GIFT OF UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR THE Aviation Section Signal Corps JULY, 1917 V: ! $j tl f( ,"i ' / i GOVERNMENT POINTING OFFICE 1917 WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR THE Aviation Section Sigrial Corps JULY, 1917 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 WAB DEPARTMENT, Document No. 627. o/ T/ie Adjutant General. z / WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, July 18, 1917. The following Unit Equipment Manual for the Aviation Section, Signal Corps, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [062.11 A. G.O.] By order of the Secretary of War : TASKER H. BLISS, Major General, Acting Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL : H. p. MCCAIN, The Adjutant General. 3 369521 INDEX. Page. Small tools 5 Machinery 14 Electrical supplies and instruments tot wiring portable machine shops 15 Vulcanizers and vulcanizing material 16 Miscellaneous hardware and instruments including field glasses, barographs, watches, etc 16 Office supplies il Magneto tools for Bosch magnetos 17 Hangars, canvas and maintenance parts 18 Transportation (includes automobile, automobile spare parts, motor trucks and motorcycles, and spare parts 18 Aeroplane and spare parts Magnetos and magneto parts 27 Motors and motor parts 27 Photographic instruments and supplies 27 Drawing instruments and drawing materials 29 Metals and metalling 29 Miscellaneous expendable materials for maintenance of aeroplanes, motor trucks, and motorcycles for the first six months 31 4 INITIAL EQUIPMENT FOR AN AERO SQUADRON. SMALL TOOLS NECESSARY FOR THE EQUIPMENT OF AN AERO SQUADRON. 2 anvils, Hay-Buclclen, 50-pound. 2 anvils, Hay-Budden, 58-pound. 2 arbors, cutting, screw slotting, 1-inch, No. 2 Morse taper shank, and adapted to use between centers. 2 axes, medium weight, Jack Frost. 2 bars, Armstrong, self-hardening steel, iVinch. 4 bars, Armstrong, self-hardening steel blades, by f inch. 2 bars, boring, Armstrong, No. 10. 12 bevels, carpenter, Stanley. 1 binder, J-inch, for Singer sewing machine. 12 bits, auger, 1-inch. Jennings. 2 bits, expansion, 1 inch to 11 inches, Clark's, sets. 1 bit, screw driver, 4-inch, No. 4. 1 bit, screw driver, 6-inch, No. 4. 2 bits, wood, 4 to 16, in sixteenths, in canvas roll, sets. 2 blocks, drill and clamps, No. 271-C, Starrett. 2 blocks, snatch, 51 by 1 inches by inch, Hum's. GO boxes, tool, steel, 36 by 18 by 18 inches (Cleveland Wire & Spring Co.). 28 braces, Stanley, 8-inch. 8 brushes, file with card and scorer. 2 brushes, glue, No. 2, Manning, Maxwell & Moore. 2 brushes, wheel, circular scratch. 12 calipers, double, Starrett, No. 44. 10 calipers, pocket slide, Starrett, No. 425, 3-inch. 7 calipers, pocket slide, Starrett, No. 425, 6-inch. 6 cards, file. 16 chisels, cold, i-inch. 2 chisels, cold, |-inch. 38 chisels, cold, 1-inch. 2 chisels, cold, |-inch. 2 chisels, cold, f-inch. 2 chisels, cold, 1-inch. 2 chisels, cold, with handle, li-mch bit. 2 chisels, hot, with handle, 1^-inch bit. 12 chisels, wood, Stanley, 1-inch. 2 chisels, wood, each set in fourths, ^-inch to If inches, sets. 4 clamps, iron, C, 4-inch. 28 clamps, iron, C, 6-inch. 4 clamps, iron, C, 8-inch. 4 clamps, Armstrong, drop-forged, light design, C No. 4. 4 clamps, toolmaker's, 5-inch. 2 clippers, bolt, Porter's New Easy, No. 3. 4 combination sets, Starrett, No. 433, hardened, No. 4 graduation. 12 coppers, soldering, 1-pound. 6 UNIT Ea-JIPMEtfT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 14 coppers, soldering, 1^-pounds. 12 countersinks, 30, -inch. 12 countersinks, 60, i-inch. 6 calipers, micrometer, set No. 135, B. & S., with standard and ratchet stop, with case. 2 calipers, micrometer, No. 221 (pocket sheet-metal gauge), with ratchet stops and case. 2 calipers, outside, 3-inch, B. & S., No. 801. 2 calipers, outside, 6-inch, B. & S., No. 801. 2 calipers, inside, 3-inch, B. & S., No. 802. 2 calipers, inside, 6-inch, B. & S., No. 802. 2 calipers, inside, transfer, firm joint, 10-inch, B. & S., No. 827. 2 calipers, outside, transfer, firm joint, 10-inch, B. & S., No. 826. 8 clamps, toolmaker's, IHnch, No. 754, B. & S. S clamps, toolmaker's, 3Hnch, No. 754, B. & S. 2 combination sets, 12-inch blade, B. & S., No. 438, No. 7 graduation. square heads, hardened and tempered blades. 2 cutters, angular, J-10, 2i by inch, 45-degree, high speed, right hand, i-inch hole, B. & S. 2 cutters, angular, J-10, 2 by inch, 60-degree, high speer, right hand, |-inch hole, B. & S. 2 cutters, convex, & by 2 inches, No. C-10, high speed, i-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 cutters, convex, by 2 inches, No. C-12, high speed, f-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 cutters, convex, f by 2 inches, No. C-14, high speed. |-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 cutters, convex, by 2 inches, No. C-16, high speed, f-inch arbor, B. & S. 4 cutters, side milling, by 2 inches, No. S-16, high speed, $-inch arbor, B. & S. 4 cutters, side milling, f by 2 inches, No. S-18, high speed, i-inch arbor, B. & S. 4 cutters, side milling, by 2| inches, No. S-20, high speed, f-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute. high speed, right hand, No. E-100, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, right hand, No. E-103, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, right hand, No. E-105, B. & S. 2 cutters,* spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute. high speed, right hand, No. E-108, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, right hand, No. E-113, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, right hand, No. E-117, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, right hand, No. E-125, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, left hand, No. E-100, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, left hand, No. E-103, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, left hand, No. E-105, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, left hand, No. E-108, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, left hand, No. E-113, B. & S. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIA^IOF SECTION. 7 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, left hand, No. E-117, B. & S. 2 cutters, spiral end mill, with No. 2 Morse taper shank, spiral flute, high speed, left hand, No. E-125, B. & S. 2 cutters, " T " slot, high speed, right hand, No. 2, Morse, taper shank, diameter \ inch, thickness A inch, B. & S. 2 cutters, " T " slot, high speed, right hand, No. 2, Morse, taper shank, diameter H inch, thickness 3 7 z inch, B. & S. 2 dogs, lathe, drop forged, Armstrong, No. 11. 2 dogs, lathe, drop forged, Armstrong, No. 13. 2 dividers, 3 inch, No. 800, B. & S. 2 dividers, 6 inch, No. 800, B. & S. 12 drills and countersinks, combined, No. 109-B, || by 0.073 by 0.082 inch, Morse. 12 drills and countersinks, combined, No. 109-B, & by 0.093 by 0.128 inch, Morse. 12 drills and countersinks, combined, No. 109-B, & by 0.157 by 0.157 inch, Morse. 2 drifts, drill, Armstrong, No. 1-A. 2 drills, automatic, Yankee, No. 42. 22 drills, breast, Yankee, No. 1530. 2 drills, hand, ratchet with chain drill attachment, Yankee, No. 555. 124 drills, S. S., f inch. 320 drills, S. S., & inch. 440 drills, S. S., & inch. 440 drills, S. S., i inch. 320 drills, S. S., i inch. 60 drills, S. S., & inch. 120 drills, S. S., 0.161, No. 20. 120 drills, S. S., 0.152, No. 24. 120 drills, S. S., & inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., 1& inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., 1^ inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., H inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., 1& inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., li inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., 1& inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., If inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., 1A inch. 2 drills, Morse, S. S., 1* inch. 2 drill sets, Morse, style 106, No. 16-B, A to Z, straight shank, with- out holder. 