41,:. BANCROFT LIBRARY O THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA KEY TO THEOLOGY FRONTISPIECE Fly fly these thoughts on the lightning car, With the speed of light to the realms afar! Mount mount the car with the horse of fire; Outstrip the wind, he will never tire; Let the wild bird scream as he lags behind, And the hurricane a champion find. Search the darkest spot where mortals dwell: With a voice of thunder the tidings tell; Proclaim the dawn of a brighter day, When the King of kings shall His sceptre sway, Bid pain, and anguish, and sorrow cease, And open the way for the Prince of peace. He will conquer death, bid mourning flea. And give to the nations a Jubilee. KEY TO THE SCIENCE OF THEOLOGY DESIGNED AS AN INTRODUCTION To the First Principles of Spiritual Philosophy, Religion, Law and Government, as Delievered by the Ancients, and as Restored in this Age for the Final Development of Universal Peace, Truth and Knowledge, BY PARLEY *?-. PRATT // O, Truth divine! what treasures unrevealed, In thine exhaustless fountains are concealed! Words multiplied, how powerless to tell The infinitude with which our bosoms swell. SEVENTH EDITION SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Deseret News, Printers and Publishers. 1915 BANCROFT LIBRARY CONTENTS PAGE. Preface 7 CHAPTER I. Theology Its Definition Historical Illustra- tions 11 CHAPTER II. Decline and Loss of this Science among the Jews 19 CHAPTER III. The progress, decline and final loss of the Science of Theology among the Gentiles Foreshadowings of its restoration for the ushering in of the Millennium 22 CHAPTER IV. The rise, progress, decline and loss of the Science of Theology on the Western Hemisphere, as brought to light by the late discovery of ancient American records 28 CHAPTER V. Keys of the Mysteries of the Godhead 32 CHAPTER VI. Origin of the Universe 46 CHAPTER VII. Destiny of the Universe 55 CHAPTER VIII. Key of Knowledge, Power and Government. . 64 6 CONTENTS. PAGE. CHAPTER IX. Revival or Restoration of the Science of The- ology in the Present Age 72 CHAPTER X. Keys of Initiation in Practical Theology 91 CHAPTER XL Philosophy of Miracles 97 CHAPTER XII. Angels and Spirits 105 CHAPTER XIII. Dreams 113 CHAPTER XIV. The World of Spirits 118 CHAPTER XV. Resurrection, its Times and Degrees First, Second Third Heavens, or the Telestial, Terrestrial and Celestial Kingdoms 124 CHAPTER XVI. Further remarks on Man's Physical and In- tellectual Progress Philosophy of Will, as originating, directing and controlling all Voluntary Animal Motion Astound- ing facts in relation to the Speed or Veloc- ity of Motion, as attainable by Physical Man Inter-communication of the Inhabit ants of different and distant Planets 149 CHAPTER XVII. Laws of Marriage and Procreation 149 PREFACE The present is an age of progress, of change, of rapid advance, and of wonderful revolutions. The very foundations of society social, polit- ical, commercial, moral and religious seem to be shaken as with a mighty earthquake, from center to circumference. All things tremble, creation groans, the world is in travail and pains to be delivered. A new era has dawned upon our planet, and is advancing with accelerated force, with giant strides. The railroads and the steamboats, with their progressive improvements in speed, safety and convenience, are extending and multiplying the means of travel, of trade, of association and inter- communications between countries whose inhabit- ants have been comparatively unknown to or estranged from each other. But, as if even these means were too slow for the Godlike aspirations, the mighty throes of hu- man thought and its struggles for light and ex- pansion, man seizes the lightning, tames and sub- dues it, and makes it the bearer of his thoughts and dispatches. While these things are in progress by one portion of mankind, another learns to seize and control a sunbeam, in a manner sub- servient to the progress of the fine arts, and by which means a man performs in a minute the work 8 PREFACE. which a short time since would have employed the most active years of a lifetime. While every science, every art is being devel- oped; while the mind is awakened to new thoughts; while the windows of heaven are opened, as it were, and the profound depths of human in- tellect are stirred, moved from the foundation on all other subjects, religious knowledge seems at a standstill. The creeds of the fathers seem to have been cast in the mold of other ages, to be adapted to a more narrow sphere of intellectual development, and to be composed of material too much resem- bling cast iron; or, at least, not sufficiently elastic to expand with the expansion of mind, to grow with the growth and advance with the progressive principles of the age. For these reasons, perhaps more than any other, the master spirits of the age are breaking loose from the old moorings and withdrawing from established and venerated systems, by which means society is distracted, divided, broken up, thrown, as it were, into a chaos of confused, dis- organized individualization, without a standard or rallying point, without a nucleus by which to concentrate or re-organize this chaotic mass, these atoms of thought. One thing is certain, according to ancient prophecy, and agreeable to the general expecta- tion of this and other ages, the day approaches which will flood the earth with the pure principles of religious knowledge; a day when none will have to teach his neighbor, saying, Know ye the PREFACE. y Lord, for all persons shall know Him from the least to the greatest. It should be a matter of serious thought and investigation, without respect to party, sect or creed, whether there should not, in the very nature of circumstances and future Millennial hopes, be an entire remodeling or re-organization of re- ligious society, upon the broad basis of revealed knowledge, tangible fact, and philosophical, scien- tific and spiritual truth, a universal "standard" of immutable Truth, instead of numberless systems founded on uncertainty, opinion, mere human im- pression or conjecture. Can anything short of such a standard unite society, enlighten the world, establish real peace, brotherhood and fellowship, and put a final end to religious ignorance, superstition, jargon, or dis- cord? Is not a difference of opinion, or a disa- greement on any given subject, a proof positive of existing ignorance, or want of light or informa- tion, on the part of the parties disagreeing? If so, the present age is certainly in the dark, or, in a great measure, ignorant on religious subjects. A knowledge of the Truth can alone bring the de- sired union and bid discord cease. If the Scrip- tures be true, it is not religious opinion which will cover the earth, and universally pervade every bosom, but it is a KNOWLEDGE, "The knowledge of God." "GoD is TRUTH/' To know Him, is to know the Truth. The present volume aims to embody, in a con- cise and somewhat original manner and style, a general view of the Science of Theology, as gath- 10 PREFACE. ered from revelation, history, prophecy, reason and analogy. If the Work proves an introductory key to some of the first principles of the divine science of which it treats; if it serves to open the eyes of any of his fellow men, on the facts of the past, the present, and the future; if it leads to investi- gation and inquiry, and calls public attention to the greater and more particular truths which have been or are about to be revealed as a standard by which to unite the people of all nations and of all religions upon the rock, the sure foundation of divine, eternal, uncreated, infinite and exhaustless Truth, it will have accomplished the end aimed at by THE AUTHOR. Key to Theology CHAPTER I. THEOLOGY ITS DEFINITION HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATION. Eternal Science! who would fathom thee Must launch his bark upon a shoreless sea. Thy knowledge yet shall overwhelm the earth, Thy truth to immortality give birth, Thy dawn shall kindle to eternal day, And man, immortal, still shall own thy sway. FIRST. THEOLOGY is the science of communica- tion, or of correspondence, between God, angels, spirits, and men, by means of visions, dreams, in- terpretations, conversations, inspirations, or the spirit of prophecy and revelation. Second. It is the science by which worlds are organized, sustained and directed, and the ele- ments controlled-. Third. It is the science of knowledge, and the key and power thereof, by which the heavens are opened, and lawful access is obtained to the treasures of wisdom and intelligence inexhausti- ble, infinite, embracing the past, the present, and the future. 12 KEY TO THEOLOGY. Fourth. It is the science of life, endless and eternal, by which the living are changed or trans- lated, and the dead raised. Fifth. It is the science of faith, reformation, and remission of sins, whereby a fallen race of mortals may be justified, cleansed, and restored to the communion and fellowship of that Holy Spirit which is the light of the world, and of every in- telligence therein. Sixth. It is the science of spiritual gifts, by which the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, the sick are healed, and demons are expelled from the human system. Seventh. It is the science of all other sciences and useful arts, being, in fact, the very fountain from which they emanate. It includes philosophy, astronomy, history, mathematics, geography, lan- guages, the science of letters, and blends the knowledge of all matters of fact, in every branch of art, or of research. It includes, also, all the scientific discoveries and inventions, agriculture, the mechanical arts, architecture, shipbuilding, the properties and applications of the mariner's com- pass, navigation and music. All that is useful, great and good, all that is calculated to sustain, comfort, instruct, edify, purify, refine or exalt in- telligences, originated by this science, and this science alone, all other sciences being but branches growing out of this, the root. Some of the facts stated in the foregoing are beautifully illustrated in theological history, of which the following is an imperfect summary: KEY TO THEOLOGY. 13 God spake, and the worlds were framed by His word. He spake, darkness dispersed, and light pre- vailed. He commanded, and the elements, water and earth, separated, and assumed their proper bounds. He commanded, and the earth brought forth vegetable and animal life in countless variety. He commanded, and man, male and female, took upon them a tabernacle of flesh, and prepared to multiply and perpetuate their species in the new creation. "The Lord God planted a garden," and thus, introduced agriculture. "He made coats of skins," hence the tailor's art. The Lord God commanded and gave pattern for Noah's ark, thus introducing the art of ship- building. He revealed the patterns for the Tabernacle in the wilderness, with all its arrangements and fur- niture; and afterwards developed the entire plan and all the designs of that most stupendous of all works of art, the great Temple of Solomon, with all its furniture; thus developing^ and improving the art of architecture. The Lord God wrote with his own finger on the "tables of stone," on Mount Sinai; thus show- ing that the science of letters was cultivated and used by the highest Intelligence of the eternal heavens. The Lord God has revealed by Ezekiel the Prophet, a plan for the survey and division of Palestine to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, on their 14 KEY TO THEOLOGY. return to the land of their fathers; also for laying out the new city of Jerusalem, with its squares, blocks, public grounds and suburbs, and its temple. Thus Theology includes the surveyor's art, and the planning of cities, as well as temples, and shows that these arts are cultivated in heaven, and that the very highest Intelligence of the Heaven of heavens stoops, or condescends, to grace these arts by His own particular attention and example. In the Revelation of John the Apostle, on the Isle of Patmos, we have a specimen, a masterpiece, a climax of all that is great and grand in design, and splendid and glorious in execution, in cities, thrones, palaces, streets, pavements, outgrounds, gates, walks, squares, fountains, rivulets, gardens, fruits, groves, specimens of dress, poetry, song, music, marriage, bridal dress, feasting, books, lit- erature, public worship, prophesying, prayer and praise, as existing in and around the palaces of the New Jerusalem, the capital of heaven, the seat of government of the Eternal King. The very gates of the city are numbered and named, together with the particular names of the precious stones forming the foundations thereof, the gold which composed the pavement of the streets, all are portrayed in the description. And what is still more marvelous, all this sur- passing grandeur of design and stupendous wis- dom and display in execution, were explored, com- prehended and described by a poor, illiterate fish- erman, by the aid of the science and arts of Theology. Having reviewed some of the works of the KEY TO THEOLOGY. 