1367 1368 Ophiuchi 6-9 99-27 3 1 8 3 49-74 + 3-0266 + O-OOI7 1368 1369 Ophiuchi 7'3 I 99-57 3 1 8 3 50-25 + 3'0207 + O-OOI7 1369 1370 23 Ursae Minoris ... 8 4'5 ... 99-17 35 1 8 4 32-82 ig-S^S O-I264 + 0*0245 1370 I37i 73 Ophiuchi 5-6 99-30 3 18 4 35-53 + 2-9799 + O-OOI7 + 0*0013 1371 1372 Ophiuchi 6-7 I 99-02 3 18 4 53-78 + 3-0001 + O-OOI7 0*0000 1372 1373 Serpentis 7'9* 99-64 3 18 5 17-80 + 3-0605 + O'OOl6 1373 1374 Ophiuchi 57 ... 98-95 3 1 8 5 40-50 + 2-9955 + O-OOI7 1374 1375 Ophiuchi 7'7* ... 99-61 3 18 5 52-90 + 2-9696 + O-OOI7 1375 1376 Ophiuchi 6-5 ... 99-27 3 1 8 7 39-48 + 3-0076 + O-OOI5 1376 1377 13 Sagittarii yu, 4*0 ... 01-08 4 18 7 46-93 + 3-5879 + 0-OOO7 0*0014 1377 1378 Ophiuchi 6*6 ... 99-61 3 18 8 3-41 + 3-0037 + 0-0015 1378 1379 Ophiuchi 6*6 ... 98-71 3 1 8 8 50-40 + 3-0175 + 0-0015 1379 1380 Serpentis ... 7'5 I 00-53 4 1 8 9 26-46 + 3-0693 + O-OOI4 1380 1381 Ophiuchi 7'3 2 99-55 3 18 9 53-70 + 2-9877 + 0-0015 1381 1382 Ophiuchi 6'3 ... 98-70 3 18 ii 3-78 -f 3'oiSi + O-OOI4 1382 1383 Sagittarii 5-o I 97-62 3 18 ii 47-56 + 3-7552 O-OOO2 1383 1384 Serpentis 6-4 ... 98-10 6 18 ii 59-80 + 3-0501 + 0*0013 1384 1385 19 Sagittarii 8 2-9 97-58 3 18 14 35-43 + 3-8389 O'OOOg + 0*0014 1385 1386 Ophiuchi 8*3* ... 97-29 3 18 14 58-15 + 2-9722 + O*OOI2 1386 1387 Sagittarii 6*1 ... 97-23 3 1 8 15 40-34 + 3-796I O'OOOg 1387 1388 74 Ophiuchi 5-o I 99-59 3 18 15 52-45 + 2-9951 + O'OOI I 0*0013 1388 1389 58 Serpentis rj 3'5 99-I5 3i 18 16 8-07 + 3-1409 + O-OOO8 0*0400 1389 1390 i Lyrae K 4'3 02-56 3 18 16 21-36 + 2-1033 + O-OO2O 0*0021 1390 1391 Ophiuchi 9*0 2 97-26 3 18 18 12-96 + 2-9697 + O'OOI I 1391 1392 Serpentis 8-5 I 99-61 3 18 19 0*08 + 3-0391 + 0-0009 1392 1393 Ophiuchi 6*6 ... 98-62 3 18 20 13-21 + 2-9555 + O*OOIO *393 1394 Serpentis 7*0 I 98-72 3 18 20 57*60 + 3-0559 + O*O008 1394 -395 Sagittarii 5-8 ... 97-28 3 1 8 21 2576 + 3-8374 O*OO2O 1395 I ZS5> J 389- Orange. 1361. Close double. Observed as one mass. 1 373- A companion of about the ninth magnitude precedes, north. 1379, 1382. Reddish. 1391. A star (B.C. + 4 3723), magnitude 9*5, precedes a* or 3* and is north. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. Mean . JL o" >o Year *s g uj CO ID CO >> 3'7 I 96-59 3 18 39 24-50 + 3-7465 0-0043 + 0-0014 1417 1418 4 Aquilae 57 2 97-26 3 1 8 39 47-00 + J0277 O'OOOI 0-0007 1418 1419 Serpentis 6-6 5 97-29 3 1 8 43 4-89 + 2-9779 O'OOOI 1419 1420 Aquilae 6-7 2 98-59 3 18 44 31-48 + 3-0562 0-0005 1420 1421 Herculis ... 8-0 2 97-98 3 1 8 45 22-71 + 2*5207 + O-OOI2 1421 1422 Sagittarii 6-3 ... 97-27 3 1 8 46 15-92 + 3-8I36 0-0060 1422 1423 10 Lyrae ft Var. I 00-41 10 1 8 46 23-25 + 2-2143 +0-0015 0-0007 1423 1424 Aquilae ... 7'7* 98-58 3 18 49 27-31 + 3-0323 0-0006 1424 1425 Aquilae 77* ... 98-58 3 18 49 33*28 + 3-0326 0-0006 1425 1426 Aquilae 7-6* ... 98-64 3 1 8 49 49-42 + 3-0500 0-0007 1426 1427 Serpentis , 7'5 98-00 3 1 8 50 36-46 + 2-9745 0-0004 1427 1428 Aquilae 77 ... 98-99 3 1 8 50 39-71 + 3-0696 0-0009 1428 1429 Serpentis 7-0 I 99-29 3 1 8 50 48-83 + 2-9970 0-0005 1429 1430 63 Serpentis 5'5 2 98-69 3 18 51 14-80 + 2-9799 0*0004 + 0-0010 1430 1431 Serpentis 6-2 2 98-69 3 18 51 16-28 + 2-9799 0-0004 + Q-OOIO 1431 1432 Serpentis 6-3 98-72 3 18 51 23-57 + 3^194 0*0006 1432 1433 Serpentis 7'3 I 99-58 3 1 8 51 39-26 + 2-9785 0*0004 0-0014 1433 1434 64 Serpentis 5'5 ... 98-70 3 18 52 14-83 + 3-OI8I 0-0007 0*0008 1434 1435 Aquilae ... 7'5 2 97-64 3 1 8 53 20-79 + 3-0486 0*0009 1435 H36 13 Aquilae e 4'3 00-97 9 18 55 4-99 + 2-7264 + 0-0005 0*0049 1436 1437 52 Draconis v 4'9 99-61 3 18 55 37-35 073II 0-0305 + 0-0103 H37 1438 Serpentis 7-2 ... 98-68 3 1 8 56 9-39 + 3-OI96 0*0009 0*0010 1438 1439 Serpentis 7-r ... 98-71 3 18 56 10-33 + 3-0299 0*0009 1439 1440 Sagittarii 6-0 I 97-26 3 1 8 56 20-33 + 3-6770 0-0061 -0*0053 1440 1397. Blue. !398. Orange. The limits of magnitude are 5*0 and 5-7 ; the period is 8-7 days. 1399- Red. 1402. There is a star (Albany 6254) of nearly same R.A. and about i^' north. 1406. Brighter of two widely separated stars. I 4 I 9- Orange-red. 1423. 1897 Sept. 10, magnitude 3. Chandler's limits are 3-4 and 4*5 ; the period is 13 days. 1424, 1425. The second star is the brighter. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec.Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755. 1 Lalande, 1800. 1 Ml ." 00 9) h. .2^ fl) M j ~ 0> o r*. t*> SI O O 30 ^ jT o- o ON '73 OO Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 1396 98-11 4 1 II 115 28 37-0 n 1-904 n - 0-537 a + 0-198 2310 4831 4575 1396 1397 9870 3 89 51 45-1 r930 0-445 + O'OO2 2312 34063 453 4576 + o 3936 1397 1398 98-63 4 89 5 1 47'7 I-930 0-445 + O-002 2312 34063 453 4836 4577 + o 3936 1398 1399 96-95 3 86 1 8 45-3 - 1-997 0-433 34H5 478 6238 + 3 37i6 1399 1400 99-06 4 17 18 37-3 1-997 + 0-175 + 0-374 2337 34392 4840 4583 + 72 839 1400 1401 96-94 3 86 o 4-3 2-193 0-431 34208 535 6250 + 3 3727 1401 1402 98-27 3 85 33 26-4 2-247 0-429 34232 556 6253 + 4 3774 1402 1403 97-57 3 86 24 44-0 -2-368 0-432 34289 592 6261 + 3 3737 1403 1404 99-61 3 88 10 17-7 - 2-485 0-438 34337 623 6268 + i 37" 1404 1405 97-28 3 67 44 52-9 2-540 - 0-365 + 0-450 + 22 3406 1405 1406 97-92 3 85 8 36-0 2-675 0-427 34438 68 1 6279 + 4 3801 1406 1407 98-58 3 85 7 35'6 2752 0*426 34468 701 6285 + 4 3806 1407 1408 97-29 3 86 17 36-8 -2784 . 