THOMPSON Louisiana Writers Native and Resident PU CO l-H Q O Z o l-J o H! h < z s 00 I— I D O h 00 CO D O h 00 00 Q o H h fe p a -c •^ ^ r «: '"' -t! a 5 « 3 S ^ '-' td — ■ ■ - - r^ o a _ 05 CU .d — ' •— 'S £ « ^P rt rt be .S -a bB d 3 •== d « fc. oj P, d d ^ •" Q .2 _^ a bo d d z: & g d to d 's •^3 .2 ca O d O '*'' J3 — !*i +-> .j_, O -t^ — to ~ tj to •r' OJ "= 3 0^ ^ -; to iJ ;- o 0, o c ^. o <1^ d ja oj 2 — a " d •- a '''■IZ ■^ :a ■5 -5 IT — OJ o - . .5 a ° ;-. 05 j2 %H to d & 0) > O Ml Ol is d Q) -o .a •z d '-^ « o •/-> a £> p .d o -5 d e " O) O ^ 03 ^ «^ 5 d q .a a; 0/ ■:•«_ iZ a .:i 6 ^ rs p . ^ d .d ia ^o ■+-J — I ^ »2 ja li; oT 9 „ - ^ 03 be "5 u d a S ■" oj .a CM l-J tH CO 'O •^ G 4) 4) >, a +j o •;: bO~ |.2-S §) I a "to I) ^ .5 >, i: -a a — d OJ to a = -as ^ — O -- - O) — . o — d o OJ .ti .M ^ tj a o +i ■n I-' *-> p d. £ " .2 "^ -a "« •? -s ■a 2« d r^ a> S s -^ 5) S '^ I -^ M ^ . „ CI o a 5 a. p — ^ a tj) fs .i! a rt ■tJ "' fee tj r^ lij be •= o — 2- a «• .ai ■^ o o — ^ 3 CD ■^^ d ., 5)5 5 i-l O a o d o bH 6 a »-^ c bA < •t: a ■" 5 10 e exhilj 8th. I found the S 1 U 03 *M a j2 u C o c l-J d a a < d tn f^ u, •*-* V — tficA LOUISIANA WRITERS NATIVE AND RESIDENT, INCLUDING OTHERS WHOSE BOOKS BELONG TO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THAT STATE, TO WHICH IS ADDED A LIST OF ARTISTS. COMPILED FOR Louisiana State Commission Louisiana Purchase Exposition. By THOMAS P. THOMPSON. NEW ORLEANS, 1904. 2^ Louisiana Writers, Native and Sometime Resident. ADAIR, (James) History of American Indians. Includes Louisiana tribes. London, 1775. ADAMS, (T. A. S.) Aunt Peggy, and Other Poems. 1882. AIKEN, (Mrs. T. G.) Poems. 1892. ALDERMAN, (Edwin A.) Life Work of J. L. M. Curry. 1903. ALEIX, (Mme. Eulalie L. T.) Les Poesies de Lamartine. 1890. ALDRICH, (Morton A.) Lecture on Russian Travel. 1903. ALDRICH, (Thomas Baily) "Pere Antoine's Date Palm." 1855. Resided in Louisiana as a youth (1855), from which State he began his literary career as contributor to Knickerbocker Magazine. ALLAIN, (Mme. Helene) Poetry. 1890. ALLEN, (Henry Watkins) War Governor of Louisiana. Travels of a Sugar Planter. 1861. -ALLOUEZ, (Claude Jean) Jesuit Priest. Missionary at Kaskaskia, upper Louisiana. See Jesuit Relations. 1620-1690. ANDREWS, (Stephen P.) Comparison of Common Law With French and Spanish Civil Law. New Orleans, 1839. ANDRY, (Mme. Laure) Histoire de la Louisiane. 1882. 8 LOUISIANA WRITERS. ANTR0BU3, (Suzanne) The King's Messenger. A story of Colonial Louisiana. 1901. ARM ANT, (F.) Honi Soit Qui Mai y Pense. 1893. ARPIN, (Paul) Biography of Gottschalk. 1853. ARROYO, (Oscar) The Louisiana Register. 1881. ASHE, (Thomas) Travels in America. 1806. Chapters on Louisiana. L'ATHENEE LOUISIANAIS; French Literati— not mentioned else- where: Debouchel, (Onesime) Huard, (Dr. Octave) '"2 Gentil, (J.) D'Anglade, (G. B.) y Cousin, (Maxine) Hosmer, (J. S.) FoRTiER. (Florant) Rouen, (Bussiere) ' Grima, (Edgar) Dubos, (H.) ; Choppin, (Jules) Dell'Orto, (Dr. J.) TuRPiN, (Dr. Charles) Doussan, (G.) Hava, (J. G.) Theard, (Paul E.) Fortier, (Mrs. L. Augustin) Robert, (Miss Brmance) DuMESTRE, (Miss Marie) Beugnot, (Mrs. Aimee) DoussiN, (G.) Rost, (Judge Emile) Breaux, (Judge Jos. A.) Soniat, (Gustave V.) Bernard, (Henry A.) Maltrait, (Rev. A.) Le Beuf, (Dr. L. G.) AUDUBON, (John James) Birds of America. 1829-38. A Synopsis of the Birds of North America. 1839. The Quadrupeds of North America. 1849. AUGUSTIN, (George) Romances of New Orleans, Etc. 1891. AUGUSTIN, (James M.) History of Catholic Church in Louisiana. 1893. AUGUSTIN, (John) Creole Songs, War Flowers. 1865. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 9 AUGUSTIN, (Marie) Le Macandal, 1892. AUSTIN, (Carroll) Mother. Essays Educational and Historic, 1899, and many other works. r AYRBS, (William C, M. D.) Spasmodic Asthma. New Orleans, 1888. AYRES, (Prof. Brown) Text Books. Contemporary. BAILEY, (Francis) Journal of a tour in unsettled parts of North Amer- ica in 1796-1797. (Visited New Orleans.) BAKER, (Julia K. Wetherill) Magicians and Feather Dusters. New Orleans, 1894. BAKER, (Henry H.) Orange Culture in Louisiana. BAKER, (Page M.) Editorial writer, Times-Democrat. Contemporary. BALDWIN, (Jos. G.) Flush Times in Alabama and Mississippi. 1855. BANVARD, (John) Description of the Mississippi River. London, 1849. BANCROFT, (George) History of the United States. 10 Vols. 1840-74. BARCIA, Historia General de la Florida. Madrid, 1723. BARDE, (Alexandre) Histoire des Comites de Vigilance aux Attakapas. St. Jean-Baptiste, La., 1861. BARKER, (Jacob) Incidents in the Life of. New Orleans, 1855. BARNWELL, (Robert Gibbes) The New Orleans Book. 1851, lO LOUISIANA WRITERS. BARROW, (D. N.) Reports of North Louisiana Experiment Station, 1889-90-91-92-93-94, etc. BARTLETT, (Napier) Stories of the Crescent City, 1869; A Soldier's Story of the War, 1874; Military Record of Louisiana, 1875. BARTRAM, (Wm.) Travels Through East and West Florida. 1792. Describes Louisiana Indians. BASANIER, (M.) L'Histoire Notable de la Florida. 1853. BAUDRY, (des Lozieres) Voyage a la Louisiane, 1802; Second Voyage a la Louisiane, 1803. BAYNE, (Hugh A.) Tales of Temple Bar. 1891. BEAUREGARD, (P. G. T.) Summary of the Art of War, 1863, and other works. BEAUMONT, (C. de) Marie, ou FEsclavage aux Etats-Unis, etc. Paris, 1836. BEERS, (Fannie A.) Memories. 1888. BEER, (William) The Capture of Fort Charlotte, Mobile. Pub. La. fflst. So., 1896. BELL, (A. W.) State Register. Baton Rouge, 1855. BELLIN'S Carte de la Louisiane. 1744. BELTRAMI, (J. C.) La Decouverte des Sources du Mississippi. New Orleans, 1824. BELDEN, (B. W.) Louisiana Legal Adviser. New Orleans, 1882. LOUISIANA WRITERS. II BEMISS, (Samuel M.) Editor N. O. Medical and Surgical Journal. Report on Consanguinous Marriages. 1868. BENJAMIN, (Judah P.) A Treatise on the Law of Sale of Personal Property, 1868, and other works. BERNARD, (Duke of Saxe Weimar) Travels in North America. Philadelphia, 1828. BERNARD, (P. V.) Un Ancetre de la Sainte Alliance. New Orleans, 1870. BERQUIN-DUVALLON, Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi. 1803. BEYER, (Prof. George E.) The Mounds of Louisiana. Pub. La. Hist. So. 1896. BIEDMA, (Louis H. de) Spanish Soldier. Relacion de la Isla de la Floride. About De Soto. 1587. BIENVILLE, (M. de) Correspondence. 1719. See French Hist. Coll. 1851. BIGNEY, (M. F.) The Forest Pilgrims, and other Poems. New Orleans, 1867. Poetical History of Louisiana; also Columbia; a Centennial Poem. New Orleans, 1885. \ BIOGRAPHICAL end Historical Memoirs of Louisiana. 2 Vols. Chicago, 1892. These Memoirs include articles by: FoRTiER, (Alcee) Literature and Education. McGloin, (Frank) History of the Diocese of New Orleans. Pekbin, (W. H.) History of Protestant Church in Louisiana. Faveot, (H. L.) Public Institutions. Owen, (W. M.) Military History. Cross, (K. A.) Bench and Bar. Peytavin, (Jno. L.) French Societies. Salomon, (Lucien F.) Sanitary and Medical. L 12 LOUISIANA WRITERS. BISLAND, (Elizabeth) A Candle of Understanding. New York, 1903. BLETON, (C.) De la Poesie dans I'Histoire. New Orleans, 1882. BLOUIN, (R. E.) Sugar Cane Seedlings. New Orleans, 1902. BOSSU, (M.) Nouveaux Voyages aux Indes Occidentales, etc. 2 Vols. Paris, 1768. Nouveaux Voyages dans L'Amerique. Amsterdam, 1777. BOUCHEREAU, (L.) Sugar and Rice Crops. New Orleans, 1871. BOUGUES, (Sr.) Journal Historique. Manuscript. 1722. BOURGEOIS, (M.) Aucien Secretaire du conseil de Ville de la N'lle Orleans. Voyage aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1834. BRACKENRIDGE, (H. M.) Views of Louisiana. Pittsburg, 1814. Recollections of the West. Philadelphia, 1834. BRADFORD, (Alex. W.) American Antiquities. 1841. BRADFORD, (Mary F,) Audubon. New Orleans, 1897. BRADBURY, (John) Travels in the Interior of America. Chapters on Louisiana. London, 1819. BREMER, (Fredrika,) Homes of the New World. 1853. BRENNAN, (Joseph) The Exile to His Wife. New Orleans, 1858. BRISBANE, (Elizabeth H.) Poems. Contemporary. BROWN, (C. A., Jr.) Preservation of Cane Syrups. New Orleans, 1900. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 1 3 BROWN, (Wm. Garrott) The Lower South in American History. 1902. BRUNS, (J. Dickson) Physician. O, Temporal O, Mores! 1884. BRUNS, (Dr. H. Dickson, Jr.) Mind Your Eyes. 1896. BRYAN, (Mary Edwards) resided in Louisiana 18G2-75. Wrote "Wild Work," a story of the reconstruction period in Louisiana, 1881, The Bayou Bride, 1886. BUCKNER, (Mrs. R. T.) Towards the Gulf. New York, 1887. BUCKINGHAM, (James S.) America: Historical, Statistic, etc. 9 Vols. London, 1841-43. BULLARD, (Henry A.) A Discourse on the Life and Character of the Hon. P. X. Martin. New Orleans, 1847. Digest of Louisiana Laws. New Orleans, 1842. BUNNBR, (E.) History of Louisiana, from its first Discovery and Settlement. New York, 1855. BURNETTE, (F. H.) Sweet Potatoes. New Orleans, 1891. Sweet Potatoes, Hlustrated. New Orleans, 1895. BURCKETT, (Florence) ^Vildmoor. A novel. 