ROBSONS .ONDON DIRECTORY, STREET KEY, ; CLASSIFICATION OF TRADES, AND ROYAL COURT GUIDE AND PEERAGE: PARTICULARIZING THE RESIDENCES OF 70,000 ESTABLISHMENTS IN LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS, AND FIFTEEN THOUSAND OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, ALSO, m bxtsmsuvb @@Mn7BYM!i@B mst, ALPHABETICAL LIST OF PUBLIC CARRIERS, TOGETHER WITH THE STREET GUIDE. For 1842. TWENTY- THIRD EDITION, ROBSON AND CO., LONDON DIRECTORY AND COURT GUIDE OFFICE, 4, CLOAK LANE, CHEAPSIDE ; SOLD BY Simpkin, Marshall, & Co., Stationers* Court; Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, Paternoster Row ; Richard & Wilson, St. Martin's Court; W. Houghton, Bona Street; G. Fell, Piccadilly ; W. Allason, Bond Street ; Ridgway & Son, Piccadilly ; J. Fraser, 215, Regent Slreet ; P. Richardson, Cornhill ; Staunton & Son, 9, Strand ; Samuel Rovvsell & Son, Cheapside ; Roake & Varty, Strand ; John Booth, Duke Street, Portland Place; Laking, Curzon Street. Price Thirty Shillings to Subscribers, and Thirty-six Shillings to Non-Subscribers. ROBSON'S COURT GUIDE, WITH ANALYSIS OP PEERAGE For 1842, May be had separately, in a neat Pocket Edition, price 5s. A. VOGEL, PRINTER, HIGH STREET, CAMHERfYELL. CONTENTS. Names too late for Insertion follow Index to Street Key. For Index to Fire and Xiife Assurance, Reversionary Interest, and Commercial Pros- pectuses, see following Fage. PAGE 108 I ides de Camp Alphabetical Directory of Names and Residence 371 to 894 Ambassadors and Consuls resident in London ]083 American Line of Packets ,996 Analysis Of Peerage- See Court Guide. Australasian Bank 1005 Bank of England 1008 Borough of Marylebone Loan and Dis- count Co Appendix 19 Bishops, English and Irish 1082 Cabinet Ministers 1082 Canal Trade, City rd, & Paddington . .'. 989 Carriers, Alphabetical List of 972 Cartage, Rates of 1071 City Officers 1000 City Companies Halls and Names of Clerks 1002 Classification of Trades 1021 to 1768 Club Houses. See Court Guide. Coaches, Mail 899 Stage 909to927 Coasting Vessels, Index, being the names of places Alphabetically arranged List of Wharfs from whence they sail Commercial Dock Company Commissioners of Excise Stamps and Taxes.. .. Comru . n Council, with their Wards and Residences Corporation of London 975 976 to 988 Appendix 28 Appendix 30 Appendix 28 997 1000 Court Guide, at the end, preceding Appendix. Country Bankers 1 009 Court of Bankruptcy ,^g 8$# Courts of Conservancy 100 1 Courts of Law 1084 Road Mails 902 East Country Dock.. . Appendix 26 East India Company Appendix 7 Dock Company : . . . . Appendix ib Hackney Coach air I Cabriolet Fares. . 907 Harbour Masters Appendix 26 Holidays at Public Offices 1075 House of Commons 1091 Peers 1086 Index to Classification of Trades 11 93 London and County Joint Stock Bank 1006 Bankers 10(18 I Dock Company Appendix 30 Parcels Delivery Company .... 908 Lords Lieutenant of England and Wales 1084 Mail Coaches 899 Mad Coach Routes, with time out of and into London ib Marine Soeiety Appendix 22 National Floating Breakwater and Re- fuge Harbour Co Appendix 18 Navy Agents Newspapers, List of. 1 076 Notaries 1020 Police Stations 895 & 898 Port of London Board of Harbour Masters Appendix 26 Porterage, Rates of .". *a < W74 PiGK Postage, 1021 to 1070 Austrian Provinces 1040 East India Letter Guide 1064 Foreign 1061 French Post Towns 1031 General and Twopenny Post Receiving Houses 1066 German Post Towns 1035 Italian States 1040 Limit of Weight 1 f J2 List of Cities Post Towns, and Principal Places upon which Money Orders are granted 1024 to 1029 Mail Coach Time 891* Mails made up in London. . . . 1066 Money-Order Office 1022 Morning Mails (Placesto which Letters are conveved by) . . 1023 Newspaper Regulations 1 029 Packets, List of 1062 Places in Country Delivery of Twopenny Post 1069 Registration of Letters 1 022 Sardinian Post Towns 1038 Ship Letter Office 1 040 Soldiers and Sailors Letters .... 1 063 Steam Packets to West Indies 1 063 Swiss Post Towns 1039 Time of Posting Letters 1023 & 1 029 Twopenny Post 1067 Privy Council 1082 Queen Dowager's Household 1084 Stables ib Queen's Ministers 1 082 M misters abroad 1 083 Consuls 1082 Household 1084 Privy Council 1082 Serjeants and Counsel 1084 Railway Conveyance 1097 Railroad Mails 903 Railway Trade 989 Royal Bank of Australia 1004 Family 1082 Registrars of Marriages,Births &Deaths 896 Rota of Sessions, Guildhall, Centra! Cri- minal Court, and Southwark 1000 St Ann's Society School Appendix 28 St Georges Steam Packet Company . . 992 Short Stages 904 to 907 Society of Guardians for Protection of Trade Appendix 26 South Australian Banking Company.. . . 1006 South Australian Company 1004 South Sea Company Appendix 30 Sovereigns of Europe 1082 Stamp Duties 1075 Steam Navigation 992 Street GrUide, Follows Classification of Trades Street Key, viz. the Streets, with Names of Residents, &c . . 1 to 356 Sworn Brokers (List of) 176.9 Thames Tunnel Appendix 19 Transfer Days 1075 Union Bank "of Australia 1003 Union Bank of London 10*'7 Van Diemans Land Company Appendix 28 Waggon* & Carts 927 to 97 1 West India Dock. Company . . Appendix 7 Index to Fire and Life Assurance and Reversionary Interest Prospectuses. Achilles, British and Foreign Life Appendix 1 Albion Life 4 Alliance Fire and Life ib Amicable Life . . , 9 Argus Life 3 Atlas Fire and Life 1 Australian Colonial & General Life 2 Britannia Life 5 British Commercial Life 28 Church of England Fire and Life 10 City of Glasgow Life 5 Corporation of the London Fire Life and Marine 6 Crown Life . 7 Dissenters and General Fire & Life 8 Economic Life 14 Edinburgh Life 11 Equitable Reversionary 10 European Life and Annuity 16 Farmers and General Fire & Life . 12 Globe Fire and Life 13 Guardian Fire and Life 14 Hand in Hand Fire and Life Appendix Hope Life Imperial Life. Law Life Legal and General Life London Edinburgh & Dublin Life . Loudon Life London Reversionary Interest. . . . Medical Invalid and General Life. . Metropolitan Life Minerva Life Mutual Life National Life Assurance National Mercantile Life North British Life Norwich Union Fire and Life .... Promoter Life and Annuity Productive Life West of England Fire and Life . . Westminster and General Life York aud London Fire and Life . . % 2 2f li 23 24 27 27 Index to Commercial Prospectuses, Advertising Agent, Dawson . . 1076 Advertising Agent, Deacon. . . . 1077 Agents, East India, Army, and Colonial, Harvey Tuckett& Co 43 Agricultural Implement makers, Cottam & Hallen 37 Agricultural Implement Reposi- tory, Wilkinson late Baker . . 57 Ale, Cider, Perry & Stout, Miller 53 Anti-Doloric Oil, Cabburn 64 Antigropelos, Warned 56 Appraiser, J H Page 35 Artificial Arms & Legs, Robinson &Son 42 Bitumen Comp, (Parisian) WMac- kenzie 39 Blowing Machine makers, John Jeffens&Co 40 Bone mercht & Manure manuf, J T Hunt 34 Braid machine, Watson 55 Brandy Distillery* Cravino & Co 71 Brewery, Paul . . 45 ChinaGlass&c,Sharpus&Cullum 52 Chitty's Lawyer, Macdonald .... 62 Chronometer* and Watch maker, Deiolme 49 Cock manufs (Spring Lock) Frost & Amor .. 35 Coles ou Railways 58 Coles on Rheumatism 48 Coles on Rupture 41 Cough Drops, P Annand 35 Engineers, Cottam & Hallen 37 Engravers, J & G Page & Co . . 33 Filters, James 1 46 Fireworks, Artist in, Darby .... 60 Floor Cloth manufty, Barnes 56 Furniture Polish, Shirley, Livock & Co 41 Gas Meter manuf, Edge 54 Gas Meter manuf, Sugg & Co . . 46 Glass and China, Pellatt 49 Gun & Pistol Repository, Green 50 Hinge manuf, T W Gerish 34 Hydrostatic or Floating Beds. .. . 38 Impters and Expters of Foreign & British Goods,Wm Last & Co ib Ink manf, Fluid, Stephens 36 Inkstands, Pens & Ink, Perryspat 49 Irish Linen Comp, Donovan .... 45 Medical Labels, Silverlock 63 Medicated Bands for Rheumatism, Coles 48 Medicine Chest & Portable Desk manufs, Springweiler & Co . . 63 Medicine Chest, Clock & Chrono- meter Case manuf, Lucas & Goodlad 62 Meerschaum Pipes, Inderwick . . 55 Mercantile Tables, (Houghton's) Macdonald 62 Merchants & Agents,WmWakely - & Co 38 Mill and Pasteboard Boxes, Rousseau 47 Millwrights and Engineers, Steph & Thos Balraer Modeller, Brown Ornamental Iron Wire Works, Cogger Patent Mangles, Baker Patent Trusses, Cole9 Peruke makers, R Beck & Co . . Ploughs (Wet and Dry Weather) John Jefteris & Co Salt Warehouse, Ripley Scientific Repository, Fyfes Sash maker, J Watts Soda Water Webb's Double Steam Carriage, (Anti-Friction) Coles . Surgical Machinist, Bailey Triune Cabinet (Patent) Macauley Upholsterer, &c, Solomon Violin Bows & Strings, Dodd . . Water Closets (Patent Portable and Fixed) W T iss Waterproof Company, 343 Strand Waterproof Jet, (Marders) Ripley Wax Work M Tussaud & Son . . Wedgwoods Manifold Writers.. Weighing Machine & Mill manf, Shenston WireWorker&Bird Cage maker, - Brown Wig & Scalp maker, Hadley .... 48 >2 INDEX TO PLACES NOT INSERTED ALPHABETI- CALLY IN STREET KEY. Acre lane, Brixton rd 40 Acre wharf, Belvidere rd 19 Acton pi, Kingsland rd 173 Adams pi, Hampstead rd 141 Adams pi, Kings rd, Chelsea . . 354 Addington pi, Camberwell rd . . . . 50 Addington pi, North ib Aldelphi whf, Strand 295 Agnes pi, Gt Waterloo st ..... 326 Albany pi, Albany rd 3 Albany ter, Albany rd ib Albion pi, Kings cross 171 Alfred pi, Albany rd O Kent rd . . 3 Alfred pi, Brixton rd 40 Alfred pi, Waterloo rd 325 Aliens ter, Kensington high st. .356* AHhallows wf, Up Thames st. . . . 303 Allsop pi, Regents park rd 259 Allsop ter, New rd, Fitz sq ... .213 Allsops bids, Dover st Gt 98 Amelia pi, Walworth rd 321 America ter, Kings rd, Chelsea 353 Anchor whf, Upper Thames st.. .303 Andersou bldgs, City rd 72 Angel pi, New rd, Pentonville . .213 Angel ter, New rd, Peutouville. .214 Anglesey pi, Commercial rd . . . . 80 Amis ter, Hackney rd 140 Anns ter, Liverpool rd, Islington . . 187 Anns ter, Old Kent rd. 165 Anuetts ter, Islington 156 Apollo bids, East st,Walwoth rd. . 104 | Appleton pi, Walworth comn 319 ; Arbour ter, Cmrcl rd,Whtchapl.. 81 Artichoke row, Mile end rd. . . 202 ' Artillery pi, City rd 73 Arundel whf, Strand ib Assembly row, Mile end rd 203 Asylum bldgs, Westminster rd. .. 330 Athol pi, Nw rd, Pentonville 218 Atkinson pi, Brixton rd 40 Aylesbury pi, Old Kent rd 164 Bakers row, Walworth rd 320 Baltic pi, Albany rd, O Kent rd. . 3 Bangor pi, Old Kent rd ...... 165 Barnes pi, Mile endrd,Whtchpl. . 203 Barnsbury pi, Islington, High st. . 1 55 Barossa ter, Hackney rd 140 Barrons bldgs, New north rd . . .215 Bartholomew pi, Kingsland rd .174 Batchelois rw, Kings cross 171 Bath pi, Kensington high st . . . .356 Bath pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq 213 I Bath ter, Camberwell New rd . . . 50 i Bazing pi, Waterloo rd 325 | Beals whf, Tooley st 309 Beaufort bldgs whf, Strand ...295 Beaufort et, Chelsea 352 Beaufort ter, Kings rd, Chelsea 354 Beauvoir pi, Kingsland rd 174 PAGE Beauvoir ter, Kingsland rd 174 Beckfurd row, Walworth rd 320 Bedford pi, Crarcl rd, Whtchpl .81 Bedford pi, Deptford Lower rd Rothei hithe 95 Bedford pi, Old Kent rd 165 Bedford pi, Vauxhall bridge rd . .317 Bedford rw, Guildford st Gt,Bo .138 Bedford rw, Nth mws, Gr In la. . 221 Bee hive passage, Ldnhl mrkt ... 1 80 Belgrave pi Lwr, Pimlico rd . . . . 239 Belgrave pi Up, Pimlico rd ib Belgrave rd, Pimlico rd ib 1>< l^rave ter L T p, Pimlico id.... ib Bell yd, Newgate market 217 Btlvidt-re coal whf, Belvidere.. rd, Lambeth 19 Belvidere whf, Belvidere rd, Luib 19 Belvoir ter, Vauxhall bridge rd. .317 Bengal pi, New Kent rd 163 Bethnal Grn whf, Rgts can whf. . 259 Bingley pi, New rd, Pentonville 213 Black Prince row, Walworth rd . . 320 Blackfriars whf, Earl st, Blkfrs .102 Bland ter, Dover st Gt, Boro .... 98 Bland ford pi, Regents park rd. . . 259 Bloomsbury ter, Cmrl rd,Whcpl . . 80 Bloomsbury ter, Vauxhall br rd. . 3 1 7 Bolingbroke row, Walworth rd. .320 Botolph whf, Lwr Thames st 302 Bond st, Chelsea 352 Bow, Middlesex 351 Bow common, Middlesex ib Bow common la, Middlesex ... ib Bowyer pi, Camberwell rd 50 Bryton pi, Walworth common.. 3 19 Brays bldgs, Islington 1 56 Brettin, ter, Kings rd, Chelsea .354 Bretts bldgs, Camberwell rd 49 Brewers, Chester and Galley quay Lower Thames st 302 Bride ter, Liverpool rd, Islngtn . . 187 Bridge pi, City rd 72 Bridge pi, Old Kent rd 166 Bridge row, Pimlico rd 239 Bridge whf, Cambridge heath 259 Bridge whf, Hackney rd 140 Brighton pi, Brixton rd 40 Brighton pi, Hackney rd 140 Brighton pi, New Kent rd 163 Britannia pi, Cmrcl re, Whchpl . . 80 British whf, Clink et, Southwark . 76 Brixtou pi, Brixton id 40 Broken whf, Up Thames st 303 Broken whf, Wapping 322 Bromley, Middlesex 35 1 Brookes row, Bagnigge wells rd. . 11 Brookes whf, Picklehening whf 238 Brookes whf, Up Thames st 303 Broughton pi, Hackney rd 140 Browns Quay, Hermitage, Wapg322 PA Brudenell pi, New north rd. SIS Brunswick pl, Old Kent rd 166 Brunswick ter, Cmrcl rd, Whchpl 80 Buckenham pl, Dover stGt,Boro 98 Burdett pl, Old Kent rd 165 Burlington pl, Old Kent rd 164 Bull whf, Up Thames st 303 Bulls Head pas, Leadenhall mrkt . 1 79 Calthorpe pl, Grays Inn rd .... 1 34 Calvei t's bldgs, Borough High st 32 Cambridge heath, Hack rd 140.. 259 Cambridge heath whf, Regents Canal whfs ib Cambridge pl, Hackney rd .... 139 Cambridge pl, Kennington rd . . .163 Cambridge row, Hackuey rd .... 140 Cambridge terrace, Islington . . .156 Canal bridge, Old Kent rd 164 Canal pl, Old Kent rd 1 66 Canal whf, Camberwell rd 50 Canning pl, new twn, Ketsingtn 356 Canning pl, Old st, St. Lukes . . 224 Cannon whf, Cannon rw, Westr . . 51 Canterbury pl, Kennington rd,. . Newingtou 1 62 Canterbury pl, Old Kent rd 165 Canton pl, Albany rd, Old Kt rd . . 3 Cardigan pl, Kenningtn la (Up) . . 163 Carey pl, Albany rd, Old Kt rd. . 3 Carlton chambers Rgt st, East s . . 257 Carlton terrace, Brixton rd . . . 40 Caroline pl, City rd 72 Caroline pl, Edgware rd, Mrybn . . 106 Caroline pl, Old Kent rd . . 1 65 Carpenter Smiths wf, Tooley si. . 309 Castle Baynard, Upr Thames st. . 303 Cat iind Mutton whf, Regents canal whfs ib Catherine st, Pimlico 239 Chamberlains whf, Tooley st 309 Chancery pl, Cambl New rd . . . . 5 J Chapmat.s pl, Dover st, Boo.. 98 Charles pl, East st, Walwoi th rd . . 1 04 Charles pl, York rd, Lambeth ..39 Charles st, Kensington 356 Charlotte rw, Islington, High st. . 155 Charlotte rw, Walworth rd .... 321 Chelsea market 352 Cheltenham pl, Westminster rd. . 33 > Chepstow pl, Cambl New rd. . . . 50 ^ Cbestar pl, Kenningtn rd,Lawb. .163 Chester pl, Old Keut rd 164 Chester terrace, Borough rd . . . . 3$ / Cheyne walk, Chelsea 353 Chichester pl, Grays inn rd.. . 133 / China row, Chelsea 353 1 China ter Kenningtn rd, Lamb 163 / Church la, Keusingt gravel pits S56,' Church rw, Islington 155/ Church rw, Newington Butts.. 211 Index to Street Key. PAGE Church st, Chelsea 353 Church st, Kensington 356 Cty canal bridge,MillWall,Poplai203 City rd basin, Regents can whfs. . 969 C ity terrace, City rd 72 City terrace, Old st rd 252 City whf, Upper Thames st . . . '. 303 Clapham rd pi, Clapham rd , Ktn . . 73 Claremont pi, Brixton rd ...... 40 Claremont pi, New rd, Pentnvl. .213 Claremont pi, Old Kent rd 1 64 Clarence pi, Camberwell rd .... 50 Clarence pi, Clapham rd, Kenntn 73 Clarence pi, Hackney rd 140 Clarence pi, New rd, Pentonville 213 Clarence pi, Regents park rd . . . . 259 Clarendon tcr, Camberwell nw rd 50 Clarices pi, Bagn'gge wells rd .. 14 Clarks pi, Islington High st .... 151 Clayton pi, Kenntn rd, Nwngton 162 Clifton pi, Camberwell new rd . . 50 Clifton st north, Clift st, Fin^bury 76 Cloudesley ter, Liverp rd, Isling 187 Coal exchange, low Thames st . . 302 Cobourg pi, Borough rd 32 Cobourg pi, Deptfd lw rd,Rotherh 95 Cobourg pi, Kennington la, up . . 163 Cobourg pi, Old Kent rd 1 65 College meat ex, VVrwk la,!N wg st 304 College of Ad vo, fit Knight rid st 1 75 College st, Belvidere rd, Lambeth 1 9 Col/ege ter, Chelsea 353 College Whf, Belvid rd, Lambeth ib Colet pi, Comm rd, Whitechapel 80 Commerce pi, Brixton rd 39 Commercial pi, City rd 73 Commercial pl,Commr rd,Whitec 80 Commercial pi, Kingsland rd .... 1 74 Commercial pi, Old Kent rd 165 Commercial Sale Rms, Mincing la 205 Commercial terrace, Pimlico rd 239 Commercial Whf,Commrd,Whcp 80 Compton ter, Islington ..155 Conant pi, Comm rd, Limehouse 79 , Connaught ter, Edgw rd, Paddgtn 1 06 Constable rw, Mi enrd,Whitechp201 j Constitution rw, Grays inn rd . 134 I Cornbury pi, Old Kent rd 167 Cottage la, City rd 7G Cottage pi, City rd ib Cottage pi, Newington butts 21 5 Co ttons whf, Tooley st 308 County ter, New Kent rd 1 64 Cou>ens lane whf, Up Thames st 303 Cox & Hammons qu,Lo Thames st 302 Craven pi, Old Kent rd 165 Crescent, Hackney rd Crescent cottages, Hackney rd 140 Crombies row, Comm rd, Whtehp 8 1 Crosby row, Walworth rd 320 Crown and Horse Shoe whf, Up Thames st 303 Crown pi, Old Kent rd 1 64 Crown pi, Walworth rd .321 Crown row, Mile end rd, Whtchp202 Crown row, Walworth rd 320 Cumberland pi, Newington butts2l7 Cumberland pi, New rd, Fitz sq 213 Cumberland pi, Old Kent rd .... J 64 Cumberland row, Islington .... 1 55 Cumberland row, Kennington gr 162 Cumberland row, Kings cr, St Pan 1 7 1 Cumberland row, Walworth rd . 320 Cummiug pi, New rd,Pentonv . . 213 Cushion court, inner, Old Brd st 93 Custom house & Wool Quay, Low Thames st PAGE Dalby ter North, City rd 72 Dartford pi, Albany rd, O Knt rd 3 Davis' whf, Picklehcrring whf .238 Davis' lower whf ib Daviess pi, Chelsea ..... . . 353 Dean pi, Westminster rd 33<> Deans blgs,Comrcl rd, Limeho . . 79 Deans row, Walworth row. . .... 321 Devonshire bldgs, Dover st Gt Freemans whf, Picklehrng whf. . 2 j French Horn yd, High Hlbrn . . . . 1- 1 Friendly pi, Old Kent rd U ; Garden row, Camberwell rd . . . . . j George pi, Kensington high st . . 31 : Georgyst, low & up, Chelsea. . . .31 1 George ter. Commercial rd . . . . I George yd, Aldermanbury. Devonshire pl,Cmrcl rd, Whtcpl 8> I George yd whf, Up Thames st. Dorset pi, Old, Clapham rd, Ken. 73 j Dorset pi Up, Clapham rd, Ken. . 73 ! Dorset whf, Millbank st,Wstmr . 204 Dover pi, New Kent rd 163 Dover pi, Old Kent rd 164 & 166 Dowgate Iron whf, Up Thames s(3U3 Dowgate whf, Up Thames st . . . . ib Duchy pi, Strand 295 Duchy whf, Strand ib Dukes Head pa, Newgate mrkt. 216 Duke st, Chelsea 353 Duncan pi, City rd ..... 72 Duncan pi, Upper, City rd ib Dundee whf, Wapping 322 Durham pi, Hackney rd 140 Dye House whf, Clink st,Sthwk . 76 I yers Hall Iron whf, U Thames st303 Eagle ter, Shprdess wk, City rd . . ib F/agle whf, Wapping 322 Earl st, Kensington 356 East House, East st, Wlwrthrd.. 104 East pi, Kennington rd, Linbth. . 163 Eastern Adelphi whf, Strand ... 295 Eaton pi. North row, Grosv sq . .221 Ebenezer pi. Comrclrd, Limeho . 79 Ebenezer pi, Kenngtonla, Lwr.. 163 Eden pi, Old Kent rd 165 Edwards pi, Hackney rd 140 Egmont pi, Old Kent rd 16!4 Egremont pi, New rd, Nrth side . 214 Eldon pi, Islington 156 Elham pi, Old Kent rd 166 Elizabeth pi, Westminster rd . . 330 Elizabeth st, Hans pi, Chelsea . . 353 Eliotts pi, Islington 1 56 Elliotts row, Islington ib Elm ter, Brompton 355 Emanuel pi, Camberwell rd . . . . . 50 Epping pi, Mile end rd, Whcpl . 203 Essex pi, Mile end rd. Whcpl. . . 202 Essex whf, Strand 296 Euston pi, new rd, North side . . 214 Exeter pi, Dover st Gt, Boro 98 Exeter st, Sloaue st, Chelsea 353 Farringdon pas, Farringdon mkt. .111 Felix pi, Liverpool rd, Islngtn .187 Felix ter, Liverpool rd, Islngtu. . ib Fennings whf, Tooley st 303 Field ter, Kings crs, St Pancras. .11 Finsbury ter, City rd 72 Flying Horse yd, Blackman st. .. 27 Fonthill pi. Clapham rd. Ken 73 Forrests whf, Earl st, Blkfrs 102 Fort pi, Grange rd, Bermondsey ..131 Foundling mews, Grays inn rd . .133 Foundling ter, Grays inn rd ih Fountain pi, Lower, City rd . . .. 72 Fountain pi, Upper, City rd 72 Foxley rd, Camberwe!l new rd . . 50 Francis pi, Kingsland rd 1 74 Frederick pi, Borough rd 32 Frederick pi, Goswell rd 128 Frederick pi, Hainpstead rd 141 Frederick pi, Mile end rd,Whpl . .202 Frederick pi, Old Kent rd 166' Georges pi, Old st rd 2< Gilberts bldgs, Westminster rd . . M Globe pi, Kings rd, Chelsea ... .31 Globe whf, Wapping 3' Gloster blngs. Old Kent rd If Gloster pi, Kings rd, Chelsea . . 35 Gloster pi Up, Kings rd, Chelsea 31 Gloster rd, new twn, Kensington 3i Gloucester pi, East st,Wlwrth rd .1< Gloucester pi, lslingtn, High St.. li Gloucester pi, Nw rd, Fitzroy sq, Marylebone 21 Gloucester pi, Old Kent rd H Gloucester pi, Walworth com ... 31 Gloucester ter, New rd, Whpl. . . 21 Glo'ter ter, Vauxhall br rd 31 Golden Heart whf, Up Thames st3t Gouldings whf, Pickleherring wf .2c Graftons Head yd, Nw rd, N si . . 21 Grand Junction ter, Edgwre rd . . 1 Grand Junction whf, Whitefis . . Granite whf. Wapping Grays ter, Dover st Gt, Boro. . . Green st, Marlboro rd, Chelsea 3 Greenwich railrd, Blue anchr rd Bermondsey Grenada pi, Old Kent rd 1 Grenada ter, Com rd, Whcpl . . . Griffins whf, Tooley st Grosvenor pi, Borough rd Grosvenor pi, Camberwell rd . .. Grosveoor pi, Com. rd, Whcpl . . Grove, Gt Guildford st, Boro .... 1 3 Grove rd, Mile end rd, Whtcpl . . 20 Guildford pi, Knningtn la lwr .. 16. Gun & Shot whf, Tooley st il G wynns pi, Hackney rd 14< Hackney whf, Regents canal whfs 25! Hadden pi, Gt Waterloo st . . . . 32 Haggerstone whfs, Regs ca whfs 25! Hagley pi, New Kent id 16: Hales ter, Coinm rd, Lambeth . . 7! Halfmoon pass, Leadenhall mark 1 7 Halfmoon pass, Whitchpl High st33c Hall pi, Kennington la, lower .16c Hambro whf, Up Thames st .... 30c Hamilton pi, Newrd, north side 21-5 Hamilton row, Kings cr. St Pane 1 1 1 Hammonds whf, Up Thames st . 30S Hampstead rd whfs,Regtscawhfs25e Hanover pi, Old Kent rd 164 Hanover pi. Regents park rd. . . . 25$ Hans pi, Chelsea 35a Hardwick pi, Comm rd, Whitchp 8C Harleyford pi, Kennington rd . . 162 Harlston pi, Albany rd, Old Kt rd 3 Hartford rd, Kingsland rd 174 Hartley whf, Horselydown 151 Hatfield pi, Westminster rd 330 Hawthorndean pi, Comrd,Limeh 79 Hayfield pi. Mile end rd, Whitchp20.1 Hays whf, Tooley st 308 Heartleys pi, Old Kent rd 164 Heath pi, Commerc rd, Whitchp 81 Hedge row, Islington High st . . 154 Hen & Chicken 1$, Walworth ootn39C Index to Street Key. PAGE Heurv pi, Keanington la, upper 163 Henrvs pi, Old Kent rd 165 Hereford pi, Cotnm rd, Whitchp 81 Hermitage whf, Wapping 322 Hickss Pickle Herring low whf, Tooley st Hidemarket, Leadenhall market 180 High rd, Knightsbridge 175 High row, Do, Park side ...... ib High st, Camberwell rd 50 High st, Newington butts 217 Hobart pi, Albany rd, Old Kent rd 3 Holland pi, Brixton rd 39 Holland pi, Clapham rd 73 Holland pi, Kensington high st . . 356 Holland st, Church st, Kensingt ib Holmes cottages, New North rd 215 Hmer pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq .213 Hond iras ter, Comm rd, Whitchp 80 Hope whf, Wapping 322 Hopkins bildgs, Islington, High st 155 Hores wharf, Wapping 322 Horseshoe whf, Up Thames st . 303 Horsley st, Walworth common . . 319 Horton st, Kensington 356 Howards pi, Hackney rd 1 40 Howick pi, Vauxhall bridge rd . . 317 Hoxton whfs, Regents canal whfs 259 Hyde park pi, Oxford st 228 Irelauds row, Mile en rd, Whtchp 2C2 Irongate whf, Paddgtn ca basin 230 ' Island, Comm rd, Whitechapel . . SJ Jamaica ter, Comm rd,Limehouse 79 James pi, Hackney rd 1 40 James st, Kensington . . 356 James st, .Marlboro rd, Chelsea. . 353 James ter, Gt Waterloo st 326 Johns pi, Camberwell new rd .. 50 Johns pi, Old Kent rd 165 Johusons buildgs,Gt Waterloo st 326 Johustones pi, Mile e rd, Whtchp 202 Jubilee pi, Chelsea 353 Judd pi, east, New rd, nor side 214 Judd pi, west, New rd, nor side ib Keencs pi, Old Kent rd 165 I K^ens row, Walworth rd ..... 321 | Kpmps row, Pimlico rd 239 Kenuett whf, Up Thames st 303 Kinnington green, upper 162 Kennington pi, Kennington la,up 163 Kennington row, Kennington rd 162 Kensington High st 355 Kensington rd ib Kensington sq ib Kent& Essex Yd, Whtchp High st333 Kent pi, Old Kent rd 164 Kentish twn whfs, Regis ca whfs 259 Keppci row, New rd, Fitzroy sq' 213 Kiug st, Kensington 357 King sf, New north rd 215 King ht ter, New north rd ib Kings arms pi, Comm rd, Whtchp 80 Kings cross basin, Regts ca whfs 259 Kings parade, Kings rd, Chelsea 353 Kings pi, Comm rd, Whitchpl . . 80 Kings rd, Chelsea 353 IQngH row, Knightsb, north side 175 row, New rd, Pentonville 213 row, Pimlico 239 row, Walworth rd 320 Kijjgs ter, Bagnigge wells rd . . . . 10 ter, C >mm rd, Whitechapel 80 Kings ter, lower, Bagnig wells rd 1 1 Kingsland crw, Kingdand rd 173 PAGE Kingsland pL, Kingsland rd . . . . 174 Kingsland rd basin, Regents canal whfs 259 Kingsland rd whfs, Regents canal whfs 7 Kittesford pi, Hackney rd .... 140 Knightsbridge green, Knights- bridge, north side 175 Lady Lakes Grove, Mile-end rd Lambeth pi, Clapham rd 73 Lambs pi, Kingsland rd .174 Langboume chambers, Fench st 112 Langley pi, Commercial rd 8 1 & 82 Laura pi, Kensington 357 Lawrence st, Chelsea 354 Layton bldgs, Borough, High st 31 Leadenhall pi, Leadenhall market lfciO Leicester pi, Alb rd, Old Kent rd 3 Leicester pi, Cambl new rd . . . . 50 Liddards whf, Horsleydown . . . . 151 Limehouse dk, Regents can whfs 259 Limehouse whf,Regents can whfs ib Lime st passage, Leadenhall mkt 180 Lisson gr sonth, New rd, Fitzroy square, Marylebone 213 Little Chelsea 355 Lombard st chambers, Clements la, Lombard st 75 Lombard st, Chelsea 354 London terrace, Hackney rd . . 140 London whf, Hkny, Rgts can wfs259 Loughborough pi, Brixton rd . . 40 Lower rd, Britannia rw, lslngtu 156 Lower rd, Islington ib Lower rd, Thatched ho rw, lsltu ib Lowerst, Islington ib Lower terrace, Islington ...... ib Lowndes ter, Kntsbdge, north sd 175 Lucas pi, Comml rd, Whitechapel 80 Macclesfield ter, City rd 72 Maidahill, Regents canal whf. .258 Maiden la whfs, Rgts canl whf. . 259 Maidstone bldgs, Boro High st, Southwark. 32 Manchester ter, Liverpool rd 187 Manifold pi, Kennington la lwr. . 163 Manor la, Blue anchor rd, Brm . . 29 Manor pi, Kings rd, Chelsea 353 Manor st, Kings rd, Chelsea.. . .354 Mansion house pi, Camberwell rd 50 Mark Browns whf, Tooley st 309 Market pi, Kensington 357 Markham sq, Kings rd, Chelsea 353 Mark ham pi, Kings rd, Chelsea ib Marlborough pi, Old Kent rd ... 164 Marlborough pi, Walworth rd. . . .321 Marlborough rd, Chelsea 354 Marys pi, Kingsland rd 1 74 Matthews pi, Hackney rd 140 Meads pi, Westminster rd 330 Meat market, Leadenhall mrkt . . 1 80 Mecklenburg ter, Grays inn rd. . 133 Melbourne pi , Old Kent rd 1 65 Melina bldgs, Westminster rd... . 330 Melina pi, Westminster rd i b Middle Adelphi whf, Strand . . . 295 Middle row, Knightsbridge .... 1 75 Middlesex pi, New rd, Fitz sq . . 213 Middlesex ter, Hackney rd 140 Mile end whfs, Rgntscanl whfs .259 Milford whf. Strand 296 Mill ,,1, Com rd, Whitechapel .. 80 Millinan row, Kings rd, Chelsea 354 Minerva pi, Old Kent rd.. 165 Minerva ter, Brixton rd 40 iMmm Moore pi Gt, Kennington rd .... 1 62 Morgans pi, Liverpool rd, Islgtn..l87 Mornington pI,Hampstead rd .... 141 Mount Etna, Mile end rd 202 Mouut pi, Walworth rd 32(1 Mount pi, Whitechapel rd 32S Mount rw, Liverpool rd, Islgtn. . 187 Mount row, New Kent rd 163 Nassau pi, Com rd, Whitechpl.. . 80 Nelson pi, City rd 72 Nelson pi, Old Kent rd . . 164 Nelson pi Lit, Old Kent rd ib New Buckingham pi, O Kent rd . . 166 New Crane dek, Wapping wall .323 New cross, Old Kent rd 165 New grove, Mile end rd 202 Newland st, Kensington 357 Newland ter. Kensington high st 356 New North rd whfs, Kgt cul wfs 259 New whf, Whitefriars Newcastle pi, Edgwre rd, Pad.. . 107 Newington pi, Kennington rd ...162 Nicholsons whf, Lwr Thames St.. 302 Norfolk pi, East st,Walwrthrd. . 104 Norfolk pi, Marlboro rd, Chelsea 354 Norfolk pi, Islington 156 North pi, Hampstead rd 141 North pi, Kennington rd, Lam . . 163 North pi, Kingsland rd 1 73 North pi Up, Grays inn rd 133 Northampton pi, Nw North rd. . 215 Northampton pi, Old Kent rd . . 164 Northampton ter, Islington .... 156 Northumberland pi, Comrcl rd.. 81 Northumberland whf, Strand.. ..295 Norway pi, Hackney rd ..140 Norway pi, Old Kent rd 165 Norway whf, Commercial rd . . . 80 Norway whf, Millbank st,Wstmr 204 Nowell bldngs, Liverpool rd, Islington 187 Obelisk pi, Gt Waterloo st 326 Oddys row, Islington, High st .. 154 Old Ford, Middlesex ... 351 Old Swan stairs, Up Thames st ..303 Oldham pi, Bagnigge wells rd . . . 11 Olive ter, Cambei well New rd . . 50 Oliver ter, Mile end rd, Whcpl. .202 Opera colonnade, Haymarket. . . . 145 Orange row, Kennington rd .... 162 Orchard pi, Kingsland rd 174 ) Ordnance whf, Belvidere road, Lambeth 19 Orford pi, Marlboro rd, Chelsea 354 Orford st, xMarlboro rd, Chelsea ib Osnabnrgh pi, Nw rd, Fitzroy sq 213 Oval, Hackney rd 140 Oxford pi, Gt Waterloo st 326 Oxford pi, Hackney rd 1 40 Oxford pi, Westminster rd 330 Oxford row, Old Kent rd 166 Paget pi, Gt Waterloo st 326 Paget pi, Waterloo rd 326 Palace pi, Gt Scotland yd Palace row, New rd, North side, StPancras 214 Palatine pi, Commercial rd .... 81 Pauby Bailey pi, Albany rd. . . . 3 Paradise row, Chelsea 354 Paragon, New Kent rd . . . . 163 Paragon Mews, New Kent rd . . ib Pdragon pi, New Kent rd ib Parham pi, Kings rd, Chelsea . . 353 Park pi, Liverpool rd, Islington. . 187 Index to Street Key. PAGE Park pi, Mile end rd, Whitcbpl. . 202 Park pi, Old Kent rd 165 Park ter, Kings rd, Chel e.\ .... 353 Park ter, Liverpool rd, Islington 187 Park ter, Regents park rd 259 Parsonage rw, Newington butts 217 Paved alley, Newgate market . . ib Pauls whf, Up Thames st 303 Pearl crescent, Bag-nigge wells rd 1 1 Peerless pi, City rd 72 Pembroke pi, Vauxhall br rd.. . .317 Pensons pi, Commercl rd, Limeho 79 Penton row, Walworth rd 321 Pentonville whfs, Rgt canal whf 259 Peters court, St Martins la 27 1 Perseverance ter, Church street, Bethnal green 69 Philimore pi, Kensington high st356 Phoenix whf, Clink st, Southwk 76 Phcenix whf, Tooley st 309 Pickle herring, Up whf, Tooley st ib Picile herring whf Upper 238 Pierrepont row, Islington 155 Pilgi im pi, Wal worth common ..319 Pinder pi, Grays inn rd 133 Pitts pi, Old Kent rd 166 Pleasant pi, Kings cross 171 Pleasant id, Regents park rd. ... 859 Pleasant row, Kings cross 171 Pleasant rw, New rd, Pentonvle 213 Pleasant row, Old Kent rd 165 Plumbers pi, City rd ,..-,72 Port place, Walworth common . . Portland pi, Albany rd 3 Portland pi, Borough rd 32 Portland pi, Commercial rd 81 Portland pi, Walwprth common . . Portland row, Camber well rd . . 50 Por land ter, Walworth common .319 Portman pi, Edgware rd 106 Portsmouth pi, Kenningtnla, Iwr 163 Poultry mrkt, Leadenhall mrkt. . 179 Poultry market, Newgate mrkt. . 216 Powells pi, City rd 72 Pownall ter, Kennington rd 163 Piinces mews, Princes st, Wstmr 247 Piinces pi, Commercial rd 80 Piinces pi, Kennington rd 162 Piinces pi, Kenuington rd ib Princes pi, Westminster rd 330 Prior pi, East st, Walworth 104 Priory pi, Camberwell New rd . . 50 Prospect pi, Hackney rd 140 Prospect pi, Kingsland rd 1 73 Prospet pi, Old Kent rd 165 Prospect pi, Chelsea 354 Prospect row, Mile end rd 202 Providence bldgs, New Kent rd. . 163 Providence pi, Com id, Limeho. . 79 Providence pi, Islington, High st 154 Providence pi, Walworth commn3l9 J'rovidence ter, Chelsea 355 Provident pi, Vauxhall bridge rd3I7 Pulham ter, Kings rd, Chelsea. 353 Pulens pi, Islington 155 Pump row, Old st rd 225 Purfleet whf, Earl st, Blackfrs.. . 102 Queen Charlotte row, New road, Fitzroy sq, Marylebone 213 , Queenhithe whf, Up Thames st. .303 ' Queens Head rw, Nwngtn butts 217 | Queens pi, Kennington rd 162 ! Queen st, Chelsea 355 j Queens rw, New rd, Pentonville 213 ' Queens row, Pimlico 239 Quickset row, New rd, Fitz sq . , 213 PAGE Ranelagh ter, Pimlico rd 239 Ratcliffe ter, Goswell rd 128 Red Bull whf, Up Thames st 303 Red Lion whf, Up Thames st. . . . ib Red Lion whf, Wapping 322 Regent circus, Regent st,W side, Oxford st. 257 Regent circus, Regent st, E side . . ib Regent circus, Regent st, E side, Piccadilly.. ib Regent circus, Regent st,W side. . 256 Regent pi, City rd 72 Regent ter, City rd ib Regent quadrnt, Rgnt st, E side 257 Regent quadrnt, Rgnt st, W side 256 Regent prk bason, Rgts can whfs 258 Richmond pi, East st, Wlwrth rd 104 Richmond ter, East st,Wlwrthrd ib Riley st, Chelsea 355 Robarts ter, Commercial rd . . . . 80 Roberts ter, Commercial rd . . . . ib Robson pi, Kennington rd 162 Rockingham pi, New Kent rd .. 164 Rockingham rw East, N Kent rd ib Rodney bldgs, New Kentrd . . . . 163 Rodney pi, New Kent rd ib Rodney ter, Mile end rd 202 Roebuck pi, Dover st Gt, Boro. . 98 Rolls chambers, Chancery la ... . 58 Rose st, Newgate market 216 Rosomaus bldgs, Islington 155 Rotherhithe st, Rotherhithe 263 Rotherhithe wall, Rotherhithe .. . ib Royal Hospital row, Chelsea . . . 355 Ruffords bldgs, Islington 156 Rutfords row, Islington 155 Russell pi, Old Kentrd.. 165 Russell st, Chelsea 355 Rutland pi whf, Up Thames st. .303 St Albans pi, Edgw rd, Paddgton 107 St Albans ter, Vauxhall bridge rd317 St Andrews whf, Earl st, Blackf. . 102 St Andrews whf, Wapping 322 St Anns pi, Coram rd, Limehouse 79 St Anns whf, Earl st, Blackfriars 102 St Brides whf, Whitefriars St Chads row, Grays inn rd 134 St Georges pi, Alby rd, Old Kt rd 3 St Georges pi, Brixton rd 40 St Georges pi, Camberwell rd . . 50 St Georges pi, Knightsb, sou side 176 St Georges row, Pimlico rd .... 239 St Georges pi, Walworth rd 321 St Georges ter, Borough rd .... 32 St Georges ter, Kensington 357 St James's pi, Hampstead rd. ... 141 St James's pi, Old Kent rd 165 St James's pi, Wal worth common St Johns grove, Brixton rd 40 St Johns whf, Millb st, Westm . .204 St Mary le strand pi, Old Kt rd 165 St Mary abb ter. Kensing high st 356 St Pancras whf, Regts ca whfs. . 259 St Pauls pi, Walworth common ..319 St Peters chmb, St Pet al, Cornhill St Peters pi, Walworth common 319 St Peters whf, Millb st, Westm. . 204 St Thomas's pi, Gt Dover st, Boro 98 St Thomas's pi, Old Kent rd 165 Salcombe pi, Regents park rd . . 259 Salisbury pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq 213 Salisbury whf, Strand 295 Samuel pi, Albany rd, Old Kt rd 3 Sans buildgs, Isliugton high st . . 155 Sarah pi, Old street rd 225 Sarahs pi, Kingsland rd 174 PAG Saville pi, Mile end rd, Whtcbp 20 Saville row, Walworth road .... 32 Savoy whf, Strand 29 Scotts pi, Islington 15 Scovells depot whf, Tooley st . . Sebbons buildgs, Islington high st 1 5 Seabright pi, Hackney rd 13 Shepherds ct, Shepherd mkt .. . .27 Shepperton pi, New North rd .21 Ship tavern pass, Leadenhall mar 17 Sidmouth pi, Grays inn rd 13 Sidney pi, Comm rd, Whitechapel 8 Siou pi, Kings rd, Chelsea 35 Skin Market, Blackman st, Boro i Skinners pi, Leadenhall market. . 17 Skinners pi, Size la, Bucklersb . . Smiths buildgs, City rd 7 Smiths buildgs, Grays inn rd . . . . 1 " Sols row, Hampstead rd 14 Somerset pi, Kennington rd, New 16 Somers pi, New rd, uorth side . . 21 Somerset pi, New rd, Whitechapel i Somerset pi, Albany rd,01d Kt rd Somerset pi, Strand 2S Somerset ter, Kensington high st 35 Somerset whf, Wapping 35 South end, Kensington 3S South pi, Camberwell new rd . . South pi, Kennington la, upper. . 16 South pi, Knightsbridge 1/ South pi, Pimlico rd 2 South row, New rd, north side . . 21 Southampton pi, New rd, do . . i Southampton row, New rd, Fitz sq 21 Spencers ter, Lower rd, Islington ft Stafford pi, Pimlico 1c Stafford pi, south, Pimlico : Stafford row , Pimlico Stantons whf, Tooley st 3( Stantons suff low whf, Tooley st Staverton row, Walworth rd.. ..35 Steel yard whf, Up Thames st . . 3( Stephens pi. New north rd 21 Stepney rents, Hackney rd .... 1^ Steymans row, Islington \\ Strahan ter, Liverp rd, Islington 1 i Stratford, Essex 3^ Stringers row, Deptford low rd 1 Suffolk pi, Comm rd, Whitechp i Suffolk pi, Hackney rd 14 Suffolk pi, Islington II Sun ct, Shepherd mkt 2J Surrey canal bridge, Old Kt rd.. It Surrey pi, Camberwell new rd .. I Surrey pi, Newington butts .... 21 Surrey pi, Old Kent rd If Surrey pi, Walworth rd 35 Surrey pi, east, Old Kent rd 16 Surrey sq, Old Kent rd 16 Sussex pi, Old Kent rd 16 Sussex pi, upper, Old Kent rd . . I Sussex pi, Kensington 3f Swan yard, Whitechapel high st 3c Sydney pi, Kings rd, Chelsea . . 31 Symonds whf, Tooley st 3( Taunton pi, Regents park rd. . . . 11 Temple pi, Old Kentrd If Terrace, Davies st, Berkeley sq Terrace chamb, Adam st, Adelp Terrace, Kensington high st . . . . 31 Three cranes whf, Up Thames st 3( Thirza pi, Old Kent rd 16 Thurlow pi, Hackney rd 12 Toppings w bf, Tooley st 3t Tottenham ct, Newrd, north side 21 Tottenham rd, Kingsland rd . . . . 1* Index to Street Key. PAGE Trafalgar pi, Clapham rd 73 Trafalgar pi, Walworth common 319 Trafalgar pi, west, Hackney rd.. 139 Trevor ter, Knightsbridge 1 75 Trig la whf, Up Thames st 303 Trig whf, Up Thames st ib Triuidad pi, Liverpool rd, Isling 187 Trinity row, Islington high st .. 155 Tuubridge pi, New rd, north side 214 Tyndale pi, Islington high st . . 155 Tyne coal whf, Wapphig 322 Ulster pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq ..213 Union pi, Blackman st, Borough 27 Union pi, City rd 72 Union pi, Comml rd, Whitechapel 8 1 Union pi, Islington 1 56 Union pi, New Kent rd 1 63 Union pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq. . . . 2 ' 3 Union pi, Pimlico rd 239 Union pi, Regents park rd 259 Union p!, Walworth rd 320 Union row, Camberwell rd .... 50 Union row, Kingsland rd 174 Union ter, Comml rd, Whchpl 80 Union whf, Milibank st, Westm 204 Union whf, Wapping 322 Union whf, Wapping wall .... 323 Union Yard, Oxford st 228 Upper st, Islingtou 1 54 & 155 Upper st East side, Hornsey rw, Islington ib Upper terrace, Islington ...... ib Upstall rw, Kingsland rd . . 174 Upton pi, Comml rd Whitechapel 81 Upton pi, Walworth common ... 319 Victoria grove, nw twn, Keusingt 357 Victoria rd, Pimlico 239 Villa at, Walworth common .... 32Q PAGE Villa pi, Walworth 320 Vincent pi, City rd 72 Virginia pi, Dover st Gt, Boro . . 98 Virginia ter, Dover st Gt, Boro 98 Vittoria pi, Comml rd, Whitechpl 8J Wades pi, Mile eud rd, Whitechl 202 Walcot pi, East side Kengtnrdl62 WJcot pi, West side,Kengtn rd 163 Walsingham pl,Keugtn rd, Lamb Walworth pi, Walworth rd .... 321 Walworth terrace, Walworth rd ib Warkworth ter, Commercial rd 80 Warlters bldgs, Old Kent rd 165 Warwick pi, Kingsland rd .... 1 74 Waterloo pi, Alby rd, Old Kt rd 3 Waterloo pi, Comml rd,Whitecpl 80 Waterloo ter, Commercial rd . ib Waterloo terrace, Waterloo rd. . 326 Waterloo whf, strand 295 Watts bldgs, Kingsland rd .... 174 Watts ter, Old Kent rd 164 Websters whf, Horseleydown . . 151 Wellington pi, Alby rd, Old Ktrd 3 Wellington pi, Commercial rd . . 80 Wellington ter, Lpl rd, Islington 187 Wellington ter, Waterloo rd. . ..326 Wells row, Islington, High st .155 W'enlock basin, Regents can whf 259 Wentworth pi, Mile end rd 202 West Ham, Lssex 352 W r est India Dock rd, Comml rd 89 Western whf, Strand 295 Westmoreland pi, Walworth com 320 WeybridTe, Mile end rd 202 Wharf rise KinL'sIand rd 173 W heatsheaf whf, Wapping 322 White Halt pi, Kennington la, lr 163 White Hart street, Newgate mkt 216 White Liou whf, Ipr Thames st 303 PAGE White stile, Kings rd, Chelsea. .354 Whitefriars whf, Whitefriars. . . . Williams pi, Walworth rd 331 Willow terrace, Old Kent rd 164 Wilton rd, Grosvenor basin, Pim- lico rd 239 Winchester pi, New rd, Pentnvl 213 Winchester rw, New rd, Fitzroy sq, Marylebone 213 Winchester whf, Clink st, Boro 76 Windmill pi, Camberwell rd . . . . 49 Windsor pi, City rd 72 Windsor pi, Old Kent rd 164 Windsor terrace, City rd 72 Windsor ter, Dover-street Gt, Bo 98 Windsor ter, Vauxhall bridge rd 317 Wittams bldgs, Old st rd ..... 225 Woodhall pi, Brixton rd. ..... . 40 Worcester whf, Upr Thames st. . 303 Yauls pi, Old Kent rd 164 York bldgs, New rd, Fitzroy sq . . 21 3 York chambers, St. James st. . . .269 York pi, City rd 72 York pi, Hackney rd 140 York pi, Islington 1 55 York pi, Kennington rd 1 63 York pi, Kingsland rd 1 74 York pi, Mile end rd 202 York pi, New rd, Pentonville . . 213 York pi, Old Kent rd 166 York pi, Waterloo rd 325 York row, Kennington rd ib York ter, Borough rd 32 York ter, Camberwell New rd.. 50 York ter, Commercial rd .... 81 York ter, corner of New & Old Kentrd 166 Young s!, Kensington 357 If J (ft Index to Street Key. PAGE Park pi, Mile end rd, Whitchpl. . 202 Park pi, Old Kent rd 165 Park ter, Kings rd, Chel e.i .... 353 Park ter, Liverpool rd, Islington 187 Park ter, Regents park id 259 Parsonage rw, Newington butts 217 Paved alley, Newgate market . . ib Pauls whf, Up Thames st 303 Pearl crescent, Bagnigge wells rd 1 1 Peerless pi, City rd 72 Pembroke pi, Vauxhall br rd.. . .317 Pensons pi, Commercl rd, Limeho 79 Penton row, Walworth rd 321 Pentonville whfs, Kgt canal whf 259 Peters court, St Martins la 271 Perseverance ter, Church street, Bethnal green 69 Philimore pi, Kensington high st 356 Phosnix whf, Clink st, Southwk 76 Phoenix whf, Tooley st 309 Pickle herring, Up whf, Tooley st ib Pickle herring whf Upper 238 Pierrepont row, Islington 155 Pilgiim pi, Walworth common.. 3 19 Pinder pi, Grays inn rd 133 Pitts pi, Old Kent rd 166 Pleasant pi, Kings cross 171 Pleasant rd, Regents park rd . . .259 Pleasant row, Kings cross 171 Pleasant rw, New rd, Pentonvie 213 Pleasant row, Old Kent rd 165 Plumbers pi, City rd 72 Port place, Walworth common . . Portland pi, Albany rd 3 Portland pi, Borough rd 32 Portland pi, Commercial rd 81 Portland pi, Walworth common . . Portland row, Camberwell rd . . 50 Por land ter, Walworth common .319 Portman pi, Edgware rd 106 Portsmouth pi, Kenningtnla, lwr 163 Poultry mrkt, Leadenhall mrkt. . 179 Poultry market, Newgate mrkt. .216 Powells pi, City rd 72 Pownall ter, Kennington rd 163 Piinces mews, Princes st, Wstmr 247 Piinces pi, Commercial rd 80 Piinces pi, Kennington rd 162 Piinces pi, Kennington rd ib Princes pi, Westminster rd 330 Prior pi, East st, Walworth 104 Priory pi, Camberwell New rd . . 50 Prospect pi, Hackney rd 140 Prospect pi, Kingsland rd 1 73 Prospet pi, Old Kent rd 165 Prospect pi, Chelsea 354 Prospect row, Mile end rd 202 Providence bldgs, New Kent rd. . 163 Providence pi, Com id, Limeho. . 79 Providence pi, Islington, High st 154 Providence pi, Walworth commn3l9 Frovidence ter, Chelsea 355 Provident pi, Vauxhall bridge rd317 Pulham ter, Kings rd, Chelsea. . 353 Pulens pi, Islington 155 Pump row, Old st rd 225 Purfleet whf, Earl st, Blackfre... 102 Queen Charlotte row, New road, Fitzroy sq, Marylebone 213 Queenhithe whf, Up Thames st. . 303 Queens Head rw, Nwngtn butts 217 Queens pi, Kennington rd 162 Queen st, Chelsea 355 Queens rw, New rd, Pentonville 213 Queens row, Pimlico 239 Quickset row, New rd, Fitz sq ...313 PAGE Ranelagh ter, Pimlico rd 239 Ratcliffe ter, Goswell rd 128 Red Bull whf, Up Thames st 303 Red Lion whf, Up Thames st. . . . ib Red Lion whf, Wapping 322 Regent circus, Regent st,W side, Oxford st . 257 Regent circus, Regent st, E side . . ib Regent circus, Regent st, E side, Piccadilly.. ib Regent circus, Regent st,W side. . 256 Regent pi, City rd 72 Regent ter, City rd ib Regent quadrnt, Rgnt st, E side 257 Regent quadrnt, Rgnt st, W side 256 Regent prk bason, Rgts can whfs 258 Richmond pi, Fast st, Wlwrth rd 104 Richmond ter, East st, Wlwrth rd ib Riley st, Chelsea 355 Robarts ter, Commercial rd . . . . 80 Roberts ter, Commercial rd .... ib Robson pi, Kennington rd 162 Rockingham pi, New Kent rd .. 164 Rockiugham rw East, N Kent rd ib Rodney bldgs, New Kent rd . . . . 1 63 Rodney pi, New Kent rd ib Rodney ter, Mile end rd 202 Roebuck pi, Dover st Gt, Boro. . 98 Rolls chambers, Chancery la ... . 58 Rose st, Newgate market 216 Rosomaus bldgs, Islington 155 Rotherhithe st, Rotherhithe 263 Rotherhithe wall, Rotherhithe ... ib Royal Hospital row, Chelsea . . . 355 Ruffords bldgs, Islington 1 56 Rutfbrds row, Islington 155 Russell pi, Old Kent rd 1 65 Russell st, Chelsea 355 Rutland pi whf, Up Thames st. .303 St Albans pi, Edgw rd, Paddgton 107 St Albans ter, Vauxhall bridge rd317 St Andrews whf, Earl st, Blackf. . 102 St Andrews whf, Wapping 322 St Anns pi, Coram rd, Limehouse 79 St Anns whf, Earl st, Blackfriars 102 St Brides whf, Whitefiiars St Chads row, Grays inn rd .... 134 St Georges pi, Alby rd, Old Kt rd 3 St Georges pi, Brixton rd 40 St Georges pi, Camberwell rd . . 50 St Georges pi, Knightsb, sou side 176 St Georges row, Pimlico rd .... 239 St Georges pi, Walworth rd 321 St Georges ter, Borough rd .... 32 St Georges ter, Kensington .... 357 St James's pi, Hampstead rd. . . . 141 St James's pi, Old Kent rd 165 St James's pi, Walworth common St Johns grove, Brixton rd 40 St Johns whf, Millb st, Westm . .204 St Mary le strand pi, Old Kt rd 165 St Mary abb ter. Kensing high st 356 St Pancras whf, Regts ca whfs. . 259 St Pauls pi, Walworth common. .319 St Peters chmb, St Pet al, Cornhill St Peters pi, Walworth common 319 St Peters whf, Millb st, Westm. . 204 St Thomas's pi, Gt Dover st, Boro 98 St Thomas's pi, Old Kent rd 165 I Salcombe pi, Regents park rd . . 259 j Salisbury pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq 213 i Salisbury whf, Strand 295 I Samuel pi, Albany rd, Old Kt rd 3 Sans buildgs, Isliugton high st . . 155 Sarah pi, Old street rd 225 : Sarahs pi, Kingsland rd 174 PAG Saville pi, Mile end rd, Whtchp 20 Saville row, Walworth road ... 32 Savoy whf, Strand 29 Scott s pi, Islington 15 Scovells depot whf, Tooley st . . Sebbons buildgs, Islington high st 15 Seabright pi, Hackney rd 13 Shepherds ct, Shepherd mkt ... .27 Shepperton pi, New North rd .21 Ship tavern pass, Leadenhall mar 17 Sidmouth pi, Grays inn rd 13 Sidney pi, Comm rd, Whitechapel 8 Sion pi, Kings rd, Chelsea 35 Skin Market, Blackman st, Boro i Skinners pi, Leadenhall market. . 17 Skinners pi, Size la, Bucklersb . . Smiths buildgs, City rd 7 Smiths buildgs, Grays inn rd 1 ? Sols row, Hampstead rd 14 Somerset pi, Kennington rd, New 16 Somers pi, New rd, north side . . 21 Somerset pi, New rd, Whitechapel i Somerset pi, Albany rd, Old Kt rd Somerset pi, Strand 2S Somerset ter, Kensington high st 35 Somerset whf, Wapping 35 South end, Kensington 35 South pi, Camberwell new rd .. 5 South pi, Kennington la, upper. . If. South pi, Knightsbridge 17 South pi, Pimlico rd 2S South row, New rd, north side . . 21 Southampton pi, New rd, do . . i Southampton row, New rd, Fitz sq 2 1 Spencers ter, Low er rd, Islington 1 5 Stafford pi, Pimlico 22 Stafford pi, south, Pimlico i Stafford row, Pimlico Stautons whf, Tooley st 3( Stantonssuff low whf, Tooley st Staverton row, Walworth rd.. . . 35 Steel yard whf, Up Thames st . . 3( Stephens pi. New north rd 21 Stepney rents, Hackney rd .... 1^ Steymans row, Islington 15 Strahan ter, Liverp rd, Islington 1 1 Stratford, Essex 35 Stringers row, Deptford low rd [ Suffolk pi, Comm rd, Whitechp i Suffolk pi, Hackney rd 14 Suffolk pi, Islington 1 1 Sun ct, Shepherd mkt 2/ Surrey canal bridge, Old Kt rd.. If Surrey pi, Camberwell new rd . . I Surrey pi, Newington butts .... 21 Surrey pi, Old Kent rd If Surrey pi, W r alworth rd 3S Surrey pi, east, Old Kent rd 16 Surrey sq, Old Kent rd . . . . . . . . If Sussex pi, Old Kent rd If Sussex pi, upper, Old Kent rd . . i Sussex pi, Kensington 35 Swan yard, Whitechapel high st 3c Sydney pi, Kings rd, Chelsea . . 35 Symonds whf, Tooley st 3( Taunton pi, Regents park rd. . . . 25 Temple pi, Old Kent rd It Terrace, Davies st, Berkeley sq S Terrace chamb, Adam st, Adelp Terrace, Kensington high st .... 35 Three cranes whf, Up Thames st 3( Thirza pi, Old Kent rd If Thurlow pi, Hackney rd 12 Toppings whf, Tooley st 3( Tottenham ct,Newrd, north side 21 Tottenham rd, Kingsland rd .... 15 Index to Street Key. PAGK Trafalgar pi, Clapham rd 73 Trafalgar pi, Walworth common 319 Trafalgar pi, west, Hackney rd.. 139 Trevor ter, Knightsbridge 1 75 Trig la whf, Up Thames st 303 Trig whf, Up Thames st ib Trinidad pi, Liverpool rd, Isling 187 Trinity row, Islington high st .. 155 Tuubridge pi, New rd, north side 214 Tyndale pi, Islington high st . . 155 Tyne coal whf, Wapping 322 Ulster pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq ..213 Union pi, Blackman st, Borough 27 Union pi, City rd 72 Union pi, Comml rd, Whitechapel 8 1 Union pi, Islington 1 56 Union pi, New Kent rd . . 1 63 Union pi, New rd, Fitzroy sq. . . . 2 ' 3 Union pi, Pimlico id 239 Union pi, Regents park rd 259 Union p!, Walworth rd 320 Union row, Camberwell rd .... 50 Union row, Kingsland rd 174 Union ter, Comml rd, Whchpl 80 Union whf, Millbank st, Westm 204 Union whf, Wapping 322 Union whf, Wapping wall . . . .323 Union Yard, Oxford st 228 Upper st, Islington 1 54 & 155 Upper st East side, Hornsey rw, Islington ib Upper terrace, Islington ib Upstall rw, Kingsland rd ..... 174 Upton pi, Comml rd Whitechapel 81 Upton pi, Walworth common ... 319 Victoria grove, nw twn, Keusingt 357 Victoria rd, Pimlico 239 Villa 8t, Walworth common .... 32Q PAGE Villa pi, Walworth 320 Vincent pi, City rd 72 Virginia pi, Dover st Gt, Boro . . 98 Virginia ter, Dover st GU, Boro 98 Vittoria pi, Comml rd, Whitechpl 8J Wades pi, Mile end rd, Whitechl 202 Walcot pi, East side Kengtnrdl62 Wulcot pi, West side, Kengtn rd 163 Walsingham pi, Kengtn rd, Lamb Walworth pi, Walworth rd 321 Walworth terrace, Wal worth rd ib Warkworth ter, Commercial rd 80 Warlters bldgs, Old Kent rd 165 Warwick pi, Kingsland rd .... 174 Waterloo pi, Alby rd, Old Kt rd 3 Waterloo pi, Comml rd, Whitecpl 80 Waterloo ter, Commercial rd . ib Waterloo terrace, Waterloo rd. . 326 Waterloo whf, strand 295 Watts bldgs, Kingsland rd .... 174 Watts ter, Old Kent rd 164 Websters whf, Horseley down ..151 I Wellington pi, Alby rd, Old Ktrd 3 \ Wellington pi, Commercial rd .. 80 j Wellington ter, Lpl rd, Islington 187 Wellington ter, Waterloo rd. . . .326 Wells row, Islington, High st .155 W'enlock basin, Regents can whf 259 Wentworth pi, Mile end rd 202 West Ham, Lssex 352 | West India Dock rd, Comml rd 89 ; Western whf, Strand 295 Westmoreland pi, Walworth com 320 Weybrid're, Mile end rd 202 Wharf rise Kingsland rd 173 Wheatsheaf whf, Wapping 322 White Halt pi, Kennington la, lr 163 White Hart street, Newgate mkt 210 White Liou whf, Upr Thames st 303 PAGE White stile, Kings rd, Chelsea. .354 Whitefriars whf, Whitefriars. . . . Williams pi, Walworth rd 321 Willow terrace, Old Kent rd 164 \Vilton rd, Grosvenor basin, Pim- lico rd 239 Winchester pi, New rd, Pentnvl 213 Winchester rw, New rd, Fitzroy sq, Marylebone 213 Winchester whf, Clink st, Boro 76 Windmill pi, Camberwell rd . . . . 49 Windsor r>l, City rd 72 Windsor pi, Old Kent rd 164 Windsor terrace, City rd 72 Windsor ter, Dover-street Gt, Bo 98 Windsor ter, Vauxhall bridge rd 317 Wittams bldgs, Old st rd 225 Woodhall pi, Brixton rd 40 Worcester whf, Upr Thames st. . 303 Vauls pi, Old Kent rd 164 York bldgs, New rd, Fitzroy sq. . 213 York chambers, St. James st. . . .269 York pi, City rd 72 York pi, Hackney rd 140 York pi, Islington 1 55 York pi, Kennington rd 163 York pi, Kingsland rd 1 74 York pi, Mile end rd 202 York pi, New rd, Pentonville . . 213 York pi, Old Kent rd 166 York pi, Waterloo rd 325 York row, Kennington rd ib York ter, Borough rd 32 York ter, Camberwell New rd.. 50 York ter, Commercial rd .... 81 York ter, corner of New & Old Kentrd 166 Young si, Kensington 357 Names too hate for Insertion, Abbey Robt tin plate worker, 18 Queen st Gros- venor sq Abbott, Jenkins & Abbott, sols 8 New Inn Strand AbneyPark Cemetery Company office, 53 Moorgate st Conquest Jobn esq secretary- Adams Michael White hart, White hart yd Brook st Holborn Adams R J stationer, 2 Seymour st Euston sq Adams T picture frame maker, Newport st Adams Thos, 20 Harrow road Paddington Adams Wm S, grocer, 4 Com pi Kingsland rd Adcock and Co, wholesale flock bedding manufac- tu ers, 20 Golden la Barbican Alabaster Geo carpenter, J Queen st Finsbury Albert Geo, tailor, 1 Or ford row Old Kent rd Alder A, dining rooms, 2 Great Turnstile Holborn Aiderson Jno Welch flan warh, 88 Leather la Hoi Aldridge SI, beer ret, 10 Pleasant rw Old Kent rd Alfred Thos, 26 Harrow road Allen Geo, marine st dealer 7 Kingsland rd Allum Edwyn, oil fta'ian Sr fish sauce warehouse 17 Queens buildings Knigbtsbridge Allum Jno, hosier 8f haberdasher, 16 Leather la Holborn Alsing H I K C timber mercht, 3 Printers p! Berm Ambrose Geo, watch maker, 49 Glouc st New Hoxt Amies and Co manufacturing chemists Hoxton wharf Regents Canal Amos Jemima, milliner and straw hat maker, 12 Park terrace, Regents park road Amos Thos, builder, 12 Park terrace, Regents pk rd Anderson , carp 8$ under t 49 Portpool la Grays Inn lane Anderson Thos, 2 High st Marylebone Andrews chemist and druggist 45 Kingsland rd Angus, Reid and Walter, coach builders and har- ness makers, Lancelot pi Trevor sq Angus Henry, wheelwright Green Dragon yd Holb Archer Chas, surgeon 18 Queen sq Westminster Archer H G, barrister 9 Kings Bench walk Temple Armstrong Robt, oilman 44 Whitechapel road Amett and Wilkinson, St Dunstans hill Arney G A, barrister, 7 Kings Bench walk Temple Arnold Thos, baker 8 St Georges st Albany road Ash L, engineer, lathe and tool manf and chopping engine manuf\Z Short st New cut Lambeth Ash L, lath tool maker Srfum ir6htn 39 Oakley st Lambeth Ash Wm, boots? shoe mker, 24 Jewin st Cripplegate Ashley and Watts, solicitors, Lord Mayors court office, 7 Old Jewry Ashley Jas, house and estate agent # accountant 3 Gloucester pi New road Marylebone Atherley Geo, grocer and cheesemonger, 8 South street Kings road Austin and Masterman, solicitors, 6 Hinde court Austin W H, solicitor 31 St Martins st Leicester sq Axtill, Thos, dairy, 60 Swinton st Grays inn rd Ayers an 1 Parkinson, architects and surveyors 8 John st Berkeley sq Badeley Edw, barrister Z Paper buildings Temple Bailey J A, Kings arms Newgate market Hallimore J H, Champion, Salisbury st Lisson Grv Balmain G, bookseller, II Wildernefgrow Bargent Rt, green grocer, 76 Seymour st Euston sq Barker Jonas, plumber, tfc 9 Spring st Gr Junctn rd Barry Henry, cork cutter, 33 Parkerst Drury la Beard James, Fountain 8 Providence bldgs New Kent rd Bedford Mary Ann tobacconist, 4 Orford row Old Kent rd Bedford Wm, poultry and game salesman Nwg mkt Belch Wm, engraver Three crown court Boro Bell D, Son and Co, American stock. 22 Birchin la Benson W, watch spring maker JO Wilderness row Be^meres John and Wm, shit t factors 11 Wood st Cheapside Blake J, corn dealer Kingsland High st Bose Geo, King of Prussia Lambeth st, Goodmans fields Bossy Fred Wm surgeon, East road City rd Bolt Edw, child bed linen wareh 4 Sidneys Alley, Leicester sq Bott P, and Co, chocolate manf 7 New st Southw Branston Edrn, army cap and accoutrement manf 37 Parker stDrurv lane Breading T, tailor and draper 1 Gt Hermitage st, Wapping Browning Hy, baker t 20 Spring st, Gr Junction rd Caton Francis, goldsmith fy jwl 12 Cloak laCheaps Cork Robt licensed carman, Lower Thames st and Swan st Dovor rd Southwark Dewine Rbt and Wm, foreign agents ams, Rbt, " Hope & Anchor" ActOn place, Bctyniyge-wel/s-rd. 1 Rose James, boot mkr 2 Monday Jas, coffee rooms 3 Clarke Runt, tobacconist 4 Miller Jos, cabinet mkr 5 Goldfinch Wm, metal sash makr 6 Taylor John, ironmonger 7 Bragg Wm, oilman 8 Butler Wm, cheesemonger 9 Davis G, chemist 10 Harris , baker ActOn St, G/ay^s-intirroud. * Saffel C J, law stationer 3 Lees Geo, tailor 4 Draper H, chronometer ml Anchor St, Iiit, Bethnal green, Carter Jos, " Blue Anchor"' Anchor&Hopeall, Happing. 2 Murphy W, map and chart selr Gi.lett Jos. baker 54 Winn J, cmvkeeper 53 Rye J, oilman Morris Wm, iron founder 9 Rogers Win, grocer 51 Kerr W, furniture broker 58 Thompson Alex, ret of beer Smith Geo, " Old George" 65 Smith J, butcher 66 Smith John, baker 69 Davis Edw, grocer Angel Ct, Skinner street. 2 Fisher Jas W, bookbinder 3 Bacon , engraver &c 5 Kaniezki Barth, furrier 11 Woodfall Geo & Son, printers Angel Ct, Throg morion st. 1 Casterton and Dixon, sols * Capper Hen, stock broker * De Hague & Holmes, stock brkrs * Hill Saml, stockbroker * Marsden and Shaw, stock broker 2 Fearn Joseph, stock broker Mc Niel D, stock broker Lovecraft Wm, tailor Giles E G, wine merchant 3 Gatty and Garth, solicitors 4 Powell John, merchant Backhouse T, stock broker Rapallo E, merchant Harding Saml, bill broker * Hanbury Sam, stockbroker Sterne David, merchant 5 Francis T, stock broker Bedwell L B, stock broker Sutton John, stock broker Darke Sam Wm, solicitor 6 Babington James, surgeon Fa) le Benj and Co, merchants 7\ Venton & Hughes, auctioneers 8 Gregson and Kewell, solicitors * Jenner Wm. solicitor 9 Dawes and Sons, solicitors 10 London & Bkight Raijav Comp Thomas Wood, sec 1 1 Mieville A A & Co, stock brkrs * Ricardo I and S, stock brokers * Hanley Wm Lucas, solicitor 12 Kraeutler and Mieville, merchts Browne E H, stock broker 13 Kerwin James, stock broker Baily and Hammond, stock brks Jenkins & Lane, stk & sha brkrs Weichbrodt J, importer of cigars Hammond Chas, stock broker 14 Bonnor Thos, army agent Coles Wm, stock broker Meyer Edw, bill broker Morgan and Bond, stock brokers 15 Haleswood & Son, Amer stk aijts Langdale S.-n & Rodwell, stk bks Chappell Fredk C, stock broker Bell and Grant, merchants Bell Jas C C, Tuscan Consul Gen Buttar Chas, merchant Barton Josh, stock broker Walther Brothers, D &P, mchts * Kettiewell Thos, merchant Davis Thos. insurance broker 16 Godfrey William, "Angel" Angel St, St. Martin' s-le- Grand. Barnard Edw, & Sons, silversmths Heaps J, " Nottingham Castle" 15 Smith G, tailor 16 Sims Sarah, hairdresser 17 Briscoe Benj, printer 18 Lysons Richard, boot maker Ann St, Pentonville. 1 Scott William, locksmith 7 Salter Jane, grocer and cheesemr 18 Smith C, greengrocer 19 Reynolds Wm, boot maker Ann St, Gt, Westminster. May J, builder Pearce J, beer retailer Edgintou Joseph, ' Three Elms'' Woodward R, shopkeeper Ann's pi, Hoxlon Old-town. Stanborough J, retailer of be;-r Stanborough Jas, bricklav er 3 Holderness Edw, pork butcher 7 Neayes Wm, grocer ANT STREET KEY. ART Wise Jas and Geo, nightmen 4 Woolfe Chas, rag and bottle dlr Anthony St, St. George's East. Liquorish Thos, " Ship" 1 Skelton B F, builder 11 Cooley H, grocer 10 Gibbs T S, baker Patterson S, baker Apollo Ct, Bell-yard, Temple bar. 4 Bates D, glass manufacturer 2 Sainsbury W H, hot presser Arabella row, Pimiico. Chamberlain Josh, " The Goat" Loddy Geo, " Bag of .Nails" 2 Roberts J, newsvdr and stationer Hird and Son, boot makers Mary church Harriot, saddler 3 Woodward Chas, chemist 4 Rackstraw Wm, biscuit baker 5 Gudgeon Thus, upholsterer 6 Collin and Errington, furriers 7 Smith S. milliner 9 Charles Thos, fishmonger 10 Aram Jas, fruiterer Little E M, cowkeeper 16 Cleveriey John, fishmonger ArbOlir pi, Stepney. Marries Wm, ropemaker Arbour sq, Stcptxy. Streevens, " Safe Harbour" 9 Tipping Sam, "Star and Garter" Tappenden Ed, builder * 15 Eastern Equitable Society Archer St, Great Windmill st. 3 Hook Thos, steel worker 6 Sanderson John, coal dealer 9 Higgins & De la Fontaine, coach platers 1 Purchas & Son, saddle tree mkrs 1 1 Hall John, hot presser 12 Smith Ashton, carman 13 Johnson Hen, milty orn swrd mkr Stuart Geo, printer Argyle St, New road. 5 Jones T, tailor 33 Burnett R, professor of music Raphael Lewis, cowkeeper Argyll pi, Regent street. 1 Eirington and Dundee, mchts 2 Bull J no, tailor 4 Sloan Alex, surgeon Atkins Rich, upholsterer 7 Hurley J, solicitor 8 Minister Edward, tailor 9 Macilwain Geo, surgeon 10 Linnit John, goldsmith 11 Toynbee Jos, surgeon. * Toynbee Geo, surgeon 11 Scoles J J, architect 11 Edmund Jno, solicitor Wilcox Thos, tailor Un Bnk of Lon (Regent st Bch) Argyll St, Regent st. 1 Hillmau Wm, surgeon 2 Smith Geo, tailor 3 Jupp Edw, tailor 3 Neate Chiis, professor of music 4 Bland Joseph and Son, tailors 5 Barker H H and Bean, tailors 8 5 Bollard Miss, milliner 6 Newton Sir W J, artist 9 Lucas and Parkinson, solicitors 11 La Beaume Michl, med galvanist 12 Bebb Jos, solicitor 13 Stucke Henry, tailor 14 Mayhew Jas Gray, architect 14 Mayhew Chas, architect 15 Stechert L, tailor 16 Saunders Edwin, dentist IS Crox R, " Duke of Argyll'sArms" 19 Perkins and Edgar, tailors 20 Michelhill Jas, tailor 21 Fisher J Wm, surgeon 22 Harris John, solicitor 23 Forbes Dr Chas F, physician 24 Crookes J F. surgeon 26 Christ Jno Dan, solicitor 29 Lane R K, solicitor 30 Whitlaw C, patnt medicatd baths Argyll St, Lit, Regent st. 1 King John, herald painter 2 Faure Madame E, milliner, &c. 3 Dodd Chas, solicitor 5 Read John, tailor 5 Salmon Sophia, milliner, &c 6 Sands Wm, tailor 7 Watkms Wm, tailor 8 Adcock R H, wine & spirit mcht Arlington St, Piccadilly. 1 Moore and Illingworth, surgeons 4 Quin Dr, physician 6 Day H, surgeon 10 Moore Edw D, surgeon 25 Paine Leeds, Bath Hotel" Arlington St. Sadler's wells- 2 Pulton Wm & Jas, brass manfrs 3 Trigg John, grocer 7 Brunies R, whalebone mnfr 12 Taylor John, ivory worker 18 Coles Jas, fruiterer 19 Bates M, stationer 21 Underwood Jas, toy warehouse 22 Akers Rich, livery stable keeper 23 Beitrand S, tobacconist 24 George James, tailor 25 Bellamy John, boot maker 26 Marston S, cooper 28 White Wm, grocer 30 Cooke Thos, bricklayer 31 Whiteman H T, stay manufctr 32 Du Perey Jas, cloth cap manufr 33 Jaques J, circulat lib & watch mkr Arnold place. 2 Young J, cabinet maker & undtkr 13 Young J junr, optician &cabnt m 14 Sibley Sam), fringe & tassel manf 16 Brown Thos, wood letter manfr Arthur St, East, London br. 1 Moore Jno, " Rainbow" coffhous 2 Deane G & J, sdhs &havnsmakrs 3 Wright Jno, kitchen range mnfr Stone & Bryer, warehousemen Deane Geo & Jno, ironmongers Arthur St, West, London br. 1 National Mercantile Like Ass Society Fry A A, Actuary 1 W T aters & Sons, wine coops & mers 2 Matthews & Hilder, solicitors 4 Davidson Geo, rope maker 8 Harker Geo, drysalter 10 Harrison J A, " Ticket Porter" 14 Carr David, livery stables 15 Reinhold Julius, merchantj 13 Clarke &Rowe, whol tea & col dlr 1 1 Locke John, builder 12 Ewens Jno S. prov & ch agent 16 Evans Jerem, stove grate manuf 5 Cunningham & Forbes, wine mr 6 Harrison, T & C, whol coffee dlr 7 Grove W T, wholesale grocer 9 Langton & Co, wholes druggists Arthur St, Trevor sq. 1 Bartram Wm, grocer 6 Rodd Richard, boot maker Artillery ct, Chiswdi st. 5 North Jos, russia merchant 6 Himming G, shoe manufacturer 7 Harding J E, ladies' school Artillery la, Bishopsgatc st. 1 Powell J, gas fitter 4 Birket Rich, printer 9 Player S. carver and gilder 14 Wood Dinah, The Ship" 16 Warner C, gas fitter 1 7 Davies , cabinet and billiart table maker 18 Barclay&M'Bride,black borderer* 19 Crafts Geo, engraver 22 Messer J no, chemical stopperer 23 Nash Jas. boot and shoemaker 24 Fowler G, tailor 24 Ostler Peter, silk dresser 26 Heather Jno, patten & clog mkr 27 Simmons J & Co, whol stationer* 29 Godfrey J H, pewter toy maker Artillery pas, Bishopsgate. 1 Hayes Wm, cheesemonger 2 Rogers J, potato dealer 4 Moss S, table cover manufacturer 7 Cohen P, general dealer 8 Finch John, baker 9 Cook W & F, cheesemongers 9 Wall Thos, beer retailer 10 Bell E S, tobacconist 12 French John, butcher 13 Sandifer Robt, tallow chandler 16 Horsefield Wm, grocer Artillery pi, Westminster. Wood Jos, Carter & Co, brewe Saunders H and Son, coopers Artillery rOW, Westminster. Ray G, soda water manufacturer Bugbee J, carman Mouldy W, greengrocer Goodman S and A, cowkeepers Holland J, bricklayer Artillery st, Bishopsgate. I Smith Thos, plumber 3 Bull S, packing case maker 6 Roll E C, engraver 7 Parker W, academy 10 Gill Nathaniel, " Cock & Hoop" A-sthama Infirmary 11 Harvey H, chair maker 12 Wolley John, jeweller 16 Ward and Son, cutlers J 8 Temple Wm, wafer maker Ford W, " Tower," 20 Buller Rich, grocer & cheesemngr Artillery ter, Westminster. Wright Rob, straw bonnet make 1 Eld red Wm, baker 3 Read John, grocer 6 Simmons Wm, bricklayer ARU STREET KEY. AVE Amndel St, Panton sq. 2 Gregory Geo, " Arundel Hotel'' 4 Turnbull Andrew, tailor 4 Waller L and E, milliners, &c 5 Green Henry, carpenter 6 Kitchener Thos, seal engraver 9 Rickards Samuel, tailor 11 Roden Roger, tailor 14 Knightley Wm, solicitor 18 Hill Humphrey, tailor Arundel St, Strand. 2 Chapman, Webb & Co, surveyors 5 Dixon Jas, tailor 7 Lewis Jno, solr ; & Hayes, Midlsx 8 Davis Philip & Co. proprs of the eradicitive vegetable pills 11 Boyle Wm, watchmaker 14 Le Dray & Son, surgeon dentist 17 Durham C, artist 19 Glamorgan Iron and Coal Com 22 Stilwell T & Sons, navy agents 30 Smale W A, solicitor 32 Collins Jno, " Swan" 36 Warren E, tailor 37 Day Henry, King's Arms" Arundter 9 White Con fids, Isltn. 2 Cornell Thos, flour factor Ashby St, Northampton sq. 4 LeightOti A, bockbinder 5 Harrop G and E, goldsmiths 7 M'Ketiny Gvo, watch maitttfactr 8 Sadd & Silvester, diamond wrier s 9 Green Thus, watch manufacturer 10 Williams Hen, dressing case mnfr 1 1 Poole Jas, escapement maker 15 Griffiths E, ladies' seminary 18 Nickisson Samp, watchmaker Ashby St, Up, Northampton sq. 1 Hill Jas. tailor 1 Pinchen Wm, working silversmith 2 Eiliot G, manufacturing jeweller 3 Rawiey Jno, working jeweller 7 Beardsley Jane, milliner 9 Vine A, tailor 10 Fatt Ann A, * Ashby Castle" 12 Hewitt T, watch & chronomtr mkr 14 Mears Wm Jno, painter 17 Williams Edw, tailor 18 Walker John, fruiterer Ashford st, iioxton. Trimmer R W, grocer 49 Greenwood Thos, carpenter Ashley CreS, City road. Brading Hen/' Royal Standard" 1 Keyte John, butcher 18 Pearce Jas, baker Godfrey Thos, egg merchant 22 Bear Wm, bricklayer 24 Leath Jas, tobacconist Clark W, " Blockmakers Arms" 3 Greenaway Wm, watchmaker 29 Lane Robt, tobacconist 30 Garnett Robt S. tailor and draper 30 Yate Edward, chemist 31 Austin Geo, potato dealer 32 Dumain James, cheesemonger 33 Bowry Edmd, oil & colourman 24 Esdaile J, tepid & cold baths 04 Pugh Wm, cabinet maker Aske St, Iioxton. 12 Harris Wm, baker 18 Whilier George, dyer 21 Hawes John, tailor Muddiman John, shawl cleaner 34 Brown Benj, carpenter & joiner Beminster S, " Liou and Lamb" 43 Green Nicholas, tailor Aske ter, Hoxton. 1 Nicholls F, printer '3 Yarrow C T, agt to Phnx Fire Off Asylum pi, Neuington causeway. 3 Walker John, grocer Surrey Asylum, Hey J, master 4 Neville C, carpenter AugTlStTlS St, Regent's park. 1 Easton George, livery stables 2 Jenkins John, baker Knapp John and Henry, builders Clough and Booth, stone mchts Mackenzie B, " Regalia" 5 Morrow Robt, glazier Jennings J, nurseryman 7 Pryce J S. tailor Wingrove W F, coal merchant Lea Thos. coal merchant Pope Thos & Geo, coal mchts Slate and Company 18 Quarry Jos, grocer & chcesemgr 21 Raybould Jas, cab maker Jones Win, beer retai'er II Jefferson John, tailor Lewis K D, smith 33 Ireland P, carpenter & undertkr 42 Bale John, printer 59 West MidxWat Writs turn cksta Austin Friars, Old Broad sf. 1 Samuel and Phillips, merchants 2 Van Neck and Co, merchants 3 Lonergan and Co, merchants * Scholefield Geo, merchant * Gibson, Linton & Co, ship & ins br * Fisher Francis, merchant * Bordier Julius, merchant 4 Fisher Jas C, surveyor and agent * Pennington, J, arbitrator * Hoghton A A, stock broker * Smith and Marshall, rus brokers * Fenning & Shepard, ins brkis, &c * Bernoulli Emanuel, merchant * Bernoulli Eugene, merchant * Hay James, merchant * Paris and Rouen Rail Comp 5 Mustjrove J, auctioneer and surv Soanes Geo, oil and seed broker * Scrivens, stockbroker Smith John, Russia broker fi Hibernian Mining Company * Ulster Canal Company * United General Gas Company * Butler R and R & Co, merchants * Butler James, merchant 7 Stone Saml, silk broker 8 Cockerell and Co, merchants 9 Routh John, merchant * Blvth II D and J, merchants * Hullett Brothers and Co, mchts Page Chas, merchant * Perram Jas, wholesale tea dealer * Billinghurst , ship owner Anderson sen W & Co, mchts Hill, Almond & James, shipownrs 11 Wadeson Robt Spiller, solicitor Simpson and Cobb, solicitors 12 Barclay, Brothers and Co, mchts 13 Cruickshanks and Co, merchants * Powles, Brothers and Co, mchts 13 Colombian Mining Association Chapman Jno, secretary * New Grenada Mining Company Chapman Jno, secretary 14 Gregson & Co, E I agents 14i Pacific Steam Navig Comp 15 D'Arthez Brothers, merchants * Wabstab and Co, merchants ROSHERVILLE PlER & GaRDEN Co 17 Harrison R and W, merchants * Sadler and Co, merchants * Whitmore George, merchant 18 Dimes, Wm, solicitor * Dublin Tontine Office * Schultes Henry, solicitor * Rush Jno Brook, solicitor * Rush Jno RogiT, solicitor * Pike Chas And, solicitor 19 & 20 Smart Wm, solicitor 20 Coote Son and Ashbee, solicitors German Mining Company * Roy In for Pre of Livks fr Sn * Shipwreck Institution * Bell Joshua Copeland, solicitor * Heald Henry, solicitor * Venzano A, merchant * Kendall H, Consul of Peru 21 Denny Clark&Co, K I agts& mhs * Secretan and Co, insur brokers * Thomas J, Son & Lefevre, mchts * Virtue Chas, ship and insur brkr * Banyard W, agent 22 Lutyens Sam, bill broker 22 Copiapo Mining Company * Ferard and Harvey Jones, slctrs * Lindars James, coal merchant * Grellet Fred, merchant * Ramsgate Hahbour Office Shadwell T M, secretary 23 Loughborough Thomas, solicitor 24 Percivai Ralph & Richd, silkman * Anderson J L, merchant 25 Bolton Merriman & Dunning, sols 26 Lizardi F de and Co, merchants * Mexican Consul * Read Christopher, merchant * Beattie, Alex, merchant * Roy CopperM inks of Cobre Ass Leckie William, secretary * U S Asphaltb of Seyssel Com * Le Souef Henry, acct &c. * Vaughi n J & W & Co, mebt * Fesser, Edw. merchant 27 Read Henry & Co, silk brokers * Kennard J and S, insur brokers * Bradford R & Co, mer & ins brkrs * Pottinger, Cay ley & Co, mchts * Fillonneau Andre, merchant * Strangwavs Thos Hen, solicitor * Walker W F, solicitor * Lopez, R B, merchant 29 Dallas and Coles E I agents * Anthony and Graham, merchts Austin Friars pas. Bourdillon Jas and Sons, slctis Paris Thos and Chs S, mchts Ave Maria la, Ludgate-hiu. 2 Lambert Daniel, " King's Head" 3 Dakeyne & Jones, leather sellers 4 Marlborough Edw, news vender 5 Bird Henry, wholesale stationer 7 Norrington Chas, baker 8 Ellerbey E and W, jewellers 12 Edwards W, bookseller 13 Whittaker and Co, booksellers 17 Ellison J T, bookbinder 17 Mc Rae Jno & Jas,Scotch box mkr Avery Farm row, Pimiico. 1 Gleed Sarah, grocer, &c 9 AVE STREET KEY. BAG 8 Car W, tailor 4 Mitchell W, greengrocer Avery TOW. Lower Grosvenor st. 1 Parkins Z, tailor 4 Allen Wm, plumber 5 Fenton John, baker 6 Brown Thos, newsman 7 Rutledge Joseph, tailor 8 Blackburn Wm, car] enter 9 Clarkson Chas, tallow-chandler Eyres Alice, "Coach and Horses*' Vaughan John, carpenter 14 Gad bury Wm, beer retailer 14 Kinder and Son, varnish manufs 15 Rutledge Wm, tailor 15 Ball John, carpenter 16 Griffin Geo, harness maker Aylesbury St, Clerkenwell. 1 Cowan A, general dealer 2 Barkley Win, butcher 3 Dix John, house agent 4 Camper John, '-White Hart" 5 Greenhill J ohn, Mancht print ws (J Aldridge Geo, oilman 7 Hedges Eph, wax tallow chandr 9 Powell Joseph, grocer 10 Tippett James, baker 1 1 Smith Henry, cut brad mantifr 12 Bullwurthy M A, pawnbroker 13 Law James, potato dealer 14 Maffat Alex, baker 15 Row Thos, potato dealer, &c 16 Bursby Henry, ,k Bull's Head" 17 Connor Thos, tailor 18 Carpenter John, cooper 18 Tooth Geo, furrier 19 Coleman Wm, coffee rooms * Cowan Lewis, juv pub & map dsr 17 and 20 Hayward J, ironmonger 21 Charlton Chas, cheesemonger 22 Parker John, grocer 23 Cutmoie R G jun, "Welsh Harp" 24 Fi-ster M E, stationer 25 Butler Chas, doll maker 26 Cutmore Geo, '-Two Brewers" 27 Hawton E, haberdasher 27 Hawton Tnos, gas fitter 28 Larard Wm, boot maker 29 Truelove James, butcher 30 Squire Henry, butcher 31 Bradnam James, butcher 32 Clark Henry, greengrocer 33 Mills Richd, stationer and printer 34 Shirley A, baker 35 Hardcastle J and Co, cheesmgrs 36 Sparrow H, grocer and tea dlr * Furley Win, gold beater 37 Mole Philip, floor-cloth manfr BaalzephOIl St, Bcrmandsey. 3 Hurren Isaac, tailor Gale Jas. u Lord Wellington" 22 Delanoy H and S, dress makers 32 Coleman Thos, soda water manf 33 Holman James, millwright 35 Lewis Thos, tailor 36 Scholey Thos, engineer 39 Littell Thos, carver 4 1 Kealing Philip, hatter Booth James, potato factor 44 Shepperson Job, soap maker 46 Quinton Joseph, grocer 47 Purchase Ann, retailer of beer Eason H and J, tanners 55 Dipstaltt Edw, tool warehouse Baches row, Ctojt Road. 1 Lucas R, plumasier 15 Roffway Jas, house painter 10 Back Hill, Hatton Garden. 4 Moore Abr, cabinet maker 8 Powell Jos, gold beater 9 and 10 Neal J, straw hat manfr 11 Stubbins Rd, tobacconist 11 Leman andSnewin, timber mchts 13 Balls Wm, blacking manufactr , 10 Nelms Mat, hearth rug manuf Dillon Geo, retailer of beer 31 Blure Thos, beer retailer 1 Lawrence Jas, painter 3 Davis Samuel, whitesmith 16 Thompson J, gas fitter 19 Wilton Wm, burnishing stone m 14 Cossens Thos, boot maker 2 and 3 Burch Wm, last maker Back road, S'* George 's East. Watson A, Crown & Dolphin" 1 Swepstone M, school * Humphrey's Thos junr, auctionr 4 Bam J, tea dealer 5 Read S, coopers' tool maker Barney J S, harness compo mkr Dowton, academy 12 Burnal G D, cabinet maker Mills and Co, sugar refiners Weaver W, acauemy 18 Ponler and Son, tim tier merchts Mayhew James, ** Britannia" Manning R, boot and shoe mker James A D, iron founder Voysey S, grocer Fairraie & Brothers, sugar refinrs Edwards Sam, ' The Angel" 12 Harris W^m. grocer. &c Bock H, butcher 6 Flack Jas C, oilman Longstaff & Co, brandy distillers Brown W - Jolly Sailor " Raby G, turner in general Vivian Thos, beer retailer Rumbold T, wheelwright Wetton John, carpenter Galliers Geo, broker Macrow J, broker Wey John, coal dealer 2 Butler Charles, broker 6 Jerard J, watchmaker 14 Ward John, greengrocer Ives Jas, broker 15 Hollingsworth J, butcher 1 VVilkins Kobt, beer retailer 3 Shirley J, smith 2 Carrall T, grocer Wilson A, carpenter Allsop and D, bricklayers 5 Corfe W M, broker 4 Corfe Wm, broker 7 Nicholson Rt, coppersmith 3 Messent S, oil warehouse Carpenter T, carpenter Rogerson John, surgeon 2 Fleming M J, cabinet maker Maberly Wm, baker 9 Coningham T, baker 8 Wilkinson F, coppersmith 5 Williams Jas, outfitter Green Wm, corn chandler Peney John, baker Arundell Wm, carpenter Meredith J, boot and shoemaker Edwards , grocer, &c Morrison J A, musical inst mkr Atkinson Wm, plumber Back St, Horsleydown. Tait Adam, beer retailer 2 Bates W E, carver and gilder 3 Manley Robt, cooper 3 Underhill Chas, smith Woods, Field & Wood, hop fctrs Ledger Jno, dyer 6 Newland Jno, undertaker 7 Nicks Thos, tailor 8 Masey Edward, cock founder 11 Barker John, smith 13 Mallet John, plumbers 14 Dewing Thos. boot maker 17 Martin James> carpenter 21 Black Alfred, butcher 22 Skudder John, grocer 22 Loader John, beer retailer Shorter John, " 3 Compasses"' Back church la, Whitechapei. Readdy Jas and Son, coopers 16 Ready R and J, soap makers I 6 Scanes J L, stove & range manfi II Hilles Chas, baker 6 Cuthbert S. iron & bras soldr mnii Mayes&Pank, " Bksniith Arms" 9 Allars J, tinman 3 Green Thos, corn dealer 1 Gurney John, surgeon Wise Wm, engineer Patrick James, bricklayer 63 Treacher W, butcher 56 Todd J J, butcher West side. 7 Fairhead David, baker 9 Hill C, cheesemonger Tasker G, wa'.ch maker Cole J, '.* Rose & Crown 1 1 Depmore A. butcher 12 Parsons J, boot and shoemaker 19 Hawkins A, newsvender Thorp Thos, " Weaver's Arms" 21 Lubbock J, bricklayer Kent J S, greengrocer Winning H, beer retailer 25 Wilson VVm. locksmith 26 Cammerer M, clock maker Brinjes Fred, enginr & millwrt Barrett John, grocer Wilkins S and T, cow keepers 12 Blackman W H, cotton mnfr 4 Wilson J, shoemaker Mardall J, wheelwright 2 Godfree J, baker Jones Hugh, " Cherry Tree" 4 Harley J, engraver 58 West W , brass founder Dodd Josh, butcher 58 Eldred J, farrier 57 Baker J, butcher 59 Winter Saml, bootmaker 61 Adamson Wm, millwright Carpenter R, chemist 63 Trigs John, tailor BaCOn St, Gt, Spitaffields. 4 Wiisdon Chas, trimming mnfr 5 Webb Joseph, toy warehouse 6 & 7 Crew G, " Ship" 17 Long J, bricklayer Yardly W, " Hf Moon & Crown' 30 Latliff J, sofa and chair mnfr 41 Latham J, timber merchant Bagnigge Wells road. 28 Smyrk C F, dlr in building mt Greenwood W, " Northum Ams King's-terrace. 1 Payne James, grocer 3 Thompson and Co, surgeons 7 Kilpatrick John, jeweller 8 Bowry John, printer BAK STREET KEY. BAK Lower King's-terrace. 6 Cunningham Chas, surgeon Pearl-crescent. 13 Hunt John, cheesemonger, &c ]6 Grange Wm, coffee house 15 Castell Wm, tohacconist 14 Grist Benj F, music engraver Chapman Adden, brewery Hamilton J, "Bagnigge Weils" Clarke 's-place. 3 Jermyn and Chitty, milliners 5 Backhouse Wm, tailor 6 Batten Charles, cheesemonger 6 Nicholson F, veterinary surgeon 4 Nich< lis John, civil engineer 7 Lowe J, pocket book mnfr 7 Evans Jas, baker Brooke' s-row. Thorn Benj, cabinet maker Smyrke J, sen, dir in bldng m Oldham-place. \ Head Rich, pastrycook 2 Kirby John, tailor 4 Toole John. spectacle maker 5 Dodd Geo, hair dresser 6 Pennyfeather H, cabinet maker 7 Hear Jas, saddler 8 Leaver John, bed sacking mnfr 9 Kirton John, boot maker 10 Blizard and Smith, auctioneers Baker St, Lr, Bagnigge-welis. 1 Seddon W r m, baker 2 Pain J L. bricklayer, &c 16 Bowker James, solicitor 29 Smith Richard, house agent 34 Rehe J H, surgeon 42 Ganeval Aug, watch maker AH Browning TR& W, timber mchts 52 Curtis John, " Union Tavern" Baker St, Port man- square. 3 Clark Y le Gros, surgeon 4 Victoire P, milliner 5 Penn E. juvenile warehouse 6 Gibbs Dr, physician 7 Watkins Maria, milliner 8 Coates & Howes, wine mchts 8 Brooks R & T bookslrs & stanrs 13 Goff' Daniel, tea dealer 1") Stewart M, miiliner 16aGreen C E, juvenile warehouse 16 Leese Edward, surgeon 17 Leese George, surgeon 28 Mc Manus Dr, physician 32 Vickers W m Randall, surgeon .'v'i Saunders W T, surgeon dentist 35 Walker John, physician 41 Lattey A H H, surgeon 43 Quarril & Niner, Imp & gls mnfrs 44 W'ilmer and Co, surgeons 54 Moule J W, silk mercer & lin drp 58 Bazaar, Boulnois Wm Tussaud Mad, Wax Exhibition 70 Union Fire and Life Office T Lewis, Sec, 70 Lewis T jun, architect 79 Green Brothers & Co, lin drps &c 80 Cleaver W J, bookseller 81 Cornish H, hair cutter 85 Armstrong and Smiths, builders Baker St, Up, MaryUbone. 1 Cummins Jas, baker 2 Owen Henry, fringe maker 2 West Wm, "confectioner 3 Moody Rev P, boys' school 4 Hardy Jas, drawing master 5 Martin John, tailor 5 Martin Sophia, milliner 6 Ridpath Alex, tailor 7 Head Geo, house agent 9 Underhay Wm, auc & house agt 10 Stubbs Jas, bookseller and publr 13 Lovegrove and Palethorpe, surgs 15 Fickus Sarah, milliner 23 Peake Wm, plumber Barley S and M. milliners 24 Jeffreys E. jeweller 28 Hodges E, Volunteer" 29 Norton E, surgeon 31 Madot A. professor of languages 45 Robbius J, stationer 46 Bennett J M, surgeon 52 Francis Geo, fruiterer 53 Swain T, music seller 54 Wortley E and Son, grocers Baker St, Up. Pentonville. 1 Davis Richard, tailor 4 Buckle Danl, auctioneer, &c 9 Westcott Wm, cheesemonger I * Skinner Wm, surgeon Baker's rOW, Clerkenwell. 1 Reynolds Adam, coachmaker 4 Galloway T, iron plate worker 11 Cappi Wm, barometer frame nikx 14 Frood. John, chair maker Baker's rOW Whitechapel-road. Wilson A, ' Weaver's Arms" Backman Wm, " King's Head"' 3 Brock Wm, artist in fireworks 4 French R, tinman Blackman John, hat maker 7 Anderson Andrew, baker 13 Herring John, furniture broker 17 West wood Sarah, cork cutter Smith J, wheelwright 15 Apted Geo, baker Bull L, butcher lloppe Henry, butcher Baldwin St, City-road. 3 Green Saml, i4 Old Fountain'' 8 Peck Wm, bricklayer 12 Pratt John, dealer in crape 13 Cambers Thus, gold chaser 14 Sewell Wm, tailor 22 Gillmore Daniel, tailor 30 Sidey Henry, cabinet carver Sidey Samuel, gold beater 31 Atkins John, tobacconist 34 Bright Jos, butcher 35 Pickford Thos, butcher 37 Biggs Eliz, ironmonger 39 Cartwnght W, grocer & beer rth 43 Kempton Wm, furrier * Wood & Co, nioroco crut std mks 47 Bishop Henry, carver 48 Taylor J, working jeweller 50 Atkins Robert, grocer 57 Marshall Wm, engraver Peerless Pool Baths, Watts J 63 Brant John, tailor Baldwin's COUrt, Cloak-lane. 5 Pateshall T A, wine merchant 5 Cooper Charles, wine merchant 6 Pauli Wm, groat & oatmeal, mfr Baldwin's gds, Gray's Inn. 14 Williams Chas, baker 16 Bymore John, broker 17 l.dgington Walter, grocer 18 Infant School 19 Luke John, fur skin dresser 20 Brown John, tinman 22 Verge W T m, cow keeper 23 Daves Chas, " Hole in the Wall" 24 Ford Jas, baker 25 Stelfox Wm, press maker 26 Neales Geo G, coffin maker 27 Neale B, painter and glazier 28 Hanson Ann, dir in mar stores 30 Green Wm, carpenter 31 Lee Wm, confectioner 32 Wareham Jos, ietailer of beer 33 & 34 Hincks Joseph, coal mcht 34 Shannon Bartholomew, tailor 36 Eny R, comp ornament maker 37 May Henry, leather seller 38 Symonds J C, and N, pawnbrkrs 39 Drake J & I, impts of bed feathrs 41 Paton Joseph, iron founder 43 Clements Francis, boot maker 45 King George, clock and baromkr * Riley Thomas, brass worker * National School 46 Osborne George, newsvender 48 Blackie Wm, turner in general 49 Green Geo, Horse Shoe Tap" 51 Waters R, gas fitter, &c. 50 Whitfield John, grocer 54 Brdgeman Wm, coal dealer 55 Wheeler Wm. carver and gilder * Tow Geo, hair dresser 56 Barry Susanna, grocer 57 Mackenzie Wm, clog maker 58 Comerford Wm, dir in mar stores 59 Mace Wm Rudd, " White Horse" Baldwin's pi, Leather lane. 5 White Wm, plaster manufacturer 10 Barber John, bone merchant 11 Green Geo, brewer Barber's yd. Brown-in. Spt/futs. House T and Co, skein silk dyers Ball alley, Lombard st. 1 Bache RC, Langbourn coff hous 2 &3 Gaines Chas, hatter 4 Vincent E, tailor 6 Pinche Wm, day school 7 Littlewort W, optician 8 Elley John, tobacconist 9 Harbour W, cork cutter 10 Dixon H, ivory & hd wood turner 11 Neill Thos, shoemaker 11 Littlewort G, optician Ball court, Comhiii. Kincaid Sophia, ^Simsou's Tay' Ball COUrt, Giltspur-street. Chapman Lewis, flatting mills Baltic St, Golden-lane. 5 Ro'iton Robt, coach plater 7 Filliston J, dairyman 9 Barker Arthur, "British Oak" 16 Robinson M, watch case gilder 42 Gibbs John, horse collar maker Banbury Ct, Long Acre. Learmonth & Co, leather factors Bank builds, Cornhill. Arnull J J, stock broker Ladlnokes and Co, bankers Sutton, Sons, & Gribble, stock bs 11 BAN STREET KEY. Bank builds, New, Lothbury, 1 London Dock Office Powles J piston, Sec. 2 Kingdon Wm, surgeon 3 Sea Policy Stamp Office 3 Dingwall John, solicitor 3 Manning and Anderdon, merchts 4 North British Insurance Co. London Rev Inst Society * Boyd B and M, stock brokers 5 Freshfield and Son, solicitors Bankside, Southwark. ' 1 Mayhew Wm, (t Anchor" 3 Taylor & Co, varnish & col mnfs Smythe P & Smythe, coal mchts 6 Holcombe C T, iron merchant 6 Godfrey and Son, vinegar mchts 8 Winter and Rich, iron merchants 9 Barnard, Corbould & Son, coal in 9 Ireland D, coal merchant 9 Fabian W, coal merchant 9 Richardson C, coal merchant North J C, mason and paviour 1 1 Fuce Thos. coal merchant 1 1 Clark and Well, merchants Roslinsj A, tim mchts & saw mills 12 Nicholls Thos, * The George" Hutchinson & Co, drug grinders Sparks W, " Rose and Bell" 13 Plimpton & Lee, corn & seed facrs Balls, Malpas & Co, iron merchts 26 Hoiditch E D, & Co, blackg mnfs 25 Hoiditch and Son, ale merchants 27 Shears Jas & Sons, coppersmiths Benbow Jas, "Eagle Foundry" Vincer E, M Welsh Trooper" Kelly M, iron merchant 31 Chautler K H, lighterman 36 Scott John, lighterman 42 Brown & Co, green moor stone w Reddin Danl and Sons, carmen 42 Goulty J, ma*t and oar maker Friend J, timber merchant 43 Sutton Josh & Win, sail makers 45 Stephenson Jno J, coal mercht 46 Elmore Robt, coal merchant 47 Roy Jas, tar paint manufacturer 55 Jones, Sells & Co, coal merchts 61 Wiseman R, " Waterman's Ams" 58 " Somerset Wharf* 75 Parsons John, engineer 59 Davies Stephen, coal merchant 63 Stutely Martin, saw mills Piicenix Gas Company 65 Stokes Daniel, coal merchant Colston J, coal merchant Ballin G, coal merchant Elmore and Co, coal merchants Kettlewell Richd, coal merchant Buckney and Co, timber mchts Field, M C & E, " 3 Compasses" 87 Jackson Saml, colour & varn mfr 88 Petty Hinton & Son, coal mchts 93 White David, barge builder 67 Scarborough T, " Two Brewers"' Ward Wm, cement wharf 81 Bailey, Pegg, & Co, iron merchts l J7 Newton Jos & Son. fire brick and tile merchant 80 Alder Wm, Roman cement manfr Banner st, St, Luke's. 1 Grayson Mr, drawing academy 5 Balliston Thos, watchmaker 9 Facey E C, undertaker Powneys Sarah, girls' school 10 Merrick Rich, watch springer 12 11 Greville Rich, chiropodist 12 Pearce and Burrows, silversmiths 13 Granville Chas, ladies' shoemakr 17 Carr Benj, horse hair manufactr 18 Lloyd and Gro^smith, hatters 18 Hind S, trimming maker 20 Hinde B, clock maker 22 Archer J, cabinet maker 23 Burgar J W, watch & clock manf 24 West A W, undertaker 25 Ansell G, clock spring maker 26 Blogg M, elastic cap maker 27 Ward Rich, watch maker 27 Dockree T, brass turner 28 Briscoe Josh, printer 29 Hewson H, bra>s founder 32 Eaton & W r arner, tin & jap manfs 33 Noddings Mich, cabinet maker 34 Kvans D, cowkeeper 36 Rees R, tailor 38 Gibbs Geo, watchmaker 385M'Quin Chas, linen draper Smith John, surgeon 39 Denman John, shoemaker 42 Deer Edward, butcher 42 Dennison Ann, hairdresser 43 Ellis J R, and J H, brush makers 46 Allen Thos, beer retailer 48 Appleby John, cutler Davis Wm, marine store dealer 49 Whiting J, carpenter o0 Wincott Henry, butcher 52 Wells Geo, " Prince of Wales" 53 Brown A, tailor 56 Ainger H and L, dress makers 59 Norton Benj, watch case maker 61 Hngill M and R, ladies' school 62 Turpin Benj, watch case maker 63 Nixon Robt, Hope Tavern" 64 Atherly F, chair maker 65 Marshall John, seal engraver 67 Seares Wm. draper 68 Grange N, straw hat presser 69 Keat Sophia, watch maker 70 Evans John, water gilder 71 Aston Benj, coal merchant 72 MellishP,silkstcking& glove mk 73 Dodman Wm,tobac & snuff' mnfr Barbican, Cripplegate. 