2 drill sets, Morse, style 106, No. 15-B, A to Z, straight shank, fold- ing holder. 2 drill sets, Morse, style 107, No. 8-B, 1 to 60, straight shank, fold- ing holder. 2 drill sets, Morse, style 107, No. 8-B, 1 to 60, straight shank, with- out holder. 2 drill sets and revolving stand, Morse, taper shank, style 102, sets to be from ^ to 1 inch by sixty-fourths. 2 dressers. Huntington, with 8 extra blades. 2 edges, straight, hardened steel, 39 inch, No. 527, B. & S. 2 figures, Standwell, & inch, steel, sets. 4 files, Nicholson, 8 inch, half round, coarse, with handles. 4 files, Nicholson, 8 inch, half round, smooth, without handles. 8 files, Nicholson, 8 inch, mill bastard, with handles. 4 files, Nicholson, 8 inch, mill smooth, without handles. 10 files, Nicholson, 8 inch, round bastard, with handles. 4 files, Nicholson, 8 inch, round, smooth, without handles. 24 files, Nicholson, flat bastard, 8 inch. 8 TTNIT EQ JIPMEHT MANUAL FOE AVIATION SECTION. 14 files, wood, rasps, 10 inch. 12 files, cabinet, wood, 10 inch. 12 files, wood, bastard, 10 inch. 12 files, rat tail, 8 inch. 12 files, knife edge, bastard, 8-inch. 12 files, smooth cut, 8-inch. 12 files, smooth cut, 6-inch. 12 files, smooth cut, half round, 8-inch. 12 files, rat tail, second cut, 8-inch. 12 files, rat tail, smooth, 6-inch. 12 files, three cornered, 6-inch. 12 files, half round, smooth, 4-inch. 2 files, half round, smooth. 10-inch. 2 files, half round, bastard, 12-inch. 2 files, hand, smooth, safe edge, 10-inch. 2 files, Nicholson, mill, 8-inch. 2 files, Nicholson, mill, 12-inch. 2 files, round, bastard, 4-inch. 2 files, round, second cut, 6-inch. 4 files, fine feather edge, 4-inch. 4 files, fine, round, Grobet, 4-inch. 4 files, fine, three cornered, Grobet, 4-inch. 4 files, fine, square, Grobet, 4-inch. 4 files, bastard, round, 6-inch, Grobet. 2 files bastard half round 6-inch, Grobet. 2 files, bastard, key, 6-inch, Grobet. 2 files, bastard, mill flat, 6-inch, Grobet. 4 files, bastard, square, 6-inch, Grobet. 2 files, bastard, three cornered, 6-inch, Grobet. 2 files bastard, half round, 8-inch, Nicholson. 2 files, bastard, square, Nicholson, 8-inch. 2 files, bastard, three cornered, Nicholson, 8-inch. 2 files, dead smooth, flat, 6-cut, 8-inch, Nicholson. 4 files, mill bastard, flat, 8-inch, Nicholson. 4 files, second cut, flat, Nicholson, 8-inch. 4 files, smooth, flat, 4-cut, 8-inch, Nicholson. 2 files, mill bastard, half round, Nicholson, 10-inch. 2 files, mill bastard, round, Nicholson, 10-inch. 4 files, mill bastard, flat, Nicholson, 12-inch. 2 files, rasp, wood, half round 12-inch. 2 flatters square, 2-inch. 2 forges, Buffalo, No. 625. 26 frames, hacksaw, Starrett, No. 145, 10-inch. 2 gauges, center, tempered, No. 650, English, B. & S. 2 gauges, compressometer. 2 gauges, screw, No. 630, English. B. & S. 2 gauges, screw, No. 636, metric, B. & S. 6 gauges, screw pitch, Starrett, No. 5. 2 gauges, thickness, No. 640, English, B. & S. 2 gauges, thickness, No. 641, metric. B. & S. 22 gauges, thickness, Starrett, No. 72. 2 gauges screw thread, standard, No. 724, B. & S. 4 grinders, valve, oscillating. 12 grinders, wheel, 6-inch, carborundum. 14 hammers, ball peen. machinists, 3-pound. 4 hammers, ball peen, machinists, i-pound. 2 hammers, ball peen, machinists, 10-ounce. 2 hammers, ball peen, machinist's, f -pound. 2 hammers, machinist's, ball peen, 1-pound. 2 hammers, ball peen, machinist's, l^-pound. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 9 12 hammers, brass. 8-ounce, with handles. 2 hammers, brass, solid, 2-pound, with handles. 20 hammers, claw, Maydole, adz-eye. J hammers, cross peen, machinist's, 1-pound. 2 hammers, cross peen, machinist's, 2-pound. 2 hammers, riveting, 7-ounce, No. 1. 2 hammers, machinist's, plain riveting. 1-pound, No. 2. 2 hammers, hand sledge, cross peen, 21-pound. 48 handles, file, assorted. 24 handles, hammer, assorted to fit Maydole hammers. 6 hatchets, claw, half. 12 hatchets, claw, 21-inch. 2 hatchets, claw, 2-pound. 2 hammers, solid copper, 2-pound, with handles. 2 hardies, straight shank, f-inch shank. 12 hoists, chain, differential, 1-ton, Yale & Towne. 1 hoist, chain, differential, 11-ton, Yale & Towne. 1 hydrometer, battery syringe, Autocrat. 2 hydrometers, gasoline, with connection scale and thermometer 2 indicators, speed, Veeder. 2 indicators, tool post, B. & S. 14 knives, drawing, folding handle. 36 knives, pocket, 3-bladed, 3-inch blade. 2 ladles, cast iron, 2-gallon, with shanks. 2 ladles, hand, with shanks. 2 letters, steel, Standwell, ^2-inch, sets. 12 levels, carpenter's, steel, 18-inch. 2 levels, machinist's, Eclipse, No. 34-V-4. 2 mandrels, Champion, No. 1, 1-inch to A -inch. 2 mandrels, Champion. No. 2, tVinch to i-inch. 2 mandrels, Champion, No. 3, l-inch to f-inch. 2 mandrels, Champion, No. 4, f-inch to 1-inch. 2 mandrels, Champion, No. 5, f-inch to 1-inch. 2 mandrels, Champion, No. 6, 1-iuch to If-inch. 2 mandrels, Champion, No. 7, 1^-inch to If-inch. 2 mandrels, Champion, No. 7, 11-inch to 2-inch. 2 mandrels, old, No. 123, i-inch, B. & S. 2 mandrels, old, No. 123, tfc-inch, B. & S. 2 mandrels, old, No. 123, i-inch, B. & S. 2 mandrels, old, No. 123, iVinch, B. & S. 4 mallets, brass, f-inch. 2 mallets, rawhide, No. 4, Manning, Maxwell & Moore. 2 micrometers, inside, Starrett, No. 124-B, with case and handle. 2 nail pullers, Jumbo. 12 nail sets. 4 nail sets, B. & S., No. 762 (5 in set). 12 nippers, end cut, 10-inch, 11-inch end cut, with 2 extra blades each. 4 oilstones, Hard Arkansas, 1 by 11 by 6 inches. 25 picks. 2 picks, mattock, No. 6. 12 planes, block, Stanley, 2f-inch. 2 planes, wood, Bailey's, No. 1. 2 planes, wood, Bailey's, No. 5. 2 planes, block, Bailey's, No. 15. 2 planes, Jack, Bailey's, No. 271. 8 padlocks, R. F. D., with 2 keys each and 1 master key for the lot. 68 pliers, auto combination, Billings & Spencer, 6-inch, nickel-plated. 50 pliers, auto combination, Billings & Spencer, 8-inch, nickel-plated. 13 pliers, side cutting, 8-inch, pairs. 6 pliers, Klein, Swedish oblique, cutting, No. 3167-A. 51-inch. 312417 2 10 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 40 pliers, diagonal cutting, 6-inch, pairs. 12 pliers, long nose, 5^-inch, Klein, pairs. 13 pliers, round nose, 6-inch, Klein, pairs. 12 pliers, round nose, 6^-inch, Klein, pairs. 2 pliers, round nose, 8-inch, Bernard, pairs. 2 pliers,. round nose, 8^-inch, Bernard, pairs. 2 pliers, long nose, curved, Klein, No. 1319-C, 6-inch. 2 pliers, long nose, duck bill, Klein, No. 318-E, 5-inch. 2 pliers, long nose, needle, Klein, No. 319-B, 5Hnch. 2 pliers, long nose, oval plain, Klein, No. 319-N, 5-inch. 2 pliers, long nose, round, Klein, No. 1810-A, 5-inch. 2 pliers, side cutting, Klein, 312-A, 6-inch. 2 pliers, side cutting, Klein, 312-C, 8-inch. 2 pliers, Swedish oblique, cutting, Klein, No. 3167-C, 4^-inch. 1 pipe, blow, Presto, carbon burning. 2 pots, glue, enameled, No. 1, Manning, Maxwell & Moore. 2 pots, fire, Clayton & Lambert. 2 presses, arbor, Greenard, No. 3, with stands. 24 pullers, cotter. 24 punches, center, f-inch. 4 punches, center, Starrett, machinist's, No. 117, style A. 4 punches, center, Starrett, machinist's, No. 117, style E. 2 punches, center, automatic, No. 771, B. & S. 4 punches, center, machinist, No. 765, B. & S., sets (6 in set). 2 punches, center, spacing, No. 118. 2 punches, double centering, No. 97, Montgomery & Co. 2 punches, revolving spring, 6 tubes. 2 punches, round, i-inch. 2 punches, round, i-inch. 2 punches, round, 1-inch. 2 punches, round, 1-inch. 2 punches, square, i-inch. 2 punches, square, -inch. 2 punches, square, f-inch. 2 punches, square, 1-inch. So pumps, hand, triple compound, Kellogg. 