1875. BUTEL-DUMONT, Memoirs Historiques Sur du Louisiaue. 2 Vols. Paris, 1753. BUTLER, (Benj. F.) Butler's Book. Autobiography, etc. Boston, 1892. General Orders from Headquarters, Department of Gulf. New Orleans, 1862. CABEZA, DE VACA, Spanish explorer. Voyages, relations and Mem- oirs. Earliest book on Louisiana Indians. 1542. 14 LOUISIANA WRITERS. CABLE, (G. W.) and Waring. Social Statistics of Cities. (16 Maps of New Orleans. Washington, 1880. CABLE, (G. W.) Old Creole Days; A Story of Creole Life. New York, 1879. The Grandissimes; A Story of Creole Life. New York, 1880. Madame Delphine. New York, 1881. Dr. Sevier. New York, 1883. The Creoles of Louisiana. New York, 1884. New Orleans Guide Book. New Orleans, 1884. The Silent South. New York, 1885. Bonaventure; A Prose Pastoral of Acadian Louisiana. 1887. Strange Stories of Louisiana. New York, 1888. Negro Question. 1890. The Busy Man's Bible, etc. Meadville, Pa., 1891. John March, Southerner. 1894. Strong Hearts, New York, 1899. The Cavalier. New York, 1901. CALDER, (Alma) Miriam's Heritage. 1878. CANONGE, (L. Placide) Dramatist, Brise du Sud. Qui Perd Gagne, Institutions Americaines, etc. Nojoque; une Grave Question pour un Continent. N'lle Orleans, 1867. And many dramas. CARDENAS, (A. de) Historia General de la Florida. Madrid, 1723. Describes de Soto's journey to the Mississippi. CARLETON, (Henry) resident of Louisiana after 1808; wrote Liberty and Necessity. 1857. CARLETON, (Henry Guy) Editor N. O. Times. Victor Durand and other plays. 1876. CARR, (Lucien) The Mounds of the Mississippi Valley. 1891. CARRADINE, (Rev. B.) The Louisiana Lottery Exposed. 1889. CARTER, (Howell) E. Feliciana. Pelican Boys in Gray. 1900. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 1 5 CARVHR, (J.) Travels through the interior parts of North America. 3 Vols. London, 1781. Louisiana Notes. CASTELLANOS, (Henry C.) New Orleans as it was; Episodes of Louisiana Life, illustrated. New Orleans, 1895. CATLIN, (George) The North American Indians. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1857. Biloxi. 1859. CAVELIER, (John) The Journal of. In Shea's Early Voyages. 1861. CHAILLE, (Dr. S. E.) of N. O. Proposed Action National Board of Health as to New Orleans. New Orleans, 1881. CHAMBERS, (Henry E.) A School History of the United States. New Orleans, 1887. CHAMPIGNY, (le Colonel, Chevalier de). La Louisiane Ensanglantee, etc. A. Londres. 1773. Etat Present de la Louisiane. A. La Haye. Chez. F. Staatman. 1776. Z' French officer who describes the suppression of the first Amer- J ican revolution, by General O'Reilly in New Orleans, 1767. These j books are very rare, the first is thought to be unique; (in Library [__^ of T. P. Thompson). CHAPELLE, (Placide Louis) Archbishop of New Orleans. "The Writ- ings and Influence of the Fathers of the Church." Washington, 1885. CHARLEVOIX, (le P. de) Histoire et Description Generale de la N'lle France, etc. 6 Vols. Paris, 1744. First detailed history of Louisiana. Visited New Orleans 1723. CHATEAUBRIAND, Atala, Rene, Voyage en Amerique, etc. 1805. CHAZEY, (Mme. E. Ligeret de) Les Creoles. New Orleans, 1855. l6 LOUISIANA WRITERS. CHBRBONNIER, (P.) Alphabet ou Methode Simple et Facile. New Orleans, 1829. CHEVALIER, (Michel) Lettres sur I'Amerique du Nord — Louisiana Notes. 2 Vols. Paris, 1836. CHEW, (Morris R.) History of the Kingdom of Cotton. New Orleans, 1884. CHOPIN, (Kate) Bayou Folk. New Orleans, 1894. CHOUTEAU, (Augusta) Papers and Correspondence. Manuscript St. Louis Mercantile Library. 1787-1819. CHRISTY, (Geo. W.) The Cricket, and other Poems. 1850. CHRISTY, (Wm.) Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court. New Orleans, 1825. CLACK, (Marie Louise) Our Refugee Household. New Orleans, 1866. CLAIBORNE, (J. F. H.) Life and Times of General Sam'l. Dale. New York, 1860. Mississippi as a Province, Territory and State. Only one Vol. Published. Jackson, 1880. CLAPP, (Theodore) Theological Views during a Ministry of Thirty- five Years in New Orleans. Boston, 1859. Autobiographical Sketches and Recollections during Thirty-five Years Residence in New Orleans, Boston, 1859. CLARK, (Daniel) Proofs of the Corruption of James Wilkinson, and of his Connection with Aaron Burr. Philadelphia, 1809. CLENDENIN, (W. W.) The Florida Parishes of Louisiana. Geology. Baton Rouge, 1895. Bluff and Mississippi Alluvial Lands of Louisiana. Geology. ^ Baton Rouge, 1895. V LOUISIANA WRITERS. 17 CLERCQ, (Christien le) Premier Etablissement de la Foy, etc. 1691. COCKS, (Reginald S.) Flora of Louisiana. New Orleans, 1899. COLLENS, (Ttiomas Wharton) Lawyer and dramatist; wrote Martyr Patriots, Humanics, and Eden of Labour. 1876. COLLINS, (Lewis) Historical Sketches of Kentucky. 1847. COLLOT, (V.) A Journey in North America. Paris, 1826. COLTON, (Charles J.) "Volume of Various Verse." New Orleans, 1899. CONANT, (A. G.) Footprints of Vanished Races in the Mississippi Valley. 1879. CONFEDERATE Rifle and Infantry Tactics. Hardee, (W. J.) New Orleans, 1861. CONVERSE, (Florence) Diana Victrix. 1897. The Burden of Christopher. 1900. COOKE, (Grace M.) and McKINNEY, (A. B.) Mistress Joy; A Tale of Natchez in 1798. 1901. COPLEY, (Esther) A History of Slavery. . 1851. CORTHELL, (E. L.) A History of the Jetties at the Mouth of the Mis- sissippi. New Yoi'k, 1890. Some Notes upon the Delta of the Mississippi. Buffalo, 1896. COULEVAIN, (Pierre de) Noblesse Americaine. 1888. Eve Victorieuse. 1900. COURMONT, (Felix de) Le Morne Vert, L'Amour, Le Dernier des Caraibes, etc. 1872. l8 LOUISIANA WRITERS. COWDIN, (Mrs. V. G.) Ellen; or the Fanatic's Daughter? (Louisiana.) Mobile, 1860. COXE, (Daniel) A Description of the English Province of Carolina. By the Spaniards called Florida and by the French La Louisiane. London, 1741. CREECY, (James R.) Scenes in the South. New Orleans Incidents. Philadelphia, 1860. CRESWELL, (Julia Pleasants) Poetry. 1872. CROSS, (Col. K. A.) A Treatise on Successions. 1882. CRUZAT, (J. W.) The Defenses of New Orleans in 1797. Pub. La. Hist. So., 1896. CUMING, (F.) Sketches of a tour to the Western Country. Visited New Orleans. - 1811. CUMINGS, (Sam'l) The Mississippi Pilot. ' 1822-1849. CUSACHS, (G.) Letter of Gov. Miro, and remarks thereon. Pub. La. Hist. So., 1898. DABNEY, (Dr. Thomas Smith) Diseases of Tropical Climates. 1898. A Case of Anthrax. 1899. Typhoid Fever. 1900. Science and Psuedo-Science. 1902. DALRYMPLE, (Dr. W. H.) Veterinary Obstetrics. 1898. Systematic Feeding of Work Stock. 1890. Report Veterinarian. 1891. Bovine Tuberculosis. Charbon. 1895. DALSHEIMER, (Mrs. Alice) (Solomon) 1845-80 (Salvia Dale) wrote Motherhood, Twilight Shadows, and other poems. LOUISIANA WRITERS. I9 DARBY, (Wm.) A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana. 1816. Large folio Map of the State of Louisiana. 1816. Revised Copies of Above. 1817. Emigrants Guide. 1818. And Many Other Works Up to 1850. D'AVEZAC, (Auguste) Reminiscences of Edward Livingston. 1839. D'AVEZAC, (Pierre) Penal Code of Louisiana. 1830. DAVID, (Urbain) Les Anglais a la Louisiane. New Orleans, 1845. DAVIS, (Jefferson) The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government. 2 Vols. New York, 1881. A Memoir, by his Wife. , New York, 1890. DAVIS, (John) Travels in Louisiana and the Floridas, 1802. New York,1806. DAVIS, (Reuben) Recollections of the Mississippi and Mississippians. Boston. 1890. DAVIS, (M. E. M.) An Elephant's Track and other Stories. New York, 1896. Minding the Gap, and other Poems. A Christmas Mask of St. Roch, Pere Dagobert, etc. Chicago, 1896. Under Six Flags, The Story of Texas. 1897. In War Times at Larose Blanche. 1897. Under the Man Fig. 1898. The Wire Cutters. Boston, 1899. A Bunch of Roses and other Plays. 1899. Jaconetta: Her Loves. Boston, 1901. The Queen's Garden. Boston, 1900. The Little Chevalier. Boston, 1903. DAVIS, (Maj. Thos. E.) Editorial writer. N. 0. Picayune. Contempo- rary. 20 LOUISIANA WRITERS- DAVIS. (Varina Anne Jefferson) The Veiled Doctor. New York, 1895. A Romance of Summer Seas. New York. 1899. DEBOW, (J. D. B.) DeBow's Review. (Monthly.) Published from 1847 to 1879. The Industrial Resources, etc., of the Southern and Western States. 3 Vols.' New Orleans, 1853. Mortality Statistics, U. S. Census 1850. Washington, 1855. DEBOUCHEL, (Victor) Histoire de la Louisiana. Nile. Orleans, 1841. DEILER, (J. Hanno) Die Deutschen Kirchengemeinden in Staate Lou- isiana. New Orleans, 1894. Das Redempiion System in Louisiana. 