0-430 6289 + 3 3755 1408 1409 97-30 3 89 7 59-6 2-797 0*440 34489 715 6290 + o 3975 1409 1410 99-65 5 5i 18 33-9 2-925 0-289 0-295 2341 34598 4897 4649 + 38 3238 1410 1411 98-62 3 85 13 53'6 2-940 0-426 34556 769 6309 + 4 3823 1411 1412 98-31 3 84 49 31-6 3-024 0-424 34590 796 6318 + 5 3891 1412 MI3 99-61 3 89 3i 43-i - 3-166 0-440 34645 840 + o 3993 HI3 1414 97-99 3 85 32 4'3 3-170 0-426 34653 6331 + 4 3838 1414 1415 98-97 3 99 8 53-2 3-206 0-472 0-005 2342 34647 844 4910 4664 9 4796 HIS 1416 99-61 3 86 1 8 43-4 3^50 0-428 34723 6341 + 3 3784 1416 1417 96-59 3 H7 5 35'8 3-43I 0-537 + O-OI9 2344 34713 4683 1417 1418 97-26 3 88 2 30-4 3-463 0-433 + O-O26 2346 34782 943 6359 + i 3766 1418 1419 97-29 3 85 52 7'9 3-747 0-425 1024 6381 + 4 3884 1419 1420 98-59 3 89 1 6 36-6 - 3-87I 0-436 35005 + o 4027 1420 1421 97-98 3 67 9 36-9 3-945 0-359 + 22 3494 1421 1422 97-27 3 119 29 52-3 4*021 0-543 35oi8 4723 1422 1423 OO'OI 5 56 45 12-9 4-031 0-3I5 0-017 2369 35U4 4969 4727 + 33 3223 1423 1424 98-58 3 88 13 33'3 4-294 0-430 35215 6413 + i 3814 1424 1425 98-58 3 88 14 15-1 4-302 0-430 35219 6414 + i 38i5 H25 1426 98-64 3 89 o 12-7 4-325 0-432 35228 1208 6418 + o 4051 1426 1427 98-00 3 85 41 30-1 4-392 0-421 35267 6421 + 4 3909 1427 1428 98-99 3 89 51 46-1 -4-397 - 0-435 35263 + o 4055 1428 1429 99-29 3 86 40 41-8 4-410 0-424 1238 6424 + 3 3836 1429 1430 98-69 3 85 55 34^9 4'447 0-422 O-O42 2376 35295 1252 6429 4765 + 4 39i6 1430 1431 98-69 3 85 55 40'2 4-449 0-422 -0-057 2377 35334 "55 6430 4766 + 4 3917 1431 1432 98-72 3 87 39 30-1 4-459 0-427 35302 1258 6431 + 2 3730 H32 M33 99-58 3 85 Si 45*6 4-482 0-421 + 0-093 35358 1265 6433 + 4 3919 H33 1434 98-70 3 87 35 45-5 4-532 0-427 + 0-003 2379 35330 1272 6442 + 2 3738 M34 M35 97-64 3 88 56 9-2 4-626 0-431 35385 6449 + I 3837 1435 H36 02-68 3 75 4 2-2 -4773 0-384 + 0-080 2390 35469 5018 4784 + 14 3736 1436 1437 98-91 3 18 50 107 4-819 + 0-106 0-03I 2411 35749 4794 +71 915 1437 1438 98-68 3 87 39 8-5 4-864 0-425 + 0-280 6474 + 2 3753 1438 1439 98-71 3 88 6 29-5 4-866 0-427 6475 + i 3854 1439 1440 97-26 3 "4 59 5*6 4-880 -0-518 + 0-I82 354S& 4793 1440 1405. The Proper Motions have been specially computed for the present catalogue. 1433- Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 1438. The Proper Motion adopted is the mean of Porter and Boss. 1440. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). K 66 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. Mean IH * o> 13 "o (3 o Year ^ No. Constellation. g 1 *H .~ 5'i 98-38 9 19 13 7-34 + 2*8165 0-0003 0*0014 1463 1464 Aquilae 7-0 i 99-00 3 19 13 24-38 + 3-0674 0-OO2O + 0*0013 1464 1465 Aquilae 7'3 4 98-65 3 19 13 26-68 + 2*9628 O'OOI 2 1465 1466 23 Aquilae 5'2 98-99 3 19 13 27-17 + 3-0527 0*001 8 0-0016 1466 1467 24 Aquilae 7-0 2 99-01 3 19 13 43-96 + 3-0693 0*0020 0*0039 1467 1468 Aquilae 7'3 3 97-61 3 19 15 22-64 + 2*9711 0*0013 0*0026 1468 1469 Aquilae 7'3 2 97-66 3 19 16 7-09 + 2-9638 0*0013 1469 1470 Aquilae 7'8 ... 98-72 3 19 17 14-10 + 3-0685 0*0021 1470 1471 30 Aquilae b 3-0 I 98*06 22 19 20 27-35 + 3-0088 0*0018 + 0-0153 1471 1472 32 Aquilae v 5'3 2 98-64 3 19 21 24*24 + 3-0697 0*0023 0-0009 1472 H73 Ursae Minoris ... A 6'3 I 00-05 4i 19 22 29-96 -67-7358 26*8300 0-0533 1473 1474 Aquilae 7'2 4 96-66 3 19 22 43-61 + 2-9741 0-0016 1474 1475 Aquilae 7'3 2 97-96 3 19 22 48-84 + 3-0297 O-OO2O 1475 1476 Aquilae 5'9 98-70 3 19 23 19-53 + 3-0132 0-0019 1476 1477 Aquilae 8-1* 98-72 3 19 23 40-79 + 2*9966 0-0018 1477 1478 35 Aquilae c 6-4 2 97-99 3 19 23 57-59 + 3-0347 O'OO2I 0*0010 1478 1479 Aquilae 6-9 I 99-61 3 19 24 10*89 + 3-07I8 0*0025 H79 1480 6 Vulpeculae ... a 4-6 98-46 5 19 24 32*60 + 2*5055 + 0*0009 0*0 1 08 1480 1481 Aquilae 6-9 2 98-00 3 19 25 9-I5 + 3" OI 40 0*0020 1481 1482 Aquilae 67 I 98-65 3 19 25 32-87 + 3*0023 0*0019 1482 1483 Aquilae 6-8 ... 98-70 3 19 26 1-93 + 3-0336 0*0022 1483 1484 6 Cygni /3 3'i 99-26 4 19 26 41*24 + 2*4191 + O'OOII o'ooi 7 1484 1485 Aquilae 7'4 2 98-01 3 19 26 4174 + 2*9682 0*0016 1485 1453, 1469, 1472, 1481. Reddish. J 454- ^99 Aug. 18, Aug. 31, Certainly fainter than No. 1453. In the Albany Catalogue this star is 07 magnitude brighter than No. 1453. 1484. Wide double : brighter observed. Orange. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Process. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755.1 Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel(i), 1825.1 >o t>. >& * ^ ^ 3 .iT o o o\ T3 00 o >H M Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 1441 99-00 3 1 11 87 33 14-2 a -4-896 n 0-425 n 6478 + 2 3756 1441 1442 98-96 3 89 34 9'9 5-039 0-430 1424 + o 4088 1442 1443 99-02 3 88 19 32-4 5'o6i 0-426 35598 1431 6495 + I 3865 H43 1444 97-26 3 87 36 3'5 5-068 0-424 1435 6496 + 2 3765 1444 1445 98-66 3 86 49 4-6 5-120 0-421 1455 6502 + 3 3882 1445 1446 98-70 3 85 52 24-1 - 5-253 0-417 6522 + 4 3969 1446 1447 98-61 3 76 17 6-8 5-259 0-386 + 0-089 2405 35718 5050 4818 + 13 3899 1447 1448 97-29 3 67 4 48-0 - 5-264 0-353 0-280 + 22 3579 1448 1449 97-30 3 118 47 277 - 5'293 0-530 4822 1449 1450 98-72 3 89 30 48-2 - 5-363 0-428 35758 1536 + o 4106 1450 MSI 98-67 3 84 56 9-7 - 5'394 0-413 6538 + 4 3979 1451 1452 98-02 3 88 51 30-5 - 5H56 0-425 35810 1572 6546 + i 3899 H52 1453 98-63 3 84 59 3"o - 5-708 0-41 1 35968 64 6569 + 4 4004 1453 1454 98-65 3 84 53 23-0 5710 0-411 35969 67 6570 + 5 4056 1454 I4SS 99-60 3 87 32 36-6 -578i 0-419 36008 85 6577 + 2 3 8l5 1455 M56 97-27 3 87 52 35'3 -5-9I9 0-419 O'OI I 2419 36086 136 6593 4860 + 2 3824 1456 I4S7 96-94 3 115 25 44-3 - 5-98o 0-510 + 0-029 2418 5094 4863 1457 1458 97-28 3 85 20 29-9 6*160 0-409 + 0-001 2424 36225 209 6612 4874 + 4 4045 H58 1459 98-70 3 