1 Hartley T R, hatter 2 Yates Joseph, cooper 3 Gardner Elizabeth, glover 3 Hart S, clothes salesman 4 Hubbard J W, tobacco manufr 4 Davies David, pork butcher 5 Cox Jas. optician 6 Garrod Thos, M The Still" 8 Bliss Edwin, brush manufacturer * Bliss Wm, mnfr of horse clothing 9 Collender John, trimming seller 10 Upsall Robt, pawnbroker 1 1 Laucelott M & Son, iron pi wrks 12 Norton Wm, barometer maker 13 Clark Jas, china dealer 14 Hobcraft Wm, rule maker 15 Bacon & Wayman. wire weavers 16 Bray Frederick, tailor 17 Maynard Geo, stove grate manuf 18 Shields Geo, wholsale milliner 19 Robinson Thos, baker 20 Dromgole & Linton, windgls dlrs 21 Scriven and Son, auctioneers Bamford L, ladies day school 22 Batley B and W, oil merchants 23 Rutherford Jas, baker 24 Sams W B, tailor 25 Bouts Thos & Sun, wine merchts 26 Lowe Samuel, tailor BAR shoemaker umber 27 Kendall C E, shoemaker 28 Home Jos, plumber 30 Comyns R H, currier 31 Timothy D, feather bed warehse 30 Worrall John, eating house 31 Bollington Jos, grocer 33 White Hen, Red Cross" 34 Plimpton Mich, pastrycook 35 Williamson James, cheesemonger 36 Knapp Geo, silversmith 37 Kingham Wm, varnish maker 38 Eyke Jos, shoemaker 39 Coventry E and T, dyers 40 Muir Geo, staymaker 41 & 42 Watson Chas, goldsmith, &c 43 Walker Ann, butcher 44 Lovell J A, working jeweller * FollitWm tobacconist 4-l Martin Maria, coffee rooms 45 Hopkinson W, oilman 45 Gill J, coffee rooms 46 Dewick & Son, printers & post of 47 Dunuell John, < Black Horse'' 48 Turner W and Sons, refiners 49 & 50 Becket J, com dealers 51 Harper Geo, hosier 52 Allsop John, tobacconist 54 Sirrell Thos Chas, refiner 55 Hay ford Wm, bootmaker 56 Dixon R, auctioneer and job mr 57 Pirn Jesse, iinendraper 58 Tate Wm, hatter 59 Smith James, < hemist 60 Yates and Walton, oil mchts 61 Edwards Evan, furnishing ironmr 62 Paxon W r m, stationer 62 Howard W T m, pocketbook manfr * Robert and Co, hatters 63 Frampton Eliz, gingerbread bkr 66 Ansell John, bootmaker 67 Mullens Chas, worsted manfr 69 Bym Hen, eating house Barclay St, So/ners-town. 5 Rainsford Oct, bookbinder 6 Dick R, tailor & breeches maker 8 Thomas Wm, tailor 8 Dykes Geo, music engraver Barford St, Liverpool I'd, Isling. Goode John, cabinet maker Barge-house St, Blackfrian. 3 Richard Mary Ann, smith Barge yd, Bucklersbury. 1 Batt T, dining rooms 1 Batt T and Co, cabinet makers 2 Sharman F, whlsl shoe warehse Magnus M L, for & skin mcht 3 Lancaster T J, merchant 3 Evans Fosters & Langton, mchts 3 Paton and Stewart, merchants 3 Turnbull & Radenhurst, mchts Hurt Abraham, merchants 3 Gould, Dowie and Co, mchts 4 Evans J and Co, warehouseman * Young, Harrison & Co, mchts 4 White J C, merchant 4 Morris J B, merchant * British Ameuican Land Comp 4 Dawson Joshua, solicitor 5 Johnson G L and Co, merchants 5 Beechey Wm N, solicitor 5 Mercer, Hobson & Co, com mchts 5 .lones Edw, merchant 5 Capes J Sj accountant 5 Walby J. boiler & gasom manfs 5 Bowen John & Co, merchants 5 Borradaile W, merchant BAR STREET KEY. BAR 5 Borradaile Whiting & Co. felt m Whiting M and F, merchants Tiplady Johu, merchant 5 Blaine R S, merchant 5 Lees Wm & Sons, whl ironmgrs 6 Hine G, sail clo & range manf 6 Jeremy & Tyser, Manch agents 6 Bakewell J R, engineer Barking Ch yd, Tower-street. 1 Riddle Win, bottle merchant 2 Grigson S, tobacconist 5 Bnshnell Wm, painter 6 Dakin J, tailor 7 Williams M, dairyman 8 Pu^h Edward, oilman 8 Howe Wm, hairdresser 1 1 Mc l)onough Sarah, tobacconist 1 1 Ault Sophia, day school 12 Mussett H, pastrycook 13 Moore M, milliner Moore Jos. comb maker 14 Munday Martha, tailor 15 Chaplin T, butcher Barlow Mews, Bmton st. Shepheard VV J, hat manfr Wray F, livery stables Emmett J and B, liv stable kprs Barlow St, Gt Marylebone st. 1 Garey G. plate powder maker 5 Dear J C, ironmonger 1 1 Allen Thos, carpenter 14 Wright M, carpenter 15 Palfrey Betsey, cheesemonger 16 Branch Jon, b.iker 17 Newson Samuel, cabinetmaker 19 Thomson T, uphoMerer 22 Smiih Rich, " Prince of Wales" 26 Ciark C, grocer 29 Cole and Son, bricklayers Barnard's Inn, Holborn. 2 Hunt Chas E. solicitor * Martell Chas, solicitor * Slater Chas, plumber 3 May Chas, solicitor 4 Strangwayes D'Arcy, solicitor 4 Stevenv F, solicitor 4 Scott John, solicitor 5 Brunton Chas, solicitor * Adey Chas F, solicitor 6 Smith F R, >ohcitor 6 Pinero John Daniel, solicitor 6 Fitz Strathem W F A, law gene- alogist 6 Cave E. agt to Tutbury glass wks 7 Trimming E L, solicitor 9 Smith Sidney* >oiicitor 13 Welby A, solicitor 13 Bailey John, solicitor Barnsbury road. Brunswick Parade. 1 Wallis Wm, baker 2 Broome E, grocer & cheesemngr 3 Wigled Benj, ironmonger 4 Lane Thos, oilman 5 Chantry Saml, cheesemonger 6 Hamshar W, butcher 7 Bacon N, currier 8 Smith John, shoemaker 1 1 Spencer Eand, solicitor 13 Jeavons Thos, landscape engrav 22 Sabey Joseph, china warehouse 23 Barnes Wm Hy, blind maker 24 Sanders Jas, eating bouse 26 Pearson H, greengrocer 27 Reed Wm, draper 28 Layzell John, boot maker 29 Pyott Thos, stationer 30 Watt Wm, oilman 31 Hudson Anty, cheesemonger Barnsby St, Liverpool Road. 2 Baines , plumber, &c 3 Pott Stephen, china dealer 4 Cox Hen, cheesemonger 5 Woolven Chas, greengrocer Wood and Hunt, livery stables Barsbury row, Cioudesiey sq. 1 Edwards Wm, tailor 8 Wright William, muffin baker 10 Tolman J, cooper 12 Fox S, bricklayer 13 Savage Jos, carpenter 14 Bas.sett Wm, plumber 19 Piper James, smith 27 MurrellG K, ornamental painter 32 Lovejoy G, coal merchant 31 Underwood John, butcher 33 Shackery Robt, bootmaker 34 Hambrook S, builder & undertkr 35 Chapman G, cheesemonger 36 Coleman Josh, baker 42 Vince R, carpenter & undertaker Barrack yard, Old Foot, Kmghtshridge. Pearcey James, " White Horse" Brown Eliza, eating house Hobson and Co, coach makers j Barrett ct, Oxford st. ] 1 Lancaster Thos, furniture broker 6 Alefounder J, furniture broker 1 1 Magenis Jno, furniture broker 12 Scutcher Eliza, shoe maker 13 & 14 Gingel Kd.v, furni brkr 23 Donaldson F, furniture broker 25 Ward Susan, furniture broker "26 Beck Wm, hair cutter 27 Rowell John, furniture broker 28 Corpus Ciias & Geo, furni brkrs Barrett st, Vauxhaii. 71 Lett Wm, coal merchant 33 Potter Wm, cooper 18 Sanders Thos, carjmtr & undrtkr 23 Willis Geo, retailer of beer 19 Greenhead Sarah, general dlr Mudd Thos, greengrocer 21 Pearson Js, "George & Dragon" 22 Meals John, grocer 109 Bailey John, builder 14 Harris Wm, 'grocer 32 Weaver Amos, grocer 95 King Mary Ann, grocer 6 Edwards Geo, carpenter 101 Boyce L, ginger leer mnfr 11 1 Jenkins John, baker 110 Hunter Francis, butcher Barron sfc, Pcnumviiie. 1 Kingshott Wm, dairyman 4 Dunes J, plumber 5 Belaud Francis, jeweller Barron's pi, Waterloo Road. 1 Edwards Mary Ann, van proprtr Markham Wm, cowkeeper 2 Freeman Wm, picture frame mkr 11 Francis Wm & Son, yeast mcbts Wade Wm, farrier Bartholomew cl, Lt. Britain. 3 Deadman Jas, "Admiral Carter" 6 Pickford Jas, carpenter 7 Jones Wm, dairyman 8 Cray Robt, tortoise shell worker 9 Baylis Lucy, baker 10 Poile Geo, marine store dealer 11 Tasker Wm, boot maker 12 Hood R, vellum binder 14 Rider John, printer 17 Powell Hen, newsvender 18 Wise A R, book edge gilder 19 Newton Wm, tin plate worker 21 Freeman Chas, trimming seller 22 Jackson W H, tailor 22^ Adlard C, printer 23 Bullock J F, jeweller 23 Frost T, carpenter 27 Houghton Jas, oil merchant Swaiue and Co, distillers 52 Slater G, tailor 53 Brown & Somersall, silversmiths 54 Pritchard , cigar & tob mnfrs 55 Joyce F, percussion cap maker 57 Emmerton Francis, bricklayer 59 Pocock and Wilkins, solicitors 60 Kvans & Lescher, wblsl chemists 61 Crofton & Rippon, tobacco mnfr 63 Mann John, surgeon Coole Wm, licensed to let horses 60 Fishleigh G, *i Coach & Horses" 85 Evans Hump, jeweller 87 & 88 Colling Cuthbert, currier 91 Galabiu G J, printer Bartholomew cl, lit. 31 Pavyer Benj, type founder 32 Roberts and Fisher, bookbinders * Palmer Rich, carpenter 33 Ciowtber Jas, plumber 34 Witherington W J, Blkny's Hd" Crowley A, ** Rose and Crown" 37 Soul Jos, tobacconist 38 Biwtree T. greengrocer 39 WagstafF James, painter Bolt Francis, carpenter 40 Cockerili Jos, bricklayer 42 Burgh Robt, fringe manufacturer 46 Waddington Clare, milliner 49 Baxter Hector, bookbinder 50 Smith J, patent door spring mkr 51 Hull J, blind maker 53 Hull E & Son, spring blind mkrs 54 Vanderplank J. cloth worker Bartholomew la, #" 1 Alliance Fire & Life Assu Of * Jones J, artist 3 Addison G, stock broker 3 Oakley R R, stock broker 3 King J B, stock broker 3 Wadsworth J B, stock broker 3 Cope Ben, stock broker 3 Scott J W, stock broker 3 Davis Wm, stock broker 3 Young Alex, stock br ker 3 Beatson Wm, architect 3 De Pinna Abrad, notary public 3 Sparkes and Clark, stock brokers 3 Brooks Chas, stock broker 3 Hopkins H, stock broker 3 Fleetwood C, stock broker 3 Field E and C, stock brokers 3 Gooch W T, stock broker 3 Clarke Jas, stock broker 3 Sex Edw, stock broker 3 Toinkins E, stock broker Baker Wm, "Auction Mrt Tav'' 13 BAR STREET KEY, BAS Auction Mart, Lee Chas, sectry Auction Mart, Phillipps W P, stock and share broker : Hamilton J no W, share agent Armstrong Rich, stock broker Brunton A J, stock broker Laurence and Co, stock brokers Bradshaw W, conveyancer Hadlow Sam, stock broker Bartholomew sq, Luke's. 1 Hulman Wm, undertaker 7 Moss and Bradfield, braziers 8 Ganlen Wm, mould maker 9 Laurence Chas, brass finisher 10 Green Sam, watch motion maker 12 Walsh J R, surgeons' inst maker 13 Galiegue Jno, hatter 14 Paine M, draper 14 Stephens Wm, watch maker 16 Day Geo, White Bear" Branson Jas, beer retailer Nind C, paper hanging manf Bartholomew ter, St. Luke's. 1 Westlake J, grocer 5 Bray Geo, butcher 7 Wood James, boot maker 11 Davis John, plumber 12 Stembridge Robt, tailor 13 Howard T S, butcher 15 Colli:-on Wm, " British Lion" 17 Bull M, straw hat maker * Foster Henry, carpenter 19 Tackle v Wm, tailor 22 Millbank Jos, watch jeweller 20 Harmsworth R, boot & shoe mkr 23 Hux John, haberdasher 31 Floyd Chas, china warehouse 32 Corbett Rob, butcher 33 Killer Isabella, beer retailer 34 Barnett J, lever escapem maker 35 Fletcher T, greengrocer Bartlett's bldgs, Hoibom. 1 Jackaman Simon, solicitor 2 Morris Thos, imp of Irish provns 3 Matthews Wm, pocket book in ft 5 Tester James, coal merchant 6 Allen He) wood, & Co, fringe mf 8 Letts J, solicitor Hooker Jas, solicitor 9 Morley C R, nav and mil tailor 10 Langham, J G, & S F, solicitors 13 Martin H W, printer 15 Sweeting Alfred, printer 16 Hicks & Braikenridge, solicitors 17 Taylor Sarah, milliner 17 Cavalier H L, Biim & Shef whs IB Howlet Henry, solicitor 19 Norris, Allen, & Simpson, soltrs 21 Shearman & Freeman, solicitors 2'3 Stephens Jos, tailor 24 Richards Geo, jeweller * Jenkins Wm juur, architect 25 Hentsch Fred Chas, surginst mk 26 Staight Thos, manf of thermters 28 Wheeler Gervase, manf jeweller 29 Hatheram Chas, silver plater 29 Barber Wm, agent 30 Lloyd T, prchmnt sir & law statr * Moncorton Wm and Chas, sols 31 Edwards Hy, surg inst case mkr Bartlett's pas, Hoibom. 1 Noble B, dairyman 3 Comfort and Falconer, undertks 14 Mc Bride W T, tailor 15 Wagstari Geo, builder 14 Bartlett's bids, * * St Lit. Dugard W T, type founder Barton St, Westminster. 6 Emery Benj, "Salutation" 1 1 Vickers E A, library 15 Vickers Hen, painter 15 Shotten R, confectioner 1 Duguid Wm, upholsterer Basing la, Bread st. 1 Arnold Thos, Grapes" Garnett Wm, Gerard's Hall Tap Younghusband T, " Ger H Tav " Dibbin Hen E, coach office Dibbin H E, wine merchant Spier J B, plasterer Drybrough A, wine merchant Hewlett Wm, whol druggist * Quincey Rich, merchant 8 Turner and Co, solicitors 9 Ashdown Geo, tailor 10 Pope John, whol stationer 1 1 Bryson G, auctioneer 11 Marriott Thos and Son, wors spin 11 Fraser Jno, merchant 12 Heard Edw, shoemaker 12 Vigurs Fras, lithographer 14 Fry Joseph. India rubber impt 14 Atkins and Co, mnfs of pat dye extracts 16 Bell R, hicifer match manuf 17 Dixon M and Co, gun makers 17 Dixon M, manuf of plated wares 18 Benstead J S, accountant 15 Paxon Francis, plumber 19 Gnecco M A, Italian warehouse 20 Hadfield Geo, varnish manfr 20 Shaw Jno, solicitor 20 Hussey Geo Wm, solicitor 21 Pollen Joseph, " Red Lion" 23 Moore Thos, wine merchant 25 Cole and Co, toy warehouse Basinghall st, Guildhall. 1 Fox and Meek, solicitors 2 Dunn Brothers, wool brokers ' Brittain and Houston, wool manf * Whiimore Wm, official assign * Austin Hum, woollen manf * Kendall Geo, blkwell hall factor * Webb Wm, blkwell hall factor * Dawson Nath, blkwell hail factor 3 Smith and Taylor, solicitors 4 Bayley and Janson, solicitors 5 Secondaries Office James and Potter, secondaries James John, solicitor * James Wm Boyce, solicitor Potter and Collingridge, solicitors 6 Sweet, Sutton, and Co, solicitors 7 Maclean and Co, woollen manuf Ogden W H, woollen factors 8 Lord and Hall, wool brokers Cockrell Edw, wool broker Kendall H, blkwell hall factor Green VV H, solicitor Grierson Saml, com agent Wix Kdw, leather ds 3 r and seller Shirley Sam. blkwell hall factor Caufield & Whisler, blkwl hi lac Williams G H. ale and port met Buchanan W R, solicitor Evill Thos L, woollen maauf Carritt Fredk, solicitor Cooke Thos, wool warehouse Tate Wm, solicitor 10 11 Rigby Josh & Sons, manfs of fancy cantoons, linen &c 11 Nash Wm, woollen warehouse 12 Webster Thos, Bell" 13 Symends S & Son, blkwl hal fcts 14 Chamber Robt Byron, solicitor 14 Pollen James Thos, solicitor 15 Kay R B, wine and brandy mch * Clark Dan, woollen warehouse 16 Baker Win, blkwl hall factor 16 Harrison Jno, woollen warehmn 17 Butler W & Co, blkwl hall fctrs * Smith Baker Peter, solicitor * Sholefield and Austin, wool mer * Cexkrell Robt, wool broker 18 Severs Thos, blkwl hall factor * Rossitor W and J, woollen manf * Emmerson Rt & Co, fncy win mf * Sterry Jno, agent * Rawlings James jun, packer Simpson J, blkwell hall factor * Jacomb C and J D, wool brokers 19 Hazard and Ferry, wool brokers * Meier F, wool merchant * Dresser C, wool merchant * Riley Rowland, tailor 20 Johnson Patrick, official assignee 21 Britten Jno, cloth worker * Britten J, city measr of wooln cits * Graham Geo J, official assignee * Adams J C, woollen cloth factor 22 Weaver's Hale * Phipps John, solicitor * Playne Wm & Co, wooln manfrs 23 Buckler H P, wool broker 24 Scott J and Co, woollen factors 26 Rawlings Jas, blkwell hall factor 27 Earl Dan, woollen warehouse * Brown J M, silkman 28 Price E W & C H, blkw hal fctrs 28-5 Hindman and Howard, solicitors Wadd Thos, surgeon 29 Jardine Chas, blkwell hall factor 30 Terrell Hull, solicitor Hughes and Smith, wooln wareh 31 Pennell Wm, official assignee 31 Jones Win, accountant Wheatcroft and Sons, carriers Sturlaud T, rail & canal carriers Bourne Jos, stone pottery manfr Elton Wm, blkwell hall factor Luptou John, blkwell hall factor Lake and Waldron, solicitors 34 Goez Hy, wool merchant * Crawley Win, surv & house agent 36 Walters and Reeve, solicitors Cheney C H & Co, silk & vel mfrs * Green Js & Co, woollen warehse Bird Wm, metal warehouse Le Mare Isaac, galloon mauufr Lovell J, cloth worker Smith J B H, water proofer Girdler's Hall Walton and Coles, solicitors 40 Child J, lace warehouse * Thompson Edwd, accountant 41 Metcalfe Jno, bootmaker 41 Leachman Thos, solicitor 42 Jones Wm, woollen factor 43 Holmes J B, poket bk mauufr 1 44 Case H, wha'ebone preparer I 45 Barker Thos. tailor j 46 Matthews Robt, cloth worker I 47 Collett Hen J, mous de lain prntr j * Wheeler F & Co, percu cap innf'r Draper Robert, commission agt i48 Edwards and Son, tailors 49 Mills Geo, engraver * Hudson Jas, elk sit sheriffs ct 33 33 BAS STREET KEY. BAT 78 Wilson M. bookseller Lingford H, tailor Joshua D, commission agent Wryghte W C, accountant Gilchrist Mrs Sarah, boarding hse Talbot and Sons, carpet mantis Palling Chas. blkwell hall factor Green Geo, woollen factor Thorn Reuben T, bookbinder Biden Thos, accountant Green Jas, wool dealer Thompson Edw, wool merchant Gray Mrs Rachael boarding hse Lewis Thomas, shoe mercer Hunt Jno, tailor Cox Jas, blkwell hall factor Morris & Co, imp of fr & ger gds Kemp Thos, wool merchant Williams & Gabriel, wooln whs Sanders E A, solicitor Upton and Co, lamp manufrs Hargrave Chas, whalebone mnfr Lorkio J and Co, woollen factors Baughen and Brothers, shag mi's Webb Jno H, woollen manuf Everett J G and J, woollen manf Tat lock and Bevis. silk brokers Blakesley Jas, blkwell factor Gale Sam, solicitor Coopers' Hall Weir Archibald, solicitor Barnicot Rd, commission agent Figge Fred, merchant Spearman F C M, accountant &c Gibson Geo, official assignee Vernon G, agent . Vincent and Plumley, solicitors Commercial Travellrs So. Newberry Chas, vellum binder Jones Robert, 4, Crown" Cotton W and S, solicitors Buxton and Slack, wool brokers Freund Leopold, agent, &c M'Glew and Barker, wool bkrs Ionian Bank, Kettlewell W, sec Lloyd Jas, accountant and agent Listen Win, Inkwell ball factor Ridiford A, blkwell hall factor Loughman & Hughes, wool bks Marion Jos, wool broker Love and Kvans, warehm Fraukham and Dixon, solicitors Jungmichel Chas, merchant Lake and Curtis, solicitors Wood Drew, law stationer Court of Com ok Bankrupts Court op Requests Basinghall st, New. Lloyd and Meeson, surgeons 2 Langstaff Geo, surgeon 3 Browne A J, solicitor 4 Tanner A O, solicitor 6 Gilbert Sam Massey, bordng hse 7 Baines W F, wine merchant 8 Middleton Js, surgeon Bateman's bids, Soho-square. 1 Latham and Dighton, goldsmiths 10 Orme Josh, pocket book maker 13 Backler Hen, tailor 15 Brningham Benj, carpenter Mist Thomas, wine merchant Thompson Robt, tailor Bateman's row, Bkwedhck. 6 Woolenough Chas; bookbinder 24 Burtwell John T, plumber Bevan Wm, egg merchant Mayer Wm, mahgny & deal yard Gage Charles, cowkeeper Bath bids, Cify-road. 2 Barrage H, carpenter 3 Blackman Geo, tailor 17 Aldis Hen, locksmith Bath St, City-road. 1 Ree H P, surgeon 2 Wollen F C, tailor 4 Stockley Geo, butcher 5 Hoare Jane, cheesemonger 6 Chalener R, potato dealer 7 Poole Edward, tripe tlresser 8 Dutton Jos, oil and eolourman 9 & 10 Smith C, pawnbroker 11 Dickens Wm, tobacconist 12 Stean Lewis, furrier 13 Davison Martha, milliner 14 King Wm, coffee rooms 16 Acut Chas Jos, cabinet maker 18 Causeley F I, carpenter 20 Pottle John R. surgeon 21 Herrison Wm, milliner 22 Slack Martha, grocer 24 Tnrvey J, butcher 25 Spokes Jas, tobacconist 26 Westcott Samuel, beer retailer 27 & 28 Summers Robt, pawnbroker 29 Leah S H, watchmaker 31 Pe^'ge Chas, grocer 33 Spooner Ralph Carr, oil & colm 33 Chapman J and G, corn dealers 34 Brigot John, butcher 34 Dawe P, haberdasher 35 Bonney Wm, fishmonger 37 Shum Win, pork butcher 38 Woods H, boot maker 39 Perrin James, pastry cook 40 Cheesman Thos, tobacconist 41 Gil ling W, ham dealer 42 Wright Jno. " Jolly Anglers " FkENca HospriAu Gireau R H, sec 43 Saw J, cheesmonger 44 Whitehead A, haberdasher 45 Thorp G, baker 46 Biddle G, cowkeeper 47 Patterson R ch, retailer of beer 48 B igley Jas, tea dealer 49 Brooks H W, cheesemonger 50 Trauter Win, musician 51 Bartlett R, baker 52 Pugh R, draper 53 Debarn Sarah, tobacconist 54 Greenaway John, watch finisher 55 Bigaey Geo, hatter 56 Jones John, auctneer and apprsr 57 Thomas Jas, cabinet maker 58 (asson Jno, grocer :o9 Baldwin Fred, cooper and turner 60 Partly Wm, beer retailer 61 Steele Alex, baker 62 Creighton John, dining rooms 63 Edwards John, boot maker 64 Phillips Cath, tobacconist * Phillips A bra, watch manfr 65 Buckley Jno, plumber and glazr Bath St, Hackney-roud. Newman Thos, retailer of beer Wiuson E, baker 14 Wetherell Heny, grocer & chesgr Bath St, Newgale-st. 2 Watkins Thos, carpenter 3 Palmer John, smith 4 WheeltOn and Co, calenders 10 Payne Q junr, regs of bths & dts 1 1 Dunn John, baths 12 Lea J W, fringe manufacturer lb' Winholt Win, stationer Bath St, Tabernacle sq. Woodhouse Jos, greengrocer Macquillin T S, "Hen & Chicks" Maxey W, clock case maker Whittaker Geo, stone saw maker Chabot Eliz, carman Bath St, Gt. Clerkenwell. * Pritchard P, hair cutter 1 Milborn Robt, tailor 2 Austin Jas, grocer 5 Pike J M, " Horseshoe & Magp" 6 Key David, baker 7 Cotton H H, oil warehouse 8 Crick Hen, butcher 9 New J R, dyer 12 Litchfield J C, surgeon 13 Rose Geo, fruiterer 15 Everett Robt, newspaper office 16 Robert Edw, butcher 17 Patience Wm, carpenter 18 Chadwiek Jos, watch maker 19 Spurr Josh, grocer & cheesemgr 20 Silverside S, ladies boot maker 22 Stevens R, tobacconist 23 Coxhead Chas, ''Queen's Head" 27 Corti P, "Ben Jonson" 28 Ayres T, draft board maker * Bridges Jas, grocer 31 Algar H, greengrocer 32 Rusbbrook Jno, tailor Bath St, Lit. Clerkenwell. 1 Binkes Jas, cheesemonger 2 Cooper Daniel, oilman 3 Smithson Jas, grocer 4 ; j Foster Jas, tripeman 5 Finch J, cooper 6 Sacre Thos, butcher 7 Bennington Wm, hair dresser 8 Gurr E, butcher 9 Smith Sarah, straw hat manf 10 Eyre J, potatoe warehouse Battersea. Gaines N, nurseryman Price Chas Jno, manfing chemist Bobbins Hen, grocer Gosling Wm, " Swan Tavern' Stedman Jus, builder Smith Vincent, coal dealer Nickenson Thos, cheesemonger Cross Jas, linen draper Townsend Wm, baker Green E, florist Chapman Thos, stationer Clements Jno, hair dresser Scrimshaw Wm, tailor Hihier Jos, grocer Wotton John, brazier Aitchson Geo. oil manuf Webster Kliz,size manf Wood .Sarah, butcher Longburst J, bricklayer Payne Benj, cbemist Young M, builder Howell Wm, timber merchant Tarver G, ship broker Tarver G, timber merchant Simmons Pain and Co, manf cho Yates Clare, cowkeeper Watson J and Jos, saw mills Foot C and Co, manf chemists 15 BAT STREET KEY. BED Freeman Josh & Son, col & vsh mf May and Baker, mauf chemist Falcke Wm. crucible pottery- Dives J and T, millers Goslin and Downs, maltsters Maddocks Jos, grocer &cheesemr Sanders D, "The Raven" Brown Frances, chemist Young Robt, builder Trott John, ironmonger Chadwin G I, builder Bowler Jas, " Star and Garter" Spiller Joel, engineer Eastman Jas H, carpntr and bldr M'Keller John, tailor Pannell Jos, butcher Jones Wm, wheelwright Horn Rich, " Carrier'' Wilkins W, beer retailer Andrews Wm Dan, carpenter Keen John Kid, glove manf Insane Asylum, Tow W Baker Henry, saddler Wilkins Sarah, grocer Wood Jno, baker Lintell P, " Old Swan Tavern" Hatfield H W, plumber Ash Robt, beer retailer Hillier Josh, general dealer Brunskill W, silk mills Gardener J, " Nag's Head" Purcell and Nichols, wax bleachs Russell Chas, florist Rogers John, nurseryman Fownes and Sons, glove manfrs Keen Stephen, " Prince's Head" Harwood John, beer retailer GrovesThos, ntrc & snlprc acid mf Oil Edw, manf chemist Unwin .In, baker and co d mcht Reynolds Jno, "White Hart" Skinner Steph," Castle" Battersea Fields. 2 Pariss Peter, vitriol manufacturer Dean C R, " Ducbess of York" Appleton Hen, grocer Edwards Thos, beer retailer Hills and Co, manf chemist Faulkner H. ' Flora Tea Gardns" Weller Jas, hay salesman Heanett Hen, miller Wright Chas, " Red House" Robbins Wm, timber merchaut Pass Michael, stone lime mcht Pring Wm, plumber Cornick Jno, carpenter Came Hen, barge builder Marler Jas, "Plough &Harrow" Battersea Marsh. Symmonds Polly, market gardner Simpson Thomas, markt gardner Park Jno Cornelius, builder Battersea sq. Woodham H, plumber Norman Wm Hen, baker Goodwin Jas, butcher Griffin Jas, tailor Banking Robt, grocer Smith Saml, grocer Battle Bridge mews. Lang R, wheelwright Hig^ins John, veterinary forge Batty St, Commercial rd. Stamp W, wine cooper Neuth Jos, " Red Lion" 16 12 Matthews Wm, baker 22 Sultan Joseph, surgeon 24 Collett Wm, boot maker Bayham St, Pancras rd. 1 Levey Geo, surveyor and builder 14 Smith Jas, gents' school 33 Young H, carpenter 34 Thorne Richard, Laurel Tree" 54 Debenhain Geo, carpenter St Mrtn in vids Almshfor Wds BayneS rOW. Coldbath-Jields. 3 Ashfield W, bricklayer 4 Davies H, engine turner 5 Chiles Joseph, organ builder 7 Bowman& Redshaw, iurni brkrs 10 Swann Jos, furniture broker Beak St, Regent st. 1 Read Wm, coffee rooms 2 Keating Jno, tailor 3 Hume Matthew, tailor 4 Johnston F G, surgeon Warwick Chambers 5 Cooper Saml Nicholas, solicitor Beaumont A, architect Angel Thos Jno, solicitor Bartlett Thos M, solicitor 6 Watson Alex, baker 6 Dobson Ann, lace cleaner, &c 7 Smith Jno, " Albion" 8 Dickinson Wm, fumhng irnmngr 9 Judd Robt, boot maker 10 Smith Peter Hen, lthr cvr mnfr 11 La\ field Thos, tailor Bear alley, Farrinydon si. 8 Norley Sophia, grocer 10 Fother^ill J, shoe maker 16 Thompson John jun, carpenter Bear garden, Southwark. Clark Andrew & Son, plumbers Hawkins J, " YVhite Bear" Pepper J, smith Bear la, Blackfriars rd. 2 Unwm Henry, general dealer Roupell R P, Wrought iron mnfr 10 Sharpe Edw, dairyman 16 Gmer J, grocer Rutt Saml, umber merchant 17 Garner Jas. greengrocer Eadess Saml, timber yard 21 Yeatman 11, " Brown Bear" 25 Suillcock Tbos. grocer 27 Morgan Wm, frame maker J9 Bay nes J, hair dresser 31 Ash W L, retailer of beer Bear St, Leicester sq. 2 Hollander E, oil & Italian wrhs 3 Crumb Peter, boot maker 4 Lindley, Brothers, upholsterers 5 Francis Edm, shell fishmonger * Young and Son, scale makers 6 Cox Wm, boot maker 7 Ackva Jno, baker 8 Tailor Wm, fruiterer 9 Howard Geo, ? Salisbury Arms" 11 Wilcox Tnos, Bear and Staff" 12 Potter Wm, bookseller 13 Harvey John, tobacconist Porter John, hairdresser 14 Willson S, curiosity dealer 16 Bussey James, locksmith 16 Hughes G, coffee house 17 Orpwood Thos, coach currier 18 Winsor Jno, "King's Head" 19 Davies Thos, cooper Bear yd, Bermondsey. Gardiner Joseph, "White Bear" Bear yd, Lincoltis inn fields. 18 Tilly aid John, cow keeper Knipe Robt, " Coach & Horses" 21 Street Saml, shoemaker 9 & 10 Stevens John, tailor 14 Woodward Jas, clog maker Beauchamp St, Leather lane. 2 Marsano John, oilman, &c 4 Bnrnham Jas, carpenter 5 Joy John, corn dealer 8 Mitchell Robt, baker 9 Nash Elizabeth, carpenter 10 Simpson Jno, " William IVth" 11 Spelzini Jno, barometer maker 13 Parkinson Rich, tailor 15 Long John, tobacconist Beaufort bldgs, Strand. 7 Walker, Knowles & Co, Shfld whs 7 Walker Greaves, solicitor 8 Waterloo Bridge Company, Powell George, sec 9 & 10 Whiting Chas, printer 1 1 Giles Francis, civil engineer 11 Lucena S L, solicitor 1 1 James Wm Hen.parlmntry & gnl agt & sec to Midx Ref Club 12 Judkins E, coal mercbant 13 Tyas I H and R, solicitors 13 Westmacott Wm, architect 13 Field Saml, architect 13 Browne E H, architect 15 Willey Jas, accountant Midlam John, " Old Plough" 16 Colwell Chas, builder 17 Budmaii and Co, tailors Edie 6: Leatherdale, whisk mcht Beaumont mews, Maryuhone. Richard John, livery stables Drewell Saml, cow keeper Smith R and T, house painters Beaumont sq, Mile- end. Cast eder S, reg of births & dths 12 Browne Wm and J, mercbants Philosophical Institution Beaumont St, Murylebone. 1 Yandel and Field, coach makers 3 Cox J E, physician 12 Beaumont Hen, shoemaker 14 Pearson Geo, surgeon 20 M'Naughtan W, wine mcht 26 Rowling Joseph, plumber 29 Henley C, milliners 46 Rudkin Hen, builder 52 Baylis Jas, coal merchant 53 Sidney J A, solicitor 56 Gayleard, J, surgeon 60 Clark John, Italian warehouse Beaumont St, Mile-end road. 43 Newman E J, surgeon Bedford Ct, Covent garden. 2 Cribb Robt, baker 3 Blackwell Wm, cutler, &c 4 Sinellie T G, printer 8 Ellis T, fishmonger 9 Winsall H, fruiterer 10 Mountcastle Geo. bookslr & tib'ry BED STREET KEY. BED 11 Emsden Jno, coffee-house 12 Hayes Henry, dentist 13 Robinson Thomas, tailor 14 Crispin Wm, tailor 15 Reed G, fishmonger 16 Postle S, haberdasher 16 Thompson R, shoemaker 17 Verity Benjamin, gas fitter 18 Davis William, china mender Bedford pi. Borough road. 1 Girling Wm, wheelwright 5 Davis Saml, cooper & back maker 9 Beard Wm J, plumr & gas titter 12 Evans Winifred, dairy 13 Davies John, smith Bedford pi. Russell sq. 4 Lane Wm, solicitor 5 Billing Arch, physician 9 Budd Geo, physician 13 Twining, Dr 20BBasham Geo, solicitor 22 Small J C, surgeon 27 Tatharo Thos Jas, land surveyor 39 Williams Root, physician Bedford rOW, Red Lion sq. 1 Adlington Gregory & Co, slctrs 2 Cardale,Cardale & Uiffee, slctrs 3 Shoubridge Chas John, solicitor 4 Dyneley Coverdale & Lee, slctrs 7 Wigg and Pownall, architects 9 Church John Thos, solicitor 1 1 White and Eyre, solicitors 13 Turner Thos P, solicitor 14 Lloyd E A, surgeon 15 Bircham Fras Thos, solicitor 16 Winter, Williams, Williams, and Winter, solicitors 17 Clipperton John, solicitor 18 Gre^sou John, solicitor 21 Dyson and Flavell, solicitors 22 Smith W H, solicitor '23 Grane Wm and Son, solicitors 24 Palmer. France, and Co, solicitors 25 Broad J, chemist 25a Phillips Edm. law stationer 26 Pike F W, solicitor 27 Garling Hen, architect 28 Coode and Browne, solicitors 30 Stephens Wm, solicitor 32 Fennell and Co, solicitors 33 Budd and Hayes, solicitors 34 Heath and Barclay, dentists 35 Edwards and Peake, solicitors 36 Bell Chas, solicitor 37 Algar Owen T, solicitor 39 Tooke and Son, solicitors 40 Hohnested Arthur, solicitor 41 Sharpe, Field and Jackson, slctrs 42 Wormald Thos, surgeon 43 Wilson Thos Lusimure, solicitor * Wall Wm H, solicitor 44 Kell W G, solicitor 45 Morgan and Son, surgeons 46 NatGardian Instutn, 47 Richardson and Talbot, solicitors 48 Reeves Chas, solicitor 50 Grover I T, solicitor 51 Jackson John, tailor Bedford sq. 9 Hugh Clemens, physician 13 Black Pask, physician 36 Toulmin Abraham, physician 37 Richardson Robt, physician 38 Arnott Neal, physician 39 Richards Sam, surgeon c 44 Ward Wm John, attorney 47 Wathen Jonathan lies, solicitor Bedford SQ. Commercial road. 1 Locker Ann and Sarah, grocers 1 Lane P, dress maker 34 Hill J, '< Hermit" 15 Crew John, ironmonger 17 Stanger S, auctioneer and apprsr 4 Tatum and Will ats, Ladies' estab 13 Prentice S, solicitor 30 Beal Thos, surgeon 2 1 Sampson Thos, ship broker Malchar John, "North Britain" Bedford St, Bedford row. 1 Hewitt W, "Horseshoe &Magpie*' 2 Parkyn Francis, builder 3 Banting John, carpenter 5 Gerhard James, tailor 6 Spencer Robt, auctioneer & appr 7 Lee John, fruiterer 8 Evans Fred, cabinet maker 9 Melhuish Wm, plumber 1 1 Leeder M, turner 1 1 Gowers James, solicitor 13 Kayler Hen, baker 17 Dousberry Thos, hair cutler 18 Ballantyne John, hosier 19 Milne Thos, engraver 19 Saywell R, bookseller 20 Flack A M, coffee rooms 21 Mason Wm, boot maker 22 Clive Cornelius " Three Cups" 23 Kidner Geo, butcher 26 Crawley C F, tailor 27 Bardons Ann, straw hat mnfr Bardons'John, surveyor Bedford St. Bedford sq. 2 Hembery Joseph H, solicitor 3 Storrar John, surgeon 4 Callingham John, tailor 6 Simpson Geo, surgeon 7 Ferray Benj, architect 9 Fawnes H G, barrister 10 Chippendale John, surgeon 1 1 Scard John, solicitor 12 Tahourdin Charles, solicitor 13 Phillott Arthur, surgeon 14 Ridley Chas, surgeon Bedford St, Commercial road. 1 Palmer Mr, academy 1 Hitchcock Mrs, tailor's trim whse 3 Walker Mrs, library 5 Bell Edw, grocer 5 Samuel James, shoemaker 5 Laver Edw, upholsterer 6 Saunders Mr, cyal merchant 7 Gray Mis, " Bedford Arms " 10 Hall J G, printer 14 Geys H, tailor 1 1 Painter Daniel, glass cutter 13 Bourk James, grocer 44 Hill G M, solicitor 42 Merryweather F, pocket bk mnfr 41 Hull J, greengrocer 7 Berry II, cheesemonger 6 Johnson Wm, chemist & druggist 1 1 Clarence J, egg merchant 12 Dixon Geo, butcher 1 6 Saward Rich, baker 27 Reynolds Jas, cowkeeper 46 Matthews S L, auctioneer Bedford St, Covent Garden. 1 Biffen W, tailor Coles Chas, dining rooms 2 Fyvie Geo, baker Sandison J, carpenter . & 5 Davenport C & J, lamp mnfrs Russell J, watchmaker Lawrence S, dealer in watches Yockney W & Co, tea dlrs & grs Moseley and Channell, solicitors Hughes Seneca, solicitor Bedford Commercial Bank Bentley John, picture dealer Bullmore & Patrick, gld lace mks Smith Alex, corn & coal dealer Blackburn John, oilman Durand and Co, wine merchants Botanical & Metrological Sv Ellis Chas, upholsterer Meyer and Clark, embroiderers Murray T, china & glass wrhse Hodgson C, soda water maker Adamson C, print and music sellr Lonsdale & Tyler, gold & sil lcmn Bunning and Son, engravers Butcher W G, tailor Baud E, carver and gilder Thurmott Wm, coal merchant PodmoreT, die sinker & engraver Furnival Thos, tailor Robins Geo, surgeon St Albyn L, Constitution" Poole George, auctioneer Leonard Wm, surveyor Fowler John P, chemist Brooks Benj, surgeon Baynes Thos, bookseller Parkin Richd, grocer Harrison & Co, acctbook mnfrs Defoe Jas and Son, carpenters Towell Chas, fishmonger Steadman Jas, linendraper Bedford Sam, " Green Man" Brown Ann, millnrs & dress mkrs Foreman W, lace dealr & cleaner Peake Thos, butcher Winsall J, hatter Bedford St, Liquorpond street. 3 Hodgetts J W, plast of Paris mnfr Bedfordbury, Covent Garden. 1 Heaviside John, Gen Elliott" 2 Jarvis Thos, cooper 4 Carter Eliz, " Lemon Tree" Humphreys J, button maker 8 Bayley Saml, list merchant 9 Emmanuel L, marine store dlr 10 Cannon Thos, " Black Horse" 11 Cannam John, grocer 12 Ponting Rich T, tailor Adson Geo, locksmith 13 Hernington Chas, gas fitter 14 Elliot Wm, leatherseller 1 5 Palmer Geo, grocer 1 6 Otty Wm, carpenter 17 Porter Wm, trimming seller * Evans John, baker 21 Allen G H, " Cock & Bottle" 23 Walters J N, surgeon 24 Cowen and Co, hair dressers 26 Spiller Thos, plumber 27 Jones Rich, woollen diaper 29 Day E, grocer 30 Hulbert Rich, tailor 31 Child James, beer retailer 32 Watson J, hair dresser Ward Wm, tobacco-pipe maker 34 Lyford Thos, coal dealer 38 Rogers G & Son, tin plate wkrs 39 Smith J Wilson, tailors' trim selr 41 Simmons Wm, rag & phial dhs 42 Pocock J, "Goldsmiths' Arms" 17 BEE STREET KEY. BEL 43 Cole M, painter and glazier 41 White John, leather cutter 47 Child J, dairyman Beech St, Barbican. 2 Thomas B, staymaker 3 Bent Jas, shoemaker 4 Mansbridge Thos, draper 5 Smith Stephen, coffee rooms 6 Wacey J, for and eng bookseller 6 Romanel A, fur broker * Swinford Saml, lith printer 7 Westwood Robt, hatter * Trender Robt, walkg stk maker 8 Hood and Co, spirit merchants * Gibbons Edw, auctioneer 9 Cooper T, butcher 9 Maclintock Jas, working jeweller 10 Nind and Son, paper mnfrs 1 1 Taylor E, fruiterer 12 Bradley Benj, tobacconist 12 Braime Thos, carpenter 13 Fowler J B, " George" * Fowler J B, builder, &c 28 Aldridge Chas, furnishg ironmgr 29 Hill Thos, straw hat maker 30 Bower Wm, stay maker 31 Phillips E H, straw bonnet mkr 31 Hammond Jas, oilman 33 Beaton J, chemist & Fh pol mkr 34 Ravenhill Wm, linendraper 34 Morris Michl, bricklayer 36 Drawmer Thos, linendraper 38 Ingram B, timber merchant 39 Hull John, linen draper 40 Barry Alf, account book mnfr 41 M'Lachlan John, printers auctr 42 Southby Thos, hat maker 43 Poplett John, printer 44 & 45 Bilton J R, bootmaker 47 Bryant A U, tinman 48 Hooke Jos, baker 49 Hawkins Geo, pawnbroker 50 Brandon David, boot & shoemkr 5 1 Parry David, tobacconist 52^ Kiles J M, trimming seller 52 Smith W A, " King's Arms Tav" Beer lane, Tower street. 1 Samuel Joseph, cooper 2 Williams John Jas, lighterman Williams J, custom house agent 4 Ilberry & Saunderson, cus hse ags 5 Christey Wm, cust house agent 8 Easton Robt, tea dealer 9 Elliott Job, smith 10 Devey W, wine & spirit mcht 11 Edwards and Co, coal mchts 12 Jewson D, greengrocer 16 Talbot Jas " Ship Afloat" 17 Everitt Wm, lighterman 17 Waller J, lighterman 18 King Jas, cabinet maker 19 Drinkald J & J, shipowners 21 & 22 Burgie W J, carpemer 22 Foister & Co, oil & Italan mchts 22 Forster Matthew, wine merchant 25 Cater and Young, dairymen Belgrave ms, Haikin st, Bi. sq. Walter Jas, cowkeeper Hemmings Jno, beer retailer Bradford Jno, (i Coachmkr's Ar' ' Stevens J M, job and post master Hall Wm, boot and shoemaker Lewis John, tailor Carr Jno, plumber and glazier Mavor Wm, veterinary surgeon Coats, Blizard, & Co, coach mkrs IS Belgrave st, Low, Pimiico. Till Wm, " Plumbers' Arms" 1 Hornsby Jas, baker *1 Hornsby Jas, coal merchant 9 Jordan Wm P, surgeons 9 Jordan Wm P, regis of bhs & dhs 13 Davis David, surgeon 19 Thorpe Geo, merchant 20 Anwyl Owen, grocer 21 Mares Wm and Jno, upholsterers 23 Lightfoot J, surgeon and chemist 24 Walter J K, cheesemonger 24 Mascall Jno, tailor 25 Hall Joseph, fruiterer 26 Gibbons Samuel, tailor 30 Griffith Wm, surgeon 28 Jones Thos, builder Belgrave st, South, 2 Williams Wm, tailor 7 Exton Thos, builder 10 Hawkridge John, builder 11 Holmes Thos, statuary & mason 12 Bennett J, bricklayer and plaster Belgrave st, Upper, Pimiico. 11 Farrance Ed, * Farrance's Hotl" Belgrave ter, Pimiico. Grosvenor Slate Wharf, Flinn Jas, slate merchant Belinda St, Canonhury sq. Ming. 1 Wesson John, " The Castle'' Roe E, surgeon 3 Smith Robt Henry, baker 4 Toms J, dairy Bell alley, Gt, Coleman St. 8 Weston Thos, coal merchant 9 Badger T and Son, soot merchts 10 Morton T M, butcher 12 Knott Wm H, boot maker Rutter Saml, " Butler's Head" 13 PhilJpot Richd, sheriff's officer 13 Russell Jno, hairdresser 14 Kite Thos, greengrocer 15 and 16 Yeats Robt, oilman 17 Goodman Thos, baker 18 Johnson Thos, painter and glazr 19 Stockley Moses, exp iron agent Bell alley, Lit, Coleman St. 1 Paine , hairdresser 2 Edmonds Thos, bookseller 3 Hewitt Jno, portmanteau manfr 4 Bonsor Henry, fishmonger 5 Davies D, grocer 6 Vause Jas, butcher 7 Martin Saml, Blue Last" 9 Perry C, bookseller 9 Brain and Co, woollen warehouse 10 Wilcox Isaac, tailor Pruitt Sarah, greengrocer lOJTayler W H, cheesemonger 11 Monk W, " Shepherd & Flock" 12 Corse Henry, bootmaker 13 Bull Rich, grocer &c 14 Pullen Jas, greengrocer 14JPullen Jas, grocer 15 Hooke Josh, baker 16 Richards Jas, haberdasher 17 Maud W A, bootmaker 20 Willmot Th, machine ruler 21 Avery Henry, tailor 22 Sutton John, tailor 23 Hunt Wm Thos, grocer 23Thorley Robt and C^f merchants 24 Woods Wm, tailor 25 Mapley Jerem, flint glass cutter 25 Beckenn W F, accountant 26 Goudge Wm, bootmaker 27 Whittet G, baker 28 Wilcox Jos, trimming seller 29 Emery Wm, tailor 30 Harriss R J, wholsale shoe whse 31 Seager Ebenezer, tobacconist 31 Berwick Wm, picture frame mkr 32 Oglesby Edw, coffee rooms 32 Cooper Jas, hair dresser Bell alley, Gosweii st. Wright Ann, cabinet maker Bell Ct, Cannon st, City. Perkins Benj, tin plate worker Bell Ct, Fenchurch st. Taylor Henry, " Blue Anchor" Bell Ct, Gray's inn lane. Scott John, glass cutter Bell Ct, Mincing lane. Smith Jno H, wine merchant Rainey, Bruce, & Co, merchants Birkett D, wine merchant 2 Heatley R and Co, bottle mrchis Heatley R and Son, wine merchts Bell la, Spitaljields. Backhouse Mary, pat malt fctry Grimsdell Samuel, builder 10 Glessing Jno, musical string mkr 1 8 Edwards C & Sou, musl in str mfs Bell St, Edgware road. 2 Davis Edw, beer retailer 5 Chapman David, shopkeeper 11 Oldhams G, bricklayer 15 Gooch Robt, baker 16 Manning Jer, builder 17 Suttle J, coal dealer 18 Watts D, grocer 2 1 Elliott Rich, tobacconist 22 Pett R, coal dealer 23 Gomm Jas, carpentr & undertkr 25 Hiscock Jas, shoemaker Row Thos, " Key" 29 Burn T, furniture broker 29 Arthur Thos, oilman 30 Cooper R Webb, beer retailer 31 Fowler J, hairdresser 32 Cox E, coffee rooms 32 Bingham Geo, farrier 33 Elliott John, carpenter 34 Gooding Chas, academy 39 Seabrook Jno, tin plate worker 44 Wheeler Wm, cheesemonger 49 Swinburn Wm, carman 51 Dearden Wm, tobacco pipe mnfr 55 Clark Wm, baker 56 Pullenger Geo, tobacco pipe mnfr 57 Glover Richard, butcher Bell yard. Doctor's Commons. 1 Belcher Geo, tailor 2 Barrett W, conveyancer 3 Wynn Jas Robt, stationer 6 Vicar General's Okkicb * Charlton Thos, junr, record kpr John Nicholl 7 Clarkson W G, proctor * Gray G H, accountant 8 Cutler Chas, solicitor 8 Bayford Dr BEL STREET KEY. BEN 9 Hodgkinson Edw, solicitor 10 Hockley E, conveyancer Bell yd. Gracechurch-st. 2 Parker John, fruiterer 3 Taylor Thos E, painter &c 4 Ruff Harvey, "The Bell" Hildyard J, " White Hart" 7 Mackie P, hair dresser 3 Denny V, boot maker 9 James David, dairyman 10 Haseldine W, tallow chandler 11 Choppin Wni, smith., &c. Bell yd, Temple Bar. 1 Bryant F W, "Haunch of Vens" 4 Elms Wra, greengrocer 5 Kearney Thos and Son, bootmkrs 6 Dodging Win, tailor 7 Irwin A, house painter 8 Bond W H, law bookseller 9 Watkins Jno, bookseller 10 Rackett W T m, deed box maker 1 1 Mazzoni Matthew, statuary 12 Chevalier B, fishing tackle makr 13 Blake Ben, bookseller 14 Bowness & Son, fishing task mkr 15 Lake Peter, "Three Herrings" 17 Wheeler Henry, carpenter 18 Rackett Sarah, smith 20 Scott Robt, watch maker Law Society Club House Maughan Robt, secretary 23 Middlesex Register Office- 24 Harper Robt, law stationer 25 Heraud and Sons, law stationers 26 Willis Jas, solicitor 26 Boudillian Chas, barrister 26 Lister G A, barrister 26 and 39 Stevens V and R, and Nor- ton G S, law booksellers 27 Lowe Jos, law stationer 28 Melhuish Saml, bootmaker 29 Reader Ch, law bookseller 29 Borthwick Jno, baker 30 Hammond W H, auctioneer 32 Maxwell Alex, law bookseller Maton Thos, " Sugar Loaf 33 Bowness G jun, fishing tack mkr 34 Mark W, bootmaker 35 Illes Geo, carpenter 36 Walters Chas, news agent 37 Stevens Sam, printer * Perkins Robt, ladies' shoe maker 38 Roworth C and Sons, printers 40 Fowler H A, bricklayer 41 Devine J, dining rooms 42 Henley Thos, carpenter 43 Challenor S, oyster warehouse 44 Lardner Jno, muffin baker 45 Kimber Edw, butcher 46 Varney W r m, dairyman 47 Mason Win, fruiterer Bell Sauvage yd, Ludgate hill. Price's Hotel Nelson John," Coach office" Harris T, " Belle Sauvage Tap" 10 Stone Edw Jas, card maker Bell'S buildgS, Salisbunj sq. 1 Weldon Jas, feather rnercht 5 Home T, general engraver 6 Allen John, jeweller 8 Glanville Thos, tailor 11 Souter Wm, tea urn manuf 12 Benyon E, hardwmn & S & B agt * Sykes and Son, powder flask mnf * Wilkinson 11 D & Co, Shef pi w C2 BeltOXl St, Long Acre. 1 Chambers Saml, beer retailer 2 Field Thos, tobacconist Cox Jas, " Cross Keys" 5 Brown Jos, coach lace manf 7 Steedman J,jananr& tin pit wkr 10 St John Rich, dlr in bid materls 13 Prestwidge Saml, cheesemonger Mortimer Wm,"Guy Earl of W" 26 Alley Jno, tin plate worker 27 Williams Jno, grocer 28 Cain J, tailor 29 Barnard Jno, artists' cabinet mkr 34 Davidson John, coal dealer 35 Willament S, '' Three Tuns" 37 Edwards T, bricklayer 39 Levy Jacob, scale maker 40 Levien Henry, French polisher 4 i Jones J, ironmonger Belvidere bldgS, Borough rd. 3 King John, optician 6 Watkins E, sen, dlr in bid mats Hill John, retailer of beer Maynard Thos, shopkeeper Belvidere pi, Borough road. 1 Nicholson Robt, chair maker 29 Murrell Geo, wire drawer 34 Mearns Agnes, pen & quill whse 35 Burfield Benj, axletree maker 38 Clark Geo, coach bldr 41 Jones Robt, wire worker 42 Bran A, mason 44 Fowell J D, solicitor 45 Errington Cath, grocer 46 Bowdon Josh, " Britannia" 48 King Charles, chairmaker Williams T J, lath render 50 Kington G H, coal sack maker 52 Lamb B, dealer in buildingmats 52 Davey Henry, carpenter, &c 53 Scott Wm, dairy 54 Curson Thos, undertaker 54 Daney R, beer retailer 58 Rayner Thos, butcher 59 Edwards E, corn dealer Belvidere rd, Lambeth. Simmonds and Morten, millers Acre Wharf. Cosser and Son, timber mrchts Maudslay, Son and Field enginrs Gladdish W & T N, lime burnrs Ordnance Whurf. Spedding and Ward, coal mcht^ Cox Ann, timber merchant Langtou & Robinson, timber mht Robinson II , saw mills Sinnott W and J, scavengers Langton Thos, timber merchant Barnard Jno & Co, timbr mercht Sherwood, Bailey & Co, brcklyrs College Street. Malleit D, lighterman Chapman E, " White Hart" Miller W, coal merchant Dixon Robt S, coal merchant College Wharf. Hopkins Robert, lighterman Winslaha W, builder Walker G F, saw mills Routledge & Co, scaglidla works Washbrough W, ale agent I Cooper and Fore9, slate mchts Coles and English, soap makers Eastwood Jane, lime & cemt met Smith Geo, timber merchant Belvidere Wharf. Childs Coles & Co, coal mchts Rutter Henry, coal merchant Matthews Jos, coal merchant Lambeth Water Wokks Goding J & Co, " Lion Brewery" Bennett and Edwards, hay mchts Peache J C, timber merchaet Peache Clement, lighterman Walker, Parker & Co, lead mchts Belvidere Coal Wharf. Pheasant and Byron, timbr mchts Stahlschmidt, J C, coal mercht Matthews Josh, coal merchant Mos Alfred, coal merchant Fowler and Foot, coal merchts Storey M C, coal merchant Mallett Wm Jas, lighterman Thomsett J, mill & engine smith Garland Thos, lath render Graves S, tailor Chamberlain Jos, grngr & carmn 36 Chamberlain Benj, carman 37 Patrick M K, builder Muggeridge Wm, corn mercht 33 Cross Dan, coffee house 32 Clark Thos, eating house 31 Baldwin Thomas, tailor Grellier P P & Co, imp for wines Cox W H, barge builder Eldridge A, " King'sHead" Everitt C, " Waterman's Arms" Applebee J, eating house Smithwaite H, firewood dealer Davidson James, baker Ibbott James, lighterman Sherwood W,carptr & undertaker Young Geo, " Green Dragon" Oddy J, Old Giuldford Barge" Spurrell Jn, herald & ormtl pntr Travers John, veterinary surgeon Cribb R," Guildford Barge" Craxford John, lath render Keene C & Co, india rubber mnfrs Grissell and Peto, builders Benjamin St, Cow-cross. Onions John, working jeweller 4 Lloyd Saml, ivory & wood turner Whitaker C & J, fringe mid trnrs 5 Crow W R, timber merchant 9 Harbour Ann, grocer 10 Minshaw Samuel, retlr of beer 1 1 Smith Chas, retailer of beer 13 Evershed Thos E, tallow chandr 15 Jones Thos, jeweller 16 Gilbert George, bricklayer 17 Smith Wm, cowkeeper Bennett St, Black friars road. 1 Harden J M, mason 4 Nelson and Ackerman, lin draps 7 Pardon Wm, printer 7 Cox T, solicitor 9 Parsons John, printing ink manf Woods and Cos, ale stores 12 Steel Hy, tailor 15 Beale Chas, hat manufacturer 16 Smith R, carver and gilder 16 Ibbs J C, tailor 17 Field C D, builder 20 Stone and Roberts, builders 21 Green J, bricklayer 22 Brand Thos, " King's Arms " 19 BEN STREET KEY, BER Weston E J, builder 26 Gilbert Jos Fras, artist Bennett St, Raihbone place. 2 Whitby James, tailor 3 Truelock John., chinaman 4 Wingate J, painter 5 Saunders W H, grocer 6 Cash Wm, undertaker 8 Clarke R, carpenter 8 Pal serf- Robert, shoemaker 9 Wood Edw, " Bunch of Grapes'' Bennett st, $- James's. 3 Challacombe J, milliner 5 Dyer W T, surgeon 6 Dennison B, *' Blue Posts" 7 Parnell and Smith, surgeons 7 Parnell I J, solicitor 8 Scott and Son tailors Bennet's hill, Doctor's Corns. 3 Bishop Geo & Chas, herald pntrs 8 Alford Chas, cooper 10 Coombs W H and J, builders 11 Rownson and Drew, ironmongers 12 Kingston R, | Rose and Ball " Hehald College 18 Jennings and Cox, proctors 19 Hudson W, architect and survey 20 Slade and Pitcher, proctors Sladen Glennie and Co, proctors Bentinck St, Manchesster sq. 4 Lemann C M, surgeon 10 Bartlett James, physician 1 1 Crossley John, perfumer 13 Goodger Wm Fredk, surgeon 14 Isidore M, hairdresser 18 Burr Robt, upholsterer Bentinck st, &> . 3 MorleyWmC. tailor 3 Wall Matilda, ladies school 4 Rotton Wm H, working jeweller 6 Rozier John, undertaker 7 Wust C Wm, tailor 8 James James, gun case manufr Beresford st, Walworth. Barwick Thos, coach master Tanner Wm, tallow chandler Mitchell Thos, carpenter Burroughs H, Beresford grm schl Berkeley court, cierkenweii. 3 Kerby John, springer 5 Brookes Jos, watch spring maker 7 Lamb Josh, clockmaker 9 Readyard, , furrier 10 Truscoat and Co, wire drawers 14 Swindell T, watch case springer Berkeley mews. Lucas W, livery stable keeper Berkeley place, Edgcware nL Penny Thos, carver and gilder Laporte G H, artist Berkeley square, 4 Sharp B J, bookseller & statner 6 Fowke Fred, surgeon 7 Gunter R and J, confectioners Lister Danl, solicitor 24 Smirke Sydney, architect 25 Tatton Jane, Bailey's Hotel' r 26 Banner Samuel, surgeon 03 Nicholson Thos, surgeon 20 Berkeley St, Cierkenweii. 1 James P, baker 5 Brake Jas, carpenter 7 Cleveland Robt, seal engraver 8 Seager Wm, watch glass manufr j 10 Halford R G, working jeweller 11 MaVere Peter, fancy brush makrl 11 Clark Jas, marine store dealer 14 Pugh Jas, Ship" 17 Clark B, butcher 18 Wheatcroft Wm, brassfounder 19 Smith Peter, bricklayer 20 Dell Jno, grocer and cheesemugr Berkeley St, Berkeley sq. Dale, " Gloucester Coffee House" 4 Guthrie G J, surgeon 7 Tatum Thos, surgeon 9 Harrison E, solicitor Berkeley st, Upper, 2 Pitcher Chas, Ci Portman Arms 1 ' 3 Corderoy M, dairy 8 Prosser Jas, fruiterer 9 Archer W, surgeon and chemist 9 Durham R G, news agt & Statu r j 12 Humphreys P, wholsale wine and spirit merchant 27 Thompson D, baker 28 Motherail W, surgeon 37 Dolman Fred, carver and gilder 38 Day E, estate agent 39 Price Geo, tea dealer 40 Neale Danl, shoemaker 41 Teulon Thos, corn dealer 42 Dobell H, plumber, &c. 42 Drake M A, milliner 44 Ade 1) F, grocer 45 Meybruch Fred, tailor 46 Hazetton Alfred Wm, builder j 51 Blake Chas, " Masons' Arms'' 52 Applin Geo, cheesemonger 62 Crawford M, physician 66 George M, stationer and bookselr 69 Cares John, baker 70 Boorman Wm, grocer 71 Barratt T and J, coach makers 72 Pitt Eliz, chinaman 73 Knapp M, surveyor Berkeley st, W, Up Edwre rd. 8 Knapp J W & Co, upholsterers 9 Gregory Geo Saml, surgeon 15 Lounds Jno, watchmaker^ 19 King Mary, grocer 20 Keene R, '' Duke of Kindall" 25 Saich M, carpenter and builder 30a Speller Wm, builder 33 Hart G W, portrait painter 41 Butt Geo, coal merchant 42 Warrington W, artist in stain glss 44 Parker J, tailor Cox Thos, livery stables Bermondsey Leather mar. 2 Brown J and W, tanners 4 Poppleton R, leather factor 4 Billiter W & Son, leather fact rs 5 Hepburn J & T, tanners & factors 1 6 Boutcher and Mortimer, leather- sellers and factors 7 Brooksbank A & Sons, lthr i'ctrs 8 Craig David, leather factor 9 Morrison Wm, leather merchant Bermondsey Skin xnarkt. hide and Skin Salesmen. Hicks C Wentworth Wm Beebe Wm Green John Budge B Challis Thos Kelly John Marshall J Warmington James Redhead Benjamin Hodges Wm Lancefield Harriet Gardener Wm Cook Samuel Thompson James Caldwell J Wall P Jones J, Morton Relph Bermondsey New Road 21 Sharp Jno Geo, glass cutter 1 Brooks Alfred, haberdasher 2 Austin Thos, cheesemonger 2 Owen T, hair dresser 3 Davis Wm, hair dresser 3 Nye W, tobacconist 4 Bean Ben, pattern &c, maker 9 Abrahams Benj, clothes salesmn 6 Pulley Wm, confectioner 5 Miller Jas, toyman 7 Hean John, pork butcher 8 Seymour Wm, bootmaker * Dare S, timber merchant 2 Davies Thos, lint maker Lowe Jas, u Pagoda" 16 Tiley Wm, baker 18 Wells HenW, pumpmaker 19 Harleigh David, baker 21 Stickwood Robt, beer retailer 22 Solloway Major, general dealer 24 Smith Jas, potato salesman 25 Levi Ann, chinaman 27 King John, '' Three Compasses' Clarke John, greengrocer Barkwith Geo, pork butcher Goodwill John, grocer 9 Smith and Son, tanners 8 Holder John, cheesemonger 16 Overall F, baker 15 Turner J, plumber Nash Rich, coffee rooms 6 Farrow Josiah, eating house 3 Hunt Wm, butcher Smith and Brodribb, soap mkrs 1 Davies Thos, butcher 2 Knight Henry, corn dealer 10 Cooper M, grocer 9 Avery W, biscuit baker 4 Leach W, bootmaker 5 Neville S, cabinet maker Lambert Wm, currier 9^ Friston J, boot maker Groom W, baker Sugden John, mason Fowler J, bricklayer Hitching Chas, surgeon Hunt Wm, butcher 3 Coppin J, greengrocer Cordrey Evan, fellmonger Scarlett John, wheelwright Deacon Wm, leather factor 14 Rose H, coal merchant 2 Craffa , York house academy Printer's place. 3 Alsing H J, timber merchant Bermondsey sq, 1 Collie Jas, baker 2 Abrahams W H, "Five Bells" 5 Turner W H, surgeon 18 Kebbell A S, broker 19 Wadeson Jno, greengrocer 20 Lapworth A, hatter 21 BisikerWm, butcher BER STREET KEY. BER 23 Blandford W J, tf Horns" 36 Knight Francis, grocer 38 Castle and Turner, surgeons 41 Cheverton Chas, carpenter 48 Haines T, butcher Bermondsey st. Sabine John, butcher 4 Crozier Thos, cork cutter 7 Magee E P, potatoe dealer 8 Spackman Christopher, boot mkr 10 Fagg James, butcher 1 1 Abbott W & Son, pat hair fit mnfr 13 ProsserWm, straw hat mnt'r 14 Walsh R, tobacconist 15 Barringer J, cow keeper 16 Oneill L, potato merchant 18 Lewis E, dairyman 19 Newington Jerh, beer retailer 22 Pim J B, dealer in marine stores 23 Smith Hen, grocer 24 Radley Jeremiah, potato warehs 25 Flaxton Wm Hen, poulterer 26 Smith Edw, George & Phoenix" 37 Cooper Thos, baker 39 Bourne Nathaniel, grocer 40 Tilyard Bj, " Swd &Bkr &Bs II" 41 Glock Geo, pork butcher 42 Kent Jas, baker 43 Wyatt J G, hairdresser 44 Sharman M, leather cutter 45 Dunham W, * O Swan & Bucklr ' 46 Mendes David, furniture broker 48 Brawn Jas Chas, poulterer 49 Daymont Robt Jas, tobacconist 49 Tovey H L, surgeon 49 Nice Thos, parchment maker 50 Deakin H, Baptist Head" 51 Quy James D, lmendraper 52 Wake John, baker 53 Boosey Abraham, cabim-t maker 55 Young S, broker 56 Evans Thos, dlr in marine stores 57 Brogden , shoemaker 60 Sherwin M H, slate merchant 60 Wharton Joseph, woolstapler 61 Dennis C, woolstapler 61 Webb C G, commission agent 61 Emdin Wm Hen, leather factor 61 Chad wick Thos, woolstapler 62 Assender Jos Jas, fellmonger 63 Toplis John, tobacco mnfr 64 Hill Wm, chemist Hogg Jno, ''Green Dragon" 68 Stock Stephen, currier 71 Harper Thos, " Black Swan" 72 Hooker Jos, hair merchant 73 Cundall T, morocco leather mnfr 73 Lattie Jos, currier 75 Shanks Ann, leather cutter 76 Richards J, whipmaker 79 Chapman J B, cooper 80 Drew Thos, oilman 81 Julius and Cameron, solicitors 84 Browning Jas, haberdasher 85 Jeflerys Wm. corn dealer Shipley W," Yorkshire Grey" 85 Sheam Wm, baker 86 Moody John, pewterer 87 Wheeler J, printer 88 Seaton Jos, butcher 89 Grose John, pawnbroker 91 Herron Geo R, fellmonger 90 Wood & Walker, worsted spinnrs 90 Glasscock Jas, baiter 93^ Winsor E, fellmonger 94 Bartington Silas, undertaker 98 Debell Francis, butcher 100 Denham Mary, tailor 101 Stratton Jas Fox, beer retailer 102 Medley Thos, horse hair mnfr 103 Jackson Sam & Co, wool mchts 103 Carpenter Wm, hairdresser 103 Rose John, fellmonger 103 Jackson J & Son, mchts & drysls 103 Jackson A & Crocker, mchts 103 Berrington Timy, rug mcht 105 Fryer H W, printer 106 Beichteller R, netmaker 1 06 Still J, potato salesman 106 Dear Geo, marine store dlr 107 Butcher Wm, bonnet maker 107 Brewer Jos, bootmaker 108 Randall G F," Bunch of Grapes" 109 Noll E F, baker 110 Waller Chas, cheesemonger 1 1 1 Slow R J, " Prince Wm Hen" 112 Hedger Wm, butcher 113 & 170 Christy & Co, hat mnfrs 115 Cook R, '< Anch and Balls" 116 Skinner Chas, shoemaker 116 Smith J, eating house Beardsell T H, leather dressei Lambton Wm, fellmonger 118 Pigot John, " Fox & Goose" 119 Norman J, dyer and scourer 120 Wadland Joseph, butcher 121 By ford S, greengrocer 124 Camden R, greengrocer 148 Teversham J E, cheesemonger 149 Gardiner E, grocer 150 Harris Wm, chemist 151 Runnington J, grocer 152 Hale Joseph, cheesemonger 153 Phillips Geo, linendraper 153 Stevens Geo, plumber Kudd W C, " Kings Ar & Hd" 160 Dixon Wm, oilman 161 Austin Hen, chemist 162 Tovey Hen, surgeon 163 Elkington S, woolstapler 163 Spence D, carman 164 Sexton Wm, tobacconist 165 Nelson S, china & glass dealer 166 Phillips Benj, undertaker 167 Curling Jesse, woolstapler 169 Austin Thos, baker 172 Harris Robt, pawnbroker 1 74 Bacon J and F, tanners 174 Beckwith H, corn dealer 175 Wilson John, grocer 176 Tye John, potato dealer 177 Prentis, C, butcher 178 Wigfield Wm, tin plate worker 179 Jolley John, butcher 1 82 Cronin W, greengrocer 185 Drew G, solicitor 186 Billing Edw, printer 192 Etwell T, greengrocer 193 Feltham John, pastrycook 195 Edsall Richd, surgeon 196 Gould Wm, woolstapler 1 97 Hewitt Edw, shoemaker 198 Shaw Jos, cheesemonger 199 Holland Sam, hatter Warwick Ann, "Queen's Head'' 200 Murray Wm, Jno, grocer 202 Crosby Wm, porkman 203 Lavender Thos Johnson, grocer 204 Wood S, undertaker 205 Broodbank J, coffee rooms 205 Hollingsworth J, " Woolpack" 206 Lewis H & Co, tobacco & snffmf 207 Bouru Jos, boot and shoe mkr 208 White Andrew, baker 210 Barker Robt, tallow chandler 210 Clntterbuck Jno, " Plough" 212 Chessney J, printer 212 Brown Robt, cowkeeper 212 Gard Chas, greengrocer 213 Chapman Jno, basket maker 214 East T & Co, leather dsr & dyer 216 Morris Jno, tailor 216 Smale J, tea dealer 217 Smale Geo, bootmaker 219 Rice Chas, hair manufacturer 223 Fowler T, hair dresser 224 Stock T, junr, woolstapler 224 Laker Edw, currier 225 Stracy Sparks, plumber 225 Spencer Emma, ladies school 227 Potter Chas, watchmaker 228 Moulden Josh Eldin, solicitor 229 Gaitskell Jno and Co, distillers 230 Legg T and Son, woolstaplers 230 Coats Jno, leather dresser Greaves Joshua, leather seller 231 Johnson Geo, tea dealer 231 Eastman Eliz, leather^cutter Grayley J and T, leather sellers Watts Wm Geo, solicitor 232 Tuach F and Son, woolstaplers 233 Berry W, bootmaker 234 Francome Joseph, grocer 234 Leaver J, hairdresser 235 Easton E, china and glass whse 236 Webber G, baker 238 Spanton John, cheesemonger 239 Pearce T, tripe dresser 241 Wilkinson Geo, oilman 242 Thurlow Robt, "New Grapes" 243 Wharton H and I, pawnbrokers 245 Fowls T W, butcher 246 Newry Wm, "Old Adam & Eve" 249 Sandham Hannah, grocer 250 Harris John, butcher 251 Dan^erfield Jno, cheesemonger 252 Wick John, pork butcher 254 Jackson W E, "3 Jolly Hattrs" 267 Rose Jno, "Old Cross Keys" 268 Cass John, cheesemonger 269 Riley Geo, grocer 270 Penson Geo, cheesemonger 271 Appelbee Saml, baker 272 Scrivener Amb, haberdasher 272 Edwards Jno, coal dealer 273 Aynsworth Benj, patten maker 274 Murray John, cheesmonger 275 Smith R, corn dealer 276 Smith Thos, carpenter 277 Smith John, butcher 278 Darling Hen, cheesemonger 279 Bayley Thos, boot and shoemkr 280 Titchmarsh T, greengrocer 281 Green Jas, fishmonger 282 Nix and Sons, butchers 283 Barham J,"Shipwrights' Arms" Bermondsey wall. Owst& Cotton, wd&trus hoop ms Brindley Rupert, slate merchant Brindley C, slate and coal mcht Challis and Pugh, boat builders Crisp Thos, ship builder Hayward W and J, boat builders Downing Wm, sail maker Downing Wm, barge builder Lucey Chas, lighterman Walton Thos, shipwright Dudin Henry, granary keeper Groves H and G, mastmakers Groves Thos, granary keeper Neal and Osborn, smiths Rattenbury Hen, coal merchant Glendining Adam, granary keepr flour factor, & coal merchant Sterry W B, sailmakcr 21 BER STREET KEY. BER Brewer H> mast maker Hollands D F & Son, coal mchts Brown and Young, granary kprs Williams W, ship builder Begbie & Young, corn factors Fountain Stairs Bayly Geo and Son, sail makers Laccohee T, " Lion and Castle " Summers Thos, granary keepers 17 Tanner Wm, harpoon manfr Tanner Wm, shipwright Naylor Jas, coal merchant Hall Wm, dlr in marine stores Sporle Wm, sail maker Hepburn Mary, ''Waterms Ars " Wicken Chas, "Old Justice" Bear Dan, "Admiral Tyrrel" Trewinnard Jos, watchmaker Sewers, Surrey amd Kent Duffield Sluices 20 Stoneham Geo, plumber Baker Geo,'ropemaker Morris J S and Co, ropemakers 27 Barrett Matthew, "3 Mariners" Lay John, tailor and draper Waeich John, baker Maddox John, grocer Kidner John, butcher Lawrence G, lighterman Cubitt Thos, " Grapes"' Scott J, mathematical inst mkr Ramsey Wm. plumber and glzr Smith Jas, " Golden Fleece" Windle A and Co, charcoal bnrs Wade Orlando, smith Addis Jno, granary keeper ; Davidson Geo, twine maker Brown James, carpenter Bernard St, Brunswick sq. 1 Pearsall and Jorden, auctioneers 6 Walton Henry H, surgeon 15 Hubbard Mrs, ladies' school 2 1 Dalton Jos, surgeon 37 King Osmer, surgeon 38 Bishop John, surgeon 39 Roget P M, physician 42 Blacklock John, bootmaker 46 Gilbert Geo, professor of music 52 Reid Robt, baker Berners mews. Middlesex Hos. 5 Mills Wm, wheelwright 14 Evans Rich, wheelwright 16 Kelly Wm, carver 18 Castles Charles, chair maker; 19 Grant Wm, wine cooper 23 Ling field Robt, veterinary surgn 29 Wood D, yeast merchant BemerS St, Commercial road. Hoskins T," George the Fourth" Hawkins Thos, carpenter Alcock W, wheelwright Stevens Jesse, beer retailer Jones John, carman Jones A J, quill merchant * Dench Wm, ironmonger 1 1 Phippard M, mason 15 Ellerd Wm, carpenter Fleet Thos, bootmaker Berners st, Oxford st. 1 Wood Mary, shoemaker 1 Black Henry, coach builder 2 Deacon Chas, auctioneer 3 Duff & Hodgson, piano forte mkrs Mawson S M, imp of pictures 4 Watts Wm, shoemaker 5 Bailey, Shaw, and Smith, slctrs 22 7 Ashton and Bryant, f1 Berner's Hotel" 8 Wilkins Misses, patent support manufacturers 9 Windeler Henry, tailor 10 Stedman Wm Chas, surgeon llaCreber R, pianoforte manufr 11 West Sam, portrait painter 1 1 Arundale F, artist 12 Schloss A, fancy stationer 12 Moseley L, dentist 13 Pratt J M and Co, wine mchts Boxall Wm, artist 14 Brand Geo, upholsterer 1 5 Geddes A, artist 16 Macfarlane Dugald, wine mcht 17 Hamilton & Justice, solicitors 18 Delvean Jas, harp maker 19 Robertson Andrew, artist 20 Rolandi Peter, for books & for lib * Arozoqui Mich, wine merchant * Yellowlees W, artist 21 Nisbet Jas and Co, booksellers 23 Erat Jacob and Jas, harp manfs 24 Eason H and J, curriers 26 Williams H, upholder 27 Gilbert J, artist 28 Filmer T H, cabinet maker 29 Allison & Allison, pianoforte mfs 31 & 32 Hindley Chas, carpet wrhse * King, Sadell & King, paper stnrs 33 Rathbone Geo, comb maker 34 Petrie Jno, India rubber manufr 34 Ruddelle L de, publisher & editor 35 Irvine R, baker 36 Speller Edw, grocer 37 Hawxby Thos, chemist 38 Tucker J H, surgeon 4 39 Harrison Thos, solicitor 40 Glover Thos, tailor 41 Hockley Elizabeth, midwife 42 Moody Chas, tailor 42 Sowerby Jas, commission agent 43 Cheyne Robt, surgeon 44 Smith Richard, woollen draper Turner H, painted baize manuf 47 Hollins John, artist 48 Thompson Hale, surgeon 49 Beevor Chas, surgeon 50 Lock Samuel, dyer 51 Schweppe & Co, min water manf 52 Essex J H, patent medicine prop 53 Stone F, artist Royal Med & Chirurgicai. Soc Hawkins C, secretary 55 Emslie E W, architect 55 Middleton John, pencil maker 57 Lambert J W, surgeon 58 Caplin R G, milliner & corset mkr 59 Patten Geo, artist 59 Caplin M, artist's mechanician 60 Best C F, upholsterer 6 1 Lewington G, surgeon 62 King Hannah, baker 63 Owen and King, upholsterers 65 Hume and Son, carvrs & gilders 68 Green Jas, artist 68 Collinson Jane, milliner 69 Holdsworth Saml, bookseller and stationer 70 Sarazin A & Co, wine merchants Delves Saml, goldsmith &jewellr 72 Arnold Geo, glove manufacturers Berry St. Clerkenwell. 14 Williams & Yates, mustard mnfs Berwick st, Soho. 1 Dolman Robt, coal dealer 2 Ravenshear Jno, cheesemonger 3 Nurdiu & Co, egg merchants 4 Merigan Michael, " Black Lion ' 5 Larkins Lambert, grocer 6 New Chas, glass & china dealer 7 Hucker John, greengrocer, &c. 8 O'Hara Owen, porkman 9 Swain Sarah, corn dealer 10 Osborn Andrew, butcher 1 1 Ford Henry, baker 12 Nurdin Paul and Co, egg mchts 13 Burck Peter, baker 14 Tubbs John, brush maker 15 Turner Wm, fruiterer 15 Wells Jas, sign board writer 15 Turner Wm, fruiterer 15 Wells Jas, sign board writer 16 Mills Wm, oil and colourman 17 Burman Jas, grocer 18 Irwin John, wig maker 19 Field George, dairyman 20 Flerance Chas, carpenter, &c 2 1 May John, gas fitter 22 Davis W M, "Blue Posts" 23 and 24 Roberts J, " Three Doves" 25 Davis Isaac, music printer 25 Dick Jno, tailor 26 Greaves Abm, saddle-tree maker 27 Tibbs Henry, working jeweller 28 Chapman John, chair maker 28 Smith Robt, tailor 29 Watts Jas, tassel and fringe mkr 30 Boram Jno, leather gun case mkr 31 Bell Chas Jno, engraver 31 Sexton Geo, wood carver 32 How and Son, tailors 33 Hildersley Thos, turner 33 Grinham Geo J, grocer 34 Moriaty Dan, harness maker 35 Green Fred, carpenter 36 Oakley Jno, bootmaker 37 Watkins Jas, " Cm & Apple re' 38 Baxter Gilbert, coal dealer 39 Gilbert Wm, tobacconist 39 Olive John, carver & gilder 40 Brasher Wm, furniture broker ' 41 Handley Chas, brass worker 42 Stalon Jno, wood carver 43 Edington Jas, bricklayer 43 Shearing Saml, working jeweller 44 Hopper Moses, "White Hart" 45 Green Wm, butcher 46 Matthews John, engraver 47 Feargus F P and Son, copper- plate printers 48 Woolmore Henry, seal engraver 48 Turley Wm, tailor 48 Parke Geo, jeweller 49 Galloway Thos, stove grate manf 51 Gaubert John, working jeweller 52 Lowe Jno, cabinet maker * Ferryman Fran, carver and gilder 53 Cope & Colinson, brass founders 54 Morris Edw and Son, tailors 55 David Frans, ornamental painter Brown Geo, tailor 56 Walsh W S & Co, for wine imps 57 Hayward John, u Green Man" 58 Sutton T, flsk & shot pouch mnfr 59 Sutton Thos, tobacconist 59 Bottom James, tailor * Percy E and L, milliners 60 Eaton James, stay warehouse 60 Eaton M, milliner 61 Rietiker Jacob, tailor 62 Unwin Benj, cowkeeper, &c 62 Peden Thos, coach builder 62 Duck Jas, coach painter 62 Clark Jos, tailor 63 Charman Wm, working jeweller BET STREET KEY, BET 64 Evans J S, vellum binder 65 Carter Jas, carver and gilder 65 Bouchard Lewis, dyer, &c 66 Morgan Thos, tailor 66^Foxell John, haberdasher 67 Aldous Jas & Son, pawnbrokers 68 Parrock F and M, milliners 70 Fitchett Josh, tailor 71 Hannett A, dyer 72 Pearce Mary, tobacconist 73 Randall Jno, grocer 74 Longmate Barak, engraver 75 Chirnside Henry, painter 77 Mather Jas, herald chaser 78 Gaball Jas, tailor 79 Arrowsmith Thos, tailor 80 Morriss Eliz, corset maker 80 Birbeck Geo, furrier 82 Watson Jas, brush maker 83 Moyle R, tailor 84 Wildey H, bedstead maker, &c 85 Smith Geo, coal dealer 86 Slade Louisa, clothes dealer 87 Leath Richard, grocer 88 Archer Wm, bookseller 89 Matthews Wm, hair dresser 90 Hillman T, " Hampshire Hog' 91 Hale Joseph, tobacconist 9 1 Houdrichon, Jean, jewel case mkr 92 Coruley Jno, boot & shoe maker Francis Geo, optician 93 Watson Jas, carver and gilder hford, C, grocer 40 Cook Jas, plumber and painter 33 / BOW STREET KEY. BRE 41 Hill Adams and Co, comn mchts 41 Sherriff'and Co, pat ledgr mnftrs 42 Hudson Edmd, lodging house 43 Lott Thos, solicitor 46 Scott Jos, warehouseman 46 Bentley J, woollen draper 47 Halley & Hutcheson, linen factrs 47 Dernen F & Co, imp of Fch goods 43 Bloomer Ann, oilman 49 Testar Hen, sewing silk manfetr 49 Mellor Jas and Co, lace mchts 50 Scarborough Jno, warehouseman 50 Ford &Brocklehurst, cloth mnfrs 51 Christie Wm, baker 53 Wood Josh, linen factor 53 Arch's general booking office 53 Munday Wm, printer 54 London Parcels Di.vy Compy, Ckntl City Rkc riving House 54 Rees Thomas, tailor 55 Davonport and Co, surgeons 56 Broadbent Jno, valentia warehs SOW lane 5 & ast India road. Higgins Jno, " Grave Maurice" Coster Jas, furniture broker Bow lane, Poplar. HollidayJn, " Greenwich Pens'' 2 Blue S, surgeon, &c BOW Street, Covent Garden. Henhest H, Grapes" Police Office Bumaby W D, chf clerk 5 Paul M and Co, soda water mnfs 6 Carter E, patent gas valve wareh Covent Gahden Theatre 7 Nicolas Jno Toup, chemist, drgt and surgeon dentist Hallmarke and Co, coachmakers 22 Way Cartwright, oilman 23 Dear and Son, bakers 24 Rogers Wm, builder 25 Harris Chris J, newsvender 26 Simson Fras W, cabinet maker 27 Lacey Edw, <( Garrick's Head' 1 28 Jones Jas, brass foundr & gas ftr 29 Crozier Robt, bookseller Taylor Jno, army clothier 30 Waghorne Wm, hairdresser 31 Fairbrother S G, printer 31 Watt Thos, tobacconist 32 Wood Wm and Sam, curriers 33 Police Station 35 Phillips R, coffee rooms 36 Carter James, wine rooms Jackson T, " Globe Tavern"' 39 Wilkins W, " Marq of Anglesea" Bowl yd, St. Giles's. 10 Croucher John, bricklayer 4 Belliston Jno, coach harn plater Johnston and Wyatt, brewers Bowling alley, Cripplegate. 1 Carpenter Wm, cloth worker Harris Thos, smith Bowling green la, Borough. 2 Showier John, cooper Bowling green la, Clerkenweil, 1 Bradbrook Jas, Cherry Tree" 4 Croxford Jacob, grocer 7 Wild Alfred, plumber 8 Sills J, gold chain maker 11 Davis Wm, baker 1 2 Brown Wm H, retailer of beer 34 15 Rose Sam, wheelwright 18 Days G L, tailor 20 Sinnott W and J, scavengers 26 Taylor John, ironmonger 24 Riley Dan, tailor 30 Jones J C, herbalist 39 Freeman Jno, comp ornmtmnfrer Bowling St, Clerkenweil. 1 Towell Hen, horse slaughterer 3 Sieling J, harp & viol strng mkr 5 Freer Rich, bow string maker 7 Chantrey Thos, wheelwright 1 4 Godson Geo, carcase butcher 22 Kalberg Michael, fur skin dyer 29 Such Thos W, builder, &c 34 Hurst Wm D, tobacco pipe manfr Bowling St, Marylebone. 1 Ludlam John, cutler 2 Phii>ps, Sam, butcher 3 Charlton R, baker 4 Boyls W, bookseller 5 Daniell A and G, pawnbrokers 7 Gallaway Geo, oilman 8 Crawford John, bootmaker 10 Spalding Sam, greea grocer 10 Watson Jas, cabinet maker Bowling St, Westminster. 1 Feild Chas, upholder 3 Winder Celia, wardrobe warehse 4 W T right C, 'King's Arms" Attrell John, shopkeeper 12 Jekyll R, grocer 13 Urry Wm, baker Haselden Wm, "Adam & Eve" 20 Allen Geo, butcher 27 Divine Jas, dairyman 28 Payne J, tailor Boyle St. Burlington gardens. 2 Whitehead Geo, conveyancer 3 Stephenson A, dairyman 6 Schreder Lewis, bootmaker 7 Watkins John, cupper Burlington School Bozier's Ct. Tottenham court rd. 2 Cobley Rich, ham shop 3 Brittlebank Wm, hairdresser 4 Couchman H, tailor 5 Westell Jane, bookseller 6 Lear Henry, fruiterer 7 Mansfield Mary, shoemaker 9 Simpson John, shoemaker 10 Cross Thos, butcher 1 1 Merrett, Wm, butcher 12 Ingram Thos, butcher 13 Howell Wm, china dealer Brabant ct, Phiipot lane. 1 Gilbert and Co, solicitors 2 OUey Thos, wine merchant Aiskell, Child & Co, wine mchts 2 Buisson and Co, merchants Elin J B, merchant Armstrong Wm, merchant 2 Killick John, merchant Buller R and Co, wine merchants Boiler V A and Co, wine mchts Cole T H, agent and broker 3 Barry Chas, ship & insur broker 3 Marshall William & Co, mchts 3 Townend Wm and Co, mchts 3 Paravagna & Casella, coral mcts 3 Franks and Co, tea agents * Williams Wm, wine merchant 4 .lebson Wm and Co, merchants 4 Spaeth C B, merchant 5 Lewis Brothers, whol tea dealers 6 Follett and Co, wine merchants Brackley St, Barbican. 17 Bampton James, coal dealer Bradford St, Liverpoolrd, Islig. Sadler J, turner H enshall J, engraver Branch pi, Hoxton. 25 Helm R, beer eng manf & pent Brandon rW, Newington cause u>. 1 Price J, butcher 2 SlemmonTW B, drawginst mkr 4 Hopkins Emma, greengrocer Pember Matt, painter Brandon St, Loci's Fields, JVul. Galland F, whls ladies shoe mnfr 17 Cowing John, beer retailer Moore Wm, dlr in building mat Stedman Jas, baker Higgs C, cowkeeper Hudson Hen, ". Duke of Suffolk" 65 Beacham Jno, carpenter 66 Bray R, pocket book maker 72 Witherington Jas, surgeon 99 Cummings W, boot and shoe mkr Prangnall Hen W, beer retailer Laney Thos, beer retailer 107Holmes John, grocer Brazier's bids, Farnngdon st. 1 Shipley Wm, cock founder 10 Jones J, dairyman 16 Radmall G, undertaker Bread st, Cheupside. 2 Turner W and Co, hat mnfrs Murray Wm, " Bull's Head" 4 Cook, Rhodes & mf 5 Gent, Millar & Co, silk mfs & agts 5 Hutchinson T M & Spiller, car- pet warehouse 5 Jacob & Hoare, commissn agents 5 Godfrey and Meains, com agents 5 W T hittaker Hen, hat maker 6 Carpenter S, web manufacturer 7 Luck, Bouch & Co, warehsemen 9 Horrocks's &Co, cotton mnfrs 9 Horrocks Jno & Co, K I mchts * Kerfoot T H, merchant 1 1 Black, Neil and Co, merchants 12 Sneil J P, commission agent 12 Nevill J W, warehouseman 13 Coates & Co, American mchts 13 Hillard John/merchant 14 Thomas Wm & Co, linen factors 15 Peel, Allan & Clarke, Man whse 16 Brown and Co, muslin mnfrs 18 Burra Jas, solicitor 18 Burra Robt, jun 20 Townend Wm, hat manfacturer 2 1 Bridge J S, pat esk W W and R, tallow meltrs Steel John, wheelwright 20 Austin John, auctioneer Whitings Dixon and Co, hatter's furriers Bridge St, Lambeth. 1 Pendered John, ironmonger 2 Solome D, refiner 3 Martin Geo, coffee rooms 4 Merrick John, paper stainer 5 Woodgate H M, tailor and drapr 6 Parker John, bootmaker Parker John, tobacconist 7 Henton Saml, saddler * Broadhurst Jas C, ft! Crown" 8 Taylor Geo, tobacconist 9 Hancock Rich, dining rooms 10 Deighton M A. milliner 11 Lott Wm, pastrycook Lott Wm, dealer in wines 12 By worth Mary, watchmaker 7 Hume Edward, hair dresser * Mackintosh A, " Old Red Lion" Bridge St, Southwark. 1 Willans Wm, manuf prep barley Williams Wm, accountant & agt 2 Edmonds Chris, surveyor 3 Pearce Wm, painter 4 Holdstock Geo, printer Walker and Co, scale makers 6 Seaton John, ironmonger Davies Geo, " Brown Bear" W T ilkes J C, bookseller 14 Parry Wm, saddler Shauley Francis, printer Howe John, bricklayer 17 Rayment C, lighterman 6 Pott C A and W, vinegar manfrs Samuda, Brothers, engineers Sisterson W H, smith and engnr Irwin Thos and Co, hat manfr Bunting C M, milliner 14 King Jacob, livery stable keeper Smith and Sons, blind makers Frankham Henry, hat manufactr 24 Holmer Geo, solicitor Bowler Jno and Son, hat manfr 25 Burbidge T B, whol hosier, &c. 22 Parr F, register of births . Smith R C, sol & vst elk of St Sav 16 Porter W, carver 12 Waters W, umbrella maker 14 Hedges Henry, saddler 15 Chitty J, baker 13 Alford Robt, engraver and printr 11 Cole Elizabeth, dealer in toys 8 Howell Joseph, surgeon Ashton Geo, hairdresser 10 Warmington John, grocer 5 Blackmail W, music seller 6 Towill Edw, boot and shoe mkr 4 Waller W, linen draper 3 Chandler John, baker 2 Moss Samuel, coffee house 1 Wood Wm, surgeon Bridge st, Westminster. 1 Ginger Danl, " Ginger's Hotel" 2 Randolph John, surgeon 2 Potter Henry, musical inst mkr 3 Smith Thos, gun maker 38 4 Silenne A, coffee rooms 4 Croucher Josh, parliamentary agt 5 Weatherley Saml, chemist 6 Rush Geo M, tailor 7 Hannah & Heath, wine mchts 8 Kells Lionel, surgeon 9 Banks and Mann, tea dealers 12 Keith George, baker 14 Fendell F, Exchequer Hotel" 1 5 Gill Mary, china warehouse 16 Rowe W, haberdasher 16 Smyth Lewis, Parliamentary agt 17 Herbert Josh, " King's Am Hotl" 18 Harris Henry, stationer 19 Drew Jas, hosier 20 Lucas Henry, confectioner 21 Painter W, " Horseshoe & Mag" 23 Cole Jacob, hatter 24 Darke Wm, hairdresser 25 Howard Hen, Italian warehouse 26 Blake John, wine merchant 27 Wybroo W, cheesemonger 28 Mansfield John, " Oliver's Hotl" 45 Asseretti John, toyman Bridge St, Lit, Blackfriars. Fryer W, woollen warehouseman Wilmore Edw, " Ship" Wiggins W jun, horse dealer Row Chas, painter and gilder 4 Barlow Fr and Geo, wine mchts Clark and Barlow, wine mchts Bridge St, Lit, Westminster. 14 Grabham W, saddler 1 5 Cuthbert T and J, wax chandlers 15 Peppercorne Francis, surgeon Bridge St, New, Blackfriars. 1 Hand in Hand Fire & Life Of Steven Robt, secretary 2 Bell's Weekly Messenger 3 Licensed Victuallers' Prot So Smith Thos, secretary 4 Tustin and Barlow, solicitors 4 Bignold and Mawe, solicitors 5 Flower Arthur, auctioneer 5 Sntcliffe and Birch, solicitors Eton Book Warehouse Williams E P, publisher 6 Hope Insurance Office Bury Wm, Sparrow F and Co, tea dealers and wine merchants 9 Taylor Joseph, surgeon 10 and 11 Radley G, " New London Hotel" 12 Littlewort Chas Jas, dentist 13 Holding Chas, surgeon Bridewell Hospital t 14 Rock Life Assurance Office Lewis W S, actuary 15 Stephens and Son, tailors 16 Oliver and Raven, solicitors 17 Hogard Fred, solicitor 18 Le Blancs and Cook, solicitors Spicer J E and Sons, whl statrs 19 Gas Light and Coke Co's Of Burls Chas, sec 20 W of Eng Fire & Life Ins Of 20 Anderton Jas, solicitor 21 Fox J and Son, surgeon dentists 22 Torkington P T, solicitor 26 Anderton and Scott, solicitors 23 Ware Martin, oculist 24, 25 Attwood & Smith, gls mnfrs 26 Tyrrell Fred, surgeon Equitable Assurance Office Morgan Arthur, actuary 28 Barber W H, solicitor Builders' Benevolent Inst London Investment Company Woodhouse Geo D, solicitor 26 Alex and Jones, dentists 27 Hartley James, solicitor 28 Curtis H T, wholesale stationer 29 Agricul & Gen Life Assu Of Kirkman C F, residt manager 31 Roberts Dr C J, physician 33 Crown Life Assur Go's Of Conyers T G, sec 34 Economic Life Assurance So Downer J J, sec 35 Braithwaite and Ramsay, col agt 36 North and Co, whlsl tea dealers 38 Standard Office St James's Chronicle Office 39 Quartermaine&Co, "York Htl" 40 Purser Edward, chemist 41 Wix Hen, bookseller & publisher 42 Albion Assurance Office Charlton E, sec Bridge st, New, Vauxhaii. Hudson J, bookseller Mash and Co, printers 1 Penhey H, oilman Bottom & Hogg, chmsts and srgs Jones Geo H, cheesemonger 2 Samuel J C, linen draper 3 Smith John P, grocer 4 Sheen J R, chemist 5 Vickridge James, china shop 5 Wilkinson Joseph, milliner 6 Smith James, linen draper Parratt James, tailor 9 Davies Hannah, ladies' shoe mkr 4 Hailey Chas, cheesemonger 5 Purssey Edmund, butcher 6 Groome Robt, tobacconist 7 Palmer Wm, bookseller 8 Austen Sarah, Italian warehouse 9 Roberts Jas, linen draper 14 Folkard Joshua C, pawnbroker Larard Jas, watch and clock mkr 4 Lynn Eliza, confectioner 6 Mawby W Jos, ladies' shoe whs 15 Callaway Geo, tailor 4 Jones J W, surgeon 1 Gadd Chas, chemist Robertson Jas, baker Brokhes W, plumber and glazier Inkpen Jno, builder Ford Wm, boot maker Ibberson Chas, tobacconist Leach James, surgeon BridgehoUSe Ct, Graceehch st. 38 Ricketts Brothers & Co, mchts BridgehoUSe pi, Newington cy. 1 Eckstedt Thos, piano forte mkr 2 Shoveller W, currier & leathr cut 3 Clarke Thos, iionmonger 4 Bunnett W and A, blind makers 5 Bellamy S L, druggist 6 Caston Thos, ironmonger 8 Attenborough R, pawnbroker 9 Woods Wm, baker 10 Nye Joseph, surgical inst mkr 1 1 Broumton J, carver and gilder 12 Lines Joseph, coach builder 12 Obbard R & Co, wndow gls wrhs 14 Howard R and Son, builders 15 Leach John, house agent 16 Hopkinson J, saw and plane mkr 17 Turner Geo, stove grate mntr 18 Miller Geo, cabinet maker BRI STREET KEY. BRI 1 9 Briggs C, upholsterer 20 Acret Geo Edw, truss maker 21 Crawley Chas Jas, bricklayer 22 Gee W C, bedding mnfr 23 Heath Job andEbenezer, curriers 24 Puddicombe T, newspaper agent 25 Wharram & Son, funrl carg msts 26 Cavel Mary, chair maker 26 Hutchence Mrs, dress maker 27 White N, auctioneer 29 Pearce Sarah, broom merchant 31 Worship W, engraver 32 Weaks and Luckins, millstn mkrs Faint J and W, " Boro' hay mrkt"' 33 Lever J C W, surgeon 34 Beale Jas, boot maker 35 Mill W, house agent 36 Allbright Elizabeth, stationer 37 Bromfield Geo, brush maker 38 Marlow, Lancaster & Co, lin drps 39 Mill Thos, dentist 40 Summers Sam, tailor 41 Kewell A, ready made linen whse 42 Coles L R, umbrella maker 43 Miles E, sadlrs im and leath selr 44 Barnes Wm, printer 45 Barton Wm, upholsterer 46 Waygood Rd, agrclt implt mkr 47 Walker John, undertaker 48 Prime Jno, coffee rooms 49 Maitland Jas, perfumer 50 Boxsius A, furrier 51 Kipps & Walker, paper stainers 52 Warren Jno, piano forte maker Bridgewater gdns, Barbican. Vidler Chas, " Three Tuns'' 9 Elcocks Thos, bricklayer 12 Reeves Geo, silver turner 13 Henbery Wm, wood turner 14 Smith Wm, gas meter mnfr 21 Hitchin W, tortoiseshell worker 31 Moore Wm, lamp cotton mnfr Bridgewater pi, Fan st. 20 Reeves Geo jun, silver turner Bridgewater sq, Barbican. 3 Atherley & Stillwell, gld & slvr wh 5 Roberts and Co, silversmiths * Chalk Stephen, cooper 14 Spencer Robert, bookbinder 17 Drury Thos Russell, printer King and Toft, mauft jewellers 19 Excisb Office 20 Fox Chas Jas, trimming mnfr 21 Camp John, bookbinder Rowcliffe Wm, bricklayer Bridgewater St, Somers Town. 12 Salmon Thos, boot <& shoe mkr 14 Reed Robt, fancy brush maker 24 Gibbs Henry, carpenter, &c. 33 Vale Thos, coal dealer & carpentr Bridport pi, A>m> North rd. 2 Morse Wm, tailor 11 Clench Jno, "Carpenters' Arms'' 12 Stephenson Curtis, egg mcht 13 Norwood C, paper hang manfr 22 Cole Alfred, cheesemonger 23 Tomlin Eliz,hab-rdasher 29 Coe James, surveyor 33 Harrison Daniel, baker 34 Brinsdon John, " Bridport Arms" 43 Harris Daniel, grocer 44 Harris Daniel, cheesemonger 51 Key Wm, surgeon 54 Spooner Wm, butcher 55 Darwin Jas, baker 72 Wey John, tobacconist 73 Yeoman B, grocer 74 Stevens Wm, retailer of beer Brighton St, Cromer street. 8 Tingey and Snell, tob pipe mks ; Minchin Wm, "D of Wellington'' 14 Smith Abbot, baker 27 Gelling Paul, grocer, &c Brill pi, Somers' town. 1 1 Barton G. carpenter and undkr 12 Palmer John, yeast merchant 1 5 Ponsor P, glass and china dealer 16 Milsom Wm, gents school Baker R F, appraiser 33 Maley Wm, cooper Brill TOW, Somers town. 1 Haddon Jas, clothes salesman 2 Mastell J, dairyman 3 Jackson Jos, boot and shoe mkr 4 Brett John, furn broker 5 Leach Thos A. hell hanger 6 Bower Geo, auctioneer 15 Edmondson Edmund, turnery dlr 16 Neighbour E, tobacconist 17 Jones Wm, tailor 18 Cripps John, hair dresser 20 Bangs H, baker 21 Buskie J & Co, workg jewellers 22 Worthington Thos, beer retailer 24 Watson Thos, locksmith 28 Griffis Rodger, dlr in marine sts 29 Butler John, zinc wkr& plumber 31 Patrick J, fur broker 35 Raymen John, tin-plate worker 36 Mummery James, undertaker 37 Deeley Frances, straw bont mkr * Wright Geo, carpenter 40 Morse Joseph, oilman 41 Green Ezekiel, cow keeper 42 Shalford Thos, green grocer 46 Malin H Isaac, baker 50 Lirrey Saml, dlr in marine stores 51 Robinson Eliztb, eating house 54 Goode Richd, greengrocer 55 Bayfield Henry M," Beehive" 56 Quickfall Jos, leather cutter 57 Jackson Joseph, hardwareman 58 Hawthorn John, butcher Holland Wm, tea dealer 61 Abbott Daniel, cabinet maker 62 Matthews Wm, grocer & plumbr 63 Pike John, stay maker 64 Fenner H F, tailor 65 Field T & Co, grocers & tea dlrs Philp Thomas, butcher 66 Moss Henry, boot maker Britannia pi, Bishop st fvhout. Pretyman R, " The Britannia M Britannia rw, Hoxton. 9 Ballard Wm, undertaker 10 Sullivan Robert, tail , & Boat, & Gen Insurance Cokpy 25 Michael S, merchant 25 Tipping G & W, com agents 25 Drewatt Jno, dining rooms 25 Fisher Saml, solicitor Ferrers "W E, merchant 25 Daniel J N, merchant * Rains Rupert, solicitor 26 Aldin B and Co, wine merchants 26 Ormerod L & Brothers, mchts 26 Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Society. E West, sec. 26 Hobler Fras, solicitor 26 Reed Jno, solicitor 26 Cassidy and Co, bill brokers Pearson B, merchant 26 Robson R C, solicitor 26 Christie Alexr, spirit merchant 27 Pollard Wells and Co, mchts 27 Parker W A and Co, mchts 27 Bingham & Co, watch clk,&cmr Watts , hosier and glover 27 Chaplin V, merchant and agent Chaplin V & Co, wine mchts 27 Randell E Kemp, solicitor 27 Howden J, merchant 27 Williams L W, solicitor 27 Todd & Co, merchants 28 Blogg and Martin, comn agents 28 Clay and GUlman, merchants 29 Williams J and Co, pat ledg ws 29 Hedley Jos, engineer 29 Harden Nathl, merchant Unwin Jacob, printer 30 Dickson and Bell, surveyors 30 Holford and Co, mchts 30 East India Cotton Company, Dawson F M ) Pare W / se " 32 Lawrance and Co, solicitors Plews Thos, solicitor 32 Lyde Wm, solicitor BUC STREET KEY. BUR * Barlow and Co, iron merchants 32 Ponten J B, Charlotte Tavern" 33 Demaisse E, merchant 33 Demaisse G W W, auctioneer and brewery agent 34 Bur ford Chas Reeks, dining rooms 35 Burgon J arid Son,hardwaremen 36 Paul W, tailor 38 Firth Thomas M D 41 Wildenow and Crantz, manufac turiug chemists Buck's TOW, ft'hitechapel. 3 Quaintrell M, bone boiler 6 RufTett ,' baker Buckridge st, Bioom$bur y . 15 Corvan Jno, coal dealer 22 Acton E, grocer and cheesemngr 23 Banks Josh,'' Hare and Hounds" Budge row, WatUng st. 1 Daniels A, perfumer 1 Wilkinson Wm, commission agt 1 Otley Chevin, Stone and Co, Wilkinson W, agent 2 Dalton & Madeley, leather dresrs 3 Shoolbred A, tailor and draper 3 Bowen J, linen yarn manuf 4 Nash W and Co, tea dealers 5 Wrigley and Son, paper makers * Tibbitts J, wholesale stationer 6 Chater R, papec hanging manuf 7 Cullin and Higgin, leech mchts 8 Edgcomb Wm and Co, whol statrs 8 Simmons S and R, coal mchts Bourne Alfred, merchant 10 Knight Rd and Co, whol statrs 12 Renshaw and Kirkman. stationers 13 Stericker and Co, tea dealers 16 Gray Robert, coffee house 18 Hill Dan, fishmonger 19 Collier C, " Coppers? Arms" 20 Wells and Son, cork manfs 22 King James, wholesale coffee dlr 22 Cook Henry, whiskey merchant 23 Jones E, paste board maker 24 Tosswill and Myers publishers engravers, and printers * Tosswill and Co, mchts and ;igts 25 Yates B and Co, whols druggists 26 Evans J, stationer 27 Coward Geo F, merchant 28 Tidswell and Hall, merchants 30 Phillips and Co, ironmongers * Trapp J, printer Newman Jno, engraver, ike 32 Leschallas W, whols stationer Bull Ct, Tooky st. Carter John, "The Bull" Nye John, carpenter Bull & Mouth st, Sr, M-le-G. 3 Bending Jas, boot maker 5 Holland P and .1, bookbinders 7 Williams Jas, bookbinder 10 Andrews Jas, silver polisher 1 1 Scudamore C, undertaker 12 Sheldon T, glover 16 and 17 Denham B E, ironmongrs 18 Sinderby Elizabeth, watch maker Sherman E, ' ; Bull & Mouth Tap" Bull's head Ct, Newgate st. 1 Moody John, brace manufacturer 4 Davis and Co, wholesale furriers 6 Bennett W, surveyor 7 Woodward and Co, newspr agts 12 New Buit & For Temp Socy Of Bull's head psge, Wood st. 1 Jansons and Co, woollen wareh Bulstrode St, Manchester sq. 8 Greaves C, pawnbroker 9 Astell Edmund, " New Inn" 10 Hodson Robt, stay maker 10 M'Lellen J A, tailor 12 Hakewell and Willson, plumbers 13 Coyne and Baker, surgeons 15 Archer E B, plumber 16 Jupe A, upholsterer Bulstrode meWS, Marlebon la. Batchelor Jas, dlr in marine stores Banbury T, livery stables Bowdler N, plumber Dickson and Co, farriers Cosburn , stonemason Brown G, covvkeeper Bunhill row, C/mweli st. 1 Crowder Wm, whip mounter 4 Outtram Henry E, tailor 7 Ward J, builder 8 Rule W, ornamental painter 10 Cozens, Matthews, and Thorpe, watch manufacturers 19 Read and Sons, surgeons 20 Marten H and W, watch manfrs ArTII.EKRY GROUND St. Paul's School. 27 Winning J, pocket book maker 28 Lewis D, surgeon 49 Dawkins Chas John, engraver f)0 Lewis and Co, printers 51 Hughes T, bookbinder's cloth mf * Permit Office, 21st District 52 Lomas T, whip mounter 53 Smith Wm, cab proprietor 54 Axtell T, turner 55 Barnett Thos, " York Minster" 57 Coniston and Smith, engineers 59 Poore J B, tailor 61 Harding Geo, grocer 62 Hicks Jas, < City of Chester" 63 Mather J, surgeon 64 Deering S, staymaker 65 Phillips. Saml, saddle manufr 66 Ilewett Wm, coffee rooms 67 Moses E, clothes salesman 68 Pearce Jas, cheesemonger 69 Laxten Stephen, butcher 70 Everton W, toy manufacturer 71 Saunders T, chair maker * Archer , linen draper _. 72 Elliott John, White Hart" 74 Lewis S. coal dealer 77 Millist 1) J, tobacconist St. Luke's Green Yard Osbourne Thos, plane maker 78 Roe Francis, japanner 70 Hawksbee W, cheesemonger 79 Sellwood Wm, grocer 80 Miller David, oilman 81 Love G, book and printseller and post office 82 Roberts Chas, shoe maker 82 Penn Jno, coffee rooms 82 Dunkley Thos, jeweller 83 Clifford L, "Rose and Crown" 87 Thorp Thos, hair cutter 88 Smith Mary, tobacconist 89 Akam Joseph, shoemaker 90 Reily Jas, baker 91 Wade Chas, grainer 92 King John, beer retailer 93 Anderson Wm, chemist 94 Culverhouse D, baker 95 Smith T, whol tin plate worker 96 Calcraft J, milliner 97 Hill Thos, gas fitter 98 Margery Wm, coal dealer 99 Pullin Wm, beer retailer * Bright Samuel, cowkeeper 102 Blackburn Jno, " Blue Anchor" 103 Haberdasher's Founda Sue 104 Thompson John, furrier 105 Hampton Robert, tailor 106 Leonard Wm, brace maker 108 Bateman and Ball, silversmith 109 Walh John, White Swan" 1 10 De la Rue and Co, fancy statrs ill Evans John, silversmith 113 Feathers T, tailor 115 Hodges J S, tailor 116 King G, brush manufacturer 117 Knight W L, gauze dresser 119 King John, coach builder 1 20 Cheswright & Co, mahy mchts 120 Allen A V, boys' school 121 Reddall J, carpenter 122 Gout D R, watch maker 123 Gamham J, plumber 124 Clowser Ann, dyer 126 Harboard J, bootmaker' 1 27 Wright Thos, watch glass mnfr 128 Goulden C, coal merchant 129 Harris Jos, "Two Brewers" 130 Chippendale W and C, coopers 132 Robinson T W, braid manuf 13 J Rogers Josh, artists' colourmn Burleigh St, Strand. 1 & 2 Mawlam Hen, "Exetr Arms" 3 Selby Robt, wine merchants Burlington arcade, PtecaMf. 1 & 2 Baker Fran, hosr& shirt mkr 3 Keegan John, music seller 4 Soulier and Ward, tobacconists 5 Hewlett Anth, hair dresser 6 Dawson W, shoe maker 7 Mintram W, hair dresser 8 Underwood M. cutler 9 Asser Solomon, artificial florist 10 and 11 Stapleton M E, outfitter 12 and 13 Perry H, hair dresser 14 Jeffs Mary, pastry cook 15 Jeffs Wm, foreign bookseller 16 and 17 Campart J T, hosier 18 Stamford Lydia, engraver 19 Stamford L. milliner 20 and 21 Truefitt Peter, hair dresr 22 Barrier J W, boot maker 24 arid 25 Simon John, stock maker 26 Chard Sarah, milliner, &c 27 Cawston J, dress case maker 28 Huntley Eliza, stay maker 29 Descamps N, boot maker 30 Enington Jas, artificial florist 31 Preston E, artist 32 and 33 Fox Jos, hair dresser 34 Smith Sidney, shirt maker 35 Else W, jeweller 37 Delaporte P M, French publisher 38 and 39 Smith C, milliner 40 & 41 Hase Paul H, Frch shoe wh 42 Van Bever & Renault, Fr shoe wh 43 HdlS, jeweller 44 Wheeler Ann, milliner 45 Reisner Adam, accordion mnfr 47 BUR STREET KEY. BUS 46 De la Fons E H, milliners, &c 47 Buhl Fred, boot maker 43 & 49 Webb Eliza S A, art florist 50 Farrant John, cutler 51 Wills Jane, milliner 52 Grosvenor Thos, umbrella maker 53 Grosvenor Sarah, toy warehouse 44 Keith Wm, dressing case maker 55 Thomas Mary, artif florist 56 Asser Louisa Read, ready m lin w 57 Asser Louisa, milliner 58 Soames M A, artif florist 59 Peck Samuel B, hosier & glover 60 Morell G, cutlr & dress case mkr 61 Morrell G, toy and petfumry wrh 62 & 63 Christmas Saml, hatter 64 Plumb Jno, umbrella maker 65 Durlin E, French shoe warehse 66 Holesgrove W, boot and shoemkr 67 Slark Wm, whip and umbrel mkr 68 and 69 Lord John, hosier 70 Drew John, hosier, &c 71 Odell and Atherley, gold lacemn Burlington Gardens. Dimond Jas, hair dresser Hopkins, Sarah, hair dresser Rossiter James E, man's mercer Burlington st, New,%' st. 1 Griffith A and L, milliners 2 Arnott J M, surgeon 3 Buckmaster W and Co, tailors 3 Lambert Frances, embroideress 5 Tupper M, surgeon 8 Bentley Rich, publisher 11 Anderson Sir J E, physician 12 Kerrison Dr, physician 14 Chilver T F, surgeon 15 Good Wm Henry, surgeon 17 Fletcher John B] dentist Burlington st, Old, Bond st. 2 Waite Geo, dentist 5 Copland Dr Jas, physician, FRS 7 Green Edward, tailor 1 1 M'Kellar and Son, tailors 12 Forbes Dr Jno, physician, FRS 13 Aldis Sir C, surgeon 13 Aldis Dr, physician 13 Moggridge W H, dentist 14 Thompson Jno, solicitor 15 Durlacher L, chiropodist 16 Wool lams and Co, auctioneers 17 M'Connell Jas L, tailor 18 Haldane J, tailor 19 Henderson Alex, tailor 20 Rutland Jas, baker 21 Still J, " Burlington Arms" 23 Smith Jno Geo, surgeon 24 1 Plasket Wm and Co,winemchts 25 Gray J, dentist 26 Pike John, solicitor 27 Barnett Mary, milliner 28 Stafford Richd, surgeon 29 Morley, < Burlington Hotel" 32 Cartwright Saml, dentist BurOSS St, Commercial road. 2% Clies G, flour dress machine mkr Sulivan Tim, wine cooper Burr St, LOW, East Smithjield. Soesman Abrahm, "Kg George" 3 Griggs Saml, lighterman 9 King Thos, architect 20 Bond Wm, boarding house 48 21 Halstead Jas, sailmaker 22 Bennett Jno H, pilot 44 Bowie Robt, surgeon 51 Page Saml, lighterman 52 Cochrane Ann, baker 54 Ferlton & Bristow, grocer, &c * Nicoll Robt, whiskey agent 54 Bruce Alexander, stone mason & shipping agent Burton Crescent. 2 Griffith Geo S, solicitor 6 Byrn Oscar, dancing master 9 Abrahams Saml, solicitor 10 Lamb Edw B, archt & surveyor 11 Gasquet Raymond, surgeon 15 Campbell T T, surgeon 26 Seaton J, surgeon 37 Varicas Robt, surgeon 56 Hodgkinson Wm, solicitor Burton St, Burton crescent. Stevens R, " Carpenters' Arms" 39 Sadler Jas H & Co, wine mchnts 41 BaynesT M, artist 44 Thompson Wm, solicitor 48 Orr Johnston, grocer Burton St, Pimlico. Hawkey Dr. Wm, surgeon Ashton Henry, " Chester Arms" Freeman Wm, dyer Moody Richard, tailor BurwOOd pi, Edgeware-road. Keyser Alfred, surgeon 3 Riches Jonathan, builder Brown Wm, * Norfolk Arms" Bury Ct, St. Mary Axe. 1 Hill and Mathews, solicitors 2 Lindo M jun, merchant British Fluid Company 4 Henson Jas & Co, commisn agts 6 Laurence Geo, merchant 6 Jencken Dr 7 Brentano H, merchants 7 Starkey W R, fish factor 10 Castelli. Giustiniani & Co, mchts 1 1 Consul for Bavaria Bury pi, Bloomsbury. 2 Severn T, professor of music 3 Lee Wm & Thos, wine & spirt ms 4 Beuler Jacob, engraver 4 Hurry John, grocer, &c 5 Pulham R B, carpenter Bury St, Bloomsbury. 1 Griffiths Geo, bricklayer & blder 3 Mawman Thos, tailor 4 Arnold Mrs E, dress maker 5 Taylor Geo, cabinet maker 6 Crossfield J J, glass bender 6 Bateman Wm, artist 6 Bateman James 7 Todd and Son, frnshg irnmngrs 8 Taylor Richd, fruiterer 9 Grearson E, straw bonnet maker 10 Wheal Ann, grocer 12 Summers Thos, coffee rooms 13 Haines Daniel, dairyman 14 Hill Geo, stationer 16 Love Wm, general shop 17 Hobsou Edw, Pied Bull" 1 8 Hall S, engraver and printer 19 May Richd, gold & silver mountr 23 Johnson Thos, dairyman Bury St, St. James's. 1 Hughes Wm, Italian warehouse 2 Richards Henry, tailor 3 Hipp Geo F, baker 4 Starke H, greengrocer 5 Southey & Co, tailors, &c 6 Leishman G R, tailor 7 Greenhill, Barrett & Co, wax cdls 7 Ship wash & Co, min water mnfrs 8 Pickworth Jno, butcher 9 Cullen Edw, butcher 1 1 Bitting E, baker 12 Eaton Miss, ladies' school 12 Sherwoods Josh, tobacconist " 11 Renshaw Josh, " George" 16 Burn Thos, tailor 17 Scott P D, tailor 22 Johnas Wm, tailor 25 Krantzcke and Fritz, tailors 27 Macy Chas, solicitor 30 Lake Edward Wm, solicitor 34 Skinner Wm, tailor 36 Chandler Wm W, conveyancer Jones & Yarrell, news agents 39 Kean Peter, stationer 41 Park Thos, tailor 42 Legg Win, house agent Bury St, St. Mary Axe. 1 Samuda D, merchant 1 Samuda A, colonial broker 1 Lyon H, wine merchant 3 Lazarus Eliza & Son, watch mnfs 3 Lazarus L H, watch mnfr 6 Boss J A, coal merchant 10 Phillips P, watch manufacturer 11 Alexander M, quill manf'r Myers M H, prof of languages 13 Casper Nathan, watch manfr 13 Samuel N, goldsmith 14 Silverstone Michael, jeweller 15 Lee M & Co, cig-ir importers 16 Yates Saul, solicitor 17 Benjamin Aaron, watch mnfr 17 Casper J, coral dealer Pariente J D J, merchant 18 Moses M & Jas, silversmiths 9 Levi A and I, jewellers 20 Goines , coal merchant 22 Jacobs S, merchant 2* Jacobs E, coal merchant 26 Mosely M, watch maker 27 Constatt Nathan, surgeon 28 Davis A D and Co, wateh mkrs * Davis E and L, furriers Adams Eliz, cooper Bush la, Cannon street. 9 Moreton Wm, wine merchant 10 Mortimer H H and Co, mchts " 11 Combs J and Son, bottle mchts 12 Plumbkrs' Hall 12 Tate Wm King, merchant 15 Johnston & Co, mchts & bankers 16 Mendleson, Brothers, merchants 18 Elsden John, bricklayer 22 Swinburn H, merchant -'3 Vandercoin and Co, solicitors 25 Mortimer H H & Co,shpng irnmg 29 Hadrell Jno, "The Bells" 30 Bowcher John, bricklayer 31 Simonds J & H P, drysalters 31 Perm Wm, let pres& cop pi printer S3 Bowles Wm, dyer 35 Wilcock Oliver, tea dealer BUS STREET KEY. CAM Bush la, Little. 1 Williams J D & Co, blackg mnfrs 3 Mumford Jno, drysalter 6 Boswall John, wine cooper Butcher row, RatcHff. M'Lean N, " Turk's Head" Evans Win, carman 9 Nunez D, carpenter Skinner & Dowden, timber mchts 23 Rattray J, tin plate worker 25 Hall Thos Wm, dt corative paintr 27 Giles John, surgeou 27 Hull John, house and ship smith 21 Hughes W, coalmcht&lgtrman Butcherhall la, Newgate st. Lubbock T, " White Hart" 2 Hill R M, oilman 3 Lester Wm, plumber & glazier 4 Burrell H, fishmonger 5 Serjeant Geo, uewsvender 6 Wace W T m, butcher 7 Few Wm, carpenter 9 Lucas Wm, plumber 16 Cutmore V, " Red Lion" 20 & 21 Balls J, alamode beef house 22 Campbell James, Crown" Butler's pi, New st. Horsleydn. 1 Turffrey James, skin dresser 4 Turffrey Thos, skindresser Meredith Wm, fellmonger Dennis and Son, woollen manfrs Dockheau Day & Sunuav Scux Buttesland st, B&toH-town, 51 Marnham W, gls & wch dlr enmh 67 Brown T, undertaker CO Radford Wm, baker 61 Toon John upholsterer 36 Greville H, carver 21 Fairfull Thos, cabinet manufr Buxton St, Goswell-road. 3 Browu Wm, plumber 11 Johnson Stephen, carpenter Byde's pi, Shoreditch. Solomons Jno, timber merchant Fletcher Wm, undertaker 3 Brook Jos, undertaker Hunter and Sons, timber mrchts Thompson Mrs, dress maker Weeks Wm, coach maker Cable St, Welle lose- square. 2 Appleton Francis, grocer 3 Skipper R, wine & spirit mchnt 4 Harrod C Hen, grocer 5 Habgood Thos, oilman 5^ Grant Robt A, beer retailer 7 Ham Edw, baker 8 Retzbach J, porkman 9 Sherwood T, coffee room3 10 Ansell T, " Bricklayer's Arms " 12 Balls Thos, tobacconist 13 MannellWm, cheesemonger 14 ElishaChas Rees, tallow chandlr If) Perry Alex, baker 16 Bradley A, pawnbroker 17 Matthews J, linen draper 18 Nicholls , boot maker 19 Hatton Richard, porkman 20 Crickett and Son, linen diapers 21 Allen John, grocer E 22 Tanner Wm, cheesemonger 23 Rotjers Wm, butcher 24 Tabernacle Rebecca, tobacconist 25 Sandell G, " Blakeney's Head" 26 Barker Jas, grocer 29 Rogers Henry, baker 29|Fairfax Benj, " Hoop'& Grapes" 30 Ashdown Geo, baker 33 Plater Wm C, butcher 35 Davits Geo, " Blue Anchor " 36 Moore Thos, tallow chandler 37 Hittinger Hen, baker 38 Brigden Jos, cowkeeper 45 Manzy Innocent, look glass manf 50 Vale Kdw, broker 52 Craddock Thos, grocer 53 Rohrs Wm, hardwareman Halley John, nightman 55 Bird Mary, tailors' trimmg seller 57 Wood Wm, grocer 58 Abrams Geo, potato salesman 60 Galliers Geo, jun, fixture dealer 65 Catchpole Z R, cheesemonger 66 Bailey Saml, " Sun and Sword " 67 Abrahams Alex, boot maker 70 Poore Samuel, shoe maker 71 Hall Wm, coal dealer 72 Isaacs Israel, clothes salesman 73 Rae J, coffee rooms 74 Wood Eliz, leather seller 76 Rees David, cowkeeper 77 Rich Chs, tobacnst & post office 79 Barnett E, slop seller 80 Archer John T, ironmonger 81 Sowerby Jane, pawnbroker Calthorpe St, Gray's-inn-road. 10 Boddy A L,& Morton, ladies est 12 Hardwicke W, surgeon 16 Kettle H F, surgeou 20 Bedford Hen, solicitor Calvert St, Wapping. 10 Bath Steph, coal merchant Briearley Mary, " The Star" Graham J, antimony refiner Camberwell green. 1 Dawson I, hair dresser 2 Lightfuot J, jeweller Grant F, haberdasher Baldwin Rich, bricklayer 3 Tucker Thos, stationer 4 Flower John, surgeon Sanger Dan, linen draper Vigers J, upholsterer Brown Thos, bldr & stone mason Blunden W H, tailor 6 Garratt Fred, linen diaper 7 Mayhew Sam, builder Skinner and Cioss, saddlers Poi,ice Station. Mayhew Geo, saddler Bedwell Henry, tobacconist Rake Jas, grocer Sutclifie Wm, chem and druggist Johnston J & M, sdv and hardw Buesel J K, tailor Bennett Eliz, fruiterer Wheeler J, tailor Cox J, confectioner Brock J, cabinet maker Tudd Sarah, stay maker Rose G, livery stable keeper Tayior Mary, turnery dealer Forbes and Young, surgeons Aveliue P W, surgeou Urlwin Philip, coal & corn rncht Jacob J, carpenter Smith John B, drawing master Oldham Geo, shoe maker Vickridge , linen draper Truefit T, brush maker Taylor John, baker Gregory Harriet, bonnet maker Clifford N J, carpenter Darham Chas, " Joiners' Arms'* lies Geo, smith and farrier Smith Jas, butcher Hawlett Wm, shoe maker Day John, puulier Kesterton John, coach maker Pounsford R, " Bull's Head" Prebble Thos, cheesemonger Mills Jas, tallow chandler Dawson Henry, hair dresser Ponting Elizab M, toy dealer Selby Emanuel, plumber Rider John, watchmaker SturtT J, "Golden Lion" Randall W, fishmonger Matheison and Son, tailors Partington Jos, confectioner Lancefield W and A, butchers Prior C W, oilman Christian John, baker Tutin Wm, shoemaker Hadlow Jas, greengrocer Jones Wm, coach master OngleyT," Cock Inn" Chilmaid H, china and glass wse Fyfe Peter, i { Tiger" Williams Ann, toy dealer Cheshire Jos, plumber SmitherE & J, grocers & tea dls Connell Eliz, hair dresser Wever Wm, poulterer Thimbleby Rich, butcher Withers H, brewer Osman Wm, brewer Thompson John, carpenter Fleming Wm H, brewer Aley Wm, "Red Cap" Camberwell grove. Thornewell J, grocer &. cheesmr Pullar Jas, carpenter Saunders D W," Grove HoTav" Hammond Hen, fruiterer Bennington Sam, plumber 3 Moody Jas, chemist Breaden Geo, greengrocer Kaygill S, china warehouse Foster Geo, grocer Jobbings G F, baker Jones W, livery stables Dawson Mary, stationer Camberwell road* Grosvenor place. 16 Garland and Fieldwick, stnemas Windmill place. Fisher A, plumber and glazier Freeman John, miller 1 Lawrence H, Venetian bind mkr 13 Pridmore Jos, academy Squirel Wells, floor doth mfy Brett's buildings, 2 Pashler J B, butcher 3 Scott Mrs, seminary 4 Cununings R F, haberdasher 7 Richards Sam, chemist 8 Wyles Wm, cabinet maker 5 Clark D, paper hanger 6 Saward Saml, grocer 1 King T Kir wan, surgeon 49 CAM STREET KEY. CAM Bowyer place. 2 Cox and Co, coach builders 7 Buchanan & Oldroyd, nursymn 9 West Stephen, appraiser 10 Smith C H, upholsterer Mould Wm, cheesemonger Megson Christ, baker Chit Jas, greengrocer Garden- row. 1 Hrnnson Jas, ladder maker 3 Wills W H, furniture broker 4 Strutt and Co, ironmongers 5 Ry;in C. wire worker 7 Barnes W Josiah, bricklayer Mansion House place. 1 Child , milliner 2 Bishop Jane, milliner 3 Clarke John, linen draper 5 Green Edw, music seller 8 Barritt Saml, cabinet maker Mansion House, Johnson Mrs & Misses, seminary 6 Smith Jos, straw hat mauufactr Emanuel place. Chahot E, surgeon Rackham J. boot and shoe mker Brown Thos, straw hat manufact Fountain John, beer retailer Savage Jas, chee>emonger Beattie Andrew, dyer Union row. 1 Hughes Tlios, surgeon 2 Colls Benj, painter and decoratr 5 Brown T, chemist and druggist 6 Prebble T C, reg of brths & dths 4 Clark Robt, stationer 8 Whiffin Jas, tailor High street. 1 Hoyle Benj, staymaker 2 Hicks Geo, chee*emonger 3 Chandler W GibsOir, bookseller 4 Withers G, baker 5 Carter Thos, grocer 6 Wilson Thos, linen draper 7 Kennett Abraham, draper 8 Whittaker W, watch maker 9 Todd John, laceman 10 Stevens Jos, ironmonger 11 Kibble J, baker Rofey Edw, wheelwright 12 Lavelle J, porkman 13 White Chatf, oil and colon nnun 14 Little Edw Cullen, cooper 15 Mayhew S M. chemist 16 Todd Jos, cheesemonger . Dale Geo, veterinary surgeon North Adding ton place . \ 2 Brisiow John, surgeon 3 Caldwell H Swan, physician Canal wharf. Spiers Nehemiah, whiting mkr Cox YV\ potter Good Dan, timber wharf Knox Alxr, slater, St Gt-o's Wf Hay ward Chas, " King's Arms" Veitch Jas, ale brewer Rix Hy, coal mcht, Albany Wf Burrt and Son, lime burners Marti ostein G, clock maker Bernman Jn & Adams Rt, brews Addinyton place. Parsons W, timber merchant Morris F and T, coal merchants 3 Goodyear N, academy 29 Medland L, oil and colourman 30 Edwards Wm, chemist 31 Robertson J, baker 50 32 Portch Robt, greengrocer 33 Coles Wm, cooper 34 Hodges R, harness and coch mk Clarence place. Clark J B, "Duke of Clarence" 2 Ashton George, tobacconist 3 Pickering Wm, grocer Post Ovfich 4 Noon T, butcher 8 Knox Ann, slater 9 Wade J and C, linen drapers 10 Burgess A J, pawnbroker 11 Stockley Gilkes, bookseller 14 Bean and Sons, surgeons 23 Gibbs John, piano forte maker 24 Bellamy Sam, bricklayer S/. George's place. 1 Vogel Ann, printer 2 Goad Cbas, plumber 3 Watts G W, turn broker 4 Rich Saml, "George and Dragn" 5 Vincent Rt, scale maker 7 Browne Tobias and John, surgs 10 Page Edw, tailor 1 1 Hughes J, carpenter and builder 12 Solita F L, tailor 14 Mase John, dyer I 5 Botting Wm, tobacconist 16 Hawkins Benj, tailor 17 Light foot Edw, blind maker 18 Nicholls Elizabeth, milliner 19 Wisedell Kich, jeweller Portland row. 1 Paull S, cornchandler 2 Pomroy Maria, umbrella maker 3 Harwood W John, brush maker 4 Barton Chas, butcher 5 West John, broker 6 Law Rich, pawnbroker 8 Shindler Stephen, baker 9 Hack Benj, music warehouse 10 Legg Hen, hatter . ~ I I Pennington R, watchmaker Htgh street. 12 Westmore J, milliner 13 Perry John, grocer 14 Hancock Samuel, carpenter Smith J T, wine cooper Skinner , stonemason 15 Beynon Lucy, straw hat mnfr 13 Biaxland Wm', surgeon 15 Baker Thos. upholsr & cabt mkr 16 Loscombe W, butcher 18 & 19 Stodhart & Sons, ironumgrs 20 Rental J and II, plumbers 21 FawcettTbos, fishmonger 22 Shefrbid John, cornchandler 23 Green Jno, butcher 24 Kiff'Thos, ham shop Camberwell new road. 2 Biddel J, hairdresser Lassey George, farrier Buchanan and Co, nurserymen Lamb R, " William the Fourth" Chepstow place. 7 McCarty John, surgeon Priory place. 4 Score George, fruiterer 5 Hill Hen, boot and shoemaker 1 Nash W, grocer & cheesemonger Clarendon terrace. 1 3 Walker R, tailor 14 Fryer Mary, straw hat manufty Wilson John, '' Clarendon Arms" Jones E, livery stable keeper Chancery place. White Chas, grocer Coxwell Hen, surgeon & dentist 4 Lamb Geo, builder 9 Bennett Rich, brushmaker 2 Morey C, bhudmaker Coles John, chemist South place. 4 Goodwin D M. butcher 1 Willis Edw, cornchandler 1 Webb Jas, greengrocer i 5 Bennett T P. plumber 6 Clapp John, grocer 3 Loades Jas. shoemaker 2 Wardlaw Jas, baker Leicester place. 1 Penstane Giles, linendraper 2 Towsey Fred, stationer 3 Sharp Elizabeth, linendraper 4 Breecroft John, ironmonger 5 Watford Isaac, grocer 8 Kohlbeck Geo, tailor Clifton place. 16 Currey Henry, builder Surrey place. 1 Bellringer G, shoemaker 2 Rush John, greengrocer Olive terrace. Martin R, fruiterer Jones E, " Skinners Arms" Sykes J, wine copr & bottle mcht York terrace. Stephens F W, Duke of York" 2 Shearman W, carpenter Russell John, grocer 3 Hare Lancelot, surgeon Bath terrace. iissS. Boys T, butcher 8 Morris Wm, surgeon John's place. Allbright Joseph, smith 1 Loader James, shoemaker Brokhes Wm, plumber & glazier 2 Nicholl Wm, cheesemonger 3 Smith H, milliner 5 Osbaldstone Henry, milliner 6 Fortzer Geo, chinaman 7 Turner Thos, tobacconist 9 Pumphrey John, fruiterer 10 Purneil Jas, draper and hosier 4 Verrall Robt, toy warehouse Fox ley road. 25 Ullathorne J, -'Plumber" 24 Salsbury James, stationer 23 Barker J, chemist and druggist 22 Armstead Chas, oilman 21 Nicholls W H, batcher 20 Dixon G C, cheesemonger 6 Dangerfield D, cheesemonger 14 Coates Jesse, shoemaker Camberwell ter, Cumbaweii. Knight Jas, nurseryman Cambridge rd, AfM? end road. 1 Harvey Wm, grocer Sayers Robt, greengrocer 3 Eagles Edw, boot and shoemaker 3 Long J, butcher Goodson Samuel, corn dealer Jackson Geo, oilman Massey Mary, greengrocer Snellgrove John, butcher 4 Barwick Rich, rag merchant 5 Cuddeford Robt, carpenter Rebbeck Benj, oilman CAM STREET KEY. NAC Cochran Thos, ironm & rag mcht Thorpe Chas, carpenter 7 Angola* H, cabinet maker Thorp Frances, general dealer Anderson John, greengrocer Capt Fisher's Alms Houses 5 Harris Mrs," Britannia" 2 Finch Jas, confectioner Barmore Jas, botcher Turvey John, naturalist James Lucie, tobacconist Jones George, nightman Payer Wm, milliner Griffin Sarah, umbrella maker Causton Rich, dyer Dunton Geo, " Rose and Crown" Tooke Wm, painter and glazier 3 Sadler Joseph, butcher 11 Julien Geo, lampmaker Manning Edward, baker 12 Semkins Geo, upholsterer 14 Willomatt S, broker Cranvell Rich, carpenter Ward M, stay maker 17 Alley Thos, china dealer Price Chas, corn dealer Smith W, " Artichoke" 1 1 Harvey Allis, undertaker Henman R, carpenter Jennery Chas, builder Bacon E, boot and shoemaker 27 30 Tagg Wm, paperhanger M Wandsworth W, baker Hackney Robt, grocer Lunatic Asylu*, w il ! ipS H a8 ' 1 *** Weston Horace J * Clarke , "The Three Colts" Hockaday John, tobacconist 2 Ward M, stay maker 22 Butcher Thos, tin plate worker 23 Holmes H, china dealer 10 MetcalfS, " Green Man" Field Ann, dyer 3 Rickford George, tobacconist Gray J W, shoemaker 3 Finch Jos, baker Bond Peter, British lace manfr Wright Robt, bricklayer Brown Joseph, bedstead maker Eagles Edw, shoemaker 1 Hand John, tailor Lambert John, baker 7 Lawrence Jno, boot and shoe mkr Goodman Charles, surgeon Osborn A, shoemaker Emmett Geo, general dealer Panting Jas," Queen's Anns'' 3 Oakley Jas, fender manufacturer Lugg and Shaw, surgeons Borten Rich, plumber Knight G T, Albion Class Acad Gray W, bricklayer 15 Mile End N T Charity School 14- Shepherd Thos, shoemaker Green Jas, coal merchant ^ Smith Josh, "Red Lion" 13 Drew Jeffrey, currier 12 Fellows R, beer retailer Hampton Chas, " Diuidee Arms" 6 Stubbins John, baker 7 Saddler Jas, chair & cabinet mnfr 18 Clark , manufacturing chemist Irving John, plumber Eastman , butcher Overell Beuj, grocer Wean Mrs, tobacconist Morrison T, * Peacock" Row Jno, fishmonger 2 Fortmgton , general dealer Page W P & R, pawnbrokers Pool Jas, baker Chadwick C, greengrocer Patriot row. 1 Lichfield Jno, builder 4 Pittman Henry, boot &c, maker 7 Poutney Geo, comb maker 8 Christian M, stove maker 9 Kain John, plumber 3 Falerd John, baker 2 Abell Jas, wheelwright Bocking , "Red Deer" Hatfield Wm, retailer of beer 4 Alhun T, cork cnttter Moxon R, cheesemonger Anderson J, farrier & whlwright Baker Mr, artist in fireworks 12 Evans W T, book and printseller Cambridge St, Edgware road. 4 Ariell Jas, " Rent Day" 16 Dickman D, surgeon 17 Smith Thos, grocer and tea dlr 20 Evans Thos, surgeon 22 Thorbum J Y, surgeon 39 Hurst Thos, dairyman 41 Dickason John, tailor 47 Klosz A, baker 48 Beckley Aaron, fishmonger 55 Barker W, upholsterer 56 Somers A W, butcher f)7 Steel Margaret, baker 60 Davies Thos, surgeon Cambridge at, Golden * ? . 1 Tate P T, pawnbroker 2 Reaison Sarah, coal dealer 3 Cheshire Rich Francis, accademy 4 Robinson H, regis of bths & dths 5 Smith Wm, carpenter 6 Scott Archibald, auctioneer 7 Parker Rich, " Newcas-on-Tyne" 8 Groves Win W, hatter & cap mkr 10 Edwards Henry, tallow chandler 1 1 Ellis H, human hair manut' 12 Simpson Chas, surgeon 13 Coleman Jno, stationer, &c 14 Gardner Elizabeth, baker Cambridge st, Gt, #$ rd 6 Towndrow Jos, grocer &c 1 1 Watson Jas, sealing wax &t nuinf Norman Nich, " The Acorn" 40 Lancaster Henry, cabinet maker 61 Simmons Rich, bedstead maker 64 Wigg A, plumber Death Arthur, baker Cambridge ter, Camden Town 1 Buss Robert Henry, baker 2 Pari Jas, surgeon Camden pi, Peckham. Burtenshaw Thos, bricklayer Cobham and Wright, carpenters Watts Wm, nurseryman Sugdeu Rob, boarding & day schl Camden row, Peckham. 3 Robinson R R, surgeon Camden St, Islington. 1 Thompson Henry, printer 2 Calvert G, stove grate manufr Grammer S, "Camden's Head" 8 Abraham Thos, car pen ter 9 Zaguani Fras, clock maker # SydserfF Johu, "The Ship" 29 Jessop Jas, grocer 30 Elliott Jno, salesman 31 Biewster Peter, coffee rooms 32 Bagley Jno, oil and colourman Camden St, Walworth. 1 Chambers G, statnarv and mason 3 Alcock D, sexton and undertaker 4 Terdrey C, currier 12 Powell Jas. paper stainer 11 Miller J, patten and clog maker 13 Thies E, baker Brooks Jno, " Lord Camden" 15 Millwood W and J, plasterers 13 Allen Wm, grocer and coal dlr 18 Wade W T, shoe manufacturer 23 Lewis Caroline, marine store dlr 32 Blake Saml, smith Buckland Wm, tallow chandler Camomile St, Bishopsgate. 1 Deal Jas, "Mail Coach" 2 Slooke Wm, butcher 3 Sinnett E C, plumber 3 Sinnett E C, city coffee house 4 Cannon E J, cigar manufacturer 6 Wheeler Joseph, dairyman 7 Bark T, veterinary surgeon 7 Watson Thos, < Saracen's Head" 8 Datchens Elizabeth, i'ruiteier 9 Stevens B, working silversmith 10 Hutchinson James, currier 11 Corpe Edwin, furniture warehouse * Andre J L and Sons, merchants * Miller Thos aud Co, tea dealers 14 Aylward Ann, ladies' school 16 Gray W, manifold writer manf 1 7 Batting W, watch case springer 19 Wood W, livery stables 20 Grey W P, lead pipe manufr * Phillips M, boot maker 21 Ibbotsonand Co. slop sellers 22 Colverd J, " Salisbury Arms" 23 Snellgrove J S, vellum binder 26 Baxter Edw Wm, medical labeler 'J7 Varty Edw, engraver 30 Richards N, carpenter 33 Barber T B, packer 34 CrdsWeller and Co, carriers * Muring T and Co, carmen 3') Smith Euseb, whol leather wareh 36 Chaplin, Sun, and Co, ironmongrs 38 Harris and Hall, milliners Canal road, Kingsland basin. Howard & Co, lime & cmntmchts Jay John, builder Lucas Jno, organ builder Martin Wm, coal merchant Ames and Co, gum mnfrs Thorowood Geo, stone mason Brand Wm, " Stag's Head" Farrar and Parlour, stone mchts Cannon pi, Whitechapel. 2 Roper C, coffin maker Cannon row, Jrestminster, Cannon wharf. Bent W, coal merchant France and Dixon, coal mchts Weddell & Atkinson, coal mchts Winstone Thos, coal mcht Lacy C, coal merchant Whiteside James, coal merchant Cannon row. National SociktY's Bono II sX Go wing Josh, cabinet maker 51 CAN STREET KEY. CAN 14 Cheeseman E, fruiterer 2 Ripley Wm, solicitor 3 Birch J and E, civil engineers 5 White and Co, timber merchants Watson L, coal merchant Yool Wm, coal merchant Page J no, coal merchant Jones Jno C, civil engineer India Board Phillips Jno, coal merchant London Gazette Office Jones & Walmsley, prlmnty agts Asseretti Anthony, auctioneer Cannon st, City. I & 2 Watkins T, quill merchant 3 Casey R, fruiterer 4 Peacock T H, butcher 5 Cooke & Son, sealing wax mnfrs 6 Robinson W C, whl ironmonger 7 Hale F and Son, tallow chandlers 9 Heard Wm, boot maker 10 Allan J, surgeon II Jeune J T, drug brokers 1 1 Stebbing Edw, billiard rooms 11 Hazard & Hodgson, wine mchts 12 Church Henry, baker 13 & 14 Stubbs, Absulom & Co, whl grocers 15 Sedgwick Robt & Co, cust hse agt 15 Sedgwick L W, whl tea dealer 15 Longuet Geo, cog brandy mcht 16 Hornby Benj, wine merchant 17 Lamprell C F, "Dyers' Aims" 18 De la Salle J T, chronometr mkr 18 Somersall Geo, engraver 19 Lindop J & Son, toy & bead imp 20 Vaughan Jas, hosr & haberdahr 20 Arnold Mrs, ladies' school 21 Teesdale Jno and Sons, tea agis 22 Grover Humphrey, grocer 23 Jackson Jane, stationer 23 Waylett Harriet, milliner 24 Grossmith J, import of essences 24 Child Francis, solicitor 25 Brown Isabella, cheesemonger 26 Wightman Davd, bread &bcis bkr 27 Troughton M &Co, brush mkrs 28 Haswell S, china dealer 28 Stockford and Son, hair dressers 29 M'Guire Wm, surgeon 30 Pallett Robt, " Cock and Bottle" 31 Clarage Hen, hair dr and perf 31 Bensusan J L Jr and Co, mchts 31 Vauchers Pat. woven hose S L Bensusan Jr & Co, proprtrs 32 Wyles and Co, coffee dealers 33 Fisher Eden, stnr & ace book mnf 34 Smith Fred, plumber, &c 35 City of Lond Union & Regis Of Rowsell J T, clerk to the Board 36 Saunders J and E, stationers 37 Curtis W B, wire warehouse 37 Marshall J, cheesemonger 38 Long Jas, retailer of beer 39 Tyson & Mackreth, whl tea dlrs 40 Bartley J, surgeon 41 Bartley G W, tea dealer 42 Edwards Hen, tobacconist 44 Bowers N & Son, cmb & bsh mkrs 46 Kirby, Beard and Co, pin, needle and fish hook mnfrs 47 Newnham Geo, stationer 56 Neighbour Jno, toff & eat house 57 Hewetson H, zinc mnfr and eng 58 Morris John R, cheesemonger 59 Dunn John, oilman, &c 60 Bingley Mark, stationer 61 Meggeson Geo, druggist 52 62 Bond and Son, fishing tack mkrs 63 Vertegans&Murch,wine sprmcht 65 Smith Eliz, dyer 66 Wright Jas, hair dresser 67 Stephens Geo Thos, butcher 68 Swepson Wm, ironmonger 69 Huxley Robt, wire worker 70 Bailey R and T, carmn & canieis 70 Chatfield M A, printer 71 Williams Wm, scale maker 72 Lintot Jas and Son, oilmen 73 Woodward Wm, carpenter 74 Dawson Wm and Son, stationers 75 Steains and Rowley, whl tea dlrs 77 Fry T and Son, refined sugar dlrs 78 Stanton Jno, whl tea dealer 81 Travers J and Sons, whl grocers 82 Wormald Jno, " London Sione*' 80 Whowall R W. gas fitter 84 Piggott Geo, baker 85 Bayly Dan R, coffee and eat rms 87 Camplin Jas, coffee rooms 88 Farwig Chas L, tin plate worker 89 Roll Peevor, plumber, &c 91 Howard and Coleman, whl drugs 93 Ramsay W D, baker 94 Wood W and Co, tea dealers 95 W 7 hite Edw, basket maker 96 Marks & Son, pencil & quill mnfr Cannon St, St. George's East. 1 Anderson Geo, doll maker 2 NicholsonRobt junr, brass foundr 3 Cleare Wm, boot maker 8 Busby Jas, * Duke of Wellingtn" 6 Ballard Wm, printer 7 Pownceby H, printer 10 Day John, tailor 11 Struz Wm, coal dealer 13 Henley W, bootmaker 16 Harvey T, dealer in curiosities 17 Cooke Thos, undertaker 18 Dowding W S, bookseller 19 Hazell J, butcher 21 Butt John. "Barley Mow" 22 Mitchell J, hosier 23 Hind John, auctioneer 24 Ashton Edw, hatter 25 Jay James, butcher 26 Lambert W, baker and confectnr 27 Haslar Geo, pork butcher 28 Harding S, straw bonnet mnfr 29 Watson A, " Crown & Dolphin" 32 Hockaday Jos, cork cutter 33 Thomas G & Son,last & pattn mkr 35 House Jno, blind manufacturer 38 Johnson Francis, paper hang mnf 39 Backler J, carman 40 Shute Thos, engineer 42 Gash J, dealer in curiosities 43 Kipkins J, bookbinder 44 Cockburn J R, toy warehouse 45 Ford Thos, tobacco pipe mnfr 46 McCormickOwen," The Cannon" 47 Houghton T, window glass cutter 50 Pownceby Henry, printer 51 Weeks Jas, leather cutter 53 Brewer F, toy dealer 7/ 56 Cosson Sam, watch maker 57 Warington T, corn chandler 58 Nash Wra, painter SUlsJ 59 Suvardi Gaitano, wire worker 60 Aiming H, dealer in curiosities 62 Wallis Chas-, saddler Cannon St rd, Si George's East. 2 Grofman Eb, cabinet maker 4 Macdonald & Holland, tbco mfrs 6 Mayr Geo, umbrella manfr 8 Caldwell W C, tailor 10 and 48 Chalk Jas, timber mcht 12 Collins John, painter and glazier 13 Shroder C, coal dealer 13 Denman J F, watch and elk mkr 13 Denman John F, artist 42 Breibach H, baker 43 Hogg W H, tailor 44 Cory Dr E A, surgeon 45 Kemper J H, grocer 46 McCann Thos, shoemaker 14 Shirling Jas, tailor 18 Bowers C, linen draper 20 Stuck W, working jeweller 25 Archer J, confectioner 2 1 Sbaw John, yeast manfr 29 Sailors' Orphan Girls' Socikty 28 Becker Chas, furrier 26 Finch Jas, plait dealer 27 Butcher Jas, bookseller 25 Artindale John, baker 9 Gledhill Sarah, grocer 32 Hind John, appraiser 37 Rutter Wm, saw maker 38 Stables N, smith 8 Roberts John, printer 7 Heyward T, spirit colour manfr 1 Beckett J W, engraver 2 Godbehear T, leather cutter 3 Rugless Thos, watch maker 4 Lyon Robt, boot and shoe maker 5 Kirby W r m, carver and gilder 6 Mallen C Dj oil and colourman 7 Arnold John, fishmonger 3 Austin J, cabinet maker 2 Slater James, printer 4 Gorrod Thos, beer retailer 1 Hickman Ann ELiz & Son, appsrs 12 West G, stonemason 16 EltoffJ G, "Roebuck" 17 Greasley M, oil and colourman 13 Edwards S, bedstead maker 18 Hedges Edward, shoe maker Tucker Silas, plumber 1 Haley A, butcher 22 Letchfield T, news agent 23 Riseam Thos, grocer 24 Stanley Geo H, carpenter 25 Crine J H & Co, carvers and gldrs 26 Lacey R, " Goldeu Liou" 27 Maddy Jno, ginger beer manfr 29Fitch H, cooper 33 Burr Thos, goldbeater 35 Winch Geo, baker 36 Johnson W, harpoon and tool mkr 37 Haynes Wm, trunk maker 38 Crook Thos and Jno, linen urap-s 39 Johnson J, dyer 40 Wild Wm, cabinet maker 42 Ashtou M, si raw bonnet manfr 43 Picard H, haberdasher 44 Pond II & C, coal and potato dlrs 47 Willmott E H, draper 49 Goodwin J D, surgeon Canon alley, St Paul's. Pearson George, * King's Head" Canterbury bldgs, Lambeth. 95 Booth Chas B, solicitor Canterbury pi, Lambeth. Ivatts Thos, "Mason's Arms" 7 Beck and Collambell, surgeons Simpson C, furnishing undertaker Allen Jno Win, gun finisher Costeff John, biscuit baker CAP STREET KEY. CAR Capel Ct, Bartholomew lane. Alliance Marine Assur Comp Stock Exchange 7 Chant S, stock broker Humphreys Geo, stock broker 7 Spurting J H, stock broker West Wm, stock broker * Robson Jno, stock broker 8 Smith Henry, stock broker 8 Fields Thos, stock broker 8 Peake Robt, stock broker 8 Hawkins Wm Hen, stockbroker Carburton st, Fitzroy sq. 1 Grace Jas, " Colosseum Tavern" 2 Mason W, hatter 3 Wilkins I, hair dresser 5 Howell W, tailor 6 Gieseler Ludwig, tailor 8 White Henry, painter 9 Whitaker Jno, retailer of beer 1 1 Houlditch Jno and J, coach bids 12 Buckland E, toy dealer 13 Hoare Jno, cabinet maker Lambert Jno, oilman 14 Allard A, milliner 1.*) Hickman C, pianoforte manfr 18 Pointer Thos, biscuit maker 19 Jepps Wm Henry, grocer 21 Lerew W H, surgeon 24 Martin Jno, undertaker 27 Ninham Hen, cowkeeper 28 Howell H, grocer 31 Taylor David, fruiterer Cardigan pi, A Slade John, law stationer 17 Leaver Jos, law stationer 18 Oddie, Forster and Lumley, sols 19 Riches Jas, law stationer 20 Lacev J M, coal merchant Tyrrell W, "Plough" Davis Rich, livery stables 21 Lidiard J T, law stationer 24 Lyddon Wm, solicitor 25 Skipsey John, painter and glazr 26 Mayhew Johnson,& Mayhew, sols 27 Atkinson R H, solicitor 27 Dolmar F W, solicitor 27 Twisden T E, solicitor 28 Roberts P H, solicitor 28 Basnett Edw, solicitor 28 Webb R W, solicitor 29 Metropolitan Fkke Hospital Horner Edw, " Grange" Wood Geo, grange livery stables 32 King's College Hospital 33 Cheesewright H, law stationer 34 Garrett Wm, boot maker 36 Barber Sugars & Son, coal mchts 36 Ryland A, city pleader 36 Tremenhere H, barrister 39 Smith Seth, carver and gilder 40 Hall Wm & Jas, boot. & shoe mk 41 Harwood Sarah A, Italian whse 42 Johnston Wm, baker 43 Fleming Jos, solicitor 44 United Kingdom Sol Reg Off 44 Hulland R, sheriff's officer 45 Ovenden R T, engraver 45 Jones John, academy 46 Robbins K, whigmaker 47 Chambers D, plumber 48 Sanders T, law stationer 48 Fitch Wm, registrar of bths & dts 49 Tyler G and R, law stationers 50 Boyle J, law stationer 51 Chapman S, dining rooms 52 Wood S W and J, law stationers Taylor Thos, " Seven Stars" 54 Harvey J, hair dresser 56 Davies Eben, law stationer 57 Wilder and Davies, law stationrs 58 Bailey H, law stationer 594 Robinson H, japanner 59 Robinson E, wigmaker 60 Powell Jas & Son, wine mchts 60 Martineau and Co, solicitors 61 Hepburn Geo, fire proof box mkr 61 Hammond W H, furniture whse 63 Musgrave Chas, law stationer Libkkty op the Rolls Commit 63 Elbnrn Homy Jas, law stationer 64 Rogers H, curiosity dealer Carlisle St, Lambeth. 1 Rhodes Rd, soap maker 3 Conner Mc, tailor 1 1 Wetherilt Mrs, baker 12 Dean J, plasterer 21 Perren David, colour manfact % 31 Tubbs T, violin and bow maker 39 Thresher W, grocer 42 Hales Henry, coach builder 43 Jones Wm, "Carlisle Arms" 44 Samson Wm, furniture broker 48 Hudson Benj, bricklayer 49 Hanscomb T, whitesmith 52 Parker Jas, ornamental turner :"i4 Oldis Wm, furniture broker 20 Jones Hen P, "Royal George" Willis Peter, cowkeeper 57 Roper Eliz, pipe manufacturer 59 Barrenger J, working jeweller 65 Sunter John, smith 76 Wallis Tho S, professor of music 83 Knight Jas, dairyman 84 Hexter W, tailor 88 Baxter Boult & Co.. soap makers Gunn Geo, tobacconist Carlisle St, Dean st, Sofia. 2 Macheil Geo, surgeon 3 West John, tea dealer 4 Roak and Cowe, engrav & prins 4 Smith A & Sons, jewellers, &c 5 MullinsT, tailor 5 Spencer and Hodgson, oil mchts 8 Blatchford John, tailor 10 Simpson John, artist 10 Simpson Chas, artist 15 Weaber H, spectacle maker 17 Allen and Co, solicitors 18 Sanders F, coffee house 20 Dawes B, upholsterer Carlisle St Gt, Portman Mkt. 3 Cole Saml, dealer in mari stores 6 Townsend J, coal dealer 7 Priddle Benj, hoot and shoemkr 8 Stacey Joseph, baker 1 1 Woodruff' Hy, clothes salesman 17 Kirkbride , Pine Apple" 19 Culpeck J, fruiterer 24 Perry John, grocer and cheesmgr 25 Hunt S, china dealer 49 Halston J, undertaker 50 Fisher Wm, boot and shoe makr 51 Millward John, carpenter 52 Davis Edw, tobacconist 60 Turner Thos, hair dresser 62 Reynolds Robt, shoe maker 65 Verry Wm, maltster 71 Andrews J, tobacconist 73 Basten Edw, baker Carlton st, Regent st. 2 Lloyd and Son, glovers 3 Davis Thos, breeches maker 4 Lenthall E H, wine merchant 6 Trueman Geo, boot maker 8 Richmond Wm, newsvender 8 McCormaick E, tailor 9 Dowsing & Crispin, tobacconists 10 Edwards L, tobacconist 1 1 Wright John, tailor 12 Milton J, bootmaker I 2 Watt John, dairyman Camaby St, Golden square. 1 Bristow John, cheesemonger 2 Chassereau Thos, newsvender, &c 3 Pedder Wm, bookseller 5 Crook W & Son, turn ironmongs 6 Fowle Wm, furnishing broker 7 Danson John, currier 9 Spaworth C, coffee rooms II Norton Ann, chairmaker 12 Binmore Jno, coffee rooms 13 Freewin John, " Ship'' i4 Smith Isaac, grocer 15 Frewin John, coal and potato dlr 16 Stevens Wm, bootmaker 17 Griffiths Jas, stationer, &c 18 Row John, bootmaker 19 Shepherd Robt, fruiterer, &c, 20 Law Wm, hairdresser 21 Ping Joseph, dining rooms 22 Chew John, baker 23 Owen Jas, baker M Tirkin Jas, "Castle'' 25 Wall Wm, butcher 26 Pugh Thos, dairyman 27 Cover Aim, butcher 28 Hawks Ann, butcher 29 Woods W, tea dealer 30 Batt Edw, china and glass dlr 30 Batt Edw, painter and glazier 31 Barnard Robt, oilman, &c 32 Hall Wm, linen draper, &c 33 Hatfield J M, plumber 34 Sweetlaud S, baker 35 Woodland T, furniture broker 53 CAR STREET KEY. CAS 36 Hay Edm & Hen, tallow chdlrs 38 Tilby John, butcher 39 Lush Henry, grindery dealer 40 Bower Alethea, grocer 41 Dimond Chas, cheesemonger 42 Parkes Wm B, surgeon 43 Wilde Wm J, If Coach & Horses" 44 Tyler Wm, "Bull's Head" 45 Hobbs Josh, coal dealer, &c 45 James John, oil and colourman 46 Williams John, bootmaker 46 Crowther John, grocer, &c 47a Uden Geo, grocer, &c 47 Esberger Henry, tobacconist 48 Bywaters S, bricklayer 48 Gay Israel H, cowkeeper 49 Knight Thos, bedding warehouse 49 Jenkins Wm, grocer, &c 50 Shackelton John, rag & phial dlr 51 Bvwaters Wm, bricklayer 52 Wallace Jno, Old Welsh Harp" 53 Read Tbos, grindery dealer 54 Keat Rich, rag dealer 55 King J as, brushmaker 56 West Wm, tailor Caroline Mews, Bedford sq. 1 Turner John, whipmaker 9 Smith John, livery stables Fairmaner John, horse dealer Caroline pi, Gosweii st. 1 Treays Wm, bootmaker Caroline St, Bedford sq. 1 Gaines Chas, solicitor 2 Combe Henry, surgeon 3 Webber John H, solicitor 7 Sutherland Adam, surgeoij 10 Pap worth J B, architect 1 1 Evaps E, professor of dancing 12 Wells John, tailor 15 Bartlett Geo, surgeon dentist Caroline St, Com road. Ratclif. 2 French J, grocer xcO 3 Webb L, fur manufacturer 16 Bare J, carpenter 18 Lavis Peter, coal warehouse West J W, " Caroline Brewery" 20 Fossey C, pawnbroker 28 Horner J, coal merchant Caroline st, Pimfko. 1 Legg John, decorative painter 30 Wilkinson James, fishmonger Seymour Thos, undertaker Carpenter St, Berkeley st. 1 West Geo, grocer, &c 2 Powell Thos, carpenter & builder 3 Adamson John, dairy 6 Fella John, carpenter 6 Slaney Geo, fruiterer 6 Blundell Benj, tailor Carter la, Gt, Doctors' Com. 1 Faver Jas, oilman 5 Wills John, proctor 4 Wickenden Wm, greengrocer 5 Pearson C M, proctor 6 Kingston M A, " Swan wh 2 Nks" 7 Fenton C E, proctor 7 More F A, merchant 8 Heales Geo Saml, proctor 9 Gissing Fred, "Bell" 10 Fullager Edwin, bldr & plumber 1 1 Stone and Thomas, proctors Capes F, proctor 12 Greenhill Geo, solicitor Scurlock John, proctor 13 Taylor W Jackson, stock broker 13 Lochner C P, proctor 14 Burn Adam, solicitor 15 Pulley W M, proctor 17 Fulloon Robt D, solicitor 19$ Wohlgemuth F P, wine mcht 20 Mitchell J E, stationer 20 Annand John, proctor * Bellis John, proctor 22 Pawson J F & Co, warehousemn 25 Clarkson and Sons, proctors 26 Farrer, French & Co, proctors 27 Robarts Nath, proctor 28 Brown Mary, oilman 29 Ring Wm, tin plate worker 30 Coles Sarah, bricklayer 31 Thornton Thos, painter 32 Ford R D, upholsterer 32 Ford Wm D. tailor I 33 Moates & Hinckes, whl cabnt mks ' 34 Renshaw Mary, grocer Carter la, Lit, Doctors" Com. 3 Kelly S R, printer 3 Chillystone Wm J, hair dresser 3 Dilly Richard, tailor 5 Bellamy Geo, bootmaker 6 W T hite Wm, baker 8 Miles Septimus, watchmaker 9 Thorn Thos, coffee house 10 Tinkler John, dyer 11 Wilson S. leather bottle maker 12 Davis T, shoemaker 13 Lunnis Thos, dairy 14 Wilson S, fruiterer 15 Stower Wm, cheesemonger 16 Jackson S, shell fishmonger Cartwright St, Rosemary lane Read W, f Blackmore's Head" Blake Geo, King of Prussia" Ayres Wm, cowkeeper Castle Ct, Birchin lane. 1 Hockin C & Co, chemists, &c 1 Hathway Thos, newspaper agent 2 Simpson Chas S, tailor & draper 3 Birdsey Wm, share broker 3 Glaister W M, bill broker 4 Penkivil Wm Jones, solicitor 4 Perceval D, bootmaker 4 Off for Patent Pres of Ttmb Burnett Sir Wm, patentee Carpenter's bids, Lon Wall. Voelcker Geo & Co, merchants Coe Jas jun, surveyor 5 Byard John, optician Carrington mews, May fair. Newman Chas, carpenter Iftj Chas, livery stable keeper Carrington pi, May fair. 1 Mitchell A, grocer 2 Jones Wm, plumber 54 18 Jones John, tailor 19 Hockley Dan, brass founder 20 Ball J, bookbinder 22 Field Geo, shoemaker 23 Plume VV T, butcher 24 Cox James, town carman King John, ? Black Swan" 32 Pinder R, jun, wine & spirit mcht Carter St, Walworth road. 3 Neatherway Jas, painter Carter Wm, " Bee Hive" Collard Rich, boot & shoemaker I Carthusian St, Aldersgate st. 1 Hales Wm, fruiterer 2 Ludgate and Burt, linen drapers 4 Waiker Sophia, bkseller & statnr 5 Charles M, straw hat maker 6 McDonald Ow B, " Sutton Arms" 7 Carroll N, engraver 9 Daws Elizabeth, milliner 13 Jacob & Webb, child bed lin wse j 45 Fiance T, tin plate worker 14 Mattock John, tailor 47 Longsdou M E, skinner 16 Hemsley Jos, cabinet maker 50 Cooper and Co, hatters 17 Stone John, dairyman I 51 Bickerton and Sou, hat manufrs Castle Ct, Budge-row. Cannon-st 1 Bailey and Co, accountants Sharpe Robt, iron mcht & agt 2 Norman Jno, auctneer, appraiser cabinet maker & upholsterei 3 Spawforth & Sons, wine mchts 4 Newman J, shopkeeper 11 Permit Office 12 Booth John & Co, provision brki 12 Pim John, provision broker Castle Ct, FullwoorPs rents. 3 Helm B, bricklayer Castle Ct, Law-la, Cheapside. 3 Leach and Co, warehouseman 3 Tyler Saml, u Fountain & Star" 5 Presland & Co, Manch warehuse Castle la, Westminster. Holmes Geo, grocer Church Hannah, "Stag" Hogg Geo, undertaker Elliott Jno, Letsom & Co, brewers Castle St, Bloomsbury. 2 Hone Danl, hair dresser 3 Wilkinson S, trimming seller 4 Cubitt Thos, " Black Lion" 5 Mantell Thomas A, brewer Clothier & Moody, lath rds & cl ds 8 Reeves Henry Panton, inspector of weights 8 Hill W, bricklayer 9 Skinner John T, undertaker 10 Chapman Wm, Castle" 11 Cooper Wm, greengrocer 13 Cross John, coffee rooms Castle St, Borough. 9 CoulseU Wm, mathmat inst mkr 11 W'arburton J, hat manufacturer 13 Garrett Willliam, " Wheatsheaf ' 16 Croit E, bricklayer 17 Salmon H J, general commission agent and woolstapler 17 Goatley Richd, tea dealer 20 Saundby R, hatters' trim manfrs 23 Horrax Jos, hat block manufr Torkington Wm, hat manufr 24 & 25 Hubbard Chas, bricklayer 27 Barrett D, appraiser & undertkr English Geo, paper borderer 28 Webb W, American fluid manfr 41 Weslake Johu, watchmaker 42 Gtlham Mary, " Fox" CAS STREET KEY. CAS 52 Bowler J & Jarrett A, hat mnfrs 55 Neal Wm, shive turner 56 Hubbard W, coffee house 58 Welfare Henry, furrier & cap mkr 6 1 Evans E, tailor 67 Smithson S E, hatter 67 Stafford John, fruit salesman 72 Clark Wm, draper 74 Pratt Joseph, bootmaker CaStle St, Falcon sq. Meikle Robt, lithogrphr &prnter 1 Williams Lucy, grainer 2 Hastings Robt, tailor 3 Hodges Jas, hosier 4 Hughes W N, engraver 5 Hodgkinsou Saml, boarding hse 6 Whillock Danl, saddrer 8 Neill John, surgeon 18 Metcalfe and Simmons, tailors 19 Tnibaudier A, prof of French * SomerviHe W G, boarding house 22 Roberts Sarah, bookbinder 23 Atkinson Geo, tailor 24 Cookworthy F C, accountant 25 Austing Henry, bookbinder 26 Thomson Geo, baker 27 Hudson J & Son, imptrs of leeches CaStle St, Finsbury. 2 Mackie J jun, watchmaker 12 Hall John, hatter 13 Clark A W, distiller 6 Dennis T, bricklayer 21 Brindley T F R, pocket hk mkr * Marrable Jas, bookbinder * Halliwell Wm, furrier 25 Beard Chas, cloth worker Bailey Thos, carman 26 Had don J, printer 22 Mordai) S aid Co, engineers 23 Jones Wm, cabinet maker Holborn. Castle st, 2 Taylor J, solicitor 3 Gresham Win, solicitor 4 Spauton John, bookbinder * Widnell the Misses, milliners 5 Oran Saml, strg pi man! & jwlrs 6 Watson and Co, carpet manufrs 7 Pearson (,, engraver and printer 8 Randad Thos, solicitor 9 Walker J and C, geogrs and engr 10 Johnson J M. engraver, &c 1 1 Barelli J and Co, merchants 12 Shepherd Geo, solicitor 13 NichoRfl htct& surveyor 15 Cooke G E, wholesale jeweller 15 Freeman Thos. silversmith 16 Ockerby Horatio, law stationer * RatcliHf Jno & Chas, 1 imp mufrs Toy Alt red, agent 18 Wilkinson Jas, jeweller * Barnett John, engraver, &c 19 Skerry Chas. day school * Shirley WHS, law stationer 20 Rickards & Campkin, law statnrs 21 Fuller Richd. glass cutter 21 Brooke Jno B, law stationer 22 Heard Henry, builder 22 Hutchings Jas, plumber 22 Still John, law stationer 23$ Mills Wm, coffee rooms 24 Lacey Edward, chaser 24 Ryle John Atkinson, law statner 25 Bitkett John, law stationer 26 Francia A W, "Casile" 27 Toy Allied, lamp glass mcht 28 Maddox Geo, architect 29 Bannester H F, law stationer 29 Manby John, law stationer 29 Dolphin Thos, law stationer * Maccabe Jas E. surveyor, &c 30 Wright and Crump, car; et mnfrs 30 Templeton and Co, carpet mnfrs 30 Staples Thos, eugraver 31 AUanson & iViachons, Shef pi we 32 Prendergast Michael, barrister 34 Harris & dimming, cat pet mnfs 36 Warlters Thos, solicitors 37 MDuffChas, solicitor 39 Wright and Ball, graiuertftgfl^) 40 Pitt Martin, law stationer 42 Gravenor Chas, surgeon Castle St, Hounsdttch. 2 Woolf Marcus, watch make,*, 5 Hyams Hyam, silversmith 5 Mombach J L, prof of music 6 Walker S, watch glass manufr * Abohbot Prosper, spice dealer 8 Phillips B, jeweller 9 Lazarus and Lawrance, mchts 10 Drach L W, merchant 24 Duff J, watch maker CaStle St, Leicester square. 1 Hay John G, "Porcupine," 1 Whitehouse N, optician 2 M'Craw, baker 3 Gregory Jas, plate chest maker 3 Davies G, hair dresser 5 Ward Wm, King's Arms" 4 Cesarini V & Co, imp ot'Ital pro 6 Laroche Wm, jeweller 6 Hutchings Edw, carpenter * Hutchings J, plumber & painter 7 Tarbox Edw, stationer 8 Bateman John, surgeon Bateman J, chemist to the Queen 9 Bourchier Wm, furrier 10 Harrison J N, tobacconist 11 Cox H E, stay maker 12 Morgan J, " The Cambrian," 13 Mountain Sarah, milliner 14 Ellis John, ham dealer 16 Ashdown Robt, coffee rooms 18 Nathan Isaac Jno, costume tailor 19 Perks John, confectioner 20 Coleman T, cheesemn & grocer Tozer Geo, " Sun & 13 Canteens" 22 Dobson Josh, grocer 23 Harris S J, engraver 23 Bartlett Wm, engraver 24 Chamber Rd, academy 25 Gill Thus, retailer 6t beer 25 Engel T, sculptor _'6 Li>;titfoot Robson & Co, solicitors 28 My es an( * Barclay, i liuters 29 Covalewsky E, t>eer retailer 30 Tyler Robt, upholder Court of Reqlksts 32 Loins and Smart, dentists 35 Dillamore and Rowley, cock m:if 36 Maddocks & Cutler, liven stalls 8 Jones & Arthur, whl cppr smiths 38 Nichols Jno, working silver- mith 42 Prested Fk," Monmouth Head" St. Martin's Subscriv Li braky Tennison's Grammar School 46 Miller Thos, baker 46 Keston H (i,tobccnst & newsvnd 4s V\ 'esterton Samuel, oilinau 49 Warner Jas, baker 49 Geary Chas, boys school 50 Kohlbeck Geo, tailor 51 Adams Edw, ' Horse & Groom" 52 Farrington Sam. picture restorer 53 Wheeler Sam, box maker 56 Taylor Geo, shopkeeper 57 Burton Hen, butcher 59 Davey Wm, bricklayer Morton Ann, livery stables 61 Oudot J J, " Giraud's Tavern" 62 Ward Hen, tailor 63 Clark M, milliner 3 Mead M, shoe maker 64 Gay J, fruiterer 66 Samuel T, ham warehouse 67 Pamphiiion Fred, cheesemonger 68 Samuel T." West-end Dining R w 69 DuffWm, Alamode Be* f Hse" 70 Kelk Chas, working silversmith 71 Beavan Edw, dining rooms 72 Simmons Jn, masquerade wareh 76 Gwilt B. shell fishmonger 77 Fawdon Geo, bookseller 79 Gould T, oil and colourman 80 Whitelock Rt, cheesemonger 81 Russell Richd, butcher CaStle St, Long Acre. 4 Wilson Wm, furniture broker 5 & 6 Briggs T, cabinet maker 8 Jones H, furniture dealer 11 & 12 Wilson J, cabinet maker 10 Fox John, cabinet maker 13 Johns Chas, fixture dealer 15 Parritt Elizabeth, furniture brokr 2 Boniger Paul, furniture luoker 1 Shaw Wm, furniture broker Combe Delafield and Co, brewers 5 Solomon L, writer & ornl painter 11 Stevens Geo, engraver Parker Wm, " White Horse." 7 Earle W, funeral carnage master 27 Flower Chas, grocer & cheesemgr 5 Lewis S, painter 31 Crews Philip, boot maker Pinnock T & J, coach brokers Piunock Thos, apprai-er Bott Thos, farrier 12 Oliver Jno, fixture dealer 28 & 29 Huxley & Heriot, ironmgrs 36 Evans Thos, dairyman & cowkpr 26 Gooch F, grocer 22 Farmer F, wheelwright 20 Harvey Jane, furniture broker 14 & 20 Speight Geo, furniture brokr 16 Cosins J jun, furniture broker I 7 Parritt Wm, furniture broker 13 Jones Jas, stove grate mantfac II Frost S T, fixtiue dealer 9 Couleng Eliz, furnishing broker 2 3 4 & 5 Grant J VY, upholsterer CaStle St, Saffron-hill. 1 Dudfield & Wicks, leathr stainrs 2 Nelder Wm, coach trimmer 4 Bangham M A, pewter toy manf 8 Jones John, file cutter * Barnett Geo, artist brush manufr * Dewsnap W, knife blade maker * Hall & Barker, scissars maker 10 White & Co, aqua fort is manufr 11 Mill J, too h brush in; nuiacturer Brjer & Co, bone hoot & oil mchts Castle st, East, Oxf.rd mkt. 4 Cale T, tailor 5 Green Rich, sofa maker 8 Lazenby John, t.dlor 8 Andrews T, jap-inner 9 Woodwell Chas, news agent CAS STREET KEY. CAV 11 Goldring Robt, picture dealer 13 Pearman John, music printer 14 Keene Geo, coffee rooms 15 Orgar G, French polisher 16 Fullen Jas, tailor 17 Jarvis Wm, tailor 18 Harris Thos, coal merchant 19 Connor B, tailor 21 Hopkins Jas, "White Horse" 22 Goudjre W, axletree maker 23 Pultin Thos, baker 25 Chesney R, engraver 26 Chitty Wm, stationer Smart J, shoe maker 27 Wright B R, oil & Ital warehse 28 Elphick John, plumber, &c 29 & 80 Brooker & Co, cpr plte pmts 31 Muller Joseph, curiosity dealer 32 Main John, glazier 34 Watson EN, " MarqofGranby" 34 Brown Jno, surveyor and builder 37 Hatton Jas, corn dealer 38 Trovell and Co, coach platers 40 Tilbury Thos, brass manfr 41 Boyd Mary, baker 42 Pyman Brice, apothecary * Pyman and Bird, chemists 43 Whiting Jas, grocer 44 Price Jno, tailor 45 Baigent Thos, carpenter 46 Hatton Jas, plumber 48 Watts W, tailor 49 Gomme James, builder 49J Taylor Jno, engraver 51 Smith Thos, gas fitter 54 Foster MB & Sons, ale&ptr mchts 56 Olivers and Co, tailors 59 Jessup Jas, coffee rooms 60 Williams S, " Victoria" 61 Andrews S, shopkeeper 62 Stevens H, green grocer 64 Marshall Geo, baker 65 Clark Wm, retailer of beer 66 Howard J, grocer 67 Earl Geo, stationer 68 Haseldine Robt, carpenter 69 Payne Martha, " Berwick Arms" 70 Rowbotham J, bookbinder 72 Broom Alfred, grocer 75 Young Jeremiah, builder 76 Tall Kobt, green grocer CaStle St, Gt, Oxford market. 1 Graf Jeremiah, lithographer 2 Weston John, chocolate mnfr 3 Anthony S and J, milliners 6 Clarke Jno, painter, gr,&decoratr 7 Hartup Susannah, milliner 8 Luckett Michael, tailor 9 Austen Eliz, milliner 12 Brayshaw Christ, tailor 13 Hays Alfred, stationer 14 Mitchel Andrew, tailor 14 Dennett and Freeman, milliners 15 Girardel Mad G, corset maker 20 Smith Sarah, milliner 21 Kendall Thos, plumber 22 Songi Mad, dress maker 23 Gill J, tailor 24 Willis Chas, perfumer 26 Orridge Thos, fruiterer 27 George W, carpenter 27 Schollar Saml, ham & beef shop 33 Pursey and Son, carpenters 34 Tucker Thos, coach joiner 34 Abercrombie Wm, coffee room 35 Ray S, jeweller 36 Murray Jas, carpenter 37 Alegre Huard, milliner 56 38 Jarvis Chas, plumber, &c 39 Attwood M. stationer 39 Mitchener R, blind maker * Warriner, or moulu frame maker 42 Bristow Thos, cow keeper Castle st, New, ivhitechapd. Tutten T, shopkeeper Clarke Edw, "Green Man" * Smith Sam, gunlock maker 12 Squires John, gun barrel maker 19 Muller and Myer, fur skin dyers Castle St, Old, Bethnal green. Franks John, builder Stanley Jas, " Red Cow" Jewell John, baker 40 Pullen Jos, grocer 32 Barrs John, tallow melter Finney Jno, '' Waterman's Ams" Viel Jethro, "Three Loggerlids" Castle St, Old, WMtechapel. Brett W, " Kings* Arms' Tap' Manners and Co, brewers 4 Seilor & Bockhorn, violin & harp string manufacturers Cateaton street 4 Merfield Wm, cutler 5 Brellisford J, coffee rooms 8 Cross Geo, woollen warehousemn 8 Cooper & Wilson, slk & vlvt mfrs 8 Lomas & Shimwell, worstd mnf> Burton John, lace manufacturers Kwer F, silk warehousemen Hull Flax & Cotton Mill Co Thomas H, agent Slesinger II & J, French &c ware Varnish and Avery, silk mnfrs Place and Wood, silk mnfrs Burry Geo, " Castle Tavern"' Rowlandson & Atkinson, wrhsran Hardwick and Davidson, soiicitrs Cocker & Black, Irish lin factors May Philip, woollen factor Rowe John, auctioneer Beavan & Stuart, woollen .mnfrs Weymouth and Green, solicitors Mills Hen, bunting and say man Thomas Rich, waistcoating ware Cape John, blackwell hall factor Overbury & Whitaker, blackwell hall factors Hilton Samuel, Manchester agt Hale W S, wax chandler Wilson John Hen, stationer Glover Joseph, accountant. Barton T, " Three Bucks' Tavn" Stokes and Co, solicitors Morris, Prevost and Co, mchts Swiss Consulate, Provest JL. Con Prevost Geo, Vice Consul Bankrupts' Register Office London Association Austin Geo, secretary Mordaunt and Bockett, mchts Drake & Westall, win & Mnchr w Linsey and Mason, solicitors Meek and Britten, blk hall facts McMichaels and Co, carpet mfrs Blacker R H, shawl wrhsmn Beloe & Co, wh stay & shoe wrhs Warburton James, warehsmau Howson Benj W, stationer Pollard lien, Manchester agent Sanderson and Reid, silk mnfrs Catherine ct, Tower hill. 1 Hewetson R and J, corn factors 2 Brooks & Smith, ship & ins brks 3 Hi Ham J C, custom house agt 5 Dyer W A, merchant 4 Parker Jas, corn factor 4 Huggins John, corn factor Cornish J, boot maker 7 Ryder Arthur, cotton merchant 10 Ruslon Wm, city corn office Catherine St, Com I road East. 14 Nicholls Jacob, leach importer Catherine st, Strand. 1 Age Office, Holt Thos 2 Argus Newspapeii Office 3 The London Phalanx Weekly Journal Office 4 Onwhyn Joseph, bookseller 5 Simpson R, shell fishmonger 8 Butcher Hen, tailor 9 Smith H, " White Hart" 10 Wilson J, "Two Spies" Pantheon Theatre 1 1 Hextall Frederick, publisher 12 Brown E, brass worker 12 The New Court Gazette Ofce 1 3 Wild L, news agent 14 Thurston J, billiard table maker by appointment to H Majesty 15 Harvey Jos, artists' colourman 16 Hutton J, newsvender 17 Marshall Chas, coffee rooms 18 Morning Herald Off 19 Court Journal Off * Naval and Military Gaz Off Thomas, publisher 20 Office of the jEra, Suud paper Catherine wheel al, Bishops. Burton J, " Catherine Wheel" Cavendish square, 1 Scott Sir C bart and Co, bankers 5 Polytechnic Institution 5 Royal English Aqricul Socy 18 Philip Dr W, physician 28 and 29 Thompson M, " Hotel" 36 Hammick S L, M D 37 Ridge J Dr, phj'sician Cavendish st, New,AA r . "/. 1 Miller John, cheesemonger . 6 Western J, cane worker 23 Morgan John, baker 24 Norris S, card-board box mnfr Helford Robt, jeweller Sperrin Jas, "British Lion"' Cavendish st, New, 1 Barough and Fall, grocers 2 Simkin Edward, chemist 3 Stedman Jane, dressmaker 3^Corder Chas, linen draper 4 and 5 Zeitter and Co, piano mnfr 6 Propert John, surgeon 9 Elmore Jno Richard, surgeon 10 B lizard James, upholsterer 1 1 Morley Thos Wm, surgeon 12 Edwards Joseph, chemist Hitchings Thos, Stag's Plead" 16 Plumby J & Parr, watch makers Cavendish st, Old, Oxford st. 1 Branch Post Office e CEC STREET KEY. CHA 1 Gartenfield J, tailor 2 Turner and Kirwood, tailors Edwards the Misses, milliners 4 Alagnier Fras, hair dresser 5 Wood B, 1 Red Lion" 7 Gerrett Thos, fancy warehouse 8 Guylott Robt, tailor 9 Cooper S M, solicitor 10 Nurse Hen, carver and gilder 11 Harris and Hamilton, srgn dntsts 12 Rout Thos, " Crown Tavern" 13 Daft Robt, tailor 13 Drake C and L, milliners- 14 Dowdeswel Benj, car lamp mnfr 16 Pearce M, dressmaker 17 Bendall Jas. tailor 18 Barker Wm,shoe maker 1 9 Large James, upholsterer 20 Armour Henry, grocer 21 Wilkinson M, wax chandler 24 Burrough John, tailor 24 Marsh W W, bookseller Cecil Ct, St. Martin's /cow. 2 Normanton Wra, boot maker 3 Law Wm, trimming seller 3 Ball Geo, coffee house 4 Kennedy H, shoe maker, &c 10 Snell John, spur maker 12 Alexander Rd, beer retailer, &c 12^ Gates J, hair dresser 13 Phillips Samuel, carpenter 14 Keates W, military cap maker 15 Deacon Richd, wine cooper 16 Charlton J, whalebone cutter 17 Uidier Hen, grocer & cheesmngr 18 Shepherd Jas, Bell " 12 Soame J, carpenter Cecil St, Strand. 1 Dignum Chas, tailor 3 Marrow L, bookbinder 11 Bancks R O, solicitor 12 Morgan Mrs E, lodging house 13 Leadbitter & D'Arcy, wne & sprt merchants 14 & 15 Goudy Mrs E J, lodgng hse 16 Johnston Thos Hen, solicitor 19 Martindale Benj, solicitor 21 Slade Wm, navy agent Chadwell St, St. John' s-st- road. 1 Spence M, straw hat manufactr 2 Nicholas C Thos, piano forte mkr 3 Reynolds W W, baker 4 Davenport Philip S, oilman 5 Hack Eliz, fruiterer 7 Shepherd Chas, chronometr mkr 12 Anderson Wm, surgeon 14 Goddard G, solicitor 16 Beddall Philip, surveyor 17 Massey F, watch escapemnt mkr 19 Magwood Richd, coal merchant 23 Reynolds John, gent's school. ChaltOIl St, Somrrs toivn. 1 Andrews G, wire wrkr & cage mkr 2 Lodge Robt, plumber 3 Cordell T, dairyman 4 Phillips Hen, tobacconist 4 Logie Hannah, tobacconist 5 Jenkins Jno, coffee & eating hse 'atkinson i merchant 7 Redford J, undertaker 8 Matheson S, stationer 9 Tackley E, cutler j 10 Holloway Thos, baker 1 1 Bishop Job, stone mason 12 Scott Mrs, dealer in wardrobes 13 Rundle Thos, china warehouse 16 Rigg Wm, tobacconist 18 Fink W W, currier 19 Crews E, straw hat maker 20 Hunter Geo, hbrdshr and pmtr 21 Peart T, shoemaker 22 Simes John, paper hanger 23 Munn Alex, tailor 24 Gunning Daniel, shopkeeper 27 Devereux Thos, baker 29 Walter Geo, shoe maker 31 Nichols Wm, hairdresser 32 Gurney Wm, wine & spirit mcht 33 Beaman Harriot, oil & colour dlr 35 Halliday H, stationer 37 Pratt Frederick, haberdasher 39 Higgins M A, statner and libry 40 Howard E, straw hat maker 44 Terry James, basket maker 48 Betts Jno, fruiterer and grngrcr 48 Cook W, bookseller and stationer 49 Burden J, boot maker 50 Gent Richard, tailor 53 Barron C, undertaker 54 Cornish H, painter 55 Bonnett Benj, tobacconist 56 Salter Wm, academy 57 Heffer Edmund, carver and gldr 60 Nicholls Robt, tobacconist 61 Kettle John, hair dresser 62 Temple Jas, wine & spirit mcht 67 Burkinshaw G, house agent 70 Morris A M, .undertaker 74 Salter John, tailor 77 Balchin Wm, lailor 79 Fox D, carpenter 80 McLean Donald, yeast merchant 81 Shiers Jas, bricklayer 82 Rooker John, butcher 85 Fan-child Mrs, straw hat maker 86 Sanderson S, ironmonger 87 Barber R Edw, grocer 88 Coldwell Wm, baker 89 House Sylas, tailor 90 Darley Thos, china warehouse Davis B, broker and dealer 91 Boon Wm, cabinet maker 92 Hubert Richd Wm, miller 93 Billington Jno, umbrella maker 94 Legg Wm, broker 95 Shephard Step, grocer & tea dlr 96 Robinson Thos, pawnbroker ( J7 Evans S R, gas meter manufacts 98 Delany Edw Dr, surgeon 99 Fielding Wm, dyer and scourer 100 Dickens T, tobacconist 102 Pizer Wolfe, clothes salesman 104 Ward Jane, milliner and drs mk 105 Vialls John, Victoria" 107 Burdon Robt, jeweller 108 Beaver D, shoemaker 109 Salisbury F, printer 110 Spencer Wm, oilman 113 Nelson John, dairyman 114 Stephens J, grocer & cheesemgr 115 Parkin W 7 m, umbrella maker 117 Verdin John, coffee house 118 Pawley Rbt, grngrcr & br rtlr 119 Russell Henry, undertaker 120 Moulton Wm, tailor 121 Timson A, tobacconist 122 Beyer Wm, biscuit baker Chamber St, Goodman 's-fields. 9 Davis Jos, gun maker 13 Palmer J, japanner 14 llsley Lucy, engraver 32 King Geo, " Red Lion " Cupper Jas, # Duke's Head" 52 Squires Wm, dlr in mam stores 54 Mason R G, gun polisher 59 Prichett R E, gun maker 60 Telfer Chas, glass cutter 64 Prideaux P, carpenter 68 Yeomans Jas, gun maker 77 Shury Richd, scale maker 85 Grayling E L, baker Chancery la, Fleet st. I & 3 Sweet Stephen, law bookseller 2 Bridges I W, wine merchant Common Pi.eas Okfick 5 Baddelcy R M, banister 5 Wilkinson Jos, & Cobbold, solrs 5 Williams J, conveyancer Welford R G, barrister 6 Carlon Jno & Haynes, solicitors 6 Thomas R, barrister 7 Chilton and Acland, solicitors 7 Dale Clement, solicitor 7 Belt W C, barrister 7 French G R, architect 8 Turner J H, solicitor 8 Whitehouse Rich, solicitor 8 Simon H A, barrister at law 8 Wyld J W, barrister 9 Thomson and Sons, law statnrs 10 Wheelock Josh, solicitor 10 Hill S, auctioneer and surveyor II Martin Joseph, barrister * Gardner J A, barrister * Heath G, sergeant 11 Heath D D, barrister 12 Steel Thos Rice, law stationer 13 Davis Rich, surgeon 15 Megevan C G, law stationer Fry A A, barrister Walton Robt, short-hand wr iter Stutely H O, solicitor 17 Dowling Alfred, barrister 17 Cobbett Jas P, barrister * Philips John, law stationer 18 Moulton Richard, law stationer Dyson W, solicitor Blaine D, solicitor * Blenkarn Thos, bookseller 20 Battye Fisher and Sudlow, solrs 21 Thomas Robert, engraver 22 Clarke II B, solicitor 22 Vigers Francis, auclr & estate agt 22 Elwin Marsham, barrister 22 Howarth Jas, barrister 23 Faver C W, barrister 23 Knight Wm, barrister 23 Hare Thos, barrister 23 Hale J, barrister 23 Christie Wm, watchmaker 24 Winter C, law stationer 24 Ellis W r R, barrister 25 Dixons, Brooks & Dixons.bankrs 26 & 28 Hammond W II, auctioneer Winstanley Jas W, barrister 26 Lloyd C, barrister 26 Gifford G, barrister 26 Robertson D B, barrister ' * Brandon D, wine merchant 28 Holmes G I, barrister 28 Macauley Jas, barrister 28 Robertson Jas, barrister 28 Burminster J, barrister 28 Harris , solicitor 28 Holcome , solicitor 30 Clarke F, Chancery-la din rooms 3 1 Thompson and Co, sheriffs office 27 Slinn Chas, bootmaker 27 Hackney T, tailor 32 King E, newsvender 33 Fry Ann, tobacconist 57 CHA STREET KEY. CHA 34 Long Wm, fruiterer 35 Lloyd Johu, " Blue Anchor" 36 Attfield Robt, law stationer * Snell G B, Bhort-hand writer 37 Windsor R V, law stationer 38 Sweet Wm, carver and gilder 15 Palace Court Office, Hewlitt John C, proth 39 Garry W H, solicitor 40 Cole W H, barrister 40 Hands T, solicitor 40 Teed George, solicitor Schomberg J T, bar & eqit dftsmn 41 Smythe Thos, barrister 41 Daniel W T S, barrister 41 Bloxam M, barrister 42 Reynell Geo, news agent * London Gaz for Adverts 42 Reynell I G, solicitor 43 Walmesley and Co, solicitors 44 Hill M D, barrister 44 Harrison , conveyancer 44 Hughes G W, law stationer 44 Prior , barrister 44 Grove Chas H, conveyancer 45 Preece W, " Hole in the Wall" 46 Bower T H & Back, solicitors 47 Stowers & Pope, law stationers 47 Hopwood and Fo*ter, solicitors 48 Price Thos E, auctioneer * Smith Geo, solicitor 49 Phillips Chas, barrister 50 Warraker Thos, law stationer Ruddall W, barrister Rolt Johu, barrister 51 and 52 Swanson C T, barrister 53 Oakman C, " Southampton Hotl" 54 Mereweiher H A, serjeant at law * Warlters & Lovejoy, auctioners &c 56 Twiss H, barrister 56 Lumley Edw, bookseller 57 Pickering Wm, bookseller 58 Deacon E E, special pleader 58 Panter J E, barrister Mitchell J, barrister * Lewis A J, equity draftsman 58 Hingeston S, barrister 59 Murrays Rymer & Murray, solrs 59 Hargrave J, barrister 59 Murray Wm Powell, barrister 60 Wray Robt, barrister 60 Cooper W W, barrister Hood Kdw T, barrister 61 Berry Geo Jas, barrister Hardy B, barrister * Stammers Josh, barrister Stevens A J, barrister 62 Winburn, Collett & Collett, solrs 63 Rhodes, Beevor, and Lane, solrs Fitzgerald J S, short hand writer 63 Roberts Wm, surveyor &c landagt Shee M A, barrister 64 Towgood Jno, barrister 65 Taylor J S, barrister 66 Newton and Sons, globe makers Newton & Berry, agts for patents 67 Spettigue Edmund, printer, &c Legal Observer Office * Smith Rich, solicitor 6H Roberts Wm, auctioneer & survr 70 Duncan Andrew, solicitor Leach Thos, barrister Stone Dan), solicitor * J eyes and Smith, solicitors 71 Petheram Jno, bookseller 72 Brock Chas, bookseller 73 Montleart A, tobacconist 1 Living and Co, wax chandlers 2 Joyce S, " White Hart" 58 Report Office Enrolment Office Six Clerks' Office Accountants' Office Registrar's Office 77 Garrod Jas, estate agent Danson , barrister * Fryer and Kendry, wine mchts * Dowse W H, barrister Cochrane Geo, barrister * Drewry C S, civil engineer Hill J Williams, barrister Allnutt S, barrister Tamliu , barrister Hughes , barrister Lambert D, barrister Clark Fredk H, barrister Ward R D, solicitor Child R J, solicitor 78 Anthony Elizabeth, tailor 79 Jackson M A, house painter 80 Grafton Henry, machine maker 81 Marshal Thos, oilman 82 Doyle Martin, bookseller 83 Collings Robt, " Three Tuns" 84 and 85 Sylvester Wm, butcher 86 Martin Wm, baker 86 Smith Josiah, barrister 87 Pike Hugh, law agency office 88 Pauison E, druggist Corfield C L, short hand writer Smith E F, barrister Freelaud H W* barrister Rolls Chambers. Harwood Chas, barrister Sim W, solicitor Weymouth and Rigby, solicitors Oliver , barrister Kirkmann Abram, barrister Ryley E, solicitor Hackham , solicitor Cooper W D. solicitor Friend H T, barrister Bagot , barrister Jones F, barrister Hall Fred, barrister Gore J B, solicitor, Dixon Robt, barrister Burrows A, barrister Bridge H, barrister Bruce P, barrister Best W M, barrister Sandys R H, barrister Lichfield and Owen, solicitors Thompson J S, solicitor Ivimey J, solicitor Pheney Rich, law bookseller 89 Whitechurch Rich, undertaker 90 Robinson Geo, portmanteau mkr Dempsey Johu, tailor 92 Foster P Le Neve, barrister Steere Wm, barrister Sibley F, fruiterer 93 Torkington O, cheesemonger 94 Dowse and Atkinson, law statnrs 95 Luckett H, coffee rooms iNorthcroft A, law stationer Danby S,translatrof Lat records 97 Northcroft J, law & gen statner Wright Thos, carver and gilder 99 Crocker Henry, solicitor 99 Duke M G, law stationer 100 Maugham and Kennedy, solrs 101 Braham L H, solicitor 102 Welbank Rich, law stationer 103 Burch Jno, auctioneer, appraiser and surveyor 103 Bacon A H, engraver 103 Weatherhead T, law stationer Deane H G, solicitor Blofield and Co, map publishers Knight & Co, office for serv writs 104 Hammond YV H, carpenter 105 Eiles D, "Five Bells" Incokporated Society, Wild K A. Esq, chairman Foss Edw Esq, deputy Maugham R, secretary 110 Coates J B, bookseller 1 10 Noble Theoph, bookseller 110 Carlisle Alfred, book publisher City Hall 111 Rogers David, baker 113 Bull Jos, tallow chandler 114 Carpmael Thos, grocer 115 Palmer John, robe maker 1 1 6 Harrison Wm, law stationer 117 Streatfield Jno, optician 1 17 Hurry S C, barrister 118 March Jno, fish tackle maker 119 Costerd E C, law & gen statnr 119 Laidman L, attorney's acct agt 120 Willis Johu, archery manufr 122 Beckford G H,kw & gen statnr Boykett T H, solicitor Smith E, solicitor 123 Stephens T, barrister Markham A B, solicitor Few Jas, builder Jeffreys Thos, law & gen statner 126 Pearson Thos, "Mitre" Woods Edm H, conveyancer 127 Slowmau A, sheriff's officer * Nathan Law I, sheriff's officer 128 Peter kin A C, shell fishmonger 129 Botterill Geo, Temple Coffee H 130 Pearce Chas, hair dresser 130 Haswell Robt, painter, &c 131 Snoxell W, bid mkr & hyd eng Chaildos St, Coven t garden. 1 Griffiths & Crick, silk mercers to Her Majesty 1 Roberts and Plowman, silkmecrs 2 Ford W G, beer retailers 3 Wellspring John, chemist 4 Creswick Thos & Co, card makrs 5 Diller D& J, dressing case rakrs 7 Poulton Wm, Shakspeare Cof H 9 Nichols John, printer 10 Freeman G F, house painter 12 Jenkins Chas, boot & shoe mkr 13 Webster J M, belt maker 14 Fillmore H, furrier 14 Cooper J, lodging house 15 Newman E, tea dealer 16 Emery Wm, coal dealer 17 Cowell Jas, butcher 18 Banes Wm Thos, baker 19 Elworthy T & Son, bootmakers 28 Puilen Mary, wine merchant 36 Llovd Wm, bookseller 37 38 & 39 Roberts C, tallow chdlr 40 41 and 42 Kepp R & E, copsmiths 43 Lothian Jas, boot maker 44 Fihe Enhine Station 45 Ford Luke, tobacconist 47 Small John, Welsh Harp" 49 Smith Wm, grocer 51 Doyle Jno, " Marquis of Granby'' 52 Jarvis Thos. coal dealer 53 Pettifer Henry, porkman * Scully F, boot maker 55 Padman J, eating house 57 Wieland John, brazier 58 George John, cheesemonger CHA STREET KEY. CHA 59 Worthington W J, " Oae Tun" 60 Randall Benj, baker and corn dlr 61 Dawe Fred, ' Ship" 62 Lemale T, dental repository, &c 62 Lemale Theod, surg dentist 63 Drant M, tobacconist 63 Catlin Wm, bookbindrs tool cutr 64 Wright Wm, " Black Prince" 66 Barker and Co, coach builders to Her Majesty 67 Armstrong E, oil and colourman 68 Freeston P, " White Swan" ChandoS St, Portland place. Mallalue G, livery stables 1 Wickers Jas Steph, conveyancer Rickards and Son, solicitors Change alley, ComhUi.^o \ 1 Gibson Wm, Baker's coffee house 2 Bose Hermaun Chrtpr. dining rs 3 Funge and Bland, " Garraways" 4 Frodsham W J, chronom maker 4 Parkinson & Frodsham, chn mkrs 4 Price and Brown, stock brokers 5 Guy and Adams, stock brokers 6 Knights S, print sellers 8 Tubby Josh, shell fishmonger 9 Edmonds Chas, stock broker 13 M'Mullen Jno C, stock broker 13 Hennah and Lawes, bill brokers * Wallis Chas, ship and insur brkr Hodgson & Powis, hp & ins brkr 13 Gibbs W, stock broker 16 Rowe, Kentish & Co, engravers 18 Squire Joseph, dining rooms 19 Rushworth & Jarvis, land sur- Saville row, Regent st 20 Hodges C W, tobacconist 21 Helps F A, stock broker 22 Enkyn Richd & Son, stock brkrs * Penlington Thos & Co, wine mcts * Harris Geo, stock broker 22 Fisher W A. wood broker 23 Wolfe Brothers, stock brokers 24 Burnand F, stock broker 24 Williamson C, chronometer mkr McKenzie and Co, D J, pre- served provision merchants Mclver, agent Macirone Geo, stock & exch brkr * Prince Jas, tailor 26 Durrant I R, stock broker Williams Jas, engraver, &c Girdler Wm, Russia broker 27 Comerford and Girdler, notaries Chapel pi Mews, Bfaw ? Culverwell Jno, " Horse & Grm"' Steward Jas, grocer Barnett and Franklin, carpenters Frances J, liveiy stable keeper Bryant John, sadler Chapel St, St. George's East. Bourey Jas, " King and Queen'' 6 Anderxon Jas, baker 10 Hall James, grocer 10 Foreman George, "Red Lion" Chapel pi, Brampton. 5 Bandy S, baker 6 Hopton Jno, retailer of beer 18 Prowett J, general dealer 45 Pennington And, dairyman 49 Cox W, carrier Fry Jno, carpenter & undertaker France Chas, plumber Chapel pi South, Grosvenor sq. Bevan Chas, bookbinder Aldis C M, belt and stay maker Chapel pi Nrth, Grosvenor sq. Mansel Jacob, carpenter Gibbs Geo, boys' school Chapel pi, Long lane, Borough. 1 Bell Alex, engineer Harkness Jas, timber merchant Chapel pi, Gt. Suffolk st, qoro. 5 Hammond J, carpenter Bastable H, veterinary forge Chapel pi, Cavendish square. 1 Barnjum Thos, wine merchant 2 Underwood Wm, tailor 3 Ballard Wm, baths 6 Craddock C, surgeon 7 Morris John, accountant Royal Gen Pension Society 9 Butler E, tailor 10 Leigh P, surgeon 1 1 Deck Robt, physician Chapel pi, Poultry. 1 York J O, engineer 1 Shepherd J B, architect 3 Shuttleworth Jas, printer 4 Houghton and Co, law stationers Chapel row, Spa/ieids. 1 Cresswell Wm, ** Old Vineyard" 7 Alderton Geo, saw mills 7 Alderton Chas, ivory turner 12 Jemmett Wm, ivory turner * 13 Cox John, plumber Chapel St, Bedford row. 2 Hicks James, cabinet maker 3 Young A, cabinet maker 4 Davies Wm, dairyman] 5 Littlewood E, " King's Arms " 6 Everett Jos, fruiterer 7 Wilson Wm, plumber BransgroYe Ben], tailor 8 Clew Thos, toy warehouse 9 Richards Clarke & Clarke, solctrs 10 Hughes John, solicitor 12 Webster Alpbonso Wm, aurist 14 Gunton R, linen draper, &c 1 5 Brown J T, Irish whiskey & stout merchant * Butler Wm B, general agent Chapel St, Cripplegate. Wrangle Jos, carman Chapel St, Edgeware road. 1 Welch E, floor cloth & cover inn fr 2 Stains Eliz, china dealer Mcintosh D, carpenter 3 Mcintosh Mrs, milliner 4 Haliey R, furnt broker 5 Clark Edw, furniture broker 6 King Wm, broker 7 Brown Richd, baker 8 Hendry Jno, shoe maker 9 Powell James, tobacconist 10 Simpson Chas, grocer and tea dlr 1 1 Hickman R, ironmonger 1 2 Gatward Geo, furniture broker 13 Lewer Jas, hair dresser 14 Trail W, pawnbroker 15 Snowden J P, leather seller 16 Smeed Geo, watch maker 17 Wallace Jas, hat maker 18 Rockett Zac, coach lace maker 19 Coomes Chas, shoemaker 20 Mason Jas, tobacconist 22 Cutts Geo, pork butcher Robins Edw, beer retailer 24 Simmons Simon, clothier 25 Kauth Henry, baker 27 Lowe Eliz, fruiterer 28 French Geo, butcher c9 Dutton T, shoe maker 30 Thorpe Henry, grocer 31 Stickwood W, eating house 32 Tompkins G, harness maker 34 Drysdale G, carpenter 40 Swaine and Co, linen drapers 41 Buckland Jane, milliner 42 Orford Jno, tailor 43 Brown Wm, portrait painter 45 Unett John, house agent 46 Wilson H C, coal merchant 47 Smith Jonathan, straw hat mkr 48 Watts D, < Pontefract Castle" Chapel St, Grosvenor place. 2 Bailey Mary Ann, milliner 3 Archer Fred, surgeon 6 Mason George, butcher 8 Whiting Thos, grocer 1 1 Darby Edw, plumber 22 Morgan John, surgeon 28 Wilkins Chas, dairyman 28 Wilkins Chas, ho & estate agent 33 Hutchins Henry, surgeon 35 Miland John, stationer 3rj Locke Jas, surgeon 37 Kennett David, tailor 38 Mason Jas, baker 39 Scoones Edw, fruiterer 40 Harper Joseph. "Sun" 41 King Thos, baker 12 Whiting Thos, cheesemonger Chapel St, Grosvenor square. 1 Tupper R, boot maker 7 Ingle Wright, builder 31 Bndger Anthony, builder 32 Smith Wm, hair dresser 33 Waller Thos, fruiterer 34 Sams Jas, dairyman 35 Edwards R, grocer 36 Davies James, butcher Chapel St, Holywell mount. 1 Wright Henry, beer retailer 3 Flower T. straw hat presser 4 Matthews Wm, painter 5 Sams John, bdsted & comce mkr 6 Lewes Wm, chair seating mnfr 7 Alabaster Wm, hat manufacturer 10 Alabaster G, butcher Pool David, builder 10^ Horner C, cabinet maker 11 Dawson Sarah, straw hat mnfr 14 Van-De-Wall Philip, Impblk mf 15 Wilson Geo. carpenter 16 Cranston and Son, shoe makers 20 Oxley , greengrocer 23 Pocock Jas, baker 26 Fenn D, comb maker 27 Thorp Wm, corn dealer 28 Brown Chas, undertaker 29 Ford VVm, grocer 30 Millard Wm, cabinet maker 5ser 8 Lambert Saml," Duke of York " ] Wilcocks Wm, greengrocer 11 Smith James, grocer 13 Greenway J, ironmonger 15 Skelton T, butcher 16 Babb Benjamin fishmonger Charlotte CreSC, Islington grn. 14 Stock W T, baker CharltOXl pi, Islington green. 6 Treadway Jn, lace manufacturer 10 Hill W A, builder 13 Hill W M, commission yard CharltOXl St, PUzroy square. 1 London J, baker 2 Boothman Ediv, cheesemonger 3 Bussman Wm, cheesemonger 4 Richbell F, broker 5 Thos C, bottle dealer 6 Buckley Jno, plumber 8 Sorsby John, tailor 10 Harley J, cowkeeper 12 Golding John, clothier 14 Heaves Esther, grocer 15 Heather H C, boot maker Charlton st s Up, fttzroy sq 9 Sexton Sarah,'carver 10 Thorpe Rich, cabinet maker CHA STREET KEY. CHE 12 Thompson Robt, cheesemonger ] 5 Thomas Rich, watch maker 17 Miller Geo, baker Skidmore Diana, V Lord Nelson" 20 Rushworth James, cowkeeper 17 Heaton Joseph, tailor Chart St, Gt, HoxionNew iown. 24 Stone Eliz, " Globe " 25 Ward J, grocer 31 Shepheard Ed\r, ivory turner 34 Green Jas, carpenter and builder 35 Underton M, carpenter 37 Darnell J, dressing case manfr 56 Fairfull Thus, cabinet maker 57 Underwood Jas, goldsmith 42 Jackson John, bookbinder 70 Wilson R F, coal merchant 75 Willcock S, carpenter Charterhouse la, &* John st. 1 Roberts Chas, umbrella maker 3 Morton Win, earthenware dealer 4 Kyne A, hair dresser 8 Smith Jas, gas fitter 7 Story H, coal merchant 9 Ehett Saml.dresngcase&dskmk 13 Tooth Jas, baker 15 Burton Jas, baker 17 Wright W, smith 18 Phillips Chas, "Fox & Anchor" 19 Bishop J, copper plate engraver 20 Payne Eliza, chandler 22 Rippon W, builder 23 Bryson Jas, " Red Cow" 27 Davies S and M, straw hat mnfr Charterhouse sq, 2 Tamplin Richd, surgeon 3 Baxter G, engraver, &c 4 Farre John Rich, physician 5 White John, surgeon 10 Atkinson & Co, prntrs & statners 12 Bowra Hen G, surgeon 14 Skey F, surgeon 17 Miles Juo, surgeon 22 Stowers Thos, painter 27 Complin and Rigden, surgeons 29 Gravell & Son, clock & watchmrs 30 M'Gregor J, mnf gldsmth & jwlr 32 Hine and Robinson, solicitors 3;') Winstone John, surgeon 36 Scott, Webster & Geary, bookslrs 38 Imkiruy for Dis ov THs Rectum 39 Hulme Robt, surgeon dentist 40 Thomson and Co, surgeons 41 Cross John B, watch maker Charterhouse st, 1 McDarrell Jas, stationer 2 Goodheart Wm, cabinet maker 5 Colam J, ham and beef shop 7 Clubb and Son, engravers 9 Seagrave Brothers, water gilders 13 Froggatt Samuel, opticiau 16 Shury J and Son, engravers Blackford Jno, wire blind maker i 18 Shillito S, boot maker I 19 Chapman W, plumber i 20 Doy Jas B, carpenter ! 21 Goldfinch John, fishmonger I 23 Binder Saml, printer I Chatham pi, BUick/riars. 1 Sewell and Co, merchants 7 Kennett and Gregory, solicitors 8 Davis A, auctioneer 9 Promoter Like Assurance Op Saw aid Mich, secy F 10 European Lipe Assurance Op Foggo David, secy 11 Hour. Missionary. Society Dunn Rev Ed A W r ells Rev Algernon Matheson Rev Jas D D sees, London Annuity Society Shepherd, Rev R H, secretary 12 Family Endowment Society Cazenove John, secretary 13 Holt W J, solicitor 14 Patent Rapid Filtratn Depot Walsh Ed, secretary 14 Ross Geo, merchant 14 Heir at Law, &c, Society 14 Chester Ship Canal, &c Comp Cheapside. 