15 great Head, the President or First Teacher in the school of Theology, we will still continue the his- toric illustrations of this wonderful science, as developed and exemplified by the most eminent students and professors of the same. By this science Adam obtained from his Father the promise of the eternal dominion over the planet on which he was placed. By this science Enoch overcame death, and ascended to a higher sphere of immortality and eternal life, without even being separated from his fleshy tabernacle. By this science Noah foretold the flood, pre- pared to meet the event, and, with his family, sur- vived the same, and became the greatest landed proprietor since Adam. By the perversion and unlawful use of this science, king Nimrod built the stupendous Tower of Babel, but was frustrated, and his plans were destroyed before their completion. By this science various tongues and languages were instituted, and colonies, the germs of na- tions, planted beyond the seas and in all the earth. By this science Abraham escaped the idolatry and priestcraft of the Egyptians, and of the world around him, obtained a good land secured to him and his -seed by an immutable oath and covenant, and an everlasting, unchangeable title. By this science he conversed with angels, and was favored with a personal interview with the Great Head and Founder of the science, who blessed him and his wife, promised them an heir 16 KEY TO THEOLOGY. in their old age, and, finally, on parting, told him His design on Sodom and its neighborhood. By this science Lot escaped the flames of Sodom, the knowledge being communicated by two angels. By this science Isaac and Jacob also obtained promises and conversed with angels. By it Joseph was exalted from a dungeon to a palace, for the salvation, from famine, of a nation and of his father's house. By this science Moses performed his wonders in Egypt, in the Red Sea, and in the wilderness. By the perversion and unlawful use of this science the magicians of Egypt withstood Moses for a time, and performed their enchantments. By this science Joshua controlled the motions of the earth, and lengthened out the day by a simple command. By this science the walls of Jericho were leveled with the earth, and the city was taken. By this science the Jordan river was divided, while a nation crossed dry shod, to take posses- sion of the promised land. By this science Elijah controlled the heavens, that it rained not for three years and six months in Palestine. And by it he called forth and re- stored rain. By it he overthrew the priests of Baal and the kingdom of Ahab, put an end to the royal family of this idolatrous king, and placed Jehu on the throne. By it he arose, like Enoch, to a higher sphere, without returning to dust. T-> A 1 KEY TO THEOLOGY. 17 By this science Samuel prophesied, raised up a mighty king and nation, and afterwards dethroned Saul and exalted an obscure shepherd boy to the throne of Israel. By this science Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and others, foretold the fate of Babylon, Egypt, Tyre, Jerusalem, and other cities and na- tions, and the exact career and final doom of Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Cyrus, and other great and important personages, who were des- tined in turn to influence and decide the fate of nations. By this science the furnace of fire was over- come, and the mouths of lions were closed, that no harm should befall the holy men of God. By this science Zachariah, Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Simeon, Anna, Joseph, Mary, the wise men from the east, and the shepherds of Judea, enjoyed visions, communion with angels and the spirit of prophecy, so as to understand and wel- come with joy the events of the birth and ap- proaching ministry of Jesus Christ, when, as yet, all those not versed in this science were in dark- ness on the subject, and as liable to reject the Savior as to receive Him. Dreams and visions, enjoyed by means of this science, led and protected the Son of God in all His career of mortal life. Finally, by this same power a mighty angel descended, shook the earth, frightened the Roman guards, rolled away the great stone, broke the seal of the tomb, and the sleeping body of Jesus Christ came to life. 18 KEY TO THEOLOGY. By this power the risen Jesus, eating, drinking, and conversing with His disciples, after His resur- rection, commissioned and instructed them in the same science, ordained them to act in the same, and to impart its power to others, in all the world, with signs following them that believed. By this science He ascended to the Father, and lives forever in the flesh, to shed forth the gifts and powers of the same science, according to His own will, and the will of His Father, to reign henceforth until He descends to the earth, con- quers death in a last great conflict, and puts all enemies under His feet. By this same power His Apostles, being clothed with the full powers of the same on the day of Pentecost, ministered the powers and knowledge of this science to others, both Jew and Gentile, insomuch that the sick were healed, the blind saw, the dumb spake, the deaf heard, the lame walked, devils were cast out, and the dead were raised, while everywhere dreams, visions, the ministering of angels and the gift of prophecy were enjoyed. KEY TO THEOLOGY. 19 CHAPTER II. DECLINE AND LOSS OF THIS SCIENCE AMONG THE JEWS. O horrid, awful, melancholy sight! A nation, wont to soar 'mid realms of light, Degraded, fallen, sunk in dark despair, The hiss, the scorn, the bye-word everywhere; No eye to pity, and no arm to save, 'Till wearied nature finds an exile's grave. IT now becomes our painful task to trace the decline of the science of Theology and its powers among the nations, and to review the awful con- sequences of such decline. We will commence with the Jewish nation. The science of Theology, as we have just re- viewed, was enjoyed, and its powers were won- derfully developed, under the several dispensations called Patriarchal, Mosaic and Jewish. There had, however, been a great decline, a retrogression of the powers and knowledge of the same previous to their restoration by John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. This was owing to the general prevalence of sectarian principles, divisions, precepts, command- ments, and doctrines of men, by which the law and the Prophets were made void, and a veil was thrown over them, or over the hearts of men, by 20 KEY TO THEOLOGY. which means they were misunderstood, or, rather, not understood at all. It therefore became the duty of Jesus Christ and His Apostles and Elders, as well as of His forerunner, to reprove those sects, denounce their doctrines and traditions, and restore that which was lost in this great science. This restoration was at first confined strictly to the nation of the Jews. But seeing they turned from it, and judged themselves unworthy of eter- nal life, preferring their own powerless forms and doctrines to the science of revelation, miracles, visions and prophecy, which had ever illuminated the pathway of their more ancient fathers, the Apostles turned from them, by the commandment of the Lord, and transferred this science, with its keys and legitimate powers, to the Gentiles. The nation had rejected and slain the Messiah, stoned the Prophets, and imprisoned and even murdered many of the Apostles and Elders; and Jesus had already in tears of anguish, announced their doom: "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chicken under her wings, and ye would not! Be- hold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth till ye shall say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord." Again, on another occasion, the Messiah ut- tered His voice, saying, "There shall be great dis- tress in the land, and wrath upon this people. I KEY TO THEOLOGY. 21 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." Again He spake, concerning the temple, saying, "There shall not be left here one stone upon an- other, that shall not be thrown down." All these things, foretold by the -science of Theology, were fulfilled in that generation. And Jerusalem has been destroyed, trodden down by the Gentiles, and the Jews have remained in cap- tivity among the nations until now. Our readers will readily discern the entire loss of the science and powers of Theology among this nation, the time, circumstances, and reasons of its decline, and the time or circumstances which will restore it unto them. They lost it when, by the hand of the Apostles, it was taken from them and given to the Gentiles. The result was, the destruction of their city and temple, and of their national existence. Their temple, priesthood and offerings were no longer attended by divine power. Its outward forms were, therefore, of no possible use. From that very time to the present, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three of the Christian era, the voice of a Prophet has not been heard among the Jews. Angels have not ministered unto them. There has been no vision from the Lord. No dream or interpretation. No answer by Urim or Thummim. No prophet. 22 KEY TO THEOLOGY. No voice. No sound. No reproof. No comforting whisper. All is silence, stillness, solemn blackness of despair. All is as the similitude and shadow of death. O the weariness, the painful suspense, the watchings, the wonderings, the anxieties, the pain^ and sorrows of eighteen centuries! O the mist of ages which has shrouded a nation as it were in the gloom of an endless night! When, O when, will their day dawn, and the day star of their ancient science appear above the horizon, disperse the cloud, and usher in the morn- ing of a brighter day? When they shall welcome a messenger in the name of the Lord. When the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. CHAPTER III. THE PROGRESS, DECLINE, AND FINAL LOSS OF THE SCIENCE OF THEOLOGY AMONG THE GENTILES FORESHADOWINGS OF ITS RESTORATION FOR THE USHERING IN OF THE MILLENNIUM. - O Mystic Babel, long has been thy reign! What direful evils follow in thy train! The veil is rent, thy mystery revealed, Angels cry wo! and God thy doom has sealed. The nations, from thy long and dreary night, Are waking now to everlasting light. RETURNING to the Gentile Church, we find the science of Theology, with all its miraculous I KEY TO THEOLOGY. 23 powers of visions, dreams, angels, revelations, prophecy, healings, etc., everywhere enjoyed. It had abated none of its powers, in its transition from Jew to Gentile. The wild branches, being engrafted into the good old stock, immediately partook of the root and fatness of the tame olive tree, and thus was produced the natural fruit. But Paul, the great Apostle of the Gentiles, in his writings to the Romans, cautioned them to beware lest they should fall away after the same example as the Jews had done before them. Said he, "If God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest He also spare not thee." John the Apostle also predicted the rise and universal sway of a certain mystical power, a Babel of spiritual or religious confusion, in short, "Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of har- lots and .abominations of the earth." This power should bear rule among all nations. The kings and rulers of the earth should be drunken with the wine of her fornication. The merchants of the earth should become rich through the abundance of her delicacies. This power should, according to the Prophet Daniel and Apostle John, "wear out the Saints of the Most High;" "change times and laws;" "be drunken with the blood of the Saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus;" "destroy the mighty and the holy people;" "make war with the Saints, and overcome them" until a set time. All these predictions, and many others, foretell the doom of the Gentile Church, its destruction from the earth, and the consequent decline and 24 KEY TO THEOLOGY. cessation of the science of Theology, and of its powers and blessings in the Gentile world. Connected with these predictions, we have the most positive prophetic declarations of Holy Writ concerning the overthrow and entire destruction of this same mystical power which had made war with the Saints. Its judgments are set forth as far more terrible than those which befell Jerusalem. Plague, pes- tilence, sword, earthquake, and the flame of de- vouring fire will cause her to cease to be. Then will usher in the Kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ. Then will the Saints of the Most High take the Kingdom and the greatness of the Kingdom, under the whole heaven. Thus are to be revived the ancient powers and blessings, the knowledge and wisdom of the sci- ence of Theology. In the fulfillment of the foregoing predictions, the science of Theology declined, and passed away from among the Gentiles, just in proportion as the Church, or the Saints of the Most High, were warred against and overcome. For years, centuries, ages, there had been no voice from heaven among the Gentiles, any more than among the Jews. They have fallen "atter the same example of unbelief," notwithstanding the caution of their great Apostle. No Gentile Prophet had arisen and uttered his voice. No kind angel had ministered to them. No vision from the Lord. KEY TO THEOLOGY. 