1896. And many other works. DEJACQUE, (Joseph) Les Lazareenes, etc. 1857. DELAFIELD, (John, Jr.) Antiquities of America. 1839. DELHOMMER, (C. C.) The Beautiful Teche. 1904. DEJOUX, (J. B.) Manual of Commerce in French and English. New Orleans, 1848. DELERY, (Dr. Chas.) LeDernier Chant. Memoire C. D. Dreux. New Orleans, 1861. L'Ecole du Peuple. Comedie en un Acte. N'lle. Orleans, 1877. Le Spectre Noir, on le Radicalisme aux United States. N'lle. Orleans, 1878. And other works. DE LEON, (T. C.) Four Years in Rebel Capitals. Mobile, 1892. DELPIT, (Albert) La Famille Cavalie. 2 Vols. Paris, 1878. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 21 DB MENIL, (Dr. Alex. N.) A History of the Literature of the Louisiana Territory. St. Louis, 1904. DENNETT, (Dan'l.) Louisiana as It Is. Its Topography, etc. New Orleans, 1876. DESCOURTILZ, (M. E.) Voyages d'un Naturaliste. 1809. DESLONDE, (Mrs. Marie D.) The Miller of Silcot Hill. 1878. DESSOMMES, (George) Tante Cydette. N'lle. Orleans, 1888. DESSOMMES, (Edward) Jacques Morel. Paris, 1870. DEVOL, (Geo. H.) Forty Years a Gambler on the Mississippi. New York, 1887. DEVRON, (Dr. Gustavus) Abattoirs. Boston, 1881. The Story of Medicine in Louisiana. New Orleans, 1895. DEZAUCHE, (M.) Geography a I'usage des Ecoles. New Orleans, 1841. DI BRAZZA, (Cora A. Slocomb) A Guide to Old and New Lace in Italy. Chicago, 1893. DILLARD, (J. H.) Professor Tulane University. Text Books. Con- temporary. DIMITRY, (Charles) The House on Balfour Street. 1868. DIMITRY, (John) History of Louisiana. New York, 1877. DINNIES, (Anna Peyre) The Floral Year. Poems. 1847. 22 LOUISIANA WRITERS. DODSON, (Prof. W. R.) Leguminous Root Tubercles. 1895. Red Rice. 1896. Broom Corn; How to Grow It, etc. 1899. See Bulletins Louisiana Experiment Station. D'ORBIGNY, (M. Alcide) Voyage Pittoresque dans les Deux Ameri- ques. Paris, 1836. DORSEY, (Sarah A.) Panola. A Tale of Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1877. Recollections of Henry Watkins Allen, Ex-Governor of Louisiana. New York, 1866. DOUGLAS, (Amanda A.) A Little Girl in Old New Orleans. 1901. DOWLER, (Bennett) History of New Orleans. 1852. DRAKE, (B. M.) of Mississippi. A Sketch of the Life of Rev. Elijah Steele. Cincinnati, 1843. DRAKE, (Benj.) Life of Tecumseh, etc. Cincinnati, 1841. DRAKE, (Sam'l. G.) Biography and History of the Indians of North America, etc. Cincinnati, 1851. DUBROCA, L'itineraire des Francois dans la Louisiana, etc. Paris, 1802. DUFOUR, (Cyprien D.) Esquisses Locales. 1847. DUGAN. (James) Doctor Dispachemquic. A Story of the 1878 Epidemic. New Orleans, 1879. DUGUE, (C. O.) Drama. Mila ou la Mort de la Salle. N'lle. Orleans, 1852. Essais Poetiques. 1872. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 23 DUMONT, DE MONTIGNY, Memoires Historiques Sur la Louisiana, etc. Paris, 1753. DUMONT, (Butel) Histoire et Commerce des Colonies Paris, 1755. DUNBAR, (Wm.) Account of the Commencement, etc., with observa- tions on Louisiana. See Miss. Hist. Pub., Vol. 3. Manuscript archives at Madrid. . 1798. DUNN, (Ballard S.) of New Orleans; Brazil, The Home for Southern- ers. New Orleans, 1866. DUPONCEAU, (Peter S.) The Batture Case. New Orleans, 1812. DUPUY, (Eliza Ann) Conspirators (Aaron Burr et al.) and other novels. 1850. DUVALL, (Mary V.) History of Mississippi. 1893. DUVALLON, (Berquin) Vue de la Colonie Espagnole du Mississippi, ou des Provinces de Louisiana, etc. Paris, 1803. DYMOND, (John) Editor Louisiana Planter. The Louisiana Sugar In- dustry. 1882. Louisiana Sugar Exchange. 1884. The American Sugar Industry. 1894. And many essays. DYMOND, (John, Jr.) The Oyster in Louisiana. New Orleans, 1904. EATON, (John Henry, and Reid, John). The Life of Andrew Jackson. 1817. ECHEZABAL (F. T. and J. R.) An Irish Cavalier, Drama in 4 Acts. New Orleans, 1902. 24 LOUISIANA WRITEP«;. EGAN, (Lavinia H.) of Shreveport. Bundle of Fagots. Franklin, 1895. ELDER, (M. Theresa) Pauperism; The Cause and the Remedy. Chicago, 1894. ELDER, (Susan B.) Ellen Fitzjerald. New Orleans, 1878. James IL Savonarola. And many poems. ELKIN, (Wm. L.) Articles on Astronomy. 1896. ELLET, (Chas., Jr.) The Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Plans for Pro- tection from Inundation. Philadelphia, 1853. ELLICOTT, (Andrew) The Journal of. Notes on Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1803. ELVAS, (Gentleman of) Histoire de la Conqueste de la Florida. Lisbon, 1685. ERNST, (Henry) A Treatise on Commercial Calculations. New Orleans, 1857. EVERSHED, (Emilie) Equisses Poetiques. Paris, 1846. FAGET, (J. C.) Etudes Sur les basis de la Science Medicale. N'lle Orleans, 1855. La Fievre Jaune. N'lle Orleans, 1860. Notice Scientifique Sur Rouanet de Saint-Pons. Paris, 1866. FAIRALL, (H. S.) The World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial Ex- position, New Orleans. 1885. FALCONER, (Thomas) Expedition to Santa Fe. New Orleans, 1842. The Discovery of the Mississippi, and other books. FALLS, (Rose C.) Cheniere Caminada, or the Wind of Death. The Story of the Storm in Louisiana. New Orleans, 1893. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 2$ FAVROT, (Henry L. , vVest Florida Revolution of 1810. Pub. La. Hist. So., 1895. FAY, (Edwin W.) History of Education in Louisiana. Washington. 1898. FENNER, (Hon. Chas. E.) Oration, unveiling Statue R. E. Lee. New Orleans, 1884. FENNER, (Dr. B. D.) Southern Medical Reports. New Orleans, 1850. Origin and Objects of the New Orleans Drainage and Paving As- sociation. New Orleans, 1886. FICKLEN, (John R.) The Indians of Louisiana. Standard History of New Orleans. And many historical papers. 1899. FICKLEN, (Mrs. Jno. R.) Dream Poetry. FIDLER, (Isaac) Observations in America. New York. 1833. FIELD. (Martha) Catherine Cole's Book. Chicago, 1897. FISKE, (John) The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War. 1900. Discovery of America, and other works. FISKE, (Minnie Maddern) Born in New Orleans 1866. Has written several successful plays; "Not Guilty," "Common Clay," etc. etc. FLINT, (Timothy) Recollections of the Last Ten Years. 1826. History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley. 1832. FOLSOM, (Jos. P.) Constitution and Laws of the Choctaws. 1869. FOOTE, (Henry S.) The Bench and Bar of the South and Southwest. St. Louis, 1876. FORMAN, (Maj. S. S.) Narrative of a Journey Down the Ohio and Mississippi in 1789-90. Cincinnati, 1888. 26 LOUISIANA WRITERS. FORMENTO, (Dr. F., Jr.) Notes on Army Surj.ry. New Orleans, 18G3. FORSHEY, (Caleb G.) The Delta of the Mississippi. 1873. The Physics of the Gulf of Mexico Saiem, 1878. FONTAINE, (Rev. E.) How the World was Peopled New York, 1872. FORSTALL, (E. J.) Synopsis of Documents in Department of the Marine, Paris, relating to Louisiana. 1847. FORTIER, (Alcee) Le Chateau de Chambord. New Orleans, 1881. Quatre' Grands Poetes du 19e Siecle. N'lle Orleans, 1887. Hommage Memoire du Alfred Mercier New Orleans, 1894. Louisiana Studies: Literature, Customs and Dialects. History and Education. New Orleans, 1894. Louisiana Folk, Tales in French Dialect and English Translation. Boston, 1895. Sept Grands Anteurs du Dix-Neuvienee Siecle. Boston, 1896. Histoire de la Literature Francoise. New York, 1897. Precis de Histoire de France. New York, 1899. La Politique Francaise, etc. N'lle Orleans, 1902. A History of Louisiana, in four volumes. Goupil, Paris and New York, 1904. FOSTER, (J. W.) The Mississippi Valley. 1869. FOUCHE, (L. N.) Nouveau Recueil De Pensees. New Orleans, 1882. FLASH, (Henry L.) Poems. New York, 1860. FLETCHER, (John) Studies on Slavery, by J. P . of Louisiana. Natchez, 1852. FLETCHER, (Horace) Menticullure, or the A-B-C of True Living. Chicago, 1897. That Last Waif, or Social Quarantine. Chicago, 1898. Happiness as found in Forethought minus Forethought. Chicago, 1897. FREEMANTLE, (Lt. Col.) Three Months in the Southern States. 1864. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 2"] FREMAUX, (Leon J.) New Orleans Characters. (Handcolored Plates.) New Orleans, 1876. FRENCH, (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana, etc. (1678-1691). Part L New York, 1846. Historical Collections of Louisiana, etc. Part II. Philadelphia, 1850. Historical Collections of Louisiana. Fart III. New York, 1851. Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part IV. New York, 1852. Historical Memoirs of Louisiana. Part V. New York, 1853. Historical Collections of Louisiana. Part VI. New York, 1867. Historical Collections of Louisiana and Florida. 