mam K FROM -THE -LIBRARY- OF- A. W. Ryder iDeatb's flDoDern Xanauage Series A SHORTER FRENCH COURSE BY W. H. FRASER AND J. SQTJAIR PEOFESSORS IN THE ROMANCE DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO D. C. HEATH & CO., PUBLISHERS BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO COPYRIGHT, 1913 By D. C. HEATH & Co. II. 8 . UJ: PREFACE IN preparing this book the authors have had particularly in mind the requirements of elementary classes in schools and col- leges. The amount of grammatical material in each lesson is small, and in nearly all cases the exercises are based on extracts of connected French illustrating the points of grammar under observation. These extracts cover a wide range of topics relating to every-day life. The vocabulary employed has been kept within moderate limits, and. consists of words and expressions in common use. The numerous oral exercises based on the French extracts are not intended to be exhaustive, but are designed rather to furnish suggestions for additional practice of a similar kind, to which the authors attach great importance. In most of the lessons oral or written practice is also provided in the continuation of tense-forms combined into connected phrases. Such exercises should be thor- oughly studied and committed to memory, particularly since they often furnish additional examples of constructions which illustrate grammatical points contained in the lesson. The English sentences in the exercises are provided for trans- lation into French as a final test of knowledge. It is recommended that written tests of this nature should be required only after the translation has been mastered orally. Where two or more sets of English sentences are given, the first one is regularly based directly on the French above it, the additional set or sets being of a more difficult and general character suitable for extra drill and review. For the convenience of teachers who prefer to begin with the spoken language rather than with the written language, a phonetic transcription of the French of the first ten lessons has been given at the end of the Introduction. It is hoped that the exercises in general will prove suitable for the purposes of teachers who desire to combine in their class-work iv PREFACE the advantages of the direct method with those of the grammatical method. The book is not primarily intended to serve as a reference gram- mar, but the addition of a copious index and the prominent type of the section headings will render it easy of consultation for this purpose. The authors take this opportunity of expressing their thanks to a large number of teachers for advice and criticism in the prepara- tion of the work, and in particular to Professors Saint-Elme de Champ and W. C. Ferguson, of the University of Toronto, for assistance in the revision of the manuscript and proofs. JANUARY, 1913 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION : PAGE Pronunciation, etc ix Exercises on Pronunciation xxiii Phonetic Transcription of Lessons I-X xxv LESSON I. Indefinite Article 1 II. Definite Article III. Present Indicative of avoir. Pronouns in Address . . 3 IV. Present Indicative of etre. Agreement of Pronoun . . 4 V. Present Indicative Interrogative of avoir and etre. In- terrogation. Possessive de 6 VI. Present Indicative Negative of avoir and etre. Use of a 8 VII. Present Indicative Interrogative Negative of avoir and etre. Agreement of Adjectives 10 VIII. The Possessive Adjective 12 IX. Void and voila. Some Personal Pronoun Objects . . 14 X. Present Indicative of donner. Interrogation. In- direct Object 16 XI. Conjunctive Personal Pronouns 19 XII. The General and Partitive Noun 21 XIII. Expressions of Quantity. Use of en . 23 XIV. Omission of Article and Partitive Sign. H y a .... 25 XV. Irregular Plurals. Position of Adjectives 28 XVI. Irregular Feminine Adjectives 31 XVII. Use of ce. Some Relative Pronouns 1 . . 33 XVIII. Indefinite Pronoun on. Use of y. Tout 35 XIX. Regular Conjugations. Present Indicative of don- ner, finir, vendre. Demonstrative Adjective ... 37 XX. Compound Tenses. Past Indefinite and Word-Order 40 XXI. Agreement of Past Participle. Interrogative Adjec- tive quel 42 XXII. Compound Tenses with etre 45 XXIII. Disjunctive Personal Pronouns 47 XXIV. Disjunctives (continued). Present Indicative of voir 48 v VI CONTENTS LESSON PAGB XXV. Comparatives and Superlatives 50 XXVI. Infinitive. Present Indicative of aller and pouvoir 52 XXVII. Imperfect Indicative. Present and Imperfect of faire 55 XXVIII. Position of Pronoun Objects 58 XXIX. Imperative. Position of Pronominal Objects ... 61 XXX. Future and Future Anterior 64 XXXI. Demonstrative Pronouns 66 XXXII. Possessive Pronouns. Present Indicative of vouloir 69 XXXIII. Interrogative Pronouns and Locutions 72 XXXIV. Relative Pronouns. Conjunction que 75 XXXV. Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns. Negatives . 78 XXXVI. Orthographical Peculiarities. Present Indicative of dire 82 XXXVII. Place-Names. Present Indicative of partir .... 84 XXXVIII. Conditional and Conditional Anterior 88 XXXIX. Impersonal Verbs 92 XL. Reflexive Verbs 94 XLI. Passive Voice 97 XLII. Reflexive Compound Tenses 99 XLIII. Cardinal Numerals. Money, Weights, Measures . 102 XLIV. Ordinals. Fractions. Numeral Adverbs. Col- lectives. Year Dates. Numerical Titles. Dimensions 106 XLV. Days. Dates. Age. Holidays 109 XLVI. Time of Day 113 XL VII. Present and Perfect Participle. Forms in -ing . . 115 XL VIII. Present Subjunctive. In Noun Clauses. Tense Sequence 118 XLIX. Subjunctive. In Adjectival and Adverbial Clauses and in Principal Sentence . . 122 I* Past Definite. Pluperfect. Past Anterior ... 125 LI. Imperfect Subjunctive. Tense Sequence .... 128 LII. Irregular Verbs. Principal Parts 131 LIII. Verb and Subject. Agreement and Position ... 134 LIV. Principal Parts: pouvoir, vouloir, voir 136 LV. Auxiliary Function 137 LVI. Principal Parts: aller, devoir, venir 139 LVII. Use of devoir, aller, venir 140 LVIII. Principal Parts: dire, faire, mettre, prendre .... 143 LIX. Causative Use of faire 144 CONTENTS Vll LESSON PAGE LX. Principal Parts: envoyer, recevok, mouvoir, mourir 146 LXI. Additional Verb-Phrases 147 LXII. Principal Parts: croire, lire 149 LXIII. Infinitive for Noun Clause . 150 LXIV. Principal Parts: boire, coudre, moudre, resoudre . 152 LXV. Use of Infinitive 153 LXVI. Principal Parts: battre, dormir, servir, nettoyer . 155 LXVII. Government of Verbs 156 LXVIII. Principal Parts: partir, sentir, suivre 159 LXIX. Use of c'est and il est 160 LXX. Principal Parts : traduire, construire 163 LXXI. Impersonal Verbs 164 LXXII. Principal Parts: cuke, courir, valoir 166 LXXIII. Use of Tenses and Moods 167 LXXIV. Principal Parts: asseoir, suffire 170 LXXV. Remarks on Subjunctive 171 LXXVI. Principal Parts: offrir, souffrir 174 LXX VII. Infinitive or Subjunctive 175 LXXVIII. Agreement of Past Participle 177 LXXIX. Principal Parts: ecrire, vivre 179 LXXX. Partitives. Article with Titles. Apposition . 180 LXXXI. Principal Parts: plaire, rire 183 LXXXII. Omission of Article. Article for Possessive . . . 184 LXXXIII. Principal Parts of tenir 187 LXXXI V. Adjective Forms and Agreement. Comparatives 188 LXXXV. Principal Parts: cueillir, ouvrir, tressaillir .... 191 LXXX VI. Personal, Possessive and Relative Pronouns ... 192 LXXXVII. Principal Parts: craindre, joindre, peindre .... 195 LXXXVIII. Pronoun on. Whoever, Whatever 196 LXXXIX. Adverbs from Adjectives. Adverbial Distinctions 199 XC. Negation 203 XCI. Use of a, de, en, sur. Prepositional Distinctions 207 XCII. Conjunctions 210 MATERIAL FOR CONVERSATION 215 REVIEW EXERCISES 218 APPENDIX 233 VOCABULARIES : French-English 263 English-French 287 INDEX . 313 INTRODUCTION A. The Alphabet The letters of the alphabet, with their French names, are as follows : a a h ache o o v ve b be \ i p pe w double ve c ce j ji q ku x iks d de k fca r er y i grec e e 1 eZ s ess z zed f ef m em t te g ge n en u u In addition to the letters, the following orthographic signs are em- ployed : 1. The acute accent (accent aigu), as in ete. 2. The grave accent (accent grave), as in voila, pere, oft. 3. The circumflex accent (accent circonflexe), as in ame, tete, ile, cote, fut. NOTE. None of these marks serve to denote stress. 4. The cedilla (cedille), used under c to give it the sound of s before a, o or u, as in avancais, lecon, re$u. 5. The diaeresis (trema), to show that the vowel bearing it is to be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel, as in Noel. NOTES. 1. Words are commonly spelled orally by naming the letters as above, together with the other orthographic signs, if any, e.g. bonte = be-o-en-te-e accent aigu; when, however, e has no accent mark, it is often named by the sound which it has in me, le, etc. (cf. H, below), e.g. mer= em-e-er. 2. According to a newer method of spelling, employed by some, the letters are named thus: a, be, ce, de, e, fe, gheu, heu, i, je, ke, le, me, ne, o, pe, ke, re, se, te, u, ve, double ve, kse, i, ze. 3. The names of the letters are all masculine, according to some, while others make the names of f, h, 1, m, n, r, s, feminine, thus: un f or une f. B. Pronunciation and Spelling The pronunciation will be explained, as far as possible, by comparison with English sounds, but it must never be forgotten that the sounds of any two languages rarely correspond ex- X INTRODUCTION actly. Moreover, the spelling of French, like that of English, is irregular and inconsistent; hence, to avoid confusion, a phonetic alphabet will be employed, in which each sound is represented by but one symbol, and each symbol represents but one sound. C. Phonetic Alphabet [The examples are in ordinary spelling; the heavy type indicates the letters which correspond to the sounds of the symbols, and the phonetic transcription is given with- in brackets, as will be done wherever used throughout the book. The alphabet em- ployed is that of the Association Phonetique Internationale.] SYMBOLS EXAMPLES SYMBOLS EXAMPLES i (sign of length) ji agneau, digne [ajio, diji] a patte, part [pat, pair] o beau, ndtre [bo, noitr] a pas, passe [pa, pars] o note, fort [not, foir] a tant, tante [ta, tait] 5 bon, oncle [bo, oikl] b beau, robe [bo, rob] oe neuf, neuve [noef, noeiv] d dame, fade [dam, fad] ce un, humble [63) ceibl] e ete [ete] peu, creuse [p0, kroiz] 8 pres, pere [pre, pe:r] p pas, attrape [pa, atrap] e pin, mince [pe, meis] r drap, rare [dra, ra:r] a le [b] s si, pense [si, pais] f fort, neuf [fo:r, noef] $ chou, vache [$u, va$] g gant, longue [ga, lo:g] t ta, patte [ta, pat] h aha! [a(h)a] u tout, tour [tu, iuir] i ici, vive [isi, vi:v] y tu, mur [ty, my:r] j hier, soleil [jeir, soleij] q huile [in'l] k car, roc [kar, rok] v va, cave [va, kaiv] 1 la, cale [la, kal] w oui [wi] m mot, dame [mo, dam] z zone, rose [zo:n, roiz] n ni, une [ni, yn] 3 Je, r uge [3, 101:3] NOTE. Before studying the pronunciation in detail, there are three important matters affecting it to be considered, namely, (1) syllabication, (2) stress, (3) vowel quantity. D. Syllabication When consonants come between vowels in French the fol- lowing rules are to be observed: 1. A single consonant sound goes with the following vowel sound to form a syllable: a-mi, fi-nir, a-gneau, ta-cher. INTRODUCTION xi 2. So also combinations of consonants which may be pronounced together, of which the last consonant is 1 or r (but not rl, Ir) : e-clai-rer, ou-vrir, pre-scrit. 3. Other combinations of consonants are divided: par-ler, mon-trer, per-du, fac-teur, mer-cre-di. 4. Final e (usually silent in prose) is regarded as forming a syllable: dou-z(e), bra-v(e), fi-n(e), u-n(e). 5. Doubled letters have regularly only a single sound, but are di- vided where necessary in writing: pa(s)-ser. 6. The prefix ex- is divided in speaking, but not in writing: ex-a- men ( = eg-za-men). NOTE. Observe from the above that French syllables end in vowel sounds wherever possible, and hence that the consonantal ending of syllables, so frequent in English, must be carefully avoided. Compare in this respect ci-te, ta-bleau with *cit-y,' 'tab-leau.' E. Stress In French the syllables of words are uttered with almost equal force, a very slight additional force (" stress' 7 ) being given to the last syllable, or to the last but one, in case the word ends in e, thus: che-val, par-ler, par-Ions, fa-ta-li-te, per- dre, ta-ble. NOTE. Remember that accent marks have nothing to do with stress. F. Vowel Quantity By vowel quantity is meant the length of time consumed in uttering a vowel sound. The following are the principal gen- eral rules : 1. Final vowel sounds (including nasals) are short: fini, vie, parler, tableau, donner, tant, sapin. 2. All stressed vowels are long before the stninds [v], [z], [3], [j], [r final]: cave [kaiv], amuse [amyiz], rouge [mis'], feuille [fceij], faire [feir], livre [liivr]. 3. Of stressed vowels standing before other consonant sounds, nasals are long: grande [graid], prince [preis]; [o] and [0] are long: faute [foit], meute [m0it]; [a] long (almost always): passe [pa:s]; [e] long or short: reine [rein], vienne [vjen]; other vowels regularly short. NOTE. It is also possible to distinguish between "long" and "half-long" vowels in unstressed syllables, but for simplicity only long vowels will be indicated in the transcription. xii INTRODUCTION G. Pronunciation of Vowel Sounds In pronouncing French vowel sounds the following general rules should be carefully observed: 1. Never drawl a vowel sound or allow it to become a diph- thong, as often happens in English; French vowels are uniform throughout their utterance, the position of the organs of speech remaining unchanged during the whole continuance of the sound. 2. Never slur over or clip out vowel sounds (except e in certain cases, see below), but give each its full value. 3. Lip rounding (as observed in 'who/ 'no/ 'law') and lip retraction, that is, drawing the corners of the mouth back> ward as in smiling (to be observed in 'let/ 'hat') are much more definite and energetic than in English. NOTE. Some vowel sounds are denoted by a single letter; others are denoted by two or more letters; see below. H. Single Letters denoting Vowel Sounds a usually like a in 'pat/ but with wider mouth opening and def- inite lip retraction; the point of the tongue is against the lower teeth Symbol [a] : patte [pat], part [pair], chat [$a], malade [malad], papa [papa], mal [mal]. a always as above: la [la], voila [vwala]. a usually like a in 'ah!' 'father/ but with the mouth well open, the lips neither rounded nor retracted, and the tongue not touching the lower teeth Symbol [a]: pate [pait], batir [batiir], baton [bat 5]. EXCEPTIONS: 1. a before final s, usually before medial s, and also in some rarer combinations (but with varying usage) = [a]: pas [pa], passer [pase], gagner [gajie], nation [nasjo], oc- casion [okazjo], bataille [bataij]. 2. a in verb-endings = [a] ; nous donnames [donam], vous donnates [donat]. e almost always like a in 'patience/ but with definite lip retrac- tion Symbol [e]: ete [ete], alle [ale], ne [ne], deregle [deregle]. e, I always like e in 'let/ but with the mouth wider open and the lips definitely retracted Symbol [e]: pres [pre], pret [pre], pere [peir], espece [espes], fete [feit], meme [meim], etes [eit]. e (1) like e in 'the boy/ but with slight lip rounding Symbol [a]. It is so pronounced in monosyllables and in any syllable INTRODUCTION xiii not final before a single consonant sound (but see note, be- low): me [ma], le [la], que [ko], cheval [$aval], tenir [tani:r], tu seras [sara], ceci [sasi], mercredi [merkradi], appartement [apartama]. This letter is commonly called e mute (e muet). (2) but in the endings -er, -ez (r, z silent), in words like les, mes, etc., in et and a few other words, e = [e]: donner [done], fevrier {fevrje], avez [ave], chez [$e], les [le], ses [se], et [e], pied [pje], clef [kle], etc. (3) it regularly has the sound of [e] (cf. e, above), before a doubled consonant, or before two or more consonant sounds: cesser [sese], perdre [perdr], esperer [espere] ; also before a final consonant sound, and before silent final t: avec [avek], cet [set], fier [fjeir], jouet [swe] (but not in et); also before il, ill: soleil [soleij], abeille [abeij]; further, in tu es [e], il est [e]. EXCEPTIONS: Observe descendre [desaidr], femme [fam], and adverbs in -emment, e.g., prudemment [prydama]. Words in eff-, ex- (before vowel), dess- may be pronounced either with [e] or [e] : effet [efe or efe], example [egzaipl or egzaipl], dessert [deseir or deseir], but observe dessus [dasy], dessous [dasu] and words like ressembler [rasable]. Silent e: The letter e is silent in prose (1) at the end of words: rue [ry], donnee [done], place [plas], ai-je [ei 3], table [tabl], vendre [va:dr]; (2) within words after a vowel sound: gaiete [gete], remercierons [ramersiro]; (3) in the verb-endings -es, -ent: tu donnes [don], ils donnent [don], ils donnaient [done]. NOTE. In ordinary speech the [a] sound is usually slighted or wholly omitted in most cases where consonantal combinations resulting therefrom can be readily pronounced, e.g. mad(e)moisell(e), ach(e)ter, maint(e)nant, am(e)ner; but mercredi, apercevant, lentement, etc. i, i like i in 'machine/ with energetic lip retraction (never like i in 'city') Symbol [i]: ici [isi], vive [viiv], vie [vi], il [il], ile [il], famille [famiij]. EXCEPTION: For i = [j], see Semi- Vowels, below. o usually like o in 'not/ but with definite lip rounding Symbol [o]: note [not], dot [dot], fort [fo:r], robe [rob], ecole [ekol], votre [votr], etoffe [etof], orner [orne]. 6 regularly like o in 'ocean/ but with much tenser lip rounding and protrusion, as for whistling Symbol [o]: cote [kote], vdtre [voitr], bientdt [bjeto]. EXCEPTIONS: 1. o = [o] as a final sound, and in a few other words: mot [mo], nos [no], gros [gro]; rose [ro:z], chose [$o:z], XIV INTRODUCTION grosse [grois], fosse [fos], position [pozisjo], etc. 2. 6 = [o] in few words: hotel [otel], roti [roti], etc. u, ft has no English counterpart; the tongue position is the same i for [i], but with tense lip rounding, without protrusion; be acquired by prolonging the [i] sound, meanwhile rounding tl lips, or by rounding the lips and bringing the tongue to t] [i] position Symbol [y] : tu [ty], mur [myir], miir [myi] vu [vy], rue [ry], utile [ytil], fut [fy], sur [syr]. EXCEPTION : For u = [q], see Semi- Vowels, below. y when not beginning a syllable, y has the same sound as i - Symbol [i]: syllabe [silab]. EXCEPTION : For y beginning a syllable, see Semi-Vowe" below. 7. Combinations denoting Vowel Sounds ai, ai usually = [e], see e, above; ai always thus: mais [me], fai [feir], j'aimais [erne], j'aimerais [emre], maitre [meitr]. EXCEPTIONS: 1. ai = [e], as in etc, when final in verb-en ings: je donnai [done], je donnerai [donre], j'ai [e]; also gai [ge], and usually in je sais [se], il salt [se], maison [mez; 2. ai = [a], as in le, in -ais- of certain forms of the verb fair nous faisons [fazo], je faisais [faze], faisant [foza], etc. au, eau regularly = [o], see 6, above: autre [oitr], aux [o], eau [o], ch vaux [$avo], sauter [sote], tableau [tablo], beau [bo]. EXCEPTIONS : au = [o], see o above, in the future and co ditional of avoir, and in a few other words: j'aurai [or< j'aurais [ore], etc., Paul [pol], mauvais [move], etc. ay, ey when a final sound = [e]: je paye [pe], Cambray [kabre], N [ne] ; but a or e in this combination = [e] when the y belon to the next syllable: ayez [eje], payer [peje], grassey [graseje]. EXCEPTIONS: pays [pei], paysan [peiza]. ei always = [e]: reine [rein], Seine [se:n]. eu, eu (1) a sound which has no English counterpart; the tongue p oeu sition is the same as for [e], as in ete, with tense lip roundii and protrusion, as for whistling; to acquire the sound, pr long [e] and round the lips, or round the lips and bring t] tongue to the [e] position Symbol [0]. Thus pronoun eu, ceu as a final sound, and also eu before s and sometim t within a word: peu [p0], feu [f0], il veut [v0], heuret INTRODUCTION XV [oero], boeufs [b0], creuser [kr0ze], meute [m0:t]; also, eft in jeune [30:n], jeuner [30ne]; further, dejeuner [de30ne]. EXCEPTIONS: eu, eu in tenses of avoir = [y], e being regarded as silent: eu [y], nous eumes [ym], ils eurent [y:r]. (2) also a sound which has no English counterpart; the tongue position is the same as for [e], as in pres, with definite lip rounding; best acquired by combining the two positions as explained for (1) above Symbol [ce]. Thus pronounce eu, ceu before a final consonant sound (not s), and before il, ill: neuf [noef], neuve [nceiv], fleur [flceir], leur [Iceir], boeuf [beef], feuille [fceij]. ue, ce the same sound as eu (2), above: orgueil [orgoeij], cueillir [koejiir], ceil [ceij]. ou, oft regularly like oo in 'boot/ but with much tenser lip rounding oft and protrusion, as for whistling Symbol [u] : tout [tu], doux [du], tour [tuir], ou [u], ou [u], gout [gu], gouter [gute], rouge [ruisl; observe aout [u], a being silent. NOTE. For ou, oi, oi, oe, oe, see also Semi-Vowels, below. K. The Nasal Vowels These sounds are quite foreign to English, and are formed by uttering the French vowel sounds [a], [e], [o], [oe], and at the same time allowing the soft palate to hang freely as in breath- ing, thus causing the breath to escape partly through the nose. Control of the soft palate may be acquired by prolonging the first part of the sound of ang as in 'sang/ but carefully avoiding the completion of the sound. It must be especially noted that there is absolutely no sound of n, m or ng, in French nasal vowels, and hence great care must be taken neither to raise the tongue nor close the lips until the sound is complete. The sign of nasality orthographically is a single n or m in the same syllable with the vowel; thus, nasal are: tant, sem- bler, fin, peindre, plein, legon, bon, tomber, chacun; but if n or m is followed by a vowel, or is doubled, or if mn occurs, there is regularly no nasality; thus, non-nasal are: fine, commune, pleine, ennemi, innocent, inutile, bonne, condamner. NOTE. The rule does not apply to certain words having en-, enn-, emm-, for which see note, below. ' XVI INTRODUCTION an, am like nasalized [a] as described above Symbof [a] : tant [taj, en, em tante [tait], gant [ga], an [a], riande [vjaid], champ [$a], en [a], encre [a:kr], temps [ta], sembler [sable]. EXCEPTIONS: en = [e], see ain, etc., below, in some forms of tenir, venir, as a final sound, and in some other words: vient [vje], tiendrai [tjedre], bien [bje], examen [egzame], chien [$je], Benjamin [became]. NOTE. Observe ennui [anqi], emmener [dmne], with doubled n, m, and enivrer [anivre]. ain, aim like nasalized [e] as explained above Symbol [e] : pain [pe], ein, eim f aml [fg^ p i em [ p \^ } pe indre [peidr], Reims [res], pin [pe], yn/ym P rince [preis], jardin fearde], simple [seipl], impossible [eposibl], syntaxe [setaks], symbole [sebol]. NOTE. Observe also the same sound in tinmes [term], vinmes [ve:m]. on, om like nasalized [o] as explained above Symbol [5] : bon [bo], oncle [5:kl], mon [mo], ont [o], leon [bso], tomber [tobe], ombre [oibr], compter [kote]. EXCEPTION: on in monsieur = [o] : monsieur [masj0]. un, um like nasalized [oe] as explained above Symbol [oe] : un [de], eun chacun [Jakoa], emprunter [aproste], parfum [parfce], a jeun [a see]. oin for the sound of oin, see Semi-Vowels, below. L. Semi- Vowels When i, y, ou do not of themselves form a syllable, but come before another vowel sound in the same syllable, they are pronounced with greater rapidity and tenseness of the vocal organs concerned, thus assuming a partially consonantal value, as described below, thus: i, y like very brief and forcible y in 'yes' Symbol [j]: viande [vjaid], hier [jeir], fier [fjeir], bien [bje], faience [fajais], yeux [j0], ayez [eje], payer [peje], Lyon [Ijo]. ou like very brief and tense w in 'we/ with close lip rounding and protrusion, as for whistling Symbol [w] : oui [wi], jouer [3we], louer [Iwe], Louis [Iwi]. NOTE. When u of gu, qu (usually silent) is pronounced, as it sometimes is, it has the sound [w] before a in some words: lingual [legwal], Squateur, [ekwatoe:r]. oi, oi have the sound of [w]+[a] or [a], the latter usually after r, and in a few other words: moi [mwa], voici [vwasi], boite INTRODUCTION XVli [bwait], froid [frwa], roi [rwa], trois [trwa], croire [krwair], le bois [bwa], le mois [mwa], pois [pwa], etc. oe, oe in a few words = [w] -f [a] : poele [pwal], moelle [mwal], etc. oin has the sound of [w] + [e]: loin [Iwe], joindre [s u has no counterpart in English; best acquired by substituting [y] for it (as in tu, etc.), and gradually increasing the speed and force of utterance: lui [lip], suis [sip], puis [pip], fruit [frqi], pluie [php], tuile [tqil], cuisine [kipzin], nuance [nqais], aiguille [egqiij or egipij], questeur [kqestceir], Quirinal [kiprinal]. NOTE. When u of gu, qu (usually silent) is pronounced, as it some- times is, it commonly has this sound before e, i, as in the last three examples. M. Consonants The sounds of the consonants can be sufficiently described, for the most part, by noting the differences between their mode of formation and that of the nearest English sounds, and by observing the following general rules: 1. The movements of the vocal organs are more prompt, definite and vigorous in uttering French consonants than for the corresponding English sounds. 2. Note the distinction of "voice," which means the hum- ming or droning sound produced by the vibration of the vocal chords (as observed in the v of 'vine' as compared with f of 'fine'), and remember 'that French voiced consonants are much more fully voiced than corresponding English sounds. 3. Final consonants are more usually silent, but final c, f, 1 and r in monosyllables are more usually sounded. 4. With slight exceptions, French doubled consonants have only a single sound. NOTE. The doubling of consonant sounds is characteristic of very careful speech, and only some of the more striking cases are mentioned below. b regularly like b. in 'bit/ 'tub/ fully voiced Symbol [b]: bean [bo], robe [rob], bon [bo], table [tabl], l&-bas [laba], tomber [tobe], abbe [abe]. EXCEPTION : b has the sound of p when next before a voice- less consonant: absolument [apsolyma], obtenir [optaniir], etc. Xvill INTRODUCTION c (1) like k in Hake' Symbol [k]. Thus c before a, o, u or a consonant, or when final: car [kar], ecole [ekol], ecouter [ekute], cure [kyre], craie [kre], classe [klais], avec [avek], sec [sek]. (2) c has the same sound as s (1) below when standing before e, i, y Symbol [s] : ce [so], ceci [sosi], avancer [avase], ces [se], bicyclette [bisiklet]. EXCEPTION: c = [g] in second [sago] and its derivatives. c always like s (1), below Symbol [s]: j'avancais [avase], avan- cons [avaso], lecon [laso], recu [rosy]. NOTE. The letter Q is used only before a, o, u in order to denote the [s] sound. ch usually like sh in 'show/ but is more energetically uttered Symbol [$]: chou [$u], vache [va$], chaise [$eiz], chercher [$er$e], architecte [ar$itekt]. EXCEPTION: ch = [k], in some words from Greek: cholera [kolera], choeur [kce:r], etc. d like d in 'did/ fully voiced, with the point of the tongue thrust against the lower teeth, its upper surface forming a closure with the upper teeth, gums and palate; or with the tongue so far advanced that its point forms a closure with the upper teeth and gums Symbol [d] : dame [dam], malade [malad], dans [da], donner [done], devant [dava], viande [vjaid], addi- tion [adisjo], sud [syd]. NOTE. It must be observed that in forming English d (as also English 1, n, t) the point of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth some little distance from the teeth, and that for corresponding French sounds the point of the tongue must be brought down and advanced to the teeth. f like f in 'fife' Symbol [f]: fort tfoir], neuf [noef], ceuf [cef], fine [fin], frere [freir], affaire [afeir]. g (1) like g in 'gig,' fully voiced Symbol [g]. Thus g before a, o, u (but see gu) or a consonant : gare [gair], gant [ga], Gobelin [goble], gout [gu], aigu [egy], grand [gra], glace [glas]. (2) like s in 'measure,' but more energetically uttered and fully voiced Symbol [3]. Thus g before e, i, y: gens [50], rouge [101:3], agir [asiir], manger [mase], gymnase [simnasz]. gu before e, i, regularly like g (1) : guerir [geriir], longue [lo:g], langue [la:g], guide [gid], languir [lagiir], guere [geir]. ge always = [3]: je mangeais [mase], mangeons [maso], je mangesi [mase], Georges [3013]. NOTE. ge must be used to denote this sound before a or o in the con- jugation of verbs in -ger- INTRODUCTION xix gn regularly somewhat like ni in ' opinion ' ; it is formed by pressing the upper middle surface of the tongue against the roof of the mouth, the tip being at the same time thrust against the back surface of the lower front teeth Symbol [ji] : agneau [ajio] > digne [diji], campagne [kapaji], gagner [gajie], accompagner [akopajie], magnifique [majiifik], regne [reiji]. EXCEPTION: gn = [g] + [n] in some learned words: cognition [kognisjo], etc. h when heard at all, which occurs only in hiatus, has a sounc much weaker than h in 'hat 7 Symbol [h] : aha! [a(h)al. NOTE. The letter h is known as h mute (h muet) when it gives rise to elision and liaison (cf. N, O, below), e.g. 1'homme [lorn], les hommes [lez om], and h aspirate (h aspire) when it does not, e.g. le h6ros [la ero], les h6ros [le ero]. The learner should regard h as absolutely silent. j always has the same sound as g (2), above Symbol [3]: je [30], jeu [30], jour [3u:r]; so also je (e being regarded as silent); Jean k, ck always like k in Hake' Symbol [k]: kilogramme [kilogram], bifteck [biftek]. NOTE. k is a rare letter in French. I regularly like 1 in 'law/ fully voiced, but with the tongue ad- vanced as for [d] Symbol [1]: la [la], cale [kal], aller [ale], table [tabl], oncle [5:kl], ils [il], village [vilais], fil [fil]. NOTES. 1. The sound of 1 is frequently doubled when written double-. in initial syllable: illegal [illegal], illustre [illystr]; and by some in words likt intelligent. 2. The 1 is silent in fils [fis]. II the letters 11 after i (not initial), and il or ill after other vowels, *H1) have the same sound as that described for i as a semi- vowel (cf. L, above) Symbol [j]: fille [fiij], billet [bije], briller [brije], soleil [soleij], feuille [fceij], fauteuil [fotceij], ecureuil [ekyrceij], bataille [bataij], travail [travaij], travailler [travaje]. NOTE. This sound of 1 is called I mouille. EXCEPTIONS: mille [mil], millier [milje], million [miljo], ville [vil], village [vilais], tranquille [trakil], etc. m regularly like m in 'maim/ fully voiced Symbol [m]: meme [me:m], mot [mo], dame [dam], plume [plym], mon [mo], homme [om], femme [fam]. EXCEPTIONS : m is silent in automne [oton], condamner [kodcme]. XX INTRODUCTION n regularly like n in 'none/ fully voiced, and with the tongue ad- vanced as for [d] Symbol [n] : non [no], ni [ni], lunettes [lynet], bonne [bon], donner [done]. EXCEPTION: n is silent in the 3d plural of verbs: ils parlent [parl], ils vendaient [vade]. p regularly like p in 'pat/ 'rap' Symbol [p]: patte [pafc], at- trape [atrap], pere [pe:r], papier [papje], plume [plym], appor- ter [aporte]. EXCEPTIONS: p is silent in some words: sept [set], compter [kote], sculpter [skylte], etc. ph always like f Symbol [f]: philosophe [filozof], Sophie [son]. q, qu the letter q always and qu regularly = [k] : cinq [sek], coq [kok], qui [ki], que [ka], quand [ka]. r the sound of r has no English counterpart; it is formed by trill- ing the tip of the tongue against the upper gums, or eyen against the upper front teeth. The tongue must, of course, be well advanced, and never retracted or turned upward. The sound may be best practised at first in combinations with d, e.g. dry, drip, drop (as in Scotch or Irish dialect) and after- wards in combinations in which it is less easily pronounced Symbol [r]: drap [dra], tres [tre], pret [pre], rare [rair], frere [freir], sceur [sceir], sur [syr], encre [aikr], erreur [erceir]; r is doubled in the irregular future and conditional of certain verbs: je courrai [kurre], il mourrait [murre]. NOTE. The above r is called "lingual" r (r lingual). Another r sound (called in French r uvulaire =" uvular" r), used especially in Paris and in other large cities and towns of France, is formed by drawing the tongue backward and elevating its root so as to cause a trilling of the uvula, but this r is usually more difficult for English-speaking people to acquire. S (1) like s in 'see/ but with the tongue advanced; sometimes the tip of the tongue is thrust against the lower teeth Symbol [s]. Pronounce s thus when it begins a word (or a word in a compound) and in general when not between vowels; ss al- ways: si [si], pense [pars], son [so], sceur [sceir], vraisemblable [vresablabl], classe [klais], laisser [lese], mars [mars], ours [urs], fils [fis]. (2) like z in 'zone/ s in 'rose' with the tongue as for s (1), fully voiced Symbol [z]. Pronounce s thus regularly be- tween vowels: rose [ro:z], chaise [$e:z], maison [mezo], cousin [kuze], amuser [amyze]. INTRODUCTION xxi sc always like s (1): science [sjais], scene [se:n]. t (1) regularly like t in 'time/ but with the tongue advanced as for [d] Symbol [t]: ta [ta], patte [pat], ton [to], tes [te], tante [tait], e"couter [ekute], lettre [letr], sept [set], huit [in't]. (2) but in words whose English forms have the sh or cy sound t = [s]: nation [nasjo], patience [pasjais], proph6tie [profesi], etc. NOTE. t is always silent in et (conjunction). th always like t (1): the [te], theatre [teaitr]. v always like v in 'five/ fully voiced Symbol [v]: va [va], cave [kav], voila [vwala], vous [vu], pauvre [poivr], trouver [truve]. w (1) like [v], in some English and German words: wagon [vago], Wagram [vagram], etc. (2) like [w], in some English words: tramway [tram we], etc. x (1) usually = [ks] : extreme [ekstreim], excellent [eksela]. (2) in ex- followed by a vowel x = [gz]: exemple [egzaipl or egzaipl], exercice [egzersis or egzersis]. EXCEPTIONS: 1. x = [s] in dix [dis], six [sis], soixante [swasait] and rarer words. 2. x = [z] in deuxieme [d0zjem], sixieme [sizjem], dixieme [dizjem], dix-huit [diz qit], dix-neuf [diz ncef], etc. z Hke s (2) above: onze [oiz], zone [zoin], gaz [gaiz]. N. Liaison In a group of words closely connected grammatically, a final consonant sound is usually joined in pronunciation with a follow- ing word beginning with a vowel or h mute (liaison = "linking," "joining"): 1 . Certain consonants change their sound in liaison, thus : d = t, f (in neuf) =v, g = k, s or x = z; moreover, the n of a nasal is joined, and the nasal sometimes loses its nasality. 2. The groups requiring liaison are: (a) Article, noun, adjective: un homme [ce nom], les autres plumes [le zoitr plym], bon ami [bo nami]. (6) Adjective, noun: petit enfant [poti tafa], petit s enfants [poti zafa], dix ans [di za], sang humain [sa kyme], des hommes aimables [de zom zemabl]. (c) Adverb, adjective or adverb: tres age [tre zase], fort habilement [for tabilma]. XXll INTRODUCTION (d) Pronoun, verb: vous avez [vu zave], sont-ils [so til], vend-il [va til], nous y sommes [nu zi som]. (e) Preposition and governed word: sans eux [sa z0], chez un ami [$e zee nami]. (/) The d of quand (not interrogative): quand il parle [ka til parl]. (g) Forms of etre and avoir, especially as auxiliaries: ils sont ici [il so tisi], ils etaient arrives [il zete tarive]. (h) A few common phrases, e.g. de temps en temps [da to. za ta], etc. 3. The t of et, and the m of a nasal are never joined: lui et elle [Iqi e el], le champ est a moi [b $a e ta mwa]. NOTE. The sounds joined belong in pronunciation to the following word, as shown above, but, for simplicity, they will be indicated in the transcriptions as final of the preceding word, e.g. les hommes [lez om]. O. Elision The letters a, e, i are silent in certain cases before a vowel or h mute, and are replaced by an apostrophe (apostrophe) : 1. Thus a of la (article or pronoun): Famie (=la amie), Fhuile (=la huile), nous 1'avons (=la avons). 2. Thus e of le (article or pronoun), of je, me, te, se, de, ce, ne, que (and some of its compounds): 1'ami ( = le ami), j'aime (=je aime), il m'ecoute ( = me ecoute), d'un ( = de un), c'est ( = ce est), n'a-t-il ( = ne a-t-il), qu'est-ce ( = que est-ce), jusqu'a (=jusque a), etc. 3. Thus i of si before il or ils (not elsewhere) : s'il ( =si il). P. Punctuation The same punctuation marks are used in French as in Eng- lish. 1. Their French names are: . point - trait d'union [ ] crochets virgule tiret, or tiret de f J accolade point et virgule separation : deux points . . . points suspensifs * aste*risque ? point d'interrogation " " guillemets t croix de renvoi ! point d' exclamation ( ) parenthese 2. They are used as in English, but the tiret (dash) commonly serves to denote a change of speaker: Qui est la? dis-je. Personne. Quoi ! personne ! Personne. INTRODUCTION XXlll Q. Capitals Capitals (lettres majuscules or capitales) are used much as in English. Note however the following: Un livre frangais. A French book. Get Anglais parle frangais. That Englishman speaks French. II arrivera le mardi 10 mai. He will come on Tuesday the 10** of May. Je dis ce que je pense. I say what I think. EXERCISES ON PRONUNCIATION NOTE. These exercises contain, for the most part, words chosen from the first twelve lessons, and should be frequently practised, selecting a paragraph or two at a time for this purpose, with a review of the phonetic principles involved. Pronouncing in unison, either for the whole class, or in groups, will be found of great advantage. 1. [a] and [a] : la, ta, il a, la, avec, table, classe, pas, pate, nous avons, Marie, fernme, quatre, arbre, la-bas, dame, papa, nioi, trois, ami, village, boite, voila, donnat, donnames, occa- sion, ecraser. 2. [e] and [e] : ecole, et, eleve, chaise, crayon, Seine, fenetre, papier, j'ai, avez, craie, eglise, rnes, ses, elle, tu es, il est, ca- hier, vous etes, derriere, grammaire, jouer, mere, mais, rneme, lunettes, francais, lettre, donnai, il sait, abeille. 3. [0] and [03] : deux, peu, monsieur, sceur, leur, professeur, feu, il veut, heureux, neuf, bceuf, fleur, facteur, creuser, oeuf s, ceil, il cueille. 4. [a]: le, me, te, se, fenetre, devant, maintenant, cheval, ceci, mercredi, monsieur, que, petit, promenade, legon, donnes- tu, faisant, je faisais, faisons, venir, tenir, appeler. 5. [i] and [y]: livre, ils, Marie, une, plume, sur, ici, oui, qui, lunettes, amuser, etudier, eglise, diligent, fille, jolie, petite, amie, style, mur, il fut, ile, nous etimes, ils eurent, eu. 6. [o] and [o]: ecole, porte, homme, nos, vos, gros, encore, fort, joli, aussi, pauvre, chapeau, votre, votre, beau, alors, cocher, autre, bonne, donner, pomme. 7. [u]: nous, vous, cour, sous, ou, ou, pour, cousin, tout, beaucoup, rouge, gout, gouter, le mois d'aout. 8. [a] and [a]: bas, an, tas, tant, tate, tante, encre, dans, xxiv INTRODUCTION Jean, devant, ensemble, sembler, enfant, gant, champ, encore, content, grande, viande. 9. [e] and [e]: pret, pere, fait, fin, paix, pin, lait, lin, mais, main, jardin, plein, simple, peintre, plaindre, besoin, loin. 10. [o] and [o]: bonne, bon, personne, son, donne, done, crayon, oncle, mon, ton, onze, maison, content, legon, monter, accompagner, compter, tomber. 11. [ce] and [OB]: leur, un, peur, chacun, quelqu'un, parfum, emprunter. 12. [i] and [j]: vie, viande, si, sienne, vienne, fille, pice, bille, papier, cahier, e*tudier, crayon, monsieur, ayez, travailler, tra- vail, billet, abeille, vieil, ceil, yeux. 13. [y] and [q]: su, suis, lu, lui, tulle, tuile, saluer, nuage, pluie, cuisine, celui, minuit, juin, juillet. 14. [u] and [w]: ou, oui, loue, louer, bout, boite, Louis, voi- ture, mademoiselle, histoire, poire, moi, tramway. 15. [p] and [b]: pas, bas, papa, baba, pere, peur, bon, bonne, porte, papier, pu, bu, pain, bain, obtenir, apporter, appeler. 16. [t] and [d]: ton, don, tant, dans, tout, doux, quatre, jar- din, lettre, mettre, admettre, dame, diligent. 17. [f] and [v]: fin, vin, feu, il veut, livre, elve, frre, en- fant, avec, affaire, geographic, devant, pauvre. 18 [k] and [g]: canne, gant, coup, gout, que, quatre, gargon, langue, craie, grand, grammaire, qui, expliquer, exemple. 19. [s] and [z]: son, sa, zone, onze, sous, sur, chaise, e*glise, ici, gargon, dix, six, six homines, dixieme, sixieme, maison, classe, passer, legon, pice, expliquer, examen- 20. [$] and [3]: champ, gens, chaise, joli, riche, image, poche, chapeau, chercher, jardin, Jean, Georges. 21. [1] and [n]: le, la, les, nous, notre, nos, leur, plume, table, non, canne, bonne, oncle, village, ville, tranquille, annee, an- noncer, automne, aller, allons, semblable. 22. [b] and [m]: bon, mon, bas, ma, homme, femme, Marie, madame, meme, mere, grammaire, nous sommes. 23. [r]: drap, trs, trois, pres, grand, craie, crayon, porte, forte, riche, arbre, encre, derrifcre, jardin, sur, fleur, cour, sceur. NOTE. As an additional exercise, writing \rnrds chosen from the above, in pho- netic symbols, is recommended. INTRODUCTION XXV PHONETIC TRANSCRIPTION OF LESSONS I-X I A. 1. yn sceir. 2. ce freir. 3. ce liivr. 4. ce krejo. 5. yn plym. 6. yn tabl. 7. yn $eiz. 8. yn faneitr. 9. yn port. 10. yn ekol. 11. yn plym e oe krejo. 12. yn tabl e yn $e;z. II A. 1. la kre. 2. laikr. 3. la klais. 4. lorn. 5. la profesoeir. 6. 1 oikl. 7. la fam. 8. la tait. 9. la papje. 10. cen (or cen) om e yn fam. 11. lez om e le fam. 12. cen eleiv e oe profesceir. 13. lez eleiv e le profesceir. 14. 1 aikr e la papje. 15. yn bwait. Ill A. 1. 3 e yn bwait. 2. vuz ave do krejo. 3. lez eleiv ot ce pro- fesceir. 4. nuz avoz oen oikl e yn ta:t. 5. 3a a le d0 plym daz yn bwait. 6. mari a trwa liivr syr la tabl. 7. la klais a katr faneitr. 8. la pro- fesceir a la kre e osi 1 aikr. 9. la freir e la sceir 5 d0 liivr. 10. ty az ce freir e osi yn sceir. 11. 3 thine, yours la tienne, f. les tiennes, f . j le sien, m. les siens, m. 1 . la sienne, f . les siennes, f . j hls > kers ' lts > ones le notre, m. 1 lanAtreif. J les notres, m., f., OM r S le vdtre, m. ] lavotre, f. j les votres, m., f., f/owrs le leur, m. ] la leur, f. s > m> > '' theirs Contractions: de + le = du, de + les = des; a + le = au, a + les = aux, e.g. du mien, des siennes, au votre, aux leurs, etc. 84. Agreement. They agree in gender and number with the noun denoting the object possessed: Ses amis et les miens (i.e. amis). His friends and mine. 85. Use of Possessive Pronouns. 1. With etre, the prepo- sition a + a disjunctive pronoun denotes mere ownership 70 LESSON XXXII [86 (cf. Lesson XXIII), whereas the use of a possessive pronoun de- notes distinction of ownership: Cette plume est a moi. This pen belongs to me (is mine). Cette plume est la mienne. This pen is mine (not yours, etc.). 2. Since le sien (la sienne, etc.) = his, hers, its, 'one's, the meaning is determined by the context: J'ai mes livres; elle a les siens. I have my books; she has hers. 3. Observe the idioms: Un de mes amis. A friend of mine (one of my friends). Un Fran^ais de mes amis. A Frenchman, a friend of mine. 86. Present Indicative of vouloir (irreg.), 'will, 1 'wish/ 'like/ etc. I mil, wish, desire, want (to), etc. je veux nous voulons tu veux vous voulez il veut ils veulent EXERCISE XXXII la brosse, brush propre, clean les cheveux, m., hair le savon, soap la dent, tooth la serviette, towel, napkin eh bien! well then la toilette, toilet enfin, at last toucher a, touch, meddle with la maman, mamma vouloir, irreg., will, wish, want oublier, forget to, etc. le peigne, comb faire sa toilette, make one's toilet, dress (intr. vb.); brosse a dents, tooth- brush A. Substitute possessive pronouns for the expressions in italics: 1. Voulez-vous voir mes lettresf 2. Veux-tu me preter tes livres f 3. Je veux chercher ma brosse. 4. Je parle de votre tableau. 5. Je parlais a vos soeurs. 6. A-t-il fait sa toilette? 7. J'admire leur maison. 8. Marie a perdu ses patins. 9. Nous avons cueilli nos pommes. 10. Ils ont vendu leurs pommes. 11. Voici mon chapeau; voila ton chapeau. 12. Elle veut etudier son lime. B. (Deux . freres font leur toilette) As-tu vu ma serviette? Oui, la voila. Mais non, ce n'est pas la mienne, c'est la tienne. 86] LESSON XXXII 71 Oui, c'est vrai. Celle-ci est & moi et celle-la est a toi. Et ou est le savon? Voici mon savon, voila le tien. Donne-moi un mor- ceau du tien, s'il te plait; le mien n'est pas bon. Eh bien, je t'en donne. Je ne trouve pas ma brosse a dents. La voila. Mais non, c'est celle de papa. Et celle-la est a maman. Les leurs sont meilleures que les notres. Mais il ne faut pas y toucher. Enfin voici la mienne. Maintenant ma toilette est faite. Et tes che- veux? C'est vrai. J'ai oublie cela, mais ou est mon peigne? Veux-tu me preter le tien? Je ne peux pas trouver le mien. On ne prete pas ses articles de toilette. Ce n'est pas propre. C. (Oral.) 1. Que voulez-vous faire? 2. Que vont faire les deux~freres? 3. Cette serviette est-elle la mienne? 4. Est-elle a vous? 5. N'est-elle pas a moi? 6. Ou est la mienne? 7. Quel peigne est celui-la? 8. De quel peigne parlez-vous? 9. Les brosses de papa sont-elles meilleures que les miennes? 10. Les notres sont-elles moins bonnes que les siennes? 11. .Ce peigne-ci est-il le mien? 12. A qui est celui-la? 13. Votre toilette est-elle de*ja faite? etc. D. 1. We are dressing. 2. Have you found your towel? 3. I have not. 4. What towel have you in your hand? 5. Is it mine? 6. This one is not yours, it is mine. 7. Yours is larger, isn't it? 8. Have you my soap or your own (= yours)? 9. I haven't seen yours; I have my own. 10. Will you give me a piece of yours? 11. Papa's brushes are better than ours. 12. Yes, but don't touch his. 13. Lend me your comb, please; I can't find mine. 14. .Look for yours; look for it everywhere. 15. Here it is, at last i have found it. 16. We are dressed (see B, I. 9). E.-l. This house is ours. 2. That one is our neighbour's. 3. His is larger than ours. 4. My uncle has his gloves and my aunt has hers. 5. Have you forgotten yours? 6. Here is your tooth- brush, but where is mine? 7. We speak of our lessons, he speaks of his. 8. Have you Mary's pens? 9. Here are hers. 10. The other pupils have lost theirs. 11. This necktie is mine. 12. Those are John's; he bought them yesterday. 13. Our lessons are longer than theirs. 14. Theirs are easier than ours. 15. Mrs. Dupont is a friend of ours. 16. I lend my friends money; do you lend yours any? 72 LESSON XXXIII [87 LESSON XXXIII 87. Interrogative Pronouns SINGULAR PLURAL qui? invar., who, whom? que? invar., what? quoi? invar., what? lequel? m. lesquels? m. 1 which? which or laquelle? f . lesquelles? f. J what one(s}? Contractions: duquel, desquel(le)s, auquel, auxquel(le)s 88. Qui? 1. This form regularly denotes persons only: Qui parle? Qui a-t-il vu? Who speaks? Whom did he see? De qui (a qui) parle-t-il? Of (to) whom is he speaking? Dites-moi de qui il parle. Tell me of whom he is speaking. 2. With etre, quel? is often used for qui? Quelle est cette dame? Who is that lady (what lady is that}? 3. Whose? denoting ownership = qui? otherwise de qui?: A qui est cette maison? Whose house is this? De qui 6tes-vous (le) fils? Whose son are you? 89. Que? and quoi? 1. What? as direct object or predicate of a verb = que? but only in direct questions: Qu'avez-vous trouve"? What have, you found? Que sont-ils devenus? What has become of them? 2. What? as a subject is regularly qu'est-ce qui?: Qu'est-ce qui fait ce bruit? What is making that noise? 3. What? after a preposition, or absolutely - quoi? : De quoi parlez-vous? Of what are you speaking? II a repondu. Quoi? He has answered. What? 90. Quel? and lequel? 1. Distinguish the adjective quel? = which, what? immediately preceding its noun (cf. 50) from 91] LESSON XXXIII 73 the pronoun lequel ? = which (one) f what (one) ? used apart from a noun : Quelle dame est arrivee ? Laquelle des dames est arrivee ? Auxquelles parle-t-il ? Quels livres a-t-il? Je demande lesquels il cherche. Which (what) lady has come ? Which of the ladies has come ? To which (ones) is he speaking f What (which) books has he f I ask which (ones) he seeks. 91. Interrogative Locutions. Certain expressions formed with est-ce + qui or que are frequently used instead of the simpler interrogative forms, thus: Qui est-ce qui parle ? Qui est-ce que vous saluez ? A qui est-ce que vous parlez ? Qu'est-ce que cela montre? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela? De quoi est-ce qu'il parle? for Qui parle ? Qui saluez- vous ? A qui parlez-vous ? Que montre cela ? " Qu'est-ce? Qu'est-ce que cela? De quoi parle-t-il? (a) Observe the use of que to introduce the real subject : Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela? What is that? Qu'est-ce que c'est que la gloire? What is glory ? EXERCISE XXXIII Pair, m., air, atmosphere ancien, old, ancient, former anglais, English le cours, course of lectures, lecture couter, cost entendre, hear la Trance, France Guignol, m., Punch and Judy important, important le jar din, garden(s), park loin, adv., far, distant Luxembourg, m., Luxembourg Marie de Medicis [medisisj, Marie le marronnier, chestnut [de' Medici la musique, music le palais, palace, large edifice Paris, Pans la partie, part, portion la place, place, seat le senat, senate la Sorbonne, Sorbonne le tambour, drum les Tuileries, f., Tuileries Puniversite, f., university faire son cours, deliver his lecture; chevaux de bois, merry-go-round; en plein air, in the open air; qu'est-ce que cela veut dire? what does thai mean? 74 LESSON XXXIII [91 A. (Au jardin du Luxembourg) Qu'est-ce que c'est que le Luxembourg? C'est 1'ancien palais de Marie de Medicis. C'est aujourd'hui le palais du Senat de France. Lequel est le plus beau, le jardin des Tuileries ou le jardin du Luxembourg? J'aime mieux celui-ci. Qui avez-vous salue? C'est un professeur de mes amis qui va faire son cours a la Sorbonne. Qu'est-ce que c'est que la Sorbonne? C'est une partie importante de 1'Universite de Paris. Elle n'est pas loin d'ici. Quelle est la musique que nous enten- dons? C'est la musique des chevaux de bois. Et maintenant, qu'est-ce que c'est que ga? Quoi? Ce bruit qu'on entend la-bas. Qa, c'est le tambour de Guignol. C'est le theatre des enfants. C'est un theatre en plein air. C'est le theatre le moins cher de Paris. Les bonnes places coutent deux sous. B. (Oral.) 1. Auquel des jardins allez-vous? 2. Quel palais est celui-la? 3. Lequel de ces deux jardins aimez-vous le mieux? 4. Qui est-ce que vous avez salue*? 5. Qui est-ce qui nous a salues? 6. Ou va-t-il? 7. Qu'est-ce qu'il va faire? 8. De quelle univer- site la Sorbonne fait-elle partie? 9. Quelle musique entendons- nous? 10. Qu'est-ce que veut dire en anglais " chevaux de bois"? 11. Qu'est-ce que c'est que Guignol? 12. Combien les places coutent-elles? etc. C. 1. What park is this? 2. What is the Luxembourg? 3. Whose palace was it formerly? 4. What beautiful trees! 5. What trees are these? 6. They are chestnuts. 7. Which is the more important of the two parks? 8. Who was (is) that gentleman who saluted us? 9. He is a professor of the Sorbonne. 10. He is going to deliver his lecture. 11. What sound is that? 12. It is music, isn't it? 13. What is that yonder? 14. It is (are) the merry-go-round. 15. What (how much) do the seats cost in the children's theatre? 16. You can have good seats in it for two sous. 17. Of which ancient palace are you speaking? D. 1. What lady is that? 2. Whose children are those? 3. Whose daughter are you? 4. What are you speaking of? 5. What are you listening to? 6. What do I hear? 7. I hear Punch and Judy's drum. 8. What has fallen? 9. Whose garden is this? 10. For whom are you waiting? 11. For what are you waiting? 12. Which 94] LESSON XXXIV 75 seats cost the least? 13. Which of the children is your brother? 14. Which of those ladies are your aunts? 15. Which part of the field do you wish to buy? 16. What books have you there? 17. To which of the dealers did your father sell his vegetables? 18. From which of your friends did you borrow the money? 19. What pic- tures do you want to buy? 20. Ask (a) the dealer which ones he wants to sell. LESSON XXXIV 92. The Relative Pronouns qui, invar., who, which, that; (after prep.) whom que, invar., whom, which, that dont, invar., whose, of whom, of which ou, invar., to (in, at, etc.) which; where lequel, m. sing., lesquels, m. plur. 1 , , ' . . , - who, whom, which, that laquelle, f. smg., lesquelles, f. plur.j quoi, invar., what, which Contractions: duquel,desquel(le)s, auquel, auxquel(le)s (a) For agreement and rule regarding omission, see 36. 93. Qui, que. 1. For the general use of these forms, see 36. 2. Qui = whom may stand after a preposition: L'ami de (a) qui je parle. The friend of (to) whom I speak. 94. Dont. 1. This form is much used with the force of de -f- a relative = of or from whom (which), whose: Les amis dont je parle. The friends of whom I speak. L/eglise dont je vois la tour. The church whose tower I see. 2. But whose, depending on a noun governed by a preposi- tion, must be rendered by duquel, etc., or de qui, placed after the governed noun: La dame au fils de laquelle (or de The lady to whose son I give lessons. qui) je donne des legons. 76 LESSON XXXIV [95 95. Lequel. 1. In general, this form is rather sparingly used, except for emphasis, or to avoid ambiguity: Le livre lequel (que) jetemontre. The book which I show you. L'ami auquel (a qui) je parle. The friend to whom I speak. La lettre de laquelle (dont) , etc. The letter of which, etc. Une edition de ce livre, laquelle An edition of this book, which (sc. on vend fort bon marche. edition) is sold very cheap. 2. After a preposition, however, a lequel form should be used if the antecedent is an animal or thing : Le chien auquel je donne 1'os. The dog to which I give the bone. La salle dans laquelle il est. The room in which he is. 96. Oil. The adverb ou, where, has the value of dans (a, etc.) + a relative, to denote place or time : La maison ou (dans laquelle) je The house in which(where) I lodge. loge. Le siecle ou nous vivons. The age in which we live. L'endroit d'ofc il vient. The place from which he comes. 97. Quoi. This form = what, which, without definite ante- cedent, stands after a preposition, rarely otherwise: Voila de quoi j'avais besoin. That is what I needed. 98. 1. What meaning that which = ce -f- a relative: Ce qui m' amuse. What (subj.) amuses me. Ce que je dis; ce dont je parle. What (obj.) / say; what I speak of. 2. Similarly which summing up a sentence: H est pauvre, ce qui est triste. He is poor, which is sad. 3. Observe the recapitulatory use of ce : Ce que je crains c'est sa colere. What I fear is his anger. (a) For indefinite relative pronouns, see Lesson LXXXVIII. 99. Conjunction que. That (conjunction) = que, is never omitted in French, as that often is in English: Je crois que cela est vrai. I think (that) that is true. 99] LESSON XXXIV 77 EXERCISE XXXIV chasser, hunt remarquable, remarkable le cours d'eau, stream rendre, render, make frais, fresh, cool la riviere, river Pombre, f., shade la source, spring par, for traverser, cross, go (run, etc.) la peche, fishing through la perdrix, partridge la truite, trout la propriete, property, estate . venu, p. part, of venir, came aller a la peche, go fishing; chasser la perdrix, hunt partridges A. Supply suitable relative pronoun forms: 1. L'eglise . . . nous sommes entres. 2. La table . . . il laisse les lettres. 3. L'eleve . . . j 'ai prete ce livre. 4. Ce . . . nous avons besoin. 5. Les marchands . . . je vendais mes pommes. 6. Ce . . . nous a amus6s. 7. L'oncle chez . . . je demeurais. 8. La lettre de mon ami . . . est arrivee ce matin. 9. La ville de . . . nous sommes venus. 10. Voila ce . . . il demande. 11. La maison ... on voit les fenetres. 12. Nous aimons ceux . . . nous aiment. B. 1. Aimez-vous la peche? 2. Oui, ou voulez-vous aller a la peche? 3. II y a une petite riviere pres d'ici ou on prend de bons poissons. 4. C'est la jolie petite riviere dont je vous ai de"ja parle*. 5. C'est un cours d'eau qui traverse la propriete de M. Durand laquelle est remarquable par sa beaute". 6. M. Durand est le mon- sieur dont nous avons vu le fils bier. 7. C'est le monsieur dans les bois duquel nous avons chassS la perdrix. 8. C'est une riviere de laquelle 1'eau est claire et fraiche. 9. C'est une eau de source, et ce qui la rend encore plus fraiche c'est qu'elle coule toujours a 1' ombre. 10. Voila ce qui fait que les truites y sont abondantes. C. (Oral.) 1. Quel amusement aimez-vous le mieux? 2. Que voulez-vous faire ce matin? 3,. Ou est la riviere dont vous par- liez hier? 4. De qui traverse-t-elle la propriety? 5. Qui est ce M. Durand dont vous parlez? 6. Est-ce le monsieur dans les bois duquel nous avons chass6 la perdrix? 7. La riviere de laquelle vous parlez est-elle belle? 8. Qu'est-ce qui en rend 1'eau bien fraiche? 9. Est-ce un cours d'cau ou on trouve beaucoup de truites? etc. 78 LESSON XXXV [ 100 D. 1. There is a small stream yonder which crosses our prop- erty. 2. It is the stream of which I have often spoken to you. 3. Mr. Durand's house which you saw this morning is near the river. 4. He is the gentleman whose daughter dined at our house yesterday. 5. We hunt partridges sometimes in his woods, where there are a great many of them. 6. Here is a little river which runs in the shade. 7. That is (voila or c'est) what makes the water so cool. 8. It is a river in which one can always catch trout. 9. It is also a river which is remarkable for its beauty. 10. What makes it so beautiful (it) is the clear (and) cool water and the abundant shade. 11. It is there that we shall go fishing. 12. Very well, that is what we shall do. E. 1. What I spoke of is true. 2. What amuses you? 3. This is what amuses me. 4. That is what the postman has brought. 5. John has studied well, which pleases (plait a) his teacher. 6. The house in which we were living last year. 7. The park in which I am going to take a walk. 8. The bird to which I give the piece of sugar. 9. The letter of which I was speaking. 10. The friends to whom I have lent my books. 11. The books which I have lent them. 12. The lady whose daughter is at my mother's. 13. The neigh- bours with whose child we often play. 14. The spring from which this river flows is cool. 15. Have you any of the thin paper of which I was speaking? LESSON XXXV 100. Indefinite Adjectives and Pronouns. In the following sections are explained the uses of the commoner words of this class. For the use of on, see 38; for the use of tout, see 40. 101. Autre and autrui. 1. The various senses of other, (an-) other, (the) other, others are regularly rendered by autre : Une autre fois; d'autres arbres. Another time; other trees. D'autres sont arriv6(e)s. Others have come. Les autres ne sont pas ici. The others are not here. 104] LESSON XXXV 79 2. L'un, Pautre (as also the feminine and plural) are com- bined into various phrases: Elles se flattent Tune Pautre. They flatter each other. Us parlent les uns des autres. They speak of one another. Ils sont morts Pun et Pautre (or They are both dead. tous deux or tous les deux). 3. Distinguish un autre from encore un: Une autre plume. Another (a different) pen. Encore une plume. Another (an additional) pen. 4. Autrui = others, other people, stands regularly after a prepo- sition, and is somewhat rarely used: Les biens d'autrui (or des autres). Other people's goods. 102. Quelqu'un. The singular = somebody , some (any) one; the plural = some, some people, any, a few: II y a quelqu'un(e) a la porte. There is somebody at the door. Voila quelques-unes de vos amies. There are some of your friends. J'en ai quelques-uns (e.g. livres). / have some (a few). 103. Quelque chose = something, anything: Quelque chose est tombe. Something has fallen. J'ai vu quelque chose de beau. r have seen something fine. (a) This form is masculine, though chose as a noun is feminine. 104. Negative Forms. 1. Personne, rien, aucun, mil, pas un, have negative force when the verb is preceded by ne, or when no verb is expressed. 2. Thus used, personne = nobody, no one, not anybody, and rien =- nothing, not anything: Personne n'est venu; je n'ai vu Nobody has come; I saw nobody; personne ; ne parlez a personne. don't speak to anybody. Rien ne me fait peur; je n'ai rien Nothing frightens me; I have seen vu. nothing (not anything). Que dit-il? Rien (de nouveau). What does he say? Nothing (new). Personne ici! Personne. Nobody here! Nobody. (a) Observe that personne as a pronoun is masculine, while personne ae a noun is feminine. 80 LESSON XXXV [ 105 3. Similarly aucun, mil, pas un = no, not any (as adjectives), and none, no one, not one (as pronouns) : Aucun auteur ne dit cela. No author says that. A-t-il de Tespoir? Aucun. Has he any hope? None. Nulle esperance ne me reste. No hope remains to me. 4. If, however, the context contains or implies a negative, personne, rien, aucun (not nul or pas un) are rendered in Eng- lish by an affirmative: II n'a rien dit a personne. He said nothing to anybody. II refuse de rien dire. He refuses to say anything. Sans aucune cause. Without any cause. Sans rien faire. Without doing anything. 5. Observe the following summary of negative forms and note that in these, as well as in the indefinites used negatively, the negation is expressed by ne + a completing word : ne . . . pas, not ne . . . jamais, never ne . . . plus, no longer ne . . . point, not ne . . . guere, hardly ne . . . que, only 105. Tel. Such a = t un tel (observe the word-order) : Une telle maison. Such a house. EXERCISE XXXV attacher, attach, tie la loutre, otter auparavant, before mauvais, bad la bete, animal, beast mechant, wicked, cross bon, kind (to = pour), gentle parce que, because le castor, beaver la plante, plant le chameau, camel porter, bear, carry; wear le dos, back refuser, refuse Pelephant, m., elephant le rhinoceros, rhinoceros exister, exist, live taquiner, tease la fois, time (repeated) jardin des plantes, Botanical (in Paris also Zoological) Gardens A. Continue: 1. Je n'ai guere vu de betes sauvages, tu. 2. Je n'ai jamais rien vu de si bon. 3. Je lui donnais quelque chose de bon. 4. Je n'y ai vu personne. 5. Je n'y ai rien vu. 6. Est-ce que j'y ai jamais e*te? 7. Je ne lui ai rien donne* de mauvais. 105] LESSON XXXV 81 B. 1. Nous avons e*te* hier au jardin des plantes avec nos cousins. 2. II y a la beaucoup d'animaux aussi bien que beaucoup de plantes. 3. Nous n'y avions jamais etc* auparavant. 4. Et nous n'avions guere vu de betes sauvages. 5. Nous n'avons jamais rien vu de plus interessant. 6. II y avait plusieurs elephants. 7. On en avait attache quelques-uns, parce qu'ils etaient mechants. 8. D'autres taient tres bons et portaient des enfants sur leur dos. 9. Quand on leur donnait quelque chose de bon a manger ils etaient tres contents. 10. Ils refusaient de rien manger de mauvais. 11. Mais personne ne les taquinait. 12. Tout le monde etait bon pour eux. 13. L'anne*e passee mes cousins y avaient vu un rhinoceros, mais il n'existait plus. 14. Un vieux chameau etait mort aussi. 15. II n'y en avait que deux petits. 16. II n'y avait plus ni castors ni loutres. 17. Mais il y avait beaucoup d'autres animaux interessants. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou avez-vous e*te hier? 2. Que veut dire "jardin des plantes"? 3. Y aviez-vous ete auparavant? 4. Qu'avez-vous vu d'interessant? 5. Pourquoi avait-on attache* quelques-uns des elephants? 6. Pourquoi les elephants 6taient-ils contents? 7. Leur a-t-on donne* quelque chose de mauvais? 8. Quelqu'un les taqui- nait-il? 9. Pourquoi n'avez-vous pas vu le rhinoceros? 10. Avez- vous vu beaucoup d'autres betes sauvages? etc. D. 1. Do you never go to the Botanical Gardens? 2. I go there sometimes. 3. I have been there several tunes this summer. 4. Some of my cousins went with me. 5. It is something very in- teresting. 6. There is nothing more interesting for children. 7. Yes- terday we saw some elephants that we hadn't seen before. 8. Some of these elephants had been tied [up] (use on), because they were cross. 9. Others were very gentle (bon), and were carrying children on their backs. 10. Let us give the beavers something good to eat. 11. Let us not give them anything bad. 12. They will refuse to eat anything bad. 13. Did anybody tease them? 14. Nobody. 