25 No answer. No inspired dream. No voice. No sound from the heavens. No revelation has burst upon the silence of midnight darkness which has brooded over the nations. Or, if such voice, such vision, such Prophet has occasionally burst forth with the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy, his testimony has been unheeded by the mass of the people called Christians, his voice silenced in death, or he and his followers have been banished from society, to wander in the mountains, forests, caves, or deserts of the earth; or, on the other hand, compelled to drag out an existence in the solitude of the dun- geon. Ages, centuries have passed, and oh! what suf- fering! what torture! what rivers of tears! what oceans of blood! what groanings! what strong crying and tears on the earth! what prayers in heaven! "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?" The fire consumed. The sword devoured. Hell's artillery bellowed. Devils hugely grinned. Widows and orphans mourned. Heaven wept. Saints prayed. Justice stood aghast. 26 KEY TO THEOLOGY. Mercy, retiring, dropped a tear of blood. Angels, starting, half drew their glittering swords. And the Gods, in solemn council, decreed a just vengeance. Protest upon protest! reforms and re-reforms; revolutions, struggles, exertions of every kind, of mere human invention, have been tried, and tried in vain. The science of Theology, with all its keys and powers, once lost, could never, consist- ent with the ancient prophetic testimony, be re- stored to either Jew or Gentile, until the full time should arrive, "The times of restitution of all things, zvhich God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets, since the world began." The time for a mighty angel bo ny in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach to them who dwell on the earth; to every nation, kindred tongue, and people. (See John's revela- tion.) The time of judgment for "Mystery Babylon." The times of "the fullness of the Gentiles." The times for the grafting in again of all the natural branches of Israel. Then, and not till then, could this science, the keys, the powers of Theology, be restored to man. No individual or combined human action could obtain or restore again these keys, this science. A mighty angel held the keys of this science for the last days. A mighty angel was to restore the keys of the ancient Priesthood, Apostleship, power and blessings. A voice from heaven was to reveal the time, and send forth the cry, "Come KEY TO THEOLOGY. 27 out cf her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities, " All the darkness of the middle ages, all the priestcraft or kingcraft of every age, since the slaughter of the Apostles, all the oppressions, per- secutions, or abuses of power, all the extrav- agances and idleness on the one hand, and all the sufferings and miseries of the toiling millions for want of the comforts of life on the other, all the ignorance, superstitions, errors, divisions and con- tentions which have transpired in the name of "Christianity" down to the present time, have been the results of the decline and loss of the keys and powers of the science of Theology, or for want cf attention to them when existing on the earth. Nor will the "Christian" world ever attain to any considerable degree of knowledge, power, or union in religious progress, until they discover their loss of this science, become sensible of the need of its restoration, and humble themselves as in the dust, and welcome a messenger who comes in the name of the Lord, with a commission from heaven, and with keys committed by the angels of God, a new apostolic commission, a restoration of the Kingdom and Church, and power and gifts of God; a new dispensation, universally pro- claimed in all the world, with power and signs following; and the whole consummated by the glorious restoration of Israel and Judah to their own land and nationality, and to the true fold of 28 KEY TO THEOLOGY. God; together with the second advent of Messiah and all His Saints with Him, to overthrow "Mys- tery Babylon," and reign on the earth. Such are the events, such is the remedy for the past and present evils. CHAPTER IV. THE RISE, PROGRESS, DECLINE, AND LOSS OF THE SCIENCE OF THEOLOGY ON THE WESTERN HEM- ISPHERE, AS BROUGHT TO LIGHT BY THE LATE DISCOVERY OF ANCIENT AMERICAN RECORDS. The spirit world is moved, the silence broken, The ancient Seers from out the ground have spoken. The appointed years on time's fleet wings have fled, And voices whisper from the ancient dead. Volumes of truth the sacred archives yield. The past, the glorious future, stand revealed. WE are now, of necessity, carried back in our research to the cradle of nations, the Tower of Babel, in order to trace the history of this won- derful science, from the first emigration of a colony to the Western Hemisphere, till its final decline and overthrow, for the knowledge of which we are indebted to many ancient records, written by the fathers, or ancient students and professors of this science, on the Western Hemisphere. Among these we will make honorable mention of the Prophets Jared, Ether, Lehi, Nephi, Mosiah, Alma, Abinadi, Mormon and Moroni, who wrote and prophesied in the Western Hemisphere, dur- KEY TO THEOLOGY. 29 ing the several ages intervening between the time of the dispersion at Babel, and the fifth century of the Christian era. By the science of Theology Jared and his brother led a colony from the great tower to the sea coast, conversing with the Lord, and walking by the light of His revelations on the way. By this science they were instructed in the building of eight barges for uses similar to the ark of Noah. By this science their leader saw God, face to face, and talked with him in plain humility, as one man talks with another, thus obtaining a knowledge of His future coming and kingdom, and of the great events of all ages and genera- tions. By this science they were preserved on the great waters three hundred and forty-four days, and were then landed, with their eight barges, in the Western Hemisphere, together with their women, children, cattle and seeds of every kind. By this science they became a great nation, peopling the entire continent, and enjoying all the blessings of civilization and heavenly light. By the abuse and neglect of it they were at length exterminated, in the days of their Prophet Ether, who live about six hundred years before Christ came in the flesh. By this science the Prophets Lehi and Nephi came out with a colony from Jerusalem, in the days of Jeremiah the Prophet, and after wander- ing for eight years in the wilderness of Arabia, came to the sea coast, built a vessel, obtained from 30 KEY TO THEOLOGY. the Lord a director to guide them on the way, and finally landed in safety on the coast of what is now called Chili, in South America. By this science they also became a great na- tion, enjoyed many visions, had the ministering of angels, and of many prophets, by which means they knew of the coming, birth, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. By this science they also enjoyed a personal visit from the risen Redeemer, who descended from heaven in their presence, taught them His ' Gospel, chose and ordained twelve of their num- ber and prophesied many things. By this science these twelve and others estab- lished the Gospel, Church and ordinances of God throughout the entire Western Hemisphere. By this science their sick were healed, demons were expelled, the lame walked, the blind saw, the dumb spake, the deaf heard, and the dead were raised. By this science three of those Twelve, having a change wrought upon them, tarried in the flesh upon the earth, ministered the Gospel and its blessings nearly four hundred years, and then withdrew from the people because of their iniq- uity, took away the keys of Priesthood and of the Gospel, and its powers, sealed up the records, and caused the work of healing, and of gifts and miracles, to cease from among the people, because of iniquity, bloodshed and persecution. By this science they yet lived in the flesh upon the earth, holding keys of power upon the Western Hemisphere. KEY TO THEOLOGY. 31 By this science (being held in reserve above the powers of Mystery Babylon) they* will soon go forth, prophesying, preaching the Gospel, and doing mighty signs and wonders in the midst 01 all nations, in order to complete and mature the Gentile fullness, and restore the tribes of Israel. Nor is this all; John, the beloved disciple among the Jews, is yet alive in the flesh, and is held in reserve, to "prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings," as it ib written. But to return to our history of the Western Hemisphere. After the science of Theology had ceased to be cultivated and enjoyed among this branch of Israel, terrible wars and bloodshed en- sued. Governments and civilization were broken up, cities and countries were overthrown, all rec- ords and vestiges of truth were diligently sought and destroyed as far as obtained. And, finally, the whole face of the country was soaked, as it were, in blood, and strewed with the dead and dying. The wild beasts of the forest and fowls of heaven devoured their flesh, and their bones were left to moulder unburied. In other instances bodies were heaped up, and covered with mounds of earth. All government became extinct, and the countries were overrun by tribes and bands of robbers at war with each other. In this situation the records of Moroni leave them, in the fifth century of the Christian era, and much in the same situation, with home exceptions, the Europeans found them after a lapse of another thousand years. 32 KEY TO THEOLOGY. O, who can contemplate the disgusting deform- ity, the dark features, the filthy habits, the idleness, the cruelty, the nakedness, the poverty, the misery, the sufferings, the ignorance of the descendants of this once favored branch of the royal blood of Abraham and Joseph, and not weep for very anguish^ while his bosom yearns, and the foun- tains, the depths of his inmost soul, are stirred and moved within him! Reader, all these things have come upon them on account of the abuses, the consequent decline and final loss of the keys and powers of the science of Theology. But comfort your heart, their redemption is at the door. CHAPTER V. KEYS OF THE MYSTERIES OF THE GODHEAD. Eternal Father, Being without end! Thy glorious fullness who can comprehend! Thine own infinitude alone is fraught With attributes to swell a human thought To grasp Thy knowledge, or Thy nature scan, As Father to the endless race of man. THIS is LIFE ETERNAL: TO KNOW THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST WHOM HE HATH SENT. SINCE the decline of the science of Theology, a mystery, dark and deep, has shrouded the human mind, in regard to the person and nature of the Eternal Father, and of Jesus Christ, His Son. KEY TO THEOLOGY. 