UNIVERSITY OFCAL1FORNL AT LOS ANGELES m ii/ 1 ex sm r t FOW FOWLER & COLWELL, BOOKSELLERS 221 West Second Street LOS ANGELES CLASSIFIED READING i'H 5 Books for the School the Library and the Home with a Full Bibliography of Education BY ISABEL LAWRENCE iKqH: I'UJLISHKI) FJV TIIK Al'THOR N irmal School St . Cloixl M inn, Copyright 1898 By Isabel Lawrence 7i lot 1 O THE ALUMNI OF THE NORMAL SCHOOL AT ST. CLOUD, MINN. IN WHOSE SERVICE THIS WORK WAS ORIGINALLY UNDERTAKEN, IT IS LOVINGLY DEDICATED BY THE A l"l HOH *fi \ \ PREFACE With each wave of progress in education, timely books for the school- room have appeared; but in the inevitable set-back of the tide most of these have sunk never to rise again. Geographical readers, language lessons, stories of myths, nature study reading books, and physiographical studies, have all been upon the crest. It is always difficult to test the value of a book at the time of its popu- larity, but the years do the work well for us, and pedagogical days pass so rapidly that even a few months may suffice to bury from sight forever some book of the time which perhaps really lived only in the breath of the publisher. The books which retain a permanent olace in schoolroom favor, are the real science which has been simplified without being weakened, the litera- ture which gives atmosphere and concrete setting to the abstract names and localities of geography or lends its images to the thrilling epochs of history, and the literature of life which educates and broadens beyond all other means Much contemporary work is of this vital character, but the greater num- ber of valuable books for the teacher are not among recent publications. The School Classic derives its life from the immortality of the literature it presents. The value of the school edition is in inverse proportion to the number of notes, the extent of adaptation and abridgment, and, for the old masters must be handled with due reverence, the childishness of the binding. Kvery hour ot the day in every grade of the public schools, may be made fuller and richer in its results, by the use of the right books by teach- ers and pupils. This addition to the teacher's power has become so widely recognized that nothing is more common than demands like the following: Where shall I find the best material about Africa for my fourth grade? Please give me a list of books on physiography. What shall 1 read in order to form a vivid historical picture of the times of Richard III? Where can I get recti* studies of children's drawing? What shall our club read in ! K > psychology or history of education? What stories will lead my primary grade to love books? This volume has been prepared to meet this evident want. The needs of the busy teacher have been consulted everywhere in the arrangement; hence the books needed in teaching a subject are gathered under that sub- ject without regard to the miscellaneous character of the grouping. No other catalogue would have placed side by side with books of travel in the South, "On the Old Plantation" by Joel Chandler Harris, "Ole Virginia" by Thomas Nelson Page, "Yemassee" by Simms, "The Prophet of Great Smoky Mountain" and "The Young Mountaineers" by Miss Murfree, Cable's "Bonaventura," and Longfellow's "Evangeline." Yet every good teacher of geography knows how much more of the atmosphere of the sunny South will penetrate her class if all these books are upon her table during the study of that section of the country. Again, no other catalogue will give with the histories of Queen Eliza- beth and her times, even the biographies of Drake and Raleigh, and surely not "Kenilworth" or "Westward Ho" or "Guavas the Tinner" by S. Baring- Gould, "English Wayfaring Life" by Jusserand, "Literature of the Age of Elizabeth" by E. P. Whipple, or Rolfe's "Shakespeare the Boy." Still more remote would seem Roger Ascham's "Scholemaster," Bacon's Essays, or even Shakespeare's dramas, yet these and many more books of these dif- ferent classes are all needed if the the teacher would touch the real lite and thought of the period studied. Not only have books helpful in various subjects been classed to- gether under those subjects, but books have been roughly classified under grades. However, the best books do not readily lend themselves to this latter sort of classification, so it has been constantly suggested that the chil- dren's interests must govern. "The best is not too good for the youngest child," says Warner. Literature, like life, may be intensely interesting to children who by no means comprehend its full import. Deprivation be- cause there is a lack of full appreciation, is about as reasonable in the former case as in the latter. The wide margins are not for ornament, but for use. The librarian or teacher may greatly increase the value of the book by the addition of criti- cal notes, and references to new books properly classified. So convenient have these margins seemed to the author that use has already been made of them, as may be noted in the lengthened pages of Child Study. The early pages of the book were plated before some of the recent studies of children had appeared. These studies have been inserted as indicated. The value of space for such additions to a bibliography is evident. /. L. Normal School, St. Cloud, July /, iSq8, 37-39 39-42 CONTENTS PAGE A. PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 7-37 I. Ten Preferred Standards . 7 9 II. Current Reports - . 9-10 III. Books for Primary Teachers . - 10-12 IV. General Pedagogy - . 12, 13 and 17, 18 V. Herbartian Books - ' 7, 8, and 14-16 VI. History of Education 7 and 18-25 VII. Physiological Psychology - - - 26-31 VIII. Attention, Memory and Will - - 31,32 IX. General Books on Education and Life 9 and 33-36 B. CHILD STUDY - 37.77 I. Periodicals II. General - III. Development by Periods 42-: /. The Infant - - 4 ^-45 2. The Child 45,46 j. The Adolescent . 46, 47 7. Culture Epochs - - - 47, 48 IV. Hygiene Fatigue, Motor Phenomena, Nerve Signs 48-52 V. Sight VI. Hearing VII. Intellect - - 53"54b VIII. Children's Interests 546-57 /. Genrral - 54 b 2. I tit crests in Number - 55 j. Interests in Nature Study - 55, 56 /. Children's Stories and Reading - 56-57 IX. Children's Ambitions and Hopes - 57 X. Emotions - - - 57, 58 XI. Superstitions - 5X, ^9 XII. Social Sense - - '59 XIII. Suggestion and Imitation - 59,60 XIV. Morals and Keek, ion - 60-62,-1 XV. Play 63,64 XVI. Drawing - 65 XVII. Language 66,07 XVIII. Exceptional Children 67 XIX. Autobiographies 6874 XX. General Books on Children - 7477 52, 53 53 - GEOGRAPHY I. Methods and Matter for Teachers II. Illustrated Books III. Geology and Physiography IV. Astronomical Phase of Geography V. Meteorology, Soils and Agriculture VI. The Ocean - VII. Industrial Phase of Geography VIII. Arctic and Antarctic Scenes and Exi IX. Books for First and Second Grades X. Books for Third and Fourth Grades XI. Books for Fifth and Sixth Grades X 1 1. Books of General Geographical Inte XIII. Books for Seventh and Eighth Gradf ers of All Grades. Classified L'n a North A??icrica a General b New England c New York and Pennsylvania d The South e The Great Lakes and the West f California - g Alaska - h Mexico and Central America i West Indies j British Possessions - 2. South America j. Europe a General .... British Isles - Iceland France Scandinavia Holland Central Euro;..' - Spain The Mediterranean Italy ... - Greece and Turkey Russia y. Asia a General Palestine Arabia and Central Asia Siberia China, Corea and Japan 78-166 78-84 85-88 8S-90 and 400-404 - 90, q 1 and 390-394 91, 92, 399, 400, 404-406 93.94 95-96 LORATIONS REST s and teach- der Places. 97- 101- 103- 106- IIO- 112- 112- 112, 113- 115- 117- 120- 123, 123, 125, 126, 128- I30- 130- "33- 140- 142, 143. 144- 146, 147- 149. 150- 152- 152, 155. f Himalayas, India, and Burmah g Siam, Malay Peninsula, Ceylon, and Java j. Africa - a General ... b South Africa .... c Central Africa ... d Barbary States the Nile, and Egypt 6. Is funds of the Ocean - 7. Oceanica ----- D. HISTORY I. Method ------ II. Books for First Four Grades III. Books for Fifth and Sixth Grades IV. Books for Seventh and Eighth Grades /. Books of General Historical Interest 2. General History ..... a Ancient India (Story of Buddha) b Ancient Egypt (Story of a Mummy) c Persia, Chaldea, etc. (Story of Nebuchadnezzar) d Ancient Greece (Stories of Thermopylae and Socrates) ii e Ancient Palestine (Story of Christ) f Rome to the Time of Charlemagne (Julius Caesar) g Mahomet and Charlemagne h Crusades to Columbus - - 198-201 and 221, 222 i Discoverers in the World's History (Story of Colum- bus) - - 202, 203 and 229, 230 and 253-255 j From the Reformation to the French Revolution (Martin Luther) .... 203-208 k The French Revolution (Story of Marie Antoinette) 208-210 1 Napoleon ..... 210-212 m History of Russia and Poland (Story of Sobieski) 212 n Switzerland, Germany and Austria to the Present Time (Story of Bismarck) - - - 213-215 j. History of England - - - 216-248 a General Pooks ..... 216-218 b Early Britons (Story of the Druids) - - - 219 c Saxons (Story of Alfred the Great) - - 219-220 d Normans (Story of William the Conqueror) - 220, 221 e Plantagenets (Stories of Richard trie Lion Hearted and Robin Hood - 221-224 f Scotland at This Period (Story of Bruce) - - 225 g Lancaster and York (Warwick, the Kingmaker) 225-227 h The Tudors (Story of Henry VIII) - - 227-229 i Elizabeth .... . 229 232 j Puritan Revolution (Story of Cromwell) 232-236 156, 157 157. 158 158- 162 158 159 159- 161 161, 162 163- 165 165 166- 298 166- 168 169- 172 172- '79 179- 298 170- 183 183- 215 183 183. 184 184, 185 ) 185- 188 188, 189 189- 195 195- 198 4 k Period from 1660-1714 (Story of Marlborough) - 236-238 1 The Georges (Story of George III) - - 238-243 m Period from 1820 to Present Time (Story of Victoria) 244-248 n Story of British India .... 246-248 4. American History .... 248-298 a General ...... 248-252 b Helps in Elementary Civil Government and Sociology 252, 253 c Period of Discovery and Exploration - - 253-255 d Colonial History .... 256-267 1 General ...... 2 ?6 2 New England . . . 256-266 3 New York and Pennsylvania .... 261 26"' 4 Southern Colonies . 262 26^ 5 Canada, the North West and the French and Indian War 264-267 e The Revolution - 267-275 i Washington --_.__ 27V27S f Building the Nation - - 275-283 g War of 1812 - - - 280282 h The Indian - 283-285 i Slavery - - - 285-287 j Civil War - - - 288-298 1 Stories of the War - . 2 q6 2Q7 2 The South - 2 q7 2o8 E. ENGLISH ... . 299-350 I. Method of Primary Reading - 299, 300 II. Language and Method - - 300,301 III. Grammar Method and Matter - - 301-303 IV. Study of Literature Method - - - 303, 304 V. The Myth ------ -^04, ^ VI. Aids in the Study of Authors 306-308 VII. Standard Literature in Series 308-310 VIII. Collections of Literature - - - 310-315 IX. Reading Matter for First Grade - 315-317 X. Reading Matter for Second Grade - - 317-319 XI. Literature for First and Second Grades - 319-321 XII. Reading Matter for Third and Fourth Grades 321-323 XIII. Literature for Third and Fourth Grades 323-325 XIV. Books for Primary Library Grades First to Fourth 325-331 XV. Reading Matter for Fifth and Sixth Grades 331, 332 XVI. Literature for Fifth and Sixth Grades - 333, 334 XVII. Reading, Literature; Seventh and Eighth Grades 334-340 XVIII. Books for the Library Fifth to Eighth Grades 340-350 F. NATURE STUDY ... - - 351-406 I. General Method and Matter - 351-353 II. Reading Matter for First Grade - - 353,354 -5 III. Reading Matter for Second Grade - 354-356 IV. Reading Matter for Third and Fourth Grades 356-359 V. Books for Teachers and Pupils from the Fifth to the Eighth Grades .... 360-406 /. General - 360-362 2. Mammals - - - 363-366 j. Marine Life and Lower Forms of Animals - 366-369 /. Birds - - 369-372 3. Insects 372-377 6. Physiology - - 377, 378 7. Botany - - - 92 and 378-389 8. Astronomy go, 91 and 390-394 q. Chemistry - - 394, 395 10. Physics - - 395-400 a Air and Water - - 399, 400 //. Geology and Physiography - - 88-90 and 400-404 12. Mineralogy, Rocks and Soils 88-90, 91, 92 and 404-406 Q. MISCELLANY - ... 407-414 I. Manual Training, Including Drawing 407-410 II. Physical Culture and Games - - - 410,411 I II. Music - 411,412 IV. Reference Books 412, 413 Y. Mathematics and Blmness - 414 PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY TEN PREFERRED STANDARDS The following ten books represent psychology, history of edu- cation, practical method, and more than one system of philosophy, every department, in fact, of teachers' interests except that of experimental psychology and child-study a line which is consid- ered important enough to have a separate bibliography of its own. With additions from that department, these books ought to makea very good library for a scholarly, thoughtful teacher. They are worth owning because they will bear repeated study. 1. Apperception Dr. Karl Lange, Translated by the Herbart Club. D. C. HEATH & CO. 1 894. pp. 279. - $1.00 Simple and practical; the best help yet given on the essentials of the recitation. See pages 200-228. If a teacher can own but one book on pedagogy, this is the book to be preferred. 2. Educational Reformers Herbert Quiek. c. \v. bardeen. Reading-Club Edition pp. 231. Si. 00 d. appleton & co., I. E. Series - - Si. 50 The most fascinating history of education, full of suggestion. 3. Theory and Practice of Teaching Edward Thring. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 262 - - $ .90 Mr. Thring has an attractive style which may be either poet- ical or pungent. Chapters on Snores, Running the Goose Down, and Attention, are attacks on prevalent evils. The book is full of good texts for teachers' meetings. S PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 4. Education of Han. Froebel. V>. APPLETON & CO. 1887. pp. 332 $1-50 Read sections thirteen and fourteen of Chapter I. on the attitude of the teacher in discipline, and you will be convinced that no book will better repay the careful study which this demands. Compare the method of discipline suggested with Emerson's thought from "The Oversoul," "If I am merely willful, the child gives me a Rowland for an Oliver, sets his will against mine, one for one, and leaves me, if I please, the degra- dation of beating him by my superiority of strength. But if I renounce my will and act for the soul, setting that up as umpire between us two, out of his young eyes looks the same soul; he reveres and loves with me." 5. Symbolic Education Susan Blow. D. APPLETON & CO. 1894. pp.251 - $1.50 A study of educational principles as valuable in the univer- sity as in the kindergarten, though or because its illustrations are in the child. 6. Science of Education. (Translated from the Ger- man with biographical introduction by Henry M. and Emmie Felkin.) Herbart. D. C. HEATH & CO. 1893. pp. 268 - $1.00 Full of nuggets. Those who find one, keep on searching and find the book quite inexhaustible. In connection with this, read- Introduction to the Pedagogy of Herbart Or. Ufer, trans- lated by /. C. Zinzer, M. S. 7. Psychology. Dr. John Dewey. HARPER & BROTHERS. I894. pp. 427 - $1-50 Not easy reading, but as one studies it, the mists and fogs investing popular ideas of mind are blown away as if by a keen fresh breeze. PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY Q 8. Aristotle. Thomas Davidson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. IcSq2. pp.251. - Si. 00 This is not simply a discussion of Aristotle's theories. It is a fair and broad view of all Greek education, showing the inti- mate relation between the Greek's education and the whole of his life, and calling attention to the tendency toward harmonious development which is the main lesson from Greece to us. In connection with this read Health and Education. Charles Kingsley. D. APPLETOX & CO. 1 874. pp. 400 - - - $175 Mr. Kingsley is much impressed with the Greek ideal and shows us our shortcomings in this respect. Note chapter on "Thrift" as suggestive of economy of power and time in the schoolroom. 9. Science of Education. Rosenkranz. D. APPLETOX & CO. 1894. pp. 2Q2. - SI..5O A standard rock in education, on which all must stand before attempting investigating voyages. 10. Wilhelmeister's Apprenticeship and Travels. Goethe. Translated by Thomas Carlyle, with crit- ical introduction by Edward Dowden. A. c. mcclurg & CO. 2 vol. 16 mo. Each - 75c Some of our best thinkers claim that in Wilhelmeister are foreshadowed all of our latest discoveries in education. The true poet always sees far ahead the truths which others must painfully prove. At all events, our foremost workers are now quoting very freely from Goethe. CURRENT REPORTS The following is a list of some of the current reports needed if the teacher keeps pace with the discussions of the day: 11. Report of the Committee of Ten. NEW ENGLAND PUBLISHING CO. - 20C 10 PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 12. Report of the Committee of Fifteen. NEW ENGLAND PUBLISHING CO. - - 20C 13. Year Book of the Herbartian Club, with its supple- ments issued yearly, by ciiAKLEs mcmurry, Univ. of Chicago. Each issue 50c Especially valuable is the supplement to the First Year Book, containing Dr. Dewey's article on "Interest and Will." This ought to lead the reader to a better understanding of interest and effort, and settle forever the quarrels resulting from one-sided views of mind. It will also arouse inquiry as to how our pupils are performing the tasks assigned them, and help us to secure whole-souled in place of divided attention. The First Year Book ('95) chiefly discussed Concentration, with one article on Culture Epochs. The First Supplement gave the discussions on this subject at the National Educational Association at Denver. The Second Year Book has some discussions on Concentra- tion, and much about Culture Epochs, including a very valu- able article by Dr. Lukens on "A Difference Between Race and Individual Development." 14. Proceedings of the National Educational Associa= tion. Particularly those of '93 at Chicago, '95 at Denver, '96 at Buffalo. Address, Pres. Irwin Shep- ard, Winona, Minn., Cor. Secretary of the N. E. A. Articles in these Proceedings will be referred to under Child- Study. BOOKS FOR PRiriARY TEACHERS 15. Waymarks for Teachers. Sarah L. Arnold. SILVER, BUKDETT & CO. I894. pp. 2/6. - Si. 25 One can say of this what can be said of few educational books; it is so simple that the most ignorant teacher will profit by it: it is of immediate help, and yet built so solidly that it will not easily be outgrown. PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY I I 16. In the Child World. Emilie Poidsson. milton bradley co. Large 8 vo. pp. 443 32.00 This is a veritable treasure-house. It is full of delightful stories and other literature for children, with suggestions for collateral reading by their teachers. Simple studies of animals, plants, and trees are here connected with literature. 17. Kindergarten Guide Maria Kraus-Boelle. Vol. 1. For gifts, pp. 453. Paper, $2.00; clc.$2.75 Vol. 11. For occu. pp. 450. Paper, $2. 25; clo. S3.00 E. STEIGER & CO. - - - NEW YORK An illustrated guide for self-instruction in kindergarten methods and principles. 18. The Republic of Childhood. Kate Douglas IViggin and Nora Archibald Smith. Vol. I, Gifts; Vol. 11, Occupations; Vol. in, Kin- dergarten Principles and Practice. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 HIO. P2ach - $I.OO Every primary teacher needs a copy of a kindergarten guide. There is no marked difference between kindergarten children and first grade primary children. There is no way of teaching number in the first grades superior to that of continuing kinder- garten methods. Notice the number work with the fifth gift as a help in teaching fractions. The study of Froebel's principles indeed still remains the most valuable help to the primary teacher both in understanding her children and in discovering the best methods of training. 19. Bound Volumes of the Kindergarten Magazine. KINDERGARTEN LITERATURE CO. Vol. III-IV. Fach $3 These are becoming scarce and are therefore growing higher-priced. Vol. III. contains a series of papers on "Kindergarten Management" by Constance Mackenzie. These are of great value to a young primary teacher. Ther is another series of 12 PKDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY articles by Anna E. Bryan on "Application of Kindergarten Principles to Sunday School Work." This is the best help yet published for primary Sunday school work. Vol. IV., among the many other valuable helps, contains a series of very suggestive articles by Miss Sarah Griswold on "Primary Morning Exercises." 20. Quincy Methods. Notes by Lelia E. Patridge. E. L. KELLOGG & CO. - - - $ l -75 The spirit of this book makes it one of the best helps for the primary teacher. Devices grow old, but there is enough real insight into the needs of children to keep this book alive for many years to come. A teacher who is not blinded by trying to follow the letter, cannot fail to get a clearer idea of the everlast- ing principles of education from these simple concrete instances. BOOKS FOR LIBRARIES It is desirable that all teachers should have access to libraries containing the following books. The cheaper editions are men- tioned for those who cannot afford higher-priced copies. It will pay to examine better editions, however, before buying for school and public libraries. In many cases fitness to one's own special needs will secure some of these books a place in the private library. 21. Lectures on Teaching. Joseph Payne. C. W. BARDEEN. Cloth. l6 mo. pp. 28l. - $1.00 Perhaps the most valuable of any general lectures upon the subject. Read the lecture on "Play," for a study of children. 22. Bound Volume of the Practical Teacher. Vol. viii. '84 to '85, edited by Col. F. W. Parker. E. L. KELLOGG & CO. This contains Joseph Payne's "Visit to German Schools;" valu- able suggestions on Arithmetic Method by Supt. Balliet of Springfield; Method in Geography by Col. Parker, etc. PEDAGOGY AMD PSYCHOLOGY I 3 23. Apperception, or "A Pot of Green Feathers." T. G. Rooper. C. W. BARDEEN. I89I. l6 HIO. pp. 59. - 5OC This is an easy introduction to the study of how the child learns. Read it before Lange's Apperception. 24. Object Teaching on Words and Things. Rooper. C. VV. BARDEEN. 1 6 mo, pp. 56. - 5OC It is interesting to see Mr. Rooper's ideas carried out in this definite concrete form. The final test of theories is their practical benefit. The lesson upon the Duck is one of the very few good typical lessons wrought out in detail in any book on teaching. 25. Theory and Practice of Teaching. David P. Page. C. VV. BARDEEN. pp. 448. - - $1.00 American book co. Edited by IV. H. Payne. $1.00 This is a standard which cannot be spared from any library of books on education. The spirit both of the words and of the life of David P. Page has exerted an incalculable influence for good among the teachers of the United States. 26. Talks on Pedagogics. An outline of the theory of concentration. By Col. F. W. Parker. E. L. KELLOGG & CO. pp. 49I. - $1.20 This book discusses concentration, with the child as the center. It is in fact a full volume of methods in different subjects. Blows such as only Col. Parker can strike fall heavily on isolated work; figure studying, apart from numbering; reading without seeking thought; oral reading without trying to make the hearer under- stand; grammatical analysis whose immediate end is not clearer comprehension of the thought analyzed; any form of expression whatever, separated from the motive to express. Lastly, such "unnatural, uneducative drudgery" is considered the cause of poor discipline, frequent punishment, and harmful rewards. 14 PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 27. Introduction to Herbart's Science and Practice of Education. Translated by Mr. and Mrs. Felkin. With an introduction by Oscar Browning. D. C. HEATH & CO. Cloth. pp. 207. - $1.00 From this book one may obtain a preliminary view of Her- bart's doctrine, and of the definite scheme by which he would make education serve the end he proposes morality. Education is thus pre-eminently a matter of ethics, and much emphasis is placed upon the three stages of the formative period the lowest, in which authority must be used; the next, in which various methods of training become the disciplinary means; and the high- est which is exempt even from discipline. 28. Introduction to the Pedagogy of Herbart. Chris- tian Ufer. D. C. HEATH & CO. Cloth. pp. I3I. - 9OC So clear and easy is this exposition of Herbart that it makes admirable reading for classes of students studying method. The book is divided into chapters on Psychology, Ethics, and Peda- gogy. Concentration, Culture Epochs, and Formal Steps of In- struction are all discussed. 20. Outlines of Pedagogics. Prof. W. Rein. Trans- lated by C. C. and Ida J. Van Liew. Cloth. 16 mo. pp. 232. Manila, 50c; Cloth, $1.25 C. W. BARDEEN & CO. - - SYRACUSE Dr. Rein's application of the principles of Herbart to peda- gogy must rank first in interest to those who remember that most of the American books on this subject are written by men who draw their inspiration from him. The practice school at Jena has been the source of a decided movement in American education. Those who study that movement should begin with Dr. Rein's ideas. 30. General Method. Dr. Charles A. McMurry. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO. Cloth. pp. 224. 75 c The points emphasized are: Morality, the aim of education; PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY I 5 analysis of the lesson into the formal Herbartian steps; and con- centration of studies, with literature and history as the center. 31. The Method of Recitation A sequel to General Method. Dr. Charles A, McMnrry and Dr. Frank McMmry. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUB. CO. 1897. Cloth, pp. 25O. $1.00 This book emphasizes the essential movements of mind in its progress from particular to general. The subject is not treated abstractly, but many lessons are worked out in detail as illustra- tions of the general principles of all method. 32. Essentials of Hethod Charles DeGarmo. D. C. HEATH & CO. 189I. pp. I 1 9 - 65c This book is one of the earliest attempts to illustrate the method of the Herbartians. Lessons are here outlined very fully. The faults and merits of a system can be studied best in this form. S3. Course of Study for Eight Grades Dr. Charles A McMurry. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO. I895. PP- l S 2 - 5 0c Courses of study are not universal truths to be followed, but rather concrete examples much more suggestive and much more easily criticised than general theories in the air. Dr. McMurry states that his course is influenced "not a little by the doctrine of concentration." It is, therefore, a very suggestive book to those who are attempting to modify their work in accordance with this doctrine. Notice that numbers 1, 6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33, are all exponents of Herbartian doctrines. If more books are desired on this subject, the teacher is referred for books in German to lists given in Rein's Outlines of Pedagogics, and Herbart and the Her- bartians. Two other books in English may be recommended to those who wish to devote more careful study to the doctrines of Herbart. l6 PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 34. rianual of Empirical Psychology. Dr. G. A. Lin- dner, Translated by Dr. Charles DeGarmo. D. C. HEATH & CO. Cloth. pp. 274. - $1.00 The psychology based on experience is the only psychology which can serve as a foundation of Herbartian pedagogy. This book is valuable in the study of Herbart. It is no less helpful to any one studying the experimental psychology of the day. It ought also to be a direct help in solving the problem of the schoolroom. 35. A Text-Book on Psychology -/. F. Herbart Trans- lated by Margaret K. Smith, with an introduction by W. T. Harris. D. APPLETON & CO. pp. 200 - - $1.00 Mental facts can only be communicated through figurative language, and figurative language must appeal to sensuous images. Herbart's images are motor, and his statements may appear absurd to those accustomed to other views of psychology. If one can divest himself of previous ideas and submit to Herbart's guidance, he will get a view of the phenomena of mind, at once unique, simple and true. 36. Lectures on Teaching /. G. Fitch. c \v. bardeen. Reading Club Edition, pp. 436. Si. 25 THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 393 - - $1.00 Note the discussion of the Socratic method. When in this country, Dr. Fitch was appalled by the detailed courses of study imposed on our teachers. He questioned whether this plan would not produce teachefs unable to think for themselves. Dr. Fitch is the author of the much-quoted phrase, "Teaching is the noblest of professions, but the sorriest of trades." 37. Art of securing Attention. J. G. Fitch. c. \v. bardeen. Paper. 16 mo. pp. 53. - 15c 38. Art of Questioning. J. G. Fitch. c. w. bardeen. Paper. 16 mo. pp.36. - 15c PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY I J 39. Science of Education Alexander Bain. D. APPLETOX & CO. l88l. pp.453 - $ l >75 The opening chapters on discrimination and agreement are especially recommended. In the appendix is a very practical ar- ticle on "Passing Explanation of Terms" in reading. 40. Contributions to the Science of Education. IV. H. Payne. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 358. - - $1.25 The teacher who reads W. H. Payne, Joseph Payne, Col. Par- ker, and Herbartian literature, will have ample opportunity to weigh very different views of education. 41* Philosophy of Teaching. Arnold Tompkins. GINN & CO. pp. 280. ... $1.25 In the chapter on Unification of Aims, Mr. Tompkin's illustra- tion of what is practical in education, contrasting teaching a rule foi measuring cord wood with teaching the principle for measuring by the cubic unit, is the best argument on the subject in the Eng- lish language. The theories are Hegelian, but there is an attempt to bring them down to the solid earth. Notice the following quo- tation: "It is said that philosophy can bake no bread, but that she can secure to us God and immortality. This ought to be sufficient. But she can bake bread, and must do so, or miss God and im- mortality." 42. The Meaning of Education, and Other Essays. Nicholas Murray Butler. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - Si. 25 42 y,. Psychologic Foundations of Education. W. T. Harris. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - Sl.50 43. The Theory of Education W. T. Harris. C. W. BARDEEN. pp. 54. - - - 1 5c Dr. Harris has more than once, incidentally, in discussions thrown light upon his method of writing. His essays are the l8 PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY product of repeated revision, and every paragraph is packed with scholarly thought. The philosophy of Kant and Hegel influences his view of education. His standpoint is, therefore, different from that of the experimental psychologists, his belief in the transcen- dental will being one of the main points of conflict with them and with the Herbartians. 44. Education Herbert Spencer. C. \Y. BARDEEN. pp. 23 1. - - $1.00 The young student must not fail to read this fascinating book. Its views are constantly referred to by present writers. That science rather than the classics should be the main matter of edu- cation, is the burden of the treatise. 45. Science and Education. Thomas Henry Huxley. D. APPLETON & CO. Cloth. 12 tTlO. - $1.25 Mr. Huxley writes as charmingly on education as he does on science. The attitude of a scientist toward education is usually considered more practical than that of the philosopher. Educa- tional reading should cover both views. 46. The Teacher Jacob Abbott. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 354. - - $1.00 We have not yet outgrown this thoughtful view of a teacher's duties. Young teachers will find very sensible advice in this book. HISTORY OF EDUCATION See No. 2. given in first list. 47. History of Pedagogy Gabriel Compayrc. Trans- lated and edited by W. H. Payne. Introduction, Notes, References, and an Index. D. C. HEATH & CO. Cloth. pp. 6l8. - Si. 75 The merits of this book have been well tested. It has long been the standard history of education. PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY ig 48. The History of Hodern Education. Samuel G. Williams. C. W. BARDEEN. 1896. Cloth. l6 mo, pp. 395. 15 portraits. - - - - $1.50 A very valuable book, simple and readable. One important feature is its reviews of books which should be read in connec- tion with it. 49. The Educational Ideal. James Phineas Munroe. D. C. HEATH & CO. Cloth. pp. 2/8 - $1.00 The history of education is here presented as a series of epochs, each epoch represented by a man. This is one of the most interesting ways of studying history, and is a particularly fit- ting method for the study of educational history where revivals have been almost uniformly under the leadership of individuals. The difficulty in presenting this phase of the subject lies in making evident the trend of education from epoch to epoch. In this, the author has heen very successful. 50. Sketches from the History of Education. W. N. Hailmann. Pamphlet, pp. 39. - 20c A brief sketch of the subject which emphasizes Dr. Hail" mann' 1 ; philosophy of education. 51. A Short History of Education. Being a reprint of the article on Education, from the ninth edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edited with Introduction, Bibliography, Notes and References by IV. H. Payne. C. \V. BARDEEN". Cloth. l6 mo. pp. IO5. - 5OC Reading clubs who must work with slight expense, will find this a good outline for each one to own. There should, of course, be access to a library lor the study of suggested topics. 20 PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY COURSE OF READING The following course of reading is suggested to accompany the reading of some general history of education: Under Greek and Roman education see No. 8, page 9. 52. Alexandria and Her Schools. Charles Khigsley. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. I32. - - $I.OC 53. Pre-Christian Education. 5. S. Laurie. An Historical Survey. THE MACMILLAN CO. ClOWn 8 VO. - $3-50 The book is not a history of philosophy, but a history of the rise and development of forces that were actually found operative in the people as a whole, and which the author considers had most to do with the development of systems of education. The book is divided into sections in which the different races are considered somewhat separately. This gives clearness, possibly at the ex- pense of an understanding of interrelations. 54. The Dialogues of Plato. Translated into English with Analyses and Introductions by B.Jowetl, M. A., Master of Baliol College. charles scribner's soxs. 4 vol. Crown 8 vo. $8.00 This is a beautiful edition of Plato, much to be coveted in any teacher's library. Particular parts which may well be studied in teachers' clubs to the exclusion of profitless discussion of devices are the following: The dialogues of Socrates with Charmides and Lysis; his handling of the young man Euthydemus and his geom- etry lessson given to the slave of Meno; the Phasdo with its ac- count of the death of Socrates; the discussion of education in the introduction to the Republic. Read essay on Socrates in Repre- sentative Men by Emerson, and also the essay on Socrates in Heroes and Hero-Worship by Carlyle. 55. The School master. Roger Ascham ( 1 5 1 5- 1 568 ) . cassell & co. pp. 200. - Paper, 10c; cloth, 25c PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY 21 56. Essays by Michel de Montaigne (1533- 1592.) Translated by E. Hazlitt. a. l. burt & co. Cloth. 2 vol. Each vol. - $1.00 57. Education of Children Montaigne. g. p. putnam's sons. Cloth. - - 50c 58. John Amos Comenius (1 592-161 1). His Life and Educational Works *S. .S. Laurie. C. W. BARDEEN. pp. 272. - - $I.OO 59. The Place of Comenius Nicholas Murray Btitler. C. \V. BARDEEN. 1 6 BIO. pp. 20. - - 1 5c 60. Life of Comenius Ossian H. Lang. e. l. kellogg & co. Paper. - - 15c 61. Orbis Pictus John Amos Comenius. C. \V. BARDEEN. Cloth. 8 VO. pp. I97. - S3. 00 151 illustrations of original edition of 1658. This is a beautiful edition of the oldest children's picture-book. Jean Paul loved it when a child, and used to color the pictures "from life." 62. The School of Infancy. John Amos Comcnius\ an essay on education of youth during the first six years. Edited with an Introduction, Notes, and a Bibliography of the Comenian literature. D. C. HEATH & CO. Cloth. pp. I l6. - Si. 00 63. A Small Tractate of Education. /. 189. 40 CHILD STUDV 4. Sketch of History of Child Study in United States fok 1896. Sara E. Wiltse. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. IV. No. 1. 5. Methods of studying Children. Earl Barnes. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 1. 6. Suggestions on Child Study. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Ped- agogical Seminary. Vol. II. p. 335. 7. Suggestions on the Study of Children. Prof. William L. Bryan. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 1. 8. Practical Child Study A. D. Cromwell. \Y. M. WELCH & CO. Cloth. pp. 1 33 - 75c 9. How to Organize Round Tables Mrs. Ellen R. Jack man. WERNER SCHOOL BOOK CO. pp. 3/ - - 25c This is exactly what is needed for mothers' clubs. Mr. Jack- man's suggestions to parents as to how to judge a school, are directly to the point. io. Bibliographies of Child Study. Earl Barnes and C. J. C. Bennett. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. Vol. I. No. 2. 11. Bibliography of Child Study. Louis N. Wilson. Ped- agogical Seminary. Vol. V. No. 4. pp. 541-590. 12. The Aims and Status of Child Study. E. W. Scripture. Educational Review. Vol. VIII. p. 236. 13. Child Study, A New Department of Education. Oscar Chrisman. Forum. Vol. XVI. p. 728. 14. Studies from Yale Psychological Laboratory. E. 1 1'. Scrip lure. vale university. Vol. I, II, and II I. Each $1.00 CHILD STUDY 4 I 15. The New Psychology as a Basis of Education. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Forum. Vol. XVII. p. 710. 16. Methods, Status, and Prospects of the Child Study of To-Day. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Transactions Illinois So- ciety. Vol. II. Xo. 2. 17. Suggestions for a Philosophy of Education. ,4. Cas- well Ellis. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. V. Xo. 2. 18. Test on School Children. E. W. Scripture. Educa- tional Review. January, 1893. 19. Is Child Study Practical for the Teacher. G. T. W. Patrick. Proceedings X. E. A. 1895. Denver. 20. Some Results of Child Study in Illinois and Their Value to Teachers in Service. Dr. IV. 0. Krohn. Pro- ceedings X. E. A. 1895. Denver. 21. Topical Syllabi for Child Study. Old and Xew Series. - Drs. G. Stanley Hall and H. T. Lukens, Clark University, Worcester, Mass. 22. Transactions of Illinois Society of Child Study. Vol. I., Xos. 2 and 3 contain a bibliography of child study. Lists are also to be found in the Pedagogical Seminary. Tracy's Psychology of Childhood and Child and Childhood in Folk Lore contain very valuable lists. 23. A Scheme of Classification for Child Study. // '. //. Durnham. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol II. p. 191. 24. Study of Children at the State Normal School, Worcester, Mass. W. H. Jhtrnham. Pedagogical Sem- inary. Vol. II. p. 343. 25. Observation and Study of Children. Mrs. Helen Adler. NEW YORK. I 89 1. 42 CHILD STUDY 26. Methods of Calculating Results in Child Study. Dr. J. Allen Gilbert. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 2. 27. Results of Child Study. Dr. Krohn, Dr. Dewey, Earl Barnes, f. Mark Baldwin and others. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. 1. No. 4. Entire number. 28. Plea for Child Study. --Prof. Wm. L. Bryan. Proceed- ings N. E. A. 1893. p. 777. 29. How to Interpret Life of a Child. Kindergarten Mag- azine. Vol. VIII. No. 10. 30. Individual Psychology. Wellesley. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VI. No. 4. 31. Mental Tests and Measurements. /. Mc K. Cattell. Mind. Vol. XV. p. 373. 32. Social Aspects of Child Study. Prof. David Kinley. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. 1. No. 1. GENERAL DEVELOPHENT A sound foundation for this study should be laid in the reading of books on the nervous system and on experimental psychology. An easy course of this reading would be Dr. Krohn's "Elements of Psychology," or James's; followed by Scripture's "Thinking, Feeling and Doing," and Donaldson's "Building of the Brain;" or Halleck's "Psychic Culture," followed by his "Education of the Central Nervous System." See pages 26-29 under Pedagogy and Psychology. A more difficult course might include beside the above: Wundt's "Outlines of Psychology," Ziehen's "Introduction to Physiological Psychology," also Sanford's, and the works of Romanes, Ribot, Galton, and J. Mark Baldwin. "Physiology of he Senses," McKendrick and Snodgrass; Rosenthal's "General Physiology of Muscles and Nervous System." See pages 28-31 under Pedagogy and Psychology. CHILD STUDY 43 THE INFANT i. Psychology of Childhood Tracy. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. l6o - - 9OC We must begin with the psychology of childhood, not that of the adult mind, if we would succeed in learning how to observe children. This book should be owned by the teacher who wishes to engage in child study, as it gives the latest results in clear and simple form. The study of the infant is farther advanced than the study of school children. Dr. Hall thinks that the study of in- fants will influence profoundly our philosophy of education, while the study of school children will be more practical. 2. The Senses and the Will. Dr. Prcycr. (Part I of "The Mind of the Child.") d. appleton & co. International Educational Ser. $1.50 3. The Development of the Intellect. Dr. Prcyer. (Part 11 of 'The Mind of the Child.") d. appleton & co. International Educational Ser. Si. 50 4. The Infant Mind.- Dr. Prcycr. d. appleton & co. International Educational Ser. $1.50 These books of Dr. Preyer's present scientific data in the study of the first five years of a child's life with his conclusions there- from. No. 3 is later and presents new verifications and more de- liberate reflection. If not interested in the details (scientific data are always dry to any one but the investigator), read over Dr. Preyer's conclusions and reserve the statistics to be compared later with your own investigations. 5. The Intellectual and floral Evolution of the Child. Gabriel Compayrc. Translated by Mary E. Wil- son. d. appleton & co. International Educational Ser. Si. 50 This comprehends the first four years of a child's life. "The 44 CHILD STUDY scientific interest is not in fixing dates at which a child is able to do things, but in finding the order of mental development." 6. First Three Years of Childhood. B. Perec. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. pp. 292. - - $1-50 Xos. 6 and 7 are careful observations of little children. 7. Notes on the Development of a Child. Milliccni IV. Shinn. University of California. 13erkely, Cal. ----- 50c. Miss Shinn has a paper on the "First Two Years of a Child" in the X. E. A. proceedings at Chicago in '93. p. 773. . 7 y z . Mental Development of a Child. Kathleen Moore. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 1 50. - - $1.00 8. Studies of Childhood. James Sully. D. APPLETON & CO. - - - $2.50 These papers were published in Popular Science Monthly in the years '93 and '94, and are chiefly valuable for comparison with one's own statistics. 9. Hereditary Genius. Francis Galtofi. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 39O. - - S2.5O A study of the extent to which genius is hereditary. HAGAZINE ARTICLES 1. First Five Hundred Days of a Child's Life. Mrs. Winfield S. Hall. Child Study Monthly. Vol II. Xos. 6 to 10. 2. Growth of Children. Peckham. Vol. I. Annual Report. State Board of Health. Wisconsin. 1881. 3. Growth of Children. Science. Vol. XI. p. 28. 4. Remarks on Rhythm in Education. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Proceedings X. E. A. 1894. 5. Order of Physical Growth in the Child. -Bayard Hohnes. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. II. Xo. 2. CHILD STUDY 45 6. One Year with a Little Girl. Oscar Chtisman. Educa- tional Review. January, 1895. 7. A Biographical Sketch of an Infant. Charles Darwin. Mind. 1877. Vol.11, p. 285. 8. The Baby's Mind. Elizabeth S. Brown, M. D. Series in Babyhood. July, 1890, to Nov., 1890. 9. Notes on the Study of Infants. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. I. p. 127. 10. Suggestion in Infancy. /. Mark Baldwin. Science- Feb. 27, 1891. 1 1. Development of Children. Darwinism in the Nursery. L. Robinson. Popular Science Monthly. Vol. XL. p. 674. 12. Notes on an Infant. Champneys. Mind. Vol. VI. p. 104 13. Tranlation of Pkeyek's Directions for Conducting a Day Book Recording the Development of the Child from Birth. Dr. IV. O. Krohn. Transactions Illinois So- ciety. Vol. I. No. 1. 14. Infant Study in the Class Room. Adelaide E. Wyckoff. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. II. No. 3. 15. Record of Infant Life. Ludeman. Syracuse. 16. Some Aspects of the Sense of Self. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. American Journal of Psychology. Vol IX. No. 3. PP- .55!-395- i6'J. Growth of Children. /VvctWvV /.. Burk. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. IX. No. 3. pp. 250-326. CHILDHOOD Contents of Children's Minds on Entering School. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. I. No. 2. In book form by E. L. Kellogg icr. KEGAX, PAUL & CO. LONDON. pp. 108 - 75c This little book of lectures is full of suggestions as to the ob- servation of nerve signs and the real meaning of activity of body in its relation to brain. "You should no more wantonly arrest a a child's activity without due cause, than throw a stone at an ani- mal without cause, or destroy a flower because you do not see any use in it." CHILD STUDY 49 3. Physical Expression; Its Hodes and Principles. Dr. Francis Warner. d. appleton & co. International Educational Ser. Si. 75 4. Studies from Yale Psychological Laboratory. E, IV. Scripture. yale university. Vol. I, II, and III. Each Si. 00 5. Thinking, Feeling, and Doing. E. IV. Scripture. FLOOD & VINCENT. - - - Sl.50 See books on Nervous System. Nos. 96, 97, 103 and 105 under Pedagogy and Psychology. HAGAZINE ARTICLES 1. Nervous Children and How to Help Them. Grace C. Kempton. Interstate School Review. October, 1895. See "Power Through Repose," No. 127 under Pedagogy and Psychology. 2. \e\v Diseases of School Children. Dr. //'. O. Krohn. Child Study Monthly. Vol, I. No. 10. 3. School Hygiene. //'. //. Burnham. Pedagogical Semin- ary. Vol. II. p. 9. 4. Essentials of School Hygiene. Dr. D. F. Lincoln. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 3. 5. The School - Fatigue Question in Germany. //. T. Lukois. Educational Review. Vol. XIV. No. 3. Mar., '98. 5'j. Study of Some of the Conditions of Mental Activ- ity. -John ./. Bergstrom. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VI. No. 2. pp. 247-274. 6. Fatigue. -/'. />'. Dresslar. Pedagogical Semimary. Vol. II. p. 102. 7. Fatigue hy Muscle Labor. //. liallin. Mind and Body. March and April, 1895. 50 CHILD STUDY 8. The Fatigue of the School Hour. Studies from Labora- tory of Leland Stanford. Marion Holmes. Pedagogical Sem- inary. Vol. III. No. 2. g. Studies in Fatigue. Moore. Studies from Yale. Vol. III. io. A Preliminary Study of Some of the Motor Phenom- ena of Mental Effort. Ernest H. Lindley. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VII. No. 4. 11. Comparative Observations of the Involuntary Move- ments of Adults and Children. Milo Asem Tucker. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VIII. No. 3. 12. The Effect of Fatigue on Voluntary Muscular Con- traction. Warren P. Lombard, M. D. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. III. No. 1. 13. Remarks on Replies by Teachers to Questions Re- specting Mental Fatigue. Sir Francis Gallon. Journal Anthropological Institute. 1888. p. 157. 14. Review of Die Ermudung. A. Mosso, Leipsic. 1892. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. II. p. 267. 15. Study of Fatigue. Normalia. St. Cloud Normal School. March, 1896. Price 10 cents. 16. Intellectual Habits of Cornell Students. Earl Barnes. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 5. 17. Accurate Tests for Child Study. E. IV. Scripture. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 2. Tests on dermal pressure here given may be used for fatigue. 18. The Criminal Crowding of Public Schools. /. //. Penniman. Forum. May, 1895. 19. Crowded Schools as Promoters of Disease. //. D. Chapin. Forum. May, 1S95. CHILD STUDY 51 20. Some Physiological Considerations in the Arrange- ments of a System of School Gymnastics. Hans Ballin. Mind and Body. May, 1895. 21. Causes and Prevention of Lateral Curvature of the Spine, and Near-Sightedness. Dr. Edward Luehr. Mind and Body. September, 1894. 22. Habitual Postures of School Children./?/-. IV. O. Krohn. Child Study Monthly. October, 1895. 23. Habitual Postures of School Children. Eliza .If. Mosher. Educational Review. Vol. IV. No. 4. 24. Origin of Right and Left Handedness. Dr. /. Mark Baldwin. Science. October 31, 1890. 25. Origin of Right-Handedness. /. Mark Baldwin. Pop- ular Science Monthly. Vol XLIV. p. 606. 26. Left-Handedness. F. Tracy, Transactions Illinois So- ciety. Vol. II. No. 2. 27. Mirror Writing and Left-Handedness. M. Strack Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. II. No. 2. . 28. Kindergarten and Elementary School. Dr. C. C. Van I.iew. Educational Review. February, 1895. Development of nervous and muscular system considered practically with relation to the work ot young children. 29. Tests on School Children. E. W. Scripture. Educa- tional Review. January, 1893. 30. Bilateral Symmetry of Function. Dr. G. Stanley Hall and E. M. Hartwell. Mind. Vol. IX. pp. 99-101. 30'j. Some Mental Automatisms. E. If. Lindley and G. /-.". Partridge. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. V. No. 1. 31. Aimless Activity in Children. Thaddeus /.. Bolton. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 2. 52 CHILD STUDY 32. Observation and Study of Movement and Mental Status. Dr. Francis Warner. Proceedings N. E. A. 1893 Chicago, p. 750. 33. Development of Voluntary Motor Ability. William L. Bryan. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. V. No. 2. 34. Preliminary Study of Motor Ability. John A. Han- cock. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. III. No. I. 35. Recherches sur les Mouvements chez Quelques Jeunes Enfants. Bind. Review Philosophique. Mars, 1890 36. Children's Appetites and Foods. Dr. G. Stanley H all To appear in Pedagogical Seminary or American Journal of Psychology. SENSE OF SIGHT Care of Eyes 1. How to Take Care of Our Eyes. With advice to parents and teachers in regard to the management of eyes ot children. H, C. Angell. Roberts bros. 16 mo. Illustrated. - 50c 2. The Eye and Its Care. Frank Allport, M. D. 1. B. LIPPIXCOTT & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. Illus. $1,00 3. Hygiene of the Eye Dr. Herman Co/in. LONDON. 1S86. 4. Defective Vision in School Children. 5. Risley. Edu- cational Review. April, 1892. 4 ! j. Tests for Defective Vision in School Children. Frank .lllport. Educational Review. Vol. XIV. No. 2. p. 150. 4 : 4 . Eye Defects in Students and Children. Fdgar James Swift. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. V. No. 2. 5. Eye-Tests of Children. G. M. West. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. IV. p. 595. 6. Color Sense; Its Origin and Development. Gilbert. Studies from Vale Psychological Laboratory. Vol. I. CHILD STUDY 53 7. Comparative Observations on the Indirect Color Range of Children, Adults and Adults Trained in- Color. G. IV. A. Luckey. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VI. No. 4. 8. Report on Color Blindness. 2?. Joy Jeffreys. School Doc- ument. Xo. 13. Boston. 9. On the Color Vocabulary of Children. H. Wolfe. Uni- versity of Nebraska Studies. July, 1890. SENSE OF HEARING 1. The Hearing of Children. cTftw Chrisman. Pedagogi- cal Seminary. Vol. II. p. 397. The bibliography of the subject given in tins article will assist those who wish more references. 2. Deafness and Care of the Ears. A. M. Fanning. Pop- ular Science Monthly. December, 1892. p. 211. 3. One Boy's Debt to Child Study. Child Study Monthly. February, 1896. 4. Experiments on the Musical Sensitiveness of Chil- dren. Gilbert. Studies from Yale Psychological Laboratory. Vol. I. p. 80. INTELLECT REPRESENTATION ;. Individual Differences in the Imagination of Chil- dren. W.II. Burn/iam. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol.11. No. 2. 2. Differences in Children from the Teacher's Point ok View. /. Mark Baldwin. Inland Educator. August and December, 1895. The sensory and motor types contrasted. 3, Eye-Mindedness and Ear-Mindedness. Jos. Jastro-^. Popular Science Monthly. 1888. Vol. XXXIII. No. 5. 54 CHILD STUDY 4. The Secret of a Good riemory. J. Mortimer Gran- ville. D. LOTH HOP & CO. l6 mo. pp. 96. - 65c. This contains a study and suggestions for experiment on eye- and ear-mindedness. 5. Eye- and Ear-Mindedness. Normalia. Child Study num- ber, 1806. State Normal School, St. Cloud. 6. Eye- and Ear-Mindedness. William L. Bryan. Proceed- ings N. E. A. 1893. Chicago, p. 779. 7. Some Association Tracks in Reading and Spelling. Sitpt. Thomas M. Balliet. Proceedings N. E. A. 1893. Chi- cago, p. 756. 8. Sound Blindness. Sara E. Wiltse. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. I. p. 702. 9. Tests of Senses and Eaculties. Cattell. Educational Review. March, 1893. 10. The Place of the Story in Early Education Sara E. Wiltse. GINN & CO. 8 VO. pp. I37 - - 50C The last chapter on Mental Imagery has a study of represen- tation. 11. A Test of Memory in School Children. /^. Remarks on Tickling and Laughing. H. M. Stanley. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. IX. No. 2. 11. Study of Anger. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. To appear soon in either Pedagogical Seminary or American Journal of Psy- chology. SUPERSTITIONS Reminiscent Study. Children's Attitude Toward Ghosts. Louise Maitland. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. Vol. I. No. 5. A Study of Children's Superstitions. Clara Vostrovsky. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. Vol. I. No. 4. CHILD STUDY 59 3. Children and Ghosts. Louise Maitland. Studies in Edu- cation. Leland Stanford. Vol. I. No. 2. THE SOCIAL SENSE Social and Ethical Interpretations in flental De- velopment./. Mark Baldwin. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 574. - - 2.60 Teasing and Bullying. Frederick L. Burk. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. IV r . No. 3. Questionaire on Affection and Its Opposite States. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Topical Syllabi. 1894- 1895. Clark University. SUGGESTION (including imitation) LEADING TO VOLITION 1. Origin of Volition in Childhood. /. Mark Baldwin. Science. Vol. XX. p. 286. See "Mental Development," page 30 by the same author. 2. Child Observations. State Normal School, Worces- ter, Mass. Edited by Ellen M. Haskell. i). c. heath & co. pp.300. - - Si. 50 This is largely on imitation. 3. Suggestion in Infancy. J.Mark Baldwin. Science. Feb- ruary 27, 1891. 4. Imitation. Caroline Frear. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. IV. No. 3. 4'X. Imitation in Development of Motor Memory. Reu- ben Post II alleck. North Western Monthly. Vol. VIII. No. (.). April, 1898. 