ifornia )nal ity THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES INDEX TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE MANUALS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK DAVID T VALENTINE B Y C. W. JARVIS AN INDEX TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE MANUALS of the CORPORATION of the CITY of NEW YORK 1 841 — 1 870 PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY OF ICONOPHILES NEW YORK I 906 COPYRIGHT, 1906 BY THE SOCIETY OF 1CONOPHILES CONTENTS Introduction ix A List of the Plates and Maps in the Man- uals of the Corporation of the City of New York 3 A List of the Maps and Plans of the City of New York and Vicinity 47 List of the Miscellaneous Maps 66 A List of the Facsimiles, Letters, Signatures, Documents, Broadsides, Certificates.. 71 General Index to all Illustrations 79 8361 ZH Introduction DAVID T. VALENTINE OUR city's chronicler" is the honora- ble title bestowed upon Mr. David Thomas Valentine by his contempo- rary, the genial gentleman, popular physician, and entertaining local historian, Dr. John W. Francis. The pity of it is, that Mr. Valentine did not appear earlier upon the scene in the role he filled so admirably, for the custodians of the City's records before his advent, apparently had little or no conception of the historical value of the papers committed to their care, and were far from being Cerberean in their watch- fulness, to judge from the number of valuable municipal documents that found their way, from time to time, into second-hand book- and print- shops, and so passed on into the outstretched hands of covetous autograph- and relic-hunters. Mr. Valentine comments on this negligence in the care and keeping of the Dutch records INTRODUCTION of the City in a letter written to Mr. Henry B. Dawson, Editor of the " Historical Magazine," dated January 2, 1867, from which we extract the following paragraph : "They were not very attentively cared for, having been without readers for probably a cen- tury and more. No attempt had been made to translate them ; and of the history of New Am- sterdam and of the times in which lived and acted the revered fathers of our City and State, which has since been so fully revealed, so large a portion was not supposed to lie hidden in these dusty, unbound and forbidding volumes." With this letter to Mr. Dawson, Mr. Valen- tine encloses the following resolution passed by the Common Council : IN COMMON COUNCIL Resolved, That permission is hereby given to Henry B. Dawson, Editor of the " Historical Maga- zine," to make copies of and to publish in that work, from time to time, such portions of the ancient Rec- ords of this Corporation and such of its papers on file as, in his opinion, shall serve to illustrate the early his- tory of this State and City, and the character and habits of the inhabitants, provided the same shall be done under the direction and supervision of the Clerk of INTRODUCTION the Common Council ; and that the said Records shall not be removed from the Clerk's office. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, December 6, 1866. Adopted by the Board of Councilmen, December 10, 1866. Adopted by his Honor the Mayor, December 13, 1866. D. T. Valentine, Clerk of the Common Council. Mr. Dawson found that these records of the Corporation extended no further back than the last of May, 1647, when Peter Stuyvesant was Governor, but from that time on Mr. Dawson writes, " there is an unbroken record save only where a single volume of a comparatively recent period, has been abstracted from the archives." A notable instance of carelessness on the part of those in charge of the City's documents came to light in the sale in 1 864 of the books, prints and bric-a-brac of the venerable book- hunter, John Allan. The letter of General Washington in reply to the Address of the Cor- poration of the City of New York, conferring upon him the freedom of the city in 1785, was knocked down for $2,050, but the proof of ownership in this case was a simple matter xi INTRODUCTION and the letter was at once reclaimed by the City. If so important a document as this could escape from the City's guardianship, what others of less value might not follow in its wake ? It is not necessary to conclude, however, that these things came to pass through intentional dis- honesty, but probably were the result of igno- rance, the room occupied by these yellow, musty papers being adjudged more desirable than their company. It was indeed fortunate that a man of anti- quarian tastes and imbued with civic love and pride enjoyed the opportunities that fell to the lot of Mr. Valentine under the patronage of our city fathers, also that he possessed the patience and perseverance to dig and delve among these dingy records of the past (or compensate some one to do it for him) and had the enterprise to print and illustrate the results of his investiga- tions. Valentine's " Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York" are indeed a mine of wealth to every one who is interested in the history of this great city. Their editor appears to have unearthed nearly every painting, print, drawing and map of importance that bears any relation to our city, from the earliest settlement of the Island of Manhattan down to the middle INTRODUCTION of the last century. These he reproduced by means of lithography and chromo-lithography, for happily it was before the day of the half-tone print. For some unknown reason, most of these re- productions are without any indication of the sources from which they were derived. They usually bear merely the inscription "copied for D. T. Valentine's Manual by G. Hayward, 120 Water St.," et al. So uniform is Mr. Valentine's practice in this respect that we are led to believe that it was premeditated, but this secretiveness on his part has only served to whet our curiosity, and the genesis of only a very few of the views he reproduced now remains a mystery. To the young and inexperienced collector, the prints in "Valentine's Manual" are invaluable as sign-boards, if nothing more. They point to prints of Old New York the existence of which he would never otherwise have imagined, and lead him onward in a search which in many cases will prove fruitless, but, occasionally may be crowned with success. David Thomas Valentine was born in East Chester, N. Y., on the 1 5th of September, 1 80 1 . He attended school at White Plains, and when about sixteen years of age came to the City of xiii INTRODUCTION New York. He obtained a position with a grocer in whose service he remained for several years prior to his appointment as Clerk to the Marine Court. In 1830 he became Deputy to the Clerk of the Common Council. His chief was Major General Jacob Morton, who had served as Clerk for twenty-one years. General Morton was a prominent politician and a man of high standing in the community. His wife was the daughter of Carey Ludlow, who in 1768 purchased a parcel of land from Abraham Lym- sen on which he later erected a dignified dwell- ing, of which there is an illustration in the Manual for i860, and which is still standing at No. 9 State Street. Mrs. Morton inherited this dwelling from her father. In 1824 General and Mrs. Morton gave a ball in honor of Lafayette at this residence. General Morton continued as Clerk of the Common Council until his death in 1836. His successor was Thomas Bolton, who served until 1841. S. J. Willis then filled the office for a year, and again after an interval of one year (during which J. R. Taylor was Clerk) Mr. Willis occupied the position for an- other year. C. A. Whitney succeeded Mr. Wil- lis, and after twelve months' time was succeeded in 1 845 by the subject of our sketch. xiv INTRODUCTION In January, 1868, after a service of thirty- seven years as Deputy Clerk and Clerk of the Corporation, Mr. Valentine was superseded in office by Joseph Shannon and he died in this city the following year (February 25, 1869). His death was perhaps hastened, as suggested bv Dr. Kendrick in his funeral address, by the loss of the position the " old and faithful clerk " had held so many years. The forced or voluntary relinquishment at an advanced age of the pur- suits of a lifetime often speedily ushers in the final scene, and the superannuated man, without an occupation, is apt soon to join the great ma- jority. Mr. Valentine was buried from the Baptist Tabernacle Church (still standing) on Second Avenue, adjoining the building of the New York Historical Society. In 1 85 1, the Common Council voted an ap- propriation of five hundred dollars for the pur- chase of a portrait of Mr. Valentine in token of its esteem and recognition of his long and faithful services. It was painted by C. W. Jarvis, an artist of some ability. The " History of the City of New York," by David T. Valentine, Clerk of the Common Council (New York : G. P. Putnam & Co., XV INTRODUCTION 1853), as tne title-page reads, was, in truth, ac- cording to Joseph Sabin Senior (see his " Biblio- theca Americana," Vol. XIV, p. 254), compiled by W. K. Paulding. Mr. Valentine's name is also attached to a "Documentary History of New York," only the first volume of which was ever published ; likewise to a " Compilation of the laws of the State of New York " relating particu- larly to the City of New York, published in 1 862, and a " Compilation of the existing Ferry Leases and Railroad Grants made by the Cor- poration of the City of New York, etc., N. Y., 1 866." The revision of the City Ordinances in 1859 and 1862 were also prepared by him, by order of the Common Council, but the work by which he is most widely known is the " Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York " in twenty-five successive annual volumes, com- menced in 1 841 and conducted by Mr. Valen- tine until 1 866. The first Manual (184 1-2) was printed "by order of the Common Council" and copy- righted in 1 84 1 "by Samuel J. Willis, in be- half of the Corporation of the City of New York." The reason for the publication is given in the preface thus : " It having been thought expedient to enlarge the substance of the City XVI INTRODUCTION Hall Directory, as heretofore annually published, by the introduction of additional matter inter- esting and useful to members of the Corporation and others connected with them, the contents and form of this volume have been selected as most useful and convenient for reference." It is a small volume of 185 pages bound in black muslin, 4^ inches tall and 3^ inches wide. Its sole illustration is a folding map of the City in 1841. The list of contents is here transcribed to show the general character of the publication at the time of its humble beginning. Most of the items in this list are repeated in each of the subsequent volumes. The growth of the work is shown by the fact that in this volume one small page suffices for the list of contents, while ten pages are requisite for this same purpose in the volume for 1866. CONTENTS CALENDAR Rules and Orders of the Board of Aldermen, Rules and Orders of the Board of Assistants, Joint Rules of the Board of Aldermen and As- sistants, Mayor, Aldermen, and Assistant Aldermen of the City, with their residences, Standing Committee of both Boards, xvii INTRODUCTION Board of Supervisors, Board of Health, Financial condition of the City, Public Offices, Ferries from the City of New York to adjacent places, Rates of fare of Hackney Coaches, Carriages and Cabs, Value of Real and Personal Estate in the City, etc., Offices of the Corporation, Court of Sessions, Water Commissioners, Assessors, Collector of Taxes, Constables, Schedule of Officers and Salaries, Members of the City Council from 1655 to the present date, Statement of Votes at the Election of Mayor, 1 841, Statement of Votes for Alderman and Assistant Alderman, 1841, Census of the City, 1840, Population of the City at Various periods, Compensation of Ward Collectors. It is interesting to note that this Manual re- cords the debt of the City as $8,978,167. The population in 1840 was 312,852. At the elec- tion for Mayor held on April 13, 1841, Mr. Robert H. Morris was chosen by a vote of 18,- xviii INTRODUCTION 602 ; his opponent being Mr. J. Phillips Phoenix, who received 18,206 votes and Mr. Samuel F. B. Morse, who received but yy votes. How small a following for one who so soon was to bless humanity at large with his great inven- tion! The salary of the Mayor in this year was $3,000, and that of Mr. Valentine as Assistant Clerk $1,700. The second volume of the Manual ( 1 842-3) bears the name of D. T. Valentine on the title- page. It contains a lithographic view of the Croton Dam, a map of the City in 1842, and a fac-simile, on very thin paper (almost a tissue paper), of the Bradford Map, with the errone- ous date of 1728 affixed. In the volume for 1844-5 this ma P 1S a g am reproduced on simi- larly thin paper, for what particular reason we are unable to surmise, for no other maps in the Manual are printed upon paper of this gossamer texture. The Preface to the Manual for 1842-3 re- cites that "The Manual published last year hav- ing been received with marked approbation . . . for its value as a reference to our City affairs ; and as the edition is entirely exhausted . . . it has been deemed advisable to publish the present work, which it will be perceived is xix INTRODUCTION much larger than the preceding one." The Table of Contents contains fifty items as against twenty-six in the previous volume. The third Manual (1843-4) was printed by Wm. C. Bry- ant, and for it, as the preface announces "much new matter had been selected, never before published in any work of this character, which will not only be useful to the municipal authori- ties and their officers, but to every class of our citizens." Historical data, extracts from early news- papers, etc., appear for the first time in the vol- ume for 1844-5. Thenceforth these transcripts are prominent features of the Manual and be- come more and more copious as the years roll by; while the pictures (lithographs for the full- page illustrations and woodcuts in the text) multiply with corresponding rapidity. The sub- jects of these illustrations by degrees become more modern in character as the supply of early views was gradually exhausted. The volume for 1845-6 gives the resolution of the Board authorizing its issue, as follows: " Resolved, that the Clerk of this Board, David T. Valentine, be requested to prepare a Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York for the years 1845 anc ^ 1846." This resolution was XX INTRODUCTION approved by the Mayor, Wm. F. Havemeyer, January 21, 1846. In the preface to this Manual it is stated that "in the selection of materials the Compiler flatters himself that he has bestowed unusual care, and has diligently explored the civic rec- ords and annals of our Municipal Government from the earliest period, he fully believes that he has rescued many facts and interesting docu- ments from oblivion, to which they were has- tening down the stream of time." The volume for 1844-5 is taller by one inch than its predecessors, and in 1849 tne Manual was still further enlarged to a duodecimo and was continued in this form until the end of the series with which Mr. Valentine was connected. The preface to this volume contains the following note : " The reader is most respectfully requested to examine that portion of the work that relates to the doings of our ancestors in early times. . . . To the rising generation he would say, that the sayings and doings of those who found this Island a barren waste and laid here the foundations of this City ought to be of intense interest." The preface to the Manual for 1856, from which we are about to quote at some length, xxi INTRODUCTION should appeal strongly to the members of the Society of Iconophiles, for it breathes the same spirit that led to the formation of that Society, and which has held together that little band of lovers of old New York. "The Compiler of this Manual for 1856 thinks it not improper to advert to the fact . . . that his efforts to perpetuate therein the old landmarks of our City by engravings and historical sketches of the olden time have ex- cited an approving sentiment in the public mind. . . . This has been anticipated by him, for in no other way than by establishing a well- known medium, through which the relics of the past could be presented to the public, could the many interesting memorials hidden among the family archives of the descendants of ancient stock, be brought into public notice. It is from such individual resources that many of the views which have never before been en- graved and published, have been furnished, and he has besides found several gentlemen who from love of the subject itself, have lent their active co-operation in searching out and present- ing for publication such mementos of the past as they were able to discover. But the subject is not by any means exhausted ; and, indeed, the INTRODUCTION Compiler has every reason to anticipate still more interesting contributions for any future number of the Manual that may be published so that it is probable that a full series of this work will present an epitome of our early his- tory, which could not, through another means, be reasonably expected to be presented to the public. Taking into consideration the interest with which our local history has always been regarded by our community and the present rapid progress of the City which promises soon to obliterate all the natural landmarks of the island, the Compiler thinks it not inappropriate to venture his approval of suggestions which have been made in respect to the preservation of views of such localities as now present no- ticeable features in the natural formation of the island, of old dwellings, farmhouses, country- seats, etc., as well as of the more prominent buildings, private and public, which denote the present fashions of architecture. It is provid- ing for future generations what we greatly wish had been provided for us, for there are many now among us who would look upon a crude sketch of old Burgomaster Van Cortland's residence, or the Damen farmhouse, or a line of dwellings in Broadway a century ago; or, indeed, xxiii INTRODUCTION any picture of localities now obliterated rather than upon the finest gem of modern art." Many of the historical and biographical ar- ticles in the Manuals are signed by the con- tributors, among them being Henry B. Dawson, R. G. Horton and John Gilmary Shea. The ex- tracts from early newspapers were supplied principally (the writer is informed) by William Kelby, late Librarian of the New York His- torical Society. Among the most interesting of these extracts are those which relate to the evacuation of the City of New York, pages 772- 844 in the Manual of 1870. The first statement in the Manuals of the number of copies issued is found in the volume for 1864. In this year 9,000 copies were ordered printed. The edition for 1865 con- sisted of 10,000 copies, that for 1866 the same. The resolution authorizing the issue for 1866 carried an appropriation of $3,500 to D. T. Valentine to compensate him for his labor. Mayor Hoffman vetoed this resolution, but it was passed by a two-thirds vote over his veto. At this time Mr. Valentine's salary was $5,000 and he received $150 additional for the preparation of the minutes of the board for publication. The last Manual prepared under Mr. Val- INTRODUCTION entine's supervision was the one for 1866. It is a volume of 836 pages, and presents a remark- able contrast to the little square black-cloth- covered booklet of 185 pages with which the series began. No Manual was issued in 1867, but one ap- peared the following year prepared by the newly appointed Clerk, Joseph Shannon. This is readily distinguishable from its predecessors by its size, for it is an octavo instead of the stere- otyped small octavo of all its forerunners save the first five volumes. Of this Manual 15,000 copies were issued. 