15. The otters were no longer in existence. 16. We saw only two camels. 17. There were no others. 18. We didn't see any other animals. 82 LESSON XXXVI [ 106 E. 1. A certain author relates this story. 2. We have a few good friends, but not (pas) many. 3. The others have not come yet. 4. Somebody is knocking at the door; who is it? 5. It is Mr. Du- rand's son; he has brought you something. 6. I haven't seen any- body. 7. We have not spoken to anybody. 8. Nobody has spoken to us. 9. Has the postman brought me no letters? 10. Not one. 11. I have seen none (aucuri) of our neighbours to-day. 12. Who told you such a story? 13. Has anybody ever caught trout in that stream? 14. Yes, I have caught some in it. F. 1. Give me my other spectacles, because these are not good. 2. Others can do the same thing. 3. This pen is bad; give me an- other. 4. I have never liked (de) such amusements. 5. Nobody met us in the street. 6. There was nobody at home when I arrived. 7. We haven't done anything wrong (mauvais). 8. Do you wish anything? 9. Nothing, thank you. 10. No letter for me to-day! 11. None. 12. Nobody can paint (de) such pictures. 13. Such is the story he has told us. 14. Is your soap not as good as mine? 15. My brother's toothbrush is much better than my sister's. LESSON XXXVI 106. Orthographical Peculiarities. Verbs of the first con- jugation in -cer, -ger and -yer, as also those with e or e in the syllable next before the infinitive ending, are conjugated like donner, but have certain peculiarities of orthography which may best be observed by referring to Appendix, D, where all these irregularities are shown. (a) The models avancer, manger, payer, mener, esperer, appeler, Jeter, acheter, should be studied before doing the following exercise. 107. Present Indicative of dire (irreg.), 'say,' 'tell' / say, etc. je dis nous disons tu dis vons dites il dit iis disent 107] LESSON XXXVI 83 EXERCISE XXXVI amener, bring, take habilement, cleverly appeler, call jeter, throw (away) avancer, advance, go on lancer, throw, fling, toss avidement, greedily libre, free les bonbons, m., sweetmeats, candy le lion, lion la carotte, carrot le moment, moment, time le chat, cat Pours, m., bear comment, how? payer, pay (for) Pentree, f., entrance, admission ressembler a, resemble (fee) le roi, king la fosse, ditch, pit le rugissement, roar (ing) le gardien, keeper le singe, monkey habile, clever vers, towards dormer a manger a, to feed; fosse aux ours, bear pit; palais des singes, monkey house A. Continue: 1. Je ne paie (paye) rien, tu. 2. J'achete (ach&- terai)des bonbons. 3. J'avance (avangais) vers 1'entree. 4. Je jette (jetterai) du pain aux ours. 5. J'espere qu'il arrivera bientot. 6. Je mange (mangeais) de la viande. 7. J'appelle (appellerai) les autres. B. (Au jar din des plantes suite) 1. Ce sont tou jours nos cousins qui nous y amenent. 2. L'entree est libre. 3. On ne paie rien. 4. A rentre*e on achete plusieurs choses pour donner aux animaux. 5. Puis nous avangons vers la fosse aux ours. 6. On leur jette du pain et des carottes. 7. Us les attrapent tres habilement. 8. On avance encore et on arrive au palais des singes. 9. Nous mangeons des bonbons et noua leur en langons. 10. Us les mangent tres avidement. 11. Ensuite nous entrons chez les lions. 12. C'est au moment ou on leur donne a manger. 13. Les gardiens leur jettent de gros morceaux de viande. 14. Us les attrapent avec des rugisse- ments. 15. Le lion ressemble beaucoup a un gros chat sauvage. 16. On Tappelle sou vent le roi des animaux. C. (Oral.) 1. Qui est-ce que vous amenez avec vous? 2. Com- bien paie-t-on a ] 'entree? 3. Qu'est-ce que vous achetez a Fentre*e? 4. Pourquoi achete-t-on ces choses? 5. Vers quelle partie du jar- din avangons-nous? 6. Que ferons-nous des (with the) carottes? 7. L'ours est-il tres habile? 8. Pourquoi dites-vous cela? 9. Qu'est-ce 84 LESSON XXXVII [ 108 que c'est que le palais des singes? 10. Que jetez-vous aux singes? 11. Que faisaient les gardiens des lions? 12. Comment appelle-t-on le lion? etc. D. 1. Here we are again (encore une fois) in the home of (chez) the animals. 2. Our cousins take us there. 3. They pay [for] the price of admission. 4. The entrance is not free to-day. 5. Every- body buys something to feed the animals. 6. I am buying candy for the monkeys. 7. I shall buy some bread and carrots for the bears. 8. Let us go on now towards the bears. 9. Here is what they call the bear pit. 10. We shall throw the bears some carrots. 11. Let us toss some candy to the monkeys. 12. They catch it (les) cleverly and eat it greedily. 13. What were the lions doing when you saw them? 14. They were eating big pieces of meat which the keepers' were throwing them. 15. What (how) do people call the lion? 16. Do lions resemble cats? 17. I hope to see these interesting animals another day. E. 1. We are beginning to speak French. 2. I was beginning my lessons when you came. 3. He will bring his brother. 4. Who is calling me? 5. John, call your (thy) brother. 6. Throw [away] that apple; it isn't ripe. 7. Very well, I shall throw it away. 8. Give me another (of them). 9. Let us go on now, we are losing our time. 10. I was advancing towards the entrance of the park. 11. The children were eating candy. 12. Let us not eat this candy; I don't like it. 13. Let us go in; I shall pay [for] the seats. 14. How much do we pay (use on)? 15. I shall buy this picture because I like it (it pleases me). 16. The lions were eating the meat greedily. LESSON XXXVII 108. Article with Place-Names. 1. Names of continents, countries, provinces, and of most large islands near Europe, regularly take the definite article, and always so as subject or direct object of a verb: L'Asie est un grand continent. Asia is a large continent. Us habitent le Mexique. They live in Mexico. Nous parlons de la France. We are speaking of France. 109] LESSON XXXVII 85 2. With such names en denotes where, to where, and the arti- cle is omitted; but if the name be plural, or be the masculine name of a country outside of Europe, & + the definite article is used: II est en (va en) Europe. He is in (is going to) Europe. II voyage en France (Portugal, m.) He travels in France (Portugal). II est aux Etats-Unis. He is in the United States. II est au (va au) Japon. He is in (goes to) Japan. 3. The article is usually omitted in adjectival phrases formed with de, unless the name of the country be plural or be that of a masculine country outside of Europe; and similarly for de denoting mere point of departure: Les vins d'ltalie; le roi d'Espagne. Italian wines; the king of Spain. II revient d'ltalie (de Portugal). He returns from Italy (Portugal). But : La faience des Indes (du Ja- Indian (Japanese) porcelain. pon), II est revenu du Canada. He has returned from Canada. 4. To, at, in = , without article, before names of cities, towns, villages: A Rome (Berlin, Sevres). To, at or in Rome (Berlin, Sevres). 5. Any place-name having a qualifying adjunct requires the definite article: Dans PAmerique du Nord. In North America. La Rome de ce siecle. Rome of this century. (a) The definite article forms a part of some names of cities, e.g. le Caire, Cairo, le Havre, Havre, la Nouvelle-Orleans, New Orleans, la Havane, Havana. 6. Names of mountains always, and names of rivers regu- larly, have the definite article: Les Alpes; le Nil; le mont Blanc. The Alps; the Nile; Mt. Blanc. 109. Present Indicative of partir (irreg.), 'set out,' 'start/ 'leave/ 'go' / set out, go, etc. je pars nous partons tu pars vous partez il part fls partent 86 LESSON XXXVII [109 EXERCISE XXXVII 1'Americain, 1 m., American P Anglais, 1 m., Englishman PAngleterre, f., England le Canadien, 1 Canadian la capitale, capital le fleuve, river (falling into the sea) haut, high importer, import le lac, lake les lainages, m., woollen goods, woollens la Loire, Loire Londres, London Lyon, Lyons la Manche, English Channel la mer, sea le Mississipi, the Mississippi la montagne, mountain le nord, north Fouest, m., west le pays, country le port, port, wharf le Rhdne, Rhone le Saint-Laurent, St. Lawrence la Seine, Seine separer, separate situer, situate la Tamise, Thames le vin, wine A. Continue: 1. Je suis en France, tu. 2. Je demeure aux fitats- Unis. 3. J'irai en Europe T6te prochain. 4. Je passerai quelques jours a Paris. 5. Je ne vais pas au Canada. 6. J'aime le the du Japon. 7. J'habite TAm^rique du Nord. 8. Je pars du Havre. B. 1. La France est un pays situe* dans Touest de FEurope. 2. Paris est la capitale de la France. 3. Quelques grands fleuves de la France sont la Seine, le Rhone et la Loire. 4. Paris est sur la Seine. 5. Lyon est sur le Rhone. 6. La plus haute montagne de la France c'est le mont Blanc. 7. II n'y a pas de grands lacs en France. 8. On en trouve dans 1'Amerique du Nord. 9. Les fleuves des fitats-Unis et du Canada sont tres importants. 10. Le Saint- Laurent et le Mississipi sont plus grands que le Rhone et la Loire. 11. L'Angleterre n'est pas loin de la France. 12. Londres, sur la Tamise, en est la capitale. 13. La Manche s6pare les deux pays. 14. Les Anglais vont souvent en France et les Frangais en Angle- terre. 15. On trouve des Anglais a Paris et des Frangais & Londres. 16. Les Anglais importent les vins de France (or frangais) ; les Fran- gais importent les lainages d'Angleterre (or anglais). 17. Le Havre est un port de mer sur la Manche. 18. C'est du Havre qu'on part 1 Adjectives of nationality used as proper nouns require a capital. 109] LESSON XXXVII 87 pour les fitats-Unis et le Canada. 19. II y a beaucoup de Frangais aux fitats-Unis et an Canada. 20. Les Americains et les Canadiens vont souvent en France. C. (Oral Exercise on B.) D. Supply the prepositional form: 1. Nos parents demeurent . . . France, . . . Paris, . . . Europe, . . . fitats-Unis, . . . Canada, . . . Angleterre, . . . TAm^rique du Nord. 2. Je suis alle* . . . Europe, . . . Londres, . . . Angleterre, . . . fitats-Unis, ... la Nouvelle- Orleans, . . . Paris. E. 1. Where is France? 2. France is in the west of Europe. 3. The Seine is one of the great rivers of France. 4. The Rhone ie another of its great rivers. 5. Paris is on the former. 6. Lyons is on the latter. 7. Mt. Blanc is in France. 8. It is the high- est mountain in Europe. 9. There are no large lakes in France. 10. Some of the largest lakes are in North America. 11. England is near France. 12. Have you ever been in London? 13. It is a seaport and the capital of England. 14. The English Channel separates France from England. 15. Englishmen cross the English Channel to go to France. 16. Frenchmen cross it to go to England. 17. They sometimes start from Havre. F. 1. There are many Englishmen in Paris. 2. We (on) find also many Frenchmen in London. 3. Englishmen like French wines. 4. Frenchmen like English woollens. 5. Have you ever been hi Havre? 6. People (on) start from Havre to go to the United States and Canada. 7. Canada and the United States are very large countries. 8. The rivers of North America are much longer than those of Europe. 9. The St. Lawrence is larger than the Seine. 10. Americans like to pass the winter in Europe. 11. They set out in autumn to pass the winter in England or in France. 12. There are many Frenchmen in the United States. 13. There are many Americans and Canadians in Paris. 14. Are you not going to Paris this winter? 15. Have you any of the thick paper I gave you? 88 LESSON XXXVIII [ 110 LESSON XXXVIII 110. The Conditional of donner, finir, vendre I should give, etc. / should finish, etc. / should sell, etc. je donnerais tu donnerais il donnerait finirais finirais finirait vendrais vendrais vendrait nous donnerions vous donneriez ils donneraient finirions finiriez finiraient vendrions vendriez vendraient (a) In all verbs the conditional has the same stem as the future (cf . 74) ; the conditional endings are the same as those of the imperfect indicative (cf. 63). 111. The Conditional of avoir and etre I should have, etc. j'aurais nous aurions tu aurais vous auriez il aurait ils auraient / should be, etc. je serais nous serions tu serais vous seriez il serait ils seraient 112. Conditional Anterior. It is formed by adding the past participle to the above as auxiliaries (cf . 44) : j 'aurais vendu, etc., / should have sold, etc. je serais arrive(e), etc., / should have arrived, etc. 113. Conditional Sentences. 1. The conditional is used to express what would happen (result) in case something else were to happen (condition): S'il avait le temps (condition} il // he had time, he would play. jouerait (result). (a) si elides the i only before il or ils. 113] LESSON XXXVIII 89 2. A result clause in the conditional (English should or would) regularly has the if clause in the imperfect indicative, whatever be the corresponding English form: Si j'etudiais bien (condition), mon // / studied (if I were to study , were pere serait content (result). I to study, if I should study, should I study) well, my father would be glad. 3. A result clause in the present, the imperative, or the fu- ture, requires the if clause to be in the present indicative, what- ever be the corresponding English form: II joue s'il a le temps. He plays if he has time. Jouez si vous avez le temps. Play if you have time. S'il est ici demain, je lui parlerai. // he is (be, should be, should he be) here to-morrow, I shall (or will) speak to him. (a) Contrast the tense after si in the last example with 76: Quand il arrivera, je partirai, but s'il arrive, je partirai. 4. The auxiliary is considered as the verb in compound tenses, and the above rules apply to it : Si j'avais fini plus tot, j'aurais If I had finished sooner, I should fait une promenade. have taken a walk. 5. The tense following si = whether (if), is not restricted as above : Je demande s'il partira. / ask whether (if) he will go. J'ai demande s'il partirait. / asked whether he would go. EXERCISE XXXVIII la cascade, cascade, waterfall monter, go up, ascend, get into (car- le col, (mountain) pass riage, etc.) demain, to-morrow la saison, season descendre, descend, go down le sapin, fir, spruce Petat, m., state, condition la scierie, sawmill P excursion, f., excursion le sentier, path(way) la foret, forest si, if, whether le glacier, glacier la station, station la gorge, gorge, ravine tant, so much, so many jusqu'a, as far as, to le torrent, torrent. la station d'ete, summer resort; je voudrais (bien), I should like to 90 LESSON XXXVIII [ 113 IMPERFECT INDICATIVE OF aller, pouvoir, vouloir j'allais je pouvais je voulais tu allais, etc. tu pouvais, etc. tu voulais, etc. FUTURE INDICATIVE OF pouvoir, vouloir je pourrai je voudrai tu pourras, etc. tu voudras, etc. CONDITIONAL OF aller, fake, pouvoir, vouloir j'irais je ferais je pourrais je voudrais tu irais, etc. tu ferais, etc. tu pourrais, etc. tu voudrais, etc. A. Continue: 1. Si j'ai le temps, je ferai une promenade, si tu ... tu ... 2. J'aurais fait une promenade si j 'avals eu le temps, tu . . . si tu . . . 3. S'il etait arrive*, je serais parti, ... tu ... 4. Je lui preterais le livre si je 1'avais, tu . . . si tu . . . 5. Je ne vendrais pas mes pommes a ce marchand, tu . . . tes . . . 6. J'irai au lac si je peux, tu . . . si tu . . . 7. Je voudrais y aller si je pouvais, tu . . . si tu . . . 8. Je pourrai y aller si je veux, tu . . . si tu . . . B. 1. Nous sommes arrives de bonne heure au village de Beau- lieu. 2. C'est une jolie petite station d'ete. 3. S'il n'y a pas trop de neige aux cols et aux bois, nous ferons bientot des excursions. 4. Si les sentiers e*taient assez bons, nous prendrions celui qui passe par la foret de sapins. 5. II nous menerait jusqu'a la cascade. 6. Si nous pouvions, nous irions jusqu'au petit lac. 7. Nous vou- drions bien le voir en cette saison. 8. Si nous etions arrives plus tard, les sentiers auraient e'te' en meilleur etat. 9. Nous serions alles jusqu'au glacier. 10. Nous aurions vu le torrent qui en coule. 11. Et nous serions descendus dans ia gorge ou il passe. 12. Si nous voulions, nous pourrions monter demain jusqu'a la scierie. C. (Oral.) 1. Qu'est-ce que c'est que le village de Beaulieu? 2. Que veut dire en anglais "station d'e*t6"? 3. Qu'allez-vous faire si les sentiers sont en bon e"tat? 4. Ou irait-on s'il n'y avait pas tant de neige? 5. Si on prend ce sentier-ci ou arrivera-t-on? 6. Et celui-la ou nous menerait-il? 7. Pourrait-on y aller ce matin? 8. Ou voudriez-vous aller? 9. fites-vous monte jusqu'au glacier? 10. Qu'est-ce que vous auriez vu si vous y 6tiez monte? 11. De- scendrez-vous dans la gorge si vous pouvez? 12. Pourrait-on monter aujourd'hui jusqu'a la scierie? etc. 113] LESSON XXXVIII 91 D. Change the infinitives into the proper forms: 1. Si vous (avoir) ma plume donnez-la-moi. 2. Si vous voulez ce livre je vous le (donner). 3. Si je (pouvoir), j'irai patiner. 4. S'ils (etre arriver) je serais de*ja parti. 5. J'irais au marche* si je (pouvoir). 6. Vou- driez-vous y aller si vous (pouvoir)^ 7. Nous jetterons ces pommes si elles ne (etre) pas bonnes. 8. 3' (avoir acheter) ce tableau s'il n'avait pas etc" si cher. E. 1. Are you going to the summer resort near the village of Beaulieu? 2. Are you going there if you have tune enough and money enough? 3. If we were at Beaulieu, we should make an excursion in the mountains. 4. If there were not so much snow, we should go as far as the spruce forest. 5. If this path led to the forest, I should take it. 6. Our friends would accompany us there. 7. I should go as far as the pass if I could. 8. Should you like to see the little lake at this season? 9. Yes, I should like to go there if the paths were in good condition. 10. They would be in better condition if there were less snow. 11. If you had gone as far as the glacier, you would have seen something very beauti- ful. 12. If we should be able, we shall go down into the gorge or to the waterfall. 13. Had we gone down there, we should have seen the torrent. 14. You can go up to the sawmill now if you like. 15. Ask (a) your friend if he will be here eariy to-morrow. F. 1. If you wish to see the letter, here it is. 2. If he is here to-morrow, show it to him. 3. We shall wait if we can. 4. I should have waited for him had I had time. 5. We should have lent him some money if we had had any. 6. Had I not left my books at school, I should study this evening. 7. If I were to leave my books at school, my father would not be pleased at it (en). 8. Had he been there, I should have spoken to him of it. 9. Should he be there to-morrow, I shall speak to him. 10. I should be very glad if you went with me. 11. We should be glad if he were to arrive before us. 12. If you should go to the market, buy me some flowers, if you please. 13. If there are any flowers at the market, I shall buy you some. 14. When you find any, bring me some. 92 LESSON XXXIX [ 114 LESSON XXXIX 114. Impersonal Verbs. 1. Such verbs are conjugated in the third person singular only, with the subject il = it: H faut (fallait, faudra). It is (was, will be) necessary. (a) II is omitted in certain phrases, e.g. N'importe ( = il n'importe), It doesn't matter. 2. Many verbs may be used both personally and imperson- ally, some having a special meaning as impersonals: Nous arriverons de bonne heure. We shall arrive early. II arrive souvent que, etc. It often happens that, etc. 3. Conditions of the weather, etc., are denoted by imper- sonal verbs, and by faire used impersonally: II neige; il pleuvra. It is snowing; it will rain. II fait beau (temps). It is fine (weather). II fait chaud; il fait du vent. It is hot; it is windy, (a) Distinguish from constructions with a personal subject, e.g. Le temps est beau (froid) , The weather is fine (cold) . 4. For impersonal il y a (avait, etc.), see 31; for il faut (fallait, etc.), see 60, l. 5. Observe il y a = ago: II est arrive il y a une heure. He arrived an hour ago. 6. Further, an indirect object with il faut denotes (1) the person who lacks, needs ( = avoir besoin de), or (2) the person concerned in the action expressed by an infinitive: II faut un chapeau a Jean. John needs a hat. II leur faudra cent francs. They will need a hundred francs. II lui faudra etudier davantage. He will have to (must) study more, EXERCISE XXXIX assez, rather, quite geler, freeze la boue, mud malade, ill, sick le cas, case neiger, snow le climat, climate pleuvoir, irreg., rain davantage, more, still more sec, dry degeler, thaw le soleil, sun doux, soft, mild le sport, sport fort, adv., heavily, hard superbe, superb, splendid froid, cold le temps, weather 114] LESSON XXXIX 93 quel temps fait-il? what kind of weather is it? il fait beau (temps), it is fine (weather) ; le temps est tres beau, the weather is very fine; il fait du soleil (du vent, de la bpue), it is sunny (windy , muddy); il pleut (a plu, pleuvait, pleuvra, pleuvrait, etc.), it is raining (rained , was raining, will rain, would rain, etc.) A. (Station d'hiver) 1. II a neige il y a quelques jours. 2. Puis il a plu un peu. 3. Ensuite il a gele assez fort. 4. Ce matin il gele encore, mais il fait beau (temps). 5. II fait du soleil et presque pas de (hardly any) vent. 6. II fait un temps superbe. 7. II y aura bientot beaucoup d'amusements sur la montagne. 8. S'il neigeait et s'il gelait encore plus fort, il y en aurait davantage. 9. On est ici pour les sports d'hiver, et on ne serait pas content s'il faisait trop doux. 10. S'il faisait moins froid, il degelerait. 11. II y aurait de 1'eau et de la boue partout. 12. En ce cas on ne pourrait pas patiner. 13. Ce qu'il faut dans les stations d'hiver c'est un air sec et froid. 14. Un tel climat est bon pour les malades et aussi pour ceux qui aiment les sports. B. (Oral.) 1. Neige-t-il? 2. Neigeait-il hier? 3. Quand a-t-il neige"? 4. Qu'est-ce qu'il a fait ensuite? 5. Quel temps fait-il ce matin? 6. Le temps n'est-il pas beau pour la saison? 7. Faisait-il du vent hier? 8. Fera-t-il du soleil aujourd'hui? 9. Pourrions- nous sortir s'il neigeait? 10. Y aurait-il beaucoup d'amusements s'il gelait bien fort? 11. Pourquoi n'etes-vous pas venu a la station d'hiver? 12. Seriez-vous content s'il faisait doux? 13. Qu'est-ce qui arriverait s'il faisait un temps plus doux? 14. Y aurait-il de la boue? 15. Ne pouvons-nous pas patiner quand il degele? 16. Quel temps nous faut-il dans les stations d'hiver? etc. C. 1. We are here for the winter sports. 2. We arrived two days ago. 3. The weather is splendid. 4. Last week it snowed heavily. 5. Then it rained. 6. This morning it is freezing quite hard, but it is fine. 7. It is windy, but at the same time it is sunny. 8. There will be a great many people (monde) on the mountain to- day. 9. We should not be pleased if the weather were mild. 10. If it snowed still more, we should be better (more) pleased. 11. If it should rain, we shall have no ice. 12. Then it will be muddy. 13. There will be mud on all the paths. 14. Should we be able to 94 LESSON XL [ 115 skate if it thawed? 15. To (pour) skate we must have good ice. 16. What we need (it) is a cold climate. D. 1. What kind of weather will it be this evening? 2. Is it not going to rain? 3. It will not rain; it is too windy. 4. It would rain if it were not so (use tant) windy. 5. It was very cold yesterday. 6. It will be milder to-day. 7. In that case, we shall take a walk. 8. We can't go out when it is raining. 9. The weather is always bad at this season. 10. If it were fine to-day, we should be glad. 11. It has been raining, but it is dry at present. 12. If it freezes, we are going to skate. 13. It was mild yesterday, but now we have (a) cold weather. 14. It was muddy because it had rained. 15. We shall have to (use faudra) wait for him. 16. He hasn't come yet. LESSON XL 115. Reflexive Verbs. A reflexive verb is one whose sub- ject is represented as acting on itself. Some verbs are always reflexive, but any transitive verb may be so used. 116. Present Indicative and Imperative of se cacher I hide myself, etc. je me cache nous nous cachons tu te caches vous vous cachez il (elle) se cache ils (elles) se cachent (a) These same pronoun forms (me, te, etc.) are used also as indirect objects, e.g. Je me rappelle cela, I remember that (lit. recall that to myself). (6) Observe the imperative: cache-toi, cachons-nous, cachez-vous, and negatively: ne te cache pas, ne nous cachons pas, ne vous cachez pas. 117. Use of Reflexives. 1. A French reflexive often renders an English non-reflexive (generally intransitive) : II s'arrete; il s' eerie. He stops; he exclaims. 2. Or a reflexive + a preposition has the value of an English transitive verb: Je m'approchais de la ville. I was approaching the town. Vous souvenez-vous de cela? Do you remember that? 117] LESSON XL 95 3. The reflexive often translates the English passive, es- pecially when the agent is not specified: Ce livre se public & Paris. This book is published in Paris. Cela se dit partout. That is said everywhere. 4. When the verb is plural, the meaning may be either re- flexive or reciprocal, ambiguity being avoided, where necessary, by some modifying expression: Nous nous flattens. We flatter ourselves (or each other). Us se font mal Pun & Pautre. They hurt one another. 5. Observe the use of the definite article along with an indi- rect reflexive object to denote possession, especially of parts of the body, clothing, etc. : Je me lave les mains. I am washing my hands. EXERCISE XL Pabri, m., shelter Pendroit, m., place s'amuser, enjoy oneself excellent, excellent s'approcher (de), approach, gener, restrain, confine, etc. come near, go near nager, swim la bale, bay le pied, foot se baigner, bathe (intr.) la plage, beach balneaire, bathing (as adj.) plonger, plunge, dive le bateau, boat se promener, take a walk, etc. le bord, border, shore se rappeler, remember le cafe-restaurant, restaurant la route, way, road le casino, casino le trottoir, sidewalk, pavement le concert, concert se trouver, find oneself, be deranger, disturb - la vapeur, steam s'embarquer, go on board bains de mer, sea-bathing; station balneaire, seaside resort; & Pabri de, sheltered from; se promener or fake une promenade & pied (& cheval, en voiture, en bateau, etc.), to take or go for a walk (ride, drive, sail, row, etc.)', bateau a vapeur, steamer, steamboat; se donner la main, shake hands; comment vous appelez-vous? what is your name? com- ment vous portez-vous? how are you? je me porte bien, merci, I am well, thank you; ne vous derangez pas, don't disturb yourself; ne vous genez pas, make yourself at home 96 LESSON XL [ 117 A. (La station balneaire) 1. C'est une ville qui se trouve au bord de la mer. 2. On s'y amuse beaucoup. 3. On y trouve des bains de mer excellents. 4. La plage ou on se baigne est trs belle. 5. Tout (quite) pres se trouve une jolie petite baie a 1'abri des vents. 6. La on peut se promener en bateau. 7. II y a aussi un endroit ou on peut nager et plonger. 8. Au port nous nous embarquons sur le bateau a vapeur pour faire des excursions. 9. Pres de la plage il y a une rdute avec un trottoir ou on se promene a pied, a cheval ou en voiture. 10. Le casino se trouve au bout du trottoir. 11. Des concerts s'y donnent tous les jours. 12. Les salons de lecture et le cafe-restaurant s'y trouvent aussi. B. Continue: 1. Je me trouve tres bien ici, tu. 2. Je m'amusais beaucoup. 3. Est-ce que je me baignerai aujourd'hui? te baigneras- tu? 4. Je ne m'embarquerai pas sur le bateau. 5. Je ne vais pas m'y embarquer. 6. Je me porte bien. 7. Je ne me rappelle pas cela. 8. Give the imperative affirmative and negative of: se promener, s'embarquer, se rappeler. C. (Oral.) 1. Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'une station balneaire? 2. Ou se trouve la station dont vous parlez? 3. Esperez-vous vous y amuser beaucoup? 4. Ou allez-vous vous baigner? 5. Aimez- vous a vous promener en bateau? 6. Ou peut-on s'embarquer? 7. Voulez-vous vous embarquer a present? 8. Ou se promene-t-on a pied? 9. N'allez-vous pas vous promener a cheval ce matin? 10. Ne vous portez-vous pas bien? 11. Ou se donnent les con- certs? etc. D. 1. We are going to an excellent seaside resort. 2. It is 1 on the seashore near a village. 3. It is 1 on a pretty little bay. 4. I shall enjoy myself very much there. 5. Don't you admire the beautiful beach? 6. We are going to bathe there this morning. 7. Do you like to go boating sometimes? 8. Let us go boating. 9. We can swim and dive here if we wish. 10. Let us go on board the steamer now. 11. I shall take a walk first. 12. I am not very well. 13. If you wish to go for a ride, I will accompany you. 14. A concert will be given in the casino this evening. 15. The reading room was 1 formerly in the casino at the end of the road. 16. Shall you 1 Use se trouver. 118] LESSON XLI 97 be in the reading room when we arrive there? 17. Will you take my chair? 18. Don't disturb yourself, I'll take this one. E. 1. Let us not hide (ourselves). 2. We shall not hide. 3. We salute each other when we meet (each other). 4. We always shook hands when we met (each other). 5. What is his name? 6. What is your name? 7. How are you to-day? 8. What is the name of that village to which the sidewalk leads? 9. It is called Belleroche. 10. Do you remember that story? 11. People are telling it at all the seaside resorts. 12. Don't go near the water. 13. Don't cut yourself (2d sing.). 14. I shall buy myself a fine house. 15. These two sisters love one another very much. 16. This is my chair; take it; make yourself at home. LESSON XLI 118. The Passive Voice. 1. The passive voice of a transi- tive verb is formed by adding its past participle to the aux- iliary verb etre, thus: PRESENT INDICATIVE PAST INDEFINITE INDICATIVE / am loved, etc. . I have been lovedj etc. je suis aime(e) j'ai e"te* aime*(e) tu es aime(e) tu as ete aime(e) il (elle) est aime(e) il (elle) a ete aime(e) nous sommes aim(e)s nous avons e*te aime*(e)s vous etes aime(e)s vous avez e*te aime(e)s ils (elles) sont aime(e)s ils (elles) ont ete aime(e)s (a) The past participle te is always invariable, but the participle of the passive verb agrees with the subject in gender and number, like an adjective (cf . 14) ; for other tenses of the passive, see Appendix, C, 4. 2. After a passive, by = par, usually when a definite inten- tion on the part of the agent is implied; otherwise by de: Elle a e*te" tuee par les voleurs. She was killed by the robbers. La dame etait suivie de son fils. The lady was followed by her son. Ils seront aimes de tous. They will be loved by everybody. 3. The English passive is frequently translated into French by using on (cf . 38, 3) with an active verb, or by a reflexive con- 98 LESSON XLI [ 118 struction (cf. 117, 3), unless the agent is specified (cf. 2, above), or unless the passive denotes merely a resultant condition: On m'a trompe". I have been deceived. On a re*pondu & ma question. My question has been answered. Ce livre se publie & Paris. This book is published in Paris. But: Les salles sont fermees. The halls are closed. EXERCISE XLI celebre, celebrated, famous Marc-Aurele, Marcus Aurelius le chateau, castle les meubles, m., furniture la decoration, decoration Napoleon, Napoleon s'elever, rise, stand ouvert, p. part, of ouvrir, open equestre, equestrian la reine, queen executer, execute restaurer, restore fermer, close, shut la scene, scene generalement, generally la statue, statue Pinterieur, m., interior la tapisserie, tapestry italien, Italian visiter, visit de nos jours, in our day(s), nowadays A. 1. Nous avons visite* aujourd'hui un chateau celebre. 2. II a e*te* bati par un des rois de France et restaure* par Napoleon. 3. La decoration a e*te* exe*cutee par des peintres italiens et frangais. 4. La plus grande partie du chateau est ouverte au public. 5. Mais il y a des salles qui sont toujours fermees. 6. Une des cours s'appelle la cour du Cheval-Blanc. 7. Une statue Equestre de Marc-Aurele s'y elevait autrefois. 8. A Tinterieur se voient beaucoup de tableaux et de tapisseries. 9. Les scenes de ces tableaux sont quelquefois emprunte*es aux vies des rois et des reines. 10. On y voit aussi de beaux meubles. 11. Us sont generalement plus beaux que ceux qui se font de nos jours. B. (Oral.) 1. Qu'avez-vous fait ce matin? 2. Le public peut-il voir ce chateau? 3. Par qui ce chateau a-t-il e*t6 bati? 4. Par qui a-t-il e*te restaure*? 5. La grande salle est-elle ferm^e aujourd'hui? 6. Comment s'appelle cette cour-la? 7. Pourquoi s'appelle-t-elle comme cela? 8. Qu'est-ce qu'on voit a rinterieur de cette salle? 9. Fait-on de beaux meubles de nos jours? 10. Sont-ils aussi beaux que ceux qui se faisaient autrefois? etc. 119] LESSON XLII 99 C. 1. The castles that we have visited are very famous. 2. We visited one yesterday. 3. By whom was it built? 4. By whom was it restored? 5. It was built by an ancient French king and restored by Napoleon. 6. Some of the halls are closed to the public. 7. They will be open next week. 8. The decoration of this castle is much admired. 9. By whom was it executed? 10. What is the name of this courtyard? 11. It is called the court of the White Horse. 12. Many tapestries are [to be] seen in the halls of the castle. 13. The scenes of the most part of the tapestries have been borrowed from the lives of the kings. 14. The furniture which is made in our days is not always beautiful. D. 1. This castle was formerly inhabited by the kings of France. 2. It was built when there were kings and queens in France. 3. There- are none now (plus). 4. The decoration was done by Italian painters. 5. Italian painters have always been famous. 6. Their pictures are to be seen (use on) in all the cities of Europe. 7. Such pictures are not [to be] found nowadays. 8. The most important halls of the castle are closed. 9. These halls are generally open to the public. 10. They are closed now because the walls are being restored. 11. They can be seen next week. 12. The beau- tiful statue no longer stands in the court. 13. Did you find the- nails you lost? 14. Do you remember where you left the keys? LESSON XLII 119. Reflexive Compound Tenses. They are always formed with the auxiliary etre + the past participle, thus: PAST INDEFINITE I have hidden myself, etc. je me suis cache* (e) nous nous sommes cache" (e)s tu t'es cache" (e) vous vous etes cache* (e)s il (elle) s'est cache (e) ils (elles) se sont cache (e)s (a) For other tenses and for s'en aller, see Appendix, C, 5. 100 LESSON XLII [ 120 120. Agreement of Past Participle. 1. In compound tenses the past participle agrees only with a preceding direct object, whether such object be the reflexive object or not: Elle s'est excusee. She excused herself. Elle s'est achete des gants. She bought herself some gloves. Les gants qu'il s'est achetes. The gloves that he bought himself. Elles se le sont rappele. ) en, , They remembered it. Elles s'en sont souvenues. J (a) The principle of agreement is the same as that of the past participle in tenses formed with avoir (cf . 49) . 2. If me, te, nous, vous refer to a feminine noun, the agree- ment will be feminine: Vous vous etes trompee, madame. You were mistaken, madam. EXERCISE XLII s'en aller, go away s'habiller, dress (oneself) s'arreter, stop se laver, wash oneself le billet, ticket, note se lever, rise, get up ^. le branle, movement mettre, irreg., put, place le cafe, coffee, (first) breakfast mis, p. part, of mettre se coucher, lie down, go to bed, le paquebot, packet, steamer retire (to rest) se precipiter, rush debarquer, disembark, go on prendre, irreg. take, get, buy shore, land pris, p. part, of prendre se depecher, make haste, hasten reveiller, waken (tr.) s'ecrier, exclaim se reveiller, waken (intr.) la figure, figure, face se souvenir de, irreg., remember la gare, station (railway), depot le train, train se mettre en branle, begin to move, get started; de grand matin, very early (in the morning) PRESENT INDICATIVE OF prendre, take; venir, come je prends nous prenons je viens nous venons tu prends vous prenez tu viens vous venez il prend ils prennent il vient ils viennent A. Continue: 1. Je me suis couche*(e) de bonne heure, tu. 2. Je ne me suis leve*(e) que trs tard. 3. Si je m'e*tais habill^(e), si tu, etc. 4. Je ne me serais pas arrete*(e) pour cela. 5. Est-ce que je ne me suis pas vite habille*(e)? 6. Je voulais m'en aller de grand 120] LESSON XLIJL 101 matin. 7. Je m'en suis allege) avanc iui. 8. Je m'en suis souvenu(e). B. Turn into the past indefinite: 1. Elles s'y amusent beaucoup. 2. Us se couchent toujours de bonne heure. 3. Ne vous couchez- vous pas de bonne heure? 4. Les gants qu'elle s'achete. 5. Elle ne s'achete pas de gants. 6. Vous en allez-vous? 7. Mon frere et ma soeur s'arretent. 8. Nous nous lavons les mains. 9. N'y vont-elles pas? 10. Us se donnent la main. C. 1. Mon frere et moi nous nous sommes couches de bonne heure hier (au) soir. 2. Nous voulions nous en aller de bonne heure ce matin. 3. Si nous ne nous etions pas couches de bonne heure, nous nous serions reveilles trop tard pour partir aujourd'hui. 4. Je me suis reveille de grand matin. 5. J'ai reveille mon frere. 6. Nous nous sommes leves tout de suite. 7. Nous nous sommes lave la figure et les mains. 8. Nous nous sommes vite habilles. 9. " Mon frere s'est 6crie* : " Dpechons-nous." 10. Nous nous sommes pr^cipites dans la salle a manger. 11. Nous prenons notre cafe et nous partons. 12. A la gare nous prenons nos billets et nous voila. dans le train. 13. Le train s'est mis en branle. 14. II ne s'arrete qu'au port de mer. 15. Nous nous sommes embarques sur le paquebot. 16. Dans quelques jours nous debarquerons en Amerique. D. (Oral.) 1. Votre frere s'est-il deja couche*? 2. Vous etes-vous couches tard? 3. Pourquoi pas (not}! 4. Vos freres se sont-ils ^eveilles tard? 5. Qui vous a reveilles? 6. Vous etes-vous leve*s tout de suite? 7. fites-vous deja habille? 8. Votre frere s'est-il deja lave les mains? 9. Pourquoi vous etes-vous depeches? 10. Pourquoi etes-vous alles dans la salle a manger? 11. Ou avez- vous pris vos billets? . 12. Ou le train s'est-il arrete? 13. Ou vous tes-vous embarques? 14. Ou avez-vous d^barque? etc. E. 1. Have your brothers gone to bed yet (deja)! 2. Yes, they wanted to rise early to-morrow. 3. Waken your brothers. 4. They woke [up] an hour ago. 5. They have risen. 6. They have dressed (themselves). 7. They are coming now. 8. Let us make haste. 9. We hastened. 10. They rushed into the dining room. 11. Their coffee was ready. 12. They took it at once. 13. They get their tickets at the station. 14. We are getting our tickets. 15. They 102 LESSON XLIII [121 went on board (mont&f) at once. 16. The train has begun to move. 17. After some days they landed in America. F. 1. The gloves that I have bought myself are too small. 2. All our friends are going away. 3. They have gone away. 4. We remember our friends. 5. We don't forget them. 6. My brothers are washing their hands. 7. They have washed their hands. 8. My sisters have dressed (themselves). 9. They (/.) rushed into the carriage. 10. They (/.) went on board the steamer. 11. The train is coming. 12. Has the train stopped? 13. It has not stopped yet. 14. We went on board the steamer. 15. Let us go on shore now. 121. LESSON XLIII Cardinal Numerals 1 un, une [ce, yn 2 deux [d0] 3 trois [trwa] 4 quatre [katr] 5 cinq [seik] 6 six [sis] 7 sept [set] 8 huit fait] 9 neuf [ncef] 10 dix [dis] 11 onze [oiz] 12 douze [duiz] 13 treize [treiz] 21 vingt et un 22 vingt-deux 30 trente 31 trente et un 40 quarante 50 cinquante 60 soixante 70 soixante-dix 71 soixante et onze 80 quatre-vingts 81 quatre-vingt-un 90 quatre- vingt-dix 91 quatre-vingt-onze 100 cent 101 cent un 200 deux cents 201 deux cent un 1000 mille 1001 mille un 2000 deux mille un million; 2,000,000 14 quatorze [katorz] 15 quinze [keiz] 16 seize [seiz] 17 dix-sept [dis set] 18 dix-huit [diz in't] 19 dix-neuf [diz ncef] 20 vingt [ve] NOUNS OF NUMBER: 1,000,000 1,000,000,000 = un milliard. Et serves as a connective in 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71; otherwise, com- pounds under 100 take hyphens, whether standing alone or forming part of a larger number. [vet e ce] [vend d0] [trait] [trait e ce] [karait] [sekait] [swasait] [swasait dis] [swasait e 5:z] [katra ve] [katro ve ce] [katra ve dis] [katra ve oiz] [sa] [sa ce] [d0 sa] [d0 sa ce] [mil] [mil ce] [d0 mil] deux millions; 124] LESSON XLIII 103 From 61 to 99 counting is by twenties. Quatre-vingt and multiples of cent (200, etc.) require a plural -s, except (1) when followed by a numeral (not a noun of number), e.g. deux cent quatre-vingt-six francs; (2) in dates, e.g. Fan quatre cent; (3) as ordinals, e.g. page trois cent. Cent = a (or one) hundred; mille = a (or one) thousand. Million and milliard take -s, if plural, and require de before a noun: deux millions de francs. NOTES ON PRONUNCIATION: 1. The final consonant of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, is silent before initial consonant or h aspirate of a word multi- plied by them, not elsewhere: 'Cinq livres' [se liivr] but 'le cinq mai' [te se:k me]. 2. No elision or liaison occurs before huit, onze : Le huit [la m't] ; les huit livres [le qi liivr]; le onze [la o:z]; les onze francs [le o:z fra]. 3. The t is sounded in vingt in 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, becomes d in 22, is silent from 81 to 99, is silent in cent un, deux cent un, etc. 122. Multiplicative s. Once = une fois (lit. time), twice = deux fois, three times = trois fois, etc. : Deux fois deux font quatre. Twice two are four. Dix fois dix font cent. Ten times ten make a hundred. 123. Money, Weights, Measures. In France these are all according to the decimal system; observe the following: le franc = about 20 cents, or 10 pence (English money), le centime = rfrtf franc (100 centimes = 1 fr.). le gramme = about -$ ounce avoirdupois (454 gr. = 1 lb.). le kilogramme (1000 gr.) = about 2-g Ibs. (J kg. = slightly over 1 lb.). le metre = 3ft. 3f in. (about 40 inches), le centimetre = T^TT metre (5 cm. = about 2 inches), le kilometre (1000 m.) = about f mile. le litre = about If pints (4J litres = about 1 imperial gallon), (a) Popularly un sou is used for 5 centimes; un kilo for un kilogramme; une livre for i kilogramme (un demi-kilo) . 124. Article Distributively. 1. The English a, an, used with a weight, measure or number, in referring to price, is rendered by the French definite article; elsewhere generally by par: Deux francs la livre (le metre). Two francs a pound (a metre). ' Dix sous la douzaine (la piece). Ten cents a dozen (apiece). Trois francs par jour (legon). Three francs a day (a lesson). Cent kilometres par or a Pheure. A hundred kilometres an hour. 104 LESSON XLIII [ 124 2. The definite article is also used distributively with ex- pressions of time: II vient le dimanche. He comes on Sunday (s) Le vapeur part tous les lundis. The steamer starts every Monday. Tous les mois. Every month or once a month. EXERCISE XLIII les asperges, f., asparagus Petoffe, f., stuff, material, cloth Pautomobile, f ., automobile la femme de chambre, housemaid la botte, bunch se figurer, imagine, fancy le chou, cabbage les gages, m., wages la comparaison, comparison gagner, gain, earn compter, count le mois, month la cuisiniere, cook la pomme de terre, potato depenser, spend la robe, dress la douzakie, dozen le veau, calf, veal economiser, save je les ai payes cher, / paid dear for them; figurez-vous! just imagine (fancy) I (a) bon marche, cheap or cheaply; (a) meilleur marche, cheaper A. 1. La vie est trs chere a present. 2. On vivait a meilleur marche* il y a trente ans. 3. Maintenant on gagne plus et on de- pense plus. 4. Regardez ce morceau de veau. 5. Je Tai paye" quatre francs vingt (centimes) (4 fr. 20) le kilo (-gramme). 6. Ces ceufs m'ont coute un franc soixante-quinze (centimes) la douzaine. 7. En comparaison les legumes se vendent bon marche. 8. J'ai paye les pommes de terre dix centimes (or deux sous) le demi-kilo (or la livre). 9. Les asperges coutent maintenant trente centimes (or six sous) la botte. 10. Je paie les choux vingt-cinq centimes (or cinq sous) la pi&ce. 11. Et les gages des bonnes! 12. Je donne a ma cuisiniere quatre-vingts francs et a ma femme de chambre soixante-dix francs par mois. 13. Elles pourraient (could) bien Economiser de quatre a cinq cents francs par an. 14. Mais elles ne veulent plus porter de robes bon marche*. 15. Elles paient cher tout ce qu'elles achetent. 16. Figurez-vous! Ma cuisiniere porte une robe dont l^toffe a coute dix francs le mtre. 17. Tout va vite de nos jours. 18. C'est comme les automobiles qui vont (a) cinquante kilometres a Fheure. 124] LESSON XLIII 105 B. (Oral) 1. Count in French from 1 to 10; from 10 to 20; from 20 to 35; from 60 to 70; /rora 70 to 80. 2. #eod a&md m French: 40, 41, 42, 45, 50, 51, 53, 55, 60, 61, 64, 65, 70, 71, 75, 80, 81, 85, 86, 90, 91, 92, 95, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 112, 115, 119, 189, 200, 201, 225, 1000, 2002, 80,025, 2,000,990. 3. Recite the multiplication table (or parts of it), thus: Deux fois un font deux; deux fois deux font quatre, etc. 4. Combien font 2 fois 7; 8 fois 6? etc. C. (Oral.) 1. Le veau est-il bon marche? 2. Combien avez-vous paye* ce morceau-la? 3. Les oeufs sont-ils chers? 4. Combien coutent-ils a present? 5. Combien paie-t-on le kilo de pommes de terre? 6. Peut-on en avoir a meilleur marche*? 7. M. Liard a-t-il de belles asperges? 8. Combien coutent-elles chez lui? 9. Combien est-ce qu'il vend ses choux? 10. Comptez jusqu'a vingt. Etc. 'D. 1. Everything cost less (dear) thirty years ago. 2. People used to live cheaply formerly. 3. We used to buy veal [at] one franc seventy-five centimes a kilo. 4. Now it costs from four francs twenty centimes to four francs fifty. 5. Ten years ago eggs used to cost 85 centimes a dozen. 6. Now we pay (from) 1 franc 15 to 1 franc 75 for them. 7. Vegetables are (sold, reflex.) cheaper. 8. A half kilo of potatoes costs two or three sous. 9. One can buy cab- oage(s) [at] 25 or 30 centimes apiece. 10. Our cook earns 85 francs a month. 11. That makes 1020 francs a year. 12. How much did the material for (de) your dress cost you? 13. I paid 5 francs 25 a metre for it. 14. You paid too dear for it. 15. Mr. DupomVs automobile goes 60 kilometres an hour. E. Give in francs and centimes the equivalents of: 1. One cent; 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 25, 35, 50, 75, 85, 90 cents. 2. One doUar, $1.25, $1.35, $1.70, $1.85, $2 V 00, $75.00, $1500.00, $400,000.00. 3. Give in dollars and cents in English the equivalents of: 1 fr., fr. 85, fr. 75, 1 fr. 25, 1 fr. 55, 65 fr., 55 fr. 15, 1000 fr., 2,000,000 fr. F. 1. Living was not so dear formerly. 2. People spend twice as much (plus) now. 3. Here is a piece of veal which cost me 4 francs 80 a kilo. 4. There are 3 kilos of it, and I paid 14 francs 40 centimes. 5. Asparagus costs 35 centimes a bunch. 6. In France you buy potatoes by (a) the pound. 7. You pay 2 or 3 cents a pound for them when they are cheap. 8. They were dear 106 LESSON XLIV [ 125 last winter, but they are cheaper now. 9. Wages too are much higher (plus eleves). 10. A good housemaid earns from 60 to 75 francs a month. 11. She can save 300 or 400 francs a year. 12. People earn a great deal and spend a great deal. 13. Our cook bought cloth for a dress the other day. 14. Just imagine! She paid 9 francs 80 a yard (metre) for it. 15. The cloth was very heavy (= thick). LESSON XLIV 125. Ordinal Numerals 1st premier [pcsmje] 7th septieme [set j em] 9 , f second [sago] 8th huitieme fait j em] \ deuxieme [d0zjem] 9th neuvieme [noevjem] 3d troisieme [trwazjem] 10th dixieme [dizjera] 4th quatrieme [katriem] llth onzieme [ozjem] 5th cinquieme [sekjem] 21st vingt et unieme [vet e ynjem] 6th sixieme [sizjem] 22d vingt-deuxieme [vend d0zjem] (a) Except premier and second, they are formed by adding -ieme to the last consonant of the corresponding cardinal, cinq adding u, and f of neuf becoming v before -ieme. (6) The use of deuxieme for second generally implies a series of more than two, but it is always used in compounds. 126. Fractions 1 | un demi i un cinquieme 2 1 une moitie* i*r un onzieme A f un tiers T\ trois seizimes 3 1 un troisieme Totf sept ceiitiemes ! J un quart iW dix cent-uniemes * 1 un quatrieme liis onze milliemes, etc. Une demi-heure. Half an hour. Une heure et demie. An hour and a half. La moitie (les trois quarts) du temps. Half (three quarters of) the' time. (a) For denominators above 4 ordinals only are used, but note the special forms in J, ^, ; fractional expressions with partie (part) are also com- mon: la troisieme partie = \. (fe) Demi before a noun is invariable and joined to it by a hyphen, but elsewhere agrees. (c) Note the use of the article in the various examples. 131] LESSON XLIV 107 127. Numeral Adverbs. They are formed from the ordi- nals by -ment, according to rule (cf . 216) : premierement, first, firstly troisiemement, thirdly secondement ) etc. etc. , [ secondly deuxiemement J 128. Collectives. Certain nouns are used with collective force : Une paire de gants. . A pair of gloves. Tine trentaine d'eleves. Some thirty (about 30) pupils, (a) Those ending in -aine, added to the last consonant of a cardinal, denote usually an approximate number: Une huitaine, dizaine (dix becomes diz), douzaine, quinzaine, vingtaine, centaine, etc. = about 8, 10, 12, 15, 20 (a score), 100, etc.; so also un millier = about 1000. 129. Year Dates. The year in dates is expressed by a cardi- nal, as in English, but mil replaces mille : L'an quatre cent. The year four hundred. En (or Fan) mil neuf cent onze. 1 T ,., N -,^-.1 ' In (the year) 1911. En dix-neuf cent onze. J (a) For the year 1000, A.D., and for dates other than those of the Chris- tian era, mille is commonly used. 130. Numerical Titles. 1. Titles of rulers are denoted by cardinal numerals, except premier = first: Napoleon premier (trois). Napoleon the First (Third), (a) The in such titles is untranslated. 2. Other numerical titles are expressed as in English: La sixieme scene du second acte. The sixth scene of the second act. Acte deux(-ieme), scene six(-ieme). Act two (2d), scene six (Qth). Tome troisieme (trois). Volume third (three). Au vingtieme (XX e ) sie v cle. In the 20th century. 131. Dimensions. The following are some typical expres- sions: Cette salle est longue de 8 m. This room is 8 metres long. Elle a 8 m. de longueur (or de long) It is 8 metres long by 5 metres wide. sur 5 m. de largeur (or de large). Elle est plus longue de 2 m. It is longer by 2 metres, (a) By = sur or de according to meaning; see examples. 108 LESSON XLIV [ 131 EXERCISE XLIV appris, p. part., learned Guillaume, William la Bible, Bible Luc, Luke calculer, calculate le nombre, number carre, square le passage, passage le chapitre, chapter la planche, board, plank le cceur, heart le pouce, inch la composition, composition la prise, taking, capture la conquete, conquest le probleme, problem contenu, p. part., contained la retraite, retreat la date, date le saint, saint le devoir, dwZ?/, exercise, lesson selon, according to le dollar, dollar le siecle, century ecrire, write suivant, following egaler, equal le sujet, subject entourer, surround la surface, surface PEvangile, m., gospel le verset, verse (e.g. Bible) apprendre par coeur, learn by heart; a peu pres, nearly, about A. 1. Mon frere et moi nous faisons nos devoirs pour la semaine prochaine. 2. Nous sommes dans la bibliotheque de mon pere, entoures de milliers de livres. 3. Premierement nous apprendrons par coeur un passage de la Bible. 4. Ce passage se trouve dans le neuvieme chapitre de I'Evangile selon saint Luc du onzieme au dix- septieme verset (or saint Luc, ix, 11-17; read: chapitre neuf, versets onze a dix-sept). 5. Deuxiemement, nous avons une composition a Ecrire sur un des sujets suivants: "La retraite des Dix-Mille," "La conquete de FAngleterre en 1066 (read: mil soixante-six) par Guillaume I," "La prise de la Bastille en 1789" (read: dix- sept cent quatre-vingt-neuf). 6. Troisiemement, nous avons deux petits problemes: (1) Calculer (cf. 191) le nombre de metres car- res contenus dans une surface longue de 6 m. 40 (read: six metres quarante centimetres) et large de 4 m. 75; (2) Un centieme de metre s'appelle un centimetre et = (read: e"gale), a peu pres, f (read: deux cinquiemes) de pouce anglais. Combien de centimetres en 20 pouces? B. (Oral.) 1. Qu'avez-vous fait ce matin? 2. Combien de livres y a-t-il dans la bibliotheque de votre pere? 3. Qu'avez-vous appris par cceur? 4. Ou se trouve ce passage? 5. Et ensuite qu'avez- 132] LESSON XLV 109 vous fait? 6. Quel est le premier sujet qu'on vous a donne"? 7. Et le deuxieme? 8. Et le troisieme? 9. Combien de problemes avez- vous faits? 10. Quel 6tait le premier? 11. Et le second? etc. C. 1. Have you done your lessons (devoirs)*? 2. I have done some of them. 3. I learned a passage in (de) the Bible by heart. 4. It was (a) part of the 15th chapter of the gospel according to St. John, verses 1 to 9. 5. We had already learned the 14th chapter. 6. What subject have you chosen for your composition? 7. The life of Napoleon III. 8. Why didn't you choose the life of William I, or the retreat of the Ten Thousand? 9. Those subjects were too difficult. 10. The date of the taking of the BastiUe is 1789. 11. Na- poleon I was born in 1769 and died in 1821. D. Read in French and write in full: 1. Les TQ d'un franc; la i d'un doUar; \ de A; les f du temps. 2. L'an 485; en 1616; Tan 1000; I'Amerique a e*te* decouverte (discovered) en 1492; Guillaume III est mort en 1702 et Louis XIV en 1715. 3. Le 15 e (quinzieme) verset du 20 e chapitre. 4. Aux XV e , XVP, et XVII 6 siecles. 5. Nous vivons au XX e siecle. E. 1. There are about 100 pupils in our school. 2. There are thousands of books in my father's library. 3. He bought 200 books last week. 4. John loses three quarters of his time. 5. This gentle- man gives a third of his money to the poor. 6. Our cook saves half of her wages and spends the other half. 7. About thirty of our friends were at the station when the train arrived. 8. This room (salle) is 5 metres long by 4 metres wide. 9. That makes 20 square metres. 10. Edward (Edouard) VII, king of England, was born in 1841 and (lied in 1910. 11. Louis XIV was king of France in the XVII century. 12. 'This board is three centimetres thick. 13. We have a ladder four metres long. LESSON XLV 132. Days of the Week. They are as follows (all masculine) : dimanche, Sunday mercredi, Wednesday vendredi, Friday lundi, Monday jeudi, Thursday samedi, Saturday mardi, Tuesday 110 LESSON XLV [ 133 133. Months. The names of the months (all masculine) may be conveniently learned from the following rhyme : Trente jours ont septembre, Avril, juin, novembre; Trente et un ont mars et mai, Aout, octobre, puis juillet, Et decembre et Janvier; De vingt-huit est fevrier. 134. Date of Month. 1. Cardinal numerals are employed to denote days of the month, except the first = premier : Le premier (deux, dix) mai. (On) the first (second, tenth) of May Us sont arrives le six. They arrived on the 6th. Us arrivent tou jours le lundi. They always come on Monday (s). (a) On in such expressions remains untranslated. 2. Observe the following date idioms: Quel jour du mois est-ce (sommes- What day of the month is it to-day? nous) aujourd'hui? C'est aujourd'hui le dix. To-day is the tenth. Ce sera demain le onze. To-morrow will be the eleventh. D'aujourd'hui en huit. A week from to-day (future). D'aujourd'hui en trois semaines. Three weeks from to-day. II y a quinze jours. A fortnight (two weeks) ago. Lundi prochain; lundi dernier. Next Monday; last Monday. 135. Age. Observe the following expressions denoting age: Quel age avez-vous (a-t-elle)? How old are you (is she)*! J'ai vingt ans. T , 7 -,. T . f , , / am twenty (years old). Je sins age de vingt ans. J Elle a dix ans et son frere en a She is ten (years old) and her bro- huit. ther is eight. Elle est plus &ge*e de deux ans. She is older by two years. A 1'age de dix ans. At ten years of age. (a) An(s) may not be omitted in specifying age. (b) By = de, after a comparison. 136. Holidays. The principal holidays (jours de fete) in France are: les dimanches, le jour de TAn (New Year's Day), le lundi de Paques (Easter Monday), le lundi de la Pentecote (Whit Monday), la Fete Nationale (14 juillet), la Toussaint (All Saints' Day), le jour de Noel (Christmas Day). 136] LESSON XLV 111 EXERCISE XLV Page, m., age fonder, found, establish age, old se marier, marry, get married PAtlantique, m., Atlantic Marseille, Marseilles le bureau, office le navire, vessel, ship le college, college, school la place, position le conge, leave, holiday le regne, reign considerable, considerable sortir, irreg., go out, leave dernier, last le succes, success devenir, irreg., become la traversee, crossing, passage durer, last voyager, travel riche d'un million, worth a million A. 1. Mon pere est ne a Lyon le lundi 8 mars 1825. 2. C'etait sous (in) le regne de Charles X. 3. Quand il avait pres de huit ans, en 1833, son pere Fa envoye ail college. 4. II y a passe* neuf ans. 5. Chaque semaine il avait deux jours de conge, le jeudi et le dimanche. 6. Les autres jours il travaillait pendant dix heures. 7. Au sortir (in fin. as noun) du college il entre dans un bureau ou il passe, trois ans. 8. Un jour son pere lui dit: "D'aujourd'hui en quinze tu partiras pour FAmerique." 9. II s'embarque a Marseille le mercredi 20 juin 1845. 10. Le navire a fait la traversee en six semaines. 11. II arrive a la Nouvelle-Orleans au mois d'aout. 12. En septembre il trouve une place dans un bureau. 13. Au bout de dix-huit mois il fonde un magasin a lui (of his own). 14. II s'est marie en 1848. 15. II a eu un succes considerable. 16. II est devenu riche de deux millions et demi de francs. 17. II a beau- coup voyage. 18. II a fait la traversee de FAtlantique une tren- taine de fois, la premiere fois en six semaines, la derniere fois en six jours. 19. II est mort le vendredi 25 novembre 1910, a Fage de 85 ans. B. (Oral.) 1. En quelle annee est ne votre pere? 2. En quel mois? 3. Quel jour du mois? 4. Sous le regne de quel roi? 5. Ra- contez-moi sa vie de college. 6. Quand est-il parti pour FAmerique? 7. Quel age avait-il? 8. Combien de temps a dure* la traversee? 9. Ou a-t-il debarque"? 10. Qu'a-t-il fait ensuite? 11. Quand s'est-il marie? 12. Combien de fois a-t-il traverse* FAtlantique? 13. Quand est-il mort? 14. De combien tait-il riche? etc. 112 LESSON XLV [ 136 C. (Oral.) Read the following aloud in French: 1. Paris, le 2 fe*vrier, le 15 Janvier, le 6 avril, le 14 juillet, le 21 juin, le 25 mai, le 4 mars, le 17 octobre, le 25 decembre, le 8 novembre, le 5 aout. 2. C'est aujourd'hui dimanche, ce sera demain lundi; c'est aujour- d'hui lundi, ce sera demain . . . (throughout the week). 3. Repeat the rhyme in 133. D. 1. I was born on the 15th of May, 1873. 2. I began to go to school at the age of eight. 3. My brother, who was older than I by two years, went with me. 4. We had a holiday every Saturday. 5. [On] the other days we worked 6 or 7 hours. 6. When I was 17 my father found me a position in an office. 7. When I was 21 my brother and I set out for America. 8. The vessel left Havre on the 1st of August, 1894. 9. We arrived in New York in a week. 10. We found English very difficult. 11. But after a few months we spoke (impf.) it very well. 12. In the month of December we established a small store. 13. We have had considerable success, and we have become rich. 14. My brother has married, and has a house of his own. 15. He travels a good deal. 16. He has crossed the Atlantic a score of times. E. 1. There. are 12 months in a year (annee). 2. The first is called January, the second February, etc. 3. The month of Janu- ary has 31 days, the month of February has 28 days, etc. 4. The first day of the week is called Sunday, the second Monday, etc. 5. A year has 365 days, but a leap-year (annee bissextile) has 366 days. 6. What day of the month is it to-day? 7. To-day is the 15th, to-morrow will be the 16th. 8. Last Saturday was the 17th. 9. Next Saturday will be the 24th, will it not? 10. Christmas day comes (falls) [on] the 25th of December, and New Year's day on the 1st of January. 11. It will come on a Sunday this year. 12. We shall go to see our relations a week from to-day. 13. We shall spend a week with them. 14. A fortnight ago my aunt fell ill. 15. She is more than 75 years old. 137] LESSON XLVI 113 ^LESSON .JXLVI 137. Time of Day. Observe the following expressions : Quelle heure est-il? What time (o'clock) is it? II est une heure. It is one o'clock. II est deux heures et demie. It is half past two. Trois heures (et) un quart. 1 m . , > A quarter past three. Trois heures et quart. J Six heures moms un (or le) quart. A quarter to six. Trois heures trois quarts. A quarter to four. Trois heures dix (minutes) . Ten minutes past three. Six heures moins cinq (minutes). Five minutes to six. Six heures quinze. Six fifteen. II etait midi et demi. It was half past twelve (noon). II est minuit (et) un quart. It is a quarter past twelve (night), A huit heures du soir. At eight o'clock in the evening. A quelle heure? At what o'clock? A dix heures precises. At ten o'clock precisely (exactly). Vers (les) deux heures. About two o'clock. (a) Do not omit heure (s) . (6) Et is essential only at the half hour. (c) Minutes is usually omitted. (d) Twelve o'clock is never douze heures. EXERCISE XLVI avancer, be too fast la messe, mass le dejeuner, breakfast, lunch la minute, minute Pemplette, f ., purchase la montre, watch la journee, day preparer, prepare le mari, husband retarder, be too slow la menagere, housewife la tasse, cup je Pai vu le premier (la premiere), / saw it first or / was the first to see it; se mettre & table, sit down (to dinner, etc.)', faire des emplettes, make purchases, go shopping PRESENT INDICATIVE OF mettre, sortir je mets nous mettons je sors nous sortons tu mets vous mettez tu sors vous sortez il met UK mettent il sort ils sortent 114 LESSON XLVI [137 A. (La journee de la bonne menagere) 1. Je me suis leve*e a six heures moins le quart. 2. J'ai reveille* mes bonnes a six heures dix; je me leve toujours la premiere. 3. Je sors a six heures un quart pour aller a la messe de six heures et demie. 4. Je suis sortie de Feglise a sept heures vingt. 5. J'arrive au marche a huit heures moins vingt. 6. Je rentre chez moi a huit heures precises. 7. La bonne, qui e*tait sortie pour faire des emplettes, arrive dix minutes plus tard. 8. Je prends mon cafe un quart d'heure apres. 9. A dix heures et demie nous commengons a preparer le dejeuner. 10. Mon mari arrive de la campagne par le train de onze heures trente-cinq. 11. Nous nous mettons a table a midi precis. 12. Mes filles rentrent de leur promenade vers quatre heures. 13. Nous prenons une tasse de the* a cinq heures. 14. Nous dinons a six heures trois quarts. 15. Nous allons au concert a huit heures et quart. 16. Nous rentrons a onze heures moins un quart. 17. Nous nous couchons une demi-heure plus tard. B. (Oral exercise on A.) C. (Oral.) Read A aloud, substituting in each case a time five minutes later, excep^ in sentence 12. D. Write out in words, in two ways where possible, e.g.: Trois heures et demie or trois heures trente; midi (minuit) un quart or midi (minuit) quinze. 1. 1 h. 30. 4. 2 h. 25. 7. minuit 30. 10. 5 h. 35. 2. midi 20. 5. 4 h. 50. 8. 1 h. 5. 11. 6 h. 48. 3. 1 h. 55. 6. 9 h. 3. 9. 11 h. 45. 12. 5 h. 15. E. Write out the time in words, at intervals of five minutes, from 11 o'clock A.M. to half past twelve (noon). F. 1. The good housewife rose at 6 o'clock precisely; she is al- ways the first to rise. 2. The servant's day began at a quarter to seven. 3. What time is it by (a) your watch? 4. It is exactly noon. 5. Your watch is too slow by (de) two minutes. 6. Yours is too fast by a minute and a half. 7. Mine is right (d, Vheure). 8. The concert begins at 8.25. 9. We shall be home, I hope, before 10.30. 10. My mother has gone to the seven o'clock mass. 11. Then she will go shopping. 12. The coffee will be ready in (dans) a quarter 140] LESSON XLVII 115 of an hour. 13. Give me a cup of coffee, please. 14. My husband is in the country; he will arrive by the 10.12 train. 15. The cook is preparing the lunch. 16. The lunch is ready; we sit down. 17. At what time do you dine? LESSON XLVII 138. Present and Perfect Participle Giving Finishing Selling PRES. dormant finissant vendant Having Being ayant e*tant PERF, ayant donne (fini, vendu, eu, e*te, etc.), having given, etc. etant arrive (e), having arrived. (a) For verbs in -cer, -ger, see Appendix, D. 139. Use of Present Participle. 