2 reamers, taper pin, sets (0 to 10, in case) B. & S. 2 reamers, taper shank, No. 115-D, spiral flute, from i to 1 inch, inclusive, by thirty-seconds, sets, B. & S. 2 reamers, center, No. 120-H, style No. 2, straight shank, Hnch shank thickness, 60-degree. 2 reamers, center, No. 120-H, style No. 2, straight shank, i-inch shank thickness, 72-degree. 2 reamers, center, No. 120-H, style No. 2, straight shank, i-inch shank thickness, 82-degree. 12 reamers, taper-bit stock, Morse, f inch. 12 reamers, taper-bit stock, Morse, A inch. 12 reamers, taper-bit stock, Morse, i inch. 2 reseaters, valve, Healy, No. 6. 4 rolls, tool, excelsior leather, Buffum, No. 1821, sets. 2 rules, boxwood, 2 foot, half bound, No. 84, Stanley. 12 rules, folding, boxwood, 2 foot, Stanley, No. 751. 16 rules, steel, folding, 4 foot. 2 rules, steel, No. 300, 6 inch, No. 7 graduation, B. S. 2 rules, steel, No. 300, 3 inch, No. 7 graduation, B. & S. 2 rules, steel, narrow, No. 303, 3 inch, No. 11 graduation, B. & S. 2 rules, steel, flexible, No. 308, 30 cm., \ mm. and sixty-fourths, B. & S: 2 rules, steel, with holders, No. 335, English, \ inch, B. & S. 2 rules, steel, with holders, No. 335, English, f inch, B. & S. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 11 2 rules, steel, with holders, No. 335, English, inch, B. & S. 2 rules, steel, with holders, No. 335, English, | inch, B. & S. 2 rules, steel, with holders, No. 335, English, 1 inch, B. & S. 2 rules, depth gauges, 6 inch, No. 615, English, B. & S. 2 rules, key seat, No. 374, English, B. & S. 4 rules, caliper steel, 4 inch, No. 391, nickel plated, B. & S. 4 rules, spring tempered, Starrett, No. 307, No. 7, graduation. 20 saws, hand, crosscut, 26 inch. 5 saws, rip, hand, 26 inch. 14 saws, keyhole. 2 saws, metal slitting, -fa inch by 2 inches, No. G-51, high speed, 1-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 saws, metal slitting, z inch by 2 inches, No. G-50, high speed, i-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 saws, metal slitting, j'g inch by 2 inches, No. G-52, high speed, |-iuch arbor, B. & S. 2 saws, metal slitting, & inch by 21 inches, No. G-53, high speed, i-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 saws, metal slitting, $ inch by 2 inches, No. G-54, high speed, 1-inch arbor, B. & S. 2 saws, metal slitting, & inch by 2 inches, No. G-55, high speed, |-inch arbor, B. & S. 34 screwdrivers, Champion, 3 inch. 6 screwdrivers, Champion, 4 inch. 24 screwdrivers, Champion, 5 inch. 34 screwdrivers, Champion, 6 inch. 2 screwdrivers, Champion, 8 inch. 22 screwdrivers, Champion, 10 inch. 22 screwdrivers. Champion, 12 inch. 4 screwdrivers, Champion, 18 inch. 12 screwdrivers, Champion, " Baby." 12 screwdrivers, bent end, 5 inch. 6 screwdrivers, spiral ratchet, Yankee, No. 30, with 3 bits each. 12 screwplates, " Little Giant," each to consist of 1 tap each, f, &, i, T 5 s, f inch. 1 die each, if, &, i, &, f inch, last four sizes to be A.L.A.M. 1 stock. 1 wrench. 1 brace attachment. 4 scribers, complete, Starrett, No. 67. 2 scribers, style 3, No. 778, B. & S. 12 sets, combination, Starrett, No. 434. 2 shooters, trouble, AMBU, electrical, with instruments, charts, etc. 2 shaves, spoke, iron, Bauley's, No. 53. 12 shears, office, 10-inch, pairs. 2 shears, circular, Samson, No. 50. 29 shovels, S. H. 2 sledges, blacksmith, cross pien, 8-pound, with handles. 2 sleeves, taper, drill, Morse, No. 1 inside and No. 2 outside. 2 sleeves, taper, drill, Morse, No. 3 inside and No. 2 outside. 2 sleeves, taper, drill, Morse, No. 4 inside and No. 2 outside. 26 snips, tinner's, 10-inch, pairs. 2 squares, steel, No. 1. 2 squares, double, steel, Starrett, No. 14-C. 2 stocks and dies, sets, adjustable pipe, Armstrong, with guides, of the following sizes : &, , f , f , 1 inch and with taps same size as dies. 14 stones, carborundum, inch by 2$ by 3 inches, Niagara. 2 swedges, top, i-inch. 2 swedges, top, i-inch. 12 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 2 swedges, top, J-in< It 2 swedges, top, 1-inch. 2 swedges, bottom, J-inch. 2 swedges, bottom, i-inch. 2 swedges, bottom, f-inch. 2 swedges, bottom, 1-inch. 2 tapes, steel, measuring, 50-foot, Starrett, No. 507. 14 tapes, steel, 100-foot, in metal container. 12 tapes, steel, 8-foot, in metal container. 2 taps and dies, each of the following sizes, in case, with adjustable tap wrench (Greenfield Tap & Die Corporation, Greenfield, Mass.) : No. 2-56. No. 3-48. No. 4-36, 40. 48. No. 5-36, 40. No. 6-32, 36. 40. No. 7-32. No. 8-32. No. 9-32. No. 10-24, 30, 32. No. 12-24, 32. No. 14-20, 24. No. 15-20, 24. No. 16-18 and 20. No. 38-18 and 20. ^-inch-56. Hnch-40. -inch-40. z-inch-32, 38, 40. ^inch-32. &-inch-24, 32. ifinch-28. i-inch-20, 24, 32. &-inch-20, 24, 32. Bottom taps extra for &-inch 40, &-lnch 38, A -inch 32, if -inch 28. Die tap, and extra bottoming tap, left hand thread. ^ -inch 40, &- inch 38, &-inch 32, H-inch 28. 2 taps and dies, each as follows (in assortment case of No. 7) : fk-inch 20, 24. &-ineh 20, 24, 18. f-inch 20, 24. 4-inch 20, 24. f-inch 20. 1 each bottoming taps extra. 2 plates, screw, sets, No. 5$, with bottoming taps extra. 12 reamers, pipe tap, Briggs Standard, 2 each: J, i, f. , f. and 1 inch. 2 time savers, Starrett, No. 185. 2 tongs, straight lip, 16 inch. 2 tongs, curved lip, 16-inch. 12 tools, boring, automatic, Mr. Punch. 2 tools, grinding, Diamond, about $15 size. 2 tools, knurling, with extra set of knurls, &-inch by 1^-inches, re- volving head. 2 tools, lathe, hand forged, sets, each set 1 to 23 inclusive, f-inch by IHnches, carbon tool steel, figures 2682-A, and 2682-B. Manning, Maxwell & Moore catalogue. 2 tool sets, Armstrong, 10 tools each, with self-hardening cutters, with extra cutters for United States Standard thread, No. 50 holders (sets to include the V thread cutter), with by inch tool holders. 1 torch, blow, cutting, Presto. 2 torches, hand, for brazing, Presto. o 1: UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOE AVIATION SECTION. 13 14 torches, soldering, Clayton & Lambert, 1-quart capacity. 12 vises, hand. 32 vises, Prentiss, No. 807. 2 vises, Frestiss, No. 19. 2 vises, Prentiss, No. 19*. 2 vises, quick action, drill. Armstrong, No. 2-V. 2 welding equipment, Prestolite, complete. 2 wheels, grinding, 9 by i by * inch, 'style A, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 6 by 1 by 5 inch, style A, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 6 by by | inch, style A, 40-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 6 by i by i inch, style A, 60-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 6 by f by inch, style A, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 6 by f by i inch, style A, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 6 by f by % inch, style A, 40-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 6 by f by % inch, style A, 60-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by f by * inch, style C, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 44 by f by * inch, style C, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by f by \ inch, style C, 40-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by | by J inch, style C, 60-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by f by * inch, style D, 40 M. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by f by \ inch, style D, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 4| by f by \ inch, style D, 40-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 4$ by f by $ inch, style D, 60-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 4| by by inch, style H, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by by \ inch, style H, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by f by \ inch, style H, 40-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 4* by by | inch, style H, 60-K. 2 wheels, grinding, 1* by f by inch, style A, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 1 by by inch, style A, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, ij by | by f inch, style C, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 1* by f by f inch, style C, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 1* by f by f inch, style D, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 1* by f by f inch, style D, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 1* by f by f inch, style H, 40-M. '1 wheels, grinding, 1$ by f by | inch, style H, 60-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 8 by f by f inch, style A, 20-O. 2 wheels, grinding, 8 by f by f inch, style A, 30-P. 2 wheels, grinding, 8 by f by f inch, style A, 36-Q. 2 wheels, grinding, 8 by f by f inch, style A, 40-M. 2 wheels, grinding, 8 by f by f inch, style A, 60-M. 1 wheel, polishing, solid canvas, 6 inches by 1 inch. 1 wheel, polishing, solid canvas, 6 by 2 inches. 2 wrenches, Baxter S, 6-inch. 2 wrenches, Goes all-steel, 6-inch. 2 wrenches, Goes all-steel, 8-inch. 2 wrenches, Goes all-steel, 12-inch. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 671-D. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22|-degree, single-head socket, No. 671-E. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 672-D. 4 w T renches v Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 672-E. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22i-degree, single-head socket, No. 673-D. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 673-E. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 674-D. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 674-E. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22|-degree, single-head socket, No. 675-D. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 675-E. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree, single-head socket, No. 676-D. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, single-head socket, with pin handle fin- ished, No. 962-D. 14 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, single-head socket, with pin handle, fin- ished, No. 962-H. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, single-head socket, with pin handle, fin- ished, No. 964-A. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, single-head socket, with pin handle, fin- ished, No. 967-A. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, single-head socket, with pin handle, fin- ished, No. 967-D. 4 wrenches, Armstrong, single-head socket, with pin handle, fin- ished, No. 969-A. 2 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree angle, double head for hexag- onal cap screws, finished, No. 671-D. 2 wrenches, Armstrong. 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- onal cap screws, finished, No. 671-E. 2 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- onal cap screws, finished, No. 672-E. 2 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- onal cap screws, finished, No. 673-D. 2 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- , onal cap screw r s, finished, No. 673-E. 2 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- only cap screws, finished, No. 674-D. 2 wrenches, Armstrong. 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- onal cap screws, finished, No. 674-E. 2 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- onal cap screws, finished, No. 675-E. 2 wrenches, Armstrong, 22^-degree angle, double head, for hexag- onal cap screws, finished, No. 676-D. 24 wrenches, Crescent, 4-inch. 26 wrenches, Crescent, 6-inch. 16 wrenches, Crescent, 8-inch. 12 wrenches, Crescent. 10-inch. 2 wrenches, monkey, 12-inch. 24 wrenches, monkey, Billings & Spencer, No. A, nickel-plated. 24 wrenches, monkey. Billings & Spencer, No. E. nickel-plated. 12 wrenches, open-end, No. 25. 12 wrenches, open-end. No. 28. 12 wrenches, open-end, No. 731-A. 12 wrenches, open-end. Billings & Spencer, No. 499. 112 wrenches, open-end, Billings & Spencer, No. 1104. 12 wrenches, open-end, Billings & Spencer, No. 1109. 12 wrenches, open-end, Billings & Spencer, No. 1125. 2 wrenches, pipe, Stillson, 10-inch, solid handle. 2 wrenches, patent ratchet, Starrett, No. 443-A, sets. 12 wrenches, Sterling, No. 5. 12 wrenches, Sterling, No. 1. 2 wrenches, tap T, 4-inch. 2 wrenches, tap T, 51-inch. MACHINERY. 2 lathes, 9 or 11 inch, screw-cutting engine, 5 or 6 foot bed, complete with attachments, with bench legs and without countershaft, 1- horsepower, 110-volt motor, direct current (/notor to be mounted under lathe by the Signal Corps), with rheostat belts, etc; motor, rheostat, and starting switch to be furnished by the manufacturer, together with the following equipment for each lathe : 1 center, half. 4 centers, point. 1 center, spur. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 15 1 center, square. 1 chuck, combination, scroll, Westcott, spur geared, lOJ-mch, four-jawed. 1 chuck, combination, scroll, Westcott, spur geared, lOJ-inch, three-jawed. 1 chuck, drill, to i inch, Jacobs. 1 chuck attachment, draw-in. 13 collets for draw-in chuck attachment. 1 each of the follow- ing sizes : $, 0.15, 0.20, ft, &, i, A, ft, f, ft, i, f , ft inch. 1 gears, change, set. 1 gears, metric, transferring, with index, set. 1 milling attachment, complete, with draw-in chuck, |-inch arbors, and collars. 1 pad, drill. 1 plate, face, large. 1 plate, face, small. 1 post, tool, with rings and gibs. 1 rest, follow. 1 rest, steady. 1 taper attachment. 2 drills, hand, portable, electric, Little Giant, for 110-volts direct current, fitted with chuck to take up to J-inch S. S. drills. 2 drills, bench, Hisey-Wolf, electric, sensitive, type X, 110- volts, direct current, fitted with No. 2 Morse taper. (It is understood that regular drill as supplied with No. 1 Morse taper, but for Signal Corps work is absolutely necessary that the No. 2 Morse taper be furnished, with V cup and point centers. To be furnished with 4 extra sets of brushes for motor. 2 chucks drill, Jacobs, to H inch, to be fitted to drill by the manufacturer, chuck to have No. 2 Morse taper shanks. 2 grinders, tool post, Hisey-Wolf, type 2-A. S. D., 110-volts, direct- current motor, | horsepower, with two extra sets of brushes for motors and extra fuses for attachment plug. 2 grinders, pedestal, Hisey-Wolf, type F, ^-horsepower motor, 110- volts, direct current, fitted with a twist-drill grinder to grind drills from $ to 2 inches ; 2 mandrels for internal grinding. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND INSTRUMENTS FOR THE WIRING OF PORTABLE MACHINE SHOPS. 300 cable, stage, No. 14, feet. (Page 1024, No. 660130, 1915 Western Electric catalogue.) 300 conductor, duples, stranded, No. 10, feet. (Page 1011, No. 660130, 1915 Western Electric catalogue.) 30 fuses, end, N. E. C., 10 amperes. 20 fuses, end, N. E. C., 20 amperes. 20 fuses, end, N. E. C., 30 amperes. S guards, lamp, water-tight, portable, No. 432 (list 105380, bulletin No. 9745, page 15. 1913 Western Electric catalogue). 2 instruments, Weston, duples, model No. 39 (page 115, list No. 320470, 1915 Western Electric catalogue) ; range for amperes, scale 60 amperes ; range for volts, scale 150 volts. 20 lamps, incandescent, 110 volts, 16 candlepower, carbon filament. 8 reflectors, gangway, guarded, water-tight, No. 451, complete with lamp sockets, globes, etc. (list No. 116341, Bulletin No. 9690, page 103, 1913 Western Electric catalogue). 16 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 10 switches and receptacles, No. 478, with 4 extra pings (list No. 111010, page 31, bulletin No. 9750, 1913 Western Electric cata- logue). 