500 were assigned to the Mayor, 4,500 to the Clerk of the Common Council, 5,000 to the Board of Aldermen, and 5,000 to the Board of Councilmen. In his preface Mr. Shannon pays this tribute to his predecessor: "The enviable reputation secured for former editions of the work by the original compiler, imposed the duty upon his successor of endeavoring to pre- serve it." The Manual for 1869 was also issued by Mr. Shannon and in the preface he states that "he has been aided by the kind tender of ac- cess to a most extensive and valuable collection of original letters and papers of an ante-revolu- XXV INTRODUCTION tionary date, in possession of T. Bailey Meyers, re- lating to the history of the Province and the City of New York, and he has drawn heavily upon the store so generously placed at his disposal." In 1870 John Hardy, who had succeeded Shannon in the Clerkship, prepared and pub- lished the last of these convenient hand-books of the Common Council of the Corporation of the City of New York. Since then our City fathers have been obliged to discharge the duties of their office without this assistance. The first five volumes of the Manual are in a class by themselves, they are, and long have been, rare books, but the large editions of the succeeding volumes must have supplied every one connected with the city Government from His Honor the Mayor, down to the doorkeepers of the Aldermanic and Common Council Cham- bers with as many copies as he required for distribution among his friends and constituents. Those intended for general circulation were uni- formly bound in cloth, but those laid upon the desks of the members of the Aldermen and Councilmen were resplendent in red Turkey Morocco gilt, with the name of the recipient lettered in gold upon the sides. In consequence of this wide distribution at INTRODUCTION the City's expense, Valentine's Manual plates were for years a glut in the market, and so plentiful were they in the print-shops that extra- illustrators avoided them as too commonplace for their purpose, but gradually they became ab- sorbed and as the supply steadily diminished, they have correspondingly increased in popularity and enhanced in value. With a number of these plates, however, it has always been with the collector a case of Hobson's choice. It was either a Manual picture of the landmark of which he was in search or none at all. A trustworthy guide through the labyrinth of this mass of pictorial matter seemed de- sirable in the eyes of the Iconophiles and there- fore they have caused this Index to the Illustra- tions in the Manuals of the Corporation of the City of New York, prepared by the Secretary of their Society with great care and labor, to be printed for the benefit of those who wish to gather and preserve memorials of this ever- changing City of ours. XXVll A LIST OF THE PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK NOTE The Compiler has found that owing to the carelessness of the binder, the position of many of the inserted plates vary in differ- ent copies of the Manual. In the follow- ing Index their location is given as found in the greatest number of copies examined. A List of the Plates and Maps IN THE MANUALS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 1841— 1842 183 pages+i leaf Map of the City of New-York, with the Fire & Watch Districts. 1841. Lith d by G. Hay- ward 27 Cedar S! N. Y. . . . Frontispiece 1842— 1843 2 S3 P a g es Map of City of New-York, 1842. Lith. G. Hay- ward I Piatt S! for D. T. Valentine. . . . Frontispiece A Plan of the City of New York from an actual Survey Made by lames Lyne [Bradford Map] .... Facsimile of an original Map in the posses- sion of G. B. Smith, Street Commissioner. Pub!!! by G. Hayward, Lithographer. . . . Frontispiece Croton Dam. ...... 6 Nieuw-Amsterdam 1659. .... 147 1843-1844 3 1 2 pages Map of City of New-York, 1844. Lith. G. Hay- ward I Piatt S' for D. T. Valentine. . Frontispiece PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF The Fort in New Yorke [plan]. ... 97 New-York 1695 [ ma p]- 97 Relative Value of Real and Personal Estate . . . as assessed in 1842 and 1843. . . .196 I 844-I 845 324 pages Map of the City of New-York. 1844. Lith. G. Hayward, for D. T. Valentine. . . Frontispiece [Bradford map, same as in volume for 1842-3.] Frontispiece The Fort in New Yorke [plan] ... 89 New-York 1695 [map] .... 89 Relative Value of Real and Personal Estate . . as assessed in 1842 and J 843 . . .166 Statistics — 1843 and l ^44 • • • *74 Profile of the lower part of Croton Aqueduct . . . [with views of] Union Square; 13 ST; Uni- versity ; Washington Parade Ground ; Chat- ham Sq e ; Masonic Hall; City Hall; U. S. Hotel ; City Hotel ; Battery . . . 290 1845-1846 371 pages Map of the City of New-York. 1846. Compiled from the latest Surveys ... . . Frontispiece City Hall, New-York. Commenced 1803, Fin- ished 1 8 1 2 . . . . . Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber . . 1 Diagram of the As! Aldermen's Chamber . 1 New Yorke 1695 [map] . . . .114 New-York Hospital ..... 257 Stadt Huys, New-York. Cor. of Pearl S| & Coenties Alley. Built in 1642 . . . 336 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 1847 386 pages and slip of errata Map of the City of New-York. I 847 . . . Frontispiece Old City Hall, Wall SI: Built 1700. Demol- ished 1 8 1 2 . . . . . Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber . . 7 Diagram of the Assistant Aldermen's Chamber 7 Old Jail. Situated at the N. E. extremity of the Park . . . now known as the Hall of Records 54 New Yorke 1695 [map] . . . .116 Alms Houses, Blackwells V. . . . . 225 Columbia College, New- York . . . 293 Old Dutch House in Pearl Street. Built 1626. Rebuilt 1697. Demolished 1828 . . 346 Old Dutch House in Broad Street. Built 1698. 371 1848 406 pages, 1 leaf of errata Map of the City of New- York. 1848 . . . Frontispiece Park Fountain, New-York . . . Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber . . 5 Diagram of the Assistant Aldermen's Chamber 5 High Bridge at Harlem. Over which the Croton Water is conveyed to this City .... . 47 The Old Bridewell, Which formerly stood in the Park, between the City Hall and Broadway. 58 [Fire Engine] This is a true picture off ye new Ingen . . . Stoutenburg Ingenir . . 98 This is a fair copie of ye Ingen arrived from Lon- don 98 New Yorke 1695 [map] . . . .122 Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's If 234 To his Excellency George Clinton Esq!' . . . this Plan of the City of New-York and its Envi- PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF rons Is most Humbly Dedicated by . . . John Hills 1785 Surveyed in 1782 and Drawn The University of the City of New- York. The Government House. Old Dutch House, Kip's Bay, New-York. 291 306 384 1849 434 pages Map of the City of New- York. I049 ' ' ' Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber Diagram of the Assistant Aldermen's Chamber A South Prospect of Y e flourishing City of New- York . . . Published March 25 th 1746 . . . Union Park, New-York. .... Firemens Certificate of Membership about the Year 1800 ...... Plan of the City of New York from an actual Sur- vey, Anno Domini MDCCCLV [sic] By F. Maerschalck . . . [Duyckinck map] . Nursery Establishment, Randel's Island ... Free Academy, New- York. .... Plan of the City of New- York about 1804 The Walton House. Pearl Street, New York. Federal Hall. Inauguration of Gen! George Wash- ington . . . 30 th . of April 1789. . 5 5 26 5° 106 130 218 224 312 33* 334 1850 552 pages and slip of errata Map of the City of New York, 185O . Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber . . 27 Diagram of the Assistant Aldermen's Chamber 27 View of the City of New York in 1792. Drawn 6 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK by an Officer of the French Fleet driven into New York Harbor by a British Fleet . 98 [Fireman's Certificate] Thos. Franklin, Decem- ber 30, 1799. ...... 172 New Yorke 1695 [map] . . . .194 Nieuw Nederlandt. This view of Fort Amster- dam on the Manhattan is copied from an an- cient Engraving ... . . . .195 Plan of New York in 1729 Surveyed by James Lyne . . . [Bradford map redrawn] . .212 A Plan of the City of New York, Reduced from an actual Survey, By T. Maerschalckm [sic], 1763 ... . . . . . . 220 Fort Gansevoort or old White Fort . . 265 Hydrographic Map of the Counties of New-York, Westchester and Putnam, and also showing the line of the Croton Aqueduct ... . 268 Croton Aqueduct at Mill River. . . . 268 Croton Aqueduct at Harlem River [High Bridge] 268 [Paper money issued by] New-York WaterWorks, 1774, 1776 (2 pis.) 268 Profile of the Twelve Avenues in the City of New- York From 24 th to 161 st Sts. ... . 380 Public Squares, Parks, and Places in the City of New York. August 1838 .. . . -380 East View of Hell Gate in the Province of New York. Copied from an engraving del 1775 ... 384 New-York State Arsenal ... . . . 402 N° 1 Broadway, New- York . . . .416 Diedrich Knickerbocker ..... 420 N° 120 William Street is the last relic of the old Dutch style of Architecture .... . .422 [Pass to and from New York, signed by Washing- ton, July 6, 1778. Also Discharge of Benjamin Taylor from the American Army, June 9, 1783] 424 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF Corner of Broad and Garden Streets. As it ap- pear'd 50 years ago ..... 443 Lawsuit decided by Wouter Van Twiller . .487 A Schepen laughing at a Burgomaster's joke . 487 Peter Stuyvesant. Rebuking the Cobler . . 492 The eminent Burghers Manheers Tenbroek and Hardenbroeck disputing about the plan of the City of New Amsterdam ... . . .510 1851 480 pages Map of the City of New York 1 85 1 . . Frontispiece Map of the State of New-York . . . with the Population as determined by the Census of l8CO ... . • • • • Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber. . . 10 Diagram of the Assistant Aldermen's Chamber. 10 View of the New-York Quarantine, Staten Island. 61 [Fireman's Certificate] David Coutant, July 2, 1787 112 New Amsterdam a small City on Manhattan Isl- and . . . now called New-York . . . about 1667 [Title also in Dutch. The Schenck view] 136 New Yorke 1695 [map] .... 136 [Bradford map, same as in volumes for 1842-3 and 1844-5, but without the word " Pub ed " I 9° View of New-York, 1787 270 Work House. Blackwell's Island. . . 296 Plan of the City of New York, 1 79 1. . .320 Diederich Knickerbocker recording the gallant actions and achievements of the chivalric Pe- ter Stuyvesant ...... 348 Hudson, on his return to Holland received with great welcome by the Merchants and Burgo- masters of Amsterdam .... 364 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Ancient Seals in the office of the Secretary of State, Albany, New-York. ..... 420 The Mansion of Gen! Striker. Erected by his Great Grand-father in the Year 1751 . . . . 450 [Letter of George Washington to John Washing- ton, March 6, 1775] 474 1852 504 pages Map of the City of New- York 1852. . Frontispiece Map of New Netherlands, With a view of New Amsterdam, (now New-York.) A.D. 1656. Copied from A. Vander Donck's Map ... 7 Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber. . . 14 Diagram of the Assistant Aldermen's Chamber. 14 Castle Garden, New- York, 1852. . . .128 New Yorke 1695 [map] ..... 148 A View of New York, Governors Island the River &c. from Long Island. 1776. . . . 176 Government House, New-York 1795. . .180 Launch of the Steam Frigate Fulton the First, at New York 29 l . h Oct^ 1814 184 [Bond, signed by Thomas Jefferson and Francis Eppes, relating to Jefferson's marriage with Martha Shelton, December 23, 1771] . 322 A table illustrating the financial history of the United States. . . . . . .354 View of Murray Street N. Y. with D T . Mason's Church 1822 .... . . . . 362 The Paragon Steam Boat ... . . .438 Plan of the City of New York, 1808. Copied from D. Longworth's Map ... . . 452 Tontine Building, Wall Street, New York 1797. ; . . . . . ^ 458 Map of the City of New York shewing the orig- PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF inal high water line and the location of the dif- ferent Farms and Estates .... . . 462 [Freeman and Citizen, certificate, granted to Jo- seph Drake, October 24, 1765.] . . 498 1853 505 pages Map of the City of New-York 1853 . . . Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber. . . 10 Diagram of the Assistant Aldermen's Chamber. 10 Broad Street. (Costum [sic] House in the Distance.) 22 Custom House, Wall Street. Built on the Site of the Old City Hall 1831 48 Alms House Buildings. Blackwells Island. . 54 Broadway & Grand Street, N. Y. as it appeared about 1 8 1 8. . . . . . .90 Washington Institute and City Reservoir. . 134 Junction of Broadway & the Bowery 1 83 1 . New- York. . . . . . . .160 Old Brewery Five Points, 1852. . . .180 Map of the City of New York and Island of Man- hattan as laid out by the Commissioners ap- pointed by the Legislature April 3* 1807. . . by . . . W™ Bridges 260 Staten Island Ferry & U. S. Barge Office, 1831. Whitehall St., New York. . . .288 A Table illustrating the Financial History of the United States. ...... 302 The First Presidential Mansion. N° 1 Cherry Street. Occupied by Washington during the first Session of the first Congress. . . 304 A New & Accurate Plan of the City of New York . . . Published in 1797 ... . . 324 Dutch Cottage in Beaver Street, 1679. . . 378 Map of the City of New York shewing the orig- 10 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK inal high water line and the location of the different Farms and Estates ... . .436 Belvidere Club House, 1792. situated on the Block, bounded by Montgomery S! Clinton S! Cherry S! & Monroe S! N. Y. . . 452 South East View, New- York. State Prison, 18 14. 461 Washington Hall. Broadway corner of Reade Street. ....... 480 Cato's House, on the Old Post Road, erected i7 12 • • • • 499 1854 560 pages To His Excellency S. r Henry Moore . . . This Plan of the City of New York Is most Humbly Inscribed, by . . . Bern d Ratzen [sic] . . . Sur- Vey'd 1767 ... . . . . Frontispiece Map of the City of New- York 1854. . Frontispiece Broad Way from the Bowling Green, 1828. . 12 City Hotel, Trinity & Grace Churches Broadway . 1831 36 Diagram of the Aldermens Chamber. . . 44 Diagram of the Councilmen's Chamber. . . 44 South St. from Maiden Lane, 1828. . . 60 Navy Yard Brooklyn 1831. . . . . 76 [Fireman's Certificate] Seth Kneeland, November 13, 1789. ... . . 153 Fulton St. & Market, 1828. . . . 200 Shot Tower East River, 1 83 1. . . . 208 Table of the Semi-centennial Mortality of the City of New York . . . Jan'y 1st, 1804, to Dec. 3ist, 1853 232 A Plan of the City and Environs of New York as they were in the Years 1742— 1743 and 1744. Drawn by D G . . . . August 1 8 13 . . . 246 11 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF [Bill of Exchange drawn by Thomas Gage, New York, October 15, 1767] . . . . 314 [Letter of Sir Henry Clinton, March 19, 1784J 314 To His Excellency Sir Henry Moore . . . this Plan of the City of New York & its Envir- ons ... is most Humbly Dedicated by ... B. Ratzer . . . [At bottom :] A South West View of the City of New York Taken from the Governours Island .... . . . 320 Col. Roger Morris' House, Washingtons Head Quarters Sep!" 1776 now known as Madame Jumel's Res" ...... 362 The Residence of Lord Stirling, which formerly stood on the Lots now covered by Stores 67 & 69 Broad Street. . . . . .410 Residence of the late Col. Marinus Willett, Mayor of New- York in 1807-8 .... 420 King's Arms Tavern, now known as Atlantic Gar- den, Broadway. ..... 442 The Residence of Gov. George Clinton, in Pearl Street (opposite Cedar St) and Washington's quarters on assuming the command of the Army in New- York. .... 446 Richmond Hill Mansion. Washington's Head Quarters from May until June 1776, Also the Residence of Vice Presidents John Adams, and Aaron Burr. . . . . . .468 Residence of Abraham Van Nest Esqf Bleecker Street, between Charles & Perry Streets. . 528 Residence of the late Bishop Moore, between 9 l . h and io l . h Avenues and 22 & 23 rd Streets . . 536 Plan of the first Stone Ware Kiln or Furnace built in the City of New York ... in 1730 . . . 542 Fraunce's Tavern. Cor of Broad & Pearl Streets. Washington's quarters November 1783 . . . 547 Plan of the Island of New York ... in the Vicin- 12 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK ity of the late Fort Washington, afterwards Knyphausen, which was taken in the month of May 1779 • • • 548 The Beekman Mansion near 52 n . d Street East River N. Y 554 1855 600 pages, 1 leaf of errata The Park, 1827 . . . . Frontispiece Diagram of the Aldermens Chamber . . 5 Diagram of the Councilmen's Chamber . . 5 Park Place, New-York. 1 83 1. . . . 72 Landing Place, foot of Courtlandt S!, New-York. 1831 82 Five Points, 1827 . . . . . .112 Exchange Place, looking to Hanover S!, New- York. 1 83 1. . . . . . .120 Contoit's Garden. Broadway, N. Y. 1830. . 132 Park Theatre & part of Park Row. 1831. . 152 Reservoir of Manhattan Water Works. Cham- ber St. 1825. ...... 220 Masonic Hall, Broadway, 1830. . . . 296 Plan of the City of New York ... By Tho s H. Poppleton City Surveyor 18 17 . . . . . 298 Wall Street at William Street, looking West, 1825. ....... 320 North Battery, foot of Hubert St. 1812. . 344 The Apthorpe Mansion, Bloomingdale. Now owned by Col. Thorn. .... 392 S! George's Church, Beekman S! New-York, 1 83 1. ....... 416 Park, north end, 1825 [American Museum] . 472 A Plan of the City of New- York & its Environs to Greenwich . . . Surveyd in the Winter, 1775 ... by Jonn Montresor Engineer . . . 482 *3 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF Bridewell, Park, N. Y. 1789. Drawn by J. An- derson. ....... 486 A Draught of New York [Harbor] from the Hook to New York Town by Mark Tidde- man . . . [1758] ..... 492 Randel's Island. New York April 24* 1835 [map] ....... 492 [Return of Refugees embarked for Nova Scotia, signed by Sir Guy Carleton, June 17, 1783] 554 [Refugee Citizens' Memorial to Governor Clinton September 1, 1783]. .... 564 Mansion House, (Bunkers,) Broadway, New- York. 1 83 1. Residence of General Wash- ington during the 2 n . d Session of the First Con- gress . . . . . . .582 Plan and Elevation of the Old City Hall formerly standing in Wall Street . . . made by David Grim . . . October 181 8 . . . 584 One of the oldest houses now standing in New York. cor. of Cherry & Roosevelt Strs. . 593 1856 600 pages Map of the City of New York 1856. Frontispiece Old City Hall, Wall Street, 1776. Drawn by David Grim. . . . . .32 Federal Hall and the Verplanck Mansion Wall Street 1789. Drawn by David Grim . 37 Diagram of the Aldermens Chamber . . 44 Diagram of the Councilmen's Chamber . . 44 New York & City Banks and the McEvers Man- sion, Wall St. in 1800. The Residence of Gen. Knyphausen during the Revolution. . . 72 View at Fort Clinton, Mc Gowan's Pass 18 12 . 89 Harlem Plains, 1812. . . . . . 104 H THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK The Brick Meeting looking South, S! Pauls in the distance 1800. Drawn by David Grim. 109 Coffee House Slip and New York Coffee House. 132 Fireman's Hall, Mercer Si N. Y. 1856. . 179 Plan of the City of New York. Showing the made and swamp Land ... . . . 202 Harlem Plains 18 14. . . . .236 Plan of the City of New York. Drawn from an Actual Survey by Casimir Th. Goerck and Joseph Fr. Mangin. . . Nov. 1803. . . 338 View of Fort Fish & Nutting [Nutter's] Bat- tery 1 8 14. . . . . . . 360 Plan of Fort Greene, and the Line of Intrench- ments, from Wallabout to Gowanus Creek . . . by Lieut. James Gadsden. . . .380 Tower on Hallets Point, 1814 . . . 393 View of the Mill Rock, Hellgate N. Y. 18 14 400 Mill Rock & Hell Gate from Fort Stevens 1814 .... ... 416 Map of Harlem Heights and Plain. 18 14 . 420 Plan for the relief of Broadway, presented to the Common Council October 4 th 1852, by John T. Dodge. . . ... 424 Part of New- York in 1742. shewing the site of the present Park. . . Drawn by David Grim 426 Lispenard's Meadows taken From the site of the present St. Nicholas Hotel Broadway Drawn by A. Anderson 1785 . . . 442 Tower overlooking Manhattanville . . 