33 Councils of the fathers, and wise men of Chris- tendom, have assembled again and again, in order to solve the mystery of Godliness, and fix some standard or creed upon which all parties might rest and be agreed. This, however, was not in their power. It is im- possible for the world by its wisdom to find out God. "Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him." The key to the science of Theology is the key of divine revelation. Without this key, no man, no assemblage of men, ever did, or ever will know the Eternal Father or Jesus Christ.. When the key of revelation was lost to man, the knowledge of God was lost. And as life eter nal depended on the knowledge of God, of course the key of eternal life was lost. Q the mysteries, the absurdities, the conten- tions, the quarrels, the bloodshed, the infidelity, the senseless and conflicting theories which have grown and multiplied among sectaries on this subject! Among these theories we will notice one which is, perhaps, more extensively received by different sects than any other. The language runs thus; "There is one only living and true God, without body, parts or passions; consisting of three per- sons, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost." It is painful to the human mind to be com- pelled to admit that such wonderful inconsistencies of language or ideas have ever found place in any human creed. Yet, so it is. 34 KEY TO THEOLOGY. It is but another way of saying that there is a God who does not exist, a God who is composed of nonentity, who is the negative of all existence, who occupies no space, who exists in no time, who is composed of no substance, known or un- known, and who has no powers or properties in common with any thing or being known to exist or which can possibly be conceived of as existing either in the heavens or on the earth. Such a God could never be seen, heard or felt by any being in the universe. There never has been a visible idol worshiped among men, which was so powerless as this "God without bod}% parts or passions." The god of Egypt, the crocodile, could destroy. The images of different nations could be felt and seen. The Peruvian god, the sun, could diffuse its genial warmth, light and influence. But not so with the God without "body, parts or passions." That which has no parts has no whole. Beings which have no passions have no soul. Before we can introduce the keys and powers of practical Theology to the understanding of men in this age, we must, of necessity, place within their comprehension some correct ideas of the true God. It is written that, "without faith it is impossible to please Him." Those who do not please Him can never partake of the powers and gifts of the science of Theology, because the keys and powers of this science emanate from Him as a free gift, KEY TO THEOLOGY. 35 foul they are never given to those with whom He is not well pleased. The individual who would partake of this power must therefore have faith in Him. But how can he believe in a being of whom he has no correct idea? So vague, so foreign from the simple, plain truth, are the ideas of the present age, so be- clouded is the modern mind with mysticism, spirit- ual nonentity, or immateriality in nearly all of its ideas of the person or persons of the Deity, that we are constrained to use the language of the ancient Apostle, as addressed to the learned of Athens, "Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, Him declare I unto you" Although there are facts in our own existence which are beyond our present comprehension or capacity, which is true, in a higher sense, in rela- tion to the Godhead, still the limited knowledge we are able to comprehend in relation to our- selves may at least be rational, and be as clearl) conveyed and understood as any other subject. So with our knowledge of Deity. Although there are facts beyond our reach in relation to His existence, attributes and power, yet that which we may know and comprehend or express of Him should be divested of all mystery, and should be as clearly conceived, expressed and conveyed as any other item of truth or of science. Jesus Christ, a little babe like all the rest of us have been, grew to be a man, was rilled with a divine essence, called the Holy Spirit, by which he comprehended and spake the truth in power and authority, and by which he controlled the ele- 36 KEY TO THEOLOGY. ments and imparted health and life to those who were prepared to partake of the same. This man died, being put to death by wicked men. He arose from the dead the third day, and ap- peared to His disciples. These disciples, on seeing Him, supposed Him to be a spirit only. But their risen Lord adopted the most simple means of dispersing their mysticism, their spiritual vagaries or immateriality. He called upon them to handle Him and see. "For" said He, "a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have." They accordingly handled Him, examined the prints of the nails in His hands and feet, and the mark of the spear in His side. But, as if this was not enough, in order to familiarize them still more with the facts of a material or tangible immortal- ity, He ate and drank with them, partaking of a broiled fish and an honeycomb. In short, He was with them for forty days, in which He walked, talked, ate, drank, taught, prophesied, commanded, commissioned, reasoned with and blessed them, thus familiarizing to them that immortality and eternal life which He wished them to teach in the world. He then ascended, in their presence, toward that globe of glory where dwelt His Father and their Father, His God and their God. While He was yet in sight in the open firma- ment, and they stood gazing upward, behold! two men stood by them in white raiment, and said: "Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, which is taken up from KEY TO THEOLOGY. 37 you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven." Here, then, we have a sample of an immortal God, a God who is often declared in the Scrip- tures to be like His Father, "being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person," and possessing the same attributes as His Father, in all their fullness; a God not only possessing body and parts, but flesh and bones and sinews, and all the attributes, organs, senses and affec- tions of a perfect man. He differs in nothing from His Father, ex- cept in age and authority, the Father having the seniority, and, consequently, the rigth, according to the patriarchal laws of eternal Priesthood, to preside over Him, and over all His dominions, forever and ever. While, on the one hand, this God claims af- finity and equality, as it were, with His Father, He claims on the other hand, affinity and equality with His brethren, on the earth, with this dif- ference, however, that His person is a specimen of Divine, eternal humanity, immortalized, and with attributes perfected; while His brethren who dwell in mortal flesh, although children of the same royal Parent in the heavens, are not yet immortalized, as it regards their fleshly taber- nacles, and are not perfected in their attributes: and although joint heirs; are younger, He being the first-born among many brethren in the spirit- ual world. They are therefore subject to Him, Rut every man who is eventually made perfect, raised from the dead, and filled or quickened with 38 KEY TO THEOLOGY. a fullness of celestial glory, will become like Him in every respect, physically and in intellect, at- tributes or powers. The very germs of these Godlike attributes, being engendered in man, the offspring of Deity, only need cultivating, improving, developing and advancing by means of a series of progressive changes, in order to arrive at the fountain Head, the standard, the climax of Divine Humanity. The difference between Jesus Christ and His Father is this: one is subordinate to the other, does nothing of Himself, independently of the Father, but does all things in the name and by the authority of the Father, being of the same mind in all things. The difference between Jesus Christ and another immortal and celestial man is this: The man is subordinate to Jesus Christ, does nothing in and of himself, but does all things in the name of Christ, and by His au- thority, being of the same mind, and ascribing all the glory to Him and His Father. On account of the double relationship of Jesus Christ, with God the Father on one hand, and with man on the other, many have adopted the creed that "two whole and perfect natures" were blended in the person of Jesus Christ, that He was every way a God, and every way a man; as if God and man were two distinct species. This error came by reason of not knowing ourselves. For just in proportion as we comprehended our- selves in our true light, and our relationships and affinities with the past, present and future, with time and eternity, with Gods, angels, spirits KEY TO THEOLOGY. 39 and men, who have gone before us, and who will come after us, so, in proportion, we may be able to benefit by the keys of the mysteries of the Godhead, or in other words, to know and comprehend Jesus Christ and His Father. Gods, angels and men are all of one species, one race, one great family, widely diffused among the planetary systems, as colonies, kingdoms, na- tions, etc. The great distinguishing difference between one portion of this race and another consists in the varied grades of intelligence and purity, and also in the variety of spheres occupied by each, in the series of progressive being. An immortal man, possessing a perfect organi- zation of spirit, flesh and bones, and perfected in his attributes, in all the fullness of celestial glory, is called a God. An immortal man, in progress of perfection, or quickened with a lesser degree of glory, is called an angel. An immortal spirit of man, not united with a fleshly tabernacle, is called a spirit. An immortal spirit, clothed with a mortal tab- ernacle, is called a man. It may then consistently enough be said, that there are, in a subordinate sense, a plurality of Gods, or rather of the sons of God; although there is one Supreme Head, who is over all, and through all, and in all His sous, by the power of His Spirit. Jesus Christ and His Father are two persons, in the same sense as John and Peter are two per- 40 KEY TO THEOLOGY. sons. Each of them has an organized, individual tabernacle, embodied in material form, and com- posed of material substance, in the likeness of man, and possessing every organ, limb and physical part that man possesses. There is no more mystery connected with their oneness, than there is in the oneness of Enoch and Elijah, or of Paul and Silas. Their oneness consists of a oneness of spirit, intelligence, attributes, knowledge or power. If Enoch, Elijah, Abraham, Peter, Paul, and millions of others ever attain to the immortal life, and their fleshly tabernacles be quickened by a fullness of celestial life and light, intelligence and power, then it can be said of them, They are one, as the Father and the Son are one. It could then be said of each of them, in him dwells all the fullness of the powers and attributes of the Eternal God, or, in other words, he pos- sesses endless life, together with all intelligence, knowledge, light and power. He therefore has the same mind as all the others, is in communication and in perfect union with each and all of them. All these are Gods, or sons of God; they are the Kings, Princes, Preists and Nobles ,of Eternity. But over them all there is a Presidency or Grand Head, who is the Father of all. And next to Him is Jesus Christ, the eldest son, and first heir of all the realms of light. Every person knows, by reflection, that intelli- gence may be imparted without diminishing the store possessed by the giver. Therefore it fol- KEY TO THEOLOGY. 41 lows, that millions of individual beings may each rceive all the attributes of eternal life, and light, and power. Again it follows, that in the use of this power, by consent and authority of the Head, any one of these Gods may create, organize, people, govern, control, exalt, glorify, and enjoy worlds on worlds, and the inhabitants thereof; or, in other words, each of them can find room in the infinitude of space, and , unoccupied chaotic elements in the boundless storehouse of eternal riches, with which to erect for himself thrones, principalities and powers, over which to reign in still increasing might, majesty and dominion, for ever and ever. All these kingdoms, together with their Kings, are in subordination to the great Head and Father of all, and to Jesus Christ the first-born, and first heir among the sons of God. All these kingdoms, with all their intelligences, are so many acquisitions to His dominion who is Lord of lords and King of kings, and of whom it is written by the Prophet Isaiah, "Of the increase of His kingdom there shall be no end." All these are so many colonies of our race, mul- tiplied, extended, transplanted and existing for ever and ever, as occupants of the numberless planetary systems which do now exist, or which will roll into order and be peopled by the opera- tions of the Holy' Spirit, in obedience to the man- dates of the sons of God. These kingdoms present every variety and de- gree in the progress of the great science of life, from the lowest degradation amid the realms of 42 KEY TO THEOLOGY. death, or the rudimental stages of elementary ex- istence, upward through all the ascending scale, or all the degrees of progress in the science of eternal life and light, until some of them in turn rise to thrones of eternal power. Each of these Gods, including Jesus Christ and His Father, being in possession of not merely an organized spirit, but a glorious immortal body of flesh and bones, is subject to the laws which gov- ern, of necessity, even the most refined order of physical existence. All physical element, however embodied, quick- ened or refined, is subject to the general laws nec- essary to all existence. Some of these laws are as follows: First. Each atom, or embodiment of atoms, necessarily occupies a certain amount of space. Second. No atom, or embodiment of atoms, can occupy the identical space occupied by other atoms or bodies. Third. Each individual organized intelligence must possess the power of self-motion to a greater or less degree. Fourth. All voluntary motion implies the will to originate and direct such motion. Fifth. Motion, of necessity, implies that a cer- tain amount of time is necessary in passing from one portion of space to another*. These laws are absolute and unchangeable in their nature, and apply to all intelligent agencies which do or can exist. They, therefore, apply with equal force to the KEY TO THEOLOGY. 