89 40 48-2 6-203 0-423 36256 222 + o 4158 1459 1460 98-60 3 88 8 49-9 -6-259 0-417 36285 2 3 8 6617 + I 3960 1460 1461 99-61 3 86 53 I9-5 6-260 0-413 239 6618 + 3 3966 1461 1462 98-54 6 13 36 21-5 6-266 + 0-304 +0-133 2466 36682 + 76 717 1462 1463 97-64 3 78 35 5'2 6-290 -0-387 0-025 2432 36319 255 5H4 4885 + 11 3790 1463 1464 99-00 3 89 45 3o-i -6-313 0-422 0-032 2429 36313 254 5118 + o 4166 1464 1465 98-65 3 85 3 2-0 -6-316 0-407 36322 26l 6621 + 4 4057 1465 1466 98-99 3 89 5 47-6 6-317 0*420 O'O22 2430 36316 2 5 6 + o 4168 1466 1467 99-01 3 89 50 34-8 6-340 0*422 O'OlS 2431 36326 264 5120 + o 4170 1467 1468 97-61 3 85 24 17-3 - 6-477 0-407 + O-I04 36407 6635 + 4 4071 1468 1469 97-66 3 85 4 25-9 -6-538 0-406 36444 326 6639 + 4 4073 1469 1470 98-72 3 89 48 29-4 6-630 0-419 359 + o 4186 1470 1471 97-94 6 87 5 4-8 6-896 0-409 O-ogi 2451 36646 435 6669 5162 4931 + 2 3879 1471 1472 98-64 3 89 51 38-6 6-973 0-417 0-O24 2455 36679 456 5164 4940 + o 4206 1472 1473 00-73 32 i o 44-0 7-063 + 9-249 + 0-006 2795 5247 5037 + 88 112 1473 1474 96-66 3 85 29 33'8 7-082 0-403 495 6690 + 4 4"4 H74 1475 97-96 3 88 i 41-2 - 7-089 0*410 36751 497 6692 + i 4004 1475 1476 98-70 3 87 16 237 7-131 0-408 6696 + 2 3892 1476 M77 98-72 3 86 30 36-0 7-160 0-405 36794 523 6698 + 3 4033 1477 1478 97-99 3 88 15 14-1 -7-183 0*410 + O'O22 2463 36803 53i 6701 + i 4010 1478 1479 99-61 3 89 57 33'4 7-201 0-415 36813 5'79 o 3760 1479 1480 99-71 3 65 32 15-2 7-230 -0-338 + O-IO2 2467 36882 5182 4957 + 24 3759 1480 1481 98-00 3 87 18 13-5 7-280 0-406 36863 564 6713 + 2 3904 1481 1482 98-65 3 86 45 5i'4 7-312 0-405 36890 573 6716 + 3 4043 1482 1483 98-70 3 88 ii 527 - 7-352 0*408 36909 6720 + i 4021 1483 1484 99-64 3 62 15 0-8 - 7-405 0-325 + 0-013 2473 36969 4970 + 27 34io 1484 1485 98*01 3 85 ii 23-1 7-406 0-399 605 6725 + 4 4138 1485 1448. The Proper Motions have been specially computed for the present catalogue. 1468. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. 68 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1486 Aquilae 6*8 3 96-94 3 h. m. s. 19 28 10-93 8. + 2-9684 s. 0-0017 s. 1486 1487 Aquilae 7'3 3 97-97 3 19 28 37-43 -f- 2-9960 0-0019 1487 1488 Aquilae 6-8 9870 3 19 28 50-19 + 2-9590 0-0017 1488 1489 38 Aquilae p. 4'7 99-23 5 19 29 I2-23 + 2-9172 0-0013 + 0*0129 1489 1490 Aquilae 7'3 i 98-29 3 19 30 23-66 + 3-OI47 O-OO22 + 0*0026 1490 1491 52 Sagittarii h 4'7 01-70 3 19 30 37-30 + 3-6508 O'OIO4 + 0*0041 1491 1492 Aquilae 7-0 I 99-65 3 19 30 53-9I + 3-0721 O-OO27 1492 1493 61 Draconis oo g M TO " " T* qo i eST q3 'Q O\ -00 I* Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 1486 96-94 3 85 ii 6-4 H 7-527 // 0-398 a 36997 648 6743 + 4 4152 1486 1487 97-97 3 86 27 15-3 7-562 0-401 66 1 6746 + 3 4065 1487 1488 98-70 3 84 44 58-0 - 7-58o 0-396 37019 668 6747 '+ 5 4190 1488 1489 or -60 3 82 50 0-4 7-609 0-390 + 0^133 2479 37044 5209 4992' + 7 4132 1489 1490 98-29 3 87 18 27-1 77o6 0-403 0-099 37085 703 6755 + 2 3932 1490 1491 00-67 3 115 6 16-1 7-724 0-488 + 0-024 2478 37051 5218 5004 1491 1492 99-65 3 89 58 14-7 - 7-746 0-410 371 II 713 5221 - o 3789 1492 1493 98-54 6 20 30 32-0 - 7-879 + 0-032 + 1-766 2505 5237 5026 + 69 1053 H93 1494 98-28 3 118 49 58-9 -7-891 0*499 37147 5019 1494 H95 98-71 3 89 52 5f4 7-935 0-408 37227 780 5239 + o 4265 1495 1496 96-65 4 86 50 44-2 - 7-98i 0*399 37262 6770 + 3 4097 1496 1497 02-62 3 "3 39 I9-4 - r98i 0-479 + 0-046 2486 37211 5243 5033 1497 1498 02-62 3 113 39 28-1 8-004 0-479 0-007 2488 37225 5246 5036 1498 1499 98-65 3 84 49 48-0 8-017 0-392 0-004 2492 37279 819 6780 5251 5040 + 5 4225 1499 1500 02-73 3 106 31 20-5 -8-075 - 0-455 + 0-039 2490 37277 5253 5043 - 16 5399 1500 1501 99-62 3 88 38 49-1 8-268 0-401 + 0-080 374H 904 6798 + i 4075 1501 IS 02 96-61 3 85 15 37'8 - 8-441 0-390 37504 958 6825 + 4 4210 1502 1503 97-64 3 85 59 38-4 -8-551 -0-390 37571 6837 + 3 4138 1503 1504 98-36 3 79 37 49'6 8-594 0-372 0-008 2511 37598 1007 5283 5087 + 10 4043 1504 1505 98-64 3 89 9 3'7 8-670 -0-398 + 0-260 37626 1 022 + o 4314 1505 1506 98-96 4 71 42 45-2 8-706 0-348 0-031 2516 37671 5292 5102 + 18 4240 1506 1507' 99-63 3 87- 17 50-4 8-844 0-391 37722 1078 6858 + 2 4000 1507 1508 98-67 3 89 24 32-7 - 8-933 0-396 37762 1107 + o 4331 1508 1509 00-67 3 81 23 44-9 -8-939 0-374 0-384 2524 37771 mi 5304 5I23- + 8 4236 1509 1510 98-67 3 86 9 56-9 - 8-983 -0-386 37791 II2O 6873 + 3 4172 1510 I5I1 98-72 3 89 15 3'3 9-055 0-394 + 0-003 2526 37812 1144 + o 4337 15" 1512 96-61 3 85 5i 30-3 9-I35 0-384 37855 Il67 6887 + 4 4264 1512 ISI3 99-67 3 89 59 16-1 9-230 0-394 + 0-615 2535 37896 1202 5325 - o 387? 1513 I5 J 4 97-63 3 116 33 52-1 9-237 0-471 0-093 2528 37861 5I44- 15*4 1515 02-59 3 83 5 347 9-290 0-377 + 0-473 2538 37938 1222 5327 5150 + 6 4357 1515 1516 98-34 3 117 26 5'o 9-322 0-472 + 0-024 2533 37902 5154' 1516 ISI7 01-72 3 89 54 53'0 9-422 0-391 38017 1253 5332 o 3881 1517 1518 98-70 3 86 36 25-5 9-429 0-382 + 3 4207 1518 ISI9 99-60 3 94 44 547 - 9-475 0-403 4 4980 1519 1-520 98-72 3 88 36 io-i 9'542 -0-386 38047 1286 6927 + i 4159 1520 1521 98-66 3 88 53 45'0 - 9-S9I -0-386 1305 6931 + o 4375 1521 1522 98-60 7 70 46 46-1 9'592 0-337 0-037 2550 38135 5347 5188 + 19 4229 1522 1523 97-34 3 86 56 29-5 9-671 0-380 38158 1331 6944 + 2 4058 1523 1524 98-67 3 81 9 3'5 9712 -0-365: + 8 4298 1524 1525 99-62 3 95 23 21-6 9714 0-402- 1525 1526 02-59 3 ni7 59 167 9760 0-466 0-024 2549 38159 536o 5203 1526 1527 98-01 3 85 33 34'9 -9-784 0-375 38226 1379 6956 + 4 4314 1527 1528 or45 8 62 31 22'2 9796 0-310 0-026 2558 38260 + 27 3587 1528 1529 99-62 3 95 3 42-3 9-866 0-399} 1529 1530 97-69 3 85 32 59-1 -9-893 0-374 38281 1408 6959 + 4 4325 1530 1490, 1501. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. I 49 1 ' Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Astronomische Nachrichten, 3929). *55* Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 70 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. Mean tn 'O "3 a t O Year o No. Constellation. s S-3 .> rt a s and Fraction i'l a | Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1 3 *Z "> **.A of Year. S EC * p a? ! QQ Lalande, 1800. 1 Weisse's Bessel(t),i825. 1 tn t~*. >-,oo C i-i eS - > O qo d 1* r00 * M H Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. I53i 98-69 3 / II 88 9 44-2 // 10-034 // 0-379 // + 0-141 38371 1453 6973 + i 4196 I53i 1532 98-69 3 89 49 45-8 10-043 - 0-383 38374 1456 538r + o 4411 1532 1533 98-68 3 69 38 10-3 10-077 - 0-329 + 20 4417 1533 1534 97-34 3 85 30 35-4 10-099 0-371 38402 1480 6981 + 4 4341 1534 1535 97-70 3 85 31 27 10-226 0-370 38475 1518 6994 + 4 4349 1535 1536 97-66 3 87 5 46-5 10*228 - 0-376 38470 1515 6995 + 2 4093 1536 1537 01-63 3 9i 7 4-7 10-488 0-380 0-014 2576 38627 63 5413 5279 - i 39" 1537 1538 98-69 3 89 25 54-8 10-588 - 0-375 105 + o 4444 1538 1539 9871 3 89 25 52-9 10-588 - 0-375 105 5292 + o 4444 1539 1540 99-08 3 75 6 25-0 10-748 0-337 0-081 2590 38818 5316 + 14 4227 1540 1541 97-32 3 86 53 50-8 10-765 0-366 38807 169 7042 + 2 4121 1541 1542 98-64 3 87 27 31-8 10-81 1 0-367 38842 7047 + 2 4124 1542 1543 97-39 3 85 43 26-5 10-857 0-362 38862 199 7050 + 4 4395 1543 1544 OI'OI 13 62 29 33-2 10-894 0-300 O'OIO 2602 38939 5444 5342 + 27 3666 1544 1545 98-00 3 IO2 51 l6'9 10-958 0-402 0-017 2595 38898 223; 5449 5349 - 12 5685 1545 1546 98-64 3 89 40 13-4 11-032 0-369 38971 256 5455 + o 4475 1546 1547 98-26 5 105 5 49'6 11-169 0*404 O-O22 2609 39035 5466 5393 - 15 5629 1547 1548 96-98 3 84 58 35-8 "374 0-353 39176 392 7096 5408 + 4 4434 1548 1549 98-66 3 89 15 18-5 11-468 0-361 39222 + o 4495 1549 1550 99-61 3 84 48 49-7 n-473 0-35I 39236 427- 7105 + 5 4503 1550 1551 98-05 3 88 57 16-1 11-474 0-360 39230 7104 + o 4496 1551 1552 98-68 3 87 22 10-6 11-589 -0-355 393 1 2- 7"5 + 2 4164 1552 1553 97-34 5 1 08 8 40-0 -11727 0-400 + O-OO7 2626 39355 5501 5445 i 8 5689 1553 ISS4 98-69 3 87 23 377 11732 0-353 7126 + 2 4175 1554 IS55 98-70 3 89 26 50-5 "751 - 0-357 39391 527 + o 4515 1555 1556 99-69 3 87 20 14-2 -11-837 0-35I 39403 555 7134 + 2 4179 1556 1557 01-54 9 59 57 55'4 11-879 0-283 + 0-001 2637 39502 5467 + 29 4057 1557 1558 98-02 3 115 12 29-4 -H'953 0-414 39471 1558 1559 99-63 3 85 55 18-6 -11-979 0-345 39525 608 7152 + 3 4356 1559 1560 97-75 3 115 16 52-4 11-992 0-413 39493 548o 1560 1561 98-65 3 88 7 6-5 12-014 0-349 39540 620 7157 + i 4309 1561 1562 98-36 3 88 12 2I'I 12-017 0-350 39542 622 7158 + i 43io 1562 1563 99-35 3 79 2 11-3 12-098 0-328 + 0-022 2642 39607 658 5529 5492 + 10 4321 1563 1564 97-32 3 85 26 34-2 - 12-139 0-342 39625 673 7178 + 4 4486 1564 IS65 97-31 3 87 51 4-0 12-322 0-344 39735 743 7197 + i 4327 1565 1566 99-11 4 75 45 9'8 12-405 0-316 + 0-03I 2656 39810 785 5547 5536 + H 4369 1566 1567 99-64 3 89 5i 54-1 12-503 - 0-345 + O-O2O 2661 39850 5557 o 4064 1567 1568 99-70 3 85 22 58-1 12-521 0-335 O-O5O 39866 821 7215 + 4 45io 1568 1569 99-69 3 74 26 26-7 12-551 0-31 1 + 0-002 2670 39907 845 5563 5551 + 15 4222 1569 1570 98-04 3 86 54 45'8 12-569 0-337 39897 843 7223 + 2 422O 1570 1571 98-05 3 84 58 in 12-802 0-330 40029 933 7244 + 4 4529 1571 1572 00-58 6 75 17 3'2 12-808 0-309 + 0-036 2678 40036 945 5570 + M 4403 1572 1573 95-69 4 "5 37 50-4 12-901 0-392 + 0-154 2676 40039 5585 5572 1573 1574 99-68 3 87 55 42-3 13-007 0-331 7261 + i 4359 1574 1575 97-70 4 99 51 42-8 13-040 -0-354 + O-O27 2681 40117 1014 5593 5588 10 5506 1575 1531, 1568. Authority for Proper Motions : Porter. 72 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, R.A. Mean 00 4 "8 g Year "SJ No. Constellation. a II 3 3 and Fraction If Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. * 3 *S of 3 00 *H Year. ^0 1576 Aquarii 6*7 I 98-63 3 h. m. s. 20 42 45*71 8. + 3-0207 s. 0*0035 8. 1576 1577 Aquarii ... 7*0 I 98-70 3 20 43 6-50 + 3-0312 O-OO37 1577 1578 Aquarii 7'3 I 98-73 3 20 43 23-19 + 3-0148 CTOO34 1578 1579 Aquarii 7-4 98-72 1 2O 41 2T21 + 1-0488 0*004 1 I57Q +>f s 1580 Vulpeculae .... 9-3* 98-12 j 3 ~TJ .J ***J 20 43 52-65 1 J W*f.W + 2-6108 + O-OOI9 1580 1581 Vulpeculae ... 9*2* ... 98-11 3 20 44 47-21 + 2-6125 + O*OO2I O-OI7O I58l 1582 Equulei 7-0 I 98-70 3 20 44 55-16 +3-0365 0*0038 1582 1583 Equulei ... 6-4 2 98-40 3 20 45 0-78 + 2-9818 0-0028 1583 1584 6 Aquarii //, 47 ... 99*11 7 20 47 15-59 + 3-2369 0-0083 + O-OOO8 1584 1585 31 Vulpeculae 4'9 ... 99*26 3 20 47 50-82 +2-5723 + O-0024 O*OO63 1585 1586 Equulei 77 I 97-35 3 20 47 53-98 + 3-0452 0*0040 1586 1587 Aquarii ... 9'5 I 99-04 3 20 49 19-94 +3-1821 O*OO7O 1587 1588 Equulei 7-0 I 98-34 3 20 50 3-52 +3-0481 O*OO4I 1588 1589 32 Vulpeculae 5'3 ... 98-18 6 20 50 17-80 +2-5564 + O*OO27 0*0016 1589 1590 Equulei .... 7-0 I 98-37 3 20 50 40-23 + 3-0014 O*OO32 1590 1591 Equulei 7-0 I 98-65 3 20 51 42-62 +3*0499 O*OO4I 0-0037 1591 1592 Aquarii 6-6 2 00-70 3 20 52 3-52 + 3-0714 0*0046 o-oooo 1592 1593 Equulei 6-9 ... 97-39 3 20 52 48-23 +3-0078 0*0033 1593 1594 I Equulei 5'4 t ... .98-66 3 20 54 4-62 +3-0065 O*OO32 0*0100 1594 1595 Equulei 67' ... 