1. When used as an ad- jective it agrees like an adjective: Une scene charmante. A charming scene. Une soiree dansante. A dancing party. 2. With verbal force it is invariable: Pleurant elle continue son recit. Weeping she continues her story. Une boite contenant de 1'argent. A box containing money. Generalement parlant. Generally speaking. 3. After en it is used as in English, en = in, on, by,' while, when, etc., and is invariable: (En) disant ceci elle est sortie. (While) saying this she went out. En rentrant j'ai trouve la lettre. On returning I found the letter. En lisant on apprend & lire. By reading one learns to read. (a) Thus used, the participle regularly refers to the subject, but: L'ap- petit vient en mangeant, lit. One's appetite comes while eating, i.e. Desire comes with success, etc. 140. Perfect Participle. The forms ayant, etant are invari- able, but the past participle agrees like an adjective: Etant arrives de bonne heure, nous Having arrived early, we rested a nous sommes reposes un peu. little. (a) Etant is often omitted, and the past participle becomes appositive or absolute: Arrives de bonne heure, etc., Having arrived (or arriving) early, etc ; L'honneur perdu, que me reste-t-il? Honour (being) lost, what remains to met 116 LESSON XLVII [ 141 141. English -ing. 1. After a preposition (except en, cf. 139), an -ing form is regularly translated by an infinitive: II parle de partir. He speaks of going. Sans dire un seul mot. Without saying a single word. Apres avoir dine. After dining (or having dined). Jean a ete puni pour avoir perdu John has been punished for losing ses livres. (having lost) his books, (a) The perfect infinitive is obligatory after apres and after other prepo- sitions when having is, or may be, expressed in English. 2. An -ing form as subject or object of a verb is rendered by an infinitive, a noun or a clause: Voir c'est croire. Seeing is believing. J'aime a pecher (or la peche). 7 like fishing. II est facile de parler. Talking is easy. 3. After verbs of seeing, hearing, etc., the -ing form is com- monly translated by a relative clause or an infinitive, sometimes by a participle: Je les vois venir (or qui viennent, 7 see them coming. or venant). Je 1'entendis parler (or qui 7 heard him speaking. parlait). EXERCISE XLVII Pappetit, m., appetite la fin, end assis, p. part, of asseoir, seated fumer, smoke le bonheur, happiness le gout, taste, liking causer, chat jeune, young cependant, however lire, irreg., read craindre, irreg., fear la mort, death deregle, irregular ' la pipe, pipe dire, irreg., say, tell le plaisir, pleasure Pennui, m., tedium, sorrow le proverbe, proverb s'ennuyer, be bored, be sad, be repondre, reply, answer lonesome, etc. seul, single, alone, only la fa$on, fashion, way tromper, deceive, beguile le feu, fire la vieillesse, old age assis devant le feu, sitting (seated) before the fire; couche dans son lit, lying (while lying) in bed; debout & la porte, standing at the door 141] LESSON XLVII 117 NOTE. The imperfect indicative regularly has the same stem as the present participle, e.g. prendre, prenant, je prenais, etc., lire, lisant, je lisais, etc., dire, disant, je disais, etc. A. 1. Les vieux amis, assis devant le feu, fument leur pipe. 2. S'amusant comme cela ils passent leur temps. 3. Us trompent leur ennui en causant de leur vie passee. 4. A les ecouter (or en les ecoutant) on dirait qu'ils ont e*te des hommes remarquables. 5. fitant jeunes les plaisirs les interessaient. 6. Arrives a Fage mur ils trouvaient leur plaisir a travailler. 7. Ils reussissaient et en reussissant ils prenaient gout au succes. 8. Ils trouvaient que le proverbe dit vrai: "L'appe*tit vient en mangeant." 9. Apres avoir eu beaucoup de succes la vieillesse leur arrive. 10. N'ayant pas mene* une vie deregle"e ils en voient venir la fin sans rien craindre. 11. Mais laisses presque seuls par la mort de leurs amis ils s'ennuient un peu. 12. G6n6ralement parlant cependant ils sont heureux. B. (Oral.) 1. Comment les vieux amis passent-ils leur temps? 2. De quelle f agon (= comment) trompent-ils leur ennui? 3. Est-ce qu'ils aimaient les plaisirs? 4. En quoi trouvaient-ils leur plaisir plus tard? 5. Expliquez le proverbe qu'on trouve dans la legon. 6. Est-ce qu'on voit venir la vieillesse avec plaisir? 7. Quand est-ce qu'on s'ennuie? etc. C. 1. Sitting (seated) near the fire my old friend smokes his pipe. 2. He is chatting of his past life with another friend. 3. (While) listening to him you would say that he is a young man. 4. But he is old and he has seen remarkable men. 5. He amuses himself by chatting about them. 6. When he was young he beguiled the tedium of life in (dans) pleasures. 7. When he came ( 140, a) to mature age he found his pleasure in working. 8. He found more pleasure in working than in amusing himself. 9. He used to say that the proverb I'appetit, etc., is true. 10. After working with much suc- cess, old age comes to -him. 11. But he sees it coming without losing his happiness. 12. He has nothing to fear, not having led an irregular life. 13. He has lost his friends; however, he is not lonesome. 14. Generally speaking he leads a happy life. D. 1. These books are very amusing. 2. Think well before (avant de) answering. 3. Being ill, my mother cannot go out to-day. 118 LESSON XL VIII [142 4. On rising I found that it was already nine o'clock. 5. Our friends having arrived, we can now go on board [the ship]. 6. While waiting for the train, we shall take a cup of coffee. 7. One can't live without eating. 8. I thank you for (de) showing me your library. 9. Fish- ing is an amusement which I like very much. 10. We found our friends waiting for us (rel. clause). 11. I saw the children playing in the garden. 12. Lying in (my) bed I was reading an amusing book. 13. Standing at the window he looked (impf.) at the children playing. LESSON XLVIII 142. Present Subjunctive of donner, finir, vendre I (may) give, etc. I (may) finish, etc. I (may) sell, etc. je donne finisse vende tu donnes finisses vendes il donne finisse vende nous donnions finissions vendions vous donniez finissiez vendiez ils donnent finissent vendent (a) Learn the subjunctive with que, e.g. que je donne, etc., since a sub- junctive is usually preceded by que = that. (&) The English meanings above are only approximate; observe that the subjunctive corresponds to various English constructions, see examples below. 143. Present Subjunctive of avoir and etre I (may) have, etc. I (may) be, etc. j' aie nous ayons je sois nous soyons tu aies vous ayez tu sois vous soyez il ait ils aient il soit ils soient (a) A past participle is added to form the perfect subjunctive (cf . 45) : {que) j'aie donne, etc.; (que) je sois arrive(e), etc. 144. Use in Noun Clauses. The subjunctive is required in a noun clause (introduced by que) after expressions denoting: 145] LESSON XLVIII 119 1. Will, desire, command, consent, prohibition, etc.: Je desire (veux) que vous restiez. I desire (wish) you to remain. Je consens & ce que vous restiez. / consent that you should remain. 2. Necessity: II faut que vous restiez. You must remain. II est necessaire qu'il soit pret. It is necesssary that he should be ready. 3. Opinion (e.g. approval, etc., or the contrary) : J'approuve que vous Tachetiez. / approve of your buying it. II est bon qu'il soit ici. It is well that he is here. 4. Emotion (e.g. joy, sorrow, surprise, anger, fear, etc.): Je regrette qu'il soit parti. / regret that he has gone. 5. Doubt, denial, ignorance, improbability, etc.: Je doute (nie) que cela soit vrai. / doubt (deny) that that is true. 6. Que ( = that) is never omitted in French: Je suis content qu'il soit ici. I am glad (that) he is here. 145. Tense Sequence. If the verb of the governing clause is in the present, imperative, future, or future perfect, the gov- erned subjunctive regularly has the following tenses: 1. To denote incomplete action, the present subjunctive: II faut que vous parliez. You must speak. ' II ne faut pas que vous parliez. You must not speak. Ordonnez qu'il parte. Order him to go. II faudra que vous partiez. You mill have to go. 2. To denote completed action, the perfect subjunctive: Je doute qu'il Fait vendu. / doubt that he (has) sold it. 3. A governing condition of deferential statement (cf. 190, 1) commonly also follows the same rules: Je voudrais (bien) qu'il parte. / should like him to go. 120 LESSON XLVIII [ 145 EXERCISE XLVIII approuver, approve fache, angry, sorry le corsage, waist, bodice garnir, trim, adorn coudre, irreg., sew la garniture, trimming la coupe, cut, cutting il importe, it is important courir, irreg., run la jupe, skirt cousu, p. part, of coudre, sewn necessaire, necessary la couture, sewing richement, richly la couturiere, dressmaker savoir, irreg., know (how to), can doubler, line simple, simple,, plain douter, doubt tellement, so much courir les magasins, go shopping, shop; tout de meme, all the same, also; je veux bien, I will (do so), very well, all right, etc.; que voulez- vous que je fasse? what shall I do? what am I to do? PRESENT INDICATIVE OF savoir je sais nous savons tu sais vous savez il sait ils savent PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE OF aller, partir, faire, savoir j 'aille je parte je fasse je sache tu ailles tu partes tu f asses tu saches il aille il parte il fasse il sache nous allions nous partions nous fassions nous sachions vous alliez vous partiez vous f assiez vous sachiez ils aillent ils partent ils fassent ils sachent A. Continue: 1. II faut que j 'arrive a midi, . . . que tu . . . 2. II Teut que je sois pret. 3. Elle desire que j'aie une robe neuve. 4. II est necessaire que je choisisse Fetoffe. 5. II sera bon que j'attende un peu. 6. II ne faut pas que je fasse cela. 7. II voudrait bien que j'y aille. 8. II est content que je sache le frangais. 9. II est fache* que je parte. B. 1. II faut que j 'aille chez la couturiere ce matin avec ma mre, et elle desire que tu m'accompagnes. 2. Je veux bien. 3. J'aime tellement (a) courir les magasins. 4. A quelle heure veux-tu que nous partions? 5. II faut que nous soyons chez la couturiere vers dix heures. 6. D'abord nous de*sirons que tu choisisses, avec nous, de l'e*toffe pour ma robe. 7. Ma mre veut qu'elle soit tre"s simple. 8. Elle n'approuve pas que les jeunes filles 145] LESSON XLVIII 121 soient richement habille*es. 9. Elle est contente que les jupes et meme les corsages soient tres simples cette anne*e, mais il faut tout de mme que nous ayons un peu de garniture sur nos robes, n'est-ce pas? 10. II est tres important qu'une robe soit bien garnie et doublee. 11. Mais il importe surtout qu'elle soit bien coupee et bien cousue. 12. II est n^cessaire qu'une couturire sache bien la coupe et la couture. 13. La notre sait bien couper et coudre. 14. Je doute qu'il y en ait de plus habiles. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou allez-vous ce matin? 2. Veux-tu que je t'ac- compagne? 3. Qu'est-ce que ta mere voudrait que je fasse? 4. A quelle heure faut-il que je sois chez la couturiere? 5. Quelle espece de robe ta mere veut-elle que tu aies? 6. Approuve-t-elle que les robes soient riches? 7. Est-elle contente que les corsages soient richement garnis? 8. Qu'y a-t-il d'important en faisant (making) une robe? (answer with il faut). 9. Sais-tu coudre? etc. D. 1. We must go to the dressmaker's to-day. 2. I wish you to go with me. 3. Very well; I will (fut.) go with you. 4. Do you like to go shopping? 5. Very much; when shall we start? 6. The dress- maker desires us to be at her shop at nine. 7. First we must choose cloth for my dress. 8. I wish it to be good and not (pas) too dear. 9. My mother likes young girls to wear simple dresses. 10. I am glad that skirts are plain this year. 11. But one must have trim- ming on the waists. 12. It is important that dresses should be well cut and well trimmed. 13. Can you cut and sew? 14. Not (pas) very well. 15. Do you like sewing? 16. I do; my mother ap- proves of young girls knowing how to sew. E. 1. My father wishes the architect to make the plans. 2. I am sorry that they have gone. 3. I am glad that our neighbour's sons have dome. 4. The fields must be sown. 5. We wish the har- vesters to cut the wheat. 6. The baker must make the bread. 7. Little girls must not be richly dressed. 8. It is not necessary that you should go away to-morrow. 9. I should like my dress to fit me well. 10. Little children must not tease animals. 11. It is important that dresses should be well lined. 12. I wish you (tu) to do your exercises. 13. Children must always do their ex- ercises. 14. We shall have to begin our lessons at once. 15. We are always the first to begin. 122 LESSON XLIX [ 146 LESSON XLIX 146. Subjunctive in Adjectival Clause. The subjunctive is used in such clauses (introduced by a relative pronoun) : 1. To express, regarding the antecedent, something which is implied as being still unattained or in doubt: Je cherche un chapeau qui m'aille / am looking for a hat that will bien. (may, such as mill) fit me. (a) If the English can be turned by may + verb, or such as, etc., use the subjunctive; otherwise the indicative, e.g. J'ai trouve un chapeau qui me va bien, I have found a hat that fits me. 2. After a negative: II n'y a personne qui sache cela. There is nobody who knows that. 3. When the antecedent is qualified by a superlative, or by seul, unique, premier, dernier: C'est le meilleur ami que j'aie. He is the best friend I have. C'est le seul ami que j'aie. He is the only friend I have. (a) But the indicative is used (1) if what is said is merely explanatory, e.g. M on meilleur ami qui 6tait malade, etc., or (2) states a fact unreservedly, e.g. C'est la seule chose qu'il a dite, or (3) if the superlative be used as a noun, e.g. C'est la meilleure des maisons que j'ai vues. t 4. In clauses translating whoever, whatever, however: Qui que tu sois, parle. Whoever you are, speak. Quoi que vous fassiez. Whatever you do. Quelles que soient vos raisons. Whatever (may) be your reasons. Quelque bons qu'ils soient. However good they are (may be). 147. Subjunctive in Adverbial Clause. It is thus used after many conjunctions, like the following, expressing: TIME: avant que (. . . ne), before CONDITION: au cas que, in case PURPOSE : afin que or pour que, that; a moins que . . . ne, unless in order that CONCESSION : quoique or bien que, FEAR: de peur que . . . ne, for although fear that NEGATION: sans que, without (that) Parlez avant qu'il (ne) parte. Speak before he goes. De peur que vous ne tombiez. For fear that you should fall. Bien que je ne sois pas riche. Though I am not rich, (a) For the complete list, see 224. 148] LESSON XLIX 123 148. Subjunctive in Principal Sentence. 1. Thus used, que + the third singular and third plural present subjunctive serves to complete the imperative, thus: SINGULAR PLURAL donnons, let us give donne, give donnez, give qu'il donne, let him give qu'ils donnent, let them give (a) Similarly for all verbs; for word-order of pronouns, see 68. 2. It is also sometimes used without que to denote what is wished or desired: Ainsi soit-il! Vive le roi! So be it! Long live the king! Plut (impf.) a Dieu qu'il fut ici! Would to God he were here! EXERCISE XLIX accepter, accept assister a, be present at, attend le bal, ball } dance le bouton, button, stud la famille, family frais, fresh, unsoiled les geng, pi., people le gilet, waistcoat, vest Phabit, m., dress coat Pinvitation, f., invitation la jaquette, morning coat se mettre, irreg., dress (intr.). le mouchoir, handkerchief la nacre, mother-of-pearl s'occuper de, occupy oneself with, see about quant a, as to (for) la redingote, frock coat la soiree, evening le tailleur, tailor le veston, sack coat les jeunes gens, young men; les jeunes filles, young ladies; en toilette de bal (or de soiree), in evening dress; une soiree dansante, a dancing party PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE OF pouvoir je puisse tu puisses il puisse nous puissions vous puissiez ils puissent. A. Continue: 1. Avant que je parte, . . . tu. 2. Quoique je sois malade, je partirai, . . . tu . . . tu. 3. Ce sont les seuls gants que 124 LESSON XLIX' [148 j'aie. 4. Quoi que je fasse je n'y russirai pas. 5. De peur que je ne tombe. 6. Give in full the imperative of finir, vendre, avoir, etre. B. 1. Mes sceurs, mon frere et moi (nous) sommes invites a une soire*e dansante chez ma tante. 2. Toutes les jeunes filles seront en toilette de bal (or de soire*e). 3. Bien que nous soyons presque tous de la famille, ma tante ne voudrait pas que les jeunes gens qui y assistent soient en veston ou en jaquette. 4. II faut qu'on se mette en habit pour danser chez elle. 5. Mon frere, quoiqu'il ne soit pas beaucoup plus age* que moi, a deja un habit et une redin- gote. 6. N'en ayant pas moi-meme, il faut que j'aille chez le tailleur avant qu'il soit trop tard. 7. A moins que je n'aie un habit, il faut que je refuse 1'invitation. 8. Quant aux gants blancs j'en ai, mais quelque bons qu'ils soient ils ne sont plus frais. 9. La seule chose que je puisse faire c'est d'en acheter de neufs. 10. Et le gilet blanc, la cravate blanche, les boutons de nacre et le mouchoir de soie blanche, il faut que je m'en occupe tout de suite. C. (Oral on B.) D. 1. My aunt will give a dancing party next week. 2. Although I am invited, I don't know whether I can be present (there). 3. She does not wish us to wear our (the) sack coat[s]. 4. We must be in dress coat[s] if we wish to dance at her house. 5. The young ladies must be in evening dress. 6. My brother has a dress coat, though he is younger than I. 7. Before (avant d') accepting the invitation I must go to the tailor's. 8. It is the only thing I can do. 9. I cannot go to my aunt's unless I have a dress coat and a white tie. 10. However good a frock coat may be, one can't wear it at the ball. 11. Although these gloves are good, they are no longer un- soiled. 12. I must buy others. 13. Though I have mother-of-pearl buttons, I have no white tie. 14. You must see about these things at once. 15. Let young men dress well, especially when they are going to a (the) ball. E. 1. My brother knows how to swim, though he is still young. 2. Unless you know how to swim, don't bathe here. 3. Whatever you do, don't do that. 4. However large the Seine is (is the Seine), it is not so large as the St. Lawrence. 5. Let us begin our work 151] LESSON L 125 before it is too late. 6. Let the maid bring me a pocket handker- chief. 7. Let the children play now if they wish. 8. I am looking for a house in which (oit,) I shall be comfortable (bieri). 9. I have found some gloves that fit me. 10. The only ship which leaves Havre this week is "La Lorraine." 11. It is the only thing I can offer you. 12. Unless I have a morning coat before Tuesday, I cannot go to the reception. 13. Mr. L. is the best friend we have in Paris. 14. As to our family, we never dance. 15. Let the tailor bring me my white waistcoat when it is ready. LESSON L 149. Past Definite of donner, finir, vendre I gave, etc. I finished, etc. I sold, etc. je donnai finis . vendis tu donnas finis vendis il donna finit vendit nous donnames finimes vendimes vous donnates finites vendites ils donnerent finirent vendirent (a) The first and second plural have the circumflex accent in all verbs. (6) Certain verbs (all irregular) have the endings -us, -us, -ut, -umes, -utes, -urent (see courir below) . (c) For the past definite of verbs in -cer, -ger, see Appendix, D. 150. Past Definite of avoir and etre I had, etc. I was, etc. j'eus nous eumes je fus nous fumes tu eus vous eutes tu fus vous futes il eut ils eurent il f ut ils furent 151. Past Anterior. It is formed by adding the past parti- ciple to the past definite of avoir or etre, thus: j'eus donne, etc., I had given, etc. je fus arrive (e), 7 had arrived, etc. 126 LESSON L [ 152 152. Use of Past Definite. 1. It is used to denote what happened (completed past action), or what happened next (suc- cessive events) : La guerre dura sept ans. The war lasted seven years. On f ore a le palais, les scelerats The palace was forced, the villains n'oserent pas resister et ne did not dare to resist and only songerent qu'a fuir. thought of fleeing. (a) The past definite is almost wholly confined to literary or 'book' French narrative and formal public address (cf. Note to 47). (o) In such a narrative the past definite denotes the principal events, while the imperfect denotes accompanying events; or, as is sometimes said, the past definite narrates and the imperfect describes. 2. Observe the special force of the following: Avoir; j'eus, to have; I received (obtained, got, etc.). Savoir; je sus, to know; I found out (learned, etc.). 153. Pluperfect and Past Anterior. Both these tenses are used to translate the English pluperfect, but the past anterior denotes only what had happened immediately before another event, and is rarely employed except after certain conjunctions of time: Apres qu'il eut dine, il partit. After he had dined, he set out. (a) Such conjunctions are: lorsque, quand, when, apres que, after, aussitot que, as soon as, and others rarer. EXERCISE L arreter, arrest, stop la hate, haste aupres de, with, as regards joindre, irreg., join bas, low lorsque, when le baton, stick, club le paysan, peasant, countryman la boutique, shop remplacer, take the place of le bras, arm rude, severe casser, break saisir, seize le coup, blow a travers, through la devanture, front (shop) window le trou, hole la difficulte, difficulty violent, violent se disposer, prepare, get ready voler, steal dur, hard le voleur, thief emporter, carry off (away) en bas age, at an early age; joindre les deux bouts, make (both) ends meet 153] LESSON L 127 PAST DEFINITE OP courir, mourir, faire, voir je courus je mourus je fis je vis tu courus tu mourus tu fis tu vis il courut il mourut il fit il vit nous courumes nous mourumes nous flmes nous vfmes vous courutes vous mourutes vous fites vous vites ils coururent ils moururent ils firent ils virent IMPERFECT INDICATIVE OF joindre: je joignais/ etc. A. Continue: 1. J'emportai le pain. 2. Je saisis le voleur. 3. Je sortis en hate. 4. J'entendis un coup violent. 5. Je fus arrete* par lui. 6. Je courus apres lui. 7. Lorsque j'eus arrete le voleur. 8. Aussitot que je fus arrive (e). B. Jean Valjean 6tait d'une pauvre famille de paysans. II avait perdu en bas age son pere et sa mere. II ne lui restait qu'une sceur qui etait mariee et qui avait sept enfants. Mais un jour le mari mourut. Jean le remplaga auprs des enfants. Sa sceur et lui en travaillant dur joignaient les deux bouts avec difficult^. Mais il arriva qu'un hiver fut rude. Jean n'eut pas d'ouvrage. Les enfants n'eurent pas de pain. Un dimanche soir un boulanger du village se disposait a se coucher lorsqu'il entendit un coup violent dans la devanture de sa boutique. II arriva a temps pour voir un bras passe a travers le trou fait dans la devanture. Le bras saisit un pain (loaf) et Temporta. Le boulanger sortit en hate, courut apres le voleur et Tarreta. C'etait Jean Valjean. Adapted from Les Miserables by VICTOR HUGO. C. (Oral) Read Exercise XX, B> using past definite for past in- definite. D. 1. Jean Valjean's father and mother were peasants. 2. He lost them at an early age. 3. Then he had only his sister with her family. 4. When her husband died Jean took his place and began to work for her and the children. 5. He used to work hard, and he made both ends meet without difficulty. 6. A severe winter came. 7. Jean got no work. 8. One evening, as the baker Vas getting ready to go to bed, he heard a violent blow. 9. He saw an arm passing through the shop window. 10. Seizing a loaf the arm carried it off. 11. The baker and his wife came out of the shop in haste. 12. He ran after the thief and caught him. 128 LESSON LI [ 154 E. 1. Jean Valjean struck the shop window with a stick and broke it. 2. He got a loaf of bread by passing his arm through the hole. 3. Did the baker see Jean taking the loaf? 4. No, he did not see him, but he heard the blow. 5. When he heard the blow he dressed in haste. 6. He called his wife and rushed into the shop. 7. He saw the hole in the window. 8. Then he rushed into the street. 9. He ran in haste after Jean Valjean. 10. Jean threw away the loaf he had stolen. 11. The poor children did not get the loaf. .12. They ate no bread that evening. LESSON LI 154. Imperfect Subjunctive of donner, finir, vendre I gave, might I finished, might I sold, might give, etc. finish, etc. sell, etc. je donnasse finisse vehdisse tu donnasses finisses vendisses il donnat finit vendit nous donnassions finissions vendissions vous donnassiez finissiez vendissiez ils donnassent finissent vendissent (a) The third singular in all verbs has the circumflex accent. 155. Imperfect Subjunctive of avoir and etre I had, might have, etc. I was, were, might be, etc. j'eusse nous eussions je fusse nous fussions tu eusses vous eussiez tu fusses vous fussiez il eut ils eussent il fut ils fussent (a) A past participle is added to form the pluperfect subjunctive: (que) j'eusse donne", etc. (que) je fusse arrive (e), etc. 156. Tense Sequence. If the verb of the governing clause be in any other tense than those mentioned in 145, the gov- erned subjunctive regularly takes the following forms: 1. To denote incomplete action, the imperfect subjunctive: Je desirais qu'il le vendit. 1 / wished that he might sell it or / J'ai desire qu'il le vendit. J wished him to sell it. J'avais desire qu'il le vendit. I had wished him to sell it. 156] LESSON LI 129 2. To denote completed action, the pluperfect : Je doutais qu'il refit vendu. / doubted that he had sold it. J'aurais doute qu'il f fit parti. / should have doubted that he had gone, (a) For the sequence after conditional of deferential statement, see 145, 3. NOTES. 1. An infinitive construction is often used instead of the sub- junctive, even where the latter is possible, e.g. II nous ordonne de partir (for II ordonne que nous portions), He orders us to go; Je le ferai avant de partir (for avant que je parte), I shall do it before I go. 2. In ordinary language the present subjunctive is often used instead of the imperfect, particularly in the case of the first conjugation, e.g. II de- sirait que nous arrivions a temps (for que nous arrivassions) , He desired us to arrive in time. This tendency is less strongly marked, however, in the case of the third person singular imperfect. 3. Other exceptions to the general rules are beyond the scope of an ele- mentary text-book. EXERCISE LI agreablement, agreeably le mal de mer, seasickness les bagages, m., luggage, baggage la malle, trunk la cabine, cabin, stateroom ordonner, order, prescribe la cale, hold (of a ship) il prit, 3d sing. p. def. of prendre le chemin, way, road recemment, recently Cherbourg, Cherbourg remis, p. part, of remettre, recovered completement, completely rouler, roll descendre, tr., take down, lower le roulis, rolling empecher, hinder le vaisseau, vessel, ship le fer, iron la valise, valise habitue, accustomed (to, &) le voyage, journey, trip lourd, heavy le wagon-lit, sleeping car chemin de fer, railway; en pleine mer, in the open sea', il fallut (p. def. of falloir), it was necessary, had to, etc.; il faudrait (condl. of falloir), would have to, etc. IMPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE OF prendre, pouvoir, mettre, faire je prisse tu prisses ilprlt je pusse tu pusses ilput je misse tu misses ilmit je fisse tu fisses ilfft nous prissions vous prissiez ils prissent nous pussions vous pussiez ils pussent nous missions vous missiez ils missent nous fissions vous fissiez ils fissent NOTE. For the u throughout in pusse, etc., see 149, 6. 130 LESSON LI [ 156 A. Continue: 1. II fallait que je vendisse ma maison. 2. II fau- drait que je finisse bientot. 3. Bien que je fusse habitue (e) a voya- ger. 4. Avant que j'eusse debarque. 5. II dSsirait que je fisse un voyage. 6. II doutait que je pusse le faire. (The following passage is given in literary style to afford practice in the verb-forms.) B. 1. Un de mes amis fit recemment un voyage en Europe. 2. II fallut qu'il allat d'abord a la gare et qu'il prit son billet de chemin de fer. 3. Pour qu'il put voyager agreablement il prit une place dans le wagon-lit. 4. Arrive* a New York il fallut qu'il s'occupat de ses bagages. 5. II ordonna qu'on descendit sa grande malle, qui e*tait tres lourde, dans la cale et qu'on mit ses valises dans la cabine. 6. En pleine mer le vent soufflait et le vaisseau roulait. 7. Bien que mon ami fut assez habitue au roulis il fallut qu'il se couchat pour empecher le mal de mer. 8. Avant qu'on eut fait la moiti6 de la traversed il e"tait completement remis. 9. II debarqua a Cherbourg d'ou il partit pour Paris. C. 1. My father recently had to take (make) a journey to Europe. 2. He had to get (take) his railway ticket. 3. He went early to the station. 4. He went (there) early in order that he might have a good place in the sleeping car. 5. When he arrived at New York he had to see after his trunk. 6. He had his other luggage with him in the train. 7. But he ordered his trunk, which was heavy, to be lowered (use on) into the hold. 8. Although the wind was blowing the ship didn't roll much. 9. As he was not accus- tomed to travelling he had to lie down. 10. He lay down in order not to be (avoir) seasick. 11. Before he arrived at Cherbourg he had (was) completely recovered. D. 1. Before my friend started he took his ticket. 2. He had to take his ticket at the station. 3. He had to be there early in order to do that. 4. Although he arrived there early, he hadn't much time. 5. I wished him to get a ticket for me also. 6. I should HKO you to see about my luggage. 7. We should like you to put our valises into the stateroom. 8. Although our friends hadn't arrived we couldn't (impf.) wait. 9. We regretted that they had been hindered. 10. Although my uncle was ill, he was able to travel. 11. We had arrived before the train left for Paris. 157] LESSON LII 131 LESSON LII 157. Principal Parts. 1. The whole conjugation of any regu- lar verb, and of most irregular verbs, may be known from five forms of the verb, called "principal parts," as shown below for ecrire, write. These parts are the infinitive, the present par- ticiple, the past participle, the present indicative 1st singular and the past definite 1st singular; from each is formed the mood or tense in the column below. 1. INFIN. 2. PRES. PART. 3. PAST PART. 4. PRES. IND. 1 SG. 5. P. DBF. 1 So. ecrire crivant ecrit j'ecris j'ecrivis Future Impf. Ind. Comp. Tenses Imperative Impf. Subj. j'ecrirai, etc. j'ecrivais, etc. j'ai ecrit, etc. 6cris, etc. j'ecrivisse,etc. Conditional Pres. Subj. j'ecrirais, etc. j'ecrive, etc. RULE: Add RULE : Drop RULE: Add RULE: Form RULE: Form to the Infini- -ant and add the Past Par- the Impera- the Imperfect tive (dropping the endings ticiple to the tive by drop- Subjunctive final -e) proper auxil- ping the sub- by substitut- iary ( 45) to ject pronoun ing -ai -ons -ais -ions form the Com- of the 2d sing- -sse -ssions -as -ez -ais -iez pound Tenses, ular, 1st and -sses -ssiez -a -ont -ait -aient and also the 2d plural of - A t -ssent Passive Voice the Present to form the to form the of transitive Indicative ( s for the final Future, and Imperf ., and verbs ( 118). of the 2d sing- letter of the ular 1st con- 1st singular -ais -ions -e -ions jugation being Past Definite, -ais -iez -es iez also dropped, placing a cir- -ait -aient -e -ent except before cumflex ac- cent over the to form the Conditional. to form the Pres.Subjunct. en, y, e.g. paries-en, vas-v^ last vowel of the 3d sing- (a) The 1st and 2d Plural VdO J J . ular. Present Indicative and Im- perative may also be formed by changing -ant into -ons, -ez. 132 LESSON LII | 158 2. A condensed form of the above is used in the Alphabetical List of the Irregular Verbs (see Appendix), thus: e*crire crivant e*crit e"cris ecrivis (write) ecrivais e*crivisse e"crirai(s) derive PRESENT INDICATIVE: e"cris, ecris, ecrit, ecrivons, e*crivez, ecrivent. 158. Remarks on Irregular Verbs. 1. The infinitive stem of some verbs is phonetically modified in the future and condi- tional, e.g. venir, viendrai(s). 2. The stem-vowel of the present participle is phonetically modified in the present subjunctive of some verbs, where stressed (1st, 2d, 3d singular and 3d plural), e.g. venant, vienne, viennes, vienne, viennent; usually also in the same persons of the present indicative, e.g. viens, viens, vient, viennent. 3. Many verbs have the present indicative singular in -s, -s, -t, others in -x, -x, -t, e.g. sais, sais, sait (savoir), veux, veux, veut (vouloir); the-t is omitted after c, d, t, e.g. vainc (vaincre), vend (vendre), met (mettre). 4. Some verbs have the past definite in -us, -us, -ut, -times, -utes, -urent, and the imperfect subjunctive in -usse, -usses, -ut, -ussions, -ussiez, -ussent, e.g. courus, etc. (courir), cou- russe, etc. 5. All verbs with the past definite in -is continue the tense like finis, e.g. pris, pris, prit, primes, prites, prirent. 6. Verbs in -oir (a separate conjugation in some grammars) are treated as irregular verbs. 7. Exceptions to the rules of 157 will be indicated in the Alphabetical List; avoir and etre are not included under the rules. 8. The present indicative of each verb should be learned in fuU. 159. Exercise Form. For exercises and tests the following tabular form is suggested; the form may be ruled large enough to contain several verbs, the different verbs being indicated by numerals, as shown in the margin: 159] LESSON LII 133 INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. IND. 1 So. P.DEF.ISG. (1) savoir, know (2) connaltre, know (3) naitre, be born sachant connaissant naissant su connu ne je sais je connais je nais je sus je connus je naquis FUT. 1 SG. IMPF. IND. 1 SG. P. IND. 1 SG. IMPVE. 2 So. IMP.SUB.1SO. (1) je saurai (2) je connaitrai (3) je naitrai je savais je connaissais je naissais j'ai su j'ai connu jesuisne(e) sache connais nais je susse je connusse je naquisse CONDL. 1 SG. (1) je saurais (2) je connaltrais (3) je naltrais PRES. SUB j. (in full, using abbreviations if necessary} je sache, tu saches, il sache, nous sachions, vous sa- chiez, ils sachent. je connaisse, tu -s, il -e, nous connaissions, vous -iez, ils ent. je naisse, tu naisses, il naisse, nous naissions, voua -iez, ils -ent. PRES. INDIC. (in full, underlining forms common to the Imperative) (1) je sais, t. sais, 1 i. sait, n. savons, v. savez, i. savent. (2) je connais, t. connais, i. connait, n. connaissons, v. connaissez, i. con- naissent. (3) je nais, t. nais, i. nait, n. naissons, v. naissez, i. naissent. i Imperative: sache, sachons, sachez. NOTE. Printed forms, ruled as above, and with space for writing out five verbs, may be obtained from the Publishers for classroom use. EXERCISE LII NOTE. Before doing this and similar exercises, study the verbs required in detail in the Alphabetical List. Like connaitre is reconnaitre, recognize. Distinguish savoir, know (what has been learned, or is realized by the mind), know how to, can, from connaitre, know (be acquainted with, recog- nize by the perceptions) : Je connais cette dame de vue. I know that lady by sight. Je ne sais pas ou elle demeure. I don't know where she lives. Usually was born = est ne, of persons still living; otherwise etait ne or naquit, but with numerous exceptions. 134 LESSON LIII [ 160 A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je ne saurai (connaitrai) pas. 2. Je connaitrais (saurais). 3. Je n'en savais rien. 4. Je n'y connaissais personne. 5. Je suis ne(e) au 19 e siecle. 6. Je sais faire cela. 7. Je ne connais pas cet endroit. 8. II est content que je sache ma lee. on, . . . tu . . . ta. 9. Je ne les ai pas reconnus. B. 1. What do you know of that affair? 2. I know nothing of it. 3. Do you not know me? 4. I do, but I didn't recognize you at first. 5. They didn't know the date. 6. Would you know my brother? 7. I am glad that you know your verses. 8. They didn't know the city very well. 9. It is necessary that we should know him. 10. In what year were you born? 11. I was born in the last year of the 19th century. C. 1. I was acquainted with that lady. 2. My mother knew her very well. 3. They will not know where we are. 4. He would not know where to find us. 5. I wish you to know your lessons for to-morrow. 6. I knew nobody at the concert. 7. William I was born in 1027. 8. Do you know at what o'clock the train arrived? 9. My uncle knows America well. 10. I didn't know whether you would recognize me. 11. I was the first to recognize you. 12. He didn't know how to do his work. 13. The teacher was glad that we knew our lessons to-day. LESSON LIII 160. Agreement of Verb and Subject. Review 4 and ob^ serve : 1. The agreement of the verb with a simple subject: Le peuple frangais est vif . The French people are lively. La plupart du monde le croit. Most people believe it. La plupart (des hommes) le croient. Most men believe it. (a) A collective noun singular requires a verb singular; so also for col- lectives in general, if limited by de + a singular. (6) Otherwise the agreement is usually with the sense as in English, ex- ample 3. 161] LESSON LIU 135 2. The agreement of the verb with a compound subject: Toi et moi (nous) le croyons. You and I believe it. Vous et lui (vous) Favez vu. You and he have seen it. Sa sceur et lui sont venus. His sister and he have come. L'un ou Fautre Faura. One or the other will have it. Ni Fun ni Fautre ne sont bons. Neither are good. (a) The verb is regularly plural, unless, as in Ex. 4, one subject excludes the other; for agreement when the subjects are of different persons* observe Ex. 1 and 2, usually with redundant nous, vous. 161. Position of Subject. Apart from interrogations (cf. 8), the subject often follows the verb, as in the following: Fais comme moi, dit-il. Do as I do, said he. Que veux-tu? demanda le fils. What do you wish? asked the son. A peine le jour fut-il arrive. Hardly had the day arrived. Aussi mon ami est-il venu. Hence my friend came. Peut-etre a-t-il raison. 1 -r, A ,., . Perhaps he is right. Peut-etre qu'il a raison. J II fera ce que peut faire un homme He will do what a man who re- qui se respecte. spects himself can do. Je ne sais pas oft est ma mere. / don't know where my mother is. C'est en lui qu'espere son ami. It is in him that his friend hopes. But: C'est en lui qu'elle espere. It is in him that she hopes. (a) In remarks explanatory of quotation, as in English, Ex. 1 and 2. (6) Often when an adverb heads the clause, Ex. 3, 4 and 5; always so for aussi, hence, Ex. 4, but never for peut-etre que, Ex. 6. (c) A subject (not a personal pronoun) often follows the verb in a relative clause or after c'est que, Ex. 7, 8 and 9. EXERCISE LIII A. 1. The American people like winter sports. 2. A part of our family live in the country. 3. This kind of pears is always dear. 4. You and he are always together. 5. You and I have always been good friends. 6. Neither (the one nor the other) of the pictures has been sold. 7. Few people (gens) know Paris better than he. 8. If I do this, answered he, I shall lose my time. 9. Per- haps we shall catch the train; let us hasten. 10. He will do for (pour) me all that a good friend can do. 11. My mother is kind to everybody; hence she is loved by all. 12. This dealer makes large 136 LESSON LIV [ 162 profits; hence he is becoming rich. 13. Where is your hat? I asked. 14. I know where my hat is, he replied, but I don't know where my gloves are. B. 1. The French people love the theatre. 2. How is your father? my mother asked him. 3. He is not very well, he replied. 4. The man was running very fast; perhaps he had stolen something. 5. Do you remember what they were doing? 6. Does not everybody love his country? 7. The architect will oversee what the workmen are doing. 8. You and he were present at the ball, were you not? 9. He and I were there and also many of our acquaintances. 10. Will you and your friend not come to see us when you are in town? 11. Do you know what I wish? 12. Do you know what that man wants who is knocking at the door? 13. Do you know where the reading room is? 14. Is it in this house that your uncle and aunt live? LESSON LIV 162. Principal Parts of pouvoir, 'be able,' etc.; vouloir, 'wish/ 'will/ 'like,' etc.; voir, 'see' pouvoir pouvant pu peux or puis pus vouloir voulant voulu veux voulus voir voyant vu vois vis EXERCISE LIV (The irregular verbs in this and following exercises should be written out in full or practised orally according to the model at 159.) A. (Oral.) Continue throughout the tense: 1. Je pourrai (voudrai). 2. Je voudrais (pourrais). 3. Je verrai (verrais). 4. Je voulais (pouvais, voyais). 5. Je peux (veux, vois). 6. Je pus (voulus, vis). 7. Que je pusse (voulusse, visse). 8. Que je puisse (voie). B. 1. I am not able to do that. 2. If I (you, he, we) were able. 3. Have you been able? 4. He (you, they) would be able. 5. What do they wish? 6. I (he, we, you, they) did not wish to travel. 7. He (they) would like to remain here. 8. What books have 165] LESSON LV 137 you seen? 9. Shall I see you to-morrow? 10. What do you see? 11. I see nothing. 12. If they had been here, I should have seen them. C. 1. He (you, they) would like to study. 2. What have you seen? 3. He wishes me to see his pictures. 4. I wish them to see my garden. 5. He would see you if he were not ill. 6. They will see you if they can. 7. I wished to start yesterday, but I was not able. 8. They will not be able to sell their house. 9. Shall we be able to catch the train? 10. Do what you wish (Jut.). 11. The carpenter wasn't able to carry the board; it was too heavy. LESSON LV 163. Auxiliary Function. Several verbs, when followed di- rectly by an infinitive, have a sort of auxiliary function, and serve to form verb-phrases of an idiomatic character. 164. Vouloir, 'will,' 'wish (want, desire) to,' etc. II ne veut pas vous voir. He will not (doesn't wish) to see you. II vous parlera demain. He will speak to you to-morrow. II ne voulait pas partir. He was unwilling to (wouldn't) go. II voudrait (bien) le savoir. He would like to know it. II aurait voulu venir. He would have liked to come. (a) Distinguish will of futurity, Ex. 2, from will of purpose, Ex. 1. (b) Distinguish would of the imperfect, Ex. 3, from would of the condi- tional, Ex. 4 and 5. 165. Pouvoir, ' can,' 'be able to,' 'be permitted to,' 'may,' etc. Je peux faire cela moi-me'me. / can do that myself. Est-ce que je puis entrer? May I come (go) in? Je ne pouvais pas lire la lettre. / couldn't read the letter. Je n'ai pas pu le faire. I could not (was unable to) do it. II pourrait venir s'il voulait. He could come if he would. Aurait-il pu venir ce soir? Could he have come this evening? Pourrais-je' vous demander ceci? Might (could) I ask you this? (a) Pouvoir = can or may, Ex. 1 and 2. (b) Distinguish could = was able in a past tense, Ex. 3 and 4, from could = would be able of the conditional, Ex. 5 and 6. (c) Note the English rendering of the conditional in Ex. 7. 138 LESSON LV [ 166 166. Savoir, i know,' ' know how to,' ' can,' etc. II salt ecrire. He can (knows how to) write. II est malade et ne peut pas He is ill, and cannot write this ecrire ce soir. evening. Je ne saurais le croire. I cannot believe it. (a) .distinguish can = know how to, has learned how to, Ex. 1, from can of physical ability, Ex. 2. (6) Note the English rendering of the conditional in Ex. 3. EXERCISE LV aider, help la fourchette, fork Parmoire, f., cupboard intelligent, intelligent arranger, arrange Jeanne, Jane Passiette, f ., plate le menage, household le couteau, knife la nappe, tablecloth (white) le convert, cover (dishes, etc., la peur, fear for one i^erson) le tiroir, drawer la cuiher, spoon de peur de, for fear 'of; mettre la nappe, lay the table (cloth),- ^. the table; faire le menage, keep house; cafe au lait, coffee with milk; arranger les converts, arrange the dishes (in setting the table) A. Continue: 1. Je sais compter jusqu'a cent, tu. 2. Je voudrais bien y aller. 3. J'aurais voulu y aller si j'avais pu, tu . . . tu. 4. Je pourrais y aller si je voulais, tu . . . tu. 5. Je ne pouvais pas sortir. 6. Je ferai ce que je voudrai, tu . . . tu. 7. Aurais-je pu faire cela? 8. Je ne peux pas ecrire parce que je suis malade, tu . . . tu. B. 1. Jeanne est une petite fille habile et intelligente. 2. Elle sait deja lire et e'crire, mais elle ne peut pas aller tous les jours a 1'ecole. 3. Elle voudrait savoir faire le menage. 4. Et sa mere voudrait aussi qu'elle sache cela. 5. Tous les matins elle se leve de bonne heure pour qu'elle puisse aider sa mere. 6. Elle sait mettre la nappe et arranger les converts. 7. Elle sait dans quels tiroirs se trouvent les serviettes, les couteaux, les fourchettes et les cuillers. 8. Si elle etait plus grande, elle pourrait prendre les asjsiettes et les tasses qui sont dans la grande armoire. 9. Sa mere ne veut pas qu'elle y touche de peur de les casser. 10. Son pere lui dit quelquefois: "Jeanne, si tu savais me faire un bon cafe au lait, tu serais une bonne petite menagere." 167] LESSON LVI 139 C. (Oral.) 1. Savez-vous parler frangais? 2. Savez-vous 1'ecrire aussi? 3. Pourriez-vous ecrire line lettre en frangais? 4. Sauriez- vous me dire si votre frere est deja leve? 5.. Pourquoi Jeanne se leve-t-elle de bonne heure? 6. Que sait-elle f aire ? 7. Quepourrait- elle faire si elle etait plus grande? 8. Pourquoi sa mere ne veut- elle pas qu'elle touche a la vaisselle? etc. D. 1. I cannot go to school to-day. 2. I should like to go (there) every day. 3. I can read, but I cannot write yet. 4. If I could go to school every day, I should soon learn to write. 5. My mother would like me to know how to keep house. 6. I know how to lay the table. 7. I cannot get the cups and plates in the cupboard. 8. My mother doesn't want me to touch them. 9. But I can get the knives, forks and spoons. 10. I know in which drawer they are. 11. If I were older, I could make a cup of coffee for my father. 12. I can't make the coffee yet; I am too young. 13. My mother says that if I could make the coffee, I sho Id be a g )d i: ttle house- wif 14. I should like to learn to make it. j. 1. My sister can sing very well. 2. But she is ill and can't sing this evening. 3. She would like to sing if she could. 4. She helps her mother to (a) arrange the dishes. 5. She can't get the dishes (vaisselle) in the cupboard for fear of breaking them. 6. We cannot always do what we should like. 7. But we shall do what we can (fut.) . 8. I tried to learn my lesson, but I couldn't. 9. Could you tell me what time it is? 10. I cannot; my watch is broken. 11. If I had my dress coat, I could go to the ball. 12. But the tailor couldn't bring it; it wasn't ready. 13. He would have brought it if he had been able. 14. We should like to go to Europe this summer if we could. 15. Couldn't you go with us? LESSON LVI 167. Aller, 'go'; devoir, 'owe,' 'be obliged'; venir, 'come' aller allant alle vais allai devoir devant du (/. due) dois dus venir venant venu viens vins 140 LESSON LVII [ 168 EXERCISE LVI A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. J'irai (irais) le voir. 2. J'allais et venais tout le temps. 3. Je ne lui dois (devais, devrai) rien. 4. Je vien- drai les voir. 5. Je m'en suis alle(e). 6. Je suis venu(e) a pied. 7. J'y vais tout de suite. 8. J'irai 1 (irais) avec plaisir. 9. Vas-y. 10. Viens. 11. II faut que j'y aille (vienne). 12. J'y allai. 13. Je vins ici tout seul. 14. II fallait que j'y allasse (vinsse). 15. II est fache que je doive partir, . . . tu. B. 1. Where are you going? 2. I am going home. 3. He owes me ten francs. 4. You owe me nothing. 5. Come (2d sing.) with me. 6. Do not go there. 7. We shall go to the concert. 8. They will come to see us. 9. I should go if I could. 10. Come next week. 11. Go there at once. 12. Go away (s'en aller). 13. I desired him to go to the market. 14. They came early. 15. They have come. C. 1. We are going to have some friends to dinner. 2. Whom are you going to invite? 3. We shall owe them much money. 4. I owed you nothing. 5. When will they come? 6. When did they (/.) come? 7. Pay me what you owe me. 8. Come at once. 9. I must (use ilfaut) go away. 10. He must come to see us. 11. Owe nothing to anybody. 12. They (/.) have gone away. 13. They came in [a] carriage. 14. It was necessary for him to come. 15. He didn't owe me anything. LESSON LVII 168. Devoir = owe, but observe also its force in various tenses when followed directly by an infinitive: PRESENT: Je dois parler. / am to (have to, must) speak. IMPF. : Je devais parler. / was (had, was obliged) to speak. FUTURE : Je devrai parler. 7 shall have (be obliged) to speak. CONDL. : Je devrais parler. / ought to (should) speak. PAST INDEP. : J'ai dti. parler. 7 have had (been obliged) to speak, had to speak, must have spoken. PAST DEF. : Je dus parler. 7 had (was obliged} to speak. CONDL. ANT. : J'aurais dti. parler. 7 ought to have (should have) spoken. i Aller regularly requires a complement, but y so used is omitted before irai, etc., irais, etc. 170] LESSON LVII 141 169. Aller. The present and imperfect + a direct infinitive give a sort of immediate future, like go, etc., in English: II va Facheter. He is going (is about) to buy it. Nous allions partir. We were (just) about to start. II allait se noyer. He was on the point of drowning. Allez le voir demain. Go to (go and) see him to-morrow. 170. Venir. Observe its force when followed by an infini- tive (1) without a preposition, (2) with de, (3) with &, the two latter in the present and imperfect: II est venu me voir. He came to see (came and saw) me. Je viens de les voir. I have just seen them. Je venais de les voir. I had just seen them. S'il venait & voir le livre. // he happened to see the book. EXERCISE LVII apres-demain, the day after to- le menu, menu, bill of fare morrow la noix, walnut avant-hier, the day before yesterday la personne, person boire, irreg., drink le potage, soup car, for les preparatifs, m., preparations s'enrhumer, catch (take) cold le radis, radish Pentree, f., entree le rdti, roast la fete, festivity, holiday la salade, salad la glace, ice (cream) la sardine, sardine la grand'mere, grandmother servir, irreg., serve le grand-pere, grandfather la sorte, sort, kind le hors-d'oeuvre, side dish, relish t6t, soon Lucie, Lucy la visite, visit, call d'ici 1, from now till then A. Continue: 1. Je venais de diner chez eux, tu. 2. Je dois m'oc- cuper du menu. 3. J'aurais du commencer plus tot. 4. Je devais y aller mais je ne pouvais pas, tu . . . tu. 5. J'ai du partir de bonne heure. 6. Je devrais faire mes preparatifs, tu . . . tes. 7. Je viens de leur parler. 8. Je vais m'occuper de cette affaire. 9. Je suis venu(e) le voir. 10. Si je venais a le voir. B. 1. Nous venons de diner chez mon grand-pere et ma grand' mere. 2. Toute la famille devait y etre, mais quelques-uns des 142 LESSON LVII [ 170 parents ne pouvaient pas venir. 3. Mon pere s'etait enrhume et a du partir avant la fin. 4. Avant-hier ma tante Lucie, a qui nous devions line visite, a donne* une reception. 5. Comme c'est la saison des fetes de famille, tous nos parents viendront diner chez nous mardi prochain. 6. D'ici la ma mere et mes soeurs vont avoir beau- coup a faire. 7. Demain ou apres-demain elles doivent commencer leurs preparatifs. 8. Si on venait a oublier quelque chose, ma mere serait tres fachee. 9. Elles auraient du peut-etre commencer plus tot, car il va y avoir (to be) une vingtaine de personnes au diner. 10. Ma mere doit s'occuper du menu. 11. Pour un bon diner on devrait servir d'abord un hors-d'oeuvre de radis, de sardines ou quel- que chose de la sorte, et puis un bon potage. 12. Apres le potage on devrait avoir une entree, des legumes, un bon roti et de la salade. 13. Ensuite on devrait servir des glaces, des fruits, des noix, et une tasse de cafe noir. C. (Oral on B.) D. 1. My grandfather and grandmother have just dined with us. 2. It (ce) was to be a family dinner. 3. The sons, daughters and their children were to be there. 4. Some of our relatives had to refuse the invitation. 5. My uncle had caught cold and was obliged to stay at home. 6. We are all to go to my aunt Lucy's reception the day after to-morrow. 7. One should attend these family festivities, you know. 8. The whole family is to dine at my aunt's next Monday. 9. She is going to see about the menu at once. 10. My mother was to help her, but she can't. 11. She fell while taking a walk. 12. She ought to have gone to bed at once. 13. You ought to take a little of this salad, it is very good. 14. May I offer you some fruit or walnuts? 15. One shouldn't drink too much black coffee. E. 1. We have invited twenty people (personne) to dinner. 2. We shall first have radishes or sardines and then a soup. 3. The roast will come after the entree. 4. There will be several sorts of fruits. 5. The ices and coffee will be served at the end. 6. He ought to come sooner. 7. He ought to have come sooner. 8. Here is a twenty-five franc note which I have just found. 9. It must be yours, 10. Yes, it is mine, I must have lost it yesterday. 11. We 171] LESSON LVIII 143 were to start for the country the day before yesterday. 12. Come and dine with us next Sunday. 13. You owe us a visit. 14. You ought not to have spoken of it. 15. You ought to begin your prep- arations at once. 16. What are we to do now? The train has gone. 17. It has just gone. 18. It had just gone when I arrived at the station. 19. We shall have to wait for another train. LESSON LVIII 171. Dire, 'say,' 'tell'; faire, 'do,' 'make'; mettre, 'put,' ' place ' ; prendre, ' take ' dire disant dit dis dis faire faisant fait fais fis mettre mettant mis mets mis prendre prenant pris prends pris EXERCISE LVIII adieu or au revoir, good-bye A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je mets (prends, dis). 2. Je disais (faisais, mettais, prenais). 3. Je prendrai (mettrai, ferai, dirai). 4. Je fis (mis, pris, dis). 5. Je mettrais (dirais, ferais, prendrais). 6. Je me suis mis(e) a table. 7. Je lui ai dit adieu (au revoir). 8. Que je mette (dise, fasse, prenne). 9. Que je disse (fisse, misse, prisse). 10. Prends. 11. Dis. 12. Mets. 13. Fais. B. 1. What do you (will you, would you) say? 2. What have you said (done, taken)? 3. The others will take (say) that. 4. Would they say (do) the same thing? 5. I was taking a walk. 6. What was he saying? 7. He has put [on] his overcoat. 8. Tell me what he has said (done, taken). 9. What have you done? 10. Take my stick; don't take John's. 11. We wish you to say (do, take) what you wish (fut.). 12. Do you wish me to set the table? C. 1. Say what you will (fut.). 2. They have said (done, taken) that. 3. Have you put the plates on the table? 4. Saying that, he went away. 5. I shall take some salad. 6. They would say the 144 LESSON' LIX [ 172 same thing. 7. They were saying good-bye. 8. They wouldn't take any wine. 9. Take my pen. 10. Put the cups and plates on the table. 11. Let us take a walk. 12. Let us tell them that. 13. I wished him to tell me all (tout). 14. I wished him to take my place. LESSON LIX 172. Faire causatively. 1. This .verb + an infinitive cor- responds to a great variety of expressions in English which may be explained by the meaning cause to do or be done: J'ai fait ecrire les enfants. / have made the children write. II les fera e"couter. He will make them listen. La robe qu'elle s'est fait faire. The dress she got made for herself. (a) The past participle fait thus used is invariable. 2. A governed substantive follows the infinitive, but a gov- erned conjunctive personal pronoun goes with faire: Faites venir la domestique. Have the servant (get the servant to) come. Faites-la venir. Have her come (send for her). 3. If the infinitive with faire has a direct object, its per- sonal object must be indirect: Je fis lire mon fils. / made my son read. Je fis lire ce livre a mon fils. I made my son read this book. Faites-le-lui lire. Make him (get him to) read it. (a) Possible ambiguity is sometimes avoided by par, e.g. II fit porter le sac par le guide, He had the sack carried by the guide. (b) The infinitive of certain reflexives (s'asseoir, se souvenir, se taire, etc.) regularly omits se, e.g. Faites asseoir vos amis, Have your friends sit down. (c) Laisser, let, entendre, hear, voir, see, sometimes have the same construction as faire: Laissez-leur (or -les) faire cela, Let them do that; J'ai entendu dire cela a mon frere or J'ai entendu mon frere dire cela, I heard my brother say that. 172] LESSON LIX 145 EXERCISE LIX blanchir, whiten, wash (linen) mis, p. part, of mettre, dressed brosser, brush la mise, dress, manner of dressing le coiffeur, barber, hairdresser la negligence, carelessness le complet, suit (of clothes} la pake, pair le cordonnier, shoemaker le pourboire, gratuity, tip le faux col, collar (detachable) la proprete, cleanliness, neatness, le garcon coiffeur, journeyman tidiness barber respecter, respect les habits, m., clothes soigner, take care of ^ Julien, Julian soigneusement, carefully le linge, linen le soulier, shoe la manchette, cuff le vetement, sing., garment, suit, la mesure, measure pi. clothes faire payer, charge; faire voir, show; laisser a desirer, leave (something) to be desired, not be satisfactory; se laisser aller a, yield to, give way to A. Continue: 1. Je me fais respecter. 2. Je ferai travailler les ouvners. 3. Je vais me faire faire une robe, tu . . . te. 4. Je me suis fait faire un complet, tu . . . t'. 5. Je devrais me faire couper les cheveux, tu . . . te. 6. Je leur ai fait payer le prix. 7. Je me suis fait payer, tu . . . t'. 8. Fais-les (impve.) travailler. 9. Je vais leur faire voir les beautes de la ville. B. 1. Tout jeune homme devrait etre bien mis. 2. On ne se fait pas respecter en se laissant aller a la negligence. 3. II faut qu'on fasse blanchir soigneusement son linge. 4. Les faux cols et les manchettes font voir tout de suite si on aime la proprete. 5. Mon frere Julien soigne assez bien ses vetements. 6. Cependant sa mise laisse un peu a desirer, et sa mere lui a dit d' aller chez le tailleur se faire faire un complet. 7. Le tailleur lui a fait voir des etoffes, et puis il a pris sa mesure. 8. Le tailleur lui fera payer le complet cent dix francs. 9. Ensuite, chez le cordonnier, il s'est fait prendre mesure pour une paire de souliers. 10. Le cordonnier se la (or les) fera payer vingt francs. 11. Entrant chez le coiffeur il s'est fait couper les cheveux. 12. II paie la coupe de cheveux dix sous. 13. Apres s'etre fait brosser ses habits il donne quatre sous de pour- boire au gargon coiffeur. C. (Oral on B.) 146 LESSON LX [ 173 D. 1. That young man is not well dressed. 2. He is going to get himself a suit made. 3. He will have his measure taken at the tailor's, 4. Have you had your measure taken? 5. I have had (myself) a suit made. 6. I didn't like the- materials the tailor showed me. 7. He is going to charge me 125 francs. 8. Here is the pair of shoes which I have had made (for myself). 9. You ought to get your hair cut; it is too long. 10. I shall get it cut to- morrow. 11. After having my clothes brushed, I shall give the barber a tip. 12. Everybody should be well dressed. 13. One must make oneself respected in this world. 14. Get these collars and cuffs washed. 15. I have had our linen washed. E. 1. Take good care of (soigner bien) your clothes. 2. Your dress (mise) is not very satisfactory. 3. Go to the shoemaker's to get yourself a pair of shoes made. 4. How much am I to pay? 5. He will charge you 25 francs, but it (ce) is cheap. 6. I shall make them study. 7. I shall make them write their exercises. 8. Get the tailor to come. 9. Get these collars washed carefully. 10. Your cuffs are not clean. 11. Cleanliness causes a young man to be re- spected. 12. Show me some (de) of your best cloths. 13. How much will you charge me [for] the suit? 14. This dress which I got (myself) made in Paris doesn't fit me. 15. I shall get myself another made as soon as I arrive in New York. LESSON LX 173. Envoy er, 'send'; recevoir, 'receive'; mouvoir, 'move'? mourir, 'die' envoyer envoyant envoye envoie envoyai recevoir recevant regu regois regus mouvoir mouvant mti (/. mue) meus mus mourir mourant mort incurs mourus Like recevoir: s'apercevoir (de), perceive. EXERCISE LX le cadeau, present, gift la poste, post office les nouvelles, f., news la soif, thirst mourir de soif, be very thirsty 174] LESSON LXI 147 A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je m'en apergois. 2. Je lui enverrai (enverrais) la lettre. 3. Je recevrai quelque chose. 4. Je meurs (mourais) de soif. 5. Je recevais de bonnes nouvelles. 6. II veut que je regoive de bons gages. 7. II faudra que je meure. 8. Que je regusse. B. 1. I send (shall send) my son to school. 2. He (you, they) will receive a gift. 3. What news have you received? 4. My poor aunt died yesterday. 5. All men will die. 6. They (we) were very thirsty. 7. They (/.) would have died. 8. Do you wish me to send the letters to the post office? 9. They (we, I) perceive (of) nothing. 10. If he dies, his family will have nothing. 11. I wished him to receive good wages. C. 1. They receive news every day. 2. Put the letters you have received into this drawer. 3. My father will send me money. 4. I shall receive it soon. 5. All men are born and die. 6. His family knew he was dying. 7. They said he would die. 8. Many persons have died. 9. Napoleon III died in 1873. 10. I wish him to re- ceive this letter to-day. 11. I should like Mr. Liard to send me a good roast. LESSON LXI 174. Additional Verb-Phrases. Observe the following: faire savoir, inform, let one know entendre parler de, hear (spoken) entendre dire, hear (say or said) of aller chercher, go for, go and get faire attendre, keep (one) waiting envoyer chercher, send for venir chercher, come for venir prendre, come for, come and faire venir, send for get EXERCISE LXI 1'accident, m., accident Marcel, Marcellus Papres-midi, f., afternoon le neveu, nephew aussitot que, as soon as la niece, niece changer, change Renee, Renee (name, /.) le courrier, courier, post, mail retard (en), late se demander, ask oneself, wonder telegraphier, telegraph exact, exact, precise telephoner, telephone j'ai rec.u de ses nouvelles, I have heard from (received news of) him 148 LESSON LXI [ 174 A. Continue: 1. Je regois souvent de ses nouvelles. 2. Je vais le lui faire savoir. 3. J'en ai souvent entendu parler. 4. J'en- tends dire que le train est en retard. 5. Je me demande si c'est vrai. 6. Fais-les (impve.) attendre. 7. Je ferai venir une voiture. 8. J'en- verrai chercher mes neveux, tu . . . tes. 9. Je suis venu(e) les cher- cher. 10. Je vais les chercher tout de suite. B. 1. J'ai regu des nouvelles de mon neveu Marcel il y a quelques semaines. 2. J'ai regu encore de ses nouvelles par le courrier de ce matin. 3. II me fait savoir par sa lettre, et il me telegraphic aussi, qu'il arrivera avec ma ni&ee Renee cette apres-midi. 4. Mais on entend tellement parler d'accidents! 5. On ne sait jamais ce qui peut arriver. 6. J'entends dire que leur train, celui de 5 h. 45 du soir, est presque tous les jours en retard. 7. Je me demande s'il va arriver a 1'heure exacte aujourd'hui. 8. Je ne voudrais pas qu'on me fasse attendre, car je vais les chercher a la gare. 9. J'ai entendu dire que Marcel et Renee sont beaucoup changes. 10. Je ne les reconnaitrai plus peut-etre. 11. Mais je telephonerai a mon mari de venir nous chercher a la gare. 12. II pourra envoyer cher- cher une voiture qui ira le prendre a son bureau. 13. II m'aidera a les reconnaitre. 14. Aussitot que nous les aurons trouves nous les amenerons chez nous et nous ferons venir leurs bagages plus tard. C. (Oral.) 1. Quand avez-vous regu des nouvelles de votre neveu et de votre niece? 2. Avez-vous regu de leurs nouvelles aujourd'hui? 3. Quand vont-ils arriver? 4. De quel train parlez- vous? 5. Arrive-t-il generalement a 1'heure exacte? 6. Qui allez- vous chercher a la gare? 7. Votre niece est-elle beaucoup changee? 8. La reconnaitrez-vous sans difficulte? 9. Qui doit envoyer cher- cher une voiture? 10. Que ferez-vous quand vous aurez trouve* votre niece? 11. Quand enverrez-vous chercher ses bagages? etc. D. 1. We have just received news of my nephew and niece. 