43 great, supreme, Eternal Father of the heavens and of the earth, and to His meanest subjects. It is, therefore, an absolute impossibility for God the Father, or Jesus Christ, to be everywhere personally present. The omnipresence of God must therefore be understood in some other way than of His bodily or personal presence. This leads to the investigation of that sub- stance called the Holy Spirit. As the mind passes the boundaries of the visi- ble world, and enters upon the confines of the more refined and subtle elements, it finds itself associated with certain substances in themselves invisible to our gross organs, but clearly mani- fested to our intellect by their tangible operations and effects. The very air we breathe, although invisible to our sight, is clearly manifested to our sense of feeling. Its component parts may be analyzed. Nay more, the human system itself is an appar- atus which performs a chemical process upon that element. It is received into the system by the act of respiration, and there immediately: under- goes the separation of its component parts. The one part, retained and incorporated in the animal system, diffuses life and animation, by supplying the necessary animal heat, etc., while the other part, not adapted to the system, is dis- charged from the lungs to mingle with its native element. There are several of these subtle, invisible sub- stances but little understood as yet by man, and 44 KEY TO THEOLOGY. their existence is only demonstrated by their effects, some of which are recognized under several terms, electricity, galvanism, magnetism, animal magnetism, spiritual magnetism, essence, spirit, etc. The purest, most refined and subtle of all these substances, and the one least understood, or even recognized, by the less informed among mankind, is that substance called the Holy Spirit. This is the great, positive, controlling element of all other elements. It is omnipresent by rea son of its infinitude, and it pervades all things. It is the agent or executive, by which God or- ganizes and puts in motion all worlds, and which, by the mandate of the Almighty, or of any of His commissioned servants performs all the mighty wonders, signs and miracles ever manifested in the name of the Lord, the dividing of the sea, the removing of a mountain, the raising of the dead, or the healing of the sick. Those beings who receive of its fullness are called sons of God, because they are perfected in all its attributes and powers, and, being in com- munication with it, can, by its use, perform all things. Those beings who receive not a fullness, but a measure of it, can know and perform some things, but not all. This is the true light which in some measure illuminates all men. It is, in its less refined exist- ence, the physical light which reflects from the sun. moon, and stars, and other substances, and KEY TO THEOLOGY. 45 by reflection on the eye, makes visible the truths of the outward world. It is, also, in its higher degrees, the intellectual light of our inward and spiritual organs, by which we reason, discern, judge, compare, comprehend and remember the subjects within our reach. Its inspiration constitutes instinct in animal life, reason in man, vision in the prophets, and is continually flowing from the Godhead throughout all His creations. God sits enthroned in the midst of all His crea- tions, and is filled and encircled with light un- approachable by those of the lower spheres. He associates with myriads of His own begot- ten sons and daughters who, by translation or resurrection, have triumphed over death. His ministers are sent forth from His presence to all parts of His dominions. His Holy Spirit centres in His presence, and communicates with and extends to the utmost verge of His dominions, comprehending and con- trolling all things under the immediate direction of His own will, and the will of all those in com- munication with Him, in worlds without end! 46 KEY TO THEOLOGY. CHAPTER VI. ORIGIN OF THE UNIVERSE. Boundless infinitude of time, and space, And elements eternal! Who can trace. Earth with its treasures, heaven with its spheres, Time's revolutions, eternity's years? But what are all these, when measured by thee, But marks on thy dial, or motes on thy sea? THE idea of a God without "body, parts or pas- sions," is not more absurd or inconsistent than that modern popular doctrine, that all things were created from nonentity, or, in other words, that something originated from nothing. It is a self evident truth, which will not admit of argument, that nothing remains nothing. Nonen- tity is the negative of all existence. This negative possesses no property or element upon which the energies of creative power can operate. This mysticism must, therefore, share the fate of the other mysteries of false theology and philosophy, which have for ages shrouded the world in the sable curtains of a long and dreary nitflit. It must evaporate and disappear as a mere creation of fancy, while, in its place, are intro- duced the following self-evident and incontro- vertible facts: First. There has always existed a boundless infinitude of space. Second. Intermingled with this space there exist all the varieties of the elements, properties, KEY TO THEOLOGY. 47 or things of which intelligence takes cognizance; which elements or things taken altogether com- pose what is called the Universe. Third. The elements of all these properties or things are eternal, uncreated, self-existing. Not one particle can be added to them by creative power. Neither can one particle be diminished or annihilated. Fourth. These eternal, self-existing elements possess in themselves certain inherent properties or attributes, in a greater or less degree. These elements have been separated, by philos- ophers, into two grand divisions, viz.: "Physical and Spiritual." To a mind matured, or quickened with a fullness of intelligence, so as to be con- versant with all the elements of nature, there is no need for the distinction implied in such terms, because all things which do exist are eternal reali- ties, in their elementary existence. Who then can define the precise point, in the scale of elementary existence, which divides be- tween the physical and spiritual kingdoms? There are eyes which can discern the most refined par- ticles of elementary existence, there are hands and fingers to whose refined touch all things are tangible. In the capacity of mortals, however, some of the elements are tangible, or visible, and others invisible. Those which are tangible to our senses, we call physical; those which are more subtle and refined, we call spiritual. In contemplating the works of creation, then, the student must not conceive the idea that space, 48 KEY TO THEOLOGY. or time, or element or intelligence was originated, but rather that these are eternal. The whole vast structure of universal organ- ized existence presents undeniable evidence of three facts, viz.: First. The eternal existence of the elements of which it is composed. Second. The eternal existence of the attri- butes of intelligence and wisdom to design. Third. The eternal existence of power to operate upon and control these eternal elements, so as to carry out the plans of the designer. It will be remembered that the last chapter recognizes a family of Gods, or, in other words, a species of spirit beings who have physical taber- nacles of flesh and bones, in the form of man, but so constructed as to be capable of eternal life; that these tabernacles are quickened, or animated by a fullness of that holiest of all elements, which is called the Holy Spirit. A General Assembly, Quorum or Grand Coun- cil of the Gods, with their President at their head, constitute the designing and creating power. The motive power which moves to action this grand creative power, is wisdom, which discovers a use for all these riches and inspires the carrying out of all the designs in an infinite variety of utility and adaptation. Wisdom inspires the Gods to multiply their species and to lay the foundation for all the forms of life, to increase in numbers, and for each to enjoy himself in the sphere to which he is adapted, and in the possession and use of that portion of KEY TO THEOLOGY. 49 the elements necessary to his existence and hap- piness. In order to multiply organized bodies com- posed of spiritual element, worlds and mansions composed of spiritual element would be necessary as a home, adapted to their existence and enjoy- ment. As these spiritual bodies increased in num- bers, other spiritual worlds would be necessary on which to transplant them. Again. In order to enable these organized spirits to take upon them a fleshly tabernacle, physical worlds, with all their variety and full-' ness, would be necessary for their homes, food, clothing, etc., that they might be begotten, sus- tained and born, that they might live, die, and rise again to receive their inheritances on their re- spective earths. Hence, the great work of regeneration of worlds or the renovation and adaptation of the elements to the resurrection and eternal state of man, would also be endless, or eternally pro- gressive. Through every form of life, and birth, and change, and resurrection, and every form of progress in knowledge and experience, the candi- dates for eternal life must look upon the elements as their home; hence the elements, upon the prin- ciple of adaptation, must keep pace with the pos- sessors who use them, in all the degrees of pro- gressive refinement. While room is found in infinite space; while there are particles of unorganized element in N'ature's storehouse; while the trees of Paradise 30 KEY TO THEOLOGY, yield their fruits, or the Fountain of Life its river; while the bosoms of the Gods glow with affection; while eternal charity endures or eternity itself rolls its successive ages, the heavens will multiply, and new worlds and more people be added to the kingdoms of the Fathers. Thus, in the progress of events, unnumbered millions of worlds and of systems of worlds will necessarily be called into requisition, and be filled by man, and beast, and fowl, and tree, and all the vast varieties of beings and things which ever budded and blossomed in Eden, or thronged the hills and valleys of the celestial Paradise. When, in the endless progression of events, the full time had arrived for infinite wisdom to or- ganize and people this globe which we inhabit, the chaotic elements were arranged in order. It ap- pears, at the commencement of this grand work, that the elements, which are now so beautifully arranged and adapted to vegetable and animal life, were found in a state of chaos. Earth, water, soil, atmosphere in short, the entire elements of which this mass was composed seem to have been completely compounded or mingled into one vast chaos, and the whole over- whelmed with a darkness so dense as to obscure the light of heaven. Let us turn from the contemplation of scenes so sublimely fearful. Suffice it to say, the man- date came, darkness fled, the veil was lifted, light pierced the gloom, and earth was made visible. Oh what a scene! A world without landscape, wtihont vegetation, without animal life, without KEY TO THEOLOGY. 