4;^. Some Educational Bearings of the Principle of Imitation. C. C. VanLiew. North Western Monthly. Vol. VIII. No. 5. 5. The Suggestibility of Children. Maurice It. Small. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. IV. No. 2. By far the best and most complete study of the subject. 6. Imitation in Children. Ellen M. ttasxell. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. III. No. I. 60 CHILD STUDY 7. What Children Imitate. North Western Journal of Edu- cation. Vol. VII. pp. 99, 136, 162, 226, 300 and 332. 71/2. The Psychology of Suggestion. Boris Sidis. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - Si .75 S. Imitation oe Teacher by Pupil. A Questionaire. Wil- liam L. Bryan and U. J. Griffith. Transactions Illinois So- ciety. Vol. I. No. 2. 9. Children; Their Hodels and Critics Aurctta Roys Aid rich. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6 IHO. - - 75c What children imitate in us. Though not a formal study, this is full of suggestion on the subject. MORALS 1. Moral Instruction.- Felix Adlcr. D. APPLETON & CO. 1892. pp. 2/0. - $1-50 2. Moral and Religious Training of Children and Ado- lescents. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. I. pp. 196-210. 3. Moral Education and Will Training. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. II. No. 1. pp. 72-89. 4. A Study of Children's Rights as Seen by Themselves. Margaret E. Schallenberger. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. III. No. 1. 5. Punishment as Seen by Children. Earl Barnes. Peda- gogical .Seminary. Vol. III. p. 235. 6. Studies in Discipline. Earl Barnes. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. Nos. 1 to 8 inclusive. This is a good model for work in any child study. It presents the method of stating problem, and of collecting, examining and collating material. 7. Children's Attitude toward Law. Estelle M. Darrah. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. Nos. 6 and 7. CHILD STUDY 6l 8. Children's Attitude Toward Punishment for Weak Time Sense. David S. Snedden. Studies in Education. Le- land Stanford. No. g. 9. Class Punishment. Caroline Frear. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 9. 10. Questionnaire on Discipline in Family and School, and Punishment for Weak Time-Sense. Earl Barnes. Trans- actions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 3. Very suggestive work. 11. Children's Motives. A hna Patterson. Studies in Educa- tion. Leland Stanford. No. 9. 12. Who Has the Best Right? Genevra Sisson. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 7. 13. Children's Lies. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Pedagogical Sem- inary. Vol. I. No. 2. 14. Why Children Lie. Nathan Oppenheim. Popular Science Monthly. July, 1895. 15. Theological Life of a California Child. Earl Barnes. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. II. p. 442. 16. A Study of Conversion.- -Edwin D. Starbuck. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. YIII. No. 2. A study in psychology of religious phenomena. 17. Moral Education./. A'. Street. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. V. No. 1. Important general study. 18. A Study in the Psychology of Religious Phenomena. /awes If. Leaba. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VII. No. 3. 19. Sunday School Work and Bible Study in the Light of Modern Pedagogy..?. C. Ellis. Pedagogical Sem- inary. Vol. III. No. 3. p. 363. 62 CHILD STUDY 20. A Study of Habit Degeneration. -E. B. Dresslar. Trans- actions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 2. 21. Development of Personality in Children. Edward Howard Griggs. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 8. 22. Children's Rights. A book of Nursery Logic. Kate Douglas U'iggin. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. pp.235. $1.00 23. Child Nature. Elizabeth Harrison. KINDERGARTEN LITERATURE CO. pp.200. - $1.00 See chapter on Punishment. 24. Social Statics. Herbert Spencer. D. APPLETON & CO. pp. 523. - - $2.00 See Punishments of Children. 25. A Study of Habit Degeneration. A Questionaire. F. B. Dresslar. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 2. A suggestive study enabling teachers to correct bad habits oi children. 26. How Children Judge Character. Anna Kohler. Stud- ies in Education. Leland Stanford. No 3. 27. Characteristics of the Best Teachers as Recognized by Children. H. E. Kratz. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. III. No. 3. p. 413- 28. Children's Sense of Money. Anna Kohler. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 9. 29. Studies of Children's Opinion of Punishments. Es- telle M. Darrah. School Education. Nov., '97, and March and May, '98. 30. Methods of Manifesting the Instinct of Certainty. Maurice H. Small. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. V. No. 3. CHILD STUDY 62a MORALS 31. Child Study and School Discipline. Will S. Munroe. Educational Review. Vol. XIV. No. 5. p. 451. 32. Moral Training of Children. H. K. Wolfe. North Western Monthly. Vol. VIII. No. 7. Feb., '98. 33. Character Building (Kindness). /. M. Corthrell. The Mother's Voice. Jan., '98. 34. Child Fetiches. (jVcr^ M. Gould. Pedagogical Semin- ary. Vol. V. No. 3. Jan., '98. 35. Religious Ideas of a Child. Oscar Chrisman, Child Study Monthly. Vol. III. No. 9. March, '98. 36. Religion for Oir Children. Mrs. Wm. H. Wilder. Kindergarten Magazine. Vol. IX. No. 5. 37. Contributions to the Psychology of Religion. Ed- win D. Starbuck. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. IX. No. 1. 38. The Sunday School as a Force. Patterson DuBois. North Western Monthly. Vol. VIII. No. 7. Feb., '98. 39. The New Life. Arthur H. Daniels. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VI. No. 1. pp. 61-106. 40. Intellectual and Moral Evolution of the Child. Compayri. See page 43. CHILD STUDY 63 PLAY i. Education by Plays and Games. G. E. Johnson. Peda- gogical Seminary. Vol. III. No. 1. \Yz. Play in Education. G. E. Johnson. North Western Monthly. Vol. VIII. No. 1. 2. Educational Value of Play. James Hughes. Educa- tional Review. Vol. N" III. pp. 327-336. 3. The Story of a Sand Pill. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Scrib- ner's Magazine. June, 1888. A review of the above quoting the most important part is in Pedagogical Seminary. Voi. I. No. 2. 4. Children's Plays. Genevra Si'sson. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 5. 5. Bibliography of Children's Plays. Genevra Sisso?t. Studies in Educatton. Leland Stanford. No. 5. 6. Children's Games in the Kindergarten and Home. Ginevra Sisson. North Western Monthly. Vol. VIII. No. I. 7. What Determines Leadership in Children's Plays. -- Clara I'ostrovsky. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 8. 8. Rudimentary Society among Boys. John Johnson, Jr. Overland Monthly. October, 1883 and July, 1884. 9. Free Play in Physical Education. Popular Science Monthly. April, 1893. Vol. 42. p. 813. 10. Questionaire on Dolls, and on Toys and Playthings. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 3. 1 1. A Study of Dolls. -A. Caswell Ellis and G. Stanley //all. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. IV. No. 2. 12. Study on Toys and Playthings. Dr. G. Stanley /fall and J ' '. Shaw. To appear eitner in Pedagogical Seminary or in American Journal of Psychology. 13. George Juniok Republic at Fki.lvii.le, N. V. Outlook. October, 31, IiSi/j. Review of Reviews. May. i8./>. 64 CHILD STUDY 14. Games and Songs of American Children. William Wells Newell. harper & brothers. 1884. pp- 2 4 2 - " $1 5 15. Recollections of the Wild Life Plays and Games. Dr. C. A. Eastman. St. Nicholas. February, 1894. 16. Study of Children's Plays. Earl Barnes. Leland Stan- foal. i8g3, 1894, I Sc/5. For discussions of play see, "Symbolic Education,'' meaning of play. pp. in-n6, "Joseph Payne's Lectures.'' Richter's"Levana." Mrs. Burnett's "One 1 Knew Best ot All," "Childhood, Boyhood and Youth," Tolstoi. 17. Friedrich Froebel's Pedagogics of the Kindergar= ten. His Ideas Concerning the Play and Play- things of the Child. Translated by Josephine Jarvis. D. appleton & co. 12 mo. Cloth. Illustrated. S15C This has a preface by Dr. Harris and an original preface by Dr. Lange. There is a thorough discussion of the first five gifts. Xo study of play can be complete without a thorough understand- ing of Froebel's conception of it. 18. The Songs and Music of Froebel's Hother Play. The songs are not literally translated, but are put in poetical form by Emilie Poulsson, Henrietta R. I^liot, Kate Brown, and others. d. appleton & co. Illustrated, pp. 270. - Si. 50 19. The flottoes and Commentaries of Friedrich Froe= bel's Mother Play. Rendered in English verse by Henrietta R. Eliot. The Prose Commentaries are translated by Susan E. Blow. D. appleton & co. 13 mo. Cloth. Illustrated. $1.50 Miss Blow's discussion of the Mother Play in "Symbolic Edu- cation should be read with this. Mothers and teachers will be de- lighted with this new version of the most practical work of Frcebel. CHILD STUDY 65 DRAWING 1. A Study of Children's Drawings. Earl Barnes. Peda- gogical Seminary. Vol.11. No. 3. pp. 455-463. 2. How Children Draw Objects Placed before Them. A. B. Clark. Pamphlet. Stanford University. 1896. 2 '4. Notes on Children's Drawings. Elmer E. Brown. University of California. Vol. II. No. 1. p. 75. 2>2- Study of Children's Drawings. Herman T. Lukens. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. IV. No. 1. p. 79. The most important study. 3. Note sur les Dessins d'Enfants. M. Passy. Revue Philosophique. Vol. XXXII. p. 614. Reviewed in Peda- gogical Seminary. Vol. II. p. 276. 4. Drawing in Infant Schools. T. G. Rooper. v.. l. kellogg & co. Paper. - - 15c 5. Drawing. Scriptute and Lyman. * Studies from Yale Psy- chological Laboratory. October, 1893. 6. What Children Draw to Please Themselves. Louise M. M ait land. Inland Educator. Vol. I. No. 2. September, 1894. 7. The Art of Little Children Louise M. Maitland. Ped- agogical Seminary. Vol. III. No. 2. A translation of Corrado Ricci's study made in 1887. This is the most val- uaole and interesting contribution to the subject. 8. The Child's Attitude toward Perspective Problems. Arthur B. Clark. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 8. i) Illustrations in Studies in Education. Leland Stan- ford. Earl Barnes. in Pictorial Evolution of a Man. No. i. 121 The Story of Bluebeard. No. 2. 13) Hanns Guck-in-diE-Luft. Nos. T, and 4. (4) George Washington and the Cherry Trek. No. 5. (5) Poi.I.lWOGS AND FROGS. No. 6. (6) Fragmentary Thinking. No. 7. 10. Children's Drawings. .1/. / '. O'S/iea. Proceedings N. E. A. iS ( ,4. 66 CHILD STUDY LANGUAGE i. The Language of Children. Frederick Tracy. Interna- tional Congress of Education. Chicago. 1893. p. I},"]. 2. Language of Childhood. Frederick Tracy. Mind. Vol. II. No. 1. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. VI. No. 1. 3. Notes on Studies of Language of Children. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. I. p. 257. 4. Questionnaire on Child Language. H. T. Lukens. Trans- actions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 2. 5. Preliminary Report on the Learning of Language. H.T.Lukens. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. III. p. 424. 6. Course of Study on the Evolution of Language in Children. Col. Parker, Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 2. -, Child Speech and the Law of Mispronunciation. Ed- win Xob/e. Education. September and October, 1888. 8. The Speech of Children. A. Stevenson. Science, March 3. 1893. 9. Development of Speech in Infants. Dr. IV. B. Canfield. Babyhood. May, 1887. 10. How Children Learn to Talk. E. A.Kirkpatrick. Sci- ence. September 25, 1891. 11. Studies in Psychology. Sully. Popular Science Monthly. 1 893- 1 894. See "Studies of Childhood," by the same author. 12. Acquisition of Language by Children. H.Taine. Mind. Vol. II. p. 252. See book "On Intelligence." H. Taine. pp. 376-382. 13 Psychology of Language of Children. Dr. Jchn Dewey. Psychological Review. Vol. I. p. 63. CHILD STUDY Gj 14. Psychology of Infant Language. Dr. John Dewey. Psychological Review. January, 1890. 15. Secret Language of Children. Oscar Chrisman. Sci- ence. Vol. XXII. p. 303. Child Study Monthly. Sept., 1806. See "Talks on Pedagogies'' Col Parker, pp. 308-336. 16. Physiological Notes on Primary Education, and Study of Language. Mary Putnam Jacobi. g. t. putnam's sons. pp. 120. - - Si. 00 17. Questionaire on Early Forms of Vocal Expression. Dr. G. Stanley Hall. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. I. No. 3. EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN 1. Exceptional Children in School. E. II. Russell. Edu- cational Review. December, 1893. 2. Mental Abnormalities in Children during Primary Education. Dr Adolph Myer. Transactions Illinois Soci- ety. Vol. I. No. 1. 2%. Truancy as Related to the Migratory Instinct. Linus IV. Kline. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. V. No. 3. 2'/j. Truants and Incorrigibles. Educational Review. May, 1894. Vol. VII. p. 423. 3. Child Study and the Slums. Dr. Graham Taylor. Trans- actions Illinois Society. Vol. II. No. 2. 4. A Study in Youthful Degeneracy. George I'.. Dawson. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. IV. No. 2. 5. A Report of the Examination of 100 Brains of Feeble- minded Children. .-/. W.Wilmarth. Alienist and Neu- rologist. October, 1890. 6. A Study of Peculiar and Exceptional Children. !'.. //'. liohannon. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. 1\. No. I. 7. Child Study in Schools eor Feeble-Minded Children. Dr. II'. 0. Krohn. Child Study Monthly. Vol. 1. p. 7> 8. Contribution to the Psychology and Pedagogy of Feeble-Minded Children. G. E. Johnson. Pedagogical Seminary. Vol. III. No. 2. 68 CHILD STUDY AUTOBIOGRAPHIES Recommended for Child Study The first seven are among those recommended by Prof. Earl Barnes of Stanford University. i. The Romance of a Child. Pierre Loti. RAND, MCXALLY & CO. pp. 1 79. - - $1.00 This is a delicately drawn nicture of a child's inmost soul, Note the development of intellect through action in the child's first jumping; the picture of the happy duck and the unhappy duck, showing how naturally children express emotion in drawing. Note also the associations formed between unrelated objects under the stress of strong emotion. 2. Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth. Count Lyof N. Tolstoi. THOMAS Y. CROWELL & CO. 12 ITIO. - $I-5G Autobiographies which are valuable for child study must re- veal the truth, either from the transparency of the author's dis- guise, or from the frank avowal of the author, combined with his ability to read his own soul. Tolstoi's book is of the latter class. Chapter 19, on Serozha Ivin, is an admirable study for one who would understand the strong friendships children form for each other, and their effect on character. 3. Journal of Harie Bashkirtseff. RAND, MCXALLY & CO. - $1-50 Granted that this girl was exceptional, still no thoughtful stu- dent of human nature can fail, through the reading of this book, to become a better interpreter of the ambitions, emotions, and secrets of the thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen-year-old girl whose soul is a conflict of new thoughts and new emotions striving with the old childish ones. The book is strongly recommended to teachers of girls of this age. CHILD STUDY 69 4. Diary of Anna Green Winslow, a Boston School- girl of '71. Alice Morse Earle. houghtox, MiFFLix & co. Illustrated. 12 mo. Si. 25 Anna Green Winslow is a girl whom it is a great pleasure to know and to study. The primness of her record does not prevent one from catching glimpses of the real child. 5. Autobiography of John Stuart Hill. HENRY HOLT & CO. pp. 3 1 3. - - $2.00 Facts of mind can not be as easily gathered or as clearly pre- sented as facts of matter. There is, therefore, reason for thank- fulness for every autobiography in which early impressions and early education are presented clearly and candidly as they are hereby Mr. Mill. 6. The Story of My Life. Georg Ebers. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. pp. 382. Portraits. Si. 25 Georg Ebers was educated at Keilhau, a school founded ac- cording to Frcebel's principles. Aside from the interest in his reminiscences of Frcebel, and the view given of German politics of the period, the child student will be interested in the boyish tights, and the effect of fairy tales and of school journeys. 7. Convent Life of George Sand. ROBERTS BROS. l6 mo. pp. 2 1 9. - Si. 00 Some of the best studies on the government of girls who, like Mile. Dudevant, are proud of being called "Les Diables," are found in convent stories. The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. LXII, page 707, contains a story of "A Convent School in 1 8th Century," which has been used in teachers' training classes as a study in discipline. 8. My Schools and Schoolmasters. Hugh Miller. ROBERT CARTER & BROTHERS. I S 7 5 . 12 IllO. SI./5 A lesson may be learned from the way the pebble-beds oi Cromarty educated Hugh Miller, no less than from the tales of Ins schoolmasters who did not educate him. 70 CHILD STUDY 9. The Boy I Knew. Lawrence Hutton. sr. Nicholas. Four Numbers. December, 1896 to March, 1897, inclusive. Here is a chance to study a boy whose environment is an American city. One is perhaps most interested in the effect of his theatre-going, and in his own dramatic representations of Deer- slayer, David Copperfield, and of other books he had read. 10. A Boy's Town. William Dean Howells. harper & brothers. pp.247. Illustrated. $1.25 Here is again a distinctly American environment. This boy does not escape the analytical pen of the distinguished author. "One tiresome fact about boys is that they are so much alike," says Mr. Howells, and proceeds to unveil the universal boy, while he gives us delightful pictures of himself in all the phases of child- hood, his fears, struggles with lying, his games, and his holidays. 11. A New England Girlhood. Outlined from Mem- ory. Lucy Larcom. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 1 6 mo. - 75c From the little child who says, "I won't" continually, just be- cause her aunt sang for her, "Miss Lucy was a charming child, She never said, '1 won't,' " to the end of this charming narrative we have the real girl whom child students are so anxious to study. In the child study of Dolls do.i't neglect this book. 12. Autobiography of James Freeman Clarke. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8vO. - $1 50 Note the way Mr. Clarke began the study of Latin. "Turning over the leaves of a dictionary may cultivate muscle, but it can not affect the language faculty." i.j. Life of Sir Walter Scott. John Gibson Lockhart. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 3 Vols. - 54-50 The child of three shouting the ballads from Percy's Reiiques CHILD STUDY /I at the top of his voice. the boy fascinating his school fellows with tales we can find no better concrete study of the development of the imagination than in this journal. Note the early predominance of the motor images which Prof. Halleck finds so numerous in Scott's writings. 14. Autobiography of Leigh Hunt. CHARLES SCKIBNER's SONS. l6niO. - $1.00 harper & brothers. Franklin Sq. Lib. Paper. 20c The delightful style of Hunt and the reminiscences of Charles Lamb and others, give this book a high literary value, but we recommend the first volume as a delightful child study. The boy who suffered tortures when people were kind to him, thinking, "Ah, they little suspect that I am the boy who said 'd -n it'; " and who read Hudibras at one "desperate plunge" as a sort of achieve- ment, can not fail to be interesting. In studying Fears, don't neglect Hunt's fear of the mantichora. 15. Records of a Girlhood. Frances Ann Kcmble. henry holt & co. Large 12 mo. pp. 205. $2. 50 This is a girl who hated dolls. The effect of punishments upon this high-spirited girl, and the moods of the adolescent period are important points for study. 16. .Sonya Kovalevsky. I ler Recollections of Child- hood. Translated from the Russian by Isabel F. Hapgood. CENTURY CO. 8 VO. pp. 3 iS - - Sl.50 A vivid picture of a nervous and precocious child. 17. The Story of My Childhood. - Madame J. MicJielet. Translated from the French. little, brown & co. pp. 118 - - $1.25 N'otice chapters on My First Doll and Fear of the Witches. ~2 CHILD STUDY 18. Autobiography of Goethe. Bohn's Library. Two Vols. pp. 520-543. Each $1.00 G. F. Putnam's Sons publishes the contents of first volume under the title of "The Boyhood and Youth of Goethe. ' ; World's Classics. 2 Vol. Each 50c. The first volume is most valuable to the child student. The sufferings of the boy arising from the savage world of his play- mates conflicting with the civilized world of adults form one topic, The study of the religious phase of adolescence will receive en- lightenment from the chapter on the "Boy Priest." 19. Life and Letters of Charles Darwin. With an Autobiographic Chapter. d. appleton & co. Two Vols. 12 mo. Ilustrated. $4.50 Boyhood of Darwin by himself taken from above book, in Popular Science Monthly, December, 1887. Note especially the parts bearing on Lying, Childish Credulity, and Interest in Collec- tions. 20. Every Day Experiences at Eton By a Present Eton Boy. C W. BARDEEN. 1 877. pp. 1 84. - - $1.00 Note the general attitude of the boy toward school work and teachers, his difficulties in carrying out his ideals, and the influence of boys over each other. 21. Autobiography of John Gilbert Hamerton. ROBERTS BROTHERS. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.00 Education outside of schools; and schools so conducted as to be of little use. 22. The Story of My Life Augustus J. C. Hare. DODD, MEAD & CO. Two Volumes. - $7.50 Mr. Hare adds another record to the many written and un- written tragedies of childhood. Another child tormented by well- meaning persons in the name of education. More insight may come to a teacher from the reading of this pathetic story, than from many a volume on abstract theories of training, for here we CHILD STUDY 73 have the concrete case laid bare, with the perspective of years to show just what came of the blind driving of uncomprehended spirit, which Mr. Hare looks back upon as his education. 23. Autobiography of Jean Paul Richter. d. c. heath & co. pp. 4 1 3, Bound with Levana. Si. 44 Jean Paul is always inimitable and his sketch of his childhood is correspondingly unique. Picture, for instance, the small boy reading hymns aloud for the edification of a poor old lady, and being so overcome by their sad imagery as to burst into a loud fit of crying much to her astonishment. 24. The Story of My Life. Hans Christ! an Andersen. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. I2IHO. - $1.00 "My life is a lovely story, happy and full of incident." Note the conditions which contributed to his happy childhood. 25. Autobiography of Froebel. c. \v. bardeen. 12 mo. Cloth, pp. 183. - Si. 50 E. l. kellogg & co. 1 6 mo. Cloth, pp. 128. 50c The gift of insight into one's own motives and needs, particu- larly our childhood's motives and needs, is rare. It was this that made Froebel the first to understand the training of children. It is this which makes his autobiography exceed all others in interest to the child student. 26. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. GINN & CO. . - - 48c 27. Autobiography of Harriet Martineau. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 2 Vol. Crown 8 VO. S4.OO 28. How I Was Educated. Papers from Forum. D. API'LETON & CO. .... 20C 29. Chapters from a Life. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. Houghton, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. Illustrated. S1.50 74 CHILD STUDY 30. The One 1 Knew Best of All. A Memory of the Mind of a Child. Frances Hodgsoti Burnett. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - $2.00 31. When I Was a Boy in China. Van Phou Lee. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. l6 mo. - 60C Yan Phou Lee was sent to this country and was educated at Yale. 32. The Journal of John Woolman. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. Sl.50 33. Autobiography of Martin Luther. Michelet. Translated by W. Hazlitt. the macmillan co. Bonn's Library. - $1.00 34. Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury. By Himself. cassell & co. Paper. ... iqc 35. Autobiography of Vittorio Alfieri. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - $1.00 36. Study of Boyhood of Great Men. A. H. Voder. Peda- gogical Seminary. Vol. III. p. 134. 37. Arithmetical Prodigies. E. IV. Scripture. American Journal of Psychology. Vol. IV. No. I. 38. Autobiography of Joseph Jefferson. CENTURY CO. 8 VO. pp. 5OO. - - $5-00 OTHER BOOKS FOR CHILD STUDY 1. Mill on the Floss.- George Eliot. a. l. burt. Home Library. - - 75c Maggie is undoubtedly a reminiscence of the author's own CHILD STUDY 75 childhood. Tom, Lucy and Bob are all real children. George Eliot's insight into child nature is as keen as is her penetration into older souls. 2. Imaginary Portraits Walter Pater. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $l.$0 21 ,. The Child in the House. Walter Pater. THOMAS MOSHER .... ~^ c In these portraits there is always analysis of "that process of brain building by which we are, each one of us, what we are." In the "Child in the House" there is given in exquisite English, a study of how the environment of a child becomes a part of his soul, "inward and outward being woven through and through each other in one inextricable texture." The book is especially valuable in arousing memories of one's own childhood, for there are many of us who with Florian Deleal have discovered that "accidents, the angle at which the sun at morning fell on the pillow, have be- come parts of the great chain by which we are bound." 3. Harius, the Epicurean. I lis Sensations and Ideas. Walter Pater. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 IllO. - - S2.25 Development of character through the subtle influence of sur- roundings. 4. The Boy's Revolt. A Story of Street Boys in New- York. James Otis. estes & lauriat. Square 12 mo. - Si. 25 5. Jenny Wren's Boarding=House. James Otis. estes & lauriat. Square 12 mo. - Si. 25 All of the books by lames Otis, the author of "Toby Tyler," are greatly appreciated by boys, but we especially recommend them to teachers of public schools in large cities. The author's accurate knowledge of bootblack and newsboy may well be envied by any teacher who deals with the street gamin 6. Child Life in the Slums of New York. - Ifenry Campbell. Demorest's Family Magazine. 1892. /6 CHILD STUDY 7. Beckonings from Little Hands Pattcrso7i Dubois. John d. wattles, pp. 182. - - $1.25 Eight pathetic little studies, not in the least coldly scientific. 8. Child Nature. Elizabeth Harrison. CHICAGO KINDERGARTEN COLLEGE. pp. 207 " Si. 00 Miss Harrison's strong good sense makes her observations and conclusions in regard to child nature of unusual value. 9. Child and Child Nature. Baroness Marenholz von Buclozv. C. \V. BARDEEN. 12 OlO. pp. 207. - $1-50 Frcebel's ideas of the child, and his educational theories. 10. Life and Education of Laura Bridgman. Mary Swift Lam son. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $1-50 11. The Child and Childhood in Folk Thought. Alexander Francis Chamberlain. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 464. - - $3-00 The purpose is to give a view of the child among primitive races, and to trace the effect which children have had on our pres- ent social institutions and tendencies. Light is thrown on the de- velopment of children's languages, on games and plays, The book contains a very good bibliography. Read in connection with with this The Child as a Social Factor. Earl Barnes. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 9. 12. Child Life in Art Estelle M. Hnrll. JOSEPH KNIGHT & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. Gilt. $2.00 Twenty-five beautiful half-tone illustrations from Raphael. Titian, Van Dyck, Velasquez, Reynolds, and other artists. CHILD STUDY "JJ 13. The Children. Altec MeynelL JOHN LANE. 8 VO. - - - $1.25 Mrs. Meynell is a most effective writer. The child she pic- tures is no copy of his elders. He has a right to his own thoughts, feelings and even acts. He should, in fact, act in accord with the laws of his development, not according to our whims. 14. A Child World : James Whitcomb Riley. BOWEN, MERRILL & CO. 12 mo. - - $1.25 A continuous chronicle in verse of child life. The charm of Riley's verse, and the exquisite sympathy and truth of his child delineations make this book a necessity o child lovers. 15. Child Study of Herbakt. C. C. Van Liew. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol.11. No. 2. 16. Child Study of Frcebel. Bertha Payne. Transactions Illinois Society. Vol. II. No. 2. GEOGRAPHY METHODS AND HATTER FOR TEACHERS 1. Earth and Han. -Arnold Guyot. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. ,12 mo. pp. 334 $175 The relation of geographical facts to the central fact of relief is so emphasized that this book is by far the most useful guide in the teaching of geography to fifth, sixth, and seventh grades. 2. Elementary Lessons in Physical Geography. Archibald Gc ikie. THE MACMILLAX CO. l8 mo. pp. 360, - $1.10 3. Science Primer. Physical Geography. Archibald Gcikie. AMERICAN BOOK CO. l8mO pp. I IQ. - 35c The value of this little book is almost ludicrously out of pro- portion to its size and price. There is such an appreciation of the learner's mind, and such skill shown in unfolding matter that the book should be considered one of the very best manuals of the method of teaching geography. 4. The Teaching of Geography. Arc J lib aid Gcikie. THE MACMILLAX CO. l8 mo. pp. 205. - 60C This book is to be commended both for the enumeration of the points in physical geography which should be presented in the grades, and for the suggestions as to best methods of presentation. GEOGRAPHY 79 5. Outlines of Geography. NORMAL SCHOOL, BRIDGEWATER, MASS. - 5OC 6. Outline of Geography. Minnesota Manual for Graded Schools. Office, State Superintendent, St. Paul. 7. Child and Nature. Alexander Fryc. ginx & co. pp. 210 .... 80c Mr. Frye is an indispensable aid to the primary teacher of geography, and it will pay the teacher of older grades to consult the book for method. Following Mr. Frye's suggestion; "Teach no more of any one topic than you intend to use as a basis for the next" will do away with much useless lumber in this subject. 8. Lessons in the New Geography. Spencer Trotter. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. \Q)2. - - Sl.00 This leaves one with the desire to know if all parts of geog- raphy can be illuminated as are the points used here for illus- tration. 9. Manual of Geography. Jacques M. Redway. I). C. HEATH cS; CO. pp. 1 75. - - 65c An exposure of many schoolroom fancies. Particularly help- ful in the use of maps. 10. Oswego Methods in Geography. Amos J/. Farn- liam. C. \V. BARDEEN. - - - . ; 0C 11. flethods and Aids in Teaching Geography. - Cliarles F. King. LEE & SIIEI'ARI). I2IHO. - - - S 1 .60 This contains a very good list of teachers' and pupils' reading matter. SO GEOGRAPHY 12. Hethods ot Teaching Geography. Lucretia Crocker. BOSTON SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. pp. JO. - 60C 13. How to Study Geography.- Francis A. Parker. n. appleton & co. International Scientific Ser. $1.50 1 4. Geographical Studies Carl Ritter. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - $I.OO RUter brings out the human interest in geography, connecting it with history. A wonderfully suggestive book to the teacher of both subjects. 15. The Human Race Loins Figtder. 16. The Ocean World. Louis Figuier. 1 7. The Vegetable World Lout's Figuier. d appleton & co. 12 mo. Each - $1,50 18. The Earth. FJy see Rectus, pp 573. 8vo, $5.00 19. The Ocean and the Atmosphere. Flyse'e Rectus. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 534. 8 VO. - $6.00 Figuier and Reclus, like Guyot and Ritter, emphasize the cause and effect relation. If, as recent child study proves, chil- dren are more interested in how, -w/iy and result, than they are in where, and if this interest steadily increases during the grades, the teacher of geography will do well to consult these authors and be- come full of this phase of the subject. 20. The Earth as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh. CHARLES SCRIBNERS SON'S. 8 VO. pp. 621 - S3.5O 21. The Tropical World./)/-. G. Hartwig. pp. 554. 22. The Polar World./)/-. G. Hartwig. pp. 520. GEOGRAPHY 8l 23. The Aerial World. Dr. G. Hartivig. Nos. 21, 22, and 23 are large 8 vo, illustrated with maps, plates and wood-cuts. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Each - - S3.OO These books form an encyclopaedia of tropical and polar plants and animals, which will prove its usefulness by being worn to tatters in any school where pupils from nine to fourteen have access to it. Where there can not be a large library of geographic- al books, the "Polar and Tropical World" will prove the best in- vestment. 24. Distribution of Animals. Alfred R. Wallace. HARPER & BROTHERS. 2 Vol. pp. 5OO+6OO. Si 0.00 25. Island Life; or Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras. Alfred R. Wallace. the macmillan CO. 8 vo. pp. 553. Illustrated. Si. 75 26. Geographical and Geological Distribution of Ani= mals. Angela Heilpri/i. I). APPLETON& co. International Educational Ser. S2.00 Usually a child learns more from a wild animal show than from all his school work on animals The teacher who would give some real understanding of their distribution, and of the barriers which prevent their passing from one region to another, should read Wallace and Heilprin. Notice also page 183 in Frye's "Child and Nature,'' and chapter X in Fiske's "Cosmic Philoso- phy." See Page 29. 27. Elementary Physical Geography. Ralph S. Tarr. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 48/. - - SI.4O The discussion of rocks and soils, and the formation of moun- tains, rivers and other physiographic features, make this the most valuable physical geography for help to teachers in the grades. The "First Book of Physical Geography," sec page 89, by the same author, presents the same features in simpler form. 82 GEOGRAPHY 28. Elements of Geology Joseph LcContc. D. APPLETON & CO. 8 VO. - - S4.OO A popular and interesting presentation of points needed in good geography teaching. 20. Elementary Physiography. --John Thornton. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Cl'OVVn 8 VO. pp. 34O. 80C 30. The Physiography of the United States. American book co. Ten Monographs, each 20c, or together, Si. 5c; in bound volume $2.50. About 34 pages in each. Physiographic Processes. - /. W. Powell Physiographic Features. - - /. IV. Powell Physiographic Regions of the U. S. - J. IV. Powell Present and Extinct Lakes of Nevada. /. C. Russell Beaches of the Atlantic Coast. - A. S. Shaler The Northern Appalachians. - Bailey Willis Niagara Falls and Their History. - G.K. Gilbert Mt. Shasta A Typical Volcano. - J. S. Diller Physical Geography of Southern New England IV. M.Davis The Southern Appalachians. - - C. IV. Hayes 31. Characteristics of Volcanoes. J. I). Dana. dodd, mead & co. Large Octavo. - S5.00 This contains an historical review of Hawaiian volcanic ac- tion for the past sixty-seven years, and discusses the relation of volcanic islands to deep sea topography. 32. Corals and Coral Islands. J. D. Dana. dodd, mead & co. Large 8 vo. Revised to 1890. $5.00 S3. Notes on Earthquakes. Richard A. Proctor. joiin ai.den - - - - 13c GEOGRAPHY 83 34. The Story of the Sun. Sir Robert S. Ball. D. APPLETON & CO. 8 VO. - - S5.OO 35 . The Su n . - C. A . I r oung. D. appleton & co. International Scientific Ser. S2.00 36. An Angular Tour of the World. The Curiosities of Latitude and Longitude. Edward R, E. Cowell. THOMAS CHARLES CO. A book designed to aid teachers. 37. Climate and Time in Their Geological Relations. James Croll. D. appleton & CO. 12 mo. pp. 577. Illustrated. Si. 50 This will help in the study of currents, making the subject of their causes much simpler. Incidentally, the book clears up some wrong ideas of the south pole. The author's method of proving his theories is interesting in itself. 38. The Cause of the Ice Age. R. Ball. I). APPLETON & CO. 12 IllO. - - Si. 00 A good book to compare with Croll's. 30. A Popular Treatise on the Winds. William Eernil. JOHN wiley & sons. Large 8 vo. pp. 505. - S4.00 For other books on geology, physical geography, astronomy, and physiography, see pupil's reading list. See also Nature Study. 40. The Story of Earth and Han. /. \\\ Dawson. HARPER & BROTHERS. PP- 453- " " 81.5O 41. Natural Resources of the United States. J, /cob Harris Pat. 'on. I. APPLETON 6c CO. pp. ;2L SLOO $4 GEOGRAPHY 42. Raw Materials of Commerce John Yeats. BOSTON SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. 12 IllO, pp. 5O4. $2. 1 6 The geology and geography of these materials with their chief economic uses. 43. Recent and Existing Commerce. John Yeats. BOSTON SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. 12 IllO. pp.516. $2.l6 A brief review of industry and trade its imports, currency, nearest seaport and internal means of communication. 44. Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and nines. Andre iv Ure. D. appleton & co. Quarto, pp.1008. No more useful book can be found for the grades, in looking up the processes of manufacturing steel, cotton goods and other articles. 45. Ten Great Religions. -James Freeman Clarke. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. CrOWI! SvO. - $2 00 46. Reproduction of Geographical Forms. Jacques Redzvay. d. c. heath & co. pp. 84, Paper. 30c Sand and clay modeling and map drawing. 47. Chalk Illustrations for Geography Classes. - Eliza II Morton. A. FLANAGAN & CO. .... j^c 48. Map Modeling. Albert Maltby. See page 408. GEOGRAPHY 85 ILLUSTRATED BOOKS Pictures often teach more than words. Public libraries are helping teachers in this respect, and many schools can afford to buy at least a few of the books recommended. Libraries may fur- nish the others. 1. Great Cities of the Modern World. - Si. 50 2. Egypt. Large Illustrated Quarto. - 2.00 3. England. " " " - 1.50 4. Europe. " " " - 1.50 5. India. " " " - 1.50 6. Italy. " " ' - 3.50 7. Switzerland. " " - 3.50 8. Palestine. " " " - 1.5c A. C. MCCLURG & CO. 9. Around the World in Eighty Minutes. A. c. mcclurg & co. Large Quarto. - 50c 100 photographs of famous places and buildings. This would be a blessing in any school. 10. The Cities of the World Series. New York. Cloth. ... - $2.50 Washington. " - - 2.50 Chicago. " 2.50 Paris. " - - - - 2.50 brextano's, 3 1 Union Square, new vokk. Illustrated books on four celebrated cities like these will en- able a teacher to teach geography with almost the culture value ot travel. In fact, people usually visit these cities without learning as much about them as may be gained in this way. 11. Guide Books. With Maps and Wood Cuts. TAINTOR BROTHERS. Kach - - -5 C As aids in teaching geography, good guide books are invalu- 86 GEOGRAPHY able. Those of Taintor Brothers are desirable as they are well il- lustrated and cheap. They include: i. City of New York. 2. Hudson River Route. New York to Quebec. 3. Saratoga. 4. Seaside Resorts Atlantic Coasts. 5. Northern Resorts Boston, White Mountains to Quebec 6. Pennsylvania Coal Regions. 7. Erie Railway Rou T TE--Buffalo, Niagara. 8. Newport Route New York to Boston. q. Connecticut River Route New York to White Moun- tains. 10. New York to Washington. 12. Pictorial Handbook of London. Architecture, Galleries of Art, Suburbs. 205 Engravings. estes & lauriat. Thick 12 mo. Half Morocco. Reduced from $7.00 to - - $2. 00 This is mentioned to show how cheaply treasures for the schoolroom may be secured by watching the catalogues of Estes & Lauriat. There is probably but one copy of this. Perhaps it is not sold yet. 13. The Hudson River Illustrated by Pen and Pencil. d. appleton & co. 8 vo. 60 Wood-Engrav. Paper. 50c 14. Books by Clara Erskine Clement. estes & lauriat. Small 8 vo. 20 Full-page Photo- gravures. Each - ?3.oo i. The Queen of the Adriatic (Venice.) 2. The City of the Sultans. (Constantinople.) 3. Cairo and the Nile. The City and the River. 4. The Eternal City of Rome. Two Volumes. - S5.00 15. Books by Virginia Johnson. estes & lauriat. Small 8 vo. 20 Full-page Pho- GEOGRAPHY 87 togravures. Each - - $3.00 1. Naples, the City of Parthenope. 2. Genoa, the Superb. 3. The Lily of the Arno. (Florence.) 4. Milan and Como. The City and the Lake. 16. Greater New York Album. rand, mcnally & co. ioo Photographs, 6x9. Paper, 50c; cloth, .... $1.00 17. Fifty Glimpses of Boston. rand, mcnally & co. 6x9. Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.00 18. New York. d. appleton & co. Illustrated Quarto. Paper. 50c 19. America Photographed. DONAHUE & HENNEBERRY. 320 Half-Tones 8x10 $4.50 This includes pictures of Alaska, Canada, Mexico and United States. "From glaciers in Alaska to coffee plantations in Mexico." 20. The New England Coast and Corners of New Eng- land. Samuel Adams Drake. harper & brothers. Square 8 vo Cloth. Illus. $1.25 21. The Heart of the White Mountains. Sa?nuel Adams Drake. Illustrated by W. Hamilton Gib- son. harper & brothers. Ilium. Quarto. - $7.50 The wealth of historical and literary interest attached to Mr. Drake's books makes them valuable even without illustration. 22. The White Hills Thomas Starr King. estes & lauriat. 11 Full-page Illustrations. S2.50 88 GEOGRAPHY 23. The Pine Tree Coast Samuel Adams Drake. estes,& lauriat. Illus. Paper, Si. 00; cloth, Si. 50 Two thousand miles of Maine seaboard. 24. Cape Cod. Henry D. Thoreau. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Two Vols. 8 VO. S5.OO Ilustrated with one hundred pictures. 25. Climbing in the Himalayas. William M. Conway. d. appleton & co. 8 vo. 300 Illustrations. S10.00 26. Century World's Fair Book Tudor Jenks. century co. ( For Boys and Girls.) pp. 255. Il- lustrated. 934x734. - - - Si. 50. GEOLOGY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY Good for supplementary reading in seventh and eighth grades, and useful for teachers in all grades. For more references see Geology under Nature Study. i . Chips from the Earth's Crust. John Gibson. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. pp. 304 - Si. 25 This discusses a variety of topics, among which are Buried Forests, Industrial Minerals, Origin of Coral Islands and Oil Wells. 2. The Story of the Earth. H. G. Seelye. D. APPLETON & CO. 1 6 mO. - - 4OC 3. The Story of Creation Edward Clodd. hurst & co. 12 mo. - - - Si. 25 4. The World Before the Deluge. Louis Figuier. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - Si. 50 Progressive steps by which the earth has reached its present state. GEOGRAPHY 89 5. The Autobiography of the Earth. H. M. Hutchin- son. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 6. The Story of the Hills II M. Hutchinson. the macmillan co 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 7. Coral Reefs, Volcanic Islands. Charles Darwin. WARD, LOCK & BOWDEN. 1 5 mo. - - 75C 8. First Book of Physical Geography. Ralph S. Tarr. the macmillan co. pp. 350. Illustrated. - Si. 40 Simpler than the Elementary Physical Geography. May be used as a text-book in eighth grade. 9. The First Book in Geology.- -N. S. Shaler. D. c. heath & co. pp. 255. Boards, 70c; Cloth, Si. 10. Paper, pp. 74 - - 25c 10. The Story of Our Continent. N. S. Shaler. GINN & CO. pp. 278. - - - 75c Both of Professor Shaler's books are very interesting to pupils of the seventh and eighth grades, and they furnish just the mater- ial needed for the study of our own country. They make good reading books for older classes in country schools. 11. Lakes of North America. /. C. Russell. gixn & co. .... S1.65 This is very valuable as a reading book. 12. Glaciers of North America. /. C. Russell. GINN & CO. - Sl.65 13. Land and Water. Jacob Abbott. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. pp.300. - Sl.50 90 GEOGRAPHY 14. History of a Mountain. Elyst'e Rectus. harper & brothers. 12 mo. Illustrated. 15. The Physiography of the United States. See page 82, Nos. 27-33. Images 81 and 82 are books for teach- ers on this subject. 16. Physiography. Thomas H. Huxley. the macmillan co. Colored Plates, Wood-Cuts. $1.00 17. The Glaciers of the Alps. John Tyndall. Longmans, green & co. Crown 8 vo. Illustrated. An account of origin and phenomena of glaciers and an expo- sition of the physical principles to which they are related. 18. The Scenery of Switzerland. Sir John Lubbock. the macmillan co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 An idea of the forces which have produced this scenery and of the processes of earth-sculpture still going on. ASTRONOMICAL PHASE OF GEOGRAPHY These books may be read by seventh and eighth grades and used by teachers in all grades. See Astronomy under Nature Study for more references. Also numbers 34 and 35, page 83. i. Fairyland of Science. Arabella Buckley. D. APPLETON & CO. - - - $1.00 The chapters on How the Earth is Heated and on The At- mosphere are very valuable in the grades. A good supplementary reader. Notice also the chapter on Coal. 2. Sketches of Creation. Alexander Winchell. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 4O9. - - $2.00 GEOGRAPHY 91 3. Sunshine. Amy Johnson. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. pp. 502. - $1.25 A good reader for even lower grades. Experiments are given which the pupils can perform for themselves. 4. Time and Tide. A Romance of the Moon. Sir Robert Ball. E. cS: J. B. YOUNG & CC. l6 mO. - - J$C 5. Story of the Solar System. George F. Chambers. d. appleton & co. 1 8 mo. Cloth. - 40c METEOROLOGY, S0IL5, AGRICULTURE See Plants and Minerals under Nature Study. 1. Elementary fleteorology. F. Waldo. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - $1-50 2. Fluctuations of Ground Water. Franklin H. King. bulletin. United States Weather Bureau Depart- ment. 3. Relation of Soil to Climate. E. IV. Hilgard. bulletin no. 3. United States Weather Bureau De- partment. 4. Forest Influence upon Climate, Water Supply, and Health. B. R. Fernald. FORESTRY BULLETIN, NO. 7. 5. Forestry. L. H. Bailey. THE MACMILLAN CO. 1 6 IllO, - - 75C 6. The Soil. Franklin IT. King. THE MACMILLAN CO. l6 niO. - - 75 C 0,2 GEOGRAPHY 7. Rocks, Rock Weathering and Soils. G. P. Merrill. THE MACM1I.LAN CO. 8 VO. - - $4-00 8. First Principles of Agriculture. R. B. Voorhces. SIl.VKK, BURDETT & CO. 12 IllO. pp. 212. IntrO. 72C 9. Some Physical Properties of Soil in Their Relation to Crop Distribution. Milton M. Whitney. bulletin no. 4. United States Weather Bureau De- partment. 10. The Garden's Story Geo. H. Ellw anger. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.50 Pleasures and trials of an amateur gardener. ii. Agriculture. R. Hedges Wallace. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 12 IllO, Cloth. IlluS. $1.25 12. How Crops Grow. Samuel W.Johnson. ORANGE JUDD CO. 12 fflO. pp. 394. - $2.00 13. How Crops Feed Samuel W.Jolmson. ORANGE JUDO CO. 12 mo. pp. 39O. $2.00 See Nature Study. 14. The Great World's Farm. Some Account of Na- ture's Crops and How They Are Grown. Sclina Gave. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. pp. 360. IlluS. $1-50 15. Arbor Day flanual. Charles B. Skinner. 8 vo. Cloth, pp. 475. - $2.00 Effect of trees on climate is discussed, while poetry and music for arbor day celebrations are given. GEOGRAPHY 93 THE OCEAN For fifth and sixth grades. i . Old Ocea n . Ernest Ingcrsoll. lothrop publishing co. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.00 Waves, tides, currents, animal and vegetable life, and famous voyages. Interesting reading. 2. The Sea and Its Wonders. Mary a?id Elisabeth Kir by. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. Quarto, pp. 3O4. $1-75 The style is simple and the vocabulary easy. The pictures are beautiful. An admirable supplementary reading-book. 3. Stories of the Sea Told by Sailors. E. E. Hale. ROBERTS BROTHERS. l880. pp. 302. - $1.00 4. Toilers of the Sea. Victor Hugo. thomas v. crowell. Standard Edition. - Si. 00 HARPER & BROTHERS. - 50C The teacher may select parts of this to good advantage in studying the ocean. Older grades will read for themselves. 5. A Voyage in the Yacht Sunbeam. Lady Brassey. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. pp. 384. - 75c 6. The Ocean World. Louis Finder. o See page 80. 7. Narrative of the Voyages round the World Per- formed by Captain Joseph Cook. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - 50c 8. The Cruise of Her Hajesty's Ship Challenger, 1877. HARPER & BROTHERS. CrOWIl 8 VO. - $2.00 94 GEOGRAPHY 9. What Mr. Darwin Saw in His Voyage round the World in the Ship Beagle. HARPER & BROTHERS. iH/Q. pp. 236. - $3-00 GEORGE ROUTLF.UGE & SONS. I2IHO. - $1.00 10. On Many Seas. The Life and Exploits of a Yan- kee Sailor. Frederick Benton Williams. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. - - $1-50 Mr. Williams is now an engineer in New York City, and hap- pening to tell these stories to Mr. William S. Booth, city librarian, he was advised to write them. He performed the work during the night while watching his engine. A very powerful narrative of the real terrors of the ocean, and the brutal treatment of men at sea. 11. The Romance of the Sea. Its Fictions, Facts and Folk- Lore. Fred Whymper. e & j. b. young. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $2.00 12. Stories of the Sea. From Scribner's Magazine. Charles scribner's sons. 16 mo. Illustrated. 75c 13. History of a Ship from Her Cradle to Her Grave. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. 12 mo. pp. 382. 80C 14. The Rime of the Ancient ilariner. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. MAYNARD MERRILL & CO. - - - I2C 15. A Voyage to the Cape. IV. Clark Russell. thomas y. crowell. Astor Library. - 75c 16. The Sea and Its Living Wonders. G. Hartwig. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 8 V0. - - $3-00 GEOGRAPHY 95 i THE INDUSTRIAL PHASE OF GEOGRAPHY Books useful as readers in fourth and fifth grades. 1. The Romance of Industry and Invention. Robert Cochrane. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 12 mo. - - Sl.25 Iron, steel, sewing machine, gun, bicycle, telegraph, tele- phone, phonograph. 2. Information Readers. 1. Foods and Beverages. 2. Every-Day Occupations. 3. Man and Materials. 4. Modern Industry and Commerce. educational publishing co. Each - 6oc 3. Captains of Industry. James Parton. Houghton, miii lin & co. 1st and 2d Ser. Each 60c 4. Stories of Industry A. Chose and E. Clow. educational pub. co. 2 Vols. Each, bds., 40c; clo.,6oc 5. Great American Industries. -II 7 . F. Rocheleau. a. flaxagax .v CO. - Boards, 40c; cloth, 60c First volume is on Mineral Industries. 6. The Romance of Commerce./. MacDonald Oxley. THOMAS Y CROWELL & CO. 8 VO. l6 Illus. - Si. 25 Very interesting to hoys. 7. Lawrence's Adventures among the Ice=Cutters, Glass=Makers, Coal Mines, Iron Men and Ship- Builders. /. T. Troivbridge . HENRY T. CO'ATES. - - - Si. 25 8. The Story of a Piece of Coal. Edward A. Martin. D. APPLETON & CO. l6 mo. - - 40C 0,6 GEOGRAPHY o. Silk. Its Origin and Culture. nonOtuck silk. co. Paper. Illustrated, pp. 46. 10c 10. Coal and the Coal nines. Homer Gnaw. houghton, mifflin & co. pp. 246. Illustrated. 75c 11. Stories of the Railway. From Scribner's Mag- azine. chakles scribner's sons. 16 mo. Illustrated 75c 12. Steam, Steel and Electricity. James W. Steele. WERNER SCHOOL BOOK CO. - 90C 13. The Story of the Mine Charles Howard Shinn. See page 120. 14. The Boy Engineers John Lukin. g p. putnam's sons, 8 vo. - - Si. 75 15. Coal and What We Get from It. Romance of Science. --Raphael Meldona. E. & J. B. YOUNG. l6 mO. - - - 75C 16. Prince Dusty. Kirk Manroe. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.25 A story of the oil regions. 17. Foundry, Forge and Factory. W.J. Gordon. Fleming h. revell & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. Soc 18. Cotton Spinning William Scott Taggart. THE MAC.MILLAN CO. 12 BIO. pp. I96. Illus. $1-75 18. Cab and Caboose.-- Kirk Mnnroe. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. - Si. 25 The story of a railroad boy. GEOGRAPHY 97 ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC SCENES, EXPLORATIONS One of the most complete bibliographies of this subject is found in Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. II, No. 6 of the catalogue of the Minneapolis Public Library. i. Arctic Experiences. George E. Tyson. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - S4.00 The voyage of the Polaris. There is nothing more exciting than the wonderful description of the drift on the ice floe. 2. The Arctic Problem and Narrative of the Peary Relief Expedition. Angelo Heilprin. the macmillan co. ... $1.50 3. Life of Sir John Franklin A. II Bcesly. c. p. putxam's sons. New Plutarch Ser. pp. 238. Si. 00 4. Sir John Franklin. Captain Albert Markka m. DODO. MEAD & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - Si. 25 5. Arctic Regions. lieutenant Schwatka. In Good Reading for Home and School. LEACH, SHEWELL & SANBORN. - - 60C 6. Schwatka's Search. William Gilder. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. - S3.OO 7. Ice Pack and Tundra. -William Gilder. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. - S4.OO 8. Narrative of the Jeannette. Lieut. J. W. Danen- hoxver. houghton, Mifflin & en. i6mo. Paper. - 25c gS GEOGRAPHY o. The Voyage of the Jeannette. The Ship and Ice Journals of Lieut. Com. DcLong. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. I Vol. - $4-50 10. Greenland Ice Fields and Life in the North At- lantic. G. Frederick Wright and Warren UpJiam. I"). APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - $2. CO This contains a new discussion on the cause of the Ice Age. For other theories see Croll's "Climate and Time," and "Cause of Ice Age," by Sir R. S. Ball. Page 83. 11. Farthest North. Record of Ship for 1893-96. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. HARPER & BROTHERS. 100 Full-page IlluS. $10.00 12. Fridtjof Nansen, i86i'o3. Br'dgger and Rolfscn. LONGMANS, GREEN cS: CO. 8 VO. pp. 400. IlluS. $4-00 There is a fascinating story of Nansen's childhood first; then the first expedition across Greenland is told in detail. 13. Eskimo Life. F. Nansen. Translated by W. Archer. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - - - $4-00 14. First Crossing of Greenland. F. Nanse?i. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - - $2 5O 15. The Land of Desolation. Dr. Isaac I. Hayes. harper & brothers. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1-75 1 6. From Edinburgh to the Antarctic. The Dundee Antarctic Expedition, 1894. W. G. B. Murdoch. EDINBURGH. GEOGRAPHY 99 17. In the High Heavens. Sir R. S. Ball. J. B. LIPPIXCOTT & CO. 12 niO. Cloth. Illus. S2.3O See Wandering of the Xorth Pole. 18. Light Science for Leisure Hours. R. A. Proctor. D. APPLETOX & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - Si. 75 See "The Secret of the North Pole." 19. Pleasant Ways of Science. R. A. Proctor. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Cloth. - Si. 75 See "Towards the Xorth Pole." 20. Letters from High Latitudes. Lord Duff erin. lovell, coryell & co. Paper. - - 20c A witty description of Iceland, Norway and Lapland. 21. Polar World. Hartwiz. See page 80. EASY READING FOR YOUNGER GRADES 22. The Great Fur Land. H. M. Robifiso/i. g. p. putnam's sons. pp. 348. - Si. 2 5 Sketches of life in Hudson's Bay Territory. 23. Fast in the Ice. A'. M. Ballantyne. HENRY T. COATES. ... - 50C 24. Voyage of the Vivian. Col. T. IV. Knox. harper & BROTHERS. Illustrated. - S3. 