4 switches, double pole, single throw, on slate base, front connected, 250 volts, 30 amperes, fused (No. 540123, page 705, 1915 Western Electric catalogue. VULCANIZERS AND VULCANIZING MATERIAL. 2 bags, air, vulcanizing, sets. 10 fabric, friction, Michelin, pounds. 5 gum, semicured, Michelin, pounds. 5 gum, thread, Michelin, pounds. 5 gum, tube, Michelin, pounds. 2 lasts, tire, Miller's. 1 tool, vulcanizing, Miller's, set. 2 vulcanizers, Miller's, to take up to 6 inches, inclusive. MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE AND INSTRUMENTS, INCLUDING FIELD GLASSES, BAROGRAPHS, WATCHES, ETC. 36 bags, water, desert, 5-gallon capacity. 10 baragraphs, pocket, Richards, 20,000 feet. 6 barometers, aneroid, 12,000 feet. 25 belting, leather, single ply, l|-inch, feet. 25 belting, leather, single ply, 1^-inch, feet. 3 bottles, glass, with glass stoppers, 1-gallon capacity. 40 boxes, tool, steel, No. B-2810, Equipment Co. catalogue No. 7. 50 brushes, camel hair, flat, 2^-inch. 25 brushes, camel hair, flat, 3-inch. 2 brushes, stencil. 48 cans, galvanized-iron, 2-gallon capacity, with screw top and screw spout. 24 cans, galvanized-iron, 5-gallon capacity, with screw top and screw spout. 36 cans, squirt, copper, -pint capacity. 200 checks, brass for wire. 2,000 cartridges, Very, assorted colors. 24 compasses, pocket, small. 4 desks, field, Signal Corps. 2 dusters, bench. 50 extinguishers, fire, Pyrene, with holders. 50 faucets, brass, f-inch pipe tap. 25 flashlights, electric. 36 funnels, copper, Dover, flat, No. 27. 12 funnels, copper, Dover, No. 40. 12 glasses, field, type EE, with cases and straps. 24 gloves, rubber, assorted sizes, pairs. 6 holders, barometer with straps. 12 kits, inspector's, pocket. 12 kits, toll, steel, Kennedy. 25 lanterns, Dietz, railroad type. 18 measures, copper, 1-quart capacity. 12 measures, copper, 1-gallon capacity. 18 motometers, Boyce Standard, large size. 12 oilers, copper, straight spout, i-pint capacity. 26 oilers, copper, straight spout, 1-pint capacity. 25 padlocks, Yale, 12-inch. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOE AVIATION SECTION. 17 12 pistols, Very. 2 spotlights, No. 2, S. & M. Lamp Co., Los Angeles, Cal. 1 stencil, brass, 2-inch letters and numbers, set. 25 tanks, Presto, type " B." 2 tanks, welding, Presto, style " WN." 2 tanks, welding, oxygen, Superior, large size. OFFICE SUPPLIES. 1 cabinet, filing, to consist of 1 two-drawer correspondence unit, No. 9010. 1 two-drawer correspondence unit, No. 90102. 1 top unit. 1 base unit. 1 two-tray cabinet, 3 by 5 inch cards. 1,000 cards, white, 3 by 5 inches. 300 folders, correspondence size, manila. Above filing cabinet to be ordered from the Library Bureau, Houston, Tex.v It is suggested that the department aviation officer, Southern Department, be requested to fur- nish a copy of the last order placed with the Library Bureau for a filing cabinet for use of the third and fourth squadron. This is the most satisfactory cabinet for use of a squadron. 5 typewriters, 10-inch carriage. 2 typewriters, 14-inch carriage. 12 typewriters, portable (Corona). MAGNETO TOOLS FOR BOSCH MAGNETOS. 1 die, 2 mm., No. 159. 1 die, 2.6 mm., No. 163. 1 die, 3 mm., No. 165. 1 die, 3.5 mm., No. 167. 1 die, 4 mm., No. 169. 1 die, 4.5 mm., No. 171. 1 die, 5 mm., No. 173. 1 die, 5.5 mm., No. 175. 1 die, 6.55 mm., No. 177. 1 die, A, No. 179. 1 die, A, No. 181. 1 die, f, No. 183. 1 extractor, ring, No. 60. 1 extractor, ring, No. 61. 1 extractor, ring, No. 62. 1 extractor, ring, No. 63. 1 file, slot, No. 140. 1 file, slot, No. 141. 1 file, slot. No. 142. 1 fixture, No. 82. 1 fixture, No. 83. 1 frame, puller bearing ring, No. 68. 4 gaps, spark, double, sets. 1 plug, taper, No. 61b. 1 plug, taper, No. 90. 1 protector, disk, No. 92. 1 protector, disk, No. 93. 1 protector, disk, No. 94. 1 protector, disk, No. 95. 312417 3 1 protector, disk, No. 96. 1 protector, thread, No. 99. 1 protector, thread, No. 100. 1 punch, gear, No. 89. 1 punch, ring, No. 85. 1 punch, ring, No. 86. 1 punch ring, No. 87. 1 punch, ring, No. 88. 1 reamer, No. 109. 1 reamer, No. 110. 1 reamer, expansion, size 15, No. 123. 1 reamer, expansion, size 17, No. 125. 1 reamer, taper, No. 3-No. 113. 1 reamer, taper, No. 4-No. 114. 1 reamer, taper, No. 5-No. 115. 1 ring, cone, No. 71. 1 ring, cone, No. 72. 1 ring, cone, No. 73. 1 ring, cone, No. 74. 1 ring, cone, No. 75. 1 ring, cone, No. 76. 1 ring, cone, No. 77. 1 ring, cone, No. 78. 1 screwdriver, slotted, No. 47. 1 slot, Miller, No. 1-No. 143. 1 slot, Miller, No. 3-No. 144. 1 slot, Miller, No. 5-No. 145. 1 spanner, No. 40. 18 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION, 1 spanner, No. 106. 1 stand, armature, test. 1 taps, set, 2 mm., No. 158. 1 taps, set, 2.6 mm., No. 162. 1 taps, set, 2 mm., No. 164. 1 taps, set, 3.5 mm., No. 166. 1 taps, set, 4 mm., No. 168. 1 taps, set, 4.5 mm., No. 170. 1 taps, set, 5 mm., No. 172. 1 taps, set, 5.5 mm., No. 174. 1 taps, set, 6.55 mm., No. 176. 1 taps, set, A, No. 178. 1 taps, set, ik, No. 180. 1 taps, set, , No. 182. 1 tap, plug, 19.6 mm., No. 184. 1 wrench, spanner, No. 102. 1 wrench, spanner, No. 104. 1 wrench, socket, No. 12. 1 wrench, socket, No. 19. 1 wrench, socket, No. 20. 1 wrench, socket, No. 21. 1 wrench, socket, No. 22. 1 wrench, socket, No. 23. 1 wrench, socket, No. 30. 1 wrench, socket, No. 31. 1 wrench, socket, No. 34. 1 wrench, socket, No. 50. 1 wrench, No. 151. 1 wrench, No. 152. 1 wrench, No. 153. 1 wrench, No. 154. 1 wrench, No. 155. 1 wrench, No. 158. 1 wrench. No. 157. 1 wrench, socket, No. 11. HANGARS, CANVAS, AND MAINTENANCE PARTS. 12 hangars, canvas, aeroplane, to be according to latest specifica- tions. 24 blocks, double, 4-inch, wooden. 24 blocks, single, 4-inch, wooden. 200 stakes, 3-foot, as furnished with the hangars. TRANSPORTATION. AUTOMOBILES. 1 automobile, Cadillac, latest model, with the following maintenance parts : 2 bands, brake. 2 bearings, connecting rod, No. FF321. 2 brushes, motor, FF1107. 1 bumper, front. 1 bumper, rear. 4 chains, weed. 3 clips, water connection, FF576. 6 clips, water connection, FF579. 2 connections, water, FF577. 2 connections, water, FF576. 2 connections, water FF575. 2. covers, tire. 1 pan, oil. 2 pins, wrist, FF317. 2 pistons, FF308. 8 plugs, spark, Splitdorf. f-18, A.L.A.M. 6 rings, piston, FF309. 3 rings, piston, FF310. 1 spot light, 5-inch. 2 springs, front, FF2807. 1 spring, left, rear. 1 spring, right, FF2813. 2 springs, valve, FF281. 8 tires, 37 by 5. 8 tubes, inner, 37 by 5. 2 valves, FF279. 2 valves, FF280. 2 wheels, extra. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 19 MOTOR TRUCKS. 25 motor trucks and spare parts (type not known). Specifications for motor trucks should include the following articles : 1 bucket, galvanized-iron, 14-quart capacity. 1 can, galvanized-iron, 2-g,allon capacity, for oil. 1 can, galvanized-iron, 5-gallon capacity, for gasoline. 1 chain, tow, 25 feet long, f by 1 inch. 1 cover, truck. 1 extinguisher, fire, Pyrene, with bracket. 1 funnel, copper. MOTOR CYCLES AND SPARE PARTS. 6 motor cycles, Indian, model N-1917, Harley-Davidson, model J, 1917 J, electrically equipped, complete with side cars. Maintenance parts, 6 months' allowance, for total number of machines: Part No. Description. 