1527-1702. Sec- ond Series. Part VII. New York, 1875. FRENCH, (Mrs. Virginia) Legends of the South. 1874. GANTOR, (Franz S.) A Poem in 12 Cantos. New Orleans, 1871. GARCILASSO DE LA VEGA. Histoire de la Conquete de la Florida, etc. (Richelet.) ■ Paris, 1709. GARNER, (J. W.) Reconstruction in Mississippi. New York, 190L GATSCHET'S Creek Migration Legend. 1882- GAYARRE, (Chas.) Essai Historique Sur La Louisiana. 2 Vols. N'lle Orleans, 1830-31. Histoire de la Louisiana. 2 Vols. N'lle Orleans, 1846-47. Romance of the History of Louisiana. New York, 1848. Louisiana; Its Colonial History. New York, 1850. Louisiana: Its History as a French Colony. New York, 1852. History of Louisiana. 2 Vols. French Domination. Spanish Dom- ination. New York, 1854. The School for Politics. A Dramatic Novel. New York, 1855. Dr. Bluff in Russia. A Comedy in two Acts. New Orleans, 1865. History of Louisiana, American Domination. New York, 1866. Philip II of Spain. Introduction by Geo. Bancroft. New York, 1866. History of Louisiana. 4 Vols. New York, 1866. Fernando De Lemos. Truth and Fiction. A Novel. New York, 1872. History of Louisiana. 4 Vols. New Orleans, 1879. Aubert Dubayet, or the Two Sister Republics. Boston, 1882. The Famous Lafittes at Galveston. Louisville, 1886. 28 LOUISIANA WRITERS. GERARDIN, (Dr.) Rapport fait a la Societe Medicale. N'lle Orleans, 1818. GERSTAECKER, (F.) Les Pirates du Mississippi. Paris, 1858. GIBSON, (R. L.) Select Speeches. Washington, 1887. GILMER, (Elizabeth M.) Fables of the Elite, by Dorothy Dix.; 1902. GIRARD, (Madame M. D.) Histoire des Etats Unis, Suivie de L'His- toire de la Louisiana. N'lle Orleans, 1881. GLAZIER, (Wm.) Down the Great River. 1888. GLEIG, (G. R.) Campaign of British Army at Washington and New Orleans. London, 1847. GONGORA, (Siquenza y) Descripcion De La Bahia, etc., De La Movilla. Mexico, 1694. GOODALE, (Mrs. M. G.) Stories. • 1884. GOODSPEED'S Memoirs of Mississippi. 1892. GOODRICH, (A. T.) The North American Tourist. New York, 1839. GOULD, (E. W.) Fifty Years On the Mississippi. 1889. GUETTE, (Citry de la) Histoire de la Conquete de la Florida. 1685. GUNBY, (Judge A. A.) Col. John Gunby of the Maryland Line. New Orleans, 1902. GRAHAM, (Marie Louise) The Press as an Educator. 1887. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 29 GRANET, (B.) Exercises upon French Verbs, etc. Baton Rouge and New York, 1848. GRAVIER, (Gabriel) Decouvertes du Cavelier de La Salle. Paris, 1870. Etude Sur une Carte inconnue; la premiere dressee par Louis Joliet en 1674, etc. Paris, 1880, Robert Cavalier de la Salle of Rouen. New York, 1886. GRAVIER, (Father J.) Relation. 1700. GREENHOW, (Robt.) History of Oregon and California. 1845. History of Florida, Louisiana and Texas, in manuscript. 1847. GREGORY, (William B. ) The Bitot Tube, Its History. 1903. GRIFFIN, (A. P. C.) The Discovery of the Mississippi. 1887. HACHARU, (Madeline) Relation du Vojage des Dames Ursulines de Rouen a la N'lle Orleans, 1727. Paris, 1872. HALBERT, (H. S.) and BALL, (T. S.) The Creek War of 1813-1814. 1895. HALE, (Edward Everett) Philip Nolan's Friends. 1896. The Real Philip Nolan. 1901. HALL, (A. Oakey) The Manhattaner in New Orleans, etc. New York, 1851. HALL, (Capt. Basil) Travels in North America 1827 and 1828. 3 Vols. Edinburgh, 1830. HALL, (James) Sketches of History, Life and Manners in the West. Philadelphia, 1835. Statistics of the West. Cincinnati, 1836. HALL, (S. S.) Bliss of Marriage; or How to get a Rich W^fe. New Orleans, 1858. 30 LOUISIANA WRITERS. HAMBERLIN, (L. R.) Lyrics. New Orleans, 1880. HAMILTON, (Capt.) Men and Manners in America. Edinburgh, 1833. HAMILTON, (Peter J.) Colonial Mobile. A Historical Study, etc. Boston, 1897. HAMY, (Alfred) Au Mississippi La Premiere Exploration (1667). Paris, 1903. HANDLIN, (W. W.) American Politics and a Moral and Political Work on the Civil War. New Orleans, 1864. HARDEE, (W. J.) Rifle and Infantry Tactics. Mobile, 1861. KARRIS, (Gilbert D.) Geology of Louisiana. W. C. Stubbs, Director. Baton Rouge, 1899. Geology of Louisiana. . Baton Rouge, 1902. Geology of Louisiana. 1904. HARRIS. (W. H.) Handbook on Louisiana. 1884. HARRISSE, (Henry) The Discovery of North America. 1885. HART, (A. M.) History of the Mississippi Valley. 1878. HART, (W. 0.) "New Orleans," Mardi Gras. 1904. HASWELL, (Anthony) Memoirs of Matthew Phelps on the Mississippi River. . 1802. The Western Navigator. 1811-1822. HAUGHTON, (R. B.) The Influence of the Mississippi River. Pub. Miss. Hist. So. 1901. LOUISIANA WRITERS. " 3I HAWKES, (Francis L.) (Rector Christ Cliurch, New Orleans, 1856) Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron, etc. New Yorlt, 1857. HAYWOOD, (John) History of Tennessee. 1823. HEARSEY. (H. J.) Editorial writer, The States. 1899. HEARN, (Lafcadio) "Gombo Zhebes" Little Dictionary of Creole Pro- verbs. New York, 1885. citray Leaves from Strange Literature. Boston, 18S4. Chita; A Memory of Last Island. New York, 1889. Exotics and Retrospectives. Boston, 1898. Shadowings. Boston, 1900. HEART, (Jonathan) Observations on the Ancient Works, etc., of the "Western Country. 1797. HEMPSTEAD, (Edward) Journal of the Legislative Territory of Lou- isiana. New Orleans, 1806. HENNEN, (Alfred) Digest of Jurisprudence. 1861. HENNEPIN, (R. P. Louis) Description de la Louisiane, etc. 1683. Voyage en un Pays, etc. 1687. Nouveau Voyage, etc. Utrecht, 1698. A New Discovery., etc. London. 1699. HERRERA, (Antonio de) Historia General, etc. (Florida). 1601-15. HBUSTIS, (Jabez W.) Observations on the Topography, etc., of Lou- isiana. New York, 1817. HEREIN, (P. E.) Statistique, etc., France et de ses Colonies, 7 Vols. Paris,1803. HEWITT, (R. B.) Life of Robt. Whitman. New Orleans, 1895. HILGARD, (Eugene W.) Geological Reconnoissance of Louisiana. 1870. 32 LOUISIANA WRITERS. HBT GROOTE Tapereel Der Dwaasheid, etc. Relation of "Law's Missis- sippi Bubble." 1720. HILLIARD, (M. B.) The New South, etc. Baltimore, 1887. HINSDALE, (Laura F.) Legends and Lyrics of the Gulf Coast. Biloxi, 1896. HITCHCOCK, (Ripley) The Louisiana Purchase. 1903. HODGSON, (Adam) Journey Through North America. 1823. HOGAN, (Rev. John A.) Labors of Jesuit Fathers in the Mississippi Valley. 1904. HOLCOMBE, (Wm. H.) Poems. New York, 1860. The Sexes. Philadelphia, 1869. Our Children in Heaven. Philadelphia, 1868. And many other works. HOLT, (Dr. Jos.) Maritime Sanitation. New Orleans, 1883. HOMES, (M. Sophie, Millie Mayfield) Carrie Harrington or Scenes in New Orleans. Progression, or the South Defended, etc. ' 1860. HOOD, (J. B.) Advance and Retreat. Personal Experience. New Orleans, 1880. HOPKINS, (John) Song Book. New Orleans, 1858. HOPKINS & LOCKETT, Geological and Topographical Reports in Louisiana. 18G8-75. HOSMER, (J. K.) A Short History of the Mississippi Valley. Boston, 1901. History of Louisiana Purchase. 1902. ', HOUSSAYE, (Mme. S. de la) Souvenirs d'Amerique et de France. \\ 1883. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 33 HOUSTON, (Mrs.) Hesperos, or Travels in the West. 2 Vols. London, 1850. HOUGH, (Emerson) The Mississippi Bubble. 1902. HOWARD, (James Q.) History of the Louisiana Purchase. 1902. HOWE, (W. W.) Municipal History of New Orleans. 1889. HUDSON, (Edw. M.) The Second War of Independence in America. Berlin, 1862. HULSE, (B. M.) The History of Claiborne Parish, Louisiana. New Orleans, 1886. HUMPHRIES and ABBOTT, Physics and Hydraulics of the IV^ssissippi. 1867. c HUNT, (Carleton,) Edward Livingston. \ 1901. HUNT, (Theo. G.) Discours pronounce au Banquet. Houma, 1855. HUNT, (Louise Livingston) Memoir of Mrs. Edward Livingston, etc. New York, 1886. HUNT, (Wm. Henry) Randell Hunt; Selected Letters, etc. New Orleans, 1896. HUNT, (Chas. H.) Life of Edward Livingston, Introduction by George - Bancroft. New York, 1869. HUTCHINS, (Thos.) History, etc., of Louisiana and West Florida. London. 1797. IBERVILLE, (M. P. Le Moyne) Narrative of a Voyage, etc. 1698. See French Historical Collection. IMLAY, (Gilbert) A Topographical Description of the Western Terri- tory of America. London, 1797. INGRAM, (J. H.) Lafitte; The Pirate of the Gulf. New York, 1847. 34 LOUISIANA WRITERS. IRVING, (Theo.) The Conquest of Florida, by Hernando De Soto. 2 Vols. Philadelphia, 1835. JAMES, (S. H.) A Woman of New Orleans. New York, 1887. A Prince of Good Fellows. A Picture from Life. New York, 1890. JAMISON, (Mrs. C. V.) Seraph; The Little Violiniste. Boston, 1896. Lady Jane, (Louisiana) New York, 1897. Toinette's Philip. New York, 1898. Thistledown. 1903. JEANNETTB, (M'lle) La petite Cuisiniere habile, etc. N'lle Orleans, 1840. JEFFERSON, (Jos.) The Autobiography. New York, 1890. JEFFREY'S Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. London, 1761. JESUIT Relations and Allied Documents. Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791. The Original French, Latin and Italian Texts, with English Translations and Notes. 73 Vols. Edited by Reuben G. Thwaites. Cleveland, 1896-1901. JEWELL'S Crescent City, Illustrated. . New Orleans, 1873. JOHNSON, (Emma B.) Silk Culture in Louisiana. Pamph. New Orleans, 1882. JOHNSON, (Rosa Vertner) Hasheesh Visions, etc. 1858. JOHNSTON, (J. Stoddard) First Explorations of Kentucky, Walker and Gist. Louisville, 1898. JOHNSTON, (Wm. Preston) The Prototype of Hamlet. New York, 1890. Life of Albert Sidney Johnston. New York, 1878. JOHNSTON, (Margaret A.) In Acadia. New Orleans, 1893. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 35 JOLIET, (Louis) Nouvelle Decouverte de plusieurs Nations dans la N'lle France en I'annees 1673 et 1674 Paris, 1681. JONES, (Alice Illgenfritz) The Chevalier de St. Denis. Chicago, 1900. JONES, (C. C.) The Life of Rich. H. Wilde. n. d. JONES, (Dr. Joseph) Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee. 1876. Medical and Surgical Memoirs. 1889. Archaelogical Collection Catalogue. New Orleans, 1901. JONES, (J. G.) Protestantism in the Southwest. 1866. JOUTEL, (Henri) Journal Historique du dernier Voyage que fen M. de la Salle. Paris, 1713. KENDALL, (Geo. W.) Founder New Orleans Picayune. Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. New York, 1844. The War Between the United States and Mexico. New York, 1851. KENNEDY, (Wm.) Texas; A History. 1841. KERR, (Lewis) Explication des Lois Criminelles du Territoire Or- leans. N'lle Orleans, 1806. KEPLINGBR, (Mrs. E. M.) Berenice, A Novel. New Orleans, 1878. KING, (Grace) Monsieur Motte. 1888. Tales of Time and Place. New York, 1892. Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville. New York, 1892. Balcony Stories. New York, 1893. And FICKLEN, (Jno. R.) A History of Louisiana. New York and New Orleans, 1893. New Orleans, The Place and People. New York, 1895. De Soto and His Men in the Land of Florida. New York, 1898. KIP, (Wm. P.) Early Jesuit Missions in North America. (Letters from New Orleans, 1727) 2 Vols. London, 1847. 36 LOUISIANA WRITERS. KNOX, (T. W.) Camp Fire and Cotton Field and Residence on a Lou- isiana Plantation. 1865. KOHNKE, (Dr. Quitman) The Problem of Mosquito Destruction in New Orleans. 1904. L.ACEY, (Geo. S.) Member Louisiana Bar, The Holy Eucharist. Philadelphia, 18G9. LAET, (Jean de) L'Histoire d'un Nouveau Monde, etc. Tall 4 to (Elze- vir.) Leyde, 1640. LAC, (M. Perrin du) Travels through the Two Louisianas, etc. London, 1807. LACLOTTE, (H.) View Battle of New Orleans with Key (very rare, in library of T. P. Thompson). 1815. LAFITAU, (P.) Moeurs des Savages Ameriquains, 2 Vols. Paris, 1724. LAFON, (B.) Annuaire (first directory of New Orleans). 1808. LAFON,( Thorny) Succession et Copie du Testament N'lle Orleans, 1894. LA HARPE, (Bernard de) Journal Historique de Establissement les Francaise a la Louisiane. 1698-1720. N'lle Orleans, 1831. LA HONTAN, (M. Le Baron de) Voyages dans L'Amerique. 1709. LANGLOIS, (Father A.) Botany of Louisiana. 1892. LANZAS, (Pedro T.) Relacion Descriptiva de los Maps, etc., de Mexico y Floridas. 1900. LAS CASAS, (B.) Le Miroir de la Tyrannie Espagnole. 1620. LA SALLE, (Robert Cavelier) Memoirs, etc., 1678. French Hist. Collection, 1841. LATOUR, (Maj. A. L.) Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana, in 1814-15, with Atlas. Philadelphia, 1816. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 37 LATIL, (Alexandre) des Eph6m6res, Essais Poetiques, etc. 1841. LAUDONNIERE, Histoire Notable de la Florida. Paris, 1586. LAUSSAT, (Pierre Clement de) Memoires sur ma Vie, etc. Paris, 1831. LAVAL, (Le Pere) Voyage de la Louisiana. Paris, 1728. LAW, (John) Aanmerkingen, etc. Historisch van Louisiana. Amsterdam, 1721. LAWRENCE, (Wm. Beach) History of Louisiana by Barbe Marbois, translated. Philadelphia, 1830. LAYTON, (Thos.) Apparitions of Our Lady of Lourdes. New Orleans, 1879. LEE, (J. G.) Report Sugar Experiment Station, 1889 to 1899. LEE, (Addie McGrath) Playing Possum, and other Pine Woods Stories. Baton Rouge, 1895. LE CLERCQ, (Christien) Premier Establissement de la Foy dans la N'lle France. 2 Vols. 1691. LE MAIRE, (Francois) Extrait d'un Memoire sur la Louisiane. 1717. LEPOUZE, (Constant) Poesies Diverses. 1838. LESCARBOT, (Marc) Histoire de la Nouvelle France. 1609. LEIRIS, (Mme.) Geographic. New Orleans, 1834. LELIEVRE, J. P.) Nouveau Jardinier de la Louisiane. N'lle Orleans, 1838. LERCH, (Otto) The Hills of Louisiana. Baton Rouge, 1894. 38 LOUISIANA WRITERS. LEVERT, (Madame Octavia Walton) Souvenirs of Travels. 2 Vols. Mobile, 1857. LE PETIT, (Pere) Jesuit Relations. 1717. LE SEUR, (M.) Journal of Voyage Up the Mississippi. 1699. LEWIS and CLARKE, History of the Expedition, etc., prepared by- Paul Allen. 2 Vols. New York, 1814. LEWIS and CLARKE, New Travels, etc. (Fisher) Philadelphia, 1812. LINCOLN, (Rixford J.) A Tale of Pagan Rome. New Orleans, 1900. LISLET, (Moreau) Traduit en Francals a I'Explication des lois Crimi- nelles. N'lle Orleans, 1806. LIVINGSTON, (Edward) Systeme de Loi Penale I'Etat de la Louisi- ana. N'lle Orleans, 1825. And other legal works. LLOYD'S Map of the Lower Mississippi. 1863. LOCKETT, (Prof. S. H.) Prairie Lands of Louisiana. 1872. LOEWENSTEIN, (Louis J.) History of the St. Louis Cathedral. New Orleans, 1882. LONGFELLOW, (W. H.) Evangeline, a Tale of Acadia. 1848. LOUISIANA, Report of Secretary of State, John T. Michel. Baton Rouge, 1902. LOUISIANA GOVERNORS, and Catalogue of Historic Relics and An- tiquities at World's Exposition, 1S93. Baton Rouge, 1893. LOUISIANA Historical Society Publications. Vol. 1. New Orleans, 1895. LOUISIANA Historical Society Publications. Vol. 2 and Catalogue. New Orleans, 1897, 1902. LOUISIANA Historical Society. Vol. 3, part one. 1903^ LOUISIANA WRITERS. 39 LiOUAILLIER, (L.) The Appeal of, against charge of High Treason. New Orleans, 1827. L.OUISIANA. A Topographical and Statistical Account of the Province of Louisiana. Printed for Jacob Dietrick. Hagerstown, 1803. L.OWENTHAL, (J.), Morphy's Games of Chess. London, 1872. LOWRY, (Robt.) and McCARDLE, (W. H.) History of Mississippi. 1891. LUSHER, (R. M.) Sketch of Public Schools. New Orleans, 1888. LUSSAN, (A.) Les Martyrs de la Louisiane. A Tragedy. 1839. LYALL, (Sir Charles) Travels in North America, First Visit. 2 Vols. London, 1845. A Second Visit to the United States. 2 Vols. London, 1846. L>YNCH, (J. D.) Bench and Bar of Mississippi. 1880. MAGNE. Note et Documents sur I'Histoire dc la Louisiane. Manu- script Archives La. Hist. So. 1673-1720. MAGRUDER, (Allen B.) First U. S. Senator from Louisiana. Reflec- tions on the Cession of Louisiana to the United States. Lexington, 1803. MANLEY, (Louise) Southern Literature. 1900. JMARIGNY, (Bernard de) Reflexions sur la Politique des Etats-Unis. 1854. A ses Concitoyens. 1853. MARQUETTE, (Father) Voyage et Decouverte, etc. 1687. MAURIEU, (Mrs. Lizzie) The Dew-Drop of the Sunny South; a Story. 1851. MARCY, (R. B.) Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana. Washington, 1853. MARKHAM, (Thos.) A Historical and Commemorative Discourse. New Orleans, 1881. 40 LOUISIANA WRITERS. MARSHALL, (H.) A mstory of Kentucky. 1824. MARTIN, (M'lle Desire) Les Veillees d'une Soeur. N'lle Orleans, 1877. MARTIN, (Francois X.) The History of Louisiana, from the Earliest Period. New Orleans, 1827. History of North Carolina. New Orleans, 1829. The History of Louisiana, with Memoir of the Author hy W. W. Howe, and Annals of Louisiana, 1815-61, by T. F. Condon. New Orleans, 1882. MASDEVALL, (Doctor Joseph) Medicamens, et precis de la Methode de Mr. Masdevall, Docteur Medecin du Roi d'Espaygne Charles IV, etc. N'lle Orleans, 1796. This is the first bound book printed in the Louisiana Territory. Thought to be unique. In library of T. P. Thompson. MARTINEAU, (Harriet) Society in America. Paris, 1837. Retrospect of Western Travel. London, 1838. MARGRY, (Pierre) Memoires et Documents pour Servir a I'histoire des Origines Francaises des pays d'outre Mer. 6 Vols. Paris, 1879-88, MARQUETTE, (James) Jesuit Missionary. Relation. (1672.) See French Hist. Collection, 1850. MAXWELL, (W.) Chemistry of Sugar Cane. 1894. MAY, (Thos. P.) The Earl of Mayfield. Philadelphia, 1880. A Prince of Breffny. Philadelphia, 1881. MAYFIELD, (Millie) Carrie Harrington; A Tale of New Orleans. New York, 1857. MAYO, (Earl) The Story of the States; Louisiana. New York7l96l. McCALEB, (Thomas) Anthony Melgrave. New York, 1892. Mc»CALLA, (Wm. Latta) Adventures in Texas. 