00 25. At the North Pole. Jules Verne. THOMAS Y. CROW'ELL. - - - Si. 2 5 26. The Desert of Ice. - Jules Verne. THOMAS V. CROW'ELL. - - - Si. 2; ICO GEOGRAPHY 37. Wild Adventures Round the Pole.- -Dr. Gordon Stables. INTERNATIONAL BOOK CO. ... 50c 28. Pole to Pole Dr. Gordon Stables. INTERNATIONAL BOOK CO. ... 50c 29. Cruise of the Snow Bird. Dr. Gordon Stables. INTERNATIONAL BOOK CO. - - - 5OC 30. Nimrod in the North. Lieut. Frederick Schwatka. cassell & co. Large Quarto. Fully Illustrated. Boards, 75c; cloth - - - $1.00 Hunting and fishing adventures in the Arctic regions. 31. Little Children of the Cold. Lieut. F. Schwatka. See page 101. 32. The Fur Seal's Tooth. Kirk Munroe. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - Si. 25 S3. Snow Shoes and Sledges. Kirk Munroe. HARPER & BROTHERS. ... $1.25 34. Rick Dale. Kirk Munroe. HARPER cS; BROTHERS. ... $1.25 32, 33, and 34 are capital stories. 35. Seven Little Sisters. Agoonac. See page 101. 36. The Story of the Frozen Seas. henry altemus. jo Illustrations. Large Type. 50c 37. Pictures of Arctic Travel. Greenland. Isaac I. Hayes. d. appleton & co. pp. 144. - - $1.50 GEOGRAPHY 101 38. In the Arctic Seas. CaJ>t. Francis L. McClintock. hexkv t. coaxes. 12 mo. pp. 375. Alta Ed. 50c Many thrilling chapters. 39. Adrift in the Ice Fields. >/>/. Charles IV. Hall. LEE & SHEPARD - - - Si. 00 40. Cast Away in the Cold. Dr. Isaac I. Hayes. LEE & SHEPARD. .... $1.00 41. Land of the flidnight Sun. Paid DuChaillu. harper & brothers Illustrated. - S6.00 BOOKS FOR FIRST AND SECOND GRADES 1. Seven Little Sisters Jane Andrews. GINN & CO. pp. I43. ... 50c *. Each and AH ; Jane Andrews. GINN & CO. pp. l62. ... 50c 3. Little Children of the Cold. Lieut. Frederick Schwatka. cassell & co. Fully Illustrated. - $1.25 This book is one of the "must haves" in every primary school. The teacher finds nothing better to interest the children in cold countries, and the little folks themselves will read and re-read the book almost before they can manage its vocabulary. 4. Little People of Asia. Olive Thor/ie Miller. e. p. dutton & co. pp. 405. Illustrated. - $2. 50 "Little frosty Esquimo, Little Turk and Japanee," sings Stev- enson. Miss Miller has all of them here, and more, fourteen dif- ferent kinds of little folks. The descriptions are simple and enter- taining as well as reliable The book is easy reading for fourth \02 GEOGRAPHY grade, and may be used as a reference book in which children may rind out about people and places as needed in their primary geog- raphy. All grades enjoy the book. 5. Aunt Martha's Corner Cupboard. THOMAS NELSON cS: SONS. pp. I44. - - 60C Stories about tea-cups and pottery, tea, sugar, coffee, salt, cur- rants, rice and honey. 6. The Talking Leaves. W. 0. Stoddard. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - $1.00 Indian Life in Arizona. This book makes delightful reading lessons when paraphrased by the teacher. 7. Hiawatha. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Cloth. - - 4OC 8. The Story of the Yakima Indians. SCHOOL EDUCATION CO. - - - 5c 9. Primary Geography. Alexander Fry c. GINN & CO. - - - - 75c The stories from Frye's Geography may be used to supple- ment those of previous books, so that there are stories of children in hot, in cold, and in temperate countries, children living on mountains, plains, and lowlands; children of Holland. China, and Japan; with Indian stories, and stories of other races. 10. rir. Wind and fladame Rain. Paid de Mussct. Translated by Emily Makepeace. harper & brothers, pp. 1 26. Illustrated. - 75c A delightful fairy story of wind and rain. 11. Father Aldur. Agnes Giberne. MERRILL & BARER. Small 8 VO. pp.376. IlluS. Sl.50 Story of a river, mists, fogs, etc. -J GEOGRAPHY 103 12. Hunter Cats of Connorloa. Helen Hunt Jackson. ROBERTS BROTHERS. ... 75c Story of California. 13. Wee Ones of Japan. Mac St. John Bramhall. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6 mo. pp. 1 37. IlluS. Sl.00 THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES These grades will enjoy reading the books whose stories have been told or read to the first and second grades. i. Afloat in the Forest. Cap/. Mayne Retd. WORTHIXGTON & CO. - - Si. 00 The Amazon forests. 2. Scribner's Geographical Reader and Primer. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SON'S. pp. 282. - $1.25 3. The Whirling Globe. A Serial from November, 1S95, to November, 1896, in Little Men and Women. ALPHA PUBLISHING CO. A description of the life of children of different countries en- tertainingly told. 4. Selections from Youth's Companion. perry mason & co. Stiff Covers. Each - 10c 1. Glimpses of Europe. 2. Tin; American Tropics. 3. Sketches of the Orient. 4. Old Ocean. 5. Life of the Ska. 5. Tales from St. Paul's Cathedral. Mrs. Frcwcn Lord. Charles scribner's sons. 1 6 mo. Hoards, pp. 104. 40c 104 GEOGRAPHY 6. J u ngle Book. Rudyard Kipling. CENTURY CO. 12 IllO. pp. 3O3. - - Si. 50 The biggest favorite of all with old and young. 7. The Catskill Fairies Virginia W.Jonson. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. pp. 164. IlluS. S3. 00 This fairy story with its beautiful illustrations should be asso- ciated with New York scenery in the children's mind. 8. Animal Life on the Globe. G. G. Chisholm. BOSTON SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. pp. I47. IlluS. - 36c 9. Our Own Country. SILVER, BURDETT & CO. - - - 5OC 10. The Four Hac Nicols. William Black. harper & brothers. 16 mo. Illustrated. - Si. 00 Much liked as a reading book in fourth grade. It gives a pic- ture of western Scotland. ii. Quadrupeds of North America. William T. Horn- aday. Serial in St. Nicholas, February, 1894, to December, 1894. 12. This Continent of Ours. King's Picturesque Geo- graphical Readers. LEE & SHEPARD ... - 72c 13. Little People of the Plaza. Serial in Little Men and Women. January, 1888, to May, 1888. Story of Mexico. 14. Indian Stories. Serial in Little Men and Women. January, 1887, to December, 1887. Story of Mexico. GEOGRAPHY 105 15. Fruits of a Sunny Land. Serial in Little Men and Women. January, 1891, to June, 1891. Story of Brazil. 16. Kangaroo Hunters. Annie Bowman. henry T. COATES. Alta Edition. - - 50c 17. Lost in the Jungle Paul DuChaillu. harper & brothers. Illustrated. - Si.00 18. The King of the Bronchos. Charles F. Lnmmis. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. 12 mo. - Sl.25 In the imagination of children, the real lion and elephant dis- port themselves as free from their proper natural environment as any gingerbread lion and elephant. The remedy for this lies in such books as the Jungle Book and the King of Bronchos, which present plants, animals, scenery and atmosphere as a whole. 19. Away in the Wilderness. R. M. Ballantyne. HENRY T. COATES. l6mO. Cloth - 5OC Red Indians and fur traders. 20. At the Springfield Armory. Jacob Abbott. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6 mo. - - 7$C 21. Zig-Zag Journeys. See page 1 1 1 and as classified under countries. 22. riatka and Kotik. David Starr Jordan. SAN FRANCISCO. pp. 6cS. - - - Si. 00 A seal story of Alaska. 23. Gorilla Hunters. A'. M. Ballantyne. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. . - 50c 106 GEOGRAPHY 24. Qascoyne, the Sandal Wood Trader R. M. Bal- lantync. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - - 50c FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADES A few books are given here, but there are many other books suitable for these grades in the classified list for seventh and eighth grades. 1. Brooks and Brook Basins. Alexander Fry e. GINN & CO. ..... 60c This is one of the most beautiful and serviceable supplemen- tary reading books. 2. Around the World in Eighty Days Jules Verne. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - - 50c THOMAS Y. CROWELL. - - 25c and $1.25 3. Under the Equator. Paul DuChaillu. harper & brothers, pp. 23 1. Illustrated. $1.00 Children should not be given dull reading in geography at this time. Jules Verne and DuChaillu belong here if anywhere. 4. Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates. Mary Mapes Dodge. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - $1-50 The favorite with these grades. The picture of Holland is delightful. 5. Feats on the Fiord. Harriet Martineau. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. - - 5OC 6. Along the Florida Reef. Charles F. Holder. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. - - - $1-50 GEOGRAPHY 10" 7. The Other Jungle Book. Rudyard Kipling. century co. 12 mo. pp. 350. Illustrated. Si. 50 8. Uncle Robert's Geography./^. W. Parker. D. appleton & co. 5 Vols. Each - 50c 9. Man and Materials. BOSTON SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. - - OOC 10. riodern Industries. BOSTON SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. - - 60C 1 1 . Voyage in Yacht Sunbeam. Lady Brasscy. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. ... 75c 12. Rob Roy Canoe.- /. MacGregcr. the macmillan co. 16 mo. Map and Illus. Si. 25 One thousand miles on rivers and lakes of Europe. 13. Raftmates. Kirk Munroe. harper & brothers. Post 8vo. Illustrated. Si. 25 A story of the threat river. <4. The Ivory King. Charles F. Holder. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - $--75 The elephant and its allies. 15. Campmates. Kirk Munroe. harper & brothers. Post 8 vo. Illustrated. Si. 25 16. The Enchanted Burro. Charles F. Lion mis. Charles scribner's sons. 121110. Illustrated. Si. 50 17. The Painted Desert. Kirk Munroe. HARPER & BROTHERS. I 2 IUO. - - Si. 2; 108 GEOGRAPHY 18. Under Orders. Kirk Munroe. g. p. Putnam's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. - Si. 25 The story of a young reporter. 19. The Boy Hunters Capt. May tie Rcid. G. p. Putnam's sons. 12 mo. - - $1.25 Adventures in search of a white buffalo. 20. The Bush Boys. - Capt. Mayne Rcid. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. - - $1.25 The history and adventures of a Cape Farmer in the wild karoos of Africa. 21. The Boy Voyageurs. Capt. Mayne Rcid. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. - - $1.25 The boy hunters in the north. 22. An American Boy's Adventures in Greece. El- bridgc S. Brooks. g. p. putnam's sons. Octavo. - - Si. 50 23. The Coral Ship. Kirk Munroe. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. - - Si. 25 A story of the Florida Reef. 24. Down the Ravine. Charles Egbert Craddock. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO, pp. 1 96. IlluS. $1.00 A good story of the Tennessee mountains, making a delightful supplementary reader. 25. The Young Mountaineers. CJias, Egbert Craddock. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $1.00 A book of adventure for boys. 26. Our American Neighbors. World and Its People. SILVER, BURDETT & CO. - - - 60C The British Provinces and Mexico. GEOGRAPHY IO9 27. King's Picturesque Geographical Readers. VII. The Land We Live In. Part 1. IV. The Land We Live In. Part 2. V. The Land We Live In. Part 3. lee & shepard. Each - - - 56c 28. Christmas in Many Lands. 1. The Parson's Miracle. America. 2. Round the Yule Log. Scotland. 3. Dulce's Promise. -England. 4. The Little Musician. Italy. 5. Jean Noel. France. 6. Leischen and the Fairy. Germany. estes & lauriat. 16 mo. Cloth. Each 50c 29. The Pirate.^ Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coaxes. Alta Edition. - - 50c Grades studying Scotland should certainly visit the Zetland Isles with Sir Walter Scott in The Pirate. There can be no better geographical picture of the island, and the element of adventure chains the attention of boys and girls in sixth and seventh grades. The witch Noma of the Fitful Head, the wrecked ship, the pirate, with the vivid pictures of the sea; the herds of wild shelties, and the comical plights of Triptolemus on the contumacious little shel- tie who is absolutely invisible under his long red cloak all these are indeed fascinating. Begin with the Pirate early in the grades, and you need not fear but that Scott's other books will be favorites later on. 30. The Mountain. Jules Micliclct. tho.mas nelson & sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. - Si. 50 Story of the mountain. 31. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. Tlieo. Roosevelt. o. i'. putnam's sons. S vo. Illustrated. - S3.00 I 10 GEOGRAPHY 32. Stories of the Cathedral Cities of England Em- ma Marshall. THOMAS VVHITTAKER & CO. - - $1.^5 33. Around the Hub. A Boy's Book about Boston. Samuel Adams Drake. Roberts brothers. Square 16 mo. Illus. $1.25 34. Theodolph, the Icelander De LaMottc Fouquc. GEORGE R0UTLEDGE & SONS. l6 mo. - 75c SERIES OF BOOKS AND BOOKS OF GENERAL GEOGRAPHICAL INTEREST 1. Half=Hours of Travel at Home and Abroad Chas. Morris. j. b. lippincott & co. Crown 8 vo. 5 vols. Each Si. 25 A series of admirable selections from the very best literature of travel. There is a volume for each continent, except Africa and Alaska, which are combined 2. Streets of the World. Broadway. - - - Richard Harding Davis Picadilly. .... Andrew Lang Boulevards of Paris. - - Francisque Sarcey Unter den Linden. ... Paul Lindau Cor so of Rome. .... \y % \\\ Story The Grand Canal. - - - Henry James Nevsky Prospekt. - - Isabel F. Haftgood charles scribner's sons. Large 8 vo. Illus. S4.00 3. Poems of Places Henry Wadsworth Longfclloiv. HOUGHTON, .MIFFLIN & CO. l8lT10. 31 Vols. Eacll^I.OO GEOGRAPHY III 4. The Boy Travelers.- Thomas IV. Knox. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Beautifully Illus. Ea.S3.00 These books together furnish a very accurate illustrated geo- graphical cyclopaedia. 5. Zig=Zag Journeys. Hczckiah Buttenvorth. estes & lauriat. Small Quarto. Beautifully Illus- trated. Each - Boards, Si. 50; cloth, S2.00 These combine literature, history and geography in a delight- ful way. Of all the geographical series, young grades prefer the zigzags. They will wear them out soon if cloth bindings are not purchased. 6. Vassar Girl's Series. ElizabctJi W. Champncy. estes & lauriat. Small Quarto. Bds., Si. 50; clo., S2.00 These are liked by eighth grade girls. 7. Bodley Books. Horace E. Scuddcr. houghton, Mifflin & co. Two books in one volume. Small Quarto. Each - S2.00 These are equal favorites with the Zigzags. They have about the same merits. 8. Picturesque Geographical Readers. See Page 109. 9. The World and Its People. SILVER, BURDETT & CO. This series is referred to on pages 104 and 108, and under the different countries described. They are very much liked by pupils and furnish admirable means of reference, 10. Geographical Reader. James JoJionnot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - S 1 .00 This is good for reference and for older pupils. The selec- tions are classical and somewhat hard for the grades. Mr. Johon- not's literary taste may always be relied on. 112 GEOGRAPHY BOOKS FOR SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADES AND TEACHERS OF ALL GRADES, CLAS- SIFIED UNDER PLACES Books of literary or historical value often convey the strongest and most lasting impressions of places. They are therefore to be preferred for geographical reading. Those in which locality is prom- inent are classified with books of travel in this list. For others see literature and history. Those which are easy supplementary read- ing for the grades are marked S. NORTH AMERICA-GENERAL i. riyths and Legends of Our Own Land. Charles M. Skinner. J. B. LIPPINCOTT& CO. 12 mo. Illus. 2 Vol. $2.00 2. Across the Continent. Zigzag Journeys. Seep. III. 3. Vassar Girls at Home. See page III. 4. America. Vol 1. Half-Hours of Travel. See p. no. 5. America Photographed. See Illustrated Boohs, p. 87. 6. Four rionths in a Sneak Box. X. H. Bishop. LEE & SHEPARD. - Si. 50 7. Voyage in a Paper Canoe. X. H. Bishop. LEE & SHEPARD. ... - $1.50 8. Picturesque America. William Cnllcn Bryant. n. appleton & co. Half-Morocco. - $36.00 9. United States of America. X. S. Shaler. d. appleton & co. Royal 8 vo. Illustrated. 2 Vol. About 700 pp. Each - - $ 10.00 Natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, com- merce, literature, science, and education. GEOGRAPHY 113 10. The Industrial Evolution of the United States. Carroll D. Wright, United States Commissioner of Labor. Chautauqua Literature, i895-'96. METHODIST BOOK CONCERN. - - $I.OO 5 11. Our Own Country. Minna C. Smith in The World and Its People. See page 104. NEW ENGLAND i. An Old Town by the Sea. Thomas Bailey Aldrieh. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO. - Si 00 Portsmouth described as only Aldrieh can describe a place. S 2. Tent on the Beach, and Other Poems. Whittier. houghton, mifflin & co. School Library. - 60c 3. At the North of Bearcamp Water. Frank Bolles. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - Si. 25 From July to December in Whittier's country. 4. Land of the Lingering Snow. - Frank Bolles. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO. - Si. 25 Chronicles of a stroller in New England from January to June. 5. New England Coast. Drake. Illns. Books. See p. 87. 6. Pine Tree Coast. Drake. Illus. Books. See p. 88. 7. Heart of the White Mountains. King. Illus- trated Books. See I 'age ^~j . S 8. Tales of the Maine Coast. Noah Brooks. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. iGlllO. - Si. 00 114 GEOGRAPHY o. Bar Harbor. F. Marion Craivford. Illustrated by C. S. Reinhart. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 niO, - J$C S 10. Boston Town. Horace E. Scuddcr. houghton, mifflin & CO. 8 vo. Illustrated. $1.50 S 11. Around the Hub. .S". A. Drake. See page 1 10. S 12. The Bodleys on Wheels and the Bodleys on Foot. See page 1 1 1 . Part I. A trip through Essex county, Mass. Part II. A foot journey through Boston and Hartford to New York. 13. Our Colonial Homes. Samuel Adams Drake. LEE & SHEPARD. J }{ X I I )/ x in. - - $2^0 14. Summer Cruise on the Coast of New England. Robert Carter. DE WOLFF, FISK.E & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.50 15. A Guide Book to New England. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO. - ?!-50 16. Cape Cod and All Along Shore Stories. Charles Nordhoff. harper & brothers. iSjS. Paper. pp. 235. 15c 17. Among the Isles of Shoals. Celia Thaxter. houghton, mifflin & co. 18 mo. Illustrated. Si. 25 18. Cape Cod. Thoreau. Illustrated Books. See p. 88. 19. Maine Woods. Thoreau. houghton, MIFFLIN & CO. - - $1.00 GEOGRAPHY I I 5 20. A Week on Concord and Herrimac Rivers. TJiorcau. HOUGHTON. MIFFLIN & CO. - - Sl.OO HURST & CO. Cloth. - - - 25c 21. Pennsylvania and Boston. Taitdor's Guide Book. See page 86. 22. Fifty Glimpses of Boston. See page 87. S 23. Tales of the White Hills. XatJianiel Hawthorne. houghton, mifflin & co. Little Classics. - 40c Admirable for supplementary reading. 24. The White Hountains. Guide Book. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - Sl.50 S 25. Succession of Forest Trees. H. D. TJiorcau. houghton, mifflin & co. Riverside. Paper. 15c NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA 1 . Among Hountains of Adirondacks. 2. Hudson River from Its Source to the Sea. 3. Lake George. A Book of Pictures. 4. Through the Lake Country of Adirondacks. .S. R. Stoddard. josffii knight & co. Illustrated. Each - S2.00 In teaching the geography of the I nited States, it seems wise to select the most noted regions, those associated with literature an ! history, and make a thorough study, instead of scattering energies on all sections equally. The Hudson River is one centre of work which should be selected. The Hudson River from Its .s :_' to the Sea is one of the best aids in this work yet published. Il6 GEOGRAPHY S 5. Legends of Sleepy Hollow. Washington Irving. MAYNAKD, MERRILL & CO. Paper. - - 12C S 6. Rip Van Winkle and Other American Essays J Vashington Irving. houghton, Mifflin & co. 16 mo. Paper, 15c; clo., 40c 7. Rip Van Winkle, the Play as Acted by Joseph Jefferson. norm, mead & co. ... $5.00 Illustrated with drawings from scenes of the play. S 8. Cadet Days. Capt. Charles King. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 12 IllO. - - $1.25 Description of life at West Point. 5 9. Adirondack Adventures, i^?-. W. H. H. Murray. de wolfe, fiske & co. Illus. Paper, 50c; cloth, Si. 25 5 10. A Hunting of the Deer and Other Essays. C. Dudley Warner. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l8 mo. Cloth. - $1 25 A good readi.ig book for seventh grade. 11. Health and Pleasure on America's Greatest Rail- road. 1895. Address New York Central & Hud- son River R. R. S 12. Catskill Fairies. -Jonson. See page 104. S 13. Prince Dusty. Kirk Munroe. See page 96. A story of the oil regions. 14. Poems of the Middle States. Poems of Places, p. 1 ic. 15. Broadway. Richard Harding Davis, in Streets of the World. See page 110. GEOGRAPHY WJ 16. New York and White Mountains. Taintors Guide Book. See page 86. 17. The Hudson River. Illustrated Books. See p. 86. 18. Hudson River. Taintors Guide Book. See p. 86. 19. New York. Illustrated Books. See page 87. 20. Greater New York Album. See page 87. S 21. Jack Hazard. Trowbridge. See page 107. S 22. On the Erie Canal. Jacob Abbot. harper & brothers. 16 mo. Illustrated. - 75c 23. Illustrated Guide to Niagara Falls. rand, & co. - Paper, 25c, cloth, 50c THE SOUTH S r. The Oscala Boy. Maurice Thompson. lothrop publishing co. 12 mo. - Si. 00 A Florida story in which local color and characteristics are well presented. 2. Canoemates. A Story of Florida. harper & brothers. Post S vo. Illustrated. Si. 25 S3. Reef and Everglades. Kirk Manroc. harper & brothers. Illustrated. - Si. 25 4. Palmetto Leaves. Mrs. Harriet Bccchcr Stoice. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - Sl.50 Sketches of Forida. S 5. Along the Florida Reef Holder. See page 106. S 6. The Coral Ship. Mm/roe. Sec page ioS. Il8 GEOGRAPHY 7. A Florida Sketch Book Bradford Torrey. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mO. - $1.25 8. Rodman, the Keeper Constance F. Woolson. HARPFR & BROTHERS. ... $1.00 Southern sketches. 9. On Horseback. Charles Dudley Warner. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - $1.25 Notes of travel in Mexico and California. 10. Washington. Illustrated Books. See page 85. S 11. City of Washington. St. Nicholas, June, 1893. S 12. On the Plantation./^'/ Chandler Harris. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.00 S 13. In Ole Virginia. Thomas Nelson Page. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. I2IBO. - $1.00 S 14. Baltimore. St. Nicholas. August, 1893. S 15. Unc' Edinburg. Thomas Nelson Page. charles scribner's sons. Small Folio. - $1.50 S 16. Free Joe and Other Georgia Sketches. Joel Chandler Harris. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 17. Yemassee. A Romance of Carolina. W. G. Simms. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. 12 mo. - - 7$C S 18. The Story of Keedon Bluffs.- -Chas. E. Craddock. iioughton, mifflin & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.25 A story for young people. GEOGRAPHY 119 19. The Prophet of Great Smoky Mountain. Charles Egbert Craddock. houghtox, mifflix & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.25 S 20. Down the Ravine. See page 108. S 21. The Young Mountaineers. See page 108. In the Tennessee mountains. 22. Rugby, Tennessee. Thomas Hughes. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - $1.00 23. New Orleans, the Place and the People. Grace King. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 IHO. pp. 4O4. IlluS. S2.5O S 24. New ORLEANS.-^cr^ IV. Cable. St. Nicholas. No- vember, 1893. 25. The Grandissimes. George IV. Cable. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - $1.2$ S 26. Bonaventura George IV. Cable. Charles scribner's sons. Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.25 These beautiful descriptions are an aid to the geography of the southern states, and the reader of Evangeline will find here de- scriptions of country to compare with the poetical descriptions of Longfellow. S 27. Evangeline. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. houghton, mifflin & co. Linen. - 30c 28. Poems of the Southern States. Poems of Places. See page 1 10. S 29. Zigzag Journeys in the Sunny South. See page ill. 120 GEOGRAPHY THE GREAT LAKES AND THE WEST S i. Lakes of North America. Russell. See p. 89. 2. Castle Nowhere Constance Fcnimorc Woolson. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - $1.00 Stories of the region of the Great Lakes. 3. Historic Waterways. Reuben Gold Thwaites. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. pp. 298. - - $1.25 Six hundred miles of canoeing down the Rock, Fox and Wis- consin. S 4. Zigzag Journeys in the White City. See p. in. S 5. Chicago. St. Nicholas. July, 1893. 6. Chicago. Illustrated Books. See page 85. S 7. Century World's Fair Book. See page 88. S 8. Zigzag Journeys to the Northwest. See p. m. S 9. Zigzag Journeys to the Hississippi. See p. in. 10. Minneapolis Illustrated. Minneapolis Journal, 1891. 11. Annual Report of Minneapolis Chamber of Com= merce for 1890. 12. Down the Great River. W. Glazier. HUBBARD BROS. PHILADELPHIA. pp. 443. Discovery of the source of the Mississippi, 1887. S 13. We All. Octave Thanet. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - %\.^0 Out door life and adventure in Arkansas. 14. Story of the Mine. diaries Howard Shinn. D. appletox & co. Illustrated. A Nevada mine is described as a type. GEOGRAPHY 121 S 15. Nellie's Silver Jline. Helen Hunt Jackson. Roberts bros. 16 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 Colorado sketches. S 16. Colorado Sketches. Helen Hunt Jackson, in Good Reading for Home and School. See p. 97. No. 5. S 17. Camps in the Rockies William Grohman. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. pp. 438. - $1.25 The Rockies and cattle ranches of the west. S 18. Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail Roosevelt. century co. Quarto, pp. 1 86. - $5.00 19. The West from a Car Window. Richard H. Davis. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $1.25 5 20. Canoe and Saddle. Theodore Winthrop LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. 12 IllO. - $1.25 Life and scenery in the west before the war Legends of the Dalles. S 21. Life in Open Air. Theodore Winthrop. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. 12 IllO. - $1.25 22. Edwin Brothertoft. -Theodore Wiidhrop. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. 12 IllO. - $1.25 S 23. John Brent. Theodore Winthrop. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. 12 IllO. - $1.25 One who has not read John Brent can scarcely picture life on the plains with its true atmosphere. Winthrop's style is delight- ful and the young people are yet to be found who can resist being charmed by Don Fulano. 24. Astoria. Washington Irving. LOVELL, GESTEFIELD & CO. Paper. - 25c S 25. Talking Leaves. - Stoddard. See page 102. 122 GEOGRAPHY 26. Mt. Shasta.- /. 5. Dillon. American book. co. Paper. - - 25c 27. fly Summer in a Mormon Village. Florence A. Mcrriam. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - $1.00 28. Studies in the South and West. With Com- ments en Canada. Charles Dudley Warner. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. - - $1-75 S 29. The Story of the Indian. Geotge Bird Grinnell. I). APPLETON & CO. 12 mO. - - $1-50 S 30. Zigzag Journeys in the Occident. See p. in. Dakota, Yosemite, and other places in the west. 31. Far West Sketches. Jessie Frcemo?it. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 12 mo. - $L00 S 32. Leather Stocking Tales. /. Fenimore Cooper. 1. Dkkrslayer. 2. Last of the Mohicans. 3. Path- finder. 4. Pioneers. 5. Prairik. DONOHUE & HENNEBERRY. 5 Vol. pp. 4OO-45O. Each y$C 33. Tenting on the Plains. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Custer. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post 8 VO. - $1.50 34. Boots and Saddles. Mrs. FlizabctJi B. Custer. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post 8 VO. - Sl-50 S 35. Knocking Round the Rockies Ernest Bigersoll. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $2.00 S 36. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains Isa- bella M. Bird. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 New PMition. Large type. - - 2.25 GEOGRAPHY 123 S 37. Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Irvi>ig. LOVELL, GESTEF1ELD & CO. Paper. - 25c 38. Some Strange Corners of our Country. Charles F. Lummis. CENTURY CO. 12 mO. pp. 2/0. - - $1-50 S 39. Oregon Trail. -Francis Par/man. LITTLE, BROWN & CO. I2lllO. - $1-50 Prairie and Rocky Mountain life. 40. Wonders of the Yellowstone. James Richardso?i. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. I2I110. pp.256. $1-50 41. Wonderland. Address Northern Pacific R. R. S 42. Hunting Trips of a Ranchman. See page 109. CALIFORNIA S 1. The Golden West. As Seen by the Ridgaway Club. Margaret Sidney. LOTHROF PUBLISHING CO. Illus. Bds., Si. 75 J do., $2.25 Southern California. 2. Our Italy. Charles Dudley Warner. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $2.50 Southern California. 3. Luck of Roaring Camp. Bret //arte. DOXOHUE & HEXXLBERRY. Salem l^dition. - 3OC 4. The Golden Fleece. Julian Haivthorne. j. p.. lippixcott & co. - - - 75c California and Mexican races. 5. The Gold Seeker of the Sierras, '49. Joaquin Miller. fuxk & wagnalls. 12 mo. Paper, pp. 15S. 15c 124 GEOGRAPHY S o. San Francisco. St. Nicholas. April, 1894. S 7. Children of Chinatown, San Francisco. St. Nicholas May, 1896. 8. The Pacific Coast Scenic Tour. He?iry T. Finck. chaklks scribner's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. $2.50 This is an admirable story. The scene is laid in the Chinese quarters of San Francisco. S 9. Hunter Cats of Connorloa. See page 103. 10. Peninsular California. Cliarlcs Xordhoff. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Paper, 75c; cloth, $1.00 This also contains a description of Mexico. 11. The Mountains of California. John Muir. CENTURY CO. .... $1-50 Sierra Nevada mountains and glaciers. 12. A Summer in a Canon. Kate Douglas Wiggin. houghton, mifflix & CO. 16 mo. Illustrated. Si. 25 S 13. Glaciers of North America. Russell* See p. 89. ALASKA S 1. Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska. F. Whymper. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO - - $2.50 S 2. Along Alaska's Great River Lieut. Schzvatka. cassell & co. 1885. Illustrated. - $1.25 2 1 A. Through the Gold Fields of Alaska to the Bering Straits. Harry De Windt. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. - - $2.50 3. Appleton's Guide Book to Alaska. E. R. Scidmore. i). appleton & co. 16 mo. Illus. and Map. $1.00 GEOGRAPHY I 25 4. Picturesque Alaska Abby J. Woodman. Intro- duction by J. G. Whittier. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & co. Illus. and Map. - $1.00 This gives a journal of a tour from San Francisco to Sitka, describing mountains, seas, and islands of the Northwest. MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA S I. In the Land of the Cave and Cliff Dwellers. Lieut. Frederick Schwatka. CASSELL & CO. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.25 A juvenile as fascinating as Children of the Cold. By the same author. 2. A White Umbrella in Mexico. F. Hopkinson Smith. Illustrated by the Author. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 1 2 mo. - $1-50 S 3. Conquest of Hexico. William H. Prescott. MAYNAKD, MERRILL & CO. ... 40c See chapters on geography of Mexico. 4. The Land of the Sun. Vistas Mexicanas. Chris- tian Reid. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 IUO. Clotll. IllllS. - $1-75 Story of Mexico. S 5. Boy Travelers in Hexico. See page ill. S 6. Little People of the Plaza. See page 104. 7. Poems British America, Hexico and South Amer- ica. Poems of Places. Seepage 110. 8. In and Out of Central America. Frank Vincent. D. APPLETON & CO. - - - 2 00 126 GEOGRAPHY 10. Aztec Land Maturin M. Ballon. houghtox, MiPFLiN & co. Crown 8 vo. - Si. 50 S 11. Aztec Treasure House T. A.Janvier. harper & brothers. Illus. Paper, 75c; cloth, 1.50 Our young people consider this to be more interesting than a novel. S 12. White Conquerors Kirk Mnnroe. charles scribner's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.25 S 13. Fair God General Lav Wallace. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $1-50 Joseph knight & co. Exquisitely Illustrated. $3.00 A tale of the conquest of Mexico, containing fine descriptions of the country. WEST INDIES 1. Hayti, or the Black Republic. Sir Spenser St. John. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - $2.50 S 2. Theresa at St. Domingo. From the French of Madame Fresneau. A. C MCCLURG & CO. 12 mo. pp. 213. Illus. $1.00 A story of the negro insurrection of 1789. It gives excellent descriptions of animals and plants and human life in the West Indies. A very good book for supplementary reading in sixth and seventh grades. Use the oration on Toussaint L' Ouverture for drill in oral reading. S 3. Alton Locke, at Last Charles Kingslcy. thomas y. crowell. Astor Library. - 75c West Indies the most beautiful description of tropical for- ests in all literature. GEOGRAPHY' 127 4. To Cuba and Back. Vacation Voyage. Richard H. Dana, Jr. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - $1.25 5. Due South, or Cuba, Past and Present. Maturin M. Ballon. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $1-50 6. West Indies. Lafcadio Hcarn. houghton, mifflin & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. $2.00 7. Cuba in War Time. Richard Harding Davis. E. H. RUSSELL. - Si. 25 A clear and interesting presentation of the present situation in Cuba. 8. Bermuda. Julia C. R. Dorr. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. l6 mo. pp. I48. $1.00 S 9. Buccaneers and Marooneers of America. How- ard Pyle. the macmillan co. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $1.50 A delightful book on Cuba. S eo. The Butterfly Hunters of the Caribbees. Dr. Eugcuc Murray. charles scrirner's sons. Square 12 mo. - S2.00 A fine description of the country. BRITISH POSSESSIONS 1. The Haritime Provinces. Guide Book. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. iC IllO. - $1 3O S 2. Zigzag Journeys in Acadia and New France. See page 1 1 1. 128 GEOGRAPHY S 3. Our American Neighbors. See page 108. S 4. Baddeck and That Sort of a Thing. Charles Dudley Warner. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l8 mo. - Si. 00 S 5. The Great Fur Land. See page 99. Hudson's Bay territory. 6. Through Evangeline's Country. Jcannettc A. Grant. Joseph knight & co. Illustrated. - $2.00 7. Their Wedding Journey William Dean Howclls. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l8 mo. - $1.00 8. A Chance Acquaintance. William Dean Hotvclls. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN cSc CO. l8 ITIO. - Si. 00 Travel in New England. New York and Canada Quebec and Montreal. S 9. Dory Mates. Kirk Munroe. harper & brothers. Post 8 vo. Illustrated. Si. 25 A story of the rishing banks. SOUTH AHERICA i. Around and About South America. Frank Vincent. D. APPLETON & CO. - $5-00 S 2. Two Years before the Mast Richard H. Dana. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 ITIO. - 60C A story of Vera Cruz. S 3. A Thousand niles Walk across South America. - Nathaniel H. Bishop. lee & shepard. i2iiio. pp. 310. Illustrated. Si. 50 Pampas, Andes. Buenos Ayres, Valparaiso, Pacific Coast. GEOGRAPHY 120, S 4. Travels on the Amazon and the Rio Negro. Al- fred Russell Wallace. WARD, LOCK & BOWDEN. 12 mo. Cloth. - 75c S 5. Days and Nights in the Tropics. Felix L. Oszvald. lothrop publishing co. Boards, Si. 25: cloth, Si. 75 An expedition through Brazil. 6. A Journey in Brazil.- Prof. Louis and Elizabeth C. Agassis. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - S2.5O S 7. Boy Travelers in South America. See page ill. S 8. Vassar Girls in South America. See page in. 9. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator. Edzvard Wliymper. chakles sckibner's sons. Mapsand Orig. Illus. S4.00 10. In the Guiana Forest.- /. Rodivay. charles scribner's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. $2.00 The struggle of nature in relation to the struggle for life. S ii. Fruits of a Sunny Land. (Brazil.) See p. 105. S 12. Out on the Pampas. G. A. Henty. charles scribner's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si. 50 S 13. Afloat in the Forest. See page 103. S 14. Forest Exiles. Capt. Mayne Reid. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. 12 IllO. - Si. 00 Wilds of the Amazon. S 15. On Banks of the Amazon. Jf. H. G. Kingston. thomas nelson & sons. 12 1110. Illustrated. Si. 50 130 GEOGRAPHY 5 16. Young Llanero. IV. II. G. Kingston. Thomas nelson & sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si. 25 17. The Three Gringos in Venezuela and Central America. Richard Harding Davis. harper & brothers. Post 8 vo. Illustrated. Si. 50 S 18. The Gold Diggings of Cape Horn -Jolin R. Spears. g. p. putnam's sons. 8 vo. Cloth. - Si. 75 This takes the reader along the coaet of Patagonia, around Tierra del Fuego and gives a study of life in that part of South America.* S 19. Westward Ho. Charles Kingsley. thomas v. crowell. Astor Library. - 50c This gives some fine descriptions of the part of South America visited by the English seamen of Elizabeth's time. 20. South American Republics. Theodore Child. harper & brothers. Square 8vo. Illustrated. S3. 50 S. 21. Conquest of Peru. W. H. Prescott. international book co. 2 Vols. 12 mo. Cloth. Si. 00 As usual with Prescott, there are fine descriptions of the coun- try, with the narrative of conquest. EUROPEGENERAL S 1. A Thousand Miles in Rob Roy Canoe. Rivers and Lakes of Europe. John Macgrcgor. Roberts bros. 16 mo. Maps. - - Si. 25 Thames, Rhine, Danube, Seine. 3 2. The Rob Roy on the Baltic John Macgregor. Roberts bros. i6mo. Maps. - - Si. 25 Norway, Sweden, Denmark. GEOGRAPHY I3T S 3. The Voyage Alone in Yawl Rob Roy John Mac- grcgor. Roberts bros. 16 mo. Maps. - - $1.25 London to Paris and back by Havre. 1, 2 and 3 are published in one volume for S2.00. S 4. We Two Alone in Europe. Mary L. Ninde. a. c. mcclurc; & co. 12 mo. pp. 348. - Si. 50 London, Berlin, Naples, Moscow, Egypt and other places. Very interestingly written. S 5. From the Hudson to the Neva. David Kcr. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 12 IMO. - Si. 25 Out of a list of fifty carefully selected geographical books read bya seventh grade, twenty-five out of twenty-eight boys gave this as the book they preferred. 6. Half=Hours of Travel in Europe. See page no. 7. Europe. Illustrated Books. See page 85. S 8. Letters of Travel. Phillips Brooks. v.. p. dutton & co. 1 2 mo. Cloth. - $2.00 These are letters written to his family. They are full of the noble spirit of the writer, and are models of ease, grace, and wit. We cannot have too many examples of such correspondence for our pupils to read. 9. Letters and Correspondence of John Lothrop flotley. harper ^ brothers. 2 Vol. About 400 pages each. 8 vo. - S7.00 An idea of relations of nations and of what is meant by diplo- matic service can be gained by our young students from these let- ters. Not the least of their value lies however in the revelation of noble character and refined manners. They cover university life in Germany, travels in Russia, Holland, Rome, and Paris, and res- 132 GEOGRAPHY idence in Vienna as Minister to Austria, and in London as Minister to England. The period is that of the civil war. S 10. From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. - Henry M. Ficld^D. D. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. S VO. - $2.00 11. Historical Geography of Europe. E. A. Freeman. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 1882. 2 Vols. SlO.50 12. One Hundred Days in Europe. Oliver Wendell Holmes. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $1-50 Last triumphal journey to England and France. 13. One Year Abroad. Blanche Willis Howard. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 1 8 IllO. pp. 247. $1.25 S 14. Personally Conducted. Frank R. Stockton. Charles scribner's sons. pp. 240. Illustrated. $2.00 European scenes. 15. F rom Po n ka pog to Pesth . Thomas Bailey A Idrich . HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO. pp. 267. $1-25 This is a fascinating book of travel full of literary wit. About three of a certain seventh grade read and re-read it, and repeated some of the witty sayings; the rest of the class did not have literary taste enough to appreciate it. Lse it as a test of literary taste. 16. Works of Augustus J. C. Hare. Paris. Crown 8 vo. pp. 538. - - - $2.50 Days Near Paris. Crown 8 vo. pp. 363. - 2.50 Walks in London. 2 Vol. Crown 8 vo. pp. 364+368. 3.00 4. North-Eastern France. Crown 8 vo. pp. 518. 2.50 5. North-Western France. Crown 8 vo. pp. 409. 2.50 South-Eastern France. Crown 8 vo. pp. 600. 2.50 GEOGRAPHY 1 33 7. South-Western France. Crown 8 vo. pp. 664. $2.50 8. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia, pp. 134. 1.00 g. Wanderings in Spain. Crown 8 vo. pp. 274. 2.00 10. Walks in Rome. 2 Vol. 12 mo. pp. 310+316. 3.00 11. Days Near Rome. 2 Vol. Crown 8 vo. pp. 338-1-368. 3.50 12. Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. Crown 8 vo. pp. 535. 2.50 13. Cities of Northern Italy. 2 Vol. Crown 8 vo. pp. 372+'320. 3.50 14. Cities of Central Italy. 2 Vol. Crown 8 vo. pp. 305+463. 3-5o the macmillan co. Illustrated. More interesting as encyclopaedias than as books to read. Very valuable and accurate. 17. Modern Europe. World and Its People. See p. in. 18. Picturesque Europe. Bayard Taylor. d. appletox & co. Half-Morocco. - $48.00 BRITISH ISLES S 1. Geography of England and Wales. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. pp. 224. Good Mips. 5OC This is intended as a reader in English schools. It clears up many points which stand in the way of our comprehension of English History, points we seem to be expected to know, but which we don't know. It has a pronouncing vocabulary. It de- scribes surface and manufactures of England, and its division into shires. An excellent reader, easy enough for fifth and sixth grades, making a good reference to accompany the first stories of English History. 2. Fresh Fields. John Burroughs. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 1 6 mo. - $1.25 A charming book of English travel. 134 GEOGRAPHY 3. Railway Guides. 1. London. Brighton & South Coast R. R. 2. London & North-Western R. R. 3. Midland R. R. 4. London & South-Western R. R. CASSELL & co. Each - - - 80c S 4. The Days of Lamb and Coleridge. Alice E. Lord. HENRY HOLT & CO. 12 IllO. pp. 381. - $1.00 Description of English lake country. S 5. Great Britain and Ireland. Boy Trav. See p. III. 6. Poems of England and Wales. 4 Vols. Poems of Places. See page 11c. 7. Picadilly Andrew Lang. Streets of the World. See page 1 10. S 8. Zigzag Journeys in the British Isles, See p. ill. S 9. Zigzag Journey in Europe England, Scotland and France. See page III. S 10. Elementary Geography of the British Isles.- Archibald Geikie. the macmillan co. Paper. - - 30c 11. Walks in London. Hare. See page 132. 12. London. Illustrated Books. See page 86. 13. Literary Landmarks of London. Lawrence Hutton. harper & brothers. Post 8 vo. - 81.75 14. Our English Cousins. Richard Harding Davis. harper & brothers. Post 8 vo. - $1.25 GEOGRAPHY 13 C f S 15. Vassar Girls in England. See page in. 5 16. Our Cycling Tour in England. A'. G. Thwaites. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. 12 mo. pp. 3 1 5. - Sl.50 17. Oxford. Andrew Lang; the macmillan co. Illustrated. - S2.00 Brief historical and descriptive notes. 18. Shakespeare's England. William Whiter. the macmillan co. 18 mo. Cloth. - 75c 19. Gray Days and Gold in England and Scotland William Winter. the macmillan co. 1 8 mo. Cloth. - 75c William Winter's books are classic English. 5 and 6 are de- lightful sketches of the beautiful scenery of the England of Song and Story. 20. Old Shrines and Ivy William Winter. THE MACMILLAN CO. ... jrcjc Scottish scenes. 21. England Without and Within. Richard Grant White. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $2.00 5 22. English Essays. Washington Irving. houghton, mifflin & co. Paper. - 15c 5 23. Sketch Book. Washington Irving. AMERICAN BOOK CO. .... 20C S 24. Bracebridge Hall. Washington Irving. DONOHUE & HENNEHERRY. Cloth. - - 2^C thomas v. crowell. Standard Library. - Si. 00 I36 GEOGRAPHY S 25. Westminster Abbey and Christmas Sketches. - Washington Irving. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. S 26. Children of Westminster Abbey. Rose Kingslcy. lothrop publishing co. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.00 27. Westminster Abbey and the Cathedrals of Eng~ land. Deans Farrar, Milman, Stanley and others. john c. Winston & co. Royal 8 vo. Illus. $3-50 There are chapters on St. Paul's, York, Winchester, Salisbury, Durham, Lincoln and Chester. S 28. Stories of Cathedral Cities of England. Mar- shall. See page 110. S 29. Tales from St. Paul's Cathedral. Told to Chil- dren. Lord. See page 103. S 30. Deep Down. R. M. Ballantyiie. THOMAS NELSON & CO. - Si. 25 A tale of the Cornish mines. S 31. The Gaverocks. .9. Baring-Gould. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.00 A tale of the Cornish mines. 32. Jeanie O'Biggersdale and Other Yorkshire Stories. Katherine Simpson. century co. Crown 8 vo. pp. 286. - $1.50 S 33. Story of Wales and Cornwall. Stones of the Nations. See page 179. 34. The Land of Arthur. Its Heroes and Heroines. Marie Trevelyan. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. pp. 436. $2.25 GEOGRAPHY 137 35. From Snowdon to the Sea. Marie Trevelyan. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IllO. pp. 432. $2.25 Stories of North and South Wales. 36. Glimpses of Welsh Life and Character. Marie Trevelyan. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IllO. pp. 506. $2.25 S 37. Our Village. Mary Russell Mil ford. HARPER & BROTHERS. Paper. - - 25c S 38. Mr. Bodley Abroad. See page in. Scotland, England, Switzerland and Holland. 39. A Painter's Camp. Philip Gilbert Hamerton. ROBERTS PROS. 12 IllO. - - - $2.00 England, Scotland and France. These are the sketches of an artist. The word pictures are exquisitely colored. S 40. Edinburgh. Picturesque Notes. Robert Louis Stevenson, scripxer's soxs. 12 1110. Illustrated. Si. 40 41. Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh. Lawrence Hut 'to n. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post S VO. - Si. 00 42. Scenery of Scotland. A. Gcikie. Till'. MAC MI LI. AX CO. - - - $3-5 The scenery is here viewed in connection with its physical geography. S 43. In the Hebrides.- Constance F. G. Ciimming. Charles scripxer's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. $io.oo 44. Brown Heath and Blue Bells. William Winter. THE MACMILLAN CO. iSlllO. Cloth. pp.237. 75 C I38 C.F.QGRAPHY 45. Heart of Midlothian. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - - 50c The descriptions of the old town and the Tolbooth are neces- sary to an idea of Edinburgh. S 46. Rob Roy. Sir Walter Scott. GINN & CO. - 75c henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - - 50c S 47. Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. Washington Irving. thomas y. crowell. Cloth. Astor Library. 75c lovell. Paper. .... 2 oc S 48. David Balfour Robert Louis Stevenson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - Si. 25 S 49. Kidnapped.- Robert Louis Stevenson. A. L. burt & CO. Home Library. - 7;c A good description of the Highlands. Kidnapped is the se- quel of David Balfour. S 50. Lady of the Lake. Sir Walter Scott. ginn & co. - 40c houghton, mifflin & co. Rolfe's Student's Ed. 75c Loch Katrine and the Trossachs. S 51. Lay of the Last rlinstrel. Sir Walter Scott. GINN & CO. - 40C houghton, mifflin & co. Rolfe's Student's Ed. 75c Melrose Abbey. S 52. Marmion. Sir Walter Scott. GINN & CO. - - - - - 40c houghton, mifflin & co. Rolfe's Student's Ed. 75c GEOGRAPHY I 39 S 53- A Princess of Thule. William Black. thomas y. crowell. Astor Library. - 75c S 54. The Four Hacnicols.- -Black. See page 104. 55. In Far Lochaber.- William Black. thomas y. crowell. Astor Library. - 75c There are many others of William Black's novels which give beautiful descriptions of scenes in Scotland. 56. The Starling Norman McLeod. JOSEPH KNIGHT & CO. - - - 75c Scottish scenes. 57. -Malcolm. George Macdonald. I. b. lippixcott & co. - Paper, 50c; cloth, Si. 00 Macdonald's books are said, by his old admirers, to contain truer pictures of Scottish scenery and life than the later writers, J. M. Rarrie, S. M. Crockett and Ian McLaren. Admirable selec- tions from each of the last three are found with tales by Scott, Ay- toun, and Stevenson in the next book. 58. Stories of Scotland. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. l6 mo. - 75c 59. An Unknown Country. Dinah M. Craik. HARPER & brothers. Square Svo. pp.238. Illus. $2.50 A very pleasant story of a trip to northern England and Ireland. 60. Irish Sketch Book. William Makepeace Thackeray. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. - Sl.50 61. Poems of Ireland. Poems of Places. See page no. 62. Poems of Scotland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Poems of Places. See page 110. I40 GEOGRAPHY ICELAND S i. An Iceland Fisherman. Translated from the French of Pierre Loti. a. c mcclurg & co. 16 mo. - - Si. 00 S i. Jan Vedder's Wife. Amelia E. Barr. DODD, MEAD & CO. .... 40c A story of the Shetland Isles. S 3. The Pirate. Sir Walter Scott. See page 109. 4. Letters from High Latitudes. Dufferin. See p. 99. S 5. Grettir, the Outlaw. 5. Baring-Gould. charles scribner's sons. Crown 8 vo. - $1.50 A delightful story of Iceland. 6. Iceland. 5. Baring. Gould. London. Large 8 vo. Exquisitely Illustrated. This is the standard authority on Iceland. 7. Hans of Iceland. Victor Hugo. RAND, MCNALLY & CO. ... 5OC FRANCE 1. A Summer Voyage on the River Saone. Philip Gilbert Hamcrton. Roberts bros. Quarto. Illustrated. - $2.50 S 2. Vassar Girls in France. See page ill. S 3. Zigzag Journeys in England, Scotland, France. See page 1 1 1. 4. A Little Tour in France. - Henry James. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 IllO. - $1-50 GEOGRAPHY I4I S 5. About Paris Richard Hardi?ig Davis. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. pp.219. " $1.25 Very useful in school. S 6. Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Robert Louis Stevenson. ROBERTS BROS. 12 ITIO. - - - $1.00 S 7. An Inland Voyage. Robert Louis Stevenson. ROBERTS BROS. 12 IBO. ... $1.00 On the Oise in France. S 8. Guenn A Wave on the Breton Coast. Blanche Willis Howard. houghton, mifflin & co. Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.50. A good description of Breton fisher life. S 9. Pierrette. Marguerite Bouvet. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. - - - $1-50 A correct picture of life in Paris, as well as a delighful story. 10. The Praise of Paris. Theodore Child. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $2. 50 11. The Boulevards of Paris Sarccy. See page no. 12. Paris. Augustus J. C. Hare. See page 132. For the other books of Hare on Paris and France see same page. 13. Through Brittany. Kathcrine S. Macquoid. charles scribner's sons. Square 8 vo. Illus. $2.25 14. Through Normandy. Kathcrine S. Macquoid. Charles scribner's sons. Square 8 vo. Illus. $2.25 142 GEOGRAPHY 15. Paris Sketch Book. \V. M. Thackeray. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VC. - Si. 25 16. Poems of France and Savoy. Poems of Places. See page 1 10. S 17. The Dodge Club : James DcMille. HARPER & BROTHERS. Paper - - 60C An entertaining book. S 18. In and Out of Three Normandy Inns. Anna B. Dodd. lovell, coryell & co. 8 vo. Illustrated. - S2.00 SCANDINAVIA S 1 . Arne and the Fisher Lassie. Bjorti Bjornsen. JOSEPH KNIGHT & CO. ... 75c Norwegian country life. S 2, Boyhood in Norway Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - Si. 25 S 3. The Modern Vikings. Hjalmar Hjorth Boyeson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SON'S. - - $1.25 This contains wonderful descriptions of glaciers. 4. The Home, or Life in Sweden. Fredenka Bremer. the macmillan co. Bohn's Library. - $1.00 S 5. Qunnar. Hjalmar Hjorth Boysen. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - $1.25 Norse life. S 6. Three in Norway. By Two of Them. henry t. coates. pp. 340 50 Engravings. - 75c A very pleasing book. GEOGRAPHY 143 7. Wild Norway. Abel Chapman. edward Arnold. Demi Octavo. - $2.00 Chapters on Swedish Islands, Spitzbergen and Denmark. 8. A Voyage to Viking Land. Thomas Sedgwick. estes & lauriat. 2 Vol. Crown 8 vo. Illus. S2.00 S 9. Zigzag Journeys to Northern Lands. Holland to Sweden. Seepage ill. S 10. English Bodleys and Viking Bodleys. See page ill. S 11. Boy Travelers in Northern Europe. See p. in. S 12. Norsk, Lapp and Finn. Frank Vince?it. g. p. putnam's sons. 8 vo. - - Si. 50 Every book of travel by Frank Vincent is charming. S 13. Feats on the Fjord. Martincau. See page 106. HOLLAND 1. Holland. Edmo?ido Dc Amicis. Translated from the Italian by Helen Zimmern. henry t. coates. 2 Vols. Small 8 vo. Illustrated with 44 Photogravures and Map. Cloth. S5.C0 2. Sketching Rambles in Holland. -Geo. H. Bougliton. Illustrated by Bougliton and Abbey. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. Cloth. - $5-00 S 3. The Land of Pluck. Mary Mopes Dodge. ckxtukv co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - Si. 50 This, like Hans Brinker, is written delightfully. 144 GEOGRAPHY 5. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia Augustus J . L. Hare. See page 133. CENTRAL EUROPE S 1. Boy Travelers in Central Europe. See page III. S 2. The Story of Germany. S. Baring-Gould. Story of the Nations. See page ???. 3. One Year Abroad. Blanche Howard. See p. 132. 4. Unter Den Linden.- Lindau. Streets of the World. See page 1 1 1 . 5 5- Hyperion. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l8 mo. Cloth. - 3OC Note the chapter on the Rhine and Heidelberg. S 6. Outre=rier. Henry Wadsworth Long fellow. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 1 8 mo. Cloth. - 3OC 7. Poems of Germany. 4 Vols. Poems of Places. See page 1 10. 8 Tour on the Rhine.- Victor Hugo. estes & i. auk i at. Crown 8 vo. - - $2.50 S 9. Vassar Girls on the Rhine. See page III. S 10. The Myths of the Rhine. A'. B. Saintine. Il- lustrated by Gustave Dore. charles scribner's sons. Quarto. - $6.00 S 11. Stories of the Rhine. Ercma?m Chatrian. WARD, LOCK & BOWDEN. 12 mo. - - $1.00 GEOGRAPHY 145 12. Rambles in the Black Forest.//. W. Wolff. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - - - $2.50 A wise teacher can use the description of the Harz mountains and that May Night in Faust, and Auerbach's Black Forest Sto- ries to make a permanent literary association with the geography of Germany, but these books should be in the teacher's hands, not the children's. S 13. Zigzag Journeys in the Orient. Seepage III. S 14. Life among the Germans. Emma Louise Parry. LOTHROF PUBLISHING CO. 12 fflO, - SI.5O 15. Up the Rhine. Thomas Hood. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - - 50c 16. Saunterings. Charles Dudley Warner. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l8 mo. pp. 289. $1.00 Germany, the Alps and Naples. S 17. Tyrol and the Skirts of the Alps. George E. 1 1 \iriug, Jr. harper & brothers. 1879. Square 8 vo. pp. 172. 18. The Danube. From the Black Forest to the Black- Sea. F. D. Millet. Illustrated by the Author and Alfred Parsons. HARPER & BROTHERS. CrOWn 8 VO. Cloth. S2.5O 19. A Little Swiss Sojourn. William Dean Hoii'ells. HARPER & BROTHERS. 32 mo. Cloth. - 5OC 20. In the Ardennes. Katherine S. Macquoid. Charles scribner's sons. Square 8vo. - $2.75 21. Tartarin on the Alps. Alphonse Daudet. GEORGE ROUTLEOGE & SONS. 12 mo. - Si .00 A satire on mountaineering. I46 GEOGRAPHY 22. Scrambles among the Alps. Edward Whymper. John murrav, LONDON. 1 893. Exquisitely Illustrated. 23. Swiss Letters and Alpine Poems. Frances R. Havergal. ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & CO. Quarto. - $4-00 S 24. Vassar Girls in the Tyrol. See page III. S 25. Vassar Girls in Switzerland. See page III. 26. Switzerland Illustrated. See page 85. 27. Scenery of Switzerland. Sir John Lubbock. See page 90. 28. Glaciers of the Alps. Tyndall. See page 90. SPAIN 1. Spain and the Spaniards. Edmondo De Amicis. Translated from the Italian by Stanley Rhoads Yarnall. henry t. COATES. 2 Vols. Small 8 vo. 45 Photo- gravures and Map. - - $5.00 S 2. Lazy Tours in Spain and Elsewhere. -Louise Chandler Monlton. ROBERTS BROS. - SloO S 3. Letters from Spain and Other. Countries. Wil- liam C alien Bryant. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - $1.25 4. Gibraltar. - Henry M. Field. charles scribner's sons. Crown 8 vo. - $2.00 GEOGRAPHY 14/ S 5. The Alhambra Washington Irving. thomas y. ckowell. Astor Library. - 75c lovell. Paper. - 20c john alden. Paper. - - - I2C THE HEDITERRANEAN S 1. Rulers of the Hediterranean. Richard Harding Davis. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post 8 VO. - Si. 25 This is very interesting. S 2. The Mediterranean Trip. Noah Brooks. charles scribner's sons. 24 Full-Page Illus. $1.25 A short guide to principal points on the shores. S 3. Story of Halta. M. M. Ballon. Stories of the Natio)is. See page 179. S. 4. Storied Sea. Susan R. Wallace. harper & brothers, pp. 234. - - Si .00 ITALY S i. Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands. Seepage 1 11. S 2. Story of the Italian Kingdom. Stories of the Na- tions. See Page 1 79. S3. Victor Emanuel. Makers of History. Seep. 1S0. 4. Italy. From the Alps to Alt. Etna. o. api'I.eton & co. So Full-Page Illustrations. S3. 00 S 5. Pictures from Italy. Charles Dickens. GKOki.K K'U'i i.i.Di.i. \ sons. 1 8 mo. Pocket Lib. 40c I48 GEOGRAPHY S 6. A Child of Tuscany. Marguerite Bouvet. a. c. mcclurg & co. Square Quarto, pp.207. Si. 50 A delightful story giving a good picture of Florence. S 7. Vassar Girls in Italy. See page III. 8. Italy Illustrated. See page 85. 9. Tuscan Cities. W. D. Howells. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - Si. 50 10. Italian Journeys. William Dean Hoivells. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 IllO. pp. 398. $1-50 5 11. Schoolboys in Italy. Andrew Laurie. Trans- lated by Laura Kendall. estes& lauriat. Small 8 vo. - - $1.50 i2. Roba di Roma William W. Story. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 2 Vols. l6 IHO. S2.5O A classic of great beauty. 13. The Marble Faun. Nathaniel Hawthorne. houghton, Mifflin & co. Little Classic Edition. 2 Vol. 18 mo. Each - - $1.00 Holiday Ed. with Photogravures. 2 Vol. $6.00 14. Mornings in Florence. John Ruskin. HURST & CO. Cloth. - - - 25C S 15. Children of the King. F. Marion Crawford. the macmillan co. 12 mo. Cloth. - Si. 00 A tale of southern Italy, with pictures of Calabria, Sorrento and Capri. 16. Stories of Italy.- From Scribners Magazine. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 1110. - 75c GEOGRAPHY I49 S 17. Patience Strong Outings. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - Si. 25 18. The City of Parthenope Naples. 19. The Lily of the Arno Florence. 20. The City and the Lake Milan and Como. 21. Genoa, the Superb. 22. The Eternal City Rome. 23. The Queen of the Adriatic Venice. The last six books are exquisitely illustrated. See page 8q. 24. The Corso of Rome. IV. IV. Story. Streets of the World. See page 110. 25. The Grand Canal.- Henry James. Streets of the World. See page 1 10. 25 ' 4 ". Gondola Days. - F. Hopkinson Smith. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 tllO. Sl.50 2 5 l /j' Well Worn Roads of Spain, Holland and Italy. F. Hopkinson Smith. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - Si. 25 26. Poems of Italy. 3 Vols. Poems of Places. See page 1 10. 27. Venetian Life. William Dean Howclls. Houghton, mifflin & co. Riverside Aldine Kd. S2.0J Holiday Kdition. 2 Vols. Illustrated. - S5.00 28. Venice. From the French of Charles Vriartc. Crown 8 vo. Cloth. Illustrated. S}00 The book is one of the best on the history, :irt, and modern life of Venice. GREECE AND TURKEY S 1. In Greek Waters. G. A. Henty. See page 1S0. A story of the Grecian War of Independence, 1821-27. 150 GEOGRAPHY S 2. The Long Walls. An American Boy's Adven- tures in Greece. Elbridge Brooks. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 8 VO. - - $1-50 3. Poems of Greece and Turkey. Poems of Places. See page 1 10. 4. The City Qf the Sultan Constantinople. Ulus- trotcd. See page 85. S 5. Boy Travelers in Russia and Turkey. See p. ill. 6. Constantinople. P. Marion Crazvford. scribner's sons. Square 12 mo. Illus. Si. 50 7. Constantinople. Edmondo De Amicis. Translated from the Italian by Maria Lansdale. henry t. coates. 2 Vol. Crown 8 vo. Illustrated with 50 Photogravures. - - $5.00 S 8. Prince of India. Gen. Lczv Wallace. HARPER & BROTHERS. 2 Vol. 12 iho. - $2.50 9. Turkey. Lt. Col. James Baker. HENRY HOLT & CO. 8 VO. - - $4-00 10. In the Levant. Charles Dudley Warner. houghton, mifflin & co. i of 3 books; the set, > 10.00 11. Voyage in Yacht Sunbeam. Lady Brasscy. longmans, green & co. School Edition. - 75c RUSSIA 1. Russia. D. Mackenzie Wallace. henry holt & co. 8 vo. pp. 620. - 52.00 GEOGRAPHY I 5 I S 2. Boy Travelers in Russia and Turkey. See p. in. S 3. School Boys in Russia. Andrew Laurie. Trans- lated by Laura E. Kendall. estes & lauriat. Small 8 vo. Cloth. - $1.50 4. Nevsky Prospekt Isabel F. Hapgood. Streets of the World. See page no. 5. Life of Alexander III of Russia Charles Lowe. THE MACMILLAN CO. 8 VO. - - T -75 Mr. Lowe writes in an interesting way, presenting many pic- tures which will be appreciated by the grades. At the same time, the teacher who wishes to appreciate the situation in Russia will benefit much by his clear presentation. 6. The Tsar and His People. Theodore Child. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $3.00 7. Career of a Nihilist. Stepniak. HURST & CO. - 20C 8. The Russian Storm Cloud. Stepniak. franklin square library. Paper. - 20c 9. Russia Under the Tsars. Stepniak. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - $1-50 10. Poems of Russia. Poems of Places. See page no. ii. Russian Peasantry, 1888. Stepniak. HARPER & BROTHERS. iGlllO. - - $1.25 S 12. The Cossacks. Count Lyof Tolstoi. THOMAS V. CROWELL. - - - 75c 13. Russian Proprietor. Count Lyof Tolstoi. THOMAS V. CROWELL. - - - $1-50 i;2 GEOGRAPHY S 15. Condemned as a Nihilist. G. A. Henty. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - $1-50 ASIA i. Half-Hours of Travel in Asia. See page no. 5 2. Life in Asia. World and Its People. Seepage III. S 3. Little People of Asm. Miller. See page 101. 4. Poems of Asia. 3 Vols. Poems of Places. See page 1 10. S 5. From Egypt to Japan Henry M. Field. scribner's sons. 8 VO. - $2.00 Sequel to From Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. S 6. Across Asia on a Bicycle. T. G. Allen, Jr., and W. L. Sachtleben. CENTURY CO. 12 mo. pp. 234. - - $1-50 S 7. Carpenter's Geographical Reader on Asia. F. G. Carpenter. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - 60C Geographical readers are apt to be mere compilations, but here is one written by an experienced traveler and writer, with il- lustrations taken from photographs by the author himself. The book is very good indeed. PALESTINE 1. Picturesque Palestine. n. appleton & co. Half-morocco. S32.00 2 Palestine Illustrated. See page 85. GEOGRAPHY 153 3. The Land and the Book. William Thompson. HARPKK & BROTHERS. 3 Vol. - - $9-00 The Holy Land. 4. Literary Landmarks of Jerusalem. Lawrence Hutton. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post 8 VO. - 75c S 5. Vassar Girls in the Holy Land. See page in. S 6. Boy Travelers in Egypt and Holy Land. See page 111. 5 7. The Howadji in Syria George William Curtis. HURST & CO. - - - - 5OC The charm of the Howadii, the golden atmosphere of the east lingers with every reader. If we can fascinate our pupils with lit- erature like this, they will turn away from ordinary books of travel for the young, those which set up an impossible boy or two as pegs on which to hang encyclopaedic information. An artist in literature alone can reveal the true life of a foreign country as does Mr. Curtis in his books of travel. Editions hitherto have been too expensive to be popular. We welcome this edition of Hurst 6 Co. as within the reach of all. The book may now be used as a supplementary reader in the seventh and eighth grades. Aside from the geographical value of the book, training the ear to the sound of Mr. Curtis's English cannot fail to produce good literary results. ARABIA AND CENTRAL ASIA 1. Khaled. A Story of Arabia. F. Marion Craivford. Till': MACMILLAN CO. - - - $I.OO Our pupils should rather get the coloring and the atmosphere of the east than learn dry facts about it. Khaled is worth more than any book of geographical statistics. 154 GEOGRAPHY S 2. Among the Tibetans Isabella Bird Bishop. Fleming h. revell co. 12 mo. Paper, 35c; cloth, Si. 00 S 3. Abdallah. Edouard Laboulaye. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. l6 mo. - $1.00 S 4. Travels in Arabia. Bayard Taylor. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. pp.325. IllllS. $1.25 5. Central Asia. Bayard Taylor. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. I2mO. pp.365. IllllS. $1.25 Bayard Taylor is thoroughly reliable, and makes admirable reference books for young classes. S 6. The Lost City David Kcr. HARPER & BROTHERS. 1 6 IttO. - $1.00 Central Asia among Turcoman and Afghan. The boys read with delight anything written by David Ker. S 7. A Lost Army. Fred Wishaw. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. 12 mo. Cloth. $1.25 A tale of the Russians in Central Asia. SIBERIA See Russia, page 150. S 1 Boy Travelers in the Russian Empire. See page in. S 2. Siberia and the Exile System. George Kennan. CENTURY CO. 2 Vol. - - - S6.00 This is a revision of papers from the Century Magazine. S 3. The Siberian Exiles. Thomas W. Knox. robert bonner's sons. Illus. Paper, 50c; cloth, $2.00 GEOGRAPHY 1 55 CHINA, COREA AND JAPAN i. Wanderings in China. Constance F. G. dimming. chakles scribner's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. S4.00 2. Story of Japan. Stories of the Natio?is. See p. 179. 3. Corea, the Hermit Nation. W. E. Griffis. charles scribner's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. $2. 50 314. Korea and Her Neighbors. Isabella Bird Bishop FLEMING H. REVELL CO. 8 VO. - - 52.00 4. Japan in History, Folklore, and Art IV. E. Griffis. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 ILIO. - 75c S 5. Jinrikisha Days in Japan. Eliza R. Scidmorc. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post 8 VO. - $2.00 S 6. A Japanese Interior. Alice M Bacon. houghton, mifflin & co. Riverside School Lib. 6oc S 7. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan.- Isabella Bird Bishop, g. p. putnam's sons. 8 vo. pp. 407. - $2. 00 S 8. The Wee Ones of Japan. Mae St John. See p. 103. S 9. Dragons and Cherry Blossoms Mrs. Robert C. Morris. dodo, mead & co. 12 mo. - - $1.50 Household Life of Japanese. 10. Boy Travelers in Japan and China. See page 11 1. [i. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan. Lafcadio Hearn. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 2 Vol. CrOVVIl 8 VO. S4.OO 12. Kokoro. Lafcadio Flc,/>n. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO. - Si. 25 A study of the inner life of the Japanese I56 GEOGRAPHY 13. In Bamboo Lands. Katherine Schuyler Baxter. merriam co. pp. 377. Illustrated. - 2.50 THE HIHALAYAS, INDIA AND BURMAH S 1. A Social Departure. Mrs. Everard Cotes. a. c. mcclurg & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.75 People who have lived in India say this is one of the truest pictures of that country. It is certainly very bright and entertain- ing. It gives a good idea of Japan and China as well. S 2. The Simple Adventures of a Hem Sahib Mrs. Everard Cotes. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - $1-50 Life in India. S 3. Boy Travelers in Ceylon and India. See p. ill. 4. India Illustrated. See page 85. 5. In the Himalayas and on the Indian Plains. Co?b sta/ice F. G. dimming. Charles scribner's soxs. 8 vo. Illustrated. $3.50 6. Hooker's Himalayan Journals. WARD, LOCK & BOWDEN. 12 1HO. Cloth. - 75c S 7. Man and Beast in India /. L. Kipling. THE MACMILLAN CO. 8 VO. - - $6.00 8. Indika. - John F. Hurst. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - S3. 75 S 9. Zigzag Journeys to India. See page 1 11. 10. Climbing in the Himalayas. Conway. Illustrated Books. See page 88. GEOGRAPHY 157 S 12. The Jungle Book. Rudyard Kipling. Seep. 104. 5 13. The Other Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling. See page 107. S 14. Two Years in a Jungle. William T. Hornaday. Charles scribxf.r's sons. Maps and Illus. $2.50 Experiences of a hunter and naturalist in India, Ceylon, Malay Peninsula and Borneo. 15. Wild Hen and Wild Beasts. Lieut. Col. Gordon Cummin g. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SON'S. 12 mo. - Sl.50 S1AH, MALAY PENINSULA, CEYLON AND JAVA S 1. Zigzag Journeys in the Antipodes Siam. See page hi. 2. Boy Travelers in Siam and Java. See page 1 1 1. S 3. The Land of the White Elephant. -- Frank Vincent. harper & brothers, pp. 375. Illustrated. The most fascinating book on Siam. S 4. Siam. Bayard Taylor. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. pp. 34". Illus. Si. 25 S 5. The Ivory King. Holder. See page 107. 6. Boy Travelers in Ceylon and India. See page 1 II. 7. Two Happy Years in Ceylon. Constance F. G. Camming. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. l8S2. 2 Vol. - $9-00 I58 GEOGRAPHY 8. The Pearl of India. Ceylon. Maturin M. Ballou. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $1.50 9. Eight Years in Ceylon. Sir S. IV. Baker. the macmillan co. 12 mo. Bohn Library. Si. 25 10. Java, the Pearl of the East. Mrs. S.J. Higginson. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - 75c AFRICA 1. Actual Africa. The Coming Continent. Fra?ik Vincent. d. appleton & co. 104 Full-Page Illustrations. $5.00 2. Views in Africa. World a?id Its People. See p. in. This is very good indeed. It gives a clearer idea of South Africa than any other general book. 3. HaIf=Hours of Travel in Africa and Australia. See page 1 10. 4. Through Unknown African Countries. A.Donald- son Smith. edwin Arnold. 2 Vol. Illustrated. - $4.00 A late book which has aroused intense interest. The author mentions the details, making his pictures very real and vivid. S 5. Cast Up by the Sea. Sir S. IV. Baker. harper & brothers. Illus. Paper 25c; cloth, $1.25 S 6. Hunters Three. T. IV. Knox. e. p. dutton & co. Quarto. Illustrated. - $2.50 It describes sport and adventure in South Africa. 7. Poems of Africa. Poems of Places. Seepa'geuo. GEOGRAPHY 159 SOUTH AFRICA S i. Geographical Reader for South Africa. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - - - 80C 2. Impressions of South Africa. James Bryce. CENTURY CO. $2.00 This is a careful study of Africa made during a recent trip. 3. Travels in Tropical South Africa Francis Galton. WARD, LOCK & BOWDEN. 12 niO. Cloth. - /5C 4- Story of South Africa. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 5. Men, Mines and Animals in South Africa. Lord Randolph S. Churchill. i). appleton & CO. 8 vo. Illustrated. $5.00 S 6. The Bush Boys. C apt. Maync Reid. See p. 108. S 7. Home Life on an Ostrich Farm. Annie Martin. i). appleton & co. 12 mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Si. 25 CENTRAL AFRICA S 1. Boy Travelers in Central Africa. See page 1 11. S 2. Boy Travelers on the Congo. See page 1 1 1. S 3. Gorilla Hunters. - Ballantync. Seepage 105. S 4. Under the Equator. Paul Du Chaillit. 1868. See page 106. 5. Tropical Africa. Prof. Henry Drummond. Charles sckibnek's sons. Maps and Illus. S1.00 i'60 GEOGRAPHY S 6. Journey to Ashango Land, 1874. Paul Du Chaillu. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. pp. 5OI. Illus. $5-00 5 7. Gascoyne. the Sandal Wood Trader. R. M.Bal- lantync. See page 106. S 8. The Lake Region of Central Africa. - Bayard Taylot . CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. pp. 296. - Si. 25 0- Voyage up the Zambesi David Livingstone. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. S5.CO 10. Last Journals of Livingstone. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. S5.00 S 11. Livingstone Thomas Hughes. THE MACMILLAX CO. Cloth. - - 60C S 12. How I Found Livingstone. Henry M. Stanley. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. 8 VO. pp. 736. S5.OO 13. With Stanley in Africa. doxohue, hexxeberry & co. Handy Vol. Ser. 40c S 14. riy Kalaku Henry M. Stanley. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. 12 ttlO. pp.432. $1-50 A tale of Central Africa. S 15. Adventures in flashonaland by Two Hospital Nurses Rose Blennerhassett and L. Steenan, iSgj. THE MACMILLAX CO. 8 VO. - - Si. 25 16. Across East African Glaciers. H. Meyer. LONGMAXS, GREEX & CO. - - SIO.5G. GEOGRAPHY l6l S 17. Story of the Niger.- -Robert Richardson. thomas nelson & sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si. 25 A brief record of travel and adventure on this river since the days of Mungo Park. S 18. Books by Paul Du Chaillu. 1. Lost in the Jungle, '69. 12 mo. - - Si. 00 2. My Apingi Kingdom, '70. 12 mo. - - 1.00 3. Country ok the Dwarfs, '71. 12 mo. - - 1.00 4. Adventures in the Great Forest of Equatorial Africa, 'go, and the Country of the Dwarfs. 1.75 HARPER & BROTHERS. BARBARY STATES, THE NILE, EGYPT I. The Barbary Coast Henry M. Field. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. Cl'OWIl 8 VO. - $2.00 S 2. Into Morocco. Pierre Loti. rand, mcnally & co. Rialto Edition. - 50c S 3. Life on the Nile in a Dahabeeh. William Wil- kin s Warren. LEE & SHEPARD. l6 mo. - - $1.00 S 4. Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers. Amelia B. Edwards. harper & brothers. Cloth. Profusely Illus. $4.00 S 5. Thousand Miles up the Nile. Amelia B. Edwards. lovell, coryell & CO. Century Series. - 75c S 6. My Winter on the Nile. -Charles Dudley Warner. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Cl'OWn 8 VO. pp. 486. $2.00 l62 GEOGRAPHY S 7. Nile Notes of a Howadji. George Willi am Curtis. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. Cloth. - Sl.50 8. Cairo and the Nile. The City and the River. Il- lustrated Books. See page 86. 9. Egypt under the Khedives. E. D. Leon. harper & brothers. Franklin Sq. Lib. Paper. 20c 10. Egypt.-/. C. McCoan. HENRY HOLT & CO. 8 VO. - - S2.5O 11. Egypt Illustrated. See page 85. S 12. The Egyptian Princess. Georg Ebers. JOHN ALDEN. - - - 35c S 13. Uarda. Georg Ebers. JOHN ALDEN. .... 35C One needs to read these books of Ebers as much for geogra- phy as for history. 14. From Cairo to the Soudan. H. D. Traill. john lane. Cr. 8vo. pp. 256. - Si. 25 S 15. Mentone, Cairo, and Corfu- Constance Fenimorc Woolson. harper & brothers. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si. 75 S 16. England in Egypt. G. M. Towle. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l8 mO. - 5OC 5 17. Via Cornwall to Egypt. - Constance Gordon C umming. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. - $275 GEOGRAPHY 163 ISLANDS OF THE OCEAN S 1. Voyage in Yacht Sunbeam. Lady Brassey. See page 93. S 2. A Summer in the Azores, with a Glimpse of I*la= deira Alice C. Baker. LEE & SHEPARD. .... Si. 25 S 3. British Seas IV. Clark Russell. the macmillan co. 8 vo. Illustrated. - S2.00 S 4. Amateur Emigrant Robert Loins Steve nso)i. ROBERTS BROS. l6 mo. - - - Si. 25 5. Island Life. Wallace. See page 81. 6. Islands of the Sea. World and Its People. See page ill. 7. Poems of Oceanica. Poems of Places. See page 1 10. S 8. Sailing and Sealing. A Tale of the Northern Pacific. F. F. Moore. E. & J. B. YOUNG. - - - $1.50 S 9. Hawaiian Archipelago, '82. Isabella B. Bishop. <;. p. Putnam's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si. 50 S 10. Fire Fountains. The Kingdom of Hawaii. Constance F. G. dimming. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 2 Vols. 8 VO. S 10.00 io',;. Hawaii. John R. Musick. FUNK & WAGNALLS CO. 8 VO. pp 524. $ 2 -7$ 11. Characteristics of Volcanoes. Dana. See page 82. 5 12. Crusoe's Island. /. Ross Browne. (Juan Fer- nandez. ) Only to be secured in old libraries as it is out of print. It is the wittiest book of travel in existence. 164 GEOGRAPHY 13. Under the Southern Cross. M. M. Ballon, 18S8. HOUG.HTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO, - $1-50 S 14. Lady's Cruise in a French Han-of-War, 1882. Constance F. G. dimming. Charles scribner's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. $5.00 S 15. Coral Island. R. M. Ballantyne. thomas nelson & sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.25 A talc of the Pacific ocean. 16. Coral and Coral Islands. Danvin. See page 82. S 17. The Casting Away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine. -Frank Stockton. century co. pp. 218. - - - 75c 18. A Footnote to History. Eight Years of Trouble in Samoa. Robert Louis Stevenson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - $1.50 S 10. In the South Seas. Robert Louis Stevenson. ROBERTS BROS. 12 mo. - - $1-50 Experiences in Marquesas, Paumotus, and Gilbert islands. S 20. Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson. ROBERTS BROS. 12 mo. - - Sl.50 DONOHUE cS: HENNEBERRY. Cloth. 25c S 21. In Stevenson's Samoa. Marie Fraser. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. - - 80C S 22. Lost in Samoa. A. S. Ellis. cassell & co. 8 Full-Page Illustrations. - $1.25 A tale of adventure in the Navigator islands. GEOGRAPHY 1 65 S 23. At Home in Fiji, '87. ~- Constance F. G. Cumming. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - S3.OO OCEAMCA S 1. Geographical Reader for New Zealand. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. ... grjC 2. Incidents of a Collector's Rambles in Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea. S. F. Denton. LEE & SHEPARD. .... S2.5O S3. Kangaroo Hunters Bowman. See page 105. S 4. The Young Pearl Divers. II Phelps Whitmarsh. joseph knight & CO. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si. 25 A story of Australian adventure by land and sea. S 5. Zigzag Journey to Australia. See page ill. 6. Half=Hours of Travel in Africa and Australia. See page 1 10. S 7. Story of Australasia. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. S 8. Haori and Settler. G. A. Henty. CHARLES SCRJBNER'S SONS. - - Sl.50 Tale of New Zealand. 9. Malay Archipelago. Alfred Russell Wallace. harper & brothers. 8 vo, Illustrated. - S3.50 The land of the orang-outang and bird of paradise. HISTORY flETHOD i. Studies in Historical Method. -- Mary Sheldon Barnes. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. l60. - - 9OC This book is based on a study of the historical interests of children. It is the latest of the valuable books by this author. It is recommended both to the teacher of history and of literature. 2. History of the United States for Schools. -John Fiskc. HOUGHTON', MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $1.00 Mr. Fiske's suggestions on teaching history in the preface of this book should be read by all teachers of upper grades. The difference between a recitation where the pupil is reasoning inde- pendently, or "thinking on his feet," and a recitation of matter previously prepared, is very clearly pointed out, and the method of treatment in each case is emphasized. 3. Teacher's flanual. General History. Mary D. Sheldon. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. \J2. - - 85c 4. Aids to the Teaching of General History. Mary D. Sheldon. d. c. heath & co. pp. 22. Pamphlet. - IOC HISTORY 167 5. Studies in General History Mary D. Sheldon. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. 572. - - $ I -75 6. Studies in American History. Mary Sheldon Barnes and Earl Barnes. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. 442. - - Si. 25 The supplementary reading suggested with each study is one of the most valuable features of this book. 7. Teacher's Manual for American History. Alary Sheldon Bai/ies. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. 1 55. - - 60C History is usually a matter of absorption and reproduction of the thoughts of the book or ihe teacher. To those who really think it possible to make young people do their own thinking and reasoning, Mrs. Barnes's books become invaluable. Note the les- son on the crusades in the manual of general history. Try it, mod- ified and adapted of course, with a bright sixth grade class. 8. War of Independence. /d Egglcston. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - 5OC Suitable for fourth grade reading. 3. Stories of American History. N. S. Dodge. lee & shepard. 16 mo. pp. i/6 Illustrated. 35c 4. In the Child World. Poulsson. See page II. This suggests lessons for national holidays. 5. Adventures of Columbus. Serial in Our Little Men and Women, January- December, 1886. f\ Adventures of Early Discoverers. Serial in Our Little Men and Women, January-December, 1887. 6',. Four True Stories of Life and Adventure. Co- lumbus, Standish, Franklin, John Smith. Jessie R. Smith. WILLIAM BEVERLY HARRISON. N. Y. 36c A reader fur second or third ^rade. 7. Stories of Our Country. J(/?ncs Jolionnot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - 40C 8. Pioneers of the Revolution. i-UBLic school pub. co. Stiff covers, 30c; cloth, 35c I/O HISTORY 9. Life of Washington. /<./> K. Smith. REPUBLICAN PRINTING HOUSE. pp. 30. - 15c Th?s book represents a successful experiment in child study. The children have been allowed to select what interests them, and the result is a story almost every sentence of which expresses ac- tion. The book is, therefore, not only a delightful reader for third grade, but very suggestive to the teacher who wishes to learn the art of story telling. 10. Story of Benjamin Franklin. wf.rner school book co. Flexible Cloth. ioc ii. Boston Tea=Party and Other Stories of the Revo- lution.-//. Watson. LEE & SHEPARD. .... 40c 12. True Stories from American History. Agnes Strickland. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - - 50c 13. Stories of the Civil War A. F. Blaisdell. LEE & SHEPARD. - 30C 14. Grandfather's Stories. Jajnes Joho?inot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. ... 40c 15. Stories of Indian Children Mary Hall Hustcd. public school pub. co. pp. 1 75. Illustrated. 6oc 16. Story of the Yakima Indians. See page 102. 17. Hiawatha Longfellow. See page 102. 18. Above the Range. Theodora R.Jenness. W. A. WILDE & CO. 12 mo. - - Si. 25 For other Indian stories see page 283. u HISTORY 171 19. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Harriet Bcccher Stowe. houghton, mifflin & co. Paper, 25c; cloth, 50c About two weeks before Lincoln's birthday, the story of Uncle Tom's Cabin was told to each of the four primary grades in a cer- tain school. The story was divided into eight episodes, each form- ing one lesson. The result was very successful. 20. Stories of Heroic Deeds.- James JoJwnfiot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - 3OC 21. Three Greek Children. A.J. Church. g. p. futnam's sons. 12 mo. Illus. in Colors. $1.25 Suitable for fourth and fifth grades. Actual use for several years has made this book a necessity in some schools. It is a good introduction to Guerber's "Story of the Greeks," helps the understanding of literature, and above all, intensely interests the children. 22. rierry Adventures of Robin Hood. Howard Pylc. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. Royal 8 VO. pp. 20,6. S3. 00 In a fourth and fifth grade which has been tested with a great variety of literature, no book has ever aroused so much enthusiasm as the "Merry Adventures of Robin Hood." The illustrations have contributed largely to the interest, and the book is never allowed to rest in the library for a single night. 23. Tales from St. Paul's Cathedral. Told to Chil- dren. Mrs. Frew en Lord. See page 103. 24. Simple Stories from English History. Earliest Time to 1485. J. IV. Alen. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. pp. 128. - - 25C 25. Simple Stories from English History. 1485 to Reign of Queen Victoria. : J. IV. Alen. LONGMANS, GREEN ik CO. pp. 128. - - 30C \~2 HISTORY 26. Stories from English History for Young Amer- icans. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. pp. 784. - #2.00 FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADES 1- Stories of the Olden Time. James Johonnot. AMERICAN BOOK. CO. ... 54c ?.. Stories of Other Lands. James Johonnot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. ... 40c 3. Story of the Greeks.//. A. Guerber. AMERICAN BOOK CO. 12 niO. pp. 288. - DOC 4. Story of the Romans. H. A. Guerber. AMERICAN BOOK CO. 12 ITIO. - - 60C 5. Story of the Chosen People H. A. Guerber. AMERICAN BOOK CO. 12 mo. - - 60C These stories are told simply and are easily read by sixth and seventh grades. New terms are marked with diacritical marks on first appearance and thereafter printed in ordinary form. The author has selected the features most interesting to boys and girls and so gives them readable stories. 6. Beginners American History. Mo?itgomery. ginn & CO. ..... 60c Biography mainly. It may be used as a reader, or stories may be told, and the book used as a reference book. 7. A First Book in American History Edward Eg- gleston. Delightfully written. Chiefly biography. HISTORY I73 8. Pioneer History Stories of the Mississippi Valley. Dr. Charles McMurry. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO. - - 5OC This is a most valuable book for use in the Mississippi Valley states. It is the best book for beginning history in country schools, or in other schools where the pupils have had no primary work in this subject. 9. Story of Tonty. Mrs. Hartwell Cathcrwood. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. pp. 22/. - - #1.25 A romantic story describing Frontenac, Father Hennepin and LaSalle. 10. Pioneers of the Revolution By a Colonist. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUB. CO. 60C 1 1. Illustrated History of flinnesota T. H. Kirk. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 244. - - Si. 25 This is valuable in Minnesota, to use in connection with the study of "Pioneers of the Northwest." 12. Early History of flaine Prairie and Adjoining Towns.- E.H. Atwood. E. 11. ATWOOD. ST. CLOUD. - - - J^C This gives a very readable account of the situation in Stearns county and adjoining counties in Minnesota during the Indian out- break in 1862. Books of this kind are valuable in schools near the places mentioned. They connect in the child's mind the myster- ious book-history with real flesh-and-blood persons whom he knows, and with the real earth on which he has actually walked. 13. The Childhood of the World. Edward Clodd. TRUBNER. LONDON. I2IHO. pp. I 1 8. - S 1 .00 This has been made use of in the stories in general history in the sixth grade. It is not a guide, by any means, but it is a valua- ble assistant. 174 HISTORY 14. Ten Boys on the Road from Long Ago to Now. Jane Andrews. G1NN & CO. pp. 240. - - - $1.00 This is invaluable when each story is used to help other stories of the same epoch. For instance, the Talisman, story of Sir Laun- fal, or any tale of chivalry will be helped by the story of Gilbert's training as a knight. 15. The Horse Fair ; James Baldwin. CENTURY CO. 8 VO. pp. 3OO. - - $1-50 This introduces in an interesting way all the notable horses of history. 16. Jed Warren Lee Goss. THOMAS Y. CROWELL. - . - $1-50 A story of adventures in Virginia during the compaigns of '61 and '65. A great favorite with boys. 17. Guert Ten Eyck. IV. 0. Stoddard. Illustrated by Frank T. Merrill. lothrop publishing co. Square 8 vo. - $1.50 This is a story of the revolution with Nathan Hale as the chief hero. "We boys came near being deprived of the use of the pub- lic library because we fought for possession of the Wide Awakes, so anxious were we to see the next number of Guert Ten Eyck." This is quoted from a young man, who was a boy when the story was published as a serial in the Wide Awake. 18. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. ginn & co. - - Boards, 40c; cloth, 50c The grades never think this prosy, as some of us older ones anticipated. They should have a copy of Poor Richard's Almanac to accompany it. 19. True Stories from History and Biography. Nathaniel Hawthorne. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - - 4OC HISTORY 175 20. Two Little Confederates. T. Nelson Page. charles scribner's sons. pp. 1 56. Illustrated. $1.50 A great favorite with these grades. 21. Boy's Heroes. Edward Everett Hale. LOTHKOP PUBLISHING CO. - - Sl.OO Israel Putnam, Lafayette, and others. 22. Peasant and Prince. Harriet Martineau. GINN & CO. 50C A story of the French Revolution. 23. Plutarch's Lives. GINN & CO. ----- 50C 24. Journal of the Plague. Daniel Defoe. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Cloth. - 24c 25. Story of the Spanish Armada. thomas nelson & sons. pp. 160. Illustrated. 6oc The illustrations are taken from old and rare wood cuts. They present the situation most vividly. The book closes with a quaint old Thanksgiving song set to music, the ballads of Thomas De- laney, originally published in 1588, and Macaulay's Spanish Armada. 26. Hugh Melville's Quest. F. M. Holmes. a. c. mcclurg & co. - $1.25 A boy's adventures in the Days of the Armada. 26 '4. Twelve Naval Captains.-- Molly Elliot Seaivell. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - Si. 25 26%. The Rock of the Lion.-- Molly Elliot Sea-well. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. - - Sl.50 27. Strange Stories from History. George Cary Eg- gleston. HARPER cV BROTHERS. - - S 1 .00 28. Children's Stories of American History. Henri- etta Christian Wright. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. pp. ^6. - Si. 25 176 HISTORY 29. Children's Stories of American Progress. Henri- etta Christian Wright. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. pp. 333. - $1.25 Nos. 28 and 29 form together a connected series on the United States. 30. Rough and Ready Series. 1. Old Rough and Ready Zachary Taylor. 2. Old Hickory Andrew Jackson. 3. The Little Corporal Napoleon Bonaparte. 4. Swamp Fox Gen. Francis Marion. 5. The Mill Boy of the Slashes Henry Clay. 6. Great Expounder Daniel Webster. lee & shepard. 6 Vols. Each Sl.CG 31. Boys from Other Countries. Bayard Taylor. g, p. putnam's sons. 8 vo. - - $1.25 32. Books by Elbridge S. Brooks. 1. Historic Boys. 2. Historic Girls. 3. Historic Happenings. 3. Chivalric Days. g. p. putnam's sons. Each - - $1.50 33. Selections from American Authors. Samuel Eliot. SHELDON & CO. - 60C This contains the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin abridged, Familiar letters of John and Abigail Adams, Cooper';, famous Story of the Spy, abridged; and selections from Longfel- low's Tales of a Wayside Inn. This book has been in use for many years, and it has never been supplanted by any better sup- plementary reading for sixth and seventh or eighth grades. Our history lessons fail if the pupils do not feel the noble spirit of Franklin, Adams and Washington, and they get this best from lit- erature. Some of the selections are abridged, but this has been HISTORY 177 done so successfully that the pupils always seek complete copies for home reading. In no other form can the same reading matter be secured for less than three times the price of this book. 34. Books by Everett T. Tomlinson. 1. Three Colonial Boys. 2. Three Young Continentals. 3. The Boy Soldiers of 1812. 4. The Boy Officers of 1812. lee & shepard. 12 mo. Illustrated. Each $1.50 35. Children's Life of Lincoln. M. Louise Putnam. A. C MCCLURG & CO. pp. 29 1. - - Si. 25 The story is told simply but with a dignity which commands the respect of children. The author stops deliberately before en- tering upon the public life of Lincoln and gives a perfectly plain and simple study on our government and modes of election to office, and thereafter throughout the story there is constant light thrown on the machinery of public affairs. Pupils often fail to comprehend United States history because they do not understand the points in civil government which our text-books seem to con- sider innate in the future American citizen. If this book is used as a reader in the biographical phase of history study, fifth and sixth grades, it will be found that it furnishes valuable appercep- tive material for the more serious study of history in the eighth grade. 35. Stories from Early English History. 1. Up to Norman Conquest. David Salmon, pp. 176. 30c 2. Stories and Biography, i 066-1 485. -David Salmon. pp. 200. Illustrated. .... 50X 3. TuDOR Period. Biography by S. R. Gardiner, pp. 224- Illustrated. - ... 50c 4. Stuart Period. S. R. Gardiner, pp.240. Illus. 50c 5. Hanoverian Period. S. R. Gardiner, pp. 240. Illus. 50c LONGMANS, (.KEEN k CO. I,"S HISTORY 36. Young Folk's Plutarch. Rosalie Kaufman. I. b. lippincott & co. Square 8 vo. - $2.50 37. To the Lions A.J. Church. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 HIO. - $1.25 A story of Rome. 38. Two Thousand Years Ago A.J. Church. dodd, mead & co. Illustrated. - - $1.00 Mr. Church's books have been found very useful in third, fourth and fifth grades. The stories are read to the pupils and the impression deepened by the use of the admirable illustrations in the books. The children enjoy them, reproduce them readily, and so the books furnish matter for both language and history. As school library books they are favorites. 39. Stories from English History. From the Lord Protector to Victoria. the macmillan co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.00 Among the subjects of these twenty-five stories are: The Lord Protector, Blenheim and after, Quebec, The lost colonies, The greatest sailor since the world began, Waterloo and Cawnpore. 40. Stories of War Edward Everett Hale. ROBERTS BROS. l6 mo. - $1.00 41. Story of United States Navy. Benson J. Lossing. harper & brothers. 12 mo. Half-morocco. $1-75 This is much liked by the pupils of fifth and sixth grades. 42. Paul Jones J. S. C Abbott. harper & brothers. Illustrated. - $1.00 43. flagna Charta Stories. Arthur Gilman. lothrop publishing co. pp. 192. - 75c HISTORY 1/9 44. The Century Book of Famous Americans. El- foidge S. Brooks. CENTURY CO. pp. 25O. 7H K 9H- - $1-50 The boys visit Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Ken- tucky, inspect the historic homes, and talk much of the men who made them famous. A very valuable book for the school library. SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADES A list of books classified under the different epochs of history are given here. They will be useful to teachers of all grades. Books useful as supplementary readers, either at school or at home are distinguished from the more difficult reading matter by the letter S. SERIES OF BOOKS AND BOOKS OF GENERAL HISTOR= ICAL INTEREST S. 1. Pictorial Histories. 5. Goodrich. 1. England. 2. Greece. 3. Rome. 4. The World. 5. The United States. e. h. butler & co. 5 Vols. Each - Si. 25 If the main epochs of the world's history are presented in sixth and seventh grades, these pictorial histories may be used to great advantage. Pictures at this stage often convey more ideas than do words. These books are helps in literature as well as in history. 2. Stories of the Nations. (.. r. putxam's sons. 12 mo. Illus. Each Si. 50 Over forty volumes. These books form the best popular se- ries published. They constitute a very fine historical library by themselves. 3. Heroes of the Nations. (,. i\ putnam's sons. 12 1110. Illus. Each Si. 50 4. Epochs of Ancient History. CHARLES scrihner's SONS. 12 mo. Each Si. 00 I SO HISTORY 5. Epochs of Modern History. charles scribner's sons. 12 mo. Each $1.00 6. Beacon Lights of History./^;/ Lord. 1. Jewish Heroes and Prophets. 2. Old Pagan Civilizations. 3. Antiqcity. 4. Middle Ages. 5. Renaissance and Reformation. 6. War and Statesmanship. 7. Great Women. 8. Modern European Statesmen. 9. American Statesmen. 10. Nineteenth Century Writers. fords, howard & hulbert. io Vols. Cloth. Nearly 500 pp. each. Sold only in Sets. - $21.00 About twelve prominent characters are selected and treated under each heading. The salient points are struck at once, and the whole set furnishes in brief a full historical library, every point of which can be seen in relief. The school library needs this set of books and can afford to sacrifice many others if the price seems high. 7. Makers of History. Walter Besa?it. MERRILL & BAKER. 12 mO. Each - $1.00 S 8. Historical Tales. Charles Morris. j. b. lippincott co. Each - - $1.25 S 9. Books by Q. A. Henty. charles scribner's sons. 12 mo. From 75c to $1.50 JOHN alden. Cheaper Edition. S 10. Jacob Abbot's Histories. harper & brothers. 1 876. Illustrated. Each $1.00 HISTORY IOI S. ii. J. S. C. Abbott's Histories. lee & shepard. Illustrated. Each - $1.00 S 12. Stories from History Agnes Strickland. i. Visi-Goths of France. 2. Anglo-Saxons. 3. Alfred the Great. 4. Crusader. 5. William Tell. 6. War of York and Lancaster. henry t. coates. About 360 pp. in each. 75c 13. Historic Towns. 1. Carlvle. .... M. Creighton. 2. London. ... . W. F. Loftie. 3. N'ew York. - - - Theodore Roosevelt. 4. York. - - - - Rev. James Raine. Longmans, green & co. Crown 8 vo. Each Si. 25 14- Torch Bearers of History. Amelia Hutchinson Stirling. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. 12 IDO. - $1-50 A connected series of historical sketches: Part I Homer, Sophocles, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Hypatia, Part II Arthur, Charlemagne, Rollo, Richard Coeur de Lion; Part III William of Orange, Sir Francis Drake, Henry of Na- varre, Richelieu, Cromwell, William III, Peter the Great, Freder- ick the Great, Washington. The epochs selected here would not make a bad selection for the biographical stories of sixth and seventh grades. 15. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. E. S. C was}'. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 364. - - Sl.00 a. 1.. burt. Home Library. - - 75c 182 HISTORY 16. Lives of Celebrated Female Sovereigns and Illus- trious Women.- j/n, Anna Jameson. henry t. coaxes. Alta Edition. - 50c 17. Two Great Retreats of History Grotc and Segnr. ginn & co. 12 mo. pp. 318. - - 50c 1. Retreat of Ten Thousand; 2. Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow. S 18. Ten Great Events of History. James Johomiot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 264. - - 54C S 19. A Book of Golden Deeds. Charlotte Yonge. THE MACMILLAN CO. Globe 8 VO. pp. 454. 5OC DONOHUE, henneberry & co. Handy Vol. Ser. 25c 20. Heroes and Hero=Worship. Thomas Carlyle. a. l. burt. Home Library. - - 75c hurst & co. Handy Volume Series. - 25c Carlyle's Hero as Prophet (Mahomet), is published by May- nard, Merrill & Co. for 12 cents. 21. Representative M.en. Ralph Waldo Emerson. hurst & co. Handy Volume Series. - 20c 22. Ten Great Religions. Clarke. See page 84. 23. Heroic Ballads with Poems of War and Patriotism. GINN & CO. 12 mo. pp. 319. - - 5OC 24. The Great Round World and What Is Going On in It. A Weekly Newspaper for Children, 10c per copy, $2.50 per year. William Beverley Har- ison, 59 Fifth Ave., N. Y. The paper is bound substantially in book form. Covers and paper are all that can be desired for durability, while the print is HISTORY 183 excellent. This is an aid which every teacher will appreciate. We can not train our pupils to be citizens of the world by allowing them to pursue their studies in ignorance of what is going on in the world. Daily newspapers have serious defects for the training desired. This little paper seems exactly what we wish. The style is clear and entertaining, the English and the material given is admirably selected. Points which puzzle grown people in news- papers, are made simple here, but there is an entire absence of the "My-dear-little-children" style which so exasperates the average school boy. From sixth grade upward, pupils will enjoy the paper, high school pupils and teachers most of all. GENERAL HISTORY A series of stories such as are suggested by the sub-headings may be told to a sixth or seventh grade class. They will serve as nuclei for supplementary reading which may be selected from the books marked S. Other books are added to assist the teacher and to be used for reference by the pupils. STORY OF BUDDHA Ancient India. 1. Story of Buddhist India Prof. Rhys- Davis. Sto- ries of the Nations. See page 179. 2. Story of Vedic India. Zenaide A. Ragozin. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 3. The Light of Asia Sir Edwin Arnold. RAND, MCNALLY & CO. ... 50c DOXOHUE, HEXXEBERRY & CO. - - 25c STORY OF A nUMHY Ancient Egypt. 1. Pharaohs, Fellahs, and Explorers Amelia B. /id- wards . See page 161. 184 ' HISTORY S 2. Romance of a Mummy. T. Gautier. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. 12 mo. - - $1.25 Use with this the "Address to the Slippers Found in a Mummy Case," a poem by Edwin Arnold. S 3. Novels by Georg Ebers. 1. Uarda. Reign of Rameses II. 2. Egyptian Prinxess. The Persians, 528 B. C. 3. Sisters. Memphis, B. C. 164. d. appleton & co. Each - - - 75c 4. Egypt and Scythia. Herodotus. cassell & co. National Library. Paper - 10c S 5. Story of the Persian Wars from Herodotus. A. J. Chutch. DODD. MEAD & CO. - - - $1.00 S 6. The Cat of Bubastes.- -Hcnty. See page 180. 7. Story of Ancient Egypt. George Raivlinson. Sto- ries of the Nations. See page 179. S 8. Herodotus for Boys and Girls. John S. White. g. p. putnam's sons. Ouarto. Illustrated. - $2.00 5T0RY OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR i . Great Cities of the Ancient World Illustrated. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. - - - $1-50 S 2. Stories of Croesus, Cyrus and Babylon. A. J. Church. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Cloth. - 24c HISTORY I85 3. The Story of Extinct Civilizations. Robert E. Andetson. D. APPLETOX & CO. - - - - 75c Egypt, Phoenicia, Arabia, and Persia. S 4. Darius. Jacob Abbott. See page 180. S 5. Cyrus Jacob Abbott. See page 1 80. 6. Assyria. Chaldea. fledia, Babylon and Persia. Parthia. Phoenicia. Persia. Sicily. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 7. Bonomi's Ninevah and Its Palaces. the macmillan co. 7 Plates. 294 Wood Cuts. 51.50 STORY OF THERHOPYLAE and STORY OF SOCRATES Ancient Greece. 1. Studies in Greek and Roman History. Mary Sliel- don Barnes. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp.266. - - Si. 10 S 2. A Child's History of Greece. John Bonner. HARPER & BROTHERS. 2 Vols. pp. 608. IlklS. $2.00 3. Story of Greece. James A. Harrison. Stories of the Nations. See page 1 79. S 4. Story of the Greeks.- Guerber. Seepage 172. S 5. Greek Heroes.- Kingslcy. See page 332. S 6. Old Greek Stories. Baldwin. See page 3 2 3- 7. Social Life in Greece.- Rei'.J. P. Mahaffy. THE MACMILLAN CO. pp. 457. - $2.;0 1 86 HISTORY S 8. Old Greek Lite.- Rev. J. P. Mahaffy. AMERICAN HOOK CO. ... 35c S 9. Pictures from Greek Life and Story. Church. c. P. Putnam's sons. 12 mo. - - Si. 25 S 10. Three Greek Children. See page 171. 11. Socrates, Demosthenes and Others. George Grotc. William l. allison & co. Arundel Library. 30c 12. Mythology of the Greeks. George Grotc. William l. allison & co. Arundel Library. 30c S 13. Mythology of Greece and Rome. methodist book CONCERN. Chaut. Ser. 'o,2-'93. 60c 14. Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Hythol- ogy. W. Smith. D. APPLETON & CO. 8 VO. - - $6.00 S 15. Tanglewood Tales and Wonder Book Nathan- id Hawthorne. See page 322. S 16. Story of the Golden Age. J. Baldwin. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IllO. Sl.50 17. Helen of Troy. Andrew Lang. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IllO. - Sl.50 18. Greeks and Persians. Epochs of A?icient History. See page 179. 19. March of the Ten Thousand Greeks Geo. Grotc William l. allison cV co. Arundel Library 30c HISTORY 187 20. Stories of the Persian War from Herodotus. --A.J. Church. See page 184. S 21. Xerxes. Jacob Abbott. See page 180. S 22. Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens. Eve- lyn Abbott. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 23. Athenian Empire to Fall of Athens. Epochs of Ancient History. See page 179. S 24. Callias. A.J. Church. methodist hook CONCERN. Chaut. Ser. '92-'93. Si. 00 A tale of the fall of Athens, introducing Socrates, Xenophon, and Alcibiades. S 25. Socrates. Translation of Apology. Crito and Phajdo (parts). scrihner's sons. 12 mo. pp. 159. S1.00 The life and death of Socrates is made the chief center. S 26. Talks with Socrates about Life. Translation of parts of the Gorgias and the Republic. sckihnek's sons. 12 mo. pp. 176. $1 .00 S 27. A Day in Athens with Socrates. Translation of parts of the Protagoras and the Republic of Plato. Charles sckm'.m'.k's sons. Paper, 50c;-cloth, Si. 00 28. Spartan and Theban Supremacies. Charles San- key. Epochs of Ancient History. Seepage 179. 29. Macedonian Empire. A. M. Curteis. Epochs of Ancient History. Seepage 179. 1 88 HISTORY S 30. Alexander's Empire. -/. P. Mahaffy. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. S 31 . Alexander the Great. Jacob Abbott. See p. 180. S 32. Alexander the Great. Benjamin J. Wheeler. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. S 33. The Young Macedonian in the Army of Alex- ander the Great. A.J. Church. G. P. Putnam's sons. 12 mo Illustrated. - Si. 25 S 34. Alexander the Great. George Grote. \vm. l. allison & co. Arundel Hist. Library. 30c PALESTINE S 1. Joshua. Georg Ebcrs. n. appleton & co. 16 mo. - - 75c 2. Judas Haccabasus and the Revival of the Jewish Nationality. C. R. Conder. Makers of History. See page 180. 3. Judas Maccabseus and the Conflict between Hellen- ism and Hebraism. Abraham Isaacs. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 5 4. The Hammer. A.J. Church. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.25 A tale of Palestine in the time of Judas Maccabaeus. S 5. Julian. William Ware. estes & lauriat. 8 Vo. Beautifully Illus. $2. 50 Scenes in Judea in the time of Christ. HISTORY I89 S 6. Ben Hur Gen. Lciv Wallace. See page 193. S 7. For the Temple. G A. Ilenty. See page 180. Story of the fall of the Temple. 8. The Story of the Jews. James K. Hosmer. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. S 9. Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem from Jo- sephus. A.J. Church. CHARLES SCRIBNEr's SONS. I2mO. $1-40 S 10. Story of the Chosen People. Gucrber. See page 172. 11. A King of Tyre. James M. Ludlozv. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6mO. - - $1.00 Time of Ezra and Xehemiah. STORY OF JULIUS CAESAR Rome to the Time of Charlemagne. 1. Story of Rome. Arthur Gilman. Stories of the Na- tions. See page 1 79. S 2. Story of the Romans.- Gnerber. Seepage 172. S 3. Little Arthur's History of Rome. HczckiaJi But- te rw or th. THOMAS V. CROWELL - - - Si. 2$ S 4. Stories from Livy. A.J. Church. Doni), mead & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - Si. 00 S 5. A Child's History of Rome. John Bonner. HARPER & BROTHERS. 2 Vols, pp. 620. Illus. $2.00 1Q0 HISTORY S 6. Books by Hrs. C. H. B. Lain*?. i. Seven Kings of Seven Hills. (753-496 B. C.) 2. Heroes of the Seven Hills. (503-388 B. C.) 3. Conquest of the Seven Hills. henry t. coates. Alta Edition. 50c S 7. Young Folk's History of Rome Charlotte M. } \mge. D. APPLETON & CO. pp. 443. - - $2.00 S 8. Pictures from Roman Life and Story. A. J. ChurcJi. g. p. Putnam's sons. 12 mo. Cloth. Illus. $1.25 9. The City of Rome. Its History and Monuments. Dr. T. H. Dyer. the macmillan co. Bohn Library. - $1.50 10. Pompeii. Its Buildings and Architecture. Dr. T. H. Dyer. the macmillan co. - - - S2.25 See engravings, large map and plan of forum. S 11. A Day in Ancient Rome. Edgar S. Shumzuay. d. c. heath & co. pp. 96. Illus. Paper, 30c; cloth, 75c 12. Business Life in Ancient Rome. C. G. Hcr- bermami. HARPER & BROTHERS. Cloth. pp.74. 3OC S 13. Select Tales from the Gesta Romanorum Translated by C. Swan. g. p. Putnam's sons. 16 mo. - - 50c W. D. Howells in "A Boy's Town," refers to the effect of this book on him when a boy. HISTORY I9I S 14. Last Days of Pompeii. Bulwer Lytton. S 15. Hypatia. Charles Kingsley. S 16. Aurelian. William Ware. 5 17. Zenobia. I Villi am Ware. lovell, cokvell & co. Oxford Edition. Each 50c When books like the above can be secured, printed on good paper with good cloth binding, for 50c, there is no excuse for teaching Roman history without the illumination which they af- ford. The low price places these books within the reach of the seventh and eighth grades as supplementary readers. No classics are enjoyed by pupils of this age as much as these. They should be read both at home and at school. Close study of details is out of place in the grades. Estes & Lauriat publish finely illustrated editions of Aurelian and Zenobia for $2. 50 each. Joseph Knight & Co. publish an illus- trated edition of Hypatia for $4. 00; Harper & Bros., $7. 00. Estes 6 Lauriat publish Last Days of Pompeii, finely illustrated, in two volumes for $6. co. Happy is the teacher who can secure one of these illustrated editions.///.?/' to look at for one day, while the class are reading the book. 5 18. The Young Carthaginian. Hcnty. Seep. 180. 19. Story of Carthage. A.J. Church. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 20. Hannibal and the Crisis of the Struggle between Carthage and Rome. W. 0' Connor Morris. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 5 21. Hannibal. Jacob Abbott. Seepage 180. 22. Rome and Carthage. Epochs of Ancient History. See page 1 79. 23. The Gracchi. Marias and Sulla, A. If. Beesly. Epochs of Ancient History. Seepage [79. ig2 HISTORY 24. The Roman Triumvirates. Charles Merivale Epochs of Ancient History. See page 179. S 25. Julius Caesar. /. 5 C. Abbott. See page 181 S 26. Caesar. Jacob Abbott. See page 180. 27. Commentaries of Caesar. Literally Translated. the macmillan co. Bohn's Library. - Si. 00 28. Lays of Ancient Rome. T. B. Macanlay. longmaxs, green & co. Quarto. Illustrated. 40c 29. Caesar. A Sketch. James Anthony Froude. HARPER & BROTHERS. Cloth. pp. 436. - 60C S 30. Julius Caesar. Shakespeare. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. Cloth. - 25c ALLYN & BACON. Cloth. - - - 2CC S 31. Roman Life in Days of Cicero. -A.J. Church. DODD, MEAD & CO. - - - $1.00 S 32. Two Thousand Years Ago. Church. See p. 178. 33. Cicero's "Oratory and Orators." Literally Trans- lated. the macmillan co. Bohn's Library. - $1.00 34. The Nature of the Gods. Cicero. Literally Trans- lated. thk macmillan co. Bohn's Library. - $i.oc S 35. Friendship and Old Age Marcus Tullius Cicero. Literally Translated. the macmillan co. Bohn's Select Library. Sc HISTORY 193 36. Cicero and the Fall of the Roman Republic.--/. L. Strachan-Davidson. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 37. The Tragedy of the Caesars S. Baring-Gould. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. - $6.00 37 J/J . Gall us. IV. A . Becker. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 12 mo. - - $2.50 Time of Augustus. 38. Story of Jews under Roman Rule W. Douglas Morrison. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. S 39. Ben-liur. Gen. Lezv Wallace. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. Sl.50. 2 Vols. 8 VO. Illustrated. . . . $7.00 The time of Christ. Especialiy good descriptions of the Roman galley and of chariot races. S 40. Stories of the Hagicians. A.J. Church. dodd, mead & co. Illustrated. - - $1.00 41. Early Empire. JF. Wolfe Capes. Epochs of An- cient History. See page 1 79. S 42. The Sword=Maker's Son. - William 0. Stoddard. HARPER & BROTHERS. I2IUO. Richl V I HuS. Sl.50 Life in Palestine and Rome 111 days of Tiberius. 43. Nero.- / S. C.Abbott. See page 181. S 44. To the Lions. A.J. Church. See page 178. 