4 1 4 50 4 2 4 4 8 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 4 2 4 1 2 8 4 50 4 50 50 4 8 25 4 4 4 8 N4 Flywheel thrust washer N8X Pitman rods, complete N20 Pitman rods, upper bushings N32 Pitman rods, roller bearing roller N36 Pitman rods, roller bearing roller retainer N40 Crankshaft N44 Crank shaft nut N48 Crank shaft nut lock washer N52 Crank shaft nut lock screw N56 Driving shaft N60 Driving shaft flywheel key N64 Driving shaft oil deflector collar N76 Driving shaft sprocket N80 Driving shaft sprocket key N98 Pinion shaft pinion N102 Pinion shaft pinion key N106. Pinion shaft pinion screw N166 Motor base gear case cover gasket. N170 Motor base gear case cover screw N186 Motor base left half center bushing N198 Motor base top center bolt N202 Motor base top center bolt nut N218 1 Motor base from anchor plate bolt, -j^-inc N210 Motor base front anchor plate bolt, nut N222 Motor base and kick starter bracket bolt, -&-inch N214 Motor base and kick starter bracket bolt lock washer. . N234 Motor base short bolt nut N238 Motor base and frame lug bolt, iVinch N242 Motor base and frame lug bolt nut N246 Motor base and frame lug bolt lock washer N250 1 Motor base and frame lug bolt, rear N262 | Motor base oil drain screw N270 1 Motor base oil gauge glass N278 ' Motor base oil gauge glass cork washer N282 | Motor base oil gauge glass paper washer N286 i Motor base oil gauge glass ring nut 20 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. Part No. N290X N322 N326 N330....... N370X N374X N378 N382 N386 N398X N402X N406 N418 N422 N424 N428 N432 N450 '. N454 N458 N462 N466 N474 N478 N482...;... N486 N498 N502 N506 N510 N518 N522 N534 N538 N582 N546 N550 N554 N558 N566X N570X N582 N616 N630X N638 N700 N720 N732 , N800X N808 N812 N820 N824 , N616 N836 N1000X.. Description. Motor base air relief tube, complete Compression release valve and gear Intermediate gear Intermediate gear bushing Cylinder, front Cylinder, rear Cylinder stud Cylinder stud nut Cylinder seat gasket Cylinder exhaust tube, rear Cylinder exhaust tube, front Cylinder exhaust tube union nut Cylinder valve hole plug gasket Pistons Piston rings Piston crosshead pins Piston crosshead pins, dowel Intake valve f Exhaust valve Intake and exhaust valve spring Intake and exhaust valve spring collar Intake and exhaust valve spring collar key. Dust cover sleeve, upper Dust cover sleeve, lower Intake and exhaust cam Intake and exhaust cam shaft Intake valve guide Intake push rod Intake push rod adjusting screw Intake push rod adjusting screw lock nut... Intake valve lift, front Intake valve lift, rear Intake valve lift lever, front Intake valve lift lever, rear Intake valve lift lever stud Intake valve lift lever stud bushing Intake valve lift lever stud cover bushing.. Exhaust valve guide Exhaust valve push rod Exhaust valve lift, front Exhaust valve lift, rear Exhaust valve relief pinion shaft Exhaust valve relief cam Spark plug, complete Spark plug cable clip Muffler, complete Muffler shell Muffler rear head clip screw Speed and throttle control lever Speed and throttle control shaft Speed and throttle control lever screw Speed and throttle control upper clevis Speed and throttle control upper screw Small cotter pins Speed control rod lower clevis Carburetor, complete UNIT EaUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 21 Part No. Description . it N1072 Needle valve lift lever 2 N1112 Cam complete.. . i N1116 Low speed lock screw .... i N1168 Friction spring i N1124X1 Air valve, complete i N1196 Manifold clamping screw 3 N1208 Manifold tubes 2 N1212 Manifold tubes nuts ?, N1250X Gasoline injector 1 N1304X Primer cup, complete 4 N1350X Handlebar, complete . . . N1354X Handlebar top only N1370 Handlebar clamp, upper N1374 Handlebar clamp, lower N1378 . Handlebar clamp screw N1386 Handlebar clamp screw rear 4 N1392 Handlebar grips 4 N1428X Handlebar grips control flexible shaft 2 N1436 Handlebar universal connection 2 N1440 Handlebar universal connection rivet . . ... 8 N1448 Flexible shaft milled connection 12 N1452 Flexible shaft milled connection rivet 12 N1456 Flexible shaft link, long 4 N1460 Flexible shaft link, short 4 N1464 Upper universal connection 4 N1468 Outer telescoping shaft 4 N1472 Inner telescoping shaft 4 N1476 Control ball 4 N1480 Control ball straight pin 90 N1500 Head upper cup 2 N1504 Head lower cup .... 2 N1508 Head adjusting cone . . 2 N1516 Head, lower, fork cone 2 N1520 Head ball 50 N1550X Fork complete 1 N1554X Fork frame 1 N1598 Fork stem plate screw 4 N1622 * Fork mainspring 2 N1626 Fork mainspring reinforcing spring 2 N1620 Fork mainspring stud 2 N1634 Fork mainspring stud oil screw 4 N1638 Fork mainspring stud oil washer 4 N1642 Fork mainspring stud nut 20 N1646 Fork mainspring stud lock ring ... . . 25 N1654 Spring plate 2 N1662 Fork spring bolt 8 N1666 Fork bell crank 2 N1674 Fork bell crank stud 4 N1678 Fork side stud washer (inside) 4 N1688 Fork side stud washer (outside) 4 N1690 Fork side stud nut 8 N1694 Lock rings 25 N1698X Connection links 4 N1704 Connection links lower fitting pin . . 4 N1708 Lock rings . 25 N1716... Connection link upper fitting stud . . 2 22 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. Part No. Description. N1728 N1750X N1812X N1832 N1856 N1860 N1864X1.... N1912 N1916....... N1920 N1924 N1952 N2220 N2288 N2292 N2302 N2314 N2318 N2322 N2326 N2330X N2342 N2346 N2350XL.... N2350XR. . . N2352X N2358X N2370 N2372 N2376 N2380 N2386 N2390 N2400X N2404 N2406 N2408 N2418 N2420 N2452XI.... N2454X N2464 N2474XI.... N2496 N2498 N2500 N2502 N2504 N2506 N2512 N2600 N2604 N2612X N2640X N2712X N2796... Connection link stud sleeve Frame Frame, rear fork crown, with sides and ends Hinge pin set screw Chain adjusting screw Chain adjusting screw washer Frame, rear springs, complete Rubber bumpers Rubber bumpers clip Rubber bumpers clip screw Rubber bumpers clip screw nut Rear spring front bolt Clutch tension spring plate lock ring screw washer. Clutch lever spring strap screw Clutch hand operating lever clevis Clutch hand operating lever clevis nut Clutch plunger adjusting screw Clutch plunger adjusting screw nut Clutch release foot lever Clutch release foot lever spring Clutch release foot lever shaft and lever Clutch release foot lever shaft nut Clutch release foot lever shaft nut washer Gas tank, left Gas tank, right Gas tank filler cap Gas tank slmt-off valve Gas tank rear clip Gas tank rear squadron screw Gas tank rear clip screw Gas tank center slip Gas tank front clip Gas tank magneto cable rear clip Gas tank and carb. tube and nuts Gas tank and carb . tube nut Gas tank and carb. tube cone Gas tank and carb. tube nut Gas tank bottom clamping screw Gas tank bottom clamping screw nut Oil tank complete. . Oil tank camp Oil tank frame ship Oil pump plunger rod complete Oil pump inlet valve spring. Oil pump inlet valve ball Oil pump outlet valve Oil pump outlet valve spring Oil pump outlet valve ball Oil pump outlet tube and nuts Oil pump outlet tube motor base elbow Automatic oiler worm Automatic oiler worm key Automatic oiler worm gear Automatic oiler driving block Automatic oiler and tank tube Automatic oiler outlet tube and nuts. . . UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 23 Part No. Description. te c?~ N2724... Automatic oiler primer screw 12 12 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 6 6 1 1 2 2 ioo> 1 4 4 100 100 1 2 1 1 20 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 6 6 6 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 3 3 8 8 4 1 4 4 N2728 Automatic oiler primer screw washer N2836X Rear mud guard N2844 Rear mud guard clip N2848 Rear mud guard clip screw N2868 Rear mud guard front brace left N2880 Rear mud guard front brace, right N2908 Rear mud guard rear brace, right N2924 Rear mud guard rear brace, left N2912 Rear mud guard rear brace screw N2928 Rear mud guard rear brace screw N2950X Front wheel complete N2950 Front wheel hub complete N2958 Front wheel hub cone complete N2970 Hub center axle N2994 Hub ball v N2000 Wheel rim N3004 Front hub lock washer . N2974 Front hub axle nuts N3012 Front hub spokes N3020 Front hub spokes nipples N3050X Rear wheel complete N4000X Brake complete. N4012 Stationery cone N4024 Hub adjusting cone N4034 Hubball N4044 Hub center axle N4060 Sprockett lock nut N4048 Hub axle nut. N4088 Clip binding screw N4092 Clip binding screw nut N4096X Bank and linin^ N4164 Inside operating shaft N4200X N4168 External brake band complete . Internal brake band lever N4280 Clevis pin N4250 Foot brake pedal N4254 Foot brake pedal pin N4258 Foot brake pedal pin cotter pin N4262. Foot brake pedal screw N4266.. .. Foot brake pedal screw nut N4270 Foot brake pedal spring N4274 Foot brake pedal clevis, right N4278 Foot brake pedal clevis nut N4282 Foot brake pedal clevis pin N4290X Brake connection rod N4294 Foot brake pedal and rod clevis left N4298 Foot brake pedal and rod clevis left nut N4320X N4324X.. N4348X N4360X N4448 Long chain . . Short chain Double links Half connecting links Rear ^uard screw N4500 Rear stand N4548 Rear stand sleeve screw N4540. . . Rear stand sprine sleeve. . 