456 Vauxhall Garden 1803 ..... 470 Works near M c .Gowans Pass, 18 14. . . 480 MfGowans Pass Harlem Hights . . . 489 View from Fort Fish at MfGowans Pass looking towards Harlem. ..... 497 Strawberry Hill Hotel, now Woodlawn . 514 Old Varian House, Bloomingdale Road . 519 *5 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF View of Broadway, from Anthony St. East side, looking up ..... 520 [Fire Engineers Report to Governor Clinton No- vember 27, 1783] 2 sheets . . . 528 [Paper Money, Colony of New York, 1771.] 534 [Refugee Citizens* Memorial to Governor Clin- ton, Newburgh, September 1, 1783. 44 signa- tures] ....... 540 Forts Fish & Clinton, 1814 . . . 552 The New- York Federal Table, as seen from Bunker Hill. . . by David Grim . . 570 Gate at M?Gowans Pass, 1814 . . . 592 1857 581 pages Note. — There appear to be two issues of the Manual for 1857, indicated by differences in the lettering on Hills' map (frontispiece) and by the picture of the tiled roofed house which appears twice in some copies, once at page 169, lettered " Old Style tiled roofed house. Depeyster St. and Water St. N. Y., Lith. by G. Hayward," and again at page 529 " Old Houses cor. Water & Pine Stf 1857. A. Weingartner's LithT " In copies where this picture appears but once it is found at page 529 and is the plate lithographed by Hayward. To his Excellency George Clinton . . . this Plan of the City of New-York and its environs is most Humbly Dedicated by . . . John Hills . . . Surveyed in 1782 . . . . . Frontispiece View of City Hall, Park Theatre, Broadway & Chatham St. &c. 1822. Drawn by J. Evers. ....... 24 Diagram of Aldermens Chamber ... 44 Diagram of the Councilmen's Chamber . . 48 16 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Summer Residence of Fernando Wood, Mayor, 1855,-56,-57,-58. Broadway and 77^ Street, N.Y. . . . . .53 Equestrian Statue of Washington. Union Square, N. Y. 1856 72 Remains of Fort Washington, N. Y. 1856 . 120 Works at M c Gowan's Pass N.Y. 1812. . 132 Bourne's Store. Broadway near Franklin St. N. Y. 1 83 1 . . ' . . . .152 Old Style Tiled Roofed House. Depeyster St. and Water St N. Y. [See note above] . 169 The old Store House at Turtle Bay, N. Y. 1852. The Building from which the Liberty Boys led by Willett took the Kings Stores . .192 Old Blue Bell Tavern Kingsbridge Road, N. Y. 1856 208 Franklin Square N. Y. 1856 . . . 252 Rhinelander's Sugar House & Residence be- tween William & Rose Stf "The last of the Sugar House & Prison of the Revolution." 256 Kings College, N.Y 268 W. &. G. Post's Paint Store. 160 Water St. N. Y. 1836 288 Catherine Market N. Y. 1850 . . -312 Point Isabel, 1843. cor - °f Hester and Division St. N. Y 328 Burnham's Hotel, Bloomingdale Road, N. Y. 336 Plan of the City of New York from the Original Copy published 1789. .... 372 Kings Bridge, N. Y. 1856 .... 376 Peck Slip, N. Y. 1850. . . . .39* Methodist Church in John St. erected in 1758 400 White Conduit House, in Leonard St. between Broadway and Church St. N. Y. 18 16. Drawn by J. Evers. ...... 420 '7 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF Old Reynold's Beer House, cor. of Thames & Temple St! ..... 440 The Residence of N. W. Stuyvesant, which for- merly stood in 8l b . Street, between I s . 1 & 2 d Avenues ....... 454 Everett House. Union Square, N. Y. 1856 . 480 Sitting Room 2 d Story, Walton House, Pearl St. N. Y. 1840 495 Entrance Hall of the Walton House Pearl St. N. Y. 1840 495 Map of the Original Grants of village lots from the Dutch West India Company to the inhabi- tants of New-Amsterdam . . . Located by David T. Valentine . . . A. D. 1857. . 498 Corner of Peck Slip & Water St. N. Y. 1857 [Keating's Store] . . . . 515 Old Houses cor. Water & Pine St! 1857 [See note above] ...... 529 Stone Bridge Tavern & Garden Canal S! & Broadway, N. Y. 18 12 . . . . 542 Fly Market, from the cor. Front St. and Maiden Lane, N. Y. 18 16. Drawn by J. Evers . 543 Dining Room, Fraunce's Tavern, cor. of Pearl & Broad St? " Representing the scene of Gen. Washington taking leave of his Officers." . 544 Old Housesin Chatham St. opposite the Park, 1 857. 548 Franklin's Printing Press at which he worked in London in 1725-26 [with three letters relat- ing thereto] (4 pieces) . . . .564 1858 646 pages Map of the City & County of New-York, 1858. . . . . . . Frontispiece Census [Map] of the State of New-York 1855 ... 12 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK A view of Fort George with the City of New-York from the S. W. 1740. . . . .12 Diagram of the Aldermen's Chamber . . 78 Diagram of the Councilmen's Chamber . . 82 Residence of the Hon. Daniel F. Tieman. Mayor of the City of N. Y. 1858 & 1859. . . 88 General View of Chatham St. 1858, looking down from Chatham Square. . . . .108 Map of Brooklyn at the time of the Revolu- tionary War, drawn by Gen! Jeremiah John- son. . . . . . . .112 The Boerum Mansion. . . . .152 Residence of Judge Ingraham. Harlem, N. Y. 1858 158 " The Hermitage," Residence of the late Samuel L. Norton, 43 d St. betw. 8!. h & 9 th Av e ? . 212 Old house n. w. cor. Peck Slip & Water St. 1858 248 The Residence of the late C. Crolius, 1840. Cor. of Cross and Reade Streets. . . . 252 Residence of W. B. Crosby, Esq. Rutgers Place, between Jefferson & Clinton Sts. 1858 . 268 "The Nursery" in 6! h Av e . Cor. 15* St. . 304 New- York Savings Bank Bleecker St. N. Y. 1858 3 2 3 Tammany Hall, 1830. ..... 372 [Certificate for 15 shares, Tammany Society Loan, dated April 1. 18 12] . . . . 372 Remains of Fort George, N. Y. 1857. Harlem River and Kingsbridge in the distance. . 444 Americae Septentrionalis Pars. From the West- Indische Paskaert . . . 1621 . . . . . 448 Private Room of Sir Henry Clinton N? 1 Broad- way, 1858, in which Andre received his last instructions. ...... 45 2 The Cortelyou Mansion House, 1848. . 456 The Remsen Farm House, (rear view.) . 4.64 19 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF The Grange; Kingsbridge Road, N. Y. Resi- dence of Gen! Alexf Hamilton. . . . 468 The Remsen Farm House, (front view.) . . 470 [Return of Ordinance in the Vicinity of New York, May 5, 1785] .... 480 [Letter of Timothy Pickering to Governor Clin- ton, December 1, 1783] .... 480 The old Sugar House & Middle Dutch Church. Liberty St. N. Y. 1830 . . . .488 The Ferry House, 1746. (Fulton Street, Brook- lyn.) 49 2 View in New-York, 1746. (Lower Market.) . 500 View of a house on the north east corner of Ex- change Place & Broad Street, about the year 1680. . 526 Tomb of David Provoost, Jones' Wood, N. Y. 1857. ... . . ( . . . .530 Country Residence of David Provoost, 57 l . h Street, East River, N. Y. 1857. .... 540 [Freeman and Citizen, Certificate granted Jonas Phillips, August 13, 1759]. . . • 562 View in New-York, 1746. (Middle Dutch & French Churches.) ..... 572 Atlantic Garden House (Burns' Coffee House in 1765.) Broadway, opposite Bowling Green. 588 An Indian Village of the Manhattans, prior to the occupation by the Dutch . . . .591 Turtle Bay, East River, N. Y. 1853. Drawn by B. J. Lossing. ..... 600 The old Rutger's Mansion, N. Y. 1768. . . 606 Rose Street with the old Sugar House 1858. . . 624 Battery & Bowling Green, N. Y. as it appeared during the Revolution. .... 633 Autographs of Members of the City Govern- ment. .. previous to the Revolution [1654- 1764] 12 leaves. ..... 642 20 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 610 pages + 1 leaf D. T. Valentine [portrait]. . . . Frontispiece Diagram of Aldermen's Chamber. . . .12 Diagram of Councilmen's Chamber . . .12 Trinity Church as enlarged. 1737. ... 20 Trinity Church. Broadway, N. Y. rebuilt 1788 . 28 Trinity Church. [1859] ..... 60 St. George's Chapel. Beekman Str. N. Y. erected 1752 72 North Dutch Church & Old House, cor. of William & Fulton St s , 1859. ... 84 Maps of the cities of New York Brooklyn Jersey- City Hudson City and Hoboken 1859. • 94 A Plan of the North East Environs, of the City of New- York. . . By Sam 1 Holland, 17 th Sep! 1757. ....... 108 A Topographical Map of the North Part of New- York Island, exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington now Fort Knyphausen. . . by Claude Joseph Sauthier. . . 1777. ... . 120 Old Houses on the S. E. cor. of Beekman & William Sts. 1859 132 The Old Bridewell, in the Park, N. Y. as it stood about 1834. . . . . . .180 The Elgin Botanic Garden, between 50!* & 51?! St 8 and 5*& 6 th Av es , 1825. . . .204 [Paper Money — Colony of New York, 1771.] . 216 North Battery, foot of Hubert St. looking South, 1820 252 View of Broadway [at Cortlandt St.]. 1834. . 264 View of William Street, looking up from Frank- fort St. 1859 276 Old Cottage Houses in Frankfort St — opposite Gold St. 1859. ...... 284 21 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF View of the Quarantine Grounds and Buildings, Staten Island, May, 1858. . . . 324 Pearl Street, between Franklin Square & Oak St. 1835. • • • . • • • • 37 2 View of Pearl Street, looking from State St. 1858 384 Third Av e R. R. Depot, N. Y. . . .389 View of State Street, fronting the Battery, 1859. 396 Squatter Settlement, betw. I s . 1 & 2? Av e ." near 38 th St. 1858 420 Old Residences on Murray Hill, Lexington Av? near 37! 1 ! St. on the old Boston Post-Road, 1858 428 Remains of Fort Tryon N. Y. 1858. . . 444 [Oath of Allegiance to King George the Second, 14 signatures]. ...... 444 [Oath of Abjuration of the doctrines of the Church of Rome, 14 signatures] . . . 448 [Proclamation of Sir Edward Andros, January 10, 1688.]. 452 Remains of Cock Hill Fort N. Y. 1858 . . 460 Washington's Piew in St. Paul's Church, 1789. 480 Harris' Point, (Horen's Hook 1776), Wards Island and Hellgate, 1859. . . . 484 View of Washington Market, from the S. E. cor. of Fulton & Washington St?, 1859. . . 488 View in Central Park. Southward from the Arsenal 5 , . h Avenue & 64^ St. June, 1858. 504 View in Central Park. Promenade, June 1858. 516 View in Central Park, Promenade looking South, June 1858. ...... 540 ("The Duke's Plan.") A Description of the " Towne of Manna os or New Amsterdam as it was in September 1661. . . . . . 548 View in Central Park, N. Y. Bridge over the ride, '859 572 22 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK The Old Hazard House N. Y. Cor. 84'." St. & 3 r . d Av e 1835 599 Fulton Ferry Boat " W? Cutting." built in 1827. 603 Fulton Ferry Boat " Union." built in 1836. . 604 Fulton Ferry Boat " Olive Branch." built in 1836 606 Fulton Ferry Boat " Over." built in 1840. . 608 i860 630 pages Map of the City & County of New York, i860 Frontispiece New-York. Taken from Fort Columbus, Gover- nors Island. 1 816 [1846]. . . .Do Diagram of Aldermen's Chamber ... 13 Diagram of Councilmen's Chamber. . . 13 Plan of the Central Park, City of New York, i860 100 Ward's Island Buildings, N. Y. i860. . . 104 House of Refuge, Randals Island, N. Y. i860. 106 Tabular statement of the debt of the Corporation of the City of New York, December 31st, 1859 226 Macombs Dam, Harlem River 1850. . . 240 View of Market Slip taken from the Corner of Cherry St — 1859 252 The Old Henry Coster House, bought by Anson G. Phelps in 1835, cor. 30^ St. & i 8t Avenue. N. Y. 276 [House] Built 1799 by Co! Smith. 6i 6 . 1 St. East River 288 Hudson River from Hoboken. . . . 300 Shot Tower. East River. . . . • 3 1 2 Eldridge S! Jail, N. Y. . . . . .324 23 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF S! Thomas' Church, Broadway, N.Y. . . 348 St. Luke's Church, Hudson St. N.Y. . . 365 The Five Points in 1859. View taken from the Corner of Worth & Little Water St. . . 372 [Kane Statue] ...... 376 The Five Points in 1859. Crossing of Baxter (late Orange) Park (late Cross) & Worth (late Anthony) Sts. ..... 396 Rail-road Depot in 4 tb A v . e Cor. 27 th S! . .412 3 r . d Avenue Rail Road Depot, N. Y. i860. . 412 Residence of Henry Eckford. between 7^ & 8'! 1 Ave? near 24 th S! . . . . . 420 Map of the Five Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken & Hudson. . . i860 (2 parts). ...... 428 Union House; cor. of 21" St. Broadway, N.Y. 1857. Occupied for many years as a Justice Court. ....... 444 Cherry St. From the Corner of Rosevelt St. . 468 View of Buildings in the Park, N. Y. 1809. School. Engine House. Bridewell. City Hall. 480 Old Houses corner Pearl & Elm St. . . 492 Old Houses in James S! Corner Chatham S' 1859. 504 Ye execution of Goff ye Neger of Mr. Hochins on ye Commons. ..... 524 The Kolch or Kalch-Hook Pond, as it was in Olden Times. ...... $63 [Plan of proposed Fresh Water Canal and] Per- spective View of Canal Street. . . . 564 Lispenard's Meadows. Taken from the site of the present St. Nicholas Hotel, Broadway. Drawn by A. Anderson, 1785. .... $66 [Facsimile of a survey of Turtle Bay Farm] Per- formed ye 16 th May 1771 By Fran? Mar- shalk 568 [Plan of Floating Battery] January I s ! 1808 . 590 24 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Plan and Sections of a Chevaux de Frise ... . 590 [Map of the State of New York engraved on a soldier's powder-horn] .... 590 [Petition of Elsie Leisler to the Mayor.] . 594 [Petition of Mary Delanoy to the Mayor.] . 596 Firemen at Work in 1800 from an old Firemens Certificate. ...... 608 Cortlandt House. ...... 608 Old House N° 9 State Si . . . .610 [Presentment of the Grand Jury on the condition of the streets.] . . . . . .612 Works at M'iGowan's Pass, N. Y. . . . 620 Fort Fish from Nutter's Battery. . . .624 [Bank-note, Mechanics Bank, 18 15] . . 629 [Bank-check signed by Saml Ward & Brother 1791] ....... 629 l86l 700 pages Map of the City & County of New York. 1 86 1. . . . . • Frontispiece A View of the City of New-York from Brooklyn Heights, foot of Pierrepont St. in 1798 by Monsieur C. B. Julien, de S! Memin . . . Pre- pared by M. Dripps . . . from an Original Drawing now in possession of J. C. Brevoort Esqr. of Brooklyn ..... 13 A Map of the Common Lands between the three and six mile stones, belonging to the Corpo- ration of the City of New York. Casimir Th. Goerck, City Surveyor. March, 5 th 1796. 68 Diagram of Aldermen's Chamber ... 88 Fac-Similiesofthe Signatures of the Aldermen and Councilmen. 1861. .... 89 Diagram of Councilmen's Chamber. . . 94 25 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF [Facsimiles of the signatures of the Councilmen] 4 plates ....... 95 View of St. Pauls Church and the Broadway Stages, N. Y. 1831 116 The Niagara, Valorous, Gorgon & Agamemnon laying the Cable at Mid-Ocean. . . . 134 Section of the Atlantic Cable, carried by Adams & C!! Express Wagon in the Procession of the 1 1 1 Sep! 140 The Fireman's Procession passing the Washing- ton Monument, Union Square, Evening Sep' I s ! 1858 144 View of Hadfield's last piece on the evening of Sep! 3 d 1858 152 View of Liliendahl's Final Piece, Sep! 1!! 1858. 158 The Oration at Crystal Palace Sep! 1" 1858. . 170 View of City Hall,' Sep! I s ! 1858. . . .180 View in Central Park. Balcony Bridge & Oak Bridge 188 View in Central Park. Bow Bridge, Island & Ramble in the distance. .... 204 View of Central Park, Oak Bridge. . . .214 View in Central Park, Iron Bridge. . . .228 Stocks of the Corporation of the City of New York. January 1st, 1861. . . . . . 230 Skating Pond, Central Park, N. Y. 1861. . 236 Century House near Spuyten Dyvel C* Harlem River, 1861. . . . . . 240 View of Manhattanville, taken from Fort Haight, i860 248 H el lgate Ferry,— foot of 86 th S!— 1860 . . 254 Bulls Head in the Bowery, between Bayard and Pump Sts. now Canal St. N. Y. 1783. . 276 View of 2 d Av e looking up from 42*? S! 1861 . . . 288 Old Houses at the junction of Marion & Elm S? 1861. ....... 300 26 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK N° 7 Cherry Street, N. Y. Residence of Sam. Leggett, first President of the New York Gas C° — The first House lighted with Gas, — 1825 308 Franklin Market, Old Slip N. Y. 1820. . 324 View in Fourth Avenue, N. Y. between io l . h and n 1 ! 1 Streets, 1861. ..... 332 Residence of the Post Family, — now Claremont Hotel, Bloomingdale Road near Manhattan- ville, i860. ...... 348 The Bible-House, — Cooper Institute, — Tomp- kins Market. . . . . . .354 Residence of Isaac Dyckman, Kingsbridge, N. Y. 1861 388 Old Cottages at the junction of Canal (late Walker S!) & Division S! 1861. . . . . 420 Attacks of Fort Washington by His Majestys Forces under the Command of Gen! Sir Willi 1 Howe K : B. 16 Nov? 1776. [map] . . 428 Pewter Mug Tavern & Tammany Hall, Frank- fort S! i860. ...... 444 View of Broadway, N. Y. between Howard & Grand Streets, 1840. .... 452 Broadway Theatre — 1859. .... 460 [Address to Washington by the Citizens of New York returned from exile, November 26, 1783. With Washington's reply.] 2 sheets 474 [Order of Reception to Governor Clinton and George Washington by the Citizens of New York, November 24, 1783.] . . . 474 City of Manhattan or New York. From the Col- lection of Charts and Plans made by order of the Duke de Choiseul and executed by S. Bel- lin : in 1764. ...... 484 Bay & Port of New York. Capital of New-York. From the Collection of Charts and Plans made 27 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF by order of the Duke de Choiseul and executed by S. Bellin : in 1764. .... 484 The Beekman House, Headquarters of Sir W? Howe Sep! 1776. i860 Beekman Hill, 50'? S! near I s . 1 Ave. ...... 496 Interior of the Beekman house, i860 Major An- dre's Room. . . . . . .498 Interior of the Beekman house, i860 The Blue Room. ....... 502 Dykeman's Bridge, — Harlem River with King's bridge and Spuyten devil creek in the distance. i860 508 Old House 178 William S! — Old Cottage 129 Division S! . . . . . .516 Ancient View of the present junction of Pearl & Chatham St? Chatham Square & Bowery — 1861 ... . . . . . . 521 T. Smit's Vly in early times. (Present foot of Maiden-lane. — 1861.) .... 526 The last of Kissing Bridge on the Old Boston Road. i860. 50 th S! & 2 d Ave. . . .528 The Old Pear-tree planted by Governor Stuyve- sant, Cor. 3 d Av e & 13* S! . . -S3 2 The old Hopper-House. 2 d Av? 83 d S! i860 . 540 Old Cottage Double-House, Pitt S! betT Broome & Delancy S l . s — 1861 542 Ja s Duane [portrait] ..... 547 Rich d Varick [portrait] ..... 549 Edw Livingston [portrait] . . . -55° DeWitt Clinton [portrait] . . . . 551 M. Willett [portrait] 553 Jacob Radcliff [portrait] .... 555 Portrait of the Great-Grand Father of Johannis de Peyster the first of this family in New York. 556 Portrait of the Great-Grand Mother of Johannis de Peyster ... . . . . . 558 28 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Silver Punch Bowl of Johannis de Peyster brought from Holland. ...... 563 Massive Silver Plate of Johannis de Peyster brought from Holland. .... 564 Old house cor Broad & Water St s built 1764. 580 South East & South West Corners of Green- wich & Franklin S l . s — 1 861. . . .628 Landing of the shore end [Atlantic Cable] at Trin- ity Bay, Aug. 4!^ 1858 637 View of old Buildings in William Street, looking from cor. of Liberty St. towards Maiden Lane N. Y. 1800 639 Havemeyer Mansion N. Y. 1861. between 58 l . h and 59* Streets & 8 1 ! 1 and 9 th Avenues . 660 Old Houses in Division S! between Eldridge & Orchard St- — 1861 672 Group of old cottages on the Old Boston Road. Cor. 46 th & 3 r ? Ave. i860. . . .676 Harlem Bridge, N. Y. 1 86 1 684 [Letter of Jacob Leisler to John Stedman, July3i, 1690.] ..... 686 This view of the Ruins of Trinity Church after the Great Fire in 1776 ; taken by Tho? Barrow. 694 View of Broadway, Trinity Church. City Hotel. 696 Raising of House N° 39 White Street, N. York. — by Brown & Adams, i860. . . . 698 1862 775 P a g es New York, about I79O. .... Frontispiece D. T. Valentine [portrait] . . . Frontispiece Plan of Aldermen's Chamber . . 44 Plan of Councilmen's Chamber ... 46 Junction of Broadway & Eighth Avenue, N. Y. 1861 7 6 29 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF [Attorneys sworn in the Supreme Court. Fac- simile of Oath and 54 signatures, dated from 1790 to 1792] . . . . . .114 Panorama of the Embarkation of the Fire Zouaves on board the Baltic Apr. 29^ 1861. Taken foot of Spring & Canal St. . . .124 Departure of the 7 th Reg! N. Y. S. M. Friday April 19^ 1 86 1. View of Broadway, cor. Courtland St. . . . . . 