51 man or animated beings. No sound broke on the stillness, save the voice of the moaning winds and of dashing, foaming waters. Again, a voice comes booming over the abyss, and echoing amid the wastes, the mass of matters hears and trembles, and lo! the sea retires, the muddy, shapeless mass lifts its head above the waters. Molehills to mountains grow. Huge islands next appear, and continents at length expand to view, with hill and vale, in one wide, dreary waste, unmeasured and untrodden. The surface, warmed and dried by the cheering rays of the now resplendent sun, is prepared for the first seeds of vegetation. A Royal Planter now descends from yonder world of older date, and bearing in his hand the choice seeds of the older Paradise, he plants them in the virgin soil of our new-born earth. They grow and flourish there, and, bearing seed, replant themselves, and thus clothe the naked earth with scenes of beauty and the air with fragrant incense. Ripening fruits and herbs at length abound. When lo! from yonder world is transferred every species of animal life. Male and female, they come, with blessings on their heads, and a voice is heard again, "Be fruitful and multiply." Earth, its mineral, vegetable and animal wealth, its Paradise prepared, down comes from yonder world on high a son of God, with his beloved spouse. And thus a colony from heaven, it may be from the sun, is transplanted on our soil. The blessings of their Father are upon them, and the 52 KEY TO THEOLOGY. first great law of heaven and earth is again re- peated, "Be fruitful and multiply/' Hence the nations which have swarmed our earth. In after years, when Paradise was lost by sin; when man was driven from the face of his heav- enly Father, to toil, and droop, and die; when heaven was veiled from view, and, with few ex- ceptions, man was no longer counted worthy to retain the knowledge of his heavenly origin; then darkness veiled the past and future from the heathen mind; man neither knew himself, from whence he came, nor whither he was bound. At length a Moses came, who knew his God, and would fain have led mankind to know Him too, and see Him face to face. But they could not receive His heavenly laws or bide His presence. Thus the holy man was forced again to veil the past in mystery, and in the beginning of his his- tory assign to man an earthly origin. Man, moulded from the earth, as a brick! Woman, manufactured from a rib! Thus, parents still would fain conceal from bud- ding manhood the mysteries of procreation, or the sources of life's ever-flowing river, by relating some childish tale of new-born life, engendered in the hollow trunk of some old tree, or springing with spontaneous growth like mushrooms from out the heaps of rubbish. O man! when wilt thou cease to be a child in knowledge? Man as we have said, is the offspring of Deity. The entire mystery of the past and future, with KEY TO THEOLOGY. 53 regard to his existence, is not yet solved by mor- tals. We first recognize him as an organized indi- vidual or intelligence, dwelling with his Father in the eternal mansions. This organized spirit we call a body, because, although composed of the spir- itual elements, it possesses every organ after the pattern and in the likeness or similitude of the outward or fleshly tabernacle it is destined event- ually to inhabit. Its organs of thought, speech, sight, hearing, tasting, smelling, feeling, etc., all exist in their order as in the. physical body; the one being the exact similitude of the other. This individual, spiritual body, was begotten by the Heavenly Father, in His own likeness and image, and by the laws of procreation. It was born and matured in the heavenly man- sions, trained in the school of love in the family circle, and amid the most tender embraces of parental and fraternal affection. In this primeval probation, in its heavenly home, it lived and moved as a free and rational intelligence, acting upon its own agency, and, like all intelligence, independent in its own sphere. It was placed under certain laws and was re- sponsible to its great Patriarchal Head. This has been called a "first estate." And it is intimated that of the spirits thus placed upon their agency, one-third failed to keep their first estate and were thrust down and reserved in chains of darkness for future judgment. As these are not permitted to multiply their species, or to move forward in the scale of progressive being. 54 KKV TO TIIKOLOCY. while in this state of bondage and condemnation, we will trace them no further, for their final destiny is not revealed to mortals. The spirits which kept their first estate were permitted to descend below, and to obtain taber- nacles of flesh in the rudimental existence in which we find them in our present world^ and which we will call a second estate. In passing the veil which separates the first and second estates, man becomes unconscious, and on awakening in his second estate, a veil is wisely thrown over all the past. In his mortal tabernacle he remembers not the scenes, the endearing associations, of his first primeval childhood in the heavenly mansions. He therefore commences anew in the lessons of experience, in order to start on a level with the new born tabernacle, and to redevelop his in- tellectual faculties in a progressive series, which keep pace with the development of the organs and faculties of the outward tabernacle. During "his progress in the flesh, the Holy Spirit may gradually awaken his faculties; and in a dream or vision, or by the spirit of prophecy, reveal, or rather awaken the memory to a partial vision, or to a dim and half defined recollection of the intelligence of the past. He sees in part, and he knows in part; but never while tabernacled in mortal flesh will he fully awake to the intel- ligence of his former estate. It surpasses his comprehension, is unspeakable and even unlawful to be uttered. Having kept his second estate and filled the KEY TO THEOLOGY. 55 measure of his responsibilities in the flesh, he passes the veil of death and enters a world of spirits, which will be treated on more fully under its appropriate head. Filling the measure of ^ his responsibilities in the world of spirits, he passes by means of the resurrection of the body, into his third estate and finds himself clothed upon with an eternal body of flesh and bones, with every sense and every organ restored and adapted to their proper use. He is thus prepared with organs and faculties adapted to the possession and enjoyment of every element of the physical and spiritual worlds, which can gratify the senses or conduce to the happiness of intelligences. He associates, converses, loves, thinks, acts, moves, hears, tastes, smells, eats, drinks and possesses. In short all the elements necessary to his hap- piness, being purified, exalted and adapted to the sphere in which he exists, are placed within his lawful reach, and made subservient to his use. CHAPTER VII. DESTINY OF THE UNIVERSE. The mystic future, with its depths profound, For ages counted as forbidden ground, Xow lifts its veil, that man may penetrate The secret springs, the mysteries of fate; Know whence he is, and whither he is bound, And why the spheres perform their ample round. THE Grand Council having developed the vast structure of the IICMVCHS ;and the earth, with all 56 KEY TO TilKOUKiY. their fullness, with the evident design of utility and adaptation to certain definite uses, it well be- comes us to watch their progress, and to study with diligence their future and final destiny. From a general traditional belief in an imma- terial hereafter, many have concluded that the earth and all material things would be annihilated as mere temporary structures; that the material body, and the planet it occupies, make no part of eternal life and being; in short, that God, angels, and men become at last so lost, dissolved, or merged in spirituality or immateriality as to lose all adaptation to the uses of the physical ele- ments; that they will absolutely need no foot- stool, habitation, possession, mansion, home, fur- niture, food, or clothing; that the whole vast works and beautiful designs of the visible creation are a kind of necessary evil or clog on the spir- itual life, and are of no possible use except to serve for the time being for the home and sus- tenance of beings in their grosser or rudimental state. What a doleful picture! With what gloom and melancholy must intelligences contemplate the vast structure as viewed in this light! What a vastness of design! What a display of wisdom! What a field of labor in execution do the works of creation present to the contemplative mind! Yet all this wisdom of design, all this labor of execution, after serving a momentary purpose, to be thrown away as an encumbrance u> real exist- ence and happiness! KEY TO THEOLOGY. 57 All these "spiritual," "immaterial" Vagaries have no foundation in truth. The earth and other systems are to undergo a variety of changes in their progress towards per- fection. Physical and spiritual elements are the ri.iri.Mits of these changes. But it is an eternal, un- changeable fact, a fixed law of nature, easily dem- onstrated and illustrated by chemical experiment, that no active force or potent element can anni- hilate a particle of matter, to say nothing of a whole globe. . / new heaven and a new earth are promised by the sacred writers. Or, in other words, the plan- etary systems are to be changed, purified, refined, exalted and glorified, in the similitude of the res- urrection, by which means all physical evil or im- perfection will be done away. In their present state they are adapted to the rudimental state of man. They are, as it were, the nurseries for man's physical embryo formation. Their elements afford the means of nourishing and sustaining the tabernacle, and of engendering and strengthening the organ of thought and mind, wherein are conceived and generated thoughts and affections which can only be matured and con- summated in a higher sphere, thoughts pregnant with eternal life and love. As the mind enlarges, the aspirations of an eternal being, once ennobled and honored in the councils of heaven, among the sons of God, reach forth too high, and broad, and deep, to be longer adapted to the narrow sphere of mortal life. His body is imprisoned, chained to the earth, while his 58 KEY TO THEOLOGY, mind would soar aloft and grasp the intelligence, wisdom and riches of the boundless infinite. His rudimental body must therefore pass away, and be changed so as to be adapted to a wider and more glorious sphere of locomotion, research, action, and enjoyment. When the planet on which he dwells has con- ceived, brought forth and nourished the number of tabernacles assigned to it in its rudimental state, by infinite wisdom, it must needs be acted upon by a chemical process. Purifying elements, such, for instance, as fire, must needs be employed to bring it through an ordeal, a refinement, a puri- fication, a change commensurate with that which had before taken place in the physical tabernacles of its inhabitants. Thus renovated, it is adapted to resurrected man. When man, and the planet on which he lives, with all its fullness, shall have completed all their series of progressive changes, so as to be adapted to the highest glories of which their several char- acters and species are capable, then the whole will be annexed to, or numbered with the eternal heavens, and will there fulfill their eternal rounds, being another acquisition to the mansions or eternally increasing dominions of the great Crea- tor and Redeemer. Worlds are mansions for the home of intelli- gences. Intelligences exist in order to enjoy. Joy, in its fullness, depends on certain princi- ples, viz., life eternal, love eternal, peace eternal, wealth eternal, etc. KEY TO THEOLOGY. 59 Without the first, enjoyment lacks durability. Without the second, it can hardly be said to exist. Without the third, it would not be secure. Without the fourth, it must be limited, etc. Eternal life, in its fullness, implies a personal spiritual intelligence in the likeness of its own species and clothed upon with an outward taber- nacle of eternal, incorruptible flesh and bones. This state of existence can only be attained by the resurrection of the body, and its eternal re-union with the spirit. Eternal life thus attained, and endowed with the eternal attributes of intelligence and love, could never exercise or derive enjoyment from the affections of the latter, unless associated with other beings endowed with similar attributes. Hence the object or necessity of eternal kin- dred ties, associations and affections, exercised as the attributes of that charity which never ends. The third proposition, viz.: eternal peace, could never be secured without the development of eternal law and government, which would pos- sess in itself the attributes of infinite truth, good- ness and power. Any government, short of this, could never guarantee eternal peace. It would be liable to be overthrown by the lack of truth to discern, disposition to execute, or power to en- force the measures necessary to insure peace. The fourth proposition, viz.: eternal wealth, must, of necessity, consist of an everlasting in- heritance or title, defined and secured by this rternnl government, to portions of the organized (> KEY TO THEOLOGY. elements in their pure, incorruptible and eternal state. In order to be wealthy, eternal man must pos- sess a certain portion of the surface of some eternal planet adapted to his order or sphere of existence. This inheritance, incorruptible, eternal in the heavens, must be sufficiently extensive for his accommodation, with all his family dependencies. Tt must also comprise a variety of elements adapted to his use and convenience. Eternal gold, silver, precious stones and other precious mate- rials would be useful in the erection and furnish- ing of mansions and of public and private dwell- ings or edifices. These edifices combined, or arranged in wis- dom, would constitute eternal cities. Gardens, groves, walks, rivulets, fountains, flowers and fruits would beautify and adorn the landscape, please the eye, the taste, the smell, and thus con- tribute gladness to the heart of man. Silks, linens, or other suitable materials would be necessary, to adorn his person, and to furnish and beautify his mansions. In short, eternal man in possession of eternal worlds, in all their variety and fullness, will eat, drink, think, converse, associate, assemble, dis- perse, go, come, possess, improve, love and enjoy. He will increase in riches, knowledge, power, might, majesty and dominion in worlds without end. Every species of the animal creation ever or- KEY TO THEOLOGY. 