Miller THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES The RALPH D. REED LIBRARY O DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES, CALIF. WITHDRAWN. fieology/Geophysics Library HAMMOND'S BUSINESS ATLAS of ECONOMIC GEOGRAPHY A New Series of Maps Showing: Relief of the Land Temperature Rainfall Ocean Currents Natural Vegetation Productive and Non -Productive Regions Mineral Products Agricultural Products Distribution of Population, Etc., Etc. New York C. S. HAMMOND & COMPANY, Inc. Engravers - Printers - Publishers Hammond's Business Atlas of Economic Geography Copyright by C. S. Hammond & Co., New York UCLA MAP LIBRARY Rec'd 2 FEE 1W9 MAP.DB8W ^ Q CONTENTS CLIMATE MAPS PHYSICAL MAPS (Continued) Africa, Summer 60-61 Australasia 84 Africa, Winter 62-63 Europe 43 Asia, Summer 74-75 North America 6-7 Asia, Winter 76-77 Pacific Ocean 86-87 Europe, Summer 4445 South America 30-31 Europe, Winter 46-47 World 4-5 North America, Summer 8-9 North America, Winter 10-11 POLITICAL MAPS South America, Summer 32-33 Africa 70 South America, Winter 34-35 Asia 71 World 92-93 Australasia 85 ECONOMIC MAPS Europe 54 Africa 66-67 North America South America 29 42 Asia 80-81 Australasia 85 Canada 16-17 POPULATION MAPS Central America 28 Africa 68-69 Europe 50-51 Asia 82-83 Mexico 20-21 Australasia 90-91 North America 14-15 Canada 26-27 South America 38-39 Europe 52-52 United States 16-17 North America 24-25 West Indies 22-23 South America 4041 United States 26-27 LANGUAGE MAPS Europe World 56-57 96 RACIAL MAP Europe 55 OIL and GAS MAP United States 18-19 VEGETATION MAPS OCEAN CURRENT MAPS World, January Currents World, July Currents 94-95 92-93 Africa Asia Australasia Europe 64-65 78-79 88-89 4849 PHYSICAL MAPS North America 12-13 Africa 58-59 South America 36-37 Asia 72-73 World 94-95 752720 WESTERN HEMISPHERE EXPLANATION OF COLORS 19,685 ft. 6000 meters 13,123 " 4000 6'561 " 2000 3,280 " 1000 656 " 200 " ABOVE SEA LEVEL BELOW SEA LEVEL 656 " 200 6.5C1 2000 13,123 "4000 19,685 " 6000 26,246 " 8000 EASTERN HEMISPHERE EXPLANATION OF COLORS 19,635 ft. 6000 meter* 13,123 " 4000 6.561 " 'JOOO 3,2#) " 1000 C5 " 200 ABOVE 6EA IEVE ""(TBELOW SEA lEVS 656 " 200 6,561 " '.'000 13,123 " 4000 ltf,6*5 " COOO ,^W " 80ti' 12 13 16 ECONOMIC MAP OF UNITED STATES DOMINION OF CANADA SC*IE OF MILES 50 100 200 300 400 REFERENCE Industrial Districts Productive Regions Non Productive '' PRINCIPAL WORKINGS V Aluminum N Nickel .* Asbestos Q Petroleum A Phosphates Copper P Platinum Gold C Salt Iron O Silver Ci Lead Sulphur .L Natural Gas t Zinc Agricultural products are indicated by initial letters in districts where the products are largely obtained :- B Barley Ct Cotton Fr Fruit M Maize Oats Rl Rice Su Sugar To Tobacco V Vineyards W Wheat West 90 from Greenwich Key West 70 / + rEagle Pafi < t f ^Laredo * Bunmocd-i 8 z 11 Mipol U.S. Oil ud OM Are*., Copyright bj C.8.Hmmondt Co., N.T. 18 LEGEND Oil areas Gas areas Z3 Scattered gas wells + Oil seep, or showing in wells > Oil and oas field Gas and oil field Trunk oil pipe lines Gas seep, or showing Points of export for crude in wells petroleum in 1916 Dululb Baton Eouge ' J ^ sew Orleans Sabine * rcalvestou MAP OF UNITED STATES showing