2. We don't often get (receive) news of them. 3. Their letter ar- rived by this morning's mail. 4. They inform us that they are going to arrive this afternoon. 5. If the train is not late, they will be here at 5.25 P.M. 6. I wonder if the train will arrive on time to-day. 7. I have heard that it is almost always late. 8. My husband and I (we) are going to get them at the station. 9. They have telegraphed us that they will be late. 10. If they are much 175] LESSON LXII 149 changed, we shall not recognize them perhaps. 11. I wonder if they will recognize us. 12, Your father has gone to get a carriage. 13. It will come and get us here. 14. We shall start as soon as it comes. 15. First we shall bring my niece here, and then we shall send for her baggage. E. 1. Our friends heard from their brother six weeks ago. 2. They heard from him again by yesterday evening's mail. 3. He is going to arrive by the 6.00 P.M. train. 4. His sister will come with him. 5. . We have heard of a great many accidents, have we not? 6. The trains are often late. 7. We were wondering whether their train would be late. 8. We should not like to be kept (use on) waiting. 9. We are going to get our nephew and niece at the station. 10. We have heard that they are much changed. 11. We can't (Jut.) recog- nize them perhaps. 12. Let us telephone to our father. 13. He will come and get us. 14. He will send for a carriage. 15. The carriage will come and get us. LESSON LXII 175. Crozre, 'believe,' 'think'; lire, 'read* croire croyant cru crois cms lire lisant lu lis lus Like lire: elire, elect. EXERCISE LXII le journal, newspaper lentement, slowly A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je ne crois pas cette nouvelle. 2. Je ne lis (lisais) pas bien. 3. Je serai elu. 4. II faut que je lise d'autres livres. 5. Je lirais plus si j'avais le temps, tu . . . tu. 6. Je ne croi- rais pas tout cela. 7. Les journaux que j'ai lus. 8. Crois-y (believe in it). 9. Lis beaucoup. 10. II voulait que je crusse cette histoire, . . . tu. 11. Je lus la moitie du chapitre. B. 1. Read more slowly. 2. They (you, we) read too fast. 3. By reading we learn to read. 4. What do you wish me (tiiem, him) to read? 5. I (we) shall read those newspapers. 6. They would read better if they read more slowly. 7. Believe me. 8. Let 150 LESSON LXIII [ 176 us not believe them. 9. Would you believe it? 10. You don't believe what I say. 11. We (I) shall never believe that story. C. 1. He read (p. def.) the whole chapter. 2. They read (p. def.) the half of it. 3. I wished him to read good books. 4. What books have you read? 5. Charles used to read badly. 6. He reads much better now. 7. What were you reading when I came in? 8. I was reading the newspaper. 9. I think it is going to rain. 10. They thought we were not coming. 11. I thought they would be elected. 12. You thought I had gone away, didn't you? LESSON LXIII 176. Infinitive for Noun Clause. After verbs of declaring, intending, thinking, hoping, the verb of a that clause in English may often be rendered in French by a direct infinitive, but only when both verbs in the sentence have the same subject: Je croyais le voir passer. I thought (that) I saw him pass. J'avoue 1'avoir oublie". / confess (that) I forgot it. J'espere reussir. 7 hope (that) I shall succeed. J'ai cru devoir rester. / thought (that) I ought to stay. Je compte y e"tre. 7 expect (that) I shall be there. But: Je crois qu'il est venu. / think (that) he has come. (a) Such verbs are: affirmer, avouer, compter, croire, declarer, espe"rer, 3tC. EXERCISE LXIII avouer, declare, confess V election, f., election bonjour, good morning, good day Pexamen, m., examination le bulletin (de vote), ballot paper la majorite, majority le candidat, candidate municipal, municipal le citoyen, citizen occupe, busy la commune, municipality se passer, be happening, be going on compter, count, reckon, purpose, a propos (de), with regard (to), by intend, expect the way le conseiller, councillor Purne, L, urn, ballot box deposer, deposit, cast (vote) le vote, voting Pelecteur, m., elector voter, vote & moins d'etre, if one (etc.) is net; je Pespere, 7 hope so; etre refuse, fail (to pass an examination)^ il compte etre recu, he expects to pass (at an examination) 176] LESSON LXIII 151 A. Continue: 1. J'avoue 1'avoir oublie*. 2. Je comptais partir ce soir. 3. J'ai cru 1'avoir vu passer. 4. Je crois pouvoir passer Fexamen. 5. J'espere y reussir cette fois. 6. Je n'ai pas cru devoir voter pour M. Liard. 7. Je ne compte pas etre e*lu. 8. Je crois qu'il sera elu. B. 1. Bonjour, Raymond, d'ou viens-tu? 2. Je viens du vil- lage. 3. Je croyais t'avoir vu passer il y a une heure. 4. Qu'est-ce qui se passe au village? 5. C'est le jour des elections. 6. On e*lit les conseillers municipaux. 7. J'avoue avoir oublie cette affaire importante. 8. J'etais si occupe a me preparer pour mes 'examens. 9. A moins d'etre bien prepare* on n'y re*ussit pas. 10. J'y ai deja e*te refuse. 11. J'espere y etre regu la prochaine fois. 12. Mais a propos des elections, est-ce qu'il y a beaucoup de candidats? 13. Oui, il y en a plusieurs; mon pere en est un, et il compte etre elu cette fois. 14. Je Tespere bien. 15. Est-ce que beaucoup des electeurs ont vote? 16. Oui, la majorite des citoyens de la commune ont cru devoir deposer leurs bulletins de vote dans Turne. 17. Alors Raymond dit "au revoir" et s'en va. C. (Oral.) 1. D'ou vient Raymond? 2. Quand 1'avez-vous vu passer? 3. Qu'est-ce qui se passait au village? 4. Pourquoi aviez- vous oublie les elections? 5. Avez-vous re*ussi aux examens? 6. Pourquoi? 7. Combien de candidats y avait-il aux examens? 8. Y ont-ils reussi tous? 9. Avez-vous deja vote aux elections? 10. Croyez-vous devoir toujours voter? 11. Ou depose-t-on son bulletin de vote? etc. D. 1. I saw many citizens going to the village yesterday to (pour) vote. 2. We thought we saw you passing [by]. 3. We confess we had forgotten the elections. 4. We were preparing (ourselves) for our examinations. 5. If we are not well prepared (see B, 9), we shall fail. 6. My brother has failed twice. 7. I hope he will succeed this time. 8. He hopes he will succeed at his examinations. 9. Does your uncle expect that he will be elected? 10. He does. 11. I think I can vote to-morrow. 12. I think my uncle will have a con- siderable majority. 13. How many municipal councillors are there in this municipality? 152 LESSON LXIV [ 177 E. 1. The thief confessed that he had stolen the money. 2. We were very busy yesterday. 3. While the electors were voting we were preparing (ourselves) for the examinations. 4. Vote for Mr. Liard if you think you ought to do so (le). 5. He expects to be elected. 6. I hope he will be elected. 7. I hope I shall be able to take a trip next summer. 8. I hope you can (fut.) go with me. 9. Where do you expect to embark? 10. I expect I shall embark at Havre. 11. With regard to your examinations, do you expect to pass? 12. I do. 13. I expected to pass the last time, but I failed. 14. I believe you will succeed this time. 15. Let us hope so (le). LESSON LXIV 177. Boire, 'drink'; coudre, 'sew'; moudre, 'grind'; resoudre, 'resolve,' 'solve' boire buvant bu bois bus coudre cousant cousu couds cousis moudre moulant' moulu mouds moulus resoudre resolvant rSsolu rSsous rsolus EXERCISE LXIV le medecin, doctor le verre, glass A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je bois (j'ai bu) du lait. 2. Bois un verre d'eau. 3. Est-ce que je re*soudrai les problemes? 4. Je I came very near (was on the point of) falling j'ai manque de tomber J A. Continue: 1. Je me suis d^peche" afin de finir. 2. Je suis trop fatigue pour finir. 3. Je commengai par apprendre les vers. 4. J'ai- merais autant partir tout de suite. 5. J'aimerais mieux rester a la maison. 6. Je n'ai pas manque* le train. 7. Je finirai par resoudre mes problemes. 8. J'ai fini de travailler pour ce soir. 9. Depeche- toi de peur d'arriver en retard. 10. J'ai pense (or failli) tomber. B. 1. A notre ecole les classes commencent a neuf heures. 2. Afin de pouvoir preparer tous nos devoirs nous en faisons une partie le soir precedent. 3. Quelquefois nous sommes trop fatigues pour les faire tous. 4. Nous commengons generalement par preparer la legon de latin. 5. J'aimerais autant commencer par resoudre nos problemes d'algebre. 6. Mais mon frre aime mieux, faire d'abord le latin. 7. Tout cela m'est 6gal si je prepare mes autres lemons. 8. L'autre jour par exemple nous n'avons pas pu terminer nos pro- blemes a cause du latin. 9. Nous finissons ordinairement par notre legon d'anglais. 10. On finit de travailler chez nous a dix heures. 11. Mon pere s'amuse quelquefois a lire les journaux jusqu'a onze heures. 12. Nous nous reveillons souvent tard. 13. Et de peur d'etre en retard a 1'ecole nous nous depechons. 14. L'autre jour je suis tombe en me depechant et j'ai failli me casser une jambe. 15. Je boite encore. 179] LESSON LXVI 155 C. (Oral on B.) D. 1. I am too tired this evening to do all the lessons. 2. Let us begin by preparing our Latin. 3. On account of my algebra, I would rather not do my Latin. 4. I generally do my prob- lems first. 5. But my brothers like best to do the easy lessons first. 6. Let us finish by learning something easy, for example, our verses. 7. I don't care, but I would just as soon learn them first. 8. I missed my history lesson yesterday. 9. We must finish working at ten. 10. We must go to bed now for fear of wakening too late. 11. We were very near being late yesterday, you know. 12. Yes, and I came very near breaking my leg. 13. I was hastening in order not to be late. 14. You see I am limping yet. E. 1. We are too tired to prepare all our exercises this evening. 2. Has your brother finished preparing his? 3. Yes, and he is amusing himself now reading the newspaper. 4. Let us hasten for fear of being late. 5. We have hastened in order not to be late at the station. 6. My father rose late, and (he) missed the train. 7. He had to wait for the next train. 8. He came near missing that one too. 9. Would you prefer to go to the concert or the theatre? 10. It is all the same to us. 11. As for me, I would rather see a good play. 12. We shall probably end up by staying at home. 13. Most people like best to begin by doing something easy. 14. Those who work will finally succeed. LESSON LXVI 179. Battre, 'beat,' 'thresh'; dormir, 'sleep'; servir, ' serve ' ; nettoyer, ' clean ' battre battant battu bats battis dormir dormant dormi dors dormis servir servant servi sers servis nettoyer nettoyant . nettoye* nettoie nettoyai Like dormir and servir: s'endormir, go to sleep; se servir de, make use f use. 156 LESSON LXVII [ 180 EXERCISE LXVI le beurre, butter le (la) malade, sick person, cruel, cruel patient mal, badly la nuit, night battre le beurre, churn A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je bats le ble" dans la grange. 2. Je dors toujours bien. 3. Est-ce que je me sers d'un crayon bleu? 4. Je n'ai pas bien dormi cette (last) nuit. 5. Dors bien. 6. Je dormis (dormirai) longtemps. 7. Bats le beurre. 8. Je me suis endormi(e) avant minuit. 9. Sers-toi de ces livres-la. 10. Sers le diner. 11. Je nettoie les souliers. 12. Je nettoierai la vaisselle. B. 1. Good morning, have you slept well? 2. Very well, thank you; and you? 3. Oh, I always sleep well now. 4. I am glad you are sleeping better. 5. The maid is churning. 6. The harvesters are threshing the wheat. 7. Let us thresh the wheat. 8. Serve the lunch, if you please. 9. Madam, the lunch is served (cr Madam is served). 10. I wish you to serve these ladies. 11. They are served already. 12. He was cleaning (would clean) the shoes. C. 1. My father always slept badly. 2. At what time did you go to sleep? 3. I went to sleep before twelve. 4. I slept very badly last night. 5. The children haven't gone to sleep yet. 6. That cruel mother is beating her child. 7. George was beaten for stealing apples. 8. Let us make use of these books. 9. Use my pen if you wish. 10. I have been using it. 11. The doctor wishes the patient to sleep. 12. I should like the maid to clean the kitchen. 13. That is no use (use servir a). LESSON LXVII 180. Government of Verbs. 1. An English transitive verb is sometimes rendered in French by a verb with de or a: II s'approchait de la ville. He was approaching the town. Je me souviens de vous. I remember you. II obeit a son pere. He obeys his father. Je lui obeirai. / shall obey him. 180] LESSON LXVII 157 2. A French transitive verb sometimes has the force of an English verb + a preposition: J'attends le train. / am waiting for the train. 3. De and are sometimes not translated literally: Cela depend de vous. That depends on you. Pensez a votre devoir. Think of your duty. 4. Compare the French and English constructions: Je paie le the. / pay for the tea. Je le paie a Fepicier. / pay the grocer for it. Je le lui ai paye. / have paid him for it. Je lui prends le fusil. / take (away) the gun from him. II demande du pain a son pere. He asks his father for bread. (a) Further examples: acheter quelque chose a quelqu'un, buy something from somebody; emprunter . . . a . . ., borrow . . . from . . .; oter . . . a . . ., take away . . . from . . .; voler . . . a . . ., steal . . . from . . .; pardonner . . . a . . ., pardon somebody for . . . 5. In many verbs the meaning varies with the preposition: Us jouent aux cartes. They play (at) cards. Elle joue du piano. She plays (on) the piano. (a) Further examples: penser a, think of, think about (turn over in one's mind)', penser de, think of (have an opinion about); servir, serve; servir a, serve as or for; se servir de, make use of, use. EXERCISE LXVII ainsi, thus, so pardonner, pardon la baratte, churn le piano, piano dependre, depend poser, place, put, ask (question) employer, employ le pre, meadow Petable, f., stable (for cattle) la qualite, quality la faute, fault la question, question former, form sage, wise, well-behaved, good (of les grands-parents, grandparents children) la laiterie, dairy le seau, pail marcher, march, go, run tirer or traire, irreg., milk Marguerite, Margaret Pustensile, m., utensil obeir, obey et ainsi de suite, and so forth, and so on; faire marcher, make or cause to go, work (of machines) ; battre des mains, clap one's hands 158 LESSON LXVII [180 A. Continue: 1. J'ob&s a mon pere, tu . . . ton. 2. Je lui obe*is. 3. Je lui prends son livre. 4. Je me sers d'encre noire. 5. Je m'en sers. 6. J'emploie de 1'encre noire. 7. Je m'approche du feu. 8. Je lui demande de 1'argent. 9. Je m'apergois de cela. 10. Je m'en suis apergu(e). 11. Je pensais a elles. 12. Je ne m'en suis pas servi. 13. Je n'y ai pas pense". B. 1. Paul et Marguerite sont chez leurs grands-parents a la cam- pagne. 2. Us sont sages et ob&ssent a leur grand'mere. 3. Elle leur pardonne facilement leurs petites fautes. 4. Us s'amusent beau- coup a la regarder travailler et 1'aident aussi. 5. Quelquefois elle leur dit d'aller au pre" chercher les vaches. 6. Us amenent les vaches a ratable et grand'mere les tire. 7. Grand-pere lui prend les seaux pleins de lait et les emporte a la laiterie. 8. Deux fois par semaine on fait du beurre. 9. On se sert d'une baratte pour battre le beurre. 10. On nettoie soigneusement la baratte, car la qualite du beurre depend beaucoup de la proprete* des ustensiles qu'on emploie. 11. Grand-pere fait marcher la baratte et les enfants s'approchent de lui pour voir. 12. Us lui posent (or font) beaucoup de questions. 13. Us lui demandent: "Grand-pere, tu ne dis rien; a quoi penses-tu? 14. Combien le marchand te paie-t-il le beurre? 15. Combien as-tu paye* la baratte? " 16. Et ainsi de suite. 17. Bientot on s'apergoit que le beurre se forme et les enfants battent des mains. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou e"taient les deux enfants? 2. Comment s'ap- pellent-ils? 3. A qui obe*issaient-ils? 4. Que leur pardonnait-elle? 5. A quoi s'amusaient-ils? 6. Qu'est-ce que la grand'mere leur disait quelquefois? 7. Qui tirait les vaches? 8. A qui le grand-pere prenait-il les seaux? 9. De quoi se servait-on pour faire le beurre? 10. A quoi sert la baratte? 11. Qui faisait marcher la baratte? 12. Dites-moi les questions que les enfants posaient a leur grand- pere. 13. Pourquoi battaient-ils des mains? etc. D. 1. Children be good; obey your parents. 2. Obey them al- ways. 3. These children go to the meadow for the cows. 4. They have brought them to the stable. 5. Grandmother will milk the cows. 6. Grandfather will take from her the pails of milk. 7. I work the churn in the dairy. 8. Clean the churn. 9. The quality of the butter will depend on cleanliness. 10. The dairy and the uten- 181] LESSON LXVIII 159 sils must be clean. 11. We ask our grandparents many questions. 12. What are you thinking of? 13. I am not thinking about any- thing. 14. How much did the dealer pay you for the butter? 15. The butter has come. 16. We clapped our hands because the work was finished. 17. What use is a churn? E. 1. Did you perceive that he didn't obey his father? 2. I didn't perceive it. 3. What do you think of this book? 4. Use my pen, yours is bad. 5. I shall use it with pleasure. 6. He took the pail from me. 7. I took the pail from him. 8. Think of your lessons. 9. We were thinking of them. 10. Pay the tailor for your clothes. 11. I have paid him for them. 12. Ask your friend for some money. 13. I have borrowed some from him already. 14. My little brothers are playing marbles. 15. Can your sister play the piano? 16. It is very cold; draw near the fire. 17. Pardon me for this fault. 18. Twice two make four, twice three make six, and so forth. LESSON LXVIII 181. Partir. * set out,' etc.; sentir, 'feel/ 'smell,' etc.; suivre, 'follow* partir partant parti pars partis sentir sentant senti sens sentis suivre suivant suivi suis suivis Like partir: sortir, go out. EXERCISE LXVIII le chien, dog le maitre, master le facteur, porter se sentir, feel (of health) le froid, cold sortir, tr., take (get) out A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je ne sens (sentais) pas le froid. 2. Je pars (partirai) de grand matin. 3. Je partis sans dire adieu. 4. Pars avant midi. 5. Sens ces fleurs. 6. Sors d'ici. 7. Je suis mon maitre, tu . . . ton. 8. Je les ai suivis. 9. Je suivais .le colonel. 10. Que je suivisse (partisse, sentisse). 160 LESSON LXIX [ 182 B. 1. She is leaving (has left) for France. 2. My sisters set out yesterday. 3. He is going out to take a walk. 4. Let him not go out now. 5. Let him stay at home if he doesn't feel well. 6. Do you feel the cold? 7. They didn't feel the cold. 8. These flowers smell sweet (bori). 9. The dog follows his master. 10. He was fol- lowed by his dog. 11. Let him follow us. 12. Don't follow me. 13. Let us not go out this morning. 14. Let the others go out if they wish. C. 1. They (/.) have gone out. 2. Let us go out [for] a little. 3. Don't go away without saying good-bye. 4. Go away from here at once. 5. If I were to follow him he would be angry. 6. We followed (p. def.) our parents. 7. The parents were followed by their children. 8. They will not feel well to-morrow. 9. They felt well. 10. Don't you feel well? 11. Let the porter get out our luggage. 12. Porter, please get out our luggage. 13. When you have got it out, bring it to the carriage. LESSON LXIX 182. C'est and il est. Observe the following typical sen- tences: C'est facile (clair, bien). It (that) is easy (clear, well). C'est a desirer. It (that) is to be desired. C'est facile a faire. It (that) is easy to do. ^ll est facile de parler. It is easy to talk. II est clair que j'ai raison. It is clear that I am right. H est a desirer que la guerre finisse It is to be desired that the war bientot. should soon end. (a) In Ex. 1, 2 and 3, ce = it or that, is the real subject. (b) But when the real subject follows etre in such constructions it is ex- pressed by de + infinitive, as in Ex. 4, or by a que clause, Ex. 5 and 6, and il = it regularly stands as anticipatory subject. NOTE. Colloquially, c'est is somewhat freely used for il est, e.g. C'est clair que j'ai raison, and is always found in certain phrases, e.g. c'est dom- mage, c'est pitie, etc. 183] LESSON LXIX l61 183. Ce and i7(s), elle(s\ etc. Care must be taken to dis- tinguish constructions of the following types: Elle est Frangaise. She is French (a Frenchwoman). Ils sont Allemands. They are German (Germans). Sa femme est couturiere. His wife is a dressmaker. C'est une Frangaise. She is a Frenchwoman. C'est une couturiere. She is a dressmaker. Ce sont des Allemands. They are Germans. Quel Frangais est-ce? What Frenchman is it? (a) Observe in Ex. 1, 2 and 3 that the noun of nationality, calling or description omits the article; in such case a personal subject must precede tre. (b) But if the predicate noun, as in Ex. 4, 5, 6 and 7, has un, des or any other determinative (definite article, partitive, possessive adjective, demon- strative, interrogative adjective), it becomes the real subject, and ce precedes etre (cf. 35, 80). EXERCISE LXIX agreable, agreeable, pleasant la medecine, medicine brave, brave, worthy nombreux, numerous la clientele, customers, practice normand, Norman consequent (par), consequently la Normandie, Normandy le dommage, damage, pity observer, observe se fournir, buy or get one's la reputation, reputation provisions (supplies, etc.) le rez-de-chaussee, ground floor heureux, happy, fortunate superieur, superior, upper c'est pourquoi, that is why; faire de bonnes affaires, do a good business (trade) ; a partir de deux heures, beginning at two o'clock; c'est dom- mage que (+ subjunctive), it is a pity that A. Complete by supplying ce or il and the correct preposition: 1. ... est difficile . . . faire. 2. ... sera difficile . . . faire cela. 3. ... est a desirer qu'il parte bientot. 4. ... facile . . . apprendre. 5. ... est clair que la legon est difficile. 6. ... est interessant de voyager. 7. ... serait mieux . . . ne rien dire. 8. ... serait mieux. 9. ... est tres bon; j'aime cela. B. Complete by supplying c'est, ce sont, il (elle) est, ils (elles) sont, as required: 1. ... des Anglaises. 2. ... cordonniers. 3. ... une Franchise. 4. ... Americains. 5. ... couturieres. 162 LESSON LXIX [ 183 6. ... mdecin. 7. . . . un medecin habile. 8. ... des Normands. 9. ... une vieille Normande. C. 1. II est tres interessant d'observer les nombreux voisins que nous avons dans cette maison. 2. Au rez-de-chaussee il y a un epicier. 3. C'est chez lui que nous nous fournissons souvent. 4. II est Normand, et vend de bon beurre et de bon fromage qui lui viennent de Normandie. 5. C'est un tres brave homme. 6. C^st pourquoi il a tant de clients, 7. II est facile de faire de bonnes x affaires si on a une bonne reputation. 8. C'est facile a expliquer. 9. Notre voisin du premier (e*tage) est medecin. 10. C'est un homme tres agreable. 11. II a une clientele importante. 12. C'est aujourd'hui mercredi et il va recevoir beaucoup de malades. 13. II n'est que neuf heures, mais on commence deja a arriver. 14. C'est jeudi qu'il fait son cours a Fecole de medecine. 15. Par consequent il ne recevra demain qu'a partir de deux heures. 16. II est heureu^f que nous ayons deux si bons voisins. 17. C'est dommage que nous en ayons de moins bons aux etages superieurs. D. (Oral.) 1. Qui est votre voisin du rez-de-chausse*e? 2. Est-il Frangais? 3. Qu'est-ce qu'il vend? 4. Est-ce un brave homme? 5. Pourquoi a-t-il une bonne clientele? 6. Est-il facile d'avoir beau- coup de clients? 7. Qui est votre voisin du premier? 8. Est-ce un bon medecin? 9. Quel jour de la semaine est-ce? 10. Quelle heure est-il? 11. Quand est-ce que votre voisin fait son cours? 12. Quand regoit-il ses malades? etc. E. 1. It is pleasant to have good neighbours. 2. Our neighbour on (of) the ground floor is a Norman. 3. He is a grocer. 4. His wife is a Norman also. 5. They are very worthy people. 6. Is it at his shop that you get your provisions? 7. Why is it that he has so many customers? 8. It is because he has a f good reputation. 9. It is easy to have plenty (beaucoup) of customers if one sells cheap. 10. That is very true. 11. Who is it who has just come in? 12. It is our neighbour of the first flat. 13. He is a clever doctor who has a large practice. 14. It is to-day that he sees (receives) his patients. 15. It is a pity that there are so many sick people this winter. 16. It is fortunate that you have such (de si) good neigh- bours. 184] LESSON LXX 163 F. 1. That gentleman is one of our numerous neighbours. 2. His wife is French. 3. Are you an American, madam? 4. No, sir, I am an Englishwoman. 5. It is interesting to study medicine. 6. It is difficult to learn French. 7. It is easier to read it than to write it. 8. It is a very difficult language. 9. Should we not start now? 10. I don't know; it is a pity we didn't start yesterday. 11. That is true; it is raining so much to-day. 12. There is the lady who lives in one of the upper stories. 13. Yes, it is she. 14. It is easy to see that she is not a Frenchwoman. 15. What day is it to-day? 16. What time is it? LESSON LXX 184. Traduire, 'translate'; construire, 'construct,' 'build' traduire traduisant traduit traduis traduisis construire construisant construit construis construisis Like construire: instruire, instruct, educate. EXERCISE LXX le poeme, poem le poete, poet A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je traduis (traduisais) de F anglais en frangais. 2. Je construisais (construis) une maison. 3. Les mor- ceaux que j'ai traduits. 4. Les maisons que j'ai construites. 5. Tra- duis ces vers en frangais. 6. Ne les traduis pas en anglais. 7. Je traduisis un gros livre. *8. Le maitre voudrait que je traduise beau- coup, . . . tu. 9. J'instruisis mes neveux. B. 1. We learn much by translating. 2. I wish you to translate this poem. 3. Let us translate our exercises. 4. Which verses have you translated? 5. Architects build houses. 6. What houses has this architect built? 7. He (they) built (p. def.) many houses in this city. 8. The children whom I was instructing have learnt much. C. 1. The master has wished John to translate a piece of Latin. 2. What pieces have you translated? 3. That poet translated (p. def.) many poems into English. 4. Translate these verses for me. 5. Mr. Potin was building a fine castle in Normandy. 6. We were building fine houses. 7. Let him translate this French poem. 8. They (m.) are well educated. 9. She is a very [well] educated lady. 164 LESSON LXXI [ 185 LESSON LXXI 185. Impersonal Verbs. 1. Review 114. 2. Many verbs may stand in the third person singular with impersonal il anticipating a real subject, singular or plural, fol- lowing the verb : n etait tombe de la neige. Some snow had fallen. H en reste trois livres. There remain three pounds of it. n est arrive des lettres. Some letters have arrived. H est arrive des accidents. Some accidents have happened. (a) Observe that the past participle is invariable. 3. n est (e"tait, etc.) may be used for il y a: H est des hommes qui le croient. There are some men who believe it. 4. Y avoir is often used to form expressions of time reckoned backwards, or of distance: II y a trois ans (de cela). Three years ago. Combien y a-t-il d'ici a Paris? How far is it to Paris? 5. Observe the following: De quoi s'agit-il? What is the matter? etc. II s'agit de 1'acheter. It is a question of buying it. II se peut qu'il vienne. It may be that he will come. EXERCISE LXXI s'agir de, be a question of 1'hdpital, m., hospital Vaide-macon, m., mason's helper, les materiaux, m., materials) hodman outre, in addition to la chute, fall parmi, among la construction, building la pierre, stone se detacher, get loose la pluie, rain Pechafaudage, m., scaffolding reparer, repair s'en falloir, be near la tete, head glissant, slippery le toit, roof grave, serious se tuer, kill oneself, be killed guerir, get well, recover la tuile, tile heureusement, fortunately se faire, take place; faire glissant, be slippery; se faire mal, hurt oneself^ get hurt; peu s'en est fallu . . . ne, came very near, almost happened 185] LESSON LXXI 165 A. Continue: 1. Je me suis fait mal, tu t'. 2. Peu s'en est fallu que je ne fisse cela, ... tu ... 3. Je m'en suis detache(e), tu t'. 4. J'ai failli tomber. B. Supply the proper past indefinite forms: 1. II (tomber) de la pluie. 2. La pluie (tomber). 3. II (arriver) des lettres. 4. Des lettres (arriver). 5. II s' (de- tacher) une tuile. 6. Une tuile s' (detacher). C. 1. On a construit cette maison il y a trois ans. 2. II est ar- rive un certain nombre d'accidents pendant la construction. 3. II s'est fait plusieurs chutes parmi les ouvriers. 4. Un jour il e*tait tombe* de la neige et Fechafaudage e*tait glissant. 5. A cause de cela deux aides-magons, qui apportaient des materiaux aux magons, sont tombes. 6. Heureusement ils ne se sont pas fait beaucoup de mal. 7. Un autre jour il a fallu qu'un ouvrier montat sur le toit. 8. II s'agissait d'une tuile qui s'etait detachee. 9. Mais il etait tombe de la neige et en reparant la tuile F ouvrier est tombe. 10. Peu s'en est fallu qu'il ne se tuat. 11. II lui a fallu deux mois d'hopital pour gurir. 12. Une autre fois un ouvrier a regu sur la tete une tuile qui tombait. 13. II a failli en mourir. 14. Outre ces trois cas il n'y a pas eu d'accidents graves. D. 1. This house was built (use on) five years ago. 2. Many accidents happened (there happened, etc.). 3. Several falls oc- curred. 4. Many masons fell who were working on the scaffolding. 5. Some of the masons hurt themselves [very] much. 6. One day a workman was to repair the roof. 7. What was the trouble (use s'agir)? 8. It was a matter of a tile which had fallen. 9. Snow had fallen and it was slippery. 10. He fell and he had to stay three months in the hospital. 11. It may be that he will stay there four months. 12. Another workman got hurt also. 13. A stone fell (see C, 12) on his head. E. 1. Fortunately not many serious accidents happened among the workmen. 2. Several tiles had become loose. 3. In repairing them a workman fell, and came near being killed. 4. It had rained. 5. Much rain had fallen that summer. 6. There were several acci- dents but no one was killed. 7. Amongst the workmen two hodmen hurt themselves. 8. They recovered, but they had to stay a month 166 LESSON LXXII [ 186 in the hospital. 9. The building of that castle lasted ten years. 10. In addition to the masons, there were painters and other workmen. LESSON LXXII 186. Cuire, 'cook,' 'bake,' etc.; courir, 'run'; valoir, 'be worth' cuire cuisant cuit cuis cuisis courir courant couru cours courus valoir valant valu vaux valus EXERCISE LXXII cuire (or faire cuire), cook (tr.); cuire, cook (intr.); valoir la peine, be worth while; valoir mieux, be better A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je fais cuire la viande. 2. Je cuis du pain. 3. Je cuirai des poissons. 4. Cours vite. 5. J'ai couru. 6. Je vaux (valais, valus, vaudrai) autant que lui. 7. Je cours (courais, courrai) en toute hate. 8. Que je vaille (valusse). 9. II faut que je cuise les legumes. 10. II fallait que je courusse. B. 1. He was running. 2. We were cooking. 3. If they had fish, they would cook them. 4. The horse ran fast. 5. That cow will be worth five hundred francs. 6. That is no good ( = is worth nothing). 7. He wishes us to run. 8. Bake the bread. 9. That was better. 10. They will (would) run. 11. He wished me to cook the vegetables. 12. They have not run. 13. The blackboard was no good. (7. 1. The horses will run. 2. That is not worth while. 3. If you had baked the bread, it would be worth five cents a pound. 4. He wishes us not to run. 5. Do not run so fast. 6. It would be better [to] go slowly. 7. The baker has baked the bread. 8. That bread will not be worth six cents a pound. 9. I am sorry that that is worth nothing. 10. You must cook the meat. 11. This meat is not well cooked. 12. We did not wish them to run fast. 13. We were running. 14. The vegetables were cooking. 190] LESSON LXXIII 167 LESSON LXXIII [In 187-191 are explained some uses of tenses and moods not dealt with in the more elementary lessons.] 187. Present Indicative. 1. Observe its use with depuis, since: depuis quand? since when? il y a . . . que, voici (voila) . . . que, to denote how long an action has been continuing : Depuis quand etes-vous ici? How long have you been here? Je suis ici depuis dix jours. / have been here for ten days (past). II y a (or voici, voila) deux mois / have been expecting a letter fo f , que j 'attends une lettre. two months. 2. But if the action is denoted as being entirely past, a past tense must be used: Combien de temps a-t-il attendu? How long did he wait? II a attendu (pendant) dix jours. He waited for ten days, (a) Pendant emphasizes the duration of the time. 3. Observe: C'est la que je Pai vu. It was (is) there that I saw him. 188. Imperfect Indicative. Observe its use to denote what had been continuing (cf . 187) : Depuis quand etiez-vous la? How long had you been there? (a) The imperfect stands occasionally for the conditional anterior in a result clause, e.g. Si je ne 1'avais pas saisi, il tombait du train, If I hadn't seized him, he would have fallen from the train. 189. Future. This tense, as also the future anterior, some- times denotes probability, possibility, supposition, or the like: Ce seront nos amis qui viennent Those are (I suppose, no doubt) d'arriver. our friends who have just come. Je me serai trompe. 7 must have made a mistake. 190. Conditional. 1. It is used in deferential statement or request: Je le croirais du moins. 7 should think so at lea*st. Auriez-vous la bonte de rester? Would you kindly stay? 2. It sometimes denotes probability, etc. (cf. 189): Serait-il vrai? Can (could) it be true? 168 LESSON LXXIII [ 191 3. It sometimes denotes concession ( = even, even if, though), after quand, quand meme, or with que : Quand (meme) il me tuerait. Even if he should kill me. II me le dirait que je ne le croirais Even though he told me so, I should pas. not believe it. 4. It may denote implied futurity (cf. 76) : Je prendrais ce qui resterait. / should take what remained. 5. It is sometimes used in giving the substance of hearsay information, or the like: A ce qu'on dit le roi serait malade. By what they say the king is ill. 191. Infinitive. Observe its exceptional uses: 1. In brief phrases with imperative force: S'adresser a cote*. Apply next door. Repondre aux questions suivantes. Answer the following questions. 2. With de = a finite verb (historical infinitive) : Et Pennemi de s'enfuir. And the enemy fled (or flees). EXERCISE LXXHI Parrivee, f ., arrival la pate, paste, dough la cuisson, cooking, baking le petrin, kneading trough le four, oven petrir, knead impatiemment, impatiently Pierre, Peter le lendemain, day after, next day rassis, stale (of bread) le levain, yeast la servante, servant lever, rise la tartine, slice oser, dare la veille, evening before le pain de menage, homemade bread; une tartine de beurre, a slice oj bread and butter; etre en visite, be on a visit; etre dans la joie, be in (great) glee; cela ne fait rien, that makes no difference, doesn't matter; au moins, at least; mais si, yes (it does, yes, yes, etc.) A. Continue: 1. J'attends depuis dix jours. 2. J'y tais depuis trois semaines. 3. II y a (voici or voila) un mois que j'attsnds une lettre. 4. J'ai travaille pendant toute la soiree. 5. C'est a Londres que je Pai vu pour la premiere fois, . . . tu. 6. Je me serai tromp(e), peut-etre. 7. Je ne saurais le croire. 191] LESSON LXXIII 169 B. (Pain de menage) 1. Pierre et Jacqueline sont en visite chez tante Julie depuis quelques jours. 2. Depuis le moment de leur arrive*e ils sont dans la joie. 3. Le lendemain de leur arrivee ils ont vu faire du beurre. 4. Un jour ils ont assiste* a la cuisson du pain. 5. Ils attendaient impatiemment depuis la veille. 6. Le moment arriva. 7. La vieille servante Celestine avait mis la farine et le levain dans le petrin. 8. La pate commengait a lever. 9. Les enfants voulaient tout voir. 10. " Laissez-nous approcher; nous n'y toucherons pas. 11. Mais non, mes enfants. 12. Quand meme vous n'y toucheriez pas je n'oserais pas vous laisser approcher. 13. Je crois, dit Pierre, que cela ne ferait rien. 14. Mais si r mon petit homme, cela ferait beaucoup. 15. Tu ne dois pas y regarder." 16. Plus tard Celestine petrit la pate. 17. Elle en fait des pains qu'elle met au four pour les faire cuire. 18. Et apres cela elle les sort du four. 19. Les enfants en voudraient pour faire des tartines de beurre. 20. Mais le pain frais est moins bon que le pain rassis. 21. II vaudrait mieux attendre au moins vingt- quatre heures. C. (Oral on B.) D. 1. The two children are on a visit at their aunt's. 2. They have been in [great] glee for several days. 3. Since their arrival they have been very happy. 4. They wanted to be present at the baking of the homemade bread. 5. The old servant had brought the kneading trough into the kitchen. 6. The flour and yeast had been in it since the evening before. 7. The next day the dough had begun to rise. 8. The children had waited impatientty. 9. Celestine, why won't you let us come near? 10. You may come near (reflex.), but you mustn't touch the dough. 11. That will make no difference, said Pierre. 12. We should like to have a slice of, bread and butter. 13. Give us a piece when you take the bread out of the oven. 14. It will be too fresh; I shouldn't dare to give you it. 15. Yes, do; give it to us now. 16. No, no, not now. 17. Stale bread is better for children. E. 1. They had long been saying that that would happen. 2. We have been wondering for some days where you were. 3. This castle 17C LESSON LXXIV [ 192 has existed since the 14th century. 4. It was in that century that it was built. 5. It had been freezing for three days. 6. It froze for three days. 7. It had been snowing, which was very good for the sports. 8. How long had you been there when we came? 9. More than three weeks. 10. How long did your uncle remain in America? 11. He remained there more than ten years. 12. Could you tell me what time (I'heure qu') it is? F. Turn the following into the ordinary form of conditional sen- tence (cf. 113): 1. II le dirait que je ne le croirais pas. 2. La maison serait dix fois plus belle que je ne Facheterais pas. LESSON LXXIV 192. Asseoir, 'seat'; suffire, 'suffice,' 'be sufficient' asseoir asseyant assis assieds assis suffire suffisant suffi suffis suffis Like asseoir : s'asseoir, sit, sit down, be seated. EXERCISE LXXIV le fauteuil, armchair suffisant, conceited prier, pray, beg, ask A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je m'assieds (assois). 2. Je me suis assis(e). 3. Assieds-toi pres du feu. 4. Je m'assierai pres de la fenetre. 5. II desire que je m'asseye (assoie), . . . tu. 6. Je suffis (suffisais). 7. Je suffirai a cet ouvrage. 8. II ne croit pas que j'y suffise. 9. Que je suffisse. B. 1. How conceited he is! 2. That is sufficient (pres.). 3. Let that suffice. 4. That will be sufficient. 5. We shall be sufficient for everything. 6. Sit down (or be seated) if you please. 7. I used to sit there. 8. We often sit there. 9. They will not sit there. 10. He sat down in the armchair. 11. Let us sit down. 12. The ladies have not sat down. 13. She was sitting in an armchair. 193] LESSON LXXV 171 C. 1. It was necessary that we should sit down. 2. We shaD not sit down. 3. Two francs will be sufficient. 4. Mary sat down beside the fire. 5. That had to (use fallait) suffice. 6. The children will sit down on those chairs. 7. Ask the ladies to sit down. 8. We were asked to sit down. 9. When you (tu) are in the room you will sit down. 10. Let no one sit there. 11. Do not sit beside the win- dow. 12. Everybody is seated. LESSON LXXV 193. Remarks on Subjunctive. 1. Review 142-148, and note that many expressions, ordinarily followed by the indica- tive, require the subjunctive whenever doubt is implied (usu- ally by interrogation, negation or condition) : Je ne crois pas que ce soit lui. / don't think it is Tie. Esperez-vous qu'il reussisse? Do you expect he will succeed? Si je pretendais qu'il cut tort. % // / asserted that he was wrong. But: Je crois que c'est lui. / think it is he. J'espere qu'il reussira. I hope he will succeed. (a) Such are: s'apercevoir, sentir, voir (perceiving); croire, esperer, penser, trouver (thinking) ; etre certain, etre probable, savoir (knowing) ; avouer, dire (declaring), etc. (b) After questions, the indicative usually stands if the answer yes is expected, and the subjunctive if no is expected. (c) Also, when the statement of the subordinate clause is assumed to be a fact, the indicative is used, e.g. S'il savait que tu es ici, // he knew that you are here; Savez-vous qu'il est arrive? Do you know that he has come? 2. II semble (more or less doubt being implied) regularly re- quires the subjunctive, while il me (te, etc.) semble ( = je crois, je pense) takes the indicative: II semble qu'elle ait tort. It seems that she is wrong. II me semble qu'elle a tort. It seems to me she is wrong, (a) H me semble also comes under 1, above. 3. The present subjunctive of savoir is sometimes used to denote deferential statement in a principal sentence: Je ne sache rien He ci bon. I know of nothing so good. 172 LESSON LXXV [193 4. The pluperfect subjunctive stands exceptionally for the pluperfect indicative in an if clause, and for the conditional an- terior in a result clause (cf. 113): S'il cut ( = avait) su cela, il ne // he had known that, he would not Feut ( = aurait) pas dit. have said it. 5. The subjunctive is used after que replacing a conjunction requiring the subjunctive (cf. 147), and also after que replac- ing si = if: Venez que ( = afin que, pour que) Come, in order that I may see you. je vous voie. Si j'y vais et que je le voie. // I go, and if I see him. EXERCISE LXXV la bibliotheque, bookcase la mode, fashion le (la) camarade, comrade, com- probable, probable panion le rideau, curtain commander, order sjerrer, press, put away la commode, chest of drawers, bu- le store, (window) blind reau le tapis, carpet, tablecloth (coloured) Pebeniste, m., cabinet-maker la toilette, dressing table la gravure, engraving le travail, work le miroir, mirror a la mode, in fashion, fashionable; faire visite a, to visit; de sorte que, so that A. Continue: 1. Je crois que cela est vrai. 2. Je ne crois pas que ce soit vrai. 3. II est certain que j'en aurai besoin. 4. Est-il certain que j'en aie besoin? 5. II croit que c'est moi, . . . toi. 6. S'il espere que je reussisse. 7. II est probable que je partirai demain. 8. Est-il probable que je le sache? 9. II semble que j'aie besoin d'un tapis. 10. II me semble que j'en ai besoin. B. Give the correct form of the verb in italics: 1. Je ne dis pas que ce etre vrai. 2. Espe*rez-vous qu'ils y etre demain? 3. J'espere qu'ils y etre. 4. Je n'espere pas qu'il venir. 5. N'espe*rez-vous pas qu'il venir? 6. II leur semble que cela etre ainsi. 7. II semble qu'il avoir besoin de meubles. 8. Attendez que je le faire. 193] LESSON LXXV 173 C. 1. Paul croit avoir besoin de meubles pour sa chambre. 2. Sa mere et lui vont chez 1'ebeniste en commander. 3. Paul croit qu'il lui faut un lit neuf. 4. "Mais, crois-tu, dit sa mere, que cela te soit necessaire? 5. Oui, maman, 1'ancien n'est plus a la mode. 6. II me semble aussi que j'ai besoin d'un fauteuil. 7. Tu crois? Moi, je ne pense pas que tu en aies besoin. 8. Nous mettrons trois ou quatre chaises dans ta chambre, de sorte que tes camarades puissent s'asseoir quand ils te feront visite, et cela suffira. 9. J'es- pere au moins que j'aurai une table de travail et une petite biblio- theque. 10. Oui, mon enfant. 11. II est clair quq tu as besoin de ces choses-la. 12. Je crois qu'il te faudra aussi une commode pour serrer ton linge. 13. Mais je ne crois pas que tu aies besoin d'une toilette. 14. II faut aussi que nous garnissions ta chambre de quelques gravures et d'un miroir. 15. Ne trouves-tu pas aussi que j'ai besoin d'un tapis pour le parquet et d'un autre pour ma table? 16. C'est vrai. 17. II te faut aussi un store et des rideaux pour ta fenetre." D. (Oral on C.) E. 1. We think we need new furniture. 2. These chairs are not fashionable now. 3. I do not think you need a new bed. 4. It seems to us that we need a bookcase to put our books in (use y). 5. I hope you will have an armchair. 6. We shall order one, so that you may sit down when you visit us. 7. It is not certain that we need a carpet for the floor. 8. Do you think you need a table- cloth for your table? 9. I hope my mother will adorn my room with a few engravings. 10. I think you will need a mirror. 11. I shall need a window blind and curtains also. 12. Put away your linen in the drawers. 13. We shall put our books in the bookcase. F. 1. Sit down that I may be able to speak to you. 2. We hope our comrades will come by the first train. 3. I do not think they will come early. 4. Is it not probable that the train will be late? 5. All the trains have been late for several days. 6. Is it certain that you leave this afternoon? 7. It is probable that I shall. 8. But perhaps I shall not leave before to-morrow. 9. You don't think I need a dressing table, do you? 10. Yes, I do (mais si), and I think you need a bureau and a study table. 11. I must order them at the 174 LESSON LXXVI [ 194 cabinet-maker's. 12. If they knew I was (am) here, they would pay me a visit. 13. Don't they know you have come? 14. Draw near that I may hear you better. 15. Do you know who has just come? LESSON LXXVI 194. Offrir, c offer'; souffrir, ' suffer/ * endure' offrir offrant offert offre offris souffrir souffrant souffert souffre souffris EXERCISE LXXVI lo malheur, misfortune souffrant, ailing, not (very) well A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je souffre (souffrais) beaucoup. 2. Je ne souffrirai pas cela. 3. Je lui offre de 1'argent. 4. II faut que je souffre cela. 5. Souffre que cela se fasse. 6. II fallait que je lui offrisse la main. 7. J'en ai beaucoup souffert. 8. Offre-lui ce que tu as, ... nous. 9. Les malheurs que j'ai soufferts, . . . tu. B. 1. He is always ailing. 2. They have suffered a great deal. 3. We will not endure that. 4. Let us offer to (de) help them. 5. Suffer us to say that. 6. He had to endure it. 7. He offered (p. def.) me his hand. 8. We have offered them money. 9. Let them offer us that. 10. I have suffered a great misfortune. 11. We shall offer them what we have. 12. We offer you every- thing. 13. What place have you offered him? C. 1. Nobody can suffer him. 2. I did not offer (p. def.) him any wine. 3. Have you offered them bread? 4. Offer him a cup of tea. 5. You had to suffer that, hadn't you? 6. Do not suffer him to speak. 7. Do not offer them what you have. 8. They suffer their misfortunes without saying anything. 9. Our friends suf- fered nothing. 10. We offered (p. def.) them all (that which) we had. 11. We used to suffer a great deal because of that. 12. You will never suffer for that. 13. If you knew the misfortunes I have suffered. 195] LESSON LXXVII 175 LESSON LXXVII 195. Infinitive or Subjunctive. The subjunctive is often avoided by the use of an infinitive (cf. 156, note 1), thus: 1. With verbs taking an indirect personal object: Je conseille & ma fille de lire ces / advise my daughter to read these livres-ci. books. Je lui defends de lire ceux-la. I forbid her to read those. (a) Such verbs are: conseiller, defendre, demander, dire, ecrire, ordonner, permettre, reprocher, etc. 2. With verbs taking a direct personal object: Je Fai priee de monter. / asked her to go up. Cela les empeche de sortir. That prevents them from going out. (a) Such verbs are: empecher, prier, remercier, etc. 3. Observe also the construction with two objects: Je le lui reproche. / reproach him (her) for it. Je le lui demande. / ask him (her) for it. Je le remercie de sa bonte\ / thank him for his kindness. Je Fen remercie. / thank him for it. Je vous en prie. I beg you to do (etc.) so. EXERCISE LXXVII s'adresser, apply ennuyer, annoy, trouble Pardeur, f., ardour , warmth le jeu, game, play Pattention, f., attention la loi, law attirer, attract, call mechant, bad, naughty le bien, good (noun) moderer, moderate se conduire, irreg., conduct one- permettre, irreg., permit self peut-etre, perhaps la condtiite, conduct la police, police conseiller, advise preferer, prefer corriger, correct proteger, protect defendre, defend, forbid reprocher, reproach, tax elever, bring up sinon, if not, otherwise mal eleve, rude, impolite, ill-mannered; pere de famille, father (of a family) 176 LESSON LXXVII [ 195 A. Continue: 1. Le roi ordonne que je fasse cela. 2. Le roi m'ordonne de faire cela. 3. Elle me Fa conseille. 4. La loi defend que je fasse cela. 5. La loi me le defend. 6. II est dfendu que je fasse cela. 7. II m'est de*fendu de faire cela. B. 1. Notre voisin a des enfants tres mal Sieves. 2. Je vais lui demander de les corriger. 3. Je devrais lui reprocher de manquer a son devoir. 4. Un bon pere empeche ses enfants de se conduire mal. 5. Tout le monde devrait conseiller aux enfants d'etre sages. 6. On ne devrait jamais permettre a personne d'etre mechant. 7. Le bon pere de famille ordonne a ses enfants de faire toujours le bien. 8. Si je disais a notre voisin de moderer 1'ardeur de ses enfants dans leurs jeux, le ferait-il? 9. Peut-etre. Sinon, dois-je e*crire a la police de me proteger? 10. La police defend aux enfants d'ennuyer le public, mais je n'aime pas m'adresser a elle. 11. Je prefere prier encore une fois mon voisin de corriger ses enfants. 12. II me remerciera peut-etre d'avoir attire* son attention sur leur conduite. C. (Oral on B.) D. 1. Are your friend's children ill-mannered? 2. Yes, and we have often asked him to correct them. 3. We "have taxed him with failing in his duty. 4. A good father does not permit his children to be naughty. 5. Everybody should advise them to do good. 6. Does not a good father always order his children to be good? 7. Does your friend moderate his children's ardour in their games? 8. Did you tell that little boy to be good? 9. Shall I write to the police to protect you? 10. I shall ask my friend to correct his children. 11. I beg you not to apply to the police. E. 1. I thanked her for having called my attention to (sur) their conduct. 2. I thanked her for it. 3. It is forbidden to annoy the public. 4. You should not conduct yourself badly. 5. Ask your father to come with you. 6. Permit me to say to you that 1 do not like your conduct. 7. Do you advise your brother to go away? 8. No, I advise him to stay. 9. He has conducted himself badly, but he will not be naughty any more (plus). 10. If you are ill-mannered, you will attract (the) attention to yourself. 11. Take some of these pears, I beg of you. 12. I thank you for them. 196] LESSON LXXVIII 177 LESSON LXXVIII 196. Agreement of Past Participle. All cases of agreement of the past participle depend on the general principles already, stated ( 49, 120), but observe the following: La belle journee qu'il a fait! What a fine day' we have had! La lettre que j'ai voulu e"crire. The letter I unshed to write. La dame que j'ai entendue chan- The lady that I heard sing. ter. La chanson que j'ai entendu The song that I heard sung. chanter. Les medecins qu'il a fait venir. The doctors he sent for. (a) The past participle of an impersonal verb is invariable, Ex. 1. (6) In verbal phrases when an infinitive governs a preceding direct object, the past participle is invariable, Ex. 2; but note II nous a pries d'y aller. (c) Entendu, vu, laisse agree if the following infinitive has active force, but are invariable if it has passive force, Ex. 3 and 4. (d) Fait + infinitive is invariable, Ex. 5 (cf. 172, i,a). NOTE. When the direct object is an expression of quantity or a collec- tive, the past participle regularly agrees with the prevailing sense (cf. 160), but it has been thought unnecessary to include examples in an ele- : mentary text-book. EXERCISE LXXVIII la chanteuse, singer la piece, piece (of money) embrasser, embrace, kiss le pouls, pulse exquis, exquisite, delicious ravissant, charming femme docteur, woman doc- le regime, regimen, diet tor, lady physician le remede, medicine le gateau, cake la sante, health s'informer (de), inquire (about) sonner, ring la merveille, wonder tater, feel la patisserie, pastry tirer, put out (the tongue) le pharmacien, chemist, druggist la voix, voice le (la) pianiste, pianist mettre au regime, prescribe diet for, put on diet; faire entrer, show in; merveille, marvellously, wonderfully; comment trouvez-vous cela? what do you think of that? 178 LESSON LXXVIII [196 A. Supply the proper form of the past participle of the infinitive in italics: 1. Voila mes cousines; je les ai prier de venir. 2. La belle saison qu'il &faire. 3. Les morceaux qu'elle a vouloir jouer. 4. C'est ma soeur; nous ne 1'avons pas laisser partir. 5. C'est la maison que j'ai voir batir. 6. Ce sont les personnes que j'ai entendre sonner. "7. La servante que j'ai envoy er chercher le remede. B. 1. Genevieye est souffrante. 2. Elle s'est enrhumee au con- cert. 3. Sa cousine Denise vierft la voir. 4. Genevieve l'a envoye* chercher ce matin. 5. La femme de chambre l'a entendue sonner, et elle l'a fait entrer. 6. Denise embrasse sa cousine et s'informe de sa sante. 7. "On a fait venir le me*decin j'espere. 8. Oh oui, c'est M me Lecomte, la femme docteur, que ma mre a fait venir. 9. Elle m'a tate le pouls et m'a fait tirer la langue. 10. Puis elle m'a ordonne un remede que la servante a pris (got) ensuite chez le pharmacien. 11. Outre cela elle m'a mise au regime. 12. Je ne dois prendre que du pain et du lait. 13. Pas de gateaux, pas de patisserie pendant trois ou quatre jours. 14. A propos, comment as-tu trouve la chanteuse que nous avons entendue chanter au con- cert? 15. Elle chante a merveille. 16. Elle a une voix exquise, n'est-ce pas? 17. Et les deux morceaux que nous avons entendu jouer par le pianiste? 18. Us e*taient ravissants." C. (Oral on B.) D. 1. We caught cold at the theatre. 2. We (/.) are not very well to-day. 3. Our cousins Denise and Jeanne have come to see us; we sent for them. 4. The housemaid heard them ring. 5. She has shown them in. 6. They inquired about our health. 7. They asked us if we had had the doctor. 8. It was a woman doctor that my mother sent for. 9. Did she feel your pulse? 10. Yes, and she made me show my tongue. 11. The old servant went to the chem- ist's to get the medicine. 12. The doctor has prescribed a diet for me (/.). 13. I am not to have either cakes or pastry for several days. 14. The singer whom you heard singing at the concert sang wonderfully, did she not? 15. Yes, and the pieces of music we heard played were charming. E. 1. There are the housos that we saw being built last year. 2. By the way, where are the medicines you sent for? 3. Is it my 197] LESSON LXXIX 179 cousin (/.) whom you have shown in? 4. It is (she) ; I have shown her upstairs (faire monter) . 5. Who is the lady whom I heard sing at your house yesterday evening? 6. She is an Englishwoman with an exquisite voice. 7. What did you think of the songs she sang? 8. They were charming. 9. She and her sister are still here; we didn't let them go away. 10. We begged them to stay another week (still eight days). 11. My aunt has been put on diet because she has caught a cold. 12. Here is a two-franc piece which you dropped (let fall) when (en) going out. 13. I saw it fall, and I picked it up. LESSON LXXIX 197. Ecrire, * write'; vivre, 'live' ecrire e'crivant ecrit ecris e"crivis vivre vivant vecu vis vecus Like ecrire: decrire, describe. EXERCISE LXXIX le mot, word, note le roman, novel la paix, peace le volume, volume A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. J'ecris des lettres. 2. Je decrivais mon voyage, tu . . . ton. 3. Je lui ecrirai un mot. 4. Je vis de peu. 5. Je ne lui ecris pas. 6. II faut que je leur ecrive. 7. Decris ce que tu as vu. 8. II fallait que je vecusse seul. 9. Je vivrai de mon travail. 10. Je vivais en paix. 11. J'ecrivis des romans. B. 1. That novel will live. 2. Describe the play to me. 3. I was writing a letter. 4. I wrote him a note. 5. They lived on little. 6. They have to write. 7. We live by (from) our work. 8. If he had a pen, he would write. 9. He had to write. 10. They will describe their travels. 11. Here are the letters I have written. La viator Hugo wrote (p. def.) this poem in 1840. 0. 1. He livea annosi, ninety years. 2. He wrote seventy vol- umes. 3. She is still living (lives ^till). 4. You have to write. 5. 1 do not think he will live long. 6. He thinks that novel will 180 LESSON LXXX [ 198 live. 7. He has described his travels. 8. The poems that he wrote are exquisite. 9. Let us live in peace. 10. They were living in peace with everybody. 11. I wish you may live a long time. 12. Victor Hugo was still living when I was born. LESSON LXXX 198. Partitives. 1. Review 25, 28, 29, and observe the fol- lowing : N'a-t-il pas des amis? Has he no friends? Pas du lait mais du the". Not milk but tea. II n'a que des dettes. He has nothing but debts. C'etaient des grands hommes. They were great men. Des petits-fils; des petits pois. Grandsons; green peas. (a) With negatives the article remains when the existence of the object referred to is implied, Ex. 1; in contrasts, Ex. 2; with ne . . . que = only, Ex. 3; .and when adjective and noun form a real or virtual compound, Ex. 4 and 5, 2. When de forms part of a phrase governing a partitive, the partitive sign is wholly omitted: II vit de pain. He lives on bread. II se sert d'encre noire. He uses black ink. Un arbre couvert de feuilles. A tree covered with leaves. 199. Article with Titles. 1. A title before the name of a person takes the definite article, except in direct address: La reine Victoria fut aimee. Queen Victoria was beloved. Le docteur Bibot est arrive. Doctor Ribot has come. But: Bon jour, docteur Ribot. (rood morning, Dr. Ribot. 2. If the title is preceded by a title of courtesy (e.g. mon- sieur, etc.), it keeps the article in all cases: Bon jour, monsieur le docteur. Good morning, doctor. Son altesse le prince Pa dit. His Highness the prince said so. ,(a} For other titles, see 211. 200] LESSON LXXX 181 200. Apposition. 1. Appositive nouns used in parenthetical explanation regularly take no article: L'Avare, comedie de Moliere. The Avare, a comedy by Moliere. Paris, fils de Priam. Paris, (the or a) son of Priam. 2. Apparent apposition is frequent in expressions like: L'eglise (sc. de) Saint-Pierre. St. Peter's (the church of, etc.). Des meubles (sc. du temps de) Louis XV furniture. Louis XV. EXERCISE LXXX 1'appartement. m., suite of rooms, dejeuner, take lunch, lunch flat le dessert, dessert 1'argenterie, f., silverware le (la) domestique, servant le beau-frere, brother-in-law a droite (sc. main), to or on the le boeuf, ox, beef right. la bonne chere, good cheer, good Pescalier, m., stairway living a gauche, to or on the left . le bon vivant, 'jolly fellow,' etc. meubler, furnish le buffet, sideboard moderne, modern le capitaine, captain Notre-Dame, Notre Dame le caviar, caviare r6tir, roast le confort, comfort le siege, seat, chair le corridor, passage, hall la verrerie, glassware decorer, decorate, adorn etre en train de, be occupied in, be busy (Eng. + -ing form) ; mettre le couvert, set (lay) the table; (en) robe de chambre, in their jackets or skins (of potatoes) ; les petits pains, breakfast rolls, rolls; les petits pois, green peas A. Continue: 1. Je me sers de farine pour faire du pain. 2. J'em- ploie de la farine. 3. Je le fais avec de la farine. . 4. Je le fais de farine. 5. Je vis de pain. 6. Je ne mange que du pain. 7. N'ai-je pas des amis ici? 8. J'ai achete* des meubles Louis XVI. B. 1. Ma sceur et mon beau-frere habitent un appartement, 125 rue Notre-Dame, a droite de 1'eglise Saint-Pierre. 2. C'est une belle maison avec tout le confort m6derne. 3. Meme les escaliers et les corridors sont beaux a voir. 4. Mon beau-frere est capitaine et le capitaine Pictet lui fait visite de temps en temps. 5. Tous les deux (or 1'un et Pautre) aiment la bonne chere, quoiqu'ils ne soient pas des bons vivants. 6. Le capitaine Pictet vient dejeuner au- 182 LESSON LXXX [200 jourd'hui. 7. On est en train de mettre le couvert dans la salle a manger. 8. Cette piece est meublee avec gout et de*coree de jolies gravures du XVIII 6 siecle. 9. Les sieges et le buffet sont "des meubles Louis XVI. 10. Quand le buffet est garni de vaisselle, d'argenterie et de verrerie il est tres beau. 11. Les assiettes et les verres sont sur la table. 12. On va servir du caviar, du bceuf roti, des pommes de terre (en) robe de chambre, des petits pois et des petits pains. 13. Au dessert on aura du fromage et du cafe. C. (Oral.) 1. Ou habitez-vous? 2. Decrivez-moi votre apparte- ment. 3. Qui est 1'ami de votre beau-frere? 4. Sont-ils des bons vivants? 5. Qui vient dejeuner chez vous aujourd'hui? 6. Que fait-on dans la salle a manger? 7. Decrivez les meubles de cette piece. 8. Qu'est-ce qu'on va servir au dejeuner? 9. Qu'est-ce que vous prendrez au dessert? D. 1. We used to live [at number] 75 Lafayette Street. 2. The house was on the left of St. Paul's church. 3. We lived in a flat which hadn't all the modern comfort[s]. 4. The stairway wasn't beautiful. 5. My father was a colonel. 6. Colonel Henri used to visit him from time to time. 7. They are not 'jolly fellows/ but they like good living. 8. The servants are busy setting the table. 9. When the table is adorned with glassware and silverware it is very beautiful. 10. We have some Louis XVI chairs and a side- board of the same century. 11. At the lunch they will have first a hors-d'oeuvre. 12. They will be served (use on) with roast beef and green peas. 13. At dessert they will have good cheese and black coffee. E. 1. We use flour to make bread. 2. Use my pen to write your letter. 3. The passages are adorned with engravings of the XVII century. 4. We have Louis XVI furniture in our dining room. 5. We are looking for a house which is well furnished. 6. Queen Victoria was born in 1819. 7. When Captain Lesage used to come to see us he would often lunch with us. 8. My brother-in-law and he liked good living. 9. People use glasses to drink wine. 10. They use cups to drink coffee. 11. Both rose early and took some rolls and coffee with milk. 12. Give me some of the black coffee. 13. This cup is full of coffee. 14. We didn't have any of the good cheese which we bought at Potin's. t 201] LESSON LXXXI 183 LESSON LXXXI 201. Plaire, ' please ' ; rire, ' laugh ' plaire plaisant plu plais plus rire riant ri ris ris Like plaire : se plaire, be pleased ', enjoy oneself, like it, etc. EXERCISE LXXXI je vous demande pardon, monsieur, or pardon, monsieur, I beg your pardon, sir A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je plais (plairai, plus) a tout le monde. 2. Je ne plaisais (plairais) a personne. 3. Je ne lui plais pas. 4. Je m'y plaisais beaucoup. 5. II ne croit pas que je leur plaise. 6. Pourquoi est-ce que j'en ris? 7. Ne ris pas des malheureux. 8. II faut que je rie. 9. J'ai beaucoup ri. 10. Je riais souvent en classe. B. 1. That pleases (will please) him. 2. The play pleased (would please) nobody. 3. Do you like it in the country? 4. I do. 5. Come when it pleases you. 6. At what are you laughing? 7. I beg your pardon, I didn't laugh. 8. Don't laugh at the misfortunes of others. 9. They always laughed at us. 10. We shall laugh if it (that) pleases us. 11. They laughed very much at it. C. 1. The architect desired the plan to please you. 2. We never liked it in the country. 3. I don't think you will enjoy it there. 4. He tries to please everybody. 5. He will please nobody. 6. That child was always laughing and singing. 7. Why do you laugh at that? 8. I don't wisri you to laugh at it. 9. Why did you laugh a moment ago? 10. It wasn't necessary that he should laugh. 11. I always have to laugh when I see that. 184 LESSON LXXXII [202 LESSON LXXXII 202. Omission of Article. 1. The article is omitted in many expressions made up of a verb + a noun: J'ai soif ; il a bien faim. / am thirsty; he is very hungry. Je vous demande pardon. I beg your pardon. (a) Examples are: avoir besoin, need; avoir chaud (froid), be warm (cold); avoir faim (soif, sommeil), be hungry (thirsty, sleepy); avoir raison (tort), be right or be in the right (wrong) ; f aire chaud (froid) , be warm (cold) ; f aire attention, pay attention; prendre garde, take care; very, quite, are expressed commonly by bien (sometimes tres). (b) Compare also the omission of the article in prepositional phrases like apres (le) diner, after dinner; avec plaisir, with pleasure, and many others. 