3 Dunnett W, toyman 4 Butler T, pat medicine warehse 5 Seabrook Eliz, trunk maker 7 Bundy John, trunk maker 8 Bunn Thos, haberdasher 9 Kendle W, lace manufacturer Hearne and Veary, lace mnfrs 10 Slark and Son, ironmongers 1 1 Graham and Co, calico printers 12 Herve F, artist * Prentice J, confectioner 13 Moody W, tailor Corbishley Robt, silk warehsm 14 Kohler J D, furrier 15 Paull E, hatter 15 Soper Ebenez, furniture printer 16 Partridge & Price, calico printers Cox Harry, surgeon 17 Moore and Co, warehousemen 18 Curling & Co, furniture printers 19 Suter Edw, stationer, and agent for Ritchie's Pat Copg Presses * Inpant School Depository Menetrier E, lace manufacturer 20 Caldecott & Powell, Manches wr 23 Gouldiug Chris, linen draper 26 Collard & Collard, piano-f mnfrs 27 Shepperson Thos, Manch wrehse Boyle Wm, silversmith, &c 28 Crawford Jno, umbrella mnfr Boyle Patterson, umbrella mnfr 29 Burchett W, boot maker 31 Rowsell S W, stationer 32 Keymer, James & Co, silk prntrs 33 Dent J & VV and Co, glove mnfrs 33 Romains Robt, hosier 34 Hill W, hair dresser 36 Mott Wm, jeweller 37 Biden Jno, engraver and printer 38 Woodrow G A, hosier 39 Milner Mark, cutler 40 Nalders and Co, warehousemen 40 Baker Rich, tailor 42 Dando N Sons and Co, hat mnfrs 45 Battam and Craske, house decors 4> Nutting Wm James, seedsman * Macintosh C & Co, In rbr clh mnf 47 Kipling Wm, hosier, glover, &c 48 Keith and Co, music sellers 49 Cope Thos, stationer 50 Lea, Bousfield & Co, silk mnfrs 50 Young, Glassford & Co, cal prntrs 50 Rheinlander Fred, warehouseman 50 Fryer Wm Jas, watchmaker, &c 51 Pill Alfred, pastrycook 5 1 Hardwicke & Co, whlsl glovers 52 Stokes Edw, hatter 52 Marr W, pt fire proof chest mnfr 53 Mills Waiter, boot maker 54 Ralph C & Co, furnishg ironmgrs 55 Mutt Wm, jeweller 56 Barber Abraham, jeweller 57 Perrin Geo, hatter Arnold Geo and Co, hatters Stacey Fredk B, warehouseman 57 Teulon Jno, printer 58 Green and Chub, hair dressers 58 Bowtell T, boot maker 59 March R and Co, hatters * Broadhent Jno, toilonet warehse Deighton Wm, warehouseman 60 Cuthbert and Tolkein, furriers 61 Rolfe and Sons, piano-f mnfrs 61 Lloyd Herbert, solicitor 61 Townshend W T, artist 62 Jennings Robt, bookseller 63 Lucas and Co, chemists Williams Wm Thos, merchant 64 Eddies Mary, hosier 65 Rigge T H and Co, perfumers 66 Tait Wm, warehouseman 67 Standly E and R, warehousemen 68 Stewart John, tailor * White W and Son, hat manfrs 69 Lamb Geo, goldsmith 70 Garratt Wm, umbrella manfr 70 Pond Jos, hat and cap manfr 71 Grant, Grant, and Phillips, mchts 72 Jennings Wm, hat manfr 72 Edward Peter, tailor 73 Tegg Thos, bookseller 74 Keats and Ledger, hat manfrs 75 Taylor J, umbrella manfr Westley G, professor of music * Cummins and Co, linen warehse 76 Morrison J, tailor Innes J, " Queen's Arms Tavn" 76 Street Wm, vellum binder 77 Lott Wm, cook and confectioner 77 Fox Jno, miniature painter 77 Woolley James, tailor 78 Jones Samuel, silversmith 79 Beck & Co, hair drs, patent skin wig mrs, agts for Berry's hair dye 80 Crabb J A, bookseller Fry, Loxley, and Fry, solicitors 81 Hand John, boot maker 81 Hiliier Benj, hair dresser 82 Peyton Henry, boot maker 82 L'Ange Augustus, watchmaker 83 Ganthony R P, chronometer mkr 84 Hand John, hat manfr Lukyn Edw, dentist 85 and b6 Bult, Son, & Co, goldsms 88 Hebert E, library 89 Brunswick and Co, furriers 90 Mabyn & Grant, Mch & lin whmn 92 Atlas Assurance Company 93 Jackson Wm, chemist 95 Ellis H T W, silversmith, &c 96 Tregear and Lewis, print sellers 97 Bath John, dressing case maker 98 Parkins James, tailor 98 Pollon John, boot maker 99 Button Geo, confectioner 100 Eastman and Yeo, stationers 101 Baldwin H, tailor Ewins S D, bookseller Muddell J, " Burton coffee hse" 102 Wilson and Sons, stationers 105 Home and Co, library 105 Procter,Goude,&Thomsett,sgn8 106 Storrs J, slvrsmth, hrdwmn, &c 107 and 108 White & Greenwell, whn 109 Bird Hen, jeweller 110 Thompson J and Co, warehsnm 1 10 Mathews E and Co, silk agents 111 Minton G F, wholesale hosier * Mills G and J, hosiery ntanfrs Miutou G V, agent 05 CHE STREET KEY. CHE 112 COMMRCL AND GeN LlKE ASSUR. Lawrance Frederic, sec 113 Grave, Brown, & Hatfield, Man- chester and Scotch warehsemn ] 14 Robson & M'Gregor, whol wmn 114 Black Jas & Co, calico &slkpntrs 114 Field Rd, calico printer 115 Hadland & Shillingford, M wmn 1 1 7 Robinson E, foreign merchant 119 Lambert Henry, watchmaker 119 Farthing and Reed, tailors 120 Marshall T & Son, band & si wa * Marshall Sam, silk warehsemn * Troup John, watch manfr 121 Evans D and Co, warehsemn 122 Rutter J & W, umbrella manfr 123 Wood Wm, boot maker 124 Thompson Jonth, stationer 125 Raymond Thos, tobacconist 126 Ive Geo Hen, jeweller 127 Laurie and Co, merchants 127Hamilton,Hyde,&Co,frngemfrs 128 & 129 Thomas W and Brothers, whol shoe and stay manfrs 130 Smith & Anderson, muslin mfrs 130 Hammond,Turner,&Sons, butm 131 Warland H & Co, crpe & slk mfs 132 Welch & Margeston, brace mfrs 133 Parkins Thos, tailor 133 Fownes, Brothers, glove manfrs 133 Brace G and T, solicitors 134 Wheeler, Strachan, and Roan, calico printers 135 Rose B Robt, oil merchant 136 Bentley Robt and Co, warehmn 137 Ovington and Co, gauze manfrs 137 Ashurst W H, solicitor 138 Hemsley, Bros, lin & Man wmn 139 Cotes Nath H, bookseller Jones Jas, accountant and auctr 139^Sneidau M Mrs, boarding house 140 Lewis James & Lewis, linen wa 141 Townes and Son, saddlers 142 Sparkhall E and Co, stationers * Jones and Ward, silk manfrs 142 Fisher John and Co, warehsemn 142 Campbell and Co, muslin manfrs Simson Henry, agent 142 Nash James, tailor 142 Parke R, tailor 142 Sharp John, agent * Saddlers' Hall Clarke G, clerk to company 144 Miller and Son, quill merchts " 145 Pearsall and Son, silkmen 146 Dew W S and J B, hosiers, &c 147 Dixsons & Co, whol shoe warehse 148 Lobb E G, hosier Honiball Jas, warehouseman Porter and Co, anchor manfrs 149 Dolbell L D, for agnt& whsemn 150 Reeves and Sons, artists' colrmn * Robson and M'Gregor, win whse 153 Coxhead and Richards, lacewse 154 Barr John, hair dresser 155 Gaze Hen, boot maker * Goldney S and Co, lace manfrs 156 Lockhart Thos & Chas, seedsmn 156 Goddard T, ready made lin whse 157 Brown and Co, merchants 158 Chubb Wm, straw hat warehse Chelsea market. See Environs. Chenies mews, Bedford sq. Sole Geo, cooper Streek J, coach spring maker 31 Langley Jos, coach maker 66 40 Scott W, soda water maker 43 Moore Jas, licensed horse dealer 45 Hard wick John, livery stables Chenies mws,Up, Bedford sq. 1 Shilston , carpenter 1 Stevens John, beer retailer 3 Soword G G, plumber 19 and 20 Whiting Jas, coachmaker Hutchison Geo, cabinet maker 31 Langley Jos, coach maker 32 Jacobs M, pianoforte maker 33 Parry Wm, file cutter Chenies St, Bedford sq. 1 Southey and Co, curriers 2 Dimond Chas, cheesemonger 3 Cawley John, fruiterer 3 Clark R, Son, and Co, papr stnrs Blackhurst Madame, corset mkr 4 Butler Wm, brass manfr 4 Thompson Jas P, carpenter 6 Newberry Wm, bookseller and pr 5 Clapperton Robt, baker 7 Burridge Richard, painter 8 Cocker Geo, china figure maker 8 Cocker Douglas, likeness modlr 9 Tanswell Steph, ironmonger Langmead Thos, carpenter 10 Brown Wm, plasterer & scag wrk 13 Honneysett Edw, ornamtl carver 13 King Chas, stonemason 14 Heftel George, tailor 14 Willis John, cowkeeper 15 Dossetter Thos, painter 15 Briaris W, brush maker 18 Downes Edw, carver and gilder 20 Chapman Thos, cowkeeper 21 Egen John, tailor 22 Aldridge J Dewell, grocer & oilm 23 dirties Thos, shoemaker 24 Witt Gilbert, cheesemonger 23 Dean Thos, "Goat" Chequer yard, Dowgate hill. 4 Pauli E, merchant Cooper John, whsekeeper 5 Heeker Saml H T, indigo merch 5 Brewer & Hallworth, builders Gooch and Coarsens, wrehskeeps Cherry Gard St, Bermondsetj. Claughton Heu, "Cherry Tree " 10 Bisley J, carpenter and apprasr 13 Stratford D, baker 14 Dimmett R, carpenter 14 Cowley Henry, grocer 4 Bligh Geo, rope maker 3 Chandler Wm, dyer 1 Stone Geo, butcher 13 Henderson Wm, tailor 12 Garratt Geo, grocer Cherry Gard st, Lit. Elmer Hy, Jamaica coffee house Bock Jas, china man Cherrytree ct, Aidersgate st. 2 Goodacre Thos, gold thread mnf 3 Clarke Geo J, watchmaker Ashman Geo, bookbinder Che sham place. 34 Barnett John, M D Cheshire St, Bethnal green. Tinker Jane, grocer & cheesmgr Pratt Rd, "Crown and Anchor" Darnell Win, farrier Gable Jno, beer retailer Sands Geo Jno, beer retailer Chester mews, Grosveuor pi. 8 Wright Sarah, "Coach & Horses" Darby Edw, plumber Jarvis Thos, farrier 5 Bentley John, chimney sweeper Smallman Josh, builder Mitchell John, builder Markham Wm, livery stable kpr Chester pi, Bethnal green. 3 Wilson John, oilman 4 Massingham J E, chemist Calver John, stone mason Pollock Robt, baker Davis Wm, butcher Emons Thos, cooper Weybret M, shoemaker 13 Moore Charlotte, oilman Fitzpatrick Jno, bootmaker 4 P'gtt John, cheesemonger Mackey J, tinman and brazier Chester sq, Pimiico. 13 Cundy Thos, architect Cundy Jos, builder Chester St, Kennington. Bryant Jas M, wine br & cigr mi G Ratty Wm, surgeon 1 1 Morris Thos, S, mathml inst mki 12 Hore Jas, plumber 31 Keartland Thos, brad & burr mki 24 Mason J H. livery stables 13 Brett Wm, baker 16 Hall F, dlr in building material: 18 Jameson Hy, grocer and chesem. 29 Wickes Geo Aug, tailor 34 Roberts J, boot and shoe maker 17 Stokes E, beer retailer 42 Moor S, coach smith 6 1 Catley Josh, news agent White Jos, "Sir Sidney Smith " Hanks Robt, livery stables 23 Simmonds Saml, library 25 Bearchetl G, music seller 27 Simmons J, tailor Chester St, Lit, Pimiico. 1 Brett James, butcher 1 Goodyer Wm, "Talbot" 5 Pragnell Wm, baker 7 Mason Jno, veterinary surgeon 1 1 Stocker G, house painter 14 Dawson Wm, bottle dealer Whittaker Rich, broker Woodcock Mary, shoemaker 13 Hughes Jas, bricklayer 12 Culverwell Thos, fruiterer 1 5 Aram Jas, fruiterer 9 Prince Edw, tailor 8 Coleman Wm, butcher Dodd Rich, beer retailer Hobbs and Davis, corn dealers Hall Chas, grocer Chester ter, Pimiico. 1 Ashton Henry, "Chester Arras ' 12 Hey Wm, grocer 13 Allen Josh, fruiterer Prior P F, saddler & harness mk CHE STREET KEY. CHU Chester ter, Low, Pimiico. 1 Broomhead Thomson, cabinet mk 2 Chapman Jas Robert, builder Chesterfield st, Lit, Marybn. 2 Knight John, beer retailer 3 Ryler R, baker 5 Palmer Thos, bookbinder 8 Berwick John, grocer 9 Godfrey T, register's office 11 Tait Henry, tailor 14 Burnell Robt, gas fitter Chesterfield st, Lit, Marybn 6 Fisher James, "3 Jolly Bakers" 13 Day J, bricklayer Cheyne walk. (See Environs.) Chichester rents, Chancy la. 3 White Wm, tailor 5 King G, carpenter 5 Lane T, dairy 7 Martin Wm, "Old Ship Tavern" Alt & Blogg, stmg prl wrkrs, &c 10 Rutter Henry, cheesemonger Thompson Jas, tailor 12 Stone John, plumber Stokes Edmund, tailor 13 Parish Saml, shoemaker Cricksand st, ivhUechapei. 5 Thielemann Fred, comb maker fi Gray Jonath, " La Collingwood" 7 Kramer John, baker 32 Heckman J no, seal & fur sk dyer 33 Mill Thos, gas fitter 38 Thumm Fredk, baker 39 Bouchard Mary, beer retailer 20 Boggis N, bricklayer 43 Nott Ptter, grocer & cheesmngr 47 Dickson Robt, retailer of beer Child's pi, Temple bar. 1 Russell, J A, birrister 2 West ley F C, news agent&bookslr 3 Chambers Montagu, barrister 4 De la Marc John, solicitor 6 Mau,shai,ls&Ass Ovv to C ov Ex China Walk, Lambeth. 1 Moy John, coffee rooms Pollard Matthew, btn & trmg sir 5 Martin R, carpenter Matthews Chas J, carver & gilder G Townsend S, greengrocer Clarke Geo, '' Cock and Bottle" 8 Dun Edw, chair manufacturer Tilthorpe J, bricklayer 29 Kennett Wrn Robt, watchmaker Chiswell St, Ensbury. 2 Rickards, J & R carpet wrhs 3 Rooke Geo, " Pied Horse*' 4 Alexander Israel, repository 5 Leggatt Jas, umbrella maker 7 Rodborne Thos, feather mnfr 7 Mills John, stationer * Strange J, greengrocer 8 Bidlake J H, watch maker 9 Martin Wm, corn dealer 10 Urie Jas, hair cutter 11 Close Sarah, baker 12, 13, 18, and 19, Dale Jno, ironmgr 14 London T, plumber F 2 15 Baggott, W H, coffee rooms 16 Evans D and Co, silk dressers 17 Grant Edw, leather seller 18 & 19 Dale Jno, wholesale ironmgr 20 Vickery Saml, coal merchant * Stone Thos, leather seller 21 Bishop John, basket maker 22 and 23 Caslon Hen, letter foundr 24 Phillips Richd, auctioneer 25 Nash Jacob, '{ Jack of Newberry" 26 Mason J, cheesemonger 27 Bailey Wm, auctioneer 28 Ryder Martha & Sons, tbco mnfrs 29 Worger T C, chemist 31 Howes Jas, leather seller 32 Tabrum Margaret, grocer * Gore Henry, builder, &c 33 Smart J, corn dealer 35 Foster Thos, carpenter 36 Browne Dan Geo, confectioner 37 Miller James, butcher 38 Winterbotham A&II "Hd** Hd" 39 Rodgers and Sons, web mnfrs 41 Pinckuey Thos F, solicitor 41 Smith Jos, sup regis of bths dths & marriages, St Luke's Old st 43 Fry John and Thos, auctioneers 45 Hemming A F, elstc surg ins mnf 46 Jacobs J, solicitor 47 Blyth Thomas, surgeon 48 Capps Wm, grocer 49 Whitbread & Co, brewers 51 Jones Chas, coffee rooms 52 Wincott & Yeats, cheesemongrs 53^ Michael, clockmaker 54 Higham M and S, booksellers 55 Laxon Marg, baker 56 Clarke Wm, St Paul" 58 Gosbell H, straw hat manufactrer 59 eating house 60 and 61 Coleman Wm, hat mnfr 62 Boxious P, furrier 63 Leeson John, surgeon 64 Guillan M A, baker 66 Warren John, w Coach & Horses" 67 Cadd T, oilman 68 Bowen Jas, linen draper 69 Foster Benj, pastrycook 70 & 71 Davies J no& Rich, linen drps 72 Genge G P, grocer 73 Lee H and J, builders * Kelsey Rich, surveyor 74 Harding Edw P, hosier 75 Harradehce Jos, butcher 77 Terry Chas, linen draper 78 Sowerby T B, pawnbroker 79 Patersou P, shoemaker 80 Kay Henry, " Crown" 81 Swannell John, linen draper 82 Timms Wm, pastrycook 83 Holloway Jane, straw hat mkr 84 Allen M, straw hat maker 85 Allen Thos, tea dealer 86 Deane, Dray & Deane/stove mfrs 87 Pitman Hester, shoemaker 88 Hunt Wm, linen daper 89 Alley Geo, stationer 90 Shirtliff Edw, chemist Chrisp St, East India road. 2 Ellison M & M A, milliners 5 Gent , "Guy Earl of Wrwck" Christopher Ct, St Mle Grand. 3 Jones T, dairyman 5 Bury John, engraver 7 Rich Wm & Chas, vellum binders Christian St, St. George's East. Golden Jas, carman Westfallen Wm H, cooper Schroder and Co, sugar bakers Scott Anthony, carman Jarrey Wm, "Comet" 13 Jenkins Thos, grocer 15 Oliver Jas, carpenter Benton John, carman Allerman , shoemaker 22 Smither Henry, carman Mackintosh John, wheelwright Martineu and Sons, sugar bkrs Fairclough T M, carman Kiick Peter, sugar baker Christopher &t 9 Utton garden. 1 Yardley Wm, solicitor * Palmer W F, carpenter, &c 1 Baker Thomas, cabinet maker 2 Wilkinson Samuel, carpenter 2 Eelles John, jewel case maker 3 Challis Jas, tailor Wenboume J R, Royal Oak" Church St, Clement's lane. 1 Jones Edw, hop merchant 3 Jones R G & Co, insurance agnts 3 Adams Geo, solicitor 3 Adams Henry, surveyor 3 Little Jos, builder 4 Fuller A E and Co, merchants * Hasler John, merchant 5 Dollman Kdw, merchant * Iredell L W, wool broker * Piatt John, solicitor 6 Le Blond & Co, engravs & prints Church Ct, Lothbury. 2 Atkinson and Pilgrim, solicitors Church Ct, Old Jewry. Oerbury & Harris, Blkwll hall fc 3 Crosby and Comptou, solicitors 4 Yarnold E R, leather dresser Church ct, New, strand. Hartley J, " Currier's Arms" 23 Hudson John, currier 24 Appleby H, milliner & dress mkr 26 McLeries, coffee rooms 28 Tolley and Smart, tailors Church la, Limehouse. Dowley J, " Camden's Head" Argent W, plumber Haggis W T, surveyor Church la, Islington. 2 Bye Richard appraiser 4 Baker John, undertaker Church la, Whitechapel. 2 Prophit Wm, surgeon 4 Madliu Jno, carver 5 Ricketts Jas, coffee rooms 6 Lake Young, herbalist 7 Perkins Jno, cork mercht 8 Buck and Co, saw makers 1 Scrivener J T, corn chandle 2 Hendriks John, confectioner 4 Mackey Thos, hair dresser 5 Wall F, potato uealer Jenson Wm, " Fir Tree" 67 CHTT STREET KEY. CHU 2 Metcalfe Thos, ginger beer mkr 3 Lay Sarah, dining rooms 4 Taylor Wra, cheesemonger 5 Swan Geo, bed warehouse 6 Williams John, boot maker 7 Davis Danl, china warehouse 9 Baker Benj, dining rooms 10 Bannister M B, oil and col warehe 12 Courtney Jas F, timber mercht * Evans A E, manufactng chemist 13 Wells Jas, coffee rooms 14 Fairfax Robt, "Prince of Wales" Fairrie, Brothrs & Co, sugrrefins 6 Tourell Lewis, coal & potato dir 5 Watts Geo M, pastrycook 7 Hegerty John, range manufctr 12 Hales Peter, baker 13 Sheerr Saml, undertaker 14 Haigh Wm, cork cutter Bowman Chas, sugar refiner Millward Jno, gun proof house I 2 Story Geo, scale maker i 3 Greenham Wm, boot maker Adams Wm, farrier " Alcock Geo, wheelwright Laycock Wm, boot maker 1 Raby Lewis, baker 3 Matthew Jos, printer 5 Poulson Jabez, varnish manuf J^Warmington J, hide & skin sales 6 Pearcy Thos, tyre smith 7 Draper R, currier 8 Gilbert Wm, coffee rooms 9 Lumb John, bootmaker 10 Foale John, saw maker I I Ford Saml, carpenter Newman Jno, " Horse & Groom" 1G Mumford Jno, imperial brew tap 16^ Marshall Chas, veterinary surgn 78 Law Jno, coffee rooms 79 Carr John, haberdasher 80 Davis Simon, confectioner 81 West A, dining rooms 82 Davis Simon, trimming seller * Edwards Stephen, butcher 83 Bailey Jos, tobacconist 84 Bligh E S & J S, ironmongers Church paSge, Businghall-si. Boston Hen, tailor Oldis Thos, plumber 5 Bond Richd, bootmaker Church psge, Guildhall. 4 Holmes Jno S, plumber Church pi, Piccadilly. 1 Bisney E, butcher 2 Clarence Thos, fruiterer 3 Pye John, dining rooms 4 Bernard J, turner & fish tack mkr Church rd, Commercial-rd East. Reeves T, butcher Gillmore T, hair dresser 40 Holdsworth G, oilman 14 Colwell R, tin plate worker 45 Nuncarrow Susanna, grocer 40 Holdsworth G, oilman 38 Reeve J D, butcher Blumont J, painter and glazier 41 Clark J, beer retailer 48 Williams J, gng br & soda wa mnf 20 Dalby Henry, tobacconist Rainer S S, baker Wilson Robt " North Pole " 49 Jewell Chas, general dealer 68 30 Morgan H, " Dover Castle" 17 Hodges Abraham, pork butcher 29 Ward Stephen, grocer 37 Worboys John, shoemaker Conway Danl, tailor 16 Cotton J, grocer- Si Aslett Jane, beer retailer 54 Freudemacher Geo, col manufr 7 Gibbs Nathl, grocer 2 Whitefield Eliz, egg merchant Church rOW, Aldyate. 1 Sumner M, working jeweller 4 Wilson Wm, "Bell" 5 Hodges John, bed & mat mnfrs G Gowar R B, coach builder 10 Fleetwood E, painter 7 Reynolds Wm, bookslr & binder 11 Reynolds John, bookseller Sawyer Jos, " Grapes" Church TOW, Bethnal green. 3 & 4 Stutter Thos, printer, &c Vandeibteen C, crptr & bldr Sluce Wm, watch and clock mkr Iverson Thos, plmbr & glazir Lester Jno, dyer and scourer Burgess W, " W hittingtn & Cat'' Church la, St. Giles's. 10 Stewart John, grocer, &c. 26 Mason Jas, " Robin Hood ' Church rOW, Limehouse. Horn Wm, sail maker Nelson G R, cooper Oilier Geo, rope maker Taylor Richd, boat builder 10 Baker Wm, solicitor Church rOW, St. Parwras road. 16 Sharp Saml, optician 1 Hayward Geo, coach maker 2 Blunt Win, grocer 3 Crosier Ju Jas, painter & glazier 7 Pullin Geo, baker 14 Dixon Mrs, milliner 18 Colstbrd E J, auctioneer 13 Union J, dyer 19 Kirke Geo, furniture broker 23 Roper Benjamin, " Wheatsheaf " 24 Freeman Jas, grocer 25 Fowler Jas, chair and sofa mnfr 28 Capon Stephen, bricklayer 30 Thompson Thos, carpenter 31 Bohn Danl, herald painter Church St, New, Bermondsey. 35 Morris Edw, millwright St engiin 28 Duggan H, lighterman 25 Lewis G, lighterman Oliphant W, watch maker Smith Wm, rope maker 2 Kitchen R B, dyer 1 Watson W and J, bakers Thompson Fras, dlr in fire wood Church St, Berimed green. 1 Shrimpton Wm, greengrocer 3 Martin Geo, coffee house 4 Savory Sarah, pewterer 6 Grist Giles, grocer 7 Lane B and Son, silk warehouse 8 Eaton John, straw bonnet mnfr 9 Gill Martha, milliner 10 White Jas W, timber dealer 1 1 Powell W, pewterer 12 Rushbridge Wm, potato dealer 13 Tait Robt, beer retailer ' 14 Turner J and C, leather sellers 15 Field M, bonnet maker 16 Wills E, confectioner 16^ Gogay Saml, silk and cotton dlr 17&Burtwell J T, oilman 17 Lucas John, haberdasher 18 Wood John, currier 19 Page Wm, butcher' 23 Raynes Wm, surgeon 21 Stokes John, shoe maker 22 Sibbald Wm Chas, tobacconist 23 Marshall Jos, cheesemonger 24 Barrett T and D, grocers Calver Saml, eating house Mears J, potato dealer 27 Giles Saml, baker 28 Watkins Edw, saw maker 29 Dormer Jas, undertaker 31 Webb J, boot and shoe maker 32 Pike F, hair dresser 33 Gooding T, hatter 31 Felgate Saml, tea dealer 35 Saunders John, eating house 36 Lainpard J, pocket book maker 37 Hart John, baker 38 Burdett J, " Dolphin " 40 Norton Saml, umbrella maker 41 Bright Jas, boot maker 32 Sturtevant R L, soap maker 42 Griffiths E A, oilman 43 Grout John, potato dealer 44 Haywood , butcher 45 Farringdon Geo, Black Dog " 46 Pinkney Richd, boot & shoe mkr 47 Margetson Wm, umbrella maker 48 Fox W, chemist and druggist 49 Livermore Thos, coffee house 50 Monks Wm, rope maker 51 Watson E G, butcher 53 Cross Sarah, " Von Tromp " 54 Puttier G L, corn dealer 55 Bridges T li, straw hat maker 56 Maiiland Richd, dentist 57 Young J, undertaker 58 By ford Geo, baker 59 Brittain Stephen, horse hair mnfr 61 Rider Geo, tobacconist 62 Noquet Isaac, Well & Bucket" 67 Merrick Wm, shuttle mkr & turnr 68 Dongworth Saml, tinman 69 Crudgingtou Jos,boot & shoe mkr 73 Flower Wm, grocer and tea dlr 75 Barrett Jos, paper hanger 76 Young Wm, undertaker 76 Laws John, baker 79 Atkins E, tobacconist SO Newport Sarah, shop keeper 81 Weeks & Hancock, blacksmiths 82 Catling G, building material dlr 83 Steevens Francis, " Blade Bone " 85 Cannon Saml, boot and shoe mkr 86 Forsaith J S, printer 87 Dupuy Peter, tailor 88 Taylor Wm, surgeon 89 Dawson John, grocer 90 Evans Jos, eating house 91 Sandell W, coal and potato dlr 92 Gray John, baker 93 Hudson T H, oilman 95 Gates Jas, baker 96 Wimpory Wm, shopkeeper 108 Ames T and Son, undertakers 109 Banks Henry, tripe dresser 110 Godfrey Sjun, straw hat mnfr 111 Clements R, corn dealer 112 Winter David, carver and gilder CHU STREET KEY. CHU Perseverance terrace. 6 Lorimer Wm, cheesemonger 7 Dowler John, tobacconist 8 Fernee Roht, butcher King Geo, pork butcher 5 Gravenor John, hatter 2 Dyer Wm, grocer 1 Hopley Wm Thos, linen draper 1 1 6 Robertson Alexr, biscuit baker 117 Jacobs Ester, clothes dealer 118 Hamerton H, brass founder 119 Nunn Wm, potato dealer 120 Child J, tailor 121 Hooker Newman, shoemaker 122 Davis John, oilman 123 Bliss Henry, undertaker 124 Mannell Saml, cheesemonger 125 Staggs E, greengrocer 126 Taylor J, china dealer ; 128 Harris W, haberdasher 129 Gunner John, cutler 130 Harris Robt, confectioner 131 Williams A, butcher 132 Webb Henry, haberdasher 133 Bird Wm, potato dealer 134 Tippiu Saml, hair dresser 135 Chivers Saml F, statnr & pap hr 136 Borroff John, cheesemonger 137 Hayday Wm, boot and shoe mk 138 Bayst Wm, pork butcher 139 Webber E, potato warehouse 140 Wragg John, butcher 141 Lampard A, haberdasher 142 Stephens S, turner 143 Imms G H, grocer 144 Tomlin Jas, cheesemonger 145 Arnold Wm, boot and shoe mkr 145 Lawson Robt, "Flower Pot" 144 Brown Jas, " Adam and Eve" 147 Mitchell K, butcher 148 Wright E & Sons, bellows mks 149 Garrett Chas, baker 150 Kirby John, haberdasher 151 Rake well H, hatter 152 Tavenner Thos, tobacconist 153 Higgs J, butcher 154 Morris Geo, baker 155 Stephens Richd, tripe dresser 155 Pige Peter, pawnbroker 155 Gowie Wm, haberdasher 157 Barrett Thos, plumber 158 Swan J H, draper and hosier 159 Dalby Wm, potato dealer 161 Ward Wm, pattern maker 162 Paul Jas, baker 163 Taylor Richd, pork butcher 164 Sands Thos, furniture dealer 165 Easley H, butcher 167 Jackson Chas, boot& shoe mkr 168 Jenkins R, beer retailer 169 Baker Thos, poulterer 169 Goodrick Wm, tin plate worker 170 Dodd Wm, stay maker 170 Sands Geo, cheesemonger 171 Williams Thos, oilman 171 Harverson Wm, build matl delr 172 Reed Henry, corn dealer 1 73 Kirby Thos, haberdasher 1 74 Wragg Jas, pork butcher 175 Gravenor John, hatter 176 Harding H, bookseller 177 Gray Richd, coffee house 178 Jackson Thos, china dealer 179 Stevens Robt, baker 180 Foot R, shoemaker 182 Drew Chas, " Crown" 183 Monks Thos, rope & twine mkr 184 Smith Jas, pastrycook 185 KnowlesThos, chemist & dru 186 Martin H, "Kings Head : ' 187 Framingham" Chas, boot maker 1S8 Hack Isaac, pork butcher 189 Freeman Jas, ironmonger 191 Vaughan John, butcher Church St, Blackfriars road. 1 Swinscow Wm & R B, hat manf 2 Nice J, veterinary surgeon 3 Brailey Wm, carpenter 5 Hawkins Geo, grocer, &c tjPtji;; 6 Churchill Jas, doll manuf 7 Smith D O, bookbinder 8 Spragg Thos, beer retailer 9 Brewer Thos, butcher 10 Bevins D W, brassfounder 11 Cotton Geo, furniture broker Edward's Alms Houses 13 Cawood Joseph, grocer 13 Goodfellow T, tailor 1 9 Smith Wm, tailor 20 Jones Edw, coach currier 22 Hockley Giles, boot maker 23 Noone G E, engineer 24 Rowland Ann, tobacconist 24 Dods Saml, butcher 26 Nurse Edw, hair dresser J Church St, Bloomsbury. 9 Witcherly Mary, "Hand & Cwn" 30 Langley R, grocer, &c Church St, Camberwell. 1 Hester Robt, fishmonger 2 Tayler E M & Co, stationers 3 Bull Wm, shoemaker Dawson John, cheesemonger 4 Curtis G, oil and colourman Bellett Jno, poulterer 7 Griffin Ann, linen draper McCoy Mary, greengrocer 10 Keen Richd, shoemaker 10 Chandler David, haberdasher 10 Peverett Wm, grocer Carter Wm, beer retailer Crowder Geo, baker 30 Turquand S J, coach builder Morris Rd, boot and shoe maker Winkworth John, livery stables 27 Farrent Geo, hosier 28 Mussell G, chemist and druggist Post Office 28 Pulien G W, confectioner 21 Massey Thos, surgeon 22 Medes Geo W, stationer 23 Chessman C S, linen draper 16 Adams Jas, tailor 17 Berriman Robt, hosier 20 Leach Jos, plumber 20 Bird H, tea dealer 14 Shepherd Jas, coach proprietor Lloyd Philip, "Artichoke " 10 Price Jos, tailor 1 1 Loader Jas, baker 12 Lambert Harriet, circulating libr 15 Benson Benj, irorjmonger 17 Hawes Jos, bottle dealer 8 Loveday Saml, tailor 7 Deacon J, butcher 6 Dunn Henry, chemist Brand W Clark, oilman Baker Jno Geo, grocer Shefford Jno, corn merchant 3 Monks T, watchmaker 4 Webb E and S, milliners Webb Eli, beer retailer Howard Eliz, plumber I Noden Jno, hair dresser Church St, Chlsa.{ See Environs.) Church St, Hackney. Bliss W, " Britannia' Gray Wm and Son, carpenters Steib R, shoemaker Patterson E, haberdasher Griffin Jas, saddler Barber John, livery stables Warner Wm, "Cock" M ; Donald R, toy warehouse Williams Geo, coal merchant, &c Harvey W G. brush maker Matthews M, tract depository Quarrell David, butcher Merry Danl, boot and shoe mkr Down Chas, confectioner , Bennett E, corn dealer Stratton Jos, watch maker Davis Wm, "Ship" Elliott Wm, straw bonnet maker Green W, silk mercer Burgess E A, straw hat manuf Carter Chas, hair dresser Simcock Thos, "Eight Bells" Baker , child bed lin warehse Bayley Christ, cheesemonger Webb Saml, cooiicr Stubbs Danl, linen draper Walden Jno, butcher Phillips Thos, plumber Kinner Thos, "Three Cranes" Holmden J, butcher Frankland Jos, hatter Tulley A, grocer Monk S, cabinet maker Barker R, linen draper Merry E, straw hat manf Ehn C, straw hat mnf and furrier Brewer Chas sen, paper mould m Bradley G, china and glass dlr Organ Wm, boot maker Saunders E, tobacconist Gilkes M, silversmith Gowers Wm. shoemaker Turner Caleb, bookseller Gilbert Wm, builder Glover Josh, dyer Long Jno, pastrycook Loddiges C and Sons, nurserym Nunn Wm, plumber Perry H, stonemason Morris Robt, baker Musgrove E, auctioneer & appr Butts R, auctioneer & appraiser Coventry John, printer Halford Wm, furniture broker Wright Thos, wine merchant Winterborn Wm jun, currier Mornock'and Co, nurs and seedsm Kemp F, butcher Bonser M, grocer Smith Wm, tailor Whitehouse Mary, cheesemonger Cradock Thos, oilman Burgess Jas, fruiterer Lee Jas, fruiterer Robertson Thos, ironmonger Nind John, paper stainer Parker Geo, baker Bu c h Robt, bookbinder Barnard Hannah, shoe maker Wildsmith J E, " Old Mermaid" Upton Wm, dining rooms Watkins John, chemist Brown R, corn dealer Berry Geo, carver and gilder Police Stviion (V.) CHU STREET KEY. CHU Dennis Wm, grocer Metcalfe J B, surgeon Cloake Wm, grocer Wade Thos, linen draper Lambert F, appraiser Hendre John Hugh, plumber Tuck Wm, confectioner Constable Tnos, oilman Bennett S, umbrella maker Grounds Thos, chemist Lord Robt, hair dresser Phillips Danl, cheesemonger Stockton and Co, linen drapers Fish Wm Geo, pawnbroker Buck J T, toy warehouse Burton Geo, last and clog maker Hogg E A, boot and shoe maker Buck Chas, coal merchant Archer Thos, grocer & tea dealer Collins Joshua, ironmonger Jay Jos, upholsterer King H, cheesemonger Bonter John, fishmonger Fiddes Chas, "Kings Head" Winterborne Wm, shoemaker Wilkinson John, butcher Hill Geo, tinman 27 Seager Geo, tobacconist f 5 Turner Robt, greengrocer 34 Freeman Hen, boot and shoe mkr 35 Lean Jos, tobacconist 29 Simons Wm, grocer 28 Chmery Matthias, .corn dealer Whitlock , chair mkr & turner 26 Baker Robt, baker A31SSU& 27 Tebbutt Jane, tobacconist Francis Richd, U Crown" 23 Seager John, sen, sexton 20 Buckman Edw, chair maker Ratley Jas, " BelP' Hodges B G, distiller 12 Piggott Ann, tobacconist 6 Geary Henry Geo, grocer 1 Bunce Jos, baker Church St, **tt end New town. 1 Middleton Wm, bricklayer 2 Pitt Wm, cheesemonger 3 Gunton Thas, oilman 4 Turner Josh, greengrocer 6 Mason Thos, grocer 7 Lowers Josh, leather cutter 8 Gardner Tobiah, butcher Heudebourek Jno L chemist &c 21 re . st , 01 > Blooper McDonald Jas, line draper West Edw. fruiterer Holtham Wm, tailor Newell Wm, baker ' Home Chas, greengrocer Allen Geo, grocer and c/ilman Green Chas, printer James Saml, grocer Weeks Eliz, confectioner Ellwood S, butcher Harold Wm, chemist & druggist Tuther Fliz, fancy stationer Holdsworth J H, plumber & glaz Wills Thos, tailor Wells Geo, glass & china dealer Gregory E R, chemist & drugst Pope Jas, bookbinder Frestqn G, fruiterer Marfell R, linen draper Cross Wm, tailor Chivers Wm, staymaker Wordsworth W, tallow chandler Taylor J, coachmaker Southerden Eliz, grocer Hull John, coachmaker Broadhurst T, shoemaker King T, stationer Whelan Jas, brazier Child J, veterinary surgeon Church St, Hor&leydown. Brewer T, cowkeeper Bacon John and Fras, tanners Sard S A, rope maker Slee, Payne & Slee, vinegar mkrs Fortier and Foot, curriers Hobhs J, boot maker- Davis Geo jun, wool stapler Church St, Islington. 6 Litton Jno, printer 14 Pettet Mark, carpenter 15 Heath J & E, curriers 20 Brewer Albt, soda water manfr 22 Mayo John, carpenter Church St, Kensington. See Environs at the end. Church St, Lambeth. Waite John, White Lion" 70 Knightley E, " Leigh Hoy" Palmer Fran, " Sugar Loaf" 57 Carter W, watchmaker 59 Mier and Akers, druggists 67 Storer A J, glass cutter 70 Matthews Marmaduke, tbr mcht 78 Donaldson Thos, baker- s') Carter John " Cock and Hoop"' 86 Norris Chas, baker 88 Walker Josiah, surgeon 90 Ellis Robt, tailor 93 Benson Susanna, horse hair inanf Church St, Minories. 1 Jones Wm tea dealer 2 Hebdon Wm, tailor 3 Bishop Robt, " Sieve" 6 Adshead Timothy, tailor 46 Murray J, sack maker 47 Dalton Henry, straw hat maker 50 Kennett Thos, printer 52 Colebatch Geo, carpenter 54 Heckscher & Co, tobacco manfs 55 Nathan J & Co, lucfr mtch mkr Church St, Ne wing ton. 2 Piercy Thos, mason Ellis Jos, carman 6 Kimbell Wm, coal dealer Church St, Paddington. 12 Johnson J, omnibus proprietor Byrne Chas, artist Harper Thos, florist Church St, Rotherhithe. Wilds Mrs, establ for yng ladies SharplinTT, shipwt& boat bldr Hubbard Jas, hoop merchant 1 1 Archer Wm, carpenter 1 Reed Wm, draper Tayler D, " Euroia" Jones Wm, bootmaker Vincent E, coal and coak mcht Wood Edw, livery stable keeper Porter John, broker 23 Griffiths Jno. marine store dlr 42 French Geo, " Ship" Field John, retailer of beer St Mar-*: Rotherh Founda Sch 45 Claughton Henry, appraiser, &c Jenkins J H, cowkeeper Delany Jos, pawnbroker Church St, St. George's Borough. 1 Bell Wm, clothes salesman Jones John, il Griffin" 4 Murray Ed Th, hide & lethr sellr Murray Maria, furrier 5 Cadman Wm, cutler 2 Comin Mary A, shoe warehouse 1 Holland Chas, butcher 8 Pearcy Jas, boot and shoemaker 9 Moorcroft Geo, corn dealer Church St, St. Saviour's Boro.' 1 Trapp T & Son, tallow chandiers 2 Hughes J, fruit salesman 3 Houlder Wm, plumber 4 Butler Jas, fruit salesman 5 Bailey Thos, egg merchant 5 Bird Martin, carpenter 6 Ramsdale Josh, fruit salesman 7 Coleman Jas, carpenter & undtkr Church St, Shoreditch. 1 Smith C, coffee house 2 Crisp Jas, tailor 3 & 4Golding Jer, boot&shoemkr 192 Sharp Robt, boot & shoemaker 193 Pinchin Wm, oilman 194 Luke Wm, cheesemonger 195 Lacy Chas, butcher 196 Robertson Jno, hairdresser 197 Hubbard W 7 m, pastrycook Church st, Soho. 2 Green Rich, grocer 5 Hynom Wm, dressing case makr 8 Kluth Ludwig, tailor 9 Lees Thos, grocer 12 Williams S, dairy 12 Grieves L R, painter 14 Hack Mrs, milliner 14 Drummond Saml, artist 15 Sherrin Christine & Co, art fir mf 16 Hinton Jas, tailor 17 Sawyer Elizabeth, engraver 19 Sandwick W 8c Co, wax chandlrs 20 Nichols Chas, painter 24 Ruffell Johnson, writer & grainer 17 Berry Geo S, engraver & printer 29 Fawcett F W, last maker 31 Geary M, tailor 34 Stroud J, bricklayer Church St, Spitalfields. 2 Bartell E, engraver and printer 2 Jones John, cabinet maker 6 Huitson T, trimming manufactr 6 Huitson Emma, ladies seminary 8 Price E J, emery & sand paper mf 10 Byles Saml, surgeon 12 M'Collock John, hat maker 13 Atkins W H, hat manufacturer 15 Taylor Henry, solicitor I 16 Barchou A, card cutr & ptrn drwr ! 17 Hatchett T, emery & paper mnf ; 18 Bradley J, straw plat warehouse |21 Gay ton Wm, surgeon * London Dispensar* 21 Dodson Jno, cabinet maker 23 Wolff & Son, pencil & blk Id mnfs 24 Goodes O &S, sugar manufrs 25 Goode J R, tailor 26 Langley Benj, silk dyer CHU STREET KEY. 27 Graham Wm, auctioneer 27 Jacquier Jas, machinist 28 Coheu E, importer of sponge 30 Jackson Geo, surgeon 32 Parnell U, solicitor 34 Waldron E, "Ten Bells" 37 Ensall Wm, locksmith, &c Church St, Waterloo road. 3 Brown Robt, undertaker Richards Jas, mason Bennett N, wheelwright Church St, Westminster. 2 Parkins John, stationer 7 Fray John Wm, farrier 11 Tombs John, builder Church St, New, Edgware rd. 1 Noyes Robt, plumber Welshman Wi eating house 2 Wren & Taylor, grocr & cheesemr 3 Squibb Wm, stationer 4 Brook Chas, fruiterer 5 Gibbs J, baker 6 Hayes Chas Wm, grocer, &c 7 Myers H, surgeon 8 Devorix Purkiss, shoemaker 9 Cooper John, dairyman 11 Skoulding Edw, painter & buildr 12 Fothergill Edw, tailor 13 Long Jno, plumbr, paint, & glazr 15 Gilpin Ben, straw hat maker 16 Harrison John, hatter 17 Trail David, pawnbroker 18 Lovegrove Chas, plumber 21 Roberts Wm, cabinet maker 23 Eayres Nath, tailor 24 Bonner Mary Ann, tobacconist 25 Hooper Geo, bookseller & statnr 26 Hodson Hen, " Harp " 27 Oliver Thos, herbalist & seedman 28 Mordecai Edw, fruiterer 1 7 Richanison R S, boot & shoemkr 20 Grace M A, confectioner 21 Campbell R, tailor 21 Campbell John, academy 21 Potter Wm, toy dealer 22 Stow & Primer, toy dealers 23 Gosling D, "Windsor Castle" 24 Hiscock John, grocer 25 Vivian Thos, tailor Vivian Sarah, milliner 28 Barlow F, estate agnt & auctneer 1 Fenner Joseph, tobacconist 2 Fenn P, coach builder 2 Elliot Wm, linen draper 3 Platts Fred, engraver 3 Howard Jn. Geo, boot & shoemkr 4 Martindale J W, builder 5 Gibbs Mrs, straw bonnet maker 6 Thorpti John, plasterer 6 Ellis Eliza, grocer 9 Laws John, chemist & druggist 8 Hiscock Geo, cheesemonger 9 Taylor Thos, tobacconist 10 Knapp Thos, cheesemonger 11 Byrne John, tailor 12 Jenkins Edw, pawnbroker 13 Pearson Mrs, milliner & dressmk 13 Cross James dyer, 14 Elliott James, upholsterer 15 Steeden Sam, greengrocer 15 Buckoke Benj, butcher Wells T, Lord High Admiral' 30 Porter Robt, baker 31 Kelly John, coffee rooms 32 Lawrence Wm, draper 32 Lawrence M & E millrs & dr mk 34 Armfiehl Wm, ivory turner 37 Streeter Thos,- linen draper 38 Witherall E, milliner 38 Buckwell Jas, tea dealer 39 Morgan ETlw, printer 30 Furness R T, tobacconist 41 Gardner Sam Christo, surgeon 42 Dassett Dan, oilman 43 Sawtell Rich, butcher 44 and 45 Damain Geo, grocer 46 Benham John Thos, baker 47 Sanders J, " True British Sailor" 48 Nurton Geo, printer 48 Hiscock Miss, milliners & dressm 53 Player Jn P, stationer & bksllr 54 Serjeant M, chemist 55 Clarke W, grocer 56 Neale Francis, tobacconist 57 Thomas J, boot maker 53 BuckE, pork butcher 59 Lee John, butcher 60 Mason C, coal dealer 61 Morley Wm, Mitre" 62 Nodes Jn, furnishing undertaker Nodes Js,jun, house agt & a p 63 Whiddington&Sheriffstrwht m 64 Berry J, linen draper 65 Collins Sam, corn chandler 66 Oram W, baker 67 Elston Rich, china & glass wareh 68 Allinson Luke, cheesemonger 69 Jones M A, oilman 70 Richardson Sam, fishmonger 7 1 Cragg Wm, butcher 72 Bensley and Co, grocers f3 Ancell and Fagg, surgeons Church way, Emton sq. 9 Helms Wm, baker 16 & 17 Crosier D, oil & colqurman 27 Hodges Mary, grocer 1 W T hite L, grocer 3 Rabone Wm, milkman 5 Sior , earthenware dealer 6 Hall Joseph, beer retailer 8 Blackwell Jas, butcher 14 Peat T, preserver of birds 15 Slack II, ginger beer mannfac 21 Richards Robt, house agent 28 Bunker S, greengrocer 29 Jack Thomas, grocer 1 Badcock H, cheesemonger 30 Sturch John, butcher 31 Keeling Ann, circulating library 2 Carter John, tripe dresser 7 Perkins H, greengrocer 4 Carter Wm, fishmonger 5 Townrow Wm, butcher Church yd Ct, Temple. 1 Dowling V, barrister 1 Walcot Thos, solicitor 1 Vinall John, barrister Richards R S, barrister Bell Jas, special pleader Fawcett E, special pleader Richards R S, barrister * Fisher R A, special pleader * Fisher T J, barrister 3 Spellen T, barrister 2 Stuart J F, barrister 2 Grady S G, barrister* 2 Radiger N C, barrister 3 Bodkin W H, barrister 3 Hill W A, barrister * Matthew J M, barrister 3 Kerschner , barrister 2 Welsh P R, barrister CirCUS, Minories, 6 Hall and Carry, ship brokers * Hall Sir J, Hanoverian consulate 7 Vink John, merchant 8 Stevenson Mrs J, bdng hse CirCUS pi, Finsbury Circus. 1 Welle n Wm, architect & surveyor Wertheimer J & Co, printers Gill Fred, machine ruler 2 Edwards T, mahogany broker CirCUS St. Air 10 rd, Marylebone. 3 Mullin N F, printer 4 Rudd John, piano forte maker 4 Buckland H, blind maker 9 Mattocks Eliza, furniture broker 10 Frooms Moses, painter 1 1 Needes Wm, hair dresser Johnson A, grocer 13 Lee James, dyer 14 Hill Hen, furniture broker 15 Tilling Jas, " Royal Oak " 16 Griffin Wm, baker 1 7 Saunders Jas, coffee house 19 Thornton Robt, French polisher 20 Bishop Thos, coal dealer 21 Wright and Co, ironmongers $3 Pepler John, bricklayer 25 Smith John, furniture broker 27 Anderson Wm, cabinet maker 28 Clarkson Christopher, tailor 29 Savage Jno, * Mech Instit Tav" 31 Mattocks Geo Jas, appraiser Cirencester pi, Tottenham ct rd. 3 Cuming Sam, carpentr & builder 4 Toplis Sam, upholsterer 5 J'Anson John, builder 6 Stewart Jno, portrait painter 8 Riviere Dan Val, artist 9 Weller A, portrait nainter 10 Anderson A, pianoforte maker 11 Newman Rich, tailor 16 Perrott Rich, bootmaker 18 Frost Allen, upholsterer 20 Howgrave Francis, grocer 21 Anden J, tailor 21 Bryant Robert, coal dealer 23 Andrews Hen, painter 25 Pinnock Joseph, leather gilder 27 Lock Robert, carver 33 Pomck Station 35 Morris H, bricklayer 35 Stacy Stephen, tailor 36 Handle E, straw hat maker 40 Knapp J and H, builders 47 Hawkins l''red, carver and g ider 48 Johnston A, tailor 50 Paris A, tailor City Canal, Poplar, Mill Wall.) (See City road, 1 Bowyer Thos, bookseller, &c * Luden F, chemist 2 Thomas Thos, tobacconist 3 Thies W E, baker 4 Ranee Thos F, surgeon 5 Huffam T, tailor 6 Newsam C and Son, hair cutters 7 Quartermann Ann, " Red Lion" 8 Proctor C, surgeon 9 Marrhu'r Joseph, carpet warehse 10 Hutt R T, fancy & orna stationer 11 Barnes Robt, floor cloth ronfr * Tookey Mrs, milliner 71 err STREET KEY, err 12 Bennet Joseph, pianoforte maker 13 Wood Wm, bootmaker 14 Mason John, Conference Office 15 Watson Jas, bkseller & publisher 16 Tucker Rd, bookseller & stationer 17 Smith Fred, pastrycook 18 Tacey John C, school stationer 19 Tozer John, ft Castle" 20 Gladding John, bookseller 22 Mordan & Co, manf Brah lock * Comfort Edw, boot & sboe maker 25 Wright Thos, pawnbroker 26 Fawcett Ann, milliner 27 Hudson J, window glass cutter 28 Johnson I L, merchant 29 Ingram John, furniture warehse 30 Court Elizabeth, stationer 31 Mackie J and G, watchmakers 32 Greig Wm and Co, merchants 33 Parsons and Marshall, glovers 34 Jones Beni, linen draper 35 Edwards Anne, hosier 36 Allan David, ''Angel" Finsbury terrace. 1 Mosgrove Fred, surgeon 2 Rogers Henry 3 Taylor T T, solicitor 4 Sinclair Geo, registrar of births and deaths 5 Courtenay John, surgeon 8 Reilly Wm, portable desk maker 10 & 11 Jones Enoch, silk mercer 36 Ashton Francis, grocer 38 Northfield John, ironmonger 39 Pettett Thos, confectioner 40 Keast John, " Star" Cohen C, tobacconist Sarson JT, ink, vin & mus mnfrs Plumbers row. 1 Lewis Thos, linen draper 1^ Addy Geo, baker 2 Wood Ruth, fruiterer 3 Hallett A, milliner & dress mkr 4 Lloyd Thos, grocer 5 Lee Joseph, confectioner 6 Lee Wm, hat and cap manfr 7 Snowden Robert, tea dealer 7 Braham Mary, ladies shoe whse 8 Harnor Wm, baker 9 Pring John, cheesemonger 10 Haycock Joseph, chemist 1 1 Pearce Geo, plumber 15 Vernon Wm, pianoforte maker 16 Shepheard J Hughes, pawnbkr Caroline place. 1 Ward Wm N, china warehouse 2 Birch Thos, furniture broker 9 Gardener Wm, furniture broker 4 Baldry Mary& Son, " Britannia" 5 Robertson J, " Queen's Head" 6 Pickford Thos, plumber City terrace. 1 Hills R, surgeon 2 Kipling John Stewart, solicitor 9 Shepherd Miss, ladies' school 15 World Robt Rich, surgeon 16 Linsey R E, auctioneer 18 Clark J, sofa maker 1 9 Porter Thos, surveyor & architect * Porter Thos jun, cork merchant 24 Hamlin Hen, reg of births & dths 25 Salisbury J C, surgeon 26 Phillips Jesse, glass works 28 Adams W G, furniture broker 29 Clemence John, newsvender 30 Brooker Wm, tobacconist 31 Mayers J, confectioner & post off Rouse Thos, ' < Eagle Tavern" 72 St. Lurk's Wokkhousk Ell Thos, ladder maker Windsor terrace. 6 Butler James, organ builder 13 Griffiths Wm, surveyor 25 Gildersleeves Chas, coal mcht 27 Davis John, auctioneer 36 Aviolet W G, undertaker 49 Newman Allen, gents' school Regent place. 1 Heard Chas, "Windsor Castle" Regent terrace. Smith Edw, mason, &c Farrans R T, surgeon Rowland Thomas, grocer Gray Thomas Robert Bridge place. Marsh Wm, grocer Stafford Timothy, watchmaker Ashton Job, corn and salt factor, and post office 1 Oxley Edward, butcher Pettinger John, " City Arms" Booth Jas, baker Anderson buildings. 1 Edghill H and H W, menagerie 8 Busby MH,manf of wind blinds 10 Gunton Dennis, engine turner 24 Cakebread Thos, plumber 25 Wilks Fred, bricklayer 26 & 27 Rogers Jas, menagerie Castang P jun, dealer in for birds 29 Quinton Jeremiah, coach builder 30 Franklin E N, tobacconist Smith's buildings. Nurton John, sportsman 1 7 Day Alfred, cabinet maker 16 Abrahams Isaac, pawnbroker 15 Roche John, wire worker 14 Taperell Chas, carpenter 13 Dalton Wm, baker 1 1 Still John, coachmaker 10 Beal John, cooper 8 Myers Henry, cigar manufactory 6 Walker T C, pink & blue saucer manufacturers 2 Hewison Misses, ladies' school York place. 1 Mason Saml, surgeon 31 Perkins Henry, dentist Duncan place. 2 Leavers & Harker,mamf jewellers Brown Sarah, livery stables Walton Edmund, coach maker Duncan place, Upper. 1 Bayfield W H, fishmonger 2 Grosvenor Samuel, coffee rooms 3 Chamberlain Charlotte, fishmngr 4 Polyblank James, linen draper Bnckmaster J, " Blue Coat Boy" Dalby terrace, North. 6 Finzi S L, dentist 30 Peeling S, " City of London'' Vincent place. 1 Grubb Robert, surgeon Cottage place. 1 King Thos, dealer in biding mtls 1 Franklin J, florist 2 Webb J, cabinet maker 4 Stone J, carpenter 13 Smith J and Son, coal merchts 7 Dangerfield Thos, leather cutter 12 Bickers John Wm, cabinetmaker North and Co, blue manfrs, &e Cottage lane. Crosley Sam, gas apparatus mnfr Dyer's Almshouses Orphan Work School Pugh Jane, " Macclesfield Arms' Macclesfield terrace. 1 Batchelor Chas, retailer of beer 2 Burrows C W, baker 3 Portbury J, ivory and hardwdtn Windsor place. 14 Crawcour David, dentist 17 Trigwell J and Co, slate mercht and general agents 6 Franks Henry, tailor 3 Abbott Wm, conveyancer 2 Handley Jno Wm, mfr of lacker 1 Harriss'H C, surgeon Nelson place. Lynch Francis, slater * Powell's place. 1 Adams Geo, fruit dealer Union place. 4 Berlak Dr, M D 10 Smith Joseph, gold beater 11 Ree Henry P. surgeon Miller , " Cumberland Head" Upper Fountain place. 1 Stone S and M, dress makers 3 Lyle Jas, spirit merchant 9 Dixson Kdw, writer and grainer 14 Green W, mathemat inst maker Lower Fountain place. 1 Partridge Sam, " The Fountain" 2 London Edw, bookbinder 5 Reed A, gun maker 9 Brown Thos, house agent Peerless place. 1 Silverthorne Stephen, beer retail] 2 Bunting John, greengrocer 3 Kirton Wm, coffee rooms 16 Beard Wm and Robt, butchers 17 Reynolds E H, oilman, &c 12 Sandell Jos, bookseller 1 1 Raymint Thos, coffee rooms 10 Shirt Wm, watch maker 9 Brook W H, cheesemonger 8 Pocock and Son, shoemakers 7 Edwards David, china warehouse 6 Dirr J, pastrycook 5 Johnson Wm, corn dealer 10 Hancock Geo, window blind mnfi 2 Harris Thos, locksmith 9 Peak Robt, jeweller 8 Hayden Martha, milliner 7 Dayies G, grocer 6 Dunn J B, comedian and tobacst 5 Hornblow Thos C, trunk manfr 4 Douglas Jas, tailor 3 Miller Wm, working jeweller 1 Cox Wm, boot maker City ok London Lying-in Hosp 2 Poulain Jas,"Metrop coffee rms" Dinmore Thos, stationer 3 Hickley J, tailor 5 Peck Thos, coach builder 6 Gardner Wm, carrer and gilder * Hoare Mary, straw hat manfr 7 Poole Wm, oil and colourman 8 Daw F, butcher 9 Bunyard and Metcalf, seedsmen 10 Hall Thos, preserver of birds 1 1 Callender Alex, baker 12 Watson W, miscellaneous dealer 13 Blake B W, agt for the Argus Lf 14 Highett Jas, surgeon 15 Hill Eliza, child bed linen whse 17 Hill Chas, dining rooms 18 Fowler Wm, beer retailer CLA STREET KEY. CLA 14 Jenkinson Geo, music seller 14 Schuler M & J, wood clock mkrs Commercial place. 1 1 Wilson John, printer 1 1 Finsbuhy Hall ok Science 10 Beaumont John, coach maker 9 Stackey Henry, hoot maker 8 Yarroll and Son, tailors 7 Elder H W, hristle & sponge mcht 6 Brown & Walker, Brit wine mfrs 3 Hidden Wm, wholesale jeweller 5 Brotherston James, saddler 4 Hill J, Athenaeum coffee rooms Artillery place, 3 Law Chas, surgeon 5 Rees G A, surgeon 6 Orpwood E, auctioneer 7 Ireland John, surgeon 9 Williamson David, surgeon 24 Marshall Fredk, surgeon Clapham road, Kennington. Campion E, gas fitter Verrall Richd, coach builder Robins James, farrier Turtle M, fruiterer Smith Sam, marine store dealer Adamson Wm, dealer in furniture Fox Charles, plumber Upper Dorset place. 1 Hubbard Wm, confectioner 2 Holdsworth Geo, butcher 3 West Edward, brush manfr 4 Middleton Alex, tea dealer 5 Wheeler W W, cheesemonger 6 Savage E, milliner 7 Turner and Watson, linen draprs 8 Wheeler Thos, oil and colourmen 9 Lewis Thos, boot and shoe maker 10 Beasley Henry and Co, dyers 1 1 Easter Wm, undertaker 1 Harris Wm, surgeon Old Dorset place. 1 Tout Thomas, " Dorset Arms" 7 Notley John, builder 13 Humphrey Wm, appraiser 1 M'Dowall Misses, ladies' school 8 Lee John, grocer 12 Eastway Elias, ironmonger 14 Easton Wm, boot maker Holland place. 13 Isherwood J F, paintr & paprhgr 16 Sims Wm, stationer 16 Sims Mrs, ladies' school 17 Beane Robt, corn dealer 18 Taylor Chas, surgeon 2 Attfield Henry, butcher 1 Justice R, baker Clapham road place. 12 Carlow S T, architect 23 Griffiths Rd, teacher of pianoforte 38 Smith Joseph, surgeon 41 Cowderoy T, grocer Lambeth place. Lambert James, upholsterer Vigers Edw, timber merchant Griffin John, butcher Fenton Hugh, " Greyhound" Trafalgar place. Awcock Jane, grocer Henderson Wm Forsyth, M D,sgn Font hi 11 place. Small E S, plumber Ashby John, cowkecper May Charles, butcher Dodd James, surgeon Clarence place. 3 Cattell George, chemist Boxhall Rd, corn dealer Boxhall Rd, coach proprietor Turner Francis, baker Shelton Thos, coach maker Thorp G and T, linen drapers Pulbrook George, boot maker Clapton, Lower. Robinson Henry, butcher Lewis Jno, boot and shoe maker Snewin Thos, carpntr & uudertkr Kingaby Chas, plumbr and glazr Bishop Wood's Almshouses Woollard E, saddler Woollard Eliz, milliner, &c Carmichael Jno, smith & ironmgr James Chas, baker Woollard & Middleton, liv stabls Rumens Jno, builder Brown Jas, tailor and draper Ball Isaac, stationer Home R, "White Hart Inn" Spinks Wm, livery stable keeper Eness Sam, dyer and scourer Choat Edw, greengrocer Garva Jas, chemist and druggist Munday Joseph, linen draper Digby Thos, corn dealer Alder H, boot and shoe maker Frost Jno, baker Walker Edw, grocer and oilman Hancock Wm, " Fountain" Pickergell Rich, fancy stationer Wiggins Jno, cheesemonger Toulmin Francis, surgeon Holmes Rebecca, linen draper London Orphan Asylum Farmery M, coal merchant Barber Jno, plumber, glazier &c Argent Jno, boot and shoe maker Cornish Geo, fruiterer King Robt, "Windsor Castle" Slater Rich, butcher Bainbridge Josh, stone maker Pratt W r m, tailor Bailey jRobt, fruiterer Buck Chas, junr, builder James George, baker Thorowood Sml, saddler & har mk Foster Wm, fruiterer Clapton, Upper* Moore Wm, grocer and cheesmg Harris Jno. furnishing ironmgr Newport Martha, milliner Rampley Jno, greengrocer Moseley Frncs, glass & china dl Crook Jno, boot and shoe mkr Snewin P junr, agt Imprl fire off Altewell Wm, hair dresser Hersant Thos, butcher Butler Wm, greengrocer Brown Matthew, baker Barber and Son, plumb, glzrs &c Montaigne Jno Wm, reg of bths and deaths Furley Thos, grocer and cheesm Whales Josh, carptr and undtakr Hendebourck J L, chemst & drg Trayhorn Robert, plumber & glr Stevens Henry, chemist & drug Welch Richd Ryder, surgeon Morrice Geo, upholsterer Debenham Arthur, linen draper Upcroft Louisa, stationer Reynolds Wm, grocer and oilmn Showell Edw, plumbr and glazr Dockerill Wm, carpenter Kendall Geo, " Swan" Low Hugh, nursery and seedmn Hunt Thos, butcher Drew Jno, "Crooked Billet" Kerrison Jas, corn chandler Snewin Rich, apprsr and hse agt Bacon Jas, smith and farrier Rumbal Thos, cowkeeper Dove Thos, piano forte maker Niblett Wm, "King's Head" Page Thos, shopkeeper Fieldwick Wm, bricklyr and bldr Wood Jno, boot and shoe maker Clapham Jas, grocer and oilman Ward Richd, hair dresser Clare Ct, Drttry lane. 1 Staines Wm, grocer 2 Brett John, butcher 3 Hall Thos, fishmonger 4 Champ Geo, potato dealer 5 Clarkson M A, porkman 6 Marshall John, fishmonger 7 Pullin Thos, grinder 4 \ 14 Brown Chas, baker 15 Stacey James, china shop 16 Brookes John, greengrocer 17 Courtnay Thos, cheesemonger 17 Gibbins R, baker 19 Simmons Benj, greengrocer 21 Jaquett R JP, alamode beef hse Jaquett R J P, "The 13 Cantns" Clare market. Shepherd Thos, butcher Inwards Joseph, potato salesmn Cramp Thos, butcher Millin Simon, butcher Cook William, shoemaker Clark Esther, glass and china dlr Bay ford H, potato salesman Dimes Chas, glass and china dlr Elliott George, oilman, &c Marks Henry, butcher Stewart W, greengrocer Karr J, fishmonger Inwards Mrs, potato salesman Scrivener Thos, butcher Wadmore J, butcher Riley Wm, fishmonger Barrand Jno, egg, salesman Rickman T, potato dealer Stebbing W, potato salesman Lindsey Joshua, pork butcher South near ClanenCs-Inn passage* Hughes J, smith Clare St, Clare market. 1 Green G A, cheesemonger 2 Sentence Valentine, tea dealer 3 Washington J, oilman 4 Stephens Robt, "Fountain" 5 Pate Wm, baker 6 Franklyn W H, plumber 7 Spears J, grocer 8 Dixon Brothers, grocers 9 Sanderson W, " Blue Anchor" 10 Woods Henry, tripe dresser 1 1 Page Henry, tripe dresser 12 Sayer B, "Sun" 13 Savill Jno, baker 13 Golding Francis, grocer 14 Ingram Wm, fishmonger 15 Cowderoy C, Crown and Still" 16 Goslin J, butcher 17 Johnston Jas, butcher 18 Pearce Wm, tea dealer 19 Gale Saml, baker 73 CLA STREET KEY. CLE 20 Edwards S, " Artichoke'' 21 Allen T W, pawnbroker 22 Hoi borrow Geo, cheesemonger 23 Lovett Saml, surgeon 24 Willeter Wm, tallow chandler 25 White J, tobacconist Claremont Ms, Claremont sq. Holder Dan, livery stables Willis Wm, fly master Churchill H, coachmaker Braine Chas, fly master Claremont pi, Juddst. Bmmsq Brisk Edm, " Dolphin" 13 Kent Stepn, carpenter Claremont rw, Islington. 5 Mackinzie Geo, archt & draftsmn Claremont sq, Pentonviik. 4 Thomas G, surgeon 9 Burnie Wm, surgeon Clarence gar, Regent's park. 1 Skinner Jas, clothes salesman 5 Rouse Robt, beer retailer 16 Bartlett Mrs, grocer 20 Head Rich, brickh^rer 27 Slade J, bricklayer 32 Newson Isaac, tailor 34 Stanton W, dairy 35 Bavis Wm, hair dresser 38 Hallett Wm, builder i R lO 59 Rowe Richd, carpenter 63 Watkins J, tailor 65 Conuingsby Mrs, milliner 66 Barrett , dairyman Clarence St, Rotkerhithe. Matthews Henry, retailer of beer 20 Clark W M, baker 21 Saunders John Jas, chinaman Clarence St, John's row. Turner Robert, brewer Clarendon Grove, Saunders Geo, soda water manufr Clarendon sq, Somer town. 1 Smellie W J, pawnbroker 4 Ellison Saml Kitching, surgeon 4 Hill Henry, surgeon 5 Craven Ann, tobacconist 6 Lyne Geo, school master 7 Wade Wm, grocer 8 Hicks Thus, solicitor 14 Eraser Donald, surgeon 16 Hunt Jno, fur broker 1 7 Arpthorp and Clark, grocers 25 Clark Miss, ladies school 27 Vasey Geo, engraver 28 Matthews Miss, ladies school 31 Harlan d Miss, dress maker 37 Burman E, whip-thong maker 40 Dean H, dentist 42 Berry John, tailor 44 Holcomb W A, solicitor * Martin , bookseller 46 Scriven Edw, engraver 47 Turnbull Thos, artist Glarendon St, Somer town. 5 Underwood Thos, carpenter 14 Hobson John, tailor 24 Leeland Peter, mathm inst makr 13 Richards J, agent to Ph cenix 20 Bladworth and Sons, printers 24 Powell Hugh, optician 74 29 King John, carpenter 31 Silcock Wm, " Neptune" 38 Shiers Richd, grocer & cheesemgr 54 Whiddon and Suns, plasterers 65 Drew R, cheesemonger 66 Carpenter Jno, baker 68 Harrington T, tailor 70 Chapman M F, carpenter Clarendon st, Lit, Somers-tn. 8 Rolfe Robt, grocer 16 Smith T, tobacco pipe maker 22 Morgan G, " Bricklayer's Arms" 40 Laws H, coal and coke dealer 41 Cole Fredk, marine store dealer 51 Neame James, grocer Clarke St, Commercial road. 1 Dempsey Thos, bricklayer 20 Noon Wm, beer retailer 33 Warman Jas, greengrocer 45 Jackson H, butcher 32 Constable Geo, baker 9 Anderson Jonas, grocer Webb Wm, <' Lord Liverpool'' 52 May W T m, bookbinder 56 Jennings Wm, cheesemonger 1 1 Dalton Wm, plumber 20 Blackwell S, cheesemonger 44 Finlay Jno, haberdasher Hutchins B, greengrocer. Jennings J, greengrocer ClargeS St, Piccadilly. 2 Baird Dr Andrew, physician 19 Bruce Anthony, cheesemonger 22 Ford George, cabinet maker 23 Stewart Wm, dairyman 26 Charles Edmund, veterinary surg 26 Parkinson Thos, carpenter, &c 27 Newstead Ben, " Red Lion" 28 Wilson Marmaduke, tailor 29 Jacobs Edw, grocer 32 Gaskoin John S, surgeon 36 Kempthorn Sampsone, architect 38 Dickson Dr Saml, physician 39 Goldicutt John, architect Clay St, Marylebone. Slater Hen, livery stables 1 Batchelor J, painter 19 Waggstaff Wm, carpenter 6 Buck Thos, livery stables Cleaverst, Kenning ton cross. 1 Belsham Benj, baker 1 Pool Jos, goldbeater 4 Parry Charles, appraiser Clement's ct, Mi/A street. 1 & 3 Deacon J and Sons, linen fts 2 Grant, Bros, stk, shrt & slk mnf'r 2 Whatley F L & Co, Irish lin fcts 3 Dean Henry A, tobacconist Willoughby Jane, greengrocer Willoughby J A, straw hat mkr Thomas O W, silk agent Clement's inn, strand. 1 Aldridge Napoleon, stationer 3 Cook Robt, tailor 4 Banes E M, lithographer 10 Chell F E, solicitor 12 Waller W, solicitor 12 Harbin P T, solicitor 12 & 13 Hughes & Henslow, slctrs 1 2 & 13 Gregory Jonas & Sons, slctrs 12 & 13 Dufaur Fred, navy agent 14 Edye Thos, solicitor * Bygrave Thos, surveyor 14 King J, solicitor 1 6^ Blackburn E L, architect 17 Helder G, solicitor 17 Blackmore Edw, solicitor 17 Blake and Boyle, solicitors Clement's inn pas, ciaremkt. 1 Gibson Thos, bookseller 2 Johnson Wm, chemist 3 Pestell Hen, haberdasher 4 Birch Josh, butcher 6 & 7 Parrott W G, ironmonger 8 Woodward Jno Thos, optician 9 Harper Wm, grocer, &c 9 Barsill John, grainer 10 Phelps W K, tobacconist 10 Barney John, grocer, &c 10 Osborn Mrs, milliner 11 Sumner Thos, boot & shoemaker 12 Baxter Chas, poulterer 13 Barrett Jas, baker 14 McNish M A, straw hat wrhse 11 Cook Wm, bootmaker 12 Elliott George, oilman Clement's la, Picket street. Smith J, " Black Horse" 5 Ambrose Wm, umbrella maker 13 Sharp Timothy, mason 19 White James, furniture broker 21 Turner Chas, coal dealer 23 Barrow Richd, coal dealer 56 Colley J R, grindery warehouse 57 & 58 Rickatson T, currier 59 Hawkins J, carpenter Poole Thos, " White Hart" 50 Dance T, hairdresser 54 Stocks Joseph, French polisher Clement's la, Lombard street. 1 Abraham J H, printer Hill C S, solicitor 2 Fenton Chas, painter * Reade Jas, provision broker Arnold & W T oollett, sh & ins agts Bowman R, wine merchant 3 Jenkin C L, drug broker Perigal Geo, wine merchant Forbes Thos W, ship & ins agt_ Taylor Jas M, solicitor 4 Sergeant Wm, tailor 4 Nind Benj, solicitor 4 Gant Jno Castle, solicitor 5 Anderson And, baker 7 White Jas E, oyster dealer 8 Wickes A N, watchmaker 9 Baynes Hen, stationer 10 Taylor Joseph, plumber 11 Williams Jos Rich, ship & ins bkr 12 Moreton & Foster, ironmongers 13 Dean and Law, lithographers Arnold and Burn, solicitors 13 Merrell Edw, tailor Burch W, engraver Hester Jos, bootmaker 14 Hine& Co, ham & tongue dlrs 15 Brown Wm, ' New Shades Tav" 16 Went worth & Co, cnsgns Dublst 25 Elderton and Phillott, solicitors 25 Lewis Thos, solicitor 25 Irish S P, eng, printr, die skr, &c 2o" Giraud Jane, resturant Francois 28 Hastings Thos, ham & chees exp * Prowse J S, notary & ship broker CLE STREET KEY. CLI 28 Armistead Wm, notary public 28 Nottage , accountant Todd A M and Co, wine merchts * Gee J C, rug manufacturer 29 Rogers, Oldini* and Co, bankers 30 Madox and Wyatt, solicitors 32 Reece John, bookseller Lombard street Chambers. 1 DufFWm, notary 5 Jameson John, bankers' agent 6 Coleman Robert, merchant, &c 7 Coventry & Bevington, ins brks 8 Foster E R, commission mcht 10 Wormsley T S, discount agent 13 Bahia Steam Navigation Comp 19 Leary Cornelius, accountant 21 Fort Gi.o'ster Mills Comp Brightman John Co, agents * Brightman Jno and Co, KI mchts 24 Acramans Morgan and Co 24 Bristol Ihon Works Office Ball Andrew, agent 25 Lewis and Scott, shp ow & mchts 28 Nodes Sydenham, mchts 34 Bankart Fred, solicitor 39 Price Rees, merchant Parriell Win, ship broker Atkinson Jas, bill broker 16 Butes Geo, ivory turner 18 Fowler David, carpenter 20 Price C, bent glass works 21 Thompson Wm, seal maker '-"- Austin John, chaser 22 Mason Wm, printer 23 Phinn Edw, ' Lamb & Flag" 29 Bryon & Co, * Fox andFr Horn" 30 Howard Hen, grocer 31 Willis Edw, clothes salesman * Kirk John Joel, engraver 32 Gray Eliz, picture frame maker 33 Mash Josh, potato salesman 34 Lunt Wm, coffee room 35 Shelley Thos, baker . Post Office 36 Mullins J J, leather seller 37 Oliver F I, grocer 37iCavendish H, cheesemonger 38 Northheld, Jane, coffee rooms 39 Jackmau Wm, newspaper office 40 Page A, greengrocer 41 Griffiths John, chemist 42 Lennard D, tailor i 43 Hmton Archibd, '-'Crown Tavn" 4') Larkin Jas, engraver 46 Couch Geo, lapidary | 47 Simons I J, tool & meltg pot wrhs 39 Pickstock Jno Luce & Co, mchts 48 Search and Co, bed mnfrs 49 Hallam Saml, oilman Clerkenwell close. 1 Mosley Richard, lapidary 2 Wntkins John, gold cutter 2 Roughton H. turner 3 Wells T W, {i Three Kings" 4^Browu Mary, flatting mills 5 Westn Ami, Reg of Bras Dins 6 Jones John, rile cutter 8 Clare 11 and S, bed mnfYs 9 Fitzer Fr'as, brass founder 10 Gladill W S, japanner 12 Rendle F and Son, iron foundery 13 Knight, Hawkes&Knight, sjferjy 26 Jones Thos, "Horseshoe*' 28 Bullmore & Millist, gold thrd mnf 30 Lorimer , bookbinder 31 Serjeant J, grocer 31Scudder Chas, chaser *, Wilcox , greeu grocer 32 Carney Alfred, size maker 33 Hall Thos, enameller 35 Page Hartley, gold cutter 36 Cox Wm, carpenter 37 AshlinWm, plumber '38 Moore J and Sons, clockmakers 40 Hubbaut Jas, tailor 41 Neal Wm, silversmith & mounter 42 Lewis Thos, gold cutter 44 Bacon John, carpenter 46 Rodewalt Lewis, furrier 47 Perkins Win, gold cutter 52 Callaway Thos, watch dial paint Clerkenwell green, 2 Star .las, carpenter 3 Bullock Wm, bookseller 4 Simons I J, furnishing undertkrs 4 Bell Geo, carver and gilder 5 Tarrant G and W, pawnbrokers ft Wood Henry, grocer 8 Berry Mary, coffee rooms 8 Carpenter John, cooper 10 Muddock E G & J, glas & lead wh 1 1 Dismore T and Son, jewellers 12 Perkins W, varnish maker 13 Baxter John, japanner 15 Munday John, carpenter 16 Sully G, comp ornament mnfr Clerkenwell Sessions House Cleveland row, -Sir. James's. 3 Reform Association J Coppock, secretary 4 Nussey & Du Pasipiier, apothecy 9 Richlieu, Thosj. tailor 12 Iiird Frs, surgeon Cleveland St, Middlesex llosp. 1 Morton E, painter 2 Simpson Geo, plumber 3 Matthews G, carpenter, &c Paul Jno, cabinet maker 3 Sims Wm, stay maker 3^ Dennis Geo, cowkeeper 4 Gorton J and B, music smiths 4 Jacksoai A, carpenter and joiner 5 White C, stationer Strand Union Workhouse 7 Rogers Stephen, timber mcht 7 Orchar John, school 9 Ridewood Wm, S Raven Andrew, grocer and chsrar 28 Broughton T, hair dresser 30 Sandaver Geo, grocer and chsmgr 31 Boreham Wm Rl, plmbr and pntr 32 Gorddard John, beer retailer Maslin Wm, "Tavistock Arms" 33 Cook Wm, painter Corbet Ct ? Gracechurch st. 1 James JohnW, wholesale currier 2 Wood and Ellis, solicitors 3 Cothay and Co, merchants 3 Canning Wm, shoemaker 4 Howell Wm, stationer 6 Gilby T, " Wooipack Tavern" Corbet's Ct, Lamb st, Spitaljlds. 12 Willis Geo, toy maker 14 Smith Benj & Ths, mnfctg chmsts Cork St, Burlington gardens. 1 Gill Eliz, milliner 2 Tracy Wm, surgeon 3 Arundell Chas Fran, solicitor Goatley W E, solicitor 4 Davies and Price, tailors 4 Davies John P, surge on 5 Jackson and Son, tailors 6 Alexander Hen, oculist 7 Stump John, artist 7 Blake Jas. surgeon 8 Evans John Rich, tailor 9 Andrews Geo, tailor 10 Blackmore Chrstr, tailor 11 Marley Miles, surgeon 12 Davidson Thos, tailor 12 Fisher Wm, artist 13 Hart Thos, * Blue Posts Tavern" 17 Watkins and Co, tailors 18 Oliver & Green, imps of ibrgn slks 19 Morley A, " Burlington Hotel'' 20 Kerrv and Forrest, tailors 21 Hunt C J, billiard table maker I 22 Hay John, tailor ICornhill, Globe Insurance Compy 8 Letts and Sons, stationers 8 Martin and Co, news agents 8 Daniell Saml, pocket book maker 9 Savory A B &. Sons, jelr & wch m 10 Silver and Co, outfitters &e 1 1 Grosvenor, Chater, & Co, whl stas 12 Burnaud Geo &. Co, stockbrokers 13 Bish Thos, stockbroker 13 Taylor Jas, hosier and outfitter 14 Savory A B & Sons, silversmiths 15 Birch and Co, confectioners 16 Allison, Knight, and Co, tailors Williams E& 11, stck & share tgts * Cook Thos A, seal & silver engra Grindlay & Co, East In arm agts 17 Relfe and Fletcher, booksellers * Ive G II, goldsmith 17 Active Life Office. Wemyss Jas, manag director 18 Viney John, tailor 18 Fribourg and Treyer, tobacnists 18 Sari John, silversmith, &c 19 Greenlee John, hair dresser 19 Garratt Wm, umbrella maker 19 Thomas and Sons, stationers 21 British Fiue Office 21 Westminster Life Office 22 Chatfield and Co, solicitors COR STREET KEY. COtJ 22 Griffin and Hyams, silversmiths 23 Richardson J M, stockbroker Richardson J M, bookseller * Richardson Pelham, bookseller 24 White Thos, chemist Post Office 24 Williamson Christr, chron maker 2 J Goy and Evans,, outfitters 26 Nat Loan Fund Lifk Ass Soc F F Camroux, secretary 27 Marine Insurance Company Lodge Robt John, secretary 28 Warner and Co, seedsmen 2.9 Curries Messrs, bankers Burn and T, underwriter 30 Murray J as, chronometer maker * Barber and Son, hatters 30 Gkn Maritime Assurance Cpy Raikes R M, secretary Phillips Jas, & Co, solicitors 31 Baldwin Hy & Jn, draprs & tailrs Tom's Cofffe House 32 M'Cabe, chronometer maker 33 Mauud and Co, woollen warehse 34 Allsop Thos, stockbroker 34 Tindall Wm, merchant Overland Register Office Waghorn and Co 35 British Com Life Ins Company Fernie B, resident director 36 Wiltshire and Son, silversmiths 37 Ablett W H and Co, outfitters 38 Lowcock Geo, cutler 39 Mann Geo, bookseller 40 Norville Wm, hat & timbrel mkr 41 Barraud and Lund, chron makers 42 Farthing J, dressing case maker 43 Hunter & Edwards, chron makrs 43 Spence Win, agent for patents 43 Howard and Co engineers 44 Bellenger Thos, artist 44 Chains Wm, tailor 46 Bond E and W, gun warehouse 46 Buitisii Papek Wareiiousk 47 Savory Thos Cox, wokg silvrsmth 48 Mead Thos r tailor 48 Viney John, trunk maker 50 Barnard,. Dimsdale, & Co, bnkrs ol Jenkins Wm, tailor 52 Nicholson John, furn ironmonger 53 Nicholson John, goldsmith 54 Savory Ths Cox, clockmaker, &c 53 Maclaren Jas & Son, boot makers 56 and 57 Lund Thos, cutler, &c 60 Dever Robt, confectioner 61 Carter John, chronometer maker 62 Jones Fran and Sou, goldsmiths 63 Costeker and Co, whol wolln dprs 61 Bkitiisu Empikr Assurance Gurrey Arthur, wine merchant 64 Green F & Co,ship & insubrokrs 64 Barber Jas & Co, East In agncy 6.4 Lizar/.aburn I)e M, foreign mcht 64 Hale J \V, ship broker 65 Smith, Elder, & Co, booksellers 66& 67 Silver S W & Co,outlit & cloth 68 Johnston Rt, pat medicine warhse 69 Haviside T & Co. ship & insbrkrs Berdoe Walter, tailor Dodwell and Miles, E I agents 70 Asylum Life Office George Farren, Esq 71 Sunley J M, ship and ins broker 71 Domnson J, notary ;: Milroy Alex and Co, wine mchts 71 Pirie John and Co, ship brokers * Rock Reversion & Loan Office * Anthony J G, merchant * Edgar Thos, merchant * Greenhill F, wholesale stationer 72 Milroy T and Son, saddlers * Richardson Thos, merchant Gen Ship Owners' Society * Ovitt Wm, secretary 72 Brockelbank & Rolf, timb mchts * Jopp and Co, ship and ins brokrs Cooper Jas provision preserver 73 Ketchlee Stephen, tailor 74 Titterton G, stationer & printer Henry and Co, water filter mnfs 75 Nash A J and Co, glass manfrs 70 Harris Clement, chron maker 76 Alison, Cumberlege,andCo 76 Hanseatic Consulate Office Hawks Geo, ship broker Smith, Sundins, & Co, ship bkrs * Bankrupt Registry Office Perry Thos, insolvt regster office 77 Standige and Co, lithographers 77 Porter Jn, iron fence manl, &c Burford J G, solicitor * Gamble Jno, provision preserver 79 Leggatt and Co, printsellers, &c 80 French J M, chron maker 80 Pattison Jn & Pet, tailors & drprs 80 Anderson John Henry, 'solicitor 81 Union Fire and Life Office Lewis Thos esq, sec 82 Moore Andrew, tailor * Harrison and Sons, stationers Berry and Hearse, engravers 83 Baily A H & Co, stationers 101 Sun Fire ani> Life Office Milne Joshua, esq, acty Richards John, esq, sec Conr for WoitKNQ Mines, Scot FordC B, esq, treasurer Harwood Eden, clerk 104 Thomas Saml, bullion dealer Cornwall S t, Up, St. GVo's East Perkins Jas/'Marqof Welngtn " 31 Hosier A, bricklayer Cornwall rd, Lambeth. 1 Arch J, carpenter &c Noble & Rolls, varnish & col mnf 1 Lewis John wire worker 5 Dowsett Jas, beer retailer 5 Longhurst Sol, fruiterer 6 Hills Wm, bootmaker Lumley Isaac, ff White Horse" Beavis Wm. cheesemonger 10 Shuttleworth Chas, greengrocer 11 Glass Wm, butcher 12 Pritchard Geo, oyster shop 13 Cox William, grocer 1 1 Stocker Peter, baker 15 Warnett J, bricklayer 6 Hills Wm, bootmaker 7 Evans S, grocer 22 Thompson Wm, greengrocer 25 Nott Geo, undertaker Beazley T, carpenter Cottam and Hallen, ironfounders Musselwhite Jesse, cowkeeper 32 Matthewson H, engraver & prnr 37 Edwards Jas, greengrocer 39 Passey M, general dealer 40 Dover J, glass cutter 43 Fowler T M, oilman 4") Hempsted J, corn dealer 46 Banks J, retailer of beer 47 Burgess C, china dealer 48 & 49 Burgess J, cowkeeper 52 Fenuell Wm, boot maker 54 & 55 Ashton Jos, hat manafactr 27 Steadman W> carman Miles J, tailor 63 Cope Wm, beer retailer 64 Marlow Wm, baker Stirling Thos J, slater 65 Smith S, saddler 66 Bailey Joseph, oilman 67 Jennings Jas, grocer I 68 Dean Jas, grocer Rathie Walter, baker Haine John, beer dealer Powell Joseph, " Cornwall Arms" Brown Hugh, baker 79 McLauchlan A, carver gilder 82 Boys J, tailor S3 Sly S, printer 85 Smith Wm, boot maker 93 Benbow Richd Fred, printer 95 Waddingham Jas, painter 96 Lyne S, general dealer 99 Newman Geo, oilman Coulsell Jas, gold beater 102 Church H, grocer 107 Ford D, general dealer 109 Temple Wm, retailer of beer 110 Beale Wm, brass finisher 122 Whitehead J, baker 127 Simmons H, engineer 128 Spinks Geo, dealer in build mat 132 Rose Wm, locksmith 133 Cereghetti A, general dealer 130 Tidman T W, paper hanger 134 Simpson M, marine store dealer 135 Edginton John, tobacconist Corporation la, Clerkenwell. 1 Jones Wm, boot and shoe maker 2 Hedges Hen, gold chain maker 3 Partridge Thos, jeweller 4 Coombs Jas, watch chain maker 5 Prowse John, engine turner 6 Sutton Henry, carver and gilder 7 Turgis James, coal & potato dlr Corporation row. 11 Slade Cath, corset maker 10 Johnson Chas, guard chain mkr 1 Pouice Station 2 Stokes Edward, jeweller*. 4 Smith , bookbinder 5 Bovey C, engravr & engine turnr 6 East W F, architect 7 Deacon Jane, ladies' seminary 8 Scales Edwd, butcher 9 Scot ten Alfred, oilman 10 Harvey David, carpenter II Handy William, jeweller Cottage lane, City road. Crossley S, gas apparatus maker Cottage place, Sloane st. Schade A F, cabinet maker Cottage terrace, Brampton sq. Ensworth John, coal merchaut Cotton St, Poplar. Bowdler Nath, "Nag's Head" 69 Mills Thos, retailer of beer 62 Clark W L, baker 60 Croney Ann, baker 59 White John, grocer 21 Clarkson Josh, grocer Counter St, Borough. Mitchell Geo, livery stables 85 cou STREET KEY, COW 7 Parkes Thos & Josh, hop factors 8 Brettle Thos, smith 9 Dunk W and A, hop factors 9 Harris & Son, hop and seed fctrs 9 Swaine H and J, hop merchants Duncan & Garmston, hop mchts 9 Coilis Thos and Co, hop mchts 10 Preston J, hop and seed factors 15 & 16 Bosomworth J, potato slsmn 17 Palmer Thos, corn chandler Mason Richard, " Grapes" 19 Elliott James, potato dealer M'Dermott Geo, potato salesman Constable and Finden, druggists 4 & 5 Cordingley Wm, hop factor Mills Cath, potato warehouse Stow Wm, "Golden Last" Cousin lane, Upper Thames st. * Hartley Bottle Company Brown John, ironmonger Freeman 3 and Co, copper mchts Davidson D M and Co, metal br "Roberts Thos, carman Dunthorn Henry, cooper 13 Cattley T T, lead merchant Shepherd S, Roman cement mkr Covent gdn mkt, South wing. Butler J as and Co, herbalists Phillips Geo, " White Horse" Bullen John, potato salesman Gurney John, potato salesman Barber Isaac, potato salesman Bell John, potato salesman Baldrey Fred, potato salesman Solomon Lewis, fruit salesman Moscrop John, (i Green Man" Haley James, potato dealer Clarke F, potato dealer Coleman Benj, potato salesman Allen John, potato salesman Baldrey Fred, potato salesman Page John, potato salesman Ellis Chas, potato salesman Whitlam Richd, potato salesman Way Geo, Carpenter coffee house Slaymaker Thus, fruiterer Pullen Wm, fruiterer Terrace. Bunney G H, nurseryman Cormack, Son, & Co, nurserymen Grand row. Draper J W, orange merchant Solomon Lewis, fruit salesman Grimley and Co, herbalists Cook Maria, fruiterer Solomons Maria, fruiterer Bennett. Jas, herbalist Israel Israel, fruiterer- Webber G F, fruiterer Parker Henry, orange merchant Dulley W S, fruiterer Bade Henry, florist Bigg Joseph, fruiterer Smith John, nurseryman Gulliford J, fruiterer ^ Crossley John, fruiterer Johnstone M, fruiterer Adams Wm, fruiterer Canby Ann, fruiterer Rains John, fruit salesman Hieatt Wm, orange merchant Fruit market. Rains Wm, fruit salesman Mortis Jobn, fruit salesman Cambray P, fruit salesman 86 Crouch Thos, fruit salesman Wooden Chas, fruit salesman Lawler D, fruit salesman Godwin Jas, fruit salesman Jacobs Wm, fruit salesman Pitt Wm, fruit salesman Fancutt John, fruit salesman Crick Ann, fruit salesman Pitt Samuel, fruit salesman Levey Jacob, fruit salesman Hards Gabriel, fruit salesman Weaver John, fruit salesman Clarke Wm, fruit salesman Thorpe Wm, fruit salesman Wetherfield Thos, fruit salesman Pankhurst T H, fruit salesman Giddings W, fruit salesman North wing. Gaines Wm S, herbalist Bigg John, fruiterer Lewis Felix, fruit salesman Horler Jane, fruit salesman Vale Saml, fruiterer Dawson C, fruiterer M'Cormick Jas, fruiterer Webber M, fruiterer Skeet Jas, pea & carrot salesman Pool Thos, fruit salesman Cowley Juo, carrot & pea salesmn Roberts Wm, fruit salesman Herbert Wm, fruiterer Solomon J, fruit salesman Thwaites Saml, fruiterer Bigg Jas, fruit salesman Stoneham John, fruit salesman Steptoe Wm, herbalist White Josh, herbalist Murrell Chas, fruiterer Burn E, fruiterer Oliver Geo, fruiterer Coventry Ct, Coventry sq. Young Mary, " The One Tun" Coventry St, Hay market ;rtoO Chamberlain & Co, Worcester porcelain manufacturers Flight, Barr, and Barr Eddels Jas C, hosier Smith John B, artist Palmer Mary, stationer, &c Laidlaw and Rodwell, bootmakers Waters S R and Son, tailors Fownes John, hatter and glover Halfhide G and Son, engravers Turner Henry, fishmonger Selim & Dean, forgn money exch 11 & 12 Lambert and Raw lings, goldsmiths Faulding and Co, linen drapers Golby S, worsted fringe &c manfr Mudie and Sons, stationers Dudden W P & E, woollen drprs London Cloth Establishment Clarkson & Turner, furn printers Turner & Clarkson, linen drapers Peake Edw, grocer Gibbon D, hosier Wighton Peter, baker Morrison & Denning, goldsmiths Eagland Edwin H, truss maker Smith Wm, hatter Richards and Steer, engravers Wishart & Lloyd, tobacco manfr Gill Robt, truuk maker Whitcombe A, looking glass manf Rubergall Thos, optician 25 Hayman Henry, surgeon 26 Cordwent Robt, cheesemonger 27 Tarver John, baker 27 Dale D R, wine merchant 27 Turner Edw, chemist & druggst 28 Lawrence Edw, paper hang manf 28 Burgess Thos, medical bookseller 29 Wetten M, coffee and chop house 30 Brooks Joan, dining rooms 30^ Jones Thos, tobacconist 31 Davis Wm, musical inst maker 32 Wood John, Black Horse" CoWCr OSS St, West Smithfield. 1 Glover J, eating house keeper 2 Stenlake Wm B, tailor 3 Russell Thos, grocer 4 Thorp A, linen draper 5 Fisher John, baker 6 Butt Nathal, cheesemonger 7 Leeland John, baker 8 Greedus Philip, pork butcher 9 Cox Joseph, (i Coopers' Arms" 10 Goldsworthy Wm, plumber 13 Parker W D, potato dealer 14 Keates Hugh, coal dealer 15 Messenger Ann, tripe dresser 16 Horsey Jas, grocer 19 Walker John, tin plate worker 20 Theobald Geo, bootmaker 22 Gracie Chas, harness maker 23 Goodey Richard, baker 24 Hewitt Thos, plumber 26 Cole Thos, last and boot tree mkr 27 Walker Wm, plumber 28 Powell David, surgeon 29 Crease and Son, whol colourmen 34 Gashion Mich, iron broker 36 Count Sarah, oil warehouse 37 Barber Thos, grocer 38 Clark John, scale maker 39 Morris Thos, glass stainer 40 Cohen M, tool warehouse 41 Cohen Hannah, rag and phial dlr 42 Jeffreys Mich, sheemaker 43 Le Miere Fras and Co,Jegg mchts 44 Drewry Jas, " Red Lion" 45 Cohen Henry, tool warehouse 47 Butler Richd, cheesemonger 50 Coombs Geo C, cheesemonger 51 Grubb Henry, tobacconist 55 Booth and Co, distillers 58 Fox Robert, retailer of beer 59 Hicks Chas, charcoal burner 60 Mack John N, baker 62 Simmons W, corn dealer 63 Simmons W, cowkeeper 64 Cohen Aaron, tool warehouse 65 Dupree John, wire worker 66 Hunt Allen, Three Compasses" 68 Oldfield Richd, bellows maker 69 Franklin J, lathe and tool maker 70 Saunders E, corn chandler 71 & 72 Millen Richd, tool dealer 74 Hurst John, tobacco pipe manfr 75 Barr Martin, bricklayer 75 Freeman Hen, carpentr & buildr 78 Beal Jas, cooper 79 Wildin Thos, printer 80 Emanuel Emanl, rag merchant 81 Cohen Saml, tool warehouse 82 Russell Robt, butcher 83 Etherington Wm, boot tree mkr 85 Deightou Wm S, tallow melter 87 St Sepulchre Charity Schools 88 Greenop Wm, butcher 89 Loder Prtoj " Blue Posts" 90 Spry J, baker cow STREET KEY, CRA Cowley st, Westminster. 5 Arrow John H, undertaker 9 Wetteu R G, architect & surveyr 10 Police Station 11 Jenner J, academy Cowper St, City road. Giles Hen, locksmith & bellhngr 7 & 8 Allen S & G, drug gdr & almd pr 12 Steel John, pewterer 13 Dewell Wm, watch case gilder 18 Strickland Thos, ivory turner 22 Hounsom Edw, oilman 25 Townley John, undertaker 24 Rayment Mary, straw hat presser 28 Downes Robt, silversmith 29 Bissell Wm, baker 38 Martin Rich, turner 39 Gray Thos, bricklayer 44 Calver E, silversmith 46 Cross Henry, " Mason's Arms'" 51 Hippen Jas, horse dealer Cowper's ct, Comhiii. 2 Harper and Co, wine merchants * Granger and Son, merchants Hardy Horatio, Jerusm CofTHse 2 Harper Edw Norton, ale mcht East India & China Associatn, Stikeman J, sec Thompson and Fell, ship brokers Wilmshurt J, patent ship builder Duncan Alex and Co, merchants Ellis Robert, solicitor 6 Brockbank& Co, chronom mkrs 7 Barber S N & Sons, stockbrokers 7 Barber H I, solicitor 7 Barber F, bill broker Cox Ct, Little Britain. Alcock G F and Co, refiners Craig's Ct, Charing cross. 2 Cox and Co, army agents 3 Sun Fire Office 6 Museum of Economic Geology 8 Window Jas, notary * Hakewill J H & E C, architects 8 Lewin Geo Herbert, solicitor" Crailbourne al, Leicester sq. 2 Massey Han, bottle warehouse 3 & 4 Harris G, coffee house 7 Prike C, hair dresser Cranbourne psge, Leicest sq . 3 Grundy M, milliner Ferguson Jas, " Crown" 6 Baldwin F, shell fishmonger and oyster rooms 7 Gwilt Benj, shell fishmonger Cranbourne St, Leicester sq. 1 Salter Henry, bootmaker 2 Smith Eliz, milliner 3 Lindley Jas, bead maker 4 Thomas David, millinery wrhse 5 Bruce Jas, goldsmith 7 Hobbs & Reynolds, linen wrhse 8 Lowley Wm, stock maker 9 Appleby Jas, straw hat maker 10 Fitzpatrick Jas, milliner 1 1 Richards Jane, milliner 13 Ellison JaB, millinery warehouse 14 Moss Hannah, stay maker 16 Bray Chas, furn ironmonger 17 Carter Mary, milliner 18 Rogers Thos, boot maker Lacombe Monsieur, teacher 19 Hall Cath, milliner 20 Grant Ann, milliner 20 Grant John, cabinet maker 21 Fitzpatrick Alice, milliner 22 & 23 Thomas Dav, millinery whs 24 Lacy Wm, straw hat manufr 25 Milentz Hen, fur manufactory 26 Lacy John, straw hat manufr 27 Tozer M A, milliner 28 Clark Robt, fringe maker 29 Fitzpatric Letitia, milliner Crane ct, Fleet st. * United Service Gazette Off 3 Last and Clark, printers 4 Nonconformist Office 7 Scottish Hospital, Auld Robert, secretary 7 Kin loch Bequest, Auld Robert, secretary 8 Thomas and Moore, solicitors 9 Ingram and Cooke, printers 10 Palmer and Clayton, printers 11 Mills Saml and Son, printers Craven bldgs, City road. 1 Green Jas, baker 5 Brettel Susannah, carpenter 10 Hall F, carver and gilder 12 Vogleham Francis, greengrocer Read Emma, " King's Arms" Craven bldgs, Drury lane. 2 Morton J & G,wrking cutlers, &c 10 Harjette T, copper-plate printer 1 1 Eadie Alex, book edge gilder, &c 12 Nutt Wm, bookbinder 14 Stroud Thos, working goldsmith 16 Belcher Jno, bricklayer Craven Ct, Strand. I Tayler John, hairdresser Jolly John, cheesemonger Corby Thos, " Ship and Shovel'' Craven St, City road. * Houchin and Co, engineers 5 Betteridge , ivory turner, &c Horner L, pearl worker Craven St, Strand. I Metropolitan Loan Society 3 Monkhouse C J, solicitor 7 Society for the Disc & Relief OF PERSONS IMPRID FOR SMLL Debts, Lunn Jos, secretary 8 Rees Dr, physician 9 Ghagan J, boarding house 14 Gilbert & Bisgood, solicitors 15 Morrison John, tailor 16 Gwynue S, solicitor 16 Wilks Francis, bookseller 1 7 Wilks Robt, bookseller 17 Potter W, Sheffield plate wrehse 18 Leonard Jas, surgeon 28 Bell John, solicitor 30 Morris W H,solicitr & patent agt 31 Shear and Nephew, tailors 34 Price W F and Son, army agents 40 West Chas, physician 41 Badger M A, boardng & lodg hse 43 Clarke, Fymore & Fladgate, solrs 44 Holland and Watson, wine mchts 45 Tapster and Son, f Craven Htl" 47 Cullington Danl, solicitor Craven yd, Drury lane. Henesey Robt, timber mercht Dodd Wm, farrier Crawford mS, Bryanston sq. Broad Geo, veterinary forge Crawford pas, Clerkenwell. 3 Morris John, bricklayer 4 Blanchard Edwin, dlr in leeches 10 Botten Chas, brass & cock fndr Fosdick Stephen, "Pickled Egg" Crawford St, MaryUbone. 1 Turner D, straw warehouse 2 Burke C, milliner la Matland C, chemist 3 Stray Geo, shoemaker 4 Braess Wm, upholsterer 5 Cant Wm, hosier 6 Davy Mary, tobacconist 7 Hutchinson G P, grocer 8 Calvert Saml, linen draper 9 Cogdon F, childbed linen wareh 10 Strudwicke Wm, grocer Clarke Maria, school 1 1 Collins John, staymaker 1 2 Gray Jos, music seller 15 Bigg Thos, chemist 16 Hudson Walter, grocer 17 & 18 Lowdon John, linen draper 19 Butler J, milliner 20 Sugden Lewis, turnery warehse 21 Wright & Standen, fur irnmngrs 22 Essex Alfred, stationer 23 Walters W, linen draper 24 Hunt Wm, linen draper 25 Chew Thos, grocer Hardy W L, hosier Furniss T, watchmaker * McDonald D, woollen draper 25 Arnold Wm, straw hat warehse 26 Hardy Jno, woollen draper 27 Turner Henry, linen draper 28 Dowsee Sarah, straw hat mnfr 29 Maskell M, fishmonger 31 and 32 Dent John, linen draper 33 Bartrop, Bros, surgical inst mkrs 34 Smith Francis, straw bonnet mkr 35 Norbury Jos, linen draper 36 Hutton Richd, carpet warehouse 37 Brewer Esther milliner 37 Gerrans Jas Geo, surgeon 37 Bromwich Owen, baker 38 Brewer V H, grocer 39 Teesdale Christr, carpet warehse 40 Welchman Jno junr, hatter 41 Wealthy Thos, corn dealer 42 Oxborrow and Rolfe, drapers 42 Nurse and Co, coach builders 44 Sharp Jno, shoemaker 45 Kirkby Saml, baker 46 Smith W R, stationer ' 47 Hatchard H Silvanus, furn undtkr 48 Mills Thos, grocer 49 Walker Thos, hatter 59 Cowell W, cheesemonger 51 Graygroose W & J, pawnbrokers 52 Bow Robt, carpenter 52 Edmunds Thos, grocer 53 Page Hannah, oilman 54 Willson Geo, surgeon 55 Rowse Chas, coffee rooms 56 Bulley Jas, confectioner 87 CRE STREET KEY. CRO 57 Phillips G R, grocer 58 Beasely Fred, Olive Branch" 53 Lovebridge Jno, cheesemonger Johnson Mary, milliner * Jones John E, stationer 60 Kitchen Daniel, gas fitter 61 Lewis Lewis, hardwareman 62 Jones Geo, boot maker Mose and Berry, straw hat mkrs 63 Stickwood Wm, eating house 64 Grimson Sarah, confectioner 65 East Robt, oilman 66 Minton Wm, cooper 67 Johnson Jno, butcher 68 Stephens Edw, potato dealer 69 Skinner G, dyer 70 Exton Jno, grocer 72 How Geo, butcher 72 Keene Richd, surgeon 71 Smith Chas, potato dealer 73 Potter Thos, tallow chandler 74 Gray Jas, tobacconist 75 Wagner Charles, baker 76 Daw Henry, butcher 77 Freeman Thos, eating house 78 Holcombe John, butcher 79 Moss P, cloth salesman 80 Weitzell E A, baker 81 Glennerster Geo, butcher 82 Hughes Chas, cheesemonger 83 Gawthorn Benj, linen draper 84 Wilson, Son, & Jones, shoemakers 85 Hands John W T m, tobacconist 86 Bosworth John, butcher 87 King Thos, leather seller 88 Stanley Wm, linen draper 89 Lakin Joseph, linen draper 90 Chamberlain Geo, wind glass cut 91 Pardoe Chas, fruiterer 92 Williams Henry, grocer 93 Byfield Thos, fruiterer 94 Bride O, shoe warehouse 94 Heath John, D of Wellington" 95 Hatsell John, cheesemonger 96 Andrews Richd, surgeon 97 Penn Camp, bootmaker 98 Meadows Thos, linen draper 99 Lakin Joseph, hosier 100 Adcocks Geo, ironmonger 101 Martin Henry, linen draper 102 Hales Jos, butcher 103 Large Jane, paper hanger 104 Hunt Edmund, glassman 105 Wyman David, baker * Tindale Henry, chemist 106 Hicks R, bookseller & news agt 107 Smith Michael, linen draper 108 Hoskins Jno, tailor 109 Read Thos, hair dresser 110 Carter Richard, pastrycook 111 Marks Hen Jno, grocer 1 1 2 Green Jas, butcher 113 Wade Robt, carpenter 113 Alldon Wm, tobacconist 114 Chesterman C, pianoforte mkr 1 1 5 Ley Wm, surgeon 116 Cooke G F, music seller 117 Bushell Thos, surgeon 1 1 8 Cooper S, dealer in toys 119 Pope Samuel, turn ironmonger 120 Morris Jno, plumber 121 Cresswell Jno, stationer 1 22 Heron T Edwd, cheesemonger 123 Hutchison Thos, baker 1 24 Coumbe Richd, butcher 125 Palmer Wm, carver and gilder 126 Bunnell J, " Beehive" 127 Simmonds J and T, oilmen 127 Taaffe John, stationer 88 129 Packer Jas, poulterer 130 Ingorfield David, fruiterer Cree church la, Aidgate. Wigg Sarah, "Three Herrings" Watson J, carpenter Creed, la, Ludgate street. 2 Wilmot Thos, plumber, &c ' 3 Bentall Wm, dairyman 2 Ray Mary, news vender 3 Smith Hen Harding, tobacconist *4 Biggs Hen, hair dresser 5 Knight Wm, shell fish warehse 10 & 1 1 Debaufer J & Son, brass fd 12 Notley M A, carpenter 13 Moates and Co, ironmongers 15 Moon Eliz, general dealer Crescent, Bridge st, Blackfriars. 1 Clutterbuck Dr, physician 2 Piggott Mrs, & Bowser Miss, mis 2 Fryer Wni, fancy woollen whsmn 3 Eagle Assurance Compv; Smith H P, actuary Trinitarian Bible Society ^Christian H C esq, secretary 4 Rains Hen, paper warehouse 5 M'Whinnie A M. surgeon 6 Norwich Union Assurance Bunyon Robt John, secretary Crescent, Minories. 1 Bishop Jos, merchant 2 Rapheel R, merchant 4 Rahn G, ship broker 5 Clark John & Co merchants 7 Suwerkrop J B, merchaut 7 Nilsel John, merchant 7 Firth R J, cork merchant 9 Newsam F and Co, merchants 12 Morris Jas, solicitor 13 Lindgren 11 J, ship agent Crescent pi, Bridge st t Blkfrs. 2 Smith Jas and Co, wine mchts * Levy Louis, bill broker 5 Collins and Rigley, solicitors 6 Ranson A nth Cuthbert, agent 7 Burt and Gibson, surgeons Crescent pi, Burtoji-cresccnt. 5 Corbould Hen, artist 11 Turner Thos, baker Leight Philip, surgeon 9 Charrott Rich, cowkeeper Crescent pi, Brompton. Pratt Robt, beer retailer 4 Gamble Jas, dairyman Jones Louisa, milliner Crescent St, Euston square. 1 Gwynn Francis, boot maker 2 Hemming Tbomas, hairdresser 3 Powney M, dealer in marine strs 4 Evans J, broker 5 Pearce George, greengrocer 9 Cooper Thos, carpenter 10 Willis Wm, grocer and cheesmgr 1 1 Wright J, bellhanger 1 1 Newtou Robt, baker 1 2 Cooke W, grocer 13 Lewis A, straw bonnet maker 20 George Geo, cutler 23 Offord R, greengrocer 26 Baugh J, tailor 26^ Stevenson Geo, greengrocer 27 Suchwell Thos, civculat library 28 Smith M and H, grocers 29 Clarke Evan, haberdasher 31^ Greenway Wm, livery stable kp 39 Hathaway Geo, scagliola manuf 41 Pearce Joseph, tobacconist 42 Mills Wm, oil and colourman 43 Gadsby Senr Edward, newsvendr 46 Bush Wm, carpenter and undtkr 47 Towner Edw, coal dealer 48 Bouch Benj, beer retailer 49 Gadsby Edw, nevvsvender 50 Keene T, chair and sola maker CrimSCOtt St, Bermondsey. 5 Ewbank W C, dep reg bths dths Meredith Wm, fellmonger Ring and Groombridge, carpents Htdlier Rd, reg of bths & dths 24 Fawcett W, carpenter Dodd Wm, ro[ einaker Ingham Jas, ropemaker Cripplegate bids, Loud wall. 2 Mason John, plumber 3 Vyse T, straw and leg hat wareh Deacon, Mack, and Co, carriers 7 NewberyG & Co, wterprf cl mfrs 8 Coulshaw Wm, tailor 9 Stevenson J and J, comb mfrs 10 George Eliz, " White Horse" Crispin st, Spitaifdds. Cruttenden J, St Paul's Head'' 2 Gwynn Wm, coal dealer 3 Bateman Robt, beer retailer 6 Lewis Rt, shoemaker 7 Holmer II, wheelwright 7 Stubbing Wm, basket maker 8 MiddlebrookT, basket maker 9 Rider J, basket makm 10 Harris F, basket maker 11 Potts J, basket maker 15 Holt Benj, " Grapes'* Hewes^Gi'o, potato salesman Gregory T, potato salesman '24 Sherman M, coffee house 23 Marchant , cabinet maker 26 Wroots Elizth, coffee rooms 27 Saubergue Geo, hair dresser 28 Day John, potato salesman 30 Wallis G, coffee house 32 Woolf P, clothes dealer 34 Nicholas and Son, corn dealers 36 Shorter J, china and glass whse 37 Moulin Chas, jacquard mach mk 38 Jones Edw, cowkeeper 40 Gregory Jno, potato salesman 45 Read Wm, reed maker Lilley Geo, mahogany merchant 49 Milner F H, oil and colour mcht Critchell pi, A>w North road. 1 Hemmings E and S, seminary 1 Amsden Jno and Geo, surgeons 6 Rooke & Co, trim manufs 16 Meluish James, surgeon 26 Woodcock R and Son, builders Clibbins Thos, Stuart Arms" Cromer St, Grays inn road. 1 Eldridge Jno, paper hanger 7 Yolland Thos junr, painter 9 Spence Rich, carver and gilder CRO STREET KEY. CRO 10 W r rigglesworth W A, oil & colmn 10 Giradot J E, artist 1 1 Lea Joseph; beer retailer 1 2 Holt Jas, tobacconist 13 Page D, tailor 14 Lega Zamleelli & Fleteher, ital w 15 Yolland Thos, appraiser 18 Yapp S. tailor 22^ Page Wm, artist in fire works 24 Bland Robt, brass manufacturer 25 Richards J, musical inst maker 27 Borley Jno, grocer 28 Hulls Christ, beer retailer 34 Lisney Wm, elk and wh maker 42 Coulson P, bricklayer 44 Goldsmith Thos, plumber 47 Holmes Robt, saddler 48 Etheridge Jno, haberdasher 51 Olney Thos, "Silver Cup" 52 Spoffbrd Jas junr, floor clth mfrs 54 Wood Jos, butcher 55 Kippis Geo, stone gate manuf 56 Man Henry, grocer and cbeesmgr 58 Richardson James, grocer 59 Burnet W r m, baker 60 Knight Thcs, beer retailer 61 Baxter Edw, grocer 62 Morgan Jno, coffee rooms 63 Gill Saml, fur broker 64 Harper J, tailor 65 Stockton Sam, muffin baker 66 Brown Mary, dairyman 68 Monro William, carver 70 Magona Jos, dlr in marine stores 71 Pink Philip, green grocer 72 Ham Wm, last maker 81 Parrett Benj, furniture broker 82 Hayes James, grocer & cbeesmgr 83 Prescott Wm, brush maker 84 Holden John, furniture broker 88 Pursley Robt, boot maker 89 Wildee Philip, *? Mar Wellesley" 96 Gyde Wm, grocer 97 Spencer Jno, newspaper office 98 Sparrow T, straw & Leg hat prssr 101 Kingsford S, baker 103 Waterman Jas, greengrocer 104 Pollett Thos, grocer 105 Wolff W G, undertaker 105 Killingback J P, printer 107 Lamboum Robt, baker 108 Smith Robt, beer retailer 111 Clayton Eliz, beer retailer 112 Johnson Eliz, pawnbroker 113 Crofton P, cabt maker & under 114 Lawrence Jas, coal dealer 115 Leach Chas, cooper 117 Speedy D, "The Boot" Crooked la* Cannon st. 1 Walker Jno, builder, &c 1 Horrance Horatio, bookbinder 2 Wasse Wm, wine merchant 2 RedhouseThos, insurance broker 2 Whitchurch W, provision broker 2 Powis Jno, insurance broker 2 Pell Rich, flour dealer 2 Tatum Wm, lithographic printer 2 Jenkins Jno. Birm & Shef agent 2 Hearn J and Co, merchants 3 Farlow J K, tnr & fshng tack mkr 4 Bartholomew J, fish tackle mkr * Boynes John, merchant 6 and 7 Eaton G, fish tackle maker 8 Abbot Fred, undertaker 9 Mathews W B,wire & tin pi met 11 Anthracite Coal Company Crane James, agent 1 1 Edwards J S, grocer 13 Towse B and R B, solicitors Crosby rOW, King st, Borough. Jenner Robt and Hen, brewers 7 Cable J R, grocer 9 Wapsbott W, beer retailer 11 Hart Robt, bricklayer 27 Danby Stephen, carpenter Crosby Sq, Bishopsgafe. 2 Jeffkins J and G, wine mchts 2 Fruhling and Gdschen, mchts 2 Jacobs L, solicitor 2 Phillips Jonas & Co, mchts in li army clothier 17 Wright S, appraiser * Wright G, cabinet maker 18 Fish T, greengrocer J 9 Cranbourne J, dealer in birds 20 Duhy Jas, shoemaker 21 Bratt Joseph, "Rose & Crown" 23 W T ait Vv T , cap maker 24 Ross and McNicoll, milliners 33 Smith H, tailor 36 Cooper and Wardell, boot mkrs 37 Rogers John, " Fighting Cocks" 38 Field W, " Two Chairmen" David St, Marylebone. 1 Williams H, grocer 3 West Wm, carpenter * Hayter C, locksmith * Price J, grocer 5 Pogmore Joseph, grocer 8 Sands Saml, tailor 10 Corry C, grocer 1 1 Scantlebury Jno, carpenter 12 Beeson Thos, tailor 13 Jeff's Richd, boot maker 14 Woodford Jas, fruiterer 15 Page Thos, dyer 1 7 Sadler E, dairy IS Bettyes John, coach maker 19 Phillips Henry, tailor 20 Fisher John, glass cutter DavieS St, Berkeley sq. 1 9 Monkhouse R & W, timbr mchts Gurney and Barton, colourmen Brames and Smart, coal mchts Martinson Wm, wheelwright Troll Wm, baker Cannon Chas, silk dyer Mosley Jno, carpenter Ke 11 away Geo, gas fitter Nottley Chas, eating house Parsonage J, saddler The Terrace. Smith C, surgeon Lynch J, tailor Dorman S, tailor Carter R, wine and brandy mcht Davies street, continued. Boodle & Partington, convyancrs Rhodes Thos, solicitor Gkosvknok. Estate Office Howard A, agt to Marq Wstmstr Barker Geo, confectioner Shepherd Hen, working jeweller Bessell E C, professor of dancing and 13 Meares W, corn factor Beck. Charlotte & Co, dress mks National Pat Salt Company Meares, agent Meares W, baker Verring Jas, ' Three Kings Fenton Thos, baker Couseus & Whiteside, watch mks Padgett Edw, wine merchant Magnin Madm, milliner Fox Jno, hair dresser Beckley Rich, grocer and oilman Welch Geo, boot maker Cazotte Chas, cheesemonger Harley Jaa, dentist 93 DEA STREET KEY. DEA 24 Watson J, "Two Chairmen 25 Butterworth Jas, ironmonger 26 Ware & Co, ready made lin ware 28 Watts Wm, glass and china dlr 27 Dwerrihouse & Ogston, wtch mks 29 Thompson G, surgeon dentist 29 Bailey and Son, poulterers 34 Erck George, tailor 35 Taylor and Doggett, hoot makers 36 Hopkins D and Sons, coach bldrs 38 Hitchcock and Martyn, solicitors 39 Tuach Wm Ale, surgeon 40 Webb Jno, tailor 43 Stanton T, brnze & ormoulu rnnfr 44 Bedford Paul, coal merchant 45 Davies Thos, silk mercer 46 Higham & Banner, apothecaries 47 Guy L, dress maker Powell Misses, milliners 47 Cavalier Peter, hair dresser 48 Nicholson and Barrow, surgeons 49 Jones Sidney, chemist 50 Hepburn R, dentist 50 Carlton Geo, accountant 50 Salter Geo, bldr & estate agent 51 Fenton Jas, butcher 52 Parkins T, saddler and ham mkr 53 Jay Edw, surgeon 54 Osmond Sam, ladies' shoe mkr 54 Tivemlow J F, barrister 55 Muddiman A, hair dresser 56 Miv art's Hot (Mivart Jas Edw) 58 Lee Wm, " Running Horse" 60 Sims Hen, " Coach and Horses'' 61 Meredith Chas, painter 62 Sharp R, bricklayer 63 Herbert M, tailor 69 Kelly Collin, carpenter 70 Crosby Jno, carpenter 70 Levi E, glass cutter . 74 Campbell R, clothes salesman 75 Green Thos, rope maker Deal St, Mile End, New town. Claxton Wm, skein silk dyer Krache H, " Crown and Leek" Dean's yd, Shoreditch. Whitehead Benj, currier Gray Jonat, " Crown and Leek'' Dean St, Commercial road. Nicholls W, grocer Dean St. Fetter lane. 1 Barrett Jos, metal dealer 2 Allen Geo, carpenter & undertkr 4 Stanbury G W F, prntg ink rnnfr 8 Wells Wm, working jeweller 11 Miller Geo, carpenter 16 Watson John, bookbinder 18 Large & Co, copper plate mnfrs 19 Malyon Wm, bricklayer 17 Sydenham Wm, working jeweller 21 Jerman Wm, grindery ware 24 Shaw Jos, bookbinder * Timbury and Searjeant, printers 25 Carroll J, dairy Dean St, Finsbury square. * Roberts W H, auctnr and survyr 2 Whittington Benj, solicitor 4 Marshall Matt, baker Dean st, Hoibom. 2 Warry Robt, fruiterer 3 Beau Francis, butcher 94 4 Phipps Richd, corn dealer 5 Francis J, bookbinder's tool mkr 6 Lightfoot John, gun maker 7 Garnish Thos, dyer, &c 8 Smallbone A, boot maker 8 Hosking John, range mnfr 9 Allen Edw, hair dresser 10 Sansom J, "Cheshire Cheese" 1 1 Chick Thos, potato dealer 12 Anderson John, oilman 13 Blundell Josh, cheesemonger 14 Cook Arthur, butcher 15 Scroggin Jas, general shop 16 Turner Jno, scale maker 16 Treeby Joseph, slater 17 Buck Robt, shoe maker 18 Caress Jas, grocer &cheesemongr 19 Williams Wm, cowkeeper 21 Webster Jane, coffee house 22 Sparrow Hen, whl tea dlr & grocr Dean St* New North road. 8 Pearce H, artificial florist 13 Piercy Wm, watch escpemnt mkr 16 Grindon J, newsvender 17 Palmer F, baker 1 Freeman John, ribbon blk mkr Dean St, Shadwell. 1 Shuter James, greengrocer Leitch John, ( \ King of Prussia" Lovell and Peacock, carpenters Dean st, Soko. 1 Snell H, wheelwright 2 Wetherell Jno, coffee house 3 Kebble Wm, picture frame mkr 3 Swatton H T, imp Dutch rushes 3 Tozer and Son, tin plate workers 4 Gamble Ann, shell-fish warehse 5 Ottignon Francis, basket maker 6, 7, 8 & 9 Bazaar Royal Dispen for Dis of the Ear 11 Blackmore W H, glazier 12 Falconer Alex, baker 13 Marks M and C, milliners 1 3 Rogers J, tobacconist 14 Kellet J, upholsterer 14 Hullett T, newszender 15 Friday J, dairyman 16 Ramazzotti , dlr in fncy artels 16 Russell John, general dealer 18 Baverstock J, calenderer 19 Willington Robt, bookbinder 20 Boyd & Co, wine & brandy mchts 21 Bernasconi & Riddell, architectrl modellers 22 Brenneis D J, watch maker 22 Linton John, tailor 23 Stokes Sarah, "Morland's C of H" 24 Wright Wm, tailor 25 Clark and Bedford, bookbinders 25 Margetson T, livery stables 26 Pope J, undertaker 26 Bittner W, watch maker 27 Holt Josh, jeweller and chaser 27 Newnham B, tailor 28 Porter Edwd, upholsterer 28 Hogg Wm, tailor 29 Kesten G, tailor 30 Chart John, tailor 31 Buchanan W, bookbinder 31 Stead Francis, engraver Godfrey John, " Cm & Chrmn" 33 Walker W, " Walker's Hotel " 34 Gyde Wm, engraver 35 Thornton T, jeweller 38 Tett Chas, paper hauger 38 Lapierre , boot maker Koiner H, boot maker 39 Newstead H, dress maker 40 Lecluse F. watch maker 40 Simpson Thos, tailor 41 Harding S and J, hair dressers 42 Lunn Jas, fruiterer 43 Gray J, milliner 44 Tarrant J E, solicitor 46 Hoffman Mrs, dress maker 46 Smith R, baker 48 Lovelock J, fruiterer 49 Osborn Geo, "York Minster" 50 Brakenbridge John, baker 51 Joynson Saml, "Golden Lion " 52 Willis Jno, greengrocer 53 Sedgwick H, tobacconist 53 Tompkins Wm, plumber 54 Blackyer Wm, dyer, &c 55 Tozer Thos, frng iroums & manfs 56 Rudderforth E H, surgeon 60 Purkess Geo, publisher 60 Drake Eliz, copper plate printer 62 Howell Jas, grocer 62 Howell and Thomas, dress mkrs 63 Edy John, truss maker 64 Hutching Jas, boot and shoe mk 65 Bell Wm, engraver 66 Pountain T and Son, harness mk 68 Wade Robt, surgeon 69 Novello J A, music seller 69 Davis J B, artist 69 Roys Mrs, ladies seminary 70 Dowsett J, plumber * Graham H and M, milliners, &c 71 Coventry and Holliers, music sis 72 Rapley and Welchman, jewellers 76 Marley & Clark, curs & shoemcrs 77 Tomlinson T, pianoforte maker 78 Wood, Wood & Frazer, sols 80 Nicole and Capt, watchmakers 81 George Josh, bookbinder 81 Dearmer Sarah, milliner 85 Hinder Geo E, "Rose & Crown" 82 Rochet Jules, watch manufactr 83 Bragg Thomas, seal engraver 83 Hemming F, glazier 84 Bull Thos, tailor 86 Hunt S, grocer 87 Eraser Ann, curiosity dealer 88 Brown Wm, carpenter 89 Smith PE, " Highlander" 92 Loft J & Co, late Sarti, sclpts, &c 93 Fergusson John, engraver 94 Case Hen, staymaker 94 Clarke Jno, tailor and newsvender 95 Leake Geo, scale maker 97 Freeman Thos, eating house 98 Cross Geo, map mounter 99 Robinson Robt, currier 100 Bertram Wm, upholsterer 101 Clark Thos, turner 101 Mordan Edw, machinist 102 FinneChs, news agt & tobaenst * George Clement, leather dresser Dean St, Tooley street. 1 Hurles John, fruit meter's office 1 Corner Geo Rd, & Chas C, sols Brighton, Croydon, & Dov Jnt Station CoMT,Whitehead J, sec 17 Anderson D, corn factor 19 Sherwood Peace, and Jones, sols 22 Ryder Robt, tailor 22 Cuttos Abraham, solicitor Barnett Wm, bootmaker Warren Saml, grocer & cheemgr Protestant Dissenters School DEA STREET KEY. DEV Dean St, Westminster. Westminster Hos & Scl of Med 3 & 4 Crow John, furniture broker 5 Falkner Chas, greengrocer 6 Crump Peter, butcher 6 Medicott F, toy dealer 7 Butiman C, oilman 7 Weekes Benj, tobacconist 8 Cordwent Wm, cheesemonger 14 Young Hen, leather cutter 15 Reynolds Wm, fishmonger 16 Hildrup J, linen draper 17 Marlow Thos, rag merchant 13 Smith M M, stationer 12 Proctor Henry, turner 1 1 Newman Hen, " Feathers" 10 Cowley C, baker 9 Moore Saml, grocer 8 Bull Benj, shoemaker 2 Tucker Rich, veterinary surgeon 4 Wallis L, tailor 5 Collins John, butcher 3 Strachan John, whiskey stores Dean St, Lit, Westminster : Pike Jas, ironmonger Dean's ct, St, Paul's. 2 Smale and Son, proctors * Cornthwaite D, solicitor 4 Roberts Nathaniel, proctor 5 Abbot and Son, proctors 5 Jenner, Bush, and Dyke, protrs 6 Brickwood Edw C, proctor Dean's yd, Westminster. Queen Ann's Bounty Office First Fruit's Office ^Tenth's Office Hodgson Chris, secretary Delahay St, Westminster. 1 Freebody W Y, engineer 6 Addison John, civil engineer 7 Gravatt Wm, civil engineer Demsey St, Commercial road. 25 Dean Thos, chronometer maker Denmark Ct, Denmark st, Soho. Edwards James, coach spring mk Denmark hill. Fletcher & Payne, Dnk hill schol Foster M, milliner Cutbill John, florist and fruiterer Foster John, grocer Rudd Richd, plumber Anderson John, baker * Elliot Robt, surgeon Cooke A, surgeon Sabine Edw, stationer Beck Robt, surgeon Smith A, grocer and fruiterer Merrifield Robt, boot & shoe mkr Clavey Hen, carpenter Forbes Wm, surgeon Kesterton John, coach maker Bean Son & Gaselee, surgeons Saunders E J, "Fox under Hill " Bullock John, livery stable kpr Collyer Jno, boot and shoe mkr Williams S, fishmonger Wylde and Pannell, milliners Kettle Hen, carpenter & joiner Blackman Jno, boot & shoe mkr Denmark pi, Camberwell. 2 Knowler H, boot maker Turner Wm, grocer Eades R, farrier Lovegrove C, greengrocer Norris Jas, bookseller & stationer Brown S, baker Curtis Edwin, dlr in marine stores Denmark St, Ratclif Highway. 3 Stephens John, writer 6 M'Dermott John, cowkeeper 11 Breback & Mogge, sugar bakers 17 Muench , cooper Schlencker Thos, sugar baker Thompson & Kuck, sugar refinrs Haskell Alf P, Old Blk Dog'' Barwick Jas, rag merchant Police Station Denmark st, Soho. 1 Medhurst & Co, pat scale maker 2 France R W, furnshing undertkr 4 Whitaker Wm, fringe mould trns 5 Siebe Augustus, engineer 8 Chapman T, invalid chair maker 9 Rimbault E F, music publisher 11 Samson ABA, wrking jewellers 12 Jones John, carpenter 12 Dykes Wm Hen, gas fitter, &c * Taylor Thos, writer and grainer 13 Corcoran Bj,pat mangle mkr, &c 13 Knowles Jas, lath & tool mnfr 14 Strathern A, baker 15 Flies John, tailor 16 Hennessey & Langley, cab mkr 16 Gill Mrs, milliner & dress maker 17 Sounes Wm, die sinker 18 Lake John, tailor 19 Spark Alex, whl tin manufactur 20 Perryman John, artificial florist 21 CluttonWm, goldsmith & jewellr 22 Kohler Wm & Co, lithog printer 23 Slater Jas, brass mnfr & gas fitr 23 Smith Thos, carver 24 France R, picture frame maker 24 Brooks Har, milliner & diss mkr 25 Shaw Fred, goldbeater 26 Coombs & Co, instants light mfs 27 Clements Wm, retailer of beer 28 Reynolds Chas J, printseller Eye Dispensary Denmark st, Lit. Soho, Woolley & Co, soap manufactrs 2 Hawkins Wm, tailor Medhurst and Co, pat scale mnfr Blackburn Jno, " Eight Bells" Denzell St, Clare Market. 6 Macey and Son, builders Deptford Lr rd, RotherhUhe. James John, " Royal Oak" Wilson Richd, Bell" Hayton Thos H, cheesemonger Taylor Wm, farrier Cuunew Jas H, "Victoria" Ascott Thomas, wheelwright Johnson Aaron, tobacconist Stanley Hen, hair dresser Stringer's row. Christianson Nicholson, grocer 3 Tippet Thos Knight, oilman Boyse R, bricklayer Smith Robt, cooper Parks Wm, pork shop Bedford place. 6 Solomon John, butcher 8 Foulds Wm, baker Cobourg place. 1 Bunker Francis, surgeon 3 Onion John, butcher ROTHERHITHK NATIONAL SCHOOL 4 Godwin Robt, grocer 6 Hatt Thos, baker Smith Robt, cooper Walker John, slopseller Whayman Rich, Jolly Sailor" Eames Wm, China Hall" Dance Wm, fire wood dealer Milton A, milliner, &c Worrall Robt, " Chalkers" Ulyate Wm, Red Lion" Moore John, beer retailer Dale Daniel, miller Price Thos, glass cutter Howard Rich, "St. Helena Tav" Lillie Robt, fire wood dealer Dinsdale John, fire wood dealer Hunt Geo, general dealer Brandram & Co, vitriol mnfrs Brandram T & Co, w lead & clr ws Torr Rich, animal charcl mnfr Wells Hen, bricklayer Thompson John, baker Derby St, Mayfair. 1 Jones H, tailor 4 Devnall John, dairyman Hogan John, "White Lion" Derby St, Gray's Inn road. 1 Bremridge J Wm, carpenter 9 Barrett Thos, cabinet carver 11 Hodson Richard, "The Globe" 13 Shillibeer Geo, pat fur car factory Derby St, Westminster. 2 Lapidge Edw, architect 2 Pickering J, surveyor 2 Price H C, civil engineer 3 Woodin E, baker Derweston St, Lit, Marylebn. 1 Burn Thos, bottle merchant 6 Harbon J, veterinary surgeon 7 Hanstock G, retailer of beer 8 Brookbank Wm, tailor 10 Pether S, livery stables 12 Harris T, cowkeeper Devereux ct, Strand. 1 Gwyther John, tailor 2 White John, bookseller Jones C, "Grecian Coffee Hse" 15 Graham Wm, turner 22 Gill Chas, grocer 23 Jones Thos, tailor Devereux Chambers. Gordon H, barrister Vaughans H H, barrister Leachy David, barrister Phene Phineas, solicitor Bennett Thos, special pleader Ryder W D, barrister Sawyer Edw, barrister DeVOnport St Commercial rd. Harris Cath, " Robart's Arms" Grinham J, " Hutchinson Arms" 95 DEV STREET KEY. DOR Devonshire mws,E, Porti. P i. Banter E, " Cape of Good Hope" Ashwell Mary, cowkeeper Hankinson M, livery stables Devonshire Sq, Bishopsgate st. 1 Baylis A J, solicitor * East London Union 4 Davies B, solicitor 6 Tickers Jas, distillers' druggist, and importer of isinglass 7 Burleigh R B & Co, wine & sp m * Burleigh, Snelgar & Co, wine inrt 12 Blaxland Saml, wine merchant 13 Oldham Henry, surgeon 14 Gwillim J, spirit dealer 15 Wilson and Co, Oporto mchts 16 De Lisle J and Co, merchants 17 White and Son, printers : Devonshire St, Bishopgate st. 6 Buck W r m, printer 7 Roberts J as, copper pit engraver 8 Atkins W P, carpenter 13 Home and Son, bricklayers 14 Brind Chas, wine merchant 16 Jacobs Abm, whol clothes dealer 17 Baker Jas," Bull" Devonshire st, Lambeth. 78 Hayward W T m, wheelwright 1 Heritage Charlotte, beer retailer 1 1 Fuller A carpenter Woodward J, ale brewer Lucas Edw, " Anchor and Hope" 36 Beverton Jas, tin plateworker 53 Cole Nathl, carpenter 76 Nensom Thus, beer retailer Devonshire St, Lisson grove. 2 Turner E, hardware man 6 Clark Jas, tailor 12 Burgess S, broker 13 Smith Mrs, leather seller 14 Beckett Wm, " Hercules" 16 Moran Hannah, earthenware dlr 17 King Wm, broker 18 Wood Jno, furniture broker 19 Vf&tkihsT, furniture broker 20 Church Hannah, grocer 21 Dodd Edw, marine store dealer 22 Cridland J, butcher 23 Rawbone Wm, grocer 24 Wright R, greengrocer 27 Biggs E, baker 68 Suowdon J, leather seller 69 Hill A, grocer 72 Bicknell J, pork butcher 73 Hawkins J, cheesemonger 84 Clark J, tleather seller 94 Weedon Mathias, shoemaker 97 Arnold M, straw hat maker 99 Alderson R, Marq of Anglsea" 100 Ancock Christopher, appraiser 101 Mantle T, cabinet maker Devonshire St, Globe road, Mile End. 4 Collins M, oilman Holder Jno, ft Devonshire Arms" Mansell Thos, " Dolphin*' 18 Coxell Thos, beer retailer 27 Taylor Henry, undertaker 10 Keeling Thos, baker Moreford Jas, butcher 96 Devonshire St, Portland place. Ives Edw, liven r stables * Jeffreys R, livery stables * Lawrence Jas, " Devnshire Arms" 20 Bury John Wm, solicitor 22 Green Chas, baker 22 Rowed Rich, fishmonger 28 Lambert H W, surgeon 29 Lucas R C, sculptor 31 Rothwell Rich, artist 32 Chisholm A B, surgeon 34 Thomas Jno, chemist 35 Stevenson Rich, greengrocer 36 Pritchard W D, Italian warehse 37 M'BeanT A, grocer 38 Robinson T C, optician 58 Cordeaux S, " Mason's Arms" 59 Commercial Trading Chambek, King Wm, esq, manager Devonshire st, Queen sq. 2 Rumbelovv Wm, surgeon 3 Vanderlinden C, jelly mould mkr 6 Hotson Mrs, milliner & dress mkr 6 Wella-nd Wm, engraver 11 Otway Jas, optician 12 Clark Joseph, tailor 12 Clark Robt, schoolmaster 14 Pidgeong Geo, painter 15 Wood Henry, upholder 16 Johnson John, tailor 1 7 Taylor R T, account book manf 18 Rogers Chas, painter & plumber 19 Crawley C F, bookseller 20 Smith Mary, cowkeeper 2 1 Fullmer & Wilkinson, plumbers 22 Folkard R, printer 23 Shearer Jas, watchmaker 25 Attwater Wm, dyer and scourer 27 Jones John, dairyman 28 Boydtdl Chas, solicitor 29 Brockenden Wm, artist 31 Wentworth Wm, greengrocer 32 Wright Wm, Brown Bear" 33 Sasse C & C, wine merchants 34 Ileywood Wm, carpenter 36 Messenger Mich, artf flower mnfr 39 Wright and Sharp, jewelleis 40 Arrowsmith Chas junr, solicitor 42 Cobb and Green, plumbers 43 Laugford Wm, plumber, &c 46 Austin Geo, fringe maker 47 Oughton G, builder 48 Law Wm, upholder 50 Pearson Wm, tailor Devonshire ter, Marylebone. 2 Sharp Edmund, solicitor Diamond rOW, Stepney green. 1 Miller T, beer retailr & coal mcht 1 1 Tadloo David, butcher 12 Warmsley Wm, baker 21 Barker A, coal merchant 22 Markham John, plumber Parratt Geo, builder Scakins John, brushmaker Distaffla, Gt, Old Change. 1 Devull Wm, fruiterer 2 Douglass Joseph, stationer 3 Wilmington Mary, '-Kng& Qeen" 4 Webb Win, pack case maker Purkiss & Son, plumbs, pts, & glrs Purkiss W H, paper hanger 5 Wade Field, paintr, plumbr & glz 7 Spring W, M Blue Last" 9 M< Arthur Robt & Co, shawl mnf Parker Jas, agent 1 1 Harrild and Sons, printers"" brokrs 13 Dick W & P & Co, shawl wrehse 14 Cuthbeit Jas, coffee rooms 15 Leachman Wm, silk warehousmn 21 Westron and Co, warehousemen 23 Smith Wifl; silk warehouse CORDVVAINKRS' HaLL Millard J J, clerk to comp Millard and Adams, solicitors Distaff la, Lit, Old Change. 1 Rawlinson Thos, livery stables * Mayor and Dove, spice warehse 4 Morgan M, calenderer Maugham N, distiller 6 City ok Lono Cent Inkant Sch Cordwainers Si. Bread Street Ward Schools 15 Pettit R, furrier 15 Hardcastte J, shoe manufactory Dock St, Up East Smiihjield. Stevens Thos, soap manufacturer Jonas S H, merchant Oppenheim &Co,timbr mchts, &c Mogge H, '' Sir Sidney Smith" Hodgson John, sugar refiner Dockhead, Bermondsey. 11 Stone Edw grocer 9 Glass Jas, hair dresser 10 Tucker Sarah, tobacconist 8 Summer Edw, fishmonger Fairlie Jas, timber merchant 7 Priddy J, cheesemonger Willoughhy Rich, " Red Lion'' Pulsford Jno, boot maker Greenslade Wm, eating house Maddox J W, stationer Pearse Jas, butcher 1 Lepard Jas, baker Bristow R J, cooper Beck Chas, " Feathers" Davis Alfred, coffee rooms 8 Gredy Wm, grocer 9 Stoffell Wm, toy shop 10 Wilshaw Jno, haberdaslier 10 Hawkins Jno, bookseller 7 Hennis Jno Jas, oil and colorman 6 Hallam Robt, potato merchant 5 Hancock W M, fishmonger * Edwards J, " Waterman's Arm*" 2 Pulley Wm, confectioner 4 Heaney T F, china & glass whse 2 Poultou Jas, butcher Snelling Wm, clothes salesman 32 Thompson Jane, baker 31 Hunter Jno Wm, grocer 33 Harradin Joseph, ra^ merchant Smith Francis, builder 1 Cooper Geo, linen draper 2 Hailing Thos, corn merchant Scott's Sukkerance Wiiai^k Jones Francis, wharfinger Harvey K, carman Dolphin Ct, Lndgate hill. Frost Jno, (i Dolphin" Domingo st, Old a/. 2 Grimsdale H, grocer 9 Jaques G L, morocco case manfr Dorrington st, Cold Bath 47. White Geo, "Apple Tree" DOR STREET KEY. DOV 2 Brinsley Chas, broker 3 Cameron J, forgn fucy wood mclit 4 & 5 Pyrke J S & Sons, tea urn mfrs 7 Mills J, upholsterer * Myers A, book an Millwood Wm, shoe maker 36 Messenger Matthew, fruiterer 38 Vanheen Wm, tailor 40 Lomax James, surgeon 42 Treeby J, surveyor 43 Keene Geo J, solicitor 44 Cobb John, tailor 43 Hanson W, auctioneer and appr 45 Hanson J W, solicitor 45 Thompson Wm, tailor 46 Marvin John, butcher 47 Chambers T, cheesemonger 48 Costar John, fruiterer 49 Overy Charles, stationer 49 Steele A tallow chandler 50 Barker Robt, butcher 51 Craft H & S, straw hat makers 52 Burrows Chas, plumber 53 Hallett Chas, upholsterer Dorset St, Salisbury sq. 52 Woodman Z, carpenter 53 Wioos' Fkienu & Benevo Socy 54 Thompson Chas & Fredk, coal m 55 Burlord Wm, '-Blue Last ' 56 Snow J W, auctioneer 58 Saunders Wm, tailor Jones David, fruiterer 59 Collyer Corn, blind manufr GO Bates Jno, " Rose and Crown" 61 James Wm, cotiee house 62 Arding & Son, bids & prints jnrs 63 Fowler Benj, iron pump maker 64 Gardner Thos, bricklayer Bates T C, piano forte manufr City of London Gas Comi'y Benham Danl, secretary 84 & 85 Snoxell& Hallett, blind mi 92 Furze Wm, bootmaker 93 Johnson John, shoemaker 93 White Wm, baker 94 Newborn and Son, tailors 100 Lane G, tailor 107 JenksT, cabinet manufactory 138 Smith Atwood Hen, solicitor Dorset St, Spitaljields. 25 Jackson Ann, carpenter 29 Barnes J, carpenter 30 Miller 1 T, butcher Jenkins J J, 'Blue Coat Boy " 33 Davis Mrs, bookbinder 34 Casting T, harness maker 40 Wedgwood Thos, china dealer Dorset St, Up, Bryanstone sq. 1 Beal Richd, " Royal Standard " 2 Pace Thos, grocer 4 Horvvood S, painter 5 Amery John, havdwareman Crafter Richd, china warehouse 10 Thomas David, surgeon 12 Jones Richd, coal dealer 13 Harding W, dairyman 14 Botle)' Geo, cheesemonger 15 Burley Saml, coal dealer 16 Allen Robt, oil and colourman 17 Bell Thos, butcher 19 Daintry T, carpenter Doughty HieWS, Guildford st. Amiss Robt, livery stables Evans Robt, carpenter Doughty St, Foundling. 10 Ainger Alfred, architect 13 Cole Charles N, solicitor 38 Mason James, solicitor 52 Wilson John James, surgeon 54 Woolcott Geo and Son, builders Douglas St, Westminster. Keasley T, "Crown and Sceptre' 4 Coldham Danl, cooper Dove Ct, Lombard st. Shepherd Wm Henry, smith 5 Hampton Jas, dining rooms Mitchell T, shell-fishmonger Dove Ct, St. Martin s-le-grand. 2 Bass John, engraver Dover St, Piccadilly. Howard Jas, "Coach & Hor 5 Spiking Wm, baker 6 Manton and Son, gunmakers 8 Fergusson Wm, surgeon 9 Thomas John, coal merchant 11 Stevens M and E, milliners 12 Oven J, tailor 13 Turner John Dr, physician 14 Goatley R, dress maker 16 Johnston Eliz, milliner 16 Johnston M, surgeon 18 Parkin John, surgeon 20 Eden T E, surgeon dentist 25 Willis Dr, physician 26 Hawkins Thos, " Hotel" 27 Paris Dr John A, physician 42 Rose Richd, " Batt's Hotel" 44 Moxon Kdw, publisher 45 Raggett Wm, " Raggett's Hotel', Dover St, Gt, Borough. Drabble Jos & Co, pataxletrmks Drabble Jos & Co, engra' tool inks 97 DOW STREET KEY. DRA 1 Simms and Co, bedding manfrs 2 Buck T S, woollen draper 3 Pinkerton John, chinaman 4 Pontifex Saml, brass & cock fndr 24 Flowers Hen, carver and gilder 3 Wright Rt, paper hanger -- 6 Williams Fran, hair dresser 5 Hooper Mary, harness maker 6 Bowley Jas, furnishing ironmngr 7 Smithis & Mathews, wine gls ctrs 7^- Brocklebank Thos, turner 10 Hutchinson & Chappie, linen dps Swift Henry, '*' Swan Inn" Donnelly J, (Swan yd) liv stb kp Jarratt John, carrier Gray's terrace. -fc'iOC 2 Banks J, house agent 8 Pratt John Adey, tailor 14 Moakes Chas J no, coal merchant Croker Wm, dlr in build matls St Tlwmus's place. 1 Robson Geo, whlse confectioner 2 Finnis W and Co, carvers 4 Gregory E &. H, straw hat manfs 5 Saunders Mary Ann, toy dealer 6 Bland Jas, grocer 7 Taylor Jas, baker 8 Lavell Francis, pork butcher 53 Taylor G T, tailor 54 Burridge and Co, linen drapers 55 Toby John, wholesale shoemakrs 56 Saynes J and P, furriers 57 Dobell E & M, milliners 62 Moore and Burton, distillers &c 63 Bennett Thos, tobacconist; tia ff 64 Jones and Sons, tailors 65 Houghton Hen, upholder 66 Morey B, blind maker Alsop's buildings. 4 Matthews W, silk dyer & scourer 5 Moody Alex, stock manufr Roebuck place. r\(X Staff' Chas, surgeon, &c 47 Baker James, academy 45 Draper W L, hat manufacturer 46 Coote Richd, haberdasher 46 Bourne Jas, boot maker - *oCl 44 Glover Wm, brushmaker 43 Mister Wm, pewterer 4 Watts Hannah, feather manufr 6 7 & 8 Taylor & Sons, upholders 37 Austin John & Orpah, rope miifs Roebuck ierraee. 5 Dicker John, pawnbroker Chapman s,p fafx- l9VOl 2 Wykes J R, medical chemist 4 Burraston G W r , cabinet maker 3 Glaysher J, butterman 1 Pfell John Ferdinand, baker Devonshire buildings. 1 Nash Thos, brshmkr & horse hr m 1 Davies W r m, cheesemonger 2 Cross Thos, milliner & dress mkr 3 Wootton Jno, wood turner Wootton S & E, milliners 4 Hyslop Wm, linendraper 5 Turner Richd, tallow chandler 6 Pyefinch Thos, tobacconist 14 Garwood John, shoemaker 15 Piety Richd, haberdasher 7 Aldous Wm, tailor 8 Bertram E, upholsteress 9 Burgess Wm, ladies' shoemaker 16 Lee T J, watch and clock mkr 18 Bates J J, whol chem and drugst Palmer Wm, " Bull" Buckenham place. 1 Humphreys Jno, grocer 2 Lilley Thos, boot and shoemaker 3 Rowed T, butcher Exeter place. 1 Burman Ann, jeweller 2 Tassell G, corn and coal dealer 3 Fisher Jno, brush manfr Holbrook Thos, whip manufr Paull W W, carpenter Wall T, brass turner & gas fitter Rees Kdmd, hair dresser Dowdeil Charles, butcher Windsor terrace. 1 Hankins John, surgeon Bland terrace. 13 Downes Wm, ironmonger 17 Plummer Edw Hen, plant broker 18 Bunyar S, baker 16 Fuller Robt, stationer 14 Irving John, china warehouse 15 Ritchie Jno, beer retailer 200 Page C A, oilman Virginia terrace. 22 Lewis Richd, ' Virginia Plant" 19 South London WXrJ& Works Virginia place. 1 Neale John, British wine, maker 10 Court John, cutler 11 Johnson Emma, stationer 12 Raby Robt Wm, tailor 13 Smallridge W J, saddler 98 2 Weatherstone Thos, butcher 3 Duckrell Wm, coach builder 10 Watson Elzbh Chit*, ladies' schl 12 King Ann Maria, ladies' school 12 Bland Saml King, architect, &c 33 Iseltou Saml, boot & shoemaker 37 Nix Saml, wine and cigar merit 44 Jenner Henry, ale brewers Main, Reed, & Co, floor clth mfr Collins Abel, ' Roebuck : ' 50 Read M, stock and brace majifr 41 Chapman Jane, stationer 38 Davies W T m, tailor 35 Cuff & Sou, pat medicine propr 34 lllidge John, glass warehouse 3 J Hughes Wm. tailor 32 Hughes Benj, rush dealer 31 Williamson Jno, boot & shoemkr 30 Maillard F, lace manufacturer 29 Metcalfe Jas, whol linen draper 28 Brookman M & E, nulls & stayk Adkins Joseph, ' ; Globe" 24 Flowers Henry, carver & gilder "25 Cheeseman Richd Ellis, baker 22 Humphns Josh, butcher 21 Blow G Fordham, currier, &c 10 Silvester Henry R, solicitor 17 Payne M A, ladies' school 16 Saggers Geo, timber merchant 16' Smith Joseph Samuel, pin mnfr 15 Langley Emma, engraver 13 Bone John, linen draper 12 Boulton Geo, pin & needle mnfr 1 1 \ Bennett Thos H, hat & cap mnfr 11 Chapman Jas, ttour factor 10 Hutchison & Chappie, diapers Butterworth and Son, wh sh war 8 Davies and Co, seedsmen 7 Bemcastle and Co, furriers SURREY DlSPENSARY 8 Haines Geo, tailor 8 Hughes Jas, millstone maker 7 Brockeibank Thos, turner 6 Williams F F, hair dresser 5 Ellis W Jas, copper plate printer 3 Brown Henry, poulterer Dowgate hill. * Colman J & J, must & stch ma 2 Smith Wm, surgeon 3 Philpot John, " Three Crowns" 3 Philpot John, navy agent 4 Rowsell C J, wine merchant 4 Paul Jno H, surgeon 5 Tallow Chanolkrs' Hall 6 Perkins Thos, carpenter 7 Smith Thos G, merchant -, 8 Skinners' Hall * Kensitt T G, solicitor 10 Hill J S, solicitor 10 Richardson , solicitor 1 1 Pybus T W, tea dealer] 13 Coleman R & W, trunkmakers 14 Tyler Wm, Grapes" 15 Hawker Wm, carman * Flather Thos, packing case mkr 19 & 24 Nichols Thos, carman 22 Tudor S and W, white lead mnf 22 Hill Jas, Irish provision mcht W Addison, agent 23 Miles John, builder 26 Payne Jas, beer retailer Boothby B, commission agent 32 Ferres John, carman 33 Henderson Jno, colour warhouse 34 Hodgkinson & Co. whl tea dealers 34 Cole, Nichols * 01 1 Duck's foot la, Up Thames st 1 Shillito Jas, wholesale grocer Dudley Ct, Silver street. Roberts Chas, carpenter Dufour's pi, Broad st, Goldn sq. 2 Roland Jno, carpenter, &c 3 Charles Wm S, workng jeweller 6 Bailey Geo Norton, tailor 7 Stubbs John, workng jeweller 9 Smith Walter, academy 10 Sibley Richd, manui* silversmith Duke St, Adelphi. ^ a 1 Appleyard S, news agent 2 Reai" Dei- Monte Miniq Comp Phillips Jno, sec * Bolanos Mining Company Head John, sec * British As so for the Advncjint ov Sciknce, Taylor Jno, treasr * Taylor John, civil engineer 3 M'Kenzie Steph, wine merchant 4 Holland Hen, architect & survyr 8 Roberts, Smith & Co,Sheffield wh 8 Mote C J, Sheffield agent 9 Eaton John, tailor 10 Fairbairn Robt, bookbinder' 13 Jones Evans "St. Martin' 1 14 Great Western Loan Society Williams C, sec 15 Dyke Martha, baths 16 Brown Danl, butcher 17 Hughes Wm & Sn, tailrs & undrt Duke St, Bloomsbury. 1 Lindfield Wm, builder 2 Smith Richd, dairyman 2 Hulme E, * Fox" 5 Manning Thos, carpenter 8 Fellows John, carpenter 11 Kendall Benj, carpenter 12 Alders Chas, grocer Windsland Nicholas, builder 22 Dench Wm, tailor 24 Rogers Joseph, carver & gilder 24 Davis Jno, collctr of Queen's txs 25 Parsons Stephen, organ bni.der 27 Oshaunessey Oscar, artist 27 Draycott Fred, carver and gilder 28 Wheatley G F, boot maker 31 King Wm, upholder 32 Stringfield Geo, butcher Duke St, Aldgate. Duck la, War dour st, Soho, 1 Paton Wm, cabinet maker Clarke Jos, turner 7 Hangor Richd, japanner Leedham Fras, picture liner 10 Tipple Wm, coffee roaster 100 2 King David, plmbr,paintr & glazr 3 Smith T, piece broker 4 Hart S, pen manufacturer 5 Little Eliza, tobacconist 6 Elliott Wm, carpenter 7 Rawlings Thos, greengrocer 9 Chapman A, hat manufacturer 9 Davis D, gold and silversmith 11 Dias M, butcher 13 Messiah John, shoe maker 14 Bell Wm, piece broker 17 Benjamin M, fishmonger 18 Boulton Jas, nightman & sweep 19 Seekel Myer, watch maker 22 Jacobs Michael, poulterer 23 Isaacs B, butcher 24 Lazarus Moses, grocer 25 Barnet M, greengrocer 26 Lyon Isaac, provision merchant 28 Israel J, butcher 29 Jacobs A, fishmonger 30 Symmons Saml, glass cutter 31 Symmons L, china dealer 33 Abrahams Lewis, "St. James's T" 34 Isaacs S, butcher 36 Samuel S, printer 36 Austin Saml, baker 37 Jones J, cabinet maker 38 Pass D, butcher Jews' Synagogue 40 Smith John, piece broker 41 Egg & Pearce, black borderer 42 Cohen M, clothes dealer 43 Dockrey J, trimming seller 44 Nunn John' tailor 45 Berliner B, baker ' 48 Israel Henry, u Roebuck" 50 Minton Sam), piece broker Duke St, Grosvenor square. 1 Golding Wm, gun maker 1 Evans Wm and Jno, tailors 3 Boyd Geo, fruiterer 4 Harslett R, dairyman 4 Wooley Rhoda, dressmaker 5 Nardin & Co, Frch sh & glv mkrs 5 Nardin, Coiffeur de Paris 7 Coulson Samuel, jeweller 6 Woolmer Wm, cheesemonger 9 Waller Thos, staymaker 10 Ashmead G B, brush maker 1 1 Peal N and E, boot makers 11 Barton Eliza, milliner 12 Ball Jas, Italian warehouse 13 Ferdinand Calise, confectioner 13 Brannan Henry, carver & gilder 14 Lee Fred, butcher 15 Smyth S, grocer { 16 Mason G B, stationer 16 Mason M & M, straw hat makers 1 17 Harrison J & W, pntrs&plumbrs Chinnock Fredk, auctioneer I 19 Bullock John and W T, grocers ! 18 Bloxam G F, wine merchant j 21 King Chas, " White Hart " j 22 Fielder and Johnson, solicitors I 23 Hands Joseph, surgeon 24 Hind Jno, plumber and painter 25 Laurie J, embroideress 26 Hunt John Alex, hatter 29 Tozer Jno & Co, comp otnam mr 29 Richardson Chas, comp ornam mr 30 Marshall David, dairyman 31 McPherson , tailor 30 Rolland Olivier, stay maker 30 Flower Mary, dress maker 32 Mullins P, " Running Horse'* 33 Miller Geo, baker 34 Pearce Johu, brush maker 35 Gill Chas, saddler 36 Tisdall Edm, dyer, 37 Shirley Thos, butcher 38 Brown John, surgeon 38 Spice Wm, H, chemist & drugg 39 KittrickThos, house agent 40 Pearce Rich, Si Old Barley Mow" Jl Board Samuel, saddler 42 Born Jehu, boot maker 43 Stinton Wm, cook Duke St, Houmdilc/i. 1 Skinner Wm, slop seller 2 Levy I, cocoa-nut merchant Duke St, Lincoln'' s-inn-Jields. 49 Shaylor John, taylor 48 Parkes Z, surveyor and builder DUK STREET KEY, DUK 45 Harrison Jas, carpenter 43 Mitchell Geo, carpenter Tucker P, The John of Gaunt" Reeves Caroline, *' King's Head" Honvood Geo, boot maker 12 and 13 Smith Benj, silversmith 1 4 Mitchell VV, tinsel Ice & spang mfr 14J Percival Chas, tobacconist 14 Keyes A, surgeon 15 Jackson W, painter 16 Dobson Robert, carpenter Moffatt John A, " Grapes" 18 Cousins Benj, printer 1 Alderton W, hair chesser 2 Taylor E, coal dealer 3 Dclley J, coffee rooms 4 Gannon Thos, grocer 22 Siebert John, baker 22^ Crow Win, boot maker Paine K, bricklayer 26 Munro and Congreve, printers 28 Alder John, bricklayer 2 ( J Moxley Geo, undertaker Duke St, Lisson Grove. 3 Lawes Henry, u George IVth" 4 Brookes J, egg dealer 10 Stracey Jos, baker 1 1 Stracey Joseph, baker 17 Knterman J, tailor 18 Nice Saml, surgeon Trail Wm, watch maker 19 Byrne C, appraiser 20 Bloxam John, hair cutter 21 Steel J, carpenter Duke St London bridge Southwk. Kent C W, surgeon 20 Spelt Jno^ " Devonshire Arms" 24 Heming H, physician * Hakes Jas, Hake's Hotel " 30 Binstead Benj, chemist 31 Mitchell G, straw hat manufr 32 Kerr Wm, Hen, bookseller 32 Matthews M, milliner 33 Page John, coal merchant 34 Price C B, jeweller 35 Sherrin Thos, butcher 36 Morton Jas, " Lord dive" 37 Duggin and Co, dyers 38 Hockin C, chemist & druggist 39 Neate J Thos, pawnbroker 41 Leah I D, plumber and engineer 42 Lewis T, hair dresser 43 Rhodes Jno, boot maker 44 Stuart Jno, boot maker 44 Ballard J and J, paper stainers 46 Hopwood J and T, linen drapers 46 Roberts G, laceman 47 Brooks J A, linen draper 49 Harris Hen, poulterer 50 Cook R P, baker 51 Jones John, " Hope " Duke St, Port/and place. 7 Gamble Harpur, physician 9 Christian and Co, wine merchnts 10 Salvi G B, wine merchants 12 Dummett Wm, fruiterer 13 Duffield A, baker 14 Latter and Co, plumbers 15 Harrison Samuel, grocer 16 Potts Geo, tailor 17 Booth Lionel, bookseller 18 Thicke C, artist 20 Hollebone Hen, tailor 2 Kdgington B, marquee &skmnf 20 Pritchard Jn," Devonshire Arms' [ 3 Burford C, R, plumber 3 Thompson Wm, hatter 4 Wigan E.& Co, hop merehahn 5 Pocock T and Son, shoe mart 5 Whiting Geo, solicitor 7 Cook J P, tobacconist 8 Ruck J and C, whlsl cheesms &c 9 Thackrah Lockwood & Co, hop m 10 Hall & Hawkes, saccharom mkrs 11 Bloyd Jos, lead merchact 12 Taylor Thos, provision agent 12 Smithers Chas, fishmonger 14 Shaw Jno, " Mitre Tavern " 15 Carter Win, boot and shoe makr 16 Sharp G J, tailor and draper 17 Gregory and Todd, potato salesm Duke St. Manchester square. 1 Allen E, umbrla & fish tackmnfr * Marvin Thos, butcher \ 2 Ames Jas, cheesemonger 2 Castrique Mad, corset maker 3 Christie Henry, watchmaker 4 Woods John, fruiterer 5 Marshall J, trunk maker 7 Miles Hen W, '*. Red Lion " 8 Jackson Augustus, grocer 9 Langdon Wm, saddler 10 Brown Jane, bookseller * Dore Wm, " Grapes " 1 1 Brown Andrew, baker 11 Jacques Rich, tallow chandler 12 Williams Thris, linen draper 13 Smith C H, solicitor 14 Blackader R B, bookseller 15 Solomon Z, picture dealer 16 Nettleship Wm, fruiterer 18 Furber Jonathan, house agent 19 Gapp J, livery stables 23 Hering F, architect Duke St, St. George's, East. Chamberlaine W, " Star " 1 Brauman Geo, baker 5 Stevens Thos, tallow chandler Duke St, St. James's. 1 Downey Francis, plumber 3 Dewsbury and Co, livery stables 8 Winter John, wine merchant 8 Mann J H, conveyancer 10 Hickman Win, picture dealer Lit Association of the Polish Macdonnell R G esq hon sec. Lieut Igna Szcpanowski sec Lionel Rodwell esq, paymaster 10 Bach solicitor 11 Hanks Rd, working jeweller 16 Bawn John, "Chequers" 17 Benzoni Chas, dairyman 21 Blockey G & J H, spirit merchts 22 Hawkins Ann, min water warhse 23 Fisher Jno, poulterer 24 Hoffman Geo, tailor 25 Helms and Son, tailors 26 Oliver J, plumber 29 Lee and Co, tailors 29 Moseley Simeon, surgeon & dntst 31 Porret L, tailor 32 Rees Richd, bootmaker 32 Mottley G, surgeon 33 Gray A, tailor 33 Williams Geo, cabinet maker 34 Burrows T, tailor 35 Lewis Chas, bookbinder 36 Lanman John & Son, tailors 37 Fisher and Ponder, army clothrs 40 Mather Alxr, builder 41 Clement John, carpenter 42 Smart Geo, cheesemonger & grcr 43 Ray Stewart, bookbinder 44 Guy F, fruiterer 44 Wright Wm, surgeon dentist 45 Cousins Wm, carpenter 46 Leggett Josh, lodging house 49 Pagett , dress makers & milns 50 Powell Chas, " Feathers" Duke St, Spital/ields. 2 Thakstone Jno, surgeon 7 V an Goor E, steel pen mnfr 9 Ashley Wm, carpenter 1 1 Winer M, furrier 13 Sowerbutts Thos, walkstick mkr 13 Jones J B, silk dresser 14 and 15 De la Mare Bro, silk mnf 21 Davies Geo, packer 28 Crosier W, carpenter 31 Cooper Jas, paper stainer 38 Whalebone G, coach plater 39 Easterbook W, stay maker 40 Case Rich, house agent and apr Duke St, Stamford st. Clark John, "Fleece" " 5 Muzzell L, eating and coffee hse 14 Goodwin Geo, baker 22 Braby Jas & John, wheelwrights 24 Piercy Geo, charcoal blkg manfr 27 Ward Wm, plumber and glazr 30 Crump F, tobacconist Clowes Wm and Sons, printers 35 Chutter J, carpenter Duke St, Lower, Stamford sf. 1 Ellis Thos, smith Cook Geo, Stamford Dairy Duke St, West Smithfiehl. 1 Low Geo, baker 2 Springweiler & Co, med chess mf 3 Andrews P and M, booksellers 4 Mayor John, toy warehouse 5 Braddock C, hair dresser 7 Bailey Geo, bookbinder 8 Gray Hen, printer 9 Gent F, tailor 1 2 Wyatt and Norman, tailors 14 Crawley P, " Queen's Head" 15 Chandler Edw, grocer 16 Byworth Geo, bookseller 1 7 Pollard Geo, news agent Lee Jas, tailor 19 WilcocksJaue, cheesemonger 20 Palmer and Son, shoemakers 21 Bigg T and Co, tailors 22 Patterson John, coffee rooms 23 Smith Isaac, " Half Moon*' 24 Smith G, bookbinder 30 Wayte Margaret, saddler 31 Carpenter Robt, oilman 33 Davey Josh, ginger beer manf 35 Johnson and Son, turners 37 Huddy Frs, rule maker 38 Powell John Hen, undertaker 40 Jarman C, tailor 41 Flather Jas, currie case maker Bonsall Chas, Britannia" Duke's ct, Bow st. Daniels Wm, carpenter Amey David, " Queen's Head' Fisher John, dairyman Shettou John, general shop DTJK STREET KEY. EAR Duke St, Westminster. 1 Sizer W P, "Robin Hood" 2 Bam Eliz and Son, newspaper of 4 Sleight Thos, gas fitter 6 Nunn Saml, surgeon 8 Walsh F N, short hand writer 8 Hughes Samuel ' 9 Ridge Wm, solicitor 16 Hennet Geo, civil engineer 17 Recruiting Office 18 Brunei J K, civil engineer 26 York J O, engineer Her Majesty's State Papr Of Duke's TOW, Si - Pancrasnw rd. 1 Hoare Thos, grocer Glanville Wm, fruiterer Montague , fruiterer 16 Salmon John, <( Lord Nelson" Duncan pi, London fields. 3 Brazie J, fishing tackle maker Duncan St, WMtechapeU^Q Bowman and Son, sugar refiners Craven and Lucas, sugar refiners Duncannon St, Charing Cross. 1 Dowling H, auct and land agent 3 Clewett F, "Golden Cross Tap" 3 Gritten's Trafalgar Picture Gall Dunning's al, Bishopsgate. Turner G A, "Black Bull" DunSter Ct, Mincing lane. 1 Nesbitt John & Thos, mchts 1 Beachcroft R, wine merchant 2 Child Geo, cost house agent 2 Lapoulide & Co, wine mchts . 2 Lapoulide P, merchant 2 Davenport B, merchant 2 Keighley & Co, assignees Engstrom Perkins & Co, mchts 2 Atkins A, wine agent 2 S|illman and Whale, shipg agts * Hamilton John Q, cotton mchts * Sampson & Hooper, ship bkrs 2 Noyes Thos, cotton broker 3 Ramsbottom C W, wine mchts Cock Astley & Chas, wine mchts 3 Sandon Williams, solicitor * Archer Wm, wine merchant 4 Waugh E A, carpet manufactur 6 Larrance Jemima, printer 7 Hall James Turbutt, solicitor 10 Gilbert John, fancy plater 1 1 Buck J O, solicitor * Britannia Nail Company, Hancorne E, agent * Camporn Jas, architect Dyer's Ct, AMermanbury. 3 Capel Geo and Co, tea dealers 4 Chadwick J and Brother, sewing cotton manufacturers Longdon R, silk hose- manufr Allen and Solly, whol hosiers Arkwright P& Co,cottn yarnmfs Duffey J J, calico printers Wray Jno, agent Crcwley Wm, whol button wareh Simpson Miles, galloon &c mfr Greaseley Thos & Co, stock mkrs Durham st, Strand. Pearce Wm, goldsmtth Searle Saml, "Salisbury Alms" Durham st, Vauxhaii. Kauffman B, retailer of beer 11 Pitt Jas, grocer 26 Wickstead F, coach draftsman DuttOn St, Cromer st. Collins Jonathan, brewer Dyer's builds, Hoiborn. 1 Dicey Geo A and Sons, printers 2 Brit Loan & Discount Instit 2 Manning J and Son, solicitors Office of Coroner of Queen's Household & the Verge 3 Richardson W H B & J, glass mfs 4 Nes James, solicitor 102 Eagle pi, Piccadilly. 1 Hancock Lewis, poulterer 2 Britton John, butcher Everard Jos, fruiterer Eagle St, City road. 1 Shepherd Wm, haberdasher 2 Thorndike Wm, mathl inst makr 3 Clark Hen Jno, painter, &c 4 Dukes James, greengrocer 5 Edwards Wm, toy, &c warehouse 10 Wetjen Chas, straw hat maker 11 Brandon Richd, tobacconigt 12 Kendall Geo, coffee rooms 13 Cooper Saml, porkman 14 Wellem Wm, bootmaker 25 Browning Wm W, tailor, &c 27 Stone Hen Chas, grocer, &c Eagle St, Red Lion square. 1 Aldridge R, plumber Bigsby Thos, French polisher 9 Mead Joseph, beer retailer 22 Blackwell Chs, surgeon's ins mkr 22 & 23 Miller and Thomas, coal dlrs 24 Yeoman Jno, livery stable keeper 25 Warner J, bottle dealer 26 Paley Christopher, shoemaker 27 Gardner Hen, saddle & ham mkr 28 Ross John, weft manufacturer 29 Freeman J W,"Bricklayei's Ars" 31 Bridgman J, marine store dealer 32 Band John, perfumer 33 Thomas H G, grocer, &c 33 Thomas M A, coach plater 34 Young Geo Adam, builder 36 Webb G, bricklayer, &c 37 Bulpit E, potato dealer 39 Curtis C, dairyman 42 Hewish Jonas, locksmth & bellhr 44 RafFell J, furniture broker 46 Denham Hen, dlr in marine stores 47 Green Geo, cab builder 34 Brearley Jas, " Yorkshire Grey" 53 Gartward Geo, tailor 55 Langridge G, cab proprietor 56 Crowhurst Wm, lath render 56 Perry Thos, smith and bellhanger 57 Socquet Josh, embosser on cloth 68 Robinson Wm, smith 62 Pullin J, broker Earl St, Blackfriars. 2 Houghton J R, surgeon 3 A Jones T W, physician 4 Gray H, liv ery stables 6 Harman John, solicitor 10 British & For Bble Soc Of * Cockle Rich, depositary 12 Scott Robt, " Bricklayer's Arms" 13 Hancock Chas, coal merchant 14 Ibbott Jas, " King's Head 7 ' Crompton J & T B, paper mkrs 13 Pooley Henry and Son, patent weighing machine makeis 15 Piddington W R, smith Little Wm, coal merchant White and Son, cement manufrs Forrest wharf. Forrest Thos, lime merchant Pennycad P, coffee roaster Richards Thos & Co, med glass w Muggeridge H & E, corn mchts St. Andrew's wharf. Weston Jas, cement & plaster mf Purfleet wharf. Jones Isaiah, lime merchant Beard and Co, coal merchants 8 Nice J, veterinary surgeon Poynder and Co, lime merchants 18 Hood T and C, iron merchants St. Ann's wharf. Pickering Saml, corn merchants Cloves and Co, coal merchants Nunn and Son, coal merchants Edenborough Leopold, coal meht Barlow Saml, coal merchant Hewitt Richd, coal merchant Chanter and Co, engineers r r/Cl 21 Burn Robt, surgeon B/ackfriars* wharf. Edington and Co, coal mchts Earl St, Fmsbury. 2 Collins W, furrier 4 Brace G H, glove & shoe kid dyer Hancock and Cheese, whol drugs 11 Bland Wm, tailor 12 Dale R, hatter's trimming seller 13 Jackson Geo, carpenter & builder 15 Siebert Geo, tailor 17 Sherman Saml, tailor 18 Robertson Wm, statuary 24 Ingram Edw, saddle-tree maker 26 Farrant E, milliner and dress mkr 27 Negus Thos, tailor 30 Dane R, collar maker Earl St, East, Lis son grove. 1 Butt Fras, coal and potato dealer 2 Luckie Alex, fishmonger 3 Smith Jane, brush maker 5 Wright W, boot and shoe m ker 8 Joyce John, trimming seller 10 Watson Wm, corn dealer 11 Lambert John, carver and gilder 13 Burgess Joseph, oilman 14 Belcher John, upholsterer 19 Johnson Edw, tobacconist 20 Moore J, grocer 20 Bartlett Geo, tin plate worker 21 Brindell John, furniture broker 22 Stevenson John, baker 23 Boulden John, grocer 24 Palmer Thos, bookbinder 26 Hyde W, coal dealer 32 Elford Robt, tobacconist 33 Krafft Chas, china dealer 33 WindoverWm, "Robin Crusoe" 34 Nice John, surgeon 37 Sobie Rich, " Olive Branch" EAR STREET KEY. EAS 38 Crowthers M, pewterer Lancaster Chas, oilman 35 Goodman Thos, tailor 42 Garrett Wm, coal & potato dlr 48 Barnes John, schoolmaster 62 Bowron J and W, cheesemngrs 63 Maning Wm, baker 64 Rickes Jas, haberdasher 70 Amer Wm, butcher 71 McCrerie A, turner 74 Belcher John, upholsterer 76 Nash Wm, oilman 78 Taylor Rich, grocerj 80 Tilling I, dairyman 81 Coleman I, boot and shoemaker 83 Priest Robt, grocer 84 Tilling Robt, cheesemonger 85 Mann M, beer retailer 86 Readford Josh, cabinet maker 87 Petre Wm, turner Earl St, London road. 1 Stanfield W, baker 1 Owles Esther, turner 5 Soden W, builder 7 Brown Wm, coachsmith 8 Weight G. cowkeeper Pagdin Wm, " Dog and Stile" Saxton Wm, tin plate worker Earl St, Westminster. 1 Grundy & Co, marble factory Dickson John, builder Thome Tim and Son, brewers 18 Carter Geo, dyer 19 Randall J, baker 29 Jacobs Edw, watchmaker 30 Wright Wm, tailor Earl St, Gt, & Dials. 1 Jones Thomas, " Grapes" 2 Lovell E, broker (furniture) 4 Kyworth Jane, fur broker 6 Creesy S, bedstead maker 7 English John, furniture broker 8 Hamston J no, furniture broker 8 Brook Thomas G, surgeon 1 1 Worms P, furniture broker 12 Goodman Jas, ? White Swan" 15 Jewett Fras, spring barrel maker 15 Scott J, furniture broker 16 Cosins Wm, furniture broker 19 Worms M, furniture broker 23 Berry J, whitesmith 24 Dismore D," Royal Oak" 26 Handley Jas, whl confectioner Earl St, Lit, Seven Dials. 4 Smith Joseph, dairy 5 Burck Peter, baker 7 Collins J, grinder 8 Bailey Wm, gingerbread baker 9 Wray Edward, draper 9 May John, graiuer 10 Blain Wm, turner 10 Spurdens Thomas, tailor 11 Lacy Jas, brushmaker 12 & 13 Moore John, whl ironmongr Richardson R, " Rose& 3 Tuns" 15 Cox Jacob, cheesemonger 16 Equitable Joint Stock Comp Steward John, secretary 16 Steward John, tobacconist 17 Davis J, pal and mattrass maker 17 Mulbery John, figure maker 17 Gleen Thos, ginger beer mnfr 1 8 Culmer Hen, grocer 19 Hudson Saml, baker 20 Lang Thos H, hair dresser Dixon and Co, chemists 21 Stent William, coal dealer 22 Brownsell John, tripeman 23 & 24 Hackley Thos A, oilman 25 Lemiere F, egg merchant 26 Simmons John, corn dealer 27 Tennant Jas, chemist 28 Terry Jas, fishmonger 29 Andrews Thos, " Grapes" 34 Chausen S, " Duke of Newcastle" EarPs Ct, Leicester square. ] Warren D, tailor 1 Bowen A, shoe maker 1 Hewlett Sophia, dairy 3 Nicholas Jno, shabraque maker 5 Caulfield John, printseller 5 Ferguson John, bookseller 6 Saull R S, engraver 7 Nichols Geo, printer 8 Maynard Saml M, bookseller Earl's Ct, Old Brompton. Watson and Marchant, smiths Purdy John J, broker Purdy John S, beer retailer Hagan Thos & Co, brewers Edwards Wm, retailer of lieer Hutchin Saml, market gardener Wyatt Rich, "White Hart" Bayles Robt, shopkeeper King Thos, shopkeeper Lucker Jane, "King's Head" Blea Maria, shopkeeper Childs Saml, wax chandler Atkins Abra, chemical works East cheap. Marchant Jane, "Monument" Barnard H, dining rooms Nutt Thos, painter Raw Jos & Son, whl grocers Dore John, tobacconist Hands & Co, pat range mnfrs Butchers' Ham. Granby Jas, dining rooms Crippe'n & Manton, tea& coffdls Pottinger Thos, tailor and hatter Eden D R, ironmonger Roberts and Son, cork merchants Yetts T, hair cutter Woods T W, whl hardwareman Albrecht H J & Co, E I mchts Sidney & Co, whl tea & coffee dls Parker and Co, corn merchants Parnell Robt, orange merchant Smart and Tullet, stationers Verry Isaac, hair cutter Day J, carman Wing Thos Wm, wholesale grocr Peek, Brothers & Co, who tea dls Harrison John, colonial agent Stevens R and Co, merchants Lon, Watkkd, & Chstr Ship As Fergnsson & Forster, whl tea dls Kensington & King, wine mchts Bowley Thos, tea broker Hills, Son, & Underwood, vindist Todhunter & Sanction, drysalters Crespin J C, stone merchant Millard Brothers, whl grocers Norton & Roberts, spice dealers Prime Jos, cheese factor Royou Wm, wine cooper Burrows Thos, Cow and Calf" Orchart John, baker Thompson W C, tailor Woodman Chas, orange mcht 12 Piper H H and Co, plumbers 43 Lowman and Son, cheesemongers 43 Cart wright J H, bricklayer 14 Burdon Eliza, " King's Head" * Browne T & Co, pack ironmongrs Browne Thos, merchant 44 Taylor J, plumber 45 Martin Thomas, wholesale grocer 46 Jerard H, smith 47 Jones and Causton, printers 47 Miller and Carr, solicitors 48 Low & Co, Scotch oatmeal dlrs 48 Hills and Laport, pickle mchts 49 Smith T, cork cutter 50 Morland John, timbrella maker East la, Bermondsey Wall. 17 Horner M, leather dresser 18 Huntley Thos, tailor 23 Evans J C, lighterman 20 Bull Jno, cork manufacturer 25 Benstead Chas, blind maker East pi, Lit, East st. Kengtn rd. Huggett B, musical inst maker East rd, City road. 1 Knight Jas r pastry cook 2 Hanson Thos, coal merchant 3 Keevil Isabella, grocer, &c 6 Hex Rebecca, printer 7 Kinnier Jas, surgeon 8 Pickford Hen, furniture broker Blundell Thos. fruiterer 10 Clerc Saml, " Dunstan Arms" 1 1 Davis Joseph H, baker 12 Samuel & bon, boot & shoemkr 13 Kerr H, coal merchant 14 Bone Clare, tailor 15 Burtenshaw Wm, grocer 16 Gerish F W, ironmonger 18 Halerow Jas John, tobacconist 20 Russell L & M, straw hat mkrs 21 Humby Jno, hairdresser 25 Sturman Geo, gunmaker 23 Wickham Edgar, surgeon 24 Dyer E and J, hosiers 22 Crook Henry, tailor 23 Burgess Robt, cheesemonger 26 Monkton Wm, butcher 27 Eves Henry, tailor 28 Middleton Thos, beer retailer 24 Lees Edw, cheesemonger 21 Holloway Robt, beer retailer 19 Smith Mary, plumber 17 Saphin Thos, watchmaker 16 Finck D, tobacconist 15 Edmonds W, umbrella maker 14 Appleton Wm, oilman 13 Walter Chas David, stationer 12 Goodwin Jos, cowkeeper * Margetts Rich, fire wood cutter * Randoll Thos, aquafortis mnfrs Richardson Thos, saltpetre refinr Longhurst Wm, zinc mnfr 6 Lee Jas, straw hat maker Gordon M A, hair dresser 7 Fawcett Mary, milliner Pearce Robt, plumber, &c Bussy Fred Wm, surgeon 4 Cuff - Wm, brush maker 3 Jeffries Wm, cabinet maker East St, Finsbury market. 3 Hall J, cabinet maker 4 Wilkinson J, carpentr & builder 5 Spittle John, French polisher 103 EA6 STREET KEY. EAS 6 Haslar Thos, furniture japanner 8 Law Joseph, shoemaker East St, Hoocton Old Town. Bowden Jas, chain maker 10 Smith Wm, mason 8 Weston John, undertaker 6 Barron Wm, statute galloon mnfr 10 Forsaith Thos, engineer & mach 13 Lock Robt, tailor East St, Kennington road. 3 Green Rich, '< Bricklayers' Arms" 12 Fry Geo, painter and glazier 2 Francis Chas, corn dealer 28 Tirrell Philip Saml, beer retailer 38 Wakefield T, grocer and van ownr 112 Webster B, Kose and Crown" 122 M-Quillen J, baker East St- Manchester sq. 7 Frewin Wm, wardrobe dealer 9 Thelwall Wm, paper hanger 11 Beetham Chas, dairyman 12 Sawyer Rich, straw hat mnfr 13 Euen P, straw bonnet maker Greig Peter, greengrocer 15 Walford W, plumber 16 Mead M, bottle dealer 17 Lushby Chas, grocer 18 Isaac S, bottle dealer 19 Brooks J, grocer 20 Foster John, confectioner 22 Ashford W, undertaker Ashford A, china dealer 23 Squires Ann, fruiterer 25 Hills Geo, hatter 26 Botting W, carpenter 27 Farris T, baker 28 Cumby Thos, gas fitter 29 Meredith Wm, bottle dealer 31 Holt John, oil and colourman 33 Blood Abram, stationer 34 Lambert W^m, "Maryb CoffbHs" 35 Hunford J and H, harness mkrs 36 Preston G, tobacconist 37 Parker Noah, butcher 38 Barrow and Turner, smiths 41 Thompson John, grocer 42 Edwards Henry, carpenter 44 Goodwin G, hair dresser 45 Austin John, cabinet maker 46 Barnes Catherine, bricklayer 47 White Robt, green grocer 48 Goodman John, grocer 50 Skinner John, boot maker 53 Shoebridge Wm, grocer 54 Allingham Geo, " York Arms" 57 Edwards Edw, dairyman 58 Guiness Miss, tchrof pianofte, &c 59 Sayers J N, printer 60 Riddick Thos, baker 61 Henderson John, saddler 62 Langdon Jas, turner 63 Cotton Wm, plumber 64 Pippet S, coal and potato dealer 65 Mackie John, shoe maker 66 Spencer Jas, bottle merchant 69 Bnrge Wm, boot maker 70 Johnston Esther, cowkeeper 71 Howard T, grocer 73 Boulter T, cooper 75 Pearson Jas,^cheesemonger 76 Simons Wm, butcher 77 Reynolds E, cowkeeper 78 Flower Saml, fruiterer 80 White C, shoemaker 81 Doughty James, retailer of beer 82 Symons Hen, bottle dealer 104 83 Coles Jos, grocer 84 Jones Isaac, cheesemonger 85 Stevenson R, coal dealer 86 Hannah Adam, baker 87 Cheek W, hair dresser Lockington Wm, boot maker 88 Standfast Wm, carpenter 90 Robertson Wm, chairman 91 Tritschler J and Co, 92 Hudson Wm, " Fortune of War*' 93 Jackson Joseph, marine store dlr 94 Withers J, baker 95 Hayes M, milliner 96 Thorp John, ladies' wardrob dlr 98 Hallett Edw, baker 99 Lewis Geo, grocer 100 Clark M R,' dairyman 102 Gardiner II y, bricklayer 103 Dobinson Geo, carpenter 104 Weight Robt, oilman 105 Smithers W, tobacconist East St. Red Lion square. 1 Fullmer & W r ilkinson, plumbers 2 Mitchell Joseph G, tailor 5 Beaton Andrew, tailor 7 Haynes Ambrose, solicitor 8 Powell John, "Turk's Head" 9 Chappie Wm, tailor 10 Comptess Louis, watch case mkr 1 1 Packer Wm, statuary 12 Cronin Dan, auc & reg of bir, &c 13 Marchant Chas, bkbdr, statr, &c 14 Leader John, tailor 15 Robinson Miss, preparatry school 17 Johnson Robt, chemist 19 Pope Richd, tailor 20 Robinson Geo T, solicitor 24 Truman Miss, mllnr & dress mkr 26 Sherrard Mrs, professor of music 28 Burden John, builder 29 Ibbs Geo, printer 29 Cottle Wm, sieve manufacturer 29 M'Euan John, tailor 30 Yewd W'm, solicitor 32 Gough Fran John, solicitor 33 Wright Hercules, carpenter 35 Moon Miss, ladies' school 35 Jones Chas Thos, solicitor 36 Haynes Joseph, upholder 39 Manning Mrs, dressmaker 40 Passenger Wm, artif florist East St, Spitalfi elds. I W r ing Jas, orange merchant Fitch E, fruiterer Daniels Josh, fruiterer Payne J, fruiterer 8 Walker Ellis, fruiterer East St, Walworth road. Pearse Jas, tripe dresser 4 Hoare W r m, boot and shoe maker 4 Hooper Mary Ann, milliner Ferns J, tailor Mace Thos, tobacconist 7 Powrie David, turner Hughes Wm, beer retailer 11 Allen Chas, coffee house 12 Mitchell L, broker & appraiser 13 Ingham , boot & shoe maker 1 Tomkinson S F, confectioner 2 Fry Thos, cowkeeper Uxtable D, dyer Hume T, boot and shoemaker Darby John, smith, &c Summersell J, boot & shoe mkr 20 Wickens E, cheesemonger 21 Plummer J, brewery 26 22 Freeman Wm, cheesemonger Nash J, chair maker Millard A, oil and colourman Mailer J, haberdasher Hammond J, baker Butcher J, greengrocer Summers T, china warehouse Jarmain T, boot & shoemaker Crozier Wm, boot & shoemaker Killhams G, furnish undertaker Sawyer J, greengrocer Garner Wm, butcher Hood Chas, bellhanger Watts Thos, tailor Ward Clayton, beer retailer Pile Jas, baker Bedchamber H, fruiterer Roan A, bonnet box maker Ward Josh, butcher Lock KdwdZ-Bell'' Wood Chas, locksmith Blay Wm, pawnbroker Smith Geo, butcher Wade J, chemist Beisley Robt, straw hat maker W T ill Jas, grocer Aldous Hen, beer retailer Richmond terrace. Hone Wm, grocer Dray W D, surgeon Foot Peter, " Mason's Arms" Rockell T, corn dealer Greenslade A, straw bon mkr, &c Rogerson Wm, grocer & cheesmr Stanley Thos, tallow chandler Grove C, grocer, &c Lawrence Wm, butcher Hayes Josh, broker Weaver Jos, pawnbroker Hind Thos, " Rising Sun' Russell Thos, green grocer Coffey John, grocer Apollo buildings. Corner Jas, jun, survr & builder Howitt E D, surgeon Wilson Saml, undertaker Simpson Geo, soda water manufr Trevers and Son, builders Dodgon Jas, grocer Lee Wm, hatter Gloucester place. Bevan Ann, tobacconist Beaumont Wm, greengrocer Howard J, pork butcher Marler J, beer retailer Charles place. Brown S R, brewer Wood Chas, builder Hickman Josh, baker East house. Symonds J, builder Priory place. Howell S, bookseller & library Monday R, corn chandler Clark M J, grocer Linfield S, herbalist Brown Jas, bootmaker Richmond place. Startling Priscilla, baker Norfolk place. Butcher James, greengrocer Martin J M, engraver Scurr J sen, iron plate worker Hard F, beer retailer Gull Thos, working jeweller Witchiu E, cheesemonger EAS STREET KEY. ECC East St, Old Kent road. Harris Wm, baker Rogers T, tailor Wood Geo, builder Denston M, carpenter & builder Allin'gham J, shoemaker Judge W C, leather button mkr 5 Phillips J, beer retailer Wood J & Sons, nurseryman, &c Scurr J, tin plate worker Moore Jas, " Bedford Arms" East St, West square, 2 Robinson Sarali, baker 5 Blackwell Thos, grocer Eastfield St, Limehousc fields. Simkin T A, retailer of beer Maynard K G, " Salisbury Arms' Mat bam Chas, grocer Hall John, beer retailer East Harding st, Gough sq. Kyre & Spottiswoode, Qn's prn off 5 Egleton C, bookbinder 6 Stone Wm, copperplate printer 7 Staight Geo, ivory dealer 7 Runting Wm, bookbinder 8 Wickins Jos Lamb, " George" 10 Bennett Joseph, cabinet maker East India rd, Poplar. Chapman J, "City of Canton" 2 Deane Frances, grocer 6 Boggas J, mast and block maker Holt Henry, " Wade's Arms" Jeffrey and Co, builders, &c 1 Horton Thos. grocer Webber Wm, "George IV ' Hills Henry, oilman Cook W, retailer of beer Gale J B, retailer of beer 1 Vallas John, baker Vince J, "Granby Arms" East Inoi.v Docks Drewett J, retailer of beer Hurry David, dockhouse Friend S, retailer of beef Wdiiams J, veterinary surgeon March J, tailor Mernbry W, baker Lambert Robt, coach proprietor Peterken T, baker Havinden Jas, cheesemonger Gibson E, bricklayer Easton St, Spafieldu 2 Harding J, tailor * Piaget Victor, watch manfr 21^Laing A, coal dealer 22 Norris Charles, grocer 23 Roper J, retailer of beer 24 Roper Wm, grocer 28 & 29 Patterson W, clock & case mr 33 Day George, cowkeeper 34 Mc Roy Sarah, pipe maker 42 Reardon Jno, optical glass gmdr 44 Cown Fredk, dealer in mar stores Eaton lane, North, Pimlico. 1 Salter Wm, coal dealer 18 Head hdward, furniture broker 10 Saunder Wm, carpenter 5 Jolly Alfred, umbrella maker 6 Jones Wm, greengrocer Oliver and Co, potato warehouse Chandler Matthew, cowkeeper 4 Harvey Saml, cabinet maker 16 Goodwin Wm, 8 Porter Wm, nightman Druce J, dealer in marine stores 9 Head Isabella Ann, grocer 8 Barran John, grocer 12 Chuiley Jas, butcher Carpenter John, tailor Eaton pi, Be/grave sq. 86 Cubitt Thos, builder 86 Hopgood Jas, solicitor Eaton sq, PSmfimi 4 Perry John, surgeon 25 Smith Seth, builder Letford Thos, " Lowndes Arms'' Rogers John, horticulturist Tuck James, florist Eaton st, Lower, Pimlico. Hollebone W, " Shakspere Head" 2 Ion I A, baker 3 Newman Henry, linen draper 4 Chambers Solomau, corn dealer 5 Martin Arthur, poulterer 6 Kewney Maria, hair dresser 7 Smith R G, solicitor 8 Osborn Frederick, chemist 11 Englefield R, confectioner 15 Morton Dr Edw, physician 16 Page and Kennedy, pawnbrokers 18 Riches Rich, brush maker 19 Robinson John, plumber 22 Tubb John B, cheesemonger 23 Parkisson John, greengrocer 24 Warren Ambrose, stationer 25 Torkington John, oil and colormn 26 Pearce John, china dealer 27 Bunney Sarah, surgical belt mnfr 28 Bayntin Walter, surgeon 29 Jordan Henry, carver and gilder 30 Wait Josh, boot maker Eaton st, Upper. 1 Coultas C, wine merchant 2 Thomas Jno, milliner 8 Towler Jas, brush & turnery whse 8 Towler Jas, wine cooper 10 Kimpton Wm Henry, baker 12 Peacock Edw Jas, tailor 13 Dunnett John, cowkeeper 14 Powell Eliza, stay maker 15 Jephs Saml, builder 16 Gates Thos F, hair dresser 17 Baker and Dowden, drapers 1 7 Hutchins and Willmott, surgeons 18 Bennett J and J, milliners 29 Broadbridge Geo, merchant 31 Dingle John King, surgeon 32 Meadows John, livery stable kpr 33 Dub an Chas, cheesemonger 34 Howe E and A, milliuers Ebury Sq, Pimlico. Yaxley Jas, beer retailer 5 Roberts Geo, builder 6 Young James & Co, plumbers, &c 7 Ellis Henrj', baker 8 Lorcombe Jno, florist Brown Thos, "Flask" 1 6 Rawlins John, bell hanger 19 Morton John, grocer & cheesragr Ebury St, Pimlico. 2 Green Henry Thompson, surgeon Davies Rich, stationer Greeve David, baker 11 Heath Thos, cheesemonger 12 Hedgley John, music seller 18 Woodward Wm, tailor 20 Goff James C, upholsterer 24 Rastall Thos, statnr and news agt 25 Hopkins Hen, boot and shoe mkr 26 Gosnold Chas, tailor 27 Bowden Cbas, dyer 28 Mitchell Wm Chas, carpenter, &c 29 Jones Thos, " Crown & Anchor" 30 Allen Benj, stationer 31 Allen Wm, carver and gilder i 34 Stonall Isaac, tailor & cloak mkr 35 Eaton Henry, solicitor 38 Cooper Jos, plumber 43 Kirckley Thos W B, surgeon 44 Kirckley Thos, artist 59 Perry and Bloxsome, surgeons 60 Evans David, draper 66 De Lanthier P & Co, ips fn w, &c Ebury St, Lit, Pimlico. 5 Ballard G, grocer Ballard Geo, carpenter Brown And, greengrocer Bryant Elizth, dlr in marine sts Ebury St, Up, Pimlico. Hodson Rebec, S S Belgrave hotl " Goring G, cheesemon ger 3 Simmoncis C & J, milrs & dr mks 7 Thorn Saml, builder W Hampton T, "Red Lion" 16 Weller Ed, butcher 20 Macness Wm F, butcher 22 Tweedy Wm, tador 24 Eason Thos, bricklayer 24 Batten John, hair dresser 26 Spiller Chas Wm, undertaker 29 Johnson Saml, cheesmonger 33 Dubois Jno, house painter &c Dunford Wm, furn broker 34 Hudson Edw, retailer of beer 37 Hoskins Philip, baker 38 Pussey , carpenter & cabt mkr 44 Nichols Richd, bricklayer 47 Marson Hen, " King's Aims'' 48 Brooks Edw, cowkeeper 55 Wilson Saml, builder 57 Hilbert Solomon, shoemaker Cane Mary, " 3 Compasses" 58 Whiting Chas, surgeon 59 Jarrett Geo, straw hat manuf 60 Bowerman Thos, tobacconist 61 Ansell Geo, china and glass whse 63 Brown Geo, baker 64 Tulley Richd, cheesmonger 67 Ellis Benj, upholsterer 69 Bennett John, builder 75 Hull Wm and Ed, grocer 78 Evans Geo W, surgeon 80 Kent John, fruiterer 81 Price Edw, baker 82 Hatchard Edw, statuary 82 Lodge Ann and Harriott, millnrs 82 Allen Wm, carver and gilder 86 Manson Alex, grocer 103 Hucklebridge Jas, chemist Eccleston pi, Ptmlico. Chantry Sir Fraus, sculptor Jackson J, plumb and shet led m Glover Chas, livery stables EccleStOn Sq, Pimlico. Wilson David, surgeon 3 Simpson Wm, civil engineer 105 ECC STREET KEY. EDG EccleStOXl St, Eaton sq. 5 Nevell Thos, grocer 6 Jones Chas, baker Eccleston st, South. Thompson Geo, and Sons, enginrs Glover Sarah, dairyman Pratt Newman,grocer, &c Wilson Saml, plumber Longman Wm H, tailor Simpson Dr Chas, surgeon Butier Thos, whitesmith Maine Wm, plumber and glazier Eden pi, Hoxton. 2 Warner Jas, carpenter and undkr 12 Boundy Joseph, carpenter Buxton and Son, pat sh and 1 mf Edge Ware rd, Marylebone. Skey Thos, livery stable keeper Brown Thos, coach builder Spencer Wm, carver and gilder 5 Whatmore Ann, " New Inn" 6 Stevenson Sarah, staymaker 6a Stevenson Geo, plumber Henshaw Rich P, chemist Rees Edw and Edm, hair dressrs 7 Hallett Dan, hair dresser 8 James E, pt wire and gen bd mr 8 Richardson Ann, hosier 8 Baker Jas N, tobacconist 9 Lightbody A C, poulterer 10 Quarterman J, dyer and scourer 1 1 Harttree Eliz and Geo, Berlin we 12 Turner W A, harness maker 13 Matthews Henry, baker 14 Swire Roger, chemist 16 Griffiths Wm, builder 2 I Marshall Mm, bookseller 22 Page Jos, ironmonger 23 Edmonds John, cowkeeper 24 Stevenson Thos, surgeon 25 Hogg Charlotte, bookseller 26 Rowley J no, optician 27 Strand Geo, pastrycook 28 Carruther Wm, wine and 'spit mt 28 Walker Thos, hatter 29 Day E, plumber 30 Briggs James, surgeon 31 Godfrey J C and Co, chemist 31 White Robt, dairyman 31 Biggs Edw, cowkeeper 32 Brown John, undertaker 33 Daws Robt, pat chair maker 36 Genna E, hosier 37 Bean Sophia, milliner 38 Bird Geo, builder 39 Hibberd A E, staymaker 40 Barker Edgar, surgeon 41 Baker Rich, trunk maker 42 Evans Sam, tobacconist 43 Parker Thos, house agent 44 Wright Richd, corn dealer 45 Salt J, cutler 46a Kyezer Louis, watch maker 46 Carr Chas, tailor 47 Green and Bridges, Ital whse 48 Cook John, baker 50 Bryant John, M D 51 Bryant and Son, surgeons 51 Hunt and Walley, silk mercers 52 Mackinlay Geo, surgeon 53 Moore James, boot maker 55 Belcher Jos, linen draper 55 Heamden W H, haberdasher Dunnell Jno, juur, "King's Hed" 106 56 Martin John, ham dealer 57 Dowden Geo, grocer 58 Donagan Michael, hair dresser 59 Gait John, plumber 60 Jeffreys S and S, straw hat manf 61 Watts David, wine merchant 62 O'Connor John, coal dealer 62 Richardson John, ironmonger 62a Gahagan Chas coach builder * Taylor Thos, bookseller 64 Chapman Wm, cheesmonger 67 Edwards Henry, surgeon 72 Good W, agt for Morrison's pills 74 Hewett Hen, butcher 75 Blake Nathan, shoe maker 76 Allen Wm, linen draper 77 Grubb Wm, tobacconist 77\ Beard Edw, fancy repository * Moore Wm, gun maker 78 Johnson & Forsaith, chid bd 1 we 79 Harris Danl, cheesemonger 80 Watson E, milliner 81 Pope Wm, ironmonger 82 Lewis John, shoemaker 83 Chapman Thos, tobacconist 84 Culhngford Robt, "Crown" Hall C, watchmaker 90 Blake N, linen draper 92 Wyatt John, china dealer 93 Wright and Guy, cheesemongers 94 Kempshall Jno, " Star & Garter" West W, tobaconist & brush mkr 96 Kennedy Jno, newsvender 97 Needes Jno E, general salesman 98 Girton John, chinaman 99 Turnbull Thos, straw hat mnf'r 100 Smith Timothy, linen draper 101 Murray J, bookseller and statnr 102 Haynes Wm, linen draper 103 Mills W & C & J, pawnbrokers 104 Jackson John, oilman 105 Gibbons Wm, carpenter 106 Gording Wm, farrier 107 Knapp Chas, general salesman 108 Prall W T, " Kings Arms" 1 09 Hedges Wm, saddler & ham mk 111 Flint Geo, auctioneer 112 Lowden Jno and Co, drapers 113 Burge Thos, baker 114 Chettle Jas, butcher 115 Johnston & Hall, clothes salesm 116 Calf Sarah, stationer Post Offick 118 Clayton Edmund, u Coach & H" 119 Webb C M, cheesemonger 120 Allen Wm, baker 121 Wilder R, butcher 122 Vezey Jos & Tho, tal chandlers 123 Heath and Co, dentists 123 Home Thos, fancy stationer 124 Home Thos, grocer 125 Parsons T F, druggist 126 Doran Geo, chin^ dealer 127 Page Elizth, tobacconist 128 Page Wm, cheesemonger 129 Barker Chas. haberdasber Hammond W, globe coffee hse 130 Stone Wm, tobacconist 131 Varley John, tailor 132 Smith Joseph, butcher 133 Gurney Thos, oilman 134 Lowe Rich, Green Man" 135 Bousefield S, grocer and tea dlr 136 Thomas Thos, fruiterer 137 Fogg T, dealer in budd materls 138 Webb C Major, cheesemonger 139 Hitchcock John, haberdasher 141 Turner Edw, hairdresser 142 Burniugham Wm, fruiterer Mi 143 Brownset W, chinaman 144 Jones Newman, baker 145 Trail Edwin, watch maker 146 Toms Robt, tripeman 146 Hall Jno, butcher 147 Rivers Joseph, hat maker 148 Angelo Radini, jeweller 154 Brown Geo, cooper Caroline place. 1 Head Wm, coach broker 1 Priddle Benj, boot maker 1 Gaywood John, tailor 2 Edwards Henry B, grocer 4 Butler J and R, ironmongers 5 Cranwell T, plumber and painter Portman place. 1 Green Chas, carpenter *A 2 Brown George, solicitor 4 Oxford St Omnibus Ass Off 5 Bailey Jas, mason and builder 6 Jubb Jesse, toy dealer 7 Haigh Geo, saddler 8 New Road Omnibus Ass Off 12 Davies Geo, painter 13 Henderson Thos, surgeon 15 Batty Caleb, draper & habdr 16 Fozard W, cowkeeper 32 Stonehill Thos, china shop 33 Pugh Wm, " Portman Arms" 35 Partington James, bookseller 38 Cleaver Richd, builder 49 Bird Geo, painter Edgeware rd, Paddington. Connaught terrace. 1 Lightbody John, fishmonger 2 Cherry Wm, tailor 3 Brown Thos, shoe maker 4 Cook George, livery stables 6 Hobson Geo, oilman 7 Minton Edw, " Mitre" 9 Fleetwood Geo, surgeon" 18 Hethrington & Son, livery stables 39 Brown and Davies, surgeons 40 Hopper Thos, architect 55 Smart B H, teacher of elocution 56 Penley Aaron, artist 57 Colombine D E, solicitor 67 Bartlett E B, dentist 78 Webster Geo, surgeon 81 Kingsland and Co, chemists 82 Holker John, fishmonger 82 Pratt Miss, milliner 83 Hancock Wm, wine & spirit mcht 84 Stanynought L, stationer 85 M'GillThosW, silk dyer 86 Langham Thos, butcher 86^ Hillam F and Co, wine mchts 87 Flockton Geo, surgeon 88 Shearman Henry, baker 89 Crosby W, painter & papr hngr 90 Hudson Wm, fruiter 9 J Taylor and Houghton, drapers 92 Flower Rich, coach maker 93 Larard John, shoe maker 95 James Chas, Italian warehouse 98 Timewall Jas, corn dealer 97 Smith and Co, tea dealers 98 Smith Thos, pawnbroker 101 Hodd Rich, ironmonger 102 Kirkley Wm, baker 103 Veal Sam, oilman 104 Glanvile W S, chemst & surgn 105 Chapman John, cheesemonger 106 Watts John, chemist 107 Cleeve Geo, grocer Grand Junction terrace. 108 Rutty John, timber merchant EDM STREET KEY. EDW 109 Trendell Thos, boot & shoe mkr 110 Haynes J and Thos, coopers Brand Richard, butcher Easton J, hay salesman Mullins John & W, " Red Lion" 112 Jolley Thos, umbrella maker 112 Wade Fredk, wire worker 113 Storer Josiah, boot and shoe mkr 114 Greenwood Thos, eating house 115 Weeden Eliza, oil & col dealer 116 Ashford Edwin, ironmonger 117 Wall TS, corn dealer 118 Widnall G F, stationer 119 Pither John, muffin baker 120 Kennedy Geo, carver & gilder 121 Morrison Jas, chemist ' 122 Nelson R, plane and tool mnfr 123 White H. butcher 124 Elliott J R, oil and colourman 125 Harris Jas, "White Lion" 126 CoxEdwd, cowkeeper 127 Harris James, plumber Newcastle place. 1 Cowderoy Jas, butcher 2 Pickman J, tea dealer 3 Green Daniel, cheesemonger, &c 4 Armour J B, surgeon 5 Sinkins Eli, coffee & reading rms Ibbotson Jno, harness maker 6 Lamb Jno, linen draper 7 Barrett Wm, glazier 8 Gadsden John, shoe maker St. jtlban's place. Ferrier Henry, greengrocer 11 Skeen Thos, tobacconist 12 Jessop Hen, cowkeeper 13 Chappell Geo, porkman Office of the Coach Convey- ance Cmpy, Blore R, manager 14 Loveday Chas D, pawnbroker 15 Cumber Thos, bootmaker 16 Bunn John, linendraper 17 Stacey Geo, working jeweller 18 Unite & Co, tarpauling makers 127 Pattie David, stationer 129 Lewis Wm, fishmonger 130 Matthews Elizabeth, milliner 131 Belcher Wm, tea dealer 132 Elkington Henry, chemist 1 33 Cutberts & Archer, tallow chand 134 Ashby Thos, baker 135 Morgan Josh, boot & shoe mkr Hoar Henry, livery stables 138 Bliss Jas, " Wheatsheaf " Edmund place, Jldersgate. 20 Baddeley Wm, mechanical engr 23 Shether Danl, pocket book manfr 30 Martin B, patentee, wax matches Edmund st, King's cross. 5 Allard J, house painter 7 Hickman W F, brickmaker 10 Smith Wm, surveyr of pavements 17 Stenning J, copperplate printer 26 Jones John, baker 27 Owen Thomas, " The Victory" 23 Edwards Wm, grocer, &c 33 Brandon Thos, turn japanner 34 Robinson John, grocer 41 Castle Wm, grocer 43 Swygart Josh, math inst maker 44 Ives Geo, tailor Foster T, tailor Edmund St, Up, King's cross, 3 Cullingford John, auctioneer 8 Peck Saml, undertaker 28 Parker J, carp nter 35 Warrnisham Wm, tailor Edward St, Bet final green, 41 Hunt J C, hearth-rug maker 39 Gable Elizabeth, beer retailer Tilly J, bricklayer 10 Harvey Jas, chair manufacturer Edward st, aty road. 26 Chapman Jno, shoemaker 23 King R, greengrocer WaUis Geo, veterinary surgeon Smith Wm H, grocer 21 Haighton Ann, circulatng library 9 Steer Jno, writer and grainer Edward St, Blackfriars road. 3 Clegg Wm, bootmaker 5 Saunders S, tailor 6 Philips Wm, tailor 7 Trew Eliza, coffee house 8 Hunter Wm, carpenter & builder Slatter Jas, coach lace maker 9 Hadfield Thos, hat manufactr 14 Anderson Jas, hat manufacturer 23 Cremp D, tailor 29 Clay Thos, stay and corset mkr Edward St, Hampstead road. 3 Mitchener Henry, printer 8 Warne W, builder 8 Waterman J, carpenter & builder 16 Hook Francis, baker 17 Lerew F H, surgeon 19 Burgh J, carver and gilder 20 Mayman Octavius, tailor 24 Lewis C D, smith and ironmngr 27 Chisholm Alex, artist Williams J W, surveyr ofpavemnt Southampton Paving Act Off 32 Zeitter Jno, artist 38 Cardwell H, sculptor 38 Foley J H, sculptor Edward St, Kennington cross. 6 Williamson John, carman 9 Jones Elizabeth, dairy 6 Edmonds Wm, carpenr & undtkr Edward St, Kingsland road. Crowder Chas, <( Weaver's Arms'' Spurgen James, bed pillar carver 11 Hoy Wm, jun, cabinet maker Wilkinson Abraham, bricklayer Stiles J, mason Stiles Stephen, carpenter Powell Thos, wood carter Tilly T, gas lttr, & lamp contrctr Edward St, Langham place. 1 9 Cockburn & Campbell, wine mchs 20 Banfell S, cabinet maker 22 Miller Robt, professor of music 24 Pau Jno, undertaker Edward's St, Portman square. 1 Cave Benj, turner 2 Twinberrow Wm, chemist 3 Cross John, jeweller 4 Painter Tim, tobacconist 4aSturges E, milliner 4 Smith Henry, bookseller, &c 5 Boys Henry, professor of music 4aWatkins A, milliner 5 Shears Ambrose, shoemaker 6 Lazenby E & Son, fish sauce m 7 French Wm, upholsterer 8 Hope Richd, jeweller 9 Batt Richd, tailor 10 King Thos, Italian warehouse 1 1 Chase and Cosens, milliners 11 Whitaker Jno, upholsterer 12 Mather H, perfumer 13 Parker T, goldsmith 14 Coulson Robt, chemist 16 Hoard Wm Henry, auctioneer Cranwell Robt, upholsterer 17 Graves Rayner, saddler 17 Maryxebone Litbuarv InStitu, Holl Wm, resident sec 18 Hay ward Henry, dentist 23 Jervis Thos, surgeon 25 Smith Ch H, grocer 27 Norton Alex, upholsterer 28 Webb Sarah, dancing academy 29 Watson Jane, dress maker 29 Jackson Thos, gun maker 30 Moss Edw, surgeon 30 Cox Eliz, dress maker 31 Gomm John, solicitor 32 Goodhugh Rich, watch maker 32 James C F, picture restorer 33 Pounce Jas Hen, chinaman 33 Michie A, baker 34 Daniell A D and G, trunk mkrs 35 Williams E, dress maker 35 Kilby Henrv, cheesemonger 36 Pierpoint C, Pontefract Castle" Edward St, Regent's park. 1 Anderson J, '< Jw's Harp Tavrn" 3 Naish Wm, wheeler 7 Freethy Jno, grocer ;^ /*oJ3 25 Willings S, grocer and cheesemr 25 Beckforth W, beer retailer 34 Watts J, tailor 27 Miller T, dairyman Rix Mary, beer retailer Cadwell D, livery stables 32 Booth Wm, tobacconist 33 Winwood E grocer and cheesemr 36 Barber Stephen, beer retailer 23 Milnes Robt, " George IVth " 27 Lambert Byng, painter 40 Wilkes Thos, grocer and cheesem 43 Bishop Thos, bricklayer 44 Johnson Wm, tobacconist 46 Monsley Wm, tobacconist 50 Lethian Thos, merchant Frew Wm, coal merchant Braithwaite F, & Co, engineers Beare and Co, coal merchants North Williams, coal merchant Harris J, dairyman Edward St, War&tfttr f. 1 Rayment Chas, coffee rooms 2 Hartnall G, dealer in birds 3 'Wicks Hannah, coal dealer 4 Dyke Gilbert, coffee house 5 Waltham John, oilman 6 Hewson J T, hair dresser 7 Crick Wm, " Bricklayers' Arms" 8 Handford Thos, grocer 9 Alldis Hen, eating house 10 Fine Chas, tobacconist 10 Davidson Wm, marine engraver Edward st, Ltoiihmue. 28 Pasco Chas, pork butcher u Gill Wm, iron founder 11 Morris A, baker 107 EDW STREET KEY, EMM Edward St, White Conduit fields. 1 Field Jos, varnish manufacturer 2 Cheattle Cand, butcher 3 Sullivan Hy,dlr iu marine stores 16 Lewis Alfred, grocer Edward St, Stepney. Thomson A, , Brit & Fo Ass Co Rowley J, agent ERM STREET KEY. EWE * Bowley Jas & Co, ship joiners 1 4 White Jas, dealer in marine stores 13 Robley H R, sail maker 12 Squires Jer, plumber, &c 12 Squires Mrs, corset maker Carter T & Son, ship & hous jnrs Young, Dowson & Co, eopr mc &c Wilton Jas jun, plumber Weller and Wilton, sail makers Mitcheson and Son, anchorsmths Ernest St, Regent's park. 1 Nichols Jas, dairyman 2 Hayward Mark, tailor 7 Williams Daniel, tailor 9 Higgins W, watchmaker 14 Shubrook Fras, tailor 1 5 Mersom Thos, coal merchant 1G Onion Thos, tailor 17 Smith John, perfumer 18 Ryder Joseph, carpenter 18 Ryder Mrs, straw bonnet maker 19 Scarborrow Fred, baker 20 Cooper Jas, tailor 22 Mitchell Jno, tailor 23 Kales John, undertaker Smith David, "Princess Victoria' 24 Norton Elizabeth, straw bon mki 25 Harvey Mrs, milliner & dress mki 2f> Wilkinson Esther, straw bon mki 27 Aberdour Thos, tailor & trim sir 31 Gadsden Geo, butcher 33 Black John, carver 35 Waggett Joseph, bootmaker 35 Waggett Mrs, milliner &f dress m 35 Combs Miss, ladies' school 36' Lamshead Jasper, baker 38 Lister Joshua, builder 39 Steveuet Jos, coal merchant 13 Dickman Jno, pork butcher 45 Dent John, cab maker 46 Davis Richard, stationer 47 Birdsey Wm, grocer 48 Jakins Isaac Ned.chemst & drug 49 Nicholson Robt, haberdasher 50 Lake John Jas, grocer 51 Burge Edw, cheesemonger 5 1 Eves Win, china warehouse 54 Lintott Edw, dyer 60 Pulley Saml, boot and shoemaker 65 Armstrong Thos, pawnbroker 64 Shackell Wm, coal dealer 65 Hole Wm, bootmaker 66 Bass Robert, tobacconist Essher St, Millbank, Went minster. London Maubee & Stone Coup Gaselee Stephen, serjeant at law Alexander Robt, Q C Lawes E, special pleader * Hall J H, conveyancer Greensill F, special pleader Maclean Donald, barrister Lucas Herbert, barrister Mansfield J S, barrister Bristowe S, barrister Broad head A, barrister' Udall Henry, barrister ' Bruce Win, barrister Sampson Jas, barrister Richards E L, barrister Boyle J, barrister Sanger Wm, solicitor Albin Witt, wig maker Phillips J S, barrister Laurie P, banister Brown Herbert, barrister Cooper W, special pleader Beasley W C, special pleader 5 Dugdale Wm, special pleader 5 Baxter H J, barrister 5 Hill T W, barrister * Carey Peter, barrister * Farr , barrister Essex St, Kings/and road. Lindley Robt, paper stainer Austin Martin, carpenter & bid m 50 Wilkinson B, baker Essex St, Strand. 