24 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. Part No. Description. >> 4 2 50 25 1 1 2 4 8 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 50 3 2 25 50 1 N4544 N4552 N4556 N4560 N4704X N4716 N4720 N4728 N4720 N4720 N4744 N4752 N4772 N4780 N4776 N4784X N4800 N4804 N4808 N4812 N4816 N4820 N4824 N4850X1.... N4874 N4878 N4882 N4886 N4889 N4958X N4966 N4970 N5010 N5022 N5026 N5030X N5042X N5046X N5176 N5088 N5216 N5232X N5292 N5296 N5302 N5338 N5342 N5354 N5500X N5538 N5540 N5558 N5634 N5622... Rear stand spring sleeve washer Rear stand spring carrier Rear stand spring carrier rivet, short Rear stand spring carrier rivet, long Kick starter and gear segment. ....". Kick starter crank foot lever. Kick starter crank foot lever screw Kick starter rubber Kick starter lever screw Kick starter rubber screw Kick starter crank spring Kick starter crank strap Kick starter stud Kick starter stud nut Kick starter stud washer Kick starter stud sleeve Kick starter stud bracket Kick starter pinion Kick starter pinion spring Kick starter pinion spring dust cap Kick starter pinion ratchet plate Kick starter pinion shaft Kick starter pinion shaft and clutch plate rivet. . . Foot board, complete with mat Foot board front bracket Foot board front bracket hinge pin Foot board front bracket hinge pin Foot board rear bracket Foot board rear bracket screw Three-speed gear case, complete Three-speed gear case anchor stud Three-speed gear case anchor stud nut Three-speed gear case cover stud nut Three-speed oil inlet screw Three-speed oil inlet screw washer Three-speed main shaft Three-speed ball-bearing, right Three-speed ball bearing, left Safety lock spring Counter shaft sprocket Plunger rod Plunger worm Hand-operating lever stud Hand-operating lever stud washer Hand -operating lever stud nut Upper operating rod clevis Upper operating rod clevis pin Upper operating rod Magneto complete Brush holder support R Brush holder support L Carbon brushes, spring Breaker bar spring Buffer spring Casings Firestone nonskid or Goodyear Blue Streak. . Tubes, inner, Goodyear but on lap end UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 25 Maintenance parts, six months' alloivance in case Harley-Davidson motorcycles are furnished. Part No. Description. FA734.. FA733.. FF8.... P29 DG355.. DG552.. BO4053. DG536.. CK688.. EA370.. FF48... EA745., DA51... FA742.. FA791.. EK30.. BK744. FA702.. DA860... CK9 DG86.... AA7 AA26 EE66 EE65 CD205... EG647.... FE7 AD700... AD701... AG6 CG5 EC1502 . . CA763.... ADI ED300H. EA742... BA43 BA750... AA749... EG551 . . . EA346A.. EK309.. DK712... DK315... EK10008. DX1037.. FA783... B0663... B0707.. . CA674.... F0751.. Arms, lifter, complete 2 Arms, roller, exhaust, complete 1 Axles, front 7 Axles, pedal 12 Axles, rear 7 Balls, countershaft, sets 2 Balls, finch 80 Bearings, pull-rod 7 Boards, foot, complete 4 Bolts, inlet-lever 6 Brakes, coaster, complete 2 Bushings, inlet- Igver '. 6 Bushings, shaft 4 Inlet housings 4 Caps, inlet push-rod 5 Caps, oil-tank 7 Carburetor, Shebler, complete 1 Crank case, complete 1 Casings, nonskid, Firestone 21 Oiler, gear, mechanical 2 Clips, adjusting, axle 14 Clutches, complete 2 Collars, inlet-valve 7 Collars, exhaust-valve 7 Cones, lower, head 2 Cones, upper, head 2 Controls, complete 10 Cranks, starter 2 Clip, left rear axle 2 Cylinder, front 1 Cylinder, rear 1 Friction disks, complete 28 Releasing disks, complete 7 Forks, front, sets, complete i 3 Gaskets, connection 14 Grips, handlebar, rubber 14 Handlebar, complete 1 Housings, inlet ! 2 Keys, exhaust-valve 12 Keys, inlet- valve : 7 Keys, shaft 6 Levers and rods, hand-operated, complete 2 Levers, inlet 4 Lines, gasoline, complete 3 Links, connecting ' 100 Links, offset 100 Generator, Remy, complete ! 1 Armature, assembled I 1 Manifold, intake, complete 1 Nuts, inlet-lever 6 Nuts, crank-shaft | 8 Nuts, cylinder, stud 8 Nuts, front axle : 14 26 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. Maintenance parts, six months' allowance in case Harley-Davidson motorcycles are furnished Continued. Part No. Description. B0693. E0695. E0723. E0687. FK273. DK445. DA736. FA741. DK780. DB75.. FK469. DG534. AA11.. DG536. DA812. FA790. DA811. CA807. BO154. DA744. CKO8. EK8.. DA711. DA709. FA710. DG24... EA170. . ECU.... EA754. . CK700. . DG384.. EG663.. FG660.. FG662.. EC6... BC5.. . FA62... ED7007. FG501.. FG500A SC63... EA752. EA755. B0354. BO315. FF807.. FF42... EE3107 , Nuts, rear axle Nuts, shaft Nuts, spare, for gas tank Nuts, kick-starter Pedals, complete Pipes, oil-drive, case Pistons Plates, clutch, complete set Plugs, cylinder Primers, assembled Pumps, oil, parts for, complete Release, foot, for clutch Retainers, clutch -sprocket Piston rings Rods, clutch, pull Rods, connecting with rollers Rods, push, inlet-valve Rollers, and retainers, sets Rollers, clutch-sprocket Screws, housing, lock Screws, inlet- valve Screws, rear-axle, adjusting, short Screws, rear-axle, adjusting, long Shafts, crank Shafts, gear Shafts, sprocket Spokes, and nipples, front Spokes, and nipples, rear Springs, clutch, tension Springs, exhaust- valve Springs, fork Springs, inlet-push-rod Sprockets, 14-tooth Sprockets, 40-tooth Starters, rubber, sleeve Starters for pedal assembly Starter-pedal rubbers Studs, rocker Studs, front fork Studs, cylinder Oil tanks, complete Transmission case Transmission, complete Goodyear, cut or lap and inner tubes. Valves, air, intake, complete Valves, exhaust Valves, inlet Washers, crank-pin lock Washers, rear axle. Wheels, front, complete Wheels, rear, complete Wheels, side-car UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOE AVIATION SECTION. 27 AEROPLANES AND SPARE PARTS. 12 aeroplanes (type not known. Spare parts will depend on type of aeroplanes furnished each squadron). MAGNETOS AND MAGNETO PARTS. Magnetos and magneto parts will depend on the type of motor furnished each squadron. MOTORS AND MOTOR PARTS. Motors and motor parts will depend on the type of motor fur- nished each squadron. PHOTOGRAPHIC INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES. 10 acid, acetic, pounds. 1 acid, hydrochloric, pound. 3 acid, pyrogallic, pounds (in l : ounce packages). 1 acid, sulphuric, pound. 1 acid, nitric, pound. 1 acid, sulphurous, pound. 1 album, photography, 10 by 12 inches, loose leaf. 5 alum, powderedfi. pounds. 4 ammonia, pounds (strong, 26 per cent). 3 ammonia, persulphate of, pounds. 4 blotters, 19 by 24 inches, dozen. 1 brush, camel's-hair, 3-inch, rubberset. 6 brushes, spotting, sable, Nos. 1 to 6, inclusive. 1 brush, paste, 2-inch. 5 bags, water, desert, 1-gallon capacity. 1 board, drawing, 20 by 20 inches. 3 cameras, automatic, artillery type. 3 cameras, automatic, reconnoissance type. 1 camera, Graflex, 3i by 5 inches, with carrying case. 1 camera, view, 6 by 8 inches, with carrying case. i copper, sulphate, pound. 1 camera, Century, lantern slide. 50 clips, wooden photo. 12 clips, Eastman, film-developing, 3^-inch. 1 cloth, focusing. 1 cotton, absorbent, pound. 200 developer, H. M., Ansco, tubes. 1 dividers, proportional, set. 120 films, for automatic aeroplane camera, rolls. 