2. Contrary to English usage, un (une) stands before an ab- stract noun adjectivally modified: II montra un soin extreme. He showed extreme care. Une patience a toute epreuve. Patience equal to anything. (a) Compare also expressions like J'ai une soif ardente, I have (a) burning thirst; II fait un froid terrible, It is terribly cold. 203. Article for Possessive Adjective. 1. The definite arti- cle is frequently so used when no ambiguity results, but is not always obligatory: Donnez-moi la main. Give me your hand. II a perdu la vie. He has lost his life. Elle s'est dechire la main. She has torn her hand. Son (le) bras lui fait mal. His arm hurts him. 2. So also with avoir mal (froid, chaud, etc., cf. 202), and in phrases of description with avoir : J'ai mal a la tete (aux dents). I have a headache (toothache). Avez-vous froid aux mains? Are your hands cold? H a le nez long (or un long nez). He has a long nose. 3. When the object possessed is singular as regards each pos- sessor, it regularly remains singular, even though more than one possessor is denoted: Us ont perdu la vie. They have lost their lives. Us ont ote leur chapeau. They took off their hats. Us sont entre*s, le chapeau sur la They came in with their hats on tete. their heads. 204] LESSON LXXXII 185 204. Observe the constructions in the following: II fait froid. It (the weather) is cold. Il*fait froid ce matin. It's a cold morning. II fait froid dans cette salle. It is cold in this hall (this hall is cold). J'ai froid. / am cold. L'eau est froide. The water is cold. J'ai froid aux mains. My hands are cold. Vous avez les mains froides. Your hands are cold. EXERCISE LXXXII ardent, ardent, burning Pordonnance, f., prescription bonsoir, good evening (night) le pore, pore le corps, body retaWi, restored (in health), well la douleur, pain again eleve, high le rhume, cold eternuer, sneeze secouer, shake garder, keep le sejour, sojourn, stay la gorge, throat la temperature, temperature gravement, gravely terrible, terrible la grippe, l grippe,' influenza le thermometre, thermometer humide, damp tousser, cough le midi, south transpirer, perspire cette dent me fait mal, this tooth pains (hurts) me; j'ai un .mal de dents terrible, / have a dreadful toothache; comment allez-vous? how are you? comment ca va-t-il? (fam.), how are you? ca va mal (fam.), / am not (very) well; prenez garde a vous, take care of yourself; faire une ordonnance, write (give) a prescription; qu'avez-vous? what is the matter with you? A. 1. Depuis quelque temps il fait trop froid et trop humide. 2. Beaucoup de gens ont des rhumes. 3. Moi j'ai pris la grippe. 4. J'ai mal a la tete et a la gorge. 5. Je tousse et eternue beau- coup. 6. J'ai des douleurs par tout le corps. 7. Les bras et les jambes me font bien mal. 8. J'ai un mal de dents terrible. 9. Je n'ai pas tres faim, mais j'ai une soif ardente. 10. J'ai tellement chaud que je transpire par tous les pores. 11. Mon pere a envoy e* chercher le medecin. 12. Le voila qui sonne. 13. "Bonsoir, mon- sieur le docteur. 14. Bonsoir, Pierre, comment Qa va-t-il? 15. Qa va mal, docteur. 16. Je souffre partout." 17. En me ta- 186 LESSON LXXXII [204 tant le pouls il me dit que j'ai les mains bien chaudes. 18. II me met un thermometre sous la langue. 19. II regarde son thermometre et secoue gravement la tete. 20. " Vous avez la temperature ^ien eleve*e. 21. Prenez garde a vous. 22. Vous garderez le lit quelques jours, n'est-ce pas? 23. Je vous ferai une ordonnance. 24. Quand vous aurez pris le remede vous irez mieux. 25. Puis le temps changera; il fera plus beau. 26. Vous serez bientot completement retabli. 27. Vous pourrez peut-etre aussi faire un petit sejour dans le Midi. 28. On guerit souvent en changeant d'air." B. (Oral on A.) C. 1. The weather has been very damp. 2. You have a cold, haven't you? 3. Yes, and .my head is aching. 4. My sister has a sore throat. 5. Everybody is sneezing and coughing. 6. My father is ill. 7. What is the matter with him? 8. He has taken the 'grippe/ 9. He has pains all over his body. 10. These children are very cold. 11. They were playing in the yard and their hands and feet are cold. 12. They are very hungry and very thirsty too. D. 1. How are you? 2. What is the matter with you? 3. The doctor will put a thermometer under your tongue. 4. Take care of yourself. 5. You must keep to your bed. 6. You will be better to-morrow. 7. Your hands are hot, but your temperature is not very high. 8. Here is a prescription I have written (faire) for you. 9. This medicine will do you good (du bien). 10. Make a short (petit) stay in the south and you will be completely restored [to health]. 11. You are quite right; I shall do so (it). 12. I shall get well by changing climate. E. 1. It is warm in winter in the south of France. 2. When I was skating my feet were very cold. 3. I suffered a great deal from it. 4. But I am quite warm now. 5. I have a bad (use bien) headache, and I have a toothache also. 6. Our professor has a sore throat and must keep [to] the house. 7. Are you too warm? 8. No, I am too cold. 9. When we are hungry we eat slices of bread and butter. 10. If we are thirsty, we like water better than wine. 11. I am terribly thirsty. 12. Give me a glass of water, if you please. F. 1. It was so cold that I had to put on warmer clothes. 2. If you are cold, take a cup of hot coffee. 3. You said it was warmer 205] LESSON LXXXIII 187 to-day, but I think you are wrong. 4. It is colder. 5. I beg your pardon; I am right. 6. Monkeys have long arms and small heads. 7. Those bad boys entered the classroom with their hats on their heads. 8. My father almost lost his life in a railway accident. 9. He has (is) not completely recovered yet. 10. His arm hurts him still. LESSON LXXXIII 205. Tenir, 'hold' tenir tenant tenu tiens tins (a) Tenir is conjugated precisely like venir (cf. 167). Like tenir: appartenir, belong; obtenir, obtain; contenir, contain. Like venir: devenir, become (of). EXERCISE LXXXIII la permission, permission tenir de, take after le porte-monnaie, purse A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Qu'est-ce que je deviendrai (devien- drais)? 2. Je suis devenue heureuse. 3. Je devenais tres riche. 4. Ma mere desire que je devienne plus sage, . . . tu. 5. J'obtiens (obtins) ainsi un bon prix. 6. J'obtiendrai (obtiendrais) la permis- sion d'y entrer. 7. J'appartiens a cet endroit. B. 1. The boxes contained pencils and pens. 2. A glass con- taining milk was on the table. 3. This purse contains all my money. 4. They have become very poor. 5. What has become of him (her)? 6. What has become of my pens? 7. To whom did that castle belong? 8. I ask [for] what belongs to me. 9. Some pictures belonging to this artist have been stolen. 10. What price will you obtain? C. 1. This young man has become [a] doctor. 2. What will (would) become of us? 3. This field belonged to my father's prop- erty. 4. It will become my property when my uncle dies. 5. They say that living will become dearer. 6. We shall obtain (the) per- mission to stay. 7. He held the letter in his hand. 8. I wish that you may become happier. 9. The son takes after his father. 10. I hope the letter will contain money. 11. Don't hold your pen like that. 188 LESSON LXXXIV [206 LESSON LXXXIV 206. Adjectives and Nouns. 1. Review 34, and observe: causeur, m., causeuse, f., chatty (adj.), a chatty person (noun) flatteur, m., flatteuse, f., flattering (adj.), a flatterer (noun) createur, m., creatrice, f., creative (adj.), a creator (noun) (a) When a corresponding present participle exists, -eur of nouns and adjectives becomes -euseinthe feminine, Ex. 1 and 2 (cf. causant, flattant); otherwise -teur becomes -trice in the feminine, Ex. 3. 2. The feminine of many nouns is formed like that of adjec- tives of the same ending: ecolier, -ere, schoolboy instituteur, -trice, teacher paysan, -anne, peasant citadin, -e, inhabitant of the town 207. Agreement of Adjectives. Review 14, and observe the following special cases: 1. Adjectives used as adverbs are regularly invariable: Ces roses sentent bon. These roses smell sweet. 2. Nouns serving as adjectives of colour are invariable: Des robes lilas (citron) . Purple (lemon-coloured) dresses, (a) But rose, cramoisi, pourpre, agree like adjectives. 3. A very few adjectives are always invariable: Vingt livres sterling. Twenty pounds sterling. 4. With avoir 1'air, the adjective agrees either with air (m.), or with the subject (d'etre being expressed or implied): Elle a 1'air doux. She has a gentle air (appearance). Elle a 1'air (d'etre) douce. She seems or looks gentle. (a) Either expression may be used without distinction. 5. The peculiar agreement with gens : Les vieilles gens sont positifs. Old people are practical. Toutes les vieilles gens. All the old people. Tous les (ces) habiles gens. All the (those) clever people. Les gens sont tous ici. The people are all here. 208] LESSON LXXXIV 189 (a) All forms agreeing with gens are plural. (6) An adjective is feminine before gens and masculine after it, Ex. 1 and 2, but cf. c. (c) All = toutes only when separated from gens by an adjective vari- able for the feminine, Ex. 2; otherwise tous, Ex. 3 and 4. NOTE. Jeunes gens = young men, young people, is always masculine, and also gens used as an antecedent, e.g. Les gens qui sont venus. 208. Comparatives. 1. Review 56, and contrast the French and English forms of the following: De plus en plus violent. More and more violent. Plus il devient riche moins il est The richer he becomes the less gen- genereux. erous he is. II en sera d'autant plus riche. He will be the richer for it. Le carnage fut d'autant plus grand The carnage was the greater because qu'ils etaient plus nombreux. they were more numerous. 2. A finite verb completing a comparison is preceded by ne, unless the preceding verb is negative: C'est meilleur que je ne croyais. It is better than I thought. Ce n'est pas si mal que je croyais. It is not so bad as I thought. 3. When aussi (or si) is omitted, comme (not que) is used: Un r6i riche comme Cresus. A king as rich as Croesus. EXERCISE LXXXIV agricole, agricultural gai, gay, merry, cheerful Pair, m., air, appearance horticole, horticultural le bouquet, bouquet, nosegay Pinstituteur, m., f. -trice, teacher la bouquetiere, flower girl le lilas, lilac; adj., purple la boutonniere, buttonhole nouveau, new, novel charmant, charming le parterre, flower garden le citadin, f . -e, townsman le produit, product coiffer, dress the hair (head) promener, lead or take about le concours, competition, show la prosperite, prosperity doux, gentle, mild la rose, rose Pecolier, m., f. -ere, schoolboy serieux, serious (girl) le signe, sign les environs, m., neighbourhood la tente, tent coup d'oail, glance, prospect, sight, view; a la (sc. mode) francaise, in the French style or fashion; neuf, new (not old), nouveau, new, fresh, novel 190 LESSON I/XXXIV [208 A. (Concours agricole et horticole) 1. Tous les braves gens des environs y arrivent a pied ou en voiture. 2. Les paysans y ap- portent les produits des champs, les paysannes ceux du verger et du parterre. 3. On y amene aussi lee boeufs et les vaches. 4. Us sont au pare a Tombre. 5. Les vaches ont Fair tres douces, n'est-ce pas? 6. Les paysans sont bons pour leurs betes et leur donnent a manger. 7. On met les fleurs et les fruits sous des tentes. 8. Les fleurs sentent bon et offrent un" coup d'ceil charmant. 9. Les pommes ont Fair d'etre mures. 10. II fait beau et il y a beaucoup de monde. 11. Les citadins, hommes d'affaires, observent les signes de la prosperite du pays. 12. Les citadines cherchent de nouvelles especes de fleurs ou de fruits. 13. Un instituteur et une institutrice promenent leurs ecoliers et leurs ^coheres pour les ins- truire. 14. Une jolie bouquetiere en robe lilas et coiffee a Tita- lienne vend des fleurs. 15. Tous les jeunes gens en achetent pour mettre a leur boutonniere. 16. Toutes les vieilles gens s'occupent d'affaires serieuses. B. (Oral.) Read A aloud, turning present tenses into the imperfect. C. 1. The country people of the neighbourhood are coming to the agricultural show. 2. They will bring to it the products of the fields. 3. The oxen and cows will be brought too. 4. And they do not forget the products of the orchard and flower garden. 5. The animals look so gentle. 6. Look at the flowers in ( = under) the tents. 7. What a pretty sight! 8. And they smell so sweet! 9. Smell this bouquet. 10. These pears look ripe. 11. It is a new kind of pear. 12. These are business men. 13. They are townsmen. 14. The townswomen hope to find new kinds of roses or of fruits. 15. The teachers (/.) will bring their schoolgirls here. 16. All the young men will buy flowers from the flower girls. 17. Do you see that young countrywoman dressed in the Italian fashion? 18. I mean the young woman in [a] purple dress. D. 1. All the young people are merry. 2. All the old people are more serious. 3. The older you are the more serious you become. 4. These worthy people are kind to everybody. 5. Everybody is kind to them. 6. We observed many signs of prosperity at the hor- ticultural show. 7. The teachers (m.) were taking their scholars about (there). 8, They wanted to show them something new. 209] LESSON LXXXV 191 9. The schoolboys asked their teachers many questions. 10. The schoolgirls admired the flowers. 11. They have bought some pretty ones for their teachers (/.). 12. Old people are more serious than young people. 13. 1 am more serious than I used to be (I') . 14. This young countrywoman looks very intelligent. 15. She sold a good many flowers to the young men. 16. The younger one is the more one spends. 17. We become wiser and wiser as we become old. 18. My old friend has become as rich as Croesus in South America. LESSON LXXXV 209. Cueillir, * pluck,' * gather'; ouvrir, 'open'; tressaillir, 'start,' 'Ifgqfifif* cueillir cueillant cueilli cueille cueillis ouvrir ouvrant ouvert ouvre ouvris tressaillir tressaillant tressailli tressaille ,tressaillis Like ouvrir: couvrir, cover; decouvrir, discover; s'ouvrir, open (intr.). EXERCISE LXXXV Colomb, Columbus Pexposition, f., exhibition A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je tressaille (tressaillais, tressaillis) de joie. 2. J'ouvre (ouvrais, ouvris) la malle. 3. Ouvre la porte. 4. Couvre-toi la tete, . . . nous. 5. Je cueille (cueillais, cueillis) des fleurs pour en faire un bouquet. 6. Leslettres que j'ai ouvertes. 7. J'ouvrirai les fenetres. 8. II faut que je les ouvre. B. 1. She starts when she hears a noise. 2. They were trem- bling with fear. 3. Open the door, please. 4. I have opened it. 5. The door opens (reflex.). 6. I was opening my letters when he came. 7. I am (was) gathering flowers to make a bouquet. 8. Here are the flowers I have gathered for the exhibition. 9. Let her gather the prettiest flowers. 10. When will you pick your apples? 11. The fields were covered with snow. C. 1. The windows are not open; open them. 2. I wish him to open his valise. 3. The king in person opened (p. def.) the exhi- bition. 4. On opening the letter she trembled. 5. Cover your head or you will catch cold. 6. The table was covered 1 with papers. 192 LESSON LXXXVI [210 7. She trembles (trembled) with joy. 8. They started at the noise of the train. 9. We are covering the apples with straw. 10. Where are the flowers that you were gathering? 11. Columbus .discovered America in 1492. LESSON LXXXVI 210. Personal Pronoun. The following special cases of agreement should be noted : 1. The invariable forms il (subject) and le (direct object) are used when the antecedent is indefinite or absent: Y en a-t-il? Je le crois. Is there any? / think so. Je le ferai si vous le desirez. / shall do so if you wish (it). Nous Pavons emporte. We have carried the day. 2. So also the pronominal adverbs en and y: Voyons! oil en etions-nous? Let me see! where were wef Quoiqu'il en soit. However it may be. Votre pere y est-il? 7s your father in (at home)? 3. Le (la, les) sometimes has predicative force: Etes-vous sa mere? Je la suis. Are you his mother? / am. Etes-vous M me B.? Je la suis. Are you Mrs. B.f I am. Etes-vous fatiguee? Je le suis. Are you tired? / am. Sont-ils soldats? Us le sont Are they soldiers? They are. Soyez braves et je le serai. Be brave and I shall be so. (a) If le refers to a determinate substantive (not partitive), it agrees, Ex. 1 and 2; otherwise it is invariable, Ex. 3, 4 and 5. 211. Possessives. Review 15, 16, 83-85, and observe: 1. The use of the possessive adjective in polite address: Bon jour mon pere (mon colonel). Good morning, father (colonel). Mademoiselle votre soeur y est- 7s your sister at home? elle? (a) In direct address mon (ma, etc.) commonly precedes a noun of re- lationship (but not papa, maman) or the title of a superior officer; votre (vos) is often preceded by monsieur (madame, etc.). 2. Own = propre, or is expressed by a+ a pronoun: Je Pai fait de mes propres mains. I did it with my own hands. C'est mon opinion a moi. It is my own opinion. II a une maison a lui. He has a house of his own. 212] LESSON LXXXVI 193 3. Ambiguity is sometimes avoided by using &, thus: Son pere & lui (a elle). His (her) father. 4. The possessive pronoun may be used absolutely: Je ne demande que le mien. / ask only what is mine. Les miens. My family (friends, party, etc.). 212. Relative Pronoun. 1. For the general rules, see 92- 98. 2. Qui without antecedent means he who, the one(s) who, those who, and when repeated some . . . others: Qui s'excuse s'accuse. He who excuses himself accuses himself. Qui d'un cote qui de Fautre. Some on one side some on the other. 3. Observe de quoi = " ce qui est necessaire pour": II a de quoi vivre. He is well off. Donnez-moi de quoi ecrire. Give me something to write with. Merci! II n'y a pas de quoi. Thanks! Don't mention it (e(c.). EXERCISE LXXXVI Pachat, m., purchase faible, weak Pavoine, f ., oats la ferme, farmhouse la basse-cour, farmyard le foin, hay la charrue, plough Phectare, m., about 2% acres comprendre, irreg., understand le labour, ploughing le cultivateur, farmer la moissonneuse, reaping machine le cure, parish priest, cure nommer, name, appoint le droit, right Porge, f., barley Pecurie, f., (horse) stable pareillement, equally, likewise, also enchante, charmed, delighted le proprietaire, proprietor, landlord Pexistence, f ., existence le republican!, republican exploiter, exploit, work la terre, earth, land ils se serrent la main, they shake hands; c'est la ma maison, that is my house (there)', il m'en veut, he has a grudge against me; je n'y com- prends rien, I don't understand it at all; oft en etes-vous de . . .? how far are you on with . . .? j'en ai pour . . ., 7 have . . . worth of it; ils Pont emporte, they have won, have carried the day; il y va de ma vie, my life is at stake; e'en est fait de moi, it is all over (all up) with me; que voulez-vous que j'y fasse? what am I to do? hoy> can I help it? what can you expect? etc. 194 LESSON LXXXVI [212 A. Continue: 1. Je ne lui en veux pas. 2. Je n'y ai rien compris. 3. Ou en suis-je de mes preparatlfs? . . . tu . . . tes. 4. Est-ce que j'y comprends quelque chose? 5. Je Femporterai sur eux. 6. C'en est fait de mqi, . . . toi. 7. II y va de ma vie, . . . ta. 8. J'ai une maison a moi, tu . . . a toi. 9. Je ne demande que le mien, tu . . . le tien. B. (Dans la basse-cour) 1. "Bonjour, monsieur le cure. 2. Bon- jour, mon enfant. Monsieur votre pere y est-il? 3. Je vais Fap- peler." 4. M. Legrand, gros cultivateur, arrive. 5. Le cure, recemment nomine, et lui se serrent la main. 6. "Vous etes monsieur le cure? 7. Et vous, monsieur Legrand? Je suis en- chante de faire votre connaissance. 8. Moi pareillement, mon- sieur le cure. 9. C'est la votre maison? 10. Oui, c'est la la ferme. 11. Et plus loin c'est le chateau du proprietaire. 12. J'ex- ploite quatre-vingts hectares dont la moitie est a lui et Fautre moitie a moi. 13. C'est de la bonne terre. 14. Les miens et moi sommes tres heureux. 15. Mais depuis Fachat de mes quarante hectares notre proprietaire nous en veut. 16. Je n'y comprends rien. 17. Quoi! je n'aurais pas le droit d'acheter des terres? 18. Mais ou en etes-vous de votre re*colte, dit le cure. 19. Nous en sommes aux trois quarts. 20. Le foin, Favoine et Forge sont tres bons. 21. J'en aurai pour dix mille francs. 22. Voici Fe*curie. 23. Les chevaux n'y sont pas. 24. Us font marcher la moissonneuse dans les bles, et les boeufs sont au labour. 25. Nous labourons en ce moment avec trois charrues. 26. A propos, avez-vous des nou- velles des elections d'hier? 27. Les republicans Font emporte* sur les notres. 28. Quel dommage! 29. II y va de Fexistence de Feglise, et peut-etre de la France. 30. C'en est fait de nous. 31. Mais que voulez-vous que nous y fassions? 32. Nous sommes les plus faibles." C. (Oral on B.) D. Supply the proper form of le: 1. fites-vous Anglais? Nous . . . sommes. 2. fites-vous Finstitutrice? Je . . . suis. 3. Sont-ils heureux? Us ... sont. 4. Sont-ce de braves gens? II , . . sont. 5. fites-vous fatigue*es? Nous . . . sommes. 6. fites-vous la femme du cultivateur? Je . . . suis. 213] LESSON LXXXVII 195 E. 1. The new parish priest met the boy in the barnyard. 2. He asked him if his father was in. 3. He went to get his father. 4. The big farmer and the priest shook hands. 5. The priest was delighted to make his acquaintance. 6. That is the farmhouse behind the trees. 7. That is my landlord's castle. 8. The farmer had land of his own. 9. Half the land he worked belonged to him. 10. He and his [family] were well off. 11. But their landlord had a grudge against them. 12. They couldn't understand it at all. 13. The priest asked him how far he was on with his harvest. 14. The hay, oats and barley were already cut. 15. He had 5000 francs' worth of them. 16. Some of the harvesters were cutting the wheat (plur.). 17. We use reaping machines for that. 18. Other men are ploughing the fields with two ploughs. 19. To plough they use oxen. 20. The republicans won at the elections. 21. Our party ( 211, 4) was beaten, said the priest. 22. But what can you expect? F. 1. However it may be, I am not satisfied. 2. I shall accom- pany you if you wish (it). 3. I should be delighted if you did so. 4. He is wrong, but I will not tell him so. 5. I have made this bread with my own hands. 6. Have you a house of your own, or do you live with your relations? 7. You have been very kind to me and mine. 8. I thank you for it. 9. Don't mention it. 10. Our party will carry the day at the elections, I am certain (of it). 11. Are you republicans? 12. We are. 13. Good evening, aunt; are you ready to (a) go? 14. I am; let us go. 15. You seem to have a grudge against me. 16. We have read this work (ouvrage), but we don't understand it at all. 17. If you don't change [your] manner-of -living (vie), it is all up with you. LESSON LXXXVII 213. Craindre, i fear ' ; joindre, i join ' ; peindre, ' paint ' craindre craignant craint crains craignis joindre joignant joint joins joignis peindre peignant peint peins peignis (a) Note the similarity of these verbs in conjugation. Like craindre: plaindre, pity; se plaindre, complain. 196 LESSON LXXXVIII (214 EXERCISE LXXXVH Partiste, m. or f., artist le portrait, portrait malheureux, unfortunate A. (Oral.) Continue: 1. Je crains (craignais) de tomber. 2. Ne crains rien. 3. Ne te plains pas de cela. 4. Je peins (peignais) un paysage. 5. Les paysages que j'ai peints . . . que tu. 6. II voudrait que je lui peigne un tableau, . . . tu. 7. Je joignis les bouts et les cousis ensemble. 8. Je peignis la boiserie. 9. Je plaignais les pau- vres par (in) ce temps d'hiver. B. 1. You paint very well. 2. Which (plur.) of the pictures have you painted? 3. Pity my misfortunes. 4. I pity you; you are very unhappy. 5. We do not complain. 6. Join the ends of this piece of cloth and sew them together. 7. They feared to miss the train. 8. Would you fear to arrive too late? 9. The fortunate do not al- ways pity the unfortunate. C. 1. Where is the portrait you were painting? 2. I should like you to paint my portrait. 3. Who painted this landscape? 4. That artist painted (p. def.) many landscapes. 5. Let us pity the unfor- tunate. 6. What does he fear? 7. He will fear to meet us. 8. We feared to say a single word. 9. They were always complaining. LESSON LXXXVIII 214. On. Review 38, and observe further: On est triste quand on a faim. A man is sad when he is hungry. On se demands si, etc. People wonder whether, etc. On perdrait son temps. You would lose your time. Lorsqu'on presse trop un poisson When you hold a fish too tightly it il vous echappe. escapes you. (a) On as subject is repeated if necessary, Ex. 1. (6) The reflexive pronoun corresponding to on is se and the possessive is son, Ex. 2 and 3. (c) Since on serves only as subject, the corresponding objective forms are borrowed from vous, etc., Ex. 4. 215] LESSON LXXXVIII 197 215. Whoever, whatever. Observe the following: Qui que tu sois (vous soyez). Whoever you are (= may be). Quiconque parlera sera puni(e). Whoever speaks will be punished. Une plume quelconque. Any pen whatever (some, any kind of a pen, some pen or other). Quelques efforts qu'il fasse. Whatever efforts he makes (may make) . Quelle qu'en soit la cause. Whatever (may) be the cause of it. Quoi que ce soit. Whatever it be (is, may be). Quoi que vous fassiez. Whatever you (may) do. (a) Whoever = qui que with etre (subjunctive), Ex. 1, and elsewhere qui- conque, Ex. 2; other equivalents are: celui qui (cf. 82), or qui (cf. 212, 2). (6) Any . . . whatever = quelconque, which follows its noun and agrees like an ordinary adjective, Ex. 3. (c) Whatever, preceding a noun = quelque(s) . . . que + subjunctive, Ex.4. (d) Whatever, preceding to be = quel que + subjunctive, Ex. 5. (e) Whatever, absolutely = quoi que + subjunctive, Ex. 6 and 7. (f) Observe also : Lequel desirez-vous? N'importe lequel, . . . Any one at all (whatever); Qui doit lire? N'importe qui . . . Any one at all (what- ever) . EXERCISE LXXXVIII < allumer, light, kindle le fluide, fluid Pavenir, m., future le gaz, gas la bougie, wax candle Phabitation, f ., habitation, dwelling bruler, burn Phuile, f., oil la chaleur, warmth, heat humain, human la chandelle, candle inflammable, inflammable le charbon, coal la lampe, lamp le chauffage, heating la lumiere, light chauffer, warm, heat la maniere, manner, way echapper (a), escape (from) mysterieux, mysterious Peclairage, m., lighting Pobscurite, f., darkness eclairer, light, illuminate ^observation, f., observation Pelectricite, f., electricity le petrole, petroleum electrique, electric lampe a petrole, petroleum lamp; a Pavenir, in the future A. Continue: 1. Qui que je sois j'ai besoin cTamis, . . . tu . . . tu. 2. Quelques remedes que je prenne je ne gueris pas, . . . tu . . . tu. 198 LESSON LXXXVIII [215 3. Quelle que soit mon habitation il faut la chauffer, . . . ton, etc. 4. Quoi que je fasse je ne reussirai pas, . . . tu . . . tu, 5. Je pourrai me servir de n'importe quel livre, tu . . . te. B. 1. Quelles que soient les habitations humaines, il faut les chauffer et les eclairer. 2. Qui que vous soyez vous avez besoin de chaleur et de lumiere. 3. Dans 1'obscurite il faut allumer quelque chose d'inflammable. 4. Quoi qu'on fasse il faut un chauffage quelconque par le temps froid. 5. Pour se chauffer on brule du bois ou du charbon. 6. De ce dernier on tire aussi le gaz dont on e*claire les maisons et les rues. 7. On se sert aussi de lampes a ptrole. 8. On peut se demander ce qu'on ferait si le petrole venait a manquer. 9. De quelle esp&ce d'huile se servirait-on dans ce cas? 10. De n'importe quelle espece, car toutes les especes servent a l'clairage. 11. On pourrait employer aussi des chandelles et des bougies. 12. Les unes et les autres ont souvent servi a e*clairer les maisons. 13. II y a aussi la lumiere electrique. 14. Qu'est-ce que c'est que relectricite*? 15. C'est un fluide remarquable qui echappe a notre observation. 16. De quelque maniere qu'on 1'emploie elle reste toujours mysterieuse. 17. Nous ne savons pas ce que c'est que relectricite. C. (Oral.) 1. Pourquoi faut-il que nos habitations soient chauf- fe*es et 6clairees? 2. Que nous faut-il pour cela? 3. Que nous faut-il faire dans 1'obscurite? 4. D'ou tirons-nous le gaz? 5. Qu'est-ce que nous faisons pour nous chauffer? 6. Qu'est-ce que nous faisons du gaz? 7. A quoi servent les lampes a petrole? 8. Que ferions- nous s'il n'y en avait pas? 9. De quelle autre lumiere nous servons- nous? 10. Que dit-on ici de 1'electricite? etc. D. 1. One must heat the houses in cold climates. 2. Whoever we are we must have light. 3. In darkness we must have some kind of a lamp. 4. Whatever the dwellings of men may be they must be lighted. 5. Whatever you do you must have fire in cold weather. 6. We use wood and coal to heat our houses. 7. We use coal to make gas. 8. We light our houses with (de) gas. 9. Do you use petroleum lamps in your house? 10. I wonder what people would do without petroleum. 11. Could they use any sort of oil whatever? 12. Yes, and they could use electric light. 13. Do you know what 217] LESSON LXXX1X 199 electricity is? 14. They call it a mysterious fluid, but nobody knows what it is. 15. In whatever way it may be employed (use on), it will probably remain mysterious. E. 1. Heating is necessary in cold climates. 2. Lighting is necessary everywhere. 3. The ancients used oil lamps or candles. 4. Light the gas. 5. Do not light the fire yet. 6. We used to burn wood formerly, but we burn coal now. 7. In the future we shall use electricity to give us heat. 8. We use it now to give us light. 9. Whoever you are, you must work in this country. 10. You can't escape work here. 11. You can't use any wood whatever (use riimporte) to make furniture. 12. Whoever comes to see me is well received. 13. Whatever you have to say, say it at once. 14. What- ever be the cause of it, they don't come to see us now. LESSON LXXXIX 216. Adverbs from Adjectives. Adverbs of manner are formed from many adjectives by adding -ment, thus: 1. Added directly to adjectives ending in e, e, i, u: / facilement, decidement, poliment, absolument 2. Otherwise added to the feminine of the adjective: pur, purement, doux, doucement, actif, activement (a) Exceptionally -e changes to -6 on adding -ment, e.g. enorme, enorme'- ment, precise, precisement. (6) Most adjectives in -ant, -ent change -nt to -m, and add -ment, e.g. constant, constamment, prudent, prudemment; but not lentement and some others. (c) Observe gentiment (gentil), brievement (bref), impunement (impuni). 217. Adverbial Distinctions. 1. Si = yes implies contra- diction of or dissent from a negative assertion or question: Je n'irai pas. Si, si, venez. / shall not go. Yes, yes, come. II ne s'en va pas? Mais si. He is not going? Yes, certainly, 2. Observe the following expressions: Je dis que oui (non). I say yes (no\ Je crois que oui (non). I think so (not}. 200 LESSON LXXXIX [217 3. Autant = as much (many) ; tant = so much (many) : J'ai tant d'amis; j'en ai autant / have so many friends; I have as que n'importe qui. many as anybody. 4. Only = seulement (1) when no verb is present, (2) when only refers to the subject, (3) or to the verb, (4) or to a que clause, and (5) it may be used to strengthen ne . . . que ; other- wise only = ne . . . que or seulement : Seulement les braves. Only the brave. Seulement mon frere le sait. Only my brother knows it. Ecoutez seulement. Only listen. II dit seulement qu'il vient. He only says he is coming. II n'a seulement qu'a venir. He has only to come. But: Je n'ai que dix francs (or j'ai seulement dix francs); II n'a qu'a demander (il a seulement a demander), etc. (a) Only referring to the subject, may be turned also by il n'y a que, ce n'est que; only referring to the verb may be turned by the help of faire: II n'y a que les morts qui ne reviennent pas, The dead only do not come back; Elle ne fait que pleurer, She does nothing but weep. (6) Observe also the frequent use in modern French of ne . . . pas que, not only, e.g. II n'y a pas que les pauvres qui aient besoin d'etre aides, It isn't only the poor that need to be helped. 5. Certain adverbs of place are used like en, y (cf. 27, 39) as equal to a preposition + a pronoun (of things) : Voyez sur la table, cherchez des- Look on the table, search on it and sus et dessous. under it. (a) Thus: dedans, dehors, dessus, dessous, devant, derriere, etc. 6. Que has adverbial force in exclamations: Que vous etes heureux! How happy you are! \ 7. Tout used adverbially agrees like an adjective when im- mediately preceding a feminine adjective beginning in a con- sonant or h aspirate, but is elsewhere invariable: Elles e*taient toutes pales et tout They were quite pale and very agitees. much excited. 217] LESSON LXXXIX 201 8. Observe the following renderings of however, wherever, whenever: Quelque riche qu'il soit. However rich he is (may be). Quelque bien que vous parliez. However well you (may) speak. Toutes bonnes qu'elles sont. However kind they are (may be). Si (Pour) bonne qu'elle soit. However kind she is (may be)* Partout oil je le vois. En quelque lieu que je le voie. Wherever I see him. Ou que je le voie. Toutes les fois que je le vois. Whenever I see him. EXERCISE LXXXIX Paiguille, f., needle oisif, idle aise, easy, comfortable, well- Poisivete, f., idleness to-do paraitre, irreg., appear le canard, duck la paresse, laziness les ciseaux, m., scissors paresseux, lazy le de, thimble la poule, hen dehors, outside pourtant, however enseigner, teach la richesse, wealth Strange, strange la tdche, task le fil, thread utile, useful Helene, Helen le vice, vice Inoccupation, f., occupation la volaille, poultry je ne saurais qu'en faire, I don't know what to do with it A. Continue: 1. Je crois que non. 2. J'ai autant d'amis que n'im- porte qui. 3. J'ai tant de foin que je ne saurais qu'en faire, tu . . . tu. 4. Je n'aurai qu'a demander. 5. Je n'avais que peu d'argent. 6. Je Pai cherche* sur la table et dessous. 7. Quelque habile que je sois. 8. Toute fatigue*e que je parais. 9. Je ne suis pas paresseux. B. 1. L'oisivete est (la) mere de tous les vices. 2. Tout aise*e qu'elle est M me Legrand de*sire que sa fille Helene apprenne a faire les choses utiles. 3. II n'y a pas que les pauvres qui aient besoin d'apprendre a travailler. 4. Quelque etrange que cela puisse paraitre les riches en ont autant besoin que les pauvres. 5. Les pauvres n'ont qu'a gagner leur vie. 6. Les riches ont une tache encore plus difficile, celle d'employer leur richesse pour le bien d'autrui. 7. Que la petite Helene est heureuse! 8. Elle n'a pas que des 202 LESSON LXXXIX [217 amusements pourtant. 9. Elle a ses devoirs, son ouvrage. 10. Elle a deja son de, son aiguille, son fil et ses ciseaux. 11. Sa mere, si occupe'e qu'elle soit, trouve le temps de lui montrer a faire des vetements. 12. Elle coupe, coud, garnit. 13. Elle a tant a faire qu'elle n'a pas le temps d'etre oisive. 14. Non seulement elle a des occupations dans la maison, elle en a aussi dehors. 15. Elle s'occupe de la volaille de la basse-cour. 16. Elle donne a manger aux poules et aux canards. 17. Elle cherche des ceufs partout ou il y en a. C. (Oral) 1. Que dit-on ici de 1'oisivete*? 2. Que desirait M me Legrand? 3. La tache des riches est-elle difficile? 4. Pour- quoi dites-vous cela? 5. Que dit-on ici des pauvres? 6. La petite Helene est-elle oisive? 7. Decrivez ses occupations, etc. D. 1. The mother would like her daughter to learn useful things. 2. Laziness is a vice. 3. If we (m.) are idle we shall learn nothing useful. 4. It is not children only who need lessons. 5. However stra-nge it may seem, everybody needs them. 6. You have as much need of them as I. 7. You and I have only to earn our liv- ing. 8. The task of the rich man is still more difficult. 9. He must work as much as we. 10. He must learn to use his wealth for the good of others. E. 1. How fortunate we are! 2. He who has work to do is for- tunate. 3. Little girls should have needles, thread, thimbles and scissors. 4. They must have plenty of duties and occupations. 5. However busy I am, I have time to teach my little sister. 6. I teach her [how] to make clothes. 7. We have so much to do that we haven't time to be idle. 8. We are busy not (nori) only at school but at home. 9. We have tasks in the house and outside [of it]. 10. We feed the poultry every morning. 11. Whenever we feed the hens and ducks we look for eggs. F. 1. Is it going to rain? 2. I think so. 3. I think not, for it is windy. 4. Mr. Legrand has as much land as his neighbour. 5. He has never had so much hay as he has (of it) this year. 6. If you need anything, you have only to ask [for it]. 7. Only ask for that and you shall have it. 8. The patient only said that he was tired and that he wanted to sleep. 9. He had been ill for a few days only. 10. I had only five francs, but I gave him the half of it. 218] LESSON XC 203 G. I.I looked for my pen on the table and under it, but without finding it. 2. You haven't electric lighting in your house? 3. Oh yes, we have had it for two years. 4. Those boys are lazy; they will not work. 5. However well-to-do you are, you must work. 6. Whenever I meet Mr. Brunot he asks after your health. 7. Wher- ever you are, never forget that you are a Frenchman. 8. It isn't only my Latin that I find difficult. 9. Only work, and you will finally succeed. 10. I have done nothing but work all my life. LESSON XC 218. Negation. 1. Apart from a verb, no, not = non: L'avez-vous dit? Non (pas). Did you say so? No. Non content de cela. Not satisfied with that. Peut-etre que non. Perhaps not. (a) Observe also pas du tout, not at all. 2. Along with a verb a negation consists regularly of two parts, ne + some other word or words, thus: ne . . . pas, not ne . . . aucunement 1 not at ne . . . rien, nothing ne . . . point, not ne . . . nullement J all ne . . . ni . . . ni, ne . . . guere, hardly ne . . . aucun neither . . . nor ne . . . jamais, never ne . . . nul ne . . . plus, no more ne . . . pas un ne . . . que, only ne . . . personne, nobody (a) Point is usually more emphatic than pas, and is less common in ordi- nary language. (6) Negation is often denoted by pas without ne, in familiar language: Ai-je pas dit cela? ( = n'ai-je pas dit cela?). 3. Ne always precedes the verb, and pas, etc., regularly fol- lows it: Je ne le leur ai pas dit. I did not tell them so. Je n'en ai guere eu. / hardly had any of it. (a) But pas (point), usually, and plus, often, precede a simple infinitive; they may precede or follow avoir, etre, either when alone or in the infini- tive perfect: II parle de ne pas y aller; J'etais fache de ne vous avoir pas vu (or de ne pas vous avoir vu) . 204 LESSON XC [219 4. If the verb is omitted, but implied, ne is omitted: Qui est venu? Personne. Who has come? Nobody. Est-il venu? Pas encore. Has he come? Not yet. (a) Pas (point) so used may not stand alone. 219. Omission of pas, etc. Ne alone serves as a negative : 1. In a que clause after negation: II n'y a rien qu'il ne sache. There is nothing he doesn't know. (a) So also after prendre garde que, take care lest (that not), and similar expressions. 2. Sometimes in an if clause with si : Si je ne me trompe. // 7 am not mistaken. 3. Sometimes in questions, such as: Que ne ferais-je pour lui? What wouldn't I do for him? Que n'attendez-vous? Why don't you wait? 4. Always in je ne saurais, etc., Je ne sais quoi: Ne sauriez-vous m'aider? Can't you help me? Un je ne sais quoi de noble. Something indefinably noble. (a) Pas is sometimes omitted with pouvoir and with other tenses of savoir. 5. In a few set expressions, such as: N'importe; n j avoir garde. It matters not; not to care. 220. Redundant ne. In a que clause (subjunctive) ne is often redundant, as compared with English, thus: 1. After expressions of fearing (but see a, 6, below): Je crains qu'il ne vienne. 7 fear he will come. (a) But after not fearing, expressed or implied, ne is omitted: Je ne crains pas qu'il vienne, 7 do not fear he will come; Craignez-vous qu'il vienne? Do you fear he will come (surely not) ? (b) When the not happening is feared, the full negative form stands in the que clause: Je crains qu'il ne vienne pas, 7 fear he will not come; Je ne crains pas qu'il ne vienne pas, 7 do not fear he will not come. 2. With compound tenses after il y a, etc. : II y a dix jours que je ne 1'ai vu. 7 haven't seen him for ten days. Depuis que je ne vous ai vu. Since I saw you. 220] LESSON XC 205 3. After s'en falloir, negatively, interrogatively, or with peu, guere, etc.: Peu s'en est f allu que je ne partisse. I came very near starting. 4. After empecher, eviter, & moins que, avant que (the latter optionally) : Empejchez qu'il ne sorte. Prevent him from going out. J'eviterai qu'on ne me voie. 7 shall avoid being seen. A moins qu'il ne soit malade. Unless he is ill. Avant qu'il (ne) parte. Before he goes. (a) This ne is not infrequently omitted after empecher and e>iter; after empecher mostly when negative or interrogative. 5. After expressions of doubt or denial, used negatively or with implied negation: Je ne doute pas que ce ne soit lui. 7 don't doubt that it is he. Niez-vous que ce ne soit lui? Do you deny, etc. (surely not)? (a) But: Je doute que ce soit lui; Doutez-vous que ce soit lui? (question as to a presumed fact) . NOTE. Rules 4 and 5 are less strictly observed than 1-3, but always use a moins que . . . ne; for ne with comparatives, see 208, 2. EXERCISE XC Pagent (de police), m., policeman eviter, avoid d'avance, beforehand, too soon la locomotive, locomotive, engine la bicyclette, bicycle le moyen, means, way le (la) bicycliste, bicyclist le pas, step caser, put in place, settle rarement, rarely, seldom la collision, collision sain, healthy, sound le compartiment, compartment sauf , safe depasser, exceed siffler, whistle derailler, go off the track timide, timid ecraser, crush le tramway, tramway, tram(car) escorter, escort la vitesse, speed avoir peur de, be afraid of; faire peur a, frighten; avoir peur que, be afraid that, fear that; de peur que, for fear that; faire collision, collide; sain et sauf, safe and sound; se faire ecraser, get crushed (run over) 206 LESSON XC [ 220 A. 1. Tante Clemence habite la campagne. 2. Elle regoit 1'invi- tation (Taller voir ses amis de la ville. 3. II y a des annees qu'elle ne les a vus. 4. Ayant rarement voyage elle est assez timide. 5. Elle a peur de tout. 6. En partant elle a peur de manquer le train et elle arrive a la gare une demi-heure d'avance. 7. Une fois casee dans le compartiment elle a peur que quelque accident n'arrive en route. 8. II n'y a rien qui ne lui fasse peur. 9. Toutes les fois que siffle la locomotive elle tressaille. 10. Elle craint que le train ne deraille, qu'il ne fasse collision avec un autre, qu'il ne s'arrete pas a la gare ou elle doit descendre. 11. Mais elle arrive saine et sauve. 12. Dans les rues ses amis 1'accompagnent de peur qu'elle ne se fasse ecraser par les tramways. 13. Elle ne sort guere a moins qu'une autre personne ne 1'escorte. 14. En sortant seul on ne saurait toujours eViter qu'une voiture vous attrape. 15. Et les bicyclettes, n'y a-t-il pas moyen d'empecher qu'elles marchent si vite? 16. Je doute qu'on puisse empecher les bicyclistes de de*passer la vitesse permise par la police, a moins d'avoir des agents a chaque pas. 17. II est defendu d'aller vite, mais que voulez-vous qu'on y fasse? B. (Oral on A.) 1. Read aloud sentences 2-13, turning the nar- rative into the past. 2. Give the rule for all cases where ne is used alone with a verb. C. 1. Our friends haven't seen us for a long time. 2. I haven't travelled much, but I am not timid. 3. I am not afraid of every- thing. 4. You are not afraid of anything. 5. We were afraid of missing the train. 6. We were afraid you would miss (pres.) the train. 7. I fear that an accident has happened. 8. There was nothing that frightened me. 9. Are you afraid the train will run off the track? 10. Do not go out unless your friends escort you. 11. Take care that you do not get run over by the tramway. D. 1. We are bicyclists. 2. The police can't prevent us- from going (infin.) fast. 3. It is against the law (see A, 17) to exceed a speed of more than five kilometres an hour. 4. Not satisfied with the speed allowed by the police, you want to go faster and faster. 5. Unless there is a policeman at every step, that can't be pre- vented (use on). 6. There is nobody who doesn't go fast some- times. 7. What bicyclist obeys the police? None. 8. There 221] LESSON XCI 207 was a collision on the railway, but nobody was killed. 9. Every- body arrived safe and sound. E. 1. It is months since I was in the country; I rarely go there. 2. I shall pay you a visit to-morrow, unless the weather should be bad. 3. In any (tout) case you must pay us a visit before you go. 4. If I am not mistaken, the engine of our train has just whistled. 5. I am afraid we shall not be comfortable in this compartment. 6. Let us find (chercher) another, no matter what one. 7. Do you fear the train will not stop at your station? 8. I am not afraid it will not stop. 9. Take care that your aunt doesn't get run over by the tramway. F. 1. The police can't prevent automobiles from running too fast. 2. There is not one of them that doesn't exceed the speed limit (see A, 16). 3. If we go too fast, we can't avoid the police catching us now and then. 4. I do not doubt that the policemen are in the right. 5. There is nothing that that young man cannot learn. 6. Nobody doubts that he will finally succeed. 7. I am afraid you are cold; draw near the fire. 8. It is years since we had a winter like this one, if I am not mistaken. LESSON XCI 221. Observe the use of , de, en, sur, in forming adjectival phrases, often rendered in English by compound nouns, or by nouns used as adjectives: 1. De, en, denoting material: Une maison en (de) brique(s). A brick house. Une robe de (en) soie. A silk dress. Un collier de perles. A pearl necklace. 2. De denoting source, purpose, destination, etc. : La porcelaine de Sevres. Sevres porcelain. Les vins d'Espagne. Spanish wines. La salle de bains. . The bathroom. Le train de Paris. The Paris train. 208 LESSON XCI [222 3. A denoting purpose for which, or characteristic: Une salle a manger. A dining room. Une tasse a the. A teacup. Un coffret a bijoux. A jewel case. Un ver a sole. A silkworm. Une porte a deux battants. A folding door (i.e. with two leaves). Un bateau a vapeur. A steamboat. L'homme au chapeau noir. The man with a black hat. 4. A and sur describing processes in art: Une peinture a Phuile. An oil painting (painting in oils). Une gravure sur acier. A steel engraving (engraving on steel). 222. Observe the following prepositional distinctions : 1. Environ = about (of quantity) ; vers, towards, about (of time) : Environ dix kilometres (cent francs); vers (les) dix heures; vers 1830. 2. Entre, between, among (also distributively and recipro- cally); parmi, among (in the midst of): Une station entre Paris et Rouen; entre dix et douze heures; partagez-le entre vos amis; il fut trouve entre les morts; entre (in) les mains de mon ami; ils parlaient entre eux; une brebis parmi les loups. 3. Avant, before (of time, order, rank); devant, before (in front of, in presence of): Avant midi; mettez 1'article avant le nom; devant le feu: devant le roi. 4. Vers, towards (physical tendency): envers, towards (moral tendency) : Levez les yeux vers le ciel; il est juste envers tous. 5. Au-dessous de, under, underneath (more specific than sous); au-dessus de, over, above, higher than: Au-dessous du tableau; au-dessous de la valeur; au-dessus de la porte; les nombres au-dessus de cent. 6. Pres de, near (physical) : aupres de, near, with, as regards, etc. ' (moral) : Pres du feu; aupres de sa famille. 222] LESSON XCI 209 EXERCISE XCI Pacajou, m., mahogany le musee, museum Pacier, m., steel le noyer, walnut le battant, part of a double or Pobjet, m., object folding door Por, m., gold le bijou, jewel la parure, adornment la brique, brick le pastel, pastel le chene, oak la peinture., painting le cocon, cocoon la perle, pearl le coffret, casket, case la porcelaine, porcelain le collier, necklace la princesse, princess le cuivre, copper sculpter, carve Peau-forte, f., aquafortis; etching la soierie, silk (collect.) forge, forged, wrought la taille, cutting Jllustrer, illustrate le vase, vase Pindustrie, f., industry . vaste, vast Pivoire, m., ivory Venus, Venus le marbre, marble le ver, worm le mobilier, furniture (collect.) K boit dans un verre, he drinks from (out of) a glass; je mange dans une assiette, / eat from a plate; je Pai pris dans un tiroir (sur la table), / took it from a drawer (from the table) A. 1. Hier nous avons visits un grand muse*e. 2. II se trouve dans un ancien chateau bati en brique et en pierre de taille (free- stone). 3. Nous entrons par la belle porte en chene a deux battants. 4. Au rez-de-chaussee on trouve les objets qui illustrent Thistoire de Pindustrie. 5. Dans la salle des soieries on voit le cocon du ver a soie aussi bien que les belles robes de soie et les tapisseries des Gobelins. 6. Dans une autre salle se voient des tasses a the et a cafe qui ont passe par des mains de reines. 7. Nous montons au premier par le bel escalier en marbre. 8. On entre dans la pre- miere piece par une porte magnifique en fer forge. 9. Cette salle s'appelle le "Salon des Fleurs." 10. Le gardien appelle notre atten- tion sur le mobilier en acajou a tapisseries de Beauvais. 11. II nous mohtre de beaux vases en porcelaine de Sevres. 12. Nous ad- mirons un coffret a bijoux en ivoire. 13. Le gardien prend dans le coffret un collier de perles, autrefois la parure d'une princesse. 14. II y a ici en outre un beau tableau nomme " Venus aux cheveux d'or." 210 LESSON XCII [223 15. Ensuite nous entrons dans la vaste ancienne salle a manger a boiseries sculptees en noyer. 16. On y voit beaucoup de tableaux: des peintures a 1'huile et des portraits au pastel. 17. II y a aussi des gravures sur cuivre (copperplate), sur acier et a 1'eau-forte (etching). B. (Oral on A.) C. 1. My grandfather lives in an old stone house. 2. There is a beautiful oak table in his dining room. 3. The chairs and side- board are also of oak. 4. Silk is the product of the silkworm. 5. The product of thousands of silkworms is required (use il faut) to make a silk dress. 6. In the museum we admired especially the Gobelin tapestries and the Sevres porcelain. 7. The tapestries are to be seen in the silk room. 8. We use teacups to drink tea. 9. We don't drink (the) tea from coffee cups. 10. Kings and queens have drunk from these wineglasses. 11. Give me a wineglass. 12. Give me another glass of wine. 13. At the entrance to (of) the " Flower Hall" we observed a fine wrought-iron door. 14. My mother has a jewel casket of carved ivory. 15. Among the queen's jewels was a pearl necklace. 16. The London train arrived half an hour ago. D. 1. We are going to have a brick house built. 2. The castle was built half in brick, half in freestone. 3. All the stairways are of marble. 4. The entrance doors are large folding doors of oak. 5. Permit me to call your attention to this fine mahogany furniture. 6. Don't you admire these Beauvais tapestries? 7. Frenchmen think that Sevres porcelain is the finest in the world. 8. The vases of Sevres porcelain are the finest objects in the museum. 9. I keep my jewels in a little casket of carved walnut. 10. The gentleman with the straw hat is Mr. Brunot. 11. The artist showed us the portrait of a charming little girl with golden hair. 12. This artist is very clever at (a) painting in oils. 13. Most people prefer oil paintings to steel engravings or etchings. LESSON XCII . 223. Conjunctions. 1. Que = that is followed by the in- dicative or subjunctive according to the context: Je vois qu'il est malade. / see that he is ill. Je suis faclie" qu'il soit malade. I am sorry he is ill. 223] LESSON XCII 211 2. Que, standing for another conjunction, regularly takes the same construction as the conjunction it replaces: Quand vous aurez fini et que vous When you have finished and (when aurez le temps. you) have time. Venez que ( = afin que, pour que) Come that I may see you. je vous voie. (a) For que = si, if, see 193, 5. 3. When = quand or lorsque (the latter never interroga- tively) : Quand (lorsque) je Pai vu. When I saw him. Dites-moi quand il arrivera. Tell me when he will arrive. 4. Pendant que = while, whilst; tandis que = while, whilst, whereas, on the contrary: Lisez le journal pendant que Read the newspaper while I am j'ecris ce billet. writing this note. Tandis que vous etes ici. Whilst (while) you are here. Le pere travaille, tandis que le The father works, while (whereas) fils est tou jours oisif. , the son is always idle. 5. Depuis que denotes time; puisque denotes cause assigned: Je suis bien seul depuis que mon / am very lonely since my brother frere est parti. went away. II faut que je reste puisqu'il n'y a I must remain, since there is no p#s de train ce soir. train this evening. 6. Certain prepositions and prepositional phrases, governing an infinitive, correspond to conjunctional forms in que; the prepositional construction is usually employed when one sub- ject is common to two verbs, but if not, the que form must be used: Je partis de peur de le voir. I left for fear of seeing him. Je partis de peur qu'il ne me vit. / left for fear he might see me. (a) Other examples: afin de (afin que); de crainte de (de crainte que); & moins de (a moins que); avant de (avant que);.apres de (apres que); de peur de (de peur que); pour (pour que); sans (sans que); jusqu'a (jusqu'& ce que), etc. 212 LESSON XCII [224 224. Reference list of conjunctions requiring the subjunctive: a (la) condition que 1 afin que a moins que . . . ne au cas ou 2 au cas que avant que bien que ce n'est pas que dans le cas ou 2 de crainte que . . . n de facon que 3 de maniere que 3 de peur que . . . ne de (telle) sorte que 3 en attendant que en cas que encore que en sorte que 3 en supposant que jusqu'a ce que 4 loin que malgre que nonobstant que non (pas) que pour peu que pour que pourvu que quand meme 5 que 6 quoique sans que si 7 si bien que 3 si peu que soit que . . . soit que soit que . . . ou que suppose que tellement . . . que 3 i Also indie, or condl. 2 More usually condl. 3 Subj. of purpose, but not of result. * Sometimes indie, of completed past event. 6 Condi, ant. or plupf. subj. 6 See 223, l f above. 1 See 193, 5. EXERCISE XCII les ancetres, m., ancestors augmenter, increase le bailment, building le bucheron, woodcutter la civilisation, civilization la consommation, consumption contmuer, continue defricher, clear (land) Penclume, f., anvil exagerer, exaggerate la faucille, sickle la fonte, cast iron le forgeron, blacksmith la hache, axe imaginer, imagine, conceive inventer, invent, find out cela va en augmentant, le laboureur, ploughman la marche, march le marteau, hammer a mesure que, in proportion as la moisson, harvest, crop moissonner, harvest le perfectionnement, improvement le pont, bridge pour que, in order that, so that la poutre, beam le precede, process realiser, realize, effect soit que . . ., whether tant que, so (as) long as utiliser, utilize that keeps increasing A. 1. Que la figure du forgeron est inte*ressante! 2. Depuis que la civilisation existe il aide les hommes par ses travaux. 3. Jusqu'a ce qu'il eut fait une hache le bucheron ne pouvait pas couper les 224] LESSON XCII 213 arbres. 4. Apres que le Mcheron eut defriche la terre le laboureur eut besoin de la charrue. 5. Aussitot qu'il y eut une moisson il fallut faire une faucille pour la moissonner. 6. A mesure que la civilisation avangait on imaginait de nouveaux precedes d'utiliser le fer. 7. Pour que la hache et la faucille coupassent bien on inventa Facier. 8. Puisqu'il fallait travailler vite et a bon marche on inventa la fonte. 9. Du moment qu'on a realise ces perfectionnements le fer a commence a remplacer le bois et la pierre. 10. Dans les batiments nous employons des poutres d'acier tandis que nos an- cetres ne se servaient que de poutres de bois. 11. Les nouveaux chemins meme sont des chemins de fer. 12. Mais soit qu'on fasse des routes ou des ponts ou des na vires, la consommation du fer va en augmentant. 13. On pourrait dire sans exagrer que tant que continuera la marche de la civilisation elle sera accompagn6e de la musique du marteau et de renclume. B. (Oral on A.) C. 1. What an interesting figure that (que celle) of the blacksmith! 2. His work has helped civilization very much. 3. The woodcutter could not cut trees until he had an axe. 4. The ploughman needs a plough as soon as the ground is cleared. 5. The harvester cannot cut his wheat until he has a sickle. 6. People invent new processes in proportion as civilization advances. 7. Steel is used to make axes. 8. Cast iron was invented so that people could work faster and cheaper. 9. Many improvements have been effected. 10. Iron must take the place of wood and stone. 11. Steel beams are used in our days, whilst formerly wooden beams were used. 12. The consumption of iron keeps increasing. 13. Whether we make ships or bridges, we need iron. 14. We shall need iron as long as civiliza- tion continues. 15. The march of civilization is accompanied by the music of the anvil. 16. Man cannot advance without new processes being invented. D. 1. When Captain Pictet arrives I shall ask him to come in. 2. Since our relatives arrived we have been (pres.) very busy. 3. Since you need money I shall lend you some. 4. We started at eight o'clock in order not to be late. 5. I heard from my sister before she left (quitter) London. 6. Do not run for fear you may 214 LESSON XCII [ 224 fall. 7. If he had ploughed the ground and if (que) he had sown the wheat, the crop would have been abundant. 8. Unless we are diligent we shall not succeed. 9. I shall be busy until you come. 10. They will not finish early without your helping them. E. 1. Before we had electric light we used gas. 2. Our neigh- bours still have (the) gas, whilst we have electric light. 3. Wait until we have (the) time to see you. 4. He will wait until his brother comes. 5. While we were taking a cup of coffee the train started. 6. I work in order to become rich. 7. You work that your children may be rich. 8. Do not speak without thinking. 9. Do nothing without telling me what you are going to do. 10. We shall be glad when we have finished. . MATERIAL FOR CONVERSATION NOTE. This "Material for Conversation" is placed after the Lessons for the sake of convenience, and not to suggest that the Lessons should be mastered before conversation is begun. Conversation should begin early, and certain parts of the "Material," such, for example, as the "Fundamental Expressions," should be learned and used as soon as possible. The classroom and its activities will naturally furnish the first topics for conversa- tion. Hence the teacher should provide his class early with the vocabulary necessary for speaking about the objects, studies, etc., which pertain to the classroom. The vocabulary necessary for other topics should be furnished as the needs of the class demand. 1. Fundamental Expressions (a) When pointing to objects: Qu'est-ce que c'est que cela (ga)? What is that? C'est un crayon. It's a pencil. Comment appelle-t-on cela (ga)? What is that called? On appelle cela (ga) un livre. That's called a book. (b) When speaking of objects, actions, ideas, etc.: Comment dit-on ' house' en fran- How do you say 'house 1 in French? gais? En frangais on dit 'maison.' You say 'maison' in French. Comment dit-on 'run' en fran- How do you say 'run' in French f gais? On dit 'courir' en frangais. You say 'courir' in French. Que veut dire le mot 'pain'? What does the word 'pain' mean? Le mot 'pain' veut dire 'bread.' The word ( pain } means 'bread' (c) When speaking of spelling, pronunciation, etc.: Comment ecrivez-vous (ecrit-on) le mot ' livre ' ? RQW ^ u ^ word ( Rvre , f Quelle est 1 orthographe du mot 'livre'? On ecrit le mot 'livre' ainsi, You spell the word 'livre' thus. 1-i-v-r-e. (For names of French letters, see Introd., A.) Comment prononcez-vous (pro- nonce-t-on) ce mot? uwx this word? Quelle est la prononciation de ce mot? On prononce ce mot ainsi. You pronounce this word thus. 215 216 MATERIAL FOR CONVERSATION 2. Politer Forms (a) In addressing people: Monsieur, selle. Madame, Mademoi- Sir, Madam, Miss. // you please or please. Thank you or thanks. No, thank you or no, thanks. With pleasure. I thank you very much. Excuse me Sir, Madam, Miss. What (b) In asking and receiving: S'il vous plait. Merci (after accepting). Merci (in declining). Avec plaisir. Je vous remercie beaucoup (bien, mille fois, infiniment). (c) When not understanding: Monsieur? Madame? Mademoi- selle? Plait-il? or Pardon? or Je vous de- mande pardon. (More familiar: Comment? or Vous dites?) (d) When desiring consent: Voulez-vous (bien) . . .? or Veuillez. Ayez la bonte (1'obligeance) de . . . (e) Politeness is often increased by the use of the conditional: Pourriez-vous me dire, madame, Could you tell me, madam, what 1'heure qu'il est? o'clock it is? Voudriez-vous (bien) me dire ou Would you kindly tell me where we nous en sommes aujourd'hui? begin to-day? 3. Model Conversation I beg your pardon (What? do you say?) Will you kindly . . , Be kind enough to . On sonne (frappe) a la porte. J'ouvre moi-meme et je dis: Bon jour (bonsoir), mon cher ami. Entrez done. Je suis en- chante (charme) de vous voir. Merci, je ne vous derange pas? Oh non! pas du tout. Per- mettez-moi de vous debarras- ser de votre chapeau. Merci, vous e'tes trop bon. There's a ring (knock) at the door. 1 open the door myself and say: Good day or good morning (good evening) , my dear friend. Do come in. I am delighted to see you. Thank you, I hope I am not dis- turbing you? , Oh no, not at all. Allow me to take your hat. Thanks, you are too kind. MATERIAL FOR CONVERSATION 217 Ayez la bonte (donnez-vous la peine) de vous asseoir (less for- mal: asseyez-vous done); ici dans ce fauteuil. Merci beaucoup, mais j'ai peur de vous deranger. Pas du tout. Ne vous genez pas. Et comment vous portez-vous depuis si longtemps? (less formal: Comment allez-vous? comment c.a va-t-il? comment ga va?) Tres bien (pas mal), merci, et vous(-meme)? J'ai ete un peu souffrant. J'en suis desole ! Qu'est-ce que vous aviez? C'etait une espece de neuras- thenic. Mais ga va deja mieux. Tant mieux. J'espere que ga passera vite. Mais vous n'etes pas bien; ce fauteuil n'est pas bon (com- mode, confortable). Si! si! Mais non, permettez-moi. Je vais vous donner ce coussin. Levez-vous, s'il vous plait. La ! maintenant, asseyez-vous. Vous etes mieux, n'est-ce pas? Oh, oui! mais vous etes trop aimable. Apres avoir cause un peu, mon ami s'ex- cuse. II faut qu'il s'en aille. E dit: Mes compliments a monsieur vo- tre pere et amadame votremere. Merci, je n'y manquerai pas. Bien des choses (de ma part) a votre frere. Nous nous disons : * au revoir,' ' a ce soir,' ' a demain matin,* ' a lundi (mardi, etc.) prochain.' Nous nous serrons la main, et le voila parti. Kindly be seated; here in this chair. Thank you very much, but I am afraid of disturbing you. Not at all. Make yourself at home. And how have you been this long time? Very well, thanks, and how are / have not been very well. / am very sorry. What was the matter? It was a sort of nervous exhaus- tion. But I am better now. 7 am glad to hear it. I hope it will soon disappear. But you're not comfortable; that chair doesn't suit you. Oh yes, it does. No, no, allow me. I'll give you this cushion. Rise, please. Now then, sit down. That's better, isn't it? Yes, indeed, but you are too kind. After chatting a little my friend begs to be excused. He must go. He says: Remember me to your father and mother. Thanks, I shall (will) . Remem- ber me to your brother. We say to one another 'good-bye,' 'good- bye till this evening,' 'till to-morrow morning,' 'till Monday (Tuesday etc.), next.' We shake hands and he's gone. REVIEW EXERCISES NOTE. These sentences have been selected for the most part from Harvard, Yale and other College Entrance Papers, and are grouped so as to illustrate important points of grammar. I. The Article A. 1. I have no friends. 