1 Bellamy W, '-'Bellamy Chop H" 2 Canogan Wm, surveyor 6 M'Leish Sarah, baker 7 Johnson F, ''' Crown" 8 Primrose Chas, baker 10 Turtle Wm, printer 11 Nelson Park, and WB, solicitors 12 Young H&I'&JH Jackson, sols 14 White, Blake and Co, solicitors 15 Nethersole W D, solicitor 16 Dean Wm, solicitor 17 Binns Thos, solicitor 19 Barron Edward, solicitor Essex Ct, Temple. 1 Rawlinson C, barrister . _ 1 Balguy John, barrister - 1 Cope , barrister 1 Martin Saml, barrister Cabbell Thos, barrister 1 Mathews J H, barrstr & conveyr 1 Buckle John, barrister 1 Glutton, Waller, Cooper, and Marshall, solicitors * Ford Wm, barrister 2 Elliott G P, barrister 2 Cripps Wm, barrister * Bayley Sir John, barrister Brown J, special pleader 2 Clark F, barrister 2 Hamerton J, special pleader 2 Gray John, barrister 2 Quaiu Juo Rd, special pleader 3 Pinkett, Davis & Cross, solicitors 1 20 Vallance Henry, solicitor 21 Campbell and Witt)-, solicitors 22 Pearson Thos, solicitor 22 Penn Edward, solicitor 23 Egan, Waterman & Wright, slcirs 24 Thacthwaite R, solicitor 24 Bovill W J, solicitor 24 Blake and Lewis, solicitors 26 Robiuson and Barlow, solicitors 28 Rose John, solicitor 29 Weller George, solicitor 31 Savage James, architect 32 Miller Robert, barrister 33 Frowd Edward, solicitor 31 Virgo John, solicitor 36 Clark H M, solicitor 38 Crew T F, solicitor 39 Dyson Richard, accountant Ward James, solicitor 40 Ing Pet ' Essex Head" 42 Tucker C W, oilman 43 Saunders Wm, coffee house 44 King Elizabeth, dyer 45 Judd Thos, grocer 46 Welsford Robt, tailor 47 Willis Mary, painter 48 Laundy Samuel, law stationer 49 Lancet Office, Wakley T, prop Essex St, Lit, Strand. 2 Jones T, dairyman 3 Chapman Fred, plumber 5 i( Cheshire Cheese r ' 7 Franklin Edm, coal dealer Essex St, IVhitechapeL Cobley Thos jun, carman Bunison James, smith Gould Thos, " Rose and Crown" Everard Amb, " Throwsters Ar" Francks Samuel Henry, farrier Rea Robert and Co, bacon driers Stones Richard jun, carman Sohn^e C, "Catherine Wheel" Schwind George, baker 7 Ficker L, general dealer Lloyd Henry, general dealer Mathews George, wbeelwright Fryer J T, wholesale stationer Essex St, Whitefviars. Cogger Thos, engineer Eason Wm, Welsh Harp" E\lSton grove, Euston sq. Lond & Bium RlwayTekminus EuStOZl pi, Euston square. Dethier & Vantini, props of the "Euston" & t* Victoria Hotels" EustOXl Sq, St. Pancras. 4 Hancorne Robert, surgeon 1 1 Skelding T, surgeon 23 Rye London Mieitia Quarters Hunter Sir Clauduu 30 Ridsdale , surgeon 32 Porter Thos, surgeon 36 Riding Rich Dr, surgeon 37 James Wm, surgeon 72 Sheldon John, dentist Chandler J, butcher Smith J, smith, &c Everett St, Brunswic/i square. 5 Bishop E, milliner 6 Rossi L, hair dresser 6 Martin John, tobacconist 7 Watts G A, cabt mkr & undrtkr 8 King John, grocer 9 Bachboffner A, Italian warehse 12 Thomas Thos, house painter 10 Griffiths Thomas, chemist, &c 13 Lawrence Jas, cabinet maker 16 Bolden Ellen, bookbinder 17 Griffiths Edw, dentist & cupper 18 Nash Ab, carpntr, bldr & uudtkr 19 Hill William, baker 20 Commin Mrs, dress maker 21 Kerley Robt, German repository 21 Underbill Mrs, ladies' school J3 Gregory Geo Beuj, confectioner 24 Edwards Jeremiah, butcher 25 King Miss, milliner & dress mkr 25 Reynolds John, fruiterer 27 Smith Alfred, cut glass manfr 28 Diether Miss, professor of music 29 Pickett Joseph, dairyman 29 Savage Mrs, dress maker Ewer St, Union st, Borough. Goodson Wm, picture frame mkr Dickinson N, hair manufacturer 22 Ed^e John, Inciter maker 26 Jackson Diana, pipe maker 37 Wright Henry, hat manufr Wells J, scaleboard tin manufr Griffiths Edw, "Two Brewers" 109 EXE STREET KEY. PAL a Owen J, hat manufr 45 Eades Dan, measure maker, 47 Austin Wm, iron founder Exeter St, Sloane st, Chelsea. 1 Satchell John, tailor 2 Browne &Williams, stay makers 3 Souter John, builder 3 Canning Elizabeth, poulterer 4 Hanks Maria, retailer of beer 6 Dean Jerem, " Prince of Wales" 7 Sarel John, baker 8 Ham Edward, baker 9 Smiih James, grocer 11 Richards Edward, pork butcher 12 Newell James, greengrocer 13 Perry James, potato dealer 14 Perry James, tobacconist 15 Eldndge John, baiter 16 Temple Jobn, broker 17 Lathweil Wm, pork butcher 18 Wright Wm, retailer of beer 19 Ewer Thos, greengrocer 20 Ayling Mary, greengrocer 22 Jannaway Jno, grocer 24 Jannaway Wm, iniscel repository 25 Joyce- , tailors' trimming seller 2b' Mitchell J, feather maker 27 Pausey Rubt, bookseller 27 Skinner H, milliner 28 Giles Jas, broker 30 Turner J, broker 31 Wainwright Geo, wine cooper 33 Orborne Chas, broke* LtOt8JEr3 34 Knighton John, grocer 36 Herring James, straw hat manfr 37 Johnson F, corn dealer 38 Packman John, coffee house 39 Smith Rich, grocer Souter and Symons, builders Exeter St, IMioti grove. Master J, clothes dealer 7 Lucy Wm, furniture broker Richards Win, carpenter 9 Hancock Jas, ' Exeter Arms" 12 Baylis Wm, baker 17 PopeWm, coal dealer 18 Pearce Thos, bricklayer and plastr 25 Flight Wm, boot and shoemake 34 Cook Jas, dealer in marine stores 26 Seaward David, leather cutter 40 Waites Jas, dealer m marine stores 41 Carter Chas, brass founder 43 Nunn Jas, furniture broker 44 Nash Wm, oilman -15 Cook Thos, M William IV" 50 Aldous Henry, plumber 52 Merrick C, boot and shoemaker Exeter st, Si, -and. 1 Sherratt Jno, fancy card case mfr 2 Parker T M, solicitor 5 Claus Wm, cabinet maker * Thompson and Co, cigar imprtrs 6 Thomas Edw and John, printers Bell R C, coffee rooms 15 Taylor Jno, gas fitter 19 ~ 17 11 Whitbread Geo, optician Finlayson Jno, cooper Grist Wm, " Exmouth Arms" Baker Eml, cabinet maker ExmOUth St, Euston sq. 1 Eves Chas M, " Exmouth Arms" 2 Harding Alfred, grocer 5 Wilkins Wm, bricklayer 10 Scott S, grocer and cheesemonger 13 Ruse Ben], plasterer 14 Thomas Thos, carpenter 18 West Joseph, bricklayer 19 Winch Wm, dairy 30 Carpenter Eliz, baker ExmOUth St, Spajields. Roden Edward, " Boar's Head" Proctor Wm, boot maker Lomas Jno, "Old Beh" Guinness, Sons, & Co, porter brws Daukes S W, beer merchant Rodick Geo, coal merchant Brown & Co, imps of wines & spts 40 Butler Jas, smith and ironmonger ExmOUth St, Commercial rd. 1 Manning Robt, wine merchant no 1 Erlam Sarah, " London Spa" 2 Cutbush Henry, porkman 3 Roberts Jno, oil and colourman 4 Lynn Jno, umbrella maker 5 Wheeler Isaac, cane mounter 6 Bugg Geo, carpenter 6 Skinner Chas, surgeon 7 Attridge J, grocer (post office) 8 W sight Henry, toy dealer 9 Smith J, boot and shoe maker 10 Willson F R. boot and shoe mkr lO^Burchmore Wm, linen draper 1 1 Warnian Wm, artist, &c 13 Mullins James, tin plate worker 14 Watt Robt, pawnbroker 15 Roberts Wm, ruby pin maker 16 Loop Thos, lapidary 17 Dore Jno, plumber & zinc worker 18 Aldwinckle Hen, auctioneer, 19 Probin Thos, oilman 20 Fellows Geo, jeweller and cutler Spa Fields Chapel 22 Perkins Jas, cheesemonger 23 Moody Jas, grocer and tea dealer 24 Boote John, chemist 25 Mash Wm, potato warehouse 26 Warden Jas, butcber 26 Bird W r m, general salesman 27 Brooks Benj, w King's Arms" 27 Knight Hen, linen draper 27 James Wm, boot maker 30 Silby Seth, tailor 31 Cordwell Sarah, pawnbroker 32 Wood Wm, chemist 33 Cowle Cath, circulating library 35 Barclay Wm, grocer 36 Macher David, baker 37 Saw John, grocer 38 Gunston Wm, cheesemonger 39 Jones David, oil and colourmau 40 Robinson Thos, baker 41 & 42 Thaine aud Juby, linen drprs ; 43 Dobie David, surgeon 44 Woof Richd, stationer 45 Lawford J, pork butcher 46 Dunstan Geo, cooper 47 Baker Edw, dyer, &c 48 Spencer W r m, potato warehouse 49 Linton Miles, coffee rooms 50 Gaily P & P & Co, barom, &c mfrs 51 Fowler Benj, straw hat manufr 52 Foster Saml, chinaman 53 Bailey Thos, tailor 54 & 55 Leighton & Eeles, bookbdrs 56 Ayre George, tobacconist 57 Newman Jas, retailer of beer 58 Carter Edw, carver and glider 60 Knowles Ed, lapidary & optician 61 Cook Thos, butcher favQaaU 62 Tewkesbury Amos, coal dealer 63 Roberts Geo, butcher 64 Hawkins Geo, butcher * Jobson Geo, boot maker 65 Watkins Jas, linen draper Eyre St hill, Haiton Garden. 1 Waite Jno G, " Wm the Fourth" Pullen D, potato dealer 3 Higly Eliz, printseller 4 Abel Thos, painter and glazier 4 Cox Henry, soap manufacturer 5 Chesterman Jesse, brass founder 7 Ciceri and Co, wire workers 8 Plum Wm, baker 9 Laban Chas, ivory worker 10 Mussell Chas, retailer of beer 11 Burton Henry, broker 12 Jones James, optician 13 Tidmarsh J, whl cut & stl pn wh 14 Galley Pet & Co, bird cage mnfrs 15 Brewer Jas, tin plate worker 16 Cooper Geo, tobacconist 17 Hart Wm, ivory turner 18 Ward J. fishmonger 20 Pither Thos, " Coach & Horses" 21 Baxter Wm, copper plate printer 22 Ciceri Joseph, grocer 23 Pickman A, hair dresser 24 Gobby Joseph, appraiser 25 Thomson F and G, pawnbrokers 26 Faulkner C, marine store warehse 29 Lowe E, coffee rooms 30 Dawson L A, clothier 31 Martin J, glass & china warehse 33 Grainger B, dairy 34 Chittle G R, hair dresser 35 Taylor Charles, tobacconist 36 Grego A, looking glass mnfr 37 Chase Wm, butcher Pair St, Hordydown. O'Leary Mary, " Kg of Prussia" 3 White Sarah, Duke of York" 4 Simpson Hector, grocer 6 Porter Richard, plumber 4 Peake Josh, builder 5 Bragg Samuel, butcher 1 Negus Joseph, baker 11 Hilhard Wm, plumber 19 Strickland Wm, tailor 13 Bulman A, fruiterer 11 Spackmau Wm, shoe maker 9 Rogers R, turner 25 Dole John, leather striper Alleston T, " City of Salisbury ' 35 Rushton Wm, tailor Long Hiram, ^ Rising Sun"' 42 Phipps Thos, coal dealer Penn Geo, " Horselydown" Scott Percival, " Lord Nelson" FalcOU Ct, Fleet Street. Temple Chambers. Church Pastoral Aid Socikty Were Ellis B, secretary Say well Roberr, solicitor Roe Thomas, solicitor Parsons Charles, solicitor Carter W G, solicitor Lonsdale Ricbard, solicitor 2 Thompson T W, news agent 3 Humpage B, medical agent Falcon pi, Coppice rw, Clerkenw. Idle Charles and Sarah, grocers 5 Barnes L, roasting jack maker 7 Atkinson Robt, brass finisher PAL STREET KEY, PEA Falcon Sq, Aldersgate street. 1 Morris J B, tailor 2 Powell Lewis, surgeon 3 Humphries J C, general agent 5 Hulbert H P, merchant 5 Watson and Broughton, solicitors 5 Lewis and Fairman, merchants 7 Roper Thos and Co, druggists * Frost & Stevenson, galloon mnfrs * Crossley Thos, warehouseman * Madeley T and Co, tape miifrs Clarke J C, " Falcon" 22 Hicks W, plumber 26 Meadows John, seal engraver 27 Stevenson H, commrcl bankg hse 28 Honsdon Wm, dining rooms Falcon street. 3 Robertson Alex, tailor 5 Harding Sarah, milliner * Harding Thos, warehouseman 6 Reiser B, skin merchant 7 Swinburge G, lodging house kpr Aldridge C, i'urushng ironmongr Kent T & Co, rochts & bru rakr.s 8 Wood and Blake, solicitors Falconberg ct, Suttun st, So/to. Day Wm, charcoal manufacturer Jerome Richd, chimney sweeper Toomer Wm, carpenter Worrall Wm, cow keeper Fan St, GosweU street. Ingram Wm T, f White Horse" 2 Thorowgood & Besley, letter foun 8 Wheeler R W, coal merchant 3 Wright A, engraver 20 Ewing Mungo,cap manufacturer 22 Halis James, potato warehouse 9 Dibley F, fur skin dresser 2 Brent Susan, cheesemonger 7 Bartleit J, tobacconist 7 Roberts Wm, engraver Jones Lewis, f*. Coach 6c Horses" Farm St, HlU st > ^rkeieg sq. Richman E C, surv of pavements Allnutt Wm, Punch B6*j* 9 Lawder John, livery stable keepr 9 Norton F. farrier Bonnett J as, livery stable keeper Bilton G, beer retailer Gibbs James, livery stables Farmer st, Shadweti. Rogers Benj, "The Ship" Farnhampl, Gravel lane. Simpson & Muller, jap felt hat mr Farrar's builds, Tc< P ie. * Law Hon C E, Q C * Richauls R V, Q C Piatt T J, Q C Chapman II S, barrister Hughes ]), special pleader Hughes S, barrister Fitzgerald S, barrister Teuipler John Chas, barrister Methuen Pluintree, barrister Holroyd Arthur T, barrister Farringdon market. 4 Garrait and Edis, butchers 6 Chappel W, butcher 7 Carr John, butcher 16 Stepto Geo, butcher 20 Comfort Geo, butcher ., r 22 Marvin Thos, butcher 25 Liueham Wm, butcher 26 Sowerby John, butcher 27 Marvin Clement, butcher 28 Stepto Henry, butcher 29 Jackson H, toy shop 30 Stepto Eliza, butcher 31 & 34 Jackson Chas, butcher 32 Stepto Jno, butcher 33 & 35 Westerdale Wm, greengrocr 37 Brown Geo, cheesemonger . r , 40 Maskey J as, coffee rooms 45 Messenger John, tripe dresser 46 Corner John, market coffee hse 47 Clerks' Office, Freeman Richd 55 6, 7 & 8 Spark & Green, potato sa y Farringdon passage. 1 Ingarfield M, fishmonger 61 Cambry Wm, fruit salesman 62 Furner Rice, fruit salesman 63 Friend Edw, fruit salesman 64 Cogger John, fruit salesman 65 Frisbee Geo, fruit salesman 66 Potter H, herbalist 67 & 68 Morley W, potato salesman 69 Phillips J as, fruit salesman 70 Jolley Thos, fruit salesman 71 & 72 Jacobs C, fruit salesman 73 Leake Geo, fruit salesman 75 Gregory & Co, potato salesman 76 Pullen ami Son, fruit salesmen Farringdon street 1 Butt J L and Co, tailors, &c 1 Turner Jos, furn undertaker 1 Ferrer Prudence, milliner 2 Morgan and Co, whols stationers 9 Fleet Prison 16 Butterfield John, "Grapes" 17 Butler Hani, turn undertaker 18 Willis Valen, White Swan" 19 Brett R C, glass warehouse 21 Hubbard Jer, tobacco manfr 22 Winfield John, coriee house 23 Botten Chas, gas engineer 24 Snosswell Wm, watchmaker 25 Bloomtield Jno, carman 25 Mousell J W, engraver 26 Bull in Francis, surgeon 27 Greig Ebenezer, cabinet mnfr 28 Hawkins Jn, ',' Crown cc Anchor" Lon Fire Estabe, No 6, Si-atn 27 WE.vr London Sayings' Bank 29 Keeble Geo, coffee rooms 29* James and Co, whlsl milliners 30 Bethell John, furn undertaker 31 Butler 'Chas E, furn undertaker 32 Heminens Geo, coffee house * Waldeu S, basket maker 33 Spark R, potato merchant 34 Powell Thos, " Artichoke" 3!) Bedford and Sons, undertakers 8 Gurney John, "Market House" 7 Mardon John, bookseller 6 Salmon Robt & Co, pat med whse 5 Walker W, British wine manfr 4 Gen Benekit Insurance 0&v Brydie Ji.lui, secretary 3 Dinsdale S, button ft trim seller 2 Papps Lewis, " Rose" 43 Boyle E, linen draper 44 Houghton Chas, ironmonger 45 Taylor James, butter 46 Chadwell Martha, dress maker 49 Brown T & Sons, med glass warh 47 Vivian Jas, " Blue Anchor" 48 Rogers and Lee, cheesemongers 49 & 50 Simpson Z, draper 51 Harms, Son, Co, horse hair mfrs 53 Lee J, butcher 54 Harms & Son, Angel wag off" Harms & Son, cheese agents 56 Stephenson John, " Angel" 57 Seyfang C F, printer Allicott Sampson, coffee rooms * Hayes W S, china warehouse 58 Hayes Wm S, silversmith 60 Hayward Henry, " Mail Coach" 61 Fullalove S, wh glss& chia mnfr 62 Harrison A W J, childbed lin w 63 Gofton Wm, salesman 64 Hatch Alfred, ham & beef shop 65 Dunn Chas, surgeon 66 Acton G W, oilman 67 Brown Joseph, baker 68 Dodd John, grocer 69 Miller Eliz, coffee house 72 Brooks J, stationer 73 Baker T K, hardwareman 75 Nettleton Thos, brazier 76 Holloway W H, confectioner 77 Comfort W and Son, butchers 78 Fleming W H, pawnbroker 79 Jolley Thos, orange merchant 80 Gurney G, " Hoop and Grapes" 81 Herbert F G, silvrsmth & pwbkr 82 Diuce John, butcher 83 & 84 Warlters & Co, apprsrs, &c 85 Josolyne John, baker H7 Weller W, cheesemonger 87 Weller W, toy and turnery ware 88 Hopkins Wm, butcher b9 Potts Eliz, tallow chandler 90 Moores T, ham mercht 91 Weaklin Fredk, stationer 92 Hutchinson Francis, surgeon Si3 Datido Jas, tailor 94 Wood John, tobacconist 95 Barclay & Sons, pat medicine wa 96 Rose Mary Ann, jeweller \i7 Cutler Eleanor, corn dealer 98 Hebblewhite F, linen draper Fashion St, Dockhead. 1 Stevens S G, dyer 4 Manning Jas, snoemaker 5 Mills John, com dealer 6 Pone Jas, " Queen's Head" Blackmore Evan, tailor 19 Ivimey A, chemist Harvey Robt, "Ship & Camel" 14 Cox J no, coffee rooms 15 Tait Jas, tin plate worker 16 White Edwd, pork butcher Fashion St, Spda/Jields. 5 Barritt Jas, cabinet manfr 5 Barritt S, looking glass fr mkr 44 Cordell T, " Noithumb Arms" 30 Hartshorue A, bricklayer 3J Lauer Chas, fur skin dyer 36 Hicks Benj, shopkeeper 37 Wasrell W, " Old White Lion" 40 Chamberlain J, plumber 42 Butcher Chas, bedstead maker 61 Chabot P J, silk dyer 63 Mason Danl, ''Queen's Head" Feather's ct, mu/< si, c 'heapsuie. 1 Ross A & Co. lin car & sack mfr * lleatiier J and Co, callenderers 111 TEA STREET KEY. PEN Feather's ms, Long yd Lb Cd st. 1 & 2 Biown John, cabmaster 4 Dunham Danl, co w keeper Ho Horn. Featherstone bldgs, 1 Humphrys Josiah, solicitor 2 Holloway John, tailor 3 PapprillJos, tailor 7 Ball Hen, tailor 8 Addinsell Jas, tailor 9 Grayson John, tailor 10 Walker Mrs, day school 11 Dodson and Co, bookbinders 11 Evans and Taylor, solicitors 12 Bennett Thos, solicitor 15 Down Israel, painter 16 Headland Edw, surgeon 17 Brooke Zachary, solicitor IS Taylor G T, solicitor 19 Gypson Win, tailor 20 Whitehorn John, jeweller 22 Leach E E, staymaker 23 Bending Wm, shoemaker 24 Stemson Henry, law stationer Featherstone st, cajj road. 2 Cooper T, milliner 3 Farley and Mills, cabinet makrs 6 Withall W C, trimming manufr 6 Bass J H, cork manufacturer 8 Wincott Richard, butcher 9 Ball Mary, tobacconist 1 1 Field P W, carpenter 12 Allen M, baker 13 Linningdine J, cabinet maker 14 Skarrett C, confectioner 15 Crichton &Barwick, plumbrs, &c 16 Jones W, butcher 17 Bur bridge Geo, beer retailer 18 Parman W jun, chair maker 20 Box Chas, day school 21 Gadsden Hen, oilman * Halliday Jos, turner 22 A'kinson Henry, draper 23 Hudson J, pa tye & Frch cl mnfr 24 Cave Mrs, straw bonnet maker 25 Townsend Jas, bootmaker 26 Beaven Richd, coffee house 27 Carver Wm, grocer 28 Cason B, tailor 29 Dyson Geo, saw maker 30 Burrison T, tador 30 Danby Wm W, tobacconist 31 Whitehouse Jas, grocer 31 Gunston Mich, cheesemonger 32 Gunston J no. greengrocer 32 Anderson W r F, cheesemonger 33 Eaton Richd, butcher 33 Martin W H, whip maker 33 Cooke Chas, confectioner 36*Tomlinson Chas, oilman 37*Barrett W, " Green Man " 38*Robertson Thos, baker 41 Gunn T and Son, smiths 43 Browett W and J, builders 46 Good Aug, cork cutter 47 Grix G, library 48 GrixRG, tailor 50 Holmes J, staymaker 5 ) Knowles T, carver & chair mkr 51 Merriman T, japanner 52 Bricheno C, baker 53 Hunt Hen, " Feathers" 54 Rome T, corn measure maker 53 W 7 hite Wm, greengrocer 56 Jones Hannah, tobacco pipe mkr 56 Foster Jno, \uidertaker 112 59 Police Station 60 Bambridge F M, '' Grapes" Felix St, Hackney road. Bremer II, " Duke of Cambdge' Fell St, Wood street. 3 Gower John, livery stables 5 Smith and Co, confectioners 7 Tomkins John, undertaker 11 Smith & Simmonds,whalbne cutrs 12 Cole M G, needle factor Felt On St, Hoxton. Clark Edw, " Bell" Ellis Wm, baker Fen Ct, Fenchurch st. 1 Trenerry J, importer of for win%s 1 Belletti Aug, mahogany mcht 1 Jones D and Co, merchants 1 Mander J G. merchant 1 Englehardt Fred, merchant 2 Lamb J, custom house agent 3 Thomas Richd, solicitor 4 Smith Junius, merchant New York Pacickt Office Preston John, indigo broker * Leake Edw, drysalter Wilkie and Mell, merchants 5 Sutherland J, merchant Sutherland J and Thos, merchts * Baptist Missionary Society 7 Hale Chas, wine mcht 7 Hardyman lgal, commission agt * Schleicher A F, merchant 7 Railton John, ship agent * Unger J A, merchant 7 Eckenstein Daniel, merchant 7 Dross S, coal merchant 7 Kendall Chas, shipping agent Fenchurch bldgs, Faichrch st. 1 Rivington Chas, solicitor 2 Greenwood T, surgeon 2 Haig D, merchant 3 Munns Wm, solicitor 4 Ourry J G, merchant 5 Freeman A, wine merchant 5 Valente J M Rebello of Oporto Robert Christie & Co, agts 5 Christie Robt and Co, merchants 5 Christie Robt, merchant 5 Addis Joshua, corn factor 8 Rolfe W G, tobacco broker 8 Rolfe H A, importer of cigars 8 Besset J, wine merchant 9 Colvile And, West India mcht 10 Lopez M M, wine merchant 11 Lecesne L C, merchant 11 Owen and Dixon, solicitors 11 Dean and Creasy, solicitors 13 Beharrell A W,'tea agents 14 Jerrum and Wood, tea dealers 18 Smith J F, tailor Fenchurch st. 1 Cox J J, wine merchant 2 Croslaud John, stationer * Luckie, Brothers &. Co, ship brks 3, 4 Hudson Bay Company 7 Hankeys and Co, bankers 8 Wigan Edw, isinglass merchant 8 Hastings & Watkins, wine mchts * Flockhart, Sidebotham & Co, w m * Selby I W ; wine merchant * Crosthwaite Jos, wine merchant 9 Whistler E W, colonial agent 11 Taylor Thos Edw, bootmaker 12 Dixon R and Co, clothiers 12 Miller Hen, merchant 13 Harris and Duplex, surgeons 14 Joselin Richd, hat manufacturer 1 5 Marshall & Elridge,ship & ins bks 15 Nicholson and Co, tea agents 16 Jannings Chas, hosier and glover 20 Clark & Co, stationers & booksdrs Langbourn Chambers. Byass R B, merchant Pugh Thos B, solicitor Gernon W, merchant Blackall J & Co, insurance brkrs Monteith and Co, saddlers, & . 4 Navin Jas, merchant Stubbs F W, merchant Moon Jonathan, merchant Green Jas, general agent Atkinson W, broker Oliveira JAG, merchant Navone Dom, commission agent Corney T, ship & cust hse agent Shillito W H, drug and rug brkr Morgan II Lloyd,jdiip broker Mackintosh And, merchant Bell Alex, merchant Fenchurch street continued. 17 Christian Arch, broker Colyer, Edw, engraver 18 Nicol Rob and Co, coffee dealers 19 Hamer Dav, wine & spirit mcht 19 Harman C H, solicitor 19 Barchard E and Co, merchants 19 Collins Wm, merchant 19 Willmott T W and Co, oilmen 1 9 Horder T W, wholesale druggist 20 Wdlis F, appraiser & brews agt 20 C op Good Hope Trade Society 20 Purchase, dead eye office 20 Clark and Co, stationers Roca Jos M, merchant 21 Millar W, merchant 22 Palmer and Co, wholesale tea dlrs 23 Cave W G, cut glass mnfr 23 Morrison Wm, stationer 23 Hills Wm and Co, corn factors 23 Hewetson Hen, corn factor 25 Gordon, Thomson & Basket, sds 26 Harwood John and Fred, staturs 27 Marriott W and Josh, goldsmiths 28 Suter Richard, architect 28 King and Melville, corn factors 28 Moffatt and Co, tea agents 28 Powell Hen, provision merchant 28 Bolitho T and W, merchants 29 Finlay John, tailor 2y Tielens J A, merchant 30 Snelling Thos, oilman 31 Teesdale and Co, solicitors 32 Hall, McGarel & Co, merchants * Gibbs E and Co, W I merchants * Black Alex, wine merchant * Rocher Casanas and Co, mchts 32 Casanas M, merchant Mackay Donald, merchant * Wren WD, solicitor 32 W r arre, Brothers, merchants 32 Warre J and Co, insurance brkrs 32 Reinecker and Co, wine mchts 33 Barnes T J, auctioneer 34 Borradale W & Co, merchants 34 Outhwaite & Sinclair, tea dlrs 34 Grant & Hodgson, tobacco brkrs 34 Fenner L and W, merchants * Jawes W and E, wine merchants FEN STREET KEY. PEN Franks W E, tea broker 36 Ellis R and Son, auctioneers Barber & Nephew, E I & col brkrs 37 Compton Hen, pewterer 37 Hutton John, merchant 37 Ankhini P, general broker 37 Berger Francis, merchant 37 Castrique L, merchant 38 Williams C, whl coffee dealer 38 Wulff G H and J F, gen mchts * Leake George, merchant 39 Jones, Holland & Co, wine mchts 40 Bennett Jas, naturalist 40 Bennett Jas, dentist 41 Beckett Geo, boot maker * Kipps and Walker, paper stainers 44 Davison, Newman & Co, grocers 47 Browne Fred, hair dresser 48 Albrecht John, colonial broker * Tiarks II F, Oldenburgh Cons 48 Wardrop, and Ewart, wine mchts 48 Schafer J W r H, merchant * Wallas Thos, Madeira wine mchts * Albers Jas, merchant 48 Freeman R and T, tailors 49 Oliver Jas, builder 50 Parnther and Fisher, solicitors 51 Cookes James, stationer 52 Russell Geo, boot maker 53 Payne T, P King's Head Tavrn" 54 Brown Thos, surgeon 55 Smith Saml, H Victoria Tavern'' 56 Sbarpe and Sons, tea dealers 57 Johnson & Renny, drysltry brkrs 58 Burnell B. solicitor 58 Norman R C, W I merchant 58 Thornton and Sou, auctioneers 5!) Hart, Lemon & Son, wine mchts 60 Lond & Blackwall Railway Cm- 67 Morris Edw, f E I Arms" 69 Howard J W, solicitor 70 Vaughan Saml and Son, mchts 70 Vaughau Petty, merchant Vaughau Win, merchant 78 Fillingham Elizabeth, saddler 79 Cook N, cheesemouger 80 Tite and Green, mat merchants 80 City ok London and Tower Hamlets Cemetery Company 81 Orritt Chas, cork manufacturer 82 Bowyer John, 4i New Grapes" 84 Gill Francis, " George" 85 Cornish Ciias, baker 86 Lewelleu E, coffee rooms 87 Earnshaw Thos, watchmaker 87 Wilson S, china warehouse 87 Laplain Wm, paper stainer 88 Jackson R, hair cutlet 89 Ady R H, truss maker 90 Smith Wm, butcher 91 Wilson Jas, plumber 92 Evans Edwd, widows' milliner 92 Provincial Protector Society 93 Kent James, beer retailer 94 Clarke J B, " Angel" 95 Cobham S, coffee rooms 96 Hart Joseph, plumber 97 Dockerill & Duchesme, grocers 98 Hinde Chas, wholesale druggist 100 Gatward Wm, tailor 101 Cole F L, wine merchant 101 Eccles Ann, printer 102 Munt Peter, dyer 103 Roach Rich, grocer 105 Salmon W r J, telescope mnfrs 106 Haurie John Nephews, of Xeros 106 Christie Wm, merchant 106 DastisG, merchant 106 Passingham G, ship & insbrkr I 106 Nail S J, merchant 106 Sauerbrey C R, ship broker 106 Heald Fran & Co, wine shippers 103 Stokes Francis, wine shipper Baker S, Phillpotts & Co, W I mt * Water* T M and Co, wine mchts * Commercial Dock Office * Hebeler B and Co, merchants * Prussian Consul General Man field Wm, merchant Mackintosh Thos, arch & survyr * Cunliffe, Garratt and Co, mchts * Moul J and. Sons, tea brokers * Wyatt C and Co, wine merchants 106 Goggs, Heading & Co, wine mts 107 Lang and Harvey, solicitors Davis G & H, tobacco brokers 108 Atkinson J and Co, Russ mchts 109 Barnes F & Co, whl hardwrmn 110 Tavlor & Fisher, upholstrs, &c 1 10 Todd Thos and Co, merchts Todd, Brothers, W I, merchts 110 Stayner Josh, ship broker 110 Shave and Taylor, solicitors 110 Mackie John and Co, merchts 110 Greenwood & Butler, wine mchts 110 Erichsen E, merchant 110 Smith and Erichsen, merchants 110 Hunter Jameson, merchant 112 Pateshall & Co, wax chandlers 1 13 Lopez & McKinnell, wine mchts 113 Gargollo Joseph, mercht Hopkinson Jonathan, W I mcht Fox Wm and Co, merchants Lindo N, solicitor Hehne Bay Steam Packet Com 1 1 4 Robinson W, stationer lib Wade Thos and Son, cotton brks 116 Williams and Waring, mchts 116 Morris Thos, merchant 117 Hales Thos, wire drawer Ironmongers' Hall Beck S A, solicitor 1 1 8 Wedlake Thos, engineer 118 Bovil and Bayley, corn factors 119 Eaton W, " Elephant" 120 Hughes Hen, optician 123 Simon & Lightly, ship agts, &c Lightly and Simon, agents, &c 123 May Wm, merchant 123 Wyllie R C, wine merchant 123 Antwerp Steam Navig Comp 123 Wilson R & J, corn factors 123 Rotterdam Steam Packet Of Consul General Netherlands May John Wm 123 Bowring and Pfleger, brokers * Hornblower and Co, wine mchts 123 Donaldson Chas, wine mcht 133 Brown W and J, merchants 124 Shaw Edmund, stationer 124 Dover John W, merchant ] 125 Reid Jas, eatinghouse 126 Trecothick and Co, W I mchts 126 Dawson Harriet, isinglass dlr 127 Magnus Saml, stationer 129 Pollock Thos, chemist 130 Fry, Griffiths, & Co, indigo brkrs 130 Lloyd and Co, tea brokers 130 Gregory & Wood, wine & ptrms 131 Ellis Saml, drug broker 131 Parker Saml and Sons, tea brkrs 131 Denham, Smart, & Co, corn fcrs 131 Levick and Brothers, merchants 132 Kilby Thos and Co, brokers 132 Berry Cornelius, accountant 133 Geddes Geo, colonial brokers 133 Phillips Saml, merchant Watkins, Smith, & Hope, tea bks 33 Morse D & Co, tea agents 33 Melladew Thos, merchant * Leach & Clark, ship & ins agts 34 Heath Thos, merchant 34 Bonsor Josh, printer 34 Thomas E R and Co, col brkrs Bradock John, indigo broker 35 Broughton H, hardwareman 35 Taylor, Fladgate, & Co, Oprto m 35 Schilling & Boyes, tobacconists 36 Paterson John, solicitor 37 Bark Wm, professor of music 37 Foster S and H, colonial agents 38 Gilbert Wm, math inst maker 39 Schooling Hen, merchant 40 Miller Henry, baker 4 1 Fleet Jno Geo, wholesale grocer 42 Hoggart Robt, whol saddier 43 Baker and Daniels, ship brokers 45 Eaton Martha, " Red Lion" 46 Bayly Geo, brushmaker 47 De Troch F, wine importer 47 White Richd and John mchts 47 Greeuley David, water borer 48 Quick & Frost, whl coffee dlrs 49 Sully Chas, bootmaker 50 Pitman, Formau & Co, wine ms 50 Dummelow & Bonner, col brkrs 50 Johnson W A, agent 50 Swiney Eugene, merchant 50 Robinson Jas & Co, engineers 50 Robinson H O, civil engineer 5 1 Pritchard & Cornthwaite, rice m 51 Higgins and Co, engravers 51 Trollope John, colonial agent 52 Hall R S II, ironmonger 53 Tull Saml, ropemaker 54 Kitson Jas, saddler 54 W r allis Wm, wine merchant 55 Southey & Cuthbert, stationers 55 Brimner & Till, tobacco brkrs 56 Bennett J T, goldsmith 57 Bell Geo, merchant 57 Filby and Major, ship brokers 57 Rodwell G, merchant 57 Hyde Thus, merchant 57 Stovell and Brown, ship brokers 57 George Peter, tea broker 57 Byass & Charrington, wine ms 57 Stickey Wm, shipping agent 57 Gonzales and Dubose, of Xerez 57 Mackie Robt, merchant 57 Brooks & Balfour,ship & ins bks * Woolley and Jones, merchants 58 Tabor Wm, druggist Hunt John, ship agent Tilt Joseph, ship agent 59 Macarthur D & Co, wine mchts 59 Kiss and Son, solicitors 59 Pickernell, Brs, ship & ins brks 59 British Shipping Company, T G Edgly, sec 59 Isaacs Henry, cbem stopperer 59 Ansell H & Co, merchants 59 Harding, Brothers, merchants Varley Saml, bootmaker 60 Newman W 7 m, bookseller' 61 Wood John, curiosity dealer 62 Brewer R L, tailor and glover 63 Williams W M, lock maker 63 Williams Wm, wood engraver 63 BinckesThos&Co,tea&cofdlr 63 Taylor H, *t Blue Anchor" 64 Cowvan B & S, carpet bag mkrs 65 Monnery J & E, hosiers & glvrs 66 Hayes C D, floor cloth manufr 67 McMahon John, steel tool mkr 68 Henington & Galabin, stationrs 70 Favell and Co, whl woollen wa 113 FEN STREET KEY, PIG 171 Gann and Co, tailors 172 Harris Eliz, baker 1 73 Birch Wm, watchmaker 173 Hunter Root, indigo broker 173 Rutt Geo, undertaker 174 Orger and Meryon, publishers FentOn St, Commercial road. Essam Jos, " Bricklayers' Arms'' Fergusons rents, Snow f elds Fitter Thos, gas. fitter Ferry road, West, Poplar. Whiskin King, shipping butcher Penn M A, linen draper & post of Truman Jos, retailer of beer Marshall Richd, dining rooms Escott W, retailer of beer Laver Harry, beer retailer White W, baker and grocer Laverett Henry, chain lightermn Joad, Curling and Co, rope mkrs Woodhouse J, retailer of beer Kilburn Geo, grocer WHkins Isaac, beer retailer Williams Wm, retailer of beer Sharp Philip, butcher Everett Saml, cooper Mills John, "Anchor and Hope" Milner Saml, cooper Ratcliff J, baker Poplar Gas Works Bradshaw Hen, "Glengall Arms"' Lambeth. Ferry st 3 Higgins II T, potter Holden Joshj cowkeeper Fetter la, &<** M and Hoibom. 2 Farrow John, " Three Tuns" 4 Bentley Henry, smith 8 Corfield John, house painter 10 Allen Chas, copperplate printer 10 Burton Henry, bootmaker Townsend Wm, printer 12 Gillett Sarah, smith * Gillett John, fancy cabiuet mkr 13 Way T, '-Norfolk Coffee House" 14 Marlin Thos, bookbinder 15 Little Giles, fishing tackle manfr 16 Levy and Sons, sheriff's officers 17 Hill Jas, dining rooms 20 Blackman W, "Hrshoe & Mgpe" 21 Dimond Mary, baker 23 Dear C, butcher 24 Haines W, circulating library 25 Burnell Hen, builder 26 Stevens Thos, cheesemonger 27 Winpenny R C, surgeon 28 Bowler Chas, baker & post office 29 Flaxman Robt, carpenter 31 Worcester Saml, tailor 31 Oddy Henry O, bair dresser 33 Ramshaw Jas, engraver 34 Parker R J, bootmaker 35 Corfield Theo, "Staff d Coff Hse" 36 Wright John, map mounter 37 Harker E, sealg wax & wafer rar 38 Reed and Walton, goldsmiths 39 and 40 Brown T N, pawnbrokir 41 Hudson and Peek, pewterers 42 Whitaker Tiros, retailer^of beer 43 Bedsor Thos, butcher 44 Paget Chas, tobacconist Rhodes Jos tea dealer 45 Brown John, cheesemonger 114 46 Lacy Henry, butcher 47 Brown Johu, cheesemonger 48 Wade John, lamp manuf'r 49 Spencer John, porkman 51 Everett and Co, blacking manf 52 Partoon W, "Swan & Sug Loaf" 53 Mansell Alfred, bootmaker 54 Willett A, colourman 55 Wray Jas, tobacconist 56 Hart Han, "Magpie and Stump" 57 Lowson John, baker 58 Norris John, stationer 60 Newberry Wm, practical cbemst 61 Franklin John, butcher 62 Whitney Edw, oilman 64 Austin John, " White Hart" 66 Birch B, mail lamp maker 66 Gill David, tailor 67 Scott. Geo, shell-fishmonger 68 Doig John, baker 69 Hinks Josh, coal dealer Harradence John, butcher 71 Evans Chas, coffee rooms 75 Featherston Francis, jeweller Shaw James, blindmaker 76 Davies Alfred, tobacconist 77 Norrington Jas, coffee house 82 Castle Chas, engraver 83 Bernier Jos, coffee rooms 84 Grant John, baker Lemmon Eliz, dress maker 85 Smith John, grocer 86 Barrett Win, watchmaker 87 Hale F W, hairdresser 90 Chaplain Wm, 'White Hse Inn"' * Ashman C, smith 92 Hutson Rd, butcher 93 Hooke Hen, baker 94 Maser James, greengrocer 95 Barrett Danl, grocer and tea dir 97 Seear M, milliner * Oddy Geo/ bootmaker 99 Dowler M, blindmaker 160 Clark Jas, coal warehouse 101 Grason & Maylard, "Vntr's As" 102 Bishop J G, ironmonger 103 Green Chas, baker 104 Timbury Fread, engraver 105 Watson Martha, coal dealer 107 Goodier John, fishmonger 108 Beard Geo Giffbrd, "White Sn" 109 Rayner and Hodges, printers Walker John, tailor 110 Maidlow John, builder * office 111 CleppertouThos, "Red Hart" Savage C A, livery stable kepr 112 Batchelor Jos, bookbinder 113 Moseley and Son, watchmakers 114 O'Brien Harriet, grocer 115 Stead Ann, dress maker 116 Birch Philip Jn, yeast dealer 117 West Geo, grocer 118 Reeve W T, oilman 119 Weston Jemima, haberdasher 120 Crookes Jno, Sheffield warehse 121 Heath John, paper hanger 122 Quin Chas, gold beater 123 Holmes C & Son, fish tckl mkrs 124 Spindler Chas, tobacconist Gimber Chas, carver and gilder 125 Kennedy Thos, newsvender 127 Ireland Chas, " Falcon" 129 Meharey Jas, whol perfumer 130 Highatt Jos, brushmaker 131 Han n John, tailor 132 Sewell Steph, tailor 133 Lightfoot Thos, fruiterer 134 Talmage Henry, dyer 135 McLean John, tailor 136, 137, 138, Shaw & Sons, printers 140 McCleallan Thos, carpenter 142 Parkes E, brass rule cutter 144 Clare Patrick, coal dealer Field Ct, Gray's Inn. 1 Capes and Stuart, solicitor Smith E, solicitor 1 Burry J, solicitor 2 Coe F W, solicitor * Lewis J R, solicitor Stevenson John, solicitor 2 Lord C F, solicitor 3 Taylor Rich, solicitor 4 Lee Wm, barrister Field pi, $ft John's st. road. 9 Dartnell John, livery stables 8 Rogers E, dairyman 4 Wolfe Fred G, car lamp manf Field St, Bagnigge wells rd. 1 1 Peck Wm, tobacconist 24 & 25 Dingwall Jas, " The Hope" Fieldgate st, Whitcchapei. 1 Shave D, broker 2 Gainey Jas, cheesemonger Dennish Wm, cooper 5 Bartram S, "BlkHrs & Wndml" 4 Moss D L, stonemason 10 Lockwood and Co, chemists 1 1 Wright W, carpenter 13 Barlow ' , china and glass wrhse 14 Nunn R C, carpenter Adams S, ginger beer maker Wintjen A, " Prince of Orange" Friend and Boden, sugar refiners Kobelt Jno, " King's Arms' ' 22 Petit E, watcbmaker 23 Butcher M A, tobacconist 24 Robins J, smith Green Wm & Co, vinegar makers Hughes Geo, Pr of Hesse" 25 Cutbush L F, plumber 28 Blow J, greengrocer 29 Lockwood J, chemist 33 Feild and Hudson, varnish mnfis Figtree Ct, Temple. 1 Darby George, barrister, M P 1 De Sausmarez Jas, barrister 1 Hake W A G, barrister 1 Lennard G B, barrister Poulden G, barrister Dowdeswell G M, barrister 1 Houldsworth J E, barrister 1 Busk Hans, barrister 2 Preston W T, barrister 2 Browne B T, barrister 2 Mac Gregor Josh A J, solicitor 2 Kirkes II G, barrister 2 Pickering P, barrister 3 Townsend Wm Chas, barrister Leach Fred, barrister * Meymott F W, special pleader Walford J B, barrister 3 Clive Geo, barrister 3 Grinfield , barrister 3 Phinn Thos, barrister 3 Clerk Jno, barrister 3 Whalley G H, barrister * Goldsmid N, barrister Wailes F, conveyancer 4 Cobbett Jno Wm, barrister 5 O'Hanlon H M, barrister FIN STREET KEY. 5 Russell Fras, barrister 6 Walmsley T, special pleader 6 Lund Henry, barrister 6 Phipps Hon Edmd, barrister 7 Bond W, barrister 7 Barstow Jas, barrister 7 Topham Wm, barrister 7 Alexander VV J, barrister * Croke , barrister "Wyatt J, barrister 8 Kelly F,QC 8 Fearon J P, solicitor Finch la, Comhiif. 1 Thomas Jos, bookseller 2 Fox Wm, metallic peruke maker 3 Cornie and Co, hair dressers Armstrong & Curling, whol drug Armstrong Chas and Wm, mchts Armstrong Chas and Co, mchts 5 Clark Sarah, baker 6 Mounsey Grace," Cock & Wolk*' 8 Gillham W, < Joe's Chop House" 9 Brighton Gas Lt & Coke Com Thomas Saml, sec 9 Hardy E M, ship insurance brokr 9 Marten Chas, stockbroker Dunbar & Cleghom, Russia mchs * Stuart David, tailor * Hickes Francis, stockbroker 10 Snook Jas, fruiterer 11 Bell James, newspaper agent 1 1 Beaumont Josh, tailor 12 Foot Wm, hair dresser * Ramsden Edw, bookseller 13 Simpson and Co, tailors 13 Davidge Geo, stockbroker * Ewart W rnd D, stockbrokers 14 Smith C F, oxydator depot * Chabot A, lithographer 15 Clarke arid Barns, plasterers 15 Chilton J, solicitor 15 Hasell S, tailor * Everett Wm, bookseller, &c 16 King Edmund, biscuit baker, &c 17 Comer Jas, tobacconist 17 Browning Hen H, tailor 18 Boughton and Co, tailors 18 Simon and Lightfoot, chemists 17 Holmes and Pottle, newsvenders 19 Clarke Colin, coffee rooms 20 Purdy & Fendt, music inst mkrs 21 Clarke W, stationer * Lewis Wm, printer 22 Dorrien, Magens, & Co, bankers Cannon S, stock and share brkr * Rogers Hen & Fred, wine mchts * Keyser S, merchant 24 Heseltine Edw, stockbroker Finch St, U'hitechupel. 14 Braden Herman, sugar refiner Finsbury circus, 1 Lemme John Louis & Co, mchts 4 Dalrymple Alex, merchant 7 Christophers J S, merchant 9 Ionides and Co, merchants London Institution 1 6 Foligno Isaac, silversmith 17 Stewart Patrick M, merchant 18 Franghiadi, brothers, merchts 20 Bevan T, surgeon 24 Waller Geo jun, solicitor -'5 Ralli, Brothers, merchants 25 Ralli P, Consul General of Greece 26 Rodocanachi, Son, and Co, mchts 27 Negreponte Jas C, merchant I 2 29 Cavan, Brothers, and Co, mchts 30 Ralli P T, merchant 32 Bridger Edw & Blake Chas, solcrs 33 Pryer John, merchant 34 Roberts John and Son, surgeons 36 Beckford and Ranken, mchts * Ranken John, merchant Cowie Alex, merchant 38 Spartali and Co, merchants 39 Lowe Geo, engineer European Gas Company Alliance Gas Company 40 Fox J E, solicitor 42 Jeaffreson Dr Henry, physician 43 Argenti, Sechiari, and Co, mchts 46 Cbassereau Thos P, merchant 48 Hingeston Jas A, surgeon Finsbury market. 2 Swainsbury Sam jun, turner 5 Trilley Jas, bedstead maker 9 Harvey J, box maker 10 Orton John, fruiterer Alabaster J, * Market House" 13 Squire J, coal dealer Finsbury pi, N, Finsbury sq. 1 Cater and Co, linen drapers 2 Evans B F, tailor 2 Evans and Co, lacemen 3 Raymond Cuthbert, cheesemongr 4 Nash H H & Son, coach makers 5 Noyes Jas, grocer 6 Gnsewood Geo, livery stables 7 Bentzing Mary, " Ship" 8 Palliser Geo, saddler Palliser Geo, coach builder 9 Jones T, manufacturing cutler 10 Ive Geo Hen, jeweller 11 Skinner J J & Son, whip maker * Alex S, surgeon dentist 13 Prior Edw, hosier, &c 14 Lester Thos, bookseller 1 5 RidingtonThos, boot & shoe mkrs 15 Viener M S, German eau de co- logne warehouse 1 6 Oldaker F, saddler ( &l 3ijBl r 17 Blowfield S, straw bonnet maker 18 Vardy W S, solicitor 19 Hillhouse R & Sons, tea dealers 20 De Pass D and Son, curriers, &c 21 King Wm, solicitor 22 Middleton Alfred, surgeon 24 Bennett Jas Risdon, physician 27 Bull Thos, surgeon 28 Clark Geo, solicitor 29 Edwards Edw, watch maker 29 Grubb Eliza, tobacconist 30 Powrie Jno, baker 31 Nickolls Josh, livery stables Malpas E, widows' milliner Finsbury pi, South. 1 Morgan Wm, dentist 1 Pearse and Co, W I, merchants 2 Dyer James, riding academy 2 Munk Wm, physician 3 Startin Jas, surgeon 4 Hobson G D and Co, tailors 5 Savory A B & Sons, silversmiths 6 Trevett Robert, boot maker 6 Brown S, tailor 7 Hill I B, coach builder 8 Bond & Co, West India mchts 9 PenkivilWm J, solicitor 1 1 Jacobson Isaac, merchant 13 Craigie John, dentist 14 Hogg Chas, surgeon FIS Sparke J J, surgeon 16 Griffith John, architect 18 Phillips Thos, cabinet mnfr Finsbury square. 1 Jeffs Robt, surgeon 2 Gordon Jas, physician 4 Leeson John, surgeon 6 Clarke R and Son, furriers 9 Waller Chas, physician 10 Little W G, physician 11 Camplin J M, surgeon 13 Conquest John, physician 22 Fletcher Robt, solicitor 26 Horstman John, merchant 36 Saner J and Son, surgeons 37 Oliver C H, commercial agents 38 Birbeck Geo, physician 39 Adams Jas, surgeon 40 Langmore Wm, physician 41 Morgan John, surgeon 43 Randall Alfred, surgeon 4.5 Rees Hen, surgeon 46 Cannan David, official assignee 47 Pereira Jonathan, physician 50 Shoveller Jno, jun, wine mcht, &c 49 Gregoire J B, translator of lang Finsbury St, Chiswell street. 1 Terry Chas, carpet warehouse 1 Wyatt Augustus, builder 5 Rice John, dairyman 6 Mundy Wm, surgical instru mkr 7 Harrison John, plasterer 8 Lias J and Son, silversmiths 10 Clymer and Dixon, press makers * Shaw A R, machinist 11 Baxter John, breeches maker 13 Crow Thos, bootmaker 14 Robson and Estall, plasterers 15 Davies Martha, milliner 14 Leach J, tailor 17 Palmer J W, boot maker 18 Williams Benj, tailor 19 Phillips II, fur manufacturer 20 Curtis J and Sons, curriers 20 Goode Benj, farrier 21 Walker Wm, " White Horse" Fish St, Old, Doctor's Commons. 1 Bath Marian, haberdasher 3 Jones Jno, tin plate worker 3 Pearce W, bricklayer 4 Kingham Thos, baker 5 Perkins Rich, cabinet maker 5 Metcalfe J & Son, whlsl drugsts 6 Goodwin Chas, boarding house 6 Vipond Jno, whlsl cheesemonger 7 Yeats & Acocks, whl cheesemngr 8 Keymer John, engr print & statr 9 Kingsley & Adnam, w &sp mchts 9 Pearce W, bricklayer 11 Curtis Jas, wholesale druggist 1 2 Sheffield & Maughan, w 6c sp mts 14 Kirby John, butcher 15 Bowers Wm, fruiterer 16 Weale David, grocer 17 Winter Jas, grocer and tea dlr 21 Holmes Dr J P, physician 22 Hayles & Holt, packng case mkrs 23 Lee Wm, bell hanger * Browne Jas, builder * Cracklow and Farrcr, wine mchts * Smith John, carpenter 24 Mott Rebecca, town carrier 25 Lawrence B & J, & Taylor, solrs 27 Branscombe'R & Co, irn & stl mnfs 115 FIS STREET KEY. FLE 28 Cockburn R, Falcon " 29 Badley W, brass mnfr & gas fitr Fish St hill, London bridge. 2 Paterson Jas, perfumer, &c Weighhouse Brit & Sundy Sch 14 Foster, Lloyd, & Teulons, solrs 14 Yates J, stone mcht & ship ownr 15 Osborne John, merchant 15 Harris L Julius, merchant 15 Ship Propeller Co Office 17 Croft C I, surgeon 17 Commercial Steam Packet Of 18 Banks Jos, acct and surveyor 18 Cobham and Wright, builders, &c 19 Holroyd J S, fishing tackle man 20 Scott David, baker 21 Marshall John, cheesemonger Blossom Thos, " The Globe " 22 Hill John, pin maker Game Wm, "The Swan" 23 & 24 Hopwood & Park, wire wkrs 26 Game S, Italian warehouse 17 Spencer K, tobacconist Poole B, Steam Packet Hotel" Cook Henry, tobacconist 30 Sharp and Son, silversmiths 32 Francis C, sun coffee rooms 33 Margate & Lon Steam Pac Off 34 Bell Jas, fishmonger 35 Troughton Geo, butcher 36 Fenn John, "Britannia" 37 Richardson John, bootmaker 38 Walter Thos, "Mitre" 39 Smith Wm, cork cuttr & fruiterer 41 Gent, Steam Navigation Compy Abe 11 Edw, agent 41 Abell Edw, cust hse & shipng agt 42 Greenway Wm Alex, baker Landman Col, civil engineer 43 Abell Wm, furniture dlr & uphr 44 Meek Wm and Co, upholsterer 45 Gamble and Davis, whl shoe whse 46 Day Wm, ironmonger 46 Raven J, waf & slg wax mf & w str 47 Shaw and Phillips, solicitors 47 Tucker E J, twine & sail cloth mf 47 Clark Geo, merchant 48 Wortley Isaac, <' Monum C of H" Fish St hill, Old, Doctors com. J Spikes T and W, bricklayers 1 Clarke and Co, paper stainers 3 Imray & Fitch, exp acct book mks Pyle Philip, "Cooper's Arms" 10 Bird Richd, " Rummer Tavern " 10 Routledge John, leather cutter Fletcher and Son, coopers Fisher St, Red ^on square. 1 Powell Hen, tin plate worker 2 & 3 Lancasterian School 4 Christian Thos, baker 5 Wat more Jas, bricklayer 5 Milton John, tailor 6 Gordon David, button manufr 7 Bellenie Wm, mason 8 Brown Ben, " Fish " 8 Bailey Jno, bookbinder 9 Hall Edw, news agent 12 Tabor John, tailor 13 Tanner Benj, turner 13 Coad Jas, boot and shoemaker 14 Pooke Wm, grindery dealer 15 Horsey Robt, carver and gilder Fisher's Ct, IVhitefriars. 1 Bond W, grocer Wheeler Thos, Grapes " 116 Fishmonger's al, Fenchrchst. 2 Coakley John, tailor Bayley Eliz, engraver and printer 6 Scott A, carpenter Stephenson E, newsvender Fitchett's Ct, Noble st, Cheapside 6 Houldin Chas, ivory turner 9 Pickard and Son, embossers FitZ pl 5 New road } Regent's park. 5 Rowell Wm, carpenter 8 Creswell Wm, chair maker 10 Jackson Thos, beer retailer Fitzroy mkt, Fitzroy sqimre. Hughes John, greengrocer HuntT, fishmonger & poulterer Woodhatch F, butcher Turner W, butcher Wilday Wm, butcher Colledge John, greengrocer Smith John, tinman FitzrOV pi, Southwark bridge rd. 9 Dixon Jas, lamp manufactuier Clark Wm & Son, timber mchts Fitzroy St, Fitzroy square. 1 Campbell Ann, dressmaker 5 Kenny W, professor of languages 3 Eyre S A, surgeon 14 Gray Thos, grocer Fitzroy St, Up, Fitzroy sq. 7 Ladbury John Edw, surgeon 8 Walker B E, Goat & Compass" 10 Sutherland John, tailor * Guthrie Robt, profsr of languages 13 Eastlake Chas L esq, R. N. Cooke J, tobacconist Flask la, Pimlico. 1 North Jas, carpenter & cabnt mkr 6 Moody John, bootmaker Fleet la, Old Bailey. 2 Thomlinson Isaac,proviion mcht Charters Wm, tailor 3 Chandler Edw, baker 5 Barwick Ann, ff Red Lion" 7 Neal Geo, printer 8 Tucker Flower, goldbeater 6 Rogei's H J, broker 13 Cole James, cooper 14 Hubbard Hen, " White Lion" 15 Woodbridge Sarah, grocer 16 Colby J J, turner 19 Carr Chas, grindery dealer 20 Seabrook S, coal dealer 21 Walter Michael, whsle hardwmn 23 Clarke Jas, marine store dealer 27 Timlet Hen, marble paper manfr 30 Bales John, coal dealer 34 Blackmore Danl, shoemaker 36 Gould Amelia, marine store dlr 37 Hough Wm R, carpenter 38 Mc Bride Jas, dealer 40 Blanshard Henry, plumber 42 Medbury John, printer's smith 43 Walden Mary, basket maker 45 & 46 Ryalls Sarah, hardwareman 47 Gobey Josh, straw hat maker 48 Carter Danl, plumber 49 Hoggins S, grocer 50 Nathan Morris, hardwareman 51 Morle.y Wm, potato salesman 52 Chaplin Jno and Wm, news agts Fleet street. 1 Child and Co, bankers 2 Preedy John, hatter 3 Evans Geo, tailor 7 Butterworth Hen, law bookseller 8 Paterson J J, " Dick's Coffee H" 9 Dunn and Duncan, whl stationrs 10 Legal & Gen Life Assurance 1 3 & 1 4 Johns R & Co, hos & sht mkr 15 Argent Isaac, " Rainbow 16 Groom David, confectioner 17 Skelton Tom, hairdresser 19 & 20 Gosling and Co, bankers 21 Brown and Cartwright, dentists * Speare George, lacemau 22 Payne Joshua, engraver 22 Southgate J W, auctioneer 23 Hardcastle and Co, bootmakers 24 Lund Wm, cutler, &c 26 Sanderson Jos, pocket book mkr 27 Painter Wm, glover 29 Colk Geo, chemist and druggist 30 Rogers G W, fur manufacturer 31 Farrey Hen Wm, toy dealer 32 Haighley Saml, bookseller 33 Barker Richard, news agent * Hoare and Co, bankers 40 John Bull Newspapku Office 41 Sibert Hen, tailor 43 Saunders & Benning, law bookslrs 45 Eckford C J, carver and gilder 46 Bailey Wm T, hatter 47 Lee? and Innes, linen drapers 49 Waller Fred, stationer 51 13 ax Daniel, umbrella maker 51 Wood Miss, ladies' school 52 Howard Thos, surgeon dentist 53 Laurie Rich H, map seller 54 Seeley and Burnside, booksellers 54 Publishers' Circular Offjc;: 54 Record Newspaper Office 55 Story W, tailor 55 Burton Elizabeth, tobacconist 57 Fellows R T, " Green Dragon" 5S Halksworth W, engraver 49 Mayo , solicitor 59 National Advertising Office 60 Howes & Hart, India shawl warh 61 Hyde G & Co, stationers and sealing wax manufacturers 62 Paris T, Windsor soap maker G3 Clarkson Jos, grocer 64 Gray Robert, coach proprietor * Luther Elias " Bolt in Tun Tap'' 65 Cockereil & Stockwell, bootmakrs 66 Barker Wm, "Boar's Head" 67 Dixon Henry, manifold writer mf 67 - Falser Tbos, prinrseller Barton R D, chemist and druggist Lowe John, hatter Perkins, Bacon, & Petch, engravrs 69 Chaffin Jas, glass warehouse 70 Lynn Jas, shell fishmonger 71 Olding Ebenezer, upholsterer 72 Sunday Times Office 73 Hogg Henry, hosier 73 Hammond & Field, milliners, &c 74 Thredder John, hatter 75 Grant John, watchmaker 76 Wright & Co, printers & engravs 77 Hoppe Wm J, bootmaker 78 M-Leau Chas, carver and gilder 79 Noble Theops, bookseller FLE STREET KEY. POL 80 Varley and Son, engravers 81 Grafton Edw, watch manufactr 81 Crutchley G F, map seller & pub Davenport and Co, potters 83 West Francis, optician 84 Mattress Chas, hair dresser 84 George and Manby, music sellers 86 Tilt & Bogue,booksl & publishrs 88 Collins Henry, Italian warehouse 89 Marriott and Crowe, ironmongers 90 Jenks T, upholsterer 91 Dean W H, tea dealer and grocer 92 Swain Job and Co, tailors 93 Lewns M A, milliner 94 Sangster W and J, umbrella miifs ! 95 Baker Robt, "Old Bell" 96 Hemsley Eliz, child bed lin warh 97 Doudney Geo D, tailor 9S Willows Thos, fishmonger 99 Portch Lewis, "Crown Tavern" 100 Fair Wm, bootmaker 100 Hawes Wm, optician * Haller B, professor of languages Huller Mrs, minature painter 101 Procter Geo, snuff manuf to Her Majesty and the Royl Family 102 Baddeley Chas, bootmaker 101 Waitnman John, linen draper 105 Hebblewhite Fred, linen draper 106 Currey R and Co, tobacconists 107 Smith B, oilman & artist's clrmn 108 Williamson Thos, hosier * Fitkin Wm, dentist 109 Herring W R, auctioneer 110 Farr J C, grocer 111 Hodgson Orlando, bookseller 112 Hodgson J S. law stationer 113 Smith Wm, bookseller * Tul boys D A, publisher 114 Gray Geo, pawnbroker 115 Reynolds Root, engraver 116 Marriott Geo, confectioner 118 Cook Chas, ham and beef shop 1 19 Kendal Coffee House" 120 Harden Wm, jeweller 121 Dennett Jas, printer 121 Jackson Miss, ladies school 122 Railway Times Office 12^ Lewis LA, auctioneer 126 Fair W, bootmaker 127 Morning Advertiser Office * Blake J F, secretary 128 NasonWm, chemist 130 Burbridge & Healy, ironmongrs 132 How and Parsons, publishers and printer's ink manufacturers 134 Dobbs and Co, fancy stationers 135 Ciark Hen, brush manufacturer 136 Troughton & Simms, opticians 137 Dodson Dan], bookseller 139 W t eekly Dispatch Office, Harmer and Bell 140 Parks E, cabinet & gen irnmngr 141 Birmingham Plate Glass Co, Gedge John, manager 142 Simpson John, "King & Key" 143 Bartholomew Fras, hosier 144 Sutton Wm, cutler 144 Williams E M, wood engraver 1 45 Phillips Thos, wood letter manf 145 Spencer M A, naphtha lamp whs 146 Taylor Saml J, tobacconist 147 CawalhoD N, bookseller 148 Dutton Matthew, watchmaker 149 Morrell Henry, quill merchant 150 Layton C and E, booksellers 151 Dalby Saml, boot and shoe mart 152 Noble Wm & John, seedsmen Noble John, merchant 153 155 156 158 159 160 161 161 162 163 164 166 * 167 168 169 171 172 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 180 181 183 184 18') 1 85 18G Burdett Messdames, milliners Propritors of royl British cerate & 156 Figes Hy, "Portgl Hoti" Earp Jas, tailor Nutt David, foreign bookseller Langridge Chas & Co, staymkr Walton Wm, toy warehouse Watchman Newspaper Off Inchbold , bkselr, sta & printer Nind Josh, paper banger Pritchard Andrew, optician Long W, pocket book maker Leveridge W & S J, wine mehts, successors to Hedges & Scott Harding Wm, "Anderton's Htl" Mechanics' Magazine Office Robertson J C, patent agent, &c Watson Jas, bread &bisct baker Kast R li, surgeon Seeley L and G, publishers Charles Joseph, tailor Old England Newspaper Off Conservative Journal Offick Barritt and Co, bible warehouse Hogg Henry, hosier Sleath J 11, truss maker Shepherd Jas, confectioner Moore W, " Peel's coffee house" Hooper S & G, stationers Micklam W P, tobacconist Harrison Chas, wine shades M'Lean C, picture frame dlr Gray Jas, artificial eye mnftr Russell Rebecca, tobacconist Harris Henry, baker Hall George, ironmonger Cooper Thos, miniature painter Bell Geo, bookseller St Dunstan's Church Law Life Assurance Button Geo, pastry cook Waller W and Son, booksellers Eyre and Spottiswoode, printers Prades and Co, bankers North and Co, tea dealers Barker Joseph, dentist Hodgson E, auctioneer Adams and Ede, robe makers Richards and Co, booksellers Pullan Jno, billiard table mkr Pullan Ann, confectioner Pedler and Squire, chemists Moss Henry, hair dresser Colnett Wm, * Cock Tavern" Prosser S, shell fishmonger Doidge and Co, boot & shoemkr Ustonson Maria, fish tack mnfr Lowden J D, chemist Baker Fred, tobacconist 187 188 189 190 190 191 192 193 194 195 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 207 Fleet St, Bethnal green. Cannell Robt, " Seven Stars" Hampstead S, " Ram & Magpie" Towler Geo, H Queen's Head" Flemmillg St, Kingslund rd. 3 Palfrey Wm, bricklayer 7 Moss Thos, " Royal Standard" Amos Thos, builder Fleur de lis Ct, Fleet street. 10 Allingham Mary, hair dresser 1 1 Ross A, shoe maker Peach Wm P, "Old Cheshire Cheese" and shipping agent St Bride's Subs Lib & Lect Rms 21 Bessent Geo, umbrella maker Fleur de lis Ct, Norton Falgate, Parry & Sons, tallow chandlers Fleur de lis St, Norton Falgate* 5 Carter Jno and W> comb mnfrs 8 Knight T C, carpenter 9 Love Jas, undertaker 12 Russell H G, turner 13 Clayton Thos, leghorn presser Flood St, Westminster. Davison J, " Coach & Horses'' Flower & Dean st, Spitaijilds. 1 Harrington R, picture frame mkr 2 Skinner David, silk dresser 20 Dowues Thos, bedstead mnfrs 5 Gummer Thos, coffee roaster 55 Ramsey and Co, silk dyers Fludyer St, Westminster. 13 Davis Valentine, architect \ 1 5 Codd Messrs, army agents 18 Hay and Law, solicitors* 21 Richardson & Connell, pariagts 22 Gordon Alex, engineer 23 Deans & Dunlop, pari & law sols Flying horse ct,^^" t<* Ch. 3 Nicholson Robt, warehouseman Foley pi, Portland place. 3 Berrier Fontaigne Dr, physician 9 Crownes M A and F, dress mkrs 10 Gray Chas, beer retailer 14 He ring Wm, surgeon 15 Paull Rev H A, school 16 Bartholomew Val, artist IGaM'Nab Alex, surgeon 18 Andrews Mrs, milliner * Andrews Hen, invalid chair mkr 19 Wilson J and Son, bookbinders 20 Tappin J F, "Yorkshire Grey" 21 Gdl John, dyer 22 Herve M A, lace cleanr & mendr 25 Joseph I, livery stables 26 StuartS, dress maker 28 Roberts T A, grocer 30 Elkin Alfred, surgeon 32 M'Sbane M, upholsterer 33 Stoker W C, tailor 35 Arney Geo Alfred, barrister 37 Wettig, S, tailor 38 Rawlins and Co, coach builders 40 Rochard F T, artist Foley St, Portland place. 1 Morton D, " King and Queen" 2 Macinlyre Malcomb, tailor 4 Griggs Geo Wm, ironmonger * Davidson Geo, upholsterer * Hall Stephen, tailor 8 Banks Eleanor, ladies' school 9 Powell John, solicitor 1 1 Rudler Geo, shoemaker 12 Bell John, bricklayer 13 Fewers Thos, plasterer 16 Fletcher W T m, grocer 17 Lauder Jas, " York Minster" 18 Woolford Jno, fruiterer 19 Cross A, grocer 20 Jarvis Eliz, porkman 21 Burton Jas, tailor 2 1 Pipe M, baker 21 l Debney Fisher, haberdasher 23 Constantiue Emilia, school 24 Austin Edw, tobacconist 25 Markes Thos, bookseller 117 OL FOL STREET KEY. FOR 26 Herbert Edw, dairyman 27 Mandy II, " Crown & Sceptre" 28 Macey Uriah, draper 29 Carr Henry, cheesemonger 30 Adam Arthur, oilman 31 Saunders Rich, carver and gilder 32 Chesney E B, profesr of dancing 33 Sanders Eliz, milliner 34 Jones John, carpenter 35 Lambole J, corn dealer 36 Merritt Daniel, gilder 37 Sykes John, bootmaker 39 Hucklin, Wm, butcher 41 Wales J & Co, pianaforte mnfrs 42 Davison Geo, upholsterer 43 Jenner Wm, undertaker 44 Neale John, cabinet maker 46 Capps Dennis, carver and gilder 49 Parlby J, lkg gls & pictr fram mkr 50 Langley Jos, coach builder 51 Savage John M, priuter 51 Girardot Mons, artist 51 Home James, upholsterer 52 Elgie Thos, plumber 52 Davey Wm, cabinet maker 53 Stone Wm, cabinet maker 54 Knapps J and H, builders 54 Hawley Z, buhl worker 54 Hutchins J, chair maker 54 Chappie Chas, carpenter 55 Jackson Jos, baker ^ X 9 *- * Folly, Dockhead. 1 Tokely Garwood, grocer Ballard Mary Ann, ironmonger Cridland Henry, cheesemonger 1 Dale Geo, cheesemonger 2 Marriott S, grocer 7 Clarke Jas, oilman Maryon Hen, " King's Arms" Simmons & Brook, iron founders 4 Lowman Wm, ''Swan & Sug LI"' 5 Foster Fanny, potato dealer 6 Baxter Alex, baker Ford Wm, butcher Marchant I H, ironmonger Henley Edw, butcher Jameson S, grocer & cheesemugr Folly wall, Bhckwaii. Spencer Jno, " Folly House" Thames Police Station Blythe D, superintendent Westbrook and Son, ship builders i ^slol i Fore St, Clement's inn. 2 Slade & Gordon, chemists & drug 2 Slade Wm, surgeon 3 Ward Wm, butcher Wyatt Ann, "Sun" Saers J, '"Albion Coffee House" Fore St, Cripplegate. 1 Sadler Francis, undertaker 2 Baker Rich, cheesemonger 3 Roberts Wm, butcher 7 Croot Ben], "Grapes" 9 Munday T H, bookseller & publr lO^Such J, boot and shoe maker 1 1 Finden R and Co, tailors 12 Pain Wm, grocer 13 Charitable Fund& Dispknsary Southweod Joshua, surgeon 14 & 15 Blaylock Geo, haberdasher 16 Young and Co, lace manufactrs 1 7 Stafford A, linen draper 18 Clipsham Jane, draper j 118 Dowell J E, straw bonnet wareh Muir Mrs, stay maker Lake Rich, linen draper Eldrid T E, saddler's ironmonger Flower John, grocer Collins J, fringe manufacturer Mullens John J, tobacconist Godson, Ralph and Co, drysaltrs Johnson Thos, butcher Latter Chas, cheesemonger Hays Thos, baker Cooch John, grocer Johnson Sarah F, fruiterer Wales Hen, glove, &c, mnfr Emberson Thos, working jeweller Chapman John, pork butcher Eastwood Wm, auctioneer Eastwood S, shawl border wareh Eastwood Geo, dealer in coins, &c Negus Wm, "Golden Lion" Lake John, surgeon Hawker Thos D, surgeon Woodgate Geo, bookbinder Northwood Wm, dairyman Woodgate Geo, bookbinder Vialls Edmund, coffee rooms Hutchins Saml John, stationer Russell Jacob, pawnbroker Harman Saml, corn chandler Strutt W G & J, cotton yarn mnfrs Pierce James, agent Parsons Geo, tobacconist, &c Langridge H, wax & tallow chdr Fendick Henry, linen-draper Sewell and Son, jewellers Turney Robt, straw hat mnfr Harwood Thos E, boot mak-r Pritchard Geo, surgeon Brown Charlotte, "Plough" Noyes Benj, grocer Yeatman and Lum, chemists Walter Wm, cloth worker Waddington & Horton, umbr mfs Wainwright Wm, tobacconist Hodder Chas, "Castle" Griffiths Edw, fruiterer Adkin Eliz, milliner Wooder Chas, saddler Haines II, auctioneer Howard E, pastrycook Webb Saml, oilman Brass Mary, dining rooms & 66 Baker & Co, agri implt mkr Jones Jane, straw hat mnfr Lazarus Saml, hair dresser Clarke Ann, straw hat maker Knight Saml, cheesemonger Harding & Son, plate glass fctrs Harding and Son, cabinet makers Burt and Co, pork butchers Roberts Thos, retailer of beer Kail Wm, coal dealer Pearson T, baker Bryon Caroline, grocer Chappell Mary, porkman Juchau P, fan maker Jack Alex, toy dealer Prime Jos, tobacconist Grist Thos, greengrocer Gurney Geo, " Grapes" Pullen and Son, auctioneers Huxley James, musician Huxley Mrs J, school Seeley John, butcher Jones C, pork butcher Rumsey John, tripe dresser Johnston Chas, baker Knightly C, cheesemonger Newby G, rt Grapes" 87 Cuthbert Geo, oilman 89 Wood J, printer and publisher 89 Palling Geo, solicitor 90 Smith B, corn dealer 91 Dean H, cheesemonger 92 Tarplee Jno, shoe manufacturer 93 Holmes Chas, butcher 94 " Three Mariners"' 95 Lee David, tailor 96 Harrison and Son, cheesemongers 97 Pymm Philip, china & glass dlr 98 and 99 Fox Jas, grocer 100 Beaver Wm, butcher 101 Archer John, dining rooms 102 Nicholson J, "Green Dragon" 103 Ashton Hen Geo, paper stainer 104 to 107 Morrison & Co, wrhsmn 108 Biggs M, wholesale stationers 109 Henderson Geo, baker 110 Abbott Wm, "The Grapes" 111 Scrutten Jas, stationer Lipscomb & Co, carr i( Elepht inn" Scholes John, carman 112 Carr Richard, cheesemonger 113 Benham Charlotr, tin pi worker 114 Greenwell Geo, warehouseman 115 Morton & Co, sewing cotton mf Millington T, window glass ctr 116 Storey Thos, coffee rooms 117 Mead way Geo, butcher 119 Lambell Jno, poulterer Jackson P, ladies' school 120 Huggins J, fishmonger 121 Smith Ann, oil & varnish whse 122 Howard & Cooper, whol looking glass manufacturers Fore St, Limekouse. 1 Mayes A, iC King's Head" 2 Jennings Jas, porkman 3 Jordan John, potato salesman 4 Mayer Chas, corn dealer 5 Lamont E J, rag merchant 6 Machell W P, brewer 13 Livingston W J, sail mk & sh cr 14 Whith"X Stone Comp Wharf W Radford, agt 15 & 16 Whitehead and Co, tailors 17 Hall J T C, ship chandler 18 Whitehead J, mast & blk maker 20 Tungatt Jno, wine merchant 22 Bond T D, mast and block makr and smith 23 Ling Benj, ship breaker 23 Coxell Dan, leather seller 26 RamageGeo, ''Two Brewers" 27 Webb Jas, barge builder 28 Martin W S, "Waterman's Ars"' 29 Lamb J G, mast maker 30 Ive Edw, shipping butcher 3 1 Larnder Geo, lighterman 32 Jeacock Jas, optician 35 Carrick Ann, plumber 3G Leith Jas, "Bunch of Grapes** 39 Godwin & Co, mast and blk mk 41 Roff Jas, retailer of beer 43 Walls End Coal Compy Carter Chas, manager 47 Giller Jas, barge & boat builder 48 Friend Saml, " David and H arp ChessorWm, cooper Dowson C and Son, ship builders 57 Blyth John and Alfred, engineers 59 Burton F, baker 61 Aylott John, currier 63 Jarman and Roberton, braziers 64 Garrett C, window glass cutter 65 Clark R W, comchandler 66 French Geo, plumber FOR STREET KEY. FRA 68 Talbot Robt, greengrocer 70 Burdock J & W, "White Hart" 71 Talbot W H, bootmaker 72 Barnett T W, surgeon 78 Farguson Eliz, "Barleymow Tp'' Taylor and Co, brewers 91 Adams Wm, ironmonger 92 Nash J, beer retailer 93 Moses J and Co, ship chandlers 95 Dunbar D and Sons, wine mchts 96 Tabraham J, dealr in marin stor.s Fore St, I*r. Lambeth. Lloyd Jos, coal merchant Davies H P, coal merchant Harinan E D, coal merchant Seagar Jos, "Ship" Barchard U. W, coal merchant Baker Wm, boat and barge smith Wentzell & Cownden, boat b'ulds Smith Geo, whiting merchant Ralph Jno, mast and oar maker Graham and Co, coal merchants Rolls F, lighterman and coal met Fleckney Jos, "OldDukes Head" Lankester Saml, "Red Lion" Russell Jno, general dealer . Harrison Benj, currier Noulton and Wyld, boat builders Taylor Jos, coal merchant, White Hart Wharf Fore St, Up, Lambeth. Crowley A C S and II , ale brews Bloodworth and Hadley, potters Ryder Rd, tobacco pipe maker [ Smith Thos, stone pottery- Points Wm, barge builder Nash Jas and Rich, barge bldrs Barber Jno, bone merchant Hunt JT, bone mcht and crsher Booth Cieo, lime merchant Beecraft Jos, lime burner Jones S, whiting mnf & coal mt Green Stephen, stone pottery Smith Thos, barge builder Howell and Co, pt malt roasters Cann J and H, bone merchants Higgins John, " 3 Merry Boys " Hawes W, mast oar & skull mkr Wellum John, "White Bear" Fort St, Spitalfields. 3 Mason John, silk manufacturer 4 Bowring Edmd, silk manfr 5 Edmunds J and Co, silk manis Goode W T, fancy trimg maker [ 7 Fowler Enoch, manufacturer 8 Marlborough J," Northum Hd" 9 Leach Jno, " Gun and Tent " 10 Hodges John, silk manufacturer 12 Warmisha Eliz, straw hat manf 13 Hart John, painter 14 Baker Rich, worsted warehouse 15 Todd Richd, tailor 16 Dobbinson Richd, cabinet mkr 17 Berringer J H, turner 23 Robinson J and T, silk manufs Turner W C, "Rose and Crown" 25 Heylin Jos, silk manufacturer 26 Dawson Jas, silk manufacturer 29 Jones and Martin, silk manufs- 30 Jones J, silk manufacturer 31 House G R, col paper manuf Foster la, Cheapside. 3 Mills Wm, wholesale glover 3 Meikle R, lithgr engraver 4 Drodie Jas. " Fountain" 5 Keighley J and Brothers, mnfrs 6 Elles Jas, baker 7 Ball & Co, child bed linen.whse 8 Ball &Co, ostrich feather manfs 9 Batkin and Co, Manch wrhse 10 Brooks and Leete, solicitors 1 1 Thorp and Co, wine merchants 12 Grout & Co, crape and shawl mi's Goldsmiths Hall Lane John, solicitor Prideaux Walter, solicitor 2, 41 & 42, Knight G& Sons, iromg Foster St, Btshopsgaie. Brown Geo, whalebone cutter- s' Jackson Chas, carpenter 6 Dowler Fredk, callenderer Brown R, bootmaker Foubert pi, Regent st. 1 Lloyd Solomon, hair dresser Short Richd, engraver 2 Jenkinson Fras, baker 3 Heritage Edw, oilman, &e 6 Crowden Rich, bootmaker Founders ct, Lothbury. 2 Cubitt Josh, stock broker 5 Founders' Hall Weight Ofv Gray John juur, sulicitor Martyr Thos and Geo, builders Edwards John, f Founders' Ars" ! 6 Benyon John, carpenter Fountain Ct, Alder manbury. Coster Jas and Co, warehousemn Fountain Ct, Cheapside. Williams B, music prntr & pub Williams 1), steel &eop pit prntr Fountain ct, Snand. 1 Parmenter Sam, lithog printer 5 Maire Thos, tailor 7 Smith Saml, coal merchant 8 Champness J S, coal &^oke mcht 13 Martin D, bookbinder 13 Farlow F, lighterman Rhodes J, "Colehole Tavern" Edie & Leatherdale, bottled malt liquor and whiskey merchants Fountain Stairs, Bermondsey. Hartree Henry, cooper Brown Jas, builder Miles R & G Brunt, turpntin mfs Fowkes builds, #wi slreet - 1 Clark J, ship agent 2 Hawkins Walter, shipowner 4 Giles, Son and Co, corn factors 5 CoitN Ex Segty Ofkick 5 Levick Geo, insp of corn returns 8 Phillips, King and Co, merchants Fox'S la, Shadwell. 3 Robson Thos, grocer 4 Price John, baker Durrant Jno, " Marlboro Head" Feather Robt John, " Fox" Dowding R, cooper Dewar and Nicoll, timber mchts 6 Baldwin Joseph, rope & rag mcht 13 Lickfold Wm, tobacco pipe makr Fox & Knot ct, Mim st, Sn an, Madgin Rich, 'carpenter Turner Wm, " Fox and Knot" Francis Ct, ClerkenwelL 1 Biggs Josh, pocket book maker 2 Gregory Wm,math mat rule mkr Francis pi, Tottenham court rd, Newton & Draper, cabnf & chr mr Hughes Chas, coach smith Francis St, Golden square. Fletcher Chas, watch maker 2 Smith Wm, solicitor 4 Bligh S, tallow chandler 6 Gardner John, grocer Francis St, Gray's inn road. Perkins A M, manfs of hot wtr ap FranCiS St, h'ewington butts. 1 Feesey R> greengrocer 2 Streak James, tailor 4 Dashwood Alfred, shoe maker 5 Simonett Wm, ivory comb mkr 7 Burridge J B, surgeon 10 Porter S, tailor Godfrey 11 ar, " Hamptn Ct Pal" 28 Heslegrove Jas, general dealer Waller Wm, builder 33 Todd Wm, tailor >i<,I>3l*l 34 Oakley J, glass paper miiTr _ 48 Howard Wm, baker 13 Page Wm, dancing master Francis St, Tottenham court rd. 2 King Berkeley, landscape painter 3 Burton Miss, milliner 4 Webb W, tf Marlboro' Arms" 5 Grosch John, tailor 6 Dutton Jno, painter and glazier 7 Neville Jno, tailor 8 Morton and Son, writers on glass 9 Wood Geo, painter and glazier 10 Scott Wm, boot maker -^*J 12 Scott Alexander, cab maker 12 Wood Jno, surgeon 12 Godden Jas, piano forte key mkr, 14 Scharf Geo, artist 15 Hargrave Saml, tailor; 17 Crofts and Every, milliners 19 Rose C, milliner 20 Draper S, tailor 21 Fletcher W, greengrocer 22 Bell Wm, painter and glazier 23 Reoves Miss, milliner 23 Noble Thus, carver and gilder 23 Grosch Geo, hair dresser 24 Hinds Josh, sealing wax mnfr 24 Watt E, milliner Isaacs Hyam, phial and botl dlr 25 Harris Alfred, cabinet maker 26 Graham J, academy" 1 *"** 26 Hawkins John, saddler 27 Walker Jos, organ builder Smith Jas, livery stables 28 Webb John, optician 29 Clapham H C, surgeon. 30 Totterdell G, grocer & Ital wrhse 34 Solomon Barnet, cob mkr & uph Francis St, Westminster road. Potter Robert, " Peacock" Pimm Hy, grocer and carman i iy FRE STREET KEY. PRI 32 Allen A, plasterer Ashlin Josh, retailer of beer Frederick mews, Regent's pk. 13 Birth Thos, carpenter Frederick pi, Gray's inn road. 7 Wilson Steph B, surveyor Frederick pi, Mile end road. 1 Hanscombe Robt, grocer Frederick pi, Newington butts. 72 Davies C, leech imp & sur hist mr Frederick pi, Old Jewry. 1 Allan and Son, solicitors 1 Wade A, solicitor 2 Coulson Wm, surgeon 3 Cotton and Benett, solicitors 4 Overbury & Harris, Blkwl hi fctrs 4 Dickson and Oversbury, solicitors Smith and Barnes, architects 5 Dinsdale Andrew, vara mer 1 Russell T M, agent for Taaffe's patent slating 2 Smith and Alliston, solicitors 3 Simpson Alex, mahogany broker Oswald Wm, provision merchant Freeman's la, Hurseiydown. 1 Bacon T, tailor 7 Langstone Edw, carpenter FreeSChooi St. Uorselyduwn. Cutto Abram, solicitor 1 Webb Elisha, chinaman 2 Billing Samuel,abaker 3 Millichamp Thos, gas fitter, &c 4 Lightfoot Rich, beer retailer 7 Jones John, straw hat maker 10 Allan Dd, chemist and druggist 11 Dean Wm, corn dealer 12 Waugh Joseph, grocer 13 Faulder Thos. confectioner 14 Andrews H, fishmonger 15 Hnson Henry tobacconist * Holloway J, butcher J 17 Winterbotham, '-Queen's Head ! ehant' ^ Riches Wm, greengrocer 6 Swain, Stevens and Co, solicitor,; l 9 n uck Geo ' smith 7 Edwards Edw, official assignee 8 Olherson and Co, solicitors Frederick St, Grays-inn-road. 42 Palmby Jn, surveyor of pavemnt Frederick St, Hampstead rd. 5 Ames W, tailor & breeches makr 12 Lemon Sam, " Royal Standard " 18 Gilkes T, grocer 22 Watts Marv, dairy 23 Pike R, upholsterer 27 Tidy T, tailor's trimming seller 32 Vince J, boot and shoe maker 36 Lawrence J, tailor 39 Miller , tailor 41 Jones H, tailor 41 Goble R, painter and glazier 42 Charles J, ginger beer manf Frederick St, Regent' spar/:. 1 Saddler Stephen, cheesemonger 2 Sutherland R, fruiterer 4 Lawrence Thos, boot maker 9 Walker Jas, tailor 1 1 Luckett Wm, tailor 14 Fuller E, coach painter 16 Copeland Jno, tailor 19 Wadley George, " King's Arms" 20 Edwards Elis, grocer 22 Prime M A, greengrocer 27 Brown G, tailor 30 Vernal S, oilman Frederick st 9 Stepney. Syer D, carpenter Frederick st, Up, 7 Wybrood Jos, painter 14 Holden Chas, tallow chandler 11 Butler N, wholesale stationer Freeman's ct, Cheapside. Muddell J, " Burton coffhouse" WestbrookJ, " Poulterer's Aim" Freeman's ct, Cornhui. * Woolcombe and Co, ship brokers 1 Samuel S M, merchant 120 20 Kiddle Wm, sack manufacturer 22 Packer Edw, basket maker 25 Cottam Hen, 'pawnbroker 27 Baxter Alex, baker 28 Sloper Thos, rule makers 32 Trundle Wm, boot maker 33 Wainwright John, oilman 34 Booth Philander R, cheesemngr 35 Moody John, tin plate worker 36 Reading Moses, baker Carman Ed, '' King's Arms " 37 Bear J, straw hat maker 38 Southey S, greengrocer 40 Chapman Jas, tobacconist 41 Viles A, grocer, &c 44 Hounsden John, carpenter 45 Gill John, watchmaker 47 Porter Robt, corn chandler 50 Litten M A, hair dresser 53 Hewitt Wm, tailor 48 Dovey Jno Sam, toy manufactr 56 Yule C, hair dresser 57 Foster John, grocer 57 Busby Chas, butcher 59 May son Jonathan, hat manufcr 56 Lapworth A, hat manufacturer 60 Smith T, impr of foreign articles 61 Stileman Thos, baker 62 Bean John, pork butcher 63 Colby J, boot maker 64 Busby C, tripeman I 65 Savage Wm, boot maker 66 Potts Jas, grocer 67 Bitmead Wm, blind maker 68 Gay M, stay maker 70 Dorrell Wm, tailor 71 Lee Saml, circulating library 7o Hutchings Jane, tobacconist 76 Mosey Philip, house painter 68 Beetlestone Geo, printer Burn Sam, distiller French horn yd, Cmtchedfr. Bradley D & Co, tobacco manuf Busby Wm, livery stables Wood Jn, wholesale coffee dealer Friar St, Doctors' Commons. Westley & Clark, bookbinders Friar's St, Blackfriars road. 1 Dixon A, goldbeater 2 Phillips J, tailor Chittenden G E, butcher 4 Hayden W, leather cutter 5 Guy Job, cap maker 6 Green Geo, shoe maker 8 lies, Robt, tobacconist 9 Webb and Gibson, accountants 1 1 Bott Monsr, French school Woodgates S, Bell Inn" 13 Gough G, tailor 1 6 Carter J, pork butcher 33 Jackson Hen, u Friar" 17 Bilboe W, hat box maker 18 Holmes Jno, marine store dealer 20 Pyne Wm. harness maker Phosnix Gvs Works Rice Chas, hair manufacturer 28 Jordan T, plumber 29 Woodhouse John, tin plate wkr 31 Tobias Jos, cap maker 34 Tait and Co, printers, &c. 37 AmeryW, bricklayer 4 1 Sendell G A, tobacconist 42 Jaggers Geo, shoemaker 47 Townsend John, butcher 45 Dawes M, milliner 49 Dietrecht & Villette, silk ht mnfrs 50 Easterfield T, marine store dlrs '} 54 Trotman Wm, steam boiler mkr 6 1 Dean John, baker C>3 Martin W, plumber 66 Cook Wm, harness maker 67 Bennett E, plumber &gas fitter Hdl John." Gen Abercr.mibie" 68 Beecroft Robt, house agent 70 Taylor Jeremiah, grocer 71 Chapman W, retailer of beer 74 Banlett K, oilman 75 Bagley T, baker 77 Newnham Wm, grocer 78 Bonnie Thos, china warehouse 79 Glover Wm, baker 80 Turner Robt, furniture broker Hughes Thos, shopkeeper 80^-Breeden Frkd, cowkeeper 82 Perry W T m, bootmaker 83 Dibb Wm, patten maker 84 Case John, beer retailer 85 W'ilson Jos, wholesale tin mnftr 86 Whittaker Jos, marine store dlr 87 Smith Geo, ladies shoemaker 88 May H, coffee house Friday St, Cheapside. 1 Dent J & W & Co, whol glovers 2 Reed and Shaw, solicitors 2 3 & 4 Feaver & Co, woolln wrhs 4 Twentyman & Thompson, Scotch and Manchester warehouse 5 Williams and Co, wholsi furriers Angell T, C, < Saracen's Head - ' 6 Russell and Co, " Saracen's Hd coach and waggon office 6 Russell and Co, carriers 7 James and Co, warehousemen 7 Lancaster J & Co, commisn agts 9 Allan & Smith, whsl linen wrhs 11 Coats and Co, linen merchants 1 1 Banks & Co,linen mchts & Man w 13 Jones, Russell & Co, warehsmen 14 De Lannoy and Nash, warehsmn 18 Brown Arch &Co, silk gaus pars 19 Bridges and Co, silk mnfrs 20 Inglis & Wakefield, Mous de L m 2 1 Greenless Jas, shawl warehouse 22^Gieive & Co, gauze mnfrs 23 Harvey Brand and Co, wrhsmn 24 Kynaston W & J, carp & blkt wrh FRI STREET KEY. GAI 24 Forrett David, shawl wrhsman 25 Suit Jane, boardg& lodg house 26 Fell W and Co, wine & br mchts 27 M'Dowall & M'Cutchan, wrhsmn 28 Whyte J jun, fancy silk gauz vvrhs 28 Giltillanand Co, [men tactois 30 Fairfax Har, " White Hors Tav" 30 Burnett VVm, waggon office Brown and Conway, whlsl grocers 31 Cooper Win, coffee house 33 Routledge Mrs, boarding house 34 Bayley J and R, packers 3t Keer Wm, Manchester agent 35 Frost Win, carpenter 36 Pember H, cheesemonger 38 Newton J and T, cigar rnnfr 39 Clapham Geo, agent 40 Davidge Jas, tailor * Barker Jas, wine merchant 40^Forbes & Co, shawl warehousmn 41 Edenborou^h J, surgeon 42 Spurden and Co, straw hat mnfs 43 Strachan A and Co, wrhsmn 44 MooilyThos, shawl warehouse 45 Avery and Parker, shawl agents 46 Wingate, Son and Co, wrhsmn 47 Biakesley & Son, packug cse mkr * Jones R A, linen warehouseman 40 Smith Geo, fruiterer 51 docker Jonath & Sons, cal prntrs 52 53 & 54 Goldsmith & Co, wrhsmn 5.') Andrews H, Sons& Gee, cal prnts 56 Saltmer Jas, silk route and uiiptr 57 Towler, Campin and Co, mnfrs 59 Banes and Cobden, Scutch wrhs 60 Mair, Son and Co, wrhsmn 61 Liddiard and Co, calico printers 61 Liddiard Gilbert, mnftrg chemist 62 Taylor Hen, Manchestr wrhsmn 62 Mair Wm, warehouseman 63 Holmes T and Sons, slk gaus m 64 Faulke W S and Co, lace mnfr 65 Poynter and Atkinson, stufl'mnfrs Friday st, Lit, 'Cheapside. 1 Ormiston Jas, Brass Company 4 Wingate, Son and Co, wrhsmn 5 Carter K, woollen warehouse 5 Barr J and Co, whlsl bookseller 6 Samler Hen, solicitor 6 Maxon F T, solicitor 7 Dell Geo Phelps, " Old Beli" Frith st, Soho. 1 Hayes John, artist 2 Allen, Dr. 3 Devin Adol, diamond work mnfr 4 Maniglier J, Geneva watch mkr 5 Albert Rkvkksiony Loan Soty 6 Mege & Zaehnsdoif, diamond strs 7 Curtis J L and Co, surgeons 8 Renton J, seal engraver 10 Howlett and Son, printers 11 Baldie Wm, baker 12 Thompson B, tailor 14 Chapman and Son, goldsmiths 15 Lewis J H, printer 16 Strudwick W and J, goldsmiths 16 Clare T, lithographer 17 Ramuz Alex, upholsterer 18 Nock and Williams, goldsmiths 19 Searle Wm, bookbinder 19 Lyndon Geo, whlsl jeweller 20 Cooze and Penley, decor pntr, &c 21 Watts J, gold and silver laceman 21 Beck John, tailor 21aOsborne & Watts, plte chest mkrs 22 Tibbey Edw, diamond merchant 23 Gregory Ed, carver and gilder 24 and 25 Keyes Hen, wine mcht 27 Fenn Chas, cheesemonger 29 Madle Ed, archery warehouse 30 Hughes David, watchmaker 32 Sutton John, boot maker 33 Kinnear C, mannfactring jewller 34 Reynolds Cbarlotte, jeweller 35 Hoepfner Augustus, tailor 36 Wyat Jas, tailor 37 Panurmo Edm, muscl inst mkr 38 Sawyer and Son, engravers 39 Seelenmeyer Geo, boot maker 40 Scutes Josh, bible warehouse 4 1 Brandt Chas, teachr of languages 41 Stammwitz , tailor 42 Roland I), tailor ' 43 Woodward Ch, ironmonger ; 44 Underwood Wm, tailor ' 44 Lock Josh, picture restorer 46 & 47 Sewell and Cross, mercrs, &c 48 Dressen Z, tailor 50 Gilliam John, jeweller 50 Day Jos, modeller and chaser 5 1 Methley W and T C, ironmongers 51 Moser and Co, ironmongers 53 Poulier Uobt, tailor 54 Snow John. surgeon 55 Pamplin Wm, bookseller 56 Capt Henry, watchmaker 56 Hawley John, watchmaker 56 White T E, die sinker 57 Bo'S Sam, tailor 58 Batiford Mad, milliner 59 Diamond II W, surgeon 60 Canet T, tailor 60 Abbott T, lamp &c, manufactur Mount. Chas, agent 60 Lanchenick Claudius, artist 60 Parent P, tailor 61 Clarke and Bedford, bookbinders 62 Crozier J, " Coach and Horses" 63 Collyer Mary, carver and gilder 63 Magnasson & Co, profar of langs 64 Wilkin Geo, tailor 64 Boudry G, watch manufacturer 65 Grandin J & Co, manufctg jewlrs 66 Angus Alex, surgeon Wessel and Stapleton, publishes Ward Thos, glass stainer Fuller St, Bethnal green, Ames F, undertaker 6 Caton Geo, velvet and silk weavr 8 Fontanen P, silk dresser 31 Hewett W, chair maker 23 Hewett R, chair maker Fulwood's rents, iloibom. 1 Vile Alfred, beer retailer 3 Johnson Matt, French polisher 4 O'Brien David, beer retailer 6 Spearing H R, cooper 10 Wetherelt Richd, coal dealer 18 Wright W A, printer 21 Knight Thos, tailor 22 Jacobs A, painter 22 Shelmerdine John, grocer 24 Munking Fred, brash maker FurnivaPs inn, Hoiborn. 1 Robins W L T, solicitor 1 Tancred Chas, solicitor * Close John, solicitor Woodward Wm, surveyor * Rotch Benj, tiarrister 2 Reece Rich M, solicitor 2 Skeet Robt, notary public * Fraser Michael, solicitor 3 Davy Christ, architect 3 Stevens Chas, solicitor * Walker Thos, solicitor 3 Hemsworth B, solicitor Pool Jos Edm, solicitor 4 Cowlard Henry, solicitor 4 Morgan Jas A, solicitor 4 Protheroe Thos, solicitor Meyrick Wm, solicitor 5 Walthew Fred Jas, solicitor Foley Walter, solicitor 5 Sadler Edward, solicitor Aplin Benj, solicitor 5 Simpson John, solicitor 6 Stephenson McCarthy, solicitor 6 Finney J D, solicitor 6 Gibbius James, solicitor Godsell Wm, solicitor Asprey Fred, solicitor 7 Whittaker Jos, solicitor Middleton Jas, solicitor Butler Edw R, solicitor * Downes and Gamlen, solicitors Dale Jos L. solicitor * Giraud Rich H, solicitor 8 Waterman Edward, solicitor Hildyard Geo, solicitor * Wolston Augustus, solicitor Coxe P S. solicitor Yallop Rowland, solicitor 8 Archer Geo, solicitor Lamb Chas, solicitor 9 Woods Wm, " Woods' Hotel" 1 1 King Saml, solicitor Barber John, solicitor 11 Horton Edw John, solicitor 11 Crisp John, conveyancer 1 1 Gow Neil, barrister Thatcher Fred, architect Davidson Thos P, solicitor * Taylor Jas M, solicitor 1 2 Woodward C, solicitor * Heath Matt, solicitor 12 GraefF John Geo, solicitor 12 Oates Edw, solicitor 12 Harris L H, solicitor ) 13 Walker Holden, solicitor 13 Trotman Ebnz, architect 13 Wilson C B, solicitor 14 Gadsden and Flower, solicitors 15 Higgins I W, surveyor Stubbs Wm E, solicitor 15 Bramwell Geo, solicitor 15 Smith Thos, solicitor * Taylor Jas, solicitor 16 Hammond Hen, solicitor 16 Temple and Bonner, solicitors 16 Cutler Fredk, solicitor Wright Wm, solicitor 16 Brooke and Cutler, conveyancer* Harwar Hen, law stationer Gainsford St, Horselydown. Greenwood Henry, surgeon 2 Fail Ann, coal merchant 3 Hunt W J, tailor 7 Eyre J, tailor 9 Burrell Wm, grocer 10 Bratt Saml, smith 10 Maidstone Wm, grocer 10 Knox Geo, baker 14 Woolley John, butcher 16 Dugdale Henry, block maker 17 Weir and Son, plumber and glazr 26 Benson Thos S, timber mcht 27 Kelsey Sam, baker 28 Howard T, Russ mat & corn mcht 31 Moreland J, mason 38 Smith John, shipwright 121 GAL STREET KEY. GEO 47 Temple J, lighterman 48 Philpott David, tailor 49 Syms Thos, lighterman Remnant Jas, *' Grapes" 55 Sutherland Jas, oilman 56 Edwards Mary, tailor 60 Knight Joshua, lighterman 62 Dullea Owen "India Arms" 63 Warren Geo, butcher Gal Way St, St. Luke's. 1 Freeman John, spring maker 2 Skinner Chas, bricklayer 5 Burton T, cabinet manufacturer 10 Thickbroom A & J, watch cse mr 16 Dockree J, pat gas burner mnfr 20 Moring Geo, secret springer 22 Hale John, watch motion maker 26 Stone W H, undertaker Young John, " Royal Oak'' 33 Atlee James, grocer, &c 36 Mornement Jas, tailor 43 Crossland J H, watch case mkr 44 Burkett John, secret springer 56 Griffin H, tailor Garden ct, Temple. Middle Temple Library 3 Hayes Geo, barrister * Murray Wm, barrister 3 Star Thos, barrister 3 Attiee W Wd, banister 3 Howard R E, banister 3 Baxter R, banister 4 Allen Thos, barrister 4 Brodigan Fras, special pleader 4 Thompson Fredk, barrister 4 Douglas J, banister 4 Western T G, attorney 4 Surtees F R, barrister 4 Thompson John, special pleader 4 Macdonald Jas, barrister 4 Whyte M B, barrister 4 Lucena J L, barrister Garden rOW, London road. 2 Hubbard E, clock maker 6 Quintou W, cabinet maker 9 White Jno, baker 12 Burton Thos, grocer 13 Bullbrooke Thos, chair maker 17 Hix W P, baker 19 Lees J, plumber 23 Shepherd Wm. greengrocer 24 Elvin , builder 40 Ward Wm, japanner Palmer Wm, tobacconist 28 Baston Wm, upholsterer 29 Smith S, blind maker 33 Johnson W D, newsvender 34 Gheeseman Saml, chair maker Garden st, Gt, ivhitechupei. 2 Crampton John, saddler 3 Bates W, coach spring maker Barber Wm, hair dresser Nathan H, draper & job warehse Nicholson J, ' Ship" 4 Patent Whalebone Manufcty 4 Glascott, brothers, copper smeltrs 14 Schoolings & Everet,wholirnmgs Hough W, " Anchor and Crown" 54 Hopkins M, general line Gardener's la, u P Thames st. Graham J, coal mcht and carman Lyon W, sufferance whf & grnries 122 12 Cooper Wm, watch manfr 13 Adams Geo, retailer of beer 15 Bayley W, gold and silver beatei 20 Peak Henry, fringe manfr * Taylor John, worsted spinner 27 Lovegrove Edw, printer 30 Jopson Wm, tailor 3 1 Evans Joseph, cock founder 33 Taylor Benj, trimming manfr 35 Bagnall Thos, engraver 36 Betts Thos, ivory turner 41 Freeman D, watch key maker 44 Street Sophia, watch gilder 45 Shirley Jno. gold and silver beatei 46 Wilmot G, barometer frame mkt 54 Baxter John, watch case maker 63 Bale James, watch jeweller Gee St, Somer's toivn. 1 Gray C, grocer 2 Quilter Joseph, butcher 3 Fisher Chas, '--Jubilee" 11 Adamson Robt, dairy 19 Tuck Thos, broker Gardiner's la, %ri st, jr<$t,n. Swinyard T G, tobacco pipe mnfr | Garford st, LinMumi 1 6 Haslip Jas, lighterman 12 Bourn W jun, lighterman Mitcheson and Son, anchor smiths Garlick hill. 6 & 7 Keen T & J, mustd & blue mfrs 10 Chenery Jno, " City Arms" 1 Croucher Thos, portmanteau mnfr 13 Dellow and Son, basket makers 14 Lewis B, "Crown & Sugar Loaf" Lazenby G P, fish sauce & pki wa 16 Savage Alfred, mill maker 17 Ewen and Son, whol perfumers 24 Rumsey W S, whol druggists, &c Garnault pi, Spafieids. 1 Benford Jos, dyer 2 Osborne Charles, broker 3 Hall and Son, eating house 4 Bate John, tailor 4 Smith Ann, milliner 6 Spicer Lewis, cabinet maker 7 Shaw W, baker 8 Hassell John, appraiser, &c 8^-Day John, jewellers' tray manfr 14 Philips John, diamond setter 19 Pitman Robt, jeweller 22 Whipple G, operative chemist | 28 Pretty Chas, livery stables Garter Ct, Barbican. 2 England John, plumber 9 Vernon Thos, basket maker Gastigny pi, Bath st, City rd. 3 Heap Chas, watch finisher 5 Mumi A, shawl manufacturer 8 Wakefield Ruby, bricklayer 14 Phillips T, tin plate worker Gate St, Lincoln's inn fields. 2 Edwards John Lyon, "Sun" Brown A, breeches & brace mkr 7 Chinu Jos, carpenter ~^"** * 8 Aldridge Jas, ' Hole in the Wall" 10 Moring T, seal engraver * Bird C E, dress maker 1 1 Shearsmith Robt, watch & elk mkr 12 Ullathorne W&Co,shoe thrdspns 12 Cheeseman J J, baker 15 Eshelby Geo, currier 14 Creak Wm, pawnbroker George Ct, Piccadilly. 