1840. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 4I McCULLOH, (J. H., Jr.) Aboriginal History of America. 1829. McDONOGH, (John) On Emancipation of My Slaves. New Orleans, 1846. McGLOIN, (Frank) Norodom, King of Cambodia. New York, 1882. McKENNY, (T. L.) and HALL, (T.) History Indian Tribes of North America. 1858. McLOUGHLIN, (J. J.) Jack Lafaience. A Creole Courtship, and Other Stories. Contemporary. MEDLENKA, (T. G.) A Compendium of Legal Information. 1899. MEEK, (A. B.) Songs and Poems of the South. New York, 1857. Romantic Passages of Southwestern History. New York, 1857. MELISH, (John) A Geographical Description of America. 1826. MEMBRE, (Father Z.) Relation. 1687. MENKEN, (Adah Isaacs) Infelicia (Poems) Philadelphia, 1872. MERCIER, (Alfred) Biographic de Pierre Soule, Senateur a Washing- ton. Paris, 1848. Ecrivains Louisianais, Broadside. n. d. Johnelle. N'lle Orleans, 1891. L'Habitation Saint Ybars, ou Maitres et Esclaves en Louisiana. N'lle Orleans, 1881. And many other works. MERY, (Gaston Etienne) La Legende du Corsaire Lafitte. 1838. MERRICK, (Caroline E.) Old Times in Dixie Land. New York, 1901. MERRICK, (E. T., Jr.) Louisiana Civil Code Annotated. 1902. "Roger B. Taney." 1902. The Louisiana Purchase. 1904. MICHEAUX, (E. A.) Travels Westward of the Alleghany Mts. 1805. 42 LOUISIANA WRITERS. MILLER, (Andrew) New States and Territories. 1819- MILBURN, (W. H.) Ten Years of Preacher Life. Sketches of Missis- sippi Valley. New York, 1859. The Pioneers, Preachers and People of the Mississippi Valley. New York, 1860. MICHEL, (John T.) Report Secretary Stale of Louisiana. 1902. MONETTE, (John W.) of Washington, La. History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi, etc. New York, 1846. MONIER, (Prof.) Cacographie on tout peui se Corriger, etc. N'Ue Orleans, 1829. MONTULE, (Ed. de) Voyage en Amerique. 1821. MONTEJO, (M. A.) American Central Sugar Factories. New Orleans, 1876. MONTLEZUN, (Bon de) Voyage fait dans les annees 1816 et 1817, de New York, a la N'lle Orleans. Paris, 1818. MONTESANO, (B. R.) Redstick; or Scenes in the South. Cincinnati, 1856. MORPHY, (Diego) Idiomatical Dictionarj\ French and English. New Orleans, 1840. MORPHY, (Paul) Selection of the Best Games played by the Distin- guished Champion. New York. 1860. Exploits and Triumphs of. New York, 1859. MORGAN, (Thos. G.) Civil Code of the State of Louisiana. New Orleans, 1857. MORGAN, (H. A.) Report Horticultural Department. 1890. Sugar Cane Borer. 1890. Report Entomologist. 1895. Cattle Tick. etc. 1896. LOUISIANA WRITERS. 43 MOUNT, (May) Stetcli Book and Guide. New Orleans, 1890. Some Notables of New Orleans. New Orleans, 1896. MOWATT, (Anna Cora) The Autobiography of an Actress. Chapters on New Orleans. New York, 1854. MURRAY, (Hon. A. M.) Letters from the United States. New York, 1856. MURRELL, (Cornelia R.) ("M. R. Ailenroc") The White Castle of Louisiana. 1903. MYERS; (Minnie Walter) Romance and Realism of the Southern Gulf Coast. Cincinnati, 1898. NEW ORLEANS— Standard History of. Edited by Henry Rightor. 1901 Articles by: Aiken, (Dr. Gayle) Medical History. Cocks, (R. S.) Flora of Louisiana. DuENO, (A. G.) Literature and Art. FoRMAN, (B. R., Jr.) Bench and Bar. FicKLiN, (Jno. R.) The Indians of Louisiana. History of Education. PoRTiER, (Alcee) Colonial Times. KOPMAN, (H. H.) Bird Life. Leveque, (J. M.) The Press. Parker, (Walter) Secret Orders. Rightor, (Ella) Military. Transportation. Rightor, (Henry) The Creoles. Stubbs, (Dr. W. C.) The Sugar Industry. Walker, (Norman) Municipal Government. Manufactures. Banking and Commerce. i^ICHOLS, (Josephine Hamilton) Bayou Triste; a Story of Louisiana. New York. 1902. NICHOLSON, (Mrs. E. J.) (Pearl Rivers.) Lyrics. Philadelphia. 1873. NICHOLSON, (James W.) Mathematician. Isoperimetrical Geometry. 18G9. j^JICOLLET, (I. N.) Report on Mississippi River. Washington, 1843. 44 LOUISIANA WRITERS NOBLOM, (Jules) La Cause Perdue (Pollard) New Orleans, 1867. NOLTE, (Vincent), (Late of New Orleans.)' Fifty Years in Both Hem- ispheres. 1851. NORDHOFF, (C.) The Cotton States. 1875. NORMAN, (B. M.) Rambles in Yucatan. New York, 1843. Rambles by Land and Water, Cuba and Mexico. New Orleans, 1845. New^ Orleans and Environs. New Orleans, 1845. NORMAN'S Chart of the Lower Mississippi, by A. Persac. New Orleans, 1858. NOTO, (Cosimo) The Ideal City. 1903. NOTT, (J. C), and Gliddon, (G. R.) Types of Mankind, or Ethnological Researches. Philadelphia, 1854. O'CONNOR, (Florance J.) The Heroine of the Confederacy. Louisiana. London, n. d. O'CONNOR, (Thomas) History of the Fire Department of New Or- leans. New Orleans, 1895. OGDEN, (Robt. N.) Who Did It? • New York, 1886. OGG, (F. A.) The Opening of the Mississippi. 1904. OLLIFFE, (Charles) Scenes Americaines; dix huit mois dans le Nou- veau monde. Paris, 1853. OLMSTEAD, (F. L.) Journey in the Seaboard Slave States (Visited New Orleans.) New York, 1856. ORR, (Henry B., of New Orleans) A Theory of Development and Her- edity. New York^ 1893. OTKIN, (Chas. H.) The Ills of the South. 1894. LOUISIANA WRITERS 45 OVIBDO, Historia de las Indias. 1535. OWEN, (Marie Bankhead) Sehoy; A Romance of the Province of Lou- isiana. 1903. OW'EN, (Thos. M.) A Bibliography of Mississippi. Washington, 1898. A Bibliography of Alabama. Washington, 1900. OWEN, (Wm. Miller) In Camp and Battle with the Washington Artil- lery of New Orleans. Boston, 1885. PAEW, (M. de) Recherches Philosophiques sur les Americains, etc. Berlin, 1770. PALMER, (B. M.) The Life and Letters of James H. Thornwell. Richmond, 1875. The Family In its Civil and Churchly Aspects. Richmond, 1876. Formation of Character. New Orleans. 1889. PARKMAN, (Francis) Pioneers of France in the New World. 1865. LaSalle and the Discovery of the Great West. 1869. And other works. PARTON, (James) Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 Vols. 1858. The Life and Times of Aaron Burr. New York, 1860. PASTEUR, (Amelia S.) Society's Ready Reference. New Orleans, 1899-1900. PAXTON, (J. A.) Directory (first American) with Historical Sketch. New Orleans, 1822 PEACOCKE, (J. S.) The Creole Orphans; A Novel. New Orleans, 1855. PEARSE, (James) Narrative of Life. Five Years' Residence in Lou- isiana. 1825. PECK, (Sam'l M.) The McDonalds; or the Ashes of Southern Homes. n. d. PELZ, (Eduard) Das Mississippi Gesenke. JS7L .46 LOUISIANA WRITERS PENDERGRAST, (Garrett E.) Physical and Geographical Sketch of the Mississippi Territory, Lower Louisiana, etc. Philadelphia, 1803. PERCHE, (N. J.) De I'lmportance du Marriage. N'lle Orleans, 1846. PERENNES, (P.) Poems. New Orleans, 1840. PHELPS, (Albert) New Orleans and Reconstruction. n. d. PHELPS, (Ashton) Journalism; a Study. 1903. I'HELPS, (Matthew) Memoirs and Adventures, Mississippi River Voy- age. 1802. PHILLIPS, (P. L.) Maps of America. Washington, 1901. PICKETT, (A. J.) History of Alabama. 1852. PIKE, (Capt. Z. M.) Expeditions in Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1810. Charts of Louisiana, New Spain, etc. Philadelphia, 1807. PITTMAN'S Mississippi Settlements. 1763. POINTS, (Marie Louise) Picayune Guide 1903, and many New Orleans articles. POLK, (Wm. M.) Life of Leonidas Polk. 1899. PONTALBA, (M. de) Memoire (1800). See Gayarre. 1854. POYDRAS, (Julian) La Prise du Morne du Baton Rouge. Earliest New Orleans imprint of pamphlet. Nouvelle Orleans, 1779. The copy seen is probably unique, belongs to H. L. Favrot, N. O. POSTL, (Karl) Tour in America. 1826. POOLE, (Mary Belle) Down Fates Walk. A Novel. 1896. LOUISIANA WRITERS 47" POOLE (T. W.) Some Late Words About Louisiana. New Orleans, 1889. POPE, (Jolin) A Tour Through the Southern and Western Territories, etc. Richmond, 1792, POUSSIN, (G. T.) De la Puissance Americane, etc. Paris, 1845. POWELL, (L. P.) Historic Towns of the Southern States. 1900. POWELL, (Willis J.) Tachyhippodamia; or the Art of Quieting Horses, etc. New Orleans, 1838. PREVOST, (L'Abbe) Manon Lescaut. 1818. PRATZ, (Le Page du) Histoire de la Louisiane. Paris, 1758. The History of Louisiana or of the Western Parts, etc. London, 1763, PRENTISS, (Seargent S.) The Sons of New England; Oration. 1845 PRENTISS, (S. S.) Memoir. Edited by his Brother. New York, 1855. PRIM, (Rev. Franz) Marie die Mutter Jesu. 1896. PUGH, (Eliza L.) Not a Hero, and other novels. 1891. RALPH, (Julian) Dixie; or Southern Scenes and Sketches. 1896. REMONVILLE, (M. de) Memoirs on the Project of Establishing of a Colony in Louisiana. 1697. See French Hist. Collection, 1869. RAND, (Thomas) Dictation Exercises, etc. Opelousas, 1856. RANDALL, (James R.) Editor, New Orleans Delta. "My Maryland," etc. 1862.. 