24 films, 3i by 5$ inches, 6-exposure, rolls. 10 formaldehyde, pounds. 2 frames, printing, heavy, 6 by 8^ inches. 2 frames, printing, 5 by 7 inches. 4 funnels, glass. 1 fixing, hard-rubber, box, for 6 by 8 inch plate. 2 graduates, 32-ounce. 1 graduate, minum. 4 glass bottles, brown, 64-ounce, with glass stoppers. 2 glass bottles, brown, 32-ounce, with glass stoppers. 1 graduate, 8-ounce. 12 glasses, Coner, lantern, slide, dozen. 6 holders, plate, 6 by 8 inches. 28 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 1 house, portable, for developing. 1 hydroquinon, pound. 1 instrument, drawing, Keuffel & Esser, set. 1 ice plant, smallest size. 1 ink, India, stick. 1 iron, flat, 5-pound. 1 lens, anastigmat. 6 by 8$ inches. 1 lantern slide box, Eastman, No. 2. 1 lamp, Eastman, studio, oil. 1 lamp, flash. 1 lens, 3| by 5 inches. 1 machine, enlarging, 4 by 5 inches, with 110 : volts, direct-current arc lamp, lens f. 7. 5. or f. 6. 3, anastigmat lens. | mercury, bichloride of, pound. 1 metol of rhodol, pound. 1 mortar and pestle. 1 machine, projecting, for lantern-slide work. 100 mounts, 22 by 28 inches, double weight, i nitrate of silver, pound. 1 opaque, cake. 10 paper, printing, 3 by 5 inches, gross. 150 paper, printing, 4 by 5 inches, for aeroplane camera. 10 paper, printing, 6 by 8$ inches, gross. 200 paper, cross section, 14 by 20 inches, sheets. 10 plates, 6i by 8 inches, dozen. 1 potassium, metabisulphite of, pound. 1 printer, amateur, Ansco. 1 protractor, celluloid. 1 potassium, bromide of, pound. 3 potassium, carbonate, pounds. 1 potassium, ferricyanide, pound. | potassium, iodine, pound. 12 plates, lantern slide, dozen. 1 .000 preservers, negative, 6 by 8 inches. 2,500 preservers, negative, 4 by 5 inches. 2 preservers, negative, books, 3| by 5 inches. 1 powder, flash, pound. 1 rule, slide. 1 rack, negative, 6 by 8 inches. 6 rods, glass, stirring, 12-inch. 1 roller, photo. 3 scales, boxwood (1 architect's, 1 engineer's, 1 metric). 50 soda, hyposulphite of, pounds. 1 soda, caustic, pound. 1 box, washing, for 6 by 81 inch plates. 10 soda, carbonate, pounds. 10 sodium, sulphite, pounds. * sodium sulphide, pound. 1 square, " T." 1 shears, 6-inch, pair. 1 scale, photo, Eastman, studio. 4 thermometers. 4 trays, enameled, 8 by 10 inches. 4 trays, enamel, 16 by 20 inches. 4 trays, wooden, special developing, for use with aeroplane camera. 1 triangle, drawing, 45 degrees, celluloid. 1 triangle, drawing, 30 and 60 degrees, celluloid. 1 tank, film, Kodak, SHnch. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 39 10 tape, binding, lantern slide, packages. 1 table, folding, for dark room, tent house. 2 trays, enamel, 5 by 7 inches. 1 trimmer, paper, 10-inch. 1 tripod, Crown, No. 2. 6 tissues, Kodak, dry mounting, gross. DRAWING INSTRUMENTS AND DRAWING MATERIAL. 1 board, drawing, 36 by 48 inches. 1 board, sketch, 14 by 20 inches. 1 cloth, tracing, roll. 2 curves, irregular. 6 erasers, art gum. 6 erasers, emerald. 1 instruments, drawing, set (best quality). 1 lifter, thumb tack. 1 paper, detail, roll. 2 pencils, 6-H, boxes. 2 pencils, B, boxes. 2 powder, tracing cloth, cans. 2 protractors. 1 scale, engineer; graduation, ^, f, 1^, 3 inch, flat. 1 scale, triangular, engineer; graduation, |, f, 1, 3 inch. 1 scissors, 6-inch, pair. 2 shields, erasing. 1 square, " T" wood, 18-inch. * 1 square, " T," wood, 36-inch. 2 squares, set, 30-degree. 2 squares, set, 45-degree. 2 squares, set, 60-degree. 1 stand, drawing board. 6 tacks, thumb, dozen. METALS AND METALING FOR PORTABLE MACHINE SHOP. 48 aluminum, sheet, 15 gauge, square feet. 4 brass, sheet, spring, pieces, of the following sizes: 1 by 15 feet by 0.002 inch. 1 by 15 feet by 0.004 inch. 1 by 15 feet by 0.008 inch. 1 by 15 feet by 0.012 inch. 3 brass, soft, 18 gauge, 3 by 4 feet, sheets. 7 brass, rod, round, 12 feet long, 1 each of the following sizes : 1, f . 4, f, f, |, 1 inch. 3 brass, rod, round, 4 feet long, 1 each of the following sizes : 1, li, 2 inches. 3 brass, rod, round, 3 feet long, 1 each of the following sizes : 2J. 3, 3i inches. 5 brass, rod, hexagonal, 12 feet long, 1 each of the following sizes : i, f , i, -I, 1 inch. 3 bronze, bearing, pieces, 1 piece each of the following sizes : 24 by -ft inch. 24 by 1^ inches. 24 by 2i inches. 30 UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 11 drill rod, Crescent, pieces, 1 each of the following sizes : 4 feet by & inch. 4 feet by & inch. 4 feet by i inch. 4 feet by tk inch. 4 feet by f inch. 4 feet by inch. 4 feet by & inch, 4 feet by f inch. 4 feet by }& inch. 4 feet*by f inch. 4 feet by 1 inch. 4 iron, cast, round pieces, 1 each of the following sizes : 24 by 2 inches. 24 by 2 inches. 24 by 3 inches. 24 by 3 inches. 1 iron, galvanized, sheet, 22 gauge, 3 by 6 feet. 6 steel", Bessemer, round, rods, 12 feet each of the following: g 5 2 , 3*2, ?k, &, H> A inch. 6 steel, cold-rolled, round, rods, 20 feet each, 1 each of the fol- lowing: &, J, A, f, A, inch. 9 steel, cold-rolled, round, rods, 12 feet each, 1 each of the follow- ing: A. f, f, i, 1 inch. 1A, If, li, If inches. 7 steel, cold-rolled, round, rods, 4 feet each 1 each of the following : 2, 2i, 2i, 2f, 3, A 3i, 4 inches. 9 steel, cold-rolled, hexagonal, 12 feet each, 1 each of the following : fV, i, &, I, $, I, f , 1 inch, H inches. 5 steel, cold-rolled, square, rods, 12 feet each, 1 each of the fol- lowing: -fe, T 7 ff, I, 1, 1 inch. 6 steel, cold-rolled, flat, pieces, 1 each of the following sizes : by 3^ inch. by f inch. by inch. by f inch. by 1 inch. inch by 2 inches. 12 feet by 12 feet by 12 feet by 12 feet by 12 feet by 12 feet by 7 steel, cold-rolled, flat, pieces, 1 each of the following sizes : 12 feet by by f inch. 12 feet by & by f inch. 12 feet by i by inch. 12 feet by $ by 1 inch. 12 feet by } inch by H inches. 12 feet by & inch by U inches. 12 feet by i inch by If inches. 6 steel, cold-rolled, flat, pieces, 1 each of the following sizes: 12 feet by t\ by i inch. 12 feet by & by f inch. 12 feet by & by f inch. 12 feet by A by 1 inch. 12 feet by t\ by 1 inch. 12 feet by t\ inch by 1 inches. 6 steel, cold-rolled, flat, pieces, 1 each of the following sizes: 8 feet by i by $ inch. 8 feet by i by $ inch. 8 feet by i by f inch. 8 feet by by inch. 8 feet by i by 1 inch. 8 feet by inch by 1$ inches. UNIT EQUIPMENT MANUAL FOR AVIATION SECTION. 31 3 steel, cold-rolled, flat, pieces, 1 each of the following sizes : 8 feet by ifc by inch. 8 feet by inch by 2 inches. 8 feet by f inch by 2 inches. 6 steel, cold-rolled, flat, fitting stock, pieces, 1 each of the following sizes : 8 feet by 0.025 inch by 6 inches. 8 feet by 0.030 inch by 6 inches. 8 feet by 0.050 inch by 6 inches. 8 feet by 0.070 inch by 6 inches. 8 feet by 0.128 inch by 6 inches. 8 feet by 0.134 inch by 6 inches. 3 tubing, copper, 20 gauge, B. & S., pieces, 50 feet each, 1 each of i, fV, | inch. 10 tubing, seamless, Shelby, pieces, 15 feet each, 1 each of f , $, f, f it, 1, H, 1 inch, 1&, li inches. 8 zinc, sheet, 16 to 20 gauge, pounds. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDABLE MATERIALS FOR MAINTENANCE OF AEROPLANES, MOTOR TRUCKS, AND MOTOR- CYCLES FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS. Materials and supplies for maintenance of motor trucks and aero- planes : 3 acid, hydrochloric, gallons. 1 acid, muriatic, gallon. 25 ammonia, pints (in bottles). 100 batteries, tungsten, type A (for flashlights). 5 beesewax, pounds. 3 blades, hack saw, fine, gross. 3 blades, hack saw, medium, gross. 3 blades, hack saw, coarse, gross. 48 blades, hack saw, 9-inch, No. 102, Starrett. 48 blades, hack saw, 9-inch, No. 103, Starrett. 48 blades, hack saw, 9-inch, No. 103*-B, Starrett. 25 blue, prussian, tubes. 5 bolts, stove, flat head, with nuts, by & inch, gross. 5 bolts, stove, flat head, with nuts, 1 by T 3