2 Atwell John, hair dresser Applegarth J, ladies' shoemaker Justice John, butcher Moore Geo, biscuit baker Wilson Jas, printer Batehelor John, dining room3 8 Boutell Geo, carpenter 9 Moiyneux Thos, plumber 10 Dennis Sarah, grindery dealer 11 Srevenson J, fruiterer . George Ct, Snow hill. Freeman Wm, " Old George" 4 Simmonds S W, bricklayer Morgan Robt, cheese factor 9 Ham J, junr, watch maker George la, Pudding lane. 2 Gibbs H S, shipping agent 8 Stibbard & Daly, ship agents George rOW, Bermondspy. Jarvis D, hoop maker Gymer G A, slopseller Wade O, ship smith Burrows W, " O Margate Tow" Wainwright Wm, goldbeater 11 16 Southgate Saml, builder 17 Day and Haghe, lithographers 17 Day Wm, lithographic press mkr 17 Gowlands J, lotion warehouse 18 Warry Robt, coffee rooms Gedling St, Bermondsey. 8 Lipscomb Wm, carman 16 Waight R, machine & ge.a smith 6 Mudie Wm, baker 18 Lester John jun, dyer 22 Messenger J, ' M of Wellington" 1 Weeks J, grocer and cheesemngr Frame Wm, paper hanger Slow J, carpenter Hollingsworth Chas, butcher Gee St, Goswell st. 2 Wastell Jos, silver piercer 10 Pomeroy Wm, wood busk maker 12 Hardy Jas, watch hand maker 18 Joyce Wm, baker Heard Mary Ann, (k George" Phillips Wm, carpenter Dannell E G, grocer Marsden W J, lighterman 5 Hovill W, mathl inst maker Cranefield Chas, cooper George ct, Adeiphi. Gale John, "The George" Dovell Wrri, carpenter i George St, Adeiphi. 1 Taylor G, undertaker 2 Vialls John P, glass cutter 3 Clark John, case maker 4 Aitkin Chas, bookbinder 5 Wirgman & Fleming, pearl wrks 12 Seton and Nicholson, solicitors 13 Johnson Henry, coal merchant 13 Setou and Piggott,coal mchts GEO STREET KEY. GEO 13 Warren Edw, coal merchant 13 "Waller C B, coal merchant 13 Renaud P T, coal merchant 14 Stead D, orig ptntee tor \vd pvmnt 19 Brookbank Wm, tailor 22 Lees and Co, bill brokers George St, Blackfriars road. 1 Wall Josh, " George" 3 Shove C, straw hat manufr 5 Trinder Jas, painter 6 Tread well Wm, smith 7 Barrett J, French polisher 8 Liberty Jonathan, glass cutter 9 Bubb Wm,dyer 11 Marriott J, builder 14 Bridgens John, baker 15 Clarke John, straw hat manufr 16 Giraff J, tailor 20 Bates Wm, surgeon 21 South S T, beer machine maker 23 CoakseyT, hat manufacturer 25 Ames C, hat manufacturer 26 Williams O, hat manufacturer 27 Edwards John, bedstead manfr 30 Glass Geo, " Crown" 31 Archer Henry, potato salesman 32 Curtis W, general dealer 33 Deighton Wm, surgeon 34 Sard S, teawarehous^ v<|fcrri<4 'N 35 Howard Jas, fancy basket maker 37 Starling Wm, haberdasher 41 Reighby Robt, bookbinder 42 Young Wm. builder 43 Stephens John, butcher 46 Habbijam Henry, beer retailer 50 Muliins E, plumber 51 Bingle A, bootmaker Gray Josh, tailor 56 Aries A, plumber 57 Cox Rich, sheriff's ofhcer George st, Bhomsbunj. 1 Drake Thos, lath render Barker O, veterinary forge 18 Lynch M, coal dealer 20 Smith Eliza, cowkeeper -.^-v Police Station 27 Vollum Henry, "Two Brewers" Hennessey D, ' Buckridge Ams" 32 O'Brien Nicholas, " Harp" 34 Gardiner K J, bak& ^'"SO ; George St, Camberwell. Widdrington R," Waterloo Ams" Lambert Wm, baker Saunders J L, shopkeeper Freeman G S. brewer Joy E T, basket maker 8 Skinner Jas, beer retailer Murphy Geo, house painter Shilton Jno, beer retailer Hollingdale J, carpenter Copland Mary, shopkeeper Walker M A, shopkeeper Roffee John, corn chandler Bull Matt, baker 45 Williams .las, shopkeeper King Geo, undertaker 46 Ougley H, butcher Beverton B, tinman 3 Pike Wm, baker Douley Geo, beer retailer Tapsell Geo, grocer Collins Jno, greengrocer 21 Bowles Chas, shopkeeper Mansell Jas, shoeing smith 6 Craven and Son, grocers George St, Portland place. 1 Hall Richard, baker Goreley Ruth, " Swan"' 1 1 Goulty Sophia, shopkeeper 10 Darcy Wm, turner 12 Collings Jno, chair and sofa mkr 18 Bickley Geo, coffee rooms All Souls & Trinity District National School for Girls 16 Bartlett J, carpenter 19 Ross John, fishmonger 20 M'Dougall J, baker 22 Bone Henry, harness maker 24 Comley W, shoemaker 25 Martin Wm, grocer 29 Morgan Geo, carpenter 33 Bond Geo, dairyman 35 Warren Saml, tailor 36 Gale Joseph, painter 37 Hayward Jas, buildr and carpntr George St, Grosvenor squcwe. 1 Howell Henry, plumber 6 Thrupp& Sims, spring & axle mkr 9 Hatchman Henry, wood turner 1 1 Dickenson Geo Grosvenor, brewer 17 Eeles David, bricklayer 18 Chandler T, Pelham Arms" 20 Sherring S John, locksmith 23 Salter Geo, builder 24 Bond Stepben, carman Long Jas, * Grosvenor Arms" 27 Cotgreaves Robt, blacking mnfr 28 Lewis Edw, baker 29 Millward E, brass manufacturer 33 Thrupp J and C, coach builders 34 Ranson E, dairyman 35 Quince Saml, c<)fTde rooms George St, Euslon square. 7 Sheppard John, jeweller 8 Park Patrick, sculptor 12 Clapcott Cbas, painter and glazier 17 Kightley E T S, solicitor 13 Ford Geo, boot and shoe maker 57 Penny T, tailor 74 Geary F, academy 16 Davies B R, engraver 20 Sims Wm, tailor 23 Harris Rich, surgeon 24 Hooke John, boot maker 43 Perry Wm, grocer 46 Ellis Miss, ladies' boarding schl 44 Green Harry, surgeon ;*)2 Haynes H, carver and gilder 60 Wheeler Thos, tailor 61 Monson II, builder 62 Venner Thos, solicitor G3 Rippington John, butcher 67 Holliwell J, mason 63 Chapman Thos, cowkeeper 70 Garnett G C, tailor 76 Squire Wm, piano forte maker George st, Etmuxer square. 1 Renaud Cbas, " Limmer's Hotl" 4 Beacall Wm, dentist 5 Harvey Cath, milliner i0ft * 5 Acton Wm, surgeon 6 Orlebar Wm, solicitor 7 Powell J A, solicitor 8 Philips Thos, artist, R A 9 Baker Jas, taiii^JjS S^'iOsD 10 ScarmanWm, dentist 1 1 Turner Wm, tailor 12 Barker John, tailor 13 Nasmyth A, dentist 14 Chappell Jno, surgeon 17 Louise, Lenormand& Co, millnrs 18 Amstey, LeGassick & Guthrie, tls 19 Mayo Herbert, surgeon 21 Brewer Dr Wm, physician 22 Thompson Jas and C, dentists 27 Edmonds J T, surgeon 30 Pyne and Richards, solicitors 30 Watson Mrs, milliner, &c 31 Babington Dr, physician 32 Warren John, dentist 33 Cing am l Preston, button mnfrs 33 Upton W and Co, lamp mnfrs 34 Arney Hector, solicitor 35 Benfield Enos, tailor 36 Jones Wharton, surgeon 36 Rodger and Thomas, tailors George St, Lambeth. 21 Maude Thos, plaister spreader 36 Storar J, grocer Gadsby Alfred, builder 31 Gill Jas, ivory & hardwood turner George St, Mansion house. 3 Eldon Rich, dining rooms 4 May Wm, beer retailer 7 Hampton J, eagle dining rooms 8 Schaeht Geo, fur merchant 10 Giles Jas, coffee house 11 Webster Ilannah, grocer 12 Lefever and Son, carpenters 12 Parry G J, solicitor Barcherd Hen Jas, wine mchts 13 Lucas N, solicitor 13 Cork Stuffing Co 13 Bachelard L, pa cork stuffer 13 Williams's Pa Lock Company 13 Wells J D, solicitor 13 Morbey and Saunders, whl statrs 14 Alsager H, packer 14 Dyson W, packer 14 Lay Dan], solicitor 14 Toulmiu Saml S, solicitor 14 Chilcote Geo H, solicitor 14 Taylor H G, India piece For lin and leghorn broker 15 Chamberlin Wm, butcher 16 Montefiore Jacob, merchant Montefiore, Brothers, merchants Bullock Jos B, solicitor Arroyave Anselmo de, merchant * M'Farquhar and Co, ins brokers 16 Amner Thos, merchant. * Leigh Thos, solicitor George St, Minwies. 2 Clark Jno, academy 3 Alexander A and N H, goldsmhs 4 Ramsay Andrew, wine merchants 5 Wilson Jno, "Bunch of Grapes" 6 Wallis R, milliner 8 Joseph AandS, importers of toys 9 Thomson Jas R, solicitor 1 1 Madigan John, boot maker 12 Bryden And, lookng glass silvrer 13 Keyser M S & Co, whl shoe mkr 14 Toulmiu S S, solicitor George St, Montague street CHd,\ J I lutechapel. Read & Curtis, bent timber mnfrs George st, New ^ eul roul1 ' Greensted Martha, " 2 Brewers' Aldred Win, builder Hobman Chris, caiman 18 Walker Richd, grocer, &c 123 GEO STREET KEY. GEO Hanman A, plumber 41 Barber George, hatter 39 Norris B, bricklayer Wilson Wm, tailor 29 Hubbard Henry, hatter 26 Weeks Hannah, grocer, &c 34 Hudson J, blind mkr & ch joiner George st, Pail Mall. 2 Reutzsch Sigism, watch maker George St, Port man square. 7 Wood Thos, " Westmorlnd Arm" 8 Taylor G, grocer 9 Westby Aug, carver and gilder 10 Floyd Maria, dlr in ladies' wrdrb 11 Redmond M, milliner 12 Peacock Jesse, shoe maker 12 Peacock M A, milliner 16 Brock John, watch maker 17 Morriss Robt, carpenter 18 Perry Jos, shoe maker 19 Davies Chas, baker 20 Colgan John, writing master 20 Burnett T H, tailor Caldwell Adam, dyer 23 Withers Geo, confectioner 24 Savory Geo, " St Andrew" 25 Garratt S B, milliner 26 Boucher John, cheesemonger 27 Sawyer J T, builder 29 Garner Edward, dentist 30 Calcutt T, butcher 31 Barlow Geo, plumber 33 Wiilson J B, brush mnfr 33 Goodwin Thos, baker 34 Cadney and Bulling, dairymen 35 Kornherr J S, wax chandler 35 Nash Maria, fruiterer 37 Rackstraw J as, fishmonger 38 Postill Thos, shoe maker 39 Quartevmaine J, upholder 40 Blower John, carver and gilder 42 Mandy Hen, "Worcester Arms" 43 Harmston Thos, oil and Ital whs 45 Rees R J, cutler 46 Wace Alex, butcher 47 Tice Gf o, hair dresser 48 Sharp Wra, tailor 48 Clack Henry, upholsterer 50 Overton John, artist 52 Le Jeune and Co, corset makers 53 Jones and Co, coach builders 54 Laxton and Bryan, brewers 55 Free by Mary, milliner 55 Hunter James, auctioneer 56 Brown Jas, watchmaker 57 Mori ell Geo, builder 58 Brydon J, Berlin wool repository Fmdon Miss, dressmaker 60 Novis Thos, chemist 62 Elkins V'altne, imp Frankft black 63 Hawkins Jno Vincent, surgeon 65 Turner Jacob, coal dealer 66 Bowen Jno & Henry, poulterers 67 Hallandal Fred, stay maker 68 Child Chas ironmonger 71 Finn W T m, tailor 72 Seamon Jos, dairyman 73 French Sarah, corset maker 73 Bowles Wm, milliner 74 Cockman and Windmill, saddlers 75 Read Thos, working jewellers 75 Kniie Mrs, milliner 76 Jenkinson Vincent, butcher 77 Shand Wm, baker George Stj Shoredttck. 1 Barwick H D, plumber 124 28 Little and Oakshatt, carpenters 35 Whiting Jno, wood turner George st, Gt, tufa st, Sthwk. 1 Nicholls John, baker George st, Spudijuids. 4 Adams John, feather bed manuf George St, Tower-hill. 1 Stevens and Carter, W I mchts 1 Althans Henry, corn factor 1 Diamond Jas, merchants 6 Farquar Wm, chron maker Teap and Son, printers George St, Gt, Bermondsey. 4 Howard Thos, butcher Proctor Jas, "Royal George" 7 Henry Thos, retailer of beer 7 Evans Jacob, grocer 21 Wells Sam, bricklayer Dodson Jos and Co, bone mills 22 Wentworth Wm, skin salesman 25 Davey Macmurdo & Co, mnf che Duckitt Wm and Mark, cowkprs Bkkmon Sc for Boys on Brit S\s Harrington D, grocer 54 Saker John James, bricklayer] 63 Jones Edw, grocery dealer 71 Frampton M, straw hat maker 83 Brown Wm, accountant 93 Murray Edw Thos, leathr japnnr Whicheloe Holland Thos, grocer 4 Austin Thos, baker Rant'ord Sam H, "Fleece" George St, Gt, Westminster. 1 Blundell Jas Dr, physician Pitt Benj, t\pe founder 2 Palmer H R, civil engineer 6 Cubitt Wm, civil engineer 11 Pearce and Thyme, land agent 14 Hallett, Robinson & Maude, nvy agents 19 Roy, Blunt & Co, solicitors 21 Parks and Preston, solicitors 23 Walker and Burgess, engineers 25 Institution of Civii, Enoiners 27 Spottiswoode & Robertson, par ag 30 Grahame Arch, solicitor 34 Rendel Jas, civil engineer 34 Judge Adv General's Office George St, Lit, Bermondsey. Barclay R & C, wh led & col mr Bristow Geo, carpenter 5 Schorse Hen G, tarpaulin manfr Rogers Geo, coal merchant Farndell Francis C, hatter Aburn John, goldbeater Starling Jno, leather dresser George st, Lit, Spita/fieids. 4 Metcalf Tho3, wadding manufr Towler Geo, "Queen's Head" George St, Lit, binaries. Williams Benj, whol coffee dlr 4 Eyre and Godby, whol coffee dls George St, Lit, Westminster. 1 Earl John, builder 4 Obbard Wm, news agent Rogers Wm, " Green Man" Hallett, Robinson,& Maude nvag I * Centrai- National School , J George St Up, Bryanslon-sq. ! 2 Hall Chas, plumber / I 7 Gray John, surgeon 10 BarratThos, dyer ! 1 1 Peters Thos, coach builder 1 1 1 and 12 Tomlinson W B, pawnbk | 15 Langmore J C, surgeon 17 Wyatt Chas, painter, &c 17a Viner Mary, milliner 17 Brown Jas, painter IS Stephenson Robt, surgeon 18 Urrjuhart Alex, baker 21 Potter lit, "Eclipse liv stables" 21 Dady Rd, cabinet maker 27 Casey Stephen, bricklayer 30 Woodnutt W, upholsterer Parkins James, baker 35 Frampton Chas, eating hou^e 36 Gilbert Win, butcher 37 Girardet Jas, grocer 38 Williams Sam, fruiterer George yd. JUgto* Harrison Henry, wheelwright Lambert Spencer, coffee rooms Nelms Mary, cowkeeper George Vd, Bow-la, Cheapside. 1 Coupland Gilbert, whol stay mks 2 Williams Jas, whaleb manfr 3 Southgate & Son, box & case mk George yd, Crown st, Soho. 1 Jones John, hot presser ' Walker Wm, coach smith George yd, Duke st, Grosv. sq. Salter Geo, carpenter, &c George yd, Hatton wall. Baker Mark, carpenter Gregory And, smith George yd, Lincoln's inn fields. Wood Thos, importer of wines Haysay Jas, bookbinder George yd, Lombard st. 2 Harrison John, notary 3 Advertiser Office, Jell John 3 Straiton and Co, merchants * Phillips & Tiplady, ship & ins hks * New York Line of Packet Of * Keuchen Albert, merchant Leggatt Jno & Co, warehousemen Stuckey, Reynolds, & Co, agents Lee Thos, exportg ironmonger 6 Warriner & Simons, "Geo &Vltr'' 6 Henning A, insurance broker * Klein J F, merchant * Andelle and Co, general agents Dodds Jno, translator of laugugs Glaister W M, bill broker 7 Jeffery Wm, stationer, &c * Domett & England, mrh & sh brs England Thos, merchant Curling and Co, ship bisct bakrs Goodwin and Co, merchants 7 Dowson C jun, biscuit baker 8 Oxley and Taylor, merchants * Young Adam, insurance broker 8 Barber Jas, merchant 8 Sims Wm and Jacob, mchts GEO STREET KEY. Gn. Tatcheil Win, Russian broker Toulmin H & Calvert, sh & in br 9 Westhorpe J, merchant * Robinson E, Irish provision mcht Zeadebers?, Brothers, merchants Ashton Thos, ship broker Nicol J and Co, ship brokers * Gude Richd, jun, solicitor 10 Courthorpe J B & J & Bayly, stns * Milne A G and Co, merchants * Oldfield T B, ship owner Curling, Young & Co, merchants * Joad, Curling, & Co, rope mkrs * Joad Geo, shipowner * Isacke Matth, executors of * Campbell A and J and Co, mchts * Baddeley Wra, stationer 11 Rickman S P, merchant * British Gas Light Comp Of John Woodrooffe, sec 12 Richard John, metal broker Taylor and Son, ship agents * Wdkinson D, ship and ins brkrs * Twentyman Laurence, mcht George yd, Prince's st. Harpur Wm, coach builder George yd, Snow hill. McMillan H, " Old Geo Tavrn" Waggon Office, Chandler H W Morgan R, cheese factor George's rOW, City road. Boyle W, mineral allum works Gerrard st, Soho. 1 & 2 Pearson and Upton, Ithr sir 2 Carter and Davis, cheesemongers 3 Dudley and Rutty, linen drapers 4 Engeham J no, greengrocer 5 Warne Edmund jun, plumber 6 Perry J, tailor 7 Ransom Dennis, working jewellr 8 Busain J, militia & naval cap mkr 8 Smith Mrs, dress maker 9 Wade W, apothecary Wkstminstkii Gkn Dispensary Lloyd Thos, wine mcht 10 Jackson Robt, boot maker 11 Annet P, watchmkrs' tool mf 12 Balls Jas, " Grapes'' 13 li awl ins Thos, stationer 14 Jenner Walter, carpenter 15 Michau L, professor of dancing 15 Bonham L, whl boot & shoemkr W T alton J.ish, woollen draper 18 Winfield W, auc and appraiser 19 Bennison Wm, tailor 19 Baab J M, watchmaker 20 Gougenheim A M, translator of languages and foreign agent 20 Green H S, cat pent r and builder 21 Archer and Co, curriers 22 Barclay Geo, seal engraver 23 Greilier Hen, bookbinder 23 Clarke J F, surgeon 26 Wyatt J, tailor 26 Kersting Mrs, dressjnaker 27 Vaucher F, foreign warehouse 28 Nock W C, jeweller 29 Aland and MattheVs, wrkg jwlrs 30 Dreyer and Co, tailors 31 Baumgart Chas, watchmaker 31 Collins Sam!, tailor 32 McGowan Jas, button manufr 33 Minter G, ptnt invalid chair mkr, cabinet mkr, &c 34 Hide Hannah, upholstress 34 Hance Jas, land agent 36 Wakeling, Giles and Son, uphols 37 O'Ferrall Ann, Frch & Amer Hotl 38 DAlmaine and Co, embroiderers 39 Alerme O, eating house 39 Rimmel H, wholesale perfumer 40 Seymour E & J, engrav & enamlr 40 Guillaume Madame, milliner, &c 41 Marchant Jonathan, coal mcht 42 Sinclair Wm, surgeon dentist 43 Kelly E, glass scolloper 44 Christian J A, land survyr & agt 45 Weeks Jas, broker 46 Radclyffe L, jeweller 47 Gill Thos, beer retailer Penhall John, " King's Head" f j Gibson square, Islington. 8 Hardy R B, surgeon Scott Jno, surgeon 36 Horder J G, professor'of music 52 Jennings Mrs, ladies' school 54 Allan John, surgeon 61 Tounsend Misses, ladies'j[school 68 FieldJMiss, ladies, school Gibson St, Gt - Waterloo st, Lamb. 2 Steer II G, shape manfr 4 Powell Amos, chain mnfr 5 Booth Robt, builder 6 Hillary W, tailor 7 Farson R, lightermn and coal dlr 8 Partridge Wm, herald painter 9 Chappie John, dyer 10 Plume Wm Hen, dlr in wardrbs 11 Tuck Francis, oilman 12 Griffiths R S, " Duke of Sussex" 13 Baylis J H, surgeon 14 Murral John, cabinet maker 15 Strickland Chas, cliocolate mnfr 16 Goodman Jas, currier 17 Bernal Frances, milliner 18 Jenner Thos, grocer 19 Orme Robt. haberdasher 20 Matterface Abraham, millwright 21 Kenrick Hen, chemist, &c 22 Castell Chas, auctioneer 23 Maybank Jas, coal merchant 24 Bennett Wm, i-etailer of beer 25 Brewer Jno, brewer 26 Brown R, engnr,mch,la& tl mkr Treweek Caleb, tailor 28 Roberts Thos, tobacconist 29 James Kliz, marine store dealer 30 Broadhead Marian, coffee rooms 31 Christmas Geo, bootmaker 32 Mitchell G R, baker 33 Golding S, book and print seller 34 Freeman J, buttn & trmmng mkr 35 Morgan Jas, tailor 36 Greenshields G, dlr in wardrobes 37 Dig^ins Ann, toy warehouse 38 Hugill M, corn chandler 38 Hugill M, van proprietor 39 Cox Thos, tobacconist 40 Phillipe Jn, dealer in wardrobes 41 Swinden Chas, coffee rooms 42 Jenrick J T, engrvr & cpr pit prtr 43 Dunn Josh, shoe maker 44 Bellew J, artificial flower maker 45 Nash Win, sen, chair maker 46 Hoad John, baker 47 Home Thos, hair dresser 48 Bushnell Jos, tailor 49 Kluge J H, furrier 50 Budden Geo, tailor 51 Snow T, milliner Gilbert St, Clare Market. "4 Fry George, White Horse " 5 Neave Martha, shopkeeper 6 Biss John G, undertaker Warwick J, greengrocer 10 Green Thos, carpenter 12 Kemp Hy, cowkeeper Gilbert St, Grosvenor square. 1 Trulock Francis, potato dealer 2 Hillsdon John, corn chandler 2 Turpin Josh, coffee rooms 3 Sparks Thos, boot maker 6 Webber Robt, butcher 7 Willmott Thos, carpenter, &c 8 Davy Wm, printer * Davy H and A, milliners 9 Bullen Hy, surgeon 10 Bailey A, butcher 11 Leach Wm, tailor 12 Gofton Wm, pawnbroker 13 Brookes Wm, grocer 14 Rawlings and Co, stay makers 19 Morris Rd, ''Three Horseshoes" 31 Payne and Sanders, tailors 32 Gerry Jas, builder 34 Bryan Jos, baker 35 Ayling Wm, grocer 36 Lipop Lorenzo, bit maker 37 Stockwell W H, furng undertakr 38 Francis Geo, grocer 40 Brookes Geo, coal &c dealer 41 Maslen Josh, glass & china dealr 42 Hughes Rich, stationer 43 Tubbs Thos, dairyman 43 Stevens Jno butcher 44 Emanuel Abraham, tobacconist Gilbert pas, Clare market. Wood C, " Mc Niven & Crr Tav" Walter Chas, " George IV " Price Clias, butcher Beachem T, butcher Reaves R, butcher Miles & Martin, cheesem & oilmn Gill St, Cnnml rd, Limehouse. Pile Robt, " Lord Nelson " 15 Ford John, grocer 22 Garland Chas, baker Gillingham st, ffmlico. Armstrong and Smith, builders Ion Edgar M, " Warwick Arms' Herbert VV, sawmills Courteney Jas, tailor Craven John, maible engraver 10 10 1 Tomkins Wm, baker Giltspur St, Smithfield. 2 Harris Geo, tailor 3 Pockett Daniel, fishmonger 4 Hoare Jos, " Foitune of War " 6 Baron. Harvey & Co, druggists 7 Winskill John White Hart " 8 Ross Thos, printer 9 Jefferies J Chas, surgeon dentist 1 1 Wright Thos, cheesemonger 12 Hindley H, tobacconist 13 Hill John, eating house 15 Carman Thos, fc Co, iroumongrs 16 Richardson E J, wine merchant 17 and 18 Pink Jos, carrier 18 Cook Thos, tailor 19 Clark Chas, veterinary surgeon 19* Davis C, "Plough" 125 GLA STREET KEY. GLO 19 Gilruth David, baker 20 Smith J H, agnt Stockerpatjmgs 21 Ferguson Dan, surgical cutter Glasshouse St, EastSmithfield. Lent James, smith Farrell Ann, " Crown" Lent James, " Two Brewers ' Sparks G, builder Dempsey Jos, iron mould maker Firmin John, carman Mason W, " Three Compasses " Glasshouse fields, Ratdiff. Miller, Ravenshdl, & Co, enginer Sanders Thos, beer retailer Glasshouse st, R&twi *fmt\ 1 Green S, fruiterer 3 Gate John, linen draper 4 Carr Wm, trimming seller 4 Dausday John Henry, tailor 6 Scott & Wright, woollen drapers 9 Cox B, butcher 10 Towerzey Alfred, chemist 11 Cox Hen, hatter Glasshouse yd, Gotwell street. Worcester, Stubbs & Co, carriers Williams W mail & stage ch mkr Ware John, wheelwright Williams Jas, ' Ship " 21 Hill John, bricklayer Glasshouse yd, Doctors Com. Robeson John Mills, printer Davis & Coventry, stl rb & urn mfs Richmond John, livery stables Globe Ct, Eish street hilt. Barnes Robt & Co, merchants Blossom Thos, " Globe " Globe rd, MUfi end road. 2 Blake Thos, veterinary surgeon 3 Butterfield Henry, baker 4 Colegate Mary, greengrocer 5 Hays Daniel, haberdasher 6 Lovett T, straw & Tuscan hat rnf 1 1 Perkins A, stay & corset maker Mance Thos, grocer 12 Philips Robt, marine store dealer 12 Philips R, musical instrment mkr 13 Downey Thos, pig dealer 15 Squires Jos, tailor Burnett Wm, beer retailer Meed Jas C, builder Burke Wm & Co, India rubber mf 12 Deeks Wm, builder Bradshaw Eliz, beer retailer 13 Simson Jas, pork butcher 14 Paker Rich, marine store dealer 15 Somerville Robt, greengrocer 11 Beaten Mar, " Prince Regent" 131 Rider Wm, broker 11 Cousins Win, greengrocer 1 1 Fuller Jas, slater & filter manf Stephenson Sam, carpenter Poulton Jas, grocer & cheescmr 12 Birnie Wm, surgeon Berry Jas, corn dealer Cauch J, undertaker Blunt Edw, haberdasher Wingfield W, " Queen Victoria" Castle Jas, baker Chubb John, cork cutter 126 Richardson John, butcher Johnson Ann, baker Edwards Geo, maiine store dealer 18 Saunders S, bookbinder & statnr Ward John, steel toy maker Sparshatt Wm, farrier 13 Blackshaw , beer retailer Cleaver Geo, shoemaker Branch John, baker Sultan Geo Thos, pork butcher Smith J, grocer Burrows G, greengrocer Sherburd Wm, draper Cannon David, grocer Yetton P J, " Rising Sun" 2 Payne Wm, shoemaker Ball Saml, smith and machinist Haigh Henry, engineer Reeve Wm, (i Prince Albert" Drew Edw, boot and shoemaker Coulson J, bricklayer & plasterer Singleton W, ironmonger & smith Hogan Jno, greengrocer Searle Robert, greengrocer 12 Roberts R, grocer & cheesemngr Pringle Robert, baker Porter Edw, auctioneer Deeks Wm, oilman Pinner Jno, undertaker English Jno, grocer & cheesmngr Smith John, butcher Wilson Jno, stiffner manufacturer 18 Westcott Henry, baker Welch John, Horn of Plenty" Brock Jos, grocer Heading Ann, eating house Beal Thos, nightman Globe St, Wapping. 1 Malcom Geo, surgeon * Jury Fraucis, lighterman 4 Clinch Jos, ".Pilot" 6 Cooper Geo, lighterman 10 Finnis J R, lighterman 12 Morrison Wm & Co, yst & spr m 13 Hobbs W H, lighterman and agt Globe yd, South Motion st. Hall Hen Jas, engraver Gloucester mews, West, Montague square. Deall M, livery stables Timberlake H J, job master Gloucester mews, Portmn sq. 4 Kenney E, bricklayer 4 Jukes Henry, carpenter 6 Mundy G, plumber 12 Mundy E, saddler, &c 13 Langworthy , veterinary surgn 12a Holmes John, cooper Gloucester pi, Portman sq. 48^- Scarfe C, timber merchant 54 Wright J F G, surgeon 67 Hoddnig W H, surgeon Gloucester pi, Up, Dorset sq. 1 Bloomer & Son, grocer & tea dlrs Marchant J L, school 2 Elderton Thos R, ironmonger 3 Low W F, solicitor Physick E G, sculptor 5 Acheld and Son, plumbers 6 Churchill Jas, auctioneer 28 Henderson H, surgeon Gloucester rOW, Walworth rd. Giddon Arthur, coach currier 11 Parry Josh, leather cutter 10 Boorer Wm, wheelwright Minter Wm, (i Dk of Gloucester'' Charinjrton Jas, dlr in mam stores Smith John, vellum mauufr 3 Dace M, shopkeeper Norrington Wm, boot & shoemkr Smith Rich, greengrocer Kiss W D and Son, solicitors Walters John, tobacconist Gloucester St, Commercial rd. * Bevan N, glass mounter 1 Steel Rd, carpenter & furn broker 3 Marshall R, bricklayer 21 Scarff Thos, carpenter 25 Bildersee J, fancy shoemaker ' 27 Thomas R, collar maker Gage W, " Bricklayers' Arms" 41 Jones John, carpenter 43 Drinkwater Wm, dyer Keen , gun manufacturer 24 Shaw J, undertaker M'Latchie Jas, millwright 52 Johnston Robt, cigar mauufr 63 Monds T W, tallow chandler 61 Hegiey Wm, gun maker Gloucester St, Curtain road. 5 Harris & Lilley, tallow melters 7 Metcalf Wm, japanned fur manf Gloucester St, Portman sq. 6 Normansell & Slade, dentists Gloucester St, Queen sq. Lister T, Hole in the Wall" Nelson Hy, math instrument mkr Burnard John, tailor t Tibbs R W, dentist Wood Jno, engraver Hawes Wm, tailor Ball Geo F, gold & silver worker 13 Hart Robert, engraver 13 Powell A, milliner 21 Canham Jas, bookbinder 23 Hamlyn G, * Angel and Crown" * Rogers Jas, jun, builder 2JlMoseley E, dlr in forgn wines & sp 26 Bertrand Mon A, dancing master 25 Stead Thos, surveyor 27 Jay Stephen, music seller 28 Kennington Sarah, ladies school 27 Taylor Wm, smith & bell hanger 29 Walker T, watch & clock maker 32 Beard W, fancy cabinet maker 32 Gearing Jas, schoolmaster ! 40 Robinson Benj, tailor 41 Beadon Abm, bookbinder 12 Palmer Wm, engraver 43 Carruthers Thos, tailor 45 Cappur R T, surgeon 46 Bishop John, tailor 47 Izard Isaac, tailor and draper 48 Gwyn Miss, ladies school 51 Everest John, carpenter 50 Williams Richard, solicitor 53 Wilkinson John, bootmaker 54 Rockall Wm, greengrocer 56 HollingwortR W H, tobacconist 57 Carr Fenwick, oilman Gloucester st,^- /*' 1 Nicholls Henry, oilman 2 Mitchell Benj, tailor st-rd. GLO STREET KEY. GOL 3 Collins Wm, fancy cabinet mkr G Barnet H, copperplate printer 8 Jones Daniel, goldsmith 9 Cattle Enoch, fancy cabinet mkr 10 Deligney W, working jeweller 13 Pastance Rowland, greengrocer 1 1 Hammon J W, watch case mkr 14 Nunney T F, " Duke of York" 15 Ford & Dobson, cotton & rus dlrs 17 Andrews S, milkman 18 Bnnyan John, tailor 1 9 Ashby Wm, baker 22 Harris John, watch case maker 23 Manning W, gold cutter 24 Hazell Jonathan, goldsmith 25 Griffin Francis, escapement mkr 26 Holmes J, springer and liner 27 Clarke Daniel, cabinet maker 28 Baker Wm, watch finisher 29 Fielder W, watch case maker 30 Parker W, jeweller 31 Vernon G, springer and liner 31 Hopkins J, engraver 32 Brown I, tool dlr & watch maker Gloucester st, Upper. St. John's st. road. 4 Greathead The Misses, ladis sen* 4 Pratt James, carpenter 10~Johnstone H W, gld-ft silrwir dr Gloucester st, New, ##** 1 Turner J, builder 3 Newton C, millwright and engr Newton and Wersam, millwghts 5 Mettam Wm, lace m an ulr 9 Morrison It, builder 13 Richards C J, furrier 20 Bros John, watchmaker 23 Harrison E, undertaker 30 Bailey W, look glass frame mkr 31 Gould Wm, cabinet maker 32 Very M and S, stationers 33 Perry John, grocer Hignett Jno, "North Briton"' 40 Evans Samuel, cowkeeper 45 Royal I, bricklayer 49 Ambrose, Geo, watch escape mk 49 Ambrose M A, straw hat manf 56 Culverhouse W, soda water mkr Gloucester st, Old, Hoxton. 1 Freeman W, baker Fuller's Ai,ms-Housks 20 Grove R, carpenter 23 Harris J k T, herald chas & embrs 40 Newman Peter, grocer, &c 45 Hewitt Wm, dyer 46 Jardine Jas, bootmaker 50 Carter Saml, tea dealer, &c Gloucester St, Up, Dorset so. 1 Menhem Barrow, wine mcht la Arrend Nicholas, boot maker 13 Fades Wm, tobacconist Gloucester pi, Nw, Hxtnfls. 1 Jones Jas, engraver and prints 5 Stevens D J, watch and elk mkr 6 Flandell Thos, grocer 15 Toon J,portabl desk & wri cs mk Gloucester terrace, Hoxton. 2 Jones Jas, annato manuf 6 Coles Wm, tailor Irwin Elizth, "Duke of Gloster'' 4 Coward Wm, surgeon Godfrey ct, Mtik-st. Asams & Pollock, Manchtr whse Godliman, St, Doctrs Commo?is. 1 Wadeson Fdwd W, proctor 1 Crickett and Sons, proctors 1 Haworth Jno, proctor 2 Severne C, proctor Bedford and Middleton, proctor* 3 Shephavd and Co, proctors Bishop of London's Office 5 Fenton Perror, proctor - 6 Wheeler Hen Jas, proctor * Orme Malcolm, proctor 7 Gostling and Son, proctors 8 Addams and Cresswell, proctors * Addams Rjunr, proctor i 8 Franklin VV R, proctor 9 Power Jas, surgeon 10 Crutwell and Nicholson, proctors 10 Boswell jno, proctor 10 Loveday Arthur, proctor 10 White John Wm, proctor 10 Winstanley R H, proctor 11 Nicholl lltid, Queen's proctor 1 1 Nicholl and Son, proctors 12 Farrar and Lake, solicitors 1 3 Pott Fred W, proctor booC 1 4 Fielder J E & G, proctors 15 Townsend and Robarts, proctors Golden la, Barbiaa?i. 13 Wilkinson Edwin, coppersmith 14 Prosser Thos, grocer &c Snow Geo, "Fountain & Still" 14 Cooper James, eating house 15 Tringham Geo, watch maker 17 Vickress Wm, ''Cooper's Arms" 18 Bilbrough E, cowkeeper Daisey Wm, beer retailer 20 Adcock and Co, flock & hdg mf 24 Henderson M, 26 HorwillThos, 28 Lynn C, leather seller 29 Coombes Edward, "Britannia" 30 Lawler M, pewterer 32 Peell Robt, potato dealer 33 Pt-pperell John E, coffee house 34 Stone L, undertaker 49 Weale Thos, Duke of Bedford" 61 Benjamin Eml, clothes salesman 53 Iiayward Geo, potato dealer .>5 Gilbert & Frasi, iron founders 56 Fowler Thos M, oilman 58 London Jas, patten maker 62 London J, china dealer 64 Walden J, corn dealer 74 Smowton Jas, undertaker ,,fi i 76 Brown Eliza, "Cooper's Arms'' 80 London Jas G, plumber, &c 83 HiUback Robt W, grocer 84 Pearce R A, coal dealer 92 Bower Wm, eating house 93 St. Lukk's Middlesex School 93 Chance Chas, butcher 94 Wheeler W II, baker 98 Morris M, marine store dealer 99 Simpson John, grocer 99 Ward J, botato salesman 102 Yerbury Walter, baker 103 Ferris Fredk, "Goat" 10 1 Wheater Saml, lathe manf 105 Parry Edw & Rd, iron foundrs 106 Moffatt W, "Admiral Benhow" 109 Newman Wm, watchmaker 111 Sowter Saml, builder * Sowter Thos, brickmaker 112 II Ul Thos, baker greengrocer baker 129 Gresley Philip, "Crown" 131 Fitzgerald Edw, soap maker 133 Hutton James, grocer, &c 136 Washington C, grocer 138 Hart Hy, marine store dlr 139 Hodgetts J, "Golden Anchor' 140 Garvatt Jas, grocer Golden sqt 1 Stodart W & Son, pianoforte mfr 2 Desvignes Geo, diamond mcht 3 Brookes Mrs, academy 4 Copeland T, surgeon 5 Wood John M, solicitor 6 Saunders Mrs Susan, boardg hse 7 A' Beckett, Son & Simpson, sols 8 Dunn Rd, tailor 9 Broadwood & Sons, pianofor mks 10 Costello Wm, surgeon 11 Austin Brothers, dyers 11 lioys T, publ and print seller 12 Chilcote Paul, surgeon 13 Highmore R, milliner 14 Lee Dr, physician 15 Wright Richd S, solicitor 16 Rye Edw, solicitor 16 Rust Thos, warehouseman 17 Peel John, artist 'OoO 17 Hills Robt, artist 19 Mapleson J, cupper 20 Morgan Jas, civil engineer 20 Lee C, architect and surveyor 20 Duesbury Hy, architect & survr 21 Andrews Dr, physician 22 Parkcs Mary, print publisher 23 Rapj) Lewis, " Rapp's Head" 24 Smith Geo, solicitor 26 Babington G, surgeon 28 Richardson Smith & Jones, solrs 29 Caldwell D, solicitor (Scotch) 29 Caldwell F W, solicitor 30 Hawkins Dr E, physician 31 Arnold A W, solicitor 32 Stodart Edw, surgeon 38 Sabberton Jas, tailor Goldsmith pi, Hackney road. 2 Shutler Richd, beer retailer Roper Edmd, furnish undertaker 4 Woolley Thos, butcher 5 Dove Saml, plumber and glazier Garrod B, bricklayer 1 Evans Edwd, oil and colourman 11 Brett Jno, boot maker 14 Elvidge Geo, baker 29 Wasey Edw, carpenter 28 Sheppard Jas, locksmith Forsyth G, " Goldsmith's Arms" Jones Saml, jack maker Goldsmith's rw, Hackney fids. 1 Fundell Joseph, baker Herbert Jno, " The (i lobe" 2 Vaughan Robt, butcher 2 White Francis, grocer and oilmn 5 Carrington Thos, baker 6 Wat ling Thos, fruiterer 7 Wright Wm, corn dlr & fiirn bro 7 French Thos, tailor 8 Lay Wm, butcher 12 Millet Robt, grocer & cheesmngr 13 Woolley Benj Jas, locksmth, &c 14 Rodgers Jno, grocer 15 Lewzey Wm, tin plate worker 1 7 Baptist Jos, currier and leathr ctr ]ter John, carpenter 5 Pugsley D, shirt and stock mnfr * Betts John, bombasin agent Coe Miles, lace manufacturer 6 Lowe J G, silk and ribbon wareh 7 Sculthorpe Jos, wholesale hosier 8 Way and Locke, straw bat mnf'rs | 7 Piggott WR& Co, carpt whseinn 9 Hood Jno, com mission agent 9 Jones Saml, foreign fruit wareho 10 Elliot W, button manufacturer 11 Graham & Co, Manchrwarehsmn 13 Keene and Co, India rubber mcht 13 Weedon F, lace manufacturer Goodge St, Tottenham court rd. 1 Tullett I T, " Talbot" 2 Butler J, baker 3 Waugh and Son, carpet mnfrs 4 Larkin M and J, stay makers 5 Shepherd J E and E, china dlrs 7 Wing and Jones, butchers 8 Brown Thos, baker Tyler Rich, "Valiant Trooper' 10 Matthews Chas, turner 11 Archer Wm, tool maker 12 Woollatt S J, coffee house 13 Spencely Eliz, dyer 14 Edwards Wm, china dealer 15 Sheerman John, grocer 16 Copus Chas, broker 17 Truman Jno, ham and.beef wareh 18 Hignet H J, toy and turnery whse 19 Glover Geo, chemist 20 Kelsey Richd, boot maker 21 How and Cheverton, grocers 22 Bennett Geo, baker 23 Wyloe Jno, potato dealer 24 Spenceley Jas, oilman 25 King R C, butcher 25 Thurgood Joseph, cheesemonger 28 Whisson and Co, wine merchants 29 Griffiths Wm, greengrocer 30 Adams Jno, baker 31 Whittingham Jno, hair dresser 31 Green Robert, poulterer 32 Poole Joseph, butcher 33 Godden Geo, chandler 34 Benoimont Hen H, tobacconist 35 Heywood Wm, watch maker 36 Loving H, " Northumberl Arms" 37 Edwards W, fruiterer 37 Thiselton A, printer 33 Volk Plazi, clock maker 38 Westfield H T, milliner 39 Farrant Wm, pi amber 41 Birdsey Wm, grocer 42 Button Wm, plumber 43 Penney T, trimming seller 44 Green Geo, carpenter 45 Garsed John, tobacconist 46 Aldington Wm, corn dealer 47 Elvin and Taylor, booksellers 48 Barton Joseph, rug mafr 48 Elvin and Taylor, booksellers 49 Manning Rich, coal merchant 50 Portch Dan, cheesemonger 128 51 Paybody Joseph, butcher 116 Gale Hen, bookbinder 51 PocockChas, plumber, painter, &c 17 Saunders H, brewer 52 Edney Jas, coal dealer 53 Reid Jas. undertaker 54 Greener Jos, hair dresser 54 Hewitt James, shoe maker 55 Law John, gold beater 55 Hince Jas, butcher Goodman's stiles, Gdmn'sfds. Tapscott Jno, " The Castle" 6 Waller Rich, gas fittr & brs mnfr 7 Lewis J, auctioneer 8 & 9 Archer J, broker Hodgson Thos, sugar refiner 5 Hasler Jno, musical instr m;iker Goodman's yd, Minories. 2 Starke Hannah, tallow chandler 16 Horwitz Morris, cap maker Ranson J, wheelwright 26 Mason Hen, smith 11 Cook Jno and Edw, soap mkrs Ball Wm, "Golden Lion" Brace Wm, baker and brewer Richards W, ' Ben Jonson's Hd" Goodwin's Ct, St. Martins la. 1 Minto Thos, tailor 4 Wilson Chas, tailor 5 Elerig H, tailor 6 Walker Dan, tailor 7 Weber Wm, tailor 14^ Blagden Thos, corn & coal mcht 10) Vice liar, oil and colourman 110 Jones E Delia, cowkeeper 109 Owen J, mfr imp pink saucers 106 Brown J, beershdp keeper 107 Randell Wm, carpenter 104 Honour Eliz, green grocer 1 1 1 Street Geo, house agent 113 Vanscolina R J, watch engraver 114 Underwood Ab & Thos, chasrs 115 Gallienne Abr, cabinet mkr Frederick place. 1 Hill Thos, musical inst seller 3 Steirs Wm, tailor 5 West , plumber 8 Ewens Fred, tailor 1 1 Mills Thos D, fancy cabinet mkr 14 Ord Wm, surgeon 15 Pettipiere Hen, pastry cook 16 Hoard Thos, carpr joi'nr& undtkr 18 Henman Pet, bed & mattress mkr Goswell road. 19 Crump Wm, brush maker 20 Moss Robt, pawnbroker 23 Pritchard Philip, ham dealer 25 Gamson Fred, chemist j 24 Jones Wm, " Northampt Arms" J 2 1 Rutler D, fruiterer 18 Evans Thos, bookmaker oIO J 17 Scarlett John, butcher | 16 Dimock D, fishmonger j 15 Dowden Hen, chemist j 14 Russell G, upholsterer 13 Cherry Eb & Luke, linen draprs 12 Farley and Co, statuaries 8 Clarke & Sons, watch mfs&jewls 3 Jacob John, surgeon Gordon sq, 1 Fowler Chas, architect 55 Luxmore C, surgeon dentist Gordon St, Gordon square. 2 Knight J, surveyor and architect I \ \ Jf^key Thos f Co > cheesmngro 22 Hull Francis, beer retailer 26 Field Edw, potato dealer I * Warwick Wm, pencil case mnfr M'Gahey J. vest cirk of St Pancrs | 2 7 Checkley Jos, butcher 29 Beaufoy Lucy, tea dealer, &c 30 Sawyer M, linen draper 31 Siatyer Jos, tailor Gordon St, Up, Gordon sq. 3 Scadding Edw, solicitor Goswell meWS, Goswell road. Mackintosh C & Co, wprf clth m Goswell rd, Ratcliff terrace. 1 Hester Hcu, oil and colourman 2 Cutler Wm, hous paintr & decor 3 Sands James, tailor 4 Austin C V, water gilder 5 Mertield John, engraver 11 Lowe and Smith, milliners 13 Green Chas, corn and coal mcht 14 Hamlet Saml, " Champion" 15 Gale John, baker 18 Garland M, bonnet shape wrhs 19 Knight John, draper 20 Knight Fred Wm, engraver, &c 21 Smith I G, desk & drg case mkr 22 Rutter W,bellhanger Goswell road. 2 Miller Fred, baker 3 Such E, chemist 4 Hart Wm, china warehouse 5 Meredith & Son, wtch & elk sp mr 6 Ludlow H, goldsmith 7 Nisbet Miss, ladies' school r 32 Jarvis J, appraiser & house agnt 35 Ellis B, glazier, diamond, and lead vice manufactory 35 Restell Chas, brush mnfrs 37 King Geo, carpet warehouse 38 Barrett J, " D.ich of Oldenburg" 39 Sehramm Geo, baker 40 Sunley Rt, grocer, Post Office 41 Griffith W, bookseller & stationr 42 & 43 Bessell J, linen draper 44 Ross Jno, oil and colourman 45 Moore John, boot maker 46 Lake E, grocer 48 Walter Jno, pawnbroker 49 Crump Wm, cheesemonger 50 Grimshaw Jas, watch maker 50 Reilly John, tobacconist 52 Wells Geo Wm, auctioneer 54 Stone Jos, stationer 57 Tidd Jno, bookseller & stationer 59 Hardie Alex, cork cutter * Hardie and Everdell, milliners 6'O^Waters Fred, cheesemonger 6il Heath Dan broker 8 Felstead N, profr & tcbr of dancg ' 6 1 Cox Geo, baker 9 Brett J, beer retailer 9 Parsons Geo, wheelwright 9 Berry J, cooper 11 Tanner T, fishmonger 12 Frost Wm, bonnet shape maker 15 Fisher Thos, green grocer 62 Betts Sarah & daughter seminary 6 > Robinson E, 'Lady Owen's Aids" 74 Watmough Daniel, greengrocer 65 Jackson Wm, tailor 66 Baker Robt, engraver 67 fcnight Harrt & Etna, milliners GOS STREET KEY, GOU 68 Goode John, cabinet maker 70 Berdoe J, tailor 71 Worrall J, watchmaker 72 Miller E, tailor 73 Marsom S, shoemaker 76 Deakins J as, wine merchant 77 Procter Hen, butcher 78 Aldridge S, ironmonger 79 and 84 Vollum H, cabinet mkr 80 Crutchley H, carpet warehouse 81 Rice H, cheesemonger 82 Shaw Eliz, window glass wrhs 68 & 83 Goode Johu, appraiser 85 Greaves Edw, chemist 86 Styring Hen, grocer 88 Moody Chas, porkman 89 GiUing Leopold, toy shop 90 Fraser A & Co, shoemakers 91 Symonds John, ironmonger 92 R> se J A, fancy stationers 93 Meayers and Co, hatters 94 Hill Jas. ironmonger 95 Smith Wm, window blind maker 96 Gillingwater VV, perfu & hair cut 97 Reed Jno, baker 99 Porter Jos, greengrocer Goswell street. 1 Sheen Thos, White Hart" 2 & 24 Simpson John, currier * Wing Mark, watchmaker 4 Kleyser Jno & Brthrs, watchmkrs 5 Pettit Jas, bookseller 6 Banner Mary Ann, goldbeater 7 Clarke Jno, " Horseshoe Inn*' 8 Jennings Saml, carver & gilder 9 Davies E C, blanket warehouse 10 Bath Chas, pawnbroker 1 1 Ware Jas, cheesemonger j 12 Buckle J, potato dealer 13 Boisson Jno, tobacconist 14 Robinson Thos, baker 15 Cowan Solo, general dealer 16 Butlin John, baker 17 Day Ann, printer * Day M A, library & newspr agt 18 Meyers John, tobacconist 19 Sison Edw, chemist 20 Christmas Jos, general salesman 2 1 Jackson Robt, tea dealer 22 Gibson Robt, shoemaker 23 & 24 Saunders Hen, carpenter 25 Wilcox Ann, " Maidenhead" 26 Larom G S, clothes salesman 27 Howard Richd, appraiser 28 Stembridge Jas, cooper 29 Maddin H & Son, coopers' toolsm 30 Hope H H, oil and colourman 31 Yelf Hen, boot and shoemaker 32 Haslam Hen, confectioner 33 Jacobs Jno, tobacconist 34 Meyer Wm A, working jeweller 34 Meyer C, haberdasher 35 Wicks Thos, shoemaker 36 Davis Jane, ivory turner * D.ivis Jane, umbrel & parasl mfr 37 Shirley Geo, printseller 38 Peachey Jas, pawnbroker Hart Andrew, " Pitt's Head" 39 Ingram R, straw and tuscan mfr 40 Ingram W, watch and clock mkr 41 Merry Richd, jeweller 4} Jolly Wm, corn and coal dealer 44 Davidson Adam, watchmaker 45 Bishop Jos, tailor 46 Palin G F, ropemaker 47 Making Geo, " Sun Dial" 48 Preist John, tailor 49 Webb Wm C, widows' milliner, K 50 Ashby Ishmael Wm, baker 51 Embury Fras, cheesemonger 52 Strong R. harness maker 53 Gardener Jno, baker 54 Cokes Jno, butcher 55 Roads Chas, oil and colourman 56 Lovell James, trimming manufr 57 Pittard John and Co, cheesemngr 58 Badder Saml, ''Two Brewers" 59 Epsom Thos, cheesemonger 60 & 61 Phillipson John, grocer 62 Simco Thos, tinman 63 Clithevow Jas, linen draper 64 Farthing Joshua, tailor & clothier 65 Hancock J , window blind manfr 66 Bass Wm, surveyor and builder 67 Brotherton Chas, tailor 68 Gordon and Co, rectifiers 69 Smeeton Saml, butcher 70 Dain Major, brush manufacturer 71 Gallienne Richd, cutler 72 Andrews R, " Hrs & Cross Keys" 73 Piercy Robt James, grocer 74 Yeates Anthony, coffee rooms 5 Boost Saml, fruiterer 76 Flynn Thomas, tailor 78 Spencer and Wood, nightmen 79 Kohler G, eating kouse 79 Goodman and Co, timber mchts 80 Fountain A, haberdasher Carter Hen, furn ironmonger 82 Earith and Sons, dyers 83 Lang Philip, baker 84 Tripp T, " Old Ivy House" 85 Peak E, carver and gilder 86 Walton Sarah, tobacconist 87 Jones J W, optician 89 Stacey Wm, pork butcher 90 Smith Mary, shoemaker 91 Topper J, baker 92 Sims A, newsvender 93 Wyman Wm, broker 94 M'Craight Richd, scale maker 95 Jarmain Jas, coffee room 97 Jones Benj, grocer & cheesemgr 98 Roberts Tnos, umbrella maker 99 Wright Geo, tallow chandler 100 Jones T, Duke of Welligton'' 101 Cornelius Jas C, surgn & chemt 102 Moseley H, plane maker 103 Miller Fredk, baker 104 Gardiner T, milliner & haberdsr * Russ Walter Jno, toy warehouse 104 Millers Hen, bookseller 105 Yates Jas, bookseher 106 Constable & Co, grocrs & tea dls 107 Robertson Geo, retailer of beer 108 McDonald Don, hardwareman 109 Deariug T B, stnr & Po*t Off" * Porter W\ dlr in for & Brit fruit 110 Gunston D, cheesemonger 1 1 1 Herring M A, haberdasher 112 Tasker Wm, bootmaker 1 13 Cattell Robt Geo, tobacconist 115 Rogers Hen, butcher 116 Goode Mary, pawnbroker 118 Whitchurch Mary, bacon dryer 119 Hall Hen, fishmonger 120 Morrell and Co, hairdressers 121 Keith Geo Jno, confectioner 122 Luxton Thos, butcher 123 Blackburn G, carpenter 124 & 125 Alexander Saml, irumgr 126 Tunstall J P, tea dealer 127 Fothorgill ttobr, bootmaker 128 Davis Joseph, funier 129 Bond Jno, bootmaker 130 Loivn Wm Hen, academy 132 Townsend, Parker, & Co, papr sr 133 Irwin H, surgeon 134 Bobart H, tobacconist 134 Latimer John, hosier 135 Ravens Thos, cabinet maker Smith Hen, confectioner 136 Scotten Fran Benj, milliner 137 Child Mrs, refiner 138 Dunsdon Thos, bootmaker 139 Smith and Brothers, crape mfs 139 Stubbs Geo, bent timber works Dakeyne and Jones, curriers 140 Cox Nathaniel, watchmaker j 140 Cole Eiiz, engraver * Kemp , coffee, rooms 142 Lea Wm, < Grapes" 143 Itter John M, baker 144 Green Rich, ladder maker 145 Moginie Cornelius, cheesemngr 146 Levermore S, straw hat mnfr/ 147 Mash Jos, potato salesman 148 Weidner Adw, pork butcher 149 Earl Jas, tailors' trimming seller 150 Comfort Jas, butcher 151 Perry Robt, hat manufacturer 1 52 Ward Jas, oil and colourman 153 Comfort Edw, boot maker \ 154 Robinson J, auctioneer and appr J 54 Robinson J, cabinet mkr & uph 155 Toogood Wm M, tea dealer 156 Stennett Wm, " George the 4th" 157 Handy Susannah, brass founder 157 Newcombe Jas, haberdasher 158 Frasi G, engineer & millwright 159 Grimshaw & Sons, watch tool m 160 Hewett Wm, ironmonger 161 Wilson Robt, draper 162 Freeman Vernall, coffee rooms 163 Chater Wm, watchmaker 163 Newman Wm, stay-maker 164 Hale J, "Hat and Feathers" 165 Drysdale Jas, bookseller 166 Barber Hen, tailor 167 Crowley , cork cutter 168 Jones Cath, " Rose and Crown" 169 Martin Samuel, coffee shop 170 Colleau Wm & Co, paper stnrs 171 Mills Geo, coach makei 173 Davis Eben, straw hat warehse 173 Gay Benj, doll maker 174 Paul G, hair dresser 175 Walker Wm, fishmonger 176 Newman John, baker 177 Wase Wm, butcher 178 Paul My, tobacconist & news agt GoSWell ter, Goswell road. 15 Pulsford Saml, tailor 20 Crisp John, jeweller 23 Simmons Robt, bookbinder 25 Wright Hen, tailor 27 Rickards Hen, ivory turner 29 Fry E, carpenter Gough Sq, Fket street. 1 Nuttall and Hodgson, printers 2 Battam and Sou, china painters 3 Reeve R G, copperplate engraver 6 Bell & Pyman, rec of fee farm rent 6 Falkington Jesse, bricklayer, &c 7 Culden John, jeweller 9 Lewis John, bookbinder 11 Shaw Chas, working silversmith 1 1 Berryman J, wood engraver 14 Smith Geo and Sons, furriers 16 Cunningham J, printer 17 Green Wm, geueral agent Gough St, Graifs inn road, 12 Glanvill Richd, coal dealer 129 GOU STREET KEY. GRA 13 Petty Thos, baker 15 Busby Wm, watch case maker 17 Kirk Eben, umbrella maker 26 Gillingham Edw, stone mason 28 Fenn Wm, tailor 28 Bray Aaron, commission stables Wright Jos, coach builder 30 Cossey Wm, dairy 35 Sherman J, boot maker 1 Howroyd J R, coach builder 3 Smith John, builder Gould SO, Minor ies. 5 Gillespie and Co, merchants 8 Rudall J H, merchant 10 Wood Gautier and Co, mchts 1 1 Boyson A, ship and ins broker 1 6 Lewis T R, merchant 16 Bruce G S and Co, merchants 16 Sinclair Alex, merchant Gould's hill, Shadwell. Sheldrick Jas. timber merchant Gardiner Jas, cooper GoulstOn St, IVhitechapel. 20 Richardson Wm, machine ruler Martineau P and Son, sugar rfs 1 Alcock George, wheelwright [ 2 Fisher H, coal warehouse Hart John, black lead pencil mkr Stewart G and J, builders 3 Chapman B, wheelwright 7 Bridger James, cowkeeper Hart Isa, black lead pencil mkr 39 Harben C H, cheesemonger Gower meWS 9 Bedford sq. Prince Thos, livery stable keeper Prince Edw, coach maker Gower pi, Eusion sq. 1 Vine Geo John, surgeon 3 Wood Wm, ' Harwarden Castle'" 6 Morris John, carpenter 10 Worth & Lidbury, cabt mks & up 1 1 Rivers Geo, tailor 15 Kelly John, bookbinder 18 Heard Miss, millinr & dress mkr 19 Gollop Thos, chair maker 22 Sloman Wm, carpenter 23 Knapton Wm, beer retailer 24 Benwell Benj, baker 24 Howard Joseph, cheesemonger 25 Goodson Wm, cowkeeper 26 Hunter C, undertaker 26 Hunter Marianna, oil and col dir 27 Waller Thos, fruiterer 28 Searson Robt, blind manufacturer 29 Crenan W H, boot & shoemaker 30 Butler T, sculptor 31 Soper Wm, boot and shoe maker 32 Bishop J, plumbr, paintr&glazr 35 Richmond Lewis, tailor 41 Ware Sarah, milliner 43 Williams Edw, tailor 44 Beech L, millinr and dress makr 45 Del Mar K, prof" of Span laug 49 Edmead Wm, baker 51 Thompson Wm, tailor Gower St, Bedford sq. 2 Stutely M J, architect 3 Houston Jas, solicitor 6 Kay Jos, architect 7 Robinson Jas, surgeon dentist 130 8 Aldersey J C, solicitor 10 Griffith and Brooke, surgeons 1 1 Parker Abraham, estate agent 14 Harrison Thos, M.D. 24 Boot Francis, physician 63 Day Chas, architect 6() Hind G W, surgeon 71 Hogg John, surgeon 79 Drew W and Drew HP L, surgs 81 Swift W B, solicitor 83 Papworth Edgar, sculptor 85 Hillier H B C, surgeon Gower st, North, New road. 1 Smith Edw, tobacconist 1 Squire James, tailor 2 Dyer John, bricklayer 3 Lawson E, professor of dancing 9 Moore J F, medical bookseller I 10 Stevens J, surgeons' inst maker 1 Passmore John F, artist 1 1 Catlin Henry, chemist & drugst 12 L'Estrange F, surgeon 13 Clarke R B, plumber 14 Wilson Mrs, teacher of dancing 15 Fryer John, bookseller 16 Roberts Rob & Co, wine mchts Gower St, Up, Bedford sq. Atkinson Chas, sec Univ College 1 Woodhouse Arthur, surgeon 7 Leightou J, physician 1 1 Hare Lancelot, surgeon 1 9 Davies F, surgeon 28 Tavlor J and Walton, booksellers 40 Dewint P, artist 46 Burrows Mann, physician 50 Smith John, surgeon Gower's Walk, Whitechapel. Puest J F, sugar brokers Webb Geo, bricklayer Schwinge , scum boiler Maclean Jas, carpenter Blackman Geo, cooper French John, printer Gracechurch st. 1 Hickling Jas, ironmonger 2 Spink and Son, pawnbrokers 3 Vardon J and Son, ironmongers 4 Relfe John, grocer 5 Wayte Hen, confectioner 6 Plant R, hosier 7 W 7 ilford and Son, boot makers 9 Davies Jas & Son, exp bt & sh mf 9 Edwards H L and C, woollen ws 10 Benyon and Stocken, tobacconists 11 Fagg and Co, coach office 11 Laurie Jas, naphtha lamp whse 12 Orchart Geo, baker 13 Schmollinger Wm, "Grshop Tav" 14 Jordan Saml, tailor 14 Blackman E L, hosier 15 Nutt James, " George and Gate" 15 Cross Keys Coach Office Pallister T, " Cross Keys Tav" 1 7 Grant John, tobacconist * Grant John, shell fish warehouse 18 Hoare Rich, carver and gilder 19 Arnold Rich, ham dealer * Phillips C H, engraver & stationr 1 9 Wentworth E, carpt & flrclth whse Kine Jas, solicitor 19 Moses M, fruiterer 21 Gladwell T H, carver and gilder 22 English A W, surgeon 23 Medwin Jas, boot maker 24 Skipper and Co, Italian warehse 25 Dobell Benj, tailor and draper 25 Mackay Geo, insurance broker 27 Spooner and Co, bankers 28 Smither Wm, tea dealer 29 Shipman Jas, upholsterer, &c 29 Blanch John, gun maker 30 Pewtress and Co, whol stationers 31 Frodsham Jno & Son, chron mks 32 Ellis Sam, tailor 34 Brown & Green, patent stove mfrs 35 Christy W M & J & Co, hat mnfrs 37 Mitchell Wm, tin plate worker 38 Ricketts, brothers, and Co, mchts 38 Balne, brothers, printers 38 Whetham & Sons, sail clth mnfrs 39 Johnson T, City Auction Rooms 40 Bethell John, solicitor 40 Tozer Wm, boot maker 41 Home and Allen, paper hangers 48 Dobree P and Sons, warehouseum 49 Batt Thos & Co, upholsterers, &c 50 & 51 Taylor Sc Black, brush mfrs 51 Warburg M, merchant 52 Morley and Co, whol linen draprs 53 Bleukinsop H, hosier, &c 54 Shipping & Mercantile Gaz Of 54 Blake Barnett, accountant 55 Harvey and Darton, publishers 56 Smith Cornelius, surgeon 57 Paterson James, hair dresser 58 Jackson E W, button manfr 58:jGlover Henry, silversmith 59 Brown Wm, goldsmith 60 Bousfield G & Co, whol win whse * Abbiss Jas, grocer and tea dealer 60 Walker John, sworn broker 61 Stephenson & Co, export irnmgrs 63 Martin and Co, whol ironmongers 63 Johnson R arid Co, whol ironmgrs 64 Wilkinson Wm, alamode beef hse 66 WilmottJW&Co,oil&Italwhse 67 Bowra Edw and Co, hatters 68 Stuckey Geo, hosier 69 Capper J and Son, linen drapers 71 Baily W and Son, furn ironmgrs 72 Cheslett Thos, hosier & shirt mki 73 Weston, Warwick, and Co, mchts Talacre Coae and Iron Co 74 Marriott Joseph, oilman 75 Bottomley A D, tailor and draper 76 Harford Jno, fruiterer 77 Lillwall and Co, cheesemongers 78 Butler and Co, chemists 79 Howell R, linen draper Jones W T and Co, oil merchts 80 Rigby E and Co, brush manfrs 81 Holt Thos, tailor and outfitter 81 Ord John and Co, cheesemongers 82 Pugh John and Sons, surgeons 83 Knight and Sons, tea dealers 84 Chaplin John, " Spread Eagle" " Spread Eagle" booking office 85 Greaves J W, tobacconist 86 Holmes W, "Pwt Pit" & book ol 87 Wilson J D, hatter Wilson C, " Hlf Moon'' & book oi 89 Ashcombe W and T P, surgeons 90 Sapwell Thos, confectioner Boxall's booking office 91 Edmiston C J, tailor and outfittei 92 Cole Thos, hatter 93 Edmiston C J, tailor and outfitter 95 Day Thos and Co, Italian whse 96 Lamb Rich C, priutseller 97 Huggins W Thos, linen draper 98 Hodgson and Abbott, brewvrs GRA STREET KEY. GRA Abbott E and Co, brewers Young, Dowson,& Co, copper mcts Drane T, merchant 98 Shearman and Briggs, hatters Graces alley, Weiufoie sq. 1 Eltham M, * Prince of Denmark" 3 Holden Robt, pastrycook 4 Wright Benj, vice maker * Heilbut and Co, imprtr of leeches 5 Cohen A and Son, furriers 6 Gay John, plumber 7 Rodgers S, eating house 9 Carden J G, umbrella maker 13 Bender Enreich, tailor 14 Withers T, broker 15 Leslie G, fruiterer 16 Carr T, shoemaker 18 Menser Louis, importer of cigars GraftOU Ct, Marylebone. Asbridge W O, " Coach & Hrses v Grafton mews, Fitzroy $q. Gillingham Geo Langford Edw, livery stable keepr 11 Ginn Andrew, yeast seller Grafton St, Bond st. 8 Walford Geo, solicitor 14 Royal Asiatic Society Clarke Rich, sec 15 Barker Dr, physician 16 Ashwell Dr Saml, physician 17 Parris Edm Thos, artist Grafton St, Fitzroy square. 1 Healey Francis, butcher 2 Heslop Wm, uuivrsty dinng rms 3 Cooper T H, surgeon 7 Henderson J as, bookseller 8 Gregg Thos Hen, artist 10 Storr Solomon Robert, painter 15 Dunage II, lace cleaner 21 Taylor C F, * Grafton Arms" 22 Cooke Jno Chas, M D, physician 24 Main John, baker 25 Baker Henry, district surveyor 27 Lee John, physician 28 Kendrick'Maithew, marine'paintr 31 Mann and Son, tailors 32, 33 Kidd, Gemmill & Co, drapers Grafton st, Soho, 1 Brown T and Co, cheesemongers 2 Walker Mary, " Brown Bear" 3 Barrow Geo, engraver 4 Rodway Jane, earthenware dlr 5 Beanie Andrew, undertaker 5 Deykin L S, Albion coffee house 6 Smith Michael, baker 7 Yeowell Fras, brass founder 8 Kirby Wm, brass finisher 9 Donovan Jeiemiah, tailor 10 Audelin Hester, egg merchant Harding Wm, basket maker 10 Chambers Chas, gun engraver 1 1 Pearsey M A, bookseller 12 Good Ann, butcher 12 Smith John and Co, tea dealers 13 Hyett, execrs of coffee house 16 Elraes Dan, undertaker 18 Frost Wm, carpenter 20 Morgan R, grocer & cheesemongr 21 Parkes Jno, lapidary 21 Sharpe .engraver K 2 21, 22 Cotton & Johnson, file & t war 23 Reynolds S & G, iro pi & zc works 24 Forman Wm, bird dealer 25 Bowler J, straw hat mnfr 26 Puttock Chas, bookseller, &c 27 Walsh J & Co, Venetian loeksmth 27 Wood Wm, tobacconist 28 Bennett S, boot maker 29 Cowderoy John, tea dealer Grafton St, E, Tottenham ct rd. 1 Nicholl Wm Grinsell, sculptor 2, 3 Cox John, carpenter 4 Latten Robt, hair cutter 8 Long Elizh, artificial flower mkr 1 Holcombe Philip, harp maker 12 Bush J, wine drawer 15 Schofield Jos, boot maker 16 Chambers Wm, tailor 1 7 Reynolds E, dress maker 21 Dyke Wm, tailor 23 Coxetter and Co, surgns' instr mk 25 Jenkinson Geo, tailor 29 White W, Ln Uni Hot and Tv" 31 Hamm R, mnfr bows and arrows Sydenham College of Anatomy Hobbin R D, A M, hon sec 33 Crouch J C, pawnbroker 34 Manger John, coffee rooms 36 Kennedy Jas, engineer & machst 38 Mivart Mrs, prof of music 42 Chamberlain Jas A, solicitor 43, 44 Shoolbred and Co, linen drps 45 Slade J, coffee rooms Grafton St, Up, Fitzroy q. 1 Newell Sarah, portrait painter 3 Brinsmead H, piano forte maker 6 White Chas, corn dealer 6 Hickman Jane, milliner Graham st, Pimiico 20 Weston Wm, plasterer 29 Baigent Jas, dairyman Vickers John, cowkeeper * 32 Hopwood Thos W, coal mcht Bradley W, " Carpenters' Arms" Granby St, Waterloo road. 3 Hughes Hugh, carpenter & bldr 8 Ewer John, plumber Barrett Wm, Royal Oak " 17 Allen Wm, wheelwright 21 Blake J, beer retailer 22 Woodgate Henry, tailor 46 Moody Wm, beer retailer 2 Lake J, baker 67 Cooper J, hackney man 11 Headford J, general dealer 87 Miller Wm, general dealer Granby St, Hampstead road. 1 Wright G, dairy 2 Tozer Thos, cheesemonger 3 Spencer Jno, glass &c dealer 4 Owens Joseph, " Granby Arms" 4a Stephenson Thos, tailor 5 Keates Hen Chas, grocer 5a Clark Chas, plumber 21 Smith Wm, news agent 22 Fowler R A, butcher 26 Stewart J, baker Grange, Bermondsey. Coe Mary, " Red Cow' j Smith Thus, taauer v . Easton Saml, hair manufacturer Hooper Thos, tanner Toswill J and R, tanners Hooper Mary and Son, tanners ] Pinchin Harry & Geo, tauners Grange rd, Bermondsey. 1 Brennan Miss, ladies' school 2 Bond Jno, sofa and bedstead mkr 4 Easton Thos, corn dealer 4 Marshall Geo and T, coopers 7 Clemson Hen, coal merchant Burroughs R, undertaker 10 Sterry and Son, surgeons 3j Beeson Jno, " Pitt's Head " 14 Peacey Thos, tallow chandler Bekmondsby Free School 21 Palmer Saml, baker 23 Thompson Hen, poulterer 25 Seath Hannah, milliner, &c 1 Svvann Wm, butcher 2 Shore Geo, beer retailer 3 Thomas Jas, greengrocer 5 Soley Thos, shoe maker 6 Evans Jno, marine store dealer 2 Crook Ann, oil and colour wareh 1 Roberts Ann, baker Youngman E & Eldridge, tmbr m Keen Thos R, comb maker t Bowerman Chas, butcher Smith John, tanner Wright W T m, bricklayer Hollands D F, coal merchant Fort place. Legg Cyrus, wool stapler Walker Rich, iron bldr & roof mr Walker Rich, cabinet maker Saker Wm and Geo, bricklayers Horn Stephen, beer retailer Hardwick Saml, baker Prockter J S, glue mnfr, &c Bargman John, plumber Seamer Thos, cheesemonger Porter Geo, surveyor Peirce Kdw, morocco leather dres RockliffChas, " Royal Fort" Lewis Wm, beer retailer Shaw Geo, carpenter Wellbourne Wm, " H & 2 Brews" Odlin Hen, shoe maker Aldous Richard, beer retailer 1 Fryer Geo, grocer Builder Thos, tailor Norton Thos and Son, wheelwrts Gibbons Geo, cooper Upton John, tailor Owen Jas, coal merchant Honey Edward, baker Brook Wm, saddler Balls John, carpenter 4 Marsh Thos, grocer Jeffery Robt, tan dealer Dolby Thos, fellmonger Cathie J, Warne, " Sam's Castl" Abbott Wm, shoe maker 6 Wilson Fred, tobacconist 3 Cockrell John, grocer Cranwell Thos, tailor 10 Austin Jn B, leather seller J 11 Rose Isaac, merchant Graley J & Thos, leather warehs Junkison J, leather dress & factr Manktelow Wm, Horse Shoe " Scott Alex, tailor Grange road, Upper Braggs Mis> dancing academy 131 GRA STREET KEY. GRA Bear Mrs. plasterer Peirse Wm, u The Greyhound Wadham B B, portrait & min ptr Nettleton M, ladies' school Grange walk, Bermondsey. 33 Byrne Rich Newnham, tailor Walker Geo, egg merchant Dalby T, wool dealer glue piecem Jones Stephen, sealing wax mkr Tobin John, dealer in hair Behmdskv Un Ch Sch for Giri.s Mars Wm, leather dealer 21 Emmott C, oil and Italian whse Mathews Thos, beer retailer Grantham pl,^' ;* ? > Piccadilly 1 Biggs Thos, livery stables Gravel la, HowmUtch. Coleman Sarin, stonemason * Det'ries J, lamb & cotton manf 4 Gerrit Solomon, watchmaker Vile Geo, u Box Tree" 106 Solomon L, pencil maker 109 Levy M, wholesale rag meichnt 120 Coh'en A, clock case maker Gravel la, Southwark. Llovd H E L, millwright Pointer R, " Prince & Princess " 3 Brown Robt, basket manf 7 Annett L, George 1 1 Jones M, marine store dealer 12 Vaughan G, wholesale hat maker 13 Hunt K, baker 1 4 Thorpe G, grocer & cheesemongr If) Emery A, ' Hope Tavern" 16 Brardshaw T & Co, grocers, &c 18 Pitcher Geo, baker 19 Cope Chas, grocer 19 Meadows T P, cooper, &c 20 Liddle Wm, corn chandler 21 Brown Eliz, " White Hart" 22 Tibbs J as. marine store dealer 24 Langfoid Rich, chair maker Palmer D, farrier 24 Rawlins & Sons, marine store dlrs 26 Field John, builder 26 Field M D, hat block, manufac 26 Field C D, carpenter & builder 28 Tipper Thos, timber yard Mills J, undertaker 38 Palmer John, stonemason Sugden Wm, stonemason Timpson H C, surgeon Drummond Thos, smith 39 Cheshir Jos, hat manuf 3 Sugden Wm, jun, stonemason Briggs B T, porkman Rountree E, " King's Head " 54 Hodges Rich, cabinet maker 43 Summerl in G, butcher 45 Brampton T, " Hat & Feathers' 1 Bothwell Jas, " Golden Ijidtt** Redden J, wheelwright 30 Gaisford J, baker Chick Jas, lath render Barker Thos, " Red Hoi se'' 2 Bishop Thos, miscellanus reposty 4 Parker E, tailor 5 Eller Jas, milliner 18 Allen Jas, baker 16 Greaves W B, tobacconist 17 SargeantH, haberdasher 20 Parr Thos, hat block maker 21 Conway C, coal and coke dealer 24 Thomson R and Co, hat manuf * Parr Francis, undertaker Summers G, butcher 1 Stevens W, < : Hand & Flower " 6 Clark J, library 8 Watson S, grocer 1 Hayward R, hatter 1 1 Foote Jas, hatter 12 Brown Sam, pat metalic cask mf 14 Goldsmith Hy, grocer 18 Purdy Wm, corn dealer 3 Jakman Geo, tripe dresser 8 Bridges Wm, hat block manuf Bemman W & Son, gold beaters 54 Hodges J, undertaker Shad well. Gravel la, New, 11 Gordon Rich, surgeon 12 Williamson Robt, butcher 14 Pead John, Ship & Dolphin " Pilgrim Jos, Barley Mow " 58 Perry Jane, retailer of beer 59 Solomons A, sen, cov strw hat mr 81 Wharton A, retailer of beer Hargrove Robt, hat manuf 99 Churchill J, eating house Taverner S, King Wm IV " Brodey Wm, < ; British Queen" Yeoman Wm, retailer of beer 122 Wright Mary, retailer of beer Attfield W E, bottle porter mcht 143 Cutler B & J, steam boiler mkrs 139 Cohan L, soap mkr & bone mcht 138 Parker Fred, animal char man! 148 Mansfield Wm, butcher 150 Harding Geo, grocer, &c 151 Donald Peter, " Black Bull" . 154 Creak G, baker 156 Cole Daniel, rag dealer Gravel la, Old, f^pW; 1 Dobson John, carpenter * Humphrey Chas, binnacle makr 2 Morgan Thos, plumber 3 Gruite Wm, beer retailer 4 M'Ewen A, tailor 150 Penney Jeremiah, boat builder 152 Dudley F F, bricklayer 153 Slater John, " White Lion" 155 Rogers Robt, " Red Lion" 156 Gosling Mary, oilman 96 Reading Danl, cooper 158 Cater Robt, smith 159 Pelham Jabez, solicitor 20 Ward W, grocer 28 Day Rich, butcher 24 Gray J, turner 25 Thompson J J, tallow chandler 26 Holyoak Robt ,grocer Ransom J, " 3 Swedish Crowns" 24 Baharell Robt, coal warehouse 37 Strachan Thos, cooper 37 Hucks Geo, cooper 34 Prickett Warren, butcher 35 Bayman Thos, hand screw makr 36 Roe Eliz, wheelwright 47 Byrne Edw, surgeon 46 Fleming D, Ship" 39 Calvell VV E, grocer 86 Jacques J A, Dr 37 Nathan Saml, chair maker 88 Wales Ann, paintr, plumb & glzr 91 Gibbs R E, ironmonger 93 Maryon Robt, butcher 95 Chatwood J, druggist 96 Excise Office 97 Ash Thos, tobacco pipe maker 100 Ireland Geo, " Old Duke Wm" 101 Palmer John, bricklayer Gray St, Blackfriars road. Benton Wm, * John of Groat" 25 Dawson Jas, carpenter 30 Ginvey Jas, blind maker 31 Jones E, hat maker 32 Griffith E, hat manufacturer 39 Child Wm, grocer & cheesemngr 160 Aitken A S, retailer of beer 41 Leek Mary, baker 44 Mills M A, grocer 43 Warren J, grocer 45 Mason J, greengrocer 46 Johnson G, grocer & cheesemngr 47 Isaacs W, marine dealer 32 Patmore Jos, " Woolpack" Roupell R P, lead smelter 34 Spriggs & Gent, carpenters, &c 34 Parsons Wm, engineer, &c Cannee E, oilman. 132 161 Lawley Wm, pawnbroker 158 Hamsheir T T, bricklayer 161 . " White Swan" 163 Riddall Jas, curiosity dealer 165 Kinglsab, u ;Angel" 167 BurnellW, baker Stewart A W, " Yarmfh Town" Tabernacle H, lathe maker 1 Crutchley Rich, beer retailer Walker Edward " Bull's Head" 17 Saunders John, rag merchant Gray St. Commercial road, East. Sullivan T,wine cooper & bottle m Gray St, Manchester square, 1 Goddard J, tallow chandler 2 Bourne Henry, coal dealer 6 Keyes G T, builder 8 Brown Andrew, baker 9 Dore Wm, "' Bunch of Grapes"' 13 Palmer Thos, shoemaker 1 4 Gill Hen, grocer & cheesemonger 17 Adcock Jno, grainer 1 1 Mackenzie Danl, " Carpts' Arms'* Gray's pi, Brompton. 1 Carver Fred, ironmonger 2 Moore, Elizab, chimney sweeper 3 Gosling W, chemist & druggist 4 Elliston C R, bookselr& stationr 5 Pocock Thos, boot & shoe maker 7 Wilkins Jno, oilman 8 Belcher Jas, baker 9 Crocker Jno, butcher 10 Church Stephen, cheesemonger 1 1 Gosden Francis, fishmonger 12 Mackay Robt, haberdasher 13 Deeley Sarah, tobacconist 14 Odem Thos, greengrocer Gray's Inn lane. 1 Fenn Geo, butcher 2 Ryland Wm, oil and colourmart 3 Conaway Jno, cheesemonger 4 King Alfred, chemist & surgeoi* 5 Kerley Wm, eating house 6 Fitzer Mary, paper pill box mn? 6 Hutchings S, plumr, paintr & glzr 6 Ward Jas, fishmonger 7 Grice John, coal dealer 8 Leach Wm, shoemaker 9 Finch H," Guy Earl of Warwick" 1 Day Geo, portmanteau maker 12 Swainston R, "Fox & Peacock"^ 13 Chapman, T M> tea dealer % GRA STREET KEY. GRA 14 Hindley Wm, cheesemonger 15 Armstrong R, oil and colourman 16 Elsden John, coal & potato dealer 17 Gibbons W, "Pheast& Barl Mw" 18 Holmes Thos, broker 20 Reeve T and W, pawnbrokers 21 Launder J, paintr, plumbr & glazr 22 Higgins Sinclair, baker 23 Watchorn Wm, " Crwn & Bar M" 24 Bovingdon Wm, pork butcher 25 Tomkins J, "Peacock" 28 Bartlett Saml, gas fitr & bell hngr 29 Oliver Jas, baker 30 Brewer Jas, tinman 31 Brant Wm, bedstead manufr 32 Barber Wm and Son, grocers 32 Archer Josh, " Ship" 33 "Howard Esther, bookseller 34 Fisher Chas, feather bed maker 36 Stanley Zachariah, tobacco manf 37 Stock P, plumber 38 Walker Saml, " Marq of Granby'' 39 Birrell Jno, yeast dealer * Pratt Rich, mason, &c 39 Mackie Andrew, wheelwright 40 Smith S, truss maker 41 Deprose E, miscel repository 42 Bowry Chas, oil and colourman 43 Ward Wm, pawnbroker 44 Worrell Jos, china warehouse 45 Holton Thos, broker 46 Browne Hen, grocer & cheesemgr 47 Sewell Clara, broker 48 Baker John, surgeon 49 Matthews Geo, coffee rooms 50 Wood Thos, dairvman 51 Helps C, tailor ' 51 Lines Wm, printer 52 Scott and Co, ink manufacturers 53 Munting Jas, fur broker 52 Johnson Saml, leather seller 54 Lloyd Jas, tobacconist 55 Newman Mary, fruiterer 56 Rose Jonathan and Geo, painters 57 Wright Eliz, cutler 58 Reeves Chas, dining rooms 59 Golden Wm, - Red Lion" 594 Spurgin Jas, wheelwright 59A Kelly J, coach maker 60 "Garwood H & Roast W, livery sta 60 Skipper H, *< Black Bull" 61 Simmons Saml, confectioner 62 Lyon Ann, broker 63 Hill Henry and Co, brewers 64 Lyon Lewis, clock & watch mkr 66 Lloyd J, corn dlr, & reg of b & dts * Lloyd John, livery stables 67 Woollett Geo, Talbot" 69 Clum Ph C, grocer 70 Crane Henry, York Coffee Rooms 71 Pilcher Wm, tobacconist 72 Puttock Jno, butcher 73 Downie Jas, baker 74 Cole Jno, greengrocer 75 Coales D, manf of Arnot's stoves 76 Rookby A, saddler 77 Jones Stephen, whip maker 77^Holb Union Wokkhousk, Hewitt B, master 78 Evans Wm, " Sun" 78J Stafford Almshouses 79 Ashton S & Co," t mornco ach masts 80 House Jos, * Nag's Head" 81 Steel F, trimming seller 82 Hopkins T B, surgeon 83 Bullock Benj, ham dealer 84 Hunter Wm, coach builder 85 Chappell G, " Swan & Horse Sh" : 86 Cockerel! Edw, grocer 87 Stevens T A, cheesemonger 89 Simpson Fred, linen draper 90 Hales Jas, appraiser and broker 9 1 Aistrop Chas, ff Old King's Arms" 92 Mansfield Chas, plumber 108 Giffbrd Jas, coffee rooms 109 M'Callum and Hodson, papier macbee manufacturers 1 1 Boone Wm, broker & undertaker 112 Adams Robt, tobacconist 113 Tarlton Jas, rope manufacturer 114 Franks Geo, bookseller 115 Amie, D, hair dresser 116 Hunt Thos, builder 117 Legge John, broker 118 Cross Geo Jno, printer 118 Webb Danl, coffee rooms 1 -20 & 121 Weible Wm, clothes slsrn Gray's Inn la, Lit. 2 Baker Henry, tobacco pipe mnfr 4 Voyer Geo, straw hat manfr 5 Tappenden Richd, carver & gilder Nesting Timy, " General Wolfe" Goodwin Samuel, livery stables 7 Wilkes J W, reg of mar, Hoib dis 24 Davidson Wm, haberdasher 25 Hyams J G, grocer & cheesemgr 26 Holb Union Register Office James W R, supt regst 27 Axten Thos, boot maker Gray's Inn passage. 1 Raynham Richd, stationer 2 Willows Wm, fishmonger 3 Mosses Isaac, curiosity dealer 4 Hack R, musical inst maker 5 Dudgeon Wm, tailor 6 Caulfield Wm, bookseller 6 Brannam Thos, tailor 7 Baker Wm, tobacconist 8 Futtin Joseph, umbrella maker 9 Desbois Dunl, clock & watch mkr Gray's Inn pi. 1 Cornish T H, barrister 2 Perry John, barrister 3 Bartholmew W, solicitor 4 Duncombe James, solicitor 5 Storey Andrew, solicitor 6 Nesbitt Henry, solicitor 7 Cavell Jno, law stationer \ 10 Boyle A, law stationer 10 Dunn Fredk, solicitor Brown W, solicitor Thompson E, solicitor J ones Alfred, solicitor Gray's Inn rd, Upper North P i. 1 Parsons Robt, baker 2 Pratt E, boot maker ' 4 Bartholomew J, cabnt mkr & uph 5 Wilson A, auctioneer & apprasr 6 Lemmon Hen, watch & elk mkr 6 Emslie John, engraver 7 Richardson Jno, surveyor 8 Dennett Robt Dean, coffee rooms 9 Clifton Isaac, oil & colourman 10 Jeffrey R, coach & harness mkr 1 1 Edwards J, boot maker 12 Norris Wm, carpenter 14 Sayer and Co, medical agents 15 Thompson Wm, whlsl brush mnf 16 Johnston Jno, tailor 18 Sprigge Jno, solicitor 19 Warman Wm, artist 20 Trail Jno, solicitor 22 Hawkesley Geo, painter and dec 23 Day John, coal merchant 24 Coumb Jno, butcher 26 Griffiths Thos, " Blue Lion" 27 Hay & Co, coach & harness mkrs 28 Moore and Son, corn chandlers 28 Nicholls E, tailor 28^ Hurlby Jno, tobacconist 29 Williams Mark, surgeon 30 Jaques Jno, solicitor 34 Abbott Francis, solicitor 37 Young Jas, "Calthorp Arms" 37 Hedges Robt, livery stables 38 Wynn Eliz, furniture broker 39 Seeley Maria, milliner 39 Archer Benj, painter & glazier 39 Yandell F, oil and Italian whse 40 Moss Michael, fruiterer 41 Titterton Geo, pen writer & grns 42 Davies Wm, plumber 43 Bernard Win, baker & Post Off 44 Sulman Richd, baker 44 Keatley Tbos, bookseller 45 Busbridge II, liv stable keeper 45 Purchase Chas, veterinary forge. 46 Mundy Eliz, cheesemonger 46 Provain C, artificial flower mkr 47 Adams Thos A, truiterer 48 Stephens John, brush manufr ^ 9 Coats Martha, milliner 50 Young Jos J, boot maker 51 Swann D L, dyer 52 Lock Wm, tobacconist 53 Hudd ThoSj grocer 55 Brown Thos & Co, pawnbrokers 56 Smout Jos, butcher 57 Elliott Daniel, cheesemonger 57 Campion Miss, milliner 53 Ballard R, fruiterer 59 Bennett Henry, linen draper 60 Aubrey Wm, fishmonger (i I FuloVu-r J, hair drssr and prfumr ! '_' Eu.sterling Thos, brush makee 63 Cullimore Danl, cabinet maker 64 Turnbull S, saddler Foundling terrace. Rubidge Jas, coach maker 3 Jeffery Jno, cabinet maker Legge Wm, bookseller Allcock Robt, liv stables Denny William, coachmaker Mecklenburg terrace. 4 Duff' Catherine, music seller 2 Rubidge Jas, straw bonnet mkr t 1 Eyans J P, surveyor Foundling mews. 9 Clayton Geo, painter 6 Johnson Fred, cabinet maker 5 Newport H, cowkeeper 3 Reynolds Geo, wheelwright Si (/mouth place. 5 Mason Francis, " Olive Branch" 3 Elliott Jas, painter and glazier Pinder place. 1 Hayes Wm, fan light maker 2 Knight Thos, ginger beer mnfr 2 Eaton Thos, hair dresser 3 Cook Richd, cheesemonger Webb James, greengrocer 4 Bourne Sarah, beer retailer Chichester place. 1 Woodward Jos, corn chandler 3 Bullock Robt, tailor 4 Hitchius J and F, curriers 5 Hill J V, whlsl saw maker 6 Rogers Edw Thos, locksmith 6 Fisher Thos, grocer 7 Beale Saml, cooper 133 GRA STREET KEY. GRE 7 Cocking Henry, cooper 8 Gilkes Jos, cheesemonger 9 Sealey Sarah, coffee rooms 10 Fisher Jas, oil and colourman 1 1 Wood and Co, straw bonnet mkrs 12 De Lay Mrs J, milliner 13 Stokes Wm, pork butcher 14 Allen Joseph, hair dresser 15 Rich Richard, trunk maker 15 Lingham Stephen, printer 16a Semon Kdwd, gents' school 16aSemon Mrs, ladies' school 16 Boroughs Jas, baker 17 Nevill Henry, corn dealer 18 Scott R Thos, tobacconist 1 9 Salter Wm, fruiterer 20 Bowman Jas, butcher 20 Holloway Mrs, dress maker 21 Saunders Thos, cheesemonger 22 Ridgway Richd B, infant sch dep 23 Bower Jos, grocer 25 Drane Jno, cabinet maker 26 A^coli Morris, tobacconist 27 Matthews Wm, hatter & cap mkr 29 Mageniss Peter, surgeon 30 Harvey Geo, stationer 31 Day Stephen, locksmith & bellhr 34 Goodwin Richd, grocer 35 Maidman Geo, grocer * Robinson W, Italian warehouse 35 Burgess Jos, pawnbroker 36 Waller Geo, leather seller 37 Bowden Wm, music seller 38 Heckes John Bennett, grocer 39 Jacobs Joseph, silversmith 40 Kesson J, toy warehouse 41 Roberts Isaac, eating house 42 Symonds and Martin, hair drssrs 43 Rheumatic Gout Dispensary, Cobburn JFB 43 Gell Miss, milliner 44 Barr Anne, ladies' wardrobe dlr 45 Woodman Jas, coffee rooms " 46 Gibbs Thos, baker 47 Gibson Wm, chemist 48 James Jas H, tobacconist 49 Tagg Wm, undertaker 50 Matthews & Martin, drapers & m St. Chad's row. 1 Adams R, jun, & Co, tile makers 2 Read Wm, tailor 3 Hickley Step, plasterer 5 Southgate Wm, painter 7 Gale Thos, beer retailer 8 Longshaw John, cab maker 9 Ealing H, butcher 12 Reynolds J S, hon secy to Home and Col School Society 15 Adams Wm E, painter 16 Fisher E, wholesale milliner 17 Evans Geo, carver and gilder 18 Griffiths Mary, milliner 19 Harper Thos, sen, profr of music Harper Thos, jun, profr of music 21 Robinson Wm, baker 22 Wolstenholme D, engraver 24 Begbie Wm, retailer of beer 25 St. Chad's Well Min Waters Lucas Wm, proprietor 27 Rowden Eliz, coal dealer 29 Holder Edw, glass enameller 30 Clavk Jas, corn chandler Smith buildings. 4 Squire Robt.. estate agent 2 Hatswell Wm, coach maker Constitution row. 2 Barton John, doll mnufr 3 Hanshaw W, butche* , ia4 4 M'Donell Archibald, surgeon 5 & 6 Michoux Walter, oilman 7 Israel S, furniture broker 8 Williams H, appraiser 8 Robarts Geo, stationer 9 Fisher J & Son, artificial flow mfr 10 Stuart Brothers and Co, milliners 10 Corn E, bootmaker 11 Kent George, blind maker 13 Titford Clias, French polisher 14 Reeve Wm, " Pindar of Wakefid" Calthorp place. 20 Patching R W, tea dlr & grocer 18 Pearson T G & J, ironmongers 19 Robertson Jno,.baker 17 Reeve Thos, chemist 16 Purdy Wm, shoe maker 15 Langdon Robt, cheesemonger 13 & 14 Abethell Jno, pawnbroker 12 Dutts Jno, tobacconist 8 Summers Wm, pencil mnfr 10 Milner Arthur, bootmaker 10 Windett Mrs, milliner 5 Hastie Benj, baker 4 Kain John F, ivory turner 3 West Thos, wine mcht and grocer 2 Apps Robt, coffee room Cubitt Wm, builders Seddon T & G, upholst & cabt mks Welsh Charity Schools Lacey Fred, secretary Dawson Thos, livery stables Gray's Inn sq. Pinniger & Westmacott, solicitors 1 Wing and Twining, solicitors Bowker Wm, solicitor Barker Geo, solicitor * Burrell J P, barrister Stephens & Fearon, solicitors Molloy Chas, solicitor Giles Frank, civil engineer 2 Tennant and Co, solicitors Sherman and Evans, solicitors 2 Smith Saml, estate agent 2 Parkinson Jno, solicitor 2 Dean, Creasey& Dixon/solrs 3 Chaplin Edw A, solicitor 3 Prance M H, conveyancer 3 Heale Josiah, barrister Poole and Gamlen, solicitors Bromley Wm, solicitor 3 Burton Wm Warwick, solicitor 3 Lister D N, solicitor 3 Bacon H, solicitor 4 Procter Bryan W, conveyancer 4 Shipster Geo F, solicitor 4 Bidford Henry, solicitor Gibson John, solicitor * Coulthard Edward, solicitor 4 Whatley E, barrister 5 Kerly E J, and Ware S, solrs Whitaker Edwd Thos, solicitor * Hicks and Marris, solicitors 5 Spiller F T, solicitor 5 Gibbon W H, solicitor * Wiglesworth and Co, solicitors 5 Potts F, solicitor 5 Barrett and Eyston, solicitors 6 Toller Thos, solicitor 6 Abington Jno Wm A, barrister 6 Benson Joseph, solicitor * Handley, Durrant & Co, solicitors 6 Ronalds C, solicitor 6 Lamette Jno L, solicitor 6 Ash , barrister 7 Willan E, solicitor 7 Wormald Thos, solicitor 7 King C A, solicitor 7 Quilter and Taylor, solicitors 7 Palmer Wm, solicitor 7 Giles Geo, solicitor 7 Venour S C, solicitor 8 W'itham Wm, solicitor 8 Lucas Joseph, solicitor 8 Fawkener and Russell, solicitors 8 Watson Daniel, solicitor 8 Chauntler and Westwood, solrs 8 Vereschoyle , barrister 8 Back Chas, barrister 8 Graves J T, barrister * Turner Samuel, conveyancer * Taverner Lewin, barstr & convr 9 Taylor Robt, solicitor 9 Philipe Geo P, solicitor 9 Griffith Henry, barrister 9 Moon Jas. architect & surveyor 9 Denton J Bailey, land surveyor 10 Dobinson J G, solicitor 10 Eyre Wm E, solicitor 10 Hedley Thos, solicitor 10 Austin and Ernest, solicitors 1 1 Sanders J T, solicitor 1 1 Husband Jas, solicitor 1 1 Wyatt Jas, solicitor 11 Pelerdorff , barrister ill James Thos, barrister 1 1 Jones C G, solicitor 12 Downer Wm, solicitor Pope Geo, solicitor Male Samuel, law stationer 13 Baines Robt Hen, solicitor 13 Hayward John, solicitor 13 Tripp Stevens, solicitor Slaney Wm Hen, solicitor 14 Ay ton Wm Capon, solicitor 14 Buckley and Sanders, solicitors 14 Partington Wm, solicitor 14 Sharp Jas, solicitor * Bookshank and Farn, solicitors 14 Johnson C W, barrister * Wilson John, barrister 15 Perkins Richd, solicitor Denton, Barker and Co, solicitors Gray's Inn ter. 1 Ward Richd, " Yorkshire Grey" 2 Russell Tim, organ builder 3 Dixon John, cabinet maker 3 Marsh W, tailor "4 Poole Thos, harp maker 4 Wellings J, & Co, ironmgrs, &c. 6 Wrench E, math instru maker 7 Savage J, carpenter and undrtkr 9 Paxon Win, solicitor 10 Winch Wm, turner 12 Osborn H D, commission stables 15 Hall A, corn dealer Greek st, Soho. 1 Commissioners ov Sewers' Off 2 Tyrrell Louisa, fancy stationer * Tyrrell John, gold beater 3 Fielder Thos, carver and gilder Carpue J F, bookbinder 5 Roads Jos, tallow chandler * Green R, "Hercules Pillar" 6 Woodin SI, picture dealer 8 Touroude R, com and gen agt 8 Touroude C junr, elk French Csl 8 Touroude Madme, mil ds & cs m 10 and 11 Chaffers Wm, pawnbrkrs 12 Holdich G M, organ buikler 13 Wilson J, mahog and timb mcht 14 Foster Eand Sons, auctioneers 15 Hamilton C F, brush manufr GRE STREET KEY. GRE 16 Johnston R, chemist 17 Pullman R W and J, leather drs 18 Henry Burton, wle perf{& hair m 19 Wood Thos, looking glass wareh 20 Hopkins and Purvis, oil & colmn 22 Bradford C, "George and Drgn" 23 Cole and Hussey, bootmakers 24 Watson E B, linen draper 25 Lerigo David, fruiterer 25 Conway Henry, writer on glass 26 Snell Jas, tailor 27 Brampton and White, tobacconst 28 Bowcher Jno, leather seller 29 Bowles Jno, '-Coach & Horses" 30 Mackie Robt, bookseller 31 Couch Mrs, milliner 32 Calcut Klizth, tobacconist 32 Mitchell Mrs, straw hat maker 31 Woodruff Jno, boootmaker 33 Parkes and Co, ironmongers 33 Buttery Chas, picture restorer 33 Hiskett Eliz, feather manufr 34 May hew John, baker 35 Marshall P, surgeon . 36 Read Wm, butcher 37 White John, tailor 37 Cook G, grocer, &c 37 White Jno, hair dresser 39 Stanton Sarah, tobaconist 41 Drake T and Co, linen drapers 43 Chittenden Bros, undertaker 44 Anyon T, dyer & fur clen to hr M 45 Coultart Jno, boys' school 46 Kesuer M, curiosity dealer Mos M, professor of music 47 Anderson D, baker 47 Miller Wm, engraver 48 Bevington and Son, organ bldr 49 Newberry Wm, jeweller 50 Badollet J M, watch maker 51 Kennett Mrs, dress maker 51 Cunningham John, tailor 52 Markin Wm, cheesemonger 53 Smart Thos, carver and gilder 5t Lynch Jno, tobacconist 54 Mason Wm, tailor 55 Groves H, seal engraver 56 Kendrick F, plaster figure mkr 57 Smith Chs, tobacconist 59 Terry W and Co, whol tea dlrs 59 SoelmanWm, boys' school 60 Lane Saml, artist 61 Carte R, professor of the flute 61 Johnston R, patent hinge manufr Green Arbour ct, Old Bailey. Leighton Sarah, " Green Parrot" Clemmitt John, carrier Gardner J H, frame maker Stewart and Murray, printers Kinder R, printer Green Bank, Tooiey si. 1 Hammond J, broker and apprsr 5 Hammond J, bed andmattres mf Farrington and Co, orchill works Havill Geo, "Old King's Head"' Green Bank, fVopping. 2 Richards Thos B, "King's Are'* 3 Winn Geo, beer retailer 5 Gammage T, " Coopers' Arms" Hicks Isaac, "White Lion" 6 Anderson Geo, grocer, &c 8 Reid John, grocer. &c East W, carpenter and undertkr 13 Croft Thos, plumber 15 Robinson Thos, tallow chandler Smith John, tob pipe maker Bird Hugh, scum boiler Bird H, saw mills Green Dragon yd, Hoibom. Angus Henry ,j wheelwright Hausell Wm, coach smith Green Dragon yd, Snow hill. 5 Carroll Alex, chemical stopper Green Dragon yd, Wk ch rd. 22 Horlick Peter, smith and tool mk Whitby L, builder Green Dragon yd, Worship st. Nottage Thos, livery stables Rogers F, cabinet maker Goodridge Thos, farrier Green St, Bethnal green. 1 Goderson Matthew, baker Hills Thos, baker Baker John, surgeon 4 Ctithhert F, butcher Rickford Wm, tobacconist Willson J, oilman 8 Parrett Rich, oilman 7 Selby H, confectioner 8 Briscoe and Son, corn dealers Mackay J, tin plate worker 21 Coulsell M, haberdasher 24 Reeves Geo, linen draper 25 Fairchild , surgeon 25 Wallis Wm, grocer 26 Osborn R, baker 28 Hurst G, baker 35 Staick J, musical inst mkr 39 Young Geo, grocer 30 Cowell Wm, rope and twine mfr 43 Reeve John, oilman] Jameson A, carpenter Bellamy Hen, grocer and chesmr 49 Schwary Wm, baker 98 Carlisle Thos, beer retailer How Edw, "Angel and Crown" Sammons Thos, joil and colourmn Slow Josh, beer retailer 78 Rheinlander H, baker 79 Buckley Wm, retail brewer Kernell Robt, "Geo the IVih" 78 Faulkner Geo, corn dealer * Preston Adam, "Weavr's Arms" Somes Francis, pawnbroker Green St, Church st, Blackfrs rd. Davies Evan, dairyman Hewett Thos, "Green Man" 10 Knapp G, bookbinder 15 Hawkins E, hat manufacturer 24 Woods Thos M, tailor Green St, Wellington st, Blkfs rd. Seaborn Thos, bone boiler Giddins J, horse slaughterer Potier Wm, bow string maker 6 Stiles S, carpenter and turner Bowdery Geo, soap maker 3 Winkley T, horse slaughterer 4 Robinson Wm, cabinet maker 10 Smythe & Percival, soap boilers Percival Jos, grease boiler 23 Christmas T, pewterer 34 Rae G, bone merchant , 16 Abel B, bone dealer 1 7 Abel Geo, bone boiler Curtis Jas, bow string maker Green St, Grosvenor sq. 1 Chapman Chas, fruiterer 2 Edlin Samuel, saddler 6 Horton Thos, tailor Parr Wm, " Green Man " 8 Paul Andw, surgeon 18 Shenton E & W, livry stable kprs 20 Sheward Sam), horse dealer 2 1 Tomlinson Sarah, grocer 25 Willement Thos s plumber, &c 39 & 40 Talbot Mary, Talbot's Ho" 43 Anderson Wm, job master 50 Kirkman H, surveyor 60 Harris W, builder 61 Moon H, child bed linen whse Green St, Leicester sq. 1 Wright Geo, tailor 3 Thompson M J, "Crown" 4 Thomas John, cowkeeper 5 Overall Wm, grocer 7 Tiler Benj, carpenter 8 Victor F, clothe3 salesman 9 Hall R, India rubber shoe mkr 10 Miller T, baker 1 1 Childs Saml, wax bleacher 12 Humphreys S, ornament maker 12 Davies Wm, tailor 13 Morgan Jas, " Star and Garter" 14 Grant Alex, dyer 1 5 Ratcliffe Wm, bookseller 16 Robinson A H, machine rule* 1 7 Keene G, picture dealer 18 Crouch Geo & Son, water gildrs 1 8 Rooke Wm, boot maker 19 Denizard Isidore, hatter 20 Barrett John, tin plate worker 21 Lawton Philip, pawnbroker 23 Mann Jas, boot maker Green St, Stepney. 28 Moon John, optician Catley Thos, " Mercers' Arms" 31 Baker M, library Green St, fVhitehorse st, Stepney. Green W, wheelwright Green St, Theobald's roadS Dawes Thos, cabinet maket 2 Goodwin M, grocer & cheesemgr 3 Kemp Jas, " Red Lion" 4 Tyler & Allchin, chair & cabt mks 4 Hoore E, boot maker ( Spooner Edw, tailor 5 Herring Jacob, " Blue Lion" 7 Bovingdon and Gunn, printers 9 Barber Wm, painter Davies W, dairyman 10 Beadell Wm, marine store dlr 12 Wigzell and Thomas, bricklayers 14 Lanning Thos, cabinet maker Bateman Abm, wheelwright 19 Walsh Jas, carpenter Green ter, Spajuids. 9 Mewburn B, solicitor 10 Johnson Hen Wm, gold wire dwr 1 1 Marshall Wm, watch manufr * Pace Henry, watch manufr 19 Prat Ant, manufact goldsmith 20 Mills Jas T, artificial florist 22 Harbud J, watch movement mkr 135 GRE STREET KEY, GRO Green walk, Blackfriars rd. 15 Booth Catherine, retailer of beer Yeoman C, engineer Woods and Co, brewers 4 Sheasby Wm, hair dresser 5 Love G, pipeclay manufacturer 12 Moakes W, jun, lighterman 21 Toulson Wm, tip manufacturer 23 Harrison Frances, " Marlbro'Hd" 25 Hunt Geo, general dealer Hopton's Almshouses Chiust Church Paroc Schools Greenfield St, Commercial rd. 2 Benson Wm & Thos, lookg gls mr 8 Pascall Thos, goldbeater 10 White Jas, White Hart" 17 Rogers Geo, carpentr & undertkr 27 Crabb Lewis, blk Id pnc mnf & stb 32 Holman Jas, smith 49 Banter J, cabinet maker 59 Davis Jas, painter 62 Wragg Wm, wine cooper 77 Lyons & Woolf, fancy shoe mkrs bliMcGeoch J, linen draper McGeoch Jas, linen draper 88 Hodd J, truss hoop manufacturer GreenhilPs rents, Smfid bars. 3 Ravenscroft Saml, bookbinder 7 Cribb Wm, retailer of beer 8 Hurst R, saw and file maker 11 Downer S, iion plate manufr 16 Corlett John Allen, f Castle" 19 Wade Thos, grocer 20 Izard John, water gilder 22 Arnold Wm, dyer 23 Willis Thos, enameller 27 Wainwright Jordan, flute maker 29 Riley Horatio, bookbinder Greenland pi, Cromer st. 1 Cockerill Edw, cheesemonger 2 Riley John, eating house ^Corn Philip, baker 4 Lucas Jas, builder 5 Pinder Margaret, builder 5 Pinder Margaret, carpenter 6 & 7 Purdy John, locksmith Grenville mews, Guildford st. Harold T, builder Grenville St, Brunswick sq. 1 Storer Hen, surgeon 2 Leonard J A, baker 3 Wright and Griffith, surgeon 11 Forman Fred k, tailor 12 Pickett Jas, boot maker 12 Thornton Wm, carpenter 12 Jones Reeves Wm, bricklayer 15 Burridge Hen, painter 16 Willis Alice, grocer Grenville St 5 Somers town. 1 Meek Robt, tobacconist 2 Tett S, paper hanger 1 1 Bacon J, dairyman 13 Fawcett Jas, cabinet maker 15 Charlton Wm, music engraver 16 Horsman W, shoe maker 1 7 Craven Ann, tobacconist 26 Shakell Elizabeth, grocer 29 Ward S, boot maker 30 Beamish Sarah, library 136 Grenville St, Up ^Somers town. 4 Dobing J, grocer and cheesemngr 6 Brunning J and Son, builders GreSSe St, Rathbone pi, 1 Haile Jas, greengrocer 2 Fisher Benj, dairyman 2 Day Robt, tailor 4 Norris and Son, bricklayers 5 Whales J, tailor 9 Hazell J, accountant 13 Chamberlin Wm, musician 13 Martin Charlotte, dress maker 15 Ridge Wm, carpenter 20 Bardell Jas, livery stables Biddlecome C, a Horse & Groom'" 25 Poole E, dairyman 30 Wells A E, cabinet maker 31 Bell J, < Bricklayers' Arms" 32 Norris Benj, carpenter 33 Smith Wm, shoe maker 34 Josephs Wm, grocer 35 Sydenham Wm, boot maker Goetton pi, Cambridge rd, Mile E. Bullock Wm, " Greyhound" Dexter S, haberdasher Wells John, baker Johnson Saml, oilman Greville St, Haiton garden. 1 Todd Wm, baker 2 Black John, tailor 3 Bird Wm, shoe factor 5 Hall & Co, ink manufacturers 6 Purnell Saml, tailor 7 Murdison Agnes, coffee rooms 8 Cooper Thos, gents' school 10 Lane Wm, tailor 10 Cullerne H, jewel case maker 14 Brunt Ellen, pearl stringer * Brunt John E. silversmith * Balch &Knowlden,watergilders 15 Rossiter J, whol portman maker Royal Fkke Hospital, Packman Rev R C, hon sec 18 Lovelace John, leather seller 19 Jones Greville, surgeon 20 Swift Rich, whol shoe warehouse 21 Barton E'iz, engraver 20, 21 & 22 Newland Geo, furrier 23 Walton Geo, grocer * Stoddart Chas, solicitor Grey Coat pi, Westminster. 14 and 15 Ray G, soda water manuf Grey Eagle st, Spita/feids. Bowyer Robt, u Crown" 38 M attacks Wm, turner 61 Rogers, brothers, prov merchants % Hadkiss A, file cutter Boswell G, coach & cart wheelwt Grey Horse yd, Leather la. Bennett J, carpenter Greystoke pi, Fetter lane. 5 Sinnock Jas, carpenter Young Jos, boot maker 7 Jeffreys Wm, engraver 8 Mayer M, furrier Wright Benj, fan light maker Alvis H, York Coffee Rooms Griffin St, Shadwell. Crichton B T, cooper Hudson Jno & Son, porter mcht David Thomas, watch maker Grocers* hall Ct, Poultry. 2 Carter Wm, stay and shirt mkr 3 Metcalfe J J, printer 11 Tasman T& Son, pekng case mkr Gnoc Kits' Hai,l Bicknell Henry, solicitor 1 Holder Geo Thos, smith 13 Woollard & Forshaw, lav/ statnrs Peachey J, agent GroSVenor mkt, Grosvenor sq. 6 French E, butcher 12 Ward Edmund, fruiterer 18 Parvin E, coal dealer 25 Hammond Thos, grocer, &c 24 & 27 Stokes Sarah, dyer & scourer Grosvenor mews, Bond st. Sadler Henry, livery stable keeper Dixon Rich*, job master, &c Simpson Jno, " Blue Posts" Newson Jno, builder, &c Hosier Jno, coffee rooms Mavor Wm, veterinary surgeon Hodgson Wm, wheelwright Lilley Thos, coach smith Powis Thos, job master Sparrow Mary, livery stable kpr Elisworth Wm, livery stable kpr 18 Visttg Asstn, Sr Geo Hanv Sq, Cow per Wm, & A Cooper, sees 22 Ball and Keating, cabinet mnfrs Stanton T. ormolu & bronz mnf'r Meares Wm, livery & job master Loder Peter, tailor, &c Wise Thos, grainer Grosvenor pi, Pimiico. St Geokgu's Hospital 1 Lane Saml, surgeon Tattersall's horse and car reposit FauchW, "Turf Coffee House'' Lok Hospital, Newman S, builder Wills Isaac, " Feathers" 54 Davis Thos Hun, carver & gilder Grosvenor pi, Lr. 3 I nee Jno, surgeon 10 Coultas Chas," Wheatsheaf" GrOSVenor rOW, Pimiico. 1 Watson Wm, Nell Gyn," and pat French distilry brand depot 2 Lascelles Thos, butcher 3 & 4 Thompson Jos, pawnbroker 5 Thurston Saml, corn chandler 6 Bishop Henry Edw, hosier 7 Ballard Ann, milliner 8 Laing Robt, boot maker 9 Haines Geo, auctionr & house agt 10 Kuowles and Co, grocers 1 1 Love Jas, surgeon 12 Ridge Geo Hen, cheesemonger 13 Mabin Henry, stationer 14 Simpson Jno, oilman 15 Ridge Wm, corn chandler 17 Scamell Thos, general salesman 18 Wilkins Ann, turn ironmonger 1 9 Toplis Geo, tobacconist 20 Harrison Peter, chemist 21 Robinson Jas, plumbr, paintr,&c 22 Russell Thos, grocer GRO STREET KEY. GUI 23 Dennis and Co, florists Cane Mary? " Compasses'* 24 Lawrence James, tea dealer 1 Perkins J D, & 24 London Road 2 Brewer William, linen draper 30 Haines Thos. butcher 31 Williamson Chas W, turner 32 Sharp John, bootmaker S3 Pearman W, hair dresser 36 Rapson John, furniture broker 37 Carter Jos, tripe dresser 39 Wright T, tea dealer and grocer 40 Digby B, " The Old Bun House" 41 Newton Alex, tobacconist 42 Lucas John, linen draper 43 Bowron Wm & Jno, cheesemngrs 44 Grumbleton Richard, grocer 45 Sterck Charles, greengrocer 46 Piper J, butcher 47 Richards Geo, pork butcher 48 Stacey John, bootmaker 49 Cheetham Chas, hatter 50 Savage Eliz, cheesemonger 51 Mitchell Jno, " Cheshire Cheese" 52 Briscomb Geo, tailor 53 Hinchliff W, haberdashr & hosr GrOSVenor St, Commercial rd. Day J B, rope maker 4 Anderson Thos, tailor Shalders Rd, " Grosvenor Arms'' Grosvenor st, Lit, Bond st. 2 Hough Jas, ironmonger 5 Sheldon Hen, baker and grocer Bax Geo, '' Hertford Anns'' 10 Buxton John, painter North E, hair dresser Grosvenor st, Lr, A 7 - <> Maynard Jno, grocer 7 Alton & Walker, pawnbrokers 1 1 Gascoyne E, tus &strw ht maker Watkins Wm, dyer 5 Hawkins and Gavin, surgeons Buzzard E B, bonnet shape rn^r 10 Slater Gilbert, grocer 12 Allan Jas, paper hanger Berry Thos, brush maker 13 Hobbs J, hair dresser East Thos, oilman 7 Humphryes Jos, undertaker Briggs J, dyer Brighton place. 1 Adams Chas, butcher Little J, timber merchant 2 Burtwell C, plumber 5 Fulcher R H, draper Norway place. 7 Hardy H, carpenter EdwarcTs place. 1 Tilley John, * Roebuck" 5 Mundell Thos, tailor & fruiterer Tibbatt's W, feather bed mnfr Cunningham S, siw mills Kittesford place. 10 Smith Wm, newsvender 11 Palmer Thos, plumber Middlesex terrace. 1 Payne Geo, baker 2 Mead Thos, butcher 3 Booker Wm, linen draper 4 Streeton Wm, brass founder 5 Barker Wm, cabinet maker Crescent. 19 Rayner J, corn dealer 20 Bellingham Jno, wine & sprtmts 16 Carter John, watchmaker 15 Earee Jas, coffee rooms 14 Batchelor Dan, printer 12 Wells Wm, appraiser 9 to 1 1 Bartholomew&Son, hth rg m 8 Nicholson&Mannering. linen drs 6 Hollinshed Wm. confectioner 7 Massingham H C, bootmaker 5 Palmer R, ironmonger 4 Eagles Jas, organ builder 2 West Geo, surgeon 1 Kennay Jas & Co, pianoforte mf 18 Bushell Thos, retailer of beer York place. Squires Wm, " Old Green Gate" 1 Hubbard Nath, broker 1 Hubbard J, fan maker 3 Woodcock Rich, coach builder 3 Whitehead Thos, green grocer Sampson F, printer 4 Bartlett Josh, dairyman Spanton J, smith Clarence place* 1 Hawks John, baker 2 Ware J J, leather seller 3 Allen and Co, rocking horse mkrs 5 Mason Edw, coal dealer 6 Hodges Jno, cabinet maker 7 Miller Wm, broker & appraiser 8 Mold Wm, lamp manufacturer 9 West H, turner 14 Dadd T, cabinet maker Winterborn John, surgeon Stepney rents. 1 Harrold Geo, " Geo and Dragn" 3 Messenger G, boot and shoemkr 4 Beart Thos, tobacconist 6 Waterworth D, boot and shoe m 7 Herbert Mary Ann, milliner 8 Langford E, bonnet shape maker Twilley W, carver and gilder 10 Harford Thos, plumber 10 Murphy John, tailor 13 Bunney Thos, book and shoe mkr 4 Pt nn Thos, grocer 22 Fidler Joseph, oilman 7 Pirkis Jas, oil and colourman 8 Wilkinson Fran, dlr in fan birds 2 Francis Danl, leather seller 11 Salmon Chas, clothes salesman Haggestone. Hyde Thos, wadding mnfr Imperial Gas Company Independent Gas Company Laing Robt, secretary Peters John, fancy triming mnfr Half Moon St, Bishopsgale st, Scambler Henry, livery stables 9 Hellyer J, Half Moon" 13 Tozer W, oil and colour mcht 17 Duncan P K, leather factor^ 29 Green Howe, grocer, &c 31 Day Thos, carpenter 34 Negus John, baker 43 Jarman Sarah, tobacco pipe mnfj Scott Geo, farrier 52 Haines A and Son, provision nits Half Moon St, Piccadilly. 3 Peregrine John P, surgeon 6 Robinson Henry Geo, solicitor 9 Mai Ian J, dentist 12 Cuff Christr, solicitor 13 Carswell A, baker 13 Waller Rachael, dress maker 26 Laking F, news vender 28 Howell John, " Griffin" 31 Hawkins Caesar S, surgeon] 34 Wood G E, physician 35 Reeve W, coal merchant 42 Walsh Chas, surgeon HAL STREET l&EY. HAN Half Nichols St, Bethnal gn. Walker Thos, grocer Turner Thos, "Lord Nelson" Halkin St, Grosvenor place. Stoken Alfred, coach builder Wimbush and Co, liv stable kprs Halkin St, Wst, Be/grave sq. 4 Fallows & Adcock, st & range ma 2 Caines Geo C, bookseller and st 3 Jennens & Bettridge, pap tray m 5 Williams and Co, chemists Ham yd, Gt. Mndm.ui st. Blanch T and D, coach smiths Smith , coach carver Robinson J, wheelwright Langwith Richard, farrier Rutland Chas, coachmaker Hammet St, Minories. Reynolds and Leo, merchants Lee Geo, ship and insurance agt Lougdill and Co, merchants . Glynes J, solicitor Hammond's Ct, Mincing lane. 1 Banning T & J, wine & spir mcht 2 Mitchell F H, broker Hampden St, Somen (own. 1 Stiles John, dairy 2 Jones Edw, tailor 3 Borrows T, metal sky light mkr 6 Banks , academy 9 Rudlin J as, wheelwright 16 Rothwell E, milliner & dress mkr 17 Huxtable Rich, carpenter 22 Burbidge Paul, tobacconist 24 Smith Thos, grocer 28 Carnell Thos, " Coopers' Arms" 29 Purkiss Wm, bricklayer 37 Karn Henry, tailor 39 Purvis John, mason 45 Harris John, cabinet maker 48 Jones Edw, egg merchant 49 Gibbs J, carpenter Hampstead road. Adam's place. 2 Hopper Wm, tobaoconist * Littlewood E, butcher 4 Gaunt John, pork butcher 4 Massey George, hatter 5 Page John, bootmaker 7 Maynard Thos, butcher 7 Field Thos, grocer 8 Baylis Edw, pawnbroker 9 Stmgnell A C, grocer 10 Kirby Thos, cheesemonger 11 Hellmg J N, lead & glass manfr 1 2 Prestige W & G, cheesmonger 13 Heath Wm, ironmonger 14 Oulds Joseph, oilman 14 Wells John, pawnbroker^ 14 Wells John, butcher 16 Brown T, baker 17 Marshall Wm, eating house 17 Hollis Mark, fishmonger 18 Gopch J, coal and potato dealer 19 Helling W F, win glass &leadm 13 Haynes Son & Co, candlewick mf 21 Simpson G, stationer 22 Pntchard Sarah, greengrocer \ 22 Wyatt Geo, bntcher 23 Davis and Son, druggists 24 Martin and Co grocers Sol's row. 1 Roberts John, " Sol's Arms" 2 Pridden John, grocer Wheeler Robt, cheesemonger 3 Butler Daniel, baker 4 Chidley Rich, plumber 5 Todd David, surgeon 7 Harris Thos, brewer 8 Hockey A, fishmonger 9 Gad & Keningale, cop plte pints 13 Woods J Wj linen draper 1 1 Wheaton J, chemist Frederick place. 1 Horrocks Jos, painter 2 Sanders W, corn & coal merchnt 3 Airey & Bellingham, carpenters 4 Green Thos, hairdresser Copeland John, writer on glass 5 Mornington W, brass founders G Martin Fred, oilman 7 Rowed C, piano forte maker 8 Murphy and Harris, drapers 9 Cornell W, boot maker 12 B&gg E, blind maker 16 M arley W, " Prince of Wales" 17 Deacon Saml, general dealer 18 Press Saml, bricklayer 19 York Mrs, ladies school 22 Baines M, plumber 23 Bannister Henry, cheesemonger 24 Haines Jonathan, grocer 26 Stevenson John, cabinet maker 29 Senyard Robt, painter 31 Macey Saml, wine & brandy mht 32 Fitzgerald P, greengrocer 37 Spong C H, grocer 38 Marke Ann, bookseller 39 Abraham Thos, brush manufr 40 Ulph J W, tailor 41 Bacon Saml, surgeon 43 Hampstead Water Wohks 43 Hakewill Thos, secretary Morninglon place. 12 Naylor E, solicitor 13 Ivimey J, subt regr of St Pancrs 17 Wyand B, & Mrs, ladis & gen sch 18 Cullerne C, surgeons 4 Hincliff J E, sculptor 34 Stroud Rich, Granby nursery 32 Davis James, surgeon 33 Barry Fred, surgeon North place. 4 Jacobs Stephen, grocer 5 Roberts Richard, boot maker 5 Simpson Robt, tobacconist 5 Bruce M, baker 6 Todd A, dairy St. James's place. 23 St Pancras Female Charity. 22 Drane R, fruiterer 22 Davis Wm, grainer 21 Kemp T, baker 21 Youug Thos, baker 20 Sweet Andrew, ironmonger 19 Harman , carpenter 17 Higgins J, plumber & glazier 10 West Rich, coal merchant 8 Beadell G, dairyman 8 Southon George, gas fitter 6 Hoadley & Oldfield, gl staiuers 5 Goodman J, tailor 4 Dixon & Ross, copper pit prntrs 1 Stoneham Wm, saddler * Curtis Robt, eating house Hampstead road. . 25 Foster J, zinc manufacturer 27 James Wm, locksmiths 30 Stockwell Wm, funishi ng ironmr 31 Davis Henry, fruiterer 32 Bruggar J & B, clock maker 32 Holmes Jas, newsvender 33 Holstead John, tailor 34 Hatcher , eating house 35 Carter and Bartlett, grocers 35 Coles Simon, confectioner 37 Harrison James, printer 37 Harrison Jas, clothes warehouse * Castle G, sadlr & stable fumishr 38 Claxton Nath, boot maker 39 Holmes Josh, news agent Hampton St, Walworth road. 1 2 3 7 29 Clifford Francis, tobaccoinst Turner Wm blind maker Armitage J, surgical instr maker Gates Richard, chair maker Heaseman Walter, painter Crichton and Son, auctioneers Crichton and Son, furniture depy 18 Salmon Rich W, dairyman 19 Roake T, general dealer 27 Lane Jos, carpenter 31 Stewart J, tea dealer 40 Bray J, pocket book manufac Hancock yd, Whitcfriars. Ince Wm, carman, &c Hand court, Hoibom. 1 Hart Jas, "Feathers Tavern" 2 Payne W, Wheatshf Tav & HI" 3 Bishop H, grocer &cheesemongr 4 Bowden J T, tailor 5 Smart W, litho & zincog' printers 5 James J, milliner 6 Asher Asher, book & music seller 6 Foster Wm, tailor 7 Carpenter Geo P, artist 7 Payne Wm, shell fishmonger j 10 Belles Chas, tobacconist 12 Anstie W J, coffee rooms 12 & 1 3 Clark T & Co, shell fishmng 14 Harpur Henry, tobacconist 14 Murray Geo, tailor Hand COUrt, Upper Thames st. Brewster Edw, printer Hannibal road, Mile end. 1 Cole Jas, blind maker 1 Guyatt John, dairy 2 Joyce T E, ornamental painter 8 Cave Thos, bricklayer 15 Newberry Robt, tailor 20 Webb Obadiah, bricklayer ' 2 1 Cole T, nautl & mathe instr makr 22 Strachan Robt, carpenter 23 Godbehear Thos, carpenter Hand&Marygold ct 9 Ber*t, Green Thos, leather dresser Hanover square. 1 Outram Dr physician 3 Piercy Mrs, " Hanover Hotel " 5 Emanuel Brothers, goldsmiths 6 Roe Dr G H, physician 7 Locock Do, physician 9 Mawdsley John, surgeon 141 HAN STRfiETKEY. HAR 10 Watson J, " Brunswk Hse Hotl" 16 Pearson Sir Wm H, surgeon 18 Okiental Club 22 Smith E, court & fancy dress mkr 22 Smith Hen, silk merchant 25 Hutchins Wm, dentist Hanover St, Hanover iq. 3 Money Wm, surgeon 5 Amber Chas, silk mercer 6 Couper John, plumber 7 Moore Jane, milliner Queen's Concert Rooms 8 Cutler Edw and Son, tailors 9 Edwards Joel & Suns, merchnts 11 Besch Fredk, tailor 1 2 Curlewis H C, tailor 13 Born Ambrose, tailor ,?K&k% 15 Rutledge Jas, M D and surgeon 16 Aspinwall Jas, upholsterer 17 Ramsay Alex, tailor 18 Donthorn W J, architect 19 Davies Thos and Son, tailors 20 Saddler Geo, tailor 21 Bernady Jas, brush manufactur HailOVer St, Long Acre. 3 Blackman Wm, coach plater 4 Croft G-, pencil maker * Smith M, sprgcurtn blind maker 7 Stevens J and G, coach smiths 10 Walker Jos, tailor 1 1 Holliday John, boot maker 14 Bowler John, grocer 1 6 Cooper & Blockford, coach la mfs 17 Cree Sarah, artificial flower mufr Hanover St, Walworth. 11 Lane Chas, undertaker 14 Rayment John, timber merchant 22 West Jas, auctioneer 22 West H and M, ladies' school 35 & 46 Broom Edw, carpenter Prior Robert, surgeon Hanway st, Oxford st. 1 Fisher Thos, printseller 2 Bell Wm, " Red Lion" 3 Main and Co, hair dressers 4 Kilner Richd, confectioner 5 Holloway T, music seller 6 Sugar Mrs, fancy stationer 6 Moses B, foreign chinaman 7 Evans Wm, milliner 7 Rees S, jeweller 8 Debnam Geo, straw bonnet makr 9 & 10 Wilson and Swale, drapers 9 & 10 Wilson Fredk, wine mcht 10 James Ann, fruiterer 11 Parkins Wm, stationer 12 Greenwood Geo, working jewellr 12 Greenwood P, milliner 13 Prowse T, musical instru maker 13aKennedy and King, hair dressers * Frearson Mark, laceman \ * Porler C, toy dealer 1 Stone Edward, stay maker 2 Baldock E H, for china mcht * 3 Tett Wm, plumassier F4 Newton Rosina, cbina &c dealer 14 Mason J, music publisher 14 Sudbury M & E baby linen wse Hacker Thos, shoe maker 15 Swan Hugh, milliner 15 Welchman M, ostrich feathr mkr 16 Jarvis Wm, " King' Arms" 17 Hitchcock Chas, china dealer 142 17 Todd Sarah, stay maker 18 Bourgoin H, French flower mkr 19 Eyland Sarah, shoe maker 22 W'atson Wm, painter 23 Jones John, dyer 23 Emery S, milliner 25 Cripps S, stay maker 26 Unsworth Geo, china dealer 27 Abrahams Eliz, jeweller 28 Gast Eliz, muffin baker Hare our t bids, Temple. Hurlstone E T, barrister 1 Peacock B, special pleader Hennell C, special pleader 1 Mellish Wm, barrister 1 Coote Richard, barrister 1 Jeffreys John, barrister 1 Smith W H, barrister 1 Greaves C S, barrister * Hance Charles, barrister Locke John, barrister 2 Henderson Gilbert, barrister Marsh T C, barrister Mayne J T, barrister Gorst , barrister 2 Harrison F Mr 2 Lowndes Mr, barrister 2 Knowles Sir F C bart, barrister 2 Milne, Parry, Milne, & Morris, solicitors 2 Raven and Bradley, solicitors 2 Mayne J T Mr, barrister * Derby and Raven, solicitors * Greening R I, conveyancer 3 Phillips Revell, conveyancer Nesham John, conveyancer Jones Hanbury, conveyancer 3 Hoskyns A B, barrister 3 Adolphus John, barrister 3 Adolphus J L, barrister 3 Sowton W M, barrister 3 Burrell W W, barrister 3 Mellish G, special pleader 3 Chandler A, barrister * Courteuay Wrn, barrister 4 Pechell A, barrister 4 Vigurs Lewis, barrister 4 Bowstead Jas, barrister 4 Edward F, barrister 4 Denuison S C, special pleader 4 Forsyth Wm, barrister 4 Wyle M, special pleader 4 Hadow P D, banister 4 Courtenay P W, special pleader HarCOUrt St, New rd, Marybne. 1 Fawcett H, upholsterer 3 Bradford Wm, cowkeeper 4 Brown Wm, plumber 1 1 Speed G H, plumber Ansell A, carpenter 13 Pope Wm, tailor 14 Tow John, bathmaker 15 Wainwright J, plasterer 16 Gale Wm, timber merchaut 17 Spiller John, slater 19 Standen Chas W 7 m, shoe maker 20 Hailing John, tobacconist 21 Haine Thos, baker 22 Scace Susan, dress maker 23 Matthews Robt, cabinet-maker 24 Bow Chas, upholsterer 25 Davidson A, appraiser 26 Packer T S, butcher 27 Adcock Chas, stationer 28 Wanless John, grocer 29 Goodwin Edw, lamp glass dealr 31 Simmons G, boot maker 32 Ambrose T, " Harcourt Arms" Hardington St, Port man mark. 25 Cook Thos, harness maker Hart Fred, coach builder Foster Robt. cabinet maker Nicholas Hen, carpenter Hare Ct, Temple. 1 Phipson T W, special pleader 1 Fenwick Thos, special pleader 1 Starkie Thos, Q C 1 Turner R Edw, special pleader 1 Wood F W, barrister 1 Taprell Wm, barrister * Easton , conveyancer * Rose Wm, barrister * Wright J, barrister * Wilson J S, barrister * Swann Chas, barrister 2 Dyte H, barrister 2 Horn Hen, barrister 2 Willes Mr, barrister 2 Dickinson J W, barrister 2 Claydon C B, barrister 2 Bamshay Wm, barrister Cooper H S, barrister * Fish SCC, barrister * Woolrvch H W, barrister 3 Piatt E, barrister 3 Temple S, barrister 3 Raffles T S, barrister 3 Saunders Chas, barrister 3 Brown Dr J B, barrister 3 Burcham Mr 3 Pulling, Clayton, & Comins, solrs * Browne R J, barrister * Saunders Chas, barrister 4 Bullock Edw, barrister 4 Grove , barrister 4 Whipham T W, special pleader 4 Philips J B Mr 4 Crylez E Mr 4 Lydekher G W, barrister 4 White G T, barrister 4 Hendenon John, barrister 5 Kingdon Thos, barrister 5 Gibbs Josh, barrister 5 Huddleston J W, barrister 5 Roebuck J A, barrister 5 Hodgson W H, special pleader 5 Bullen Chas, barrister Cross John, barrister Loundes J J, barrister Hare St, Bethnal green. 3 Cranfield and Sons, leashsters Gable I, "Red Cross" Semkin Jno, carpentr & loom mkr Snowley Wm, King & Queen" Kell Robt, "White Horse" 1 7 Spreadbury Wm, blackng & ink m 18 Summers Jas, shopkeeper 37 Beckworth A, " Fox & Hounds" Pristerer Geo, baker Stanton Chas, grocer and oilman 65 Hyam S, chemist and druggist 71 Hubery D, baker 84 Griffiths D, coal merchant Morley John, pork butcher Jaques Jno, skeine silk dyer 106 Blanchett Thos, hat maker Harleyford rd,#p Kenningn la, t roud M, milliner 2 Bowser Chas, grocer ^ Pearson Thos, wine merchant HAR STREET KEY. HAR Hill Win, " Durham Arms" Kauffman Benj, beer dealer Carter M T, tobacconist Hill John, printer Harleyford ter, Up Kenningn la Berry G, baker Smith W, beer retailer Harley mews. Lloyd T, carpenter Learmouth Robt, livery stables Harley St, Cavendish sq. 1 Southey Dr H H, physician 14 Maclure Win, surgeon 18 Say FA, artist 20 Corfield G K, solicitor 24 Lilburn G S, physician 57 Lloyd Edm, bookseller 63 Nettleship Thos, solicitor 64 Glaze Jas, "Turk's Head" 65 Turner and Co, music publishers 73 Riadore Evans, surgeon 75 Briggs E, Koyal Baths 84 Maciutyre Dr, physician Harp alley, Farringdon st. 1 2 & 3 Jackson P, upholder 4 Eastwood Win, copper plate mnf 1 2 Point S, chinaman 13 Throssell Chag, herbalist 14 Knife John, appraiser 17 Snell Jno, coal dlr& beer retailer 18 Masters Jane, brush maker 20 Thompson John, baker 22 Robinson J, bricklayer 26 Walker Jas, smoke-jack manfr Harp la, Gt Tower st. Colverd Jos, " Three Kingdoms" 12 Smith and Cooper, ship agents * Middleton B C, Custm House agt Hennah J E, Custom House agt 13 Grant Richard, " Marp" 13 Christopher T & J, Cus House agt 15 Chapman J B, cooper" 16 Bakeu's Hall, 16 Smith Henry, solicitor 17 Lucas J & Co, lighterman 18 Gleed Thos, wine cooper 19 Townley J W, lighterman 20 Hubbard Jno A and Son, mchts 20 Ellis Chas, Custom House agent 21 Charnley & Abraham, win & spm 23 Moore and Wilson, whol tea dlrs 23 Tuke John B, wine merchant 23 Nicholls F & Cj, insurance agts Harper St, K (nt road, New. 1 Richardson Jno, beer retailer 1 Goddard C, baker 3 Drewitt Joel, greengrocer 5 Hattersley T, painter 8 Hitchcock John P," Rising Sun" 7 Dulley Chas Geo, tea dealer 9 Peon E, bricklayer Hill Thos, haberdasher Davis Jno, retailer of beer * Foster Jas, cowkeeper 70 Carpenter Thos, corn dealer 19 Walker Wm, locksmith 14 Hall Edward, butcher 15 M'Kinnah Auu, grocer 16 Marsh Robert, greengrocer 1 7 Fowler Thos, bedstead maker ) 7 White Chas, beer retailor 20 Brewer N, cheesemonger 66 Pike Jabez, oilman 1 Chick John, carpenter 65 Organ John, baker Harpur mews, Red Lion sq. 9 Powles Jas, livery stable keeper 7 Holland John, ginger beer mnfr Harpur St, Red Lion square. 3 Hastings Wm W, solicitor 4 Cragg Joseph, solicitor 6 Penfold Thos Kdw, solicitor 7 Sutton Ellice Price, solicitor 17 Young Geo A, surveyor 20 Stieeter John Soper, surgeon Harris ter, Ratcliff Highway. 4 Hooke Johu, plumber Harrison St, Graijs inn road. 1 Simmons Geo Andr, tobacconist 2 Young Wm, dairyman 2 Alexander W m, house agt & app 7 Leveroni G, Italian warehouse 8 Bulgin John, optician 17 Matthew C, grocer & cheesemngr 18 Bailey John, grocer !9 Major , carpenter 22 Clayton Geo, painter 25 Morley Isaac, house agent 26 Mortimer and Hunt, silversmiths 27 Chard Wm, doll maker Wood Fras, "Hanisou Arms" 39 Biuns Thos, plumber 47a Barnard J, dairyman 63 Arnold Henry, tailor 63 Tapp W, tailor 83 Paine Samuel, baker 84 Cowper H W, " Bridport Arms'* 88 Poole M, dressmaker 93 Hay lor Win, grocer & chsemngr 95 Cooper Hugh W, builder Harrow rd, Edgware road. 2 Pethers Edw, tobacconist 3 Meader Wm, boot and shoemkr 4 White Richd, shoemaker 5 Ashford Edwin, ironmonger 6 WidnallG F, stationer 7 Paxton Geo, wheelwright 8 Morris Geo, cabinet maker 10 Cole Jno, shoemaker 12 Robinson Wm, tobacconist 13 Ashton E T, corn dealer 1 1 Cooper Jas, chair manfr 14 Cooke Wm, greengrocer 15 Steers Saml, music seller 17 Harris Jacob, cowkeeper \ 18 Bailey Jno, hairdresser 18 Davison Henry, cabinet maker 19 Garratt Joseph, baker 20 Adams Thos, carpenter 21 Edwards J, newsvender 23 Quick W, bricklayer 24 Marley Wm, beer retailer 26 Alford Thos, wine & spirit dlr 29 Treadaway G, tailor 47 Young T F, "Dudley Arms" 48 Waller Wm, grocer and cheesmg 49 Moor Frederick, baker 51 Bransgrove Ch, grocer and chesm 61 Atkins Henry, builder 62 Cameron Sauil, painter 63 Duke Geo, builder (>7 Gibbs Root, fruiterer 68 Seabrook Meicy, butcher 74 Wallis Thos,paintr plumbr &glr 71 Wallis Wm, carpenter 72 Goodwin Wm, plumber 73 Sidwell Thos, bricklayer 76 Douglas Jno, grocer and cheesm 76 Hyde Richd, whip maker 77 Quested Saml, corn dealer 79 McEvons & Johnson, statu & ma 80 Miller Joseph, carpenter 81 Westerman Robt, hair dresser 82 Townsend Geo, Running Hrse" 83 Steabben Mary, milliner 84 Holt Peter, writer 85 Paddington Provident Society Smith Wm, sec 87 Burn Wm, auctioneer 87 Danaville Jas, printer 88 Flower Geo, fishmonger 89 Leach Geo, butcher 90 Thornton Wm, rick cloth maker 91 Sanders Wm, coffee rooms. Harrow St, Lant street. 12 Gatelev Steph, carpenter Ratcliff' J T & H, rag met & state Cole E, cooper HartCt, Bridgewater Gardens, 1 Stokes S, tea pot handle maker 2 Bedford Henry, ft japanner Hart St, Bloomsbury. 1 Coates Geo. surgeon 2 Williams Geo Edw, solicitor 3 Haverfield Hen D, solicitor 4 Knox Geo, solicitor 6 Wright John, solicitor 7 Donaldson T L, architect 7 Donaldson W L, solicitor 8 Bagg Thos, wood engraver 8 Bagg Wm, artist 1 1 Hunter Jno, surgeon 11a Robinson G J, auctioneer, &c 12 Harris Edmund, merchant 12 Read Ben, tailor 13 Jarvis John, surgeon 15 Home Thos, house decorator 17 Edwards Francis, architect 19 Wilks G A F Dr, physician 21 Finuis Robt, solicitor 22 Harrison and Dobree, solicitor* 24 Ostell Win, printer and stationer 26 Eedes R H, baker 25 Bishop Wm R, grocer and tea dlr 27 Catterns H P, parish clerk 28 Meeski C, milliner & dress mkr 28 Bennett Jno, artists' pencil maker 29 Cowling Thos, tailor Boag Jn MG, "Yorkshire Grey'* 31 Jones Owen, "Bull and Mouth" 32 Fletcher Jas, bis findr & plmbr 34 Barling J, piano forte mauuf 36 Sherrard Edw, tailor 37 Cotterell & Blincoe, auctioneers 38 Walker John Henry, surgeon 39 Ray E and S, ladies' school 40 Walls and Son, solicitors 40 Walls G T, solicitor 41 Weedon T, surgeon's inst maker 42 Hodgkinson W C, proles of flute 43 Lancaster , M D Hart St, Covent Garden. 4 Tucker R, Tavistock livery stabls 9^Barrie R, livery stables 9 Barrie R, carpenier Chapman --, livery stables 143 HAR STREET KEY* HAT 1 1 Davies D, cowkeeper 11 Hanbury Henry, saw maker Adblphi Charity School, 15 Milton Wm, builder 16 Read Wm, engraver 20 Bailey Wm, brass manufacturer 23 Rutherford Thos, brass founder 29 Galley J, "Red Lion" 31 Johnson and Co, ale and port mt 38 Lawrance Wm, locksmith 49 Burn Jos, picture dealer 44 Lambert J no. baker 52 Stevens Thos, surv of pavements 52 Skae P, mason Hart St, Cripplegate. 2 Young Edw, glass cutter 3 Anderson Geo, "Woolpack" 6 Gower Jno, machine ruler 7 Rawlins & Winmill, cloth workr' 8 Gunnis Jas, woollen warehouse Hart St. Crutched friars. 2 Saunder Jas, bootmaker 2 Boulton and Jenkins, ship agnts 4 Richardson II, 'The Ship" 5 Freeman Thos, fishmonger 6 Smith Chas, printer 6 Loveys A T, wine cooper 6 Asser J, com corn seed & fir agt 7 Heilbert Ruben and Co, merchnts 7 Man Hen, wine and spirit broker 9 Boursot A, importer of for wines 9 Perrier Jouet& Co, Eperchmp m 10 Richardson Jas, baker Hart St, Grosvenor sq. Allen R, tobacconist Davis Thos, carriage lamp manf 5 Wallis VYm, ironmonger Tait Jas, ''Rose and Crown" Bowles J, coffee rooms Smith Jonathan, cheesmonger Hartshorn al, Fmc/wrch st. 4 Darnell Wm, painter and glazr Hartshorn Ct, Basing lane. 2 Fletcher Hugh, carpenter 2 Darter John, chair maker Hastings St, Late Speldurst st, Hatfield Ct, Golden lane. Rawle Ann '-Pigeons & Star"' Hatfield St, Stamford st. 1 Hawkins Jos, spring & axl tr mk 5 Lloyd Wm H, auctioneer * James John, circulating library 8 Weedon J F, engraver 14 Clark Geo, carpenter 31 Holnian Jas, upholsterer Seyfang John, pork butcher 66 Isherwood , house painter 29 Lockit J, artificial flower mnfr 35 Diuig Luke, tailor 37 Barrow T, bootmaker 41 Cahill Wm, cheesemonger 42 White Wm, tailor 47 Crump Chas, tortoisesh comb mk * Marshall T, " D of Wirtembei g" 40 Thorn F W, hat maanuf'acturer 68 King & Co, engnrs & st car bids HattOn Ct, Halton wall. Harrow Hen, bricklayer Brant J and R, coach builders Spurgeon Wm, wheelwright 14 Pearson , plate glass silverer 4 Simpson . coach trimmer 5 Blake & Co, watch glass inks HattOn Ct, Threadneedle st. 1 Podmore Robt, stockbroker 1 Price Jos, stockbroker Flocton Stephen, Russia broker 1 De. Mole and Browning, solicitors * Baker Wm, solicitor 2 Scargill John, solicitor 2 VVoolley W S, solicitor 2 Clark Chas Vane, stockbroker 2 Pi nek aid H, merchant 2 Lowless and Son, solicitors 3 Ciosse Thos, solicitor Tudor Henry, stockbroker Browne Chas, solicitor Burton Crescent. Willis David, grocer Willis Thos, perfumer & hairdrsr Garrett Jno. beer retailer Boswell Jno, baker McLean Wm, fruiterer Wood Wm, grocer Torrance J, imp of ale and portr 10 Eden Wm. hair dresser 1 1 Hurry F, butcher 12 Bridger Mary, cheesmonger 14 Wagstaff'C E, engraver 17 Gibson Leonard, carpenter 19 Rowen E, tailor 24 Blight S, professor of music 25 Jackson E, carpenter 28 Cranfield Barnard, cowkeeper 30 Robertson Robt, tobacconist 32 Gilbertson W W, baker 36 Loxdale Henry, printer 38 Lover Chas, furrier 40 Tayler Thos, modeller 45 Blancheny Louis, beer retailer 47 Higgins Thos, coal dealer ) 48 Jones R, bricklayer and plasterer 144 Hatton garden. 1 Turner C W, pat medicine whse 1 Elley John, ironmonger 1 Corbett John, coffee rooms 2 Somalvico and Son, opticians 3 Forgan Thos, baker 4 Holland Dr R G 5 Newberry & Teny, news venders 6 Robertson I, lithographer 6 Blackburn I, printer 7 Commission krs ok Sewers 8 Moseley Rich & Co, steel pen mnf 9 Bodger Thos jun, carpenter 10 Sewell J, painter 10 Stephens Andrew, artist 11 Vanderpool P, refiner 12 White Geo, solicitor 13 Hamel A, merchant 13 Hamel Alfred and Co, gen agents 13 Bill R and G, japanners 14 Fenton H J, plumber 15 Orchard T and Son, solicitor 16 Habgood Thos, goldsmith 17 Gardiner D Ch, auctioneer 18 Stalman John, tailor 19 Page A T, hairdresser 20 Rowland A& Son, props of mac oil 2 I Woodrow J H and Son, tailors 21 Shephard and Co, brass founders 22 Why man Edw, hairdresser Thompson M> milliner Taglibue & Casella, baromet mks Bartlett M, surgeon Dominey & Attree,ch-bed In whse Ward T, button trimming seller Pollock Timothy, surgeon Barton Edw, silversmith Barton Edw, merchant Barton Alfred & C, silversmiths Smith Josiah, cabinet maker Simpson and Stdrkey, jewellers Jeffreys Thos, refiner Terrey J E and Co, silversmiths Locke P, glass & chandelier rafts Bundy John, trunk manufacturer Johnson Wm, barometer mrifrs Welsford I and C, carpet mnfrs Burn and Sons, bookbinders Dixon Jos & Son, manf jewellers Howell John, solicitor Adlard Hen, engraver St Andrew's Charity School Cox and Son, marine agents Folkard Chas, seal engraver Greatiey Geo, wholesale jeweller Taunton John, surgeon Grellet and Co, merchants Kitcat G and J, bookbinders Bird John, bookbinder Allen Wm, linen draper Police Office Fordham Isaac, emery paper mfr Logan Thos, bookbinder Gander John, bookbinder Austen Chas, copper plate printer Webb Geo, uj>holstere Carr I F, blacking man far Woodward Joseph, The Rose" James Jas, auctioneer Loisel jun & Co, impr of for prov Messenger T Jt Son, lamp mkrs Bradley Benj, agent ^TUmBL Pyrke W and T, tailors Gibbons J B, watch manufr Fenoulhet Jas, solicitor Harris B, manufg stationer Hewlett & Goddard, whl drugsts Whitaker & Jerram, imp of spun Borthwick D, dep for gout medc Horn R, baker Collier G and Son, bookbinders Rogers Joseph &Sons, mnf cutlrs Hamilton A, agent Elkington G R,gold & gilt orn mk Balleny John, gilt toy maker Good Jos Hen jun, architect Morton John, gilt jeweller Mosley Wm, agent Patten Jas, solicitor Bass Jas, pharmaceutical chemist Johnson P N and Cock, assayers Booth and Fox, feather merchnts Muston Jas, feather merchant Bayley T, general agent Oliver Saml, solicitor Sanders E A & Co, coal mchts Goodchap Wm, accountant Dupin Jas, auctioneer Reilloc & Co, pro Bateman'sSars Jones and Taunton, bottle mchts Gough and Sons, carpet mnfs Austin Henry, civil engineer Alcock Saml, china warehouse Azemberg F, agent Pocock F M, lithographic printr Cook Thos, carver and gilder Kemble John, machinist Bradley T, pocket book maker Draper John, " Globe" Barough Fran, tea dealer HAT STREET KEY. HEM 93 Pile Simon, solicitor 93 WoolerT J, solicitor 94 Green, Son & Banks, whl jewelrs 9o Bower M N, surgeon 96 Flower Thos, solicitor 97 Mallalieu Wm & Co, merchants 98 Danks T & Son, carpet mnfrs 100 Sidebetham Jas, solicitor 101 Addenbrooke & Co, whl statnrs 102 Jaques John, ivory turner 10 i Jarduie J & Co, im of Ind cond 103 Willett C L, general agent 103 Willett J L, commercial agent 103 Thompsons, Birmingham whse 104 Hasluck S, manufg jeweller 105 Batson Wm, painter & decortr 106 Batistessa & Co, look glass mnf 106 Batu>teesa Jos, artificial florist 107 Paleman Wm, tailor 107 Jones Joseph, solicitor 108 Rowley J G bookbinder 109 Hart Joseph, music seller 110 London So lor Female Sekvts Hatton Wall, Halt on garden. 3 Terry & Co, whsle grocers, &c. 4 Keays W G, jewellery case mkr * Alder Wm, butcher 5 Marriot Joseph, china dealer 6 Horlock Christopher, boot maker 7 Pearce Wm, gas fitter 9 Storey Wm, pencil hair maker * Carr Jno Smith, blacking mkr 1 1 Dexter John, butcher 12 Weekes Wm, eating house Heclas John, potato dealer 14 Hicks M H, Hat and Tun" 15 Josling Nathaniel, grocer 16 Kimble Edward, cheesemonger 17 Plowman Jas, baker 19 Walker Jas, boot maker 20 Payne Rich, brass founder 21 Raddon Robt, painter 22 Liles J, bricklayer 23 Cook John, broker 24 Starters Wm, carpenter 25 Way Geo, locksmith 27 Blott Jas, baker 28 Sidle Robt, tobacconist 29 Goodsjieed K H, blind maker 30 Bennett John, carpenter 31 Beckwith Thos, coffee rooms 32 Hdl Wm, carpenter 33 Cartledge Hen, leather gilder 34 Ellis M E, butcher 36 Terry Benj, baker Haunch of Venison yard, Lower Brook street. dimming Sam, carpenter & bldr Haydon Sq, Minories. 40 Evitt Thos, solicitor 41 Potts Thos, gun manufacturer 42 Taylor Josh, upholsterer Oaks & Co, copper & ironwks &c 42 Owen Edw, brass foundry & mnf ; 43 Dodd S, dress maker St Catheuine's Dk. Com's Wars Haydon at, Minnies. 30 Hovil and Sons, merchants Harrison J T, cooper Hayes ct, So/u,. 1 Arthur Wm, baker 2 Rathbone Rich, pastrycook 3 Elms Nathl, " Geneva Arms" 4 Ackerman Jos, tailor 5 Robertson Jas, furniture broker 6 Woodfield Henry, hair dresser 7 Langnar Julius 1), cap maker 7 Thompson Josh R, tobacconist 8 Brook Isaac, boot maker 9 Stoker Geo, hatter 10 Goldin Henry, porkman 1 1 Brown Wm, potato salesman 12 James Thos, ham and beef shop Hay market. 1 Bain James, bookseller 2 Snowdon G W, chemist 3 Philip Jno, boot and shoe maker 3 Miles A W, trowsers maker 4 Coleman W, cutler 5 Cruikshank Alex, hair dresser 6 Mackintosh Jas, army saddler 7 Lang Joseph, gun maker Shooting Gai.leky Haymarket Theatre 8 White W, chemist 9 Cawthorn W, "Cafe de l'Europ" 1 Cawthorn W j un & Co, wine mhts 1 1 Bouverie, Normans & Co, bnkrs 12 Newman Geo, wine merchant * Davis and Hughes, auctioneers 18 Lowndes J and W, trunk makers 19 Skidmore T R, medical glass mf 20 Williams Thomas L, boot maker 21 Valle Fred, Italian warehouse 22 Baron Wm, " Opera Tavern" 23 Barron Win, shell fishmonger 24 Craufurd E T, wine & beer mcht 24 Tennison Jno, tailor and draper * Brumby John, bookseller 25 Garrard R S & Co, goldsmiths 26 M'Lean Thos, printseller 27 Hudson W B and Son, chemists 28 Adams and Hooper, coach bldrs 29 Smith Joseph, chemists 30 Hunt and Collins, breeches mkrs 31 & 32 Brecknell & Co, wax chndlrs 32 Moseley E, surgeon dentist 33 Huguenin F, perfumer 34 Fribourg & Treyer, snuff impts 35 Binnington Stephen, chemist 36 Webster B, publisher 37 Meridith & Wells, booksellers 38 Hemmin Maria, tailor 38 Last Joseph, trunk maker 39 Stray F tailor Chaplin Wm, job master 40 Quinn Jas, shell fishmonger 41 Payne E W, Eug & For cof house 42 Carter Jas, " Crown & Thistle" 43 Mann John, boot maker 43 Lacugne A, wine merchant 44 Adams W S, tobacconist 44 Sumpter H, engraver 45 Would ridge Wm, surgeon 46 Cousins W, " Black Horse" 48 Treherne D, '" Giraudier's Hotl" 49 Scott C, basket maker 50 Smith M A, " Waterford Arms" 51 Wright H, bookseller 52 Osbom T, " Grapes" 53 Bruce Joseph, boot maker 54 Watson Jno, baker 56 Steam Navigation Office 56 Underwood H, cutler 57 Adams Wm S, turn ironmonger 58 Knuppel Eliz, Knpl's Htl de P" 59 Dick Mattw, Blue Post Tavrn" 60&61 "Dubourg's Hotel" 62 Bather Geo, scale maker 62 Woodcock Chas, surgeon dentist 62 Levinson Isidor, hosier & outfitte 63 Dubourg J, " Dubourg's Hotel" 63 Medex S, snuff & cigar mnfr 64 Harvey E, "Anglesea Tav & Hot"' 65 Sharpe Mrs, hair dresser 66 Price Jno, shell fishmonger 67 Salamon M, tobacconist 68 Sherston Ann, livery stables 69 Pearson H, " Waterloo Tavern" 70 Tuck and Son, jewellers Opera Colonnade. W T adge Jonathan, wine merchant Hays lane, Tooley street. Marshall Jn & Son, cheese agent Hrrris J & Rich, potato salesmen Corderoy Jn & Edw, cheese agnts Dresser Joseph, cheese agent Chidell & Jones, imps of win & sp Hayward's pi, Clerkenwell. 3 Beards T, gas fitter Heath St, Commercial road. 30 Stoteshury Rt, wood turner 31 Harding W, grocer Deacon J, u Coal Meters' Arms" 32 West A, brass founder Heddon Ct, Regent street. Huggett P, " Crown" 12 Watkins J, grocer Heddon St, Regent street. Roche Edw, "Sun" 14 Play sted Henry, carpenter Dun Jas, "Angel & Crown" Helmet row, St, Luke's. 2 Buick Geo, baker 4 Engley Thos, undertaker 6 Harrison Jno, heel ball mnfr 5 Bice M, spring jack mnfr 9 Collins Frances, rope mnfr 10 Hunt Ralph, watch matrl &tl mr 12 Pape Wm, clock case maker 17 Collins Frances, rope mnfr Hemlock Ct, Lincoln's infields. Towler Geo, "Punch Bowl" 3 Newbery Robt, fancy stationer 4 Edgeler Wm, bookbinder 5 Clarke Wm, law stationer 6 Hale J, law stationer 7 Dennett, Edw, law stationer 8 Ashby C H, law stationer 9 Roberts W, house painter 11 Walker Wm P, law stationer 12 Turee Jas, bootmaker 14 Boyce Robt, carpenter 15 Richards Thos, law stationer 15 Gowar Rich, law writer Hemmings row, St Martn's la. 2 Levy Isaac, outfitter 3 Moyes Christia, baker 4 Elworthy Mary, stock maker 5 East Joseph, trimming seller 6 GooderedW H, wine & sp mcht 7 Coleman Wm, stock maker 7 Gregory Wm, engraver 8 Kent Alfred, paper case maker 10 Eckford II, picture dealer 10 Cranp E, tobacconist 11 Bell W H, boot and shoemaker 12 Blunt W, Birm & Sheffield wrhs 145 STREET KEY. HER 13 Lyon David, " White Liun"' 14 Levy David. 'outfitter 15 Watling John, coffee rooms 16 Hodge Geo, bootmaker 17 Wright Edw, house & genral agt Heneage la, Bevis Marks. Solomon A, poulterer > 7 isbett S, watch case gilder Heneage st, whitechapei. 2 Turner J, brewer 4 Goodman M, carmaBL__r gyf-X^ Backer Henry, scum boiler Izzard Jas, whiting manufacturer Hartshorn & Son, wtch spg mni'r Hartshorn John, cooper Baker Wm, u Osborne Arms" Henrietta St, Brunswick sq. 9 Wingrave Geo, * Greyhound" 13 Lugar llobt, architect 14 Browne T, Middlesx High School 15 Wilson Waller, surgeon 18 Scarlett Josh Thus, plumber 19 Champion Thos, straw hat mnfr Henrietta St, Cavendish sq. Hick Francis, surgeon Diamond C P, solicitor 26 Allison Geo, working jeweller 15 Gandri M, milliner 19 Marshall & Stinton, silk mercers 20 Morgan Wm, bookseller & libry' 27 Wood Richard, carver and gilder 32 Best W T m, cowkeeper 3 Groom Rich, conveyancer 4 Groom A B, solicitor 23 Shaw A, surgeon 16 Watson Thos, physician 28 Mackintosh A, painter Henrietta St, Cove nt yar den. Weatherfield John, surgeon 2 Few, Hamilton & Few, solicitors 4 Wood John Wm, tailor Commercial Bank ok London 8 Ford G, solicitor 9 Warne Thus, army & navy contr 9 Warne T, whlsl hoot &. shoe mnf 10 Morris H S, surgeon 11 Gill and Co, linen drapers 12 Farwig Brothers, tin plate wrkrs 13 British Magazink Office 14 Hollo way Marseilles; printseller 15 Barringer Wm, cheesemonger 16 Watherston & Brogden, w jewelr 17 Bohn John, bookseller 19 Batkin Robt, boot maker 20 Wilson John, tailor 20 Scott W J and G, printsellers 22 Field Wardell & Co, wine mchts 23 & 24 Offley & Son, "Offley's Tavn' ! 25 Sharp Joseph, boot maker 26 Miller John, bookseller 27 Spreck John, tailor 28 Upton Wm, tailor 28 Walmsley J, engraver & printer 29 Com James, bootmaker 32 Dermott Bryant, linen draper 33 Jones Robt, jeweller 34 Little F A, stationer & bookslr 35 Kohler John, musical inst mkr 37 Dennison Andrew, " Unicorn" Henrietta St, Manchester sq. 2 Lee Wm, furniture broker 146 3 Copus Chas, furniture broker 4 Woodland W, broker 6 Trimbey John, coal dealer 7 King John, leather cutter 9 White Fred, leather cutter 10 Woodland John, builder 12 Lyell Jas, furniture broker 14 Phillips Wm, baker 15 Anley Wm, shoemaker 19 Nathan Sulomon, furniture brkr 20 Cross John, bricklayer 21 Mundy Wm, cowkeeper 22 Gormon John, coal dealer 23 Davis Rich, ironmonger 24 Lee Sarah, patten maker HenrJT St, Commercial road. 6 Fitzgerald Jno, bricklayer Wall B, tobacconist Henry St, Cumberland market. 1 Lamshead L, haker 3 Jones Thos, tailor 4 Newman W, carpenter 6 Thomas T. carpenter 7 Bailey E, painter on glass 9 Healey J, hoot maker 10 Podger Josh, grocer Henry St, Gray's inn road. hV Davis J, tailor 6 Shallard M, beer retailer 7 Saltmarsh G T, "Duke of York" 8 Dunham Daniel, dairyman 10 Thomas K, tailor 11 Jones Joseph, boot maker 12 Mansfield and Sons, builders Henry St 5 Hampsiead road. ] Greenhalgh Henry, grocer J at or and ('berry, fishmongers 1 Islington Jno, plumber 2 Neaves Jno, plumber 3 Lewer Jno, hair dresser 5 Rushbrook C, tailor 6 Keen Sarah, baker 9 Craggs J, coal and potato wrehse 13 Nelder Daul, shoe maker 15 Parkhouse John, eating house 16 Chambers Danl, baker 19 Davis C, carpenter 20 Clements W jun, Coal & potato dlr 28 Skinner R, grocer 30 Mowatt , cabinet maker 31 Blackett G, painter and glazier 35 Weaver Wm, broker 3o Eungblut P, grocr & cheesemngr 38 Harris Saml, beer retailer 40 Waite Margaret, shopkeeper 41 Paul W, dairy 42 Wensley John, shopkeeper 43 Isaac and Bell, undertakers 44 Cray Thos, cabinet maker 45 Oulds Jos, tallow chandler Henry St, Pentonville. 5 Stroud Eliz, watch maker 8 Titmus Danl, butcher 15 Smee Robt, grocer 16 Eldwick Geo, lace manfr 21 Butt Geo, coal dealer 22 Butt Mary, cheesemonger 25 Smith Benj, tailor Risson Henry, shoe maker 29 Seal Mrs, milliner 30 Aitken R, coal merchant 3i) Elliott James, plumber 36 Thompson R, printer 39 Brewin Mrs, straw hat maker 43 Pyne G, reg of bths & dthsPen tlis 48 Thorogood Wm, beer retailer Henry st, St Luke's. 6 Sheasley John, baker 3 Mitchell Jas, wire worker 9 Lewis Wm, secret springer Herbert bldgS, Waterloo rd. 2 Lanfear W T m, hearth rug manfr 1 7 Batt J. coach carver 26 Jones Wm, carpenter Lambeth. Hercules bldgs, 43 Coppendale Jos, soda water mkr 44 Squire John, seedsman 46 West Martin, undertaker 48 Buist Jno, painter & paper hangr 49 Hill W, poulterer 50 Ruffed John Crickmore, butcher 51 Humphries David, " Hercules'' 52 Rigali Gaetaro, statuary & mould r 61 Harris Edward, estate agent 69 Harding G P, artist 70 Beckford Wm, tailor 71 Williams Jno Lewis, academy 73 Stoner A, carpenter & undertaker 78 Nash S A, ornamntl wood carver 80 Carr Chas, "Pine Apple" Hercules Ct, Threadneedle st. 1 WKeeler and Co, stockbrokers 2 Rayley John, stockbroker 2 Glehn R, Russia merchant 2 M'Kenzie J D, stockbroker 2 Stearns J jun, stockbroker Phillips J, " Hercules Tavern" Hereford st, #* road- Warrington J, ff Hope & Anchor" 13 Clamtree J, pipe manui'r 26 Read Thos, grocer 36 Clarke J, currier Hermes St, Pentonville. Alderson S and L, ladies' school Durling Wm, livery stables 13 Deeming Wm, boot maker . 26 Welland Geo, engraver 27 Stafford James, cowkeeper 33 Losecamp Alfred, egg merchant Hermitage st, Gt, Wapping, 1 Breading Thos, tailor a'nd draper 7 Petley Thos, lighterman 10 Corsan Jno, lighterman 12 Wilson Isaac, tailor, col>VAH 15 Bostock Jno, lighterman 11 Burdon Thos, shoemaker 1 7 Brodie W, carpenter & ship 19 Jury J, lighterman 20 Morton , ship agent 28 Kinchin Wm, lighterman 29 Palmer Henry, tailor 38 Smith Hannah, grocer, &c 41 Cowley Dan, " Sugar Loaf'' 42 Reed Jno, grocer 43 Chew* Caroline, lighterman 46 Nutkins Jno, licensed lightermn 62 Savage Thos, chain lighterman 63 Creed Jas, lighterman, 2 Lidiard M, grocer ^Richardson J, ''Prince of WV-es" Holliday R, shipsmith. HER STREET KEY/ HOI, 24 Hove KHz, wharfinger 9 Illingworth W, house and slip jnr Hermitage st, Lit, Waging. 1 Low Dennis, hair dresser Finlay Wm, mast maker 3 Damant Jno, grocer Greengrass Geo, " China Ship" 7 Taylor John, ship chandler, &c Wood Eliza, " Scott" s Arms" 1 1 Brewer Richd, beer retailer 12 Paunell Chas, butcher Hertford rd, Kingsland basin. Graham Robt, " Duke of York" Davey Henry, baker Yates Jno, stone merchant Daniels Jas, grocer & cheesemngr Sunderland Wm, black lead wkt Brown Mary, carman Hackney Parish Stone Yard Lewis Penry, whiting manfr Porter Jno, cabinet maker Shaw Thus, " Waggon & Horses" Hertford st, Ftzroy sq. 1 Symons Chas, joiner 4 Willington Wm, bookbinder 5 Aitchison Geo, cabinet maker 7 Barnard A, plumber 9 Deeley A, milliner 11 Walters Jno, coffee rooms 12 Hussey J, carpenter 15Kift Jno, hair dresser 16 M* Arthur D, stationer 19 Kee E, bonnet maker 20 King Edw, beer retailer 21 Diinkle Wm, hair dresser 22 Spink Christopher, cheesemonger 23 Pembridge Tbos, grocer 24 Lathbury Robt & Geo, " Lamb" 25 Skinner Wm, oilman 26 Leverton Hen, builder * Martens Jos, grocer 28 Bennett Benj, toyman 30 Copeland Wm, carpenter 33 Gear John, butcher 36 Wilkie Robt, tobacconist 38 Bennett A, appraiser 40 Matthews jno, ale & porter mcht Hertford st, May/air, 1 Anderson F, baker 7 Smith E, artist 8 Manning and Dalston, solicitors 42 Gream G T, surgeon 48 Chowne Chas E, surgeon 48 Chowne C E, reg of bths & dths 49 Deeks Wm, haii dresser High St, Hoxton. 1 Molo Wm, cheesemonger 2 Gooding Ed, grocer 3 Erwood Wm, paper stainer 4 Beck Edw, corn chandler 5 Hawthorn Jno II, surgeon 6 Atkins Wm, watch maker 7 Staff' Jno, shoemaker 8 Leach Thos A, hairdresser 9 Templeman Wm, purse mnf 10 Vesour Eliz, cheesemonger (1 1 Arnold Jas, butcher 12 Pearson Jas, tobacconist High Timber st, U P Thames st. Sheen A, '"Feathers" Marshall W & Co, expt ironmgrs L2 Eayres J, "King's lid & Lamb" Luunes Rich, sack maker Hill St, Berkeley square. Caddell A, " Coach & Horses" Hill St, Finsbury. 9 Smyrk E, fringe manufacturer 9 Winnett Jas, worsted dyers 1 5 Wilkinson & Robinson, calendrs 16 Richards C, farrier De Burson B M, engraver 1 7 Pugh Thos, carman Hill St, Great Surrey st. Mason & Myers, antimony refinrs Draper's Alms Houses Rowland Hill's Alms Houses Hill St, Walworth road. 1 Cotton Edw, general dealer 7 Turner Wm, beer retailer 9 Sore Hen, plumber 13 Luke A N, grocer, &c 14 Ewer Wm, butcher Amery J, bricklayer 11 Roberts John, plumber 21 Hills Mercy, beer retailer 29 Stubley Geo. general dealer Pouting D, general dealer 57 Barrett G, house agent 67 Goode Wm, carpenter 73 Gibbons John, brazier 74 Warmington H, tailor Hierons Jno, grocer, &e 77 Eggbrecht D, ivory turner 59 Mull is Jno, mason 81 Alexander Jas, baker Cross John, general dealer Smith Wm, beer retailer Brothwell Benj, grocer 1 Ashcroft Joseph, painter, &c 3 Sims R, writer and painter 98 Burr Wm, beer retailed Kynnersley Wm, beer retailer Hind Ct, Fleet st. 9 Ruff& Co, map mrs & sp rlr mks 4 Havel I Seth, bookbinder 4 Shepherdson Wm, tailor 5 Cracked and Son, tailors 6 Masterman Wm Stanley, solicitr Riley Thos, printer Hinde St, Manchester square* 1 Harris A, clothes salesman 2 Browne M, solicitor 16 Staner Steph, baker Hinde meWS, Marylebone lane. Pattison H, livery stables Jakeman E, lath render Hindon st, Pimiico. 27 Truss Jonathan, grocer, &c 28 Hearne Hen, greengrocer 37 Hayward Mary, newsvender 38 Frost Jno, baker Holborn. 14 Chase Thos, chemist 15 Stebbina: & Clemow. woollndrpvs 16 Tavlor E, bat maker 1 7 Taylor E & T, oil Ital & Bh wa wh 18 Cross Jos, engraver 19 Simmohds I & O, goldsmiths 20 Castle J, Barnard's Inn coffee hse 21 Schofield Jas, grocer 22 Muddock Hen, hosier 23 Dale Edmund, surgeon 25 Anderson & Co, distillers 27 Emmett Tbos, hardwareinan Holborn bars. 139 Old Furnival's Inn coffee house Brett's Hotel Brett H & Co, brandy merchants 142 Steffenoni Jos, upholsterer 143 Penn J C, bootmaker 144 Maclachlan P, baker 145 Appleford Wm, tailor, &c 146 Dymond and Co, chemists 146 Owen O T, surgeon 147 Crossley R, cheesemonger 148 Gillingwater John, hairdresser 143A Dimsdall H, medical agent 149 Holmes Allen, tobacconist 340 Cooke John, hosier 1 & 2 Blissett W, juvenile warehse 3 Chowne W, tobacconist 4 Moon Wm, jeweller 5 Stephens T, umbrelbi inafcer 6 Bum pus T, bookseller 7 Hey Wm, Si Blue Posts" 8 Flint Thos, hosier 9 Wells T, dressing case maker 10 Allen W J, hosier 11 Monro and May, music sellers 12 Evans & Co, carpet warehouse Holborn hill. 29 Stafford John, tailor 30 Jones W and S, opticians 31 Burchett Wm, bootmaker 34 Hadland H, cheesemonger 35 Weston Geo, tobacconist 35 Hastrick Hen, patent flute maker 36 Spratswill Wm, tailor 36 Nicholles M A, dentist 37 Gilpin & Davis, woollen drapers 38 Barnard Saml, tailor 39 Edwards John, grocer 40 Hughes Saml, haircutter & perfr 41 Cox R B, haberdasher 42 Allman Thos, bookseller 43 Pryor S and II, umbrella mnfr 44 Burt Arabella, straw hat mnfr 45 Cottle Saml, auctioneer 46 Keet and Co, baby linen warehs 47 Sloper Jas, stationer 48 Holmes Matthew, watch maker 49 Hampson Richd, silk mercer 50 Smith Jno, " Crown & Horse Sh" 51 & 52 Bidmead and Co, hosiers 53 & 54 Wollatt and Son/linen drprs 55 & 56 Watson J and Co, linen drprs 57 Wade John and Son, tailors 58 Darton and Clark, publrs & statrs 52 Robins W, grocer & cheesemngr 59 & 60 Meeking C, linen draper 57 Nicholas Dan, butcher Hitt'S pi, Ray st, derkerrwell. Thirion P, fur skin dresser Holborn bridge. 7 DttYis Thos, bootmaker^ I 61 & 62 Meeking C, carpet wareh 65 Morton and Co, carpet mnfrs 67 Skinner J II, tobacco mnfr 68 Butcher G, china and glass mcht 681 Butcher Geo, tea dealer 69 Lloyd Richd, tobacco mnfr 70 Crossley J, cheesemonger HOL STREET KEY, HOL 71 Salsbury Edmund, tailor 72 Herapath and Co, hatters 73 Colston W and Co, woollen drprs 74 & 75 Bardwell H & Co, win dprs 76 Martyn R and E, tea dealers 77 Button Nathaniel, pastrycook 78 Cooke Jas Hubert, poulterer 79 Boyle Edwd, linen draper 80 Dickins Richd, chemist 81 Aldred and Co, woollen drapers 82 Verge Benj, baker 83 Way Edwd, grocer 84 Lowe Wm, " One Tun'i 85 Henry John, corn dealer 86 Tite BM, oilman 87 Parry & Baseley, whl cheesemgr 88 Norman Harriet, " Globe" 89 Caro and Sons, wire workers 90 Collingwood J W, tea dealer 90J Clay T K, pencil and pen mnfr 90 Baker Thos, printer 90| Egleton C and T, book binders 90^ Sheen M, lamp manufacturer * Worrall Seth, eating house keepr 92 Woollett, Rowe & Clay, win dips 94 Fearon H B, wine and spirit mcht 95 Wilson A & Son, boot & shoe mks 96 Spiller J H, M Grapes" 97 Wilson A & Son, ladies' shoe mkrs 98 Spifler Edm P, oil and Ital ware 99 Farren Jas, beer retailer 1 00 Lamb Wm, woollen draper 101 Rich M E, hatter 102 Spiller C C, stationer 102 Texas Land Okkick Snell Edw, accountant 103 Parr Ann C, office for servants 104 Butler Wm, * Old King's Ams" 105 Fovster Nich, chemist & drugst 106 Thompson J S, buttn & trim sllr 111 Meeking and Co, woollen drprs 112 Umpleby & Palmer, wooln dprs 113 Moger Thos, poulterer 114 Saunders John, picture dealer 115 Gibson and Burt, surgeons 1 16 & 1 17 Moore & Murphy, wh confs 118 Wray M O, Theuai-eutic Inst ] 19 Player Saml, coffee rooms 120 Elkington J, " Coach and Hor" 121 Gifford A K, tobacconist 122 Gilbert Mary, coach proprietor 122 Robottom C, Bull tav & tap'' 123 Bunyer W, Old Bell tav & tp" Home B W & Co, coach *proprs 124 Mears Wm, brush maker 125 Cottrell Henry, last maker 126 Davies Robt, surgeon 127 Stevens Jas, eating house 128 Biddle Wm, fishmonger 128 Thompson Wm, coffee house 1 29 Perrin Hen, clothes salesman 131 Davy Robt, hair dresser 132 Reid Wm, tobacconist 133 Ridler V, Bell & Crown Tav" Fagg R and G, coach proprs Holborn, High. 1 Saunders Wm, hosier 2 Case W H, oil and colourman 3 Archer John, baker 4 Cock J D, stationer 5 Holgate Geo R, chinaman 6 Prosser Stephen & Jno, fishmgrs 7 Emmins John, bookseller 8 Sabine Geo Lea, butcher 9 Buckingham John, rope maker 10 Arnett Henry, tobacconist 1 1 Bell Joseph, confectioner 11 Shakeshaft A, milliner 148 12 Lancaster J and Co, woollen drps 13 Eckstein G F, ironmonger 14 Chappie Win, trunk maker 16 Payne Wm, toy warehouse 1 8 Haslip H, cutler & dresg case mkr 19 to 22 Chaffers & Hoopers, "Gray's Inn Coffee House" 23 Henekey, Kisbury Wm and Co, wine and spirit merchants 24 Dawson Frs, hair dresser 25 Winter Thos, " Castle Tavern" 27 Hooper and Sons, whol confectrs 28 Laughton Chas, hosier 29 Saunders Robt, " Coach & Hors" 30 Mason Wm, bookseller 31 Barugh & Wingraveoil&colrmn 32 Frewin Edwd, cheesemonger 33 Barker E, " Crown & Six Ca n' 34 Arnold J W, ham and beef shop 34 King Wm, pawnbroker 35 Houlston Wm, bookseller 36 Braggs Robt, gunsmith 37 Webster Jas, tobacconist 38 Matthews W and R, whol statrs 39 Gurney and Co, ** White Hart" 40 Robinson Joseph, bookseller 41 Humphreys J B, coffee house 42 Cotterell S J, window blind mkr 42 Cotterell Wm, artist 43 Stevens Thos, gun maker 44 Seare and Co, engravers 45 Purday Z T, music seller 46 Telfer J, ready made lin warehse Dance Wm, artist 47 Gale Rd, carver and gilder 48 Finer Horatio, watch makers 49 Starbuck J, tailor and trunk mkr 50 Harris Wm and Sons, opticians 51 Huntley C, stay maker 52^- Rusk John James, boot maker 53 Reeve J, glass manufacturer 54 Nettieford J S, ironmonger 54^ Townsend W A, manufact jewelr 55 Platow M, gas apparatus mnfr 55 Thompson H W, upholsterer 56 Royle Wm Rd, engraver 57 Andrews Jos, u Hand in Hand " 58 Tate Robt, baker 59 Weale John, publisher 60 Clarke Thos, paper stainer 61 Haudford and Davies, tea dealers 62 Fell Eliz, milliner 62 Elmes Jane, perfumer * Hannah Walter, oilman 63 Warr F, stationer 64 Heath Henry, hat manufactory 65 Steel Thos, boot and shoe maker 66 Lovett John, cheesemonger 67 Bath M, cork cutter 68 Barkley G M, fringe maker 69 Cant G W, last maker 70 Mason T & Son, woollen drapers 71 Clarkson Wm, grocer 72 Hobson Joseph, " Red Lion " 73 Booker Geo, fishmonger 74 Hawthorn & Co, tea dealers 75 Barker L, cork cutter 75 Hoskjns J, kitchen range mauuf 77 Hopkinson L, coach & ham mkr 79 Brugger L & E, clock maker 80 R'de John, corn dealer 81 Hickman B R, " Coach & Hors " 81tj Groomb ridge J, livery stables 82 Arnold Wm, baker 83 Hallett W, ivory & hard wd turn 14 Sanders and Co, hatters 85 Baldock Robt, bookseller 86 Rainford Edward, bookseller 87 Burtt E, " York Arms " French-horn yard. Cockram Eliz, post horse letter Johnson R, wheelwright Self John, preserver of hi ids 88 Howard Wm, confectioner 88 Presley Sarah, dress maker 88 Watts James, tailor 89 Claudei & Houghton, glass ware 90 Hughes W T m, surgeon 91 Dennis Rd, coffee rooms 92 Ranee James, " Bull & Anchor " 93 Crockett John, pawnbroker 94 Beauchamp J, British plate mnfr 94 Grenburg Davis, tailor 95 Sparrow Henry, tea dealer 96 Atkinson E, woollen draper 97 Day and Martin, blacking manfs 98 Burke T Haswell, embrs & fncy st 98 Jones Wm, boot maker 99 Vinall and Son, tailors 100 Akroyd Jos, tailor 100 W^atts W & Co, wine & sprt mts 100 W T heeler Henry, carpenter 100 Haynes Stephen, plumber 101 Cole John, druggist 102 Lambert Thos, tallow chandler 103 Mullins & Wigley, leath pipe m 104 Brown Wm, bookseller 104 Maguire Hen C, lthogra drtsmn 104 Clapham C W, jeweller * Whitfield Wm, lancet maker * Hardingham S, bricklayer * Thurkle Benj, sword cutler 04 Whitfield W, surg instrmt mkr 04 Phillips Geo, bookbinder 06 Lister Christopher, woollen drpr 07 Draper W & T, leather warehse 08 & 109, Walker & Co, upholsters 10 Taylor Wm, hosier and glover 1 1 Paul J Fred, shell fishmonger 12^- Alexander Isaac biscuit baker Gay W, brush maker & turner 14 Hillas G L, surgeon 15 Tatham Geo, upholsterer 16 Gosbell Henry, stationer 17 Kettle John, bookseller 18 White Wm, "The Globe" 19 Earnshawr Thos, watch maker 20 Hollingsworth Jas, shoe maker 20 Mills Wm Fred, gun maker 21 Berry and Reid, linen drapers 22 Richards Jacob, upholsterer 23 Dimock Smith & Co, linen dip* 24 Ives E, upholsterer 25 Harris R. bed manufr & uphlstr 26 Adam Joseph, oilman 26 Diggs John H, tobacconist 27 Tucker \V H, window glass mf 28 Carughi P, barometer maker 28 BazzoniA,wax & compdollmnf 29 Gee W, < Grapes " 30 Webb James, baker 31 Neighbour G, oil& Italian whse 32 Smith C, " King's Arms Tavn " 33 Spencer W, bending warehouse 35 Barker Robt, pawnbroker 36 North Jas, " coach & Horses " 37 Faulkner M & J, upholst whse 38 Willis John W, hatter 39 Brooke E, ironmonger 40 Ridley Hen, cunier 41 Huet Noah, bookseller 42 Hartshorn H, King's Head '* -13 Priestly Rich, bookseller 44 Baxter Geo, chemist 46 Rogers J, " Three Compasses" 17 Eaaton J, baker 48 Harris John, brass founder * Ballinger Henry, confectioner HOL STREET KEY. HOL 149 Spott Jas, truuk maker 150 Jones Richard, tin plate worker 151 Norman Wm, coffee house 152 Lambert W, " Old Windsr Cas" 153 Woolley T, playing card maker 154 Thompson Chris, upholsterer 155 Huntsman Benj, baker 156 Lyons H R, paper stainer 157 Luff Wm, ham dealer 158 Edwards Thos, boot maker 158 Green Mrs, milliner 159 Fell Chris, coach currier 160 Barnard Brothers, ironmongers 161 Grover Humphrey, oilmen 16.' Furness James, biscuit baker 163 Brown Thos. artists' colourman 164 Nov Isaac, " Two Brewers " 165 Philips Solomon, tobacconist 16") Hodder F A, gas fitter 166 Starrie Jos, bookseller 169 Fletcher Win. linen draper 171 Jones E, chemist and druggist 1 72 Wenborn Robt, scale maker 173 Hayne Jas, appraiser The London Tea Mart Compy Williams It, ironmonger 175 Murphy E, potato salesman 176 Smith Wm C, corn dealer 177 Herring C and Co, lamp makers 178 Hunter Sarah, bookseller 179 Martin Daniel, tailor ISO Smith Jas, tobacconist 180 Harrison P S, ironmonger 181 Marshall J, & Sons, tallow chdls 182 Hagg Rd & Jas, tobacconists 183 Wells T, appraisrs & fixtur dlrs 184 Newman J, ' Burton Coff Hse" 185 Jones David, pawnbroker 186 Park &Thornbory, haberdashers 187 Smale T, dental teuository * Smale H, dentist 188 Bi.wles Jas, stationer 189 Hennessey It, hard wood mcht 190 Bridgnell J P, haberdasher Harding Wm, fringe manufac 190|Findon J,patspg& axletree mkr Vauicas Watekprook Compy 191 TrithchTer & Co,Ger clock mkr 192 Whitiinghain Thos, hair dressr 193 Smith Jos. bookseller 195 Chandler Ja*, brush maker 196 Lincoln H C, organ builder 197 Smith and Co, linen drapers 198 Bateman Thos, bookseller 199 Brown S, linen & woollen dpr 200 Cubitt M, builder 201 Davie Jos, watch maker Everett Miss, day school 202 Clerk W, lithogra printer P. ice RT, tailor 203 Fish H, shoe maker 204 Pritchett W, furniture broker 205 Hart George, hatter 206 Vinter John, grocer 208 Bishop Beoj, brush maker 209 Whale A R, tea dealer 210 Scolesand Kings, coach buildrs 212 Adams T & Co, umbrella mkrs 213 London & Westminster Bank Bloomsbury Branch, Ewings W, manager 215 Toovey Thos, undertaker 217 Brennand P, cutler 218 National Baths 219 Aldridge W," Sun & Punch Bl" 220 Bentley W G, wholsale perfumer 221 Turtill Robt, saddler 223 Thorn Alex, oilman 224 Adlard Fred, tailorj 225 Adlard F, hatter 226 Lee and Sons, tailors 227 228 and 229 Howitt, Brothers, linen and woollen diapers 230 Stone Mary, grocer 231 Hamley Wm, toy warehouse 232 Page Saml, undertaker 233 Parker, Field, and Sons, gun- makers to Her Majesty 234 Bentley W G, wood letter manf 235 Newman Jas, bookseller 236 Behrens Josh, silversmith 137 Radclyff'e Edw, carver and gilder 238 Carter Jas, seedsman 239 Blott Jas, baker 240 Knight, Challen & Sons, tailors 241 Golden Thos, haberdasher 242 Weston H, Six Cans & Pch Bl" 2-13 Woodham Jno, timber mercht 2-13 Plupps T, saddler * Binns Saml, chair maker 244 Benton Geo, pawnbroker * Cable W & E, livery stables 245 Lee Geo, lithographic writer 246 Clarke Henry, hat manufacturer 247 Hughes Thos, truss maker 248 White and Co, hosiers 249 Coxhead Josh, bookseller 250 Stanton and Wilson, ' Tom's Coffee House" 251 Brown D, toy warehouse * Perry T, iron fence & hurdle mkr Manning H, buildr & sash mkr 253 Weaver Jno, eating house 254 Fire Engine Station * Lee Jno, farrier 255 Kettle Chas, bookseller 256 Blackwell W, " Roebuck" 257 Chace Richd, basket maker 258 Burdge Wm, eating house 259 Bray and Son, auctioneers 260 Hanson Chas Thos, watchmaker 261 Pearse and Guerrier, builders 262 Lane Thos, " Gordon Arms" 263 Graves and Co, linen drapers 264 Vernier Eleanor E, music retailr 264 Longmore Thos, brass founder 265 Waight B J, bookseller 266 White W, mill maker 268 Elliott W, mathem instru mkr 269 Robinson Caleb, tailor 270 Peters R T, " George and Blue Boar Hotel" 270 Horn B W, coach proprietor 271 & 272 Bailey D & E, ironmngers 273 Element & Knight, carpet warh 274 Sprigg and Co, leather dressers 276 Belcher Saml, linen draper 277 Hall Wm, hosier 278 Davis J,%auctneer and house agt 279 Taplin Christopher, tailor 280 Stewart Chas, carver and gilder 281 Tnorpe Geo, " Robin Hood Tav" 281 Farrer and Penrose, tailors 282 Hyem and Barber, butchers * Evans H K, curiosity dealer 283 Hartwell Richd, hosier 284 Hall Henry, silversmith 285 & 286 Poppy Thos, silk mercer 287 Everrett Thos. tailor 288 Neale Jas, upholsterer 289 Swinstead Chas, straw bonnt mr 290 Carpenter and Francis, furriers 291 Bowser Wm, shoemaker 292 Barker Job, straw hat maker 294 Lyon,Hotson& Co, upholsterers 296 Babb Wm, milliner 297 Oliver N, linen draper \300 Curbyn and Co, chemists 301 Briggs Wmand Co, silk manfrs 302 Smith and Co. grocers 303 Colson W D, straw hat maker 304 Godwin Jas, silversmith 305 Emerson and Co, carpet warehs 306 Down H S, hatter 307 Thompson & Co, brush manufrs 308 Richardson Jos, eating house 309 Huntsman Chas, chemist 310 Webb Jas, baker 311 Flint and Steel, shoemakers 312 Simons Wm, laceman 313 Graves R, tailor 314 Spencer Richd, stationer 315 Maney and Connor, tailors 315 Witt Wm, surgeon dentist 316 Reilly Jos C. gun maker 317 Young W H, tailor 317 Roberts M and M, dress makers 318 Nicholson Wm, carpet manufr 319 and 320 Newington and Sander, china and glass manufrs 321 Blissett John, gun maker 322 Griffith C, whip maker 323 Henekey G & Co, wine mchts 323a Maylard Jas, tea dealer 324 & 325 Hard wick & Ford, lin drps 3i6 March T E, chemist 327 Smith Wm, hosier Holland St 9 Blackfriars road. Wyatt, Parker & Co, cemnt mchts Rapallo E, slate mercht 4 Harrison Matthew, bottle mcht Gatley and Co, patent saw mills Waters and Steel, corn merchts 6 Rennie G & J, millwrights & eng Fryer T, " Founders' Arms" Avrill Wm, " Duke on Horsebck" Stunt Geo, iron merchant 7 Home T W J, coal merchant Wildey & Co, imps of cocoa nut fib 61 Duvall W, bacon dryr& corn mch Webb N, " The Peacock" Driver Thos, carpenter & builder Cotsworth Thos, builder Burton and Sons, engineers Carter Thos & Son, bacon dryers 55 Reddin D & Sons, contractors, &c 50 Prince John, turner 51 Matthews F, wheelwright Earwaker John, agent 47 Hardy Jno, farrier 46 Woodley C, egg merchant 41 Meek John, corn chandler 40 Pearce Francis, coal sack maker 39 Walter Thos, grocer 3 Stares T, earthenwareman Morgan B, White Horse" 1 4 Doors J P, iron plate worker 15 Christmas J W, plumber, &c. Clare Peter, stove manufacturer 16 Osman W, general dealer Stocks Jos, " Castle" Pellatt Apsley, flint glass manfr 5 Rothenburg Fred, tailor 6 Hanks H, junr, bootmaker Reddin Danl and Son, carmen 3 Nevett J W, bookbinder Ward Josh, " John's Head" Johnson Jas, "Northum Arms" 1 Wilson Jas, Worren & Co, hat m Doherty Scrivens & Co, furriers Holland St, Brixton-rd. Fowle John, nurseryman Bye H and W, Globe brewery 13 Hube Jno, news vender 17 Ware Edw, tailor 21 Jones Thos, hair dresser 149 HOL STREET KEY. HON 5 Martin Jas Fuller, bookbinder Hoadly John Robt, butcher Wells Wm, grocer Brown Robt, grocer Hannen Jas, baker ft Robinson Sam, "Lord H^Uand*' 10 Rudd Geo, bricklayer Kent Nathaniel, livery stables Bird Wm Hen, carpenter Hollen st, Soho. 2 Cowles C, cabinet maker 3 Johnson Geo, French polisher 3 Bant Job, saddle-tree maker Seager Rich, watch glass maker 4 Green Thos, japanner 5 Hildersley John, chair maker 8 Bramble Edw, watchmaker Ford Geo, working jeweller 13 Ryan Michael, builder 15 Cleall Thos, turner 16 Jones David, tailor 18 Pildersley M, carver and gilder Hollis St, Cavendish sq. 1 Harding and Son, jewellers, &c 2 Belcher Wm, tea dealer 3 Savage M, dressmaker 4 Smallridge Wm, saddler 5 Colley Rich, perfumer 5 Turner J, bookseller .'lol 6 Dalrymnle J no, surgeon 6 Kgg C and H, gun makers 7 Williams C J B, physician 8 May Wm tailor 10 Ford Wm, tailor 11 Cowie J, silver smith & plater 12 Christian & Co, linen dps & oufi 16 Bull Simeon Thos, surveyor 17 Banfield R & M, baby lin whse 18 Cocke Arthur, surgeon 19 Bull Edw, public librarian 20 Weldon Thos, tailor 21 LePlastrier Jane, milliner LePlastrier Isaac, watch & ck m LePlastrier Francis, upholsterer 22 Barton Miss, milliner 22 Tempany & Co, tailors 23 Clavk J H, auct estate hse agent 24 Semy J B, physician 2") Prettyman S, milliner 25 Aldridge Wm Hen, music publr 26 Churton Edw, bookseller 27 Housden Jas, brush warehouse 28 Boosey T and Co, music publsh 28 Bradberry and Co, spectacle mks Holies St, Clare market. 2 Fawcett Fras, coal dealer 4 Braker Thos jun, tailor 5 Millis Wm, tin plate worker 5 Bull M, baker 6 Cook Wm, bootmaker 8 Heald Ed, projecting letter mkr 13 West Thos, '-Fishmonger's Ars" 14 Baker Geo, coal dealer 16 Jaques Thos, dairman 17 Green Edw, tailor 15 and 20 Gray 11 W, coal dealer 19 Sinclair Jo>h, hair dresser 22 Gearing Thos, whitesmith 23 Hagley Thos, furniture dealer 24 Howard Thos, furniture broker 25 Braker Thos, tailor 26 Wright Wand J, goldbeaters 27 Denny Sam, brush maker Holliday yd, Creed lane. 22 Terry A, tailor 150 Hollybush gar, Beth-gr-rd. Grace Hen, white lead manfr Hollybush pi,, Allen Robt, paper stainer Holmes hldgS, Lit Bell alley. 1 Price Chas Jas, butcher 2 Harbord Chas, bootmaker Shoreditd Holywell la, 2 Gibbs Jas, tripe dresser 6 Beatey Rebecca, earthenware dlr 8 Best J, plumber 9 Potter J, bootmaker 11 Grainder Rd, grindery dealer 11 Penny T, " Prince of Wales" 17 Bull Wm, paper hanging manufr 18 Rugg Jno, beer retailer 19 Andrews Eliz, shoemaker 21 Medcalf Chas, cabinet maker 22 Kemp J, pawnbroker 27 Chambers Edw, baker 28 Gilloch T, carver 30 Winsor Jno, cabinet maker 29 Shoobridge Wm, willow shape m 30 Carr Wm, bookbinder 38 Gilloch Jno, cabinet maker 39^ Bertim J C, chair maker Stevens Thos, French clog mkr 40 Stevens Chas, carver and gilder 41 Gorbold Wm, undertaker 42 Dorling Hen, shoemaker 44 Martin Geo, French clog maker 45 Tavlor Thos, tobacco pipe mkr 46 Cobb Wm, baker 66 Malpass Jno, smith 69 Atwell R, butcher Holywell mount. 10 Alabaster Geo, butcher 23 PocockJ,baker 4 Matthews Wm, painter 31 Covrntry W, painter 31 Wilson Geo, carpenter HolywellrOWj Shoreditck. 1 Christmas Thos, turner 1 Bush Ann, staymaker 2 Bastick and Drivers, scale maks 4 Sykes Jas, box maker 5 Smagsjarsgale Wm, tin plate wk 8 Barralet J J, sidebrd drwer liner 10 CulbillWm, chair manufr 12 Hodgson Josh, wood turner 15 Bullock Jas, cabinet maker 16 Wait John, hat maker Monkton Chas, butcher 21 Clemmans J John, auctioneer 19 More C A, watchmaker Moore J R, "King's Head" 26 Smith Sadler, carman 31 Gould John, carman Holywell St, Strand. 1 George Wood, clothier 2 Serjeant Wm, newsvender 2 and 53 Sanders Nath, clothier 3 Hart Lewis, clothier 4 Dashwood , print colourer 5 Harris lien, clothier 6 Mason W A, bookseller 7 Hart L, clothier 8 Abrahams Abraham, clothiers 9 Miller Jno, boot maker 10 Levy Leon, clothier 11 Morris Edm, engraver 13 Simmons S, tailor 14 Elliott Mary, printer andpublshr 15 Tyler Geo, jeweller 16 Porter Jas, bottle Jack maker 17 Redder Wm, bookseller 17 Hyams Geo, tailor and clothier 18 East P, bookseller and auctnr 19 Berger Geo,? publisher 23 Larkman T, Old Dog Tav" 24 Parry T W, spectacle maker 25 StiUbs E C, bookseller 28 Vickers M, newsvender 29 Levy M, tobacconist 29 Levy Lyons, clothier 31 Holmes Win, bookseller 33 Acutt Robt^deaier in paintings 34 Barnett A, cloihier 35 & 36 Hobson T, wh stay & shoe mf 37 Dugdale Wm, printer and publr 38 Cbeeseman Christ, stay makt-r 44 Williams D, bookseller 44 Bell John B, publisher 45 Malleibe J, figure maker 46 Chanmer J, f< Wheatsheaf " 47 Pavey J and R. newsmen 49 Coombs J, carver and gilder 51 Brown D, bookseller 54 Colliver Joseph, coffee house Holywell St, Westminster. Downey and Son, lightermen, &c 8 Moore JT, coach aud herald pntr Rigby T and C, builders Ilurchinson Chas, boat builder 45 Meadus Jas, baker 48 Johnson Robt, builder 52 Wrest J F, pianoforte maker Homer St, Marylebone. 1 Oldacre Thos, broker 5 Buekquet Chas, cooper 7 Hoile Edw, beer retailer 10 Bridger R, cork cutter 12 Sikock J, caipenter 14 George Geo B, tiuiterer Turner Edward, hair dresser 16 Hailett J, fishmonger 17 Hill J W, coriee rooms 18 Ambrose Wm, bottle merchant 19 Beeseley Fred, ' Ulive Branch" 19 Stowe Hen, eating house 20 Phillips Louisa, bottle warehse 22 Tuckwood John, chinaman 23 Hili S, hatter 24 Orange Jos. willow shape maker 25 Carter John, tripeman 26 Pearson Martha, leather seller 27 Markhani R, shoe maker 32 Haslemore Jos, harness maker 32 Ttodbourn M, coal dealer 36 Cooper Thos, grocer 38 Lovegrove Win, leather cutter 41 Tanner aud Raven, miluners 42 Curtis John., bottle dealer 43 Key John, confectioner Honduras St, St Luke's. Clark B and P, brewers Butier M A, lead works Honey la, Cheapside. Ogbourne W W & Co, lace mnfrs Honey la mkt, Cheapside. Cm: of London School HOO STREET KEY. HOU 1 Landles J S, fishmonger 2 Parker Thos, butcher 3 Ewer John G, baker 4 Pead R G, cheesemonger Hooker's Ct, Nicholas la. Dean & Co, lithographic matl dlr Hall Hen, iron merchant Bailey Brothers, whol chemists Hooper Sq, Goodman s fields. Crosley Hen, civil engineer Schnackenberg H," Royl Brans" Donselman J , " White Hart" Goodhart E Sons & Co, sugr rfrs Hooper St, Lit Sutton st, Clknwl. 9 Tompson Jos, watchmaker 11 Carloss Geo, water gilder 12 Cooper J, gold chaser 13 Hill Samuel, watch maker Hope St, Old Montague st, Wchpl. Doe J B, iron founder aud patnte of the metallic soap frame Hop gardens, St Martin's la. 4 Smith John, woollen draper 6 Hunt Saml, carpenter and joiner 8 Hutchings John, woollen draper 9 Stroud J as, coal dealer 10 Biglow Saml, woollen draper 11 Buckland Rich, flatting mills Horseferry rd, Limekouse. Goodhart E. Son & Co, sugar bks Blackmore & Co, smiths Robinson and Co, live stock dlrs Harris Jos, potato salesman Horseferry brh rd, RatcHff. Smith Robt, " Anchor & Hope" Horseferry rd, Westminster. 2 Knight Saml, smith and farrier 3 Richards Jas, butcher Dunmore G. butcher 4 Streker Fredk. baker 5 Spensley Wm, cheesemonger Hawkins Eliz, broker Roberts M, butcher G Uarlock James, working jeweller Eaden Wm, greengrocer 7 Day Thos, plumber Harcourt Eliz, beer retailer White Geo, tobacconist Wallis Kdw. boot and shoe makr 10 Lane N.shoe maker Wood J, china warehouse 19 Harmer Wm. ironmonger 20 Montague John, oilman 16 Atkinson J C, surgeon If) Gearing Jas, plumbr, glazr,&pntr 13 Castle J, baker BudioppG," Barley Mow" 9 i)ay \\ m, silvetMiiith 9 Gordon John, coffee rooms Waldie W, " Wh Horse & Bowr" Hunt. Jas, builder Gvs Light Comimny Howard Wm, '' King's Head" Page J; Strand. 1 1 Lewis Edw, tailor 13 Raimondi W, solicitor 16 Horder W G, solicitor Howford bldgS, Fenchurch st. 2 Otten Jas, agent 3 Fyffe Edw, wholesale tea dealer 3 Scott Alex, commercial agent 3 Da Costa Ant, Brazilian consul 3 Overton & Head, ship & ins brks 3 Armstrong John, ship owner 3 Johnson C M, ship broker 3 Dodds W G, Custom Hse agent Maurice and Co, printers 3 Samuel & Co, ship and ins brkrs Howland mews. Reid Wm, undertaker Piggot Thos, carpenter/ 152 1 Refuge vor the Destitute 3 Wright Thos, tailor 4 Richards Ed, draper 6 Shears Saml P, locksmith 9^ Little Thos, willow squd manufr 11 Edmunds J, baker 16 Pitman H, bricklayer 35 Carter Edw, " White Hart" 37 Brooks Thos, baker Miles Sir John, lunatic asylum Police Station 41 Tappin T T, Red Lion" 44 Swinden Wm, baker 46 Maid well Mary, cheesemonger 47 Weston Thos, surgeon 48 Meeks Edmund, fruiterer 50 Pearce John, school 51 Clarkson Wm, grocer 53 Clarkson Peter, butcher 54 Field Fredk, oilman 57 Evans Thos, corn dealer 58 Coleman Jas, chemist 59 Jenns Geo, waterproof leathr mf 63 Heath Geo T, surgeon 65 Walker Joseph, printer's joiner 67 Barwick G D, grocer 72 Saunt Eliza, " Hare" 77 How Thos, " Queen's Head" 81 Etheridge Thos, dyer 84 Smith G, " The Unicorn" 66 Hiles Owen, baker 87 Reeves Joshua, surgeon 89 Tuffield T, tallow chandler 100 Ray David, "'Admiral Keppel 103 Roberts John, school 105 Cooper W, grocer 108 Kelsall Jas, leather dresser 124 Hobbs Jas, " King's Arms'* 128 Layton Hen, " Green Man" 136 Clarke E, haberdasher 139 Ratcliffe Robt, corn dealer 1381Ho!e Danl, butcher Fry T D, academy, Felix House Fry Mrs S, seminary, Felix Hse 142 Browne E, baker 143 Blackmore Fredk, linen draper 144 Lequorish G H, tea dealer 145 Tate Alexr, oil and colour man 146 Graham R J, chemist 147 Roberts Edw, cabinet maker 150 Cox Jas, smith 150 Butling R, cheesemonger ] 151 Gi fiord Wm, butcher 152 Wilson Thos, "Plough" 154 Edwards D Lake, manufacturer 156 SowerbyThos Benj, pawnbroker 157 Fuller W, carman 158 Page Chas, butcher 159 Reynolds Mary, cheesemonger 159 Reynolds Marv, linen diaper 160 Bunn Thos, ' Bacchus'' 161 Gooding Edw, grocer 162 Edwards Fiedk, pawnbroker 164 Warr Thos, baker 165 Felgate Chas, grocer 166 Fourmy Jacob, chinaman 168 Sugg T, gas meter maker 170 Bay no A D, academy 171 Yate E, chemist and druggist 172 Fuller , pork butcher 173 Smith Thos, cheesen-onger 174 Mash Jas, potato dealer 177 Buzard Eliz, habeidasher 179 Stonard Mary, tallow chandler 184 Gold Chas, pocketbook maker 185 Coggin Wm, china warehouse * Gehring , watch & clock mkr 191 Walker B, stationer 192 Fox Jas, oilman 193 Sharp Jos, butcher 197 Gregory Geo, boot maker 200 Lane S, " Britannia" 203 Salisbury Wm, cabinet maker 209 Holloway Henry, " Ad.n & Eve" 214 Fox H C, ' Prince Albert" 214 Rod Pheby, baker 218 England Geo*, plumber 219 Adams W, shoemaker 220 Spencer Thos, shopkeeper 220 Harris Robt, shopkeeper 221 Greenhill B J M, scale maker 223 Perkins W, carpenter 224^ Bevan Geo, egg merchant 225 Noel J, carver and gilder 227 Morell C F, stationer 221 Kirton Rd, beer retailer Hoxton sq. 8 King Jos, tassel and mould trnr 24 Coles Geo, carpenter 21 Thurlow Edw, carpenter 25 Roche Thos, printer 26 Chapman Jas, Iking glass fr mkr 27 Gourlay F, candle mid frame mf 33 King Thos, letter founder 34 Hartridge M A, cabinet mnfr 39^ Woods W, appraiser & hse agt 40 Lownds George, straw hat manf 43 Durbridge Thos, surveyor of Exc 45 Clark Jas, surgeon 46 Nichols Jas, printer 47 Gardner Thos, bricklayer 48 Barnes & Son, Hoxton Hse Acad 51 Harris Rt, upholsterer 52 Peck T, bookbinder 53 Bridegroome Mary, baker HUG STREET KEY. ING 54 Littlewood John, watchmaker 30 Watts Henry, fancy cabinet mnf 55 Sexton Sarah, milliner Claxton Robt & Rd,co & flk mfrs 57 Flack Jno, beer retailer Watson John, braid machine mfr Httggin la, Wood street. 1 & 2 Downes & Co, whl button w 1 & 2 Gaunt and Co, sewing silk m 1 & 2 Crucknell and Co, woollu w 3 Kendall R and Co, lace agents 3 Sibley Chas. fancy warehouse 3 Price David and Co, woollen whs 4 Strode & Ledger, gas fitters, &c Heather J K, boot maker 6 Sommers Benj, cheesemonger Astley Peter, junr, tailor, &c 9 Catlin J H, hosier 9 Sanders J, needle manufr 9 Roffway Jas, house painter Mason Thos, clothes renovator 10 Jaquin C A, buckle & butt manfr 10 Gerrard John, hair dyer Huggin lane, Up Thames street. 3 Ta>lor Jas, " Peahen" 5 Bollard J, cooper Hulster st, St. Luke. 11 Smith Richd, carpenter Hulls St, St. Luke. 4 Ozmond Wm, watch & case gldr 19 Hubbert J, mop and yarn manuf Hulls terrace, St: Luke. Lynch H, cowkeeper Ratcliff John, beer retailer Hungerford mrkt, Arcade. 2 Berry Fred, watchmaker 3 Farran Geo, news agent Hollywell John, hair dresser 6 Russell Geo, tobacconist 7 Mason E, milliner Drake Caroline, " Ship" 9 Tappren Wm, cow keeper 10 Hyland Wm, boot and shoe mkr 1 1 Hyneard Wm, bookseller 13 Taylor Wm, confectioner Upper Area. 2 Townsend John, glass dealer 3 Walker Wm, corn dealer 4 Bartett Geo, potato salesman 5 Wod Jas, fruiterer 6 Chatwin Fred, potaro salesman 7 Clemence Wm, carpenter 7 Clark J J, poulterer 8 Clark John, butcher 9 Southcombe A, cheesemonger 10 Townsend John, butcher 11 Wright Josh, butcher 13 Float John, cowkeeper Great Hall. 1 Grove Geo, fruiterer 2 Cox Steward, fruiterer 4 and 5 Chapman Thos, fruiterer 6 and 7 Hart N, fruiterer 8 Fisher H, fruiterer 9 Verrier C, slman & egg mcht 11 and 12 Purkis Benj, fruiterer 13 and 14 Cook A & Jno, poultrs 16 Mazoyer Jos, poulterer 18 Weston Samp, butcher ' 9 Starke Wm, butcher 20 Avern Wm, poulterer 21 Munday T, butcher 22 Darling Wm, pork butcher 23 Woods H, tripeman Lower Area. 1 and 2 Gould John, fishmonger 3 4 & 5 Gilson and Brown, fishms 6 Townsend Edmund, fishmonger 7 and 8 Towell Chas, fishmonger 9 Reynolds and Son, fishmongers 12 Doery Chas, fishmonger 13 & 14 Bare Robt Halls, fishmngr 16 Amor John, fishmonger 17 and 18 Lucy Wm. fishmonger 20 21 and 22 Palmer & Jay, fishm 23 and 24 Gotor and Co, fishmongrs Gow Wm, whiskey merchant Saunders and Co, Burton ale str Wharf. Turk R N, The Dolphin" Buckmaster J no, "Swan Tavern" * Seager John, wine merchant Worthington W & Son, ale strs 2 Rice G & Co, ale & stout mchts 7 Beck Edw, ale agent 8 Hepburn and Co, wine mchts 9 and 10 Rickman James, bottle m I HUNGEUFOKU MARK Book OFF Leith A, clerk Blanchenay E, imp of Fr w & br 11 Phare Geo, bottle merchant Preston Thos, "Feathers" 12 Gadsen R imp of seltzer water Milligan C, hay strw & corn sals Hungerford st. 1 and 2 Allsop Geo, brush m & trn 3 Creed Wm, woollen diaper & tob 4 Thomas John, grocer 6 Hall Wm, law stationer 6 Eaolr Steam Packet Oi f 7 Willis O S, "Pine Apple" 8 Longstaff J, " Hungerford Hot " 9 Cowan D, chdlr & lap mfr & gsfit 10 Elsam Richd, ironmonger 11 Matthews Rich, oil and Ital whse 12 Cutler and Co, wine merchants 13 Gerrard Henry, tailor 14 Marshall Jas, baker Hunters 9 mws, Brunswick sq. Small Wm, cowkeeper Squires T, job mast & liv stab kpr Hunter St, Brunswick sq. 6 Dawkins T, wine and spt mcht 17 Frendleery MA, Berlin whse 18 Wood G W, surgeon 22 Bird John, surgeon 27 Hatton John, dyer 28 Worrell John, surv and est agnt 36 Dawson Jothn, academy 46 Jones Lloyd Thos, surgeon 47 Melvin Wm N, house agent Hunter St, Old Kent road. 1 Dadswell Sarah, grocer 2 Townsend Theo, pawnbroker 4 Fitchew Jas, soda water &c mfr 7 Harwood John, general dealer Menons Hen J, "City Arms" 16 Labdon & Burridge, curriers 18 Hunt Thos, baker West , shoemaker Clark Thomas Wilkinson Thomas, wheelwright Huntingdon St, Kings/and rd. Norris Joseph, "Coopers' Arms" 42 Clermont Matt, carpenter 52 Saunders Hy, beer retailer Huntley St, Bedford sq. 1 Shilston J, carpenter ?3 Bannister H J, music master 4 Christmas John, painter 6 Reynolds John, solicitor J7 Hamrock John, artist 11 Manktelow J, piano forte manufr 12 Hutchinson Geo, cab manufactr 19 Hood Jacob, tailor 20 Beresford James, newsvender 24 Cann Joseph, builder Hunt's Ct, Castle st, Leicester sq. Liggitt Jas, plate & gun case mk 5 Oldbury N E, currier Husband St, Broad sty Glden sq. Midmgr David, furniture broker Hyde pi, Hoxton. 1 Cayley Alex, baker 3 Helm Robt, beer engine mnfr 5 Webb Richd, carpenter 28 Wild Jas, gold beater 29 James G A. grocer and cheesmgr 30 Rogerson Wm, grocer Hyde St, Bloomsbury. 2 Packer Thos, tailor 3 Wilkinson Geo, silver plate whse 4 Repuke J Jos, teacher of music 4 Mole C & Boyer A, vel & lthr glrs 5 Robinson Chas, cab maker 7 Edwards Saml, painter 7 Cheney Geo, brass worker 8 Weidhofft Fred, bronze manfr 1 1 Perry Jos, teacher of music 13 Blackburn Wm, carver 15 Russell Edw, "Dolphin" 16 Rams "n % 1 Bolt F, bliud maker 3 Davis Edward, carpenter 4 Cooper Geo, undertaker Jerusalem psge, c&fanpxtf. 1 Hatch Fred, pastrycook 3 Hasleham Horatio, auctioneer &c 4 Brown Wm, rag warehouse 5 Spinks Ann, fruiterer 6 Kemish Wm, coffee rooms 7 Hatch Fred, baker 9 Parfitt Edward, tobacconsit &c 10 Addison D, ham and beef shop 11 and 12 Kearh John, goldsmith Jerusalem sq, Chck st, tfachney Taylor Thas, builder Barker Jos. locksmith Goode T, bricklayer Holdsworth Jno, plumber Woodcock B, grocer & cheesemr Jewin crescent, ^win st . 1 Halse and Son, merchants HManassah W & Co, cap manufrs 2 Kimpton Robt, jeweller 3 Taylor & Sons, jewellers 5 Edwards James, silver polisher Edwards Thos, " Bull's Head" 7 Hindmarsh H & Son, solicitors 8 Warner & Sons, brass foundrs, &c 1 1 Davison John, bookbinder Protestant Diss en Char Schl 13 Richmond G, tailor 15 Wood John, accountant 16 Eaton Wm, silversmith 19 Trowbridge Wm, upholder 30 Daniels E, tailor Jewill St, Cripple gale. 1 3 Ling-; Wm, surgeons' insf maker Marcus JI & Co, impr oi'fn goods Baldwin Wm, tailor Goodinge J B, engravers Taylor .Jno. cheesemonger Lawrence C, oilman Sims S. I'adW shoe maker Ward Jas and Thos, builders Norton Jos, plumbers Collins and Furber, refiners Clarke Janet, baker Golding Thos," Grapes" Olley Thos, coal dealer Treg&Ort and Co, zinc workers Ash Wm, boot and shoe makers Gater Chas, dyer &c Harrison J, shoe maker Russell J, butcher Bonsor Jas, fishmonger Gardner P, glover Griffin Hen, hair dresser Groome Win, tailor Botibol and Co, ostritch feath mf Ridley M and A, milliners Harnett G, tailor Read and Son, surgeon Norton Louis, solicitors Fawcett, Rawliugs, & Rivolta, solicitors Jenkins 1), " Adam and Eve" Taylor Wm, working jeweller Vaisaiere Jas, brace, maker Clementson Jos, silver caster Alexander, Chas, carpenter Je-C^ry St, ALUjale. 2 Samtcr Jos, imp of musical instr 2 Graham Jos, wholesale stationer 3 Foster J L, coach builder 4 Hutchinson Robt, currier Lightup R and G, vellum binders * Benjamin L, childbed lin wareh 7 Hibberi Edw, wine & porter, mcht 8 Hill Wm, tailor 9 Curtis R, butcher 10 Wake Thos, baker 11 Buzzard C, painter 12 Burman Wm. surgeon 13 Rowe Sam'," Hope" IS Powell Henry, surgeon M D ; 19 Skipper Henry, Corn factor 19 Ryland Wm, corn factor 20 Rixon and Son, solicitors 30 Rixon W, solicitor 21 Schlutow & Burmeister,ship agts 22 Friedlander W M, agent 24 Berenburg Jno, cigar mnfr 25 Kinder and Sdrrell, solicitors 25 Stranger S, accountant 26 Jones John Lloyd, surgeon 27 Tobias Jas, tailor 28 Beningfield J, cigar & wine mcht 29 Duke W, tailor 30 Halsey J & Son, plumbrs & purrs 32 Hadlow Hen, surgeon 34 Williams Jos, tea broker < 34 Bressey and Taitt, woollen d rap's* 36 Meager Wm, Three TunsTav" 37 Clifton G W, wine merchant 38 Moore Caleb, comb maker John St, Adelphi. 2 Chaplin W, " Osborne's Adel H" 5 Marratt Wm, solicitor r ) Cumberlege Chas N, architect 5 Lammin Wm, Henry, solicitor 5 Bramah, Fox & Co, engin& macs 6 and 7 Adelphi chambers. Commissioners of Lunacy 6 Clkr & Brit School Agency, Nicholson Rev H, agent 6 Puddick J E, wine mrct & com ag Cox E H, auctioneer Annesley and Read, solicitors Rigby Joseph, solicitor London and West Coat. Co Smith Jas attd Ce 8 Goolden Dr. physician 9 Alexander George, architect 9 Johnson M J, architect 10 Chippendale John agent * Pittar and Co, diamond mcht 11 Todd and Bosanquet, wine mchs * Garland and Christopher, archts * Jones Owen, architect * Jackson and Johnson, solicitors 12 A vera Wm, tailor 13 Morton A, coal, wine & spirit mrt 13 The Lnon & Sundlnd Coal Co 13 Lane Chas, medical agent Society ov Arts. 19 Graham W A, secretary 20 Smith W Collins, solicitor 20 Talacrl CoiiL & Iron Comp Rigley, sec 21 Equitable Gas Light Co Gregory G J, sec 22 Thompson D, surgeon and dentist John 8t, Bedford row. 1 Jones, Trinder &Tudway, solicts 3 Stevens W in, solicitor (> Winter and Slaughter, solicitors fi Smith Arthur, solicitor 13 Bannister Chas G, solicitor 14 Taylor Sam, solicitor 14 Taylor Wm Grimwood, solicitor 15 Smith Protlieroe, surgeon 20 Mansfield Wm, solicitor 22 Smith Wm, solicitor 23 Futvoye Edwd, solicitor 27 Langley Wm Hen, solicitor 28 Fosters and Evans, solicitors 29 Brooks Jas Sheffield & Son, solcr 31 Van Heythuysen R Kdw, solietr 32 Lambert Richd, solicitor 33 Imperial Gas Light Company Henry A, jury secy John St, Berkeley sq. 8 Avers & Parkinson, arch & surf 15