2. I have a great many flowers and will give you some. 3. He has neither father nor mother. 4. They haven't any money. 5. There were many houses in the town. 6. Here are some fine pears; do you wish any? 7. Are there any pencils in that box? There are none now. 8. Here are some fine apples. 9. They are all going to France to-morrow. 10. If you are thirsty you may drink some cold water. 11. He wanted to buy some apples but he didn't have any money. 12. You are wrong in thinking so. 13. Have you any books? Give me some. I have no books now. 14. We had a good deal of snow last winter. 15. There are many things we can learn by reading good books. 16. I beg your pardon; I am right and you are wrong. 17. I am always cold [on] the days when it is cold. 18. Are you warm? Yes, and I am thirsty also. 19. Is there any water here? Yes, here is some good, cool water. 20. There are white hens and black ones in the barn. B. 1. Don't you need your hat when you go out? 2. Won't you buy her some good red apples? 3. Have you good friends? 4. We saw pebbles and sand in the water of the river. 5. In Canada people eat a great deal of fruit in autumn. 6. I am sure he asked for ripe apples; these are green ones. 7. The weather has been very warm and the flowers need water. 8. The little bird said, "Open the window for me, I am very hungry." 9. When horses are thirsty they need water and they go to the river. 10. There are good books and bad ones. 11. I have no friends in this country, but I have some in America. 12. He has potatoes, cabbage (s) and onions. He planted them on the second of May. 13. There were some very pretty flowers at the market this morn- ing. 14. Perhaps you are right, but certainly I am too warm. 15. That pupil likes history better than grammar. 16. Children 218 REVIEW EXERCISES 219 sometimes have wonderful courage. 17. The boys rushed in with their hats on their heads. 18. I had my hair cut this morning. 19. Mrs. Brown is a Frenchwoman. 20. Queen Victoria was born in 1819. II. Numerals 1. I shall be eighteen years old in nineteen hundred and seven- teen. 2. What time was it? It was half past ten. 3. When did your brother return from Europe? He arrived last night at a quar- ter past eight. 4. Write out in French 21, 63, 177, 46th, ^ f. 5. What day of the month is it? It is the fifteenth of May, 1911 (write date in full). 6. They were born on the same day, the 17th of July, 1893 (write date in full). 7. I was born on the 15th of August, 1895 (write date in full) . 8. What time was it when the train left? 9. It was twenty minutes to eleven. 10. Can you tell me the time? It is half past two. 11. I have here a box full of cherries. How many are there? Ninety-one. 12. I have been in Toronto a fortnight and I like the city. 13. We did not go there yesterday at ten o'clock. 14. You say that he is twenty years old. 15. Is his oldest brother not ten years older? 16. Does the train start for Boston at a quarter to nine? 17. We have been here three weeks. 18. My grandfather is eighty years old. 1 19. During the first two years he did not study. 20. Fifteen cents make sev- enty-five centimes. 21. Victor Hugo was born in 1802 (write date in full). 22. He died in 1885 (write date in full). 23. It is half past eleven; we must go home. III. Personal Pronouns 1. Will you introduce me to her? 2. Are you angry with me? 3. Give it to me. 4. I took him there a week ago. 5. We have given the books back to them. 6. Show them to us, please. 7. Don't send them to him. 8. Hide yourself behind the door. 9. Will you kindly give me some? 10. Give it to us, do not give it to them. 11. They have made fun of us all day. 12. He lends it to me every Sunday. 13. Give us some, but do not give us so many. 14. John's watch is [made] of (en) gold. His father gave it to him. 15. I have your books, I shall finish one of them next week. 16. Did you sell that lady any sugar? 17. Yes, I sold her some, but I sold none to her sister. 18. Don't sell her any. 19. Where will he find a better neighbour than I? 20. We have none, but we should like to have some to-morrow. 21. His coat does not fit 220 REVIEW EXERCISES him well; he has just been trying it on. 22. How many prizes have you? I have only one. 23. I have given them to my sister; they were hers. 24. Go away, we cannot be friends, but I have no grudge against you. 25. You have taken my pen. Please give it to her. 26. I saw him this morning, but I did not speak to him about it. 27. Here are some also; keep them for me. 28. I do not doubt it; he will win the day. IV. Demonstratives 1. He who does not talk too much is wise. 2. Don't give me this pencil, give me that one. 3. These cakes are not as good as the ones we bought here yesterday. 4. It is easier to do this than that. 5. This house and the one in which our cousins live will be sold to-morrow. 6. This is worse than that. 7. Have you learned to-day's lesson better than yesterday's? 8. Which of these pears do you like the best? The one you have brought. 9. Is it you who told him so? 10. This book is mine, but that is my sister's. 11. Those who leave will never return. 12. These little children are the ones you met yesterday. 13. This pen and that one are mine. Where is your brother's? 14. It is easy to do. 15. Those are Germans.. 16. Victor Hugo and Michelet are Frenchmen, the former is a poet, the latter an historian. 17. It was we who did the work. 18. Those who are not killed will fight. 19. Here are two books; give me this one and keep that one. 20. This man is my friend, that one is my enemy. V. Possessives 1. Is that your umbrella? No, this one is mine, that one is yours. 2. This is my friend's watch. 3. Where do your parents live? In Montreal. 4. Here are my pens. Where are yours? 5. I don't know where mine are. 6. Didn't your parents see our friends and hers in England? 7. No, they saw only hers, because yours had already gone to Paris. 8. My watch and his are on the table, are they not? 9. Your party will not be stronger than ours. 10. This is my house; where is yours? 11. Mine is yonder behind the church. 12. A friend of mine has come from Chicago. 13. A relative of mine who lives in Chicago has become very rich. 14. An Englishman, a friend of mine, told me that. 15. Do you know the difference between mine and thine? 16. Is that watch yours? 17. No, sir, it is not mine, I think it is my brother's. REVIEW EXERCISES 221 18. My dress is not ready yet, but yours was ready yesterday. 19. Your harvest is better than ours this year. 20. My book is on the table, yours is under it. VI. Relatives and Interrogatives A. 1. Do not forget what I told you. 2. I do not like the flow- ers which she sold me. 3. Is the church of which you have spoken near your house? 4. Here are two books, which is the more in- teresting? 5. Your father told me what your brother had done. 6. Take what you need and leave the rest beside my table. 7. What is the matter with that little boy? 8. What have you given back to him? 9. This is the boy whose father is in England. 10. I don't know what you have just said. 11. Which of those horses do you like best? 12. Whom did you see? 13. Who is your neighbour? 14. What have you written? 15. What is that beside you? 16. What kind of weather is it? 17. The gentleman for whose farm I offered $10,000 has not sold it yet. 18. What is there in that box? 19. There is the book I spoke of to you last week. 20. Is that the house you spoke to me about? 21. He who has never suffered does not know what joy is. B. 1. The king asked whose was the field where they were reaping. 2. I cannot express to you my gratitude for (de) what you have done. 3. What are you doing now? Have you not be- gun yet? 4. There is the apple tree of which I have spoken so often. 5. Why do people give the best things to those who do not need them? 6. Have you finished the books I gave you last week? 7. Didn't you buy the pictures I saw in your room? 8. Tell me what you want me to do. 9. Do you know what they thought? They thought you had no friends. 10. He did not tell me what the Louvre is. 11. Those are the flowers which I have bought. 12. There is a man whose son I know. 13. All that he has to do is to tell you what he has seen. 14. What a big apple! Who gave it to you? 15. What are you going to do to-day? I do not know yet. 16. What is a pear tree? It is a tree which yields pears. 17. Whose is that house on the other side of the road? 18. My brother owed me the half of what he had received. 19. Who is she? Whose daughter is she? C. 1. We are going to eat the fruit of the apple tree which is in our garden. 2. You will send her a box of the coffee which I brought from France. 3. What is a classroom? It is a room in 222 REVIEW EXERCISES which we tell the teacher what we know. 4. Who is it? It is my father's friend, the general of whom I was speaking yesterday. 5. Tell me what you have been doing to-day. 6. Which of these two towns is the larger? 7. Has he read the letter which she has written him? 8. You see what it is to be a stranger. 9. Which of these gentlemen is the one I want to speak to? 10. A dictionary is a book which is used to explain the meaning of words. 11. Which of your friends has gone to Europe? 12. I met two men last week whose names I have forgotten. 13. That is the man whose son lives in the United States. 14. Whose son was Alexander? What did he do? 15. Can you tell me which is the largest lake in North America? 16. Has he all the money he needs? He has all I had. 17. My two brothers who live in Germany will remain with me until next Friday. 18. He would not tell me what he had said. 19. Do you need the books we have read this year? 20. We shall need those you read and others also. VII. Indefinites 1. I will say nothing about it to any one. 2. Nothing is the matter with him. 3. Perhaps something better will be offered us. 4. I have seen no one to-day, but I saw everybody at church yes- terday. 5. The old lady wishes to give the boy something good. 6. What do you need? I don't need anything. 7. You never saw any one so contented. 8. Everybody was hungry, and yet nobody wanted to make peace just to have bread. 9. Each of his fables is the story of a day. 10. If one has books enough, one can amuse himself reading. 11. There is never anybody at his house. 12. We were informed that his ship was to leave at noon on Saturday. 13. None of my friends has gone this year. 14. Give them some- thing good to drink. 15. Has your father anything good in his garden? Nothing. 16. There is no fire in this room. How cold it is! 17. We were told not to come. 18. Did you see anybody you knew at the station? 19. I saw nobody there whom I knew. 20. -What did you give him? I gave him nothing. VIII. Irregular Verbs 1. Give the future indicative, first person singular of valoir, faire and cueillir. 2. Give the imperative, second person plural of avoir, boire and conduire. 3. Give the present subjunctive, first person singular of lever, plaire and acquerir. 4. Give the future REVIEW EXERCISES 223 indicative, first person singular of savoir, courir and venir. 5. Give the present subjunctive, third person singular of avoir, envoy er and jeter. 6. Give the past participle of prendre, dire and lire. 7. Give the past definite in full of voir, vivre and tenir. 8. Give the im- perfect subjunctive in full of savoir, taire and ecrire. 9. Give the present indicative in full of vouloir, se taire and s'en oiler. 10. Give the past definite in full of craindre, devoir and boire. 11. Give the principal parts of suivre, plaindre and paraitre. 12. Give the prin- cipal parts of aller, boire, venir and courir. 13. I have sat down. 14. It has opened. 15. They are sleeping. 16. They were eating. 17. Let us run. 18. He will run. 19. They are drinking. 20. He is dying. 21. She died this morning. 22. Where was she born? IX. Government of Verbs 1. Think of me when I am (fut.) not here. 2. I shall never be able to use them. 3. Do you ever think of England when you are in the United States? I never think of it. 4. I was going to ask my brother for some tickets. 5. He always has some and I shall ask him for two. 6. How much did you pay for the shoes you bought? 7. I paid twenty francs ninety-five centimes for them. 8. Will you buy me some paper to-morrow? 9. I cannot wait for you any longer; the breakfast is on the table. 10. Look in your dictionary for the meaning of all the words. 11. Listen to her, and when she makes mistakes, tell her. 12. I bought this hat at your hatter's and I paid ten francs for it. 13. She bought several hats in that shop and she paid very high for them. 14. He paid twelve thousand francs for the automobile (motor-car) he bought in London. 15. I have paid twenty-five francs for my hat. How much did you pay for yours? 16. The children are looking for the book. 17. How much did you pay for those beautiful red roses? 18. She has lost it, but I am going to look for it. 19. Did he ap- proach the house? He did. 20. Did you remember what I told you? I didn't. I forgot it. 21. What do you use when you write? 22. I use paper and ink. X. The Infinitive A.I. Tell your friend to come and see me. 2. I wish I were in France now. 3. The teacher makes the boys study their lessons. 4. Where can he be? 5. He won't be long in arriving. 6. I saw her leave the house half an hour ago. 7. Please send for him. 224 REVIEW EXERCISES 8. Are you going to have a house built this year? 9. The ladies I saw this morning have just set out for Paris. 10. I made him write a letter to his brother. 11. Make them send us another box of cakes. 12. Make them write slowly. 13. Make them write it slowly. 14. Their teacher made them write their exercises. 15. We have just given him what he wanted. 16. We heard them say that their friends had gone to Germany. 17. He stayed at home all day, but his friends could not come to see him. 18. It would be better to talk less and work more. 19. I still have sev- eral pages to read before (the) evening. 20. I had a house built for my son who has just married. B. 1. I nearly fell on leaving your house. 2. You have only to bathe in the river. 3. You have only one thing to do, that is to confess everything to your father. 4. The king has just left the palace, but he will be back to-morrow. 5. Don't try to tell the whole story; it is too long. 6. How much water did I tell you to put in? 7. They have just arrived from France, and will return in the spring. 8. When are you coming to see us? 9. We shall not go to see you this week. 10. After reading the letter I gave it to him. 11. He has just left his friends in the street. 12. We do not want to return home, we want to stay here. 13. He amuses himself by describing to his family wJiat he has seen. 14. I shall not fail to follow your advice. 15. It isn't worth doing (the trouble of being done). 16. Make him do his work before he goes away. 17. I see a gentleman at the door; will you be good enough to show him in? 18. Be good enough to give me what you have in your hand. 19. Could you tell me, sir, what the name of this street is? 20. We shall not go on foot to-day; we prefer to drive. C. 1. Where are you going to spend your holidays? In the country. 2. Be good enough to tell me all you have seen and heard. 3. I am having my house painted. It will be finished a week from to-day. 4. We intended to go for a walk, but the weather was bad. 5. Show the ladies up and make the children be quiet. 6. Tell them to have it sent to her. 7. We cannot wait. Something must be done. 8. My neighbour told me that he was to leave [on] the next day. 9. I heard my name called three times. 10. Do you not see those two men coming? 11. They had the sick [man] carried into the other room. 12. Tell them to go away; they are making too much noise. 13. He has tried to do so twice already. 14. He is to set out for Germany to-morrow. 15. I was to meet my cousin here. She is to marry my friend to- REVIEW EXERCISES 225 morrow. 16. After the marriage, the newly married couple intend to live in Boston. 17. I had just visited my old friend who lives near the church. 18. I have had my boys read this book. 19. The young girls had (out du) to read it the day before yesterday. 20. He finally accepted the conditions. XI. The Imperfect, Past Definite and Past Indefinite 1. My brother was reading when they entered the room. 2. Did they receive as much of them as you [did]? 3. We were translat- ing our exercises when the professor entered the classroom. 4. Why did he go downstairs a few minutes ago? He went to send for the doctor. 5. When were you born? 6. On which chair did you place my valise? 7. I placed it on the one beside the window. 8. I didn't hear the man who was talking. 9. Many children have already gone to school, but tkere are some still at home. 10. Where did you go after breakfast? 11. Did you buy a pair of shoes when you went for a walk? 12. I did not see him at the station last night. 13. I did not buy (prendre) a ticket because my friends had not come. 14. There were many people who were going to take the train for Boston. 15. We drank some hot milk, we went to bed and we slept all night. 16.' The river froze during the winter and we skated every Saturday. 17. With whom were they taking a walk when we met them? 18. I have not finished those books yet. 19. Did you buy some pears yesterday? 20. No, I didn't buy any, because I didn't have any money. 21. Didn't we sell you any tickets? 22. I bought the four pictures you saw, and my old aunt gave me the others. 23. Were there many boys in the country when you went there? 24. No, there were not many. 25. What were you doing when I entered? 26. When I told him who I was and what I wanted, he came at once. 27. How long has the king been reigning? XII. The Future 1. When you come I will introduce you to them. 2. Come when you please and I will help you. 3. When we come to see you we shall tell you about it. 4. When I am in the country I shall have him work for me. 5. I shall wear my dress coat when I go to the theatre. 6. When I have no more money, I shall go and tell (it to) my father. 7. As soon as you have read the book tell me how you liked ( = found) it. 8. Give it him when next ( = the next 226 REVIEW EXERCISES time) you see him. 9. After we have dined we shall go back to the town. 10. Will you go away when your brother arrives? 11. There are many interesting things which you will see when you go to Paris. 12. When you enter the church you will see your friend in front of the window. 13. I will give it to him when I see him this evening. 14. When they have seen all the pictures in the museum they are going to leave the town. 15. When you come to Toronto, come and see me. 16.. As long as I live I shall not forget you. 17. When you have been there a year or two, you will know better what you should do. 18. As long as iron lasts civilization will last. 19. I shall go when my father comes. 20. Come when you will. XIII. The Conditional A. 1. If I had met him I should have spoken to him. 2. Would you not have sold it to them if they had offered you more money? 3. If I go, who will remain? if I remain, who will go? 4. That (young) girl could write if she wished. 5. If I should say so, would you believe me? 6. If I 'had been you (say: in (a) your place) I would not have given him anything. 7. We shall take a long walk to-morrow if it is pleasant (= fine). 8. He would speak to me if he were here. 9. He would have spoken to me ten days ago if he had been here. 10. If they worked they would not be poor. 11. If you need money, will you not work for me? 12. If the door opens, shut your book at once. 13. If that house were larger and (if it) had more rooms I would buy it. 14. He would lend it me if I asked him for it. 15. If he spoke more slowly I could understand him. 16. A friend of mine told me that he would come to see me at five o'clock, if it was not raining. 17. If he comes, I shall go for a walk with him after dinner. 18. If they should give you some white roses would you give them to your sister? 19. Per- haps that man will give you some milk, if you ask him for it. 20. If he had gone home with me, I should have given him his dinner. B. 1. If you had called me, I should have got up at six o'clock. 2. If you have no money, how can you buy anything to eat? 3. If I were he (see XI II, A, 6), I should tell them what B think of them. 4. I should be very much obliged to you if you would tell me what you are thinking of. 5. You could have come earlier if you had wanted to. 6. If people tried to learn that language they would REVIEW EXERCISES 227 not find it difficult. 7. Should you have been able to see us if we had come here on Thursday? 8. If we had a great deal of money we should not be much happier. 9. If he had seen his friend he would have told us so. 10. If you will kindly lend me your pencil I shall write all the words. 11. I asked him if he would come to-day, but he would not answer. 12. If you give men what they desire they are happy. 13. These children would have gone to school if it had not rained. 14. Would his brother give him the money if he were to ask for it? 15. The other could have done so, if she had tried. 16. If I had spoken to him he would have fallen. 17. Come if you wish. 18. Come if you please. 19. I should have been very thankful to them if they had prevented me from doing that. 20. If he should be there tell him to come at once. XIV. The Imperative 1. Ask him whether he has bought them. 2. Do not be afraid. 3. Don't talk to me about it. 4. Help yourself (2d sing.) and Heaven will help you. 5. Sit down here, you must be tired. 6. Let us not go there at once. 7. Don't go there, John, you will hurt yourself. 8. Don't send it to me yet. 9. My brother is not here yet, but don't wait for him. 10. Permit me to thank you for it (en). 11. Let him not go away, we need him. 12. Tell them to come. 13. It is ten o'clock, let us write our letters. 14. Will you kindly lend me your pen? 15. Lend me your pen, but do not lend it to her. 16. Let them stay with us. 17. Let them not do what you have forbidden. 18. Go away, dog, you are disturbing us. 19. You have bread; give me some. 20. I have some, don't give me any. XV. The Subjunctive A. 1. Before you go I should like to see you. 2. I am sorry you could not come. 3. I took care that she did not fall. 4. Un- less they come I shall be at home until five o'clock. 5. I am glad you are here. 6. They fear that you may believe it. 7. I am glad he has read this book. 8. Do you wish me to return without see- ing him? 9. I was astonished that he did not get up earlier. 10. It would be a pity that that should happen. 11. I am anxious that (a ce que) he should read this book. 12. The doctor is at home; shall I send for him? 13. I am afraid they do not know the dif- ference between him and me. 14. You must return before my 228 REVIEW EXERCISES father goes away. 15. I am afraid he is ill. 16. I did not think it would rain. 17. I am sorry that she did not come early. 18. I wish you would bring what I asked you to bring. 19. Whether the weather is good (= fine) or bad we accept it. 20. You must bring your books with you to-morrow. B. 1. I am very much afraid your father is ill. 2. I am glad you will be able to come. 3. Do you think it will rain? 4. I think it will not rain to-day. 5. I do not know any one who is truly happy. 6. Whatever his reasons were, he has been obliged to change them. 7. Would. you like me to speak to him or to write to him? 8. When did he come here? I want him to return home. 9. I don't want you to be unhappy. 10. Do you think he will come? 11. I think he will come. 12. He is looking for some one who may know him. 13. Take care that he does not see you. 14. He is very sorry that you have a grudge against him. 15. It is necessary that you should not do it. 16. There is nothing in these books which can interest you. 17. Do they want us to stay in the country till the autumn? 18. I should like you to show me the house which you have had built. 19. Your young friend has painted a large picture, but I don't think he has succeeded well this time. 20. He does not want you to tell him everything (tout ce que) you know. C. 1. My brother said that he wished me to write to him often. 2. I am glad that you were so well during my absence. 3. I wish you to stay here until my return. I am not going far. 4. It is necessary that you put out this lamp. It does not burn well. 5. I am sorry that you did not both go away before he came. 6. I am not sure that I know what has become of him. 7. It is possible that we may see him when he comes. 8. He is the richest man I know. 9. Could you show me a grammar which has all the rules? 10. I am looking for a house which is large enough for seven peo- ple. 11. Do you know a man who can build a better wall than he? 12. Whatever the conditions are I cannot accept them without reflecting. 13. Whoever he is, I am sure that he is no gentleman. 14. Whenever we saw them they were always very busy. 15. Wherever one may be, one will always find that politeness is useful. 16. I am glad that you have found your blue necktie. 17. My brothers must go to Europe next summer. 18. I am afraid he will come before noon. 19. Wherever you go, remember that I shall be thinking of you. 20. You must not waste your money. REVIEW EXERCISES 229 XVI. Reflexives and Passives A. 1. His mother has hurt her arm. 2. He is well to-day. 3. Did you go for a drive yesterday morning? No, I took a ride in the park. 4. Don't be mistaken. What we say is true. 5. My mother did not hurt herself. 6. What is your name? 7. My name is Henry. 8. The French were very brave, they let themselves be killed (se faire tuer) by thousands. 9. He never complains of the weather. 10. We will go for a walk and we shall have a good time all afternoon. 11. At what time did you get up this morning? 12. He was followed by a small yellow dog. 13. He is not at all well this morning; he ought to take a walk. 14. She has cut her finger. 15. It is late; get up quickly if you want to see the sun rise. 16. Go with them and you will enjoy yourself a great deal. 17. What is the name of the lake which he has discovered? 18. Don't be angry with me. 19. This was the question which people were asking of one another almost every day. 20. My two sisters have always written each other long letters. B. I.I think they are going to be married next week. 2. Which amusement do you like best, to go riding on horseback or on (a) [a] bicycle? 3. I went to the play last night, but I did not enjoy my- self. 4. The two little girls bade each other good morning and shook hands. 5. It is never hard to amuse oneself if one is well. 6. Come, make haste; it is half past nine and we are late. 7. When they get up they wash their hands and face[s]. 8. These ladies bowed to each other and shook hands. 9. Have you not washed your face yet? I cannot wait for you. 10. How many letters have these young men written to each other? 11. They have written letters to each other, but they have not seen each other yet. 12. Let us all sit down around this large table. 13. The two armies fought well. 14. I do not like your conduct. Such things are not done in (the) good society. 15. Men who build houses and barns are called carpenters. 16. A robbery was committed in the bank, but the thief was caught. 17. I remember all that he said. 18. They will get up early to go to the station. 19. Have these two (young) girls promised to write to each other? Yes, every week. 20. Here are the two letters which they have written to each other during ten months. 230 REVIEW EXERCISES XVII. Impersonate 1. When the weather is bad, we remain at home. 2. If it is warm to-morrow we shall go into the forest. 3. It is very hot, but not so hot as yesterday. 4. I think it will be fine to-morrow. We are going for a drive. 5. It is impossible for you to know what I am thinking of. 6. How warm it is! I think it will rain. 7. It is very cold; it will snow perhaps before long. 8. Although it is windy it is warmer than yesterday. 9. It was easy to shut the gate when there was no wind. 10. What kind of weather is it now? 11. It was fine a moment ago, but now it is raining. 12. In winter it is dark at half past four. 13. It is not easy to read when people are chatting about you. 14. It will be fine weather to-mor- row, and our celebration will take place. 15. When it is warm, horses and men are thirsty. 16. There has fallen much snow. 17. It froze last night; it is fine now. 18. There were many people at the ball. 19. You must not go away. 20. You must do what I tell you. XVIII. Adverbs 1. I do not wish to read or write. 2. Perhaps he will remain at home to-day. 3. There are some pencils in the box and a few books under it. 4. Where do you live? I live opposite you. 5. In Paris there are many children who have never seen anything but poor people. 6. They have never been in France and they now say they will not go there. 7. It was only a small thing. 8. I have never seen such a fine picture. 9. It often happens that we prom- ise to do what we can never do. 10. Neither you nor I sing. 11. We have no more paper, we cannot write any more. 12. I speak neither English nor German, but I understand both a little. 13. How tired I am! I have been working hard. 14. He has neither friends nor money. 15. She had only a few francs in her pocket. 16. Have you ever read that play by Labiche? 17. Does that woman sing as well as your sister? 18. He does not like the languages at all, nor I either. 19. The books are not on the table now. 20. Perhaps you are right, but one must go somewhere. XIX. Conjunctions 1. Take him there yourself, that he may see what you are doing for him. 2. Although he is not very strong, he has travelled every- where. 3. Although we get up rather late we never miss the train. 4. Tell it to him before you forget it. 5. Unless one is ill one REVIEW EXERCISES 231 ought always to work. 6. I shall miss the train unless you arrive on time. 7. Some of his pupils came to see him before he went away. 8. It is a long time since I have seen you. 9. You should not have done that without asking my permission. 10. He missed his train because he would not get up early enough. 11. I shall not give it to her unless she asks for it. 12. In order to make grain grow, the farmer must plough the land. 13. The grandfather died six months before John was born. 14. Remain here until your brother returns. 15. I was wondering yesterday whether I should be able to speak to you. 16. He spoke in such a way that one could not understand him. 17. It is a long time since I spoke to him. 18. We shall not leave until our father comes. 19. They will not go away without speaking to you. 20. He went home for fear of catching cold. XX. Miscellaneous A. 1. He had not seen him for three years. 2. After looking at the two books I asked him which one he wanted. 3. I think he is right. 4. The more he works the more I will give him. 5. That poor little child must have been ill; he ought not to remain there any longer. 6. I am not going to Canada unless I can make more money there than at home. 7. I have a grudge against all those who do not like French. 8. How long have you been reading those old newspapers? For fifteen or twenty minutes. 9. Have you been in Paris long? No, we have been here only two weeks. 10. You ought to know how that is done. 11. Where is my sister? She has gone downstairs to get her books. 12. Although those children can't read yet, they can play a little on the piano. 13. That gentleman must have been in Paris, for he speaks French like a Parisian. 14. What is the matter with you? I have a terri- ble toothache. 15. These are the poems I heard read when I was in France. 16. He was sitting in front of the fire, thinking of all he had suffered. 17. Do not say that you do not remember it, for I told you about it two hours ago. 18. Have your friends come? Oh, yes! They have been here several weeks. 19. Nearly all Parisians are fond of the country and each Sunday every family is eager to go and spend the whole day in the woods and fields. 20. He is the best pupil in the school, because he works better than all the rest. B. 1. One should sometimes read French newspapers to learn the language. 2. I hope you will accept the sixteen francs I offer 232 REVIEW EXERCISES you. 3. I think you are right; he is far too lazy. 4. Your sister is older than you, but she is not so tall. 5. We are Americans, but we have been living in France for ten years. 6. We came here in the spring, having brought with us only three trunks and little money. 7. Are we not to meet our friends here? 8. We are going to meet them to-morrow in London. 9. They must have been very stupid; they never saw us. 10. Most of the students are un- happy now. 11. It is the largest town in America. 12. She ought not to have taken them so far from home. 13. Can you tell me how long that man has been ill? 14. We enjoyed ourselves there; the songs we heard sung were excellent. 15. When I used to know Henry, he did not know how to write. 16. The poor fellow had not eaten for two days; he was weak and hungry. 17. What do you say when you ask for anything in French? 18. I like read- ing very much. Do you wish me to read as many books as you do? 19. It was last Saturday that I went to the theatre. 20. What a pity that it is so late! C. 1. They say that he died a few days ago, but few people be- lieve it. 2. This is the oldest tree in the whole country. 3. That gentleman had lived two years in France before he came to the United States. 4. We had been living for two years in that house at the time (moment, m.) of his arrival. 5. That boy is lazy; he will often sleep (pres.) till ten o'clock. 6. I have been working hard all day and I am tired. 7. The master tells the pupils that they should not be so idle. 8. We ought not to have gone away before the others arrived. 9. When do you begin? We begin as soon as my brother has finished. 10. Send for the doctor; my cousin has hurt himself. 11. Do not get angry, but pardon your enemies. 12. The doctor has gone out; he will return at a quarter to eleven. 13. We had to sell our house cheap. 14. Never mind, bring your sister if she wishes to come. 15. Take off your gloves and sit down. 16. I did not answer because I was afraid. 17. I like to go sleighing when the weather is fine. 18. Do you know where Mr. T. lives? I know his father very well. 19. He is in the country and will remain there. 20. My brother is rich and is very fond of me. 21. There is a window which is open; tell John to close it. 22. One ought not to sit down here; it is too cold. 23. She ought to have come yesterday; I was expecting her. 24. The train must have been two hours late. 25. I have been ill for a week and I wish them to stay until I am better. APPENDIX A. GENDER OF NOUNS 1. Gender by Derivation. French nouns from Latin are regularly derived from the accusative form, and their gender may usually be determined thus: (a) Latin masculines and neuters give French masculines: L. murum, w. mur, m. L. librum, m. livre, m. L. corpus, n. corps, m. L. ferrum, n. fer, m. EXCEPTIONS: Latin abstracts in -or, m. (ace. -orem) are all /. in French, except honneur, labeur, amour; many neuter plurals in -a give a French feminine singular, e.g. L. folia = feuille, L. opera = oeuvre, etc. (6) Latin feminines give French feminines: L. libram, /. livre, /. L. mansionem, /. maison, /. 2. Gender by Endings. The following general rules apply to nouns denoting inanimate objects: Masculine endings are: Feminine endings are: (a) Vowels (not -e or abstracts (a) -e following a vowel or in -te, -tie). double consonant; abstracts in -te, -tie*. (6) Consonants (not -son, -ion (6) -son, -ion and most ab- or abstracts in -eur) . stracts in -eur. (c) -acle, -age, -asme, -ege, (c) -ace, -ade, -ance, -ence, -erne, -isme, -tere. -euse, -iere, -oire, -ude, -ure. EXCEPTIONS: Numerous, especially for masculine rules (a) and (6); six nouns in -age are feminine: cage, image, nage, page (book), plage, rage. 3. Double Gender. In some words the gender is deter- mined by the sense; in others the sense by the gender, thus: (a) Most nouns in -e (and adjectives so used) denoting persons may be masculine or feminine : un or une artiste un or une malade un or une enfant (6) The meaning varies according to the gender: un livre, book un voile, veil un manche, handle une livre, pound une voile, sail une manche, sleeve 233 234 APPENDIX 4. Formation of Feminine. Most nouns denoting living beings distinguish the gender thus: (a) By means of a different word: oncle, tante; boeuf, vache, etc. (6) By adding -esse to the last consonant: abbe, abbesse, prince, princesse, etc. (c) A few by -ine: heros, heroine, etc. (d) Most nouns of professions, and a few others, lack a feminine form: docteur, ange, etc. (e) Some nouns are feminine, whether denoting males or females: une personne, a person, etc. (/) Some names of lower animals are masculine only, and some feminine only: un elephant, une fourmi, etc.; male or femelle is added to avoid ambiguity: un elephant male, un elephant femelle. (g) Most other nouns follow the analogy of adjectives. B. PLURAL OF NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES The following rules are given for reference; see also the gen- eral rules, 2, 32: - 1. Seven nouns in -ou take -x: bijou(x), caillou(x), chou(x), genou(x), hibou(x), joujou(x), pou(x); other nouns in -ou are regular: clou(s), sou(s), etc. 2. Regular are: bal(s), carnaval(s), chacal(s) and rarer words. 3. The ending -ail becomes -aux in bail, baux, corail, coraux, tra- vail, travaux and in rarer words; but detail(s), etc., are regular. 4. Most common adjectives in -al have a plural in -aux; for doubt- ful cases consult dictionary. 5. Adjectives in -eu have the plural in -s, but observe .hebreu, he- breux. 6. Some nouns have two plurals, mostly with varying meaning; ex- amples are: ai'eul, pi. aieux, ancestors, ai'euls, grandfathers; ciel, pi. cieux, skies, heavens, climates, but ciels, bed-canopies, etc. ; ceil, pi. yeux but ceils in compounds, e.g. ceils-de-bceuf, oval windows; travail, pi. travaux, works, but travails, reports, etc. ; ail, pi. ails or aulx, garlic. 7. In compound nouns, only a component which is a noun or an adjective may take the plural sign. 8. Compounds without hyphen follow the general rules: porteman- teau(x), grand'mere(s); but exceptionally: bon(s)homme(s), gentil(s)- homme(s) and compounds of mon-, ma-: monsieur, messieurs, madame, mesdames, etc. APPENDIX 235 9. In compounds with hyphen, both components usually vary: grand (s) -pere (s) , chou (x) -fleur (s) . 10. In compounds with preposition and hyphen, the first component is variable when the plural force belongs to it: chef(s)-d'ceuvre, etc.; but tete-a-tete, singular or plural, where the plural idea belongs to the expression as a whole. 11. When the first component is invariable, the compound follows the general rule, but only when the plural idea belongs to the variable component: vice-roi(s); but abat-jour, singular or plural, where the plural idea belongs to the expression as a whole. 12. The word garde in compounds is variable only when denoting persons: garde (s)-malades, sick-nurse(s) , but garde-robes, wardrobes. 13. Names of persons are regularly invariable: les deux Racine, les Duval; but a few historic family names take a plural sign: les Cesars, etc.; usage varies for names denoting ' persons like 7 : les Corneilles, les Goethe, sont rares. 14. Invariable words used as nouns take no plural sign: les on dit, etc.; so also foreign nouns, unless fully naturalized: les post-scriptum, etc.; but: les biftecks, etc. 15. A few Italian words retain their plural in -i: dilettante, pi. dilettanti, etc. C. VERB PARADIGMS 1. THE REGULAR CONJUGATIONS I II III Infinitive Mood PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT donner, give finir, finish rompre, break Participles PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT donnant, giving finissant, finishing rbmpant, breaking PAST PAST PAST donne, given fini, finished rompu, broken 236 APPENDIX Indicative Mood PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT / give, am giving, etc. I finish, am finishing, 7 break,, am break- etc. ing, etc. je donne je finis je romps tu donnes tu finis tu romps il donne ilfinit il rompt nous donnons nous finissons nous rompons vous donnez vous finissez vous rompez ils donnent ils finissent ils rompent IMPERFECT IMPERFECT IMPERFECT 7 was giving, used to I was finishing, used 7 was breaking, to give, etc. to finish, etc. used to break, etc. je donnais je finissais je rompais tu donnais tu finissais tu rompais il donnait il finissait il rompait nous donnions nous finissions nous rompions vous donniez vous finissiez vous rompiez ils donnaient ils finissaient ils rompaient PAST DEFINITE PAST DEFINITE PAST DEFINITE / gave, etc. I finished, etc. 7 broke, etc. je donnai je finis je rompis tu donnas tu finis tu rompis il donna ilfinit il rompit nous donnames nous finimes nous rompimes vous donnates vous finites vous rompites ils donnerent ils finirent ils rompirent FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE / shall give, etc. 7 shall finish, etc. 7 shall break, etc. je donnerai je finirai je romprai tu donneras tu finiras tu rompras il donnera il finira il rompra nous donnerons nous finirons nous romprons vous donnerez vous finirez vous romprez ils donneront ils finiront ils rompront APPENDIX 237 CONDITIONAL / should give, etc. je donnerais tu donnerais il donnerait nous donnerions vous donneriez ils donneraient PRESENT (That) I (may) give, etc. (que) je donne (que) tu donnes (qu')il donne (que) nous donnions (que) vous donniez (qu')ils donnent IMPERFECT (That) I (might) give, etc. (que) je donnasse (que) tu donnasses (qu')il donnat (que) nous donnassions (que) vous donnassiez (qu')ils donnassent CONDITIONAL CONDITIONAL / should finish, etc. / should break, etc. je finirais je romprais tu finirais tu romprais il finirait il romprait nous finirions nous romprions vous finiriez vous rompriez ils finiraient ils rompraient Subjunctive Mood PRESENT (That) I (may) finish, etc. (que) je finisse (que) tu finisses (qu')il finisse (que) nous finissions (que) vous finissiez (qu')ils finissent IMPERFECT (That) I (might) finish, etc. (que) je finisse (que) tu finisses (qu')il finit (que) nous finissions (que) vous finissiez (qu')ils finissent Imperative Mood PRESENT (That) I (may) break, etc. (que) je rompe (que) tu rompes (qu')il rompe (que) nous rompions (que) vous rompiez (qu')ils rompent IMPERFECT (That) I (might) break, etc. (que) je rompisse (que) tu rompisses (qu')il rompit (que) nous rompissions (que) vous rompissiez (qu')ils rompissent PRESENT PRESENT PRESENT Give, etc. Finish, etc. Break, etc. donne 1 finis romps qu'il donne qu'il finisse qu'il rompe donnons finissons rompons donnez finissez rompez qu'ils donnent qu'ils finissent qu'ils rompent 1 This form becomes 'donnes' when followed by -y or -en. 238 APPENDIX 2. THE AUXILIARY VERBS Infinitive PRES. avoir, have PRES. tre, be PRES. ay ant, having PAST, eu, had Participles PRES. 6tant, being PAST, et6, been Indicative PRESENT / have, am having, etc. J 7 ai tu as ila nous avons vous avez ils ont IMPERFECT / had, was having, etc. j'avais nous avions tu avais vous aviez il avait ils avaient PAST DEFINITE / had, etc. j'eus nous eumes tu eus vous eutes il eut ils eurent FUTURE / shall have, etc. j'aurai nous aurons tu auras vous aurez il aura ils 'auront CONDITIONAL 7 should have, etc. j'aurais nous aurions PRESENT 7 am, am being, etc. je suis nous sommes tu es vous etes il est ils sont IMPERFECT 7 was, was being, etc. j'e"tais nous etions tu e"tais vous tiez il e"tait ils etaient PAST DEFINITE 7 was, etc. je fus nous fumes tu fus vous futes il f ut ils f urent FUTURE 7 shall be, etc. je serai nous serons tu seras vous serez il sera ils seront CONDITIONAL 7 should be, etc. je serais nous serions tu aurais il aurait vous aunez ils auraient tu serais il serait vous senez ils seraient APPENDIX 239 Subjunctive PRESENT (That] I (may) have, etc. (que) j'aie (que) nous ayons (que) tu aies (que) vous ayez (qu')il ait (qu')ils aient IMPERFECT (That) I (might) have, etc. (que) j'eusse (que) nous eussions (que) tu eusses (que) vous eussiez (qu')il eut (qu')ils eussent PRESENT (That) I (may) be, etc. (que) je sois (que) nous soyons (que) tu sois (que) vous soyez (qu')il soit (qu')ils soient IMPERFECT (That) I (might) be, etc. (que) je fusse (que) nous fussions (que) tu fusses (que) vous fussiez (qu')il fut (qu')ils fussent Imperative aie qu'il ait PRESENT Have, etc. ayons ayez qu'ils aient sois qu'il soit PRESENT Be, etc. soyons soyez qu'ils soient 3. THE COMPOUND Infinitive PERFECT To have given avoir donne" PERFECT Having given ayant donne PAST INDEFINITE I have given, etc. j'ai donne ifcu as donne etc. Participle Indicative TENSES PERFECT To have arrived etre arrive (e)(s) PERFECT Having arrived etant arrive (e)(s) PAST INDEFINITE 7 have arrived, etc. je suis arrive (e) tu es arrive (e) etc. 240 APPENDIX PLUPERFECT PLUPERFECT I had given, etc. I had arrived, etc. j 'avals donne, etc. j'e*tais arrive (e), etc. PAST ANTERIOR PAST ANTERIOR 7 had given, etc. I had arrived, etc. j'eus donne", etc. je fus arrive(e), etc. FUTURE ANTERIOR FUTURE ANTERIOR 7 shall have given, etc. I shall have arrived, etc. j'aurai donne, etc. je serai arrive(e), etc. CONDITIONAL ANTERIOR CONDITIONAL ANTERIOR 7 should have given, etc. I should have arrived, etc. j'aurais donne, etc. je serais arrive(e), etc. Subjunctive PERFECT PERFECT (That) I (may) have given, etc. (That) I (may) have arrived, etc. (que) j'aie donne, etc. que je sois arrive"(e), etc. PLUPERFECT PLUPERFECT (That) I (might) have given, etc. (That) I (might) have arrived, etc. (que) j'eusse donne, etc. (que) je fusse arrive (e), etc. 4. THE PASSIVE VOICE Infinitive PRESENT PERFECT etre aime(e)(s), to be loved avoir et6 aime(e)(s), to have been loved Participle PRESENT PERFECT e*tant aime(e)(s), being loved ayant ete aime(e)(s), having been loved APPENDIX 241 Indicative PRESENT / am (being) loved, etc. je suis aime*(e) tu es aime(e) il (elle) est aime"(e) nous sommes aime(e)s vous etes aime(e)s ils (elles) sont aime(e)s IMPERFECT / was (being) loved, etc. j'etais a-ime(e), etc. PAST DEFINITE I was loved, etc. je fus aime(e), etc. . FUTURE 7 shall be loved, etc. je serai aime(e), etc. CONDITIONAL / should be loved, etc. je serais aime(e), etc. PRESENT (That) I may be loved, etc. (que) je sois aime(e), etc. IMPERFECT (That) I might be loved, etc. (que) je fusse aime(e), etc. sois aime(e) qu'il (elle) soit aime(e) PAST INDEFINITE / have been (was) loved, etc. j'ai ete aime(e) tu as ete aime(e) il (elle) a ete aime"(e) nous avons ete aim6(e)a vous avez ete aime(e)s ils (elles) ont ete aime(e)s PLUPERFECT / had been loved, etc. j'avais ete aime(e), etc. PAST ANTERIOR I had been loved, etc. j'eus ete aime(e), etc. FUTURE PERFECT 7 shall have been loved, etc. j'aurai e*te aime(e), etc. CONDITIONAL ANTERIOR 7 should have been loved, etc. j'aurais ete* aime(e), etc. Subjunctive PERFECT ( That) I may have been loved, etc. (que) j'aie e"te aime(e), etc. PLUPERFECT (That) I might have been loved, etc. (que) j'eusse e*te aime(e), etc. Imperative Be loved, etc. soyons aime(e)s soyez aim4(e)s qu'ils (elles) soient aime(e)s 242 APPENDIX 5. THE REFLEXIVE VERB Infinitive PRESENT se couper, to cut oneself PERFECT s'etre coupe* (e)(s), to have cut oneself Participle PRESENT PERFECT se coupant, cutting oneself s'etant coupe(e)(s), having cut oneself Indicative PRESENT / cut (am cutting} myself, etc. je me coupe tu te coupes il se coupe nous nous coupons vous vous coupez ils se coupent IMPERFECT / was cutting (cut) myself, etc. je me coupais, etc. PAST DEFINITE / cut myself, etc. je me coupai, etc. FUTURE I shall cut myself, etc. je me couperai, etc. CONDITIONAL I should cut myself, etc. je me couperais, etc. PRESENT \That) I may cut myself, etc. (que) je me coupe, etc. PAST INDEFINITE / have cut (cut) myself, etc. je me suis coupe (e) , tu t'es coupe (e) il (elle) s'est coupe (e) nous nous sommes coupe (e)s vous vous etes coupe (e)s ils (elles) se sont coupe (e)s PLUPERFECT I had cut myself, etc. je m'etais coupe(e), etc. PAST ANTERIOR / had cut myself , etc. je me fus coupe" (e), etc. FUTURE PERFECT 7 shall have cut myself, etc. je me serai coupe" (e) CONDITIONAL ANTERIOR 7 should have cut myself, etc. je me serais coupe* (e), etc. Subjunctive PERFECT (That) I may have cut myself, etc. (que) je me sois coupe* (e), etc. APPENDIX 243 IMPERFECT (That) I might cut myself, etc. (que) je me coupasse, etc. PLUPERFECT (That) I might have cut myself, etc. (que) je me fusse coupe (e), etc. Imperative Cut thyself (yourself), etc. coupons-nous coupe-toi coupez-vous qu'il se coupe qu'ils se coupent NOTE. The reflexive verb s'en aller, go away, presents special difficulty in the arrangement of the pronoun objects as seen in the following examples; in practice, partir often takes its place. Present Indicative NEGATIVE I do not go away, etc. je ne m'en vais pas tu ne t'en vas pas il ne s'en va pas AFFIRMATIVE 7 go away, etc. je m'en vais tu. t'en vas il s'en va nous nous en allons vous vous en allez Us s'en vont INTERROGATIVE Do I go away? etc. m'en vais-je? t'en vas-tu? s'en va-t-il? nous en allons-nous? vous en allez-vous? s'en vont-ils? nous ne nous en allons pas vous ne vous en allez pas ils ne s'en vont pas INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE Do I not go away? etc. ne m'en vais-je pas? ne t'en vas-tu pas? ne s'en va-t-il pas? ne nous en allons-nous pas? ne vous en allez-vous pas? ne s'en vont-ils pas? Past Indefinite NEGATIVE 7 have not gone away, etc. je ne m'en suis pas allege) tu ne t'en es pas alle(e) il (elle) nes'en est pas alle*(e) nous ne nous en sommes pas alle(e)s vous ne vous en etes pas alle(e)s ils (elles) ne s'en sont pas alle(e)s 244 APPENDIX INTERROGATIVE NEGATIVE Have I not gone away? etc. ne m'en suis-je pas alle(e)? ne t'en es-tu pas alle(e)? ne s'en est-il (elle) pas alle(e)? ne nous en sommes-nous pas alle(e)s? ne vous en ^tes-vous pas alle(e)s? ne s'en sont-ils (elles) pas alle(e)s? Imperative AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE Go away, etc. Do not go away } etc. va-t'en ne t'en va pas qu'il s'en aille qu'il ne s'en aille pas allons-nous-en ne nous en allons pas allez-vous-en ne vous en allez pas qu'ils s'en aillent qu'ils ne s'en aillent pas D. ORTHOGRAPHICAL PECULIARITIES FIRST CON- JUGATION 1. Verbs ending in -cer, e.g. avancer [avase], advance, must preserve the [s] sound of c throughout their conjugation, and hence c becomes when it precedes a or o of an ending, but not elsewhere; for the sounds of c and , see Introduction, p. xviii. avanjant ?RES. INDIC. IMPF. INDIC. PAST DBF. IMPF. SUBJ. avance avanfais avan^ai avangasse avances avance avangais avan^ait avanfas avanga avangasses avangat avanfons avancez avancent avancions avanciez avangaient avangames avangates avancerent avanfassions avan^assiez avan^assent NOTE. Pronoun subjects are omitted to save space. 2. Verbs ending in -ger, e.g. manger [mase], eat, must preserve the [3] sound of g throughout their conjugation, and hence g becomes ge when it precedes a or o of an ending, but not else- where; for the sounds cf g and ge, see Introduction, p. xviii. APPENDIX 245 PRES. PART. PRES. INDIC. IMPF. INDIC. PAST DBF. IMPF. SUBJ. mangeant mange mangeais mangeai mangeasse manges mange mangeais mangeait mangeas mangea mangeasses mangeat mangeons mangez mangions mangiez mangeames mangeates mangeassions mangeassiez mangent mangeaient mangerent mangeassent 3. Verbs ending in -oyer and -uyer, essuyer, wipe, change y to i whenever it in conjugation, but not elsewhere; verbs pay, may retain y throughout, or change for e mute, see Introduction, p. xiii. e.g. nettoyer, clean, comes before e mute in -ayer, e.g. payer, y to i before e mute; PRES. INDIC. PRES. SUBJ. FUTURE CONDITIONAL nettoie nettoie nettoierai nettoierais nettoies nettoies nettoieras nettoierais nettoie nettoie nettoiera nettoierait nettoyons nettoyions nettoierons nettoierions nettoyez nettoyiez nettoierez nettoieriez nettoient nettoient nettoieront nettoieraient essuie essuie essuierai essuierais etc. etc. etc. etc. paie 1 \ etc. payej paie 1 \ etc. payej paierai 1 . \ etc. payerai J paierais 1 etc. payerais j 4. Verbs having the stem vowel e, e.g. mener, lead, change this e to e wherever in conjugating the verb it is followed by a syllable containing e mute (but for verbs in -eler, -eter, see below). PRES. INDIC. PRES. SUBJ. FUTURE CONDITIONAL mene mene menerai menerais menes menes meneras menerais mene mene menera menerait menons menions menerons menerions menez meniez menerez meneriez menent menent meneront meneraient NOTE. The principle involved here is that if e mute occurs in two successive syllables, the first e takes the sound [e], indicated above by e. 246 APPENDIX 5. Verbs having the stem vowel e followed by a consonant, e.g. ceder, yield, change e to e in the present indicative and subjunctive, but retain e in the future and conditional when followed by a syllable containing e mute, e in the future and conditional having exceptionally the [e] sound. PRES. INDIC. PRES. SUBJ. FUTURE CONDITIONAL cede, etc. cede, etc. cederai, etc. cederais, etc. NOTE. Verbs with stem vowel e -f- vowel are regular, e.g. creer. 6. Verbs in -eler, -eter, e.g. appeler, call, Jeter, throw, usu- ally double 1 or t before an e mute syllable in conjugation (but with some important exceptions, see below). PRES. INDIC. PRES. SUBJ. FUTURE CONDITIONAL appelle appelle appellerai appellerais appelles appelles appelleras appellerais appelle appelle appellera appellerait appelons appelions appellerons appellerions appelez appeliez appellerez appelleriez appellent appellent appelleront appelleraient So also jeter: jette, etc. jette, etc. jetterai, etc. jetterais, etc. NOTE. The same principle is involved as that explained in the Note to 4, above, but here the [e] sound of e is indicated by a doubled consonant. 7. A few verbs in -eler, -eter (the commonest being acheter, buy, geler, freeze) take the grave accent like mener, see 4, above. PRES. INDIC. achete, etc. gele, etc. PRES. SUBJ. achete, etc. gele, etc. FUTURE acheterai, etc. gelerai, etc. CONDITIONAL acheterais, etc. gelerais, etc. E. LIST OF PRINCIPAL IRREGULAR VERBS 1. The rules for inferring the various moods and tenses from the principal parts are given in 157, 158. 2. The pronoun subjects are omitted for brevity, but should be supplied in learning or reciting the verbs. 3. The future and conditional are combined for brevity, e.g. j'acquerrai(s) = j'ac- querrai and j'acquerrais. 4. Compounds are usually to be found under the principal verb. 5. The more difficult tenses are given in full. 6. The auxiliaries avoir and etre are not included. 7. For key to the list, see p. 259. APPENDIX 247 INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DBF. Acquerir acquerant acquis acquiers acquis (acquire) acquerais acquisse acquerrai(s) acquiere PRES. IND.: acquiers, acquiers, acquiert, acquerons, acquerez, ac- quierent. PRES. SUBJ.: acquiere, acquieres, acquiere, acquerions, acqueriez, acquierent. conquerir, conquer reconquerir, reconquer Aller allant alle vais 2 allai (go) allais allasse irai(s) 1 aille PRES. IND.: vais, 2 vas, 2 va, 2 aliens, allez, vont. 2 PRES. SUBJ.: aille, ailles, aille, allions, alliez, aillent. 1 From Lat. ire. 2 From Lat. vadere. Assaillir assaillant assailli assaille assaillis (assail) assaillais assaillisse assaillirai(s) assaille PRES. IND.: assaille, assailles, assaille, assaillons, assaillez, assaillent. tressaillir, start saillir, jut out Asseoir asseyant 2 assis f assieds assis (seat) asseyais 3 \assois assisse assierai (s) l assey e p T . f assieds, assieds, assied, asseyons, assey ez, assey ent. { assois, assois, assoit, assoyons, assoyez, assoient. p ~ . f asseye, asseyes, asseye, asseyions, asseyiez, asseyent. [ assoie, assoies, assoie, assoyions, assoyiez, assoient. T m I assieds, asseyons, assey ez. { assois, assoyons, assoyez. i or asseyerai(s) or assoirai(s). 2 or assoyant. 8 or assoyais s'asseoir, sit down rasseoir, reseat, calm se rasseoir, sit down again Battre battant battu bats battis (beat) battais battisse battrai(s) batte PRES. IND.: bats, bats, bat, battons, battez, battent. abattro, fell debattre, debate rabattre, beat down combattre, fight se debattre, struggle 248 APPENDIX PRES. PART. PAST PART. buvant bu buvais boive PRES. INDIC. PAST DBF. bois bus busse INFIN. Boire (drink} boirai(s) PRES. IND.: bois, bois, boit, buvons, buvez, boivent. PRES. SUBJ.: boive, boives, boive, buvions, buviez, boivent. reboire, drink again Bouillir bouillant bouilli bous bouillis (boil) bouillais bouillisse bouillirai(s) bouille PRES. IND.: bous, bous, bout, bouillons, bouillez, bouillent. ebouillir, boil away rebouillir, boil again Conclure concluant conclu conclus conclus (conclude) concluais conclusse conclurai(s) conclue PRES. IND.; conclus, conclus, conclut, concluons, concluez, concluent. exclure, exclude inclure, 1 include 1 Past part, inclus. Conduire conduisant conduit (conduct) conduisais conduirai(s) conduise conduis conduisis conduisisse PRES. IND.: conduis, conduis, conduit, duisent. conduisons, conduisez, con- econduiie, show out induire, induce recondujr^, lead back introduire, introduce deduire, deduct produire, produce enduire, piaster reduire, reduce reproduire, reproduce seduire, mislead traduire, translate C onfire confisant confit (preserve) confisais connrtii(s) confise conns confis confisse PRES. IND. confis, confis, confit, confisons, confisez, confisent. suffire (p. part, suffi), suffice APPENDIX 249 INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DEF. Connaitre connaissant connu connais connus (know) connaissais connusse connattrai(s) connaisse PRES. IND.: connais, connais, connait, connaissons, eonnaissez, con- naissent. meconnaitre, not to know comparaitre, appear paltre, 1 graze reconnaitre, recognize disparaitre, disappear repaitre, feed, feast paraitre, appear reparaitre, reappear se repaitre, feed, feast apparaltre, appear 1 Lacks the past part., past def., and impf. subj. Construire construisant construit construis const ruisis (construct) construisais construisisse construirai(s) construise PRES. IND.: construis, construis, construit, construisons, construisez, construisent. deconstruire, take apart reconstruire, reconstruct instruire, instruct detruire, destroy Coudre cousant cousu couds cousis (sew) cousais cousisse coudrai(s) couse PRES. IND.: couds, couds, coud, cousons, cousez, cousent. decoudre, rip, unsew recoudre, sew again Courir . courant couru cours courus (run) courais cours courusse courrai(s) coure PRES. IND.: cours, cours, court, courons, courez, courent. accourir, run up encourir, incur secourir, help concourir, concur parcourir, run over discourir, discourse recourir, apply Craindre craignant craint crains craignis (fear) craignais craignisse craindrai(s) craigne PRES. IND.: crains, crains, craint, craignons, craignez, craignent. contraindre, constrain plaindre, pity se plaindre, complain 250 APPENDIX INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. Croire croyant cru crois (believe) croyais croirai(s) croie PRES. IND.: crois, crois, croit, croyons, croyez, croient. PRES. SUBJ.: croie, croies, croie, croyions, croyiez, croient. PAST DBF. crus crusse Croitre (grow) croitrai(s) PRES. IND.: cru (f. crue) crois croissant croissais croisse crois, crois, croit, croissons, croissez, croissent. crus crusse cueilli cueille cueillis cueillisse Cueillir cueillant (gather) cueillais cueillerai(s) . cueille PRES. IND.: cueille, cueilles, cueille, cueillons, cueillez, cueillent. accueillir, welcome recueillir, gather, collect Cuire cuisant cuit cuis cuisis (cook) cuisais cuisisse cuirai(s) cuise PRES. IND.: cuis, cuis, cuit, cuisons, cuisez, cuisent. recuire, cook again reluire, 2 glisten nuire, 3 injure luire, 1 shine 1 Past part. lui. 2 Past part, relui. 3 Past part. nui. Devoir devant du dois dus (owe, must) devais (/. due, dusse devrai(s) doive pi. du(e)s) PRES. IND.: dois, dois, doit, devons, devez, doivent. PRES. SUBJ.: doive, doives, doive, devions, deviez, doivent. redevoir, still owe Dire disant dit dis dis (say) disais disse dirai(s) dise PRES. IND.: dis, dis, dit, disons, dites, disent. contredire, 1 contradict interdire, 1 interdict predire, 1 predict dedire, 1 retract medire, 1 slander redire, say again 1 The 2d pi. pres. indie, and impve. is -disez. APPENDIX 251 INFIN. Dormir (sleep) dormirai(s) PRES. PART. dormant dormais dorme PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. dormi dors PAST DEF. dormis dormisse PRES. IND.: dors, dors, dort, dormons, dormez, dorment. redormir, sleep again endormir, put to sleep s'endormir, fall asleep rendormir, put to sleep again se rendormir, go to sleep again Ecrire ecrivant ecrit 6cris (write) ecrivais ecrirai(s) ecrive PRES. IND.: cris, ecris, ecrit, e*crivons, ecrivez, ecrivent. e*crivis ecrivisse circonscrire, circumscrib decrire, describe inscrire, inscribe prescrire, prescribe proscrire, proscribe recrire, rewrite souscrire, subscribe transcrire, transcribe Envoyer envoyant envoye envoie envoyai (send) envoyais envoyasse enverrai(s) envoie PRES. IND.: envoie, envoies, envoie, envoyons, envoyez, envoient. PRES. SUBJ. : envoie, envoies, envoie, envoyions, envoyiez, envoient. renvoyer, send away Faire faisant fait fais (do, make) faisais ferai(s) fasse PRES. IND.: fais, fais, fait, faisons, faites, font. PRES. SUBJ.: fasse, fasses, fasse, fassions, fassiez, fassent. fis fisse contrefaire, imitate defaire, undo mefaire, harm parfaire, complete redefaire, undo again refaire, do again satisfaire, satisfy surfaire, overcharge Falloir (impers.) (must) il faudra(it) il f allait il faille fallu il f aut il f allut il f allftt Fleurir (flourish) florissant 1 florissais 1 1 Has these irreg. forms when used of persons or collections of persons ; impf . fleu- rissais, etc., is used of things; literally = blossom, bloom, it is regular throughout. 252 APPENDIX INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DBF. Fuir fuyant fui fuis fuis ( fly, flee) f uyais fuisse fuirai(s) fuie PRES. IND. : fuis, fuis, fuit, fuyons, fuyez, fuient. PRES. SUBJ.: fuie, fuies, fuie, fuyions, fuyiez, fuient. s'enfuir, escape Gesir gisant il git (lie buried) gisais PRES. IND.: , , git, gisons, gisez, gisent. Hair haissant hai hais hai's (hate) haissais hai'sse hairai(s) haisse PRES. IND.: hais, hais, hait, haissons, haissez, haissent. PAST DEF.: hai's, hais, hait, haimes, haites, hairent. IMPF. SUBJ.: haisse, haisses, hait, haissions, haissiez, haissent. Joindre joignant joint joins joignis (join) joignais joignisse joindrai(s) joigne PRES. IND.: joins, joins, joint, joignons, joignez, joignent. adjoindre, adjoin disjoindre, disjoin oindre, anoint conjoindre, conjoin enjoindre, enjoin poindre, dawn de joindre, disjoin re joindre, rejoin Lire lisant lu lis lus (read) lisais lusse lkai(s) lise PRES. IND.: lis, lis, lit, lisons, lisez, lisent. elire, elect reelire, reeled relire, read again Maudire maudissant maudit maudis maudis (curse) maudissais maudisse maudirai(s) maudisse PRES. IND.: maudis, maudis, maudit, maudissons, maudissez, mau- dissent. APPENDIX 253 INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DEF. Mettre mettant mis mets mis (put) mettais misse mettrai(s) mette PRES. IND.: mets, mets, met, mettons, mettez, mettent. se mettre, begin emettre, emit remettre, put back, hand to admettre, admit s'entremettre, interpose repromettre, promise again commettre, commit omettre, omit soumettre, submit compromettre, compromise permettre, permit transmettre, transmit demettre, dismiss promettre, promise Moudre moulant moulu mouds moulus (grind) moulais moulusse moudrai(s) moule PRES. IND.: mouds, mouds, moud, moulons, moulez, moulent. emoudre, whet remoudre, grind again remoudre, sharpen Mourir mourant mort meurs mourus (die) mourais mourusse mourrai(s) meure PRES. IND.: meurs, meurs, meurt, mourons, mourez, meurent. PRES. SUBJ.: meure, meures, meure, mourions, mouriez, meurent. se mourir, be dying (usually pres. indie, and impf. only) Mouvoir mouvant mu meus mus (move) mouvais (/. mue, musse mouvrai(s) meuve pi. mu(e)s) PRES. IND.: meus, meus, meut, mouvons, mouvez, meuvent. PRES. SUBJ.: meuve, meuves, meuve, mouvions, mouviez, meuvent. emouvoir, arouse (past part, emu) promouvoir, promote (past part, promu) se mouvoir, move (intr.) Naitre naissant ne nais naquis (be born) naissais naquisse naitrai(s) naisse PRES. IND.: nais, nais, natt, naissons, naissez, naissent. renaitre, revive 254 APPENDIX INFIX. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DBF. Offrir offrant offert offre offris (offer} ofifrirai (s) offrais offre offrisse PRES. IND. : offre, offres, offre, offrons, offrez, offrent. souffrir, suffer Ouvrir ouvrant ouvert ouvre ouvris (open) ouvrais ouvrisse ouvrirai(s) ouvre PRES. IND.: ouvre, ouvres, ouvre, ouvrons, ouvrez, ouvrent. couvnr, cover decouvrir, discover entr'ouvrir, open slightly recouvrir, cover again rouvrir, open again Partir partant parti pars partis (set out) partais partisse partirai(s) parte PRES. IND.: pars, pars, part, partons, partez, partent. departir, distribute repartir, set out again sortir, go out se departir, desist repartir, set out again ressortir, go out again Peindre peignant peint peins peignis (paint) peignais peignisse peindrai(s) peigne PRES. IND.: peins, peins, peint, peignons, peignez, peignent. enceindre, gird repeindre, paint again enfreindre, infringe restreindre, restrain eteindre, extinguish teindre, dye etreindre, draw tight deteindre, fade feindre, feign reteindre, dye again geindre, groan astreindre, subject atteindre, attain ceindre, enclose, gird, gird on (a sword, etc.) depeindre, depict empreindre, imprint Plaire plaisant plu plais (please) plaisais plairai(s) plaise PRES. IND.: plais, plais, plait, plaisons, plaisez, plaisent. complaire, humour deplaire, displease plus plusse Pleuvoii(impers.) pleuvant (rain) il pleuvait il pleuvra(it) il pleuve plu il pleut il plut il plut APPENDIX 255 INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DEF. Pourvoir pourvoyant pourvu pourvois pourvus (provide) pourvoyais pourvusse pourvoirai(s) pourvoie PRES. IND,: pourvois, pourvois, pourvoit, pourvoyons, pourvoyez, pourvoient. PEES. SUBJ.: pourvoie, pourvoies, pourvoie, pourvoyions, pourvoyiez, pourvoient. depourvoir, strip, leave destitute peuxorpuis pus , pusse Pouvoir pouvant pu (be able) pouvais pourrai(s) puisse PRES. IND. : peux or puis, peux, peut, pouvons, pouvez, peuvent. PRES. SUBJ.: puisse, puisses, puisse, puissions, puissiez, puissent. Prendre prenant pris prends pris (take) prenais prisse prendrai(s) prenne PRES. IND.: prends, prends, prend, prenons, prenez, prennent. PRES. SUBJ. : prenne, prennes, prenne, prenions, preniez, prennent. apprendre, learn desapprendre, unlearn comprendre, understand entreprendre, undertake s'eprendre, be taken with se meprendre, be mistaken rapprendre, learn again reprendre, take back surprendre, surprise Recevoir recevant regu regois regus (receive) recevais regusse recevrai(s) receive PRES. IND.: regois, regois, regoit, recevons, recevez, regoivent. PRES. SUBJ.: regoive, regoives, regoive, recevions, receviez, regoivent. apercevoir, perceive decevoir, deceive percevoir, perceive, levy concevoir, conceive Resoudre resolvant re*solu or resous r^solus (resolve) resolvais resous resolusse resoudrai(s) resolve PRES. IND.: resous, resous, resout, resolvons, resolvez, resolvent. absoudre, 1 absolve (p. part, absous) dissoudre, dissolve (p. part, dissous) 1 Lacks past def. and impf. subj. 256 APPENDIX INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. Rire riant ri ris (laugh) rials rirai(s) rie PRES. IND.: ris, ris, rit, rions, riez, rient. PRES. SUBJ.: rie, ries, rie, riions, riiez, rient. sourire, smile PAST DEF. ris risse Savoir sachant su sais sus (know) savais susse saurai(s) sache PRES. IND.: sais, sais, sait, savons, savez, savent. PRES. SUBJ.: sache, saches, sache, sachions, sachiez, sachent. IMPVE.: sache, sachons, sachez. Sentir sentant senti sens sentis ( feel) sentais sentisse sentirai(s) sente PRES. IND.: sens, sens, sent, sentons, sentez, sentent. consentir, consent ressentir, resent dementir, contradict pressentir, forebode mentir, lie se repentir, repent Servir servant servi sers servis (serve) servais servisse servirai(s) serve PRES. IND.: sers, sers, sert, servons, servez, servent. se servir, make use of desservir, clear the table Suivre suivant suivi suis suivis . (follow) suivais suivisse suivrai(s) suive PRES. IND.: suis, suis, suit, suivons, suivez, suivent. s'ensuivre, it follows (impers.) poursuivre, pursue Taire taisant tu tais (be silent) taisais tairai(s) taise PRES. IND.: tais, tais, tait, taisons, taisez, taisent. tus tusse APPENDIX 257 INFIN. PKES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DEF. tenu tiens tins tinsse Tenir tenant (hold) tenais tiendrai(s) tienne PRES. IND.: tiens, tiens, tient, tenons, tenez, tiennent. PRES. SUBJ.: tienne, tiennes, tienne, tenions, teniez, tiennent. PAST DEF.: tins, tins, tint, tinmes, tintes, tinrent. IMPF. SUBJ.: tinsse, tinsses, tint, tinssions, tinssiez, tinssent. NOTE. Compare conjugation of venir. s'abstenir, abstain detenir, detain obtenir, obtain appartenir, belong entretenir, entertain retenir, retain contenir, contain maintenir, maintain soutenir, sustain Traire (milk) trairai(s) PRES. IND.: trait trais trayant trayais traie trais, trais, trait, trayons, trayez, traient. PRES. SUBJ.: traie, traies, traie, trayions, trayiez, traient. soustraire, subtract abstraire, abstract attraire, attract distraire, distract extraire, extract vaincs vainquis vainquisse Vaincre vainquant vaincu (conquer) vainquais vaincrai(s) vainque PRES. IND.: vaincs, vaincs, yainc, vainquons, vainquez, vainquent. NOTE. The stem c becomes qu before any vowel except u. convaincre, convince Valoir valant valu vaux valus (be worth) valais valusse vaudrai(s) vaille PRES. IND.: vaux, vaux, vaut, valons, valez, valent. PRES. SUBJ.: vaille, vailles, vaille, valions, valiez, vaillent. equivaloir, be equal to revaloir, pay back prevaloir, prevail (pres. subj. prevale, etc.) Vendre vendant vendu vends vendis (sell) vendais vendisse vendrai(s) ' vende PRES. IND.: vends, vends, vend, vendons, vendez, vendent. revendre, sell again 258 APPENDIX INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DBF. Venir venant venu viens vins (come) venais vinsse viendrai(s) vienne PRES. IND. : viens, viens, vient, venons, venea, viennent. PRES. SUBJ. : vienne, viennes; vienne, venions, veniez, viennent. PAST DBF.: vins, vins, vint, vinmes, vintes, vinrent. IMPF. SUBJ.: vinsse, vinsses, vint, vinssions, vinssiez, vinssent. NOTE. Compare conjugation of tenir. advenir, happen intervenir, intervene se souvenir, recollect convenir, agree, suit parvenir, attain subvenir, aid contrevenir, violate prevenir, prevent survenir, occur circonvenir, circumvent provenir, proceed (from, de) se ressouvenir, recoiled devenir, become revenir, come back disconvenir, be discordant redevenir, become again Vetir vetant v^tu vets vetis (clothe) vetais vetisse vetirai(s) vete PRES. IND.: vets, vets, vet, vetons, vetez, vetent. devetir, divest revetir, invest se revetir, dress se devetir, undress NOTE. Instead of vetir use generally habiller. Vivre vivant vecu vis ve*cus (live) vivais ve"cusse vivrai(s) vive PRES. IND.: vis, vis, vit, vivons, vivez, vivent. revivre, revive survivre, survive Voir voyant vu vois vis (see) voyais visse verrai(s) voie PRES. IND.: vois, vois, voit, voyons, voyez, voient. PRES. SUBJ.: voie, voies, voie, voyions, voyiez, voient. entrevoir, catch sight of revoir, see again prevoir, foresee (fut. pr6voirai) APPENDIX 259 INFIN. PRES. PART. PAST PART. PRES. INDIC. PAST DBF. Vouloir voulant voulu veux voulus (will) voulais voulusse voudrai(s) veuille PRES. IND. : veux, veux, veut, voulons, voulez, veulent. PRES. SUBJ.: veuille, veuilles, veuille, voulions, vouliez, veuillent. NOTE. The regular impve. veux, voulons, voulez is rare; veuillez, have the kindness to, generally serves as 2d plur. impve. F. KEY TO LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS [The references are to the pages of the Alphabetical List. For the orthographical irregularities of verbs of the first conjugation, see pp. 244-246.] A C coudre . . . . 249 abattre . . . . 247 ceindre .... 254 courir . . . . 249 absoudre . . . 255 circonscrire . . 251 couvrir .... 254 abstenir . . . 257 circonvenir . . 258 craindre . . . 249 abstraire . . . 257 combattre . . 247 croire . . . . 250 accourir . . . 249 commettre . . 253 croitre . . . . 250 accueillir . . . 250 comparaitre . . 249 cueillir . ' . . . 250 acquerir . . .. 247 complaire . . 254 cuire 250 adjoindre . . . 252 comprendre . . 255 admettre . . . 253 compromettre . 253 D advenir . . . 258 concevoir . . . 255 de"battre . . . 247 aller .... 247 conclure . . . 248 decevoir . . . 255 apercevoir . . 255 concourir . . . 249 deconstruire . 249 apparaitre . . 249 conduire . . . 248 decoudre . . . 249 appartenir . . 257 confire .... 248 decouvrir . . . 254 apprendre . 255 conjoindre . . 252 decrire . . . . 251 assaillir . . . 247 connaitre . . . 249 dedire . . . . 250 asseoir . . . . 247 conquerir . . . 247 deduire . . . 248 astreindre . . . 254 consentir . . . 256 defaire . . . . 251 atteindre . . . 254 construire . . 249 dejoindre . . . 252 attraire . . . 257 contenir . . . 257 dementir . . . 256 contraindre . . 249 demettre . . . 253 contredire . . 250 departir . . . 254 B contrefaire . . 251 depeindre . . 254 battre . . v . . 247 contrevenir . . 258 deplaire . . . 254 boire . . . . 248 convaincre . . 257 depourvoir . . 255 bouillir . . . . 248 convenir . . . 258 de*sapprendre . 255 260 APPENDIX desservir . . . 256 eteindre . . . 254 medire .... 250 deteindre . . . 254 4treindre . . . 254 mefaire . . . 251 detenir .... 257 exclure .... 248 mentir .... 256 detruire . . . 249 extraire . . . 257 meprendre . . 255 devenir . . . 258 mettre .... 253 devetir .... 258 F moudre . . . 253 devoir .... 250 faire 251 mourir .... 253 dire . . 250 f 11 OKI mouvoir . . . 253 disconvenir . . 258 lalloir .... feindre .... ZiOL 254 discourir . . . 249 fleurir .... 251 N disjoindre . . 252 fuir . * . . . 252 disparaitre . . 249 naitre .... 253 dissoudre . . . 255 G nuire .... 250 distraire . . . 257 dormir .... 251 geindre .... 254 O scesir . 252 obtemr .... 257 E offrir 254 bouillir . . . 248 H oindre .... 252 hair 252 omettre. . . . 253 econduire . . . 248 ecrire .... 251 ouvrir .... 254 elire 252 I 6mettre . . . 253 inclure .... 248 P emoudre . . . 253 induire .... 248 paitre .... 249 emouvoir . . . 253 inscrire .... 251 paraltre . . . 249 empreindre . . 254 instruire . . . 249 parcourir . . . 249 enceindre . . . 254 interdire . . . 250 parfaire . . . 251 encourir . . . 249 intervenir . . 258 partir .... 254 endormir . . . 251 introduire . . 248 parvenir . . . 258 enduire . . . 248 peindre . . . 254 enfreindre . . 254 J percevoir . . . 255 enfuir .... enjoindre . . . 252 252 joindre .... 252 permettre . . plaindre . . . 253 249 ensuivre . . . 256 L plaire .... 254 entremettre . . 253 pleuvoir . . . 254 lire 252 entreprendre . entretenir . . 255 257 luire 250 poindre . . . poursuivre . . 252 256 entrevoir . . . 258 pourvoir . . . 255 entr'ouvrir . . 254 M pouvoir . . . 255 envoyer . . . 251 maintenir . . 257 predire .... 250 e"prendre . . . 255 maudire . . . 252 prendre . . . 255 e*quivaloir . . 257 me*connaftre . 249 prescrire . . . 251 APPENDIX 261 pressentir . . 256 reluire . . . . 250 sentir . . . . 256 preValoir . . . 257 remettre . . . 253 servir . . . . 256 prevenir . . . 258 remoudre . . . 253 sortir . . . . 254 prevoir . . . . 258 re*moudre . . . 253 souffrir . . . . 254 produire . . . 248 renaitre . . . 253 soumettre . . 253 promettre . . 253 rendormir . . 251 sourire . . . . 256 promouvoir . . 253 renvoyer . . . 251 souscrire . . . 251 proscrire . 251 repaitre . . . 249 soustraire . 257 provenir . . . 258 reparaltre . 249 soutenir . . . 257 repartir . . . 254 souvenir . . . 258 R repeindre . . . 254 subvenir . . . 258 rabattre 247 repentir . . . 256 suffire . . . . 248 rapprendre . . rasseoir 255 247 reprendre . . reproduire . . 255 . .248 suivre . . . surf aire . . . 256 . 251 reboire 248 repromettre . . 253 surprendre . . 255 rebouillir 248 resoudre . . . 255 survenir . . . 258 ressentir . . . 256 survivre . . . 258 recevoir . . . 255 reconduire . . 248 ressortir . . . 254 reconnaitre . . reconquerir . . reconstruire . . 249 247 249 ressouvenir . restreindre . reteindre . . . 258 . 254 . 254 T taire . . . . teindre . . . . 256 . 254 recoudre . . . 249 retenir . . . . 257 tenir . . . . . 257 recouvrir . . . 254 revaloir . . . 257 traduire . . . 248 recourir . . . 249 revendre . . . 257 traire . . . . 257 r^crire 251 revenir . . . . 258 transcrire . . . 251 recueillir . . . 250 revetir . . . . 258 transmettre . . 253 recuire . . . . 250 revivre . . . . 258 ~ tressaillir . . . 247 redefaire . . . 251 revoir . . . . 258 rire 256 redevenir . . . 258 V redevoir . . . 250 rouvrir . . . . 254 vaincre . . . . 257 redire . . . . 250 valoir . . . . 257 redormir . . . 251 S vendre . . . . 257 re*duire . . . . 248 saillir . . . . 247 venir . . . . 258 reelire 252 satisfairc 251 vctir 258 refaire . . . . 251 savoir . . . . 256 vivre . . . . 258 r6ioindr6 252 secourir . . . 249 voir . . . . 258 relire . . . . 252 seduire . . . . 248 vouloir . . . . 259 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY a, at, to, in; moi, mine; de- main, good-bye (till to-morrow). a, see avoir. abeille, /., bee. abondant, abundant, plentiful. abord, ra., approach; d j , at first, firstly. abri, ra., shelter; a P de, shel- tered from. acajou, ra., mahogany. accident, ra., accident. accepter, accept. accompagner, accompany, go with, come with. achat, ra., purchase. acheter, buy. acier, ra., steel; gravure sur , steel engraving. adieu, adieu, good-bye. admirer, admire. adresser, address; s' , apply. affaire, /., affair, thing, business; faire des s, do business. afin, in order; de, que, in order to, in order that. age, ra., age. age, aged, old. agent, ra., agent, policeman. agir, act; il s'agit de, it is about, it is a question of. agr cable, agreeable, pleasant. agreablement, agreeably, com- fortably. agricole, agricultural. ai, see avoir. aide-mason, ra., mason's helper, hodman. aider, aid, help. aigre, sharp, sour. aiguille, /., needle. aille, see aller. aimable, amiable, kind, nice. aimer, love, like, be fond of; mieux, prefer; autant, like as well. ainsi, thus, so; et de suite, and so forth. air, ra., air, look; avoir P , look, seem; en pi em , in the open air. aise, easy; at ease, well-to-do. algebre, /., algebra. aller, go, go on, fit; be; comment allez-vous? how are you? s'en , go away; y de, be at stake. allumer, light, kindle. alors, then, so. amener, take, bring. ameficain, American. Amerique, /., America; du Nord, North America. ami, -e, ra., /., friend. amusement, ra., amusement. amuser, amuse, interest, enter- tain; s* , amuse (enjoy) one- self, have a good time. an, ra., year. ancetre, ra. or/., ancestor. ancien, ancient, old, former. anglais, English. Angleterre, /., England. animal, ra., animal. anime, animated, lively. annee, /., year. aout [u], ra., August. 263 264 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY apercevoir, perceive; s* de (que), perceive, notice. appartement, m., suite of rooms, flat. appartenir, belong. appeler, call; s* , be called, be named. appetit, m., appetite; P vient en mangeant, desire comes with success, etc. apporter, carry to, bring. apprendre, learn. approcher, bring near; come near; s* de, draw near, approach. approuver, approve. apres, after, later; que, after. apres-demain, the day after to- morrow. apres-midi, m. or/., afternoon. arbre, m., tree. architecte [ar$itekt], m. y archi- tect. ardent, burning. ardeur, /., ardour, warmth. argent, m., silver; money. argenterie, /., silverware. armoire, /., cupboard. arracher, tear (out), tear off. arranger, arrange, place. arreter, arrest, stop; s' , stop. arrivee, /., arrival. arriver, arrive, come; happen. article, m., article. artiste, m. or/., artist. as, see avoir. asperges, /. pi., asparagus. asseoir, seat; s j , sit down. assez, enough; rather, quite. assiette, /., plate. assis, p. part, of asseoir, seated, sitting. assister, be present (at = a). Atlantique, m. or/., Atlantic. attacher, tie, tie up. attendre, wait, wait for; faire , keep waiting. attention, /., attention ; appeler P sur, call attention to. attirer, attract, call. attraper, catch. augmenter, increase. aujourd'hui, to-day. auparavant, before, formerly. aupres de, with, as regards. aurai, see avoir. aussi, also, too; ... que, as ... as. aussitot que, as soon as. autant, as much, as many. auteur, m., author. automne [oton], m. or/., autumn. automobile [otomobil], m. or /., motor-car, automobile. autre, other; Pun et P , both. autrefois, formerly, once. autrui, others. avance, /., advance; d' , before- hand, too soon. avancer, advance, go on; be too fast. avant, before; de, que, before. avant-hier [ava(t)je:r], the day be- fore yesterday. avec [avek], with. avenir, m., future. avidement, eagerly, greedily. avoine, /., oats. avoir, have, get; y , be; il y a, there is, there are; qu'avez-vous? what is the matter with you? avouer, confess. avril [avri(l)], m., April. ayons, ayez, see avoir. B bagages, m. pi, luggage, baggage. baie, /., bay. \ baigner, bathe; se , bathe. bain, m., bath. bal, m., ball, dance, bameaire, bathing. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 265 baratte, /., churn. bas, low; age, early age. basse-cour, /., farmyard, poultry- yard. Bastille, /., Bastille (taken July 14, 1789). bateau, m., boat. batiment, m., building. batir, build. baton, m., stick. battant, m., leaf (of door)] porte a deux s, folding door. battre, beat, thresh, churn; des mains, clap (their) hands. beau, bel, fine, beautiful, hand- some; il fait , it is fine (weather) . beaucoup, much, very much, a great deal; many, very many. beau-frere, m., brother-in-law. beaute, /., beauty, fine sight, beau- tiful thing. Beauvais, m., Beauvais, a town some 50 miles n. w. of Paris, where there is a government tapestry manufactory. benefices, m. pi., profit. besoin, m., need; avoir , have need, need. bete, /., beast, animal. beurre, m., butter. Bible, /., Bible. bibliotheque, /., library, bookcase. bicyclette, /., bicycle. bicycliste, m. or/., bicyclist. bien [bje], well, very well; very; much, many; really, indeed; comfortable; que, although; as n. m., good. bientot [bjeto], soon. bijou, m., jewel. bille, /., marble (plaything). billet, m., ticket. biscuit, m., biscuit. blanc, white. blanchir, whiten; wash (linen). ble, m. s. and pi., wheat. bleu, blue. boeuf [boef], m., ox; beef; pi. bceufs boire, drink. bois [bwa], m., wood. boiserie, /., wainscoting. boite, /., box. boiter, limp. bon, good, gentle; kind (to =pour) ; right, suitable; sentir , smell sweet. , bonbons, m. pi., sweets, candy. bonheur, m., good fortune, hap- piness. bonjour, m., good day, good morn- ing. bonne, /., servant, maid. bonsoir, good evening. bonte, /., kindness. bord, m., bank, shore, edge, side. botte, /., bunch. boue, /., mud. bougie, /., wax candle. boulanger, m., baker. bouquet, m., bouquet. bouquetiere, /., flower girl. bout, m., end; au de, at the end of, after (of time) . boutique, /., shop (small). bouton, m., button, stud. boutonniere, /., buttonhole. branche, /., branch. branle, m., swinging, moving, movement, going. bras, m., arm. brave, brave; good, worthy. brique, /., brick. brosse,/., brush; a dents, tooth- brush. brosser, brush. brouter, browse, crop, eat. bruit, m., noise. bruler, burn. bucheron, m., woodcutter. buffet, m., sideboard. 266 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY bulletin, m., list; de vote, bal- lot (paper). bureau, m., office. ca [sa], see cela. cabine, /., cabin (on ship). cacher, hide. cadeau, m., present, gift. cafe, m., coffee, (first) breakfast; 'cafe' ; au lait, coffee with milk. restaurant, restaurant. cahier, m., exercise book, copy- book. calculer, calculate. cale, /., hold (of ship). camarade, m. or /., comrade, com- panion. campagne, /., country. Canada, m., Canada. canadien [kanadje], Canadian. canard, m., duck. candidat, m., candidate. canne, /., cane, walking-stick. capitaine, m., captain. capitale, /., capital. car, con/., for. carotte, /., carrot. carre, square. carte, /., card, map. carton, m., cardboard, cardboard box, box. cas, m., case. cascade, /., cascade, waterfall. caser, put in place, settle. casino, m., casino. casser, break. castor, m., beaver. cause, /., cause; a de, on ac- count of. causer, chat. cave, /., cellar. caviar, m., caviar(e).. ce, it, this, that, he, she, they, these, those. ce, cet, cette, ces, this, that, these, those; ... -ci, ... -la, this, that. ceci, this. cela, that, this; avec ? what next? comment ca va-t-il? how are you? ' how goes it? ' celebre, celebrated, famous. celui, celle, ceux, celles, this (one), that (one), these, those; ci . . . la, this one . . . that one, the latter . . . the former. cent, (a) hundred. centieme, m., one one^hundredth. centime, m., centime ( T ^-g- of a franc, about j of a cent or half- penny). centimetre, m., centimetre ( T J^ of a metre, about f of an inch) . cependant, however, still, yet. cerise, /., cherry. certain, certain. chaise, /., chair. chaleur, /., heat. chambre, /., room; a coucher, bedroom. chameau, m., camel. champ, m., field. chandelle, /., candle. changer, change; d'air, change air, take a change of air. chant, m., singing, song. chanter, sing. chant euse, /., singer. chapeau, m., hat. chapitre, m., chapter. chaque, each, every. charbon, m., coal. charge, loaded, laden. charmant, charming. charme, charmed, delighted, charrue, /., plough. chasser, chase, hunt. chat, m., cat. chateau, m., castle, mansion. chaud, adj., warm; n. m., warmth; FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 267 avoir , be warm; fake , be warm (of weather). chauffage, m., heating. chauffer, warm, heat ; se , warm oneself. chernin, m., road; de fer, rail- way. chene, ra., oak. cher, adj., adv., dear; le moins , the cheapest. Cherbourg [Jerbuir], m., Cher- bourg. chercher, look for, seek, search; venir , come for; aller , go for, go and get, go to meet. chere, /., living, cheer. cheval, m., horse; chevaux de bois, merry-go-round; a , on horseback. cheveu, m., (a) hair; pi., hair. chez, at the house (shop, etc.) of; lui, at his house, with him. chien [$je], m., dog. choisir, choose, select. chose, /., thing. chou, m., cabbage. chute, /., fall. cinq [sek], five. cinquante, fifty. 'cinquieme, m., fifth. ciseaux, m. pi., scissors. citadin, m., townsman. citoyen [sitwaje], m., citizen. civilisation, /., civilization. clair, clear. Claire, /., Claire, Clara. classe, /., class, classroom. clef [kle], /., key. Clemence, /., Clementina. client [klia], m., client, customer, patient. clientele, /., customers; practice. climat, m., climate. clou, m., nail. cocher, m., coachman, driver. cocon, m:, cocoon. coeur, m., heart. coffret, m., casket. coiffer, dress the head (hair). coiffeur, m., hairdresser, barber. col, m., collar; pass (in mountains). college, m., college, school. collier, m., necklace. collision, /., collision. Colomb [kolo], m., Columbus. colonel, m., colonel. combien [kobje], how much, how many. commander, order, comrne, like, as. commencer, commence, begin; par, begin by, firstly, comment, how. commode, convenient, comforta- ble, commode, /., bureau, chest of drawers. commune, /., municipality. comparaison, /., comparison, compartiment, m., compartment, complet, m., suit (of clothes). completement, completely, compliment, m., compliment, composition, /., composition, comprendre, understand. compter [k5te], count; expect, hope. comtesse, /., countess. concert, m., concert, concours, m., competition; agricole, agricultural show, conduire, conduct; se , conduct oneself, behave, conduite, /., conduct, confort, m., comfort, confortable, comfortable, conge, m., leave, holiday, connaissance, /., acquaintance, connaitre, know, conquete, /., conquest, conseiller, m., councillor, conseiller, counsel, advise. 268 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY consequent, par , consequently. considerable, considerable. consommation, /., consumption. constamment [kostama], constant- ly, often. construction, /., construction, building. construire, construct, build. contenir, contain. content, satisfied, pleased, glad. contenu, p. part, of contenir. continuer, continue. cordonnier, ra., shoemaker. corps, m., body. corridor, m., corridor, hall, pas- corriger, correct. corsage, m., waist, bodice. cote, m., side; a de, beside. coucher, put to bed; sleep; se , lie down, go to bed, retire. coudre, sew. couler, flow, run. coup, m., blow; d'oeil, glance, view, sight. coupe, /., cutting, cut. couper, cut, cut down. cour, /., yard, court (yard). courir, run. counier, m., courier; mail. cours, m., course (of lectures), lec- ture; fake son , (deliver) his lecture; d'eau, stream. court, short. cousin, -e, m., /., cousin. coussin, m., cushion. cousu, see coudre. couteau, m., knife. couter, cost. couture, /., sewing. couturier e, /., dressmaker. couvert, m., cover (dishes, etc., for one person)', tablecloth; mettre le , lay (set) the table. couvrir, cover. craie, /., chalk. craindre, fear. cravate, /., necktie. crayon, m., pencil. crier [krie], cry (out), shout, yelL croire, believe, think. cruel, cruel. cueillir, gather, pluck, pick. cuiller [km'jeir], /., spoon. cuire, cook, bake; faire , cook, bake. cuisine, /., kitchen, cuisiniere, /., cook, cuisson, /., cooking, baking. cuivre, m., copper; gravure sur , copperplate (engraving) . cultivateur, m., farmer, cure, m., parish priest, 'cureV dame, /., lady. dans, in, into. danser, dance. date, /., date. davantage, more. de, of, from. de, m., thimble. debarquer, disembark, land. debarrasser, rid of. debout, upright, standing. decembre, m., December. decoration, /., decoration. decorer, decorate. decouvrir, discover. decrire, describe. defendre, defend, forbid; il est defendu, it is forbidden, it is against the law. defricher, clear (land). degeler, thaw. dehors [dao:r], outside, deja, already, yet. dejeuner, m., breakfast, lunch, dejeuner, breakfast, lunch, take lunch, demain, to-morrow. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 269 demander, ask, ask for; se , ask oneself, wonder. demeurer, live, dwell. demi, half. demi-kilo, m. } pound, half -kilo- gram. dent, /., tooth. depasser, exceed. depecher, dispatch; se , hasten, make haste. dependre, depend. depenser, spend. deposer, deposit; cast. depuis, since; que, since. derailler, go off the track. deranger, disturb; se , disturb oneself. deregle, irregular. dernier, last. derriere, behind. descendre [desaidr], descend, go down; get down, alight, get out; take down, put down. desirer, desire, wish; laisser a , not be satisfactory. desole, sorry. dessert, m., dessert. dessous [dasu], underneath. detacher, detach, unfasten; se , detach oneself, come loose. deux, two; tous les , both. deuxieine, second. deuxiemement, secondly. devant, before, in front of. devanture, /., front (shop) win- dow. devenir, become. devoir, owe; be to; ought, be one's duty. devoir, m., duty; exercise (school). dictionnaire, m., dictionary. different, different. difficile, difficult. difficulte, /., difficulty. diligent, diligent, industrious. dimanche, m., Sunday. diner, m., dinner. diner, dine. dire, say, tell; se , say to oneself (one another); be said; vouloir , mean. disposer, arrange; se , get ready, dix [dis], ten. docteur, m., doctor; femme , woman doctor, lady physician. dois, see devoir, dollar, m., dollar, domestique, m. or /., servant, dommage, m., pity; c'est que, it's a pity that. done, then. donner, give, give away; yield; se la main, shake hands. dont, of which, of whom, whose, with which, etc. dormir, sleep. dos, m., back, doubler, line (clothing). douleur, /., pain, douter, doubt. doux, sweet; soft, gentle, mild, douzaine, /., dozen, droit [drwa], right; a e, to the right. du, see devoir, dur, adj. or adv., hard, durer, last. E eau, /., water. eau-forte, /., aquafortis, etching; gravure a P , etching. ebeniste, m., cabinet-maker. echafaudage, m., scaffolding. echapper (a), escape. echelle, /., ladder. eclairage, m., lighting. eclairer, light, illuminate, en- lighten. ecole, /., school. e" cotter, -ere m., /., schoolboy, schoolgirl. 270 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY economiser, save. ecouter, listen (to). ecraser, crush; se faire , get run over. eerier (s') [ekrie], exclaim, ecrire, write, ecureuil, m., squirrel, ecurie, /., stable (for horses). effet, m.j effect; en , in fact, in- deed, egal, equal; cela m'est , that's (all) the same to me, I don't care. egaler, equal, eglise, /., church. eh [e], bien! well! well then! electeur, m., elector, election, /., election, electricite, /., electricity, electrique, electric, elephant, m., elephant, eleve, m. or/., pupil, eleve, high. elever, raise, bring up; s* , rise, stand; mal eleve, rude, impolite, ill-mannered, elire, elect. elle, she, it, her. elles, they, embarquer, put on board; s' , go (get) on board, take ship, embrasser, embrace, kiss. empecher, hinder, prevent, emplette, /., purchase; faire des s, buy things, go shopping. employe, m., employee, clerk, employer, employ, use. emporter, carry off, take away; P sur, win the day over, emprunter, borrow. en, of it, of them, some; from it, from them. en, in, at; meme temps, at the same time; de . . . , from . . . to. enchante, delighted. enclume, /., anvil. encore, yet, still, again, more. encre, /., ink. endormir, put to sleep; s' , go to sleep. endroit, m., place. enfant, m. or /., child, boy, girl. enfin, at last, finally; in short. ennui [anui], m., weariness, lone- liness, tedium, sorrow. ennuyer [anqije], weary, annoy; s* , grow weary, feel lonely, be bored, be sad. enrhumer (s'), catch (a) cold. enseigner, teach. ensemble, together. ensuite, then, next, afterwards. entendre, hear; parler de, hear of; dire, hear said; chan- ter, hear sing (or sung). entourer, surround. entree, /., entrance, admission; ' entree.' entrer, go in, come in, enter; faire , show in. environ, around, about; n. pi., surrounding parts, neighbour- hood. envoyer, send; chercher, send for. epais, thick. epi, m., ear (of grain), head. epicier, m., grocer. equestre [ekwestr or ekestr], eques- trian. es, see etre. escalier, m., stairway. escorter, escort. espece, /., kind, sort, species. esperer, hope. essayer, try, try on. et, and. etable, /., stable (for cattle). etablir, establish. etage, m., story, floor . etais, see etre. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 271 etat, ra., state, condition. Etats-Unis [etaz yni], ra. pi., United States. etc, ra., summer. ete, see etre. eternuer, sneeze. etes, see etre. etoffe, /., cloth, material. etrange, strange. etre, be; en de, the stage one is at; y , be in, be at home. etroit, narrow. etudier, study. eu, eus, eusse, see avoir. Europe, /., Europe. eux, them, they. Evangile, ra., Gospel. eviter, avoid. exact [egzakt], exact; a Pheure e, on time. exagerer, exaggerate. examen [egzame], ra., examination. excellent, excellent. excursion, /., excursion. excuser, excuse; s* , excuse one- self, offer excuses. executer, execute. exemple, ra., example. existence, /., existence. exister, exist, live. expliquer, explain. exploiter, work. exposition, /., exhibition. exquis, exquisite, delicious. fache, sorry, angry, annoyed, facile, easy. facilement, easily, facon, /., way, manner, facteur, ra., postman; porter, faible, weak, faillir, fail; be near (ly). faim, /., hunger; avoir , be hun- gry. faine, /., beechnut. faire, do, make, take, cause; se , be made, happen; se , cause to be made for oneself; il fait beau, it is fine; cela ne fait rien, that makes no differ- ence. fait, p. part, of faire-; en etre de, be all over with. falloir, be necessary, must, have to; il faut, it is necessary, we (you, etc.) must; il ne faut pas, we (you, etc.) must not; s'en , be near. famille, /., family. farine, /., flour. fasse, see faire. fatigue, tired, weary. fatiguer, fatigue, tire. faucille, /., sickle. faut, see falloir. faute, /., fault, mistake. fauteuil, ra., arm-chair. faux col, ra., collar (detachable). femme [fam], /., woman, wife; de chambre, housemaid. fenetre, /., window. fer, ra., iron. ferai, see faire. ferme, /., farmhouse, farm. fermer, close, shut. fete, /., holiday, festivity. feu, m., fire. feuillage, m., foliage, leaves. feuille, /., leaf. fevrier, m., February. figure, /., figure; face. figurer (se), imagine. fil [fil], m., thread. fills [fiij], /., daughter, girl; jeune , young girl, young lady. fils [fis], m., son. fin, /., end. finir, finish, end; par, finish by, lastly. fis, fisse, see faire. 272 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY fleur, /., flower, blossom, bloom, fleurir, flower, bloom, blossom. fleuve, ra., river (falling into the sea). flocon, m., flake, fluide, m., fluid, foin, m., hay. fois, /., time; une , once; toutes les que, whenever, fond, m., bottom, back part, fonder, found, establish, font, see faire. fonte, /., cast iron, foret, /., forest. forge, wrought, forgeron, m., blacksmith, former, form. fort, adj., adv., strong; hard, sharp. fosse [fois], /., ditch; grave; pit; aux ours, bear pit. four, m., oven, fourchette, /., fork, fournir, furnish, supply; se , get one's supplies, buy (provi- sions). frais, fresh, cool; unsoiled. f raise, /., strawberry, franc, m., franc (about 20 cents or ten pence) . francais, French. France, /., France, frapper, knock, strike. frere, m., brother. froid [frwa], cold; faire , be cold (of temperature)] avoir , be (feel) cold, fromage, m., cheese, fruit, m., fruit, fumer, smoke. fus, see etre. gages, m. pi., wages, gagner, earn, gain. gai [ge], gay, merry, cheerful, gant, m., glove. garcon, m., boy, waiter, journey- man. garde, /., care; prendre , take care. garder, keep. gardien [gardje], m., keeper, care- taker. gare, /., station (railway). garnir, trim, decorate, adorn; fill, cover. garniture, /., trimming. gateau, m., cake. gauche, left. gaz [gaiz], m., gas. geler, freeze. gener, embarrass; restrain; se , restrain oneself. gene"ralement, generally. Gene vie ve, /., Gene vie ve. gens, m. or /., people; jeunes , young men. gentil feati], nice. geographic, /., geography. George(s), m., George. gilet, m., waistcoat, vest. glace, /., ice. glacier, m., glacier. glissant, slippery. Gobelins, m. pi., Gobelins, gov- ernment tapestry works in Paris. gorge, /., throat; gorge. gout, m., taste. gouter (a), taste. grammaire, /., grammar. grand, tall, large, reat; de ma- tin, early in the morning. grand'mere, /., grandmother. grand-pere, m., grandfather. grange, /., barn. grands-parents, m. pi., grand- parents. grave, grave, serious. gravement, gravely. gravure, /., engraving. grippe, /., 'grippe,' influenza. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 273 gros, big, large. grossir [grosiir], grow larger. groupe, m., group. guere, ne . . . , hardly, scarcely. guerir, get well, recover. Guignol, m., Punch and Judy. Guillaume, m., William. H h aspirate is indicated thus: 'h. habile, clever. habilement, cleverly. habiller, dress, clothe; s* , dress (oneself) . habit, m., coat; dress coat; pi., clothes. habitation, /., habitation, dwell- ing. habiter, inhabit, live in. habituer, accustom. 'hache, /., axe. 'hate, /., haste. 'haut, high. 'Havre, m., Havre. hectare, m., hectare (about 2^ acres). Helene, /., Helen. herbe, /., grass. heure, /., hour; o'clock; time; de bonne , early. heureusement, fortunately. heureux, happy, fortunate. ,hier [je:r], yesterday. jhistoire, /., history; story. Shiver, m., winter. }homme, m., man. Mpital, m., hospital. '*hors de, out of. * 4 hor-d'ceuvre, m., side dish, relish. ]horticole, horticultural. ;huile,, /., oil. l< huit hit], eight. humain, .human. ici, here; d la, till then. il', he, it; (with impers. verbs), there. illustrer, illustrate. ils, they. image, /., image, picture. imaginer, imagine, conceive. impatiemment [epasjama], impa- tiently. important, important. importer, import; be important; n'importe quel, no matter what, any . . . (whatever). Industrie, /., industry. infiniment, infinitely, very much. inflammable, inflammable. informer (s'), enquire about (de). instituteur, m., teacher (primary). institutrice, /., teacher. instruire, instruct, teach. intelligence, /., intelligence; un- derstanding. intelligent, intelligent. intention, /., intention. interessant, interesting. interesser, interest. interieur, adj., n. m., interior. inventer, invent. invitation, /., invitation. inviter, invite. irai, see aller. italien, Italian. ivoire, m., ivory. jamais, ever; ne . . . , never, jambe, /., leg. Janvier, m., January. Japon, m., Japan, jaquette, /., morning coat, jardin, m., garden, gardens; des plantes, Botanical Gardens, jaune, yellow. 274 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY jaunir, become yellow. je, j', I. Jean [50], m., John. Jeanne [sain],/., Jane, Joan(na). jeter, throw, throw away. jeu, m., game, play. jeudi, m., Thursday. jeune, young. joie, /., joy, gladness, happiness. joindre, join; les deux bouts, make (both) ends meet, joli, pretty, jouer, fewe] play. jour, m., day; de nos s, in our day(s). journal, m., newspaper, journee, /., day. joyeux, joyous, merry, juillet fem'je], m., July, juin [sqe], m., June. Julie, /., Julia. Julien, m., Julian, jupe, /., skirt, jusqu'a, as far as, to, up to; a ce que, until. kilogramme, m., kilogram (about 2 Ibs.). kilometre, m., kilometre (about f of a mile). la, there. la-bas, yonder, over there. labour, m., ploughing. labourer, plough. laboureur, m., ploughman, hus- bandman. lac [lak], m., lake. lainage, m., woollen goods. laisser, leave, let; se aller, yield. lait, m., milk. laiterie, /., dairy. lampe, /., lamp. lancer, throw, cast, toss. langue, /., tongue, language. large, wide, broad. latin, Latin. laver, wash; se , wash oneself. le, la, 1', les, the. le, la, P, les, him, her, it, them. lecon, /., lesson. lecture, /., reading. legume, m., vegetable. lendemain, m., day after, next day. lentement, slowly, lequel, laquelle, etc., who, which (one), what (one), lettre, /., letter, leur, leurs, their; le , theirs. leur, to them, of them, them, levain, m., leaven, yeast. lever, raise, lift up; rise; se , rise. libre, free. lilas [lila], m., lilac; adj., purple, linge, m., linen. lion, m., lion. lire, read. lit, m., bed. livre, m., book, livre, /., pound. locomotive, /., locomotive. loge, /., box (theatre). loi, /., law. loin, far. lointain, distant. Loire, /., Loire. Londres, m., London. long, long, longtemps, long, a long time, a long while. lorsque, when. Louis, m., Louis, Lewis. Louise, /., Louise, Louisa, lourd, heavy, loutre, /., otter. Luc [lyk], m., Luke. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 275 Lucie, /., Lucy. lui, to him, to her, of him, of her, him, her, he. lumiere, /., light. lundi, ra., Monday. lunettes,/, pi., spectacles, glasses. Luxembourg [lyksabuir], ra., Lux- embourg, a palace and park in Paris. Lyon, ra., Lyons. M M. contr. of Monsieur. mac on, ra., mason. madame, /., madam, Mrs. mademoiselle, /., Miss. magasin, ra., shop, store; courir les s, go shopping, shop. magnifique, magnificent. mai [me], ra., May. main, /., hand. maintenant, now. mais, but; non, no, no; not at all. maison, /., house; a la , at home, home. maitre, ra., master. majorite, /., majority. mal, adv., badly; n. ra., evil, pain, sickness; de mer, seasickness; faire , hurt; se faire , hurt oneself; a la tete, de tete, headache. malade, sick, ill; sick person, pa- tient. malheur, ra., misfortune. malheureux, unhappy, unfortu- nate. malle, /., trunk. maman, /., mamma. manche, /., sleeve; la Manche, the English Channel. manche tte, /., cuff. manger, eat; donner a a, feed. maniere, /., manner, way. manquer, miss, be lacking, fail; be near. marbre, ra., marble. Marc-Aurele [mark oreil], ra., Mar- cus Aurelius, Roman emperor (A.D. 121-181). Marcel, ra., Marcellus. marchand, ra., merchant, dealer. marche, /., march. marche, ra., market; (a) bon , cheap, cheaply. marcher, march, go, run; faire , drive, work. mardi, ra., Tuesday. Marguerite, /., Margaret. mari, m., husband. Marie,/., Mary, Marie, Maria. marier, marry (of parents, clergy- man, etc.)', se , get married. marronnier, ra., chestnut. mars [mars], ra., March. Marseille, /., Marseilles. marteau, ra., hammer. materiaux, ra. pi., materials. matin, ra., morning. mauvais [move], bad. me, m', me, to me. mechant, bad, naughty, cross. medecin, ra., doctor. medecine, /., medicine; ecole de , medical school. Medicis (de) [medisis], de' Medici, famous Florentine family, of which two members, Catherine (1519-1589) and Marie (1573- 1642), were queens of France. meilleur, adj., better, best. meme, adj., same, self; lui , himself; as adv., even; tout de , all the same; quand , even if. menage, ra., household, house- keeping; pain de , homemade bread. menagere, /., housewife. mener, lead, take, bring. 276 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY menu, ra., menu, bill of fare. menuiserie, /., woodwork, menuisier, m., joiner, carpenter. mer, /., sea; port de , seaport; bord de la , seaside. merci, thanks; no, thanks. mercredi, m., Wednesday. mere, /., mother. merite, m., merit. merveille, /., wonder; a , mar- vellously, wonderfully. mesdames, /. pi., ladies (only in messe, /., mass (religious). mesure, /., measure; a que, in proportion as. metre, ra., metre (about 40 in.). mettre, put, place; se en branle, begin to move; se a table, sit down to dinner (etc.); se , dress; mis, dressed; se en habit, put on dress coat. meuble, ra., piece of furniture; pi., furniture. meubler, furnish. meunier, ra., miller. midi, m., noon; South. miel, ra., honey. mien (le), mienne (la), etc., mine. mieux, adv., better, best; etre , be better (more comfortable). mil, thousand (in dates). mille [mil], (a) thousand. millier [milje], m., (a) thousand (ap- proximately) . million [miljo], m., million. mince, thin. minuit, m., midnight. minute, /., minute. miroir, m., mirror. mis, misse, see mettre. mise, /., dress. Mississipi, ra., Mississippi. M me , contr. of madame. mobilier, m., furniture. mode, /., fashion ; a la , in fashion, fashionable. moderer, moderate. moderne, modern. moi, me, to me, I. moins, less, least; bon, worse; a que . . . ne, unless; a de, unless, except; au (du) , at least. mois [mwct], ra., month. moisson, /., harvest. moissonner, harvest. moissonneur, ra., harvester. moissonneuse, /., reaping-ma- chine. moitie, /., half. moment, ra., moment, time; au ou, when; en ce , now; du que, as soon as. mon, ma, mes, my. monde, ra., world; people, com- pany; tout le , everybody. mont, m., mount; le Blanc, Mt. Blanc. monsieur [masj0], m., sir, gentle- man, Mr. montagne, /., mountain. monter, mount, ascend, go up; get in; put up. montre, /., watch. montrer, show. morceau, m., bit, piece. mort, /., death. mort, see mourir. mot, m., word; note. mouche, /., fly. mouchoir, m., handkerchief. moudre, grind (mill). mourir, die. mouton, m., sheep. mouvoir, move, drive. moyen [mwaje], m., means, way; il n'y a pas , there is no way. municipal, municipal. mur, m., wall. mur, ripe, mature. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 277 murir, ripen, musique, /., music, musee, m., museum, mysterieux, mysterious. H nacre, /., mother-of-pearl. nager, swim. naitre, be born. Napoleon, Napoleon. nappe, /., tablecloth (white} ; met- tre la , lay the cloth, set the table. navire, m., ship. ne, n', no, not; ... pas, no, not; n'est-ce pas? aren't you? etc. ne, see naitre. necessaire, necessary. negligence, /., negligence. neige, /., snow. neiger, snow. nettoyer, clean. neuf, new. neuf, nine. neurasthenic, /., nervous exhaus- tion. neveu, m., nephew. ni, neither, nor; ne . . . ... , neither . . . nor. nid, m., nest. niece, /., niece. noir, black. noix, /., walnut. nombre, m., number. nombreux, numerous. nommer, name, call; appoint. non, no, not. nord, m., north. normand, Norman. Normandie, /., Normandy. notre, nos, our. Notre-Dame, /., Notre Dame. n6tre (le), notre (la), etc., ours; pi., our party, etc. nous, we, us, to us. nouveau, -el, new. nouvelle, /., news; also pi. ; j'ai recu de ses s, I have heard from him. Nouvelle-Orleans,/., New Orleans, novembre, m., November. noyer, m., walnut. nu, naked, bare. nuance, [nuxiis] /., shade, colour, nuit, /., night. obeir (a), obey. objet, m., object. obligeance, /., kindness. obscurite [opskyrite], /., darkness. observation [opservasjo], /., ob- servation. observer [opserve], observe, notice. obtenir [optaniir], obtain. occupation, /., occupation. occupe, busy. occuper, occupy, make busy; s' de, be busy with, see about, at- tend to. octobre, m., October. ceil [ceij], m., eye; pi., yeux [j0]. oeuf [cef], m.. egg; pi., oeufs [0]. offrir, offer. oh [o], O, oh. oiseau, m., bird. oisif, idle. oisivete, /., idleness. ombre, /., shade. omelette, /., omelet. on, one, people, they, we, you, some one, etc. oncle, m., uncle. ont, see avoir. onze, eleven. or, m., gold. ordinaire, ordinary. ordinairement, generally. ordonnance, /., prescription. ordonner, order, prescribe. 278 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY orge, /., barley. orner, decorate, adorn. orthographe,/., orthography, spell- ing. oser, dare. ou, or. oft, where, in which; d* , whence, from where. oublier, forget. ouest [west], ra., west. oui, yes. ours [urs], m., bear. outil [uti], m., tool. outre, beyond, in addition to; en , also, moreover. ouvert, see ouvrir. ouvrage, ra., work. ouvrier, ra., workman. ouvrir, open; s* , open. paille, /., straw. pain, ra., bread; loaf; petit , roll. pake, /., pair. paix, /., peace. palais, ra., palace; large (public) building; des singes, mon- key house. panier, m., basket. papa, ra., papa. papier, ra., paper. paquebot [pakbo], ra., packet, steamer. par, by, for, through, throughout, per, in. paraitre, appear, seem. pare [park], ra., park. parce que, because. pardessus [pardesy], m., overcoat. pardon, ra., pardon; je vous de- mande , I beg your pardon. pardonner, pardon, excuse. pareillement, equally, also. parent, ra., relation, relative, parent. paresse, /., laziness. paresseux, lazy. Paris, m., Paris. parler, speak, talk. parmi, among, amongst. parquet, ra., floor. part, /., share; de ma , from me. parterre, ra., flower garden. parti, m., party (political, etc.). partie, /., part; faire de, be part of. partir, depart, leave, go, go away, start; a de, from ... on (up). partout, everywhere; oft, where- ever. parure, /., adornment, ornament, pas, ra., step. pas, not; ne . . . , no, not, not any, none. passage, ra., passage. passe, past, last; Pannee , last year, passer, pass, go, run; spend (time); go by, disappear; se , take place, go on. pastel, ra., pastel, pate, /., dough. patin, ra., skate. patiner, skate, patisserie, /., pastry. Paul [pol], ra., Paul, pauvre, poor, payer, pay, pay for; faire , charge. pays [pei], ra., country, paysage [peizais], ra., landscape. paysan [peiza], ra., peasant, peche, /., fishing. peigne, ra., comb, peindre, paint, peine, /., trouble; valoir (etre) la , be worth while, peintre, ra., painter. peinture, /., painting, pendant, during, for; que, while. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 279 penser, think; be near. perdre, lose. perdrix, /., partridge. pere, ra., father; de famille, father (of a family), citizen. perfectionnement, m., improve- ment. perle, /., pearl. permettre, permit, allow. permission, /., permission. personne, /., person; pi., people. personne, anybody; ne . . . , no- body. perte, /., loss. petit, little, small, short; young. petrin, m., kneading trough. petrir, knead. petrole, m., petroleum. peu, little, few; un , a little. peur, /., fear; avoir , be afraid, fear; fake a, frighten; de que, for fear that; de de, for fear of. peut-etre, perhaps. peut, peux [p0], see pouvoir. pharmacien, m., druggist, chem- ist. pianiste, m. or /., pianist. piano, m., piano. piece, /., piece, room; play; la , apiece. pied, m., foot; a , on foot. pierre, /., stone. Pierre, m., Peter. pin, m., pine. pipe, /., pipe. place, /., room, seat, place, posi- tion, berth. plage, /., beach. plaindre, pity; se , complain. plaire a, please; se , be pleased, enjoy oneself, like it; s'il vous plait, if you please, please; plait-il? I beg your pardon. plaisir, m., pleasure. plan, m., plan. planche, /., plank, board. plante, /., plant. plein, full; en e mer, in the open sea. pleuvoir, rain. plonger, dive. pluie, /., rain. plume, /., pen. plupart, /., majority, (the) most, the most part. plus, more; ne . . . , no more, no longer, not now, plusieurs [plyzjoeir], several, a good many. poche, /., pocket. poeme, m., poem. poete, m., poet. poire, /., pear. poirier, m., pear tree. pois [pwa], m., pea; petits , green peas. poisson, m., fish. police, /., police. pomme, /., apple; de terre, po- tato. pommier, m., apple tree. pont, m., bridge. porcelaine, /., porcelain. pore, m., pore. port, m., port; wharf. porte, /., door. porte-monnaie, m., purse. porter, bear, carry, wear; se , be (of health). portrait, m., portrait. poser [poze], place; ask (questions).. poste, /., post, post office. potage, m., soup. pouce, m., thumb; inch. poule, /., hen. pouls [pu], m., pulse. pour, prep. } for, in order to, to; en avoir , have so much worth of; que, in order to, so that, pourboire, m., gratuity, 'tip'. pourquoi, why. 280 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY pourrai, see pouvoir. pourrir, rot, decay. pourtant, however. pousser, grow. poutre, /., beam. pouvoir, be able, can, may. pre, ra., meadow. precedent, preceding. precipiter, hurl; se , rush. precis, precise, exact. preferer, prefer. premier, first. premierement, firstly. prendre, take, take away, catch, get, buy. preparatifs, m. pi., preparation (s). preparer, prepare; se , prepare (oneself), get ready, pres (de), near, close by; a peu , nearly, almost, present, present; a , at present, now. % presque, almost, nearly; pas, hardly any. presse, in haste. pret, ready, preter, lend. prier [prie], pray, ask, beg (of), princesse, /., princess, printemps, m., spring, pris, see prendre. prise, /., taking. prix, m., price, probable, probable, probablement, probably, probleme, m., problem, procede, m., process, prochain, next) Pannee e, next year. produit, m., product, professeur, m., professor, teacher, promenade, /., walk, drive, etc. promener, lead about; se , take a walk (drive, etc.). prononcer, pronounce. prononciation, /., pronunciation. propos, m., remark; 3. de , with regard to; a , by the way. propre, clean. proprete, /., cleanliness. proprietaire, m., landlord. propriete, /., property, estate. prosperite, /., prosperity. proteger, protect. proverbe, m., proverb. public [pyblik], public; n. m.. public. puis, then, next, afterward. puis, puisse, see pouvoir. puisque [pin'sko], since. pus, pusse, see pouvoir. qualite, /., quality. quand, when, whenever. quant a, as to, as for. quarante, forty. quart, m., quarter. quatre, four. que, qu', pron., what, which, that, whom; qu'est-ce c'est cela? what is that? que, qu', conj., that, than, as; how! ne . . . , only; ne . . . pas , not only; je crois oui, I think so. quel, quelle, quels, quelies, which, what; que, whatever, quelconque, some, some or other, quelque, some, any; ... que, however, whatever, quelqu'un, some one, any one. quelquefois, sometimes. question, /., question. qui, who, which, that, whom; de ? whose? ce , which, what; que, whoever. quinze, fifteen; jours, a fort- night; d'aujourd'hui en , a fortnight from to-day, quoi, what; que, whatever, quoique, although, though. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 281 raconter, relate, tell. radis, w., radish. raison, /., reason; avoir , be (in the) right. ramasser, gather, pick up. rappeler, recall; se , remember. rarement, rarely. rassis, stale (of bread). ravissant, charming, delightful. rayon, m., shelf; department, counter. realiser, realize, effect. recemment [resama], recently. reception, /., reception. recevoir, receive; etre recu, pass (at examinations). recolte, /., crop, harvest. reconnaitre, recognize. redingote, /., frock coat. refuser, refuse; etre refuse, fail (at examinations). regarder, look (at). regime, m., regimen, diet; mettre au , put on diet. regne, m., reign. . reine, /., queen. remarquable [ramarkabl], remark- able. remarquer, remark, notice, ob- serve. remede, m., remedy, medicine. remercier, thank. remettre, restore; se , recover (from illness) ; remis, recovered. remplacer, take the place of. rencontrer, meet. rendre, render, make. rentrer, go back, go (come) in again^ return home. reparer, repair. repondre, reply, answer. representer, represent. reprocher, reproach, tax. republican!, m., republican. reputation, /., reputation. resoudre, resolve, solve. respecter, respect. ressembler [rasable], resemble. restaurant, m., restaurant. restaurer, restore. rester, stay, remain. retablir, restore. retard, m., delay; en , late. retarder, be too slow. retraite, /., retreat. reussir, succeed; pass (examination), reveiller, waken; se , waken. revendre, sell again. revoir, see again; au , good-bye. rez-de-chaussee [retjose], m. r ground floor. rhinoceros [rinoseros], m., rhino- ceros. Rhone, m., Rhone. rhume, m., cold. riche, rich; d'un million, worth a million. richement, richly. richesse, /., wealth. rideau, m., curtain. rien [rje], anything; ne . . . > nothing, not anything. rire, laugh. riviere, /., river. robe,/., dress, gown; de cham- bre, dressing-gown. roi [rwa], m., king. role, m., role, part. roman, m., novel. rose, /., rose. rdti [roti], m., roast. rotir [rotiir], roast. rouge, red. rouler, roll. roulis, m., rolling (of ship). route, /., road; en , on the way. rude, harsh, severe. rue, /., street. rugissement, m., roar. ruisseau, m., brook, stream. 282 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY sac [sak], w., sack, bag. sache, see savoir. sage, well-behaved, good. sain, healthy, sound. saint, m., Saint. Saint-Laurent, m., St. Lawrence. sais [se], see savoir. saisir, seize. saison, /., season. salade, /., salad. salle, /., hall, room; de classe, classroom; a manger, din- ing-room; de bains, bath- room. salon, m., drawing-room, par- lour; (salle) de lecture, read- ing room. saluer, salute, bow to, take one's hat off to. sans, without. sante, /., health. sapin, m., fir, spruce. sardine, /., sardine. sauf [soif], safe. saurai, see savoir. sauter, jump, leap. sauvage, wild. savoir, know, know how to; faire , let one know; on ne saurait, one cannot. savon, m., soap. scene, /., scene. scierie [siri], /., saw mill. sculpter [skylte], carve. se, s', oneself, himself, herself, themselves. seau [so], m., pail sec [sek], dry. secouer, shake. Seine, /., Seine. sejour, m., stay. selon, according to. semaine, /., week. semblable, similar, alike, like. sembler, seem, appear, semer, sow. senat, m., senate. sentier, m., path. sentir, feel, smell; se , feel (health). separer, separate. sept [set], seven. septembre [septaibr], m., Septem- ber. serai, see etre. serieux, serious. serrer, press; put away; se la main, shake hands. servante, /., servant. service, m., service. serviette, /., towel, napkin. servir, serve; a, be 'of use for; se de, make use of. seul, alone, only. settlement, only. Sevres, m., Sevres, a town some five miles w. of Paris where there is a government porcelain manufactory. si, if, whether. si, so, such; however; yes (em- phatic) ; mais , yes, it would. siecle, m., century. siege, m., seat, chair. sien (le), sienne (la), etc., his, hers, its. siffler, whistle. signe, m., sign. simple, simple, plain. singe, m., monkey. sinon, if not, otherwise. situe, situated. six [sis], six. soeur, /., sister. soie, /., silk. soieries, /. pi., silks. soif [swaf], /., thirst; avoir , be thirsty; mourir de , be very thirsty. soigner, take care of. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 283 soigneusement, carefully, soir, ra., evening, afternoon, soiree, /., evening, evening party; dansante, dancing party, sois, see etre. soit que, whether. soixante [swasait], sixty. soleil, ra., sun. sommes, see etre. son, sa, ses, his, her, its, one's. sonner, ring. sont, see etre. Sorbonne, /., Sorbonne (founded A.D. 1257), now part of the Uni- versity of Paris. sorte, /., sort, kind; de que, so that, in order that. sortie, /., going out, leaving. sortir, go out, come out; bring out, take out. sou, ra., cent, halfpenny. souffler, blow. souffrant, ailing, not very well. souffrir, suffer, endure. soulier, ra., shoe. source, /., spring. souvenir (se), remember. sous, under, beneath, below, in. souvent, often. soyons, see etre. sport [spoir], ra., sport. station, /., station, stand; resort; d'ete, summer resort, statue, /., statue. store, ra., (window) blind. succes, ra., success. sucre, ra., sugar. sud [syd], ra., south. suffire, suffice. suffisant, conceited. snis, see etre. suite, /., sequel, what follows, con- tinuation ; tout de , immediate- ly, at once. suivant, following. suivre, follow. sujet, m., subject. superbe, superb, very fine. superieur, upper. sur, on, upon. surface, /., surface. surtout, above all, particularly. especially, surveiller, oversee. table, /., table. tableau, ra., picture; noir, blackboard. tache, /., task. tacher, try. taille, /., cutting; pierre de , free- stone. tailleur, ra., tailor. tambour, ra., drum. Tamise, /., Thames. tandis que [tadi or tadis ka], whilst. tant, so much, so many; que, as long as; mieux, so much the better, I am glad to hear it. tante, /., aunt. tapis, m., carpet; tablecloth (col- oured) . tapisserie, /., tapestry. taquiner, tease. tard, late; plus , later, after- wards. tartine, /., slice; de beurre, slice of bread and butter. tasse, /., cup. tater, feel. te, t', thee, to thee, you, to you. telegraphier, telegraph. telephoner, telephone. tel, telle, tels, telles, such (a). tellement, so, so much. temperature, /., temperature. temps, ra., time; weather; a pour, in time to; de en , now and then. tendre, tender. 284 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY tenir, hold, keep; de, take after. tente, /., tent. terminer, end, finish, complete. terrain, m., ground, lot. terre, /.. earth, land. terrible, terrible. tete, /., head. the, m., tea. theatre, m., theatre. thermometre, m., thermometer. tien (le), tienne (la), etc., thine, yours. timide, timid, tirer, draw, derive; milk (cows)', put out (of tongue). tiroir, m., drawer, toi, thee, to thee, thou, you, to you. toilette, /., toilet; dressing table; faire sa , dress; de bal, de soiree, evening dress (ladies). toit, m., roof, tomber, fall. ton, ta, tes, thy, your, torrent, m., torrent, stream. tort, m., wrong; avoir , be (in the) wrong. t6t, soon. toucher, touch; a, come close to, meddle with, tou jours, always, still, yet. toupie, /., top (plaything). tousser, cough. tout, all, every (thing), every one; tous les ans, every year; ce que, whatever; pas du , not at all; adv., quite; however, traduire, translate. train, m., train; en de, busy at. traire, milk, traineau, m., sleigh, tramway [tramwe], m., tramway, tram (car). tranquille [trokil], tranquil, quiet, peaceful. transpirer, perspire. transporter, transport, carry, bring. travail, m., work; table de , study table. travailler, work. travers (a), through. traversee, /., crossing; passage, voyage. traverser, cross, run across (through). trentaine, /., about thirty. trente, thirty. tres, very. tressaillir, start, jump, tremble. trois [trwa], three. troisiemement, thirdly. tromper, deceive, cheat, beguile; se , make a mistake, be mis- taken; si je ne me trompe, if I am not mistaken. trop [tro or tro], too, too much, too many. trottoir, m., sidewalk, pavement. trou, m., hole. trouver, find, have; think; com- ment trouvez-vous cela? what do you think of that? se , be. truite, /., trout. tu, thou, you. tuer [tiie], kill; se , kill oneself, be killed. tuile, /., tile (for roof). Tuileries, /. pi, Tuileries (lit. 'tile-field'), a royal palace in Paris, destroyed in 1871, of which the gardens still exist. U un, une, a, an, one. universite, /., university, urne, /., urn, ballot box. ustensile, m., utensil. utile, useful. utiliser, utilize. FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY 285 va, vas, see aller. vache, /., cow. vais, see aller. vaisseau, ra., vessel, ship. vaisselle, /., dishes. valise, /., valise. valoir, be worth, be good; mieux, be better; ne rien, be no good, vapeur, /., steam; bateau a , steamer, steamboat, vase, ra., vase, vaste, vast, large, vaudrai, see valoir. veau, ra., calf; veal, veille, /., day (evening) before, vendre, sell; se , sell, be sold, vendredi, ra., Friday, venir, come; a, happen to; de, have just; faire , send for. vent, ra., wind; il fait du , it is windy. venu, see venir. Venus [venys], /., Venus, ver, ra., worm; a sole, silk- worm. verger, ra., orchard, verre, ra., glass. verrerie, /., glassware. vers, towards; about (of time). vers, ra., verse, line (of poetry). verset, ra., verse (of Bible). vert, green. veston, ra., sack coat, sacque. vetement, ra., garment; suit; pi., clothes, veuillez (see vouloir), be so kind as to. veux, veut, see vouloir. viande, /., meat. vice, m., vie,/., life; living, vieillesse, /., old age. viens [vje], see venir. vieux, vieil [vj0, vjeij], old. village, [vilas] ra., village. ville [vil], /., city, town; a la , in (the) town. vin, ra., wine, vingt [ve], twenty, vingtaine, /., about twenty, score, violent, violent, visit e, /., visit; en , visiting; faire a, visit. visiter, visit, inspect, examine, vite, quickly, fast. Vitesse, /., speed, vivant, ra., living person; bon , 'jolly fellow.' vivre, live, exist. voici, see here, here is, here are, this is. voila, see there, there is, there are, here is, this is, that is; nous , here we are. voir, see; se , be seen; faire , show; venir , come to see; aller , go to see, visit. voisin, -e, ra., /., neighbour, voiture, /., carriage. voix, /., voice, volaille, /., poultry, voler, fly. voler, steal, voleur, ra., thief, volume, ra., volume, vont, see aller. vote, ra., voting, voter, vote, votre, vos, your. votre (le), v6tre (la), etc., yours, vouloir, will, wish, want; je veux bien, very well, all right; je voudrais (bien), I should like; en a, have a grudge against; que voulez-vous (que j'y fasse)? what can you expect? what can be done about it? vous, you, to you. voyage, ra., journey, trip. 286 FRENCH-ENGLISH VOCABULARY voyager, travel. vrai, adj., adv., true, truly. vu, see voir. y, there, in it, at it, in them, etc.; il a, there is, there are; ago; il en a, there is (are) some, wagon-lit, m., sleeping car. yeux [j0], see osil. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY h aspirate is indicated thus: 'h. a, an, un, m., une, /. able, be , pouvoir. about, environ, vers, & peu autour de; think , penser a; speak , parler de. absence, absence, /. abundant, abondant. accept, accepter, accident, accident, ra. accompany, accompagner. according to, selon. account, on of, a cause de. accustomed, accoutume, habitue, ache, n.j mal, m., douleur, /. ache, v., faire mal, avoir mal; my head aches, j'ai mal a la tete. acquaintance, connaissance, /. acquainted, be with, connaitre. addition, addition, /.; in to, outre. admire, admirer, admission, entree, /. adorn, orner, decorer. adornment, parure, /. advance, avancer. advice, conseil(s), m. advise, conseiller. affair, affaire, /. afraid, be , avoir peur, craindre; be much , avoir grand'- (bien) peur, craindre beaucoup. after, apres; apres que; some tune, au bout de quelque temps. afternoon, apres-midi, m. or f. afterwards, apres, puis, ensuite. again, encore (une fois). age, age, m. ago, il y a, voila . . . que. agreeable, agreable. agreeably, agreablement. agricultural, agricole. ailing, be, souffrir, etre souffrant. air, air, m. Alexander, Alexandre. algebra, algebre, /. Alice, Alice. alike, semblable. all, tout, tous, toute(s); that, tout ce qui (que). allow, permettre. almost, presque, environ, pres de; fall, manquer de tomber. alone, seul. already, deja. also, aussi, pareillement. although, bien que, quoique. always, tou jours. America, Amerique, /.; North , F Amerique du Nord; South , 1 J Amerique du Sud. American, americam. amiable, aimable. among, parmi. amuse, amuser; oneself, s'amu- ser. amusement, amusement, m. amusing, amusant. ancestor, ancetre, m. or f. ancient, ancien. and, et. angry, fache, en colere; be (get) at, se facher contre. 