97-35 3 20 57 40-50 +3-0234 0-0035 1595 1596 Equulei 7'3 9771 3 20 -57 59-22 +3-05" O*004I 1596 1597 3 Equulei 5'9 98-66 3 20 59 35-83 +2-9881 O*OO28 0*0000 1597 1598 Equulei 7-0 I 98-70 3 20 59 38-63 +3-0307 O*OO37 1598 1599 Equulei 6-7 2 98-72 3 20 59 40-71 +3-0418 O-OO39 1599 1600 23 Capricorn! 4"i ... 97-09 5 21 O 19*56 +3-3727 O-OI28 + 0-0040 I6OO 1601 Equulei 6-5 2 98-67 3 21 I 37-73 +3-0170 O*OO34 1601 1602 Aquarii 6-9 ... : 00-46 4 21 243-25 +3-0605 O-OO43 1602 1603 Equulei 7-0 I 98-68 3 21 3 1-38 +2-9952 O*OO29 1603 1604 Equulei 7'3 I 97-40 3 21 3 46*56 +3*0503 O*004I 1604 1605 Equulei 7-o I 98-65 3 21 4 55^3 +3-0318 0*0037 1605 1606 Equulei 7'3 2 97-41 3 21 7 41*96 +3*0371 0*0037 1606 1607 64 Cygni ... ., 3'3 98-56 8 21 8 4074 +2-5519 + 0*0039 0*0015 1607 1608 Equulei ... ... ... 7'3 2 98-69 3 21 9 30:46 +3-0051 O*O03O 1608 1609 8 Equulei , a 4-2 98-28 17 21 IO 49*48 +2-9967 O*OO27 + 0*0021 1609 1610 Equulei 7-i 2 97*77 3 21 12 55*29 +3-0343 0*0036 1610 1611 5 Cephei ... . a 2-6 ... 99-11 3 21 16 11*52 + 1-4136 O*OO72 + O-O2JI 1611 1612 Equulei ,7-2 I 97-10 3 21 46 18-84 +3-0337 0*0036 1612 1613 Equulei 7'3 2 97-77 3 21 1 6 20*27 +3-0351 0*0036 1613 1614 32 Capricorn! t 4'3 98-12 10 21 1 6 4075 +3-3443 O*OI29 O*OOO3 1614 1615 Aquarii 7'3 I 98-68 3 21 16 44*44 +3-0584 O-0042 1615 1616 Equulei 6*9 I 98-65 3 21 J7 0*37 + 3-0129 O-O030 1616 1617 Equulei ... 6-8 2 97-42 3 21 1,7 32*42 +3-0349 0-0035 1617 1618 Equulei ^ 7'3 I 97-43 3 21 18 -19*98 +3*0373 0*0036 1618 1619 Aquarii 7*2 2 98-41 3 21 18 41*55 +3-0538 O*OO4O 1619 1620 Aquarii 6-5 I 00*73 3 21 20 44*31 + 3-0712 0*0045 1620 1589. Orange-red. 1590. Close double; brighter observed. Companion, magnitude 8*3, precedes north. 1 594. Wide double. The companion, one magnitude fainter, follows north. 1608. Reddish. ' 1610. B.D. magnitude, 8*2 ; Albany, 7-3. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. I Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755.! Lalande, 1800. I Weisse's Bessel(i), 1825.! o *>. t^co Ix 3d d Id o ON ^J 00 1" Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 1576 98-63 3 O 1 II 87 3 4i-o - I3-073 a - 0-328 // 1034 7269 + 2 4250 1576 1577 9870 3 87 39 8-4 I3-097 0-329 7270 + 2 4253 1577 1578 9873 3 86 43 1 1-2 -I3'"5 0-327 40164 1057 7273 + 3 4430 1578 1579 9872 3 88 38 42-1 I3'"5 0-331 1055 7271 + I 4369 1579 1580 98-12 3 65 24 32-5 I3'I47 0-282 + 24 4246 1580 1581 98-11 3 65 24 58-8 13-208 0-281 + 0-240 + 24 4251 1581 1582 98-70 3 87 5 6 I4-9 13-216 - 0-327 40218 1094 7288 + i 4374 1582 1583 98-40 3 84 49 38-1 13-222 0-321 40229 7289 + 5 4626 1583 1584 98-33 3 99 21 30-3 13-369 0-346 + 0-031 2696 1146 5618 5627 9 5598 1584 1585 98-82 4 63 16 38-7 13-408 0-273 + 0-074 2703 40357 + 26 4017 1585 1586 97*35 3 88 24 44-4 13-411 0-324 1165 7314 + i 4386 1586 1587 99-04 3 96 19 o'6 I3-504 - 0-337 6 5622 1587 1588 98-34 3 88 34 2-9 -I3-55I 0-322 40415 1221 7332 + i 4393 1588 1589 98-32 3 62 19 21-3 - 13-566 0-269 + O-OO2 2709 40456 5633 5651 + 27 3911 1589 1590 98-37 3 85 50 57-o I3-590 0-316 40444 1232 7335 + 3 446i 1590 IS9I 98-65 3 88 39 46-5 - I3-657 0-320 + O-226 40484 1264 7339 + i 4397 I59i 1592 00-70 3 89 55 8-3 13-679 0-322 + 0-II9 40496 1269 5641 o 4132 1592 1593 97-39 3 86 it 24-2 13-727 0-314 40534 7347 + 3 4466 1593 IS94 98-66 3 86 5 23-7 13-808 0-312 + 0-139 2717 40578 1328 7352 5678 + 3 4473 1594 IS95 97-35 3 87 2 35-8 I4-035 0-309 40739 1414 7372 + 2 4289 1595 1596 9771 3 88 42 0-3 14-054 0-311 40750 1426 7374 + i 4413 1596 IS97 98-66 3 84 53 40'i I4-I54 0-303 + 0-007 2734 40808 7386 + 4 4606 1597 1598 98-70 3 87 27 19-4 I4T57 0-307 40804 1464 7387 + 2 4297 1598 1599 98-72 3 88 7 33-2 I4T59 - 0-308 40806 7389 5723 + I 44i8 1599 1600 96-42 3 107 37 49'4 14-199 0-341 + 0-054 2733 40814 5675 5726 -17 6174 1600 1601 98-67 3 86 35 56-7 I4-279 - 0-303 40886 1512 7397 + 3 4501 1601 1602 00-89 5 89 4 5i'4 14-346 0-306 40926 1540 + o 4663 1602 1603 98-68 3 85 15 4'i 14-365 0-299 40944 1550 7406 + 4 4615 1603 1604 97-40 3 88 37 0-2 14-411 0-303 40977 1570 7408 + i 443 1 1604 1605 98-65 3 87 27 48-1 14-480 0-300 41018 7415 + 2 4311 1605 1606 97HI 3 87 46 3'o 14-647 0*296 41136 7429 + 2 4319 1606 1607 02-06 10 60 II O'2 14-706 0-247 + O'O66 2760 4I2I5 5721 5775 + 29 4348 1607 1608 98-69 3 85 43 26-2 I4-755 0-290 41222 135 7438 + 4 4631 1608 1609 97-38 5 85 9 56-4 14-833 0-288 + 0-078 2764 41274 170 7447 5736 5788 + 4 4635 1609 1610 97-77 3 87 31 39-0 14-956 0-288 41352 7462 + 2 4333 1610 1611 99-11 3 27 50 17-4 I5-I45 0-129 0-025 2786 5761 5811 + 61 2111 1611 1612 97-10 3 87 27 0-2 I5-I52 0-283 4H85 314 7473 + 2 4345 1612 1613 97-77 3 87 32 I5-2 - I5-I53 0-283 41486 315 7474 + 2 4346 1613 1614 97-92 5 107 15 38-0 15-172 0-312 0-013 2772 4M74 5764 5814 - 17 6245 1614 1615 98-68 3 89 3 47-5 -15-176 0-285 41500 326 + o 4714 1615 1616 98-65 3 86 4 47'4 15-191 0-280 41508 748i + 3 4551 1616 1617 97-42 3 87 30 28-8 15-222 0-282 41533 347 7486 5823 + 2 4348 1617 1618 97-43 3 87 39 40-3 15'267 0-281 41561 362 7492 + 2 4350 1618 1619 98-41 3 88 44 52-0 - 15-287 0-282 41575 367 7494 + I 4471 1619 1620 00-73 3 89 53 SI'S 15-402 0-280 41655 420 5783 o 4215 1620 1581. The Proper Motions have been specially computed for the present catalogue. I 59 I - The Proper Motion adopted is the mean of Porter and Boss. J 59 3 - Authority for Proper Motions : Bossert. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1900'0, B.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observation?. 1 Mean E.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1621 Aquarii 6-9 3 98-38 3 1). 