48 LOUISIANA WRITERS RANJEL, (Rodrigo) (Secretary to DeSoto). Relation in Oviedo's His- tory. Edition, 1851. RAPIER, (Thos. G.) Reports Society St. Vincent de Paul. New Orleans, 1879-1904. RAYNAL, (Guillaume-Thomas) Histoire Philosophique, etc. 1781. REILEY, (Mary Trimble) Poems. Clinton, La., 1879. REED, (Emily Hazen) Life of A. P. Dostie, of New Orleans. New York, 1868. REID, (John) Life of Andrew Jackson. 1817. RENSHAW, (Henry) The Louisiana Ursulines. Pub. La. Hist. So. 1902. REMY, (Henri) Histoire de ia Louisiane. Journal St. Michel. Paroisse St. Jacques, 1854. RIBAUT, (Jean) The Whole and True Discovery of Florida. 1563. RICHARDSON, (Scudday) The Youth and First Love of Philip Rey- nolds; a Novel. 1894. RICHEBOURG, (M. de) Memoir sur la Premiere Guerre des Natchez. French Hist. Collection, 1851. RIDDELL, (J. L.) A Monograph of the Silver Dollar, etc. New Orleans,1845. RIGHTOR, (H. J.) History of New Orleans. New Orleans, 1900. RILEY, (F. L.) History of Mississippi. 1900. ROBERTS, (William) An Account of the First Discovery and Natural History of Florida. 1763. ROBERTSON, (Thomas B.) Events in Paris. 1816. LOUISIANA WRITERS 49 ROMANS, (Bernard) A Concise Natural History of East and West Florida. (Very rare; Library of T. P. Thompson.) New York, 1776. ROSS, (B. B.) Rice and Its By-products. 1888. ROQUETTE, (Tlie Abbe Adrien) Les Savanes. Paris, 1841. Wild Flowers. New Orleans, 1848. La Thebiade en Amerique. 1852. Poemes Patriotiques. New Orleans, 1860. L'Antoniade. 1860. La Nouvelle Atala. 1879. Aboo and Caboo, a satire on Cable. New Orleans, 1880. ROQUETTE, (Dominique) Les Meschaceebeens. 1839. The Arkansas. 1850. Fleurs d' Amerique; Poesies Nouvelles. N'lle Orleans, 1857. ROQUIGNY, (J. de) PrScis d'Histoire Ancienne. Nouvelle Orleans, 1858. ROSS, (Clinton) Chalmette, or Romance of the Battle of New Orleans. 1900. ROOSEVELT, (Theodore) The Winning of the West. 1889. ROSELIUS, (Christian) Essay on Collegiate Education. 1856. ROSS, (D. Barton) Southern Fifth Reader. New Orleans, 1854. ROMAN, (Alfred) The Military Operations of General Beauregard. New York. 1884. ROZIER, (Firmin A.) History of the Early Settlement of the Missis- sippi Valley. 1890. RUEMEL-TELLIRD, (John) La Lotterie La. New Orleans, n. d. RYAN, (Abram J.) Poems. New York, 1868. SAGE, (B. J.) The Republic of Republics. Philadelphia, 1878. 50 LOUISIANA WRITERS SAUNDERS, (Elizabeth) Col. James Edmonds, Early Settlers of Ala- bama. New Orleans, 1899. SAUNDERS, (Eugene D.) Taxation. 1880. SAUVALLE, (P. M.) A Pied de Houston a la N'lle Orleans. 1891. SAWYER, (George S.) (of New Orleans) Southern Institutes, An In- quiry into Slavery. Philadelphia, 1859. SCAIFE, (Walter B.) America; Its Geographical History. 1889. SCHARF, (J. T.) History Confederate States Navy. 1887. SCHEPPEGRELL, (Dr. W.) Hyperthophy of the Lingual Tonsil. 1892. SCHMIDT, (Gustavus) The Civil Law of Spain and Mexico. 1851. SCHULTZ, (Christian) Travels on an Inland Voyage, etc. (Visted New Orleans.) New York, 1840. SCOTT, (Joseph) Geographical Dictionary of the United States. 1805. SEJOUR, (Victor) Dramatist; Le Retour de Napoleon, and other plays. 1850. SEMMES, (Hon. Thos. J.) History of the Laws of Louisiana. New Orleans. 1873. SEYMOUR, (Judge W. H.) The Story of Algiers. 1896. SHARP, (Robt.) Treatise on the Use of the Infinitive in Herodotus, etc. (Contemporary.) Professor Tulane University. LOUISIANA WRITERS 51 SHEA, (John G.) First Establishment of the Faith in New France, by C. Le Clerc. New York, 1881. The Catholic Church in Colonial Days. 1521-1763. New York, 1886. Life and Times of the Most Rev. John Carroll, 1763-1815. New York, 1888. History of the Catholic Church in the United States, 1815-1843. New York, 1890. A History of the Catholic Church in the United States to the pres- ent time. . . New York, 1892. Early Voyages Up and Down the Mississippi. Albany, 1861. The Bursting of Pierre Margry's La Salle Bubble. Pamph. 24 pp. New York, 1879. The Beginnings of the Capuchin Mission in Louisiana, n. p., n. d. Statutes of the Diocese of Louisiana, etc. Pamph. 29 pp. New York, 1887. The Expedition of Don Diego Dionisio de Penelosa, etc., in 1662. New York, 1882. A Description of Louisiana, by Father Louis Hennepin, translated . from edition of 1683. New York, 1880. SHARAN, (James) Adventures of. (N. O. Notes.) Baltimore, 1808. SHIELDS, (Joseph D.) Life of S. S. Prentiss. (Circa), 1870. SHIPP, (Barnard) The History of Hernando de Soto and Florida. 1881. SIBLEY, (John) Natchitoches Notes. 184P SLAUGHTER, (Mrs.) Pleasant Riderhood. 1879. SMITH, (Wm. B.) Tariff for Protection and other works. 1897. SMEDES, (Susan Dabney) A Southern Planter. London, 1889. SMITH, (C. Alphonso) Repetition and Parallelism in. English Verse. 1894. SMITH, (Jas. T.) Meditations. New Orleans, 1852. 52 LOUISIANA WRITERS SMITH, (Sol.) Theatrical Journal Work. Philadelphia, 1854. Theatrical Management in the West and South for Thirty Years. New Orleans Items. New York, 1868. SMITH, (G. W.) Confederate War Papers. Fairfax Court House, New Orleans, etc. New York, 1884. SMITH, (John) The Great River. 1890. SMITH, (Buckingham) Career of Hernando DeSoto. 1878. JMITH, (Z. F.) History of Kentucky. 1886. SOULE, (Pierre) Orator. Against the Policy of Impassiveness. 1852. SOUCHON, (Dr. Edmond) Aneurismes, etc. Philadelphia, 1895. 30UTHW00D, (Marion) Beauty and Booty, the Watchword of New Orleans. New York, 18G7. SONIAT DU FOSSAT, (Chevalier Guy) Synopsis of the History of Louisiana. Translated by Chas. T. Soniat. New Orleans, 1903. SONIAT DU FOSSAT, (Mrs.) Governors of Louisiana. 1885. SOTO, (Hernando de) Letters (1544). Published Vol. 2 French Hist. Collection, 1850. SOULE, (Geo.) New Science and Practice of Accounts. New Orleans, 1881. SPARKS, (Jared) Library of American Biography. 1848. SPARKS, (W. H.) The Memories of Fifty Years. Louisiana and Mis- sissippi. Philadelphia, 1872. SPEARS, (Jno. R.) and CLARK, (A. H.) History of the Mississippi Valley. 1903. LOUISIANA WRITERS 53 SQUIER, (B. G.) Observations on the Aboriginal Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. 1847. STANLEY, (Henry M.) Educated in New Orleans, began literary career from that city as newspaper correspondent. In Darkest Africa. 1890. ST. CERAN, (Tullius) Rien ou Moi. 1837. Las Louisianaises. 1840. ST. COSME, (J. F. B.) Missionary Priest, Letters on a Voyage Down the Mississippi. 1699. STUBBS, (Elizabeth Saunders) Early Settlers of Alabama and Gene- alogies. New Orleans, 1899. STUBBS, (Dr. William Carter) Director Louisiana Experiment Station. Descendants of Mordecai Cooke. New Orleans, 1895. Sugar Cane. Baton Rouge, 1900. Agricultural Resources of Hawaii. 1901. Descendents of John Stubbs. New Orleans, 1902. Sugar Cane. Baton Rouge, 1904. And many other works on scientific agriculture. STUART, (James) Three Years in North America. 2 Vols. New York, 1833. STUART, (Ruth McEnery) Sonny; A Christmas Guest. New York, 1898. Holly and Pizen. New York, 1899. The Story of Babette, a Little Creole Girl. New York, 1898. Moriah's Mourning. New York, 1898. STEMPEL, (M. G. T.) The Finished Web. A Novel. New Orleans, 1892. STODDARD, (Maj. Amos) Sketches of Louisiana. Philadelphia, 1812. STONE, (Alfred H.) Early Slave Laws. Pub. Miss. Hist. So. 1899. ST. JOHN, (Mrs. Horace) Audubon; The Naturalist of the New World. New York. 185G. 54 LOUISIANA WRITERS SWETT, (Charles) A Trip to British Honduras. New Orleans, 1868. TANESSE, (J.) Plan of New Orleans, with Buildings. New Orleans, 1815. TANNER, (H. S.) View of the Valley of the Mississippi, etc. Philadelphia, 1834, TAYLOR, (Richard) Destruction and Reconstruction. New York, 1879. TEBAULT, (Dr. C. H.) Our City's Problem. New Orleans, 1877. TERNAUX-COMPANS, (H.) Voyages, etc. 1841, TESTUT, (Dr. Chas.) Les Echos. 1849. Portraits Litteraires de la N'lle Orleans. N'lle Orleans, 1850. Le Vieux Solomon, etc. N'lle Orleans, 1871. THATCHER. (B. B.) Indian Biography. 1832. THIERRY, (Camille) Les Vagabondes. 1842. THEARD, (Cyrille C.) Poesie a Madame Eugenie de Montijo. N'lle Orleans, 1896. THIERS, (Adolphe) John Law and the Mississippi Bubble. New York, 185a. THIERRY — Examination of the Claim, etc., to the Batture. New Orleans, 1808. THOMASSY, (R.) Geologie Pratique de la Louisiane. New Orleans, 1860. THOMPSON, (Maurice) The Story of Louisiana. Boston, 1888. My Winter Garden; A Nature Lover Under Southern Skies. New York, 1900. THOMPSON, (M. Agnes) Metairie, Old Aunt Tilda, and Other Sketches. New Orleans, 1892. LOUISIANA WRITERS 55 THOMPSON, (T. P.) Sketch of the Carnival, Vieux Carre. New Orleans, 1904. THORPE, (Thomas B.) The Hive of the Bee-Hunter. 