45. Quo Vadis tlcnryk Sicnkieivicz. LITTLE, BROWN & CO. 8 VO. - - $2.00 A narrative of Rome in the times of Nero. S 46. Slaves of Sabinus. Charlotte M. Yongc. THE MACM II.I.AN CO. - - - ^OC Time of Vespasian. 194 history S 47. Wonders of Pompeii. Marc Monnier. Charles scribner's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si.oo 48. The Emperor Gcorg Ebcrs. n. appleton & co. 16 mo. - - 75c Hadrian, A. D.129. 49. Roman Life in Pliny's Time. From the French. flood & vincent. Chautauqua Series, 1897. Si. 00 50. The Age of the Antonines W. Wolfe Capes. Epochs of Ancient History. See page 179. 51 . Life of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. P. B. Watson. HARPER & BROTHERS. Crown 8 VO. - $2.50 S 52. rieditations of Marcus Aurelius. THOMAS V. CROWELL. - - - $1.00 S 53. Thorny Path. Georg Ebcrs. D. APPLETON & CO. l6 mo. - - 75c Alexandria, A. D. 214, introducing Galen and Caracalla. 54. Story of the Goths Henry Bradley. Stories of the Nations. See page 1 79. S 56. Attila and His Conquerors. Mrs. Charles. OODD, MEAD & CO. - - $1.00 Time of St. Jerome. 56. Theodoric, the Goth. The Barbarian Champion of Civilization. Thomas Hodgkin. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 57. Julian the Philosopher, and the Last Struggle of Paganism against Christianity. Alice Gatdner. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. HISTORY I95 58. The Sign of the Cross. Wilson Barrett. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. - - - $1.50 Another thrilling picture of the times of Nero. S 59. Works of Epictetus. londox. Camelot Series. 32 mo. pp. 222. 40c Epictetus was the slave of one of Nero's freedmen and tfye founder of stoic philosophy. 60. Burning of Rome A.J. Church. the macmillan co. Illustrated. - $1.00 S 61. Darkness and Dawn. Frederic W. Farrar. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - 2.00 Story of the days of Nero. 62 . Se rapi s . Geo rg Fibers. D. APPLETON & CO. l6 mo. - - 75c Alexandria, A. D., 390. 63. Hypatia. Charles Kingslcy. See page 191. Early part of Fifth Century. 64. Ivar, the Viking Paul DuChaillu. CHARLES SCRIBNEr's SONS. 12 mo. - $1.50 Third and Fourth Centuries. STORY OF MAHOHET and STORY OF CHARLEMAGNE 1. History of the Intellectual Development of Europe. John William Draper. HARPER & BROTHERS. 2 Vols. pp. 438-I-436. $3-00 2. History of the Hiddle Ages. Victor Duruy. HENRY HOLT & CO. 12 IHO. pp. 588. Sl.60 One of the plainest and most reliable helps for general history. 196 history S 3. Story of Spain. E. E. Hale and Susan Hale. Sto- ries of tlie Nations. See page 179. 5 4. Life of Mahomet. Washington Irving. lovell, cokyell & co. 2 Vols. Each - 25c S 5. The A 1 ham bra. Washington Irving. the macmillan co. 250 Illustrations - $2.00 gixn & co. 12 mo. pp. 291. - - 50c university pub. co. Ed. Abridged for Schools. 30c Dr. Frank McMurry at Buffalo, in 1896, mentioned the use of the Alhambra in the work of a mixed fourth and fifth grade. They had been studying the life of Columbus and the geography of Spain. Irving's description of the Alhambra became very inter- esting at this time. He says, "Some parts of our Jewish Temple (the one at Buffalo) which are Moorish, were observed and sketched. The Alhambra was roughly modeled in wood, and the columns were modeled in lead." In these grades, or in sixth and seventh grades, the right setting may thus make something of the beauty of the Alhambra the children's possession for life. 5 6. Conquest of Spain. Washington Irving. LOVELL. CORYELL cS: CO. - 20C thomas Y. crowell. Standard Library. Si. 00 S 7. Life of Chevalier Bayard and the Chronicle of the Cid. Heroes of Chivalry. MERRILL & BAKER. Oliai'tO. pp. 7OO. - $2.00 8. The Cid Campeador and the Waning of the Cres= cent in the West. II. Butler Clarke. Heroes of the Nations. See p. 179. o. Haroun al Raschid. H. E. Palmer. Makers of His- tory. See page 180. 10. Story of the Moors in Spain. Stanley Lane-Poole. Stories of the Natiotis. See page 1 79. HISTORY 197 11. Story of the Christian Recovery of Spain. H. E. Watts. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 12. Leila. Bulwer Lytton. J. B. LIPPINBOTT CO. 12 ITIO. - - Si. 25 A story of the siege of Granada in 1492. 13. Conquest of Granada. Washington Irving. thomas v. crowell. 12 mo. Stand. Library. Si. 00 HENRY T. COATES & CO. - - - - 75c 14. Charlemagne, the Reorganizer of Europe. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 15. Life of Charlemagne. Eginhard. Translated by S. Epes Turner. HARPER & BROTHERS. Cloth. pp.82. 3OC 16. Legends of Charlemagne. Age of Chivalry. Thomas Bidfinch. See page 305. S 18. Story of Rowland. Baldwin. See page 324. S 19. Story of Siegfried. Baldwin. See page 324. 20. Curious Myths of the Middle Ages. S. Baring- Go n Id. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - 51.25 S 21. Cook and Captive. Charlotte M. Yonge. the CO. School Edition. - 50c This is mythical. 22. Story of the Normans. - Sarah Ome Jewett. Sto- ries of the Nations. Seepage 179. iq8 history S 23. Little Duke Charlotte M. Yonge. the macmillan CO. School Edition. - 50c The Duke of Normandy. STORY OF THE CRUSADES Period from the Crusades to Columbus. Additional sto- ries may be given Joan of Arc, Constantinople and Savona- rola. For other books on the Crusades, see English History, page 221. S 1. Count Robert of Paris. Sir Walter Scott. the macmillan co. Roxburghe Illus. Ed. - 90c S 2. The Children's Crusade. George Zabriskie Gray. ' HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $1-50 S 3. Don Quixote. Ccrvafites. FREDERICK WARNE & CO. - - $1.00 S 4. In His Name. E. E. Hale. Roberts bros. Square 18 mo. - - $1.00 A story of the Waldenses, 700 years ago. S 5. Otto of the Silver Hand. -Howard Pylc. scribner's sons. Royal 8 vo. Illus. $2.00 The robber barons of Germany. S 6. In the Fire of the Forge. George Ebers. d. appleton & co. 2 Vols. 16 mo. Each - 75c Mediaeval Nuremburg. S 7. Margery. Georg Ebers. D. APPLETON & CO. 2 Vols. Each - 75c Nuremburg in Fifteenth Century. S 8. The Golden Legend. Henry W. Lougfellotv. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. Cloth. - 4OC HISTORY 199 S 9. Men of Iron. Howard Pylc. charles scribnkk's sons. Royal 8 vo. Illus. S3. 00 Manners and customs of the Middle Ages shown in the pic- tures. Howard Pyle's illustrated books are admirably adapted to schoolroom use. 10. Story of Viteau. Frank Stockton. CHARLES SCRIBNER S SONS. 12 mo. pp.193. Sl.50 A mediaeval romance of the time of Louis IX. Its history is trustworthy. S 11. At Agincourt.. G. A. Henty. See page 180. A tale of the White Hoods of Pans. 12. Joan of Arc. The Expulsion of the English from France. Janet Tuckey. Makers of History. See page 180. S 13. Joan of Arc Thomas DeQuincey. leach, shewell &s.\M(OKN. With other Essays. 35c MAYNARD, MERRILL .V CO. Paper - I2C S 14. Life of Joan of Arc David IV. Bartlett. henry t. coaxes & co. Alta Edition. - 50c 15. Joan of Arc. Francis C. Lowell. houghton, mifflin & co. Large Crown 8vo. $2.00 16. Jeanne d'Arc, the Haid of France. Mrs. M. 0. IV. 01 1 pliant. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 17. Joan of Arc. Mark Twain. harper & hrothers. Crown 8 vo. pp.461. S2.50 18. Joan of Arc. Latnartinc. funk, waclnalls co. Taper. - - IOC 20C HISTORY 19. The Story of Mediaeval France Gustav Masson. Stones of the Nations. See page 179. ao. The Falcon of Langeac Isabel Whitcly. COPELAND & DAY. .... Sl.50 A good mediaeval story of the early part of the reign of Fran- cis I. 21. Quentin Durward. Sir Walter Scott. GiNN & co. - - Boards, 40c; cloth, 50c Louis XI, and Charles the Bold, 1470. 22. Anne of Geierstein Sir Walter Scott. the macmillan co. Roxburghe Edition. Illus. 90c henry t. coates. Alta Edition. - 50c Union of the Swiss with Louis XI, 1474-77. 23. Story of Byzantine Empire. C. W. C. Oman. Sto- ries of the Nations. See page 179. 24. Story of Turkey. Stanley Lane-Poole. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 25. Captain of the Janizaries. James M. Ludlow. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 HIO. - - $1-50 Fall of Constantinople. 26. Prince of Judah. Gen. Lew Wallace. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - S2.5O Why Constantinople fell. 27. Rienzi, the Last of the Roman Tribunes Balwcr Lytton. A. l. burt & co. Home Library. 75c Fourteenth Century. HISTORY 201 28. Story of Tuscan Republics. Bella Duffy. Stories of the Nations- See page 179. S 20. Hakers of Rome.- Mrs 31. 0. W. Oliphant. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 IHO. pp. 620. Illus. S3. 00 A, L. BURT & CO. ... . Si. 00 30. riarble Faun. Nathaniel Hawthorne. houghton, Mifflin & co. 2 Vols. Each. - Si. oo 5 31. Hakers of Venice. 3Irs. 31. 0. IV. Oliphant. the macmillan co. Illustrated Edition. - S2.50 A. l burt & co. Library of Best Books. - Si. 00 5 32. Story of Venice Alethca U'icl. Stones of the Nations. See page 179. S 33. Lion of St. Hark G. A. Henty. See p. 1S0. A story of Venice. S 34. Makers of Florence. 3h s. 31. 0. W. Oliphant. a. l. hurt & co. Library of Best Books. - Si. 00 341,,. Florence. Charles Yriarte. HENRY T. COATES & CO. pp. 476. - S3. 00 35. Romola. George Eliot. thomas y. crowell. Standard Library. - Si. 00 hurst & co. Cloth. - 25c 1 lorence and Savonarola, 1 \<>2. 36. Lorenzo de Medici. Jidward Armstrong. Hetoes of the Nations. Seepage 179. v S 37. Agnes of Sorrento. 3 Irs. II. />'. Stowe. hol'oiiton, Mill 1. in & co. - Paper, 50c: cloth, Si. 00 A story of Savanarola. 202 HISTORY STORY OF COLUHBUS The Discoverers in the World's History S i. Life and Travels of Hungo Park. cassell & co. National Library. 2 Vols. Each ioc S 2. Exploration of the World. Jules Verne. i. Famous Travels and Travelers. 2. Great Navigators of the Eighteenth Century. 3. Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century. scribxer's soxs. 8 vo. Illus. Each 52.50 S 3. Books of George Makepeace Towle. 1. Yasco da Gama; His Yoyages and Adventures. 2. Pizarro; His Adventures and Conquests. 3. Magellan; or, The First Journey round the World. 4. Marco Polo; His Travels and Adventures. 5. Raleigh; His Yoyages and Adventures. 6. Drake; The Sea King of Devon. lee & shepard. Each - - - Si. 00 S 9. riarco Polo. Makers of History. See page 180. S 10. The Marvellous Adventures of Sir John Haun- deville. ARCHIBALD, CONSTABLE & CO. 8 VO. pp. 420. $2.00 S 11. Voyages in .Search of the North-Western Pas- sage. Richard Hakluyt. S 12. The Discovery of Muscovy. From the Collec- tions of Richard Hakluyt. S 13. Third Voyage in Search of North- West Pas- sage. Capt. IV. E. Parry. 11, 12, 13. cassell & co. National Lib. Paper, ioc Cassell's National series furnishes many classics for literature and history not otherwise to be secured in cheap form. HISTORY 203 S 14. Marco Polo's Account of Japan and Java. OLD SOUTH LEAFLET NO. 32. S 15. Captain Cook. Walter Besant. English Men of Action. See page 217. S 16. Columbus. American History. See page 253. S 17. Strabo's Introduction to Geography. OLD SOUTH LEAFLET, NO. 30. S 18. Westward Ho. Kingsley. See page 130. 19. Prince Henry, Navigator (of Portugal) and the Age of Discovery C. R. Bcazlcy. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 20. The Romance of Discovery; or a Thousand Years of Discover)-. William Elliot Griffis. \v. a. wilde & co. pp. 305. - - Si. 50 21. Story of Portugal. //. Mot se Stevens. Seep. 179. 22. Ferdinand and Isabella. Wm. H. Prescott. J. 15. LIPFINCOTT CO. 3 Vols. - - Sl.50 23. Reign of Charles V. Wm. H. Prescott. J. 15. LIPFINCOTT CO. 3 Vols. - S3. 00 24. Reign of Philip II. Wm. H. Prescott. J. 15. LIPFINCOTT CO. 3 Yols. - - S3. 00 STORY OF LUTHER Period from the Reformation to the French Revolution. 1. The Era of the Protestant Revolution. F. Seebohm. Epochs of 'Modern History. See page 1S0. 204 HISTORY 2. Luther. - James Anthony Fronde. Found in Studies of Great Subjects. charles sckibner's sons. 4 Vols. Separately $ i .50 3. Luther's Table Talk. cassell & co. National Library. - 10c 4. Story of Holland. -James E. TJiorold Rogers. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 5. William the Silent. Founder of the Dutch Re- public. Ruth Putnam. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 6. The Dutch Republic. John LotJirop Motley. HARPER & BROTHERS. 3 Vols. 8 VO. Cloth. $6.00 7. The United Netherlands. John Lothrop Motley. . HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 Vols. 8 VO. Cloth. $8.00 8. Brave Little Holland and What She Taught Us. William Elliott Griffs, D. D. HOUGHTON", MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - 75c 9. Holland and Its People. Edmondo de Amieis. g. p. putnam's sons. 1881. 8 vo. pp. 408. $2.00 10. Chronicles of the Schbnberg=Cotta Family. Mrs. Andrew Charles. dodd, mead & co. Phoenix Edition. - 40c Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 11. The Thirty Year's War; 1618-1648. Samuel Raw- son Gardiner. Epochs of Modern History. See page 180. HISTORY 205 12. Thirty Years' War. -Scliillcr. a. l. bukt & co. Library of Best Books. S1.00 13. Story of Sweden. Stories of the Nations. See p. 179. 14. Gustavus Adolphus and the Struggle of Protes- tantism for Existence. C. K. L. Fletcher. Heroes of the Nations. See page 1 79. S 15. Lion of the North. G. A. Hcnty. See page 180. 5 16. Times of Gustavus Adolphus. Z.Topclhis. a. c. mcclurc; & co. 12 mo. pp. 341. - 75c 17. Charles XII of Sweden, 1682- 1 719 and the Collapse of the Swedish Empire. R. Nisbct Bain. Heroes of the Nations . See page 179. 18. Story of Modern France. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 19. flemorable Scenes in French History. Schmucker. henry t. coatks 6: co. Alta Edition. - 50c S 20. Child's History of France.^ John Homier. harper & brothers. S vo. Illustrated. - $2.00 S 21. French Historical Tales. Charles Morris. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. - - 81.25 S 22. Tales of a Grandfather from French History. Sir Walter Scott. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - 9OC 23. Marguerite de Valois. Alexandre Dumas. LITTLE, BROWN & CO. 12 niO. Si. 25 206 HISTORY S 24. Qaspard de Coligny. Admiral of France. Walter Besant. HARPER & BROTHERS. Cloth. pp.224. - 3OC 25. Black Tulip. Alexandre Dianas. LITTLE, BROWN & CO. 12 IllO. - - $1.25 William of Orange 1672. S 26. Burgomaster's Wife George Ebers. D. APPLETON & CO. l6 mo - - 7$C Siege of Leyden 1574 1575. S 27. By England's Aid. G. A. Henty. See page 180. Netherlands free 1585-1604. S 28. By Pike and Dyke. Henty. See page 180. Rise of the Dutch Republic- -1572-1585. S 29. St. Bartholomew's Eve. Henty. See page 180. 30. House of the Wolf. Stanley J. Weyman. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. ... $1.25 Massacre of St. Bartholomew. S 31. Chaplet of Pearls. Charlotte M. Yonge. the macmillan co. School Edition. - 50c Massacre of St. Bartholomew 1572. 32. Forty-five Guardsmen. Alexandre Dianas. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. 12 mo. - $1.00 Henry of Navarre, a leading character. S3. Ancient Regime. Charles Kingsley. See Histor- ical Lectures and Essays. THE MACMILLAN CO. - $1.25 34. Life of Comte de Cominges. /. J. Jusscrand. g. p. putnam's sons. ... $3-50 HISTORV 207 S 35. Henry IV /. 5. C. Abbott. See page 181. Henry of Navarre. 36. Richelieu./. P. R. James. g. p. putnam's sons. 2 Vols. - - $2.50 37. Richelieu. A Drama. E. Buhver Lytton. p. f.collier. Lytton's Dramatic Works. 8 vo. S2.00 38. Three Musketeers. Alexandre Dumas. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. 12 mo. - $1. 00 39. Under the Red Robe. Stanley J. Weyman. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - $1.25 Cardinal Richelieu. 40. Noemi S. Baring- Gould. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.00 41. Louis XIV and the Zenith of the French Mon- archy. Arthur Hassall. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 42. Louis XIV and His Contemporaries. Gustave Mas son. the macmillan co. - - - 6oc S 43. Louis XIV. /. 5. C. Abbot. See page 181. 44. The English Restoration and Louis XIV. Os- mond Airy. Epochs of Modern History. Seep. 180. S 45. Prince Eugene and His Times Louise Muhl- bach. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 IllO. - - Si. 00 Novel of the times of Louis XIV. 208 HISTORY 56. French Women of the French Court Baron Im- bcrt de Saint- A wand. 1. The Court of Louis XIV. 2. Marie Antoinette and the End of the Old Regime. 3. Marie Antoinette at the Tuilleries. \. Marie Antoinette and the Downfall of Royalty. 5. The Revolution of 1848. scribnek's sons. 12 mo. Each Vol. $1.25 There are many other volumes in the series. FRENCH REVOLUTION 1. The French Revolution and First Empire. Wm. O'Connor Morris. Epochs of Modern History, See page 180. 2. The French Revolution. Thomas Carlylc. a. l. hurt & co. Home Library. 2 Vol. - Si. 50 DONOHUE, HENNEBERRY & CO. 2 Vols. Each 25c S 3. Burke's Reflections on the French Revolution. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - 24c S 4. Journal of a Spy in Paris during the Reign of Terror -Jan. -July, 1794.- Raoul Hcsdin. HARPER & BROTHERS'. 12 IllO. pp. 2O4. - $1 .25 5. Napoleon. Warrior and Ruler, and the Military Supremacy of Revolutionary France. Heroes of the Nations. See page 1 79. S 6. Citizen Bonaparte.- -Erckmann-CJiatrian. WARD, LOCK & BOWDEN. 12 IT10. - - Sl.OC 1794-1815. HISTORY 209 S 7. Marie Antoinette. J. S. C. Abbott. See page 1S0. 8. Chevalier de liaison Rouge. Alexandre Dumas. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. - - Sl.00 Marie Antoinette's prison life and execution. S 9. Little Old Portrait.- Mrs. Moleszvorth. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - Si. 00 S 10. Marie Antoinette and Her Son. Louise Muhl- bach. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. - - 5OC S 11. Ninety-Three. Victor Htigo. A. L. burt. Home Library. - - 75c university pub. co. Abridged for Schools. Clo. 40c S 13 Peasant and Prince. Harriet Martineau. ginn & CO. 12 mo. pp. 212. Illustrated. - 50c A reader for filth or sixth grades. S 13. Zanoni. Balwer Lytton. LOVELL. coryell & co. Oxford Edition. - 50c Times of First Revolution. S 14. Tale of Two Cities. Charles Dickens. ginn & CO. - - Boards, 60c; cloth, 75c dodo, mead & co. Illustrated S3. 50 to S10.00 A good reading book for seventh grade. S 15. In the Reign of Terror. -Henty. See page 180. S 16. Madam Therese. Ercmann-Chatrian. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. I2mo. - $1.25 Story of "Volunteers of '92. 1:10 HISTORY STORY OF NAPOLEON S i. The Conscript - Erckmonn-Chatrian. chakles scribner's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. $i.2f A story of the French War of 1813. S 2. Waterloo. Erckmann-Chatrian. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. pp. 368. $1.25 This is a sequel to the Conscript. These books are written to give the situation as it seemed to the French peasant and sol- dier at the time. 3. flemoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte Louis Antoinc Fauvclct Dc Bourienne. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 4V0IS. pp. I763. $5.00 THOMAS Y. CROWELL. 2 Vols. Each - $1.00 MERRILL '& BAKER. 4 Vols. 12 mo. IlluS. $4-00 With 24 Photogravure Portraits. - $10.00 S 4. Napoleon and His Marshals. J. T. Headlcy. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c S 5. Napoleon and Bluchet. -Louise Miihlbach. LOVELL, CORYELL cS: CO. - - - 5OC S 6. Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica. John KeJidrick Bangs. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6 ItlO. Cloth. - $1.25 Read and laugh. S 7. Camp Fires of Napoleon. Henry. C. Watson. henry t. coates & co. pp, 428. Alta Edition. 50c S 8. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 5. Baring-Gould. BETHUEN, LONDON. - /^C 5 0. Napoleon Bonaparte. Jacob Abbott. See p. 18- HISTORY 211 5 10. History of a Crime Victor Hugo. thomas Y. ckowell. 12 mo. Popular Edition. $1.25 It is sometimes well to have pupils read those who advocate strongly opposite sides of a question. Jacob Abbott is as great an admirer as Victor Hugo is hater, of Napoleon. 11. Life of Empress Josephine Hartley. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c S 12. The Boy of the First Empire. Elbridge Brooks. THE CENTURY CO. - - - Si. 50 A story for boys. 5 13. The Little Corporal. Rough and Ready Series. See page 176. S 14. Through Russian Snows G. A. Henty. See page 180. Napoleon's retreat. S 15. One of the Twenty=Eighth. G. A. Henty. See page 1 So. A tale of Waterloo. S 16. Valentin Henry Kings ley. WARD, LOCKE & BOWDEN. 12 HIO. - Si. 00 A French boy's story ot Sedan. 17. The West Indies and the Spanish T\a\n. James Rodivay. g. p. Putnam's sons, pp.371. Illustrated. Si. 75 18. Theresa at San Domingo. M. Fresncau. See page 126. S 19. Picciola. X. B. Saintine. See page 33S. 212 HISTORY S 20. Springhaven.-A\ D. Blackmore. harder & brothers. 12 mo. Paper, 25c; cloth, Si. 50 Consulate and Empire 1793-1815. RUSSIA AND POLAND 1. Story of Russia. W. R.Morfill. Stories of the Na- tions' See page 179. 2. Story of Poland W. R. Morfill. Stories of the Na- tions. See page 179. S 3. Peter the Great.- -John Lothrop Motley. HARPER & BROTHERS. Paper. - - 25c MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Cloth. - 24c 4. The Romance of an Empress. K. Wahszewski. D. APPLETOX & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $2.00 5. Life of Catherine II of Russia. ScJimuckcr. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c S 6. The Wizard King David Ker. j. b. lippincott co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 Story of the time of Sobieski Old Regime 1683. 7. Sobieski and the Military Greatness of Poland F. A. Pollard. Heroes of the Nations. Seep. 179. 8. Thaddeus of Warsaw Jane Porter. L0YELL, CORYELL & CO. Cloth. - - 5OC hurst & co. Cloth. ... 25c 9. Russia under the Tzars. Step?iiak. See page 151. HISTORY 213 SWITZERLAND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA z. Story of the Hansa Towns Helen Zimmern. Sto- ries of the Nations. See page 179. S 2. Story of Switzerland Lina Hug and R. Stead. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 3. The Constitution of the Swiss Confederation, 1874. OLD SOUTH LEAFLET, NO. 1 8. S 4. William Tell and Other Dramas. Schiller. the MACMILLAN co. Bohn Library. - $1.00 5. Story of Austria. The Home of the Hapsburg Dynasty from 1282 to the Present Time. Sidney Whitman. Stories of the Nations. Seepage 179. S 6. Story of Germany. Sabine Baring-Gould. Sto- ries of the Nations. See page 179. S 7. German Historical Tales. -Charles Mortis. J. B Liri'INCOTT CO. ... Si. 25 S 8. In the Blue Pike. --George libers. n. APPLET! >\ lV CO. - Paper, 40c; cloth, 75c A romance of German life in the beginning of the Sixteenth Century. For other books on Germany, see pages 203 and 204. S 9. Times of Frederick I. Z. Topelius. A. C. MCCLURO & CO. 12 m(). pp. 37O. 75c S 10. Times of Alchemy. Z. Topelius. A. C. MCCLUKO & CO. 12 IllO. pp. 33 1 . 75c S 11. Times of Linnaeus. Z. Topelius. A. C, MCCLUKO 6c CO 12 HIO. pp. 394. 75c 214 HISTORY 12. The Life and Campaigns of Frederick the Great. C. B.Brackenbury. Makers of History. See p. 180. 13. Frederick the Great, and the Seven Years' War. F. W.Longman. Epochs of Modern History. See page 180. 14. Frederick II, the Wonder of the World A. L. Smtt/i. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 15. Berlin and Sans=Souci. -Loiase Miihlbach. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 niO. - - $1.00 16. Life of Frederick II Thomas Carlylc. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 10 Vols. - $4.00 S 17. Friend Fritz. Erckmaiin-Chatrian. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. I2IHO. - $1.25 18. Frederick the Great. Lord Mac aulay. HARPER & BROTHERS. - 30C S 19. Frederick the Great and His Court. Louise Miihlbach. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. Cloth. - - 5OC 5 20. Goethe and Schiller. Louise Miihlbach. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. Cloth. - - 5OC S 21. Joseph II and His Court. Louise Miihlbach. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. Cloth. - - 5OC 22. Life of Schiller Thomas Cailyle. charles scribner's sons. People's Edition. 40c HISTORY 215 S 23. Brigadier Frederic Erekmami-Chatrian. d. appletox & co. 8 vo. Paper. - - 50c Franco-German War. S 24. Young Franc-Tireurs. Erckmann-Chatrian. d. appleton & co. 8 vo. Paper. - - 50 Franco-German War. 25. Under the Red Flag Edward King. HENRY T. COAXES & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.25 The adventures of two American boys in the days of the Com- mune. STORY OF BISriARCK i. Bismarck and the New German Empire. How It Arose and What It Displaced. Heroes of the Na- tions. See page 179. 2. Prince Bismarck. Charles Loxve. ROBERTS BROS. 12 mo. pp. 245. - $1.25 This gives a clear view of the state of Europe at the time, and is delightfully entertaining in regard to Bismarck himself. 3. Holtke Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 4. Two German Giants. Joh?i Lord. FORDS, HOWARD & HULBERT. - - $1.00 Frederick the Great and Bismarck. 5. Correspondence of John Lothrop Motley. See page 131. 6. Life of Alexander III of Russia. Charles Lowe. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - $ I -75 2l6 HISTORY HISTORY OF ENGLAND GENERAL i. Summary of English History. -Amelia B. Edwards. gkorge routledge & sons. Boards. - 20C A very convenient little outline. 2. A Short History of the English People. John Rich- ard Green. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. Cloth. - $1.20 3. The Making of England. John Richard Green. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 434. - - $2.50 4. Book of British Ballads. 5. C. Hall. o. p. putxam's sons. 16 mo. Illustrated. - 75c S 5. Pictures of English History. Selections for the Chautauqua Club. PHILLIPS & HUNT. 1883. pp. 35/. - $1-25 Vivid pictures selected from the best authors. S 6. A Child's History of England. -Charles Dickens. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c a. l. burt & co. Home Library. - - 75c S 7. Queens of England. Agnes Strickland. estes & lauriat. 3 Vols. 300 I llustrations. $4.50 werner school book co. 3 Vols. Each - 90c This is abridged and continued up to the present time by Rosalie Kaufman. S 8. Queens of Scotland. Agnes Strickland. estes & lauriat. 12 mo. 200 Illustrations. $2.00 WERNER SCHOOL BOOK. CO. 2 Vols. Each - 9OC This also is edited by Miss Kaufman. HISTORY 217 S 9. Goodrich's Pictorial History of England. See page 179. 10. Twelve English Statesmen Series. the macmillan co. 12 Vols. Paper, 50c; cloth, 75c 11. English Men of Action Series. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. pp. 205 to 25O. Each 60C S 12. English Lands, Letters and Kings Donald G. Mitchell. 1. From Celt to Tudor. 2. From Elizabeth to Anne. 3. Queen Anne and the Georges. charles scribner's sons. 2 Vols. 12 mo. Each Si 50 13. English History in Shakespeare's Plays. Beverley E. Warner. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $1-75 S 14. History of England for Beginners. Arabella Buckley. THE MACMILLAN CO. Globe 8 VO. - $1.00 S 15. Stories from English History. A.J. Church. 1. Julius Cesar to Black Prince. 2. Richard II to Charles I. the macmillan co. Small Crown 8 vo. Each Si. 00 16. English History from Contemporary Writers. g. p. lutnam's sons. 7 Vols. 16 mo. Each Si. 00 The texts are "Englished" and spelled correctly, otherwise their original form is unchanged. S 17. English Historical Tales. Morris. Sec p. 180. 2l8 HISTORY S 18. Children of Westminster Abbey. See p. 136. S 19. Tales from English History in Prose and Verse. W.J. Rolfe. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6 IHO. pp. l68. - 36c 5 20. Tales from Scottish History. W.J. Rolfe. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6 mo. pp. 248. - 50C 21. A Book of Old English Ballads. Hamilton Mabic. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - $2.00 This includes ballads of Chevy Chase, Flodden Field, Robin Hood and Allen a Dale. SPECIAL TOPICS In giving a course of English History in the seventh grade, one story, perhaps continued for several days, maybe told for each of the following sub-headings. The books mentioned will assist in this simple course and will also serve for more extended study. Those marked S will make good supplementary reading. The other books are for reference both for teacher and pupil. Many of the latter class will be read by the stronger pupils. S 1. Wonderful Adventures of Phra, the Phoenician. Edwin L. Arnold. a. l. burt & co. Home Library. 12 mo. - 75c This presents different epochs of English history in such a way as greatly to assist a teacher giving a simple course of stories. S 2. London. Walter Besant. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. pp. 509. - S3. 00 This describes in a most interesting manner the life of people in London at successive periods of history. The book will help the teacher through all English History. HISTORY 219 THE EARLY BRITONS S 1. Boadicea. Tennyson's Poems. See Boadicea in Mrs. Jameson's Lives of Celebrated Women, p 182. S 2. The Hot Swamp. R. M. Ballantyne. dodd, mead & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.25 Phoenicians in England 800 B. C S3. Story of Early Britain A.J. Church. Stories of tJie Nations. See page 179. 4. Britain under the Romans. English History fro77i Contemporary Writers. See page 217. S 5. Eric the Briton. G. A. Henty. See page 180. S 6. Count of the Saxon Shore. A.J. Church. g. p. Putnam's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated. - Si. 25 Departure of the Romans. S 7. Julius Caesar. -/. 5. C. Abbott. See page 181. ALFRED THE GREAT The Saxon Period 449 827. Si. Alfred the Great. Jacob Abbot. See page 1 So. S 2. The Dragon and the Raven. Henty. See p. 180. 3. The Danish Sea Kings and Their Settlements. English History front Contemporary Writers. See p. 2 1 7. 4. The Little English Kingdom. English History from Contemporary Writers. See page 217. S 5. Alfred the Truth-Teller. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 220 HISTORY S 6. Alfred the Great.- -Thomas Hughes. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - $1.00 funk, wagnalls & co. Paper. - - 20C 7. Army of Alfred the Great. a. c. mcclurg & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.00 S 8. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings Bulwer Lytton. little, brown & co. 2 Vols. 12 mo. Each $1.50 university pub. co. Abridged for Schools. Clo. 40c 5 9. Scouring of the White Horse. Thomas Huglies. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - $1.00 The Danes. 10. Alfred the Truth=TeIler. Longfellow. See Long- fellow's Poems. WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR The Normans 1066-1 154. 1. William the Conqueror. E. A. Freeman. Twelve English Statesmen. See page 117. S x. William the Conqueror. /. Abbott. Seepage 180. S 3. Wulf, the Saxon. G. A. Henty. See page 180. 4. The Normans in Europe. A. H. Johnson, Epochs of Modern History. See page 179. S 5. Wulfric, the Weapon=Thane C. W. Whistler. charles scribner's sons. Cr. 8 vo. lllus. $1.25 Danish conquest of East Anglia. HISTORY 221 S 6. Hereward. Charles Kingslcy. THE MACMILLAN CO. ... $1.00 S 7. The Iron Chain and the Golden. Charlotte Tucker. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. 12 mo. - - $1.00 Time of Henry I. RICHARD, THE LION-HEARTED Plantagenets 1154-1399 1. Henry II. Mrs. J. R. Green. Twelve English States- men. See page 117. 2. Henry II. English History from Contemporary Authors. See page 217. 3. Life and Times of Thomas Beckett James An- thony Fronde. CHARLES SCKIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo, pp. 1 50. $1.50 4. Strongbow's Conquest of Ireland. F. B. Barnard. English History from Contemporary W> iters. See page 217. S 5. The Story of the Crusades. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. pp. 163. - 60C 6. Heroes of the Crusades. -Amanda M. Douglas. LEE & shepard. 50 Illustrations from Dore. $1.50 S 7. Brothers in Arms. F. Bay ford Harrison. CHARLES SCKIBNER'S SONS. - - $1.00 8. Tales of Chivalry and the Olden Time. Scott. HARPER & BROTHERS. Rolfe Ed. l6 mO. pp. 1 53 . 36c 222 HISTORY 9. The Crusades. T. A. Archer. Stories 0/ the Nations. See page 179. 10. The Crusades of Richard I. History from Contem- porary Writers. See page 2 17. S 11. The Saracens. Arthur Oilman. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 12. The Crusades. George W. Cox. Epochs of Mod- ern History. See page 180. S 13. Richard I.- Jacob Abbott. See page 180. S 14. Richard, the Lion=Hearted and the Spirit of the Crusades. T. A. Archer. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. S 15. The Betrothed Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c 5 16. Talisman Sir Walter Scott. GINN & CO. pp.453. " " " 60C S 17. I van hoe Sir Walter Scott. Gixn & co. 12 mo. pp.536. - - 75c university pub. co. Abridged for Schools. 40c Talisman and Ivanhoe make delightful readers in upper grades if the pupils are not held to detailed reading, but are al- lowed to spend most of the class time on the stirring scenes. S 18. The Betrothed and the Talisman. Two Tales of the Crusaders. Sir Walter Scott. estes & lauriat. 2 Vols. Small 8 vc. - $6.00 20 Full-page Etchings and Photogravures. HISTORY 223 S 19. Prince and Page. Charlotte M. Yonge. the macmillan co. School Library. - 50c 5 21. Forest Outlaws. E. Gilliat. g. p. putna.m's sons. 16 mo. - - $2.00 St. Hugo of Lincoln and King John. The style of the story will assist pupils in appreciating Old English form while the story itself is elevating, dealing with the heroic chiefly. S 22. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood. Pyle. See page 171. 23. The Foresters, Robin Hood and Maid flarian. Alfred Tennyson. THE MACMILLAN CO. l6 ITIO. - - $1.25 24. Forest Days G. P. R.James. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. - - $1-50 Time 1265. Robin Hood is introduced. 25. Constables Town. Charlotte M. Yonge. THE MACMILLAN CO. ... cjrjC Story of Magna Charta. 26. Magna Charta. Old South Leaflets, No. 5. the macmillan co. - Paper, 25c; cloth, 40c 27. King John. William Shakespeare. cassell & co. National Library. Paper. - 10c 28. The Misrule of Henry IN. English History from Contemporary Writers. See page 217. 29. Simon de Montfort and His Cause. English His- tory from Contemporary Writers. See page 217. 224 HISTORY 30. Edward I. T.F.Tout. Twelve English Statesmen, See page 217. 31. Edward III. IV. Warburton. Epochs of Modern History. See page 180. 32. Edward III and His Wars. English History from Contemporary Writers. See page 217. S 33. In the Days of Chivalry. Evelyn Everett Green. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. 12 mO. - $ l -75 A Tale of the Black Prince. 34. John Wyclif. Lewis Sargcant. Heroes of the Na- tions. See page 179. S. 35. St. George for England. Hcnty. See p. 180. S 36. Boys' Froissart Sydney Lanier. chakles scribner's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. $2.00 5 37. The Lances of Lynwood. Charlotte M. Yo?ige. the macmillan co. School Edition. - 50c 38. Richard II. William Shakespeare. CASSELL & co. National Library. Paper. - 10c S 39. Richard II. Jacob Abbott. See page 180. S 40. Chaucer's Stories Simply Told. Mary Seymour. thomas nelson & sons. 12 mo, Illustrated. Si. 25 5 41. John Standish. E. Gilliat. g. p. Putnam's sons. - - - S1.75 Wat Tyler, Chaucer, and Langland are introduced. HISTORY 225 STORY OF BRUCE Scotland at This Period 1. Story of Scotland. John Mackintosh. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. S 2. Days of Bruce. Grace Agnilar. a. L. hurt & co. 12 mo. - - - $1.00 3. Robert the Bruce. The Struggle for Scottish In- dependence. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. S 4. In Freedom's Cause. G. A. Henty. See p. 180. 5. Scottish Chiefs.- Jane Porter. a. l. hurt & CO. Home Library. - 75c 7. Castle Dangerous. Sir Walter Scott. the macmillan co. Roxburghe Edition. Illus. 90c STORY OF WARWICK, THE KING-MAKER Period of Lancaster and York. Henry IV, V, and VI. Ed- ward IV. Richard III. 1399-1485. i. The Houses of Lancaster and York. With the Conquest and Loss of France. James Gairdner. Epochs of Modern History. See page 1 80. 2. Henry V. A.J. Church. English Men of Action. See page 2 1 7. 3. Warwick, the King-Maker.- C. IV. C. Oman. Eng- lish men of Action. See page 217. 4. Henry V, the English Hero-King. Charles L. Kingsford. Hemes of the Nations. Seepage 179. 226 HISTORY S 5. Richard III. Jacob Abbott. See page 180. S 6. riargaret of Anjou ; Jacob Abbott. See page 180. S 7. The Last of the Barons. Bulwer Lytton. a. l. hurt & co. Home Library. - 75c Story of Warwick, the King-Maker. S 8. Chantry Priest of Barnet. A/. Church. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. l6 IlluS. Sl.50 A tale of the two roses. 9. Agincourt. G. P. R.James. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. - - #1.50 S 10. Black Arrow. Robert Lords Stevenson. Roberts bros. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.50 11. Henry IV. -Shakespeare. cassell & co. National Lib. Parts I and II. 20c 12. Henry V Shakespeare. cassell & co. National Library. Paper. - 10c 13. Richard III. Shakespeare. cassell & co. National Library. Paper. - 10c S 14. Coulyng Castle. -Agnes Giber?ie. FLEMING H. REVELL CO. 12 mo. - - $1.25 Story of the Lollards in the time of Henry V. S 15. Early Dawn. Mrs. Andrew Charles. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 mo. - - . Si. 00 S 16. The Caged Lion. Charlotte M. Yonge. the macmillan co. School Edition. - 50c The captivity of James I of Scotland. HISTORY 227 S 17. Hen of Iron. Howard Pyle. harper & brothers. Illustrated by Author. S2.00 The time of Henry IV. Most delightfully illustrated, one of the best of aids in interesting young people in this period of history. S 18. Grisly Grissell. Charlotte M. Yo?ige. THE MACMILLAX CO. - $1. 00 A tale of the Wars of the Roses. 19. Old Times. John Ashton. john c. nimmo. 1885. pp. 354. Illustrated. Si. 87 STORY OF HENRY VIII Period of the Tudors. Henry VII. Hrxry VIII. Ed- ward VI. Mary. 1. The Early Tudors. C. R. Mobcrly. Epochs of Mod- ern History. See page 180. 2. Henry VII. /. Gairdner. Twelve English States- men. See page 217. 3. Cardinal Wolsey. -M. Creighton. Twelve Rnglis/i Statesmen. See page 217. 4. Life of Cardinal Wolsey. Cavendish. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. 12 niO. Cloth. 4OC S 5. Life of Lady Jane Grey. David IV. Bartlett. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition, pp. 298. 50c 6. Marmion.- Sir Walter Scott. Houghton, mifflin & co. Rolfe's Edition. 75c LEACH, SHEWEI.L & SANBORN. Cloth. - 35c A tale of Hodden Field. 22$ HISTORY S 7. Dorothy Dymoke. /;. Gilliat c;i\ putnam's sons. - - - Si. 20 The pilgrimage of grace 1536. S 8. Prince and the Pauper 5. L. Clemens. HARPER & BROTHERS. Crown 8 VO. - $ l -75 A tale for young people of all ages. One of the characters is Edward VI. 9. Darnley. The Field of the Cloth of Gold. G. P. R. James. Frederick warne. Crown 8 vo. Paper. - 20c This tells of Henry YIII in France. io. The Household of Sir Thomas Moore. Anne Manning. chakles scribner's sons. Crown 8vo. - $2. 25 Henry YIII and his court. 11. Armourer's Prentices. Charlotte M. Yonge. the macmillan co. School Library. - 50c S 12. Tower of London. W . H . Ainsworth. Frederick warne. Crown 8 vo. Paper. - 20C Lady Jane Grey and Queen Mary 1553-1554. 13. Story of Francis Cludde. 5. /. Herman. cassell & co. 12 mo - Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.00 Last years of Queen Mary's reign 1 553- 1 558. S 14. Windsor Castle.- W. H. Ainsworth. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. Paper. - 20C Time of Henry YIII. 15. Cardinal Pole. W. H. Ainsworth. WARD, LOCKE cS: BOWDEN. 12 H10. - %\.Q0 Days of Queen Mary. HISTORY 229 16. Henry VIII. Shakespeare. CASSELL & CO. National Library. Paper. - 10c 17. Henry VIII and Six Wives. Herbert. henry t. COATES & co. Alta Edition. - ;oc S 18. Henry VIII and His Court. Louise Muhlbach. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - 5 1 .00 STORY OF ELIZABETH 1558-1603 1. The Age of Elizabeth. - M. Creighton. Epochs of Modern History. See page 180. 2. Elizabeth E. S. Beesley. Twelve English States- mcn. See page 217. S 3. Queen Elizabeth.-^ Jacob Abbott. See page 180. 4. Kenil worth. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates &C0. Alta Kdition. 50c university pub. co. Abridged Ed. for Schools. 40c Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh. S 5. Penshurst Castle. In the Time of Sir Philip Sydney. Mrs. Emma Marshall. THE MACMILLAN CO. 8 VO. - - 8I.5O 6. Sir Walter Raleigh. Edmtind Gosse. I). APPLETON & CO. 12 IllO. - - J?C S 7- Sir Walter Raleigh. G.M.Towle. LEE & SHEI'ARI). 12 mo. - - - 8 1. 2; 2^0 HISTORY S 8. The Discovery of Guiana SY;- Walter Raleigh. CASSEi.L & co. National Lib. Paper, ioc; cloth, 25c S 9. Drake, the Sea-Kingof Devon. G. M. Tozvle. lee & shepard. 12 mo. Illustrated. - $1.00 S 10. Under Drake's Flag. G. A. Henty. See p. 180. S ii. Drake. Julian Corbett. English Men of Aetion. See page 217. 12. English Seamen of the Seventeenth Century. James Anthony Fronde. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. pp. 228. - $1-75 S 13. Westward Ho. Charles Kingsley. See page 130. S 14. The Story of the Spanish Armada. See p. 175. 15. The Spanish Story of the Armada. James An- thony Fronde. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - $1-50 S 16. Loyal Hearts Evelyn E. Green. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. 12 mo. - $!-75 S 17. Guavas, the Tinner. S. Baring-Gould. j. b. LiPFiNCOTT co. Paper. - - 50c A tale of Dartmoor in the time of Queen Elizabeth. No books touching history are quite so delightful as Baring Gould's, for we are given the clearest pictures of the period in the most entertain- ing way. 18. English Wayfaring Life. J. J. Jusserand. o. p. Putnam's sons. 8 vo. pp.451. - $3.50 This book with its illustrations is an invaluable aid. HISTORY 231 S 19. England Two Hundred Years Ago. Macaulay. Good Reading. See page 97. 20. Judith Shakespeare Wm. Black. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 392. - - 9OC 21. Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. Edwin P. Whipple. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mO. - $1-50 22. Shakespeare, the Boy W.J. Rolfe. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp.251. - - Si. 25 A vivid and truthful account of general boy life and surround- ings in the time of Henry VIII. 23. Marie Stuart. Queen of Scots. Jacob Abbot. See page 180. 24. Unknown to History. CJiarlottc M. Yo?ige. THE MACMILLAN CO. - . - Si. 00 Captivity of Mary, Queen of Scotland. 25. nary, Queen of Scots. Agnes Strickland. THE MACMILLAN CO. 2 Vols. Each - $2.^0 26. The Monastery. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c Melrose Abbey, 1559-1568. 27. The Abbott. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c Sequel to the Monastery Mary Queen of Scots, 1568. 232 HISTORY STORY OF CROMWELL Puritan Revolution Times of James I, Charles I and the Com mon wealth .1603- 1660 1. Puritan Revolution. 1603- 1660 S. R. Gardiner. Epochs of Modern History. See page 180. S 2. Star Chamber. W. H. Aitisworth. WARD, LOCKE & BOWDEN. 12 mo. - $1.00 A tale of the times of James I. S 3. Guy Fawkes. W. H. Ainszvorth. FREDERICK WARNE. Paper. - - 20C A tale of the gunpowder plot. 4. Oliver Cromwell. Frederick Harrison. Twelve English Statesmen. See page 217. This, with Carlyle's life of Cromwell, No. 6, is especially rec- ommended. S 5. Oliver Cromwell. Life, Times and Character. Rt. H0/1. E. H. Knatchbidl-Hugessen. HARPER & BROTHERS. Cloth. pp. I08. - 3OC 6. Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches Thomas Carlyle. WARD, LOCKE & BOWDEN. 12 mo. Cloth. - /KC 7. Life of Oliver Cromwell. Henry William Hobcrt. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition, pp. 447. 50c 8. Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in England. Charles Firth. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 9. History of the English Revolution of 1640 F. P. G. Gnizot. the macmillan co. Bohn Library. - $1.00 HISTORY 233 S 10. Charles I. Jacob Abbott. Seepage 180. 11. Lord Strafford. H. D. Traill. English Men of Ac- tion. See page 217. 12. Young Sir Harry Vane. -/. K. Hosmer. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIX & CO. S VO. - S4.OO One of the most valuable books on this period. 13. A Healing Question. Sir Henry Vane, Old South Leaf- let, No. 6. 14. The Petition of Right, June 7, 1628. Old South Leaf- let, Xo. 23. 15. The Scottish National Covenant, February, 27, 1638. Old South Leaflet, No. 25. 16. The Grand Remonstrance Presented to Charles I, Dec. 1, 1641. Old South Leaflet, No. 24. 17. The Agreement of the People, 1648-1649. Old South Leaflet, No. 26. 18. Cromwell's First Speech to his Parliament, July 4, 1653. Old South Leaflet, No. 28. 19. The Instrument of Government of the Common- wealth, Oec. 16, 1653. Old South Leaflet, No. 27. 20. Diary of Samuel Pepys. Frederick \Y.\KXK. (Jhandos Classics. - Si 00 S 21. From London to Land's End. Daniel Dcfoc. cassell & co. National Library. Paper. - 10c S 22. Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury. By Himself. cassell & co. National Library. Paper. - ioc 23. The Fighting Veres. Clements R. Markham. HOUGHTON, Mil I I.I.N & CO. cS VO. - Sd.OC A biography of Sir F. and Sir H. Vere. 234 HISTORY 24. Essays on Milton and Addison T. B. Macaulay. ALL.YN & BACON. 12 1110. Boards. - 3OC S 25. Fortunes of Nigel Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coaxes & co. Alta Edition. - 50c The times of James I. S 25. Woodstock. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c A romance of the Commonwealth. S 27. The Early Dawn. Mrs. Andrew Charles. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 mo. pp. 429. - $1.00 S 28. On Both Sides of the Sea - Mrs Andrew Charles. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 mo, - - $1.00 S 29. Draytons and Davenants Mrs. Charles. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 mo. - - $I.O0 A sequel to On Both Sides of the Sea. S 30. St. George and St. flichael. George Macdonald. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 12 niO. - $1.50 One of Macdonald's best stories. The scene is laid in the time of James I, 1603-1625. S 31. With the King at Oxford.- A.J. Church. dodd, mead & co. pp. 298. Illustrated. - $1.00 HARPER & BROTHERS. Paper. - - 25c This is a fascinating story for even the younger grades. 5 32. Memoirs of a Cavalier.- Da?iiel Defoe. the macmillan co. Bohn Library. - $1.00 S 33. Life of Colonel Jack Daniel Defoe. the macmillan co. Bchn Library. - $1.00 HISTORY 235 S 34. Children of the New Forest. F. Marryat. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. 12 mo. - Si. 00 35. Monk.- Julian Corbett. English Men of Action. See page 217. 36. Montrose. Mowbray Morris. English Men of Ac- tion. See page 217. 5 37. Marquis of Hontrose. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c S 38. Friends though Divided. Henty. Seepage 180. A story of the Civil War. S 39. Under Salisbury's Spire in the Days of George Herbert. Emma Marshall. e. p. duttox & co. - - Si. 25 See George Herbert's Poems 011 page 338. S 40. Pigeon Pie.- Charlotte M. Yonge. the macmillax co. School Library. - 50c A story of the Commonwealth. 5 41. Under the Storm. Charlotte M. Yonge. the macmillax co. School Library. - 50c A story of the times of Charles I. 5 42. Friend Olivia. Amelia E. Barr. dodd, mead & co. Phoenix Edition. Cloth. 40c Story of the persecution of Quakers during the Common- wealth. S 43. Arrah Neil. G. P. R.James. FREDERICK WARM'.. Paper. - - 20C A story of the Commonwealth. 236 HISTORY S 44. Cavalier G. P. R.James. FREDERICK WARNE. Paper. - - 20C A story ol the Civil war. STORY OF riARLBOROUGH Period of Charles II, James II. 1660-1714. William and Mary, and Anne S 1. History of the Plague in London, 1665. This with the Storm of 1703 and the True Born Eng- lishman. Daniel Defoe. the macmtllan co. Bohn Library. - $1.00 maynard, merrill & co. The Plague Alone. 24c S 2. Tour through the Eastern Counties of England. Daniel Defoe. cassell & co. National Lib. Paper, 10c; cloth, 25c S 3. Lorna Doone. R. D. Blackmore. a. L. burt & co. Home Library. - - 75c thomas y. crowell. Standard Library. - $1.00 Time of Lord Jeffries, Charles II and James II. S 4. History of London. Walter Bcsant. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 12 mo. 74 IlluS. - 75c S 5. Charles \\. Jacob Abbott. See page 180. S 6. Peveril of the Peak.- -Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c Times of Charles II 1660- 1680. S 7. Old Mortality. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c Covenanters. 1679. HISTORY 237 S 8. Hicah Clark J. Conan Doyle. Longmans, green & co. School Edition. - 5 A tale of Monmouth's Rebellion. 9. For Faith and Freedom. Walter Besant. harper & brothers. Illus. Paper, 50c ; cloth, Si .25 Monmouth's Rebellion Lord Jeffries. 10. William III. H. D. Trai'l, Twelve English States- men. See page 217. ei. Bill of Rights 1689. Old South Leaflet, No. 19. S 12. The Pirate. Sir Walter Seott. See page 109. About 1700 the Orkneys. S 13. Snarley Yow; the Dog Fiend. F. Marryat. FREDERICK WARNE. Paper. - - 20C Smuggling in 1700. S 14. In Kensington Palace. In the Days of Queen Mary II. Emma Marshall. the macmillan co. Illustrated. - S1.50 S 15. The Reign of Queen Anne. Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. century co. Royal 8 vo. pp. 207. Illus. $6.00 16. Age of Anne. Echvard E. Morris. Epochs of Mod- ern History. See page 180. 17. Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne. -John Ash ton. charles sckibner's sons. Crown 8 vo. - $2. 75 Illustrated from Contemporary Prints. 238 HISTORY 18. Marlborough. C. W. Oman. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. S 19. Cornet of Horse G. A. Hcnty. See page 180. Marlborough's Wars. S 20. Henry Esmond. W. M. Thackeray. a. l. burt & co. Home Library. - 75c Days of Anne. 21. Devereux. Bulwer Lytton. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Paper. - 40c Bolingbroke is introduced here. 22. Walpole. John Morley. Twelve English Statesmen. See page 217. 23. Peterborough. William Stebbing. English Men of Action. See page 217. S 24. Bravest of the Brave. Henty. See page 180. With Peterborough in Spain. STORY OF GEORGE III Period the Georges 17 14- 1820. 1. The Early Hanoverians. Edward E. Morris. Ep- ochs of Modern History. See page 1 79. 2. London in 1731 Don Manoel Gonzala. cassell & co. National Library. Paper. - 10c S 3. The Four Georges. William Makepeace TJiackeray. HARPER & BROTHERS. Cloth. pp. 2O5. - 35c HISTORY 239 4. Greville Memoirs. Charles C. F. Greville. d. appleton & co. 5 Vols. 12 mo. Each $2.00 A journal of the reign of King George IV, King William IV, and of Queen Victoria. 5. Chatham. -Joint Morlcy. Twelve English States- men. See page 2 1 7. 6. Pitt. Lotd Roseberry, Twelve English Statesmen. See page 217. 7. Peel J. R. Tliursfield. Twelve English Statesmen. See page 217. 8. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. 1751-1816. Mrs. M. 0. IV. Oliphant. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. pp. 20. - 75c 9. British Orations. Edited by Alex. Johnson. g. p. putxam's sons. 3 Vols. - - S3. 75 io. Earl of Chatham. Macaulay. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 1 36. - - 35c MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - 24c 1 1. Early History of Charles James Fox. G. 0. Trc- vclyan. HARPER & BROTHERS. 1 88O. 8 VO. - S2.5O 12. Life of Edmond Burke. John Morlcy. THE MACMILLAN CO. Globe 8 VO. - Sl.;0 13. Clive. Col. Sir Charles Wilson. English Men of Action. Sec page 217. 240 HISTORY 14. Essay on Lord Clive. Lord Macaulay. GIXN & CO. - - - - - IOC HARPER & BROTHERS. Cloth, pp. 1 30. - 35c S 14. With Clive in India. Hcnty. See page 180. 1 746- 1 760. 16. Trial of Warren Hastings Lord Macaulay. mayxard, merrii.l & co. Condensed. Paper. 12c HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 1 79. - - 35c S 17. The Tiger of Mysore. Hcnty. See page 180. War with Tippu Sahib 1757-1784. S 18. The Surgeon's Daughter. -Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c India Hyder Ali 1770- 1780. S 19. Nelson and the Naval Supremacy of England. IV. Clark Russell. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 5 20. Hearts of Oak. W. G. Stables. e. p. dutton & co. Illustrated. - - $1.50 S 21. Life of Nelson. Robert Southcy. ginn & co. - 40c MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - 24c 22. Nelson. John Knox Laughton. English Men of Ac- tion. See page 217. 23. Napier. Col. Sir William Butler. English Men of Action. See page 217. HISTORY 241 24. The Shadow of the Sword. Robert Buchanan. d. appleton & co. 8 vo. Paper. - 75c Return from Elba. 25. Wellington Geo. Hooper. English Men of Action. See page 217. 26. Springhaven.- R. D. Black more. tho.mas v. ckowell. Astor Edition. - 75c Lord Nelson and Napoleon. 27. In Dashing Days of Old. IV. G. Stables. E. 1'. DUTTON & CO. 12 mo. - - Si 50 Naval Life 1806- 181 5. 28. Wolfe. A. G. Bradley. English Men of Action. See page 217. S 29. With Wolfe in Canada. He?ity. See page 180. 30. Story of Malta. Maturin M. Ballon. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. - $1-50 S 31. Tales from Scottish History in Prose and Verse. IV. J. Rolfe. harper & brothers. 16 mo, Illustrated. - 50c S 32. Rob Roy. Sir Walter Scott. GINN & CO. Cloth. - - - 75C university pub. co. Abridged Ed. for Schools. 30c Rebellion of 1715. S 33. Waverley. a. i.. burt & co. Home Library. - 75c Charles Edward, the Pretender 1745. 24- HISTORY S 34. Bonnie Prince Charlie Hcnty. See page 180. Fontenoy and Culloden, 1746: time of George II. S 35. Hanchester Rebels of the Fatal Forty-Five. IV. H. Ainsworth. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. l6 mo. - 75c Story of 1745. S 36. White Cockades. An Incident of the Forty- Five. E. 1. Stevenson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 1110. - $1.00 S 37. David Balfour. R. L. Stevenson. CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS. - - $1.50 S 38. Kidnapped. R. L. Stevenson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - Sl.50 Adventures of David Balfour in 1 75 1 . S 39. Diary of Kitty Trevelyan. Mrs. A. Charles. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 111 O. - - Si. 00 Times of Whitefield and the Wesleys. 40. Heart of nidlothian. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. 12 mo. Si. 25 Edinburgh. The Porteous Riots 1736-1751. 41. Guy Mannering. -Sir Walter Scott. GINN & CO. - - - - - . 5OC Gypsies in South-west Scotland 1750-1770. S 42. Red Gauntlet Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. 12 mo. 50c Charles Edward, the Pretender 1770. HISTORY 243 S 43. Barnaby Rudge. Cliarles Dickens. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c The riots of 1780. 544. The Tapestried Chamber. Sir Walter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c England in 1780. S 45. The Antiquary.- -Sir Waiter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c Scottish manners 1780- 1800. S 46. St. Ronan's Well Sir Waiter Scott. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c Period 1S00. S 47. Through the Fray. Hcnty See page 180. Luddite Riots, Yorkshire, 1811-1812. S 48. Days of Lamb and Coleridge. Alice E. Lord. henry holt & co. 12 mo. pp. 381. - Si. 00 A story founded on fact; introducing the writers of the period. S 49. In Press-Gang Days. Edgar Pickering. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. - - $1.25 S 50. Miss Angel. Anne Thackeray Ritchie. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - $1 25 Angelica Kaufman and Sir Joshua Reynolds. S 51. Knight of Gwynne. C.J. Lever. WARD, LOCKE & BOWDEN. 12 IllO. - Si. 00 Story of lhe time of union c-f Ireland with England in 1S01. 244 HISTORY VICTORIA Time of William IV., and Victoria. From 1820 to the Present Time. 1. Life and Speeches of John Bright George Barnett Smith. HODDER & STOUGHTON. 1 88 1. 