11). 8. 21 21 2I'2O 8. + 3-0627 s. 0-0042 s. + 0*0074 1621 1622 Equulei 67 ... 97-08 3 21 22 17-45 + 2-999I 0-0026 1622 1623 Equulei 7'4 ... 0174 3 21 22 59-24 + 3-032I 0-0034 1623 1624 2 Pegasi 4-8 00-50 3 21 25 25-02 + 2-7I49 + 0-0034 + 0*001 1 1624 1625 Equulei 7'3 i 98-37 3 21 26 I6-I5 + 3-0237 0*0031 1625 1626 22 Aquarii ft 3-0 ... 98-36 18 21 26 17*63 + 3-I602 0-0071 0*0006 1626 1627 1628 1629 Equulei Cygni .. 77 8-0* 67 i i 96-79 0173 98-08 3 3 3 21 28 9-47 21 29 3r62 21 29 37-48 + 3-OI35 + 2-4333 + 3-0530 0-0028 + 0-0067 0-0038 0*0003 1627 1628 1629 Aquarii 1630 1631 1632 Aquarii 72 Cygni .. 7'4 5'o 4-8 2 98-68 00-71 98-23 3 3 12 21 30 17-38 21 30 41-36 21 32 25-70 + 3-0652 + 2H375 + 3-I898 0-0042 + 0-0067 0-0082 + 0*0095 + 0*0058 1630 1631 1632 23 Aquarii 1633 1634 1635 Equulei 74 Cygni .. 6-9 5-o 6'3 I 97-38 99-72 98-40 3 3 3 21 32 28-02 21 32 56-31 21 33 31-38 + 3-OI33 + 2-4022 + 2-9985 0-0026 + 0*0073 O-OO22 O'OOIO + 0-0056 1633 1634 1635 4 Pegasi 1636 25 Aquarii d 5*5 I 98-70 3 21 34 28-89 + 3-0479 0-0036 0-0030 1636 1637 Aquarii 8'3 I 97-16 3 21 35 3-89 + 3-I673 O-O074 1637 1638 Pegasi 7'i ... 97-11 3 21 35 45-78 + 3^254 O-0029 1638 1639 Pegasi 7-0 2 98-38 3 21 36 I -O2 + 3-0100 O-OO24 1639 1640 26 Aquarii 6-0 I 98-69 3 21 37 4-09 + 3-06I4 O-O039 0-0017 1640 1641 Pegasi 7'5 I 99-73 3 21 37 7-72 + 3-OI29 O-0025 1641 1642 1643 1644 7 Pegasi 8 Pegasi e 57 27 77* 98-71 97-91 97-38 3 6 3 21 37 15-28 21 39 16-42 21 39 44-39 + 3-OOI4 + 2-9450 + 3-0387 O-002I 0*OO05 O-OO3I + 0-0009 + 0*0008 1642 1643 1644 Pegasi 1645 II Cephei 5-o 0173 3 21 40 27-56 + 0-87IO 0-0338 + 0*0207 1645 1646 49 Capricorn! b 3-0 I 98-13 8 21 41 31-30 + 3'2989 0-0127 + 0*0166 1646 1647 27 Aquarii 5-5 97-12 3 21 42 9'66 + 3-0434 0*0032 + 0-0009 1647 1648 Pegasi 7-8* ... 00-71 3 21 44 50-10 + 3-OIIO 0-0021 1648 1649 Aquarii 9'3* 03-65 3 21 45 21-23 + 3-I740 0-0078 1649 1650 Aquarii 6-8 00-73 3 21 46 27-01 + 3-0688 0-0039 1650 1651 16 Pegasi 5'2 2 97-88 16 21 48 30-65 + 2-7273 + 0-0054 0-0005 1651 1652 1653 1654 Aquarii Pegasi 9*0* 7'i ... 95-72 00-72 96-77 4 3 3 21 50 9-07 21 50 33^4 21 52 28-33 + 3-II69 + 3-049I + 3-0273 O-OO56 0-OO32 O-OO23 1652 1653 1654 Pegasi 7'4 I 1655 Pegasi 7-6 2 00-74 3 21 53 26-90 + 3-0323 O-OO25 0-0185 1655 1656 Cephei 5*4 99-72 3 21 53 49-93 + I-69I3 + 0-0018 1656 1657 28 Aquarii 5'8 I 01-72 3 21 55 58-03 + 3-07I2 0*0038 0*0014 1657 1658 16 Cephei 5'i ... 99-71 3 21 57 4931 + 0-89IO 0*0376 0*0144 1658 1659 Pegasi 7'5 2 99-74 3 21 58 23-41 + 3-OI40 0*0016 1659 1660 22 Pegasi v 5'4 I 96-76 3 22 O 38-17 + 3^196 0*0017 + 0*0049 1660 1661 34 Aquarii a 3-2 ... 97-57 17 22 38-83 + 3-082I 0-0041 0*0008 1661 1662 Pegasi 7'i I 01-72 3 22 I 33-82 + 3-0502 0*0028 1662 1663 24 Pegasi i 4-0 00-03 4 22 2 2I-27 + 2-7686 + 0*0061 + 0*0209 1663 1664 Pegasi 7'2 I 97-38 3 22 4 4'44 + 3-0473 0-0026 1664 1665 Pegasi 7'5 3 98-69 3 22 4 57-09 + 3^322 0*0020 1665 1643. Eeddish. 1661. Orange. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. No. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. 1 MeanN.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1755. J Lalande, 1800. 1 \Ti N ^00 00 9 "" .'" 'nT 03 \ t 1 1 in !>. c"" 08 * -o T 3? d Id %$ Greenwich, 1 1890. B.D. No. 1621 98*38 3 1 II 89 19 29' i - I5'436 // 0-279 n + 0-185 41685 433 + o 4726 1621 1622 97*08 3 85 2 28-4 - 15^89 0-271 41723 461 7506 + 4 4675 1622 1623 0174 3 87 15 I3-6 - I5-528 0-273 41742 476 7507 + 2 4362 1623 1624 01-83 8 66 47 58-6 15-661 0-241 O-OO2 2798 41836 5871 +23 4325 1624 1625 98-37 3 86 37 167 - 15-708 0-267 41859 553 7528 + 3 4568 1625 1626 98-10 3 96 o 40-3 - I5-709 0-280 + O'OOI 2797 41840 5805 5878 6 5770 1626 1627 96-79 3 85 52 46-3 I5'8io 0-264 41927 600 7535 + 3 4575 1627 1628 0173 3 5i 54 587 15-884 0*210 42034 + 37 4346 1628 1629 98-08 3 88 36 55-6 - 15-889 0-265 + 0-O04 2804 41991 645 7548 + i 453 1629 1630 98-68 3 89 28 5-0 15-924 0-265 42026 664 + o 4750 1630 1631 00*40 3 5i 54 5i-o 15-946 0-209 O-I05 2809 42078 5909 + 37 4359 1631 1632 97-07 3 98 18 io'i 16-037 0-273 + 0-022 2808 42098 5832 5917 - 8 5701 1632 1633 97-38 3 85 45 59-4 16-039 0-257 7557 + 4 4706 1633 1634 99*18 4 50 2 8-9 16-063 0*203 0*009 2818 42169 5835 5924 + 39 4612 1634 1635 98*40 3 84 40 46*2 16-094 0-254 O*03I 2813 42155 743 7562 + 5 4834 1635 1636 98-70 3 88 12 22-3 16-144 - 0-257 + O-O72 2817 42189 766 7565 + i 4517 1636 1637 97-16 3 96 49 177 16-174 0*266 777 - 7 56n 1637 1638 97-11 3 86 33 25-1 l6'2IO 0-253 806 7576 + 3 4599 1638 1639 98*38 3 85 25 59-0 16-223 0-251 42249 815 7577 + 4 4722 1639 1640 98-69 3 89 10 12-4 16-277 0-254 + O-02O 2822 42283 834 + o 4770 1640 1641 99-73 3 85 37 14-6 16-280 0-250 42287 841 758o + 4 4726 1641 1642 98-71 3 84 46 31-1 16-287 0-248 + 0-005 2824 42295 847 7582 + 5 4850 1642 1643 98-55 3 80 35 0-5 16-389 0-240 O'OI I 2835 42370 898 5859 5986 + 9 4891 1643 1644 97-38 3 87 28 1-4 16-413 0*248 42384 7593 + 2 4404 1644 1645 oroi ii 19 8 56-6 16-449 0-066 0-080 2856 5865 5997 + 70 1193 1645 1646 OI'II 3 106 34 51-3 16-502 0-266 +0-297 2847 42423 5871 5998 16 5943 1646 1647 97-12 3 87 46 34-9 - 16-534 0-244 + 0-010 2849 42461 962 7601 + 2 4414 1647 1648 00-71 3 85 15 12-5 16-665 0-237 42551 1012 7624 + 4 4753 1648 1649 03-65 3 97 46 5i'6 16-690 0-249 - 7 5648 1649 1650 00-73 3 89 41 50-2 16-743 0-239 42600 1044 5893 + o 4787 1650 1651 00-05 3 64 32 43-4 16-841 0*209 + O-OO2 2864 42679 5899 6040 + 25 4635 1651 1652 95-72 3 93 3 1 I ' 6 16-919 0-237 42716 - 3 5333 1652 1653 00-72 3 88 6 45-1 16-938 0-231 42723 1128 7644 + i 456o 1653 1654 96-77 3 86 19 3'5 17-027 0-226 42794 H75 7654 + 3 4640 1654 1655 00-74 3 86 41 47-9 17-072 0*225 + 0-I58 42843 I2OO 7657 + 3 4644 1655 1656 98-70 4 26 51 2'I 17-090 0-122 59i8 6078 + 62 2007 1656 1657 01-72 3 89 52 3i-3 -17-187 O-223 + 0-001 2875 42913 1250 5923 o 4296 1657 1658 02-29 14 17 17 45'8 17-269 0-059 +0-176 2900 593i 6101 + 72 1009 1658 1659 99-74 3 85 2 32-0 17-295 O-2I5 43002 7674 + 4 4791 1659 1660 96-76 3 85 25 48-8 - 17-393 0-212 0-107 2891 43065 7686 6117 + 4 4800 1660 1661 97-54 4 90 48 19-8 17-394 O'2l6 O-OO2 2890 43052 1345 5939 6118 i 4246 101. 