7 #' «|» Cima-W ^tti^ii VIEWS IN ROME. DKAWN AND ENGRAVED BARTOLOMEO PINELLI, OF ROME. LONDON: PUBLISHED BY W. B. COOKE, 21, UHARLOTTE- STREET, BLOOMbBURY. 1834. ftr LIST OF PLATES. St. Peter's and the Vatican Palace from the West. View of the Church of St. John and St. Paul. Campanile of St. John and St. Paul. The Circular Church of St. Stephen. Aqueduct of the Villa Borghese. Grounds of the Villa Borghese. Palace of the Villa Borghese. Entrance to the Villa Borghese, with a portion of the City Walls. Interior of the Colosseum, from the Church dell' Erimita. Ruins of the Colosseum. Corridor, in the Interior of the Colosseum. Ancient Arch on the Road to Mount Testaccio. Temple of the Sun and the Meta Sudans. Remains of the Cloaca Maxima, or Great Sewer. Part of the Ruins of the Palace of the Emperors. Convent of St. Bonaventura, built upon the Ruins of the Palace of the Emperors. Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, in the Forum, with the three columns of Jupiter Stator in the distance. Place called the Seven Halls. Villa Mellini, outside the Porta Angelica. View in the Villa Medici. View from the Villa Pamfili. Villa Barbarini, taken from the Alley of the Muro torto. Church of St. Peter in Montorio. Church of St. George, from under the Arch of Janus Quadrifrontis. Church of St. Martin on the Mounts. Church of St. Cosimato in Transtevere. Convent della Vittoria, in the neighbourhood of Termina. //<•/: ROME . ITPETERS AND THE VATICATT PAIACK FROM Tilt WKSi nif/i.rhedbi'W.jB Ccoh: london, ifan J 2335. '.■■ ( ' ,M K VlK^ft nl niK CKIKCU IARTIiT IN THE "MOt'^rrs Riitulud h'VIB.CccJic. ." Sch.- JauM-f lciidcn,itM-21<^33. CHCTRCH Of S^ COSIMLMO -ET TK^S SZT.V^:R£ . IkhUslial h- WJi.C.;-kr ZciuijCn llau Z7S33. ^1E^VC)F IHi: Cl/ilVEST DEILA VXTTORA ISr THEireiGHBOrREOOn OF TEKitI-S-1. Fuiluhed h}'V£uyoke Lcndm,,Miiy LMi^ ^ n\ ^^V'v\\\\'^ \V \\ ^^'^ ^