287 288 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY animal, animal, w., be"te, /. animated, anime. annoy, ennuyer. another, un autre, encore un (autre), un deuxieme. answer, repondre, repliquer. anvil, enclume, /. anxious, inquiet; be to, tenir beaucoup a; desirer beaucoup. any, du, etc.; quelconque; en; of them, en. anybody, quelqu'un; not . . . , ne . . . personne. anything, quelque chose; not . . . , ne . . . rien. apiece, la piece, appear, paraitre. appetite, appetit, m. apple, pomme, /.; tree, pom- mier, m. apply, s'adresser. appoint, nommer. approach, s'approcher (de). approve, approuver. architect, architecte, m. ardour, ardeur, /. are, see be. arm, bras, m. armchair, fauteuil, m. army, armee, /. around, autour de. arrange, arranger, arrival, arrivee, /. arrive, arriver. article, article, m., objet, m. artist, artiste, m. or f. as, comme, puisque, aussi, si, que; - well , aussi bien que; for, quant a; much , autant que. ask, demander (a), prier; a question, poser (faire) une question; he has only to , il n'a qu'a demander; after, s'informer de; for, demander; of one another, se demander. asparagus, asperges, /. pi. astonished, etonne, surpris. at, a; chez; not all, pas du tout Atlantic, Atlantique, m. or f. attend, assist er a. attention, attention, /. ; call to, appeler (attirer) F attention sur. attract, attirer. August, aout, m. aunt, tante, /. author, auteur, m. or f. automobile, automobile, m. or f. autumn, automne, m. or f. avoid, eviter. axe, 'hache, /. back, fond, m. ; dos, m. ; be , etre de retour. bad, mauvais; be weather, faire mauvais (temps). badly, mal. baggage, bagages, m. pi. bake, cuire, faire cuire. baker, boulanger, m. baking, cuisson, /. ball, bal, m. ballot, box, urne, /.; paper, bulletin (m.) de vote, bank, banque, /. barber, coiffeur, m. bare, nu. barley, orge, /. barn, grange, /.; yard, basse- cour, /. basket, panier, m. Bastille, Bastille, /. bath, bain, m.; room, salle (/.) de bains. bathe, se baigner. bay, baie, /. be, sign of the progressive form untranslated in French; etre, se porter, aller, y avoir, se trou- ver, faire (of weather), devoir; we ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 289 are to stay, nous devons rester; better, valoir inieux. beach, plage, /. beam, poutre, /. bear, ours, ra.; pit, fosse (/.) aux ours, beast, bete, /. beat, battre. beautiful, beau, beauty, beaute, /. beaver, castor, m. because, parce que; of that, a cause de cela. become, aller, convenir; devenir; what has of her?, qu'est-elle devenue? bed, lit, m.; room, chambre (/.) a Voucher; go to , se coucher. bee, abeille, /. beechnut, faine, /. beef, bceuf, m. before, devant (of place), avant (of time) ; auparavant; avant de, avant que. beforehand, d'avance. beg, prier, demander; I of you, je vous (en) prie. begin, commencer. beguile, tromper. behind, derriere. believe, croire. belong, etre a, appartenir a. beside, pres de, a cote de. best, adj., le meilleur; adv., le mieux. better, adj., meilleur; adv., mieux. between, entre. Bible, Bible, /. bicycle, bicyclette, /.; on a , a bicyclette. bicyclist, bicycliste, m. or f. bid, good morning, dire bon- jour. big, gros. bird, oiseau, m. biscuit, biscuit, m. black, noir. blackboard, tableau (m.) noir. blacksmith, forgeron, m. bloom, fleur, /.; be in , tre en fleur(s). blossom, n., fleur, /. blossom, v., fleurir. blow, n., coup, m. blow, v., souffler. blue, bleu. board, planche, /.; go on (ship), s'embarquer; go on (train), monter. boat, bateau, m.; go boating, se promener en bateau. bodice, corsage, m. body, corps, m. book, livre, m. bookcase, bibliotheque, /. bore,.ennuyer. born, be , naitre; he was , il est ne, il naquit. borrow, emprunter; from, emprunter a. Boston, Boston, m. Botanical, Gardens, jardin (m.) des plantes. both, (tous) les deux, Fun (et) Pautre. bouquet, bouquet, m. bow (to), saluer; to each other, se saluer. box, boite, /.; pasteboard , carton, m.; (theatre) loge, /. boy, enfant, m., gargon, m. branch, branche, /. brave, brave, courageux. bread, pain, m. break, casser. breakfast, dejeuner, m. brick, brique, /. bridge, pont, m. bring, apporter, amener, trans- porter. broad, large. 290 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY brother, frere, m. ; in-law, beau- frere. brush, n., brosse, /. brush, v., brosser. build, batir, construire, faire. building, construction, /., bati- ment, m. bunch, botte, /. bureau, commode, /. burn, bruler. burning, ardent, business, affaires, /. pi. ; man, homme d'affaires, busy, occupe*; en train de. but, mais; que; ne . . . que. butter, beurre, m. button, bouton, m.; hole, bou- tonniere, /. buy, acheter; oneself, s'acheter. by, par, de; sur; en. cabbage, chou, m. cabinet-maker, ebeniste, m. cafe, cafe, m. cake, gateau, m. calculate, calculer. call, appeler; attirer; be called, s'appeler; what do you that? comment appelez-vous cela? camel, chameau, m. can, pouvoir, savoir. Canada, Canada, m. Canadian, canadien. candidate, candidat, m. candle, (tallow) chandelle,/., (wax) bougie, /. candy, bonbons, m. pi. cane, canne, /. capital, capitale, /. captain, capitaine. capture, prise, /. care, soin, m.; for, soigner; I don't , cela m'est e*gal; take , prendre garde; avoir som. carefully, soigneusement. carelessness, negligence, /. carpenter, charpentier, m., menui- sier, m. carpet, tapis, m. carriage, voiture, /. carrot, carotte, /. carry, porter, transporter; off, emporter; the day, Fern- porter. carve, sculpter. case, cas, m. casino, casino, m. casket, coffret, m. cast, jeter, de*poser; (of metals) fondre. cast iron, fonte, /. castle, chateau, m. cat, chat, m. catch, attraper, prendre; get (be) caught, se laisser prendre, se faire prendre. cause, n., cause, /. cause, v., faire. caviare, caviar (e), m. celebrated, celebre, fameux. celebration, fete, /. Celestine, Celestine. cellar, cave, /. cent, sou, m., cinq centimes, m. centime, centime, m. centimetre, centimetre, m. century, siecle, m. certain, certain, certainly, certainement, sure- ment. chair, chaise, /., siege, m., fauteuil, m. chalk, craie, /. change, changer (de). Channel, English , la Manche, chapter, chapitre, m. charge, faire payer. Charles, Charles. charming, charmant, ravissant. chat, causer. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 291 cheap, (a) bon marche*; cheaper, a meilleur marche*. cheaply, (a) bon marche". cheese, fromage, m. chemist, pharmacien, m. Cherbourg, Cherbourg, m. cherry, cerise, /. chestnut, marronnier, m. Chicago, Chicago, m. child, enfant, m. or f. choose, choisir. Christmas, Noel, m.; day, le jour de Noel, church, eglise, /. churn, n., baratte, /. churn, t;., battre le beurre. citizen, citoyen, m. city, ville, /. civilization, civilisation, /. clap, battre; hands, battre des mains. Clara, Claire, Clara, class, classe, /.; room, classe, /., salle (/.) declasse, clean, adj., propre. clean, v., nettoyer. cleanliness, proprete, /. clear, adj., clair. clear, v., de"fricher. clerk, employe, m., commis, m. clever, habile. cleverly, habilement. climate, climat, m. close, fermer. cloth, etoffe, /., drap, m. clothes, habits, m. pi., vetements, m. pi. coachman, cocher, m. coal, charbon, m. coal-oil, petrole, m. coat, habit, m. cocoon, cocon, m. coffee, cafe", m.; and (with) milk, cafe au lait; cup, tasse (/.) a cafe. cold, adj., froid; n. t rhume, m.; catch , s'enrhumer; be , (of weather) faire froid, (of living beings) avoir froid. collar, col, m.; (detachable) faux col, m. college, college, m. collision, collision, /. colonel, colonel, m. comb, peigne, m. come, venir, arriver; out, sortir; home, rentrer ; in, entrer ; and (to) see, venir voir; near, approcher, s'approcher; come! voyons! with, venir avec, accompagner. comfort, confort, m. comfortable, be , etre bien, etre confortable. commit, commettre. comparison, comparaison, /. compartment, compartiment, m. complain, se plaindre. complete, terminer, achever. completely, completement, tout fait. composition, composition, /. comrade, camarade, m. or f. conceited, suffisant. conceive, imaginer. concert, concert, m. condition, etat, m., condition, /. conduct, n., conduite, /. conduct oneself, se conduire. confess, avouer. conquest, conquete, /. consequently, par consequent. considerable, considerable. constantly, const amment. consumption, consommation, / c contain, contenir. contented, content, satisfait. continue, continuer. cook, n., cuisiniere, /. cook, v., cuire, faire cuire. cool, frais. copper, cuivre, m. 292 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY coral, corail, m. correct, corriger. cost, couter. cough, tousser. could, pouvais, pourrais; I have, j'aurais pu. councillor, conseiller, m. count, compter. countess, comtesse. country, pays, m., campagne, /.; people, paysans; man, pay- san; woman, paysanne. courage, courage, m. court, courtyard, cour, /. cousin, cousin, m., cousine, /. 'cover,' n., couvert, m. cover, v., couvrir. cow, vache. Cro3sus, Cresus. crop, n., recolte, /., moisson, /. crop, v., brouter. cross, adj., mechant. cross, v., traverser. cruel, cruel, cuff, manchette, /. cup, tasse, /. cupboard, armoire, /. curtain, rideau, m. customer, client, m. cut, cutting, n., coupe, /., taille, /. cut, v., couper, tailler; down, couper. dairy, laiterie, /. damp, humide. dance, danser; dancing party, soiree dansante. dare, oser. dark, obscur; it is , il fait obscur. darkness, obscurite, /. date, date, /. daughter, fille, /. day, jour, m., journee,/.; every , tous les jours; in our , de nos jours; all , toute la journee. deal, a great (good) , beaucoup, dealer, marchand, m. dear, adj., adv., cher. death, mort, /. decay, pourrir. deceive, tromper. December, decembre, m. decorate, decorer, orner. decoration, decoration, /. delighted, enchante. deliver (a lecture), faire. department, rayon, m. depend, dependre. deposit, deposer. derive, tirer. describe, decrire. desire, desirer. dessert, dessert, m. dictionary, dictionnaire, m. die, mourir; he died, il est mort, il mourut. diet, regime, m.', prescribe a , mettre au regime. difference, difference, /.; that makes no , cela ne fait rien. different, different. difficult, difficile. difficulty, difficulte, /. diligent, diligent. dine, diner. dining room, salle (/.) a manger. dinner, diner, m. discover, decouvrir. dish, plat, m. ; dishes, vaisselle, /. distant, lointain. disturb, deranger. dive, plonger. do, sign of emphatic form, untrans- lated in French; faire, rendre; be done, se faire. doctor, medecin, m., docteur, m. dog, chien, m. dollar, dollar, m., piastre, /. door, porte, /. doubt, douter (de). dough, pate, /. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 293 downstairs, en bas; go , des- cendre (Fescalier). dozen, douzaine, /. draw near, s'approcher (de). drawer, tiroir, m. drawing-room, salon, m. dress, n., mise, /.; robe, /. dress, v., faire sa toilette; s'habil- ler, se mettre. dressed, mis, habille. dress coat, habit, m. dressing table, toilette, /. dressmaker, couturiere, /. drink, boire. drive, n., promenade (/.) en voi- ture; go for a , (aller) se pro- mener en voiture. drive, v., se promener en voiture, aller en voiture. drop, laisser tomber. drum, tambour, m. dry, sec. duck, canard, m. during, pendant, duty, devoir, m. dwelling, habitation, /. E each, chaque, chacun, tout, tous les; other, Fun (a) Fautre. eager, desirer beaucoup, tenir beaucoup a. early, de bonne heure; in the morning, de grand matin; at an age, en bas age; earlier, de meilleure heure, plus tot. earn, gagner. earth, terre, /. easily, facilement. easy, facile. eat, manger. educated, instruit. Edward, Edouard. effect, v., realiser. egg, ceuf, m. eight, huit. eighteen, dix-huit. eighty, quatre-vingts. eighty-five, quatre-vingt-cinq. either, ou; ... or, ou ... ou; not ... . : . or, ne . . . ni . . . ni; nor I , ni moi non plus. elect, elire. election, election, /. elector, electeur, m. electric, electrique. electricity, electricite, /. elephant, elephant, m. eleven, onze. embark, s'embarquer. employ, employer. end, n., bout, m., fin, /. end, v., finir. endure, endurer, souffrir, suppor- ter. enemy, ennemi, m. engine, locomotive, /. England, Angleterre, /. English, anglais; man, Anglais; woman, Anglaise. engraving, gravure, /. enjoy, oneself, s'amuser; se plaire. enough, assez; time , assez de temps. enter, entrer (dans). entrance, entree, /. equal, adj., egal. equal, v. f egaler. equestrian, equestre. escape, echapper (a). escort, escorter. especially, surtout. establish, etablir, fonder. etching, (gravure (/.) a) Feau-forte, Europe, Europe, /. even, meme. evening, soir, m. ; dress, toilette (/.) de soiree (bal); the be- fore, la veille; good , bonsoir. ever, jamais. 294 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY every, tout, chaque; morning, tous les matins, everybody, tout le monde. everything, tout, everywhere, partout. exact (ly), precis, exact, exaggerate, exage"rer. examination, examen, m. example, exemple, m.; for , par exemple. exceed, depasser. excellent, excellent, exclaim, s'ecrier. excursion, excursion, /. execute, excuter. exercise, devoir, m. exercise book, cahier, m. exhibition, exposition, /. exist, exister. existence, existence, /. expect, espe*rer, compter, attendre, s'attendre a; what can you ? que voulez-vous qu'on (y) f asse? explain, expliquer. express, exprimer. exquisite, exquis. eye, ceil, m.; pi., yeux. fable, fable, /. face, figure, /. fact, fait, m. ; in , en eff et. fail, manquer; (at examination) ne pas etre regu, etre refuse, echouer. fall, n., chute, /. fall, v., tomber. family, f amille, /. famous, celebre. far, loin; as as, aussi loin que; how on is he? ou en est-il? too, beaucoup trop. farm, ferme, /., proprie'te, /. farmer, cultivateur, m. farmhouse, ferme, /. fashion, mode, /. ; in the Italian , , a 1'italienne. fashionable, a la mode. fast, vite; be too , avancer. father, pere, m.; pere de famille. fault, f aute, /. fear, n., crainte, /., peur, /. ; for of (that) de crainte de (que). fear, v., cfaindre, avoir peur. February, fevrier, m. feed, donner a manger a. feel, sentir, tater; (of health) se sentir. fellow, gargon. festivity, fete, /. few, peu, quelques. j field, champ, m. fifteen, quinze. fifty, cinquante. fight, se battre. figure, figure, /. finally, enfin, a la fin; finir par. find, trouver. fine, beau, bel, belle; it is (of weather), il fait beau; look- ing, beau. finger, doigt, m. finish, finir, terminer, achever. fire, feu, m. first, premier; (at) , d'abord; I was the to see it, je 1'ai vu le premier. fish, poisson, m. fishing, peche, /. ; go , aller a la peche. fit, aller. five, cinq. flake, flocon, m. flat, etage, m., appartement, m. floor, parquet, m.; 6tage, m. flour, f arine, /. flow, couler. flower, fleur, /.; garden, par- terre, m. flower girl, bouquetiere. fluid, fluide, m. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 295 - fly, n., mouche, /. fly, v., voler. folding door, porte (/.) a deux battants. foliage, feuillage, ra. follow, suivre; following, suivant. fond, be of, aimer. foot, pied, m. ; on , a pied. for, prep., pour, par, depuis, pen- dant. for, conj. f car. forbid, defendre. forest, foret, /. forget, oublier. fork, fourchette, /. form, former, se former. former, ancien; celui-la. formerly, autrefois, anciennement. forth, and so , et ainsi de suite. fortnight, quinze jours, une quin- zaine. fortunate, heureux. fortunately, heureusement. forty, quarante. four, quatre. fourteen, quatorze. fourth, quatrieme; a , un quart. franc, franc, m. France, France, /. free, libre. freeze, geler. French, frangais; man, Fran- gais. fresh, frais. Friday, vendredi, m. friend, ami, ra., amie, /. frighten, faire peur a. frock coat, redingote, /. from, de; them, en; a week to-day, d'aujourd'hui en huit. front, in of, devant. fruit, fruit, m. full, plein. fun, make of, se moquer de, rire de. furnish, meubler. furniture, meubles, m. pi., mobi- lier, m. s. future, avenir, m. game, jeu, m. garden, jardin, m. garment, vetement, m. gas, gaz, m. gate, porte, /., barriere, /. gather, cueillir; up, ramasser. general, general, m. generally, gene"ralement, ordinaire- ment. gentle, bon, doux. gentleman, monsieur; homme(tres) comme il faut; galant homme, homme de bonne societe. geography, geographic, /. George, George (s). German, allemand. Germany, Allemagne, /. get, avoir, prendre, recevoir, ob- tenir, faire; himself . . . made, se faire faire; them to come, faites-les venir; go to (and) , aller chercher; come to (and) , venir chercher (trouver, pren- dre); out, sortir; up, se lever. gift, cadeau, m. girl, fille, jeune fille. give (away), donner; (offer) offrir; back, rendre. glacier, glacier, m. glad, heureux, content. glass, verre, ra.; glasses, lunettes, glassware, verrerie, /. glee, joie, /. glove, gant, m. go, aller, passer, marcher, partir; away, s'en aller, partir; with, accompagner; out, sortir; in (into), entrer (dans); home, rentrer, aller 296 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY chez soi; on, avancer; down, descendre; up, monter; near, s'approcher (de) ; to (and) see, aller voir; on, se passer; for, aller chercher; back, retourner. Gobelin, Gobelins, m. pi. going out, sortie, /., sortir, m. gold, or, m.; golden, d'or. good, n., bien, m. good, adj., bon, sage; be no , ne valoir rien; will you be enough, be enough, veuillez, voulez-vous bien. good-bye, adieu, au revoir. gorge, gorge, /. gospel, Evangile, m. grain, grain, m. grammar, grammaire, /. grandfather, grand-pere. grandmother, grand'mere. grandparents, grands-parents. grass, herbe, /. gratitude, reconnaissance, /. gravely, gravement. great, grand; a deal, beaucoup. greedily, avidement. green, vert. grind, moudre. 'grippe,' grippe, /. grocer, Spicier, m. ground, terre, /. ground floor, rez-de-chausse'e, m. group, groupe, m. grow, ppusser, croitre; large (r), grossir. grudge, have a against, en vouloir a. H hair, cheveux, m. pi.', dress the , (se) coiffer. half, demi; moitie", /.; past one, une heure et demie. hall, salle, /. ; corridor, m. hammer, marteau, m. hand, main, /. handkerchief, mou choir, m.\ pocket , mouchoir de poche. handsome, beau. happen, arriver, se passer, avoir lieu. happiness, boisheur, m. happy, heureux, content, hard, dur; difficile; fort, harvest, n., moisson, /., re*colte, /. harvest, v., moissonner. harvester, moissonneur, m. haste, 'hate, /.; make , se de- pe'cher. hasten, se 'hater, se depecher. hat, chapeau, m. hatter, chapelier, m. have, avoir, e^re, faire; to, falloir, devoir; shall to, il faudra; to made, faire faire; you only to, vous n'avez qu'a. Havre, le 'Havre. hay, foin, m. he, il, lui; celui. head, tete, /. ; (of grain) e*pi, m. ; ache, mal (m.) de tete, mal a la tete. health, sante", /. hear, entendre; say (tell), entendre dire; from, re- cevoir des nouvelles de; of, entendre parler de; we have heard, nous avons entendu dire or on nous a dit. heart, coeur, m. heat, n., chaleur, /. heat, v., chauffer. heating, n., chauffage, m. heaven, ciel, m. heavily, fort, heavy, lourd; e*pais. Helen, Helene. help, aider; oneself, s'aider. hen, poule,/. hence, aussi, par consequent. Henry, Henri. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 297 her, son, sa, ses; la, lui, elle; hers, a elle, le sien (etc.). here, ici; is, voici, voila; he is, le voici, le voila. hide, cacher; se cacher. high, haut, eleve; cher. him, le, lui. hinder, empecher. his, son, sa, ses; a lui, le sien (etc.). historian, historien, m. history, histoire, /. hodman, aide-ma^on, m. hold, n.j cale, /. hold, v.j tenir. hole, trou, m. holiday, fete, /., (jour de) conge, m. ; holidays, vacances, /. pi. home, maison, /.; (at) , a la maison, chez lui (etc.); make yourself at , ne vous genez pas. homemade, bread, pain (m.) de menage, honey, miel, m. hope, esperer, compter. horse, cheval, m.; on back, a cheval. horticultural, horticole. hospital, hopital, m. hot, chaud. hour, heure, /. house, maison, /. ; menage, m. ; at the of, chez ; maid, femme de chambre; wife, menagere. household, menage, m. how, comment? comme! que! many, much, combien? however, cependant, pourtant; quelque . . . que; it may be, quoi qu'il en soit. human, humain. hundred (a), cent; about a , une centaine. hunger, faim, /. hungry, be , avoir faim. hunt, chasser. hurt, faire mal a; oneself, se faire mal. husband, mari. I, je, moi. ice, glace, /. idle, oisif, paresseux. idleness, oisivete, /. if, si; (before il, ils) s'. ill, malade. ill-mannered, mal eleve". illustrate, illustrer. imagine, se figurer. impatiently, impatiemment. import, importer. important, important; it is , il importe, il est important. impossible, impossible. improvement, perfect ionnement, m. in, dans, en, a, de; it (them), y; to be , y etre. inch, pouce, m. increase, augmenter; keeps in- creasing, va en augment ant. indeed, bien, en effet. industrious, diligent. inflammably inflammable. influenza, grippe, /. inform, informer, faire savoir. inhabit, habiter. ink, encre, /. inquire, s' informer. instruct, instruire. intelligence, intelligence, /. intelligent, intelligent. intend, avoir rintention de. interest, interesser. interesting, interessant. interior, interieur, m. into, dans, en. introduce, presenter. invent, inventer, imaginer, invitation, invitation, /. invite, inviter. 298 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY iron, fer, m. irregular, deregle. is, see be. it, il, elle; le, la; cela; ce. Italian, italien. its, son, sa, ses. ivory, ivoire, m. kiss, embrasser. kitchen, cuisine, /. knead, petrir. kneading trough, petrin, m. knife, couteau, m. knock, frapper. know, connaitre, savoir; how to, savoir. James, Jacques. Jane, Jeanne. January, Janvier, m. ' jewel, bijou, m. John, Jean. join, joindre. joiner, menuisier, m. * jolly fellow/ bon vivant, m. journey, voyage, m. joy, joie, /. Julian, Julien. July, juillet, m. jump, sauter. just, seulement; have , venir de; have come, venir d'ar- river. keep, tenir, garder; house, faire le menage; to the house, garder la maison. keeper, gardien, m. key, clef, /. kill, tuer. kilo, contr. of kilogramme (about 2 Ibs.). kilometre, kilometre, m. kind, n.j espece, /., sorte, /.; what of weather is it? quel temps fait-il? kind, adj., aimable, bon; to, bon pour. kindly, will you , veuillez (bien), ayez la bonte" de. kindness, bonte, obligeance, /. king, roi. ladder, echelle, /. laden, charge. lady, dame; ladies, dames, mes- dames; young ladies, demoi- selles, jeunes filles. lake, lac, m. lamp, lampe, /. land, n., terre, /. land, v., debarquer. landlord, proprietaire, m. or f. landscape, paysage, m. language, langue, /. large, grand, gros; grow , grossir. last, adj., dernier, passe; at , a la fin, enfin; year, Fannee passee (derniere). last, v., durer. late, tard, en retard; later, plus tard. Latin, latin, m. latter, dernier; celui-ci. laugh, rire. law, loi, /. ; against the , de"f endu. lay, placer, poser; the cloth, mettre le couvert. laziness, paresse, /. lazy, paresseux. lead, mener. leaf, feuille,/.; leaves, feuilles, pi., feuillage, m. leap-year, annee (/.) bissextile, learn, apprendre. least, adj., moindre; adv., moins; at , au (du) moins. leave, laisser; partir (de); quitter. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 299 lecture, cours, w. left, gauche; on the , a (la) gauche, leg, jambe, /. lend, preter. less, moins. lesson, legon, /., devoir, m. let, laisser, faire; (with impve.) que; us go, partons; him go, qu'il parte; us sit down, asseyons-nous. letter, lettre, /. library, bibliotheque, /. lie, etre couche; down, se coucher. life, vie, /. light, n., lumiere, /. light, adj., leger; lighter, plus leger, moins lourd. light, v., eclairer; (kindle) allumer. lighting, n., eclairage, m. like, v., aimer; vouloir, trouver, se plaire; I should , je voudrais (bien); better (best), aimer mieux. like, adv., comme. likewise, pareillement. limp, boiter. line, n., ligne,/. ; (of poetry) vers, m. line, v.j doubler. linen, linge, m. lion, lion, ra. listen (to), e"couter. little, adj., petit; adv., peu. live, vivre; demeurer; (in), ha- biter; on, vivre de. living, vie, /.; good , bonne chere, /. loaf (of bread), pain, m. Loire, Loire, /. London, Londres, m. lonesome, be , s'ennuyer. long, long, longtemps; a time, longtemps; no longer, ne . . . plus; how ?, depuis quand? as as, tant que; be , tarder. look (at), regarder; for, cher- cher; they (/.) gentle, elles ont Fair douces. loose, detache; become , se detacher, lose, perdre. loss, perte, /. lot, terrain, m. Louis, Lewis, Louis. Louisa, Louise. Louvre, Louvre, m. love, aimer; one another, s' aimer. low, bas. lower, v. tr., descendre. Lucy, Lucie. luggage, bagages, m. pi. Luke, Luc. lunch, n., dejeuner, m. lunch, v.j dejeuner. Luxembourg, Luxembourg, m. Lyons, Lyon, m. M madam, madame. magnificent, magnifique. mahogany, acajou, m. maid, bonne, /., servante, /., domestique, /. mail, courrier, m. majority, majorite", /. make, faire, rendre; have made for oneself, se faire faire; is made of, fait de (en). mamma, maman. man, homme; young men, jeunes gens. manner, maniere, /.; of-living, vie, /. many, beaucoup; a great (good) , beaucoup de; bien des; as as, autant. map, carte, /. marble, marbre, m. ; ( for playing) bille, /. 300 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY march, marche, /. Marcus Aurelius, Marc-Airrele. Margaret, Marguerite. market, marche, m. marriage, manage, m. marry, marier (of parents and officials), epouser (of contracting parties)^ be (get) married, se marier. Marseilles, Marseille,/. Mary, Marie, mason, magon, m. mass, messe, /. master, maitre, m., professeur, m. material, e"toffe, /.; materiaux, m. pi. matter, affaire, /. ; it is a of, il s'agit de; what is the with you? qu'avez-vous? no which, n'importe lequel. mature, mur. May, n. mai, m. may, v. pouvoir; it be, il sepeut. me, me, moi. meadow, pre, m. mean, vouloir dire, meaning, signification, /. means, moyen, m. measure, mesure, /. meat, viande, /. medicine, medecine, /. ; remede, m. meet, rencontrer; each other, se rencontrer; make (both) ends , joindre les deux bouts, mention, mentionner, parler de; don't it, il n'y a pas de quoi. menu, menu, m. merchant, marchand, m. merit, merite, m. merry, gai, joyeux. merry-go-round, chevaux (m. pi.) de bois. metre, metre, m. midnight, minuit, m. mild, doux. milk, n., lait, m. milk, v., tirer, traire. miller, meunier, m. mind, never , n'importe. mine, a moi, le mien; a friend of , un de mes amis. minute, minute, /., moment, m. mirror, miroir, m. misfortune, maiheur, m. Miss, n., mademoiselle, miss, v.j manquer. Mississippi, Mississipi, m. mistake, erreur, /.; make (s), se tromper. mistaken, be , se tromper; if I am not , si je ne me trompe. moderate, moderer. modern, moderne. moment, moment, m. Monday, lundi, m. money, argent, m. monkey, singe, m. month, mois, m. Montreal, Montreal, m. more, encore, plus, davantage; any , encore; no , ne . . . plus; some , encore; the . . . the . . ., plus . . . plus. morning, matin, m.; coat, ja- quette, /.; good , bonjour. most, le plus, la plupart de. mother, mere, /. mother-of-pearl, nacre, /. motor-car, automobile, m. or f. mountain, montagne, /. move, remuer, mouvoir; se mettre en branle. Mr., Monsieur (contr. M.). Mrs., Madame (contr. M me ). Mt. Blanc, le mont Blanc, much, beaucoup; very , beau- coup, bien; as as, autant que; so , tant, tellement. mud, boue, /. muddy, be , faire de la boue. municipal, municipal, municipality, commune, /. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 301 museum, musee, m. music, musique, /. must, falloir, devoir; we , il nous faut, il faut que nous, nous de- vons; not, il ne faut pas; have been, a du etre. my, mon, ma, mes. myself, moi-meme. mysterious, mysterieux. N nail, clou, m. name, n., nom, m. ; what is his ?, comment s'appelle-t-il? my is, je m'appelle. name, v., nommer. Napoleon, Napoleon, narrow, etroit. naughty, mechant. near, pres (de); be (come) , manquer de, penser, faillir, s'en falloir de peu. nearly, a peu pres, pres de, presque; I fell, j'ai manque de tomber. necessary, necessaire; be , etre necessaire, falloir. necklace, collier, m. necktie, cravate, /. need, avoir besoin de; il faut. needle, aiguille, /. neighbour, voisin, m. neighbourhood, environs, m. pi. neither, ni; . . . nor, ne . . . ni . . . ni. nephew, neveu. nest, nid, m. never, ne . . . jamais. new, neuf, nouveau. newly, recemment; married couple, les nouveaux maries. New Orleans, la Nouvelle-Or- leans. news, nouvelle(s), /. newspaper, journal, m. New Year's Day, le jour de 1'An. New York, New-York. next, ensuite, puis; procham; what ? et avec c.a? the day, le lendemain. nice, gentil, aimable. niece, niece. night, nuit, /. ; last , hier au soir, cette nuit. nine, neuf. nineteen, dix-neuf. ninety, quatre-vingt-dix. no, non; mais non; ne . . . pas; letter, pas de lettre ; one, personne. nobody, ne . . . personne; per- sonne. noise, bruit, m. none, ne . . . aucun (pasun) ; aucun; pas; there are now, il n'y en a plus. noon, midi, m. nor, ni; I either, ni moi non plus. Norman, normand. Normandy, Normandie, /. north, nord, m. not, ne . . . pas, non; is it ? n'est-ce pas? one, pas un(e); at all, pas du tout, note, billet, m., mot, m. nothing, ne . . . rien, rien; but, rien que. notice, observer, remarquer. Notre Dame, Notre-Dame. novel, roman, m. now, maintenant; a present; and then, de temps en temps; adays, de nos jours; not , ne . . . plus. number, nombre, m., nurnero, m. numerous, nombreux. oak, chene, m. oats, avoine, /. s. obey, obeir a. 302 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULAItt object, objet, m. obliged, oblige; he was , il a du. observation, observation, /. observe, observer, remarquer. obtain, obtenir. occupation, occupation, /. occur, arriver, se faire. o'clock, heure(s), /. of, de; it (them), en; the, du (etc.). offer, offrir. office, bureau, m. often, souvent. oil, huile, /.; lamp, lampe (/.) a huile; painting, peinture (/.) a 1'huile. old, vieux, age; she is more than three years , elle a plus de trois ans; how is he? quel age a-t-il? age, vieillesse, /. omelet, omelette, /. on, sur, dans; de. once, une fois; at , tout de suite. one, un, m., une, /.; on; the , celui (celle); this , celui-ci; that , celui-la; the white ones, ies blancs. onion, oignon, m. only, ne . . . que, seulement; seul. open, ouvrir, s'ouvrir; p. part. ouvert; in the air, en plein air. opposite, en face de. or, ou. orchard, verger, m. order, in that, pour que, de sorte que, afin que; in to, pour, afin de. order, v., commander, ordonner. ordinary, ordinaire, other, autre; others, Ies autres, d'autres. otter, loutre, /. ought, one , on devrait; he not to have, il n'aurait pas du. our, notre, nos; ours, a nous, le notre (etc.) out of, hors de. outside (of it), dehors. oven, four, m. over, par; au-dessus de. overcoat, pardessus, m. oversee, surveiller. owe, devoir. own, propre, a lui; my , le mien. ox, bosuf. page, page, /. pail, seau, m. pain, douleur, /., mal, m. paint, peindre; in oils, peindre a 1'huile. painter, peintre. painting, peinture, /., tableau, m. pair, paire, /. palace, palais, m. papa, papa. paper, papier, m. pardon, n., pardon, m. ; I beg your , je vous demande pardon, pardon, v., pardonner. parent, parent, m. Paris, Paris, m. Parisian, parisien. (parish) priest, cure, park, pare, m., jardin, m. parlour, salon, m. part, role, m., partie, /.; the most , la plupart, la plus grande partie. partridge, perdrix, /. party, soiree, /. ; parti, m. ; our , Ies notres. pass, n., (of mountains) col, m. pass, v., passer; (at examination) reussir, tre re$u. passage, passage, ra.; traversee,/.; corridor, m. . past, pass6. pastel, pastel, m. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 303 pastry, patisserie, /. path, sentier, m. patient, malade, m. or f. pay (for), payer; a visit, faire une visit e. pea, pois, m.; green peas, petits pois. peace, paix, /. pear, poire, /. ; tree, poirier, m. pearl, perle, /. peasant, paysan, m. pebble, caillou, m. pen, plume, /. pencil, crayon, rri. people, peuple, m.; personnes, /. pi., gens, m. or f. ; on, monde, m. perceive, apercevoir, s'apercevoir de. perhaps, peut-etre (que). permission, permission, /. permit, permettre. person, personne, /. perspire, transpirer. Peter, Pierre, petroleum, petrole, m. pianist, pianiste, m. or f. piano, piano, m. pick, cueillir; up, ramasser. picture, image, /., tableau, m. piece, morceau, m.; (of money) piece, /. pine, pin, m. pipe, pipe, /. pit, fosse, /. pity, n., dommage, m.; pitie*, /.; what a , quel dommage. pity, v.j plaindre. place, n., endroit, m., place, /., lieu, m.; take of, remplacer; take , avoir lieu. place, v., placer, poser, mettre. plain, simple. plan, plan, m. plank, planche, /. plant, planter. plate, assiette, /. play, n.j piece, /. ; go to the , aller au theatre, play, v., jouer; on the piano, jouer du piano. pleasant, agreable; (of weather) beau. please, plaire a; if you , please, s'il vous plait. pleased, content, pleasure, plaisir, m. plenty, assez de, beaucoup de. plough, n., charrue, /. plough, v., labourer, ploughing, n., labour, m. ploughman, laboureur, m. p.m., du soir. pocket, poche, /. poem, poeme, m. poet, poete, m. police, police, /.; man, agent (de police). politeness, politesse, /. poor, pauvre. porcelain, porcelaine, /. pore, pore, m. port, port, m. porter, facteur. portrait, portrait, m. position, place, /., poste, m. possible, possible, postman, facteur. post office, poste, /. potato, pomme (/.) de terre. poultry, volaille, /. pound, livre, /. practice, clientele, /. preceding, precedent, precise (ly), precis. prefer, preferer, aimer mieux. preparation (s), preparatifs, m. pi. prepare, preparer; se preparer. prescribe, ordonner. prescription, ordonnance, /. present, cadeau, m., present, m.\ at , a present; be , assister, etre present. 304 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY pretty, joli. prevent, empecher. price, prix, m. priest, pretre, cure. princess, princesse. prize, prix, m. probable, probable. probably, probablement. problem, probleme, m. process, precede, m. product, produit, m. professor, prof esseur, m. or f. profit (s), benefices, m. pi.', make , tirer des benefices. promise, promettre. property, propriete*, /. proportion, proportion, /. ; in as, a mesure que. prosperity, prosperity, /. protect, proteger. proverb, proverbe, m. provisions, vivres, m. pl.' } get , se fournir. public, n., public, m. public, adj., public, pulse, pouls, m. Punch and Judy, Guignol, m. pupil, eleve, m. or f. purchase, achat, m. purple, lilas. purse, porte-monnaie, m. put, mettre, placer; on, mettre; away (in), serrer; in place, caser; in, y mettre; out, eteindre. quality, qualite, /. quarter, quart, m.; quinze minu- tes, /.; at a past one, a une heure (et) un quart; at a to one, a une heure moins le (un) quart. queen, reine, /. question, question, /. quickly, vite. quiet, tranquille; be, become , se taire. quite, assez, tout a fait, tres, bien. radish, radis, m. railroad, railway, chemin (m.) de fer. rain, n., pluie, /. rain, v., pleuvoir. rarely, rarement. rather, assez; I would , j'aime- rais mieux. read, lire. reading, lecture, /. ; room (salle, /.) or salon (m.) de lecture. ready, pret; fait; get , se dis- poser. reap, moissonner. reaping machine, moissonneuse, /. reason, raison, /., motif, m. receive, recevoir. recently, recemment. reception, reception, /. recognize, reconnaitre. recover, se remettre, se retablir, guerir. recovered, remis, retabli. red, rouge. reflect, reflechir. refuse, refuser. regard, with to, a propos de. regret, regretter. reign, n., regne, m. reign, v., regner. relate, raconter. relation, relative, parent, m. relish, 'hors-d'oeuvre, m. remain, rester. remarkable, remarquable. remember, se rappeler, se souve- nir de, retenir. render, rendre. repair, reparer. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 305 reply, repondre, repliquer. represent, representer. republican, republicain, ra. reputation, reputation, /. required, is , il faut. resemble, ressembler (a). resort, station, /.; summer , station d'6te. respect, respecter, rest, the , le reste; les autres. restaurant, restaurant, m. restore, restaurer, remettre, re- tablir. retreat, retraite, /. return, n., retour, m. return, v. t revenir (come back), re- tourner (go back) ; home, ren- trer (chez soi). rhinoceros, rhinoceros, m. Rhone, Rhone, m. rich, riche. richly, richement. ride, go for (take) a , se pro- mener a cheval. right, droit, m. ; raison, /. ; (of time) a 1'heure; on the , a (la) droit e; he is (hi the) , il a raison. ring, sonner. ripe, mur. ripen, murir. rise, se lever, s'elever; lever, river, riviere, /.; (falling into the sea) fleuve, m. road, chemin, m., route, /. roaring, rugissement, m. roast, n.j roti, m. roast, v., rotir. robbery, vol, m. Robert, Robert, role, role, m. roll, n., petit pain, m. roll, v., rouler. rolling, n., roulis, m. roof, toit, m. room, pice, /., salle, /., chambre, /. *ose, rose, /. rule, regie, /. run, courir, marcher; (of liquids) couler ; off the track, derailler ; get over, se faire ecraser. rush, se precipiter. sack, sac, m. sack coat, veston, m. safe, sauf; - and sound, sain et sauf. saint, saint, m. salad, salade, /. salute, saluer; each other, se saluer. same, meme; at the time, en meme temps; it is all the to me, cela m'est egal. sand, sable, m. sardine, sardine, /. satisfactory, satisfaisant; not be , laisser a desirer. satisfied, satisfait, content. Saturday, samedi, m. save, economiser, epargner. sawmill, scierie, /. say, dire; they , on dit. scaffolding, e"chafaudage, m. scene, scene, /. scholar, ecolier, -re. school, ecole, /., college, ra.; at , a Tecole; boy, ecolier; girl, ecoliere. scissors, ciseaux, m. pi. score, vingtaine, /. sea, mer, /.; port, port (m.) de mer; be sick, avoir le mal de mer. seashore, bord de la mer. seaside resort, station (/.) balne- aire, bains (m.) de mer. season, saison, /. seat, place, /., siege, m., bane, m. seated, be , s'asseoir, etre assis. second, deuxieme, second; deux. 306 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY see, voir; be seen, se voir; about (after), s'occuper de; each other, se voir. seek, chercher. seem, sembler, paraitre. Seine, Seine, /. . seize, saisir. select, choisir. sell, vendre, se vendre; again, revendre. senate, senat, m. send, envoyer; for, envoyer chercher, faire venir. separate, separer. serious, grave, srieux. servant, bonne, /., servante, /., domestique, m. or f. serve, servir. service, service, m. set, mettre; out, partir; the table, mettre la nappe (le convert) . seven, sept, seventeen, dix-sept. seventy, soixante-dix. seventy-five, soixante-quinze. several, plusieurs. severe, rude, sew, coudre. sewing, couture, /. shade, nuance, /.; ombre, /.; in the , a 1' ombre, shake, secouer; hands, se donner la main, se serrer la main, shall, sign of jut.; what I do? que voulez-vous que je fasse? she, elle, ce. sheep, mouton, m. shelter, abri, m.; sheltered from, a Tabri de. ship, navire, m., vaisseau, m. shoe, soulier, m. shoemaker, cordonnier, m. shop, magasin, m., boutique, /.; at the of, chez; go shopping, faire des emplettes, courir les magasins. shore, bord, m., cote, /.; go on , d6barquer. short, court, should, sign of condl.; one , on devrait; you have, vous auriez du. shout, crier, show, n., concours, m. show, v., montrer; faire voir; in, faire entrer; up (stairs), faire monter. shut, fermer. sick, malade; people, malades. sickle, f aucille, /. side, cote, m. ; by the of, a cote de. sideboard, buffet, m. sidewalk, trottoir, m. sight, vue,/., coup (m.) d'ceil; fine sights, beautes, /. pi. sign, signe, m. silk, soie, /.; worm, ver (m.) & soie; dress, robe (/.) de soie; goods, soieries /. pi. ; room, salon (m.) des soieries. silver, argent, m. silverware, argenterie, /. simple, simple. since, depuis (que); que; puis- que; it is a long tune , il y a longtemps que ... ne ... sing, chanter. singer, chanteuse, /. singing, chant, m. single, seul. sir, monsieur, sister, sceur. sit (down), s'asseoir, se mettre a table. sitting, assis. situated, situe\ six, six. sixteen, seize, sixty, soixante. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 307 skate, ft., patin, m. skate, v., patiner. skirt, jupe, /. sleep, dormir; coucher; go to , s'endormir. sleeping car, wagon-lit, m. sleigh, traineau, m.; go sleighing, aller (se promener) en traineau. slice, tranche, /. ; of bread and butter, tartine (/.) de beurre. slippery, glissant. slow, lent; be too , retarder. slowly, lentement, doucement. small, petit. smell, sentir; sweet, sentir bon. smoke, fumer. sneeze, eternuer. snow, n. t neige, /. snow, v., neiger. so, si, ainsi ; le ; not , pas si, moins ; much, many, tant, telle- ment; that, de sorte que, pour que. soap, savon, m. society, societe, /. solve, resoudre. some, du, etc.; quelque; quelcon- que; quelques-uns; en. somebody, some one, quelqu'un, on. something, quelque chose (de). sometimes, quelquefois. somewhere, quelque part, son, fils. song, chanson, /. soon, bientot; sooner, plus tot; as as, aussitot que; I would as , j'aimerais autant. sore, I have a throat, j'ai mal a la gorge. sorry, fache; be , regretter, 6tre fache. sort, espece, /., sorte, /. sound, n., bruit", m. sound, adj., sain, soup, potage, m., soupe, /. sour, aigre. south, sud, m., midi, m. sow, semer. speak, parler. spectacles, lunettes, /. pi. speed, vitesse, /. spend, depenser (money), passer (time) . splendid, superbe, magnifique. spoon, cuiller, /. sport, sport, m. spring, printemps, m.; (of water) source, /. spruce, sapin, m. square, carre. squirrel, ecureuil, m. stable, (for cows) etable, /., (for horses) ecurie, /. stairway, escalier, m. stale, rassis. stand, se trouver, etre debout, s'elever; standing, debout. start, partir; tressaillir. state, etat, m. ; room, cabine, /. station, gare, /. statue, statue, /. stay, n., sejour, m. stay, v., rester. steal, voler. steam, vapeur, /. steamer, bateau (m.) a vapeur, paquebot, m. steel, acier, m.; engraving,. gravure (/.) sur acier. step, pas, m. stick, baton, m., canne, /. still, encore, tou jours. St. John, saint Jean. St. Lawrence, Saint-Laurent, m. stone, pierre, /. stop, arreter; s'arreter. ? store, magasin, m. story, etage (of a house), m. story, histoire, /. strange, Strange. stranger, Stranger, m. 308 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY straw, paille, /. ; hat, chapeau (m.) de paille. strawberry, fraise, /. stream, ruisseau, m., cours (m.) d'eau. street, rue, /. strike, frapper. strong, fort, student, etudiant, m. study, e"tudier. study table, table (/.) de travail, stupid, bete, stupide. subject, sujet, m. succeed, reussir; (at examination) etre re9U. success, succes, m. such, tel; a, un tel; si. suffer, souffrir. suffice, be sufficient, suffire. sugar, sucre, m. suit (of clothes), vehement, m., complet, m. summer, ete*, m. sun, soleil, m. Sunday, dimanche, m. sunny, be , faire du soleil. superintend, surveiller. sure, stir, certain, surface, surface, /. surround, entourer. sweet, doux. swim, nager. table, table, /.; cloth, nappe, /., couvert, m., tapis, m.; set the , mettre la nappe (le couvert). tailor, tailleur, m. take, prendre; mener, conduire; from, prendre a; to, transpor- ter a; a walk, faire une prome- nade, se promener a pied; away, emporter; out, sortir; after, tenir de; about, pro- mener; off, oter, quitter. taking, prise, /. talk, parler. tall, grand. tapestry, tapisserie, /. task, tache, /., devoir, m. taste, n.j gout, m. taste, v., gotiter. tax, reprocher. tea, the, m. ; cup, tasse (/.) a the., teach, enseigner, instruire, ap- prendre, montrer. teacher, professeur, m. or/.; (pri- mary] instituteur, m., institu- trice, /. tear (out), arracher. tease, taquiner. tedium, ennui, m. telegraph, telegraphier. telephone, telephones tell, dire, raconter. temperature, temperature, /. ten, dix. tender, tendre. tent, tente, /. terms, good , bonne intelligence, terrible, terrible. Thames, Tamise, /. than, que; (before numerals] de*. thank, remercier; thanks, merci, je vous remercie. thankful, reconnaissant. that, qui, que; ce, cet, cette; cela; celui(-la); que, de sorte que; one, celui-la; is, voila, c'est; is your book? est-ce la votre livre? thaw, degeler. the, le, la, les, theatre, theatre, m. thee, te, toi. their, leur, leurs; theirs, a eux (etc.); leleur (etc.). them, les, eux, elles, leur; of , d'eux, en. then, alors, puis, ensuite. there, la, y; (it) is, voila; i (are), il y a. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 309 thermometer, thermometre, m. they, Us, m., eux, m., elles, /.; ce; on. thick, epais. thief, voleur, m. thimble, de", m. thin, mince. thine, a toi, le tien (etc.) thing, chose,/., affaire, /.; some- , quelque chose, think, penser, croire, reflechir, trouver; what do you of it? qu'en pensez-vous? comment le trouvez-vous? of me, pensez a moi; what are you thinking of? a quoi pensez-vous? third, troisieme; tiers, m. thirst, soif, /.; be thirsty, avoir soif; be very thirsty, avoir bien (tres) soif, mourir de soif. thirty, trente; about , une tren- taine. this, ce, cet, cette; ce . . . -ci; ceci; is, voici; one, celui-ci. thou, tu, toi. though, bien que, quoique. thousand (a), mille, mil, millier. thread, fil, m. three, trois. thresh, battre. throat, gorge, /. through, par, a travers de. throw, jeter, lancer; away, jeter. thumb, police, m. Thursday, jeudi, m. thy, ton, ta, tes. ticket, billet, m. tie, n., era vat e, /. tie (up), v., attacher. tile, tuile, /. till, jusque, jusqu'a. time, temps, m., fois, /., heure, /.; moment, m.; three s, trois fois ; at what ? a quelle heure? on , a Fheure, a Fheure exacte; from to , de temps en temps; have a good , s'amuser (bien). timid, timide. tip, pourboire, m. tired, fatigue". *> to, a, en, pour; chez; jusqu'a. to-day, aujourd'hui. together, ensemble. to-morrow, demain; the day after , apres-demain. tongue, langue, /.; show the . tirer la langue. too, aussi; trop; much, trop. tool, outil, m. tooth, dent, /.; brush, brosse (/.) a dents; ache, mal (m.) aux dents. top, toupie, /. Toronto, Toronto, m. torrent, torrent, m. toss, jeter, lancer. touch, toucher (a). towards, vers. towel, serviette, /. town, ville, /.; in , en ville; to , a la ville. townsman, citadin. toy, joujou, m. train, train, m. tramway, tramway, m. translate, traduire. travel, n., voyage, m. travel, v., voyager, tree, arbre, m. tremble, tressaillir. trim, garnir. taimming, garniture, /. trip, voyage, m., promenade, /. trouble, peine, /. ; what is the ? de quoi s'agit-il? trout, truite, /. true, vrai. truly, vraiment, reellement. trunk, malle, /. try, tacher; (on), essayer. 310 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY Tuesday, mardi, m. twelve, douze; o'clock, midi, m., minuit, m. twenty, vingt. twenty-five, vingt-cinq. twice, deux fods. two, deux. U umbrella, parapluie, m. uncle, oncle, m. under, sous; it, dessous. understand, comprendre; not at all, n'y comprendre rien. unfortunate, malheureux. unhappy, malheureux. United States, Etats-Unis, m. pi. university, universite, /. unless, a moins de, a moins que . . . ne. unsoiled, frais. until, jusque, jusqu'a; jusqu'a ce que, que. up, en haut; be all with, en etre fait de. upper, superieur. upstairs, en haut; show , faire monter. us, nous, use, n., usage, m.; make of, se servir de; what is that? a quoi sert cela? that is no , cela ne sert a rien. use, v. y se servir de, employer; I used to play, je jouais. useful, utile. utensil, ustensile, m. utilize, utiliser. valise, valise, /. vase, vase, m. vast, vaste. veal, veau, m. vegetable, legume, m. Venus, Venus. verse, A^erset, m.; (line of poetry) vers, m. yery, tres, bien, fort; beaucoup. vessel, vaisseau, m. vice, vice, m. village, village, m. violent, violent, visit, n., visit e, /.; on a , en visite. visit, v., visiter, faire visite a, rendre visite a, aller voir. voice, voix, /. volume, volume, m., tome, m. vote, n., voix, /.; voting, vote, m. vote, v., voter. W wages, gages, m. pi. wainscoting, boiserie, /. waist, corsage, m. waistcoat, gilet, m. wait (for), attendre; keep waiting, faire attendre. waken, reveiller; se reVeiller. walk, promenade, /. ; go for a , (aller) faire une promenade. wall, mur, m. walnut, noix, /. ; tree (or wood), noyer, m. want to, vouloir, desirer. warm, adj., chaud; it is , il fait chaud. warm, v., chauffer. warmth, chaleur, /. wash, laver; se laver; (linen) blanchir. waste, gaspiller. watch, montre, /. water, eau, /.; fall, cascade, /. way, fagon, /., maniere, /.; chemin, m.j moyen, m.; by the , a pro- pos; there is no , il n'y a pas moyen; in such a that, de telle fagon que. we, nous; on. weak, faible. ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY 311 wealth, richesse(s), /. wear, porter. weather, temps, m.; the is fine, il fait beau; in cold , par le temps froid. week, semaine, huit jours; next , la semaine prochaine; a from to-day, d'aujourd'hui en huit; two weeks, deux semaines, quinze jours, une quinzaine. well, bien; then, eh bien; very , tres bien, je veux bien; not be very , etre souffrant; get , guerir; off (-to-do), heu- reux, aise; be , se porter bien. were, see be. west, ouest, m. what, que, quoi, ce qui, ce que; quel? qu'est-ce qui? qu'est-ce que? whatever, quoi que; quel que; quelconque; quelque . . . que, n'importe quel. wheat, ble, m. when, quand, lorsque, ou; a quelle heure? whenever, quand, toutes les fois que. where, ou. wherever, en quelque lieu que, partout ou, ou que. whether, si; soit que, que. which, qui, que, ce qui, ce que, lequel; quel; of , dont. while, whilst, pendant que, tandis que; en. whistle, sifner. white, blanc. who, qui, lequel (etc.). whoever, qui que, quiconque. whole, tout, seule; the day, toute la journee. whom, qui, que, lequel (etc.). whose, de qui, a qui, dont, duquel (etc.). why, pourquoi. wide, large. wife, femme. wild, sauvage. will, sign of fut.\ vouloir; when you , quand vous voudrez; you kindly? voulez-vous bien? William, Guillaume. win, gagner, 1'emporter; the day, Temporter. wind, vent, m.; there is , il fait du vent, window, f enetre, /. ; (front) shop , devanture, /. window blind, store, m. windy, be , faire du vent, wine, vin, m.; glass, verre (m.) a vin. winter, hiver, m. wise, sage, intelligent, raison- nable. wish, desirer, vouloir; I (should like), je voudrais. with, avec, de, chez, contre, au- pres de. without, sans, sans que. woman, femme; doctor, femme docteur. wonder, se demander. wonderful, remarquable, eton- nant, merveilleux. wonderfully, a merveille. wood, bois, m. woodcutter, bucheron, m. wooden, de bois, en bois. woollens, lainages, m. pi. word, mot, m. work, n.j travail, m., ouvrage, m. work, v., travailler; faire marcher; exploiter; fonctionner. workman, ouvrier, m. world, monde, m. worm, ver, m. worse, adj., pire, plus mauvais; adv., pis, plus mal. worth, be , valoir; while, valoir la peine; have 5 francs 312 ENGLISH-FRENCH VOCABULARY of, en avoir pour 5 francs; a million, riche d'un million, worthy, brave, digne. would, sign of condl. and of impf. ind.; voudrais, voulais. write, ecrire; to each other, s'ecrire. wrong, mauvais; tort, m.; he is , il a tort, wrought-iron, fer (m.) forge. yard, cour, /. ; metre, m. year, an, m., annee, /.; every , tons les ans; this , cette annee. yeast, levain, m. yellow, jaune; become , jaunir. yes, oui, si. yesterday, hier; the day before , avant-hier. yet, encore; deja; cependant; not , pas encore, yield, donner. yonder, la-bas. you, vous; tu, te, toi; on. young, jeune. your, votre, vos; ton, ta, tea; yours, a toi, a vous; le tien (etc.), le votre (etc.). yourself, vous, vous-meme. INDEX a : denoting place, 12 ; rep- etition of, 12; contrac- tion with definite article, 12, 83, 87, 92; denoting indirect object, 21; be- fore infinitive, 60; with place-names, 108; before venir, 170; required after certain verbs, 180; a disjunctive pronoun for possessive, Lesson XXII and 211; forming ad- jectival phrases, 221. accents, Introduction, A. adjectives: feminine, plural and agreement, 14,207; irregular plural of, 32; position of, 33 ; irregular feminine of, 34; adjec- tives and nouns, feminine of, 206 ; when invariable, 207; with avoir Pair, 207; agreement with gens, 207; adverbs from adjectives, 216; see also possessive, de- monstrative, etc. adverb: position, 48; com- parison, 59; numeral ad- verb, 127; from adjec- tives, 216; distinctions, 217. age, expressions of, 135. agir, impersonal, 185. agreement: verb and sub- ject, 4, 160; personal pronoun and antecedent, 7; adjectives, 14, 207; possessive adjective, 16; relative pronoun, 36; past participle, 49, 51, 120, 196. aller + infinitive, 169; + chercher, 174. alphabet, Introduction, A. a moins que, with ne, 220. apposition, 200; apparent, 200. article, see definite and in- definite. au=a+le, 12, 83,87,92. aucun, 104. au-dessous de, 222. au-dessus de, 222. aupres de, 222. aussi, in comparison, 56- 59; = hence, word-order, 161. autant, 217. autre, 101; Pun Fautre, 117. autrui, 101. aux=a + les, 12, 83, 87, 92. auxiliary function, 163 and following. auxiliary verbs: conjuga- tion, Appendix, C, 2; in compound tenses, 45, 51, 113; in passive, 118; word-order with, 48, 113. avant, 222. avant que, with ne, 220. avoir: conjugation, Appen- dix, C, 2; use in compound tenses, 45 ;y avoir, 31, 114, 185, 187; avoir -fbe- soin (chaud, etc.), 202; avoir 1'air, 207. bien, of quantity, 26. fa, for cela, 79. can, distinctions, 165, 166. capitals, Introduction, Q. cardinals, 121. ce, demonstrative adjec- tive, 43. ce: pronoun, 35; +e~tre, 54 ; as real subject, 80, 182; ce qui (que), recapit- ulatory use, 98; c'est and il est, 182; ce and il(s), elle(s), 183. conditional anterior; 112; replaced by imperfect in- dicative, 188; replaced by pluperfect subjunc- tive, 193. 313 conditional sentences, 113. conditional tense, 110, 111; of deferential state- ment, 190; of probabil- ity, etc., 190; of conces- sion, with quand (meme) or que, 190; of implied futurity, 190; of hear- say information, 190. conjunctions: requiring sub- junctive, 147, 224; requiring past anterior, 153; various distinctions of, 223; corresponding to prepositional phrases, 223. conjunctive personal pro- nouns, 22, 23; position, 68, 72; as indirect ob- ject of reflexives, 116. consonants, pronunciation, Introduction, M . contractions : de -f- definite article, 10, 83, 87, 92; a + definite article, 12, 83, 87, 92. could, distinctions, 165. dans = in, 12, note. dates: year, 129; month, 134. days, of week, 132. de: of possession, 10; rep- etition of, 10; contrac- tion with definite article, 10, 83, 87, 92; in ad- jectival phrases, 30, 221; with superlative, 57; after plus, moins, 59 ; before infinitive, 60 ; with place-names, 108; with passive, 118; of di- mension, 131; before venir, 170; after certain verbs, 180; with histor- ical infinitive, 191 ; caus- ing omission of partitive de, 198. definite article: forms, repe- tition, 2; contractions 314 INDEX with de and a, 10, 12, 83, 87, 92; omission with partitive, 28; use in su- perlative, 57; with place- names, 108; denoting possession, 117; distrib- utively, 124; with titles, 199; with appositive noun, 200; omitted in certain expressions, 202 ; for possessive adjective, 203. demi, agreement, 126. demonstrative ad j ecti ve : forms, repetition, 43. demonstrative pronoun, 35, 79; see also ce, ce- lui, etc. depuis (quand?), with pres- ent and imperfect indica- tive, 187, 188. depuis que and puisque, 223. dernier +subjunctive, 146. des = de + les, 10, 83, 87, 92; denoting plural of un, 25. dessous, 217. dessus, 217. devant, 222. devoir + infinitive, 168. dimensions, 131. disjunctive personal pro- nouns, 52-54. dormer, conjugation, Ap- pendix, C, 1. dont, 94. du=de + le, 10, 83, 87, 92. e, 6, of stem syllable, Ap- pendix, D. -eler, verbs in, Appendix, D. elision, Introduction, O. empecher, with ne, 220. en: pronominal adverb, 27 ; position, 68, 72; with indefinite antecedent, 210. en: preposition, with place- names, 108; with par- ticiple, 139; forming adjectival phrases, 221. encore un, 101. en quelque lieu que = where- ever, 217. entendre -f- infinitive, 172; + dire, +parlerde, 174. entendu, agreement, 196. entre, 222. envers, 222. environ, 222. envoyer chercher, 174. est-ce que, 20. ete, invariable, 118. -eter, verbs in, Appendix, D. etre: conjugation, Appen- dix, C, 2; use in compound tenses, 51, 119. -eur, feminine of, 206. eviter, with ne, 220. faire: of weather, tempera- ture, etc., 114, 204; causatively, and govern- ment of, 172; +at- tendre, +savoir, + venir, 174. fait, when invariable, 172. finir: conjugation, Appen- dix, C, 1; +par, 178. fois (une fois, etc.), 122. fractions, 126. future anterior, 78; of probability, etc., 189. future tense, 74-76; of probability, etc., 189. gender, of nouns, 1, also Appendix, A. general noun, 24. gens, gender and agree- ment, 207. -ger, verbs in, Appendix, D. guere, with ne, 104, 218. holidays, 136. however, 146, 217. il: impersonal, 114; invari- able, 210; anticipating real subject, 185. il est and c'est, 182; =il y a, 185. il(s), elle(s) and ce, 183. il s'agit, 185. il se peut, 185. ily a, 31, 114, 185; ily a que, with present and im- perfect indicative, 187. imperative mood, 69, 70; negatively, 71 ; with pro- noun objects, 72; of reflexives, 116; 3d sin- gular and plural of, 148; replaced by infinitive, 191. imperfect indicative, 63- 65; with depuis, etc., de- noting how long, 188; replacing conditional an- terior, 188. imperfect subjunctive, 154-156. impersonal verbs, 114, 185. indefinite adjectives, 40, 100-105, 207. indefinite article: forms, re- petition, 1; omission, 200, 202; employed contrary to English us- age, 202. indefinite pronouns, 40, 100-105. indirect object, 21. -ing forms, 60, 141. infinitive mood: after verbs, nouns, adjectives, 60; for -ing forms, 60, 141 ; replacing subjunctive, 156, note; for noun clause, 176; preceded by par, pour, 178; after prepositional phrases, 178; for imperative, 191; historical infinitive, 191; infinitive or sub- junctive, 195. interrogation, 8, 9, 20, 87-91; forms with rela- tive pronoun, 37. interrogative adjective, 50. interrogative locutions, 91. interrogative pronouns, 87-91. irregular verbs, remarks on; 158; exercise form for, 159; list of, Appendix, E. jamais, with ne, 104. la, compared with y, 39. -ft, 43, 82. laisse, agreement, 196. laisser+infinitive, 172. le (la, les), see also definite article and personal pro- noun; le, invariable, 210; le, predicative, 210. lequel, 95. lequel? 90. liaison, Introduction, N. lorsque and quand, 223. Tun, Pautre, 117. INDEX 315 measures, French, 123. mil, in dates, 129. moi, for me, 72. moins, in comparison, 56- 59; as adverb of quantity, 59. mon, in address, 211. money, Frenc/a, 123. months, 133. multiplicatives, 122. nasal vowels, Introduction, K. ne: with pas, point, etc., 11, 104, 218; position, 48, 218; in comparisons, 208; omitted, 218; without pas, etc., 219; redundant, 220; ne . . . que, 104, 198, 217; ne . . . pas que, 217. negation: ne . . . pas, 11; with indefinites, 104; summary of forms, 104, 218; pas, etc., omitted, 219; ne redundant, 220. neither . . . nor, 218. n'importe, 215, 219. non, 218; que non, 217. noun: general and partitive, 24, 25; plural of, 2, 32 and Appendix, B; gender of, 1 and Ap- pendix, A ; in -eur, -teur, feminine of, 206; femi- nine like adjectives, 206. mil, 104. numerals, 121-137; car- dinals, 121; ordinals, 125. on (1'on), 38; replacing passive, 38; repetition of, 214. only, how expressed, 217. ordinals, 125. ou, as relative pronoun, 96; ou q\ie=wherever, 217. oui: que oui, 217. own, how expressed, 211. par, with passive, 118; of price, 124; with faire, construction, 172; after commencer and finir, 178. parmi, 222. participles: used as adjec- tives, 33; see also, present, past, perfect par- ticiples. partitive noun, 25; omis- sion of article, 28; omis- sion of partitive sign, 29, 198; exceptional cases of, 198. partout ou = wherever, 217. pas, with ne, 11, 104, 218; ne omitted, 218; posi- tion, 218; pas un, 104. passive voice, 118; re- placed by on, 38, 118; replaced by reflexives, 117. past anterior, 151, 153. past definite, 149, 150, 152, 153. past indefinite, 46, 47. past participle, 44 ; in com- pound tenses, 45, 51; agreement of, 49, 118, 120, 140, 196; with im- personal verb, 185, 196; special cases, 196. pendant que and tandis que, 223. perfect participle, 138, 140. personal pronouns: in ad- dress, 5; agreement with antecedent, 7, 210; use and position as objects, 18, 21, 23, 68, 72; con- junctive, 22, 23; dis- junctive, 52-54; re- flexive object, 116. personne, 104. peut-etre (que), word-order after, 161. pluperfect indicative, 67; pluperfect and past an- terior, 153; replaced by pluperfect subjunctive, 193. pluperfect subjunctive, 155, 156; replacing plu- perfect indicative or con- ditional anterior, 193. plural: of nouns and adjec- tives, 2, 32. plus: in comparison, 56- 59; as adverb of quanti- ty, 59; with ne, 104, 218; position of, 218. point, with ne, 104, 218. possession, how denoted, 10, 85, 117, 203. possessive adjective: forms, 15; agreement and re- petition, 16; replaced by definite article, 203; in polite address, 211; in* definite son, 214. possessive pronoun, 83^ 85; absolutely, 211. pour, of purpose, 178; after assez, trop, 178; = how- ever, 217. ' pouvoir + infinitive, 165; il se peut, 185. premier: in dates, 134; in titles, 130; + subjunc- tives, 146. preposition: with infinitive, 60; distinctions, 222; corresponding to con- junctions, 223. pres de, 222. present indicative, idiomat- ic use, 187. present participle, 138, 139. present subjunctive, 142- 148; for imperfect sub- junctive, 156. principal parts, formation of tenses from, 157. pronominal adverbs, 27, 39; position,, 68, 72. pronouns, see personal, pos- sessive, etc. propre, 211. puisque and depuis que, 223. punctuation, Introduction, P. quand and lorsque, 223. quand (meme), cpnditional after, 190. quantity: expressions of, 26; agreement of past participle with, 160, 196. quantity, of vowels, Intro- duction, F. que, relative pronoun, 36. que? 9, 89. que, conjunction: in com- parison, 56; with sub- junctive, 142; not omit- ted, 144; replaced by comme, 208; replacing other conjunctions, 193. quel? 50; for qui? 88; compared with lequel? 90. 316 INDEX quel! 50. quelconque, 215. quel que + subjunctive, 146. quelque = however, 217. quelque chose, 103. quelque . . . que+subjunc- tive, 215. quelqu'un, 102. qu'est-ce qui? 37, 89. qui: relative pronoun, 36; after preposition, 93; =he who, etc., 212; qui . . . qui, 212. qui? 9, 88. quiconque, 215. qui que -f- subjunctive, 215. quoi, 97; de quoi, 212. quoi? 89, quoi que + subjunctive, 215. reciprocal verbs, 117. reflexive verbs, 115-117; for English passive, 117; compound tenses, 119; omission of se, 172. relative pronoun, 36, 92- 98, 212; agreement, 3.6; not omitted, 36; in in- terrogative locutions, 37. rien, 104. rompre, conjugation, Ap- pendix, C, 1. sache, deferential state- ment, 193. savoir+ infinitive, 166. se, reflexive to on, 214. sembler, il (me) semble, construction, 193. semi-vowels, Introduction, /,. s'en aller, conjugation, Ap- pendix, C, 5. seul+ subjunctive, 146. seulement, 217. si: =aussi, 56; = whether (if), 113; replaced by que, 193; = yes, 217; = however, 217. soi, indefinitely, 54. subject, position of, 161. stress, Introduction, E. subjunctive mood, 142- 148, 154-156; in noun clause, 144; in adjec- tival clause, 146; in ad- verbial clause, 147; in principal sentence, 148; tense sequence, 145, 156; after negation, etc., 193; subjunctive or in- finitive, 195; required after certain conjunc- tions, 224. superlative of adjectives, 57; of adverbs, 59. sur: of dimension, 131; in adjectival phrases, 221. syllabication, Introduction, D. -t-, in interrogation, 8. tandis que and pendant que, 223. tant, 217. tel, 105. tenses: various English forms, 19; formation of compound tenses, 45, 51, 119; from principal parts, 157; see also pres- ent, imperfect, etc. -teur, feminine of, 206. there is (are), 17, 31. time, how denoted, 137. titles: numerical, 130; with definite article, 199. toi, for te, 72 tout, 40; with gens, 207; as adverb, 217; = how- ever, 217; toutes les fois que, 217. tu = you, 5. un, article or numeral, 1. unique + subjunctive, 146. venir+ infinitive, or+ a, or + de, 170; + chercher, prendre, 174. verb: regular conjugations, Appendix, C, 1 ; auxiliary, Appendix, C, 2, agree- ment with subject, 4, 160; government of, 180; constructions with two objects, 195. verb-phrases, 164-166, 168-170; 172, 174. vers, 222. void, 17; voici . . . que, with present indicative, 187. voila, 17; voild. . . . que, with present indicative, 187; compared with il y a, 17, 31. vouloir + infinitive, 164. vous = you, 5. vowels, pronunciation, In- troduction, G-K. vu, agreement, 196. weights, French, 123. what = that which, 98. what? 9, 89. whatever, 146, 215. whenever, 217. wherever, 217. which, in summing up, 98* whoever, 146, 215. whose, 94. whose? 88. will, distinctions, 164. would, distinctions, 164. y, pronominal adverb, 39; y and la, 39; position, 39, 68, 72; omission with irai(s), 168, note; with indefinite antece- dent, 210. -yer, verbs in, Appendix. 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