152 Departure of the 69^Reg! N. Y. S. M. Tuesday April 23? 1 861. The Irish Headquarters around S! Patricks Cathedral, cor. Prince & Mott St 156 Tabular statement of the Funded Debt of the Cor- poration of the City of New York, December 31st, 1 861. ...... 170 South Gate House, New Reservoir, during con- struction. Viewed in the direction of the East Water Entrance. . . . . .182 South Gate House, New Reservoir, during con- struction. Viewed from the South — looking into the Reservoir. . . . . .188 High Bridge during construction of the large main Viewed from the West Gate House looking East . . . . . .212 High Bridge during construction of the large main Viewed from the Westchester side look- ing North West. . . . . .216 Old Latimer House, 88 th S\ 3 rd A v N. Y. . 261 Church St. cor. Franklin St. looking North. — 1861 284 [Certificate of Membership in the New York Marine Society issued to Capt. William Tur- ner, May 11, 1773.] . . • • 316 Historical Society Building. Cor. 2 n . d Avenue & 1 i\ h Street, N. Y 344 3° THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. The Old Columbia House, cor. Stanton and Co- lumbia St. — 1 86 1. ..... 360 The old "Gotham " Inn, — in Bowery. . .380 Interior of the State Arsenal 57^ St. occupied by the 7 th N. Y. V. (Steuben Reg 1 ) 1861. . 396 State Arsenal in Central Park 57^ St. Troops leaving for the War. .... 404 View in Central Park, New York, 1861. [Ar- senal] ....... 408 View in Central Park, New York, 1861. . . 420 View in Central Park, 1861. . . . . 452 View in Central Park, 1861. • . . 460 Trinity Place behind Trinity church, — 1861. . 476 Old Tavern in Broadway, near Houston St. — 1 86 1. — Old Shanty, (News Depot) 177 Bowery, near Delancy St. 1861. . . . 484 [Certificate of membership in the Horseshoers Guild, Frankfort-on-the Main, issued to J. L. Goetz, June 19, 1775] .... 550 [Certificate of Freeman and Citizen granted Leo- nard Goetz, May 25, 1784] . . . $$6 Delafield Mansion, 77 th S! N. Y. 1861. . . 573 Old House, N. Y. 1849. 45* Street, near 5 th Avenue. . . . . . . .581 View of the High Bridge, N. Y. 1861. . . 596 New Bridge, Macomb's Dam, N. Y. built in 1 86 1 . 624 [Letter of Israel Putnam addressed to "Dear Ginrol."] ....... 652 [Statement of Marinus Willett, dated January 26, 1792.] 656 View in Central Park, N. Y. 1 86 1 , M l S l Vincent. 672 Hamilton Square Church, N. Y. 1861. . . 678 Old New York. "The Bouwery." [Map of the Stuyvesant Estate] ..... 686 Old Cottage Residence in 16^ St. near 3? Av? — 1861. ....... 700 3i PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF Old House in William St. betw. Fulton & John St.— 1861. 716 The Great Seal of New England, from 1686 to 1689. (2 plates) 738 Church at Bloomingdale, N. Y. 1861. . . 762 1863 852 pages The Nicolls Map 1664-1668. (The Island of Manhados) The Towne of New-York. (3 sheets) ...... Frontispiece D. T. Valentine [portrait] . . . Frontispiece Plan of Aldermen's Chamber. .... 32 Plan of Councilmen's Chamber. ... 34 U. S. Iron Clad Steam-ship " Roanoke" The first Turretted Frigate in the U. S. 1863. . $6 Metropolitan Police Head Quarters, Mulberry Street, near Bleecker St. . . . 71 [Fireman's Certificate, printed in colors, dated "July 2, 1787 "] 120 The Old Bowery Theatre, i860. . . .154 Tabular statement of the Funded Debt, December 31, 1862 168 [Paper Money, City of New York, 18 14] . 170 Old Sledge belonging to Andrew MfGowan N. Y. 1788 200 Clendening Mansion betw. Bloomingdale Road & 8 l . h Av? 90 r . h St 264 Interior of Somerindyke House in which Louis Philippe (late King of the French) taught school. 272 Greenwich St. below Thames St. 186 1. . . 284 Theological Seminary betw. 20!^ & 21 s . 1 St? & 9^ & io 1 ! 1 Ave? 298 Ladies Union Aid Society, West 42 St east of S th . Avenue. . . . . . . . 316 32 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Major Prov- Part of the house in which " Talleyrand" lived, Bloomingdale Road, near Hudson River & 75!^ St. known as Major Thompsons (now Perritt's) Mansion. ..... Somerindyke Estate on Bloomingdale Road, near 75 th St Jackson Ferry, foot of Jackson St. East River — 1861 Old Storehouses cor. Pearl & Chatham St. 1861. Fac-Similes of the original Autographs of the Burgomasters, Schepens, and many other dis- tinguished individuals in the early history of this City (4 plates) A Plan of the City of New- York Drawn by Holland, Surveyor General. 1776. View of Harlaem from Morisania in th( ince of New York Septmf 1765. New York [1733. Popple view] Cadwallader D. Colden [portrait] Stephen Allen [portrait] W m Paulding [portrait] Philip Hone [portrait] Waller Bowne [portrait] Gideon Lee [portrait] Paisley Place in, ijl h . Street, between 6\ h . Avenues. ..... Private Residence of the late Mayor Tieman's father, 23 d St. betw. 4* & Madison Ave? View of Baxter (late Orange St) betw. Hester & Grand St. 186 1 Junction of Canal & Walker St! near Centre St. Baptist Church Fayette St. (now Oliver St.) N. Y. 1808. showing the buildings extending to Chatham St. ..... . Signatures of Residents in the City of New York and others of olden times (8 plates) and 7* 3S 2 380 408 456 484 S3* 610 622 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 682 704 728 739 768 33 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF The Flag of the Dutch West India Company * 834 The Flag of New England .... 836 ^Sometimes replaced by the flag of the Dutch East India Com- pany. 1864 856 pages [Map of] New-York City, County, and Vi- cinity. ...... Frontispiece D. T. Valentine [portrait] . . . Frontispiece The Old Halfway House, at the Junction of Broadway, 8 £ . h Ave. & 59* S! . . .40 Plan of Aldermen's Chamber. ... 48 Fac-similes of Autographs of the Members of the Board of Aldermen ... . . .48 Plan of Councilmen's Chamber. ... 50 Fac-similes of Autographs of the Members of the Board of Councilmen ... . . .50 Central Park. The Terrace. ... 72 Old cottage houses (1858.) Lawrence St. — Crosby St. 88 Manhattan St. betw. Houston & 3 d St's. (1 861.) 114 Old House cor. Houston & Cannon St's. (1864.) Forming part of the Delancy Estate. . .128 Old Shanties cor. Ludlow & Delancey S ,s 1864. 160 View of the N. Y. State Soldier's Depot, 50 & 52 Howard S! . . . . .164 Soldier's Depot — Receiving Room, (1" floor.) . 166 Soldiers' Depot — Hospital, (^ floor.) . .166 Soldiers' Depot — Dining Room. (i s .' floor.) . 168 Soldiers' Depot — Wash & Bath Room. (Base- ment.) . . . . . . .170 Fulton Ferry, New-York, built of Iron 1863. 204 J. Jacob Astor's former residence 88^ St. near East River. House in which Washington Irving wrote his Astoria. .... 208 34 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK View of Vandewater St. cor. Frankfort St. ( 1 8 63 .) 316 Union Home & School for Soldier's Children, 58^ S! near 8 th Ave 352 The Old Abbey Hotel on Bloomingdale Road, (1847.) 386 Buck Horn Tavern, 22 n . d St. Broadway. 18 12. . 410 John Ferguson [portrait] . . . .525 The Varian Tree in Broadway, betw. 26 l . b & 27 th S\ 8 1864. 552 Chatham Square, N. Y. 18 12. . . -578 View of the 5 th Ward Museum Hotel, cor. West Broadway & Franklin S! 1864. . . . 598 [Prospectus of the American Museum, June 1, 1 79 1. On back is Canvass of votes for As- semblymen, dated May 31, 1797.] . • 602 Public Room at the 5 th Ward Museum Hotel, cor. West Broadway & Franklin S! 1864. . 602 Cornells Steenwyck [portrait] . . . 648 Caleb Heathcote [portrait] .... 665 A Sketch of the Operations of His Majesty's Fleet and Army under the Command of Vice Admiral the R! H*! 6 Lord Viscount Howe and Gen! Sf W™ Howe, K. B. in 1776 ... 668 The Phoenix and the Rose engaged by the Ene- mys Fire Ships & Galleys on the 16 th Aug! 1776 672 Stone House 152"? St. Kingsbridge Road, during the Revolution. ..... 690 Bayard House, no 1 .? Street Harlem, between I s . 1 . and 2". d Avenue, at the beginning of the pres- ent century. ...... 728 Old House 35 th St. 11 th Avenue N. Y. Mrs. McAdams country residence . . . 1805 with the two Pear Trees now standing 1863. . 740 View of the Belvedere Club House 1794 • 748 N. Y. House of Refuge, 1832. . . . 750 35 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF Brooks Clothing Store, Catherine St. N. Y. 1845. 75 2 Residence of John Edwards, Scale Beam Manu- facturer West Side of Green St. near Spring St. 1864. ...... 776 Signatures of Residents in the City of New York and others of olden times ... (8 plates) . 784 Old Frame Houses cor. Water & Jackson St* 1 864. 927 [Call for meeting of the Tammany Society, April 15, 1819.] 808 Residence of M' D. Titus (Greenwich Village, 20* St. 8 l . h & 9 th Ave.) the property of Bishop Benj. C. Moore (commonly call'd " The Pul- pit") 1816 818 Maps [three] Shewing the Residence of Thomas Paine before, and at, his death, 8\ h June 1809. at Greenwich in the City of New York . . . 840 1865 879 pages Map of New York and Vicinity. . . Frontispiece D. T. Valentine [portrait] . . . Frontispiece Plan of Aldermen's Chamber ... 48 Fac-similes of Autographs of the Members of the Board of Aldermen .... . . .48 Plan of Councilmen's Chamber. ... 50 Fac-similes of Autographs of the Members of the Board of Councilmen .... . . .50 [Store] Established by Christian G. Gunther Esq. Father of the present Mayor in 1820. . 55 Emigrants' Hospital, Ward's Island, [woodcut] 72 Terminus of the Main Drive in Central Park, no'! 1 St. Old Bastion (1776.) S! Vincents Convent (Soldiers Home 1864) . .196 Old Frame House N? 7 Peck Slip, in which Mr. D. T. Valentine passed his youth. . . 204 36 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Fort Fish on the Northside of Central Park. Old Blacksmith Shop Washington's Head- quarter. ....... 220 The Audubon Estate on the Banks of the Hud- son. Foot of 1 5 6 r . h St. at Carmansville . 256 Harlem-Lane from Central Park to Manhattan- ville ........ 280 M T . Stewart's House 54^ St. betw. Broadway & 7 th Ave. . 308 Old Dutch Farmhouse, cor. 7^ Ave. & 50^ St. 341 Grocery & Tea Store corner of Spring & Crosby St. N. Y. 1826. Owned and occupied by Charles Dusenberry .... . . . 400 N° 86 North Moore Street, N. Y. 1865. In this House the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, Speaker of the House of Representatives, was born. 413 Old Country Inn (Croton Cottage) cor. 5 th Av. & 40 th St 456 Twin Frame Houses, cor.33 d St.& Lexington Av. 484 The Oldest House foot of Murray Hill, cor. 3 d Av. & 34 th St. 697 Rip Van Dam [portrait] . . . .713 Sarah Van Dam [portrait] . . ■ .714 Old Residence, cor. Madison Av. & 40? St. . 726 The Keyser Estate, cor. 4 th (Park) Av. & 40 , . h St. 748 The Cargle Estate n. e. corner of 60 th St. & io'. b Av 784 The Caster Estate, betw. 35^ ^36^ St's. and Lex- ington Av? ...... 809 Tammany Hall, 1830 ..... 849 1866 820 pages [Map of] New- York City County, and Vicin- ity. ....... Frontispiece 37 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF D. T. Valentine [portrait] . . . Frontispiece Plan of Aldermen's Chamber .... 48 Fac-similes of Autographs of the Members of the Board of Aldermen .... . . .48 Plan of Councilmen's Chamber. ... 50 Fac-similes of the Autographs of the Members of the Board of Councilmen .... . . 50 The old landmarks of N. Y. Spuyten Duyvel Creek. ....... 64 The old landmarks. View of Kingsbridge Road near Dykemans Farm. .... 74 The original cottage & later residence of the Jones Family, foot of 82 d St. East River. . .178 South East View of the City of New York 1 768. 478 View of the Brevoort Estate and Vicinity, between 54 & 55 St? near i? 1 Ave 482 Relics of the Past on Washington Heighths [sic] Old Earthworks on Chittenden's Estate — East angle of Fort. ...... 640 Relics of the Past on Washington Heighths. Old Earthworks on Chittenden's Estate — West angle of Fort. ...... 657 The Riker Estate foot of 75 th St. East River. . 688 The Rapelyea Estate (Property of Mrs. Cams.) called the White Cottage — foot35 , . h St. North River. . . . . . . .712 The last of the Lennert Estate, between 49 th & 50* St? near 10 th Ave 736 The Grenseback Estate, cor. 3 d Ave. & 75 th St. 760 This Plan of the City of New York . . . was made for the purpose of shewing the progress and extent of the Great Fire which happened in the year 1776 . . . And also the Fire of 1778 ... by David Grim ..... 766 Residence of the Schermerhorn Family — foot of 73 d St. East River 784 38 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Residence of the Schermerhorn Family, foot of 84 th St. East River 808 1868 14 + 912 pages Map of the City of New York. . . Frontispiece Joseph Shannon [portrait]. . . . Frontispiece New York and Environs [birdseye view] . xiv Presiding Officers of the Common Council. 1868. Thomas Coman John Stacom Jas. A. Mon- aghan [portraits.] . . . . .98 Board of Aldermen. 1868. [names.] . . 100 Facsimiles of Autographs of the Members of the Board of Aldermen .... . . .100 Chamber of the Board of Aldermen, 1868. . 102 Board of Councilmen. 1868. [names] 2 plates 107, 108 Facsimiles of Autographs of the Members of the Board of Councilmen ... . . . 108 Chamber of the Board of Councilmen, 1868. . no Heads of Executive Departments City Govern- ment. R d B. Connolly Geo. W. MfLean Jno. T. Hoffman Thos. Stephens Richard O'Gorman. [portraits] . . . .116 Central Park. The Lake from the Terrace. . 218 Chamber of the Board of Supervisors, 1868. . 225 The Loew Bridge Broadway & Fulton S! * 229 Central Park. The Lake and the Bow Bridge. 236 Central Park. The Lake from the East Side. . 246 Central Park. Auld Lang Syne. Near the Ca- sino. ....... 256 Printing House Square 1868. . . . 510 View corner of Ann S! & Broadway. (Former Site of Barnum's Museum.) . . .512 The new Harlem Bridge 1868. . . . 520 39 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF View from School House in 42 nd Street between 2 nd & 3 rd Av s . looking north. . . . 526 View in Sixth Avenue, between 55 l . h & 57* St! looking West. ...... §36 The New York County Court House. . . 639 View corner Eighth Avenue and 23 rd St. [Pike's Opera House]. ..... 696 Interior View of Tammany Hall Decorated for the National Convention July 4 l . h 1868. . 792 Map of the upper part of the Island of Man- hattan above Eighty-Sixth Street arranged to illustrate the Battle of Harlem Heights. . 812 1869 16+896 pages Map of the City of New York, showing its Po- litical Divisions and Subdivisions. August 1 869* ...... Frontispiece Joseph Shannon [portrait]. . . . Frontispiece Map of New York I. with the adjacent Rocks and other remarkable Parts of Hell-Gate. By Tho? Kitchin . . . 1778. (from the London Magazine 1778) ..... xvi New York and Environs [ Birdseye view] . 1 View at the corner of i8!. h Street & Broadway. 16 View at the corner of \o^ Street & Broadway. 40 View of the southeast corner of 1^ Street and 6 , 1 Ave 88 Heads of Executive Departments City Govern- ment. R d B. Connolly Geo. W. MfLean A. Oakey Hall Thos. Stephens Richard O'Gor- man [portraits] ..... 99 Thomas Coman [portrait] . . . .100 James A. Monaghan [portrait] . . . 108 High Bridge and High Service Works & Reservoir. 124 40 1 7 6 178 184 190 200 208 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Foundling Hospital — Randall's Island. . .128 Central Park Guide [plan] . . . .174 Birds Eye view of Lake Manhatta and old Res- ervoir Central Park. .... The Spa, Central Park. ..... The Indian Hunter. Central Park. New Market in 1 8 1 } Ward foot of 1 7* Street East River. ....... View of the northwest corner of 5!! 1 Avenue and 34 Street. [Stewart Mansion] View on the northwest corner of Broadway & n! h Sts View on the northeast corner of 5 th Av. & 57 th St. 240 Harlem. From the old Fort in the Central Park. 432 The Building erected for the Hudson River Rail Road, on the former site of St. John's Park. 500 An " Iron Clad Oath" of the Olden Time. Fac- simile from original Parchment in possession of T. Bailey Myers Esq? .... 588 View of the southeast corner of Broadway & Leon- ard St 598 View on the southeast corner of Broadway & 3 1 Street 640 Contemplated East River Bridge. . . .672 St. Patrick's Cathedral as rebuilt 1868. . . 678 Group to surmount the South gate of Great Res- ervoir. ....... 694 Tabular Statement of the Funded Debt January 1, 1869 7 l8 [Letter of Thomas Dongan to Governor Penn, December 3, 1683.] ..... 736 N? 1 The residence of Jacob Leisler on "the Strand" (now Whitehall Street, N. Y.) . . . 738 The Battery, 1869 74^ Edward Hyde Lord Cornbury. afterw. 3 r . d Earl of Clarendon [portrait] .... 762 41 PLATES AND MAPS IN THE MANUALS OF [Decree granting Letters of Administration to relict of Robert Skelton, dated April 7, 1704, signed by Lord Cornbury] . . . 762 [Tablet to the memory of George Clarke.] . 764 General Gage. Taken in 1776 [portrait | . 766 [Letter of General Gage to Sir William Johnson, dated June 17, 1765.] .... 766 The R l . Hon b ! e the Earl of Loudoun [portrait]. . . 767 Sir Edmund Andros, Knt. [portrait] . . . 768 Ruins of the Merchant's Exchange N. Y. After the Destructive Conflagration of Dec!". 16 & 17,1835. . . _ . . . -7 8 4 [Manumission of a slave, signed by Jacob Rad- cliff, Mayor, April 24, 1817] . . . 800 [Letter of Administration granted January 15, 1 708, signed by John Lovelace] . . 824 [Estimate for the expense of a steam ferry boat for one year, by Robert Fulton, January 22, 18 10] 832 [Letter of Sir Jeffrey Amherst to John Cruger, Esq. August 10, 1763] .... 856 Fac-simile of letter written by Lord Nelson on board frigate Albemarle, in this Port. [Nov. i3> J 782] 872 1870 13 -f- 9-6 pages Map of the City of New York, showing its Politi- cal Divisions and Subdivisions November I07O. ...... Frontispiece John T. Hoffman [portrait] . . . Frontispiece View of St. John's Chapel, from the Park. Drawn and engraved for the New-York Mirror. 1829. ..... 28 View on the Northeast Corner of Broadway & 19* Street [Goelet House] ... 72 42 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK [Passport issued by the City of New York] . 82 Map of the County of New York, showing the Wards and Police and Police Precincts, and Location of Station Houses. . . . 88 Map of the Boundaries of the Fire Department of the City of New York 116 The Old Revenue Office 198 View on North East Corner of Grand & Crosby Streets. . . . . . . .232 [Letter of Washington to the Mayor, etc., of the City of New York.] . . . . .232 View on the North West Corner of 4!^ Avenue and 42^ Street. [Grand Central Station] . 603 View on the Southeast Corner of Broadway & Cedar Street. . . . . . .616 Richard Riker [portrait] . . . .650 View on the North East Corner of William & Cedar Sts. 692 View on the South West Corner of Broadway & 20* St 710 View on the Northwest Corner of Beekman & Cliff St 726 View on Broadway opposite Bond Street. . 753 St. Michaels Church. View on the Northwest Corner of 31 s ! Street & 9"! Avenue. . . 760 View on the North East Corner of Broadway & 29* St . 7 6 4 New York to New Rochelle From Christopher Colles's Survey of U. S. Roads 1789. . 778 Old House in Rector Street. .... 809 The Stryker Mansion view from the River. . 825 Chart and Plan of the Harbour of New York & the Coun y Adjacent. . . Nov^ 30 th 1781. . . . 844 Plan of the City of New York. . . by William Bridges, City Surveyor, A. D. 1807. . . . 866 Old House on the Hopper Farm. . . . 883 43 PLATES AND MAPS Map of Old Jan's Land & The Bogardus Farm adjoining. ...... 904 Map of the City of New-York Compiled & Sur- veyed by William Hooker. ... . . 904 The Old Church in Hamilton Square. Demol- ished 1870. . . . . . .924 44 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY A List of the Maps and Plans OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY 1643-1656 Map of the Original Grants of village lots from the Dutch West India Company to the inhabitants of New-Amsterdam, (now New-York.) lying below the present line of Wall Street. Located by David T. Valentine. .. A.D. 1857. Lith. . . by Geo: Hay- ward. . . 1857, p. 498. Size: 10% x 16^ inches. Map of Old Jan's Land & The Bogardus Farm adjoining. 