61 ganized by creative goodness, or that ever felt the pangs of death, or tittered a groan while subject to the king of terrors, or exulted in the joys of life and sympathy, and longed for the redemption of the body, will have part in the resurrection, and will live forever in their own spheres in the pos- session of peace and a fullness of joy adapted to their several capacities. O child of earth, conceived in corruption ! Brought forth in pain and sorrow! sojourning In a world of mourning, 'mid sighs and tears, And groans, and awaiting in sadness thy home. In the gloomy grave, as food for worms, Lift up thy head, cast thine eyes around thee, Behold yon countless hosts of shining orbs, Yon worlds of light and life. Then turn to earth; Survey the solid globe, its mineral wealth, Its gems, its precious stones, its gold, its springs, Its gardens, forests, fruits and flowers, Its countless myriads of breathing life, From mote to man, through all the varied scale Of animated being. Visit the gloomy caverns of the dead, The ancient sepulchre, where e'en the worm Of death himself has died for want of food, And bones disjointed are crumbled fine, and Mingled with the dust. Nay, deeper still, descend the fathomless Abyss of souls condemned, in darkness chained. Or thrust in gloomy dungeons of despair, Where the very names of mercy and of hope, And of death's Conqueror remain unknown. Observe with care the whole, indulge in tears, But hope, believe, and clothed with charity Which never fails, thine eyes enlightened, Thy person clad in light ethereal, Time fades, and opens on eternity. 62 KEY TO THEOLOGY. Again review the scene beheld before. You startle, seem surprised, confused, o'erwhelmed ! Death is conquered, corruption is no more, All is life, and the word ETERNITY Is inscribed in characters indelible On every particle and form of life. Socrates, Plato, Confucius and many other philosophers and divines have written largely on the immortality of the soul or spirit of man. Some of these have suffered, with joy and cheer- fulness, imprisonment, torture, and even death, with only this limited view of eternal existence. Could these martyrs to a portion of truth so limited, and yet so full of hope and consolation, have handled immortal flesh and bones in the per- sons of Enoch or Elijah translated, or of Jesus raised from the dead; could they have learned from their sacred lips, and realized the full import of that joyful sentence, "Behold! I make all things new;" could they have contemplated eternal worlds of matter in all its elements and forms of animal life, indissoluble and everlasting; could they have be- held eternal man, moving in the majesty of God, amid the planetary systems, grasping the knowl- edge of universal nature, and with an intellect en- lightened by the experience and observations of thousands and even millions of years; could they have had a glimpse of all this, and heard the promise, KEY TO THEOLOGY. 63 "There shall be no more death," issuing from the Fountain of Truth, prompted by infinite benevolence and charity, re-echoing amid the starry worlds, reaching down to earth, vibrat- ing, with a thrill of joy, all the myriads of ani- mated nature, penetrating the gloomy vaults of death and the prisons of the spirit world, with a ray of hope, and causing to spring afresh the well- springs of life and joy and love, even in the lonely dungeans of despair, O, how would their bosoms have reverberated with unutterable joy and tri- umph, in view of changing worlds! Could the rulers of this world have beheld, or even formed a conception of, such riches, such nobility, such an eternal and exceeding weight of glory, they would have accounted the wealth, pleasures, honors, titles, dignities, glories, thrones, principalities and crowns of this world as mere toys, the playthings of a day, dross, not worth the strife and toil of acquiring, or the trouble of main- taining, except as a duty or troublesome respon- sibility. With this view of the subject, what man so base, so grovelling, so blind to his own interests as to neglect those duties, self denials, sacrifices which are necessary in order to secure a part in the first resurrection, and a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory in that life which never ends? KEY TO THEOLOGY. CHAPTER VIII. KEY OF KNOWLEDGE, POWER, AND GOVERNMENT. Heaven's nobility, whom worlds obey, Clad in the brightness of eternal day, Enthroned in majesty, as "Priests and Kings," To whom the universe its incense brings! Angels, its ministers! Heaven its throne! The stores of infinitude are all its owrO. HAVING given a general view of the powers, operations, and effects of Theology, as developed amongst the nations of antiquity, the mysteries of the Godhead, the law of nature, and the origin and destiny of the universe, the subject next in order is the KEY of knowledge, power and gov- ernment, as developed in the heavens and on the earth, for the organization, order, peace, happi- ness, education, improvement and exaltation of intelligences in the image of God, his sons and daughters. The great family of man, comprising the in- habitants of unnumbered millions of worlds, in every variety and degree of progress, consists of five principal spheres or grand divisions in the scale of progressive being, viz.: First. The, Gods, composed of personal spirits, who inhabit tabernacles of immortal flesh and bones in their most refined state, and who are perfected in all the attributes of intelligence and power. KEY TO THEOLOGY. 65 Second. The Angels, also composed of spirits and immortal flesh and bones, less refined, and endowed with vast intelligence and power, but not a fullness. Third. Personal spirits, without a tabernacle of flesh and bones. These are they who have passed the veil of death, and are awaiting a resur- rection. Fourth. Personal spirits, with mortal taber- nacles, as in the present world. Fifth. Personal spirits, who have not yet de- scended to be clothed upon with mortality, but who are candidates for the same. There is also a sixth division, but of these we need not speak, as they are not included in the scale of progressive being, not having kept their first estate. The spirits of all men in their primeval states were intelligent. But among these intelligences some were more noble, that is to say, more intelli- gent than others. And God said, These will I make my rulers* Upon this principle was manifested the election, before the foundation of the world, of certain in- dividuals to certain offices, as written in the Scriptures. In other words, certain individuals, more in- telligent than the others, were chosen by the *See Book of Abraham, translated from papyrus, taken from the catacombs of Thebes, in Egypt, contained in the Pearl of Great Price. 66 KEY TO THEOLOGY. Head, to teach, instruct, edify, improve, govern, and minister truth and salvation to others; and to hold the delegated powers or keys of government in the several spheres of progressive being. These were not only chosen, but set apart, by a holy ordinance in the eternal worlds, as ambas- sadors, foreign ministers, priests, kings, apostles, etc., to fill the various stations in the vast empire of the Sovereign of all. Jesus Christ, being the first Apostle thus com- missioned, and the President of all the powers thus delegated, is Lord of lords, and King of. kings, in the heavens and on the earth. Hence this Priesthood is called the Preisthood after the order of the Son of God.- It holds the keys of all the true principles of government in all worlds, being without beginning of days or end of life. It was held by Adam, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Shem, Melchizedek and others. Abraham obtained this Priesthood, and an election of the same in his seed after him to all generations. The decree went forth in an everlasting covenant, that in Abraham and his seed all the nations and kindreds of the earth should be blessed. Of this lineage according to the flesh were the Propehts, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ, and the Jewish Apostles. Since the covenant and election thus manifested, the keys of revelation, govern- ment and miraculous powers on earth have been held exclusively by the literal descendants of this noble and royal house. The Gentiles could partake of a portion of the KEY TO THEOLOGY. 67 same blessings, but this could only be'done through their ministry, and by adoption into the same family. This election or covenant with the house of Israel will continue forever. In the great restora- tion of all things, this lineage will hold the keys of Priesthood, salvation and government for all nations. As saith the Prophet Isaiah: "The na- tion and kingdom that will not serve thee shall per- ish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." And again: "Ye shall be the priests of the Lord, men shall call you the ministers of our God: but strangers shall build your walls, and the sons of the alien shall be your ploughmen and your vine dressers." This Priesthood, including that of the Aaronic, holds the keys of revelation of the oracles of God to man upon the earth; the administration of ordinances for the remission of sins, and for the gift of the Holy Ghost; to heal the sick, cast out demons or work miracles in the name of the Lord; in fine, to bind or loose on earth and in heaven. For the exercise of all which powers the student of Theology will find abundant precedents in the sacred Scriptures. Men holding the keys of the Priesthood and Apostleship after the order of the Son of God, are His representatives, or ambassadors, to mankind. To receive them, to obey their instructions, to feed, clothe or aid them, is counted the same, in the final judgment, as if all had been done to the Son of God in person. On the other hand, to re- 68 KEY TO THEOLOGY. ject them o*r their testimony or message, or the word of God through them, in any matter, is counted the same as if done to Jesus Christ in His own person. Indeed such ambassadors will be the final judges of the persons, rulers, cities or nations to whom they are sent. Although the instruments chosen to hold the keys of this priesthood should be the literal lineage of Israel, yet that lineage are not all thus commissioned nor indeed are any of them priests merely because they are of the chosen seed. Such an instrument must be revealed, and his ordina- tion, which he had before the world began, be renewed and confirmed upon his fleshly taber- nacle, or he cannot be a priest on earth. One who already holds the authority or keys of Priesthood, can reveal by the word of the Lord, and ordain and anoint others to similar callings, and through these ordinances they will receive the Holy Spirit as a qualification for their holy call- ing. By this means Joshua succeeded Moses, Elisha succeeded Elijah, etc. And by this means the great Apostle of the Father chose and or- dained the Twelve Apostles of the Jews, and gave the keys or presidency of the Kingdom to Peter. There have, however, been times when, by a general martyrdom or apostasy, the keys of this power have been taken from the earth (see chap- ters II, III, IV). In such case there would be no longer visions, revelations, or miraculous gifts from the Lord manifested among men, because the Priesthood is the channel and the ordinances KEY TO THEOLOGY. 