OIL AND GAS AREAS r Platinum Q Quicksilver O Silver S Sulphur O Tin Zinc Antimony Coal Copper Gold Iron Lead HtmntondV Economic Hap of Mexloo Copjrijht bj C.S.Httnmond t Co.,K.T. CATTLE FRUIT OQ TOBACCO LT QM^LGANESE . ANS oLut5^aosi S "^G REAT ? PTION.I 't^OR WATLINQ I, SPONpE^fACKLIN I. CAICO8 IS. PROVIDENCE I. LITTLE INAGUA I.C3 WEST CAICOS GREAT CORN |. AL8UOUEROUE KEY ) 70 Longitude West 72 ECONOMIC MAP OF WEST INDIES Himnxmd'l Economic Mp of Wot lodlw Cof>jrtbt bj C.8.U.mmond y JP 39 40 - - . 23 i = i i i o 5 S - LJJ , 5tf i ui ii Us 1 J , H, a 21 s!| 1 ' '' i W i o: 3 ! ~ > ^ 5 iT l oo' 1 ' u.' i-'^^b^HcoSi-i OH! *f OH H g a * ^H 41 POLITICAL MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA 8O Longitude 70 West GO' from 50 Greenwich 40 42 43 15 10 5 5 10 16 20 Over 40 inches 30-40 " 20-30 " 10-20 " 5-10 " Under 5 " 16 Longitude 20 44 85 30 85 40 46 60 CLIMATE MAI OF EUROPE SUMMER CONDITIONS SCALE OF MILES 100 200 300 400 500 Hammond'! Climate Map or Europe Copjright bj C.S. Hammond Co.,N.T. East 25 from 45 Rainfall Mean for 6 mon'hs from November 1 to April 30. 29.7 January Isobars Prevailing Winds 46 Mr 80" ::.'. 40" W " CLDIATE MAP OF WINTER CONDITIONS SCALE OF MILES 100 200 300 400 500 llammoDd's Climate Hap of Europe Copjrlgbt bj &S.HmmoD4 i Co.,N.T. East 25 from 30 Greenwich 35 47 15" 10" 6" 0" 6 10" 15" 20 VEGETATION MAP OF EUROPE 200 300 REFERENCE Natural Vegetation Ice Desert, Tundra and \lpine Flora Coniferous Forest Broad-leaved Forest and Meadow Evergreen Trees a,nd Shrubs Temperate Grasslands 15" Longitude 20 48 East go'' from 30 Greenwich 86 40 45 50 49 15" 10" 5 6 10" 16" 20 ECONOMIC MAP OF EUROPE 200 300 -100 REFERENCE Industrial Districts Agricultural Regions Non-Productive Principal Iron } Workings Agricultural products are indicated by initial letters in districts where the products are largely obtained: - Barley Q Oats p Flax R Rye Hemp y Vineyards Maize yj Wheat Navigable Rivers 111 16 Longitude 20' 50 Hammond's Economic Map of Europe Copyright. 1916, by C.S. Hammond 4 Co., XY East 25 from 30 Greenwich 35 50' J 51 16 10 5 6 10 16 20 C POPULATION MAP OF EUROPE 100 200 300 MO REFERENCE Density of Population to the square mile. Under 1G iuliabitants 16-32 32-64 64-128 128-256 256-512 10 15 Longitude 20 52 > namTioniTs Population Map of Europe Copyright, 1916. by C.S. Hammond i Co.. X.T. East 25 from 30 Greenwich 35 53 55 REFERENCE Languages Celtic or Gaelic Basque French Portuguese Spanish Italian Roumanian Albanian Greek Swedish Norwegian Danish English Dutch Flemish Walloon Wend Lettish and Lithuanian Czech and Moravian -j Slovakian B Slovene Serbo-Cro Bulgarian Finnish German Russsian and Ruthenian Turkish and Tartar 1(1 15 J Longitude 20 56 *5 30 36 40 46 60 LANGUAGE MAP OF EUROPE SCALE OF MILES Hammond's Language Map of Europe Copjrijht bj C.S.Hammond t Co..X.V. Kast 26 from 30 Greenwich 36 40 46 50 57 58 59 61 62 63 64 c. 66 67 68 POLITICAL MAI OF AFRICA ? Mandatories to be determined by Peace Conference 70 71 -'I) 10 20 30 40 60 60 70 C PHYSICAL MAP OF ASIA SCALE OF MILES 200 400 COO 800 REFERENCE HEIGHT OF LAND Over 12000 feel 6000-12000 " 3000-6000 " 1200-3000 * 600-1200 0-COO Below Sea Level DEPTH OP SEA 0-100 fathoms 100-1000 1000-2000 Below 2000 " ISOTHERMAL LINES (In Degrees Fahrenheit) for January for July Navigable Rivers lUinnonJ 1 ! Physical Mkp of Ai Copjrijbl, bt C. S. Hammond 4 Co.. Jl. Y 60 LongituOe IU 72 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 CLIMATE MAP OP ASIA 29.7 July Isobars > Prevailing Winds 60 Longitude 70 East 74 SO 90"IOO 110 120 130 140 150" 100 170 c. 75 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 29. ft- CLIMATE MAP OP ASIA TVINTER CONDITIONS SCALE OF MILES 200 400 600 800 1000 REFERENCE Rainfall Mean for 6 months from November 1 to April 30. 29 J January Isobars Prevailing Winds Sea and lakes elosec by ice during winter Longitude 70 East 76 .. 20 20 30 40 60 60 70' VEGETATION MAP OF 200 400 eoo 800 1000 REFERENCE Natural vegetation Ice Desert, Tundra and. Alpine Flora Coniferous Forest Broad-leaved Forest and Meadow Evergreen. Trees and Shrubs Temperate Grasslands Semi-desert Desert Oases and Nile Valley Tropical Grasslands Hmmmond'l Vcgeutfon Vtp of Ail Copjrii-ht, 1018. by C.S. Hammond A Co., N.T 60 Longitude 70 East 78 7B ECONOMIC MAP OF 1 r i 200 400 6UO SOO REFERENCE Industrial Districts Agricultural Regions Non- Productive " 9 Coal Iron O Tin Copper Gold Petroleum Agricultural products are ndicated by initial letters in istricts where the products ar argely obtained . Principal Workings Ru Rubber S Silk Su Sugar T Tea To Tobacco V Vineyards W Wheat Navigable Rivers Ja Cacao Jf Coffee )t Cotton H Hemp J Jute R Rice il'l Economic Mp ofjAsl j Copjrljlit. 191C, b? C 8 H4 Longitiule 70 East 80 iO 90 100 110 120 180 140 150 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 POPULATION MAP OF ASIA 200 400 600 800 1000 REFERENCE Density of Population to the square mile. Under 1C inhabitants. 16-32 32-64 ? 64-128 " 128-256 256-512 over 512 '' Hammond's Population Map of Asia ' 1016 ' b - T C - s - muiond i Co.. N.T. 100,000 inhabitants. 82 : ^ji^ o -/ s. ;. > We a/ PHYSICAL MAI OF PACIFIC OCEAN 1000 1500 Railroads . Steamship Routes iitanca in .\autical Milo'l 140 Kast from 160 OreewHeli 180" l.ongitu 86 J\ <\ I 1 J < i WHAMA -; HEIGHT OF LAND Over 6000 feet 3000-6000 ' ' 1200-3000 " 600-1200 " 0-600 " DEPTH OF SEA 0-100 fathoms 100-1000 " 1000-2000 ' ' 2000-2500 ' ' 2500-3000 " 87 ^^jj^~--^^^ fes^ '^m VEGETATIOiN MAP Of OF AUSTRALASIA SCALE OF MILES Ol*LE OF MIL68 100 200 300 400 500 HimmonJ'j VegeUtion Map of Aaitral>il> ;opjrlght 1917, bj C.S.Ilammund Co.,N.Y, 88 REFERENCE Natural Vegetation A I pi iif l'l"i;i RvTerofii Tree* nnesert I)<;sort Tropic-al Grasslandi! Tropical Wooded Grasslands Equatorial and Tropical Forest SCRUB FORMATIONS u 150 Greenwich 89 C.NO*" POPULATION MAP OF AUSTRALASIA SCALE OF MILES 100 200 300 400 BOO MX) !!airnioi, !'! Population Map of Auitralnsi* Copjrlght 1017, bj C.S.HanraK>nd & Co.,N.Y. 110 120 130 Longitudel40 ' East fro QO 170 R A * MCKLCk( Um REFERENCE RAMA o ^V IAINVILL\X SOLOMON ^O, ^CHOUIO,. Density of Population to the cquare mile. .JKXfi *ew Geo&i^j\V N^ OOOLARK 1. auitlADt CHIPILAOD YDS -XP ^ Under 1 Inhabitant 1-8 iDhKbltantn 8-10 10-32 i. * & \ 32-04 04-128 " '<3 128-250 " U ^ T \l ^^^^J 1 over 250 P A , ^^BR/ogg (s^ ^^^ ^^BBB ^ Towns with over 50,000 Inhabitants.