1854. THWAITES, (R. G.) Father Marquette. New York, 1902. Jesuit Relations. Cleveland, 1896. And many other Western Pioneer Works. • TOWNSEND, (Mary Ashley) Brother Clerks. A Tale of New Orleans. New Orleans, 1859. Xariffas Poems. Philadelphia, 1870. Distaff and Spindle. Philadelphia, 1895. Down the Bayou, and Other Poems. Philadelphia, 1896. TONTI, (Le Chevalier) Derniers Decouvertes dans I'Amerique Sep- tentrionale de M. de la Salle. Paris, 1697. TRIST, (N. B.) (New Orleans). Whist; American Leads and Their History. New York, 1900. TRUEDELL, (Sam'l O.) of New Orleans, A Wonderful Discovery in the Book of Job. Philadelphia. 1890. TRANCHEPAIN, (la R. mere St. Augustin de) Relation du Voyage des Premieres Ursulines a la N'lle Orleans, etc., 1727. N'lle York. 1859. TROBRIAND, (General Regis de) Quatre Ans de Campagnes a I'Armee du Potomac. Paris, 1874. TROLLOPE, (Anthony) North America. Philadelphia, 186:;. TROLLOPE, (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of the Americans. (Visited New Orleans). London, 1832. TRUITT, (Julia P.) Birds of Passage, and other verse. 1890. TUJAQUE, (F.) Le Premier Pas, Essais Litteraires. N'lle Orleans, 1863. 56 LOUISIANA WRITERS TUNNARD, (W. H.) The History of the Third Regiment, Louisiana Infantry. Baton Rouge, 1844. ULLOA, (Gov. Ant. de) (First Spanish Governor of Louisiana). Me- moires Philosophiques, etc. Paris, 1787. VANDENHOFF, (George) Leaves from an Actor's Note-Book. Chapter on New Orleans. New York, 1860. ♦ VBRGENNES, (M. de) Memoire Historique et Politique Sur la Louisi- ana. Paris, 1802. VEGA, (Garcilasso de la) La Florida del Inca, Historia del Adelantado de Soto, etc. Lisbona, 1605. VEATCH, (A. C.) Geology of Louisiana. 1902. VIEL, (Etienne B. A.) of New Orleans, Jesuit Priest, Translation of Telemaque. 1796. Miscellanea Latino-Gallica. 1816. VILLENEUFVE, (Le Blanc de) Poncha Houma; a Tragedy. New Orleans, 1814. VILLIERS du TERRACE, (Baron M. de) Les Dernieres Annees de la Louisiane Francaise. 1903. VIGNOLES, (Charles) History of the Floridas. 1824. VIGNAUD, (Henry) Toscanelli and Columbus. London, 19UH. VOLNEY, (C. F.) A View of the Soil and Climate of the United States. Philadelphia, 1804. VOORHIES, (Felix) Blanche Duvart, a Louisiana Romance. 1876. WALDO, (J. Curtis) Mardi Gras; A Tale of Ante-Bellum Times. 1871. Review Commerce of New Orleans. New Orleans, 1876. Roll of Honor — Citizen Soldiery, Who Saved Louisiana. (Circa.) New Orleans, 1877. LOUISIANA WRITERS 5/ WALKER, (Norman) Historical Sketch Book and Guide to New Or- leans. New York, 1885. Advantages of New Orleans. 1899. History of Municipal Government. 1899. WALKER, (Alexander) Jackson and New Orleans. New York, 1856. WALKER, (C. B.) The Mississippi Valley and Prehistoric Events. Barlington, 1881. WALKER, (Jeanie Mort) of New Orleans, Life of Capt. Joseph Fry; the Cuban Martyr. Hartford, 1875. WALKER, (General Wm.) The War in Nicaragua. Mobile, 1860. WALL, (E. G.) Manual of Agriculture. 1870. WALLACE, (Joseph) The History of Illinois and Louisiana under the French Rule. Cincinnati, 1899. WALWORTH, (Jeannette H.) Southern Silhouettes. 1886. WALTON, (Augustus Q.) A History of John A. Murel, the Great West- ern Land Pirate. 1835. WARDEN, (D. B.) Description Statistique des Etats-Unis. 1820. WARNER, (Beverly E.) (Rector Trinity Church) Troubled Waters; A Problem of To-Day. Philadelphia, 1885. The Young Man in Modern Life. New York, 1902. The Young Woman in Modern Life. New York, 1903. WATKINS, (Col. John A.) Mississippi Panic of 1813. Pub. Miss. Hist. So. 1901. WEIjLS, (Wm. V.) Walker's Expedition to Nicaragua, etc. New York, 1856. 58 LOUISIANA WRITERS WHITAKER, (Miss Lily) Donata. 1878. WHITAKER, (Mary S.) Albert Hastings, a Novel. 1875. WHARTON, (Edward C.) The New World. Translated from the French. New Orleans, 1855. The War of the Bachelors; A Story of the Crescent City. New Orleans, 1882. WHYTE, (J. H.) New Orleans in 1950. New Orleans, 1899. WHITE, (Wm.) The Pitot Tube. Engineering. New Orleans, 1901. WILLARD, (Florance J.) Poetry. 1879. WILDE, (Miss Jenny) Why, and Other Poems. 1888. WILDE, (Richard Henry) Love, Madness and Imprisonment of Tor- quato Tasso. New York, 1842. WILKINSON, (Andrew) Sketches of Plantation Life. 1884. WILKINSON, (General James) Memoirs of My Own Times. Philadelphia, 1816. WILLIAMS, (Espy W. H.) Eugene Aram, A Play. 1874. Parrhasius; or Thriftless Ambition. New Orleans, 1879. A Dream of Art, and other Poems. 1892. The Husband. A Society Play. 1898. The Duke's Jester, and many other works. WILLIAMS, (John Lee) A View of West Florida. 1827. WILLIAMS, (Richard d'Alton) Poems. 1848. WILMER, (R. H.) The Recent Past from a Southern Standpoint. 1887. WINSOR, (Justin) Narrative and Critical History of America. 1887. LOUISIANA WRITERS 59 WOISSERA, (Boqueta de) A View of New Orleans 1803. Rare colored print, Library of T. P. Thompson. WOLFF, (Solomon) Constitution and Revised Laws of Louisiana. 1904. WOOD, (Robt. C.) Confederate Hand-Book. New Orleans, 1900. YOAKUM, (H.) History of Texas. 1846. YOUNG, (J. R.) Around the Wo«.>l with General Grant. New York, 1879. ZACHARIE, (James S.) The New».t:**ans Guide. New Orleans, 1889. New Orleans — Its Old Streets and Places. Pub. La. Hist. So., 1900. Essays on Prison Reform, etc. Louisiana Artists, Native and Sometime Resident, Dates Being Approximate to Their Greatest Activity. SALAZAR, Portrait Painter. 1769. ROMEGAR, Portrait and Landscape. 1772. LATAZAR, (Frances) Portrait. 1802. WOISSERA, (Boqueta de) Landscape 1803. GODEFROY, Portrait. 1808. VALLE, (M.) Miniature. 1814. BRUSTER, (Edmund) Portrait. 1818. CARDELLL (Peter) Sculptor. 1820. COLLAS, (Louis) Miniature. 1820. JARVIS, Jno. W.) Portrait. 1822. LANZEAU, Portrait. 1822. LISSAUTE, (Pierre), Portrait. 1824. SEL, (Joiin B.) Miniature. 1824. AUDUBON, (John James) Naturalist, Birds and Quadrupeds. 1822-26. ARMANS, (L) Portrait. 1830. VAUDECHAMPS, Portrait. 1830. CERES L Historical. 1832. LOUISIANA ARTISTS 6 1 BILFELAT, Portrait. 1836. PINOLI, Historical. 1836. PLEISCHBEIN, Portrait. 1838. LANSBAU, Mural. 1838. FOY, (P.) Sculptor. 1838. HUDSON, (J.) Portrait. 1840. LAYMAN, (E.) Portrait. 1840. LION, (J.) Painter and Lithographer of Portraits. 1840. NOON, (T. F.) Portrait. 1842. SMITH, (J. R.) Landscape. 1842. POINTEL, (J. B.) Marine. 1844. VBILEX, (Th.) Sculptor. 1844. POMAREDE, (Leon) Mural. 1846. HUDSON, (Julian) Marine. 1846. CATLIN, (Geo. A.) Indian. 1848. POWERS, (A. G.) Portrait. 1848. BERNARD, Landscape. 1850. DEGAS, Genre. 1850. RANCK, Historical. - 1850. HEALY, (G. P. A.) Portrait. 1852. BAKER, (Wm. H.) Portrait. 1853. 62 LOUISIANA ARTISTS LAUX, Fruit. 1854. MOISE, (Theo. S.) Portrait. 1854. CANOVA-FILS, Mural. 1854. REINHART, (B. F.) Landscape. 1854. SCHMIDT, (P.) Portrait. 1854. WALKER, (Samuel) Portrait. 1855. FISHER, (C. F.) Portrait. 1856. MOLONY, (W. M.) Portrait. 1856. GENIN, (J.) Portrait. 1856. BRENNAN, (Joseph) Landscape. , 1857. COULON, (Geo. D.) Portrait and Gnue. 1858. DAVID, Genre. * 1858. GALVINI, (C.) Portrait. 1858. MUZZY, (C. B.) Landscape. 1858. JAUME, (A. C.) Portrait. 1858. TALEN, (W. A.) Sculptor. 1858. MOSES, (B.) Portrait. 1858. RUMPLER, (W.) Portrait. 1858. LUX, (Randolph) Porcelain. 1859. GSCHWINDT, (R.) Portrait. 1859. ARNOLD, (Edward) Marine. I860. LOUISIANA ARTISTS 63 CICERI, (M.) Landscape (water colorist). 1860. JULIO, (Everett D.) HistoricaL 1867. HALE. Portrait. 1868. PIERSON, (V.) Portrait. 1870. PESSAC, (A.) Landscape. 1872. CLAGUE, (Richard) Landscape. 1860-73. FREMAUX, (Leon J.) Genre. 1876. NEUSER, (W.) Portrait. 1878. GIRAUX, Landscape. 1880. PERRELLI, (Acliille) Game and Sculptor. 1880. BUCK, (Wm. H.) Landscape. 1874 84. HUMBRECHT, (Erasme) Mural. 1886. LIVINGSTON, (Edward) Water color. 1890. STROUD (Ida Wells) Still Life. 189;^. CONTEMPORARY. HOENING, (Julius R.) Mural and Portrait. BOYLE, (Chas. W.) Landscape. BYRD, (Henry) Portrait. " '"" DRYSDALE, (A. J.) Landscape. JONES, (Frances D.) Book Illustrations. LEAVITT, W. H.) Portrait. 64 LOUISIANA ARTISTS MASSIE, (Julia K.) Landscape. MAYFIELD, (Robt. B.) Landscape. AIOLINARY, (Andreas) Portrait. PEMBBRTON, (Jolin) Genre. CLEMENS, Landscape. PERRETTI, (A.) Mural and Portrait and Sculptor. POINCY, (Paul) Genre and Portrait. SEEBOLD, (Marie) Fruit and Flowers. SMITH, (Edith Paul) Sculptor. SMITH, (Gertrude Roberts) Decorative, s^ SMITH, (Marshall J., Jr.) Landscape. WESTFELDT, (P. M.) Landscape. WIKSTROM, (B. A.) Marine and Landscape. WILDE, (Miss Jennie) Decorative and Poitrail. WINTERHALDER, (Louis A.) Cartoons. WOODWARD, (Ellsworth) Landscape. WOODWARD, (Wm.) Landscape. SHEERER, (Miss M. G.) Decorative. FRANK, (Charles) Landscape. COULON, (George A.) Still Life. BREMER, (Miss Cora) Still Life. I!ll mill !Im'' 3 1205 030 5 8362