69 are the means through which such blessings are enjoyed by man. In the absence of these offices and powers, darkness, ignorance, superstition, priestcraft and kingcraft, idolatry and every spe- cies of abuse would fill the earth and usurp the place of the true government of the Kingdom of God. The most remarkable and long-continued in- stance of this kind which perhaps ever occurred in our world, commenced with the destruction of the Apostles and Saints who immediately succeeded the Lord Jesus Christ, and continued until the present century, producing in its consequences all the human butcheries, wars, oppressions, misrule, ignorance, superstitions, kingcraft, priestcraft and misery which have visited the world in the false name of Christianity. On the Western Hemisphere the Apostleship, oracles, miracles and gifts of the Spirit ceased from among the people in the fourth century. The precise time of the discontinuance of these powers on the eastern continents, or in the Roman world, is not known. Suffice it to say, the last of the Twelve Apostles predicted, in his vision on the Isle of Patmos, the reign of a certain power which should make war with the Saints, overcome them, be drunken with their blood and bear rule over all nations. "And by thy sorceries," said he, "were all nations deceived." If these predictions have had their fulfillment, then it is the height of inconsistency for any one to contend that Rome or any nation has perpetuated the Priesthood, 70 KEY TO THEOLOGY. Apostleship, or Church. This would be the same as to say the Saints were destroyed and yet per- petuated; all nations were deceived, and yet had the truth. Could a universal or catholic power at once destroy the Saints and perpetuate them? Could the same power, at the same time, be the conserv- ator and promulgator of a system of universal salvation and of universal deception? But leaving the prediction and the reasoning on this subject, what are the facts which present themselves for our inspection, clearly visible to all men? Do we not find the world for many ages, and up to the present time, destitute of those mani- festations, visions, powers and keys of knowledge and government which would enlighten, purify, and exalt the race and establish permanent right- eousness and peace? In short, have the powers of the eternal Priesthood, as described and exem- plified in the Holy Scriptures and in this work, been manifested for the government of the Cath- olic or Protestant world, or any nation thereof, since the destruction of the ancient Saints and Apostles? If we answer this last question in the negative, then we verify the truth of the prediction by the last of the Twelve; if in the affirmative, we deny both the truth of the prediction and the facts which clearly present themselves in the past his- tory and present circumstances of the world called "Christian." When there is no longer a commissioned KEY TO THEOLOGY. 71 Priesthood perpetuated on the earth, it becomes necessary, in order to restore the government of God, for the man or men last holding the keys of such power to return to the earth as ministering angels, and to select, by the word of the Lord, and ordain certain individuals of the royal lineage of Israel to hold the keys of such Priesthood, and to ordain others, and thus restore and reorganize the government of God, or His Kingdom upon the earth. After the destruction of the Apostles and Saints who succeeded Jesus Christ, there is but one dis- pensation or restoration predicted by the Prophets. That dispensation will fulfill the times of the Gentiles, complete their fullness, restore the King- dom to Israel, gather home their twelve tribes, organize them into a theocratic government, that is, a government founded and guided by prophets, priesthood, visions and revelations. It will, in fact, not only restore to them the ministration of angels, but receive its final consummation by the resurrection of the ancient Saints, and their return to the earth accompanied by the Son of God in His own proper person. To this dispensation all nations must submit. All merely human religious or political institu- tions, all republics, states, kingdoms, empires, must be dissolved, the dross of ignorance and falsehood be separated, and the golden principles of unalloyed truth be preserved and blended for- ever in the one consolidated, universal, eternal government of the Saints of the Most High, and all nations shall serve and obey Him. 72 KEY TO THEOLOGY. CHAPTER IX. REVIVAL OR RESTORATION OF THE SCIENCE OF THEOLOGY IN THE PRESENT AGE. A modern Prophet! Yes, a mighty Seer! From Israel's royal line, must next appear; Clad in the spirit of Elijah's power, To prune the vineyard in th' eleventh hour; To light the dawn of that effulgent day, When King Messiah shall His sceptre sway. THE nineteenth century opened upon the world with far more favorable auspices than any other age since the destruction of the people of the Saints, and the reign of universal mystery. That spirit of freedom and independence of thought, of speech and of action which a few centuries before had germinated in Europe, and which, after a stunted growth amid the thorns and thistles of kingcraft, the tares of priestcraft and the weeds of superstition in the old world, transplanted itself and obtained a more vigorous growth in the new world, had now grown to a degree of maturity and become consolidated, opening resources for all na- tions, under the inestimable guarantee of consti- tutional liberty. To this standard the most enterprising, intelli- gent and thinking of every nation in Europe had KEY TO THEOLOGY. 73 commenced to gather like a flowing stream. Here, far separated from the practical influence, the false glare, the empty show, or even the senseless name and titles of a self-styled or imaginary nobility, their minds enlarged, their energies had full scope, and their intellectual faculties, unfettered and free, and surrounded with inexhaustible stores of unoccupied elementary riches, soon opened and developed new channels of thought, of action, of enterprise and improvement, the results of which have revolutionized the world in regard to geo- graphical knowledge, commerce, intercommunica- tion, transportation, travel, transmission of news, and mutual acquaintance and interchange of thought. The triumphs of steam over earth and sea, the extension of railroads, and, above all, the lightning powers of telegraph, are already gradually but rapidly developing, concentrating and consolidat- ing the energies and interests of all nations, pre- paratory to the universal development of knowl- edge, neighborly kindness and mutual brother- hood. Physically speaking, there seems to need but the consummation of two great enterprises more in order to complete the preparations necessary for the fulfillment of Isaiah and other Prophets in regard to the restoration of Israel to Palestine, from the four quarters of the earth, and the annual re-union of all nations to the new standards, holy shrines and temples of Zion and Jerusalem, under the auspices of that great, universal and perma- 74 KEY TO THEOLOGY. nent theocracy which is to succeed the long reign of mystery. These things achieved, even the most incred- ulous in regard to the truth of Scripture prophecy will be constrained to acknowledge that, physically and politically speaking, there is nothing impossi- ble or even improbable in the belief that the twelve tribes of Israel will be concentrated from all na- tions in their own land, that Jerusalem will be- come the capital of political government, the seat of knowledge, and the shrine of worship for the yearly resort of all the nations and countries in- cluded in the world known to the Prophets of old, while the Western Hemisphere, separated, as it is, by two great oceans from the Old World, will naturally form its own central capital, its Zion, or New Jerusalem, to which all tribes and nations may perform their annual visits for instruction, devotion and mutual interchange of thought, of fellowship and affection. Can the student of prophecy contemplate all these preparations, clearly predicted thousands of years ago, and now bursting upon the world with seemingly preconcerted connection and exactness, revolutionizing all things in a single age, and not be struck with the reflection that the hand of God must be in all this, and that moral energy and spiritual light must be forthcoming from the heavens commensurate with the physical and polit- ical preparations for a new era? The same Prophets who have contemplated and described the development of national freedom, KEY TO THEOLOGY. 75 universal intercourse, mutual peace, knowledge, union of worship, reunion of the tribes of Israel; who have described highways, trains of cars flying as it were with a cloud, ocean steamers, ships, litters and swift beasts as the instruments of restoration, have also predicted that, in connection with all these preparations, a new dispensation should be manifested, a new covenant established, "a standard" for the nations, "an ensign" for the people. In short, "swift messengers," "teachers," Prophets would be commissioned, revelations be manifested, and a new organization be developed, fitted to the times and with the principles and laws adapted to the reorganization, order and govern- ment of a renovated world. Where and when should we look for the "grain of mustard seed," the germ, the nucleus of such organization? Of course, in a land of free institu- tions, where such organization could be legally developed and claim constitutional protection until sufficiently matured to defend itself against the convulsions, the death struggles, the agonizing throes preceding the dissolution of the long reign of mystic tyranny; and at a time when modern freedom had been consolidated, nationalized, and its standard recognized among the nations. Such an organization should also be looked for, in its first development, as contemporary with the first dawn or development of the physical and political means provided for the same result. The beginning of the present century gave birth to those chosen instruments who were des- 76 KEY TO THEOLOGY. tined to hold the keys of restoration for the reno- vation of the world. The United States of America was the favored nation raised up, with institutions adapted to the protection and free development of the necessary truths and their practical results. And that great Prophet, Apostle and martyr, JOSEPH SMITH, was the Elias, the restorer, the presiding messen- ger, holding the keys of the "dispensation of the fullness of times." Yes, that extraordinary man, whose innocent blood is yet dripping, as it were, from the hands of assassins and their accessories in the United States, was the chosen vessel honored of God, and ordained by angels, to ordain other Apostles and Elders, to restore the Church and Kingdom of God, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to be a mes- senger in the spirit and power of Elijah, to pre- pare the way of the Lord. "For, behold, He will suddenly come to His temple!" Like John, who filled a similar mission pre- paratory to the first advent of the Son of God, he baptized with water unto repentance, for the re- mission of sins; like him, he vas imp*- ; soned; and, like him, his life was taken from the earth; and, finally, like all other true messengers, his message is being demonstrated by its progressive fulfill- ment, the powers, gifts and signs following the administrations of his message in all the world, KEY TO THEOLOGY. 77 and every minute particular of his predictions ful- filling in the order of events as the wheels of time bring them due. But in one important point his message differs from all former messages. The science of Theol- ogy revived by him will never decline, nor its keys be taken from the earth. They are committed to man for the last time. Their consummation will restore the tribes of Israel and Judah, overthrow all corrupt institutions, usher in the reign of uni- versal peace and knowledge, introduce to earth her lawful and eternal King, the crucified Naz- arene, the resurrected Messiah, banish darkness and death, sorrow, mourning and tears, from the face of our globe, and crown our race with the laurels of victory and eternal life. Ages yet unborn will rise up and call him blessed. A thousand generations of countless myriads will laud his name and recount his deeds, while unnumbered nations bask in the light and enjoy the benefits of the institution founded by his instrumentality. His kindred, the nation that gave him birth and exulted at his death, nay, his very murderers and their posterity, will yet come bending unto him and seek his forgiveness and the benefits of his Iab6rs. But, oh! the pain, the dark despair, the tor- ments of a guilty conscience, the blackness of darkness in the lower hell, which the guilty wretches will experience before that happy day of deliverance! 78 KEY TO THEOLOGY. Oh! the countless myriads of the offspring of innocent and honorable men who will walk the earth, tread on the ashes or plow and reap over the bones and dust of those miserable murderers and their accomplices who have consented to the shedding of innocent blood, ere the final trump shall sound, which calls up their sleeping dust from its long slumbers in the tomb, and their spirits from the prison of the damned! And