1 1662 01-72 3 88 2 50-8 I7H34 O'2I2 7695 + i 4584 1662 1663 99-98 4 65 8 35-8 17-468 O'lgi O*O2O 2899 43137 5950 6139 + 24 4533 1663 1664 97-38 3 87 45 197 I7-54I 0'208 43190 16 7705 + 2 4474 1664 1665 98-69 3 86 23 28-1 - I7-578 0-205 4322O 33 7710 +, 3 4672 1665 1621, 1655. Authority for Proper Motions: Bossert. 76 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 190CTO, B.A. No. Constellation. Magnitude. Number of Estimations. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observations. Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 24 Cephei Aquarii Aquarii Pegasi 5-o 9-1 7'4 7-0 7-6 4'3 7'3 7'4 8-0 5'4 3-8 S'o 4'5 5'9 5-o 6*0 4-8 7'5 7'7* 8*0* 7*0 8-5 4'i 5'2 7'3 7-8* 7-0 3-6 4-8 7'4 6-9 7'3 3"o 7'5 7'4 7'4 7'5 7'3 3'7 7-o 7'3 3-8 7-o 7'3 6-7 2 2 4 4 2 I I I I I I I I 2 2 3 I I I I I 3 2 2 5 I 2 0072 98-08 9974 97-42 01-72 97-89 97-16 97-78 9973 9774 97-53 00-76 98-27 96-79 96:83 97-87 98-96 97-I5 97'39 96-80 99-74 00-76 98-34 02-77 97-12 00-74 96-82 98-38 01-76 98-12 98-39 98-72 99-23 97-10 97-I3 97-I4 97-12 98-10 99-60 98-45 98-06 97-97 97-79 98-71 98-42 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 4 3 3 8 4 4 3 3 3 H 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 3 3 3 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 ii 3 3 3 h. m. s. 22 7 53-26 22 7 53'45 22 8 I2'6O 22 9 43-86 22 10 35-69 22 II 33-38 22 12 27-40 22 H 45*95 22 15 I'2I 22 15 25-61 22 1 6 29-43 22 l6 42-21 22 2O IO-O9 22 21 32*00 22 22 47*69 22 24 54-54 22 25 2f34 22 25 36-85 22 27 16-77 22 27 41-67 22 29 28-98 22 30 II'75 22 30 13-03 22 33 17-88 22 33 45-96 22 34 44-63 22 35 22'6l 22 36 28-43 22 37 3-61 22 37 17-43 22 37 49-10 22 37 5I-47 22 38 18-69 22 38 45-18 22 40 l6'74 22 40 I7-23 22 42 26-I3 22 43 5I-39 22 45 10-49 22 45 33-49 22 46 37-16 22 47 23-83 22 47 27-68 22 48 45'69 22 49 52-51 8. + I-I567 + 3-2582 + 3^755 + S^lS + 3-0322 + 3-I6I4 + 3-0236 + 2-3IOI + 3-0492 + JOI82 + 3-0920 + 2-7653 + 3-'o642 + 3-0349 + 3-0324 + 3-0358 + JI788 + 3'0370 + 3-0537 + 3-0499 + 3-0720 + 3-0241 + 3-0784 + I-4452 + 3-0383 + 3-0496 + 3-0385 + 2-986I + 2-8I27 + 3-0343 + 3-0363 + 3-0670 + 2-8067 + 3^455 + 3^475 + 3-0630 + 3-03II + 3-0440 + 2-8812 + 3-0463 + 3-04H + JI32I + 3- 508 + 3-0634 + 3'0690 8. 0-0225 O-OI23 O-0036 0-OOI7 0-OOI7 O-OO75 O-OOI2 + O-OI44 0-O022 O'OOOS 0-OO4I + O-OO83 O-O027 0-OOI2 O'OOIO O'OOI I 0-0087 O'OOI I O'OOlS 0*0016 0*0027 0*0001 0*0030 0*0073 0*0006 O*OOI2 0-0005 + 0*0024 + 0*0105 0*0002 0*0002 0*0020 + O*OI IO 0*0007 0*0007 0*0017 + 0*0004 0-0003 + 0-0091 0*0003 + 0*0001 0*0062 0*0005 O'OOI 2 0*0016 s. + 0*0021 + 0*0057 0*0010 + 0-0068 O'OOOI 0*0012 + 0*0171 + 0-0031 0*0037 O'OOI I 0*0033 0-0050 0*0040 + 0-0042 + 0-0416 + 0-0039 + 0*0044 0*0009 + 0*0001 + 0*0100 + 0-0030 + 0*0050 + 0-0096 O'OO2O 0*001 6 + 0-0003 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 Pegasi . 43 Aquarii 6 Pegasi Lacertae Pegasi 48 Aquarii y 52 Aquarii TT "? " Pegasi . . . VJ Pegasi... 57 Aquarii cr Pegasi Aquarii Pegasi 62 Aquarii i) 31 Cephei Pegasi Pegasi 42 Pegasi 43 Pegasi Pegasi Pegasi Aquarii 44 Pegasi 17 Pegasi Pegasi Aquarii Pegasi 48 Pegasi fi Pegasi Pegasi 73 Aquarii A Pegasi Piscium I Piscium 1673. A star (B.D. + 51 3329), magnitude 8, follows about 27", and is about i' north. 1696. Slightly reddish. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. Mean V) Q us o No. Year and Fraction of Year. Number of Observation Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. Auwers' Bradley, 1.75 Lalande, iSc - Is d ~& H3 OO eS 1-1 (A Greenwich, 1890. B.D. No. 1711 9974 4 1 It 120 9 8-3 // 19-179 // 0-132 a + 0-159 3032 44866 6l40 6477 o 1711 1712 9679 3 86 43 3i-4 19-187 O-I2I 44887 1042 7923 + 3 4799 1712 1713 97-I3 3 86 10 30-3 19-232 0-118 44939 1081 7933 + 3 4805 1713 1714 98-11 3 89 34 15-1 I9-235 0-118 + 0-074 3036 44946 1084 6150 + o 4950 1714 1715 97-46 3 85 22 34-8 I9-249 0-116 44966 1096 7935 + 4 4935 1715 1716 97-78 3 87 31 20-9 19-266 0-115 + 0-078 44993 i"5 7938 + 2 4594 1716 1717 9873 3 86 4 24-1 19-289 0-113 + 0-133 45030 1138 7946 + 3 4814 1717 1718 9875 3 87 o 17-8 19-291 0-113 + 0-043 3041 45032 1140 7948 + 2 4597 1718 1719 96-81 3 86 43 7-2 I9-34I 0-109 + 0-015 3046 45105 1188 7957 6l7I 6525 + 3 48i8 1719 1720 00-73 3 75 19 58-i I9-364 0-105 + 0-030 3050 45H8 1216 6174 6531 + H 4926 1720 1721 98-08 3 89 13 54'5 I9-373 0*107 45163 1 220 + o 4963 1721 1722 94-84 3 114 17 0-4 I9-398 O'HI 0*002 3053 45184 6184 1722 1723 98-11 3 87 29 19-7 19-412 . 