2 Vols. pp 500-f 5OO. 2. Life of Richard Cobden. John Morley. CHARLKS SCRIBNEr's SONS. Cloth. - 75c 3. Marquis of Salisbury. H.I). Traill. 1891. HARPER & BROTHERS. CrOVVtl 8 VO. pp. 224. Si. 00 4. William Ewart Gladstone Charles H.Jones. d. appleton & co. Paper, 35c; cloth, 60c S 5. Life of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. Mrs. Mil- licent G. Fawcett. ROBERTS BROS. 12 mo. ... $1.25 6. Martins of Cro' Martin. - C. J. Lever. WARD, LOCKE & BOWDEN. 12 ITIO. - $1.00 Famine of 1845-6 and relief bill in Ireland. S 7. Castle Daly. Amiie Keary. HENRY T. COATES & CO. 12 ITIO. - - $1.00 Famine of 1847 in Ireland. S 8. Milly's Expiation Adelaide Proctor. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. I2H10, - $1.00 Cabinet Edition of Poems. 9. Austin Elliot. Henry Kings ley. WARD, LOCKE & BOWDEN. 12 mo. - $1.00 Corn Laws; Famine in Scotland, 1839-46. HISTORV 245 10. The Epoch of Reform, 1830-1850. Justin McCarthy. Epochs of Modern History. See page 180. 11. Daniel O'Connell and the Revival of National Life in Ireland. -Robert Dunlop. Heroes of the Nations. See page 180. S 12. Alton Locke. Charles Kingsley. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - $1.00 Working classes; Chartism, 1838-1848. >3 Sybil. B. IT Israeli. FREDERICK WARNE. Paper. - - 20C 14. Coningsby. B. D 'Israeli. FREDERICK WARNE. Paper. - - 20C A defence of the Tory Party. 15. Felix Holt, the Radical. George Eliot. henry t. coates & co. Alta K d i t i o 11 . 50c Toryism, 1832. S 16. Two Chiefs of Dun boy. fames Anthony Fronde. scribner's sons. 12 mo. Cloth. Si. 50 A:: Irish Romance of the last century. 17. Two Years Ago. - Charles Kingsley. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - $1.25 Political life of 1855. 18. Yeast. Charles Kingsley. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - Si. 25 S 10. Shirley. -Charlotte Bronte A. !.. i'.UKT & co. Home Library. - - 75c Manufacturing life in England. 24b HISTORY 20. Ravenshoe H. Kingsley. WARD, LOCKE & BOYVDEN. 12 mo. 1.50 Crimean war. 31. Chinese Gordon Archibald Forbes. funk, wagnalls co. Paper. - - 15c 22. General Gordon. Col. S. \Y. Butler. English Men of Action. See page 217. 23. Livingstone, Thomas Hughes. English Men of Action. See page 217. See How I Found Livingstone. Stanley, on page 160. 24. Probation. fessie Fothergill. HENRY HOLT & CO. - - - $1.00 Lancashire cotton famine. 25. Parnell Commission. Speech by Sir Charles Russell. THE MACMILLAN CO. 8 VO. pp. 605. - $3-00 This contains a very complete review of Irish History from the "Home Rule" standpoint. 26. Story of Ireland. Hon. Emily Lazvless. Stories of the Nations. See page 179. 27. Irish Melodies and Songs. Moore. g. p. putnam's sons. 16 mc. - - 75c BRITISH INDIA See Story of Buddhist India and Story of Vedic India on page 183. i. Story of riohammedan India. Stanley La?ie Poole. Stories of the Nations, Seepage 179. HISTORY 247 2. Story of British Rule in India R. IV. Frazer. Sto- ries of the Nations. See page 179. 3. The Afghan Wars Archibald Forbes. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. - Si. 75 4. Colin Campbell. Archibald Forbes. English Men of Action. See page 217. 5. Havelock Archibald Forbes. English Men of Ac- tion. See page 217. 6. Lord Lawrence. Sir R. Temple. English Men of Action. See page 217. 7. Indian Mutiny of 1857. G. B. Malleson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. - #1-75 8. Life of Akbar; Ruler of India. . B. Malleson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. - $ l -75 S 9. Through the Sikh War. Hcnty. See page 180. Conquest of Punjab in 1849. S 10. Steam House. Jules Verne. Part I. The Demon ok Cawnpore. Part II. Tigers and Traitors. charles scribner's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. $2.00 The Demon of Cawnpore is a story of the Indian Mutiny, 1857. S u The Story of the Indian Mutiny. A R. Hope. FREDERICK YVARNE. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.00 A good volume on the History of India. S 12. The Pipes at Lucknow. See VVhittier's Poems. 13. On the Face of the Waters. Flota A. Steele. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - Sl.50 A very good history story. Time of the Indian mutiny. 248 HISTORY S 14. In Time of Peril G. A. Hatty. See page 180. A tale of the Indian mutiny. S 15. The Serpent Charmer Louis Rousselet. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. 12 mo. - Sl.50 A book for boys. S 16. On to the Rescue Gordon Stables, M. D. E. P. DUTTON & CO. 12 niO. - - Sl.50 Another story of the Indian mutiny. Read account in Knox's Boy Travelers in India, Yonge's Book of Golden Deeds and the poem, Relief of Lucknow. AMERICAN HISTORY SERIES AND BOOKS WHICH ARE GENERAL If prices are not mentioned in the following pages, the book is referred to some of the series mentioned in this list. References have been made to United States Histories on pages 166 and 167. i. American Statesmen. Edited by John Morse, Jr. houghton, Mifflin & co. 16 mo. Each - $1.25 2. American Commonwealths. Edited by Horace E. Scudder. houghton, mifflin & co. 16 mo. Each - Si. 25 3. Great Commanders. Edited by Gen. James Grant Wilson. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Each - $1.50 S 4. American Pioneers and Patriots J. S. C. Abbott. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 lllO. Each, - Si. 25 5. American Histories. Told by Contemporaries. THE MACMILLAN CO. 4 Vols. Each $2.00 HISTORY 249 S 6. Historical Classic Readings. 1. Irving's Discovery of America by Columbus. 2. Capt. John Smith's Settlement of Virginia. 3. Gov. Hutchinson's King Philip's War and Witch- craft in New England. 4. Gov. Bradford's History of Plymouth Plantation. 5. Shea's Discovery and Exploration of the Missis- sippi Valley. 6. Parkman's Champlain and His Associates. 7. Parkman's Braddock's Defeat. 8. Everett's First Battle of the Revolution. g. Parton's Colonial Pioneers. 10. Parton's Heroes of the Revolution. maynard, merrill & co. Pamph. pp. 50 to 60. ea. I2C 7. Old South Leaflets. Directors of Old South Work. OLD SOUTH MEETING HOUSE, Boston. Each - 5c About 75 of these have been published. They can be secured bound in volumes containing 25 leaflets in each, for $1.50 per volume. S 8. Young Folks Series of American Explorers. T. IV. Higginson. lee & shepard. Pamphlets. Each 10c 9. Arthur Oilman's Historical Readers. 1. Discovery and Exploration of America, pp. 128. 60c 2. Colonization of America, pp. 160. 80c. 3. Making of the American Nation, pp. 192. $1.00 LOTH KOI' PUBLISHING CO. 10. TheGrowthof the American Nation. H. P.Judson. FLOOD & VINCENT. - $ 1 .00 Chautauqua Literature 1895 -(/">. 25O HISTORY S 1 1 . Popular Encyclopaedia of United States History. B.J. Lossing. HARPER & BROTHERS. 2 Vols. pp. 794+795- $10.00 A valuable book to train young classes in the use of reference books. Mr. Lossing gives the imaginative or fact side of history in a manner which interests young people. S 12. Goodrich's Pictorial History of the United States. See page 179. 13. American Statesmen. Lord. Beacon Lights of History. See page 180. S 14. The Nation in a Nutshell Geo. M. Towlc. LEE & SHEPARD. .... [j C A rapid outline of American history. 15. Historical Geography of the United States. Townsend Mac Conn. SILVER, BURDETT & CO. 43 Maps - $ 1 .00 The Age of Discovery, the Colonial Period, Growth of the Na- tion, and Growth of the Commonwealth are all shown by these maps. Often the result of an event in history is more clearly seen from a comparison of maps than from any verbal statement. S 16. florris's Historical Tales of America. See page 180; S 17. Poems of American Patriotism Prof. Brander Mathews. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. pp. 285. - $1.50 S 18. Eminent Americans. Benjamin J. Lossing. RAND, NCNALLY & CO. 2 Vols. Each - $1.00 HISTORY 2;i S 18. The Century Book of Famous Americans. E. S. Brooks. century co Square 8 vo. Illus. - $1.50 A pilgrimage of a party of young people to historic homes in America. S 19. Stories of American War by Various Authors. lothrop publishing CO. Cloth. Illustrated. Si. 25 S 20. Hero Tales from American History. Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge. century co. 12 mo. pp. 335- Illus. - Si. 50 An invaluable book in the grades, where the heroic and the personal is the best appreciated element in history. These tales are so interesting that the book passes from boy to boy with no op- portunity for rest in the school library. From Washington to Lin- coln, the tales run, with Grant and Stonewall Jackson, Stony Point and Gettysburg among the twenty-six stories. The style is clear and full of action, and the illustrations are admirable. ai. Orations and Arguments. Edited by Prof. C. B. Bradley. ALLVX & BACON. 12 IllO. Cloth. pp. 388. This work contains Burke's Speech on Conciliation, and to the Electors of Bristol; Chatham on American affairs; Erskine in the Stockdale Case; Webster's Reply to Hayne; Macaulay on the Re- form Bill of 1832; Seward on the Irrepressible Conflict; Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. 22. Classic Readings Orations. 1. Burke's Speech on American Taxation. 2. Burke's Speech on Reconciliation. 3. Hayne's Speech. 4. Webster's Reply to Hayne. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Each - I2C 252 HISTORY 23. American Orations. c. p putnam's sons. 3 Vols. pp. 282+314+405. $37; 24. Documents of American History Preston. (;. p. putnam's sons. - - - Si. 50 HELPS IN ELEMENTARY CIVIL GOVERNMENT AND SOCIOLOGY S i. Child's Life of Lincoln Putnam. See page 177 2. Civil Government. John Fiske. Houghton, Mifflin & co. Crown 8 vo. - Si. 00 3. The American Commonwealth. James Bryce. THE MACMILLAN CO. 2 Vols. pp. 750+742. S4.OO An abridged edition for school and college use is in prep- aration. S 4. How We are Governed. A?inie Laurens Dazves. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 12 mo. - Sl.50 The Constitution is here discussed clause by clause. 5. American Citizen's Manual. W. C. Ford. G. p. putnam's sons. 2 Vols, in 1. pp. 146+184. $1.25 S 6. Among the Law-Hakers. Edmund Alton. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SON?. pp.308. IlluS. S2.5O An entertaining picture of what took place at the Capitol dur- ing four years when the writer was senatorial page. S 7. How the Republic is Governed. -Noah Brooks. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. 32 IHO. pp. 169. 75c 8. An Introduction to the Study of Society. A. W. Small and George E. Vincent. AMERICAN BOOK CO. Sl.80 HISTORY 253 9. Economics for the People. Bowker. flood & vincent. Chautauqua Series. - 75c 10. Outlines for Economics R. T. Ely flood & vincent. Chautauqua Series. - Si. 00 11. History of the Civil Government of Minnesota. San ford Niles. WERNER SCHOOL BOOK CO. - - $1.00 DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION See page 202 of General History. 1. Discovery of America. John Fiske. HOUGHTON MIFFLIN & CO. 2 Vols. IlluS. - S4.OO S 2. Life of Columbus. Washington Irving. thomas v. crowell. 2 Vols. Each - Si. 00 S 3. Discovery of America by Columbcs. Maynard's His- torical Classic Readings. A selection from Xo. 2. S 4. Westward with Columbus. Gordon Stables. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. IlluS. - Sl.50 5 5. Mercedes of Castile. James Feni/nore Cooper. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6mO. - Si. 00 First voyage of Columbus. S 6. Diego Pinzon. The Fearful Voyage He Took into the Unknown Sea, 1492. J. R. Coryell. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post 8 VO. IlluS. - Si. 25 5 7. Columbus. Alfred Tennyson. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CC. l6mo. IlluS. - 75c In Select Poems. Rolfe's Students' Edition. See also poem on Columbus by James Russell Lowell. 2^4 HISTORY S 8. Life of Columbus./. 5. C. Abbott. See page 182. S c). Columbus's Memorial to Ferdinand and Isabella. Old South Leaflet, No. 71. S 10. Columbus's Letter to Gabriel Sanchez. Describing the First Voyage and Discovery. Old South Leaflet, No. 33. S 11. The Discovery of America. From the Life of Colum- bus by His Sou. Old South Leaflet, No. 29. 12. Christopher Columbus. Cliarles Kendall Adams. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 mo. - - $1.00 13. Hakluyt's Voyages. See page 202. 14. Amerigo Vespucci's Account of FLs First Voyage. Old South Leaflet, No. 34. 15. The Voyage to Vinland from the Saga of Eric the Red. Old South Leaflet, No. 31. S 16. Norsemen in the West R. M. Ballantyne. thomas nelson & soxs. i2mo. Illustrated. $1.00 S 17. The Skeleton in Armour.- H. IV. Lo?igfcllow. houghton, mifflin cS: co. Paper - 15c S 18. Legends of the Norsemen, and Columbus and His " Companions. Higginson. Young Folks' Series. S 19. Grettir, the Outlaw. 5. Baring-Gotdd. p. 140. S 20. Tales of the Pathfinders. - -Arthur Gilman. lothrop publishing co 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.00 21. Discovery and Exploration of America. Gilman's Historical Reader. See page 249. S 22. Cabot and Verazzano and the Strange Voyage of Cabeca de X kC\.~Higginson. Young Folks' Series. HISTORY 255 23. Early Notices of the Voyages of the Cabots. Old South Leaflet, No. 37. 24. Yerazzano's Voyage, 1524. Old South Leaflet, No. 17. S 25. De Soto./. 5. C. Abbott. See page 182. 26. The Death of DeSoto. From the Narrative of a Gentle- man of Elvas. Old South Leaflet, No. 36. 27. DeSoto. Higginson. Young Folks' Series. 28. Coronado's Letter to Mexdoza, 1540. Old South Leaf- let, No. 20. zi). Parkman's Champlain and His Associates. Historical Classic Readings. S 30. Young Folks' Book of American Explorers. Thomas Wcntivorth Higginson. LEE & SHEPARD. 12 mo. - - Si. 20 3!. riexico. Stories of tlic Nations. Seepage 179. S 32. By Right of Conquest. Henty. See page 180. With Cortez in Mexico. 5 33. White Conquerors. Kirk Munroc. See p. 126. S 34. Fair Qod. -Gen. Lew Wallace. See page 126. S 35- Conquest of Peru Hexico. -Prescott. rand, mcnally & co. 2 Vol. Ed. in one Set. Si. 00 56 Cortes's Account of the City of Mexico. Old South Leaflet, No. 35. 37 DeYaca's Account of His Journey to New Mexico. Old South Leaflet, No. 39. S 38. Cortez. /. 5. C. Abbott. See page 182. 256 HISTORY COLONIAL HISTORY General 1. General Colonization of America. Gil/nan's Histor- ical Reader. See page 249. 2. Parton's Colonial Pioneers. Historical Classic Readings. See Page 249. S 3. Story of the Thirteen Colonies Helen A. Smith. Stories of the Natio?is. See page 179. S 4. Old Times in the Colonies. Charles Carleton Coffin. harper & brothers. 8 vo, Illustrated. - $2.00 New England S 5. Pilgrims and Puritans. N. Moore. ginx & co. 12 mo. pp. 193. Illustrated. - 60c The story of the planting of Plymouth and Boston. S 6. The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers. As Told by Themselves, Their Friends and Their Enemies. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. pp. 624. $2.00 5 7. Mayflower Essays. The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers as Told in Governor Bradford's Manu- script. G. Cuthbcrt Blaxland. j. b. lippixcott co. 12 mo. - - Si. 00 S 8. Governor Bradford's History of Plymouth Planta- tion. Historical Classic Readings. S 9. Betty Alden. The First Born Daughter of the Pilgrims. Jane G. Austen. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - Si. 25 HISTORY 25/ S 10. Standish of Standish. Jane G. Austin. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - 1.25 Illustrated Edition of Two Volumes. - 5.00 S 11. Miles Standish. J. S. C.Abbott. S 12. The Courtship of Miles Standish. Henry IV. Longfellow. hol'ghtox, mifflin & co. Paper. 15c With Evangeline. Cloth. - - 40c S 13. The Making of New England. S. Adams Drake. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. 12 mo. Sl.50 14. The Beginnings of New England. -John Fiske. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN" & CO. - - Si. 25 15. The Charter of Massachusetts Bay 162Q. Old South Leaflet, No. 7. S 16. Story of Hassachusetts. Edward Everett Hale. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. i?ig. THOMAS V. CROWELL. 2 Vols. 12 mo. Cloth. 3.00 S 75. Washington and His Country. Irving and Fiske. An Adaptation of Irving's Washington. ginn & co. - 75c and $1.00 S 76. George Washington. Horace Scudder. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - 6CC S 77. Rules of Conduct, Diary of Adventure, Letters and Farewell Address of George Washington. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. Cloth. 25c 5 78. Hary and Martha. The Mother and Wife of George Washington. Benson J. Lossing. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 \'Q. Cloth. - $2.50 S 79. Washington and His Generals. /. T. Headley. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c 80. The True George Washington Paul Leicester Ford. j. b. lippincott co. Crown 8 vo. Illustrated. $2.00 A biography which proposes to present the real man with his weaknesses as well as his greatness. 81. Life of Washington. George Ba?icroft. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c 82. George Washington. Henry Cabot Lodge. Amer- ican Statesmen. See page 248. HISTORY 275 83. General Washington. Gen. Bradley T. Johnson. Great Commander Series. See page 248. S 84. George Washington. J. S. C. Abbott. Seep. 182. 85. George Washington. Woodrow Wilson. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - $3-00 This book endeavors to show the influences which developed the hero, and so gives a good view of the times. S 86. Edwin Brothertoft. Theodore Winthrop. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. - - - $1.25 This introduces Washington as one of the characters. S 87. The Spy. James Fcnimorc Cooper. a l. burt & co. - 75c University pub. co. Abridged Ed. for Schools. 30c 88. Henry Lee's Funeral Oration on Washington. Old South Leaflet, Xo. 38. 89. Under the Old Elm and Other Poems James Russell Lowell. houghton, mifflix & co. Paper. - 15c 1783 = 1850. BUILDING THE NATION Building the Nation. Charles Carleton Coffin. harper & brothers. Quarto. Illustrated. $3.00 Making of the American Nation. Gilman's Histor- ical Reader. See page 249. History of the Formation of the Constitution of the United States. George Bancroft. D. APPLETON & CO. 8 VO. pp. 520. 82. 50 276 HISTORY S 4. The Constitution ok the United States. Old South Leaflet, No. 1. 5. The Critical Period of American History. 1783- 1 789. John Fiskc. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. ClOWIl 8 VO. - $2.00 S 6. Washington's Letter to Benjamin Harrison, Gov- ernor oe Virginia, 1784. Old South Leaflet, No. 16. S 7. Washington's Inaugurals, 1789 and 1793. Old South Leaflet, No. 10. 8. Gouverneur Morris. Theodore Roosevelt. American Statesmen. See page 248 9. John Jay. George Pcllczv. America?i Statesmen. See page 248. 10. Alexander Hamilton. Henry Cabot Lodge. Amer- ican Statesmen. See page 248. 11. The Federalist Nos. 1 and 2. Old South Leaflet, No. 12. 12. The Ordinance of 1787. Old South Leaflet, No. 13. 13. Life of Henry Clay Epes Sargent and Horace Greeley. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c See Whittier's poem on Ichabod. 14. Henry Clay. Carl Schurz. American Statesmen. See page 248. 15. Life and Times of Aaron Burr James Parton. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 2 Vols. 8 VO. - $5-00 HISTORY 2// S 16. A Man without a Country. E. E. Hale. ROBERTS BROS. - - - Si. 25 This is a valuable story for the grades. It is the story of Aaron Burr. No better lesson of patriotism can be given. 17. Albert Gallatin. Jolm Austin Stevens. American Statesmen. See page 248. The life of Gallatin is not particularly fitted to arouse young readers, but it is a good book for teachers. 18. John Marshall. Allan B. Magmder. American Statesmen. See page 248. 19. Life of Daniel Webster. George Ticknor Curtis. D. APPLETON & CO. 2 Vols. 8 VO. - $4-00 20. Last Years of Daniel Webster. George Ticknor Curtis. d. appleton & co. 8 vo. Paper. - 50c It throws light on Webster's Interpretation of the Constitution. Useful for the teacher only. 21. Daniel Webster Henry Cabot Lodge. American Statesmen. See page 248. See Orations of Webster. S 22. Story of Daniel Webster. WERNER SCHOOL BOOK CO. - - - IOC 23. Thomas H. Benton. Theodore Roosevelt. Amer- ican Statesmen. See page 248. 24. James Madison. Sydney Hoivard Gay. American Statesmen. See page 248. 278 HISTORY 25. Virginia and Her Neighbors. -John Fiske. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 2 Vols. 26. James Monroe D. C. Gilman. American States- men. See page 248. 27. John Quincy Adams. -John T. Morse, Jr. Ameri- can Statesmen. See page 248. 28. John C. Calhoun. Dr. H. Vo?i Hoist. American Statesmen. See page 248. 29. Andrew Jackson. William Gilmore Simms. Am- erica?i Statesmen. See page 248. 30. riartin Van Buren. Edtvard M. Shepard. Amer- ican Statesmen. See page 248. 31. The North West and Louisiana. 1791-1809. The- odore Roosevelt. g. p. putnam's sons. 8 vo. - - $2.50 This is Vol. IV of Winning the West. S 32. Story of Louisiana. Maurice Thompson. lothrop publishing co. 8 vo. Cloth. - $1.50 S 33. The Northwest Territory and Western Reserve. James A. Garfield. Old South Leaflet, No. 42. 34. The Old Northwest. With a View of the Thir- teen Colonies as Constituted by the Royal Char- ters. Dr. B. A. Hinsdale. silver, burdett & co. 8 vo. pp. 250 - $2.50 35. The Making of the Ohio Valley States. Samuel Adams Drake. charles scribner's sons. 12 mo. Illustrated Si. 50 HISTORY 279 S 36. Story of Ohio. Alexander Black. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 8 VO. - - $1.50 37. Description of Ohjo, 1784-1786 Old South Leaflet, No. 40. 38. Ohio. Rufus King. American Commonwealths. See page 248. 39. Constitution of Ohio. Admitted 1803. Old South Leaflet. No. 14. 40. Indiana. J. P. Dunn, Jr. American Common- wealths. See page 248. 41. Hichigan. Thomas M. Cooley. American Common- wealths. See page 248. S 42. Story of Wisconsin. Reuben Gold Thzvaites. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 8 VO. - - $1.50 43. Historic Waterways. Thzvaites. See page 120. 44. Illinois. E. G. Mason. American Commonwealths. See page 248. S 45. The Spirit of an Illinois Town. And the Little Renault. Mary Hartwell Catherwood. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO l6 IllO. - Si. 25 S 46. The Making of the Great West. 1812-1853. Sam/ id Adams Drake. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. I45 Illus. $1.50 47. Lewis Cass. Andrew C McLaughlin. American Statesmen. See p;ige 248. 2s0 history 48 Shea's Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley. Historical Classic Readings. 5 49. Illustrated History of Minnesota. T. H. Kirk. ST. PALI. BOOK. & STATIONERY CO - - $1.25 50. History of Minnesota. E. D. Neill. JOHNSON, SMITH & HARRISON. 12 IllO. pp. J^J. President Adams speaks highly of the historical accuracy of this book. 51. War of 1812. Ross iter Johnson. MERRILL & BAKER, 12 mo. - - $1.00 S 52. Midshipman Paulding. Molly Elliot Seawell. D. APPLETON & CO. 8 VO. - - - $1.00 A true story of the Wai ol 1812. S 53- Blue Jackets of 1812. Willis J. Abbott. DODD, MEAD & CO. - - - - $2.75 This is in the complete Naval History of the United States. S 54. Captain Sam George Cary Eggleston. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. pp.212. Illus. $1.25 The Boy Scout of 1812. 5 55. The Signal Boys George Cary Eggleston. c. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. pp. 218. Illus. $1.25 Sequel to Captain Sam. A story of the War of 1812. S 56. Little Jarvis Molly Elliot Seawell. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 IllO. Cloth. - $1.00 S 57. Captain Merryweather Lewis. Thomas Jefferson, 1813. Old South Leaflet, No. 44. HISTORY 28l S 58. Boy Soldiers and Officers of 1812.. Everett T. Tomluiscm. W. A. WILDE & CO. 2 Vols. - - Sl.50 S 59. Story of Barbary Corsairs. Stories of the Na- tions. See page 179. S 60. Decatur and Somers. Molly Elliot Seawell. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. IlluS. - Si. 00 61. Oregon. William Barrows. American Common- wealths. See page 248. S 62. The Log Schoolhouse on the Columbia. Ilezc- kiah Butterworth. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - Sl.50 S 63- The Hunter of the Prairies. William Cullcn Bryant. See Bryant's Poems. See Mrs. Custer's Books on page 122. S 64. California and Oregon Trail Francis Parkman. LITTLE, BROWN & CO. - - - $1-50 65. Stories of Old New Spain. Thomas A.Janvier. d. appleton & co. - Paper, 50c; cloth. $1.00 S 66. Captain Bonneville. Irving. See page 123 S 67. Story of New Hexico. Horatio E. Ladd. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO 8 VO. Cloth. - $1.00 68. Story of California. - Josiah Rovce. American Commonzcealths. See page 248. S 69. Old Rough and Ready. (Zachary Taylor.) LEE & SHEPARD. - - - - $1.00 282 HISTORY 70. General Taylor Gen. 0. O. Howard. Great Com- mander Scries. See page 248. S 71. Old Hickory. (Andrew Jackson.) LEE & SHEPARO. - - - Sl.OO 5. 72. David Cnx kett. /. S. C. Abbott. See page 182. 5 73. Life of David Crockett. Edward S. lillis. henry x. coaxes & co. Alta Edition. - 50c 74. Angels of Buena Vista. J. G. Whittier. See Whittier's Poems. S 75. Bigelow Papers. James Russell Lowell. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 IllO. - $1.00 S 76. A Boy's Town. IV. D.Howells. See page 70. S 77. The Circuit Rider Edward Egglesto?i. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. pp. 332. IllllS. - Sl.50 S 78. In the Boyhood of Lincoln Hezekiah Butter- worth. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. pp. 265. - Sl.50 A story of the Tunker Schoolmaster and the Times of Black Hawk. S 79. Through Swamp and Glade. Kirk Mwiroe. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IllO. pp. 266. Si. 25 A story of the Seminole War in Florida. S 80. Fremont's Account of His Ascent of Fremont's Peak, 1S42. Old South Leaflet, No. 45. HISTORY 283 S 82. A Little Girl of Long Ago Eliza Omc White. houghton, mifflin & co. Square 12 mo. - Si. 00 A charming story for children. S 83. New England Boyhood. E. E. Hale. cassell & co. pp. 267. - - - Si. 00 84. Half a Century. Jane Szvisshelm. A. C. MCCLUKG & CO. Folio. pp. 363. - Sl.50 S 85. The Growth of the American Nation in the Nineteenth Century. H. P.Judson. flood & vincent. Chautauqua Series Si. oo THE INDIAN For other books about Indians see pages 121 and 122. i. North American Indians Catlin. LONDON. 2 Vols. 8 VO. - - S9.5O This is a standard book of reference for teachers. S 2. The Story of the American Indian. EJbridgc S. Brooks. lotiikop publishing CO. 8 vo. Illustrated. S2. 25 Pupils enjoy using this as a reference, as it is full and reliable while it is simple and interesting. 5 3. The Algonquin Legends of New England. Chas. G. Leland. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & Co. Crown 8 VO. IllllS. $2. OO S 4. King Philip's War. Richard Markham. MERRILL & BAKKR. 12 IllO. - - Sl.OO 2S4 HISTORY S 5. Eliot's Brief Narrative, 1671. (Propagation of gospel amongst the Indians.) Old South Leaflet, No. 21. S 6. Wheelock's Narrative 1762 (Indian charity school). Old South Leaflet, No. 22. S 7. Leather Stocking Tales. James Fcnimore Cooper. 1. Deerslaykr (Iroquois in New York.) 2. Last of the Mohicans (French and Indian War). 3. Pathfinder (French and Indian War.) 4. Pioneers (Otsego Co., 1793). 5. Prairie (Indians of the Far West). a. l. burt & co. Home Library. Each - 75c university pub. co. Deerslaycr. Abridged. 40c S 8. The Big Brother Series George Cary Eggleston. 1. The Big Brother (Indian War.) 2. Captain Sam. 3. Signal Boys g. p. putnam's sons. 8 vo. Illustrated. - Si. 25 S 9. Famous American Indians. Edward and George Eggleston and Lillie Eggleston Scelye. 1. Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet. 2. Red Eagle and the Wars with the Creek Indians in Alabama. 3. Pocahontas. 4. Brandt and Red Jacket. 5. Montezuma. dodd, mead & co. 12 mo. Kach - $1.00 10. Hiawatha. See page 102. 5 11. Little Smoke W. 0. Stoddard. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. - - Si. 50 A story of the Sioux. HISTORY 285 12. History of flaine Prairie. See page 173. 13. Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Love. George Bird Grinncll. chakles scribner's sons. Crown 8 vo. - Si. 75 S 14. In the Heart of the Rockies. Henty. See p. 180. S 15. The Talking Leaves Stoddard. See page 121. S 16. Ramona. -Helen Hunt Jackson. ROBERTS BROS. 12 mo. - - - Sl.50 A pathetic tale of the Indians. S 17. A Century of Dishonor Helen Hunt Jackson. ROBERTS BROS. 12 mo. - - - $1-50 A statement of fact with a stirring protest against the treat, ment of the Indians. S 18. Recollections of Wild Life. Dr. C. A. Eastman. St. Nicholas, December, '95 to May, 96. Life among t lie Sioux Indians, S 19. Indian History for Young Folks Francis S. Drake. harper & brothers. Square 8 vo. pp. 470. $3.00 SLAVERY For poems on Slavery, see The Slave's Dream and other poems by Longfellow; Toussaint L'Ouverture, The Slave Ships, The Christian Slave, The Farewell, The Slaves of Martinique, As- traea in the Capitol, and others by J. G. Whittier; On the Capture of Fugitive Slaves near Washington by James Russell Lowell; The African Chief and Death of Slavery, May, '86, by William Cullen Bryant; The Dismal Swamp by Lord Byron. 286 HISTORY I. American Conflict. Horace Greeley. worthington co. 2 Vols. Royal 8 VO. - $ 10.00 The first part of this history of the Civil war is recommended by Pres. Adams of Cornell, as giving the best view of the slavery problem which we have. a. Kansas. Leverett W. Spring. American Common- wealtlis. See page 248. S 3. Boy Settlers. Noah Brooks. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mO. IlluS Si. 25 A story of early Kansas. 4. Speeches, Lectures and Letters. Wendell Phillips. LEE & SHEPARD. - - - - Si. 00 5. Eulogy on Wendell Phillips. George William Curtis. HARPER & BROTHERS. Paper. - - 25c 6. Charles Sumner. Mo or fie Id Story. American Com- monweaWis. See page 248. 7. John C. Calhoun Dr. H. Von Hoist. American Statesmen. See page 248. S 8. Speech of J. C. Calhoun on the Slavery Ques= tion. (In Orations and Arguments.) See page 251. 9. Africa and the American Flag. Commander An- drew H. Foote. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - 50c The writer was stationed on the coast of Africa during the slave trade. 10. Missouri. Lucien Carr. American Commonwealths. See page 248. HISTORY 287 11. For Freedom's Sake. Arthur Paterson. j. b. lippincott co. 12 mo. Cloth. - Si. 25 In '56 on the Missouri Border. A fine picture of John Brown. S 12. John Brown of Ossawotomie. /. G. Whitticr. See Whittier's Poems. 13. Dred Harriet Beecher Stowe. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - Sl.50 5 14. Uncle Tom's Cabin. Seepage 171. , 14 1 ... Whether White or Black, a Man Edith Smith Davis. FLEMING H. KEVELL CO. - - - 75c 15. The Negro Question. George IV. Cable. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - 75c 16. The Old South. Thomas Kelson Page. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. pp. 354. - Si. 25 S 17. In Ole Virginia. T. N. Page. See page 1 18. S 18. On the Platation. T. X. Page. See page 1 18. S 10. Mars Chan. Thomas Nelson Page. charles sckibner's sons. Small Folio. - Si. 50 S 20. Uncle Remus. His Songs and His Sayings. Joel Chandler Harris. D. ai'flkton & CO. Square 8 vo. - S2.00 Folk-lore of the old plantation. This is the children's fa- vorite. S 21. Little Mr. Thimble Finger and HisQueer Coun- try. Joel Chandler Harris. D. AITLETON & co. Square 8 vo. S2. 00 S 22. The Story of Aaron. Joel Chandler Harris. I). Ai'i'i.K ton & co. Square 8 vo. S2.00 288 HISTORY CIVIL WAR i. War of the Rebellion. Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Issued by the War Department. Three series. Many volumes. S 2. Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War in the United States. Benson J. Lossing. de wolfe, fiske & co. 3 Vol. 8 vo. - $15.00 Teachers who have used Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution need to hear no recommendation of the Field Book of the Civil war. Here we have abundant material for the co-ordin- ation of the history and geography of the United States, as well as aid in forming vivid pictures of the events of the war. S 3. Young Folks' History of the War for the Union. John D. Champlin. J. B. L1PPINCOTT CO. 8 VO. IlluS. - 2.50 4. Campaigns of the Civil War. scribner's soxs. Each - 51.00 These are arranged in order of sequence so that they form a complete military history of the war. 5. The Navy in the Civil War. charles scribner's soxs. 3 Vols. Each Si. 00 This is arranged so as to give a complete history of the navy. 6. History of the Civil War Count of Paris. henry t. coates & co. 4 Vols. 8 vo. Each S3. 50 Pres. Adams of Cornell, says of this: "It is the most valuable of the elaborate histories yet published." It is a valuable addition to the teacher's library, for the teacher needs perspective views. S 7. A Bird's Eye View of Our Civil War. Col. Theo- dore A. Dodge. houghtox, mifflix & co. Crown 8 vo. - $3 00 HISTORY 289 5 8. Pictorial History of the Civil War. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp.836. IlXl6^. S5.OO These are largely the illustrations which used to appear in Harper's Weekly. 9. The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. Jefferson Davis. D. APPLETON & CO. 2 Vols. 8 VO. - $10.00 10. The Outbreak of the Rebellion. John G. Nicolay. Campaigns of the Civil War. See page 288. S 11. Boys of '61 Charles Carle ton Coffin. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - S3. 00 S 12. Drumbeat of the Nation. Charles Carleton Coffin. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated, - $3.00 First period of the war. 13. Henry Ward Beecher's Address on the Raising of the Flag over Ruins of Fort Sumter. Old South Leaflet. S 14. Hammer and Rapier. John Esten Cooke. O. \V. DILLINGHAM. Sl.50 S 15. My Hunt after the Captain and Other Papers. Oliver Wendell Holmes. houghton, mifflin & co. Paper. 15c 5 16. Reminiscences of Fort Sumter and Fort Moul= trie. Ahner Doubleday. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. pp. 184. - S 1 .00 S 17. Recollections of a Private in the Civil War. Jf arren Lee doss. THOMAS V. CKOWELL. - - $2.00 The army of the Potomac. 290 HISTORY S 1 8. The Blockade and the Cruisers. /. Russell Sohy. Navy in Civil War Series. See page 2S8. S 19. Sailor Boys of '61. J. Russell Soley. F.sTF.s & lauriat. Illustrated. - - $1-75 5 20. Blue Jackets of '61. Willis J. Abbott. norm, mead & co. - - - $2.75 In Naval History of the War. S 21. The fliner Boy and His Monitor. The Career of John Ericsson, Engineer. P. C. Headley. LEE & SIIEPARD. l6 niO. - - $1.00 S 22. Jack Benson's Log; or Afloat with the Flag in '6 1. Chas. Ledyard Norton. \V. A. WILDE & CO. 12 IllO, pp. 1/6. - $1.25 S 23. A Medal of Honor Han; or Cruising among Blockade Runners. Chas. Ledyard Norton. W. A. WILDE & CO. 12 mo. pp. 29O. Si. 25 S 24. Old Salamander. (Admiral David Glascoe Farragut. P. C. Headley. LEE & SHEPARD. l6 mo. - - Sl.OO S 25. Midshipman Farragut. James Barnes. d. appleton & co. 16 mo. - - Si.oo S 26. General Butler in New Orleans./^. Parton. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. - S2.5O Parton's brilliant style makes him very readable. 27. The Atlantic Coast. Rear- Admiral A mrnen, U.S. N. Navy in Civil War Series. See page 288. HISTORY 29I S 28. The Attack Poems of T. Buchanan Read. Story of the sinking of the Cumberland at Hampden Roads. 29. The Gulf and Inland Waters Com. A. T. Mahan. Navy in Civil War Scries. See page 288. 30. From Fort Henry to Corinth. Hon. M. F. Force. Campaigns of the Civil War. See page 288. 31. The Peninsula. McClellan's Campaign of 1862. Alexander S. Webb. Campaigns of the Civil War See page 2S8. 32. The Army under Pope. John C Roper. Cam- paigns of the Civil War. See page 288. 33. The Virginian Campaigns of General Pope in '62. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - $3-00 34. Antietam and Fredericksburg. -Francis Winthrop Palfrey. Campaigns of the Civil War. See p. 288. S 35- Chattanooga./ 7 . A. Mitchell. star book co. - 75c An interesting story. S 36. From Chattanooga to Petersburg under Grant and Butler.- Wm. F. Smith. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - - 81.25 37. Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Abncr Double- day. Campaigns of the Civil War. See page 2SS. S 38. Battle of Gettysburg.- Col. Clark. Good Read- ing. See page 97. 2Q2 HISTORY S 39. Battle of Gettysburg. Samuel Adams Drake. LEE & SHEPARD. - 50C 40. Stonewall Jackson. John listen Cooke. G. \V. DILLINGHAM. ... $1 .50 S 41. Minnesota in the Civil and Indian War. 1861- 1865. Published for the G. A. R., by the State Legislature of '82. PIONEER PRESS CO. - - - ST. PAUL The connection with all history is made vastly more real, if the boy or girl can read about his father, or grandfather, or some relation or friend of the family, as taking part in the events of his- tory. Books like the above are of great value in the school, for every pupil should know the part played by his own state in the war. 42. The Army of the Cumberland. Henry M. Cist. Campaigns of the Civil War. See page 2S8. 43. The Mississippi F. V. Greene. Campaigns of the Civil War. See page 288. 44. Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy. Henry Alexander White. Heroes of the Nations. See page 179. 45. General Lee General Fitzhugh Lee. Great Com- mander Series. See page 248. S 46. Battle of New York. W. 0. Stoddard. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - $1-50 A story connected with the draft riots in New York City. S 47. Harching to Victory. Charles Carleton Coffin. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. - - $3 00 Second period of War of Rebellion the year '63. HISTORY 293 48. Atlanta. Jacob D. Cox. Campaigns of the Civil War. See page 288. 49. Redeeming the Republic Charles Carleton Coffin HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. - - S3. 00 Third period of the war, to Sept., '64. 50. The March to the Sea. Franklin and Nashville. Jacob D. Cox. Campaigns of the Civil War. See page 288. 51. Facing the Enemy. The Lite of General Tecum- seh Sherman. P. C. Headley. LEE & SHEPARD. l6 mo. - Si. 00 52. Life of Rogers Sherman. Lezvis Henry Sontell. a. c. MCCLURG & co. Crown 8 vo. - S2.00 53. Freedom Triumphant. Chas. Carleton Coffin. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. - - S3. 00 Fourth period of the war; from Sept. '64 to its close. 54. The Shenandoah Valley. - George A. Pond. Cam- paigns of the Civil War. See page 288. 55. The Virginia Campaigns of '64 and '65. The Army of the Potomac and the Army of the James. A. A. Humphreys. Campaigns of the Civil War See page 2S8. 56. Sheridan's Ride. Poems of T. Buchanan Read. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. - - $2.2^ 57. General Sheridan. Henry E. Davies. Great Com- mander Series. See page 248. 2Q4 HISTORY 58. Fighting Phil. The Life of Lieut. Gen. Philip Henry Sheridan. P. C. Headlcy. LEI,; & SHEPARD. l6 mo. - - - $1.00 59. Soldier's Story of Captivity. Warren Lee Goss. lee & shepard. 8 vo. Illustrated. $2.00 00. General Johnston. Robert M. Hughes. Great Commander Series. See page 248. 01. Lincoln's Inaugurals, 1861 and 1865; the Emancipation Proclamation and Gettysburg Address. Old South Leaflet, No. 11. S 62. Mohun. Last Days of Lee and His Paladins. John Est en Cooke. G. \V DILLINGHAM. - - $1-50 S 63. Fight It Out on This Line. The Life and Deeds of General Grant. P. C. Headley. LEE & SHEPARD. l6ttlO. - - - $1.00 64. General Grant James Grant Wilson. Great Com- manders Series. See page 248. 65. Ulysses S. Grant and the Maintenance of Ameri- can Nationality. William Conant Church. Heroes of the Natio)is. See page 179. 66. Abraham Lincoln. John T. Morse, Jr. American Statesmen. 2 Vols. See page 248. S 67. Putnam's Life of Lincoln. See page 177. 68. Abraham Lincoln Charles Godfrey Le land. Mak- ers of History. See page 180. HISTORV 295 69. Abraham Lincoln and the Downfall of American Slavery. Heroes of tJie Nations. See page 179. 70. Abraham Lincoln. Complete Works. John G. Nicolay and John Hay. CENTURY CO. 2 Vols. 8 VO. - - SlO.OO 71. Table Talk of Abraham Lincoln. IV. 0. Stoddard. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. - - - 75c S 72. Abraham Lincoln. Charles Carlcton Coffin. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. - - S3. 00 S 73. Abraham Lincoln. William II. Hcmdon and Jesse W. I Veils. D. APPLETON & CO. 2 Vols. 12 mo. - $3-00 Mr. Herndon was Lincoln's law partner. S 74. Life of Lincoln./. G. Holland. WORTHINGTON. 8 VO. - - - S3.5O S 75. Washington in Lincoln's Time. Noah Brooks. CENTURY CO. 12 mo. pp. 3OO. - - Si. 25 Reminiscences of Lincoln and leading politicians. S 76. Words of Abraham Lincoln. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Paper. - I2C S 77. Gettysburg Speech. And Other Papers of Ab- raham Lincoln with Essay on Lincoln by James Russell Lowell. houghton, mifflin & co. Paper. 15c 78. William H. Seward.- -Thornton K. Lothrop. Amer- ican Statesmen. See page 248. 79. Seward's Speech on the Irrepressible Conflict. Lin- coln's Gettysburg Address. Old South Leaflet. 296 HISTORY 80. Abraham Lincoln. Address at the Time of His Death. Phillips Brooks. merriam co. Volume of Addresses. - - 75c STORIES OF THE WAR S 1. Stories of War. Told by Soldiers. E. E. Hale. ROBERTS BROS. 1 6 mo. - - - $1.00 S 2. One Little Rebel. Ju/iet B. Smith. PHILIPS & HUNT. 1884. pp. 316. 3. In War Time. 5. Weir Mitchell. CENTURY CO. 12 mo. - $1.25 S 4. Following the Flag. Charles Carleton Coffin. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $3.00 S 5. My Days and Nights on the Battlefield Chas. Carleton Coffin. harper & brothers. 8 vo. Illustrated. - $3.00 S 6. With Lee in Virginia.- Henty. See page 180. S 7. A Rebel's Recollections. George Cary Eggleston. g. p. putnam's sons. 16 mo. - - $1.00 S 8. Jed Warren Lee Goss. Seepage 174. S 9. Two Little Confederates. Goss. See page 175. S 10. Among the Camps. Thomas Nelson Page. charles sckjbner's sons. Square 8 vo. Illus. $1.50 A story of the Civil war for young people. S 11. Bullet and Shell George F. Williams. fords, Howards & hurlburt. Illustrated. $1.50 HISTORY 297 S 12. On the Plantation./^'/ Chandler Hart is. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. pp.233. IHuS. S1.5O This is as fascinating as "Uncle Remus" which is saying much. It is a story of a Georgia boy's adventures during the war. . S 13. The Red Badge of Courage. An Episode of the American Civil War. Stephen Crane. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - Si. 00 A vivid picture of war. S 14. The Little Regiment. And Other Episodes of the Civil War. Stephen Crane. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - $1.00 S 15. J. T. Trowbridge's Stories of the Civil War. 1. Coupon Bonos. 2. The Drummer Boy. 3. Three Scouts. Cudjoe's Cave, lee & shepard. 12 mo. Each Si. 50 All except The Drummer Boy may be secured in paper covers at 50c each. THE SOUTH !. The Silent South. George IV. Cable. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. - Si. 00 2. The Old South. Thomas Nelson Page. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. I2IHO. - Si. 25 Essays social and political. 3. The New South. Henry W. Grady. ROBERT BONNER'S SONS. l6 mo. pp. 273. $1.00 1, 1 and 3 discuss the problem of the south from different standpoints. 298 HISTORY 4. Orations and Addresses. George William Curtis. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. pp. 498. - $2. 75 Y.ol. I contains patriotic addresses. 5. The Public Duty of Educated Men. G. W. Curtis. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Paper - - I2C 6. The Fortunes of the Republic. And Other Ameri- can addresses. Ralph Waldo Emerson. houghton, Mifflin & co. Paper. - 15c 7. The True Grandeur of Nations. Charles Sumner. LEE & SHEPARD. - /5C Delivered July 4, 1845. ENGLISH METHOD OF PRIMARY READING See Waymarks for Teachers and Col. Parker's Pedagogics. i. The Rational Hethod of Reading. Manual of In- struction for Teachers. Edw. G. Ward. SILVER BURDETT & CO. pp. 43. - - 3OC This manual is full of admirable suggestions for the teaching of beginners both in reading and spelling. The old alphabet method had one advantage. It recognized syllables. Advance in learning to read must indeed be slow whon long words are per- ceived in as many pieces as there are letters. No child will find out the word "remember" for himself by pronouncing the eight sounds in succession. Mr. Ward's idea of the "phonogram" and "blend- ing" are of great value in meeting this difficulty. 1 _.. How to Teach Reading and What to Read in the Schools. G. Stanley Hall. d. c. heath & co. Paper, pp. 40. - 40c Dr. Hall's suggestion on the use of the public library by school children, should be read by every teacher. 2. Preparing to Read.- M. A. Spear. NEW ENGLAND PUBLISHING CO. pp. 49+ I 8. Bds. 4OC 3. Suggestive Lessons in Language and Reading. Anna B. Badlam. D. C. HEATH & CO. pp. 283. - - Sl.50 4. Special Method in Reading. Dr. Chas. McMiary. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUB. CO. pp. 1 3/. - - 3OC 300 ENGLISH 5. The Sentence Hethod of Teaching Reading, Writ- ing and Spelling. George L. Farnham. C. VV. BARDEEN, l6lllO, Cloth. pp. 50. - 5OC 6. An Experiment in Education. Also the Ideas which Inspired It and were Inspired by It. Mary R. Ailing Aber. HARPER & BROTHERS. I2mO. - - $1.25 An interesting account of the method of using science as a basis of primary reading and language lessons. Part of this was published in Popular Science Monthly, Vol. XL, pp. 377 and 517. LANGUAGE AND METHOD 1. Letters and Lessons in Language./. H. Stickney. American book co. i to 4, each 16c; 5 (grammar), 35c In the multitude of language exercises issued since the publi- cation of Miss Stickney 's Letters and Lessons, while no one has succeeded better in the selection of literature for children, no one has equaled her in the use of literature as a means of improving the pupil's use of English. 2. Suggestive Lessons in Language Anna Badlam. d. c. heath & co. Leatherette, pp. 104. - 50c 3. How to Teach Language. R. C. Metcalf. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. - - 25c 4. Language Exercises for Fourth and Fifth Grades. R. C. Metcalf and Orville T. Bright. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 226. - - 42C 5. Supplementary Language Lessons. Intermediate and Grammar Grades. Sarah L. Arnold. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. - - 2;c ENGLISH 301 6. A Little Girl's Letter with commentary by Earl Barnes. Studies in Education. Leland Stanford. No. 8. 7. Teaching the Language-Arts B. A. Hinsdale. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 IIIO. - - Si. 00 8. The Foundations of Rhetoric Adams Sherman Hill. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 IIIO. pp. 337. - $1.00 This is one of the best authorities on the critical use of Eng- lish. The teacher should have it at hand for reference when doubtful as to the use of words. 9. Talks on Writing English. Arlo Bates. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. $1-50 10. Primary Language Series. Alice Woodworth Cooley and Others. national educational CO. This consists of a chart of seventy-two pages, forty-five of which are beautifully illustrated, with an accompanying manual of over three hundred pages. The lessons follow the cycle of the year's thought, from the fall flowers and Thanksgiving, through winter sports and Christmas, to the awakening life of spring. Literature and history are introduced must effectively. Every lesson shows that it has been tested in the actual work of the schoolroom. This is a most valuable contribution to the methods of primary language teaching. GRAMMAR Methods and Hatter 1. Essentials of English Grammar.- IV. D. Whitney. ginn & co. pp. 200. - - - Si. 25 2. Elements of Composition and Grammar. G. A. Southteorth and F. F. Goddard. LEACH, SHE WELL & SAN'HOKN. pp.300. - 65c In mis book, it is possible to find correct ideas of infinitives and participles, and rational treatment of conjugation of verbs, and verb phrases. This may aiso be found in Whitney's Essentials, but in too difficult a form for eighth grades. Southworth and God- dard's grammar presents all these points very clearly and simply. The teacher should possess a copy of Whitney's Essentials tor reference. 3. The English Language. Brainerd Kellogg and Alon- co Reed MAYNAKI), MERRILL & CO. l6 mo. pp. 223. - 60C This is a must valuable little book fi r the teacher of grammar. The history oi our language is first given so simply that it may be 302 ENGLISH read with profit by pupils of the eighth grade. Then follows a drill in word analysis. Here the selection of roots is good enough to serve as an outline for sixth, seventh and eighth grades in word building. The result of such a course would be practical familiar- ity with all our common roots, prefixes and suffixes. 4. New Word Analysis William Szvinton. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 184. - - 35c 5. Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. W. W. Skeat. THE MACMILLAN CO. Quarto. - - $6.00 6. Language and the Study of Language. W. D. Whitney. charles scribxer's soxs. Crown 8 vo. - $2.50 7. The Life and Growth of Language W. Dwight Whitney. d. appleton & co. Inter. Sci. Ser. pp. 326. Si. 50 Interest in the study of words can never be produced unless we study the origin and changes in words. In short, there is the method of science to be employed here as elsewhere. The teacher of technical grammar should be so familiar with Whitney, Marsh and Max Muller as to be able to arouse new interest in in- flections and word study. It is for this purpose that Nos. 7 to 14 are recommended under grammar method. These authors pre- sent the subject in a most interesting and popular way so that the teacher who engages in this line of study for the first time, will find it very fascinating. 8. Lectures on the English Language. George P. Marsh. CHARLES SCRIBXER'S SONS. 8 VO. pp. 514. $3-50 ENGLISH 3O3 9. Origin and History of the English Language. George P. Marsh CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. pp.514. - S3.5O 10. The Science of Language F. Max Midler. charles scribner's sons. 2 Vols. Cr. 8 VO. S6.0C 11. Biographies of Words and the Home of the Aryas. F. Max Midler. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Crown 8 VO. pp. 2/8. S2.00 12. English, Past and Present. R. C. Trench. THE MACMILLAN CO. l6 mo. - - Si. 00 13. On the Study of Words. R. C. Tre?ich. THE MACMILLAN CO. l6 mo. - - $1.00 STUDY OF LITER ATURE-Hethod 1. Literary Landmarks. Mary E. Burt. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. pp. 1 56. - ;;c 2. Special Method in History and Literature. Dr. Chas. McMurry. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUB. CO. pp. II4. - 4OC 3. Nature and Culture. Hamilton Wright Mabie. DODD, MEAD & CO. l6 ITIO. - - Si. 2s 4. Books and Culture. Hamilton Wright M able. DODD, MEAD & CO. l6 ITIO. - - Si. 25 5. The Relation of Literature to Life. Charles Dudley I Varucr. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 IllO. - - Sl.50 304 ENGLISH 6. The Aims of Literary Study Hiram Corson. the macmillan co. 32 mo Paper, pp. 153. 25c 7. The Voice and Spiritual Culture. Hiram Corson. THE MACMILLAN CO. l8 mo. - - 75c This book suggests some neglected principles of far-reaching influence in the schoolroom. 8. Stories as a Mode of Thinking . Prof. Richard C. Moulton. KINDERGARTEN LITERATURE CO. - - I2e 81 _, '. Picture Work for Teachers and Hothers. Walter L. Hervey. FLOOD & VINCENT. .... 3OC 9. Place of the Story in Early Education Wiltse. See page 54. 10. The Story Hour Kate Douglas Wiggin. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - $1.00 Here are suggestions on story-telling as well as specimen stories. THE riYTH See reading of lower grades. i. Myths and Myth-Makers John Fiske. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $2.00 2. Myths and Science. Tito Vignoli. d. appleton & co. Inter. Scientific Series. $1.50 4. Classic Myths in English Literature Charles M. Gay ley. ginn & co. 12 mo. pp. 540. Illustrated. $1.50 This is is based on Bulfinch's Age of Fable. 4. Curious Myths of the ITiddle Ages. Gould. See page 197. ENGLISH 305 5. Age of Chivalry. - Thomas Bulfinch. LEE & SHEPARD. - - - S2.5O 6. Age of Fable Thomas Bulfinch. LEE & SHEPARD. pp.472. - - S2.;0 Pupils who have never before heard of Jupiter or the Cyclopes are struggling with the translation of Virgil in our high schools. Milton's Paradise Lost is a hated book to many a poor student of literature because he cannot interpret one of the classical allusions without a painful search which robs the beautiful figure of all its charm and makes it a veritable symbol of drudgery and confusion.. Even Longfellow and Lowell become dry if the reader of the Golden Legend or Sir Launfal brings no idea of the old stories of chivalry and mediaeval romance. Hawthorne, Kingsley and others present these stories in beautiful form, but Bulfinch's books should be on every desk for three reasons: 1. All the stories needed for appreciation of good literature are here; 2. Every story ap- pears here connected with the allusions made to it by good authors; 3. The story is told accurately, scarcely departing from a free translation. This indicates to the teacher what parts of the story should not be changed, however freely they are enlarged upon. 7. Manual of Hythology Greek, Roman, Norse, Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian. Charles scribner's sons. Crown 8 vo. - Si. 25 8. Readings in Folk=Lore. H. M, Skinner. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - Si. 00 9. riyths and Mother Plays Sara E. Wiltse. MILTON BRADLEY CO. pp. 57. - Si. 00 Language suited to young children. 10. Old Fairy Tales. 5. Baring-Gould. DODD, MEAD & CO. - - - 2.00 306 ENGLISH AIDS IN THE STUDY OF AUTHORS i. History of English Literature. H. A. Taine. henry holt & co. Large 12 mo. - S1.40 This edition is abridged and edited with notes by John Fiske. 2. American Men of Letters. Edited by Charles Dudley Warner. Houghton, mifflin & co. 16 mo. Each $1 25 Among these are Ralph Waldo Emerson by Oliver Wendell Holmes; George William Curtis by Edward Cary Eggleston; Wil- liam Cullen Bryant by John Bigelow; and Washington Irving by Charles Dudley Warner. 3. Homes and Haunts of Our Elder Poets. R. H. Stoddard, F. B. Sanborn and H. N. Powers. d. apfleton & co 1 Imperial 8 vo. - $5.00 Sketches ol Bryant, Longfellow, Emerson, Holmes, Lowell and Whittier. 4. Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. Whipple. See page 231. 5. Shakespeare. Edward Dowdcn. American book. co. Literature Primer, pp. 167. 35c 6. Introduction to the Study of Shakespeare. Hiram Corson. D. c. heath & co. pp.397. - - Si. 50 7. Victorian Poets. Edmund Clarence Stedman. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $2.25 8. Short Studies in English Literature. Hamilton Mabie. DODD, MEAD & CO. 12 mo. pp. 222. - Si. 25 ENGLISH 307 10. About Old Story-Tel Xers. Donald G. Mitchell. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. pp.237. #1-25 This is one of the best helps to the teacher. It is full of illus- trations and interesting matter about the authors whose stories should be given in the grades. 11. American Lands and Letters Donald G. Mitchell. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. 9O IlluS. $1.50 12. English Lands, Letters and Kings D.G.Mitchell. charles scribner's sons. 4 Vols. 12 mo. Ea. Si. 50 13. Homes and Haunts of British Poets. Wm. Howitt. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. pp. 642. - Sl.50 14. Poet's Homes. Pen and Pencil Sketches of American Poets and Their Homes. lothrop publishing co. 12 mo. Cloth. - $2.00 15. Anecdote Biography of Thackeray and Dickens. Pxlited by Richard Henry Stoddard. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 ITIO. pp. 3O5. $1.00 16. Personal Recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt and Others. -Edited by R. H. Stoddard. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. pp. 322. IlluS. $1.00 17. Yesterdays with Authors. James Tic knor Field. HOUGHTON", MIFFLIN & CO. Cr. 8 VO. pp.419. $2.00 18. Little Journeys to the Homes of American Au- thors. H. T. Titckerman and Others. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. - - S1.35 308 ENGLISH 19. Little Journeys to the Homes of Good Men and Great. Elbert Hubbard. g. p." putnam's sons. 12 mo. Si. 35 20. Little Journeys to the Homes of Famous Women. G. f. putnam's sons. 16 mo. - $1.00 21. Days of Lamb and Coleridge. See page 243. 22. Stories about Famous Authors. Little Men and Women. Jan. -Dec, 1885. 23. Famous Paintings of the World. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. - $3-5 24. Homes of the New World. Frederika Bremer. HARPER & BROTHERS. 1853. 2 Vols. 12 niO. Those of us who read this book when young, feel that it was an important part of our education. Miss Bremer visited the homes of Lowell, Longfellow and others of our great writers. Her pictures of simple cultivated homes are not only an aid in studying literature but are well calculated to impress the young reader with the essentials of "high living." If this is out of print, school libraries should demand a new edition. STANDARD LITERATURE IN SERIES The teacher should send to the publishers for catalogues of the following series and specimen copies. Some series are much superior to others in print and paper, as well as in editorial notes. Paper covers should never be bought for anything but transient use, as they teach slovenliness when passed through many hands, besides costing more in the end. i. Students' Series of English Classics. leach, shewell & sanborx. 25, 35 and 50c each ENGLISH 309 3. Rolfe's Classics. houghton, mifflin & co. Square 16 mo. - 75c These are illustrated and have valuable notes by the editor. A beautiful edition for students. 3. The World's Classics. g. p. putnam's sons. 16 mo. Buckram. - 50c 4. riodern ('lassies. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. J2 mo, - 4OC 5. Riverside Literature Series. houghton, mifflin & co. - Paper, 15c; cloth, 25c 6. Maynard's English Classics. mayxard, mekrill & co. Paper, i2c;Cloth, 24,36,48c 7. Macmillan's School Library. THE MACMILLAN CO. l6 IllO. Cloth. Each 5OC 8. Lilliput Classics. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 32 mO. Each - 25 9. Little Classics.- Edited by Rossitcr Johnson. houghton, mifflin & co. 1 8 Vols. 1 8 mo. P'a. S1.00 This is one of the best series issued. The volumes on Laugh- ter, Mystery, Childhood, Heroism, Narrative Poems, Nature, Hu- manity and Authors are well adapted to the grades. 10. School Library-Classics. gins & co. A series of classics without which "keeping school" would be a failure. 11. English Classics. ALLVN & bacon. Each - - 20C Typography, paper and binding of the best. 310 ENGLISH 12. National Library. cassell & co. Paper. - - - ioc A very extensive list of works including all of Shakespeare's plays. 13. Five Cent Classics. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. 14. Standard Literature Series. university pub. co. Paper. Single numbers, I2^c. - Double numbers, 25c Matter condensed for school use. 15. Camelot Series. walter scott. london Shilling Volumes COLLECTIONS OF LITERATURE 1. Child Life in Prose Edited by J. G. Whittier. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $2.00 2. Bound Volumes of St. Nicholas. CENTURY CO. pp. 1,000. - - - $4.00 3. Bound Volumes of Wide Awake. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. pp. 1,000. - $4.00 4. Library of the World's Best Literature. Edited by Charles Dudley Warner. harper's weekly club. 30 Vols. Each $2.00 Sold by subscription only. This will represent the best of every department of literature, with critical, biographical and his- torical comments by literary specialists. It alone will make a library and one costing but a fraction of what it would to secure the same literature in any other way, ENGLISH 311 5. Christmas in Song, Sketch and Story. Beecher, Wallace, Auerbach, Dickens and others. Illustrated by Raphael, Story, Murillo, Bougereau and others. HARPER & BROTHERS. Royal 8 VO. - $2.50 6. Open Sesame. Vol. I, Ages 4 to 12. 12 mo. pp. 316; Vol. II, Ages 12 to 14. 12 mo. pp.376. Vol. Ill, Ages over 14. 12 mo. pp.361. gixx & co. Each - 75c Open Sesame has been placed first on the list of collections of poems for school use. Other collections have much that is valu- able, but it is only of Open Sesame that the teacher can say that every single selection can be used sooner or later. Everything not of high literary value is excluded. Too often such collections have mixed with their literature, poems which make some bright hit but whose style is puerile and faulty. From this fault, Open Sesame is entirely free. 7. Poetry for Home and School. Edited by A. C. Brackett and I. M. Eliot. g. p. putnam's sons. pp. 320. - $1.00 A collection from which no teacher will miss her old favorites. 8. A Book of Famous Verse. Edited by Agnes Rep- licr. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO. 75c 9. Golden Treasury of the Best Songs and Lyrical Poems in the English Language. Francis Turner Palgrave. the macmillan co. School Library. 50c 10. New Library of Poetry and Song. William Gui- le n Bryant. FORDS, HOWARD & HURLHURT. pp. 1,076, $5-00 512 ENGLISH ii. From Milton to Tennyson. Edited by L. DuPont Sylc. ALLYN & BACON. 12 ITIO. pp. 48O. - $1.00 Someone has said that children's literature should be the same as that for adults, which is true to this extent: nothing which is not worthy of study by adults should ever be presented to children. This collection is unusually well chosen, and is in excellent form. 12. Percy's Reliques of Old English Poetry. FREDERICK WAKNE. Cliaildos Classics. 12 HIO. $1.00 This was Sir Walter Scott's first reading book. In his journal, he describes himself when a mere baby as shouting these ballads aloud during his play. Warne's edition is very carefully printed for the price. 13. Complete Poetic and Dramatic Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. houghton, mifflin & co. Cambridge Edition. $1.50 The Cambridge Editions are suited especially to the teacher's needs. They contain biographical sketches, histories of important poems and indexes of titles and first lines, with portrait of author. Longfellow's poems which are especially liked by little children are The Three Kings, The Bell of Atri, The Emperor's Bird's Nest, Hiawatha, Leap of Roushan Beg, and Alfred the Truth Teller. Among the large number appreciated by the grammar grades are Birds of Killingworth, Miles Standish, Golden Legend, New Eng- land Tragedies, Paul Revere and Evangeline. 14. Complete Poetical Works of John Greenleaf Whittier. houghton, mifflin & co. Cambridge Edition. $1.50 Little children like Barbara Frietchie, The Frost Spirit, In School Days and Barefoot Boy, while older pupils enjoy Slaves of Martinique, The Palm Tree, Songs of Labor, Vaudois Teacher, All's Well, Pass of the Sierras, Last Walk in Autumn, Snow Bound, and Tent on the Beach. ENGLISH 313 15. A Book of Old English Ballads. Edited by Ham- ilton Mabie. the macmillan co. 12 mo. Illustrated. $2.00 16. Poems of James Russell Lowell. houghton, mifflin & co. Cambridge Edition. $1.50 Rhiecus, The Chippewa Legend, The Fountain, The Violet, To the Dandelion, and The Snowfall are fitted to primary grades. The Singing Leaves, Sir Launfal, Youssouf, The Summer Storm, Indian Summer Reverie and others are interesting to grammar grades. 17. Poems of William Cullen Bryant. d. appleton it co. Household Edition. - S1.50 The White-Footed Deer, Robert of Lincoln, The Little People of the Snow are useful in lowest primary grades; while The, Snow Shower, Planting the Apple Tree, Song of the Sower, The Tides, Sella, Forest Hymn, Death of Flowers, To the Fringed Gentian, The Prairies, The Evening Wind, The Arctic Lover and To the Appennines, will be enjoyed by grammar grades. 18. Complete Poetical Worksof Oliver Wendell Holmes. houghton, mii-tlin & co. Cambridge Edition. Si .50 Children enjoy the Height of the Ridiculous, The One Hoss Shay and the Broomstick Train. Every pupil enjoys all the hu- morous poems, while the older boys and girls are made better by the Chambered Nautilus, Old Ironsides, Robinson of Leyden, and Dorothy O.. 19. Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. S VO. - Sl.50 An Arab Welcome, Tiger Lilies, When the Sultan goes to Is- pahan, Before the Rain and After the Rain are beautiful poems for little folks, while The Bluebells of New England, Frostwork, A Snow Flake, Baby Bell and Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book are en- joyed by older grades. 314 ENGLISH 20. Selections from Emerson's Poems. houghton, mikflin & co. Paper. - 15c 21. Poems of Alfred Tennyson. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - $1-50 The Owl, A Spirit Haunts the Year's Last Hours, The Mer- man and the Mermaid, the Lady of Shalott, Lady Clare, the Eagle and the Sleeping Beauty are usetul in primary grades. Later, Sir Galahad (with Lowell's Sir Launfal), the Princess, Enoch Arden, and parts of In Memoriam are liked. 22. Poems of John Godfrey Saxe. HOUGHTON', MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - $1.00 The stories of Ovid, Phaethon, Pyramus and Thisbe and others are most amusingly told in verse. The Proud Miss McBride and others are well fitted to grammar grades. 23. Rhymes of Childhood. James Whitcomb Riley. BOWEN-MERRILL CO. - - - $1.25 24. A Child World. James Whitcomb Riley. BOWEN-MERRILL CO. ... $1.25 When Mr. Riley on the lecture platform tells the bear story as a little child would tell it, the audience surrenders unconditionally to his wonderful power of interpretation of child nature. Teachers should study children through Riley. The children themselves must have their Raggedy Man, Little Orphant Annie, the "Squid- gicum-Squees what swallers theirselves," and the "nine little gob- lins that can't tell coppers from cold mince-pies." Nature study would lose half its pleasure without "The Southwind and the Sun, Down around the River and the Little Red Apple Tree." No school can afford to be without Riley's poems. 25. Little Book of Western Verse Eugene Field. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. l6 IllO. pp. 202. $1.25 ENGLISH 315 26. Second Book of Verse Eugene Field. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 1 6 mo. pp. 260. Si. 25 Mr. Field is another poet so thoroughly in sympathy with youth and childhood, that we cannot afford to miss his exquisite verse from our school library. 27. National Epics. Kate Milner Rabb. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. pp. 398 - - Sl.50 Here are outlines of the Iliad, Odyssey, Xibelungen Lied, Poem of the Cid and thirteen other poems from twelve nationali- ties. Typical selections accompany each story. 28. Translation of the Odyssey of Homer. William Cullen Bryant. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $2.50 29. Translation of the Iliad of Homer. William Cul- len Bryant. houghton, Mifflin & co. Students' Edition. $1.00 30. Translation of the Divina Comedia of Dante. Henry Wadstvorth Longfellow. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. - - $2 50 31. >Eneid of Virgil. Howland's Translation. d. applfton & co. 2 Vols. Each. 50c 32. Translation of Nibelungen Lied. Charles Mortis. Walter scott. Camelot Series - - 45 FIRST GRADE. READING MATTER 1. Little Nature Studies from John Burroughs. Mary Ii. Burt. GINN & CO. - 25c 316 ENGLISH j. Heart of Oak. Vol. I. D. C. HEATH & CO. - - 25c This contains rhymes and jingles, 3. Mother Goose in the Kindergarten. F. S. Bollo?i. KINDERGARTEN LITERATURE CO. pp. 80. - 75c 4. Primary School Leaflet. Edited by Mary L. Gil- man. school education co. Vol, I, '95. pp. 40. Man. IOC 12 copies of single leaflets delivered each month for 50c per year. 5. Skyward and Back. Lucy M. Robinson. SCHOOL EDUCATION CO. pp. IOI. - - 3OC 6. The Child Life. Primary Reading Chart. Mary E. Burt. ginn & co. pp. 50. Size 30x36. - $20.00 This chart has pictures from the best artists and is in every way beautiful and suggestive. 7. Stories for Little Readers. Emilie Poulsson. lothrop publishing co. Manilla, pp. 48. - 15c 8. Children's Primer. Ellen M. Cvr GINN & CO. pp. 102. - - - 27c 9. Slovenly Peter. Dr. Hoffman. Translated from the German. HENRY T. COATES & CO. pp. 471. IlluS. - $1.00 i o. Easy Steps for Little Feet. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 122. - - 25c ENGLISH 317 11. Classic Stories for Little Ones Mrs Lida Me- Murry. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO. Child's Edition, 35c. - Teachers' Edition, 40c 12. Children's First Reader E//en M. Cyr. GINN&CO. pp. IOI. - - - 27c 13. Stories of Norse Gods and Heroes. Annie Klingcn- smith. A. FLANAGAN. 12 mo. pp. IOI. Illus. 25c 14. Stepping Stones in Literature Sarah Louise Ar- nold and Charles B. Gilbert. SILVER BURDETT & CO. Cloth. pp. 128. - 32C 15. Rhymes and Fables. UNIVERSITY PUB. CO. pp. 64. - - I2C 16. Songs and Stories. UNIVERSITY PUB. CO. pp. 96. - - 1 5c 17. Stories for Children. Mrs C. A. Lane, AMERICAN BOOK CO. - 25c 18. Stories of the Red Children. Dorothy Brooks. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. pp. l62. This is a great favorite. SECOND GRADE READING nATTER 1. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Sara E. ll'iltse. (.INN & CO. pp. 32/. - - - 5CC HOUGHTON, mifflin & CO. Another Edition. 50c 3 18 ENGLISH 2. Children's Second Reader Ellen M. Cyr. G1NN & CO. pp. 1 86. - - - 30C 3. Classic Hyths. Mary Catherine Judd. SCHOOL EDUCATION CO. pp. 165. Bds., 30CJ do. 4OC 4. Fable and Folk Stories Horace E. Scudder. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - - 4OC 5. Stories for Kindergartens and Primary Schools. Sara E. IViltse. GINN & CO. pp. 80. ... 35c Teachers' Edition, containing Morning Talks. 75c 6. Aesop's Fables. educational publishing co. Vol. I and II. Ea. 30c This is the large type edition. 7. Aesop's Fables. Versified by Clara Doty Bates. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO - - - $1.00 8. Old Time Stories E. Louise Smythe. WERNER SCHOOL BOOK CO. pp. 1 36. - 3OC 9. Life of Whittier. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. - - 5c 10. Twilight Stories. Elizabeth E. Foulke. silver, burdett & co. 12 mo. Illustrated. 36c 11. Fairy Stories and Fables. James Baldwin. AMERICAN BOOK CO. 12 mo. pp.176. - 35c 12. Forty Famous Stories Retold James Baldwin. AMERICAN BOOK CO. ... 35c ENGLISH 319 13. Golden Book of Choice Reading. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - 3OC 14. Fairy Life. UNIVERSITY PUB. CO. pp. 126. - - 20C 15. Japanese Fairy Tales. Published in Tokio. Can be purchased at book stores at 20c each. 16. Heart of Oak. Vol.11. D. C. HEATH & CO. - 35C Fables and nursery tales. 17. Twelve Popular Tales H. C Lodge. houghton, mifflin & co. 2 Parts. Each - 16c Longmans issues these tales in separate illustrated books at from 20 to 30c each LITERATURE FOR FIRST AND SECOND GRADES See poems of Longfellow, Lowell, Bryant, Aldrich and Whittier. 1. The Pied Piper of Hamelin. Robert Browning. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. 8 VO. IllllS. - l-25 2. In the Child World. E. Poulsson. See page 1 10. 3. Hiawatha. Longfellow. See page 102. 4. Ballads for Little Folks. Alice and Phoebe Cary. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. - $1.50 5. Stories and Poems for Children. Celia Thaxter HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $1-50 6. Child Life in Prose.- /. G. Whittier. See page 309. 320 ENGLISH 7. Child Life in Poetry J. G. Whitter. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $2.00 8. Stories Told to a Child. Jea?i Ingclow. ROBERTS BROS. 2 Vols. - - - S2.5O 9. A Child's Garden of Verses Robert L. Stevenson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IHO - $1.00 10. Children's Hour, Three Kings and Other Poems. H. W. Longfellow. HOUGHTON, Mifflin & CO. Paper. - 15c 11. Inchcape Rock, Bishop Hatto, Falls of Lodore Robert Southey. Modem Classics. See page 309. 12. Open Sesame. Vol.1. See page 311. 13. Poems by Eugene Field. I. With Trumpet and Drum. 16 mo. - $1.25 II. Love Songs of Childhood. 16 mo. - $1.00 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 14. The Children's Book. H. E. Scudder. houghton, mifflin & co. Small Quarto. - $2. 50 A collection of literature for children. 15. Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales. Hawthorne. See page 322. 16. Arabian Nights. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. - - $1.00 17. The Little People of the Cold. William Cullcn Bryant. o. appleton & co. Beautifully Illustrated. S2.00 ENGLISH 321 18. A Child World. Jas. White omb Riley. See p. 314. 19. Rhymes of Childhood. Riley. See page 314. READINC MATTER FOR THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES 1. Little Nature Studies for Little People. From John Burroughs. Mary E. Hurt. gixx & co. pp. 103. Illustrated Introduction. 25c 2. Third Reader Ellen M. Cyr. GIXX & CO. - - - - 30C 3. Six Stories from Arabian Nights. Samuel Eliot. HOUGHTON', MIFFLIN & CO. - - - 35c Gixx & co. Arabian Nights. - - 40c 4. Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales. gixx & co. 2 Series. Each - - 50c 5. Stories of Old Greece.- Emma M. Eirth. I). C. HEATH & CO. ... - 30c 6. The Rose and the Ring. William Makepeace Thackeray. (,. p. putxam's soxs. - - - 50c 7. Gulliver's Travels. Jonathan Swift. <;. p. Putnam's sons. 2 Vols. Illus. - 50c ginn & co. School Edition. - - 40c 8. The Travels of Baron Munchausen. <;. p. putxam's soxs. Illustrated. - 50c 322 ENGLISH 9. Swiss Family Robinson. J. R. Wyso. HENRY ALTEMUS. .... 50C ginn & co. Stickney Edition, pp. 364. - 40c 10. Black Beauty Mrs. Anna Sewell. A. FLANAGAN & CO', pp. 280. - - 20C 11. Robinson Crusoe. Daniel De Foe. "Edited by Mrs. Lida McMurry and Mary Hall Husted. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUBLISHING CO. pp. 1 37. IlluS. 35c ginn & co. pp. 257. Another Edition. - 50c 12. Ballads and Tales. UNIVERSITY PUB. CC. pp. l60. - - 25c 13. Book of Tales. Wm. Swinton and G. R. Cathcart. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 272. - - 5OC This contains John Gilpin, The First Snow Fall and other selections. 14. Little Daffydowndilly. Nathaniel Hawthorne. houghton, Mifflin & co. Paper. - - 15c 15. Heart of Oak. Vol. III. D. C. HEATH & CO. - 45C Fairy stories and classic tales. 16. Qods and Heroes. R. E. Francillon. GINN & CO. pp. 255. - - - 60C 17. Tanglewood Tales and Wonder Book. Nathaniel Hawthorne. houghton, Mifflin & co. School Library. 70c 18. Stories from Plato Mary E. Burt. ginn & co. pp. 262. - - - 60c ENGLISH 323 19. Old Greek Stories James Baldwin. AMERICAN BOOK CO. 20. Old Stories of the East. James Baldwin AMERICAN BOOK CO. 45C 45C 21. Adventures of Ulysses. Charles Lamb. ginn & co. - 25c and 35c 22. Story of Ulysses. Agnes Spofford Cook. PUBLIC - SCHOOL PUB. CO. - - - 5OC 23. Story of Troy. - Charles DeGarmo. public school pub. co. - - 20c and 40c THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES. Material for Literature i. King Arthur and Knights of the Round Table. Charh s Morris. j. b. lippincott co. Crown 8 vo. Illus. Si. 50 This is modernized from Morte D'Arthur. 2. Morte D'Arthur. Sir Thomas Mallory the macmillan co. Globe Edition. - Si. 75 3. Boy's King Arthur. Sid/iev Lanier. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. pp.403. - S-2.0C 4. Epics and Romances of the Middle Ages. Edited by IV. S. //'. Anson. swan soNNKNM iiLiN cV co. pp.488. Illustrated. This is a beautiful book giving legends of Siegfried, Arthur, the Amelungs and others. 324 ENGLISH 5. The Court of King Arthur. Stories from Land of the Round Table. IV. H Frost. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - $1-50 6. Stories of the Days of King Arthur Charles H. Hanson. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. 12 mo. IllllS. - $1.25 The story of the Green Knight is one of the most beautiful. It teaches truth. This is the best book on King Arthur if the sto- ries are to be read to the children. The other books will demand selection and adaptation of material. 7. Books by James Baldwin. Illas. by Howard Pyle. 1. Story of the Golden Age. 2. Story of Roland. 3. Story of Siegfried. Charles scribner's sons. Each - Si. 00 8. Norse Stories. Retold from the Eddas. Hamilton IV. Maine. ROBERTS BROS. l6 mo. ... $1.00 9. Whittier with the Children Margaret Sidney. lothroi* publishing co. Royal 8 vo. Illus. Si. 50 10. Chivalry Leon Gautier Henry Frith. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. 8 VO. pp.190. $1.50 11. Wagner's Heroines Constance Maud. EDWIN ARNOLD. 12 IllO. pp. 285. IlluS. $1.25 1 2. Wagner's Heroes. Coiistance Matid. EDWIN ARNOLD. 12 mo. pp. 284. - #1.25 13. German Iliad. Mary E. Burt. MAYXARD, MERRILL & CO. pp. I 1 9. - 55c ENGLISH 325 14. Stories of Long Ago. Grace H. Kupfcr. d. c. heath & co. Boards, pp. 177. - 35c The stories are accompanied by classic poems, and illustrated by classic paintings. 15. Old Greek Stories. Josephine P.Peabody. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Riverside. - 15c BOOKS FOR THE PRIMARY LIBRARY Grades First to Fourth 1. Lulu's Library. Louise Alcott. Roberts bros. 3 Vols. Each - - Si.oo 2. floral Pirates. IV. L. Alden. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6 mo. pp. l68. - $1.00 3. Child Lore. Clara Doty Bates. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO Quarto. - Sl.50 4. Betty of Wye. Amy E. Bla?icliard. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. 12 mo. - - Si. 25 5. Books by Frances Hodgson Burnett. 1. Little Lord Fauntleroy. pp. 209. - S2.00 2. Sarah Crewe. Square 8 vo. - - - 1.00 3. Little Saint Elizabeth. Square 8 vo. Illus. 1.50 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 6. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Lezvis Carroll. HENRY ALT EM US. - - - - 5OC MAYNARO, MERRILL & CO. - - 48c 7. Through the Looking Glass. Sequel to No. 6. I Aids Carroll. HENRY ALTEMUS. - 50C 326 ENGLISH 8. Adventures of a Brownie Dinah M. Mulock Craik. JOSEPH KNIGHT & CO. l6 mo. - - 40c 9. The Little Lame Prince and His Traveling Cloak. Dinah M. Mulock Craik. HARPER & BROTHERS. Sq. l6 mo. pp. I94. 111. $1.00 10. Sweetheart Travelers S. B. Crockett. F. A. STOKES CO. - - - - Sl.50 11. Bebee; or Two Little Wooden Shoes. Louisa De La Rame. JOSEPH KNIGHT & CO. 8 VO. pp. 255. IlluS $1.25 j. b. lippincott co. - Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.00 I 12. Bimbi. Louisa Dc La Rame". I. b. lippincott co. - Paper, 40c; cloth, $1.00 13. A Dog of Flanders Louisa De La Rame. j. b. lippincott co. - Paper, 40c; cloth, $1.00 14. Mrs. J. H. Ewing's Books. 1. Lob Lie by the Fire. 2. Mrs. Over-the- Way's Remembrances, 3. A Flat Iron for a Farthing. 4. Jackanapes. Roberts bros. 16 mo. Each - - 50c 15. Books by Joel Chandler Harris. Uncle Remus and His Friends. - - $1.50 Nights with Uncle Remus. - Paper, 50c ; cloth, 1.50 3. Little Mr. Thimblefinger. Square 8 vo. - 2.00 4. Mr. Rabbit at Home. Sequel to No. 3. Sq. 8vo. 2.00 5. The Story of Aaron. Sequel to No. 4. Sq. 8 vo. 2.00 HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. ENGLISH 327 16. !n Story Land. Elizabeth Hartison. sigma pub. co. 12 mo. pp. 186. - $1.25 This contains Vision of Dante and Story of Cedric. 17. Books by Helen Hunt Jackson. 1. Letters from a Cat. 2. Mammy Tittleback and Her Family. 3. Hunter Cats of Connorloa Roberts bros. Each - - - Si. 25 18. Playdays. Sarah Orncjcwctt. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 ITIO. pp. 2 1 3. $1-50 19. Fairy Tales of All Nations. Edouard Laboidaye. Translated by Mary L. Booth. HARPER & BROTHERS' 12 ITIO. pp 364. IlluS. S2.00 20. Last Fairy Tales. -Edouard Laboulayc HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. pp. 382, IlluS. S2.00 21. Books by George Macdonald. 1. The Princess and the Goblin. 2. The Princess and Curdie. 3. At the Back of the North Wind. j. b. lippincott co. Each - - 75c' 22. Child Stories from the Great Hasters. Maud Menc. KINDERGARTEN LITERATURE CO. - - Sl.00 Stories from Browning, Goethe, Dante and Wagner. 23. The Princess Idleways. Mrs. IV. J. Hays. harper & brothers. i6 mo. pi). 124. - 75c 24. The Peterkin Papers. Lucretia P. Hale. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Sq. 8 VO. pp. 2ig. Sl.50 328 ENGLISH , 25. Child's Christ Tales. Andrea Hofer. KINDERGARTEN LITERATURE CO. Illustrated. $1.00 26. Christmas Every Day and Other Stories. Wil- liam Dean How ells. HARPER & BROTHERS - - - $1.25 27. Puss-Cat Mew. E. H. Knatchbull-Hugcsscn. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 mo. pp. 3 1 8. - $1.25 28. Books by Mrs. Molesworth. 1. Carrots and a Christmas Child. 2. Grandmother Dear and Two Little Waifs 3. Little Miss Peggy. 4. Us and the Rectory Children. 5. Tell Me a Story and Herr Baby. 6. The Oriel Window. 7. The Carved Lions. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 IDO. Each - $1.00 29. Gianetta. Rosa Mulholland. A. L. BURT & co. . . . $1.00 30. Banshee Castle. Rosa Mulholland. CHARLES SCRIBNEk's SONS. 12 ITIO. Illus. $1-50 31. Prince Littleboy and Other Tales out of Fairy- land. S. Weir Mitchell. j. b. lippincott co. Square 8 vo. - $1.00 32. The Garden behind the Moon. Howard Pyle. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. pp. I92. 111. $2.00 Others of Howard Pyle's fascinating books on pages 171 and 1^8. S3. Captain January Laura E. Richards. ESTES & LAUR1AT. pp. 64. - - - 35c ENGLISH 329 34. Nautilus Laura E. Richards. ESTES & LAURIAT. 8 VO. pp. 120. Illus. - 75c 35. Queen Hildegard. Laura E. Richards. ESTES & LAURIAT. 12 IllO. - - Si. 25 36. The Brownies through the Union. Palmer Cox. century co. Quarto, pp. 144. - $1.50 37. Wymps and Other Fairy Tales. Evelyn Sharp. john lane Illustrated. - - - S1.75 38. Books by Frank Stockton. 1. Captain Chap. J. B. Lippincott & Co. - $1.50 The floating Prince. - 1.50 The Bee Man of Okn. .... 1.25 Ting-a-Ling Tales. Illustrated. - - 1.00 Fanciful Tales. ----- 60c The Christmas Wreck. - - - 1.25 CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. The verdict of the children is most emphatically in favor of Stockton. No one else can tell quite such fascinating tales. 39. Little Pussy Willow. Harriet Bceclicr Stowe. Houghton, Mifflin & co. Small Quarto. - Si. 25 40. A Dog's Mission. - Harriet Bceclicr Stoive. houghton, Mifflin & co. Small Ouarto. - Si. 25 41. Story of Babette. Ruth McEnery Stuart. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 309. - - Sl.50 42. Where There Is Love, There Is God Leo Tolstoi. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. l6 I1IO. - - 25c 43. Flipwing, the Spy. Lily F. Wcsselhocft ROBERTS BROS. 16 IllO. - - - Si. 2=; 330 ENGLISH 44. Sparrow the Tramp. - Lily F. Wesselhoeft. ROBERTS BROS. l6 IllO. - - - $1.25 45. A Pot of Gold and Other Stories. Mary E. 1 1 'ilki?is. I.OTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 12 tllO. IlluS. - Sl.50 I 46. Young Lucretia and Other Tales. Mary E. } I 'ilkins. HARPER & BROTHERS. Post 8 VO. pp. 258. Si. 25 I 47. Uncle Titus. Translated from the German by Lucy 1 1 lice lock. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 12 mo. IlluS. - $1.00 48. The Birds' Christmas Carol Kate D. Wiggin. houghton, mifflin & co. Boards. Illus. - 50c 49. The Story of Patsy. - Kate Douglas Wiggin. houghton, mifflin & co. Boards, pp. 68. 111. 60c 50. A Brave Baby and Other Stories. Sara li. Wiltse. GINN .Sc CO. pp. 142. - - - 75c 51. Books by Andrew Lang. 1. Tin: Blue Fairy Book. 2. The Red Fairy Book. 3. The Green Fairy Book. 4. The Yellow Fairy Book. 5. The Blue Poetry Book. longmans, green & co. Beautifully Illus. Ea. $2.00 52. The Ice Queen. Ernest Lngersoll. HARPER & BROTHERS. $1.00 ENGLISH 331 53. Queer Stories for Boys and Girls. Edward Eg- glcston. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - Si. 00 54. Murad the Unlucky and Other Tales. Maria Edgeworth. CASSELL & CO. Cloth. - - - 25c FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADES. Material for Reading 1. Little Nell. Charles Dickens. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. pp. 236. 4OC / 2. Paul Dombey. Charles Dickens. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. pp. I94. - 4OC 3. Rab and His Friends. Dr. John Brown. HOUGH ION, MIFFLIN" & CO. - - - 4OC 4. Heart of Oak. Vols. Ill and IV. d. c. heath & co. - - 45c and 55c 5. Twilight Thoughts. Mary S. Claude. GINN & CO. pp. IO4. - - - 40C 6. Charles Dickens's Readings. lee & shepard. 9V0LS. Paper. Each 15c 7. Water Babies. - Charles Kingslcy. GINN cv CO. - 35C 8. German Iliad. Mary E. Burt. MAVNARI), MERRILL & CO. pp. 128. - 5OC 332 ENGLISH 9. At the Back of the North Wind George Mac- donald. J. B. L1PPIXCOTT CO. - - - $1.25 10. Tales from Shakespeare Charles Lamb. ginn & co. ... ^oc and 50c 11 . Greek Heroes Charles Kingsley. GINN & CO. - 5OC 12. Merry Adventures of Robin Hood H. Pyle. See page 171. 13. Stories from Old English Poetry. Abbey Sage RicJiardson. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. pp. 28 1. IlluS. - $I.0O 14. King of the Golden River. John Rjiskin. GINN & CO. pp. 53. - 35c 15. Seven American Classics. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - 50c This contains Snow Bound, Great Stone Face, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Mabel Martin. 16. The One-Hoss Shay, the Broomstick Train and Other Poems. Oliver We ?ide 11 Holmes. Illustrated by Howard Pyle. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. $1-50 17. Pied Piper, Herve Riel, Rabbi Ben Ezra and Other Poems. Robert Browning. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - - I 5c 18. William Tell, the Patriot of Switzerland. Florian. E. P. DUTTON & CO. l6 mo. IlluS. - 4OC ENGLISH 333 FIFTH AND SIXTH GRADES Literature. i. Cotter's Saturday Night Robert Burns. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - IOC 2. Alkestis (of Euripides). Antigone (of Sophocies). MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Each - - IOC 3. Ancient Mariner. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - IOC 4. Fall of the Nibelungs. Done into English by Matgaret Armour. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - $2.56 5. Christmas Carol. Charles Dickens. maynakd, merrili. & co. Abridged. IOC CASSELL & CO. Cloth. pp. 200. - - 25c 6. Snow Image. Xatlianiel Hawthorne. houghton, Mifflin & co. Paper. - 1 ;c 7. Essay on Roast Pig. (Essays of Elia. Chas.Lamb. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 16 tllO, - 6oc HURST & CO. - 25C 8. The Culprit Fay. Samuel Rodman Drake. G. p. lutnam's sons. Classic Series. - 35c 9. Enoch Arden. Alfred Tennyson. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - IOC 10. Children's Stories of American Literature. 1860- 1S96. I 'lenrietta Christian Wright. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. pp. 249. - 60C 334 ENGLISH ii. Schiller's William Tell. the macmillan co. Bohn Library. - $1.00 This may be used in sixth grade in connection with the geog- raphy of Switzerland. Its dramatic form makes it excellent for oral reading. Its great value lies, however, in the intense interest it arouses. With pupils whose taste for literature has never been developed, this is a safe study for a beginning. 12. The Famous Allegories. James Baldwin. SILVER BURDETT & CO. , - - /2C 13. Lays of Ancient Rome. See page 192. 14. Chaucer's Stories Simply Told. Mary Seymour. thomas nelson & sons. pp. 196. Illustrated. Si. 25 There is the life of Chaucer at the beginning, one of real value and interest. Then there follows a description of the inn and the guests. After this, there are sixteen tales told simply and purely. 15. Seven British Classics. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - 5OC 16. Select Tales from Gesta Romanorum. g. p. putnam's sons. ... 35c 17. Old Curiosity Shop. Charles Dickens. university pub. cc. Abridged Copy. Paper. I2^c SEVENTH AND EIGHTH GRADES Material for Reading and Literature 1. Children's Stories of American Literature. Hen- rietta Christian Wright. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. Vol I. l660-l860. 60C ENGLISH 335 2. Six Selections from Irving's Sketch Book. GINN & CO - - - - 35C 3. Lay of the Last Minstrel. Scott. See page 138. 4. Lady of the Lake.- Scott. See page 138. 5. Harmion Scott. See page 138 6. Pictures from English Literature. Sara A. Hamlin. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. pp I 52. IlklS. 60C 7. /Eneid of Virgil. Hozvlaud's Translation. See page 315. 8. A Hunting of the Deer. - Charles Dudley Warner HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - 1 5c 9. Prisoner of Chillon. Lord Byron. MAYNARD, MEKKILL & CO. - - - 1 2C 10. The Knight's Tale. Geoffrey Chancer MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - 36c 11. The Squire's Tale. Geoffrey Chaucer. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - 2 \C 12. Tennyson for the Young. W.J Rolfe. HARPER \ BROTHERS. 13. Fairy Queen. Edmund Spenser. MAYNARD, MEKKILL & CO. - - I 2C 14. Sella, Thanatopsis and Other Poems. William Cullen Brvant. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Paper. :5c ^;6 ENGLISH 15. Evangeline. -Henry W. Longfellow. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. ... 15c 16. Building of the Ship, Masque of Pandora and Other Poems. Henry IV. Longfellow. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. ... I^ c 17. The Golden Legend. Longfellow. See page 198. 18. Selections from Lai la Rookh. Thomas Moore. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. ... j 2 c iq. Vicar of Wakefield Oliver Goldsmith. GINN & CO. ----- 50c 20. Sir Roger de Coverley. Addison. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - I2C longmaxs, green & co. Notes and Illustrations. 45c 21. Snow Bound and among the Hills J. G. Whittier HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - 1 5c 22. Prue and I. George William Curtis. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - $1.50 23. Merchant of Venice. Shakespeare GINN & CO. - - - - - 45C 24. The Tempest. -Shakespeare, ginn & co. - 45c 25. Madame De Sevignee's Letters. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. ... $I.0O 26. Charles Lamb's Letters. A. C MCCLURG & CO. - - - $1.00 ENGLISH 33/ V 27. Letters of Mary Wortley Hontague. A C. MCCLURG & CO. - - - Si 00 Models of correspondence which form a part of classic litera- ture, should not be neglected, in the early training of young peo- ple to write letters. See Letters of Phillips Brooks and of Motley on page 131. 28. Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book. T. B. Aldrich. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO 12 IllO IllllS. - Si. 10 29. Sweetness and Light. Matthew Arnold HENRY ALTEMUS .... 30c 30. Use and Misuse of Books. Frederick Harrison. HENRY ALTEMUS. S 30C 31. Choice of Books. Thomas Carlyle. FUNK & WAGNALLS. ... - JOC 32. Manners. --Ralph Waldo Emerson. HENRY ALTEMUS. - jOC 33. Endymion and Other Poems. John Keats. CASSELL & CO ... - ioc 34. Heart of Oak. Vol. V and VI. i). c heath & co. 2 Vols. - 65c and 75c 35. Travelers from Altruria. W. D. Howclls. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 3 1 8. - Sl.50 36. riasterpieces of American Literature. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - Si. 00 37. Masterpieces of British Literature. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - S I .00 338 ENGLISH 38. Twice-Told Tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - Si. 00 30. Tennyson's Princess. houghton, mifflin & co. Paper. Illustrated. 30c 40. The Spectator. Joseph Addison and Others. hurst & co pp. 318+301. - - Si. 00 41. Nurnberg Stove. Louisa de la Rame. MAYNARP, MERRILL & CO. Paper. - I2C 42. Rasselas. - Samuel Johnson. <;. r. Putnam's sons. Classic Series. sy 43. Picciola. Translated from the French of X. />. Saintine. A. I . BURT & CiK - S 1 .00 This is a delightful little classic for boys and giris. If only exciting and sensational books of adventure are placed in their hands, they will soon become incapable of appreciating anything else. The charming story of the companionship afforded the lonely prisoner by a little flower furnishes a kind of literature greatly needed in children's libraries. 44. Letters to Workmen-. John Raskin. FUNK & WAGNALLS. - 30C 45. Select Hinor Poems of Hilton. SILVER, BURDETT & CO. - - 48c houghton, mifflin & co. Modern Classics. - 40c 46. The Temple, George Herbert. CASsei 1. cv co. Paper, pp. 200. - 10c ENGLISH 339 47. The School for Scandal and the Rivals. Richard Brinsley Sheridan. cassell & co. Paper, pp. 200. - - 10c 48. Child Sketches from George Eliot. Selected from the Works of the Great Novelist. Illustrated by R B. Birch and Amy Brooks. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. - - Sl.sO 49. Sesame and Lilies. Crown of Wild Olives. Eth= ics of the Dust John Ruskin. HENRY ALTEMUS. 3 Vol. Set. - $1.25 "Nobody does anything well that he cannot help doing." "Tell me what you like and I will tell you what you are." Ruskin is a veritable mine for a teacher of any grade, to work. Such quota- tions will aid greatly in securing moral training of even the young- est pupils. The three-volume set of Altemus, comprising these essays each in separate volume and printed on good paper in beautiful and durable form, is a most desirable edition for teachers. 50. Sohrab and Rustum. Arnold. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Paper. 1 2C 51. Elegy in a Country Churchyard. Thomas Gray. houghton, mifflin & co. Paper, 15c; Mod. Class. 40c 52. Selections from Mrs. Browning. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Paper. I2C 53. Favorite Poems of Robert Browning. HOUGHTON, mifflin & co. Modern Classics. 40c 54. Burns and Scott. houghton, mifflin & co. Modern Classics. 40c This contains Carlyle's essay on Burns and favorite poems of Hums and Scott ^40 ENGLISH 55. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table Oliver Wendell Holmes. houghton, mifflin & co. School Edition - 60c 56. Songs of Seven. -Jean Inge low. Roberts bros. Flexible Covers. 30c 57. Maundeville's Travels and Wickliffe's Bible. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. Paper. - 1 2C 58. Homer's Iliad. Books I and IV. Translated by George Howland. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - 3OC 59. Homer's Odyssey. Books I, V, IX and X. Trans- lated by George Howland. MAYNARD, MERRILL & CO. - - - 3OC 60. Stories from Wagner's Operas. H. A. Guerber. dodi), mead & co. Illustrated. - $1.50 Compare Fall of the Nibelungs, see page 334. BOOKS FOR A LIBRARY FOR FIFTH TO EIGHTH GRADES Books for these grades relating to history, geography and Na- ture Study are to be found under those heads. All the collections and standard books for teachers recommended on pages 308 to 315 are desirable here. Still other books which are especially desira- ble are recommended as useful in reading and literature recitations on pages 334 to 339. 1. Books by Louisa M. Alcott. 1. Little Women. 2. Old-Fashioned Girls. 3. Lit- tle Men. 4. Jo's Boys. 5. Eight Cousins. 6. Work. ROBERTS BROS. l6 niO. Illus. - - $\ .^0 ENGLISH 341 2. The Chase of the Meteor. Edwin Lasscter Bynner. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. IlluS. - Si. 25 . 3. Sweet William Marguerite Ronvet. a. c. mcclurg & co. Quarto. - - $1.50 Lords and ladies in a castle on coast of Normandy. 4. A Child of Tuscany. Marguerite Bouvet. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. 12 mo. - - $1-50 5. Pilgrim's Progress. John Bwiyan. With Introduc- tion by Charles Kingsley. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. 12 mo. - - Si. 75 cassell & co. Another Edition. Illustrated. 75c 6. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Samuel Clemens. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - $1-75 7. Susan Coolidge's Stories. 1. What Katy Did. 2. What Katy Did at School. 3. What Katy Did Next. robekts bros. 16 mo. Each - - 75c 8. In the Old Herrick House. Ellen Douglass Deland. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - Sl.50 Story of girl life. 9. The Hoosier Schoolboy Edward Eggleston. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. Illus. - $1.00 Series of School Reading - - 60c 10. Tales of the Argonauts. Bret Harte. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN 6c CO. 8 VO. - $2.00 342 ENGLISH it. Mrs. J. H. Ewing's Tales. i. Six to Sixteen. 2. A Great Emergency and Other Tales. 3. We and the World. kobhkts bros. 16 mo. Each - - 50c 12. Arthur Bonnicastle. /. G. Holland. charles scribner's sons. Paper, 50c; cloth. 51.25 13. Tom Brown's School Days. Thomas Hughes. A. L. BURT & CO. - - - 75C 14. Tom Brown at Oxford.- Thomas Hughes. A. L. BURT & CO. - - - 75c 15. No Heroes. Blanche Howard. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Sq. 12 IllO. llklS. 75c A good story for boys. 16. Betty Leicester. Sarah Orne Jczvctt. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l8 mo. Si. 25 17. Phaeton Rogers. Rossiter Johnson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IllO. pp. 344. $1-50 1 8. The Wizard King. - David Ker. j. is. lippincott co. - - - $1.50 19. Robert Falconer. George Macdonald. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 12 1110. - Sl.50 20. Ronald Bannerman George Macdonald. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. - /KC 21. Tom Paulding. Brandcr Matthews. CENTURY CO. 12 mo. pp. 254. - - Sl.50 ENGLISH 343 22. Toby Tyler. James Otis. HARPER & BROTHERS. - $I.OO 23. Mr. Stubb's Brother. James Otis. HARPER & BROTHERS. - - - $1.00 24. Christmas in the Olden Time. Sir Walter Seott. cassell & co. Large 8 vo. Illustrated. - $1.50 25. Books by Margaret Sidney. 1. Five Little Peppers. 2. Five Little Peppers Midway. 3. Five Little Peppers Grown Up. lothrop publishing co. 12 mo. Each. $1.50 26. A Jolly Fellowship.- /vvw/t Stockton. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. Illus. $1-50 27. Crowded Out o' Crofield. W. 0. Stoddard. I). APPLET0N & CO. 12 mo. - - $1.50 28. Paul and Virginia. Bernadin de St. Pierre. THOMAS V. CROWELL. - - 5OC 29. The Newcomes. William Makepeace Thackeray. LOVELL, CORYELL & Co. - - - 5OC 30. The History of Henry Esmond. William Make- peace Thackeray. THE MACMILLAN CO. Crown S VO. IlluS. $2.00 LOVELL, CORYELL it Co. 5OC 31. Gypsy's Sewing and Reaping. Elisabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. DODI), mead & co. Large 12 mo. $ T -5C 344 ENGLISH 32. Books of Jules Verne. 1. Underground City. Henry T. Coates & Co. - 50c 2. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. 3. From the Earth to the Moon. charles scribner's sons. 8 vo. Illus. Each $2.00 33. A Lost Hero. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward. koberts BROS. Small Quarto. - - Si. 50 A story showing the beauty of self-sacrifice. 34. Marm Lisa. Kate Douglas Wiggin. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. - $I.C0 35. Timothy's Quest. Kate Douglas Wiggin. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. CrOVVH 8 VO. - $1.50 36. The Bound Girl and Other Stories. Mary E. Wilkins. lothrop publishing CO. 12 mo. Illustrated. Si. 50 37. Don Quixote. -Miguel dc Cervantes. D. APPLETON & CO. 8 VO. Cloth. $2.00 38. Whims, Oddities and Whimsicalities. Thomas Hood. henry t. coates & co. Alta Edition. - 50c 39. Plutarch's Lives. Those which Illustrate Shakes- peare's Plays. the macmillan co. 9 Vols. Each Si. 50 40. Lotus Eaters. -George William Curtis. harper & brothers. 12 mo. Illustrated. $1.50 ENGLISH 345 41. riarjory Daw and Other Stories. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 1110. $1.00 42. Louisa Alcott; Her Life, Letters and Journals. Ednah B. Cheney. ROBERTS BROS. l6 mo. - - - $1.50 43. Utopia. Sir Thomas Moore. casseli. & co. Paper. ... iqc 44. Our Village. Maty Russell Mitford. harper & brothers. Handy Classics. 32 mo. 50c 45. Paradise Lost. John Milton. cassell & CO. 2 Vols. Paper. Each - 10c HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - $1.00 46. Paradise Lost and Lycidas. John Milton. GINN & CO. - 40C 47. riosses from the Old Manse. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. THOMAS V. CROWELL. - $1.00 HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. - $2.00 48. Complete Angler. Isaac Walton. cassfi 1. & co. - IOC 49. Emerson's Essays. THOMAS V. CROWELL. 2 Vols. Each - 5OC 50. House of Seven Gables. Nathaniel Hawthorne. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. - $I.OO 346 ENGLISH 51. Wordsworth's Poems. Selected by Matthew Arnold. harper & brothers. Handy Classics. 52. Idylls of the King. Alfred Tennyson. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 IllO. - 5OC There is much in the ideal of chivalry as it should have been which is elevating and beautiful. As Stedman says it never was that, but Tennyson has so presented it that it becomes a beautiful ideal. Somewhere in the boys' and the girls' life comes a time when this book is especially fit. 53. In Pursuit of Happiness. Count Ly of Tolstoi. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO - - - 75c 54. What People Live By. Count Lv of Tolstoi. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. - - 75c 55. The Epicurean. Thomas Moore. A. C. MCCLURG cS; CO. - - - $1.00 56. Bitter Sweet, fosiah Gilbert Holland. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. - - $1.25 57. Undine and Sintram. De la Motte Fouque. g. p. putnam's sons. Illus. - - 50c houghton, mifflin & co. Modern Classics. 40c This book contains also Paul and Virginia. 58. Three- Volume Shakespeare. LOVELL, CORYELL & CO. - - - $3.00 59. Two-Volume Shakespeare. Complete. THOMAS Y. CROWELL. - - - $1.20 ENGLISH 347 60. Vasari's Lives of the Painters. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 4 Vols. 8 VO $15.00 61. Artist's Biographies. 1. Raphael, Leonardo, Angelo. 2. Titian, Guido and Claude. 3. Reynolds, Turner and Landseer. 4. Durer, Rembrandt, Van Dvck. 5. Angelico, Murillo, Allston. houghton, mifflin & co. Each - $1-50 62. Story of a Bad Boy. -Thomas Bailey Aldrich. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 12 mo. ~0C 63. Ingoldsby Legends. Richard H. Batham FREDERICK WARNE. - - - $1.00 64. Tales from the Decameron. Boccacio. cassell & co. National Library. Paper. - ioc 65. The Diamond Necklace. Thomas Carlylc. LEACH, SHEWELL & SANBORN. - 35c 66. David Copperfield. Charles Dickens. THOMAS V. CROWELL. - 75c 67. Stories of Clerical Life. George Eliot. THOMAS V. CROWELL. - - $1.00 68. Silas riarner. George liliot. AMERICAN HOOK CO. - - 3OC 69. Being a Boy. Charles Dudley Warner. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. - - - 7OC 70. flodern Classics. Full Scries. See pa^e 309. 348 ENGLISH 71. Bevis. Richard J efferies. charles sckibnek's sons. 12 mo. - Si. 00 72. Cuore; An Italian Schoolboy's Journal. Edmondo dc Amicis. Translated by Isabel F. Hapgood. thomas v. crowell. 12 mo. 23 Illustrations. Si.oo An admirable classic. 73. Harper's Black and White Series. HARPER & BROTHERS. 32 lllO. Cloth. IllllS. 5OC There are over twenty volumes in this series, every one of which will be welcomed in an eighth grade library. The books on Whittier, Lowell, Phillips Brooks, Curtis, and Edwin Booth, are especially to be desired. 74. Talks on the Study of Literature. Arlo Bates. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - $1.50 Useful to teachers of all grades. 75. The Flight of a Tartar Tribe. De Quinccy. Ind- ited by J. G. Riggs. LEACH, SHEW'ELL & SANBORN. - - 35c 76. Elaine. Tennyson. Edited by Fannie M. Mc- Cauley. LEACH, SHEWELL & SANBORN. - - 25c 77. Dryden's Palamon and Arcite. Crawsliazv. D. C. HEATH & CO. - 4OC 78. De Amicitia. M. Tullius Cicero. Translated by Benjamin E. Smith. century co. 32 mo. Leather, pp. 173. $1.00 Highly appreciated by young, whether it is read in Latin or English. ENGLISH 349 70. Translation of Lessing's Nathan the Wise. SILVER BURDETT & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. pp. 2 I 3. 48c 80. Shakespeare's Heroines. Anna Jameson. London. New Ed. 8 vo. pp. 341. Gilt Top. 52.00 // 81. The Girlhood of Shakespeare's Heroines. Mary Coivden Clarke. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 8 VO. $3 CO A fascinating book. 82. riy Long Life. Autobiography of Mary Cowden Clarke. houghton:, mifflin & co. Small 8 vo. Illus. 52. 00 Notable literary and musical people are described. 83. English Men of Letters. -John Morlcy. harper & brothers. 13 Vols. Ka. - Si.oo or 39 Vols. Each - - - j;c 84. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Edited by Erederick G. Kenyon. THE MACMILLAN CO. 2 Vols. Cloth. - 54-00 85. American Literature and Other Papers. Intro- duction by J. G. Whittier. E. P. Whipple. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. - $1 50 This contains an essay originally used to introduce a book on Daniel Webster. It is the best educational paper extant on the writingof compositions in school, and with the essay on Ise and Abuse of Words, should be in the working library of the teacher of English. 86. On Honey. Bishop Tlwrold. DOOI), MEAD & CO. l8 IIIO. Cloth. - 5OC 350 ENGLISH 87. Books by John Kendrick Bangs. 1. Coffee and Repartee. - - - 50c 2. The Idiot. (Sequel to Coffee and Repartee.) $1.00 3. A House-Boat on the Styx. - - $1.25 4. Three Weeks in Politics. - - . 50c HARPER & BROTHERS. 88. Books by Charles Dickens. 1. Oliver Twist. 2. Nicholas Nickleby. 3. Pickwick Papers. THOMAS V. CROWELL. Each - - Si. 00 89. The Story of Jean Valjean. Edited by Sara E. Wiltse. GINN & CO. pp. I 122. Miss Wiltse's work in adapting Les Miserables has been ad- mirably done. The book ought to be read by every pupil in sev- enth and eighth grades. It is excellent for class reading. In the time of character forming, ideals like the good bishop and Jean Valjean have permanent moral effect. NATURE STUDY GENERAL flETHOD AND MATTER Literature closely associated with natural phenomena is in- cluded under every heading. i. Methods of Study in Natural History. Professor Louis Agassis. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. CrOWIl 8 VO. - $I.;0 1. Nature Study for Common Schools. Wilbur S. Jackman. HENRY HOLT & CO. 12 mo. pp. 448. - $1.20 The best idea of method in the grades. The teacher who has no idea of teaching science except to teach a book or a prepared outline will certainly be disappointed in Prof. Jackman. 3, Nature Study Correlated with Other Work of the Schoolroom. Wilbur S. Jackman. CHICAGO NORMAL SCHOOL. - - - S5C 4. Field Work in Nature Study. CHICAGO NORMAL SCHOOL. - - - S-C Useful 111 Physiography. 352 NATURE STUDY 5. Nature Study and the Child. Charles B. Scott. D. C. HEATH & co. Part I. This contains a full bibliography of books helpful in elemen- tary science. 6. Illustrated Library of Wonders. charles scribner's soxs. 24 Vols. Each Si. 00 Volumes especially valuable will be referred to under separate headings. 7. Addresses of T. H. Huxley. 1. Lay Sermovs, Addresses, and Reviews. - Si. 75 2. Science and Culture. ... - 1.50 D. APPLETON & CO. 8. The Common Sense of Exact Sciences. IV. K. Clifford. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - $1.50 9. The Grammar of Science. Karl Pearson. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 IllO. IlllIS. $1.25 10. Illustrated Dictionary of Scientific Terms. IV. Rossiter. g. p. putnam's sons. 12 mo. - - Si. 75 11. Three Kingdoms. Harlan //. Ballard. WRITERS PUBLISHING CO. L'seful for general reference. It is written by the president ot the Agassiz association. 12. Home Studies in Nature. M. Treat. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - CjOC 13. In Child World. Emilie Poulsson. See page 11. NATURE STUDY 353 14. Nature Study. SCHOOL EDUCATION COMPANY. Paper. - 25 15. Elementary Science. school education company. Paper. - 25c \"os. 15 and 16 are exceedingly helpful to the teacher in the grades. 16. Systematic Science Teaching. E. G. Hozve. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. - - Sl.50 17. Parables from Nature. Mrs. Alfred Gatty. A. c. mcclurg & co. Illustrated. the macmillan co. 2 Vols. Each - 75c 18. Book of Days. R. Chambers. !. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. pp. 832. - $2.45 19 Evenings at the Microscope. P. H. Gosse. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. $1.50 20. Microscopy for Beginners. -A. C. Stokes. HARPER & BROTHERS. 12 IIIO. - - Sl.50 SUPPLEMENTARY READING First Grade I. Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children. Flora J. Cooke. A. Flanagan & co. pp. 102. Boards, 35c; cloth, 25c The ultimate test of such books is their use in the schoolroom. The teacher will find the complex process of teaching little chil- dren to read, wonderfully lightened by the use of a book which is as perfectly adapted to the purpose as is Miss Cooke's. 354 NATURE STUDY 2. Little Nature Studies lor Little People from John Burroughs. Mary E. Burt. (-.inn & co. Boards, pp. 141. - - 29c 3. Skyward and Back. Lucy M. Robinson. SCHOOL EDUCATION COMPANY. Cloth. pp. 101. 3OC Another charming book perfectly adapted to its use. 4. Normal Envelope. Published by Chicago Normal School Publishing Co. Monthly, per year, #2.50 5. Through the Farmyard Gate. Emilie Poulsson. lothrop publishing co. Quarto, lllus. Si. 50 Pictures and stories of animals. 6. Seed Babies. Margaret W. Morley. ginn & co. pp. 75. Beautifully Illustrated. 25c Miss Morley's style of writing is good. Little Jack and Ko are something more than the wooden puppets which serve to connect information in too many of our nature readers. 7. Book of Cats and Dogs. James JoJwnnot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 96. - - 1 7c SECOND GRADE 1. Cat-Tails and Other Tales. Mary II. Ilowliston. A. FLANAGAN & CO. .... ^ C Sense, thought and good literary form are characteristics somewhat rare in the many nature story books for children. Miss Howliston adds wit to these essentials, and her book is pronounced charming by the severest critics among the little folks. 2. Nature's Byways. Nellie Walton Ford. THE MORSE CO. Cloth. pp. Il8. lllus. 4OC NATURE STUDY 355 3. Young Folks' Pictures and Stories of Animals Mrs. Sanborn Tenncy. 1. Quadrupeds. 2. Birds. 3. Fishes and Reptiles. 4. Bees, Butterflies and Other Insects. 5. Sea Shells and River Shells. 6. Sea Urchins, Star Fishes and Corals. lee & shepard. pp. 1 50. Each - - 35c 4. The Plant Baby and Its Friends. Kate Louise Broun. SILVER, BUKDETT & CO. pp. I55. - - 48c 5. Feathers and Fur. James Jolionnot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. I4O. - 3OC 6. Leaves and Flowers.- -Mary A. Spear. I). C. HEATH & CO. pp. IO3. IlluS. 2jC 7. Four Feet, Two Feet and No Feet. Edited by Laura E. Riehards. estes & lauriat. Quarto. Illustrated. > l -7S 8. Queer Little People.- Harriet Beecher Stoicc. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Small 12 IHO. - Si. 25 9. Cat Stories. Helen Hunt Jackson. 1. Letters from a Cat. 2. Hunter Cats from Connorloa. ROBERTS BROS. Each - - - Si. 25 11. The Animal Story Book. Edited by Andrew Lang. LONGMANS, GREEN t V CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - S I . SO 356 NATURE STUDY 12. Little Talks About Insect Life Serial in Our Little Men and Women, for the year 1886. 13. Pets and Companions.- -/ H. Stickney. ginn vS; co. pp. 142. - - - 30c THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES 1. Black Beauty: The Autobiography of a Horse. Anna Sew all. e. a. weeks & co. Handy Volume Series. 25c Black Beauty is indispensable. The children in the third and fourth grades enjoy no other reader as well. The children's sym- pathy for animals is always aroused by the narrative, and many a youthful humane society owes its existence to Mrs. Sewall's touch- ing story. The very cheap edition of Weeks & Co. has a good cloth binding, and is preferable to the paper editions. 2. Kinfolk. authors' publishing co. - - - 50c Very delightful nature reader for fourth grade. It is full of dramatic passages good for oral reading. 3. Buz; Life of a Honey Bee. Maurice Noel. KINDERGARTEN LITERATURE CO. - - $1.00 4. Selections from Youth's Companion 1. Bits of Bird Life. 2. Our Little Neighbors. PERRY MASON & CO. Each - - - IOC 5. Stories Mother Nature Told Her Children. Jane Andrews. GINN & CO. pp. 151. - - - 5OC NATURE STUDY 357 6. Leaves from Nature's Story Book. Mrs. M. A. B. Kelly. 1. General. 2. Insects and Birds. 3. Sea Animals, educational publishing co. Boards, 40c ; cloth, 60c 7. Tommy-Anne; or Three Hearts. Mabel Osgood Wright. THE MACMILLAN CO. - - - Sl.;0 Teachers can easily adapt this charming book to the fourth grade. 8. Fairy Frisket. By A. L. 0. II. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. pp. 1 98. - SOC Insect Life. 9. Fairy Kno\v=a-Bit. By A. L. 0. E. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. - . - SOC Ants and moths. 10. All the Year Round. Frances L. Strong. Three parts; Autumn, Winter and SPRING. ginn & co. Each - - - 20C ii. A Few Familiar Flowers. Margaret //'. Morley. ginn & co. This may be adapted to different grades. 13. Stories of Insect Life. Clarence Moons Weed. ginn & co. 14. Little Flower Folks. Mara L. Pratt. educational pub. co. 2 Vols. Ea. Bds., 30c: clo., 40c 15. Nature Study Readers. /. //'. Parker. D. appleton vV co. 4 Vols. Each ;oc 358 NATURE STUDY 16. Books by James Johonnot. i. Wings and Fins. pp. 220. - - - 40c 2. Claws and Hoofs. .... 54c 3. Flyers, Creepers and Swimmers, pp. 224. 40c AMERICAN HOOK CO. 17. Reader in Botany. Jane H. Newell. ginn & co. Part I: From Seed to Leaf. pp. 199. 70c 18. Water Babies. Chatles Kingsley. ginn & co. - 48c This inimitable fairy-tale cannot fail to give added Interest to the scientific observation of dragon-fly, and caddis and lobster. 19. Beautiful Joe; Autobiography of a Dog. Mar- shall Saunders. CHARLES H. BAUER. l6 ITIO. - - 60C 20. A Dog's Tlission; or the Story of the Old Avery House. Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stozve. houghton, mifflin & co. Square 12 mo. $1.25 21. Little Folks in Feathers and Fur, and Others in Neither. Olive Thome Miller. E. P. DUTTOX & CO. pp. 35O. Illus. - $2.50 22. Little Neighbors Emily Huntington Miller e. p. duttox & co. Quarto. Cloth. Illus. Si. 50 23. Nature in Verse. M. I. Lovejoy. SILVER, BURDETT & CO. pp. 305. - - 75c 24. Children's Stories of Great Scientists. Henrietta Christian 1 1 'right. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SONS. 12 mo Illus. $1.25 NATURE STUDY 359 25. Our Dumb Animals. Published by Humane So- ciety. Geo. T. Angell. 50c per year. 26. Short Stories of Our Shy Neighbors. Mrs. M. A. B. Kclley. AMERICAN BOOK CO. pp. 214. - - 5OC Good life stories of common butterflies, moths, dragon-flies, beetles, frogs, winter birds, squirrels, etc. 27. Boys and Girls in Biology. 5. H. Stevenson. D. AFPLETON & CO. 12 mo. IlluS. - 75c Based on Huxley's lectures. 28. Four-Handed Folk. Olive Thome Miller. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 mo. pp. 201. 111. Si. 25 29. Our Little Neighbors. Gophers. Selections from Youth's Companion. FERRY MASON & CO. - - - IOC 30. Tales Out of School. Frank Stockton. houghton, mifflin & co. 200 Illustrations. Si. 50 Sponges, turtle and coral. 31. Look About Club and Curious Things They Found. - Mary E. Bamford. lothrop publishing co 2 Vols. 8 vo. Fach Si. 50 Butterflies, spiders, and other insects about brooks. 32. Talks by Queer Folks. Mary li. Bamford. LOTHROP PUBLISHING CO. 8 VO. IllllS. - Sl.50 S3. The Playtime Naturalist. /. E. Taylor. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. pp. 366. Sl.50 360 NATURE STUDY FIFTH TO EIOHTH GRADES Books for Supplementary Reading are marked S in the left margin: All other books are valuable for a library for these grades, and for teachers of every grade. For scientific travels, see page 81, No. 15; page go, Nos. 17 and 18; page 93, No. 8; page 94, No. 9; page 127, No. 6; page 165, No. 9. GENERAL 1 . Science Sketches. David Starr Jordan. a. c. mcclurg & co. New and Enlarged Ed. $1.50 S 2. Modern Painters. John Ruskin. mavnaki), mekrill & co. Abridged paper 12c Sky, clouds, storms, water, waves, mountains, pines, grass, moss and lichens. 3. Works of Henry D. Thoreau. 1. Early Spring in Massachusetts. 16 mo. - $1.00 2. Early Summer in Massachusetts. 16 mo. - 1.00 3. Early Autumn in Massachusetts. 16 mo. - 1.00 4. Early Winter in Massachusetts. 16 mo. - 1.00 S 5. Walden, or Life in the Woods. Crown 8 vo. 1.50 HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. All of Thoreau's works, bound in boards, eleven volumes, 8 vo can be bought for four dollars. Thoreau is placed first among the list of essayists on nature, because no one quite equals him in this department of literature. S 4. Natural History of Selborne. -Gilbert White. ginn & co. pp. 251. - Boards, 40c; cloth, 50c cassfll & co. 2 Vols. Paper. Each - 10c There are no allusions to life like those which we find in Bur- roughs. These are simple and delightfully clear observations of facts. The beginning description of Selborne may not interest the eighth grade, but if the class begin to read with letter seventh about the deer and the deer-stealers, they will be interested enough to finish the book, and begin at the beginning. Letter VII may be used to illustrate a period of English History. NATURE STUDY 36 1 5. jTly Garden Acquaintance, Good Word for Winter, Moosehead Journal, At Sea James Russell Lowell. houghton, Mifflin & co. Modern Classics. 40c 6. At the North of Bear-Camp Water and the Land of the Lingering Snow. Frank Holies. See p. 1 13, 7. Wet Days at Edge wood.- Donald G. Mitchell. CHARLES SCRIBNER's SON'S. 12 1110. - $1.25 8. A Tour round Hy Garden. From the French of Alphonse Karr. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. - - S2.5O o. William Hamilton Gibson's Works. Illustrated by the Author. 1. Highways and Byways; or Saunterings in New Eng- land. Quarto, pp. 158. - - - $7-50 2. Camp Life in the Woods. 16 mo. pp. 300. - 1.00 3. Sharp Eyes; a Rambler's Calendar of Fifty-Two Weeks among Birds, Insects and Flowers. Cloth, pp. 322. S2.50 HARPER & BROTHERS. Those who heard Mr. Gibson's lectures to teachers, before his death, need no urging to secure these books for inspiration in nature study. "Sharp Eyes" is especially valuable. The method of studying plants in connection with their bird or insect visitors is the best, and Mr. Gibson not only gives assistance for this in the text, but in his wonderful drawings. S 10 The Friendship of Nature. Mabel Osgood Wright. the macmillan co. 18 mo. Gilt top. - 75c 362 NATURE STUDY S 11. Glimpses of the Animate World James Jo- honnot. AMERICAN BOOK CO. - - - gl.OO 1 2. Books by Bradford Torrey. 1. A Rambler's Lkase. 16 mo. - - - $1.25 2. Spring Notes from Te^nesee. 16 mo. - 1.25 3. Biros in the Bush. 16 mo. - - - 1.25 4. The Foot Path Way. 16 mo. - - - 1.25 HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 13. Books by John Burroughs. S 1. Pepacton. 16 mo. .... $1.25 S 2. Wake Robin. 16 mo. - 1.25 3. Fresh Fields. 16 mo. - 1.25 S 4. Sharp Eyes and Birds and Bees. Cloth. - 40c HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN" lS: CO. 14. Field and Hedgerow. Richard 'Jeff cries. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 12 mo. Si. 25 15. Wild Life in a Southern Country. Richard Jef- feries. ROBERTS BROS. - 75c 16. The Pageant of Summer. Richard J effcrics. thomas moshfr. Brocade Series. - 75c 17. The Beauties of Nature, and the Wonders of the World We Live In. Sir John Lubbock. THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 IllO. Illus. Sl.50 18. Under the Trees and Elsewhere. Ha \milton IV. Mabie. DODI), MEAD & CO. l6 mo. - - $I-5C NATURE STUDY 363 MAMMALS S I. Animal Life on the Globe. Alexander Chisholm, BOSTON SCHOOL SUPPLY CO. 12 mo. pp. 1 47. 36c 2. Animal Life as Affected by the Natural Conditions of Existence. Karl Semper. D. APPLETON & CO. pp. 472. - - $2.00 3. Mammalia. Loins Figuier. CASSELL & CO. - - - - $1.50 Xo books are as useful as Figuier's in the development of the adaptation of parts to habits. They are desirable in every grade and particularly in early animal lessons. 4. Popular Natural History. /. 5. Kingsley. ESTES & LAURIAT. 2 Vols. 8 VO. lllus. - $9.00 S 5. Jungle Book and Second Jungle Hook. Kipling. See pages 104 and 107. 6. The Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals. A. Chauveau. d. appleton & co. Cloth. 5S5 Illustrations. $7.00 7. Manual of the Vertebrates of the Northern U. S David Starr Jordan. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. pp. 375. - $2.50 S 8. Half-Hours with the Animals. David S.Jordan. THOMAS NELSON & SONS. pp. 239. - 75c S 9. My Backyard Zoo. /. G. Wood. THOMAS WHITTAKER & CO. Illus. - - 9OC 10. Intelligence of Animals. Ernest Menault. CHARLES SCRIUNER's SONS. 12 IllO. lllus. - $1.00 364 NATURE STUDY 11. Domesticated Animals. N. S. Shaler. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. 8 VO. - - S2.5O 12. Song of Life and Life and Love Margaret W. Morley. See page 46. 13. The Horse; a Study in Natural History. Wm. H. Flower. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.00 14. Ham mals of Minnesota. //. f. Nachtrieb. State Zoological Survey. University of Minnesota. S 15. Winners in Life's Race; or, The Great Back- boned Family. Arabella B. Buckley. D. APPLETOX & CO. Cloth. pp. 36/. IlluS. $1-50 16. Animal Intelligence. George J. Roma?ies. d. appletox & co. 12 mo. Cloth. - $ l -75 17. The Colors of Animals; Their Meaning and Use. Edward B agnail Poidton. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1-75 18. The Cat St. George Miv art. D. appletox & co. 8 vo. Cloth. Illus. - $3-50 19. Wild Beasts. -John H. Porter. CHARLES SCKIBXER'S SOXS. 8 VO. Cloth. Illus. $2.00 A study of the characters and habits of the elephant, lion, panther, leopard, jaguar, tiger, puma, wolf and grizzly bear. S 20. Wild Neighbors. -- Ernest IngersolL THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. Cloth - $1.00 NATURE STUDY 365 S 21. The Ivory King. Charles F. Holder. charles scribner's sons. Square 8 vo. - Si. 25 S 22. Country Cousins. Ernest Ingcrsoll. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. - - $1-50 23. Quadrupeds of North America. IV. T. Hornaday. In St. Nicholas for 1894. Illustrations very valuable. S 24. Red Deer. Richard J efferies. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. Cl". 8 VO. IlluS. Si. 25 S 25. Our Home Pets. Olive Thome Miller. HARPER & BROTHERS. l6mO. Cloth, pp.273. Si. 25 26. My Household Pets. Cheophile Ganticr. Trans- lated by Susan Coolid^e. ROBERTS BROS. l6 mo. - - Si. 25 S 27. Child's Book of Nature. Worthuigton Hooker. AMERICAN BOOK Co. - - - - 44c Animals. 28. Animal Locomotion. /. Bell Pettigrcw. n. appleton & co. 12 mo. Cloth. Si. 75 20. Chapters on Animals. P. G. Hamerto/i. ROBERTS BROS. 12 IllO. - - Sl.50 30. Fur Seal, and Other Fisheries of Alaska. U. S. Fish Commission. FISH 1. Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the United States. U. S. Fish Commission. 366 NATURE STUDY 2. Fishes of Minnesota. //; T. Nachtricb. State Zo- ological Survey. University of Minnesota. 3. Science Sketches. D. S. Jordan. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. 12 mo. - - $I.OO Read Story of a Salmon and How the Trout Came to Cal- fornia. 4. Fresh Water Fishes, and Those Ascending Streams from the Sea. Edward Knobel. bradlee whidden. 12 mo. Paper, 50c; cloth, 75c riARINE LIFE AND LOWER FORMS OF ANIMALS i. The Crayfish; an Introduction to the Study of Zo- ology. T. H. Huxley. d. appleton & co. 12 mo. Cloth. Illus. S3.50 2. The Fauna of the Deep Sea. Sydney J. Hickson. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. Illus. $I.0O 3. Jelly-Fish, Star=Fish and Sea=Urchins. George J. Romanes. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - Si .75 S 4- The Hall of Shells Mrs. A. S. Hardy. D. APPLETON & CO. Cloth. pp. 1 76. Illus. 60c 5. A History of Crustacea. Tho/nas R. R. Stcbbing. D. APPLETON & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - S2.00 6. The Animal Life of Our Seashore. -A?igelo Heilprin. charlks sckibnkk's sons. Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.25 S 7. Along the Florida Reef. C. F. Holder. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 12 mo. Cloth. IlluS. $1.50 NATURE STUDY 367 S 8. Up and Down the Brooks. Mary E. Bamford. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. l6 niO. - J^C 5 9. Look About Club. -Mary E. Bamford. See p. 359. 5 10. My Land and Water Friends. Mary E. Bamford. lothrop publishing co. Boards, Si. 25; cloth, Si. 50 S 11. In Brook and Bayou. Clara Kern Bayliss. D. APPLETOX & CO. 12 mo. - - 60C Life in the still waters. 12. Life in Ponds and Streams. IV. S. Furneaux. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. - - - S3.3O S 13. The 5tory of Forest and Stream Jas. Rodzvay. LOXGMAXS, GREEN cV Co. 1 6 mo. - - 4OC S 14. First Book in Zoology. E. S. Morse. AMERICAN BOOK. CO. ... gfjC Talks by the seashore. 15. Ocean World. Louis Figuier. cassell & co. .... Si. 50 16. Commercial and Other Sponges. Alphcus Hyatt. I), c. HEATH & CO. Paper, pp. 43. lllus. 20C S 17. A First Lesson in Natural History. Mrs. Elis- abeth Agassis. !-.. c. heath .v co. Paper, pp. 64. Illus. 25c t8. Common Hydroids, Corals and Echinoderms. Alp/was Hyatt. U. C. HEATH & CO. pp. 32. IlluS. - 3OC 368 NATURE STUDY iq. riollusca; Oyster, Clam and Other Common Mol- lusks. Alpheus Hyatt. d. c. heath & co. Paper, pp.65. Illus. 30c 20. Worms and Crustacea. Alpheus Hyatt. D. c. heath & co. Paper, pp. 68. Illus. 30c 21. A Course of Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology. T. H. Huxley and Martin. THE M ACM II. LAX CO. - - - $2.60 Frog, crayfish, and lobster, earthworm, snail, fresh water mus- sel, polypus, animalculae, yeast, bacteria, mould, bracken fern. 22. Development of a Frog's Egg. Thomas Hunt Morgan. THE MACMILLAX CO. pp. IQ2. - - $1.60 S 23. Tales Out of School. Frank Stockton. charles scribner's soxs. Quarto. Illus. $1.50 Sponges, turtle and coral. 5 24. Life and Her Children. Arabella B. Buckley. d. appleton & co. Cloth, pp.312, - $1.50 A good outline for work in the grades. S 25. The Sea and Its Wonders. Kirbv. See page 93. 26. Science Ladders. N. D'Anvers. S 1. Lowest Forms of Water Animals. S 2. Lowly Mantle and Armor Wearers, g. p. putxam's soxs. Cloth. Each - 40c S 27. Seaside Studies in Natural History. Alexander Agassiz and Elizabeth C. Agassiz. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 8 VO. Illus. - $3-00 Massachusetts Bay and its marine life. NATURE STUDY 369 5 28. The Story of a Shell. John R. Macduff. ROBERT CARTER & BROS. 12 HIO. - Sl.50 The story of the shell is traced from the shell market in Ven- ice, back to its original formation. S 20. Living Lights Charles F. Holder. charles scribner's sons. Square 8 vo. Si. 7; A popular account of phosphorescent animals and vegetables. 27 full-page illustrations. S 30. Glaucus; the Wonders of the Shore. Charles Kings ley. the macmillan co. 12 mo. Illus. - Si. 25 BIRDS i. Birdcraft. Mabel Osgood Wright. the macmillan co. 12 mo. Illustrated. - S2.;o The colored plate and the exact descriptions in Birdcraft make it one of the best of the cheaper books for identifying birds. S 2. Citizen Bird. Mabel Osgood Wright and Dr. Elliot Cones. thk macmillan co. 12 mo. - - $1.30 Citizen Bird is intensely interesting. 3. Common Birds and How to Know Them. John B. Grant. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. Oblon^I2niO. Sl.50 Another indispensable aid in bird identification. 4. The Bird's Calendar. H. E. Parkhurst. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 23 mo. pp.345. Sl.50 370 NATURE STUDY 5. Birds of Minnesota H. F. Nachtrieb. United States Zoological Survey. University of Minn. 5 6. Bird Leaflet. Humane Society. George T. Angell. Boston Public Schools. - 25c 7. Reptiles and Birds. Louis Figuicr. CASSELL & CO. - - - - $1.50 8. Popular Handbook of the Ornithology of the Unit- ed States. Thomas Nuttall. LITTLE, BROWN t V CO. - - $5-00 9. Bird Life Frank M. Chapman, n. aitleton & co. 75 Full-page Illustrations. Si. 75 This hook had the highest sale of any book in July, 1897, at Worcester, Mass. Edition illustrated in colors, $5. 00. 10. Key to North American Birds. Elliott Cones. ESTES & LAURIAT. 8 VO. IlluS. - - $7-5 The best standard book for the teacher. 1 1 . Books by Charles Conrad Abbott. 1. Bird-Land Echoes. Crown 8 vo. Cloth. - S2.00 2. The Birds about Us. Crown 8 vo. Cloth. - 2.00 3. Travels in a Tree Top. 12 mo. - - Si. 25 I. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. S 12. The Story of the Birds.- James Newton Baskett. I). AITLETON & CO. I 2 IUO. Cloth. - 65c S 13. Bird Neighbors. Ncltjc Blanchan. DOUBLEDAY, MCCI.URE & CO. 8 VO. $2.00 An excellent aid in bird study. S 14. News from the Birds. Lcander S. Keyser. i'. appleton & co. - - - 50c NATURE STUDY 37 1 5 15. Books by Olive Thome Miller. 1. Little Brothers of the Air. 16 mo. - $1.25 2. Bird-Ways. 16 mo. .... 60c 3. In Nesting Time. 16 mo. - - - Si. 25 4. Upon the Tree Tops. 16 mo. - 1.25 HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. 16. Books by Florence A. Merriam. S 1. A-Birding on a Bronco. 16 mo. Illus. - Si. 25 2. My Summer in a Mormon Village. 16 mo. 111. 1.00 S3. Birds of Village and Field. 16 mo. Illus. 1.25 HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. S 17. Birds and Bees and Sharp-Eyes. John Bur- roughs. Sec pa^e 362. 18. In Bird Land. Leander S. Keyser. A. C. MCCLURG & CO. l6 IllO, pp. 2G9. $1.25 Exact, reliable and readable. S 19. A Year with the Birds. Wilson Flagg. EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. pp. 307. $ 1 .00 20. Homes without Hands. /. G. Wood. HARPER & BROTHERS. 8 VO. Cloth. pp. 652. $3,00 S 21. Curious Homes and Their Tenants.- James Car- ter Beard. d. appleton & co. pp. 275. - - 65c 22. Our Own Birds.- IV. L. Bailey. j. b. lifpincott co. pp. 265. - - Si. 50 S 23. Birddom. -Leander Keyser. LOTHKOF PUBLISHING CO. 12 IllO. Sl.OO 3/2 NATURE STUDY S 24. Rural Bird Life Charles Dixon. Preface and Introduction by Dr. Elliott Coues. the weknek CO. 45 Illustrations. - 90c S 25. Birds Nesting. Ernest Ingerso//. BRADLEE WHIDDEN. 12 mo. Clotll. - Si .25 S 26. My Garden Acquaintance Lowe//. See p. 361. Read about Alderman Robin. 27. Life and Journals of J. Audubon. g. p. putnam's sons. pp. 443. - - $1.50 S 28 Audubon, the Naturalist. Mrs. Horace St. John. CENTURY CO. - - - - SOC S 29. My Saturday Bird Class Margaret Mi/ler. d. c. heath & co. Boards, pp. 114. Illus. 25c INSECTS 1. Insecta. A/pheus Hyatt and J. M. Arms. D. C. HEATH & CO. Cloth. pp. 324. Illus. Si. 25 2. Insect World G. L. Fignier. cassell & co. Crown S vo. - - Si. 50 3. Entomology. Bulletin 28. Prof. Lzigger. Experi- ment Station, St. Anthony Park. Minnesota State Survey. 4. Insects Abroad and Insects at Home/. Wood. LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. P2acll - - S3. 00 5. Insect Life. Jolin Henry Comstock. D. APPLETON & CO. Cloth. 12 mO. Illus. S2.^0 NATURE STUDY 373 S 6. Curiosities of the Insect World. D. APPLETON & CO. - 60C 7. rianual for the Study of Insects. D. APPLETON & CO. 8 VO. IlluS. - $3-75 8. The Microscope. Jabez Hogg. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS. pp.762. - S3. 00 The plates showing magnified parts of insects, make this very valuable for the study of entomology, as it is tor other departments of science dependent on the microscope. 9. Insects: How to Catch and How to Prepare Them for the Cabinet. IV. P. Manton. LEE & SHEPARD. l6 lllO. Cloth. IllllS. - 5OC 10. Entomology for Beginners. A. S. Packard. HENRY HOLT & CO. 12 mo. Cloth, pp. 367. 111. $1.40 11. Guide to the Study of Insects A. S. Packard. HENRY HOLT & CO. 8 VO. Cloth. IllllS. - $5-00 12. Half=Hours with Insects. A. S. Packard. ESTES & LAURIAT. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1-50 13. Injurious insects of the West. A. S. Packard. HENRY HOLT & CO. 8 VO. Cloth. - $2.00 14. Our Common Insects A. S. Packard. HENRY HOLT & CO. 12 IHO. Cloth. IlluS. $1-50 15. Insects Injurious to Vegetation. T. W. Harris. ORANGE HDD CO. 8 VO. Cloth. IlluS. - $4.00 S 16. Old Farm Fairies Henry C. McCook. FORDS, HOWARD & HULBERT. - - Sl.50 The brownies are useful insects; the pixies are spiders. 374 NATURE STUDY S 17. Tenants of an Old Farm. Henry C. McCook. Illustrated by Beard. FORDS, HOWARD & HULBERT. 12 mo. pp.460. $1.50 The value of this book in the study of insects lies in our meet- ing spiders, ants, bees, crickets, and other insects, not on pins for dissection, but happily alive in their own haunts. Mr. McCook is a most inspiring companion, for he makes us see clearly the things which always escape the observation of the untrained naturalist. Nor are we allowed to make mistakes. The accuracy of the book is vouched for by no less an authority than Sir John Lubbock, who writes the preface. S 18. The Population of an Old Pear Tree, or a Story of Insect Life. From the French of E. Van Bruy- ssel. THE MACMILLAN CO. ... $1.00 19. Manual of North American Butterflies. C. J . Maynard. DE WOLFE, FISKE & CO. Cloth. IlluS. - $1-75 20. Butterflies and Moths. W. Furneaux. 12 colored Plates and 241 Illustrations in the Text. a. c. mcclurg & co. Crown 8 vo. pp. 372. S350 S 21. Little People and Their Homes in fleadows, Woods and Waters. Stella Louise Hook. Beauti- fully Illustrated by Dan and Harry Beard. charles scribxkr's sons. Sq. 8 vo. pp. 228. $1.50 22. Butterflies of the Eastern United States and Can- ada, with Special Reference to New England. Samuel H. Scudder. 96 Plates. 41 Colored. houghton, Mifflin & co. 3 vols. Half Lev. $75-00 NATURE STUDY 375 S 23. Frail Children of the Air; Excursions into the World of Butterflies. Samuel H. Scudder. HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO. Crown 8 VO. - #1.50 24. Brief Guide to the Commoner Butterflies of Northern United States and Canada. Samuel H Scudder. HENRY HOLT & CO. 12 mo. Cloth. pp. 206. $1.00 S 25. The Life of a Butterfly. Samuel H. Scudder. henry holt & co. 16 mo. Cloth, pp. 1 86. 80c Mr. Scudder's books are a necessity. No. 24 first of all, and 25, and 23 if possible. S 26. Insect Lives, or Born in Prison. Julia P. Ballard. g. p. putnam's sons. Illus. - - $1.50 S 27. Among the Hoths and Butterflies Julia P. Ballard. Fully Illustrated. g. p. putnam's sons. 8 vo. Cloth, pp.237. $1.50 Miss Ballard has done more than to supply us vith matt-rial we greatly need in the grades. She has given us a book so charm- ingly and sympathetically written, that love of nature and enthusi- asm cannot but be stirred. The life history of our common but- terflies can easily be traced in any gade by the hip of this book alone. If but one book can be bought, this will be the most valu- able. 28. Silk; Its Origin and Culture. See page 96. Specimens of silk worms, silk moths, and silk manufacture, in various stages, may be obtained in a beautiful cabinet from the same company for Sj.oo. Illustrative charts, 20c each. 376 NATURE STUDY 20. Books by E. Knobel. 1. Day Butterflies. 8 vo. - 50c 2. The Moths. 8 vo. - - 50c 3. The Beetles. 8 vo. - - - - 50c 4. Mosquitoes and Flies. 8 vo. - - - 50c BRADLEE WHIDDEN. S 30. Friends worth Knowing. Ernest Ingersoll. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 258. - - 75c Glimpses of American natural history. S 31. American Spiders and Their Spinning-Work Henry C. McCook. 1,000 Engravings and 35 Col- ored Plates. FORDS, HOWARD & HULBERT. 3 Vols. - $50.00 S 32. Adventures of a Field Cricket Ca.nde.zc. E. & J. B. YOUNG. l6 mo. - - 75c Romance of Science series. 5 33. Ten New England Blossoms and Their Insect Visitors. Clarence Moores Weed. houghton, mifflin & co. Square 12 mo. 111. $1.25 S 34. Romance of the Insect World L. N. Badenoc/i, THE MACMILLAN CO. 12 mo. Cloth. - $1.26 35. Favorite Flies and Their Histories. Mary Orris Marbury. houghton, mifflin & co. Square 8 vo.. - $5. 00 36. Curious Homes and Their Tenants. -James Carter Beard. D. APPLETON & CO. - - - - 65c NATURE STUDY 377 S 37. Flyers and Crawlers. Ella R. Church. D. APPLETOX & CO. - 65c S 38. Pond Life; Insects. E. A. Butler. U. APPLETON & CO. ... - 65c 39. Ants, Bees and Wasps. Sir John Lubbock. d. appletox & co. Inter. Sci. Ser. pp. 448. $2.00 40. Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects. Sir John Lubbock. the macmillax co. 12 mo. - - $1.00 41. Langstroth on the Hive and Honey Bee. CHARLES DADAXT & CO. - - - Sl.50 5 42. Buz; or, The Life and Adventures of a Honey- Bee. See page 356. 5 43. Birds and Bees. John BurrougJis. See page 362. [Numbers 7, 8, y, and 13 on page 357 and 31 and 32 on page 359 are about Insects.] PHYSIOLOGY 1. Books by Charles H. Stow ell. 1. A Healthy Body. pp. 224. - - - 50c 2. A Handbook of Simple Experiments in Physi- ology. 12 mo. pp. 99. - - - - 46c SILVER, BURDETT & CO. 5 2. History of a Mouthful of Bread Jean MacS. HARPER & BROTHERS. pp. 3. 1 411. Ha(es ( - ,, 31S 305. Ainsworth, \\ . II.. 22S, 232, -aeon, A. M., 1:>5 Baxter, K. S. 156. 212. Badenoch, L. .V. 3.6 Bavliss (' K 367. Airv, <>.. 207. Badlam. A. B., 299. 31)0. J,", 's (1 '392 Alcott, Ixmise. 325, Ml'). JJniJcy, I'. II., 39,> Heard. Dan, 409. 411. Alden, \V. I... 325. Bailey. I.. IE, 91. 380. n , , ( . :!71 .,;,; AWlnch. A. R., 60. Bailey, W. I... 371. 3.9. Heard' E and \ 4)19. Al.lnch. I. I!., 113. 152. 313, Bain, Alex.. 17 Beazle'y, C R., 203. .'',37. 315, 317. bam. R. V. 20:>. Becker W A 193. .Men, I. W.. 171. Baker, A. ( ., 163. | 1( ,,|. ' K '407' A'tieri, Vittorio, 74. Baker. James. l.)0. Heeslv A II 97 191 Mien. A. V <,. 258 Bah. r. S. \\ .. 158. ireslev E S "29 A!!,.,. Grant. 3S0. 3X3. ^'l"'"-, !;!""- 1T4 - 1S6 ' 3,S ' Benjamin," I 'ark. 397. I. (,., 152. 323,324,334. _ 1! ( rgen I Y 379 .Mien. M. U .. 17 Baldwin, J. Mark. 26. 2,. '" |.. ..,,' Walter ISO 203, 20fi, .Mlibonc, A. S., 115. 59. .,, v .;.,,; .,07 Mh.ori I- - 52 Balfour. I. II . 3S0. -' - '; *'!' .,-,, A' O.K. 357. BaH R.S...S.3.9..99.3.,, ^ ^^^ N,;;;;:en''!;e::;'Adm"r!.29., ,;,;;,,.. .<. m. 99. ,-.. r^, .. b., 122, 154. 155 Andersen, II. C, 75. IOC, 136, 164, 2:9, 251, i'7 163. 4i8 INDEX Bishop, X. H., 112, 12S. Rjornsen, B., 142. Black, Alex., 279, 396. Black, Will., 104, 139, 231. Blackmore, K. U., 212, 236, 241. Blaikie, Wm.. 37S. Blaisdell, A. F., 170. Blanchard, A. E., 325. Rlauchen, Xeltie, 3.0. Blaxland, G. C., 250. Blennerhassett, Rose, 100. Bliss, \V. R., 257. Blow, Susan, 8, 04. Bocaccio, 347. Holies, F.. 113. Bolton, F. S., 310. Bonner, John, 185, 189, 205. Bonney, T. G., 403, 404. Bonomi, 185. Boughton, G. II., 143. Bourienne, L., 210. Boutell, L. H., 293. Bouvet, M., 141, 14S, 341. Bowen, E. A., 390. Bowen, II. C, 24. Bowker, 253. Bowman, A., 105. Bovesen, H. II., 142. Boyle, F., 3S9. Boys, C. V., 393, 400. Brackenbury, C. B., 214. Bracket!, A. C, 311, 378. Bradford, Gov., 249, 257, 25S. Bradley, A. G., 241. Bradley, C. B.. 251. Bradlev, II., 194. liramhall, M. S., 103. Brassey, Lady, 93, 107, 130. 163. Bre m er, F., 142, 308. Bright, O. T., 300. Britton, X. L., 385. Brogger, 9S. I'.ronte, Charlotte, 245. Brooks, Dorothv. 317. Brooks. E. S., '108, 150. 176, 179. 211. 251, 261, 272. 2S3. Brooks, Xoah, 113, 147, 252, 286, 295, 411. Brooks, P., 131, 296. Brown, Addison, 385. Brown, Dr. John, 331. Brown, Kate. 64. 355, 412. Browne, T. R.. 163. Browne, \Y. II., 263. Browning, E. B., 339, 349. Browning, Robert, 319, 332, Bryant, \Y. C, 112. 146. 272, 273, 313, 315. 320, 335. Bryce, James, 159, 252. Buchanan, Robert. 241. Buckley, A., 90, 217, 364, 368, 382. Buelow, Baroness. 24. 76. 407. Bulfinch. Thomas, 305. Bunce, O. B 272. Bunvan, John. 341. Burke, 208, 251. Burnett, F. II.. 74. 325 Burns. Robert. 333, 339. Burr, E. F., 392. Burroughs, John. 133. 3H2. Burt, M. E.. 303. 315, 316, 321, 322. 324. 331. 354. Butler, B. A., 377. Butler, N. M., 17, 21. Butler, S. \\ '.. 246. Butler, \\ m., 240. Butterworth, 11., Ill, 1-9. 262, 267, 273. 281, 282. Bynner, E. L., 259, 261, 341. Byron, 335. Cable, George \\ ., 119, 28Y, 297. Caesar, 192. Calhoun. I. C, 286. Call, A. P., 34, 37S. Camp, Waiter, 411. Campbell, D. H.. 382. Campbell, Helen, 409.. Candeze, 376. Capes, \V. \V 193, 194 Carey, A. and P., 319. Carlyle, Thomas, 182, 208, 211, 232, 337, 347. Carpenter, F. G., 152. Carr, L., 286. Carroll, Lewis, 325. Carter, R., 114. Cathcart, G. R., 322. Catherwood, M. II., 173, 265, 279. Catlin, 283. Cavendish, 227. Cazin, A., 397. Cervantes, 198. 344. Chambers, G. F._, 91, 391. Chambers, R., 353. Chamberlain, A. F., 76. Champlin, J. 1)., 288, 411, 412, Champney, E. \V., 111. Chapman, A., 143._ Chapman, F. M., 370. Charles (Mrs.) 194, 204, 226, 234. 242. Charles, F. L., 404. Chase. A., 95. Chatrian, 144, 208, 209, 210, 214, 215. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 335. Chauveau, 363. Cheney, E. B., 345. Child, Theodore. 130. 141. 150. Chisholm, Alexander, 363. Chisholm, G. <'... 104. 413. Church. A. I., 171, 178. 184, 186 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193 195, 217, 219, 225, 226. 234. Church. E. R.. 377. Church. \Y. C. 294. Churchill, R. S 159. Cicero. 192, 348. Cist, II. M.. 292. Clapp, H. L.. 495. Clark, Col., 291. Clarke, II. B., 196. Clarke, J. F., 70. 84, 391. Clarke, M. C, 319. Claude, M. S., 331. Clemens, S. L. (Mark 199, 228, 341. Clement, C. E., 86. Gierke. Agnes, 390. Clifford. \V. K., 352. Clodd, E., 88, 173. 403. Clow. F... 95. Cochrane, R., 95. Coffin. C. C, 256. 267. 269. 275. 289, 292, 293, 295, 296. Cohn, Ilermnn, 52. Cohn-Lassar, 394. Coleridge, S. T., 94, 333. Columbus, 254. Comenius, 21. Compayre, G., 18, 43. Comstock, J. H., 372. Conder, C. R., 188. Conn, II. W., 3S1. Connelly, E. M., 263. Conway, VV. M., 88. Cook, A. S., 323. Cook, John \\ '., 414. Cook, M. C, 382. Cooke, F. J., 353. Cooke, J. E., 262, 267, 289, 292, 294. Cooley, A. YV., 301. Cooley, T. M., 279. Coolidge, Susan, 341. Cooper, J. F., 122, 253, 261, 263, 269, 271, 275, 284. Corbett, J., 230, 235. Corson, Hiram, 304, 306. Coryell J. R., 253. Cotes, E., 156. Coues, Elliot, 369, 370. Cowell, E. R. E 83. Cox, G. W., 222. Cox, I. D., 293. Cox, Palmer, 329. Craik, D. M., 139, 326. Crane, Stephen, 297. Crawford, F. M., 114, 14S, 150, 153. Creasy, E. S., 181. Creevey, C. A., 381, 384. Creighton, M., 181. 227, 229. Crocker, L., 80. Crockett, S. B., 326. Croll, J., 83. Cromwell, A. 1)., 40. Crosby, \V. O., 405. Cumming, C. F. G., 137. 15.1, 156, 157, 162, 163, 164, 165. Cumming, Gordon, 157. Curteis, A. M., 187. Curtis, George T., 277. Curtis, George \V., 153, 162, 286, 298, 336, 344. Custer, E. B., 122. Cutler. C. 407. Cyr, E. M.. 316. 317, 318. 321 Dana. E. S., 404. Dana. J. D.. 82. 403. Dana, R. II., 127. 128. Dana, W. S., 381, 384.^ Danenhower, 1. VY., 97. Dante, 315. Darwin. Charles, 58, 72, 89. 94, 3S4, 3S6, 404. Daudet, A., 145. Davidson, J. L. S., 193. Davidson, Thomas, 9, 22. Davies, II. E., 293. Davis, E. D., 287. Davis, lefferson, 289. Davis, R. II., 110, 121, 127, 130, 134, 141, 147. Davis. I". M., 82. Dawes. A. L., 252. Dawson. T. W., 83. 379. 401. D'Anvers, X., 368, 380. De Amicis, E., 143, 146, 150, 204, 348. INDEX 419 Defoe, Daniel, 175, 233, 234, 236, 322. De Garmo, Charles, 15, 23, 323, 413. De Gunnps, Roger, 22. De Koven, 412. Deland, E. D., 341. De Long, Lieut., 98. De Mille, James, D2. Denton, S. F., 165. Dennis, M. B., 383. De Ouincey, '1 homas, 199, 348." Dewey, John, 8, 2G, 32, 414. De Windt, H., 124. Dickens, Charles, 147, 209, 216, 243, 311, 331, 333, 334, 347, 350. Diiler, J. S., 82. D' Israeli, R., 245. Dixon, Charles, 372. Dodd, A. B 142. Dodge, M. M., 106, 143. Dodge, X. S., 169. Dodge, T. A., 288. Donaldson, H. H., 27. Dorr. J. C. R., 127. Doubleday, A., 2S9, 291. Douglas, A. M.. 221. Dowden, Edward, 306. Dovle, J. Conan, 237. Drake, F. S., 269, 285. Drake, S. A., 87, 88, 110, in. 114, 257, 262, 265, 268. 270, 271. 278, 279, 292. Drake. S. R., 333. Draper, J. \\\, 195. Drummond, IF, 159. Drvden, 348. Dubois, I'., 76. Du Chaillu, Paul, 101, 105, in.;. 160, 161. 195. DutTerin, Ford. 99. Duffy, Bella, 201. Dumas, A., 205. 206, 207, 209. 1 hinlop, Robert . 245. Dunn, J. 1'.. 279. Duruv, Victor. 195. Dver," T. II.. 190. Earle, A. \F, 69, 259, 260. Eastman, C. A., 285. F.bers, Georg, 69. 16''. 1M. 18\ 191, 195, 196, 19S. 206, 2KF F.ducworth. M., 331. Edwards A. I!., 161. 216. F.Lrglestnn, I'.. I'.., 16!t. 172. 2X2. 2X4, 331. ::n. l-".iri*N--tr,n, G. I'., 1,5. 2s", 2M. 296. Eginhard, 197. K K l-st..n. N. IF. >" I it, 1 ;.. 71. 2i ii, 215. 339, 347 i:iM,t, 11. \< . 6i Flint, I. \F. 311. I I..1..I. 2M. Flint. S.. 176. 321. i A S., Ml l-'.llis, I-;. >.. 27::. 2*2. l-'.llis, (,. 1"... 27o. Fllwanuer, G. IF. 92, 3^ Flv. K. T., 253. F.mrrsnn. I-.. C. 412 I- pi. r-nn. U \\ . |6\ IV.'. 27". 2">x. 31 1. 227 315 Fput. in-. 195 Ercmann, 144, 20S, 209, 210, 214, 215. Everett, F., 249. Ewing, J. IF, 326, 342. Faraday, Michael, 394. Farnham, A. \\\, 79. Farnham, G. L., 300. Farrar, F. W., 136, 195. Fawcett, M. G., 244. Fernald, B. E., 91. Fernow, B. E., 387. Ferrell, W., 83. Field, Eugene, 314, 315, 320, 412. Field, H. M., 132, 146, 152, 161, 398. Field, J. T., 307. Figuier, L., SO, 88, 93, 363, 367, 370, 372, 378, 401. Finck, H. T., 124. Firth, Charles, 232. Firth, E. M., 321. Fiske, John, 29, 166, 167, 252, 253, 257, 268, 276, 278, 27 1, 304. Fitch, T. G., 16, 25. Flagg," Wilson, 371. 385. Flammarion, C., 391, 404. Fletcher, C. R. F., 205. Florian, 332. Flower, W. IF, 361. Foote, A. IF, 286. Forbes, Archibald, 246, 247 Force, M. F., 291. Ford, P. L., 274. Ford, W. C, 252 Ford, X. W., 354. Forman, John, 165. Fothergill, Jessie, 246. Foulke, F. E.. 31V Fouque, La Motte, 110, 346 Francillon, R. E., 322. Franklin. B., 73. 171, 271. Frazer. R. W., 217. Freeman, E. A., 132, 167. 220. Fremont, J. C, 2S2. Fremont, Jessie, 122. Fresneau, Mine., 126. Frith, IF. 321. Froebel, S, 23, 61. 73. Frost. W. IF. 221. Froudc, 7. A., 16S, 192, 20,. 221, 230," 215. Frve, A.. 79. 102. 106. Funk, 1. K.. 413. Furncaux, W. S., 367. 37 1 Gainlner, J.. 225, 227. Galton. Francis. 30. II, 159 Gannett. W . ('.. I 1 " 1 Gardiner, S. R.. 177. L'IM. 2.F' Gar.lner, A., 191. Garfield, F A.. 27 v Gattv. A.. 353. Gamier, Leon. 321. Gautier, 'I'.. 1X1. 365. Gav, S. IF. 277. Gave S.. 92. Gavl. v, ( . M.. 301 Ge'ikir. A., 7X, 131. 137. I'M. In- Gcikic, lame. t>." Gib. rue,' A.. 1 1 12. 226. 293,. 39'.. 1 93. I ; 1, nil. lollll ss G'K-Mtl, \\ . II,. 3,61. ''< Gilf.,i !. 2-7 Gilbert. C. B., 317. Gilbert, G. K., 82. Gilbert, H., 262. Gilder, Urn., 97. Gilliat, E., 223, 224, 228. Gilman, A., 178, lxy, 222, 249, 254. Gilman D. C, 27S. Gilman, M. L., 316. Glazier, W., 120. Goddard, F. B., 301. Goethe, 9. 72. Goldsmith, Oliver, 336. Cunzala, Manoel, 238. Goodale, G. L., 382. Goodrich. S., 179. Gordon, W. J., 96. Gordy, J. P., 25. Goss, W. L., 174, 2S9, 294. Gosse, Edmund, 2-9. Gosse, P. H., 353. Grady, H. \\ '., 297. Grant, J. A., 128. Grant, J. B., 369. Granville, J. M., 31, 32, 33, 54. Craves. 11. S., 387. Gray, Asa, 379. Gray. G. Z., 198. Gray, Thos., 339. Greeley, A. \Y 599. Greeley, Horace. 276, 286. Green, A. H., 392. Green, E. E., 224. 230, 265. Green, J. R., 216. 221. Greene, F. Y., 292. Greene, F. W., 270. Greene, IF, %. Gregory, R. A.. 393. Greville, C. C. F., 239. Griffis, \\. E., 155, 203, 204. Gnnnell, G. B., 122, 2S5. ( irohman. Win., 121. Grote. Geo., 182, 186, 188. Guerber. IF A.. 172. 319. Guilleman, A., 39-1, 397. Guizot, I". P. G.. 232. Guvot, Arnold. 7S. Ila'ilmann, W. X., 19. Ilakluvt, R., 202. Hale, F. F... 93. 175. ITS, 196, 198, 257. 277, 2X3, 296. Hale, Gertrude 1... 3X3. Hale. F. P., 527. Hall C. \V., 101. Hall, G. S.. 16X. 2 9. Hal', S. C, 216. Ilalleck. R. P.. 26. 29. I lam. ('. IF. 107. Hamerton, I'. G., 34. 72, 137, 110. 365. Hamlin, A. C . In.",. II 11. S. A.. 2,35. Ilammel, \\ . <". A., 396. Hanson, ('. IF. 321. Haims. Paul. 111. I l.i,,v;,., id. F, 71. 1 10. Ilapgo-.d. O. C. 10!'. F. M., 381. II .'.r.l v. A. S.. 566, II.,.,-. A. F ('., 72. 132. 12:: Hani-, 1. '('., IIS, 2X7. 297. 326 Harris, T. \Y.. 372 Harris, U . T.. 16, 17. 25 Harrison, I'... 62. 76. 227 Hani on, V liavfnr.l 221 In il- ii< k. 252 557 420 INDEX Harrison. I. A., 185. Harte. Bret, 123, 341. Hartley, 211. Hart wig, (I.. SO, 81, 94, 399. Ha>kell, Fllen M., 58. Hassa'l, A., 207. Havergal, F. 14(5. Hawthorne, I., 123. Hawthorne, N., 115, 148, 171, 201. 259, 267, 269, 322, 333, 338, 345. Hay, lohn, 295. Haves, C. VV., 82. Haves, 1. I., 98, 100, 101. Havne, Paul, 251. Ha'vs, VV. J., 327. Headley, J. T., 210, 274. Headley, P. C, 290. 293, 294. Hearn, L., 127, 155. Heaton, J. L., 260. Hegel, G. VV. F., 168. Heilprin, A., 81, 97. 366, 402. Henstow. G.. 383. Henty, G. A., 129, 149. 152, 165. 180, 184, 189, 191, 199. 201 205, 206, 209, 211, 219, 220, 224, 225, 230, 235, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 247, 24b, 255. 266. 272, 285. 296. Herbart, J. F., 8, 14, 16. Herbert, George, 338. Herbert. H. VV., 229. 232. Herbermann, C. G., 190. Herford, VV. H., 24. Hern Jon, VV. H., 295. Herodotus, 184. Herrick, S. B., 381, 403. Hesdin, Raoul, 208. Hickson, S. J., 366. Higginson, S. T.. 158. Hmginson, T. VV., 249, 255. Hildreth, E. S., 408. llilgartl, E. VV., 91. Hill, A. S.. 301. Hincklev, F. A., 408. Hinsdale, 15. A., 168. 278, 301. H:nz. VV. IS.. 408. Hodgkin, Thus.. 194. Hofer, Andrea, 328. Hoffman, Dr.. 316. Hogg, Tabez. 373. Holder C. I"., 106. 107, 365. 366. 369. 383. 404. Holland, J. G., 259, 295, 342. 346. Holmes, F. M., 175. Holmes. O. VV.. 35, 132, 269, 270. 289. 313, 332, 340. Homer. 315, 340. Hood, Thos., 145, 344. Hook. S. L., 374. Hooker, 156. Hooker, VV., 365. 379. Hooper, Geo.. 241. Hope. A. R., 247. Hornadav, VV. T., 104, 157, 365. Hosmer, Tas. K., 189, 233, 269 Hotchkiss, C. C, 272. Howard. B. VV., 132, 141, 342 Howard. O. O.. 282. Howe, K. (;., 353. Howells. VV. D., 70. 128, 145 148, 149. 32H. 337. 389. Howitt, Wm.. 307. 1 lowland. 315. 340. Howliston, M. IT., 354. Hubbard, E., 308. Hug, L., 213. Hugessen, E. H. K., 232, 328. Hughes, R. M.. 294. Hughes, Thos., 119, 160, 220, 246, 341. Hugo, \ ictor, 93, 140, 144, 209, 211, 350. Humphreys, A. A., 293. Hunt, Leigh, 71. Hurll, E. M., 76. Hurst, J. F., 156. Husted, M. H., 170. Hutch. nson, 11. M., 89, 401. Hutchinson, Gov., 249, 258. Hutton. L., 70, 134, 137, 153. Huxley, T. H., 18, 90, 352, 366, 368. Hvatt, A:pheus, 367, 36S, 372. 404. Ingelow, Jean, 320. 340. Ingersoll, E., 93, 122, 331), 364, 365, 372, 376. Irving, VV., 116, 121, 123, 136, 138, 147, 196, 197, 219. 261, 274, 335. Isaacs, A., 188. Tackman, E. R., 40. 'lackman, VV. S., 351. Jackson, J. R., 388. "Tack son, H. H., 103, 121, 2S5, 327 355 Tacobi, M. P., 35, 67. Tames, Henry, 110, 140. James, T. P. R., 207, 223, 226. 228, 235, 236, 266. James, Wm., 27, 29. Tameson, Anna, 182, 349. Janvier, T. A., 126, 261, 2S1. Jarvis, J., 64. Jefferies, 348, S62. 365. Tefferson, Jos., 74. Jefferson, Thos., 280. Jenks, II. S., 411, 412. Jenks, T., 88. Jenness, T. R.. 170. Jewett, S. O.. 197. 327. 342. Tohonnot, J., Ill, 169, 171, 172, 182, 354. "355. 35S. 362. Tohnson. A. H.. 220. Johnson, Alex.. 239. Johnson, Amy, 91, 396. Johnson, R. T., 275. Johnson, Clifton, 389. Johnson. Rossiter, 265, 280 309. 342. Tohnson. Samuel, 338. Johnson, S. VV.. 92.. 3S0. Tohnson, V., 86, 87. Johnston. A., 260. Tones, C. H.. 244. Jones, H., 411. Jonson, V. VV., 104. lonsson, R. X., 3S8. "Jordan, D. S., 105, 360, 363 366. Towett. P., 20. Judd. M. C, 318. Judson, II. P., 249. 283. Jusserand. J. J., 206, 230. Knrr. Alphonse, 361. Kaufman, R., 178. Keary, Annie. 244. Keats, John, 337. Kellogg, P., 301. Kellv, A. B., 357, 359. Kem'ble, F. A.. 71. Kennan, Geo., 154. Ker, David, 131, 154. 212, 312. Keyser, L. S., 370, 371. Kilbon J. B., IDS. King, C. F., 79, 116. King, F., 215. King, F. II., 91. King, Grace, 119. King, Rufus, 279. King, T. S., 87, 113. Kingsford, C. L., 225. Kingsley, Chas., 9, 20, 126, 130, 191, 195, 206, 221, 245, 331, 332, 358, 369, 402. Kingsley, Henry, 211, 244, 246. Kingsley, Rose, 136. Kingston, VV. H. G., 129. 130. Kipling, J. L., 156. Kipling, R., 104, 107, 113. Kirk, T. H., 173, 280. Kirby, M. and E., 93. Kirkland, E. S.. 409. Kirkpatrick, F. A., 26. Klingensmith, A., 317. Knobel, E., 366, 376, 387. Knox, T. VV., 99, 111, 151, 158. Kovalevsky, S., 71. Kraus-Boeite. Maria, 11. Krohn, VV. O., 26. Krusi, Hermann, 22, 23. Kupfer, Grace, 325. Laboulave, E., 154, 327. Ladd, G. T., 29. Ladd, H. E., 281. Laing, C. H. B., 190. Lamartine, 199. Lamb, Charles, 323, 332, 333. 336. Lane, C. A.. 317. Lang, A., 110, 135, 1S6. 330. 355. Lang, O. H., 21. Lange, Karl. 7. Langley, S. P., 390. Langstroth, 377. Lanier. S., 224, 323. La Rame. L. de, 326, 338. Larcom, Lucy. 70. Larsson, Gustave, 408. Laughlin, J. L., 33. Laughton, J. K., 240. Laurie. A., 148, 151. Laurie, A. P.. 381. Laurie, S. S.. 20. 21. 5. Lawless. Emily, 246. Le Conte, Joseph. S2, 402. Le Due, Violet. 410. Lee, Fitzhugh, 292. Lee Van Phou, 74. Leete. C. II., 413. , Leland. C. G., 283. 294. Leon, E. D., 162. Lessing. 349. Lever, C. L, 243, 244. Lincoln, A., 294, 295. Lindau, P., 110. Lindner, G. A., 16. Livingstone, I).. 160. Locke. Tohn, 22. Lockhart, J. <'.., 7". INDEX 421 Lockyer, T. X., 390, 394. Lodge, li. I'., 251. 257, 276. 277. 319. Loewv, Uenjamin. 395. Loftie". W. F.. 181. Longfellow, II. \V.. 1C2, ill". 144, 198, 220. 254. 259. 270. 312, 320, 336. Longman, F. W., 214. Lord, Alice [I., 134. 213. Lord, F., 103. I.ord. John, ISO, 215 Lossing, II. I., 17S, 250, 272. 274. 288. Lothrop, T. K., 295. Loti, Pierre, 6s, Mil. 161. Lovejoy, M. L, 35s. Lowe, Charles. 151. 213. Lowell, F. ( ., 199. Lowell. I. R., 275. 2s2. 313. 361. Lowell, Percival, 393. Lubbock, Sir |obn. 9 1. 377. 383. Ludlow, J. M., ls:i, 2 n. Lunger, 372. Lukens, II. T.. 32. Lukin. lohn, 96, 409. Lummis", C. I".. 105, 107, Lunt, L. (I.. 4()9. Luther, Martin. 74, 204. Lvnn. W. T.. 391 Lvtton, ISulwer. 191. 197. 207 2H9 220 226 Mabie. II.. 218, 303. 306, 324. 362. Macau ev. T. 1!., 192. 211, 239. 240. MacCoun, T.. 25". Macdonald. C.eorgc, 139. 327, 332. 312. MacDougal, 1). T.. 380. Mai-dull". J. K_._5>;o Mace, lean, 377. 37V Mac" iregor, .1.. 107, 13". 1 Mackintosh, |ohn, 225. Macquoid. K..S.. 111. 1 15 Magnifier. A. I',.. 277 Mahaffv, I. IV. Is5, ls6. Mahan, A. 'I'.. 291. Malic-..,!. I'.. 36. MallcMin, C. I'... 217 Mallorv. '111. .ma-. 523. Miilthy. A. I'... I'ts Manning. Anne. 22V Mant-m, \\ . I'.. 2,73. Marburv, \l i .. 376.. Mar-..:],-. 39!t. Marion. 1-'.. :i97. Markham, A.. 07. Markhain, O l< . 23:',. Markham, Kichard. 2s3. Marrvat. I .. 225. L.'57. Mar-ii, <,. I'., sn. 30:', 3n: Mar haM, F... 229. 235. 23: Mar-hall. \i.. IK. Martin, II. N . 36s. Martin. Annie. 15'' Martin. I'.. A . 95. |"6 \lartinc;ui, 11.. 7::. I'";, \\ ':. F. <; 279 Ma-- ,n, i . 20". I'.i7 Mather, ( ' ! t ti. L'5\ L>~9 Math, .-. lirand, t. -5 '. : Mathews, F. S., 384, 386. 274, Maud, C, 324. Maundeviile. I.. 202. 310. Maver, Alfred. 390. Mavnard, ('. I.. 371. ll't, Maxwell. I. ( '.. 397. 25L McAlpne! 1).. 3S1. McCarthy, Justin. 245 McCiintock, I". I... 101.' McCoan, I. C. 162. McCook, II. C. 555. 374. 376. McKendrick, J. ('.., 2S. oeii McKnight. C liar cs. 200. -'' ' McLaughlin, A. O. 279. McLellan, I. A . 26, 41i. McLeod, .V. 139. McMillan. Conway. 379. McMurrv, Charles A.. 1 I. 15. 167. 173. 299. 303. on-- McMurr.iv. Frank, 15. - ' McMurrv". Litla. 5U. Meatlowcraft. U . II.. 39S. , , Meldona. K.. 96. 400. " ' Menault. l-'.rne-t. 36 j. Mene. Maud. 32T. Merivale. (hark-. 10:'. Merriam. F. A.. 122. 371. Merrill. O. I'., 02. Metcalf, R. C. 300. r -i- Metcalf, Thomas, 413. Mever, IF. 160. Mever. I.. K.. 391. Mevncll. Alice. 77. 201 M jchelet, Jules. 71. 109. Michelet, Madame. 71. 31 3- Mill. 11. R 403. Mill. I. S.. 69. 2:!i - Miller, F. IF. 35s. Miller. Hugh. 69, 4"2. , Miller. I . 12:;. 234. Miller. Margaret. 372. Miller. O. T.. lui, 35S. 350. 365, 371. Mi let. F. D., 115. Mi'.ton. lohn. 21, 33-, 315. :; F Mitchell'. 1). (',.. 217. 307. ."til Mitchell. F. A.. 291. Mitchell, S. Weir, 273, 290 , 328. 1 ' Mitford. M. R.. 137. 345. Mivart. St. Ccorne, 361. Moberly, C. F . 227 Molesworth. 209. 328. Monnier. Marc. 191. Montague. M. \\ .. 337. Montaigne, 21. Montgomery. I >. II . 172. Moore. F. I".. 163. Moore. K. 11. Moore. V. 256. Moore. Sir Thomas. 315. Moore. Thou. a-. 246. 336. 346 Morfill. W. K.. 212. Morean. T. II . 2,0s. Morlev. lohn, 22, 22s, 239 211. 319. M..rlev. M . 17. 251. 257. \|..rri-. Charles. 11". P". 2"5 213. 217. 315. 223 17". Morri-. I. F.. 227. 23'< I'M l!oy\ Morri-on. W I . 192,. 112. \l,.i . I S., 507. Morse, John T., 248. 271. 278, 294. Morton, K. II., 84. Mosso, A., 58. Motlev. I. 1... 131. 204. 212. Moulton, R. C, 304. Muhlhach, I... 207, 209. 210. 214. 229. Muir. lohn, 124. 403. Muir, M. X. P.. 394. Mulholland. K.. 52s. Muller, Max, 303. Munro, lohn. 39s. Munroe.'j. P.. 19. Munroe, Kirk. 96. 100. 107. 108. 117, 126, 263. 266. 2S2. MurJock, W. C,. I',.. 9\ Murfree (Craddock), 108. 118, 119. Murray, F 127. Murray, W. II. IF. 116. Musick, I. R.. 101. Musset, Paul. 102. 590. Nachtrieb, II. T . 564. 366, 370. Nansen, F.. 98. Xcill, K. 1).. 280. Newell. J. II. . 35S. 382. Newell. \'\. W 64. New hall, C. S., 3m;, 38S. Nichols, W. L. 4i it;. Nicholson. I'l. A.. 401. Xicolav. 1. <',.. 2S9. 295. Xiles, II'.. 26s. Niles, Sanford, 253. Ninde, M. L.. 131. Noel. Maurice, 356. Xordhoff, C. 111. 124. Norton, C. I... 290. Nuttall. Thomas, 37". ( Hiphant. M. <). \V., 199 201, 237. 239. Oliver, F. i:., 25s. Oman. C. \V. C. 200. 225, 258. Oswald, Felix. 129. ( Itis, lames, 75. 260, 265. 343. Ouida (De La Kame). 326, 338. Oxlev, I. M.. 95. Packard. A. S.. 375. Page. David, 13. Page, T. N., IIS, 175. 2S7, 296. 297. Page. W. <',.. 410. Palfrey. F. \\ '.. 291. I'algra've. I'. T.. 311. Palmer. II. !"... 196. Paris. Count of. L'ss. I 'ark M nngo. L'"2. Parker. F. W . 15. M7. 557. Parker. <".., 265. 266 Parker W m.. 39". Parkhurst, II. I'... 569. Farkman. F 123, 219, 26 1, L'65 266, 2S1. Parry. 1'.. I... 115. Parr'v, W. I'... 2"2. I'artotl, lain.-. 95, 219. 276. . 290. Pater. Walter. 75. Paters,, ii, A.. 2s7 I'atridrc. L. I ".. 12 Fallon, I. II . s:;. Paulding. I. K.. 261. l-avn, . |o-Y|.li, ): I "as lie, \\ . IF. 17. 19. 42: INDEX Peabodv, F... 3G. Peabody, I. I'., 325. 1'earson, Karl, 352. Peck, Wni., 390. Pellew, George, 271!. Pepper, J. H.. 405, 406. Pepys, Samuel, 233. Percy. 312. Perez, B., 44. Perry, John, 397. Perry, Nora, 268. Pestalozzi, 23. Petti grew, J. B., 3G5. Phelps, E. S., 73. Phillips, \Y., 286. Pickering, Edgar, 243. Pinchot, 3S7. Plato, 20, 187. Pollard, F. A., 212. Polo, Marco, 203. Pond, G. A., 293. Poole, S. L.. 196, 200. 246. Porter, Jane, 212. 225. Porter, J. H., 364. Porter, Noah, 413. Poulsson, Emilie, 11, 64, 316, 354 Poulton. E. B., 364. Powell, J. VV., 82. Powers, H. N., 306. Plutarch, 344. Pratt, M. L., 357. 383. Preece, Louise, 410. Prescott, \Y. H., 125, 130, 203, 255. Preston, 252. Preyer, 43. Proctor, Adelaide, 244. Proctor, K. A., 82, 99, 391, 392, 393 Prudden, T. M., 382. Putnam, M. L., 177. Putnam, Ruth, 204. Pyle. Howard, 171, 198, 199, 227, 328. Ouick, Herbert. 7, 32, 33. Kabb. K. M., 315. Radan. R., 397. Radestock, Paul, 31. Ragozin, Z. A., 183. Kaine. Tames, 181. Raleigh,' Sir Walter, 230. Rawlinson, G., 1S4. Read, T. B., 291, 293. Reclus, E., 80, 90. Kedwav. J. M., 79, 84. Reed, A., 301. Reid, C, 125. Reid, Mayne, 103, 108, 129. Rein, VV., 14. Repplier, A., 311. Rhys-Davis, 183. Ribot, Thomas. 25, 31, 32. Rice, A. 1-:., 414. Rice, E. J., 168. Richards, E. H., 404. Richards, Laura, 328. 329. 355. Richardson, A. S., 332. Richardson, James, 123. Richardson, Robert. 161. Richter, J. P., 23, 73. Rilev, J. VV., 77, 314, 321. Ritchie, A. T., 243. Ritter, Carl, 80. Robbins, M. C, 389. Roberts. S. II.. 261. Robinson, II. M., 99. Robinson, Lucy, 316, 354. Robinson, R. E., 260. Rocheleau, VV. F., 95, 406. Rodwav, J., 129, 211, 3Cn'. Rogers. 1. E. 'I'., 204. Roife, \\ . J., 21S, 231, 211, 309, 335. Rolf sen, 98. Romanes. G J.. 29. 364, 366. Rooper, T. G., 13, 408. Roosevelt, Theodore. 109, 181, 251, 261, 273, 276, 277, 278. Roper, I. C, 291. Roscoe, II. E., 394. Rosebery, Lord, 239. Rosenkranz, 9. Rosenthal, 28. Rosmini, A., 24. Rossiter, \\ '., 352. Rousseau, J. J., 22. Rousselet, Louis, 24S. Rovce, ).. 281. Ruskin, John, 14S, 332, 338, 339, 360, 3i4, 399, 405, Russau, Ashmore. 3S9. Russell, Charles. 246. Russell, I. C, S2. 89. Russell, W. C, 94, 240. Rust, Mabel, 412. Sachtleben, VV. L., 152. Saft'ord. T. II., 414. Saint-Amand, 208. Saintine, X. B., 144, 338. Salmon, D., 177. Sanborn, F. B., 306. Sand, George, 69. Sandford. E. C, 28. Sankey, Charts, 187. Sarcey, F., 110. Sargeant, L., 224. Sargent, C. S., 385. Sargent, Epes., 2(6. Saunders, M., 358. Saxe, J. G., 314. Schiller, 205, 213, 334. Schleyden, M. T., 379. Schmucker, 205, 212. Schurz, Carl, 276. Schwartz, Everett, 407. Schwatka, F., 97, 100, 10), 124, 125. Scidmore, E. R., 124, 153. Scott, Austin. 262. Scott, C. B., 352. Scott, H. M., 410. Scott, Sir Walter, 109, 13S, 198, 200, 205, 221, 222, 225, 227, 229, 231, 234, 235. 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 243, 339, 343. Scripture, E. W., 28, 40, 49. Scudder, 11.. Ill, 114, 24S, 257, 274, 31S, 320. Scudder, S. IL, 374, 373. Search, P. W., 57. Sea well, M. E., 175, 270, 280. 281. Sedgwick, T., 143. Seebohm. F., 203. Seelve, II. G., 88, 393. Segur, 182. Semper, Karl, 363. Servlss, G. P., 390. Sevignee, 336. Seward, W. II., 295. Sewell, Anna, 322, 356. Seymour, M 224, 334. Shakespeare, Wm., 192, 223, 224, 226, 229, 336, 346. Shaler, N. S., 82. Sharp, Evelyn, 329. Shea, 249. ' Sheldon, Mary, 166, 16T. Shepard, E. M., 278. Sheridan, R. 11., 339. Shinn, C. II. , 96, 120. Shinn, M., 44. Shumvvay, E. S., 190. Sidney, M., 123, 324. Sienkiewicz, IL, 191 Simms, W. G., 118, 263, 273, 278. Simpson, K., 136. Skeat, \V. VV., 302. Skinner, C. B., 92, 386. Skinner, C. M., 112, 388. Skinner, H. M., 305. Sloane, T., 398. Small, A. W., 252. Smith, A. D., 158. Smith, A. L. 214. Smith, Eleanor, 411. Smith, F. H., 125, 149. Smith, G. B., 244. Smith, Goldwin 168. Smith, Helen, 256. Smith, Jessie R., 56, 169. 170. Smith, Capt. Tohn, 249. Smith, Juliet, 296. Smith, Margaret, 16. Smith, M. C., 113. Smith, Nora A., 11. Smith, \V 186. Smith, Wm., 412. Smith, W. F., 291. Smith, W. H., 35. Smythe, E. L, 56. 318. Snodgrass, \\ m., 28. Soley, J. R., 290. Sophocles, 333. Southey, Robert, 240. 320. Southworth, G. A., 301. Soalding, J. L., 36. Spalding, V. N., 381. Spear, M. A., 299, 355, 383. Spears, T. R., 130. Speer, W. VV., 414. Spencer, Herbert. 18. 62. Spenser, Edmund, 335. Sperrv, L., 47. Spring, L. VV., 2S6. Stables, G., 100. Stables, W. G., 240, 241, 248, 253. Stanley, A. P., 24. Stanley, H. M., 160. Stead," R., 213. Stebbing, Wm., 238. Stebbing, T. R. R.. 366. Stedman, E. C, 306. Steele, F. A., 247. Steele, J. D., 395. Steele, T. VV., 96. Steenan, L., 160. Stepniak, 151, 212. Stevens, II. M., 203. Stevens, T. A., 277. Stevenson, E. I., 242. Stevenson, R. L., 137, 138, 141, 163, 164, 226, 242, 320, 411. Stevenson. S. II.. 359. INDEX 423 Stewart Balfour. 395, 396. Trail. II. !>.. 162, 233, 237, Wheelock, 284. Sticknev L IL, 300, 356. 244. W licelock. Lucy, 330. Stimsori, F. 1., 262. Treat, M.. 352. Whipple, E. I'.. 33, 34, 3j, Stirling. A. 11.. 181. Trench, K. (.".. 303. 231, 340. St. John, Mrs. II., 372. Trevelyan, G. ().. 239. Whistler. C. W ., 220. St. John, S., 126. Trevelvan, M., 136. 137. White, E. O., 283. Stockton, F. R., 132, 164, 190, Trotter, S.. 79. White, Gilbert, 360. 261, 329, 313, 359. Troussart, K. L., 382. White, H. A., 292. Stoddard, K. IL. 306, 307. Trowbridge, John, 39S. White, I. S., 184. Stoddard S. K.. 115. Trowbridge, J. I., 95. 297. White, K. (i.. 135. Stoddard W. O.. 102, 174, 193, Tucker, Charlotte. 221. Whitman, S.. 213. 267 284 292 295 343, 414, Tuckerman, II. T., 307. Whitmarsh, II. P., 165. ^o.kl-r (I \ ' 41U Tuckey, Janet, 199. Whitney. A. 1). T., 149. Storv \1 286 I yler, M. t .. 2,1. \\hitne>, M. M.. 92. ' u'u 110 14S Tvndall. J.. 9U, 394, 396. 397, Whitney, M. W.. 406. S ; li li' 117 171 "ol 398,400. Whitney. W. I)., 301, 302. 413. ' 267 287 355;' 358.' ' " ' Tyson. G. E., 97. Whittier. J. G.. 113. 258. 259, Stow'ell C H 377 llVr - Christian, 14. 310, 312, 320, 336. St I'ie'rre II ' 343 L'nderwood, 1.. M.. 381, 385. W'hymper, E., 140. Straight II Vl 407 L'pham, W ., 98. W'hymper, F., 94, 124. SHckland \ 170 181 216 L're, A., 84. W id, A., 201. Strickland, -V. i.u, 1. -o, Van Bruysseli ,.- _ ;!74 Wiggin, K. 1)., 11, 35, 62, 301, Strong F T 357 Van Liew ' Cl C -' 14 - 330,344. Stuart K.' m"' 329. , Vasan ' , 34 |- QQ ,,,, , n ., 9i7 Wilder. F.virt. 47. 49. 378. Sully T 44 Zi C ' ' Wilkins. Mary, 260, 330, 344. Sumnef Charles 298. , ' , -p. onj Williams. F. li., 94. S, i 321 \igno1i. lit.. 304 .-Williams, G. F., 296. Swnt'on'Wrn' 302 322 \ "icent, I-., 12o, 128, 113, 15, Wi iam s . f ; 19 . Svle I I) 312 15S> 3S0 - Williams, W. M., 395. Swis'shelm, 'lane. 2S3. Vincent .George F... 2.;2. Willis, li., 82. Taeeart W S.. 96. \ irgil, 315. Willis, J. C ., 382. Tame II A.. 306. Von Holtst. II . 27S. 286. Wilson, A. C, 25*. Tarr ]i S ' 81 89 40 Voorhees, 1-'.. 1'... 92. Wilson, Charles, 239. TavU.r. liavard. 133. 154. 157. Waldo, F 91 Wilson. J G 248. 294. ,,-,. -1-,- ' W aliszew ski, l\.. 212. Wilson. W oodrow. 2(0. ... ', , ,.- o-r. Walker. C.ertrude, 411. S. E., 54, 305. 317. 318, I. I-.. o.i.i. ... ., . |, . . .,., .;. ... - , ,, .,,- Wallace, A. K., 81. 330, 3o0. - ,n ' ' < "(Mrs I 355 Wallace. I). M., 150. Winchell. Alex.. 90. 4.r>. 403. Tennvson ' \ 219 #3 "53 Wallace. Feu. 126. 150, 193, Winsor, Justin, 265. 314.'333,'338.'346, 31s. 200 311 W .! n, f r - ">- 13 -c r i, Cn t,.,-, inn Wallace, K. IF, 92. W inthrop, Gov., 2oS. Tessandur. Gaston, VV) Wallace, S. F., 117. W'inthrop Theodore. 121, 275 n .y, l i ; Hi'-- -o Walton. Isaac. 345. Wirt, W. M.. 271. 238, 267, 3-1, 6i6. Warburton, W .. 224. Wishaw, Frederick. 151. I hanet. (>,, 120. Uard ,.; < ; 2 99. W'olfT, II. W 145. Ihaxter, ( .14 319. u ard, K s ,.._ 343, 344. Uoo( , , 3fi3 :> - h -,- 2 Ihompson. I) I -.272 Ward. M arsha ll, 381, 387. Woodhull, I. F.. 395. [ hompson, M.. 11-. 2.8, ,11. Uare Wm 18S _ 191 Woodman, A. I.. 125. h.,mp-on Wrn.. lo.i Waring, G. E., 145. Woolman. John, 74. Ihorcam IF !>. sx - I''. "'Warner. I!. I''... 217. Woolson (' I'.. I1X. 1.0. " ,; "- 38.. 389. Warner. C. I).. 116. 118, 122. Worthington. Prof.. 399. Thornton. John, 82 123, 125, 115. 150. 161, 202. w right C D 113. Ihorold. F.ishop. 349. 303, 310, 335. 347. 389. Wright! II. C, 175. 176, 353. I bring. Edward. .. 3.',. Warner, Francis, IV Thurstield. J. IC 239. _ Warren. M . A., 17 331. Wrig! hwaites. R. C. 120. 135. 2,9. Warren, II. W ., 390. Wr,.l ' Vl' ( )' 3 ;.i, r m :i., u w w i,:i Wright. _.\i. <>.. .i I'.lv. C. M.. 395. Warren. W. W '.. I'll. .1.1. M. I... 392. Washington. George, 267, W W veklitTe. 340. iKtoi. I- V. 6\ 1..I. .... Watson. II.. 1.0, 210. 268. W'vsc. I K 322 Veats, I.. 84. 16. W'atM.n. I'. K.. 191. lins. Wm.. 412. ^_ ^ Watts, II. _ E.. 197. V.Vnge. '"charlotte. 1^2. 190. 193, 197. 19S. 206. 22::. 221. T. , inline. n. E. 'I . '77. 2,2. W't-avt-r I".. A . 1 2M. Webb, \l. x S . 291 231. T..mpkm-, Arnold. 17. Webster, Daniel. 251. 26S. -' -' I'opelius. /... 205. 213. Weed. C. M 357. 376. N oung, ( . A S3_ Torrev. I'.. 11V 362. 3S6, 207. 228. Zimmcrn. H . 213. I ",', . "1 .' (i Wheeler.' l:. t., 1S8. Zurcher, 399. StNdAY - OC TOBKK 93. 18I ? ' e o^T t t^ ported opposi ^^^^^ir^^; county to the constructs of the Nicaragua canal brings NICARAGUA ft 'Tot^llT ^ ^ " ** CAWAT ,, the waders of The Her- CANAL aid may be aware that the sub- ^thuntS During the reign of the Emperor FerdinandL Spain that en terpmmg monarch favored the project, select* Ceter the Panama as the shorter, though mtre costly rout, and the one keener sen.e of commercial results, selected the Nicaragua as the more fens.ble and leS8 expensive roS^ not h ^"Le of erther enterprise, and for the succeeding two nundr^v^ I the matter was allowed to rest. Since ^attempts wet J-t ofour goven^ ^iSSlS.^:^ The discoveries of "" the RoW lint, T , , . H Mi; ' " r '"""- '""" can.1 bv ,,' '""'' ' "" X'"ini(nM i- ,;,;, E1 '"' "' ' ""'<" - rel unuiry nswollasn commercial neoesshv i . .. Parity of the United States " ** retards the pro.,- UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below DEC 2 4 1946 AUG 1 3 1949 UNIVERSITY ot CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY 1037 Lawrence - -L4Sc Class if4e4- reading, > \ Z 1037 L43c minnHm.^iauji