1870, p. 904. Size: 4^3 x8^. Old New York. " The Bouwery." [Estate of Governor Stuyvesant.] From the Map Presented to the N. Y. Historical Society by Benj: Robert Win- throp, Esq., Febrf, 1862. Lith. by Geo. Hayward. . . 1862, p. 686. Size: 20 x 15^. 1 66 1— 1 664 ("The Duke's Plan.") A Description of the Towne of Mannados or New Amsterdam as it was in September 1661 lying in Lattitude 40^ and 407 Anno 47 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS Domini 1664. . . Lith. . . by Geo. Hay ward. . . From the original fac-simile in the possession of George H. Moore. (Copyright.) ^59, p. 548. Size: 27^ X2i^. Copied from the MS. in the British Museum. 1664-1668 The Nicolls Map 1 664-1 668. (The Island of Manhados) Presented to the New York Historical Society by George. H. Moore October y\ h . 1862. Lith. by G. Hayward. . . 1863, frontispiece. 3 sheets, size: 11% x 17^; 18% x 17^; 12% x 17%. Inset on third sheet: "The Towne of New York," with 14 references. Copied from the MS. in the British Museum. 1695 New Yorke [above.] New York 1695 [ to ^-l Lith? by G. Hayward 1 Piatt S! for D. T. Valentine [With 23 references.] l8 43~4> P- 97- Size: 14^x9^. 1844-5, p. 89. 1845-6, p. 114, but with date above, without title to left and with date 1846 after Valentine's name. 1847, p. 116, with no lettering except " New Yorke 1695 " and the 22 references. 1848, p. 122, same as 1847. 1850, p. 194. Size: 15^ x 9^, " New Yorke 1695. Lith d by G. Hayward for D. T. Valentine's Manual 1850" and the 23 references. 1851, p. 136. Size: 14.% x 9, the date, 1695, beneath " New Yorke," "Lith. G. Hayward N? 120 Water S! for D. T. Val- entine's Manual 1851, "33 references. 1852, p. 148. Same as last, but dated 1852. Copied from a map in the Description of the Province and City of New York. . . 1695 by the Rev. John Miller, first printed from the original manuscript by Thomas Rudd,a London book- 48 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY seller, in 1843. The MS. is now in the British Museum. The Fort in New Yorke [with 22 references] 1843-4, p. 97. Size: 8^ x 7^. 1844-5^.89. From the same work as the above. l 72 l A Plan of the City of New York from an actual Survey Made by lames Lyne. To His Excellency John Montgomerie Esq. . . This Flan. . . is humbly Dedic d by. . . W m Bradford. Facsimile of an original Map in the possession of G. B. Smith, Street Com- missioner. Pub!? by G. Hayward, Lithographer. [The Bradford Map, with the date 1728; 21 references.] 1842-3, frontispiece. Size: 22 x i63^. 1844-5, frontispiece. 1851, p. 190, without the word "Pub!?" Plan of New York in 1729 Surveyed by James Lyne. For D. Valentines Manuel [sic] H. R. Rob- inson Lith. 31 Park Row. [21 references.] 1850, p. 212. Size: S%x6%. The Bradford map redrawn. 1 742-1 744 A Plan of the City and Environs of New York as they were in the Years 1742-1743 and 1744. Drawn by D G in the y6 1 }. year of his age. . . Cedar Street August 18 13. Lith. G. Hayward... Copied from an Original Drawing by David Grim in the possession of the N. Y. Historical Society. . . [60 references and 13 views of public buildings, etc.] 1854, p. 246. Size: 18 x 22^. 49 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS Part of New-York in 1742 shewing the site of the present Park; the Collect and little Collect Ponds; and a portion of the west side of Broadway. Drawn by David Grim. 1856, p. 426. Size: 10^ x 6%. l 755 Plan of the City of New York from an actual Survey, Anno Domini MDCCCLV [sic] By F. Maerschalck City Surveyor To the Honorable James De Lancey Esq. . . This Plan. . . Is Humbly Dedic d By. . . Gf Duyckink [The Duyckinck Map] Copy of an original Map in the possession of the Corpora- tion of Trinity Church — Lithf by G. Hayward for D. T. Valentine's Manual for 1849. [3 1 references.] 1849, P- I 3°- Size: 16% x 10^. Although called a copy it differs considerably from the original. '757 A Plan of the North East Environs, of the City of New-York, Performed by Order of his Excellency the Earl of Loudon. . . By Sam 1 Holland, iy 1 : 11 Sep' 1757. Copied from the original Manuscript in the State Library at Albany. Engraved. . . by Geo. Hay ward. . . [5 references.] 1859, p. 108. Size: 21 x 12. 1758 A Draught of New York [Harbor] from the Hook to New York Town by Mark Tiddeman. Printed for W. Mount & T. Page upon Tower Hill Lon- don. . . Copied by G. Hayward. . . by permission of the Secretary of the A mn Institute. 1855, P- 49' 2# Size-' 20^ x 16^. From a map 5° OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY originally published in The English Pilot, London, 1758, 4"! book. 1763 A Plan of the City of New York, Reduced from an actual Survey, By T. Maerschalckm [sic], 1763. Copy from an original map in the possession of John F. Seaman Esq' Lith of H. R. Robinson. . . [28 refer- ences.] 1850, p. 220. Size: i$}4 x 9. Copy of a map engraved by P. Andrews and published in London in 1765, in A Set of Plans & Forts in America. 1764 City of Manhattan or New York. From the Col- lection of Charts and Plans made by order of the Duke de Choiseul and executed byS. Bellin: in 1764. Lith. . . by Geo: Hay ward. . . [12 references.] 1 861, p. 484. Size: 6j4 x 8 3/g. Copy of a map in Le Petit Atlas Maritime, Vol. 1, plate 23- Bay & Port of New-York. Capital of New- York. From the Collection of Charts and Plans made by order of the Duke de Choiseul and executed by S. Bellin: in 1764. Lith. . . by Geo: Hayward. . . 1 861, p. 484. Size: 6y% x 8 5^. Copy of a map in Le Petit Atlas Maritime, Vol. 1, plate 32. 1766 A Plan of the City of New- York & its Environs to Greenwich, on the North or Hudsons River, and to Crown Point, on the East or Sound River, Shewing the Several Streets, Publick Buildings, Docks, Fort & Battery, with the true Form & Course of the Com- 5i A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS manding Grounds, with and without the Town. Sur- veyd in the Winter, 1775. Sold by A. Dury, Dukes Court S! Martins Lane. To the Hon bl ? Tho s Gage. . . This Plan is Most humbly Inscribed by. . . John Montresor Engineer [31 references and 17 lines of descriptive text.] [Inset:] A Chart of the Entrance to New York from Sandy Hook. . . Engraved. . . by G. Hay ward. . . 1855, p. 482. Size: 19 x 14%. Although said to be surveyed in 1775, this map is identical with the Montresor map surveyed in 1766, excepting the date and the words " Sold by A. Dury, Dukes Court S! Mar- tins Lane." 1766-1767 To His Excellency Sir Henry Moore . . . this Plan of the City of New York & its Environs ... Is most Humbly Dedicated by ... B. Ratzer . . . Plan of the City of New York in North America Surveyed in the Years 1766 & 1767. Tho! Ketchin [sic] sculp! Lith. G. Hay ward . . -[35 references. At bottom:] A South West View of the City of New York Taken from the Governours Island. . . 1854, p. 320. Size: i6f£ x 21 %. [Plan of the City only] To His Excellency S! Henry Moore . . . This Plan of the City of New York Is most Humbly Inscribed by . . . Bern d . Ratzen [sic] . . . Survey'din 1767. Lith. G. Hayward ... [31 ref- erences.] 1854, frontispiece. Size: 16% x 12. Extends only to the Lispenard House, on the Hudson, and differs also from the plan of the city in the larger map above. 52 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY 1 771 [Facsimile of a survey of Turtle Bay Farm] . . . Performed y e 16 » May 1 77 1 . By Fran! Marschalk. i860, p. 568. Size : 11^x15^. l 775 See the Montresor Map under 1766. 1776 A Plan of the City of New-York Drawn by Major Holland, Surveyor General. 1776. Eng. . . by G. Hay ward ... [27 references.] 1863, p. 532. Size: i$f& x 13. This plan, by the British Surveyor-General, also formed a part of his Map of New York & New Jersey. A Sketch of the Operations of His Majesty's Fleet and Army under the Command of Vice Admiral the R\ H 5 . 1 . 6 Lord Viscount Howe and Gen! S: W m Howe, K. B. in 1776. Published according to Act of Parlia- ment Jan y 17 th 1777 by J. F. W. Des Barres Esq. Communicated for the Manual by George H. Moore . . . Copied ... by G. Hayward ... [16 references.] 1864, p. 668. Size: 22*4 x3i%. A Topographical Map of the North Part of New- York Island, exhibiting the Plan of Fort Washington now Fort Knyphausen. With the Rebel Lines to the Southward which were forced by the Troops under the Command of the R! Hon b ! e Earl Percy on the 16 th Nov^ 1776, and Survey'd immediately after ... by 53 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS Claude Joseph Sauthier . . . London Published . . . March I s . 1 1777, by W m Faden . . . Engraved ... by Geo. Hayward . . . [5 references.] 1859, p. 120. Size: 10x17. Attacks of Fort Washington by His Majestys Forces under the Command of Gen! Sir Will'" Howe K : B. 16 Nov' 1776. Lith. . . by Geo : Hayward. . . 1 86 1, p. 428. Size: 11 x i6}4. Map of the upper part of the Island of Manhattan above Eighty-Sixth Street arranged to illustrate the Bat- tle of Harlem Heights. Lith. by W. C. Rogers & Co. . . [5 references.] 1868, p. 812. Size: 23x14^. 1776-1778 This Plan of the City of New York (within the Pal- isades which were erected in the year 1745) was made for the purpose of shewing the progress and extent of the Great Fire which happened in the year 1776 . . . And also the Fire of 1778. Presented to the New York Historical Society by David Grim. Lith. by G. Hay- ward ... [56 references.] 1866, p. 766. Size: 18^x14^. 1778 Map of New York I. with the adjacent Rocks and other remarkable Parts of Hell-Gate. By Thof. Kitchin Sen'. Hydrographer to his Majesty. For the London Magazine 1778. 1869, p. xvi. Size: 7^ x 9%. This map is after Ratzer's surveys. 54 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY 1779 Plan of the Island of New York in North America, but only from the eastern side in the Vicinity of the late Fort Washington, afterwards Knyphausen, which was taken in the month of May 1779. . . but first drawn in. . . 178 1. . . G. Hayward's Lith. . . [23 references.] 1854, p. 548. Size : 7^x4^. 1781 Chart and Plan of the Harbour of New York & the Coun. y Adjacent, from Sandy Hook to Kingsbridge, Comprehending The Whole of New York and Staten Islands, and Part of Long Island & the Jersey Shore : and Shewing the Defenses of New York Both by Land and Sea. London, Published. . . Nov' 30^ 1781 by J. Bew. . . Jn? Lodge sculp. 1870, p. 844. Size: 9^x 16%. From a map in the Political Magazine, Nov. 1781. 1782 To his Excellency George Clinton Esq' . . . this Plan of the City of New York and its environs is most Humbly Dedicated by . . . John Hills. This Plan was surveyed in 1782 and Drawn in 1785 by John Hills. Copy of the Original Map presented by John Lozier Esq' to the Corporation of New York. Lith d . . . by G. Hay ward. . . [39 references.] 1848^.291; 1857, frontispiece. Size: 21^x19^. 1 776—1 783 Map of Brooklyn at the time of the Revolutionary War, drawn by Gen! Jeremiah Johnson. Lith. by Geo. Hay ward. . . [17 lines of descriptive text.] 1858, p. 112. Size : 20^x11^. 55 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS 1789 New York to New Rochelle From Christopher Colles's Survey of U.S. Roads 1789. [9 references.] i870,p. 778. Size: 10x8^. Plan of the City of New York From the Original Copy published 1789. . . G. Hayward. . . [38 ref- erences.] 1857, p. 372. Size: 14x8^. From a map en- graved by C. Tiebout for the New-York Directory. 1791 Plan of the City of New York, 1791. Copied by G. Hayward. . . [38 references.] 1851, p. 320. Size-. 14^ x 83/£. From a map engraved by C. Tiebout for the New-York Directory. 1796 A Map of the Common Lands between the three and six mile stones, belonging to the Corporation of the City of New York. Casimer [sic] Th. Goerck, City Surveyor. March, 5^ 1796. This Map Copied on a reduced scale, by the kind permission of R. T. Haws, Esq' Comptroller. . . by George Hayward. . . [5 references.] 1 861, p. 68. Size: 19% x 7*4. 1797 A New & Accurate Plan of the City of New York in the State of New York in North America. Pub- lished in 1797. Copied from a Map belonging to G. R. Jackson. . . G. Hayward, lith. . . 1853, p. 324. Size: 20% x 13^. Copy of a map drawn by B. Taylor and engraved by J. Roberts. 56 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY 1803 Plan of the City of New York, Drawn from Actual Survey by Casimir Th. Goerck and Joseph Fr. Man- gin, City Surveyor. . . Nov. 1803 Engraved. . . by G. Hayward. . . [45 references.] 1856, p. 338. Size: 20^xi6f£. 1804 Plan of the City of New-York about 1 804 [45 references.] 1849, p. 312. Size: 20 x 14^. 1805 [Plan of proposed Fresh Water Canal. 1 2 figures, including] Perspective View of Canal Street. Lith. by Geo. Hayward. . . i860, p. 564. Size: 21^ x I 6%- 1807 This Map of the City of New York and Island of Manhattan as laid out by the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature April 3^ 1807 is Respectfully Dedi- cated to the Mayor [etc.] by. . . W m Bridges City Surveyor. Reduced to ]/ 2 Scale and Lith. by G. Hayward. . . From one in the possession of James R. Swords. . . [87 references.] 1853, p. 260. Size: 23 x 19 Plan of the City of New York, with the recent and intended Improvements. Drawn from actual survey by William Bridges City Surveyor, A D 1 807. Pub- lished by Isaac Riley New York 1807. Engraved by Peter Maverick [52 references.] 57 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS 1870, p. 866. Size: 12^ x 11%. Copy of a map in The Picture of New York [by S. L. Mitchell]. New York, 1807. 1808 Plan of the City of New York, 1808. Copied from D. Longworth's Map of 1808. . . by G. Hayward. . . [61 references.] 1852, p. 452. Size: 19^x14%. 1809 Maps [three] Shewing the Residence of Thomas Paine before, and at, his death, 8"! June 1 809, at Green- wich in the City of New York, the House where he lived and the Site of the Building in which he died, by John Randel Jun^ C. E. made in 1864 f° r David T. Valentine, C. C. 1864, p. 840. Size: 12 x 6*^. 1814 Map of Harlem Heights and Plain. 18 14. From the Original Map by G. Hayward. . . [14 references.] 1856, p. 420. Size: i6j{ x 10^. Copied from a map in the MS. report of the Chief Engineer, J. G. Swift, on the fortifications erected around New York in 1 8 14. The original MS. is now in the New York Historical Society. Plan of Fort Green, and the Line oflntrenchments, From the Wallabout to Gowanus Creek, with a to- pographical sketch of the country, by Lieut. James Gadsden, of the Engineers. Copied from the original map by G. Hayward. . . [7 references.] 1856, p. 380. Size: 18 x 16. From the same Report as the map above. 58 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY l8l7 Plan of the City of New York The greater part from actual survey made expressly for the purpose (the rest from authentic documents) By Tho? H. Popple- ton City Surveyor 18 17 Published by Prior & Dunn- ing N? hi Water Street. Engraved. . . by G. Hay- ward. . . [87 references.] 1855, p. 298. Size: 13^ x 17^. 1831 Map of the City of New- York Compiled & Sur- veyed by William Hooker; Expressly for the Series of Views illustrating the City of New York and its Environs, Now publishing by Peabody & Co. Broad- way. 1870^.904. Size: 11% x 15^. ■835 RandePs Island. New York April 24! 1 ! 1835 Edwin Smith, City Surveyor 1855, p.492. Size: j^x6S/ s . 1838 Public Squares, Parks, and Places in the City of New York. August 1838 Completed & surveyed by Francis Nicholson City Surveyor. H. R. Robinson, Lith. . . 1850, p. 380. Size: 21^x8^. 1841 Map of the City of New-York, with the Fire & Watch Districts. 1841. Lith d by G. Hayward 27 Cedar S! N. Y. 1 841-2, frontispiece. Size: i6%xn%. 59 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS 1842 Map of the City of New- York, 1842. Lith. G. Hayward 1 Piatt S! for D. T. Valentine. [Insets :] Part of New- York from 40 th S l to Harlem shewing the location of the Reservoirs, and line of Aqueduct [and] The Congressional Districts of the City of N. York. 1842-3, frontispiece. Size: 18^3x14. 1844 Same as the above except date — 1844. 1843-4, frontispiece. Size: 18^x14, 1844 Map of the City of New- York. 1 844. Lith. G. Hayward for D. T. Valentine. [With parts of] Jer- sey City [and] City of Brooklyn. [Inset:] The Con- gressional Districts of the City of New-York. [Names and dates of Mayors, 1675-1843-4, around margin.] 1844-5, frontispiece. Size: 20x15*^. Profile of the lower part of Croton Aqueduct Com- piled under the direction of John B. Jervis, Chief Eng' Lith. G. Hayward, for D. T. Valentine. [With views of] Union Square, 13 S!, University, Washington Pa- rade Ground, Chatham Sq e , Masonic Hall, City Hall, U. S. Hotel, City Hotel, Battery. 1844-5, P- 2 9°- Size: 5 5 A *3S%- 1846 Map of the City of New- York. 1846. Compiled from the latest Surveys, for D. T. Valentine's Man- ual. G. Hayward's Lith y 1 Piatt St. N. Y. [With] Part of the City of Brooklyn [and] Part of Williams- 60 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY burgh. [Inset :] The Congressional Districts of the City of New- York. 1845-6, frontispiece. Size : 19% x 15^. 1847 Map of the City of New-York. 1 847 Compiled for D. T. Valentine's Manual, by G. Hayward, 73 Nassau S! Printed by G. Hayward. [With parts of j Brook- lyn [and] Williamsburgh. [Inset:] The Congres- sional Election Districts of N.-York. 1847, frontispiece. Size: 19x15*^. 1848 Map of the City of New- York. 1848. Compiled for D. T. Valentine's Manual, by G. Hayward, 73 Nassau S! G. Hayward's Lithography. [With parts of] Brooklyn [and] Williamsburgh [Inset:] Con- gressional Election Districts. 1848, frontispiece. Size: 19*^x14^. 1849 Map of the City of New-York. 1849 Compiled from the latest Surveys by G. Hayward for D. T. Val- entine's Manual Lith d by G. Hayward 73 Nassau S' N. Y. [Inset : ] Diagram of the City of New- York above sfl Street. 1849, frontispiece. Size: 19x13^. 1850 Map of the City of New York, 1850. Drawn for D. T. Valentine's Manual 1850, by G. Hayward 180 Fulton S! N. Y. Lith G. Hayward 180 Fulton S! N. Y. [Inset:] 12 th Ward. City of New York. 1850, frontispiece. Size : \Z]/ 2 x 14^. 61 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS Profile of the Twelve Avenues in the City of New- York From 24 th to 161 st Sts. Shewing the elevations at the Streets. Compiled for D. T. Valentine's Man- ual for 1850 by G. Hayward 180 Fulton S! 1850, p. 380. Size: 313^x8^. 1851 Map of the City of New York 1851. Engraved for D. T. Valentines Manual for 1 851, by G. Hayward 1 20 Water S' 1 85 1, frontispiece. Size: 20 x 15^. 1852 Map of the City of New- York 1852. Lith by Geo Hayward, 120 Water Str. N. Y. for D. T. Val- entine's Manual, 1852. 1852, frontispiece. Size: 11% x 15%, Map of the City of New York shewing the origi- nal high water line and the location of the different Farms and Estates. Lith. by Geo. Hayward, 120 Water Str. N. York ; for D. T. Valentine's Manual, 1852. (Copyright, 1852) 1852, p. 462. Size: 8^ x 12%. Also in 1853, p. 436. 1853 Map of the City of New-York 1853. Lith. by Geo. Hayward 120 Water St. N. Y. for D. T. Valen- tine's Manual 1853. 1853, frontispiece. Size: 21 x 15^. 1854 Same as above, but dated 1854. 1854, frontispiece. Size: 20^ x 15^. 62 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY 1856 Map of the City of New York 1856. Engr? for D. T.Valentines Manual 1856 by G. Hayward 120 Water St. N. Y. [Inset:] Map of New York from 53^ St. to Spuyten Duyvel Creek on a reduced Scale. 1856, frontispiece. Size: 20^2 x 16^. Plan of the City of New York. Showing the made and swamp Land. Copied from the Original Map for D. T. Valentines Manual 1856 by G. Hayward, 120 Water St. N. Y. 1856, p. 202. Size: 7^/2 x 9. 1858 Map of the City & County of New- York, 1858. [With parts of Brooklyn, Jersey City, and chart of the Upper Bay, North and East Rivers.] Engraved for D. T. Valentine's Manual for 1858, by Geo. Hayward, 120 Water St. New-York. 1858, frontispiece. Size: 28^ x ii l A. 1859 Map of the Cities of New York Brooklyn Jersey City Hudson City and Hoboken 1859. Prepared by M. Dripps of New York, for Valentines Manual. 1859, p. 94. Size : \i}i x 18^. i860 Map of the Five Cities of New York, Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken & Hudson City. Prepared by M. Dripps for Valentine's Manuel [sic]. . . i860. i860, p. 428. Two sheets; size: 2j J{ x 23^ & 27% x 2434. 63 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS Plan of the Central Park, City of New York, i860. Lith. by Geo: Hayward, 171 Pearl Street, New- York, for D. T. Valentine's Manual, for i860. i860, p. 100. Size : 18 x 5^. Map of the City & County of New York. i860. [With] Upper part. . . on a reduced Scale. Engraved for D.T.Valentine's Manual for i860; by Geo: Hay- ward 171 Pearl St. N. Y. i860, frontispiece. Size : \6)/$ x io}{. 1861 Same as above, but dated 1861. 1 861, frontispiece. Size: 16% x 20^. 1862 See under 1 643-1 656, Old New York. 1864 New-York City, County, and Vicinity. Prepared by M. Dripps, for Valentine's Manual 1864. [Inset :] New York— North of One Hundred & Thirty Fifth St. Lith. of J. Bien, 24 Vesey St. N. Y. 1864, frontispiece. Size: iSj4 x 25^. 1865 Map of New York and Vicinity. Prepared by M. Dripps for Valentines Manual. 1865. Printed by H. P. Cooper 141 Fulton St. N. Y. (Copyright, 1865.) 1865, frontispiece. Size: 20^ x 33%. 64 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY 1866 New- York City County, and Vicinity. Prepared by M. Dripps for Valentines Manuel [sic] 1866. (Copyright, i860.) 1866, frontispiece. Size; 17^x25^. 1868 Map of the City of New York Prepared by W. C. Rogers & Co. Expressly for Joseph Shannon's Manual of N. Y. for 1868. 1868, frontispiece. Size : 7^ X4oJ^. See also under 1776, Map of the upper part of the Island of Manhattan. 1869 Map of the City of New York, showing its Politi- cal Divisions and Subdivisions. August 1869. [On other side of sheet four plans:] Wards and Senate Districts; Wards and Congressional Districts; Wards and School Districts; Wards and Justices Districts. 1869, frontispice. Size: 37% x 8^. Central Park Guide. [Plan, with 6$ references.] 1869, p. 174. Size: 15^ x 5^. 1870 Map of the City of New York, showing its Politi- cal Divisions and Subdivisions November 1870. [With four insets:] Plan of. . . Wards and Senate Districts; Wards and Congressional Districts; Wards and School Districts; Wards and Justices Districts. 1870, frontispiece. Size: 37^ x 17^. 65 A LIST OF THE MAPS AND PLANS Map of the County of New York, showing the Wards and Police Precincts, And Locations of Station Houses. [32 references.] 1870, p. 88. Size: 19% x 1 $H- Map of the Boundaries of the Fire Department of the City of New York made under the direction of the Fire Commissioners. 1871. 1870, p. 116. Size: 19^ x 16%. LIST OF THE MISCELLANEOUS MAPS American Septentrionalis Pars. From the West- Indische Paskaert. . . (1621.) t' Amstelredam bij An- thony Jacobsz. . . From the original on vellum in the collection of E. B. O'Callaghan, L.L.D. For D. T. Valentine's Manual for 1858. Engraved by Geo. Hay ward, 120 Water St. N. Y. 1858, p. 448. Size: 19% x 15. Map of New Netherlands, With a view of New Amsterdam, (now New- York.) A. D. 1656. Copied from A. Vander Donck's Map, for D. T. Valentine's Manual 1852. Geo. Hay ward's Lith. 120 Water S! N. Y. 1852, p. 7. Size: 7% xn^. [Map of the State of New York engraved on a soldier's powder horn.] Lith. by Geo: Hayward,i7i Pearl St. New- York for D. T. Valentine's Manual for i860. i860, p. 590. Size: 10 x 12%. 66 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK AND VICINITY Hydrographic Map of the Counties of New- York, Westchester and Putnam, and also showing the line of the Croton Aqueduct. Lith. by N. Currier, 152 Nassau cor. of Spruce N. Y. 1850, p. 268. Size-. 6ty£ x 20%. Map of the State of New- York exhibiting the sev- eral Towns and Counties together with the Population as determined by the Census of 1850. . . [Insets:] City of New York ; City of Brooklyn. Compiled from Official sources for D. T. Valentine's Manual. . . 1 85 1, frontispiece. Size: 22% x 17*^. Census [Map] of the State of New York 1855. Showing the new Senatorial & Assembly Districts 1857. Lith. by Geo. Hayward. . . For D. T. Valentine's Manual, 1858. 1858, p. 12. Size: 21^ x 18. 67 A LIST OF THE FACSIMILES LETTERS, SIGNATURES, DOCUMENTS, BROAD- SIDES, CERTIFICATES A List of the Facsimiles LETTERS, SIGNATURES, DOCUMENTS, BROAD- SIDES, CERTIFICATES American Museum. Prospectus, dated June i, rAGE 1791 1864, 602 Amherst (Sir Jeffrey). Letter to John Cruger, Mayor, August 10, 1763 . . 1869, 856 Andros (Sir Edward). Proclamation, referring to the war with Holland, dated " at Fort Charles at Pemaquid," January 10,1688 1859, 452 Attorneys sworn in the Supreme Court. Fac- simile of Oath and 54 signatures, dated from i790to 1792 .... 1862, 114 Bank check signed by Saml. Ward & Brother, July 20, 1791 .... i860, 629 Bank Note, Mechanics Bank, 1815. . i860 628 Bill of Exchange drawn by Thomas Gage on Cox & Drummond, dated New York, Octo- ber 15, 1767 . . . . ^ 1854 314 Canvass of votes for Assemblymen, signed by Richard Varick, James Kent, and others, dated May 31, 1797. . . . 1864, 602 City Hall in 1745-7, plan and elevation of, by David Grim . . . . 1855, 584 Clinton (Sir Henry). Letter in favor of Mrs. Raddely, March 19 [1784] . 1854,315 7 l A LIST OF THE FACSIMILES Cornbury (Lord). Letter of Administration PAGE granted to relict of Robert Skelton, April 7, 1704 ..... 1869, 76 2 Delanoy (Mary). Petition to the Mayor for return of moneys advanced by her husband, "out of his owne pocket for the use of this Citty." i860, 596 Discharge of Benjamin Taylor from the American Army, signed by Washington, dated June 9, 1783 l8 5°> 424 Dongan (Thomas). Letter to Governor Penn, De- cember 3, 1683. . . . 1869, 736 Fireman's Certificate. David Coutant, July 2, 1787 1 85 1, 112 George Warner, July 2, 1787. (Printed in colors) ..... 1863, 120 Seth Kneeland, November 13, 1789. 1854, 153 Thos. Franklin, Engineer Fireman, De- cember 30, 1799. • . * 1850, 172 Blank certificate, about the year 1800. 1849, 106 Fire Engineers Report to Governor George Clinton, November 27, 1783. (2 sheets) 1856, 528 Franklin's Printing Press at which he worked in London in 1725-26, with three letters relat- ing to it, dated in 1835 and 1 841. 1 857, 564 Freeman and Citizen Certificate, granted to Jo- seph Drake, Shopkeeper, October 24, 1765. John Cruger, Mayor . . 1852, 498 granted Jonas Phillips, Merchant, Au- gust 13, 1759. Sy brant G. Van Schaick, Mayor . " . . . . 1858, 562 granted Leonard Goetz, Blacksmith, May 25, 1784. James Duane, Mayor 1862, 556 72 LETTERS, SIGNATURES, DOCUMENTS, ETC. Fulton (Robert). Estimate for the expense of a PAGB steam ferryboat for one year . 1869, 832 Gage (Thomas). Letter to Sir William Johnson relating to news from Detroit, dated June 17, 1765 1869, 766 Grand Jury Presentment on the condition of the streets, signed by J. Reynolds (no date) 1 860, 612 Horseshoers Guild, Frankfort on the Main, cer- tificate of membership issued to J. L. Goetz, June 19, 1775 . . _ . . 1862, 550 Jefferson (Thomas). Bond, signed by Jefferson and Francis Eppes, relating to Jefferson's marriage with Martha Shelton, December 23, 1771 . . . 1852, 322 Leisler (Elsie). Petition to the Mayor, relating to "a certain parcell of ground." i860, 594 Leisler (Jacob). Letter to " Ensignjohn Stedman In y e Colony of Connecticutt " dated at Fort William, July 31, 1690 . . 1861, 686 Lovelace (John). Letter of Administration, grant- ed January 15, 1708 . . 1869, 824 Manumission of a slave, signed by Jacob Rad- cliff, Mayor, April 24, 18 17 . 1869, 800 Marine Society, Certificate of Membership to Capt. William Turner, May 11, 1773, with view of New York . . . 1862, 316 Nelson (Lord). Letter to Pilford written on board the Albemarle, New York, November 13, 1782 1869, 872 Oath of Abjuration of the doctrines of the Church of Rome, signed by Cadwallader Colden, Robt. R. Livingston and others (14 signa- tures) 1 859, 448 Another, dated October 14, 17 14 to Oc- tober 24, 1 717, signed by all the City Offi- cials 1869, 588 73 A LIST OF THE FACSIMILES Oath of Allegiance to King George the Second, PAGE signed by Cadwallader Colden, Robt. R. Livingston and others (14 signatures) 1859, 444 Order of Reception to Governor Clinton and George Washington, by the Citizens of New York, November 24, 1783 . 1861, 474 Paper money — Colony of New York, 1 771 l $5 6 > 5345 1859, 216 City of New York, 18 14 . . 1863, 170 —New York Water Works 1774 & 1776 (2 plates) ..... 1850, 268 Pass to and from New York, issued to Mrs. Ross, signed by Washington, July 6, 1778 1850, 424 Passport issued by the City of New York 1870, 82 Pickering(Timothy). Letter to Governor Clinton relating to public buildings left by the British, New York, December 1, 1783 . 1858, 480 Putnam (Israel). Letter addressed " Dear Ginrol," relating to orders to galleys and flreships. 1862, 652 Refugee Citizens, Memorial to Governor Clinton on their return to New York, dated New- burgh, September 1, 1783 (24 signatures) 1855, 564 Another, with 44 signatures . 1856, 540 Refugees embarked for Nova Scotia, return of, signed by Sir Guy Carleton, June 17, 1783. l %55> 554 Return of Ordinance in the Vicinity of New York, to Governor Clinton, by Capt. Moodie, May 5, 1785 1858, 480 Seal of New Amsterdam, 1654; Seal of the City of New York, 1686; Seals of the Colonial governors (with their signatures) : Benjamin Fletcher, Robert Hunter, George Clinton, James De Lancey, Cadwallader Colden, Rob- 74 LETTERS, SIGNATURES, DOCUMENTS, ETC. ert Monckton, Sir Henry Moore, Lord Dun- more, William Try on . . 1 85 1 , 420 Signatures, in facsimile : Autographs of Burgomasters, Schepens, and many other distinguished individuals 1658- 1665 (4 leaves) .... 1863, 484 Autographs of Members of the City Govern- ment previous to the Revolution, 1654— 1764 (20 leaves) . . . . 1858, 642 Autographs of Residents in the City of New York, and others of olden times (8 leaves) 1863, 768 Another (8 leaves) . . . 1864, 784 Signatures of Aldermen 1861,89; 1864,49; ^65, 49; 1866,49; 1868; 101 Signatures of Councilmen 1861, 95 (4II.) ; 1864, 5 1 ; 1865, 51 ; 1866, 51; 1868, 109 Tammany Society. Call for meeting, dated April 15, 1819 1864, 808 Certificate for 15 shares, Tammany So- ciety Loan, dated April 1, 1812 . 1858, 372 Washington : Address to Washington by the Citizens of New York, returned from exile, November 26, 1783. With Washington's reply (2 sheets) 1861, 474 Letter to the Mayor, etc., of the City of New York, acknowledging receipt of Address and Freedom of the City. 1870, 232 Letter to Mr. J"° Washington, dated Mount Vernon, March 6, 1775 . . 1 851, 474 Willett (Marinus). Statement relating to a promise to Indians, dated January 26, 1792. 1862, 6 $6 75 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Abbey Hotel (1847). Manual for 1864, page 386. Academy of Design, 1868, 479; 1869, 484; 1870, 338. Academy of the Sacred Heart, 1868, 460; 1869, 455; 1870, 33J. Adams (John), residence of, 1852, 467; 1854, 468. Allen (Stephen), portrait. 1863, 625. Almshouse, 1855, 472; 1865, 563; 1866, 602. Almshouses, Blackwell's Island, 1847, 225; 1853, 54. American Female Guardian Society, 1852, 308 (see following years). American Museum, 1855, 472; 1865, 563. American Museum Prospectus, 1864, 602. Amherst (Sir Jeffrey), letter to John Cruger (1763), 1869, 856. Andre's room in the Beekman House, 1861, 498. Andros (Sir Edmund), portrait, 1869, 768. Andros (Sir Edmund), proclamation (1688), 1859, 452. Ann Street and Broadway, 1868, 512. Anthony Street, 1855, 112. Apprentices' Library, 1870, 583. Apthorpe Mansion, Bloomingdale, 1855, 392. Aqueduct, see Croton Aqueduct. Armory, White and Elm Streets, 1853, 138 (see following years). Arsenal, New York State, 1850, 402; 1859, 540; 1862, 396, 404, 408. Association for the Relief of Indigent Females, 1868, 439; 1869, 427; 1870, 519. Astor (John Jacob), residence of, 1864, 208. Astor Library, 1864, 376. Asylum for Lying-in-Women, 1868, 389; 1869, 392; 1870, 442. 79 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Atlantic Cable: The Niagara, Valorous, Gorgon and Agamemnon lay- ing the cable at mid-ocean, 1861, 134. Landing of the Shore End at Trinity Bay, 1861, 637. Section of the Atlantic Cable carried by Adams & Co.'s Express Wagon, 1861, 140. View of City Hall, Sept. 1, 1858. 1861, 180. The Oration at Crystal Palace, 1861, 170. The Fireman's Procession passing the Washington Monument, Union Square, 1861, 144. View of Liliendahl's final piece, 1861, 158. "View of Hadfield's last piece, 1861, 152. Atlantic Garden, 1854, 442; 1858, 588; 1865, 513, 514. Attorneys sworn in the Supreme Court (1790-1792), 1862, 114. Audubon Estate, 1865, 256. Autograph Signatures of Burgomasters, Schepens and others, 1851, 420; 1858, 642; 1863, 484, 768; 1864, 784. Avenues of New York, profile of, 1850, 380. Bakewell View of New York, 1849, 26. Bank for Savings, 1858, 323. Baptist Church, Fayette Street (1808), 1863, 739. Barge Office, 1853, 288; 1869, 748; 1870, 198. Barnum's Museum, 1856, 424. Battery (The), 1844-5, 2 9°y 1851, 270; 1852, 128; 1858, 633; 1859, 396; 1862, front, 503; 1869, 748. Battery foot of Hubert Street, 1855, 344; 1859, 252. Baxter Street, between Hester and Grand Streets, 1863, 704. Bayard House, 110th Street, 1864, 728. Beaver Street in 1679. 1853, 378. Beekman House, 1854, 554; 1861, 496, 498, 502. Beekman' Pasture (map), i860, 541. Beekman Street (1831), 1855, 416. Beekman and Cliff Streets, 1870, 726. Beekman and William Streets, old houses, 1859, 132. Bellevue Hospital, 1864, 310. Bellin's map of New York (1764), 1861, 484. Belvedere Club House, 1853, 452; 1864, 748. Bible House, 1861, 354; 1868, 447; 1869, 439; 1870, 527. Blackwell's Island, 1847, 225; 1848, 234; 1851, 296; 1853, 54. 80 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Block House and City Gate (1674), 1862, 522. Bloomingdale Asylum, 1864, 309 (see following years). Bloomingdale Church, 1862, 762. Bloomingdale Road (maps), 1865, 647, 655. Bluebell Tavern, Kingsbridge Road, 1857, 208. B'nai Jeshurun Ladies' Benevolent Society, 1870, 464. Board of Aldermen's Chamber, 1868, 102. Board of Councilmen's Chamber, 1868, no. Board of Supervisors' Chamber, 1868, 225. Board of Education, 1862, 236 (see following years). Boerum Mansion, 1858, 152. Bogardus Farm (map), 1870, 904. Booth's Theatre, 1869, 88. Boston Post Road, 1859, 428; 1861, 676. Botanic Gardens, 1859, 204. Bourne's Store, 359 Broadway (1831) 1857, 152; 1865, 603. "Bowery" (map), 1862, 686. Bowery (The), 1853, 160; 1862, 380, 484. Bowery and Broadway, junction of, 1853, 160. Bowery and Chatham Square, ancient view of present junction of, 1861, 521. Bowery House, 1866, 580. Bowery Theatre, 1863, 154; 1866, 583. Bowling Green, 1854, 12; 1858, 633. Bowne (Walter), portrait, 1863, 628. Bradford Map of New York (1731), 1842-3, front; 1844-5, front; 1850, 212; 1851, 190. Brevoort Estate, 1866, 482. Brewery (Old), Five Points, 1853, 180. Brick Meeting House, 1856, 109; 1866, 595. Bridewell (The), 1848, 58; 1855, 486; 1859, 180; i860, 480; 1865, 551. Bridge over Broadway, 1856, 424; 1868, 229. Bridges' Map of New York (1807), 1853, 260; 1870, 866. Broad Street, 1853, 22; 1866, 535, 553. Broad Street and Exchange Place, 1858, 526; 1866, 535. Broad and Garden Streets, old houses, 1850, 443. Broad and Water Streets, old house, 1861, 580. Broadway from Bowling Green (1828), 1854, 12. Broadway from Battery Place, 1865, 515. 81 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Broadway, No. i, 1850, 416; 1854, 12; 1858, 452; 1865, 515. Broadway, Grace Church (1828), 1865, 517. Broadway and Marketfield Street (1798), 1865, 520. Broadway, Trinity Church and City Hotel, 1854, 36; 1861, 696; 1865, 540. Broadway and Cedar Street, 1870, 616. Broadway and Cortlandt Street, 1862, 152; 1865, 543. Broadway at Cortlandt Street (1834), 1859, 264. Broadway and Ann Street, 1868, 512. Broadway, St. Paul's Chapel and Stages (1831), 1861, 116. Broadway and Chatham Street (1822), 1857, 24; 1866, 592. Broadway and Murray Street (1820), 1865, 552. Broadway and Barclay Street, 1865, 555. Broadway, between Duane and Pearl Streets (1807), 1865, 584. Broadway from Anthony Street, 1856, 520. Broadway and Leonard Street, 1869, 598. Broadway and Canal Street, 1857, 542; 1865, 608. Broadway and Spring Street (1820), 1865, 623. Broadway, between Prince and Houston Streets (1823), 1865, 624. Broadway, between Howard and Grand Streets (1840), 1861 452; 1865, 628. Broadway and Grand Street, 1853, 90; 1865, 615. Broadway, opposite Bond Street, 1870, 753. Broadway and Bowery, junction of (1831), 1853, 160; 1865, 648. Broadway and Tenth Street, 1869, 40. Broadway and Eleventh Street, 1869, 208. Broadway and Eighteenth Street, 1869, 16. Broadway and Nineteenth Street, 1870, 72. Broadway and Twentieth Street, 1870, 710. Broadway and Twenty-ninth Street, 1870, 764. Broadway and Thirty-first Street, 1869, 640. Broadway and Eighth Avenue, junction of, 1862, 76; 1864, 40. Broadway House, 1853, 90; 1861, 452; 1865, 615. Broadway Theatre, 1861, 460; 1865, 588. Brooklyn at the time of the Revolutionary War (map), 1858, 112. Brooks' Clothing Store, Catherine Street, 1864, 752. Buck Horn Tavern (1812), 1864, 410. Bull's Head Tavern (1783), 1861, 276; 1866, 582. 82 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Bunker's Mansion House (183 1), 1855, 582; 1865, 518. Burghers disputing about the plan of New Amsterdam, 1850, 510. Burgis View of New York, 1849, 26. Burns' Coffee House, 1854, 442; 1858, 588; 1865, 513, 514. Burnham's Hotel, Boomingdale Road, 1857, 336. Burr (Aaron), residence of, 1852, 467; 1854, 468. Canal Street, perspective view of, i860, 564. Canal Street and Broadway, 1857, 542; 1865, 608. Canal and Division Streets, old cottages, 1861, 420. Canal and Spring Streets, 1862, 124. Canal and Walker Streets, 1863, 728. Cancer Hospital, 1870, 426. Cannon and Houston Streets, old house, 1864, 128. Canvass of Votes for Assemblymen (1797), 1864, 602. Cargle Estate, 1865, 784. Carleton (Sir Guy), Return of Refugees embarked for Nova Scotia, 1855, 554. Cams (Mrs.), property of, 1866, 712. Carwitham View of New York, 1858, 12. Caster Estate, 1865, 809. Castle Garden, 1852, 128; 1859, 396; 1869, 748. Cathedral, Roman Catholic, 1868, 461. Catherine Market (1850), 1857, 312. Cato's House, old Post Road, 1853, 499. Cedar Street and Broadway, 1870, 616. Cedar and William Streets, 1870, 692. Center Market, 1863, 704. Central Park (map), i860, 100; 1869, 174. Central Park, 1859, 504, 516, 540, 572, 592, 593, 594, 595; 1861, 188, 204, 214, 228, 236; 1862, 182, 188, 396, 404, 408, 420, 452, 460, 672; 1864, 72; 1865, 196, 220; 1868, 218, 236, 246, 256; 1869, 176, 178, 184, 694. Century House, near Spuyten Duyvil Creek, 1861, 240. Charities and Correction, Department of, 1869, 126; 1870, 107. Chatham Square, 1844-5, 290; 1864, 578; 1866, 607, 614. Chatham Street, 1857, 24, 548; 1858, 108; 1866, 598, 611. Chatham and James Streets, old houses, i860, 504. Chatham and Pearl Streets, 1861, 521; 1863, 456; 1866, 611. 83 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Cherry Street, No. I, 1853, 304; 1857, 252. Cherry Street, No. 7, 1861, 308. Cherry and Roosevelt Streets, 1855, 593; i860, 468. Chevaux de frise, plan of, i860, 590. Children's Aid Society, 1870, 508. Chittenden Estate, earthworks on, 1866, 640, 657. Church and Franklin Streets, 1862, 284. Churches: Baptist Church, Fayette Street (1808), 1863, 739. Bloomingdale Church, 1862, 762. Brick Meeting House, 1856, 109; 1866, 595. Church in Fort, 1864, 624. French Church, 1858, 572. Grace Church, 1854, 36; 1865, 517. Hamilton Square Church, 1862, 678; 1870, 924. Mason's (Dr.) Church, (1822), 1852, 362. Methodist Church, John Street, 1857, 400. Methodist Meeting House, William Street, 1850, 422. Middle Dutch Church, 1858, 488, 572. See Post Office. North Dutch Church, 1859, 84. Presbyterian Church, Wall Street, 1853, 48; 1866, 571. St. George's Church, 1855, 416; 1859, 72. St. James's Church, Hamilton Square, 1862, 678; 1870, 924. St. John's Chapel (1829), 1870, 28. St. Luke's Church, Hudson Street, i860, 365. St. Michael's Church, 1870, 760. St. Patrick's Cathedral, 1862, 156; 1868, 461; 1869, 678. St. Paul's Chapel, 1855, front, 152; 1856, 109; 1859, 480; 1861, 116; 1865, 536; 1866, 595; 1868, 229. St. Thomas's Church, i860, 348; 1865, 636. Trinity Church, 1847, front; 1851, 270; 1853, 48; 1854, 3 6 ; l8 55> 3 2 °; l8 5 6 > 37'> l8 57> ! 3; l8 59> 20, 28, 6o > 264; 1861, 694, 696; 1862,476,549; 1865, 527, 528, 529, 531. City Bank, Wall Street (1800), 1856, 72; 1866, 549. City Hall in Wall Street, 1847, front; 1849, 334; 1855, 584; l8 5 6 > 32, 37; l86 2> 540; 1866, 547, 553, 557. City Hall in Park, 1844-5, 2 9°> l8 45 - 6, front; 1852, 48 (see following years); 1857, 24; i860, 480; 1861, 152, 158, 180; 1866, 592. 84 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS City Hall, see Stadt Huys. City Hall Park, 1848, front; 1855, front, 472; 1856, 426; i860, 480; 1865, 564. City Hotel, 1844-5, 290; 1854, 36; 1861, 696; 1865, 540. City Reservoir, 1853, 134. City Wall erected in 1653, 1866, 538. Claremont Hotel (Post Family Residence), 1861, 348. Clarke (George), tablet in memory of, 1869, 764. Clarkson Property (map), 1865, 595. Clendening Mansion, 1863, 264. Cliff and Beekman Streets, 1870, 726. Clinton (De Witt), portrait, 1861, 551. Clinton (George), residence of, 1854, 446. Clinton (Sir Henry), private room of, 1858, 452. Clinton (Sir Henry), letter of (1784), 1854, 314. Clinton Hall, 1868, 470; 1869, 456; 1870, 545. Cock Hill Fort, remains of, 1859, 460 Coffee House Slip and New York Coffee House, 1856, 132; 1866, 563. Colden (Cadwallader, D.), portrait, 1863, 624. Colfax (Schuyler), birthplace of, 1865, 413. Collect Pond, 1856, 426; i860, 563; 1865, 580. College of the City of New York, see Free Academy. College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1864, 312 (see following years). College of St. Francis Xavier, 1868, 297; 1869, 271; 1870, 299. College of Veterinary Surgeons, 1868, 316; 1869, 299; 1870, 324- Colles's Survey of Roads to New Rochelle, 1870, 778. Colored Home, 1868, 419; 1869, 418; 1870, 492. Colored Orphan Asylum, 1864, 324; 1868, 416; 1869, 415; 1870, 438. Columbia College, 1847, 293; 1852, 292 (see following years; also Institute for Deaf and Dumb, and King's College). Columbia House, 1862, 360. Coman (Thomas), portrait, 1868, 98; 1869, 100. Commissioners' Map of New York in 1807, 1853, 260. Common Lands in 1796 (map), 1861, 68. Commons (The), in the 18th Century, i860, 524. Connolly (R. B.), portrait, 1868, 116; 1869, 99. 85 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Contoit's Garden (1830), 1855, 132; 1865, 600. Cooper Institute, 1861, 354; 1864, 377 (see following years). Cornbury (Lord), portrait, 1869, 762. Cornbury (Lord), document signed by (1704), 1869, 762. Cortelyou Mansion House (1848), 1858, 456. Cortlandt House, i860, 608. Cortlandt Street, foot of (183 1), 1855, 82. Coster (Henry A.), house of, i860, 276. County Court House, 1868, 639. County Jail, 1869, 214; 1870, 183. Cozzens' Hotel, Broadway, 1865, 555. Crolius (C), house of (1840), 1858, 252. Crosby (W. B.), house of, 1858, 268. Crosby Street, old cottage house, 1864, 88. Crosby and Grand Streets, 1870, 232. Crosby and Spring Streets, 1865, 400. Cross Street, 1855, 112. Croton Aqueduct, 1852, 229 (see following years). Croton Aqueduct at Harlem River, 1848, 47; 1850, 268; i860, 240; 1862, 212, 216, 596; 1869, 124. Croton Aqueduct at Mill River, 1850, 268. Croton Aqueduct, hydrographic map of, 1850, 268. Croton Aqueduct, profile of lower part of, 1844-5, 2 9°- Croton Cottage, Fifth Avenue, 1865, 456. Croton Dam, 1842-3, 6; 1852, 229 (see following years). Crystal Palace, interior of, 1861, 168. Custom House, Wall Street, 1853, 22, 48; 1866, 539, 565, 571. Delafield Mansion, 1862, 573. Delancey Estate, old house on, 1864, 128. Delancey and Ludlow Streets, old shanties, 1864, 160. Delanoy (Mary), petition of, i860, 596. De La Salle Institute, 1869, 289; 1870, 309. De Peyster portraits, 1861, 556, 558. De Peyster punch bowl and silver plate, 1861, 563, 564. De Peyster residence, 1857, 169, 529. Dispensaries, 1854, 305 (see following years). Division Street, No. 129, old cottage, 1861, 516. Division Street, old houses, 1861, 672. Division and Canal Streets, old cottages, 1861, 420. 86 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Division and Hester Streets (1843), 1857, 328. Docks, 1862, 509, 511, 512. Donck (A. Vander), map of New Netherlands with view of New Amsterdam, 1852, 7. Dongan (Thomas), letter of, (1683), 1869, 736. Duane (James), portrait, 1861, 547. "Duke's Plan" of New York (1661-1664), 1859, 548. Dusenberry (Charles), grocery store (1826), 1865, 400. Dutch Houses, 1847,346,371; 1848,384; 1850,422,443; 1853, 22, 378; 1858, 526; 1865, 341; 1866, 535. Dutch West India Company's flag, 1863, 834. Dutch West India Company, map of the original grants of village lots, 1857, 498. Duyckinck Map (1755), 1849, 130. Dyckman's Bridge, 1861, 508. Dyckman (Isaac), residence of, 1861, 388. East River Bridge (contemplated), 1869, 672. East River shore between John Street and Peck Slip, 1862, 531- East River Shore near Rutgers, 1858, 606; 1862, 532. Eckford (Henry), residence of, i860, 420. Eclectic Medical College, 1870, 335. Edwards (John), residence of, 1864, 776. Eighteenth Street and Broadway, 1869, 16. Eighth Avenue and Broadway, junction of, 1862, 76; 1864, 40. Eighth Avenue and Twenty-third Street, 1868, 696. Eldridge Street Jail, i860, 324. Eleventh Avenue and Thirty-fifth Street, 1864, 740. Eleventh Street and Broadway, 1869, 208. Elgin Botanic Gardens, 1859, 204. Elm and Marion Streets, old houses, 1861, 300. Elm and Pearl Streets, old houses, i860, 492. Emigrants' Hospital, 1865, 72; 1866, 69; 1868, 129; 1869, 134. Estates and Farms, map of, 1852, 462; 1853, 436; 1857, 498. Evacuation of New York, 1858, 633; 1861, 475. Everett House, Union Square, 1857, 480. Exchange Place, 1850, 443; 1855, 120. Exchange Place and Broad Street, 1858, 526; 1866, 535. Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1864, 344 (see following years). 87 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Farms and Estates, map of, 1852, 462; 1853, 436; 1857, 498. Fayette Street, 1808 (now Oliver), 1863, 739. Federal Hall (see also City Hall), 1849, 334; 1856, 37; 1866, 553- Federal Table as seen from Bunker Hill, 1856, 570. Ferguson (John), portrait, 1864, 525. Ferry Boats, 1859, 603, 604, 606, 607, 608. Ferry House, Fulton Street, Brooklyn (1746), 1858, 492. Fifth Avenue and Thirty-fourth Street, 1869, 200. Fifth Avenue and Fifty-seventh Street, 1869, 240. Fifth Ward Museum Hotel, 1864, 598, 602. Fiftieth Street and Seventh Avenue, old Dutch Farmhouse, 1865, 341. Fifty-seventh Street and Fifth Avenue, 1869, 240. Fires of 1776 and 1778, map showing extent of, 1866, 766. Fire Department Headquarters, 1868, 179. Fire Engines, 1848, 98; 1856, 521, 523, 524, 526, 528. Fire Engineer's Report (1783), 1856, 528. Fireman's Certificate, 1849, 106; 1850, 172; 1851, 112; 1854, 153; i860, 608; 1863, 120. Firemen at Work, i860, 608; 186.1, 300. Firemen's Hall, 1856, 179; 1868,178,458; 1869, 149; 1870, 115. Firemen's Procession, 1861, 144. Fire Zouaves embarking April 29, 1861, 1862, 124. Five Points, 1853, 180; 1855, 112; i860, 372, 396. Five Points House of Industry, 1868, 377; 1869, 367; 1870, 499. Five Points Mission Building, 1868, 435; 1869, 369; 1870, 51 1. Flag of Dutch West India Company, 1863, 834. Flag of New England, 1863, 836. Floating Battery, plan of, i860, 590. Fly Market (1816), 1857, 543. Fort foot of Hubert Street, 1855, 344; 1859, 252. Fort in New York (1695), plan, 1843-4, 97; 1844-5, 89. Fort Clinton, 1856, 89, 552. Fort Cock Hill, 1859, 460. Fort Columbus, i860, front. Fort Fish, 1856, 360, 489, 497, 552; i860, 624; 1865, 220. Fort Gansevoort, 1850, 265. Fort George, 1862, 503. GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Fort George, remains of, 1858, 444. Fort George with the City of New York, 1858, 12. Fort Greene (plan), 1856, 380. Fort Haight, view from, 1861, 248. Fort Knyphausen (plan), 1859, 120. Fort Stevens, 1856, 416. Fort Tryon, remains of, 1859, 444. Fort Washington, 1854, 548; 1857, 120; 1859, 120; 1861, 428; 1866, 640, 657. Fortieth Street and Madison Avenue, old house, 1865, 726. Forty-fifth Street near Fifth Avenue, old house, 1862, 581. Forty-second Street, between Second and Third Avenues, 1868, 526. Forty-sixth Street and Third Avenue, 1861, 676. Foundling Asylum, 1870, 433. Foundling Hospital, 1869, 128. Fountain in Park, 1848, front. Fourth Avenue between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, 1861, 332. Fourth Avenue Railroad Depot, i860, 412. Frankfort Street, 1859, 284; 1861, 444. Franklin House, 1853, 304; 1857, 252. Franklin Market (1820), 1861, 324. Franklin's Printing Press, 1857, 564. Franklin Square, 1857, 252. Franklin and Church Streets, 1862, 284. Franklin and Greenwich Streets, 1861, 628. Fraunces Tavern, 1854, 547; 1857, 544. Free Academy, 1849, 224; 1852, 253 (see following years). Free Schools, see Ward Schools. Freeman and Citizen, certificate, 1852, 498; 1858, 562; 1862, 556. French Church (1746), 1858, 572. Fresh Water Canal (plan), i860, 564. Fresh Water Pond, 1856, 426; i860, 563; 1865, 580. Front Street and Maiden Lane, 1857, 543. Fulton (Robert), estimate for running ferry boat, 1869, 832. Fulton Ferry, 1864, 204. Fulton Ferry Boats, 1859, 603, 604, 606, 608. Fulton Market, 1854, 200. Fulton Street and Market (1828), 1854, 200. 89 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Fulton and Washington Streets, 1859, 488. Fulton and William Streets, old house, 1859, 84. "Fulton the First," launching of, 1852, 184. Gadsden's Plan of Fort Green, 1856, 380. Gage (General), portrait, 1869, 766. Gage (General), letter of (1765), 1869, 766. Gage (General), bill of Exchange signed by, 1854, 314. Garden and Broad Streets, old houses, 1850, 443. German Hospital, 1868, 360; 1869, 350; 1870, 422. German Mission House, 1870, 501. Gilsey House, 1870, 764. Goelet Residence, 1870, 72. Goerck and Mangin's map of New York, 1856, 338. GofF, execution of, i860, 524. Gotham Inn, in the Bowery, 1862, 380. Government House, 1848, 371; 1851, 270; 1852, 180; 1862, front. Governor's House in the Fort, 1864, 624. Governor's Island, 1852, 176; i860, front. Grace Church, 1854, 36; 1865, 517. Gracie (Archibald), house of, 1859, 484. Grand Central Hotel, 1870, 753. Grand Central Station, 1870, 603. Grand Street and Broadway, 1853, 90. Grand and Crosby Streets, 1870, 232. Grange (The), Hamilton's residence, 1858, 468. Greenwich Street below Thames Street, 1863, 284. Greenwich and Franklin Streets, 1861, 628. Grenseback Estate, 1866, 760. Grim's plans and drawings, 1854, 246; 1855, 584; 1856, 32, 37, 109, 426, 570; 1866, 766. Gunther (C. G.), store of, 1865, 55. Half-Moon Battery, 1854, 246. Half- Way House, Broadway and Eighth Avenue, 1864, 40. Hall (A. Oakey), portrait, 1869, 99. Hall of Records, 1845-6, front; 1847, 54; 1848, front. Halls of Justice, see Tombs. Hallett's Point, tower on (18 14), 1856, 393. 90 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Hamilton (Alexander), residence of, 1858, 468. Hamilton Square Church, 1862, 678; 1870, 924. Harbor of New York (map), 1855, 492; 1861, 484; 1870, 844. Harlem from Morrisania (1765), 1863, 610. Harlem from old Fort, in Central Park, 1869, 432. Harlem Bridge, 1861, 684; 1868, 520. Harlem Heights, battle of (map), 1868, 812. Harlem Heights and Plains (map), 1856, 420. Harlem Lane, 1865, 280. Harlem Plains, 1856, 104, 236. Harlem Railroad Depot, i860, 413. Harlem River, 1848, 47; 1850, 268; 1856, 89; 1858, 444; i860, 240; 1861, 508, 684; 1862, 212, 216, 596, 624; 1868, 520; 1869, 124. Harper & Brothers, i860, 468. Harris's Point, Ward's Island and Hell Gate, 1859, 484. Hartgers View of New York, 1850, 195. Havemeyer Mansion, 1861, 660; 1864, 352; 1868, 407; 1870, 466. Hazard House, Third Avenue (1835), 1859, 599. Heathcote (Caleb), portrait, 1864, 665. Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum, 1868, 379; 1869, 374; 1870, 445. Heere Graft (1659), 1862, 515. Hell Gate, 1850, 384; 1856, 400, 416; 1859, 484; 1869, xvi. Hell Gate Ferry, foot of Eighty-sixth Street, 1861, 254. "Hermitage," residence of S. L. Norton, 1858, 212. Herring Safe Store, 1857, 529. Hester and Division Streets (1843), 1857, 328. High Bridge, 1848, 47; 1850, 268; i860, 240; 1862, 212, 216; 596; 1869, 124. Hills' Plan of New York (1782), 1848, 291; 1857, front. Historical Society, see New York Historical Society. Hoffman (John T.), portrait, 1868, 116; 1870, front. Holt's Hotel, 1854, 200. Holland's Maps of New York, 1859, 108; 1863, 532. Home for the Friendless, see American Female Guardian So- ciety. Homeopathic Medical College, 1868, 302; 1869, 277; 1870, 305. Hone (Philip), portrait, 1863, 627. 9* GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Hooker's Map of New York (1831), 1870, 904. Hopper House, 1861, 540; 1870, 883. Horn's Hook, 1859, 484. House of Mercy, 1868, 381; 1869, 376; 1870, 495. House of Refuge, i860, 106; 1864, 750; 1865, 654. (See also 1857, 278, and following years.) House of the Good Shepherd, 1869, 432; 1870, 458. Houston and Cannon Streets, old house, 1864, 128. Howard Mission, 1868, 441; 1869, 429; 1870, 504. Howard Street, Nos. 50-52, 1864, 164. Howdell View of New York, 1866, 478. Howe (Sir William), headquarters of, 1854, 554; 1861, 496, 498, 502. Hudson's arrival at Sandy Hook, 1852, 461. Hudson's return to Holland, 1851, 364. Hudson River, foot of 156th Street, 1865, 256. Hudson River from Hoboken, i860, 300. Hudson River, North Battery, 1855, 344; 1859, 252. Hudson River Railroad Depot, 1869, 500. Inauguration of Washington, 1849, 334. Indian Village of the Manhattans, 1858, 591. Ingraham (Judge Daniel P.), residence of, 1858, 158. Institution for the Blind, 1852, 301 (see following years). Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, 1869, 365; 1870, 332. Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, 1852, 299 (see following years). Institution of Mercy, 1868, 443; 1869, 431; 1870, 460. Institution for Relief of Ruptured and Crippled, 1869, 450; 1870, 522. Irish Emigrant Society, 1869, 465; 1870, 542. Isaac T. Hopper Home, 1868, 454; 1869, 448; 1870, 586. Jackson Ferry, 1863, 408. Jackson and Water Streets, 1864, 792. Jail (old), 1847, 54. James and Chatham Streets, old houses, i860, 504. Jans (old) Land, map, 1870, 904. Jefferson (Thomas), bond relating to marriage with Martha Shelton (1771), 1852, 322. 92 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Jews' Hospital, 1865, 321; 1866, 324. Johnson (General Jeremiah), map of Brooklyn at the time of the Revolution, 1858, 112. Jones Family Residence, 1866, 178. Jones' Wood, 1858, 530, 540. Jumel Residence, 1854, 362. Juvenile Asylum, 1855, 283 (see following years). Kalch Hoek, i860, 563. Kane Statue, i860, 376. Keating's Store, 1857, 515. Kennedy House, 1850, 416; 1854, 12; 1858, 452. Keyser Estate, 1865, 748. Kiln, plan of, 1854, 542. King's Arms Tavern, 1854, 442; 1858, 588; 1865, 513, 514. Kingsbridge (1856), 1857, 376; 1861, 508. Kingsbridge Road, near Dyckman's Farm, 1866, 74. Kingsbridge Road and One hundred and fifty-second Street, Stone house, 1864, 690. King's College, 1857, 268; 1866, 478. Kip's Bay, Dutch house, 1848, 384. Kip's Mansion, 1852, 472. Kissing Bridge on the old Boston Road, 1861, 528. Kitchin's Map of New York (1778), 1869, xvi. Knickerbocker (Diedrich), 1850, 420; 1851, 348. Knyphausen (General), residence of, 1856, 72. Ladies' Home Missionary Society, 1868, 435; 1869, 369. Ladies' Union Aid Society, 1863, 316; 1869, 379; 1870, 472. Lake Manhatta, 1869, 176. Landing Place, foot of Cortlandt Street (1831), 1855, 82. Latham House, 1855, 593. Latimer House, 1862, 261. Launch of the Steam Frigate "Fulton the First," 1852, 184. Law Suit decided by Wouter Van Twiller, 1850, 487. Lawrence Street, old cottage house, 1864. 88. Leake and Watts' Orphan House, 1864, 347 (see following years). Lee (Gideon), portrait, 1863, 629. Leggett (Samuel), residence of, 1861, 308. 93 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Leisler (Elsie), petition of, i860, 594. Leisler (Jacob), residence of, 1869, 738. Leisler (Jacob), letter of (1690), 1861, 686. Leisler (Jacob), tomb of, 1866, 597. Lennert Estate, 1866, 736. Leonard Street and Broadway, 1869, 598. Leslie (C. R.), illustrations for Irving's Knickerbocker, 1850, 420,487,492, 510; 1851,348. Lexington Avenue and Thirty-third Street, 1865, 484. Lexington Avenue near Thirty-seventh Street, old residences, 1859, 428. Liberty and William Streets, old houses, 1861, 639. Lispenard's Meadows, 1856, 442; i860, 566. Livingston (Edward), portrait, 1861, 550. Loew Bridge over Broadway, 1868, 229. Longworth's Map of New York (1808), 1852, 452. Loudoun (Earl of), portrait, 1869, 767. Louis Philippe (King of France), teaching school, 1863, 272. Lovelace (John), document signed by (1708), 1869, 824. Lower Market (1746), 1858, 500. Ludlow and Delancey Streets, old shanties, 1864, 160. Ludlow Street Jail, 1869, 214; 1870, 183. Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, 1848, 234. Lyne's Map (1731), 1842-3, front; 1844-5, fr° nt ; 1850, 212; 1851, 190. Mc Adams (Mrs.), residence of, 1864, 740. McEvers Mansion, Wall Street (1800), 1856, 72; 1866, 549. McGown (Andrew), sledge of, 1863, 200. McGown's Pass, 1856, 89, 480, 489, 497, 592; 1857, 132; i860, 620. McLean (Geo. W.), portrait, 1868, 116; 1869, 99. Macomb's Dam, 1856, 89; i860, 240; 1862, 624. Made and Swamp Lands, map of, 1856, 202. Madison Avenue between 30th and 31st Streets, i860, 579. Madison Avenue and Fortieth Street, old house, 1865, 726. Madison Market, i860, 444. Maerschalck's maps of New York, 1849, 130; 1850, 220. Maerschalck's survey of Turtle Bay Farm, i860, 568. Magdalen Benevolent Society, 1868, 391; 1869, 394; 1870, 477. 94 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Manhattan Academy, 1869, 290; 1870, 310. Manhattan College, 1868, 308; 1869, 287; 1870, 307. Manhattan Street between Houston and 3rd Streets, 1864, 114. Manhattan Water Works Reservoir (1825), 1855, 220. Manhattanville from Fort Haight, 1861, 248. Manhattanville, tower overlooking, 1856, 456. Mansion House (Bunker's), 1855, 582; 1865, 518. Manumission of Slave (1817), certificate of, 1869, 800. Marine Society's certificate of membership, 1862, 316. Mariners' Church, 1863, 328; 1868, 468; 1869, 436; 1870,540. Marion and Elm Streets, old houses, 1861, 300. Market Slip from Cherry Street, i860, 252. Mason's (Doctor) Church, in Murray Street, 1852, 362. Masonic Hall, 1844-5, 2 9°> x ^55' 2 9^; 1865, 587. Meal and Slave Market (1746), 1862, 506. Medical College and Charity Hospital, 1868, 370. Medical College for Women, 1868, 313; 1869, 295; 1870, 318. Mercantile Library, 1868, 470; 1869, 456; 1870, 545. Merchants Exchange, 1866, 565. Merchants Exchange, ruins of (1835), 1869, 784. Merchants Exchange and News Rooms, 1870, 574. Methodist Church, John Street, 1857, 400. Methodist Meeting House, 120 William Street, 1850, 422. Metropolitan Police Headquarters, see Police Headquarters. Middle Dutch Church (see also Post Office), 1858, 488, 572. Midnight Mission, 1868, 395; 1869, 399; 1870, 502. Mill Rock, Hell Gate, 1850, 384; 1856, 400, 416. Miller's Map of New York (1695), 1843-4, 97; 1844-5, 89; 1845-6, 114; 1847, 116; 1848, 122; 1850, 194; 1851, 136; 1852, 148. Monaghan (James A.), portrait, 1868, 98; 1869, 108. Montresor's Map of New York (1766), 1855, 482. Moore (Bishop), residence of, 1854, 536; 1864, 818. Morgan (Sir Henry), buccaneer, portrait of, 1857, 458. Morris (Roger), residence of, 1854, 362. Morton (Jacob), residence of, 1859, 396; i860, 610. Mott and Prince Streets, 1862, 156. Mott Memorial Hall, 1870, 581. Mount St. Vincent, 1862, 672; 1865, 196. Mount Sinai Hospital, 1868, 349; 1869, 338; 1870, 400. 95 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Mulberry Street, Police Headquarters, 1863, 71. Murray Hill, old residences, 1859, 428; 1865, 456, 484, 697, 726, 748, 809. Murray Street (1822), 1852, 362. National Academy of Design, 1868, 479; 1869, 484; 1870, 338. National Theatre, 1858, 108. Navy Yard, Brooklyn (1831), 1854, 76. Nelson (Lord), letter of (1782), 1869, 872. New Amsterdam, see New York. New England, flag of, 1863, 836. New England, seal of, 1862, 738. New Market in Eighteenth Ward, 1869, 190 New Netherlands, map of (1656), 1852, 7. New York City, general views of: Nieuw Nederlandt. This view of Fort Amsterdam. . . is copied from an ancient engraving (The Hartgers view, 1651), 1850, 195. Nieuw-Amsterdam, 1659 (The Visscher view, 1655), 1842-3, 147. Nieuw Amsterdam opt Eylant Manhattans (At foot of the Vander Donck Map, 1656), 1852, 7. New Amsterdam. . . now called New York. . . (Title also in Dutch. The Schenck view, about 1700), 1851, 136. A South Prospect of ye flourishing City of New- York. . . Thos. Bakewell. Published March 25th, 1746. (The Burgis view, first issued in 171 7), 1849, 26. New York. Copied from the Original MS. in the British Museum (The Popple view, 1733), 1863, 622. A view of Fort George with the City of New York from the S. W. 1740. (The Carwitham view), 1858, 12. A South West View of the City of New York Taken from the Governours Island (At foot of the Ratzer map, 1766), 1854, 320. South East view of the City of New York 1768 (The Howdell view), 1866, 478. A View of New York, Governors Island the River, &c, from Long Island, 1776. (From a print in the Town and Country Magazine, London, 1 776.) 1852, 176. 96 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS View of New York, 1787, 1851, 270. New York, about 1790. (Similar to the above.) 1862, front. View of the City of New York in 1792. Drawn by an officer of the French Fleet. . . (The original engraving is by St. Memin), 1850, 98. A View of the City of New- York from Brooklyn Heights . . .in 1798 by Monsieur C. B. Julien de St. Memin. . . 1861,13. New- York. Taken from Fort Columbus, Governors Island 1816 [1846], i860, front. New York and Environs (Bird's eye view), 1868, xiv; 1869, 1. New York Bank (1800), 1856, 72; 1866, 549. New York Garden, 1855, 132; 1865, 600. New York Genealogical Society, 1870, 581. New York Historical Society, 1862, 344; 1864, 375 (see follow- ing years). New York Hospital, 1845-6, 257; 1868, 355; 1869, 345; 1870, 408. New York Infirmary, 1868, 363; 1869, 358; 1870, 416. New York Juvenile Asylum, 1855, 283 (see following years). New York Opthalmic Hospital, 1868, 357; 1869, 347; 1870, 411. New York Produce Exchange, 1868, 492; 1869, 490; 1870, 570. New York Savings Bank, 1858, 323. New York Society Library, 1855, 576, 581; 1865, 318 (see following years). New York State (maps), 1851, front.; 1856, 12; i860, 591. New York Stock Exchange, 1868, 489; 1869, 487; 1870, 571. New York Water Works Paper Money, 1850, 268. Niblo's Garden, 1865, 631, 632. Nicholson's Map of Public Squares and Parks, 1850, 380. Nicolls Map (1664-1668), 1863, front. Nieuw Amsterdam (The Visscher view), 1842-3, 147; 1852, 7. Nieuw Nederlandt (The Hartgers view), 1850, 195. Nineteenth Street and Broadway, 1870, 72. Normal College, 1870, 270. North America, map (1621), 1858, 448. North Battery, foot of Hubert Street, 1855, 344; 1859, 252. 97 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS North Dutch Church, 1859, 84. North Moore Street, No. 86, 1865, 413. North River Shore, near Trinity Church (1740), 1862, 549 North River Shore toward Lispenard's (1761), 1862, 550. Norton (Samuel L.), residence of, 1858, 212. Novelty Iron Works, 1863, 56. "Nursery," Sixth Avenue and Fifteenth Street, 1858, 304. Nursery and Child's Hospital, 1868, 351; 1869, 340; 1870, 402. Nursery Establishment, Randall's Island, 1849, 218. Nutter's Battery, 1856, 360; i860, 624. Oath of Abjuration, 1859, 448; 1869, 588. Oath of Allegiance, 1859, 444. Odd Fellows' Hall, Grand Street, 1861, 300; 1863, 704. O'Gorman (Richard), portrait, 1868, 116; 1869, 99. Old Slip, 1861, 324. Old Toms, 1857, 440. Oliver Street, 1863, 739; 1866, 615. Opthalmic Hospital, 1868, 357; 1869, 347; 1870, 411. Orange Street, now Baxter Street, 1863, 704. Orphan Asylum, 1852, 310 (see following years). Orphans' Home, 1870, 435. Paine (Thomas), maps, showing residence of, 1864, 840. Paisley Place, 1863, 630. Paper Money: — City of New York, 1863, 170; Colony of New York, 1856, 534; 1859, 216; New York Water Works, 1850, 268. Paragon Steamboat, 1852, 438. Park, see City Hall Park. Park Avenue and Fortieth Street, Keyser Estate, 1865, 748. Park Fountain, 1848, front. Park Place (183 1), 1855, 72. Park Row, 1855, 152; 1857, 24; 1866, 592. Park Theatre, 1855, 152; 1857, 24; 1866, 592. Parks in 1838, map of, 1850, 380. Passport issued by the City of New York, 1870, 82. Paulding (William), portrait, 1863, 626. Pear tree planted by Stuyvesant, 1861, 532. Pearl Street between Franklin Square and Oak Street (1835), 1859, 372. 98 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Pearl Street from State Street, 1859, 384. Pearl and Chatham Streets, ancient view of present junction of, 1 86 1, 521. Pearl and Chatham Streets, old storehouses, 1863, 456. Pearl and Elm Streets, old houses, i860, 492. Peck Slip (1850), 1857, 392. Peck Slip, No. 7, old house, 1865, 204. Peck Slip and Water Street, old house, 1857, 515; 1858, 248. Perritt's Mansion, 1863, 352. Pewter Mug Tavern, Frankfort Street, 1861, 444. Phelps (Anson G.), house of, i860, 276. Phoenix and the Rose, Aug. 16, 1776, 1864, 672. Pickering (Timothy), letter of (1783), 1858, 480. Pike's Opera House, 1868, 696. Pine and Water Streets, 1857, 169, 529. Pitt Street, old house, 1861, 542. Point Isabel (1843), 1857, 328. Police Headquarters, 1863, 71; 1868, 132; 1869, 139; 1870, 88. Poor House, erected 1735, 1866, 602. Popple View of New York, 1863, 622. Poppleton's map of New York (1817), 1855, 298. Portraits : Allen (Stephen), 1863, 625. Andros (Sir Edmund), 1869, 768. Bowne (Walter), 1863, 628. Clinton (De Witt), 1861, 551. Colden (Cadwallader D.), 1863, 624. Coman (Thomas), 1868, 98; 1869, 100. Connolly (Richard B.), 1868, 116; 1869, 99. Cornbury (Lord), 1869, 763. De Peyster Ancestors, 1861, 556, 558. Duane (James), 1861, 547. Ferguson (John), 1864, 525. Gage (General), 1869, 766. Hall (A. Oakey), 1869, 99. Heathcote (Caleb), 1864, 665. Hoffman (John T.), 1868, 116; 1870, front. Hone (Philip), 1863, 627. Lee (Gideon), 1863, 629. Livingston (Edward), 1861, 550. 99 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Loudoun (Earl of), 1869, 767. McLean (George W.), 1868, 116; 1869, 99. Monaghan (James A.), 1868, 98; 1869, 108. Morgan (Sir Henry), buccaneer, 1857, 458. O'Gorman (Richard), 1868, 116; 1869, 99. Paulding (William), 1863, 626. Radcliff (Jacob), 1861, 555. Riker (Richard), 1870, 650. Shannon (Joseph), 1868, front; 1869, front. Stacom (John), 1868, 98. Steenwyck (Cornelis), 1864, 648. Stephens (Thomas), 1868, 116; 1869, 99. Valentine (D. T.), frontispiece in 1859 and 1862 to 1866. Van Dam (Rip), 1865, 713. Van Dam (Sarah), 1865, 714. Varick (Richard), 1861, 549. Willett (Marinus), 1861, 553. Post Family Residence, 1861, 348. Post's Paint Store, Water Street (1836), 1857, 288. Post Office (Middle Dutch Church), 1852, 355 (see following years). Powder-horn, map engraved on, i860, 590. Presbyterian Church, Wall Street, 1853, 48; 1866, 571. Presbyterian Home, 1870, 470. Presbyterian Hospital, 1870, 413. Presidential Mansion, No. 1, Cherry Street, 1853, 304. Prince and Mott Streets, 1862, 156. Printing House Square, 1868, 510. Produce Exchange, 1868, 492; 1869, 490; 1870, 570. Provoost (David), residence of, 1858, 540. Provoost (David), tomb of, 1858, 530. Provost (The), 1847, 54. Public Charities and Correction, 1869, 126. Putnam (Israel), letter of, 1862, 652. Quarantine Grounds, Staten Island, 1851, 62; 1859, 324. Radcliff (Jacob), portrait, 1861, 555. Randall's Island, map of (1835), 1855, 492. Randall's Island, 1849, 218; i860, 106; 1869, 128. 100 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Rapelyea Estate, 1866, 712. Ratzer's Map of New York (1766), 1854, front.; 320; 1869, xvi. Rebellion: Departure of the 7th Regiment, April 19, 1861; 1862, 152. Departure of the 69th Regiment, April 23, 1861; 1862, 156. Embarkation of the Fire Zouaves, April 29, 1861; 1862, 124. State Arsenal, Central Park, 1862, 396, 404. Soldier's Depot, 1864, 164, 166, 168, 170. Rector Street, old house, 1870, 809. Red Fort, foot of Hubert Street, 1855, 344; 1859, 252. Refugee Citizens, memorial of, 1855, 564; 1856, 540. Removal of brick houses, 1859, 611. Remsen Farmhouse, Cherry Street, 1858, 464, 470. Reservoir at High Bridge, 1869, 124. Reservoir, City, 1853, 134. Reservoir in Central Park, 1862, 182, 188; 1869, 176, 694. Reservoir of Manhattan Water Works, 1855, 220. Reservoirs and Aqueduct (map), 1842—3, front. Revenue Office, 1870, 198. Reynold's Beer House, 1857, 440. Rhinelander's Sugar House and Residence, 1857, 256; 1858, 624. Richmond Hill House, 1852, 467; 1854, 468. Riker (Richard), portrait, 1870, 650. Riker Estate, foot of Seventy-fifth Street, 1866, 688. "Roanoke," U. S. Ironclad, 1863, 56. Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, 1864, 322 (see following years). Roosevelt and Cherry Streets, 1855, 593; i860, 468. Rose Street, 1858, 624. Rotunda, 1847, 54; 1861, 268. Rutgers Female College, 1868, 310; 1869, 291; 1870, 322. Rutgers Mansion (1768), 1858, 606. St. Francis Hospital, 1870, 421. St. George's Church, Beekman Street, 1855, 416; 1859, 72. St. James's Church, 1862, 678; 1870, 924. St. John's Chapel (1829), 1870, 28. St. Joseph's Asylum, 1868, 467; 1869, 411; 1870, 447. IOI GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS St. Joseph's Industrial School, 1870, 463. St. Luke's Church, Hudson Street, i860, 365. St. Luke's Home, 1870, 461. St. Luke's Hospital, 1859, 504, 540; 1864, 332 (see following years). St. Memin's Views of New York, 1850, 98; 1861, 13. St. Michael's Church, 1870, 760. St. Patrick's Cathedral, 1862, 156; 1868, 461; 1869, 678. St. Paul's Chapel, 1855, front., 152; 1856, 109; 1859, 480; 1861, 116; 1865, 536; 1866, 595; 1868, 229. St. Thomas's Church, i860, 348; 1865, 636. St. Vincent's Hospital, 1868, 353; 1869, 343; 1870, 405. Sailors Snug Harbor Estate (map), 1865, 640. Sailors Snug Harbor, 1868, 446; 1869, 435; 1870, 489. Sauthier's map of New York (1776), 1859, 120. Schenck View of New York, 1851, 136. Schepen laughing at a Burgomaster's joke, 1850, 487. Schermerhorn Residence, 1866, 784, 808. Schoeinge or street piling (1658), 1862, 529. Scudder's Museum, 1855, 472; 1865, 563. Seal of New Amsterdam (1654), 1851, 420. Seal of New England, 1862, 738. Seal of New York (1688-1689), 1862, 738. Seal of the City of New York (1686), 1851, 420. Seal of Peter Stuyvesant, 1852, 413. Seals of the Colonial Governors, 1851, 420. Seamen's Retreat, Staten Island, 1866, 309; 1868, 445; 1869, 434; 1870, 487. Second Avenue from Forty-second Street, 1861, 288. Second Avenue and Fiftieth Street, old house, 1865, 341. Seventh Avenue and Fiftieth Street, Dutch farmhouse, 1865, Seventh Regiment's departure, April 19, 1861; 1862, 152. Seventh Regiment Armory, 1863, 149 (see following years). Shannon (Joseph), portrait, 1868, front; 1869, front. Shepherd's Fold, 1870, 455. Shoemakers' Pasture (map), i860, 537. Shot Tower, East River, 1854, 208; i860, 312; 1866, 482. Sixteenth Street near Third Avenue, old cottage, 1862, 700. Sixth Avenue and Twenty-third Street, 1869, 88. 102 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Sixth Avenue between Fifty-fifth and Fifty-seventh Streets, 1868,536. Sixtieth Street and Tenth Avenue, 1865, 784. Sixty-ninth Regiment's departure, April 23, 1861; 1862, 156. Sledge belonging to Andrew McGown (1788), 1863, 200. Smit's Vly in Early Times, 1861, 526. Smith (Col. Wm. S.), house of, Sixty-first Street, i860, 288. Society for the Protection of Destitute Roman Catholic Chil- dren, 1868, 413, 415; 1869, 412, 414; 1870, 452, 453. Society for the Reformation of Juvenile Delinquents, see House of Refuge. Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Crippled, 1869, 450; 1870, 522. Society Library, 1855, 576, 581; 1856, 520; 1865, 318 (see fol- lowing years). Soldiers Depot, 50 Howard Street, 1864, 164, 166, 168, 170. Soldier's Orphan Home, 1868, 407; 1870, 466. Somerindyke House, 1863, 272, 380. South East View of New York (1768), 1866, 478. South Prospect of ye flourishing City of New York, 1849, 26. South Street from Maiden Lane (1828), 1854, 60. South West View of New York, 1854, 320. Spanish Armada, 1857, 460. Sperry's Garden, 1856, 470; 1866, 587. Spring and Canal Streets, 1862, 124. Spring and Crosby Streets, 1865, 400. Spuyten Duyvil Creek, 1861, 240; 1866, 64. Squares, Parks and Places, map of (1838), 1850, 380. Squatter Settlements, 1859, 420; 1868, 526, 536. Stacom (John), portrait, 1868, 98. Stadt Huys, 1845-6, 336; 1852, 378; 1853, 472. Stages on Broadway (1831), 1861, 116. State Arsenal, 1850, 402; 1859, 540; 1862, 396, 404, 408. State Prison, South-east view (1814), 1853, 461. State Street, fronting the Battery, 1859, 396. State Street, No. 9, old house, i860, 610. Staten Island Ferry (183 1), 1853, 288. Staten Island, Quarantine, 1851, 62; 1859, 324. Steenwyck (Cornelis), portrait, 1864, 648. Steenwyck Residence, 1864, 650. 103 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Stephens (Thomas), portrait, 1868, 116; 1869, 99. Stewart House, 1865, 308. Stewart (A. T.), residence of, 1869, 200. Stirling (Lord), residence of (Broad Street), 1854, 410. Stock Exchange, 1868, 489; 1869, 487; 1870, 571. Stone Bridge Tavern (1812), 1857, 542; 1865, 608. Strawberry Hill Hotel, 1856, 514. Striker Mansion, 185 1, 450; 1870, 825. Stuyvesant (N. W.), residence of, 1857, 454. Stuyvesant (Peter), house of, 1852, 407; 1862, 500; 1866, 579. Stuyvesant (Peter), pear tree, 1861, 532. Stuyvesant (Peter), seal of, 1852, 413. Stuyvesant (Peter), rebuking a cobler, 1850, 492. Stuyvesant Estate, map of, 1862, 686. Sugar House, 1852, 414; 1857, 256; 1858, 488, 624. Swamp Lands, map of, 1856, 202. Swift's Map of Harlem Heights and Plain, 1856, 420. Tabernacle (The), 1865, 591. Talleyrand, house in which he lived, 1863, 352. Tammany Hall, 1858, 372; 1861, 444; 1865, 849; 1866, 599; 1868, 792. Tammany Society, call for meeting, 1864, 808. Tammany Society, certificate of loan, 1858, 372. Tammany Society, prospectus of American Museum, 1864, 602. Tavern in Broadway, near Houston Street, 1862, 484. Taylor's Map of New York, 1853, 324. Temple Emanu-El, 1868, 465. Tenbroek and Hardenbroeck disputing about the plan of the City, 1850, 510. Tenth Street and Broadway, 1869, 40. Terrace in Central Park, 1864, 72. Theological Seminary, 1863, 298. Third Avenue and 34th Street, old house, 1865, 697. Third Avenue and 46th Street, 1861, 676. Third Avenue Railroad Depot, 1859, 389; i860, 412; 1869, 501; 1870, 602. Thirty-first Street and Broadway, 1869, 640. Thirty-third Street and Lexington Avenue, 1865, 484. 104 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Thirty-fourth Street and Third Avenue, 1865, 697. Thirty-fourth Street and Fifth Avenue, 1869, 200. Thirty-fifth Street and Eleventh Avenue, 1864, 740. Thompson (Major), mansion of, 1863, 352. Thome (Col.), house of, 1855, 392. Tiddeman's Draught of New York Harbor (1758), 1855, 492. Tiebout's Maps of New York, 1851, 320; 1857, 37 2 - Tieman residences, 1858, 88; 1863, 682. Tiled Roof House, 1857, 169, 529. Titus (D.), residence of, 1864, 818. Tokens, early New York, 1859, 597. Tombs (The), 1863, 65 (see following years). Tompkins Market, 1861, 354. Tontine Building, Wall Street, 1852, 458; 1866, 564. Trinity Church, 1847, front; 1851, 270; 1853, 48; 1854, 36; 1855, 320; 1856, 37; 1857, 13; 1859, 20, 28, 60, 264; 1861, 694, 696; 1862, 476, 549; 1865, 527, 528, 529, 531. Trinity Place, 1862, 476. Turtle Bay (1853), 1858, 600. Turtle Bay Farm (map), i860, 568. Turtle Bay, old store house (1852), 1857, 192. Twentieth Street and Broadway, 1870, 710. Twenty-third Street and Sixth Avenue, 1869, 88. Twenty-third Street and Eighth Avenue, 1868, 696. Twenty-ninth Street and Broadway, 1870, 764. Union Home and School, 1864, 352; 1868, 407; 1870, 466. Union House, Broadway, i860, 444. Union Park [Union Square] 1844-5, 2 9°> z ^49> 5°- United States Hotel, 1844-5, 2 9 ' T ^54? 20 °- United States Sub-Treasury, 1866, 539. University of the City of New York, 1844-5, 2 9 ' l %4&> 3°6; 1852, 294 (see following years). Valentine (David T.), portrait, 1859, front; also 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866. Valentine (David T.), residence of, 1854, 204. Van Cortlandt Manor House, i860, 608. Van Dam (Rip), portrait, 1865, 713. Van Dam (Sarah), portrait, 1865, 714. 105 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Van der Donck's map with view of New Amsterdam, 1852, 7. Vandewater Street from Frankfort Street, 1864, 316. Van Nest (Abraham), residence of, 1854, 528. Varian House, Bloomingdale Road, 1856, 519; 1865, 653. Varian Tree, 1864, 552. Varick (Richard), portrait, 1861, 549. Vauxhall Garden, 1856, 470; 1866, 586. Verplanck Mansion, 1856, 37. Village lots, original grants (map), 1857, 498. Visscher View of New Amsterdam, 1842-3, 147. Walker Street, see Canal Street. Wall Street, 1852, 458; 1853, 48; 1855, 320; 1856, 72, 132; i860, 532; 1866, 539 and following pages. Walton House, Pearl Street, 1849, 331; 1857, 495. Ward's Island, 1859, 484; i860, 104; 1865, 72. Ward Schools, 1854, 246 (see following years). Washington (George): Address to Washington by Citizens of New York returned from exile, with his reply, 1861, 474. Discharge from the American Army of Benj. Taylor, signed by Washington, 1850, 424. Letter to John Washington (1775), 1851, 474. Letter to the Mayor of New York acknowledging the Freedom of the City, 1870, 232. Order of Reception to Clinton and Washington by the Citizens of New York, 1861, 474. Pass to and from New York, signed by Washington, 1850, 424. Washington's Head Quarters, 1850, 416; 1852, 467; 1854, 362, 446, 468, 547; 1857, 544; 1865, 220. Washington's Inauguration, 1849, 334. Washington's Pew in St. Paul's, 1859, 480. Washington's Residences, 1853, 304; 1855, 582; 1857, 252. Washington's Statue, Union Square, 1857, 72; 1861, 144. Washington taking leave of his officers, 1857, 544. Washington Hall, Broadway, 1853, 480; 1865, 571. Washington Heights, Fort on, 1866, 640, 657. Washington Institute, 1853, 134. Washington Market, 1859, 488. 106 GENERAL INDEX TO ALL ILLUSTRATIONS Washington Parade Ground, 1844-5, 2 9°- Washington and Fulton Streets, 1859, 488. Water Line, map of the original, 1852, 462; 1853, 436. Water and Broad Streets, old house, 1861, 580. Water and De Peyster Streets, old house, 1857, 169, 529. Water and Jackson Streets, old houses, 1864, 792. Water Street and Peck Slip, old house, 1857, 515; 1858, 248. Water Street, between Pine and De Peyster Streets, old houses, 1857, 169, 529. Water Works paper money, 1850, 268. White Conduit House (1816), 1857, 420; 1865, 599. White Cottage, 1866, 712. White Fort, 1850, 265. Whitehall, 1862, 500. Whitehall Street, 1853, 288; 1869, 738. Willett (Marinus), portrait, 1861, 553. Willett (Marinus), letter of (1792), 1862, 656. Willett (Marinus), residence of, 1854, 420. William Street, No. 120, old Dutch house, 1850, 422. William Street, No. 126, old house, 1862, 716. William Street, No. 178, old house, 1861, 516. William Street, from Frankfort Street, 1859, 276. William and Beekman Streets, old house, 1859, 132. William and Cedar Streets, 1870, 692. William and Fulton Streets, old house, 1859, 84. William and Liberty Streets, old buildings, 1861, 639. Wilson's Industrial School, 1869, 463; 1870, 506. Wind-mills, 1856, 462; 1862, 547. Woman's Aid Society, 1870, 515. Women's Hospital, 1869, 354; 1870, 423. Women's Medical College, 1868, 313; 1869, 295, 1870, 318. Women's Prison Association, 1868, 454; 1869, 448; 1870, 586 Wood (Fernando), residence of, 1857, 53. Woodlawn Mansion, 1856, 514. Work House, Blackwell's Island, 1851, 296. Wouter Van Twiller, law suit decided by, 1850, 487. 107 THIS BOOK IS ONE OF AN EDITION OF TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY COPIES PRINTED AT THE GILLISS PRESS IN THE MONTH OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIX Re ,urntMsma*^^ THE LIBRARY UN' TY OF CAUFOWNT* UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 994 562 7 Univc So L