0-103 45206 1257 7976 + 2 4609 1723 1724 98-74 3 85 40 i-o - I9-435 O'lOI 45251 1275 798i + 4 4963 1724 1725 97-3I 4 88 24 59-5 I9-447. O'lOI 0-119 3059 45279 1287 7986 + i 4686 1725 1726 02-56 9 15 9 n-6 I9-472 0-058 + 0*041 3074 4538i 6561 + 74 1006 1726 1727 96-82 3 85 32 19-1 I9-5 I 0-095 45366 48 8002 + 4 4975 1727 1728 oo-55 6 88 20 29-3 I9-550 0-091 45451 8017 + i 4696 1728 1729 96-86 3 85 32 49-5 - I9-556 0-090 45471 in 8021 + 4 4985 1729 1730 0178 3 89 14 8-7 I9-587 0-087 + 0-030 45525 145 + o 4982 1730 I73i 97-98 5, 87 15 5i-o 19-614 0-084 0*017 3082 45565 176 8036 6225 6600 + 2 4648 1731 1732 98-14 3 95 34 4'i 19-618 0-085 5 5962 1732 1733 96-85 3 85 9 5i-3 - 19-671 0-078 + 0-074 3092 45687 257 8053 + 4 4997 1733 1734 95-08 4 95 13 "'2 19-687 - 0-077 280 6243 - 5 5973 1734 1735 96-79 3 87 43 48-o I97I3 0-073 45781 310 8064 + 2 4660 1735 1736 97-16 3 86 49 58-0 - 19735 0*071 45846 335 8068 + 2 4663 1736 1737 97H9 3 88 4 19-9 I9-772 0-066 45894 383 8076 + I 4724 1737 1738 00-05 7 89 17 30-1 I9-774 0-066 + 0*102 3116 45895 388 6263 6659 + o 4998 1738 1739 98-I7 3 89 25 36-0 I9-779 0-065 45905 392 + o 4999 1739 1740 OO'I2 3 77 47 27-7 19-807 0-060 0*030 3122 45974 6670 + 11 5009 1740 1741 9777 3 85 32 21-3 19-820 0-059 46009 455 8085 + 4 5016 1741 1742 98-79 3 88 ii 12-1 - 19-832 0-058 46045 473 8090 + i 4731 1742 1743 01-22 3 8 1 8 18-6 I9-845 0-028 + 8 1 824 1743 1744 OT22 3 8 17 39-9 19-848 0-028 + 81 825 1744 1745 oi -80 7 3 M 38-8 I9-855 + 0-013 0*004 3M7 6294 6693 + 86 344 1745 1746 97-47 3 85 54 44-6 19-860 0^53 46138 527 8102 + 3 4870 1746 1747 97-16 3 85 4 55-2 - I9-873 0-051 46169 547 8ui + 4 5029 1747 1748 98-44 3 89 14 21'2 - 19-885 0-049 + 0-031 3138 46212 574 + o 5018 1748 1749 O2-82 3 87 24 2'O 19-892 0-048 59 8120 + 2 4686 1749 1750 97-5I 3 88 27 9-6 I9-895 0-047 0*061 3139 46248 599 8121 + i 4744 1750 1751 98-69 6 84 54 56-3 I9-93I 0*040 + o*443 3H8 46351 667 8132 6318 6731 + 4 5035 1751 1752 O2"2I 9 12 55 32-9 - I9-935 0-030 0*135 3152 46419 6319 6736 + 76 928 1752 1753 97-49 3 88 46 13-1 - I9-95I 0-036 + 0*137 3153 46445 711 8141 6328 6745 + o 5037 1753 1754 OO'Og 3 61 ii 32-5 19-968 0-032 + 0*034 3160 46504 6336 6755 + 28 4627 1754 1755 97-11 3 87 4 S'l I9-985 0*028 + 0-023 3162 46575 792 8i54 6764 + 2 4709 1755 1716. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. W?- The Proper Motion adopted is the mean of Boss and Bossert. 1 730. Authority for Proper Motions : Bossert. 80 RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STABS, 1900'0, R.A. Mean tu 5 13 2 1 Year ^ No. Constellation. i "P be k* c8 3 S and Fraction H S ? Mean R.A. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. No. d 3 '43 ^H of Year. 3 *< 1756 Cephei IO'O ... 98*04 3 h. in. s. 23 42 8-65 8. + 27460 8. + 0-0747 s. 1756 1757 Piscium 7-2 2 98-44 3 23 43 42-17 + 3-0700 + O-OOI9 O-OOI3 1757 1758 Sculptoris 8 4-6 ... 02-87 3 23 43 43-05 + 3-I246 0-0159 + 0-0067 1758 1759 Piscium 87* ... 01-50 3 23 43 58-82 + 3^97 + O-O020 + 0-0646 1759 1760 21 Piscium 5'6 97-84 3 23 44 20-20 + 3-07I9 + O-OOI3 0-0016 1760 1761 Piscium 77 I 96-88 3 23 45 59'6o + 3-0703 + O-OO2O 1761 1762 Piscium 7'5 I 99-81 4 23 46 33"42 + 3-067I + 0-0033 1762 1763 Piscium 7-2 2 98-92 3 23 46 46-57 + 3-067I + 0-0033 1763 1764 22 Piscium 5-8 ... 97-88 3 23 46 50-63 + 3^95 + O-O024 O'OOOO 1764 1765 25 Piscium 6-2 ... 97-96 3 23 47 57-40 + 3-0708 + O-OO20 0-0015 1765 1766 Piscium 7-8* ... 98-82 3 23 49 II-94 + 3-0693 + O-OO29 1766 1767 Piscium 8-0 I 98-92 4 23 49 18-20 + 3-0706 + O-OO23 1767 1768 Piscium 6-9 ... 97'45 3 23 Si 39-90 + 3-0692 + 0-0036 1768 1769 84 Pegasi \j/ 4-8 ... 01-50 3 23 52 39-69 + 3'0532 + O-OI5I 0-0043 1769 1770 28 Piscium 4-0 ... 99-14 10 23 54 10-48 + 3-0690 + O-OO49 + 0-0087 1770 1771 Piscium 7'5 2 96-82 3 23 57 39-34 + 3'0723 + 0-0026 + 0-0023 1771 1772 2 Ceti 4'5 ... 99-99 9 23 58 37-02 + 3^753 0-0078 O'OOOI 1772 1756. The magnitude given above is only approximate. RADCLIFFE CATALOGUE OF STARS, 1900'0, N.P.D. 81 Mean x 1 - Wi J 1 t Year o 1/5 "oo *- r. 03 15 oT j No. and Fraction 11 s % Mean N.P.D. Precess. Sec. Var. Proper Motion. 2 4> .. & >> S m V a > *1 a ' "- *c oo B 1^ S2 B.D. No. of 21 "'S ^ **** "**< . el " Year. *0 3 I M ^ o 1756 98-04 3 o / Ti 17 39 39-8 -19-991 0*023 o 1756 1757 98-30 4 88 20 25-7 20*001 0*023 + 0*02 1 46646 850 8162 6358 + i 4773 1757 1758 02-87 3 118 40 58-9 20*002 0*024 + O'IIO 46641 6359 6775 1758 1759 01*79 3 88 7 40-2 20-003 0*023 + 0*959 46650 853 8164 + i 4774 1759 1760 97*84 3 89 28 43-9 20-005 0*022 + 0-030 3167 46667 86 1 6361 6778 + o 5054 1760 1761 96*88 3 88 19 6-5 20*015 0*OI9 46711 884 8176 + i 4786 1761 1762 00-87 6 85 51 32-0 20*018 0*018 46737 894 8i77 + 3 4899 1762 1763 98-92 3 85 48 39-2 20*019 0*017 46742 898 8178 + 3 4900 1763 1764 97-88 3 87 37 32-3 20*019 0-017 + 0*OI I 3174 46744 900 8179 6372 + 2 4725 1764 1765 97*96 3 88 27 55-5 20*024 0*015 + 0*005 3180 46788 8183 6797 + i 4792 1765 1766 98-82 3 86 52 37-6 20*030 0*013 956 8192 + 2 4728 1766 1767 98-92 3 88 5 28*6 20*030 O*OI2 46843 8193 + i 4799 1767 1768 97-45 3 85 49 53'9 20*039 O*008 46926 1006 8205 + 3 4909 1768 1769 01*59 5 65 24 52*0 20*042 O*OO6 + 0-024 3186 46965 6831 + 24 4865 1769 1770 99-49 3 83 41 24*9 20*046 0*003 + 0-108 3191 47017 1062 6399 6850 + 6 5227 1770 1771 96-82 3 88 25 27-6 20-051 + 0*004 + 0*071 47148 U43 8232 + i 4820 1771 1772 00-87 3 107 53 32-6 20*052 + 0*006 0-005 3204 47179 6414 6877 18 6417 1772 1757. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Mayer's Sternverzeichnis). 1 758. Authority for Proper Motions : Auwers (Astronomische Nachrichten, 3929). J 759- The Proper Motion adopted is the mean of Boss and Bossert. 1771. Authority for Proper Motions : Boss. - M UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. ASTRONOMY LIBRARY LD 21-100m-ll,'49(BSri46sl6)476 701312 01 YE 17392 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY