MATHEMATICAL TABLES, Piinted by S. Hamilton, Weybridge. MATHEMATICAL TABLES CONTAINING THE COMMON, HYPERBOLIC, AND LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS, ALSO SINES, TANGENTS, SECANTS, ST VERSED SINES BOTH NATURAL Al^ID LOGARITHMIC. TOGETHER WItM SEVERAL OTHER TABLES ♦ USEFUL IN MATHEMATICAL CALCULATIONS. To which is prefixed, A LARGE AND ORIGINAL HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERIES AND WRITINGS RELATING TO THOSE SUBJECTSj WITH THE COMPLETE DESCRIFllON AND USE OF THE TABLES. THE FIFTH EDITION. BY CHARLES BUTTON, LL.D. F.R.S. &c. AND LATE PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH. LONDON : PRINTED FO"R F. C. AND J. RIVINGTON ; WILKIE AND ROBINSON ; J. walker; lackington, allen, and co.; vernor, hood, and sharpe; c. law; longman, hurst, rees, orme, and brown; black, parry, and kingsbury; j. richardson; l. b. see ley ; J. MURRAY; R. BALDWIN; SHERWOOD, NEELY, AND JONES; GALE AND CURTIS; J. JOHNSON AND CO.; AND G. ROBINSON. 1811. Kf^W I PREFACE. The very ample introduction, prefixed to the following col- lection of Mathematical Tables, supersedes the necessity of using many words here by way of preface, and leaves little more to be mentioned than the necessity and occasion of this work, with some account of the contents and mode of execution. The undertaking was occasioned by the great incorrect- ness of all the editions of Sherwin's or Gardiner's tables, and more especially by the bad arrangement in the fifth or last edition. Finding, as well from the report of others, as from my own experience, that those editions (to say nothing of the very improper alteration in the form of the table of sines, tangents, and secants in the last of them) were so very incorrectly printed, the errors being multiplied beyond all tolerable bounds, and no dependence to be placed on them for any thing of real practice, I was led to undertake the painful office of preparing a correct edition of another simi- lar work. And I was lucky enough to meet with a book- seller of sufficient spirit to be at the great expense of print- ing the book, as well as to allow me what 1 demanded for my trouble in preparing it ; which demand, however, was nothing adequate to the great labour attending it, as I was well aware that the profits of the book would not enable him fully to reward my pains. I have in the first place, therefore, used all the means in my power to render the work correct. I began by collating the third or best edition of Sherwin*s tables, with some others of the most perfect works of the same kind, as Briggs^s, Vlacq's, Gardiner's quarto book, &c; by which means I detected many errors in each of them, which had not before been discovered ; and of these, between twenty and thirty were in the two editions of Gardiner's quarto work, printed at London in 1742, and at Avignon in 1770; tiie errata of which two books are here printed at the end A!8 918247 iv PREFACE. of the tables in this work. But, besides detecting many unknown errors in the said third edition of Sherwin, which was no more than was expected, I discovered, with no small surprise, that the last figures in the table of logarithms were not uniformly true to the Clearest unit, except in a very few pages at the beginning and end of the table ; though Mr. Gardiner, the editor of that edition, had made the table correct in that respect in his own quarto work before men- tioned, which was also printed in the same year 1742, with the said third edition of Sherwin ! The errors from this cause, in that third edition, amounted to several thousands ; and they have continued to run through all the editions of Sherwin ever since that time ! But they are here corrected. Nor has less attention been employed in correcting the press, than in previously correcting the copy ; every proof having been several times read over, and compared with the best of the books hitherto printed, by several persons attending to the reading of every proof-sheet. But in giving this edition to the world, I was not satisfied with barely making it correct. I was aware that the mate- rials themselves might be much improved ; and I have ac- cordingly enlarged, or otherwise greatly amended them, in various respects. Among the improvements of the old ma- terials may be reckoned the following : — namely, in the large table of logarithms, the proportional parts, near the begin- ning, are more conveniently arranged, being now all placed in the same opening of the book where their corresponding differences occur; the logarithms to sixty-one figures are brought, to their proper place in the book, and more conve- niently disposed all in one page ; the large table of sines, tangents, and secants, is more commodiously arranged, and rendered more distinct and convenient for use ; the natural sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines, being all separated from the others, and placed all together on the left-hand pages, and the logarithmic ones facing them on the right- hand pages ; the common difierences, in both, set between the two columns to which each of them answers ; and the versed sines here introduced into their proper place in the same pages with the sines, tangents, and secants. Besides these, there are some other alterations in the new tables here given, and the reader will find a number of very important improvements in the description and use of the whole; espe- PREFACE. V cially in the arithmetic of logarithms, and in the resolution of plane and spherical triangles, according to the present improved methods of calculation used by the Astronomer Royal, and other persons the most experienced in these matters. The improvements in the tables, by the introduction of new matter, are both great and numerous. The tables num- bered 2, 3, and 4, are here added, being an entire new set, with their differences, for finding numbers and logarithms to twenty places. The columns of common differences, in the pages of natural sines, &c, are now first introduced : As are also the tables of hyperbolic and logistic logarithms ; the logarithmic sines and tangents for every second, in the first two degrees of the quadrant ; together with a table of the length of arcs, a table to change common and hyperbolic lo- garithms from the one to the other, &c. — the uses and exem- plifications of the whole being very amply detailed. But the greatest alteration of all is the very extensive and new introduction here given, instead of the former inade- quate and heterogeneous one, consisting of about 1 80 pages of new matter, on a methodical plan, containing the histori- cal account and description of all trigonometrical writings, and the tables relating to that subject, both natural and lo- garithmic ; besides the complete use of the tables in this work. Inventions are here ascribed to the proper authors, and their methods and improvements described and com- pared. This historical description will evidently appear to be the result of immense labour and reading. And, indeed, I have painfully gone over all the books which are here so minutely described; and that description with a detail in some degree adequate to their great merits; especially the works of Napier, Briggs, Kepler, &c; which was the more necessary, as the writings and methods of those great masters had not been any where properly described and dis- criminated, though they are in themselves highly curious and important. These readings and commentaries have been carried on to an extent far beyond what was at first intended. But the tables having been in the press for the space of seven or eight years, I had thereby an opportunity of collecting and examining a still greater number of books; so that I was gradually led on, and my views and plans rendered still more Ti PREFACE. extensive and complete. This delay, therefore, though in many respects it proved very inconvenient and disagreeable, has at length been the occasion of rendering these commen- taries more perfect and satisfactory. Besides what immediately relates to trigonometrical sub- jects, the reader will here find many other curious and un- common articles, relating to their several authors and their discoveries, which have occurred in the course of my read- ing, and which appeared of too much consequence to be passed over unnoticed, in the analysis of their several com- positions. Among these, is the discovery of the first author of the binomial theorem^ and the differential method, which are due to Mr. Henry Briggs, whose writings are replete with ingenious and original matter, and are well deserving to be more generally known and studied than they have been for some time past. This long course of examination and description, however, having been carried on for so many years, at different inter- vals, and interrupted by various avocations, and by business of different kinds, it will be no wonder if this circumstance may have occasioned some inequalities in the style and composition of this history ; and for which, therefore, should any such appear, it is hoped the occasion will plead an apology. Woolwich, Feb. 1785. *^* IN the large table of common logarithms, when the first of the last four figures in any logarithm changes from a 9 to a 0, in any line, in which case the first three or constant figures are prefixed to the next following line, instead of these three, it often happens that young beginners by mis- take take out the three constant figures next above the said line. To guard against this error, the figures in this edi- tion are so contrived, that where the said change happens, a bar is placed over the cipher, thus o, in order to catch the eye, and remind the learner that the change there takes place. In this edition, too, tlie black rules formerly drawn across the pages, at the intervals of every five, or six, or ten lines, have been taken out, leaving thin white spaces across the pages instead of them. These improvements, besides that of new and better formed figures here now intro- PREFACE. vii duced, and other attentions, contribute to render this edi- "tion of the tables more convenient and correct than either of the former ones. C. H. Dec. 1800. IN this Jjfth editmi, several of the tables have been much enlarged and improved, arid some new ones introduced. Thus, the first large table of logarithms, which heretofore extended only to 100000 numbers, is now enlarged by one whole sheet more, being continued to 108000 numbers. Also the tables on pages 19^, 199, 202, ^16, are all ex- tended to more numbers than formerly. A n^w and exten- sive table of Hyperbolic Logarithms is introduced after the old one ending page £1 1. The lists of errors, discovered in the best books of logarithms, that have been printed in this country and elsewhere, are more enlarged and corrected. By all which improvements, this collection of tables is ren- dered much more useful and valuable, than any of the former editions. London, Ma^ 1811. Errata, in the Introduction. Page 121, line 21, for Lansihangel, read Lanfihangel. 128, — 17, for log. ^, read log. |. 149, — 4 from the hot. for .rl, read x — 1. 157, — 5 from the hot. for s.^.A+B, read j.^.A+B. In the Tables. 264, Nat. Tan. 8oi' should be 1408375. 265, Log. Vers. 8 22 8-0270578. 271, L. Covers. 11 52 9"9000202. 337, Log. Tan. 44 60 lO'OOOOOOO. Additional Errata in the French Tables of IBOl. In the logs, to 61 places. No. 14, col. 5> for 12992, read 12922. In the Logistic Logarithms. so' 60", for 8696, read 8697. 85 31, — 8481, —8461. 85 33, —8469, — 8459. vm A short Abstract of the principal Contents, may be as follows : 1 . In the Introduction. History of trigonometrical tables before the invention of loga- rithms, with the various me- thods of construction - - I On the word sinics - - - - 17 History of logarithms • - - 20 Nature of logarithms - - - 22 Invention of logarithms - - 24 DiflFerent sorts of logarithms 25 Construction of logarithms - 42 By Napier - - - - - - 42 Kepler - - - - -^ - 49 Bj'iggs - - - - - -61 Briggs's Trigonometria Britan. 75 Relation between logarithm's and certain curves - - - - 84 Gregory's construction - - - 87 Mercator's Logarithmo-technia 87 Gregory's Exercit. Geometricae 97 Sir I. Newton's methods - - 102 Halley's 107 Sharp's 110 By Fluxions Ill Cotes's Logometria - - - 112 Taylor's construction - - - 116 Long's method - - - - 118 Jones's -------119 Reid, &c. - 122 Dodson's Anti-log. canon - - 122 Description and use of logarith- mic tables ----- 125 Definition and notation - - 125 Properties of logaritiims - - 127 Construction of logarithms - 127 Description and use of our tables 129 Of our large table - - - - 129 Logarithmical arithmetic - 134 Of the table to 20 places - - 137 Of the table to 61 places - - 142 Of the hyperbolic logarithms 146 < Of the logistic logarithms - 147 Of the log. sines and tangents to every second _ - - - 143 Of the general table of log. sines, tangents, &c. - - - - 150 Trigonometrical rules - - 156 The cases of plane triangles resolved by logarithms - - - - 160 The cases of spherical triangles resolved by logarithms - - 162 Use of the versed sines - - I70 Of the traverse table - - - 172 Of Mercator's sailing - - - 175 Of the length of circular arcs 178 Of comparing the common and hyp. logs. 179 2. In the Tables themselves. Tab. Page. 1. Logarithms from 1 to 100000 1 2. Logarithms, &c, to 20 places 187 3. Id. with differences - - 197 4. Numbers to logarithms to 20 places 200 5. Logarithms to 61 places 203 6. Id. with differences - - 207 7. Hyperbolic logarithms - - 208 8. Logistic logarithms - - 212 9. Sines and tangents to seconds 217 Tab. Page. 10. Natural and logarithmic sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines - - - - 248 11. Traverse table - - - 338 12. Length of arcs - - - 340 13. Table to change common and hyperbolic logarithms from one to the other - 341 14. Points of the compass - 341 15. Errata in Gardiner's and other logarithms - - - 342 INTRODUCTION I. OF TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES. N] ECESSITY, the fruitful mother of most useful inventions, gave birth to the various numeral tables which compose the following work. Astronomy has been cultivated from the earliest ages. The progress of that science, requiring numerous arithmetical compu- tations of the sides and angles of triangles, both plane and spherical, gave rise to trigonometry; for those frequent calculations suggested the necessity of performing them by the property' of similar triangles ; and for the ready application of this property, it was. necessary that certain lines described in and about circles, to a determinate radius, should be computed, and disposed in tables. Navigation, and the continually improving accuracy of astronomy, have also occasioned as perpetual an increase in the accuracy and extent of those tables. Ana this it is evident must ever be the case, the improvement of trigonometry uniformly following the improvement of those other useful sciences, for the sake of which it is more especially cultivated. The ancients performed their trigonometry by means of the chords of arcs, which, with the chords of their supplementalarcs, and the con- stant diameter, formed all species of right-angled triangles. Beginning with the radius, and the arc whose chord is equal to the radius, they divided them both into 60 equal parts, and estimated all other arcs and chords by those parts, namely, all arcs by fiOths of that arc, and alt chords by 60ths of its chord or of the radius. iVt least this method is as 9ld as the writings of Ptolemy, who used the sexagenary arithmetic for this division of chords and arcs, and for astronomical purposes. — And this, by-the-by, may be the reason why the wliole circumference is divided into 360, or 6 times 60, equal parts or degrees, the whole cir- cumference being equal to 6 times the first arc, whose chord is equal to the radius: unless perhaps we are rather to seek for the division of the circle in the number of days in the year; for thus, the ancient year con- sisting of 360 days, the sun or earth in each day described the 360th part of the orbit; and thence might arise the method of dividing every circle into 360 parts ; and radius being equal to the chord of 60 of those parts, the sexagesimal division, both of the radius and of the parts, might thence arise. Trigonometry however must have been cultivated long be- fore the tifne of Ptolemy; and indeed Theon, in his commentary on B L> ' " HISTORY OF Ptolemy's Almagest, 1. I. ch. 9., mentions a work of the philosopher Hipparchus, written about a century and a half before Christ, consist- ing of 12 books on the chords of circular arcs: which must have been a treatise on trigonometry. And Menelaus also, in the first century of Christ, wrote 6 books concerning subtenses or chords of arcs. He used the word nadir (of an arc), which he defined to be the right line subtending the double of the arc ; so that his nadir of an arc was the double of our sine of the same arc, or the chord of the double arc ; and therefore whatever he proves of the former, may be applied to the latter, substituting the double sine for the nadir. The radius has been since decimally divided ; but the sexagesimal divisions of the arc have continued in use to this day. Indeed our countrymen, Briggs and Gellibrand, having a general dislike to all sex- agesimal divisions, made an attempt at some reformation of this custom, by dividing the degrees of the arcs, in their tables, into centesms or hundredth parts, instead of minutes or 60th parts. The same was also recommended' by Vieta, and others ; and a decimal division of the whole quadrant* might perhaps soon have followed, had it not been for the tables of Vlacq, which came out a little after, to eveiy 10 se- conds, or 6*th parts of a minute. — But the complete reformation would be, to express all arcs by their real lengths, namely, in equal parts of the radius decimally divided : according to which method I have nearly completed a table of sines and tangents. It is not to be doubted that many of the ancients wrote on the sub- ject of trigonometry, as being a necessary part of astronomy ; though few of their labours on that branch have come to our knowledge, and still fewer of the writingsthemselves have been handed down to us. We are in possession of the three books of Menelaus, on spherical trigo- nometry; but the six books are lost which he v/rote upon chords, being probably a treatise on the construction of trigonometrical tables. The trigonometry of Menelaus was much improved by Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolomaeus) the celebrated philosopher and mathematician. He was born at Pelusium, taught astronomy at Alexandria in Egypt, and died in the year of Christ 147, being the 78th year of his age. In the first book of his Almagest, Ptolemy delivers a table of arcs and i^^hords, with the method of construction. This table contains 3 co- " lumns ; in the first are the arcs to every half degree or 30 minutes ; in the 2d are their chords, expressed in degrees, min\ites and seconds, of which degrees the radius contains 60; and in the 3d column are the dif- ferences of the cbords answering to 1 minute of the arcs, or the 30th j^art of the differences between the chords in the 2d column. In the con- struction of this table, among others, Ptolemy shows, for the first time that we know of, this property of any quadrilateral inscribed in a circle> namely, that the rectangle under the two diagonals, is equal to the sum of the two rectangles under the opposite sides. This method of computation, by the chords, continued in use till about the middle centuries after Christ ; when it was changed for that of the sines, which were about that time introduced into trigonometry * Tliis has lately been done by the French mathexnatkiaus, in their new logarithmic tables. TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 3 by the Arabians, who in other respects much improved this science, which they had received from the Greeks, introducing, among other things, the three or four theorems, or axioms, which are used at present as the foundation of our modern trigonometry. The other great improvements that liave been made in this branch, are due to the Europeans. These improvements they have gradually introduced since they received this science from the Arabians. And though these latter people had long used the Indian or decimal scale of arithmetic, it does not appear that they varied from the Greek or sex- agesimal division of the radius, by which the chords and sines were ex- pressed. This alteration, it is said, v/as first made by George Purbach, who was so called from his being a native of a place of that name between Austria and Bavaria. He was born in 1423, studied mathematics and astronomy at the university of Vienna, where he was afterwards pro- fessor of those sciences, though but for a short time, the learned world quickly suffering a great loss by his immature death, which happened in 1462, at the age of 39 years only. Purbach, besides enrichmg tri- gonometry and astronomy with several new tables, theorems, and ob- servations, supposed the radius to be divided into 600,000 equal parts, and computed the sines of the arcs, for every 10 minutes, in such equal parts of the radius, by the decimal notation. This project of Purbach was completed by his disciple, companion, and successor, John Muller, or Regiomontanus, who was so called from the place of his nativity, the little town of Mons Regius, or Konings- berg, in Franconia, where he was born in the year 1436. Regiomon- tanus not only extended the sines to every minute, the radius being 600,000, as designed by Purbach, but afterwards, disliking that scheme as evidently imperfect, he computed them likewise to the radius 1,000,000, for every minute of the quadrant. He also introduced the tangents into trigonometry, the canon of which he called foecundus, because of the many and great advantages arising from them. Besides these, he enriched trigonometry with many theorems and precepts. Through the benefit of all these improvements, except for the use of logarithms, the trigonometry of Regiomontanus is but little inferior to that of our own time. His treatise on both plane and spherical trigonometry, is in 5 books ; it was written about the year 1464, and printed in folio at Nuremburg, in 1 533. And in the fifth book are also various problems concerning rectilinear triangles, some of which are resolved by means of algebra : a proof that this science was not wholly unknown in Europe before the treatise of Lucas de Burgo. Regio- montanus died in 1476, at the age of 40 years only; being then at Rome, whither he had been invited by the Pope, to assist in the re- formation of the Calendar, and where it was suspected he was poisoned by the sons of George Trebizonde, in revenge for the death of their father, which was said to have been caused by the grief he felt on ac- count of the criticisms made by Regiomontanus on his translation of Ptolemy's Almagest. Soon after this, several other mathematicians contributed to the im- provement of trigonometry, by extending and enlarging the tables, B2 4 HISTORY OF though few of their works have been printed ; and particularly John Werner of Nuremburg, wlio was born in 1468, and died in 1528, and who it seems wrote five books on triangles. About the year 1500, Nicholas Copernicus, the celebrated modern restorer of the true solar system, wrote a brief treatise on trigonometry, botli plane and spherical, with the description and construction of the canon of chords, or their halves, nearly in the manner of Ptolemy ; to which is subjoined a canon of sines, with their differences, for every 10 minutes of the quadrant, to the radius 100,000. This tract is inserted in the first book of his Revolutiones Orhium CcBlestiam, first printed in folio at Nuremburg, 1543. It is remarkable that he does not call these lines sines, but semisses suhtensarum, namely of the double arcs. — * Copernicus was born at Thorn in 1473, and died in 1543. In 1553 was published the Canon Fcecundus, or table of tangents, of Erasmus Reinhold, professor of mathematics in the academy of Wurtemburgh. He was born at Salfieldt in Upper Saxony, in the year 1511, and died in 1553. To Francis Maurolyc, abbot of Messina in Sicily, we owe the in- troduction o^ the Tabula Benefica, or canon of secants, which came x)ut about the same time, or a little before. But Lansberg erroneously ascribes this to Rheticus. And the tangents and secants are both ascribed to Reinhold, by Briggs, in his Mathemalica ah antiquis rnimis cognita, (p. 30. Appendix to Ward's Lives of the Professors of Gresham College.) Francis Vieta was born in 1540, at Fontenai, or Fontenai-le-Comte, in Lower Poitou, a province of France. He was master of requests at Paris, where he died in 1-603, being the 63d year of his age. Among other branches of learning in which he excelled, he was one of the most respectable mathematicians of the 16th century, or indeed of any age. His writings abound with marks of great originality, and the finest genius, as well as intense application. Among them are seve- ral pieces relating to trigonometry, which maybe found in the col- lection of his works published atLeyden in 1646, by Francis Schooten, besides another large and separate volume in folio, published in the author's lifetime at Paris in 1579, containing trigonometrical tables, with their construction and use ; very elegantly printed, by the king's mathematical printer, with beaiitiiul types and rules : the differences of the sines, tangents, and secants, and some other parts, being printed with red ink, for the better distinction; but inaccurately executed, as he himself testifies in page 323 of his other works above mentioned. The first part of this curious volume is entitled Canon MatJiematiciis, sen ad Triangula, cum Appendicihus, and contains a great variety of tables useful in trigonometry. The first of these is what he more pe- culiarly calls Canon Mathematicus, seu ad Triangula, which contains all the sines, tangents, and secants for every minute of the quadrant, to the radius 100,000, with all their differences; and towards the end of the quadrant the tangents and secants are extended to 8 or 9 places of figures. They are arranged like our tables at present, increasing on the left hand side to 45 degrees, and then returning upwards by the right hand side to 90 degrees : so that each number and its complement TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 5 stand on the same line. But here the canon of what we' now call tangents is denominated /ceczmdits, and that of the secsmts foecundissi^ mus. For the general idea prevailing in the form of these tables, is, not that the lines represented by the numbers are those which are drawn in and about a circle, as sines, tangents, and secants, but the three sides of right-angled triangles ; this being the way in which those lines had always been considered, and which still continued for some time longer. And therefore he considers the canon as a series of plane right-angled triangles, one side being constantly 100,000; or rather as three series of such triangles, for he makes a distinct series for each of the three varieties, namely, according as the hypotenuse, or 'the base, or the perpendicular, is represented by the constant number 100,000, which is similar to the radius. Making each side constantly 100,000, the other two sides are computed to every magnitude of the acute angle at the base, from 1 minute up to 90 degrees, or the whole quadrant. Each of the three series therefore consists of two parts, as representing the two variable sides of the triangle. When the hypo- tenuse is made the constant number 100,000, the two variable sides of the triangle are the perpendicular and base, or our sine and cosine ; when the base is .100,000, the perpendicular and hypotenuse are the variable parts, forming the canon foecundus et foecundissimus, or our tangent and secant; and when the perpendicular is made the constant 100,000, the series contains the variable base and hypotenuse, or also canon fcecundus et foRcundissimus, or our cotangent and cosecant. Of coiu'se, therefore, the table consists of 6 columns, 2 for each of the 3 series, besides tha two columns on the right and left for minutes, from to 60 in each degree. The second of these tables is similar to the first, but all in rational numbers, consisting, like it, of 3 series of 2 columns ^ach ; the radius, or constant side of the triangle, in each series, being 100,000, as before ; and the other two sides accurately expressed in integers and rational vulgar fractions. So that we have here the canon of acairate sines, tangents, and secants; or a series of about 4300 rational right-angled triangles. But then the several corresponding arcs of the quadrant, or angles of those triangles, are not expressed. Instead of them, are inserted, in the first column next the margin, a series of numbers de- creasing from the beginning to the end of the quadrant, which are called numeri primi baseos. It is from these numbers that Vieta con- structs the sides of the 3 series of right-angled triangles, one side in each series being the constant number 100,000, as before. The theo- rems by wliich these series of rational triangles are computed from the numeri prhni baseos, or marginal numbers, are inserted all in one page at the end of this second table, and in the modern notation they may be briefly expressed thus. Letp be the primary or marginal number on any line, and r the constant eadius or number 100,000; then if r denote the hypotenuse of the right-angled triangle, the perpendicular and base, or the sine and cosine, will be respectively, v)T 2 r ~t)* — 1 T a . 7 and r— — -r-TT* (which last we may reduce to l\^ . r). HISTORY OF Wlien r denotes the base of the right-angled triangle, then the per- pendicular and hypotenuse, or the tangent and secant, are expressed by — ^^ and r-j ^ , (which last we may reduce to ■— r) ; and when r denotes the perpendicular of the right-angled triangle, the base and hypotenuse, or the cotangent and cosecant, are then ex- pressed by and lpr-\ — (or r). ij,r-^ ^or^^'r). P P P P So that Vieta's general values will be as we have here collected thenri together in the following expressions, immediately under the words sine, cosine, &c.; and just below Vieta's forms I have here placed the others to which they reduce and are equivalent, which are more contracted, though not so well adapted to the expeditious computation as Vieta's forms. Sine pr Cosine 2r Tangent pr Secant Cotangent ipr-l P ^^P'-\ P Cosecant P if-\.l if -I 'l/-l i/+l I/+1' ip-l' All these expressions, it is evident, are rational; and by assuming p of different values, from the first theorems Vieta computed the corre- sponding sides of the triangles, and so expressed them all in integers and rational fractions. To the foregoing principal tables are subjoined several other smaller tables, or short specimens of large ones; as, a table of the sines, tan- gents, and secants for every single degree of the quadrant, with the corresponding lengths of the arcs, the radius being 100,000,000; another table of the sines, tangents, and secants, for each degree also, expressed in sexagesimal parts of the radius, as far as the 3d order of parts; also two other tables for the multiplication and reduction of sexagesimal quantities. The second part of this volume is entitled Universalmm Inspectio- num ad Canonem Mathematicum Liber singularis. It contains the construction of the tables, a compendious treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry, with the application of them to a great variety of curious subjects in geometry and mensuration, treated in a very learned manner; as also many curious observations concern- ing the quadrature of the circle, the duplication of the cube, &c. Computations are here given of the ratio of the diameter of a circle to the circumference, and of the length of the sine of 1 minute, both to many places of figures; by which he found that the sine of 1 minute is between 2,908,881,959 and 2,908,882,056; also, the diameter of a circle being 1000, &c. that the perimeter of the inscribed and circumscribed polygon of 393216 sides, will be as follows: TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 7 perim. of the Inscrib. polygon 314,159,265,35 perlm. of the circum. polygon 3 1 4, 1 59,265,37 and that therefore the circumference of the circle lies between those two numbers. Though no author's name appears to the volume I have been de- scribing, there can be no doubt of its being the performance of Vieta; for, besides bearing evident marks of his masterly hand, it is mentioned by himself in several parts of his other works collected by Schooten, and in the preface to those works by Elzevir the printer of them: as also in M. Montucla's Histoire des MatMmatiques, which are the only notices I have ever seen or heard of concerning this book, the copies of which are so rare, that I never saw one besides that which is in my own possession. In the other works of Vieta, published at Leyden in 1646, by Schooten, as mentioned above, there are several other pieces relating to trigonometry 5 some of which, on account of their originality and importance, are very deserving of particular notice in this place. And first, the very excellent theorems, here first of all given by our author, relating to angular sections, the geometrical demonstrations of which are supplied by that ingenious geometrician, Alexander Anderson, then professor of mathematics at Paris, but a native of Aberdeen, and cousin-german to Mr. David Anderson, of Finzaugh, whose daughter was the mother of the celebrated James Gregory, inventor of the Gregorian telescope. We find here, theorems of the chords (and consequently sines) of the sums and differences of arcs; and for the chords of arcs that are in arithmetical progres- sion, namely, that the first or least chord is to the 2d, as any one after the 1st, is to the sum of the two next less and greater : for example, as the 2d to the sum of the 1st and 3d, and as the 3d to the sum of the 2d and 4th, and as the 4th to the sum of the 3d and 5th, &c. ; so that, the 1st and 2d being given, all the rest are found from them by one subtraction and one proportion for each, in which the 1st and 2d terms are constantly the same. Next are given theorems for the chords of any multiples of a given arc or angle, as also the chords of their supplements to a semicircle, which are similar to the sines and cosines of the multiples of given angles; and the conclusions from them are expressed in this manner; 1st, that if c be the chord of the supplement of a given arc «, to the radius 1, then the chords of the supplements of the multiple arcs will be as in the annexed table: where the author observes that the signs are alternately + and —; that the vertical columns of numeral co- efficients to the terms of the chords, are die several orders of figurate numbers, which he calls triangular, pyramidal, tiiangulo - triangular, tri - angulo- pyramidal, &c. generated in the ordinary way hy continual additions; -not indeed from unity, as in the GENERATION OF POWERS, but beginning with the number 2; and Arcs Chords of the Supplements, la C 2a ' €"-2 Sa c'-'Sc 4« c*-46-^-f2 5a c^^dc'-^Bc 6a c^— 6c*-f9c2-2 la c7~7c5-fl4c^-7c &c. &c. 8 HISTORY OF d the chord of the double Arcs Chords. la I fa d 3a d'-l 4a d'~2d 5a d'-5d'+ 1 6a ^5_4^3^ 3^ la d6__5^4^ g^2_i 8a d-^-0d'+lOd'-4>d &c. &c. that the powers observe always the same progression : secondly, that if the chord of an arc a be called 1, and arc 2a, then the chords of the series of multiple arcs will be as in this table ; where the author remarks as before on the law of the powers, signs, and coefficients; these being the orders of figurate numbers, raised from unity by continual additions, after the manner of the genesis of powers, which feneration in that way he speaks of as a thing generally known, but without giving any hint how the co- efficients of the terms of any power may be found from one another only, and independent of those of any other power, as it was after- wards, and first of all, I believe, done by Henry Briggs, about the year 1600: and 3dly, that if C be th^ chord of any arc a, to the radius 1, then the series of the chords and supplemental chords of the multiple arcs will be thus; where the values are alternately chords, and chords of the supplements of the arcs on the same line, and the law of the powers and coefficients as before, but every alternate couplet of lines having their signs changed. Another curious theorem is added to the above, for finding the sum of all these chords drawn in a semicircle, from one end of the diameter to every point in the circumference, those points dividing the circum- ference into any number of equal parts; namely, as tlie least chord is to the diameter, so is the sum of the said least chord and diameter and greatest chord, to double the sum of all the chords including the dia- meter as one of them. As the above theorems are chiefly adapted for the chords of multiple angles, a few problems and remarks are then added (whether by Vieta or Anderson does not clearly appear, but I think by the latter) concern- ing the application of them, to the section of angles into submultiples, and thence to the computation of the chords or sines, or a canon of triangles. The general precept for the angular sections is this : select one of the above equations adapted to the proper number of the section, in which will be concerned the powers of the unknown or required quantity, as high as the index of the section ; and from this equation find that quantity by the known methods for the resolution of equations. Examples are given of three different sections, namely, for 3, 5, and 7 equal parts, the forms of which are respectively these 3C— C3 5C- 5C3+C5 Arcs Chords and Chords of Sup. la Chord =-hC 2a Sup.Ch. =-C2-f2 3a Chord =-C3-}-3C 4a Sup. eh. =+C^-4C2-j- 2 5a Chord =^C'-5C^^- 5C 6a^-|-6C^- 9C2+2 7a Chord ^-C^-h^C^-UC^^-f-TC &c. &c. 'g 70- 14C3 + O-O . =g TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 9 V^'here g is the chord of the given arc or angle, and C the required chord oF the 3d, 5th, or 7th part of it. And it is shown, geometri- cally, that the first of these equations has 2 real positive roots, the se- cond 3, and the last 4 ; also from the same principles the relations of these roots are pointed out. The method then annexed for constructing the canon of sines, from the foregoing theorems, is thus : By dividing the radius in extreme- and-mean ratio, is obtained the sine of 18 degrees ; this quinquisected, gives the sine of S"^ 36'. Again, by trisecting the arc of 60°, there is obtained the sine of 20^ ; this again trisected gives that of 6° 40^ ; and this bisected gives that of 3^ 20': Then, by the theorem for the dif- ference of two arcs, there will be found the sine of 16', the difference between 3° 36' and 3" 20': Lastly, by four successive bisections, will at length be found the sines of 8', 4', 2', and 1'. This last being found, the sines of its multiples, and again of the multiples of these multi- ples, &c. throughout the quadrant, are to be taken by the proper theorems before laid down. And the same subject is still further pur- sued and explained, in the tract containing the answer given by Vieta, to the problem proposed to the whole world by Adrianus Romanus. In the same collection of Vieta's works, from page 400 to 432, is given a complete treatise on practical trigonometry, containing rules for resolving all the cases of plane and spherical triangles, by the Canon MatliematkuSy or table of sines, tangents and secants. The next authors whose labours in this way have been printed, are Rheticus, Otho, and Pitiscus; to nU of whom we owe very great improvements in trigonometry. George Joachim Rlieticus, professor of mathematics in the univer- sity of Wittemburg, and sometime pupil to Copernicus, died in 15/6, in the 60th year of his age. He conceived, and executed, the great design of computing the triangular canon for every 10 seconds of the, quadrant to the radius (1000000000000000), consisting of 1 followed by 15 ciphers. The series of sines which Rheticus computed to this radius, for every 10 seconds, and for every single second in the first and last degree of the quadrant, was published in folio at Francfort, l6l3, by Pitiscus, who himself added a few of the first sines computed to the radius 10000000000000000000000, But the larg-e work, or whole trigonometrical canon, computed by Rheticus, was published in 1596 by Valentine Otho, mathematician to the Electoral Prince Palatine. This vast work contains all the three series for the whole canon of right-angled triangles (being similar to the sines, tangents, and secants, by which names I shall call them), with all the differences of the numbers, to the radius 10000000000. Prefixci^ to these tables, are several books on their construction and use, in plane and spherical trigonometry, &c. Of these, the first three are by Rheticus himself; namely book the first, containing the demon- strations of 9 lemmas, concerning the properties of certain lines drawn in and about circles: the 2d book contains 10 propositions, relating to the sines and cosines of arcs, together with those of their sums and dif- ferences, theii' halves and doubles, &c. The 3d book teaches, in 13 pr©^ C 10 HISTORY OF positions, the construction of the canon to the radius lOOOOOQOOOOOOOOO. By some of the common properties of geometry, having determined the sines of a few principal arcs, as 30% 36% &;c. in the first proposition, by continual bisections he finds the sines of various other arcs, down to 45 minutes. Then in the 2d proposition, by the theorems for the sums and differences of arcs, he finds all the sines and cosines, lip to 90 degrees, in a series of arcs differing by 1° 30'. And, in the 3d proposition, by the continual addition of 45', he obtains all the sines and cosines in the series whose common difference is 45'. In the 4th proposition, beginning with 45', and continually bisecting, he finds the sines and cosines of the series of half arcs^ till he arrives at the arc of W'^" 19'% the sine of which is found to be 1, and its dosine 999999999999999. In the fifth proposition are computed the sine and cosine of 30'% or half a minute. In the 6th and 7th pro- positions are computed the sines and cosines for every minute, from 1' to 45', as well as of many larger arcs. The 8th proposition ex- tends the computation for single minutes much further. In proposi- tions 9 and 10 are computed the tangents and secants for all arcs in the series whose common difference is 45'; and these are deduced from the sines of the same arcs by one proportion for each. In the remaining three propositions, 11, 12, 13, are computed the tangents and secants for several small angles. And from all these primary sines, tangents, and secants, the whole canon is deduced and completed. , The remaining books in this work are by the editor Otho ; namely, 9. treatise, in one book, on right-angled plane triangles, the cases of which are resolved by the tables : then right-angled spherical trigono- metry, in four books; next oblique spherical trigonometry, in five books; and lastly, several other books, containing various spherical problems. Next after the abov;e are placed the tables themselves, containing the sines, tangents, and secants, for every 10 seconds in the quadrant, with all the differences annexed to each, in a smaller character. The numbers however are not called sines, tangents, and secants, but, like Vieta's before described, they are considered as representing the sides of right-angled triangles, and titled accordingly. They are also, in like manner, divided into tluree series, namely, according as the radius, or constant side of the triangle, is made the hypotenuse, or the greater leg, or the less leg of the triangle. When the hypotenuse is made the constant radius 10000000000, the two columns of this case, or series, are called the perpendicular and base, which are our sine and cosine; when the greater leg is the constant radius, tlie two columns of this series are titled hypotenuse and perpendicular, which are our secant and tangent ; and when the less leg is constant, the two co- lumns in this case are called hypotenuse and base, which are ouf cosecant and cotangent. After this large canon, is printed another smaller table, which is said to be the two columns of the third series, or cosecants and cotangents, with their differences, but to 3 places of -figures less, or to the radius lOOOOOOG. But I cannot discover the r«asoa for adding this less table, even if it were correct, which is very TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &e. n far from being the case, the numbers being uniformly erroneoos, ^juA different from the former through the greatest part of the table. Towards the close of the 16th century, many persons wrote on tlie subject of trigonometry, and the constmction of the triangular cacoB. But, their writings being seldom printed till many years afterwards, it is not easy to assign their order in respect of time. I shall therefore mention but a few of the principal authors, and that without pretend* ing to any great precision on the score of chronological precedence. In 1591 Philip Lansberg first published his Geometria TriangulO' rum, in four books, with the canon of sines, tangents, and secants ; a brief, but very elegant work ; the whole being clearly explained : and it is perhaps the first set of tables titled with those words. The sines, tangents and secants of the arcs to 45 degrees, with those of their complements, are each placed in adjacent columns, in a very commo- dious manner, continued forwards and downwards to 45 degrees, and then returning backwards and upwards to 90 degrees : the radius is 10000000, and a specimen of the first page of the table is as follows : Sinus Tangens Secans ' 1 2 2909 5818 10000000 9999999 9999998 2909 5818 infinitum. 34377466738 17188731915 10000000 10000000 10000002 infinitum. 34377468193 17188734924 60 59 58 57 56 55 &c. 3 4 5 &c. 8727 1 1636 U544 9999996 9999993 9999989 8727 1163(1 14544 11459152994 8594363048 6875488693 10000004 10000007 10000011 114591573571 8594368866 6875495966 i \ 89 Of this work, the first book treats of the magnitude and relations of such lines as are considered in and about the circle, as the chords, sines, tangents, and secants. In the second book is delivered the construction of the trigonometrical canon, by means of the properties laid down In the first book. After which follows the canon itself. And in the third and fourth books is shown the application of the table, in the resolution of plane and spherical triangles Lansberg, who was born in Zealand 1561, was many years a minister of the gospel, and died at MIddleburg in 1632. The trigonometry of Bartholomew Pitiscus was first published at Francfort in the year 1599. This is a very complete w^ork; contain- ing, besides the triangular canon, with its construction and use in resolving triangles, the application of trigonometry to problems of surveying, altimetry, architecture, geography, dialling, and astronomy. The constriction of the canon is very clearly described : And, in the third edition of the book, in the year 1612, he boasts to have added in this part arithmetical rules for finding the chords of the 3d, 5th, and other uneven parts of an arc, from the chord of that arc being given ; saying, that it had been heretofore thought impossible to give such rules : But, after all, those boasted methods are only the application of 12 iftlSTORYOF the double rule of False-Position to the then known rules for finding the chords of multiple arcs ; namely, making the supposition of some number for the required chord of a submultiple of any given arc, then,^ from this assumed number, computing what will be the chord of its multiple arc, which is to be compared with that of the given arc ; then the same operation is performed with another supposition , and so on, as in the double rule of position. The canon contains the sine, tangent, and secant, for every minute of the quadrant, in some parts to 7 places of figures, in others to 8 ; as also the differences for every 10 seconds. The sines, tangents, and secants, are also given for every 1 seconds in the first and last degree of the quadrant, for every 2 seconds in the first and last 10 minutes, and for every single second in the first and last minute. In this table the sines, tangents, and scr- cants are continued downwards on the left-hand pages as far as to 45 degrees, and then returned upwards on the right-hand pages, so that the complements are always on the same*line in the opposite or facing pages. ^ The mathematical works of Christopher Clavius (a German Jesuit, who was born at Bamberg in 1537) in five large folio volumes, were printed at Moguntia, or Mentz, in 1612, the year in which the au- thor died, at the age of 75. In the first volume we find a very ample and circumstantial treatise on trigonometry, with Regiomontanus's canon of sines, for every minute, as also canons of tangents and se- cants, each in a separate table, to the radius 10000000, and in a form continued forwards all the way up to 90 degrees. The explanation of the construction of the tables is very complete, and is chiefly ex- tracted from Ptolemy, Purbach, and Regiomontanus. The sines have the differences set down for each second, that is, the quotients arising from the differences of the sines divided by 60. About the year 1600, Ludolph van Collen, or a Ceulen, a respect- able Dutch mathematician, wrote his book De Circulo et AdscriptiSy in which he treats fully and ably of the properties of lines drawn in and about the circle, and especially of chords or subtenses, with the construction of the canon of sines. The geometrical properties froni which these lines are computed, are the same as those used by former writers ; but his mode of computing and expressing them is different from theirs ; for they actually extracted all the roots, &c, at every step, or single operation, in decimal numbers ; but he retained the radical expressions to the last, making them however always as simple as possible : thus, for instance, he determines the sides of the polygons of 4, 8, IG, 32, &c, sides, inscribed in the circle whose radius is 1, to be as in the table here annexed : where the point before any figure {as \/.2) signifies the root of all that follows it ; so the last line is in our notation the same as v/.2— v/.2+\/.2— -v/2. And as ^he perfect management of such surds was then not generally No. of sides - 4 8 16 33 &c. Length of each side. ^/•2-^/.2-h^/2 v/.S-v^.S-fv^ .2-^/2 TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 13 known, he added a very neat tract on that subject, to facilitate the computations. These, together with other dissertations on similar ge- ometrical matters, were translated from the Dutch language, into Latin, by Willebrord Snell, and published at (Lugd. Batav.) Leyden in 1619. It was in this work that Ludolph determined the ratio of the diameter to the circumference of the circle, to 36 figures, showing that, if the diameter be 1, the circumference wdll be greater than 3.14159 26535 89/93 23846 26433 83279 50288, but less than 3.14159 26535 897^3 23846 26433 832/9 50289; which ratio was, by his order, in imitation of Archimedes, engraven on his tomb-stone, as is witnessed by the said Snell, pa. 54, 55, Cyclo- metricus^ published at Leyden two years after, in which he treats the same subject in a similar manner, recomputing and verifying Lu- dolph's numbers. And in the same book, he also gives a variety of geometrical approximations^ or mechanical solutions, to determine very nearly the lengths of arcs, and the areas of sectors and segments of circles. Besides the Cyclometrtcus, and another geometrical work (Jpolhnliis Battavus) published in 1608, the same Sncllius wrote also ifour others, doctrines triangulorum canonlcoi, in which is contained the canon of secants, and in which the construction of sines, tangents, and se- cants, together with the dimension or calculation of triangles^ both plane and spherical, are briefly and clearly treated. After the author's death, this work was published in 8vo, at Leyden 1627, by Martinus Hortensius, who added to it a tract on surveying and spherical prob- lems. Willebrord Snell was born in 1591 at Royen, and died in 1626, being only 35 years of age. He was professor of mathematics }n the university of Leyden, as was also his father Rodolph Snell. In 1627, Francis van Schooten published, at Amsterdam, in a small neat form, tables of sines, tangents, and secants, for every minute of the quadrant, to 7 places of figures, the radius being 10000000; together with their use in plane trigonometry. These tables have a great character for their accuracy, being declared by the author to be without one single error. This however must not be understood of the last figure of the numbers, which I find are very often erroneous, sometimes in excess and sometimes in defect, by not being always set down to the nearest unit. Schooten died in 1659, while he had the second volume of his second edition of Descartes* geometry in the press. He was also author of several other valuable works in geometry and other branches of the mathematics. The foregoing are the principal writers on the tables of sines, tan- gents, and secants, before the invention of logarithms, which happened about this time, namely, soon after the year 1600. Tables of the natural numbers were now all completed, and the methods of com- puting them nearly perfected : And therefore, l^efore entering on the discovery and construction of logarithms, we shall stop here a little, to give a summary of the manner in which the said natural sines, tan- gents, and secants, were actually computed, after having been gra- dually improved from Hipparchus, Menelaus, and Ptolemy, who use^ 14 HISTORY OF only the chords, down to the beginning of the l7th century^ whea sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines were in use, and when the method hitherto employed had received its utmost improvement. In tliis explanation, I shall here first enumerate the theorems by which the calculations were made,^ and then describe the application of them to the computation itself. Theorem 1. The square of the diameter of a circle, is equal to the sum of the squares of the chord of an arc, and of the chord of its supplement to a semicircle. 2. The rectangle under the two diagonals of any quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, is equal to the sum of the two rectangles under the opposite sides. 3. The sum of the squares of the sine and cosine (hitherto called the sine of the complement), is equal to the square of the radius. 4. The difference between the sines of two arcs that are equally distant from 60 degrees, or i of the whole circumference, the one as much greater as the other is less, is equal to the sine of half the differences of those arcs, or of the difference between either are and the said arc of 60 degrees. 5. The sum of the cosine and versed sine, is equal to the radius. C. The sum of the squares of the sine and versed sine, is equal to the square of the chord, or to the square of double the sine of half the arc. 7. The sine Is a mean proportional between half the radius and the versed sine of double the arc. 8. A mean proportional between the versed sine and half the radius, is equal to the sine of half the arc. 9. As radius is to the sine, so is twice the cosine to the sine of twice the arc. 10. As the chord of an arc, is to the sum of the chords of the single and double arc, so is the difference of those chords, to the chord of thrice the arc. 11. As the chord of an arc, is to the sum of the chords of twice and thrice the arc, so is the difference of those chords, to the chord of five times the arc. 12. And in general, as the chord of an arc, is to the sum of the chords of n times and w-j- 1 times the arc, so is the difference of those chords, to the chord of 2n-|- 1 times the arc. 13. The sine of the sum of two arcs, is equal to the sum of the products of the sine of each multiplied by the cosine of the other, and divided by the radius. 14. The sine of the difference of two arcs, is equal to the difference of the said two products divided by radius. 15. The cosine of the sum of two arcs, is equal to the difference between the products of their sines and of their cosines, divided by radius. 16. The cosine of the difference of two arcs, is equal to the sum of the said products divided by radius. 17. A small arc is equal to Its chord or sine, nearly, 18. As cosine is to sine, so is radius to tangent. TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 15 19. Radius is a mean proportional between the tangent and co- tangent. 20. Half the difFerence between the tangent and cotangent of an arc, is equal to the tangent of the difFerence between tlie arc and its complement. Or, the sum arising from the addition of double the tangent of an arc with the tangent of half its complement, is equal to the tangent of the sum of that arc and the said half complement. 21. The square of the secant of an arc, is equal to the sum of the squares of the radius and tangent. 22. Radius is a mean proportional between the secant and cosine. Or, as cosine is to radius, so is radius to secant. 23. Radius i§ a mean proportional between the sine and cosecant. 24. The secant of an arc, is equal to the sum of its tangent and the tangent of half its complement. Or, the secant of the difference between an arc and its complement, is equal to the tangent of the said difference added to the tangent of the less arc. 25. The secant of an arc, is equal to the difference between the tangent of that arc and the tangent of the arc added to half its com- plement. Or the secant of the difference between an arc and its complement, is equal to the difference between the tangent of the said difference and the tangent of the greater arc. From some of these 25 theorems, extracted from the writers before mentioned, and a few propositions of Euclid's elements, they compiled the whole table of sines, tangents, and secants, nearly in the following manner. By the elements were computed the sides of a few of the regular figures inscribed in a circle, which were the chords of such parts of the whole circumference as are expressed by the number of sides, and therefore the halves of those chords the sines of the halves of the arcs. So, if the radius be 10000000, the sides of the following figures will give the annexed chords and sines. The figure Arc sub- Its chord. Half Its sine. tended or side arc or 4 chord Triangle 120" 17320508 60* 8660254 Square 90 14142136 45 7071068 Pentagon 72 11755705 36 5877853 Hexagon 60 10000000 30 5000000 Decagon 36 6180340 18 3090170 iQuindecagon 24 415S234 12 2079117 Of some, or all of these, the sines of the halves were continually taken by theorem the 6th, 7th, or Sth, and of their complements by the 3d ; then the sines of the halves of these, and of their com- plements, by the same theorems ; and so on, alternately of the halves and complements, till they arrived at an arc which is nearly equal to its sine. Thus, beginning with the above are of 12 degrees, and its sine, the halves v/ere obtained as follows: 16 HISTORY OF The halves Tlieir Sines 6" 1045285 3 523360 I 30 261769 45 130896 The comp. of these 84 9945218 87 9986295 88 30 9996573 89 15 9999143 The halves of these 42 6691306 21 3583679 10 30 1822355 5 15 915016 43 30 6883545 21 45 3705574 44 15 6977905 The Comp. Sines of these 48" ' 7431448 69 9335804 79 30 9832549 84 45 9958049 46 30 7253744 6S 15 9288095 45 45 7163019 The halves of these 24 4067366 34 30 5664062 17 15 2965416 39 45 6394390 23 15 3947439 The comp. 66 9135455 55 30 8241262 72 45 9550199 50 15 7688418 66 45 9187912 The halves 33» ' 16 30 8 15 27 45 ' " - Sines 5446390 2840153 1434926 4656145 Comps. 57 73 30 81 45 62 15 8386706 9588197 9896514 8849876 HaRes 28 30 14 15 36 45 4771588 2461533 5983246 Comps. 61 30 75 45 53 15 8788171 9692309 8012538 Half 30 45 5112931 Comp. 59 15 8594064 The sines of sntiall arcs are then deduced in this manner: From the sine of 45', above determined, are found the halves, which will be thus: 45' 0" 130896 22 30 65449,4 11 15 32724,8 Now these last two sines being evidently in the same ratio as their arcs, the sines of all the less single minutes will be found by single proportion. So the 45th part of the sine of 45', gives 2909 for the sine of 1'; which may be doubled, tripled, &c, for the sines of 2', 3', &c, up to 45'. Then, from all the foregoing primary sines, by the theorems for halving, doubling, or tripling, and by those for the sums and dif- ferences, the rest of the sines are deduced, to complete the quadrant. But having thus determined the sines and cosines of the first SO* of the quadrant, that is, the sines of the first and last 30°, those of the intermediate SO** are, by theor. 4, found by one single subtraction for each sine. The sines of the w-hole quadrant being thus completed, the tan- gents are found by theor. 18, 19, 20, namely, for one half of the quadrant by the 18th and 19th, and the other half by one single addition or subtraction for each, by the 20th theorem. And lastly by theor. 24 and 25, the secants are deduced from the tangents, by addition and subtraction only. Among the various means used for constructing the canon of sineSj tangents, and secants, the writers above enumerated seem not to have TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. l7 been possessed of the method of differences, so profitably used since, and first of all I believe by Briggs, in computing his trigonometrical canon and his logarithms, as we shall see hereafter, when we^ come to describe those works. They took however the successive differences cf the numbers after they were computed, to verify or prove the truth of them ; and if found erroneous, by any irregularity in the last differ- ences, from thence they had a method of correcting the original numbers themselves. At least, this method is used by Pitiscus, Trig, lib. 2, where the differences are extended to the third order. In page 44 of the same book also is described, for the first time that I know of, the common notation of decimal fractions, as now used. And this same notation was afterwards described and used by baroa Napier, in positio 4 and 5 of his posthumous works, on the construction of logarithms, published by his son in the year 1619. But the decimal fractions themselves may be considered as having been introduced by Regiomontanus, by his decimal division of the radius &c, of the circle ; and from that time gradually brought into use : but continued long to be denoted after the manner of vulgar fractions, by a line drawn between the numerator and denominator, which last however was soon omitted, and only the numerator set down, with the line below it; thus it was first 31^-11, then 31-^-^; afterwards, omitting the line, it became 31'^, and lastly 31 35, or 31.35, or 31*35: as may be traced in the works of Vieta, and others since his time, gra- dually into the present century. Having often heard it remarked, that the word sine, or in Latin and French sinuSf is of doubtful origin ; and as the various accounts which I have seen of its derivation are very different from one another, it may not be amiss here to employ a few lines on this matter. Some authors say, this is an Arabic word, others that it is the single Latin vvord sinus; and in Montucla's Histolre des MatJiematiqiies it is conjec- tured to be an abbreviation of two Latin words*. The conjecture h thus expressed by the ingenious and teamed author of that excellent history, at pa. xxxiii, among the additions and corrections of the first volume: " A I'occaslon des sinus dont on parle dans cette page, comme d'une invention des Arabes, voici un etymologic de ce nom, tout-a-fait heureuse et vraisernblable. Je la dois a M. Godin, de I'Academie Royale des Sciences, Directeur de I'Ecole de Marine de Cadix. Les sinus sont, comme Ton S9ait, des moities de cordes ; et les cordes en Latin se nomment inscriptis. I^es sinus sont done scmisses inscrlptarum, ce que probablement on ecrivit ainsi pour abreger, S. Ins. Dela en- suite s'est fait par abus le mot de sinus.'" Now, ingenious as this conjecture is, tliere appears to be little or no probability for the truth of it. For, in the first place, it is not in the least supported by quo- tations from any of the more early books, to show that it ever was the practice to write or print the words thus, S. Ins. on which the con- jecture is founded. Again, it is said the chords me called in Latin , inscriptce ; and it is true that they sometimes are so: but I think they are more frequently called subtense, and the sines semisses subtemariim * That Is, in the first edition of his bc»ok. But he has omitted this improbable conjecture in the aew edition of 1799. D 18 HISTORY OF of the double arcs, which will not abbreviate into the word sinus. But it may be said, what reason liave we to suppose that this word is eitlier a L^tin word, or the abbreviation of any Latin words vyhat- ever ? and tliat it seems but proper to seek for the etymology of worlds in the language of the inventors of the things. For which reason it is, that we find the two other words, tangens and secans, are Latin, as they were invented and used by authors who wrote in that language. But the sines are acknowledged to have been invented and introduced by the Arabians, and thence by analogy it would seem probable that this is a word of their language, and from them adopted, together with the use of it, by the Europeans. And indeed Lansberg, in the second page of his trigonometry above mentioned, expressly says that it is Arabic : His words are, Vox sinus Arabica est, etproinde barhara ; sedcum longdusu approbata sit, et commodior non suppetat, neqiiaquamrepndiandaest : faciles emmin verbis nos esse opor- tet, cum de rebus couvenit. And. Vieta says something to the same pur- port, in page 9 of his {Tniversalium Inspectionum ad Canonem Mathe^ maticum Liber: His words are, Breve siuus vocabulum, cum sit artis, Saracenis prcEsertim quam fatniliare, non est ab artificibus exploden- dmn, ad later um sennssium inscriptorum deiwtationem, ^c. Guarinus also is of the same opinion: in his EucJides Adauctus, ^c, tract, XX. pa. S07, he says, Sfnus vero est nomenArabicumusurpatuni in hanc significationem a matheinaticis ; though he was aware that a Latin origin was ascribed to -it by Vitalis, for he immediately adds, LicH Vi~ talis in suo Lexico Matkemaiico ex eo velit sinum appellatum, quod claudat curvitatem arcus. Long before I either saw or heard of any conjecture, or observation concerning the etymology of the word sinus, I remember that I ima- gined it to be taken from tlie same Latin word, signifying breast or bo- som, and that our sine wiis so called allegorically. I had observed, that several of the terms in trigonometry were derived from a bow to shoot with, and its appendages ; as arcus, the bow, chorda, the string, and sagitla, the arrow, by which name the versed sine, which repre- sents it, was sometimes called ; also, tliat the tangens w^as so called from its office, being a line touching the circle, and secans from its cut- ting the same: I therefore imagined that the sinus was so called, either from its resemblance to the breast or bosom, or frojn its being a line dl-avvn within the bosom (sinus) of the arc, or from its being that part of the string (chorda J of a bow (arcus) which is drawn near the breast (^MHM.9) in the act of shooting. And perhaps Vitalis's defini- tion, above quoted, has some allusion to the same similitude. Also Vieta seems to allude to the same thing, in calling sinus an allegorical word, in page 417 of his works, as published by Schooten, where, with his usual judgement and {)recision, he treats of the pro- priety of the terms used in trigonometry for certain lines drawn in and about the circle ; of which, as it very w^ell deserves, I shall here extract the principal part, to sliow the opinion and arguments of so great a man on those names. " Arabes autem semisses inscriptas du- plo, numeris prsesertim sestimatas, vocaverunt allegorice sinus, atque ideo ipsam serai-diametrum, qme maxima est semissium inscriptarum, Sinum Totum. Et de iis sud methodo canones exiverunt qui circuni- TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 19 feinintur, supputante prsesertim Regiomontano bene juste et accurate, in iis etiam particulis qualium semidiameter adsumitur 10,000,000. " Ex canoriilms dcinde sinuum derivaverunt recentiores canonem semissium circumscriptarum, quem dix6re Fcecwulum ; et canonem eductariim e centro, quem dix^re Foecundissimum et Beneficum, hypo- tenusis addietum. Atque adeo sernisses circumscriptas, numeris prse- sertim eestimatas, vocaverunt Fiecundos, Sinus mimerosve videlicet; quanquain nihil vetat Fa^cundi nomen substantive accipi. Hypote- nusas autein Beneticas, vel etiam simpliciter Hypotenusas : quoniam hypotenusa in prima serie sinQs totius nomen retinet. Itaque ne no- vitate verborum res adumbretur, et alioqui sua aitificibus, eo nomine debita, pra^ripiatur gloria, prsepogita in C'anone Mathematico canon- icis numeris inscriptio, candide admonet primam seriem esse Canonem Sinuum. In secund^ vero, partem canonis fecundi, partem canonis foecundissimi, contineri. In tertia, reliquam. " Sane prseter inscriptas et circumscriptas, circulum etiam adficiunt aliae line^e rectae, velut Incidentes, Tangentes, et Secantes. Verum ill«e voces substantivse sun", non peripheriamm relativee. Ac secare qui- dem circulum linea recta tunc intelligitur, cum in duobus punctis secat. Itaque non loquuntur bene geometrice, qui eductas e centro ad metas circumscriptarum vocant secantes improprie, cum secantes et tangen- tes ad certos angulos vel peripherias referunt. Immo vero artem con- fundunt, ciim his vocibus neccsse habeat uti geometra abs relatione. "Quare si quibus arrideat Arabum metaphora; quae quidem aut omnino retinenda videtur, aut omnino explodenda ; ut sernisses in- scriptas, Arabcs vocant sinus; sic scnnsses circumscriptae, vocentur Prosinus Amsinusve ; et eductas e centro Transsinuosae. Sin allego- ria displiccat, geometrica sane inscriplarum et circum^'riptarum no- mina retineantur. Et cum eductae e centro ad nietas circumscriptarum, non habeant hactenus nomen certum nceue elegans, vocentur sane prosemidiaii:ietri, quasi protensae semidiametri, se habentes ad suas circumscriptas, sicut semidiametri ad inscriptas." Against the Arabic origin however of this word fshiusj may be urged its being varied according to the fourth declension of Latin nouns like ??7rt?;M.s'; ahd that if it were an Arabic word latinised, it w^ouid have been ranked under either the first, second, or third de- clension, as is usual in such, adopted words. So that, upon the whole, it will perhaps rather seem probable, that the term sium is the Latin word answering to the name l)y which the Saracens called that line, and not their word itself. And this conjecture seems to be rendered still more probable by some expressions in pa. 4 and 5 of Otho's Preface to Rhetieus's Canon, where it is not ordy said, that the Saracens called the lialf-chord of double the arc dims, but also that they called the part of the radius lying between the sine and the arc sinus versus, vel sagitta, which are evidently Latin words, and seem to be intended for the Latin translations of the names by which the Ara- bians called these lines. Or the numbers expressing the lengths of them. And this conjecture has been confirmed and realised, by a reference to Golius's Lexicon of the Arabic and Latin languages. In consequence i find that the Arabic and Latin writers on trigonometry do both of them use those words in the same allegorical sense, the latter beinff D 2 20 HISTORY OF the Latin translations of the former, and not the Arabic words cor- rupted. Thus the true Arabic word to denote the trigonometrical sine, is U^A^, pronounced Jeih (reading the vowels in the French man- ner), meaning sinits indusii, vestisgue, the bosom part of tlie garment : the versed sine is >^>*J? Sehim, which is sagitta, the arrow; the arc is , yj J5, which is arciis, the arc; and the chord is J> j, Vitr, that is, chorda, the chord. OF LOGARITHMS. X HE trigonometrical canon of natural sines, tangents and secants, being now brought to a considera1:)le degree of perfection, the great length and accuracy of the numbers, together with the increasing delicacy and number of astronomical problems and spherical triangles, to the solution of which the canon was applied, urged many persons, conversant in those matters, to endeavour to discover some means of diminishing the great labour and time, requisite for so many multi- plications and divisions, in such large numbers as the tables then con- sisted of. And their chief aim was, to reduce the multiplications and divisions to additions and subtractions, as much as possible. For this purpose, Nicholas Raymer Ursus Dithmarsus invented an ingenious method, which serves for one case in the sines, namely, when radius is the first term in the proportion, and the sines of two arcs are the second and third terms ; for he showed, that the fourth term, or sine, would be found by only taking half the sum or difference of the sines of two other arcs, which should be the sum and difference of the less of the two former given arcs, and the complement of the greater. This is no more, in effect, than the following well-known theorem in trigonometry : as half radius is to the sine of one arc, so is the sine of another arc, to the cosine of the difference 7mm(S the co- sine of the sum of the said arcs. The author published this ingenious device in 1588, in his Fundament um Astronoyni^. And three or four years afterwards it was greatly improved by Clavius, who adapted it to all proportions in the resolution of the spherical triangles, for all sines, tangents, secants, versed sines, &c ; and that whether radius be in the proportion or not. All which he explains very fully in lem» 53, lib. 1, of his treatise on the Astrolabe. See more on this subject in Longomont. Astron. Danica, pa. 7? et seq. Tliis method, though ingenious, depends not on any abstract property of numbers, but only on the relations of certain lines, drawn in and about the circle; and it was therefore rather limited, and sometimes attended with trouble in the application. After perhaps various other contrivances, incessant endeavours at length produced the happy invention of logarithms, which are of direct and universal application to all numbers abstractedly considered, being derived from a property inherent in numbers themselves. This pro- perty may be considered, either as the relation between a geometrical series of terms and a corresponding arithmetical one, or as the relation LOGARITHMS. 21 between ratios and the measures of ratios, whlcli comes to mucli tlie same thing, having been conceived in one of these ways by some of the writers on tliis subject, and in the other by the rest of them, as well as in both ways at different times by the same writer. A succinct idea of this property, and of the probable reflections made on it by the first writers on logarithms, may be to the tbllowing effect : The learned calculators, al)out the close of the 16th, and begin- ning of the 17th century, finding the operations of multiplication and division by very long numbers, of seven or eight places of figures, which they had frequently occasion to perform, in resolving problems relatinef to geography and astronomy, to be exceedingly troublesome, set them- selves to consider whether it was not possible to find some method of lessening this labour, by substituting other easier operations in their stead. In pursuit of this object, they reflected, that, since, in every multiplication by a whole number, the ratio, or proportion, of the product to the multiplicand, is the same as the ratio of the multiplier to unity, it will follow that the ratio of the product to unity (which, ac- cording to Euclid's definition of compound ratios, is compounded of the ratios of the said product to the multiplicand and of the mul- tiplicand to unity), must be equal to the sum of the two ratios of the multiplier to unity and of the multiplicand to unity. Consequently, if they could find a set of artificial numbers that should be the representa- tives of, or should be proportional to, the ratios of all sorts of numbers to unity, the addition of the two artificial numbers that should repre- sent the ratios of any multiplier and multiplicand to unity, would an- swer to the multiplication of the said multiplicand by the said multi- plier, or the sum arising from the addition of the said representative numbers would be the representative number of the ratio of the pro- duct to unity; and consequently, the natural number to which it should be found, in the table of the said artificial or representative numbers, that the said sum belonged, would be the product of the said multiplicand and multiplier. Having settled this principle, as the foundation of their wished-for method of abridging the labour of cal- culations, they resolved to compose a table of such artificial numbers, or numbers that should be representatives of, or proportional to, the ratios of all the common or natural numbers to unity. The first observation that naturally occurred to them in the pursuit of this scheme, was, that whatever artificial numbers should be chosen to represent the ratios of other whole numbers to unity, the ratio of equality, or of unity to unity, must be represented by ; because that ratio has properly no magnitude, since, when it is added to, or sub- tracted from, any other ratio, it neither increases nor diminishes it. The second o])servation that occurred to them was, that any num ber whatever might be chosen at pleasure for the representative of the ratio of any given natural number to unity ; but that, when once such choice was made, all the other representative numbers Avould be thereby determined, because they must be greater or less than that first representative number, in the same proportions in which the ratios re- presented by them, or the ratios of the corresponding natural numbers to unity, were greater or less than the ratio of the said given natural number to unity. Thus, either 1, or 2, or 3, &c, might be chosen for the representative of the ratio of 10 to 1. But, if 1 be chosen for it. 22 HISTORY OF tlie representative of the ratio of l() 1 and 1000 to 1, which are double and triple of the ratio of 10 to 1, must be 2 and 3, and cannot be any other numbers : and if 2 be chosen for it, then the representa- tives of tlie ratios of 100 to 1 and 1000 to 1, will be 4 and G, and cannot be any other numbers; and if 3 be chosen for it, tlien the representa- tives of the ratios of 100 to 1 and 1000 to 1, will be 6 and 9, and cannot be any other numbers ; and so on. The third observation that occurred to them was, that^ as these arti- ficial numbers were representatives of, or proportional to, ratios of the natural numbers to unity, they must be expressions of the num])ers of some smaller equal ratios that are contained in the said ratios. Thus, if 1 be taken for the representative of the ratio of 10 to 1, then 3, which is the representative of the ratio of 1000 to 1, will express the number of ratios of 10 to 1 that are contained in the ratio of 1000 to 1. And if, instead of 1, we make 10,000,000, or ten millions, the represen- tative of the ratio of 10 to 1 (in which case 1 will be the representative of a very small ratio, or ratiuncula, which is only the ten-millionth part of the ratio of 10 to 1, or will be the representative of the 10,000,000th root of 10, or of the first or smallest of 9,999,999 mean proportionals interposed between 1 and 10), the representative of the ratio of 1000 to 1, which will in this case be 30,000,000, will express the number of those raihuncuJa^f or small ratios of the 105000,000th root of 10 to 1, which are contained in the said ratio of 1000 to 1. And the like may be sliown of the representative of the ratio of any other number to unity, ilnd tlierefore they thought these artificial numbers, whicli thus represent, or are proportional to, the magnitudes of the ratios of the natural numbers to unity, might not improperly be called the LoGARiieMs of those ratios, since they express tlie numbers of smaller ratios of which they are composed. And then, for the sake of brevity, they called tlieni the Logarithms of the said natural number.^ themsekes, which are the antecedents of the said ratios to unity, of which they are in truth the representatives. The foregoing method of considering this property leads to much the same conclusions as the other way, in which the relations between a geometrical series of terms, and their exponents, or the terms of an arithmetical series, ai-e contemplated, la tliis latter way, it readily occurred that the addition of the terms of the arithmetical series cor- responded to the multipliciition of the terms of the geometrical series ; and that the arlthmeticals would therefore form a set of artificial numl)ers, which, v»'hen arranged in tables, with their geometricals, would answer the purposes desired, as has been explained above. From this property, by assuming four quantities, tvv'o of tliem as two terms in a geometrical series, and the others as the two corresponding terms of the arithmeticals, or artificials, or logarithms, it is evident that all the other terms of both the two series may thence be generated. And therefore there may be as many sets or scales of logarithms as we please, since tiiey depend entirely on the arbitrary assumption of the first two arithmeticals. And all possible natural numbers may be supposed to coincide with some of the terms of any geometrical pro- gression whatever, the logarithms or arithmeticals determining wliich of the terms in that progression they are. It was proper however that the arithmetical series should be so as- LOGARITHMS. 23 sumed, as that the term in it might ansvrer to the term 1 in the geo- metricals; otherwise the sum of the logarithms of any two numbers would be always to be diminished by the logarltlmi of 1, to give the iogaritlim of the product of those numbers: for which reason, making O tlie logarithm of 1, and assuming any quantity whatever for the value of the logarithm of any one number, the logarithms of all other num- bers were thence to be derived. And hence, like as the multiplication of two numbers is effected by barely adding tlieir logarithms, so divi- sion is performed by subtracting the logarithm of the one from that of the otiier, raising of powers by multiplying the logarithm of the given number by the index of the power, and extraction of roots by ''dividhig tlie logarithm by the index of the root. It is also evident, that in all scales or systems of logarithms, the logarithm of O will be infinite ; namely, infinitely negative if the logarithms increase with the natural numbers, but infinitely positive if the contrary; because that while the geometrical series must decrease through infinite divisions by tlie ratio of the progression, before the quotient come to or nothing; the loga- rithms, or arithmeticals, will in like manner undergo the correspond- ing infinite subtractions or additions of the common equal difference; which equal increase or decrease, thus indefinitely continued, must needs tend to an infinite result. This however was no newly-discovered property of numbers, but what was always well known to all mathematicians, being treated of in the writings of Euclid, as also by Archimedes, who made great use of it in his Arenarins, or treatise on the number of the sands, namely, in assigning the rank or place of those terms, of a geometrical scries produced from the multij)lication together of any of the fore- going terms, by the addition of the corresponding terms of the arith- metical series, which served as the indices or exponents of the former. Stifelius also treats very fully of this property at folio 35 et seq. and there explains all its principal uses, as relating to the logarithms of numbers, only without the name ; such as, tliat addition answers to multiplication, subtraction to division, multiplication of exponents to Involution, and dividing of exponents to evolution ; all which he ex- emplifies in tiie rule- of- three, and in finding several mean propor- tionals, &c, exactly as is done in logarithms. So that he seems to have been" in the fidl possession of the idea of logarithms, but without the necessity of making a. table of such numbers. For, the reason why tables of these numbers were not soonci" composed, was, tliat the ac- curacy and trouble of trigonometrical computations had not sooner rendered them necessary. It is therefore not to be d<^ubted, that about the close of the sixteenth and begijming of the seventeenth century, many persons had thoughts of such a table of numbers, be- sides the few who are said to have attempted it. It has been said by some, that Longomontanus invented logarithms : but this cannot well be supposed to have been any more than in idea, since lie never published any thing of the kind, nor ever laid claim to the invention, though he lived thirty-three years after they were first 24 HISTORY OF published by baron Napier, as he died only in 1647, when they had been long known and received all over Europe. Nay more, Lon- goniontanus himself ascribes the invention to Napier: vid. Astron. Danica, p. 7j ^C' Some cireumstanees af this matter are indeed re- lated by Wood in his Athencc O.Tonienses, under the article Briggs, on the authority of Oughtred and Wingate, viz. " That one Dr. Craig, a Scotchman, coming out of Denmark into his own country, called upon Job. Neper baron of Marcheston near Edenburg, and told him, among other discourses, of a new invention in Denmark (by Longo- montanus as 'tis said) to save the tedious multiplication and division in astronomical calculations. Neper being solicitous to know farther of him concerning this matter, he could give no other account of it, than that it was by proportional numbers. Which hint Neper taking, he desired him at his return to call upon him again. Craig, after some weeks had passed, did so, and Neper then showed him a rude draught of that he called Canon mirabiUs Logarithmomm, Which draught, with some alterations, he printing in 1614, it came forth- with into the hands of our author Briggs. and into 'those of Will. Oughtred, from whom the relation of this matter came.*' Kepler also says, that one Juste Byrge, assistant astronomer to the landgrave of Hesse, invented or projected logarithms long before Neper c did ^ but that they had never come abroad, on account of the great '^ reservedness of their author with regard to his own compositions. It is also said that Byrge computed a table of natural sines for every two seconds of the quadrant. But whatever may have been said, or conjectured, concerning any thing that may have been done by others, it is certain that the world is indebted, for the first publication of logarithms, to John Napier, of Nepair*, or in Latin, Neper, baron of Merchiston, or Markinston^ * The origin of which name, Crawfurcl informs us, was from a (less) peerZe55 action of one of his ancestors, viz. Donald, second son of the earl of Lenox, in the time of David the Second. " Sorae English writers, mistaking the import of the term lamiy have called this celebrated person lord Napier, a Scotch nobleman. He was not indeed a peer of Scotland : but the peerage of Scotland informs us, that he was of a very ancient, ho- nourable, and illustrious family ; that his ancestors, for many generations, had been possessed of sundry baronies, and, amongst others, of the barony of Merchistoun, which descended to him by the death of his father in 1608. Mr. Briggs, therefore, very properly styles him 5ar» MerchextoJiii. Now, according to Skene, deverlm^um signijicalione, * In this realm (of Scotland), he is called a Barronne, qnha haldis his landes immediatelie in chief of the king, and hes^ power of Pit and Gallows; Fossa et Furca; quhilk was first institute and granted be king Malcome, quha gave power to the Barrones to have ane Pit, quhairin women condemned for thieft suld be drowned, and ane Gallows, whereupon men thieves and trespassowres suld be hangw ed, conforme to the doome given in the Barron Court thereanent.' So that a Scotch baron, though no peer, was nevertheless a very considerable personage, both in dignity and power." Read's Essay on Logarithms . . . The name of the illustrious inventor of logarhhms, and his family, has been variously written at different times, and on different occasions. In his own Latin works, and in (perhaps) all other books in Latin, it is Neper, or Nepenis Baro Mercheslonii ; By Briggs, in a letter to Archbishop Usher, he is called Neper lord of Markbistoii: In Wright's translation of the Logarithms, which was revised by the author himself, and pub- Hshed in 1616, he is called Nepair, laron of Marchiston;- and the same by Crawfurd and some others: But M'Kenzie and othsrs write it Napier, haron of Merchiston ^ which being also the orthography now used by the family, I shall adopt in this worjc. I observe aUo, that the' Scotch Compendiuuj of Honour says he was only LOGARITHMS. 2b in Scotland^ who died the 3d of iVpril 1618, at G7 years of age. Ba- ron Napier added considerable improvements to trigonometry, and the frequent numeral computations he performed in this branch gave oc- casion to his invention of logaritlmis, in order to save part of the trouble attending those calculations : and for this reason he adapted his tables peculiarly to trigonometrical uses. This discovery he published in 1614, in his book intitled Mlrifici Logarithmorum Canonis Descriptio, reserving the construction of the numbers till the sense of the learned concerning his invention should be known. And, excepting the construction, this is a perfect w^ork on this kind of logarithms, containing in effect the logarithms of all numbers, and the logarithmic sines, tangents, and secants, for every minute of the quadrant, together with the description and uses of the tables, as also his definition and idea of logarithms. Napier explains his notion of logarithms by lines described or ge- nerated by the motion of points, in this manner : He first conceives a line to be generated by the equable motion of a point, which passes over equal portions of it in equal small moments or portions of tinie : he then considers another line as generated by the unequal motion of a point, in such manner that, in the aforesaid equal moments or portions of time, there may be described or cut off, Irom a given line, parts which shall be continually in the same proportion with the respective .remainders, of that line, which had before been left : then are the se- veral lengths of the first line, the logarithms of the corresponding parts of the latter. Which description of them is similar to this, that the logarithms are a series of quantities or numbers in arithmetical pro- gression, adapted to another series in geometrical progression. The first or whole length of the line, which is diminished in geometrical pro- gression, he makes the radius of a circle, and its logarithm or no- thing, representing the beginning of the first or arithmetical line ; and the several proportional remainders of the geometrical line, are the na- tural sines of all the other parts of the quadrant, decreasing down to nothing, while the successive increasing values of the arithmetical line, are the corresponding logarithms of those decreasing sines : so that, while the natural lines decrease from radiiis to nothing, their loga- rithms increase from nothing to infinite. Napier made the logarithm of radius to be 0, that he might save the trouble of adding and sub- tracting it, in trigonometrical proportions, in which it so frequently occurred ; and he made the logarithms of the sines, from the entire quadrant down to 0, to increase, that they might be positive, and so in his opinion the easier to manage, the sines being of more frequent use than the tangents and secants, of which the whole of the latter and half the former would, in his way, be of a different affection from the sines ; for it is evident that the logarithms of all the secants in the quadrant, and of all the tangents above 45*^, or the half quadrant, would be nega- tive, being the logarithms of numbers greater than the radius, whose logarithm is made equal to or nothing. Sir John Napier, and that his son and heir Archibald, was the first lord, being raised to tliit dignity in 1626. Be this however as it may, I shall conform to the common modes of expres- sion, and call Uira indifferently, Baron Napier y or Lord Napier, 26 HISTORY or As to tlie contents of Napier's table; it consists of the natural sinea and their logarithms, for every minute of the quadrant. Like most other tables, the arcs are continued to 45 degrees from top to bottom on the left-hand side of the pages, and then returned backwards from bottom to top on the right-hand side of the pages : so that the arcs and their complements, with the sines, natural and logarithmic, stand on the same line of tlie page, in six columns; and in another column, in the middle of the page, are placed the differences between the lo- garithmic sines and cosines on the same lines, and in the adjacent co- lumns on the right and left; thus making in all seven columns in each page. Of these columns, the first and seventh contain the arc and its complement, in degrees and minutes; the second and sixth, the natural sine and cosine of each arc ; the third and fiftli, the logarithmic sine and cosine ; and the fourth, or middle column, the difference between the logarithmic sine and cosine which are in the third and fifth columns. To elucidate the description, the first page of the table is here inserted, as follows : Gr. min. Sinus. Logarithmi. + 1 - Differentiae. Logarithmi. Sinus. 1 2 2909 5818 Infinitum. 81425681 74494213 Infinitum. 81425680 74494211 1 2 10000000 10000000 9999998 60 59 58 3 4 5 6 7 8 8727 11636 14544 70439564 67562746 65331315 70439560 67562739 65331304 4 7 11 9999996 9999993 9999969 57 56 55 54 53 52 17453 20362 23271 63508099 61966595 60631284 63508083 61966573 60631256 16 22 28 9999984 9999980 9999974 9 10 11 26180 29088 31997 59453453 58399867 57446759 59453418 58399814 57446707 35 43 52 9999967 9999959 9999950 51 50 49 12 13 14 34906 37815 40724 56576646 55776222 55035148 56576584 55776149 55035064 62 73 84 9999940 9999928 9999917 48 47 46 15 16 17 43632 46541 49450 54345225 53699843 53093600 54345129 53699734 53093577 96 109 123 9999905 9999892 9999878 45 44 43 18 19 20 52359 55268 58177 52522019 51981356 51468431 52521881 51981202 51468361 138 154 170 9999863 ^9999847 9999831 42 41 40 21 22 23 61086 ^ 63995 i 66904 1 50980537 50515342 5{X)70827 50980450 50515137 50070603 187 205 224 9999813 9999795 9999776 39 38 37 24 25 26 69813 72721 75630 49645239 49237030 48844826 49644995 49236765 48844539 244 265 287 9999756 9999736 9999714 36 35 34 27 28 29 78539 81448 84357 48467431 48103763 47752859 48467122 48103431 47752503 309 332 336 9999692 999966S 9999644 33 32 31 30 87265 j 47418852 47413471 | 381 | 9999619 30 , 80 LOGARITHMS. ^ 2? Besides tlie columns which are actually contained in this table, as above exhibited and described, namely, the natural and logarithmie sines and their differences, the same table is made to serve also for the ^Jogaritlmi^ic. tangents and secants of the whole quadrant, and for the logaritlims of common nujnbers. For, the fourth or middle column contains the logcirithmic tangents, being equal to the differences be- tween the logarithmic sines and cosines, when the logarithm of radius is 0, because cosine : sine : : radius : tangent, that is, in logarithms, tangent n sine — cosine. Also the logarithmic sines, made negative, become the logarithmic cosecants, and the logarithmic cosines made negative, are the logarithmic secants; because sine : mdius : : radius : cosecant, and cosine : radius : : radius : secant; that Is, in logarithms, cosecant zz: — sine zz — sine, and secant =r — cosine :=. — co- sine. And to make it answer the purpose of a table of logarithms of common numbers, the author directs to proceed thus : A number be- ing given, find that number in any table of natural sines, or tangents, or secants, and note the degrees and minutes in its arc : then in his table find the corresponding logarithmic sine, or tangent, or secant, to the same number of degrees and minutes ; and it will be the required logarithm of the given number. After his definitions and descriptions of logarithms, Napier explains his table, and illustrates the precepts with examples, showing how to take out the logarithms of sines, tangents, secants, and of common * numbers ; as also how to add and subtract logarithms. He then pro- ceeds to teach the uses of those numbers ; and first, in finding any of the terms of three or four proportionals, showing how to multiply and divide, and to find powei's and roots, by logarithms : 2dly, in tri- gonometry, both plane and spherical, but especially the latter, in which he is very explicit, turning all the theorems for every case into loga- rithms, computing examples to each in numbers, and then enumerat- ing a set of astronomical problems of the sphere which properly belong to each case. Napier here teaches also some new theorems in spherical trigonometry, particularly, that the tangent of half the base : tang. | sum legs : : tang, f dif. legs : tang, i the alternate base ; and the ge- neral theorem for what are called his five circular parts, by which he condenses into one rule, in two parts, the theorems for all the cases of right-angled spherical triangles, which had been separately demon^- «trated by Pitiscus, Lansbergius, Copernicus, Regiomontanus, and others. The description and use of Napier's canon being in the Latin lan^ guage, they were translated into English by Mr. Edward Wright, an ingenious mathematician, and inventor of the principles of what has commonly, though erroneously, been called Mercator's Sailing. He sent the translation to the author, at Edinburgh, to be revised by him before publication; who having carefully perused it, returned it with his approbation, and a few lines introduced besides into the translation. But, Mr. Wright dying soon after he received it back. It was after his death published, together with the tables, but each E2 28 HISTORY OF number to one fissure less, in the year 1616", by bis son, Samuel Wright, aceompaiiied with a dedication to the East India Company, as also a preface by Henry Brigs^s, of whom we shall presently have occasion to speak more at large, on account of the great share he bore in perfecting the logarithms. In this translation, Mr. Briggs gave also the description and draught of a scale tliat had been invented by Mr. Wright, and several other methods of his own, for finding tbe pro- portional parts to intermediate numbers, the logarithms having been only printed for such numbers as were the natural sines of each minute. And the note wliich Baron Napier inserted in this English edition, and whicli was not in the original, was as follows : " But be- " cause the addition and subtraction of these former numbers may seem " somewhat painfull, I intend (if it shall please God) in a second edition, ^^ to set out such logarithms as shall make those numbers above written " to fall upon decimal numbers, such as 100,000,000, 200,000,000 '' 300,000,000 &c, which are easie to be added or abated to or from " any other number." This note had reference to the alteration of tlie scale of logarithms, in such manner, that 1 should become the loga- rithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, instead of the jiujQiWrg-S^^ Napier had made that logarithm in' his table, and which alteration had before been recommended to him by Briggs, as we shall see presently. Napier also inserted a similar remark in his Rabdologia, which he printed at Edinburgh in 1617. Tbe following is the preface to Wright's * book, which, as far as * Of this ingenious man I sh19, to explain his construction of the logarithmic canon; and this he effects in various ways, but chiefly by generating, in a very easy manner, a series of proportional numbers, and their arithmetic cals or logarithms ; and then finding, by proportion, the logarithms to the natural sines, from those of the nearest numbers among the origi- nal proportionals. After describing the necessary cautions he made use of, to preserve a sufficient, degree of accuracy, in so long and complex a process of cal- culation ; such as annexing several ciphers, as decimals separated by a point, to his primitive numbers, and rejecting the decimals thence resulting after the operations were completed ; setting the numbers down to the nearest unit in the last figure ; and teaching tlie arithme- tical processes of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing the limits between which certain unknown numbers must lie, so as to ob- tain the limits between which the results must also fall : I say, after describing such particulars, in order to clear and smooth the way, he enters on the great field of calculation itself. Beginning at radius 10000000, he first constructs several descending geometrical series, but of such a nature, that they are all quickly formed by an easy con* G2 44 CONSTRUCTION OF tinual subtraction, and a division by 2, or by 10, or 100, kc, which is done by only removing the decinial point so many places towards the left hand, as there are ciphers in the divisor. He constructs three tables of such series: The first of these consist of 100 numbers, in the proportion of radius to radius minus 1, or of 10000000 to 9999999 ; all of which are found by only subtracting from each its 10000000th part, which part is also found by only removing each figure seven places lower : the last of these 100 proportionals is found to be 9999900-0004950. The 2d table contains 50 numbers, which are in the continual propor- tion of the first to the last in the first table, namely, of 30000000 0000000, to 9999900-0004950, or •neailv the proportion of lOOobo to 99999; these therefore are found by only removing the figures of each number 5 places lower, and sub- tracting them from the same number : the last of these he finds to be 9995001-222927- And a specimen of these two tables is here annexed. The 3d table consists of 69 columns, and each column of twenty-one numbers or terms, which terms, in every column, are in the continual proportion of 10000 to 9995, that is, nearly as the first is to the last in the 2d table ; and as 10000 exceeds 9995, by the 2000th part, the terms in every column will be constructed by dividing each upper number by <2, removing the figures of the quotient 3 places lower, and then sub- tracting them; and in this way it is proper to construct only the first column of 21 numbers, the last of which will be 9900473-5780: but the 1st, 2d, 3d, &c, numbers, in all the columns, are in the continual proportion of 1 00 to 99, or nearly the proportion of the first to the last in the first column ; and therefore these will be found by removing the figures of each preceding number two places lower, and subtracting them, for.the like number in the next column. A specimen of this 3d table is as here below. No. First Table. Second Table. 1 10000000.0000000 10000000.000000 2 9999999.0000000 9999900.000000 3 9999998.0000001 9999800.001000 4 9999997.0000003 9999700.003000 &c. &c til! the 100th term. &c to the 50th term 50 which will be 9995001.222927 100 9999900.0004950 The Third Table. Terms 1st Column. 2d Column. 3d Column. &,c till the 69th Column. 1 1 10000000.0000 9900000.0000 9801000.0000 &c to 5048858.8900 2 j 9995000.0000 9895050.0000 9796099.5000 the 4th, 5046334.4605 3 ! 9990002.5000 9890102.4750 9791201.4503 5th, 6th, 5043811.2932 4 '■ 9985007.4987 9885157.4237 9786305.8495 7 th, &c 5041289.3879 5 9980014.9950 9880214.8451 9781412.6967 col. till 5038768.7435 &c &e tin &c &c the last cSic 21 9900473.5780 9801468.8423 9703454.1539 or 4998609.4034 Thus he had, in this 3d table, interposed between the radius and its half, 68 numbers in the continual proportion of 100 to 99; and interposed between every two of these, £0 numbers in the proportion LOGARITHMS. 4S of iOOOOto ^995 : and again, in the 2d table, between 100(X)000 and 9993000, the two first of the third table, he had 50 nunjbers in the pro- portion of 100000 to 99999; and lastly, in the 1st table, between 10000000 and 9999900, or the two first in the 2d table, 100 nunnbers in the proportion of 10000000 to 9999999; that is, in all, about 1600 proportionals; all found in the most simple manner, by little more than easy subtractions; which proportionals nearly coincide with all the natural sines from 90° down to 30°. To obtain the logarithms of all those proportionals, he demonstrates several properties and relations of the numbers and logarithms, and illustrates the manner of applying them. The prir^cipal of these pro- perties are as follow : 1st, that the logarithm of any sine is greater than the difference between that sine and the radius, but less than the said difference when increased in the proportion of the sine to radius*; and 2dly, that the difference between the logarithms of two sines is less than the difference of the sines increased in the proportion of the less sine to radius, but greater than the said difference of the sines increased in the proportion of the greater sine to radius, f Hence, by the first theorem, the logarithm of 10000000, the radius or first term in the first table, being 0, the logarithm of 9999999, the 2d term, will be between 1 and 1.0000001, and will therefore be equal to 1.00000005 very nearly: ^and this will be also the common difference of all the terms or proportionals in the first table : therefore by the continual addition of this logarithm, there will be 6btained the logarithms of all these 100 proportionals; consequently 100 times the said first logarithm, or the last of the above sums, will give 100*000005, for the logarithm of 9999900*0004950, the last of the said 100 propor- tionals. Then, by the 2d theorem, it easily appears, that '0004950 is the difference between the logarithms of 9999900' 0004950 and 9999900, the last term of the first table, and the 2d term of the second table j ■*^By this first theorem, r being radius^ the logarithm of the sine s is between r^-s and -r; and therefore, when^differs but little fromr, the logarithm s (t I 3*) X (r s\ of 5 will be nearly equal to — , the arithmetical mean between }'_-. 5 V T S the limits r— 5 and r; but still nearer to (.r—s)^/ — or \/rs, thft s ^ s s geometrical mean between the said limits. t By this second theorem, the difference between the logarithms of the two sines S and s, lying between the limits r and — —— r, will, when S o those sines differ butlittle, be nearly equal to -j^ — : — r or -: ■- >■ ,^ ^ Lr, their arithmetical mean ; or nearly = ' r, the geometrical mean ; or S-s a/Ss' nearly ^^irj^'^r, by substituting in the last denominator, f (S-j-5) for y^S^, to which it is nearly equal. 4G CONSTRUCTION OF this then being added to the last logarithm, gives 100*0005000 for the logarithm of the said 2d term, as also the common difference of the logarithms of all the proportions in the 2d table; and therefore, by continually adding it; there will be generated the logarithms of all these proportionals in the second table ; the last of which is 5000025, answering to 9995001-222927, the last term of that table. Again, by the 2d theorem, the difference between the logarithms of this last proportional of the second table, and the 2d term in the first column of the third table, is found to be 1.2235387 ; which being added to the last logarithm, gives 5001*2485387 for the logarithm of 9995000, the said 2d term of the third table, as also the common difference of the logarithms of all the proportionals in the first column of that table ; and that this therefore being continually added, gives all the logarithms of that first column, the last of which is 100024*97077? the logarithm of 9900473.5780, the last term of the said column. Finally, by the 2d theorem again, the difference between the loga- rithms of this last number and 9900000, the 1st term in the second column, is 478*3502 ; which being added to the last logarithm, gives 100o03*3210 for the logarithm of the said 1st term in the second column, as well as the common difference of the logarithms of all the numbers on the same line in every line of the table, namely, of all the 1st terms, of all the 2d, of all the 3d, of all the 4th, &c terms in all the columns ; and which therefore, being continually added to the logarithms in the first column, will give the corresponding loga- jithms in all the other columns. And thus is completed what the author calls the radical table, in which he retains only one decimal place in the logarithms (or artifi^ ctah, as he always call them in his tract on the construction), and four in the naturals. A specimen of the table is as here follows ; Radical Table. Teimi iBt Column. 2d Column. 69th Column. Naturals. Artificials Naturals. Artificials- Naturals. Artificials. 1 10000000.0000 9900C00.0000 100503.3 5048858.8900 6834225.8 2 gQQ.'iOOO.OOOO 5001.2 9895050.0000 ie5504.6 504633-3.4605 6839227.1 3 999000'2.3000 10002.5 9890102.4750 110505.8 5043S1 1.2932 6844228.3 4 9985007.4987 15003.7 9885157.42-37 115507.1 5041289.3879 6849229.6 5 9980014.9950 20005.0 9880214.'8451 120508.3 5038/68.7435 6854230.8 &C &c till &0 &C &C &c &c 21 9900473.5780 100023.0 9801468.8428 200528.2 4998609.4034 6934250.8 Having thus, in the most easy manner, completed the radical tabic, by little more than mere addition and subtraction, both for the natural numbers and logarithms ; the logarithmic sines were easily deduced from it by means of the 2d theorem, namely, taking the sum and dif- ference of each tabular sine and the nearest number in the radical table, annexing 7 ciphers to the difference, dividing the result by the sum, then half the quotient gives the difference between the logarithms of the LOGARITHMS. 4? said numbers, namely, between the tabular sine and radical number ; consequently adding or subtracting this difference, to or from the given logarithm of the radical number, there is obtained the logarith- mic sine required. And thus the logarithms of all the sines, from radius to the half of it, or from 90" to 30% were perfected. Next, for determining the sines of the remaining 30 degrees, he delivers two methods. In the first of these he proceeds in this man- ner: Observing that the logarithm of the ratio of 2 to 1, or of lialf the radius, is 6931469-22, of 4 to 1 is the double of this, of 8 to I is triple of it, &c ; that of 1 to 1 is 23025842-34, of 20 to 1 is the sum of the logarithms of 2 and 10; and so on, by composition for the logarithms of the ratios between 1 and 40, 80, 100, 200, &c, to 10000000; he multiplies any given sine, for an arc less than 30 degrees, by some of these numbers, till he finds the product nearly equal to one of the tabular numbers ; then by means of this and the second theorem, the logarithm of this product is found ; to which adding the logarithm that answers to the multiple above mentioned, the sum is the logarithm sought. But the other method is still much easier, and is derived from this property, which he demonstrates, namely, «s half radius is to the sine of half an arc, so is the cosine of the said half arc, to the sine of the whole arc ; or as | radius : sine of an arc : : cosine of the arc : sine of double arc ; hence the logarithmic sine of an arc is found, by adding together the logarithms of half radius and of the sine of the double arc, and then subtracting the logarithmic co- sine from the sum. And thus the remainder of the sines, from 30° down to 0, are ea- sily obtained. But in this latter way, the logarithmic sines for full one half of the quadrant, or from to 45 degret^s, he observes, may be derived; the other half having already been made by the general method of the radical table, by one easy division and addition or sub- traction for each. We have dwelt the longer on this work of the inventor of logarithms, because I liave not seen, in any author, an account of his method of constructing his table, though it is perfectly different from any other method used by the later computers, and indeed, almost peculiar to his species of logarithms. The whole of this work manifests great inge- nuity in the designer, as well as much accuracy. But notwithstanding the caution he took to obtain his logarithms true to the nearest unit in the last figure set down in the tables, by extending the numbers in the computations to several decimals, and other means, he had been dis- appointed of that end, either by the inaccuracy of his assistant compu- ters or transcribers, or through some other cause ; as the logarithms in the table are commonly very inaccurate. It is remarkable too, that in this tract on the construction of tlie logarithms, Lord Napier never calls them logarithms, but every where artificials, as opposed in idea to the natural numbers: and this notion of natural and artificial num- bers, I take to have been his first idea of this matter, and that he alter- ed the word artificials to logarithms in his first book, on the description of them, when he printedit, in the year 1614, and that he would alsa 48 CONSTRUCTION OF have altered the word every where in this posthumous work if he had lived to print it : for in the two or three pages of appendix, annexed to the work by his son, from Napier's papers, he again always calls them logarithms. This appendix relates to the change of the loga- rithms to that scale in which 1 is the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, the logarithm of 1, with or without ciphers, being 0; and it appears to have been written after Briggs communicated to him his idea of that change. Napier here in this appendix also briefly describes some methods by which this new species of logarithms may be constructed. Having supposed to be the logarithm of 1, and 1, with any number of ciphers, as 10000000000, the logarithm of 10, he directs to divide this loga- rithm of 10, and the successive quotients, ten times by 5; by which divisions there will be obtained these other ten logarithms, namely, 2000000000, 400000000, 80000000, 16000000, 3200000, 640000, 128000, 25600, 5120, 1024: then this last logarithm, and its quo- tients, being divided ten times by 2, will give these other ten loga- rithm, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, l6, 8, 4, 2, 1. And the numbers answering to these twenty logarhhms we are directed to find in this manner; namely, extract the 5th root of 10 (with ciphers), then the 5th root of t|iat root, and so on, for ten continual extractions of the 5th root; so shall these ten roots be the natural numbers belonging to the first ten logarithms, above found in continually dividing by 5 : next, out of the last 5th root we are to extract the square root, then the square root of this last root, and so on, for 10 successive extractions of the square root ;' so shall these last 10 roots be the natural num- bers corresponding to the logarithms or quotients arising from the last ten divisions by the number 2. And from these twenty logarithms, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c, and their natural numbers, the author observes that other logarithms and their numbers may be formed, namely, by adding the logarithms, and multiplying their corresponding num- bers. It is evident that this process would generate rather an antiloga- rithmic canon, such as Dodson's, than the table of Briggs ; and that the method would also be very laborious, since, besides the very troublesome original extractions of the 5th roots, all the numbers would be very large, by the multiplication of which the successive secondary natural numbers are to be found. Our author next mentions another method of deriving a few of the primitive numbers and their logarithms, namely, by taking continually geometrical means, first between 10 and 1, then between 10 and this mean, and again between 10 and the last mean, and so on; and taking the arithmetical means between their corresponding logarithms. He then lays down various relations between numbers and their loga- rithms ; such as, that the products and quotients of numbers answer to the sums and differences of tlieir logarithms, and that the powers and roots of numbers answer to tlie products and quotients of the logarithms by the index of the power or root, &c; as also that, of any two numbers whose logarithms are given, if each number be raised to the power denoted by the logarithm of the other, the two results LOGARITHxMS. 49 will be equal. He then delivers another method of making the loga- rithms to a few of the prime integer numbers, which is well adapted for constructing the common table of logarithms. This method ea- sily tbllows from what has been said above ; and it depends on this property, that the logarithm of any number in this scale, is 1 less than the number of places or figures contained in that power of the given number whose exponent is 10000000000, or the logarithm of 10, at least as to integer numbers, for they really differ by a fraction, as is shown by Mr. Briggs in his illustrations of these properties, printed at the end of this appendix to the construction of logarithms. I sliall here set down one more of these relations, as the manner in which it is ex- pressed is exactly similar to that of fluxions and fluents, and it is this : Of any two numbers, as the greater is to the less, so is the velocity of the increment or decrement of the logarithms at the less, to the ve- locity of the increment or decrement of the logarithms at the greater: that is, in our modern notation, as X: Y',i j/ to x, where x and 3^ are the fluxions of the logarithms of X and F. Kepler's Construction of Logarithms, The logarithm's of Briggs and Kepler were both printed the same year, 1624; but as the latter are of the same kind as Napier's, we shall here give this author's construction of them, before proceeding to that of Briggs's. We have already (pa. ^\ et seq) described the na- ture and form of Kepler's logarithms, showing that they are of the same kind as Napier's, but only a little varied in the form of the table.. It may also be added, that, in general, thejleas which these two masters had on this subject, w*ere of the same n^4sl"e : only it was more fully and metho- dically laid down by Kepler, wdjl^fexpanded, and delivered in a regular sci- ence, the hints that were given by the illustrious inventor. The founda- tion and nature of their methods of construction are also the same, )ut only a little varied in their modes of. applying them. Kepler here, firbi of any, treats of logarithms in the true and genuine way of the mea- sures of ratios, or proportions*, as he calls them, and that in a very full and scientific manner : and this hfiethod of his was aiterwards fol- lowed and abridged by Mercator, Halley, C otes, and others, as we shall see in the proper places. Kepler first erects, a regular and purely mathematical system of proportions, and the measures of proportions, treated at considerable leingth in a number of propositions, which are fully and chastely demonstrated by genuine mathematical reasoning, ^nd illustrated by examples in numbers. This part contains and de- * Kepler almost always uses the term proportion instead of ration which I also shall do in my account of his work, as well as conform in expressions and nota- tions to his other peculiarities. It may also be here remarked, that I observe the same practice in describing the works of other authors, the better to convey the idea of their several methods and style. And this may serve to account for some •eeming ine or of the origin of those useful numbers. As this tract is very curious and important in itself, and is besides very rare and little known, instead of a particular description only, I shall here give a brief translation of both the parts, omitting only the demonstrations of the propositions, and some rather long illustra- tions of them. The book is dedicated to Philip, landgrave of Hesse, but is without either preface or introduction, and commences imme- diately with the subject of the first part, which is entitled The Demon- stration of the Structure of Logarithms ; and the contents of it are as follow : Postulate 1. Tliat all proportions equal among themselves, by what- ever variety of couplets of terms they may be denoted, are measured or expressed by the same quantity. Axiom 1. If there be any number of quantities of the same kind, the proportion of the extremes is understood to be composed of all the proportions of every adjacent couplet of terms, from the first to the last. 1 Propositioru The mean proportional between two terms, divides the proportion of those terms into two equal proportions. Axiom 2. Of any number of quantities regularly increasing, the means divide the proportion of the extremes into one proportion mere than the number of the means. Postulate 2. That the proportion between any two t^rms is divi- sible into any number of parts, until those parts become less than any proposed quantity. An example of this section la then inserted in a small table, in dividing the pro- portion which is between 10 and 7 into 1073741824 equal parts, by as many mean proportionals wanting one, namely, by taking the mean proportional be- tween 10 and 7, then the mean between 10 and this mean, and the mean between 10 and the last, and so on for 20 means, or 30 extractions of the square rpot, the last or 30th of which roots is 9999999996678205^900 j and the 30th power of 2, which is 1073741 8£'4, shows into how many parts the proportion between 10 and 7, or between lOOO&c, and 7OO&C, is divided by 1073741824 means, each of which parts is equal to the proportion between lOOO&c, and the 30th mean 99g8cc, that is, the proportion between lOOO&c, and 999&C, is the 1073741824th part of the proportion oetween 1 and 7. Then by assuming the small differ- ence 00000000033217943100, for the measure of the very small element of the proportion of 10 to 7, or for the measure of the proportion of lOOO&c, to 999&c, or for the logarithm of this last term, and muluplying it by 1073741824, the number of parts, the product gives 35667.49481.37222.14400, for the logarithm of the less term 7 or 7OO&C. Postulate 3. That the extremely sisall quantity or elemeut of a pro- LOGARITHMS. 61 portion may be measured or denoted by any quantity whatever; as, for instance, by the difference of the terms of that element. 2 Propostiion, Of three continued proportionals, the difference of the two first has to the difference of the latter two, the same proportion which the first term has to the 2d, or the 2d to the 3d. 3 Prop. Of any continued proportionals, the greatest terms have the greatest dift'erence, and the least terms the least. 4 Prop. In any continued proportionals, if the difference of the greatest terms be made the measure of the proportion between them, the difference of any other couplet will be less than the true measure of their proportion. 5 Prop, In continued proportionals, if the difference of the greatest terms be made the measure of their proportion, then the measure of the proportion of the greatest to any other term will be greater than their difference, 6 Prop. In continued proportionals, if the difference of the greatest term and any one of the less, taken not immediately next to it, be made the measure of their proportion, then the proportion which is between the greatest and any other term greater than the one before taken, will be less than the difference of those terms ; but the proportion which is between the greatest term, and any one less tlian that first taken, will be greater than.their difference. 7 Prop. Of any quantities placed according to the order of their magnitudes, if any two successive proportions be equal, the three successive terms which constitute them will be continued propor- tionals. 8 Prop, Of any quantities placed in the order of their magnitudes, if the intermediates lying between any two terms be not among the mean proportionals which can be interposed between the said two terms, then such intermediates do not divide the proportion of those two terms into commensurable proportions. Besides the demonstrations, as usual, several definitions are here given ; as of commensurable proportions, &:c.' "^ 9 Prop, When two expressible lengths are not to one another as two figurate numbers of the same species, such as two squares, or two cubes, there cannot fall between them other expressible lengths, which shall be mean proportionals, and as many in number as that species re- quires,, namely, one in the squares, two in the cubes, three in the biquadrats, &c. 10 Prop. Of any expressible quantities, following in the order of their magnitudes, if the two extremes be not i "i the proportion of two square numbers, or two cubes, or two other powers of the same kind, none of the intermediates divide the proportion into commensurables. 1 1 Prop. All the proportions, takfen in order, which are between ex- pressible terms that are in arithmetical proportion, are incommensur- able to one another. As between 8, 13, 18. 12 Pivp^ Of any quantities placed in the order of their magnitude, if H2 62 CONSTRUCTION OF the difference of the greatest terms he made the measure of their pfo- portiorij then the difference between any two others will be less than the measure of tlieir proportion ; and if the difference of the two least terms be made the measure of their proportion, then the differences of the rest will be greater than the measure of the proportion between their terms. Cowl If the measure of the proportion between the greatest exceed their difference, then the proportion of this measure to the said differ- ence, will be less than that of a following measure to the difference of its terms. Because proportionals have the same ratio. 13 Pro/?. v,If three quantities follow one another in the order of mag- nitude, the proportion of the two last will be contained in the propor- tion of the extremes, a less number of times than the difference of the two least is contained In the difference of the extremes : And, on the contrary, the prdportion of the two greatest will be contained in the proportion of the extremes, oftener than the difference of the former is contained in that of the latter. Corol. Hence, if the difference of the two greater be equal to the difference of the two less terms, the proportion between the two greater will be less than the proportion between the two less. 14 Prop. Of three equidifferent quantities, taken in order, the pro- portion between the extremes is more than double the proportion be- tween the two, greater terms. CoroL Hence it follows, that half the proportion of the extremes is greater than the proportion of the two greatest terms, but less than the proportion of the two least. 1 5 Prop, If two quantities constitute a proportion, and each quantity be lessened by half the greater, the remainders will constitute a pro- portion greater than double the former. 16 Prop. The aliquot parts of incommensurable proportions are in- commensurable to each other. 17 Prop. If one thousand numbers follow one another in the na- tural order, beginning at 1000, and differing all by unity, viz. 1000, 099j 998, 997j&c; and the proportion between the two greatest 1000, 999? by continual bisection, be cut into parts that are smaller than the excess of the proportion between the next two 999? 998, over the said proportion between the two greatest 1000, 999; and then for the measure of that small element of the proportion between 1000 and 999? there be taken the difference of 1000 and that mean proportional which is the other term of the element. Again, if the proportion be- tween 1000 and 998 be likewise cut into double the number of parts which the former proportion, between 1000 and 999, was cut into: and then for the mgasure of the small element in this division, be taken the difference of its terms, of which tlie greater is 1000. And in the same manner, if the proportion of 1000 to the following numbers, as 997? &c, by continual bisection, be cut into particles of such magnitude, as may be between |. and | of the element arising from the section of the first proportion between 1000 and 999, the measure LOGARITHMS. 53 »of each element will be given from the difference of its terms. Tlien, this being done, the measure of any one of the 1000 proportions will be composed of as many measures of its element as there are of those elements in the said divided proportion. And all these measures, for all the proportions, will be suflPiciently exact for the nicest calcu- lations. All these sections and measures of proportions are performed in the manner of that described at postulate 2, and tiie operation is abundantly explained by numerical calculations. 18 Prop. The proportion of any number, to the first term 1000, be- ing known : there will also be known the proportion of the rest of the numbers in the same continued proportion, to the said first term. So from the known proportion between 1000 and 900, there is also known the proportion of 1000 to 810, and to 729 ; And from 1000 to 800, also 1000 to 640, and to 512 ; And from 1000 to 700, also 1000 to 4^0, and to 343 ; And from 1000 to 600, also 1000 to 360, and to 216; And from 1000 to 500, also 1000 to 250, and to 125. CoroL Hence arises the precept for squaring, cubing, &c ; as also for extracting the square root, cube root, &c, out of the first figures of numbers. For [\ will be, as the greatest number of the chiliad, as a denominator, is to the number proposed as a numerator, so is this to the square of the fraction, and so is this to the cube. 19 Prop. The proportion of a number to the first, or 1000, being known; if there be two other numbers in the same proportion to each other, then the proportion of one of these to 1000 being known, there will also be known the proportion of the other to the same 1000. Cowl. 1. Hence from the 15 proportions mentioned in prop. 18, will be known 120 others belovv^ 1000, to the same 1000. For so many are the proportions, equal to some one or other of the said 15, that are among the other integer numbers which are less than 1000. Cowl 2. Hence arises the method of treating the Rule-of-Three, when 1000 is one of the given terms. For this is effected by adding to, or subtracting from, each other, the measures of the two proportions of 1000 to each of the other two given numbers, ac- col-ding as 1000 is, or is not, the first term in the Rule-of-Three. 20 Prop, When four numbers are proportional, the first to the se- cond as the third to the fourth, and the proportions of 1000 to each of the three former are known, there will also be known the proportion of 1000 to the fourth number. Coral 1. By this means other chiliads are added to the former. Corol 2. Hence arises the method of performing the Rule-of-Three, when 1000 is not one of the terms. Namely, from the sum of the measures of the proportions of 1000 to the second and third, take that of 1000 to the first, and the remainder is the measure of the proportion's of 1000 to the fourth term. U CONSTRUCTION OF Definition, The measure of the proportion hetvveen 1000 and any less number as before described, and expressed by a number, is set opposite to that less number in the chiliad, and is called its loga- rithm, that is, the number (a/jjS^of) indicating the proportion (Aoyov) which 1000 bears to that number, to which the logarithm is annexed. 21 Prop. If the first or greatest number be made the radius of a circle, or sinus totus ; every less number, considered as the cosine of some arc, has a logarithm greater than t^lie versed sine of that arc, but less than the difference between the radius and secant of the arc ; ex- cept only in the term next after the radius, or greatest term, the loga- rithm of which, by the hypothesis, is made equal to the versed sine. That is, if CD be made the logarithm of AC, or the mea- sure of the proportion of AC to AD ; then the measure of the proportion of AB to AD, that is the logarithm of AB, will be greater than BD, but less than EF. And this is the same as Napier's first rule in paee 45. ^^ A BCD 22 Prop. The same things being supposed ; the sum of the versed sine and excess of the secant over the radius, is greater than double the logarithm of the cosine of ap arc. Corol. The log. cosine is less than the arithmetical mean between the versed sine and the excess of the secant. Precept 1. Any sine being found in the canon of sines, and its de- fect below radius to the excess of the secant above radius, then shall the logarithm of the sine be less than half that sum, but greater than the said defect or coversed sine. Let there be the sine 99970. 14p0 of an arc : Its defect below radius is 29.8310 the covers, and less than the log. sine: Add the excess of the secant 29.8.399 Sum 59.7109 its half or 29.8555 greater than the logarithm. Therefore the log. is between 29-8510 and 29.8555 Precept 2. The logarithm of the sine being found, you will also find nearly the logarithm of the round or integer number, which is next less than the sine with a fraction, by adding that fractional ex- cess to the logarithm of the said sine. Thus, the logarithm of the sine 99970.149 is found to be about 29.854 ; if now the logarithm of the round number 99970.000 be required, add 149, the frac- tional part of the sine, to its logarithln, observing the point, thus, 29-854 149 % the sum 30.003 is the log. of the round number 9997O.OOO nearly. 23 Prop. Of three equidifFerent quantities, the measure of the proportion between the two greater terms, with the measure of the 1 1 1 1 A B C D \ 1 1 LOGARITHMS. 55 proportion between the two less terms, will constitute a proportion, which will be greater than the proportion of the two greater terms, but less than the proportion of the two least. Thus if AB, AC, AD, be three quantities, having the equal differences BC, CD ; and if the measure of the Eroportion of AD, AC be cd, and that of AC, AB be c ; then the proportion of cd to cb will be greater than the proportion of AC to AD, but less than the propor- tion of AB to AC. 24 Prop. The said proportion between the two measures is less than half the proportion between the extreme terms. That is, the proportion between be, cd, is less than half the proportion between AB, AD. Corol. Since therefore the arithmetical mean divides the propor- tion into unequal parts, of which the one is greater, and the otlier less, than half the whole; if it be inquired what proportion is between these proportions, the answer is, that it is a little less than the said half. An Example of finding nearly the limits, greater and less, to the mea- sure of any proposed proportion. It being known that the measure of the proportion between 1000 and QOO is 10536.05, required the measure of the proportion 9OO to 800, where the terms 1000, 900, 800, have equal differences. Therefore as 9 to 10, so 10536.05 to 1 1706.72, which is less than 11778.30 the measure of the proportion 9 to 8. Again, as the mean proportional between 8 and 10 (which is 8-94427 1 9) is to 10, so 10536.05 to 11779.66, which is greater than the measure of the proportion be- tween 9 and 8. Axiom. Every number denotes an expressible quantity. 25 Prop. If tlie 1000 numbers differing by 1, follow one another in the natural order; and there be taken any two adjacent numbers, as the terms of some proportion ; the measure of this proportion will be to the measure of the proportion between the two greatest terms of the chiliad, in a proportion greater than that which the greatest term 1000 bears to the greater of the two terms first taken, but less than the pro- portion of 1000 to the less of the said two selected terms. So, of the 1000 numbers, taking any two successive terms, as 501 and 500, the logarithm of the former being 69I 14-92, and of the latter 69314.72, the difference of which is 199.8O. Therefore, by the definition, the measure of the proportion between 501 and 500 is 199.8O. In like manner, because the logaritnm of the greatest term 1000 is 0, and of the next 999 is 100.05, the difference of these loga- rithms, and the measure of the proportion between 1000 and 999, is 100.05. Couple now the greatest term 1000 with each of the selected terms 501 and 500} couple also the measure I99.8O with the raeasiire 100.05; so shall the proportion between 199.8O and 100.05, be greater than the proportion between 1000 and 501, iiut less than the proportion between 1000 and 500. Corol. 1. Any number below the first 1000 being proposed, as also it! logarithm, the differences of any logaritlims antecedent to that 56 > CONSTRUCTION OF proposed, towards the beginning of the chiliad, are to the first loga- rithm (viz. that vyhich is assigned to 999) in a greater proportion tlian 1000 to the number proposed ; but of those which follow towards the last logarithm, they are to the same in a less proportion. Corol. 2. By this means, the places of the chiliad may easily be filled up, which have not yet had logarithms adapted to them by the former propositions. 26 Prop. Tlie difference of two logarithms, adapted to two adjacent numbers, is to the difference of these numbers, in a proportion greater than 1000 bears to the greater of those numbers, but less than that of lOOO to the less of the two numbers. This 26th prop, is the same as Napier's second rule, at page 45. 27 Prop, Having given two adjacent numbers, of the 1000 natural numbers, with their logarithmic indices, or the measures of the propor- tions which those absolute or round numbers constitute with 1000, the greatest ; the increments, or differences, of these logarithms, will be to the logarithm of the small element of the proportions, as the secants of \ the arcs whose cosines are the two absolute numbers, is to the greatest number, or the radius of the circle ; so that, however, of the said two secants, the less will have to the radius a less proportion than the pro- posed difference has to the first of all, but the greater will have a greater proportion, and so also will the mean proportional between the said secants have a greater j)roportion. Thus if BC, CD be equal, also b d the logarithm of A B, and c d the logarithm of A C ; then the proportion of b c to c d will be greater than the proportion of A G to A D, but less than that of A F to A D, and also less than that of the jnean proportional between A F and A G to A D. Corol. 1 . The same obtains also when the two terms differ, not only - by the imit of the small element, but by another unit, which may be * ten fold, a hundred fold, or a thousand fold of that. Coi'oL 2. Hence the differences will be obtained sufficiently exact, especially when the absolute numbers are pretty large, by taking the arithmetical mean between two small secants, or (if you will be at the labour) by taking the geometrical mean between two larger secants, and then by continually adding the differences, the logarithms will be produced. Corol. 3. Precept. Divide the radius by each term of the assigned proportion, and the arithmetical mean (or still nearer the geometrical mean) between the quotients, will be the required increment ; which being added to the k -arithm of the greater term, will give the lo- garijhm of the less term. LOGARITHMS, 57 ' Example, Let there be given the logarithm of 700, viz. 35607-4948, to find the lo^. to 6qc), Here radius divided by 700 gives 14S;857l &c. and divided by 699 gives 1430672 &e. the arithmetic, mean is 142.QG2 which added to 35667.4948 gives the logarithm to 699 35810.4568 Corol. 4. Precept for the logarithins of sines. The increment between the logarithms of two sines, is thus found : find the geometrical mean between the cosecants, and divide it by the difference of the sines, the quotient will be the difference of the logarithms. JExampjle, The quotient 80000 exceeds the res- quired increment of the logarithms, be- cause the secants are here so larse. 0^ 1' sine 29O9 cosec. 343774682 2 sine 5818 cosec. 171887319 • dif. 2909 geom. mean 2428 nearly. Appendix. Nearly in the same manner it may be shown, that the second differences are in the duplicate proportion of the first, and the third in tli£ duplicate of the second. Thus, for instance, in the be^ ginning of the logarithms, the first difference is 100.00000, viz. equal to the difference of the numbers 100000.00000 and 99900.00000; the second or difference of the differences, 10000; the third 20, Again, after arriving at tlie number 50000.00000, the logarithms have for a difference 200.00000, which is to the first difference, as the number 100000.00000 to 50000.00000; but the second differ-* ence is 40000, in which 10000 is contained 4 times; and the third 328, in which 20 is contained 16 times. But since in treating of new matters we labour under the want of proper words, there- fore, lest we should become too obscure, the demonstration is omitted untried. 28 Prop. No number expresses exactly the measure of the proper* tlon between two of the 1000 numbers, constituted by the foregoing method. 29 Prop. If the measures of all proportions be expressed by numbers or logarithms ; all proportions will not have assigned to th^na their due portion of measure, to the utmost accuracy. 30 Prop. If to the number 1000, the greatest of the chiliad, be referred others that are greater than it, and the logarithm of 1000 be made 0, the logarithms belonging to those greater numbers will be negative. This concludes the first or scientific part of the work, the principles of which Kepler applies, in the second part, to the actual csed of these, by the pro- per addition and subtraction of their logarithms, namely, in finding the logarithm of the product of two numbers, from the sum of the logarithms of the two factors take the logarithm of 1, the remainder is the logarithm of the product. In this way he shows that the loga- rithms of all numbers under 500 may be derived, except those of the following 36 numbers, namely, 127, 1^9, 167, 173, 179, 211,223, 251, 257, 263, 269, 27 1, 277, 281, 283, 293, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409,419,421, 431,433, 439, 443, 449. Also, besides the composite numbers between 500 and 900, made up of the products of some numbers whose logarithrns have been before determined, there will be 59 primes not composed 12 60 CONSTRUCTION OF of them; wliich, with the 36 above mentioned, make 95 numbers irf all, not eomposed of the products of any before them, and the loga- ritnms of which he directs to be doilved in this manner; namely, by considering the differences of the logarithms of the numbers inter- spersed among them : then by that method by which were constituted the differences of the logarithms of the smallest 100 numbers in a continued . series, we are to proceed here in the discontinued series, that is, by prop. 27, corol. 8, and especially by the appendix to it, if it be rightly used, whence those differences will be Very easily supplied. This closes the second part, or the actual construction of the loga- rithms ; after which follows the table itself, which has been before described, pa. 32. Before dismissing Kepler's work, however, it may not be improper in this place to take notice of an erroneous property laid down by him in the appendix to the 27th prop, just now referred to; both because it is an error in principle, tending to vitiate the practice, and because it serves to show that Kepler was unacquainted with the true nature of the orders of differences of the logarithms, notwithstanding what he says above with respect to the construction of them by means of their several orders of differences, and that con- sequently he has no legal claim to any share in the discovery of the dif- ferential method, known at that time to Briggs, and it would seem to him alone, it being published in his logarithms in the same year, 1624^ as Kepler's book, together with the true nature of the logarithmic orders of differences, as we shall presently see in the following ac- count of his works. Now this error of Kepler's here alluded to, is in that expression where he says the third differences are in the dupli- cate ratio of the second differences, like as the second differences are iri the duplicate ratio of the first ; or, in other words, that the third dif- ferences are as the squares of the second differences, as well as the second differences as the squares of the first; or that the third dif- ferences are as the fourth powers of the first differences. Whereas in truth the third differences are only as the cubes of the first differences. Kepler seems to have been led into this error by a mistake in his num- bers, viz. when he says in that appendix, that the third difference is 328, in which 20 is contained, 16 times; for Vviien the numbers are ac- curately computed, the third differerice comes out only 161, in which therefore 20 is contained only 8 times, whicli is the cube of 2, the number of times the one first difference contains the other. It would hence seem that Kepler had hastily drawn the above erroneous prin- ciple from this one numerical example, or little more, false as it is ; for had he made the trial in many instances, though erroneously com- puted, they could not easily have been so uniforndy so, as to afford the same fid se conclusion. And therefore from hence, and what he says at the conclusion of that appendix, it may be inferred, that he either never attempted the demonstration of the property in question^ or else that he found himself embarrassed with it, and unable to ac- complish it, and therefore dispatched it in the ambiguous manner ia which it appears. But it may easily be shown, not only that the tln'rd differences of the LOGARITHMS; 6i logarithms at different places, are as the cubes of the first differences ; but, in general, that the numbers in anyone and the same order of differences, at different places, are as that power of the numbers in the first differences, whose index is the same as that of the order : or that the second, third, fourth, &c, differences, will be as the second, third, fourth, &c, powers of the first differences. For the several orders of differences, when the absolute numbers differ by indefinitely small parts, are as the several orders of fluxions of the logarithms ; but if X be any number, then is the fluxion of the logarithm of x, to the X modulus ?n, and the second fluxion, or the fluxion of this fluxion. Is , since x is constant: and the third, fourth, Sec, fluxions x'^ are — —, -^^ -, Sec; that is, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, X^ cX"* sixth, &c, orders of fluxions, are equal to the modulus m multiplied into each of these terms, X li* 1.2a}' 1.2.3^^^;'^ ^' ""'^' ~~^' x^ ' ^^ ' V' ' ' where it is evident, that the fluxion of any order is as that power of the first fluxion, whose index is the same as the number of the order. And these quantities would actually be the several terms of the differ- ences themselves, if the differences of the numbers were indefinitely small. But they vary the more from them, as the differences of the absolute numbers differ from x, or as the said constant numerical dif- ference 1 approaches towards the value of x the number itself. How- ever, on the whole, the several orders vary proportionably, so as still sensibly to preserve the same analogy, namely, that two wth dif- ferences are in proportion as the ?2th powers of their respective first differences. Of Briggs's Construction of his Logarithms, Nearly according to the , methods described in page 48, Mr. Briggs constructed the logarithms of the prime numbers, as appears from his relation of this business in the Arithimetica Logarithmicay printed in 1624, where he details, in an ample manner, the whole construction and use of his logarithms. The work is divided into 32 chapters or sections. In the first of these, logarithms in a general sense are defined, and some properties of them illustrated. In the second chapter he remarks, that it is most convenient to make the logarithm of 1 ; and on that supposition he exemplifies these following properties, namely, that the logarithms of all numbers are either tlie indices of powers, or proportional to them ; that the sum of the logarithms' of two or more factors, is the logarithm of their product ; and that the difference of the logarithms of two numbers, is the logarithm of their quotient. In the third section, he states the otliej assumption which C2 CONSTRUCriON OF is necessary to limit his s}'stem of logarithms, namely, making 1 the logarithm of 10, as that which produces the most convenient form of logarithms : He hence also takes occasion to show that the powers of 10, namely, 100, 1000, &c, are the only numbers which can have rational logarithms. The fourth section treats of the characteristic ; by which name he distinguishes the integral, or first part, of a logarithm towards the left hand, which expresses 1 less than the number of inte- ger places or figures in the number belonging to that logarithm, or how far the first figure of this number is removed from the place of units ; namely, that is the characteristic of the logarithms of all numbers from 1 to 10; and I the characteristic of all those from 10 to 100; and 2 that of those from 100 to 1000; and so on. He begins the fifth chapter with remarking, that his logarithms may chiefly be constructed by the two methods which were mentioned by Napier, as above related, and for the sake of which he here premises several lemmata, concerning the powers of numbers and their indices, and how many places of figures are in the products of numbers, ob- serving that the product of two numbers will consist of as many figures as there are in both factors, unless perhaps the product of the first figures in each factor be expressed by one figure only, which often hap- pens, and then commonly there will be 1 figure in the product less than in the two factors ; as also that, of any two of the terms in a series of geometricals, the results will be equal by raising each term to the power denoted by the index of the other ; or any number raised to the power denoted by the logarithm of the other, will be equal to this latter number raised to the power denoted by the logarithm of the former; and consequently if the one number be 10, whose logarithm is one with any number of ciphers, then any number raised to the power whose index is 1000 &c, or the logarithm of 10, will be equal to 10 raised to the power whose index is the logarithm of that number ; that is, the logarithm of any number in this scale, where 1 is the logarithm of 10, is the index of that power of 10 which is equal to the given number. But the index of any integral power of 10, is 1 less than the number of places in that power, consequently the logarithm of any other number, v/hich is no integral power of 10, is not quite one less than the number of places in that power of the given number whose index is 1000 &c, or the logarithm of 10. Find therefore the 10th, or 100th, or 1000th, &c, power of any number, as suppose 2, with the number of figures in such power; then shall that number of figures always exceed tlie logarithm of 2, though the excess will be constantly less than I, LOGARITHMS. 63 An example of this process is here given in the margin; where the 1st column contains the se- veral powers of 2, the 2d their corresponding indices, and the 3d contains the numher of places in the powers in the first co- lumn ; and of these numbers in the third column, such as are on the lines of those indices that consist of 1 with ciphers, are continual approximations to the logarithm of 2, being always too great by less than 1 in the last figure, that logarithm being SO 102999566398 ^c. And here, since the exact powers of 2 are not required, but only the number of figures they consist of, as shown by the tliird column, only a few of the first figures of the powers in the first column are retained, those being sufficient to deter- mine the number of places in them ; and the multiplications in raising these powers are per- formed in a contracted way, so as to have the fifth or last figure in them true to the near- est unit. Indeed these multi- plications might be performed in the same manner, retaining only the first three figures, and those to the nearest unit in the third place; which would make this a very easy way indeed of finding the logarithms of a few prime numbers. It may also be remarked, that those several powers, whose indices are 1 with ciphers, are raised by thrice squaring from the former powers, and multiplying the £rst by the third of these squares; mak- ing also the corresponding doublings and additions of their indices : thus, the square of 2 is 4, and the square of 4 is 16, tlie square of 16 is 256, and 256 multiplied by 4 is 1024; in like manner, the double of 1 is 2, tiie double of 2 is 4, the double of 4 is 8, and 8 added to 2 makes 10. And the same for all the following powers and indices. The numbers in the third column, which show how many places are in the corresponding powers in the first column, are produced in the very same v^-ay as those in the second column, namely, by three Powers of -2 Indices. No. of places or logs. 2 1 1 4 2 1 16 4 2 256 1024 8 3 10 4 log. of 2 10486 20 7 log. of 4 10995 40 13 log. of 16 12089 12676 80 25 log of 256 100 31 log. of 2 16069 200 61 log. of 4 25823 400 121 log. 16 66680 10715 800 241 log. 256 1000 302 log. 2 11481 2000 603 log. 4 13182 40{X) 1205 log. 16 17377 19950 SOOO 2409 log. 256 10000 3011 log. 2 39803 20000 6021 log. 4 15843 40000 12042 log. 16 25099 99900 80000 24083 log. 256 100000 30103 log. 2 99801 200000 60206 log. 4 99601 400000 120412 ^ 99204 99006 800000 240824 ' 1000000 301030 98023 2000000 602060 96085 4000000 1204120 92323 90498 8000000 10000000 2408240 3010300 81899 20000000 6020600 67075 40000000 12041200 44990 36846 80000000 100000000 24082400 30103000 13577 200000000 60206000 18433 , 4CX)000000 120411999 33977 46129 ! 8(XXX)0000 1000000000 240823997 301029996 64 CONSTRUCTION OF duplications and one addition ; only observing to subtract 1, when tliq product of the first figures are expressed by one figure, or v^^hen the first figures exceed those of the number or power next above them, "It may further be observed, that, like as the first number in each qua- ternion, or space of four lines or numbers, in the third column, ap- proximates to the logarithm of 2, the first number in the first qua- ternion of the first column ; so the second, third, and fourth terms of each quaternion in the third column, approximate to the logerithm of 4, 16, and 256, the second, third, and fourth numbers in the first quaternion in the first column. And moreover, by cutting off one, two, three, See, figures, as the index or integral part, from the said logarithms of 2, 4, 16, and 256, the first, second, tliird, and fourth numbers in the f^st quaternion of the first column, the remaining figures will be the decimal part of the logarithms of the corresponding first, second, third, and fourth numbers in tlie following second, third, fourth, &c, quaternions : the reason of which is, that any number of any quaternion in the first column, is the tenth power of the corre- sponding term in the next fl^eccding quaternion. So that the third column contains the logarithms of all the numbers in the first column : a property which if Dr. Newton had been aware of, he could not well have committed such gross mistakes as are found in a table of his similar to that above given, in which most of the numbers in the latter quaternions are totally erroneous ; and his confused and imperfect account of this method would induce one to believe that he did not >vell understand it. In the 6th chapter our illustrious author begins to treat of t'he other general method of finding the logarithms of prime numbers, which he thinks an easier way than the former, at least when the logarithm is required to a great many places of figures. This method consists in taking a great number of continued geometrical means between 1 and the given number, whose logarithm is required ; tliat is, first extracting the square root of the given number, then the root of the first root, the root of the second root, the root of the third root, and so on till the last root shall exceed 1 by a very small decimal, greater or less according to the intended number of places to be in the logarithm sought: then finding the logarithm of this small number, by methods described below, he doubles it as often as he made extractions^ of the square root, or, which is the same thing, he multiplies it by such power of 2 as is denoted by the said number of extractions, and the result is the required logarithm of the given number ; as is evident from the nature of logarithms. The rule to know how far to continue this extraction of roots is, that the number of decimal places in the last root be double the number of true places required to be found in the logarithm, and that the first half of them be cipliers ; the integer being 1 : the reason of which is, that then the significant figures in the decimal, after the ciphers, are directly proportional to those in the corresponding logarithms ; such figures in the natural number being the half of those in the next preceding number, like as the logarithm of the last number is the half of the preceding logarithm. Therefore any one such small number, with 1 lo, f.'ivi-.. no. I , its log. 3-162277 &c. 0-5 2 1-778279 0-25 3 1-333521 0-125 4. 1-154781 0-0625 5 1-074607 0-03125 &c. &^c. LOGARITHMS. 65 its logarithm, being once found by the continual extractions of square roots out of a given number, as 10, and corresponding bisec- tions of its given logarithm 1 ; the logarithm for any other such small number, derived by like continual extractions from mother givea number, whose logarithm is sought, will be found by o j single pro- portion : which logarithm is then to be doubled according to the r um- ber of extractions, or multiplied at once by the like power of 2, for the loga- rithm of the number proposed. To find the first small number and its logarithm, our author begins with the number 10 and its logarithm 1, and extracts con- tinually the root of the last number and bisects its logarithm^ as here re- gistered in the margin, but to far more places of figures, till he arrives at the 53d and 54th roots, with their annexed logarithms, as here below: Numbers. Logarithms. M[l-00000,00O00,OOC0O,?5563,82986,4OO64,70l0-O00O0,0OO00,OO0OO,1110i;,23O24,6«5l5.654O4 54Jl-OOOOO,OOOOO,OOOOO,J2781,9l493,2OO32,35ioOOOOO,0OOOO,OOOOO,O5551,1151X,S1257,827O2 where the decimals in the natural numbers are to each other in the ratio of the logarithms, namely, in the ratio of 2 to 1 : and therefore any other such small number being found, by continual extraction or otherwise, it will then be as 12781, &c, is to 5551 &c, so is that other small decimal, to the corresponding significant figures of its loga- rithm. But as every repetition of this proportion requires both a very long multiplication and division, he reduces this constant ratio to another equivalent ratio whose antecedent is 1, by which all the divi- sions are saved : thus, as 12781 &c : 5551 &c : : 1000 &c : 434294481903251801, that is, the logarithm of 1-00000,00000,00000,1 is 0-00000,00000,00000,04342,9448 1 ,f )0325, 1 804; and therefore this last number being multiplied by any such small de- cimal, found as above by continual extraction, the pijoduct will be the corresponding logarithm of such last root. But as the extraction of so many roots is a very troublesome oper-. ation, our author devises some ingenious contrivances to abridge that labour. And first, in the 7th chapter, by the following device, to have fewer and easier extractions to perform: namely, raising the powers from any given prime number, whose logarithm is sought, till a power of it be found such that its first figure on the left banc' is 1, and the next to it either one or more ciphers; then, having di- vided this power by 1 with as many ciphers as it has figures aiier the first, or supposing all after the first to be decimals, the continual roots from this power are extracted till the decimal become sufficiently small, as when the first fifteen places are ciphers; and then by multi- plying the decimal by 43429 &c, he has the logarithm of this last root 5 which logarithm multiplied by the like power of the number ^ K 6G CONSTRUCTION OF 2 1 4 2 8 3 16 4 32 5 64 6 128 7 256 8 512 9 1024 10 gives the logaritlim of the first number from which the extract tion was begun: to this logarithm prefixing a 1, or 2, or 3, &c, ac- cording as this number was found by dividing the power of the given prime number by 10, or 100, or 1000, &c; and lastly, dividing the result by the index of that power, the quotient will be the required logarithm of the given prime number, 'fhus, to find the logarithm of 2: it is first raised to the 10th power, as in the margin, before the first figures come to be 10 ; then, dividing by 1000, or cutting off for decimals all the figures after the first or 1, the root is continually extracted out of the quotient 1,024, till the 47th extraction, which gives 1,00000,00000,00000,16851,60570,53949,77; the de- cimal part of which multiplied by 4S429Scc, gives 0,00000,00000,00000,07318,55936,90623,9368 for its logarithm ; and this being continually doubled for 47 times, gives the logaritluns of all the roots up to the first number : or being at once multiplied by the 47th power of 2, viz. 140737488355328, which is raised as in the margin, it gives 0,01029,99566,3981 1,95265,27744 tor the logarithm of the number 1,024, true to 17 or 18 decimals; to this prefix 3, so shall 3,0102 &c be the logarithm of 1024 : and lastly, be- cause 2 is the tenth root of 1024, divide bv 10, so shall 0,30102,99956,63981 ,1952 be the logarithm required to the given number 2. The logarithms of 1, 2, and 10 being now known; it is remarked that the logarithm of 5 becomes known; for since 10—2 is = 5, the refore log. 10 — log. 2 = log. 5, which k 0,69897,00043,36018,8058; and that from the multi- plications and divisions of these three, 2, 5, 10, with the correspond- ing additions and subtractions of their logarithms, a multitude of other numbers and their logarithms are produced; so, from the powers of 2 are obtained 4, 8, i 6, 32, 64, &c ; from the powers of 5, these, 25, 125, 625, 3125, &c; also the powers of 5 by those of 10 .give 250, 1250, 6250, &c; and the powers of 2 by those of 10, give 20, 200, 2000, &c ; 40, 400, 80, 800, &c ; likewise by division are obtained 21, U, 12|, 6|, 1|, 3{, 6}, &c. Briggs then observes, that the logarithm of 3, the next prime num- ber, will be best derived from that of 6, in this manner : 6 raised to the 9th power becomes 10077696, which divided by 10000000, gives 1,0077696, and the root from this continually extracted till the 46th, is 1,00000,00000,00000,10998,59345,88155,71866; the decimal part of which multiplied by 43429&C, gives 0,00000,00000,00000,04776,62844,78608,0304 for its logarithm; and this 46 times doubled, or multiplied by the 46th power of 2, gives 0,00336,12534,52792,69 for the logarithm of 1,0077696: to which adding 7, the logarithm of the divisor 10000000, and dividing by 9, the index of the power of 6, there results 0,77815,12503,83643,63 2 1 4 2 8 3 16 4 32 5 64 6 128 7 256 8 512 9 1024 10 1048576 20 1073741824 30 10D95 11627776 40 140737488355328 47 LOGARITHMS. 6? for tlie logarhlim of 6; from which subtracting the logarithm of 2, there remains 0,477 12, 12547, 1 96*62,44 for the logarithm of 3. In the 8th chapter our ingenious author describes an original and easy method of constructing, by means of differences, the continual mean proportionals which were before found by the extraction of roots. And this, with the other methods of generating logarithms by dif- ferences, in this book as well as in his Tngonometria Britannica, are I believe the first instances that are to be found of making such use of differences, and show that he was the inventor of what may be called the Differential Method. He seems to have discovered this method rn the following manner: having observed that these continual means be- tween 1 and any number proposed, found by the continual extraction of roots, approach always nearer and nearer to the halves of each pre- ceding root, as is visible when they are placed together under each other; and indeed it is found that as many of the significant figures of each decimal part, as there are ciphers between them and the in- teger 1, agree with the half of those above them; I say, having ob- ierved this evident approximation, he subtracted each of these decimal parts, which he called A or the first differences, from half the next preceding, one, and by comparing together the remainders or second differences, called B, he found that the succeeding were alwa5^s nearly equal to J of the next preceding ones; then taking the dif- ference between each second difference and J of the preceding one, he found that these third differences, called C, were nearly in the continual ratio of 8 to 1 ; again taking the difference between each C and | of the next preceding, he found that these fourth differences, called D, were nearly in the continual ratio of 16 to 1 ; and so on, the 5th (E), 6th (F), &c, differences, being nearly in the continual ratio of .>3 to 1, of 64 to 1, &c. K2 68 CONSTRUCTION OF These plain observations being made, they very na- turall} and clearly suggest- ed to him the notion and method of constructing all the remaining numbers from the diiferences of a few of the first, found by jcxti'acting the roots in the usual way. This will evi- dently appear from the annexed specimen of a few of the first numbers in the last example for finding the logarithm of 6 ; where, after the 9th number the re^t are supposed to be constructed from the pre- ceding differences of each, as here shown in the 10th and 11th. And it is evi- dent, that in proceeding, the t'-ouble will become always less and less, the differences gradually va- nishing, till at last only the first differences re- main ; and that generally each less difference is shorter than the next greater, by as many places as there are ciphers at the beginning of the de- cimal in the number to be generated from the dif- ferences. He then concludes this chapter with an ingenious, but not obvious, method of finding the differences B,C,D,E, &c. belonging to any number, as suppose the 9th, from that number itself, independent of any of the preceding 8th, 7th, 6th, .5th, &c, and it is this : 5th, &c powers; then will ences, be as here below, viz. 1,00776,96 1 1,00387,72833,36962,45663,84655,1 2 1,00193,67661,36946,61675,87022,9 3 1,00096,79146,39099,01728,89072,0 4 1,00048,38402,68846,62985,49253,5 A *T l,0©024,18908,78824,68563,8O872,7 A 24,19201,34423,31492,74626,7 ^^ 292,55598.62928,93754,0 B T l,00012,09381,2t:397 513459,43(^19,4 A 12,09454,394 1 2,34281 ,90436,3 ^^ 73,13015,20822,46516,9 B 73,13899,65732,23438,5 i^ 884,44909,716921,5 C 7 1,00006,04672,35055,30968,01600,5 A 6,04690,63198,56729,71959,7 ^ 18,28143,25761,70359,2 B ^ 18,28253,80205,61629,2 ^5 110,54443,91270,0 C 110,55613,72115,2 iC 1169,80845,2 D "s 1,00003,0233 1,60505,657 7 5,9647 9,4 A 3,02336,1 7527,65484,00800,2 k^ 4,57021,99708,04320,8 B 4,57035,81440,42589,8 ^B 13,31732,38269,0 C 13,81805,48908,7 « 73,10639,7 73,11302,8 iP ~ 663,1 E 1,00001,51164,65999,05672,95048,8 A 1,51165,80252,82887,98239,7 iA 1,14253,77215,03190,9 B Hitherto the 1,14255,49927,01080,2 iB smaller differences 1,72711,97889,3 C are found by sub- 1,72716,54783,6 ^5 Oacting the larger from 4,56894,3 the parts of the like pre- 4,5691 5,0 ^^ ceding ones 20,7 E 20,7 ^VE Here the greater differences 65 iVE remain after subtracting 28555,89 Sd the smaller from the parts 28555,24 D of the difference of 21588,99736,16 ic the next preceding 21 588,7 1 1 80,92 'c number. 28563,44303,75797,72 iB 28563,22715,04616,80 B 75582,32999,52836,47524,40 ^A 10 1,00000,75582,04436,30121,42907,60 A 2 1784,70 "S 1784,68 D 2698,58897,62 iC 2698,57112,94 c 7140,80678,76154,20 iB 7140,77980,19041,26 B 37791,02218,15060,71453,80 iA 11 1,00000,37790,95077,37080,52412,54 A raise the decimal. A to the 2d, 3d, 4th, the 2d (B), 3d (C), 4th (D), he differ- LOGARITHMS. 69 =iA^ = ■ i A'+- ^A^ . iA^4-|A^+ /3A^+ fA74- zz: , 2fA ^+ TA-^-f 10|iA^ + 12t\\A«4- lUi A^+ 74lfA' y = . 13 r^^A« + 81|A + 296,VrA'+ 834/^^8A^+ 1953mA' "&c. = . 122t^A7+1 510AVA^-f-11475^^A'+ 68372^|^A' '•Stc. = . . . 193Tt^^A^+47151^\V\''+ 706845i:J||A' °&c = . . . 54902tV?A9+ 2558465f-||||A» °&c = . . . , 2805527A' ^&c Thus in tlie 9tli number of the foregoing example, omitting the ciphers at the beginning of the decimals, we have A = 1,51164,65999,05672,95048,8 A'^= - 2,28507,54430,06381,6726 A'= - - - 3,45422,65239,48546,2 A*= 5,22156,97^02,288 A^=: 7>893 16,8205 A^= 11,93168,1 &c. Consequently, §A* = 1,14253,77215,03190,8363 =B |A^ - 1,72711,32619,74273 |A+- - - 65269,62225 |A'+iA* 1,72711,97889,36498 =C fA* 4,56887,35577 tA5 - - 6,90652 T^^A^ 5 fA*+|A^+T'^A^ 4,56894,26234 =D 2fA' - - 20,71957 TA*^ - - - > 83 2f A5+7A® - . - - ^20,72040 =E which agree with the like differences in the foregoing specimen. In the 9th chapter, after observing that from the Ipgarithms of 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10, before found, are to be determined, by addition and subtraction, the logarithms of all other numbers which can be produced from these by multiplication and division ; for finding the logarithms of other prime numbers, instead of that in the seventh chapter, our autlior then shows another ingenious method of ob- taining numbers beginning with 1 and ciphers, and such as to bear a certain relation to some prime number by means of which its lo-' garithm may be found. The method is this: Find three products having the common difference 1, and such that two of them are pro- duced from factors having given logarithms, and the third produced iO CONSTRUCTION OF from the prime number, whose logarithm is required, either multi- ph'ed by itself, or by some other number whose logarithm is given : then the greatest and least of these three products being multiplied to- gether, and the mean by itself, there arise two other products also dif- fering by 1, of which the greater, divided by the less, gives for a quo- tient 1, with a small decimal, having several ciphers at the beginning. Then the logarithm of this quotient being found as before, from thence will be deduced the required logarithm of the given prime number. Thus if it be proposed to find the logarithm of the prime number 7 ; here 6 x 8 rr 48, 7 X 7 = 49, and 5 x 10 r: .50, will be the three products, of which the logarithms of 48 and 50, the 1st and 3d, will be given from those of their factors G, 8, o, 10 : also 48x^^0 = 2400, and 49x49 = 2401, are the two new products, and 2401 -f- 2400=1,000411 their quotient: then the least of 44 means between 1 and this quotient is 1,00000,00000,00000,02307,98249,04333,6405, which multiplied by 43429 &c, produces 0,00000,00000,00000,01028,40172,88387,297 15, for its logarithm ; which being 44 times doubled, or multiplied by 17592186044416, produces 0,00018,09183,45421,30 for the loga- rithm of the quotient 1,0004 If ; which being added to the logarithm of the divisor 2400, gives the logarithm of the dividend 2401 ; then the half of this logarithm is the logarithm of 49 the root of 2401, and the half of this again gives 0,84509,80400,14256, 82 for the lo- garithm of 7, which is the root of 49. ^The author adds another example to illustrate this method; and then sets down the requisite factors, products, and quotients for finding the logarithms of all other prime numbers up to 100. The 1 0th chapter is employed in teaching how to find the loga- rithms of fractions, namely by subtracting the logarithm of the de- nominator from that of the numerator, then tlie logarithm of the fraction is the remainder : which therefore is either abundant or de- fective, that is positive or negative, as the fraction is greater or less than 1. In the 11th chapter is shown an ingenious contrivance for very ac- curately finding intermediate numbers to given logarithms, by the proportional parts. On this occasion, it is remarked, that while the absolute numbers increase uniformly, the logaritlims increase unequally, with a decreasing increment; for which reason it happens, that either logarithms or numbers corrected by means of the proportional parts, will not be quite accurate, the logarithms so found being always too small, and the absolute numbers so found too great ; but yet so how- ever as that they approach much ndarer to accuracy towards the end of the table, where the increments or differences become much nearer to equality, than in the former parts of the table. And from this property our author, ever fmitful in happy expedients to obviate natural difficulties, contrives a device to throw the proportional part, to be found from the numbers and logarithms, always near the end of the table in whatever part they may happen naturally to fall. And it is this : Rejecting the characteristic of any given logarithm, whose LOGARITHMS. 71 number is proposed to be found, take the arithmetical complement of the decimal part, by subtracting it from 1,000 &c, the logarithm of 10; then find in the table the logarithm next less than this arith- metical complement, together with its absolute number ; to this ta- bular logarithm add the logarithm fliat was given, and the sum will be a logarithm necessarily falling among those near the end of the table : find then its absolute number, corrected by means of the pro- portional part, which will not be very inaccurate, as falling near the end of the table: this being divided by the absolute number, before found for the logarithm next less than the arithmetical complement, the quotient will be the required number answering to the given lo- garithm ; which will be much more correct than if it had been found from the proportional part of the difference where it naturally hap- pened to fall : and the reason of this operation is evident from the nature of logarithms. But as this divisor, when taken as the num- ber answering to the logarithm next less than the arithmetical com- plement, may happen to be a large prime number; it is further re- marked, that instead of this number and its logarithm, w^e may use the next less composite num.ber which has small factors, and its lo- garithm 3 because the division by those small factors, instead of by the number itself, will be performed by the short and easy way of divi- sion in one line. And for tlie more easy finding proper composite numbers and their factors, our author here subjoins an abacus or list of all such numbers, with their logarithms and component factors, from 1000 to 10000; from which the proper logarithms and factors are immediately obtained by inspection. Thus, for example, to find the root of 10800, or the mean proportional between 1 and 10800 : The logarithm of 10800 is 4,03342,37554,8695, the half of which is 2,01671,18777, 4347 the logarithm of the number sought, the arith- metical complement of which logarithm is 0,983£8,8 1222,5653 ; now the nearest logarithm to this in the abacus is 0,98227,12330,3957, and its annexed number is 9600, the factors of which are 2, 6, 8 ; to this last logarithm adding the logarithm of the number sought, the sum is 0,99898,31107,8304, whose absolute number, corrected by the proportional part, is 99766,12651,6521, which being divided continually by 2, 6, 8, the factors of 96, the last quotient is 103,92304845471; which is pretty correct, the true number being 103,923048454133 = ^^ 10800. We now arrive at the 12th and 13th chapters, in which our inge- nious author first of all teaches the rules of the Differential Method, in constructing logarithms by interpolation from differences. This is the same method which has since been more largely treated of by J&ter^authors, and particularly by the ingenious Mr. Cotes, in his ^anont^chnia. How Mr. Briggs came by it does not well appear, as he only delivers the rutes, without laying down the principles or in- vestigation of them. He divides the method into two cases, namely when the second differences are equal or nearly equal, and when the differences run out to any length whatever. The former of these is treated in the 12th chapter; and he particularly adapts it to the in* CONSTRUCTION OF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 25 1^ 35 II 45 « =^ terpolating 9 equidistant means between two given terms, evidently for this reason, that then the powers of 10 become the principal mul- tipliers or divisors, and so the operations performed mentally. The substance of his process is this : Having given two absolute numbers with their logarithms, to find the logarithms of 9 arithmetical means betv/een the given numbers: Between the given logarithms take the 1st difference, as well as between each of them and their next or equidistant greater and less lo- garithms : and likewise the second differences, or the two differences of these three first differences; then if these second differences he equal, multiply one of them severally by the numbers 45, 35, &c, as in the annexed tablet, dividing each pro- duct by 1000, that is cutting off three figures from each; lastly, to -^q of the 1st difference of the given logarithms add severally the first five quotients, and subtract the other five, so shall the ten results be the respective first differences to be continually added to compose the required series of logarithms. Now this amounts to the same thing as what is at this day taught In the like case : It is known that if A be any term of an equidistant series of terms, and a, h, c, &c, the first of the 1st, 2d, 3d, &c, order of differences; then the term z, whose distance from A is expressed by x, will be 3C "~" 1 X ■■•■ 1 SO "~ ^ thus, z^iA-^xa-^x. b-^-x. . ^c+ &c. And if now, 2 2 3 with our author, we make the 2d differences equal, then c, d, e, &c, will all vanish, or be equal to 0, and z will become barely 07—1 zzA -t-xa + x. b. 2 Therefore if we take x successively equal to r-5,j^,-rs,r% &c, we shall hare the annexed series of terms with their dif- ferences. Where it is to be observed, that our author had reduced the differ- ences from the 1st to the 2d form, as he thought it easier to multiply by 5 OJ— 1 than to divide by 2. Also all the last terms (x.' b) are set down po- sitive, because in the logarithms h is negative.— If the two 2d differ- ences be only nearly equal, take an arithmetical mean between them, and proceed with it the same as above with one of the equal 2d dif- ferences. — He also shows how to find any one single term, independ- ent of the rest ; and concludes the chapter with pointing out a method of finding the proportional part more accurately thau before, ^ Series of terms. A ^+tV^+^Vo^ A-{- a The differences. T\ci'^,,l^b^-/^a-\-^%l^b TV+T4u^=Toa+TB\j^^ -nso, - ^^^b =,%« - T oW^ LOGARITHMS. 73 ' In the 13th chapter our author remarks, that the best way of filling up the intermediate chiliads of his table, namely, from 20000 to 90000> is by quinquisection, or interposing four equidistant means between two given terms 5 tlie method of performing which he thus particu- larly describes. Of the given terms, or logarithms, and two or three others on each side of them, take the 1 st, 2d, 3d, &c, differences, till the last differences come out equal, which suppose to be the 5tli differences : divide the first differences by 5, the 2d by 25, the 3d by 125, the 4th by 625, and the 5th by 312.5, and call the respective quotients the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th mean differences; or, instead of dividing by these powers of .5, multiply by their reciprocals ^5, t^-^, T^^co, Tsifoo, ToEl^c,; that is, multiply by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, cutting off respectively one, two, three, four, five figures from the end of the products, for the several mean differences : then the 4th and 5th of tJiese mean differences are sufficiently accurate; but the 1st, 2d, and 3d are to be corrected in tliis manner; from the mean third differ- ences subtract three times the 5th difference, and the remainders are the correct 3d differences; from the mean 2d differences subtract double the 4th differences, and the remainders are the correct 2d differences; lastly, from the mean 1st differences take the correct 3d differences, and ^ of the 5tk difference, and the remainders will be the correct first differences. Such are the corrections when the differences extend as far as the 5th. However, in completing those chiliads in this way, there will be only 3 orders of differences, as neither the 4th nor 5tli will enter the calculation, but will vanish through their smallness : therefore the mean 2d and 3d differences will need no correction, and the mean first differences will be corrected by barely subtracting the 3d from them. These preparatory numbers being thus found, all the 2d differences of the logarithms required, will be generated by adding continually, from the less to the greater, the constant 3d difference ; and the series of 1st differences will be found by adding the several- 2d differences; and lastly, by adding continually these 1st differences to the 1st given logarithm &c, the required logarithm ic terms are gene^" rated. These easy rules being laid down, Mr. Briggs next teaches how by them the remaining chiliads may best be completed : namely, having here the logarithm for ail numbers up to 20000, find the logaritlmi to every 5 beyond this, or of 20005, 20010, 20015, &.c, in this manner; to the logarithms of the 5th part of each of these, namely 4001, 4002, 4003, &c, add the constant logarithm of 5, and the sums will be the logarithms of all the terms of the series 20005, 20010, 20015, &c: and these logarithms will have the very same differences as those of the series 4001, 4002, 4003, &c; by means of which therefore in*- terpose 4 equidistant terms by the rules above ; and thus the whole canon will be easily completed. Briggs here extends the rules for correcting the mean differences [n quinquisection, as far as the 20th difference ; he also lays down similar rules for trisection, and speaks of general rules for any other section, but omitted as being less easy. So that he appears to have been po^ 74 CONSTRUCTION OF sessed of all that Cotes afterwards delivered in his Canonotechnia swe Constructio Tabidarum per Differentias, drawn from the Differential Method, as their general niles exactly agree, Briggs's mean and cor- rect differences being by Cotes called round and quadrat differences^ because he expresses them by the. numbers 1, Q, 3, &c, written re- spectively within a small cii-cle and square. Briggs also observes, that the same rules equally apply to the con- struction of equidistant terms of any other kind, such as sines, tan- gents, secants, the powers of numbers, &c : and further remarks, that of the sines of three equidistant arcs, all the remote differences may be found by the rule of proportion, because the sines and their 2d, 4th, 6th, 8th, &c differences, are continued proportionals, as are also the 1st, 3d, 5th, 7th, &c differences, among themselves; and, like as the 2d, 4th, 6th^ &c differences are proportional to the sines of the mean arcs, so also are the 1st, 3d, 5th, &c differences proportional to the cosines of the same arcs. Moreover, v/ith regard to the powers of numbers, he remarks the following curious properties ; 1st, that they will each have as many orders of differences as are denoted by the index of the power, the squares having two orders of differences, the cubes three, the 4th powers four, &c; 2d5 that the last differences will be all equal, and each equal to the common difference of the sides or roots raised to the given power and multiplied by 1 x 2 X 3 x 4, &c, continued to as mapy terms as there are units in the index : so if the roots differ by 1, the second differences of the squares will be each 1x2 or 2, the 3d differences of the cubes each 1 x2x3 or 6, the 4th differences of the 4th powej-s each 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 or 24, and so on ; and if the common difference of the roots be any other number n, then the last differences of the squares, cubes, 4th powers, 5th powers, &c, will be respectively 2?i*, 6n\ 24?i*, I20n^, &c. Besides what was shown in the 11th chapter, concerning the taking out the logarithms of large numbers l)y means of proportional parts, Briggs employs the next or 14th chapter in teaching how, from the first ten chiliads only, and a small table of one page, here given, to find the number answering to any logarithm, and the logaritlmi to any number, consisting of fourteen places of figures*. Having thus fully shown the construction and chief properties of his logarithms, our ingenious author, in the remaining eighteen chapters, exemplifies their uses in many curious and important subjects; such as the Rule-of-Three, or rule of proportion ; finding the roots of given numbers; finding any number of mean propor- tionals between two given terms ; with other arithmetical rules ; also various geometrical subjects, as 1st, Having given the sides of any pl^ne-triangle, to find the area, perpendicular, angles, and diameters of the inscribed and circumscribed circles ; 2d, In a right-angled triangle, having given any two of tliese, to find the rest, viz. one leg * It is no more than a large exemplification of this nipthod of Briggs'a that has been pvintcd •so late as 1771, in a 4to ttact by Mr. Robert Flower, urdsr th« title of"^ TTie Radix, A UncWcAi i^makiTig Lr^j^arithms, ThoujC^h Bri<»;gs's work might not be kiio^n to thi« writer. LOGARITHMS. 75 and the hypotenuse, one ]eg and the sum or difference of the hypo- tenuse and the other leg, the two legs, one leg and the area, the area and the sum or difference of the legs, the hypotenuse and sum or difference of the legs, the hypotenuse and area, and the perimeter and area; 3d, Upon a given base to describe a triangle equal and isoperimetrical to another triangle given; 4th, To describe the cir- cumference of a circle so, that the three distances from any point in it to the three angles of a given plane triangle, shall be to one another in a given ratio; oth. Having given the base, the area, and the ratio of the two sides, of a plane triangle, to find the sides; 6th, Given the base, difference of the sides, and area of a triangle, to find the sides; 7th, To find a triangle whose area and perimeter shall be expressed by the same number ; 8th, Of four given lines, of which the sum of any three is greater than the fourth, to form a quadrila- teral figure about which a circle may be described ; Oth, Of the dia- meter, circumference^ and area of a circle, and the surface and so- lidity of the sphere generated by it, having any one given, to find any of the rest; lOth, Concerning the ellipse, spheroid, and gauging; ] 1th, To cut a line or a number in extreme and mean ratio; I'ith, Given the diameter of a circle, to find the sides and areas of the in- scribed and circumscribed regular figures of 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16 sides; 13th, Concerning the regular figures of 7? -^j 15, 24, and 30 sides; 14th, Of isoperimetrical regular figures; 15th, Of equal re- gular figures; and 16tb, Of the sphere and the five regular bodies; which closes this introduction. wSuch of these problems as can admit of it, are determined by elegant geometrical constructions, and they are all illustrated by accurate arithmetical calculations, performed by logarithms; for the exemplification of which they are purposely given. At the end he remarks, that the chief and most necessary use of logarithms, is in the doctrine of spherical trigonometry, which he here promises to give in a future v/ork, and which was accomplisJied in his Trigonometria Britannica, to the description of which we now proceed. 0/BRIGGS'S Trigonometria Britannica. At the close of the account of writings on the natural sines, tan- gents, and secants, we omitted the description of this work of our learned author, though it is perhaps the greatest of this kind, all things considered, that ever was executed by one person ; purposely resemng my account of it to this place, not only as it is connected with the invention and construction of logarithms, but thinking it deserved more peculiar and distinguished notice, on account of the importance and originality of its contents. The division of the qua- drant, and the mode of construction, are both new; and the numbers are far more accurate, and are extended to more places, than they had ever been before. The circular arcs had alwaj^s been divided in a sexagei^mal proportion; but here the quadrant is divided into degrees L2 7« CONSTRUCTION OF and decimals, as this is a much easier mode of computation than by 60ths; the division being completed only to lOOths of degrees, though his design was to have extended it to lOOOths of degrees. And, be- sides his own private opinion, he was induced*to adopt this method of decimal divisions, partly at the request of other persons, and partly perhaps from the authority of Vieta, pa. 29 Calendarii GregwianL And it is probable that computations by this decimal division would have come into general use, had it not been for the publication of Vlacq's tables, which vvere extended to every 10 seconds, or 6th parts of minutes. But besides this method by a decimal division of the degrees, of which the whole circle contains 360, or the quadrant 90, in the 1 4th chapter he remarks, that some other persons were inclined rather to adopt a complete decimal division of the whole circle, first into 100 parts, and each of these into 1000 parts; and tor their sakes he subjoins a small table of tlie sines of every 40th part of the qua- drant, and remarks, that from these few the whole may be made out by continual quinquisections ; namely, 5 times these 40 make 1200, then 5 times these give 1000, thirdly, 5 times these give 5000, and lastly, 5 times these give 25000 for the whole quadrant, or 100000 for the whole circumference. But to return. Our author's large table consists of natural sines to 1 5 places, natural tangents and secants each to 1 places, logarithmic sines to J4 places, and logarithmic tangents to 10 places, each besides the characteristic. A most stupendous performance ! The table is preceded by an introduction, divided into two ]}ooks, the one contain ing an account of the truly ingenious constniction of the table, by the author himself; and the other, its uses in trigonometry, &c, by ^lenry Gelli})rand, professor of astronomy in Gresham College, who remarks in the preface, that the work was composed by the author about the year 1600 ; though it was only published by the direction of Gellibrand in 1633, it having been printed at Gouda under tbe care of Vlacq, and by the printer of his Tngonometria Artificialis, which came out the same year. After briefly mentioning the common methods of dividing the quadrant^ and constructing the tables of sines, &c, from the ancients down to his own time, he hastens to the description of his own pe- culiar and truly ingenious method, which is briedy this : having firet divided the quadrant into a small number of parts, as 72, he finds the sine of one of tiwse parts, then from it the sines of the double, triple, quadmple, &c, up to the quadrant or 72 parts. He next quinquisects each of these parts ; by interposing four equidistant means, by differ- ences ; he then quinquisects each of these ; and finally, each of these again; which completes the division as far as degrees and centesms. The rules for performing all these things he investigates and illus- trates in a very ample manner. In treating of multiple and submul- tiple arcs, he gives general algebraical expressions for the sine or chord of any multiple whatever of a given arc, wliich he deduced from a geometrical figure, by finding the law for the series of succes- sive multiple chords or sines, after the manner of Vieta, who was the LOGARITHMS. 77 fir^t person that I know of, who laid down general rules for the chords of multiples and submultiples of arcs and angles : and the same was afterwards improved by Sir 1. Newton, to such form, that radius, and double the cosine of the first given angle, are the first and second terms of all the proportions for finding the sines and cosines of the multiple angles. For assigning the coefficients of the terms in the multiple expressions, our author here delivers the construction of figufate or polygonal numbers, inserts a large ta})le of them, and teaches their several uses ; one of which is, that every other number, taken in the diagonal lines, furnishes the coefficients of the terms of the general equation by which the sines and chords of multiple arcs are expressed, which he amply illustrates ; and another, that the same diagonal numbers constitute the coefficients of the terms of any power of a binomial ; which property was also mentioned by Vieta in his Angulares Sectiones, theor. 6, f ; and before him, pretty fully treated of by Stifelius, in his Arithmetica Integra, fol. 44 & seq.; where he inserts and makes the like use of such a table of figurate numbers, in extracting the roots of all powei-s whatever. But it was perhaps known nmch earlier, as appears by the treatise on figurate numbers by Nichomachus, (see Malcolm's History, p. xviii). Though indeed Cardan seems to ascribe this discovery to Stifelius. See his Opus Novum de Proportionibus Numerorum, where he quotes it, and extracts the table and its use from Stifel's book. Cardan, in p. 135, &c, of the same work, makes use of a like table to find the number of variations, or conjugations as he calls them. Stevinus too makes use of the same coefficients and method of roots as Stifelius. See his Arith. page 25. And even Lucas de Burgo extracts the cube root by the same coefficient^;, about the year 1470. But he does not go to any higher roots. And this is the first mention I have seen made of this law of the coefficients of tlie powers of a binomial, commonly called Sir I. Newton's binomial theorem, though it is very evident that Sir Isaac was not the first inventor of it : the part of it properly belonging to him seems to be only the extending it to fractional indices, which was indeed an immediate effect of the general method of denoting all roots like powers with fractional exponents, the theorem being not at all altered. However, it appears that our author Briggs was the first who taught the rule for generating the coefficients of the terms successively one from another, of any power of a binomial, in- dependent of those of any other power. For having shown, in his Abcicus TlxyXpr^s-os (which he so calls on account of its frequent and excellent use, and of which a small specimen is here annexed), that the numbers CONSTRUCTION OF Abacus nArXPHSTOS. | H G F E D C B A -® -® + ® + © -© -® +(D ® J 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 36 28 21 15 10 6 3 84 56 35 20 10 4 126 70 35 15 5 125 56 21 6 84 28 7 36 8 9 in the diagonal directions, ascending from right to left, are the coeffi- cients of the powers of binomials, the indices being the figures in the first perpendicular column A, which are also the coefficients of the 2d terms of each power (those of the first terms, being 1, are here omit- ted) 5 and that any one of these diagonal numbers is in proportion to the next higher in the diagonal, as the vertical of the former is to the marginal of the latter, that is, as the uppermost number in tlie column of the former is to the first or right-hand number in the line of the latter; having shown these things, he thereby teaches the genera- tion of the coefficients of any powder, independently of all other powers, by the very same law or rule which we now use in the binoi: mial theorem. Thus, for the 9th power; 9 being the coefficient of the 2d term, and 1 always that of the 1st, to find the 3d coefficient we have 2 : a : : 9 : 36 ; for the 4tli term, 8:7 : : 36 I 84 ; for the 5th term, 4 I G : : 84 1 126 ; and so on for the rest, lliat is to say, the co- efficients of the terms in any power m, are inversely as the vertical numbers or first line 1, 2, 3, 4,....m, and directly as the ascending numbers w, m — 1, m — 2, m — 3,....l, in the first column A; and that consequently those coefficients are found by the continual multiplication - , r . m m— 1 m— 2 m — 3 1 i . i • ^i 01 these fractions — , , , , — , which is the very I ' 2 ' 3 ' 4 ' m' ^ theorem as it stands at this day, and as applied by Newton to roots or fractional exponents, as it had before been used for integral powers. I iTiiis theorem then being thus plainly taught Ijy Briggs about the hear 1600, it is surprising how a man of such general reading as Dr, * (Wallis was, could be quite ignorant of it, as he plainly appears to be by the 86th chapter of his algebra, where he*^fully ascribes the in- yeption to Newton, and adds, that he himself had formerly sought for such a rule, but without success : Or how Mr. John Bernouilli, not half a century since, could himself first dispute the invention of this theorem with Newton, and then give the discovery of it to Pascal, LOGARITHMS. 7D who was not born till long after it had been taught by Briggs. See Bernoiiilli's Works, vol. 4. pa. 173. But I do not wonder that Briggs's remark was unknown to Newton, who owed almost every thing to genius and deep meditation, but very little to reading: and I have no doubt that he made the discovery himself, without any light from Briggs, and that he thought it was new for all powers in general, as it was indeed for roots and quantities with fractional and irrational exponents. When the above table of the sums of figurate numbers is used by our author in determining the coefficients of the terms of the equation, whose root is the chord of any submultiple of an arc, as when the section is expressed by any uneven number, he remarks, that the powers of that chord or root will be the 1st, 3d, 5th, 7th, &c,' 'in the alternate uneven columns, A, C, E, G, &c, with their signs + or — as marked to the powers, continued till the highest power be equal to the index of the section; and that the coefficients of those powers are the sums of two continuous numbers in the same column with the powers, beginning with 1 at the highest power, and gradually descending one line obliquely to the right at each lower power: so, for a trisection, the numbers are 1 in C, and 1+2 = 3 in A ;^ and therefore the terms are— 1(3) + 3 (T) : for a quinqui- section, the numbers are 1 in E, 1+4=5 in C, 2 + 3=5 in A; £0 that the terms are 1 (5) —5(5) + -5 Q) : for a septisection, the num- bers are 1 in G, 1+6^:7 in E, 4+10 = 14 in C, and 3 + 4= 7 in A: and so the terms are-.l@ + 7(D-14(D +7(l) : and so on, the sum of all these terms being always equal to the chord of the whole or multiple arc. But when the section is denominated by an even number, the squares of the chords enter the equation, instead of the first powers as before, and the dimensions of all the powers are doubled, rhe coefficients being foimd as before, and therefore the powers and numbers will be those in the 2d, 4th, 6th, &c, columns : and the uneven sections may also be expressed the same way : hence, for a bisection the terms will be — 1(5) +4(1): for a trisection ^®""^© +^®= forthequadrisection-.l(D + S(D-20@^16^. for the quinquisection 1 @ — 10(D + 35(5) — 50 + 25(g) : and so on. Our author subjoins another table, a small specimen of which is here annexed, in which the first column consists of the uneven numbers 1, 3, 5, &c, the rest being found by addition as before, and the alter- nate diagonal numbers themselves are the coefficients. F 4-® 1 + ® 1 D -0 1 C 1 B + @ 1 A ® 1 7 6 20 5 U 30 4 25 3 5 7 9 80 CONSTRUCTION OF The method is quite different from that of Vieta, who gives another table for the like purpose, a small part of which is here annexed, which is for- med by adding, from the number 2, downwards obliquely towards the right: and the coefficients of the terms stand on the horizontal line. l8t Vieta's Talle. 2d 2 5 9 14 20 27 35 3d 2 7 16 30 60 4 th 2 9 26 5 th 2 6th These angular sections were afterwards further discussed by Oughtred and WalUs. And the same theorems of Vieta and Briggs have been since given in a different form by Herman and the Bernouillis, in the Leipsic Ads, and the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Svieiices. These theorems they expressed by the alternate terms of tlie power of a binomial, whose exponent is that of the multiple angle or section. And De Lagny in the same Memoirs, first showed, that the tangents and secants of multiple angles are also expressed by the terms of a binomial, in the form of a fraction, of which some of those terms form the numerator, and others the denominator. Thus, if. r express the radius, s the sine, c the cosine, f the tangent, and s the secant, of the angle A; then the sine, cosine, tangent, and secant of n times the angle, are expressed thus, viz. ^ , 1 n n—l n.n—\.7i—-z n — 3 Sm.n^= X: c s— • -c s^- n—l 1 1.2.3 n.n — i.TO— 2.n — Q.n — 4 ?i— 5 -c s^ &c- 1. 2.3. 4. 5 Cosine n J= ■ ■X'c'- 1.2 , W.M— l.??.--2.K—3cW— 4 ^ _ ■j ^ s* Sec. 1. 2.3.4 Tang.n^=:r X n n — 1 n.?i — l.n — 2 n — 3 , ^?.7Z — 1. 71 — 2.— -n— O.n — 4 n — 5 , „ — r t r <'-j r V" &c, 1 1. 2. 3. ' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 n.n — 1 w— 2 , , n.7i — 1. 71 — 2.n — 3 n — 4 , „ 1. 2. 1. 2. 3.4. Sec. n A::=zT X $2 or r2-f-i2 n.n — 1 n — 2^, , n.n — l.n— 2.7»— 3 n — 4 , „ T t^-\ r t^Si.c. TO • 1 n c A where it is evident, that the series in the sine of n A, consists of the even terms of the power of the binomial (c 5)", and the series in the cosine of the uneven terms of the same power ; also the series in the numerator of the tangent, consists of the even terms of the powa: (r+Q«, and the denominator, both of the tangent and secant, consists of the uneven terms of the same power {r-^ty. And if the diameter, chord, and chord of the supplement, be substituted for the radius, sine, and cosine, in the expressions for the multiple sine and cosine, LOGARITHMS. 81 tlie result will give the chord and chord of the supplement of n times the arc or angle A. These, and various other expressions, for multi- ple and submultiple arcs, with other improvements in trigonometry, have also been given by Euler, and other eminent M^riters on the same subject. Tlie before mentioned De Lagny offered a project for substituting, instead of the common logarithms, a binary arithmetic, which he called 1 the natural logarithns, and which he and Leibnitz seem to have both | invented about the same time, independently of each otiier; but the project came to nothing. De Lagny also published, in several Memoirs of the Royal Academy, a new method of determining the angles of figures, which he called Goniometry, It consists in mea- suring, with a pair of compasses, the arc which subtends the angle in question: yet this arc is not measured by applying its extent to any preconstructed scale, but by examining what pait it is of half the circumference of the same circle, in this manner: from the proposed angular point as a centre, with a sufticiently large radius, a semicircle being described, a part of which is the arc intercepted by tlie sides of the proposed angle, the extent of this arc is taken with a pair of fine compasses, and applied continually upon the arc of the semicircle, by which he finds how often it i& contained in the se- micircle, with usually a small arc remaining ; in the same manner he measures how often this remaining arc is contained in the first arc, and what remains again is applied continually to the first remainder, and so the 3d remainder to the 2d, tlte 4th to the 3d, and so on till there be no remainder, or else till it become insensibly small. By this process he obtains a series ^of quotients, or fractional parts, one of another, v/hich being properly reduced into one, give the ratio of the first arc to the semi-circumference, or of the proposed angle, to two right angles or 180 degrees, and consequently that angle in de- grees, minutes, &c, if required, and that commonly, he says, to a degree of accuracy far exceeding the calculation of the same by means of any tables of sines, tangents, or secants, notwithstanding the apparent paradox in this expression at first sight. Thus, if the first arc be 4 times contained in the semicircle, the remainder once contained in the first arc, the next 5 times in the second, and finally the fourth 2 times in the third: Here the quotients are 4, 1, 5, 2; consequently the fourth or last arc was | the 3d; therefore the 3d was — or -j\. of the 2d, and the 2d was •— - or \^ of the 1st, and the first or arc sought, Itt was -— or "ll of the semicircle 5 consequently it contains 37f degrees, or 37° 8' 34"f . Hence it is evident that this method is In fact notldng more than an example of Continued fractions, the fii'st instance of which was given by lord Brouncker. But to return from this lons^ digression 5 Mr. Briggs next treats of $2 CONSTRUCTION OF interpolation by differences, and chiefly of quinquisection, after t!t«f manner used in the 13th chapter of his construction of logarithms, before described. He here pro\^es that curious property of the sine* and their several orders of differences, before mentioned, namely, that of equidifferent arcs, the sines, with the 2d, 4th, 6*th, &c dif- ferences, are continued proportionals; as also the cosines of the means between those arcs, and the 1st, 3d, 5th, &c differences. And to this treatise, on interpolation by differences, he adds a marginal note, complaining that this 13th chapter of his Aritlimetica Logarith- mica had been omitted by Vlacq in his edition of it; as if he were afraid of an intention to deprive him of the honour of the invention of interpolation by successive differences. The note is this : Modus correctionis a me traditus est Arithmetiae Logarithmide capite 13, in editione Londinensi : Istud autem caput una cum sequenti in editwne Batava me inconsulto et inscio omissumfuit: nee in omnibus, editionii illius autJior fvir alioqui industrius et non indoctusj, meam mentem videtur assequutus : Ideoque, ne qidcquam desit cuiquam, qui integrum canonem conficere cupiat, qiKEdam maxime necessaria illinc hue trans- ferenda censui, A large specimen of quinquisection by differences is then given, and he shows how it is to be applied to the construction of the whole canon of sines, both for 100th and 1000th parts of degrees ; namely, for centesms, divide the quadrant first into 'J2 equal parts, and find their sines by the primary methods; then these quinquisected give 360 parts, a second quinquisection gives 1800 parts, and a third gives 9000 parts, or centesms of degrees : but for mjUesms, divide the quadrant into 144 equal parts; then one quinquisection gives 720, a second gives 3600, a third 18000, and a fourth gives QOOOO parts, or millesms. He next proceeds to the natural tangents and secants, which hff directs to be raised in the same manner, by interpolations from a few primary ones, constructed from the known proportions between sines, tangents, and secants; excepting that half the tangents and secants are to be formed by addition and subtraction only, by means of some such theorems as these, namely, 1st, the secant of an arc is equal to the sum of the tangent of the same arc, and the tangent of half its complement, which will find every other secant; 2d, double the tan- gent of an arc, added to the tangent of half its complement, is equal to the tangent of the sum of that arc and the said half complement, by which rule half the tangents will be found ; &c. In the two remaining chapters of this book are treated the con- struction of the logarithmic sines, tangents, and secants. This is pre- ceded by some remarks on the origin and invention of them. Our author here observes, that logarithms maybe of various kinds; that others had followed the plan of Baron Napier the first inventor, among whom Benjamin Ursinus is especially .commended, who ap- plied Napier's logarithms to every ten seconds of the quadrant ; but that he kimself, encouraged by the noble inventor, devised other lo- LOGARITHMS. Sa garithms tJiat were much easier and more excellent*. He says he put 10, with ciphers, for the logarithm of radius; 9 for the logarithm sine oH 5° 44', whose natural sine is one 10th of the radius; 8 for that Gt 34', whose natural sine is one 100th of the radius, and so on; thereby making 1 the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, which is the charactei istic of his species of logarithms. To construct tiie logarithmic sines, he directs first to divide the quadrant into 72 equal parts as hefore, and to find the logarithms of their natural sines as in the 14th chapter of his jidrithinetica Logarith- micQi after which, this number will be increased hy quinquisection, first to 3G0, then to 1800, and lastly to 9000, or centesms of degrees. But if millesms of degrees he required, divide the quadrant first into 144 equal parts, and then by four quinquisections these will be ex- tended to the following parts, 720, 3600, 18000, and 90000, or millesms of degrees. He remarks, however, that the logarithmic sines of only half 'the quadrant need be found in this manner, as the other half may be found hy mere addition, or subtraction, by means of this theorem, as tlie sine of half an arc is to half radius, so is the sine of the whole arc to the cosine of the said half arc. This theorem he illustrates with examples, and then adds a table of the logarithmic sines of the primary 72 parts of the quadrant, from which the rest are to be made out by quinquisection. In the next chapter our author shows the construction of the natural tangents and secants more fully than he had done before, demonstrat- ing and illustrating several curious theorems for the easy finding of them. He then concludes this chapter, and the book, with pointing out the very easy construction of the logarithmic tangents and secants by means of these three theorems : 1st, As cosine : sine : : radius : tangent, 2d, As tangent : radius : : radius : cotangent, 3d, As cosine : radius : : radius : secant. So that in logarithms, the tangents are found by subtracting the cosines from the sines, adding always 10 or the radius; the cotangents are found by subtracting always ^he tangents from 20 or double tlse radius ; and the secants are found by subtracting the cosines fi'om 20 the double radius. The 2d book, by Gellibrand, contains the use of the canon In plane and spherical trigonometry. Besides Briggs's methods of constructing logarithms, above de- .^cribed, no others were given about that time. For as to the cal- culations made by Vlacq, his numbers being carried to comparatively but few ])Iaces of figures, they were performed by the easiest of Briggs's methods, and in the manner which this ingenious man had pointed out in his two volumes. Thus, the 70 chiliads of logarithms, * His words are : " Ego vero ipsius inveritoris primi cohortatione adjutus, alios logariUimos applicandos censui, qui multo faciliorem usum habent, praestantiorem. Logarithmus radii ciicularis vel sinus totius, a me ponitur 10 &c." M2 84 CONSTRUCTION OF from 20000 to gOOOO, computed by Vlacq, and published in 1628% being extended only to 10 places, yield no more than two orders of mean differences, which are also the correct differences, in quinqui- section, and therefore will be made out thus, namely, one-fifth of them by tlie mere addition of the constant logarithm of 5 ; and the other four-fifths of them by two easy additions of very small numbers, namely, of the 1st and 2d differences, according to the directions given in Briggs's Arith. Log* c. 13, p. 31. And as to Vlacq's loga- rithmic sines and tangents to every 10 seconds, they were easily com- puted thus ; the sines for half the quadrant were found by taking the logarithms to the natural sines in Rheticus's canon ; and then from these the logarithmic sines to the other half quadrant were found by mere addition and subtraction ; and from these all the tangents by one single subtraction. So that all these operations might easily be performed by one person, as quickly as a printer could set up the types : and thus the computation and printing might both be carried on together. And hence it appears that there is no reason for admira- tion at the expedition with which these tables were said to have been brought out. Of certain Curves related to Ijygarithnis, About this time the mathematicians of Europe began to consider some curves which have properties analogous to logarithms. Edmund Gunter, it has been said, first gave the idea of a curve, whose ab- scisses are in arithmetical progression, while the corresponding ordi- nates are in geometrical progression, or whose abscisses are the loga- rithms of their ordinates ; but I cannot find it noticed in any part of his writings. The same curve was afterwards considered by others, and named the Logarithmic or Logistic curve by Huygens, in his Dis- sertatio dc Causa Graviteitis, where he enumerates all the principal properties of this curve, showing its analogy to logarithms. Many other learned men have also treated of its properties ; particularly Le Seur and Jacquier, in their commentary on Newton's Principiaj Dr. John Keill, in the elegant little tract on logarithms subjoined to his edition of Euclid's Elements; and Francis Maseres, Esq. Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer, in his ingenious treatise on Trigonometry ; in which books the doctrine of logarithms is copiously and learnedly treated, and their analogy to the logarithmic curve &c fully displayed. — It is indeed rather extraordinary that this curve w^as not sooner announced to the public; since it results immediately from baron Napier's manner of conceiving the generation of logarithms, by only supposing the lines which represent the natural numbers to be placed at right angles to that on which the logarithms are taken. This curve greatly facilitates the conception of logarithms to the imagination, and affords an almost intuitive proof of the very important property of tlieir fluxions, or very small increments, to wit, that the fluxion of the number is to the fluxion of the logarithm, as the number is to the subtangent ; as also of this property, that, if three number* LOGARITHMS. 85 be taken very 'nearly equal, so that tlieir ratios to each other may dif- fer but a little from a ratio of equality, as for example, the three numbers 10000000, lOOOOOOl, 10000002, their differences will be very nearly proportional to the logarithms of the ratios of those numbers to each other : all which follows from the logarithmic arcs being very little different from their chords, when they are taken very small. And the constant subtangent of this curve is what was after- .war^-«J3X.Q9fe.^.''iy^^ the Modulus of the sy^em of logarithms : and since, bv the former of the two properties abovementioned, this sub- tangent is a 4th proportional to the fluxion of the number, the fluxion of the logarithm, and the number itself; this property afforded oc- casion to Mr. Baron Maseres to give the folluwing definition of the nioxlulus, which Is the same in effect as Cotes's, but more clearly ex- pressed, namely, that it is the limit of the magnitude of a 4th propor- tional to these three quantities, to wit, the difference of any two na- tural numbers that are nearly equal to each other, either of the said numbers, and the logarithm or measure of the ratio they have to each other. Or we may define the modulus to be the natural number at that part of the system of Idgarithms, where the fluxion of the num- ber is equal to the fluxion of the logarithm, or where the numbers and logarithms have equal differences. And hence it follows, that the l9garithms of equal numbers or equal ratios, in different systems, are to one another as the moduli of those systems. Moreover, the ra- tio whose measure or logarithm is equal to the modulus, and thence by Cotes called the ratio modularis, is by calculation found to be the ratio of 2-7182S1828459&C to 1, or of 1 to -367879441 I71&C; the calculation of wliicii number may be seen at full length in Mr. ] Baron Maseres's Treatise on the Principles of Life-annuities, pa. 274 [ and 275. Jhejb^pe^rbolic curve also afforded another source for developing and illustrating the properties and construction of logarithms. For the hyperbolic areas lying between the curve and one asymptote, when tliey are bounded by ordinates parallel to the other asymptote, are analogous to the logarithms of their abscisses or parts of the asymptote. And so also are the hyperbolic sectors ; any sector bound- ed by an arc of the hyperbola and two radii, being equal to the qua- drilateral space bounded by the same arc, the two ordinates to either asymptote from the extremities of the arc, and the part of the asymptote intercepted between them. And though Napier's loga- rithms are commonly said to be the same as hyperbolic logarithms, it is not to be understobd that hyperbolas exhibit Napier's logarithms only, but indeed all other possible systems of logarithms whatever, j For, like as the right-angled hyperbola, the side of whose square in- ^ scribed at the vertex is 1, gives Napier's logarithms; so any other ^- system of logarithms is expressed by the hyperbola whose asymptotes "" form a certain oblique angle, the side of the ihombus inscribed at the vertex of the hyperbola in this case also being still 1, the same as the side of the square in the right-angled hyperbola. But the areas of the m CONSTRUCTION OF square and rhombus, and consequently the logarithms of any one and the same number or ratio, differing according to the sine of the angle of the asymptotes. And the area of the square or rhombus, or any in- scribed parallelogram, is also the same thing as what was by Cotes called the modulus of the system of logarithms ; which modulus will therefore be expressed by the numerical measure of the sine of the angle formed ])y the asymptotes, to the radius 1 ; as that is the same with the number expressing the area of the said square or rhombus, the side being 1 : which is another definition of the modulus, to be added to those we before remarked above, in treating of the logarithmic curve. And the evident reason of this is, that in the beginning of the genera- tion of these areas from the vertex of the hyperbola, the nascent incre- ment of the abscisse drawn into the altitude 1, is to the increment of the area, as radius is to the sine of the angle of the ordinate and abvscisse, or of the asymptotes ; and at the beginning of the logarithms, the nascent increment of the natural numbers is to the increment of the logarithms, as 1 is to the modulus of the system. Hence we easily discover that the angle formed by the asymptotes of the hyperbola ex- hibiting Briggs's system of logarithms, will be 25 deg. 44 min. 25| sec. this being the angle whose sine is 0*4342944819 &c, the modulus of this system. Or indeed any one hyperbola will express all possible systems of logarithms whatever, namely, if the square or rhombus inscribed at the vertex, or, which is the same thing, any parallelogram inscribed be- tween the asymptotes and the curve at any other point, be expounded by the modulus of the system ; or, which is the same, by expounding the area, intercepted between two ordinates which are to each other in the ratio of 10 to 1, by the logarithm of that ratio in the proposed system. * As to the first remarks on the analogy between logarithms and the hyperbolic spaces ; it having been shown by Gregory St. Vincent, in his Quadratic a CireuU ^ Sectionum Cord, published at Antwerp in 1647, that if one asymptote be divided into parts in geometrical pro- gression, and from the points of division ordinates be drawn parallel to the other asymptote, they will divide the space between the asymptote and curve into equal- portions; hence it was shown by Mersenne, that by taking the continual sums of those parts, there would be obtained areas in arithmetical progression, adapted to abscisses in geometrical progression, and which therefore were analogous to a system of loga- rithms. And the same analogy was remarked and illustrated soon after by Huygens and many others, who show how to square the hyperbolic spaces by means of the logarithms. LOGARITHMS. «7 OfGregoi^y*s * Compntaticm of Logarithms. On the other hand, Mr. James Gregory, in his Vera Circuit et Hy^ perbola Quadraturdf first printed at Patavi, or Padua, in the year 1667, having approximated to the hyperbolic asymptotic spaces, by means of a series of inscribed and circumscribed polygons, from tlience shows I luiw„tQ compute the logarithms, which are analogous to those areas ; l^and thus the quadrature of the hyperbolic spaces became the same ' thing as the computation of the logarithms. He here also lays down various methods to abridge the computation, with the assistance of some properties of numbers themselves, by which we are enabled to compose the logarithms of all prime numbers under 1000, each by one multiplication, two divisions, and the extraction of the square root. And the same subject is farther pursued in his Exercitationes Geome- triccB, to be described hereafter. There are also innumerable other geometrical figures having pro- perties analogous to logarithms: such as the equiangular spiral, the figures of the tangents and secants, &c ; which it is not to our purpose to distinguish more particularly. Of Mercator's f Logarithmotechnia. In 1668, Nicholas Mercator published his Logarithmotechnia, sive methodus construendi Logarithmos nova, acairata, ^facilis ; in which he delivers a new and ingenious method for computing the logarithms on principles purely arithmetical; which being curious and very ac- curately performed, I shall here give a rather full and particular ac- count of that little tract, as well as of the small specimen of the qua- drature of curves by infinite series, subjoined to it ; and more especially as this work gave occasion to the public communication of some of Sir Isaac Newton's earliest pieces, to evince that he had not borrowed them from this publication. So it appears that these two ingenious men had, independent of each other, in some instances fallen upon the same things. Mercator begins this work with remarking that the word Loga- rithm is composed of the words ratio and number, being as much as to say the number oj ratios ; which he observes is quite agreeable to the nature of them, for that a logarithm is nothing else but the number of ratiimcuJie contained in the ratio which any number bears to unity. He then makes a learned and critical dissertation on the nature of * James Gregory was born at Aberdeen in Scotland l638, where he was edu- cated. He was professor of mathematics in the college of St. Andrews, and afterwards in that of Edinburgh. He died of a fever in December 1675, being only 36 years of age. f Nicholas Mercator, a learned mathematician, and an ingenious member of the Royal Society, was a native of Holstein in Germany, but spent most of his time in England, where he died in the year 169O, at about 50 years of age. He was the author of jjiany other wQrk» in Geometry, Geography, Astronomy, Astrology, &c. 88 CONSTRUCTION OF ratios, their magnitude and measure, conveyipg a clearer idea of the nature of logarithms than had been given by either Napier or Briggs, or any other writer except Kepler, in his work before de- scribed ; though those other writers seem indeed to have had in their own minds the same ideas on the subject as Kepler and Mercator, but without having expressed them so clearly. Our author indeed pretty closely follows Kepler in his modes of thinking and expression, and after him, in plain and express terms, calls logarithms the mea- sures of ratios ; and, in order to the right understanding that defini- tion of them, he explains what he means by the magnitude of a ratio. This he does pretty iiilly, but not too fully, considering the nicety and subtlety of the subject of ratios ; and their magnitude, with their addi- tion to, and subtraction from, each other, which have been misconceived by very learned mathematicians, who have thence been led into con- siderable mistakes. Witness the oversight of Gregory St, Vincent, which Huygens animadverted on in the E^sraa-i^ Cyclometria Gregorii d Sancto Vincentio, and which arose from not understanding, or not ad- verting to, the nature of ratios, and their proportions one to another. And many other similar mistakes might here be adduced of other emi- nent writers. P'rom all which we must commend the propriety of our author's attention, in so judiciously discriminating between the mag- nitude of a ratio, as of a to b, and the fraction -j-, or quotient arising from the division of one term of the ratio by the other ; which latter method of consideration is always attended with danger of errors and confusion on the subject; though In the 5th definition of the 6th book of Euclid this quotient Is accounted the quantity of the ratio ; but this definition is probably not genuine, and therefore very properly omitted by professor Simson in his edition of the Elements. And in those ideas on the subject of logarithms, Kepler and Mercator have been fol- lowed by Halley, Cotes, and most of the other eminent writers since that time. Purely from the above idea of logarithms, namely, as being the measures of ratios, and as expressing the number of ratiuncuhe con- tained in any ratio, or into which it may be divided, the number of the like equal ratiuncula contained in some one ratio, as of 10 to 1, being supposed given, our author shows how the logarithm or measure of any other ratio may be found. But this however only by-the-by, as not being the principal method he intends to teach, as his last and best, and which we arrive not at till near the end of the book, as we shall see below. Having shown then that these logarithms, or numbers of small ratios, or measures of ratios, may be all properly re- presented by numbers, and that of 1, or the ratio of equality, the logarithm or measure being always 0, the logarithm of 10, or the measure of the ratio 10 to 1, is most conveniently represented by 1 with any number of ciphers; he then proceeds to show how the measures of all other ratios may be found from this last supposition. And he explains the principles by the two following examples. LOGARITHMS. 83 First, to find the logarlthiti of 100*5*, or to find how many ratiun^ €iil(R are contained in the ratio of 100-5 to 1, the nwmhev oi ratmncal(R in the decuple ratio, or ratio of 10 to 1, being 1,0000000. The given ratio 100*5 to I, lie first divides into its parts, namely, 100-5 to 100, 100 to 10, and 10 to 1 ; the last two of which being decuples, it follows that the characteristic will be 2, and it only re- mains to find how many parts of the next decuple belong to the first ratio of 100-5 to 100. Now if each term of this ratio be multiplied by itself, the products will be in the duplicate ratio of the first terms, or this last ratio will contain a double number of parts ; and if these be multiplied by the first terms again, the ratio of the last products will contain three times the numbei* of parts ; and so on, the number of times of the first parts contained in the ratio of any like powers of the first terms, being always denoted by the exponent of the power. If therefore the first terms, 100*5 and 100, be continually multiplied till the same powers of them have to each other a ratio whose mea- sure is known, as suppose the decuple ratio 10 to 1, whose measure is 1,0000000; then the exponent of that power shows what multiple this measure 1,0000000, of the decuple ratio, is of the required measure of the first ratio 100*5 to 100; and consequently dividing 1,OOOOOOQ by that exponent, the quotient is the measure of the ratio 100*5 to 100 sought. The operation for finding this, he sets down as here follows; where the several multiplications are all performed in the contracted way, by inverting the figures of the multiplier, and re- taining only the first number of decimals in each product. * Mercator distinguishes his decimals from integers thus 100[5, or 100I5. N DO CONSTRUCTION OF 100-5000 500 1 100500a 502 5 1010025 520010 1 1010025 10100 20 5 1020150 051 020 i_ ' lOiOliO 20403 102 51^ 1040706 60/0101 1083068 8603801 1173035" 5303711 13760ir 8106781 1893406 604398 1 3584985 5894853 12852116 power 1 8 8 16 16 32 32 64 64 128 128 256 256 512 This power being greater than the decuple of the like power of 1 00, which must always be 1 with ciphers, resume therefore the 256th power, and multiply it, not by itself, but by the next before, viz. by the 1 28th, thus 3584985 6013981 6787831 1106731 9340130 5303711 10956299 - 256 128 384 64 44S 32 480 Tliis power again ex- ceeding the same power of 100 more than 10 times, I therefore draw the same 448th5 not in- to the 32d, but the next preceding, thus 9340130 8603801 10115994 448 16 464 This being again loo much, instead of the 16th, draw it into the 8th or next preceding, thus 9340130 6O704OI _ _ 448 8 9720329 0510201 : : 456 4 9916193 5200101 " 460 2 10015603 _ . 462 Which power exceeds the limit; fore draw the into the 1st, thus again there- 460th 9916193 5001 : : 460 ] 9965774 - - 461 Since therefore the 462d power of 100*5 is greater, and the 461st power is less, than the decuple of the same' power of ' 1 00 ; I find that the ratio of 100*5 to 100 is contained in tlie decuple more than 46 1 times, but less thaQ 462 times. Again, ("460") Since the < 461 > power is 14623 9916193") and the differences 9965774 > 49581 1 nearly 0015603 3 49829 3 equals therefore the proportional part which the exact power, or 1 0000000, exceeds the next less 996577^, will be easily and accurately found by the Golden Rule, thus : The just power and the next less the difference - - 10000000 - - 9965774 - - 34226; then As 49829 the dif. between the next less and greater, : To 34226 the dif. between the next less and just, :: So is 10000 : to G^^S, the decimal parts; and therefore the ra- tio of 100'5 to 100, is 461 '6868 times contained iu the decuple or LOGARITHMS. 91 tatio of 10 to 1. Dividing now 1,0000000, the measure of tlie de- cuple ratio, by 461-6368, the quotient 0021659/ is the measure of the ratio of 100*5 to 100; which being added to 2 the measure of 100 to 1, the sum 2,0021659/ is the measure of the ratio of 100-5 to 1, tliat is, the log. otj0QJ^is^^2j002J6592^ In the same manner he next investigates the log. of 99*5, and finds ^~~itj£Lhe^lJ}^^82>'S01. A few observations are then added, calculated to generalise the consideration of ratios, tlieir magnitude, and their aflPections. It is here remarked, that he considers the magnitude of the ratio between two quantities as the same, whether the antecedent be the greater or the less of the two terms : so, tlie magnitude of the ratio of 8 to 5, is the same as of 5 to 8 ; that is, by the magnitude of the ratio of either to the other, is meant the number of ratiunculcE be- tween them, which will evidently Ije the same, whether the greater or less term be the antecedent. And, he further remarks that, of different ratios, when we divide the greater term of each ratio by the less, that ratio is of the greater mass or magnitude, which produces the greater quotient, et vice versa ; though those quotients are not proportional to the masses or magnitudes of the ratios. But when he considers the ratio of a greater term to a less, or of a less to a greater, that is to say, the ratio of greater or less inequality, as abstracted from the magnitude of the ratio, he distinguishes it by the word affection, as much as to say, greater or less affection, something in the manner of positive and negative quantities, or such as are affected with the signs -f and — ..... The remainder of this work he delivers in several propositions, as follows. Proj). 1. In subtracting from each other, two quantities of the same affection, to wit, both positive, or both negative ; if the remainder be of the same affection with the two given, then is the quantity sub- tracted the less of the two, or expressed by tlie less number ; but if the contrary, it is the greater. Prop, 2. In any continued ratios, as -, , , -&c. (by which is meant the ratios of a to a-\-h, a-i-b to a + 2Z), a4-2Z> to a + 3/;, &c.) of equidifferent terms, the antecedent of each ratio being equal to the consequent of the next preceding one, and proceeding from less terms to greater; the measure of each ratio will be expressed by a grea:er quantity than that of the next following; and the same through all their orders of differences, namely, the 1st, 2d, 3d, &c. differences ; but the contrary, when the terms of the ratios decrease from greater to less. Prop. 3. In any continued ratios of equidifferent terms, if the 1st or least be a, the difference between the 1st and 2d b, and c, d, e, &c. the respective first term of their 2d, 3d, 4th, &c, differences ; then shall the several quantities themselves be as in the annexed scheme ; N2 92 CONSTRUCTION OF where each term is composed of the first term, together with as many of the differences as it is distant from the first term, and to those differences join- ing, for coefficients, tlie num- bers in the sloping or oblique lines contained in the annexed table of figurate numbers, in the same manner, he observes, as the same figurate numbers complete the powers raised from a binomial root, as had long before been taught by others. He also remarks, that this rule not only gives any one term, but also the sum of any number of successive terms from the beginning, making the 2d coefficient the first, the 8d the 2d, and so on; thus, the sum of the first 5 terms is 6a+105+10c+5d-l-e. In the 4th prop, it is shown, that if the terms decrease, pro- ceeding from the greater to the less, the same theorems hold good, by only changing the sign of every other term, as in the margin. 1st term - - a 2d term - - a-\- b 3d term - - a + 2fo+ c 4th term - - a-\-Sb + 3c+ d 5th term - - a + 4Z> + 6c + 4d-f ^ &c. &c. 1st term - - a 2d term - - a— Z> 3d term - - a— 2Z) + c 4th term - - a-^Sb + 3c—d 5th term - - a—4Z) + 6c— 4d-f if &c. &c. Prop. 6 and 7 treat of the approximate multiplication and division of ratios, or, which is the same thing, the finding nearly any powers, or any roots of a giv^n fraction, in an easy manner. The' theorem for raising any power, when reduced to a simpler form, is this, ■md .md the m power of -, or, (-^"', is =z— — nearly, where s is rza + &, b b " ' — ' "^ and drzau^b, the sum and difference of the two numbers, and the upper or under signs taking place according as - is a proper or an improper fraction, that is, according as a is less or greater than h» And the theorem for extracting the mth root of ^-j or x/ji is F "* W.9Hh(i (~) zz ' , nearly: which latter rule is also the same as the for- W ms±d wier, as will be evident by substituting - instead of m in the first LOGARITHMS. 93 theorem. So that universally (-r^) « is =—^ nearly. Ihese theo- rems however are nearly true only in some certain cases, namely, when 7- and — do not differ greatly from unity. And in the 7tli o n prop, the author shows how to find nearly the error of the theo- rems. In the 8th prop, it is shown, that the measures of ratios of equidif- ferent terms, are nearly reciprocally as the arithmetical means be- o r 1 . 16 33 50 tween the terms of each ratio, bo of the ratios — , — , ~, the mean between the terms of the first ratio is 17, of the 2d 34, of the 3d 51, and the measure of the ratios are nearly as-—-, — — , -— -. 1/ 34 51 From this property he proceeds, in the 9th jwop, to find the mea- sure of any ratio less than -r^rprr, which has an equal diiference (1) of terms. In^^he two examples mentioned near the beginning, our 99*5 author found the logarithm, or measure of the ratio, of— — , tobe 21769-rV, and that of -——to be 21659/0; therefore the sum 43429 1 WU'O IS the loganthm of—-, or--, x— ^-; or the logarithm of—- is nearer 43430, as found by other more accurate computations. — Now to find the logarithm of — --, having the same difference of terms (1) with the former; it will be, by prop. 8, as 100*5 (the mean between 101 and 100): 100 (the mean between 99*5 and 100-5) : : 43430 : 43213 the logarithm of——, or the difference between the logarithms of 100 and 101. But the log. of 100 is 2; therefore the logarithm of 101 is 2,0043213. Again, to find the loga- rithm of 102, we must first find the logarithm of —— ; the mean be- tween its terms being 101*5, therefore as 101*5 : 100 ; : 43430: 42788 the logarithm of r-^^j or the difference of the logarithms of IU4U 101 and 102. But the logarithm of 101 was found above to be _2^0043213; therefbre" the logarithm of 102 is 2,0086001.— So that, '^dividing continually 868596 (the double of 434298 the logarithm of 99*5 199 -— — or — -) by each number of the series 201, 203, 205, 207, &c, 1 UU O ^\} 1 then add 2 to the first quotient, to the sum add the 2d quotient, and so on, adding always the next quotient to the last sum, the several sums will be the respective logarithms of the numbers in this series 101, 102, 103, 104, Sec. gi CONSTRUCTION OW The next, or prop. 10, shows that, of two pair of continued ratio? whose terms have equal differences, the difference of the measures of the first two ratios, is to the difference of the measures of the other two, as the squarj? of the common term in the two latter, is to that in the former, nearly. Thus, in the four ratios a a+b a-S-3/> a-\-4h , aa+2ah , ,.„ — .-7> —7-77/:' — TTkJ ~7T7 J ^s the measure of . .. (the difference of the first two, or the quotient of the two fractions) : is to the ^aa-\-Sab-\-i^bb , ,v, . , ,x, measure of T~TTf^ — : I so (a+4o) : is to {a-\-o) , nearly. In prop. 1 1 , the author shows, that similar properties take place among two sets of ratios consisting each of 3 or 4, &c, continued numbers. Prop, 12 shows that, of the powers of numbers in arithmetical progression, the orders of diff'erences which become equal, are the 2d differences in the squares, the 3d differences in the cubes, the 4th differences in the 4th powers, &c. And hence it is shown how to construct all those powers by the continual addition of their differences ; as had been long before more fully explained by Briggs. In the next, or 13th prop, our author explains his compendious method of raising the tables of logarithms, showing how to construct the logarithms by addition only, from the properties contained in the 8th, Qth, and 12th propositions. For this purpose, he makes use of the quantity r — ;? which by division he resolves into this infinite se- . a ac ac^ «c^ o '/../- v t^ . ■, ,^^1 nes -7- + rr + "TT + ~iT ^^ ("* wz/iw.). Putting then a-: 100, the 99'5 arithmetical mean between the terms of the ratio— —-,6 =100000, 100*5 and c successively equal to 0*5, 1*5, 2*5, &c, that so b — c may be re- spectively equal to 99999-5,99998'5,99997*5, &c, the corresponding , , . 99999 99998 99997 „ means between the terms of the ratios ^-^^^, ^^^, ^^^, &c, it is evident thatr — will be the quotient of the 2d term divided by the 1st, in the proportions mentioned in the 8th and 9th propositions; and when all of these quotients are found, it remains then only to multiply them by the constant 3d term 43429, or rather 43429'8, of the proportion, to produce the logarithms of the ratios 99999 99998 9999/ „ .,10000 , , ,. i _Tooooo' 9-9999' 9-999S' ^"' '^^^loooT' ^^^^ "^^^^"^ '^'''^ "^"''' "% nually to 4, the logarithm of 10000, the least number, or subtracting them from 5, the logarithm of the highest term 100000, there will result the logarithms of all the absolute numbers from 10000 to 100000. Now when c=0'5, then 1 43429 2 86858 3 4 5 6 7 130287 173716* 217145 260574 304003 8 9 347432 390861 LOGARITHMS. S5 — ='001,— -000000005,— ='0O00O0OO00O0O25, — r=*0OO00O00000O00O00Oli5, i Lb l^ b* &c. ; therefore -f——-^~{-~ -f ^- &c, is =-001000005000025000125, b—rc b bb ■ b^ G In like manner if c=l-5, then will be=-00100001 5000225003375, b—c and if c=2-5, then -^ will ber:-0O10OOO25000625015625, b—c j8cc<, But Instead of constructing all the values of j— ^ in the usual way of raising the powers, he directs how they may be found by ad- dition only, as in the last proposition. Having thus found all the values of ——, the author then shows, h — c that they may be dra\^^n into the constant logarithm 43429 by addition only, by the help of the annexed table of the first 9 products of it. The author then distinguishes which of the loga- rithms it maybe proper to find in this way, and which from their component parts. Of these, the logarithms of all even numbers need not be thus computed, being composed from the number 2; which cuts off one-half of the numbers; neither are those numbers to be computed which end in 5, because 5 is one of their factors ; these last are ^'^ of the numbers; and the two together f + -j^o make ^ of the whole, and of the other f , the i of them, or -/j of the whole, are composed of 3; and hence |--|--s%, or -J~ of the numbers, are made up of such as are composed of 2, 3, and 5. As to the other numbers, which may be composed of 7, of 11, &c ; he recommends to find their logarithms in the general way, the same as if they were incomposites, as it is not worth while to separate them in so easy a mode of calculation. So that of the QO chiliads of numbers from 10000 to 100000, only 24 chiliads are to be computed. Neither indeed are all of these to be calculated from the foregoing series for , but only a few of them in that way, and the rest by the proportion in the 8th proposition. Ilius, having computed the logarithms of 10003 and 10013, omit- ting 10023, as being divisible by 3, estimate the logarithms of 10033 and lOO'iS, which are the 30th numbers from 10003 and 10013; and again omitting 10053, a multiple of 3, find the logarithms of 10063 and 10073. Then by prop. 8, say. As 10048, the arithmetical mean between 10033 and 10063, to 10018, ^ae arithmetical mean between 10003 and 10033, so 13006, the difference between the logarithms of 10003 and 10033, to 129fi7> the difference between the logarithms of 10033 and 10063. r 10048) r 12967 That is, 1st -- As ^ 10078 V : 10018 :: 13006 : \ &c* (.10108) l CONSTRUCTION OF (10058-) r 12955 Again, As ^ 10088 V : 10028 :: 12992 : ) &c. , 00118) I r r 10068^ r 12940 And 3dly, As ^ 10098 > : 10058 :: 12979 : ) &c. ^ ^^' 3 , I , And with this our author concludes his compendium for constructing the tahles of logarithms. He afterwards shows some applications and relations of the doc- trine of logarithms to geometrical figures: in order to which, in prop. 14, he proves algebraically that, in the right- angled hyperbola, if from the vertex, and from any other point, there be drawn BI, FH perpendicular to the asymptote AH, or parallel to the other asymp- tote ; then will AH : AI ; : BI : FH. And, In prop. 15, if AlmBInl, and HI=a; then will FHz:--— - rzl—a-j-a^— a^ -{-a*— '(2^ &c, ininfini- turn, by a continued algebraic division, the process of which he describes, step by step, as a thing that was new or uncommon. But that method of division had been taught before, by Dr. Wallis, in his Op^^s Arithmeticum,, Prop, 16 is this : Any given number being supposed to be divided into innumerable small equal parts, "it is required to assign the sum of any powers of the continual sums of those innumerable parts. For which purpose he lays down this rule ; if the next higher power oi' the given number, above that power whose sum is sought, be divided by its exponent, the quotient will be the sum of the powers sought. That is, if N be the given number, and a one of its innu- merable equal parts, then will a« + (2fl)" -f- {oo}^ + (4a)« &c. , . .N"" be= : which theorem he demonstrates by a method of induction. And this, it is evident, is the finding the sum of any powers of an infinite number of arith- metical s, of which the greatest term is a given quantitj^, and the least indefinitely small. It is also remarkable, that the abo\4 expression is similar to the rule for finding the fluent to the given fluxion of a power, as afterwards taught by Sir I. Newton. Mercator then applies this rule, in prop. 17> to the quadrature of the hyperbola. Thus, putting Air: 1, conceive the asymptote to be divided from I into innumerable equal parts, namely, lp=:pq=qr =:a; then, by the 14th and l5th, L'fl'^o^t f-'^ Q^'s f^> But the area BIru is = the sum ^-1^3a+ 9a^-27a^ &c) F + qt+''"^ which is = 3— 6fl+14a'^— 36a' .&c, that Is, equal to the number of terms contained in the line Ir, minus the sum of those terras, plus the LOGARITHMS. . 9? sum of the squares of the same, minus tlie sum of their cubes, plus the sum of the 4th powers, &c. Putting now JArrl, as before, and Ip=0-1 the number of terms, to find the area BIps : by prop. IG the sum of the terms will be -~— :r:-005, the sum of their squares =: •000333383, ihe' sum of their cubes '000025, the sum of the 4th powers -000002, the sum of the 5th powers '000000166, the sum of the 6th powers 000000014, &c. Therefore the area BIps is z= •1 - 005 -f- 000333333 — 'OOOO-^o + 000002 — -000000166 -f •000000014 &c ir 100335347 — '005025 l66~-0y53 101 8 1 &c. Again, putting Iq = -21 the number of terms, he finds in like manner the area Blqt =:: -21 — • 02205 + -00308/ — 000186202 + •0000S1682— 00001-1294 + '000002572—000000472 + •000000088 &c =: '213171345 — •022550f)84 n '190620361 &c. He then adds, hence it appears that, as the ratio of Al to Ap, or 1 to I'l, is half or subduplicate of the ratio of AI to Aq, or 1 to 1-21, so the area BIps is here found to be half of the area Blqt. These areas he computes to 44 places of figures, and finds them still in the ratio of 2 to 1 . The foregoing doctrine amounts to this, that if the rectangle BI X Ir, which in this case is expressed by Ir only, be put zr J, AI being = 1 as before; then the area BIru, oijdi^J^ipeEbaUc. logarithm of lj-^j4j or of the ratio of I to 1 + J, will be equal to the infinite series y^ — f.-/^ -f- 1^3 — 1^"^ +|. 45 &c; and which therefore may be considered as Mercator's quadrature of the hyperbola, qr^liis^gene- ral expression of an hyperbolic logarithm in an infinite series^ And this method was further improved by Dr. Wallis in the Philos. Trans, for the year 1668. In ^rop. 18 Mercator compares the hyperbolic areolae with the ra- tiuncidcb of equidifferent numbers, and observes that, the areola BIps is the measure of the ratiuncula of AI to Ap, the areola spqt is the measure of the ratiuncula of Ap to Aq, the areola tqru is the measure of the ratiuncula of Aq to Ar, Sec. Finally, in the 1 9tli prop, he shows how the sums of logarithms may be taken, after the manner of the sums of the areolce. And hence infers as a corollary, how the continual product of any given numbers in arithmetical progression may be obtained ; for the sum of the loga- rithms is the logarithm of the continual product. He then remarks, that from the premises it appears, in what manner Mersennus's pro- blem may be resolved, if not geometrically, at least in figures to any number of places- And thus closes this ingenious tract. In the Philos. Trans, for 1668 are also given some further illustra- tions of this work, by the author himself. And in various places also in a similar manner are logarithms and hyperbolic areas treated of by. Lord Brouncker, Dr. Wallis, Sir I. Ts^ewton, and many other learned persons. Of Gregory's Exerdtaiiones Geometriae. In the same year 1668 came out Mr. James Gregory's Exercitationes Geometries, in which are contained the following pieces ; O 98 ^ CONSTRUCTION OF 1, Appendicula ad veram circuli et hyperbolas quadraturam r <^ 2, N. Mercatoris quadratura hyperbolas geometrice demonstrata : 3, ^nalogia inter lineam meridianavi) planispbeerii nautici et tan* gentes artificiales geometrice demonstrata; sei^ quod secantium natu- ralium additio efficiat tangentes artificiales: — 4, Item, quot tangenti- um naturalium additio elBciat, secantes artificiales : — 5, Quadratura conchoidis: 6, Quadratura cissoidis: & 7> Methodus facilis et accurata componendi secantes et tangentes artificiales. The first of these pieces, or the Appendicula, contains some further extension and illustration of his Fera circuli et hyperbolae quadratura, occasioned by the animadversions made 014 that work by the celebrated mathematician and philosopher Huygens* In the 2d is demonstrated geometrically, the quadrature of the hy- perbola; by which he finds a series similar to Mercator's Ibr thg Joga- rithm, or tiie hyperbolic space beyoiTd tiie""first ordinate j^Bl, fig. pa. 96.) In like manner he finds another series for the space at an equal distance within that ordinate. These two series having all their terms alike, but all the signs of the one plus, and those of the other alter- nately plus and minus, by adding the two together, every other term is cancelled, and the double of the rest denotes the sum of both spaces. Gregory then applies these properties to the logarithms ; the conclu- sion from all which may be thus briefly expressed : since J^lJ^ + iA^-^J^ &c -the log. of i^, and ^ + |^*+|^^ + i^^ &c=:thete. of therefore 2 ^+ f ^^ + f^^ + 1^ ^ &c ~ the log. of ~^^, or of the ratio of 1 — ^ to \-^ J. ¥/hich may be accounted Gre- gory*s method of making logaritlims. The remainder of this little volume is chiefly employed about the nautical meridian, and the logarithmic tangents and secants. It does not appear by whom, nor by what accident, was discovered the analogy between a scale of logarithmic tangents and Wright's pro- traction of the nautical meridian line, which consisted of the sums of the secants. It appears however to have been first published, and introduced into the practice of navigation, by Henry Bond, who mentions this property in an edition of Norwood's Epitome of Navigation, printed about 1645 ; and he again treats of it more fully in an edition of Gunter's works, printed inj 643, where he teaches, from this property, how to resolve all the cases of Mercator's sailing by the logarithmic tangents, independent of the table of meri- dional parts. This analogy had only been found to be nearly true by trials, but not demonstrated to be a mathematical property. Such demonstration seems to have been first discovered by Nicholas Mercator^ who^ desirous of making the most advantage of this LOGARITHMS. 99 kO K \^ X -^^ XT M isr OP A and another concealed invention of liis in navigation, by a paper in the Philos. Trans, for June 4, 1666, invites the public to enter into a wager with him, on his ability to prove the truth or falsehood of the supposed analogy. But this mercenary proposal it seems was not taken up by any one, and Mercator reserved his demonstration. The proposal however excited the attention of mathematicians to the sub- ject itself, and a demonstration was not long wanting. The first was published about two years after by Gregory, in the tract now under con- sideration, and from thence and other similar properties, here demon- strated, he shows, in the last article, how the tables of logarithmic tan- gents and secants may easily be computed, from the natural tangents and secants. The substance of which is as follows : Let A I be the arc of a quadrant h extended in a right line, and let the figure ahi be composed of the natural tangents of, every arcO from the point a, erected perpen- dicular to Ai at their respective points : let ap, po, on, nm, &c, be the very small equal parts into v/hich the quadrant is divided, namely, each ■ioi or t^o <^f a degree : draw pb, oc, ND, ME, &c, perpendicular to ai. Then it is manifest, from what had been demonstrated, that the figures ABP, AGO, &c, are the artificial secants Of the arcs ap, Ao, &c, putting for the artificial radius. It is also manifest, that the rectangles bo, on, dm, &c, will be found from the multiplication of the small part ap of the quadrant by each natural tangent. But, he proceeds, there is a little more difficulty in measuring the figures ABP, Bcx, CDV, &c; for if the first differences of the tangents be equal, ab, bc, cd, &c, will not differ from right lines, and then the figures abp, bcx, cdv, &c, will be right-angled trian- gles, and therefore any one, as hqg, will be rz ^ qh X qg: but if the second differences be equal, the said 6gures will be portions of trilineal quadratrices ; for example hqg wi]l be a portion of a trilineal quadratrix, whose axis is parallel to qh ; and each of the last differ- ences being z, it will be qhg — | qh X qg — ^^ ^ ^ QG : and if the third differences be equal, the said figures will be portions of tri lineal cubices, and then shall qhg be z= i qh X qg — {*/ QHXZXQG^ — ttW z^ X qg""),: wlicu the 4th differences are equal, the said figures are portions of trilineal quadrato-quadratrices, and tlie 4th differences are equal to 24 times the 4th power of qg divided by the cube of the latus rectum; also when the 5th dif- ferences are equal, the said figures are portions of trilineal surso- lids, and the 5th differences are equal to 120 times the sursolid of qg divided by the 4th power of the latus rectum ; and so on hi infinitum. What has been here said of the composition of artificial secants from the natural tangents, it is remarked, may in like manner 02 (tt 100 CONSTRUCTION OF Be understood of tlie composition of artificial tangents, from the natural secants, according to what was before demonstrated. It is also observed that the artificial tangents and secants are com- puted, as above, on the supposition that is the logarithm of 1, and 1000000000000 the radius, and 2302585092994015624017870 the logarithm of 10; but that they may be more easily computed, namely, by addition only, by putting -g'^ of a degree = qg =: ap :r: 1, and the logarithm of 10=791570446*7897819; for by this means Iqhxqg is zz Iqh — QHG_, and IqhXqg — ^z x qg = | qh — ^^z — QHG, also i QH X QG */ {j\ QH X Z X QG* T?TfZ^ X QG*) = fQH — -v/ (y\rQH X z — Tjis^^) = QHG: and finally, by one division only are found the artificial tangents and secants to 1000000000000000, the logarithm of 10, putting still 1 for radius, which are the differences of the artificial tangents and secants, in the table from that artificial radius ; and to make the operations easier in multiplying by the number 79 '57044(5789781 9? or logarithm of 10, a table is, set down of its products by the first 9 figures. But if ap or QG be = -j-i-^ of a degree, the artificial tangents and secants will answer to 13192840779^29703 as the logarithm of 10, the first 9 multiples of which are also placed in the table. But to represent the numbers by tlie artificial radius, rather than by the logarithm of 10, the author directs to add ciphers, &c. — And so much for Gregory's Eooercitationes Geometficce. The same analogy between the logarithmic tangents and the me- ridian line, as also other similar properties, were afterwards more elegantly demonstrated by Dr. Halley in the Philos. Trans, for Feb. 1696', and various methods given for computing the same, by examin- ing the nature of the spirals into which the rhumbs are transformed in the stereographical projection of the sphere on the plane of the equator: the doctrine of which w^as rendered still rhore easy and elegant by the ingenious Mr. Cotes, in his Logometria, first printed in the Philos. Trans, for 17 14, and afterwards in the collection of his works published in 1732 by his cousin Dr. Robert Smith, who suc- ceeded him in the Plumian professorship of philosophy in the Uni- versity of Cambridge. The learned Dr. Isaac Barrow also, in his Lectiones Geomefricce, Led. XL Append, first published in 1672, delivers a similar property, namely, that the sum of all the secants of any arc is analogous to the logarithm of the ratio of r + 6' to r — s, or radius plus sine to radius minus sine ; or, which is the same thing, that the meridional parts answering to any degree of latitude, are as the logarithms of the ratios of the versed sines of the distances from the two poles. Mr. Gregory's method for making logarithms was further exem- plified in numbers, in a small tract on this subject, printed in 1688, by one Euclid Speidell, a simple and illiterate person, and son of John Speidell, before mentioned among the first writers on loga- rithms. \ LOGARITHMS. lOi Gregory also invented many other infinite series, and among them these following, viz. a being an arc, t its tangent, and s the secant, to the radius r ; then is Sf' ' 5r' Ir"" 'dr- 5=rH r^ -A &c. ^ 2;- ' 24r^ ^ 720;-^ 80(J4r^ And if r and c denote the artificial or logarithmic tangent and secant of the same arc a, the Vv'hole quadrant being q, and e=:2a — q; then is r^ r'^ 61r^ 277r9 ^""'^ ~Q?'^'2^ ^01-Jr^ "^7 257 6r^ _ e^ e5 61^7 27 7 e^ ^~^+67'^24;^+5040;^'^T2376r« ^'^• cr= &c. 2r 1 2r^ ^ 4-5r^ ^ 25lOr'' ^ 28350r^ Also if s denote the artificial secant of 45°, and s + I the artificial secant of any arc a, the artificial radius being ; then is r . 4P 7/* . 14/' 452/% The investigation of all which series may be seen at pa. 298 et seq. vol. 1 . Dr. Horsley's learned and elegant commentary on hir 1. New- ton's works, as they were given in the Commerdum Epistoliciim N° XX, without demonstration, and where the number 2 is also want- ing in the denominator of the first term of the series expressing the value of c. ' Such then were the ways in which Mercator and Gregory ap- plied these their very simple series a— Ia'^^ |a^ — |a* &c, and A + |a^+ Ia'^ + Ja* ^q, for the purpose of computing logarithms. But they might, as'^I apprehend, have applied them to this purpose in a shorter and more direct manner, by computing, by their nicans, only a few logarithms of small ratios, in which the terms of the series would have decreased by the powers of 10 or some greater number, the numerators of all the terms being unity, and their denominators the powers of 10 or some greater number, and then employing these few logarithms, so computed, to the finding of the logarithms of other and greater ratios, by the easy operations of mere addition and sub- traction. This might have been done for the logarithms of the ratios of the first ten numbers, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7? ^j 9> 10, and 1 1, to 1, in the following manner, coinmunicated by Mr. Baron Maseres. In the first place, the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 9, or of 1 to ^^y or of 1 to 1 — y^, is equal to the series IX 10 ' 2x 100^3 X 1000~4x 10000^ 5 X 100000 In like manner are easily found the logarithms of the ratios of 102 CONSTRUCTION OF 1 1 to 10 ; and then, by the same series, those of 121 to 120, and of 81 to 80, and of 2401 to 24< »0 ; in all which cases the series would con- verge still faster than in the first two cases. We may then proceed by mere addition and subtraction of logarithms, as follows : 121 _oT ii ST — -i.. 9 , 1 Z I — f 1 ■> I i T ?6 — ^- "5T r ^• FQ '■ -S-o io 9 > L. |=2L. 1, T 80 T81 T8t r 5 _- T 80 81 SO' z 1 L. 4 = L.^^ L. ? = L4 -L.4. L.2401 =L.||§i -fL.2400, L. 7=|L.2401, L. 11=:L.V + L. 9, L. 6=L. 2 4- L. 3. Lot L. L. L. Having thus got the logarithm of the ratio of 2 to 1, or, in common language, the logarithm of 2, the logarithms of all kinds of even numbers may be derived from those of the odd numbers, which are tlieir coefficients, with 2 or its powers. We may then proceed as follows : L. 4= 2L.2, L. 100 = 2L. 10, L.10 = L^^+hA, L. 8 = 3L.2, L. 9 = L.f -i-L.4,'L. 24 =: L.8 -|- L.3, L. 3 =|L. 9,. I L. 2400 = L.lOO + L.24, Thus we have got the logarithms of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. And this is, on the whole, perhaps the best method of computing loga- rithms that can be taken. There have been indeed some methods dis- covered by Dr. Halley, and other mathematicians, for computing the logarithms of the ratios of prime numbers to the next adjacent even numbers, which are still shorter than the application of the foregoing series. But those methods are less simple and easy to understand and apply, than these series ; and the computation of logarithms by these series, when the terms of them decrease by the powers of 10, or of some greater number, is so very short and easy (as we have seen in the foregoing computations of the logarithms of the ratios of 10 to 9? 1 1 to 10, 81 to 80, 121 to 120, &c,) that it is not worth while to seek for any shorter methods of computing them. And this method of computing logarithms is very nearly the same with that of Sir Isaac Newton, in his second letter to Mr. Oldenburg, dated October 16^6, as will be seen in the following article. Of Sir Isaac Newton's -Methods. The excellent Sir I. Newton greatly improved the quadrature of the hyperbolical-asymptotic spaces by infinite series, deriv^ed from th6 general quadrature of curves by his method of fluxions ; or rather indeed he invented that method himself, and the construction of lo- garithms derived from it, in the year 1665 or 1666, before the pub- lication of either Mercator's or Gregory's books, as appears by his letter to Mr. Oldenburg, dated Oct. 24, 1676, printed in pa. 634 ei seq. vol. 3, of Wallis's works, and elsewhere. The quadrature of the hyperbola, thence translated, is to this effect. Let dFD be an hyperbola, whose cen- tre is c, vertex f, and interposed square cafe = 1 . In CA take ab anfl Ab on each side — to or 0-1 : And, erecting the perpendiculars bd, bd; half the sum of the spaces ad and Ad will be X- V C B AB LOGARITHMS. 103 0001 . 000001 . 0-0000001 „ = 01+- ^ + — ^ + — ^— &c. , ., . .r ..«. 0.01+00001 , 0000001 ,000000001 _ and the half diff. = ■ &c. '2 4^6^ 8 Which reduced will stand thus, 1'0000000000000,00050000000000 The sum of these 0" 1053605 156577 is Ad, 3333333333 250000000 and the differ. O 0953101798043 is ad, 20000000 1666666 . In hke manner, putting ab and Ab 142857 12500 each =0 2, there is obtained 1111 100 Ad =0 2231435513142, and 9 1_ AD =0.1823215567939. 0- 10033534773 10.0 005025T67 9267 Having thus the hyperbolic logarithms of the four decimal num- 1*2 1-2 bers 0-8, 0-9, 1-1, and 1*2; and since —— x -— =2, and OS and 0'9 are less than unity; adding their logarithms to double the loga- rithm of 1-2, we have 0-6931471805597, the hyperbolic logarithm' of 2. To the triple of this adding the logarithm of 0*8, because 2x2x2 -— = 10, we have 2-3025850929933, the logarithm of 10. 0*0 Hence by* one addition are found the logarithms of 9 and 1 1 : And thus the logarithms of all these prime numbers, 2, 3, 5, 11, are pre- pared. Moreover, by only depressing the numbers above computed, lower in the decimal places, and adding, are obtained the logarithms of the decimals 0-98, 0-99, 1*01, 1*02 ; as also of these 0-998, 0*999, J -001, 1-002. And hence, by addition and subtraction, will arise the logarithms of the primes 7, 13, ]7j 37? &c. All which logarithms being divided by the above logarithm of 10, give the common loga- rithms to be inserted in the table. And again, a few pages farther on, in the same letter, he resumes the construction of the logarithms, thus : Having found, as above, the hyperbolic logarithms of 10, 0-98, 0-9>), l-Ol, 1-02, which may be effected in an hour or two, dividing the last four logarithms by the logarithm of 1 0, and adding the index 2, we have the tabular loga- rithms of 98, 99, 100, 101, 102. Then by interpolating nine means between each of these, will be obtained the logarithms of all num- bers between 980 and 1020 ; and again interpolating 9 means be- tween e^'ery two numbers from 980 to 1000, the table will be so far constructed. Then from these will be collected the logarithms of all the primes under 100, together with those of their multiples; all which will require only addition and subtraction; for 10,9984x1020 . 10 98 99 _ 1001 102 ^— 9-5i^-=^'2- = '^^¥ = ^'-9=''^7l^ = '^'-6- = '^ 9«^=19;,^ = 233;^ = 29;?^ = 31;?§ = 37;?^ = 41 4x13 '16x27 2x17 32 '27 24 989 „ 987 ^ 9911 ,„ 9971 ,^ 9882 ^, 9849 =43;— ^=47; =53: — =59; =61 : = 67 23 '27 '11X17 '13x13 '2X81 '3x49 ' 994_ 9928 9954 996 9968 9894 14-^^x17^^ '7x1l8~^ '12"^ ^7Xl6""^^'(iXl7'"^^' 104 CONSTRUCTION OF This quadrature of the hyperbola, and Its application to the con- struction of logarithms, are still further explained by our celebrated author in his treatise on Fluxions, published by Colson in 1736", where he gives all the three series for the areas ad, Ad, Bd, in ge- neral terms, the former the same as that published by Mercator, and the latter by Gregory ; and he explains the manner of deriving the latter series from the former, namely by uniting togetlier the two series for the spaces on each side of an ordinate, bounded by other ordinates at equal distances, every 2d term of each series is cancelled, and the result is a series converging much quicker than either of the for- mer. And, in this treatise on fluxions, as well as in the letter before quoted, he recommends this as the most convenient way of raising a canon of logarithms, computing by the series the hyperbolic spaces answering to the prime numbers 2, 3, 5, 7> H? &c, and dividing them by 2'3025850929940457, which is the area corresponding to the number 10, or else multiplying them by its reciprocal 0'4342944819032518, for the common logarithms. "Then the logarithms of all the numbers in the canon which are made by the multiplication of these, are to be found by the addition of their lo- garithms, as Is usual. And the void places are to be Interpolated afterwards by the help of this theorem : Let n be a number to which a logarithm is to be adapted, x the difference between that and the two nearest numbers equally distant on each side, whose logarithms are already found, and let d be half the difference of the logarithms ; then the required logarithm of the numbers will be obtained by add- fi T* /7 T* ing d -\- — 4-T-T-i &c to the logarithm of the less number." This theorem he demonstrates by the hyperbolic areas, and then proceeds dx thus : " The two first terms d + — - of this series I think to be accu- 2n rate enough for the construction of a canon of logarithms, even though they were to be produced to 14 or 15 figures; provided the number whose logarithm is to be found be not less than 1000. And this can give little trouble in the calculation, because x is generally an unit, or the number 2. Yet it is not necessary to interpolate all the places by the help of this rule. For the logarithms of numbers which are produced by the multiplication or division of the number last found, may be obtained by the numbers whose logarithms were had before, by the addition or subtraction of their logarithms. Moreover, by the differences of the logarithms, and by their 2d and 3d differences, if there be occasion, the void places may be more ex- peditiously supplied; the foregoing rule being to be applied only when the continuation of som.e full places is wanted, in order to obtain those differences, ike." So that Sir I. Newton of himself discovered all the series for the above quadrature which were found out, and after- wards pubfished, partly by Mercator and partly by Gregory; and these we may here exhibit in one view all together and that in a general manner fpr any hyperbola, namely putting CA=a, AF LOGARITHMS. 105 =.b, and AB=:Ab = a?: then will bd=: — — -, whence the areas are as below, viz. bx^ . bx^ bx' , bx' , bx^ , bx^ bx^ bx^ and bdzz ; a'\-x Ad Bd 2a 3 a" 4fr ba- 2bx^ . 2bx^ . 2bx'' . 2bx^ „ In the same letter also, above quoted, to Mr. Oldenburg, our il-- lustrious author teaches a method of constructing the trigonometrical canon of sines, by an easier method of multiple angles than that be- fore delivered by Briggs for the same purpose, because that in Sir Isaac's way radius or 1 is the first term, and double the sine or cosine of the first given angle is the 2d term of all the proportions by which the several successive multiple sines or cosines are found. The sub- stance of the method is thus : The best foundation for the construc- tion of the tables of sines, is the continual addition of a given angle to itself or to another given angle. As if the angle a be to be added; A * •* E C G Q IS a L V N Y F inscribe hi, ik, kl, lm, mn, no, op, &c, each equal to the radius ab; and to the opposite sides draw the perpendiculars be, hq, ir, ks, lt, Mv, NX, OY, &c; so shall the angle a be the common difference of the angles hiq, ikh, kli, lmk, &c; their sines hq, ir, ks, &c ; and their cosines iq, kr, ls, &c. Now let any one of them, lmk, be given, then the rest will be thus found : Draw ra and Kb perpendi- cular to sv and mv ; now because of the equiangular triangles abe, TLa, KMb, ALT, AMv, &c, it wiU be, AB : ae : : KT : sa (=r|LV + |Ls) : : LT : Ta (=:fMV + |Ks,) and ab : BE : : lt : La (=:iLs — |lv) : : kt (i=|km) : I Mb (r:|MV— Iks.j Hence are given the sines and cosines Ks, MV, LS, LV. And the method of continuing the progressions is evident. Namely, ^ Jlv : mt + MX : : MX ; NV + ny &c as AB ; ^AE : : | ^^ . ^^ ^ ^^ : : NX : oy -{- mv &c or AB-'^BE-- J^^ '^^^ ^^ ::mx:oy - mv &c ' '^ |mv : mt — MX :: NX : NV— NY &c And on the other hand, ab : 2ae : : ls : kt -}- kr, &c. Therefore put ABrr 1, and make be X LTrrLa, ae x kt z= sa, sa— Laz: LV, 2aE X LV — TM =: MX, &C, The sense of these general theorems is this, that if P be any one JOG CONSTRUCTION OF among a series of angles in arithmetical progression, the angle d being their common difference, then as radius or ■ ^, , C COS. F : COS. P -{- d + cos. P-cZ ^ 1 : - COS. a : : j^.^^^ p . ^j^^ p ^ d -f sin. P^d r, - J f COS, P: sin. P -f <^ — sin. P— d 1 : ^ sm. ct : : j^j^ p . ^^^^ P + d ~ cos. P-d where the 4th terms of these proportions are the sums or differences of the sines or cosines of the two angles next less and greater than any angle P in the series; and therefore subtracting the less extreme from the •urn, or adding it to the difference, the result will be the greater extreme, or the next sine or cosine beyond that of the term P. And in the same manner are all the rest to be found. This method, it is evident, is equally applicable wliether the common difference d, or angle a, be equal to one term of the series or not : when it is one of the terms, then the whole series of sines and cosines becomes thus, viz, as 1 : 2 cos. d : : sin. d : sin. 2d : : sin. 2i : sin. d-|-sin. 3d : : sin. 3d : sin. 2a+siri. 4d : : sin. 4.'3 : sin. 3(Z-|-sin. 5d &c. COS. d : 1-j-cos. 2d : : cos. 2d : cos. d-f-cos. 3d : : cos. 3d : cos. 2d-f-cos. 4d : : cos. 4d : cos. Sd+c^' ^d &c. which is the jvery method contained in the directions given by Abra- ham Sharp, for constructing the canon of sines. Sir I. Newton remarks, that it only remains to find the sine and cosine of a first angle a, by some other method; and for this purpose, he directs us to make use of some of his own infinite series: thus, by them will be found 1*57079 ,&c for the quadrantal arc, the square of which is 2'4694 &c ; divide this square by the square of the number expressing the ratio of 90 degrees to the angle a, calling the quotient z z^ z^ z* z : then 3 or 4 terms of this series 1 — — 4- —- — —-: -f 77777^ &c, 2 24 720 40o20 / will give the cosine of that angle a. Thus we may first find an angle of 5 degrees, and thence the table maybe computed to the series of every 5 degrees, then these intei-polated to degrees or half de- i grees by the same method, and these interpolated again; and so on as 1 far as necessary. But two- thirds of the table being computed in this "* ■ manner, the remaining third will be found by addition or subtraction only, as is well known. Various other improvements in logarithms and trigonometry are ovv'ing to the same excellent personage; such as the series for ex- pressing the relation between circular arcs and their sines, cosines, versed sines, tangents, &c ; namely, the arc being a, the sine s, the versed sine u, cosine c, tangent t, radius 1, then is a = t —4/^4- it s = a — ia^ 4- a = t — \t^ -\' ^t^ ~ ^f + LOGARITHMS. 107 Of Dr. Bailey's Method. Many other improvements in the construction of logarithms are also derived from the same doctrine of fluxions, as we shall show here- after. In tlie mean time proceed we to the ingenious method of the learned Dr. Edmund Halley, Secretary to the Royal Society, and the second Astronomer Royal, having succeeded Mr. Flamsteed in that honourable office in the year 1/19, at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, where he died the 14th of January 1742, in the 86th year of his age. His method was first priiited in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1695, and is entitled " A most compendious and facile method for constmcting the logarithms, exemplified and demonstrated from the nature of numbers, without any regard to the hyperbola, with a speedy method for finding the number from the given logarithm." Instead of the more ordinary definition of logarithms, as numerorum proportionalium ccquidifferentes comites, in this tract our learned author adopts this other, numeri vatlonem expojientes, as being better adapted to the principle on which Logarithms are here constructed, where those quantities are not considered as the logarithms of the numbers, for example, of 2, or of 3, or of 10, but as the logarithms of the ra- tios of 1 to 2, or 1 to .3, or 1 to 10. In this consideration he first pursues the idea of Kepler and Mercator, remarking that any such ratio is proportional to, and is measured by, the number of equal ratiunculse contained in each ; which ratiunculoe are to be understood as in a continued scale of proportionals, infinite in number, between the two terms of the ratio ; which infinite number of mean propor- tionals is to that infinite number of the like and equal ratiunculse be- t, we shall have the logarithm of the ratio of ab to \i^\ and the half of this gives that of »yab to |2, or of the geometrical mean to the arithmetical mean. And conseq lently the logarithm of this ratio will be equal to half the difference of that of the above two 1 X^ T^ X^ OC^ ratios, and will therefore be — into —-: + — — -J- — -g + ttt ^c. The above series are similar to some that were before given by Newton arid Gregory, for the same purpose, deduced from the con- sideration of the hyperbola. But the rule which is properly our au- thor's own is that which follows, and is derived from the series above given for the logarithm of the sum of two ratios. For the ratio of ab to ^z'^ or |a^ + ^ab + ^b^, having the difference of its terms fa^ — iab +/ W or (fb — fa)- or Jj-, which in the case of finding the logarithms of prime numbers is always 1, if we call the sum of the terms iz'^ -\- ab — y\ the logarithm of the ratio of ^ab to |a + |b or Iz will be found to be And these rules our learned author exemplifies by some cases in numbers, to show the easiest mode of application in practice. Again, by means of the same binomial theorem he resolves with equal facility the reverse of the problem, namely, from the logarithm given, to find its number or ratio : For, as the logarithm of the i ratio of 1 to 1 + 9' was proved to be (1 -|- qy<' — 1, and that of the ratio of 1 to 1 — g to be • • • 1 — (1 — q)m • hence, calling the given logarithm L, in the former i case it will be (1 + q)m n 1 -|- l, and in the latter (1 — y)'» = 1 — l ; and therefore and ^ """ , L. >i that is, by the binomial theorem, id 1 -^ =(1 -l)"' 3' ' ^ ' no CONSTRUCTION OF and 1 — cording to the divers magnitudes of the assumed quantity m, which therefore is called the modulus of the system. Now, lilce as the sum of all the ratios aq to ap is equal to the proposed ratio ac to ab, PQ so the sum of all the measures MX — , found by the known methods, AP ^ will be equal to the required measure of the said proposed ratio. The general solution being thus dispatched, from the general ex- pression, Cotes next deduces other forms of the measure, in several corollaries and scholia: as Ist, the terms ap, aq, approach the nearer to equality as the small difference pq is less ; so that either PQ. PQ, M X — or M X — will be the measure of the ratio between aq ap aq and AP, to the modulus m. 2d, That hence the modulus m is to the measure of the ratio between aq and ap, as either ap or aq is to their difference pq. 3d, The ratio between ac and ab being PQ given, the sum of all the — will be given ; and the sum of all the PQ Jvi X — is as M : therefore the measure of any given ratio, is as the modulus of the system from which it is taken. 4th, Therefore, in every system of measures, the modulus will always be equal to the m^sure of a certain determinate and immutable ratio; which there-^ fore he calls the modular ratio. 5th, To illustrate the solution by an example : let z be any determinate and permanent quantity, x a va- riable or indeterminate quantity, and x its fluxion ; then, to find the measure of the ratio between z-\-x and s— x, put this ratio equal to the ratio between y and 1, expounding the number y by ap, its fluxion y by pq, and 1 by ab : then the fluxion of the required measure of the ratio between y and 1 is m x-. Now, for ?/, restore its^ ¥ . val. , and for y the flux, of that value, -i, so shall the flux, of z—x "^ ' {z—xf ■ Zz X S'X^ xV^ the measure become 2 m X , or 2 m into — + —^ + — t-&c, zz—xx Z Z^ Z^ X X^ Sj^ and therefore that measure will be 2m into f- ---,- + — -? &c. z 2%^ 52^ In like manner the measure of the ratio between I -{- u and 1 will be found to be - - - - m into x) ■— ^v^ + Ivi^ — |r* &c. And hence, to find the number from the logarithm given, he reverts the series in this manner: If the last measure be called m, we TYh shall have — or q = u — ft;* + |i;^ — |t;* -f |/?5 ^^^ M therefore q*=z - ?r — v^ +t-^"'^ — J^'^ &e, and Q^=: - - - t^- iv^ + ^v' &c, andQ*n: ----- v*^2v^ &c, and Q^= - - ^ - _ _ _ ^5 §.(,. LOGARITHMS, 11$ then, 1)V aildiDg continually, we sliall have, a + la'^ + W = V - ^^v"" + 4^ v^ &c, a + ia^- + iaM--5^G*+^i^a^=z; &c, that is t? = a -f- ^a^ + ia^ + aV »'^+ t2^ ^^ ^^- -'^'^^ therefore the required ratio of 1 + r to 1, is equal to the ratio of 1 + q + lo^ &c to I. Put now m zi m, or Q =:i 1, and the ahove will be- come the ratio of 1 -i- ,J -f | -{- I + ^L. -f ^-^ 8cc to 1, for the con- stant modular ratio. In like manner, if the ratio between 1 and 1 — V be proposed, the measure of this ratio will come out m into ^ + fi''" + ii"^ + 5i^"^ &c; which being called ?/?, and — =: q, M that ratio will be the ratio of 1 to 1 — q 4" |q^— i'Q^ + ^Vq* &c. And hence, taking w = m, or q — 1, the said modular ratio will also be the ratio of 1 to 1 — 4- + i ^ "^ + -2V — tt5 &c. And the former of those expressions, for the modular ratio, comes out the ratio of 2,7182818128439 ac to 3, and the latter the ratio of 1 to 0,36*7879441171 &c, which num])er is the reciprocal of the former. jn the 2d prop, the learned author gives directions for construct- ing Briggs's canon of logarithms^ namely, fir^t by the general series 2Mint©L-| ^ -f. ___ &c, finding the logarithms of a few such ratios as that of 126 to 125, 225 to 224, 2401 to 2400, 4375 to 4374, &c, from whence the logarithm of 10 will be found to be 2,302585092994 he, when m is, 1 ; but since Briggs's log. of 10 is 1, therefore as 2,302585 &c is to the modulus 1, so is 1 (Briggs's logi of 10) to 0,434294481903 &c, which therefore is the modulus of Briggs's logarithms. Hence he deduces the logarithms of 7? 5, 3, and 2. In like manner are the logarithms of other prime numbers to be found, and from them the logarithms of composite numbers by addition and subtraction only. Cotes then remarks, that the first term of the general series 2 m into " + -^ •\ r &c, will be sufficient for the los^arithms of interme- diate numbers between those in the table, or evei;i, for n ..: rs be- yond the limits of the table. Thus, to find the logarithm ering to an intermediate number^ let a and e be two numbers, the one the given number, and the other the nearest tabular number, a being the greater, and e the less of them ; put % ■=. a -^ e their sunj, x ir a — e their difference, A r: the logarithm of the ratio of a to €>, that is the excess of the logarithm of a above that of e: so shall the said difference of their logarithms be A zr 2 m X - very nearly. z And, if there be required the number answering to any given inter- mediate logarithm, because A is r: 2mx 2mx 2Ma^ ■ ■ Xd xe ~ or , therefore x zz -~ or very nearly. z 2«— Qe-i-x M-f|A M — fA '' ^ Q2 116 CONSTRUCTION OF In the 3d prop, the ingenious author teaches how to convert the canon of logarithms into logarithms of any other system, by means of their moduli. And, in several more propositions, he exemplifies the c^non of logaritlims in the solution of various important problems in geometry and physics ; such as the quadrature of the hyperbola, the description of the logistica, the fequi-angular spiral, the nautical meridian, &c ; the descent of bodies in resisting .mediums, the density of the atmosphere at any altitude, &c, &c. Of Dr. Taylor's Construction of Logarithms, Dr. Brook Taylor (a very learned mathematician, and secretary to the Royal Society, v/ho died at Somerset-house, Nov. 1731) gave the following method of constructing logarithms, in number 352 of the Philosophical Transactions. His method is founded on these three considerations : 1st, that the sum of the logarithms of any two numbers is the logarithm of the product of those numbers; 2d, that the logarithm of 1 is nothing, and consequently that the nearer any number is to 1, the nearer will its logarithm be to ; 3d, that the product of two numbers or factors, of which the one is greater, and the other less than 1 , is nearer to 1 than that factor is which is on the same side of 1 witli itself; so of the two numbers f and f, tlie product ~ is less than 1, but yet nearer to it than f is, which is also less than 1. On these principles he founds the present approxima- tion, which he explains by the following example. To find the relation between the logarithms of 2 and 10 : In order to this, he 1 '^8 8 *^^ 2^ assumes two fractions, as -^^ and — , or-^and— , whose nume- 100 10 10^ 10' rators are powers of 2, and their denominators powers of 10, the one fraction being greater and the other less than unity or 1. Having set these two down, in the form of decimal fractions, below each other, in the first column of the following table, and in the second column A and b for their logarithms, expressing by an equation how 1/280000000000 V ::= . . = • 7^2- 2/10 /2 -7 0,28 0,800000000000 U = . . == 3Z2- no /10,33 1,024000000000 C = A -{- B = 10Z2- 3/10 •70,300 0,99035'2031429 D=: B -j- 9C = 93/2- 28/10 2.0,30107 1,004336277064 E = C -f 2d = 169/2- 59/10 "70,301020 0,998959536107 F = D -f- 2e = 485/2 - 146/10 A 0,3010309 1,000162894165 G = E -j- 4f — 2136/2- 643/10 y 0,30102996 0,999936281874 H =: P 4- 6g r= 13301/2- 4004/10 ^0,301029997 1,000035441215 I = G 4- 2h = 28738/2- 8651/10 ■70,3010299951 0,999971720830 K= H -f- I = 42039/2- 12655/10 210,3010299959 1,000007161046 L = I -f- K = 70777/2- 21306/10 ■7 0,30102999562 0,999993203514 M = K 4- 3l = 254370/2- 76573/10 Z. 0,30102999567 1,000000364511 N = L -j- M = 325147/2- 97879/10 7 0,3010299956635 0,999999764687 = M -j- 18 N =6107016^2- L 838335/10 Z. 0,3010299956640 2.^^53 13 , 0— 3fi451lO' -{-2l3r,313N =230'2r,8582 518712 — 693147400972^1 •7 0,301029995663987 LOGARITHMS. llf 1^\ey are composed of tlie logarithms of 2 and 10, tlie numbers in question, those logarithms being denoted thus, l2 and llO. Then multiplying the two number^ in the first column together, there is produced a third num])er 1,024, against which is written c, for its logarithm, expressing likewise by an equation in what manner c is formed of the foregoing logarithms a and b. And in the same man- ner the calculation is continued throughout; only observing this compendium, that before multiplying the two last numbers already entered in the table, to consider what power of one of them must be used to bring the product the nearest that can be to unity. Now after having continued the table a little way, this is found by only dividing the differences of the numbers from unity one by the other, and taking the nearest quotient for the index of the power sought. Thus the second and third numbers in the table being 0,8 and 1,024, their differences from unity are 0,200 and 0,024; hence 0,200— 0,024 gives 9 for the index; and therefore multiplying the 9th power of 1,024 by 0,8 produces the next number 0,990352031429, whose logarithm is jdzzb + 9c. When the calculation is continued in this manner till the numbers become small enough, or near enough to 1, the last logarithm is supposed equal to nothing, which gives an equation expressing the relation of* the logarithms, and from thence the required logarithm is determined. Thus, supposing gzzO, we have 213672 — 643/10 — 0, and hence, because the logarithm of 10 is 1, 643 we obtain 12= — ;!- = 0,30102996, too small in the last figure only ; which so happens, because the number corresponding to g is greater than 1. And in this manner are all the numbers in the third or last column obtained, which are continual approximations to the logarithm of 2. There Is another expedient, which renders this calculation still shorter, and it is founded on this consideration : that when x is small, (l+a;)'* is nearly =l-{-nx. Hence if l+a? and 1 — 2: be the two last numbers already found in the first column of the table, the product of their powers (1+a?)"* X (l — s)^ will be nearly z=l; and hence the relation of m and n may be thus found, (1 +a7)"*x(l— s)" is nearly =:(1 -\-mx) X (1 —nz) iz: 1 -{-mx-^nz—mnxz ir 1 +??ijr--wx nearly, which being also = 1 nearly, therefore 7n:n:: z :x:: l.{l^z):l.{i-\-x)', whence xl {l'-z) + zl{l + x) = 0. For example, let 1,024 and 0,990352 be the last numbers in the table, their logarithms being c and d: here we have 1,024 = 1+0?, and 0,990352 = 1—2; consequently, .r=0,024, and 2=0,009648, and z . . 201 hence the ratio ~ In small numbers Is . So that, for finding the X 500 ' ^ logarithms proposed, we may take 500 d + 201c = 485 10?2 — 14603/10 us CONSTRUCTION Oh^ =0; which gives Z2=:0,S01030T. And in this manner are found the numbers J^n the last line of the table. Of Mr. Long's' Method, In number 339 of the Philosophical Transactions, are givcH a brief table and method for finding the logarithm to any number, and the number to any logarithm, by Mr. John Long, B.D. Fellow of C. C. C. Oxon. This table and method are similar to those described in chap. 14, of Briggs's Arith. Logar, differing only in this, that in this table, by Mr. Long, the logarithms, in each class, are in arith- metical progression, the common difference being 1 ; but in Briggs's little table, the column of natural numbers has the like common dif- ference. The table consists of eight classes of logarithms, and their corresponding numbers, as follow : Lo. ,9 Nat. Numl). Log. Nat. Numb. Lc)^. Nat. Nuiii'-i. ; Log. Nat. iNu'Vil;. 7,943282347 ,009 1, 02093 l'4B4 ,00009 1,000207254 1,0000009 l,000O0-.>072 ,8 6,309573445 8 1,018591388 8 1,0001-84224 8 1,000001842 ,7 5,011872336 7 1,016248694 7 1,000161194 7 !, 000001611 ,6 3,981071706 6 1,013911386 6 1,000138165 6 i, 000001381 ,5 3,162277660 5 1,011579454 ^5 1,000115136 5 1,000001131 ,4 2,511886432 4 1,009252886 4 1,000092106 4 1,0000009:^1 ,3 1,995262315 3 1,006931669 3 1,000069080 3 1,000000690 ,2 1,584893193 2 1,004615794 2 1,000046053 2 I5OOOOOO46O ,1 1,258925412 1 1,002305238 1 1,000023026 1 1,000000230 ,09 1,230268771 ,0009 1,002074475 ,000009 1,000020724 ,00000009 1,000000207 S 1,202264435 8 1,001843766 8 1,000018421 8 1,000000184 7 1,174897555 7 1,001613109 7 1,000016118 7 1,000000161 6 1,14815362] 6 1,001382506 6 1,000013816 6 1,000000138 5 1,122018454 5 1,001151956 5 1,000011513 5 1,000000115 4 1,096478 196 4 1,000921459 4 1,000009210 4 1,000000092 3 I,07l519b05 3 1,000691015 3 1,000006908 3 1,000000069 •2 1,047128548 2 1,000460623 2 l,OOft0O46O5 2 1,000000046 1 1,023292992 3 1,000230285 1 1,000002302 1 1,000000023 where, because the logarithms in each class are the continual mul- tiples 1, 2, 3, &c. of the lowest, it is evident that the natural num- bers are so many scales of geometrical proportionals, the lowest be- ing the common ratio, or the ascending numbers are the 1, 2, 3, &c, powers of the lowest, as expressed by the figures 1, 2, 3, &c, of their corresponding logarithms. Also the last number in the first, sepond, third, &c, class, is the 10th, 100th, 1000th, &c, root of 10; and any number in any class is the 10th powder of the corresponding number in the next following class. To find the logarithm of any number, as suppose of 2000, by this table, look in the first class for the number next less than the first figure 2, and it is 1,995262315, against which is 3 for the first figure of the logarithm sought. Again, dividing 2, the number LOGARITHMS. Hi proposed, hy 1,995262315, the number found in the table, the quo- tient is 1,002374467; which being looked for in the second class of the table, and finding neither its equal nor a less, is therefore to be taken for the second figure of the logarithm ; and the same quotient 1,002374467 being looked for in the third class, the next less is there found to be 1,002305238, against which is 1 for the third figure of the logarithm; and dividing the quotient 1,002374467 by the said next kss number 1,002305238, the new quotient is 1,000069070; which being sought in the fourth class gives 0, but sought in the fifth class gives 2, which are the fourth and fifth figures of the logarithm sought: again, dividing the last quotient by 1 ,000046053, the next less number in the table, the quotient is 1,000023015, which gives 9 in the 6th class for the 6th figure of the logarithm sought: and again dividing the last quotient by 1,000020724, the next less number, the quotient is 1,000002291? the next less than which, in the 7th class, gives 9 for the 7th figure of the logarithm: and dividing the last quotient by 1,000002072, the quotient is 1,000000219, which gives 9 in the 8th cjass for the 8th figure of the logarithm: and again the last quotient 1,000000219, being di- vided by l,OO00Q02O7, the next less, the quotient 1,000000012 gives 5 in the same 8th class, v/hefi one figure is cut off, for the 9th figure of the logarithm sought. All which figures collected together give 3,301029995 for Briggs's logarithm of 2000, the index 3 being sup- plied ; which logarithm is true in the last figure. To find the number answering to atly given loga- rithm, as suppose to 3,30101300 : omitting the cha- racteristic, against the other figures 3, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 0, as in the first column in the margin, are the several numbers as in the 2d column, found from their re- spective 1st, 2d, 3d, &c classes; the effective num- bers of which multiplied continually together, the last product is 2,000000019966, which, because the characteristic is 3, gn^s 2000,000019966, or 2000 only, for the required number, answering to the given logarithm. Of Mr, Jones's Method In the .61st volume of the Philosophical Transactions, is a small paper on logarithms, which had been drawn up, and left unpublislied by the learned and ingenious William Jones, Esq. The method con- tained in this memoir, depends on an application of the doctrine of fiuxions, to some properties drawn from the nature of the exponents of powers. Here all numbers are considered as some certain powers of a constant determinate root: so, any number x may be considered as the z power of any root r, or that x~r~ is a general expression for all numbers, in terms of the constant root r, and a variable expo- nent z. Now the index z being the logarithm of the number :r, therefore, to find this logarithm, is the same thing, as to find what power of the radical r is equal to the number ,r. 1,995262315 1,002305238 1 ,000069080 120 CONSTRUCTION OF From tliis principle, tlie relation between the fluxions of any number, .r, and its logarithm .^5 is thus determined; Vut rzzi+n; then is j7 = ?• = (1 + n) , and x + x ;= {I + nf = (1 + nf x (1 -f w)^ = ^ X (1 + nf, which by expanding (l-h^if, omitting the n 2d, 3d, &c powers of %, and writing q for — — , becomes w + xzy. iq+lq^^ iq^ + |g* &c ; therefore x^axz, putting a for the series q-\-lq^^ Iq^ &c, oyfx=Xz, putting/=:-. Now when ?- = 1 4 »i = 10, as in the common logarithms of Briggs's form; then «rz9, ^=:,9, and the series q -{- Iq"" -\- \q^ &c, gives a = 2,302585 &c, and therefore its reciprocal /= ,434294 &c. But if ci = 1 zzlJ', the form will be that of Napier's logarithms. r- From the above form xz:=:fx, or ji=:— , are then deduced many X curious and general properties of logarithms, with tlie several series heretofore given by Gregory, Mercator, Wallis, Newton, and Halley. But of all these series, that one which our author selects for constructing the logarithms, is this, putting Nzz-^~, the r-i-p logarithm of — is =z2/x :N+iN^ + }N^ + flV^ &<., in the case in which r—p is r=], and consequently in that case iV=- or J ; which series will then converge very fast. Hence, having given any numbers, p, q, r, &c, and as many ratios tt, b, c, &c, composed of them, the difference between the two terms of each ratio being 1 ; as also t^e logarithms Jl, B, C, &c of those ratios given : to find the logarithms P, Q, R, 8cc of those numbers; supposing fzzl. For instance, if p zz 2, $' == 3, r zz5; 9 3^ 16 2* 25 5^ andazz-r: — , bzz — =:— , czn—zz — -. Now the logarithms y^, 8 2'' 15 3.5' 24 3.2^ ^ ' j&, C, of these ratios a, b, f, being found by the above series, from the nature of powers we have these three equations, A=2QSP ^ which equa- (P = SA + 4B + 2C = log. of 2. £=z4P-^ Q— R V tions re- bezzL. «+ — x : {- — 7 + — ^ &c. m z 3z^ 6z^ Wliich gives this rule in words at length : call z the sum of any number (whose logarithm is sought) and the number next less by unity: divide -8685889638 &c (or 2 ~ 2*3025 &c) by z, and re- serve the quotient : divide the reserved quotient by the square of z, and reserve this quotient : divide this last quotient also by the square of z, and again reserve this quotient: and thus proceed continually, dividing the last quotient by the square oi z, as long as division can be made. Then write these quotients orderly under one another, the first uppermost, and divide them respectively by the uneven num- bers 1, 3, 5, 7? ^} 11} &C3 as long as division can be made: 128 DESCRIPTION AND USE that IS, divide the first reserved quotient by 1, the 2d by 3, the Si bv 5, the 4th by 7, &c. Add all these last quotients together, then the sum will be the logarithm of 6 ~ a; and therefore to this logarithm adding also the logarithm of a the next less number, the sum will be the required logarithm of h the number proposed. Ex, 1 . To find the Leg. of 2. Here the next less number is 1, and 2 -{- = 3 = z, whose square is 9. Then 3)*868588964 9)-289529654 9) 32169962 3574440 397160 44129 4903 545 61 )-289529654(-289529654 3) 32169962( 10723321 5) 3574440( 714888 7) 397160( 56737 9) 441 29( 4903 U) 4903( 446 13) 545( 42 15) 61( 4 Log. I - -301029995 Add L. 1 - -000000000 Logr of 2 •301029995 JEx. 2. To find the Log. of 3 . Here the next less number is 2, and 2 -|- 5 = 5 = z, whose square is 25, to divide by which always multiply by '04. Then )'868588964 25)-1737 17793 25} 6948712 25) 277948 25) 11118 25) 445 18 1)-173717793(-17 3717793 3) 69487 12( 2316237 5) 277948( 7) 11118( 9) 448C 11) 18C 55590 1588 50 ^ 2 L. I - - -176091260 L. 2 add - -301029995 L. 3 - - -477121255 Then because the sum of the logarithms of numbers gives the lo- garithm of their product, and the difference of the logarithms gives the logarithm of the quotient of the numbers, from the above two logarithms, and the logarithm of 10 which is 1, we may raise a great many other logarithms, thus : £r. S. Because 2X2 = 4, therefore toL. 2 - - - -301029995-1 add L. 2 - - -3010299951 Ex. Ex. sum is L. 4 - - •60205999 H 4. Because 2x3 to L. 2 - - - addL. 3 - - = 6, therefore •301029995 •477121255 sum is L. 6 - - 5. Because 2^ L. 2 - - - . mult, by 3 - - •7781511250 = 8, therefore •3010299p5f 3 gires L. 8 - - •903089987 Ex. 6. Be«ause 3* = 9, therefore L. 3 - - - -477121254/^ mult, by 2 - 2 gives L. 9 - '954242509 Ex. 7: Because \^ = 5, therefore from L. 10 - 1-000000000 take L. 2 - - •301029995f leaves L, 5 - •698970004| Ex.S. Because 12 = 3 to L. 3 - - add L. 4 - - gives L. 12 . 1-079181246 X 4, therefore •477121255 -602059991 And thus, computing, by the general rule, the logarithms of the other prime numbers, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19,^3, &c; and then using composition and division, we may easily find as many logarithms as we please, or may speedily examine any logaritlun in the table. 129 * THE DESCRIFllON AND USE OF THE TABLES. XHE following collection consists of various tables, in the following order, viz. I , A large table of logarithms to 7 places of figures ; 2, A, table for finding logarithms and numbers to 20 places ; 3, Logarithms to 20 places, with their 1st, 2d, and 3d differences ; 4, Another table of logarithms to 20 places, with their 1st, 2d, and 3d differences; 5, Logarithms to 6 1 places; 6, Another table of logarithms to 6l places, with their 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th differences; 7? Hyperbolic logarithms; 8, Logistic logarithms; 0, Logarithmic sines and tan- gents to every second of the first 2 degrees ; 10, Natural and logarith- mic sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines, with their differences to every minute of the quadrant. After which follow several smaller tables; as a table of the lengths of circular arcs; a traverse table, or table of difference of latitude and departure, to every degree and quarter point of the compass ; a table for changing the common loga- rithms into hyperbolic logarithms ; and a table of the names and num- ber of degrees &c in every point of the compass; as also lists of errata in various works of this sort. Of each of which in their order. Of the large Table of Logarithms, The first is the large table of logarithms, to all numbers from 1 to 100000; by which may be found the logarithm to any number, and the number to any logarithm, to 7 places of figures. This table con- sists of two parts; the first contain?, in 4 pages, the first 1000 numbers, with their corresponding logarithms in adjacent columns ; the second contains all the 100000 numbers and their logarithms, with the differ- ences and proportional parts, disposed as follows : in the 1st column of each page are the first 4 figures of the numbers, and along the top and bottom of the columns is the 5th figure, in which columns are placed all the logarithms, the first 3 figures of each logarithm being at the beginning of the lines in the first column of logarithms, signed at the top and bottom, and the other 4 figures in the remaining co- lumns. Sometimes the first three figures of the logarithms are found in the line next below the number, viz. when the fourth figures have changed from 9's to O's, in which case, a bar is placed over the first cipher, to catch the eye, thus 0. After the 10 columns of logarithms, stands their column of differences, signed D ; and lastly, after that, the column of proportional parts, signed Pro. Pts. showing what propor- tional part of each difference corresponds to 1,2, 3, &c, the whole difference answering to 10; or showing the t%3 t\> t^^j &c, of the differences. Note, The logarithms in these columns are all supposed to be deci- mals, and their corresponding natural numbers may be either inte- gers or decimals or mixt numbers ; for the same figures, whatever be their denomination, have the same decimal logarithm, and these differ only in the index or characteristic, which is the integer num- S 130 DESCRIFHON AND USE ber to be prefixed to tbe decimal part of the logarithm ; and this is always the number which expresses the distance of the higliest deno- mination, or left-hand figure, of the natural number, from the units place. So that if the natural number consist of only one place of integers, the index of its log. will be 0: if of 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, the index of its logarithm will be respectively 1, 2, 3, 4, &c, being 1 less than the number of integer places : and the same figures made negative will give the index of the logarithm of a decimal, viz. if the natural numl^r be a decimal, and its first significant figure be in the place of primes, 2ds, 3ds, 4ths, &c, the index of its logarithm will be respectively 1, 2, 3, 4, &c, or the figure which expresses the distance of the first place of the natural number from the units place, but with a negative sign, as the number is below the place of units, the sign being written above the index instead of before it, as that part only of the logarithms is to be considered as nega- tive, the decimal part of it being always affirmative. And in the arithmetical operations of addition and subtraction w^ith logarithms, the negative indexes will have the contrary effect to that of the decimal part of the logarithm, viz. when the logarithm is to be added, the figure of the negative index must be subtracted, et vice versa. Hence if 4234097 be the tabular or decimal part of the logarithm belong- ing to the figures 2651, without any re- gard to their particular denominations; then according as they are varied with respect to the number of decimals, as in the 1st annexed column, the index of their logarithm, and the complete loga- rithm, will vary as in the 2d column here annexed. And hence, hke as when the natural number is given, we find the index of its logarithm by counting how far its first figure on the left hand is from the units place ; so when a logarithm is given, the denominations of the figures in its natural number will be found by placing the deci- mal point so, that the number of integer places may be 1 more than that of the index when positive, or by setting the first significant figure in that decimal place, which is expressed by the number of the index when negative. Number Logar. 2651 3-4234097 265-1 2-4234.097 26-51 1-4234097 2-651 0-4234097 •2651 1-4234097 •02651 2-4234097 •002651 3-4234097 Of finding the Logarithm of a given Number, or the Number to tf given Logarithm. 1. Tofifid the Logarithm of a Number consisting of 3 figures. Find the number in the column of numbers in one of the first 4 pages of the table, and immediately on the right of it is its logarithm sought. So the logarithm of 72 is 1-8573325, and the logarithm of S-33 is 0*5224442, when the proper index is supplied. OF THE TABLES. 131 2. To find the Logarithm of a Number consisting of 4 Places. In the first column (signed N) in some one of the pages of the table after the first four, find the given number, then against it in the 2d cohjmn (signed 0) is the logarithm sought. So the logarithm of 2254 is 3 3529539, and tliat of 31'32 is 1- i9582l8. 3. To find the Logarithm of a Number consisting of b Places. Find the first 4 figures of the given number in the first column as before, and the 5th figure at the top or bottom ; then the 7 figures ot the logarithm are found in two columns on the line of the first 4 figures of the given number, viz. the first 3 figures of the logarithm are the first 3 common figures of the 2d column (signed 0), and the last 4 figures are on the same line, but in the column signed with the 5 th figure of the given number. So the logarithm of 23204 is 4;3G55629, and that of 746-40 is 2'8729716, and that of -083178 is 2-92000S5. Note, When the last four figures of the logarithm begin with a cipher, orany figure less than the last four in the 2d column begins with, then the first 3 common figures are those in the next lower line : so in the last example the first 3 common figures arc 920, and not 919. 4. To find the Logarithm of a Number of 6 Places, Find the logarithm of the first 5 figures by the last article, and take the difference between that logarithm and the next following loga- rithm, or (which is the same thing) find the difference nearest oppo- site in the last column but one, signed D; then under that difference in the last column (of proportional parts) and against the 6th figure of the given number, is the part to be added to the logarithm before found for the first 5 figures, the sum being the logarithm sought. So to find the logarithm of 3409*26 : the logarithm of 34092, the first 5 figures, being 5326525, and the common difference 127, under which and against 6 in the last column is J6, which being added to the former logarithm, and the proper index prefixed, we have 3*5326601 for the whole logarithm required. 5. To find the Logarithm of a Number of "J Places. Find the logarithm of the first 5 figures by the Sd article, and of. the sixth figure by the 4th article ; then for the Icgariihra of the 7th figure, divide its proportional part by 10, that is, set it one place farther to the right hand than the last figure of the logaiithm reaches; add all the three together, and their sum will be the logarithm required. 82 1S3 DESCRIPTION AND tlSE Logar. ,5326325 76 - 5A 0-5326606 Thus, to find the logarithm of 3-409264. The several parts being taken out according Nilmb. to the rule, and placed as in the margin, the 34092 - sum gives the whole logarithm sought. 6 Note, In the same way we might take out 4 the proportional part of an 8th figure, divid- 3-409264- ing its tabular part by 100, or setting it two places farther to the right hand than the first logarithm. Or the whole proportional part for any number of figures above five, may be found at once, by multiplying the common tabular difterence of the logarithms, found as before, by all 127 the figures after the 5th, cutting off from the product 64 as many figures as we multiply by, and adding the 508 rest to the logarhhm of the first 5 figures before 762 found. So in the last example above, having found 81,28 the common difference 127, multiplying it by 64 the 5326525 last two figures, cutting off two, add the rest to the 0-5326606 logarithm of the first 5, as in the margin. For another example, suppose we wanted the logarithm of the fol- . lowing 8 figures 34092648. The operation by both methods will be as below. 34092 8 34092648 5326525 76 5,1 1,02 7-5326607 127 64S 1016 508 762 82,296 5326525 7*5326607 the same as the other. 6. To find the Logarithm of a Vulgar Fraction, or of a Mixt Number* Either reduce the vulgar fraction to a decimal, and find its loga- rithm as above. Or else (having reduced the mixt number to an hnproper fraction), subtract the logarithm of the denominator from the logarithm of the numerator, and the remainder will be the loga- rithm of the fraction sought. Ex, 1 , To find the log. of ^^^ or 0*1 875. From log. of 3 - - 0.4771213 Take log. of 16 - - 1'204.1200 Rem. log. of^ or -1875 1-2730013 Ex. 2. To find the log. of 13| or From log. of 55 - - Take log. of 4 Leaves log. of ^^s or 13-75 11383027 1-7403627 0-6020600 7. To find the Natural Number ansicering to any given Logarithrn. Find the first 3 figures, next after the index of the given logarithm, in the second column, signed 0, and the other 4 figures on the same line in one of the nine following columns 5 if the figures of the loga^ OF THE TABLES. 133 rithm be tlius found exactly, then on the same Ihie in the fil'st column are the first four figures of the natural number, and the 5th is at the top or bottom of that column in which the last four figures of the log. were found. So to find the number answering to the logarithm 2'589()108. In pa. 6S I find the first three figures 589, and in co- lumn 6 of the line above are found the other four '0108 (because the first three common figures are supposed to begin at that part of the line above where they are placed) : then on the same line in the co- lumn of numbers stand the first four figures 388*1, and G at the top of the column, making in all 388*16 for the number sought; having placed the decimal point so as to make three integers, being 1 more than £ the index of the given logarithm. But if tl'.e given logarithm be not found exactly in the table, sub- tract the next less tabular logarithm from it, and look for the re- mainder in the proportional parts under the difference between the two tabular logarithms next less and greater than the given loga- rithm, and against it, or the part next less, is a 6th figure to be an- nexed to the five figures before found. And if the remainder be not found exactly in the proportional parts, subtract the next less part from it, and annex a cipher to this 2d remainder, then against the nearest proportional part (either greater or less) is a 7th figure to be annexed to the six before found. And that figure will be the nearest to the truth in that place, either too much or too little. Ex. To find the number answerhig to the logarithm 1*2335678. The next less tab. log. is the log. of 17122 viz. 23355^5 1st rem. 133 The difference is 254 C " ^ for the part 127_ J ^1 4. n i- X • *( 2d rem. 60 and the table of pro.^ . ^ for the part - - 51 So that the number sought is 17'12252, making two integers for the index 1. Or the 6th and 7th figures may be found without the table of pro- portional parts, by dividing the first remainder by the tabular differ- ence, annexing one cipher to the dividend for each figure to be found. So, in the last example, the re- 254)133,00(52 niainder 133, with two ciphers annexed, being di- 127>0 vided by the tabular difference 254, as in the margin, 600~ the quotient gives 52 for the 6th and 7th figures, 5Qg the same as before. In like manner may be found the numbers to the following logarithms. Logar. 1 -234567 8 1 3-7 343003 lT-092 1 406|2-37 20468 14-6 1 23004] 3 -2946809 Numb. 17*10200 |5*423758 |*1236348 |*023j5303J40954*39 |l970-974 ]84 DESCRIPTION AND USE OF LOGARITHMICAL ARITHMETIC. I, Multiplication by Logarithms. Add together the logarithms of all the factors ; then the sum is a logarithm, the natural numher corresponding to which, being found in the table, will be the product required. Observing to add, to the sum of the affirmative indices, what is car- ried from the sum of the decimal parts of the logarithms. And that the difference between the affirmative and negative indices, is to be taken for the index to the logarithm of the product. Ex. 1. To multiply 23- 14 by 5-062. 23-14. its log. is 1-364.3634. 5*062 its log. is 0-7043221 Product 117-1347 - 2-0686855 Ex. 3. To mult. 3-902, and 597-16, and -0314728 all together. 3 902 its log. is 0-5912873 597-16 - 2-7760907 •0314728 - Prod. 73-33533 2-4979353 •8653133 The 2 cancels the 2, and the 1 to carry from the decimals is set down. £i:.2.Tomul. 2-58 1926 by 3 457291. 2-581926 its log. is 0-4119438 3-457291 - - - 0-5387359 Prod. 8-92647 - - 0-9506797 Ex. 4. To mult. 3-586, and 2.1046, and 0-8372, and 0294 all together. 3-586 its log. is 0.5546103 2-1046 - - 03231696 0-8372 ^9228292 0-0294 - - 2-4683473 Prod. -1857618 - 1^2689564 Here the 2 to carry cancels the 2, and there remains the I to set down. II. Division by Logarithms, From the logarithm of the dividend, subtract the logarithm of the divisor; the remainder is a logarithm, whose corresponding number" will be the quotient required. But first observe to change the sign of the index of the logarithm of the divisor, vizi from negative to affirmative, or from affirmative to negative ; then take the sum of the indices if they be of the same kind, or their difference when of different kinds, with the sign of the greater, for the index to the logarithm of the quotient. And when 1 is borrowed in the left-hand place of the decimal part of the logLrithin, add it to the index of the logarithm of the divisor when that index is affirmative, but subtract it when negative ; then let the index thus found be changed, and worked with as before. OF THE TABLES. 1S5 Ex. 1. To divide 24163 by 4567. Divid.24163 its log. 4-3831509 Divis. 4567 - - 3 65P6S1Q Quot. 5-290782 - 0-7233199 Ex, 3. To divide -06314 by -007241. Divid. -063 14 its log. 28003046 Bivis. 007241 Quot. 8-719792 - 38597985 0J)405061 Here 1 carried from the decimals to the 3 makes it become 2, which taken from the other 2, leaves remaining. Ex, 2. To divide 37-149 by 523-76. Divid. 37-149 its log. 1-5699471 Divis. 523-76 - - 2-7191323 Quot. -07092752 - 2-8508148 Ex. 4. To divide -7438 by^ 12-9476. Divid. -7438 its log. 1-8714562 Divis. 12 9476 - - 1-1121893 Quot. -05744694. - 27592669 Here the 1 taken from the 1 makes it become 2 to set down. III. The Rule of Three, or Proportion. Add the logarithms of the 2d and 3d terms together, and from their sum subtract the logarithm of the 1st, by the foregoing rules; the re- mainder will be the logarithm of the 4th term required. Or in any compound proportion whatever, add together the loga- rithms of all the terms that are to be multiplied, and from that sum take the sum of the others ; the remainder will be the logarithm of the term sought. But instead of subtracting any logarithm, we may add its comple- ment, and the result will be the same. By the complement is meant the logarithm of the reciprocal of the given number, or the remain- der by taking the given logarithm from or from 10, changing the radix from to 10 ; the easiest method of doing which, is to begin at the left-hand, and subtract each figure from 9, except the last signifi- cant figure on the right-hand, which must be subtracted from 10. But when the index is negative, add it to 9, and subtract the rest as before. And for every complement that is added, subtract 10 from the last sum of the indices. Ex, 1 . To find a 4th proportional to 72-34, and 2-519, and 357-4862. As 72-34 - comp. log. 8-1406215 To 2-519 - - - - 0-4012282 So 357-4862 - - - 2-55S2592 To 12-44827 - - - 1-0951089 Ex. 3. To find a number in propor- tion to -379145 as -85132 is to •0649. As -0649 - comp. log. 11-1877553 To -85132 - - - - T-9300928 So -379145 - . - - T-5788054 To 4-973401 ... 0-696§535 Ex. 2. To find a 3d proportional to 12-796 and 3-24718. As 12-796 - comp. log. 8-8929258 To 3-24718- - - - 0-5115064 So 3-24718 - - - - 0-5115064 - - 1-9159386 To -8240216 Ex. 4. If the interest of 100/. for a year or 365 days be 4*5/. what will be the interest of 279*25/. for 274 days? . ClOO") , C 8-0000000 ^'[ses] ^«°^P-J«S- 17-4377071 rp C 279-25 - - - 2-4459932 ^274 - - - - 2-4377506 So 4-5 0-6532125 To 9-433296 - - - 09746634 136 DESCRIPTION AND USE IV. Involution, or Raising of Powers. Multiply the logarithm of the number given by the proposed index of the power, and the product will be the logarithm of the power sought. Note, In multiplying a logarithm with a negative index by any affirmative number, the product will be negative. — But what is to be carried from the decimal part of the logarithm will be affirmative. — Therefore the difference will be the iftdex of the product 5 and it is to be accounted of the same kind with the greater. Ex. 1. To find the 2d power of 2-5791. Root 2-5791 its log. 0-4114682 index - - 2 Power 6 65 1756 - 08229364 Ex. 3. To find the 4th power of •09163. Root -09163 its log. 2-9620377 index - - - 4 Power -0000704938 - 5-8481508 Here 4 times the negative index be- ing 8, and 3 to carry, the difference i is the index of the product. Ex, 2. To find the cube of 3-07146. Root 3-07146 its log. 0-4873449 index - .- - 3 Power 28-97575 - 1-4620347 Ex. 4. To find the 365th power of 1.0045. Root 1-0045 its log. 0-0019499 index - - 365 07495 116994 58497 Power 5-148888 - 0-71 17 135 V. Evolution, 01' Extraction of Roots, Divide the logarithm of the power, or given number, by its index, and the quotient will be the logarithm of the root required. ^ JSote, When the index of the logarithm is negative, and the divisor IS not exactly contamed in it without a remainder, increase it by such a number as will make it exactly divisible; and carry the units bor- rowed, as so many tens, to the left-hand place of the decimal part of the logarithm ; then divide the results by the index of the root. OF THE TABLES. 137 Ex. 1. To find the square root of 365. Power 365 - 2 ) 2-5622929 Root 19-10498 - 1-28 11465 Ex. 3. To find the 10th root of 2. Power 2 - - 10 ) 03010300 Root 1-071773 - 0-0301030 Ex, 5 To find the square root of •093. Power -093 - 2 ) 2*9684829 Root -304959 - 7-4842415 Here the divisor 2 is contained ex- actljr once in 2 the negative index, therefore the index of the quotient is 1. Ex. 2- To find the cube root of 12345. Power 12345 - 3)4-0914911 Root 23-1 1162 - 1-3638304 Ex. 4. To find the 365th root of 1-045. Power 1-045 365) 0.0191 163 Root 1-000121 - 00000524 Ex. 6. To find the cube root of -00048. Power -00048 3 ) 4-6812412 Root -07829735 - 2-8937471 Here the divisor 3 not being exactly- contained in 4, augment it by 2, to make it become 6, in which the di- visor is contained just 2 times ; and the 2 borrowed being carried to the other figures 6 &c, makes 2-681241 2, which divided by 3 gives -8937471. OF THE TABLES FOR LOGARITHMS TO TWENTY PLACES. These are tables 2d, 3d, and 4th, beginning at page 187. Of these, table 2 contains all numbers from 1 to 1000, and all uneven numbers from 1000 to 1161 ; with their logarithms to twenty places: table 3 contains all numbers from 101000 to 101139, with their lo- garithms to twenty places, and the 1st, 2d, and 3d differences of those logarithms: and table 4 contains all logarithms regularly from 00001 to 00 131), with their corresponding natural numbers to twenty places, as also the 1st, 2d, and 3d differences of those numbers. And by means of them may be found the logarithm to any other number, and the number to any other logarithm, to twenty places of figures. (1.) To find the Logarithms to given Numbers, Case 1. If the given number h be found in any of these three tables ; then its logarithm b is in the line even with it. Case 2. If h is known to be the product or quotient of numbers found in these tables; then b is the sum or difference of the loga- rithms of those numbers. T 138 DESCRIPTION AND USE Case 3. If t/, the first six significant figures of a given number h\ be found in table 3 ; let a be an integer, a' its logarithm ; ^ the remaining figures of fe' ; x the complement of o to d' or 1 ; d', d", «'', the 1st, 2d, 3d differences of the logarithms in the same line with a' ; /=: j d" X 0? + 1 + d": Then b' the logarithm of the number />' will be d' X ^ + a' - - to 12^ \ X d" + Jd' X ^ + a' - to 17 > places of figures nearly. IX f ^ d' X ^ + a' - - to 203 Ex. 1. Given the number V = 001010,26227,6351, to find b' its lo-^ garithm nearly to twelve places. Here a' = 101026 a' = 00443,31579,747 B f= 0-2276351 <^d' -f- 9785,618- d' = 429881746 b' = 200443,41365,365- Ex. 2. Given V = 01010,26227,63509,620, to find e' its log. nearly to 17 places. Here «' = 101026. ^ = 022763,509626; x = 0-772365; D' = 42988,174579; d" = 425510. Now I X D" 16432,45 d' 42988,17457,86 1 a: n" H- d' 42988,33890,31 I a: d" + d' X ^ 9785,65466,42 a' 0-0443,31579,74695,33 And IxD" -\- d' X ^ + a', or b' 2-00443,41365,40161,75 Ex. 3. Given b' = 0-01010,26227,63509,62573,17345, to find b' its log. nearly to 20 places. a' = 101026. e = 0-22763,50902,573173 ; x = 0-77236,490374; a- + 1 = 1-772365; d' = 42988,1745 7,86301 ; d" = 42550,96343 ; d'" = 84236. Now i d'" X X + 1 49766 D" .' 42550.96343 / 42551,46109 I xf 16432,62757 d' 42988,17457,86301 f xf-\- d' 42988,33890,49058 |x/-|-r>' X ^ 9785,65466,45604 A 0041-3,31579,74695,32791 And B 2,00443,41365,40161,78395 Case 4. If the number b do not come under one of the preceding cases: put a for the first five figures of b ; n for 101, the least, or some one, of the numbers in table 3; then -or - z= a is to be had n a in table 2, with a its logarithm; let b' = - or ba, and a' the a first six significant figures of U (found in table 3) be an integer. OF THE TABLES. 139 and a' its logarithm ; put 5 for the remaining figures of />' ; x the complement of ^to d' ', d', d", d'", the 1st, 2d, 3d, differences of the logarithms in the same line with a'; f z= \ jj"' x x + 1 + d". Then b the logarithm of the number b will be ^—^ X ^ + A' ± A = .' ± AtO 12. ^^^^^^^ ^'^P + ^' X 5 + a' ± A = b' ± A to 1/ > figures nearly. I xf + d' X ^ + a' ± A = b' ± A to 20 ) Ex. Given b = 3-1 4.159,26535,89793,23846,26434, to find b to twenty places. ^ Here ct =: 31415 Let a = - = 311. n Then 6' = — = 001010,15840,95144,02970,57 ; a' = 101015. a ^ = 0-84095,14402,97057; x = 0*15904,85597; a: + 1 = 1-15905; D = 42992, 8557 4,0633 7 ; d" = 42560,23099; d'" = 84263. Now I d"' X X -{- 1 32555 d" 42560,2S099 / V25dO,5565'i- I xf 3384,59761 D' 42992,85574,06337 1 j:/+ d 42992,88958,66098 |j:/+d' X 8 36154,93242,03919 A' 00438,58681,74054,30961 A 49276,03890,26837,50555 And B 0-49714,98726,94133,85435 Or let a= - = 3-216 = 0-536 x 6. a Then b' = ba = 10-10336,19739,44775,0549; a = 101033. J = 0-61973,94477,50549 ; x = 0-38026,055225; x -{- I = 1-38026; D' = 42985,19618,80760; d" = 42545,06747 ; d'" ~ 84219. Now I D"' X X + 1 38748 d" 42545.06 747 / 42545,45495 I xf 8089,17910 D' 42985,19618,80760 ij?/-f d' 42985,27707,98670 ixf+ d' X ^ 26639,67187,88811 A' 00446,32488,03359,61 854 b' 1 -00446,59127,70547,50665 A 0^ 50731 ,60400,7641 3,65230 B =: b'-- A 0^49714,98726,94133,85435 T2 140 DESCRIPTION AND USE (II.) To find the Numbers to given Logarithns, Case J. When the logarithm b is found in any of these three tahles ; then its number b is in the line even with it. Case 2. If the first five figures (omitting tlie index) of a given lo- garithm b', be between 00432 and 00492 : take them as an integer, and put a' and c' for the logarithms, in table 3, next less and greater than b', a' and c' their numbers; let !>'{:=. c' — a') and d" be the 1st and 2d differences in the line with a'; A = u' — a'; d' ^ {c' — a' —) 1 : X == — — ; — ; $ = —, r, ' then V ■=. a! + ^, nearly true to 17 places of figures. Ex. Given the logarithm B' =5,00446,59127,70547,507 to find b' its number. a = 5,00446,32483,03359,61 9 a' = 101033 A = 0-26639,67187,888 8 0'61 973,944776 D' = 0-42985,19618,808 b' = 101033-61973,944776 D' - A = 0-16345,52430,920 X = 0-38026 d" = 0-00000,42545 I X d" = 0-00000,08089,1 d' + I X d" = 0-42985,27707,9 But when any other logarithm b is given, subduct *004321 from the first six figures of b : call the remainder r, and let a be the logarithm in table 2, next less than r, or next greater than the complement of r, and a its number : then b' = b — • a, or b' rr b + a, will be within the limits of table 3, and b' will be found as in the preceding ex- ample; and if b' = b — A, then b zz ab' -, or if b' =: b + a, then a Case 3. If a', the first five figures (omitting the index) of a given logarithm b', be found in table 4 : let a! be its number ; and put a' as an integer, and A the remaining figures of b', and x the complement of A to d'; d', d", d'", the 1st, 2d, 3d diff*erences of the numbers in the same line with a! -, f zr. d" — i #' x x + T: then the number y, whose logarithm is b', will be d' X A + a' - - to 12 rf' - I x/ ct' X A + a - - to 1:^^ d" X A -I- a' - - to 17 > places of figures nearly. f X A + a' - to 20^ Bx. Given the logarithm b' = 0-00006,93311,37711,69929, to find V : Its number to 20 places. Here a' = 00006. A = 0-93311,37711,69929; x =0-06688,622883; x -j- I = 1-066886; rf' = 23029,29742,21293; d" =z 53027,52746 ; d'" =1-22100. OF THE TABLES. 141 Now i d!" X x+ 1 43422 dJ' j:i027,52 746 - / 53027,09324 I x/ 1773,39115 d' 23029,29742, 21293 rf'-fx/ 23029,27968,82178 d'-lKfX A 21488,93801,72000 a' 10001,381 64,64943,57474 And 6' 1 -00015,96535,87452,9474 Case 4. If the logarithm b do not come under one of the pre- ceding cases. Put a for the logarithm in table 2, next less than b, or next greater than the complement of b, and a its number; let b' = B — A, or b' == b + A ; and a', the first five figures of b', may be had in table 4, with a' its number; put a' as an integer, and let A be the remaining figures of b'; x the complement of A to d'; d', d", dJ", the 1st, 2d, 3d difi'erences of the numbers in the same line with a; f— d" -~ j d'" x x + 1 : then the number Z/, whose logarithm is b', will be d' X A + a' X a = aZ/ to 1 1 ^ jun^TTT^^ X a = az/ to i^p^^^rj;;^^ d' — I x/_X A + a' X a = aZ/ to 19) Ex, Given b = 4-46372,61 172,07184,15204, to find b its number. Let A = 1-46239,7 9978,98956,08733. a = 29. B' r= B - A = 5^)0132,81 193,08228,06471. a' = 00132 A = 0-81193,08228,06471 ; x =0-18806,91772; x + 1 = M8807 ; d'= 23096,20835,34589|d"= 53181,59733; (2'" =1-22457. Now|d'"xx4-l 48496 d'' 53181,59733 / 53181,11237 I x/ 5000,86402 d' 23096,20835,34589 d'-^xf 23096,15834 ,48187 d'-lKfxA 18752,48284,85771 a' 10030,44036,01963,96855 1/ 10030,6278 8, 50248,82626 " b = ab' 0-00029,08882,08665,72159,6154 H2 DESCKIPllON AND USE OF THE TABLES. Or given b = 4-46372,61 172,07184,15204, to find b. Let A = 2-5365 5,84425,7 1530,1 1205 . a = 344. b'= B + A = 1-00028,45597,78714,26409. ^a' = 00028. A= 0-45597,78714,26409; x = 0-54102,21286; x^- 1 = 1'54'402; d' = 23040,96629,91 521 ; d " = 53054,39634 ; r^'" =1-22163. how Id'" X X + 1 62874 d" 53054,39634 / 53053,76760 |x/ 14431,21179 d' 23040,96629,01521 d'-jxf 23040,82~1 98,70342 d'-^xf X A 10506,10496,5/)627 a' 10006,44931,70511,67281 b' 10006,55437,81008,22908 b = ~ 0-00029,08832,08665,72159,616 a OF THE TABLES FOR LOGARITHMS TO SIXTY-ONE PLACES. THESE are tables 5 and 6, from page 203 to page 207 ; the former containing the natural numbers in regular order from 1 to 100, and after that all the primes up to 1100, with their corresponding loga- rithms, to sixty-one places of figures; and the latter in page 207 contains all numbers in order from 999980 to 1000020, with their logarithms, to sixty-one places, as also the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th dif- ferences of these logarithms. And the use of these tables, in finding the logarithm to any number, or the number to any logarithm, each to sixty-one places of figures, will be as follo^ys. ^ ♦" (U a O - „ iD^ S c g r=v »^ a>-fcj a>-'- *-> i;^ 'X c ?^ 3 . 2 -n rl^ ^ ® S _ D re .« nj tS !-^ .•^ ;- ":= ^^"^ O -^ o O ^ 0) ^ ±; " C JJ a> bo's 'Z -a C-=2 too P ^ fac •^ o >-, c > Jf^rt S^ s C «-!-.'-' E ?^ Jfl fcD c c '^ .^ i^ "^ >^ « CO s^ o I- o CO fV| ^f^ •- X OJ^ 3 r-l CO ^ " " -c ^^^ CO i s> O ^ r^ ^ ^ ^ _S 00 oc .O D CO *3 c^ C43 »0 00 = y a; io "c^ is ,0 t^ 00 C3 O _o a .ti o ^ 3 ^3-;=:^ *^ 2^ OS(uC° ^ dj -S CO 2 -^ ^ > 52 1^ ^ CO n •- CO O »o Jr ^ S O CN ^ '^ .0 ? :S CO g o °° °- — o _a is c» CO 3 3 — ' —« .^ o ^ CO :5--s o t/i o ^ a a - ^ . « o 3 £3 ^*^ bc^-^ ^ o-r r^-S as 5 bc bC-- S *> ?? S S g C c«' r" O S " ^, ^ ^ 2S-CS 3«t;:-5-M-cc2«-*^ ^^ bo^ xS^&D^bfirto'-'g'S i^ ^ '>Z S 52 o r^ •- c6 ;v V*- => ^ 1± tT ^ o crj^ o;^ "5-^0^ 3 iiO o 2 -^ 00 ^ O a^ CO > '-^ -^ •* : CN <0 CN C3i o^ 05 'o ^ 00 00 C-l CO CO 05 CO '♦' ' c^ -^ '-;, 05 ^ r-T 00 U-T O t^ 00 CO CO ^ CO t- '-' ^ Crj »n CO — ^^ iO 00 00 00 'O ;2 00 00" co" °° 00 — C35 M ^ *^ ■* ^ so O t^ ■^ CO r-;^CO ?2 iO 'O lo 00 CO CO 'Tj' «r ^ '-^ cN =2 ^ t- t- i^ « 00 —, •5 rji C^ S ^ "^ ■^^q;. 00 »;• oTcN 00 lo rJ- i^ oi 00 f,: *> ^ ■* i^ r^ ;5 CO oi 5 CO -^ CO t^ CO '-' O J> to CO (-» CO ^" s 00 r-l CO o> -* o (C CO s° ■* 00 CS o Oi t>. CO crrj - O CO O it CO o -^ o CO O 6i 6 CO 4) O o" ?>;;; ^ I Ss^ci WQJ - '^ ^"'s^-g s 3 r4 <^ _2 hr V <^ 1 ^ oi ;2! •- c^ '* ■ r C ^ CO CO .jC3 eo •— •■ bO O m 15 tfi « — 00 CO CO o; 05 Ci — ' »o ■* 00 '-^ O) r^ O) ^ »}< 00 CN --^ r^ ^ CO l^ 00 CO O 0> ^r CO O CM 00 00 — o"CM oo io "<* Oi 00 CM "* l> oT ^ - vT CO t^ s en c& CO CN ^ OS ^"^ iO C <© MO Oi C«) lO CO o^ CO 00 lO O CN CM iO l> o «0 Co" CN ^ C^ 05 «0 'sf- CO I© CO O c^ CN O lo O CN CO "^ >> o of. CO o> . "* CN CO CO lO lO CO O l> 00 C75 G^CD — < CO iO •■30 CO O CO iO CO 00 CN 00 CO '-' — . CO (N CO — Ol CO 00 CO ^" ^^ CO CO J> CO CO CO «o ^ 00 -- CO 00 CO '-' 5S CO — CO t- rf. CO CN ■* rf CO o . 00 00 05 Oi CO 00 c« d ■* CO Oi 00 05 CO '-* CO CO ^.^. CO CO tJ< CN ,iO O 00 i> CO oT CO ■^ >~ 05 rJ^CO CO '^ CM ■^ l> Vi 00 t^ Oi CO ^ CO Oi CO ^ O 6 '^ CO o — , O CN 03 a CO _•« 00 O CO o *^ s? « 00 CO £: ^ O G CO g- u be o. bb so ^ o T' t>. ""^ CO CN en C>-< <4-. & o o bD bb bb (3 o o aq H-l^-J ■o ii «+, JO O 3 ^ CM o o ^ *^ o CO O O G o II 0*5^ S bb bb bb =3 o o o Si 00 'js CO -tJ oT o § « o •" o gD^ J" S bD 03 J3 * ^ g' fc- (U bb C a aJ 05 c« I. -*J fc- gj C4-, •5 ^ --Q O 0) C X3 «*- -T! bo >- '" CO ~ cxi.^ a c o Jr; c r-^ •— OJ o 2 3.- rt bJD3 M cc =» fi =s G bO -o fe " le-iS CI _, „ S o i> — . ■^ t^ (ji cO^<=^^ c3 oT '-' G lo »— < 4) CO <« '^ C=0 i2 5-1 10 <^ O d^d^ «^ S b o V ^ 6 o -« c^. C3i Oi CO -* CO c:i -^ QO 00 CO tJT |> CO C3i 1> C?i CO '^^ rj< rip CO CO CO CO Oi Oi Oi Crt) r-r CO iO ^ CO CO C'l CN CO J- Cl CO CO © O CO l> CN '-^ 00 c:ri CO CO i> -; dco C3i "«f< CO CO 2^ t-'d" ^ — ( CSJ Oi t-» C3i i> o> ■-T CO iO CN t^ Oi CO Oi o ^ 00 -^ CN — 00 t- iO '-^ 00 ^ tJ< CO CTi Oi CO d ^ s <^ s o 9 6 o 5 11 Oi 3 <5 be „ cG II X '-^ 00 CN 6 o bb + S^ CD Q u^ X II il -Q 1-^^ bi3 CO rt O 3 bb r; -So 11^ nil o «^ — CO CN CO ^"^^ 08 d<^ o 9 §11 CO 4> O s -o O p- 0» o CN o CO C< Ii c3 -" Gns O : 03 H-3 bjo ° 2 Si 3 ^ G 0) e O) .IS JG _C r- CM " Oi t^ CO iTi 00 CO 0© CO Crt Oi CO T^ CO" CO o> tr- 30 i> o> C« M -rTtC CO CM CO ^ CO CO O r-. 00 O CO I> u:> CO CO O «^ t^ CO Ol r^ CO CO I> CO O O CO Oi O •^ -^ r-r CO O cr CO CO O -• CO 00 rr^ O CO CM '—' O cc- i> O O O CO CO c->J CO l-^ '^ '■^ KO CM o CM -« CM O io CO CO CO cc CM tJ* CO iO CO lO CO O O CO iO CM ^ ^^'^^ CO CO ^ O CO C>1 CO C?5 »0 l- Oi t^ CO >- C3i t^ 05 CO '^ Tfl t -T CO 00 CO O c^ 00 ^ ri« ^ Ci CM — — < O-j iC CO CM '^ ^ O rj^ ^ CO C75 ^ 00 o^ C3i ^ CO " 00 ir> -* CO QO r- iTi CO iO Oi 'O CO 00 CO I> i-< CO -^ CM »0 c>^ co^i> -. r^'* 00 CO CO t-. iO ^ CDi CM t^ O^ 30 CM C^" I- iO l> 00 00 ^ CO 00 O a> r^ CO l> 00 CM r-^ "^ '^ ^ 00 O CO -H «^ CM lO ^^ O c3i CO O ^ co^ oo" ^ —I o ,-. CO C3i CO cc CO . . Oi in cyi c in pages 208 211, which contain the series of numbers 1-01, 1*02, 1*03, &c, to 10*00, with their hyperbolic loga- rithms to seven places of figures. They are so called because they square the asymptotic spaces of the right-angled hyperbola ; and they are very useful in finding fluents, and the sums of infinite series. The (table, as well as the following rules, were first given at the end of Simpson's fluxions, but they were rendered much more correct in the \ French edition of Gardiner s tables, printed at Avignon in 1770, being \ very incorrect in the last figure in Simpson's book. But both those books are very erroneous in the example for finding logarithms by the table. 1. WTien the given Number is bettceen 1 ajid 10. From the given number subtract the next less tabular number, di- vide the remainder by the said tabular number Increased by half the remainder ; add the quotient to the logarithm of the said tabular num- ber, and the sum will be the logarithm of the number proposed. Ex, To find the hyperbolic loga- rithm of 3-^678. Here the next less 3'45339) -00678 (-0019633 number is 3*45, and Its logarithm 1-2383742 1*2383742, the remainder or dividend log. 1-24.03375 •00678, its half 339, which joined to the tabular number 3*45, gives the divisor; the quotient '0019633 added to the tabular logarithm 1-2385742, gives 1-2403375 the re^ quired logarithm of 3*45678. 2, When the given Number exceeds 10. Find the logarithm of the number as above, supposing all the figures^ after the first to be decimals, then to that logarithm add 23025851, or 4*605 1 702, or 6-90/7553, &c, according as the given number con- tains 2, or 3, or 4, &c, places of integers. That is, add 2 302585092994 multiplied by the Index of the power of 10, by which the given num- ber was divided to bring it to one integer, or within the limits of the table. ' Ex, To find the hyperbolic logarithm of 345*678. This number divided by 100 or 10% to bring It within 1-2403375 the limits of the table, or removing the decimal point 4-6051702 two places, gives 3*45678, the logarithm of which as 5-8455077 above found Is 1*2403375, to which adding 4-6051702 ^he hyperbolic logarithm of 100, the sum is 5*8455077 the hyperbolic, logarithm required of 345'678. OF THE TABLES. 14? Note, The hyperbolic logarithm of any number may be also found from Briggs's logarithms, viz. multiplying Briggs's logarithm of the same number by the hyperbolic logarithm of 10, viz. Multiplying by - - - - 2-30258,50929,94045,68401,79914, Or dividing by its reciprocal -43429,44819,03251,82765,11289. OF THE LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. These are in table 8, pages 212 216, which contain the lo- gistic logarithm of every second as far as the first 80' or 4800". The logistic logarithm of any number of seconds is the difference between the logarithm of 3600" and the logarithm of that number of seconds. The chief use of the table of logistic logarithms, is for the ready computing a proportional part in minutes and seconds, when two terms of tlie proportion are minutes and seconds, hours and minutes, or other numbers. When two terms of the proportion are common numbers, their com- mon logarithms may be used instead of their logistic logarithms, put- ting the logarithm where its complement should be, and the contrary. 1. To find the Logistic Logarithm of any Number of Minutes and Seconds, loithin tHe Limits of the Table, At the top of the table find the minutes, and in the same column, even with the seconds on the left-hand side, is the logistic logarithm. Note, When hours are made any terms of the proportion, they are to be taken as if they were minutes, and the minutes of an hour as if they were seconds. ^, To find the Logistic Logarithm of any Number not exceeding 4800. In the 2d row, next the top of the table, find the number next less than that given ; then in the same column, even with the difference pn the left-hand side, is found the logistic logarithm. When two given terms of the proportion are common numbers, one or both greater than 4800, take their halves, thirds, &c, instead of them. But when only one of the given terms is a common number, and that greater than 4800, take its half, third, &c, and multiply the 4th term by 2, 3, &c. The logistic logarithms in this table are all affirmative, as well above as below 60'; but the index of those above 60' is — 1 ; below 60' down to 6', the index is 0; and below 6', the indices (being either 1, 2, or 3) are expressed in the table. U2 us DESCRIPTION AND USE EXAMPLES. " As 60' - _ lo. log. As 60' - »» lo. log. As 60' - _ lo. log. To 46' 12" - 0-1135 To 78' 27" _ 1-8836 To 1531 - 0-37 1.1 So 8 7 - 0-8688 0-9823 So 13 53 To 18 9 - 0-6357 So 40' 12" To 1179 .. 0-1135 To 6 15 0-5] 93 0-4848 As 46' 12" CO .T«865 As 78' 27" ' ro .01164 As 40' 12" CO . T-8865 To 60 " 0-0000 To 60 0-0000 To 1179 - 0-4848 So- 6 15 - 0-9823 So 18 9 _ 0-5193 So 60' 0" - 0-0000 To 8 7 CO 0-8688 To 13 53 As 94'^ - CO 0-6357 .1*602 1 To 1531 - As 24*^ - CO 0-3713 As 60' - . o-oooo . T-6021 To 4721 - - 1-8823 To 46' 11" - 0-1137 To 76' 34" _ 1-8941 So 37' 28" - 0-2045 So 8^^ 7' - - 0-8688 So 13*^ 53' - 0-6357 To 2948 - - 0-0868 To 15-37" - 0.5846 To 44' 17" - 0-1319 As 4721 - CO 0'1177 As 46' 11" CO T-8863 As 76' 34'' CO 0-1059 To •-' &c, or nearly a -j- d' — | d". a: ; where a is the next less tabular logarithm, d', d", d'", 8cc, the 1st, 2d, 3d, &c, differences of the tabular logarithms, and x the fractional par^ of the arc over the complete seconds. 150 DESCRIPTION AND USE JSx. To find the log. tangent of 5' 1" 12'" 24''" or 5' 1" jV^ or 5' V 'SOe. Tang. 5'0" - 7-1626964 5 1 - 7-1641417 5 2 - 7-165.5821 5 3 ^ 7-1670178 D' 14453 14404 14357 Here a = 7-1641417; x = ^%%; d'=?14404; d" and the mean 2d diiF. d"= — 48. Hence -49 A - - - 7-1641417 -47 3£d' 2977 a:.— -—D - - - w - 4 Therefore the tangent of y 1" 12'" 24"" - . - . 7-1644398 And on the other hand, when the sine or tangent is given, and falls near the ])eginning of the table, from the same series we may- find X the fractional part of a second. For suppose it be required to find the arc whose tangent is 'Jl6i439S. This falling between the tangents of 5' 1" and 5' 2", take the differences, &c, as above^ and the series gives 7-1644398 = 7-J64M17 + a; d' + x,^-~~-Ji^^; or 2981 =: 14404 x — 24. x' — x, or — 24 »* + 14428 x = 2981 ; which gives x =z '2QG7" nearly =:: 12'" 24"", Therefore the arc required is 5^ 1" 12'" 24"". Or rather the approximate value A-f- f t t, • Q-A 2981 2981 ^^_ D' — Id" . ar = q, gives x zz j. =: = = 'SOG/j, ' ^ D .-. ^^" 14404 + 24 1 44^8 * the same as laeforej, of the large table of natural and logarith-^ mic sines, tangents, secants, and versed sine:s, Table 10, page 248 337, contains all tlie sines, tangents, secants, and versed sines, both natural and logarithmic, to every minute of the quadrant, the degrees at top, and minutes descending down the left-hand side as far as 45°, or the middle of the quadrant, and from thence returning with the degrees at the bottom, and the minutes ascending by the right-hand side to 90", or the other half of the quadrant, in such scrrt, that any arc on the one side is oii| t|ie same line with its complement on the other side; the respective sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents, &c, being on the same line with the minutes, and in the columns signed with their respective names, at top when the degrees are at top, but at the bottom when the degrees are at the bottom. The natural sines, tangents, &c, are placed all together on the left-hand pages, and the logarithmic ones all together, facing them, on the right-hand pages. Also in the naturals there are two columns of the common differences, and in the logarithmic 3 columns of common differences, each column of differences being placed between the two columns of numbers having the same differences; so that these differences serve for both their right-hand and left-hand adjacent columns : also each differential number is set opposite the space between the numbers whose difference it is. The numbers on the same line in those co- lumns having such common differences, are mutually complements , 6^ THE TABLES. 151 ©f eadi other; so that the sum of the decimal figures of any two such numbers, is always 1 integer, with in each place of deci- mals. All this will be evident by inspecting one page of each sort, as well as the method of taking out the sine, &c, to any degrees and complete minutes. It is howevei' to be observed, that in all the log. sines, tangents, &c, and in such of the natural as have any significant figure for their index or characteristic, the indices are expressed in the tablcj and the separating point is placed between the index and the decimal part of the number ; but in several co- lumns of the natural sines, &c, having for their integer or index, both the Index and decimal separating point are omitted ; and where- ever this is the case, it is to be understood that all the figures in such columns are decimals, wanting before them only the separating point and index 0. / The sine, tangent, or secant of any arc, has the same value, or IS expressed by the same number, as the sine, tangent, or secant of the supplement of tliat arc ; for which reason the tables are carried only to a quadrant or QO degrees. 'So that when an arc is greater than ^0^, subtract it from 180^, and take the sine, tang, or secant of the remainder, for that of the arc given. But this property does not take place between the versed sines of arcs and their supplements : and to find the verged sine of an arc greater than 90'', proceed thus : in the natural versed sines, to radius add the natural cosine, the sum will be the natural versed sine ; and in the log. versed sines, add O 30 10300 to twice the log. sine of half the arc, the sum, abating radius 10*0000000, will be the log. versed sine required 1. Given any Arc ; to find its Sine, Cosine, Tangent, §-c. Seek the degrees at the top or bottom, and the minutes respectively on the left or right ; then on the same line with these is the sine, &c, each in its proper column, the title being at the top or bottom, accord- ing as the degrees are. But when the given arc contains any parts of a minute, interme- diate to those found in the table : take the difference between the tabular sines, &c, of the given degrees and minutes, and of the minute next greater; then take the proportional part of that difference for the parts of the minute, and add to it the sine, tangent, secant, and versed sine, or subtmct it from the cosine, cotangent, cosecant, or coversed sine, of the given degrees and minutes ; so shall the sum or remainder be the sine, &c, required. Note, liie proportional part is found thus, as I' is to the given intermediate part of a minute, so is the whole difference to the pro- portional part required; which therefore is found by multiplying the difference by the said intermediate part. Also that intermediate part may be expressed either by a vulgar fraction, or a decimal, or a sexagesimal in seconds, thirds, &c, and the fraction or sexagesimal 152 DESCRIPTION AND USE may be first reduced to a decimal, if it be tbougbt better so to do, by dividing tbe numerator of tbe fraction by the denominator, or by di- viding the sexagesimal by 60. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the natural sine of I'* 48' 28" 12'". In the column of difference between the natural sines of l*" 48' and 1* 49' IS the difference 2907 ; and 28" 12'" being =28-2" = '47'; therefore as 1 : 2907 : : -47 : the pro. part -f 1306 to which add sin- 1^48' 03 1 4 1 68 makes sin. of 1° 48' 28" 12'" 0315474 2. To find the natural tangent of 9' 10" 24'" 3. To find the nat. coversed sine of 4° 6' 5" 40'". I : 2902 (tab. dif.) : :tVV = | __274 y'40"': pro. part -3 4° 6' covers - - 9285026 4° 6' 5" 40'" 9284752 5. To find the log, sec. of 7° 12' 50". l;I60tab.dif.::|'=50": + 133 7° 12' secant - 10-0034381 8^ 5« 10' tan; 3 9 1435084 1432115 r\2' 50" 10-0034514 diff". 2969 I :2969::(10"24"'=)-I7'i: + 515 8« 9' - - 1432115 8° e' 10" 24'" - 1432630 4. To find the logarithmic cosine of 6* 8' 42" l:136(tab.dif.)::'7'=42": -95 6° S' cosine - 9-9975069 6»8'42" - - 9-9974974 6. To find the logarithm cotangent of 39 » 4' 12'' 20'". 1 : 2581 tab. dif. :: -201= 7 .^, 12" 20'": pro. part. ] —^^^ 39° 4' cotan. - 1 0-0905978 39° 4' 1 2'' 20'" - 1 0-0905447 The foregoing method pf finding the proportional part of the tabular difference, to be added or subtracted, by one single propor- tion, is only true when those differences are nearly equal, and may do for all except for the tangents and secants of large arcs neai' the end of the quadrant in the natural sines, &c, and in the log. sines, &c, except the sines and versed sines of small arcs, the tan- gents of both large and small arcs, and the secants of large ares. And when much accuracy is required, these excepted parts may be found by the series used in the last article, viz. q =: a + cT d' -f -r^" + ^ 1 x-S ^ , ^c. or = A -f- d' — |d" . X nearly ; where A is the tabular number for the degrees and minutes, d', d", d"', &c, the 1st, £d, 3d, &c tabular differences, and oc the fractional part over the complete minutes, &c; at least it may be proper to find the tangents and secants of very large arcs from this series ; but as to the log. sines, versed sines, and tangents of small arcs, they may also be found, perhaps easier, from their correspond- ing natural on^es, viz. find the natural sine, versed sine, or tangeni OF THE TABLES. 153 of the given small arc, and then find the log. of such natural number by the I st or large table of logarithms, which will be the log. sine, &c, requiried. And the log. tangent and secant of large arcs will be also found by taking the difference between 20 and their log. cotan- gent and cosine respectively. And lastly, the natural tangents and secants of large arcs may also be found by first finding their lo^. tan- gent and secant, and then finding the corresponding number. EXAMPLES. I. To find the log. sine of 1® 48' 28' 12'". The natural sine, found in Ex. 1. above is <)31.5474; and the log. of this is 8-49896 3e which is the log. sine re(j[uired. 3. To fi!)d the log. tang, of 2° 23' 33" 36"'. 2° 23' its nat. tan. - - 04162J0 1 : 29 1 4 tab. dif. : : •56' = 33" 3 6'": -f- 1632 2» 93> 33" 36'" nat. tan. - 0417842 Its log. 2 23 33 36 log. tang. 8-621012! 5. To find the log. sec. of 88" 1 1' 3 1" 48'". Its complement is - - 1 48 28 12 Its log. sine in Ex. 1 is - - 8-4989636 Which taken from - - - 20-0000000 Leaves lo. sec. 88° 1 1' 31" 48"' ll-50>0364 In the 6th example, the natural secant is found by the differential series to be 31-698339. But by taking the number to the logarithm of it, as found in the 5th example, it is 3 1-698353 ; which seems to be the more accurate, as well as the easier way ; and indeed this method by the series seems to be, in some instances, more trou- blesome, and less accurate, than finding the secant by dividing 1 by the cosine. 2. To find the log. vers, of I' 48' 28" 12'' lo 48' nat. vers. - - - 000493^ 1 : 92 tab. dif. : : -47' = 28" 12'" : ~\- 45 . 1*> 48' 28" 12" nat. vers. - •0004.-^7'/ Its log. 1 48 28 12 log. vers. Q-69f)967t 4. To find the log. tang, of 87° 36' 26" 24'" Its complement is - - - 2 23 33 36 Whose log. tang, in Ex 3 is 8-62 1 01 21 Taken from 20 OOOOOOC Leaves log. tan. 87° 36' 26" 24'" ns789871 6. To find the nat. sec. of 88** 11' 31" 48"i nat. sec. 88° 9' 30-976074 _^:„„ D" 88 10 31-257577 88 11 31-544246 88 12 31-836225 88 13 32-133663 Hence a = 31-544246 ; d' = 291979; D" = 5310; the mean d'" = 146; X = '53' = 31" 43'"; x.-^^^^ = --12455 281503 286669 291979 297438 5166 5310 5459 D"' 144 149 .r-1 X. == -06125. 2 3 Then A - 31 -544241 X d' - 15474! x~ 1 X. d" --66' 2 x— 1 x—2 ^ 31-6983: 154 DESCRIPTION AND USE 2. Given any Sine, Tangent, fifc. to find its Arc, Take the difference between the next less and greater tabular num- bers of the same kind, and the difference between the given number and said next less or next greater tabular number, according as the given number is a sine, tangent, &c, or a cosine, cotangent, &c, noting its degrees and minutes ; then the two differences will be the terms of a vulgar fraction of a minute, to be added to those minutes, to give the arc required. And this vulgar fraction may also, if required, be reduced to a deci- mal by dividing the less or numerator by the denominator, or brought to sexigesimals, by multiplying by 60, &c. Also, where the tabular differences are printed, the subtraction of the less tabular number from the greater is saved. EXAMPLES, 1 . To find the arc to the natural sine •0315474. Ans. 1° 48' 28" 12'" 0315474 Subtr. 1 48' next less 03 1 4 1 08 Tab.diff. 1366 60 2907 ) 81960(28" 5814 ■ 23820 23256 564 60 2907 ) 33840 ( 12'" *2. To find the arc to natural tang. •1432630 Next greater - 1435084 Ans. 8" 9' 10" 24'" 1432630 Next iess,subt. fr. each 14321 15 515 . 60 Tab, difference 2969 ) 30900 ( 10" -,- . 29690 1^210 60 72600 ( 24" 5938 13220 3. To find the arc to logarithm cosine 9-9974974. 6° 8' - 9-9975069 Answer 6* 8' 42" 9-9974974 95 60 Tab. difference 136)5700 544 26© 4. To find the arc to logarithm cot, 10-0905447. 39° 4' - 10.0905978 Ans. 39° 4' 12" 20"' 10-0905447 ~53r Q0_ Tab. difference 2581 ) 31860 ( 12'' 2581 6050 5162 888 60 2581 ) 53280 (20'* 5162 1660 OF THE TABLES. 155 The above method of proportioning by the first difference alone, can only be true when the other differences are nothing, or very small ; but other means must be used when they are large, viz. for the natural tangents and secants of very large arcs; and for the logarithmic sines, and versed sines of small arcs, also the log. secants of large arcs, with the log. tangents and cotangents both of small and large arcs. When the log. sine, versed sine, or tangent of a small arc is given, by means of the table of logarithms find the corresponding natural number, and then the arc answering to it in the table of natural sines, &c. But when the log. tangent or secant of a large arc is proposed, subtract it from 20, the remainder is the log. cotangent or cosine, wliich will be the log. tangent or sine of a small arc which is the complement of that required, which complement will be found as in the last remark, by taking the corresponding natural number, and finding it in the natural tangents or sines ; then subtracting that complemental arc from 90% leaves the required large arc answering to the proposed log. tangent or secant. And when the natural tangent or secant of a large arc is pro- posed, change it into the log. tangent or secant of the same, by taking the log. of the proposed natural number; then proceed with it as above in the last remark. — Or, what relates to the log. sines and tan- gents of small arcs, or cosines and cotangents of large ones, will be best performed by the foregoing table for every second of the first 2 degrees. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the arc to natural tangent 50-0000000. 20O000000 Given 50-0000000 its log. 11-6989700 •02 - - - - 8-3010300 •0197830 nat. tan. of 1° 8' 2170 60_ 2910) 130200 ( 44" 1164 1380 1164 216 60 12960 ( 44W 1164 1320 Hence from - - Take the comp. - Leaves arc required 90» Of 0" d" 1 8 44 44 51 15 16 2. To find the arc to natural secant 31-6983333. 20-0000000 G i ven 3 1 -69 8 1 its log. 11-5010365 •0315474 - - 8-4989635 •0314108 nat. sine of 1° 48' 1366 60 2907 } 81960 ( 28" 5814 23820 23256 5(j4 60 33840" ( 12"' 2907 4770 Hence from - Take the comp. Leaves arc required 00^ 0' 0" 0'/' 1 48 28 12 88 11 31 48 X2 156 TRIGONOMETRICAL RULES. In a right-lined triangle, whose sides are a, b, c, and their opposite angles, a, b, c; ving given any three of these, of which one is a side j to find the rest. t s for the sine, s' the cosine, t the tangent, and t' the cotangent, of an arch or angle, to the radius r ; also l for a logarithm, and i! its arithmetical complement. Then Case 1. When three sides a, b, c, are given. it p = !• A -f- B + c or semiperlmeter. . ^ ,(p — a) X (p — e) len s. f c == Ta/ i 1. A X B ^ , y ,p X (p — c) id s'. I c = r^ i \ ; A X B i, 1 C = 1. (l. P— a -I-;- ^— B -f- l' A -f ^^' b), i.-|c = ^ (l. P -}- L. P— -f -J-l' a -|- l' b). ne, When a = b, then c > . , , _ A^^i c* If the angle c be right, or = 90° j then A , b i. a =.- r; t. o = - r ; B A c = — A, or = — r B, or = -s/a^ -f- B^' s.« s.o If a = B ;' then ") s, | c . a = ^» = 90« - i c, and j ^ = -7- X ^a. I c = -X -— . And s' i c = r^' A. 2 A' C«5e 3. When a side and its opposite angle are among the terms given. Then — = — 7 = — ; from which equa- S.(2 S.O S,C ^ ,« 2. Given two sides a, b, and U>eir """' ""^ '"■■" "'"'"' ""y *"= f"""''- included angle e. . When an angle, as a, is 90°, and a and , „_o , 1 . T A — B c are given, then it s = 90° — I c, and t. ^ = X t. s: , , J ,v ■ en a = s H- <^; and 6 = s - c?. And And l. b = | (l. a -f c 4. l. I^) = V^ I " -|" ^_jj]*\ . . . . '''^ ^ote, When two sides a, b, and an angle • in logarithms, patting l. q = a opposite to one of them, are given ; if a . (a-b). and l. r = l. 2a + l. 2b + be less than b, then b,c, c, hare each two s. 2 c— 20, values; otherwise, only one value, sn L. c =: I L. (q-j-r). TRIGONOMETRICAL RULES. 157 1 a spheric triangle, whose three sides are a, b, c, and their opposite angles, a, h, c; any three of these six terms being given, to find tlie rest. se 1. Given the three sides a, b, c. r\g 2p the perim. or p = I(a-J-b-|-c), s. (p — a) X s. (p — b) S. A X S. B ;. PXS. (P — c) s. f c = r^/- s' I c = r*/- S. AXS. B c=:f (L.S.P — A-}-L . s. P — b-}-l's.a-}-l's. b) = ^ (l. s. p -f- l. s. p — c -4- l' s. a -{- l' s. b). the same for the other angles. Case 2. Given the three angles. 2p z=z a -{- b -{- c. Then s p X s' (/) — c) c = ry' And c = r^/ Then s' M : s' N : : sa : s' c, like or unljke n as c is y or A QO'. Or, s. a X ^. B X s"" I s. ax s. s' {p — a) X s' {p ~ b) s. a X s. b t c =^ (l. s' p -f- L. s'jt> — c -j- l' s. a -f- l' s. 5) r C =:-| (l. s'jD — a-j-L. s'^ — i-|- l' S. «-|-l' S. /;) the same for the other sides. ote, The sign y signifies greater than, Z. less than ; also c/2 the difference. e 3. Given a, b, and included angle c. ind an angle a opposite the side a, let ' c : : t. A : t. M, like or unlike a, as c is ir A. 90° ; also n = b i/2 m : I s. N : s. M : : t. c : t. a, like or unlike c as M is 7 or iil B. let s' |. A -f b : s' |. a CZ2 b : : t' \c : , which is y or /i 90**. as a -j- e is y or L 80°. and s.|. a -j- b : s. a c/} b : : t' f . N, y 90°, then a = m + n ; and h = - N. o'-I rr S'f.AC/2 b. In logarithms, put l. q and L. R =: L. s. A -{- L. s. b + 2 L. s. I c - 20 j then l. s, f c = | l. (q -j- r). Crwe 4. Given rti, h, and included side c^ First, let r : s' c : : t. a : t' m, like or un- like a as c is y or Z. 90° ; also n =i b as A is 7 or Z. \)0° ; and t. a : t. 6 : : s. M. : s. N, 7 or Z. 90° : then c = M ± N, as rt is like or unlike b. 3dly. Let r : s' a : : t. /> : t' m, like or un- like b as A y or il 90°; and s b : s' a : : s. m : s. n, 7" or Z. 90° : then c = w ± n, as a is like or unlike b. But if A be equal to b, or to its supple- ment, or between b and its supplement ; then B is unlike b, and only the less values of N, 71, are possible. / Note, When two sides a, b, and their op- posite angles a, b, are known; the third side c, and its opposite angle c, are readily found thus : s. I a v:! b : s. ^. a -\- b : : t. | a c/} b : t. | c. s. f . A cc B : s. f . A + B : : 1. 1. a oj b :t, ^c. III. In a right-angled spheric trian where h is the hypotenuse, or side oppc the right angle, b, p, the other two sides, b,p, their opposite angles; any two of tl five terms being given, to find the rest; cases, with their solutions, are as in the lowing table. The same table will also serve for quadrantal triangle, or that which has side = 90°, h being the angle opposit that side, b, p, the other two angles, an p, their opposite sides : observing, instea H to take its supplement : or else mutu: changing the terms like and unlike for e other wiiere h is concerned, and its value is taken. Case 1 Given Req^ SOLUTIONS. H b b P p s. H : r : : s.B : s.b, and is like b Of r>' I '. '. J.. '. ~\.r> 7 or Z. 90° as n is like or unlike b » . Jo . 7 . . S .H . S.P \ 2 H b B P P r : s.H : : s.b : s.b, like b I \ s'.H : : Tb : i'p}' "7 ov Z. 90° as h is like or unlike b ' 3 4 b b H P P s.b : r : : S.B : s.h 1 r : t.B : : t'^.b : s.p >, each y or Z. 90°; both values true s'.B : r : : s.b : s.p) b p H b P r : t'.B : : s.p : t'.H, 7 or Z. 90** as b is like or unlike ^ r : s'.B : : s.p : s'.b, like b r : s.b : : t.p : t,p, likep 5 B P H b P r : s'.B : : s'.p : s'.H, Z. or 7 90° as b is like or unlike p r : s.p : : tJ.B : t',h, like b r : s.B : : t.p : t.p, like p 6 P b H B P r : V.b : : V.p : s'.H, 7 orZ. 90° as b is like or unlike p s.p : r : : s'.b : s'.b, like b s.b : r : : s'.p : s'.p, like/) TRIGONOMETRICAL RULES. 159 The following Propositions and Remarks, concerning Spherical Tri- angles, (selected and communicated by the Reverend Nevil Maske- lyne, D. D. Astronomer Royal, f. r. s.) will also render the Calcu- latjon of them perspicuous, and free from Ambiguity. " 1 . A spherical triangle is equi- lateral, isoscelar, or scalene, accord- ing as it has its three angles all equal, or two of them equal, or all three unequal ; and vice versa, 2. The greatest side is always op- posite the greatest angle, and the smallest side opposite the smallest angle. 3. Any two sides taken together, are greater than the third. 4. If the three angles are all acute, or all right, or all obtuse ; the three sides will be, accordingly, all less than 90°, or equal to 90®, or greater than 90°; and vice versa. 5. If from the three an- gles A, Bj c, of a triangle ABC, as poles, there be de- scribed, upon the surface of the sphere, three arches of a great circle de, df, fe, forming by their intersections a new spherical triangle def; each side of the new triangle will be the supplement of the an^le at its pole j and each angle of the same triangle, will b« the sup- plement of the side opposite to it in th« triangle a b c. 6. In any tri- angle A B c, or A 6 c, right an- gled in A, 1st, The angles at the hypotenuse are always of the same kind as their opposite sides; 2dly, The hypotenuse is less or greater than a quadrant according as the sides in- cluding the right angle are of the same or different kinds ; that is to say, according as these same sides are either both acute or both obtuse, or as one is acute and the other ob- tuse. And, vice versa, 1st, The sides including the right angle, are always of the same kind as their op- posite angles: 2dly, The sides in- cluding the right angle will be of the same or different kinds, accord- ing as the hypotenuse is less or more than 90o : but one at least of them will be of 90", if the hypotenuse is so." X60 THE CASES OF PLANE TRIANGLES RESOLVED BY LOGARITHxMS. XN this and the foilowing sojutioas of spherical triangles, it is to be ob- served, that when we say the sine, tangent, &.C, we niean the logarithmic sine, tangent, &c, as found by the table. Prop. I. Having the angles, and one side; to find either of the other sides. Add the logarithm of the given side to the sine of the angle opposite to the side required, and from the sum subtract the sine of the angle opposed to the given side ; the re- mainder will be the logarithm of the side required. Example, in the triangle bod, hav- ing the angle cdb 90°. cbd 51° 5Q', BCD 38° 4' and the side bd 197*3 ; to find the side cd. 2-2951271 log. of 197-3. 9-8961369 sin. of 51- 55' 12-1912640 sum 9-7899^80 sin. of 38-4 2- 40 127 60 log. 251-9278 CD req. Or you may add the complement of the sine of the angle opposed to the given side, to the two other loga- rithms, the sum (abating radius) is the logarithm of the side required ; as shown in art, 3 of Log. Avith. And it is to be observed that the com- plements of the sines in the table are to be found in the columns of the cosecants : for (passing over the first unit) the cosecants of the same arcs are the complements of the same sines. Also the complements of the tangents, are the cotangents. Example. The sine of 38° 4' being 9-7899880, the cosecant of 38° 4' is 10-2I001 20,which (omitting the first unit) is the complement of the said sine. 0-2100120 CO. of sin. 38° 4' 2 2951271 log. -of 197-3 9-8961369 sin. of 51° 56' 2-40 127 60 log. 25 1 -9278, as before. But if one side and the angles, of a right-angled triangle, be known, and 5'ou would have the other side, as in the former example, the operation will be easier thus: Add the tangent of the angle op- posite to the side required, to the logarithm of the giyen side, the sum (abating radius) is the logarithm of the side required. 10-1061459 tan. 5lo56' 2-2951271 log, of 197-3 2-4012760 log.251-9273 as before. Prop. II. Having tivo sides, and an angle opposite to one of them ; to find the other tivo angles, and the third side. Add the sine of the angle giren, to the logarithm of the side adjoining that angle, and from the sum subtract the logarithm of the side opposite to that angle, or add its arithmetical coinp. the remainder or sum will be the sine of the angle opposite to the adjoining side. Example. In the triangle a b c, having the side ac 800, ec 320, and OF RIGHT-LINED TRIANGLES. IGl the angle abc 128° 4'; to find the angles bac, acb, and the side ab. 7-0969100 ar. com. log. 800. 2-5051300 log. of 320. 9-8961369 sin. 128'' 4'. 0-4981969 sin. 18 21 bac. Having bag and abc, the angle acb is their supplement to 180% viz. 33° 35'; and you may find the side AB by the first proposition. Prop. III. H(toing two sides and the angle between them ; to find the other two angles, and the third side. If the angle included be a right angle, add the radius to the logarithm of the less side, and from the sum subtract the logarithm of the greater side, or add its arith. comp. : the re- mainder or sum will be the tangent of the angle opposed to the less side. Example. In the triangle ecd, hav- ing the side be 197-3, and cd 251-9 ; to find the angles bcd, cbd, and the side cb. 7-5987728 ar. com. log. 251-9 1 2-295 1271 rad. -\- log. 197-3 9-8938989 tan. 38° 4' bcd. But if the angle included be ob- lique, add the logarithm of the dif- ference of the given sides to the tan- gent of half the sum of the unknown angles, and from the sum subtract the logarithm of the sum of the given sides, or add its complement ; the remainder or sum will be the tangent of half their difierence. Exa?nple. In the triangle abc, hav- ing the side ab 562, bc 320, and the angle ABC 128° 4'; to find the angles BAC, acb, and the side ac. The sum of the given sides is 882, and the difference 242, the half sum of the unknown angles is 25o 38'. 7-0545314 com. log. 882 2-3838154 log. of 242 9-687.-3402 tang. 25" 53' 9-l258b70 tang. 7 37 Angle acb - 33 35 sum. Angle CAB - 18 21 dif. These 7" 37' being added to 25» 58' the half-sum of the angles un- known, the sum is 33° 35' for the greater angle acb ; and the same 7'^ 37' being subtracted from 25° 58', the remainder is 18° 21' for the lesser angle cab. Lastly, knowing the an- gles, and two sides, the third side may be found by the first proposition. Prop. IV. Having the three sides ; to find any angle. Add the three sides together, and take half the sum, and the differences betwixt the half-sum and each side : then add the complements of the lo- garithms of the half-sum, and of the diftbrence between the half-sum and the side opposite to the angle sought, to the logarithms of the differences of the half-sum, and the other sides, half their sum will be the tangent of half the angle required. Example. In the triangle a e c, having the side ab 562, ac 800, and Bc 320 to find the angle abc AC = 800 ab = 562 BC rz 320 H = 841 - CO. 7-0752040 H-AC=4I CO- 8-3872161 H-AB=279 -2-49560^2 H-BC=521 -2-7168377 |^sum'8¥i'=H sum 20-6248020 sum 1682 Tang, of 64°2'=isum 10-3124310 Whose double 128" 4' is the angle ABC, IG^ THE CASES OF SPHERICAL TRIANGLES RESOLVED BY LOGARITHMS. X HE resolution of spherical tri- angles is to be performed by the table of sines, tangents, and secants ; which we shall show by the 28 pro- positions following; whereof 16 are of right-angled, and 12 are of ob- lique triangles; and first Of right' angled Triangles. Prop. I. Having the legs ; to find the hypotenuse. Add the cosine of one \e.g, to the cosine of the other leg; the sum (a- bating radius) is the cosine of the hy- potenuse required. Example. In the fight-angled tri- angle ABC, having ac 27° 54', and Bc 11" 30'; to find ab the hypote- nuse. 9-9911927 cosin. 11" 30' 9-9403371 cosin. 27 54 9-fJ375298 cosin. 30 ab req. Prop. II. Having the two legs ; to find either of the angles. Add the sine of the leg next the an- gle sought, to the cotangent of the other leg: the sum (abatihgradias)is the cotangent of the angle required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, havingj ac 27° 54', and BC 1 r 30' ; to find the angle bag. 9-670.1 807 sin. next leg 27° 54' 10-6915374 cot. opp, ]eg 1 1 30 i0-3G17l8l cotan. bac 23 30 Prop. III. Having the hypotenuse, and one of the angles ; to find the other angle. Add the cosine of the hypotenuse to the tangent of the angle given ; the sum (abating radius) is the co- tangent^of the angle required. Example. In the rl^ht-angled tri- angle ABC, having the hypotenuse AB 30°, and the angle abc 69" 22'; to find the angle bac 9-9375306 cosin. hyp. ab 30° 00' 10-4241896 tang. AEG - 69 22 10-3617202 cotan. bag - 23 30 Prop. IV. Having the hypotenuse, and one of the angles ; to find the leg next the given angle. Add the tangent of the hypotenuse to the cosine of the angle given; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the hypotenuse AB 30", and the angle abc 69° 22'; to find the leg bc. 9-7614393 tang. hyp. ab 30° 00^ 9-5470188 cosin. ABC - 69 22 9-3084581 tang, bc - - 11 30 Prop. V. Having the hypotenuse, and one of the angles ; to find the leg op" posed to the given angle. Add the sine of the hypotenuse to the sine of the angle given ; the sum (abating radius) is the sine of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the hypotenuse AE 30", and the angle bac 23° 30' ; to find the leg bc. 9-6989700 sin. hyp. ab 30° OO' 9-6006997 sin. bag - 23 30 9-2996097 sin. bc * U ^0 RESOLUTION OF SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 163 Prop. VI. Having; one of the legs and the angk next it ; to find the hypotenuse. Add rhc cotangent of the given leg, to t'^e cosine of the given angle; the sum (abating radius) is the co- tangent of the hypotenuse required. Example. In the right-angled trian- gle ABC, having the leg ac 27"^ 54', and the angle bag 23" 30'; to find the hypotenuse ab. 10-27ftl5d3 cot. AC - 27° 54' 9-9623P77 cos. bag - 23 30 10-2385540 cot. hyp. ab 30 00 Prop Vil. Having one of the legs, and the angle next it ; to find the other leg. Add the sine of the leg given to the tangent of the angle given; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of the leg required. Example^ *In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the leg ac 27° 54', and the angle bag 23° 30'; to find the leg bg. 9-67 01807 sin. ag 27° 54' 9-6383019 tan. bag 23 30 9^3084826 tan. bc 11 30 Prop. VIII. Having one of the legs, and the angle next to it ; to find the other -tingle- Add the cosine of the given leg to the sine of the given angle ; the sum (abating radius) is the cosine of the angle required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the leg bc 11° 30', and the angle abg 69" 22'; to find the angle bag. 9-9911927 cos. bg 11° 30' 9-9712084 sin, abc 69 22 9-9624011 cos. BAG 23 30 Prop. IX. Having one of the legs, and the angle opposed unto it ; to find the hypotenuse. Add the radius to the sine of the given leg, and from the sum subtract the sine of the given angle, or add its cosecant; the remainder or sum is the sine of the hypotenuse required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABG, having the leg bg 1 1° 30', and the angle bag 23° 3(y; to find the hypotenuse ab. 9-2996553 sin. bc 1 1° 30' '* 0-3993003 cos. bag 23 30 9-6989556 sin. ab 30 reqd. Prop. X. Having one of the legs, and the angle opposed unto it ; to find the other leg. Add the tangent of the gi-v^n leg* to the cotangent of the given angle j the sum (abating radius) is the sine of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the leg bc 1 1° 30', and the angle bag 23° 30'; to find the leg AC. 9-3084626 tang, eg 11" 30' 10-3616981 cot. BAG 23 30 9-6701 6(yr s in, a c 27 54 Prop. XI. Having one of the legs, and the angle opposed unto it ; to find the other angle. Add the radius to the cosine of the given angle,and from the sum subtract the cosine of the given leg, or add the secant ; the remainder or sum is the sine of the angle required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the leg bc 1 1° 30', anil the angle bag 23° 30'; to find the angle abg. 9-9623977 cos. bag 23° 30' 0-0088073 sec. bg 11 30 9-97 12050 sin. abg 69 22 Prop. XII. Having on^ of the legs, and the hypotenuse ; to find the angle next the given leg. Add the tangent of the given leg, to the cotangent of the hypotenuse, the sum (abating radius) is the co- sine of the angle required. Y2 164 THE RESOLUTION OF Erample. In the right-nngled tri- angle AHC, having the ieg ac 27" 54', and the hypotenuse ab 30° ; to find the angle bac. 9'723S4S6 tan. ac 27° 54' 10-2.'J8.5606 cot, ab 30 00 9'9t>24042 cosi. bac 23 30 Prop. XIII. Having one of the legs, and the hypotenuse ; to find the angle opposed to the given leg. Add the radius to the sine of the given leg, and from the sum subtract the sine of the hypotenuse, or add its cosecant ; the remainder or sum will be the sine of the angle required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the W^ bc 1 1'^ 30', and the hypotenuse ab 30" j to find the angle bac. 9-2996553 sin. leg bc 11° 30' 0-3010300 cosec. hyp. ab 30 00 9-6000853 sine of bag 23 30 Prop. XIV. Having one of the legs, and the hi/potenuse; to find the other leg. Add the radius to the cosine o.f the hypotenuse, and from the sum sub- tract the cosine of the given leg, or add its secant ; the remainder or sum is the cosine of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the leg bc 1 1° 30', and the hypotenuse ab 30°; to find the leg AC 9-9-375306 cosin. ab 30° 00' 0-0088073 sec, bc 11 30 9-9463379 cosin. ac 27 54 Prop. XV. Having the angles ; to find the hypotenuse. Add the cotangent of one oblique angle to the cotangent of the other oblique angle ; the sum (abating ra- dius) is the cosine of the hypotenuse required. Exa?nple. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the angle bac 23° 30', and the angle abc 69° 22'; to find the hypotenuse ab. 0-3616981 cot. bac 23° 30' 9-5758104 cot. abc 69 22 9-9375085 cos, hyp. ab 30 00 Prop. XVI. Having the angles ; to find either of the legs. Add the radius to the cosine of ei- ther oblique angle, and from the sum subtract the sine of the other oblique angle, or add its cosecant; the re- mainder or sum will be the cosine of the leg opposite to the angle whose cosine was taken. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, havjng the angle bag 23° 30', and the angle abc 69^22'; to find the leg bc. 9-9623977 cosin. bac 23^ 30' 0-0287916 cosec. ABC 69 22 9-9911893 cosin. bc 11 30 Of Oblique Triangles. Z.— V S P Prop, XVII. Having the three sides, to find any of the angles. Add the three sides together, and take half the sum ; also the difierence between the half-sum and the side op- posite to the angle sought. Then add the cosecants, or the complements of the sines, of the other sides, to the sines of the half-sum and of the said difference ; half the sum of these four logarithms is the cosine of half the angle required. Example. In the triangle szp, hav- ing the side zs 40°, PS 70°, and pz 38^ 30'; to find the angle zps. SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. IGo PS = TO'* 0' PZ = 38 30 zs = 40 Sum ua SO ^ sum 71. \0 zs = 40 Diff: 34 15 cosec. 0-0270142 cosec. 0-2058505 sin. 1 sum 9-98:-i3805 sin. clif. 97503579 2 ) cos. 1 5° 47' lQ-9fi660.'n 9-9833015 zps 31 34 required. Prop. XV 111. Having the three angles ; to find any of the sides. Let the angles be changed into sides, taking the supplement of one of them; then the operation will be the same as in the former proposition. Prop. XIX. Having two angles, and a side opposed to one of them ; to find the side opposed to the other angle. Add the sine of the side given to the sine of the angle opposite to the side required, and from the sum sub- tract the sine of the angle opposite to the side'given, or add its cosecant ; the remainder or sum will be the sine of the side required. Example. In the triangle szp, hav- ing the angle szp 130° 3' 12", spz 31« 34' 20", and the side zs 40° j to find the side ps. 9-8080675 9-883829^ 850 0-2808858 1 165 SI sm. szp cos. SPZ 9-9729842 sin. PS reqd. 70 . , See pa. 171 following. Prop. XX. Having tioo angles, and a side opposed to one of them ; to find the side between the angles given. Let a perpendicular fall from the angle unknown, on its opposite side: then add the cosine of the given angle next the given side, to the tangent of the given side ; the sum (abating ra- dius) is the tangent of the first arc, comprehended between the given angle next the given side, and the segment of the side where the per- pendicular falls. And the second arc, comprehended between the same segment and the other angle, is to be found thus; add the sine of the arc found, to the tangent of the given angle next the given side, and from the sum sub- tract the tangent of the other angle given, or add its cotangent; the re- mainder or sum will be the sine of the second arc. The sum or difference ©f these two arcs will be the side required. Example, In the triangle szp, having the angle zps 31° 34' 26", zsp 30° 28' 12", and the side PZ 38* 30' ; to find the side sp. 9-93037817 _^ C31° 35' ." 440 j "^^-^^^ 1 . -34 9-9006052 tan. pz 38 30 9-8310273 tan. pr 1st arc 34 7 30 sm. PR tan. ZPS cot. ZSP {" { 34 7 34 30 29 30 26 -48 52 30 7 30 9-7488698 932 9-7884529 1227 0-2301404 2313 9-7679103 sin. sr 2d arc 35 add PR 1st arc 34 sum is sp 70 See page 171 following. But when the perpendicular falls out of the triangle, the difference of the two arcs will be the side required. Prop. XXI. Having two angles, and a side opposite to one of them ; to find the third angle. Let a perpendicular fall from the angle unknown, on its opposite side : then add the cosine of the given side to the tangent of the adjacent angle ; the sum (abating radius) is the co- tangent of the first angle to be found, comprehended by the given side and the perpendicular. And the second angle,comprehend- ed by the perpendicular and the side unknown,is to be found thus : add the sine of the angle found, to the cosine of the given angle opposite to the- IGG THE RESOLUTION OF given side, and from the sum subtract the cosine of the other angle given, or add its secant ; the remainder or sum will be the sine of the second angle. The sum or difference of these two angles will be the angle required. Example. In the triangle szp, having the angle zps 31° 34' 26", zsp 30° 28' 12", and the side pz 38° 30'; to find the angle szp. 9-893544.4. cosin. Pz 38" 30' O" y'7884529 7 , C31 34 • 1227 1 ^^"g-^^^ i • • 26 9-682] 200 cot. 1st A pzr 64 18 50 9-9547619 507 9-9353948 594 0-0695443 336 • 64 II cos. zsp 30 29 {" 50 48 9-9598447 sin. 2d A szr 65 44 then add 1st /. pzr 64 18 the sum is szp Tso 3~l 26 21 50 Seepage 171 following. But when the perpendicular falls out of the triangle, the difference of the two angles will be the angle re- quired. Prop. XXII. Having two sides, and the angle between them; to find either of the other angles. Let a perpendicular fall from the unknown angle, which is not required, on its opposite side : then add the co- sine of the given angle to the tangent of the given side opposite to the angle required ; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of the first arc, com- prehended between the given angle and the segment of the given side where the perpendicular falls. And the second arc is the difference of that side and the first arc, being comprehended between the same segment and the angle required. Now add the sine of the first arc^ to the tangent of the given angle, and from the sum subtract the sine of the second arc, or add its cosecant ; the remainder or sum will be the tangent of the angle required. i^xample. In the triangle szp, having the side pz 38° 30', ps 70% and the angle zps 31° 34' 26"; to find the angle zsp. 9-9303781 1.„ ^ C3P34' ." ^^^Icosm.zPsj . . 26 9-g006062 tang, pz 38 30 O 9 83 1027 3 tan. PR, 1st arc 3 4 7 30 taken from ps 70 leaves sr, 2d arc 35 52 30 9-7488698 7 . 932 5 ''"•''^ 9-7884529 7 , 1227 5 ^^"S- ^^^ 0-23200117 V35 8 )117 ^3 3 9-7696270 tan. zps req. 30 See page ^171 following. To find both the unknown angles. Add together the cosecant, or the complement of the sine, of half the sum of the given sides, the sine of half their difference, and the cotan- gent of half the angle given; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of half the difference of the angles required. Add also together the secant, or the complement of the cosine, of half the sum of the given sides, the cosine of half their difference, and the co- tangent of half the angle given ; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of half the sum of the angles required. Then add the half-difference of the angles required, to their h-alf-sum, and you will have the greater angle; and subtract the half-diff&rence from the half-sum, and you will have the lesser angle required, the same as in the former operation. SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 1G7 PS = PZ = 70* 0' 38 30 Sum DiflT. 108 30 31 30 1 Sum i Diff. 54 15 15 45 Z. ZPS f Z. ZPS = 3134 26" = 15 47 13 Cosec. I sum 0-0906719 Sin. I diff. 9-43367 46 Cot. ^ ZPS 10-5486352 T.49''47'30" 10-0729817 Half sum of angles required is . Half the difference is ... The greater angle szp is . . The lesser angle zsp is, as before Sec. I sum 0*2334015 Cosin. I diff. 9-Q833805 Cot. f ZPS 10-'>486 52 T.80°15'42" ' 10-7654 72 80° 15 42" 49 47 30 130 M 12 r^o 28 12 Prop. XXIII. Having (wo sides, and the angle between them ; to find the third side. Let a perpendicular fall from ei- ther of the angles unknown, on its opposite side: then add the cosine of the given angle, to the tangent of the side from whose end the perpen- dicular is let fall ; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of the first arc, comprehended between the given angle and the segment of the side where the perpendicular falls. And the second arc is the differ- ence of that side and the first arc, being comprehended between the same segment and the end of the side required. Now add the cosine of the second arc, to the cosine of the side from whose end the perpendicular falls, and from the sum subtract tiie cosine of the first arc found, or add its se- cant ; the remainder or sum will be the cosine of the side required. Example. In the triangle szp, hav- ing the side pz 38° 30', ps 70", and the angle zps 31° 34' 26"; to find the side zs. 9-93037817 ■ • 931° ^^^|cosm.zPs| 9-9006052 tang, pz . 38 9- 8:^027 3 tan.PR,lstarc34 taken from ps 70 leaves su, 2d arc ^5 9^908598^1 '. C35 5^ 457} ^^^^"-^^ i . ... 9*8935444 cosin. pz 38 00820236) _ „„ (34 4^1 ^^"- ^M . , 1-8842553 cosin. zs req. 40 Seepage 171 following. 35' ." .-34 30 7 30 52 30 30 7 30 30 Prop. XXIV. Having two sides, and the angle opposite to one of thtm ; to find the angle opposed to the other side^ Add the sine of the angle given, to the sine of the side opposite to the angle required, and from the sum subtract the sine of the side opposite to the angle given, or add its cose- cant ; the remainder or sum will .be the sine of the angle required. Example. In the triangle szp, hav- ing the side ps 70°, zs 40*^, and the angle szp 130° 3' 12"; to find the angle zps. 9-8838294 7 • i"49° 56' ." g3QJsm.sup.szP I ^ 9-8080675 sin. zs 40 0270142 cosec. ps .70 9-7189961 sin. zps req. 31 34 48 26 iSee page 171 following. Prop. XXV. Having two sides, and the angle opposite to one of them ; to find the third side. Let a perpendicular fall from the angle between the sides given, on its opposite side : then add the cosine of the angle given, to the tangent of the given side next that angle ; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of the first arc, comprehended between the given angle and the segment of the side where the perpendicular falls. Now the 2d arc, comprehended be- tween the same segment, and the tnd of the side required, is to be found thus : add the cosine of the first arc, to the cosine of the given side oppo- side to the angle giv«n, and Irom the 168 THE RESOLUTION OF - / sum subtract the cosine of the other given side, or add its secant ; the re- mainder or sum will be the cosine of the second arc- The sura or difference of these two arcs will be the side required. Exatfiple. Ttl the triangle szp, having the side pz 'iS" 30', sz 40°, and the angle spz 31° 34' 26"; to find the side ps. 9-9303781 I f 3r 35' ." 44o| ^^'•^"" i . .-34 -9006032 tan. pz 58 30 9-8310273 tang.PR lstarc34 30 9-9178908 7 428 j ^^""* ^^ 9-8842540 cosin. sz . 01064556 C34 -30 40 38 30 9-9086432cosin.SR2darc35 52 30 add PR, 1st arc 34 7 30 sec. Pz gives PS req. ^0 See page 171 following. But when the perpendicular falls out of the triangle, the difference of the two arcs will be the side required. Prop. XXVI. Having tivo sides, and the angle opposed to one of them; to find the angle between them. Let a perpendicular fall from the angle between the sides given, on its opposite side : then add the cosine of the given side next the given angle, to the tangent of that angle; the sum (abating radius) is the cotangent of the first angle to be found, compre- hended by the given side next tiic an- gle given, and by the perpendicular. Now the second angle, compre- hended by the perpendicular and the other given side, is to be found thus : add the cosine of the first angle found, to the tangent of the given side next the angle given, and from the sum subtract the tangent of the other given side, or add its cotan- gent ; the remainder or sum will be ihe cosine of the second angle to be iound. The sum or the difference of the first and second angles, wiil be the •angle required. Exuiuple. In the triangle szp, having the side Pz 38° 30', sz 40<», and the angle spz 3r 34' 26"; to find the angle szp. 9-8935444 cosin. pz 38° 30' o" 9-7884529 7 , „^ ^^^ C31 34 . 1227 I '^"^- '"" I . . 26 9'682l200cotan.pzR,lstZ.e4 18 50 9-6368859 7 . f64 19 " ^,^,jcosm.PZR|^ .-,b 9-9006052 tang, pz . 38 30 00761865 cotan. sZ . 40 y -6 1 372 1 3 cosin. szR,2dZ. 65 44 22 add PZR, 1st Z. 64 18 50 gives SZP, req. 1^0 3 12 See page 171 following. Prop. XXVII. Having two angles, and the side between than ; to find either of the other sides. Let a perpendicular fall from the given angle, which is next the side required, upon its opposite side: then add the cosine of the given side to the tangent of the given angle op- posite to the side required ; the sum (abating radius) is the cotangent of the first angle to be found, compre- hended by the given side and the perpendicular. And the second angle is the differ- ence between the first and the given angle next the required side, being comprehended by the perpendicular and that side. Now add the cosine of the first an- gle found, to the tangent of the side given, and from the sum subtract the cosine of the second angle, or add its secant; the remainder or sum will be the tangent of the side required. Example. In the ^triangle szp, having the angle spz'' 31° 34' 26", SZP 130" 3' 12", and the side pz 38«30'; to find the side sz. SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 169 9-8P3.5414 9 7S8452Q \ 1 1^-27 I cosm. pz - 38° 30 0' C 31 34 tang, spz I" '26 y-()82r20i3cot. pzu,lst2l,64 18 50 taken from szp 130 3 12 leaves szu, 2d Z.j 65 44 22 9-G368859 7 • V 64 ^<^^ ^ cosm. pzR 9-90060-)2 tang, pz - 38 65 0-386 1750 7 1028 I sec. szR ^64 - 3( 19 . .— ]0 30 44 . . 22 9-9238126 tan. sz req. 40 See page 171 follovvmg. To find both the unknown sides. Add together the cosecant, or the complement oF the sine, of half the sum of the angles given, the sine of half their dilference, and the tangent of half the given side; the sum (a- bating radius) is the tangent of half the difference of the sides required. Add also together the secant, or the complement of the cosine, of half the sum of the given angles, the cosine of half their difference, and the tangent of half the given side ; the sum (abating radius) is the tangent of half tlie sum of the sides required. Then add half the difference of the sides required, to their half-sum, and 5'ou will have the greater side; and subtract the half-difference from the half-sum, and you will have the lesser side required, the same as in the former operation. SZP .SPZ 130«' 31 3' 34 12^' 26 Sum Diff 101 98 37 28 38 46 ^ Sum iDiff 80 49 48 14 49 23 PZ iPZ 38 19 30 15 Cosec. I sum 00,56062 Sin. i diff. 9-8793527 Tanj'. ipz 9 5430936 Sec. I sum 0-7968360 Cosin. idiff. 9-8148437 Tang. \ pz 9-5430936 Tang, of 15» 9-4280525 Tang.of55" 1^0-1547733 Half sum of the sides required is - - - 55" Half their difference is - 15 The greater side sp is - - - - - - 70 Lesser side sz is, as before - - - - _ 40 Prop. XXVni. Haring two (mgles and the side between them ; to find the third angle. Let a perpendicular fall from either of the angles given, upon its opposite side: then add the cosine of the side given to the tangent of the given an- gle, from which the perpendicular does not fall ; the sum (abating ra- dius) is, the cotangent of the first angle, comprehended by the given side and the perpendicular. And the second angle is the differ- ence between the first and the given angle that the perpendicular fell from, being comprehended by the perpen- dicular and the side opposite to the other angle given. Now add the sine of the second angle to the cosine of that given angle from which the perpendicular did not fall, and from thesum sut)tract the sine of the first angle found, or add its co- secant ; the remainder or sum will be the cosine of the angle required. Example. In the triangle szp, hav- ing the angle szp 130'' 3' 12", spz 31° 34^ 26", and the side PZ 38° 30'; to find the angle psz. 9-8935444 cosin. pz - 38 30 9-7884529 7 , C31 34 . ___ \2Qj\ *^"^- '''^ 1 . . 26 9-682T200cotan.FZR,lstZ.,64 18 50 taken from szp 130 3 12 leaves SZR, 2d Z., 65 44 22 00451773 7 ^"64 1 cosec. PZR 773 7 101 I cosin. spz 9-9303781 7 440 j 9-9598246 7 . 209_r^"-'''^ 9-9354550 cosin. psz req. 30 28 See page 171 following. . .—10 31 35 . . .—34 Q5 44 . . . 22 170 THE RESOLUllON OF rOR THE USE OF THE VERSED SINES MAY BE ALSO ADDED THE FOLLOWING PROPOSITIONS. Prop. I. Having two sides of a spheric triangle, ivith the angle between them ; to find the third side. JljlDD together the log. versed sine of the contained angle, and the log. sines of the two sides ; the sum (a- bating twice the radius) is the loga- rithm of a number to be found, which added to the natural versed sine of the difference of the two given sides, the sum will be the natural versed sine of the third side sought. Or when the contained angle is above 90°, add the log. versed sine of its supplement, and the log. sines of the two sides together ; the sum (a- bating twice the radius) is the loga- rithm of a number to be found, and subtracted from the natural versed sine of the sum of the two given sides, the remainder w^ill be the natural versed sine of the third side sought. Example 1. In the triangle szp, having the side pz 38° 30', ps 70°, and the angle zps3r34'26"; to find the side zs. 9- 1703625 log.ver.sine zsp 3 r34' 26" 9-7941496 log. sine of pz 38 30 9-9729858 log. sine of ps 70 8-9374979 log. of the numb. 865960 Nat. vers. diff. sides 31° 30' 1473598 Nat. vers, zs 40" - - ~ 2339558 Example 2. In the triangle szp, harmg the side pz 38° 30', zs 40«, and the angle szp 130» 3' 12"; to find the side ps. The -angle vzp is the supplement of SZP. 9*5520590 log. vers, vzp 49° 56' 48" 9-7941496 log. sin. PZ 38 30 9-8080675 log. sin. zs 40 '9-1542761 log.ofthe number! 4265 14 Nat. vers, sum sides 78° 30' 8006321 Nat. vers, ps 70" - - - "6579807 This proposition may be very useful in finding the distances of places on the earth, whose longitudes and latir tudes are known; the distances of stars, whose declinations and right ascensions,or longitudes and latitudes, are known ; aHd consequently the al- titudes, or common altitude of two stars, or two altitudes of the sun, and time between the observations, or difference of azimuth, being taken, the latitude of the place may readily be found. Prop. II. Having two angles of a spheric triangle, and the side between them ; to find the third angle. Let the angles be changed into sides, and the side into an angle; then pro- ceed as in the former proposition, and the result will be the supplement of the third angle. But if one of the given anglesexceed 90°,take its supplement, and the result will be the third angle. SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 171 The following remarks and directions, for rendering the proportional part of a logarithm always additive, and for using c + t, c — t, &c, for 5 or c 6ic, in the foregoing propositions, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 2(), 27, 28, were communicated by the Rev. Nevil Maskelyne, D. Db astronomer royal, and f. r. s. the fourth case having been in- vented by him many years since, and delivered to the computors of the Nautical Ephemeris, as precepts necessary in computing the moon's distance from the stars in some cases, and tlie rest he has now added on this occasion. " The result of trigonometrical calculations will be sometimes in- accurate, owing to the logarithms not being carried to a greater num- ber of places in the table, as will sufficiently appear from the logarith- mic differences being small. This will happen where the answer comes out in the cosine of a very small angle, or the sine of an angle near 90*^. The greatness of the differences of the log. sines of small arcs, or cosines of large ones, will sometimes affect the accuracy of the result of the second part of the operation, unless the first arc be found to a small part of a minute or second : To prevent such error, and render the' computation easier, putting t, t', s, c for the tangent, co- tangent, sine, and cosine of the 1st arc or an^le, then in the 2d part of the work. In Prop. 20, if the first arc is very small, for s use c -f t 21 - - - angle is very small, for s use c — t' 22 - - - arc is very small, for s use o + t 23 - - - arc is near 90", for — c use t — s 2.5 - - - arc is near 90^, for c use s — t 26 - - - angle is near 90°, for c use s -f t' 27 - - - angle is near 90°, for c use s 4- l' 28 - - - angle is very small, for — s use t' — c This obviates the necessity of finding the first arc to a very minute exactness, which otherwise would be necessary in taking out the sine or cosine of the same arc in the second part of the work. Where the foregoing precepts direct to subtract a sine or cosine, it will be readier in practice to add a cosecant or secant ; and where they direct to subtract a tangent (which is done in prop. 26) it will be readier to add a cotangent. Tliis method being used, if it be required to find the logarithmic sines, &c, to the exactness of a se- cond, and the logarithm is increasing (as in the sines, tangents, and secants), write down the logarithm for the degree and minute with- out the seconds ; and also write down the proportional part for the seconds; but, if the logarithm is decreasing (as in the cosines, co- tangents, and cosecants) write down the logarithm for the next greater minute, and also write down the proportional part for the complement of the seconds to 60 3 and proceed in like manner Z2 172 USE OF THE TRAVERSE TABLE. with every logarithmic sine, cosine, &c, used in the work ; tlie sunv of all tlie logarithms (abating one or two radii or tens in the index, according as 2 or 3 logarithmic sines, &c are used in the i)art of the work in question) will be the logarithmic sine, cosine, tangent, or co- tangent requirecf. Ex. 1. To find the log. sine of 34° 17' 24'' Here log. sine of Si-MV - 9-7507287 And as 00 : 21- or as 10 : 4 : : 1 85 3 : / - 74 1 9-7508028 Ex. 2. To find the log. cos. of 55" 42' 30' Log, cos. of 55° 43' - - - 9-75072S7 60 : 24 (60—36), or 10 : 4 : : 1 85 3: - 741 9-7508028 Ex. 3. In the triangle pls, given p = 20'' 30' 48'^ PS = 85 3 40 PL= 89 10 to find Ls by prop. 23 ; so being perp. vl. p 200 3 If 85 3 -12 40 cos. - 9-9715404 - - - 95 PS tan. 11-0624350 7 cos. found by taking 7 - - 98 1 4 1 tang, from sine J ^ y>^490»t> PD 84 43 43 tan. 11-0349663 11-0349663 PL 89 10 cosec. PD 84° 44' ." - 10-0018374 LD 4 26 17 — 17 - 33 cosin. LD 4 27 . - 9-9986888 ~ 43 - 70 cosin. LS 20 53 24 - 9-9704714 Here to avoid the trouble of finding the proportional part for the large logarithm difference of the ^cosine of ps, that cosine is found by subtracting the tangent of it (already found) from the sine, which is easily found, because the differences are small : And, for the same reason, the sum of the tangent and cosecant of pd, are used instead of its secant. N. B. The perpendicular should always be let fall from the end of the side, ps or pl, which differs most from 90^, over or under.'* OF THE TRAVERSE TABLE. T, HIS traverse table, or table of difference of latitude and departure, in page 338 and 339, is so contrived, as to have the whole in one view, and is so plainly titled as to want little or no explanation. The distances 1, 2, 3, &c, at the top and bottom, may be accounted 10, 20, 30, &c, and the 10 as 100, if the minutes of latitude and depar- ture answering to the course be in- creased in the same proportion; so that if the distance consists of two significant figures, the difference of latitude, and the departure, is each to he takej||i out at twice j and if of three figures, at thrice. / USE OF THE TRAVERSE TABLE. i73 Thechiefdesign of this table, IS for the ready and exact working of tra- verses ; but it may also be applied to the solution of the several cases of plain sailing, and to some other uses. Prop. I. Having the course and di- stance, to find the difference of lati- tude and departure. Seek the course on the left hand of both pages downwards, if less than four points, or 4<5 degrees ; or if greater, on the right hand upwards ; and even with it in the double column, signed at the top and bottom with the distance, is found both the difference of latitude and the departure. Example 1. A ship sails ssw | w 37 miles ; the diiierence of latitude and the departure are required. Find the course 2| points on the left-hand side of each page, and even with it in the double columns signed 3, and 7, the two figures of the di- stance, the difference of latitude for 30 is 25-732, and for 7 is O'OO^, the sum is 31-736 for the whole dif- ference of latitude ; and the depart- ure for 30 is 15-423, and for 7 is 3-59Q, the sum is 19-022 for the whole departure. at 8 is 6-038 ; the sum is 1 U -697 for the whole departure. Thus, Thus, Bist. Biff, Lat 30 - - 25-732 7 - - 6-004. 37 miles Bep. - 15-423 - 3-599 31-736 - 19-022 Bist. 100 - - 40 - - 8 - - 148 miles Di/f. Lat. 65.QOQ ' 26-242 5-248 97-096 Bepart. 7 5 All 30-188 6-038 111-697 Prop. II. Having several courses and distances; to find the difference of latitude and the departure. Make a table in the following man- ner, and put therein each course and distance ; then find the difference of latitude and departure Jo each course by the preceding, and place them in the proper column ; the difference of the sums of the northings and southings, is the whole difference of latitude ; and the difference of the sums of the eastings and wet ings, is the whole departui^. Example. A ship from the latitude of 50*^ north, sails according to the courses and distances set in the tra- verse table ; the differences of lati- tude, and the departure, are found at the bottom. Example 2. A ship sails se 49" 148 miles; the difference of latitude and the departure are required. Find the course 49 degrees on the right-hand side of each page, and even with it in the double columns signed 10, 4, and 8, the difference of latitude at 100 miles is 65-606, at 40 is 26.242. and at 8 is 5-248 ; the sum is 97-096 for the whole difference of latitude. And the departure at 100 miles is 75-471, at 40 is 30-188, and a> l;^ C/3 CO C« CA' CD v» H- c oc ^* tfk 10 00 C?i g f 5 c F CO O' Q Z Ci 5| C^ -J tn Cft CO (C di Cn (i OB K) ^ ^ ►- 1 1 c^ CO i 0. CO ^ •^ 1 c c>> CO -^t CO to ^ Ci ot Ci 00 a CO -O CO o> ^ ta CO lo CO CO 00 4- *. .^ *. 174: USE OF THE TRAVERSE TABLE. This proposition may be applied in the surveying of large tracts of land, as a county, &c. and was made use of by Mr. Norwood in measuring the distance from York to London, as the road led him, observing the several bearings by his circumferentor, and finding by such a table his several dif- ferences of latitude, and departure, by which he obtained the distance be- tween the parallels of London and York, pretty near the truth, so long ago as the year 1635; as may be seen in his Seaman's Practice. Also in plotting the survey of a county thus taken, the circuit station- lines, though consisting of many hun- dreds, may be reduced to a few for the first closing, and the like for the intermediates of each line first plot- ted, by which every station may per- haps be more truly placed than by any other method : the distances in the table may be chains of 66, or 100 feet, as well as miles, or any other measure that the differences of lati- tude and departure would be had in*. Prop. IlL Having the difference of latitude, and the departure; to find the course and distance. Seek the given difference of latitude and departure, taken together, in their columns, or the nearest numbers to them ; and the course is even there- with at the side, and tlip distance at the top and bottom : but if the given difference of latitude and departure cannot be found nearly, take \, |, &c. part, or any equal multiple of them that can be found; then the course is even with them at the side, and such a part of the distance, as was taken of the difference of latitude and departure, at the top and bottom. Example I. Given the difference of latitude 59 miles s, and the departure 68 miles w; the course and distance are required. In the double column over Q, even with 49'' at the right-hand side, is found together the given difference of latitude and departure; therefore the course is 49* sw, and the distance 90 miles. Example 2. Given the difference of latitude 30 miles n, and the de- parture 1 8 miles e ; the course and distance are required. Here the given difference of lati- tude and departure, or any numbers near them, are not to be found to- gether in the table ; therefore taking |- or the double of each, the course is found to be^3 1 ^ n e, and the distance 35 miles. Note. A table computed to every mile in the distance up to 100 miles would more readily solve this exam- ple. Prop. IV. Having the departure and 7niddle latitude ; to find tJie difference of longitude, according to the method used by W. Jones, Esq. f. r. s. Seek the given departure, or the next less number in the columnssign- ed lat. even with the middle given lati- tude found among the courses, and at the top and bottom (signed dist.) is the difference of longitude sought; which, if not found directly at once, may be taken out at twice or thrice. Example 1 . Being yesterday noon in the latitude of 37<^ 17' n, and this day noon in 38* 43' n, and by the table the departure is found 7092 1 e ; the difference of longitude is required. In the column signed lat. under 9, even with 38*, the middle latitude is found 7-0921; therefore 90 miles is the difference of longitude sought. Example 2. Being yesterday noon in latitude 46* 25' n, and this day at noon in 47° 35' n, so that the middle latitude is 47* n, and the departure is found 112-53 miles w ; required the difference of longitude. In the column signed lat. over 10 at the bottom, even with 47 at the OF MERCATOR'S SAILING. 175 ri^ht-hand side, is 6*8200; therefore subducting 68'200 from 112-53, the remainder is 44-33 ; then over 6 is 4-0920, and 4092 subducted from 44*33 leaves 3'41, which is found over 5 ; therefore the difference of longitude is 165 miles west. If the middle latitude be not an even degree, but have odd minutes ; find the difference of longitude, for the even degrees next less and great- er, and add a proportional part of the difference between the two results to the lesser; the sum will be the differ- ence of longitude sought. Suppose the middle latitude in the last example had been 47o 20' n, then, after finding the difference of longi- tude as before for 47°, find it also for 48o, which is 168 miles; then | of the difference being added to the former, gives the difference of longi- tude 160 miles west. Note. Though this method is not in all cases near the truth, yet when the miles are geographical, it is suffi- ciently near for daily practice in any voyage, as well as easy, and very ex- peditious. Pr6p. V. Having the latitudes and the longitudes 0/ two places, to find the bearing and distance. Seek the complement of the middle latitude among the degrees, and the difference of longitude in minutes among the distances, the departure answering is found in its proper co- lumn; then with the difference of la- titude and departure, find their bear- ingor course and distance by the third. Er ample. Let the Lizard be given in the latitude of 49o 60' n, and 5« 21' w longitude, and Cape Ortegal in the latitude of 44° 10' n, and 70° 43' w hmgitude ; to find the bearing and distance. The difference of longitude is 1 42'; and in the columns signed dep. under 10, 4, and 2, even with 43" the co- middle latitude, are found 6*8200, 2*7280, and 1*3640 ; then increasing the two former as before shown, their sum is 96844 miles w, for the de- parture ; and the bearing, or course, answering to 340 miles difference of latitude, with 96*844 departure, is found about 1 6° sw : and the distance about 354 miles. OF MERCATOR'S SAILING. X HE uses of the table of meridional parts are fully supplied by the table of logarithmic tangents, as is demonstrated in N° 219 of the Philosophical Transactions. It is there proved, 1st, That the meridional line, or scale of Mercator's Chart, is a scale of the log. tangents of the half-complements of the latitude. 2dly, That such log. tangents of Mr. Briggs's form, are a scale of the differences of longitude, on the rumb which makes an angle of 51^ 38' 9" with the meridian. And 3dly, That the differences of longitude on dif- ferent rumbs, are to one another as the tangents of the angles of those rumbs with the meri2 2754 3056 3359 3661 3963 4265 3 91 90 37 4568 4870 5172 5474 5776 6079 6381 6683 6985 7287 4 121 120 38 7589 7891 8193 8495 ^797 9099 9401 9702 0004 0306 5 151 6 181 7 211 151 181 211 39 1580608 0910 1212 1513 1815 2117 2418 2720 3022 3323 1440 3625 3927 4228 4530 4831 5133 5434 5736 6037 6338 8 242 241 41 42 6640 9653 6941 9954 7243 0255 7544 0556 7845 0857 8146 1158 8448 1459 8749 1760 9050 2061 9351 2362 9 272 271 300 299 43 1592663 2964 3265 3566 3867 4168 4469 4770 5070 5371 \ 30 30 44 5672 5973 6273 6574 6875 7175 7476 7777 8077 8378 2 60 3 90 4 120 60 QO 45 8678 8979 9280 9580 9881 0181 0481 0782 1082 1383 120 46 1601683 1983 2284 2584 2884 3184 3485 3785 4085 4385 5 150 150 47 4685 4985 5286 5586 5886 6186 6486 6786 7086 7386 6 180 179 48 7686 7986 8285 8585 8885 9185 9485 9785 0084 0384 7 21C 8 24C 209 239 49 1610684 0984 1283 1583 3 1883 4 2182 2482 6 2781 ~7~ 3081 8~ 3380 9 27C 269 N. 1 2 5 9 Differ. N. 14500 L.161 OF NUMBERS. (15) 1450 1 3980 2 4279 _3 4578 4 4878 5 5177 6 5477 7 5776 8 ()075 9 6375 Differ. 1613680 298 297 51 6674 6973 7273 7572 7871 8170 8470 8769 9068 9367 1 30 30 52 9666 9965 0264 0503 0862 1161 1460 1759 2058 2357 ■J 60 59 53 1622656 2955 3254 355S 3852 4150 444Q 4748 5047 5345 3 89 89 54 5644 5943 6241 6540 6839 7137 7436 7734 8033 8331 4119 5 149 119 149 55 8630 8928 9227 9525 9824 0122 0420 0719 1017 1315 6 179 178 56 1631614 1912 2210 2508 2807 3105 3403 3701 3999 4297 7 209 208 51 4596 4394 5192 5490 5788 6086 6384 6682 6979 7277 8 238 9 268 238 267 58 7575 7873 8171 8469 8767 9064 9362 9660 9958 0255 59 1640553 0851 1148 1446 1743 2041 2339 2636 2934 3231 1460 3529 3826 4123 4421 4718 5016 5313 5610 5908 6205 Odd nnt- 61 6502 6799 ,7097 7394 7691 7988 8285 8582 8880 9177 zyo ZifO 62 9474 9771 0068 0365 0662 0959 1256 1553 1850 2146 1 30 2 59 30 59 89 63 1652443 2740 3037 3334 3631 3927 4224 4521 4817 5114 3 89 64 5411 5707 6004 6301 6597 6894 7190 7487 7783 8080 4118 118 Q5 8376 8673 8969 9265 9562 9858 (5155 0451 0747 1043 5 148 fi 1 7R 148 177 207 QQ 1661340 1636 1932 2228 2525 2821 3117 3413 3709 4005 U| 1 / o 7*207 67 4301 4597 4893 5189 5485 5781 6077 6373 6669 6965 8:237 236 68 69 7261 1670218 7556 0514 7852 0809 8148 1105 8444 1400 8740 1696 9035 1991 9331 2287 9627 2582 9922 2878 9266 266 1470 3173 3469 3764 4060 4355 4650 4946 5241 5536 5831 71 6127 6422 6717 7012 7308 7603 7898 8193 8488 8783 294 293 72 9078 9373 9668 9963 0258 0553 0848 1143 1438 1733 T 29 29 73 1682027 2322 2617 2912 3207 3501 3796 4091 4386 4680 2 59 3 88 4118 59 74 4975 5269 5564 5859 6153 6448 6742 7037 7331 7626 88 117 75 ' 7920 8215 8509 8803 9098 9392 9686 9981 0275 0569 5 147 147 76 1690864 1158 1452 1746 2040 2335 2629 2923 3217 3511 6 176 7 206 8 235 176 77 3805 4099 4393 4687 4981 5275 5569 5863 6157 6450 205 234 78 6744 7038 9975 7332 0269 7626 7920 0856 8213 8507 8801 9094 9388 9 265 264 79 9682 0563 1150 1 443 1737 2030 2324 1480 1702617 2911 3204 3497 3791 4084 4377 4671 4964 5257 81 5551 5844 6137 6430 6723 7017 7310 7603 7896 8189 292 291 82 8482 8775 9068 9361 9654 9947 0240 0533 0826 1119 T 29 29 83 1711412 1704 1997 2290 2583 2876 3168 3461 3754 4046 2 58 58 84 4339 4632 4924 5217 5509 5802 6095 6387 6680 6972 3 88 27 85 7265 7557 7849 8142 8434 8727 9019 9311 9604 9896 4 117 5 146 IIG 146 86 1720188 0480 0773 1065 1357 1649 1941 2233 2526 2818 6 175 175 87 3110 3402 3694 3986 4278 4570 4862 5154 5446 5737 7 204 204! 88 6029 6321 6613 6905 7197 7488 7780 8072 8364 8655 8 234 233 89 8947 9239 9530 9822 0113 0405 0697 0988 1280 1571 9 263 262 1490 1731863 2154 2446 2737 3028 3320 3611 3903 4194 4485 91 4776 5068 5359 5650 5941 6233 6524 6815 7106 7397 92 7688 7979 8270 8561 8852 9143 9434 9725 0016 0307 290 289 93 1740598 0889 1180 1471 1761 2052 2343 2634 2925 3215 r 29 29 94 3506 3797 4087 4378 4669 4959 5250 5540 5831 6121 2 58 3 87 4 116 58 97 116 95 6412 6702 6993 7283 7574 7864 8155 8445 8735 9026 96 9316 9606 9897 0187 0477 0767 1057 1348 1638 1928 5|l45 145 97 1752218 2508 2798 3088 3378 3668 3958 4248 4538 4828 6,174 7|203 81232 173 98 5118 5408 5698 5988 6278 6567 6857 7147 7437 7727 202 231 99 ' N. 8016 8306 8596 8885 IT 9175 ~4~ 9465 ~5~ 9754 ~6~ 0044 ~7~ 0333 8 0623 ~9~ 9I26I 260 Differ. (l6) LOGARITHMS N. 15000 L.l 76' N. 1500 1 1202 2 1492 3 1781 4 2071 5 2360 6 2649 7 2939 8 3228 9 3518 Differ. 1760913 J90 289 01 3807 4096 4386 4675 4964 5253 5543 5832 6121 6410 1 IJ9 ~29 02 6699 6988 7278 7567 7856 8 1 45 8434 8723 9012 9301 •2 58 58 03 9590 9879 0168 0457 0745 '1034 1323 1612 1901 2190 3 87 87 04 1772478 2767 3056 3345 3633 3922 4211 4499 4788 5076 4 116 145 116 145 173 05 5365 5654 5942 6231 6519 6808 7096 7385 7673 7961 6' 174 06 8250 8538 8826 9115 9403 9691 9980 0268 0556 0844 7 203 202 07 1781133 1421 1709 1997 2285 2573 2861 3149 3437 3725 8 232 231 Ofi 4013 4301 4589 4877 5165 5453 5741 6029 6317 6605 9 261 260 09 6892 7180 7468 7756 8043 8331 8619 8907 9194 9482 " 1510 9769 0057 0345 0632 0920 1207 1495 1782 2070 2357 11 1792645 2932 3219 3507 3794 4082 4369 4656 4943 5231 288' •^8/ 12 5518 5805 6092 6380 6667 6954 7241 7528 7815 8102 T~29 ■2 58 3 86 29 67 86 13 8389 8676 8963 9250 9537 9824 0111 0398 0685 0972 14 1801259 1546 1832 2119 2406 2693 2980 3266 3553 3840 4 115 115 15 4126 4413 4700 4986 5273 5559 5846 6133 6419 6706 5 144 6 173 7 202 144 172 201 16 6992 7278 7565 7851 8138 8424 8711 8997 9283 9570 17 9856 0142 0428 0715 lOOI 1287 1573 1859 2145 2432 8 230 230 18 1812718 3004 3290 3576 3862 4148 4434 4720 5006 5292 9 259 258 19 5578 5864 6150 6435 6721 7007 7293 7579 7864 8150 1520 8436 8722 9007 9293 9579 9864 0150 0435 0721 1007 21 1821292 1578 1863 2149 2434 2720 3005 3290 3576 3861 286 285 22 4147 4432 4717 5002 5288 5573 5858 6143 6429 6714 1 29 29 23 6999 7284 7569 7854 8140 8425 8710 8995 9280 9565 2 67 57 24 9850 0135 0420 0704 0989 1274 1559 1844 2129 2414 3 86 4 114 86 114 25 1832698 2983 3268 3553 3837 4122 4407 4691 4976 5261 5 143 143 26 5545 5830 6114 6399 6684 6968 7253 7537 7822 8106 6 172 171 27 8390 8675 8959 9244 9528 9812 0096 0381 0665 0949 7 200 8 229 9 257 200 228 257 28 29 1841234 4075 1518 4359 1802 4643 2086 4927 2370 5211 2654 5495 2939 5779 3223 6063 3507 6347 3791 6630 1530 6914 7198 7482 7766 8050 8333 8617 8901 9185 9468 31 9752 0036 0319 0603 0886 1170 1454 1737 2021 2304 284 283 3G 1852588 2871 3155 3438 3721 4005 4288 4572 4855 5138 1 28 28 33 5422 5705 5988 6271 Q555 6838 7121 7404 7687 7970 2 57 57 34 8254 8537 8820 9103 9386 9669 9952 0235 0518 0801 3 85 85 35 1861084 1367 1650 1932 2215 2498 2781 3064 3347 3629 4 114 5 142 113 142 36 3912 4195 4478 4760 5043 5326 5608 5891 6174 6456 6 170 170 37 6739 7021 7304 7586 7869 8151 8434 8716 8999 9281 7 199 198 38 9563 9846 0128 0410 0693 0975 1257 1540 1822 210i 8 227 226 39 1540 1872386 5207 2668 5489 2951 5771 3233 6053 3515 6335 3797 6617 4079 6899 4361 7181 4643 7463 4925 7715 9 256 255 41 - 8026 8308 8590 8872 9154 9435 9717 9999 0280 0562 42 1880844 1125 1407 1689 1970 2252 2533 2815 3096 3378 282 281 43 3659 3941 4222 4504 4785 5066 5348 5629 5910 6192 1 28 28 44 6473 6754 7035 7317 7598 7879 8160 8441 8723 9004 2 56 3 85 56 84 45 9285 9566 9847 0128 0409 0690 0971 1252 1533 1814 4 113 112 46 1892095 2376 2657 2938 3218 3499 3780 4061 4342 4622 6 141 141 47 4903 5184 5465 5745 6026 6307 6587 6868 7148 7429 6 169 7 197 8 226 169 197 225 48 7710 7990 8271 8551 8832 9112 9'393 9673 9953 0234 49 N. 1900514 0795 1075 2 1355 1636 4 1916 5 2196 6 2476 7 2757 ~8~ 3037 ~9~ 9 254 253 Differ. N. 15500 L. 190 OF NUMBERS. (iT) N. 155C 1 3597 2 3877 3 4157 4 4438 5 4718 6 4998 7 527S 8 5558 9 5838 D.tle. 1 ) 1903317 280 279 51 6118 6398 6678 6958 7238 75i8 7798 8078 8357 8637 T 'JS 28 5'i 8917 9197 9477 9757 0036 0316 0596 0876 1155 1435 2 56 5d 53 1911715 1994 2274 2553 2833 3113 3392 3672 3951 423 1 3 84 84 54 4510 4790 5069 5348 5628 5907 6187 6466 6745 7025 4 112 5 !4C 112 J40 55 7304 7583 7862 8142 8421 8700 8979 9259 9538 9817 6"lfe'8 167 5b 1920096 0375 0654 0933 1212 1491 1770 2049 2328 2. 1 2 5000 3 4 5511 5 5766 6 7 8 6532 9 Differ. 17 )0 2304489 17 45 5250 6022 6211 6788 01 7043 7298 7554 7809 8064 8320 8575 8830 9085 9340 02 9596 Q851 (5l06 0361 0616 0871 1126 1381 1636 1891 03 2312146 2401 2656 29 1 1 3166 3421 3676 3931 4186 4441 04- 4696 4951 5206 5460 5715 5970 6225 6480 6734 6989 256 255 05 7244 7499 7753 8008 8263 8517 8772 9026 9281 9536 i 2 3 26 ~26 51 77 06 9f90 (^045 0299 0554 0808 1063 1317 1572 1826 2081 •.) 1 77 07 2322335 2590 2844 3098 3353 3607 3861 4116 4370 4624 4 102 102 08 4879 5133 5387 5641 5896 6150 6404 6658 6912 7166 5 128 128 09 7421 7675 7929 8183 8437 8691 8945 9199 9453 9707 6 7 8 154 179 205 153 179 204 1710 9961 0215 0469 0723 0977 1231 1485 1739 1992 2246 11 12 2332500 5038 2754 5291 3008 5545 3262 5799 3515 6052 3769 6306 4023 6559 4277 6813 4530 7067 4784 7320 9 230 230 13 7574 7827 8081 8334 8588 8841 9095 9348 9601 985^ 14 2340108 0362 0615 0868 1122 1375 1628 1881 2135 2388 15 2641 2894 3148 3401 3654 3907 4160 4414 4667 4920 254 253 16 5173 5426 5679 5932 6185 6438 6691 6944 7197 7450 T 25 25 17 7703 7956 8209 8462 8715 8967 9220 9473 9726 9979 2 61 51 18 2350232 0484 0737 0990 1243 1495 1748 2001 2253 2506 3 4 5 76 102 127 7G 101 127 19 2759 3011 3264 3517 3769 4022 4274 4527 4779 5032 1720 5284 ^537 5789 6042 6294 6547 6799 7052 7304 7556 6 152 152 21 7809 8061 8313 8566 8818 9070 9323 9575 9827 0079 7 8 9 178 203 229 177 202 228 22 2360331 0584 0836 3357 1088 3609 1340 1592 1844 2097^ 4617 ^2349 4869 2601 5121 23 2853 3105 3861 4113 4365 24 5373 5625 5876 6128 6380 6632 6884 7136 7 3B7 7639 25 7891 8143 8394 8646 8898 9150 9401 9653 9905 0156 26 2370408 0660 0911 1163 1414 1666 1917 2169 2420 2672 252 251 27 2923 3175 3426 3678 3;)29 4181 4432 4683 4935 5186 1 25 25 28 5437 5689 5940 6191 6443 6694 6945 7196 7448 7699 2 50 60 29 7950 8201 8452 8703 8955 9206 9457 9708 9959 0210 3 76 76 1730 2380461 0712 0963 1214 1 465 1716 1967 2218 2469 2720 4 101 126 100 126' 31 2971 3222 3472 3723 3974 4225 4476 4727 4977 5228 f.' 15! 151 32 5479 5730 5980 6231 6482 '6732 6983 7234 7484 7735 7 !76 176 33 7986 8236 8487 8737 '8988 9238 9489 9739 9990 0240 te 202 201 34 2390491 0741 0992 1242 1493 j 1743 1993 2244 2494 2744 9 227 226 35 2995 3245 3495 3746 3996 4246 4496 4747 4997 5247 36 5497 5747 5998 6248 6498 6748- 6998 7248 7498 7748 37 7998 8248 8498 8748 8998 9248 9498 9748 9998 0248 38 2400498 0748 0997 1247 1497 1747 1997 2247 2496 2746 250 249 39 2996 3246 3495 3745 3995 4244 4494 4744 4993 5243 1 25 25 1740 5492 5742 5992 6241 6491 6740 6990 7239 7489 7738 2 3 50 75 50 75 41 7988 8237 8487 8736 8985 9235 9484 9734 9983 0232 4 100 100 42 2410482 0731 0980 1229 1479 1728 1977 2226 2^76 2725 5 125 125 43 2974 3223 3472 3721 3970 4220 4469 4718 4967 5216 6 150 149 4i 5465 5714 5963 6212 6461 6710 6959 7208 7457 7705 7 8 175 200 174 199 45 46 ■'V954 2420442 8203 0691 8452 0940 8701 1189 8950 1437 9199 1686 9i47 1935 9696 2183 9945 2432 (5194 2680 9 225 224 "i 47 2929 3178 3426 3675 3923 4172 4420 4669 4917 5166 48 5414 5663 5911 6160 6408 6656 6905 7153 7401 7650 49 7898 8146 8395 8643 8891 9139 5 9388 9636 9884 0132 N. 1 2 I 3 4 6 7 8 9 Differ. x\. 17500 L.243 OF NUMBERS. («^1) 1730 i 1 0029 ^2 0S77 3 1125 4 1373 5 6 7 2117 8 2365 9 1) lifer. 2430380 1621 1869 26 1 3 51 2861 3109 3357 3605 3853 4101 4349 4597 4845 5093 52 5341 5589 5837 6085 6332 6580 6828 7076 7324 7571 53 7819 8067 8315 8562 8810 9053 9:^05 9553 9801 0048 54 24402Q6 0543 0791 1039 1286 1534 1781 2029 2276 252 i- 248 247 55 277! 3019 3266 3514 3761 4008 4256 4503 4750 4998 1 25 2 50 25 45 56 5245 5492 5740 5987 6234 6482 6729 6976 7223 7470 3 74 74 57 7718 7965 8212 8459 8706 8953 9200 9^48 9695 9942 4 99 99 58 2450 1S9 0436 0683 0930 1177 1424 1671 1918 2165 2411 5 124 124 59 2658 2905 3152 3399 361.6 3893 4140 4386 4633 4880 (,1149 7'l74 8[l93 148 173 198 1760 5127 5373 5620 5867 6114 6360 6607 6854 7100 7347 61 6,2 7594 2460059 7 840 0300 8087 0552 8333 0798 8580 1045 8826 1291 9073 1538 9 20 1784 9566 i030 9813 2277! 91223 222 63 2523 2769 3016 3262 3508 ; 3755 4001 4247 4493 4740 64 4986 5232 5478 5721< 5970: 6217 6463 670.;* 6955 7201 65 7447 7693 7939 8185 84311 8677 8923 9169 9415 96611 246 245 66 9907 0153 0399 0645 0891 1133 1382 1628 1874 2120; 1 25 25 67 2472365 2611 2857 3103 3349, 3594 3840 4086 4331 4577 2 49 49 68 4823 5098 5314 5559 5805' 005 1 6296 6542 6787 7033 J 74 4 98 5 123 74 98 123 69 7278 7524 7769 8015 8260; 8506 8751 8997 9242 9487 1770 97.33 9978 0223 0469 0714i 0959 1205 1450 1695 1940 fJ 148 147 71 2482186 2431 2i)7 6 29.^ 3166: 3412 3657 3902 4147 4392| 7 172 8 197 9 221 172 196 221 72 4657 7087 48 S 2 5 1 27 7577 5372 56171 5862 x3\2 6107 6352 6597 9047 6842! 9291 1 73 7332 7822 8067 ; 8557 8802 74 9536 9781 0026 0271 0515 0760 1005 121-9 1494 1739! 75 2491984 2228 2473 2718 2962 3207 3151 3696 3941 4185 76 4430 4674 4919 5163 5408 i 5652 5897 6141 6385 6630 12441243 77 6874 7119 7363 7607 7852| 8096 8310 8585 8829 90731 I 24 24 78 9318 9,562 9806 0050 0294 0539 0783 1027 1271 1515| 2 49 49 79 2501759 2004 2248 2492 2736 2980 3224- 3468 3712 39561 3 73 73 1780 4200 4444 4688 4932 5176 5420 5664 5908 6151 6395 41 98 3: 122 ^1 122 81 6639 6883 7127 7371 7614 7858 8102 8346 8590 88331 6 146- I4S 82 9077 9321 9564 9803 0052 0295 0539 0783 1026 12701 7|l71 170 83 2511513 1757 2001 2244 2488 2731 2975 3218 3462 3705 ' 8J195 194 84 3949 4192 4435 4679 4922 5166 5409 5652 5896 6139: 91220 219 85 6382 6625 6869 7112 7355 7599 7842 80S5 8328 8571 86 8815 9058 9301 9544 9787 0030 0273 0516 0759 1002! 87 2521246 1489 1732 1975 2218 2461 2703 2946 3189 3432: 88 3675 3918 4161 4404 4647 4889 5132 5375 5618 5861 242 241 89 6103 6346 6589 6832 7074 7317 7560 7802 8045 8288 F 24 24 1790 8530 8773 9016 9258 9501 9743 9986 0228 0471 0713; 2 48 3 TA 48 72 91 2530956 1198 1441 1683 1926 2168 2411 2653 2895 3138 4 97 96 92 3380 3622 3865 4107 4319 4592 4834 5076 5318 5561' 5 121 121 93 5803 6045 6287 6529 6772 7014 7256 7498 7740 7982! 6 145 7 169 8 194 !45 169 193 94 8224 8466 8709 8951 9193 9435 )677 9919 0161 0403 1 95 96 2540645 3063 0886 3S05 1128 3547 1370 3789 1612 4030 1854 4272 2096 4514 2338 4756 2580 4997 2822^ 5239 91218 217 97 5481 5722 5964 6206 6447 6689 6931 7172 7414 76551 98 78D7 8138 8380 8621 8863 9104 9346 9587 9829 0070 99 N. 2550312 0553 0794 1036 3 1277 1519 5 1760 6 2001 2242 2484 1 2 4 7 8 9 ' 1 Differ. (eS) LOGARITHMS ' N. 18000 L. ^256 N. 1 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 D i^ro. 1800 2552725 2966 3208 3449 3690 3931 4172 4414 4655 4896 240 01 5137 5378 5619 5860 6102 6343 6584 6825 7066 7307 241 1 24 02 7548 7789 8030 S27 1 8512 8753 8994 9235 9475 97 16 2 48 03 9957 0198 0439 0680 0921 1161 1402 1643 1884 2125 3 72 4 96 5 120 04 2562365 2606 2847 3087 3328 3569 3810 4050 4291 4531 05 4772 5013 5253 5494 5734 5975 6215 6456 6696 6937 6' 144 OS 7177 7418 7658 7899 8139 S3 80 8620 8860 9101 9341 7 168 8 '92 9 216 07 9582 9822 0062 0302 0543 0783 1023 1264 1504 1744 08 2571984 2224 2465 2705 2945 3185 3425 3665 3905 4146 09 4386 4626 4866 5106 5346 5586 5826 6066 6306 6546 240 239 1 24' 2 48 1810 6786 7026 7266 7506 7745 7985 8225 8465 8705 8945 li 9 1 85 9424 9664 9904 0144 0383 0623 0863 1103 1342 3 72 12 2581582 1 822 2061 2301 2541 2780 3020 3259 3499 373S 4 96 13 3978 4218 4457 4697 4936 5176 5415 5655 5894 6133 5 120 6 143 7 167 14 6373 6612 6852 7091 7330 7570 7809 8048 8288 8527 15 8766 9006 9245 9484 9723 9963 0202 0441 0680 0919 H 191 9215 16 2591158 1398 1637 1876 2115 2354 2593 2832 3071 3310 17 -3549 3788 4027 4266 4505 4744 4983 5222 5461 5700 238 18 5939 6178 6417 6655 6894 7133 7372 7611 p49 0237 8088 239 1 24 19 8327 8566 8804 9043 9282 9521 9759 9998 0475 2 48 3 71 1820 2600714 0952 1191 1430 1668 1907 2145 2384 2622 2861 4 95 21 3099 3338 3576 3815 4053 4292 4530 4769 r>007 5245 5 119 22 5484 5722 5960 6199 6437 6675 6914 7152 7390 7628 6 143 7 167 8 190 23 7867 8105 8343 8581 8820 9058 9296 9534 9772 0010 24 2610248 0486 0725 0963 1201 1439 1677 1915 2153 239 1 238 9214 25 2629 2867 3105 3343 3580 3818 4056 4294 4532 4770 237 26 5008 5246 5483 5721 5959 6197 6435 6672 6910 7148 I 24 27 7385 7623 7861 8099 8336 8574 8811 9049 92S7 9524 2 47 28 9762 9999 0237 0475 0712 0950 1187 1425 1662 1900 3 71 4 95 5 119 29 2622137 2374 2612 2849 3087 3324 3562 379:^ 4036 4274 1830 4511 4748 4986 5223 5460 5697 5935 6172 6409 6646 6 142 31 6883 7121 7358 7595 7832 8069 8306 8543 8781 9018 7 166 8 190 9 213 32 9255 9492 9729 9966 0203 0440 0677 0914 1151 1383 33 2631625 1862 2098 2335 2572 2809 3046 3283 3520 3757 237 34 3993 4230 4467 4704 4940 5177 5414 5651 5887 6124 236 1 24 2 47 35 6361 6507 6834 7071 7307 7544 7780 8017 8254 8490 36 8727 8963 9200 9436 9673 9909 0146 0382 0619 0855 3 71 37 2641092 1328 1564 1801 2037 2273 2510 2746 2982 3219 4 94 38 3455 3691 3928 4164 4400 4636 4873 5109 5345 5581 5 118 6 142 Sj 5817 6053 6290 6526 6762 6998 7234 7470 7706 7942 236 7 165 1840 8178 8414 8650 8886 9122 9358 9594 9830 0066 0302 8 189 9212 41 2650538 0774 1010 1246 1481 1717 1953 2189 2425 2660 42 2896 3132 3368 3604 3839 4075 4311 4546 4782 5018 235 43 5253 5489 5725 5960 6196 643 1 6667 6903 "138 7374 i| 24 44 7609 7845 8080 8316 8551 8787 9022 9257 9493 9728 2 47 5 71 45 9964 0199 0434 0670 0905 1140 1376 1611 1846 2082 i 94 46 2662317 2552 2787 3023 3258 3493 3728 3063 4199 4434 5 118 47 4669 4904 5139 5374 5609 5844 6080 6315 6550 6785 235 3 141 M65 i 188 48 7020 7255 7490 7725 7960 8195 8429 8664 8899 9134 40 N. 9369 9604 1 ' 9839 0074 0309 4 0543 0778 1013 7 1248 8 1483 9 1 ( )212 2 3 5 6 D Pts. N. 18500 L. 267 OF NUMBERS. (23) N. 1850 1 1952 2 2187 3 2421 4 2656 5 2891 6 3126 7 3360 8 3595 9 1 3830 D Pro. 234 2671717 51 . 4064- 1-299 4533 4768 5003 5237 5472 5706 5941 6175 1 23 52 6410 6644 6879 7113 7318 7582 7817 8051 8285 8520 2 47 53 8754 8989 9223 9457 9692 9926 0160 0394 0629 0863 3 4 70 94 117 5-i 2681097 1332 1566 1800 2034 2268 2503 2737 2971 3205 5 55 3439 3673 ^907 4141 4376 4610 4844 5078 5312 5546 234 6 140 56 5780 6014 6248 6482 6716 6950 7183 7417 7651 7885 7 Q 16"4 187 211 57 8119 8353 8587 8821 9054 9288 9522 9756 9990 0223 B 9 58 2690457 0691 0925 1158 1392 1626 1859 2093 2327 2560 233 If '^'^ 59 2794 3028 3261 3495 3728 3962 4195 4429 4662 4896 1860 5129 5363 5596 5830 6063 6297 6530 6764 6997 7230 2 47 61 . 7464 7697 7930 8164 8397 8630 8864 9097 9330 9564 3 70 62 9797 0030 0263 0496 0730 0963 1196 1429 1662 1895 233 4 5 g 93 63 2702129 2362 2595 2828 3061 3294 3527 3760 3993 4226 117 140 64 4459 4692 4925 5158 5391 5;>24 5857 6090 6323 6555 7 163 65 6788 7021 7254 7487 7720 7953 8185 8418 8651 8884 8 n 186 66 9116 9349 9582 9815 S047 0280 0513 0745 0978 1211 y ziu 67 2711443 1676 1908 2141 2374 2606 2839 3071 3304 3536 232 [ 68 3769 4001 4234 4466 4699 4931 5163 5396 5628 5861 1 23 69 6093 6325 6558 6790 7022 7255 7487 7719 7952 8184 2 3 46 70 1870 8416 8648 8881 9113 9345 9577 9809 0041 0274 0506 232 4 93 71 2720738 0970 1202 1434 1666 1898 2130 2362 2594 2826 5 116 72 3058 3290 3522 3754 3986 4218 4450 4682 4914 5146 6 7 8 139 162 73 5378 5610 5841 6073 6305 6537 6769 7001 7232 7464 74 7696 7928 8159 8391 8623 8854 9086 9318 9549 9781 9I209 75 2730013 0244 0476 0708 0939 1171 1402 1634 1865 2097 231 76 2328 2560 2791 3023 3254 3486 3717 3949 4180 4411 1 23 77 4.(f43 4374 5105 5337 5568 5799 6031 6262 6493 6725 2 46 78 6956 7187 7418 7650 7881 8112 8343 8574 8806 9037 3 4 5 69 79 9268 9499 9730 9961 0192 0423 0654 0885 1116 1347 231 92 116 1880 2741578 1809 2040 2271 2502 2733 296-i- 3195 3426 3657 6 139 81 3888 4119 4350 4581 4811 5042 5273 5504 57 '^5 5965 7 8 9 162 185 •ma 82 6196 6427 6658 6888 7119 7350 7581 7811 8042 8273 83 8503 8734 8964 9195 9426 9656 9887 (5117 0348 0578 84 2750809 1039 1270 1500 1731 1961 2192 2422 2653 2883 230 1 no 85 3114 3344 3574 3805 4035 4265 4496 4726 4956 5187 1 2 ^0 46 86 5417 5647 5877 6108 6338 6568 6798 7028 7259 7489 3 69 87 7719 7949 8179 8409 8640 8870 9100 9330 9560 9790 230 4 92 88 2760020 0250 0480 0710 0940 1170 1400 1630 1860 2090 5 6 7 115 138 161 89 2320 2549 2779 3009 3239 3469 3699 3929 4158 4388 1890 4618 4848 5078 5307 5537 5767 5997 6226 6i^56 6686 8 184 91 6915 7145 7375 7604 7834 8063 8293 8523 8752 8982 9 207 92 9211 9441 9670 9900 0129 0359 0588 0818 1047 1277 229 1 93 2771506 1736 1965 2194 2424 2653 2882 3112 3341 3570 1 23 94 3800 4029 4258 4488 4717 4946 5175 5405 5634 5863 2 3 46 69 95 6092 6321 6550 6780 7009 7238 7467 7696 7925 8154 229 4 92 96 8383 8612 8841 9070 9299 9528 9757 9986 0215 0444 5 115 97 2780673 0902 1131 1360 1589 1818 2047 2276 2504 2733 6 7 g 137 160 183 98 2962 3191 3420 3648 3877 4106 4335 4564 4792 5021 99 5250 5478 5707 2 5936 3 6164 i 4 6393 ! 5 6622 6 6850 7 7079 8 7307 9 9 206 D Pts. (24) LOGARITHMS N. 19000 L. 278 N. 1900 1 7765 2 7993 S 8222 4 8450 5 8679 6 8907 7 9 1 36 8 9364 9 9593 D Pro. 228 2787536 01 9821 ?5050 0278 0506 0735 0963 1192 1420 1648 1877 1 23 02 2792105 2333 2562 2790 3018 3247 3475 3703 3931 4160 2 46 3 68 4 91 03 4388 4616 4844 5072 5301 5529 5757 5985 6213 644J 04- 6669 68l)8 7126 7354 7582 7810 8038 8266 8494 8722 228 5 114 05 8950 9178 9406 9634 9862 0090 0317 0545 0773 1001 6 137 7 160 8 182 06 2801229 1457 1685 1912 2140 2368 2596 2824 3051 3279 07 3507 3735 3962 4190 4418 4645 4873 5101 5328 5556 9 205 08 5784 601] 6239 6467 6694 6922 7 1 49 7377 7604 7832 227 1 23 09 8059 8287 8514 8742 8969 9197 9424 9651 9879 0106 1910 2810354 0561 0788 1016 1243 1470 1698 1925 2152 2380 2 45 11 2607 28 S4 3061 3289 3516 3743 3970 4197 4425 4652 S 68 12 4879 5106 5333 5560 5787 6014 6242 6469 6696 6923 227 4 91 5 114 13 7150 7377 7604 7831 8058 8285 8512 8739 8966 9192 6 136 14 9419 9646 9873 0100 0327 0554 0781 1007 1234 1461 7 169 15 2821688 1915 2141 2368 2595 2822 3048 3275 3502 3728 8 182 9 204 16 3955 4182 4408 4635 4862 5088 5315 5541 5768 5995 17 6221 6448 6674 6901 7127 7354 7580 7807 8033 8260 226 18 8486 8712 8939 9165 9392 9618 9844 0071 0297 0523 1 23 2 45 3 68 19 2830750 0976 1202 1429 1655 1881 2107 2334 2560 2786 1920 3012 3238 3465 3691 3917 4143 4369 4595 4821 5048 226 4 90 21 5274 5500 5726 5952 6178 6404 6630 6856 7082 7308 5 113 6 136 7 158 22 7534 7760 7986 8212 8438 8663 8889 9115 •9341 9567 '23 9793 0019 0245 0470 0696 0922 1148 1373 1599 1825 8 181 24 284205 1 2276 2502 2728 2953 3179 3405 3630 3856 4082 9 203 25 4307 4533 4759 4984 5210 5435 5661 5886 6112 6337 225 26 6563 6788 7014 7239 7465 7690 7916 8141 8366 8592 1 23 27 8817 9043 9268 9493 9719 9944 0169 0394 0620 0845 2 45 3 68 4 90 5 113 28 2851070 1296 1521 1746 1971 2196 2422 2647 2872 3097 29 3322 3547 3773 3998 4223 4448 4673 4898 5123 5348 225 1930 5573 5798 6023 6248 647 3 6698 6923 7148 7373 7598 6 135 7 158 8 180 31 7823 8048 8273 8497 8722 8947 9172 9397 9622 9846 32 286007 1 02'»6 0521 0746 0970 1195 1420 1644 1869 2094 9 203 33 2319 2543 2768 2993 3217 3442 3666 3891 4116 4340 224 1 22 34 4565 4789 5014 5238 5463 5687 5912 6136 6361 6585 35 6810 7034 7259 7483 7707 7932 8156 8381 8605 8829 2 45 36 9054 9278 9502 9726 9951 0175 0399 0624 0848 1072 3 67 37 2871296 1520 1745 1969 2193 2417 2641 2865 3090 3314 i 90 5 112 5 134 38 3538 3762 3986 4210 4434 4658 4882 5106 5330 5554 224 39 5778 6002 6226 6450 6674 6898 7122 7346 7570 7793- 7 157 1940 8017 8241 8465 8689 8913 9136 9360 9584 9808 0032 ( B 179 )202 41 2880255 0479 0703 0927 1150 1374 1598 1821 2045 2269 : 42 2492 ■27 16 2939 3163 3387 3610 3834 4057 4281 4504 223 43 4728 4952 5175 5399 5622 5845 6069 6292 6516 6739 [ 22 >. 45 5 67 44 6963 7186 7409 7633 7856 8079 8303 0526 8749 8973 45 9196 9419 9643 9866 0089 0312 0536 0759 0982 1205 223 t i 1 89 46 28J1428 1652 1875 2098 2321 2544 2767 2990 3213 3436 ) 112 47 3660 3883 4106 4329 4552 4775 4998 5221 5444 5667 ) 134 156 48 5890 6112 6335 6558 6781 7004 7227 7450 7673 7896 E 178 49 N. 8118 8-341 8564 2 1 8787 3~ 9010 4 9232 5 9455 6 9678 7 9901 0123 c D 201 Pts. IT 8 1 9 N. 19500 L. 290 OF NUMBERS. (25) N. 1950 1 O5o9 ' 2 6792 3 4 1237 5 6 1682 7 1905 8 2127 9 2350 [) Pro. 2900346 1014 1460 51 2573 2795 3018 3240 3463 3686 3908 4131 435 M 4576 222 52 4798 5021 5243 5466 5688 5910 6133 6355 6578 6800 1 '22 53 7022 7245 7467 7690 7912 8134 8356 8579 8801 9023 2 44 3 67 4 89 54 9246 9408 9690 9912 S135 0357 0579 0801 1023 1245 55 2911468 1690 1912 2134 2356 2578 2800 3022 3244 3466 5 111 56 3689 3911 4133 4355 4577 47 9& 5020 5242 5464 5686 222 6 133 7 155 8 178 51 5908 6130 6352 6574 6796 7018 7240 7461 7683 7905 58 8127 8349 8570 8792 9014 9236 9458 9679 9901 0123 9 200 59 2920344 0566 0788 1009 1231 1453 1674 1896 2118 2339 1960 2561/ 477 d '2782 3004 3225 3447 3668 3890 4111 4333 4554 61 4997 5219 5440 5662 5883 6105 6326 6547 6769 221 62 6990 7211 7433 7654 7875 8097 8318 8539 8760 8982 1 22 63 9203 9424 9645 9867 SO88 0309 0530 0751 0973 1194 2 44 64 2931415 1636 1857 2078 2299 2520 2741 2962 3183 3405 3 66 4 88 ()5 3626 3847 4068 4289 4510 4730 4951 5172 5393 5614 221 5 111 m 5835 6056 6277 6498 6719 6940 7160 7381 7602 7823 6 133 67 8044 8264 8485 8706 8927 9147 9368 9589 9810 0030 7 155 2 177 9 199 68 294025 1 0472 0692 0913 1134 1354 1575 1795 2016 2237 69 2457 2678 2898 3119 3339 3560 3780 4001 4221 4442 1970 4662 4883 5103 5324 5544 5764 5985 6205 6426 6646 71 6866 7087 7307 7527 7748 7968 8188|8408 8629 8849 220 72 9069 9289 9510 9730 9950 0170 0390i06lO 0831 1051 1 22 73 2951271 1491 1711 1931 2151 2371 2591 2811 3031 3251 220 2 44j 74 3471 3691 3911 4131 4351 4571 4791 5011 5231 5451 3 66 4 88 5110 75 5671 5891 6111 6331 6550 6770 6990 7210 7430 7650 76 7869 8089 8309 8529 8748 8908 9188 9408 9627 9847 6 132 77 2960067 0286 0506 0726 0945 1165 1385 1604 1S24 2043 7 154 78 2263 2432 2702 2922 3141 3361 3580 3800 4019 4238 8 176 9 198 79 4458 4677 4897 5116 5336 5555 5774 5994 6213 6433 1980 6652 6871 7091 7310 7529 7748 7968 8187 8406 8626 81 8845 9064 9283 9502 9722 9941 DI6O 0379 0598 0817 219 1 22 82 2971037 1256 1475 1694 1913 2132 2351 2570 2789 3008 219 83 3227 3446 3665 3884 4103 4322 4511 4760 4979 5198 2 44 84 5417 5636 5854 6073 6292 6511 6730 6949 7168 7386 3 66 85 7605 7824 8043 8261 8480 8699 8918 9136 9355 9574 4 88 5 110 86 9792 Ooii 0230 0448 0667 0886 1104 1323 1542 1760 6 131 87 2981979 2197 2416 2634 2853 3071 3290 3508 3727 3945 7 163 88 4164 4382 4601 4819 5038 5256 5474 5693 5911 6129 8 175 89 6348 6566 6785 7003 7221 7439 7658 7876 8094 8313 9 197 1990 8531 87 49 8967 9185 9404 9622 9840 0058 0276 0494 91 29907 13 0931 1149 13t)7 1585 1803 2021 2239 2457 2675 218 1 22 2 44 92 2893 3111 3329 3547 3765 3983 4201 4419 4637 4855 218 93 5073 5291 5509 5727 5945 6162 6380 659S 6816 7034 94 7252 7469 7687 7905 8123 8340 8558 8776 8994 9211 3 65 95 9429 9647 9864 0082 0300 0517 0735 0953 1170 1388 4 87 5 109 6 131 96 3001605 1823 2041 2258 2476 2693 2911 3128 3346 3563 97 3781 3998 4216 4433 4650 4868 5085 5303 5520 5737 7 153 98 5935 6172 6390 6607 6824 7042 7259 7476 7693 7911 a 174 99 N. 8128 8345 1 8562 2 8780 3 8997 4 9214 5 9431 6' 9648 7 9866 8 (5083 9 D 9 196 Pts. 2ii (!^6) LOGARITHMS N. 20000 L.301 | N. 2000 1 0517 0734 3 0951 4 1168 5 1386 6' 1603 7 1 820 8 2037 2234 ID l»ro. 3010300 01 2471 2688 2905 3122 3339 3556 3773 3<^90 4207 44'.^ 4 217 217 02 4641 4858 5075 5291 5508 5725 "^942 6159 OS 7 6 65)3 I 22 03 6809 7026 7243 7460 7677 7893 8110 8327 8544 8700 2 43 3 65 4 87 04 8977 9194 9411 9627 9844 0061 0277 0494 0711 0927 0.5 3021144 1360 1577 1794 2010 2227 2443 2660 2876 3093 5 109 06 3309 352«6 3742 3959 4175 4392 4608 •1825 5041 5237 6 130 7 152 8 174 07 5474 5690 5906 6123 6339 Q55Q 6772 6988 7204 7421 08 7637 7853 8070 8286 8502 8718 8935 9151 9367 9583 9 195 09 9799 U016 0232 0448 0664 0880 1096 1312 1328 17^5 216 2010 303 1 96 1 2177 2393 2609 2825 3041 3257 3473 3689 3905 11 4121 4337 4553 4769 4984 3200 5416 3632 3848 0064 216 12 6280 6496 6711 6927 7143 7359 7575 7790 8006 8222 1 22 13 8438 8653 8869 9085 9301 9516 9732 9948 0163 0379 2 43 14- 3040595 0810 1026 1242 1437 1673 1888 2104 2319 2533 3 65 4 86 15 2751 2966 3182 3397 3613 38-28 4043 4259 4474 4690 5 108 16 4905 5121 5^3Q 5532 5767 5982 6198 6413 6628 0844 6 130 7 151 8 173 9 194 17 7059 7274 7490 7705 7g20 8135 8351 8566 8781 8996 IS 9212 n r\ ^ t r% a f\ 9427 9642 9857 0072 2224 0288 0503 0718 0935 i 148 19 3051363 1578 1793 2008 2439 2654 2869 3084 3299 2020 3514 3729 3944 4159 4374 4589 4803 5018 5233 S448 215 21 5663 5878 6093 6308 6523 6737 6952 7167 7382 7597 215 22 7812 8026 8241 8456 8671 8885 9100 9315 9529 9744 1 22 23 9959 0174 0388 0603 0817 1032 1247 1461 1676 1891 2 43 24 3062105 2320 2534 2749 2963 3478 3392 3607 3821 4036 3 65 4 86 5 108 25 4250 4465 4679 4894 5108 5322 5537 5751 5966 6180 26 6394 6609 6823 7037 7252 7466 7680 7895 8109 8323 6 129 27 8537 8752 8966 9180 9394 9609 9823 0037 0231 0465 7 151 8 172 9 194 28 3070680 0894 1108 1322 1536 1750 1 964 2178 2392 2606 214 29 2820 3035 3249 3463 3677 3891 4105 4319 4532 4746 2030 4960 5174 5388 5602 5816 6030 6244 6458 6672 6885 31 7099 7313 7527 7741 7954 8168 8382 8596 8810 9023 214 32 9237 9451 9664 9878 0092 0306 0519 0733 0947 1160 I 21 33 3081 37 4 1587 1801 2015 2228 2442 2655 2869 3082 3290 2 43 34 3509 3723 3936 4150 4303 4377 4790 5004 3217 5431 6 64 4 86 5 107 35 5644 5858 6071 6284 0498 6711 6924 7138 7351 7564 36 777S 7991 8204 8418 8031 8844 9037 9271 9484 9697 6 128 37 9910 0123 0337 0550 0763 0976 1189 1402 1616 1829 7 150 38 3092042 2255 2468 2681 2894 3107 3320 35S3 3746 3959 213 B 171 9 193 39 4172 43S5 4598 481 1 5024 5237 5450 3663 5876 0089 2040 6302 6515 6727 6940 7153 7366 7579 7792 8004 8217 41 8430 8643 8856 9068 9281 9494 9707 9919 0132 0345 213 1 21 2 43 42 3100557 0770 0983 1195 1408 1621 1833 2046 2238 2471 43 2684 2896 3109 3321 3534 3746 3939 4171 4384 4596 44 4809 5021 5234 5440 5Q59 5871 6084 6296 0508 6721 3 64 45 6933 7145 7358 7570 7783 7995 8207 8419 8632 8844 2 85 5 107 S 128 46 9056 9269 9481 9693 9905 0117 0.'^30 0542 0754 0966 47 3111178 1391 1603 1815 2027 2239 2451 2663 2875 3087 7 149 48 3300 3512 3724 3936 4148 4360 4572 4784 4996 5208 j 212 3 170 49 N. 5420 5632 5843 60.53 3 6267 6479 5 669 1 6 6903 7 7115 7327 D i^.l92 Pts. 1 2 4 8 f ,9 N. £0,500 L.311 OF NUMBERS. (27) N. 2030 51 52 52> 54 55 56 51 5^ 59 2060 61 (>2 63 64 3117539 9657 3121774 3889 6004 8118 3 1 3023 I 2343 4454 6563 8672 3140780 . 2887 4992 7097 Q5 9201 QQ 3151303 67 •i^05 68 5505 69 7605 2070 9703 71 3161801 72 5898 73 5993 74 8088 75 3170181 76 2273 77 4365 78 6455 79 8545 2080 3180633 81 2721 82 4807 83 6893 84 8977 85 3191061 86 3143 87 5224 88 7305 89 9384 2090 3201463 91 3540 92 5617 93 7692 94 9767 95 3211840 96 3913 97 5984 98 8055 99 n: 3220124 1 7750 9868 1985 410 6216 8330 0442 2554 46(i5 6774 8883 0991 3097 5203 7307 941] 1513 3615 5715 7815 9913 2011 4107 6203 8297 0390 2483 4574 6664 8754 0842 2929 5016 7101 9186 1269 3351 5433 7513 9 5,} 2 1671 3748 5824 7900 9974 2048 4120 6191 8262 0331 I 1 7962 0080 2197 43 1 3 6427 8541 0054 2765 4876 6985 9094 1201 3308 5413 7518 9621 1724 3825 5925 8025 0123 2220 4317 6412 8506 0600 2692 4783 6873 8963 1051 3138 5224 7310 9394 1477 3559 5641 7721 9800 1878 3956 6032 8107 0182 2255 4327 6398 8469 0538 Q 3 8174 0292 2408 4524 6639 6850 8752 0865 2976 5087 7196 9305 1412 3518 5624 7728 9831 1934 4035 6135 8235 0333 2430 4526 6621 8716 0809 2901 4992 7082 9172 1260 3347 5433 7518 9602 1685 3768 5849 7929 0008 2086 4163 6240 8315 0389 2462 4534 6606 8676 0745 8386 0504 2620 4736 8964 1076 3187 5298 7407 9515 1623 3729 5834 7939 0042 2144 4245 6345 8444 0543 2640 4736 6831 8925 1018 3110 5201 7291 9380 1468 3556 5642 727 9811 1894 3976 6057 8137 0216 2294 4371 6447 8522 0596 2669 4742 6813 8883 0952 8598 0715 2832 4947 7061 9175 1287 3398 5509 7618 9726 1833 3*)40 6045 149 0252 2354 4455 6555 8654 0752 2849 4945 7040 9134 1227 3319 5410 7500 9589 1677 3764 5850 7935 0019 2102 4184 6265 8345 0424 2502 4579 6655 8730 0804 2877 4949 7020 9090 1159 6_ 8810|9021 0927 3043 5159 7273 9386 1498 3610 5720 7829 9937 0148 2044 2255 1139 3255 5370 7484 9597 1709 3821 5931 8040 4150 6255 8359 Oi62 2564 4665 6765 8864 0962 3059 5155 7250 9344 1437 3528 5619 7709 9798 1886 3973 6059 8143 0227 2310 4392 6473 8553 0632 2709 4786 6862 8937 1011 3084 5156 7227 9^97 1366 ~6~ 4361 6466 8570 0672 2774 4875 6975 9074 1172 3269 5364 7459 9553 1646 3738 5828 7918 0007 2095 4181 6267 8352 0436 2518 4600 6681 8761 0839 2917 4994 7070 9145 1218 3291 5363 7434 9504 1572 9 D Pro. 9233 1350 3466 5581 7696 9809 1921 4032 6142 8251 0358 2465 4571 6676 8780 0883 2985 5085 7185 9284 1382 3478 5574 7669 9762 1855 3947 6037 8127 0216 2303 4390 6476 8560 0644 2727 4808 6889 8969 1047 3125 5202 7277 9352 1426 3498 5570 7641 9711 1779 9445 1562 3678 5793 7907 0020 2132 4243 6353 8461 0569 2676 4782 6887 S990 1093 3195 5295 7395 9494 1591 3688 5784 7878 9972 2064 4156 6246 8336 0425 2512 4599 6684 8769 0852 2935 5016 7097 9176 1255 3333 5409 7485 9559 1633 3706 5777 7848 9917 1986 211 210 209 208 207 D 2E2 (^8) LOGARITHMS N. 21000 L. m'l\ N. 2100 1 2400 2 2607 3 2813 4 3020 5 3227 6 7 3640 8 9 1) Pro. 322-21 9. S 3434 3847 4054 01 4261 4467 4674 4881 5087 5294 5501 5707 5914 6121 02 6327 6534 6740 6947 7153 7360 7567 7773 7980 8186 207 03 8393 8599 8806 9012 92ly 9425 9632 9838 0045 0251 1 21 2 41 3 62 04- 3230457 0664 0870 1077 1283 1489 1696 1902 2108 2315 03 2521 2727 2934 3140 3346 3552 3759 3965 4171 4377 4 83 06 4584 4790 4996 5202 5408 5615 5821 6027 6233 6439 h 104 6 124 7 145 07 6645 6851 7058 7264 7470 7676 7882 8088 8294 8500 08 8706 8912 9118 9324 9530 9736 9942 0148 0354 0560 206 8 166 09 3240766 0972 1178 1384 1589 1795 2001 2207 2413 2619 9 186 2110 2825 3030 3236 3442 3648 3854 4059 4265 4471 4677 11 4882 5088 5294 5499 5705 5911 6117 6322 6528 6734 12 6939 7145 7350 7556 7762 7967 8173 8378 8584 8789 206 13 8995 9201 9406 9612 9817 0023 0228 0433 0639 0844 1 21 J 41 3 62 14 3251050 .1255 1461 1666 1872 2077 -2282 2488 2693 2898 15 3104 3309 3514 3720 3925 4130 4336 4541 4746 4951 4 82 16 5157 5362 5567 5772 5978 6183 6388 6593 6798 7003 5 103 6 124 17 7209 7414 7619 7824 8029 8234 8439 8644 8849 9055 7 144 18 9260 9465 9670 9875 0080 0285 0490 0695 0900 1105 205 8 165 19 326I3IO 1515 1719 1924 2129 2334 2539 2744 2949 3154 9 185 2120 3359 3563 3768 3973 4178 4383 4588 4792 4997 5202 21 5407 5611 5816 6021 6226 6430 6635- •6840 7044 7249 22 7454 7658 7863 8068. 8272 8477 8682 8886 9091 9295 205 23 9500 9705 9909 0114 0318 0523 0727 0932 113(? 1341 1 21 24 3271545 1750 19^4 2158 2363: 2567 2772 2976 3181 3385 2 41 3 62 25 3589 3794 3998 4202 44071 4611 4815 5020 5224 5428 4 82 26 5633 5837 6041 6245 645oi 6654 6858 7062 7267 7471 5 103 27 7675 7879 80S3 8287 8492 8696 8900 9104 9308 9512 S 123 7144 3 16*4 28 9716 9920 0124 0328 0533 0737 0941 1145 1349 1553 204 29 3281757 1961 2165 2369 2572 2776 2980 3184 3388 3592 9 185 2130 3796 4000 4204 4408 4612 4815 5019 5223 5427 5631 31 5834 6038 6242 6446 6650 6853 7057 7261 7465 7668 32 7872 8076 8279 8483 8687 8890 9094 9298 9501 9705 204 33 9909 0112 0316 0519 0723 0926 1130 1334 1537 1741 20 34 3291944 2148 2351 2555 2758 2962 3165 3369 3572 3775 i 41 i 6i 35 3979 4182 4386 4589 4792 4996 5199 5402 5606 5809 i 82 36 6012 6216 6419 6622 6826 7029 7232 7436 7639 7842 5 102 37 8045 8248 8452 8655 8858 9061 9264 9468 9671 9874 < ; 122 M43 i 163 38 3300077 0280 0483 0686 0889 1093 1296 1499 1702 1905 203 l 39 2108 2311 2514 2717 2920 3123 3326 3529 3732 3935 i ) 184 2140 4138 4341 4544 4747 4949 5152 5355 555S 5761 5964 41 6167 6370 6572 6775 6978 7181 7384 7586 7789 7992 42 8195 8397 8600 8803 9006 9208 9411 9614 9816 0019 203 43 3310222 0424 0627 0830 1032 1235 1437 1640 1843 2045 1 20 44 2248 2450 2653 2855 3058 3261 3463 3666 3868 4070 i 41 i 61 45 4273 4475 467-8 4880 5083 5285 5488 5690 5892 6095 1 81 4f) 6297 6500 6702 6904 7107 7309 7511 7714 7916 8118 5 102 47 8320 8523 8725 8927 9129 9332 9534 9736 9938 0141 3 122 7 142 3 162 48 3320343 0545 0747 0949 1151 1354 1556 1758 1960 2162 49 2364 2566 r 2768 2 2970 3 3172 4 3374 5 3577 6 3779 7 3981 4183 202 « D ) 183 Pts. N. 8 9 N. 21500 L.332 OF NUMBERS. (29) N. 21.50 1 4587 2 4789 3 4991 4 5193 5 5394 6 5596 7 5798 8 6000 9 6202 D 202 Pro. 3324385 51 6404 6606 6808 7010 7212 7414 7615 7817 8019 8221 52 8423 8624 8826 9028 9230 9432 9633 9835 0037 0239 202 53 33304^0 0642 0844 1045 1247 1449 1650 J 852 2054 2255 I 20 54 2457 2659 2860 3062 3263 3465 3667 3868 4070 4271 2 40 3 6'1 55 4473 4674 4876 5077 5279 5480 5682 5883 6085 6286 4 81 56 6488 6689 6890 7092 7293 7495 7696 7897 8099 8300 s'loi 57 8501 8703 8904 9105 9307 9508 9709 9911 0112 0313 6 121 7 141 8 162 58 3340514 0716 0917 1118 1319 1521 1722 1923 2124 2325 59 2526 2728 2929 3130 3331 3532 3733 3934 4135 4336 9,182 2160 4538 4739 4940 5141 5342 5543 5744 5945 6146 6347 201 61 6548 6749 6950 7151 7351 7552 7753 7954 8155 8356 62 ■ 8557 8758 8959 9159 9360 9561 9762 9963 0164 0364 201 63 3350565 0766 0967 1168 1368 1569 1770 1970 2171 2372 1 20 64 2573 2773 2974 3175 3375 3576 3777 3977 4178 4378 2 40 65 4579 4780 4980 5181 5381 5582 5782 5983 6183 6384 3 60 4 80 66 6585 6785 6986 7186 7386 7587 7787 7988 8188 8389 5 101 67 - 8589 8790 8990 9190 9391 9591 9791 9992 0192 0392 6 121 68 3360593 0793 0993 1194 1394 1594 1795 1995 2195 2395 7 141 69 2596 2796 2996 3196 3396 3597 3797 3997 4197 4397 8 l6l 9 181 2170 4597. 4797 4998 5198 5398 5598 5798 5998 6198 6398 71 6598 6798 6998 7198 7398 7598 7798 7998 8198 8398 200 72 8598 8798 8998 9198 9398 9598 9798 9998 0198 0397 200 73 3370597 0797 0997 1197 1397 1596 1796 1996 2196 2396 1 20 74 2595 2795 2995 3195 3394 3594 3794 3994 4193 4393 2 40 3 60 4 80 75 4593 4792 4992 5192 5391 5591 5791 5990 6190 6389 76 6589 6788 6988 7188 7387 7587 7786 7986 8185 8385 5 100 77 8584 8784 8983 9183 9382 9582 9781 9981 0180 0379 6 120 78 3380579 0778 0978 1177 1376 1576 1775 1974 2174 2373 7 140 8 160 9 180 79 2572 2772 2971 3170 3369 3569 3768 3967 4166 4366 2180 4565 4764 4963 5163 5362 5561 5760 5959 6158 6358 81 6557 6756 6955 7154 7353 7552 7751 7950 8149 8348 199 82 8547 8746 8946 9145 9344 9543 9742 9940 0139 0338 199 83 3390537 0736 0935 1134 1333 1532 1731 1930 2129 2327 1 20 84 2526 2725 2924 3123 3322 3520 3719 3918 4117 4316 2 40 3 60 * 80 85 4514 4713 4912 5111 5309 5508 5707 5906 6104 6303 86 6502 6700 6899 7098 7296 7495 7693 7892 8091 8289 5 100 87 8488 8686 8885 9084 9282 9481 9679 9878 0076 0275 S119 ri39 3 159 9 179 88 3400473 0672 0870 1069 1267 1466 1664 1862 2061 2259 89 2458 2656 2854 3053 3251 3449 3648 3846 4045 4243 2190 4441 4639 4838 5036 5234 5433 5631 5829 6027 6226 ~ 91 6424 6622 6820 7018 7217 7415 7613 7811 8009 8207 92 8405 8604 8802 9000 9198 9396 9594 9792 9990 0188 198 93 3410386 0584 0782 0980 1178 1376 1574 1772 1970 2168 198 1 20 94 2366 2564 2762 2960 3158 3356 3554 3752 3950 4147 2 40 95 4345 4543 4741 4939 5137 5334 5532 5730 5928 6126 4 79 96 6323 6521 6719 6917 7114 7312 7510 7708 7905 8103 5 99 97 8301 8498 8696 8894 9091 9289 9486 9684 9882 0079 3119 M39 i 158 98 3420277 0474 0672 0870 1067 1265 1462 1660 1857 2055 99 2252 2450 1 2647 2 . 2845 3 3042 4 3240 5 3437 6 3635 7 3832 8 4029 9 D }17S Pts. (^0) LOGARITHMS N 22000 I.. 342 N. 220C) 1 4424 2 4622 3 4819 4 5016 5 5214 5411 7 5608 8 5806 9 6003 1) Pro. 3424227 01 6200 6398 6595 6792 6990 7187 7384 7581 7779 7976 02 8173 8370 8568 8765 8962 9 1 59 9356 9554 9751 9948 198 03 3430145 0342 0539 0736 0933 1131 1328 1525 1722 1919 1| 20 04 2116 2313 2510 2707 2904 3101 3298 3495 3692 3889 197 2 40 3| 59 . 05 4086 4283 4480 4677 4874 5071 5268 5464 5661 5858 4 79 06 6055 6252 6449 6646 6842 7039 7236 7433 7630 7827 5| 99 6119 7 139 > 07 8023 8220 8417 8614 8810 9007 9204 9401 9597 9794 08 9991 0187 0384 0581 0777 0974 1171 1367 1564 1761 8 168 09 3441957 2154 2350 2547 2743 2940 SI 37 3333 3530 3726 9 178 2210 3923 4119 4316 4512 4709 4905 5102 5298 5495 5691 11 5887 6084 6280 6477 6673 6869 7066 7262 7459 7655 12 7851 8048 8244 8440 '8636 8833 9029 9225 9422 9618 197 13 9814 0010 0207 0403 0599 0795 0991 1188 1384 1580 1 20 2 39 3 59 14 3451776 1972 2168 2365 ©561 2757 2953 3149 3345 3541 196 15 3737 3933 4129 4325 4522 4718 4914 5110 5306 5502 4 79 16 5698 5894 6090 6285 6481 6677 6873 7069 7265 7461 5 99 6 118 7 138 17 7657 7853 8049 8245 8440 8636 8832 9028 9224 9420 18 9615 9811 0007 0203 0399 0594 0790 0986 1182 1377 8 158 19 3461573 1769 1964 2160 2356 2551 2747 2943 3138 3334 9 177 ^ 2220 3530 3725 3921 4117 4312 4508 4703 4899 5094 5290 '■, 21 5486 5681 5877 6072 6268 6463 6659 6854 7050 7245 22 7441 7636 7§31 8027 8222 8418 8613 8808 9004 9199 196 23 9395 9590 9785 9981 0176 0371 0567 0762 0957 1153 11 20 24 3471348 1543 1738 1934 2129 2324 2519 2715 2910 3105 2 39 3 59 25 3,300 3495 3691 3886 4081 4276 4471 4666 4861 5056 4 78 26 5252 5447 5642 5837 6032 6227 6422 6617 6812 7007 195 5 98 27 7202 7397 7592 7787 7982 8177 8372 8567 8762 8957 6 118 7 137 i 157 28 9152 9347 9542 9737 9931 0126 0321 0516 0711 0906 29 3481101 1296 1490 1685 1880 2075 2270 2464 2659 2854 9 176 2230 3049 3243 3438 3633 3828 4022 4217 4412 4606 4801 31 4996 5190 5385 5580 5774 5969 6164 6358 6553 6747 32 6942 7136 7331 7526 7720 7915 8109 8304 8498 8693 195 33 8887 9082 9276 9471 9665 9860 0054 0248 0443 0637 1 20 34 3490832 1026 1220 1415 1609 1804 1998 2192 2387 2581 2 39 3 59 4 78 35 2775 2970 3164 3358 3552 3747 3941 4135 4330 4524 36 4718 4912 5106 5301 5495 5689 5883 6077 6272 6466 5 98 37 6660 6854 7048 7242 7436 7630 7825 8019 8213 8407 S1I7 7 137 8 156 38 8601 8795 8989 9183 9377 9571 9765 9959 0153 0347 194 39 3500541 0735 0929 1123 1317 1511 1705 1898 2092 2286 9 176 2240 2480 2674 2868 3062 3256 3449 3643 3837 4031 4225 41 4419 4612 4806 5000 5194 5387 5581 5775 5969 6162 42 6356 6550 6743 6937 7131 7325 7518 7712 7905 8099 194 43 8293 8486 8680 8874 9067 9261 9454 9648 9841 0035 1 19 44 3510229 0422 0616 0809 1003 1196 1390 1583 1777 1970 ^ 39 i 58 45 2163 2357 2550 2744: 2937 3131 3324 3517 3711 3904 4 78 46 4098 4291 4484 4678 4871 5064 5258 5451 5644 5837 E) 97 47 6031 6224 6417 6611 6804 6997 7190 7383 7577 7770 S 116 7 136 3 155 48 7963 8156 8349 8543 8736 8929 9122 9315 9508 9701 49 N. 9895 0088 1 0281 0474 0667 4 0860 ~5~ 1053 6 1246 ~7~ 1439 8 1632 9 193 J D 1 175 Pts. 2 3 N. 22500 L.352 OF NUMBERS. (31) N. 2250 1 2018 2 2211 3 2404 4 2597 2790 6 2983 7 3176 8 3369 9 3562 D 193 Pro. 3521825 51 3755 3948 4141 4334 4527 4720 4912 5105 5298 5491 52 5684 5877 6070 6262 6455 6648 6841 7034 7226 7419 193 53 7612 7805 7997 8190 8383 8576 8768 8961 9154 9346 1 19 2 39 3 58 54 9539 9732 9924 0117 0310 0502 0695 0888 1080 1273 55 3531465 1658 1851 2043 2236 2428 2621 2813 3006 3198 4 77 56 3391 3583 3776 3968 4161 4353 4546 4738 4931 5123 5 97 6116 7 135 57 5316 5508 5700 5893 6085 6278 6470 6662 6S55 7047 58 7239 7432 7624 7816 8009 8201 8393 8586 8778 8970 8 154 59 9162 9355 9547 9739 9931 0123 0316 0508 0700 0892 9 174 2260 3541084 1277 1469 1661 1853 2045 2237 2429 2621 2814 61 3006 3198 3390 3582 3774 3966 4158 4350 4542 4734 192 62 4926 5118 5310 5502 5694 5886 6078 6270 6462 6654 192 63 6846 7037 7229 7421 7613 7805 7997 8189 8381 8572 1 19 2 38 3 58 64 8764 8956 9148 9340 9531 9723 9915 0107 0299 0490 65 3550682 0874 1066 1257 1449 1641 1832 2024 2216 2407 4 77 5 96 6 1 15 66 2599 2791 2982 3174 3366 3557 3749 3940 4132 4324 67 4515 4707 4898 5090 5281 5473 5664 5856 6048 6239 7 134 68 6431 6622 6813 7005 7196 7388 7579 7771 7962 8154 8 154 69 8345 8536 8728 8919 9111 9302 94.93 9685 9376 0067 9il73 2270 3560259 0450 0641 0832 1024 1215 1406 1598 1789 1980 71 2171 2363 2554 2745 2936 3127 3319 3510 3701 3892 72 4083 4274 4466 4657 4848 5039 5230 5421 5612 5803 191 73 5994 6185 6376 6568 6759 6950 7141 7332 7523 7714 191 1 19 74 7905 8096 8287 8178 8668 8859 9050 9241 9432 9623 2 38 3 57 75 9814 0005 0196 0387 0578 0768 0959 1150 1341 1532 4 7G 76 3571723 1913 2104 2295 2486 2677 2867 3058 3249 3440 5 96 77 3630 3821 4012 4202 4393 4584 4775 4965 5156 5347 6 115 7 134 8 153 78 5537 5728 5918 6109 6300 6490 6681 6872 7062 7253 79 7443 7634 7824 8015 8205 8396 8586 8777 8967 9158 9 172 2280 9348 9539 9729 9920 0110 0301 0491 0682 0872 1062 81 3581253 1443 1634 1824 2014 2205 2395 2585 2776 2966 82 3156 3347 3537 3727 3918 4108 4298 4438 4679 4869 I 90 83 5059 5249 5440 5630 5820 6010 6200 6391 6581 6771 1 19 84 6961 7151 7341 7531 7722 7912 8102 8292 8482 8672 190 2 38 3 57 85 8862 9052 9242 9432 9622 9812 0002 0192 0332 0572 4 76 86 3590762 0952 1142 1332 1522 1712 1902 2092 2282 2472 5 95 87 2662 2852 304.1 3231 3421 3611 3801 3991 4181 4370 6 114 7 133 8 152 88 4560 4750 4940 5130 5319 5509 5699 5889 6078 6268 89 6458 6648 6837 7027 7217 7406 7596 7786 7976 8165 9 171 2290 8355 8544 8734 8924 9113 9303 9493 9682 9872 0061 91 3600251 0440 0630 0820 1009 1199 1388 1578 1767 1957 92 2146 2336 2525 2715 2904 3093 3283 3472 3662 3851 189 93 4041 4230 4419 4609 4798 4987 5177 5366 5555 5745 1 19 94 5934 6123 6313 6502 6691 6881 7070 7259 7448 7638 2 38 3 57 4 76 95 ^827 8016 8205 8395 8584 8773 8962 9151 9341 9530 139 96 9719 9908 0097 0286 0475 0664 0854 1043 1232 1421 5 95 97 3611610 1799 1988 2177 2366 2555 2744 2933 3122 3311 6 113 98 3500 3689 3878 4)67 4256 4445 4634 4823 5012 5201 7 132 8 151 9 170 Pts. 99 N. 5390 5579 5768 5956 0145 6334 6523 6712 7 C90I 7090 D 2 3 T~ 5 6' 8 9 (32) LOGARITHMS N. 23000 L. 861 - N. '2300 1 7467 2 7656 3 7845 4 8034 5 8222 6 8411 7 8600 8 8789 9 8977 D Pro. 3617278 01 9166 9355 9544 9732 9921 0110 0298 0487 0676 0865 02 3621053 1242 1430 1619 1808 1996 2185 2374 2562 2751 189 03 29:;9 3128 3317 3505 3694 3882 4071 4259 4448 4636 1 19 04 4825 5013 5202 5390 5579 5767 5956 6144 6332 6521 2 38 05 6709 6898 7086 7275 7463 7651 7840 8028 8216 8405 3 57 4 76 06 8593 8781 8970 9158 9346 9535 9723 9911 0099 0288 5 95 07 36304-76 0664 0852 1041 1229 1417 1605 1794 1982 2170 G113 08 2358 2546 2734 2923 3111 3299 3487 3675 3863 4031 7 132 09 4239 4427 4615 4804 4992 5180 5368 5556 5744 5932 188 8 151 9 170 2310 6120 6308 6496 6684 6872 7060 7248 7436 7624 7812 11 7999 8187 8375 8563 8751 8939 9127 9315 9503 9690 12 9878 0066 0254 0442 0630 0817 1005 1193 1381 1569 188 13 3641756 1944 2132 2320 2507 2695 2883 3070 3258 3446 1 19 14 3634 3821 4009 4197 4384 4572 4759 4947 5135 5322 2 38 3 56 4 75 15 5510 5698 5885 6073 6260 6448 6635 6823 7010 7198 16 7386 7573 7761 7948 8136 8323 8511 8698 8885 9073 5 94 17 9260 9448 9635 9823 0010 0197 0385 0572 0760 0947 G113 18 3651134 1322 1509 1696 1884 2071 2258 2446 2633 2820 7 132 8 150 9 169 19 3007 3195 3382 3569 3757 3944 4131 4318 4305 4693 2320 4880 5067 5254 5441 5629 5816 6003 6190 6377 6564 21 6751 6939 7126 7313 7500 7687 7874 8061 8248 8435 187 22 8622 8809 8996 9183 9370 9557 9744 9931 0118 0305 187 s 23 3660492 0679 0866 1053 1240 1427 1614 1801 1987 2174 1 19 24 2361 2348 2735 2922 3109 3296 3482 3669 3856 4043 2 37 3 56 25 4230 4416 4603 4790 4977 5163 5350 5537 5724 5910 4 75 26 6097 6284 6471 6657 6844 7031 7217 7404 7591 7777 5 94 27 7964 8150 8337 8524 8710 8897 9083 9270 9457 9643 6 112 7 131 8 150 28 9830 5016 0203 0389 0576 0762 0949 1135 1322 1508 29 3671695 1881 2068 2254 2441 2627 2814 3000 3186 3373 9 168 2330 3559 3746 3932 4118 4305 4491 4677 4864 5050 5236 / 31 5423 5609 5795 5982 6168 6354 6540 6727 6913 7099 32 7285 7472 7658 7844 8030 8217 8403 8589 8775 8961 186 33 9147 9334 9520 9706 9892 0078 0264 0450 0636 0822 1 19 2 37 3 56 34 3681009 1195 1381 1567 1753 1939 2125 2311 2497 2683 186 35 2869 3055 3241 3427 3613 3799 3985 4171 4357 4542 4 74 36 4728 4914 5100 5286 5472 5658 5844 6030 6215 6401 5 93 6 112 7 130 37 6587 6773 6959 7145 7330 7516 7702 7888 8074 8259 38 8445 8631 8817 9002 9188 9374 9559 9745 9931 0117 8 149 39 3690302 0488 0674 0859 1045 1230 1416 1602 1787 1973 9 167 2340 2159 2344 2530 2715 2901 3086 3272 3458 3643 3829 41 4014j, '4200 4385 4571 4756 4942 5127 5313 5498 5683 42 5869 6054 6240 6425 6611 6796 6981 7167 7352 75 3« 185 43 7723 7908 8094 8279 8464 8650 8835 9020 9205 9391 1 19 44 9576 9761 9947 0132 0317 0502 0688 0873 1058 1213 2 37 '^ 'id 45 3701428 1614 1799 1984 2169 2354 2540 2725 2910 3095 •J oo 4 74 46 3280 3465 3650 3835 4020 4206 4391 4576 4761 4946 5 93 47 5131 5316 5501 5686 5871 6056 6241 6426 6611 6796 185 6 111 7 130 8 148 48 6981 7166 7351 7536 7721 7906 8091 8275 8460 8645 49 N. 8830 9015 1 9200 9385 9570 9754 5 9939 0124 0309 0494 D 167 Pts. 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 N. 23500 L.371 OF numbers. (33) N. 235( 1 I 5863 2 3 1048 123: 4 ~i 1418 5 6 1603 178'; 17 8 9 1972 2157 2342 1) Pro. ) 371067^ 5] 252( ) 2711 2896 308C ) 3265 3450 363,'. J 3819 400 '4189 5i > 437! ] 4558 4742 492"; ' 5112 529( ) 5481 5666 5850 1 6035 II 185 .55 621C ) 6404 6588 6771 5 6957 7142 > 7327 7511 769t » 7880 1 19 54 806.' . 8249 843^ I. 861^ 8802 8987 9171 935e 954C ) 9725 2 37 3 56' 5b 990C 1 0094 027^ i 0462 J 0647 0831 1015 120c > 1384 1569 4 74 56 372175S ► 1937 212^ > 230e 2490 2074 - 2859 3043 3227 3412 5 93 51 359( ) 3780 396^ ^ 4149 4333 4517 4701 4885 5070 5254 6 111 7 130 8 148 58 543g 5622 580e 5991 6175 6359 6543 6727 6911 7095 59 7279 7464 764S 7832 8016 8200 8384 8568 8752 8936 9 167 2360 9 12c 9304 9488 9672 9856 0040 0^24 0408 0592 0776 184.1 1 61 3730960 1144 1328 1512 1696 1879 2063 2247 243 1 2615 62 2799 2983 3167 3350 3534 3718 3902 4086 4270 4453 184 63 4637 4821 5005 5189 5372 5556 5740 5924 6107 6291 I 18 64 , 6475 6658 6842 7026 7210 7393 7577 7761 7944 8128 2 37 3 55 65 8311 8495 8679 8862 9046 9230 9413 9597 9780 9964 4 74 66 3740147 0331 0515 0698 0882 1065 1249 1432 1616 1799 5 92 6 110 7 !29 67 1983 2166 2350 2533 2716 2900 3083 3267 3450 3634 68 3817 4000 4184 4367 4551 4734 4917 5101 5284 5467 8 147 69 5651 5834 6017 6201 6384 6567 6750 6934 7117 7300 9 166 2370 748.3" 7667 7850 8033 8216 8400 8583 8766 8949 9132 71 9316 9499 9682 9865 0048 0231 0414 0598 0781 0964 , 33 183 72 3751147 1330 1513 1696 1879 2062 2245 2428 2611 2794 ' 73 2977 3160 3343 3526 3709 3892 4075 4258 4441 4624 1 18 2 37 3 55 74 4807 4990 5173 5356 5539 5722 5905 6088 6270 6453 75 6636 6819 7002 7185 7368 7550 7733 7916 8099 8282 4 73 76 8464 8647 8830 ,9013 9195 9378 9561 9744 9926 0109 5 92 6110 7 128 77 3760292 0475 0657 0840 1023 1 205 1388 1571 1753 1936 78 2119 2301 2484 2666 2849 3032 3214 3397 3579 3762 8 146 79 3944 4127 4310 4492 4675 4857 5040 5222 5405 5587 9 !65 2380 5770 5952 6135 6317 6499 6682 6864 7047 7229 7412 81 7594 7776 7959 8141 8323 8506 8688 8871 9053 9235 82 9418 &600 9782 9965 0147 0329 0511 0694 0876 1058 182 83 3771240 1 423 1605 1787 1969 2152 2334 2516 2698 2880 1 18 84 3063 3245 3427 3609 3791 3973 4155 4338 4520 4702 2 36 3 55 85 4884 5066 5248 5430 5612 5794 5976 6158 6340 6522 '^ ^ 4 73 86 6704 6886 7068 7250 7432 7614 7796 7978 8160 8342 5 91 87 8524 8706 8888 9070 9252 9434 9616 1 9798 9979 0161 6 109 7 127 8 146 88 3780343 0525 0707 0889 1071 1252 1434 1616 1798 1980 89 2161 2343 2525 2707 2889 3070 3252 3434 3616 3797 9 164 2390 3979 4161 4342 1524 4706 4887 5069 5251 5432 5614 91 5796 5977 6159 ( 3341 . 6522 6704 6885 7067* 7249 7430 ' 92 7612 7793 7975 3156 8338 8519 8701 B882 9064 9245 181 93 9427 9608 ^790 * )971 0153 0334 0516 ( 3697 3879 1060 1 18 2 36 3 54 94 3791241 1423 1604 1786 1967 2148 2330 ' 2511 2692 ' 2874 95 3055 3237 3418 . 3599 3780 3962 4143 ^ k324 1-506 ^ i<687 4 72 96 4868 5049 5231 . 5412 5593 5774 5956 ( )137 ( 3318 ( 5499 5 91 6 IGS 7 127 97 6680 C)S62 ' 7043 ' ^224 ' 7405 7586 ' 7767 ' ^948 { 3130 ^ 5311 98 8492 3673 3854 f )035 ( ^216 3397 < )578 c )759 i )04-0 I )121 18] 8 145 99 . 3800302 ( 3484 ( 1 3665 ( 2 )846 3 1027 4 1208 [389 J 570 7 1750 ] 8 931 9 D 9 163 Pts. N. " 5 6 \ 2F (34) LOGARITHMS N. 524000 L. 380 N. 24.00 1 2293 2 2474 3 2655 4 2836 5 3017 3198 7 3379 8 3560 r 3741 181 Pro. 3802112 01 3922 4102 4283 4464 4645 4826 5007 5188 5368 5549 02 5730 5911 6092 6272 6453 6634 6815 6995 7176 7357 181 03 7538 7718 7899 8080 8261 8141 8622 8803 8983 9164 1 18 04 9345 9525 9706 9887 0067 0248 0428 0609 0790 0970 2 36 3 54 05 3811151 1331 1512 1693 1873 2054 2234 2415 2595 2776 4 72 06 2956 3 1 37 3317 3498 3678 3859 4039 4220 4400 4580 5 91 07 4761 4941 5122 5302 5483 5QQ^ 5843 6024 6204 6384 6 109 7 127 8 145 08 Q5C)5 6745 6926 7106 7286 1VQ1 7647 7827 8007 8188 09 8368 8548 8729 8909 9089 9269 9450 9630 9810 9990 9 163 2410 3820170 0351 0531 0711 0891 1071 1252 1432 1612 1792 11 1972 2152 2332 2512 2693 2873 3053 3233 3413 3593 180 12 3773 3953 4133 4313 4493 4673 4853 5033 5213 5393 13 bSK'i 5753 5933 6113 6293 6473 mo 3 6833 7013 7193 14 7373 7553 7732 7912 8092 8272 8452 8632 8812 8992 15 9171 9351 9531 9711 9891 0070 0250 0430 0610 0790 180 16 3830969 1 1 49 1320 1509 1688 1868 2048 2227 2407 2587 J 18 17 2767 2946 3126 3306 3485 3665 3844 4024 4204 4383 2 36 18 4563 4743 4922 5102 5281 5461 5640 5820 6000 6179 3 54 4 72 5 90 19 G359 6538 6718 6897 7077 7256 7436 7615 7795 7974 2420 8154 8 S3 3 8513 8692 8871 9051 9230 9410 9589 9769 6 108 21 9948 0127 0307 0486 0665 0845 1024 1203 1383 1562 7 126 8 144 9 162 22 3841741 1921 2100 2279 2459 2638 2817 2996 3176 3355 2.3^ - 3534 3713 3S93 4072 4251 4430 4609 4789 4968 5147 24 5326 5505 5684 5864 6043 6222 6401 6580 6759 6938 25 7117 7297 7476 7655 7834 8013 8192 8371 8550 8729 26 8908 9087 9266 9445 9624 9803 9982 0161 0340 0519 179 27 3850698 0877 1056 1235 1413 1592 1771 1950 2129 2308 28 2487 2666 2845 3023 3202 3381 3560 3739 3918 4096 179 1 18 29 4275 4454 4633 4812 4990 5169 5348 5527 5705 5884 2430 6063 6241 6420 6599 6778 6956 7135 7314 7492 7671 2 36 31 7850 8028 8207 8386 8564 8743 8921 9100 9279 9457 3 54 32 9636 9814 9993 0171 0350 0528 0707 0886 1064 1243 4 72 5 90 5 107 33 3861421 1600 1778 1 957 2135 2314 2492 2670 2849 3027 34 3206 3384 S5QS 3741 3919 4098 4276 4455 4633 4811 7 125 !i5 4990 5168 5346 5525 5703 5881 6060 6238 6416 6595 n43 )161 36 6773 6951 7129 7308 7486 7664 7842 8021 8199 8377 37 8555 8733 8912 9090 9268 9446 9624 9803 9981 0159 38 3870337 0515 0693 0871 1049 1228 1406 1584 1762 1940 39 21 18 2296 2474 2652 2830 3008 31 86 3364 3542 3720 178 2440 3898 4076 4254 4432 4610 4788 4966 5144 5322 5500 41 5678 5856 6034 6212 6389 6567 6745 6923 7101 7279 42 7457 7634 7812 7990 8168 8346 8524 8701 8879 9057 178 43 9235 9412 9590 9768 9946 0123 0301 0479 0657 0834 1 18 44 3881012 1190 1367 1545 1723 1900 2078 2256 2433 2611 '2 3 4 36 53 71 45 2789 2966 3144 3321 3499 3677 3854 4032 4209 4387 46 4565 4742 4920. 5097 5275 5452 5630 5807 5985 6162 5 89 47 6340 6517 6695 6872 7050 7227 7404 7582 7759 7937 6 107 48 8114 8292 8469 8646 8824 9001 9178 9356 9533 9711 7 8 9 D 1 125 142 160 49 9888 0065 1 0243 0420 3 0597 0774 5 0952 6 1129 7 1306 8 1484 9 N. 4 N. ^4500 L. 389 OF NUMBERS. (35)1 N. 2450 1 2 2015 3 2193 4 2370 5 2547 6 2724 7 2902 8 3079 9 3256 D Pro. 3891661 1838 51 3433 3610 3787 3965 4142 4319 4496 4673 4850 5028 52 5205 5382 5559 5736 5913 6090 6267 6444 6621 6798 177 53 6975 7153 7330 7507 7684 7861 8038 8215 8392 8569 177 1 18 54 8746 8923 9100 9276 9453 9630 9807 9984 0161 0338 2 35 3 53 55 3900515 0692 0869 1046 1223 1399 1576 1753 1930 2107 4 71 56 2284 2460 2637 2814 2991 3168 3344 3521 3698 3875 5 89 51 4052 4228 4405 4582 4759 4935 5112 5289 5465 5642 6 106 7 124 8 142 58 5819 5995 6172 6349 6525 6702 6879 7055 7232 7409 59 7585 7762 7939 8115 8292 8468 8645 8821 8998 9175 9 159 2460 9351 9528 9704 9881 0057 0234 0410 0587 0763 0940 61 3911116 1293 1469 1646 1822 1998 2175 2351 2528 2704 62 2880 3057 3233 3410 3586 3762 3939 4115 4291 4468 63 4644 4820 4997 5173 5349 5526 5702 5878 6055 6231 64 6407 6583 6760 6936 7112 7288 7464 7641 7817 7993 65 8169 8345 8522 8698 8874 9050 9226 9402 9578 9755 176 6Q 9931 0107 0283 0459 0635 0811 0987 1163 1339 1515 176 ] 18 67 3921691 1868 2044 2220 2396 2572 2748 2924 3100 3276 2 35 68 3452 3628 3803 3979 4155 4331 4507 4683 4859 5035 3 53 4 70 5 88 69 5211 5387 5563 5739 5914 6090 6266 6442 6618 6794 2470 6970 7145 7321 7497 7673 7849 8024 8200 8376 8552 6 106 71 8727 8903 9079 9255 9430 9606 9782 9958 0133 0309 7 123 8 141 9 158 72 3930485 0660 0836 1012 1187 1363 1539 1714 1890 2066 73 2241 2417 2592 2768 2944 3119 3295 3470 3646 3821 74 3997 4172 4348 4524 4699 4875 5050 5226 5401 5577 75 5752 5928 6103 6278 6454 6629 6805 6980 7156 7331 76 7506 7682 7857 8033 8208 8383 8559 8734 8909 9085 77 9260 9435 9611 9786 9961 0137 0312 0487 0662 0838 78 3941013 1188 1364 1539 1714 1889 2064 2240 2415 2590 79 2765 2940 3116 3291 3466 3641 3816 3991 4167 4342 175 1 I@ 2480 4517 4692 4867 5042 5217 5392 5567 5742 5918 6093 175 2 35 81 6268 6443 6618 ^793 6968 7143 7318 7493 7668 7843 3 53 82 8018 8193 8368 8543 8718 8893 9068 9242 9417 9592 4 70 5 88 6 105 83 9767 9942 0117 0292 0467 0642 0817 0991 1166 1341 84 3951516 1691 1866 2040 2215 2390 2565 2740 2914 3089 7 123 85 3264 3439 3613 3788 3963 4138 4312 4487 4662 4837 8 140 9 158 86 5011 5186 5361 5535 5710 5885 6059 6234 6409 6583 87 6758 6932 7107 7282 7456 7631 7805 7980 8155 8329 88 8504 8678 8853 9027 9202 9376 9551 9725 9900 0074 89 3960249 0423 0598 0772 0947 1121 1296 1470 1645 1819 2490 1993 2168 2342 2517 2691 2865 3040 3214 3389 3563 91 3737 3912 4086 4260 4435 4609 4783 4958 5132 5306 92 5480 5655 5829 6003 6177 6352 6526 6700 6874 7049 174 93 7223 7397 7571 7745 7920 8094 8268 8442 8616 8790 1 17 2 35 i 52 94 8964 9139 9313 9487 9661 9835 0009 0183 0357 0531 95 3970705 0880 1054 1228 1402 1576 1750 1924 2098 2272 174 ' i 7Q 96 2446 2620 2794 2968 3142 3316 3490 3664 3838 4011 > 87 il04 7 122 97 4] 85 4359 4533 4707 4881 5055 5229 5403 5577 5750 98 5924 6098 6272 6446 6620 6794 6967 7141 7315 7489 k i 139 99 7663 7836 8010 2 8184 3 8358 4 8531 5 8705 6* 8879 9053 8 9226 9 D ) 157 Pts. N. 1 2F2 (36) LOGARITHMS N. 25000 L. 397 '2500 1 9574 9748 3 992T 4 0095 5 0269 6 0442 7 0616 8 0790 9 0963 I" Pro. 3979400 01 3981137 1311 1484 1658 1831 2005 2179 2352 2526 2699 174 02 2873 3047 3220 3394 3567 3741 3914 4088 4261 4435 I 17 03 4608 4782 4956 5129 5302 5476 5649 5823 5996 6170 2 35 04- 6343 6517 6690 6864 7037 7210 7384 7557 7731 7904 3 52 4 70 0.5 8077 8251 8424 8597 8771 8944 9117 9291 9464 9637 5 87 06 9811 9984 0157 0331 0504 0677 0850 1024 1197 1370 6 104 07 3991543 1717 1890 2063 2236 2409 2583 2756 2929 3102 7 122 8 139 08 3275 3448 3622 3795 3968 4141 4314 4487 4660 4834 9 157 09 5007 5180 5353 5526 5699 5872 6045 6218 6391 6564 173 2510 6737 6910 7083 7256 7429 7602 7775 7948 8121 8294 11 8467 8640 8813 8986 9159 9332 9505 9678 9851 0023 12 4000196 0369 0542 0715 0888 1061 1234 1406 1579 1752 13 1925 2098 2271 2443 2616 2789 2962 3134 3307 3480 14 3653 3825 3998 4171 4344 4516 4689 4862 5035 5207 15 5380 5553 5725 5898 6071 6243 6416 6588 6761 6934 173 1 17 2 35 16 7106 7279 7452 7624 7797 7969 8142 8314 8487 8660 17 8832 9005 9177 9350 .9522 9695 9867 0040 0212 0385 3 52 18 4010557 0730 0902 1075 1247 1420 1592 1764 1937 2109 4 69 19 2282 2454 2626 2799 2971 3144 3316 3488 3661 3833 5 87 6 104 7 121 2520 4005 4178 4350 4522 4695 4867 5039 5212 5384 5556 21 5728 5901 6073 6245 6417 6590 6762 6934 7106 7279 8 138 22 7451 7623 7795 7967 8140 8312 8484 8656 8828 9000 9 156 23 9173 9345 9517 9689 9861 0033 0205 0377 0549 0721 24 4020894 1066 1238 1410 1582 1754 1926 2098 2270 2442 172 25 2614 27 86 2958 3130 3302 3474 3646 3818 3990 4162 26 4333 4505 4677 4849 5021 5193 5365 5537 5709 5881 27 6052 6224 6396 6568 6740 6912 7083 7255 7427 7599 28 7771 7942 8114 8286 8458 8630 8801 8973 9145 9317 172 1 17 29 9488 9660 9832 0003 0175 0347 0519 0690 0862 1034 2530 4031205 1377 1549 1720 1892 2063 2235 2407 2578 2750 2 34 31 2921 3093 3265 3436 3608 3779 3951 4122 4294 4465 3 52 4 69 5 86 32 4637 4809 4980 5152 5323 5495 5666 5838 6009 6180 33 6352 6523 6695 6866 7038 7209 7381 7552 7723 7895 6 103 34 8066 8237 8409 8580 8752 8923 9094 9266 9437 9608 7 120 35 9780 9951 0122 0294 0465 0636 0807 0979 1150 1321 8 138 9 155 36 4041492 1664 1835 2006 2177 2349 2520 2691 2862 3033 37 3205 3376 3547 3718 3889 4061 4232 4403 4574 4745 38 4916 5087 5258 5429 5601 5772 5943 6114 6285 6456 39 6627 6798 6969 7140 7311 7482 7653 7824 7995 8166 171 2540 8337 8508 8679 8«50 9021 9192 9363 9534 9705 9876 41 4050047 0218 0388 0559 0730 0901 1072 1243 1414 1585 42 1755 1926 2097 2268 2439 2610 2780 2951 3122 3293 171 43 3464 3634 3805 3976 4147 4317 4488 4659 4830 5000 1 17 44 5171 5342 5512 5683 5854 6025 6195 6366 6537 6707 ' I 34 } SI 45 6878 7049 7219 7390 7560 7731 7902 8072 8243 8413 ^ ) 01 1 68 46 8584 8755 8925 9096 9266 9437 9607 9778 9948 ony . > 86 47 4060289 0460 0630 0801 0971 1 1 42 1312 1483 1653 1824 ( J 103 48 1994 2165 2335 2506 2676 2846 3017 3187 3358 3528 120 J 137 49 3698 3869 4039 4209 4380 4550 4721 4891 5061 5231 c 154 N. 1 2 3 4 ~5~ ~6~ 7 1 8 9 D Pts. N. 25500 L. 406 OF NUMBERS. (37)1 N. 2550 1 2 5742 3 5913 ()0o3 5 0253 6 7 0594 8 6764 9 6934 D Pro. 4065402 5572 6424 51 7105 7275 7445 7615 7786 7956 8120 8296 8466 8637 170 52 8807 8977 9147 9317 9487 9658 9828 9998 0168 0338 I 17 53 4070508 0078 0848 1018 1189 1359 1529 1099 1869 2039 2 34 3 61 4 68 54 2209 2379 ^549 2719 2889 3059 3229 3399 3569 3739 170 55 3909 4079 4249 4419 4589 4759 4929 5099 5269 5439 5 85 56 5608 5778 5948 6118 6288 6458 0028 0798 0908 7137 6 102 7 119 8 136 51 7307 7477 7647 7817 7987 8156 8320 8490 8000 8836 58 9005 9175 9345 9515 9684 9854 0024 0194 0303 0533 9 153 59 4080703 0873 1042 1212 1382 1551 1721 1891 2000 2230 2560 2400 2569 2739 2909 3078 3248 3417 3587 3757 3926 01 4096 4265 4435 4604 4774 4944 5113 5283 5452 5622 62 . 5791 5961 6130 ^300 6469 6639 0808 0978 7147 7317. 03 /7486 7666 7825 7994 8164 8333 8503 8072 8841 9011 64 9180 9350 9519 ,9688 9858 0027 0190 0306 0535 0701. 109 1 17 Q5 4090874 1043 1212 1382 1551 1720 1889 2059 2228 2397 QQ 2567 2736 2905 3074 3243 3413 3582 3751 3920 4089 2 34 67 4259 4428 4597 4766 4935 5105 5274 5443 5612 5781 3 51 68 5950 6119 6288 6458 6627 6796 6965 7134 7303 7472 109 4 68 5 85 6 101 09 7641 7810 7979 8148 8317 8486 8055 8824 8993 9162 2570 9331 9500 9669 9838 0007 0176 0345 0514 0683 0852 7 114 71 4101021 1190 1359 1527 1690 1865 2034 2203 2372 2541 8 135 9 152 72 2710 2878 3047 3216 33S5 3554 3723 3891 4060 4229 73 4398 4567 4735 4904 5073 5242 5410 5579 5748 5917 74. 6035 6254 6423 6592 6760 6929 7098 7260 7435 7604 75 7772 7941 8110 8278 8447 8616 8784 8953 9121 9290 76 9459 9627 9796 9964 0133 0301 0470 0639 0807 0976 77 4111144 1313 1481 1650 1818 1987 2155 2324 2492 2661 78 2829 2993 3166 3334 3503 3671 3840 4008 4177 4345 108 79 4513 4682 4850 5019 5187 5355 5524 5692 5860 0029 1 17 2580 6197 6365 6534 6702 0870 7039 7207 7375 7544 7712 2 34 3 50 4 67 81 7880 8048 8217 8385 8553 8721 8890 9053 9226 9394 82 9562 9731 9899 0067 0235 0403 0571 0740 0908 1070 5 84 ♦83. 4121244 1412 1580 1748 1917 2085 2253 2421 2589 2757 108 6 101 81- 2925 3093 3261 3429 3597 3765 3933 4101 4209 4437 7118 8 134 9 151 85 4605 4773 4941 5109 5277 5445 5013 5781 5949 0117 86 6285 6453 6621 6789 0957 7125 7293 7461 7629 7790 87 7964 8132 8300 8468 8030 8804 8971 9139 9307 9475 88 9643 9811 9978 0146 0314 0482 0049 0817 0985 1153 89 4131321 1488 1656 1824 1991 2159 2327 2495 2662 2830 2590 2998 3165 3333 3501 3008 3836 4004 4171 4339 4507 91 4674 4842 5009 5177 5345 5512 5080 5847 6015 0182 92 6350 6518 6885 6853 7020 7188 7355 7523 7690 7858 167 93 8025 8193 8360 8528 8095 8863 9030 9197 9365 9532 1 17 94 9700 9867 0035 0202 0309 0537 0704 0872 1039 1200 2 33 3 50 95 4141374 1541 1708 1876 2043 2210 2378 2545 2712 2880 4 67 96 3047 3214 3381 3549 3710 3883 4051 4218 4385 4552 5 84 97 4719 4887 5054 5221 5388 5556 5723 5890 6057 0224 6 100 7117 8 134 98 6391 6559 6726 6893 7000 7227 7394 7561 7729 7890 99 N. 8063 8230 1 8397 2 8564 3 8731 4 8898 5 9005 6 9232 7 9399 8 9500 107 D 9 150 Pts. 9 (38) LOGARITHMS N. 26000 L.414 N. '2600 1 9901 2 (5068 3 0235 4 0402 5 0569 6 0736 7 0903 8 1070 9 D 167 Pro. 4149733 1237 01 4151404 1570 1737 1904 2071 2238 2405 2572 2739 2906 167 02 3073 3240 3407 3574 3741 3907 4074 4241 4408 4575 1 17 03 4742 4909 5075 5242 5409 5576 5743 5909 6076 6243 2 33 04 6410 6577 6743 6910 7077 7244 7410 7577 7744 7911 3 50 4 67 05 8077 8244 8411 8577 8744 8911 9077 9244 9411 9577 ' 5 84 0() 9744 9911 0077 0244 041 1 0577 0744 0911 1077 1244 6 JOO 07 4161410 1577 1743 1910 2077 2243 2410 2576 2743 2909 7 117 8 134 08 3076 3242 3409 3575 3742 3908 4075 4241 4408 4574 9 150 09 4741 4907 5074 5240 5407 5573 5739 5906 6072 6239 2610 6405 6571 6738 6904 7071 7237 7403 7570 7736 7902 11 8069 8235 8401 8568 8734 8900 9067 9233 9399 9565 12 9732 9898 0064 0231 0397 0563 0729 0895 1062 1228 13 4171394 1560 1726 1893 2059 2225 2391 2557 2724 2890 14 3056 3222 3388 3554 3720 3886 4053 4219 4385 4551 15 4717 4883 5049 5215 5381 5547 5713 5879 6045 6211 166 166 1 17 2 33 16 6377 6543 6709 6875 7041 7207 7373 7539 7705 7871 17 8037 8203 8369 8535 8701 8867 9033 9199 9365 9531 3 50 18 9696 9862 0028 0194 0360 0526 0692 0857 1023 1189 4 66 19 4181355 1521 1687 1852 2018 2184 2350 2516 2681 2847 5 83 6' 100 7 IIG 2620 3013 3179 3344 3510 3676 3842 4007 4173 4339 4505 21 4670 4836 5002 5167 5333 5499 5664 5830 5996 6161 8 133 22 6327 6493 6658 6824 6989 7155 7321 7486 7652 7817 9 149 23 7983 8148 8314 8480 8645 8811 8976 9142 9307 9473 24 9638 9804 9969 0135 0300 0466 0631 0797 0962 1128 25 4191293 1459 1624 1789 1955 2120 2286 2451 2616 2782 26 2947 3113 3278 3443 3609 3774 3939 4105 4270 4435 27 4601 4766 4931 5097 5262 5427 5593 5758 5923 6088 28 6254 6419 6584 6749 6915 7080 7245 7410 7575 7741 165 I 17 29 7906 8071 8236 8401 8567 8732 8897 9062 9227 9392 2630 9557 9723 9888 0053 0218 0383 0548 0713 0878 1043 2 33 31 4201208 1374 1539 1704 1869 2034 2199 2364 2529 2694 i 50 i 66 3 PI 32 2859 3024 3189 3354 3519 3684 3849 4014 4179 4344 165 ' 33 4509 4674 4838 5003 5168 5333 5498 5603 5828 5993 ( ) 99 34 6158 6323 6487 6652 6817 6982 7147 7312 7477 7641 / M16 35 7806 7971 8136 8301 8465 8630 8795 8960 9125 9289 r ] 132 > 149 36 9454 9619 9784 9948 0113 0278 0442 0607 0772 0937 37 4211101 1266 1431 1595 1760 1925 2089 2254 2419 2583 38 2748 2913 3077 3242 3406 3571 3736 3900 4065 4229 39 4394 4558 4723 4888 5052 5217 5381 5546 5710 5875 2640 6039 6204 6368 6533 6697 6862 7026 7191 7355 7520 41 7684 7848 8013 8177 8342 8506 8671 8835 8999 9164 42 9328 9493 9657 9821 9986 0150 0314 0479 0643 0807 164 43 4220972 1136 1300 1465 1629 1793 1957 2122 2286 2450 1 16 44 2615 2779 2943 3107 3271 3436 3600 3764 3928 4093 '2 3 33 4Q 45 4257 4421 4585 4749 4913 5078 5242 5406 5570 5734 4 'Of 66 46 5898 6063 6227 6391 6555 6719 6883 7047 7211 7375 82 47 7539 7703 7868 8032 8196 8360 8524 8688 8852 9016 16^1 98 115 131 48 9180 9344 9508 9672 9836 Oooo 0164 0328 0492 0656 49 4230820 0984 1 1147 1311 3 1475 4 1639 1803 6 1967 7 2131 8 2295 9 9 148 N. 2 1T1 Pts. N.^2 6500 L.423 OF NUMBERS. (39), N. 2050 1 2623 2780 3 2950 4 3114 5 3278 6 3442 7 3000 8 3770 9 D Pro. 4232459 3933 51 4097 4261 4425 4589 4753 4916 5080 5244 5408 5571 163 52 5735 5899 0003 6226 6390 6554 6718 6881 7045 7209 1 16 53 7372 7530 7700 7864 8027 8191 8355 8518 8682 8846 2 33 3 49 4 65 54 9009 9173 9330 9500 9604 9827 9991 0154 0318 0482 55 4240645 0809 0972 1136 1300 1463 1627 1790 1954 2117 5 82 50 2281 2444 2008 2771 2935 3098 3202 3425 3589 3752 6 98 7 114 8 130 57 3916 4079 421<2 4406 4569 4733 4890 5060 5223 5386 58 5550 5713 5877 6040 6203 6367 0530 6693 6857 7020 9 147 59 7183 7347 7510 7673 7837 8000 8103 8327 8490 8053 2660 8816 8980 9143 9306 9469 9633 9790 9959 0122 0280 61 4250449 0012 0775 0938 1102 1265 1428 1591 1754 1917 62 2081 2244 2407 2570 2733 2896 3059 3222 3385 3549 dS , 3712 3875 4038 4201 4364 4527 409b 4853 5016 5179 163 64- 5342 5505 5668 5831 5994 6157 0320 0483 6646 6809 65 6972 7135 7298 7461 7624 7787 7950 8113 8276 8439 66 8601 8764 8927 9090 9253 9416 9579 9742 9904 0067 67 4260230 0393 0556 0719 0881 1044 1/207 1370 1533 1695 68 1858 2021 2184 2347 2509 2072 2835 2998 3160 3323 69 3486 3648 3811 3974 4137 4299 4402 4025 4787 4950 2670 511-3 5275 5438 5601 5763 5920 0088 6251 6414 6576 71 6739 6901 7064 7227 7389 7552 7714 7877 8039 8202 162 72 8365 8527 8690 3852 9015 9177 9340 9502 9605 9827 1 16 73 9990 0152 0315 0477 0639 0802 0964 1127 1289 1452 2 32 74 4271014 1776 1939 2101 2264 2420 2588 2751 2913 3076 3 49 4 65 5 81 75 3238 3400 3563 3725 3887 4050 4212 4374 4536 4699 70 4861 5023 5186 5348 5510 5072 5835 5997 6159 63-21 6 07 77 6484 6646 6808 6970 7133 7295 7457 7019 7781 7944 7 113 78 8106 8268 8430 8592 8754 8917 9079 9241 9403 9565 8 130 9 146 79 9727 9889 0051 0213 0376 0538 0700 0802 1024 1186 2680 4281348 1510 1672 1834 1996 2158 2320 2482 2044 2806 162 81 2968 3130 3292 3454 3616 3778 3940 4102 4204 4426 82 4588 4750 4912 5073 5235 5397 5559 5721 5883 6045 83 6207 6369 6530 6692 6854 7010 7178 7340 7501 7663 84 7825 7987 8149 8311 8472 803,4 8796 8958 9119 9281 85 9443 9605 9766 9928 0090 0252 0413 0575 0737 0898 80 4291060 1222 1383 1545 1707 1808 2030 2192 2353 2515 87 2677 2838 3000 3162 3323 3485 3646 3803 3969 4131 88 4293 4454 4616 4777 4939 5100 5262 5423 5585 5747 89 5908 6070 6231 6393 6554 6715 6877 7038 7200 7361 2690 7523 7684 7846' 8007 8169 8330 8491 8053 8814 8976 91 9137 9298 9460 9621 9782 9944 0105 0207 0428 0589 92 4300751 0912 1073 1235 1396 1557 1718 1880 2041 2202 161 93 2364 2525 2680 2847 3009 3170 3331 3492 3653 3815 1 16 2 32 3 48 94 3976 4137 4298 4460 4621 4782 4943 5104 5265 5427 95 5588 5749 5910 6071 6232 6393 6554 6716 6877 7038 161 4 64 90 7199 7360 7521 7682 7843 8004 8165 8326 8487 8648 5 81 : 6 97 i 7 113 i 97 8809 8970 9132 9293 9454 9615 9776 9937 0098 0258 98 4310419 0580 0741 0902 1063 1224 1385 1546 1707 1868 8 129 ' 99 N. 2029 2190 1 2351 2 2512 3 2072 4 2833 5 2994 6' 3155 7 3316 8 3477 9 9 145 D :^ts. (40] LOGARITHMS N. Q/OOO L. 431 N. 2700 1 '' 1 3798 2 3959 3 4120 4 4281 5 4442 6 4603 7 4763 8 4924 .9 5085 D 161 i^TO. ^313638 01 5246 5407 5567 5728 5889 6050 6210 637 1 6532 6693 161 02 6853 7014 7175 7336 7496 7657 7818 7978 8139 8300 1 16 03 8460 8621 8782 8942 9103 9264 9424 9585 9746 9906 2 32 04 4320067 0227 0388 0549 0709 0870 1030 1191 1352 1512 'i 48 4 64 05 1673 1833 1994 2154 2315 2475 2636 2796 2957 3117 5 8] 06 3278 3438 359,9 3759 3920 4080 4241 4401 4562 4722 6 97 7 113 8 129 07 4883 5043 5203 5364 5524 5685 5845 6005 6166 6326 08 6487 6647 6807 6968 7128 7288 7449 7609 7769 7930 9 145 09 8090 8250 8411 8571 8731 8892 9052 9212 9372 9533 2710 9693 9853 0013 0174 0334 0494 0654 0815 0975 1135 11 4331295 1455 1616 1776 1936 2096 2256 2416 2577 2737 12 2897 3057 3217 3377 3537 3697 3858 4018 4178 4338 13 4498 4658 4818- 4978 5138 5298 5458 5618 5778 5938 160 14 6098 6258 6418 6578 6738 6898 7058 7218 7378 7538 15 7698 7858 8018 8178 8338 8498 8658 8818 8978 9138 16 9298 9458 9617 9777 9937 0097 0257 0417 0577 0737 17 4340896 1056 1216 1376 1536 1696 1855 2015 2175 2335 18 2495 2654 2814 2974 3134 3293 3453 3613 3773 3932 19 4092 4252 4412 4574 4731 4891 5050 5210 5370 5529 2720 5689 5849 6008 6168 6328 6487 6647 6807 6966 7126 21 7285 7445 7605 7764 7924 8083 8243 8403 8562 8722 160 22 8881 9041 9200 9360 9519 9679 9838 9998 0157 0317 1 16 23 4350476 0636 0795 0955 1114 1274 1433 1593 1752 1912 2 32 24 2071 2230 2390 2549 2709 2868 3028 3187 3346 3506 3 48 4 64 5 80 25 3665 3824 3984 4143 4303 4462 4621 4781 4940 5099 26 5259 5418 5577 5736 5896 6055 6214 6374 6533 6692 6 96 27 6851 7011 7170 7329 74S8 7648 7807 7966 8125 8284 7 112 28 8444 8603 8762 8921 9080 9240 9399 9558 9717 9876 8 128 9 144 29 4360035 0194 0354 0513 0672 0831 0990 1149 1308 1467 2730 1626 1786 1945 2104 2263 2422 2581 2740 2899 3058 159 31 3217 3376 3535 3694 3853 4012 4171 4330 4489 4648 32 4807 4966 5125 5284 5443 5602 5761 5920 6078 6237 33 6396 6555 6714 6873 7032 7191 7350 7509 7667 7826 34 7985 8144 8303 8462 8620 8779 8938 9097 9256 9415 35 9573 9732 9891 0050 0208 0367 0526 0685 0843 1002 36 4371161 1320 1478 1637 1796 1955 2113 2272 2431 2589 37 2748 2907 3065 3224 3383 3541 3700 3859 4017 4176 38 4334 4493 4652 4810 4969 5127 5286 5445 5603 1 5762 39 5920 6079 6237 6396 6555 6713 6872 7030 7189 7347 2740 7506 7664 7823 7981 8140 8298 8457 «615 8773 8932 41 9090 9249 9407 9566 9724 9883 0041 0199 0358 0516 42 4380675 0833 0991 1150 1308 1466 1625 1783 1941 2100 159 43 2258 2416 2575 2733 2891 3050 3208 3366 3525 3683 16 44 3841 3999 4158 4316 4474 4632 4791 4949 5107 5265 i 32 i 48 45 5423 5582 5740 5898 6056 6214 6373 6531 6689 6847 I 64 46 7005 7163 7322 7480 7638 7796 7954 8112 8270 8428 i ) 80 47 8587 8745 8903 9061 9219 9377 9535 9693 9851 0009 95 1 1 1 48 ^ 1.390167 0325 0483 064] 0799 0957 1115 1273 143i 1589 158 fc 127 49 1747 1905 2063 2221 2379 2537 2695 28531 3011 3169 S 143 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 9 D" Pts.| N ^ 7500 L.439 OF NUMBERS. (41) \ ^ N. 2750 1 3485 2 3643 3801 4 3959 5 4116 6' 4274 7 4432 8 4590 9 4748 D Pro. 4393327 .51 4906 5064 5222 5379 5537 5Q95 5853 6011 6169 6326 158 52 6484 6642 6800 6958 7115 1'212> 7431 7589 7747 7904 1 \Q 53 8062 8220 8378 8535 8693 8851 9009 9166 9324 9482 2 32 3 47 4 63 54 9639 9797 9955 0112 0270 0428 0585 0743 0901 1058 55 4401216 1374 1531 1689 1847 2004 2162 2319 2477 2635 5 79 56 2792 2950 3107 3265 3422 3580 3738 3895 4053 4210 6 95 7 III 8 12G 51 4368 4525 4683 4840 4998 5155 5313 5 170 5628 5785 58 5943 6100 6258 6415 6572 6730 6887 7045 7202 7360 9 142 59 7517 7674 7832 79S9 8147 8304 8461 8619 8770 8933 2760 9091 9248 9406 9563 9720 9878 0035 0192 0349 0507 61 4410664 0821 0979 1136 1293 1450 1608 1765 1922 2080 62 2237 2394 2551 2708 2866 3023 3180 3337 3494 3652 m 3809 3966 4123 4280 4438 4595 4752 4909 5066 5223 64 53.80 5538 5695 5852 6009 6166 6323 6480 6637 6794 Q5 6951 7108 7265 7423 7580 7737 7894 8051 8208 8365 157 QQ 8522 8679 8836 8993 9150 9307 9464 9621 9778 9935 67 4420092 0249 0405 0562 0719 0876 1033 1190 1347 1504 68 1661 1818 1975 2132 2288 2445 2602 2759 2916 3073 69 3230 3386 3543 3700 3857 4014 4171 4327 4484 4641 2770 4798 4954 5111 5268 5425 5582 5738 5895 6052 6209 71 mQ5 6522 6679 6835 6992 7149 7306 7462 7619 7776 157 72 7932 8089 8246 8402 8559 8716 8872 9029 9185 9342 I 16 73 9499 9655 9812 9969 0J25 0282 0438 0595 0751 0908 2 31 74 4431065 1221 1378 1534 1691 1847 2004 2160 2317 2473 3 47 75 2630 2786 2943 3099 3256 3412 3569 3725 3882 4038 4 63 5 79 76 4195 4351 4507 4664 4820 4977 5133 5290 5446 5602 6 94 77 5759 5915 6072 6228 6384 6541 6697 6853 7010 7166 7 110 78 7322 7479 7635 7791 7948 8104 8260 8417 8573 8729 8 126 79 8885 9042 9198 9354 9511 9667 9823 9979 0136 0292 9 141 2780 4440448 0604 0760 0917 1073 1229 1385 1541 1698 1854 81 2010 2166 2322 2478 2635 2791 2947 3103 3259 3415 82 3571 3727 3883 4040 4196 4352 4508 4664 4820 4976 156 83 5132 5288 5444 5600 5756 5912 6068 6224 6380 Q53Q 84 6692 6848 7004 7160 7316 7472 7628 7784 7940 8096 85 8252 8408 8564 8720 8876 9032 9188 9343 9499 m55 86 9811 9967 0123 0279 0435 0590 0746 0902 1058 1214 87 4451370 1526 1681 1837 1993 2149 2305 2460 2616 2772 88 2928 3083 3239 3395 3551 3706 3862 4018 4174 43291 89 4485 4641 4797 4952 5108 5264 5419 5575 5731 5886! 2790 6042 6198 6353 6509 Q6Q5 6820 6976 7132 7287 7443 01 7598 7754 7910 8065 8221 8376 85:?2 8687 8843 8999 92 9154 9310 9465 9621 9776 9932 0037 0243 0398 0554 156. 93 4460709 0865 1020 1176 1331 1 487 1642 1798 1953 2109 I IS 94 2264 2419 2575 2730 2886 3041 3197 3352 3507 3663 2 31 3 47 4 62 95 3818 3974 4129 4284 4440 4595 4750 4906 5061 5216 96 5372 5527 5682 5838 5993 6148 6304 6459 6614 6769 5 78 97 6925 7080 7235 7390 7546 7701 7856 8011 8167 8322 6 94 7 !09 8 12") 98 8477 8632 8788 8943 9098 9253 9408 9363 9719 9874 99 N. 4470029 0184 0339| 0494 0650 "IT 0805 5 0960 6 1115 1270 1425 1) 9 140 j Pts. i 1 ~2~l 7 IT 2G (4^2) LOGARITHMS N. ^8000 L. 44? 'N. 280Q 1 1735 2 1891 3 2046 4 2201 5 2356 6 2511 7 2666 8 2821 9 2976 J) Pro. 4471580 01 3131 3286 3441 3596 3751 3906 4061 4216 4371 4526 155 02 4681 4836 4991 5146 5301 5456 5611 5766 5921 6076 155 1 16 03 6231 6386 6541 6696 6851 7006 7161 7315 7470 7625 2 31 04- 7780 7935 8090 8245 8400 8554 8709 8864 9019 9174 3 47 4 62 05 9329 9483 9638 9793 9948 0103 0258 0412 0567 0722 5 78 06 4480877 1031 1186 1341 1496 1650 1805 1960 2115 2269 6 93 7 109 8 124 07 2424 2579 2734 2888 3043 3198 3352 3507 3662 3816 08 3971 4126 4280 4435 4590 4744 4899 5054 5208 5363 9 140 09 5517 5672 5827 5981 6136 6290 6445 6600 6754 6909 2810 7063 7218 7372 7527 7681 7836 7990 8145 8299 8454 11 8608 8763 8917 9072 9226 9381 9535 9690 9844 9999 12 4490153 0308 01-62 0616 0771 0925 1080 1234 1389 1543 13 1697 1852 2006 2160 2315 2469 2624 2778 2932 3087 14 3241 3395 3550 3704 3858 4013 4167 4321 4475 4630 15 4784 4938 5093 5247 5401 5555 5710 5864 6018 6172 16 6327 6481 6635 6789 6943 7098 7252 7406 7560 7714 17 7868 8023 8177 8331 8485 8639 8793 8948 9102 9256 18 9410 9564 9718 9872 0026 0180 0334 0489 0643 0797 19 4500951 1105 1259 1413 1567 1721 1875 2029 2183 2337 154 2820 2491 2645 2799 2953 3107 3261 3415 3569 3723 3877 21 4031 4185 4339 4493 4647 4801 4954 5108 5262 5416 154 22 5570 5724 5878 6032 6186 6340 6493 6647 6801 6955 1 15 23 7109 7263 7416 7570 7724 7878 8032 8186 8339 8493 2 31 24 8647 8801 8954 9108 9262 9416 9570 9723 9877 0031 3 46 4 62 5 77 25 45 J 01 85 0338 0492 0646 0799 0953 1107 1261 1414 1568 26 1722 1875 2029 2183 2336 2490 2644 2797 2951 3104 6 92 27 3258 3412 3565 3719 3873 4026 4180 4333 4487. 4640 7 108 28 4794 4948 5101 5255 5408 5562 5715 5869 6022 6176 8 123 9 139 29 6329 6483 6636 6790 6943 7097 7250 7404 7557 7711 2830 7864 8018 8171 8325 8478 8632 8785 8938 9092 9245 31 9399 9552 9705 9859 0012 0166 0319 0472 0626 0779 32 4520932 1086 1239 1393 1546 1699 1853 2006 2159 2312 33 2466 2619 2772 2926 3079 3232 3385 3539 3692 3845 34 3998 4152 4305 4458 4611 4765 4918 5071 5224 5377 35 5531 5684 5837 5990 6143 6297 6450 6603 6756 6909 36 7062 7215 7369 7522 7675 7828 7981 8134 8287 8440 37 8593 8746 8900 9053 9206 9359 9512 9665 9818 9971 153 38 4530124 0277 0430 0583 0736 0889 1042 1195 1348 1501 39 1654 1807 1960 2113 2266 2419 2572 2725 2878 3030 2840 3183 3336 3489 3642 3795 3948 4101 4254 4407 4559 41 4712 4865 5018 5171 5324 5477 5629 5782 5935 6088 42 6241 6394 6546 6699 6852 7005 7158 7310 7463 7616 153 43 7769 7921 8074 8227 8380 8532 8685 8838 8990 9143 1 15 44 9296 9449 9601 9754 9907 0059 0212 0365 0517 0670 2 31 3 46 45 4540823 0975 1128 1281 1433 1586 1739 1891 2044 2196 4 61 46 2349 2502 2654 2807 2959 3112 3264 3417 3570 3722 5 77 47 3875 4027 4180 4332 4485 4637 4790 4942 5095 5247 6 92 7 107 8 122 48 5400 5552 5705 5857 6010 6162 6315 6467 6620 6772 49 N. . 6924 7077 1 7229 2 7382 3 7534 4 7687 7839 7991 8144 8 8296 9 D 9 138 Pts. 5 6 7 N.28500L. 454 of numbers. (43)| N. 2850 1 8601 2 8753 3 8906 4 9058 5 9210 6 9363 7 9515 8 9668 9 9820 D Pro. 4548449 51 9972 0125 0277 0429 0581 0734 0386 1038 1191 1343 152 52 4551495 1647 1800 1952 2104 2257 2409 2561 2713 2865 1 15 53 3018 3170 3322 3474 3627 3779 3931 4083 4235 4388 2 30 3 46 4 61 54. 4540 4692 4844 4996 5148 5300 5453 5605 5757 5909 55 6061 6213 6365 6517 6670 6822 6974 7126 7278 7430 5 76 56 7582 7734 7886 8038 8190 8342 8494 8646 8798 8950 S 91 7 106 i 122 57 9102 9254 9406 9558 9710 9862 0014 0166 0318 0470 152 58 4560622 0774 0926 1078 1230 1382 1534 1686 1838 1990 9 137 59 2142 2293 2445 2597 2749 2901 3053 3205 3357 350S 2860 3660 3812 3964 4116 4268 4420 4571 4723 4875 5027 61 51.79 5330 5482 5634 5786 5938 6089 6241 6393 6545 62 6696 6 848 7000 7152 7303 7455 7607 7758 7910 8062 63 8213 8365 8517 8669 8820 8972 9124 9275 9427 957 8 64 9730 9882 0033 0185 0337 0488 0640 0791 0943 1095 65 4571246 1398 1549 1701 1853 2004 2156 2307 2459 2610 66 2762 2913 3065 3216 3368 3519 3671 3822 3974 4125 61 4277 4428 4580 4731 4883 5034 5186 5337 5489 5640 68 5791 5943 6094 6246 6397 6549 6700 6851 7003 7154 69 7305 7457 7608 7760 7911 8062 8214 8365 8516 8668 2870 8819 8970 9122 9273 9424 9576 9727 9878 0029 0181 71 4580332 0483 0634 0786 0937 1088 1239 1391 1542 1693 151 72 1844 1990 2147 2298 2449 2600 2752 2903 3054 3205 1 15 73 S356 3507 3659 3810 3961 4112 4263 4414 4565 4717 2 30 74 4S68 5019 5170 5321 5472 5623 5774 5925 6076 6227 3 45 4 60 75 6378 6530 6681 6832 6983 7134 7285 7436 7587 7738 151 5 76 76 7889 8040 8191 8342 8493 8644 8795 8946 9097 9248 6 91 77 9399 9550 9701 9851 0002 0153 0304 0455 0606 0757 7 106 78 4590908 1059 1210 1361 1511 1662 1813 1964 2115 2266 8 121 9 136 79 2417 2567 2718 2869 3020 3171 3322 3472 3623 3774 2880 3925 4076 4226 4377 4528 4679 4830 4980 5131 5282 81 5433 5583 5734 5885 6036 6186 6337 6488 6638 6789 82 6940 7090 7241 7392 7542 7693 7844 7994 8145 8296 83 8446 8597 8748 8898 9049 9200 9350 9501 9651 9802 84 9953 0103 0254 0404 0555 0705 0856 1007 1157 1308 ' 85 4601458 1609 1759 1910 2060 2211 2361 2512 2662 2813 86 2963 3114 3264 3415 3565 3716 3866 4017 4167 4317 87 4468 4618 4769 4919 5070 5220 5370 5521 5671 5822 88 5972 6122 6273 6423 6573 6721^ 6874 7024 7175 7325 89 7475 7626 7776 7926 8077 8227 8377 8528 8678 8828 2890 8978 9129 9279 9429 9579 9730 9880 0030 0180 0331 01 4610481 0631 0781 0932 1082 1232 1382 1532 1683 1833 92 1983 2133 2283 2433 2584 2734 2884 3034 31S4 3334 150 93 348 4- 3634 3785 3935 4085 4235 4385 4535 4685 4835 1 15 94 4985 5135 5285 5435 5585 5736 5886 6036 6186 6336 150 2 30 3 45 95 6486 6636 6786 6936 7086 7236 7386 7536 7686 7836 4 60 96 7986 8136 8285 8435 8585 8735 8885 9035 9185 9335 b 7b 97 9485 9635 9785 9935 0085 0234 0384 0534 0684 0834 S 90 7 105 B 120 98 4620984 1134 1284 1433 1583 1733 1883 2033 2183 2332 99 N. 2482 2632 1 2782 2 2932 3 3081 4 3231 5 3381 6 3531 7 3680 8 3830 9 D ? 135 PtS. 2 G 2 i44) LOGAKITHMS N. 1^^000 L. 462 N. 2,100 1 4130 2 4279 3 4429 4 4579 5 4729 6 4878 7 5028 8 5178 5328 D Pro. 4623980 01 54.77 5627 5777 5926 6076 6226 6375 6525 6675 6824 150 O'J 6974 7 1 24 7273 7423 7573 7722 7872 8022 8171 8321 1 15 0.3 8470 3620 8770 8919 9069 9218 9368 9517 9667 9817 2 30 04 9966 0116 0265 0415 0564 0714 0863 1013 1162 1312 3 45 4 60 05 4631461 1611 1760 1910 2059 2209 2358 2508 2657 2807 5 75 06 2956 3106 3255 3404 3554 3703 3853 4002 4152 4301 6 90 07 4450 4600 4749 4898 5048 5197 5347 5496 5645 5795 7 105 8 120 9 135 08 5944 6095 6243 6392 6541 6691 6840 6989 7139 7288 09 7437 7587 7736 7885 8034 8184 8333 8482 8631 8781 2910 8930 9079 9228 9378 9527 9676 9825 9974 U124 0273 11 4640422 0571 0720 0870 1019 1168 1317 1466 1615 1765 12 1914 2063 2212 2361 2510 2659 2808 2958 3107 3256 13 3405 3554 3703 3852 4001 4150 4299 4448 4597 4746 14 4895 5045 5194 5343 5492 5641 5790 5939 6088 6237 149 15 6386 (y535 6684 6833 698 1 7130 7279 7428 7577 7726 16 7875 8024 8173 8322 8471 8620 8769 8918 9067 9215 17 9364 9513 9662 9811 9960 0109 0258 0406 0555 0704 18 4650853 1002 1151 1299 1448 1597 1746 1895 2043 2192 19 2341 2490 2639 2787 2936 3085 3234 3382 3531 3680 2920 3829 3977 4126 4275 4423 4572 4721 4870 5018 5167 21 5316 5464 5613 5762 5910 6059 6208 6356 6505 6653 149 1 15 22 6802 6951 7099 7248 7397 7545 7694 7842 7991 8140 23 8288 8437 8585 8734 8882 9031 9180 9328 9477 9625 2 30 24 9774 9922 0071 0219 0368 0516 0665 0813 0962 1110 3 45 25 4661259 1407 1556 1704 18.53 2001 2149 2298 2446 2595 4 60 5 75 26 2743 2892 3040 3188 3337 3485 3634 3782 3930 4079 6 89 27 4227 4376 4524 4672 4821 4969 5117 5266 5414 5562 7 104 28 5711 5859 6007 6156 6304 6452 6601 6749 6897 7045 8 119 29 7194 7342 7490 7639 7787 7935 8083 8232 8380 8528 9 134 2930 8676 8824 8973 9121 9269 9417 9565 9714 9862 0010 31 4670158 0306 0455 0603 0751 0899 1047 1195 1343 1492 52 1640 1788 1936 2084 2232 2380 2528 2676 2824 2973 33 3121 3269 3417 'J,5Q5 3713 3861 4009 4157 4305 4453 148 34 4601 4749 4897 5045 5193 5341 5489 5637 5785 5933 35 6081 6229 6377 6525 6673 6821 6969 7117 7265 7413 3Q 7561 7708 7856 8004 8152 8300 8448 8596 8744 8892 37 9039 9187 9335 9483 9631 9779 9927 0074 0222 0370 38 4680518 0666 0814 0961 1109 1257 1405 1553 1700 1848 39 1996 2144 2291 2439 2587 2735 2882 3030 3178 3326 2940 3473 3621 3769 3916 4064 4212 4360 4507 4655 4803 41 4950 5098 5246 5395 5541 5689 5836 5984 6131 6279 42 6427 6574 6722 6870 7017 7165 7312 7460 7607 7755 148 43 7903 8050 8198 8345 849.'i 8640 8788 8935 9083 9231 I 15 44 9378 9526 9673 9821 9968 0116 0263 0411 0558 0706 2 30 3 44 45 4690853 1000 1148 1295 1 443 1590 1738 1885 2033 2180 ^ 1 59 46 2327 2475 2622 2770 2917 3064 3212 3359 3507 3654 , 74 1 47 3801 3949 4096 4243 4391 4538 4685 4833 4980 5127 ( 3 89] 7 1041 46 5275 5422 5569 5717 5864 6011 6159 6306 6453 6600 i 49 6748 6895 7042 7190 7337 7484 7631 7778 7926 8073 ) 133 j N. 1 tj 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 "D Pts. 1 N.^i^oOO L. 46'9 OF NUMBERS. (43) N. 2950 1 8367 2 8515 3 8662 4 8809 5 8956 6 9103 7 9251 8 9398 9 9545 1) Pro. 4698220 51 9692 9839 9986 0134 0281 0428 0575 0722 0869 1016 147 52 4701164 1311 1458 1605 1752 1899 2046 2193 2340 2487 1 15 53 2634 2782 2929 3076 3223 3370 3517 3664 3811 3958 2 29 54 4105 4252 4399 4546 4693 4840 4987 5134 5281 5428 147 S 44 4 59 55 5575 5722 5869 6016 6163 6310 6457 6604 6750 6897 5 74 56 7044 71Q1 7338 7485 7632 7779 7926 8073 8219 8366 6' 88 51 8513 8660 8807 8954 9101 9248 9394 9541 9688 9835 7 103 Olio 58 9982 0l2') 0275 0422 0569 0716 0863 1009 1156 1 303 O I 1 o 9 132 59 4711450 1596 1743 1890 2037 2183 2330 2477 2624 2770 2960 2917 3064 3211 3357 -:i504 3651 3797 3944 4091 4237 61 4384 4531 4677 4824 4971 5117 5264 5411 5557 5704 62 5851 5997 6144 6290 6437 6584 6730 6877 7023 7170 Q^ 7317 7463 7610 7756 7903 8049 8196 8342 8489 8635 64 8782 8929 9075 9222 9368 9515 9661 9808 9954 0101 65 4720247 0393 0540 0686 0833 0979 1126 1272 1419 1565 QQ 1711 1858 2004 215! 2297 2444 2590 2736 2883 3029 67 3175 3322 346« 3615 3761 3907 4054 4200 4346 4493 68 4639 4785 4932 5078 5224 5371 5517 5m3 5809 5956 69 6102 6248 6395 6541 6687 6833 6980 7126 7272 7418 2970 7564 7711 7857 8003 8149 8296 8442 8588 8734 8880 71 9027 9173 9319 9465 9611 9757 9903 0050 0196 0342 146 72 4730488 0634 0780 0926 1073 1219 1365 1511 1657 1803 1 15 73 1949 2095 2241 2387 2533 2(^9 2825 2972 3118 3264 146 2 29 74 3410 3556 3702 3848 3994 4^40 4286 4432 4578 4724 3 44 75 4870 5016 5162 5308 5454 5600 5746 5891 6037 6183 4 58 5 73 76 6329 6475 6621 6767 6913 7059 7205 7351 7497 7642 6 88 77 7788 '■934 8080 8226 8372 8518 8664 8809 8955 9101 7 102 78 9247 9393 9539 9684 9830 9976 0122 0268 0413 0559 8 117 9 131 79 4740705 0851 0997 1142 1288 1434 1580 1725 1871 2017 2980 2163 2308 2454 2600 274S 2891 3037 3183 3328 3474 81 3620 3765 3911 4057 4202 4348 4494 4639 4785 4931 82 5076 5222 5368 5513 5659 5805 5950 6096 6241 6387 83 6533 6678 6824 6969 7115 7260 7406 7552 7697 7843 84 7988 8134 8279 8425 8570 8716 8861 9007 9152 9298 85 9443 9589 9734 9880 0025 0171 0316 0462 0607 0753 86 47508gB 1043 1189 1334 1480 1625 1771 1916 2061 2207 87 2352 2498 2643 2788 2934 3079 3225 3370 3515 3661 88 3806 3951 4097 4242 4387 4533 4678 4823 4969 5114 89 5259 5404 5550 5695 5840 5986 6131 6276 6421 6567 2990 6712 6857 7002 7148 7293 7438 7583 7729 7874 8019 91 8164 8309 8455 8600 8745 8890 9035 9180 9326 9471 92 9616 9761 9906 0051 0196 0342 0487 0632 0777 0922 145 93 4761067 1212 1357 1502 1648 1793 1938 2083 2228 2373 145 1 15 94 2518 2663 2808 2953 3098 3243 3388 3533 3678 3823 2 29 3 44 95 3968 4113 4258 4403 4548 4693 4838 4983 5128 5273 4 58 96 . 5418 5563 5708 5853 5998 6143 6288 6433 6578 6723 5 73 97 6867 7012 7157 7302 7447 7592 7737 7882 8027 8171 6 87 7102 8 116 98 8316 8461 8606 8751 8896 9041 9185 9330 9475 9620 99 IN. 9765 9909 0054 0199 0344 4 0489 0633 0778 0923 1068 9 D 9131 Pts. 1 2 5 6 7 8 (46] LOGARITHMS N. 30000 L. 477 N. 3000 I 1357 9, 1 502 3 1647 4 1792 5 1936 6 208 1 7 2226 8 237 1 9 2515 D Pro. 477 1 21 :i 01 2660 2805 2J49 3094 3239 3383 3528 3673 3818 3962 145 02 4107 4252 4396 45 U 4686 4830 4975 5119 5264 5409 1 15 03 5553 5698 5843 5987 6132 6276 6421 6566 0710 6855 2 29 i 44 i 58 04 6999 7144 7288 7433 7578 7722 7867 8011 8156 8300 05 8445 8589 8734 8878 9023 9167 9312 9456 9601 9745 5 73 06 9890 0034 0179 0323 0468 0612 0757 0901 1045 1190 f 5 87 7 102 i 116 07 4781334 1479 1 623 1768 1912 2056 2201 2345 2490 2634 i 08 2778 2923 3067 3211 3356 3500 3645 3789 3933 4078 ) 131 09 4222 4366 4511 4655 4799 4943 5088 5232 5376 5521 - 3010 5665 5809 5954 6098 6242 6386 6531 6675 6819 6963 11 7108 7252 7396 7540 7684 7829 7973 8117 8261 8405 12 8550 8694 8838 8982 9126 9271 9415 9559 9703 9847 13 9991 0135 0280 0424 0568 0712 0856 1000 1144 1288 14 4791432 1577 1721 1865 2009 2153 2297 2441 2585 2729 15 2873 3017 3161 3305 3449 3593 3737 3881 4025 4169 144 10 4313 4457 4601 4745 4889 5033 5177 5321 5465 5609 17 5753 5897 6041 6185 6329 6473 6617 6761 6905 7048 18 7192 7336 7480 7624 7768 7912 8056 8200 8343 8487 19 8631 8775 8919 9063 9207 9350 9494 9638 9782 9926 3020 4800069 0213 0357 0501 0645 0788 0932 1076 1220 1363 21 1507 1651 1795 1939 2082 2226 2370 2513 2657 2801 144 1 14 22 2945 3088 3232 3376 3519 3663 3807 3950 4094 4238 23 4381 4525 4669 4812 4956 5100 5243 5387 5531 5674 2 29 24 5818 5961 6105 6249 6392 6536 6679 6823 6967 7110 3 43 25 7254 7397 7541 7684 7828 7972 8115 8259 8402 8546 i 58 5 72 26 8689 8833 8976 9120 9263 9407 9550 9694 9837 9981 5 86 ,27 4810124 0268 0411 0555 0698 0842 0985 1128 1272 1415 7 101 28 1559 1702 1846 1989 2132 2276 2419 2563 2706 2849 3 115 29 2993 3136 3279 3423 3566 3710 3853 3996 4140 4283 ? 130 3030 4426 4570 4713 4856 5000 3143 5286 5429 5573 5716 31 5859 6003 6146 6289 6432 6576 6719 6862 7005 714& 32 7292 7435 7578 7722 7865 8008 8151 8295 8438 8581 33 8724 8867 9010 9154 9297 9440 9583 9726 9869 0013 34 4820156 0299 0442 0585 0728 0871 1015 1158 1301 1444 35 1587 1730 1873 2016 2159 2302 2445 2589 2732 2875 3d 3018 3161 3304 3447 3590 3733 3876 4019 4162 4305 37 4448 4591 4734 4877 5020 5 1 63 5306 5449 5592 5735 38 5878 6021 6164 6307 6449 6592 6735 6878 7021 7164 143 39 7307 7450 7593 7736 7879 8021 8164 8307 8450 8593 3040 8736 8879 9022 9164 9307 9450 9593 9736 9879 0021 41 4S30I64 0307 0450 0593 0735 0878 1021 1164 1307 1449 42 1592 1735 1878 2020 2163 2306 2449 2591 2734 2877 143 43 3020 3162 3305 3448 3590 3733 3876 4018 4161 4301 I, 14 44 4446 4589 4732 4874 5017 5160 5302 5445 ,5588 5730 2 29 i 4"! 45 5873 6016 6158 6301 6443 6586 6729 6871 7014 7156 3 t.? i 57 46 7299 7442 7584 7727 7869 8012 8154 8297 8439 8582 ,, 5 72 47 8725 8867 9010 9152 9295 9437 9580 9722 9865 0007 S 86 ; 100 B 114 48 4840150 0292 0435 0577 0720 0862 1004 1147 1289 1432 40 1574 1717 1 1859 2 2002 3 2144 4 2286 5 2429 6 2571 7 2714 8 2856 9 1) 129 Pts. N.30500L.484 of t^umbeks. (47)j N. 3050 1 3141 2 3283 3 3426 4 3568 5 3710 6 3853 7 3995 8 4137 9 4280 D Pro. 4842998 51 4422 4564 4707 4849 4991 5134 5276 5418 5561 5703 142 52 5845 5988 6130 6272 6414 6557 6699 6841 6984 7126 1 14 53 7268 7410 7553 7695 7837 7979 8121 8264 8406 8548 2 28 3 43 4 57 54 8690 8833 8975 9117 9259 9401 9543 9686 9828 9970 55 4850112 0254 0396 0539 0681 0823 0965 1107 1249 1391 6 71 6 85 7 99 8 114 56 1533 1676 1818 1960 2102 2244 2386 2528 2670 2812 57 2954 3096 3239 3381 3523 3665 3807 3949 4091 4233 142 58 4375 4517 4659 4801 4943 5085 5227 5369 5511 5653 9 128 59 5795 5937 6079 6221 6363 6505 6647 6788 6930 7072 3060 7214 7356 7498 7640 7782 7924 8066 8208 8350 8491 61 8633 8775 8917 9059 9201 9343 9484 9626 9768 9910 62 4860052 0194 0336 0477 0619 0761 0903 1045 1186 1328 63 1470 1612 1754 1895 2037 2179 2321 2462 2604 2746 64 2888 3029 3171 3313 3455 3596 3738 3880 4021 4163 65 4505 4446 4588 4730 4872 5013 5155 5297 5438 5580 66 5722 5863 6005 6146 6288 6430 6571 6713 6855 6996 67 7138 7279 7421 7563 7704 7846 7987 8129 8270 8412 68 8554 8695 8837 8978 9120 9261 9403 9544 9686 9827 69 9969 0110 O'Jto 0393 0535 0676 0818 0959 1101 1242 3070 4871384 1525 1667 1808 1950 2091 2232 2374 2515 2657 71 2798 2940 3081 3222 3364 3505 3647 3788 3929 4071 72 4212 4353 4495 4636 4778 4919 5060 5202 5343 5484 73 5626 5767 5908 6050 6191 6332 6473 6615 6756 6897 141 74 7039 7180 7321 7462 7604 7745 7886 8027 8169 8310 1 14 2 28 75 8451 8592 8734 8875 9016 9157 9299 9440 9581 9722 3 42 76 9863 0004 0146 0287 0428 0569 0710 0852 0993 1134 4 56 5 71 6 85 77 4881275 1416 1557 1698 1839 1981 2122 2263 2404 2545 78 2686 2827 2968 3109 3251 3392 3533 3674 3815 3956 7 99 79 4097 4238 4379 4520 4661 4802 4943 5084 5225 5366 141 8 113 3080 5507 5648 5789 5930 6071 6212 6353 6494 6635 6776 9 127 81 6917 7058 7199 7340 7481 7622 7763 7904 8045 8185 82 8326 8467 8608 8749 8890 9031 9172 9313 9454 9594 83 9735 9876 0017 0158 0299 0440 0580 0721 0862 1003 84 4891144 1285 1425 1566 1707 1848 1989 2129 2270 2411 85 2552 2692 2833 2974 3115 3256 3396 3537 3678 3818 86 3959 4100 4241 4381 4522 4663 4804 4944 5085 5226 87 5366 5507 5648 5788 5929 6070 6210 6351 6492 6632 88 6773 6914 7054 7195 7335 7476 7617 7757 7898 8038 89 8179 8320 8460 8601 8741 8882 9023 9163 9304 9444 3090 9585 9725 9866 0006 0147 0287 0428 0569 0709 0850 91 4900990 1131 1271 1412 1552 1693 1833 1973 2114 2254 92 2395 2535 26/6 2816 2957 3097 3238 3378 3518 3659 140 93 3799 3940 4080 4220 4361 4501 4642 4782 4922 5063 I 14 94 5203 5343 5484 5624 5765 5905 6045 6186 6326 6466 2 28 i 42 i 5t>l 95 6607 6747 6887 7027 7168 7308 7448 7589 7729 7869 96 8010 8150 8290 8 430 8571 8711 8851 8991 9132 9272 5 70 i 97 9412 9552 9693 9833 9973 0113 0253 0394 0534 0674 3 84 98 4910814 0954 1094 1235 1375 1515 1655 1795 1935 2076 7 98 m2 }\]26' 99 N. 2216 2356 2496 2 2636 3 2776 4 2916 3057 6 3197 7 3337 8 3477 9 1 1 5 D Pts. (48) LOGARITHMS N.31000 L.49l| N. 3100 1 3757 2 3897 3 4037 4 4177 5 4317 6- 4457 7 4597 8 4738 .9 487 8 p Pro. 4913617 01 5018 5158 5298 5438 5578 5718 5858 ■•.998 6138 6278 140 02 6418 6558 6698 6838 6978 7118 7258 7398 7538 7678 140 1 14 03 7818 7958 8098 8238 8378 8517 8657 8797 8937 9077 2 28 3 42 4 5G 04 9217 9357 9497 9637 9777 9917 0057 0196 0336 0476 05 t9206l6 0756 0896 1036 1175 1315 1455 1595 1735 1875 5 70 06 2015 2154 2294 2434 2574 2714 2853 2993 3133 3273 6 84 7 98 8 112 07 3413 3552 3692 3832 3972 4111 4251 4391 4531 4670 08 4810 4950 5090 5229 5569 5509 5648 5788 5928 6068 9 126 09 6207 6347 6487 6626 6766 6906 7045 7185 7325 7464 3110 7604 7744 7883 8023 8162 8302 8442 8581 8721 8861 11 9000 9140 9279 9419 9558 9698 9838 9977 0117 0256 12 4930396 0535 0675 0815 0954 1094 1233 1373 1512 1652 13 1791 1931 2070 2210 2349 2489 2628 2768 2907 3047 14 3186 3326 3465 3604 3744 3883 4023 4162 4302 4441 15 4581 4720 4859 4999 5138 5278 5417 5556 5696 5835 16 5974 6114 6253 6393 6532 6671 6811 6950 7089 7229 17 7368 7507 7647 7786 7925 8065 8204 8343 8483 8622 18 8761 8900 9040 9179 9318 9457 9597 9736 9875 0015 19 4940154 0293 0432 0571 0711 0850 0989 1128 1268 1407 3120 1546 1685 1824 1964 2103 2242 2381 2520 2659 2799 21 2938 3077 3216 3355. '3494 3633 3773 3912 4051 4190 22 4329 4468 4607 4746 4885 5024 5164 5303 5442 5581 139 23 5720 5859 5998 6137 6276 6415 6554 6693 6832 6971 139 1 14 2 28 3 42 24 7110 7249 7388 7527 7666 7805 7944 8083 8222 8361 25 8500 8639 8778 8'917 9056 9195 9334 9473 9612 9751 4 56 26 9890 0029 0168 0307 0445 0584 0723 0862 1001 1140 5 70 6 83 7 97 27 4951279 1418 1557 1695 1834 1973 2112 2251 2390 2529 28 2667 2806 2945 3084 3223 3362 3500 3639 3778 3917 Bill 29 4056 4194 4333 4472 4611 4750 4888 5027 5166 5305 9 125 3130 5443 5582 5721 5860 5998 6137 6276 6415 6553 6692 31 6831 6969 7108 7247 7385 7524 7663 7802 7940 8079 32 8218 8356 8495 8634 8772 8911 9049 9188 9327 9465 33 9604 9743 9881 0020 0158 0297 0436 0574 0713 0851 34 4960990 1128 1267 1406 1544 1683 1821 1960 2098 2237 85 2375 2514 2653 2791 2930 3068 3207 3345 3484 3622 36 3761 3899 4038 4176 4314 4453 4591 4730 4868 5007 37 5145 5284 5422 5560 5699 5837 5976 6114 6253 6391 38 6529 6668 6806 6945 7083 7221 7360 7498 7636 7775 39 7913 8052 8190 8328 8467 8605 8743 8882 9020 9158 3140 9296 9435 9573 9711 9850 9988 0126 0265 0403 0541 41 4970679 0818 0956 1094 1232 1371 1509 1647 1785 1924 42 2062 2200 2338 2476 2615 2753 2891 3029 3167 3306 138 43 3444 3582 3720 3858 3996 4135 4273 4411 4549 4687 I 14 44 4825 4964 5102 5240 5378 5516 5654 5792 5930 6068 138' I 28 i 41 I 55 45 6206 6345 6483 6621 6759 6897 7035 7173 7311 7449 46 7587 7725 7863 8001 8139 8277 8415 8553 8691 8829 ) 69 47 8967 9105 9243 9381 9519 9657 9795 9933 0071 0209 ) 83 48 4980347 0485 0623 0761 0899 1037 1175 1313 1451 1589 ' 97 HO 49 N. 1727 1865 r 2002 2 2140 3 2278 4 2416 2554 6" 2692 7 2830 8 2968 9 )124 5 D Pts. N. 31500 L.498 of numbers. (49) N. 1 3243 2 3381 3 3519 4 3657 5 3795 6 3933 7 4071 8 4208 9 4346 D Pro. 3150 4983106 51 4484 4622 4760 4897 5035 5173 5311 5449 5587 5724 138 52 5862 6000 6138 6275 6413 6551 6689 6826 6964 7102 1 14 53 7240 7377 7515 7653 7791 7928 8066 8204 8341 8479 2 28 54 8617 8755 8892 9030 9168 9305 9443 9581 9718 9856 3 41 4 55 55 9994 0131 0269 0407 0544 0682 0819 0957 1095 1232 5 69 56 4991370 1508 1645 1783 1920 2058 2196 2333 2471 2608 6 83 57 2746 2883 3021 3158 3296 3434 3571 3709 3846 3984 7 97 8 110 58 4121 4259 4396 4534 4671 4809 4946 5084 5221 5359 9 124 59 , 5496 5634 5771 5909 6046 6184 6321 6459 6596 6733 3160 6871 7008 7146 7283 7421 7558 7695 7833 7970 8108 61 8245 8382 8520 8657 8794 8932 9069 9207 9344 9481 62 9619 9756 9893 0031 0168 0305 0443 0580 0717 0855 63 5000992 1129 1267 1404 1541 1678 1816 1953 2090 2227 64. 2365 2502 2639 2777 2914 3051 3188 3325 3463 3600 65 3737 3874 4012 4149 4286 4423 4560 4698 4835 4972 66 5109 5246 5383 5521 5658 5795 5932 6069 6206 6344 61 6481 6618 6755 6892 7029 7166 7303 7440 7578 7715 68 7852 7989 8 1 26 1 8263 8400 8537 8674 8811 8948 9085 137 69 9222 9359 9496 9634 9771 9908 0045 0182 0319 0456 3170 5010593 0730 0867 1004 1141 1278 1415 1552 1688 1825 71 1962 2099 2236 2373 2510 2647 2784 2921 3058 3195 137 1 14 2 27 72 3332 3469 3606 3743 3879 4016 4153 4290 4427 4564 73 4701 4838 4974 5111 5248 5385 5522 5659 5796 5932 74 6069 6206 6343 6480 6617 6753 6890 7027 7164 7301 3 41 75 7437 7574 7711 7848 7984 8121 8258 8395 8531 8668 4 55 5 69 6 82 76 8805 8942 9078 9215 9352 9489 9625 9762 9899 0035 77 5020172 0309 0446 0582 0719 0856 0992 1129 1266 1402 7 96 78 1539 1676 1812 1949 2086 2222 2359 2495 2632 2769 8 110 79 2905 3042 3178 3315 3452 3588 5725 3861 3998 4135 9 123 3180 4271 4408 4544 4681 4817 4954 5091 5227 5364 5500 81 5637 5773 5910 6046 6183 6319 6456 6592 6729 6865 82 7002 7138 7275 7411 7548 7684 7821 7957 8093 8230 83 8366 8503 8639 8776 8912 9049 9185 9321 9458 9594 84 9731 9867 0003 0140 0276 0413 0549 0685 0822 0958 85 5031094 1231 1367 1503 1640 1776 1912 2049 2185 2321 86 2458 2594 2730 2867 3003 3139 3276 3412 3548 3684 87 3821 3957 4093 4229 4366 4502 4638 4774 4911 5047 88 5183 5319 5456 5592 5728; 5864 6000 6137 6273 6409 89 6545 6681 6818 6954 7090 7226 7362 7498 7635 7771 3190 7907 8043 8179 8315 8451 8587 8724 8860 8996 9132 91 9268 9404 9540 9676 9812 9948 0085 0221 0357 0493 92 5040629 0765 0901 1037 1173 1309 1445 1581 1717 1853 156 93 1989 2125 2261 2397 2533 2669 2805 2941 3077 3213 1 14 94 3349 3485 3621 3757 3893 4029 4165 4301 4437 4573 136 2 27 3 41 95 4709 4845 4980 5116 5252 5388 5524 5660 5796 5932 4 54 96 6068 6204 6339 6475 6611 6747 6883 7019 7155 7291 5 68 97 7426 7562 7698 7834 7970 8106 8241 8377 8513 8649 6 82 7 95 8 109 98 8785 8920 9056 9192 9328 9464 9599 9735 9871 0007 99 N. 5050142 0278 1 1 0414 2 0550 3 0685 0821 5 0957 1093 7 1228 8 1364 9 D 9 122 ' Pts. ,4 6' 2li (50) LOGARITHMS N. 3^2000 L. 505 N. 3200 01 02 03 04. C5 06 07 08 09 3210 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 IS 19 3220 21 22 23 24 5051500 2857 4213 5569 G925 8280 9635 5060990 2344 3697 5050 6403 7755 9107 5070459 _1^ 1635 2992 4349 5705 7061 8416 9771 1125 2479 3833 5186 6538 7891 9242 0594 1810 1945 3160 3295 4511 4646 5860 5995 7210 7345 25 26 27 28 29 3230 31 32 33 34 8559 9907 5081255 2603 3950 5297 6644 7990 9335 5090680 2025 3370 4714 6057 7400 35 8743 36 5100085 37 1427 38 2768 39 4109 3240 5450 41 6790 42 8130 43 9469 44 5110808 45 2147 46 3485 47 4823 48 6160 49 7497 N. 8694 S042 1390 2738 4085 5432 6778 8124 9470 0815 2160 3504 4848 6191 7534 8877 0219 1561 2903 4244 6924 8264 9603 0942 2281 3619 4957 6294 7631 1 1771 3128 4485 5841 7196 8551 9906 1260 2614 3968 5321 6674 8026 9378 0729 2080 3430 4781 6130 7480 8828 0177 1525 2873 4220 5567 6913 8259 9604 0949 2294 3638 4982 6326 7669 9011 0354 1695 3037 4378 1907 3264 4620 5976 7332 8687 S042 1396 2750 4103 5456 6809 8161 9513 0864 2215 3566 4916 6265 7614 2043 3399 4756 6112 7467 8822 0177 1531 2885 4238 5591 6944 8296 9648 0999 2350 3701 5051 6400 7749 8963 9098 0312 0447 5584 5718 7058 8398 9737 1076 2415 3753 5090 6428 7764 2 1660 3007 4354 5701 7047 8393 9739 1084 2429 3773 5117 6460 7803 9146 0488 1829 3171 4512 4646 5852 7192 8532 9871 1210 2548 3887 5224 6561 7898 3 1794 3142 4489 5836 7182 8528 9873 1218 2563 3907 5251 6594 7937 9280 0622 1964 3305 5986 7326 8666 S005 1344 2682 4020 5358 6695 8032 2178 3535 4891 6247 7603 8958 0312 1667 3020 4374 5727 7079 8431 9763 1134 2485 3836 5186 6535 7884 9233 •0581 1929 3277 4624 5970 7317 8663 0008 1353 2697 4042 5385 6729 8072 9414 0756 2098 3439 4780 6120 7460 8800 0139 1478 2816 4154 5492 6829 8165 2314 3671 5027 6383 7738 9093 0448 1802 3156 4509 5862 5997 7214 7350 2450 3806 5163 651 7874 9229 0583 1937 3291 4644 ^*^65 8567 9918 1269 2620 3971 5321 6670 8019 9368 0716 2064 3411 4758 6105 7451 8797 0142 1487 2832 4176 5520 6863 8206 9548 0890 2232 3573 4914 6254 7594 8934 0273 1612 8702 0053 1405 2755 4106 5456 6805 8154 9503 085] 21 3546 4893 6240 7586 8932 0277 1622 2966 4310 5654 6997 8340 9682 1024 2366 3707 5048 6388 7728 2950 4288 5625 6962 8299 6 I 0407 1745 3084 4422 5759 7096 8433 2585 3942 5298 4 8009 9364 071 2073 3426 4780 6133 7485 8837 0188 1540 2890 4241 5590 6940 8289 9638 0986 2334 3681 5028 6374 7720 9066 0411 1756 3101 4445 5788 7132 8474 9817 1159 2500 3841 5182 9 6522 7862 9202 0541 1879 3218 4555 5893 7230 8566 ~8~ 2721 4078 5434 6790 8145 9500 0854 2208 3562 4915 6268 7620 8972 0324 1675 3025 4376 5725 7075 8424 9772 1121 2468 3816 5163 6509 7855 9201 0546 1891 3235 4579 5923 7266 8609 9951 1293 2634 3975 5316 6656 7996 9336 0675 2013 335}\ 4689 6026 7363 8700 134 D 134 13 27 40 54 67 80 94 107 i21 PtS. N. 32500 L.511 OF NUMBERS. (51) N. 3250 1 8967 2 9101 3 9234 4 9368 5 9502 6 7 8 9903 9 0036 D Pro. 5118834 9635 9769 51 5120170 0303 0437 0570 0704 0838 0971 1105 1238 1372 134 52 1505 1639 1772 1906 2040 2173 2307 2440 2574 2707 1 13 53 2841 2974 3108 3241 5375 3503 3642 3775 3909 4042 2 27 54 4175 4309 4442 4576 4709 4843 4976 5110 5243 5377 3 40 4 54 55 5510 5643 5777 5910 6044 6177 6310 6444 6577 6711 5 G7 56 6844 6977 7111 7244 7377 7511 7644 7778 7911 8044 6 80 51 8178 8311 8444 8578 8711 8844 8978 9111 9244 9377 7 94 8 107 58 9511 9644 9777 9911 0044 0177 0311 0444 0577 0710 9 121 59 5130844 0977 1110 1243 1377 1510 1643 1776 1910 20 13 ' 3260 2176 2309 2442 2576 2709 2842 2975 3108 3212 ^3375 133 61 3508 3641 3774 3)08 4041 4174 4307 4440 4573 4706 62 4840 4973 5106 5239 5372 5505 5638 5771 5905 6038 63 6171 6304 6437 6570 6703 6836 6969 7102 7235 7368 64 7502 7635 7768 7901 8034 8167 8300 8433 8566 8699 65 8832 8965 9098 9231 9364 9497 9630 9763 9896 0029 66 5140162 0295 0428 0561 0694 0827 0960 1093 1225 1358 67 1491 1624 1757 1890 2023 2156 2289 2422 2555 2688 68 2820 2953 3086 3219 3352 3485 3618 3751 3883 4016 69 4149 4282 4415 4548 4681 4813 4946 5079 5212 5345 3270 547& 5610 5743 5876 6009 6142 6274 6407 6540 6673 71 6805 6938 7071 7204 7336 7469 7602 7735 7867 8000 133 I 13 72 8133 8266 8398 8531 8664 8797 8929 9062 9195 9327 73 9460 9593 9725 9858 9991 0123 0256 0389 0521 0654 2 27 74 5150787 0919 1052 1185 1317 1450 1583 1715 1848 1980 3 40 75 2113 2246 2378 2511 2643 2776 2909 3041 3174 3306 4 53 5 67 76 3439 3571 3704 3837 3969 4102 4234 4367 4499 4632 6 80 77 4764 4897 5029 5162 5294 5427 5560 5692 5825 5957 7 93 78 6089 6222 6354 6487 6619 6752 6884 7017 7149 7282 8 106 79 7414 7547 7679 7811 7944 8076 8209 8341 8474 8606 9 120 3280 8738 8871 9003 9136 9268 9400 9533 9665 9798 9930 81 5160062 0195 0327 0459 0592 0724 0856 0989 1121 1253 82 1386 1518 1650 1783 1915 2047 2180 2312 2444 2577 83 2709 2841 2973 3106 3238 3370 3502 3635 3767 3899 84 4031 4164 4296 4428 4560 4693 4825 4957 5089 5222 85 5354 5486 5618 5750 5883 6015 6147 6279 6411 6543 86 6676 6808 6940 7072 7204 7336 7469 7601 7733 7865 87 7997 8129 8261 8393 8526 8658 8790 8922 9054 9186 88 9318 9450 9582 9714 9846 9978 0111 0243 0375 0507 89 5170639 0771 0903 1035 1167 1299 1431 1563 1695 1827 132 3290 1959 2091 2223 2355 2487 2619 2751 2883 3015 3147 91 3279 3411 3543 3 67 5 3807 3939 4071 4202 4334 4466 92 4598 4730 4862 4994 5126 5258 5390 5522 5654 5785 132 93 5917 6049 6181 6313 6445 6577 6709 6840 6972 7104 I 13 94 7236 7368 7500 7631 7763 7895 8027 8159 8291 8422 i 26 3 40 95 8554 8686 8818 8950 9081 9213 9345 9477 9608 9740 i 53 96 9872 0004 0136 0267 0399 0531 0663 0794 0926 1058 5 66" 97 5181189 1321 1453 1585 1716 1848 1980 2111 2243 2375 ( 3 79 7 92 i 106 98 2507 2638 2770 2902 3033 3165 3297 3428 35oO 3692 i 99 N. 3823 3955 1 4086 2 4218 3 4350 4 4481 5 4613 6 4745 7 4876 8 5008 9 1 1 D J 119 Pte. 2H2 m LOGARITHMS N. 33000 L. 6 1 8 N. 3300 1 527 1 2 5403 3 4 5666 5 6' 5929 7 6061 8 6192 9 6324 D Pro. 5185139 5534 5797 01 6455 6587 6718 6850 6981 7113 7245 7376 7508 7639 132 02 7771 7902 8034 8165 8297 8428 8560 8691 8823 8954 1 13 03 9086 9217 9349 9480 9612 9743 9875 0006 0137 0269 2 26 3 40 4 63 04 5190400 0532 0663 0795 0926 1058 1189 1320 1452 1583 05 1715 1846 1977 2109 2240 2372 2503 2634 2766 2897 5 66 06 3028 3160 3291 3423 3554 3685 3SI7 3948 4079 4211 6 70 7 92 8 106 07 4342 4473 4605 4736 4867 4999 5130 5261 5392 5524 08 5655 5786 5918 6049 6180 6311 6443 6574 6705 6836 9 119 09 6968 7099- 7230 7361 7493 7624 7755 7886 8018 8149 3310 8280 8411 8542 8674 8805 8936 9067 9198 9329 9461 11 9592 9723 9854 9985 0116 0248 0379 0510 0641 0772 12 5200903 1034 1166 1297 1428 1559 1690 1821 1952 2083 13 2214 2345 2477 2608 2739 2870 3001 3132 3263 3394 14 3525 3656 3787 3918 4049 4180 4311 4442 4573 4704 131 15 4835 4966 5097 5228 5359 5490 5621 5752 5883 6014 16 6145 6276 6407 6538 6669 6800 6931 7062 7193 7324 17 7455 7586 7717 7847 7978 8109 8240 8371 8502 8633 18 8764 8895 9026 9156 9287 9418 9549 9680 9811 9942 19 5210073 0203 0334 0465 0596 0727 0858 0988 1119 1250 3320 1331 1512 1642 1773 1904 2035 2166 2296 2427 2558 21 2689 2820 2950 3081 3212 3343 3473 3604 3735 3866 131 1 13 22 3996 4127 4258 4388 4519 4650 4781 4911 5042 5173 23 5303 5434 5565 5695 5826 5957 6088 6218 6349 6479 2 26 24 ,6610 6741 6871 7002 7133 7263 7394 7525 7655 7786 3 39 25 7916 8047 8178 8308 8439 8570 8700 8831 8961 9092 4 52 5 66 26 9222 9353 9484 9614 9745 9875 0006 0136 0267 0397 6 79 27 5220528 0659 0789 0920 1050 1181 1311 1442 1572 1703 7 92 28 1833 1964 2094 2225 2355 2486 2616 2747 2877 3007 8 105 29 3138 3268 3399 3529 3660 3790 3921 4051 4181 4312 9 118 3330 4442 4573 4703 4834 4964 5094 5225 5355 5486 5616 31 5746 5877 6007 6137 6268 6398 6529 6659 6789 6920 32 7050 7180 7311 7441 7571 7702 7832 7962 8093 8223 33 8353 8483 8614 8744 8874 9005 9135 9265 9395 9526 34 9656 9786 9916 0047 0177 0307 0437 0568 0698 0828 35 5230958 1089 1219 1349 1479 1609 1740 1870 2000 2130 36 2260 2591 2521 2651 2781 2911 3041 3172 3302 3432 37 3562 3692 3822 3952 4083 4213 4343 4473 4603 4733 38 4863 4993 5124 5254 5384 5514 5644 5774 5904 6034 39 6164 6294 6424 6554 6684 6814 6945 7075 7205 7335 3340 7465 7595 7725 7855 7985 8115 8245 8375 8505 8635 41 8765 8895 9025 9155 9285 9415 9545 9675 9805 9935 42 5240064 0194 0324 0454 0584 0714 0844 0974 1104 1234 130 43 1364 1494 1624 1753 1883 2013 2143 2273 2403 2533 1 13 44 2663 2793 2922 3052 3182 3312 3442 3572 3702 3831 I 26 J 39 45 3961 4091 4221 4351 4481 4610 4740 4870 5000 5130 1 52 46 5259 5389 5519 5649 5779 5908 6038 6168 6298 6427 130 i , 65 47 6557 6687 6817 6946 7076 7206 7336 7465 7595 7725 ( ) 78 91 104 48 7854 7984 8114 8244 8373 8503 8633 8762 8892 9022 49 9151 9281 1 9411 2 9540 9670 4 9800 5 9929' 6 0059 0189| 0318 9 c D 117 Pts. 3 7 1 8 1 N. 33500 L. 5^25 of numbers. (53) 3350 1 0578 2 0707 3 0837 4 0967 5 1096 6 1226 7 1355 8 1485 9 1615 D Pro. 5250448 51 1744 1874 2003 2135 2263 2392 2522 2651 2781 2911 130 52 3040 3170 3299 3429 3558 3688 3817 3947 4076 4206 J 13 53 4336 4465 4595 4724 4854 4983 5113 5242 5372 5501 2 26 54 5631 5760 5890 6019 6148 6278 6407 6537 6666 6796 3 39 4 52 55 6925 7055 7184 7314 7443 7572 7702 7831 7961 8090 5 65 56 8220 8349 8478 8608 8737 8867 8996 9125 9255 9384 6 78 51 9513 9643 9772 9902 0031 0160 0290 0419 0548 0678 7 91 8 104 9 117 58 5260807 0936 1066 1195 1324 1454 1583 1712 1841 1971 59 2100 2229 2359 2488 2617 2746 2876 3005 3134 3264 3360 3393 3522 3651 3781 3910 4039 4168 4297 4427 4556 61 4685 4814 4944 5073 5202 5331 5460 5590 5719 5848 62 5977 6106 6235 6365 6494 6623 6752 6881 7010 7140 63 7269 7398 7527 7656 7785 7914 8043 8173 8302 8431 64 8560 8689 8818 8947 9076 9205 9334 9463 9593 9722 65 9851 9980 0109 0238 0367 0496 0625 0754 0883 1012 QQ 5271141 1270 1399 1528 1657 1786 1915 2044 2173 2302 129 67 2431 2560 2689 2818 2947 3076 3205 3334 3463 3592 68 3721 3850 3979 4108 4237 4366 4494 4623 4752 4881 69 5010 5139 5268 5397 5526 5Q55 5783 5912 6041 6170 3370 6299 6428 6557 6686 6814 6943 7072 7201 7330 7459 71 7588 7716 7845 7974 8103 8232 8360 8489 8618 8747 129 1 13 2 26 72 8876 9004 9133 9262 9391 9520 9648 9777 9906 0035 73 5280163 0292 0421 0550 0678 0807 0936 1065 1193 1322 74 1451 1579 1708 1837 1966 2094 2223 2352 2480 2609 3 39 75 2738 2866 2995 3124 3252 3381 3510 3638 3767 3896 4 52 5 65 6 77 76 4024 4153 4282 4410 4539 4668 4796 4925 5053 5182 77 5311 5439 5568 5696 5825 5954 6082 6211 6339 6468 7 90 78 6596 6725 6854 6982 7111 7239 7368 7496 7625 7753 8 103 79 7882 8010 8139 8267 8396 8525 8653 8782 8910 9039 9 116 3380 9167 9295 9424 9552 9681 9809 9938 0066 0195 0323 81 5290452 0580 0709 0837 0965 1094 1222 1351 1479 1608 82 1736 1864 1993 2121 2250 2378 2506 2635 2763 2892 . 83 3020 3148 3277 3405 3533 3662 3790 3919 4047 4175 84 4304 4432 4560 4689 4817 4945 5074 5202 5330 5458 85 5587 5715 5843 5972 6100 6228 6356 6485 6613 6741 86 6870 6998 7126 7254 7383 7511 7639 7767 7896 8024 87 8152 8280 8408 8537 8665 8793 8921 9049 9178 9306 88 9434 9562 9690 9819 9947 0075 0203 0331 0459 0588 89 5300716 084M< 0972, .1100 1228 1356 1485 1613 1741 1869 3390 1997 2125 2253 2381 2509 2637 2766 2894 3022 3150 91 3278 3406 3534 3662 3790 3918 4046 4174 4302 4430 92 4558 4686 4814 4943 5071 5199 5327 5455 5583 5711 128 128 93 5839 5967 6095 6223 6351 6479 ^607 6734 6862 6990 1 13 94 7118 7246 7374 7502 7630 7758 7886 8014 8142 8270 2 26 3 qa 95 8398 8526 8654 8782 8909 9037 9165 9293 9421 9549 4 51 96 9677 9805 9933 0060 0188 0316 0444 0572 0700 0828 5 64 97 5310955 1083 1211 1339 1467 1595 1722 1850 1978 2106 6 77 7 90 8 102 98 2234 2362 2489 2617 2745 2873 3001 3128 3256 3384 99 N. 3512 3639 1 3767 2 3S95 3 4023 4 4150 5 4278 6 4406 7 4534 8 4661 9 D 9 115 Pts. (54) LOGARITHMS N. 34000 L.5Sl\ N. 3400 1 4917 5045 3 4 5300 5 5428 6 5556 7 5683 8 5811 9 5939 D Pro. 5314789 5172 01 6066 6194 6322 6449 6577 6705 6832 6960 7088 7215 128 02 7343 7471 7598 7726 7854 7981 8109 8237 8364 8492 I 13 03 8619 8747 8875 9002 9130 9258 9385 9513 9640 9768 2 26 01- 9896 5023 0151 0278 0406 0533 0661 0789 0916 1044 3 38 4 51 05 5321171 1299 1426 1554 1681 1809 1936 2064 2191 2319 5 64 06 2446 2574 2701 2829 2956 3084 3211 3339 3466 3594 G n 07 3721 3849 3976 4104 4231 4359 4486 4614 4741 4868 7 90 8 102 9 115 08 4996- 5123 5251 5378 5506 5633 5760 5888 6015 6143 09 6270 6397 6525 6652 6780 6907 7034 7162 7289 7416 3410 7544 7671 7799 7926 8053 8181 8308 8435 8563 8690 11 8817 8945 9072 9199 9326 9454 9581 9708 9836 9^63 12 5330090 0218 0345 0472 0599 0727 0854 0981 1108 1236 13 1363 1490 1617 1745 1872 1999 2126 2254 2381 2508 14 2635 2762 2890 3017 3144 3271 3398 3526 3653 3780 15 3907 4034 4161 4289 4416 4543 4670 4797 4924 5051 16 5179 5306 5433 5560 5687 5814 5941 6068 6196 6323 17 6450 6577 6704 6831 6958 7085 7212 7339 7466 7594 18 7721 7848 7975 8102 8229 8356 8483 8610 8737 8864 19 8991 9118 9245 9372 9499 9626 9753 9880 0007 0134 127 3420 5340261 0388 0515 0642 0769 0896 1023 1150 1277 1404 21 1531 1658 1785 1912 2039 2165 2292 2419 2546 2673 127 1 13 2 25 22 2800 2927 3054 3181 3308 3435 3561 3688 3815 3942 23 4069 4196 4323 4450 4576 4703 4830 4957 5084 5211 24 53-38 5464^ 5591 5718 5845 5972 6099 6225 6352 6479 3 38 25 6606 6733' 6859 6986 7113 7240 7366 7493 7620 7747 4 51 5 64 6 7Q 26 7874 8000 8127 8254 8381 8507 8634 8761 8888 9014 27 9141 9268 9394 9521 9648 9775 9901 0028 0155 0281 7 89 28 5350408 0535 0662 0788 0915 1042 1168 1295 1422 1548 8 102 29 1675 1802 1928 2055 2181 2308 2435 2561 2688 2815 9 114 3430 2941 3068 3194 3321 3448 3574 3701 3827 3954 4081 31 4207 4334 4460 4587 4713 4840 4967 5093 5220 5346 32 5473 5599 5726 5852 5979 6105 6232 6359 6485 6612 S3 6738 6865 6991 7118 7244 7371 7497 7623 7750 7876 34 8003 8129 8256 8382 8509 8635 8762 8888 9015 9141 35 9267 9394 9520 9647 9773 9900 0026 0152 0279 0405 36 5360532 0658 0784 0911 1037 1163 1290 1416 1543 1669 37 1795 1922 2048 2174 2301 2427 2553 2680 2806 2932 38 3059 3185 3311 3438 3564 3690 3817 3943 4069 4195 39 4322 4448 4574 4701 4827 4953 5079 5206 5332 5458 3440 5584 5711 5837 5963 6089 6216 6342 6468 6594 6721 41 6847 6973 7099 7225 7352 7478 7604 7730 7856 7982 42 8109 8235 8361 8487 8613 8739 8866 8992 9118 9244 126 43 9370 9496 9622 9749 9875 0001 0127 0253 0379 0505 I 13 44 5370631 0758 0884 1010 1136 1262 1388 1514 1640 1766 2 25 3 38 45 1892 2018 2144 2270 2396 2523 2649 2775 2901 3027 4 50 46 3153 3279 3405 3531 3657 3783 3909 4035 4161 4287 126 5 63 47 4413 4539 4665 4791 4917 5043 5169 5295 5421 5547 6 7Q 7 88 8 101 48 5673 5799 5924 6050 6176 6302 6428 6554 6680 6806 49 N. 6932 7058 1 7184 7310 3 7436 4 7561 7687 6 7813 7~ 7939 8 8065 9 D 9113 Pts. 2 iV. 34500 L. 537 of numbers. (55)| N. 3450 1 8317 2 3 8569 4 8694 5 8820 6 8946 7 9072 8 9198 9 1 9324 D Pro. 5378191 8443 51 9450 9575 Q701 9827 9953 0079 0205 0330 0456 0582 126 52 5380708 0834 0959 1085 1211 1337 1463 1588 1714 1840 1 13 2 25 } 38 53 1966 2092 2217 2343 2469 2595 2720 2846 2972 3098 54. 3223 3349 3475 3601 3726 3852 3978 4103 4229 4355 i 1 50 55 4481 4606 4732 4858 4983 5109 5235 5360 5486 5612 J 63 5 76 7 PP 56 5737 5863 5989 6114 6240 6366 6491 6617 6743 6868 57 . 6994 7119 7245 7371 7496 7622 7747 7873 7999 8124 i UOl 58 8250 8375 8501 8627 8752 8878 9003 9129 9255 9380 I H13 59 9506 9631 9757 9882 0008 0133 0259 0384 0510 0635 ■ 3460 5390761 0887 1012 1138 1263 1389 1514 1640 1765 1891 61 2016 2141 2267 2392 2518 2643 2769 2894 3020 3145 62 3271 3396 3522 3647 3772 3898 4023 4149 4274 4400 63 4525 4650 4776 4901 5027 5152 5277 5403 5528 5653 64 5779 5904 6030 6155 6280 6406 6531 6656 6782 6907 65 7032 7158 7283 7408 7534 7659 7784 7910 8035 8160 66 8286 8411 8536 8661 8787 8912 9037 9163 9288 9413 67 9538 9664 9789 9914 0039 0165 0290 0415 0540 0666 68 5400791 0916 1041 1167 1292 1417 1542 1667 1793 1918 69 2043 2168 2293 2419 2544 2669 2794 2919 3044 3170 3470 329^ 3420 3545 3670 3795 3920 4046 4171 4296 4421 71 4546 4671 4796 4921 5047 5172 5297 5422 5547 5672 125 1 13 72 5797 5922 6047 6172 6297 6423 6548 6673 6798 6923 73 7048 7173 7298 7423 7548 7673 7798 7923 8048 8173 125 2 25 74 8298 8423 8548 8673 8798 8923 9048 9173 9298 9423 3 38 75 9548 9673 9798 9923 0048 0173 0298 0423 0548 0673 4 50 5 63 76 5410798 0923 1048 1172 1-297 1422 1547 1672 1797 1922 6 75 77 2047 2172 2297 2422 2546 2671 2796 2921 3046 3171 7 88 78 3296 3421 3546 3670 3795 3920 4045 4170 4295 4419 P 100 79 4544 4669 4794 4919 5044 5168 5293 5418 5543 5668 9 113 3480 5792 5917 6042 6167 6292 6416 6541 6666 6791 6915 81 7040 7165 7290 7415 7539 7664 7789 7913 8038 8163 82 8288 8412 8537 8662 8787 8911 9036 9161 9285 9410 83 9535 9659 9784 9909 0033 0158 0283 0407 0532 0657 84 5420781 0906 1031 1155 1280 1405 1529 1654 1779 1903 85 2028 2152 2277 2402 2526 2651 2775 2900 3025 3149 86 3274 3398 3523 3648 3772 3897 4021 4146 4270 4395 87 4519 4644 4769 4893 5018 5142 5267 5391 5516 5640 88 5765 5889 6014 6138 6263 6387 651,2 6636 6761 6885 89 7010 7134 7259 7383 7508 7632 7756 7881 8005 8130 3490 8254 8379 8503 8628 8752 8876 9001 9125 9250 9374 91 9498 9623 9747 9872 9996 0120 0245 0369 0494 0618 92 5430742 0867 0991 1115 1240 1364 1488 1613 1737 1862 124 93 1986 2110 2235 2359 2483 2607 2732 2856 2980 3105 1 12 94 3229 3353 3478 3602 3726 3850 3975 4099 4223 4348 2 25 3 37 95 4472 4596 4720 4845 4969 5093 5217 5342 5466 5590 4 50 96 5714 5838 5963 6087 6211 6335 6460 6584 6708 6832 5 62 97 6956 7081 7205 7329 7453 7577 7701 7826 7950 8074 6 74 7 87 8 99 98 8198 8322 8446 8571 8695 8819 8943 9067 9191 9315 99 N. 9439 9564 1 9688 2 9812 3 9936 4 0060 5 0184 6 0308 7 0432 8 , 0556 .9 D 9112 Pts. (56] LOGARITHMS N. 35000 L. 544 N. 3500 1 0805 2 3 1053 4 1177 5 1301 6 I ¥25 7 1549 8 9 1797 D Pro. 5440680 0929 1673 01 1921 2045 2169 2293 2417 2541 2665 27S9 2913 3037 124 02 3161 3285 3409 3533 3657 3781 3905 4029 4153 4277 1 12 03 4401 4525 4649 4773 4897 5021 5145 5269 5393 5517 124 2 25 04 5641 5765 5889 6013 6137 6261 6385 6508 6632 6756 3 37 4 50 05 6880 7004 7128 7252 7376 7500 7624 7747 7871 7995 5 62 06 8119 8243 8367 8491 8615 8738 8862 8986 9110 9234 6 74 7 87 8 99 9 112 07 9358 9481 9605 9729 9853 9977 0101 0224 0348 0472 08 5450596 0720 0843 0967 1091 1215 1339 1462 1586 1710 09 1834 1957 2081 2205 2329 2452 2576 2700 2824 2947 3510 3071 3195 3319 3442 3566 3690 3813 3937 4061 4185 U 4308 4432 4556 4679 4803 4927 5050 5174 5298 5421 12 5545 5669 5792 5916 6040 6163 6287 6411 6534 6658 13 6781 6905 7029 7152 7276 7400 7523 7647 7770 7894 14 8018 8141 8265 8388 8512 8635 8759 8883 9006 9130 15 9253 9377 9500 9624 9747 9871 9995 0118 0242 0365 16 5460489 0612 0736 0859 0983 il06 1230 1353 1477 1600 17 1724 1847 1971 2094 2218 234! 2465 2588 2711 2835 18 2958 3082 3205 3329 3452 3576 3699 3822 3946 4069 19 4193 4316 4439 4563 4686 4810 4933 5056 5180 5303 3520 5427 5550 5673 5797 5920 6043 6167 6290 6414 6537 2] 6660 6784 6907 7030 7154 7277 7400 7524 7647 7770 123 22 7894 8017 8140 8263 8387 8510 8633 8757 8880 9003 If 12 23 9126 92.50 9373 9496 9620 9743 9866 9989 0113 0236 2 25 24 5470359 0482 0605 0729 0852 0975 1098 1222 1345 1468 3 37 4 49 25 1591 1714 1838 1961 -2084 2207 2330 2454 2577 2700 5 62 26 2823 2946 3069 3193 3316 3439 3562 3685 3808 3931 6 74 27 4055 4178 4301 4424 4547 4670 4793 4916 5040 5163 7 86 8 98 9 111 28 5286 5409 5532 5Q55 5778 5901 6024 6147 6270 6394 29 6517 6640 6763 6886 7009 7132 7255 7378 7501. 7624 3530 ■. 7747 7870 7993 8116 8239 8362 8485 8608 8731 8854 123 31 8977 9100 9223 9346 9469 9592 9715 9838 9961 0084 32 5480207 0330 0453 0576 0699 0822 0945 1068 1191 1313 33 1436 1559 1682 1805 1928 2051 2174 2297 2420 2543 34 2665 2788 2911 3034 3157 3280 3403 3526 3648 3771 35 3894 4017 4140 4263 4386 4508 4631 4754 4877 5000 36 5123 5245 5368 5491 5614 5737 5859 5982 6105 6228 37 6351 6473 6596 6719 6842 6964 7087 7210 7333 7456 38 7578 7701 7824 7947 8069 8192 8315 8437 8560 8683 39 8806 8928 9051 9174 9296 9419 9542 9665 9787 9910 3540 5490033 0155 0278 0101 0523 0646 0769 0891 1014 1137 41 1259 1382 1505 1627 1750 1872 1995 2118 2240 2363 42 2486 2608 2731 2853 2976 3099 3221 3344 3466 3589 122 43 3712 3834 3957 4079 4202 4324 4447 4569 4692 4815 I 12 44 4937 5060 5182 5305 5427 5550 5672 5795 5917 6040 2 24 3 37 45' 6162 6285 6407 6530 6652 6775 6897 7020 7142 7265 4 49 46 7387 7510 7632 7755 7877 8000 8122 8245 8307 8489 6 61 47 8612 8734 8857 8979 9102 9224 9346 9469 9591 9714 6 73 7 85 48 9836 9959 0081 0203 0326 0448 0570 0693 0815 0938 8 98 49 N. 5501060 1182 1 1305 2 1427 3 1549 4 1672 5 1794 6 1917 7 2039 8 2161 9 D 9 110 Pts. N. 35500 L.. 5.50 OF numbers. (57)\ N. 3350 1 240() 2 2528 3 4 1 5 2895 6 3017 7 3140 8 3262 9 3384 D Pro. 5502284 2651 2773 51 3507 3629 3751 3874 3996 4118 4240 4363 4485 4607 122 52 4730 4852 4974 5096 5219 5341 5463 5585 5708 5830 1 12 53 5952 6074 6197 6319 6441 Q5Q^ 6685 6808 6930 7052 2 24 3 37 4 49 54 7174 7296 7419 7541 7663 7785 7907 8030 8152 8274 55 8.096 8518 8640 8763 8885 9007. 9129 9251 9373 9495 5 6V 56 9618 9740 9862 9984 0106 0228 0350 0472 0594 0717 6 73 7 85 8 98 51 5510839 0961 1083 1205 1327 1449 1571 1693 1815 1937 58 2059 2181 2304 2426 2548 2670 2792 2914 3036 3158 122 9 110 59 3280 3402 3524 3646 3768 3890 4012 4134 4256 4378 3560 4500 4622 4744 4866 4988 5110 5232 5354 5476 5598 61 5720 5842 5964 6086 6208 6329 6451 6573 6695 6817 m 6939 7061 7183 7305 7427 7549 7671 7793 7914 8036 63 8158 8:^80 8402 8524 8646 8768 8890 9011 9133 9255 64 9377 9499 9621 9743 9864 9986 0108 0230 0352 0474 Q5 55'105^5 0717 0839 0)61 1083 1204 1326 1448 1570 1692 66 1813 1935 2057 2179 2301 2422 2544 2066 2788 2909 67 3031 3158 3275 3396 3518 3640 3762 3883 4005 4127 68 4248 4370 4492 4614 4735 4857 4979 5100 5222 5344 69 5465 5587 5709 5831 5952 6074 6196 6317 6439 6561 3570 6682 6804 6925 7047 7169 7290 7412 7534 7655 7777 71 7390 8020 8142 8263 8385 S507 8628 8750 8871 8993 72 .9115 9236 9358 9479 9601 9722 9844 9965 0087 0209 73 5530330 0452 0573 0695 0816 0938 1059 1181 1302 1424 74 1545 1667 1789 1910 2032 2153 2275 2396 2517 2639 75 2760 2882 3003 3125 3246 3368 3489 3611 3732 3854 76 3975 4097 1218 4339 4461 4582 4704 4825 4947 5068 77 5189 5311 5432 5554 5675 5796 5918 6039 6161 6282 78 6403 6525 6646 6767 6889 7010 7132 7253 7374 7496 79 7617 7738 7860 7981 8102 8224 8345 8466 8588 8709 3580 8830 8952 9073 9194 9315 9437 9558 9679 9801 9922 81 554004*^ 0164 0286 0407 0528 0650 0771 0892 1013 1135 82 1256 1377 1498 1620 1741 1862 1983 2104 2226 2347 83 2468 2589 2710 2832 2953 3074 3195 3316 3438 3559 84 3680 3801 3922 4044 4165 4286 4407 4528 4649 4770 85 4892 5013 5134 5255 5376 5497 5618 5740 5861 5982 86 6103 6224 6345 6466 6587 6708 6829 (i95t 7072 7193 87 88 7314 8524 7435 8645 7556 7677 7798 9008 7919 9130 8040 9251 8161 9372 8282 9493 8403 9614 121 8766 8887 89 9735 9856 9977 (5098 0219 0340 0461 0582 0703 0824 3590 5550944 1065 1186 1307 1428 1549 1670 1791 1912 2033 91 2154 2275 2396 2517 2638 2759 2880 3001 3121 3242 92 3363 3484 3605 3726 3847 3968 4089 4210 4330 4451 121 93 4572 4693 4814 4935 5056 5176 5297 5418 5539 5660 ]| 12 94 5781 5902 6022 6143 6264 6385 6506 6627 6747 6868 2 24 3 36 : 95 6989 7110 7231 7351 7472 7593 7714 7835 7955 8076 4 48 96 8197 8318 8438 8559 8680 8801 8921 9042 9163 9284 5 61 97 9401 9525 9646 9767 9887 0008 0129 0249 0370 0491 6 73 7 85 8 97 98 5560612 0732 0853 0974 1094 1215 1336 1456 1577 1698 99 N. 1818 1939 1 2060 2 2180 3 2301 IT 2422 5 2542 31 2663 7 2784 8 2904 9 |d 9 109 Pts. ^i (58) LOGARITHMS N. 36000 L. 556 N. 3600 J 3146 2 3266 3 3387 4 3508 5 6 7 _8 3990 9 4111 D Pro. 5563025 3628 3749 3869 01 4231 4352 4472 4593 4714 4834 4955 5075 5196 5317 121 02 5437 5558 5678 5799 5919 6040 6160 6281 6402 6522 1 12 03 6643 6763 6884 7004 7125 7245 7366 7486 7607 7727 2 24 3 36 4 48 04 7848 7968 8089 8209 8330 8450 8571 8691 8812 8932 05 9053 9173 9294 9414 9535 9655 9775 9896 0016 0137 5 61 06 5570257 0378 0498 0619 0739 0859 0980 1100 1221 1341 6 73 7 85 8 97 07 1461 1582 1702 1823 1943 2063 2184 2304 2425 2545 08 2665 2786 2906 3026 3147 3267 3387 3508 3628 3748 9 109 09 3869 3989 4109 4230 4350 4470 4591 4711 4831 4952 3610 5072 5192 5313 5433 5553 5673 5794 5914 6034 6155 11 6275 6395 6515 6636 6756 6876 6996 7117 7237 7357 12 7477 7598 7718 7838 7958 8079 8199 8319 8439 8559 13 8680 8800 8920 9040 9160 9281 9401 9521 9641 9761 14 9881 0002 0122 0242 0362 0482 0602 0723 0843 0963 13 5581083 1203 1323 1443 1564 1684 1804 1924 2044 2164 16 2284 2404 2524 2645 2765 2885 3005 3125 3245 3365 17 3485 3605 3725 3845 3965 4085 4205 4325 4446 4566 120 18 4686 4806 4926 5046 5166 5286 5406 5526 5646 5766 19 5886 6006 6126 6246 6366 '6486 6606 6726 6846 6966 3620 7086 7206 7326 7446 7566 7686 7805 7925 8045 8165 21 8285 8405 8525' 8645 8765 8885 9005 9125 9245 9365 22 9484 9604 9724 9844 9964 0084 0204 0324 0444 0563 23 5590683 0803 0923 1043 1163 1283 1403 1522 1642 1762 24 1882 2002 2122 2241 2361 2481 2601 2721 2840 2960 25 3080 3200 3320 3440 3559 3679 3799 3919 4038 4158 26 4278 4398 4518 4637 4757 4877 4997 5116 5236 5356 27 5476 5595 5715 5835 5954 6074 6194 6314 6433 6553 28 6673 6792 6912 7032 7152 7271 7391 7511 7630 7750 29 7870 7989 8109 8229 8348 8468 8588 8707 8827 8947 3630 9066 9186 9306 9425 9545 9664 9784 9904 (5023 0143 31 5600262 0382 0502 0621 0741 0860 0980 1100 1219 1339 32 1458 1578 1698 1817 1937 2056 2176 2295 2415 2534 33 2654 2774 2893 3013 3132 3252 3371 3491 3610 3730 34 3^49 3969 4088 4208 4327 4447 4566 4686 4805 4925 35 5044 5164 5283 5403 5522 5641 5761 5880 6000 6119 36 6239 6358 6478 6597 6716 6836 6955 7075 7194 7314 37 7433 7552 7672 7791 7911 8030 8149 8269 8388 8508 38 8627 8746 8866 8985 9104 9224 9343 9463 9582 9701 39 9821 9940 0059 0179 0298 0417 0537 0656 0775 0895 3640 5611014 1133 1252 1372 1491 1610 1730 1849 1968 2088 41 2207 2326 2445 2565 2684 2803 2922 3042 3161 3280 42 3399 3519 3638 3757 3876 3996 4115 4234 4353 4472 120 43 4592 4711 4830 4949 5069 5188 5307 5426 5545 5665 1 12 44 5784 5903 6022 6141 6260 6380 6499 6618 6737 6856 2 24 3 36 45 6975 7094 7214 7333 7452 7571 7690 7809 7928 8048 4 48 46 8167 8286 8405 8524 8643 8762 8881 9000 9119 9239 5 60 6 72 7 84 8 96 47 9358 9477 9596 9715 9834 9953 0072 0191 0310 0429 48 5620548 0667 0786 0905 1024 1144 1263 1382 1501 1620 49 " 1739 1858 1977 2096 3 2215 4 2334 5 2413 2572 7 2691 8 2810 9 119 D 9 108 Pts. N. P 1 6 N'.S63()0 L.66^ ' OF NUMBERS. (59)\ N. 3050 1 3048 2 3167 3 3286 4 3405 5 3524 6 3642 7- 3761 8 3880 9 3999 D Pro. 5622929 51 4118 4237 4356 4475 4594 4713 4832 4951 5070 5189 119 52 5308 5427 5546 5664 5783 5902 6021 6140 6259 6378 1 12 53 6497 6616 6734 6853 6972 7091 7210 7329 7448 7567 2 24 3 36 4 48 54 7685 7804 7923 8042 8161 8280 8398 8517 8636 8755 55 8874 8993 9111 9230 9349 9468 9587 9705 9824 9943 5 60 50 5630062 0181 0299 0418 0537 0656 0775 0893 1012 1131 6 71 7 83 8 95 51 1 250 1368 1487 !606 1725 1843 1962 2081 2200 2318 : 58 2437 2556 2674 2793 2912 3031 3149 3268 3387 3505 9 107 59 3624 3743 3,861 3980 4099 4218 4336 4455 4574 4692 3660 4811 4930 5048 5167 5285 5404 5523 5641 5760 5879 m 61 5997 6116 6235 6353 6472 6590 6709 6828 6946 7065 62 7183 7302 7421 7539 7658 7776 7895 8013 8132 8251 63 8369 8488 8606 8725 8843 8962 9081 9199 9318 9436 64 9555 9673 9792 9910 0029 0147 0266 0384 0503 0621 65 5640740 0858 0977 1095 1214 1332 1451 1569 1688 1806 66 1 925 2043 2162 2280 2398 2517 2'j35 2754 2872 2991 67 3109 3228 3346 .'3464 3583 3701 3820 3938 4056 4175 68 4293 4412 4530 4648 4767 4885 5004 5122 5240 5359 ' 69 5477 5595 5714 5832 5951 6G69 6187 6306 6424 6542 3670 6661 6779 6897 7016 7134 7252 7371 7489 7607 7726 71 7844 7962 8080 8199 8317 8435 8554 8672 87 yo 8908 72 9027 9145 9263 9382 9500 9618 9736 9855 9973 0091 73 5650209 0328 0446 0564 0682 0800 0919 1037 1155 1273 74 1392 1510 1628 1746 1864 1983 2101 2219 2337 2455 75 2573 2692 2810 2928 3046 3164 3282 3401 3519 3637 76 3755 3873 3991 4109 4228 4346 4464 4582 4700 4818 77 4936 5054 5173 5291 5409 5527 5645 5763 5881 5999 78 6117 6235 6353 6471 6590 6708 6826 6944 7062 7180 79 7298 7416 7534 7652 7770 7888 8006 8124 8242 8360 1 18 3680 8478 8596 8714 8832 8950 9068 9186 9304 9422 9540 81 9658 9776 9894 0012 0130 0248 0366 0484 0602 0720 82 5660838 0956 l'074 1192 1310 142S 1545 1663 1781 1899 83 2017 2135 2253 2371 2489 2607 2725 2843 2960 3078 84 3196 3314 3432 3550 3668 3786 3903 4021 4139 4257 85 4375 4493 4611 4728 4846 4964 5082 5200 5318 5435 86 5553 5671 5789 5907 6025 6142 6260 6378 6496 6614 87 6731 6849 6967 7085 7203 7320 7438 7556 7674 7791 88 79.09 8027 8145 8262 8380 8498 8616 8733 8851 8969 89 9087 .9204 9322 9440 9557 9675 9793 9911 0028 0146 3690 5670264 0381 0499 0617 0734 0852 0970 1087 1205 1323 91 1440 1558 1676 1793 1911 2029 2146 2264 2382 2499 92 2617 2735 2852 2970 3087 3205 3323 3440 3558 5675 118 93 3793 3911 4028 4146 4263 4381 4499 4616 4734 4851 ., 1 12 94 ,4969 5086 5204 5322 5439 5557 5674 5792 5909 6027 2 24 3 35 95 6144 6262 6379 6497 6615 6732 6850 6967 7085 7202 4 47 96 7320 7437 7555 7672 7790 7907 8025 8142 8260 8377 5 59 97 8495 86.1,2 8729 8847 8964 9082 9199' 9317 9434 9552 6 71 7 83 8 94 98 9669 9787 9904 C021 0139 0256 0374 0491 0608 0726 99 N., 5680843 0961 1 1078 ~2~ 1196 ~3" .1313; 1430 1 548 6 1 1665 7 ^ 1782 1900 D 9 106 Pts. 8 1 9 2 12 (60) LOGARITHMS N- 37000 L. 568 N. 37O0 1 2135 2252 3 2369 4 2487 2604 6* 2721 7 2839 8 2956 9 3074 D^ Pro. 5682017 01 319! 3308 3426 3543 3660 3778 3895 4012 4130 4247 118 02 4364 4J.81 4599 4716 4833 4951 5068 5185 5303 5420 1 12 03 5537 5654 5772 5889 6006 6123 624] 0358 6475 6593 2 24 3 35 4 4r 04 0710 6827 6944 7062 7179 7296 7413 7530 7648 7765 05 7882 7999 8117 8234 8351 8468 8585 8703 8820 8937 5 59 06 9054 9171 9289 9406 9523 9640 9757 9874 9992 (5109 6 71 7 83 8 94 07 5690226 0343 0460 0577 0694 0812 0929 1046 1163 1280 08 1397 1514 1631 1749 1866 1983 2100 2217 2334 2451 S106 09 2568 2685 2803 2920 3037 3154 3271 3388 3505 3622 37 fo 3739 3856 3973 4090 4207 4324 4441 4558 4675 4793 1 17 11 4910 5027 5144 5261 5378 5495 5612 5729 5846 5963 1^ 6080 6197 6314 6431 6548 Qms 6782 6899 7016 7133 13 7249 7366 7483 7600 7717 7834 7-951 8068 8185 8302 14 8419 8536 8653 8770 8887 9004 9121 9237 9354 9471 15 9588 9705 9822 9939 D056 0173 0290 0406 0523 0640 16 5700757 0874 0991 1108 1225 1341 1458 1575 1692 1809 17 m.iQ 201-2 2159 2276 2393 2510 2627 2743 2860 2977 18 3094 3211 3327 3444 3561 3678 3795 3911 4028 4145 19 4262 4379 4495 4612 4729 4846 4962 5079 5196 5313 3720 5429 554(3 5663 5780 5896 6013 5130 6247 6363 6480 21 6597 6713 6830 6947 7064 7180 7297 7414 7530 7647 22 77f>t 7880 7997 8114 8230 8347 8464 8580 8697 8814 23 8930 9047 9164 9280 9397 9514 9630 9747 9863 9980 j 24 5710097 0213 0330 0447 0563 0680 0796 0913 1030 1146 25 1263 1379 1496 1613 1729 1846 1962 2079 2195 2312 26 2429 2545 2662 2778 2895 3011 3128 3244 3SQ\ 3477 27 3594 3710 3827 3943 4060 4177 4293 4410 4526 4643 28 4759 4876 4992 5109 5225 5341 5458 5574 5691 5807 29 5924 6040 6157 6273 6390 6506 6623 6739 6855 6972 3730 7088 7205 7321 7438 7554 7670 7787 7903 8020 8136 31 8252 8369 8485 8602 8718 8834 8951 9067 9184 9300 32 9416 9533 9649 9765 9882 9998 SU5 0231 0347 0464 S3 5720580 0696 0813 0929 1045 1162 1278 1394 1511 1627 34 1743 1859 1976 2092 2208 2325 2441 2557 2674 2790 35 2906 3022 3139 3255 3371 3487 3604 3720 3836 3952 36 4069 4185 4301 4417 4534 4650 4766 4S82 4999 5115 37 5231 5347 5463 5580 5696 5812 5928 6044 616L 6277 38 6393 6509 6625 6742 6858 6974 7090 7206 7322 7438 39 7555 7671 7787 7903 8019 8135 8252 8368 8484 8600 3740 8716 8832 8948 9064 9180 9297 9-413 9529 9645 9761 41 9877 9993 ni09 0225 0341 0457 0574 0690 0806 0922 42 5731038 1154 1270 1386 1502 ■1018 1734 1850 1966 2082 117 43 2198 2314 2430 2546 2662 2778 2894 3010 3126 3242 116 1 12 44 3358, 3474 3590 3706 3822 3938 4054 4170 4286 4402 2 23 3 35 45 4518 4634 4750; 4866 4982 5098 5214 5330 5446 5562 4 47 46 5678 5794 5910; 6026 6141 6257 6373 6489 6605 6721 5 59 47 6837 6953 7069 7185 7301 7416 7532 7648 7764 7880 6 70 7 82 3 94 48 7996 8112 8228; 8343 8459 8575 8691 8807 8923 9039 49 N. 9154 9270 9386; 2 9502 3 9618 4 9734 5 9849 6 9965 7 5081 8 0197 9 D 5 105 Pts. 1 N. 37500 L.574 of numbers. (6}] 1 N. 3750 1 2 3 4 0776 5 0892 6 1-007 7 1123 8 123y .9 1355 D Pro. 5740313 a428 0544 1 0660 ¥386 17021 1818 51 147 J 1934 2050 2165 2281 2397 2513 116 52 2628 '27 44 j 2860 2976 3091 3207 3323 3438 3554 3670 1 12 53 3786 3901 4017 4133 4248 4364 4480 4596 4711 4827 2 23 54 4943 3058 5174 5290 5405 5521 5637 5752 5868 5984 3 35 4 46 55 6099 6215 6331 6446 6562 6678 6793 6909 7025 7140 5 58 56 7256 7371 7487 7603 7718 7834 7950 8065 8181 8296 6 70 7 81 8 93 9 104 57 84 i 2 8528 8643 8759 8874 89 .)0 9105 9221 9337 9452 58 9568 9683 9799 9914 S030 0146 0^61 0377 0492 0608 59 5750723 0839 0954 1070 1185 1301 1416 1532 1617 1763 3760 1878 1994 2109 2225 2340 2456 2571 2687 2802 2918 ;> 61 3033 3 149 '3264 3380 3495 3611 3726 3842 3957 4072 62 4188 4303 4419 4534 4650 4765 4881 4996 5111 5227 63 5342 5458 5573 5688 5804 5919 6035 6150 6265 6381 64. 6496 6612 6727 6842 6958 7073 7188 7304 7419 7534 65 7650 7765 7881 7996 8111 8227 8342 8457 8573 8688 66 8803 8918 9034 9149 9264 9380 9495 9610 9726 9841 67 9956 i5071 0187 0302 0417 0533 0648 0763 0878 0994 68 5761109 1224 1339 1455 1570 1685 1800 1916 2031 2146 69 2261 2377 2492 2607 2722 2837 2953 3068 3183 3298 3770 34 U 3529 3644 3759 3874 3989 4105 4220, 4335 4450 71 4565 4680 4796 4911 5026 5141 5256 5371 5487 5602 72 5717 5832 5947 6062 6177 6292 6408 6523 6638 6753 73 6868 6983 7098 7213 7'i28 7444 7559 7674 7789 7904 74 8019 8134 8249 8364 8479 8591 8709 8824 8939 9055 75 9170 9285 9400 9515 9630 9745 9860 9975 0090 0205 76 5770320 0435 0550 0665 0780 0895 1010 1125 1240 1355 77 1470 1585 1700 18151 1930 2045 2160 2275 2390 2505 78 2620 2734 2849 2964 3079 3194 3309 3424 3539 3654 115 79 3769 3884 3999 4114 4229 454:j 41.58 4573 46S8 4803 3780 4918 5033 5148 5203 5378 -5492 5607 5722 5837 5952 81 6067 6182 6296 6411 6526 6641 6756 6871 6986 7100 82 7215 7330 7445 7560 7675 7789 7904- 8019 8134 8249 83 8363 8478 8593 8708 8823 8937 9052 9167 9282 9397 84 9511 9626 9741 9856 9970 0085 0200 0315 0429 0544 85 5780659 0774 0838 1003 J118 1233 1347 1462 1577 1691 86 1806 1921 2036 2150 2265 2380 2494 2609 2724 2838 87 2953 3068 3182 3297 3412 3526 3641 3756 3870 3985 88 4100 4214 4329 4444 4558 4673 4788 4902 5017 5131 89 5246 5361 5475 5590 5705 5819 5934 6048 6163 6278 3790 6392 6507 6621 6736 6850 6965 7080 7194 7309 7423 91 7538 7652 7767 7832 7996 8111 8225 831-0 84-54 8569 92 8683 S798 8912 9027 9141 9256 9370 9485 9599 9714 115 93 9828 9943 0057 0172 0286 0401 0515 0630 0744 0859 I 12 94 5790973 1088 1202 1317 1431 1546 1660 1774 1889 2003 2 23 3 35 95 2118 2232 2347 2461 2576 2690 2804 2919 3033 3148 4 46 96 3262 3376 3491 3605 3720 3834 3948 4063 4177 4292 5 58 97 4406 4520 4635 4749 4863 4978 5092 5207 5321 5435 6 69 7 81 8 92 98 5550 5664 5778 5893 6007 6121 6236 6350 61-64 6579 99 6693 6807 6922 7036 s 7150 4 7264- 5 7379 6' 74Q3 7 7607 8 7722 1) 9 104 "T 2 9 \ (62l LOGARITHMS N. 38000 L. 579] N. 3800 1 7950 2 8065 3 4 8293 5 8407 6 8522 7 8636 S 8750 9 8864 D Pro. 5797836 8179 01 8979 9093 9207 9321 9436 9550 9664 9778 9893 0007 02 5800121 0235 0350 0464 0578 0692 0806 0921 1035 1149 115 03 1263 1377 1492 1606 1720 1834 1948 2063 2177 2291 1 12 04 2405 2519 2633 2748 2862 2976 3090 3204 3318 3432 114 2 23 3 35 05 3547 3661 3775 3889 4003 4117 4231 4346 4460 4574 4 46 06 4688 4802 4916 50S0 5144 5258 5372 5487 5601 5715 5 -58 07 5829 5943 6057 6171 6285 6399 6513 6627 6741 6855 6 69 7 81 8 92 08 6969 7083 7197 7312 7426 7540 7654 7768 7882 7996 09 8110 8224 8338 8452 8566 8680 8794 8908 9022 9136 9 104 3810 9250 9364 9478 9592 9706 9820 9934 (5048 0162 0276 11 5810389 0503 0617 0731 0845 0959 1073 1187 1301 1415 12 1529 1643 1757 1871 1985 2099 2212 2326 2440 2554 13 2668 2782 2896 3010 3124 3238 3351 3465 3579 3693 14 3807 3921 4035 4148 4262 4376 4490 4604 4718 4832 15 4945 5059 5173 5287 5401 5515 5628 5742 5856 5970 16 6084 6197 6311 6425 6539 6653 6766 6880 6994 7108 17 7222 7335 7449 7563 7677 7790 7904 8018 8132 8245 18 8359 8473 8587 8700 8814 8928 9042 9155 9269 9383 19 9497 9010 9724 9838 9951 S065 0179 0293 0406 0520 3820 5820634 0747 0861 0975 1088 1202 1316 1429 1543 1657 21 1770 1884 1998 2111 2225 2339 2452 2566 2680 2793 22 2907 3020 3134 3248 3361 3475 3589 3702 3816 3929 23 4043 4157 4270 4384 4497 4611 4725 4838 4952 5065 24 5179 5292 5406 5520 5633 5747 5860 5974 6087 6201 25 6314 6428 6541 6655 §769 6882 6996 7109 7223 7336 26 7450 7563 7677 7790 7904 8017 8131 8244 8358 8471 27 8585 8698 8812 8925 9039 9152 9265 9379 9492 9606 28 9719 9833 9946 oooo 0173 0287 0400 0513 0627 0740 29 5830854 0967 1081 1194 1307 1421 1534 1648 1761 1874 3830 1988 2101 2215 2328 2441 2555 2668 2781 2895 3008 31 3122 3235 3348 3462 3575 3688 3802 3915 4028 4142 32 4255 4368 4482 4595 4708 4822 4935 5048 5162 5275 33 5388 5501 5615 5728 5841 5955 6068 6181 6295 6408 34 6521 6634 6748 6861 6974 7087 7201 7314 7427 7540 35 7654 7767 7880 7993 8107 8220 8333 8446 8560 8673 36 8786 8899 9012 9126 9239 9352 9465 9578 9692 9805 37 9918 0031 0144 0258 0371 0484 0597 0710 0823 0937 38 5841050 1163 1276 1389 1502 1615 1729 1842 1955 2068 39 2181 2294 2407 2520 2634 2747 2860 2973 3086 3199 3840 3312 3425 3538 3652 3765 3878 3991 4104 4217 4330 ,41 4443 4556 4669 4782 4895 5008 5121 5234 5348 5461 42 5574 5687 5800 5913 6026 6139 6252 6365 6478 6591 114 43 6704 6817 6930 7043 7156 7269 7382 7495 7608 7721 113 1 11 44 7834 7947 8060 8173 8286 8399 8512 8625 8738 8850 2 23 3 34 45 8963 9076 9189 9302 9415 9528 9641 9754 9867 9980 4 46 46 5850093 0206 0319 0432 0544 0657 0770 0883 0996 1109 5 57 47 1222 1335 1448 1561 1673 1786 1899 2012 2125 2238 6 68 7 80 8 91 48 2351 2463 2576 2689 2802 2915 3028 3141 3253 3366 49 3479 3592 3705 2 3818 3930 4 4043 4156 4269 7 4382 8 4494 9 "D 9 10.3 Pts. 1 3 5 e N.3 8500 L. 585 of numbers. (63) N. 3850 1 4720 2 4833 3 4946 4 5058 5 5171 6" 5284 7 5397 8 5510 9 5622 D Pro. 5854607 51 5735 5848 5961 6073 6186 6299 6412 6525 6637 6750 113 52 6863 6976 7088 7201 7314 7426 7539 7652 7765 7877 1 11 53 7990 8103 8216 8328 8441 8554 8666 8779 8892 9004 2 23 3 34 4 45 54 9117 9230 9342 9455 9568 9681 9793 9906 0019 0131 55 5860244 0356 0469 058.2 0694 0807 0920 1032 1145 1258 5 57 56 1370 1483 1596 1708 1821 1933 2046 2159 2271 2384 6 68 7 79 8 90 57 2490 2609 2722 2834 2947 3059 3172 3285 3397 3510 58 3622 3735 3847 3960 4072 41 &5 4298 4410 4523 4635 9 102 59 4748 4860 4973 5085 5198 5310 5423 5535 5648 5761 3860 5873 5986 6098 6211 6323 6436 6548 6661 6773 6886 61 6998 7110 7223 7335 7448 7560 7673 7785 7898 8010 62 8123 8235 8348 8460 8572 8685 8797 8910 9022 9135 63 9247 9360 9472 9584 9697 9809 9922 0034 0146 0259 64 5870371 0484 0596 0708 0821 0933 1045 1158 1270 1383 65 1495 1607 1720 1832 1944 2057 2169 2281 2394 2506 66 2618 2731 2843 2955 3068 3180 3292 3405 3517 3629 67 3742 3854 3966 4079 4191 4303 4416 4528 4640 4752 68 4865 4977 50891 5201 5314 5426 5538 5651 5763 5875 69 5987 6100 6212 6324 6436 6549 6661 6773 6885 6997 3870 7110 .7222 7334 7446 7559 7671 7783 7895 8007 8120 71 8232 8344 8456 8568 8680 8793 8905 9017 9129 9241 72 9353 9466 9578 9690 9802 9914 0026 0139 0251 0363 73 5880475 0587 0699 0811 0923 1036 1148 1260 1372 1484 74 1596 1708 1820 1932 2045 2157 2269 2381 2493 2605 75 2717 2829 2941 3053 3165 3277 3389 3502 3614 3726 76 3838 3950 4062 4174 4286 4398 4510 4622 4734 4846 112 77 4958 5070 5182 5294 5406 5518 5630 5742 5854 5966 78 6078 6190 6302 6414 6526 6638 6750 6862 6974 7086 79 7198 7310 7422 7534 7646 7758 7870 7981 8093 8205 3880 8317 8429 8541 8653 8765 8877 8989 9101 9213 9325 81 9436 9548 9660 9772 9884 9996 S108 0220 0332 0443 82 5890555 0667 0779 0891 1003 1115 1227 1338 1450 1562 83 1674 1786 1898 2009 2121 2233 2345 2457 2569 2680 84 2792 2904 3016 3128 3239 3351 3463 3575 3687 3798 85 3910 4022 4134 4246 4357 4469 4581 4693 4804 4916 86 5028 5140 5251 5363 5475 5587 5698 5810 5922 6034 87 6145 6257 6369 6481 6592 6704 6816 6927 7039 7151 88 7263 7374 7486 7598 7709 7821 7933 8044 8156 8268 8y 8379 8491 8603 8714 8826 8938 9049 9161 9273 9384 3890 9496 9608 9719 9831 9943 0054 0166 0277 0389 0501 91 5900612 0724 0836 0947 1059 1170 1282 1394 1505 1617 92 1728 1840 1951 2063 2175 2286 2398 2509 2621 2732 112 93 2844 2956 3067 3179 3290 3402 3513 3625 3736 3848 1 11 94 3959 4071 4183 4294 4406 4517 4629 4740 4852 4963 2 22 3 34 95 5075 5186 5298 5409 5521 5632 5744 5855 5967 6078 4 45 96 6189 6301 6412 6524 6635 6747 6858 6970 7081 7193 5 56 97 7304 7415 7527 7638 7750 7861 7973 8084 8196 8307 6 67 7 78 8 90 98 8418 8530 8641 8753 8864 8975 9087 91^ 9310 9421 99 9532 9644 1 9755 2 9866 3 9978 4 0089 5 0201 6 0312 7 0423 8 0535 9 D 9 101 Pts. N. (64) LOGARITHMS N. 39000 L. 59 1 N. 3900 1 0757 0869 3 0980 4 109 1 6 1203 6* 1314 7 I ¥26 8 1537 9 1648 D i^ro. 5910646 01 1760 1871 1982 2093 2205 2316 2427 2539* '2650 2761 M2 02 2873 2984 3095 3207 3318 3429 3510 3652 3763 3874 1 11 03 3986 4097 4208 4319 4431 4542 4653 4764 4876 4987 2 22 3 34 4 45 04 5098 5209 5321 5432 5543 5654 5765 5877 5988 6099 05 6210 6322 6433 6544 6655 6766 6878 6989 7100 7211 5 56 06 7322 7431- 7545 7656 7767 7878 7989 8101 8212 8323 6 67 7 78 P 90 07 8434 8545 8656 8768 8879 8990 9101 9212 9323 9434 08 9546 9657 9768 9879 9990 OlOl 0212 0323 0434 0546 9 10) 09 5920657 0768 0879 0990 1101 1212 1323 1434 1545 1656 3910 1768 1879 1990 2101 2212 2323 2434 2545 2656 2767 11 2878 2989 3100 3211 3322 3433 3544 3655 3766 3877 111 12 3988 4099 4210 4321 4433 4544 4655 4766 4876 4987 13 5098 5209 5320 5431 5542 5653 5764 5875 5986 6097 14 6208 6319 6430 6541 6652 6763 6874 6985 7096 7207 15 7318 7429 7540 7650 7761 7872 7983 8094 8205 8316 16 8427 8538 8649 8760 8870 8981 9092 9203 9314 9425 17 9536 9647 9757 9868 9979 0090 0201 0312 0423 0533 18 5930644 0755 0866 0977 1088 1199 1309 1420 1531 1642 19 1753 1863 1974 2085 2196 2307 2417 2528 2639 2750 3920 2861 2971 3082 31Q3 3304 3415 3525 3636 3747 3858 21 3968 4079 4190 4301 4411 4522 4633 4744 4854 4965 22 5076 5187 5297 5408 5519 5630 5740 5851 5962 6072 23 6183 6294 6404 6515 6626 6737 6847 6958 7069 7179 24 7290 7401 7511 7622 7733 7843 7954 8065 8175 8286 25 8397 8507 8618 8729 8839 8950 9060 9171 9282 9392 26 9503 9614 9724 98.*i5 9945 OO06 0167 0277 0388 0498 27 5940609 0720 0830 0941 1051 1162 1273 1383 1494 1604 28 1715 1825 1936 2046 2157 2268 2378 2489 2599 2710 29: 2820 2931 3041 3152 3262 3373 3483 3594 3704 3815 3930 3926 4036 4147 4257 4368 4478 4588 4699 4809 4920 31 5050 5141 5251 5362 5472 5583 56-)3 5804 5914 6025 32 6135 6246 6356 6466 6577 6687 6798 6906 7019 7129 33 7239 7350 7460 7571 7681 7792 7902 8012 8123 8233 34 8344 8454 8564 8675 8785 8895 9006 9116 9227 9337 55 9447 9558 9668 9778 9889 9999 0110 0220 0330 0441 36 5950551 0661 0772 0882 0992 1103 1213 1323 1434 1544 37 1654 1764 1875 1985 2095 2206 2316 2426 2537 2647 38 2757 2867 2978 3088 3198 3308 3419 3529 3639 3750 39 3S60 3970 4O80 4191 4301 4411 4521 4632 4742 4852 3940 4962 5072 5183 5293 5403 5513 5624 5734 5844 5954 41 6064 6175 6285 6395 6505 6615 6725 6836 6946 7056 42 7166 7276 7387 7497 7607 7717 7827 7937 «047 8158 111 43 8268 8378 8488 8598 8708 8818 8929 9039 9149 9259 1 11 44 mm 9479 9589 9699 9810 9920 00 J 0140 0250 0360 2 22 3 33 : 45 5960470 0580 0690 0800 0910 1020 1131 1241 1351 1461 4 44 46 1571 1681 1791 1901 2011 2121 2231 2341 2451 2561 110 5 56 47 2671 2781 2891 3001 3111 3221 3331 3441 3551 3661 6 67 7 78 8 89 43 3771 3881 3991 4101 4211 4321 4431 4541 4651 4761 49 4871 4981 5091 5201 s 5311 4 5421 5 5531 6 5641 7 5751 8 5861 9 D 9 100 Pts. N. 1 N. 39500 L.596 of numbers. (65) N. 3950 1 6081 2 3 6301 4 6411 5 6521 6 6631 7 6741 8 6850 9 6960 D Pro. 5965971 6191 51 7070 7180 7290 7400 7510 7620 773C 784C 7950 8059 110 52 8169 8279 8389 8499 8609 8719 8829 8Q39 9048 9158 1 11 , 53 9268 9378 9488 9598 9708 9817 9927 0037 0147 0257 2 22 3 33 4 44 ' 54 5970367 0476 0586 0696 0806 0916 1026 1135 1245 1355 55 1465 1575 1684 1794 1 904 2014 2124 2233 2343 2453 5 55 56 2563 2673 2782 2892 3002 3112 5221 3331 3441 355} 6 66 7 77 8 88 51 3661 3770 3880 3990 4099 4209 4319 4429 4538 4648 58 4758 4868 4977 5087 5197 5306 5416 5526 5636 5745 9 99 59 5855 5965 6074 6184 6294 6403 6513 6623 6733 6842 3960 6952 7062 7171 7281 7391 7500 7610 7719 7829 7939 61 8048 8158 8268 8377 8487 8597 8706 8816 8925 9035 62 9145 9254 9364 9474 9583 9693 9802 9912 0022 0131 63 5980241 0350 0460 0569 0679 0789 0898 1008 1117 1227 64 1336 1446 1556 1665 1775 1884 1994 2103 2213 2322 65 2432 2541 2651 2761 2870 2980 3089 3199 3308 3418 66 3527 3637 3746 3856 3965 4075 4184 4294 4403 4513 67 4622 4731 4841 4950 5060 5169 5279 5388 5498 5607 68 5717 5826 5936 6045 6154 6264 6373 6483 6592 6702 69 6811 6920 7030 7139 7249 7358 7467 7577 7686 7796 3970 7905- 8014 8124 8233 8343 8452 8561 8671 8780 8890 71 8999 9108 9218 9327 9436 9546 9655 9764 9874 9983 7? 5990092 0202 0311 0420 0530 0639 0748 0858 0967 1076 7'3 1186 1295 1404 1514 1623 1732 1841 1951 2060 2169 74 2279 2388 2497 2606 2716 2825 2934 3044 3153 3262 75 3371 3481 3590 3699 3808 3918 4027 4136 4245 4355 76 4464 4573 4682 4791 4901 5010 5119 5228 5338 5447 77 5556 5665 5774 5884 5993 6102 6211 6320 6429 6539 78 6648 6757 6866 69l5 7084 7194 7303 7412 7521 7630 79 7739 7849 7958 8067 8176 8285 8394 8503 8612 8722 3980 8831 8940 9049 9158 9267 9376 9485 9594 9704 9813 81 9922 0031 0140 0249 0358 0467 0576 0685 0794 0903 82 6001013 1122 1231 1340 1449 1558 1667 1776 1885 1994 83 2103 2212 2321 2430 2539 2648 2757 2866 2975 3084 109 84 3193 3302 3411 3520 3629 3738 3847 3956 4065 4174 85 4283 4392 4501 4610 4719 4828 4937 5046 5155 5264 86 5873 5482 5591 5700 5 809 5918 6027 6136 6244 6353 87 6462 6571 6680 6789 6898 7007 7116 7225 7334 7443 88 7551 7660 7769 7878 7987 8096 8205 8314 8423 8531 89 8640 8749 8858 8967 9076 9185 9294 9402 9511 9620 3990 9729 9838 9947 0055 0164 0273 0382 0491 0600 0708 91 6010817 0926 1035 1144 1253 1361 1470 1579 1688 1797 92 1905 2014 2123 2232 2340 2449 2558 5667 2776 2884 109 93 2993 3102 3211 3319 3428 3537 3646 3754 3863 3972 1 11 94 4081 4189 4298 4407 4516 4624 4733 4842 4950 5059 2 22 3 33 4 44 95 5168 5277 5385 5494 5603 5711 5820 5929 6037 6146 96 6255 6363 6472 6581 6690 6798 6907 7016 7124 7233 5 55 97 7341 7450 7559 7667 7776 7885 7993 8102 8211 8319 6 65 7 76 8 87 98 8428 8537 8645 8754 8862 8971 9080 9188 9297 9405 99 N. 9514 9623 9731 2~ 9840 ~3~ 9948 4 C057 5 0166 ~6~ 0274 ~7" 0383 8 0491 D ] 9 98 Pts. 2K (66) LOGARITHMS N. 40000 L. 602| N. 4000 1 0708 2 0817 3 0926 4 1034 5 1143 6 1251 7 1360 8 1468 9 1577 D Pro. 6020600 01 1686 1794 1903 2011 2120 2228 2337 2445 2554 2662 109 02 2771 2879 2988 3096 3205 3313 3422 3530 3639 3747 1 11 03 3856 3964 4073 4181 4290 4398 4507 4615 4724 4832 2 22 3 33 4 44 04 4941 5049 5158 5266 5375 5483 5591 5700 5808 5917 05 6025 6134- 6242 6351 6459 6567 6676 6784 6893 7001 5 55 06 7109 7218 7326 7435 7543 7651 7760 7868 7977 8085 6 65 7 76 8 87 07 8193 8302 8410 8519 8627 8735 8844 8952 9060 9169 08 9277 9385 9494 9602 9711 9819 9927 0036 0144 0252 9 98 09 6030361 0469 0577 0686 0794 0902 1010 1119 1227 1335 4010 1444 1552 1660 1769 1877 1985 2093 2202 2310 2418 II 2527 2635 2743 2851 2960 3068 3176 3284 3393 3501 12 3609 3717 3826 3934 4042 4150 4259 4367 4475 4583 13 4692 4800 4908 5016 5124 5233 5341 5449 5557 5665 14 5774 5882 5990 6098 6206 6315 6423 6531 6639 6747 15 6855 6964 7072 7180 7288 7396 7504 7613 7721 7829 16 7937 8045 8153 8261 8370 8478 8586 8694 S802 8910 17 9018 9126 9235 9343 9451 9559 9667 9775 9883 9991 18 6040099 0207 0315 0424 0532 0640 0748 0856 0964 1072 19 1180 1288 1396 1504 1612 1720 1828 1936 2044 2152 4020 2261 2369 2477 2585 2693 2801 2909 3017 3125 3233 21 3341 3449 3557 3665 3773 3881 3989 4097 4205 4313 108 22 4421 4529 4637 4745 4853 4961 5068 5176 5284 5392 23 5500 5608 5716 5824 5932 6040 6148 6256 6364 6472 i '' 24 6580 6688 6796 6903 7011 7119 7227 7335 7443 7551 25 7659 7767 7875 7983 8090 8198 8306 8414 8522 8630 26 8738 8846 8953 9061 9169 9277 9385 9493 9601 9708 27 9816 9924 0032 0140 0248 0355 0463 0571 0679 0787 28 6050895 1002 1110 1218 1326 1434 1541 1649 1757 1865 29 1973 2080 2188 2296 2404 2512 2619 2727 2835 2943 4030 3050 3158 3266 3374 3482 3589 3697 3805 3912 4020 31 4128 4236 4343 4451 4559 4667 4774 4882 4990 5098 32 5205 5313 5421 5528 5636 5744 5851 5959 6067 6175 33 .6282 6390 6498 6605 6713 6821 6928 7036 7144 7251 34 7359 7467 7574 7682 7790 7897 8005 8112 8220 8328 35 8435 8543 8651 8758 8866 8974 9081 9189 9296 9404 36 9512 9619 9727 9834 9942 0050 0157 0265 0372 0480 37 6060587 0695 0803 0910 1018 1125 1233 1340 1448 1556 38 1663 1771 1878 1986 2093 2201 2308 2416 2523 2631 39 2739 2846 2954 3061 3169 3276 3384 3191 3599 3706 4040 3814 3921 4029 4136 4244 4351 4459 4566 4674 4781 41 4889 4996 5103 521 1 5318 5426 5533 5641 5748 5856 42 5963 6071 6178 6285 6393 6500 6608 6715 6823 6930 108 43 7037 7145 7252 7360 7467 7574 7682 7789 7897 8004 1 11 44 Bin 8219 8326 8434 8541 8648 8756 S863 8971 9078 2 22 3 32 45 9185 9293 9400 9507 9615 9722 9829 9937 0044 0151 4 43 46 6070259 0366 0473 0581 0688 0795 0903 1010 1117 1225 5 54 47 1332 1439 1547 1654 1761 1869 1976 2083 2190 2298 6 65 7 76 6 86 48 2405 2512 2620 2727 2834 2941 3049 3156 3263 3371 49 3478 3585 3692 3800 3907 4014 4121 4229 4336 4443 9 97 N. ~ .2.1 3. 4 5 6 ,7 8 9 D Pts. N. 40500 L. 607 OF NUMBERS. (67)1 N. 40.50 1 4657 2 4765 3 4872 4 4979 5 5086 6 5191 7 5.301 8 5408 9 5515 D Pro. 6074550 51 5622 5730 5837 5944 6051 6158 6266 6373 6480 6587 107 52 6694 6802 6909 7016 7123 7230 7337 7445 7552 7659 1 11 53 7766 7873 7980 8087 8195 8302 8409 8516 8623 8730 2 3 4 21 32 43 54 8837 8945 9052 9159 9266 9373 9480 9587 9694 9801 55 9909 0016 0123 0230 0337 0444 0551 0658 0765 0872 5 54 56 6080979 1087 1194 1301 1408 1515 1622 1729 1836 1943 6 7 8 64 75 86 51 2050 2157 2264 2371 2478 2585 2692 2799 2906 3013 58 3120 3227 3334 3441 3548 3656 3763 3870 3977 4084 107 9 96 59 4191 4298 4404 4511 4618 4725 4832 4939 5046 5153 4060 5260 5367 5474 5581 5688 5795 5902 6009 6116 6223 61 6330 6437 6544 6651 6758 6865 6972 7078 7185 7292 62 7399 7506 7613 7720 7827 7934 8041 8148 8254 8361 63 8468 8575 8682 8789 8896 9003 9110 9216 9323 9430 64 9537 9644 9751 9858 9964 0071 0178 0285 0392 0499 Q5 6090605 0712 OS 19 0926 1033 1140 1246 1353 1460 1567 QQ 1674 1781 1887 1994 2101 2208 2315 2421 2528 2635 67 2742 2849 2955 3062 3169 3276 3382 3489 3596 3703 68 3809 3916 4023 4130 4236 4343 4450 4557 4663 4770 69 4877 4984 5090 5197 5304 5411 5517 5624 5731 5837 4070 5944 6051 6157 6264 6371 6478 6584 6691 6798 6904 71 7011 7118 7224 7331 7438 7544 7651 7758 7864 7971 72 8078 8184 8291 8398 8504 8611 8718 8824 8931 9037 73 9144 9251 9357 9464 9571 9677 9784 9890 99D7 0104 74 6100210 0317 0423 0530 0637 0743 0850 0956 1063 1170 75 1276 1383 1489 1596 1702 1809 1916 2022 2129 2235 76 2342 2448 2555 2661 2768 2874 2981 3088 3194 3301 77 3407 3514 3620 3727 3833 3940 4046 4153 4259 4366 78 4472 4579 4685 4792 4898 500.5 5111 5218 5324 5431 79 5537 5644 5750 5856 5963 6069 6176 6282 6389 6495 4080 6602 6708 6815 6921 7027 7134 7240 7347 7453 7560 81 7666 7772 7879 7985 8092 8198 8304 8411 8517 8624 82 8730 8836 8943 9049 9156. 39262 9368 9475 9581 9687 83 9794 9900 0007 0113 0219 0326 0432 0538 0645 0751 84 6110857 0964 1070 1176 1283 1389 1495 1602 1708 1814 85 1921 2027 2133 2240 2346 2452 2558 2665 2771 2877 86 2984 3090 3196 3302 3409 3515 3621 3728 3334 3940 87 4046 4153 4259 4365 4471 4578 4684 4790 4896 5003 88 5109 5215 5321 5428 5534 5640 5746 5852 5959 6065 89 6171 6277 6384 6490 6596 6702 6808 6915 7021 7127 4090 7233 7339 7445 7552 7658 7764 7870 7976 8082 8189 91 8295 8401 8507 8613 8719 8826 8932 9038 9144 9250 92 9356 9462 9569 9675 9781 9887 9993 0099 0205 0311 106 93 6120417 0524 0630 0736 0842 0948 1054 1160 1266 1372 1 11 94 1478 1584 1691 1797 1903 2009 2115 2221 2327 2433 2 3 21 32 95 2539 2645 2751 2857 2963 3069 3175 3281 3387 3493 4 12 96 3599 3706 3812 3918 4024 4130 4236 4342 4448 4554 106 5 53 97 4660 4766 4872 4978 5084 5190 5296 5402 5508 5614 6 7 8 64 74 85 98 5720 5826 5931 6037 6143 6249 6355 6461 6567 6673 99 6779 6885 6991 2 7097 3 7203 7.309 7415 6 7521 7 7627 8 7733 9 D 9 95 N." 1 4 5 P ts. 2K2 (6S) LOGARITHMS N. 41000 L.6Hij N. 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pro. 4100 6127839 7944 8050 8156 8262 8368 8474 8580 8686 8792 01 8898 9004 &109 9215 9321 9427 9533 9639 9745 9851 106 02 9957 S062 0168 0274 0380 0486 0592 0698 0803 0909 1 11 03 6131015 1 121 1227 1333 1439 1544 1 650 1756 1862 1968 2 3 4 21 32 42 04 2074 2179 2285 2391 2497 2603 2708 2814 2920 3G26 05 S132 3237 3343 3449 3555 3661 3766 3872 3978 4084 6 53 06 4189 4295 4401 4507 4613 4718 4824 4930 5036 5141 6 "7 6"4 74 85 07 5247 5353 5459 5564 5670 5776 5881 5987 6093 6199 / 8 08 6304 6410 65)6 6621 6727 6833 6939 7044 7150 7256 9 95 09 7361 7467 7573 7678 7784 7890 7996 8101 8207 8313 4110 8418 8524 8630 8735 8841 8947 9052 9158 9263 9369 11 9475 9580 9686 9792 9897 D003 0109 0214 0320 0425 12 6140531 0637 0742 0848 0954 1059 1165 1270 1376 1482 13 1587 1693 1798 1904 2009 2115 2221 2326 2432 2537 14 2643 2748 2854 2960 3065 3171 3276 3382 3487 3593 15 3698 3804 3909 4015 4121 4226 4332 4437 4543 4648 16 4754 4859 4965 5070 5176 5281 5387 5492 5598 5703 17 5809 5914 6020 6125 6231 6336 6442 6547 6652 6758 18 6863 6969 7074 7180 7285 7391 7496 7602 7707 7812 19 7918 8023 8129 8234 8340 8445 8550 8656 8761 8867 4120 8972 9078 9183 9288 9394 9499 9605 9710 9815 9921 21 6150026 0132 0237 0342 0448 0553 0658 0764 0869 0975 22 1080 1185 1291 1396 1501 1607 1712 1817 1923 2028 23 2133 2239 2344 2449 2555 2660 2765 2871 2976 3081 24 3187 3292 3397 3502 3608 3713 3818 3924 4029 4134 25 4240 4345 4450 4555 4661 4766 4871 4976 5082 5187 26 5292 5397 5503 5608 5713 5818 5924 6029 6134 6239 27 6345 6450 6555 6660 6766 6871 6976 7081 7186 7292 28 7397 7502 7607 7712 7818 7923 8028 8133 8238 8344 29 8449 8554 8659 8764 8870 8975 9080 9185 9290 9395 4130 9501 9606 9711 9816 9921 0026 0131 0237 0342 0447 31 6160552 0657 0762 0867 0972 1078 1183 1288 1393 1498 32 1603 1708 1813 1918 2024 2129 2234 2339 2444 2549 33 2654 2759 2864 2969 3074 3179 3284 3390 3495 3600 34 3705 3810 3915 4020 4125 4230 4335 4440 4545 4650 35 4755 4S60 4965 5070 5175 5280 5385 5490 5595 5700 105 36 5805 5910 6015 6120 6225 6330 6435 6540 6645 6750 37 6855 5960 7065 7170 7275 7380 7485 7590 7695 7800 38 7905 8010 8115 8220 8325 8430 8535 8639 8744 8849 39 8954 9059 9164 9269 9374 9479 9584 9689 9794 9899 4140 6170003 0108 0213 0318 042.3 0528 0633 0738 0843 0947 41 1052 1157 1262 1367 1472 1577 1682 1786 1891 1996 42 2101 2206 2311 2415 2520 2625 2730 2835 2940 3045 105 43 3149 3254 3359 3464 3569 3673 3778 3883 3988 4093 111 44 4197 4302 44-07 4512 4617 4721 4826 4931 5036 5141 2J21 3!32 45 5245 5350 5455 5560 5664 5769 5874 5979 6083 6188 4:42 46 6293 6398 6502 6607 6712 6817 6921 7026 7131 7236 5 53 47 7340 7445 7550 7655 7759 7864 7969 8073 8178 8283 6 7 8 63 74 «4, 48 8387 8492 8597 8702 8806 8911 9016 9120 9225 9330 49 N. 9434 9539 1 9644 9748 3 9853 4 9958 0062 6 0167 7 0272 8 0376 9 D Pts. 2 5 N.41500L.618 of numbers. {69)\ N. 4150 1 0586 2 0690 3 0795 4 0900 5 1004 6 1109 7 1213 8 1318 9 1423 D Pro. 6180481 51 1527 1632 1737 1841 1946 2050 2155 2260 2364 2469 104 52 2573 2678 2783 2887 2992 3096 3201 3306 3410 3515 1 10 53 3619 3724 3828 3933 4038 4142 4247 4351 4456 4560 2 3 4 21 31 42 54 4665 4769 4874 4979 5083 5188 5292 5397 5501 5606 55 5710 5815 5919 6024 6128 6233 6337 6442 6546 6651 5 52 56 6755 6860 6964 7069 7173 7278 7382 7487 7591 7696 6 7 8 62 73 83 57 7800 7905 8009 8114 8218 8323 8427 8531 8636 8740 58 8845 8949 9054 9158 9263 9367 9471 9576 9680 9785 9 94 59 9889 9994 0098 0202 0307 0411 0516 0620 0725 0829 4160 6190933 1038 1142 1246 1351 1455 1560 1664 1768 1873 61 1977 2082 2186 2290 2395 2499 2603 2708 2812 2916 62 3021 3125 3229 3334 3438 3542 3647 3751 .3855 3960 63 4064 4168 4273 4377 4481 4586 4690 4794 4899 5003 64 5107 5212 5316 5420 5524 5629 5733 5837 5942 6046 1 05 6150 6254 6359 6463 6567 6671 6776 6880 6984 7088 66 7193 7297 7401 7505 7610 7714 7818 7922 8027 8131 61 8235 8339 8443 8548 8652 8756 8860 8964 9069 9173 68 9277 9381 9485 9590 9694 9798 9902 0006 0111 0215 69 6200319 0423 0527 0631 0736 0840 0944 1048 1152 1256 4170 1361 1465 1569 1673 1777 1881 1985 2090 2194 2298 71 2402 2506 2610 2714 2818 2922 3027 3131 3235 3339 72 3443 3547 3651 3755 3859 3963 4068 4172 4276 4380 73 4481. 4588 4692 4796 4900 5004 5108 5212 5316 5420 74 5524 5628 5733 5837 5941 6045 6149 6253 6357 6461 75 6565 6669 6773 6877 6981 7085 7189 7293 7397 7501 104 76 7605 7709 7813 7917 8021 8125 8229' 8333 8437 8541 77 8645 8749 8853 8957 9061 9165 9269 9373 9476 9580 78 9684 97S8 9892 9996 OlOO 0204 0308 0412 0516 0620 79 6210724 0828 0932 1035 1139 1243 1347 1451 1555 1659 4180 1763 1867 1971 2075 2178 2282 2386 2490 2594 2698 81 2802 2906 3009 3113 3217 3321 3425 3529 3633 3736 82 3840 3944 4048 4152 4256 4359 4463 4567 4671 4775 83 4879 4982 5086 5190 5294 5398 5502 5605 5709 5813 84 5917 6021 6124 6228 6332 6436 6540 6643 6747 6851 85 6955 7058 7162 7266 7370 7473 7577 7681 7785 7888 86 7992 8096 8200 8303 8407 8511 8615 8718 8822 8926 87 9030 9133 9237 9341 9444 9548 9652 9756 9859 9963 88 6220067 0170 0274 0378 0482 0585 0689 0793 0896 1000 89 1104 1207 1311 1415 1518 1622 1726 1829 1933 2037 4190 2140 2244 2348 2451 2555 2658 2762 2866 2969 3073 91 3177 3280 3384 3487 3591 3695 3798 3902 4006 4109 92 4213 4316 4420 4524 4627 4731 4834 4938 5041 5145 103 93 5249 5352 5456 5559 5663 5766 5870 5974 6077 6181 1 10 94 6284 6388 6491 6595 6698 6802 6906 7009 7113 7216 2 3 21 31 95 7320 7423 7527 7630 7734 7837 7941 8044 8148 8251 4 41 96 8355 8458 8562 8665 8769 8872 8976 9079 9183 9286 5 6 7 52 62 72 97 9390 9493 9597 9700 9804 9907 0011 0114 0217 0321 98 6230424 0528 0631 0735 0838 0,942 1045 1148 1252 1355 8 82 ' 99 N. 1459 1562 1 1666 2 1769 3 1872 4 1976 5 2079 2183 ~7~ 2286 8 2389 9 D 9 93 F »ts. (70) LOGARITHMS N. 452000 L. 623 N. 4200 1 2596 2 2700 3 2803 4 2906 5 3010 6 3113 7 3217 8 3320 9 3423 D Pro. 6232493 01 3527 3630 3734 3837 3940 4044 4147 4250 4354 4+57 103 02 4560 4664 47,-67 4871 4974 5077 5181 5284 5387 5491 1 10 03 5594 5697 5801 5904 6007 611 I 6214 6317 6420 6524 221 3 31 441 04 6627 6730 6834 6937 7040 7144 7247 7350 7453 7557 05 7660 7763 7867 7970 8073 8176 8280 8383 8486 8589 5 52 06 8693 8796 8899 9002 9106 9209 9312 9415 9519 9622 6 62 7 72 8 82 07 9725 9828 9932 0035 0138 0241 0344 0448 0551 0654 08 6240757 0861 0964 1067 1170 127^ 1377 1480 1583 1686 9 93 09 1789 1892 1996 2099 2202 2305 2403 2511 2615 2718 4210 2821 2924 3027 3130 3234 3337 3440 3543 3646 3749 11 3852 3956 4059 4162 4265 4368 4471 4574 4677 4781 12 4884 4987 5090 5193 5296 5399 55p2 5605 5708 5812 13 5915 6018 6121 6224 6327 6430 6533 6636 6739 6842 14 6945 7048 7151 7254 7358 7461 7564 7667 7770 7873 15 7976 8079 8182 8285 8388 8491 8594 8697 8800 8903 16 9006 9109 9212 9315 9418 9521 9624 9727 9830 9933 103 17 6250036 0139 0242 0345 0448 0551 0654 0757 0860 0963 18 1066 1169 1272 1375 1478 1581 1683 1786 1889 1992 19 2095 2198 2301 2404 2507 2610 2713 2816 2919 3022 4220 3125 3227 3330 3433 3536 3639 3742 3845 3948 4051 21 4154 4256 4359 4462 4565 4668 4771 4874 4977 5079 22 5182 5285 5388 5491 5594 5697 5799 5902 6005 6108 23 6211 6314 6416 6519 6622 6725 6828 6931 7033 7136 24 7239 7342 7415 7548 7650 7753 7856 7959 8062 8164 , 25 8267 8370 8473 8575 8-678 8781 8884 8987 9089 9192 26 9295 9398 9500 9603 9706 9809 9911 U014 0117 0220 27 6260322 0425 0528 0631 0733 0836 0939 1042 1144 1247 28 1350 1453 1555 1658 1761 1863 1966 2069 2171 2274 29 2377 2480 2582 2685 2788 2890 2993 3096 3198 3301 4230 3404 3506 3609 3712 3814 3917 4020 4122 4225 4328 31 4430 4533 4636 4738 4841 4943 5046 5149 5251 5354 32 5457 5559 5662 5764 5867 5970 6072 6175 6277 6380 33 6483 6585 6688 6790 6893 6996 7098 7201 7303 7406 34 7509 7611 7714 7816 7919 8021 8124 8226 8329 8432 35 8534 8637 8739 8842 8944 9047 9149 9252 9354 9457 36 9560 9662 9765 9867 9970 0072 0175 0277 0380 0482 37 6270585 0687 0790 0892 0995 1097 1200 1302 1405 1507 38 1610 1712 1814 1917 2019 2122 2224 2327 2429 2532 39 2634 2737 2839 2942 3044 3146 3249 3351 3454 3556 4240 3659 3761 3S63 3966 4068 4171 4273 4376 4478 4580 41 4683 4785 4888 4990 5092 5195 5297 5399 5502 5604 42 5707 5809 5911 6014 6116 6219 6321 6423 6526 6628 102 43 6730 6833 6935 7037 7140 7242 7344 7447 7549 7651 1 10 44 7754 7856 7958 8061 8163 8265 8368 8470 8572 8675 2 20 3 31 45 8777 8879 8982 9084 9186 9288 9391 9493 9595 9698 4 41 46 9800 9902 0004 0107 0209 0311 0414 0516 0618 0720 5 51 6 61 7 71 47 6280823 0925 1027 1129 1232 1334 1436 1538 1641 1743 48 1845 1947 2050 2152 2254 2356 2458 2561 2663 2765 8 82 49 N. 2867 2970 1 3072 3174 3276 4 3378 5 3481 6 3583 3685 1 3787 9 9 92 2 3 7 8 1 D Pts.j N.4e500 L. 628 OF NUMBERS. (71)1 N. 4250 1 3991 2 4094 S 4l'96 4 4298 5 4400 6 4502 7 4605 8 4707 9 4809 D Pro. 6283889 51 4911 5013 5115 5218 5320 5422 5524 5626 5728 5830 102 52 5933 6035 6137 6239 6341 6443 6545 6647 6750 6852 1 10 53 6954 7056 7158 7260 7362 7464 7566 7669 7771 7873 2 3 4 20 31 41 54- 7975 8077 8179 8281 8383 8485 8587 8689 8792 8894 55 8996 9098 9200 930? 9404 9506 9608 9710 9812 9914 5 51 56 6290016 0118 0220 0322 0424 0526 0628 0730 0832 0934 102 6 7 8 61 71 82 57 1037 1139 1241 1343 1445 1547 1649 1751 1853 1955 58 2057 2159 2261 2363 2465 2567 2668 2770 2872 2974 9 92 59 3076 3178 3280 3382 3484 3586 3688 3790 3892 3994 4260 4096 4198 4300 4402 4504 4606 4708 4810 4911 5013 61 5115 5217 5319 5421 5523 5625 5727 5829 5931 6033 62 6134 6236 6338 6440 6542 6644 6746 6848 6950 7051 63 7153 7255 7357 7459 7561 7663 7765 7866 7968 8070 64 8172 8274 8376 8478 8579 8681 8783 8885 8987 9089 65 9190 9292 9394 9496 9598 9699 9801 9903 0005 0107 66 6300209 0310 0412 0514 0616 0717 0819 0921 1023 1125 61 1226 1328 1430 1532 1634 1735 1837 1939 2041 2142 68 2244 2346 2448 2549 2651 2753 2855 2956 3058 3160 69 3262 3363 3465 3567 3668 3770 3872 3974 4075 4177 4270 4279 4380 '4482 4584 4686 4787. 4889 4991 5092 5194 71 5296 5397 5499 5601 5702 5804 590^ '6007 6109 6211 72 6312 6414 6516 6617 6719 6821 6922 7024 7126 7227 73 7329 7431 7532 7634 7735 7837 7939 8040 8142 8244 74 8345 8447 8548 8650 8752 8853 8955 9056 9158 9260 75 9361 9463 9564 9666 9768 9869 9971 0072 0174 0275 76 6310377 0479 0580 0682 0783 0885 0986 1088 1189 1291 77 1393 1494 1596 1697 1799 1900 2002 2103 2205 2306 78 2408 2509 2611 2712 2814 2915 3017 3118 3220 3321 79 3423 3524 3626 3727 3829 3930 4032 4133 4235 4336 4280 4438 4539 4641 4742 4844 4945 5046 5148 5249 5351 81 5452 5554 5655 5757 5858 5959 6061 6162 6264 6365 82 6467 6568 6669 6771 6872 "6974 7075 7177 7278 7379 83 7481 7582 7684 7785 7886 7988 8089 8190 8292 8393 84 8495 8596 8697 8799 8900 9001 9103 9204 9306 9407 85 9508 9610 9711 9812 9914 0015 0116 0218 0319 0420 86 6320522 0623 0724 0826 0927 1028 1130 1231 1332 1434 87 1535 1636 1737 1839 1940 2041 2143 2244 2345 2446 88 2548 2649 2750 2852 2953 3054 3155 3257 3358 3459 89 3560 3662 3763 3864 3965 4067 4168 4269 4370 4472 4290 4573 4674 4775 4877 4978 5079 5180 5282 5383 5484 91 5585 5686 5788 5889 5990 6091 6192 6294 6395 6496 92 6597 6698 6800 6901 7002 7103 7204 7305 7407 7508 101 93 7609 7710 7811 7912 8014 8115 8216 8317 8418 8519 1 10 94 8620 8722 8823 8924 9025 9126 "9227 9328 9429 9531 2 3 20 30 95 9632 9733 9834 9935 0036 0137 0238 0339 0441 0542 4 40 96 6330643 0744 0845 0946 1047 1148 1249 1350 1451 1552 5 51 97 1654 1755 1856 1957 2058 2159 2260 2361 2462 2563 6 7 8 61 71 81 98 2664 2765 2866 2967 3068 3169 3270 3371 3472 3573 99 N. 3674 3775 T 3876 2 3978 3 4079 4 4180 5 4281 6 4382 7 4483 8 4584 9 101 D 9 91 P ts. (72) LOGARITHMS N.43000 L. 6'33 N. 4300 1 4786 2 4887 3 4 5089 5 5190 6 5291 7 8 5492 9 5593 D Pro. 6334085 4988 5391 01 5694 5795 5896 5997 6098 6199 6300 6401 6502 6603 101 02 6704 6805 6906 7007 7108 7209 7310 7411 7512 7613 1 10 03 7713 7814 7915 8016 8117 8218 8319 8420 8521 8622 2 '20 04 8723 8824 8924 9025 9126 9227 9328 .9429 9530 9631 3 30 4 40 05 9732 9832 9933 0034 0135 0236 0337 0438 0539 0639 6 51 06 6340740 0841 0942 1043 1144 1245 1345 1446 1547 1648 6GI 07 1,749 1850 1950 2051 2152 2253 2354 2455 2555 2656 771 881 9 91 08 2757 2858 2959 3059 3160 3261 3362 3463 3563 3664 09 3765 3866 3967 4067 4168 4269 4370 4470 4571 4672 4310 4773 4873 4974 5075 5176 5276 5377 5478 5579 5679 11 5780 5881 5982 6082 6183 6284 6385 6485 6586 6687 12 6788 6888 6989 7090 7190 7291 7392 7492 7593 7694 13 7795 7895 7996 8097 8197 8298 8399 8499 8600 8701 14 8801 8902 9003 9103 9204 9305 9405 9506 9607 9707 15 9808 9909 0009 0110 0211 0311 0412 0512 06 J 3 0714 16 6350814 0915 1016 1116 1217 1317 1418 1519 1619 1720 17 1820 1921 2022 2122 2223 2323 2424 2525 2625 2726 18 2826 2927 3028 3128 3229 3329 3430 3530 3631 3731 19 3832 3933 4033 4134 4234 4335 4435 4536 4636 4737 4320 4837 4938 5039 5139 5240 5340 5441 5541 5642 5742 21 5843 5943 6044 6144 6245 6345 6446 6546 6647 6747 22 6848 6948 7049 7149 7250 7350 7450 7551 7651 7752 23 7852 7953 8053 8154 8254 8355 8455 8556 8656 8756 24 8857 8957 9058 9158 9259 9359 9459 9560 9660 9761 25 9861 9962 0062 0162 0263 0363 0464 0564 0664 0765 26 6360865 0966 1066 1166 1267 1367 1467 1568 1668 1769 27 1869 1969 2070 2170 2270 2371 2471 2571 2672 2772 28 2873 2973 3073 3174 3274 3374 3475 3575 3675 3776 29 3876 3976 4076 4177 4277 4377 4478 4578 4678 4779 4330 4879 4979 5080 5180 5280 5380 5481 5581 5681 5782 31 5882 5982 6082 6183 6283 6383 6483 6584 6684 6784 32 6884 6985 7085 7185 7285 7386 7486 7586 7686 7787 33 7887 7987 8087 8188 8288 8388 8488 8588 8689 8789 34 8889 8989 9089 9190 9290 9390 9490 9590 9691 9791 35 9891 9991 0091 0192 0292 0392 0492 0592 0692 0793 36 6370893 0993 1093 1193 1293 1394 1494 1594 1694 1794 37 1894 1994 2094 2195 2295 2395 2495 2595 2695 2795 38 2895 2996 3096 3196 3296 3396 3496 3596 3696 3796 39 3897 3997 4097 4197 4297 4397 4497 4597 4697 4797 4340 4897 4997 5097 5l;97 5298 5398 5498 5598 5698 5798 41 5898 5998 6098 6198 6298 6398 6498 6598 6698 6798 42 6898 6998 7098 7198 7298 7398 7498 7598 7698 7798 100 100 43 7898 7998 8098 8198 8298 8398 8498 8598 8698 8798 1 10 44 8898 8998 9098 9198 9298 9398 9498 9598 9698 9798 2 20 3 30 45 9898 9998 0098 0198 0298 0398 0497 0597 0697 0797 4 40 46 6380897 0997 1097 1197 1297 1397 1497 1597 1697 1796 6 50 47 1896 1996 2096 2196 2296 2396 249.6 2596 2696 2705 6 60 7 70 8 80 48 2895 2995 3095 3195 3295 3395 3495 3594 5694 3794 49 N. 3894 3994 1 4094 2 4194 3 4294 4 4393 5 4493 6 4593 4693 4793 8 9 D 9 90 Pts. 7 N. 43500 L.6'38 of NUMBEiis. (73) N. 4350 1 4992 ^ 3 5192 4 5292 5 5392 6 5492 7 5591 8 9 5791 1) Pro. 6384893 5092 5691 51 5891 5991 6090 6190 6290 6390 6490 6589 6689 6789 99 52 6889 6989 7088 7188 7288 7388 7488 7587 7687 7787 ] 10 5S 7887 7986 8086 8186 8286 8385 8485 8585 8685 8784 2 20 3 30 4 40 54 S884 8984 9084 9183 9283 9383 9483 9582 9682 9782 55 9882 9981 0081 0181 0280 0380 0480 0580 0679 0779 b50 56 6390879 0978 1078 1178 1277 1377 1477 1577 1676 1776 6 59 7 69 8 79 57 1876 1975 2075 2175 2274 2374 21-74 2573 2673 2773 58 2872 2972 3072 3171 3271 3371 3470 3570 3669 3769 9 89 59 3869 3968 4068 4168 4267 4367 4466 4566 4666 4765 4360 4865 4965 5064 5164 5263 5363 5463 5 562 5662 5761 61 5861 5960 6060 6160 6259 6359 6458 6558 6657 6757 62 6857 6956 7056 7155 7255 7354 7454 7553 7653 7753 ' 63 7852 7952 8051 8151 8250 8350 8449 8549 8618 8748 64 8847 8947 9046 9146 9245 9345 9444 9544 9643 9743 65 9842 9942 0041 0141 0240 0340 0439 0539 0638 0738 66 6400837 0937 1036 1136 1235 1335 1434 1534 1633 1732 67 1832 1931 2031 2130 2230 2329 2429 2528 2627 2727 68 2826 2926 3025 3125 3224 3323 3423 3522 3622 3721 69 3820 3920 4019 4119 4218 4317 4417 4516 4616 4715 4370 4814 4914 5013 5113 5212 5311 5411 5510 5609 5709 71 5808 5907 6007 6106 6205 6305 1 6404 6504 6603 6702 72 6802 6901 7000 7100 7199 7298 7398 7497 7596 7695 73 7795 7894 7993 8093 8192 8291 8391 8490 8589 8688 74 8788 8887 8986 9086 9185 9284 9383 9483 9582 9681 75 9781 9880 9979 0078 0178 0277 0376 0475 0575 0674 76 6410773 0872 0972 1071 1170 1269 1369 1468 1567 1666 77 1765 1865 1964 2063 2162 2262 2361 24^)0 2559 2658 78 2758 2857 2956 3055 3154 3254 3353 3452 355 1 3650 79 3749 3849 3948 4047 4146 4245 4344 4441- 4543 4642 4380 4741 4840 4939 5039 5138 5237 5336 5435 5534 5633 81 5733 5832 5931 6030 6129 6228 6327 6426 6526 6625 82 6724 6823 6922 7021 7120 7219 7318 7417 7517 7616 83 7715 7814 7913 8012 8111 8210 8309 8408 8507 8606 84 8705 8805 8904 9003 9102 9201 9300 9399 9498 9597 85 9696 9795 9894 9993 0092 0191 0290 0389 0488 0587 86 6420686 0785 0884 0983 1082 1181 1280 1379 1478 1577 99 87 1676 1775 1874 1973 2072 2171 2270 2369 2468 fe567 88 2666 2765 2864 2963 3062 3161 3260 3359 3458 3557 89 3656 3755 3854 3953 4052 4151 4249 4348 4447 4546 4390 4645 4744 4843 4942 5041 5140 5239 5338 5437 5535 91 5634 5733 5832 5931 6030 6129 6228 0327 6426 6524 92 6623 6722 6821 6920 7019 7118 7217 7315 7414 7513 98 93 7612 7711 7810 7909 8007 8106 8205 8304 8403 8502 1 10 94 8601 8699 8798 8897 8996 9095 9194 9292 9391 9490 •J 20 3 29 95 9589 9688 9786 9885 9984 0083 0182 0280 0379 0478 439 96 6430577 0676 0774 0873 0972 i07r 1170 1268 1367 1466 5 49 97 1565 1663 1762 1861 1960 2058 2157 2256 2355 2454 6 59 7 69 8 7g 98 2552 2651 2750 2848 2947 3046 3145 3243 3342 3441 1 99 N. 3540 3638 37 37 9, 3836 __3 3935 _ 4__ 4033 5 4132 6; 4231 7 4329 8 4428 9, 9 88 D Pts- 2JL (74) LOGARITHMS N. 44000 L. 643 N. 4400 1 2 S 4823 4 4922 5 5020 6 5119 7 5218 8 5316 9 5415 D Pro 6434527 4625 4724 01 5514 5612 5711 5810 5908 6007 6106 6204 6303 6402 99 02 6500 6599 6698 6796 6895 6994 7092 7191 7290 7388 1 10 03 7487 7585 7684 7783 7881 7980 8079 8177 8276 8374 2 3 4 20 ^0 40 04 8473 8572 8670 8769 8868 8966 9065 9163 9262 9361 05 9459 9558 9656 9755 9853 9952 0051 0149 0248 0346 5 50 06 6440445 0543 0642 0741 0839 0938 1036 1135 1233 1332 6 7 g 59 69 79 07 1431 1529 1628 1726 1825 1923 2022 2120 2219 2317 08 2416 2514 2613 2711 2810 2908 3007 3105 3204 3302 9 89 09 3401 3499 3598 3696 3795 3893 3992 4090 4189 4287 4410 4386 4484 4583 4681 4780 4878 4977 5075 5174 5272 '■ 11 5371 5469 5567 5666 5764 5863 5961 6060 6158 6257 i n 6355 6453 6552 6650 6749 6847 6946 7044 7142 7241 13 7339 7438 7536 7635' 7733 7831 7930 8028 8127 8225 14 8323 8422 8520 8618 8717 8815 8914 9012 9110 9209 15 9307 9405 9504 9602 9701 9799 9897 9996 0094 0192 16 6450291 0389 0487 0586 0684 0782 0881 0979 1077 1176 17 1274 1372 1471 1569 1667 1766 1864 1962 2061 2159 18 2257 2355 2454 2552 2650 2749 2847 2945 3043 3142 19 3240 3338 3437 3535 3633 3731 3830 3928 4026 4124 4420 4223 432 J 4419 4517 4616 4714 4812 4910 5009 5107 21 5205 5303 5402 550O 5598 5696 5795 5893 5991 6089 22 6187 6286 6384 6482 6580 6678 6777 6875 6973 7071 23 7169 7268 7366 7464 7562 7660 7758 7857 7955 8053 24 8151 8249 8348 8446 8544 8642 8740 8838 8936 9035 25 9133 9231 9329 9427 9.525 9623 9722 9820 9918 0016 26 6460114 0212 0310 0408 0507 0605 0703 0801 0899 0997 27 1095 1193 1291 1390 1488 1586 1684 1782 1880 1978 28 2076 2174 2272 2370 2468 2566 2665 2763 2861 2959 29 3057 3155 3253 3351 3449 3547 3645 3743 3841 3939 4430 4037 4135 4233 4331 4429 4527 4625 4723 4821 4919 98 31 5018 5116 5214 5312 5410 5508 5606 5704 5802 5900 32 5998 6096 6193 6291 6389 6487 6585 6683 6781 6879 33 6977 7075 7173 7271 7369 7467 7565 7663 7761 7859 34 7957 8055 8153 8251 8349 8447 8545 8642 8740 8838 35 8936 9034 9132 9230 9328 9426 9524 9622 9720 9817 36 9915 0013 0111 0209 0307 0405 0503 0601 0699 0796 37 6470894 0992 1090 1188 1286 1334 1482 1579 1677 1775 38 . 1873 1971 2069 2167 2264 2362 2460 2558 2656 2754 39 2851 2949 3047 3145 3243 3341 3438 3536 3634 3732 4440 3830 3928 4025 4123 4221 4319 4417 4514 4612 4710 41 4808 4906 5003 5101 5199 5297 5394 5492 5590 5688 42 5786 5883 5981 6079 6177 6274 6372 6470 6568 6665 98 43 6763 6861 6959 7056 7154 7252 7350 7447 7545 7643 1 10 44 • 7741 7838 7936 8034 8131 8229 8327 8425 8522 8620 2 3 20 29 45 8718 8815 8913 9011 9108 9206 9304 9402 9499 9597 4 39 46 9695 9792 9890 9988 0085 0183 0281 0378 0476 0574 5 49 47 6480671 0769 0867 0964 1062 1160 1257 1355 1453 1550 6 7 8 59 69 78 48 1648 1745 1843 1941 2038 2136 2234 2331 2429 2526 49 N. 2624 2722 1 2819 2 |2917 3 3015 4 3112 5 3210 6 3307 3405 8 3503 9 D 9 88 7 I >ts. N. 44500 L.648 of numbers. {75)\ N. 44.50 1 3698 2 3795 3 3893 4 3990 5 4088 6 4186 7 8 4381 9 4478 IT Pro. 6483600 4283 51 4576 4674 4771 4869 4966 5064 5161 5259 5356 5454 97 52 5552 5649 5747 5844 5942 6039 6137 6234 6332 6429 1 10 53 6527 6624 6722 6820 6917 7015 7112 7210 7307 7405 2 19 3 29 4 39 54 7502 7600 7697 7795 7892 7990 8087 8165 8282 8380 55 8477 8575 8672 8770 8867 8964 9062 9159 9257 9354 5 49 56 9452 9549 9647 9744 9842 9939 0037 0134 0231 0329 6 58 7 68 8 78 51 6490426 0524 0621 0719 0816 0914 1011 1108 1206 1303 58 1401 1498 1595 16)3 1790 1888 1985 2083 2180 2277 .9 87 59 2375 2472 2570 2667 2764 2862 2959 3056 3154 3251 4460 3349 3446 3543 3641 3738 3SS5 3933 4030 4128 4225 ai 4322 4420 4517 4614 4712 4809 4906 5004 5101 5198 62 5296 5393 5490 5588 5685 5782 5880 5977 6074 6172 63 6269 6366 6463 6561 6658 6755 6853 6950 7047 7145 64 7242 7339 7436 7534 7631 7728 7826 7923 8020 8117 65 8215 8312 8409 8506 8604 8701 8798 8895 8993 9090 Q6 9187 9284 9382 9479 9576 9673 9771 9868 9965 0062 67 6500160 0257 0354 0451 0548 0646 0743 0840 0937 1034 68 1132 1229 1326 1423 1520 1618 1715 1812 1909 2006 69 2104 2201 2298 2395 2492 2589 2687 2784 2881 2978 4470 3075 3172 3270 3367 3464 3561 3658 3755 3852 3950 71 4047 4144 4241 4338 4435 4532 4629 4727 4824 4921 72 5018 51 14^ 5212 6183 5309 5406 5503 5601 5698 5795 5892 73 5989 6086 6280 6377 6474 6571 6669 6766 6863 74 6960 7057 7154 7251 7348 7445 7542 7639 7736 7833 75 7930 8027 8124 8222 8319 8416 8513 8610 8707 8804 76 8901 8998 9095 9192 9289 9386 9483 9580 .9677 9774 97 77 9871 9968 0065 0162 0259 0356 0453 0550 0647 0744 78 6510841 0938 1035 1132 1229 1326 1423 1520 1617 1714 79 1811 1908 2005 2102 2198 2295 2392 2489 2586 2683 4480 2780 2877 2974 307/ 3168 3265 3362 3459 3556 3653 81 3749 3846 3943 4040 4137 4234 4331 4428 4525 4622 82 4719 4815 4912 5009 5106 5203 5300 5397 5494 5591 83 5687 5784 5881 5978 6075 6172 6269 6365 6462 6559 84 6656 6753 6850 6947 7043 7140 7237 7334 7431 7528 85 7624 7721 7818 7915 8012 8109 8205 8302 8399 8496 86 8593 8690 8786 8883 8980 9077 9174 9270 9367 9464 87 9561 P657 9754 9851 9948 0045 0141 0238 0335 0432 88 6520528 0625 0722 0819 0916 1012 1109 1206 1303 1399 89 1496 1593 1690 1786 1883 1980 2076 2173 2270 2367 4490 2463 2560 2657 2754 2850 2947 3044 3140 3237 3334 91 3431 3527 3624 3721 3817 3914 4011 4107 4204 4301 92 4397 4494 4591 4688 4784 4881 4978 5074 5171 5268 96 93 5364 5461 5558 5654 5751 5847 5944 6041 6137 6234 1 10 94 6331 6427 6524 6621 6717 6814 6910 7007 7104 7200 2 3 19 29 95 7297 7394 7490 7587 7683 7780 7877 7973 8070 8166 4 38 96 8263 8360 8456 8553 8649 8746 8843 8939 9036 9132 5 48 97 9229 9325 9422 9519 9615 9712 9808 9905 0001 0098 6 7 g 58 67 77 98 6530195 0291 0388 0484 0581 0677 0774 0870 0967 1063 99 N. 1160 1256 1 1353 2 1450 3 1546 4 1643 5 1739 6 1836 1932 2029 .9 D 9 '66 T" 8 1 Pts. 2L2 (76) LOGARITHMS N.4o000 L. 653 N. 430C 1 222'2 2 2318 S 4 2511 5 2608 6 2704 7 2801 8 2897 9 2994 D Pro. 6532125 2415 01 3090 3187 3283 3380 3476 3573 3669 3765 3862 3958 97 02 4055 4151 4248 4344 4441 4537 4634 4730 4827 4923 1 10 03 5019 5116 5212 5309 5405 5502 5598 5695 5791 5887 2 19 3 29 439 04 5984 6080 6177 6273 6369 6466 6562 6659 6755 6852 05 6948 7044 7141 7237 7334 7430 7526 7623 7719 7815 5 49 06 7912 8008 8105 8201 8297 8394 8490 8586 8683 8779 6bS 7 6S 8 78 07 8876 8972 9068 9165 9261 9357 9454 9550 9646 9743 08 9S39 9935 0032 0128 0224 0321 0417 0513 0610 0706 9187 09 6540802 0899 0995 1091 1188 1284 1380 1477 1573 1669 4510 1765 1862 1958 2054 2151 2247 2343 2439 2536 2632 11 2728 2825 2921 3017 3113 3210 3306 3402 3498 3/^95 12 3691 3787 3883 3980 4076 4172 4268 4365 4461 4557 13 4653 4750 4846 4942 5038 5134 5231 5327 1 5423 5519 14 5616 5712 5808 5904 6000 6097 6193 6289 6385 6481 15 6578 6674 6770 6866 6962 705g 7155 7251 7347 7443 Id 7539 7635 7732 7828 7924 8020 8116 8212 8309 8405 17 8501 8597 8693 8789 8885 8982 9078 9174 9270 9366 18 9462 9558 9655 9751 9847 9943 0039 0135 0231 0327 19 6550423 0520 0616 0712 0808 0904 1000 1096 1192 1288 4520 1384 1480 1577 1673 1769 1865 1961 2057 2153 2249 21 2345 2441 2537 2633 2729 2825 2921 3017 3113 3210 22 3306 3402 3498 3594 3690 3786 3882 3978 4074 4170 23 4266 4362 4458 4554 4650 4746 4842 4938 5034 5130 96 24 5226 5322 5418 5514 5610 5706 5802 5898 5994 6090 25 6186 6282 6378 6474 6370 6666 6762 6858 6954 7050 26 7145 7241 7337 7433 7529 7625 7721 7817 7913 8009 27 8105 8201 8297 8393 8489 8585 8681 8776 8872 8968 28 9064 9160 9256 9352 9448 9544 9640 9736 9831 9927 29 6560023 0119 0215 0311 0407 0503 0599 0694 0790 0886 4530 0982 1078 1174 1270 1365 1461 1557 1653 1749 1845 31 1941 2036 2132 2228 2324 2420 2516 2612 2707 2803 32 2899 2995 3091 3186 3282 3378 3474 3570 36G6 3761 33 3857 3953 4049 4145 4240 4336 443-2 4528 4624 4719 34 4815 4911 5007 5103 5198 5294 5390 5486 5581 5677 35 5773 5869 5964 6060 6156 6252 6347 6443 6539 6635 36 6730 6826 6922 7018 7113 7209 7305 7401 7496 7592 37 7688 7784 7879 7975 8071 8166 8262 8358 8454 8549 3S 8645 8741 8836 8932 9023 9 1 23 9219 9315 9410 9506 39 9602 9698 9793 9889 9985 0080 0176 0272 0367 0463 4540 6570559 0654 0750 0845 0941 1037 1132 1228 1324 1419 41 1515 J611 1706 1802 1898 1993 2089 2184 2280 2376 42 2471 2567 2663 2758 2854 2949 3045 3141 3236 3332 96 43 3427 ! 3523 3619 3714 3810 3905 4001 4096 4192 4288 1 10 44 43S3 4479 457 4 4670 4766 4861 4957 5052 5148 5243 2 19 3 29 45 5339 5434 5530 5626 5721 5817 5912 6008 6103 6199 4 38 46 6294 6390 6485 6581 6676 6772 6867 6963 7059 7154 5 48 47 7250 7345 7441 7536 7632 7727 7823 7918 8014 8109 S 58 7 07 i 77 48 8205 B300 8396 8491 8587 8682 8777 8873 8968 9064 49 N. 9159 ^J255 9350 2 34t6 9541 4 9637 5 9732 6 9828 7 9923 0019 }'S6 1 8 9 Dll Pt^. N. 45500 L.6'58 of numbers. {J^) N. 455C 1 0209 2 0305 3 0400 4 0496 5 0591 6 0687 7 0782 8 0877 9 0973 D Pro. > 6580114 51 1068 1164 1259 1355 1450 1545 1641 1736 1832 1927 95 52 2023 2118 2213 2309 2404 2500 2595 269C 2786 2881 1 10 53 2977 3072 3167 3263 335^ 3453 3549 3644 3740 3835 2 19 54 3930 4026 4121 4216 4312 4407 4502 4598 4693 4788 3 29 4 38 ^5 4884 4979 5074 5170 5265 5361 5456 5551 5647 5742 5 48 56 5837 5932 6028 6123 6218 6314 6409 6504 6600 6695 6 57 7 67 8 76 57 6790 6886 6981 7076 7171 7267 7362 7457 7553 7648 58 7743 7838 7934 8029 8124 8220 8315 8410 8505 8601 9 26 59 8696 8791 8886 8982 9077 9172 9267 9363 9458 9553 4.560 9648 9744 9839 9934 0029 0125 0220 0315 0410 0506 61 6590601 0696 0791 0886 0982 1077 1172 1267 1362 1458 62 1553 1648 1743 1838 1934 2029 2124 2219 2314 2410 63 2505 2600 2695 2790 2885 2981 3076 3171 3266 3361 64 3456 3552 3647 3742 3837 3932 4027 4122 4218 4313 65 4408 4503 4598 4693 4788 4883 4979 5074 5169 5264 66 5359 5454 5549 5644 5740 5835 5930 6025 6120 6215 61 6310 6405 6500 6595 6690 6786 6881 6976 7071 7166 68 7261 7356 7451 7546 7641 7736 7831 7926 8021 8117 69 8212 8307 8402 8497 8592 8687 8782 8877 8972 9067 4570 9162- 9257 9352 9447 9542 9637 9732 9827 9922 0017 71 6600112 0207 0302 0397 0492 0587 0682 0777 0872 0967 95 72 1062 1157 1252 1347 1442 1537 1632 1727 1822 1917 73 2012 2107 2202 2297 2392 2487 2582 2677 2772 2867 74 2962 3057 3151 3246 3341 3436 3531 3626 3721 3816 75 3911 4006 4101 4196 4291 4386 4481 4575 4670 4765 76 4860 4955 5050 5145 5240 5335 5430 5524 5619 5714 77 5809 5904 5999 6094 6189 6284 6378 6473 6568 6663 78 6758 6853 6948 7042 7137 7232 7327 7422 7517 7612 79 7706 7801 7896 7991 8086 8181 8275 8370 8465 8560 4580 8655 8750 8S44 8939 9034 9129 9224 9318 9413 9508 81 9605 9698 9793 9887 9982 0077 0172 0266 0361 0456 • 82 6610551 0646 0740 0835 0930 1025 il20 1214 1309 1404 83 1499 1593 1688 1783 1878 1972 2067 2162 2257 2351 ' 84 2446 2541 2636 2730 2825 2920 3015 3109 3204 3299 85 3393 3488 3583 3678 3772 3867 3962 4056 4151 4246 SO 4341 4435 4530 4625 4719 4814 4909 5003 5098 5193 87 5287 5382 5477 5571 5666 5761 5855 5950 6045 6139 88 6234 6329 6423 6518 6613 6707 6802 6897 6991 7086 89 7181 7275 7370 7464 7559 7654 7748 7843 7938 8032 4590 8127 8221 8316 8411 8505 8600 8695 8789 8884 8978 91 9073 9168 9262 9357 9451 9546 9640 9735 9830 9924 92 6620019 0113 0208 0303 0397 0492 0586 0681 0775 0870 94 .93 096'4 1059 1154 121.8 1343 1437 1532 1626 1721 1815 1 9 94 1910 2004 2099 2194 2288 2383 2477 2572 2666 2761 2 19 3 28 95 2855 2950 3044 3159 3233 3328 3422 3517 3611 'i106 4 38 96 3800 3895 3989 4084 4178 4273 4367 4462 1.556 %65\ 5 47 97 4745 4840 4934 5028 5123 5217 5312 5406 5501 5595 6' j6 7 G6 8 75 98 5690 5784 5879 5973 6067 6162 6256 3351 J445 3540 99 N. 6634 6729 1 6823 2 1 6917 3 7012 4 7106 •5 7201 ' 7295 ' 7 7389 ' 8 1 7484 9 D J 9 '^.5 1 6 Pts. (78) i,0GARiTHMs N. 46000 L.662 N. 4600 1 7673 2 3 7862 4 7956 5 8050 6 8145 7 8239 8 9 8428 D Pro. 6627578 7767 8334 01 8522 8617 8711 8805 8900 8994 9089 9183 9277 9372 95 02 9466 9561 9655 9749 9844 9938 0O32 0127 0221 0315 1 10 03 6630410 0504 0598 0693 0787 0881 0976 1070 1164 1259 2 19 3 29 4 38 04 1353 1447 1542 1636 1730 1825 1919 2013 2108 2202 05 2296 2391 2485 2579 2674 2768 2862 2956 3051 3145 5 48 06 3239 3334 3428 3522 3616 3711 3805 3899 3994 4088 6 57 7 67 8 76 07 4182 4276 4371 4165 4559 4653 4748 4842 4936 5030 08 5125 5219 5313 5407 5502 5596 5690 5784 5879 5973 9 86 09 6057 6161 6256 6350 6444 6538 6632 6727 6821 6915 4610 7009 7103 7198 7292 7386 7480 7574 7669 7763 7857 11 7951 8045 8140 8234 8328 8422 8516 8610 8705 8799 12 8893 8987 9081 9175 9270 9364 9458 9552 9646 9740 13 9835 9929 0023 0117 0211 0305 0399 0494 0588 0682 14 6640776 0870 0964 1058 1152 1247 1341 1435 1529 1623 1.5 1717 1811 1905 1999 2093 2188 2282 2376 2470 2564 16 2658 2752 2846 2940 3034 3128 3222 3317 3411 3505 17 3599 3693 3787 3881 3975 4069 4163 4257 4351 4445 18 4539 4633 4727 4821 4915 5009 5104 5198 5292 5386 19 5480 5574 5668 5762 5856 5950 6044 6138 6232 6326 94 4620 6420 6514 6608 6702 6796 6890 6984 7078 7172 7266 21 7360 7454 7548 7642 7736 7830 7924 8018 8111 8205 22 8299 8393 8487 8581 8675 8769 8863 895'7 9051 9145 23 9239 9333 9427 9521 9615 9709 9803 9896 9990 0084 24 6650178 0272 0366 0460 0554 0648 0742 0836 0930 1023 25 1117 1211 1305 1399 1493 1587 1681 1775 1869 1962 26 2056 2150 2244 2338 2432 2526 2620 2713 2807 2901 27 2995 3089 3183 3277 3370 3464 3558 3652 3746 3840 28 3934 4027 4121 4215 4309 4403 4497 4590 4684 4778 29 4872 4966 5059 5153 5247 5341 5435 5529 5622 5716 4630 5810 5904 5998 6091 6185 6279 6373 6466 6560 6654 31 6748 6842 6935 7029 7123 7217 7310 7404 7498 7592 32 7686 7779 7873 7967 8061 8154 8248 8342 8436 8529 33 8623 8717 8810 8904 8998 9092 9185 9279 9373 9467 34 9560 9654 9748 9841 9935 S029 0123 0216 0310 0404 35 6660497 0591 0685 0778 0872 0966 1060 1153 J 247 1341 36 1434 1528 1622 1715 1809 1903 1996 2090 2184 2277 37 2371 ^465 2558 2652 2746 2839 2933 3027 3120 3214 38 3^07 3401 3495 3588 3682 3776 3869 3963 4056 4150 39 4244 4337 4431 4525 4618 4712 4805 4899 4993 5086 4640 5180 527 3 5367 5461 5554 5643 5741 5835 5929 6022 41 6116 6209 6303 6396 6490 6584 6677 6771 6864 6958 42 7051 7145 7238 7332 7426 7519 7613 7706 7800 7893 94 43 7987 8030 8174 8267 8361 8454 8548 8642 8735 8829 1 9 44 8922 9016 9109 9203 9296 9390 9483 9577 9670 9764 2 19 3 28 45 9857 9951 0044 0138 0231 0325 0418 0512 0605 0699 4 38 4a 6670792 0886 0979 1072 1166 1259 1353 1446 1540 1633 5 47 47 1727 1820 1914 2007 2101 2194 2287 2381 2474 2568 6 56 7 66 8 75 48 2561 2755 2848 2941 3035 3128 3222 3315 3409 3502 49 3595 3689 I 3782 2 3876 3 3969 4 4063 5 4156 4249 7 4343 8 4436 9 _dJ 9 85 Pts. N. 46500 L. 667 of numbers. (79) N. 4650 1 4623 2 4716 3 4 4903 5 6 5090 7 5183 8 5277 9 5370 D Pro. 6674530 4810 4996 51 5463 5557 5650 5744 5837 5930 6024 6117 6210 6304 93 52 6397 6490 6584 6677 6770 6864 6957 7051 7144 7237 1 9 53 7331 7424 7517 7611 7704 7797 7891 7984 8077 8170 2 19 54 8264 8357 8450 8544 8637 8730 8824 8917 9010 9104 S 4 28 37 55 9197 9290 9383 9477 9570 9663 9757. 9850 9943 0036 5 47 56 6680130 0223 0316 0410 0503 0596 0689 0783 0876 0969 G 56 57 1062 1156 1249 1342 1435 1529 1622 1715 1808 1902 7 8 9 65 74 r4' 58 1995 2088 2181 2275 2368 2461 2554 2647 2741 2834 59 2927 3020 3114 3207 3300 3393 3486 3580 3673 3766 4660 3859 3952 4046 4139 4232 4325 4418 4511 4605 4698 61 4791 4884 4977 5071 5164 5257 5350 5443 5536 5630 62 5723 5816 5909 «002 6095 6188 6282 6375 6468 6561 63 6654 6747 6840 6934 7027 7120 7213 7306 7399 7492 64 7585 7679 7772 7865 7958 8051 8144 8237 8330 8423 65 8516 8610 8703 8796 8889 8982 9075 9168 9261 9354 66 9447 9540 9633 9727 9820 9913 0006 0099 0192 0285 67 6690378 0471 0564 0657 0750 0843 0936 1029 1122 1215 68 1308 1402 1495 1588 1681 1774 1867 1960 2053 2146 69 2239 2332 2425 2518 2611 2704 2797 2890 2983 3076 93 4670 3169, 3262 3355 3448 3541 3634 3727 3820 3913 4006 71 4099 4192 4285 4378 4471 4564 4656 4749 484^ 4935 72 5028 5121 5214 5307 5400 5493 5586 5679 5772 5865 73 5958 605 r 6144 6237 6330 6422 6515 6608 6701 6794 74 6887 6980 7073 7166 7259 7352 7445 7537 7630 7723 75 7816 7909 8002 8095 8188 8281 8373 8466 8559 8652 76 8745 8838 8931 9024 9117 9209 9302 9395 9488 9581 77 9674 9767 9859 9952 0045 0138 0231 0324 0416 0509 78 6700602 0695 0788 0881 0974 1066 1159 1252 1345 1438 79 1530 1623 1716 1809 1902 1995 2087 218Q 2273 2366 4680 2459 2551 2644 2737 2830 2922 3015 3108 3201 3294 81 3386 3479 3572 3665 3758 3850 3943 4036 4129 4221 82 4314^ ^4407 4500 4592 4685 4778 4871 4963 5056 5149 83 5242 5334 5427 5520 5613 5705 5798 5891 5983 6076 84 6169 6262 6354 6447 6540 6632 6725 6818 6911 7003 85 7096 7189 7281 7374 7467 7559 7652 7745 7837 7930 86 8023 8116 8208 8301 8394 8486 8579 8672 8764 8857 87 8950 9042 9135 9228 9320 9413 9505 9598 9691 9783 88 9876 9969 0061 0154 0247 0339 0432 0524 0617 0710 89 6710802 0895 0988 1080 1173 1265 135S 1451 1543 1636 4690 1728 1821 1914 2006 2099 2191 2284 2377 2469 2562 91 2654 2747 2839 2932 3025 3117 3210 3302 3395 3487 92 3580 3673 3765 3858 3950 4043 4135 4228 4320 4413 92 93 4506 4598 4691 4783 4876 4968 5061 5153 5246 5338 1 9 94 5431 5523 5616 5708 580J 5893 5986 6078 6171 6263 2 3 18 28 95 6356 6448 6541 6633 6726 6818 6911 7003 7096 7188 4 37 96 7281 7373 7466 7558 7651 7743 7836 7928 8021 8113 5 46 97 8206 8298 8391 8483 8575 8668 8760 8853 8945 9038 G 7 8 55 64 74 98 9130 9223 9315 9407 9500 9592 9685 9777 9870 9962 99 N. 6720054 0147 1 0239 2 0332 0424 4 0517 5 0609 6 0701 7 0794 8 0886 9 D 9 83 3 P ts. (80) LOGARITHMS N. 47000 L. 672 N. 4700 6720979 1 TotT 2 1 1 63 3 1256 4 1348 5 6 1533 7 1625 8 1718 9 1810 D Pro. 1441 01 1903 1995 2087 2180 2272 2364 2457 2549 2642 2734 93 02 2826 2919 3011 3103 3196 3283 3380 3473 3565 3657 1 9 03 3750 3842 3934 4027 4119 4211 4304 4396 4488 4581 2 19 04 4673 4765 4858 4950 5042 5135 5227 5319 5412 5504 3 4 28 37 47 05 5596 5689 5781 5873 5965 6058 6150 6242 6335 6427 5 06 6519 6612 6704 6796 6888 6981 7073 7165 7257 7350 6 5^ 07 7442 7534 7627 7719 7811 7903 7996 8088 8180 8272 7 8 9 65 74 08 8365 8457 8549 8641 8734 8826 8918 9010 9102 9195 09 9287 9379 9471 9564 9656 9748 9840 9932 0025 0117 4710 6730209 0301 0393 0486 0578 0670 0762 0854 0947 1039 11 1131 1223 1315 1408 1500 1592 1684 1776 1868 1961 12 .2053 2145 .2237 2329 2421 2514 2606 2698 2790 2882 13 2974 3067 3159 3251 3343 3435 3527 3619 3712 3804 14 3896 3988 4080 4172 4264 4356 4449 4541 4633 4725 15 4817 4909 5001 5093 5185 5277 5370 5462 5554 5646 16 5738 5830 5922 6014 6106 6198 6290 6383 6475 6567 17 6659 6751 6843 6935 7027 7119 7211 7303 7395 7487 18 7579 7671 7763 7856 7948 8040 8132 8224 8316 8408 19 8500 8592 8684 8776 8868 8960 9052 9144 9236 9328 92 4720 9420 9512 9604 9696 9788 9880 9972 0064 0156 0248 21 6740340 0432 0524 0616 0708 0800 0892 0984 1076 1168 22 1260 1352 1444 1536 1628 1720 1812 '1904 1996 2038 23 2179 2271 2363 2455 2547 2639 2731 2823 2915 3007 24 3099 3191 3283 3375 3467 3559 3650 3742 3834 3926 25 4018 4110 4202 4294 4386 4478 4570 4661 4753 4^45 26 4937 5029 5121 5213 5305 5397 5489 5580 5672 5764 27 5856 5948 6040 6132 6224 6315 6407 6499 6591 6683 28 6775 6867 6958 7050 7142 7234 7326 7418 7509 7601 29 7693 7785 7877 7969 8060 8152 8244 8336 8428 8520 4730 8611 8703 8795 8887 8979 9070 9162 9254 9346 9438 31 9529 9621 9713 9805 9897 9988 0080 0172 0264 0356 32 6750447 0539 0631 0723 0814 0906 0998 1090 1182 1273 33 1365 1457 1549 1640 1732 1824 1916 2007 2099 2191 34 2283 2374 2466 2558 2649 274] 2833 2925 3016 3108 S5 3200 3292 3383 3475 3567 3658 3750 3842 ;3934 4025 36 4117 4209 4300 4392 4484 4575 4667 4759 4850 4942 37 5034 5126 5217 5309 5401 5492 5584 5676 5767 5859 38 5951 6042 6134 6226 6317 6409 6501 6592 6684 6775 39 6867 6959 7050 7142 7234 7325 7417 7509 7600 7692 4740 7783 7875 7967 8058 8150 8242 8333 8425 8516 8608 41 8700 8791 8883 8974 9066 9158 9249 9341 9432 9524 42 9615 9707 9799 9890 9982 0073 0165 0257 0348 0440 92 43 6760531 0623 0714 0806 0897 0989 1081 1172 1264 1355 11 9 44 1447 1538 1630 1721 1813 1905 1996 2088 2179 2271 2 18 3 28 45 2362 2454 2545 2637 2728 2820 2911 3003 3094 3186 4:37 46 3277 3369 3460 3552 3643 3735 3826 3918 4009 4101 5|46 47 4192 4284 4375 4467 4558 4650 4741 4833 4924 5016 7 55 64 74 48 5107 5199 5290 5382 5473 5564 5Q5Q 5747 5839 5930 8 49 N. 6022 6113 1 6205 6296 3 6387 4 6479 5 6570 6 6662 7 6753 "8~ 6845 9 D 9 83 2 P ts. N. 47^00 L.676 OF NUMBERS. (81) N^ 1 ^ 3 4 5_ 6 7 8 9 D ;ro. 4750 6166936 7028 7119 7210 7302 7393 7485 7576 7667 7759 51 7850 7942 8033 8125 8216 8307 8399 8490 8582 8673 91 52 8764 8856 8947 9038 9130 9221 9313 9404 9495 9587 1 9 55 9678 9770 9861 9952 0044 0135 0226 0318 0409 0500 '2 18 27 S6 54 6770592 0683 0774 0866 0957 1049 1140 1231 1323 1414 3 4 55 1505 1597 1688 1779 1871 1962 2053 2145 2236 2327 5 46 56 2418 2510 2601 2692 2784 2875 2966 3058 3149 3240 6 7 8 55 64 73 51 3332 3423 3.514 3605 3697 3788 3879 3971 4062 4153 58 4244 4336 4427 4518 4609 4701 4792 4883 4975 5066 9 82 59 5157 5248 5340 5431 5522 5613 5705 5796 5887 5978 4760 6070 6161 6252 6343 6434 6526 6617 6708 6799 6891 61 6982 7073 7164 7255 7347 7438 7529 7620 7712 7803 62 7894 7985 8076 8168 8259 8350 8441 8532 8623 8715 63 8806 88.;/7 8Q88 9079 9171 9262 9353 9444 9535 U626 64 9718 9809 9900 9991 0082 0173 0264 0356 0447 0538 Q5 6780629 0720 0811 0902 0994 1085 1176 1267 1358 1449 66 1540 1632 1723 1814 1905 1996 2087 2178 2269 2360 67 2452 2543 2634 2725 2816 2907 2998 3089 3180 ■.'^27] 68 3362 3454 3545 3636 3727 3818 3909 4000 4091 4182 69 4273 4364 4455 4546 4637 4729 4820 4911 5002 5093 4770 5184 5275 5366 5457 5548 563& 5730 5821 5912 6003 71 6094 6185 6216 6367 6458 6549 6640 6731 6822 6913 72 7004 7095 7186 7277 7368 7459 7550 7641 7732 7823 91 73 7914 8005 8096 8187 8278 8369 8460 8551 8642 8733 74 8824 8915 9006 9097 9188 9279 9370 9461 9552 9643 75 9734 9825 9916 0007 00.) 8 0188 0279 0370 0461 0552 76 6790643 0734 0825 0916 1007 1098 1189 1280 1371 1461 77 1552 1643 1734 1825 1916 2007 2098 2189 2280 2371 78 2461 2552 2643 2734 2825 2916 3007 3098 3189 3279 79 3370 3461 3552 3643 3734 3825 3916 4006 4097 4188 4780 4279 4370 4461 4552 4642 4733 4824 4915 5006 5097 81 5187 5278 5369 5460 5551 5642 5732 5823 59 1 4 6005 82 6096 6187 6277 6368 6459 6550 6641 6731 6822 6913 83 7004 7095 7185 7276 7367 7458 7549 7639 7730 7821 84 7912 8002 8093 8184 8275 8366 8456 8547 8638 8729 85 8819 8910 9001 9092 9182 9273 9364 9455 9545 9636 86 9727 9818 9908 9999 0090 0181 0271 0362 0453 0544 87 6800634 0725 0816 0906 0997 1088 1179 1269 1360 1451 88 1541 1632 1723 1814 1904 19;-i5 2086 2176 2267 2358 89 2448 2539 2630 2720 2811 2902 2992 3083 3174 3294 4790 3355 3446 3536 3627 3718 3808 3899 3990 4080 4171 91 4262 4352 4443 4534 4624 4715 4806 4896 4987 5077 92 5168 5259 5349 5440 5531 5621 5712 5802 5893 59 S^^^ 90 93 6074 6165 6256 6346 6437 6527 6618 6709 6799 6890 ] 9 94 6980 7071 7161 7252 7343 7433 7524 7614 7705 7796 2 8 18 27 95 7886 7977 8067 8 158 8248 8339 8430 8520 8611 8701 4 36 96 8792 8882 8973 9063 9154 9244 9335 9426 9516 9607 5 45 97 9697 9788 9878 9969 0059 0150 0240 0331 0421 05 1 2 6 >7 54 98 6810602 0693 0783 0874 0964 1055 1145 1236 1327 1417 872 ■ 99 N. 1507 1598 1 1688 2 1779 3 1869 4 1960 5 2050 6 2141 223 1 8 2322 9 D 981 ? 2M (82) LOGARITHMS N. 48000 L. 68 1 N. 4SO0 6812412 J 2503 o 2593 3 2684 4 2774 5 2865 6 2955 7 _8 3136 3227 D Pro. 3U46 01 3317 3408 3498 35 S8 3679 3769 3860 3950 4041 4131 91 02 4222 4312 4402 4493 4583 4674 4764 4855 4945 5035 1 9 03 5126 5216 5307 5397 5488 5578 5668 5759 5849 5940 2 18 04 6030 6120 6211 6301 6392 6482 6572 6663 6753 6844 3 27 4 36* 05 6934 7024 7115 7205 7295 7386 7476 7567 7657 7747 5 46 06 7838 7928 8018 8109 8199 8289 8380 8470 8561 8651 6 55 7 64 8 73 9 82 07 8741 8832 8922 9012 9103 9193 9283 9374 9464 9554 08 9645 9735 9825 9916 0006 0096 0187 0277 0367 0457 09 6820548 0638 0728 0819 0909 0999 1090 1180 1270 1360 4810 1451 1541 1631 1722 1812 1902 1992 2083 2173 2263 11 2354 2444 2534 2624 2715 2805 2895 2985 3076 3166 12 3256 3346 3437 3527 3617 3707 3798 3888 3978 4068 13 4159 4249 4339 4429 4520 4610 4700 4790 4880 4971 14 5061 5151 521-1 5331 5422 5512 5602 5692 5783 5873 15 5963 6053 6143 6233 6324 6414 6504 6594 6684 6775 16 6865 6955 7045 7135 7225 7316 7406 7496 7586 7676 17 7766 7857 7947 8037 8127 8217 8307 8398 8488 8578 18 8668 8758 8848 8938 9029 9119 9209 9299 9389 9479 19 9569 9659 9750 9840 9930 ?5020 OHO 0200 0290 0380 4820 68301-70 0560 0651 0741 0831 0921 1011 1101 1191 12^1 21 1371 1461 1551 1642 1732 1822 1912 2002 2092 2182 22 2272 2362 2452 2542 2632 2722 2812 2902 2993 3083 2.3 3173 3268 3353 344-3 3533 3623 3713 3803 3893 3983 24 4073 4163 4253 4343 4433 4523 4613 4703 4793 4883 90 25 4973 5063 5153 5243 5333 5423 5513 5603 5693 5783 26 5873 5963 6053 6143 6233 6323 6413 6503 6593 6683 27 6773 6863 6953 7043 7133 7223 7313 7403 7493 7583 28 7673 7763 7853 7942 8032 8122 8212 8302 8392 8482 , 29 8572 8662 8752 8842 8932 9022 9112 9202 9291 9381 4830 9471 9561 9651 9741 9831 9921 0011 0101 0191 0280 31 6840370 0460 0550 0640 0730 0820 0910 1000 1089 1179 - 32 1269 1359 1449 1539 1629 1719 1808 1898 1988 2078 33 2168 2258 2348 2438 2527 2617 2707 2797 2887 2977 S4 3066 3156 3246 3336 3426 3516 3605 3695 3785 3875 33 3965 4055 4144 4234 4324 4414 4504 4594 4683 4773 3d 4863 4953 5043 5132 5222 5312 5402 5492 5581 5671 37 5761 5851 5940 6030 6120 6210 6300 6389 6479 6569 38 6659 6748 6838 6928 7018 7107 7197 7287 7377 7466 39 7556 7646 7736 7825 7915 8005 3095 8184 8274 8364 4840 8454 8543 8633 8723 8813 8902 8992 9082 9171 9261 41 9351 9441 9530 9620 9710 9799 9889 9979 (5068 0158 42 6850248 0338 0427 0517 0607 0696 0786 0876 0965 1055 90 43 1145 1234 1324 1414 1503 1593 1683 1772 1862^ 1952 I! 9 44 2041 2131 2221 2310 2400 2490 2579 2669 2759 2848 2 18 3 '27 45 2938 3027 3117 3207 3296 3386 3476 3565 3655 3744 4 36 46 3834 3924 4013 4103 4193 4282 4372 4461 4551 4641 5 45 47 4730 4820 4909 4999 5089 5178 5268 5357 5447 5537 6 54 7 63 r8 72 48 5626 5716 5805 5895 5984 6074 6164 6253 6343 6432 49 6522 6611 1 6701 2 6791 3 6880 4 1 6970 5 7059 6 7149 ~7~ 7238 8 7328 9 981 D pts. N. ^.48500 L.685 of numbers. (83) N. 4850 1 7507 2 7596 3 7686 4 7776 5 7865 6 7955 7 80 U 8 8131 9 8223 1) Fro. 6857417 51 8313 8402 8492 8581 8671 8760 8850 893J 9029 9118 89 52 9208 9297 9387 9476 9566 9655 9745 9834 9924 0013 1 9 53 6860103 0192 0282 0371 0461 0550 0640 0729 0819 0908 2 18 3 27 4 36 54 0998 1087 1177 1266 1356 1445 1535 1624 1713 1803 55 1892 1982 2071 2161 2250 2340 2429 2518 2608 2697 5 45 56 2787 2876 2966 3055 3145 3234 3323 3413 3502 3592 6 53 7 62 a 71 51 3681 3770 3860 3949 4039 4128 4217 4307 1 4396 4486 58 4575 4665 4754 4843 4933 5022 5111 5201 5290 5380 9 80 59 5469 5558 5648 5737 5826 5916 6005 6095 6184 6273 4860 6363 6452 6541 6631 6720 6809 6899 6988 7078 7167 01 7256 7346 7435 7524 7614 7703 7792 7882 7971 8060 62 8150 8239 S328 8418 8507 8596 8685 8775 8864 8953 63 9043 9132 9221 9311 9400 9489 9578 9663 9757 9846 64 9936 0025|0114 0204 0293 0382 0471 0561 0350 0739 65 6870828 0918 1007 1096 1186 1275 1364 1453 1543 1632 66 1721 1810 1900 1989 2078 2167 2257 2346 2435 2524 07 26 1 3 :?703 2792 2831 2970 3060 3149 3238 3327 3416 68 350^i 3595 3684 3773 3863 3952 4041 4130 4219 4309 69 43 8 4187 1.576 4665 4755 4844 4933 5022 5111 5200 4870 5290 5379 5168 5557 5646 5735 5825 5914 6003 6092 71 6181 6270 5'300 6449 6538 6627 6716 6805 6895 6984 72 7073 7162 7251 7340 7429 7518 7608 7697 7786 7875 73 7^64 8053 8142 8231 8321 8410 8499 8588 8677 8766 74 8855 8944 9033 9123 9212 9301 9390 9479 9568 9657 75 97 4d 9835 9924 0013 0103 0192 0281 0370 0459 0548 76 68^637 0726 08 i 5 0904 0993 1082 1171 1260 1 349 1439 77 1528 1617 1706 1795 1884 1973 2062 2151 2240 2329 78 2418 2507 2596 2585 2774 2863 2952 3041 3130 3219 79 3308 3397 34§6 3575 3664 3753 3842 3931 4020 4109 89 4880 4198 4287 4376 4465 4554 4643 4732 4821 4910 4999 81 5088 5177 5266 5355 5444 5533 5622 5711 5800 5889 \ 82 5978 6067 6156 6245 6334 6423 6511 6600 6()S9 6778 83 6867 6956 7045 7134 7223 7312 7401 7490 7579 7668 84 7757 7845 7934 8023 8112 8201 8290 8379 8468 8557 . 85 8646 8735 8823 8912 9001 90)0 9179 9268 9357 9446 86 95S5 9624 y712 Q801 9890 9979 0068 0157 0246 0335 87 6890423 05 1 -2 0601 On 90 0779 0868 0957 1045 1134 1223 88 1312 1401 1490 1579 1667 1756 1845 1934 2023 2112 89 2200 2289 2378 2467 2556 2645 2733 28^2 2911 3000 4890 3089 3177 3266 3355 3444 3533 3621 3710 3799 3888 91 3977 4065 4154 1-243 4332 1 4421 4509 4598 4687 4776 92 4864 4-953 5042 5131 52201 5308 5397 5486 5575 5663 88 93 5752 5841 5930 6018 6107 6l9o 6285 6373 6462 6551 1 9 94 6640 6728 6817 6906 6995 7083 7172 7261 7350 7438 2 18 3 26 95 7527 7616 7704 7793 7882 7971 8059 8148 8237 8325 4 35 96 8414 8503 8591 8680 876.9 8858 8946 9035 9124 9212 544 6 53 7 32 97 9301 93PO 9478 9567 QQ5Q 9744 9833 9922 0010 0099 98 0900188 0276 0365 0454 0542 0631 0720 0808 0897 0986 8 70 99 1074 1163 1252 2 1340 3 1429 1518 1606 1695 7 ■■■■ t 1784 1872 D 9 79 Pts. N. 1 1 5 6 8 9 ! a M 2 (84) LOGARITHMS N.4900b L.690\ N. 4900 1 2049 2 2138 3 2227 4 23 1 5 5 2404 .6 2493 7 2581 8 2670 9 2758 D Pro. 6901961 01 2847 2936 3024 3113 3201 3290 3379 3467 3556 3644 89 ' 02 3733 3822 3910 3999 4087 4176 4265 4353 4442 4530 1 9 03 4619 4708 4796 4885 4973 5062 5150 5239 5327 5416 2 18 04 5505 5593 5682 5770 5859 5947 6036 6124 6213 6302 3 27 4 36 05 6390 6479 6567 6656 6744 6833 6921 7010 7098 7187 6 45 Of) 7275 7364 7452 7541 7630 7718 7807 7895 7984 8072 6 53 7 62 871 9 80 07 8161 8249 8338 8426 8515 8603 8692 8780 8869 8957 08 9046 9134 9223 9311 9399 9488 9576 9665 9753 9842 09 9930 (5019 0107 0196 0284 0373 0461 0550 0638 0726 4910 6910815 0903 0992 1080 1169 1257 1346 J 434 1522 1611 11 1699 1788 1876 1965 2053 2141 2230 2318 2407 2495 12 2584 2672 2760 2849 2937 3026 3114 3202 3291 3379 \ 13 3468 3556 3644 3733 3821 3910 3998 4086 4175 4263 14 1.352 4440 4528 4617 4705 4793 4882 4970 5058 5147 15 5235 5324 5412 5500 5589 5677 5765 5854 5942 6030 16 6119 6207 6295 6384 6472 6560 6649 6737 6825 6914 17 7002 7090 7179 7267 7355 7444 7532 7620 7709 7797 18 7885 7974 8062 8150 8238 8327 8415 8503 8592 8680 19 8768 8857 8945 9033 9121 9210 9298 9386 9474 9563 4920 9651 9739 9828 9916 0004 0092 0181 0269 0357 0445 21 6920534 0622 0710 0798 0887 0975 1063 1151 1240 1328 22 1416 1504 1593 1681 1769 1857 1945 2034 2122 2210 23 2298 2387 2475 2563 2651 2739 2828 2916 3004 3092 24 3180 3269 3357 3445 3533 3621 3710 3798 3886 3974 25 4062 4151 4239 4327 4415 4503 4591 4680 4768 4856 26 4944 5032 5120 5209 5297 5385 5473 5561 5649 5737 27 5826 5914 6002 6000 6178 6266 6354 6443 6531 6619 28 6707 6795 6883 6971 7059 7148 7236 7324 7412 7500 29 7588 7676 7764 7853 7941 8029 8117 8205 8293 8381 4930 , 8469 8557 8645 8733 8822 8910 8998 9086 9174 9262 31 9350 9438 9526 9614 9702 9790 9878 9967 0055 0143 32 6930231 0319 0407 0495 0583 0671 0759 0847 0935 1023 33 1111 1199 1287 1375 1463 1551 1639 1727 1815 1903 34 1991 2079 2167 2256 2344 2432 2520 2608 2696 2784 88 35 2872 2960 304S 3136 3224 3312 3400 3488 3576 3664 36 3752 3839 3927 4015 4103 4191 4279 4367 4455 4543 37 4631 4719 4807 4895 4983 5071 5159 5247 5335 5423 38 5511 5599 5687 5775 5863 5951 6039 6126 6214 6302 39 6390 6478 6566 6654 6742 6830 6918 7006 7094 7182 4940 7269 7357 7445 7533 7621 7709 7797 7885 7973 8061 41 8149 8236 8324 8412 8500 8588 8676 8764 8852 8940 42 9027 9115 9203 9291 9379 9467 9555 9643 9730 9818 88 43 9906 9994 0082 0170 0258 0345 0433 0521 0609 0697 1 9 44 6940785 0872 0960 1048 1136 1224 1312 1399 14^7 1575 2 18 3 26 45 1663 1751 1839 1926 2014 2102 2190 2278 2366 2453 4 35 46 ^ 2541 2629 2717 2805 2892 2980 3068 3156 3244 ^331 5 44 47 3419 ^507 3595 3682 3770 3858 3946 4034 4121 4209 6 53 7 62 8 70 48 4297 4385 4472 4560 4648 4736 4824 4911 4999 5087 49 5175 5262 1 5350 5438 3 5526 4 5613 5 5701 6 5789 7 5877 8 1 5964 1^ 9 79 Pts. N. 9 N. 49500 L.6i)4 OF NUMBERS. (S5) N. 4950 1 6140 2 6227 3 6315 4, 6403 5 6491 6 6578 7 6666 8 6754 9 6842 1 ^^ i'ro. 6946052 51 6929 7017 7105 7192 7280 7368 7456 7543 7631 7719 87 52 7806 7894 7982 8069 8157 8245 8333 8420 8508 8596 1 9 53 8683 8771 8859 8946 9034 9122 9209 9^97 9385 9472 I 17 26 35 54 9560 9648 9735 9823 9911 9998 0086 0174 0261 0349 4 55 6950437 0524 0612 0700 0787 0875 0962 1050 1138 1225 5 44 56 1313 1401 1488 1576 1663 1751 1839 1926 2014 2102 6 52 57 2189 2277 2364 2452 2540 2627 2715 2802 2890 2978 7 8 9 61 70 58 3065 3153 3240 3328 3416 3503 3591 3678 3766 3854 78 59 3941 4029 U16 4204 4291 4379 4467 4554 4642 4729 4960 4817 4904 4992 5079 5167 5255 5342 5430 5517 5605 61 5692 5780 5867 5955 6042 6130 6217 6305 6393 6480 62 6568 6655 6743 6830 6918 7005 7093 7180 7268 7355 63 7443 7530 7618 7705 7793 7880 7968 8055 8143 8230 64 8318 8405 8493 8580 8668 8755 8843 8930 9018 9105 65 9193 9280 9367 9455 9542 9630 9717 9805 9892 9980 66 6960067 0155 0242 0330 0417 0504 0592 0679 0767 0854 67 0942 1029 1116 1204 1291 1379 1466 1554 1641 1728 68 1816 1903 1991 2078 2 1 66 2253 2340 2428 2515 2603 69 2690 2777 2865 2952 3040 3127 3214 3302 3389 3477 4970 3564 3651 3739 3826 3913 4001 4088 4176 4263 4350 71 4438 4525 4612 4700 4787 487.4 4962 5049 5137 5224 72 5311 5399 5486 5573 5661 5748 5835 5923 6010 6097 73 6185 6272 6359 6447 653 4. 6621 6709 6796 6883 6970 74 7058 7145 7232 7320 7407 7494 7582 7669 7756 7844 75 7931 8013 8105 8193 8280 8367 8455 8542 8629 8716 76 8804 8891 8978 9066 9153 9240 9327 9415 9502 9589 77 9676 9764 9851 9938 0025 0113 0200 0287 0374 0462 78 6970549 0636 0723 0811 0898 0985 1072 1160 1247 1334 79 1421 1508 1596 1683 1770 1857 1945 2032 2119 2200 4980 2293 2381 2468 2555 261^2 2729 2817 2904 2991 3078 81 3165 3253 3340 3427 3514 3601 3689 3776 3863 '3J50 82 4037 4124 4212 42.^9 4386 4473 4560 4647 4735 4822 83 4909 4996 5083 5170 5257 5345 5432 5519 560o 5093 84 5780 5867 5955 6042 6129 6216 6303 6390 6477 6565 85 6652 6739 6826 6913 7000 7087 7174 7261 7349 7436 86 7523 7610 7697 7784 7871 7958 8045 8132 S22J 8307 87 8394 8481 8568 8655 8 742 8829 8916 9003 9090 9177 88 9264 9352 9139 9526 9613 9700 9787 9874 9.^61 OJ48 89 6980135 0222 0309 0396 0483 0570 0657 07 H 0831 0918 4990 1005 1092 1180 1267 1354 1441 1528 1615 1702 1789 87 91 1876 1963 2050 2137 222 I 23U 2398 2485 2572 2j59 92 2746 2333 2920 3007 3094 3181 3268 3355 3442 .j529 86 93 3616 3703 3790 3877 3964 4051 4138 4224 4311 4398 1 9 94 4485 4572 4659 4746 4833 4920 5007 5094 5181 5268 2 3 17 26 95 5355 5442 5529 5616 5703 5790 5877 5964 6050 6137 4 34 96 6224 6311 6398 64-85 6572 J 65 9 6746 6833 6920 70)7 5 43 97 7093 7180 7267 7354 71-41 7528 7615 7702 7789 7870 6 7 8 52 60 69 98 7963 804'^ 8136 8223 8310 8397 8484 8571 8658 8744 99 N. 8831 8918 1 >005 9092 3 9179 4^ 9266 9353 9439 7 Q5 26 8 9613 9 "d 9 77 5 6 P ts. 1(86) LOGARITHMS N. 50000 L.6;9b"| N. 5000 1 9787 2 9874 3 9961 4 504-7 5 0134 6 0221 7 0308 8 0395 9 D Pro. 6989700 0482 01 6990569 0655 0742 0829 0916 1003 1090 1176 1263 1350 87 02 1437 1524 1611 1697 1784 IS71 1958 2045 2131 2218 1 9 03 2505 2392 2479 2565 2652 2739 2826 2913 2999 3086 2 17 3 26 4 35 04- S173 3260 3347 3433 3520 3607 3694 3780 3867 3954 05 4041 4128 4214 4301 4388 4475 4561 4648 4735 4822 5 44 oa 4908 4995 5082 5169 5255 5342 5429 5516 5602 5689 6 52 7 61 8 70 07 5776 5863 5949 6036 6123 6210 6296 6383 6470 6556 08 6643 6730 6817 6903 6990 7077 7163 7250 7337 7424 9 78 09 7510 7597 7684 7770 7857 7944 8031 8117 8204 8291 5010 8377 8464 8551 8637 8724 8811 8897 8984 9071 9157 11 9244 9331 9417 9504 9591 9677 9764 9851 9937 5024 12 70001 1 1 0197 0284 0371 0457 0544 0630 0717 0804 0890 13 0977 1064 1150 1237 1324 1410 1497 1583 1670 1757 14 1843 1930 2017 2103 2190 2276 2363 2450 2536 2623 15 2709 2796 2883 2969 3056 3142 3229 3316 3402 3489 16 3575 3662 3748 3835 3922 4008 4095 4181 4268 4354 17 4441 4528 4614 4701 4787 4874 4960 5047 5133 5220 18 5307 5393 5480 5566 5653 5739 5826 5912 5999 6085 19 6172 6258 6345 6432 6518 6605 6691 6778 6864 6951 5020 7037 7124 7210 7297 7383 7470 7556 7643 7729 7816 21 7902 7989 8075 8162 8248 8335 8421 8508 8594 8681 22 8767 8854 8940 9027 9113 9199 9286 9372 9459 9545 23 9632 9718 9805 9891 9978 0064 0151 0237 0323 0410 24 7010496 0583 0669 0756 0842 0929 1015 1101 1188 1274 25 1361 1447 1534 1620 1706 1793 1879 1966 2052 2138 26 2225 2311 2398 2484 2570 2657 2743 2830 2916 3002 27 3v089 3175 3262 3348 3434 3521 3607 3694 3780 3866 28 3953 4039 4125 4212 4298 4385 4471 4557 464 + 4730 29 4816 4903 4989 5075 5162 5248 5334 5421 5507 5594 5030 5680 5766 5853 5939 6025 6112 6198 6284 6371 6457 31 6543 6629 6716 6802 6888 6975 7061 7147 7234 7320 32 ,7406 7493 7579 7665 7752 7838 7924 riOlO 8097 8183 33 8269 8356 8442 8528 8614 8701 8787 8873 8960 9046 34 9132 9218 9305 9391 9477 9563 9650 9736 9822 9908 35 9995 0081 0167 0254 0340 0426 0512 0598 0685 0771 36 702)857 0943 1030 1116 12' ^2 1288 1375 1461 1547 1633 37 1720 1806 1892 1978 2064 2 51 2.37 2323 2409 2495 38 2582 2d68 2754 2840 2926 3013 309r* 3185 3271 3357 39 3444 3530 3616 3702 3788 3874 3901 4047 4133 4219 5040 4305 4392 4478 4564 4650 4736 4822 4909 4995 5081 41 5167 5'?53 533 i 5425 5512 5598 5684 5770 5856 5L'42 42 6028 6115 o201 6287 6373 6459 6545 6631 6717 6804 86 43 6890 6976 7 ^^62 7148 7234 7320 7400 7492 7579 7665 1 9 44 7751 7837 7923 8009 8095 8181 8267 8353 8440 8526 2 17 3 26 45 86i2 669S 8784 8870 8956 9042 9128 .:;214 9300 9386 4 34 46 9472 9559 9645 9731 9817 9903 9989 OJ75 0161 0247 5 43 47 7030333 0419 0505 0591 0677 0763 08 i 9 0:>35 1021 1107 6 52 7 fin 48 1193 1279 1366 145> 1538 1624 170 1796 1882 1968 / ov 8 69 49 2054 2140 1 2226 ~2~ 2312 3 2398 4 2484 5 2570 6 2656 7 2742 8 2828 9 86 1) 9 77 N. p^J ^N. 50500 L. 703 OF NUMBERS. (87) N. 5050 1 3000 2 3086 3 3172 4 3258 5 3344 6 3430 7 3516 8 Ji602 9 3688 D Pro. 7032914 51 3774 3860 3946 4032 4118 4204 4290 4376 4461 4547 86 52 4633 4719 4805 4891 4977 5063 5149 5235 5321 5407 1 9 53 5493 5579 5665 5751 5837 5923 6009 6095 6181 6266 2 17 3 26 4 34 54 6352 6438 6524 6610 6696 6782 6868 6954 7040 7126 55 7212 7298 7383 7469 7555 7641 7727 7813 7899 7985 5 43 56 8071 8157 8242 8328 8414 8500 8586 8672 8758 8844 6 52 7 60 8 69 57 8930 9015 9101 9187 9273 9359 9445 9531 9617 9702 58 9788 9874 9960 0046 0132 0218 0303 0389 0475 0561 9 77 59 7040647 0733 0818 0904 0990 1076 1162 1248 1334 1419 5060 1505 1591 1677 1763 1848 1934 2020 2106 2192 2278 61 2363 2449 2535 2621 2707 2792 2878 2964 3050 3136 62 3221 3307 3393 3479 3565 3650 3736 3822 3908 3993 63 4079 4165 4251 4337 4422 4508 4,594 4680 4765 4851 64 4937 5023 5108 5194 5280 5366 5452 5537 5623 5709 65 5794 5880 5966 6052 6137 6223 6309 6395 6tH0 6566 66 6652 6738 6823 6909 6995 7080 7166 7252 7338 7423 67 7509 7595 7680 7766 7852 7938 8023 8109 8195 8280 68 8366 8452 8537 8623 8709 8795 8880 8966 9052 9137 69 9223 9309 9394 9480 9566 9651 9737 9323 9908 9994 5070 7050080 0165 0251 0337 0422 0508 0594 0679 0765 0850 71 0936 1022 1107 1193 1279 1364 1450 1536 1621 1707 72 1792 1878 1964 2049 2135 2221 2306 2392 2477 2563 73 2649 2734 2820 2905 2991 3077 3162 3248 3333 3419 74 3505 3590 3676 3761 3847 3933 4018 4104 4189 4275 75 4360 4446 4532 4617 4703 4788 4874 4959 5045 5131 76 5216 5302 5387 5473 5558 5644 5729 5815 590J 5986 77, 6072 6157 6243 6328 6414 6499 6585 6670 6756 6841 78 6927 7012 7098 7184 7269 7355 7440 7526 7611 7697 79 7782 7868 7953 8039 8124 8210 8295 8381 8466 8552 5080 8637 8723 8808 8894 8979 9065 9150 9236 9321 9406 81 9492 9577 9663 9748 9834 9919 0005 0090 0176 0261 82 7060347 0432 0518 0603 0688 0774 0859 0945 1030 1116 ''\ 83 1201 1287 1372 1457 1543 1628 1714 1799 1885 1970 • 84 2055 2141 2226 2312 2397 2483 2568 2653 2739 2824 85 2910 2995 3080 3166 3251 3337 3422 3507 3593 3678 86 3764 3849 3934 4020 4105 4190 4276 4361 4447 4532 87 4617 4703 4788 4873 4959 5044 5130 5215 5300 5386 88 5471 5556 5642 5727 5812 5898 5983 6068 6154 6239 89 6325 6410 6495 6581 6666 6751 6837 6922 7007 7092 5090 7178 7263 7348 7434 7519 7604 7690 7775 7860 7946 91 8031 8116 8202 8287 8372 8457 8543 8628 8713 8799 92 8884 8969 9055 9140 9225 9310 9396 9481 9566 9651 Q5 93 c^737 9822 9907 9993 0078 0163 0248 0334 0419 0504 1 9 94 7070589 0675 0760 0845 0930 1016 1101 1186 1271 1357 2 17 3 26 95 1442 1527 1612 1698 1783 1868 1953 2039 2124 2209 4 34 96 2294 2379 2465 2550 2635 2720 2805 2891 2976 3061 5 43 6 51 7 30 8S8 97 3146 3232 3317 3402 3487 3572 3658 3743 3828 3913 98 3998 4083 4169 4254 4339 4424 4509 4595 4680 4765 99 N. 4850 4935 1 5020 2 5106 3 5191 4 5276 5 5S61 6 5446 7 553 1 8 56;7 9 86 9 77 Pts. (88) LOGARITHMS N.51000L. 70? 5100 1 5737 2 5872 3 5957 4 6042 5 6128 6 6213 7 6298 8 6383 9 6468 D Pro. 7075702 01 6553 6638 6724 6809 6894 6979 7064 7149 7234 7319 86 02 7405 7490 7575 7660 7745 7830 7915 8000 8085 8171 1 9 03 8256 8«41 8426 8511 8596 S6S1 8766 8851 8936 9022 9872 217 3 2G 4 34 04 9107 9192 9277 9362 9447 9532 9617 9702 9787 05 9957 0043 0128 0213 0298 0383 0468 0553 0638 0723 5 43 00 7080803 0893 0978 1063 1148 1233 1318 1403 1488 1574 6 52 7 60 8 69 07 1659 1744 1829 1914 1999 2084 2169 2254 2339 2424 08 2509 2594 2679 2764 .2849 2934 3019 3104 3189 3274 85 9 77 09 3359 3444 3529 3614 3699 3784 3869 39^'4 4039 4124 5110 4209 4294 4379 4464 4549 4634 4719 #804 4889 4974 11 5059 5144 5229 5314 5399 5484 5569 5654 5739 5823 12 5908 5993 6078 6163 6248 6333 6418 6503 6588 6673 13 6758 6843 6928 7013 7098 7183 7268 7352 7437 7522 14 7607 7692 7777 7862 7947 8032 8117 8202 8287 8371 i 15 8456 8541 8626 8711 8796 8881 8966 9051 9136 9220 16 9305 9390 9475 9560 9645 9730 9815 9900 9984 0069 17 7090154 0239 0324 0409 0494 0579 0663 0748 0833 0918 18 1003 1088 1173 1257 1342 1427 1512 1597 1682 1766 19 1851 1936 2021 2106 2191 2275 2360 2445 2530 2615 5120 2700 2784 2869 2954 3039 3124 3209 3293 3378 3463 21 3548 3633 3717 3802 3887 3972 4057 4141 4226 4311 22 4396 4481 4565 4650 4735 4820 4904 4989 5074 5159 23 5244 5328 5413 5498 5583 5667 5752 5837 5922 6006 24 6091 6176 6261 6345 6430 6515 6600 6684 6769 6854 25 6939 7023 7108 7193 7278 7362 7447 7532 7617 7701 26 7786 7871 7955 8040 8125 8210 8294 8379 8464 8548 27 8633 8718 8803 8887 8972 9057 9141 9226 9311 9395 28 9480 9565 9650 9734 9819 9904 9988 0073 0158 0242 29 7100327 0412 0496 0581 0666 0750 0835 0920 1004 1089 5130 1174 1258 1343 1428 1512 1597 1682 1766 1851 1936 31 2020 2105 2189 2274 2359 2443 2528 2613 2697 2782 32 ^2866 2951 3036 3120 3205 3290 3374 3459 3543 3628 33 3713 3797 3882 3966 4051 4136 4220 4305 4389 4474 34 4559 4643 4728 4812 4897 4982 5066 5151 5235 5320 35 5404 5489 5574 5658 5743 5827 5912 5996 6081 6166 36 6250 6335 6419 6504 6588 6673 6757 6842 6927 7011 37 7096 7180 7265 7349 7434 7518 7603 7687 7772 7856 38 7941 8026 8110 8195 8279 8364 8448 8533 8617 8702 39 8786 8871 8955 9040 9124 9209 9293 9378 9462 9547 5140 9631 9716 9800 9885 9969 0054 0138 0223 0307 0392 41 7110476 0561 0645 0729 0814 0898 0983 1067 1152 1236 42 1321 1405 1490 1574 1659 1743 1827 1912 1996 2081 85 43 2165 2250 2334 2419 2503 2587 2672 2756 2841 2925 1 9 44 3010 3094 3178 3263 3347 3432 3516 3601 3685 3769 2 17 3 26 45 3854 3938 4023 4107 4191 4276 4360 4445 4529 4613 4 34 46 4698 4782 4867 4951 5035 5120 5204 5289 5373 5457 5 43 47 5542 5626 5710 5795 5879 5964 6048 6132 6217 6301 651 7 60 8 68 48 6385 6470 6554 6638 6723 6807 6892 6976 7060 7145 49 N. 7229 7313 1 7398 2 7482 3 7566 4 7651 5 7735 6 7819 7004 7988 9 9 77 7 8 "D Pts. N.> 51500 L. 711 OF NUMBERS. (.«y; N. 1 2 3 4 J 6 7 8 9 D Pro. 5150 7118072 8157 8241 832.^ 8410 8494 ^ 8578 8663 8747 8831 51 8915 9000 9084 916^ 9253 9337 9421 9506 9590 9674 84 52 9759 9843 9927 OGll 0096 018C > 0264 0349 0433 0517 1 8 53 7120601 0686 0770 0854 ^ 0939 1023 1107 1191 1276 1360 2 17 3 25 4 34 54 1444 1528 1613 1697 1781 1865 1950 2034 2118 2202 55 2287 2371 2455 2539 2624 2708 2792 2876 2961 3045 5 42 56 3129 3213 3298 3382 3466 3550 3634 3719 3803 3887 6 50 7 59 8 67 57 3971 4056 4140 4224 4308 4392 4477 4561 4645 4729 58 59 4813 5655 4898 5739 4982 5824 5066 5908 5150 5992 5234 6076 5319 6160 5403 6245 5487 6329 5571 6413 9 76 5160 6497 6581 6665 6750 6834 6918 7002 7086 7170 7254 61 7339 7423 7507 7591 7675 7759 7843 7928 8012 8096 62 8180 8264 8348 8432 8517 8601 8685 8769 8853 8937 63 9021 9105 9189 9274 9358 9442 9526 9610 9694 9778 64 9862 9946 0031 0115 0199 0283 0367 0451 0535 0619 65 7130703 0787 0871 0956 1040 1124 1208 1292 1376 1460 66 1544 1628 1712 1796 1880 1964 2048 2132 2217 2301 67 2385 2469 2553 2637 2721 2805 2889 2973 3057 3141 68 3225 3309 3393 3477 3561 3645 3729 3813 3897 3981 69 4065 4149 4233 4317 4401 4485 4569 4653 4737 4821 ^ 4 5170 4905 4989 5073 5157 5241 5325 5409 5493 5577 5661 71 5745 5829 5913 5997 6081 6165 6249 6333 6417 6501 72 6585 6669 6753 6837 6921 7005 7089 7173 7257 7341 73 7425 7509 7593 7677 7761 7845 7928 8012 8096 8180 74 8264 8348 8432 8516 8600 8684 8768 8852 8936 9020 75 9104 9187 9271 9355 9439 9523 9607 9691 9775 9859 76 9943 0027 0110 0194 0278 0362 0446 0530 0614 0698 77 7140782 0866 0949 1033 1117 1201 1285 1369 1453 1537 78 1620 1704 1788 1872 1956 2040 2124 2208 2291 2375 79 2459 2543 2627 2711 2795 2878 2962 3046 3130 3214 5180 3298 3381 3465 3549 3633 3717 3801 3884 3968 4052 81 4136 4220 4304 4387 447 1 4555 4639 4723 4806 4890 82 4974 5058 5142 5226 5309 53Q3 5477 5561 5645 5728 83 5812 5896 5980 6063 6147 6231 6315 6399 6482 6566 84 6650 6734 6817 6901 6985 7069 7153 7236 7320 7404 85 7488 7571 7655 7739 7823 7906 7990 8074 8158 8241 86 8325 8409 8493 8576 8660 8744 8828 8911 8995 9079 87 9162 9246 9330 9414 9497 9581 9665 9749 9832 9916 88 7150000 0083 0167 0251 0335 0418 0502 0586 0669 0753 89 0837 0920 1004 1088 1171 1255 1339 1423 1506 1590 5190 1674 1757 1841 1925 2008 2092 2176 2259 2343 2427 91 2510 2594 2678 2761 2845 2929 3012 3096 3180 3263 ' 92 3347 3430 3514 3598 3681 3765 3849 3932 4016 4100 83 93 4183 4267 4350 4434 4518 4601 4685 4769 4852 4936 1 8 94 5019 5103 5187 5270 5354 5438 5521 5605 5688 ^ 5772 2 17 S 25 95 5856 5939 6023 6106 6190 6273 6357 6441 6524 ( 5608 4 33 96 6691 6775 6859 6942 7026 7109 7193 7276 7360 "3 ^444 5 42 97 7527 7611 7694 7778 7861 7945 8029 8112 8196 ^ 5279 6 50 7 58 8 66 98 8363 8446 8530 8613 8697 8780 3864 3948 9031 S 115 99 9198 9282 1 9365 2 9449 3 9532 9616 < 5 }699 { 6 P783 )866 9 950 1 9 h 9|75 iPts. N. 4 7 8 2N (90) LOGARITHMS N. 52000 L. 7 161 N. 1 0117 2 0200 3 0284 4 0367 5 0451 6 0535 7 0618 8 0702 9 0785 D Pro. 5200 7160033 01 0869 OP52 1036 1119 1203 1286 1370 1453 1537 1620 84 02 1703 1787 1870 1954 2037 2121 2204 2288 2371 2455 1 8 03 2538 2622 2705 2789 2872 2956 3039 3123 3206 3289 2 3 4 17 25 34 04 3373 3456 3540 3623 3707 3790 3874 3957 4040 4124 05 4207 4291 4374 4458 4541 4625 4708 4791 4875 495«8 5 42 06 5042 5125 5208 5292 5375 5459 5542 5626 5709 5792 6 7 8 50 59 67 07 5876 5959 6043 6126 6209 6293 6576 6460 6543 6626 OS 6710 6793 6877 6960 7043 7127 7210 7293 7377 7460 9 76 09 7544 7627 7710 7794 7877 7960 8044 8127 8211 8294 5210 8377 8461 8544 8627 8711 8794 8877 8961 9044 9127 11 9211 9294 9377 9461 9544 9627 9711 9794 9877 9961 12 7170044 0127 0211 02!)4 0377 0461 0544 0627 0711 0794 13 0877 0961 1044 1127 1210 1294 1377 1460 1544 1627 14 1710 1794 1877 1960 2043 2127 2210 2293 2377 2460 15 2543 2626 2710 2793 2876 2959 3043 3126 3209 3293 16 3376 3459 3542 3626 3709 3792 3875 3959 4042 4125 17 4208 42Q2 4375 4458 4541 4625 4708 4791 4874 4958 18 5041 5124 5207 5290 5374 5457 5540 5623 5707 5790 19 5873 5956 6039 6123 6206 6289 6372 6455 6539 6622 5220 6705 6788 6871 6955 7038 7121 7204 7287 7371 7454 21 7537 7620 7703 7786 7870 7953 8036 8119 8202 8286 22 8369 8452 8535 8618 8701 8784 8868 8951 9034 9117 23 9200 9283 9367 9450 9533 9616 9699 9782 9865 9949 24 7180032 0115 0198 0281 0364 0447 0530 0614 0697 0780 25 0863 0946 1029 1112 1195 1279 1362 1445 1 528 1611 26 1694 1777 1860 1943 2026 2110 2193 2276 2359 2442 27 2525 2608 2691 2774 2857 2940 3023 3107 3190 3273 28 3356 3439 3522 3605 3688 3771 3854 3937 4020 4103 29 4186 4269 4353 4436 4519 4602 4685 4768 4851 4934 5230 5017 5100 5183 5266 5349 5432 5515 5598 5681 57^. 31 5847 5930 6013 6096 6179 6262 6345 6428 6511 6594 83 32 6677 6760 6843 6926 7009 7092 7175 7258 7341 7424 33 7507 7590 7673 7756 7839 7922 8005 8088 8171 8254 34 8337 8420 8503 8586 8669 8752 8835 8918 9001 9084 35 9167 9250 9333 9416 9499 9582 9665 9748 9830 9913 36 9996 0079 0162 0245 0328 0411 0494 0577 0660 0743 37 7190826 0909 0992 i075 115*7 1240 1323 1406 1489 1572 38 1655 1738 1821 1904 1987 2069 2152 2235 23 1 8 2401 39 2484 2567 2650 2733 2816 2898 2981 3064 3147 3230 5240 3313 3396 3479 3562 3644 3727 3810 3893 3976 4059 41 4142 4224 4307 4390 4473 4556 4639 4722 4804 4887 42 4970 5053 5136 5219 5302 5384 5467 5550 5633 5716 83 j 43 5799 5881 5964 6047 6130 6213 6296 6378 6461 6544 1 8 44 6627 6710 6792 6875 6958 7041 7 1 24 7207 72«9 7372 2 3 17 25 45 7455 7538 7621 7703 7786 7869 7952 8034 8117 8200 ■^ 4 33 46 8283 8366 8448 8531 8614 8697 8780 8862 8945 9028 5 42 47 9111 9193 9276 9359 9442 9524 9607 9690 9773 9856 6 7 50 58 C6 48 9938 0021 0104 0187 0269 0352 Oi35 05 1 8 0600 0683 49 •N: 7200766 0848 r 0931 2 1014 3 1097 4 1179 5 1262 1345 1428 8 i5U> 9 D 9 75 6 « 7 F >ts. N.5 — ' , V 1 2,500 L. 7^0 OF NUMBERS. (yuj N. 1 2 3 4' 5 6' 7 8 9 D Pro. 5250 7201593 1676 1758 1841 1924 2007 2089 2172 2255 2337 51 2420 2503 2586 2668 2751 2834 2916 2999 3082 3164 82 52 3247 3330 3413 3495 3578 3661 3743 3826 3909 3991 8 53 4074 4157 4239 4322 4405 4487 4570 4653 4735 4818 2 16 54 4901 4983 5066 5149 5231 5314 5397 5479 5562 5645 3 4 25 33 55 5727 5^10 5892 5975 6058 6140 6223 6306 6388 6471 5 41 56 6554 6636 67 19 6801 63-^4 6967 7049 7132 7215 7297 6 7 g 49 57 57 7380 7462 7545 7623, 84^4 ^fb 7793 7875 7958 8041 8123 58 8206 8288 8371 8536 8619 8701 8784 8867 8949 9 74 59 9032 9114 9197 9279 9362 9445 9527 9610 9692 9775 5260 9857 9940 0023 0105 0188 0270 0353 0435 0518 0600 '61 7210683 0766 0348 0931 1013 1096 1178 1261 1343 1426 62 1508 1591 1674 1756 1839 1921 2004 2086 2169 225 1 63 2334 2416 2499 2581 2664 2746 2829 2911 2994 3076 64. 3159 3241 3324 3406 3489 3571 3654 3736 3819 3901 65 3984 4066 4149 423 1 4314 4396 4479 4561 4644 4726 66 4809 4891 4973 5056 5138 5221 5303 5386 5468 5551 67 5633 5716 5798 5881 5963 6045 6128 6210 6293 6375 68 6458 6540 6623 6705 6787 6870 6952 7035 7117 7200 69 7282 7364 7447 7529 7612 7694 7777 7859 7941 8024 5270 8106 8189 8271 8353 8436 8518 8601 8683 8765 8848 71 8930 9013 9095 9177 9260 9342 9424 9507 9589 9072 72 9754 9836 9919 0001 0084 0166 0248 0331 0413 0495 73 7220578 0660 0742 0825 0907 0990 1072 1154 1237 1319 74 1401 1484 1566 1648 1731 1813 1895 1978 2060 2142 75 2225 2307 2389 2472 2554 2636 2719 2801 2883 2966 76 3048 3130 3212 3295 3377 3459 3542 3624 3706 3789 77 3871 3953 4036 4118 42»0 4282 4365 4447 4529 4612 78 4694 4776 4858 4941 5023 5105 5188 5270 5352 5434 79 5517 5599 5681 5763 5846 5928 6010 6092 6175 6257 5280 6339 6421 6504 6586 6668 6750 6833 6915 6997 7079 81 7^62 7244 7326 7408 7491 7573 7655 7737 7820 7902 82 7984 8066 8148 8231 8313 8395 8477 8559 8642 8724 83 8806 8888 8971 9053 9135 9217 9299 9382 9464 9546 84 9628 9710 9792 9875 9957 0039 0121 0203 0286 0368 85 7230450 0532 0614 069.6 0779 0861 0943 1025 1107 1189 86 1272 1354 1436 1518 1600 1682 1765 1847 1929 2011 87 2093 2175 2257 2340 2422 2504 2586 2668 2750 2832 88 29 1 4 2997 3079 3161 3243 3325 3407 3489 3571 3654 89 3736 3818 3.900 3-982 4064 4146 4228 4310 4393 4475 5290 4557 4639 4721 4803 4885 4967 5049 5131 5213 5296 1 91 5378 5460 5542 5624 5706 5788 5870 5952 6034 6116 92 6198 6280 6362 6445 6527 6609 6691 6773 6855 6937 1 81 93 7019 7 101 7183 7265 7347 7429 7511 7593 7675 7757 1 8 94 7839 7921 8003 8086 S167 8250 8332 8414 8496 8578 2 3 16 24 95 8660 8742 8824 8906 8988 9070 9152 9234 9316 9398 82 4 32 96 94HO 9562 9641- 9726 9808 9890 9972 0054 0136 0218 5 41 97 7240300 0382 0464 0546 0628 0710 0792 0874 6956 1038 6 7 49 57 Gb 98 1120 1202 1283 1365 1447 1529 1611 1 693 1775 1857 / 8 99 NT 1939 2021 1 2103 2 2185 3 2267 4 2349 5 2431 6 2513 2595 8 2677 9 D 9 7J_ P ts. 2 IS 2 (P2) LOGARITHMS N. 53000 L. 724 5300 1 2841 2f 2923 3 3005 4 3086 5 3168 6 3250 7 3332 8 3414 9 3496 B Pro. 7242759 01 3578 3660 3742 3824 3906 3988 4070 4151 4233 4315 82 02 4397 4479 4561 4643 4725 4807 4889 4971 5052 5134 1 8 03 5216 5298 5380 5462 554i 5626 5708 5790 5871 5953 2 16 3 25 4 33 04 6035 6117 6199 6281 6363 6445 6526 6608 6690 6772 03 6854 6936 7018 7099 7181 7263 7345 7427 7509 7591 541 06 7672 7754 7836 7918 8000 8082 8164 8245 8327 8409 6 49 7 67 8 66 07 8491 8573 8655 8736 8818 8900 8982 9064 9146 9227 08 9309 9391 9473 9555 9636 9718 9800 9882 9964 0045 9 74 ■. 09 7250127 0209 0291 0373 0454 0536 0618 0700 0782 0863 5310 0945 1027 1109 1191 1272 1354 1436 151,8 1599 1681 11 1763 1845 1927 2008 2090 2172 2254 2335 2417 2499 12 2581 2662 2744 2826 2908 2989 3071 3153 3235 3316 13 3398 3480 3562 3643 3725 3807 3889 3970 4052 4134 14 4216 4297 4379 4461 4542 4624 4706 4788 4869 4951 15 5033 5114 5196 5278 5360 5441 5523 5605 5686 5768 16 5850 5931 6013 6095 6176 6258 6340 6422 6503 6585 17 6667 6748 6830 6912 6993 7075 7157 7238 7320 7402 18 7483 7565 7647 7728 7810 7892 7973 8055 8137 8218 19 8300 8382 8463 8545 8626 8708 8790 8871 8953 9035 5320 9116 9198 9280 9361 9443 9524 9606 9688 9769 9851 21 9933 0014 0096 0177 0259 0341 0422 0504 0585 0667' 22 7260749 0830 0912 0994 1075 1157 1238 1320 1401 1483 23 1565 1646 1728 1809 1891 1973 2051 2136 2217 2299 24 2380 2462 2544 2625 2707 2788 2870 2951 3033 3115 25 3196 3278 3359 3441 3522 3604 3685 3767 3849 3930 26 4012 4093 4175 4256 4338 44J9 4501 4582 4664 4745 27 4827 4908 4990 5072 5153 5235 5316 5398 5479 5561 28 5642 5724 5805 5887 5968 5598 5678 5758 5838 5918 5998 6078 6158 6238 6318 28 6398 6478 6558 6638 6718 6798 6878 6958 7038 7118 80 29 7198 7278 7358 7438 7518 7598 7678 7758 7838 7918 543», ;.^ 7998 8078 8158 8238 8318 8398 8478 8558 8638 8718 31 8798 8878 8958 9038 9118 9198 9278 9358 9438 9518 32 9598 9678 9758 9837- 9917 9997 0077 0157 0237 0317 33 7350397 0477 0557 0637 0717 0797 0877 0957 1036 1116 34 1196 1276 1356 1436 1516 1596 1676 1756 1836 1916 3^ ^ 1995 2075 2155 2235 2315 2395 2475 2555 2635 2715 2794 2874 2954 3034 3114 3 1 9 ^ 3274 33,34 3434 3513 37 3593 3673 3753 3833 3913 3993 4073 4152 4232 4312 38 4392 41-72 4.552 4632 4711 4791 487 1 4951 5031 5111 39 5191 5270 5350 5430 5510 5590 5670 5749 5829 5909 5440 5989 6069 6149 6228 6308 6388 6468 6548 6628 6707 41 6787 6867 694.7 7027 7107 7186 7266 7346 7426 7506 42 7585 7665 7745 V825 7905 7984 8064 8141. 8224 8304 80 43 8383 8463 ^543 8623 8702 8782 8862 8942 9022 9101 ^\l 44 9181 9261 9341^ '9420 9500 9580 9660 9740 9819 9899 216 45 9979 0059 0138 0218 0298 0378 0457 0537 0617 0697 4 32 46 7360776 0856 0936 1016 1095 1175 1255 1335 1414 1494 5 40 47 1574 1653 1733 1813 1893 1972 2052 2132 2212 229-1 6 7 g 48 56 64 48 237 1 2451 2530 2610 2690 2770 2849 2929 3009 3088 49 3168 3248 1 3327 2 3407 3 3487 4 3567 5 3646 3726 7 3806 8 3885 9 D 9 72 N. I *ts. N. 54500 L.735 OF NUMBERS. (95)\ N. 5450 1 4045 2 4124 3 4204 4 4284 5 4363 6 4443 7 4523 8 4602 .9 4682 D Pro. 7363965 51 4762 4841 4921 5001 5080 5160 5240 5319 5399 5479 80 52 5558 5638 5718 5797 5877 5957 6036 6116 6.196 6276 1 8 53 6355 6435 6514 6594 6671 6753 6833 6912 6992 7072 2 16 3 24 4 32 54 7151 7231 7311 7390 7470 7549 7629 7709 7788 7868 55 7948 8027 8107 8186 8266 8346 8425 8505 8584 8664 5 40 56 8744 8823 8903 8982 9062 9142 9221 9301 9380 9460 6 48 7 56 8 64 51 9540 9619 9699 9778 9858 9937 0017 0097 0176 0256 58 59 7370335 1131 0415 1210 0494 1290 0574 1370 0654 1449 0733 1529 0813 1608 0892 1688 0972 1767 1051 1847 9 72 5460 1926 2006 2086 2165 2245 2324 2404 2483 2563 2642 61 2722 2801 2881 2960 3040 3119 3199 3278 3358 3437 62 3517 3596 3676 3755 3835 3914 3994 4074 4153 4233 63 4312 4392 447 1 4550 4630 4709 4789 4868 4948 5027 64 5107 5186 5266 5345 5425 5504 5584 5663 5743 5822 Q5 5902 5981 6061 6140 6220 6299 6378 6458 6537 6617 QQ 6696 6776 6855 6935 7014 7094< 7173 7252 7332 7411 67 7491 7570 7650 7729 7808 7888 7967 8047 8126 8206 68 8285 8364 8444 8523 8603 8682 8762 8841 8920 9000 69 9079 9159 9238 9317 9397 9476 9556 9635 9714 9794 5470 9873 9953 0032 0111 0191 0270 0350 0429 0508 0588 71 7380667 0747 0826 0905 0985 1064 1143 1223 1302 1382 72 1461 1540 1620 1699 1778 1858 1937 2016 2096 2175 73 2254 2334 2413 2493 2572 2651 2731 2810 2889 2969 74 3048 3127 3207 3286 3365 3445 3524 3603 3683 3762 75 3841 3921 4000 4079 4159 4238 4317 4396 4476 4555 76 4634 4714 4793 4872 4952 5031 5110 5190 5269 5348 77 5427 5507 5586 5665 5745 5824 5903 5982 6062 6141 78 6220 6300 6379 6458 6537 6617 6696 6775 6854 6934 79 7013 7092 7172 7251 7330 7409 7489 7568 7647 7726 5480 7806 7885 7964 8043 8123 8202 8281 8360 8440 8519 81 8598 8677 8756 8836 8915 8994 9073 9153 9232 9311 82 9390 9470 9549 9628 9707 9786 9866 9945 0024 0103 83 7390182 0262 0341 0420 0499 0578 0658 0737 0816 0895 84 0974 1054 1133 1212 1291 1370 1450 1529 1608 1687 85 1766 1845 1925 2004 2083 2162 2241 2321 2400 2479 86 2558 2637 2716 2796 2875 295'^ ^5033 3112 3191 3270 87 3350 3429 350^ 3587 3666 3745 3824 3904 3983 4062 88 4141 4220 4299 4378 4458 4537 4616 4695 4774 4853 89 4932 5011 5091 5170 5249 5328 5407 5486 5565 5644 5490 5723 5803 5882 5961 6040 6119 6198 6277 6356 6435 91 6514 6594 6673 6752 6831 6910 6989 7068 7147 7226 92 7305 7384 7463 7543 7622 7701 7780 7859 7938 8017 79 93 8096 8175 8254 8333 8412 8491 8570 8649 8728 8808 1 8 94 8887 8966 9045 9124 9203 9282 9361 9440 9519 9598 2 16 3 24 95 9677 9756 9835 9914 9993 0072 0151 0230 0309 0388 4 32 96 7400467 0546 0625 0704 0783 0862 0941 1020 1099 1178 79 5 40 97 1257 1336 1415 1494 1573 1652 1731 1810 1889 1968 6 47 7 55 8 63 98 2047 2126 2205 2284 2363 2442 2521 2600 2679 2758 99 N. 2837 2916 r 2995 2 3074 3 3153 4 3232 5 3311 6 3390 3469 8 3548 9 D 9 71 Pts. (96) LOGARITHMS N. 55000 L. 740 N. 5500 1 3706 2 3 3864 4 3943 5 6 4101 7 4180 8 4259 9 4338 D Pro. 7403627 3785 4022 01 4416 4495 4574 4653 4732 4811 4890 4969 5048 5127 79 02 5206 5285 5364 5443 5522 5601 5679 5758 5837 5916 1 8 03 5995 6074 6153 6232 6311 6390 6469 6548 6626 6705 2 16 04 6784 6863 6942 7021 7100 7179 7258 7337 7415 7494 3 24 4 32 05 7573 7652 7731 7810 7889 7968 8047 8125 8204 8283 5 40 06 8362 8441 8520 8599 8678 8756 8835 8914 8993 9072 6 47 7 55 8 63 9 71 07 9151 9230 9308 9387 9466 9545 9624 9703 9782 9860 08 9939 0018 0097 0176 0255 0334 0412 0491 0570 0649 09 7410728 0807 0885 0964 1043 1122 1201 1280 1358 1437 5510 1516 1595 1674 1752 1831 1910 1989 2068 2146 2225 11 2304 2383 2462 2541 2619 2698 2777 2856 2935 3013 12 3092 ^171 3250 3328 3407 3486 3565 3644 3722 3801 13 3880 3959 4037 4116 4195 4274 4353 4431 4510 4589 14 4668 4746 4825 4904 4983 5061 5140 5219 5298 5376 15 5455 5534 5613 5691 5770 5849 5928 6006 6085 6164 16 6243 6321 6400 6479 6557 6636 6715 6794 6872 6951 17 7030 7109 7187 7266 7345 7423 7502 7581 7660 7738 18 7817 7896 7974 8053 8132 8210 8289 8368 8447 8525 19 8604 8683 8761 8840 8919 8997 9076 9155 9233 9312 5520 9391 9469 9548 9627 9705 9784 9863 9941 0020 0099 21 7420177 0256 0335 0413 0492 0571 0649 0728 0807 0885 22 0964 1043 1121 1200 1279 1357 1436 1515 1593 1672 23 1750 1829 1908 1986 2065 2144 2222 2301 2379 2458 24 2537 2615 2694 2773 285 1 2930 3008 3087 3166 3244 25 3323 3401 3480 3559 3637 3713 3794 3873 3952 4030 26 4109 4187 4266 4345 4423 4502 4580 4659 4737 4816 27 4895 4973 5052 5130 5209 5288 5366 5445 5523 5602 28 5680 57.59 5837 5916 5995 6073 6152 6230 6309 6387 29 6466 6544 6623 6702 6780 6859 6937 7016 7094 7173 5530 7251 7330 7408 7487 7565 7644 7722 7801 7880 7958 31 8037 8115 8194 8272 8351 8429 8508 8586 8665 8743 32 8822 8900 8979 9057 9136 9214 9293 9371 9450 9528 33 9607 9685 9764 9842 9921 9999 0078 0156 0235 0313 34 7430392 0470 0549 0627 0705 0784 0862 0941 1019 1098 35 1176 1255 1333 1412 1490 1569 1647 1725 1804 1882 36 1961 2039 2118 2196 2275 2353 2431 2510 2588 2667 37 2745 2824 2902 2981 3059 3137 3216 3294 3373 3451 38 3530 3608 3686 3765 3843 3922 4000 4078 4157 4235 39 4314 4392 4470 4549 4627 4706 4784 4862 4941 5019 5540 5098 5176 5254 5333 5411 5490 5568 5646 5725 5803 41 5882 5960 6038 6117 6195 6273 6352 6430 6508 6587 42 6665 6744 6822 6900 6979 7057 7135 7214 7292 7370 78 43 7449 7527 7605 7684 7762 7841 7919 7997 8076 8154 1 8 44 8232 8311 8389 8467 8546 8624 8702 8781 8859 8937 2 16 45 9016 9094 9172 9250 9329 9407 9485 9564 9642 9720 3 23 4 31 46 9799 9877 9955 0034 0112 0190 0268 0347 0425 0503 5 39 47 7440582 0660 0738 0817 0895 0973 1051 1130 1208 1286 6 47 48 1365 I443| 1521 1599 1678 1756 1834 1912 1991 2069 7 55 B62 f)70 49 N. 2147 2226 2304 1 2382 2460|j 2539 5 2617 6 2695 7 2773 8 2852 .9 i 1 2 1 3 4 II d|i ^ts. N. 55500 L. 744 of numbers. (97)| N. 1 2- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I) Pro. 555C > 744293C > 3008 3O80 3165 3243 3321 3399 3478 355e > 3634 51 37 IS > 3791 386,9 3947 4025 4103 4182 ' 4260 4338 4410 78 52 4495 4573 4651 47 2g 4807 488e 496-1 r 5042 512C ) 5199 1 8 53 5277 5355 5433 5511 5590 5668 57 4e ► 5824 5902 5981 216 54 6059 6137 6215 6293 6372 645C 652c 660(j 6684 676'^ 3 23 431 55 6841 6919 6997 7075 7153 7232 731C 7388 7466 7544 5 39 56 7622 7701 7779 7857 7935 8013 8091 8170 8248 8326 647 7 55 8 62 57 8404 8482 8560 8638 8717 8795 8873 8951 90^9 9107 58 9185 9264 9342 9420 9498 9576 9654 9732 9810 9889 9 70 59 9967 0045 0123 0201 0279 0357 0435 0514 0592 0670 5560 7450748 0826 0904 0982 1060 1138 1217 1295 1373 1451 61 1529 1607 1685 1763 1841 1919 1998 2076 2154 2232 62 2310 2388 2466 2544 2622 2700 2778 2856 2934 3013 63 3091 3169 3247 3325 3403 3481 3559 3637 3715 3793 64 3871 3949 4027 4105 4183 4261 4340 4418 4496 4574 65 4652 4730 4808 4886 4964 5042 5120 5198 5276 5354 66 5432 5510 5588 5666 5744 5822 5900 5978 6056 6134 78 67 6212 6290 6368 6446 6524 6602 6680 6758 6836 6914 68 6992 7070 7148 7226 7304 7382 7460 7538 7616 7694 69 7772 7850 7928 8006 8084 8162 8240 8318 8396 8474 5570 8552 .8630 8708 8786 8864 8942 9020 9098 9176 9254 .- 71 9332 9410 9487 9565 9643 9721 9799 9877 9955 0033 r2 7460111 0189 0267 0345 0423 0501 0579 0657 0735 0813 73 0890 0968 1046 1124 1202 1280 1358 1436 1514 1592 74 1670 1748 1825 1903 1981 2059 2137 2215 2293 2371 75 2449 2527 2605 2682 2760 2838 2916 2994 3072 3150 76 3228 3306 3383 3461 3539 3617 3695 3773 3851 3929 77 4006 4084 4162 4240 4318 4396 4474 4552 4629 4707 78 4785 4863 4941 5019 5097 5174 5252 5330 5408 5486 79 5564 5641 5719 5797 5875 5953 6031 6108 6186 6264 5580 6342 6420 6498 6575 6653 6731 6809 6887 6965 7042 81 7120 7198 7276 7354 7431 7509 7587 7665 7743 7821 82 7898 7976 8054 8132 8210 8287 8365 8443 8521 8598 83 8676 8754 8832 8910 8987 9065 9143 9221 9299 9376 84 9454 9532 9610 9687 9765 9843 9921 9998 0076 0154 85 7470232 0310 0387 0465 0543 0621 0698 0776 0854 0932 86 1009 1087 1165 1243 1320 1398 1476 1554 1631 1709 87 1787 1864 1942 2020 2098 2175 2253 2331 2409 2486 88 2564 2642 2719 2797 2875 2953 3030 3108 3186 3263 89, 3341 3419 3497 3574 3652 3730 3807 3885 3963 i040 5590 4118 4196 4273 4351 4429 4507 4584 4662 4740- 1.817 91 4895 4973 5050 5128 5206 5283 5361 5439 5516. 5594 92 5672 5749 5827 5905 5982 6060 6138 6215 3293 ( )371 77 93 6448 6526 66031 6681 6759 6836 6914 6992 ' 7069^ ^47 1 8 94 7225 7302 7380 7458 7535 7613 7690 7768 ' ^846 '3 ^923 2 15 1 3 23 95 8001 3079 8156 8234 ^311 8389 3467 8544 i 5622 8 1699 431 96 8777 8855 8932 9010 9087 9165 9243 9320 i )398 £ 1475 5 39 97 9553 5631 3708 9786 )863 9941 ( 5019 ( 9096 ( )174C )251 6 46 III- 98 ' r480329 ( H07 ( 3484 ( )562 ( 9639 0717 ( 9794 ( 9872 C )950 1 027 99 1105 1182 1 J 1260 2 1337 3 1415 4 . 1492 5 1570 6 1648 1 725 1 803- 9 9 69 N. 7 8 20 (98) N. 5600 LOGARITHMS N. 56000 L. 748 1 1958 2 2035 3 2113 4 2190 5 2268 6 2346 7 2423 8 2501 9 1 2578 D Pro. 7481880 01 2656 2733 2811 2888 2966 3043 3121 3198 3270 3354 78 02 3431 3509 3586 3664 3741 3819 3896 3974 4051 4129 1 8 03 4206 4284 4361 4439 4516 4594 4671 4749 4826 4904 2 3 4 16 23 31 04 4981 5059 5136 5214 5291 5369 5446 5524* 5601 5079 05 5756 5834 5911 5989 6066 6144 6221 6299 6376 6453 5 39 06 6531 6608 6686 6763 6841 6918 6996 7073 7151 7228 6 7 8 47 55 62 07 7306 7383 7460 7538 7615 7693 7770 7848 7925 8003 08 8080 8157 8235 8312 8390 8467 8545 8622 8700 8777 9 70 09 8854 8932 9009 9087 9164 9242 9319 9396 9474' 9551 5610 9629 9706 9783 9861 9938 0016 0093 0170 0248 0325 11 7490403 0480 0557 0635 0712 0790 0867 0944 1022 1099 12 1177 1254 1331 1409 1486 1564 1641 1718 1796 1873 13 1950 2028 2105 2183 2260 2337 2415 2492 2569 2647 14 2724 2801 2879 2956 3034 3111 3188 3266 3343 3420 15 3498 3575 3652 3730 3807 3884 3962 4039 4116 4194 16 4271 4348 4426 4503 4580 4658 4735 4812 4890 4967 17 5044 5122 5i99 5276 5353 5431 5508 5585 5663 5740 18 5817 5895 5972 6049 6127 6204 6281 6358 6436 6513 19 6590 6668 6745 6822 6899 6977 7054 7131 7209 7286 5620 7363 7440 7518 7595 7672 7750 7827 7904 7981 8059 21 8136 8213 8290 8368 8445 8522 8599 8677 8754 8831 22 8908 8986 9063 9140 9217 9295 9372 9449 9526 9604 23 9681 9758 9833 9913 9990 0067 0144 0221 0299 0376 24 7500453 0530 0608 0685 0762 0839 0916 0994 1071 1148 25 1225 1302 1380 1457 1534 1611 1688 1760 1843 1920 26 1997 2074 2152 2229 2306 2383 2460 2538 2615 2692 27 2769 2846 2924 3001 3078 3155 3232 3309 3387 3404 28 3541 3618 3695 3772 3850 3927 4004 4081 4158 4235 29 4312 4390 4467 4544 4021 4698 4775 4853 4930 5007 5630 5084 5161 5238 5315 5392 5470 5547 5624 5701 5778 31 5855 5932 6010 6087 6164 6241 6318 6395 6472 0549 32 6626 6704 6781 6858 6935 7012 7089 7160 7243 7320 33 7398 7475 7552 7629 7706 7783 7360 7937 8014 8091 34 8168 8246 8323 8400 8477 8554 8631 8708 8785 8802 35 8939 9016 9093 9170 9247 9325 9402 9479 9556 9033 36 9710 9787 9861- 9941 0018 0095 0172 0249 0326 0403 37 7510480 0557 0^34 0711 0789 0866 0943 1020 1097 1174 38 1251 1328 1405 1482 1559 1636 1713 1790 1867 1944 77 39 2021 2098 2175 2252 2329 2406 2483 2560 2637 2714 5640 2791 2868 2945 3022 3099 3176 3253 3330 3407 3484 41 3561 3638 ^115 3792 3869 3946 4023 4100 4177 4254 42 4331 4408 4485 4562 4639 4716 4793 4870 4947 a024 77 43 5101 5177 5254 5331 5408 5435 5562 5639 5716 5793 1 8 44 5870 5947 6024 6101 6178 6255 6332 6409 6486 6563 2 3 4 15 23 31 45 6639 6716 6793 6870 6947 7024 7101 7178 7255 7332 . 46 7409 7486 7563 7639 7716 7793 7870 7947 8024. 8101 5 39^ 47 817S 8255 8332 8409 8485 8562 8639 8716 8793 8870 6 46 %48 8947 9024 9101 9178 9254 9331 9408 9485 9562 9639 7 8 9 54 62 69_ 49 N. 9716 9793 1 9870 2 9946 ~3~ t5023 -4 0100 5 0177 "6" 0254 7 0331 8 0408 9 D P ts. N. 56500 L.752 OF NUMBERS. (99) I\'. 5650 51 52 53 54 55 56 51 58 59 5660 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 5670 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 5680 81 82 84' 85 86 87 88 89 5690 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 N. 7520484 1253 2022 2790 3558 4326 5094 5862 6629 7397 8164 8932 9699 7530466 1232 1999 2766 3532 4298 5065 5831" 6596 7362 8128 8893 9659 7540424 1189 1954 2719 3483 4248 5012 5777 6541 7305 8069 8832 9596 7550359 1123 1886 2649 3412 4175 4937 5700 6462 7224 7987 "o 0561 1330 2098 2867 3635 4403 5171 5939 6706 7474 8241 9008 9775 0542 1309 2076 2842 3609 4375 5141 5907 6673 7439 8204 8970 9735 0500 1265 2030 2795 3560 4324 5089 5853 6617 7381 8145 8909 9672 0436 1199 1962 2725 3488 4251 5014 5776 6538 7301 8063 Q 0638 1407 2175 2944 3712 4480 5248 6015 6783 7550 8318 9085 9852 0619 1386 2152 2919 3685 '4452 5218 5984 6750 7515 8281 9046 9812 0577 1342 2107 2S72 3636 4401 5165 5929 6694 7457 8221 8985 9749 0512 1275 2038 2802 3564 4327 5090 5852 6615 7377 8139 0715 1484 2252 3020 3788 4556 5324 6092 6860 7627 8394 9162 9929 0696 1462 2229 2996 3762 4528 5294 6060 6826 7592 8357 9123 9888 0653 1418 2183 2948 3713 1-477 5242 6006 6770 7534 8298 9061 9825 0588 1352 2115 2878 3641 4403 5166 5929 6691 7453 8215 0792 1560 2329 3097 3865 4633 5401 6169 6936 7704 8471 9238 0005 0772 1539 2306 3072 3839 4605 5371 6137 6903 7668 8434 9199 9965 0730 1495 2260 3025 3789 4554 5318 6082 6846 7610 8374 9138 9901 0665 1428 2191 2954 3717 4480 5242 6005 6767 7529 8291 3 4 i 5 0869 1637 2406 3174 3942 4710 5478 6246 7013 7781 8548 9315 0082 0849 1616 2382 3149 3915 4682 6 0946 1714 2483 3251 4019 4787 5555 6322 7090 7857 8625 9392 0159 0926 1692 2459 3226 3992 4758 5448 5524 6214 6979 7745 8511 9276 0041 0806 1571 2336 3101 3866 4'i30 5394 6159 6923 7687 8450 9214 9978 0741 1504 2267 3030 3793 4556 5319 6081 6843 7606 8368 6290 7056 7822 8587 9353 0118 0883 1648 2413 3178 3942 4707 5471 6235 6999 7763 8527 9290 0054 0817 1581 2344 3107 3870 4632 5395 6157 6920 7682 8444 1023 1791 2559 3328 4096 4864 5631 6399 7167 8 1099 1868 2636 3404 4172 4940 5708 6476 7243 934 8011 8088 8701 9469 0236 1002 1769 2536 3302 4069 4835 5601 6367 7133 7898 8664 9429 0194 0959 1724 2489 3254 4019 4783 5547 6311 7076 7839 8603 9367 0130 0894 1657 2420 3183 3946 4709 5471 6233 6996 7758 8520 1176 1945 2713 3481 4249 5017 5785 6553 7320 8778 9545 0312 1079 1846 2612 3379 4145 4911 5677 6445 7209 7975 8740 9506 0271 1036 1801 2566 3330 4095 4859 5624 6388 7152 7916 8680 9443 0207 0970 1733 2496 3259 4022 4785 5547 6310 7072 7834 8596 7 I 8 8855 9622 0389 1156 1922 2689 3455 4222 4988 5754 6520 7286 8051 8817 9582 0347 1112 1877 2642 3407 4171 4936 5700 6464 7228 7992 8756 9520 0283 1046 1810 2573 3336 4098 4861 5624 6386 7148 7910 8672 D D o n o (100) LOGARITHMS ' ' N, 57000 L. 755 1 N. 5700 1 8825 8901 3 8977 4 9053 5 9130 6 9206 7 8 9358 9 9434 D Pro. 7558749 9282 01 9510 9587 9663 i.>739 9815 9891 9967 0044 0120 0196 77 02 7560272 0348 0424 0501 0577 0653 0729 0805 0881 0958 1 8 03 1034 1110 1186 1262 1338 1414 1491 1567 1643 1719 2 15 3 23 431 04 1795 1871 1947 2024 2100 2176 2252 2328 2404 2480 a5 2556 2633 2709 2785 2861 2937 3013 3089 3165 3242 6 39 06 3318 3394 3470 3546 3622 3698 3774 3850 3927 4003 6 46 7 54 8 62 07 4079 4155 4231 4307 4383 4459 4535 4611 4687 4764 08 4840 4916 4992 5068 5144 5220 5296 5372 5448 5524 9 69 09 5600 5677 5753 5829 5905 5981 6057 6133 6209 6285 5710 6361 6437 6513 6589 QQQ5 6741 6817 6893 6970 7046 11 7122 7198 7274 7350 7426 7502 7578 7654 7730 7806 12 7882 7958 8034 8110 8186 8262 8338 8414 8490 8566 13 8642 8718 8794 8870 8946 9022 9098 9174 9250 9326 14 9402 9478 9554 9630 9706 9782 9858 9934 0010 0086 76 15 7570162 0238 0314 0390 0466 0542 0618 0694 0770 0846 16 0922 0998 1074 1150 1226 1302 1378 1454 1530 1606 17 1682 1758 1834 1910 1986 2062 2138 2214 2290 2366 IS 2442 2517 2593 2669 2745 2821 2897 2973 3049 3125 19 3201 3277 3353 3429 3505 3581 3657 3733 3808 3884 5720 3960 4036 4112 4188 4264 4340 4416 4492 4568 4644 21 4719 4795 4871 4947 5023 5099 5175 5251 5327 5403 22 5479 5554 5630 5706 5782 5858 5934 6010 6086 6162 23 6237 6313 6389 6465 6541 6617 6693 6769 6845 6920 24 6996 7072 7148 7224 7300 7376 7451 7527 7603 7679 25 7755 7831 7907 7982 8058 8134 8210 8286 8362 8438 26 8513 8589 8665 8741 8817 8893 8968 9044 9120 9196 27 9272 9348 9423 9499 9575 9651 9727 9803 9878 9954 28 7580030 0106 0182 0258 0333 0409 0485 0561 0637 0712 29 0788 0864 0940 1016 1091 1167 1243 1319 1395 1470 5730 1546 1622 1698 1774 1849 1925 2001 2077 2153 2228 31 2304 2380 2456 2531 2607 2683 2759 2835 2910 2986 32 3062 3138 3213 3289 3365 3441 3516 3592 3668 3744 33 3819 3895 3971 4047 4122 4198 4274 4350 4425 4501 34 4577 4653 4728 4804 4880 4956 5031 5107 5183 5258 35 5334 5410 5486 5561 5637 5713 5789 5864 5940 6016 3Q 6091 ai67 6243 6319 6394 6470 6546 6621 6697 6773 37 6848 6924 7000 7076 7151 7227 7303 7378 7454 7530 38 7605 7681 7757 7832 7908 7984 8060 8135 8211 8287 39 8362 8438 8514 8589 8665 8741 8816 8892 8968 9043 5740 9119 9195 9270 9346 9422 9497 9573 9649 9724 9800 41 9875 9951 0027 0102 0178 0254 0329 0405 0481 0556 42 7590632 0708 0783 0859 0934 1010 1086 1161 1237 1313 76 43 1388 1464 1539 1615 1691 1766 1842 1917 1993 2069 1 8 44 2144 2220 2296 2371 2447 2522 2598 2674 2749 2825 2 15 3 23 4 30 . 45 2900 2976 3052 3127 3203 3278 3354 3429 3595 3581 46 3Q5Q 3732 3807 3883 3959 4054 4110 4185 4261 4336 5 38 47 4412 4488 4563 4639 4714. 4790 4865 4941 5016 5092 6 46 7 53 8 61 48 5168 5243 5319 5394 5470 5545 5621 5696 5772 5848 49 5923 5999 1 6074 6150 3 6225 4 6301 ~5~ 6376 ~6~ 6452 6527 6603 D 9 68 Pts. N.I ^2 .7 S 9 1 N. 57500 L.759 OF NUMBERS. (101)1 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pro. 5730 75^96678 6754 6830 6905 6981 7056 7132 7207 7283 7358 51 7434 7509 7585 7660 7736 7811 7887 7962 8038 8113 75 52 8189 8264 8340 8415 8491 8566 8642 8717 8793 8868 1 8 53 8944 9019 9095 9170 9246 9321 9397 9472 9548 9623 2 15 3 23 4 3a 54 9699 9774 9850 9925 0000 0076 0151 0227 0302 0378 55 7600453 0529 0604 0680 0755 0831 0906 0981 1057 1132 5 3'8 56 1208 1283 1359 1434 1510 1585 1661 1736 1811 1887 6 45 7 53 8 60 51 19^2 2038 2113 2189 2264 2339 2415 2490 2566 2641 5^ 2717 2792 2867 2943 3018 3094 3169 3245 3320 3395 9 68 59 3471 3546 3622 3697 3772 3848 3923 3999 4074 4149 .' 5760 4225 4300 4376 4451 4526 4602 4677 4753 4828 4903 61 4979 5054 5130 5205 5280 5356 5431 5506 5582 5657 62 5733 5808 5883 5959 6034 6109 6185 6260 6336 6410 63 6486 6562 6637 6712 6788 6863 6938 7014 7089 7164 64 7240 7315 7390 7466 7541 7616 7692 7767 7842 7918 65 7993 8068 8144 8219 8294 8370 8445 8520 8596 8671 66 8746 8822 8897 8972 9048 9123 9198 9274 9349 9424 67 9500 9575 9650 9725 9801 9876 9951 0027 0102 0177 68 7610253 0328 0403 0478 0554 0629 0704 0780 0855 0930 69 1005 1081 1156 1231 1307 1382 1457 1532 1608 1683 5770 1756 1833 1909 1984 2059 2134 221-0 2285 2360 2435 71 2511 2586 2661 2737 2812 2887 2962 3037 3113 3188 72 3263 3338 3414 3489 3564 3639 3715 3790 3865 3940 73 4016 4091 4166 4241 4316 4392^ ^4467 4542 4617 4693 74 4768 4843 4918 4993 5069 5144 5219 5294 5369 5445 75 5520 5595 5670 5745 5821 5896 5971 6046 6121 6197 76 6272 6347 6422 6497 6573 6648 6723 6798 6873 6948 77 7024 7099 7174 7249 7324 7400 7475 7550 7625 7700 78 7775 7851 7926 8001 8076 8151 8226 8301 8377 8452 79 8527 8602 8677 8752 8828 8903 8978 9053 9128 9203 5780 9278 9354 9429 9504 9579 9654 9729 9804 9879 9955 81 7620030 0105 0180 0255 0330 0405 0480 0556 0631 0706 82 0781 0856 0931 1006 1081 1156 1232 1307 1382 1457 83 1532 1607, ^1682 1757 1832 1907 1982 205 S 2133 2208 84 2283 2358 2433 2508 2583 2658 2733 2808 2883 2959 85 3034 3109 3184 3259 3334 3409 3484 3559 3634 3709 86 3784 3859 3934 4009 4085 4160 4235 4310 4385 4460 87 4535 4610 4685 4760 4835 4910 4985 5060 5135 5210 88 5285 5360 5435 5510 5585 5660 5735 5810 58S5 5960 75 89 6035 6111 6186 6261 6336 6411 6486 6561 6636 6711 5790 6786 6861 6936 7011 7086 7161 7236 7311 7386 7461 91 7536 7611 7686 7761 7836 7911 7986 8061 8136 8211 92 8286 8361 8435 8510 8585 8660 8735 8810 8885 8960 74 93 9035 9110 9185 9260 9335 9410 9485 9560 9635 9710 1 7 94 9785 9860 9935 0010 0085 0160 0235 0310 0385 0459 2 15 3 22 4 30 95 7630534 0609 0684 0759 0834 0909 0984 1059 1134 1209 96 1284 1359 1434 1509 1583 1658 1733 1808 1883 1958 5 37 97 2033 2108 2183 2258 2333 2408 2482 2557 2632 2707 6 44 98 2782 2857 2QS^ 3007 3082 3157 3232 3306 3381 345o 7 52 Kq 99 N. 3531 3606 1 3681 .2 375Q 3831 3906 5 3980 6 4055 7 4130 8 4205 9 D 9 67 Pts. 1 3 4 (102) LOGARITHMS N. 58000 L. 763 N. 5800 1 4355 2 3 4505 4 5 4654 6 4729 7 4804 8 4879 9 4954 D l>ro. 7634280 4430 4579 01 5029 5104 5178 5253 5328 5403 5478 5553 5628 5702 75 02 5777 5852 5927 6002 6077 6151 6226 6301 6376 6451 1 8 03 6526 6601 6675 6750 6825 6900 6975 7050 7124 7199 2 3 4 15 23 30 04- 7274 7349 7424 7499 7573 7648 7723 7798 7873 7947 05 8022 8097 8172 8247 8321 8396 8471 8546 8621 8696 5 38 06 8770 8845 8920 8995 9070 9144 9219 9294 9369 9443 6 7 s 45 53 60 07 9518 9593 9668 9743 9817 9892 9967 0042 0117 0191 08 7640266 0341 0416 0490 0565 0640 0715 0789 0864 0939 9 68 09 1014 1089 1163 1238 1313 1388 1462 1537 1612 1687 5810 1761 1836 1911 1986 2060 2135^ 2210 2285 2359 2434 H 2509 2583 2658 2733 2808 2882 2957 3032 -3107 3181 12 3256 3331 3406 3480 3555 3630 3704 3779 3854 3929 13 4003 4078 4153 4227 4302 4377 4451 4526 4601 4676 14- 4750 4825 4900 4974 5049 5124 5198 5273 5348 5425 15 5497 5572 5647 5721 5796 5871 5945 6020 6095 6169 16 6244 6319 6393 6468 6543 6617 6692 6767 6841 6916 17 6991 7065 7140 7215 7289 7364 7439 7513 7588 7663 18 7737 7812 7886 7961 8036 8110 8185 8260 8334 8409 19 8484 8558 8633 8707 8782 8857 8931 9006 9081 9155 5820 9230 9304 9379 9454 9528 9603 9678 9752 9827 9901 21 9976 D051 0125 0200 0274 0349 0424 0498 0573 0647 22 7650722 0797 0871 0946 1020 1095 1170 1244 1319 1393 23 1468 1542 1617 1692 1766 1841 1915 1990 2065 2139 24 2214 2288 2363 2437 2512 2586 2661 2736 2810 2885 25 2959 3034 3108 3183 3258 3332 3407 3481 3556 3630 26 3705 3779 3854 3928 4003 4078 4152 4227 4301 4376 27 4450 4525 4599 4674 4748 4823 4897 4972 5046 5121 . 28 5195 5270 5344 5419 5493 556S 5643 5717 5792 5866 29 5941 6015 6090 6164 6239 6313 6388 6462 6537 6611 5830 6686 6760 6835 6909 6984 7058 7132 7207 7281 7356 31 7430 7505 7579 7654 7728 7803 7877 7952 8026 8101 32 8175 8250 8324 8399 8473 8547 8622 8696 8771 8845 33 8920 8994 9069 9143 9218 9292 9366 9441 9515 9590 34 9664 9739 9813 9888 9962 0036 0111 0185 0260 0334 35 7660409 0483 0557 0632 0706 0781 0855 0930 1004 1078 36 1153 1227 1302 1376 1450 1525 1599 1674 1748 1823 37 1897 1971 2046 2120 2195 2269 2343 2418 2492 2567 3S 2641 2715 2790 2864 2938 3013 3087 3162 3236 3310 39 3385 3459 3534 3608 3682 3757 3831 3905 3980 4054 5840 4128 4203 4277 4352 4426 4500 4575 4649 4723 4798 41 4872 4946 5021 5095 5169 5244 5318 5393 5467 5541 42 5616 5690 5764 5839 5913 5987 6062 6136 6210 6285 74 43 6359 6433 6508 6582 0650 6730 6805 6879 6953 7028 1 7 44 7102 7176 7251 7325 7399 7474 7548 7622 7697 7771 2 3 15 22 45 7845 7919 7994 8068 8142 8217 8291 8365 8440 8514 4 30 46 8583 8662 8737 8811 8885 8960 9034 9108 9182 9257 5 37 47 9331 9405 9479 9554 9628 9702 9777 9851 9925 9999 6 7 8 44 48 7670074 0148 0222 0296 0371 0445 0519 0593 0668 0742 59 49 N. 0816 0890 1 0965 1039 3 1113 4 1187 5 1262 6 1336 7 1410 8 1484 9 D" 9 67 2 P ts. N. 58500 L. 7^7 of numbers. (103) N. 5850 1 1633 2 1707 3 178T 4 1856 5 1930 6 2004 7 2078 8 2153 9 2227 " Pro. 7671559 51 2301 2375 2449 2524 2598 2672 2746 2821 2895 2969 74 52 3043 3117 3192 3266 3340 3414 3488 3563 3637 3711 1 7 53 3785 3859 3934 4008 4082 4156 4230 4305 4379 4453 2 15 3 22 4 30 54 4527 4601 4676 4750 4824 4898 4972 5046 5121 5195 55 5269 5343 5417 5492 5566 5640 5714 5788 5862 5937 5 37 56 6011 6085 6159 6233 6307 6381 6456 6530 6604 6678 6 44 7 52 8 59 57 6752 6826 6901 6975 7049 7123 7197 7271 7345 7420 58 7494 7568 7642 7716 7790 7864 7938 8013 8087 8161 9 67 59 8235 8309 8383 8457 8531 8606 8680 8754 8828 8902 5860 8976 9050 9124 9198 9273 9347 9421 9495 9569 9643 61 9717 9791 9865 9940 U014 0088 0162 0236 0310 0384 62 7680458 0532 0606 0680 0754 0829 0903 0977 1051 1125 63 1199 1273 1347 1421 1495 1569 1643 1717 1791 1866 64. 1940 2014 2088 2162 2236 2310 2384 2458 2532 2606 65 2680 2754 2828 2902 2976 3050 3124 3198 3273 3347 66 3421 3495 3569 3643 3717 3791 3865 3939 4013 4087 67 4161 4235 4309 4383 4457 4531 4605 4679 4753 4827 74 68 4901 4975 5049 5123 5197 5271 5345 5419 5493 5567 69 5641 5715 5789 5863 5937 6011 6085 6159 6233 6307 5870 6381 6455 6529 6603 6677 6751 6825 6899 6973 7047 71 7121 7195 7269 7343 7417 7491 7565 7639 7713 7787 72 7860 7934 8008 8082 8156 8230 8304 8378 8452 8526 73 8600 86^4 8748 8822 8896 8970 90 H 9118 9192 9265 74 9339 9413 9487 9561 9635 9709 9783 9857 9931 0005 75 7690079 0153 0227 0300 0374 0448 0522 0596 0670 0744 76 0818 0892 0966 1040 1114 1187 1261 1335 1409 1483 77 1557 1631 1705 1779 1852 1926 2000 2074 2148 2222 78 2296 2370 2444 2517 2591 2665 2739 2813 2887 2961 79 3035 3108 3182 3256 3330 3404 3478 3552 3626 3699 5880 3773 3847 3921 3995 4069 4143 4216 4290 4364 4438 81 4512 4586 4659 4733 4807 4881 4955 5029 5103 5176 82 5250 5324 5398 5472 5546 5619 5693 5767 5841 5915 83 5988 6062 6136 6210 6284 6358 6431 6505 6579 6653 84 6727 6800 6874 6948 7022 7096 7169 7243 7317 7391 85 7465 7538 7612 7686 7760 7834 7907 7981 80^5 8129 86 8203 8276 8350 8424 8498 8571 8645 8719 8793 8867 87 8940 9014 9088 9162 9235 9309 9383 9457 9530 9604 88 9678 9752 9826 9899 9973 5047 0121 0194 0268 0342 89 7700416 0489 0563 0637 0711 0784 0858 0932 1005 1079 5890 1153 1227 1300 1374 1448 1522 1595 1669 1743 1817 91 1890 1964 2038 2111 2185 2259 2333 2406 2480 2554 92 2627 2701 2775 2849 2922 2996 3070 3143 3217 3291 73 . 93 3364 3438 3512 3585 3659 3733 3807 3880 3954 4028 1 7 94 4101 4175 4249 4322 4396 4470 4543 4617 4691 4764 2 15 3 22 95 4838 4912 4985 5059 5133 5206 5280 5354 5427 5501 4 29 96 5575 5648 5722 5796 5869 5943 6017 6090 6164 6238 5 37 97 6311 6385 6459 6532 6606 6679 6753 6827 6900 6974 6' 44 751 8 58 98 7048 7121 7195 7269 7342 7416 7489 7563 7637 7710 99 N. 7784 7858 1 7931 2 8005 3 8078 4 8152 5 8226 6 8299 7 1 8373 8 8447 9 D 9 66 Pts> (104) LOGARiTPiMs N. .5.9000 L.770 N. 5900 1 8594 2 8667 3 8741 4 ll ^ 8888 6 8962 7 9035 8 9109 9 918*i ID Pro. 7708520 8815 01 9256 9330 9403 9477 9551 9624 9698 9771 9845 9918 74 02 9992 ^066 0139 0213 0286 0360 0434 0507 0581 0654 1 7 03 7710728 0801 0875 0949 1022 1096 1169 1243 1316 1390 2 15 04 1463 1537 1611 1684 1758 1831 1905 1978 2052 2125 3 22 4 30 05 2199 2273 2346 2420 2493 2567 2640 2714 2787 2861 5 37 06 2934 3008 3081 3155 3229 3302 3376 3449 3523 3596 6 44 07 3670 3743 3817 3890 3964 4037 4111 4184 4258 4331 7 52 8 59 9 67 08 4405 4478 4552 4625 4699 4772 4846 4919 4993 5066 09 5140 5213 5287 5360 5434 5507 5581 5654 5728 5801 5910 5875 59458 6022 6095 6169 6242 6316 6389 6463 6536 11 6610 6683 6757 6830 6903 6977 7050 7124 7197 7271 12 7344 7418 7491 7565 7638 7712 7785 7858 7932 8005 13 8079 8152 8226 8299 8373 8446 8519 8593 S666 8740 14 8813 8887 8960 9034 9107 9180 9254 9327 9401 9474 15 9547 9621 9694 9768 9841 991^ 9988 0061 0135 0208 16 7720282 0355 0428 0502 0575 0649 0722 0795 0869 0942 17 1016 1089 1162 1236 1309 1383 1456 1529 1603 1676 18 1750 1823 1896 1970 2043 2117 2190 2263 2337 2410 19 ■ 2483 2557 2630 2704 2777 2850 2924 2997 3070 3144 5920 3217 3290 3364 3437 3510 3584 3657 3731 3804 3877 21 3951 4024 4097 4171 4244 4317 4391 4464 4537 4611 22 4684 4757 4831 4904 4977 5051 5124 5197 5271 5344 23 5417 5491 5564 5637 5711 5784 5857 5931 6004 6077 24 6150 6224 6297 6370 6444 6517 6590 6664 6737 6810 25 6884 6957 7030 7103 7177 7250 7323 7397 7470 7543 26 7616 7690 7763 7836 7910 7983 8056 8129 8203 8276 27 8349 8423 8496 8569 8642 8716 8789 8862 8935 9009 28 9082 9155 9228 9302 9375 9448 9521 9595 9668 9741 29 9815 9888 9961 0034 0107 0181 0254 0327 0400 0474 5930 7730547 0620 0693 0767 0840 0913 0986 1060 1133 1206 31 1279 1352 1426 1499 1572 1645 1719 1792 1865 1938 32 2011 2085 2158 2231 2304 2377 2451 2524 2597 2670 33 2743 2817 2890 2963 3036 3109 3183 3256 3329 3402 34 3475 3549 3622 3695 3768 3841 3915 3988 4061 4134 35 4207 4280 4354 4427 4500 4573 4646 4719 4793 4866 36 4939 5012 5085 5158 5232 5305 5378 5451 5524 5597 37 5670 5744 5817 5890 5963 6036 6109 6183 6256 6329 38 6402 6475 6548 6621 6694 6768 6841 6914 6987 7060 39 7133 7206 7280 7353 7426 7499 7572 7645 7718 7791 5940 7864 7938 8011 8084 8157 8230 8303 8376 8449 8522 41 8596 8669 8742 8815 8888 8961 9034 9107 9180 9253 -. 42 9326 9400 9473 9546 9619 9692 9765 9838 9911 9984 73 43 7740057 0130 0203 0277 0350 0423 0496 0569 0642 0715 1 7 44 0788 0861 0934 1007 1080 1153 1226 1299 1372 1446 2 15 3 22 45 1519 1592 1665 1738 1811 1884 1957 2030 2103 2176 4 29 46 2249 2322 2395 2468 2541 2614 2687 2760 2833 2906 5 37 47 2979 3052 3125 3198 3271 3345 3418 3491 3564 3637 6 44 7 '^l 48 3710 3783 3856 3929 4002 4075 4148 4221 4294 4367 / 1 8 58 49 4440 4513 4586 4659 4732 4805 4878 4951 5024 5097 dJ 9 66 N. 1 2 . s 4 ,5 6 7 8 1 9 1 Pts.j N.59500L. 774 of numbers. (105) N. 1 ^ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pro. 5950 7745170 5243 5316 5389 5462 5535 5608 5681 5754 5827 73 51 5900 5972 6045 6118 6191 6264 6337 6410 6483 6556 73 52 6629 6702 6775 6848 6921 6994 70o7 7140 7213 7286 1 7 53 7359 7432 7505 7578 7651 7724 7797 7869 7942 8015 2 3 4 15 22 29 54 8088 8161 8234 8307 8380 8453 8526 8599 8672 8745 55 8818 8891 8964 9036 9109 9182 9255 9328 9401 9^4 5 37 5^ 9547 •)620 9693 9766 9839 9911 9984 0057 0130 0203 6' 7 g 44 57 7750276 0349 0422 0495 0568 0641 0713 0786 0859 0932 51 58 58 1005 1078 1151 1224 1297 1369 1442 1515 1588 1661 9 66 59 1734 1807 1880 1952 2025 2098 2171 2244 2317 2390 5960 2463 2535 2608 2681 2754 2827 2900 2973 3046 3118 61 3191 3264 3337 3410 3483 3555 3628 3701 3774 3847 62 3920 3993 4065 4138 4211 4284 4357 4430 4502 4575 63 4648 4721 4794 4867 4939 5012 5085 5158 5231 5304 64 5376 5449 5522 5595 5668 5740 5813 5886 5959 '6032 65 6104 6177 6950 6323 6396 6469 6541 6614 6687 6760 66 6832 6905 6978 7051 7124 7196 7269 7342 7415 7488 67 7560 7633 7706 7779 7851 7924 7997 8070 8143 8215 68 8288 8361 8434 8506 8579 8652 8725 8798 8870 8943 60 9016 9089 9161 9234 9307 9380 9452 9525 9598 9671 5970 974-3 9816 9889 9962 0034 0107 0180 0253 0325 0398 71 7760471 0543 0616 0689 0762 0834 0907 0980 1053 1125 72 1198 1271 1343 1416 1489 1562 1634 1707 1780 1852 75 1925 1998 2071 2143 2216 2289 2361 2434 2507 2579 74 2652 2725 2798 2870 2943 3016 3088 3161 3234 3306 75 3379 3452 3524 3597 3670 3743 3815 3888 3961 4033 76 4106 4179 425 1 4324 4397 4469 4542 4615 4-687 4760 77 4833 4905 4978 5051 5123 5196 5269 5341 5414 5486 78 5559 5632 5704 5777 5850 5922 5995 6068 6140 6213 79 6286 6358 6431 6503 6576 6649 6721 6794 6867 6939 5980 7012 7 OS 4 7157 7230 7302 7375 7448 7520 7593 7665 81 7738 7811 7883 7956 8028 8101 8174 8246 8319 8391 82 8464 8537 8609 8682 8754 8827 8900 8972 9045 9117 83 %9190 9263 9335 9408 94S0 9553 9626 9698 9771 9843 84 9916 9988 003 1 0134 0206 0279 0351 0424 0496 0569 85 7770642 0714 0787 0859 0932 1004 1077 1149 1222 1295 86 1367 1440 I5I2 1585 1657 1730 1802 1875 1947 2020 87 2093 2165 2238 2310 2383 2455 2528 2600 2673 2745 88 2818 2890 2963 3035 3108 3181 3253 3326 3398 3471 89 3543 3616 3688 3761 3833 3906 3978 4051 4123 4196 5990 4268 4341 4413 4486 4558 4631 4703 4776 4848 4921 91 4993 5066 5138 5211 5283 5356 5428 5501 5573 5646 92 5718 5791 5863 5935 6008 6080 6153 6225 6298 6370 72 93 6413 6515 6588 6660 6733 6805 6878 6950 7022 7095 1 7 94 7167 7240 7312 7385 7457 7530 1^ 7602 7675 7747 7819 2 3 14 22 95 7892 7964 8037 8109 8182 8^54 8327 8399 8471 8544 4 29 96 8616 8689 8761 8834 8906 8978 9051 9123 9196 9268 5 36 97 9340 9413 9485 9558 9630 9703 9775 9847 9920 9992 6 7 8 43 50 58 98 7780065 0137 0209 0282 0354 0427 0499 0571 0644 0716 99 - ^"789 0861 i 0933 1006 ~3~ 1078 1151 5 1223 1295 7 1368 8 1440 9 ^ 9 65 N. 4 _6_ ^ o P (106') LOGARITHMS N. 60000 L. 77S / N. 6000 1 1585 2 1657 3 1730 4 1802 r 6 1947 7 2019 8 2092 9 2164 1) Pro. 7781513 1874 01 2236 2309 2381 2453 2526 2598 2670 2743 2815 2888 73 02 2960 3032 3105 3177 3249 3322 3394 3466 3539 3611 I 7 03 3683 3756 3828 3900 3973 4045 4117 4190 4262 4335 2 15 3 22 4 29 01. 4407 4479 4552 4624 4696 4768 4841 4913 4985 5058 05 5130 5202 5275 5347 5419 5492 5564 5636 5709 5781 5 37 Ofi 5853 5926 5998 6070 6143 6215 6287 6359 6432 6504 6 44 7 51 8 58 07 6576 6649 6721 6793 6866 6938 7010 7082 7155 7227 08 7299 7372 7444 7516 7588 7661 7733 7805 7877 7950 9 6G Oft 8022 8094 8167 8239 8311 8383 8456 8528 8600 8672 6010 8745 8817 8889 8962 9034 9106 9178 9251 9323 9395 11 9467 9540 9612 9684 9756 9829 9901 9973 0045 0117 12 7790190 0262 0334 0406 0479 0551 0623 0695 0768 0840 13 0912 0984 1056 1129 1201 1273 1345 1418 1490 1562 14 1634 1706 1779 1851 1923 1995 2067 2140 2212 2284 15 2356 2429 2501 2573 2645 2717 2790 2862 2934 3006 16 3078 3150 3223 3295 3367 3439 3511 3584 3656 3728 17 3800 3872 3944 4017 4089 4161 4233 4305 4377 4450 18 4522 4594 4666 4738 4810 4883 4955 5027 5099 5171 19 5243 5316 5388 5460 5532 5604 5676 5748 5821 5893 6020 5965 6037 6109 6181 6253 6326 6398 6470 6542 6614 21 6686 6758 6831 6903 6975 7047 7119 7191 7263 7335 22 7408 7480 7552 7624 7696 7768 7840 7912 7984 8057 28 8129 8201 8273 8345 8417 8489 8561 8633 8705 8778 24 8850 8922 8994 9066 9138 9210 9282 9354 9426 9498 25 9571 9643 9715 9787 9859 9931 (5003 0075 0147 0219 26 7800291 0363 0435 0507 0580 0652 0724 0796 0868 0940 27 1012 1084 1156 1228 1300 1372 1444 1516 1588 1660 28 1732 1804 1877 1949 2021 2093 2165 2237 2309 2381 29 2453 2525 2597 2669 2741 2813 2885 2957 3029 3101 6030 3173 3245 3317 3389 3461 3533 3605 3677 3749 3821 31 3893 3965 4037 4109 4181 4253 4325 4397 4469 4541 72 32 4613 4685 4757 4829 4901 4973 5045 5117 5189 5261 33 5333 5403 5477 5549 5621 5693 5765 5837 5909 5981 34 6053 6125 6197 6269 6341 6413 6485 6557 6629 6701 35 6773 6845 6917 6989 7061 7133 7204 7276 7348 7420 36 7492 7564 7636 7708 7780 7852 7924 7996 8068 SI 40 37 8212 8284 8356 8428 8500 8571 8643 8715 8787 8859 38 8931 9003 9075 9147 9219 9291 9363 9435 9506 9578 39 9650 9722 9794 9866 9938 Uoio 0082 0154 0226 0297 6040 7810369 0441 0513 0585 0657 0729 0801 0873 0945 1016 41 1088 1160 1232 1304 1376 1448 1520 1592 1663 1735 42 1807 1879 1951 2023 2095 2167 2238 2310 2382 2454 72 43 2526 2598 2670 2742 2813 2885 2957 3029 3101 3173 1 7 44 3245 3316 3388 3460 3532 3604 3676 3748 3819 3891 2 14 3 22 45 3963 4035 4107 4179 4250 4322 4394 4466 4538 4610 4 29 46 4681 4753 4825 4897 4969 5041 5112 5184 5256 5328 5 36 643 7 50 8 58 47 5400 5472 5543 ^5615 5687 5759 5831 5902 5974 6046 48 6118 6190 6261 6333 6405 6477 6549 6620 6692 6764 49 N. 6836 6908 1 6979 2 7051 7123 7195 5 7267 6 7338 7 7410 8 7482 D ] 9 65 3 4 II .9 Pts. N.6'0500 L.781 OF numbers. (107) N. 6050 1 7626 2 7697 3 4 7841 5 7913 6 7984 7 8056 8 8128 9 8200 D Pro. 7817554 7769 51 8272 8343 8415 8487 8559 8630 8702 8774 8846 8917 72 52 8989 9061 9133 9204 9276 9348 9420 9491 9563 9635 1 7 53 9707 9778 9850 9922 9994 0065 0137 0209 0281 0352 2 14 3 22 4 29 54 7820424 0496 0568 0639 0711 0783 0855 0926 0998 1070 55 1141 1213 1285 1357 1428 1500 1572 1644 1715 1787 5 36 56 1859 1930 2002 2074 2146 2217 2289 2361 2432 2504 6 43 7 50 8 58 57 2576 2647 2719 2791 2863 2934 3006 3078 3149 3221 58 3293 3364 3436 3508 3579 3651 3723 3794 3866 3938 9 65 59 4010 4081 4153 4225 4296 4368 4440 4511 4583 4655 (5060 4726 4798 4870 4941 5013 5085 5156 5228 5300 5371 61 5443 5514 5586 5658 5729 5801 5873 5944 6016 6088 62 6159 623 1 6303 6374 6446 6518 6589 6661 6732 6804 63 6876 6947 7019 7091 7162 7234 7305 7377 7449 7520 64 7592 7664 7735 7807 7878 7950 8022 8093 8165 8236 65 8308 8380 8451 8523 8594 8666 8738 8809 8881 8952 66 9024 9096 9167 9239 9310 9382 9454 9525 9597 9668 67 9740 9812 9883 9955 0026 0098 0169 0241 0313 0384 68 7830456 0527 0599 0670 0742 0814 0885 0957 1028 1100 69 1171 1243 1314 1386 1458 1529 1601 1672 1744 1815 6070 1887 1958 2030 2102 2173 2245 2316 2388 2459 2531 71 2602 2674 2745 2817 2888 2960 3032 3103 3175 3246 72 3318 3389 3461 3532 3604 3675 3747 3818 3890 3961 73 4033 4104 4176 4247 4319 4390 4462 4533 4605 4676 74 4748 4819 4891 4962 5034 5105 5177 5248 5320 5391 75 5463 5534 5606 5677 5749 5820 5892 5963 6035 6106 76 6178 6249 6321 6392 6464 6535 6606 6678 6749 6821 77 6892 6964 7035 7107 7178 7250 7 321 7393 7464 7536 78 7607 7678 7750 7821 7893 7964 8036 8107 8179 8250 79 8321 8393 8464 8536 8607 8679 8750 8821 8893 8964 6080 9036 9107 9179 9250 9322 9393 9464 9536 9607 9679 81 9750 9821 9893 9964 0036 0107 0179 0250 0321 0393 82 7840464 0536 0607 0678 0750 0821 0893 0964 1035 1107 83 1178 1250 1321 1392 1464 1535 1607 1678 1749 1821 84 18*92 1-963 2035 2106 2178 2249 2320 2392 2463 2534 85 2606 2677 2749 2820 2891 2963 3034 3105 3177 3248 86 3319 3391 3462 3534 3605 3676 3748 3819 3890 3962 87 4033 4104 4170 4247 4318 4390 4461 4532 4604 4675 88 4746 4818 4889 4960 5032 5103 5174 5246 5317 5388 89 5460 5531 5602 5674 5745 5816 5888 5959 6030 6102 6090 6173 6244 6316 '6387 6458 6529 6601 6672 6743 6615 91 6886 6957 7029 7100 7171 7242 7314 7385 7456 7528 92 7599 7670 7742 7813 7884 7955 8027 8098 8169 8241 71 93 8312 8383 8454 8526 8597 8668 8739 8811 8882 8953 1 7 2 14 3 21 94 9024 9096 9167 9238 9310 9381 9452 9523 9595 9666 95 9737 9808 9880 9951 0022 0093 0165 0236 0307 0378 4 28 96 7850450 0521 0592 0663 0735 0806 0877 0948 1019 1091 5 36 6 43 7 50 97 1162 1233 1304 1376 1447 1518 1589 1661 1732 1803 98 ■ 1874 1945 2017 2088 2159 2230 2301 2373 2444 2515 8 57 99 N. 2586 2658 2729 2 2800 3 2871 4 2942 5 3014 6 3085 7 3156 8 3227 9 D 9 64 Pts. 1 o P o (108) LOGARITHMS N.6l00()L.785 N. 1 3370 2 3441 3 3512 4 3583 5 3654 6 7 3797 8 3868 9 3939 D Pro. 6100 7853298 3726 01 4010 4081 4153 4224 4295 4366 4437 4509 4580 4651 72 02 4722 4793 4804 4.) 3 6 5007 5078 5149 5220 5291 5363 I 7 03 5434 5505 5576 5647 5718 5789 5861 5932 6003 6074 2 14 04 6145 6216 6288 6359 6430 6501 6572 6643 6714 6786 3 22 4 29 05 6857 6928 0999 7070 7141 7212 7283 7355 7426 7497 5 36 Oil 7^^68 7639 7710 7731 7852 7924 7995 8066 8137 8208 6 43 7 50 8 58 07 8279 8350 8421 8493 8564 S635 8706 8777 8848 8919 08 8990 i^O'i I 9132 9204 9275 9346 9417 9488 9559 9630 9 65 09 9701 e772 984^ 9915 9986 0057 0128 0199 0270 0341 6110 7860412 0483 0554 0625 0696 0767 0839 .0910 0981 1052 11 1123 1194 1265 133-3 1407 1478 1 549 1620 1691 1762 12 1 833 1905 1976 2047 2118 2189 2260 y.33l 2402 2473 13 25 M< 2615 ■2686 2757 2828 'i899 2970 3041 3112 3183 14 3254 3325 3396 3467 3538 3609 3681 3752 3823 3894 15 3965 4036 4107 4178 4249 4320 4391 4462 4533 4604 71 16 4675 4740 4817 4888 4959 5030 5101 5172 5243 5314 17 5385 5456 5527 5598 5069 5740 5811 5882 5953 6024 18 6095 6166 6237 6308 6379 6150 6521 6592 6663 6734 19 6805 6876 6946 7017 7088 7159 7230 7301 7372 7443 6120 7514 7585 7656 7727 7798 7869 7940 8011 8082 8153 21 8224 8295 8366 8437 8508 8579 8649 8720 8791 8862 22 8933 9004 9075 9146 9217 9288 9359 9430 9501 9572 23 9643 9714 9784 9855 9926 9997 0068 0139 0210 0281 24 7870352 0423 0494 0565 0635 0706 0777 0848 0919 0990 25 1061 1132 1203 1274 •1345 1415 1486 1557 1628 1699 26 1770 1841 1912 1983 2053 2124 2195 2266 2337 2408 27 2479 2550 2621 2691 2762 2833 2904 2975 3046 3117 28 3188 3258 3329 3400 3471 3542 3613 3684 3754 3825 29 3896 3967 4038 4109 4180 4250 4321 4392 4463 4534 6130 4605 4676 4746 4817 4888 4959 5030 5101 5171 5242 31 5313 5384 5455 5526 5596 5667 5738 5809 5880 5951 52 6021 6092 6163 6234 6305 6376 6446 6517 6588 6659 53 6730 6800 6871 6942 7013 7084 7155 7225 7296 7367 34 7438 7509 7579 7650 7721 7792 7863 7933 8004 8075 35 8146 8216 8287 8358 8429 8500 8570 8641 8712 8783 36 8854 S924 8995 9066 9137 9207 9278 9349 9420 9490 37 9561 9632 9703 9774 9844 9915 9986 0057 0127 0198 38 7880269 0340 0410 0481 0552 0623 0693 0764 0835 0906 39 0976 1047 1118 1189 1259 1330 1401 1472 1542 1613 6140 1684 1754 1825 1896 1967 2037 2108 2179 2250 2320 41 23 n 2462 2532 2603 2674 2745 2815 2886 2957 3027 42 3098 3169 3240 3310 3381 3452 3522 3593 3664 3734 71 43 3805 3876 3947 4017 4088 4159 4229 4300 4371 4441 1 7 44 4512 4583 4653 4724 4795 4865 4936 5007 5078 5148 2 14 3 21 45 5219 5290 5360 5431 5502 5572 5643 5714 5784 5855 4 28 4^ 5926 5996 6067 6138 6208 6279 6350 6420 6491 6561 5 36 47 6632 6703 6773 6844 6915 6985 7056 7127 7197 7268 6 43 7 50 8 57 48 7339 7409 7480 7551 7621 7692 7762 7833 7904 7974 49 N. 8045 8116 1 8186 2 8257 3 8327 4 8398 5 8469 ~6~ 8539 7 8610 8 8681 9 T) 9 64 Pts. N. 61 500 L. 788 of numbers. iU)9)\ N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pro. (5150 7888751 8822 8892 8965 9034 9104 9175 9245 9316 9387 51 9457 9528 9598 9669 9740 9810 9881 9951 0022 0093 71 52 7890163 0234 0304 0375 0446 0516 0587 0657 0728 0799 1 7 53 0869 0940 1010 1081 1151 1222 1293 1363 1434 1504 2 14 3 21 4 28 54 1575 1645 1716 1787 1857 1928 1998 2069 2139 2210 55 2281 2351 2422 2492 2563 2633 2704 2774 2845 2916 6 36 56 2986 3057 3127 3198 3268 3339 3409 3480 3550 3621 6 43 7 50 8 57 51 3092 3762 3833 3903 3974 4044 4115 4185 4256 4326 58 4397 4467 4538 4608 4679 4749 4820 4890 4961 5032 9 64 59 5102 5173 5243 5314 5384 5455 5525 5596 5666 5737 6160 5807 5878 5948 6019 6089 6160 6230 6301 6371 6442 61 6512 6583 6653 u724 6794 6865 6935 7005 7076 7146 62 7217 7287 7358 7428 7499 7569 7640 7710 7781 7851 63 7922 7992 8063 8133 8204 8274 8344 8415 8485 8556 64. 8626 8697 8767 8838 8908 8979 9049 9119 9190 9260 65 9331 9401 9472 9542 9613 9683 9758 9824 9894 9965 66 7900035 0106 0176 0247 0317 0387 0458 0528 0599 0669 67 0739 0810 0880 0951 1021 1092 1162 1232 1303 1373 68 1444 1514 1584 1655 1725 1796 1866 1936 2007 2077 69 2148 2218 2288 2359 2429 2500 2570 2640 2711 2781 6170 2852 2922 2992 3063 3133 3204 3274 3344 3415 3485 71 3555 3626 3696 3767 3837 3907 3978 4048 4118 4189 72 4259 4330 4400 4470 4541 4611 4681 4752 4822 4892 73 4963 5033 5103 5174 5244 5315 5385 5455 5526 5596 74 5666 5737 5807 5877 5948 6018 6088 6159 6229 6299 75 6370 6440 6510 6581 6651 6721 6792 6S62 6932 7003 76 7073 7143 7214 7284 7354 7424 7495 7565 7635 7706 77 7776 7846 7917 7987 8057 8128 8198 8268 8338 8409. 78 8479 8549 8620 8690 8760 8831 8901 8971 9041 9112 79 9182 9252 9323 9393 9463 9533 9604 9674 9744 9814 6180 9885 9955 0025 0096 0166 0236 0306 0377 0447 0517 81 7910587 0658 0728 0798 0868 0939 1009 1079 1150 1220 82 1290 1360 1431 1501 1571 1641 1711 1782 1852 1922 83 1992 2063 2133 2203 2273 2344 2414 2484 2554 2625 84 2695 2765 2835 2905 2976 3046 3116 3186 3257 3327 85 3397 3467 3537 3608 3678 3748 3818 3889 3959 4029 ; 86 4099 4169 4240 4310 4380 4450 4520 4591 4661 4731 : 87 4801 4871 4942 5012 5082 5152 5222 5292 5363 5433 88 5503 5573 5643 5714 5784 5854 5924 5994 6064 6135 89 6205 6275 6345 6415 6486 6556 6626 6696 6766 6836 6190 6906 6977 7047 7117 7187 7257 7327 7398 7468 7538 91 7608 7678 7748 7818 7889 7959 8029 8099 8169 8239 \ ' 92 8309 8380 8450 8520 8590 8660 8730 8800 8871 8941 70 93 9011 9081 9151 9221 9291 9361 9432 9502 9572 9642 ol4 94 9712 9782 9852 9922 9992 0063 0133 0203 0273 0343 2 '^ 3^1 95 7920413 0483 0553 0623 0694 0764 0834 0904 0974 1044 4 28 96 1114 1184 1254 1324 1394 1465 1535 1605 1675 1745 5 35 6 42 7 49 8 56 97 1815 1885 1955 2025 2095 2165 2235 2306 2376 2446 98 2516 2586 2656 2726 2796 2866 2936 3006 3076 3146 99 :N. 3216 3286 1 3356 3427 3497 4 3567 ~5~ 3637 6 3707 3777 3847 IT D 9 63 Pts. 2 ~r 7 8 (110) LOGARITHMS N. 62000 L. 792 N. 6200 1 3987 2 4057 3 4127 4 5 4267 6 4337 7 4407 8 4477 9 4547 D Pro. 7923917 4197 01 4617 4687 4757 4827 4897 4967 5038 5108 5178 5248 71 02 5318 5388 5458 5528 5598 5668 5738 5808 5878 5948 1 7 03 6018 6088 6158 6228 6298 6368 6438 6508 6578 6648 70 2 14 04 6718 678S 6858 6928 6998 7068 7138 7208 7278 7348 3 4 21 28 05 7418 7488 7558 7628 7698 7768 7838 7908 7978 8048 6 36 06 8118 8188 8258 8328 8398 8468 8538 8608 8678 8747 6 43 07 8817 8887 8957 9027 9097 9167 9237 9307 9377 9447 7 Q 50 57 64 08 9517 9587 9657 9727 9797 9867 9937 0007 0077 0147 o 9 09 7930217 0287 0356 0426 0496 0566 0636 0706 0776 0846 6210 0916 0986 1056 1126 1196 1266 1336 1406 1475 1545 11 1615 1685 1755 1825 1895 1965 2035 2105 2175 2245 12 2314 2384 2454 2524 2594 2664 2734 2804 2874 2944 15 3014 3083 3153 3223 3293 3363 3433 3503 3573 3643 14 3712 3782 3852 3922 3992 4062 4132 4202 4272 4341 15 4411 4481 4551 4621 4691 4761 4831 4900 4970 5040 16 5110 5180 5250 5320 5390 5459 5529 5599 5669 5739 17 5809 5879 5948 6018 6088 6158 6228 6298 6367 6437 18 6507 6577 6647 6717 6787 6856 6926 6996 7066 7136 19 7206 7275 7345 7415 7485 75.^5 7625 7694 7764 7834 6220 7904 7974 8043 8113 8183 8253 8323 8393 8462 8532 21 8602 8672 8742 8811 8881 8951 9021 9091 9160 9230 22 9300 9370 9440 9509 9579 9649 9719 9789 9858 9928 23 9998 n068 0138 0207 0277 0347 0417 0487 0556 0626 24 7940696 0766 0835 0905 0975 1045 1114 1184 1254 1324 25 1394 1463 1533 1603 ■1673 1742 1812 1882 1952 2021 26 2091 2161 2231 2300 2370 2440 2510 2579 2649 2719 27 2789 2858 2928 2998 3068 3137 3207 3277 3347 3416 28 3486 3556 3626 3695 3765 3835 3904 3974 4044 4114 29 4183 4253 4323 4392 4462 4532 4602 4671 4741 4811 6230 4880 4950 5020 5090 5159 5229 5299 5368 5438 5508 31 5578 5647 5717 5787 5856 5926 5996 6065 6135 6205 32 6274 6344 6414 6484 6553 6623 6693 6762 6832 6902 33 6971 7041 7111 7180 7250 7320 7389 7459 7529 7598 34 7668 7738 7807 7877 7947 8016 8086 8156 8225 8295 S5 8365 8434 8504 8574 8643 8713 8782 8852 8922 8991 36 9061 9131 9200 9270 9340 9409 9479 9549 9618 9688 57 9757 9827 9897 9966 0036 0106 0175 0245 0314 0384 38 7950454 0523 0593 0663 0732 0802 0871 0941 1011 1080 39 1150 1219 1289 1359 1428 1498 1567 1637 1707 1776 6240 1846 1915 1985 2055 2124 2194 2263 2333 2403 2472 41 2542 2611 2681 2751 2820 2890 2959 3029 3098 3168 42 3238 3307 3377 3446 3516 3586 3655 3725 3794 3864 70 43 3933 4003 4072 4142 4212 4281 4351 4420 4490 4559 1| 7 44 4629 4698 4768 4838 4907 4977 5046 5116 5185 5255 2,14 321 45 5324 5394 5464 5533 5603 5672 5742 5811 5881 5950 4;28 46 6020 6089 6159 6228 6298 6367 6437 6506 6576 6646 535 47 6715 6785 6854 6924 6993 7063 7132 7202 7271 7341 6 42 7 49 48 7410 7480 7549 7619 7688 7758 7827 7897 7966 8036 8 56 49 8105 8175 1 8244 2 8314 3 8383 4 8453 5 8522 6 8592 7 8661 8 8731 9 1) 9 63 Pts. N. 6^500 L.795 OF .NUMBERS. (Ill) N. 6250 1 887C 2 8939 3 9009 4 9078 5 9148 6 9217 7 9287 1' 9356 9 9426 1) Pro. 7958800 51 9495 9564 ^ 9634 9703 9773 9842 9912 9981 0051 0120 70 52 796019G 0259 0329 0398 0468 0537 0606 0676 0745 0815 1 7 53 0884 0954 . 1023 1093 1162 1232 1301 1370 1440 1509 2 14 321 4 28 54 1579 1648 1718 1787 1857 1926 1995 2065 2134 2204 55 2273 2343 2412 2481 2551 2620 2690 2759 2829 2898 5 35 56 2967 3037 3106 3176 3245 3314 3384 3453 3523 3592 6 42 7 49 8 56 57 3662 3731 3800 3870 3939 4009 4078 4147 4217 4286 58 4356 4425 4494 4564 4633 4703 4772 4841 4911 4980 9 63 59 5050 5119 5188 5258 5327 5396 5466 5535 5605 5674 6260 5743 5813 5882 5951 6021 6090 6160 6229 6298 6368 61 6437 6506 6576 6645 6714 6784 6853 6923 6992 7061 62 7131 7200 7269 7339 7408 7477 7547 7616 7685 7755 63 7824 7893 7963 8032 8101 8171 8240 8309 8379 8448 64 8517 8587 8656 8725 8795 8864 8933 9003 9072 9141 65 9211 9280 9349 9419 9488 9557 9627 9696 9765 9835 66 9904 9973 S043 0112 0181 0250 0320 0389 0458 0528 67 7970597 0666 0736 0805 0874 0943 1013 1082 1151 1221 68 1290 1359 1428 1498 1567 1636 1706 1775 1844 1913 69 1983 2052 2121 2191 2260 2329 2398 2468 2537 2606 6270 2675 2745 2814 2883 2952 3022 3091 3160 3229 3299 71 3368 3437 3507 3576 3645 3714 3784 3853 3922 3991 72 4060 4130 4199 4268 4337 4407 4476 4545 4614 4684 73 4753 4822 4891 4961 5030 5099 5168 5237 5307 5376 74 5445 5514 5584 5653 5722 5791 5860 5930 5999 6068 75 6137 6207 6276 6345 6414 64S3 6553 6622 6691 6760 76 6829 6899 6968 7037 7106 7175 7245 7314 7383 7452 77 7.521 7590 7660 7729 7798 7867 7936 8006 8075 8144 78 8213 8282 8351 8421 8490 8559 8628 8697 8766 8836 79 8905 8974 9043 9112 9181 9251 9320 9389 9458 9527 6280 9596 9666 9735 9804 9873 9942 0011 0080 0150 0219 81 7980288 0357 0426 0495 0565 0634 0703 0772 0841 0910 82 0979 1048 1118 1187 1256 1325 1394 1463 1532 1601 83 1671 1740 1809 1878 1947 2016 2085 2154 2224 2293 84 2362 2431 2500 2569 2638 2707 2776 2846 2915 2984 85 3053 3122 3191 3260 3329 3398 3467 3536 3606 3675 86 3744 3813 3882 3951 4020 4089 4158 4227 4296 4366 87 4435 4504 4573 4642 4711 4780 4849 4918 4987 5056 88 5125 5194 5263 5333 5402 5471 5540 5609 5678 5747 89 5816 5885 5954 6023 6092 6161 6230 6299 6368 6437 6290 6506 6575 6645 6714 6783 6852 6921 6990 7059 7128 91 7197 7266 7335 7404 7473 7542 7611 7680 7749 7818 92 7887 7956 8025 8094 8163 8232 8301 8370 8439 8508 69 93 8577 8646 8715 8784 8853 8922 8991 9060 9129 9198 1 7 94 9267 9336 9405 9474 9543 9612 9681 9750 9819 9888 69 2 14 321 95 9957 5026 0095 0164 0233 0302 0371 0440 3509 0578 4 28 96 7990647 0716 0785 0854 0923 0992 1061 1130 1199 126,8 5 35 '97 1337 1406 1475 1544 1613 1682 1751 1820 1889 1958 641 7 48 8 55 98 2027 2096 2164 2233 2302 2371 2440 2509 i 2578 2647 99 N. 2716 2785 1 2854 2 2923 3 2992 4 3061 5 3130 6 3199 . 3268 . 3337 .9 9 62 ~Y" 8 T> Pts. (112) LOGARITHMS N. 63000 L. 799\ N. 1 3474 3543 3 3612 4 3681 5 3750 6 3819 7 3888 8 3957 9 4026 D Pro. 6300 7993405 01 4095 4164 4233 4302 4370 4439 4508 4577 4646 4715 69 02 4784 4853 4922 4991 5060 5129 5197 5266 5335 5404 1 7 03 5473 5542 5611 5680 5749 5818 5886 5955 6024 6093 2 14 04 6162 6231 6300 6369 6438 6506 6575 6644 6713 6782 3 4 21 28 05 6851 6920 6989 7058 7126 7195 7264 7333 7402 7471 5 35 06 7540 7609 7677' 7746 7815 7884 7953 8022 8091 8159 6 7 g 41 48 55 07 8228 8297 8366 8435 8504 8573* 8641 8710 8779 8848 08 8917 8986 9055 9123 9192 9261 9330 9399 9468 9536 9 6'2 09 9605 9674 9743 9812 9881 9949 0018 0087 0156 0225 6310 8000294 0362 0431 0500 0569 0638 0707 0775 0844 0913 11 0982 1051 1119 1188 1257 1326 1395 1463 1532 1601 12 1670 1739 1808 1876 1945 2014 2083 2152 2220 2289 13 2358 2427 2495 2564 2633 2702 2771 2839 2908 2977 14 3046 3115 3183 3252 3321 3390 3458 3527 3596 3665 15 3734 3802 3871 3940 4009 4077 4146 4215 4284 4352 16 4421 4490 4559 4627 4696 4765 4834 4903 4971 5040 17 5109 5178 5246 5315 5384 5453 5521 5590 5659 5727 18 5796 5865 5934 6002 6071 6140 6209 6277 6346 6415 19 6484 6552 6621 6690 6758 6827 6896 6965 7033 7102 6320 7171 7239 7308 7377 7446 7514 7583 7652 7720 7789 21 7858 7927 7995 8064 8133 8201 8270 8339 8408 8476 22 8545 8614 8682 8751 8820 8388 8957 9026 9094 9163 23 9232 9301 9369 9438 9507 9575 9644 9713 9781 9850 24 9919 9987 0056 0125 0193 0262 0331 0399 0468 0537 25 80106c!5 0674 0743 0811 0880 0949 1017 1086 1155 1223 26 1292 1361 1429 1498 1566 1635 1704 1772 1841 1910 27 1978 2047 2116 2184 2253 2322 2390 2459 2527 2596 28 2665 2733 2802 2871 2939 3008 3076 3145 3214 3282 29 3351 3420 3488 3557 3625 3694 3763 3831 3900 3968 6330 4037 4106 4174 4243 4312 4380 4449 4517 4586 4655 31 4723 4792 4860 4929 4998 5066 5135 5203 5272 5340 32 5409 5478 5546 5615 5683 5752 5821 5889 5958 6026 33 6095 6163 6232 6301 6369 6438 6506 6575 6643 6712 34 6781 6849 6918 6986 7055 7123 7192 7261 7329 7398 35 7466 7535 7603 7672 7740 7809 7878 7946 8015 8083 36 8152 8220 8289 8357 8426 8494 8563 8631 8700 8769 37 8837 8906 8974 9043 9111 9180 9248 9317 9385 9454 38 9522 9591 9659 9728 9796 9865 9933 0002 0070 0139 39 8020208 0276 0345 0413 0482 0550 0619 0687 0756 0824 6340 0893 0961 1030 1098 1167 1235 1304 1372 1441 1509 41 1578 1646 1715 1783 1851 1920 1988 2057 2125 2194 42 2262 2331 2399 2468 2536 2605 2673 2742 2810 2879 68 43 2947 3016 3084 3153 3221 3289 3358 3426 3495 3563 1 7 44 3632 3700 3769 3837 3906 3974 4042 4111 4179 4248 2 3 4 14 20 27 45 4316 4385 4453 4522 4590 4658 4727 4795 4864 4932 46 5001 5069 5138 5206 5274 5343 5411 5480 5548 5617 5 34 47 5685 5753 5822 5890 5959 6027 6096 6164 6232 6301 6 7 g 48 6369 6438 6506 6574 6643 6711 6780 6848 6916 6985 48 49 N. 7053 7122 7190 2 7258 7327 7395 7464 6". 7532 7^ 7600 8 7669 9 D 961 1 3 4 5 I 'ts.1 N.635L.802 OF NUMBERS. (U3)| N. 6350 1 780Ci 3 7874 3 7942 4 8011 5 8079 6 8148 7 8216 8 8284 9 8353 1) Pro. 8027737 51 8421 8490 8558 SQ2t) 8695 8763 8831 8900 8968 9037 69 52 9105 9173 9242 9310 9378 9447 9515 9583 9652 9720 1 7 53 9789 9857 9925 9994 0062 0130 0199 0267 0335 0404 2 14 321 4 28 54 8030472 0540 0609 0677 0745 0814 0882 0951 1019 1087 55 1156 1224 1292 1361 1429 1497 1566 1634 1702 1771 5 35 \ 5Q 1839 1907 1976 2044 21 12 2181 2249 2317 2385 2454 6 41 7 48 8 55 ' 57 2522 2590 2659 2727 2795 2864 2932 3000 3069 3137 i 58 3205 3274 3342 3410 3478 3547 3615 3683 3752 3820 9 62 1 59 3888 3957 4025 4093 4161 4230 4298 4366 4435 4503 6360 4571 4639 4708 4776 4844 4913 4981 5049 5117 5186 61 5254 5322 5391 5459 5527 5595 5664 5732 5800 5868 62 5937 (.1005 6073 6141 6210 6278 6346 6414 6483 6551 63 6619 6087 0756 6824 6892 6960 7029 7097 7165 7233 64 7302 7370 7438 7506 7575 7643 7711 7779 78i8 7916 65 7984 8052 8121 8189 8257 8325 8393 8462 8530 8598 66 8666 8735 8803 8871 8939 9007 9076 9144 9212 9280 67 9348 9417 9485 9553 9621 9690 9758 9826 9894 9962 68 804003 1 0099 0167 0235 0303 0372 0440 0508 0576 0644 ': 69 0712 0781 0849 0917 0985 1053 1122 1190 1258 1326 6370 1394 1463 1531 1599 1667 1735 1803 1872 1940 2008 71 2076 2144 2212 2281 2349 2417 2485 2553 2621 2690 72 2758 2826 2894 2962 3030 3098 3167 3235 3303 3371 73 3439 3507 3575 3^44 3712 3780 3848 3916 3984 4052 74 4121 4189 4257 4325 4393 4461 4529 4597 4666 4734 75 4802 4870 4938 5006 5074 5143 5211 5279 5347, 5415 76 5483 5551 5619 5687 5756 5824 5892 5960 6028r )6096 77 6.164 6232 6300 6368 6437 6505 6573 6641 6709 6777 78 6845 6913 6981 7049 7118 7186 7254 7322 7390 7458 79 7526 7594 7662 7730 7798 7866 7934 8003 8071 8139 6380 8207 8275 8343 8411 8479 8547 8615 8683 8751 8819 81 8887 8956 9024 9092 9160 9228 9296 9364 9432 9500 82 9568 9636 9704 9772 9840 9908 9976 0044 0112 0180 83 8050248 0316 0385 0453 0521 0589 0657 0725 0793 0861 84 0929 0997 1065 1133 1201 1269 1337 1405 1473 1541 85 1609 1677 1745 1813 1881 1949 2017 2085 2153 2221 86 2289 2357 2425 2493 2561 2629 2697 2765 2833 2901 68 87 2969 3037 3105 3173 3241 3309 3377 3445 3513 358! 88 3649 3717 3785 3853 3921 3980 4057 4125 4193 426 1 89 4329 4397 4465 4533 4601 4869 4737 4805 4873 4941 6390 5009 5077 5145 5212 5280 5348 5416 5484 5552 5620 91 5688 5756 5824 5892 5960 6028 60 J 6 6164 6232 6300 «.- 92 6368 6436 6504 6571 6639 6707 6775 6843 6911 6979 68 93 7047 7115 7163 7251 7319 7387 7455 7523 7590 7658 1 7 94 7726 7794 7862 7930 7998 8066 8134 8202 8270 8338 2 14 3 20 95 8405 8473 854] 8609 8677 8745 8813 8881 8949 9017 4 27 96 9085 9152 9220 9288 9356 9424 9492 9560 9628 9696 5 34 97 9764' 9831 9899 9967 0035 0103 0171 0239 0307 0374 6 41 7 48 8 54 98 8060442 0510 0578 0646 0714 0782 0850 0917 0985 1053 99 N. 1121 1189 1 1257 2 1325 s 1393 4 1460 5 1528 1596 7 1664 8 1732 ~9~ 9 61 T) ■ Pts. 20. (114) LOGARITHMS N.640L. 806' N. 6400 1 1868 :2! 1935 3 2003 4 2071 5 2139 6 2207 7 2275 8 2343 _9 2410 D Pro. 8061800 01 2478 2546 2614 2682 2750 2817 2885 2953 3021 3089 68 02 3157 3225 3292 3360 3428 3496 3564 3632 3099 3767 1 7 03 3835 3903 3971 4038 4106 4174 4242 4310 4378 4445 2 3 4 14 20 27 04 4513 4581 4649 4717 4784 4852 4920 4988 5056 5124 05 5191 5259 5327 5395 5463 5530 5598 5666 5734 5802 5 34 06 5869 5937 6005 6073 6141 6208 6276 6344 6412 6479 6 7 8 41 48 o4 07 6547 6615 6683 6751 681^ '6886 6954 7022 7089 7157 08 7225 7293 7361 7428 7496 7564 7632 7699 7767 7835 9 b'l 09 7903 7970 8038 8106 8174 8242 8309 8377 8445 8513 6410 8580 8648 8716 8784 8851 8919 8987 9055 9122 9190 11 9258 9326 9393 9461 9529 9596 9664 9732 9800 9867 12 9935 0003 0071 0138 0206 0274 0342 0409 0477 0545 13 8070612 0680 0748 0816 0883 0951 1019 1086 1154 1222 14 1290 1357 1425 1493 1560 1628 1696 1764 1831 1 899 15 1967 2034 2102 2170 2237 2305 2373 2440 2508 2576 16 2644 2711 2779 2847 2914 2982 3050 3117 3185 3253 17 3320 3388 3456 3523 3591 3659 3726 3794 3862 3929 IS 5997 4065 4132 4200 4268 4335 4403 4471 4538 4606 19 4674 4741 4S09 4877 4944 5012 5080 5147 5215 5283 6420 5350 5418 5486 5553 5621 5689 5756 5824 5891 5959 21 6027 6094 6162 6230 6297 6365 6432 6500 6568 6635 22 6703 6771 6838 6906 6974 7041 7109 7176 7244 7312 23 7379 7447 7514 7582 7650 7717 7785 7853 7920 7988 24 8055 8123 8191 8258 8326 8393 8461 8529 8596 8664 25 8731 8799 8867 8934 9002 9069 9137 9204 9272 9340 26 9407 9475 9542 9610 9678 9745 9813 9880 9948 0015 27 8080083 0151 0218 0286 0353 0421 0488 0556 0624 0691 28 0759 0826 0894 0961 1029 1096 1164 1232 1299 1367 29 1434 1502 1569 1637 1704 1772 1840 1907 1975 2042 6430 2110 2177 2245 2312 2380 2447 2515 2582 2650 2718 31 2785 2853 2920 2988 3055 3123 3190 3258 3325 3393 32 3460 3528 3595 3663 3730 3798 3865 3933 4000 4008 53 4136 4203 4271 4338 4406 4473 4541 4G08 4676 4743 34 4811 4878 4946 5013 5081 5148 5216 5283 5351 5418 35 5486 5553 5620 5688 5755 5823 5890 5958 6025 6093 36 6160 6228 6295 6363 6430 6498 6565 6633 6700 6768 37 6835 6903 6970 7037 7105 7172 7240 7307 7375 7442 38 7510 7577 7645 7712 7780 7847 ,7914 7982 8049 8117 39 8184 8252 8319 8387 8454 8521 8589 8656 8724 8791 6440 8859 8926 8994 9061 9128 9196 9263 "9331 9398 9466 41 9533 9600 9668 9735 9803 9870 9938 0005 0072 0140 42 8090207 0275 0342 0409 0477 0544 0612 0679 0747 0814 67 43 0881 0949 1016 1084 1151 1218 1286 1353 1421 1488 1 7 44 1555 1623 1690 1757 1825 1892 1960 2027 2094 2162 2 3 13 20 45 2229 2297 2364 2431 2499 2566 2634 2701 2768 2836 4 27 46 2903 2970 3038 3105 3173 3240 3307 3375 3442 3509 5 6 7 34 47 3577 3644 371 1 3779 3846 3914 3981 4048 4116 4183 40 47 48 4250 4318 4385 4452 4520 4587 4654 4722 4789 4856 8 54 49 N. 4924 4991 1 5058 5126 3 5193 4 5260 5 5328 6 5395 7 5462 8 5530 9 D 9 GO P ts. N. 645 L. 809 OF numbers. (11^)1 N. 64-50 1 5661. 2 5732 3 5799 4 5866 5 5934 6 6001 7 6068 8 6136 9 6203 D Pro. 8095597 51 6270 6338 6405 6472 6540 6607 6674 6742 6809 6876 6S 52 6944 7011 7078 7146 7213 7 280 7347 7415 7482 7549 1 7 53 7617 7684 7751 7819 7886 7953 8020 8088 8155 8222 2 14 3 20 4 27 54 8290 8357 8424 8491 8559 8626 8693 8761 8828 8895 55 8962 9030 9097 9164 9232 9299 9366 9433 9501 9568 5 34 56 9635 9702 9770 9837 9904 9972 0039 0106 0173 0241 6 41 7 48 8 54 57 8100308 0375 0442 0510 0577 0644 0711 0779 0846 0913 58 0980 1048 1115 1182 1249 1317 1384 1451" 1518 1586 961 59 1653 1720 1787 1855 1922 1989 2056 2123 2191 2258 6460 2325 2392 ^460 2527 2594 2661 2729 2796 2863 2930 61 2997 3065 3132 3199 3266 3333 3401 3468 3535 3602 62 3670 3737 3804 3871 3938 4006 4073 4140 4207 4274 63 4342 4409 4476 4543 4610 4678 4745 4812 4879 4946 64 5013 5081 5148 5215 5282 5349 5417 5484 5551 5618 05 5685 5752 5820 5887 5954 6021 6088 6156 6223 6290 66 6357 6424 6491 6558 6626 6693 6760 6827 6894 6961 61 7029 7096 7163 7230 7297 7364 7432 7499 7566 7633 68 7700 7767 7834 7902 7969 8036 8103 8170 8237 8304 69 8372 8439 8506 8573 8640 8707 8774 8841 8909 8976 6470 9043 9110 9177 9244 9311 9378 9446 9513 9580 9647 71 9714 9781 9848 9915 9982 0050 0117 0184 0251 0318 72 8110385 0452 0519 0586 0653 0721 0788 0855 0922 0989 73 1056 1123 1190 1257 1324 1392 1459 1526 1593 1660 74 1727 1794 1861 1928 1995 2062 2129 2197 2264 2331 75 2398 2465 2532 2599 2666 2733 2800 2867 2934 3001 76 3068 3135 3203 3270 3337 3404 3471 3538 3605 3672 77 3739 3806 3873 3940 4007 4074 4141 4208 4275 4342 78 4409 4476 4544 4611 4678 4745 4812 4879 4946 5013 79 5080 5147 5214 5281 5348 5415 5482 5549 5616 5683 6480 5750 5817 5884 5Q51 6018 6085 6152 6219 6286 6353 67 81 6420 6487 6554 6621 6688 6755 6822 6889 6956 7023 82 7090 7157 7224 7291 7358 7425 7492 7559 7626 7693 83 7760 7827 7894 7961 8028 8095 8162 8229 8296 8363 84 8430 8497 8564 8631 8698 8765 8832 8899 8966 9033 85 9100 9167 9234 9301 9368 9435 9502 9569 9636 9702 86 9769 9836 9903 9970 0037 0104 0171 0238 0305 0372 87 8120439 0506 0573 0640 0707 0774 0841 0908 0975 1041 88 1108 1175 1242 1309 1376 1443 1510 1577 1644 1711 89 1778 1845 1912 1979 2045 2112 2179 2246 2313 2380 6490 2447 2514 2581- 2648 2715 2782 2848 2915 2982 3049 91 3116 3183 3250 3317 3384 3451 3518 3584 3651 3718 92 3785 3852 3919 3986 4053 4120 4186 4253 4320 4387 67 93 4454 4521 '4588 4655 4722 4788 4855 4922 4989 5056 1 7 94 5123 5190 5257 5323 5390 5457 5524 5591 5658 5725 2 13 3 20 95 5792 5858 5925 5992 6059 6126 6193 6260 6326 6393 4 27 96 6460 6527 6594 6661 6728 6794 6861 6928 6995 7062 5 34 , 97 7 129 7196 7262 7329 7396 7463 7530 7597 7663 7730 6 40 7 47 8 54 98 7797 7864 7931 7998 8064 8131 8198 8265 8332 8399 99 N. 8465 8532 1 8599 2 866*'5 3 8733 4 8799 8866 5 6 8933 7 9000 8 9067 9 Dji 9 60 Pts. 20.^ (11C>) LOGARITHMS N.650L.^12 N. 0500 1 2 9267 3 9334 4 9401 5 9468 () 9534 7 9601 8 9668 9 D Pro. 8129134 9200 9735 01 9802 9868 9935 0D02 0069 0136 0202 0269 0336 0403 67 02 8130470 0536 0603 0670 0737 0804 0870 0937 1004 1071 1 7 03 1138 1204- 1271 1338 1405 1471 15S8 1605 1672 1739 2 13 3 20 4 27 04 1805 1872 1939 2006 2072 2139 2206 2273 2339 2406 05 • 2473 2540 2607 2673 2740 2807 2874 2940 3007 3074 6 34 06 3141 3207 3274 3341 3408 3474 3541 3608 3675 3741 6 40 7 47 8 54 07 3808 3875 3942 4008 4075 4142 4209 4275 4342 4409 08 4475 4542 4609 4676 4742 4809 4876 4943 5009 5076 9 60 09 5143 5209 5276 5343 5410 5476 5543 5610 5676 5743 6510 5810 5877 5943 6010 6077 6143 6210 6277 6344 6410 11 6477 6544 6610 6677 6744 6810 6877 6944 7011 7077 12 7144 72 M 7277 7344 7411 7477 7544 7611 7677 7744 13 7811 7877 7944 8011 8077 8144 8211 8278 8344 8411 14 8478 8544 8611 8678 8744 8811 8878 8944 9011 9078 15 9144 9211 9278 9344 9411 9477 9544 9611 9677 9744 16 9811 9877 9944 0011 0077 0144 0211 0277 0344 0411 17 8140477 0544 0610 0677 0744 0810 0877 0944 1010 1077 18 1144 1210 1277 1343 1410 1477 1543 1610 1677 1743 19 1810 1876 1943 2010 2076 2143 2210 2276 2343 2409 6520 2476 2543 2609 2676 2742 2809 2876 2942 3009 3075 21 3142 3209 3275 3342 3408 3475 3542 3608 3675 3741 22 3808 3875 3941 4008 4074 4141 4207 4274 4341 4407 23 4474 4540 4607 4674 4740 4807 4873 4940 5006 5073 24 5140 5206 5273 5339 5406 5472 5539 5605 5672 5759 25 5805 5872 5938 6005 6071 6138 6204 6271 6338 6404 26 6471 6537 6604 6670 6737 6803 6870 6937 7003 7070 27 7136 7203 7269 7336 7402 7469 7535 7602 7668 7735 28 7801 7868 7935 8001 8068 8134 8201 8267 8334 8400 29 8467 8533 8600 8666 8733 8799 8866 8932 8999 9065 6530 9132 9198 9265 9331 9398 9464 9531 9597 9664 9730 31 9797 9863 9930 9996 0063 0129 0196 0262 0329 0395 32 8150462 0528 0595 0661 0728 0794 0861 0927 0994 1060 ■ 33 1127 1193 1260 1326 1392 1459 1525 1592 1658 1725 34 1791 1858 1924 1991 2057 2124 2190 2257 2323 2389 35 2456 2522 2589 2655 2722 2788 2855 2921 2988 3054 36 3120 3187 3253 3320 3386 3453 3519 3586 3652 3718 37 3785 3851 3918 3984 4051 4117 4183 4250 4316 4383 38 4449 4516 4582 4648 4715 4781 4848 4914 4981 5047 39 5113 5180 5246 5313 5379 5445 5512 5578 5645 5711 6540 5777 5844 5910 5977 6043 6109 6176 6242 6309 6375 41 6441 6508 6574 6641 6707 6773 6840 6906 6973 7039 42 7105 7172 7238 7305 7371 7437 7504 7570 7636 7703 66 43 7769 7836 7902 7968 8035 8101 8167 8234 8300 8367 1 7 44 8433 8499 8566 8632 8698 8765 8831 8897 8964 9030 2 13 3 20 45 9097 9163 9229 9296 9362 9428 9495 9561 9627 9694 4 26 46 9760 9826 9893 9959 0025 0092 0158 0224 0291 0357 5 33 640 7 46 "47 8160423 0490 0556 0622 0689 0755 0821 0888 0954 1020 48 1087 1153 1219 1286 1352 1418 1485 1551 1617 1684 / -iO 8 53 49 N. 1750 1816 1 1883 2 1949 2015 2081 2148 2214 7 2280 8 2347 9 9 59 3 4 5 6 D ■ Pts. N.0"o5 L.816 OF NUMBERS. ( 1] n) N. 6550 1 2479 2 2546 3 4 5 2745 6' 2811 7 2877 8 2943 9 3010 D Pro. 8162413 2612 2678 51 3076 3142 3209 3275 3341 3407 3474 3540 3606 3673 66 1 52 3739 3805 3871 3938 4004 4070 4137 4^203 4269 4335 1 7 53 4402 4468 4534 4600 4667 4733 4799 4866 4932 4998 2 13 54 5064 5J3i 5197 5263 5329 5396 5462 5528 5594 5661 3 4 20 26 55 5727 5793 5859 5926 5992 6058 6121- 6191 6257 6323 ^3 56 6389 6456 6522 658S 6654 6721 6787 6853 6919 6986 6 7 g 40 46 y3 57 7052 7118 7184 7251 7317 7383 7449 7515 7582 764S 58 7714 7780 7847 7913 7979 8045 8111 8178 8244 8310 9 59 59 8376 8443 8509 8575 8641 8707 8774 8840 8906 8972 6560 9038 9105 9171 9237 9303 9369 9436 9502 9568 9634 1 61 9700 9767 9833 9899 9965 0031 0098 0164 0230 0296 62 8170362 0428 0495 0561 0627 0693 0759 0826 0892 0958 63 1024 1090 1156 1223 1289 1355 1421 1487 1553 1620 64 1686 1752 1818 1884 1950 2017 2083 2149 2215 2281 65 2347 2413 2480 2546 2612 2678 2744 2810 2876 2943 66 3009 3075 3141 3207 3273 3339 3406 3472 3538 3604 67 3670 3736 3802 3869 3935 4001 4067 4133 4199 4265 68 4331 4398 4464 4530 4596 4662 4728 4794 4860 4927 69 4993 5059 5125 5191 5257 5323 5389 5455 5521 5588 6570 565.4 5720 5786 5852 5918 5984 6050 6116 6182 6249 71 6315 6381 6447 6513 6579 6645 6711 6777 6843 6909 72 6976 7042 7108 7174 7240 7306 7372 7438 7504 7570 73 7636 7702 7768 7835 7901 7967 8033 8099 8165 8231 74 8297 8363 8429 8495 8561 8627 8693 8759 8825 8892 75 8958 9024 9090 9156 9222 9288 9354 9420 9486 9552 76 9618 9684 9750 9816 9882 9948 0014 0080 0146 0212 77 8180278 0344 0410 0477 0543 0609 0675 0741 0807 0873 78 0939 1005 1071 1137 1203 1269 1335 1401 1467 1533 66 79 1599 1665 1731 1797 1863 1929 1995 2061 2127 2193 6580 2259 2325 2391 2457 2523 2589 2655 2721 2787 2853 81 2919 2985 3051 3117 3183 3249 3315 3381 3447 3513 82 3579 3645 3711 3777 3843 3909 3975 4041 4107 4173 83 4239 4305 4370 4436 4502 4568 4634 4700 4766 4832 84 4898 4964 5030 5096 5162 5228 5294 5360 5426 5492 85 5558 5624 5690 5756 5822 5888 5953 6019 6085 6151 86 6217 6283 6349 6415 6481 6547 6613 6679 6745 6811 87 6877 6943 7008 7074 7140 7206 7272 7338 7404 7470 88 7536 7602 7668 7734 7800 7866 7931 7997 8063 8129 89 8195 8261 8327 8393 8459 8525 8591 8656 8722 8788 6590 8854 8920 8986 9052 9118 9184 9250 9315 9381 9447 91 9513 9579 9645 9711 9777 9843 9908 9974 0040 0106 92 8190172 0238 0304 0370 0436 0501 0567 0633 0699 0765 65 93 0831 0897 0962 1028 1094 1160 1226 1292 1358 1424 1 7 94 1489 1555 1621 1687 1753 1819 1885 1950 2016 2082 2 3 13 20 95 2148 2214 2280 2,346 2411 2477 2543 2609 2675 2741 4 26 96 2806 2872 2938 3004 3070 3136 3202 3267 3333 3399 5 33 97 3465 3531 3597 3662 3728 3794 3860 3926 3991 4057 6 7 8 39 46 98 4123 4189 4255 4321 4386 4452 4518 4584 4650 4715 to 52 99 4781 4847 4913 4979 5045 5110 5176 5242 5308 5374 9 69 NT 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 D Pts. (118) LOGAiirrHMs N.66Y) L. 819 N. 6600 1 5505 o 557 1 3 5637 4 , 5703 5 5768 6 5834 7 5i)00 8 5966 9 6032 1) Pro. 8195439 01 6097 6163 6229 6295 6360 6426 6492 6558 6624 6689 60 02 6755 6821 6887 6953 7018 7084 7150 7216 7281 7347 1 7 03 7413 7479 7545 7610 7676 7742 7808 7873 7939 8005 2 13 04 8071 8136 8202 8268 8334 8399 8465 8531 8597 8662 3 4 20 26 05 8728 8794 8860 8925 8991 9057 9123 9I8S 9254 9320 6 33 06 9386 9451 9517 9583 9649 9714 9780 9846 9912 9977 6 40 07 8200043 0109 0175 0240 0306 0372 0437 0.503 0569 0635 7 8 9 46 53 n9 08 0700 0766 0832 0898 0963 1029 1095 1160 1226 1292 09 1358 1 423 1489 1555 1620 1686 1752 I§17 1883 1949 6610 2015 2080 2146 2212 2277 2343 2409 2474 2540 2606 11 2672 2737 2803 2869 2934 3000 3066 3131 3197 3263 12 3328 3394 3460 3525 3591 3657 3723 3788 3854 3920 13 3985 4051 4117 4182 4248 4314 4379 4445 4511 4576 14 4642 4708 4773 4839 4905 4970 5036 5102 5167 5233 15 5298 5364 5430 5495 5561 5627 5692 5758 5824 5889 16 5955 6021 6086 6152 6218 6283 6349 6414 6480 6546 17 6611 6677 6743 6808 6874 6939 7005 7071 7136 7202 18 ' 7268 7333 7399 7464 7530 7596 7661 7727 7793 7858 19 7924 7989 8055 8121 8186 8252 8317 8383 8449 8514 6620 8580 8645 8711 8777 8842 8908 8973 9039 9105 9170 21 9236 9301 9367 9433 9498 9564 9329 9695 9761 9826 22 9892 9957 0023 0089 0154 0220 0285 0351 0416 0482 23 8210548 061S 0679 0744 0810 0875 0941 1007 1072 1138 24 1203 1269 1334 1400 1465 1531 1597 1662 1728 1793 25 1859 1924 1990 2055 2121 2187 2252 2318 2383 2449 26 2514 2580 2645 2711 2776 2842 2908 2973 3039 3104 27 3170 3235 3301 3366 3432 3497 3563 3628 3694 3759 28 3825 3891 3956 4022 1087 4153 4218 •4284 4349 4415 29 4480 4546 4611 4677 4742 4808 4873 4939 5004 5070 6630 5135 5201 5266 5332 5397 5463 5528 5594 5659 5725 31 5790 5856 5921 5987 6052 6118 6183 6249 6314 6380 32 6445 6511 6576 6642 6707 6773 6838 6904 6969 7034 33 7100 7165 7231 7296 7362 7427 7493 7558 7624 7689 34 7755 7820 7886 7951 8017 8082 8147 8213 8278 8344 35 8409 8475 8540 8606 8671 8737 8802 8867 8933 8998 36 9064 9129 9195 9260 9326 9391 9456 9522 9587 9653 37 9718 9784 9849 9914 9980 0045 0111 0176 0242 0307 38 8220372 0438 0503 0569 0634 0700 0765 0830 0896 0961 39 1027 1092 1158 1223 1288 1354 14H) 1485 1550 1615 6640 1681 1746 1812 1877 1942 2008 2073 2139 2204 2269 41 2335 2400 2466 2531 2596 2662 2727 2793 2858 2923 42 2989 3054 3119 3185 3250 3316 3381 3446 3512 3577 65 43 3643 3708 3773 3839 3904 3969 4035 4100 4166 4231 V 7 44 4296 4362 4427 4492 4558 4623 4688 4754 4819 4884 2 3 13 20 45 4950 5015 5081 5146 5211 5277 5342 5407 5473 5538 4 26 46 5603 5669 5734 5799 5865 5930 5995 6061 6126 6191 5 6 7 33 39 46 47 6257 6322 6387 6453 6518 6583 6649 6714 6779 6845 48 6910 6975 7041 7106 7171 7237 7302 7367 7433 7498 8 52 49 N. 7563 7629 7694 2 7759 3 7825 7890 5 7955 8021 8086 8 8151 9 D 9 59 1 4 6 7 1 »ts. N. 665 L.822 OF NUMBERS. (119) N. 66.50 1 8282 2 8347 s 8412 4 8478 5 8543 6 8608 7 8674 8 8739 9 8804 D Pro. 822S216 51 8869 m35 9000 9065 9131 9196 9261 9327 9392 9457 65 52 9522 9588 9653 9718 9784 9849 9914 9979 D045 0110 1 7 53 8230175 0241 0306 0371 0436 0502 0567 0632 0697 0763 2 13 3 20 4 26 54 0828 0893 0958 1024 1089 1154 1220 1285 1350 1415 53 1481 1546 1611 1676 1742 1807 1872 1937 2003 2068 5 33 56 2133 2198 2264 2329 2394 2459 2525 2590 2655 2720 6 39 7 46 8 52 57 2786 2851 2916 2981 3047 3112 3177 3242 3307 3373 53 59 3438 4090 3503 4155 3568 4221. 3634 4286 3699 4351 3764 4416 3829 4481 3894 4547 3960 4612 4025 4677 9 59 6660 4742 4808 4873 4938 5003 5068 5134 5199 5264 5329 61 5^94 5460 5525 5590 5655 5720 5786 5851 5916 5981 62 6046 6111 6177 6242 6307 6372 6437 6503 6568 6633 63 6698 13763 6828 6894 6959 7024 7089 715l 7220 7285 64 7350 7415 7480 7545 7611 7676 7741 7806 7871 7936 65 8002 8067 8132 8197 8262 8327 8392 8458 8523 8588 66 8653 8718 8783 8849 8914 8979 9044 9109 9174 9239 61 9305 9370 9435 9500 9565 9630 9695 9761 9826 9891 68 9956 0021 0086 0151 0216 02&2 0347 0412 0477 0542 69 8240607 0672 0737 0803 0868 0933 0998 1063 1128 1193 6670 1258 1323 1389 1454 1519 1584 1649 1714 1779 1844 71 1909 1975 2040 2105 2170 2235 2300 2365 2430 2495 72 2560 2625 2691 2756 2821 2886 2951 3016 3081 3146 73 3211 3276 3341 3406 3472 3537 3602 3667 3732 3797 74 3862 3927 39^ 4057 4122 41S7 4252 4318 4383 4448 75 45 1 3 4578 4643 4708 4773 4838 4903 4968 5033 5098 76 5163 5228 5293 5358 5423 5489 5554 5619 5684 5749 77 5814 5879 5944 6009 6074 6139 6204 6269 6334 6399 78 6464 6529 6594 6659 6724 6789 6854 6919 6984 7049. 79 7114 7179 7244 7310 7375 7440 7505 7570 7635 7700 6680 7765 7830 7895 7960 8025 8090 8155 8220 8285 8350 65 81 8415 8480 8545 8610 8675 8740 8805 8870 8935 9000 82 9065 9130 9195 9260 9325 9390 9455 9520 9585 9650 83 9715 9780 9845 9910 9975 0040 0105 0169 0234 0299 84 8250364 0429 0494 0559 0624 0689 0754 0819 0884 0949 85 1014 1079 1144 1209 1274 1339 1404 1469 1534 1599 86 1664 1729 1794 1859 1924 1988 2053 2118 2183 2248 87 2313 2378 2443 2508 2573 2638 2703 2768 2833 2898 88 2963 3028 3093 3157 3222 3287 3352 3417 3482 3547 89 3312 3677 3742 3807 3872 3937 4002 4066 4131 4196 6690 4261 4326 4391 4456 4521 4586 4651 4716 4780 4845 9] 4)10 4975 5040 5105 5170 5235 5300 5365 5430 5494 92 5559 5624 5689 5754 5819 5884 5949 6014 6078 6143 64 93 6208 6273 6338 6403 6468 6533 6598 6662 6727 6792 1 6 94 6857 6922 6987 7052"^ 7117 7181 7246 7311 7376 7441 2 13 3 19 95 7506 7571 7636 7700 7765 7830 7895 7960 8025 8090 4 26 96 8154 8219 8284 8349 8414 8479 8544 8608 8673 8738 5 32 97 8803 8868 8933 8998 9062 9127 9192 9257 9322 9387 6 38 7 45 8 51 98 9451 9516 9581 9646 9711 9776 9840 9905 9970 0035 99 N. 8260100 0165 1 0229 Q 0294 3 0359 4 0424 6 0489 6 0554 r 0618 8 0683 9 D 9 58 Pts. . " (120) LOGARITHMS N.67OL. 826" N. 6700 1 OS I 3 2 3 4 1007 5 1072 6 1137 7 8 9 1331 D Pro. 8260748 0878 0942 1202 1207 01 1396 1461 1526 1591 1055 1720 1785 1850 1915 1979 65 02 2044 2109 2174 2239 2303 2368 2433 2498 2503 2027 1 7 03 2692 2757 2822 2887 2951 3016 3081 3146 3210 3275 2 13 3 20 4 26 04 3340 3405 3470 3534 3599 3664 3729 3794 3858 3923 05 3988 4053 4117 4182 4247 4312 4376 4441 4500 4571 5 33 06 4635 4700 4765 4830 4895 4959 5024 5089 5154 5218 6 39 7 46 8 52 07 5283 5348 5413 5177 5542 5607 5672 5730 5801 5866 08 5931 .^995 6060 6125 6190 6254 6319 6384 0448 6513 9 59 09 6578 6643 6707 0772 6837 6902 6966 7031 7090 7160 6710 7225 7290 7355 7419 7484 7549 7614 7678 7743 7808 11 7872 7937 8v-)02 8067 8131 8196 8201 8325 8390 8455 12 8519 8584 8649 8714 8778 8843 8908 8972 9037 9102 13 9166 9231 9296 9361 9425 9490 9555 9619 9084 9749 14 9813 9878 9943 5007 0072 0137 0201 0266 0331 0395 15 8270460 0525 0590 0654 0719 0784 0848 0913 0978 1042 16 1107 1172 1236 1301 1366 1430 1495 1560 1024 1089 17 1753 1818 1883 1947 2012 2077 2141 2206 2271 2335 64 18 2400 2465 2529 2594 2659 2723 2788 2852 2917 2982 19 3046 3111 3176 3240 3303 3370 3434 3499 3563 3628 6720 3693 3757 3822 3887 3951 4016 4080 4145 4210 4274 21 4339 4404 4v68 4533 4597 4662 4727 4791 4856 4920 22 4985 5050 5114 5179 5244 5308 5373 5437 5502 5567 23 5631 5696 5760 5825 5889 5954 6019 6083 6148 6212 24 6277 6342 6406 6471 6535 6600 6665 6729 6794 6858 25 6923 6987 7052 7117 7181 7246 7310 7375 7439 7504 26 7569 7633 7698 7762 7827 7891 7956 8021 8085 8150 27 8214 8279 8343 8408 8473 8537 8602 8666 8731 8795 28 8860 8924 8989 9053 9118 9183 9247 9312 9370 9441 29 9505 9570 9634 9699 9763 9828 9893 9957 0022 0086 6730 8280151 0215 0280 0344 0409 0473 0538 0602 0007 0731 31 0796 0860 0925 0989 1054 1119 1183 1248 1312 1377 32 1441 1506 1570 1635 1699 1764 1828 1893 1957 2022 33 2086 2151 2215 2280 2344 2409 24.73 2538 2602 2667 34 2731 2796 2860 2925 2989 3054 3118 3183 3247 3312 35 3376 3440 3505 3569 3634 3698 3763 3827 3892 3956 36 4021 4085 4150 4^>I4 4279 4343 4408 4472 4537 4601 37 4605 4730 4794 4859 4923 4988 50:32 5117 5181 5246 38 5310 5375 5439 5503 5568 5632 5697 5701 5826 5890 39 5955 6019 6083 6148 6212 6277 6341 0400 6470 6535 6740 6599 666.3 6728 6792 6857 6921 6980 7050 7114 7179 41 7243 7308 7372 7437 7501 7565 7630 7694 7759 7823 42 7887 7952 8016 8081 8145 8210 8274 8338 8403 8467 64 43 8532 8596 8660 8725 8789 8854 8918 8982 9047 9111 1 6 44 9176 9240 9304 9369 9433 9498 9562 9626 9691 9755 2 13 3 19 45 9820 9884 9948 0013 0077 0141 0206 0270 0335 0399 4 26 46 8290463 0528 0592 0656 0721 0785 0850 0914 0978 1043 5 32 6 38 7 45 8 51 47 1107 1171 1236 1300 1365 1429 1493 1558 1622 1686 48 1751 1815 1879 1944 2008 2073 2137 2201 2266 2330 49 _N. 2394 2459 2523 2 2587 3 2652 4 2716 5 2780 6 2845 7 2909 8 2973 D 9 58 Pts. 1 N.675L.829 oi.- numbers. (121)| N. 6750 1 3T02 2 J166 3 3231 4 3295 5 3359 6 3424 7 8 9 3552 3617 D Pro. 8293038 3488 51 3681 3745 3810 3874 3938 4003 4067 4131 4196 4260 64 52 4324 4389 4453 4517 4582 4646 4710 4775 4839 4903 1 6 53 4967 5032 5096 5160 5225 5289 5353 5418 5482 5546 2 13 54 5611 5675 5739 5803 5868 5932 5996 6061 6125 6189 3 19 4 26 55 6254 6318 6382 6446 6511 6575 6639 6704 6768 6832 5 32 56 6896 6961 7025 7089 7154 7218 7282 7346 7411 7475 6 38 51 7539 7603 7668 7732 7796 7861 7925 7989 8053 8118 7 45 8 51 58 8182 8246 8310 8375 8439 8503 8567 8632 8696 8760 9 58 59 8824 8889 8953 9017 9081 9146 9210 9274 9338 9403 6760 9467 9531 9595 9660 9724 9788 9852 9917 9981 0045 61 8300109 0174 0238 0302 0366 013 1 0495 0559 0623 0687 62 0752 0816 0880 0944 1009 1073 1137 1201 1265 1330 63 1394 1458 1522 1587 1651 1715 1779 1843 1908 1972 64 2036 2100 2164 2229 2293 2357 2421 2485 2550 2614 65 2678 2742 2806 2871 2935 2999 3063 3127 3192 3256 66 - 3320 3384 3448 3512 3577 3641 3705 3769 3833 3898 67 3962 4026 4090 4154 4218 4283 4347 4411 4475 4539 68 4604 4668 4732 4796 4860 4924 4988 5053 5117 5181 69 5245 5309 5373 5438 5502 55QQ 5630 5694 5758 5823 6770 5887 5951 6015 6079 6143 6207 6272 6336 6400 6464 71 6528 6592 m5Q 6721 6785 6849 6913 6977 7041 7105 • 72 7169 7234 7298 7362 7426 7490 7554 7618 7683 7747 73 7811 7'875 7939 800 ,'i 8067 8131 8195 8260 8324 8388. 74 8452 8516 8580 8644 8708 8772 8837 8901 8965 9029 75 9093 9157 9221 9285 9349 9413 9478 9542 9606 9670 76 9734 9798 9862 9926 9990 0054 0119 0183 0247 0311 77 8310375 0439 0503 0567 0631 0695 0759 0823 0887 0952 78 1016 1080 1144 1208 1272 1336 1400 1464 1528 1592 79 1656 1720 1784 1849 1913 1977 2041 2105 2169 2233 6780 2297 2361 2425 2489 2553 2617 2681 2745 2809 2873 81 2937 3001 3066 3130 3194 3258 3322 3386 3450 3514 82 3578 3642 3706 3770 3834 3898 3962 4026 4090 4154 83 4218 4282 4346 4410 4474 4538 4602 4066 4730 4794 84 4858 4922 4986 50,30 5114 5178 5242 5306 5371 5435 64 85 5499 5563 5627 5691 5755 5819 5883 5947 6011 6075 86 6139 6203 6267 633 1 6395 6459 6523 6587 6651 0715 87 6778 6842 6906 6970 7034 7098 7162 7226 7290 7354 88 7418 7482 7546 7610 7674 7738 7802 7866 7930 7994 89 8058 8122 8186 8250 8314 8378 8442 8506 8570 8634 6790 8098 8762 8826 8890 8954 9018 9081 9145 9209 9273 91 9337 9401 9465 9529 9593 9657 9721 9785 9849 9913 92 9977 0041 0105 0169 0233 0296 0360 0424 0488 0552 Q3 93 8320616 0680 0744 0808 0872 0936 1000 1064 1128 1192 1|6 94 1255 1319 1383 1447 1511 1575 1639 1703 1767 1831 2 13 3 19 95 1895 1958 2022 2086 2150 2214 2278 2342 2406 2470 4 25 96 2534 2598 2662 2725 2789 2853 2917 2981 3045 3109 5 32 97 317: ; 3237 3300 3364 3428 3492 3556 3620 3684 3748 6 38 7 44 8 50 98 381^ I 3875 3939 4003 4067 4131 4195 4259 4323 4387 99 445C )4514 4578 2 4642 3 4706 4770 5 4834 4898 7 4961 5025 9 D 9 57 Pts. N. 1 4 6 8 (122) LOGARITHMS N.680L.832J N. 0800 1 5153 2 5217 3 5281 4 5345 5 5408 6 5472 7 553Q 8 5600 9 5064 D Fro. 8325089 01 5728 5792 5855 5919 5983 0047 6II1 6175 6239 6302 64 02 6306 6430 6494 0558 0022 0086 0749 6813 6877 0941 1 6 03 7005 7069 7132 7190 720O 7324 7388 7452 7515 7579 2 13 04 7043 7707 7771 7835 7898 7962 8026 8090 8154 8217 3 4 19 26 05 8281 8345 8409 8473 8537 8600 8664 8728 8792 8856 5 32 06 8919 8983 9047 9111 9175 9238 9302 9366 9430 9494 6 7 g 38 45 07 9558 9621 9685 9749 9813 9877 9940 0004 0008 0132 08 8330195 0259 0323 0387 0451 0514 0578 0642 0700 0770 9 58 09 0833 OS97 0961 1025 1088 1152 1210 1280 1344 1407 6810 1471 1535 1599 1602 1720 1790 1854 1918 1981 2045 11 2109 2173 2236 2300 2364 2428 2491 2555 2019 2683 12 2746 2810 2874 2938 3001 3005 3129 3193 3250 3320 13 3384 3448 3511 3575 3639 3703 3760 3830 3894 3958 14 4021 4085 4149 4212 4276 4340 4404 4407 4531 4595 15 4659 47 2^? 4786 4850 4913 4977 5041 5105 5168 5232 16 5296 5360 5423 5487 5551 5014 5078 5742 5800 5869 17 5933 5997 6060 0124 0188 0251 63]5 6379 0443 0500 18 6570 6634 6697 0761 6825 6888 6952 7016 7080 7143 19 7207 7271 7334 7398 7402 7525 7589 7653 7710 7780 6820 7844 7907 7971 8035 8098 8162 8226 8289 8353 8417 21 8480 8544 8608 8672 8735 8799 8802 8926 8990 9053 22 9117 918] 9244 9308 9372 9435 9499 9563 9626 9090 23 9754 9817 9881 9945 0008 0072 0136 0199 0263 0327 24 3340390 0454 0517 0581 0045 0708 07,2 0836 0899 0903 25 1027 1090 1154 1217 H281 1345 1408 1472 1530 1599 26 1663 1726 1790 1854 1917 1981 2045 2108 2172 2235 27 2299 2363 2426 2490 2553 2617 2081 2744 2808 2872 28 2935 2999 3002 3126 3190 3253 3317 3380 3444 3508 29 3571 3635 3698 3762 3820 3889 3953 4010 4080 4143 6830 4207 4271 4334 4398 4401 4525 4589 4652 4716 4779 31 4843 4906 4970 5034 5097 5161 5224 5288 535] 5415 32 5479 5542 5606 5069 5733 5796 5800 5924 5987 0051 33 6114 6178 6241 0305 0308 6432 0490 6559 6623 6686 34 6750 6813 6877 6940 7004 7067 7131 7195 7258 7322 35 7385 7449 7512 7576 7039 7703 7700 7830 7Sr93 7957 36 8021 8084 8148 8211 8275 8338 8402 8465 8529 8592 37 8656 8719 8783 8S46 8910 8973 9037 9100 9 J 64 9227 38 9291 9354 9418 9481 9545 9609 9672 9736 9799 9803 39 9926 9990 0053 0117 0180 0244 0307 0371 0434 0498 6840 S35056I 0625 0088 0751 0815 0878 0942 1005 1009 1132 41 1196 1259 1323 1386 1450 1513 1577 1640 1704 1707 t 42 1831 1894 1958 2021 2085 2148 2212 2275 2338 2402 63 43 2465 2529 2592 2656 2719 2783 2840 2910 2973 3037 J 6 44 3100 3163 3227 3290 3354 3417 3481 3544 3008 3071 •2 3 13 19 45 3735 3798 3861 3925 3988 4052 4115 4179 4242 4300 4 25 46 4369 4432 4496 4559 4023 4686 4750 4813 4870 4940 5 32 47 5003 5067 5130 5194 5257 5320 5384 5447 5511 5574 6 7 8 38 44 50 48 5638 5701 .5764 5828 5891 5955 0018 6081 0145 0208 • 49 N.j 6272 6335 1 6398 6462 3 0525 4 6589 ~5~ 6652 6 6716 7 6779 8 0842 9 D 9 57 Pts. N.6'85 L.835 of numbers. (123)| N. ^350 1 6969 7033 S 7096 4 7159 5 7223 6 7286 7 7349 8 7413 9 7476 D l>ro. 8356906 51 7540 7603 7666 7730 7793 7857 7920 7983 8047 8110 63 52 8174 8237 8300 8364 8427 8490 8554 8617 8681 8744 1 6 53 8807 8871 8934 8997 9061 9124 9188 9251 9314 9378 2 13 3 19 4 25 54 9441 9504 9568 9631 9694 9758 9821 9885 9948 OOll 55 8360075 0138 0201 0265 0328 0391 0455 0518 0581 0645 5 32 56 0708 0771 0835 0898 0961 1025 1088 1151 1215 1278 6 38 7 44 8 50 57 1341 1405 1468 1531 1595 1658 1721 1785 1848 1911 58 1975 2038 2101 2165 2228 2291 2355 2418 2481 2545 9 57 59 2608 2671 2735 2798 2861 2925 2988 3051 3115 3178 6860 3241 3304 3368 3431 3494 3558 3621 3684 3748 3811 61 3874 3937 4001 4064 4127 4191 4254 4317 4381 4444 62 4507 4570 4634 4697 4760 4824 4887 4950 5013 5077 63 5140 5203 5267 5330 5393 5456 5520 5583 5646 5709 64 5773 5836 5899 5963 6026 6089 6152 6216 6279 6342 65 6405 6469 6532 6595 6658 6722 6785 6848 6911 6975 66 7038 7101 7164 7228 7291 7354 7417 7481 7544 7607 67 7670 7734 7797 7860 7923 7987 8050 8113 8176 8240 68 8303 8366 8429 8493 8556 8619 8682 8745 8809 8872 69 8935 8998 9062 9125 9188 9251 9314 9378 9441 9504 6870 9567 9631 9694 9757 9820 9883 9947 0010 0073 0136 71 8370199 0263 0326 0389 0452 0516 0579 0642 0705 0768 72 0832 0895 0958 1021 1084 1147 1211 1274 1337 1400 73 1463 1527 1590 1653 1716 1779 1843 1906 1969 2032 74 2095 2158 2222 2285 2348 2411 2474 2538 2601 2664 75 2727 2790 2853 2917 2980 3043 3106 3169 3232 3290 76 3359 3422 3485 3548 3611 3674 3738 3801 3864 3927 77 3990 4053 4117 4180 4243 4306 4369 4432 4495 4559 78 4622 4685 4748 4811 4874 4937 5001 5064 5127 5190 79 5253 5316 5379 5442 5506 5569 5632 5695 5758 5821 6880 5884 5948 6011 6074 6137 6200 6263 6326 6389 6452 81 6516 6579 6642 6705 6768 6831 6894 6957 7020 7084 82 7147 7210 7273 7336 7399 7462 7525 7538 7652 7715 83 7778 7841 7904 7967 8030 8093 8156 8219 8282 8346 84 8409 8472 8535 8598 8661 8724 8787 8850 8913 8976 85 9039 9103 9166 9229 9292 9355 9418 9481 9544 9607 86 9670 9733 9796 9859 9922 9986 0049 0112 0175 0238 87 8380301 0364 0427 0490 0553 0616 0679 0742 0805 0868 88 0931 0994 1057 1121 1184 1247 1310 1373 1436 1499 89 1562 1625 1688 1751 1814 1877 1940 2003 2066 2129 6890 2192 2255 2318 2381 2444 2507 2570 2633 2696 2759 01 2822 2886 2949 3012 3^075 3138 3201 3264 3327 3390 92 3453 3516 3579 3642 3705 3768 3831 3894 3957 4020 62 93 4083 4146 4209 4272 4335 4398 4461 4524 4587 4650 63 1 6 94 4713 4776 4839 4902 4965 5028 5091 5154 5217 5280 2 12 3 19 95 5343 5406 5469 5532 5595 . 5658 5721 5784 5847 5910 4 25 96 5973 6036 6098 6161 6224 6287 6350 6413 6476 6539 531 97 6602 6665 6728 6791 6854 6917 6980 7043 7106 7169 6 37 7 43 8 50 98 7232 7295 7358 7421 7484 7547 7610 7673 7736 7798 99 NT ,7861 7924 1 7987 2 8050 8113 8176 5 8239 6 8302 8365 8428 9~ D 9 56 Pt3. (124) LOGARITHMS N.69O N. 6900 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0.5 6910 11 ]2 1j 14 15 16 17 18 19 6920 21 22 23 24 8388491 9120 9750 8390379 1008 1637 2266 2895 3523 4152 4780 5409 6037 6666 7294 25 26 27 28 29 6930 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 3% 39 6940 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 N. 7922 8550 9178 9806 8400433 1061 1688 2316 2943 3571 4198 4825 5452 6079 6706 7332 7959 8586 9212 9838 8410465 1091 1717 2343 2969 3595 4220 4846 5472 6097 6723 7348 7973 8598 9223 ~~0 1_ 8554 9183 9812 0442 1071 1700 2329 2957 35)iQ 4215 4843 5472 6100 6728 7357 7985 8613 9241 9868 0496 1124 1751 2379 3006 3633 4260 4888 5515 61411 6768 7395 8022 8648 9275 9901 0527 1153 1780 2406 3031 3657 4283 4909 5534 6160 6785 7410 8036 8661 9286 8617 9246 9875 0505 1134 s 1 1763 2392 3020 3649 4278 4906 5535 ■3163 6791 7419 8047 8675 9303 9931 0559 1186 1814 2441 3069 3696 4323 4950 5511 6204 6831 7458 8084 8711 9337 9964 0590 1216 1842 2468 3094 3720 4346 4971 5597 6222 6848 7473 8098 8723 9348 8680 9309 9938 0567 1197 1826 2454 3083 3712 4341 4969 5597 6226 6854 7482 8110 8738 9366 9994 0622 1249 1877 2504 3132 3759 4386 5013 5640 6267 6894 7520 8147 8773 9400 0026 0653 1279 1905 2531 3157 3782 4408 5034 5659 6285 6910 7535 8161 8786 9411 4 8743 9372 0001 0630 1259 1888 2517 3146 3775 4403 5032 5660 6289 6917 7545 8173 8801 9429 0057 0684 J312 1939 2567 3194 3821 4449 5076 5703 6330 6956 7583 8210 8836 9463 0089 0715 1341 1967 2593 3219 3845 4471 5096 5722 6347 6973 7598 8223 8848 9473 4~ 8806 9435 0064 0693 1322 1951 2580 3209 3838 4466 5095 5723 6351 6980 7608 8236 8864 9492 0119 0747 1375 2002 2630 3257 3884 4511 5138 8869 9498 0127 0756 1385 2014 2643 3272 3900 4529 5158 5786 6414 7042 7671 8299 8927 9554 0182 0810 1437 2065 2692 3320 3947 4574 5201 8931 9561 0190 0819 1448 8 2077 2706 3335 3963 4592 5220 5849 6477 7105 7733 8994 9624 0253 0882 1511 765 5828 6392 6455 7019 7646 8272 8899 9525 0152 0778 1404 2030 2656 3282 3908 4533 5159 5784 6410 7035 7660 8286 8911 9536 7082 7708 8335 8961 9588 0214 0840 1467 2093 2719 3344 3970 4596 5221 5847 6472 7098 7723 8348 8973 9598 "6" 8361 8989 9617 0245 0873 1500 2128 2755 3382 4010 4637 5264 5891 6518 7144 7771 8398 9024 9650 0277 0903 1529 2155 2781 3407 4033 4658 5284 5909 Q535 7160 7785 8411 9036 9661 2140 2769 3398 4026 4655 5283 5912 6540 7168 7796 8424 9052 9680 0308 0935 \563 2190 2818 3445 4072 4699 5326 5953 6580 7207 7834 8460 9087 9713 0339 0966 1592 2218 2844 3470 4095 4721 5347 5972 6597 7223 7848 8473 9098 9723 9 9057 9687 0316 0945 1574 2203 2832 3460 4089 4718 5346 5974 6603 7231- 7859 8487 9115 9743 0371 0998 1626 2253 2881 3508 ■4135 4762 5389 6016 6643 7270 7896 8523 9149 9776 0402 1028 1654 2280 2906 3532 D Pro. 8 4158 4784 5409 6035 6660 72851 7910 8536 9161 9786 63 6 13 19 25 32 38 44 50 57 9 II D 62 6 12 19 25 31 37 43 50 56 PtS. N.6"95 L.841 OF NUMBERS. (126)1 N. 1 ■ 99 1 1 2 997i 3 5 ^03^ 4 0098 5 0160 6 0223 7 0285 8 0348 9 0410 D Pro. ■) 841984S 5 I 8420473 053^ > 059e ] 066C 0723 0785 0848 0910 0973 1035 63 51 2 1098 116C ) 1225 \ 1285 1348 1410 1472 1535 1597 1660 1 6 5: } 1722 178.^ 1847 1910 1972 2035 2097 2160 2222 2284 2 J3 54 I. 2347 2409 247 S > 2534 2597 2659 2722 2784 2846 2909 3 19 4 25 5.' > 2971 3034 309t 3159 3221 3284 3346 3408 3471 3533 5 32 5i ) 3596 3658 3721 3783 3845 3908 3970 4033 4095 4158 6 38 51 4220 4282 4345 4407 4470 4532 4595 4657 4719 4782 7 44 5S 4844 4907 4969 5031 5094 5156 5219 5281 5344 5406 8 50 9 57 59 5468 5531 5593 5656 5718 5780 5843 5905 5968 6030 696(] 6092 6155 6217 6280 6342 6404 6467 6529 6592 6654 61 6716 6779 6841 6904 6966 70*28 7091 7153 7215 7278 62 7340 7403 7465 7527 7590 7652 7714 7777 7839 7902 63 7964 8026 8089 S151 8213 8276 8338 8401 8463 8525 64 8588 8650 8712 8775 8837 8899 S962 9024 9036 9149 65 9211 9274 9336 9398 9461 9523 9585 9648 9710 9772 66 9835 9897 9959 0022 0084 0146 0209 0271 0333 0396 , 67 8430458 0520 0583 0645 0707 0770 0832 0894 0957 1019 68 1081 1144 1206 1268 1331 1393 1455 1518 1580 1642 69 1705 1767 1829 1892 1954 2016 2079 2141 2203 2265 6970 2328 2390 2452 2515 2577 2639 2702 2764 2826 2889 71 2951 3013 3075 3138 3200 3262 3325 3387 3449 3511 72 3574 3636 3698 3761 3823 3885 3948 4010 4072 4134 73 4f97 4259 4321 4383 4446 4508 4570 4633 4695 4757 74 4819 4882 4944 5006 5069 5131 5193 5255 5318 5380 75 5442 5504 5567 5629 5691 5753 5816 5878 5940 6002 76 6065 6127 6189 6251 6314 6376 6433 6500 6563 6625 77 6687 6749 6812 6874 6936 6998 7061 7123 7185 7247 78 7310 7372 7434 7496 7559 7621 7683 7745 7808 7870 79 7932 7994 8056 8119 8181 8243 8305 8368 8430 8492 6980 8554 8616 8679 8741 8803 8865 8928 8990 9052 9114 81 9176 9239 9301 9363 9425 9487 9550 9612 9674 9736 82 9798 9861 9923 9985 0047 0109 0172 0234 0296 0358 83 8440420 0483 0545 0607 0669 0731 0794 0856 0918 0980 84 1042 1104 1167 1229 1291 1353 1415 1478 1540 1602 85 1664 1726 1788 1851 1913 1975 2037 2099 2161 2224 86 2286 2348 2410 2472 2534 2597 2659 2721 2783 2845 87 2907 2970 3032 3094 3156 3218 3280 3343 3405 3467 88 3529 ^591 3653 3715 3778 3840 3902 3964 4026 4088 89 4150 4213 4275 4337 4399 4461 4523 4585 4647 4710 6990 4772 4834 4896 4958 5020 5082 5145 5207 5269 5331 91 5393 5455 5517 5579 5642 5704 5766 5828 5890 5952 92 6014 3076 6138 6201 6263 6325 6387 6449 6511 6573 62 93 6635 3697 6759 6822 6884 6946 7008 7070 7132 7194 1 6 .94 7256 ' 7318 7380 7443 7505 7567 7629 7691 7753 7815 2 12 3 19 4 25 95 7877 ' 7939 8001 8063 8126 8188 8250, 8312 8374 8436 96 8498 i ^560 8622 8684 8746 8808 8870 8933 8995 9057 5j31 97 9119 < H81 9243 9305 9367 9429 9491 9553 9615 9677 6 37 98 9739 9801 1 9863 9926 9988 0050 0112 0174 0236 0298 7 43 8 50 9156 Pts.l ■ — i 99 N. 8450360 ( )422 1 0484 2 0546 3 3608 4 1 0670 5 0732' 6 0794 7 0856 8 0918 9 D ( 1 ^6) LOGARITHMS N. 700 L. 845 _N. 7000 i 1042 1104 s 1167 4 1229 5 1291 ^ 1 7 8 1477 9 1539 D Pro. 8450980 1353 1415 01 1601 1663 1725 1787 1849 1911 1973 2035 2097 2159 62 02 2221 2283 2345 2407 2469 2531 2593 2655 2717 2779 1 6 03 2841 2903 2965 3027 3089 3151 3213 3275 3337 3399 2 12 04 3461 3523 3585 3647 3709 3771 3833 3895 3957 4019 62 3 19 4 25 0.5 4081 4143 4205 4267 4329 4391 4453 4515 4577 4639 531 06 4701 4763 4825 4887 4949 5011 5073 5135 5197 5259 6 37 07 5321 5383 5445 5507 5569 5631 5693 5755 5817 5879 7 43 8 50 9 56 08 5941 6003 6065 6127 6189 6251 6313 6375 6437 6499 09 6561 6623 6685 6746 6808 6870 6932 6994 7056 7118 7010 7180 7242 7304 7366 7428 7490 7552 7614 7676 7738 11 7800 7862 7924 7986 8047 8109 8171 8233 8295 8357 12 8419 8481 8543 8605 8667 8729 8791 8853 8915 8976 13 9038 9100 9162 9224 9286 9348 9410 9472 9534 9596 14 9658 9720 9781 9843 9905 9967 0029 0091 0153 0215 15 8460277 0339 0401 0462 0524 0586 0648 0710 0772 0834 16 0896 0958 1020 1082 1143 1205 1267 1329 1391 1453 17 1515 1577 1639 1700 1762 1824 1886 1948 2010 2072 18 2134 2196 2257 2319 2381 2443 2505 2567 2629 2601 19 2752 2814 2876 2938 3000 3062 3124 3186 3247 3309 7020 3371 3433 3495 3557 3619 3680 3742 3804 3866 3928 21 3990 4052 4113 4175 4237 4299 4361 4423 4485 4546 22 4608 4670 4732 4794 4856 4917 4979 5041 5103 5165 , 23 5227 5289 5350 5412 5474 5536 5598 5660 5721 5783 24 5845 5907 5969 6031 6092 6154 6216 6278 6340 6401 25 6463 6525 6587 6649 6711 6772 6834 6896 6958 7020 26 7081 7143 7205 7267 7329 7391 7452 7514 7576 7638 27 7700 7761 7823 7885 7947 8009 8070 8132 8194 8256 28 8318 8379 8441 8503 8565 8626 8688 8750 8812 8874 29 8935 8997 9059 9121 9183 9244 9306 9368 9430 9491 7030 9553 9615 9677 9739 9800 9862 9924 9986 0047 0109 31 8470171 0233 0295 0356 0418 0480 0542 0603 0665 0727 32 0789 0850 0912 0974 1036 1097 1159 1221 1283 1344 33 1406 146S 1530 1591 1653 1715 1777 1838 1900 1962 34 2024 2085 2147 2209 2271 2332 2394 2456 2518 2579 35 2641 2703 2764 2826 2888 2950 3011 3073 3135 3197 36 3258 3320 3382 3443 3505 3567 3629 3690 3752 3814 37 3876 3937 3999 4061 4122 4184 4246 4307 4369 4431 38 4493 4554 4616 4678 4739 4801 4863 4925 4986 5048 39 5110 5171 5233 5295 5356 5418 5480 5542 5603 5665 7040 5727 5788 5850 5912 5973 6035 6097 6158 6220 6282 41 6343 6405 6467 6528 6590 6652 6714 6775 6837 6899 42 6960 7022 7084 7;145 7207 7269 7330 7392 7454 7515 61 43 7577 7639 7700 7762 7824 7885 7947 8009 8070 8132 1 6 44 8193 8255 8317 8378 8440 8502 8563 8625 8687 8748 2 12 3 18 45 8810 8872 8933 8995 9057 9118 9180 9241 9303 9365 4 24 46 9426 9488 9550 9611 9673 9735 9796 9858 9919 9981 531 47 8480043 0104 0166 0228 0289 0351 0412 0474 0556 0597 6i7 7 43 8 49 48 0659 0721 0782 0844 0905 0967 1029 1090 1152 1213 49 N. 1275 1337 1 1398 2 1460 3 1522 4 1583 5 1645 6 1706 7' 1768 8 1830 D 9 55 Pts. 9 N. 705 L.848 OF NUMBERS.' (li^7)"l N. 7O50 1 195: 2 3 4 \ 2014 2076 2138 5 6 2261 7 1 8 9 2446 D Pro. 8481891 2i9g 2322 2384 51 2507 256C 2630 2692 2754 2815 2877 2938 3000 3061 |62 ( 52 3123 318^ 3246 330g 3369 3431 3493 3554 3616 3677 1 6 53 3739 380C ) 3862 3924 < 3985 4047 4108 4170 4231 4293 2 12 54 4355 441 C 4478 4539 4601 4662 4724 4786 4847 4909 3 19 4 25 55 4970 5032 5093 5155 5216 5278 5340 5401 5463 5524 531 56 5586 5647 5709 5770 5832 5893 5955 6017 6078 6140 6 37L 74rr 8 50 9 5S 51 6201 6263 6324 6386 6447 6509 6570 6632 6693 6755 58 6817 6878 6940 7001 7063 7124 7186 7247 7309 7370 59 7432 7493 7555 7616 7678 7739 7801 7862 7924 7985 7060 8047 8109 8170 8232 8293 8355 8416 8478 8539 8601 61 8662 8724 8785 8847 8908 8970 9031 9093 9154 9216 62 9277 9339 9400 9462 9523 9585 9646 9708 9769 9831 63 9892 9954 0015 0077 0138 0199 0261 0322 0384 0445 64 8490507 0568 0630 0691 0753 0814 0876 0937 0999 1060 Q5 1122 1183 1245 1306 1368 1429 1490 1552 1613 1675 QQ 1736 1798 1859 1921 1982 2044 2105 2167 2228 2289 67 2351 2412 2474 2535 2597 2658 2720 2781 2843 2904 68 2965 3027 3088 3150 3211 3273 3334 3396 3457 3518 69 3580 3641 3703 3764 3826 3887 3948 4010 4071 4133 7070 4194 4256 4317 4378 4440 4501 4563 4624 4686 4747 71 4808(| pt870 4931 4993 5054 5115 5177 5238 5300 5361 72 5423 5484 5545 5607 5668 5730 5791 5852 5914 5975 Ibi '^^ 6037 6098 6159 6221 6282 6344 6405 6466 6528 6589 1 '' 6651 6712 6773 6835 6896 6958 7019 7080 7142 7203 1 '' 7264 7326 7387 7449 7510 7571 7633 7694 7755 7817 i ^^ 7878 7940 8001 §062 8124 8185 8246 8308 8369 8431 1 ^' 8492 8553 8615 8676 8737 8799 8860 8922 8983 9044 if 78 9106 9167 9228 9290 9351 9412 9474 9535 9596 9658 79 9719 9780 9842 9903 9965 0026 0087 0149 0210 0271 7080 8500333 0394 0455 0517 0578 0639 0701 0762 0823 0885 81 0946 1007 1069 1130 1191 1253 1314 1375 1437 1498 82 1559 1621 1682 1743 1805 1866 1927 1988 2050 2111 83 2172 2234 2295 2356 2418 2479 2540 2602 2663 2724 84 2786 2847 2908 2969 3031 3092 3153 3215 3276 3337 85 3399 3460 3521 3582 3644 3705 3766 3828 3889 3950 86 4011 4073 4134 4195 4257 4518 4379 444(; 4502 4563 87 4624 4686 4747 4808 4869 4931 4992 5053 5115 5176 88 5237 5298 5360 5421 5482 5543 5605 5666 5727 5788 89 5850 5911 5972 6034 6095 6156 6217 6279 6340 6401 7090 6462 6524 6585 6646 6707 6769 6830 6891 6952 7014 91 7075 7136 7197 7259 7320 7381 7442 7504 7565 7626 92 7687 7749 7810 7871 7932 7993 8055 8116 8177 8238 61 93 8300 3361 8422 8483 8545 8600 8667 S728 8789 8851 1 6 94. 8912 8973 9034 9095 9157 9218 9279 )340 9402 9463 2 12 3 18 95 9524 3585 9646 9708 9769 9830 9891 3952 ( 3014 0075 4 24 96 8510136 ( 3197 0258 3320 0381 0442 0503 ( 3564 ( 3626 0687 531 97 0748 ( 3809 0870 3932 0,993 1054 1115 1176 1238 1299 6 37 7 43 3 49 98 1360 1421 1482 1544 1605 1666 1727 1788 1849 1911 ' 99 1972 1 2033 2094 2155 2216 2278 2339 ' 2400 ' 2461 2522 9 55 N. ■ 1 2 ~3~ 4 5 6 T" 8 9 D Pts. (128) LOGARITHMS N.710 L. 85 1 7100 1 2645 2706 ' o 2767 4 ( 2828 5 6 2889 2950| '7 3012 8 5073 9 3134 D Pro. 8512583 01 3195 3256 3317 J379 3440 3501 3562 3623 3684 S746 62 02 3807 3868 3929 3990 4051 4112 1-174 4235 4296 4357 1 6 03 4418 4479 4540 4602 4663 4724 4785 i346 4907 4968 2 12 3 19 4 25 04 5030 5091 5152 5213 5274 53S5 5396 5457 5519 5580 05 5641 5702 5763 5824 5885 5946 5008 6069 6130 6191 5 31 06 6252 6313 6374 6435 6496 6558 5619 6680 6741 6802 6 37 7 43 8 50 07 6863 6924 6985 7046 7108 7169 7230 7291 7352 7413 08 7474 7535 7596 7657 7719 7780 7841 7902 7963 8024 9 h6 09 8085 8146 8207 8268 8329 8391 8452 8513 8574 8635 7110 8696 8757 8818 8879 8940 9001 9062 9124 9185 9246 11 9307 9368 9429 9490 9551 9612 9673 9734 9795 9856 12 9917 9979 0040 0101 0162 0223 0284 0345 0406 0467 13 8520528 0589 0650 0711 0772 0833 0894 0955 1017 1078 14 1139 1200 1261 1322 1383 1444 1505 1566 1627 1688 15 1749 1810 1871 1932 1993 2054 2115 2176 2237 2298 16 2359 2420 2481 2542 2604 2665 2726 2787 2848 2909 17 2970 3031 3092 3153 3214 3275 3336 3397 3458 3519 18 3580 3641 3702 3763 3824 3885 3946 4007 4068 4129 . 19 4190 4251 4312 4373 4434 4495 4556 4617 4678 4739 61 7120 4800 4861 4922 49 8 3 5044 5105 5166 5227 5288 5349 21 5410 5471 5532 5593 5654 5715 5776 5837 5898 5959 22 6020 6081 6142 6203 6264 6325 6386 6447 6508 6568 23 6629 6690 6751 6S12 6873 6934 6995 7056 7117 7178 24 7239 7300 7361 7422 7483 7544 7005 7666 7727 7788 25 7849 7910 7971 8032- 8092 8153 8214 8275 8336 8397 26 8458 8519 8580 8641 8702 8763 882^ ^8885 8946 9007 27 9Q68 9129 9189 9250 9311 9372 943319494 9555 9616 28 9677 9738 9799 9860 9921 9982 0042 0103 0164 0225 29 8530286 0347 0408 0469 0530 0591 0652 0713 0773 0834 7130 0895 0956 1017 1078 1139 1200 1261 1322 1383 1443 31 1504 1565 1626 1687 17 48 1809 1870 1931 1992 2052 32 2113 2174 2235 2296 2357 2418 2479 2540 2600 2661 33 2722 2783 2844 2905 2966 3027 3088 3148 3209 3270 34 3331 3392 3453 3514 3575 3635 3696 3757 3818 3879 35 3940 4001 4062 4122 4183 4244 4305 4366 4427 4488 36 4548 4609 4670 4731 4792 4853 4914 4974 5035 5096 37 5J57 5218 5279 5340 5400 5461 5522 5583 5644 5705 38 5765 5826 5887 5948 6009 6070 6130 6191 6252 63 1 3 39 6374 6435 6495 6556 6617 6678 6739 6800 6860 6921 7I4C 6982 7043 7104 7165 7225 7286 7347 7408 7469 7530 1 41 7590 7651 7712 7773 7834 7894 7955 8016 8077 8138 42 8198 8259 8320 8381 8442 850S; 8563 8624 8685 8746 61 43 8807 8867 8928 8989 9050 9ilC 9171 9232 9293 9354 1 6 44 9414 9475 9536 9597 9658 9718 9779 9840 9901 9962 2 12 3 18 45 8540022 0083 0144 0205 0265 032e 0387 0448 0509 0569 4 24 46 0630 0691 0752 0812 0873 0934 0995 1056 1116 1177 5 31 47 1238 1299 1359 1420 1481 1542 1602 1663 1724 1785 6 37 7 43 48 1845 1906 1967 2028 2088 2149 2210 227 J 2331 2392 8 49 49 N. 2453 2514 2574 2 2635 2696 4 2757 5 2817 ~6" 2878 2939 3000 9 D 9 55 Pts. 1 3 7 8 N.71^ L. 8,54 OF NUMBERS. (129) N. 7150 1 2 3782 3 3243 4 3303 5 3364 6 3 125 7 3486 8 3546 9 3607 D Pro. 8543060 3121 51 3668 3729 3789 3850 3911 3971 4032 4093 4154 4214 61 52 4275 4336 4397 4457 45 1 8 4579 4639 4700 4761 4822 1 6 5.3 4882 4943 5004 5064 5125 5186 5247 5307 5368 5429 2 3 4 12 18 24 54 5489 5550 5611 5671 5732 5793 5854 5914 5975 6036 55 6096 6157 6218 6278 6339 6400 6461 6521 6582 6643 6 31 56 6703 6764 6825 6885 6946 7007 7067 7128 7189 7249 6 7 g 37 43 49 51 7510 7371 7432 7492 7553 7614 7674 7735 7796 7856 58 7917' 7978 8038 8099 8160 8220 8281 8342 8402 8463 9 55 59 8524 8584 8645 8706 8766 8827 8888 8948 9009 9070 71-60 9130 9191 9252 9312 9373 9433 9494 9555 9615 9676 61 9737 9797 9858 9919 9979 0040 0101 0161 0222 0283 62 8550343 0404 0464 0525 0586 0646 0707 0768 0823 0889 63 0950 1010 1071 1131 1192 1253 1313 1374 1435 1495 64 1556 1616 1677 1738 1798 1859 1919 1980 2041 2101 Q5 2162 2223 2283 2344 2404 2465 2526 2586 2647 2707 60 2768 2829 2889 2950 3010 3071 3132 3192 3253 3313 67 3374 3435 3495 3556 3616 3677 3738 3798 3859 3919 68 3980 4041 1101 4162 4222 4283 4343 4404 4465 4525 69 4586 4646 4707 4768 4828 4889 4949 5010 5070 5131 7170 5192 5252 5313 5373 5434 5494 5555 5616 5676 5737 71 5797 5858 5918 5979 6039 6100 6161 6221 6282 6342 72 6403 6463 6524 6584 6645 6708 6766 6827 6887 6948 73 7008 7069 7129 7190 7250 7311 7372 7432 7493 7553 74^ 7614 7674 7735 7795 7856 7916 7977 8037 8098 8159 75 8219 8280 8340 8401 8461 8522 8582 8643 8703 8764 76 8821. 8885 8945 9006 9066 9127 9187 9248 9308 9369 77 9429 9490 9550 9611 9672 9732 9793 9853 9914 9974 78 8560035 0095 0156 0216 0277 0337 0398 0458 0519 0579 79 0640 0700 0761 0821 0882 0942 1002 1063 1123 1184 7180 1244 1305 1365 1426 1486 1547 1607 1668 1728 1789 81 1849 1910 1970 2031 2091 2152 2212 2273 2333 2394 82 2454 2514 2575 2635 2696 2756 2817 2877 2938 2998 83 3059 3119 3180 3240 3301 3361 3421 3482 3542 3603 84 3663 3724 3784 3845 3905 3965 4026 4086 4147 4207 85 4268 4328 4389 4449 4509 4570 4630 4691 4751 4812 86 4872 4933 4993 5053 5114 5174 5235 5295 5356 5416 87 5476 5537 5597 5658 5718 "5779 5839 5899 5960 6020 88 6081 6141 6202 6262 6322 6383 6443 6504 6564 6624 89 6685 6745 6806 6866 6926 6987 7047 7108 7168 7229 7190 7289 7349 7410 7470 7531 7591 7651 7712 7772 7832 91 7893 7953 8014 8074 8134 8195 8255 8316 8376 8436 92 8497 8557 8618 8678 8738 8799 8859 8919 8980 9040 60 93 9101 9161 9221 9282 9342 9402 9463 9523 9584 9644 1 6 94 9704 9765 9825 9885 9946 0006 0067 0127 0187 0248 2 12 95 8570308 0368 0429 04^89 0549 0610 0670 0730 0791 0851 3 4 18 24 96 0912 0972 1032 1093 1153 1213 1274 1334 1394 1455 5 30 97 1515 1575 1636 1696 1756 1S17 1877 1937 1998 2058 6 36 98 2118 2179 2239 2299 2360 2420 2480 2541 2601 2661 7 42 48 54 99 2722 2782 2842 2903 2963- 4 11 3023 5 3084 6 3144 7 3204 8 3265 9 D 8 9 N. 1 2 P ts. (130) LOGARITHMS N.7^iOL. 857 N. 7200 1 3385 2 i446 3.306 4 3566 5 3627 6 3687 7 3747 8 3807 9 3868 1) Pro. 8573325 01 3928 3988 4049 4109 4169 4230 4290 4350 4411 4471 60 02 4531 4591 4652 4712 4772 4833 4893 4953 5014 5074 1 6 03 5134 5194 5255 5315 5375 5k36 5496 5556 5616 5677 2 12 04. 5737 5797 5858 5918 5978 6038 6099 6159 6219 6280 3 18 4 24 05 6340 6100 6460 6521 6581 6641 6701 6762 6822 6882 5 30 06 6943 7003 7063 7123 7184 7244 7304 7364 7425 7485 6 36 7 42 8 48 07 7545 7605 7666 7726 7786 7847 7907 7967 8027 8088 08 8148 8208 8268 8329 8389 ,8449 8509 8570 8630 8690 9 54 09 8750 8810 8871 8931 8991 9051 9112 9172 9232 9292 7210 9353 9413 9473 9533 9594 9654 9714 9774 9835 9895 •* 11 9955 0015 0075 0136 0196 0256 0316 0377 0437 0497 12 8580557 0617 0678 0738 0798 0858 0918 0979 1039 1099 13 1159 1220 1280 1340 1400 1460 1521 1581 1641 1701 14 1761 1822 1882 1942 2002 2062 2123 2183 2243 2303 15 2363 2424 2484 2544 2604 2664 2724 2785 2845 2905 16 2965 3025 3086 3146 3206 •3206 3326 3387 3447 3507 17 3567 3627 3687 3748 3808 3868 3928 3988 4048 4109 18 4169 4229 4289 4349 4409 4470 4530 4590 4650 4710 19 4770 4831 4891 4951 5011 5071 5131 5192 5252 5312 7220 5372 5432 5492 5552 5613 5673 5733 5793 5853 5913 21 5973 6034 6094 6154 6214 6274 6334 6394 6455 6515 22 6575 6635 6695 6755 6815 6876 6936 6996 7056 7116 23 7176 7236 7296 7357 7417 ^477 7537 7597 7657 7717 24 7777 7837 7898 7958 8018 8078 8138 8198 8258 8318 25 8379 8439 8499 8559 8619 8679 8739 8799 8859 8919 26 8980 9040 9100 9160 9220 9280 9340 9400 9400 9520 27 9581 9641 9701 9761 9821 9881 9941 0001 0061 0121 28 8590181 0242 0302 0362 0422 0482 0542 0602 0662 0722 Id 0782 0842 0902 0962 1023 1083 1143 1203 1263 1323 7230 1383 1443 1503 1563 1623 1683 1743 1803 1863 1924 31 1984 2044 2104 2164. 2224 2284 2344 2404 2464 2524 32 2584 2641^ 2704 2764 2824 2884 2944 3005 3065 3125 33 3185 3245 3305 SSQb 3425 3485 3545 3605 3665 3725 34 3785 3845 3905 3965 4025 4085 4145 4205 4265 4325 35 4385 4445 4505 4565 4625 4685 4746 4806 4866 4926 SQ 4986 5046 5106 5166 5226 5286 5346 5406 5466 5526 37 5586 5646 5706 5766 5826 5886 5946 6006 6066 6126 60 38 6186 6246 6306 QmQ 6426 6486 6546 6G06 6666 6726 1 39 6786 6846 6906 6966 7026 7086 7146 7206 7266 7326 7240 7386 7446 7506 7566 7626 7686 7746 7806 7866 7925 41 7985 8045 8105 8165 8225 8285 8345 8405 8465 8525 1 42 8585 8645 8705 8765 8825 8885 8945 9005 9065 9125 59 1 43 9185 9245 9305 9365 9425 9485 9545 9605 9665 9724 liV 44 9784 9844 9904 9964 0024 0084 0144 0204 0264 0324 2l2j 3 18 45 8600384 0444 0504 0564 0624 0684 0744 0803 0863 0923 4 24 1 46 0983 1043 1103 1163 1223 1283 1343 1403 1463 1523 5 30 47 1583 1643 1702 1762 1822 1882 1942 2002 2062 2122 6 35 7 41 8 47 ' 48 2182 2242 2302 2362 2422 2481 2541 2601 2661 2721 49 2781 2841 2901 2961 3021 3081 3140 3200 3260 3320 9 53 n; « 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pts. N.725 L. 860 OF numbers. (131)| N. 7250 1 3440 2 350C 3 3560 4 3620 5 3680 6" 3739 7 3799 8 9 3919 D Pro. 8603380 3859 51 3979 4039 4099 4159 4219 4279 4338 4398 4458 4518 60 52 4578 4638 4698 4758 4817 4877 4937 4997 5057 5117 I l,o 53 5177 5237 5297 5356 5416 5476 5536 5596 5656 5716 2 12 54. 5776 5835 5895 5955 6015 6075 6135 6195 6254 6314 3 4 18 24 55 6374 6434 6494 6554 6614 6673 6733 6793 6853 6913 5 30 56 6973 7033 7092 7152 7212 7272 7332 7392 7452 7511 6 7 8 3G 42 48 51 7571 7631 7691 7751 7811 7870 7930 7990 8050 8110 58 8170 8229 8289 8349 8409 8469 8529 8588 8648 8708 9 54 59 8768 8828 8888 8947 9007 9067 9127 9187 9247 9306 7260 93^6 9426 9486 9546 9605 9665 9725 9785 9845 9905 61 9964 0024 0084 0144 0204 0263 0323 0383 0443 0503 62 8610562 0622 0682 0742 0802 0861 0921 0981 1041 1101 63 1160 1220 1280 1340 1400 1459 1519 1579 1639 1699 64 1758 1818 1878 1938 1997 2057 2117 2177 2237 2296 65 2356 2416 2476 2536 2595 2655 2715 2775 2834 2S94 6Q 2954 3014 3073 3133 3193' 3253 3313 3372 3432 3492 67 3552 3611 3671 3731 3791 3850 3910 3970 4030 4089 68 4149 4209 4269 4328 4388 4448 4508 4567 4627 4687 69 4747 4806 4S66 4926 4986 5045 5105 5165 5225 5284 7270 5344> 5404 5464 5523 5583 5643 5703 5762 5822 5882 71 5941 6001 6061 6121 6180 6240 6300 6360 6419 6479 72 6539 6598 6658 6718 6778 6837 6897 6957 7016 7076 73 7136 7196 7255 7315 7375 7434 7494 7554 7614 7673 74 7733 7793 7852 7912 7972 8031 8091 8151 8211 8270 75 8330 8390 8449 8509 8569 8628 8688 8748 8808 8867 76 8927 8987 9046 9106 9166 9225 9285 9345 9404 9464 77 9524 9583 9643 9703 9762 9822 9882 9941 Sooi 0061 78 8620121 0180 0240 0300 0359 0419 0479 0538 0598 0658 79 0717 0777 0837 0896 0956 1016 1075 1135 1194 1254 7280 1314 1373 1433 1493 1552 1612 1672 1731 1791 1851 81 1910 1970 2030 2089 2149 2209 2258 2328 2387 2447 &2 2507 2566 2626 2686 2745 2805 2865 2924 2984 3043 83 3103 3163 3222 3282 3342 3401 3461 3520 3580 3640 84 3699 3759 3819 3878 '3938 3997 4057 4117 4176 4236 85 4296 4355 4415 4474 4534 4594 4653 4713 4772 4832 86 4892 4951 5011 5070 5130 5190 5249 5309 5368 5428 87 .5488 5547 5607 5666 5726 5786 5845 5905 5964 6024 88 6084 6143 6203 6262 6322 6382 6441 6501 6560 6620 89 6680 6739 6799 6858 6918 6977 7037 7097 7156 7216 7290 7275 7335 7394 7454 7514 7573 7633 7692 7752 7811 91 7871 7931 7990 8050 8109 8169 8228 8288 8347 8407 92 8467 8526 8586 8645 8705 8764 8824 8883 8943 9003 59 93 9062 9122 9181 9241 9300 9360 9419 9479 9539 9598 1 6 94 9658 9717 9777 9836 9896 9955 0015 0074 0134 0193 '2 3 12 18 95 8630253 0312 0372 0432 0491 0551 0610 0670 0729 0789 4 24 96 0848 0908 0967 1027 1086 1146 1205 1265 1324 1384 5 30 97 1443 1503 1562 1622 1682 1741 1801 1860 1920 1979 6 7 g 35 41 47 98 2039 2098 2158 2217 2277 2336 2396 2455 2515 2574 .99 N. 2634 2693 2753 2 2812 3 2872 4 2931 2991 3050 3110 3169 ~9~ D" 9 53 1 5 6 7 8 P ts. (13^2) LOGARITHMS N.730 L. 86"3J NT ^ 7300 1 3288 2 3348 3 3407 4 3467 5 6 3586 7 3645 8 3705 9 3764 1) l^ro. 8633229 3526 01 3823 3883 3942 4002 4061 4121 4180 4240 4299 4359 60 02 4418 4478 4537 4597 4656 4716 4775 4835 4894 4954 1 6 03 5013 5072 5132 5191 5251 5310 5370 5429 5489 5548 2 3 4 12 18 24 04 5608 5667 5727 5786 5845 5905 5964 6024 6083 6143 05 6202 6262 6321 6381 6440 6499 6559 6618 6678 6737 5 30 06 6797 6856 6916 6975 7034 7094 7153 7213 7272 7332 6 7 8 id 42 48 07 7391 7451 7510 7569 7629 7688 7748 7807 7867 7926 08 7985 8045 8104 8164 8223 8283 8342 8401 8461 8520 9 54 09 8580 8639 8698 8758 8817 8877 8936 8996 9055 9114 7310 9174 9233 9293 9352 9411 9471 9530 9590 9649 9708 11 9768 9827 9887 9;) 46 0005 0065 0124 0184 0243 0302 12 8640362 0421 0481 0540 0599 0659 0718 0778 0837 0896 13 0956 1015 1075 1134 1193 1253 1312 1371 1431 1490 14 1550 1609 1668 1728 1787 1846 1906 1965 2025 2084 15 2143 2203 2262 2321 2381 2440 2500 2559 2618 2678 16 2737 2796 2856 2915 2974 3034 3093 3152 3212 3271 17 3331 3390 3449 3509 3568 3627 3687 3746 3805 3865 18 .3924 3983 4043 4102 4161 4221 4280 4339 4399 4458 19 4517 4577 4636 4695 4755 4814 4873 4933 4992 5051 7320 5111 5170 5229 5289 5348 5407 5467 5526 5585 5645 21 5704 5763 5823 5882 5941 6001 6060 6119 6179 6238 22 6297 6357 6416 6475 6534 6594 6653 6712 6772 6831 23 6890 6950 7009 7068 7128 7187 7246 7305 7365 7424 24 7483 7543 7602 7661 7721 7780 7839 7898 7958 8017 25 8076 8136 8195 8254 8313 8373 8432 8491 8551 8610 26 8669 8728 8788 8847- 8906 8966 9025 9084 9J43 9203 27 9262 9321 9380 9440 9499 9558 9618 9677 9736 9795 28 9855 9914 9973 0032 0092 015J 0210 0269 0329 0388 29 8650447 0506 0566 0625 0684 0743 0803 0862 0921 0980 7330 1040 1099 1158 1217 1277 1336 1395 1454 1514 1573 31 1632 1691 1751 1810 1869 1928 1988 2047 2106 2165 32 2225 2284 2343 2402 2461 2521 2580 2639 2698 2758 33 2817 2376 2935 2995 3054 3113 3172 3231 3291 3350 34 3^09 3468 3527 3587 3646 3705 3764 3824 3883 3942 35 4001 4060 4120 4179 4238 4297 4356 4416 4475 4534 3Q 4593 4652 4712 4771 4830 4889 4948 5008 5067 5126 37 5185 5244 5304 5363 5422 5481 5540 5600 5659 5718 38 5777 5836 5895 5955 6014 6073 6132 6191 6251 6310 39 6369 6428 6487 6546 6606 6665 6724 6783 6842 6901 7340 6961 7020 7079 7138 7197 7256 7316 7375 7434 7493 41 7552 7611 7671 7730 7789 7848 7907 7966 8025 8085 42 8144 8203 8262 8321 8380 8440 8499 8558 8617 8676 59 43 8735 8794 8854 8913 8972 9031 9090 9149 9208 9268 1 6 44 9327 9386 9445 9504 9563 9622 9681 9741 9800 9859 2 3 12 18 45 9918 9977 0036 0095 0155 0214 0273 0332 0391 0450 4 24 46 8660509 0568 0627 0687 0746 0805 0864 0923 0982 1041 5 30 47 1100 1160 1219 1278 1337 1396 1455 15/4 1573 1632 6 7 8 35 41 47 48 1691 1751 1810 1869 1928 1087 2046 2105 2164 2223 49 N. 2282 2342 1 2401 2 2460 3 2519 2578 5 2637 G 2696 7 2755 8 2814 9 D 9 53 4 I >ts. N.735 L.866 of numbers. (133) N. 7350 1 2932 2992 3 3051 4 3110 5 3169 6 3228 7 3287 8 3346 9 3405 D Pro. 8662873 51 3464 3523 3582 3641 3701 3760 3819 3878 3937 3996 59 52 4055 4114 4173 4232 4291 4350 4409 4468 4528 4587 1 6 53 4646 4705 4764 4823 4882 4941 5000 5059 5118 5177 2 12 3 18 4 24 54 5236 5295 5354 5413 5472 5532 5591 5650 5709 5768 55 5827 5886 5945 6004 6063 6122 6181 6240 6299 6358 5 30 56 6417 6476 65'i5 6594 665^ 6712 6771 6830 6889 6949 6 35 7 41 8 47 51 7008 7067 7126 7185 7244 7303 7362 7421 7480 7539 58 7598 7657 7716 7775 7834 7893 7952 8011 8070 8129 9 53 59 8188 8247 8306 8365 8424 8483 8542 8601 8660 8719 ~* 7360 8778 8837 8896 8955 9014 9073 9132 9191 9250 9309 59 61 9368 9427 9486 9545 9604 9663 9722 9781 9840 9899 62 9958 0017 0076 0135 0194 0253 0312 0371 0430 0489 m 8670548 0607 0666 0725 0784 0843 0902 0961 1020 1079 64 1138 1197 1256 1315 1374 1433 1492 1551 1610 1669 65 1728 1786 1845 1904 1963 2022 2081 2140 2199 2258 66 2317 2376 2435 2494 2553 2612 2671 2730 2789 2848 67 2907 2966 3025 3084 3142 3201 3260 3319 3378 3437 68 3496 S555 3614 3673 3732 3791 3850 3909 3968 4027 69 4086 4145 4203 4262 432] 4380 4439 4498 4557 4616 7370, 4675 4734 4793 4852 4911 4970 5028 5087 5l4e 5205 71 5264 5323 5382 5441 5500 5559 5618 5677 5735 5794 72 5853 5912 5971 6030 6089 6148 6207 6266 6325 6383 73 6442 6501 6560 6619 6678 6737 6796 6855 6914 6972 74 7031 7090 7149 7208 7267 7326 7385 7444 7502 7561 75 7620 7679 7738 7797 7856 7915 7974 8032 8091 8150 76 8209 8268 8327 8386 8445 8503 8562 8621 8680 8739 77 8798 8857 8916 8974 9033 9092 9151 9210 9269 9328 78 9387 9445 9504 9563 9622 9681 9740 9799 9857 9916 79 9975 0034 0093 0152 0211 0269 0328 0387 0446 0505 7380 8680564 0622 0681 0740 0799 0858 0917 0976 1034 1093 81 1152 1211 1270 1329 1387 1446 1505 1564 1623 1682 82 1740 1799 1858 1917 1976 2035 2093 2152 2211 2270 83 2329 2388 2446 2505 2564 2623 2682 2740 2799 2858 84 2917 2976 3035 3093 3152 3211 3270 3329 3387 3446 85 3505 3564 3623 3681 3740 3799 3858 3917 3975 4034 86 4093 4152 4211 4269 4328 4387 441-6 4505 4563 4622 87 4681 4740 4799 4857 4916 4975 5034 5093 5151 5210 88 5269 5328 5386 5445 5504 5563 5622 5680 5739 5798 89 5857 5915 5974 6033 6092 6151 6209 6268 6327 6386 7390 6444 6503 6562 6621 6679 6738 6797 6856 6915 6973 91 7032 7091 7150 7208 7267 7326 7385 7443 7502 7561 92 7620 7678 7737 7796 7855 7913 7972 8031 8090 8148 58 93 8207 8266 8325 8383 8442 8501 8560 8618 8677 8736 1 6 94 8794 8853 8912 8971 9029 9088 9147 9206 9264 9323 2 I'J 3 17 95 9382 9441 9499 9558 9617 9675 9734 9793 9852 9910 4 23 96 9969 0028 0086 0145 020^ *^0263 0321 0380 0439 0497 5 29 97 8690556 0615 0674 0732 0791 0850 0908 0967 1026 1085 6 35 7 41 V. 46 98 1143 1202 1261 1319 1378 1437 1495 1554 1613 1672 99 N. 1730 1789 1 1848 1906 1965 4 2024 5 2082 2141 2200 2259 9 1 9 52 2 3 ! 6 1 7 8 1 D Pts.i C134) LOGARITHMS N. 740 L. 86y N. 7400 1 2376 2 2435 3 2493 4 2552 5 2611 6 2669 7 2728 8 2787 9 2845 D Pro. 8692317 01 2904 2963 3021 3080 3139 3197 3256 3315 3373 3432 59 02 3491 3549 3608 3667 3725 3784 3843 3901 3960 4019 1 6 03 4077 4136 4195 4253 4312 437 1 4429 4488 4547 4605 2 12 04 4664 4723 4781 4840 4899 4957 5016 5075 5133 5192 3 4 18 24 05 5251 5309 5368 5427 5485 5544 5603 5661 5720 5778 5 30 06 5837 5896 5954 6013 6072 6130 6189 6248 6306 6365 6 7 8 35 41 47 07 6423 6482 6541 6599 6658 6717 6775 6834 6892 6951 08 7010 7068 7127 7186 7244 7303 7361 7420 7479 7537 9 53 oy 7596 7655 7713 7772 7830 7889 7948 8006 8065 8123 7410 8182 824] 8299 8358 8417 8475 8534 8592 8651 8710 11 8768 8827 8885 8944 9003 9061 9120 9178 9237 9296 12 9354 9413 9471 9530 9588 9647 9706 9764 9823 9881 , 13 9940 9999 0057 0116 0174 0233 0292 0350 0409 0467 14 8700526 0584 0643 0702 0760 0819 0877 0936 0994 1053 15 1112 1170 1229 1287 1346 1404 1463 1522 1580 1639 16 1697 1756 1814 1873 1931 1990 2049 2107 2166 2224 17 2283 2341 2400 2458 2517 2576 2634 2693 2751 2810 18 2868 2927 2985 3044 3102 3161 3220 3278 3337 3395 19 3454 3512 3571 3629 3688 3746 3805 3863 3922 3981 7420 4039 4098 4156 4215 4273 4332 4390 4449 4507 4566 21 4624 4683 4741 4800 4858 4917 4975 5034 5092 5151 22 5210 5268 5327 5385 5444 5502 5561 5619 5678 5736 2.'i 5795 5853 5912 5970 6029 6087 6146 6204 6263 6321 24 6380 6438 6i97 ^655 6614 6672 6731 6789 6848 6906 25 •6965 7023 7082 7140 7J99 7257 7316 7374 7432 7491 26 7549 7608 7666 7725 7783 7842 7900 7959 8017 8076 27 8134 8193 825i 8310 8368 8427 8485 8544 8602 8660 28 8719 8777 8836 8894 8953 9011 9070 9128 9187 9245 29 - 9304 9362 9421 9479 9537 9596 9654 9713 9771 9830 7430 9888 9947 0005 0063 0122 0180 0239 0297 0356 0414 31 8710473 0531 0589 0648 0706 0765 0823 0882 0940 0999 32 1057 1115 1174 123^ 1291 1349 1408 1466 1524 1583 ^% 1641 1700 1758 1817 1875 1933 1992 2050 2109 2167 54 2226 2284 2342 2401 2459 2518 2576 2634 2693 2751 ^b 2810 2868 2927 2985 3043 31Q2 3160 3219 3277 3335 36 3394 3452 3511 3569 3627 3686 3744 3803 3861 3919 37 3978 4036 4095 4153 4211 4270 4328 4387 4445 4503 38 4562 4620 4679 4737 4795 4854 4912 4970 5029 5087 39 5146 5204 5262 5321 5379 5437 5496 5554 5613 5671 7440 5729 5788 5846 5904 5963 6021 6080 6138 6196 6255 41 6313 6371 6430 64-88 6546 6605 0663 6722 6780 6838 42 6897 6955 7013 7072 7130 7188 7247 7305 7363 7422 58 43 7480 7539 7597 7655 7714 7772 7830 7889 7947 8005 I 3 b 12 17 44 8064 8122 8180 8239 8297 8355 8414 8472 8530 8589 45 8647 8705 8764 8822 8880 8939 8997 9055 9114 9172 i 23 46 9230 9289 9347 9405 9464 9522 9580 9639 9697 9755 5 6 7 29 35 41 47 9814 9872 9930 9988 0047 0105 0163 0222 0280 0338 48 8720397 0455 0513 0572 0630 0688 0747 0805 0863 0921 8 46 49 N. . 0980 1038 1 1096 2 1155 3 1213 4 1 1271 1330 6 1388 7 1446 8 1504 9 D 9 52 5 ?ts:i N. 745 L. 872 of numbers. (135) N. 1 52 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pro. 74.50 8721563 1621 1679 1733 1796 1854 1912 1971 2029 2087 51 2146 2204 2262 2320 2379 2437 2495 2554 2612 2670 58 52 2728 2787 2845 2903 2962 3020 3078 3136 3195 3253 1 6 53 3311 3369 3428 3486 3544 3603 3661 3719 3777 3836 2 12 3 17 4 23 54 3894 3952 4010 4069 4127 4185 4243 4302 4360 4418 55 4476 4535 4593 4651 4709 4768 4826 4884 4942 5001 5 29 56 5059 5117 5175 5234 5292 5350 5408 5467 5525 5583 6 35 7 41 8 46 57 5641 5700 5758 5816 5874 5933 5991 6049 6107 6166 58 6224 6282 6340 6398 6457 6515 6573 6631 6690 6748 9 52 59 6806 6864 6923 6981 7039 7097 7155 7214 7272 7330 7400 7388 7446 7505 7563 7621 7679 7738 7796 7854 7912 •61 7970 8029 8087 8145 8203 8261 8320 8378 8436 8494 62 8552 8611 8669 8727 8785 8843 8902 8960 9018 9076 63 9134 9193 9251 9309 9367 9425 9484 9542 9600 9658 64 9716 9774 9833 9891 9949 0007 0065 0124 0182 0240 65 8730298 0356 0414 0473 0531 0589 0647 0705 0764 0822 66 0880 0938 0996 1054 1113 1171 1229 1287 1345 1403 61 1462 1520 1578 1636 1694 1752 1810 1869 4 927 1985 68 2043 2101 2159 2218 2276 2334 2392 2450 2508 2566 69 2625 2683 2741 2799 2857 2915 2973 3032 3090 3148 7470 320g 3264 3322 3380 3439 3497 3555 3613 3671 3729 71 3787 3845 3904 3962 4020 4078 4136 4194 4252 4311 .72 4369 4427 4485 4543 4601 4659 4717 4775 4834 4892 73 4950 5008 5066 5124 5182 5240 5298 5357 5415 5473 74 5531 5589 5647 5705 5763 5821 5880 5938 5996 6054 75 6112 6170 6228 6286 6344 6402 6461 6519 6577 6635 76 6693 6751 6809 6867 6925 6983 7041 7100 7158 7216 77 7274 7332 7390 7448 7506 7564 7622 7680 7738 7797 78 7855 7913 7971 8029 8087 8145 8203 8261 8319 8377 79 8435 849 3 8551 8610 8668 8726 8784 8842 8900 8958 7480 9016 9074 9132 9190 9248 9306 9364 9422 9480 9538 81 9597 9655 9713 9771 9829 9887 9945 0003 0061 0119 82 8740177 0235 0293 0351 0409 0467 0525 0583 0641 0699 83 0757 0815 0374 0932 0990 1048 1106 1164 1222 1280 84 1338 1396 1454 1512 1570 1628 1686 1744 1802 1860 85 1918 1976 2034 2092 2150 2208 2266 2324 2382 2440 86 2498 2556 2614 2672 2730 2788 2846 2904 2962 3020 87 3078 3136 3194 3252 3310 3368 3426 3484 3542 3600 58 88 3658 3716 3774 3832 3890 3948 4006 4064 4122 4180 89 4238 4296 4354 4412 4470 4528 4586 4644 4702 4760 7490 4818 4876 4934 4992 505,0 5108 5166 5224 5282 5340 91 5398 5456 5514 5572 5630 5688 5746 5804 5862 5920 92 5978 6036 6094 6152 6210 6268 6325 6383 6441 6499 57 Q3 6557 6615 6673 6731 6789 6847 6905 6963 7021 7079 1 6 94 71S7 7195 7253 7311 7369 7427 7485 7543 7600 7658 2 11 3 17 95 7716 7774 7832 7890 7948 8005 8064 8122 8180 8238 4 23 96 8296 8354 8412 8470 8528 8585 8643 8701 8759 8817 5 29 97 8875 8933 8991 9049 9107 9165 9223 9281 9339 9396 6 34 7 40 8 46 98 9454 9512 9570 9628 9686 ,9744 9802 9860 9918 9976 99 N, 8750034 0091 1~ 0149 2 0207 1i~ 0265 4 0323 ~5~ 0381 ~6~ 0439 7 1 0497 0555 951 8 9 1) Pts. (136*) LOGARITHMS N. 7.50 L. 8/5 N. 7500 1 0671 2 0728 3 0786 4 0844 5 0902 6 0960 7 1018 8 1076 9 1134 D Pro. 8750613 01 1192 1250 1307 1365 1423 1481 1539 1597 1655 1713 58 02 1771 1828 1886 1944 2002 2060 2118 2176 2234 2292 1 6 03 2349 2407 2465 2323 2581 2639 2697 2755 2813 2870 2 12 04 2928 2986 3044 3102 3160 3218 3275 3333 3391 3449 317 4 '23 05 3507 3565 3623 3681 3738 3796 3854 3912 3970 4028 5!29 Of) 4086 4143 4201 4259 4317 4375 4433 4491 4548 4606 6|35 07 4664 4722 4780 4838 4896 4953 5011 5069 5127 5185 7 41 8 46 9152 08 5243 5300 5358 5416 5474 5532 5590 5648 5705 5763 09 5821 5879 5937 5995 6052 6110 6168 6226 6284 6342 , 7510 6399 6457 6515 6573 6631 6689 6746 6804 6862 6920 11 6978 7035 7093 7151 7209 7267 7325 7382 7440 7498 12 7556 7614 7671 7729 7787 7845 7903 7960 8018 8076 13 8134 8192 8249 8307 8365 8423 8481 8539 8596 8654 14 8712 8770 8828 8885 8943 9001 9059 9116 9174 9232 15 9290 9348 9405 9463 9521 9579 9637 9694 9752 9810 16 9868 9925 9983 ^041 0099 0157 0214 0272 0330 0388 17 8760446 0503 0561 0619 0677 0734 0792 0850 0908 0965 18 1023 1081 1139 1197 1254 1312 1370 1428 1485 1543 19 1601 1659 1716 1774 1832 1890 1947 2005 2063 2121 7520 2178 2236 2294 2352 2409 2467 2525 2583 2640 2698 21 2756 2814 2871 2929 2987 3045 3102 3160 3218 3276 22 3333 3391 3449 3506 3564 ^622 3680 3737 3795 3853 23 3911 3968 4026 4084 4142 4199 4257 4315 4372 4430 24 4488 4546 4603 4661 4719 4776 4834 4892 4950 5007 25 5065 5123 5180 5238 5296 5354 5411 5469 5527 5584 26 .5642 5700 5758 5815 5873 5931 5988 6046 6104 6161 27 6219 6277 6335 6392 6450 6508 6565 6623 6681 6738 28 6796 6854 6911 6969 7027 7085 7142 7200 7258 7315 29 7373 7431 7488 7546 7604 7661 7719 7777 7834 7892 7530 7950 8007 8065 8123 8180 8238 8296 8353 8411 8469 31 8526 8584 8642 8699 8757 8815 8872 8930 8988 9045 32 9103 9161 9218 9276 9334 9391 9449 9507 9564 0622 33 9680 9737, 9795 9853 9910 9968 0026 0083 0141 0199 34 8770256 0314 0371 0429 0487 0544 0602 0660 0717 0775 35 0833 0890 0948 1005 1063 1121 1178 1236 1294 1351 56 1409 1467 1524 1582 1639 1697 1755 1812 1870 1928 37 1985 2043 2100 2158 2216 2273 2331 2388 2446 2504 38 2561 2619 2677 2734 2792 2849 2907 2965 3022 3080 39 3137 3195 3253 3310 3368 3425 3483 3541 3598 3656 7540 3713 3771 3829 3886 3944 4001 4059 4117 4174 4232 41 4289 4347 4405 4462 4520 4577 4635 4693 4750 4808 42 4865 4923 4980 5038 5096 5153 5211 5268 5326 5384 57 43 5441 5499 5556 5614 5671 5729 5787 5844 5902 5959 1 6 44 6017 6074 6132 6189 6247 6305 6362 6420 6477 6535 2 11 3 17 45 6592 6650 6708 6765 6823 6880 6938 C995 7053 7110 4 23 46 7168 7226 7283 7341 7. '3 9 8 7456 7513 7571 7628 7686 5 29 47 7743 7801 7859 7916 7974 8031 8089 8146 8204 8261 6 34 7 40 8 46 48 8319 8376 8434 8492 8549 8607 8664 8722 8779 8837 49 8894 8952 1 9009 2 9067 3 9124 4 9182 5 9239 ~6~ 9297 7 ^354 8 9412 9 T) 951 Pts. N. N.755 L.877 OF NUMBERS. (137)1 N. 7550 I 9527 9585 3 9642 4 9700 5 6 ^815 7 8 9930 9 9987 D Pre ). 8779470 9757 < 9872 " 51 8780045 3102 0160 0217 0275 0332 ( 3390 0447 0505 0562 58 52 0620 0677 0735 0792 0850 0907 3965 1022 1080 1137 1 G 53 1195 1252 1310 1367 1425 1482 1540 1597 1655 1712 2 12 3 17 4 23 54 1770 1827 1885 1942 2000 2057 2115 2172 2230 2287 55 2345 2402 2460 2517 2575 2632 2690 2747 2805 2862 5 29 56 2919 2977 3034 3092 3149 3207 3264 3322 3379 3437 6 35 741 8 4« 51 3494 3552 3609 3667 3724 3782 3839 3896 3954 4011 58 4069 4126 4184 4241 4299 4356 4414 4471 4529 4586 95 2 59 4643 4701 4758 4816 4873 4931 4988 5046 5103 5161 7560 5218 5275 5333 5390 5448 5505 5563 5620 5678 5735 61 5792 5850 5907 5965 6022 6080 6137 6194 6252 6309 62 6367 6424 6482 6539 6596 6654 6711 6769 6826 6884 63 6941 69y8 7056 7113 7171 7228 7286 7343 7400 745,8 64 7515 7573 7630 7687 7745 7802 7860 7917 7975 8032 65 8089 8147 8204 8262 8319 8376 8434 8491 8549 8606 66 8663 8721 8778 8836 8893 8950 9008 9065 9123 9180 61 9237 9295 9352 9410 9467 9524 9582 9639 9696 9754 68 9811 9869 9926 9983 0041 0098 0156 0213 0270 0328 69 ^790385 0442 0500 0557 0615 0672 0729 0787 0844 0901 7570 0959. 1016 1074 1131 1188 1246 1303 1360 1418 1475 71 1532 1590 1647 1705 1762 1819 1877 1934 1991 2049 72 2106 2163 2221 2278 2335 2393 2450 2508 2565 2622 73 2680 2737 2794 2852 2909 2966 3024 3081 3138 3196 74 3253 3310 3368 3425 3482 3540 3597 3654 3712 3769 75 3826 3884 3941 3998 4056 4113 4170 4228 4285 4342 76 4400 4457 4514 4572 4629 4686 4744 4801 4858 4916 . 77 4973 5030 5088 5145 5202 5259 5317 5374 5431 5489 78 5546 5603 5661 5718 5775 5833 5890 5947 6004 6062 79 6119 6176 6234 6291 6348 6406 6463 6520 6577 6635 7580 6692 6749 6807 6864 6921 6979 7036 7093 7150 7208 81 7265 7322 7380 7437 7494 7551 7609 7666 7723 7781 82 7838 7895 7952 8010 8067 8124 8181 8239 8290 8353 83 8411 8468 8525 8582 8640 8697 8754 8811 8869 8926 84 8983 9041 9098 9255 9212 9270 9327 9384 9441 9499 85 9556 9613 9670 9728 9785 9842 9899 995t 0014 007] 86 8800128 0186 0243 0300 0357 0415 0472 0529 0586 0644 87 0701 0758 0815 0873 0930 0987 1044 1102 1159 1216 88 1273 1330 1388 1445 1502 1559 1617 1674 1731 1788 89 1846 1903 1960 2017 2074 2132 2189 2246 2303 2361 7590 2418 2475 2532 2589 2647 2704 2761 2818 2875 2933 91 2990 3047 3104 3162 3219 3276 3333 .'i390 3448 3505 92 3562 3619 3676 3734 3791 3848 3905 3962 4020 4077 57 93 4134 4191 4248 4306 4363 4420 4477 4534 4592 4649 I 6 94 4706 4763 4820 4877 4935 4992 5049 5106 5163 5221 2 3 11 17 95 5278 5335 5392 5449 5507 5564 5621 5678 5735 5792 4 23 96 5850 5907 5964 6021 6078 6135 6193 625C 6307 6364 6 6 7 29 97 6421 6478 6536 6593 6650 6707 676^ ^ 6821 6879 6936 34 40 46 98 .6993 7050 7107 7164 7222 7279 7336 7393 7450 7507 / 8 9S N. 7564 7622 1 7679 1 2 7736 3 7793 4 7850 1 5 7907 6 7^964 7 8022 8 8079 9 9 D T 51 . IS. (13S) LOGARITHMS N. 76() L. 880 N. 7000 1 8193 2 8250 3 8307 4 8364 5 8422 6 8479 7 8536 8 8593 9 8650 D Pro. 8808 130 01 8707 8764 8822 8879 8936 8993 9050 9107 9164 9222 58 02 9279 9336 9393 9450 9507 9564 9621 9679 9736 9793 1 6 03 9850 9907 9964 0021 0078 0136 0193 0250 0307 0364 2 12 3 17 4 23 04 8810421 0478 0535 0592 0650 0707 0764 0821 0878 0935 05 0992 1049 1106 1163 1221 1278 1335 1392 1449 1506 5 29 06 1563 1620 1677 1735 1792 1849 1906 1963 2020 2077 6 35 7 41 8 46 07 2134 2191 2248 2305 2363 2420 2477 2534 2591 2648 08 2705 2762 2819 2876 2933 2990 3048 3105 3162 3219 9 52 09 3276 3333 3390 3447 3504 3561 3618 3675 3732 3789 7610 3847 3904 3961 4018 4075 4132 4189 4246 4303 4360 11 4417 4474 4531 4588 4645 4703 4760 4817 4874 4931 12 4988 5045 5102 5159 5216 5273 5330 5387 5444 5501 13 5358 5615 5672 5729 5786 5844 5901 5958 6015 6072 14 6129 6186 6243 6300 6357 6414 6471 6528 6585 6642 15 6699 6756 6813 6870 6927 6984 7041 7098 7155 7212 16 7269 7326 7383 7440 7497 7554 7611 7669 7726 7783 17 7840 7897 7954 8011 8068 8125 8182 8239 8296 8353 18 8410 8467 8524 8581 8638 8695 8752 8809 8866 8923 19 8980 9037 9094 9151 9208 9265 9322 9379 9436 9493 57 7020 9550 9607 9664 9721 9778 9835 9892 9949 0006 0063 21 8820120 0177 0234 0291 0348 0405 0462 0519 0575 0632 22 0689 0746 0803 0860 0917 0974 1031 1088 1145 1202 23 1259 1316 1373 1430 1487 1544 1601 1658 1715 1772 24 1829 1886 1943 2000 2057 2114 2171 2228 2285 2342 25 2398 2455 2512 2569 2626 2683 2740 2797 2854 2911 26 2968 3025 3082 3139 3196 3253 3310 3367 3424 3481 27 3537 3594 3651 3708 3765 3822 3879 3936 3993 4050 28 4107 4164 4221 4278 4335 4392 4448 4505 4562 4619 29 4676 4733 4790 4847 4904 4961 5018 5075 5132 5188 7o30 5245 5302 5359 5416 5473 ■5530 5587 5644 5701 5758 31 5815 5871 5928 5985 6042 6099 6156 6213 6270 6327 32 6384 6441 6497 6554 6611 6QQS 6725 6782 6839 6896 33 6953 7010 7066 7123 7180 7237 7294 7351 7408 7465 34 7522 7578 7635 7692 7749 7806 7863 7920 7977 8034 35 8090 8147 8204 8261 8318 8375 8432 8489 8545 8602 36 8659 8716 8773 8830 8887 8944 9000 9057 9114 9171 31 9228 9285 9342 9399 9455 9512 9569 9626 9683 9740 38 9797 9853 9910 9967 0024 0081 0138 0195 0251 0308 1 39 8830365 0422 0479 0536 0593 0649 0706 0763 0820 0877 7640 0934 0990 1047 1104 1161 1218 1275 1331 1388 1 445 41 1502 1559 1616 1673 1729 1786 1843 1900 1957 2014 j 42 2070 2127 2184 2241 2298 2354 2411 2468 2525 2582 57 43 2639 2695 2752 2809 2866 2923 2980 3036 3093 3150 1 6 44 3207 3264 3320 3377 3434 3491 3548 3604 3661 3718 2 II 3 17 ' 45 3775 3832 3889 3945 4002 4059 4116 4173 4229 4286 4 23 46 4345 4400 4457 1.513 4570 4627 4684 4741 1797 4854 5 29 . 47 4911 4968 5024 5081 5138 5195 5252 5308 5365 5422 [)'34 7 40 i 46 48 5479 553Q 5592 5649 5706 5763 5819 5876 5933 5990 49 6047 6103 6160 6217 6274 6530 6387 6444 ^501 6^.58 iU\ [N.l ~r 2 3 4 5 6 7~ 8 9 Id 1 ^ts. N.76\5 L. 883 ' of numbers. (139) N. 76.5C 1 6671 9. 6728 3 6785 4 6841 1 5 6898 6 6955 7 7012 8 7068 9 7125 1) Pro. 8836614 51 7182 7239 729G 7352 7409 7466 7523 7579 7636 7693 57 52 775C 7806 7863 7920 7977 8033 8090 8147 8204 8260 J G 53 8317 8374 8431 8487 8544 8601 8658 8714 8771 8828 '2 11 3 17 4 23 54 8885 8941 8998 9055 9112 9168 9225 9282 9338 9395 55 9452 9509 Q565 9622 9679 9736 9792 9849 9906 9963 5 29 56 8840019 0076 0133 0189 0246 0303 0360 0416 0473 0530 6 34 7 40 8 46 57 0586 0643 0700 0757 0813 0870 0927 0983 1040 109t 58 1154 1210 1267 1324 1380 1437 1494 1551 1607 1664 9bl 59 1721 1777 1834 1891 1948 2004 2061 2118 2174 223 1 7660 2288 2344 2401 2458 2514 2571 2628 2685 2741 2798 61 2855 2911 2968 3025 3081 3138 3195 3251 3308 3365 62 3421 3478 3535 3592 3648 3705 3762 3818 3875 3932 63 3988 4045 4102 4158 4215 4272 4328 4385 4442 4498 64 4555 4612 4668 4725 4782 4838 4895 4952 5008 5065 65 5122 5178 5235 5292 5348 5405 5462 5518 5575 5631 66 5688 5745 5801 5858 5915 5971 6028 6085 6141 6198 67 6255 6311 6368 6425 6481 6538 6594 6651 6708 6764 6S 6821 6878 6934 6991 7048 7104 7161 7217 7274 7331 69 7387 7444 7501 7557 7614 7671 7727 7784 7840 7897 7670 7954 8010 8067 8124 8180 8237 8293 8350 8407 8463 71 8520 8576 8633 8690 8746 8803 8860 8916 8973 9029 72 9086 9143 9199 9256 9312 9369 9426 9482 9539 9595 73 9652 9709 9765 9822 9878 9935 9992 0048 0105 0161 74 8850218 0275 0331 0388 0444 0501 0557 0614 0671 0727 75 0784 0840 0897 0954 1010 1067 1123 1180 1237 1293 76 1350 1406 1463 1519 1576 1633 1689 1746 1802 1859 77 1915 1972 2029 2085 2142 2198 2255 2311 2368 2425 78 2481 2538 2594 2651 2707 2764 2820 2877 2934 2990 79 3047 3103 3160 3216 3273 3329 3386 3443 3499 3556 7680 3612 3669 3725 3782 3838 3895 3951 4008 4065 4121 81 4178 4234 4291 4347 4404 4460 4517 4573 4630 4686 82 4743 4800 4856 4913 4969 5026 5082 5139 5195 5252 83 5308 5365 5421 5478 5534 5591 5647 5704 5761 5817 84 5874 5930 5987 6043 6100 6156 6213 6269 6326 6382 85 6439 6495 6552 6608 6665' 6721 6778 6834 6891 6947 86 7004 7060 7117 7173 7230 7286 7343 7399 7456 7512 87 7569 7625 7682 7738 7795 7851 7908 7964 8021 8077 88 8134 8190 8247 8303 8360 8416 8473 8529 8586,- "8642 89 8699 8755 8812 8868 8925 8981 9037 9094 9150 9207 7690 9263 9320 9376 9433 9489 9546 9602 9659 9715 9772 91 9828 9885 9941 9998 0054 0110 0167 0223 0280 0336 92 8860393 0449 0506 0562 0619 0675 0732 0788 0844 0901 56 93 0957 1014 1070 1127 1183 1240 1296 1352 1409 1465 1 6 94 1522 1578 1635 1691 1748 1804 I860 1917 1973 2030 2 U 3 17 95 2086 2143 2199 2256 2312 2368 2425 2481 2538 2594 4 22 96 2651 2707 2763 2820 2876 2933 2989 3046 3102 3158 5 28 97 3215 3271 3328 3384 3441 3497 3553 3610 3666 5723 5 34 '39 3 45. 98 3779 3835 3892 3948 4005 4061 4113 1174 4230 4287 99 N. 4343 4400 1 U56 2 4512 3 4569 4625 5 4682 6 4738 7 4794 8 4851 9 D )50 Pts. 4 Q I y (140) LOGARITHMS N. 770 L. 886 N. 7700 1 4964 2 5020 3 5076 4 5133 5 5189 6 5246 7 5302 8 5358 9 5415 I) Pro. 8864907 01 5471 5528 5584 5640 5697 5753 5810 5866 5922 5979 57 02 6035 6092 6148 6204 6261 6317 6373 6430 6486 6543 1 6 03 6599 6655 6712 6768 6824 6881 6937 6994 7050 7106 2 11 3 17 4 23 04 7163 7219 7275 7332 7388 7445 7501 7557 7614 7670 05 7726 7783 7839 7896 7952 8008 8065 8121 8177 8234 5 29 06 8290 8346 8403 8459 8515 8572 8628 8685 8741 8797 6 34 7 40 8 46 07 8854 8910 8966 9023 9079 9135 9192 9248 9304 9361 08 9417 9473 9530 9586 9642 9699 9755 98 fl 9868 9924 9 51 oy 9980 0037 0093 0149 0206 0262 0318 0375 0431 0487 7710 8870544 0600 0656 0713 0769 0825 0882 0938 0994 1051 11 1107 1163 1220 1276 1332 1389 1445 1501 1558 1614 12 1670 1727 1783 1839 1895 1952 2008 2064 2121 2177 13 2233 2290 2346 2402 2459 2515 2571 2627 2684 2740 14 2796 2853 2909 2965 3022 3078 3134 3190 3247 3303 15 3359 3416 3472 3528 3584 3641 3697 3753 3810 3866 16 3922 3978 4035 4091 4147 4204 4260 4316 4372 4429 17 4485 4541 4598 4654 4710 4766 4823 4879 4935 4991 IS 5048 5104 5160 5217 5273 5329 5385 5442 5498 5554 19 5610 5667 5723 5779 5835 5892 5948 6004 6060 6117 7720 6173 6229 6286 6342 6398 6454 6511 6567 6623 6679 21 6736 6792 6848 6904 6961 7017 7073 7129 7185 7242 22 7298 7354 7410 7467 7523 7579 7635 7692 7748 7804 23 7860 7917 7973 8029 8085 8142 8198 8254 8310 8366 24 8423 84.79 8535 8591 8648 8704 9266^^ 8760 8816 8872 8929 25 8985 9041 9097 9154 9210 9322 9378 9435 9491 26 9547 9603 9659 9716 9772 9828 9884 9941 9997 0053 27 8880109 0165 0222 0278 0334 0390 0446 0503 0559 0615 28 0671 0727 0784 0840 0896 0952 1008 1064 1121 1177 29 1233 1289 1345 1402 1458 1514 1570 1626 1683 1739 7730 1795 1851 1907 1963 2020 2076 2132 2188 2244 2301 31 2357 2413 2469 2525 2581 2638 2694 2750 2806 2862 32 2918 2975 3031 3087 3143 3199 3255 3312 3368 3424 33 3480 3536 3592 3649 3705 3761 3817 3873 3929 3986 34 4042 4098 4154 4210 4266 4322 4379 4435 4491 4547 35 4603 4659 4715 4772 4828 4884 4940 4996 5052 5108 / 36 5165 5221 5277 5333 5389 5445 5501 5558 5614 5670 37 5726 5782 5838 5894 5950 6007 6063 6119 6175 6231 38 6287 6343 6400 6456 6512 6568 6624 6680 6736 6792 39 6848 6905 6961 7017 7073 7129 7185 7241 7297 7353 7740 7410 7466 7522 7578 7634 7690 7746 7802 7858 7915 41 7971 8027 8083 8139 8195 8251 8307 8363 8419 8476 42 8532 858^, 8644 8700 8756 8812 8868 8924 8980 9037 56 43 9093 9149 9205 9261 9317 9373 9429 9485 9541 9597 1 6 44 9653 9710 9766 9822 9878 9934 9990 0046 0102 0158 2 11 3 17 45 8890214 0270 0326 0382 0439 0495 0551 0607 0663 0719 4 22 46 0775 0831 0887 0943 0999 1055 nil 1167 1223 1279 5 28 47 1336 1392 1448 1504 1560 1616 1672 1728 1784 1840 6 34 7 39 8 45 48 1896 1952 2008 2064 2120 2176 2232 2288 2345 2401 49 N. 2457 2513 1 2569 2 2625 3 2681 4 2737 5 2793 6 2849 7 2905 8 2961 D ' 9 50 Pts. N.77'5 L. 889 OF NUMBERS. (14]) N. 7750 1 3073 2 3129 3 3185 4 3241 5 3297 6 3353 7 340y 8 3465 9 3521 D Pro. 8893017 51 3577 3633 3689 3745 3801 3858 3914 397C 4026 4082 56 52 4138 4194 4250 4306 4362 4418 4474 453C 4586 4642 1 6 53 4698 4754 4810 4866 4922 4978 5034 5090 5146 5202 2 11 .54 5258 j314 5370 5426 5482 5538 5594 5650 5706 5762 56 3 17 4 22 55 5818 5874 5930 5986 6042 6098 6154 6210 6266 6322 5 28 56 6378 6434 6490 6546 6602 6658 6714 6770 6826 6882 6" 34 7 39 8 45 51 6938 6994 7050 7106 7162 7218 7274 7330 7386 7442 58 7498 7554 7610 7666 7722 7778 7834 7890 7946 8002 9 50 59 8058 8113 8169 8225 8281 8337 8393 8449 8505 8561 7760 8617 8673 8729 8785 8841 8897 8953 9009 9065 9121 61 9177 9233 9289 9345 9401 9457 9513 9569 9624 9680 62 9736 9792 9848 9904 9960 0016 0072 0128 0184 0240 63 8900296 0352 0408 0464 0520 0576 0632 0687 0743 0799 64 0855 0911 0967 1023 1079 1135 1191 1247 1303 1359 65 1415 1471 1526 1582 1638 1694 1750 1806 1862 1918 66 1974 20S0 2086 2142 2198 2253 2309 2365 2421 2477 67 2533 2589 2645 2701 2757 2813 2869 2924 2980 3036 68 3092 3 1 48 3204 3260 3316 3372 3428 3484 3539 3595 69 3651 3707 3763 3819 3875 3931 3987 4043 4098 4154 7770 4210 4266 4322 4378 4434 4490 4546 4601 4657 4713 71 4769 4825 4881 4937 4993 5049 5104 5160 5216 5272 72 5328 5384 5440 5496 5551 5607 5663 5719 5775 5831 73 5887 5943 5998 6054 6110 6166 6222 6278 6334 6389 74 6445 6501 6557 6613 6669 '^227 6725 6781 6836 6892 6948 75 7004 7060 7116 7172 7283 7339 7395 7451 7507 76 7563 7618 7674 7730 7786 7842 7898 7953 8009 8065 77 8121 8177 8233 8289 8344 8400 8456 8512 8568 8624 78 8679 8735 8791 8847 8903 8959 9014 9070 9126 9182 79 9238 9294 9349 9405 9461 9517 9573 9629 9684 9740 7780 9796 9852 9908 9963 0019 0075 0131 0187 0243 0298 81 8910354 0410 0466 0522 0577 0633 0689 0745 0801 0856 82 0912 0968 1024 1080 1135 1191 1247 1303 1359 1415 83 1470 1526 158^ 1638 1694 1749 1805 1861 1917 1972 84 2028 2084 2140 2196 2251 2307 2363 2419 2475 2530 85 2586 2642 2698 2754 2809 2865 2921 2977 3032 3088 86 3144 3200 3256 3311 3367 3423 3479 3534 3590 3646 87 3702 3758 3813 3869 3925 3981 4036 4092 4148 4204 88 4259 4315 4371 4427 4482 4538 4594 4650 4706 4761 89 4817 4873 4929 4984 5040 5096 5152 5207 5263 5319 7790 5375 5430 5486 5542 5598 5653 5709 5765 5821 5876 91 5932 5988 6044 6099 6155 6211 6266 6322 6378 6434 92 6489 6545 6601 6657 6712 6768 6824 6880 6935 6991 55 93 7047 7102 7158 7214 7270 7325 7381 7437 7493 7548 I 6 94 7604 7660 7715 7771 7827 7883 7938 7994 8050 8105 211 3 17 4 22 95 8161 8217 8273 8328 8384 8440 8495 8551 8607 8663 96 8718 8774 8830 8885 8941 8997 9053 9108 9164 9220 5 28 97 9275 9331 938^' 9944 §442 9498 9554 9610 9665 9721 9777 6 33 7 39 8 44 98 9832 9888 9999 0055 0111 0166 0222 0278 0334 99 NT" B920389 0445 i 0501 2 0556 ~3~ 0612 4 0668 5 0723 6 0779 7 0835 8 0890 9 D 9 50 Pts. [(142) LOGARITHMS N.780 L. S^^} N. 7800 1 1002 2 3 4 1169 i ' 6' 1280 7 1336 8 1391 9 1447 D Pro. 8920946 1057 1113 1224 01 J 503 1558 1614 1670 1725 1781 1837 1892 1948 2004 56 02 2059 2115 2171 2226 2282 2338 2393 2449 2505 2560 1 6 03 2616 2672 2727 2783 2839^ ^2894 2950 3006 3061 3117 211 Ol- 3173 3228 3284 3340 3395 3451 3506 3562 3618 3673 3 17 4 22 05 3729 3785 3840 3896 3952 4007 4063 4119 4174 4230 6 28 06 4285 4341 4397 4452 450S 4564 4619 4675 4731 4786 6 34 7 39 ft 4H 07 4842 4897 4953 5009 5064 5120 5176 5231 5287 5342 OS 5398 5454 5509 5565 5621 5676 5732 5787 5843 5899 o to 9 50 09 5954 6010 6065 6121 6177 6232 6288 6344 6399 6455 7810 6510 6506 6622 6677 6733 6788 6844 6900 6955 7011 11 7066 7122 7178 7233 7289 7344 7400 7456 7511 7567 12 7622 7678 7734 7789 7845 7900 7956 8011 8067 8123 13 8178 8234 8289 8345 8401 8456 8512 8567 8623 8678 14 8734 8790 8845 8901 8956 9012 9068 9123 9179 9234 15 Q290 9345 9401 9457 9512 9568 9623 9679 9734 9790 16 9846 9901 9957 0012 0068 0123 0179 0234 0290 0346 17 8930401 0457 0512 0568 0623 0679 0734 0790 0846 0901 18 0957 1012 1068 1123 1179 1234 1290 1345 1401 1457 19 1512 1568 1623 1679 1734 1790 1845 1901 1956 2012 7820 2068 2123 2179 2234 2290 2345 2401 2456 2512 2567 21 2623 2678 2734 2789 2845 2900 2956 3012 3067 3123 22 3178 3234 3289 3345 3400 3456 3511 3567 3622 3678 23 5733 3789 3844 3900 3955 4011 4066 4122 4177 4233 24 4288 4344 4399 4455 4510 4566 4621 4677 4732 4788 25 4843 4899 4954 5010 5065 512/ 5176 5232 5287 5343 26 5398 5454 5509 5565 5620 5676 5731 5787 5842 5898 27 5953 6009 6064 6120 6175 6231 6286 6342 6397 6453 28 6508 6564 6619 6675 6730 6786 6841 6897 6952 7007 29 7063 7118 7174 7229 7285 7340 7396 7451 7507 7562 7830 7618 7673 7729 7784 7839 7895 7950 8006 8061 8117 31 8172 8228 8283 8339 8394 8450 8505 8560 8616 8671 32 8727 8782 8838 8893 8949 9004 9059 9115 9170 9226 33 9281 9337 9392 9448 9503 9558 9614 9669 9725 .9780 34 9836 9891 9947 0002 0057 0113 0168 0224 0279 0335 35 8940390 0445 0501 0556 0612 0667 0723 0778 0833 0889 3d 0944 1000 1055 nil 1166 1221 1277 1332 1388 1443 37 1498 1554 1609 1665 1720 1776 1831 1886 1942 1997 38 2053 2108 2163 2219 2274 2330 2385 2440 2496 2551 39 2607 2662 2717 2773 2828 2884 2939 2994 3050 3105 7840 3161 3216 3271 3327 3382 3438 3493 3548 3604 3659 41 3715 3770 3825 3881 3936 3991 4047 4102 4158 4213 42 4268 4324 4379 4435 4490 4545 4601 4656 4711 4767 55 43 4822 4878 4933 4988 5044 5099 5154 5210 5265 5320 1 6 44 5376 5431 5487 5542 5597 5653 5708 5763 5819 5874 2 11 3 17 45 5929 5985 6040 6096 6151 6206 6262 6317 6372 5428 4 22 46 6483 6538 6594 6649 6704 6760 6815 6870 6926 6981 5 28 47 7037 7092 7147 7203 7258 7313 7369 7424 7479 7535 G33 7 39 8 44 48 7590 7645 7701 7756 7811 7867 7922 7977 8033 8088 49 N. 8148 8199 1 8254 2 8309 3 8365 8420 5 8475 6 8531 7 8586 8641 9 D ,9 50 Pts. 4 8 N.785L.894 OF NUMBERS. (143)1 N. 1 o 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pro. 7850 8948697 8752 8807 8863 8918 8973 9028 9084 9139' 9194 51 9250 9305 9360 9416 9471 9526 9582 9637 9692 9748 56 52 9803 9858 9914 9969 0024 0079 0135 0190 0245 0301 1 6 53 8950356 0411 0467 0522 0577 0632 0688 0743 0798 0854 1 11 3 17 4 22 54. 0909 0964 1020 1075 1130 1185 1241 1296 1351 1407 55 1462 1517 1572 1628 1683 1738 1794 1849 1904 1959 5 28 56 2015 2070 2125 2181 2236 2291 2346 2402 2457 2512 6 34 7 39 8 45 57 2568 2623 2678 2733 2789 2844 2899 2954 3010 3065 58 3120 3176 3231 3286 3341 3397 3452 3507 3562 3618 9 50 59 3673 3728 3783 3839 3894 3949 4004 4060 4115 4170 7860 4225 4281 4336 4391 4446 4502 4557 4612 4667 4723 61 4778 4833 4888 4944 4999 5054 5109 5165 5220 5275 62 5330 5386 5441 5496 5551 5607 5662 5717 5772 5828 63 5883 5938 5993 6048 6104 6159 6214 6269 6325 6380 64 6435 6490 6545 6601 6656 6711 6766 6822 6877 6932 65 6987 7042 7098 7153 7208 7263 7319 7374 7429 7484 66 7539 7595 7650 7705 7760 7815 7871 7926 7981 8036 67 8092 8147 8202 8257 8312 8368 8423 8478 8533 8588 68 8644 8699 8754 8809 8864 8919 8975 9030 9085 9140 69 9195 9251 9306 9361 9416 9471 9527 9582 9637 9692 7870 9747 9803 9858 9913 9968 0023 0078 0134 0189 0244 71 8960299 0354 0409 0465 0520 0575 0630 0685 0741 0796 72 0851 0906 0961 1016 1072 1127 1182 1237 1292 1347 73 1403 1458 1513 1568 1623 1678 1733 1789 1844 1899 74 1954 2009 2064 2120 2175 2230 2285 2340 2395 2450 75 2506 2561 2616 2671 2726 2781 2837 2892 2947 3002 76 3057 3112 3167 3222 3278 3333 3388 3443 3498 3553 77 3608 3664 3719 3774 3829 3884 3939 3994 4050 4105 78 4160 4215 4270 4325 4380 4435 4491 4546 4601 4656 79 4711 4766 4821 4876 4931 4987 5042 5097 5152 5207 7880 5262 5317 5372 5428 5483 5538 5593 5648 5703 5758 81 5813 5868 5923 5979 6034 6089 6144 6199 6254 6309 82 6364 6419 6475 6530 6585 6640 6695 6750 6805 6860 83 6915 6970 7025 7081 7136 7191 7246 7301 7356 7411 84 7466 7521 7576 7631 7686 7742 7797 7852 7907 7962 85 8017 8072 8127 8182 8237 8292 8347 8403 8458 8513 86 8568 8623 8678 8733 8788 8843 8898 8953 9008 9063 87 9118 9173 9229 9284 9339 9394 9449 9504 9559 9614 88 9669 9724 9779 9834 9889 9944 9999 0054 0109 ■0165 89 8970220 0275 0330 0385 0440 0495 0550 0605 0660 0715 7890 0770 0825 0880 0935 0990 1045 1100 1155 1210 1265 91 1320 1375 1431 1486 1541 1596 1651 1706 1761 .1816 92 1871 1926 1981 2036 2091 2146 2201 2256 2311 2366 55 93 2421 2476 2531 2586 2641 2696 2751 2806 2861 2916 1 6 94. 2971 3026 3081 3136 3191 3246 3301 2356 3411 3466 2 11 3 17 95 3521 3576 3631 3686 3741 3796 3851 3906 3961 4016 55 4 22 96 4071 4126 4181 4236 4291 4346 4401 4456 4511 4566 5 28 97 4621 4676 4731 4786 4841 4896 4951 5006 5061 5116 6 33 7 39 8 44 98 5171 5226 5281 5336 5391 5446 5501 5556 5611 5666 99 5721 5776 5831 5886 5941 5996 6051 6106 6161 62^16 9 50 N. 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9_ D ] ^ts. (144) LOGARITHMS N.790L.897 N. 7900 1 6326 ^2 6381 3 4 6436 6491 5 6546 6 6601 7 6t)56 8 6711 9 6766 D Pro. 897627 1 01 6821 6876 6931 6986 7040 7095 7150 7205 7260 7315 55 02 7370 7425 7480 7535 7590 7645 7700 7755 7810 7865 1 6 03 7920 7975 8030 8085 8140 8195 8250 8304 8359 8414 211 04 8469 8524 8579 8634 8689 8744 8799 8854 8909 8964 3 17 4 22 05 9019 9074 9129 9184 9238 9293 9348 9403 9458 9513 5 28 06 9568 9623 9678 9733 9788 9843 9898 9953 0008 0062 6 33 07 8980117 0172 0./27 0282 0337 0392 0447 0502 0557 0612 7 39 p A A 08 0667 0722 0776 0831 0886 0941 0996 1051 1106 1161 9 50 09 12^6 1271 1326 1380 1435 1490 1545 1600 1655 1710 7910 1765 1820 1875 1930 1984 2039 2094 2149 2204 2259 n 2314 2369 2424 2479 2533 2588 2643 2698 2753 2808 12 2863 2918 2973 3027 3082 3137 3192 3247 3302 3357 13 3412 3467 3521 3576 3631 3686 3741 3796 3851 3906 14 3960 4015 4070 4125 4180 4235 4290 4345 4399 4454 15 4509 4564 4619 4674 4729 4784 4838 4893 4948 5003 16 5058 5113 5168 5222 5277 5332 5387 5442 5497 5552 17 5606 5661 5716 5771 5826 5881 5936 5990 6045 6100 18 6155 6210 6265 6320 6374 6429 6484 6539 6594 6649 19 6703 6758 6813 6868 6923 6978 7032 7087 7142 7197 7920 7252 7307 7361 7416 7471 7526 7581 7636 7690 7745 21 7800 7855 7910 7965 8019 8074 8129 8184 8239 8294 22 8348 8403 8458 8513 8568 8622 8677 8732 8787 8842 23 8897 8951 9006 9061 9116 9171 9225 9280 9335 9390 24 9445 9499 9554 9609 9664 9719 9774 9828 9883 9938 25 9993 0048 0102 0157 0212 0267 0321 0376 0431 0486 26 8990541 0595 0650 0705 0760 0815 0869 0924 0979 1034 27 1089 1143 1198 1253 1308 1363 1417 1472 1527 1582 28 1636 1691 1746 1801 1856 1910 1965 2020 2075 2129 29 2184 2239 2294 2348 2403 2458 2513 2568 2622 2677 7930 2732 2787 2841 2896 2951 3006 3060 3115 3170 3225 31 3279 3334 3389 3444 3499 3553 3608 3663 3718 3772 32 3827 3882 3937 3991 4046 4101 4156 4210 4265 4320 33 4375 4429 4484 4539 4594 4648 4703 4758 4812 4867 34 4922 4977 5031 5086 5141 5196 5250 5305 5360 5415 35 5469 5524 5579 5634 5688 5743 5798 5852 5907 5962 36 6017 6071 6126 6181 6235 6290 6345 6400 6454 6509 37 6564 6619 6673 6728 6783 6837 6892 6947 7002 7056 38 7111 ■7166 7220 7275 7330 7384 7439 7494 7549 7603 39 7658 7713 7767 7822 7877 7932 7986 8041 8096 8150 7940 8205 8260 8314 8369 8424 8479 8533 8588 8643 8697 41 8752 8807 8861 8916 8971 9025 9080 9135 9189 9244 42 9299 9354 9408 9463 9518 9572 9627 9682 9736 9791 54 43 9846 9900 9955 0010 0064 0119 0174 0228 0283 0338 1 5 44 9000392 0447 0502 0556 0611 0666 0720 0775 0830 0884 2 11 3 16 45 OQ39 0'^94 1048 1103 J 158 1212 1267 1322 1376 1431 4 22 46 1486 1540 1595 1650 1704 1759 1814 1868 1923 1977 5 27 47 2032 2087 2J4I 2196 2251 2305 2360 2415 2469 2524 6 32 7 38 8 43 48' 2579 '2633 2688 2743 2797 2852 2906 2961 3016 3070 49 3 1 2.3 318.' 3234 3289 3344 3398 3453 3507 3562 3617 9 49 N.. 1 2 .'J 4 5 ~ 7 8 9 D l-'ts. N.795 L.gOO OF NUMBERS. (145) N. 7950 1 3726 2 3781 3 3835 4 3890 5 3944 6 3999 7 4054 8 4108 9 4163 D Pro. 9003671 51 4218 4272 4327 4381 4436 4491 4545 4600 4654 4709 55 52 4764 ■is J 8 4873 4928 4982 5037 5091 5146 5201 5255 l\6 53 5310 5364 5419 5474 5528 5583 5637 5692 5747 5801 2 11 3117 4 22 54 5856 5910 5965 6020 6074 6129 6183 6238 6293 6347 55 6402 6456 6511 6566 6620 6675 6729 6784 6839 6893 5 28 . 56 6948 7002 7057 7112 7166 7221 7275 7330 7384 7439 6 33 7|39 8144 57 7494 7548 7603 7657 7712 7766 7821 ^7876 7930 7985 58 8039 8094 8148 8203 825 S 8312 8367 8421 8476 8530 9i50 59 8585 8640 8694 8749 8803 8858 8912 8967 9022 9076 7960 9131 9185 9240 9294 9349 9403 9453 9513 9567 9622 61 9676 9731 9785 9840 9894 9949 0004 0058 0113 0167 62 9010222 0276 0331 0385 0410 01-94 0549 0601 0658 0713 63 0767 0822 0876 0931 0985 1040 1094 1149 1203 1258 64 1313 1367 1422 1476 1531 1585 1640 1694 1749 1803 65 1858 1912 1967 2021 2076 2130 2185 2239 2294 2349 66 2403 2458 2512 2567 2621 2676 2730 2785 2839 2894 67 2948 3003 3057 3112 3166 3221 3275 3330 3^84 3439 68 3493 3548 3602 3657 37 1 1 3766 3820 3875 3929 3984 69 4038 4093 4147 4202 4256 4311 4365 4420 4474 4529 7970 4583 4638 4692 .4747 4801 4856 4910 4965 5019 5074 71 5128 5183 5237 5292 5346 5401 5455 5509 5564 5618 72 5673 5727 5782 5836 5891 5945 6000 6054 6109 6163 73 * 6218 6272 6327 6381 6436 6490 6544 6599 6653 07OS 74 6762 6817 6871 6926 6980 7035 7089 7 1 44 7198 7252 75 7307 7361 7416 7470 7525 7579 7634 7688 7743 7797 7d 7851 7906 7960 8015 8069 8124 8178 8233 8287 8341 77 8396 8450 8505 8559 8614 8668 8723 8777 8831 8886 78 8940 8995 9049 9104 9158 9212 9267 9321 9376 9430 79 9485 9539 9594 9648 9702 9757 9811 9866 9920 9974 7980 9020029 0083 0138 0192 0247 0301 0355 0410 0464 0519 81 0573 0628 0682 0736 0791 0845 0900 0954 1008 1063 82 1117 1172 1226 1280 1335 1389 1444 1498 1552 1607 83 1661 1716 1770 1824 1879 1933 1988 2042 2096 2151 84 2205 2260 2314 2368 2423 2477 2532 2586 2640 2695 85 2749 2804 2858 2912 2967 3021 3076 3130 3184 3239 86 3293 3347 3402 3456 3511 3565 3519 3674 3728 3782 87 3837 3891 3946 4000 4054 4109 4163 4217 4272 4326 88 4381 4435 4489 4544 4598 4652 4707 4761 4815 4870 SQ 4924 4979 5033 5087 5142 5196 5250 5305 5359 5413 7990 5468 5522 5577 5631 5685 5740 5794 5848 5903 5957 91 6011 6066 6120 6174 6229 6283 6337 6392 6446 6500 92 6555 6609 6663 6718 6772 6826 6881 6935 6989 7044 54 93 7098 7152 7207 7261 7315 7370 7424 7478 7533 7587 1 5 94 7641 7696 7750 7804 7859 7913 7967 8022 8076 8130 •2 3 11 16 95 8185 8239 8293 8348 8402 8456 8511 8565 8619 8674 4 22 96 8728 8782 8836 8391 8945 8999 9054 9108 9162 9217 5 27 97 9271 9325 9380 9434 9488 9542 9597 9651 9705 9760 6 7 8 32 38 43 98 9814 9868 9923 9977 0031 0085 0140 0194 0248 0303 99 9030357 GUI 0466 0520 0574 0628 0883 0737 0791 0846 9 49 N. ~r o 3~ ~4~ ~5~ 6 _„ 8 9 D P ts. Q U (146') LOGARITHMS N.SOOL.C^OSf N. 1 0954 2 1008 3 1063 4 1117 5 1171 6 1226 7 1280 8 1334 9 1388 D Pro. 8000 9030900 01 1443 1497 1551 1606 1660 1714 1768 1823 1877 1931 55 02 1985 2040 2094 2148 2203 2257 2311 2365 2420 2474 1 6 03 2528 2582 2637 2691 2745 2799 2854 2908 2962 3017 2 11 04 3071 3125 3179 3234 3288 3342 3396 345 1 3505 3559 1 1 4 22 05 3613 3668 3722 3776 3830 3885 3939 3993 4047 4102 5 28 6 33 7 39 06 4156 4210 4264 4319 4373 4427 4481 4536 4590 4644 07 4698 4753 4807 4861 4915 4969 5024 5078 5132 5186 8 44 08 5241 5295 5349 5403 5458 5512 5566 5620 5674 5729 9 50 09 5783 5837 5891 5946 6000 6054 6108 6163 6217 6271 " 8010 6325 6379 6434 6488 6542 6596 6650 6705 6759 6813 11 6867 6922 6976 7030 7084 7138 7193 7247 7301 7355 12 7409 7464 7518 7572 7626 7680 7735 7789 7843 7897 ' 13 7951 8006 8060 8114 8168 8222 8277 8331 8385 8439 14 8493 8548 8602 8656 8710 8764 8819 8873 8927 8981 15 9035 9089 9144 9198 9252 9306 9360 9415 9469 9523 16 9577 9631 9685 9740 9794 9848 9902 9956 0010 0065 17 9040119 0173 0227 0281 0336 0390 0444 0498 0552 0606 18 0661 0715 0769 0823 0877 0931 0985 1040 1094 1148 19 1202 1256 1310 1365 1419 1473 1527 1581 1635 1690 8020 1744 1798 1 852 1906 1960 2014 2069 2123 2177 2231 21 2'285 2339 2393 2448 2502 2556 2610 2664 2718 2772 22 2827 2881 2935 2989 3043 3097 3151 3206 3260 3314 23 3368 3422 3476 3530 3584 3639 3693 3747 3801 3855 24 3909 3963 4017 4072 4126 4180 4234 4288 4342 4396 25 4450 4505 4559 4613 4667 4721 4775 4829 4883 4937 26 4992 5046 5100 5154 5208 5262 5316 5370 5424 5479 27 5533 55 S7 5641 5695 5749 5803 5857 5911 5965 6020 28 6074 6128 6182 6236 6290 6344 6398 6452 6506 6560 29 6615 6669 6723 0777 6831 6885 6939 6993 7047 7101 8030 7155 7210 7264 7318 7372 7426 7480 ^534 7588 7642 31 7696 7750 7804 7858 7913 7967; 8021 3075 8129 8183 32 8237 8291 8345 8399 8453 85(1^ 'kdl 8615 8670 8724 ! 33 8778 8832 8886 8940 8994 9Q48" 9102 9156 9210 9264 i 3i 9318 9372 9426 9480 9534 '9589 9643 9697 9751 9805 35 9859 9913 9967 0021 0075 0129 0183 0237 0291 0345 I 36 9050399 0453 0507 0561 0615 0669 0724 0778 0832 0886 37 0940 0994 1048 1102 1156 1210 1264 1318 1372 1426 38 1480 1534 1588 1642 1696 1750 1 804 1858 1912 1966 39 2020 2074 2128 2182 2236 2290 2344 2398 2452 2506 \ 8040 2560 2615 2669 2723 2777 2831 2885 2939 2993 3047 41 3101 3155 3209 3263 3317 3371 3425 3479 3533 3587 1 42 3641 3695 3749 3803 3837 3911 3965 4019 4073 4127 54 43 4181 4235 4289 4343 4397 445 1 4505 4559 4613 4667 54 in 44 4721 4775 4829 4883 4937 4991 5045 5099 5153 5207 21! 1 3 16 45 5260 5314 5368 5422 5476 5530 5584 5638 5692 5746 4 22 46 5800 5854 5908 5962 6016 6070 6124 6178 6232 6286 5 27 47 6340 6394 6448 6502 6556 6610 6664 6718 6772 6826 6 32 7 38 8 43 48 6880 6934 6988 7042 7096 7149 7203 7257 7311 7365 49 N. 7419 7473 7527 2 7581 3 7635 4 7689 11 5 7743 6 7797 7 7851 8 7905 9 D 9 49 Pts. 1 N. 805 L. 905 OF NUMBERS. (147) N. 8050 1 8013 2 8067 3 8121 4 8175 5 8229 6 8282 7 8336 8 8390 9 8444 D Pro. 9057959 51 8498 8552 8606 8660 8714 8763 8822 8876 8930 8984 54 52 9038 9092 9146 9199 9253 9307 9361 9415 9469 9523 1 5 53 9577 9631 9685 9739 9793 9847 9901 9954 0008 0062 2 11 3 16 4 22 54 9060116 0170 0224 0278 0332 0386 0440 0494 0548 0602 55 0655 0709 0763 0817 0871 0925 0979 1033 1087 1141 5 27 56 1195 1248 1302 1356 1410 1464 1518 1572 1626 1680 6 32 7i38 8143 57 1734 1788 1841 1895 1949 2003 2057 21 II 2165 2219 58 2273 2327 2380 2434 2488 2542 2596 2650 2704 2758 949 59 2812 2865 2919 2973 3027 3081 3135 3189 3243 3297 8060 3350 3404 3458 3512 3566 3620 3674 3728 3781 3835 61 3889 3943 3997 4051 4105 4159 4212 4266 1320 4374 62 4428 4482 4536 4590 4643 4697 4751 4805 4859 4913 63 4967 5020 5074 5128 5182 5236 5290 5344 5397 5451 64 5505 5559 5613 5667 5721 5774 5828 5882 5936 5990 65 6044 6098 6151 6205 6259 6313 6367 6421 6474 6528 66 6582 6636 6690 6744 6798 6851 6905 6959 7013 7067 61 7121 7174 7228 7282 7336 7390 7444 7497 7551 7605 68 7659 7713 7767 7820 7874 7928 7982 8036 8090 8 1 43 69 8197 8251 8305 8359 8412 8466 8520 8574 8628 8682 8070 8735 8789 8843 8897 8951 9004 9058 9112 9166 9220 71 9273 9327 9381 9435 9489 9543 9596 9650 9704 9758 72 9812 9865 9919 9973 0027 0081 0134 0188 0242 0296 73 9070350 0403 0457 0511 0565 0618 0672 0726 0780 0834 74 0887 0941 0995 1049 1103 1156 1210 1264 1318 1372 75 1425 1479 1533 1587 1640 1694 1748 1802 1856 1909 76 1963 2017 2071 2124 2178 2232 2286 2340 2393 2447 77 2501 2555 2608 2662 2716 2770 2823 2877 2931 2985 78 3038 3092 3146 3200 5254 3307 3361 3415 3469 3522 79 3576 3630 3684 3737 3791 3845 3899 3952 4006 4060 8080 4114 4167 4221 4275 4329 4382 4436 4490 4544 4597 81 4651 4705 4759 4812 4866 4920 4974 5027 5081 5135 82 5188 5242 5296 5350 5403 5457 5511 5565 5618 5672 83 5726 5780 5833 5887 5941 5994 6048 6102 6156 6209 84 6263 6317 6370 6424 6478 6532 6585 6639 6693 6747 85 6800 6854 6908 6961 7015 7069 7123 7176 7230 7284 86 7337 7391 7445 7498 7552 7606 7660 7713 7767 7821 87 7874 7928 7982 8036 8089 8143 8197 8250 8304 8358 88 8411 8465 8519 8573 8626 8680 8734 8787 8841 8895 89 8948 9002 9056 9109 9163 9217 9270 9324 9378 9432 8090 9485 9539 9593 9646 9700 9754 9807 9861 9915 9968 91 9080022 0076 0129 0183 0237 0290 0344 0398 0451 0505 92 0559 0612 0666 0720 0773 0827 0881 0934 0988 1042 53 93 1095 1149 1203 1256 1310 1364 1417 1471 1525 1578 1 5 94 1632 1686 1739 1793 1847 1900 1954 2008 2061 2115 2 11 3 16 95 2169 2222 2276 2329 2383 2437 2490 2544 2598 2651 421 96 2705 2759 2812 2866 2920 2973 3027 3080 3134 3188 5 27 97 3241 3295 3349 3402 3456 3510 3563 3617 3670 3724 6 32 7 37 8 42 98 3778 3831 3885 3939 3992 4046 4099 4153 4207 4260 99 4314 4368 1 4421 2 4475 3 4528 4 4582 5 4656 6 4689 7 4743 8 4797 9 D 9 48 Pts. 8 U2 (148) LOGARITHMS N. 810 L. 908 N. 8I0C 1 4957 3 5011 4 5065 5 5llg 6 51T2 7 5225 8 527 1< 9 5333 D Pro. ) 908485C ) 4904 01 538t 1 5440 5494|5547 5601 5654 5708 5762 5815 5869 54 02 5Q2i ' 5976 603C 6083 6137 6190 6244 6298 6351 6405 11 5 03 645S 6512 656() 6619 6673 6726 67 80 6834 6887 6941 2 11 3 16 4 22 04 6994 7048 7102 7155 7209 7262 7316 7369 7423 7477 05 753C 7584 7637 7691 7745 7798 7852 7905 7959 8012 6 27 Od 8066 8120 8173 8227 8280 8334 8387 8441 849518548 6 32 7 38 g 43 07 8602 8655 8709 8762 8816 8870 8923 8977 9030 9084 08 9137 9191 9245 9298 9352 9405 9459 9512 9566 9619 9 49 09 9673 9727 9780 9834 9887 9941 9994 0048 0101 0155 8110 9090209 0262 0316 0369 0423 0476 0530 0583 0637 0690 11 0744 0798 0851 0905 0958 1012 1065 1119 1172 1226 12 1279 1333 1386 1440| 1494 1547 1601 1654 1708 1761 13 1815 1868 1922 1975 2029 2082 2136 2189 2243 2297 14 2350 2404 2457 2511 2564 2618 2671 2725 2778 2832 15 2885 2939 2992 3046 3099 3153 3206 3260 3313 3367 16 34-20 3474 3527 3581 3634 3688 3741 3795 3848 3902 17 3955 4009 4062 4116 4169 4223 4276 4330 4383 4437 18 4490 4544 4597 4651 4704 4758 4811 4865 4918 4972 19 5025 5079 5132 5186 5239 5293 5346 5400 5453 5507 8120 5560 5614 5667 5721 5774 5828 5881 5935 5988 6042 21 6095 6149 6202 6256 6309 6362 6416 6469 6523 6576 22 6630 6683 6737 6790 6844 6897 6951 7004 7058 7111 23 7165 7218 7271 7325 7378 7432 7485 7539 7592 7646 24 7699 7753 7806 7860 7913 7966 8020 8073 8127 8180 25 8234 8287 8341 8394 8447 8501 8554 8608 8661 8715 26 8768 8822 8875 8929 8982 9035 9089 9142 9196 9249 27 9303 9356 9409 9463 9516 9570 9623 9677 9730 9784 28 9837 9890 9944 9997 0051 0104 0158 0211 0264 0318 29 9100371 0425 0478 0532 0585 0638 0692 0745 0799 0852 8130 0905 0959 1012 1066 1119 1173 1226 1279 1333 1386 31 1440 1493 1546 1600 1653 1707 1760 1813 1867 1920 32 1974 2027 2081 2134 2187 2241 2294 2348 2401 2454 33 2508 2561 2615 2668 2721 2775 2828 2882 2935 2988 34 3042 3095 5148 3202 3255 3309 3362 3415 3469 3522 S5 3576 3629 3682 3736 3789 3842 3896 3949 4003 4056 SO 4109 4163 4216 4270 4323 4376 4430 4483 4536 4590 57 4643 4697 4750 4803 4857 4910 4963 5017 ^070 5123 38 5177 5230 5284 5337 5390 5444 5497 5550 5604 5657 39 5710 5764 5817 5871 5924 5977 6031 6084 6137 6191 8140 6244 6297 6351 6404 6457 6511 6564 S6I8 6671 6724 41 6778 6831 6884 6938 6991 7044 7098 7151 7204 7258 42 7311 7304 7418 7471 7524 7578 7631 ' 7684 7738 7791 53 43 7844 7898 7951 8004 8058 8111 8164 3218 8271 8324 Ij 5 2 11 3|16 421 44 8378 8431 8484 3538 8591 8644 8698 I 5751 8&04 8858 45 8911 8964 9018 9071 9124 9177 9231 f )284 5337 9391 46 9444. 9497 9551 9604 9657 9711 9764 t )817 ?871 9924 5 27 6 32 7 37 8 42 47 9977 0030 3084 0137 0190 0244 0297 ( )350 ( 3404 < 3457 j 48 9110510 0564 ( 3617 0670 0723 0777 0830 ( )883 ( 3937 ( 3990 49 1043 1096 1150| 1203 ~3~ 1256 4 1310 5 1363 1 6 416 7 1470 1523| T9~i' 9 48 1 2 1 8 D Pts.j N.815L.911 OF NUMBERS. (149) N. 8150 1 2 1683 3 1736 4 1789 5 6 1896 7 1949 8 2002 9 2056 ^ Pro. 9111576 1629 1843 51 2109 2162 2215 2269 2322 2375 2429 2482 2535 2588 54 52 2642 2695 2748 2802 2855 2908 2961 3015 3068 3121 1 5 5.3 3174 3228 3281 3334 3387 3441 3494 3547 3601 3654 211 3 16 4 22 54 3707 3760 3814 3867 3920 3973 4027 4080 4133 4186 55 4240 4293 4346 4399 4453 4506 4559 4612 4666 4719 5 27 56 4772 4825 4879 4932 4985 5038 5092 5145 5198 5251 6 32 7 38 ft 4^ 57 5305 5358 5411 5464 5518 5571 5624 5677 5731 5784 58 5837 5890 5943 5997 6050 6103 6156 6210 6263 6316 9 49 ■ 59 6369 6423 6476 6529 6582 6635 6689 6742 6795 6848 8160 6902 6955 7008 7061 7114 7168 7221 7274 7327 7381 61 7434 7487 7540 7593 7647 7700 7753 7806 7859 7913 62 7966 8019 8072 8126 8179 8232 8285 8338 8392 8445 63 8498 8551 8604 8658 8711 8764 8817 8870 8924 8977 64 9030 9083 9136 9190 9243 9296 9349 9402 945G 9509 65 9562 9615 9668 9721 9775 9828 9881 9934 9987 0041 66 9120094 0147 0200 0253 0306 0360 0413 0466 0519 0572 67 0626 0679 0732 0785 0838 0891 0945 0998 1051 1104 68 1157 1210 1264 1317 1370 1423 1476 1529 1583 1636 69 1689 1742 1795 1848 1902 1955 2008 2061 2114 2167 8170 222X 2274 2327 2380 2433 2486 2539 2593 2646 2699 71 2752 2805 2858 2912 2965 3018 3071 3124 3177 3230 72 3284 3337 3390 3443 3496 3549 3602 3656 3709 3762 73 3815 3868 3921 3974 4028 4081 4134 4187 4240 4293 74 4346 4399 4453 4506 4559 4612 4665 4718 4771 4824 75 4878 4931 4984 5037 5090 5143 5196 5249 5303 5356 76 5409 5462 5515 5568 5621 5674 5728 5781 5834 5887 77 5940 5993 6046 6099 6152 6206 6259 6312 6365 6418 78 6471 6524 6577 6630 6683 6737 6790 6843 6896 6949 79 7002 7055 7108 7161 7214 7268 7321 7374 7427 7480 8180 7533 7586 7639 7692 7745 7798 7852 7905 7958 8011 81 8064 8117 8170 8223 8276 8329 8382 8436 8489 8542 82 8595 8648 8701 8754 8807 8860 8913 8966 9019 9072 85 9126 9179 9232 9285 9338 9391 9444 9497 9550 9603 84 9656 9709 9762 9815 9868 9922 9975 0028 0081 0134 85 9130187 0240 0293 0346 0399 0452 05Q5 0558 0611 0664 86 0717 0770 0824 0877 0930 0983 1036 1089 1142 1195 87 1248 1301 1354 1407 1460 1513 1566 1619 1672 1725 88 1778 1831 1884 1937 1990 2044 2097 2150 2203 2256 89 2309 2362 2415 2468 2521 2574 2627 '2680 2733 2786 8190 2839 2892 2945 2998 3051 3104 3157 3210 3263 3316 91 3369 3422 3475 3528 3581 3634 3687 3740 3793 3846 92 3899 3952 4005 4058 4111 4165 4218 4271 4324 4377 53 93 4430 4483 4536 4589 4642 4695 4748 4801 4854 4907 1 5 94 4960 5013 5066 5119 5172 5225 5278 5331 5384 5437 53 2 11 3 16 95 5490 5543 5596 5649 5702 5755 5808 5861 5914 5967 4 21 96 6019 6072 6125 6178 6231 6284 6337 6390 6443 6496 5 27 97 6549 6602 6655 6708 6761 6814 6867 6920 6973 7026 6 32 7 37 8 42 98 7079 7132 7185 7238 7291 7344 7397 7450 7503 7556 99 7609 7662 1 7715 ;2 7768 3 7821 4 7874 5 1 7927 6 7980 7 8033 8 8086 9 D 9 48 Pts. _^N. '"'""" " ■■" "■■"■* (150) LOGARITHMS N.SSOL.plSJ N. 8200 1 8191 2 8244 3 8297 4 8350 5 8403 6 8456 7 8509 8 8562 9 8615 D Pro. 9138139 01 8668 8721 8774 8827 8880 8933 8986 9039 9092 9145 53 02 9198 9251 9304 9356 9409 9462 9515 9568 9621 9674 1 5 03 9727 9780 9833 9886 9939 9992 0045 0098 0151 0204 2 U 3 16 4 21 04 9140257 0309 0362 0415 0468 0521 0574 0627 0680 0733 05 0786 0839 0892 0945 0998 1050 1103 1156 1209 1262 5 27 Of) 1315 1368 1421 1474 1527 1580 1633 1686 1738 1791 6 32 7 37 8 42 07 1844 1897 1950 2003 2056 2109 2162 2215 2268 2321 08 2373 2426 2479 2532 2585 2638 2691 2744 2797 2850 9 48 09 2903 2955 3008 3061 3114 3167 3220 3273 3326 3379 8210 3432 3484 3537 3590 3643 3696 3749 3802 3855 3908 11 3961 4013 4066 4119 4172 4225 4278 4331 4384 4437 12 4489 4542 4595 4648 4701 4754 4807 4860 4912 4965 13 5018 5071 5124 5177 5230 5283 5335 5388 5441 5494 14 5547 5600 5653 5706 5758 5811 5864 5917 5970 6023 15 6076 6129 6181 6234 6287 6340 6393 6446 6499 6551 16 6604 6657 6710 6763 6816 6869 6921 6974 7027 7080 17 7133 7186 7239 7291 7344 7397 7450 7503 7556 7609 18 7661 7714 7767 7 820 7873 7926 7978 8031 8084 8137 19 8190 8243 8295 8348 8401 8454 8507 8560 8613 8665 8220 8718 8771 8824 8877 8930 8982 9035 9088 9141 9194 21 9246 9299 9352 9405 9458 9511 9563 9616 9669 9722 22 9775 9828 9880 9933 9986 0039 0092 0144 0197 0250 23 9150303 0356 0409 0461 0514 0567 0620 0673 0725 0778 24 0831 0884 0937 0989 1042 1095 1148 1201 1253 1306 25 1359 1412 1465 1517 .1570 1623 1676 1729 1781 1834 26 1887 1940 1993 2045 2098 2151 2204 2257 2309 2362 27 2415 2468 2521 2573 2626 2679 2732 2784 2837 2890 28 2943 2996 3048 3101 3154 3207 3260 3312 3365 3418 29 3471 3523 3576 3629 3682 3734 3787 3840 3893 3946 8230 3998 4051 4104 4157 4209 4262 4315 4368 4420 4473 31 4526 4579 4632 4684 4737 4790 4843 4895 4948 5001 32 5054 5106 5159 5212 5265 5317 5370 5423 5476 5528 33 5581 5634 5687 5739 5792 5845 5898 5950 6003 6056 34 6109 6161 6214 6267 6320 6372 6425 6478 6531 6583 55 6636 6689 6742 6794 6847 6900 6952 7005 7058 7111 36 7163 7216 7269 7322 7374 7427 7480 7532 7585 7638 37 7691 7743 7796 7849 7902 7954 8007 8060 8112 8165 38 8218 8271 8323 8376 8429 8481 8534 8587 8640 8692 39 8745 8798 8850 8903 8956 9009 9061 9114 9167 9219 8240 9272 9325 9378 9430 9483 9536 9588 9641 9694 9746 41 9799 9852 9905 9957 0010 0063 0115 0168 0221 0273 42 9160326 0379 0431 0484 0537 0590 0642 0695 0748 0300 52 43 0853 0906 0958 1011 1064 1116 1169 1222 1274 1327 1 5 44 1380 1433 1485 1538 1591 1643 1696 1749 1801 1854 2 10 3 16 45 1907 1959 2012 2065 2117 2170 2223 2275 2328 2381 421 -46 2433 2486 2539 2591 2644 2697 2749 2802 2855 2907 5 26 47 2960 3013 3065 3118 3171 3223 3276 3329 3381 3434 631 7 36 8 42 48 3487 3539 3592 3644 3697 3750 3802 3855 3908 3960 49 N. 4013 4066 I 4118 2 4171 3 4224 4 . 4276 5 4329 6 4382 7 4434 8 4487 9 D 9 47 Pts. N,S^5L.9l6 OF NUMBERS. (l-^Ol N. 8250 1 4592 2 4645 3 4697 4 4750 5 4803 6 4855 7 4908 8 4961 9 5013 D|Pro. 9164539 51 5066 5119 5171 5224 5276 5329 5382 5434 5487 5540 53 \ 52 5592 5645 5697 5750 5803 5855 5908 5961 6013 6066 I 1^ 53 6118 6171 6224 6276 6329 6382 6434 6487 6539 6592 2 3 4 '1 16 21 54- 6645 6697 6750 6802 6855 6908 6960 7013 7066 7118 55 7171 7223 7276 7329 7381 7434 7486 7539 7592 7644 5 27 56 7697 7749 7802 7855 7907 7960 8012 8065 8118 8170 6 7 8 32 37 42 57 8223 8275 8328 8381 8433 8486 8538 8591 8644 8696 58 874.9 8801 8854 8907 8959 9012 9064 9117 9169 9222 9 48 59 9275 9327 9380 9432 9485 9538 9590 9643 9695 9748 8260 9800 9853 9P06 9958 0011 0063 0116 0169 0221 0274 61 9170326 0379 0431 0484 0537 0589 0642 0694 0747 0799 62 0852 0904 0957 1010 1062 1115 1167 1220 1272 1325 63 1378 1430 1483 1535 1588 1640 1693 1745 1798 1851 64 1903 1956 2008 2061 2113 2166 2218 2271 2323 2376 65 24.29 2481 2534 2586 2639 2691 2744 2796 2849 2901 66 2954 3007 3059 3112 3164 3217 3269 3322 3374 3427 67 3479 3532 3584 3637 3690 3742 3795 3847 3900 3952 68 4005 4057 4110 4162 4215 4267 4320 4372 4425 4477 69 4530 4582 4635 4687 4740 4793 4845 4898 4950 5003 8270 5055 5108 5160 5213 5265 5318 5370 5423 5475 5528 71 5580* 5633 5685 5738 5790 5843 5895 5948 6000 6053 72 6105 6158 6210 6263 6315 6368 6420 6473 6525 6578 73 6630 6683 6735 6788 6840 6893 6945 6998 7050 7103 74 7155 7208 7260 7313 7365 7418 7470 7523 7575 7628 75 7680 7733 7785 7837 7890 7942 7995 8047 8100 8152 76 8205 8257 8310 8362 8415 8467 8520 8572 8625 8677 77 8730 8782 8834 8887 8939 8992 9044 9097 9149 9202 78 9254 9307 9359 9412 9464 9517 9569 9621 9674 9726 79 9779 9831 9884 9936 9989 0041 0094 0146 0198 0251 8280 9180303 0356 0408 0461 0513 0566 0618 0671 0723 0775 81 08 '2 8 0880 0933 0985 1038 1090 1143 1195 1247 1300 82 1352 1405 1457 1510 1562 1614 1667 1719 1772 1 824 85 1877 1929 1981 2034 2086 2139 2191 2244 2296 2348 84 2401 2453 2506 2558 2611 2663 2715 2768 2820 2873 85 2925 2978 3030 3082 3135 3187 3240 3292 3344 3397 86 3449 3502 3554 3607 3659 3711 3764 3816 3869 3921 87 3973 4026 4078 4131 4183 4235 4288 4340 431)3 4445 88 4497 4550 4602 4655 4707 4759 4812 4864 4917 4969 89 5021 5074 5126 5179 5231 5283 5336 5388 5441 5493 8290 5545 5598 5650 5702 5755 5807 5860 5912 5964 6017 91 6069 6122 6174 6226 6279 6331 6383 6436 6488 6541 92 6593 6645 6698 6750 6802 6855 6907 6960 7012 7064 52 93 7117 7169 7221 7274 7326 7378 7431 7483 7536 7588 5 94 7640 7693 7745 7797 7850 7902 7954 8007 8059 8112 2 3 10 16 95 8164 8216 8269 8321 8373 8426 8478 8530 8583 8635 4 21 96 8687 8740 8792 8844 8897 8949 9002 9054 9106 9159 5 26 97 9211 9263 9316 9368 9420 9473 9525 9577 9630 9682 6 7 8 31 36 42 98 9734, 9787 9839 9891 9944 9996 0048 0101 0153 0205 99 N. 9190258 0310 1 0362 2 0415 3 0467 4 0519 5 0572 6 0624 7 0676 8 0729 9 D 9 47 PtsJ ■ • (152) LOGARITHMS N.830L..91,9 N. 8300 1 0833 2 0886 3 1 0938 4 II 5 6 1095 7 1147 8 1200 9 1252 D Pro. 9190781 0990 1043 01 1304 1356 1409 1461 1513 1566 1618 1670 1723 1775 53 02 1827 1880 1932 1984 2037 2089 2141 2193 2246 2298 1 5 03 2350 2403 2455 2507 2560 2612 2664 2717 2769 2821 2 11 3 16' 421 04 2873 2926 2978 3030 3083 3135 3187 3239 3292 3344 05 3396 3449 3501 3553 3606 3658 3710 3762 3815 3867 5 27 06 3919 3972 4024 4076 4128 4181 4233 4285 4338 4390 6 32 7 37 8 42 07 4442 4494 4547 4599 4651 4703 4756 4808 4860 4913 08 4965 5017 5069 5122 5174 5226 5279 5331 5383 5435 9 48^ 09 5488 5540 5592 5644 5697 5749 5801 5853 5906 5958 8310 6010 6062 6115 6167 6219 6272 6324 6376 6428 6481 11 6533 6585 6637 6690 6742 6794 6846 6899 6951 7003 12 7055 7108 7160 7212 7264 7317 7 369 7421 7473 7526 13 7578 7630 7682 7735 7787 7839 7891 7943 7996 8048 14 8100 8152 8205 8257 8.309 8361 8414 8466 8518 8570 15 8623 8675 8727 8779 8831 8884 8936 8988 9040 9093 16 9145 9197 9249 9301 9354 9406 9458 9510 9563 9615 17 9667 9719 9771 9824 987(3 9928 9980 0033 0085 0137 18 9200189 0241 0294 0346 0398 0450 0502 0555 0607 O650 19 0711 0763 0816 0868 0920 0972 1024 1077 1129 1181 8320 1233 1285 1338 1390 1442 1494 1546 1599 1651 1703 21 1755 1807 1860 1912 1964 2016 2068 2121 2173 2225 22 2277 2329 2381 2434 2486 2538 2590 2642 2695 2747 23 2799 2851 2903 2955 3008 3060 3112 3164 3216 3269 24 3321 3373 3425 3477 3329 3582 3634 3686 3738 3790 25 3S42 3895 3947 3999 405 1 4103 4155 4208 4260 4312 26 4364 4416 4468 4521 4573 4625 4677 4729 4781 4833 27 4886 4938 4990 5042 5094 5 1 46 5199 5251 5303 5355 2S 5407 5459 5511 5564 5616 5668 5720 5772 5824 5876 29 5929 5981 6033 6085 6137 6189 6241 6294 6346 6398 8330 6450 6502 6554 6606 6659 6711 6763 6815 6867 6919 31 6971 7023 7076 7128 7180 7232 7284 7336 7388 7440 32 7493 7545 7597 7649 7701 7753 7805 7857 7910 7962 33 8014 8066 8118 8170 8222 8274 8327 8379 8431 8483 34- 8535 8587 8639 8691 8743 8796 8848 8900 8952 9004 35 9056 9108 9160 9212 9264 9317 9369 9421 9473 9525 36 9577 9629 9681 9733 9785 9838 9890 9942 9994 0046 37 9210098 0150 0202 0254 0306 0358 0411 0463 0515 0567 3S 0619 0671 0723 0775 0827 0879 0931 0983 1036 1088 39 1 1 40 1192 1244 1296 1348 1400 1452 1504 1556 1608 8340 1661 1713 1765 1817 1869 1921 1973 2025 2077 2129 41 2181 2233 2285 2337 2389 2442 2494 2546 2598 2650 42 2702 2754 2806 2858 2910 2962 3014 3066 3118 3170 52 43 3222 3274 3327 3379 3431 3483 35^35 3587 3639 3691 1 5 44 3743 3795 3847 3899 3951 4003 4055 4107 4159 4211 2 10 3 16 45 4263 4315 4367 4420 4472 4524 4576 4628 4680 4732 4 21 46 4784 4836 4888 4940 4992 5044 5096 5148 5200 5252 5 26 47 5304 ^356 5408 5460 5512 5564 5616 5668 5720 5772 6 31 7 36 8 42 48 5824 5876 5928 5980 6032 6085 6137 6189 6241 6293 49 6345 6397 6449 6501 6553 6605 6657 6709 6761 6813 9 47 N. ] 2 3 "T" 5~ IT 7 ~8~ 9 D Pts.. N.835 L.921 of numbers. (153) N. 8350 1 6917 2 6969 3 7021 4 7073 5 7125 6 nil 7 7229 8 7281 9 7333 D iVo. 9216865 51 7385 7437 7489 7541 7593 7645 1691 7749 7801 7853 52 52 7905 7957 8009 8061 8113 8165 8217 8269 8321 8373 52 1 5 53 8425 8477 8529 8581 8633 8685 8737 8789 8841 8893 '2 10 16 21 54 8945 8997 9049 9101 9153 9205 9257 9309 9361 9413 3 4 55 9465 9517 9569 9620 9672 9724 9776 9828 9880 9932 5 26 56 9984 5036 0088 0140 0192 0244 0296 0348 0400 0452 6 7 g 31 :i6 42 57 9220504 0556 0608 0660 0712 0764 0816 0868 0920 0972 58 1024 1076 1128 1180 1232 1283 1335 1387 1439 1491 9 47 59 1543 1595 1647 1699 1751 1803 1855 1907 1959 2011 8360 2063 2115 2167 2219 2271 2323 2374 2426 2478 2530 61 2582 2634 2686 2738 2790 2842 2894 2946 2998 3050 62 3102 3154 3206 3257 3309 3361 3413 3405 3517 3569 63 3621 3673 3725 3777 3829 3881 3933 3984 4036 4088 64 4140 4192 4244 4296 4348 4400 4452 4504 4556 4608 65 4659 4711 4763 4815 4867 4919 4971 5023 5075 5127 66 5179 5231 5282 5334 5386 5438 5490 5542 5594 5646 67 5698 5750 5801 5853 5905 5957 6009 6061 61 13 6165 68 6217 6269 6321 6372 6424 6476 6528 6580 6632 6684 69 6736 6788 6839 6891 6943 6995 7047 7099 7151 7203 8370 7255 7306 7358 7410 7462 7514 7566 7618 7670 7722 71 7773 7825 7877 7929 7981 8033 8085 8137 8188 8240 72 8292 8344 8396 8448 8500 8552 8603 8655 8707 8759 73 8811 8863 8915 8967 9018 9070 9122 9174 9226 9278 74 9330 9381 9433 9485 9537 9589 9641 9693 9744 9796 75 9848 9900 9952 0004 0056 0107 0159 0211 0263 0315 76 9230367 0419 0470 0522 0574 0626 0678 0730 0781 0833 77 0885 0937 0989 1041 1093 1144 1196 1248 1300 1352 78 1404 1455 1507 1559 1611 1663 1715 1766 1818 1870 79 1922 1974 2026 2077 2129 2181 2233 2285 2337 2388 8380 2440 2492 2544 2596 2647 2699 2751 2803 2855 2907 ^ 81 2958 3010 3062 3114 3166 3217 3269 3321 3373 3425 82 3477 3528 3580 3632 36S4 3736 3787 3839 3891 3943 83 3995 4046 4098 4150 4202 4254 4305 4357 4409 4461 84 4513 4564 4616 4668 4720 4772 4823 4875 4927 4979 85 5031 5082 5134 5186 5238 5290 5341 5393 5445 5497 86 5549 5600 5652 5704 5756 5808 5859 5911 5963 6015 87 6066 6118 6170 6222 6274 6325 6377 6429 6481 6532 88 6584 6636 6688 6740 6791 6843 6895 6947 6998 7050 89 7102 7154 7205 7257 7309 7361 7413 7464 7516 7568 8390 7620 7671 7723 7775 7827 7878 7930 7982 8034 8085 91 8137 8189 8241 8292 8344 8396 8448 8499 8551 8603 92 8655 8707 8758 8810 8862 8913 8965 9017 9069 9120 51 93 9172 9224 9276 9327 9379 9431 Q483 9534 9586 9638 1 5 94 9690 9741 9793 9845 9897 9948 0000 0052 0104 0155 2 3 10 15 95 9240207 0259 0310 0362 0414 0466 0517 0569 0621 067 3 4 20 96 0724 0776 0828 0879 0931 0983 1035 1086 1138 1190 6 26 97 1242 1293 1345 1397 1448 1500 1552 1604 1655 1707 6 7 31 36 41 98 1759 1810 1862 1914 1966 2017 2069 2121 2172 2224 99 . N. 2276 2328 . 1 2379 2 2431 2483 4 2534 2586 2638 2689 2741 D 9 46 3 5 6 7 8. .9 P ts. (154) LOGARITHMS N.84()L.924 N. 1 2 _3_ 4 5 6 7 8 9_ I) Pro. 8400 9242793 2845 2896 2948 3000 3051 3103 3155 3206 3258 01 3310 3362 3413 3465 3517 3568 3620 3672 3723 3775 52 02 3827 3878 3930 3982 4034 4085 4137 4189 4240 4292 1 5 03 4344 4395 4447 4499 4550 4602 4654 4705 4757 4809 2 10 3 16 4 21 04 4860 4912 4964 5015 5067 5119 5170 5222 5274 5326 05 5377 5429 5481 5532 5584 5636 5687 5739 5791 5842 5 26- 06 5894 5946 5997 6049 6101 6152 6204 6255 6307 6359 631 7 36 8 42 07 6410 6462 6514 6565 6617 6669 6720 6772 6824 6875 08 6927 6979 7030 7082 7134 7185 7237 7289 7340 7392 9 47 09 7444 7495 7547 7598 7650 7702 7753 7805 7857 7908 8410 7960 8012 8063 8115 ■8167 8218 8270 8321 8373 8425 J I 8476 8528 8580 8631 8683 8734 8786 8838 8889 8941 12 8993 9044 9096 9148 9199 925 1 9302 9354 9406 9457 13 9509 9561 9612 9664 9715 9767 9819 9870 9922 9973 14 9250025 0077 0128 0180 0232 0283 0335 0386 0438 0490 15 0541 0593 0644 0696 0748 0799 0851 0902 0954 1006 16 1057 1109 1160 1212 1264 1315 1367 1418 1470 1522 17 1573 1625 1676 1728 1780 1831 1883 1934 1986 2038 18 2089 2141 2192 2244 2296 2347 2399 2450 2502 2554 19 2605 2657 2708 2760 2811 2863 2915 2966 3018 3069 8420 3121 3172 3224 3276 3327 3379 3430 3482 3534 3585 21 3637 3688 3740 3791 3843 3895 3946 3998 4049 4101 22 4152 4204 4256 4307 4359 4410 4462 4513 4565 4616 23 4668 4720 4771 4823 4874 4926 4977 5029 5080 5132 24 5184 5235 5287 5338 5390 5441 5493 5544 5596 5648 25 5699 5751 5802 5854 5905 5957 6008 6060 6111 6163 26 G215 6266 6318 6369 6421 6472 6524 6575 6627 6678 27 6730 6781 6833 6885 6936 6988 7039 7091 7142 7194 28 7245 7297 7348 7400 7451 7503 7554 7606 7657 7709 29 7761 7812 7864 7915 7967 8018 8070 8121 8173 8224 8430 8276 8327 8379 8430 8482 8533 8585 8636 8688 8739 31 8791 8842 8894 8945 8997 9048 9100 9151 9203 9254 32 9306 9357 9409 9460 9512 9563 9615 9667 9718 9770 33 9821 9873 9924 9975 5027 0078 0130 0181 0233 0284 34 9260336 0387 0439 0490 0542 0593 0645 0696 0748 0799 35 0851 0902 0954 1005 1057 1108 1160 1211 1263 1314 36 1366 1417 1469 1520 1572 1623 1675 1726 1778 1829 37 1880 1932 1983 2035 2086 2138 2189 2241 2292 2344 38 2395 2447 2498 2550 2601 2653 2704 2755 2807 2858 39 2910 2961 3013 3064 3116 3167 3219 3270 3322 3373 8440 3424 3476 3527 3579 3630 3682 3733 3785 3836 3888 41 3939 3990 4042 4093 4145 4196 4248 4299 4351 4402 42 4453 4505 4556 4608 4659 4711 4762 4814 4865 4916 51 43 4968 5019 5071 5122 5174 5225 5277 5328 5379 5431 1 5 44 5482 5534 5585 5637 5688 5739 5791 5842 5894 5945 2 10 3 15 45 5997 6048 6099 6151 6202 6254 6305 6357 6408 6459 4 20 46 6511 6562 6614 6665 6716 6768 6819 6871 6922 6974 5 26 47 7025 7076 7128 7179 7231 7282 7333 7385 7436 7488 631 841 48 7539 7590 7642 7693 7745 7796 7S47 7899 7950 8002 49 N. 8053 8105 1 8156 2 8207 3 8259 4 8310 8362| 8413 7 8464 8 8516 9 D 9 46 Pts. 5 6 1 N.845 L .9 26 OF NUMBERS. Al 55) 8450 ) 26 8 5 67 1 S618 2 3 8721 4 8773 5 6 8875 7 8927 8 8978 9 9030 u Pro. 8670 8824 51 9081 0132 9184 9235 9287 9338 9389 9441 9492 9543 52 52 95,95 9646 9698 9749 9800 9852 9903 9955 0006 0057 1 5 53 9270109 0160 0211 0263 0314 0366 0417 0468 0520 0571 2 3 4 10 .. 2\ 54 0622 0674 0725 0777 0828 0879 0931 0982 1033 1085 55 1136 1)87 1239 1290 1342 1393 1444 1496 1547 1598 5 26 56 1650 1701 1752 1804 1855 1907 1958 2009 2061 2112 6' 7 g 36 42 57 2163 2215 2266 2317 2369 2420 2471 2523 2574 2625 58 2677 2728 2780 2831 2882 2934 2985 3036 3088 3139 9 47 59 3190 3242 3293 3344 3396 3447 3498 3550 3601 3652 8460 3701. 3755 3806 3858 3909 3960 4012 4063 4114 4166 61 4217 4268 4320 4371 4422 4474 4525 4576 4628 4679 62 4730 4782 4833 4884 4935 4987 5038 5089 5141 5192 63 5243 5295 5346 5397 5449 5500 5551 5603 5654 5705 64 5757 5808 5859 5910 5962 6013 6064 6116 6167 6218' 65 6270 6321 6372 6424 6475 6526 6577 6629 6680 6731 66 6783 6834 6885 6937 6988 7039 7090 7142 7193 7244 67 7296 7347 7398 7449 7501 7552 7603 7655 7706 7757 68 7808 7860 7911 7962 8014 8065 8116 8167 8219 8270 69 8321 8373 8424 8475 8526 8578 8629 8680 8732 8783 8470 8834 8885 8937 8988 9039 9090 9142 9193 9244 9296 71 9347 9398 9449 9501 9552 9603 9654 9706 9757 9808 72 9859 9911 9962 0013 0065 0116 0167 0218 0270 0321 73 9280372 0423 0475 0526 0577 0628 0680 0731 0782 0833 74 0885 0936 0987 1038 1090 1141 1192 1243 1295 1346 75 1397 1448 1500 1551 1602 1653 1705 1756 1807 185S 76 1909 1961 2012 2063 2114 2166 2217 2268 2319 2371 77 2422 2473 2524 2576 2627 2678 2729 2780 2832 2883 78 2934 2985 3037 3088 3139 3190 3241 3293 3344 3395 79 3446 3498 3549 3600 3651 3702 3754 3805 3856 3907 8480 3959 4010 4061 4112 4163 4215 4266 4317 4368 4419 81 4471 4522 4573 4621 4675 4727 4778 4829 4880 4931 82 4983 5034 5085 5136 5187 5239 5290 5341 5392 5443 83 5495 5546 5597 5648 5699 5751 5802 5853 5904 5955 84 6007 6058 6109 .6160 6211 6263 6314 6365 6416 6467 85 6518 6570 6621 6672 6723 6774 6826 6877 6928 6979 86 7030 7081 7133 7184 7235 7286 7337 7389 7440 7491 87 7542 7593 7644 7696 7747 7798 7849 79bO 7951 8003 88 8054 8105 8156 8207 8258 8310 8361 8412 8463 8514 89 8565 8616 8668 8719 8770 8821 8872 8923 8975 9026 8490 9077 9128 9179 9230 9282 9333 9384 9435 9486 9537 91 9588 9640 9691 9742 9793 9844 9895 9946 9998 0049 92 9290100 0151 0202 0253 0304 0356 0407 0458 0509 0560 51 93 0611 0662 0714 0765 0816 0867 0918 0969 1020 1071 1 (^ 94 1123 1174 1225 1276 1327 1378 1429 1480 1532 1583 2 3 10 15 95 1634 1685 1736 1787 1838 1889 1941 1992 2043 2094 4 20 96 2145 2196 2247 2298 2350 2401 2452 2503 2554 2605 5 26 97 2656 2707 2758 2810 2861 2912 2963 3014 3065 3116 6 7 8 31 36 41 98 3167 3218 3269 3321 3372 3423 3474 3525 3576 3627 99 N.I 3678 3729 1 3780 2 3832 3 3883 4 3934 3985 6 4036 7 4087 8 4138 9 D 9 46 \ »ts. 2X2 {\56) * LOGARITHMS N. 850 L. 9^9 N. S500 1 1-24C 429*1 3 4343 4 4394 5 44 1-5 6 4496 1 ^ 4547 8 4598 9 4649 1) Pro. 9294189 01 4700 4751 4802 4853 4905 4956 5007 5058 5109 5160 52 02 52II 5262 5313 5364 5415 5466 5517 5569 5620 5671 1 5 03 5722 3773 5824 5875 5926 5977 6028 6079 6130 6181 2 10 3 16 4 21 04 6233 6284 i5'3'i5 Q3SQ 6437 6488 6539 6590 6641 6692 05 6743 6794 6845 6896 6947 6998 7050 7101 7152 7203 5 26 06 7254 7305 7356 7407 7458 7509 7560 7611 7662 7713 6 31 7 36 8 42 07 7764 7815 7866 7917 7969 8020 8071 8122 8173 8224 08 8275 8326 8377 8428 8479 8530 8581 8632 8683 8734 9 47 09 .8785 8836 8887 8938 8989 9040 9091 9142 9194 9245 8510 9296 9347 9398 9449 9500 9551 9602 9653 9704 9755 11 9806 9857 9908 9959 0010 0031 0112 0163 0214 0265 12 9300316 0367 0418 0469 0520 0571 0622 0673 0724 0775 13 0826 0877 0928 0979 1030 1081 1132 1183 1234 1285 14 1336 1387 1438 1489 1540 1591 1643 1694 1745 1796 51 15 1847 1898 1949 2000 2051 2102 2153 2204 2255 2306 16 2357 2408 2459 2510 2561 2612 2663 2713 2764 2815 17 2866 2917 2968 3019 3070 3121 3172 3223 3274 3325 IS 3376 3427 3478 3529 3580 3631 3682 3733 3784 3S35 19 3886 3937 ^988 4039 4090 4141 4192 4243 4294 4345 8520 4396 4447 4498 4549 4600 4651 4702 4753 4804 4855 21 4906 4957 5008 5059 5110 5160 5211 5262 5313 5364 22 5415 5466 5517 5568 5619 5670 5721 5772 5823 5874 23 5925 5976 6027 6078 6129 6180 6231 6282 6333 6383 24 6434 6485 Q5SQ 6587 6038 6689 6740 6791 6842 6893 25 6944 6995 7046 7097 7148 7199 7250 7300 7351 7402 26 7453 7504 7555 7606 7657 7708 7759 7810 7861 7912 27 7963 8014 8064 8115 8166 8217 8268 8319 8370 8421 28 8472 8523 8574 8625 8676 8727 8777 8828 8879 8930 29 8981 9032 9083 9134 9185 9236 9287 9338 9388 9439 8530 9490 9541 9592 9643 9694 9745 9796 9847 9898 9949 31 9999 0050 0101 0152 0203 0254 0305 0356 0407 0458 32 9310508 0559 0610 0661 0712 0763 0814 0865 0916 0967 33 1017 1068 1119 1170 1221 1272 1323 1374 1425 1475 34. 1526 1577 1628 1679 1730 1781 1832 1883 1933 1984 35 2035 2086 2137 2188 2239 2290 2341 2391 2442 2493 $Q 2544 2595 2646 2697 2748 2798 2849 2900 2951 3002 37 3053 3104 3155 3205 3256 3307 3358 3409 3460 3511 38 3562 3612 3663 3714 3765 3816 3867 3918 3968 4019 39 4070 4121 4172 4223 4274 4324 4375 4426 4477 4528 8540 4579 4630 4680 4731 4782 4833 4884 4935 4986 5036 41 5087 5138 5189 5240 5291 5341 5392 5443 5494 5545 42 5596 5647 5697 5748 5799 5850 5901 5952 6002 6053 51 43 6104 6155 6206 6257 6307 6358 6409 6460 6511 6562 1 5 44 6612 6663 6714 6765 6S16 6867 6917 6968 7019 7070 2 10 3 15 45 7121 7171 7222 7273 7324 7375 7426 7476 7527 7578 4 20 46 7029 7680 7731 7781 7832 7883 7934 7985 8035 8086 5 26 47 8137 8188 8239 8289 8340 8391 8442 8493 S544 8594 631 7 36 8'4I 48 8645 8696 8747 8798 8848 8899 8950 )001 )052 9102 49 9153 9204 9255 9306 9356 9407 9458 9509|9560| 9610 9146 N. ~T" 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 8 1 9 D I Pts. l\.855L.931 OF NUMBERS. (1'57)[ N. 85.50 1 9712 2 9763 3 9814 4 9864 5 9915 6 7 0017 8 0067 9 0118 D Pro. 9319661 9966 51 932016^ 0220 0271 0321 0372 0423 0474 0525 0575 0626 51 52 0677 0728 0778 f)829 0880 0931 0982 1032 1083 1134 1 5 53 1185 1235 1286 1337 1388 1439 1489 1540 1591 1642 2 3 4 10 15 20 54 1692 1743 1794 1845 1896 1946 1997 2048 2099 2149 55 2200 2251 2302 2352 2403 2454 2505 2555 2606 2657 5 26 56 2708 2759 2809 2860 2911 2962 3012 3063 3114 3165 6 7 8 31 36 41 51 3215 3266 3317 3368 3418 3469 3520 3571 3621 3672 58 3723 3774 3824 3875 3926 3977 4027 4078 4129 4180 9 46 59 4230 4281 4332 4382 4433 4484 4535 4585 4636 4687 8560 4738 4788 4839 4890 4941 4991 5042 5093 5144 5194 61 5245 5296 5346 5397 5448 5499 5549 5600 5651 5702 62 5752 5803 5854 5904 5955 6006 6057 6107 6158 6209 63 6259 6310 6361 6412 6462 6513 6564 6614 mQ5 6716 64 6767 6817 6868 6919 6969 7020 7071 7122 7172 7223 65 7274 7324 7375 7426 7476 7527 7578 7629 7679 7730 66 7781 7831 7882 7933 7983 8034 8085 8136 8186 8237 67 8288 8338 8389 8440 8490 8541 8592 8643 8693 8744 68 8795 8845 8896 8947 8997 9048 909J? 9149 9200 9251 69 9301 9352 9403 9453 9504 9555 9606 9656 9707 9758 8570 9808 9859 9910 9960 Uoii 0062 0112 0163 0214 0264 71 9330315 0366 0416 0467 0518 0568 0619 0670 0720 0771 72 0822 0872 0923 0974 1024 1075 1126 1176 1227 1278 73 1328 1379 1430 1480 1531 1582 1632 1683 1733 1784 74 1835 1885 1936 1987 2037 2088 2139 2189 2240 2291 75 2341 2392 2443 2493 2544 2595 2645 2696 2746 2797 76 2848 2898 2949 3000 3050 3101 3152 3202 3253 3303 77 3354 3405 3455 3506 3557 3607 3658 3709 3759 3810 78 3860 3911 3962 4012 4063 4114 4164 4215 4265 4316 79 4367 4417 4468 4519 4569 4620 4670 4721 4772 4822 8580 487 3 4923 4974 5025 5075 5126 5177 5227 5278 5328 81 5379 5430 5480 5531 5581 5632 5683 5733 5784 5834 82 5885 5936 5986 6037 6088 6138 6189 6239 6290 6341 83 6391 6442 6492 6543 6594 6644 6695 6745 6796 6846 84 6897 6948 6998 7049 7099 7150 7201 7251 7302 7352 85 7403 7454 7504 7555 7605 7656 7707 7757 7808 7858 86 7909 7959 8010 8061 8111 8162 8212 8263 8313 8364 87 8415 8465 8516 8566 8617 8668 8718 8769 8819 8870 88 8920 8971 9021 9072 9123 9173 9224 9274 9325 9375 89 9426 9477 9527 9578 9628 9679 9729 9780 9831 9881 8590 9932 9982 5033 0083 0134 0184 0235 0286 0336 0387 91 9340437 0488 0538 0589 0639 0690 0740 0791 0842 0892 92 0943 0993 1044 1094 1145 1195 1246 1296 1347 1398 50 93 1448 1499 1549 1600 1650 1701 1751 1802 1852 1903 1 ,^ 94 1953 2004 2055 2105 2156 2206 2257 2307 2358 2408 2 3 10 15 95 2459 2509 2560 2610 2661 2711 2762 2812 2863 2914 4 20 96 2964 3015 3065 3116 3166 3217 3267 3318 3368 3419 5 25 97 3469 3520 3570 3621 3671 3722 3772 3823 3873 3924 6 7 8 30 35 40 98 3974 4025 4075 4126 4176 4227 4277 4328 4378 4429 99 N. 4479 4530 I 4580 2 4631 .3 4682 4 4732 5 4783 6 4833 7 4884 8 4934 9 D 9 45 F 'ts. (158) LOGARITHMS N. 86()L.934 N. 8600 1 5035 2 5086 3 5136 4 5187 S 5237 6' 5287 7 5338 8 5388 9 5439 D Pro. 9344985 01 5489 5540 5590 5641 5691 5742 5792 5843 5893 5944 51 02 5994 6045 6095 6146 6196 6247 6297 6348 6398 6449 1 5 03 6499 6550 6600 6651 6701 6752 6802 6853 6903 6954 2 10 3 15 4 20 04 7004 7054 7105 7155 7206 7256 7307 7357 7408 7458 05 7509 7559 7610 7660 7711 7761 7812 7862 7912 7963 5 26 06 8013 8064 8114 8165 S215 8266 8316 8367 8417 8468 G31 7 36 8 41 07 8518 8568 8619 8669 6720 8770 8821 8871 8922 8972 08 9023 9073 9123 9174 9224 9275 9325 9376 9426 9477 9 46 09 9527 9578 9628 9678 9729 9779 9830 9880 9931 9981 8610 9350032 0082 0132 0183 0233 0284 0334 0385 0435 0485 11 0536 0586 0637 0687 0738 0788 0838 0889 09.39 0990 12 1040 1091 1141 1191 1242 1292 1343 1393 1444 1494 13 1544 1595 1645 1696 1746 1797 1847 1897 1948 1998 14 2049 2099 2150 2200 2250 2301 2351 2402 2452 2502 15 2553 2603 2654 2704 2754 2805 2855 2906 2956 3006 16 3057 3107 3158 3208 3259 3309 3359 3410 3460 3511 17 5561 3611 3662 3712 3763 3813 3863 3914 3964 4015 18 4065 4115 4166 4216 4266 4317 4367 4418 4468 4518 19 4569 4619 4670 4720 4770 4821 4871 4922 4972 5022 8620 5073 5123 5173 5224 5274 5325 5375 5425 5476 5526 21 5576 5627 5677 5728 5778 5828 5879 5929 5979 6030 22 6080 6131 6181 6231 6282 6332 6382 6433 6483 6533 23 6584 6634 6685 6735 6785 6836 6886 6936 6987 7037 24 7087 7138 7188 7239 7289 7339 7390 7440 7490 7541 25 7591 7641 7692 7742 7792 7843 7893 7943 7994 8044 26 8095 8145 8195 8246 8296 8346 8397 8447 8497 8548 27 8598 8648 8699 8749 8799 8850 8900 8950 9001 9051 28 9101 9152 9202 9252 9303 9353 9403 9454 9504 9554 29 9605 9655 9705 9756 9806 9856 9907 9957 0007 0058 8630 9360108 0158 0209" 0259 0309 0360 0410 0460 0511 0561 31 0611 0661 0712 0762 0812 0863 0913 0963 1014 1064 32 1114 1165 1215 1265 1316 1366 1416 1466 1517 1567 33 1617 1668 1718 1768 1819 1869 1919 1970 2020 L^070 34 2120 2171 2221 2271 2322 2372 2422 2473 2523 2573 35 2623 2674 2724 2774 2825 2875 2925 2975 3026 3076 36 3126 3177 3227 3277 3327 3378 3428 3478 3529 3579 37 3629 3679 3730 3780 3830 3881 3931 3981 4031 4082 38 4132 4182 4233 4283 4333 4383 4434 4484 4534 4584 39 4635 4685 4735 4786 4836 4886 4936 4987 5037 5087 8640 5137 5188 5238 5288 5338 5389 5439 5489 5540 5590 41 5640 5690 5741 5791 5841 5891 5942 5992 6042 6092 42 6143 6193 6243 6293 6344 6394 6444 6494 6545 6595 50 43 6645 6695 6746 6796 6846 6896 6947 6997 7047 7097 1 5 44 7148 7198 7248 7298 7349 7399 7449 7499 7550 7600 2 10 3 15 45 7650 7700 7750 7801 7851 7901 7951 8002 8052 8102 4 20 46 8152 8203 8253 8303 8353 8403 8454 8504 8554 8604 6 25 47 8655 8705 8755 8805 8855 8906 8956 9006 9056 9107 G30 7 35 8 40 48 9157 9207 9257 9307 9358 9408 9458 9508 9559 9609 49 N. 9659 9709 1 9759 2 9810 3 9860 4 9910 5 9960 6 0010 7 0061 8 0111 9 D 9 45 Pts. In. 86o L.9S7 OF NUMBERS. (159)1 N. 8650 1 02TT 2 0261 3 0312 4 0362 5 0412 6 0462 7 0513 8 0563 9 0613 [D Pro. 9370161 51 0663 0713 0764 0814 0864 0914 0964 1015 1065 1115 50 52 U65 1215 1265 1316 1366 1416 1466 1516 1567 1617 1 5 53 1667 1717 1767 1818 1868 1918 1968 2018 2069 2119 2 10 54 2169 2219 2269 2319 2370 2420 2470 2520 2570 2621 3 15 4 20 55 2671 2721 2771 2821 2871 2922 2972 3022 3072 3122 5 25 56 3172 3223 3273 3323 3373 3423 3474 3524 3574 3624 6 30 57 3674 3724 3775 3825 3875 3925 3975 4025 4075 4126 7 35 8 40 9 45 58 4176 4226 4276 4326 4376 4427 4477 4527 4577 4627 59 4677 4728 4778 4828 4878 4928 4978 5028 5079 5129 8660 5179 5229 5279 5329 5380 5430 5480 5530 5580 5630 6i 5680 5731 5781 5831 5881 5931 5981 6031 6082 6132 62 6182 6232 6282 6332 6382 6432 6483 6533 6583 6633 63 6683 6733 6783 6834 6884 6934 6984 7034 7084 7134 64 7184 7235 7285 7335 7385 7435 7485 7535 7585 7636 65 768a 7736 7786 7836 7886 7936 7986 8037 8087 8137 66 8187 8237 8287 8337 8387 8437 8488 8538 8588 8638 67 ^8688 8738 8788 8838 8888 8939 8989 9039 9089 9139 68 9189 9239 9289 9339 9389 9440 9490 9540 9590 9640 69 9690 9740 9790 9840 9890 9941 9991 0041 0091 0141 8670 9380191 0241 0291 0341 0391 0441 0492 0542 0592 0642 71 0692 0742 0792 0842 0892 0942 0992 1042 1093 1143 72 1193 1243 1293 1343 1393 1443 1493 1543 1593 1643 73 1693 1744 1794 1844 1894 1944 1994 2044 2094 2144 74 2194 2244 2294 2344 2394 2445 2495 2545 2595 2645 75 2695 2745 2795 2845 2895 2945 2995 3045 3095 3145 76 3195 3245 3296 3346 3396 3446 3496 3546 3596 3646 77- 3696 3746 3796 3846 3896 3946 3996 4046 4096 4146 78 4196 4247 4297 4347 4397 4447 4497 4547 4597 4647 79 4697 4747 4797 4847 4897 4947 4997 5047 5097 5147 8680 5197 5247 5297 5347 5397 5447 5497 5547 5598 5648 81 5698 5748 5798 5848 5898 5948 5998 6048 6098 6148 82 6198 6248 6298 6348 6398 6448 6498 6548 6598 6648 83 6698 6748 6798 6848 6898 6948 6998 7048 7098 7148 84 7198 7248 7298 7348 7398 7448 7498 7548 7598 7648 50 85 7698 7748 7798 7848 7898 7948 7998 8048 8098 8148 86 8198 8248 8298 8348 8398 8448 8498 8548 8598 8648 87 8698 8748 8798 8848 8898 8948 8998 9048 9098 9148 88 9198 9248 9298 9348 9398 9448 9498 9548 9598 9648 89 9608 9748 9798 9848 9898 9948 9998 0048 0098 0148 8690 9390198 0248 0298 0348 0398 0448 0498 0548 0598 0648 91 0697 0747 0797 0847 0897 0947 0997 1047 1097 1147 92 1197 1247 1297 1347 1397 1447 1497 1547 1597 1647 49 93 1697 1747 1797 1847 1897 1947 1997 2046 2096 2146 1 5 94 2196 2246 2296 2346 2396 2446 2496 2546 2596 2646 2 10 3 15 4 20 95 2696 2746 2796 2846 2896 2946 2996 3045 3095 3145 96 3195 3245 3295 3345 3395 3445 3495 3545 3595 3645 5 25 97 3695 3745 3795 3845 3894 3944 3994 4044 4094 4144 6 29 7 34 8 39 98 4194 4244 4294 4344 4394 4444 4494 4544 4593 4643 99 4693 4743 1 4793 2 4843 3 4893 4 4943 5 4993 6 5043 5093 5143 9 D 9 44 Pts. N. 7 8 (160) LOGARITHMS N.870 L.^o9\ N. 8700 1 5242 2 5292 3 5342 4 5392 5 5442 6 5492 7 5542 8 5592 9 5642 1) Pro. 9395103 01 5692 5742 5792 5841 5891 5941 5991 6041 6091 6141 50 02 6191 6241 6291 6341 6390 6440 6490 6540 6590 6640 1 5 03 6690 6740 6790 6840 6889 6939 6989 7039 7089 7139 2 3 4 10 15 •20 04 7189 7239 7289 7339 7388 7438 7488 7538 7588 7638 05 7688 7738 7788 7837 7887 7937 7987 8037 8087 8137 5 25 06 8187 8237 8286 8336 8386 8436 8486 8536 8586 8636 6 7 g 30 35 40 07 8685 8735 8785 8835 8885 8935 8985 9035 9084 9134 08 9184 9234 9284 9334 9384 9434 9483 9533 9583 9633 9 45 09 9683 9733 9783 9833 9882 9932 9982 0032 0082 0132 8710 9400182 0231 0281 0331 0381 0431 0481 0531 0580 0630 11 0680 0730 0780 0830 0880 0929 0979 1029 1079 1129 12 1179 1229 1278 1328 1378 1428 1478 1528 1577 1627 13 1677 1727 1777 1827 1877 1926 1976 2026 2076 2126 14 2176 2225 2275 2325 2375 2425 2475 2524 2574 2624. 15 2674 2724 2774 2823 2873 2923 2973 3023 3073 3122 16 3172 3222 3272 3322 3372 3421 3471 3521 3571 3621 17 3670 3720 3770 3820 3870 3920 3969 4019 4069 4119 18 '4169 4218 4268 4318 4368 4418 4468 4517 4567 4617 19 4667 4717 4766 4816 4866 4916 4966 5015 5065 5115 8720 5165 5215 5264 5314 5364 5414 5464 5513 5563 5613 21 5663 5713 5762 5812 5862 5912 5962 6011 6061 6111 22 6161 6211 6260 6310 6360 6410 6460 6509 6559 6609 23 6659 6709 6758 6808 6858 6908 6957 7007 7057 7107 24 7157 7206 7256 7306 7356 7405 7455 7505 7555 7605 25 7654 7704 7754 7804 7853 7903 7953 8003 8053 8102 26 8152 8202 8252 8301 8351 8401 8451 8500 8550 8600 27 8650 8700 8749 8799 8849 8899 8948 8998 9048 9098 28 9147 9197 9247 9297 9346 9396 9446 9496 9545 9595 29 9645 9695 9744 9794 9844 9894 994S 9993 0043 0093 8730 9410142 0192 0242 0292 0341 0391 0441 0491 0540 0590 31 0640 0690 0739 0789 0839 0889 0938 0988 1038 1088 32 1137 1187 1237 1286 1336 1386 1436 1485 1535 1585 33 1635 1684 1734 1784 1834 1883 1933 1983 2032 2082 34 2132 2182 2231 2281- 2331 2380 2430 2480 2530 2579 35 2629 2679 2729 2778 2828 2878 2927 2977 3027 3077 36 3126 3176 3226 3275 3325 3375 3425 3474 3524 3574 37 3623 3673 3723 3772 3822 3872 3922 3971 4021 4071 38 4120 4170 4220 4270 4319 4369 4419 4468 4518 4568 39 4617 4667 4717 4766 4816 4866 4916 4965 5015 5065 8740 5114 5164 5214 5263 5313 5363 5412 5462 5512 5562 41 5611 5661 5711 5760 5810 5860 5909 5959 6009 6058 42 6108 6158 6207 6257 6307 6356 6406 6456 6505 6555 49 43 6605 6654 6704 6754 6803 6853 6903 6952 7002 7052 1 5 10 15 44 7101 7151 7201 7250 7300 7350 7399 741-9 7499 7548 2 45 7598 7648 7G§7 7747 7797 7846 7896 7946 7995 8045 4 20 46 8095 8144 8194 8244 8293 8343 8393 8412 8492 8542 5 6 25 34 47 8591 8641 8691 8740 8790 8840 8889 8939 8988 9038 48 9088 9137 9187 9237 9286 9336 9386 9435 9485 9535 8 39 49 N. 9584 9634 1 9683 9733 3 9783 4 9832 5 9882 6^ 9932 7 9981 8 003 1 .9 D 9 44 Pts. N. 875 L. 94*2 OF NUMBERS. ( i^'l) N. 8750 1 1 30 2 0180 3 0229 4 0279 5 0329 6" 0378 7 0428 8 047 8 9 0527 iJ Pro. 9420081 51 0577 0626 0676 0726 0775 0825 0875 0924 0974 1 J23 50 52 1073 1123 1172 1222 1272 1321 1371 1420 1470 1520 1 5 53 1569 1619 1669 1718 1768 1817 1867 1917 1966 2010 2 3 4 10 15 20 54 2065 2115 2165 2214 2264 2313 2363 2413 2402 2512 55 2562 2611 2661 2710 2760 2810 2859 2909 2958 3008 5 25 56 3058 3107 3157 3206 3256 3306 3355 3405 3454 3504 6 7 g 30 35 40 57 :i553 3603 3653 37' 2 3752 .S8()l 3851 3901 3950 4000 58 4049 4099 4149 4198 4248 4297 4347 4397 4446 4490 9 45 59 4545 4595 4644 4694 4744 4793 4843 4892 4942 4991 8760 5041 5091 5140 5190 5239 5289 5339 5388 3438 5487 61 5537 5586 5636 5686 5735 5785 5834 5884 5933 5983 62 (3032 6082 6132 6181 6231 6280 6330 6379 0429 0479 63 6528 6578 6627 6677 6726 6776 6825 6875 0925 0y74 61. 7024 7073 7123 7172 7222 7271 7321 7371 7420 7470 65 7519 7569 7618 7668 7717 7767 7816 7866 7916 7965 66 8015 8064 8114 8163 8213 8262 8312 8361 8411 8461 67 8510 8560 8609 8659 8708 8758 8807 8857 8900 SJ56 68 9005 9055 9104 9154 9204 9253 9303 9352 9402 9451 69 9501 9550 9600 9649 9699 9748 9798 981-7 9897 9946 8770 9996 0045 0095 0144 0194 0244 0293 0343 0392 0442 71 9430491 0541 0590 0640 0689 0739 0788 0838 0887 0937 72 0986 1036 1085 1135 1184 1234 1283 1333 1382 143: 73 1481 1531 1580 1630 1679 1729 1778 1828 1877 1927 74 1976 2026 2075 2125 2174 2224 2273 2323 2372 2422 75 2471 2521 2570 2620 2669 2719 2768 2818 2307 2917 76 2966 3016 3065 3115 3164 3214 3263 3313 3362 3412 77 3461 3510 3560 3609 3659 3708 3758 3807 3857 3906 78 3956 4005 4055 4104 4154 4203 4253 4302 4352 4401 79 4450 4-500 4549 4599 4648 4698 4747 4797 4840 4896 8780 4945 4995 5044 5094 5143 5192 5242 5291 5341 5390 81 5440 5489 5539 5588 5638 5687 5737 578f) 5835 5885 82 5934 5984 6033 6083 6132 6182 6231 6280 6330 037. 83 6429 6478 6528 6577 6627 6676 6726 6775 6824 0874 84 6923 6973 7022 7072 7121 7170 7220 7269 7319 7368 85 7418 7467 7517 7566 7615 7665 7714 7764 7813 7863 86 7912 7961 8011 8060 8110 8159 8209 8258 8307 8357 87 8406 8456 8505 8555 8604 8653 8703 8752 8802 8851 88 8900 8950 8999 9049 9098 9148 9197 9240 9290 934. 89 9395 9444 9493 9543 9592 9642 9091 9741 9790 983' 8790 9889 9938 9988 0037 0086 0136 0185 0235 0284 0333 91 9440383 0432 0482 0531 0580 0630 0679 072^ 0778 0827 92 0877 0926 0976 1025 1074 1124 1173 1223 1272 1321 49 93 1371 1420 1470 1519 1568 1618 1607 1716 1706 1815 1 5 94 1805 1914 1963 2013 2002 2112 2161 2210 2260 2309 2 3 10 !5 95 2358 2408 2457 2507 2556 2605 2655 2704 2753 2803 4 20 96 2852 2902 2951 3000 3050 3099 3148 3198 3247 i297 5 ^l 97 3346 3395 3445 3494 3543 3593 3642 3691 3741 3790 6 7 g 29 39 98 3840 3889 3938 3988 4037 4080 4136 4185 4234 4284 99 N. 4333 4383 4432 4481 4531 4 4580 5 4629 4679 7 4728 4777 9 7J 9 44 1 Q 3 6 t tS. 2 y ^ \()C2) LOGARITHMS N. 880 L. 944 N. 8800 1 4S76 4925 3 4(>75 4 5024 5 5073 6 5123 7 5172 8 5222 9 5271 D Pro. 9444827 01 53iO 5370 5419 5468 5518 5567 5616 5666 5715 5764 50 02 5814 5863 5912 5962 6011 6060 6110 6159 6208 6258 1 5 03 6307 6356 6406 6455 6504 6554 6603 6652 6702 6751 2 10 o 1 e 04 6800 6850 6899 6948 6998 7047 7096 7146 7195 7244 o 1 4 20 0.5 7294 7 3 43 7392 7442 7491 7540 7590 7639 7688 7737 6 25 6 30 7 35 00 7787 7836|7885 7935 7984 8033 8083 8132 8181 8231 07 8280 8329 8379 8428 8477 8527 8576 8625 8674 8724 8 40 08 8773 8822 8872 8921 8970 9020 9069 9118 9167 9217 9 45 09 9266 9315 9365 9414 9463 9513 9562 96]\ 9660 9710 8810 9759 9808 9858 9907 9956 0006 0055 0104 0153 0203 11 c>450252 0301 0351 0400 0449 0498 0548 0597 0646 0696 12 0745 0794 0843 0893 0942 0991 1041 1090 1139 1188 15 1238 1287 1336 1386 1435 1484 1533 1583 1632 1681 14 1730 1780 1829 1878 1928 1977 2026 2075 2125 2174 1.5 2223 2272 2322 2371 2420 2469 2519 2568 2617 2667 16 2716 2765 2814 2864 2913 2962 3011 .3061 3110 3159 17 3208 3258 3307 3356 3405 3455 3504 3553 3602 3652 ^ 18 3701 3750 3799 3849 3898 3947 3996 4046 4095 4144 19 4193 4243 4292 4341 4390 4440 4489 4538 4587 4637 8820 4686 4735 4784 4834 4883 4932 4981 5031 5080 5129 21 5178 5227 5277 5326 5375 5424 5474 5523 5572 5621 22 5671 5720 5769 5818 5867 5917 5966 6015 6064 6114 23 6163 6212 6261 6310 6360 6409 6458 6507 6557 6606 24 6655 6704 6753 6803 6852 6901 6950 7000 7049 7098 25 7147 7196 7246 7295 7344 7393 7442 7492 7541 7590 26 7639 7688 7738 7787 7836" 7885 7934 7984 8033 8082 27 8i31 8180 8230 8279 ,'8328 8377 8426 8476 8525 8574 . 28 8623 8672 8722 8771 8820 8869 8918 8968 9017 9066 29 9115 9164 9214 9263 9312 9361 9410 9459 9509 9558 8830 9607 9656 9705 9755 9804 9853 9902 9951 0000 0050 31 9460099 0148 0197 0246 0296 0345 0394 0443 0492 0541 32 0591 0640 06)59 0738 0787 0836 0886 0935 0984 1033 33 1082 1131 IJ81 1230 1279 1328 1377 1426 1476 1525 34 1574 1623 1672 1721 1771 1820 1869 1918 1967 2016 35 2066 211^ 2164 2213 2262 2311 2360 2410 2459 2508 56 2557 2606 2655 2705 2754 2803 2852 2901 2950 2999 37 3049 3098 3147 3196 3245 3294 3343 3393 3442 3491 38 3540 3589 3638 3687 3737 3786 3S35 3884 3933 3982 39 4031 4080 4130 4179 4228 4277 4326 4.^75 4424 4474 8840 4523 4572 4621 4670 4719 4768 4817 4867 4916 4965 41 5014 5063 5112 5161 5210 5260 5309 5358 5407 5456 42 5505 5554 5603 5652 5702 5751 5800 5849 5898 5947 49 43 5996 6045 6094 6144 6193 6242 6291 6340 6389 6438 Ij 5 44 6487 6536 6586 6635 6684 6733 6782 6831 6880 6929 2,10 3!l5 45 6978 7027 7077 7126 7175 7224 7273 7322 7371 7420 4 20 46 7469 7518 7568 7617 7666 7715 7764 7813 7862 7911 5 25 6 29 7 34 47 7960 8009 8058 8108 8157 S206 8255 8304 8353 8402 48 8451 8500 8549 8598 8647 8697 8746 8795 8844 8893 8 39 49 8942 8991 1 9040 9089 9138| 9187 5 9236 6 9285 7 9335 8 9384 9 D 9 44 Pts. N. 2 3 4 1 N.885 L.t)46* OF NUMBERS. (16-3)| 8850 1 9482 9531 3 9580 4 9629 5 9678 6 9727 7 9776 8 9825 9 9874 D Pro. 9469433 51 9923 9972 0022 0071 0120 0169 0218 0267 0316 0365 49 52 9470414 0463 0512 0561 0610 0659 0708 0757 0807 0856 1| 5 53 0905 0954 1003 1052 1101 1150 1199 1248 1297 1346 2 10 315 4 20 54 1395 1444 1493 1542 1591 1640 1689 1739 1788 1837 55 1886 1935 1984 2033 2082 2131 2180 2229 2278 2327 5 25 56 2376 2425 2474 2523 2572 2(521 2670 2719 2768 2817 6 29 7 34 8 39 57 2866 2915 2965 3014 3063 3112 3161 3210 3259 3308 58 3357 3406 3455 3504 3553 3602 3651 3700 3749 3798 9 44 59 3847 3896 3945 3994 4043 4092 4141 4190 4239 4288 88(50 4337 4386 4435 4484 4533 4582 4631 4680 4729 4778 04 4827 4876 4925 4974 5023 5072 5121 5170 5219 5268 6:2 5317 5366 5415 5464 5513 5562 5611 5660 5709 5758 49 63 5807 5856 5905 5954 6003 6052 6101 6150 6199 6248 64 629,7 6346 6395 6444 6493 6542 6591 6640 6689 6738 65 6787 6836 6885 6934 6983 7032 7081 7130 7179 7228 66 7277 7326 7375 7424 7473 7522 7571 7620 7669 77J8 67 7767 7816 7865 7914 7963 8012 8061 8110 8159 8208 68 8257 8306 8355 8404 8453 8502 8551 8600 8649 8698 69 8747 8796 8844 8893 8942 8991 9040 9089 9138 9187 8870 9236 9285 9334 9383 9432 9481 9530 9579 9628 9677 71 9726 9775 9824 9873 9922 9971 0020 0068 0117 0166 72 9480215 0264 0313 0362 0411 0460 0509 0558 0607 0656 73 0705 0754 0803 0852 0901 0950 0998 1047 1096 1145 74 1194 1243 1292 1341 1390 1439 1488 1537 1586 1635 75 1684 1733 1781 1830 1879 1928 1977 2026 2075 2124 76 2173 2222 2271 2320 2369 2418 2467 2515 2564 2613 77 2662 2711 2760 2809 2858 2907 2956 3005 3054 3102 78 3151 3200 3249 3298 3347 3396 3445 3494 3543 3592 79 3641 3689 3738 3787 3836 3885 3934 3983 4032 4081 8880 4130 4179 4227 4276 4325 4374 4423 4472 4521 4570 81 4619 4668 4717 4765 4814 4863 4912 4961 5010 5059 82 5108 5157 5205 5254 5303 5352 5401 5450 5499 5548 83 5597 5646 5694 5743 5792 5841 5890 5939 5988 6037 84 6085 6134 6183 6232 6281 6330 6379 6428 6477 6525 85 6574 6623 6672 6721 6770 6819 6868 6916 6965 7014 86 7063 7112 7161 7210 7259 7307 7356 7405 7454 7503 87 7552 7601 7650 7698 7747 7796 7845 7894 7943 7992 88 8040 8089 8138 8187 8236 8285 8334 8382 8431 8480 89 8529 8578 8627 8676 8724 8773 8822 8871 8920 8969 8890 9018 9066 9115 9164 9213 9262 9311 9360 9408 9457 91 9506 9555 9604 9653 9701 9750 9799 9848 9897 9946 92 9995 0043 0092 0141 0190 0239 0288 0336 0385 0434 48 93 9490483 0532 0581 0629 0678 0727 0776 0825 0874 0922 1 5 94 0971 1020 1069 1118 1167 1215 1264 1313 1362 1411 2 10 3 14 4 19 95 1460 1508 1557 1606 1655 1704 1752 1801 1850 1899 96 1948 1997 2045 2094 2143 2192 2241 2289 2338 2387 5 24 97 2436 2485 2534 2582 2631 2680 2729 2778 2826 2875 6 29 7 34 8 38 98 2924 2973 3022 3070 3119 3168 3217 3266 3314 3363 99 N. 3412 3461 3510 2 3558 3607 4 3656 5 3705 6 3754 7 1 3802 8 3851 9 D 9 43 Pts. 1 3 2 Y2 (164 ) LOG A R r T H MS N . 8^ () L. 949 N. 8900 1 3949 2 3998 3 1()46 4 4095 5 4144 6 4193 7 4242 8 4290 9 4339 D Pro. 9493.>00 01 43 8 S 4437 4486 4534 4583 4632 4681 4730 4778 4827 49 02 4876 4925 4973 5022 5071 5120 5169 5217 5266 5315 1 5 03 5361- 5413 5461 5510 5559 5608 5656 5705 5754 5803 2 10 04. 5852 5900 59 1-9 5998 6047 6095 6144 6193 6242 6290 3 4 15 20 05. 6339 6388 6437 6486 6534 6583 6632 6681 6729 6778 5 26 06 6827 6876 6924 6973 7022 7071 7119 7168 7217 7266 6 7 8 29 34 39 07 7315 7363 7412 7461 7510 7558 7607 7656 7705 7753 08 7802 7851 7900 7948 7997 8046 8095 8143 8192 8241 9 44 09 8290 8338 8387 8436 8485 8533 8582 8631 8680 8728. 8910 8777 8826 8875 8923 8972 9021 9069 9118 9167 9216 11 9264 i)313 9362 9411 9459 9508 9557 9606 9654 9703 12 9752 9801 9849 9898 9947 9995 0044 0093 0142 0190 13 9500239 0283 0337 0385 0434 0483 0531 0580 06^29 0678 14 0726 0775 0824 0872 0921 0970 1019 1067 in 6 ^1165 15 1213 1262 1311 1360 1408 1457 1506 1554 1603 1652 16 1701 1749 1798 1847 1895 1944 1993 2042 2090 2139 17 2188 2236 2285 2334 2382 243 1 2480 2529 2577 2626 IS 2675 2723 2772 2821 2869 2918 2967 3016 3064 3113 19 3162 3210 3259 3308 3356 3405 3454 3502 3551 3600 8920 3649 3697 3746 3795 3843 3892 3941 3989 4038 4087 21 4135 4184 4233 4281 4330 4379 4427 4476 4525 4574 22 4622 4671 4720 4768 4817 4866 4914 4963 50.2 5060 23 5109 5158 5206 5255 5304 5352 5401 5450 5498 5547 24 5596 5644 5693 5742 5790 5839 5888 5936 5985 6034 25 6082 6131 6180 6228 6277 6326 6374 6423 6472 6520 26 6569 6617 6f)66- 6715 6763 6812 6861 6909 6958 7007 27 7055 7104 7153 7201 7250 7299 7347 7396 7445 7493 28 7542 7590 7639 7688 7736 7785 7834 7882 7931 7^y80 29 8028 8077 8126 8174 8223 8271 8320 8369 8417 8466 8930 8515 8563 8612 8660 8709 8758 8806 8855 8904 8952 31 9001 9050 9098 9147 9195 9244 92^)3 9341 9390 9439 32 9487 9536 9584 9633 9682 9730 9779 9827 9876 9925 33 9973 0022 0071 0119 0168 0216 0265 0314 0362 0411 34 9510459. 0508 0557 0605 0654 0703 0751 0800 0848 0897 3.-. 0946 0994 1043 1091 1140 1189 1237 1286 1334 1383 5Q 1432 1480 1529 1577 1626 1675 1723 1772 1820 1869 37 1918 1966 2015 2063 2112 2161 2209 2258 2306 2355 38 2404 2452 2501 2549 2598 2646 2695 2744 2792 2841 39 2889 2938 2987 3035 3084 3132 3181 3229 3278 3327 8940 3375 3424 3472 3521 3569 3618 3667 3715 3764 3812 41 3861 39 10 1 3958 4007 4055 4104 4152 4201 4250 4298 42 4347 4395 4444 4492 4541 4589 4638 4687 4735 4784 48 43 4832 4881 4929 4978 5027 5075 5124 5172 5221 5269 1 5 44 5318 5366 5415 5464 5512 5561 5609 5658 5706 5755 2 3 10 14 . 45 5803 5852 5901 5949 5998 6046 6095 6143 6192 6240 4 19 46 6289 6337 6386 6435 6483 6532 6580 6629 6677 6720 6 24 47 6774 6823 6871 6920 6969 7017 7066 7114 7163 7211 6 7 8 29 54 48 7260 7308 7357 7405 7454 7502 7551 7599 7648 7697 38 49 7745 7794 7842 7891 7939 7988 8056 8085 8133 8182 9 43 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g.\ D Pts. iV.895 L.95I OF NUMBERS. (l66)\ N. 8950 1 8279 2 8327 3 8376 4 8424 5 8473 6 8521 7 8570 8 8619 9 S667 D Pro. 9518230 51 8716 8764 8813 8861 8910 8958 9007 9035 9104 9152 49 52 9201 9249 9298 9346 9395 9443 9492 9540 9589 9637 1 5 53 9686 9734 Q783 9831 9880 9928 9977 S025 0074 0122 2 10 54 9520171 0219 0268 0316 0365 0413 0462 0510 0559 0607 3 4 15 20 55 0656 0704 0753 0801 0850 0898 0947 0995 1044 1092 5 25 56 1141 1189 1238 1286 1335 1383 1432 1480 1529 1577 6 7 8 9 29 51 1626 1674 1723 1771 1820 1868 1917 1965 2014 2062 34 39 44 58 2111 2159 2208 2256 2305 2353 2401 2450 2498 2547 59 2595 2644 2692 2741 2789 2838 2886 2935 2983 3032 8960 3080 3129 3177 3226 3274 3322 3371 3419 3468 35]6 61 3565 3613 3662 3710 3759 3807 3856 3904 3952 4001 62 4049 4098 4146 4195 4243 4292 4340 438Q 4437 4486 63 4534 4582 4631 4679 4728 4776 4825 4873 4922 4970 64 5018 5067 5115 5164 5212 5261 5309 5358 5406 5454 65 5503 5551 5600 5648 5697 5745 5794 5842 5890 5939 66 5987 6036 6084 6133 6181 6230 6278 6326 6375 6423 67 6472 6520 6569 6617 6665 6714 6762 6811 6859 6908 68 6956 7004 7053 7101 7150 7198 7247 7295 7343 7392 69 7440 7489 7537 7586 7634 7682 7731 7779 7828 7876 3970 7924 7973 8021 8070 8118 8167 8215 8263 8312 8360 71 8409 8457 8505 8554 8602 8651 8699 8747 8796 8844 72 8893 8941 8989 9038 9086 9135 9183 9231 9280 9328 73 9377 9425 9473 9522 9570 9619 9667 9715 9764 9812 74 9861 9909 9957 0006 0054 0103 0151 0199 0248 0296 75 9530345 0393 0441 0490 0538 0587 0635 0683 0732 0780 76 0828 0877 0925 0974 1022 1070 1119 1167 1215 1264 77 1312 1361 1409 1457 1506 1554 1603 1651 1699 1748 78 1796 1844 1893 1941 1989 2038 2086 2135 2183 2231 79 2280 2328 2376 2425 2473 2522 2570 2618 2667 2715 8980 2763 2812 2860 2908 2957 3005 3054 3102 3150 3199 81 3247 3295 3344 3392 3440 3489 3537 3585 3634 3682 82 3731 3779 3827 3876 3924 3972 4021 4069 4117 4166 83 4214 4262 4311 4359 4407 4456 4504 4552 4601 4649 84 4697 4746 4794 4842 4891 4939 4987 5036 5084 5132 85 5181 5229 5277 5326 5374 5422 5471 5519 5567 5616 86 5664 5712 5761 5809 5857 5906 5954 6002 6051 6099 87 6147 6196 6244 6292 6341 6389 6437 6486 6534 6582 88 6631 6679 6727 6776 6824 6872 6921 6969 7017 7065 89' 7114 7162 7210 7259 7307 7355 7404 7452 7500 7549 8990 7597 7645 7694 7742 7790 7838 7887 7935 7983 8032 91 8080 8128 8177 8225 8273 8321 8370 8418 8466 8515 92 8563 8611 8660 8708 8756 8804 8853 8901 8949 8998 48 1 93 9046 9094 9143 9191 9239 9287 9336 9384 9432 9481 1 6 94 9529 9577 9625 9674 9722 9770 9819 9867 9915 9963 2 3 10 14 95 9540012 0060 0108 0157 0205 0253 0301 0350 0398 0446 4 19 96 0494 0543 0591 0639 0688 0736 0784 0832 0881 0929 6 24 97 0977 1025 1074 1122 1170 1219 1267 1315 1363 1412 6 7 8 29 34 38 98 1460 1508 1556 1605 1653 1701 1749 1798 1846 1894 99 1943 1991 2039 |2087 2136 4 2184 5 2232 6 2280 7 2329 2377 9~ I) 9 43 1 2 1 3 8 1 hs. ( 16'6) LOGARITHMS N-.QOO L. .954 N. yooo 1 2473 2 2522 3 2570 4 2618 5 2666 6 2715 7 2763 8 2811 9 2859 1) Pro. 9542425 01 2908 2956 3004 3052 3101 3149 3197 3245 3294 3342 49 02 3390 3438 3487 3535 3583 3631 3680 3728 3776 3824 1 5 03 3873 3921 3969 4017 4065 4114 4162 4210 4258 4307 2 3 4 10 15 '20 04 4355 4403 4451 4500 4548 4596 4644 4692 4741 4789 05 4837 4885 4934 4982 5030 5078 5127 5175 5223 5271 5 25 06 5319 5368 5416 5464 5512 5561 5609 5657 5705 5753 6 7 g 29 34 39 07 5802 5850 5898 5946 5994 6043 6091 6139 6187 6236 08 6284 6332 6380 6428 6477 6525 6573 6621 6669 6718 9 44 oy 6766 6814 6862 6910 6959 7007 7055 7103 7152 7200 9010 7248 7296 7344 7393 7441 7489 7537 7585 7654 7682 1] 7730 7778 7826 7874 7923 7971 8019 8067 8115 8164 12 8212 8260 8308 8356 8405 8453 8501 8549 8597 8646 13 8694 8742 8790 8838 8886 8935 8983 9031 9079 9127 14 9176 9224 9272 9320 9368 9416 9465 9513 9561 9609 15 9657 9705 9754 9802 9850 9S98 9946 9995 0043 0091 16 9550139 0187 0235 0284 0332 0380 0428 0476 0524 0573 17 0621 0669 0717 0765 0813 0862 0910 0958 1006 1054 18 1102 1150 1199 1247 1295 1343 1391 M'39 1488 1536 19 1584 1632 1680 1728 1776 1825 1873 1921 1969 2017 9020 2065 2114 2162 2210 2258 2306 2354 2402 2451 2499 21 2547 2595 2643 2691 2739 2788 2836 2884 2932 2980 22 3028 3076 3125 3173 3221 3269 3317 3365 3413 3461 2.3 3510 3558 3606 3654 3702 3750 3798 3846 3895 3943 24 3991 4039 4087 4135 4183 4231 4280 4328 4376 4424 25 4472 4520 4568 4616 4665 4713 4761 4809 4857 4905 26 4953 5001 5050 5098 5146 5194 5242 5290 5338 5386 27 5434 5483 5531 5579 5627 5675 5723 5771 5819 5867 28 5916 5964 6012 6060 6108 6156 6204 6252 6300 6348 29 6397 6445 6493 6541 6589 6637 6685 6733 6781 6829 9030 6878 6926 6974 7022 7070 7118 7166 7214 7262 7310 31 7358 7407 7455 7503 7551 7599 7647 7695 7743 7791 32 7839 7887 7935 7984 8032 8080 8128 8176 8224 8272 33 8320 8368 8416 8464 8512 8560 8609 8657 8705 8753 34 8801 8849 8897 8945 8993 9041 9089 9137 9185 9234 35 9282 9330 9378 9426 9474 9522 9570 9618 9666 9714 S6 9762 9810 9858 9906 9954 0003 0051 0099 0147 0195 37 9560243 0291 0339 0387 0435 0483 0531 0579 0627 0675 38 0723 0771 0819 0868 0916 0964 1012 1060 1108 1156 39 1204 1252 1300 1348 1396 1444 1492 1540 1588 1636 9040 1684 1732 1780 1828 1876 1925 1973 2021 2069 2117 41 2165 2213 2261 2309 2357 2405 2453 2501 2549 2597 42 2645 2693 2741 2789 2837 2885 2933 2981 3029 3077 48 43 3125 3173 3221 3269 3317 3365 3413 3461 3509 3558 1 5 44 3606 3654 3702 3750 3798 3846 3894 3942 3990 4038 2 3 10 14 45 4086 4134 4182 4230 4278 4326 4374 4422 4470 4518 4 19 46 4566 4614 4662 4710 4758 4806 4854 4902 4950 4998 5 24 47 5046 5094 5142 5190 5238 5286 5334 5382 5430 5478 48 6 7 8 29 34 38 48 5526 5574 5622 5670 5718 5766 5814 5862 5910 5958 T'O 49 N. 6006 6054 1 6102 6150 3 6198 4 6246 6294 6342 7 6390 8 6438 9 9 43 5 6 D Pts. N..905 L.956 OF NUMBERS. (167) N. 1 Q 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pro. 9050 956Q^?>Q 6534 6582 6630 6678 6726 6774 6822 6870 6918 51 6966 7014 7062 7110 7158 7206 7254 7302 7349 7397 48 52 7445 7493 7541 7589 7637 7685 7733 7781 7829 7877 1 5 53 7925 7973 8021 8069 8117 8165 8213 3261 8309 8357 2 10 3 14 4 19 54 8405 8453 8501 8549 8597 8645 8693 8741 8789 8837 55 8885 8933 8980 9028 9076 9124 9172 9220 9268 9316 5 24 56 9364 9412 9460 9508 9556 9604 9652 9700 9748 9796 6 29 7 34 8 38 51 9844 9892 9940 9988 U035 0083 0131 0179 0227 0275 58 9570323 0371 0419 0467 0515 0563 0611 0659 0707 0755 9 43 59 0803 0851 0898 0946 0994 1042 1090 1138 1186 1234 9060 1282 1330 1378 1426 1474 1522 1570 1618 1665 1713 61 1761 1809 1857 1905 1953 2001 2049 2097 2145 2193 62 2241 2289 2336 2384 2432 2480 2528 2576 2624 2672 63 2720 2768 2816 2864 2911 2959 3007 3055 3103 3151 64 3199 3247 3295 3343 3391 3439 3486 3534 3582 3^30 Q5 3678 3726 3774 3822 3870 3918 3966 4013 4061 4109 m 4157 4205 4253 4301 4349 4397 4445 4492 4540 4588 67 4636 4684 4732 4780 4828 4876 4924 4971 5019 5067 6S 5115 5163 5211 5259 5307 5355 5402 5450 5498 5546 69 5594 5642 5690 5738 5786 5833 5881 5929 5977 6025 9070 6073 6121 6169 6217 6264 6312 6360 6408 0887 6456 6504 71 Q55^ 6600 6647 6695 6743 6791 6839 6935 6983 72 7030 7078 7126 7174 7222 7270 7318 7366 7413 7461 73 7509 7557 7605 7653 7701 7748 7796 7844 7892 7940 74 7988 8036 8083 8131 8179 8227 8275 8323 8371 8418 75 8466 8514 8562 8610 8658 8706 8753 8801 8849 8897 . 76 8945 8993 9041 9088 9136 9184 9232 9280 9328 9376 \ 77 9423 9471 9519 9567 9615 9663 9710 9758 9806 9854 78 9902 9950 9997 0045 0093 0141 0189 0237 0284 0332 79 9580380 0428 0476 0524 0571 0619 0667 0715 0763 0811 9080 0858 0906 0954 1002 1050 1098 1145 1193 1241 1289 81 1337 1385 1432 1480 1528 1576 1624 1672 1719 1767 82 1815 1863 1911 1958 2006 2054 2102 2150 2198 2245 83 2293 2341 2389 2437 2184 2532 2580 2628 2676 2723 84 2771 2819 2867 2915 2962 3010 3058 3106 3154 3202 85 3249 3297 3345 3393 3441 3488 3536 3584 3632 3680 86 3727 3775 3823 3871 3919 3966 4014 4062 4110 4157 87 4205 4253 4301 4349 4396 4444 4492 4540 4588 4635 88 4683 4731 4779 4827 4874 4922 4970 5018 5065 5113 89 5161 5209 5257 5304 5352 5400 5448 5495 5543 5591 9090 5639 5687 5734 5782 5830 5878 5925 5973 6021 6069 01 6117 6164 6212 6260 6308 6355 6403 6>5l 6499 6547 92 6594 6642 6690 6738 6785 6833 6881 6929 6976 7024 47 93 7072 7120 7167 7215 7263 7311 7358 7406 7454 7502 1 5 94 7549 7597 7645 7693 7741 7738 7836 7884 7932 7979 2 9 3 14 95 8027 8075 8123 8170 8218 8266 8314 8361 8409 8457 4 19 96 8505 8552 8600 8648 86.95 8743 8791 8839 8886 8934 5 24 6 28 733 8 38 97 8982 9030 9077 9125 9173 9221 9268 9316 9364 9412 9B 9459 9507 9555 9603 9650 9698 9746 9793 9841 9889 99 9937 9984 1 0032 0080 3 0128 "4" 0175 5 0223 ~6~ 0271 7 0318 8 0366 9 d| 9 42 Pts. ((\6S) LOGARITHMS N.^IO L, 959 9100 1 0462 2 0509 3 0557 4 0605 5 0653 6 0700 7 - 8 0796 9 0843 D Pro. J590414 0748 0} 0S91 093 Q 0937 1034 1082 1130 1177 1225 1273 1321 48 02 1368 1416 1464 1511 1559 1607 1655 1702 1750 1798 1 5 03 1845 1893 194! 1989 2036 2084 2132 2179 2227 2275 2 10 3 14 4 19 04 2322 2370 2418 2466 2513 2561 2609 2656 2704 2752 05 2800 2847 2895 2943 2990 3)38 3086 3133 3181 3229 5 24 0(1 3276 3324 3372 3420 3467 3515 3563 3610 3658 3706 6 29 7 34 8 38 07 3753 3801 3849 3896 3944 3992 4039 4087 4135 4183 08 4:230 4278 4326 4373 4421 4469 4516 4561 4612 4659 9 43 09 4707 4755 4802 4850 4898 4945 4993 5041 5088 5136 9110 5184 5231 5279 5327 5374 5422 5470 5517 5565 5613 11 5660 5708 5756 5803 5851 5899 5946 5994 6042 6089 12 6137 6185 6232 6280 6328 6375 6423 6471 6518 6566 13 6614 6601 6709 6757 6804 6852 6900 6947 6995 7043 14 7090 7138 7186 7233 7281 7328 7376 7424 7471 7519 [S 7567 7614 7662 7710 7757 7805 7853 7900 7948 7996 16 8043 809 1 8138 8186 8234 8281 8329 8377 8424 8472 17 8520 8567 8615 8662 8710 8758 8805 8853 8901 8948 18 8996 9044 9091 9139 9186 9234 9282 9329 9377 9425 19 9472 9520 9567 9615 9663 9710 9758 9806 9853 9901 9120 9Q48 9996 0044 0091 0139 0186 0234 0282 0329 0377 21 9600425 0472 0520 0567 0615 0663 0710 0758 0805 0853 22 0901 0948 0996 1044 1091 1139 1186 1234 1282 1329 23 1377 1424 1472 1520 1567 1615 1662 1710 1758 1805 24 1853 1900 1948 1996 2043 2091 2138 2186 2234 2281 25 2329 2376 2424 2472 2519 2567 2614 2662 2709 2757 26 2805 2852 2900 2947 2995 3043 3090 3138 3185 3233 27 3281 3323 3376 3423 3471 3518 3566 3614 3661 3709 28 3756 3804 3851 3899 3947 3994 4042 4089 4137 4184 29 4232 4280 4327 4375 4422 4470 4517 4565 4613 4660 9130 4708 4755 4803 4850 4898 4946 4993 5041 5088 5136 31 5183 5231 5279 5326 5374 5421 5469 5516 5564 5611 32 5659 5707 5754 5802 3849 5897 5944 5992 6039 6087 33 6135 6182 6230 6277 6325 6372 6420 6467 6515 6563 34 6610 6658 6705 6753 6800 6848 6893 6943 6990 7038 35 7086 7133 7181 7228 7276 7323 7371 7418 7466 7513 36 7561 7608 7656 7704 7751 7799 7846 7894 7941 7989 37 8036 8084 8131 8179 8226 8274 8321 8369 8416 8464 38 8512 8559 8607 8654 8702 8749 8797 8844 8892 8939 39 8987 9034 9082 9129 9177 9224 9272 9319 9367 9414 9140 9462 9509 9557 9605 9652 9700 9747 9795 9842 9890 41 9937 9985 0032 0080 0127 0175 0222 0270 0317 0365 42 9610412 0460 0507 0555 0602 0650 0697 0745 0792 0840 47 43 0887 0935 0982 1030 1077 1125 1172 1220 1267 1315 1 5 44 1362 1410 1457 1505 1552 1600 1647 1695 1742 1790 2 9 3 14 45 1837 1885 1932 1980 2027 2075 2122 2170 2217 2264 4 19 46 2312 2359 24(^7 2454 2502 2549 2597 2644 2692 2739 5 24 47 2787 2334 2882 2929 2977 3024 3072 3119 3167 3214 6 28 7 33 8 38 48 3262 3309 3357 3404 3451 3499 3546 3594 3641 3689 49 3736 3784 3831 3879 3926 3974 4021 4069 4116 4163 9 42 N. 1 1 2 S 4 H 5 ~6" 7 8| T D Pts. N.915L.961 OF NUMBERS. (l6'J))i N. 9150 1 4258 2 4306 3 4353 4 4401 5 4448 6 4496 7 4543 8 4591 9 4638 D Pro. 9614211 51 4686 4733 4780 4828 4875 4923 4970 5018 5065 5113 48 52 5160 5208 5255 5302 5350 5397 5445 5492 5540 5587 1 5 53 5635 5682 5730 5777 5824 5872 5919 5907 6014 6062 2 3 4 10 14 19 54 6109 6157 6204 6251 6299 6346 6394 6441 6489 6536 55 6583 6631 6678 6726 6773 6821 6868 6916 6963 7010 5 24 56 7058 7105 7153 7200 7248 7295 7342 7390 7437 7485 6 7 29 ^4 57 7532 7580 7627 7674 7722 7769 7817 7864 7912 7959 / 8 38 58 8006 8054 8101 8149 8196 8243 8291 8338 8386 8433 9 43 59 8481 8528 8575 8623 8670 8718 8765 8812 8860 8907 9160 8955 9002 9050 9097 9144 9192 9239 9287 9834 9381 61 942.Q 9476 9524 9571 9618 9666 9713 9761 9808 9855 62 9903 9950 9998 0045 0092 0140 0187 0235 0282 0329 63 9620377 0424 0472 0519 0566 0614 0661 0709 0756 0803 64 0851 0898 0946 0993 1040 1088 1135 1183 1230 1277 65 1325 1372 1419 1467 1514 1562 1609 1656 1704 1751 *66 1799 1846 1893 1941 1988 2035 2083 2130 2178 2225 67 2272 2320 2367 2414 2462 2509 2557 20O4 2651 2699 68 2746 2793 2841 2888 2936 2983 3030 3078 3125 3172 69 3220 3267 3314 3362 3409 3457 3504 3551 3599 3646 9170 369,3 3741 3788 3835 3883 3930 3978 4025 4072 4120 71 4167 4214 4262 4309 4356 4404 4451 4498 4546 4593 72 4640 4688 4735 4783 4830 4877 4925 4972 5019 5067 73 5114 5161 5209 525.6 5303 5351 5398 5445 5493 5540 74 5587 5635 5682 5729 5777 5824 5871 5919 5966 6013 75 6061 6108 6155 6203 6250 6297 6345 6392 6439 6487 76 6534 6581 6629 6676 6723 6771 6818 6865 6913 6960 77 7007 7055 7102 7149 7197 7244 7291 7339 7386 7433 78 7481 7528 7575 7622 7670 7717 7764 7812 7859 7906 79 7954 8001 8048 8096 8143 8190 8238 8285 8332 8380 9180 8427 8474 8521 8569 8616 8663 8711 8758 8805 8853 81 8900 8947 8994 9042 9089 9136 9184 9231 9278 9326 82 9373 9420 9467 9515 9562 9609 9657 9704 9751 9799 83 9846 9893 9940 9988 0035 0082 0130 0177 0224 0271 84 9630319 0366 0413 0461 0508 0555 0602 0650 0697 0744 85 0792 0839 0886 0933 0981 1028 1075 1123 1170 1217 86 1264 1312 1359 1400 1454 1501 1548 1595 1643 1690 87 1737 1784 1832 1879 1926 1974 2021 2068 2115 2163 88 2210 2257 2304 2352 ^399 2446 2493 2541 2588 2635 89 2683 2730 2777 2824 2872 2919 2966 3013 3061 3108 9190 3155 3202 3250 3297 3344 3391 3439 3486 3533 3580 91 3628 3675 3722 3769 3817 3864 3911 3958 4006 4053 92 4100 4147 4195 4242 4289 4336 4384 4431 4478 4525 47 93 4573 4620 4667 4714 4762 4809 4856 4903 4951 4998 1 5 94 5045 5092 5139 5187 5234 5281 5328 5376 5423 5470 2 3 9 14 95 5517 5565 5612 5659 5706 5753 5801 5848 5895 5942 •4 19 96 5990 6037 6084 6131 6179 6226 6273 6320 6367 6415 5 24 97 6462 6509 6556 6604 6651 6698 6745 6792 6840 6887 6 7 g 28 33 38 98 6934 6981 7028 7076 7123 7170 7217 7265 7312 7359 99 7406 7453 7501 2 7548 I 3 7595 4 7642 5 7689 6 7737 7, 7784 8 7831 9 D 9 42 In. 1 I >ts. a z (,170) LOGARITHMS N.9^0L,(^63 N. 9200 1 7925 7973 3 8020 4 8067 5 8114 6 8161 7 8209 8 8256 .9 8303 £ Pro. .Q637878 01 8350 8398 8445 8492 8539 8586 8634 8681 8728 8775 48 02 8822 8869 8917 8964 901 i 9058 9105 9153 9200 9247 1| S 03 9294 9341 9389 9436 9483 9530 9577 9625 9672 9719 2 10 04 9706 9813 9860 9908 9955 0002 0049 0096 0144 0191 3 14 4 19 05 9640238 0285 0332 0379 0427 0474 0521 0568 0615 0663 5 24 06 0710 0757 0804 0851 0898 0946 0993 1040 1087 1134 6 29 07 1181 1229 1276 1323 1370 1417 1464 1512 1559 1606 7 34 g 38 08 1653 1700 1747 1795 1842 1889 1936 1983 2030 2078 9 43 09 2125 2172 2219 2266 2313 2361 2408 2455 2502 2549 9210 2596 2643 2691 2738 2785 2832 2879 2926 2974 3021 11 3068 3115 3162 3209 3256 3304 3351 3398 3445 3492 12 3539 3586 3(?34 3681 3728 3775 3822 3869 3916 3964 13 4011 4058 4105 4152 4199 4246 4294 4341 4388 4435 14 4482 4529 4576 4623 4671 4718 4765 4812 4859 4906 15 4953 5001 5048 5095 5142 5189 5236 5283 5330 5378 16 5\25 5472 5519 5566 5613 5660 5707 5755 5802 5849 1 17 5896 5943 5990 6037 6084 6131 6179 6226 6273 6320 18 6367 6414 6461 6508 6555 6603 6650 6697 6744 6791 19 0838 6885 6932 6979 7027 7074 7121 7168 7215 7262 9220 7309 7356 7403 7451 7498 7545 7592 7639 7686 7733 21 7780 7827 7874 7922 7969C ^016 8063 8110 8157 8204 22 8251 8298 8345 8302 8440 8487 8534 8581 8628 8675 23 8722 8769 8816 8863 8910 8958 9005 9052 9099 9146 24 9193 92^40 9287 9334 9381 9428 9475 9523 9570 9617 25 9664 9711 9758 9805 9852 9899 9946 9993 0040 0087 2t) 9650135 0182 0229 0276 0323 0370 0417 0464 0511 0558 27 0605 0652 0699 0746 0793 0841 0888 093.5 0982 1029 28 1076 1123 1170 1217 1264 1311 1358 1405 1452 1499 29 1546 1594 1641 1688 1735 1782 1829 1876 1923 1970 9230 2017 2064 2111 2158 2205 2252 2299 2346 2393 2440 31 2488 2535 2582 2629 2676 2723 2770, 2817 2864 2911 32 2958 3005 3052 3099 3146 3193 3240 .^287 3334 3381 33 3428 3475 3522 3569 3617 3664 3711 3758 3805 3852 34 3899 3946 3993 4040 4087 4134 4181 4228 4275 4322 35 4369 4416 4463 4510 4557 4604 465 1 4698 4745 4792 36 4839 4886 4933 4980 5027 5074 5121 5168 5215 5262 37 5309 535Q 5403 5450 5497 5545 5592 5GS9 5686 5733 39 5780 5827 5874 5921 5968 6015 6062 01O9 6156 6203 39 6250 6297 6344 6391 6438 6485 6532 6579 6626 6673 9240 6720 6767 6814 6m\ 6908 6955 7002 7049 7096 7143 47 41 7190 7237 7284 7331 7378 7425 7472 7519 7566 7613 42 7660 7707 7754 7801 7848 7895 7942 7989 8036 8083 47 43 8130 8177 8224 8270 8317 8364 8411 8458 8505 8552 1 b 44 8599 8646 8693 8740 8787 8834 8881 8928 8975 9022 2 9 3 14 45 9069 9116 9163 9210 9257 9304 9351 9398 9445 9492 4 19 524^ 46 9539 9586 9633 9680 9727 0774 9821 9868 9915 9962 47 9660009 0056 0103 0149 0196 0243 0290 0337 03 84 3431 6 28 7 33 8 38 48 0178 0525 0572 0619 0666 0713 0760 0807 0854 D901 49 N. 0948 ms)b 1042 1089 1136 4 1 1183 1230 15?76 1323 1370 9 42 ~\~ 2 3 5 6 7 8~ ' 9 T) Pts. N.9'25 L.966 OF NUMBERS. (171)1 N. i)250 1 1464 2 S 1511 1558 4 1605 6 6* 1699 7 1746 8 1793 9 1 840 D Pro. 9661417 51 1887 1934. 1981 2028 2075 2122 2168 2215 2262 2309 47 52 2356 2403 2450 2497 2544 2591 2638 ^6S5 2732 2779 1 5 53 2826 2873 2919 2966 3013 3060 3107 3154 3201 3248 3 9 54 3295 3342 3389 3436 3483 3530 3577 3623 3670 3717 3 4 14 19 55 3764 3811 3858 3905 3952 3999 4046 4093 4140 4187 6 24 56 4233 1280 4327 4374 4421 4468 4515 4562 4609 4656 6 •JH 57 4703 4750 4796 4843 4890 4937 4984 5031 5078 5125 7 8 9 33 Ik 58 5172 5219 5266 5312 5359 5406 5453 5500 5547 5594 .JO 42 59 5641 5688 5735 5782 5828 5875 5922 5969 6016 6063 9260 6110 6157 6204 6251 6297 6344 6391 6t38 6485 6532 61 6579 6626 6673 6720 6766 6813 6860 6907 6954 7001 62 7048 70>)5 7142 7188 7235 7282 7329 7376 7423 7470 63 7517 7561 7010 7657 7704 7751 7798 7845 7892 7939 64 7985 8032 8079 8126 8173 8220 8267 8311 8360 8407 65 8454 8501 8548 8595 8642 8689 8735 8782 8829 8876 66 8923 8970 9017 9064 9110 9157 9204 9251 9298 9345 67 9392 9438 9485 9532 9579 9626 9673 9720 9767 9813 68 9860 9907 9954 0001 0048 0095 0141 0188 0235 0282 69 9670329 0376 0423 0469 0516 0563 0610 0657 0704 0750 9270 0797 0844 0891 0938 0985 1032 1078 1125 1172 1219 71 1266 1313 1359 1406 1453 1500 1547 1594 1641 1687 72 1734 1781 1828 1875 1922 1968 2015 2062 2109 2156 i 73 2203 2249 2296 2343 2390 2437 2484 2530 2577 2624 ■ 74 2671 2718 2765 2811 2858 2905 2952 2999 3046 3092 75 3139 3186 3233 3280 3326 3373 342Q ^3167 3514 3561 76 3607 3654 3701 3748 3795 3841 3888 3935 3982 4029 ' 77 4076 4122 4169 4216 4263 4310 4356 4403 4450 4497 78 4544 4590 4637 4684 4731 4778 4825 4871 4918 4965 ; ^^ 5012 5059 5105 5152 5199 5246 5293 5339 5336 5433 '0280 5480 5527 5573 5620 5667 5714 5761 5807 5854 5901 81 5948 5995 60H 60S 8 6135 6182 6228 6275 6322 6369 82 6416 6462 6509 6556 6603 6650 6696 6743 6790 6837 83 6884 6930 6977 7024 7071 7117 7164 7211 7258 7305 1 84 7351 7398 7445 7492 7538 7585 7632 7679 7726 7772 ; 85 7819 7866 7913 7959 8006 8053 8100 8146 8193 8'240 86 8287 8334 8380 8427 8474 8521 8567 8614 8661 8708 87 8754 8801 8848 8895 8942 8988 9035 9082 9129 9175 ! 88 9222 9269 9316 9362 9409 9456 9503 9549 9596 9643 89 969iO 9736 9783 9830 9S77 9923 ^970 0017 0064 0110 9290 9680157 0204 0251 0297 0344 0391 0438 0484 0531 0578 91 0625 0671 0718 0765 0812 0858 0905 0952 0999 1045 92 1092 1139 1185 1232 1279 1 326 1372 1419 1466 1513 46 93 1559 1606 1653 1700 1746 1793 1.840 1307 1886 1933 1980 1 5 94 2027 2073 2120 2167 2214 2260 2354 2400 2447 2 3 9 14 95 2494 2541 2587 2634 268 J 2728 2774 2821 2868 2914 4 !« 96 2961 3008 3055 3101 3148 3195 3241 3288 3335 3382 6 'J3 97 3428 3475 3522 3568 3615 3662 3709 3755 3802 3849 6 7 •2ii 98 3895 3942 3989 4036 4082 4129 4176 4222 4269 4316 .H7 99 N. 4362 4409 4456 o 4503 4549 459(5 ~5~ 4643 ~6~ 4689 ~7~ 4736 8 4783 9 D 9 41 F t«. 2 /. 2 (172) LOGARITHMS N.93()L.968 N. 9300 1 1 4876 2 4923 3 4970 4 5«16 5 5063 6 5110 7 5156 8 5203 9 5250 D Pro. 9684S29 01 5296 5343 5390 5437 5483 5530 5577 5623 5670 5717 48 02 5763 5810 5857 5903 5950 5997 6043 6090 6137 6184 1 5 03 6^30 6277 6324 6370 6417 6464 6510 6557 6604 6650 2 10 01. 6697 6744 6790 6837 6884 6930 6977 7024 7070 7117 3 14 4 19 03 7164 7210 7257 7304 7350 7397 7444 7490 7537 7584 5 24 06 7630 7677 7724 7770 7817 7864 7910 7957 8004 8050 6 29 7 34 8 38 07 8097 8144 8190 8237 8284 8330 8377 8424 8470 8517 08 8564 8610 8657 8704 8750 8797 8844 8890 8937 8984 9 43 09 9030 9077 9124 9170 9217 9264 9310 9357 9404. 9450 9310 9497 9543 9590 9637 9683 9730 9777 9823 9870 9917 11 9963 0010 0057 0103 0150 0196 0243 0290 0336 0383 12 9690430 0476 0523 0570 0616 0663 0709 0756 0803 0849 13 0896 0943 0989 1036 1083 1129 1176 1222 1269 1316 14 1362 1409 1456 1502 1549 1595 1642 1689 1735 1782 15 1829 1875 1922 1968 2015 2062 2108 2155 2202 2248 16 2295 2341 2388 2435 2481 2528 2574 2621 2668 2714 17 2761 2808 2854 2901 2947 2994 3041 3087 3134 3180 19 3227 3274 3320 3367 3413 3460 3507 3553 3600 3647 19 3693 3740 3786 3833 3880 3926 3973 4019 4066 4113 9320 4159 4206 4252 4299 4346 4392 4439 4485 4532 4578 21 4625 4672 4718 4765 4811 4858 4905 4951 4998 5044 22 5091 5138 5184 5231 5277 5324 5371 5417 5464 5510 23 5557 5603 5650 5697 5743 5790 5836 5883 5929 5976 24 6023 6069 6116 6162 6209 6256 6302 6349 6395 6442 25 6488 6535 6582 6628 6675 6721 6768 6814 6861 6908 26 6954 7001 704-7 7094 7140 7187 7234 7280 7327 7373 27 7420 7466 7513 7559 7606 7653 7699 7746 7792 7839 28 7885 7932 7978 8025 8072 8113 8165 8211 8258 8304 29 8351 8397 8444 8491 8537 8584 8630 8677 8723 8770 9330 8816 8863 8910 8956 9003 9049 9096 9142 9189 9235 31 9282 9328 9375 9422 9468 9515 9561 9608 9654 9701 32 9747 9794 9840 9887 9933 9980 0027 0073 0120 0166 33 9700213 0259 0306 0352 0399 0445 0492 0538 0585 0631 34 0678 0724 0771 0818 0864 0911 0957 1004 1050 1097 35 1143 1190 1236 1283 1329 1376 1422 1469 1515 1562 56 1608 1655 1701 1748 1794 1841 1888 1934 1981 2027 37 2074 2120 2167 2213 2260 2306 2353 2399 2446 2492 38 2539 2585 2632 2678 2725 2771 2818 2864 2911 2957 39 3004 3050 3097 3143 3190 3236 3283 3329 3376 3,422 9340 3469 3515 3562 3608 3655 3701 3748 3794 3841 3887 41 3934 3980 4027 4073 4120 4166 4213 4259 4306 4352 42 4399 4445 4492 4538 4585 4631 4678 4724 4771 4817 47 43 4863 4910 4956 5003 5049 5096 5142 5189 5235 5282 ] 5 44 5328 5375 5421 546§ 5514 5561 5607 5654. 5700 5747 2 9 3 14 , 45 5793 5840 5886 5932 5979 6025 6072 6118 6165 6211 4 19 46 6258 6304| 6351 6397 6444. 6490 6537 6583 6629 6676 5 24 47 6722 6769 6815 6862 6908 6955 7001 7048 7094 7141 6 28 7 33 8 38 48 7187 7233 7280 7326 7373 7419 74G6 7512 7559 7605 49 7652 7698 7745 7791 f837 7884 7930 7977 5023 8070 9 42 N. "1~ 2 3 4 II 5 6 7 8 9 ID Pts. N.935 L.970 OF NLTMBERS. (17:3)1 N. 9350 1 8163 2 8209 3 8255 4 8302 5 8348 6 8395 7 8 8488 9 8534 D Pro. 9708116 8441 51 8581 8627 8673 8720 8766 8813 8859 8906 8952 8999 47 52 9045 9091 9138 9184 9231 9277 9324 9370 9416 9463 1 5 53 9509 9556 9602 9649 9695 9742 9788 9834 9881 9927 2 9 54 9974 0020 0067 0113 0159 0206 0252 0299 0345 03*9 1 3 4 14 19 55 9710438 0484 0531 0577 0624 0670 0716 0763 0809 0856 5 24 56 0902 0949 0995 1041 1088 1134 1181 1227 1273 1320 6 7 28 33 38 57 1366 1413 1459 1506 1552 1598 1645 1691 1738 1784 58 1830 1877 1923 1970 2016 2062 2109 2155 2202 2248 9 42 59 2294 2341 2387 2434 2480 2526 2573 2619 2666 2712 9360 2758 2805 2851 2898 2944 2990 3037 3083 3130 3176 61 3222 3269 3315 3362 3408 3454 3501 3547 3594 3640 62 3686 3733 3779 3826 3872 3918 3965 4011 4057 4104 63 4150 4197 4243 4289 4336 4382 4429 4475 4521 4568 ^ 64 4614 4660 4707 4753 4800 4846 4892 4939 4985 5031 65 5078 5124 5171 5217 5263 5310 5356 5402 5449 5495 66 5542 5588 5634 5681 5727 5773 5820 5866 5912 5959 67 6005 6052 6098 6144 6191 6237 6283 6330 6376 6422 68 6469 6515 6562 6608 6654 6701 6747 6793 6840 6886 69 6932 6979 7025 7071 7118 7164 7211 7257 7303 7550 9370 7396 7442 7489 7535 7581 7628 7674 7720 7767 7813 71 7859' 7906 7952 7998 8045 8091 8137 8184 8230 8276 72 8323 8369 8415 8462 8508 8554 8601 8647 8694 8740 73 8786 8833 8879 8925 8972 9018 9064 9111 9157 9203 74 9249 9296 934^ 9388 9435 9481 9527 9574 9620 9666 75 9713 9759 9805 9852 9898 9944 9991 U037 0083 0130 76 9720176 0222 0269 0315 0361 0408 0454 0500 0547 0593 77 0639 0685 0732 0778 0824 0871 0917 0963 1010 1056 78 1102 1149 1195 1241 1288 1334 1380 1426 1473 1519 79 1565 1612 1658 1704 1751 1797 1843 1889 1936 1982 9380 2028 2075 2121 2167 2214 2260 2306 2352 2399 2445 81 2491 2538 2584 2630 2677 2723 2769 2815 2862 2908 82 2954 3001 3047 3093 3139 3186 3232 3278 3325 3371 83 3417 3463 3510 3556 3602 3649 3695 3741 3787 3834 84 3880 3926 3973 4019 4065 4111 4158 4204 4250 4296 85 4343 4389 4435 4482 4528 4574 4620 4667 4713 4759 86 4805 4852 4898 4944 4991 .5037 5083 5129 5176 5222 87 5268 5314 5361 5407 5453 5500 5546 5592 5638 5685 88 5731 5777 5823 5870 5916 5962 6008 6055 6101 6147 89 6193 6240 6286 6332 6378 6425 6471 6517 6563 6610 9390 6056 6702 6748 6795 6841 6887 6933 6980 7026 7072 91 7118 7165 7211 7257 7303 7350 7396 7442 7488 7535 92 7581 7627 7673 7720 7766 7812 7858 7905 7951 7997 46 93 8043 8089 8136 8182 8228 8274 8321 8367 8413 8459 1 5 94 8506 8552 8598 8644 8690 8737 8783 8829 8875 8922 2 3 9 14 95 8968 9014 9060 9107 9153 9199 9245 9291 9338 9384 4 18 96 9430 9476 9523 9569 9615 9661 9707 9754 9800 9846 5 23 97 9892 9938 9985 0031 0077 0123 0170 0216 0262 0308 6 7 8 28 32 37 98 9730354 0401 0447 0493 0539 0585 0632 0678 0724 0770 99 N. 0816 0863 1 0909 2~ 0955 3 1001 ~4~ 1048 ~5~ 1094 ~6~ 1140 1186 ~8~ 1232 9 1) 9 41 F »ts. (174) LOGARITHMS N. 940 L. .9/3 N. 9400 1 1325 2 1:^7 1 3 1417 4 1463 5 1510 6 1556 7 1602 8 1648 9 1694 1) Pro. 9731279 01 1741 1787 1833 1879 1925 1972 2018 2064 2110 2156 47 02 2202 2249 2295 2341 2387 2433 2480 2526 2572 2618 ] 5 03 2664 2711 2757 2803 2849 2895 2941 2988 3034 3080 2 9 3 14 4 \9 04 3126 3172 3219 3265 3311 3357 3403 3449 3496 3542 05 3588 3634 3680 3727 3773 3819 3865 3911 3957 4004 5 24 06 .4050 4096 4142 4188 4234 4281 4327 4373 4419 4465 6 28 7 33 8 38 07 4511 4558 4604 4650 4696 4742 4788 4835 4881 4927 08 4973 5019 5065 5112 5158 5204 5250 5296 5342 5389 9 42 09 5435 5481 5527 5573 5619 5QQ5 5712 5758 5804 5850 9410 5896 5942 5989 603^5 6081 6127 6173 6219 6265 6312 11 6358 6404 6450 6496 6542 6588 6635 6681 6727 6773 12 6819 6865 6911 6958 7004 7050 7096 7142 7188 7234 15 7281 7327 7373 7419 7465 7511 7557 7604 7650 7696 14 7742 7788 7834 7880 7926 7973 8019 8065 8111 8157 15 8203 8249 8295 8342 8388 8434 8480 8526 8572 8618 16 8664 8711 8757 8803 8849 8895 8941 8987 9033 9080 17 9126 9172 9218 9264 9310 9356 9402 9449 9495 9541 18 9587 9633 9679 9725 9771 9817 9864 9910 9956 0002 19 9740048 0094 0140 0186 0232 0279 0325 0371 0417 0463 9420 0509 0555 0601 0647 0693 0740 0786 0832 0878 0924 21 0970 1016 1062 1108 1154 1201 1247 1293 1339 1 385 22 1431 1477 1523 1569 1615 1661 1708 1754 1800 1846 23 1892 1938 1984 2030 2076 2122 2168 2215 2261 2307 24 2353 2399 2445 2491 2537 2583 2629 #)75 2721 2768 25 2814 2860 2906 2952 .2998 3044 3090 3136 3182 3228 26 3274 3320 3367 3413 3459 3505 3551 3597 3643 3689 27 3735 3781 3827 3873 3919 3965 4011 4058 4104 4150 28 4196 4242 4288 4334 4380 4426 4472 4518 4564 4610 29 4656 4702 4748 4795 4841 4887 4933 4979 5025 5071 9430 5117 5163 5209 5255 5301 5347 5393 5439 5485 5531 31 5577 5623 5670 5716 5762 5808 5854 5900 5946 5992 32 6038 6084 6130 6176 6222 6268 6314 6360 6406 6452 33 6498 6544 6590 QQ3Q 6683 6729 6775 6821 6867 6913 34 6959 7005 7051 7097 7143 7189 7235 7281 7327 7373 S5 7419 7465 7511 7557 7603 7649 7695 7741 7787 7833 36 7879 7925 7971 8017 8063 8109 8155 8201 8248 8294 37 8340 8386 8432 8478 8524 8570 8616 8662 8708 8754 38 8800 8846 8892 8938 8984 9030 9076 9122 9168 9214 39 9260 9306 9352 939^ 9444 9490 9536 9582 9628 9674 9440 9720 9766 9812 9858 9904 9950 9996 0042 0088 0134 46 41 9750180 0226 0272 0318 0364 0410 0456 0502 0548 0594 42 0640 0686 0732 0778 0824 0870 0916 0962 1008 1054 46 '43 1100 1146 1192 1238 1284 1330 1376 1422 1468 1514 J 5 44 1560 1606 1652 1698 1744 1790 1836 1882 1928 1974 2 9 3 14 45 2020 2066 2112 2158 2204 2250 2296 2341 2387 2433 418 46 2479 2525 2571 2617 2663 2709 2755 2801 2847 2893 5 23 47 2939 2985 3031 3077 3123 3169 3215 3261 3307 3353 6 28 7 32 8 37 48 3399 3445 3491 3537 3583 3629 3675 3721 3767 3813 49 N. 3S58 3904 1 3950 2 3996 3 4042 4 4088 5 4134 6 4180 7 4226 8 4272 9 D 9 41 Pts. N.C)45 L.975 OF NUMBERS. (175)| N. 1 4364 2 4410 3 4456 4 4502 5 4548 6 4594 7 464C 8 4686 9 4732 D Pro. 9754318 51 4778 4824 4870 4915 4961 5007 5053 5099 5145 5191 46 52 5237 5283 5329 5375 5421 5467 5513 5559 5605 5651 1 5 53 5697 5743 5788 5834 5880 5926 5972 6018 6064 6110 2 9 54 6156 6202 6248 0294 6340 6386 6432 6478 6523 6569 3 14 4 18 5.5 6615 6661 6707 6753 6799 6845 6891 6937 6983 7029 5 23 56 7075 7121 7166 7212 7258 7304 7350 7396 7442 7'488 G28 51 7534 7580 7626 7672 7718 7763 7809 7855 7901 7947 7 32 8 37 dUi 58 7993 8039 8085 8131 8177 8223 8269 8315 S3 60 8406 59 8452 8498 8544 8590 8636 8682 8728 8774 8820 8865 94.60 8911 8957 9003 9049 9095 9141 9187 9233 9279 9325 61 9370 9416 9462 9508 9554 9600 9646 9692 9738 9784 62 9829 9875 9921 9967 0013 0059 0105 0151 0197 0243 63 9760288 0334 0380 0426 0472 0518 0564 0610 0656 0701 61. 0747 0793 0839 0885 0931 0977 1023 1069 1114 1160 65 1206 1252 1298 1344 1390 1436 1481 1527 1573 I6I9 66 1665 1711 1757 1803 1849 1894 1940 1986 2032 2078 61 2124 2170 2216 2261 2307 2353 2399 2445 2491 2537 68 2582 2628 2674 2720 2766 2812 2858 2904 2949 2995 69 3041 3087 3133 3179 3225 3270 3316 3362 3408 3454 9470 3500 3546 3592 3637 3683 3729 3115 3821 3867 3913 71 3958 4004 4050 4096 4142 4188 4233 4279 4325 4371 72 4417 4463 4509 4554 4600 4646 4692 4738 4784 4830 73 4875 4921 4967 5013 5059 5105 5150 5196 5242 5288 74 5334 5380 5425 5471 5517 5563 5609 5655 5701 5746 75 5792 5838 5884 5930 5976 6021 6067 6113 6159 6205 76 6251 6296 6342 63S8 6434 6480 6525 6571 6617 6663 77 6709 6755 6800 6846 6892 6938 6984 7030 7075 7121 78 7167 7213 7259 7305 7350 7396 7442 7488 7534 7579 79 7625 7671 7717 7763 7808 7854 7900 7946 7992 8038 9480 8083 8129 8175 8221 8267 8312 8358 8404 8450 8496 81 8541 8587 8633 8679 8725 8770 8816 8862 8908 8954 82 9000 9045 9091 9137 9183 9229 9274 9320 9366 9412 83 9458 9503 9549 9595 9641 9686 9732 9778 9824 9870 84 9915 9961 0007 0053 0099 0144 0190 0236 0282 0328 85 9770373 0419 0465 0511 0556 0602 0648 0694 0740 0785 86 0831 0877 0923 0969 1014 1060 1106 1152 1197 1243 87 1289 1335 1381 1426 1472 1518 1564 1609 1655 1701 88 1747 1793 1838 1884 1930 1976 2021 2067 2113 2159 89 2204 2250 2296 2342 2388 2433 2479 2525 2571 2616 9490 2662 2708 2754 2799 2845 2891 2937 2982 3028 3074 91 3 1 20 3165 3211 3257 3303 3349 3394 3440 3486 3532 92 3577 3623 3669 3715 3760 3806 3852 3898 3943 3989 45 93 4035 4081 4126 4172 4218 4264 4309 4355 4401 4447 1 5 94 4492 4538 4584 4630 4675 4721 4767 4812 4858 4904 2 9 3 14 4 18 95 4950 4995 5041 5087 5133 5178 5224 5270 5316 5361 96 5407 5453 5499 5544 5590 5636 5681 5727 5113 5819 5 23 97 5864 5910 5956 6002 6047 6093 6139 6184 6230 6276 G27 7 32 8 36 98 6322 6367 6413 6459 6505 6550 6596 6642 6687 6733 99 N. 6779 6825 1 6870 2 6916 3 6962 7007 7053 7099 7145 8 1 7190 9 D 941 Pts. 4 6 7 ( 1 76) LOCxARiTHMs ' N. 950 L. 977 9500 1 7282 2 7327 3- 7373 4 7419 5 6 7510 7 7556 8 7602 9 7647 D Pro. c}777236 7465 01 7693 7739 7785 7830 7876 7922 7967 8013 8059 8105 46 02 8 1 50 8196 8242 8287 8333 8379 8424 8470 8516 8562 1 5 0.3 8^07 8653 8699 8744 8790 8836 8881 8927 8973 9019 2 3 4 9 14 18 04 9064 9110 9156 9201 9247 9293 9338 9384 9430 9476 05 9521 9567 9613 9658 9704 9750 9795 9841 9887 9932 5 f. 06 9978 (5024 0069 0115 0161 0207 0252 0298 0344 0389 6 7 g 28 32 37 07 9780435 0481 0526 0572 0618 0663 0709 0755 0800 0846 08 0892 0937 0983 1029 1074 1120 1166 1211 1257 1303 9 41 09 1348 1394 1440 1485 1531 1577 1622 1668 1714 1760 9510 1805 1851 1897 1942 1988 2033 2079 2125 2170 2216 11 2262 2307 2353 2399 2444 2490 2536 2581 2627 2673 12 2718 2764 2810 2855 2901 2947 2992 3038 3084 3129 13 3175 3221 3266 3312 3358 3403 3449 3495 3540 3586 14. 3631 3677 3723 3768 3814 3860 3905 3951 3997 4042 15 4088 4134 4179 4225 4270 4316 4362 4407 4453 4499 16 4544 4590 4636 4681 4727 4773 4818 4864 4909 4955 17 5001 5046 5092 5138 5183 5229 5274 5320 5366 5411 18 5457 5503 5548 5594 5640 5685 5731 5776 5822 5868 19 5913 5959 6005 6050 6096 6141 6187 6233 6278 6324 9520 6369 6415 6461 6506 6552 6598 6643 6689 6734 6780 21 6826 6871 6917 6962 7008 7054 7099 7145 7191 7236 22 7282 7327 7373 7419 7464 7510 7555 7601 7647 7692 23 7738 7783 7829 7875 7920 7966 8011 8057 8103 8148 24 8194 8239 8285 8331 8376 8422 8467 8513 8559 8604 25 8650 8695 8741 8787 8832 8878 8923 8969 9015 9060 26 9106 9151 9197 9243 9288 9334 9379 9425 9470 9516 27 9562 9607 9653 9698 9744 9790 9835 9881 9926 9972 28 9790017 0063 0109 0154 0200 0245 0291 0337 0382 0428 29 0473 0519 0564 0610 0656 0701 0747 0792 0838 0883 9530 0929 0975 1020 1066 1111 1157 1202 1248 1294 1339 31 1385 1430 1476 1521 1567 1613 1658 1704 1749 1795 32 1840 1886 1931 1977 2023 2068 2114 2159 2205 2250 33 2296 2341 2387 2433 2478 2524 2569 2615 2660 2706 34 2751 2797 2843 2888 2934 2979 3025 3070 3116 3161 35 3207 3253 3298 3344 3389 3435 3480 3526 3571 3617 36 3662 3708 3754 3799 3845 3890 3936 3981 4027 4072 37 4118 4163 4^09 4254 4300 4346 4391 4437 4482 4528 38 4573 4619 4664 4710 4755 4801 4846 4892 4937 4983 39 5028 5074 5120 5165 5211 5256 5302 5347 5393 5438 054O 5484 5529 5575 5620 566Q 5711 5757 5802 5848 5893 41 5939 5984 6030 6076 6121 6167 6212 6258 6303 6349 42 6394 6440 6485 6531 6576 6622 6667 6713 6758 6804 45 43 6849 6895 6940 6986 7031 7077 7122 7168 7213 7259 1 5 44 7304 7350 7395 7441 7486 7532 7577 7623 7668 7714 2 3 9 14 45 7759 7805 7850 7896 7941 7987 8032 8078 8123 8169 4 18 46 8214 8260 8305 8351 8396 8442 8487 8533 8578 8624 5 6 7 23 27 32 47 8669 8715 8760 8806 8851 8897 8942 8988 9033 9079 48 9124 9170 9215 9261 9306 9352 9397 9442 9488 9533 8 36 49 9579 9624 1 9670 2 9715 3 9761 1 4 9806 5 9852 6 9897 7 9943 8 9988 9 D 9 41 N. P ts. N.955 L.980 OF numbers. 0??)] N. 9350 1 0079 9, 0125 3 0170 4 0216 5 0261 6 0307 7 0352 8 0398 2_ 0443 D Pro. 9800034 51 0488 0534 0579 0625 0670 0716 0761 0807 0852 0898 46 5 '2 0943 0989 1034 1080 1125 1170 1216 1261 1307 1352 1 5 53 1398 1443 1489 1.^34 1580 1625 1671 1716 1761 1807 2 3 4 9 14 18 54 1852 1898 1943 1989 2034 2080 2125 2171 2216 2261 55 2307 2352 2398 2443 2489 2534 2580 2625 2671 2716 5 23 56 2761 2807 2852 2898 2943 2989 3034 3080 3125 3170 6 7 g 28 32 37 51 3216 3261 3307 3352 3398 3443 3489 3534 3579 3625 58 3670 37 1 6 3761 3807 3852 3897 3943 3988 4034 4079 9 41 59 4125 4170 4215 4261 4306 4352 4397 4443 4488 4533 9500 4579 4624 4670 4715 4764 4806 4851 4897 4942 4988 6\ 5033 5079 5124 5169 5215 5260 5306 5351 5397 5442 62 5487 55^'i 5578 5624 5669 5714 5760 5805 5851 5§96 6^ 5942 5987 6032 6078 6123 6169 6214 6259 6305 6350 64 6396 6441 6486 6532 6577 6623 6668 6714 6759 6804 65 6850 6895 694 li 6986 7031 7077 7122 7168 7213 7258 66 7304 7349 7395 7440 7485 7531 7576 7622 7667 7712 67 7758 7803 7849 7894 7939 7985 8030 8075 8121 8166 68 8212 8257 8302 8348 8393 8439 8484 8529 8575 8620 69 8666 8711 8756 8802 8847 8892 8938 8983 9029 9074 9570 9119 9165 9210 9256 9301 9346 9392 9437 9482 9528 71 9573 9619 9664 9709 9735 9800 9845 9891 9936 9982 72 9810027 0072 0118 0163 0208 0254 0299 0344 0390 0435 73 0481. 0526 0571 0617 0662 0707 0753 0798 0844 0889 74 0934 0980 1025 1070 1116 1161 1206 1252 1297 1342 75 1388 1433 1479 1524 1569 1615 1660 1705 1751 1796 76 1841 1887 1932 1977 2023 2068 2113 2159 2204 2250 77 2295 2340 2386 2431 2476 2522 2567 2612 2658 2703 78 2748 2794 2839 2884 2930 2975 3020 3066 3111 3156 79 3202 3247 3292 3338 3383 3428 3474 3519 3564 3610 9580 3655 3700 3746 3791 3836 3882 3927 3972 4018 4063 81 4108 4154 4199 4244 4290 4335 4380 4426 4471 4516 82 4562 4607 4652 4698 4743 4788 4834 4879 4924 4970 83 5015 5060 5106 5151 5196 5241 5287 5332 5377 5423 84 5468 5513 5559 5604 5649 5695 5740 5785 5831 5876 85 5921 5966 6012 6057 6102 6148 6193 6238 6284 6329 86 6374 6420 6465 6510 6555 6601 6646 6691 6737 6782 87 6827 6873 6918 6963 7008 7054 7099 7144 7190 7235 88 7280 7326 7371 7416 7461 7507 7552 7597 7643 7688 89 7733 7778 7824 7869 7914 7960 8005 8050 8095 8141 9590 8186 8231 8277 8322 8367 8412 8458 8503 8548 8594 91 8639 8684 8729 8775 8820 8865 8911 8956 9001 9046 92 9092 9137 9182 9228 9273 9318 9363 9409 9454 9499 45 93 9544 9590 9635 9680 9726 9771 9816 9861 9907 9952 1 5 94 9997 0042 0088 0133 0178 0223 0269 0314 0359 0405 2 9 9 14 18- 95 9820450 .0495 0540 0586 0631 0676 0721 0767 0812 0857 4 96 0902 0948 0993 1038 1083 1129 1174 1219 1264- 1310 6 23 97 \'i55 1400 1445 1491 1536 1581 1626 1672 1717 1762 6 7 g 27 98 1807 1853 1898 1943 1988 2034 2079 2124 2169 2215 32 99 N. 2260 2305 r 2350 2 2396 3 2441 2486 253 1 2577 7 2622 8 2667 D 9 •JO 41 - 4 5 6 P ts. 3 A (178) LOGARITHMS N. 960 L. 982 N. 9tiOO 1 27 5 S 2 2803 3 2848 4 5 2939 6 2984 7 1 8 9 3119 D Pro. 9822712 2893 3029 3074 01 3165 3210 3255 3300 3346 3391 3436 3481 3527 3572 46 02 3617 3662 3707 3753 3798 3843 3888 3934 3979 4024 1 5 03 4069 4115 4160 4205 4250 4295 4341 4386 443 1 4476 2 3 4 9 14 18 04 4522 4567 4612 4657 4702 4748 4793 4838 4883 4928 05 4974 5019 5064 5109 5 1 55 5200 5245 5290 5335 5381 5 23 OG 5!-26 5471 5516 5561 5607 5652 5697 5742 5787 5833 6 7 8 28 32 37 07 5878 5923 5968 6014 6059 6104 6149 6194 6240 6285 08 6330 6375 6420 6466 6511 6556 6601 6646 6»92 6737 9 41 09 6782 6827 6872 6918 6963 7008 7053 7098 7143 7189 9610 7234 7279 7324 7369 7415 7460 7505 7550 7595 7641 11 7686 7731 7776 7821 7867 7^12 7957 8002 8047 8092 12 8138 8183 8228 8273 8318 8334 8409 8454 8499 8544 13 8589 8635 8680 8725 8770 8815 8860 8906 8951 8996 14 9041 9O80 9132 9177 9222 9267 9312 9357 9403 9448 15 9493 9538 9583 9628 9674 9719 9764 9809 9854 9899 16 9945 9990 0035 0080 0125 0170 0216 0261 0306 0351 17 9830396 0441 0486 0532 0577 l0622 0667 0712 0757 0803 18 0848 0893 0938 0983 1028 1073 1119 1164 1209 1254 19 1299 1344 1390 1435 1480 1525 1570 1615 1660 1706 9620 1751 1796 1841 1886 1931 1976 2022 2067 2112 2157 21 2202 2247 2292 2338 2383 2428 2473 2518 2563 2608 22 2654 2699 2744 2789 2834 2879 2924 2969 3015 3060 23 3105 3150 3195 3240 3285 3331 3376 3421 3466 3511 24 3556 3601 3646 3692 3737 3782 3827 3872 3917 3962 25 4007 4053 4098 4143 .4188 4233 4278 4323 4368 4413 26 4459 4504 4549 4594 4639 4684 4729 4774 4819 4865 27 4910 4955 5000 5045 5090 5135 5180 5225 5271 5316 28 5361 5406 5451 5496 5541 5586 5631 5677 5722 5767 29 5812 5857 5902 5947 5992 6037 6082 6128 6173 6218 9630 6263 6308 0353 6398 6443 6488 6533 6579 6624 6669 31 6714 6759 6804 6849 6894 6939 6984 7029 7075 7120 32 7165 7210 7255 7300 7345 7390 7435 7480 7525 7571 33 7616 7661 7706 7751 7796 7841 7886 7931 7976 8021 34 8066 8111 8157 8202 8247 8292 8337 8382 8427 8472 35 8517 8562 8607 8652 8697 8743 8788 8833 8878 8923 36 8968 9013 9058 9103 9148 9193 9238 9283 9328 9374 37 9419 9464 9509 9554 9599 9644 9689 9734 9779 9824 38 9869 9914 9959 0004 0049 0095 0140 0185 0230 0275 39 9840320 0365 0410 0455 0500 0545 0590 0635 0680 0725 9640 0770 0815 0860 0905 0951 0996 1041 1086 1131 1176 41 1221 1266 13ir 1356 1401 1446 1491 1536 1581 1626 42 1671 1716 1761 1S06 1851 1896 1942 1987 2032 2077 45 43 2122 2167 2212 2257 2302 2347 2392 2437 2482 2527 1 5 44 2572 2617 2662 2707 2752 2797 2842 2887 2932 2977 2 3 9 14 45 3022 3067 3112 3157 3202 3247 3292 3338 3383 3428 4 18 46 3473 3518 3563 3608 3653 3698 3743 3788 3833 3878 6 6 7 23 27 V2 47 3923 3968 4013 4058 4103 4148 4193 4238 4283 4328 48 4373 4418 4463 4508 4553 4598 4643 4688 4733 4778 8 3G 49 N. 4823 4868 4913 4958 3 5003 4 5048 5 5093 6 5138 7 5183 8 52-28 .9 D 9 41 1 2 Pi ts. [N.965 L.984 OF NUMBERS. (179) N, 9650 1 5318 2 5363 3 5408 4 5453 5 5498 6 5543 7 5588 8 5633 9 5678 D Fro. 9845273 51 5723 5768 5813 5858 5903 5948 5993 6038 6083 6128 4-5 45 52 6173 6218 6263 6308 6353 6398 6443 6488 6533 0578 ] 5 53 6623 6668 6713 6758 6803 6848 6893 6938 0983 7028 2 9 3 14 4 18 54 7073 7118 7163 7208 7253 7298 7343 7388 7433 7478 55 7523 7568 7613 7658 7703 7748 7793 7838 7883 7928 5 23 56 7973 8018 8063 8107 8152 8197 8242 8287 83S2 8377 6 27 7 32 8 36 57 8422 8467 8512 8557 8602 8647 8092 8737 8782 8327 58 8872 8917 8962 9007 9052 9097 9142 9187 9232 9277 941 59 9322 9367 9412 9457 9502 9546 9591 9630 9681 9726 9660 9771 9816 9861 9906 9951 9996 0041 0086 0131 0175 61 9850221 0266 0311 0356 0401 0440 0491 0535 0580 0625 62 0670 0715 0760 0805 0850 0895 0940 0985 1030 1075 63 1120 1165 1210 1255 1 300 1345 1389 1434 1479 1524 64 1569 1614 1659 1704 1749 1794 1839 1884 1929 1974 65 2019 2064 2108 2153 2198 2213 2288 2333 2378 2423 66 2468 2513 2558 2603 2648 2693 2737 2782 2827 2872 67 2917 2962 3007 3052 3097 3142 3187 3232 3277 3321 68 3366 3411 3456 3501 3546 3591 3636 3681 3720 3771 69 3816 3861 3905 3950 3995 4040 4085 4130 4175 4220 9670 4265 4310 4355 4399 4444 4489 4534 4579 4624 4669 71 4714 4759 4804 4849 4893 4938 4983 5028 5073 5118 72 5163 5208 5253 5298 5342 5387 54:^2 5477 5522 5567 73 5612 5657 5702 5747 5791 5836 5881 5926 5971 6016 74 6061 6106 6151 6196 6240 6285 6330 6375 6420 6465 75 6510 6555 6600 6644 6689 6734 6779 6824 6869 6914 76 6959 7003 7048 7093 7138 7183 7228 7273 7318 7363 77 7407 7452 7497 7542 7587 7632 7677 7722 7760 7811 78 7856 '7901 7946 7991 8036 8081 8125 8170 8215 8260 79 8305 8350 8395 8440 8484 8529 8574 8619 8664 8709 9680 8754 8798 8843 8888 8933 8978 9023 9068 9112 9157 81 9202 9247 9292 9337 9382 9426 9471 9516 9561 9606 82 9651 9696 9740 9785 9830 9875 9920 9965 0010 0054 83 9860099 0144 0189 0234 0279 0324 0368 0113 0458 0503 84 0548 0593 0637 0682 0727 0772 0817 0862 0907 0951 85 0996 1041 1086 1131 1176 1220 1265 1310 1355 1400 86 1445 1489 1534 1579 1624 1669 1714 1758 1803 1848 87 1893 1938 1983 2027 2072 21 17 2162 2207 2252 2296 88 2341 23 86 2431 2476 2521 (^565 2610 2055 2700 2745 89 2790 2834 2879 2924 2969 3014 3058 3103 3148 3193 9690 3238 3283 3327 3372 3417 3462 3507 3551 3596 3641 91 3686 3731 3776 3820 3865 3910 3955 4000 4044 4039 92 4134 4179 4224 4268 4313 4358 4403 4448 4493 4537 44 93 4582 4627 4672 4717 4761 4806 4851 4896 4941 4985 I 4 : 94 5030 5075 5120 5165 5209 5254 5299 5344 5389 5433 2 9 1 95 5478 5523 5568 5613 5657 5702 5747 5792 5836 5881 4 18 96 5926 5971 6016 6060 6105 6150 6195 6240 6284 6329 5 22 > 97 6374 6419 6464 6508 6553 0598 6643 6087 6732 6777 6 2G 98 6822 6867 6911 6956 7001 7046 7090 7135 7180 7225 7 31 H 35 99 N. 7270 7314 1 7359 ^2 7404 3 7449 4 7493 5 7538 6 7583 7 7628 8 7673 .9 1 D 9 40 4. L:-. 3 A2 (180) LOGARITHMS N.970L.986 N. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1) Pro. 970C 9867717 7762 7807 7852 7896 794I 7986 8031 8076 8120 01 8165 8210 8255 8299 8344 8389 8434 8478 8523 8568 45 02 8613 8657 8702 8747 8792 8837 8881 8926 3971 9016 \ I 03 9060 9105 9150 9195 9239 9284 9329 9374 9418 9463 2 9 3 14 4 18 04 9508 9553 9597 9642 9687 9732 9776 9821 9866 9911 05 9955 0000 0045 0090 0134 0179 0224 0269 0313 0358 5 23 00 9870403 0448 0492 0537 0582 0627 0671 0716 0761 0806 6 27 7 32 8 36 07 0850 0895 0940 0985 1029 1074 1119 1163 1208 1253 08 1298 1342 1387 1432 1477 1521 1566 1611 1656 1700 9 41 09 1745 1790 1 834 1879 1924 1969 2013 2058 2103 2148 9710 2192 2237 2282 2326 237 1 2416 2461 2505 2550 2595 11 2610 2684 2729 2774 2818 2863 2908 2953 2997 3042 12 3087 3131 3176 3221 3266 3310 3355 3400 3444 3489 13 3534 3579 3623 3668 3713 3757 3802 3847 3892 3936 14 3981 4026 4070 4115 4160 4205 4249 4294 4339 4383- 15 4428 4473 4517 4562 4607 4652 4696 4741 4786 4830 16 4875 4920 4964 5009 5054 5099 5143 5188 5233 5277 ^ 17 5322 5367 5411 5456 5501 5545 5590 5635 5680 5724 18 5769 58 1 4 5858 5903 5948 5992 6037 6082 6126 6171 19 6216 6261 6305 6350 6395 6439 6484 6529 6573 6618 9720 6663 6707 6752 6797 6841 6886 6931 6975 7020 7065 21 7109 7154 7199 7243 7288 7333 7377 7422 7467 7511 22 7556 7601 7646 7690 7735 7780 7824 7869 7914 7958 23 8003 8048 8092 8137 8182 8226 8271 8316 8360 8405 24 8450 8494 8539 8583 8628 8673 8717 8762 8807 8851 25 8896 8941 8985 9030 9075 9119 9164 9209 9253 9298 26 9343 9387 9432 9477 9521 9666 9611 9655 9700 9745 27 9789 9834 9878 9923 9968 0012 0057 0102 0146 0191 28 9880236 0280 0325 0370 0414 0459 0503 0548 0593 0637 29 0682 0727 0771 0816 0861 0905 0950 0994 1035 1084 9730 1128 1173 1218 1262 1307 1352 1396 1441 1485 1530 31 1575 1619 1664 1709 1753 1798 1842 1887 1932 1976 32 2021 2066 2110 2155 2200 2244 2289 2333 2378 2423 SS 2467 2512 2556 2601 2646 2690 2735 2780 2824 2869 34 2913 2958 3003 3047 3092 3136 3181 3226 3270 3315 ^5 3360 3404 3449 3493 3538 3583 3627 3672 3716 3761 5Q 3806 3850 3895 3939 3984 4029 4073 4118 4162 4207 37 4252 4296 4341 4386 4430 4475 4519 4564 4609 4653 i 38 4698 4742 4787 4831 4876 4921 4965 5010 5054 5099 39 5144 5188 5233 5277 5322 5367 5411 5456 5500 5545 9740 5590 5634 5679 5723 5768 5813 5857 5902 5946 5991 41 6035 6080 6125 6169 6214 6258 6303 6348 6392 6437 42 6481 6526 6570 6615 6660 6704 6749 6793 6838 6882 44 43 6927 6972 7016 7061 7105 7150 7 1 94 7239 7284 7328 1 4 44 7373 7417 7462 7506 7551 7596 7640 7685 7729 7774 2 9 45 7818 7863 7908 7952 7997 8041 8086 8130 8175 8220 10 4 18 4(3 8264 8309 8353 8398 8442 8487 8531 8576 8621 8665 5 22 47 8710 8754 8799 8843 8888 8932 8977 9022 9066 9111 6 26 731 835 48 9155 9200 9244 9289 9333 9378 9423 9467 9512 9556 49 9601 9645 9690 9734 9779 9,S23 9868 9913 9957 5002 9 40 N. » 1 1 2 3 4 1 5 6' 7 8 U 1 D Pts. IN.975 L:989 OF NUMBERS. (181)1 N. 9750 1 00 ;j 1 2 0135 0180 4 0224 5 0269 6" 0313 7 0358 8 0402 9 0447 D Pro. 9890O4r) 51 0492 0536 0581 0625 0670 0714 0759 0803 0848 0892 45 52 0937 0981 1026 1071 1115 1160 1204 1249 1293 1338 1 5 53 1382 1427 1471 1516 1560 1605 1649 1694 1738 1783 2 9 54 '1828 1872 1917 1961 2006 2050 2095 2139 2184 2228 3 4 14 - 55 2273 2317 2362 2406 2451 2495 2540 2584 2629 2673 5 28 i 56 2718 2762 2807 2851 2896 2940 2985 3030 3074 3119 6 27 57 3163 3208 3252 3297 3341 3386 3430 3475 3519 3564 7 8 9 32 36 ^1 58 3608 3653 3697 3742 3786 3831 5875 3920 3964 4009 59 4053 4098 4142 4187 4231 4276 4320 4365 4409 4454 9760 4498 4543 4587 4632 4676 4721 4765 4810 4854 4899 61 4943 4988 5032 5077 5121 5166 5210 5255 5299 5344 62 5388 5433 5477 5521 5566 5610 5655 5699 5744 5788 63 5833 5877 5922 5966 6011 6055 6100 6144 6189 6233 64 6278 6322 6367 6411 6456 6500 6545 6589 6634 6678 65 6722 6767 6811 6856 6900 6945 6989 7034 7078 7123 66 7167 7212 7256 7301 7345 7390 7434 7478 7523 7567 67 7612 7656 7701 7745 7790 7834 7879 7923 7968 8012 68 8057 8101 8145 8190 8234 8279 8323 8368 8412 8457 69 8501 8546 8590 8634 8679 8723 8768 8812 8857 8901 9770 8946 8990 9035 9079 9123 9168 9212 9257 9301 9346 71 9390 9435 9479 9523 9568 9612 9657 9701 9746 9790 72 9835 9879 9923 9968 0012 0057 0101 0146 0190 0235 7.S 9900279 0323 0368 0412 0457 0501 0546 0590 0634 0679 74 0723 0768 0812 0857 0901 0946 0990 1034 1079 1123 75 1168 1212 1257 1301 1 345 1390 1434 1479 1523 1568 76 1612 1656 1701 1745 1790 1834 1878 1923 1967 2012 77 2056 2101 2145 2189 2234 2278 2323 2367 2411 2456 78 2500 2545 2589 2634 2678 2722 2767 2811 2856 2900 79 2944 2989 3033 3078 3122 3167 3211 3255 3300 3344 9780 3389 3433 3477 3522 3566 3611 3655 3699 3744 3788 81 3833 3877 3921 3966 4010 4055 4099 4143 4188 4232 82 4277 4321 43b5 4410 4454 4499 4543 4587 4632 4676 83 4721 4765 4809 4854 4898 4942 4987 5031 5076 5120 84 5164 5209 5253 5298 5342 5386 5431 5475 5520 5564 85 5608 5653 5697 5741 5786 5830 5875 5919 5963 6008 86 6052 6096 6141 6185 6230 6274 6318 6363 6407 6452 87 6496 6540 6585 6629 6673 6718 6762 6806 6851 6895 88 6940 6984 7028 7073 7ll7 7161 7206 7250 7295 7339 89 ?383 7428 7472 7516 7561 7605 7649 7694 7738 7783 9790 7827 7871 7916 7960 8004 8049 8093 8137 8182 8226 91 8271 8315 8359 8404 8448 8492 8537 8581 8625 8670 92 8714 8758 8803 8847 8891 §936 8980 9025 9069 9113 44 93 9158 9202 9246 9291 9335 9379 9424 9468 9512 9557 1 4 94 9601 9645 9690 9734 9778 9823 9867 9911 9956 0000 2 3 9 13 95 9910044 0089 0133 0177 0222 0266 0310 0355 0399 0443 4 18 96 0488 0532 0576 0621 0665 |0709 0754 0798 0842 0887 5 22 97 0931 0975 1020 1064 1108 1153 1197 1241 1286 1330 6 7 g 26 31 35 98 1374 1419 1463 1507 1552 1596 1640 1685 1729 1773 99 1818 1862 1906 1951 1995 2039 2083 2128 2172 2216 9 40 N. 1 2 . ~3~ IT 5 — r— ~6~ 7 IT T9~ d! pts. (182) LOGARl'/HMS N.^BO L.^CJlf N. 9800 1 2305 2 2349 3 2394 4 2458 5 2482 6 2527 7 2571 8 2615 9 2660 D Pro. 9912261 01 2704 2748 2793 2837 2881 2925 2970 3014 3058 3103 45 02 3147 3191 3236 3280 3324 3369 3413 3457 3501 3546 1 5 03 3590 3634 3679 3723 3767 3812 3856 3900 3944 3989 2 9 3 14 04 4033 4077 4122 4166 4210 4255 4299 4343 4387 4432 4 18 05 4476 4520 4565 4609 4653 4697 4742 4786 4830 4875 5 23 6 27 7 32 06 4919 4963 5007 5052 5096 5140 5185 5229 5273 5317 07 5362 5406 5450 5495 5539 5583 5627 5672 5716 5760 8 36 08 5805 5849 5893 5937 5982 6026 6070 6115 6159 6203 941 09 6247 6292 6336 6380 6424 6469 6513 6557 6602 6646 9810 6690 6734 6779 6823 6867 69il 6956 7000 7044 7088 11 7133 7177 7221 7266 7310 7354 7398 7443 7487 7531 12 7575 7620 7664 7708 7752 7797 7841 7885 7929 7974 13 8018 8062 8107 8151 8195 8239 8284 8328 8372 8416 14 8461 8505 8549 8593 8638 8682 8726 8770 8815 8859 15 8903 8947 8992 9036 9080 9124 9169 9213 9257 9301 16 9345 9390 9434 9478 9522 9567 9611 9655 9699 9744 17 9788 9832 9876 9921 9965 0009 0053 0098 0142 0186 18 9920230 0275 0319 0363 0407 0451 0496 0540 0584 0628 19 0673 0717 0761 0805 0850 0894 0938 0982 1026 1071 9820 1115 1159 1203 1248 1292 1336 1380 1424 1469 1513 21 1557 1601 1646 1690 1734 1778 1822 1867 1911 1955 22 1999 2044 2088 2132 2176 2220 2265 2309 2353 2397 23 2441 2486 2530 2574 2618 2662 2707 2751 2795 2839 24 2884 2928 2972 3016 3060 3105 3149 3193 3237 3281 25 3326 3370 3414 3458 3502 3547 3591 3635 3679 3723 26 3768 3812 3856 3900 3944 3989 4033 4077 4121 4165 27 4210 4254 4298 4342 4386 4431 4475 4519 4563 4607 28 4651 4696 4740 4784 4828 4872 4917 4961 5005 5049 29 5093 5138 5182 5226 5270 5314 5358 5403 5447 5491 98SO 5535 5579 5624 5668 5712 5756 5800 5844 5889 5933 31 5977 6021 6065 6109 6154 6198 6242 6286 6330 6375 32 6419 6463 6507 6551 6595 6640 6684 6728 6772 6816 33 6860 6905 6949 6993 7037 7081 7125 7170 7214 7258 34 7302 7346 7390 7435 7479 7523 7567 7611 7655 7699 35 7744 7788 7832 7876 7920 7964 8009 8053 8097 8141 36 8185 8229 8274 8318 8362 8406 8450 8494 8538 8583 37 8627 8671 8715 8759 8803 8847 8892 8936 8980 9024 38 9068 9112 9156 9201 9245 9289 9333 9377 9421 9465 39 9510 9554 9598 9642 9686 9730 9774 9819 9863 9907 9840 9951 9995 0039 0083 0128 0172 0216 0260 0304 0348 41 9930392 0436 0481 0525 0569 0613 0657 0701 0745 0789 42 0834 0878 0922 0966 1010 1054 1098 1142 1187 1231 44 45 1275 1319 1363 1407 1451 1495 1540 1584 1628 1672 1 4 44 1716 1760 1804 1848 1893 1937 1981 2025 2069 2113 2 9 3 13 45 2157 2201 2245 2290 2334 2378 2422 2466 2510 2554 4 18 46 2598 2642 2687 2731 2775 2819 2863 2907 2951 2995 5 22 47 3039 3083 3128 3172 3216 3260 3304 3348 3392 3436 6 26 731 8 35 48 3480 3524 3569 3613 3657 3701 3745 3789 3833 3877 49 N. 3921 3965 1 4010 2 4054 3 4098 4 4142 5 4186 6 4230 7 4274 8 4318 9 1 D 9 40 Pts. N.985 L.993 of numbers. (183)| N. 9850 1 4406 2 3 4495 4 4539 5 4583 6 46.27 7 4671 8 4715 9 D Pro. 9934362 4450 4759 51 4803 4847 4891 4935 4980 5024 5068 5112 5156 5200 44 32 5244 5288 5332 5376 5420 5464 5509 5553 5597 5641 1 4 53 5685 5729 5773 5817 5861 5905 5949 5993 6037 6082 2 3 4 9 13 18 54 6126 6170 6214 6258 6302 6346 6390 6434 6478 6522 55 6566 6610 6654 6698 6743 6787 6831 6875 6919 6963 5 22 56 7007 7051 7095 7139 7183 7227 7271 7315 7359 7404 6 7 8 26 31 35 57 7448 7492 7536 7580 7624 7668 7712 7756 7800 7844 58 7888 7932 7976 8020 8064 8108 8152 8197 8241 8285 40 59 8329 8373 8417 8461 8505 8549 8593 8637 8681 8725 9860 8769 8813 8857 8901 8945 8989 9033 9077 9122 9166 61 9210 9254 9298 9342 9386 9430 9474 9518 9562 9606 62 9650 9694 9738 9782 9826 9870 9914 9958 0002 0046 63 9940090 0134 0178 0222 0266 0310 0355 0399 0443 0487 64 0531 0575 0619 0663 0707 0751 0795 0839 0883 0927 65 0971 1015 1059 1103 1147 1191 1235 1279 1323 1367 66 1411 1455 1499 1543 1587 1631 1675 1719 1763 1807 67 1851 1895 1939 1983 2027 2071 2115 2159 2203 2247 68 2291 2335 2379 2423 2467 2511 2555 2599 2643 2687 69 2731 2775 2820 2864 2908 2952 2996 3040 3084 3128 44 9870 3172 3216 3260 3304 3348 3392 3436 3480 3524 3568 71 361^ 3656 3700 3744 3788 3831 3875 3919 3963 4007 72 4051 4095 4139 4183 4227 4271 4315 4359 4403 4447 73 4491 4535 4579 4623 4667 4711 4755 4799 4843 4887 74 4931 4975 5019 5063 5107 5151 5195 5239 5283 5327 75 5371 5415 5459 5503 5547 5591 5635 5679 5723 5767 76 5811 5855 5899 5943 5987 6031 6075 6119 6163 6207 77 6251 6295 6338 6382 6426 6470 6514 6558 6602 6646 78 6690 6734 6778 6822 6866 6910 6954 6998 7042 7086 , 79 7130 7174 7218 7262 7306 7350 7394 7438 7482 7525 9880 7569 7613 7657 7701 7745 7789 7833 7877 7921 7965 81 8009 8053 8097 8141 8185 8229 8273 8317 8361 8405 82 8448 8492 8536 8580 8624 8668 8712 8756 8800 8844 83 8888 8932 8976 9020 9064 9108 9152 9196 9239 9283 84 9327 9371 9415 9459 9503 9547, 9591 9635 9679 9723 85 9767 9811 9855 9899 9942 9986 0030 0074 0118 0162 86 9950206 0250 0294 0338 0382 0426 0470 0514 0557 0601 87 0645 0689 0733 0777 0821 0865 0909 0953 0997 1041 88 1085 1128 1172 1216 1260 1304 1348 1392 1436 1480 89 1524 1568 1612 1656 1699 1743 1787 1831 1875 1919 9890 1963 2007 2051 2095 2139 2182 2226 2270 2314 2358 91 2402 2446 2490 2534 2578 2622 2665 2709 2753 2797 92 2841 2885 2929 2973 3017 3061 3104 3148 3192 3236 43 93 3280 3324 3368 3412 3456 3500 3543 3587 3631 3675 1 4 94 3719 3763 3807 3851 3895 3939 3982 4026 4070 4114 2 3 9 13 95 4158 4202 4246 4290 4334 4377 4421 4465 450a. 4553 4 17 96 4597 4641 4685 4729 4772 4816 4860 4904 4948 4992 5 22 97 5036 5080 5123 5167 5211 5255 5299 5343 5387 5431 6 7 8 26 30 34 98 5474 5518 5562 5606 5650 5694 5738 5782 5825 5869 99 N. 5913 5957 ] 6001 2 6045 3 6089 6133 5 6176 6 6220 7 6264 8 6308 9 D 9 39 4 P ts. (184) LOGARITHMS ^ ^'990L. 995 \ N. 9900 1 6396 2 6440 3 6484 4 6527 5 6571 6 6615 7 6659 8 6703 9 6747 D Pro. 9956352 01 6791 6834 6878 6922 6966 7010 7054 7098 7142 7185 44 02 7229 7273 7317 7361 7405 7449 7492 7536 7580 7624 1 4 03 7668 7712 7755 7799 7843 7887 7931 7975 8019 8062 2 3 4 .1 18 04 8106 8150 8194 8238 8282 8326 8369 8413 8457 8501 05 8545 8589 8632 8676 8720 8764 8808 8852 8896 8939 5 22 Ofi 8983 9027 9071 9115 9159 9202 9246 9290 9334 9378 6 7 8 26 31 35 07 9422 9465 9509 9553 9597 9641 9685 9728 9772 9816 08 9860 9904 9948 9991 0035 0079 0123 0167 0211 0254 9 40 09 9960298 0342 0386 0430 0474 0517 0561 0605 0649 0693 9910 0737 0780 0824 0868 0912 0956 0999 1043 1087 1131 11 1175 1219 1262 1306 1350 1394 1438 1481 1525 1569 12 1613 1657 1701 1744 1788 1832 1876 1920 1963 2007 13 2051 2095 2139 2182 2226 2270 2314 2358 2402 2445 14 2489 2533 2577 2621 2664 2708 2752 2796 2840 2883 15 2927 2971 3015 3059 3102 3146 3190 3234 3278 3321 16 3365 3409 3453 3497 3540 3584 3628 3672 3716 3759 17 3803 3847 3891 3935 3978 4022 4066 4110 4153 4197 18 4241 4285 4329 4372 4416 4460 4504 4548 4591 4635 19 4679 4723 4766 4810 4854 4898 4942 4985 5029 5073 9920 5117 5161 5204 5248 5292 5336 5379 5423 5467 5511 21 5554 5598 5642 5686 5730 5773 5817 5861 5905 5948 22 5992 6036 6080 6124 6167 6211 6255 6299 6342 6386 23 6430 6474 6517 6561 6605 6649 6693 6736 6780 6824 24 6868 6911 6955 6999 7043 7086 7130 7174 7218 7261 25 7305 7349 7393 7436 7480 7524 7568 7611 7655 7699 26 7743 7786 7830 7874 7918 7961 8005 8049 8093 8136 27 8180 8224 8268 8311 8355 8399 8443 8486 8530 8574 28 8618 8661 8705 8749 8'793 8836 8880 8924 8968 9011 29 9055 9099 9143 9186 9230 9274 9318 9361 9405 9449 9930 9492 9536 9580 9624 9667 9711 9755 9799 9842 9886 31 9930 9974 0017 0061 0105 0148 0192 0236 0280 0323 32 9970367 0411 0455 0498 0542 0586 0629 0673 0717 0761 33 0804 0848 0892 0936 0979 1023 1067 1110 1154 1198 34 1242 1285 1329 1373 1416 1460 1504 1548 1591 1635 S5 1679 1722 1766 1810 1854 1897 1941 1985 2028 2072 SQ 2116 2160 2203 2247 2291 2334 2378 2422 2465 2509 37 2553 2597 2640 2684 2728 2771 2815 2859 2903 2946 38 2990 3034 3077 3121 3165 3208 3252 3296 3340 3383 39 3427 3471 3514 3558 3602 3645 3689 3733 3776 3820 9940 3864 3908 3951 3995 4039 4082 4126 4170 4213 4257 - 41 4301 4344 4388 4432 4475 4519 4563 4607 4650 4694 42 4738 4781 4825 4869 4912 4956 5000 5043 5087 5131 43 43 5174 5218 5262 5305 5349 5393 5436 5480 5524 5567 1 4 44 5611 5Q55 5699 5742 5786 5830 5873 5917 5961 6004 2 3 4 9 45 6048 6092 6135 6179 6223 6266 6310 6354 6397 6441 1 o 17 46 6485 6528 6572 6616 6659 6703 6747 6790 6834 6878 5 22 47 6921 6965 7009 7052 7096 7139 7183 7227 7270 7314 6 7 g 26 30 34 48 7358 7401 7445 7489 7532 7576 7620 7663 7707 7751 49 N. 7794 7838 1 7882 7925 3 7969 4 8013 5 8056 ~6~ 8100 7 8 1 44 8 8187 9 9 39 TT Pts. N.a95 L.997 OF NUMBEftS. (Ij85) N. 9950 1 8274 2 8318 8362 4 8405 5 8449 6 7 8530 8 8580 9 8624 D Pro. 9978231 8493 51 8667 8711 8755 8798 8842 8885 8929 8973 9016 9060 44 52 9104 9147 9191 9235 9278 9322 9365 9409 9453 9496 1 4 53 9540 9584 9627 9671 9715 9758 9802 9845 9889 9933 2 9 54. 9976 0020 0064 0107 0151 0195 0238 0282 0325 0369 3 13 4 18 55 9980413 0456 0500 0544 0587 0631 0674 0718 0762 0805 5 22 56 0849 0893 0936 0980 1023 1067 1111 1154 1198 1241 6 26 51 1285 1329 1372 1416 1460 1503 1547 1590 1634 1678 7 31 8 35 58 1721 1765 1808 1852 1896 1939 1983 2026 2070 2114 9 40 59 2157 2201 2245 2288 2332 2375 2419 2463 2506 2550 9960 2593 2637 2681 2724 2768 2811 2855 2899 2942 29 S 6 61 3029 3073 3117 3160 3204 3247 3291 3335 3378 3422 62 3465 3509 3553 3596 3640 3683 3727 3771 3814 3858 6.'i 3901 3945 3988 4032 4076 4119 4163 4206 4250 4294 64 4337 4381 4424 4468 4512 4555 4599 4642 4686 4729 65 4773 4817 4860 4904 4947 4991 5035 5078 5122 5165 66 5209 5252 5296 5340 53S3 5427 5470 5514 5557 5601 67 5645 5688 5732 5775 5819 5862 5906 5950 5993 6037 68 6080 6124 6167 6211 6255 6298 6342 6385 6429 6472 69 6516 6560 6603 6647 6690 6734 6777 6821 6864 6908 9970 6952 6995 7039 7082 7126 7169 7213 7256 7300 7344 71 7387 7431 7474 7518 7561 7605 7648 7692 7736 7779 72 7823 7866 7910 7953 7997 8040 8084 8128 8171 8215 73 8258 8302 8345 8389 8432 8476 8519 8563 8607 8650 74 8694 8737 8781 8824 8868 8911 8955 8998 9042 9086 75 9129 9173 9216 9260 9303 9347 9390 9434 9477 9521 76 9564 9608 9651 9695 9739 9782, 9826 9869 9913 9956 77 9990000 0043 0087 0130 0174 0217 0261 0304 0348 0391 78 0435 0479 0522 0566 0609 0653 0696 0740 0783 0827 79 0870 0914 0957 1001 1044 1088 1131 1175 12.18 1262 9980 1305 1349 1392 1436 1479 1523 1567 1610 1654 1697 81 1741 1784 1828 1871 1915 1958 2002 2045 2089 2132 82 2176 2219 2263 2306 2350 2393 2437 2480 2524 2567 83 2611 2654 2698 2741 2785 2828 2872 2915 2959 3002 84 3046 3089 3133 3176 3220 3263 3307 3350 3394 3437 85 3481 3524 3568 3611 3655 3698 3742 3785 3829 3872 86 3916 3959 4003 4046 4090 4133 4177 4220 4264 4307 87 4350 4394 4437 4481 4524 4568 4611 4655 4698 4742 88 4785 4829 4872 4916 4959 5003 5046 5090 5133 5177 89 5220 5264 5307 5351 5394 5438 5481 5524 5568 5611 ^ 9990 5655 5698 5742 5785 5829 j 5872 5916 5959 6003 6046 91 6090 6133 6177 6220 6263 6307 6350 6394 6437 6481 92 6524 6568 6611 6655 6698 6742 6785 6828 6872 6915 43 93 6959 7002 7046 7089 7133 7176 7220 7263 7307 7350 1 4 94 7393 7437 7480 7524 7567 7611 7654 7698 7741 77§5 2 9 3 13 95 7828 7871 7915 7958 8002 8045 8089 8132 8176 8219 4 17 96 8262 8306 8349 8393 8436 8480 8523 8567 8610 8653 6 22 97 8697 8740 8784 8827 8871 8914 S958 9001 9044 9088 6 26 7 30' 8 34 98 9131 9175 9218 9262 9305 9349 9392 9435 9479 9522 99 N. 9560 9609 1 9653 9696 3 9739 4 9783 9S26 9870 9913 8 9957 9 T) ] 9 39 Pts. 2 5 IT 7 3 B (186*) LOGARITHMS N.IOOO L. 0000 N. 1 0434 2 3 4 1737 5 217! 6 2606 7 3040 8 3474 9 3908 1) Pro. lOOOC 00000000 0869 1303 01 4343 4777 5211 5645 6080 0514 6948 7382 7817 8251 435 435 01 86S5 9119 9553 9988 0422 0856 1290 1724 2159 2593 1 44 0.3 00013027 3461 3895 4329 4764 5198 5632 6066 6500 6934 2 87 '} 1 O] 04 7368 7802 8237 8671 9105 9539 9973 0407 0841 1275 O 1.J 1 4 174 05 00021709 2143 2577 3012 8446 3880 4314 4748 5182 5616 5218 6 261 7 QfiK 06 6050 6484 6918 7352 7736 8220 8654 9088 9522 9956 07 00030390 0824 1258 1692 2126 2560 2994 3428 3862 4296 8 348 08 4730 5164 5598 6031 6465 6899 7333 7767 8201 8635 9392 09 9069 9503 9937 0371 0805 123S 1672 2106 2540 2974 10010 00043408 3842 4275 4709 5143 5511 6011 6445 6878 7312 11 7746 8180 8614 9048 9481 9915 0349 0783 1217 1650 12 00052084 2518 2952 3385 3819 4253 4687 5120 5554 5988 13 6422 6855 7289 7723 8157 8590 9024 9458 9891 0325 14 00060759 1192 1626 2060 2493 2927 3m\ 3794 4228 4662 15 5095 5529 5963 6396 6830 7264 1691 8131 8564 8998 16 9432 9865 0299 0732 1166 1600 2033 2467 2900 3334 17 00073767 4201 4634 5068 5502 5QS5 6369 6802 7236 7669 18 8103 8536 8970 9403 9837 0270 0704 1137 1571 2004 19 00082438 2871 3305 3738 4172 4605 5038 5472 5905 6339 10020 6772 7206 7639 8072 8506 8939 9373 9806 0239 0673 21 00091106 1540 1973 2406 2840 3273 3706 4140 4573 5006 22 5440 5873 6307 6740 7173 7606 8040 8473 8906 &340 434 434 1 43 2 87 23 9773 0206 0640 1073 1506 1939 2373 2806 3239 3673 24 00104106 4539 4972 5406 5839 6272 6705 7138 7572 8005 25 8438 8871 9305 9738 0171 0604 1037 1471 1904 2337 3 130 26 00112770 3203 3636 4070 4503 4936 5369 5802 6235 6668, 4 174 5 217 6 260 27 7101 7535 7968 8401 8834 9267 9700 0133 0566 0999 28 00121433 1866 2299 2732 3165 3598 4031 4464 4897 5330 7 304 29 5763 6196 6629 7062 7495 7928 8361 8794 9227 9660 8 347 10030 00130093 0526 0959 1392 1825 2258 2691 3124 3557 3990 9 391 31 4423 4856 5289 5722 6155 6588 7021 7454 7887 8319 32 8752 9185 9618 0051 0484 0917 1350 1783 2215 2648 - 33 00143081 3514 3947 4380 4813 5246 5678 6111 6544 6977 34 7410 7842 8275 8708 9141 9574 0007 0439 0872 1305 35 00151758 2170 2603 3036 3469 3902 4334 4767 5200 5633 SQ 6065 6498 6931 7363 7796 8229 8662 9094 9527 9960 37 00160392 0825 1258 1690 2123 2556 2988 3421 3854 4286 38 4719 5152 5584 6017 6450 6882 7315 7748 8180 8613 39 9045 9478 9911 0343 0776 1208 1641 2074 2506 2939 10040 00173371 3804 4236 4669 5102 5534 5967 6399 6832 7264 41 7697 8129 8562 8994 9427 9859 0292 0724 1157 1589 42 00182022 2454 2887 3319 3752 4184 4616 5049 5481 5914 433 453 43 6346 6779 7211 7644 8076 8508 8941 9373 9806 0238 1 43 44 00190670 1103 1535 1968 2400 2832 3265 3697 4129 4562 2 87 3 130 45 4994 5426 5859 6291 6723 7156 7588 8020 8453 8885 4 173 46 9317 9750 0182 0614 1047 1479 1911 2343 2776 3208 5217 47 00203640 4072 4505 4937 5369 5801 6234 6666 7098 7530 S260 7 303 3 346 48 7963 8395 8827 9259 9691 0124 0556 0988 1420 1852 49 00212285 2717 "T" 3149 2 3581 4013 4 1 4445 4878 5310 7 5742 8 6174 ~9~ D )390 Pts./ N. 1 3 5 H N. 1005L.0021 OF NUMBERS. , (187*) N. 1 7038 2 7470 3 7903 4 8335 5 6 8767 9199 7 9631 8 0063 9 0495 D Pro. 10050 00216606 51 00220927 1359 1791 2224 2656 3088 3520 3952 4384 4816 432 432 52 5248 5680 6112 6544 6976 7408 7840 8272 8704 9136 1 43 53 9568 Uooo 0432 0S64 1296 1728 2160 2592 3024 3456 2 8b' 3 130 4 173 54 00233888 4320 4752 5184 5616 6048 6480 6912 7344 7776 55 8207 8639 9071 9503 9935 0367 0799 1231 1663 2095 5216 56 00242526 2958 3390 3822 4254 4686 5118 5549 5981 6413 6 259 7 302 8 346 51 6845 7277 7709 8140 8572 9004 9436 9868 0300 0731 58 00251163 1595 2027 2458 2890 3322 3754 4186 4617 5049 9 389 59 5481 5913 6344 6776 7208 7639 8071 8503 8935 9366 — — 10060 9798 0230 0661 1093 1525 1957 2388 2820 3252 3683 61 00264115 4547 4978 5410 5842 6273 6705 7136 7568 8000 62 8431 8863 9295 9726 0158 0589 1021 1453 1884 2316 63 00272747. 3179 3610 4042 4474 4905 5337 5768 6200 6631 64 7063 7494 7926 8357 8789 9220 9652 0083 0515 0946 Q5 00281378 1809 2241 2672 3104 3535 3967 4398 4830 5261 m 5693 6124 Q555 6987 7418 7850 8281 8713 9144 9575 67 00290007 0458 0870 1301 1732 2164 2595 3027 3458 3889 68 4321 4752 5183 5615 6046 6477 6909 7340 7771 8203 69 8634 9065 9497 9928 0359 0791 1222 1653 2084 2516 10070 00302947 3378 3810 4241 4672 5103 5535 5966 6397 6828 71 7260 7691 8122 8553 8984 9416 9847 0278 0709 1141 431 431 72 00311572 2003 2434 2865 3296 3728 4159 4590 5021 5452 1 43 73 5883 6315 6746 7177 7608 8039 8470 8901 9332 9764 2 86 3 129 4 172 74 00320195 0626 1057 1488 1919 2350 2781 3212 3643 4074 75 4505 4937 5368 5799 6230 6661 7092 7523 7954 8385 5 216 76 8816 9247 9678 0109 0540 0971 1402 1833 2264 2695 6 259 7 302 8 345 77 00333126 3557 3988 4419 4850 5281 5712 6143 6574 7004 78 7435 7866 8297 8728 9159 9590 0021 0452 0883 1314 9 388 79 00341745 2175 2606 3037 3468 3899 4330 4761 5192 5622 10080 6053 6484 6915 7346 7777 8207 8638 9069 9500 9931 81 00350361 0792 1223 1654 2085 2515 2946 3377 3808 4239 82 4669 5100 5531 5962 6392 6823 7254 7685 8115 8546 83 8977 9407 9838 0269 0700 1130 1561 1992 2422 2853 84 00363284 3714 4145 4576 5006 5437 5868 6298 6729 7160 85 7590 8021 8452 8882 9313 9743 0174 0605 1035 1466 86 00371896 2327 2758 3188 3619 •4049 4480 4910 5341 5772 87 6202 GQS3 7063 7494 7924 8355 8785 9216 9646 0077 88 00380507 0938 1368 1799 2229 2660 3090 3521 3951 4382 89 4812 5243 5673 6104 6534 6964 7395 7825 8256 8686 10090 9117 9547 9977 0408 0838 1269 1699 2129 2560 2990 91 00393421 3851 4281 4712 5142 5572 6003 6433 6864 7294 430 92 7724 8155 8585 9015 9445 9876 0306 0736 1167 1597 T*JV/ 430 93 00402027 2458 2888 3318 3748 4179 4609 5039 5470 5900 1 43 94 6330 6760 7191 7621 8051 8481 8911 9342 9772 0202 2 86 3 129 95 00410632 1063 1493 1923 2353 2783 3213 3644 4074 4504 4 172 96 4934 5364 5795 6225 QQ55 7085 7515 7945 8375 8806 5215 97 9236 9666 0096 0526 0956 1386 1816 2246 2676 3107 6 258 7 301 8 344 98 00423537 3967 4397 4827 5257 5687 6117 6547 6977 7407 99 7837 8267 1 8697 2 9127 9557 4 9987 5 0417 6 0847 ~7~ 1277 1707 D 9 387 N. 1 8 9 ptT.' 3 B2 uoGAmmaa X. 1010 L. 00^ €7 0011122^7 tfS23 OM7O09O 101 loi Stl6 11 Mil 12 004^5700 15 14 15 17 18 19 1012D 21 22 2$ 004i2»$ 5175 9ltf8 OQ$l57tfO 2$035I57» 27 29 10150 0050(945 57 50 41 4^ 45 45 444 47 40 4» N- 0051 00522542 0055 OOS50924 5214 2597 2997 0007 7297 7727 0157 100 1300 2020 2450 2000 9704 9195 0025 4002 0559 2050 0955 1249 554$ 9041 4150 5095 4491 0709 5000 095517505 1079 5975 9270 4505 2724 5154 5505 7010 7447 5427 0525 0755 4921 9219|9M0P070 5945 4575 5510 701210242 O7001 4995 0450 0000 9209 9710 Ill40 1511 5004 0054 0405 M92 7521 9097 ifi520 0755 4109 9505 9952 IbOl 0001 li25O0 0057 00552509 2790 9227 7000 7515 5252 9510 00575004 51 52 55 54 5iJ00S02575 0000 00590945 529 9512 1014C400005795 0070 00012501 0045 44 00020924 9400 00055700 0010 00642525 o 0400 091O 9559 9700 0197 2772 5201 7002 7491 1555 5045 4221 0510 0959 9508 9790 9eS5 0972 1575|1002|2251 2059 9947 4255 0519 2004 19751 5057 9941 4224 0507 2709 7071 1552 5055 0474 2755 1741 4010 1702 2211 0072 0501 0950 7550 4050 5079 5500 5957 9^5 4001 0947 7009 7517 1001 0005^ (»09 0955 5217 7499 1700 0001 9914 9542 0770 1 4194 4022 5050 5101 1 d T'-r-- 5857 4287 18507 1055 5551 7105 1405 5701 2100 2558 2908 O4O4 0854 7205 1120 8072 7014 1915 0210 0500 4005 9101 5597 7095 1988 0285 0577 4071 050010755 9105 1559 5424 ^55 4012 4442 7877 2170l2599|9020 1104 5047 5470 5905 5050 7920 0550 0790 1219 505014004 7945 0510 0940 7975 0004 5090 9570 5090 5519 5947 9004 9255 5252 5001 7940 0514 0797 4052 5000 7927 0002^50 5009 4059 4400 2040 1255 0574 2250 2050 1220 5509 9505 9791 5045 4075 0555 2200 2097 040910917 190 5470 9758 ♦037 1014 0779 1040 5957 11225 ^15 5000 7975 1001 4009 ^10 0002 0942 7971 1^ 5957 M9 4502 9705 5005 7540 1020 9100 4405 4717 9017 5147 5577 9447 9077 551015/10 4470 4005 004*0474 0004 2542 2772 5202 0040 7070 0957 5458 7751 2045 0555 0020 4917 5490 7707 2077 0500 0054 4942 9250 5517 7004 0570 0001 4940 9251 5515 7799 2002 0505 0048 4950 9212 5495 7774 2054 5900 0554 01514 4095 2418 8 1507 5254 5004 0094 95519900 9990 5927 4250 4000 0122 8552 0902 2847 0712 7142 7571 1007 5501 959419025 5807 8100 8009 2472 2901 0704{7195 1404 5775 1055 5540 9057 9000 5927 4550 0210 2500 0045 2955 0794 7225 1005 5571 9058 9007 5945 0252 209O 2510 2947 0004 1090 5575 0227 2511 0795 1070 5558 9040 5921 8202 2402 0702 104i 5521 4510 1512 5000 4574 0001 7255 1510 5005 9O59|9O08 4572 ^59 1222 1504 5700 9000 4549 8050 2910 7190 1409 5740 0007 D 490 750O 5277 \4!S6 1000 0455 4740 9OS0 5550 7022 1915 0204 0495 4705 9074 5505 7052 1940 0220 0510 40OS 9009 5570 7001 1947 0252 O5I0 5507 7050 1952 0214 0490 4777 9058 555*- 5^ 701 > 181^' 017^. 429 Pto. 450 3129 4172 »:21a 4;2»S rlsoi 42^ ) 43 4 171 ,■ -J \) i Ft*. |N..015L.0064 ^ 5 16 17 OQCh: IS MQIffv as IS 9f m ••s 96 »9 11 i?fe^l (190*) . LOGARITHMS N. 1020L.0086 N. 1 ■ 0443 2 086C 3 4 ) 129'4 1720 5 2146 1 ^ 2572 7 ' 299S 8 " 3423 9 3849 D Pro. 1020C ) OOS0OO17 01 4275 4700 512e > 5551 5978 6403 6829 7255 7681 8106 426 426 01 > 8532 8958 938a 9809 0235 0660 1086 1512 1937 2363 I 43 OS 0087278C 3214 364C ) 4066 4491 4917 5343 5768 6194 6619 2 85 3 J28 4 170 04 704^ 7471 789e 8322 8747 9173 9599 0024 0450 0875 03 00881301 1726 2151 '2578 3003 3429 3854 4280 4705 5131 5213 06 5556 5982 6407 6833 7258 7684 8109 8535 8960 9386 6 256 7 298 8 341 07 9811 0237 0662 ' 1088 1513 1939 2364 2790 3215 3641 08 0089400fi 4492 4917 5342 5768 6193 6619 7044 7470 7895 9 383 09 832C 8746 9171 9597 0022 0447 0873 1298 1723 2149 10210 00902574 2999 3425 3850 4276 4701 5126 5551 5977 6402 11 6828 7253 767S 8103 8529 8954 9379 9804 0230 0655 12 00911081 1506 1931 2356 2782 3207 3632 4057 4483 4908 13 5333 5758 6184 6609 7034 7459 7885 8310 8735 9160 14 9585 0010 O430 0861 1286 1711 2136 2561 2987 3412 15 00923837 4262 4687 5112 5538 5963 6388 6813 7238 7663 16 8088 8513 8939 9364 9789 0214 0639 1064 1489 1914 17 00932339 2764 3189 3614 4040 4465 4890 5315 5740 6165 IS 6590 7015 7440 7865 8290 8715 9140 9565 9990 0415 19 00940840 1265 1690 2115 2540 2965 3390 3815 4240 4665 10220 5090 5515 5939 6364 6789 7214|7639 8064 8489 8914 21 9339 9764 0189 0614 1038 1463 1888 2313 2738 3165 425 425 22 00953588 4013 4437 4862 5287 5712 6137 6562 6986 7411 1 43 23 7836 8261 8686 9111 9535 9960 0385 0810 1234 1659 2 85 3 128 4 170 24 00962084 2509 2934 3359 3783 4208 4633 5058 5482 5907 25 6332 6757 7181 7606 8031 8456 8880 9305 9729 0154 5 213 26 00970579 1004 1428 1853 2278 2703 3127 3552 3976 4401 6 255 7 298 8 340 27 4826 5251 5675 6100 6524 6949 7373 7798 8223 8648 28 9072 9497 9921 0346 0770 1195 1620 2045 2469 2894 9 383 29 00983318 3743 4167 4592 5016 5441 5865 6290 6714 7139 10230 7563 7988 8412 8837 9261 9686 Olio 0535 0959 1384 31 00991808 2233 2657 3082 3506 3931 4355 4780 5204 5629 32 6053 6478 6902 7327 7751 8176 8600 9025 9449 9873 S3 01000297 0722 1146 1571 1995 2420 2844 3269 3693 4117 34 4541 4966 5390 5815 6239 6663 7087 7512 7936 8361 35 8785 9209 9633 0058 0482 0907 1331 1755 2179 2604 36 01013028 3452 3876 4301 4725 5149 5573 5998 6422 6846 37 7270 7695 8119 8543 8967 9392 9816 0240 0664 1088 38 01021512 1937 2361 2785 3209 3634 4058 4482 4906 5330 39 5754 6179 6603 7027 7451 7875 8299 8723 9147 9572 10240 9996 0420 0844 1268 1692 2116 2540 2964 3388 3813 41 01034237 4661 5085 5509 5933 6357 6781 7205 7629 8053 42 8477 8901 9325 9749 0173 0597 1021 1445 1869 2293 424 424 43 01042717 3141 3565 3989 4413 4837 5261 5685 6109 5533 42 44 6957. 7381 7805 8229 8653 9077 9501 9925 0348 < 0772 4 I 85 1 127 U70 45 01051196 1620 2044 2468 2892 3316 3740 4164 4587 ^ 5011 46 5435 5859 6283 6707 7131 7555 7978 S492 8826 i }250 c 212 47 9674 0098 0521 0945 1369 1793 2216 2640 3064. t ^488 6 254 48 31063912 4336 4759 5183 5607 6031 5454 5878 ' 7302 ' ^726 7 8 9 297 339 382 49 8149 8573 8997 9421 9844 0268 ( 3692 1116 1559 963 N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D Pts. N. 1025 L.0107 OF numbers. (191*)| N. 1 2810 2 3234 3 3658 4 4081 5 4505 6 4929 7 5353 8 5776 9 6200 D Pro. 10250 01072386 51 6623 7047 7471 7895 8318 8742 9165 9589 0012 0436 423 423 52 01080860 1284 1707 2131 2554 2978 3401 3825 4249 4673 I 42 53 5096 3520 5943 6367 6790 7214 7637 8061 8484 8908 2 85 3 J27 4 169 54 9331 9755 0178 0602 1025 1449 1872 2296 2719 3143 55 01093566 3990 4413 4837 5260 5684 6107 6531 6954 7378 5 212 56 7801 8225 8648 9072 9495 9919 0342 0766 1189 1613 6 254 7 296 8 338 51 01102036 2459 2882 3306 3729 4153 4576 5000 5423 5846 58 6269 6693 7116 7540 7963 8387 8810 9233 9656 0080 9 381 59 01110503 0927 1350 1773 2196 2020 3043 3466 3889 4313 10260 4736 5160 5583 6006 6429 6853 7276 7699 8122 8546 61 8969 9392 9815 0238 0662 1085 1508 1931 2355 2778 62 01123201 3624 4047 4470 4894 5317 5740 6163 6587 7010 63 7433 7856 8279 8702 9126 9549 9972 0395 0818 1241 64 01131664 2087 2511 2934 3357 3780 4203 4626 5049 5472 65 5895 6318 6742 7165 7588 8011 8434 8857 9280 9703 66 01140126 0549 0972 1395 1818 2241 2664 3087 3510 3933 67 4356 4779 5202 5625 6048 6471 6894 7317 7740 8163 68 8586 9009 9432 9855 0278 0701 1124 1547 1970 2393 69 01152815 3238 3661 4084 4507 4930 5553 5776 6199 6622 10270 7044 7467 7890 8313 8736 9159 9582 0005 0427 O850 71 01161273 1696 2119 2542 2964 3387 3810 4233 4655 5078 422 422 72 5501 5924 6347 6770 7192 7615 8038 8461 8883 9306 1 42 73 9729 0152 0574 0997 1420 1843 2265 2688 3111 3534 2 84 74 01173956 4379 4802 5225 5647 6070 6492 6915 7338 7761 3 127 4 169 5211 75 8183 8606 9028 9451 9874 S297 0719 1142 1564 1987 76 01182410 2833 3255 3678 4100 4523 4945 3568 5790 6213 6 253 77 6636 7059 7481 7904 8326 8749 9171 9594 0016 0439 7 295 8 338 9 380 78 01190861 1284 1706 2129 2552 2975 3397 3820 4242 4665 79 5087 5510 5932 6355 6777 7200 7622 8045 8467 8889 10280 9311 9734 0156 0579 1001 1424 1846 2269 2691 3114 81 01203536 3959 4381 4804 5226 5648 6070 6493 6915 7338 82 7760 8183 8605 9027 9449 9872 0294 0717 1139 1562 83 01211984 2406 2828 3251 3673 4096 4518 4940 5362 5785 84 6207 6629 7051 7474 7896 8319 8741 9163 9585 0008 85 01220430 0852 1274 1697 2119 2541 2963 3386 3808 4230 86 4652 5074 5496 5919 6341 6763 7185 7608 8030 8452 87 8874 9296 9718 0141 0563 0985 1407 1829 2251 2674 88 01233096 3518 3940 4362 4784 5206 5628 6051 6473 6895 89 7317 7739 8161 8583 9005 9427 9849 0271 0693 1115 10290 01241537 1960 2382 2804 3226 3648 4070 4492 4914 5336 91 5758 6180 6602 7024 7446 7868 8290 8712 9134 9556 92 9978 0400 0822 1244 1666 2088 2510 2932 3353 3775 421 421 93 01254197 4619 5041 5463 5885 6307 6729 7151 7573 7995 1 42 94 8416 8838 9260 9682 0104 0526 0948 1370 1791 2213 /■ 2 84 3 126 4 168 95 01262635 3057 3479 3901 4322 4744 5166 5588 6010 6432 96 6853 7275 7697 8119 8541 8962 9384 9806 0228 0649 5 210 97 01271071 1493 1915 2336 2758 3180 3602 4023 4445 4867 6 253 98 5289 5710 6132 6554 6976 7397 7819 8241 8662 9084 7 295 8 337 9 379 99 N. 9506 9928 1 0349 2 0771 3 1193 4 1614 5 2036 6 2458 7 2879 8 3301 9 D Pts. (192*) LOGARITHMS N. 1030 L.OJ28 N. 01283723 1 4144 4566 3 4987 4 5409 6 5831 6 6252 7 6674 8 7095 9 7517 D Pro. 10300 01 7939 8360 8782 9204 9625 (5047 0468 0890 1311 1733 422 422 02 01292155 2576 2998 3419 3841 4262 4684 5105 5527 5949 1 42 03 6370 6792 7213 7635 8056 8478 8899 9321 9742 0164 2 84 3 127 4 1G9 04 01300585 1006 1428 1849 2271 2692 3114 3535 3957 4378 05 4800 5221 5642 6064 6485 6907 7328 7750 8171 8592 5|211 06 9014 9435 9857 0278 0699 1121 1542 1964 2385 2806 6' 253 7 295 07 01313228 3649 4070 4492 4913 5334 5756 6177 6598 7020 8 338 08 7441 7862 8284 8705 9126 9548 9969 0390 0811 1233 9 380 09 01321654 2075 2497 2918 3339 3760 4182 4603 5024 5445 10310 5867 6288 6709 7130 7551 7973 8394 8815 9236 9657 11 01330079 0500 0921 1342 1763 2185 2606 3027 3448 3869 12 4290 4712 5133 5554 5975 6396 6817 7238 7659 8081 13 8502 8923 9344 9765 0186 0607 1028 1450 1871 2292 14 01342713 3134 3555 3976 4397 4818 5239 5660 6081 6502 15 6923 7344 7765 8186 8607 9028 9449 9870 0291 0712 ^ 16 01351133 1554 1975 2396 2817 3238 3659 4080 4501 4922 17 5343 5764 6185 6606 7027 7448 7869 8290 8711 9131 18 9552 9973 0394 0815 1236 1657 2078 2499 2920 3340 19 01363761 4182 4603 5024 5445 5866 6286 6707 7128 7549 10320 7970 8391 8811 9232 9653 0074 0495 0915 1336 1757 21 01372178 2599 3019 3440 3861 4282 4702 5123 5544 5965 421 421 22 6386 6806 7227 7648 8068 8489 8910 9331 9751 0172 1 42 23 01380593 1013 1434 1855 2276 2696 3117 3538 3958 4379 2 84 24 4800 5220 5641 6062 6482 6903 7324 7744 8165 8585 3 126 4 168 25 9006 9427 9847 0268 0688 1109 1530 1950 2371 2791 5210 26 01393212 3633 4053 4474 4894 5315 5735 6156 6577 6997 6 253 27 7418 7838 8259 8679 9100 9520 9941 0361 0782 1202 7 295 8 337 9 379 28 01401623 2043 2464 2884 3305 3725 4146 4566 4987 5407 29 5828 6248 6669 7089 7509 7930 8350 8771 9191 9612 10330 01410032 0453 0873 1293 1714 2134 2555 2975 3395 3816 31 4236 4656 5077 5497 5918 6338 6758 7179 7599 8019 32 8440 8860 9280 9701 0121 0541 0962 1382 1802 2223 33 01422643 3063 3484 3904 4324 4744 5165 5585 6005 6425 34 6846 7266 7686 8106 8527 8947 9367 9787 0208 0628 35 01431048 1468 1889 2309 2729 3149 3569 3990 4410 4830 36 5250 5670 6090 6511 6931 7351 7771 8191 8611 9032 37 9452 9872 0292 0712 1132 1552 1972 2393 2813 3233 38 01448653 4073 4493 4913 5333 5753 6173 6593 7013 7433 39 7854 8274 8694 9114 9534 9954 0374 0794 1214 1634 10340 01452054 2474 2894 3314 3734 4154 4574 4994 5414 5834 41 6254 6674 7094 7514 7934 8354 8774 9193 9613 0033 42 01460453 0873 1293 1713 2133 2553 2973 3393 3813 4233 420 420 43 4653 5072 5492 5912 6332 6752 7172 7592 8012 8431 1 42 44 8851 9271 9691 0111 0530 0950 1370 1790 2210 2630 2 84 3 126 45 01473049 3469 3889 4309 4729 5149 5568 5988 6408 6828 4 168 46 7247 7667 8087 8507 8926 9346 9766 0186 0605 1025 5 21Q 47 01481445 1865 2284 2704 3124 3544 3963 4383 4803 5222 S 252 7 294 48 5642 6062 6481 6901 7321 7740 8160 8580 8999 9419 3 336 49 9839 0258 1 0678 1098] 1517 1937 2357 2776 7 3196 *8 3615 9 ' 3 378. 1 N. 2 3 ! 4 ^^ 6 D Ptii X. 1035 L. 0149 OF NUMBERS. (1.93*) N. 01494035 1 4455 2 4874 3 4 5713 5 6133 6 6553 7 6972 8 7392 9 7811 D Pro. 10350 5294 51 8231 8651 9070 9490 9909 0329 0748 1168 1587 2007 419 419 52 01502426 2846 3265 3685 4104 4524 4943 5363 5782 6202 1 42 53 6621 7041 7460 7880 8299 8719 9138 9558 9977 0397 2 84 3 126 4 168 54 01510816 1236 1655 2074 2494 29 1 3 3333 3752 4172 4591 55 5010 5430 5849 6269 6688 7107 7527 7946 8366 8785 5 209 56 9204 9624 n043 0462 0882 1301 1720 2140 2559 2978 6 25 1 7 2.93 8 335 57 01523398 3817 4236 4656 5075 5494 5913 6333 6752 7171 58 7591 8010 8429 8848 9268 9687 0106 0525 0945 1 364 y 377 59 01531733 2203 2622 3041 3460 3879 4299 4718 5137 5556 1 0,'360 -5976 6395 6814 7233 7652 8071 8491 8910 9329 9748 61 01540167 0587 1006 1425 1844 2263 2682 3101 3520 3940 62 4359 4778 5197 5616 6035 6454 6873 7293 7712 8131 63 8550 8969 9388 9807 0226 0645 1064 1483 1902 2321 64 01552740 3159 3578 3997 4416 4836 5255 5674 6093 6512 65 6931 7350 7769 8188 8607 9026 9445 9864 0283 0702 66 01561120 1539 1958 2377 2796 3215 3634 4053 4472 4891 67 5310 5729 6148 6567 6985 7404 7823 8242 8661 9080 68 9499 9918 0337 0755 1174 1593 2012 2431 2850 3269 69 01573688 4106 4525 4944 5363 5782 6200 6619 7038 7457 10370 7876 8294 8713 9132 9551 9970 0388 0807 1226 1645 71 01582063 2482 2901 3320 3738 4157 4576 4995 5413 5832 418 418 72 6251 6670 7088 7507 7926 8344 8763 9182 9600 0019 ] 42 73 01590438 0857 1275 1694 2113 2531 2950 3369 3787 4206 2 84 3 125 4 167 74 4625 5043 5462 5880 6299 6718 7136 7555 7973 8392 75 8811 9229 9648 0066 0485 0903 1322 1741 2159 2578 5 209 76 01602996 3415 3833 4252 4670 5089 5508 5926 6345 6763 6 251 7 293 8 334 77 7182 7600 8019 8437 8856 9274 9693 0111 0530 0948 •■. 78 0161 J367 1785 2204 2622 3041 3459 3877 4296 4714 5133 9 376 79 5551 5970 6.388 6806 7225 7643 8062 8480 8899 9317 10380 9735 0154 0572 0990 1409 1827 2246 2664 3082 3501 81 01623919 4337 4756 5174 5592 6011 6429 684r x7266 7684 82 8102 8521 8939 9357 9776 0194 0612 1031 1449 1867 83 01632285 2704 3122 3540 3959 4377 4795 5213 5632 6050^ 84 6468 6886 7304 7723 8141 8559 8977 9395 9814 0232 85 01640650 1068 1487 1905 2323 2741 3159 3577 3996 4414 86 4832 5250 5668 6086 6504 6922 7341 7759 8177 8595 87 9013 9431 9849 0268 0686 1104 1522 1910 2358 2776 88 01653194 3612 4030 4448 4866 5284 5702 6120 6539 6957 89 7375 7793 8211 8629 9047 9465 9883 0301 0719 1137 10390 01661555 1973 2391 2809 3227 3645 4063 4481. 4899 5317 91 5735 6152 6570 6988 7406 7824 8242 8660 9078 9496 92 9914 0332 0750 1168 1585 2003 2421 2839 3257 3675 417 417 93 01674093 4511 4928 5346 5764 6182 6600 7018 7436 7853 )j42 94 8271 8689 9107 9525 9942 0360 0778 1196 1614 2031 2 83 3 125 4 167 95 01682449 2867 3285 3703 4121 4538 4956 5374 5792 6209 96 6627 7045 7463 7880 8298 8716 9134 9551 9969 0387 ', 208 97 01690804 1222 1640 2058 2475 2893 3311 3728 4146 4563 6 250 98 4981 5399 5817 6234 6652 7070 7487 7905 8323 8740 7 292 R 334 99 N. 9158 9575 9993 2 0411 0828 4 1246 5 1663 ~6~ 2081 2499 8 2916 9 Dl 9 375 Pts. 1 3 . 7 . (19^ LOGARITHMS N.]04() N. 1 i 01. )0 01703334 01 7510 02 01711685 03 5860 04 01720034 05 4208 06 8382 07 01732556 08 6728 09 01740901 10410 5073 11 9245 12 01753416 13 7587 14 01761757 15 5927 16 01770097 17 4266 18 8435 19 01782604 10420 6772 21 01790940 22 5107 23 9274 24 01803440 25 7606 26 01811772 27 5937 28 01820102 29 4267 10430 8431 31 01832595 32 6758 33 01840921 34 5083 35 9245 36 01853407 37 7568 38 01861729 39 5890 10440 01870050 41 4210 42 8369 43 01382528 44 668,6 45 01890S44 40 5002 47 9159 48 01903316 49 7473 N. 3752 7927 2102 6277 0452 4626 8800 2973 7146 1318 5490 9662 3833 8004 2174 6344 0514 4683 8852 3021 7189 1356 5524 9690 3857 8023 2189 6354 0519 4683 8847 3011 7174 337 5499 9662 3823 7984 2145 6306 0466 4626 8785 2944 7102 1260 5418 9575 3732 7889 _2_ 4169 8345 2520 6695 0869 5043 9217 3390 7563 1735 5907 0079 4250 8421 2591 6761 0931 5100 9269 3437 7606 1773 5940 0107 4274 8440 2605 6770 0935 5100 9264 3427 7590 1753 5916 0078 4239 8401 2561 6722 0882 5041 9201 3360 7518 1676 5834 9991 4148 8304 4587 8762 2937 7112 1287 5461 9634 3807 7980 2152 6324 0496 4667 8838 3008 7178 1348 5517 9686 3854 8022 2190 6357 0524 4690 8856 3022 7187 1352 5516 9680 3844 8007 2169 6332 0494 4655 8817 2977 7138 1298 5457 9617 3775 7934 2092 6249 0407 4563 8720 5004 9180 3355 7530 1704 5878 0052 4225 8397 2570 6742 0913 5084 9255 3425 7595 1765 5934 0103 4271 8439 2607 6774 0940 5107 ^27 3 3438 7603 1768 5932 0096 4260 8423 2586 6748 0910 5072 9233 3393 7554 I7I4 5873 0033 4191 8350 2508 6665 0822 4979 9135 4 5422 9597 3772 7947 2121 6295 0469 4642 8815 2987 7159 1330 5501 9672 3842 8012 2182 6351 0520 4688 8856 3023 7190 1357 5523 9689 3855 8020 2185 6349 0513 4676 8839 3002 7164 1326 5488 9649 3809 7970 2130 6289 0448 4607 8765 2923 7081 1238 5395 9551 6 5839 0015 4190 8365 2539 6713 0886 5059 9232 3404 7576 1747 5919 0089 4259 8429 2599 6768 0936 5105 9273 3440 7607 1774 5940 Sl06 4271 8436 2601 6765 0929 5092 9256 3418 7580 1742 5904 0065 4226 8386 2546 6705 0864 5023 9181 3339 7497 1654 5810 9967 6257 0432 4607 8782 2956 7130 1304 5477 9649 3821 7993 2165 6336 0506 4676 8846 30 le 7185 1353 5521 9689 3857 8024 2190 6357 0522 4688 8853 3017 7182 1345 5509 9672 3834 7997 2159 6320 0481 4642 8802 2962 7121 1280 5439 9597 3755 7912 2069 6226 0382 8 6675 0850 5025 9199 3374 7547 1721 5894 0066 4238 8410 2582 6753 0923 5093 9263 3433 7602 1770 5938 0106 4273 8441 2607 6773 0939 5104 9269 3434 7598 1762 5925 0088 4251 8413 2575 6736 0897 5058 9218 3378 7537 1696 5855 0013 4171 8328 2485 6642 0798 8 9_ 7092 1267 5442 9617 3791 7965 2138 6311 0484 4656 8827 2999 7170 1340 5510 9680 3850 8019 2187 6355 0523 4690 8857 3024 7190 1356 5521 9686 3850 8014 2178 6342 0505 4667 8829 2991 7152 1313 5474 9634 3794 7953 2112 6270 0429 4586 8744 2901 7057 1213 N.1045L.0191 OF NUMBERS. (Ip.^*) N. 1045G i 2045 2 2460 3 2876 4 329 1 5 3707 6 412Si 7 8 4954 9 5369 D Pro. 01911629 4538 51 5785 6200 6616 7031 7447 7862 I 8278 8694 9109 9525 415 415 52 994C 0356 0771 1187 1602 201 g 2433 2849 3264 3680 1 41 53 01924095 4510 4926 5341 5757 6172 ' 6588 7003 7419 7834 2 83 3 124 4i l.6'6' 54 825C 8665 9080 9496 9911 0327 0742 1157 1573 1988 55 01932404 2819 3235 3650 4065 4481 4896 5311 5727 6142 5 207 56 6557 6973 7388 7804 8219 S634 9050 9465 9880 0296 6 249 7 23529 3935 4340 4745 5150 5555 5960 6365 6770 7175 22 7580 7985 8391 8796 9201 9606 0011 0416 0821 1226 405 405 23 03031631 2036 2441 2846 3251 3656 4061 4466 4871 5276 1 40 2 81 3 121 21- 5681 6086 6491 6896 7301 7706 8111 8515 8920 9325 25 9730 0135 0540 0945 1350 1755 2160 2565 2970 3374 4 16'2 26 03043779 4184 4589 4994 5399 5804 6209 6614 7019 7423 5 202 6 243 7 283 27 7828 8233 8638 9043 9448 9853 0257 0662 1067 1472 28 03051877 2281 2686 3091 3496 3901 .4305 4710 5115 5520 8 324 29 5925 6329 6734 7139 7544 7949 8353 8758 9163 9568 9 364 10730 9972 0377 0782 1187 1591 1996 2401 2805 3210 3615 31 03064020 4424 4829 5234 5638 6043 6448 6852 7257 7662 32 8066 8471 8876 9281 9685 0090 0495 0899 1304 1708 33 03072113 2518 2922 3327 3732 4136 4541 4945 5350 5755 34 6159 6564 6968 7373 7777 8182 8587 8991 9396 9800 35 03080205 0610 1014 1419 1823 2228 2632 3037 3441 3846 36 4250 4655 5059 5464 5868 6273 6677 7082 7486 7891 37 8295 8700 9104 9509 9913 0318 0722 1127 1531 1936 38 03092340 2745 3149 3553 3958 4362 4767 5171 5575 5980 39 6384 6789 7193 75Q7 8002 8406 8811 9215 9619 0024 10740 03100428 0833' 1237 1641 2046 2450 2854 32^9 3663 4067 41 4472 4876 5280 5685 6089 6493 6898 7302 7706 8111 42 8515 8919 9323 9728 0132 0536 0941 1345 1749 2153 404 404 43 03112558 2962 3366 3771 4175 4579 4983 5387 5792 6196 I 40 44 6600 7004 7408 7813 8217 8621 9025 9429 9834 0238 2 81 3 121 4'5 0312 0642 1046 1450 1855 2259 2663 3067 3471 3875 4280 4 162 46 4684 5088 5492 5896 6300 6704 7109 7513 7917 8321 5 202 47 8725 9129 9533 9937 (5341 0745 1150 1554 1958 2362 6 242 7 283 8 323 48 03132766 3170 3574 3978 4382 4786 5190 5594 5998 6402 49 6806 7210 7614| 8018 3 8422 4 8826 9230 9634 7 0038 8 0442 9 9 364 N. 1 S 1 6 6 D Pts. N. 1075 L.0314 OF NUMBERS. (201*) 1 03140846 1250 4886 5290 8926 9330 03152965 3369 7003 7407 03161042 1445 5080 5483 9117 9521 03173154 3558 7191 7594 03181227 1631 5263 5667 9299 9702 03193334 3738 7369 7772 03201403 1807 5438 5841 9471 9875 03213505 3908 7538 7941 03221570 1974 5603 6006 9635 S038 03233666 4069 7697 8100 03241728 2131 5758 6161 9788 0191 03253818 4221 7847 8250 03261876 2279 5905 6308 9933 C336 03273961 4363 7988 8391 03282015 2418 6042 6444 03290068 0471 4094 4496 8119 8522 03302145 2547 6169 6572 03310194 0596 4218 4620 8241 8644 03322265 2667 6288 6690 03330310 0712 4332 4735 8354 8756 1654 5694 9733 3772 7811 1849 5887 9924 3961 7998 2034 6070 0106 4141 8176 2210 6244 0278 431 8344 8748 2377 6409 0441 4472 8503 2534 6564 0594 4624 8653 2682 6710 0738 4766 8793 2820 6847 0873 4899 8925 2950 6974 0999 5023 9046 3069 7092 1115 5137 9159 2058 6098 (5 1 37 4176 8215 2253 6291 5328 4365 8402 2438 6474 0510 4545 8579 2614 6648 0682 4715 2780 6812 0844 4875 8906 2937 6967 0997 5027 9056 30S5 7113 1141 5169 9196 3223 7250 1276 5302 9327 3352 7377 1401 5425 9449 3472 7495 1517 5539 95Q I 2462 6502 0541 4580 8619 2657 6695 0732 4769 8806 2842 6878 0913 4948 8983 3017 7051 1085 5118 9151 3183 7215 1247 5279 9310 3340 7370 1400 5430 9459 3488 7516 1544 5572 9599 3626 7652 1678 5704 9730 3755 7779 1803 5827 9851 3874 7897 1919 5941 9963 2866 6906 0945 4984 9023 3061 7098 1136 5173 9209 3245 7281 1317 5352 9386 3421 7455 1488 5521 9554 3587 7619 1651 5682 9713 3743 7773 1803 5833 9862 3891 7919 1947 5974 0001 4028 8055 2081 0107 0132 4157 8182 2206 6230 0253 4276 8299 2321 6343 0365 3270 7310 1349 5388 9426 3464 7502 1539 5576 9613 3649 7685 1720 5755 9790 3824 7858 1892 5925 9958 3990 8022 2054 6085 0116 4146 8176 2206 6236 0265 4293 8322 2350 6377 0404 4431 8458 2484 6509 0535 4560 8584 2608 6632 0656 4679 8701 2724 6746 0767 3674 7714 1753 5792 9830 3868 7906 1943 5980 0016 4052 8088 2124 6159 (5193 4227 8261 2295 6328 0361 4393 8425 2457 6488 0519 4549 8579 2609 6639 0668 8 8724 2752 6780 0807 4834 8860 2886 6912 0937 4962 8987 3011 7035 1058 5081 9104 3126 7148 1169 4078 8118 2157 6196 0234 4272 R3 10 2347 6384 0420 4456 8492 2527 6562 0597 4631 8665 2698 6731 0764 4796' 8828 2860 6891 0922 4952 8982 3012 7041 1070 5099 9127 3155 7183 1210 5236 9263 3289 7314 1340 5565 9389 3413 7437 460 5483 9506 3528 7550 1571 8 4482 8522 2561 6599 0638 4676 8713 2750 6787 0824 4860 8895 2931 6966 1000 5034 9068 3101 7134 1167 5199 9231 3263 7294 1325 5355 9385 3415 7444 1473 5502 9530 3558 7585 1612 5639 9665 3691 7717 1742 5767 9791 3815 7839 1862 5885 9908 3930 7952 1973 D Pro. 404 404 403 402 D SB** (186) TABLE II. ^ For finding Logarithms and Numhers to 20 Places of Figures. N. 1 Logarithms. N. ~51 Logarithms. 00000 00000 00000 00000 70757 01760 97936 36584 2 30J02 99956 63981 19521 52 71600 33436 34799 15963 3 47712 12547 19662 43730 53 72427 58696 00789 04563 4 60205 99913 27962 39043 54 73259 37598 22968 507 10 5 69897 00043 36018 80479 55 74036 26894 94243 84554 6 77815 12503 83643 63251 56 74818 80270 06200 41635 7 84509 80400 14256 83071 51 75587 48556 72491 39883 8 90308 99869 91943 58564 58 76342 79935 62937 28255 9 95424 25094 39324 87459 59 77085 20116 42144 19026 10 00000 00000 00000 00000 60 77815 12503 83643 63251 11 04139 26851 58225 04075 61 78532 98350 10767 03389 12 07918 12460 47624 82772 62 79239 16894 98253 87488 13 11394 33523 06836 76921 63 79934 05494 535S\ 70530 14 14612 80356 78238 02593 64 80617 99739 83887 17128 15 17609 12590 55681 24208 65 81291 33566 42855 57399 16 20411 99826 55924 78085 66 81954 39355 41868 67326 17 23044 89213 78273 92854 61 82607 48027 00826 43415 18 25527 25051 03306 06980 68 S3250 89127 06236 31897 19 27875 36009 52828 96154 69 83884 90907 37255 31616 20 30102 99956 63981 19521 70 84509 80400 14256 83071 21 32221 92947 33919 26801 71 85125 83487 19075 28609 22 34242 26808 22206 23596 72 85733 24964 31268 46023 23 36172 78360 17592 87887 73 86332 28601 20455 90107 24 38021 12417 11606 02294 74 86923 17197 30976 19202 25 39794 00086 72037 60957 75 87506 12633 91700 04687 26 41497 33479 70817 96442 76 88081 35922 80791 35196 27 43136 37641 58987 31189 77 88649 07251 72481 87146 28 44715 80313 42219 22114 78 89209 46026 90480 40172 29 46239 79978 98956 08733 79 89762 70912 90441 42799 30 47712 12547 19662 43730 80 90308 99869 91943 58564 31 49136 16938 34272 67967 81 90848 50188 78649 74918 32 50514 99783 19905 97607 82 91381 38523 83716 68972 33 51851 39398 77887 47805 83 91907 80923 76073 90383 34 53147 89170 42255 12375 84 92427 92860 61881 65843 35 54406 80443 50275 63550 85 92941 89257 14292 73333 56 55630 25007 67287 26502 86 93449 84512 43567 72162 37 56820 17240 66994 99681 87 93951 92526 18618 52463 38 57978 35966 1681.0 15675 88 94448 26721 50168 62639 39 59106 46070 26499 20650 89 94939 00066 44912 78472 40 60205 99913 27962 39043 90 95424 25094 39324 87459 41 61278 38567 19735 49451 91 95904 13923 21093 59992 42 62324 92903 97900 46322 92 96378 78273 ^5555 26930 43 63346 84555 79586 52641 93 96848 29485 53935 11696 44 64345 26764 86187 43118 94 97312 78535 99698 65963 45 65321 25137 75343 67938 95 97772 36052 88847 76632 46 66275 78316 81574 07408 96 98227 12330 39568 41336 47 67209 78579 35717 46441 97 98677 17342 66244 85178 48 68124 12373 75587 21815 98 99122 60756 92494 85664 49 69019 60800 28513 66142 99 99563 51945 97549 91534 50 69897 00043 36018 80479 100 00000 00000 00000 00000 .Tab. 2. LOGARITHMS TO 20 PLACES. (187) N. 101 Logarithms. N. 151 Logarithms. 00432 13737 82642 57428 17897 69472 93169 43687 102 00860 01717 61917 56105 152 18184 35879 44772 54718 103 01283 72247 05172 20517 153 18469 14308 17598 80313 104. 01703 33392 98780 35485 154 18752 07208 36463 06668 105 02118 92990 69938 07279 155 19033 16981 70291 48445 106 02530 58652 64770 24085 156 19312 45983 54461 59693 107 02938 37776 85209 64083 157 19589 96524 09233 73676 108 03342 37554 86949 70231 158 19865 70869 54422 62321 109 03742 64979 40623 63520 159 20139 71243 20451 48293 110 04139 26851 58225 04075 160 20411 99826 55924 78085 111 04532 29787 86657 43410 161 20682 58760 31849 70958 112 04921 80226 70181 61157 162 20951 50145 42630 94439 113 05307 84434 83419 72280 163 21218 76044 03957 80764 114- 05690 48513 36472 59405 164 21484 38480 47697 88494 115 06069 78403 53611 68365 165 21748 39442 13906 282S3 116 06445 79892 26918 47776 166 22010 80880 40055 09905 117 06818 58617 46161 64380 167 22271 64711 47583 27998 118 07188 20073 06125 38547 168 22530 92817 25862 85365 119 07554 69613 92530 75925 169 22788 67046 13673 53841 120 07918 12460 47624 82772 170 23044 89213 78273 92854 121 08278 53703 16450 08150 171 23299 61103 92153 83613 122 08635 98306 74748 22910 172 23552 84469 07548 91683 123 08990 51114 39397 93180 173 23804 61031 28795 41456 124 09342 16851 62235 07009 174 24054 92482 82599 71984 125 09691 00130 08056 41436 175 24303 80486 86294 44028 126 10037 05451 17562 90052 176 24551 26678 14149 82161 127 10380 37209 55956 86425 177 24797 32663 61806 62756 128 10720 99696 47868 36650 178 25042 00023 08893 97994! 129 11058 97102 99248 9^370 179 25285 30309 79893 16957 130 11394 33523 06836 76921 180 25527 25051 03306 06980 131 11727 12956 55764 26081 181 25767 85748 69184 51029 132 12057 39312 05849 86847 182 26007 13879 85074 79513 133 12385 16409 67085 79225 183 26245 10897 30429 47118 134 12710 47983 64807 62936 184 26481 78230 09536 46451 135 13033 37684 95006 11667 185 26717 17284 03013 80159 136 13353 89083 70217 51418 186 26951 29442 17916 31218 137 13672 05671 56406 76856 187 27184 16065 36498 96929 138 13987 90864 01236 51138 188 27415 78492 63679 85484 139 14301 48002 54095 08046 189 27646 18041 73244 14260 140 14612 80356 78238 02593 190 27875 36009 52828 96154 141 14921 91126 55379 90171 191 28103 33672 47727 53764 142 15228 83443 83056 48131 192 28330 12287 03549 60858 143 15533 60374 6506^1 80996 193 28555 73090 07773 76060 144 15836 24920 95249 6554^5 194 28780 J 7299 30226 04700 145 16136 80022 34974 89212 195 29003 46113 62518 01129 146 16435 28557 84437 09629 196 29225 60713 56476 05185 147 16731 73347 48176 09872 197 29446 62261 ^1592 92737 148 17026 17153 94957 38724 198 29666 51902 61531 11055 149 17318 62684 12274 03826 199| 29885 30764 09706 6501ol 150 17609 12590 55681 24208 J200| 30102 99956 63981 19521 3B2 om . LOGARITHMS Tab. 2. N. 2(71 Logar ithms. N. 251 Logarithms. 30319 60574 20488 87144 39967 37214 81038 13934 202 :i0535 13694 46623 76949 252 40140 05407 81544 09573 | 203 30749 60379 13212 91805 253 40312 05211 75817 91962 204 30963 01674 25898 75626 254 40483 37166 19938 05946 205 31175 38610 55754 29930 ' 255 40654 01804 33955 17062 206 31386 72203 69153 40038 256 40823 99653 11849 56171 207 31597 03454 56917 75346 257 40993 31233 31294 53710| 208 31806 33349 62761 55006 258 41161 97059 63230 15891 209 32014 62861 11054 00229 259 41329 97640 81251 82752 210 32221 92947 33919 26801 260 41497 33479 70817 96442 211 32428 24552 97692 66508 261 41664 05073 38280 96192 212 32633 58609 28751 48606 262 41830 12913 19745 45602 213 32837 96034 38737 72339 263 41995 57484 89757 86S97 214 33041 37733 49190 83605 264 42160 39268 69831 06369 215 33243 84599 15605 33119 265 42324 58739 36807 85042 210 33445 37511 50930 89753 266 42488 16366 31066 98746 217 336^1-5 9733S 48529 51038 267 42651 12613 64575 22202 218 33845 64936 04604 83041 268 42813 47940 28788 82458 219 34044 41148 40118 33837 269 42975 22800 02407 98009 220 34242 26808 22206 23596 270 43136 37641 58987 31189 221 34439 22736 85110 69775 271 43296 92908 74405 72952 222 34635 29744 50638 62952 272 43456 89040 34198 70940 223 34830 48630 48160 67348 273 43616 26470 40756 03721 224 35024 80183 34162 80678 274 43775 05628 20387 96378 225 35218 25181 11362 48416 275 43933 26938 30262 65032 226 35410 84391 47400 91801 276 44090 90820 65217 70659 227 35602 58571 93122 72010 277 44247 97690 64448 55378 228 35793 48470 00453 78926 278 44404 47959 18076 27567 229 35983 54823 39887 99413 279 44560 42032 73597 55426 230 36172 78360 17592 87887 280 44715 80313 42219 22114 231 36361 19798 92144 30876 281 44870 63199 05079 89286 232 36548 79848 90899 67297 282 45024 91083 19361 09692 233 36735 59210 26018 97219 283 45178 64-355 24290 23556 234 36921 58574 10142 83901 284 45531 83400 47037 67652 235 37106 78622 71736 26920 285 45484 48600 08510 20362 236 37291 20029 70106 58069 286 45636 60331 29043 00517 237 37474 83460 10103 86529 287 45788 18967 33992 32522 238 37657 69570 56511 95447 288 45939 24877 59230 85066 239 37839 79009 48137 68500 289 46089 78427 56547 85708 240 38021 12417 11606 02294 290 46239 79978 98956 08733 241 38201 70425 74868 38408 291 46389 29&89 85907 28908 242 38381 53659 80431 27671 292 46538 28514 48418 29150 243 38560 62735 98312 18648 293 46686 76203 54109 45624 244 38738 98263 38729 42431 294 46834 73304 12157 29393 245 38916 60843 64532 46621 295 46982 20159 78162 99505 246 39093 51071 03379 12702 296 47129 17110 58938 58245 247 39269 69532 59665 73074 297 47275 64493 17212 35264 248 39445 16808 26216 26531 298 47421 62640 76255 23347 ^49 39619 93470 95736 34113 299 47567 11883 24429 64807 i250 39794 00086 72037 60957 300 47712 12547 19662 4.3730j Tab. 2. TO 20 places. (189)1 N. 301 Logarithms. N. 35] Logarithms. 47856 64955 93843 35712 54530 71164 65824 08109 302 48000 69429 57150 63208 352 54654 26634 78131 01682 303 48144 26285 02305 01157 353 54777 47053 87822 56550 301. 48287 35836 08753 74239 354 54900 32620 25787 82277 | 305 48429 98393 46785 83867 355 55022 83530 55094 09088 306 48572 14264 81579 99834 356 55144 99979 72875 17515 307 48713 83754 77186 48475 357 55266 82161 12193 19655 308 48855 07165 00444 26189 358 55388 30266 43874 36478 309 48995 84794 24834 64247 359 55509 44485 78319 14782 310 49136 16938 34272 67967 360 55630 25007 67287 26502 311 49276 03890 26837 50555 361 55750 72019 05657 92307 312 49415 45940 18442 79214 362 55870 85705 33165 70550 313 49554 43375 46448 48481 363 55990 66250 36112 5188o| 314 49692 96480 73214 93198 364 56110 13836 49055 99035 315 49831 05537 89600 51009 365 56229 28644 56474 70586 316 49968 70826 18403 81842 366 56348 10853 94410 66639 317 50105 92622 17751 49455 367 56466 60642 52089 33799 318 50242 71199 84432 67814 368 56584 78186 73517 65972 319 50379 06830 57181 12808 369 56702 63661 59060 36910 320 50514 99783 19905 97607 370 56820 17240 66994 99681 321 50650^50324 04872 07813 371 56937 39096 1504^5 87635 322 50785 58716 95830 90479 372 57054 29398 SI897 50739 323 50920 25223 31102 89008 373 57170 88318 08687 60551 324 51054 50102 06612 13961 374 57287 16022 00480 16450 325 51188 33609 78874 37878 375 57403 12677 27718 S5165 326 51321 76000 67939 00285 376 57518 78449 27661 05006 327 51454 77526 60286 07250 377 57634 13502 05792 85654- 328 51587 38437 11679 08015 378 57749 17998 37225 33781 329 51719 58979 49974 29513 379 57863 92099 68072 34193 330 51851 39398 77887 47805 380 57978 35906 16810 15675 331 51982 79937 75718 73861 381 58092 49756 75619 30154 332 52113 80837 04036 29426 382 58206 33629 11708 73285 333 52244 42335 06319 87140 383 58319 87739 68622 74038 334 52374 64668 11564 47520 384 58433 12243 67530 80379 335 52504 48070 36845 23894 385 58546 072:^5 08500 67625] 336 52633 92773 89844 04886 386 58658 73046 71754 95581 337 52762 99008 71338 62619 387 58771 09650 18911 40100 338 52891 67002 77654 73363 388 58883 17255 94207 24221 339 53019 96982 03082 16009 389 58994 96013 25707 73624 340 53147 89170 42255 12375 390 59106 46070 26499 20650 341 53275 43789 92497 72042 391 59217 67573 95866 80741 342 53402 61060 56135 03134 392 59328 60670 20457 24707 343 53529 41200 42770 49214 393 59439 25503 75426 69811 344 53655 84425 71530 11205 394 59549 62218 25574 12259 345 53781 90950 73274 12095 395 59659 70956 26460 23278 j 346 53907 60987 92776 60977 396 59769 51859 25512 30577 347 54032 94747 90873 71854 397 59879 05067 63115 06588 348 54157 92439 46580 91506 398 59988 30720 73687 84531 349 54282 54269 59179 89654 399 60097 28956 86748 22954 350 54406 80443 50275 63550 400 60205 99913 27962 39043 090) LOGARITHMS Tab. 2. N. 401 Logarithms N. 451 Logarithms. 60314 43726 20182 30654 65417 65418 77960 53526 402 60422 60530 84470 06666 452 65513 84348 11382 11322 403 60530 50461 41109 44887 453 65609 82020 12831 87416 404 60638 13651 10604 96470 454 65705 58528 57103 91532 405 60745 50232 14668 55397 455 65801 13966 57112 40470 406 60852 60335 77194 11326 456 65896 48426 64434 98447 407 60959 44092 25220 03756 457 65991 620GO 69850 22235 40 S 61066 01630 89879 95148 458 66086 54780 03869 1S934[ 409 61172 33080 07341 80361 459 66181 26855 37261 24043 410 61278 38567 19735 49451 460 66275 78316 81574 07408 411 61384 18218 76069 20586 461 66370 09253 89648 14507 412 61489 72160 33134 59560 462 66464 19755 56125 50)97 413 61595 00516 56401 020P7 463 66558 09910 17953 13567 414 61700 03411 20898 94867 464 66651 79805 54880 86819 415 61804 80967 12092 70862 465 66745 29528 89953 92175 416 61909 33306 26742 74528 466 66838 59166 90000 16740 417 62013 60549 73757 51775 467 66931 68805 66112 16309 418 621 17 62817 75035 19750 468 67024 58530 74124 03422| 419 62221 40229 66295 30985 469 67117 28427 15083 26486 420 62324 92903 97900 46322 470 67209 78579 35717 46441 421 62428 20958 35668 30744 471 67302 09071 28896 17406 422 62531 24509 61673 86030 472 67394 19986 34087 77590 423 62634 03673 75042 33900 473 67486 11407 37811 56716 424 62736 5S565 92732 63127 474 67577 83416 74085 06050 425 62838 89300 50311 53811 475 67669 36096 24866 57111 426 62940 95991 02718 91860 476 67760 69527 20493 14968 427 63042 78750 25023 86460 477 67851 83790 40113 92022 428 63144 37690 13172 03126 478 67942 78966 12118 88022 429 63245 72921 84724 24725 479 68033 55134 14563 22010 430 63346 84555 79586 52641 480 68124 12373 75587 21815 431 63.447 72701 60731 60075 481 68214 50763 73831 76601 432 63548 37468 14912 09274 482 68304 70382 38849 57929 433 63648 78963 53365 44270 483 68394 71307 51512 14688 434 63748 97295 12510 70559 484 68484 53616 44412 47193 435 63848 92569 54637 32941 485 68574 17386 02263 65657 436 63948 64892 68586 02563 486 68663 62692 62293 38169 437 64048 14369 70421 84040 487 68752 89612 14634 33246 438 64147 41105 04099 53358 488 68841 98220 02710 61953 439 64246 45202 42121 37063 489 68930 88591 23620 24494 440 64345 26764 86187 43118 490 69019 60800 28513 66142 441 64443 85894 67838 53601 491 69108 14921 22968 47275 442 64542 22693 49091 89296 492 69196 51027 67360 32223 443 64640 37262 23069 56023 493 69284 69192 77230 015871 444 64738 29701 14619 82453 494 69372 69489 23646 92596 445 64836 00109 80931 58951 495 69460 51989 33568 72013| 446 64933 48587 12141 86869 496 69548 16764 90197 460521 447 65030 75231 31936 47555 497 69635 63887 33332 11681 448 65127 80139 98144 00199 498 69722 93427 59717 53634 449 65224 63410 03323 17492 499 69810 05456 23389 91417 450 65321 25137 75343 67938 500 69897 00043 36018 80479 Tab. 2. TO 20 PLACES. (191)1 N. 501 Logarithms. N. 557 Logarithms. 69983 77258 67245 71728 74115 15988 51785 04887 502 70070 37171 45019 33455 552 74193 90777 29198 90180 503 70156 79850 55927 39710 553. 74272 51313 04698 25871 504 70243 05364 45525 29094 554 74350 97647 28429 74899 505 70329 13781 18661 37906 555 74429 29831 22676 23889 506 70415 05168 39799 11483 556 74507 47915 82057 47088 507 70500 79593 33335 97571 557 74585 51951 73728 90044 508 70586 37122 83919 25467 558 74663 41989 37578 74947 509 70671 77823 36758 74657 559 74741 18078 86423 29561 510 70757 01760 97936 365S4^ 560 74818 80270 06200 41635] 511 70842 09001 34712 13179 561 74896 28612 56161 40659 512 70926 99609 75830 75692 562 74973 63155 69061 08808 513 71011 73651 11816 27342 563 75050 83948 51346 22909 514 71096 31189 95275 73238 564 75127 91039 83342 29214 515 71180 72290 41191 00996 565 75204 84478 19438 52758 516 71264 97016 27211 35413 566 75281 64311 88271 43077 517 71349 05430 93942 50516 567 75358 30588 92906 57989 518 71432 97597 45233 02273 568 75434 83357 11018 87173 519 71516 73578 48457 85186 569 75511 22663 95071 17229 520 71600.33436 34799 15963 570 75587 48556 72491 39883 521 71683 77232 99524 47424 571 75663 61082 45848 05004 522 71767 05030 02262 15714 572 75739 60287 93024 20038 523 71850 16888 67274 23926 573 75815 46219 67389 97493 524 71933 12869 83726 65124 574 75891 18923 97973 52044 525 72015 93034 05956 87758 575 75966 78446 89630 48844 526 72098 57441 53739 06419 576 76042 24834 23212 04587 527 72181 06152 12546 60821 577 76117 58131 55731 42849 528 72263 39225 33812 25890 578 76192 78384 20529 05229 | 529 72345 56720 35185 75774 579 76267 85637 27436 19789 530 72427 58696 00789 04563 580 76342 79935 62937 28255 531 72509 45210 81469 06485 581 76417 61323 90330 73454 532 72591 16322 95048 18268 582 76492 29846 49888 48429 533 72672 72090 26572 26372 583 76566 85547 59014 08638 534 72754 12570 28556 41723 584 76641 28471 12399 48672 535 72835 37820 21228 44562 585 76715 58660 82180 44858 536 72916 47896 92770 01979 586 76789 76160 18090 65146 537 72997 42856 99555 60687 587 76863 81012 47614 47606 538 73078 22756 66389 17530 588 76937 73260 76138 48915 | 539 73158 87651 86738 70217 589 77011 52947 87101 64120 540 73239 37598 22968 50710 590 77085 20116 42144 19026 541 73319 72651 06569 43688 591 77158 74808 81255 36467 542 73399 92865 38386 92473 592 77232 17067 22919 77766 543 73479 98295 88846 94758 593 77305 46933 64262 60640 544 73559 88996 98179 90461 594 77378 64449 81193 54785 545 73639 65022 76642 43999 595 77451 69657 28549 56404 546 73719 26427 04737 23243 596 77524 62597 40236 42868 547 73798 73263 33430 77381 597 77597 43311 29369 08740 548 73878 05584 84369 15899 598 77670 11839 88410 84329 549 73957 23444 50091 90848 599 77742 68223 89311 37983 550 74036 26894 94243 84554 600 77815 12503 83643 63251 (192) LOGARITHMS Tab. 2.1 N. 601 Logarithms. N. 651 Logarithms. 77887 44720 02739 52089 81358 09885 68191 94767 602 77959 64912 57824 55233 652 81424 75957 31920 19807 603 78031 73121 40151 30874 653 81491 31812 75073 92143 604 78103 69386 21131 82730 654 81557 77483 24267 26771 605 78175 53746 52468 88629 655 81624 12999 91783 06560 606 78247 26241 66286 20678 656 81690 38393 75660 27536 607 78318 86910 75257 58096 657 81756 53695 59780 77566 608 78390 35792 72734 93761 658 81822 58936 13955 49034 609 78461 72926 32875 35534 659 81888 54145 94009 86128 610 78532 98350 10767 03389 660 81954 39355 41868 67326 611 78604 12102 42554 23362 661 82020 14594 85640 23665 j 612 78675 14221 45561 19356 662 82085 79894 39699 93382 613 78746 04745 18415 03774 663 82151 35284 04773 13504 614 78816 83711 41167 67997 664 82216 80793 68017 48947 •615 78887 51157 75416 73659 665 82282 16453 03104 59703| 616 78958 07121 64425 45710 666 82347 42291 70301 06661 617 79028 51640 33241 68205 667 82412 58339 16548 96620 618 79098 84750 88815 83768 668 82477 64624 75545 67041 619 79169 06490 20117 97680 669 82542 61177 67823 11077 620 79239 16894 98253 87488 670 82607 48027 00826 43415 621 79309 16001 76580 19075 671 82672 25201 68992 07464 622 79379 03846 90818 70077 672 82736 92730 53825 24408 623 79448 80466 59169 61544 673 82801 50642 23976 84648 624 79518 45896 82423 98736 674 82865 98965 35319 82140 625 79588 00173 44075 21915 675 82930 37728 31024 92146 626 79657 43332 10429 68002 676 82994 66959 4.1635 92884 627 79726 75408 30716 43958 677 83058 86686 85144 31601 628 79795 96437 37196 12719 678 83122 96938 67063 35530 629 79865 06454 45268 92535 679 83186 97742 80501 68250 630 79934 05494 53581 70530 680 83250 89127 06236 31897 631 80002 93592 44134 31302 681 83314 71119 12785 15740 632 80071 70782 82385 01364 682 83378 43746 56478 91563 633 80140 37100 17355 10238 683 83442 07036 81532 56340 634 80208 92578 81732 68977 684 83505 61017 20116 22655 635 80277 37252 91975 66903 685 83569 05714 92425 57335 636 80345 71156 48413 87336 686 83632 41157 06751 68735 637 80413 94323 35350 43063 687 83695 67370 59550 43142 638 80482 06787 21162 32330 688 83758 84382 35511 30726 639 80550 08581 58400 16068 689 83821 92219 07625 81484 640 80617 99739 83887 17128 690 83884 90907 37255 31616 641 80685 80295 18817 42225 691 83947 80473 74198 40758 642 80753 50280 68853 27334 692 84010 60944 56757 80499 643 80821 09729 24222 07249 693 84073 32346 11806 74605 644 80888 58673 59812 10001 694 84135 94704 54854 91375 645 80955 97146 35267 76849 695 84198 48045 90113 88524 646 81023 25179 95084 08529 696 84260 92396 10562 11027 647 81090 42806 68700 38446 697 84323 27780 98009 42305 648 81157 50058 70593 33482 698 84385 54226 23161 09175 649 81224 46968 00369 23101 699 84447 71757 45681 40948 650 81291 33566 42855 57399 700 84509 80400 14256 83071 Tab. 2. TO 20 places. (193)| N. 701 Logarithms. N. 751 Logarithms. 84571 80179 66658 65706 87563 99370 04168 38975 702 84633 71121 29805 27631 752 87621 78405 91642 24527 703 84695 53250 19823 95834 753 87679 49762 00700 57664 704 84757 26591 42112 21203 754 87737 13458 69774 05175 705 84818 91169 91398 70650 755 87794 69516 291-88 24166 706 84880 47010 51803 76071 756 87852 17955 01206 53302 707 84941 94137 96899 40499 757 87909 58795 00072 75709 708 85003 32576 89769 01798 758 87966 92056 32053 53715 709 85064 62351 83066 54285 759 88024 17758 95480 35691 710 85125 83487 19075 28609 760 88081 35922 80791 35196 711 85186 96007 29766 30258 761 88138 46567 70572 82637 712 85247 99936 3Q856 37036 762 88195 49713 39600 49675 713 85308 95298 51865 55853 763 88252 45379 54880 46591 714 85369 82117 76174 39176 764 88309 33585 75689 92806 715 85430 60418 01080 61474 765 88366 14351 53617 60792 716 85491 30223 07855 56000 766 88422 87696 32603 93559 717 85551 91556 67800 12230 767 88479 53639 48980 95947 718 85612 44442 42300 34303 768 88536 12200 31511 99900 719 85672 88903 82882 60777 769 88592 63398 01431 03960 720 85735 24964 31268 46023 770 88649 07251 72481 87146 721 85793 52647 19429 03588 771 88705 43780 50956 97446 722 85853 71975 69639 11829 772 88761 73003 35736 15102 723 85913 82972 94530 82137 773 88817 94939 18324 90897 724 85973 85661 97146 90071 774 88874 09606 82892 59621 725 86033 80065 70993 69691 775 88930 17025 06310 28924 726 86093 66207 00093 71401 776 88986 17212 58188 43743 727 86153 44108 59037 83621 777 89042 10188 00914 26482 728 86213 13793 13037 18556 778 89097 95969 89688 93146 ' 729 86272 75283 17974 62377 779 89153 74576 72564 45605 730 86332 28601 20455 90107 780 89209 46026 90480 40172 731 86391 73769 57860 45495 781 89265 10338 77300 32684 732 86451 10810 58391 86161 782 89320 67530 59848 00262 733 86510 39746 41127 94317 783 89376 17620 57943 39922 734 86569 60599 16070 53320 784 89431 60626 84438 44228 735 86628 73390 84194 90351 785 89486 96567 45252 54155 736 86687 78143 37498 85494 786 89542 25460 39407 89332 737 86746 74878 59051 47490 787 89597 47323 59064 55847 738 86805 63618 23041 56431 788 89652 62174 89555 31780 739 86864 44383 94825 73669 789 89707 70032 09420 30627 740 86923 17197 30976 19202 790 89762 70912 90441 42799 741 86981 82079 79328 16804 791 89817 64834 97676 55351 742 87040 39052 79027 07156 792 89872 .51815 89493 50098 743 87098 88137 60575 29242 793 89927 31873 17603 80309 744 87157 29355 45878 70260 794 89982 05024 27096 26109 745 87215 62727 48292 84304 795 90036 71286 56470 28771 746 87273 88274 72668 80072 796 90091 30677 37669 04053 747 87332 06018 15398 77842 797 90145 83213 96112 34727 748 87390 15978 64461 35972 798 90200 28913 50729 42476 749 87 448 18176 99466 47155 799 90254 67793 13991 39295 750 87506 12633 91700 04687 800 90308 99869 91943 5S564 094) LOGARITHMS. Tab. 2. N. 801 Logarithms. N. 851 Logarithms. 90363 25160 84237 65931 92992 95600 84587 87568 802 90417 43682 84163 50176 852 93043 95947 66700 11382 803 90471 55452 78680 94182 853 93094 90311 67523 03000 804 90525 60487 48451 26187 854 93145 78706 89005 05981 805 90579 58803 67868 51437 855 93196 61147 28172 64091 1 806 90633 50418 05090 64409 856 93247 37646 77153 22648 807 90687 35347 22070 41738 857 93298 08219 23198 16429 808 90741 13607 74586 15992 858 93348 72878 48705 44247 809 90794 85216 12272 30432 859 93399 31638 31242 30263 810 90848 50188 78649 74918 860 93449 84512 43567 72162 811 90902 08542 11156 03069 861 93500 31514 53654 76252 812 90955 60292 41175 30847 862 93550 72658 24712 79596 813 91009 05455 94068 16682 863 93601 07957 15209 59266 814- 91062 44048 89201 23277 864 93651 37424 78893 28795 815 91115 76087 39976 61243 865 93701 61074 64814 21935! 816 91169 01587 53861 14669 866 93751 78920 17346 637911 817 91222 20565 32415 48794 867 93801 90974 76210 29438 818 91275 33036 71322 99882 868 93851 97251 76491 90081 819 91328 39017 60418 47451 869 93901 97764 48666 46875 820 91381 38523 83716 68972 870 93951 92526 18618 52463' 821 91434 31571 19440 77180 871 94001 81550 07663 20336 822 91487 18175 40050 40107 872 94051 64849 32567 22084 823 91539 98352 12269 83977 873 94101 42437 05569 72637 824 91592 72116 97115 79081 874 94151 14326 34403 03562 825 91645 39485 49925 08762 875 94200 80530 22313 24507 826 91698 00473 20382 21619 876 94250 41061 68080 72880 827 91750 55095 52546 67071 877 94299 95933.66040 5 1 823 828 91803 03367 84880 14389 878 94349 45159 06102 56585 829 91855 45305 50273 55312 879 94398 88750 73771 89354 830 91907 80923 76073 90^83 880 94448 26721 50168 62639 831 91960 10237 84110 99107 881 94497 59084 12047 91274 832 92012 33262 90723 94049 882 94546 85851 31819 73123 833 92064 50014 06787 58996 S83 94596 07035 775G8 58562 834 92116 60506 37738 71297 884 94645 22650 13073 08817 835 92168 64754 83602 08477 885 94694 32706 97825 43234 836 92220 62774 39016 39271 ' 886 94743 37218 87050 75544 837 92272 54579 93259 99155 887 94792 36198 31726 39220 838 92324 40186 30276 50506 888 94841 29657 78601 01974 839 92376 19608 28700 27500 889 94890 17609 70213 69496 840 92427 92860 61881 65843 890 94939 00066 44912 78472 841 92479 59957 97912 17467 891 94987 77040 36874 78993 842 92531 20914 99649 50266 892 95036 48543 76123 06390 843 92582 75746 24742 33016 893 95085 14588 S8546 42595 844 92634 24466 25655 05551 894 95133 75187 959-17 67077 845 92685 67089 49692 34320 895 95182 30353 15911 97436 .846 92737 03630 39023 53422 896 95230 80096 62125 19721 847 92788 34103 30706 ,91221 897 95279 24430 44092 08537 848 92839 58522 56713 82649 898 95327 63366 67304 37013 849 92890 76902 43952 67285 899 95375 96917 33228 76700 850 92941 89257 14292 73333 900 95424 25094 39324 87459 Tab. 2. TO 20 PLACES. (195)1 N. 901 \ Logarithms. N. 951 Logarithms. 95472 47909 79062 97417 97818 05169 37413 93185 902 95520 65375 41941 73047 952 97863 '69483 84474 34489 903 95568 77503 13505 79441 953 97909 29006 38326 40853 904 95616 84304 75363 30844 954 97954 83747 04095 11544 905 95664 85792 05203 31508 955 98000 33715 83746 34242 906 95712 81976 76813 06938 956 98045 78922 76100 07543 907 95760 72870 60095 25585 957 98091 19377 76843 56538 908 95808 58485 21085 11053 958 98136 55090 78544 41531 909 95856 38832 21967 44887 959 98181 86071 70663 59928 910 95904 13923 21093 59992 960 98227 12330 39568 41336 911 95951 83769 72998 24763 961 98272 33876 68545 35933 912 95999 48383 28416 17969 962 98317 50720 37812 96123 913 96047 07775 34298 94458 963 98362 62871 24534 51542| 914 96094 61957 33831 41757 964 98407 70339 02830 77450 915 96142 10940 66448 27597 965 98452 73133 43792 56538 91^ 96189 54736 67850 38456 966 98497 71264 15493 34209 917 96236 93356 70021 09152 967 98542 64740 83001 67360 918 96284 26812 01242 43564 968 98587 53573 08393 66714 919 96331 55113 86111 26520 969 98632 37770 50765 32737 920 9637.8 78273 45555 26930 970 98677 17342 66244 85178 921 96425 96301 96848 92205 971 98721 92299 08004 86280 922 96473 09210 53629 34029 972 98766 62649 26274 57690 923 96520 17010 25912 05530 973 98811 28402 68351 91117 924 96567 19712 20106 69918 974 98855 89568 78615 52768 925 96614 17327 39032 60638 975 98900 46156 98536 81607 926 96661 09866 81934 33089 976 98944 98476 66691 81474 927 96707 97341 44497 07976 977 98989 45637 18773 07091 928 96754 79762 18862 06340 978 99033 88547 87601 44015 929 96801 57139 93641 76318 979 99078 26918 03137 82547 930 96848 29485 53935 11696 980 99122 60756 92494 85664 931 96894 96809 81342 62296 981 99166 90073 79948 50979 932 96941 59123 53981 36262 982 99211 14877 86949 66797 933 96988 16437 46499 94285 983 99255 35178 32135 62275 934 97034 68762 30093 35830 984 99299 50984 31341 51745 935 97081 16108 72517 77408 985 99343 62304 97611 73216 936 97127 58487 38105 22944 986 99387 69149 41211 21109 937 97173 95908 87778 26303 987 99431 71526 69636 73242 938 97220 28383 79064 46008 988 99475 69445 87628 12117 939 97266 55922 66110 92210 989 99519 62915 97179 40527 940 97312 78535 99698 65963 990 99563 51945 97549 91534 941 97358 96234 27256 90834 991 99607 36544 85275 32836 942 97405 09027 92877 36927 992 99651 16721 54178 65574 943 97451 16927 37328 37338 993 99694 92484 95381 17590 944 97497 19942 98068 97112 994 99738 63843 97313 31202 945 97543 18085 09262 94738 995 99782 30807 45725 45489 946 97589 11364 01792 76237 996 99825 93384 23698 73156 947 97634 99790 03273 41875 997 99869 51583 11655 71988 948 97680 83373 3^66 25572 998 99913 05412 87371 10938 949 97726 62124 27292 67028 999 99956 54882 25982 30869 950 97772v 36052 88847 76632 1001 00043 40774 79318 64067 3C2 |(196') LOGARITHMS Tab. 2. N. 1003 Logarithms. N. Logarithms. 00130 09330 20418 11880 1103 04257 55124 40190 59866 1005 00216 60617 56507 67623 1105 04336 22780 21729 50254 1007 00302 94705 53618 00717 1107 04414 76208 78722 80639 1009 00389 11662 36910 52172 1109 04493 15461 49160 06471 1011 00475 1155;5 91001 06349 1111 04571 40589 40867 61503 1013 00560 94453 60280 42845 1113 04649 51643 34708 31364 1015 00646 60422 49231 72283 1115 04727 48673 84779 47827 1017 00732 09529 22744 59739 1117 04805 31731 15609 05702 1019 00817 41840 06426 39490 1119 04883 00865 28350 04281 1021 00902 57420 86910 24725 1121 04960 56125 94973 15180 1023 00987 56337 12160 15771 1123 05037 97562 61457 78469 1025 01072 38653 91773 10408 1125 05115 25224 47981 28895 1027 01157 04435 97278 19720 1127 05192 39160 46106 54029 1029 01241 53747 62432 92943 1129 05269 39419 24967 86114 1031 01325 86652 83516 54691 1131 05346 26049 25455 29384 1033 01410 03215 19620 57904 1133 05422 99098 63397 24592 1035 01494 03497 92936 55824 1135 05499 58615 29741 52489 1037 01577 87563 89040 96243 1137 05576 04646 87734 77923 1039 01661 55475 57177 41240 1139 05652 37240 79100 36269| 1041 01745 07295 10536 15583 1141 05728 56444 18214 63835 1043 01828 43084 26530 86897 1143 05804 62303 95281 73884 1045 01911 62904 47072 80707 1145 05880 54866 75906 79892 1047 01994 66816 78842 33384 1147 05956 34179 01267 67648 1049 02077 54881 93557 85991 1149 06032 00286 88285 17768 1051 02160 27160 28242 22008 1151 06107 53236 29791 80185 1053 02242 83711 85486 51839 1153 06182 93072 94699 02164 1055 02325 24596 33711 46987 1155 06258 19842 28163 11355 1057 02407 49873 07426 26758 1157 06333 33589 51749 55393 1059 02489 59601 07485 00279 1159 06408 34359 63595 99543 1061 02571 53839 01340 66612 1161 06483 22197 38573 83830 1063 02653 32645 23296 75697 1163 06557 97147 28448 41139 1065 02734 96077 74756 52817 1165 06632 59253 62037 77698 1067 02816 44194 24469 89253 1167 06707 08560 45370 17354 1069 02897 77052 08778 01749 1169 06781 45111 61840 11069 1071 02978 94608 31855 63385 1171 06855 68950 72363 12990| 1073 03059 97219 65951 08414 1173 06929 80121 15529 24471 1075 03140 84642 51624 13598 1175 07003 78666 07755 07399 1077 03221 57032 97981 58511 1177 07077 64628 43434 68158 1079 03302 14446 82910 67304 1179 07151 38050 95089 13541 | 1081 03382 56939 53310 34328 1181 07224 98976 13514 79908 1083 03462 84566 25320 36037 1183 07298 47446 27930 36912 1085 03542 97381 85148 31517 1185 07371 83503 46122 67008 1087 03622 95440 86294 53993 | 1187 07445 07189 54591 22047 1089 03702 78797 55774 95610 1189 07518 18546 18691 58184 1091 03782 47505 88341 87761 1191 07591 17614 82777 50318 1093 03862 01619 49702 79227 j 1193 07664 04436 70341 87279 1095 03941 41191 76137 14316 1195 07736 79052 84156 48979 1097 04020 66275 74711 13222 1197 07809 41504 06410 66684 1099 04099 76924 23490 56747 1199 07881 91830 98848 67595 1101 04178 73189 71751 77529 Tab. 3. TO 20 PLACES. (K97)i Num. Logarithms. Differ. 1. Diff. 2. D.S. 101000 00432 13737 82642 57428 42999 24078 66099 42572 87346 84301 101001 00432 56737 06721 23527 42998 81505 78753 42572 03045 84298 101002 00432 99735 88227 02280 42998 38933 75708 42571 18747 84295 101003 00433 42734 27160 77988 42997 96362 56961 42570 34452 S4294 101004. 00433 85732 23523 34949 42997 53792 22509 42569 50158 84290 101005 00434 28729 77315 57458 42997 11222 72351 42568 65868 84288 101006 00434 71726 88538 29809 42996 68654 06483 42567 81580 84286 101007 00435 14723 57192 36292 42996 26086 24903 42566 97294 84283 101008 00435 57719 83278 61195 42995 83519 27609 42566 13011 84281 101009 00436 00715 66797 88804 42995 40953 14598 42565 28730 84277 101010 00436 43711 07751 03402 42994 98387 85868 42564 44453 84277 101011 00436 86706 06138 89270 42994 55823 41415 42563 60176 84272 101012 00437 29700 61962 30685 42994 13259 81239 42562 75904 84271 101013 00437 72694 75222 11924 42993 70697 05335 42561 91633 84268 101014 00438 15688 45919 17259 42993 28135 13702 42561 07365 84266 101015 00438 58681 74054 30961 42992 85574 06337 42560 23099 84263 101016 00439 01674 59628 37298 42992 43013 83238 42559 38836 84260 101017 00439 44667 02642 20536 42992 00454 44402 42558 54576 84258 101018 00439 87659 03096 64938 42991 57895 89826 42557 70318 84257 101019 00440 .30650 60992 54764 42991 15338 19508 42556 86061 84251 101020 00440 73641 76330 74272 42990 72781 33447 42556 01810 84252 101021 00441 16632 49112 07719 42990 30225 31637 42555 17558 84248 101022 00441 59622 79337 39356 42989 87670 14079 42554 33310 84245 101023 00442 02612 67007 53435 42989 45115 80769 42553 49065 84244 101024 00442 45602 12123 34204 42989 02562 31704 42552 64821 84239 101025 00442 88591 14685 65908 42988 60009 66883 42551 80582 84239 101026 00443 31579 74695 32791 42988 17457 86301 42550 96343 84236 101027 00443 74567 92153 19092 42987 74906 89958 42550 12107 84233 101028 00444 17555 67060 09050 42987 32356 77851 42549 27874 84230 101029 00444 60542 99416 86901 42986 89807 49977 42548 43644 84228 101030 00445 03529 89224 36878 42986 47259 06333 42547 59416 84225 101031 00445 46516 36483 43211 42986 04711 46917 42546 75191 84225 101032 00445 89502 41194 90128 42985 62164 71726 42545 90966 84219 101033 00446 32488 03359 61854 42985 19618 80760 42545 06747 84219 101034 00446 75473 22978 42614 42984 77073 74013 42544 22528 84214 101035 00447 18458 00052 16627 42984 34529 51485 42543 38314 84215 101036 00447 61442 34581 68112 42983 91986 13171 42542 54099 84209 101037 00448 04426 26567 81283 42983 49443 59072 42541 69890 84209 101038 00448 47409 76011 40355 42983 06901 89182 42540 85681 81205 101039 00448 90392 82913 29537 42982 64361 03501 42540 01476 84204 101040 00449 33375 47274 33038 42982 21821 02025 42539 17272 84199 101041 00449 76357 69095 35063 42981 79281 84753 42538 33073 84199 101042 00450 19339 48377 19816 42981 36743 51680 42537 48874 84196 101043 00450 62320 85120 71496 42980 94206 02806 42536 64678 84193 101044 00451 05301 79326 74302 42980 51669 38128 42535 80485 84189 101045 00451 48282 30996 12430 42980 09133 57643 42534 96296 84189 101046 00451 91262 40129 70073 42979 66598 61347 42534 12107 84187 101047 00452 34242 06728 31420 42979 24064 49240 42533 27920 84181 101048 00452 77221 30792 80660 42978 81531 21320 42532 43739 84181 101049 00453 20200 12324 01980 42978 38998 77581 42531 59558 84178 (198) LOGARITHMS Tab. 3. Num. Logarithms. Differ. I. Diff. 2. D.3. 101050 00453 63178 51322 79561 42977 96467 1 8023 42530 75380 84177 101051 00454 06156 47789 97584 42977 53936 42643 42529 91203 84172 101052 00454 49134 01726 40227 42977 11406 51440 42529 07031 84170 101053 00454 92111 13132 91667 42976 68877 44409 42528 22861 84168 101054 00455 35087 82010 36076 42976 26349 21548 42527 38^693 84167 101055 00455 78064 08359 57624 42975 83821 82855 42526 54526 84162 101056 00456 21039 92181 40479 42975 41295 28329 42525 70364 84161 101057 00456 64015 33476 68808 42974 98769 57965 42524 86203 84158 101058 00457 06990 32246 26773 42974 56244 71762 42524 02045 84155 101059 00457 49964 88490 98535 42974 13720 69717 42523 17890 84154 101060 00457 92939 02211 68252 42973 71197 51827 42522 33736 84150 101061 00458 35912 73409 20079 42973 28675 18091 42521 49586 84148 101062 00458 78886 02084 38170 42972 86153 68505 42520 65438 84146 101063 0045^ 21858 88238 06675 42972 43633 03067 42519 81292 84143 101064 00459 64831 31871 09742 42972 0U13 21775 42518 97149 84140 101065 00460 07803 S2984 31517 42971 58594 24626 42518 13009 84138 101066 00460 50774 91578 56143 42971 16076 11617 42517 28871 84137 101067 00460 93746 07654 67760 42970 73558 82746 42516 44734 84132 101068 00461 36716 81213 50506 42970 31042 38012 42515 60602 84130 101069 00461 79687 12255 88518 42969 88526 77410 42514 76472 84130 101070 00462 22657 00782 65928 42969 46012 00938 42513 92342 84124 101071 00462 65626 46794 66S66 42969 03498 08596 42513 08218 84123 101072 00463 08595 50292 75462 42968 60985 00378 42512 24095 84122 101073 00463 51564 11277 75840 42968 18472 76283 42511 39973 84117 101074 00463 94532 29750 52123 42967 75961 36310 42510 55S56 84116 101075 00464 37500 05711 88433 42967 33450 80454 42509 71740 84113 101076 00464 80467 39162 68887 42966 90941 08714 42508 87627 84111 101077 00465 23434 30103 77601 42966 48432 21087 42508 03516 84107 101078 00465 66400 78535 98688 42966 05924 17571 42507 19409 84107 101079 00466 09366 84460 16259 42965 63416 98162 42506 35302 84102 101080 00466 52332 47877 14421 42965 20910 62860 42505 51200 84102 101081 00466 95297 68787 77281 42964 78405 11660 42504 67098 84097 101082 00467 38262 47192 88941 42964 35900 44562 42503 83001 84095 101083 00467 81226 83093 33503 42963 93396 61561 42502 98906 84095 101084 00468 24190 76489 95064 42963 50893 62655 42502 14811 84090 101085 00468 67154 27383 57719 42963 08391 47844 42501 30721 84087 101086 00469 10117 35775 05563 42962 65890 17123 42500 46634 84087 101087 00469 53080 01665 22686 42962 23389 70489 42499 62547 84083 101088 00469 96042 25054 93175 42961 80890 07942 42498 78464 84080 101089 00470 39004 05945 01117 42961 38391 29478 42497 94384 84078 101090 00470 81965 44336 30595 42960 95893 35094 42497 10306 84077 101091 00471 24926 40229 65689 42960 53396 24788 42496 26229 84073 101092 00471 67886 93625 90477 42960 10899 98559 42495 42156 84069 101093 00472 10847 04525 89036 42959 68404 56403 42494 58087 84070 101094 00472 53806 72930 45439 42959 25909 98316 42493 74017 84065 101095 00472 96765 98840 43755 42958 83416 24299 42492 89952 84063 101096 00473 39724 82256 68054 42958 40923 34347 42492 05889 84060 101097 00473 82683 23180 02401 42957 98431 28458 42491 21829 84061 101098' 00474 25641 21611 30859 42957 55940 06629 42490 37768 84052 101099 00474 68598 77551 37488 42957 13449 68861 42489 53716 84056 Tab. 3. TO 20 PLACES. (199) Num. Logarithms. Differ. 1. Diff. 2. D.3. 101 100 00475 11555 91001 06349 42956 70960 15145 42488 69660 84050 101101 00475 54512 61961 21494 42956 28471 45485 42487 85610 84048 101102 00475 97468 90432 66979 42955 85983 59875 42487 01562 84046 101103 00476 40424 76416 26854 42955 43496 58313 42486 17516 84043 101104 00476 83380 19912 85167 42955 01010 40797 42485 33473 84040 101105 00477 26335 20923 25964 42954 58525 07324 42484 49433 84040 101106 00477 69289 79448 33288 42954 16040 57891 42483 65393 84034 101107 00478 12243 95488 91179 42953 73556 92498 42482 81359 84035 101108 00478 55197 69045 83677 42953 31074 11139 42481 97324 84030 101109 00478 98151 00119 94816 42952 88592 13815 42481 13294 84028 lOlllO 00479 41103 88712 08631 42952 461 U 00521 42480 29266 84025 101111 00479 84056 34823 09152 42952 03630 71255 42479 45241 84026 101112 00480 27008 38453 80407 42951 61151 26014 42478 61215 84018 101113 00480 69959 99605 06421 42951 18672 64799 42477 77197 84020 101114 00481 12911 18277 71220 42950 76194 87602 42476 93177 84015 101115 00481 55861 94472 58822 42950 33717 94425 42476 09162 84013 101116 00481 98812 28190 53247 42949 91241 85263 42475 25149 84012 101117 00482 41762 19432 38510 42949 43766 60114 42474 41137 84008 101118 00482 84711 68198 98624 42949 06292 18977 42473 57129 84006 101119 00483 .27660 74491 17601 42948 63818 61848 42472 73123 84002 101120 00483 70609 38309 79449 42948 21345 88725 42471 89121 84003 101121 00484 13557 59655 68174 42947 78873 99604 42471 05118 83996 101122 00484 56505 38529 67778 42947 36402 94486 42470 21122 83998 i 101123 00484 99452 74932 62264 42946 93932 73364 42469 37124 83993! 101124 00485 42399 68865 35628 42946 51463 36240 42468 53131 83990, 101125 00485 85346 20328 71868 42946 08994 83109 42467 69141 83988 101126 00486 28292 29323 54977 42945 66527 13968 42466 85153 83988 101127 00486 71237 95850 68945 42945 24060 28815 42466 01165 83982 101128 00487 14183 19910 97760 42944 81594 27650 42465 17183 83981 101129 00487 57128 01505 25410 42944 39129 10467 42464 33202 83978 101130 00488 00072 40634 35877 42943 96664 77265 42463 49224 83978 101131 00488 43016 37299 13142 42943 54201 28041 42462 65246 83971 101132 00488 85959 91500 41183 42943 11738 62795 42461 81275 83972 101133 00489 28903 03239 03978 42942 69276 81520 42460 97303 83969 101134 00489 71845 72515 85498 42942 26815 84217 42460 13334 83965 101135 00490 14787 99331 69715 42941 84355 70883 42459 29369 83964 101136 00490 57729 83687 40598 42941 41896 41514 42458 45405 83962 101137 00491 00671 25583 82112 42940 99437 96109 42457 61443 83957 101138 00491 43612 25021 78221 42940 56980 34666 42456 77486 83956 j 101 139 00491 86552 82002 12887 42940 14523 57180 42455 93530 83954 101140 00492 29492 96525 70067 42939 72067 63650 42455 09576 83951 101141 00492 72432 68593 33717 42939 29612 54074 42454 25625 83949 101142 00493 15371 98205 87791 42938 87158 28449 42453 41676 83946 1 101143 00493 58310 85364 16240 42938 44704 86773 42452 57730 839441 101144 00494 01249 30069.03013 42938 02252 29043 42451 73786 83941 101145 00494 44187 32321 32056 42937 59800 55257 42450 89845 83938 101146 00494 87124 92121 87313 42937 17349 65412 42450 05907 83936 101147 00495 30062 09471 52725 42936 74899 59505 42449 21971 83934 101148 00495 72998 84371 12230 42936 32450 37534 42448 38037 83931 101149 00496 15935 16821 49764 42935 90001 99497 42447 54106 83929 TABLE IV. (200) LOGARITHMS AND Tab. 4. Log. Number. Differ. 1. Diff. 2. D.3. 00000 10000 00000 00000 00000 23026 11602 68807 53020 20192 1 22087 00001 10000 23026 11602 68807 23026 64622 88999 53021 42279 1 22085 00002 10000 46052 76225 57806 23027 17644 31278 53022 64364 1 22093 0000.3 10000 69079 93869 89084 23027 70666 95642 53023 86457 1 22093 00004 10000 92107 64536 S4726 23028 23690 82099 53025 08550 1 22094 00005 1000 1 15135 88227 66825 23028 76715 90649 53026 30644 I 22102 00006 10001 38164 64943 57474 23029 29742 21293 53027 52746 I 22100 00007 10001 61193 94685 78767 23029 82769 74039 53028 74846 1 22106 00008 1000 1 84223 77455 52806 23030 35798 48885 53029 96952 1 22104 00009 10002 07254 13254 01691 23030 88828 45837 53031 19056 1 22114 00010 10002 30285 02082 47528 23031 41859 64893 53032 41170 1 22112 00011 10002 53316 43942 12421 23031 94892 06063 530!i3 63282 1 22115 00012 10002 76348 38834 18484 23032 47925 69345 53034 85397 1 22120 00013 10002 99380 86759 87829 23033 00960 54742 53036 07517 1 22120 00014 10003 22413 87720 42571 23033 53996 62259 53037 29637 1 22125 00015 10003 45447 41717 04830 23034 07033 91896 53038 51762 1 22128 00016 10003 68481 48750 96726 23034 60072 43658 53039 73890 1 22128 00017 10003 91516 08823 40384 23035 13112 17548 53040 96018 1 22134 00018 10004 14551 21935 57952 23035 66153 13566 53042 18152 1 22136 00019 10004 37586 88088 71498 23036 19195 31718 53043 40288 I 22137 00020 10004 60623 07284 03216 23036 72238 72006 53044 62425 1 22142 00021 10004 83659 79522 75222 23037 25283 34431 53045 84567 1 22144 00022 10005 06697 04806 09653 23037 78329 18998 53047 06711 1 22146 00023 10005 29734 83135 28651 23038 31376 25709 53048 28857 1 22151 00024 10005 52773 14511 54360 23038 84424 54566 53049 51008 1 22151, 00025 10005 75811 98936 08926 23039 37474 05574 53050 73159 1 22156 00026 10005 98851 36410 14500 25039 90524 78733 53051 95315 1 22158 00027 10006 21891 26934 93233 23040 43576 74048 53053 17473 1 22161 00028 10006 44931 70511 67281 23040 96629 91521 53054 39634 1 22163 00029 10006 67972 67141 58802 23041 49684 31155 53055 61797 1 22167 00030 10006 91014 16825 89957 23042 02739 92952 53056 83964 1 22170 00031 10007 14056 19565 82909 23042 55796 76916 53058 06134 1 22170 00032 10007 37098 75362 59825 23045 08854 83050 53059 28304 1 22177 00033 10007 60141 84217 42875 23043 61914 11354 53060 50481 1 22177 00034 10007 83185 46131 54229 23044 14974 61835 53061 72658 1 22180 00035 10008 06229 61106 1 6064 23044 68036 34493 53062 94838 1 22185 00036 10008 29274 29142 50557 23045 21099 29331 53064 17023 1 22184 00037 10008 52319 50241 79888 23045 74163 46354 53065 39207 1 22190 00038 10008 75365 24405 26242 23046 27228 85561 53066 61397 1 22192 00039 10008 98411 51634 11803 23046 80295 46958 53067 83589 1 22195 00040 10009 21458 31929 58761 23047 33363 30547 53069 05784 I 22196 00041 10009 44505 65292 89308 23047 86432 36331 53070 27980 1 22202 00042 10009 67553 51725 25639 23048 39502 64311 53071 50182 1 22202 00043 10009 90601 91227 89950 23048 92574 14493 53072 72384 1 22206 00044 10010 13650 83802 04443 23049 45646 86877 53073 94590 1 22208 00045 10010 36700 29448 91320 23049 98720 81467 53075 16798 1 22213 00046 10010 59750 28169 72787 23050 51795 98265 53076 3901 1 1 22213 00047 10010 82800 79965 71052 23051 04872 37276 53077 61224 1 22218 00048 10011 05851 84838 08328 23051 57949 98500 53078 83442 I 22219 00049 10011 28903 42788 06828, 23052 11028 81942 53080 05661 1 22224 Tab. 4. NUMBERS TO 20 PLACES. (^01) Log. Number. Differ. 1. Diff.2. D. 3. 00050 1001 1 51955 53816 88770 23052 64108 87603 53081 27885 I 22225 00051 10011 75008 17925 76373 23053 17190 15488 53082 50110 1 22228 00052 10011 98061 35115 91861 23053 70272 65598 53083 72338 1 22232 00053 10012 21115 05388 57459 23054 23356 37936 53084 94570 1 22233 00054 10012 44169 28744 95395 23054 76441 32506 53086 16803 1 22238 00055 10012 67224 05186 27901 23055 29527 49309 53087 39041 1 22238 00056 10012 90279 34713 77210 23055 82614 88350 53088 61279 1 22244 00057 10013 13335 17328 65560 23056 35703 49629 53089 83523 1 22245 00058 10013 36391 53032 15189 23056 88793 33152 53091 05768 1 22247 00059 10013 59448 41825 48341 23057 41884 38920 53092 28015 1 22252 00060 10013 82505 83709 87261 23057 94976 66935 53093 50267 1 22254 00061 10014 05563 78686 54196 23058 48070 17202 53094 72521 1 22255 00062 10014 28622 26756 71398 23059 01164 89723 53095 94776 1 22261 00063 10014 51681 27921 61121 23059 54260 84499 53097 17037 1 22262 00064 10014 74740 82182 45620 23060 07358 01536 53098 39299 1 22263 00065 10014 97800 89540 47156 23060 60456 40835 53099 61562 1 22270 00066 10015 20861 49996 87991 23061 1S556 02397 53100 83832 1 22270 00067 10015 43922 03552 90388 23061 6G656 86229 53102 06102 1 22273 00068 10015 66984 30209 76617 23062 19758 92331 53103 28375 1 22276 00069 10015 90046 49968 68948 23062 72862 20706 53104 50651 1 22280 00070 10016 13109 22830 89654 23063 25966 71357 53105 72931 1 22282 00071 10016 36172 48797 61011 23063 79072 44288 53106 95213 1 22284 00072 10016 59236 27870 05299 23064 32179 39501 53108 17497 1 22287 00073 10016 82300 60049 44800 23064 85287 56998 53109 39784 1 22290 00074 10017 05365 45337 01798 23065 38396 96782 53110 62074 1 22295 00075 10017 28430 83733 98580 23065 91507 58856 53111 84369 1 22295 00076 10017 51496 75241 57436 23066 44619 43225 53113 06664 I 22299 00077 10017 74563 19861 00661 23066 97732 49889 53114 28963 1 22301 00078 10017 97630 17 593 50550 23067 50846 78852 53115 51264 1 22305 00079 10018 20697 68440 29402 23068 03962 30116 53116 73569 1 22306 00080 10018 43765 72402 59518 23068 57079 03685 53U7 95875 1 22312 00081 10018 66834 29481 63203 23069 10196 99560 53119 18187 1 22312 00082 10018 89903 39678 62763 23069 63316 17747 53120 40499 1 22315 00083 10019 12973 02994 80510 23070 16436 58246 53121 62814 1 22318 00084 10019 36043 19431 38756 23070 69558 21060 53122 85132 1 22324 00085 10019 59113 88989 59816 23071 22681 06192 53124 07456 1 22321 00086 10019 82185 11670 66008 23071 75805 13648 53125 29777 1 22329 00087 10020 05256 87475 79656 23072 28930 43425 53126 52106 1 22329 00088 10020 28329 16406 23081 23072 82056 95531 53127 74435 1 22332 00089 10020 51401 98463 18612 23073 35184 69966 53128 96767 1 22336 00090 10020 74475 33647 88578 23073 88313 66733 53130 19103 1 22339 00091 10020 97549 21961 55311 23074 41443 85836' 53131 41442 1 22339 00092 10021 20623 63405 41147 23074 94575 27278 53132 63781 1 22346 00093 10021 43698 57980 68425 23075 47707 91059 53133 86127 1 22345 00094 10021 66774 05688 59484 23076 00841 77186 53135 08472 1, 22351 00095 10021 89850 06530 36670 23076 53976 85658 53136 30823 1 22350 00096 10022 12926 60507 22328 23077 07113 1 648 1 53137 53173 1 223 58 00097 10022 36003 67620 38809 23077 60250 69654 53138 75531 1 22355 00098 10022 59081 27871 08463 23078 13389 45185 53139 97886 1 22363 00099 10022 82159 41260 53648 23078 66529 43071 53141 20249 1 22362 3 P (20^2) LOGARITHMS and NUMBERS tO 20 PLACES. Tab. 4.] Log. Number. Differ. 1. Diff. Q. D. 3. 00100 10023 05238 077S9 96719 23079 19670 63320 53142 42611 1 22368 00101 10023 28317 27460 60039 23079 72813 05931 53143 64979 1 22367 00102 10023 51397 00273 65970 23080 25956 70910 53144 87346 1 22374 00103 10023 74477 26230 36880 23080 79101 58256 53146 09720 1 22374 00104 10023 97558 05331 95136 23081 32247 67976 53147 32094 1 22^378 00105 10024 20639 37579 63112 23081 85395 00070 53148 54472 1 22380 00106 10024 43721 22974 63182 23082 38543 54542 53149 76852 1 22383 00107 10024 66803 61518 17724 23082 91693 31394 53150 99235 1 22386 00108 10024 89886 53211 49118 23083 44844 30629 53152 21621 1 22390 00109 10025 129(>9 98055 79747 23083 97996 52250 53153 44011 1 22392 001 10 10025 36053 96052 31997 23084 51149 96261 53154 66403 1 22393 001 11 10025 59133 47202 28258 23085 04304 62664 53155 88796 1 22398 00112 10025 82223 51506 90922 23085 57460 51460 53157 11194 1 22400 00113 10026 05309 08967 42382 23086 10617 62654 53158 33594 1 22403 00114 10026 28395 19585 05036 23086 63775 96248 53159 55997 1 22407 00115 10026 51481 33361 01284 23087 16935 52245 53160 7^-04 1 22407 00116 10026 74569 00296 53529 23087 70096 30649 53162 00811 1 22412 00117 10026 97656 70392 84178 23088 23258 31460 53163 23223 1 22415 00118 10027 20744 93651 15638 23088 76421 54683 53164 45638 1 22416 00119 10027 43833 70072 70321 23089 29586 00321 53165 68054 1 22421 00120 10027 66922 99658 70642 23089 82751 6837^5 5316a 90475 1 22422 00121 10027 90012 82410 39017 23090 35918 58850 53168 12897 1 22425 00122 10028 13103 18328 97867 23090 89086 71747 53169 35322 1 22430 00123 10028 36194 07415 69614 23091 42256 07069 53170 57752 1 22430 00124 10028 59285 49671 76683 23091 95426 64821 53171 80182 1 22434- 00125 10028 82377 45098 41504 23092 48598 45003 53173 02616 1 22438 00126 10029 05469 93696 86507 23093 01771 47619 53174 25054 1 22438- 00127 10029 28562 95468 34126 23093 54945 72673 53175 47492 1 22443 00128 10029 51656 50414 06799 23094 08121 20165 53176 69935 1 22446 00129 10029 74750 58535 26964 23094 61297 9O100 53177 92381 1 22448 00130 10029 97845 19833 17064 23095 14475 82481 53179 14829 1 22450 00131 10030 20940 34308 99545 23095 67654 97310 53180 37279 1 22454 00132 10030 44036 01963 96855 23096 20835 34589 53181 59733 I 22457 00133 10030 67132 22799 31444 23096 74016 94322 53182 82190 1 22459 00134 10030 90228 96816 25766 23097 2719& 76512 53184 04649 1 22463 00135 10031 13326 24016 02278 23097 80385 81161 53185 27112 1 22464 00136 10031 36424 04399 83439 23098 3356& 08273 53186 49576 1 22469 00137 10031 59522 37968 91712 23098 86755 57849 53187 72045 1 22469 00138 10031 82621 24724 49561 23099 39943 29894 53188 94514 1 22475 00139 10032 05720 64667 79455 23099 93132 24408 53190 16989 1 22476 00140 10032 28820 57800 03863 23100 46322 41397 53191 39465 1 22478 00141 10032 51921 04122 45260 23100 99513 80862 53192 61943 1 22483 00142 10032 75022 03636 26122 23101 52706 42805 53193 84426 1 22483 00143 10032 98123 56342 68927 23102 05900 27231 53195 06909: 1 22484 00144 10033 21225 62242 96158 23102 59695 34140 53196 29393 1 22490 00145 10033 44328 21338 30298 23103 12291 63533 53197 51883 1 22495 00146 10033 07431 33629 93831 23103 65489 15416 53198 74378 1 22499 00147 10033 90534 99119 09247 23104 18687 89794 53199 96377 I 22501 00148 10034 13639 17806 99041 23104 71887 86671 53201 19378 1 22503 00149 10034 36743 89694 85712 23105 25089 06049 53202 41881 I 22506 TABLE V. Briggs's Logarithms of all Numbers to 100, and of Primes under WOO, to Six ty-one Places, N Tab, 5. LOGARITHMS TO 61 PLACES. (203) N 1 0-00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000000 1 2 0-30102 9995G 63981 19521 37388 94724 49302 67681 89881 46210 85413 104275 2 3 0-47712 12547 19662 43729 50279 03255 11530 92001 28864 19069 58648 298656 3 4 0-60205 99913 27962 39042 7A777 89448 98605 35363 79762 92421 70826 208549 4 5 0-69897 00043 36018 80478 62611 05275 50697 32318 10118 53789 14586 895725 5 6 0-77815 12503 83643 63250 ^7Q67 97979 60833 59683 18745 65280 44061 402931 6 7 0-84509 80400 14256 83071 22162 58592 63619 34835 72396 32396 54065 036350 7 8 0-90308 99869 91943 58564 12166 84173 47908 03045 69644 38632 56239 312824 8 9 0-95424 25094 39324 87459 00558 06510 23061 84002 57728 38139 17296 597313 9 10 1-00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 000000 10 11 1-04139 26851 58225 04075 01999 71243 02424 17067 02190 46645 30945 965390 11 12 1-07918 12460 47624 82772 25056 92704 10136 27365 08627 11491 29474 507206J 12 13 M1394 33523 06836 76920 65051 57942 32843 08297 29188 38706 82718 011910 13 14 1-14612 80356 78238 02592 59551 53317 12922 02517 62277 78607 39478 140624 14 15 1-17609 12590 55681 24208 12890 08530 62228 24319 38982 72858 73235 194382 15 16 1-20411 99826 55924 78085 49555 78897 97210 70727 59525 84843 41652 417098 ^0 17 1-23044 89213 78273 92854 01698 94328 33703 00075 67378 42504 63973 803685 17 18 1-25527 25051 03306 06980 37947 01234 72364 51684 47609 84350 02709 701587 18 19 1-27875 36009 52828 96153 63334 75756 92931 79511 29337 39449 75989 068189 19 20 1-30102 99956 63981 19521 37388 94724 49302 67681 89881 46210 85413 104275 20 21 1-32221 92947 33919 26800 72441 6X847 75150 26837 01260 51466 12713 335006 21 22 1-34242 26808 22206 23596 39388 6h9Q7 51726 84748 92071 92856 16359 069665 22 23 1-36172 78360 17592 87886 77771 12251 18954 96975 11034 33609 61882 756055 23 24 1-38021 12417 11606 02293 62445 87428 59438 95046 98508 57702 14887 611480 24 25 1-39794 00086 72037 60957 25222 10551 01394 64636 20237 07578 29173 791451 25 26 1-41497 33479 70817 96442 02440 52666 82145 75979 19069 84917 68131 116184 26 27 1-43136 37641 58987 31188 50837 09765 34592 76003 86592 57208 75944 895969 27 28 1-44715 80313 42219 22113 96940 48041 62224 70199 52159 24818 24891 244899 28 29 1-46239 79978 98956 08733 28467 62969 25499 12542 94417 88715 38410 653969 29 30 1-47712 12547 19662 43729 50279 03255 11530 92001 28864 19069 58648 298656 30 31 1-49136 16938 34272 G79GQ 67041 00118 41572 23037 01558 30418 46559 383498 31 32 1-50514 99783 19905 97606 86944 73622 46513 38409 49407 31054 27065 521373 1-51851 30398 77887 47804 52278 74498 13955 09068 31054 65714 89594 264047 32 33 33 34 1-53147 89170 42255 12375 39087 89052 83005 67757 57259 88715 ^Q386 907959 34 35 1-54406 80443 50275 63549 84773 63868 14316 67153 82514 86185 o. t^i^t^t--.i^ ir^r>.t^jr^i;o co^Vj^i;o cococnSio S ioiotoioio ^»nioioio, "rtiOiOioi;:) m i^ in la ^ ifiioioicio 'Oioioij^o loioio^oio in coooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo o Oi^^OCOCO OO^COCO^ yji^O^tOi^ tO^iyjCO^ "^lUJi^O^CO coi:£>^co« crs -< CS CX3 rf CN >-< CO CO '^ in'^ O O -* 00 cs CO so ic T^ rt •rf — C5 !^ rf CO CO Tf O O CSl 00 00 i-o OS CM c; o 00 lO CO O 00 ooooo CO CO O CO lO 00 00 00 CO 00 00 o CM •* 00 CN *>. *^ 't 00 lO CM 00 oo CO CO 05 C) CM CO CO C5 — 1 CO O "5 CO CO iO CM CO O O t^ 1/3 c;s 00 00 lO lO iC 00 00 00 CO CVI CN Cv) OO CO ■* CO Oi C5 CO t^ r}< Tt CO 00 CO CM "3 01 CO CO cs "5l< 00 CM CO O CI 05 t^ - 00 t^ *^ lO lO lO 00 CO 00 00 oo 0> CO CO rr CO Oi 00 rH Tt o «o Ol (N r-. 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C5 CO CM CM m CM 00 1-, b, t^ — CO CO O CD m — 03 o CM CO m 00 o CO »* in — CO O CD 05 C73 m 00 CI O Tf Tt 03 rt CO I— Tp CO 0> 00 00 t^ CO CM m 00 — -^ Tt< 00 CM t^ — CO CO o eo r^ "it 00 CO Is. — O O — — CM ooooo OOOOO ooooo ooooo 90000 CO CO CO CO CO Tf eo t>i 00 ^ t>. CO m rp o O t>. 03 i^ — I C3 O — CM CO m m rt" eo CM t^ O CO CO 03 m o "I" 00 CM O "Jti »^ o f CO o "<* 05 CO CM CO CO eo "^ CD CO t^ CO O CM — CO 00 i^ o m m — CO eo CM — o 00 — O 03 00 CO CM m t^ O eo tx — m o Tf 1^ — ^ 00 — ts CM CO o m ^ m m CO CO — J>« C3 CM CO — — •T' CO CO CO o m Tti CO CO 00 rs i^ CO CM — o >n 00 — m m 00 CM Co 00 00 000 000 000 000 9 9 9 CD CO CO o o o o o o o o o o CO CO ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo cbcococbcb cococococo 000 000 000 000 000 o o o o o o o o o o — CM CO rf m 00 00 00 00 00 03 03 05 05 ov C> 03 C5 03 C5 CO i^ 00 03 o 00 00 00 00 03 C3 C3 03 03 03 C3 03 O3 05 C3 — CM CO ■* m C3 C3 03 05 05 crs 03 03 03 03 C3 03 03 03 05 CO ts 00 05 O C3 03 C3 03 O C3 03 C3 C3 O 03 CJ5 03 03 O — CM CO "* m ooooo ooooo ooooo CO t>. 00 000 000 000 030 — CMCO'^m C0fs00030 00 ooooo ooooo 00 ooooo ooooo 208 HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 7. N. 1-01 I.ogar. N. 1-51 Logar. N. 2-01 Logar. N. 2-51 Logar. 0-0099.503 0-4121097 0-6981347 0-9202828 1-02 0-0198026 1-52 0-4187103 2-02 0-7030973 2-52 0-9242589 1-03 0-0295388 1-53 0-4252677 2-03 0-7080358 2-53 0-9282193 1-04 0-0392207 1-54 0-4317824 2-04 0-7129498 2-54 0-9321641 1-03 0*0487902 1-53 0-4382549 2-05 0-7178398 2-55 0-9360934 1-06 0-0382689 1-36 0-4446858 2-06 0-7227060 2-56 0-9400073 1-07 0-0676586 1-57 0-4510736 2-07 0-7275486 2-57 0-9439059 1-08 0-0769610 1-58 0-4574248 2-08 0-7323679 2-58 0-9477894 1-09 0-0861777 1-39 0-4637340 2-09 0-7371641 2-59 0-9516579 1-10 0-0933102 1-60 0-4700036 2-10 0-7419373 2-60 0-9555114 Ml 0-1043600 1-61 0-4762342 2-11 0-7466879 2-61 0-9593502 1-12 0-1133287 1-62 0-4824261 2-12 0-7514161 2-62 0-9631743 M3 0-1222176 1-63 0-4885800 2-13 0-7561220 2-63 0-9669838 M4 0-1310283 1-64 0-4946962 2-14 0'7 608058 2-64 0-9707789 M5 0-1397619 1-65 0-5007753 2-15 0-7654678 2-65 0-9745596 M6 0-1484200 1-66 0-5068176 2-16 0-7701082 2-68 0-9783261 1-17 0-1370037 1-67 0-3128236 2-17 0-7747272 2-67 0-9820785 1-18 0-1635144 1-68 0-5187938 2-18 0-7793249 2-68 0-9858168 M9 01739533 1-69 0-5247285 2-19 0-7839015 2-69 0-9895412 1-20 0-1823216 1-70 0-5306283 2-20 0-7884574 2-70 0-9932518 1-21 0-1906204 1-71 0-5364934' 2-21 0-7929925 2-71 0-9969486 1-22 0-1988509 1-72 0-5423243 2-22 0-7975072 2-72 1-0006319 1-23 0-2070142 1-73 05481214 2-23 0-8020016 2-73 1-0043016 1-24 0-2151114 1-74 0-5538851 2-24 0-8064759 2-74 1-0079579 1-25 0-2231436 1-75 0-5596158 2-25 0-8109302 2-75 1-0116009 1-26 0-2311117 1-76 0-5653138 2-26 0-8153648 2-76 1-0152307 1-27 0-2390169 1-77 0-5709795 2-27 0-8197798 2-77 1-0188473 1-28 0-2468601 1-78 0-5766134 2-28 0-8241754 2-78 1-0224509 1-29 0-2546422 1-79 0-5822156 2-29 0-8285518 2-79 1-0260416 1-30 0-2623643 1-80 0-5877867 2-30 0-8329091 2-80 1-0296194 1-31 0-2700271 1-81 0-5933268 2-3 1- 0-8372475 2-81 1-0331845 1-32 0-2776317 1-82 0-5988365 2-32 0-8415672 2-82 1-0367369 1-33 0-2851789 1-83 0-6043160 2-33 0-8458683 2-83 1-0402767 1-34 0-2926696 1-84 0-6097656 2-34 0-8501509 2-84 1-0438041 1-35 0-3001046 1-85 0-6131836 2-35 0.8544153 2-85 1-0473190 1-36 0-3074847 1-86 0-6205765 2-36 0-8586616 2-86 1-0508217 1-37 0-3148107 1-87 0-6259384 2-37 0-8628899 2-87 1-0343121 1-38 0-3220835 1-88 0-6312718 2-38 0-8671005 2-88 1-0377903 1-39 0-3293037 1-89 0-6365768 2-39 0-8712933 2-89 1-0612365 1-40 0-3364722 1-90 0-6418539 2-40 0-8754687 2-90 1-0647107 1-41 0-3435897 1-91 0-6471032 2-41 0-8796267 2-91 1-0681531 1-42 0-3506569 1-92 ;;-6523252 2-42 08837675 2-92 1-0715836 1*43 0-3576745 1-93 0-6575200 2-43 0-8878913 2-93 1-0750024 1-44 0-3646431 1-94 0-6626880 2-44 0-8919980 2-94 1-0784096 1-45 0-3715636 1-95 0-6678294 2-43 0-8960880 2-95 1.0818052 1-46 0-3784364 1-96 0-6729445 2-46 0-9001613 2-96 1-0851893 1-47 0-3852624 1-97 0-6780335 2-47 0-9042182 2-97 1-0885619 1-48 0-3920421 1-98 0-6830968 2-48 0-9082586 2-98 1-0919233 1-49 0-3987761 1-99 0-6881346 2-49 0-9122827 2-99 1-0952734 1-50 0-4054651 2-00 0-6931472 2-30 0-9162907 3-00 1-0986123 Tab. 7. HYPKRBOLIC LOGARITHMS. (209) N. 3-01 Logar. N. 3-51 Logar. N. 4-01 Logar. N. 4-51 Logar. 1-1019401 1-2556160 1-3887912 1-5062971 3-02 1-1052568 3-52 1-2584610 4-02 1-3912819 452 1-5085120 3-03 1-1085626 3-53 1-2612979 4-03 1-3937664 4-53 1-5107219 3-04 Ml 18575 3-54 1-2641267 4-04 1-3962447 4-54 1-5129270 3-05 M15'1416 3-55 1-2669476 4-05 1-3987169 4-55 1-5151272 3-06 1-1184149 3-56 1-2697605 4-06 1 '40 11829 4-56 1-5173226 3-07 1-1216776 3-57 1-2725656 4-07 1-4036429 4-57 1-5195132 3'08 1-1249296 3-58 1-2753628 4-08 1-4060970 4-58 1-5216990 3-09 1-1281711 3-59 1-2781522 4-09 1-4085450 4-59 1-5238800 3*10 1-1314021 3-60 1-2809338 4-10 1-4109870 4-60 1-5260563 3-11 1-1346227 3-6] 1-2837078 4-11 1-4134230 4-61 1-5282278 3'12 1-1378330 3-62 1-2864740 4-12 1-4158532 4-62 1-5303947 3-13 1-1410330 3-63 1-2892326 4-13 1-4182774 463 1-5325569 3-14 1-1442228 3-64 1-2919837 4-14 1-4206958 4-64 1-5347144 3-15 1-1474025 3-65 1-2947272 4-15 1-4231083 4-65 1-5368672 3-16 1-1505720 3-66 1 2974631 416 1-4255151 4-66 1-5390154 317 1-1537316 367 1-3001917 4-17 1-4279160 4-67 1-5411591 3-18 1-1568812 3-68 1-3029128 4-18 1-4303112 4-68 1-5432981 3-19 1-1600209 3-69 1-3056265 4-19 1-4327007 4-69 1-5454326 • 3-20 1-1631508 3-70 1-3083328 4-20 1 -4350845 4-70 1-5475625, 3'21 1-1662709 3-71 1-3110319 4-21 1-4374626 4-7 1 1-5496879 3-22 1-1693814 3-72 1-3137237 4-22 1-4398351 4-72 1-5518088 3-23 M72482I 3-73 1.3164082 4-23 1-4422020 473 1-5539252 3-24 1 -1755733 3-74 1-3190856 4-24 1-4445633 4-74 1-5560371 3-25 1-1786550 3-75 1-3217558 4-25 1-4469190 4-75 1-5581446 3-26 1-1817272 3-76 1-3244190 4-26 1-4492692 4-76 1-5602476 3-27 1-1847900 3-77 1-3270750 4-27 1-4516138 4-77 1-5623463 3 28 1-1878434 3-78 1-3297240 4-28 1-4539530 4-78 1-5644405 3-29 1-1908876 3-79 1-3323660 4-29 1-4562868 4-79 1-5665303 3-30 1-1939225 3-80 1-3350011 4-30 1-4586150 4-80 1'5686159 3-31 1-1969482 3-81 1-3376292 4-31 1-4609379 4-81 1-5706971 3-32 1-1999648 3-82 1-3402504 4-32 1-4632554 4-82 1-5727739 3-33 1-2029723 3-83 1-3428648 4-33 1-4655675 4-83 1-5748465 3-34 1-2059708 3-84 1-3454724 4-34 1-4678743 4-84 1-5769147 3-35 1-2089603 3-85 1-3480731 435 1-4701758 4-85 1-5789787 3-36 1-2119410 3-86 1 3506672 4-36 1-4724721 486 1-5810384 3-37 1-2149127 3-87 1-3532545 4-37 1-4747630 4-87 1-5830939 3-38 1-2178757 3-88 1-3558352 4-38 1-4770487 4-88 1-5851452 3-39 1-2208299 3-89 1-3584092 4-39 1-4793292 4-89 1-5871923 3-40 1-2237754 3-90 1-3609766 4-40 1-4816045 4-90 1-5892352 3-41 1-2267123 3-91 1-3635374 4-41 1-4838747 4-91 1-5912739 3-42 1-2296406 3-92 1-3660917 4-42 1-4861397 4-92 1-5933085 3-43 1-2325603 3-93 1-3686394 4-43 1-4883996 4-93 1-5953390 3-44 1-2354715 3-94 1-3711807 4-44 1-4906544 4-94 1-5973653 3-45 1-2383742 3-95 1-3737156 4-45 1-4929041 4-95 1-5993876 3-46 1-2412686 3-96 1-3762440 4-46 1-4953488 4-96 1-6014057 3-47 1-2441546 3-97 1-3787661 4-47 1-4973884 4-97 1-6034198 3-48 1-2470323 3-98 1-3812818 4-48 1-4996230 4-98 1-6054299 3'49 1 2499017 3-99 1-3837912 4-49 1-5018527 4-99 1-6074359 3-50 1-2527630 4-00 1-3862944 4-50 1-5040774 5-00 1-6094379 5f ii (210) HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 7. N. 5^ 5-02 5-03 5-04. 5-05 5-06 5-07 5-08 5-09 5-10 5'll 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-21 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-25 5-26 5-27 5-28 5-29 5-30 5-31 5-32 5-33 5-34. 5-35 5-36 5-37 .5-38 5-39 5-40 5-41 i5'42 5-43 5-44 5-45 5-46 5-47 5-48 5-49 5-50 Logar. 1-61 14359 1-6134299 1-6154200 1-6174061 1-6193883 1-6213665 1-6233408 1-6253113 1-6272778 1-6292405 1-6311994 1-6331544 1-6351057 1-6370531 1-6389967 •6409366 •6428727 •6448051 •6467337 ■6486586 •6505799 •6524974 •6544113 '6563215 •658228: •6601310 •6620304 -6639261 •6658182 •6677068 -6695918 -6714733 •6733512 1-6752257 1-6770966 1-6789640 1-6808279 1-6826884 1-6845454 1-6863990 1-6882491 1-6900958 1-6919391 1-6937791 1-6956156 1-6974488 1-6992786 1-7011051 1-7029283 1-7047481 N. 5-51 Logar. N. 6.01 1-7065646 5-52 1-7083779 6-02 5-53 1-7101878 6-03 5-54 1-7119945 6-04 5-55 1-7137979 6-05 5-56 1 •715598] 6-06 5-57 1-7173951 6-07 5-58 1-7191888 6-08 5-59 1-7209793 6-09 5-60 1-7227666 6-10 5-61 1-7245507 6-11 5-62 1-7263317 6-12 5-63 1-7281094 6-13 5-64 1-7298841 6-14 5-65 1-7316555 6*15 5-66 1-7334239 6-16 5-67 1-7351891 6-17 5-68 1-7369512 6-18 5-69 1-7387102 6-19 5-70 1-7404662 6-20 5-71 1-7422190 6-21 5-72 1-7439689 6-22 5-73 1-7457155 6-23 5-74 1-7474593 6-24 575 1-7491998 6-25 5-76 1-7509375 6-26 5-77 1-7526721 6-27 5-78 1-7544037 6-28 5-79 1-7561323 6-29 5-80 1-7578579 6-30 5-81 1-7595806 6-31 5-82 1-7613003 6-32 5-83 1-7630170 6-33 5-84 1-7647308 6-34 5-85 1-7664416 6-35 5-86 1-7681496 6-36 5-87 1-7698546 6-37 5-88 1-7715568 6-38 5-89 1-7732560 6-39 5-90 1-7749524 6-40 5-91 1-7766458 6-41 5-92 1-7783364 6-42 5-93 1-7800242 6-43 5-94 1-7817091 6-44 5-95 1-7833912 6-45 5-96 1-7850705 6-46 5 97 1-7867469 6-47 5-98 1-7884206 6'48 5-99 1-7900914 6-49 6-00 1-7917595 6-50 Logar. N. Log 1-7934247 1-7950873 1-7967470 1-7984040 1-8000583 1-8017098 1-8033586 1-8050047 1-8066481 1-8082888 1-8099268 1-8115621 1-8131947 1-8148247 i -8 164521 1-8180768 1-8196988 1-8213183 1-8229351 1-8245493 1-8261609 1-8277699 1-8293763 1-8309802 1-8325815 1 '8341 802 1-8357764 1-8373700 1-8389611 1-8405496 1-8421357 1 '8437 192 1-8453002 1-8468788 1-8484548 1-8500284 1-8515995 1-8531681 1-8547343 1-8562980 1-8578593 1-8594181 1-8609745 1-8625285 1-8640801 1-8656293 1-8671761 ,1*8687205 1-8702625 1 -87 1 8022 6-5 6-52 6-53 6-54 6-55 6-56 6-57 6-58 6-59 6-60 6-61 6-62 6-63 6-64 6-65 6-66 667 6-68 6-69 6-70 6-71 6-72 6-73 6-74 6-75 6-76 6-77 6-78 6-79 6-80 6-81 6-82 6-83 6-84 6-85 6-86 6-87 6-88 6-89 6-90 6-91 6-92 6-93 6-94 6-95 6-96 6-97 6-98 6-99 7-00 ar. -8733395 •8748744 •8764069 -8779372 -8794650 •8809906 •8825138 -8840347 -8855533 •8870696 •8885836 -8900954 -8916048 -8931120 -8946169 •8961195 •8976198 •8991180 •9006 13<> -9021075 •9035990 •9050882 -9065751 •9080599 •9095425 -9110229 •9125011 •9139771 •9154509 -9169226 •9183921 -9198595 •9213247 •9227877 •9242487 -9257074 -9271641 •9286187 .93007 1 1 •9315214 -9329696 -9344158 -9358598 -9373018 -9387417 •9401795 -9416152 -9430^89 •9444805 •9459101 Tab. 7. HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. (21l)| N. 7-01 Logar. N. 7-51 Logar. 2-0162355 N. 8-01 Logar. N. Logar. 1.9473377 2-0806908 2-1412419 7-02 1-9487632 7-52 2-0175661 8-02 2-0819384 8-52 2-1424163 7-03 1-9501867 7-53 2-0188950 8-03 2-0831845 8-53 2-1435894 7-04. 1-9516082 7-54 2-0202222 8-04 2-0844291 8-54 2-1447610 7-05 1-9530276 7-55 2-0215476 8-05 2-0856721 8-55 2-1459313 7-06 1-9544451 7-56 2-0228712 8-06 2-0869136 8-56 2-1471002 7-07 1-9558605 7-57 2-0241931 8-07 2-0881535 8-57 2-1482677 7"08 1-9572739 7-58 2-0255132 8-08 2-0893919 8-58 2-1494340 7-09 1-9586853 7-59 2-0268316 8-09 2-0906287 8-59 2-1505988 7-10 1-9600948 7-60 2-0281482 8-10 2-0918641 8-60 2-1517622 7-11 1-9615022 7-61 2-0294632 8-11 2-0930979 8-61 2-1529244 7-12 1-9629077 7-62 2-0307764 8-12 2-0943301 8-62 2-1540851 7-13 1-9643112 7-63 2-0320878 8-13 2-0955609 8-63 2-1552445 7-14 1-9657128 7-64 2-0333976 8-14 2-0967901 8-64 2-1564026 7-L5 1-9671124 7-65 2-0347056 8-15 2-0980179 865 2-1575593 7-16 1-9685100 7-66 2-0360120 8-16 2-0992442 8-66 2-1587147 7-17 1-9699056 7.67 2-0373166 8-17 2-1004689 8-67 2-1598688 7-18 1-9712994 7-68 2-0386195 8-18 2-1016922 8-68 21610215 7-19 1-9726912 7-69 2-0399208 8-19 2'1029139 8-69 2-1621729 7-20 1-9740810 7-70 2-0412203 8-20 2-1041342 8-70 2-1633230 7-21 1-9754690 7-71 2-0425182 8-21 2-1053529 8-71 2-1644718 7-22 1-9768550 7-72 2-0438144 8-22 2-1065702 8-72 2-1656192 7-23 1-9782390 7-73 2-0451089 8-23 2-1077860 8-73 2-1667654 7-24 1-9796212 7-74 2-0464017 8-24 2-1090003 8-74 2-1679102 7-25 1-9810015 7-75 2-0476928 8-25 2-1102125 8-75 2-1690537 7-26 1-9823798 7-76 2-0489823 8-26 2-1114246 8-76 2-1701959 7-27 1-9837563 7-77 2-0502702 8-27 2-1126345 8-77 2-1713368 7-28 1-9851309 7-78 2-0515563 8-28 2-1138430 8-78 2-1724764 7-29 1-9865035 7-79 2-0528409 8-29 2-1150500 8-79 2-1736147 7-30 1-9878743 7-80 2-0541237 8-30 2-1162555 8-80 2-1747517 7-31 1-9892433 7-81 2-0554050 8-31 2-1174596 8-81 2-1758874 7-32 1-9906103 7-82 2-0566846 8-32 2-1186623 8-82 2-1770219 7-33 1-9919755 7-83 2-0579625 8-33 2-1198634 8-83 2-1781550 7-34 1-9933388 7-84 2-0592388 8-34 2'1210632 8-84 2-1792869 7-35 1-9947003 7-85 2-0605135 8-35 2-1222615 8-85 2-1804175 7-36 1-9960599 7-86 2-0617866 8-36 2-1234584 8-86 2-1815468 7-37 1-9974177 7-87 2-0630581 8-37 2-1246539 8-87 2-1826748 7-38 1-9987736 7-88 2-0643279 8-38 2-1258479 8-88 2-1838016 7-39 20001277 7-89 2-0655961 8-39 2-1270405 8-89 2-1849270 7-40 2-0014800 7-90 2-0668628 8-40 2-1282317 8-90 2-1860513 7-41 2-0028304 7-91 2-0681278 8-41 2-1294215 8-91 2-1871742 7-42 2-0041791 7-92 2-0693912 8-42 2-1306098 8-92 2-1882959 7-43 2-0055259 7-93 2-0706530 8-43 2-1317968 8-93 2-1894164 7-44 20068708 7-94 2-0719133 8-44 2-1329823 8-94 2-1905356 7-45 2-0082140 7-95 2-0731719 8-45 2-1341664 8-95 2-1916535 7-46 2-0095554 7-96 2-0744290 8-46 2-1353492 8-96 2-1927702 7:47 2-0108950 7-97 2-0756845 8-47 2-1365305 8-97 2-1938857 7-48 2-0122328 7-98 2-0769384 8-48 2-1377104 8-98 2-1949999 7-49 2-0135688 7-99 2-0781907 8*49 2-1388890 8-99 2-1961128 7-50 2-0149030 8-00 2-0794415 8-50 2-1400662 9-00 2-1972246 ^,£ 2 (212)* HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 7- N. 9-01 Logar. 2-1983351 N. Logar. 2-2364453 N. Logar. 9-71 2-2731563 9-02 2-1994443 937 2-2375131 9-72 2-2741856 9-03 2-2005524 9-38 2-2385797 9-73 2-2752139 9-04 2-2016592 9-39 2-2396453 9-74 2-2762411 9-05 2-2027648 9-40 2-2407097 9-75 2-2772673 9-06 2-2038691 9-41 2-2417729 9-76 2-2782924 9-07 2-2049723 9-42 2-2428351 9-77 2-2793165 9-08 2-2060742 9-43 2-2438961 9-78 2-2803395 909 2-2071749 9-44 2-2449560 9-79 2-2813615 9-10 2-2082744 9-45 2-2460147 9-80 2-2823824 9-11 2-2093727 9-46 2-2470724 9-81 2-2834023- 9-12 2-2104698 9-47 2-2481289 9-82 2-2844211 9-13 2-2115657 9-48 2-2491843 9-83 2-2854389 9-14 2-2126604 9-49 2-2502386 9-84 2-2864557 9-16 2-2137539 9-50 2-2512918 9-85 2-2874715 9-16 2-2148462 9-51 2-2523439 9-86 2-2884862 9-17 2-2159373 9.52 2-2533947 9-87 2-2894999 9-18 2-2170272 9-53 2-2544446 9-88 2-2905125 9-19 2-2181159 9-54 2-2554935 9-89 2-2915241 9-20 2-2192035 9-55 2-2565411 9-90 2-2925348 9-21 2-2202898 9-56 2-2575877 9-91 22935444 9-22 2-2213750 9-57 2-2586332 9-92 2-2945529 9-23 2-2224590 9-58 2-2596775 9-93 2-2955605 9.24 2-2235419 9-59 2-2607209 . 9-94 2-2965670 9-25 2-2246236 9-60 2-2617631 9-95 2-2975726 9-26 2-2257040 9-61 2-2628042 9-96 2-2985771 9-27 2-2267834 9-62 2-2638443 9-97 2-2995806 9-28 2-2278615 9-63 2-2648832 9-98 2-3005831 9-29 2-2289385 9-64 2-2659211 9-99 2-3015846 9-30 9-2300144 ^'65 2-2669579 lOOO 2-3025851 9-31 2-2310891 9-66 2.2679936 1 00-0 4-6051702 9-32 2-2321626 9-67 2-2690283 1000 6-9077553 9-33 2-2332350 9-68 2-2700619 10000 9-2103404 9-34 2-2343062 9-69 2-2710944 100000 11-51292546 9-35 2-2353763 9-70 2-2721259 Tab. 8^* HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. (213)* N. Logar. N. Logar. N. 101 Logar. N. 151 Logar. o-ooooooo 3 9318256 4-6151205 5-0172798 2 0-6931472 52 3-9512437 102 4-6249728 152 5-0238805 3 1-0986123 53 3-9702919 103 4-6347290 153 5-0304379 4 1-3862944 54 3-9889840 104 4-6443909 154 5-0369526 5 1-6094379 55 4-0073332 105 4-6539604 \55 5-0434251 6 1-7917595 5Q 4-0253517 106 4-6634391 156 5 0498560 7 1-9459101' 57 40430513 107 4-6728288 157 5-0562458 8 2-0794415 58 4-0604430 108 4-6821312 158 5-0625950 9 2-1972246 59 4-0775374 109 4-6913479 159 5-0689042 10 2-3025851 60 4-0943446 HO 4-7004804 160 5-0751738 11 2-3978953 61 4-1108739 111 4-7095302 161 5-0814044 12 2-4849066 62 4-1271344 112 4-7184989 162 5-0875963 13 2-5649494 63 4-1431347 113 4-7273878 163 5-0937502 14 2-6390573 64 4'1588831 114 4-7361984 164 5-0998664 15 2-7080502 65 4-1743873 115 4-7449321 165 5-1059455 16 2-7725887 6Q 4-1896547 116 4-7535902 166 5-1119878 17 2-8332133 67 4-2046926 117 4-7621739 167 5-1179938 18 2-8903718 68 4-2195077 118 4-7706846 168 5-1239640 19 2-9444390 69 4-2341065 119 4-7791235 169 5-1298987 20 2-9957323 70 4-2484952 120 4-7874917 170 5-1357984 21 3-0445224 71 4-2626799 121 4-7957905 171 5-1416636 22 3-0910425 72 4-2766661 122 4-8040210 172 5-1474945 23 3-1354942 73 4-2904594 123 4-8121844 173 5-1532916 24 3-1780538 74 4-3040651 124 4-8202816 174 5-1590553 25 3-2188758 75 4-3174881 125 4-8283137 175 5-1647860 26 3-2580965- 76 4-3307333 126 4-8362819 176 5-1704840 27 3-2958369 77 4-3438054 127 4-8441871 177 5-1761497 28 3-3322045 78 4-3567088 128 4-8520303 178 5-1817836 29 3-3672958 79 4-3694479 129 4-8598124 179 5-1873858 30 3-4011974 80 4-3820266 130 4-8675345 180 5-1929569 31 3-4339872 81 4-3944492 131 4-8751973 181 5-1984970 32 3-4657359 82 4-4067192 132 4-8828019 182 5-2040067 33 3-4965076 83 4-4188406 133 4-8903491 183 5-2094862 34 3-5263605 84 4-4308168 134 4-8978398 184 5-2149358 35 3-5553481 85 4-4426513 135 4-9052748 185 5-2203558 36 3-5835189 86 4-4543473 136 4-9126549 186 5-2257467 31 3-6109179 87 4-4659081 137 4-9199809 187 5-2311086 38 3-6375862 88 4-4773368 138 4-9272537 188 5-2364420 39 ?y6Q3bQ\% 89 4-4886364 139 4-9344739 189 5-2417470 40 3-6888795 90 4-4998097 140 4-9416424 190 5-2470241 41 3-7135721 91 4-5108595 141 4-9487599 191 5-2522734 42 3-7376696 92 4-5217886 142 4-9558271 192 5-2574954 43 3-7612001 93 4-5325995 143 4-9628446 193 5-2626902 44 3-7841896 94 4-5432948 144 4-9698133 194 5-2678582 45 3-8066625 95 4-5538769 145 4-9767337 195 5-2729996 46 3-8286414 96 4-5643482 146 4-9836066 196 5-2781147 47 3-8501476 97 4-5747110 147 4-9904326 197 5-2832037 48 3-8712010 98 4-5849675 148 4-9972123 198 5-2882670 49 3-8918203 99 4-5951199 149 5-0039463 199 5-2933048 50 3-91 20230 1 100 4-6051702 150 5-0106353 200 5-2983174 '(214)* HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 8.* | N. 201 Logar. N. 251 Logar. N. 301 Logar. N. 351 Logar. 5-3033049 5-5254529 5-7071103 5-8607862 202 5-3082677 252 5-5294291 302 5-7104270 352 5-8636312 203 5-3132060 253 5-5333895 303 5-7137328 353 5-8664681 204 5-3181200 254 5-5373343 304 5-7170277 354 5-8692969 205 5-3230100 255 5-5412635 305 5-7203118 355 5-8721178 206 5-3278762 256 5-5451774 306 5-7235851 356 5-8749307 207 5-3327188 257 5-5490761 307 5-7268477 357 5-8777358 208 5-3375381 258 5-5529596 308 5-7300998 358 5-8805330 209 5-3423343 259 5-5568281 309 5-7333413 359 5-8833224 ,210 5-3471075 260 5-5606816 310 5-7365723 360 5-8861040 211 5-3518581 261 5-5645204 311 5-7397929 361 5-8888780 212 5'^6Q5m'i 262 5-5683445 312 5-7430032 362 5-8916442 213 5-3612922 263 5-5721540 313 5-7462032 363 5-8944028 214. 5-3659760 264 5-5759491 314 5-7493930 364 5-8971539 215 5-3706380 265 5-5797298 315 5-7525726 365 5-8998974 216 5-3752784 266 5-5834963 316 5-7557422 366 5-9026333 217 5-3798974 267 5-5872487 317 5-7589018 367 5-9053618 218 5-3844951 268 5-5909870 318 5-7620514 368 5-9080829 219 5-3890717 269 5-5947114 319 5-7651911 369 5-9107966 220 5-3936275 270 5-5984220 320 5-7683210 370 5-9135030 221 5-3981627 271 5-6021188 321 5-7714411 371 5-9162021 222 5-4026774 272 5-6058021 322 5-7745515 372 5.9188939 223 5-4071718 273 5-6094718 323 5-7776523 373 5-9215784 224 5-4116461 274 5-6131281 324 5-7807435 374 5-9242558 225 5-4161004 275 5-6167711 325 5-7838252 375 5-9269260 226 5-4205350 276 5-6204009 326 5-7868974 376 5-9295891 227 5-4249500 277 5-6240175 327 5-7899602 377 5-9322452 228 5-4293456 278 5-6276211 328 5-7930136 378 5-9348942 229 5-4337220 279 5-6312118 329 5-7960578 379 5-9375362 230 5-4380793 280 5-6347896 330 5-7990927 380 5-9401713 231 5-4424177 281 5-6383547 331 5-8021184 381 5-9427994 232 5-4467374 282 5-6419071 332 5-8051350 382 5-9454206 2SS 5-4510385 283 5-6454469 333 5-8081425 383 5-9480350 234 5-4553211 284 5-6489742 334 5-8111410 384 5-9506426 235 5-4595855 285 5-6524892 335 5-814130^ 385 5-9532433 2!iQ 5-4638318 286 5-6559918 336 5-8171112 386 5-9558374 .237 5-4680601 287 5-6594822 337 5-8200829 387 5 9584247 238 5-4722707 288 5'QmQQ05 338 5-8230459 388 5-9610053 239 5-4764636 289 5-6664267 339 5-8260001 389 5-963579? 240 5-4806389 290 5-6698809 340 5-8289456 390 5-9661467 241 5-4847969 291 5'Q1S32S3 341 5-8318825 391 5-9687076 242 5-4889377 292 5-6767538 342 5-8348107 392 5-971261$ 243 5-4930614 293 5-6801726 343 5-8377304 393 5-9738096 244 5-4971682 294 5-6835798 344 5-8406417 394 5-9763509 245 5-5012582 295 5-6869754 345 5-8435444 395 5 -97 8 885 S 246 5-5053315 296 5-6903595 346 5-8464388 396 5-9814142 247 5-5093883 297 5-6937321 347 5-8493248 397 5-9839363 248 5-5134287 298 5-6970935 348 5-8522025 398 5-9864520 249 5-5174529 299 5-7004436 349 5-8550719 399 5-9889614 ^50 5-5214609 300 5-7037825 350 5-8579332 400 5-9914645 Tab. 8.* HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. (215)*] N. 401 Logar. N. 451 Logar. N. 501 Logar. N. 551 Logar. 5-9939614 6-1114673 6-2166061 6-3117348 402 59964521 452 6-1136822 502 6-2186001 552 6-3135480 403 5-9989366 453 6-1158921 503 6-2205902 553 6-3153580 404 6-0014149 454 6-1180972 504 6-2225763 554 63171647 ^ 403 6-0038871 455 6-1202974 505 6-2245584 555 6-3189681 406 6-0063532 456 6-1224928 506 6-2265367 556 6-3207683 407 6-0088132 457 6-1246834 507 6-2285110 551 6-3225652 408 60112672 458 6-1268692 508 6-2304814 558 6-3243590 409 6-0137152 459 6-1290502 509 6-2324480 559 6-3261495 410 6-0161572 460 6-1312265 510 6-2344107 560 6-3^79368 411 6-0185932 461 6-1333980 511 6-2363696 561 6-3297209 412 6-0210233 462 6-1355649 512 6-2383246 562 6-3315018 413 6-0234476 463 6-1377271 513 6-2402758 563 6-3332796 414 6-0258660 464 6-1398846 514 6-2422233 564 6-3350543 415 6-0282785 465 6-1420374 515 6-2441669 565 6-3368257 416 6-0306853 466 6-1441856 516 6-2461068 566 6-3385941 417 6-0330862 467 6-1463293 517 6-2480429 567 6-3403593 418 6-0354814 468 6-1484683 518 6-2499752 568 6-3421214 419 6-0378709 469 6-1506028 519 6-2519039 569 6-3438804 420 6-0402547 470 6-1527327 520 6-2538288 570 6-3456364 421 6-0426328 471 6-1548581 521 6-2557500 571 6-3473892 422 6-0450053 472 6-1569790 522 6-257 667s6 572 6-3491390 423 6-0473722 473 6-1590954 523 6-2595815 573 6-3508857 424 6-0497335 474 6-1612073 524 6-2614917 574 6-3526294 ' 425 6-0520892 475 6-1633148 525 6-2633983 575 6-3543700 426 6-0544393 476 6-1654179 526 6-2653012 576 6-3561077 427 6-0567840 477 61675165 527 6-2672005 577 6-3578423 428 6-0591232 478 6-1696107 528 6-2690963 578 6-3595739 429 60614569 479 6-1717006 529 6-2709884 579 6-3613025 430 6-0637852 480 6-1737861 530 6-2728770 580 6-3630281 431 6-0661081 481 6-1758673 531 6-2747620 581 6-3647508 432 6-0684256 482 6-1779441 532 6-2766435 582 6-3664704 433 6-0707377 483 6-1800167 533 6-2785214 583 6-3681872 434 6-0730445 484 6-1820849 534 6-2803958 584 6-3699010 435 6-0753460 485 6-1841489 535 6-2822667 585 6-3716118 436 6-0776422 486 6-1862086 536 6-2841342 586 6-3733198 437 6-0799332 487 6-1882641 537 6-2859981 587 6-3750248 6-3767269 438 6-0822189 488 6-1903154 538 6-2878586 588 439 60844994 489 6-1923625 539 6-2897156 589 6-3784262 440 6-0867747 490 6-1944054 540 6-2915691 590 6-3801225 441 6-0890449 491 6-1964441 541 6-2934193 591 6-3818160 442 6-0913099 492 6-1984787 542 6-2952660 592 6-3835066 443 6-0935698 493 6-2005092 543 6.2971093 593 6-3851944 444 6-0958246 494 6-2025355 544 6-2989492 594 6-3868793 ■ 445 6-0980743 495 6-2045578 545 6-3007858 595 6-3885614 446 6-1003190 496 6-2065759 546 6-3026190 596 6-3902407 447 6-1025586 497 6-2085900 547 6-3044488 597 6-3919171 448 61047932 498 6-2106001 548 6-3062753 598 6-3935908 449 6-1070229 499 6-2126061 549 6-3080984 599 6-3952616 450 6-1092476 500 6-2146081 550 6-3099183 600 6-3969297 (21 6)* HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS Tab. 8.* N. Logar. N. 651 Logar. N. ToT Logar. N. 751 Logar. 601 63985949 6-4785096 6-5525079 6-6214057 602 6-4002574 652 6-4800446 702 6-5539334 752 6-6227363 603 6-4019172 653 6-4815771 703 6-5553569 753 6-6240652 604 6-4035742 654 6-4831074 704 6-556118^ 754 6-6253924 605 6-4052285 655 6-4846352 705 6-5581978 755 6-6267177 606 6-4068800 656 6-4861608 706 6-5596152 756 6-6280414 607 6-4085288 651 6-4876840 707 6-5610307 757 6-6293633 608 6-4101749 658 6-4892049 708 6-5624441 758 6-6306834 609 6-4118183 659 6-4907235 709 6-563S555 759 6-6320018 610 6-4134590 660 6-4922398 710 6-5652650 760 6-6333184 611 6-4150970 661 6-4937538 711 6-5666724 761 6-6346334 612 6-4167323 662 6-49526^6 712 6-5680779 762 6-63594^66 613 6-4183649 663 6-4967750 713 6-5694814 763 6-6372580 614 6-4199949 664 6-4982821 714 6-5708830 764 6-6385678 615 6-4216223 665 6-4997870 715 6-5722825 765 6-6398758 616 6-4232470 666 6-5012897 716 6-5736802 766 6-6411822 617 6-4248690 661 6-5027900 717 6-5750758 767 6-6424868 618 6-4264885 668 6-5042882 718 6-5764696 768 6-6437897 619 6-4281053 669 6-5057841 719 6-5778614 769 6-6450910 620 6-4297195 670 6-5072777 720 6-5792512 770 6-6463905 621 6-4313311 671 6-5087691 721 6-5806391 771 6-6476884 622 6-4329401 672 6-5102583 722 6-5820251 772 6-6489846 623 6-4345465 673 6-5117453 723 6-5834092 773 6-6502790 624 6-4361504 674 6-5132301 724 6-5847914 774 6-6515719 625 6-4377516 675 6-5147127 725 6-5861717 775 6-6528630 626 6-4393504 676 6-5161931 726 6-5875500 776 6-6541525 627 6-4409465 677 6-5176713 727 6-5889265 777 6-6554404 628 6-4425402 678 6-5191473 728 6-5903010 778 6-6561265 629 6-4441313 679 6-5206211 729 6-5916737 779 6-6580110 630 6-4457198 680 6-5220928 730 6-5930445 780 6-6592939 631 6-4473059 681 6-5235623 731 6-5944135 781 6-6605751 632 6-4488894 632 6-5250297 732 6-5957805 782 6-6618547 633 6-4504704 683 6-5264949 733 6-5971457 783 6-6631327 634 6-4520490 684 6-5279579 734 6-5985090 784 6-6644090 635 6-4536250 685 6-5294188 735 6-5998705 785 6-6656831 636 6-4551986 686 6-5308776 736 6-6012301 786 6-6669568 637 6-4567697 687 6-5323343 737 6-6025879 787 6-6682282 638 6-4583383 688 6-5337888 738 6-6039438 788 6-6694981 639 6-4599045 689 6-5352413 739 6-6052979 789 6-6707663 640 6-4614682 690 Q'53669\6 740 6-6066302 790 6-6720329 641 6-4630295 691 6-5381398 741 6-6080006 791 6-6732980 642 6-4645883 692 6-5395860 742 6-6093492 792 6-6745614 643 6-4661447 693 6-5410300 743 6-6106960 793 6-6758232 644 6-4676987 694 6-5424720 744 6-6120410 794 6-6770835 645 6-4692503 695 6-5439118 745 6-6133842 795 6-6783421 646 6-4707995 696 6-5453497 746 6-6147256 796 6-6795992 647 6-4723463 697 6-5467854 747 6-6160652 797 6-6808547 648 6-4738907 698 6-5482191 748 6-6174030 798 6-6821086 649 6-4754327 699 6-5496507 749 6-6187390 799 6-6833609 650 6-4769724 700 6-5510803 750 6-6200732 800 6-6846117 Tab. 8.* HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. (217)*| N. 801 Logar. N. 851 Logar. N". 901 Logar. N. 951 Logar. 6-6858609 6-7464121 6-8035053 6-8575141 802 6-6871086 852 6-7475865 902 6-8046145 952 6-8585650 803 6-6883547 853 6-7487595 903 6-8057226 953 6-8596149 804 6-6895993 854 6-7499312 904 6-8068294 954 6-8606637 803 6-6908423 855 6-7511015 905 6-8079349 955 6-8617113 806 6-6920837 856 6-7522704 906 6-8090393 956 6-8627579 807 6-6933237 857 6-7534379 907 6-8101425 957 6-8638034 808 6-6945621 858 6-7546041 908 6-8112444 958 6-8648478 809 6-6957989 859 6-7557689 909 6-8123451 959 6-8658911 810 6-6970342 860 6-7569324 910 6-8134446 960 6-8669333 811 6-6982G81 36] 6-7580945 911 6-8145429 961 6-8679744 812 6-6995003 862 6-7592553 912 6-8156400 962 6-8690145 813 6-7007311 863 6-7604147 913 6-8167359 963 6-8700534 814 6-7019604 864 6-7615728 914 6-8178306 964 6-8710913 815 6-7031881 865 6-7627295 915 6-8189241 965 6-8721281 816 6-7044144 866 6-7638849 916 6-8200164 966 6-8731638 817 6-7056391 867 6-7650390 917 6-8211075 967 6-8741985 818 6-7068623 868 6-7661917 918 6-8221974 968 6-8752321 819 6-7080841 869 6-7673431 919 6-8232861 969 6-8762646 820 6:7093043 870 6-7684932 920 6-8243737 970 6-8772961 821 6-7105231 871 6-7696420 921 6-8254600 971 6-8783263 822 6-7117404 872 6-7707894 922 6-8265452 972 6-8793558 823 6-7129562 873 6-7719356 923 6-8276292 973 6-8803841 824 6-7141705 874 6-7730804 924 6-8287121 974 6-8814113 825 6-7153834 875 6-7742239 925 68297937 975 6-8824375 826 6-7165948 876 6-7753661 926 6-8308742 976 6-8834626 827 6-7178047 877 6-7765070 927 6-8319536 977 6-8844867 828 6-7190132 878 6-7776466 928 6-8330317 978 6-8855097 829 6-7202202 879 6-7787849 929 6-8341087 979 6-8865316 830 6-7214257 880 6-7799219 930 6-8351846 980 6-8875326 831 6-7226298 881 6-7810576 931 6-8362593 981 6-8885725 832 6-7238324 882 6-7821921 932 6-8373328 982 6-8895913 833 6-7250336 883 6-7833252 933 6-8384052 983 6-8906091 834 6-7262334 884 6-7844571 934 6-8394764 984 6-8916259 835 6-7274317 885 6-7855876 935 6-8405465 985 6-8926416 836 6-7286286 886 6-7867170 936 6-8416155 986 6-8936564 .837 6-7298241 887 6-7878450 937 6-8426833 987 6-8946700 838 6-7310181 888 6-7889717 938 6-8437499 988 6-8956827 839 6-7322107 889 6-7900972 939 6-8448155 989 6-8966943 840 6-7334019 890 6-7912215 940 6-8458799 990 6-8977049 841 6-7345917 891 6-7923444 941 6-8469431 991 6-8987145 842 6-7357800 892 6-7934661 942 6-8480053 992 6-8997231 843 6-7369670 893 6-7945866 943 6-8490663 993 6-9007307 844 6-7381525 894 6-7957058 944 6-8501262 994 6-9017372 845 6-7393366 895 6-7968237 945 6-8511849 995 6-9027427 846 6-7405194 896 6-7979404. 946 6-8522420 996 6-9037473 847 6-7417007 897 6-7990559 947 6-8532991 997 6-9047508 848 6-7428806 898 6-8001701 948 6-8543545 998 6-9057533 849 6-7440592 899 6-8012830 949 6-8554088 999 6-9067548 85.0 6-7452363 900 6-8023948 950 6-8564620 1000 6-9077553 3 h* (218)* HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 8.* N. 1001 Logar. N. 1051 Logar. N. 1101 Logar. N. 1151 Logar. 6-9087548 6-9574974 7-0039741 7-0483864 1002 6-9097533 1052 6-9584484 1102 7-0048820 1152 7-0492348 1003 6-9107508 1053 6-9593985 1103 7-0057890 1153 7 0501225 1001- 6-9117473 1054 6-9603477 1104 7-0066952 1154 7-0509894 1005 6-9127428 1055 6-9612960 1105 7-0076006 1155 7-0518556 1006 6-9137374 1056 6-9622435 1106 7-0085052 1156 7-0527210 1007 6-9147309 1057 6 9631900 1107 7-0094089 1157 7-0535857 1008 6-9157234 1058 6-9641356 1108 7-0103119 1158 7-0544497 1009 6-9167150 1059 6-9650803 1109 7-0112140 1159 7-0553128 1010 6-9177056 1060 6-9660242 1110 7-0121153 1160 7-0561753 1011 6-9186952 1061 6-9669671 1111 7-0130158 4161 7-0570370 1012 6-9196838 1062 6-9679092 1112 7-0139155 1162 7-0578979 1013 6-9206715 1063 6-9688504 1113 7-0148144 1163 7-0587582 1014. 6-9216582 1064 6-9697907 1114 7-0157124 1164 70596176 1015 6-9226439 1065 6-9707301 1115 7-0166097 1165 7-0604764 1016 6-9236286 1066 6-9716686 1116 7-0175061 1166 7-0613344 1017 6-9246124 1067 6-9726063 1117 7-0184018 1167 7-0621916 1018 6-9255952 1068 6-9735430 1118 70192967 1168 7-0630482 1019 6-9265770 1069 6-9744789 1119 7-0201907 1169 7-0639040 1020 6-9275579 1070 6-9754139 1120 7-0210840 1170 7-0647590 1021 6-9285378 1071 6-9763481 1121 7-0219764 1171 7-0656134 1022 6-9295168 1072 6-9772813 1122 7-0228681 1172 7 0664670 1023 6-9304948 1073 6-9782137 1123 7-0237590 1173 7-0673198 102i 6-9314718 1074 6-9791453 1124 7-02i649O 1174 7-0681720 1025 6-9324479 1075 6-9800759 1125 7-0255383 1175 7-0690234 1026 6-9334230 1076 6-9810057 1126 7-0264268 1176 7-0698741 1027 6-9343972 1077 6-9819347 1127 7 0273145 1177 7-0707241 1028 6-9353704 1078 6-9828628 1128 7-0282014 1178 7-0715734 1029 6-9363427 1079 6-9837900 1129 7-0290876 1179 7-0724219 1030 6-9373141 1080 6-9847163 1130 7-0299729 1180 7-0732697 1031 6-9382845 1081 6-9856418 1131 7-0308575 1181 7-0741168 1032 6-9392539 1082 6-9865665 1132 7 0317413 1182 7-0749632 1033 6-9402225 1083 6-9874902 1133 7-0326243 1183 7-0758089 1034 6941 1901 1084 6-9884132 1131- 7-0335065 1184 70766538 1035 6-9421567 1085 6-9893353 1135 7-0343879 1185 7-0774981 1036 6-9431224 1086 6-9902565 1136 7-0352686 1186 7-0783416 1037 6-9440872 1087 6-9911769 1137 7-0361483 1187 7-0791844 1038 6-9450511 1088 6-9920964 1138 7-0370276 1188 7-0800265 1039 6-9460140 1 039 6-9930151 1139 7-0379060 1189 7-0808679 1040 6-9469760 1090 6-9939330 1140 7-0387835 1190 7-0817086 1041 6-9479371 1091 6-9948500 1141 7 0396603 1191 7-0825486 1042 6-9488972 1092- 6-9957662 1142 7-0405364 1192 7-0833878 1043 6-949856.5 1093 6-9966815 1143 7-0414117 1193 7-0842264 10 H 6-9508148 1094 6-9973960 1144 7-0422802 1194 7 '0850643 1045 6-9517722 1095 0-9985096 1145 7-0431599 1195 7-0859015 1046 6 9527286 1096 6-9994225 1146 7-0440329 1196 7-0867379 1047 6-9536842 1097 7-0003345 1 147 7-041.9051 1197 7-0875737 1048 6-95 16389 1098 7-0012456 1148 7-0457706 1198 70884088 1049 6-9555926 1099 7-0021160 1149 7-0466473 1199 70892432 1050 6-9565454 1100 7-0030655 1150 7-0475172 1200 7-0900768 Tab. 8. LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. (212) 3-556'3 3-2553 3-0792 2-9542 2-8573 2-7782 2-7112 2-6532 2-6021 2-5563 2-5149 2-4771 2-4424 2-4102 2-3802 2-3522 2-3259 2-3010 2-2775 2-2553 2-2341 2-2139 2-1946 2.1761 2-1584 2-1413 2-1249 2-1091 2r0939 2-0792 2-0649 2-0512 2-0378 2-0248 2-0122 2-0000 i-9881 1-9765 1-9652 1 -9542 1-943 i-9331 1-9228 1-9128 1-9031 1-893.= 1-8842 1-875 1-8661 1-8573 1-8487 1-8403 1 -8320 1-8239 1-81 1-8081 1-8004 1-7929 1-7855 1-7782 60 1-7782 1-7710 1-7639 1-7570 1-7501 1-7434 1-7368 1-7302 1-7238 1-7175 1-7112 1-7050 1-6990 1-6930 1-6871 1-6812 1-6755 1-6698 1-6642 1-6587 1-6532 1-6478 1-6425 1-6372 1,-6320 1-6269 1-6218 6168 1-6118 6069 1-6021 1-5973 1-5925 878 1-5832 1-5786 1-5740 1-5695 1-5651 1-5607 1-5563 5520 5477 5435 5393 5351 5310 5269 5229 5189 5149 I'SIIO 1-5071 1-5032 1-4994 1-4956 1-491 1-488 1-4844 1-4808 1-4771 120 1-4771 1 -4735 1 -4699 1-4664 1-4629 1-4594 1-4559 1-4525 1-4491 1-4457 1-4424 1-4390 1-4357 1-4326 1-4292 1 -4260 1-4228 1-4196 1-4165 1-4133 1-4102 1-4071 1-4040 1-4010 1-3979 1-3949 1-3919 1-3890 1-3860 1-3831 1-3802 1-3773 1-3745 1-3716 1-3688 1-3660 1 -3632 1-3604 1-3576 1-3549 1-3522 1-3495 1-3468 1-3441 1-3415 1-3388 1-3362 1-3336 1-3310 1-3284 1-3259 1-3233 1-3208 1-3183 1-3158 1-3133 i-3108 1-3083 1-3059 1-3034 1-3010 8 180 1-3010 1-2986 1-2962 1-2939 1-2915 1-2891 1-2868 1-2845 1-2821 1-2798 1-2775 1-2753 1-2730 1-2707 1-2685 1-2663 1-2640 1-2618 1-2596 1-2574 1-2553 1-2531 1-2510 1-2488 h'2467 1-2445 1-2424 1-2403 1-2382 1-2362 1-2341 1-2320 1-2300 1-2279 1-2259 1-2239 1-^2218 1-2198 1-2178 1-2159 1-2139 1-2119 1-2099 1-2080 1-2061 1-2041 1-2022 1-2003 1-1984 1-1965 1-1946 1-1927 1-1908 1-1889 1-187 1-1852 1-1834 1-1816 1-1797 1-1779 1-1761 240 1-1761 1-1743 1-1725 1-1707 1-1689 1-1671 1-1654 1-1636 1-1619 1-1601 1-1584 1-1566 1-1549 1-1532 1 1515 1-1498 1-1481 1-1464 1-1447 1-1430 1-1413 1-1397 1-1380 1363 1-1347 1-1331 1-1314 1-1298 1-1282 1-1266 1-1249 1-1233 1-1217 1-1201 1-1186 1-1170 1-1154 1138 1123 1107 1091 I 1 1 1 1-1076 1-1061 1-1045 1-1030 1-1015 1-0999 1-0984 1-0969 1-0954 1-0939 1-0924 1-0909 1-0894 1-0880 1-086 1-0850 1-0835 1-0821 1-0806 1-0792 300 1-0792 1-0777 1-0763 1-0749 1-0734 1-0720 1-0706 1-0692 I -0678 6_ 360 0000 9988 9976 9964 9952 9940 9928 9916 9905 1-066319893 1-0649 9881 1-0635 1-0621 1-0608 1-0594 1-0580 1-0566 1-0552 1-0539 1-0525 1-0512 1-0498 1-0484 1-0471 1-0458 1-0444 1-0431 1-0418 1-0404 1-0391 1-0378 1-0365 1-0352 1-0339 1-0326 1-0313 1-0300 1-0287 1 -0274 1-0261 1-0248 1-0235 1-0223 1-0210 1-0197 1-0185 1-0172 1-0160 1-0147 1-0135 1-0122 l-OllO 1-0098 1-0085 1-0073 1-0061 1-0049 1-0036 1 -0024 1-0012 1-0000 9869 9218 9858 9208 98469198 420 9331 9320 9310 9300 9289 9279 8751 8742 8733 8724 8715 8706 9269 8697 9259 9249 9238 9228 8688 8679 8670 8661 9834 9823 9811 9800 9788 9777 9765 9754 9742 9731 9720 9708 9697 9686 9675 9664 9652 9641 9630 9619 9608 9597 9586 9575 9564 9553 9542 9532 9521 9510 9499 9488 9478 9467 9456 9446 9435 9425 9414 9404 9393 9383 9372 9362 9351 9341 9331 9188 91 8652 8643 8635 8626 788617 9168 9158 9148 9138 9128 9119 9109 9099 9089 9079 9070 9060 9050 9041 9031 9021 9012 9002 8992 8983 8973 8964 8954 8945 8935 8926 8917 8907 8879 8870 8861 8851 8842 8833 8824 8814 8805 8796 8787 8778 8769 8760 8751 8 480 8608 8599 8591 8582 8573 8565 8556 8547 8539 8530 8522 8513 8504 8496 8487 8479 8470 8462 8453 8445 8437 8428 8420 8411 8403 8395 8386 8378 8370 8361 8353 8345 8337 8328 8320 8312 8304 8296 8288 8279 8271 8263 8255 8247 8239 540 8239 8231 8223 8215 8207 8199 8191 8183 75 8167 8169 8152 8144 8136 8128 8120 8112 8104 8097 8089 8081 8073 8066 8058 8050 8043 10 600 7782 7774 7767 7760 7753 7745 7738 7731 7724 7717 7710 7703 7698 7688 7681 7674 7667 7660 7653 7646 7639 7632 7626 7618 7611 7604 8035 7597 8027 8020 8012 8004 7997 7989 7981 7974 7966 7959 7951 7944 7936 7929 7921 7914 7906 7899 7891 7884 7877 7869 7862 7855 7847 7840 7832 7825 7818 7811 7803 7796 7789 7782 7590 7583 7577 7570 7563 7556 7549 7542 7535 7528 7522 751 7508 7501 7494 7488 7481 7474 7467 7461 7454 7447 7441 7434 7427 7421 7414 7407 7401 7394 7387 7381 7374 7368 11 660 7368 7361 7354 7348 7341 7335 7328 7322 7315 7309 7302 7296 7289 7283 7276 7270 7264 7257 7251 7244 7238 7232 7225 7219 7212 7206 7200 7193 7187 7181 7175 7168 7162 7156 7149 7143 7137 7131 7124 7118 7112 7106 7100 7093 7087 7081 7075 7069 7063 7057 7050 7044 7038 7032 7026 7020 7014 7008 7002 6996 6990 12 720 6990 6984 6978 6972 6966 6960 6954 6948 6942 6936 6930 6924 6918 6912 6906 6900 6894 6888 6882 6877 6871 6865 6859 6853 6847 6841 6836 6830 6824 6818 6812 6807 6801 6795 6789 6784 6778 6772 6766 676} 6755 6749 6743 6738 6732 6726 6721 6715 6709 6704 6698 6692 6687 6681 6676 6670 6664 6659 6663 6648 6642 3 E*SI (213) LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 8. ' 13 14 15 Ui 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26. 27 6642 6637 6631 6625 4 6620 6614 780 6609 6603 6598 6592 6587 6581 6576 6570 6565 6559 6554 6548 6543 6538 6532 6527 6521 6516 6510 6505 6500 6494 6489 6484 6478 6473 6467 6462 6457 6451 6446 6441 6435 6430 6425 6420 6414 6409 6404 6398 6393 6388 6383 49 6377 6372 6367 6362 6357 6351 6346 6341 57 6336 6331 6325 6'320 840 6320 6315 6310 6305 6300 6294 6289 6284 6279 6274 6269 6264 6259 6254 6248 6243 6238 6233 6228 6223 6218 6213 6208 6203 6198 6193 6188 6183 6178 6173 6168 6163 6158 6153 6148 6143 6138 6133 6128 6123 6118 6113 6108 6103 6099 6094 6089 6084 6079 6074 6069 6064 6059 6055 6050 6045 6040 6035 ^030 602 602 900 6021 6016 601 6006 6001 5997 5992 5987 5982 5977 5973 5968 5963 5958 5954 5949 5944 5669 5939 5935 5930 5925 5920 5916 5911 5906 5902 5897 5892 5888 5883 5878 5874 5869 5864 5860 5855 5850 5846 5841 6836 5832 5827 5823 5818 5813 5809 5804 5800 5795 5790 5786 5781 5777 5772 5768 5763 5758 5754 5749 6745 5740 960 5740 5736 5731 5727 5722 5718 5713 5709 5704 5700 5695 5691 5686 5682 5677 5673 5664 5660 5655 5651 5646 5642 5637 5633 5629 5624 5620 5615 5611 5607 5602 5598 5594 5589 5585 5580 5576 5572 5567 5563 5559 5554 5650 5546 5541 5537 6533 5528 5624 5520 5516 5511 5507 5503 5498 5494 5490 5486 5481 477 1020 5477 5473 5469 5464 5460 5456 5452 5447 5443 5439 5435 5430 5426 5422 5418 5414 5409 5405 5401 5397 5393 5389 5384 5380 5376 5372 5368 5364 5359 5355 5351 5347 5343 5339 5335 5331 5326 5322 5318 5314 5310 5306 5302 5298 5294 5290 5285 5281 5277 5273 5269 5265 261 5257 5253 5249 5245 5241 5237 5233 5229 rrrrr. 1080 5229 5225 5221 5217 5213 5209 5205 5201 5197 5193 5189 5185 5181 5177 5173 5169 5165 5161 5157 5153 5149 5145 5141 5137 5133 5129 5125 5122 5118 5114 5110 5106 5102 5098 5094 5090 5086 5082 5079 5075 5071 5067 5063 5059 5055 5051 5048 5044 5040 5036 5032 5028 5025 5021 5017 5013 5009 5005 5002 4998 4994 140 4994 4990 4986 4983 4979 4975 4971 4967 4964 4960 4956 4952 4949 4945 4941 4937 4933 4930 4926 4922 4918 4915 4911 4907 490i 4900 4896 4892 4889 4885 4881 4877 4874 4870 4866 4863 4859 4855 4852 4848 4844 4841 4837 4833 4830 4826 4822 4819 4815 481! 4808 4804 4800 4797 4793 4789 4786 4782 4778 4775 4771 1200 4771 4768 4764 4760 4757 4753 4750 4746 4742 4739 4735 4732 4728 4724 4721 4717 4714 4710 4707 4703 4699 4696 4692 4689 468 4682 4678 4675 4671 4668 4664 4660 4657 4653 4650 4646 4643 4639 4636 4632 4629 4625 4622 4618 4615 4611 4608 4604 4601 4597 4594 4590 4587 4584 4580 4577 4573 4570 4566 4563 4559 1260 4559 4556 4552 4549 4546 4542 4539 4535 4532 4528 4525 4522 4518 4515 4511 4508 4605 4501 4498 4494 4491 4488 4484 4481 4477 4474 4471 4467 4464 4460 4467 4454 4450 4447 4444 4440 4437 4434 4430 4427 4424 4420 4417 4414 4410 4407 4404 4400 4397 4394 4390 4387 4384 4380 4377 4374 4370 4367 4364 4361 43571 1320 4357 4354 4351 4347 4344 4341 4338 4334 433 4328 4325 4321 4318 4315 4311 4308 4306 4302 4298 4295 4292 4289 4285 4282 4279 4276 4273 4269 4266 4263 4260 4256 4253 4250 4247 4244 4240 4237 4234 4231 4228 4224 4221 4218 4215 4212 4209 4205 4202 4199 4196 4193 4189 4186 4183 4180 4177 4174 4171 4167 4164 380 4164 4161 4158 4155 4152 4149 4145 4142 4139 4136 4133 4130 4127 4124 4120 4117 4114 4111 4108 4105 4102 4099 4096 4092 40^9 4086 4083 4080 4077 4074 4071 4068 4065 4062 4059 4055 4052 4049 4046 4043 4040 4037 4034 4031 4028 4025 4022 4019 4016 4013 4010 4007 4004 4001 3998 3995 3991 3988 3985 3982 3979 1440 3979 3976 3973 3970 3967 3964 3961 3958 3955 3952 3949 3946 3943 3940 3937 3934 3931 3928 3925 3922 3919 3917 3914 3911 3908 3905 3902 3899 3896 3893 3890 3887 3884 3881 3878 3875 3872 3869 3866 3863 3860 3867 3855 3852 3849 3846 3843 3840 3837 3834 3831 3828 3825 3822 3820 3817 3814 3811 3808 3805 3802 1500 3802 3799 3796 3793 3791 3788 3 3782 3779 3776 3773 3770 3768 3766 3762 3759 3756 3753 3750 3747 3745 3742 3739 3736 3733 3730 3727 3725 3722 3719 3716 3713 3710 3708 3706 3702 3699 3696 3693 3691 3688 3685 3682 3679 3677 3674 3671 3668 3666 3663 3660 3657 3654 3651 3649 3646 3643 3640 3637 3635 3632 1560 3632 3629 3626 3623 3621 3618 3615 3612 3610 3607 3604 3601 3598 3596 3593 3590 3687 3585 3582 3579 3576 3674 3571 3568 3566 3563 3560 3657 3555 3552 3549 3546 3544 3641 3638 3535 3533 3530 3527 3525 3522 3519 3516 3514 3511 3508 3506 3503 3500 3497 3495 3492 3489 3487 3484 3481 3479 3476 3473 3471 3468 1620 34(«8 3465 3463 3460 3467 3454 3462 3449 3446 3444 3441 3438 3436 3433 3431 3428 3426 3423 3420 3417 3415 3412 3409 3407 3404 3401 3399 3396 3393 3391 3388 3386 3383 3380 3378 3375 3372 3370 3367 3365 3362 3359 3357 3354 3351 3349 3346 3344 3341 3338 3336 3333 3331 3328 3325 3323 3320 3318 3315 3313 3310 Tab. 8. LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. (214) ' 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 1680 1740 1800 18b'0 1920 1930 2040 2100 21o0 2220 2280 2340 2400 2460 2520 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 3310 3307 3305 3302 300 3297 3294 3292 3289 3287 3284 3282 3279 3276 3274 3271 3269 3266 3264 3261 3259 3256 3253 3251 3248 3246 3243 3241 3238 3236 3233 3231 3228 3225 3223 3220 3218 3215 3213 3210 3208 3205 3203 3100 3198 3195 3193 3190 3188 5185 3183 3180 3178 3175 3173 3170 3168 3165 3163 3160 3158 3158 3155 3153 3150 3148 3145 3143 3140 3138 3135 3133 3130 3128 3125 3123 3120 3118 3115 3113 3110 3108 3105 3103 3101 3098 3096 3093 3091 3088 3086 3083 3081 3078 3076 3073 3071 3069 3066 3064 3061 3059 3056 3054 3052 3049 3047 3044 3042 3039 3037 3034 3032 3030 3027 3025 3022 3020 3018 3015 3013 3010 3010 3008 3005 3003 3001 2998 2996 2993 2991 2989 2986 2984 2981 2979 2977 2974 2972 2969 2967 2965 2962 2960 2958 2955 2953 2950 2948 2946 2943 2941 2939 2936 2934 2931 2929 2927 2924 2922 2920 2917 2915 2912 2910 2908 2905 2903 2901 2898 2896 2894 2891 2889 2887 2884 2882 2880 2877 2875 2873 2870 2868 2868 236S 2863 286J 2859 2856 2854 2852 2849 2847 2845 2842 2840 2838 2835 2833 2831 2828 2826 2824 2821 2819 2817 2815 2812 2810 2808 2805 2803 2801 2798 2796 2794 2792 2789 2787 2785 2782 2780 2778 2775 2773 2771 2769 2766 2764 2762 2760 2757 2755 2753 2750 2748 2746 2744 2741 2739 2737 2735 3732 2730 2730 2728 2725 2723 2721 2719 2716 2714 2712 2710 2707 2705 2703 2701 2698 2696 2694 2692 2689 2687 2685 2683 2681 2678 2676 2674 2672 2669 2667 2665 2663 2660 2658 2656 2654 2652 2649 2647 2645 2643 2640 2638 2636 2634 2632 2629 2627 2625 2623 2621 2618 2616 2614 2612 2610 2607 2605 2603 2601 2599 2596 2596 2594 2592 2590 2588 2585 2583 2581 2579 2577 2574 2572 2570 2568 2566 2564 2561 2559 2557 2555 2553 2551 2548 2546 2544 2542 2540 2538 2535 2533 2531 2529 2527 2525 2522 2520 251 2516 2514 2512 2510 2507 2505 2503 2501 2499 2497 2494 2492 2490 2488 2486 2484 2482 2480 2477 2475 2473 2471 2469 2467 2467 2341 2465 2339 2462 2460 2458 2456 2454 2452 2450 2448 2445 2443 2441 2439 2437 2435 2433 2431 2429 2426 2424 2422 2420 2418 2416 2414 2412 2410 2408 2405 2403 2401 2399 2397 2395 2393 2391 2389 2387 2384 2382 2380 2378 2376 2374 2372 2370 2368 2366 2364 2362 2369 2357 2355 2353 2351 2349 2347 2345 2343 2341 2337 2335 2333 2331 2328 2326 2324 2322 2320 2318 2316 2314 2312 2310 2308 2306 2304 2302 2300 2298 2296 2294 2291 2289 2287 2285 2283 2281 2279 2277 2275 2273 2271 2269 2267 2265 2263 2261 2259 2257 2255 2253 225 2249 2247 2245 2243 2241 2239 2237 2235 2233 2231 2229 2227 2225 2223 2220 221 2218 2216 2214 2212 2210 2208 2206 2204 2202 2200 2198 2196 2191 2192 2190 2188 2186 2184 2182 2180 2178 2176 2174 2172 2170 2169 2167 2165 2163 2161 2159 2157 2155 2153 2151 2149 2147 2145 2143 2141 2139 2137 2135 2133 2131 2129 2127 2125 2123 2121 2119 2117 2115 2113 2111 2109 2107 2105 2103 2101 2099 2099 2098 2096 2094 2092 2090 2088 2086 2084 2082 2080 2078 2076 2074 2072 2070 2068 2066 2064 2062 2061 2059 2057 2055 2053 2051 2049 2047 2045 2043 2041 2039 2037 2035 2033 2032 2030 2028 2026 2024 2022 2020 2018 2016 2014 2012 2010 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1986 1984 1984 1982 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 1970 1968 1967 1965 1963 1961 1959 1957 1955 1953 1951 1950 1948 1946 1944 1942 1940 1938 1936 1934 1933 1931 1929 1927 1925 1923 1921 1919 1918 1916 1914 1912 1910 1908 1906 1904 1903 1901 1899 1897 1895 1893 1891 1889 1888 1886 1884 1882 1880 1878 1876 1875 1873 1871 1871 1869 1867 1865 1863 1862 1860 1858 1856 1854 1852 1850 1849 1847 1845 1843 1841 1839 1838 1836 1834 1832 1830 1828 1827 1825 1823 1821 1819 1817 1816 1814 1812 1810 1808 1806 1805 1803 1801 1799 1797 1795 1794 1792 1790 1788 1786 1785 1783 1781 1779 1777 1775 1774 1772 1770 1768 1766 1765 1763 1761 1761 1759 1757 1755 1754 1752 1750 1748 1746 174 1743 1741 1739 1737 1736 1734 1732 1730 1728 1727 1725 1723 1721 1719 1718 1716 1714 1712 1711 1709 1707 1705 1703 1702 1700 1698 1696 1694 1693 1691 1689 1687 1686 1684 1682 1680 1678 1677 1675 1673 1671 1670 1668 1666 1664 1663 1661 1659 1657 1655 1654 1654 1652 1650 1648 1647 1645 1643 1641 1640 1638 1636 1634 1633 1631 1629 1627 1626 1624 1622 1620 1619 1617 1615 1613 1612 1610 1608 1606 1605 1603 1601 1599 1598 1596 1594 1592 1591 1589 1587 1585 1684 1582 1580 1578 1577 1576 1573 1671 1570 1568 1566 1565 1663 1561 1559 1558 1656 1554 1552 1551 1549 1549 1547 1546 1544 1542 1540 1539 1537 1535 1634 1532 1530 1528 1527 1526 1623 1522 1520 161! 1516 1515 1513 161 1510 1608 1606 1604 1603 1501 1499 1498 1496 1494 1493 1491 1489 1487 1486 1484 1482 1481 1479 1477 1476 1474 1472 1470 1469 1467 1465 1464 1462 1460 1469 1467 1465 1454 1452 1450 1449 1447 (Qi^) LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 8. 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 2580 1447 1445 1443 1442 1440 1438 1437 1435 1433 1432 1430 1428 1427 1425 1423 1422 1420 1418 1417 1415 1413 1412 1410 1408 1407 1405 1403 1402 1400 1398 1397 1395 1393 1392 1390 1388 1387 1385 1383 1382 1380 1378 1377 1375 1373 1372 1370 1368 1367 1365 1363 1362 1360 1359 1357 1355 1354 1352 1350 1349 1347 2640 1347 1345 1344 1342 1340 1339 1337 1335 1334 1332 1331 1329 1327 1326 1324 1322 1321 1319 1317 1316 1314 1313 1311 1309 1308 1306 1304 1303 130 1300 1298 1296 1295 1293 1291 1290 1288 1287 1285 1283 1282 1280 1278 127 1275 1274 1272 1270 1269 1267 1266 1264 1262 1261 1259 1257 1256 1254 1253 1251 1249 2700 1249 1248 1246 1245 1243 1241 1240 1238 1237 1235 1233 1232 1230 1229 1227 1225 1224 1222 1221 1219 1217 1216 1214 1213 1211 1209 1208 1206 1205 1203 1201 1200 1198 1197 1195 1193 1192 1190 1189 1187 1186 1184 1182 11 1179 1178 1176 1174 1173 1171 1170 1168 1167 1165 1163 1162 1160 1159 1157 1156 1154 2760 2820 1061 1059 1057 1056 1054 1053 1154 1152 1151 1149 1148 1146 1145 1143 1141 1140 1138 1137 1135 1134 1132 1130 1129 1127 1126 1124 1123 1121 1119 1118 1116 1115 1113 1112 1110 1109 1107 1105 1104 1102 1101 1099 1098 1096 109 1093 1091 1090 1088 1087 1085 1084 1082 108 1079 1078 1076 1074 1073 1071 1070 1068 1067 1065 1064 1062 1061 1051 1050 1048 1047 1045 1044 1042 1041 1039 1037 1036 1034 1033 1031 1030 1028 1027 1025 1024 1022 1021 1019 101 1016 1015 1013 1012 1010 1008 1007 1005 1004 1002 1001 0999 2880 0969 0968 0966 0965 0963 0962 0960 0959 0957 0956 0954 0953 0951 0950 0948 0947 0945 0944 0942 0941 0939 0938 0936 0935 0933 0932 0930 0929 0927 0926 0924 0923 0921 0920 2940 0880 0878 0877 0875 0874 0872 0871 3000 0792 3060 0706 0790 0704 0868 0866 0865 0863 0862 0860 0859 0857 0856 0855 0853 0852 0850 0849 0847 0846 0844 0843 0841 0840 0838 0837 0835 0834 0833 0831 0918 0830 0917 0828 0915 0827 0914 0825 0912 0824 091l!o822 0909*0821 0789 0787 0786 0785 0783 0782 0780 0779 0777 0776 0774 0773 0772 0770 0769 0767 0766 0764 0763 0762 0760 0759 0757 0756 0754 0753 0751 0750 0749 0747 0746 0744 0743 0741 0740 0739 0737 0736 0734 0703 0702 0700 0699 0697 0696 0694 0693 0692 0690 0689 0687 0686 0685 0683 0682 0680 0679 0678 0676 0675 0673 0672 0670 0669 0668 0666 0665 0663 0662 0661 0659 0658 0656 0655 0654 0652 0651 0649 3120 0621 0620 0619 0617 0616 0615 0613 0612 0610 0609 0608 0606 0605 0603 0602 0601 0599 0598 0596 0595 0594 0592 0591 0590 0588 0587 0585 0584 0583 0581 0580 3180 0539 0537 0536 0535 0533 0532 0531 0529 0528 0526 0525 0524 0522 0521 0520 0518 0517 0516 0514 0513 0512 3240 0458 0456 0455 0454 0452 0451 0450 0448 0447 0446 0444 0443 0442 0440 0439 0438 0436 0435 0434 0432 0431 3360 3420 0510 0430 0509 0428 0507 0506 0505 0503 0502 0501 0499 0498 0427 0426 0424 0423 0422 0420 0419 0418 0579 0497 0577 0495 0998 0908i081 0996 0906|0818 0733 0648 0995 0993 0992 0990 0989 0987 0986 0984 0983 0981 0980 0978 0977 0975 0974 0972 0971 0905 0816 0903|o8I 0902J0814 0900!081 0899-08 1 073 0730 0729 0727 2 0726 0724 089710809 0723 089610808 0721 0894jO€06 0720 0893 080o 0891 0803 08900802 0888 0887 0885 0884 0883 0881 0969 0880 0801 0799 0798 0796 0795 0793 0792 0719 0717 0716 0714 0713 0711 0710 0709 0707 0706 0576 0574 0573 0572 0570 0569 0568 0566 0565 0563 0562 0561 0559 0558 0557 0555 0554 0552 0551 0550 0548 0547 0546 0544 0543 0541 0623l0540 062110539 0647 064 0644 0642 0641 0640 0638 0637 0635 0634 0633 0631 0630 0628 0627 0626 0624 0494 0493 0491 0490 0489 0487 0486 0484 0483 0482 0480 0479 0478 3300 0378 0377 0375 0374 0373 0371 0370 0369 0367 0366 0365 0363 0362 0361 0359 0358 0357 0356 0354 0353 0352 0350 0273 0349^0271 0270 0269 0267 0300 0298 0297 0296 0294 0293 0292 0291 0289 0288 0287 0285 0284 0283 0282 0280 0279 0278 0276 0275 0274 0348 0346 0345 0344 0342 0341 0340 0339 0416 0337 0415 0414 0412 0411 0410 0408 0407 0406 0404 0403 0402 0400 0399 0398 0476 0396 0475 0395 0474 0472 0471 0470 0468 0467 0466 0464 0463 0462 0460 0459 0458 0394 0392 0391 0390 0388 0387 0386 0384 0383 0382 0381 0379 0378 0336 0335 0333 0332 0331 0329 0328 0327 0326 0324 0323 0322 0320 0319 0318 0316 0315 0314 0313 0311 0310 0309 0307 0306 0305 0304 0302 0301 0300 0223 0221 0220 0219 0218 0216 0215 0214 0213 0211 0210 0209 0208 0206 0205 0204 0202 0201 0200 0199 0197 0196 0195 0194 0192 0191 0266 0190 0266 0264 0262 0251 0260 0258 0257 0256 0255 0189 0187 0186 0185 0184 0182 0181 0180 0179 0253|01 77 0252 0176 0251 0250 0248 0247 0246 0244 0243 0242 0241 0239 0238 0237 0235 0234 0233 0232 0230 0229 0228 0227 0225 0224 0223 0175 0174 0172 0171 0170 0169 0167 0166 0165 0163 0162 0161 0160 0158 0157 0156 0165 0153 0152 0151 0150 0148 0147 Tab. 8. LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. (216) ' 58 59 60 6*1 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70(71 72 3480 0147 0146 0145 014.S 0142 0141 0140 0139 0137 0136" 0135 0134 0132 0131 1540 0073 0072 0071 0069 0068 0067 0066 0064 0063 0062 0061 0060 0058 0057 3600 0130 0056 012*0055 0127 0126 0125 0124 0122 0121 0120 0119 0117 0116 0115 0114 0112 0111 0110 0109 0107 0106 0105 0104 0103 0101 0100 0099 0098 0096 0095 0094 0093 0091 0090 0089 0088 0087 0085 0084 0083 0082 0080 0079 0078 570077 58 0075 590074 60.0073 9999 9998 9996 9995 9994 9993 9992 9990 9989 9988 9987 9986 9984 9983 9982 0053 9981 9980 9978 9977 9976 0052 005 0050 0049 0047 0046 0045 0044 0042 0041 0040 0039 0038 0036 0035 0034 0033 0031 0030 0029 0028 0027 0025 0024 0023 0022 0021 0019 0018 0017 0016 0015 0013 0012 001] 0010 0008 0007 0006 0005 0004 0002 0001 0000 3660 9974 9972 9971 9970 9928 9927 9926 9925 9923 9922 9921 992C 9919 9918 9916 9915 9914 9913 9912 9910 9909 9908 9907 9906 9905 3720 9975 9903 9968 9966 9965 9964 9963 9962 9960 9959 9958 9957 9956 9954 9953 9952 9951 9950 9948 9947 9946 9945 9944 9942 9941 9940 9939 9938 9937 9935 9934 9933 9932 9931 9929 9928 9902 9901 9900 9899 9897 9896 9895 9894 9893 9892 9890 9887 9886 9885 9883 9882 9881 9880 9879 9877 9876 9875 9874 9873 9872 9870 9869 9868 9867 9866 9865 9863 9862 9861 98G0 9859 9858 9858 9856 9855 9854 9853 9852 9851 9849 9848 9847 9846 9845 9844 9842 9841 9840 9839 9838 9837 9835 3834 9833 9832 9831 9830 9829 9827 9826 9825 9824 9823 3780 9788 9787 9786 9785 9784 9782 9781 9780 9779 9778 9777 9775 9774 9773 9772 9771 3840 9720 9719 9717 9716 9715 9714 9713 9712 97 9710 9708 3900 9707 9706 9705 9704 9703 9770 9702 9769 9701 9767 9766 9765 9699 9698 9697 9822 9820 9819 9818 9817 9816 9815 9813 9812 9811 9810 9809 9808 9807 9805 9804 9803 9802 9801 9800 9798 9797 9796 9795 9794 9764 9696 9763\969'^ 9762 9694 9761 9693 97599692 9652 965 1 9650 9649 9648 9647 9646 9645 9643 9642 9641 9640 9639 9638 9637 9636 9636 9633 9632 963 9630 9629 9628 9627 9626 9625 9758 9757 9756 9755 9754 9753 9751 9750 9749 9748 9747 9746 9745 9744 9742 9741 9740 9739 9738 9737 9736 9734 9733 9732 9731 9730 9729 9723 '9690 9689 9688 9687 9686 9685 9684 9683 9681 9680 9679 9678 9677 9676 967 9674 9672 9671 9670 9669 9668 9667 9666 9665 9664 9662 966 9660 3960 9586 9585 :)584 9583 9582 9581 9579 9578 9577 9576 9575 9574 9573 9572 9571 9570 4020 9727 9659 9725 9658 9793 9792 790 9789 9788 9720 9724 9657 9723^9656 97229655 972119653 20*9652- 9624 9622 9621 9620 9619 9618 9617 9616 9615 9614 9612 9611 9610 9609 9608 9607 9606 9605 9604 9603 9601 9600 9599 9598 9597 9596 9595 9594 9593 9592 9590 9589 9588 9587 9586 569 9567 9566 9565 9564 9563 9562 9561 9560 9559 9558 9557 9555 9554 9553 9552 551 9550 9549 9548 9547 9546 9545 9544 9542 9541 9540 9539 9538 9537 9536 953 9534 9533 9532 9530 9529 9528 9527 9526 9521 9520 9519 9518 9516 9515 4080 9456 9455 9454 9453 9452 9451 9525 9524 9523 9522 9521 9514 9450 9513 9449 9512 9448 9511 '9447 9510 9446 9509 '9445 9508^9444 950719443 9506,9442 95059440 9504 9439 9502 9438 9501 ,'9437 9500 '9436 94999435 94989434 9497;9433 9496 9432 9495 1943 9494 9430 9493 9429 9492 9428 9491 9427 9490,9426 9488j9425 9487i9424 9486:9422 94851942 9484 9420 9483|S419 948219418 9481i94l7 9480J9416 9479 9415 9478 9414 4140 9393 9392 9391 9390 9389 9388 9387 9386 9385 9384 9383 9381 9380 9379 9378 9377 420014260 9331 9269 93299268 93289267 9327 9266 9326 9265 9325 9264 9324 9323 9322 9321 9320 9319 9318 9317 9316 9315 9376 9314 937519313 9477 9476 9475 9473 9472 9471 9470 9469 9468 9467 9466 9465 9464 9463 9462 9461 9460 9459 9457 9456 9413 9412 94)1 9410 9409 9408 9407 9406 9405 9404 9402 9401 9400 9374 9373 9372 9371 9370 9369 9368 9367 9366 9365 9364 9363 9362 9361 9360 9359 9358 9356 9355 9354 9353 9352 9351 9312 9311 9310 9309 9308 9307 9306 9305 9304 9303 9302 9301 9300 9299 9298 9297 9296 9294 9293 9292 9291 9290 9289 9350 9288 9349 9287 9348 9286 9347 9346 934 9344 9343 9342 9341 9340 9339 9338 9399 9337 9398 9336 9397 9396 395 9394 9393 9335 9334 9333 9332 9331 928 9284 9283 9282 9281 9280 9279 9278 9277 9276 9275 9274 9273 9272 9271 9270 9269 9263 9262 9261 9260 9259 9258 9257 9266 9255 9254 9253 9252 9251 9250 9249 9248 9247 9246 9245 9244 9243 9241 9240 9239 9238 4320 9208 9207 9206 9205 9204 9203 9202 9201 9200 9199 9198 9197 9196 9195 9194 9193 9192 9191 9190 9189 9188 9187 9186 9185 91^4 9183 9182 9181 9180 9179 9178 9237J9177 92369176 9235 9175 9234 9174 9233 9173 9232 9231 9230 9229 9228 9227 9226 9225 9224 9223 9222 9221 9220 9219 9218 9217 9216 9215 9214 9213 9212 9211 9210 920919 9208 9172 9171 9170 169 9168 9167 9166 9165 9164 9163 9162 9161 9160 159 9158 9157 9156 155 9154 9153 9152 9151 9150 149 t9143 (Q17y LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. Tab. 8. 73 74 75 7i\ 77 7^ Ji) 80 81 82 83 84 8=> 86 87 4380 4440 4500 466'() 46'JO 40"80 9148 9147 9146 9145 9144 9143 9142 9141 9140 9139 9138 9137 9136 9135 9134 9133 9132 9131 9130 19 9129 2019128 21 9128 229127 23|9126 24 9125 259124 2619123 27 9122 28.9121 29 9120 309119 319111 32 9117 339116 9115 9114 9113 9112 9111 9110 9109 9089 9088 9087 9086 9085 9084 9083 9082 9081 9080 9079 9078 9077 9076 9076 9075 9074 9073 9072 9071 9070 9069 9068 9067 9066 9065 9064 9063 9062 9061 9060 9059 9058 9057 9056 9055 9054 9053 9052 9051 9050 9108 9107 43 9106 44I9IO5 45 9104 9103 102 9101 9100 9099 9098 9040 9031 9030 9029 9028 9027 9026 902:i 9024 9023 9022 9021 9020 9019 9018 9017 9016 9015 9015 9014 9013 9012 9011 9010 9009 9008 9007 9006 9005 9004 9003 9002 9001 9000 8999 8998 8997 8996 8995 ^994 ^993 8992 9049 9048 9047 9046 9045 9044 9043 9042 9042 9041 9097 9096 9095 9094 9093 9092 9091 9090 9089 9039 9038 9037 9036 9035 9034 9033 9032 9031 8992 8991 8990 8989 8988 8987 8986 8985 8984 8983 8982 8981 8980 8979 8978 8977 8976 8975 8974 8973 8973 8972 8971 8971 8970 8969 8968 8967 8966 896. 8964 8963 8962 8961 8960 8959 8958 8957 8956 8955 8954 8953 8952 8952 8951 8950 8949 8948 8947 8946 8945 8944 8943 8942 8941 8940 8939 8938 8937 8936 8935 8935 8934 8933 8932 8917 8916 8915 8914 3913 8912 8911 8910 8909 8908 8907 8906 8905 8904 8903 8903 8902 8901 8900 8899 8898 8897 8896 3895 8894 8893 8892 8891 8890 8889 8887 8886 8885 8884 8883 8882 8881 8880 8879 8878 8877 8876 8875 8931 8875 8930 8929 8928 8927 8926 8925 8924 8923 8922 8921 8920 8919 8918 8918 8917 8874 8873 8872 8871 8870 8869 4740 8861 8860 8859 8858 8857 8356 8855 8854 8853 8852 8851 8850 8849 8849 8848 8847 8846 8845 8844 8843 8842 8841 8840 8839 8838 8837 8837 8836 8835 8834 8833 8805 8804 8803 8802 8802 8801 8800 8799 8798 8797 8796 879 8794 8793 8792 8792 8791 8790 8789 8788 8787 8786 8785 4800 4860 8697 8696 8695 8694 8693 8692 8751 8750 8749 8748 8747 8746 8745 8744 8743 8743 8742 8741 8740 8739 8738 8737 8736 8735 8734 8733 8733 8732 8731 8784 8729 8783 8729 8782 8728 8781 8781 8780 8779 8778 8832 8777 8831 8830 8829 8828 8827 8826 8825 8825 8824 8823 8822 8821 8820 8819 8818 8817 8816 8815 8776 8775 8774 8773 8772 8771 8771 8770 8769 8867 8866 8865 8864 8863 8862 8861 8861 8813 8813 8812 8811 8810 8809 8808 8807 8806 8805 8727 8726 8725 8724 8724 8723 8722 8721 8720 8719 8718 8717 8716 8715 8715 8768 8767 8765 8764 8763 8762 8761 8761 8814 8760 8759 8758 8757 8756 8755 8754 8753 8752 3762 8751 8691 8690 8689 8689 8688 8687 8686 8685 8684 8683 8682 8681 8681 8680 8679 8678 8677 8676 8675 8674 8673 8673 8672 8671 8670 8669 8668 8667 8666 8665 8665 8664 8663 8662 8661 8714 8713 8766 8712 8710 8710 8709 8708 8707 8706 8705 8704 8703 8702 8702 8701 8700 8699 8698 8697 8697 8660 8659 8658 8657 8657 8656 8655 8654 8653 8652 8651 8650 8650 8649 8648 8647 8646 8645 8644 8643 4920 8643 8642 8642 8641 8640 8639 8638 8637 8636 8635 8635 8634 8633 8632 8631 8630 8629 8628 8627 8627 8626 8625 8624 8623 8622 8621 8620 8620 8619 8618 8617 8616 8615 8614 8613 8613 8612 8611 8610 8609 8608 8607 8606 8606 8605 8604 4980 5040 5100 160 5220 8603 8602 8601 8600 8599 8599 8598 8597 8596 8595 8594 8593 8592 8592 8591 8591 8590 8589 8588 587 8586 8585 8585 8584 8583 8582 8581 580 8579 8579 8578 8577 8576 8575 8574 8573 8572 8572 8571 8570 8569 8568 8567 8566 3565 8565 8564 8563 562 8561 8560 8559 8559 8558 8557 8556 8555 8554 8553 8553 8552 8551 3550 8549 8548 8547 8546 8546 8545 8544 8543 8542 854 8540 8540 8539 8539 8538 8537 853G 8535 8534 8534 8533 8532 8531 8530 8529 8628 8528 8527 8526 525 8524 8623 8622 8522 8521 8520 851 8518 8517 8516 8516 8515 8514 8513 8487 8486 8486 8185 8484 8483 8482 8481 8481 8480 8479 8478 8477 8476 8475 8475 8474 8473 8472 847 8470 8469 8469 8468 8467 8466 8465 8464 8464 8463 8462 8512 8511 8610 8510 8509 8508 8507 8506 8505 8504 8504 8503 8602 8601 8600 8499 8498 8498 8497 8496 849 8494 8493 8492 8492 849 8490 8489 8488 8487 8437 8436 8435 8434 8433 8432 8431 8431 8430 8429 8428 8427 8426 8426 8426 84g4 8423 8422 8421 8421 8420 8419 8418 8417 8416 8416 84J5 8414 8413 8412 8411 8461 8460 8459 8458 8458 8467 8466 8465 8464 8463 8463 8452 8451 8450 8449 8448 8447 8447 8446 8445 8444 8443 8442 8442 8441 8440 8439 8438 843 8437 8386 8385 8385 8384 8383 8382 8381 8380 8380 8379 8378 8377 8376 8376 8375 8374 8373 8372 8371 8371 8370 8369 8368 8367 8366 8366 8365 8364 8363 8362 8361 8410 8361 8410i8360 8409J8369 8408 8358 8407 8357 8406 8406 8405 8404 8403 8402 8401 8400 8400 8399 8398 8397 8396 8395 8396 8394 8393 8392 8391 8390 8390 8389 8388 8387 8386 8356 8356 8355 8354 8353 8352 8361 8351 8350 8349 8348 8347 8347 8346 8345 8344 8343 8342 8342 8341 8340 8339 8338 8338 8337 TABLE IX. LOGARITHMIC SINES AND TANGENTS TO EVERY SECOND IN THE FIRST TWO DEGREES. ^F (1^18) ODeg. LOG. SIN'ES. Tab. 9. If 0' 1' 'J 3' 1 '' 5' 1 6' 7' II ~o 6-4637261 6-7647561 6-9408473 7-0667860 7-1626960 7-2418771 7-3088239 60 1 4-6855749 6-4709047 6-7683602 6-9432534 7-0675918 7-1641412 7-2430818 7-3098567 59 2 4-9866049 6-477066^ 6-7719347 6-9456462 7-0693901 7-1656817 7-2442832 7-3108870 58 3 5-1626961 6-4849154 6-7754800 6-9480259 7-0711810 7-1670173 7-2464813 7-3119149 57 4 5-2876349 6-4917548 6-7789965 6-9503926 7-0729646 7-1684483 7-2466760 7-3129404 56 5 5-3845449 6-4984882 6-7824849 6-9527465 7-0747408 7-1698745 7-2478676 7-3139636 65 6 5-4637261 6-6051188 6-7859454 6-9560878 7-0766099 7-1712961 7-2490557 7-3149842 54 7 5-5306729 6-6116497 6-7893786 6-9574164 7-0782717 7-1727131 7-2502407 7-3160024 63 8 5-5886649 6-5180838 6-7927848 6-9597327 7-0800264 71741254 7-2514225 7-3170183 52 9 5-6398174 6-5244239 6-7961645 6-9620366 7-0817741 7-17.^6332 7-2526010 7-3180318 61 10 5-6855749 6-5306729 6-7995182 6-9643284 7-0835148 7-1769364 7-2637764 7-3190430 50 11 5-7269676 6-5368332 6-8028461 6-9666082 7-0852485 7-1783361 7-2649485 7-3200518 49 12 5-7647561 6-5429074 6-8061488 6-9688760 7-0869753 7-1797293 7-2561176 7-3210583 48 13 5-7995182 6-5488977 6-8094265 6-9711321 7-0886953 7-1811190 7-2572835 7-3220624 47 14 5.8317029 6-5548066 6-8126796 6-9733766 7-0904086 7-1825043 7-2584462 7-3230643 46 16 5-8616661 6-5606361 6-8159086 6-9766094 7-0921149 7-1838853 7-2696059 7-3240638 45 16 5-8896948 6-5663884 6-8191137 6-9778309 7-0938147 7-1852618 7-2607625 7-3250610 44 17 5-9160238 6-5720656 6-8222954 6-9800410 7-0955079 7-1866340 7-2619160 7-3260660 43 18 5-9408474 6-5776695 6-8254539 6-9822400 7-0971945 7-1880018 7-2630664 7-3270487 42 19 5-9643285 6-5832019 6-8285896 6-9844279 7-0988745 7-1893654 7-2642138 7-3280391 41 20 5-9866049 6-5886648 6-8317029 6-9866048 7- 1005481 7-1907247 7-2653582 7-3290272 40 21 6-0077942 6-5940599 6-8347939 6-9887709 7-1(^2153 7-1^8760 7-1920797 7-2664996 7-3300131 39 22 6-0279975 6-59938B7 6-8378632 6-9909262 7-1934306 7-2676380 7-3309968 38 23 6-0473027 6-6046529 6-8409109 6-9930708 7-1054305 7-1947772 7-2687734 7-3319783 37 24 6-0657861 6-6098541 6-3439373 6-9952050 7-1071787 7-1961197 7-2699058 7-3329576 36 25 6-0835149 6-6149938 6-8469428 6-9973287 7-1088206 7-1974680 7-2710353 7-3339345 36 26 6-10054R2 6-6200733 6-8499277 6-9994420 7.1104664 7-1987923 7-2721619 7-3349094 34 27 6-1169386 6-625094] 6-8528922 7-0015451 7-1120860 7-2001224 7-273285S ?-3358821 33 28 6-1327329 6-6300576 6-8558365 7-0036381 7-1137095 7-2014485 7-2744063 7-3368525 32 29 6-1479729 6-6349649 6-8587611 7-0057211 7-1153270 7-2027706|7-2755242 7-3378209 31 3C 6-1626961 6-6398174 6-8616661 7-0077941 7-1169385 7-2040886j7-2766392 7-3387870 30 31 6-17G9366 6-644S162 6-864561B 7-0098572 7-1185440 7-2064027 7-2777514 7-3397511 29 32 6-19n7248|6-6493627 6-8674184 7-0119107 7-1201436 7-2067128 7-2788607 7-3407130 28 33 6-204088816-6540578 6-2l70538i6-6587027 6-8702663 7-0139544 7- 12 1*7374 7-2080189 7-2799672 7-3416727 27 34 6-8730956 7-0159886 7-1 233263 7-2093211 7-2810708 7-3426304 26 35 6-2296429 6-6632985 6-8759065 7-0180132 7-1249074 7-2106195 7-2821717 7-3435859 25 36 6-2418774 6-6678461 6-8786994 7-0200285 7-1264838 7-2119140 7.2832698 7-3445394 24 37 6-2537766 6-6723466 6-8814745 7-0220345 7-1280645 7-2132046 7-2843651 7-3454907 23 38 6-2653585 6-6768009 6-8842319 7-0240313 7-1296195 7-2144914 7-2854577 7-3464400 2? 39 6-2766395 6-6842100 6-8869719 7-0260189 7-1311789 7-2167744 7-2865475 7-3473872 21 40 6-2876349 6-6855748 6-8896948 7-0279976 7-1327328 7-2170536 7-2876346 7-3483323 20 41 6-2983687 6-6898962 6-8924007 7-0299671 7-1342811 7-2183290 7-2887190 7-3492754 19 42 6-3088242 6-6941750 6-8950898 7-0319278 7-1358238 7-2196008 7-2898006 7-3602166 18 43 6-3190433 6-6984121 6-8977624 7-0338796 7-1373612 7-2208688 7-2908796 7-3511555 17 44 6-3290275 6-7026082 6 9004187 7-0358228 7-1388931 7-2221331 7-2919560 7-3520926 16 45 &-3387874 6-7067641 6-9030588 7-0377573 7-1404196 7-2233938 7-2930296 7-3630275 15 46 6-3483327 6-7108807 6-9056829 7-0396832 7-1419408 7-2246508 7-2941006 7-3639604 14 47 6-3576727 6-7149586 6-9082913 7-0416006 7-1434566 7-2259041 7-2951690 7-3548914 13 48 6-3668161 6-7189986 6-9108841 7-0435096 7-1449672 7-2271539 7-2962347 7-3558203 12 49 6-3757709 6-7230013 6-9134615 7-0454103 7-1464726 7-2284001 7-2972979 7-3667473 11 50 6-3845449 6-7269675 6-9160237 7-0473026 7-1479727 7-2296427 7-2983584 7-3676723 10 51 6-3931450 6-7308978 6-9185709 7-049 186S 7-1494677 7-2308818 7-29941 64 7-3585954 9 52 6-4015782 6-7347929 6-92] 1033 7-0510628 7-1509676 7-2321173 7-300471 8 7-3595165 7-301 52461,7-3604356 8 53 6-4098507 6-7386533 6-9236209 7-0529307 7-1524423 7-2333494 7 54 6-4179686 6-7424797 6-9261241 7-05479C6 7-1539221 7-2345779 7-3025749|7-36l3528 6 55 6-4259376 6-7462727 6-9286129 7-0566426 7-1653967 7-2358030 7-3036227|7-36'22681 5 56 6-4337629 6-7600328 6-9310875 7-0584868 7-1668664 7-2370246 7-3046679!7-3631814 4 57 6-4414497 6-7537607 6-9335481 7-0603231 7-1583312 7-2382429|7-3057 1 06|7-3640929 3 58 6-4490029 6-7574569 6-9359948 7-0621517 7-1597910 7-2394677 7-3067509i7-3650024 2 59 6-4564269 6-7611218 6-9384278 7-0639727 7-1612459 7-2406691 7-3077886 7-3659100 ] 60 6-4637261 6-7647661 6-9408473 7-0657860 7-1626960 7-2418771 7-3088239j7-3668157 u ■/'- 59' 58' 57' 56' 55' 54' 53' i 52' LOG. COSINES. 89 Deg. Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (m) 1/ 0' 1' 2' yj A' 5' 6" 1 7' ~!l "o G-16;i726l 6-7647562 6-9408475 7-0657863 7-1626964 7-2418778i7-3088248 60 \ 4-6855749 6-4709047 6-7683603 6-9432536 7-0675921 7'1641417 7-2430825 7-3098576 59 2 4-9k>,66049 6'4779G66 6-7719347 6-9456464 7-0693904 7-1655821 7-2442839 7-3108879 58 3 5-1626961 6-4849154 6-7754800 6-9480261 7-0711813 7'1670178 7-2454819 7-3119158 b7 4 5-2876349 6-4917549 6-7789966 6-9503928 7-0729649 7' 1684488 7-2466767 7-3129413 56 5 5-3845449|6-4984882 6-7824849 6-9527467 7-0747412 7-1698750 7-2478682 7-3139644 55 6 5-4637261 6-6051188 iJ- 7 8 5945 5 6-9550879 7-0765102 7-1712966 7-2490564 7-3149851 54 7 5-5306729 6-51 16497 6-7893786 6-9574166 7-0782720 7-1727136 7-2502414 7-3160034 53 8 5-5886649 6-5180838 6-7927849 6-9597328 7-0800268 7-1741259 7-2514231 7-3170193 52 9 5-6393174 6-524^240 6-7961646 6-9620368 7-0817744 7-1756337 7-2526017 7-3180328 51 10 5-6855749 6-5306729 6-7995] 83 6-9643286 7-0835151 7-1769369 7-2537771 7-3190440 50 II 5-7269676 6-5368332 6-8028462 6-9666084 7-0852488 7-1783356 7-2549492 7-3200528 49 12 5-7647561 6-5429074 6-8061489 6-9688762 7-0869756 7-1797298 7-2561183 7-3210592 48 13 5-7995182 6-5488977 6-8094266 6-9711323 7-0886956 7-1811195 7-2572842 7-3220634 47 14 5-8317029 6-5548066 6-8126797 6-9733767 7-0904088 7-1825049 7-2584469 7-3230652 46 15 5-8616661 6-5606361 6-8159087 6-9766096 7-0921153 7-1838858 7-2596066 7-3240648 45 16 5-8896948 6-5663885 6-8191138 6-9778311 7-0938151 7-1852623 7-2607632 7-3250620 44 17 5-9160238 6-5720656 6-8222955 6-9800412 7-0955082 7-1866345 7-2619167 7-3260570 43 18 5-9408474 6''6776G9'6 6-8264540 6-9822402 7-0971948 7-1880023 7-2630672 7-3270496 42 19 5-9643285 6-5832020 6-8285897 6-9844281 7-0988749 7-1893659 7-2642146 7-3280400 41 20 5-9866049 6-5886649 6-8317030 6-9866050 7-1005484 7-1907252 7-2653590 7-3290282 40 21 6-0077942 6.5940599 6-8347940 6-98^711 ,6-9909264 7-1022156 7-1920802 7-2665003 7-3300141 39 22 6-0279975 6-5993887 6-8378633 7-1038764 7-1934311 7-2676387 7-3309978 38 23 6-0473027 6-6046530 6-8409110 6-9^30710 7-1055309 7-1947«777 7-2687741 7-3319793 37 24 6-0657861 6-6098542 6-8439374 6-9952052 7-1071790 7-1961202 7-2699066 7-3329585 36 25 6-0835149 6-6149938 6-8469429 6-9973289 7-1088240 7-1974586 7-2710361 7-3339356 35 26 6-1005482 6-6200733 6-8499278 6-9994422 7-1104567 7-1987928 7-2721627 7-3349104 34 27 6-116938'fe 6-6250941 6-8528923 7-0015454 7-1120864 7-2001230 7-2732863 7-3358831 33 28 6-1327329 6-6300576 6-8558367 7-0036383 7-1137099 7-2014491 7-2744071 7-3368536 32 29 6-1479729 6-6349649 6-8587612 7-0057213 7-1153274 7-2027711 7-2755250 7-3378219 31 30 6-1626961 6-6398174 6-8616662 7-0077943 7-1169389 7-2040892 7-2766400 7-3387881 30 31 6-1769366 6-6446163 6-8645519 7-0098575 7-1185444 7'2054032 7-2777521 7-3397621 29 32 6-1907248 6-6493627 6-8674185 7-0119109 7-1201440 7-2067133 7-2788615 7-3407140 28 33 6-2040888 6-6540578 6-8702664 7-01*39546 7-1217378 7-2080195 7-2799679 7-3416738 27 34 6-2170538 6-6587027 6-8730957 7-0159888 7-1233257 7-2093217 7-2810716 7-3426314 26 35 6-3296429 6-6632985 6-8759066 7-0180135 7-1249078 7-2106201 7-2821725 7-3435870 25 36 6-2418774 6-6678461 6-8786995 7-0200288 7-1264842 7-2119145 7-2832706 7-3445404 24 37 6-2537766 6-6723466 6-881474C 7-0220348 7-1280549 7-2132052 7-2843659 7-3454918 23 38 6-2653585 6-6768010 6-8842320 7-0240315 7-1296199 7-2144920 7-2854585 7-3464411 22 39 6-2766395 6-6812101 6-8869721 7-0260191 7-1311793 7-2157750 7-28^5483 7-3473883 21 40 6-2876349 6-6855749 6-8896949 7-0279977 7-1327332 7-2170542 7-2876354 7-34833-r4 20 41 6-2983587 6-6898963 6-8924008 7-0299673 7-1342815 7^2183296 7-2887198 7-3492765 19 42 6-3088242 6-6941761 6-8950900 7-0319280 7-1358242 7-2196014 7-2898015 7-3502176 18 43 6-3190433 6-6984121 6-8977626 7-0338799 7-1373616 7-2208694 7-2908805 7-3511566 \7 44 6-3290275 6-7026082 6-9004188 7-0358231 7-1388935 7-222 1337|7-29 1 9568 7-3520936 16 45 6-3387874 6-7067642 6-9030589 7-0377576 7-1404200 7-2233944 7-2930304 7-3530286 15 46 6-3483327 6-7108808 6-9056830 7-0396835 7-1419412 7-2246514 7-:^9410i5 7-3539615 14 47 6-3576727 6-7149587 6-9082914 7-0416009 7-1434570 7-2259048 7-2951698 7-3548925 13 48 6-3668161 6-7189987 6-9108842 7-0435099 7-1449676 7-2271545 7-2962356 7-3558215 12 49 6-3757709 6-7230014 6-9134617 7-0454105 7-1464730 7-2284007- 7-2972987 7-3567485 11 50 6-3845449 6-7269676 6-9160239 7-0473029 7-1479732 7-2296433 7-2983 59.^ 7-3576735 10 51 6-3931450 6-7308979 6-9185711 7-0491870 7-149468] 7-2308824 7-2994173 7-3585965 9 59 6-4015782 6-7347929 6-9211034 7-0510630 7-1509580 7-2321180 7-3004727 7-3695176 8 53 6-4098507 6-7386534 6-923621] 7-0529310 7-1524428 7-2333500 7-3015255 7-3604368 7 54 6-4179686 6-7424798 6-9261242 7-0547909 7-1539225 7-2345786 7-3025758 7-3613540 6 55 6-4259376 6-7462728 6-9286130 7-0566429 7-1553972 7-2358036 7-3036235 7-3622692 5 56 6-4337629 6-7500329 6-9310876 7-0584871 7-1568669 7-2370253 7-3046688 7-3631826 4 57 6-4414497 6-7537608 6-9335482 7-0603234 7-1583316 7-2382435 7-30571 1^ 7-3640940 3 58 6-4490029 6-7574570 6-9359950 7-0621520 7-1597914 7-2394583 7-3067517 7-3650035 2 59 8-4564269 6-7611219 6-9384280 7-0639730 7-1612464 7-2406698 7-3077895 7-3659112 1 60 6-4637261 6-7647uG'j 6-9408475 7-0657863 7-1626964 7-2418778 7-3088248 7-3668169 // 59' 58' 57' 56' 55' 54' 53' 52' ir~ LOG. COTANGENTS. 3 F 2 89 Dcg. (220) Deg LOG. SINES. Tab. 9. n 8' 9' 10' 11' 12' 13' 14' 15' If 1 ) 7-3668 157 7-4179681 7-4637255 7-5051181 7-5429065 7-5776684 7-6098530 7-6398160 60 : 7-3677195 7-41877 H r-4644487 7-5057756 7-5435092 7-5782249 7-6103697 7-6402983 59 ►7-3686215 7-4195737 7-4651707 7-5064321 7-5441112 7-5787806 7-6108858 7-6407800 58 2 7-3695216 7-420374/ 7-4658916 7-5070876 7-5447123 7-5793356 7-6114012 7-6412612 57 4 7-3704198 7-4211733 7-4666112 7-5077422 7-5453125 7-5798899 7-6119161 7-6417419 56 5 7-3713162 7-4219709 7-4673296 7-5083958 7-5459120 7-5804435 7-6124304 7-6422221 55 6 7-3722107 7-4227670 7-4680469 7-5090483 7-5465106 7-5809964 7-6129440 7-6427017 54 7 7-3731034 7-4235617 7-4687629 7-5096999 7-5471084 7-5815485 7-6134571 7-6431808 53 8 7-3739943 7-4243549 7-4694778 7-5103506 7-5477053 7-5821000 7-6139695 7-6436593 52 9 7-3748832 7-4251467 7-4701915 7-5110002 7-5483015 7-5826508 7-6144813 7-6441373 51 10 7-3757705 7-4259370 7-4709041 7-5116489 7-5488968 7-5832009 7-6149926 7-6446149 50 11 7-3766559 7-4267259 7-4716154 7-5122966 7-5494913 7-5837503 7-6155032 7-6450918 49 12 7-3775396 7-4275134 7-4723257 7-5129434 7-5500850 7-5842990 7-6160132 7-6455683 48 13 7-3784214 7-4282995 7-4730347 7-5135892 7-5506779 7-5848470 7-6165227 7-6460442 47 14 7-3793014 7-4290841 7-4737426 7-5142340 7-5512700 7-5853943 7-6170315 7-6465196 46 15 7-3801796 7-4298673 7-4744493 7-5148779 7-5518613 7-5859409 7-6175397 7-6469945 45 16 7-3810561 7-4306491 7-4751549 7-5155208 7-5524518 7-5864869 7-6180474 7-6474689 44 17 7-3819308 7-4314295 7-4758594 7-5161628 7-5530414 7-5870321 7-6185544 7-6479428 43 18 7-3828038 7-4322085 7-4765627 7-5168038 7-5536303 7-5875767 7-6190609 7-6484161 42 19 7-3836750 7-4329861 7-4772649 7-5174439 7-5542184 7-5881206 7-6195668 7-6488889 41 20 7-3845444 7-4337624 7-4779659 7-5180830 7-5548057 7-5886638 7-6200721 7-6493613 40 21 7-3854122 7-4345372 7-4786658 7-5187212 7-5563921 7-55^778 7-5892063 7-6205768 7-6498331 39 22 7-3862782 7-4353106 7-4793646 7-5193585 7-5897481 7-6210809 7-6503043 38 23 7-3871424 7-4360827 7-4800623 7-5199948 7-5565^27 7-5902893 7-6215844 7-6507751 37 24 7-3880050 7-4368534 7-4807588 7-5206302 7-5571469 7-5908298 7-6220873 7-6512454 36 25 7-3888668 7-4376228 7-4814542 7-5212646 7-5577302 7-5913696 7-6225897 7-6517151 35 26 7-3897249 7-4383908 7-4821485 7-5218982 7-5583127 7-5919088 7-6230915 7-6521844 34 27 7-3905824 7-4391574 7-4828417 7-5225308 7-5588945 7-5924473 7-6235927 7-6526531 33 28 7-3914381 7-4399227 7-4835338 7-5231625 7-5594755 7-5929851 7-6240933 7-6531214 32 29 7-3922922 7-4406866 7-4842248 7-5237933 7-5600557 7-5935223 7-6245934 7-6535891 31 30 7-3931446 7-4414492 7-4849147 7-5244231 7-5606352 7-5940588 7-6250928 7-6540563 30 31 7-3939953 7-4422104 7-4856035 7-5250521 7-5612138 7-5945946 7-6255917 7-6545231 29 32 7-3948444 7-4429703 7-4862913 7-5256801 7-5617917 7-5951298 7-6260901 7-6549893 28 33 7-3956918 7-4437289 7'4S69779 7-5263073 7-5623689 7-5956643 7-6265878 7-6554550 27 34 7-3965375 7-4444862 7-4876634 7-5269335 7-5629452 7-5961981 7-6270850 7-6559203 26 35 7-3973816 7-4452421 7-4883479 7-5275588 7-5635208 7-5967313 7-6275816 7-6563850 25 36 7-3982241 7-4459968 7-4896313 7-5281833 7-5640957 7-5972639 7-6280777 7-6568492 24 37 7-3990650 7-4467501 7-4897136 7-5288068 7-5646698 7-5977958 7-6285732 7-6573130 23 38 7-3999042 7-4475021 7-4903949 7-5294295 7-5652431 7-6983270 7-6290681 7-6577762 22 39 7-4007418 7-4482529 7-4910750 7-5300512 7-5658157 7-5988576 7-6295624 7-6582390 21 40 ?^015778 7-4490023 7-4917541 7-5306721 7-5663875 7-5993876 7-6300562 7-6587012 20 41 7.4024121 7-4497504 7-4924322 7-5312920 7-5669585 7-5999169 7-6305495 7-6591630 19 42 7-4032449 7-4504973 7-4931092 7-5319111 7-5675289 7-(3004455 7-6310421 7-6596243 18 43 7-4040761 7-4512428 7-4937851 7-5325294 7-5680984 7-6009735 7-6315342 7-6600850 17 44 7-4049057 7-4519871 7-4944600 7-5331467 7-5686672 7-6015009 7-6320258 7-6605453 16 45 7-4057337 7-4527302 7-4951339 7-5337631 7-5692353 7-6020277 7-6325168 7-6610052 15 46 7-4065601 7-4534719 7-4958067 7-5343787 7-5698026 7-6025538 7-6330073 7-6614645 14 47 7-4073850 7-4542124 7-4964784 7-5349934 7-5703692 7-6030792 7-6334971 7-6619233 13 48 7-4082083 7-4549516 7-4971492 7-5356073 7-5709351 7-6036040 7-6339865 7-6623817 12 49 7-4090301 7-4556896 7-4978188 7-5362202 7-5715002 7-6041282 7-6344753 7-6628395 11 50 7-4098503 7-4564263 7-4984875 7-5368324 7-5720646 7-6046518 7-6349635 7-6632969 10 51 7-4106689 7-4571618 7-4991551 7-5374436 7-5726282 7-6051747 7-6354512 7-6637538 9 52 7-4114860 7-4578960 7-4998217 7-5380540 7-5731912 7-6056970 7-6359384 7-6642103 8 53 7-4123016 7-4586290 7-5004873 7-5386635 7-5737533 7-6062187 7-6364250 7-6646662 7 54 7-4131156 7-4593607 7-5011519 7-5392722 7-5743148 7-6067397 7-6369110 7-6651217 6 55 7-4139282 7-4600912 7-5018154 7-5398800 7-5748755 7-6072602 7-6373965 7-6655767 5 56 7-4147392 7-4608205 7-5024780 7-5404870 7-5754356 7-6077800 7-6378815 7-6660312 4 57 7-4155487 7-4615486 7-5031395 7-5410931 7-5759949 7-6082991 7-6383659 7-6664852 3 58 7-4163567 7-4622754 7-5038000 7-5416984 7-5765534 7-6088177 7-6388498 7-6669388 2 59 7-4171631 7-4630011 7-5044595 7-5423029 7-5771113 7-6093356 7-6393332 7-6673919 1 60 T 7-4179681 7-4637255 7-5051181 7-5429065 7-5776684 7-6098530 7-6398160 7-6678445 51' 50' 49' 48' 47' 46' 45' 44' II LOG. COSINES. 89 Deff. Deg. '' LOG. TA5JGENTS. (221) n 8' 9' 10' 11' 12' 13' 14' 15' // *o 7-3668169 7-4179696 7-4637273 7-505120.:! 7-5429091 7-5776715 7-6098566 7-6398201 60 1 7-3677207 7-4187731 7-4644506 7-5057778 7-5435119 7-5782280 7-6103733 7-6403024 59 2 7-3686227 7-4195752 7-4651726 7-5064343 7-5441138 7-5787837 7-6108894 7-6407842 58 3 7-3695228 7-4203757 7-4658934 7-5070899 7-5447149 7-5793387 7-6114049 7-6412654 57 4 7-i704210 7-4211748 7-4666130 7-5077444 7-5453152 7-5798930 7-6119197 7-6417461 56 b 7-3713174 7-4219724 7-4673315 7-5083980 7-5459147 7-5804466 7-6124340 7-6422262 55 6 7-3722119 7-4227685 7-4680487 7-5090506 7-5465133 7-5809995 7-6129477 7-6427059 54 7 7-3731046 7-4235632 7-468764^ 7-5097022 7-5471111 7-5816517 7-6134607 7-6431850 53 8 7-3739955 7-4243564 7-4694797 7-5103528 7-5477080 7-5821032 7-6139732 7-6436635 52 9 7-3748845 7-4251482 7-4701934 7-5110025 7-5483042 7-6826540 7-6144850 7-6441416 51 10 7-3757718 7-4259386 7-4709060 7-5116512 7-5488995 7-5832041 7-6149963 7-6446191 50 11 7-3766572 7-4267275 7-4716173 7-5122989 7-5494941 7-5837535 7-6155069 7-6450961 49 12 7-3775408 7-4275150 7-4723276 7-5129457 7-5500878 7-5843022 7-6160169 7-6455725 48 13 7-3784226 7-4283010 7-4730366 7-5135915 7-5506807 7-5848502 7-6165264 7-6460485 47 14 7-37,93026 7-4290857 7-4737445 7-5142363 7-5512728 7-5853975 7-6170352 7-6465239 46 15 7-3801809 7-4298689 7-4744513 7-5148802 7-5518640 7-5869441 7-6175435 7-6469988 45 16 7-3810574 7-4306507 7-4751569 7-5155231 7-5524545 7-5864901 7-6180511 7-6474732 44 17 7-3819321 7-4314311 7-4758613 7-5161651 7-5530442 7-5870353 7-6185582 7-6479471 43 18 7-3828051 7-4322101 7-4765646 7-5168061 7-5536331 7-5875799 7-6190647 7-6484204 42 19 7-3836763 7-4329877 7-4772668 7-5174462 7-5542212 7-5881238 7-6195705 7-6488933 41 20 7-3845457 7-4337640 7-4779679 7-5180854 7-5548084 7-5886670 7-6200758 7-6493656 40 21 7-3854134 7-4345388 7-4786678 7-5187236 7-5553949 7-5892096 7-6205805 7-6498374 39 22 7-3862794 7-4353123 7-4793666 7-5193608 7-5559806 7-5897514 7-6210847 7-6503087 38 23 7-3871437 7-4360843 7-4800642 7-5199972 7-5565656 7-5902926 7-6215882 7-6507795 37 24 7-3880063 7-4368551 7-4807608 7-5206326 7-5571497 7-5908331 7-6220911 7-6512497 36 25 7-3888671 7-4376244 7-4814562 7-5212670 7-5577330 7-5913730 7-6325935 7-6517195 35 26 7-3897263 7-4383924 7-4821505 7-5219006 7-5583156 7-5919121 7-6230953 7-6521888 34 27 7-3905837 7-4391590 7-4828437 7-5225332 7-5588974 7-5924506 7-6235965 7-6526575 33 28 7-3914395 7-4399243 7-4835359 7-5231649 7-5594784 7-5929884 7-6240972 7-6531258 32 29 7-3922935 7-4406882 7-4842269 7-5237957 7-5600586 7-5935256 7-6245972 7-6535935 31 30 7-3931459 7-4414508 7-4849168 7-5244256 7-5606380 7-5940621 7-6250967 7-6540608 30 31 7-3939967 7-4422121 7-4856056 7-5250545 7-5612167 7-5945980 7-6255956 7-6545275 29 32 7-3948457 7-4429720 7-4862933 7-5266826 7-5617946 7-5951331 7-6260939 7-6549937 28 33 7-3956931 7-4437306 7-4869799 7-5263097 7-5623718 7-5956677 7-6265917 7-6554595 27 34 7-3965389 7-4444879 7-4876655 7-5269360 7-5629481 7-5962015 7-6270889 7-6559247 26 35 7-3973830 7-4452438 7-4883ri00 7-5275613 7-5635238 7-5967347 7-6275855 7-6563895 25 36 7-3982255 7-4459985 7-4890334 7-5281858 7-5640986 7-5972673 7-6280816 7-6568537 24 37 7-3990663 7-4467518 7-4897157 7-5288093 7-5646727 7-5977992 7-6285771 7-6573174 23 38 7-3999055 7-4475038 7-4903969 7-5294319 7-5652460 7-5983304 7-6290720 7-6577807 22 39 7-4007431 7-4482546 7-4910771 7-5300537 7-5658186 7-59886 U 7-6295664 7-6582435 21 40 7-4015791 7-4490040 7-4917562 7-5306746 7-5663904 7-5993910 7-6300602 7-6587057 20 41 7-4024135 7-4497521 7-4924343 7-5312946 7-5669615 7-5999203 7-6305534 7-6591675 19 42 7-4032463 7-4504990 7-4931113 7-5319137 7-5675318 7-6004490 7-6310461 7-6596288 18^ 43 7-4040775 7-4512446 7-4937872 7-5325319 7-5681014 7-6009770 7-6315382 7-6600896 17 44 7-4049071 7-4519889 7-4944621 7-5331492 7-5686702 7 -60 15044 7-6320298 7-6605499 16 45 7-4057351 7-4527319 7-4951360 7-5337657 7-5692383 7-6020311 7-6325208 7-6610097 16 46 7-4065616 7-4534737 7-4958088 7-5343813 7-5698056 7-6025572 7-6330113 7-6614690 14 47 7-4073864 7-4542141 7-4964806 7-5349960 7-5703722 7-6030827 7-6335012 7-6619279 13 48 7-4082097 7-4549534 7-4971513 7-5356098 7-5709381 7-6036075 7-6339905 7-6623863 12 49 7-4090315 7-4556913 7-4978210 7-5362228 7-5715032 7-6041317 7-6344793 7-6628441 11 50 7-4098517 7-4564281 7-4984897 7-5368349 7-5720676 7-6046553 7-6349676 7-6633015 10 51 7-4106703 7-4571635 7-4991573 7-5374462 7-5726313 7-6051782 7-6354553 7-6637586 9 52 7-4114875 7-4578978 7-4998239 7-5380566 7-5731942 7-6057005 7-6359424 7-6642149 8 53 7-4123030 7-4586308 7-5004895 7-5386661 7-5737564 7-6062222 7-6364290 7-6646709 7 54 7-4131171 7-4593625 7-5011541 7-5392748 7-5743179 7-6067433 7-6369151 7-6651263 6 55 7-4139296 7-4600930 7-5018176 7-5398826 7-5748786 7-6072637 7-6374006 7-6655813 5 56 7-4147406 7-4608223 7-5024802 7-5404896 7-5754386 7-6077835 7-6378856 7-6660359 4 57 7-4155501 7-4615504 7-5031417 7-5410958 7-5759979 7-6083027 7-6383700 7-6664899 3 58 7-4163581 7-4622773 7-5038022 7-5417011 7-5765565 7-6088213 7-6388539 7-6669435 2 59 7-4171646 7-4630030 7-5044618 7-5423055 7-5771144 7-6093392 7-6393373 7-66739S6 1 60 7-4179696 7-4637273 7-5051203 7-5429091 7-5776715 7-6098566 7-6398201 7-6678492 // 51' 5(y 49' 48' 47' 46' 45' 44' II LOG. COTATCfiF.TVrTS- «Q TiPiT (^22) i [) Deg. LOG. SINES. Tab. 9, If \& 17' 18' 10' 1 20' 21' 1 22' 23' // 60 ~€ 7-66784-U 7-6941733 7-7189966 7-7424775 17-7647537 7-7859427,7-8061458 7-8254507 1 7-6682967 7-v>"9459HB 7-7193986 7-7428583:7-7651] 54 7-7862872;7-8064747 7-8257653 59 '2 7-6687484 7-6950240 7-7198001 7-7432388 '7-7654769 7-7866315 7-8068033 7-8260797 58 3 7-6691996 7-6954487 7-7202013 7-7436 189'7.7658380 7-7869756|7-807l3l7 7-8263938 57 4 7-6696503 7-6958730 7-7206021 7-7439987 7-7661989 7-7873 1 9217-8074599 7-8267077 56 5 7-67ai006 7-6962969 7-7210026 7-74437817-7665594 7-7876627|7-8077878 7-8270214 55 6 7-6705504 7-6967204 7-7214027 7-7447573 17-766"9 197 7-7880058 7-8081154 7-8273348 54 7 7-6709998 7-6971435 7-7218024 7-74513607-7672797 7-7883488 17-8084428 7-8276481 53 8 7-6714486 7-6975662 7-7222017 7-7455145:7-7676393 7-7886914 7-8087699 7-8279611 52 9 7-6718970 7-6979884 7-7226007 7-745892617-7679987 7-7890337 7-8090968 7-8282738 61 10 7-6723450 7-69841 03J7-7229993 7-7462705 7-76S3b77 7-7893758 7-8094235 7-8285864 50 11 7-6727925 7-69883 l7i7-7233976 7-7466479 7-7627165 7-7897177 7-8097499 7-8288987 49 12 7-6732395 7-6992528 7-7237955 7-7470251 7-7690750 7-7900593 7-8100761 7-8292108 48 13 7-6736861 7-6996734 7-7241930 7-7474019 7-7694332 7-7904005 7-8104020 7-8295227 47 14 7-6741322 7-7000936 7-7245902 7-7477784 7-7697910 7-7907415 7-8107277 7-8298343 46 15 7-6745779 7-7005134 7-7249869 7-7481546 7-7701486 7-7910823 7-8110531 7-8301458 45 16 7-6750231 7-7009328 7-7253834 7-7485304 7-7705059 7-7914228 7-8113783 7-8304570 44 17 7-6754678 7-7013518 7-7257794 7-7489059 7-7708629 7-7917630 7-8117032 7-8307680 43 18 7-6759121 7-7017704 7-7261752 7-7492811 7-7712196 7-7921029 7-8120279 7-8310787 42 19 7-6763559 7-7021886 7-7265705 7-7496560 7-7715760 7-7924426 7-8123524 7-8313893 41 20 7-6767993 7-7026064 7-7269655 7-7500306 7-7719322 7-7927820 7-8126766 7-8316996 40 21 7-6772422 7-7030238 7-7273601 7-7504048 7-7722880 7-7931212 7-8130006 7-8320097 39 22 7'6776B47 7-7034407 7-7277544 7-75077S7 7-7726435 7-7934601 7-8133243 7-8323195 38 23 7-6781267 7-7038573 7-7281483 7-7511523 7-7729988 7-7937987 7-8136478 7-8326292 37 24 7-6785683 7-7042735 7-7285419 7-7515255 7-7733537 7-7941371 7-8139711 7-8329386 36 25 7-6790094 7-7046893 7-7289351 7-7518985 7-7737084 7-7944752 7-8142941 7-8332478 35 26 7-6794501 7-7051047 7-7293279 7-7522711 7-7740628 7-7948130 7-8146168 7-8335568 34 27 7-6798904 7-7055197 7-7297204 7-7526434 7-7744169 7-7951606 7-8149394 7-8338656 33 2« 7-6803302 7-7059343 7-7301125 7-7530154 7-7747707 7-7954879 7-81 52617 7-8341741 32 29 7-6807695 7-7063485 7-7305043 7-7533871 7-7751242 7-7958250 7-8155837 7-8344825 31 30 7-6812084 7-7067623 7-7308957 7-7537584 7-7754774 7-7961617 7-8169055 7-8347906 30 31 7-6816469 7-7071757 7-7312868 7-7541294 7-7758303 7-7964983 7-8162271 7-8350985 29 32 7-6820849 7-7075887 7-7316776 7-7545001 7-7761830 7-7968345 7-8165484 7-8354062 28 33 7-6825224 7-7080014 7-7320679 7-7548705 7-7765354 7-7971705 7-8168695 7-8357136 27 34 7-6829596 7-7084136 7-7324579 7-7552406 7-7768874 7-7975063 7-8171904 7-8360209 26 35 7-6833963 7-7088254 7-7328476 7-7556104 7-7772392 7-7978418 7-8175110 7-8363279 25 36 7-6838325 7-7092369 7-7332369 7-7559798 7-7775907 7-7981770 7-8178314 7-8366347 24 37 7-6842683 7-7096480 7-7336259 7-7563490 7-7779420 7-7985120 7-8181516 7-8369413 23 38 7-6847037 7-7100586 7-7340145 7-7567 17S 7-7782929 7-7988467 7-8184715 7-8372477 22 39 7-6851387 7-7104689 7-7344028 7-7570863 7-7786436 7-7991811 7-8187912 7-8375538 21 40 7-6855732 7-7108788 7-7347908 7-7574545 7-7789939 7-7995153 7-8191106 7-8378598 20 41 7-6860072 7-7112883 7-7351783 7-7578224 7-7793440 7-7998493 7-8194298 7-8381655 19 42 7-6864409 7-7116975 7-7356656 7-7581900 7-7796938 7-8001830 7-8197488 7-8384710 18 43 7-6868741 7-7121062 7-7359525 7-7585572 7-7800434 7-8005164 7-8200676 7-8387763 17 44 7-6873069 7-7125146 7-7363390 7-7589242 7-7803926 7-8008496 7-8203861 7-8390814 16 45 7-6877392 7-7129225 7-7367252 7-7592908 7-7807416 7-8011825 7-8207043 7-8393863 15 46 7-6881711 7-7133301 7-7371111 7-7596572 7-7810903 7-8015151 7-8210224 7-8396909 14 47 7-6886026 7-7137373 7-7374966 7-7600232 7-7814387 7-8018475 7-8213402 7-8399954 13 48 7-6890337 7-7141442 7-7378818 7-7603889 7-7817868 7-8021797 7-8216578 7-8402996 12 49 7-6894643 7-7145506 7-7382666 7-7607543 7-7821347 7-8025J16 7-8219751 7-8406036 11 50 7-6898945 7-7149567 7-7386511 7-7611194 7-7824822 7-8028932 7-8222922 7-8409074 10 51 7-6903243 7-7153624 7-7390353 7-76I4R42 7-7828295 7-8031746 7-8226091 7-8412110 9 52 7-6907536 7-7157677 7-7394191 7-7618487 7-7831765 7-8035058 7-8229258 7-3415144 8 53 7-6911826 7-7161726 7-7398026 7-7622129 7-7835233 7-8038367 7-8232422 7-8418176 7 54 7-6916111 7-7165772 7-7401857 7-7625768 7-7838697 7-8041673 7-8235584 7-8421205 6 55 7-6920392 7-7169814 7-7405685 7-7629403 7-7842159 7-8044977 7-8238743 7-8424233 5 56 7-6924668 7-7173852 7-7409510 7-7633036 7-7845618 7-8048278 7-8241901 7-8427258 4 57 7-6928941 7-7177886 7-7413331 7-7636666 7-7849075 7-8051577 7-8245056 7-8430281 3 58 7-6933209 7-7181917 7-7417149 7-7640292 7-7852528 7-8054873 7-8248209 7-8433302 2 59 7-6937473 7-7185943 7-7420964 7-7643916 7-7855979 7-8058167 7-8251359j7-8436321 1 60 7-6941733 7-7189966 7-7424775 7-7647537 7-7859427 7-8061458 7-8254507 7-8439338 If 43' 42' 41' 40' 39' 38' 37' 3(>' // LOG. COSINES. 89 Deg. Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (223) 16' 17' IS' 19' 20' 21 22' 23' 7-6678492 7-6683014 7-6687531 7-6692043 7-6696551 7-6701053 7-6705552 7-6710045 7-6714534 7-6719018 7-6723498 7-Q727973 7-6732443 7-Q7^S9Q9 7-674 1 37 1 7-6745827 7-6750279 7-G7M727 7-6759170 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7' 7- 7' 7- 7' 7' 7' 7- 7-6996788 7-7000990 7-7005189 7-7009383 7-7013573 7-7017759 6941786 6946042 6950293 6954541 6958784 6963023 6967258 6971489 G9757\e e9799?,'6 6984157 6988371 6992582 7-6763608 7' 7-6768042 7' 7-677247 1|7' 7-6776'S967- 7-678131717' 7-6785733,7' 7-6790 144:7' 7-67945517' 7-6798953 7" 7-680335 1 ;7■ 7.•6807745:7• 7-68 12134:7- 7-68165197- 7-6820899 7- 7-6825275 7- 7-68296467- 7-68340137- 7-6838376'7- 7-6842734'7 7-6847088 ;7 7-6851438,7 7-6855783|7 7-6860124,7 7-6864460|7 7-6868792(7 7-68731207 7-6877444i7 46 7-6881763,7 7-6886078|7 7-6890389 7 7-6894695 7-6898997 7-690329 7-6907589 7-6911878 7-6916163 7-6920444 7-6924721 7-6928993 7-6933262 7-6937526 7-6941786 7021941 7026119 7030293 7034463 7038629 7042791 7046949 7051103 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7-9601885 38 23 7-8508156 7-8682708 7-8850515 7-9012078 7-9167846 7-9318219 7-9463559 7-9604192 37 24 7-8511123 7-8685559 7-8853258 7-9014721 7-9170395 7-9320682 7-9465940 7-9606497 36 25 7-8514088 7-8688408 7-8855999 7-9017362 7-9172943 7-9323143 7-9468321 7-9608802 35 26 7-8517052 7-8691254 7-8858738 7-9020001 7-9175489 7-9325603 7-9470700 7-9611105 34 27 7-8520013 7-8694099 7-8861475 7-9022639 7-9178034 7-9328061 7-9473077 7-9613407 33 28 7-8522973 7-8696942 7-8864211 7-9025275 7-9180578 7-9330518 7-9475454 7-9615708 32 29 7-8525930 7-8699784 7-8866945 7-9027909 7-9183120 7-9332974 7-9477829 7-9618008 31 30 7-8528885 7-8702623 7-8869677 7-9030542 7-9185660 7-9335428 7-9480203 7-9620306 30 31 7-8531839 7-8705461 7-8872407 7-9033173 7-9188199 7-9337881 7-9482575 7-9622603 29 32 7-8534790 7-8708296 7-8875136 7-9035803 7-9190736 7-9340332 7-9484946 7-9624899 28 33 7-8537739 7-8711130 7-8877863 7-9038431 7-9193272 7-9342783 7-9487316 7-9627194 27 34 7-8540687 7-8713962 7-8880589 7-9041057 7-9195807 7-9345231 7-9489685 7-9629487 26 35 7-8543632 7-8716792 7-8883312 7-9043682 7-9198340 7-9347679 7-9492052 7-9631780 25 36 7-8546575 7-8719621 7-8886034 7-9046305 7-9200871 7-9350125 7-9494418 7-9634071 24 37 7-8549517 7-8722447 7-8888754 7-9048927 7-9203401 7-9352569 7-9496783 7-9636361 23 38 7-8552456 7-8725272 7-8891473 7-9051547 7-9205930 7-9355012 7-9499 146 7-9638649 22 39 7-8555393 7-8728095 7-8894190 7-9054166 7-9208457 7-9357454 7-9501508 7-9640937 21 40 7-8558329 7-8730916 7-8896905 7-9056783 7-9210983 7-9359895 7-9503869 7-9643223 20 41 7-8561262 7-8733735 7-8899618 7-9059398 7-9213507 7-9362334 7-9506229 7-9645508 19 42 7-8564193 7-8736552 7-8902330 7-9062012 7-9216030 7-9364772 7-9508587 7-9647792 18 43 7-8567123 7-8739367 7-8905040 7-9064624 7-9218551 7-9367208 7-9510944 7-9650075 17 44 7-8570050 7-8742181 7-8907749 7-9067235 7-9221071 7-9369643 7-9513300 7-9652356 16 45 7-8572976 7-8744993 7-8910455 7-9069844 7-9223589 7-9372077 7-9515654 7-9654637 15 46 7-8575899 7-8747803 7-8913160 7-9072451 7-9226106 7-9374509 7-9518008 7-9656916 14 47 7-8578821 7-8750611 7-8915864 7-9075057 7-9228621 7-9376940 7-9520360 7-9659194 13 48 7-8581740 7-8753417 7-8918565 7-9077662 7-9231135 7-9379369 7-9522710 7-9661470 12 49 7-8584658 7-8756222 7-8921265 7-9080265 7-9233648 7-9381798 7-9525060 7-9663746 11 50 7-8587574 7-8759025 7-8923963 7-9082866 7-9236159 7-9384224 7-9527408 7-9666020 10 51 7-8590487 7-8761826 7-8926660 7-9085466 7-9238668 7-9386650 7-9529755 7-9668293 9 52 7-8593399 7-8764625 7-8929355 7-9088064 7-9241177 7-9389074 7-953210C 7-9670565 8 53 7-8596309 7-8767422 7-8932048 7-9090660 7-9243683 7-9391497 7-9534444 7-9672836 7 54 7-8599217 7-8770218 7-8934740 7-9093256 7-9246188 7-9393918 7-9536787 7-9675106 6 55 7-8602123 7-8773011 7-8937430 7-9095849 7-9248692 7-9396338 7-9539129 7-9677374 5 56 7-8605027 7-8775803 7-8940118 7-9098441 7-9251195 7-9398757 7-954 147C 7-9679641 4 57 7-8607929 7-8778594 7-8942804 7-9101031 7-9253696 7-9401175 7-9543809 7-9681907 3 58 7-8610829 7-8781382 7-8945489 7-910362C 7-9256195 7-9403591 7-9546147 7-9684172 2 59 7-8613727 7-8784168 7-8948173 7-9106208 7-9258693 7-9406005 7-9548484 7-9686436 1 60 7-8616623 7-878G953 7-8950854 7-9108793 7-9261 19C 7-940841 S 7-9550819 7-9688698 V 35' 34' 33' 32' I 31' scy 29' 28' tl LOG. COSINES. 8Q Deff. Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (1225) ~n 24' 25' 2(>' 27' 28' 1 29' 30' 31' 60 "o 7-8439444 7-8616738 7-8787077 7-8950988 7-9108938 7-9261344 7-9408584 7-9550996 1 7-8442459 7-8619632 7-8789861 7-8953668 7-9111522 7-9263840 7-9410999 7-9553330 59 2 7:8445472 7-8622525 7-8792642 7-8956347 7-9114105 7-9266333 7-9413407 7-9^55663 58 3 7-8448483 7-8625415 7-87.95422 7-8959023 7-9116686 7-9268826 7-9415817 7-9557995 57 4 7-8451492 7-8628304 7-8798199 7-8961699 7-91 19266 7-9271317 7-9418226 7-9560326 56 5 7-8454498 7-8631191 7-8800975 7-8964372 7-9121844 7-9273807 7-9420632 7-9562655 55 6 7-8457503 7-8634076 7-8803750 7-8967044 7-9124421 7-9276295 7-9423037 7-9564984 54 7 7-8460505 7-8636958 7-8806522 7-8969714 7-9126996 7-9278782 7-9425441 7-9567310 53 8 7-8463506 7-8639839 7-8809293 7-8972383 7-9129570 7-9281267 7-9427844 7-9569636 52 9i7-8466'504 7-8642719 7-8812062 7-8975050 7-9132142 7-9283751 7-9430246 7-9571961 51 10l7-846i)500 7-8645596 7-8814839 7-8977715 7-9134713 7-9286233 7-9432646 7-9574284 50 1 1 j7-84r2494 7-8648471 7-8817594 7-8980379 7-9137282 7-9288714 7-9435045 7-9576606 49 12 7'84754S7 7-8651344 7-8820358 7-8983041 7-9139850 7-9291194 7-9437442 7-9578926 48 137'M79A77 7-8554216 7-8823120 7-8985701 7-9142416 7-9293672 7-9439839 7-9581246 47 14 7-8481465 7-8657086 7-8825880 7-8988360 7-9144980 7-9296149 7-9442233 7-9683564 46 15 7-8484451 7-8659953 7-8828639 7-8991017 7-9147543 7-9298626 7-9444627 7-9585881 45 16 7-8487435 7-8662819 7-8831395 7-8993673 7-9150105 7-9301099 7-9447019 7-9588197 44 17 7-8490416 7-8665683 7-8834150 7-8996327 7-9152665 7-9303571 7-9449410 7-9590511 43 18 7-8493396 7-8668545 7-8836903 7-8998979 7-9155224 7-9306043 7-9451800 7-9592825 42 19 7-8496374 7-8671405 7-8839655 7-9001630 7-9157781 7-9308512 7-9454188 7-9595137 41 20 7-8499350 7-8674263 7-8842404 7-9004279 7-9160336 7-9310981 7-9456575 7-9597447 40 21 7-8502323 7-8677120 7-8845152 7-9006926 7-9162890 7-9313448 7-9458961 7-9599757 39 22 7-8505295 7-8679974 7-8847899 7-9009572 7-9165443 7-9315913 7-9461345 7-9602065 38 23 7-8508265 7-8682827 7-8850643 7-9012216 7-9167994 7-9318378 7-9463728 7-9604373 37 24 7-8511232 7-8685677 7-8853386 7-9014859 7-9170543 7-9320840 7-9466110 7-9606678 36 25 7-8514198 7-8688526 7-8856127 7-9017500 7-9173091 7-9323302 7-9468491 7-9608983 35 26 7-8517161 7-8691373 7-8858866 7-9020139 7-9175638 7-9325762 7-9470870 7-9611287 34 27 7-8520123 7-8694218 7-8861604 7-9022777 7-9178183 7-9328220 7-9473248 7-9613589 33 28 7-8523083 7-8697062 7-8864339 7-9025413 7-9180727 7-9330678 7-9475624 7-9615890 32 29 7-8526040 7-8699903 7-8867074 7-9028048 7-9183269 7-9333133 7-9478000 7-9618190 31 30 7-8528996 7-8702743 7-8869806 7-9030681 7-9185809 7-9335588 7-9480374 7-9620488 30 31 7-8531949 7-8705580 7-8872537 7-9033312 7-9188348 7-9338041 7-9482746 7-9622786 29 32 7-8534900 7-8708416 7-8875266 7-9035942 7-9190886 7-9340493 7-9485118 7-9625082 23 33 7-8537850 7-8711250 7-8877993 7-9038570 7-9193422 7-9342943 7-9487488 7-9627377 27 34 7-8540797 7-8714082 7-8880718 7-9041197 7-9195957 7-9345392 7-9489856 7-9629670 26 35 7-8543743 7-8716913 7-8883442 7-9043822 7-9198490 7-9347839 7-9492224 7-9631963 25 36 7-8546686 7-8719741 7-8886164 7-9046445 7-9201022 7-9350286 7-9494590 7-D 634254 24 37 7-8549628 7-8722568 7-8888885 7-9049067 7-9203552 7-9352730 7-9496955 7-9636544 23 38 7-8552567 7-8725393 7-8891603 7-9061687 7-9206081 7-9365174J7-9499319 7-9638833 22 39 7-8555505 7-8728215 7-8894320 7-9064306 7-9208608 7-93576l6|7-950l681 7-9641121 21 40 7-8558440 7-8731037 7-889703S 7-9056923 7-9211134 7-9360057 7-9504042 7-9643408 20 41 7-8561374 7-8733856 7-8899749 7-9059539 7-9213658 7-936249617-9506402 7-9645693 19 42 7-8564305 7'S736673 7-8902461 7-9062153 7-9216181 7-9364934 7-9508760 7-9647977 18 43 7-8567235 7-8739489 7-8905171 7-9064765 7-9218702 7-9367370 7-9511118 7-9650260 17 44 7-8570163 7-8742303 7-8907880 7-9067376 7-9221222 7-9369805 7-9513474 7-9652541 16 45 7-8573088 7-8745115 7-8910587 7-9069985 7-9223741 7-9372239 7-9515828 7-9654822 15 46 7-8576012 7-8747925 7-8913292 7-9072593 7-9226258 7-9374672 7-9518182 7-9657101 14 47 7-8578934 7-8750733 7-8915995 7-9075199 7-9228774 7-9377103 7-9520534 7-9659379 13 48 7-8581853 7-8753540 7-8918697 7-9077804 7-9231288 7-9379533 7-9522885 7-9661656 12 49 7-8584771 7-8756344 7-8921397 7-9080407 7-9233800 7-9381961 7-9525234 7-9663932 11 50 7-8587687 7-8759147 7-8924096 7-9083008 7-9236312 7-9384388 7-9627582 7-9666206 10 51 7-8590601 7-8761949 7-8926792 7-9085608 7-9238821 7-9386814 7-9529929 7-9668480 9 52 7-8593513 7-8764748 7-8929487 7-9088207 7-9241330 7-9389238 7-9532275 7-9670752 8 53 7-8596423 7-8767545 7-8932181 7-9090803 7-9243836 7-9391661 7-9534620 7-9673023 7 54 7-8599331 7-8770341 7-8934873 7-9093399 7-9246342 7-9394083J7-9536963 7-9675293 6 55 7-8^02237 7-8773135 7-8937563 7-9095992 7-9248846 7-9396503 7-9539305 7-9677561 5 56 7-8605141 7-8775927 7-8940251 7-9098584 7-9251348 7-9398922 7-9541646 7-9679829 4 57 7-8608043 7-8778717 7-8942938 7-9101175 7-9253850 7-9401339 7-9543985 7-9682095 3 58 7-8610943 7-8781506 7-8945623 7-9103764 7-9256349 7-9403756 7-9646323 7-9684360 2 59 7-8613841 7-8784293 7-8948306 7-9106352 7-9258847 7-9406170 7-9548660 7-9686624 1 60 7-8616738 7-8787077 7-8950988 7-9108938 7-9261344 7-940858^ 7-9550996 7-9688886 If 35' 34' 33' 32' ~ I 31' 30' 2i)' 28' LOG. COTANGENTS. 3 G 8Q Deg. (226) Deg. LOG. SINES. Tab. §, 32' 33' 34' 35' 36' 37' 38' 39' II 7-96886'9K 7-9822334 7-9951980 8-0077867 8-0200207 8-0319195 8-0435009 8-0547814 60 1 7-9690960 7-9824527 7-9954108 8-0079934 8-0202217 8-0321150 8-0436913 8-0549670 59 2 7-9693220 7-9826718 7-9956235 8-0082001 8-0204226 8-0323105 8-0438816 8-0551624 58 3 7-9695479 7-9828909 7-9958361 8-0084066 8-0206234 8-0325069 8-0440719 8-0553378 57 4 7-9697736 7-9831098 7-9960487 8-0086131 8-0208242 8-0327012 8-0442621 8-0555231 56 5 7-9699993 7-9833287 7-9962611 8-0088194 8-0210248 8-0328965 8-0444522 8-0567084 56 6 7-9702248 7-9835474 7-9964734 8-0090257 8-0212263 8-0330916 8-0446422 8-0558935 54 7 7-9704503 7-9837660 7-9966856 8-0092318 8-0214258 8-0332866 8-0448321 8-0560786 53 8 7-9706756 7-9839845 7-9968977 8-0094379 8-0216261 8-0334816 8-0450220 8-0562636 52 9 7-9709008 7-9842029 7-9971097 8-0096439 8-0218264 8-0336765 8-0452117 8-0564485 51 10 7-9711258 7-9844212 7-9973216 8-0098497 8-0220266 8-0338713 8-0454014 8-0666333 50 11 7-9713508 7-9846394 7-9976334 8-0100555 8-0222267 8-0340660 8-0465910 8-0568181 49 12 7-9715756 7-9848574 7-9977451 8-0102612 8 0224267 8-0342606 8-0457806 8-0570028 48 13 7-9718004 7-9850754 7'9979'666 8-0104668 8-0226266 8-0344551 8-0459700 8-0571874 47 14 7-9720250 7-9859933 7-9981681 8-0106722 8-0228264 8-0346495 8-0461593 8-0573719 46 15 7-9722495 7-9855110 7-9983795 8-0108776 8-0230261 8-0348439 8-0463486 8-0575563 45 16 7-9724738 7-9857286 7*9985908 8-0110829 8-0232257 8-0350382 8-0465378 8-0577407 44 17 7-9726981 7-9859461 7-9988020 8-0112881 8-0234252 8-0352323 8-0467269 8-0579250 43 18 7-9729222 7-9861636 7-9990130 8-0114932 8-0236247 8-0354264 8-0469169 8-0581092 42 19 7-9731463 7-9863809 7-9992240 8-0116982 8-0238240 8-0356204 8-0471048 8-0582933 41 20 7-9733702 7-9865981 7-9994349 8-0119031 8-0240233 8-0358143 8-0472937 8-0584774 40 21 7-9735940 7-9868151 7-9996456 8-0121079 8-0242224 8-0360082 8-0474826 8-0586614 39 22 7-9738177 7-9870321 7-9998563 8-0123126 8-0244215 8-0362019 8-0476712 8-0588463 38 23 7-9740412 7-9872490 8-0000669 8-0125172 8-0246205 8-0363966 8-0478598 8-0590291 37 24 7-9742647 7-9874658 8-0002773 8-0127217 8-0248194 8-0366892 8-0480483 8-0692128 36 26 7-9744880 7-9876824 8-0004877 8-0129261 8-0250182 8-0367826 8-0482368 8-0693966 36 26 7-9747113 7-9878989 8-0006979 8-0131304 8-0252169 8-0369760 8-0484251 8-0595801 34 27 7-9749344 7-9881154 8-0009081 8-0133347 8-0254165 8-0371693 8-0486134 8-0597636 33 28 7-9751574 7-9883317 8-0011181 8-0135388 8-0266140 8-0373626 8-0488016 8-0599470 32 29 7-9753802 7-9885479 8-0013281 8-0137428 8-0268125 8-0375567 8-0489897 8-0601304 31 30 7-9756030 7-9887641 8-0015379 8-0139468 8-0260108 8-0377488 8-0491778 8-0603137 30 31 7-9758257 7-9889801 8-0017477 8-0141506 8-0262091 8-0379417 8-0493667 8-0604969 29 32 7-9760482 7-9891960 8-0019573 8-0143543 8-0264072 8-0381346 8-0496636 8-0606800 23 33 7-9762706 7-9894117 8-0021669 8-0145580 8-0266063 8-0383274 8-0497414 8-0608630 27 34 7-9764929 7-9896274 8-0023763 80147615 8-0268033 8-0385201 8-0499291 8-0610460 26 35 7-9767151 7-9898430 8-0025856 8-0149650 8-0270012 8-0387128 8-0501167 8-0612289 25 36 7-9769372 7-9900585 8-0027949 8-0151684 8-0271990 8-0389053 8-0503043 8-0614117 24 37 7-9771592 7-9902738 8-0030040 8-0153716 8-0273967 8-0390978 8-0604918 8-0615944 23 38 7-9773810 7-9904891 8-0032131 8-0155748 8-0275943 8-0392901 8-0606792 8-0617771 22 39 7-9776028 7-9907043 8-0034220 8-0157779 8-0277919 8-0394824 8-0608665 8-0619597 21 40 7-9778244 7-9909193 8-0036308 8-0169808 8-0279893 8-0396746 8-0610537 8-0621422 20 41 7-9780459 7-9911342 8-0038396 8-0161837 8-0281867 8-0398667 8-0512408 8-0623246 19 42 7-9782673 7-9913491 8-0040482 8-0163865 8-0283839 8-0400688 8-0514279 8-0625070 18 43 7-9784886 7-9915638 8-0042568 8-0166892 8-0285811 8-0402507 8-0516149 8-0626892 17 44 7-9787098 7-9917784 8-0044652 8-0167918 8-0287782 8-0404426 8-0518018 8-0628714 16 45 7-9789309 7-9919929 8-0046736 8-0169943 8-0289752 8-0406343 8-0519886 8-0630536 16 46 7-9791518 7-9922073 8-0048818 8-0171967 8-0291721 8-0408260 8-0521754 8-0632366 14 47 7-9793726 7-9924216 8-0050899 8-0173991 8-0293689 8-0410176 8-0523620 8-0634176 13 48 7-9795934 7-9926358 8-0052979 8-0176013 8-0295656 8-0412092 8-0525486 8-0635995 12 49 7-9798140 7-9928499 8-0055059 8-0178034 8-0297623 8-0414006 8-0527351 8-0637813 11 50 7-9800345 7-9930639 8-0057137 8-0180055 8-0299588 8-0415920 8-0529216 8-0639630 10 51 7-9802549 7-9932778 8-0059215 8-0182074I8-0301553 8-0417832 ^•0531079 8-0641447 9 52 7-9804752 7-9934915 8-0061291 8-0184093 8-0303517 8-0419744 8-0532942 8-0643263 8 53 7-9806953 7-9937052 8-0063366 8-0188110 8-0305479 8-0421665 8-0534803 8-0645078 7 54 7-9809154 7-9939188 8-0065441 8-0188127 8-0307441 8-0423565 8-0536666 8-0646893 6 55 7-9811353 7-9941322 8-0067514 8-0190142 8-0309403 8-0425476 8-0538525 8-0648706 5 56 7-9813552 7-9943456 8-0069587 8-0192157 8-0311363 8-0427383 8-0540384 8-0650519 4 57 7-9815749 7-9945588 8-0071658 8-0194171 8-0313322 8-0429291 8-0542243 8-0652331 3 58 7-9817945 7-9947720 8-0073729 8-019618418-031 5280 8-0431198 8-0544101 8-0654143 2 59 7-9820140 7-9949850 8-0075798 8-0198196 8-0317238 8-0433104 8-0546968 8-0655953 1 60 // 7-9822334 7-9951980 8-0077867 8-0200207 8-0319195 8-0436009 8-0547814 8-0657763 27' 26' 25 24' 23' 22' 21' 20' '\\ LOG, COSINES, 89 Deer. I Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (227) !" 32^ 33' 34' 35' 36' 1 37' 38' ( 39' ? c ) 7-9688886 7-982253-^ 7-995219^ 8-0078092 8-020044£ 8-031944( 8-0435274 8-0548094 60 1 7-9691148 7-9824727 7-995432C 8-0080159 8-020245£ 8-032140!. 8-0437179 8-0549949 59 ^ 7-9693408 7-98269 IS 7-9956448 8-0082226 8-0204465 8-0323357 8-0439082 8-0551804 58 3 7-9695667 7-98291 1€ 7-9958574 8-0084292 8-0206473 8-0325311 8-0440985 8-0553658 J 57 4 7-9697925 7-9831299 7-9960700 8-0086357 8-0208481 8-0327265 8-0442887 8-05555 U 56 5 7-9700182 7-9833488 7-9962824 8-0088420 8-0210487 8-0329217 8-0444788 8-055736^ 55 6 7-9702438 7-9835675 7-9964947 8-0090485 8-0212493 8-0331169 8-0446689 8-0559216 54 7 7-9704692 7-9837862 7-9967070 8-009254£ 8-0214498 8-0333120 8-044858!: 8-0561067 53 8 7-9706945 7-9840047 7-9969191 8-0U94606 8-0216501 8-0335069 8-0450487 8-0562917 52 9 7-9709198 7-9842231 7-9971311 8-0096666 8-0218504 8-0337018 8-045238.1 8-0564767 51 10 7-9711449 7-9844414 7-9973430 8-0098725 8-0220506 8-0338967 8-045428i^ 8-0566615 50 11 7-9713698 7-9846596 7-9975548 8-0100783 8-0222507 8-0340914 8-0456178 8-0568463 49 12 7-9715947 7-9848777 7-9977666 80102840 8-0224507 8-0342860 8-0458074 8-0570310 48 13 7-9718194 7-9850957 7-99797S2 8-0104896 8-0226507 8-0344806 8-0459968 8-0572166 47 14 7-9720441 7-9853135 7-9981897 8-0106951 8-0228505 8-0346750 8-0461862 8-0574002 46 15 7-9722686 7-9855313 7-9984011 8-0109005 8-0230502|8-0348694 8--0463755 8-0576846 45 16 7-9724930 7-9857490 7-9986124 8-0111058 8-0232499 8-0350637 8-0465647 8-0577690 44 17 7-9727173 7-9859665 7-9988236 8-0113110 8-0234494 8-0352579 8-0467538 8-0579534 43 18 7-9729414 7-9861839 7-9990346 8-0115161 8-0236489 8-0354520 8-0469429 8-0581376 42 19 7-9731655 7-9864013 7-9992456 8-0117211 8-0238483 8-0356460 8-0471318 8-0583217 41 20 7-9733894 7-9866185 7-9994565 8-0119260 8-0240475 8-0358400 8-0473207 8-0585058 40 21 7-9736132 7-9868356 7-9996673 8-0121308 8-0242467 8-0360338 8-0475095 8-0586898 39 22 7-9738369 7-9870526 7-9998780 8-0123356 8-0244458 8-0362276 8-0476982 8-0588737 38 23 7-9740605 7-9872695 8-0000886 8-0125402 8-0246448 8-0364213 8-0478869 8-0590576 37 24 7-9742840 7-9874862 8-0002991 8-0127447 8-0248437 8-0366149 8-0480754 8-0592414 36 25 7-9745073 7-9877029 8-0005094 8-0129492 8-0250426 8-0368084 8-0482639 8-0594250 35 26 7-9747306 7-9879195 8-0007197 8-0131535 8-0252413 8-0370018 8-0484523 8-0596087 34 27 7-9749537 7-9881359 8-0009299 8-0133578 8-0254399 8-0371951 8-0486406 8-0597922 33 28 7-9751767 7-9883523 8-0011400 8-0135619 8-0256385 8-0373884 8-0488288 8-0599756 32 29 7-9753996 7-9885685 8-0013499 8-0137660 8-0258369 8-0375815 8-0490169 8-0601590 31 30 7-9756224 7-9887847 8-0015598 8-0139699 8-0260353 8-0377746 8-0492050 8-0603423 30 31 7-9758451 7-9890007 8-0017696 8-0141738 8-0262336 8-0379676 8-0493930 8-0605255 29 32 7-9760676 7-9892166 8-0019792 8-0143775 8-0264318 8-0381605 8-0495809 8-0607087 28 33 7-9762901 7-9894324 8-0021888 8-0145812 8-0266299 8-0383533 8-0497687 8-0608918 27 34 7-9765124 7-9896481 3-0023983 8-0147848 8-0268279 8-0385461 8-0499564 8-0610748 26 35 7-9767S46 7-9898637 8-0026076 8-0149883 8-0270258 8-0387387 8-0501441 8-0612577 25 36 7-9769567 7-9900792 8-0028169 8-0151916 8-0272236 8-0389313 8-0503317 8-0614405 24 37 7-9771787 7-9902946 8-0030260 8-0153949 8-0274213 8-0391238 8-0505192 8-0616233 23 38 7-9774006 7-9905099 8-0032351 8-0155981 8-0276190 8-0393162 8-0507066 8-0618060 22 39 7-9776224 7-9907251 8-0034441 8-0158012 8-0278166 8-0395085 8-0508939 8-0619886 21 40 7-9778440 7-9909401 8-0036529 8-0160042 8-0280140 8-0397007 8-0510812 8-0621711 20 41 7-9780655 7-9911551 8-0038817 8-0162071 8-0282114 8-0398928 8-0512683 8-0623536 19 42 7-9782870 7-9913699 8-00407O3 8-0164099 8-0284087 8-0400849 8-0514554 8-0625359 18 43 7-9785083 7-9915847 8-0042789 8-0166127 8-0286059 8-0402768 8-0516424 8-0627182 17 44 7-9787295 7-9917993 8-0044874 8-0168153 8-0288030 8-0404687 8-0518294 8-0629005 16 45 7-9789506 7-9920138 8-0046957 8-0170178 8-0290000 8-0406605 8-0520162 8-0630826 15 46 7-9791715 7-9922283 8-0049040 8-0172203 8-0291969 8-0408522 8-0522030 8-0632647 14 47 7-9793924 7-9924426 8-0051121 8-0174226 8-0293938 3-0410439 8-0523897 8-0634467 13 48 7-9796131 7-9926568 8-0053202 3-0176248 8-0295905 8-0412354 8-0525763 8-0636286 12 49 7-9798338 7-9928709 8-0055282 8-0178270 8-0297872 3-0414269 8-0527628 8-0638104 11 50 7-9800543 7-9930849 8-0057360 8-0180291 8-0299838 8-0416183 3-0529493 8-0639922 10 51 7-9802747 7-9932988 3-0059438 3-0182310 8-0301802 3-0418096 3-0531356 8-0641739 9 52 7-9804950 7-9935126 8-0061514 3-0184329 8-0303766 3-0420008 3-0533219 8-0643555 8 53 7-9807152 7-9937263 8-0063590 3-0186347 8-0305729 8-0421919 3-0535081 8-0645371 7 54 7-9809353 7-9939399 8-0065665 3-0188364 8-0307692 8-0423829 30536943 8-0647185 6 55 7-9811652 7-9941534 8-0067738 3-0190397 8-0309653 8-0425739 8-0538803 8-0648999 5 56 7-9813751 7-9943667 8-00S9811 3-0192394 8-0311613 8-0427648 8-0540663 8-0650812 4 57 7-9815948 7-9945800 8-0071883 8-0194408 8-0313573 8-0429555 8-0542522 8-0652625 3 58 7-9818145 7-9947932 8-0073953 8-0196422 8-0315531 8-0431462 8-0544380 8-0654436 2 59 7-9820340 7-9950062 8-0076023 8-0198434 8-0317489 8-0433369 3-0546237 8-0656247 1 60 IT 7-9822^34 7-9952192 8-0078092 8-0200445 8-0319446 8-0435274 8-0548094 8-0658057 27' 26' 25' 24' 23' 22' 2]' 20' 7i' LOG. COTANGENTS. 3 G S 89 Defi[. (32&) ODeg. LOG. SINES. Tab. 9. ti 4(y 41' 42' ^8' 44' '15' 46' 47' w "o 8-0657763 8-0764997 8-0869646 8-0971832 H- 107 1669 8-1169262 8-1264710 8-1358104 60 1 8-0659572 8-0766762 8-0871369 8-0973515 8-1073314 8-1170870 8-1266283 8-1359644 59 2 8-0661381 8-0768526' 8-0873091 8-0975198 8-1074958 8-1172478 8-1267856 8-1361183 58 a 8-0663188 8-0770290 8-0874813 8-0976879 8-1076601 8-1174086 8-1269428 8-1362722 57 4 8-0664995 8-0772062 8-0876534 8-0978560 8-1078244 8-1175691 8-1270999 8-1364260 56 5 8-0666801 8-0773815 8-0878254 8-0980240 8-10798^6 8-1177297 8-1272570 8-1365797 55 6 8-0668606 8-0775576 8-0879974 8-0981920 8-1081528 8-1178902 8-1274140 8-1367334 54 7 8-0670411 8-0777337 8-0881692 8-0983599 8-1083169 8-1180507 8-1275710 8-1368871 53 8 8-0672215 8-0779097 8-0883411 8-0985277 8-1084809 8-1182111 8-1277279 8-1370407 52 » 8-0674018 8-0780856 8-0886128 8-098(:"955 8-1086449 8-1183714 8-1278848 8-1371942 51 10 8-0675820 8-0782614 8-0886845 8-0988632 8-1088088 8-1185317 8-128041 G 8-1373477 50 11 8-0677622 8-0784372 8-0888561 8-0990309 8-1089726 8-1186919 8-1281983 8-1375011 49 12 8-0679423 8-0786129 8-0890277 8-0991984 8-1091364 8^1188520 8-1283550 8-1376545 48 13 8-0681223 8-0787886 8-0891991 8-0993659 8-1093001 8-1190121 8-1285117 8-1378078 47 14 8-0683022 8-0789641 8-0893706 8-0995334 8-1094638 8-1191722 8-1286682 8-1379610 46 15 8-0684821 8-0791396 8-0895419 8-0997008 8-1096274 8-1193322 8-1288248 8-1381143 45 16- 8-0686619 8-0793151 8-0897132 8-0998681 8-1097909 8-1194921 8-1289812 8-1382674 44 17 8-0688416 8-0794904 8-0898844 8-1000353 8-1099544 8-1196519 8-1291376 8-1384205 43 18 80690212 8-0796657 8-0900555 8-1002025 8-1101178 8-1198118 8-1292940 8-1385736 42 19 8-0692008 8-0798409 8-0902266 8-1003697 8-1102812 8-1199715 8-1294503 8-1387265 41 20 8-0693803 8-0800161 3-0903976 8-1005367 8-1104445 8-1201312 8-1296066 8-1388795 40 21 8-0695597 8-0801912 8-0905685 8-1007037 8-1106077 8-1202908 8-1297627 8-1390324 39 22 8-0697390 8-0803662 8-0907394 8-1008706 8-1107709 8-1204504 8-1299188 8-1391852 38 23 8-0699183 8-0805411 8-0909102 8-1010375 8-1109340 8-1206099 8-1300749 8-1393380 37 24 8-0700975 8-0807160 8-0910810 8-1012043 8-1110970 8-1207693 8-1302309 8-1394907 36 25 8-0702766 8-0808908 8-0912516 8-1013710 8-1112600 8-1209287 8-1303869 8-1396434 35 26 3-0704557 8-0810655 8-0914222 8-1015377 8-1114229 8-1210881 8-1305428 8-1397960 34 27 8-0706346 8-0812401 8-0915928 8-1017043 8-1115858 8-1212474 8-1306986 8-1399485 33 28 8-0708135 8-0814147 8-0917632 8-1018709 8-1117486 8-1214066 8-1308544 8-1401011 32 29 8-0709923 8-081589'i 8-0919336 8-1020374 8-1119113 8-1215667 8-1310101 8-1402635 31 30 8-0711711 8-0817637 8-0921040 8-1022038 84120740 8-1217248 8-1311658 8-1404059 30 31 8-0713498 8-0819380 8-0922743 8-1023701 8-1122366 8-1218839 8-1313215 8-1405583 29 32 8-0715284 8-0821123 8-0924445 8-1025364 8-1123992 8-1220429 8-1314770 8-1407105 28 33 8-0717069 8-0822866 8-0926146 8-1027027 8-1125617 8-1222018 8-1316325 8-1408628 27 34 8-0718854 8-0824607 8-0927847 8-1028688 8-1127241 8-1223607 8-1317880 8-1410150 26 35 8-0720637 8-0826348 8-0929547 8-1030349 8-1128865 8-1225195 8-1319434 8-1411671 25 36 8-0722421 8-0828088 8-0931246 8-1032010 8-1130488 8-1226782 8-1320987 8-1413192 24 37 8-0724208 8-0829828 80932945 8-1033669 8-1132110 8-1228369 8-1322540 8-1414712 23 38 8-0725985 8-0831567 8-0934643 8-1035328 8-1133732 8-1229956 8-1324093 8-1416232 22 39 8-0727765 8-0833306 8-0936340 8-1036987 8-1135354 8-1231541 8-1325644 8-1417751 21 40 8-0729546 8-0835042 8-0938037 8-1038645 8-1136974 8-1233127 8-1327196 8-1419270 20 41 8-0731325 8-0836779 8-0939733 8-1040302 8-1138595 8-1234711 8-1328746 8-1420788 19 42 8-0733104 8-0838516 8-0941428 8-1041959 8-1140214 8- 1236296 8-1330296 8-1422306 18 43 8-0734882 8-0840251 8-0943123 8-1043615 8-1141833 8-1237879 8-1331840 8-1423823 17 44 8-0736659 8-0841985 8-0944817 8-1045270 8-1143451 8-1239462 8-1333395 8-1425339 16 45 8-0738436 8-0843719 8-0946510 8-1046925 8-1145069 8-1241044 8-1334943 8-1426855 15 46 8-0740211 8-0845452 8-0948203 8-1048579 8-1146686 8-1242626 8-1336491 8-1428371 14 47 8-0741986 8-0847185 8-0949896 8-1060232 8-11 48302 8-1244207 8-1338039 8-1429886 13 48 8-0743761 8-0848917 8-0951587 8-1051885 8-1149918 8-1245787 8-1339586 8-1431400 12 49 8-0745534 8-0850648 8-0953277 8-1053537 8-1151534 8-1247367 8-1341132 8-1432914 11 50 8-0747307 8-0852379 8-0964968 8-1055188 8-1153148 8-1248947 8-1342678 8-1434427 10 61 8-0749080 8-0854109 8-0956657 8-1056839 8-1154762 8-1250526 8-1344223 8-1435940 9 52 8-0750851 8-0855838 8-0958346 8-1058490 8-1156376 8-1252104 8-1346767 8-1437453 8 53 8-0752622 8-0857566 8-0960034 8-1060139 8-1157989 8-1253682 8-1347311 8-1438964 7 54 8-0754392 8-0859294 8-0961721 8-1061788 8-1159601 8-1255259 8-1348855 8-1440476 6 55 8-0756161 8-0861021 8-0963408 8-1063437 8-1161213 8-1256836 8-1350398 8-1441987 6 56 8-0757930 8-0862747 8-0965094 8-1065085 8-1162824 8-1258412 8-1351940 8-1443497 4 57 8-0759698 8-0864473 8-0966780 8-1066732 8" 1164434 8-1259987 8-1353482 8-1445006 3 58 8-0761465 8-0866198 8-0968465 8-1068378 8-1166044 8-1261562 8-1356023 8-1446516 2 59 8-0763231 ^.-0367922 8-0970149 8-1070024 8-1167654 8-1263136 8-1356564 8-1448024 1 60i8-0764997|3-U869646 8-0971832 8-1071669 8-1169262 8-1264710 8-1358104 8-1449532 U 19[ 1 18' 17' 16' 15' 14' 13' 12' T Toa rnsTxrirs. SO Dpoc. Deo;. LOG. TANGENTS. (229) // 4(1' 41' 42' 43 44' 46' 46' 47' // ' ~o 8-0658057 8-0765306 8-0869970 8-0972172 8-1072025 8-1169634 8-1266099 8-1358510 60 1 8-0659866 8-0767071 8-0871693 8-0973856 8-1073670 8-1171243 8-1266672 8-1360050 59 2 8 -066 167 5 8-0768835 8-0873416 8-0975538 8-1075314 8-1172851 8-1268245 8-1361590 58 3 8-0663483 8-0770599 8-0875138 8-0977220 8-1076968 8-1174458 8-1269817 8-1363129 57 4 8-0665290 8-0772362 8-0876869 8-0978901 8-1078601 8-1176064 8-1271389 8-1364667 56 5 8-0667096 8-0774125 8-0878679 8-0980582 8-1080243 8-1177670 8-1272960 8-1366205 55 6 8-066890:? 8-0775886 8-0880299 8-0982261 8-1081885 8-1179276 8-1274531 8-1367742 54 7 8-0670707 8-0777647 8-0882018 8-0983941 8-1083526 8-1180881 8-1276101 8-1369279 53 8 8-0672511 8-0779407 8-0883737 8-0985619 8-1085167 8-1182485 8-1277670 8-1370815 52 9 8-0674314 8-0781167 8-0885455 8-0987297 8-1086807 8-1184088 8-1279239 8-1372360 51 10 8-0676117 8-0782926 8-0887172 8-0988975 3-1088446 8-1185691 8-1280807 8-1373886 50 11 8-0677919 8-0784684 8-0888888 8-0990651 8-1090086 8-1187294 8-1282375 8-1375420 49 12 8-0679720 8-0786441 8-0890604 8-0992327 8-1091723 8-1188896 8-1283942 8-1376954 48 13 8-0681520 8-0788198 8-0892319 8-0994003 8-1193361 8-1190497 8-1285509 8-1378488 47 14 8-0683320 8-0789954 8-0894033 8-0995677 8-1194998 8-1192098 8-1287075 8-1380020 46 15 8-0685118 8-0791709 8-0895747 8-0997351 8-1196634 8-ri93698 8-1288641 8-1381553 45 16 8-0686917 8-0793464 8-0897460 8-0999025 8-1198269 8-1195297 8-1290206 8-1383085 44 17 8-0688714 8-0795218 8-0899172 8-1000698 8-1199904 8-1196896 8-1291770 8-1384616 43 18 8-0690611 8-0796971 8-0900884 8-1002370 8-1101539 8-1198495 8-1293334 8-1386147 42 19 8-0692306 8-0798723 8-0902595 8-1004041 8-1103173 8-1200092 8-1294897 8-1387677 41 20 8-0694102 8-0800475 8-0904305 8-1005712 8-1104806 8.1201689 8-1296460 8-1389207 40 21 8-0695896 8-0802226 8-0906015 8.1007382 8-1106438 8-1203286 8-1298022 8-1390736 39 22 8-0697690 8-0803976 8-0907724 8-1009052 8-1108070 8-1204882 8-1299583 8-1392264 38 23 8-0699483 8-0805726 8-0909432 8-1010721 8-1109702 8-1206477 8-1301144 8-1393792 37 24 8-0701275 8-0807475 8-0911140 8-1012389 8-1111332 8-1208072 8-1302705 8-1395320 36 25 8-0703066 8-0809223 8-0912847 8-1014057 8-1112962 8-1209666 8-1304265 8-1396847 35 26 8-0704857 8-0810970 8-0914563 8-1015724 8-1114592 8-1211260 8-1305824 8-1398373 34 27 8-0706647 8-0812717 8-0916259 8-1017390 8-1116221 8-1212853 8-1307383 8-1399899 33 28 8-0708436 8-0814463 8-0917964 8-1019066 8-1117849 8-1214446 8-1308941 8-1401426 32 29 8-0710225 8-0816208 8-0919668 8-1020721 8-1119477 8-1216037 8-1310498 8-1402949 31 30 8-0712012 8-0817953 8-0921372 8-1022386 8-1121104 8-1217629 8-1312056 8-1404474 30 31 8-0713799 8-0819697 8-0923075 8-1024049 8-1122730 8-1219219 8-1313612 8-1405997 29 32 8-0715586 8-0821440 8-0924777 8- 1 0257 1 3 8-1124356 8-1220810 8-1316168 8-1407521 28 33 8-0717371 8-0823183 8-0926479 8-1027375 8-1125981 8-1222399 8-1316723 8-1409043 27 34 8-0719166 8-0824925 8-0928180 8-1029037 8-1127606 8-1223988 8-1318^278 8-1410566 26 35 8-0720940 8-0826666 8-0929880 8-1030698 8-1129230 8-1225577 8-1319833 8-1412087 25 36 8-0722723 8-0828406 8-0931579 8-1032359 8-1130853 8-1227164 8-1321386 8-1413608 24 37 8-0724506 8-0830146 8-0933278 8-1034019 8-1132476 8.1228752 8-1322940 8-1415129 23 3« 8-0726288 8-0831885 8-0934977 8-1035678 8-1134098 8-1230338 8-1324492 8-1416649 22 39 8-0728069 8-0833624 8-0936674 8-1037337 8-1135720 8-1231924 8-1326044 8-1418168 21 40 8-0729850 8-0835361 8-0938371 8-1038995 8-1137341 8-1233510 8-1327596 8-1419687 20 41 8-0731629 8-0837098 8-0940068 8-1040653 8-1138961 8-1235095 8-1329147 8-1421206 19 42 8-0733408 8-0838835 8-0941763 8-1042309 8-1140681 8-1236679 8-1330697 8-1422724 18 43 8-0735186 8-0840570 8-0943458 8-1043966 8-1142200 8-1238263 8-1332247 8-1424241 17 44 8-0736964 8-0842305 8-0946153 8-1045621 8-1143819 8-1239846 8-1333796 8-1425758 16 45 8-0738741 8-0844039 8-0946846 8-1047276 8-1145437 8-1241429 8-1335345 8-1427274 15 46 8-0740517 8-0845773 8-0948539 8-1048931 8-1147054 8-1243011 8-1336893 8-1428790 14 47 8-0742292 8-0847506 8-0950232 8-1060584 8-1148671 8-1244592 8-1338441 8-1430305 13 48 8-0744067 8-0849238 8-0951923 8-1052237 8-1150287 8-1246173 8-1339988 8-1431802 12 49 8-0745841 8-0850969 8-0953614 8-1053890 8-1151903 8-1247753 81341535 8-1433334 11 50 8-0747614 8-0852700 8-0955305 8-1065542 8-1153518 8-1249333 8-1343081 8-1434848 10 51 8-0749386 8-0854430 8-0956994 8-1067193 8-1165132 8-1250912 8-1344626 8-1436361 9 52 8-0751158 8-0856160 8-0958683 8-1058843 8-1153746 8-1252491 8-1346171 8-1437874 8 53 8-0752929 8-0857888 8-0960372 8-1060493 8-1158359 8-1254069 8-1347715 8-1439386 7 54 8-0754699 8-0859616 8-0962060 8-1062142 8-1159972 8-1255646 8-1349259 8-1440897 6 55 8-0756469 8-0861344 8-0963747 8-1063791 8-1161584 8-1257223 8-1350802 8-1442408 5 56 8-0758238 8-0863070 8-0965433 8-1065439 8-1163195 8-1253799 8-1352345 8-1443919 4 67 8-0760006 8-0864796 8-0967119 8-1067087 8-1164806 8-1260375 8-1353887 8-1445429 3 58 8-0761773 8-0866522 8-0968804 8-1068733 8-1166416 8-1261950 8-1355429 8-1446938 2 59 8-0763540 8-0868246 8-0970488 8-1070380 8-1168025 8-1263525 8-1356970 8-1448447 1 60 8-0765306 8-08(59970 8-0972172 8-1072025 8-1169634 8-1265099 8-1358510 8-1449956 7 19' 18' 17' 16' 15' 14' 13' 12' ,'/ (280) Peg. lOG. SINES, Tab. g. 48' •144953:^ •I 45 1 040 1452547 1454054 1455560 8 1457065 8 1458570 8 49 146007D 1461579 1463082 1464585 1466087 1467589 24 8-1485571 8-1469091 8-1470591 8-1472092 8-1473592 8-1475091 8-1476590 8-1478088 1479586 8-1481083 8-1482579 8-1484076 8-1487066 8-1488561 8-1490055 81491549 8-1493042 8 1539075 1540562 1542028 1543504 1544979 1546454 1547928 j(y 8-1558235 8-1559705 8-1561175 8-1562644 8-1564113 8«1565582 8-1567049 8-1568517 8-1569984 8-1571450 8-1572916 8-1574381 1626808 1628255 1629702 1631149 1632594 1634040 1635485 8-1636929 8-1638373 8-1639817 8-1641259 1642702 8-1549402 8-1550876 8-1552348 8-1553821 8-1565293 e- 1556764 8-1644144 51 1712804 1714223 1715641 1717059 1718477 1719894 1721310 ri2' 8-1494534 8-1583163 -1496027 -1497518 -1499009 -1500500 •1501990 •1503479 •1504968 •1506457 ■1507945 •1509432 •1510919 ■1512406 •1513891 •1515377 •1516862 •1518346 •1519830 •1521314 •1522796 8 ■1524279 -1525761 1527242 1628723 1530203 1531683 1533163 1534641 •1536120 •1537598 1539075 11 8-1575846 8-1577310 8-1578774 8-1580238 581701 •1584625 ■1586086 1587547 1589008 1590468 1591927 1593386 1594845 1596303 1597760 1599217 1600674 1602130 1603585 1605040 1606495 1607949 1609403 1610856 1612308 •1613761 1615212 1616663 1618114 1619564 1621014 1622463 1623912 1625360 1626808 10' 8-1645586 8^1 647027 8-1648467 8-1649907 8-1651347 8-1652786 8-1654225 8-1655663 8-1657101 8-1658538 8-1659975 1661411 8- 1662847 8-1664282 1665717 8-16671 8-1668585 8-1670019 8' 8' •1671452 •1672884 •1674316 •1675748 1677179 ■1678610 1680040 1681469 ■1682899 1684327 1685756 1687183 1688611 1690038 1691464 1692890 1694315 1695740 1697165 1698589 1700012 1701435 1702858 1704280 1705702 1707123 1708544 1709964 1711384 1712804 8-1722726 1724142 8-1725557 8-l72o9 8-1728386 8-1729800 8-1731214 8-1732627 8-1734039 8-1735451 8-1736863 8-1738274 8-1739684 8-1741094 8-1742504 8-1743913 8-1745322 8-1746731 8-1748138 8-1749546 8-1750953 8-1752359 8-1753765 8-1755171 8-1756576 8-1757981 1759385 8-1760789 8-1762192 1763595 1764998 1766400 1767801 1769202 1770603 1772003 1773403 1774802 1776201 1777599 177S997 1780394 8-1781791 8-1783188 1784584 8-1785980 8-1787375 8-1788770 8-1790164 1791558 8-1792951 8-1794344 8-1795737 8-1797129 8' ■1797129 1798521 1799912 1801303 1802693 1804083 1805472 1806861 1808250 1809638 1811025 1812413 1813799 8 8 8 8 8-1815186 8-1816571 8-1817957 8-1819342 8-1820726 8-1822111 8-1823494 8-1824877 8-1826260 8-1827643 8-1829024 8-1830406 8-1831787 8-1833 8-1834548 8-1835927 8-1837307 8-1838685 -1879848 -1881213 -1882578 -1883943 •1885307 •1886670 •1888034 '1889397 •1890759 '1892121 •1893482 •1894843 •1896204 •1897564 •1898924 •1900284 •1901643 •1903001 •1904359 8-1905717 8-1907074 8-1908431 8-1909788 8-1911144 8-1912499 167 8 -1840064 •1841442 •1842819 -1844196 •1845573 -1846949 •1848325 •1849700 •1851075 •1852450 •1853824 •1855197 ■1856570 •1857943 ■1859315 •1860687 •1862059 •1863430 •1864800 8-1866170 1867540 8-1868909 1870278 8-1871646 8-1873014 8-1874382 875749 8-1877116 8-1878482 1879848 54' 1961020 1962360 1963700 1965039 196637H 1967717 1969055 1970392 1971729 1973066 1974403 1975739 -1977074 8-1978409 8-1979744 8-1981078 1982412 8-1983746 8-1985079 8-1986412 8-1987744 8-1989076 1990407 1991738 1993069 55' 2040703 2042019 2043334 2044649 2045963 2047277 2048591 8-2049905 8-2051218 8-2052530 8-2053842 2056154 49 8-2056465 48 8-2057776 8.2059087 8-2060397 8-206170 8-2063016 8-206432 8-2065634 8-2066942 40 8-1913854 8-1994399 1915209 8-1916563 8-1917917 8-1919271 8-1920624 1921976 1923329 1924680 1926032 1927383 1928733 1930083 1931433 1932782 1934131 1935479 1936827 1938175 8-1939522 8-1940869 1942215 8-1943561 8-1944907 8-1946252 8-1947596 1948941 8-1950284 1951628 1952971 8-1954313 8-1955656 1956997 1958339 1959680 8-1961020 8-1995729 8-1997058 8-1998387 8-1999716 8-2001044 8-2002372 8-2003699 8-2005026 8-2006353 8-2007679 20Q9005 8-2010330 2011655 8-2012980 2014304 8-2015628 2016951 8-2018274 8-2019597 8-2020919 8-2022241 8-2023562 8-2024883 2026203 8-2027523 8-2028843 2030163 8-2031481 2032800 8-2034118 8-2035436 2036753 8-2038070 8-2039387 8-2040703 5' G68250 8-2069557 2070864 8-2072171 8-2073477 35 8-2074783 8-2076088 8-2077393 8-2078698 8-2080002 2081306 2082610 8-2083913 2085216 8-2086518 8-2087820 8-2089121 8-2090422 8-2091723 2093024 8-2094324 8-2095623 8-2096922 8-2098221 2099520 8-2100818 8-2102115 8-2103412 8-2104709 8-2106006 2107302 8-2108598 8-2109893 8-2111188 2112482 8-2113777 8-2115070 8-2116364 8-2117657 2118949 T.nn. rnsTATTi's GO Dprr ODeg. LOG. TANGENTS. (^51) 48' 49' 50' 51' 52' 53' 54' 55' 8- 1449966 8-1451464 8-1452971 8-1454478 8-1455984 8-1457490 1458995 8-1460500 8-1462004 1463508 1465011 8-1466514 1468016 8-1539516' •1540993 8-1542470 1543946 1545422 1546897 8-1548371 1549846 8-1551319 1552792 1654265 1555737 1557209 146951 1471019 1472520 1474020 1475519 1477018 1478517 1480015 1481512 1483009 1484506 1486002 8 8-1487497 8-1488992 8-1490487 8-1491980 8-1493474 8-1494967 8-1496459 8-1497951 8-1499442 8-1500933 8-1502423 8-1503913 8-1505402 8-1506891 8-1508380 8-1509867 8-1511355 8-1512841 8-1514328 8-1515813 8-1517299 8-1518783 8-1520267 8-1521751 8-1523234 8-1524717 8-1526199 8-1527681 1529162 54 8-1530643 1558680 1560151 1561621 1563090 1564559 1566028 1567496 1568964 1570431 1571898 1573364 1574830 1576295 1577759 1579224 ■1580687 1582151 1583613 1585076 1586537 1587999 1589459 ■1590920 •1592379 •1593839 •1595297 •1696756 •1598213 •1599671 •1601128 •1602584 •1604040 ■1605495 ■1606950 ■1608404 •1609858 •1611312 -1612765 -1614217 -1615669 •1617121 •1618572 1627267 1628715 8-1630162 1631609 8-1633055 8-1634501 1635946 8-1637391 8-1638835 1640279 8-1641722 1643165 8-1644607 8-1646049 8-1647490 8^1648931 1650372 1651812 8-1653251 8-1654690 656128 8-1657566 8d 659004 8-1660441 8-1661878 1663314 1664749 8-1666185 8-1667619 8-1669054 8-1670487 1671921 1673353 16747S6 1676218 1677649 1679080 1680510 1681940 1683370 ■1684799 1686228 ■1687656 8-1718282 8-1797626 8-1714701 8-1716120 8-1717538 1718956 8-1720373 8-1721790 1723207 8-1724623 8-1726038 1727453 8-1728868 8-1730282 8-1689083 8-1690510 8-1691937 8-1693363 8-1694789 8-1696214 8-1697639 8-1699064 8-1700487 8-1701911 8-1703334 8-1704756 8-1532123 8-153360: 8-1535082 8-1536560 8-1538038 8-15395 16 8-1620022 8-1706178 8-1621472 8-1707600 8-1622922 8-1624371 8-1625819 8-1627267 10' 8-1709021 8-1710442 8-1711862 8-1 713282 1731696 1733109 1734522 1735934 1737346 •1738757 •1740168 ■1741579 •1742989 ■1744398 ■1745807 ■1747216 ■1748624 •1750032 ■1751439 ■1752846 ■1754252 ■1755658 ■1757064 ■1758469 ■1759873 ■1761278 •1762681 •1764084 •1765487 -1766889 •1768291 -1769693 -1771094 -1772494 •1773894 •1775294 -1776693 -1778091 •1779490 •1780887 •1782285 -1783^82 •1785078 •1786474 ■1787870 -1789265 8-1790659 8-1792054 1793447 8-1794841 796233 8-1797626 8' 8-1799018 8-1800409 8-1801800 8^1803191 8-1804581 1805971 8^1807360 8-1808749 8-1810137 8'1811525 8-1812913 1814300 8^1815687 8-181707S 8-1818459 8-1819844 8-1821229 8-1822613 8-1823997 1825381 8-1826764 8-1828146 8 •1829529 8-1830910 8-1880364|8^196l556 1962896 1964236 1965576 1966916 1968254 1969592 1881730 8-1883095 8-1884460 8-1885824 8-1887188 8^1888552 8^1832292 8^1833673 1835053 1836433 1837813 8-1839192 1840571 1841949 1843327 1844704 1846081 1847468 1848834 1850209 1851585 1852959 1854334 8 1855708 8-1889915 8-1891278 8-1892640 8-1894002 8-1895363 8-1896724 1898086 1899445 1900805 1902164 1903523 1904881 1906239 1907597 1908954 191031] 1911667 1913023 8-1914379 8-1915734 8 8-1917088 8-1918442 8-1919796 8-1921 150 8- 1970930 8-1972268 8-1973605 8-1974942 976278 8-1977614 8- 8-2041259 8-2042575 8-2043890 8-2045206 2046521 8-2047835 8-2049149 8-2050463 2051776 8-2053089 8-2054401 8-2055714 2057025 1978949 1980284 1981619 1982963 1984287 1985621 1986954 1988286 1989619 8-1990950 8-1992282 8-1993613 8-1994943 1996273 8-1997603 8-1998933 8-2000262 8-2001590 1857081 1858454 1859827 1861199 1862571 8-1863942 8-1865313 8-1866683 8-1868053 8-1869423 8^1870792 8-1872161 8-1873529 8-1874897 8-1876264 8-187763 8-1878998 8-1880364 7' 1922503 1923855 1925207 1926559 1927910 1929261 1930611 1931961 1933311 1934660 1936009 1937357 1938705 1940053 1941400 1942746 1944093 1945439 1946784 1948129 1949473 1950818 1952161 1953505 8-1954848 8-1956190 8-1957532 8-1958874 8-1960215 8-19615 56 6' 2002918 2004246 2005573 2006900 2008227 2009553 2010879 2012204 2013529 2014863 2019177 2017501 8-2018824 8-2020147 8-2021470 8-2022792 8-2024113 2025435 2058337 2059647 2060958 2062268 ■2063578 ■2064887 ■2066196 ■2067505 ■2068813 ■2070120 -2071428 2072735 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8-2074041 2075348 8-2076653 8-2077959 8-2079264 8-2080568 2081873 2083176 ■2084480 2085783 -2087086 25 2088388 2089690 2090991 2092292 2093593 2094893 2096193 8-2097493 8-2098792 8-2100091 8-2101389 8-2102687 8-2103985 8-2026756 8-2105282 8-2028076 8-2029396 8-2030716 8-2032035 8-2033354 8-2034672 8-2035990 8-2037308 8-2038625 8-2039942 8-2041259 8-2106579 8-2107876 2109171 2110467 8-2111762 8-2113057 8-2114351 8-2115646 8-2116939 8-2118233 8-21195 26 Al ti3&) Deg. LOG. & INES. I Beg. Tab. 9. T 5(i' 57' 58' 59' d 1' 2' 3' l! *£ 8-2118949 8-2195811 8-2271335 8-2345568 8-2418553 8-2490332 8-2560943 8-2630424 60 ] 8-2120242 8-2197080 8-2272583 8-2346795 8-2419759 8-2491518 8-2562110 8-2631572 59 2 8-2121533 8-2198349 8-2273830 8-2348021 8-2420965 8-2492704 8-2563277 8-2632721 58 3 8-2122825 8-2199618 8-2275077 8-2349247 8-2422170 8-2493890 8-2564443 8-2633869 57 4 8-2124116 8-2200887 8-2276324 8-2350472 8-2423376 8-2495075 8-2565609 8-2635016 56 5 8-2125407 8-2202155 8-2277570 8-2351697 8-2424680 8-2496260 8-2566775 8-2636164 55 6 8-2126697 8-2203423 8-2278816 8-235292:> 8-2425785 8-2497445 8-2567941 8-2637311 54 7 8-2127987 8-2204690 8-2280061 8-2364147 8-2426989 8-2498629 8-2569106 8-2638458 53 8 8-2129277 8-2205957 8-2281306 8-2355371 8-2428192 8-2499813 8-2570271 8-2639604 52 9 8-2130566 8-2207223 8-2282551 8-2356594 8-2429396 8-2500997 8-2571436 8-2640750 51 10 8-2131854 8-2208490 8-2283796 8-2357818 8-2430599 8-2502180 8-2572600 8-2641896 50 11 8-2133143 8-2209756 8-2286040 8-2359041 8-2431802 8-2503363 8-2573764 8-2643042 49 12 8-2134431 8-2211021 8-2286284 8-2360264 8-2433004 8-2604546 8-2574928 8-2644187 48 13 8-2135719 8-2212286 8-2287527 8-2361486 8-243420€ 8-2505728 8-2576091 8-2645332 47 14 8-2137006 8-2213551 8-2288770 8-2362708 8-2435408 8-2506911 8-2577255 8-2646477 46 15 8-2138293 8-2214815 8-2290013 8-2363930 8-2436609 8-2508092 8-2578417 8-2647621 45 16 8-2139579 8-2216079 8-2291265 8-2365151 8-2437810 8-2509274 8-2579580 8-2648766 44 17 8-2140865 8-2217343 8-2292497 8-2366372 8-2439011 8-2510465 8-2580742 8-2649909 43 18 8-2142151 8-2218606 8-2293739 8-2367593 8-2440212 8-2511636 8-2581904 8-2651053 42 19 8-2143436 8-2219869 8-2294980 8-2368813 8-2441412 8-2512816 8-2583065 8-2652196 41 20 8-2144721 8-2221132 8-2296221 8-2370033 8-2442611 8-2513996 8-2584227 8-2653339 40 21 8-2146006 8-2222394 8-2297461 8-2371253 8-2443811 8-2515176 8-2585388 8-2^54482 39 22 8-2147290 8-2223666 8-2298701 8-2372472 8-2445010 8-2516356 8-2586548 8-2655624 38 23 8-2148574 8-2224917 8-2299941 8-2373691 8-2446209 8-2517535 8-2587709 8-2656766 37 24 8-2149857 3-2226178 8-2301181 8-2374910 8-2447407 8-2518714 8-2588869 8-2657908 36 25 3-2151140 3-2227439 8-2302420 8-2376128 8-2448606 8-2519893 8-2590028 8-2659049 36 26 3-2152423 3-2228699 8-2303659 8-2377346 8-2449803 8-2521071 8-2591188 8-2660190 34 27 t{-21 53705 3-2229959 8-2304897 8-2378563 8-2451000 8-2522249 8-2592347 8-2661331 33 28 3-2154987 3-2231219 8-2306135 8-2379781 8-2452198 8-2623426 8-2593505 8-2662471 32 29 3-2156269 3-2232478 8-2307373 8-2380997 8-2453394 8-2524604 8-2594664 8-2663612 31 30 3-2157550 3-22337S7 8-2308610 8-2382214 8-2454591 8-2525781 8-2595822 8-2664751 30 31 3-2158831 3-2234996 8-2309847 8-2383430 8-2455787 8-2626957 8-2596980 8-2665891 29 32 3-2160111 8-2236254 8-2311084 8-2384646 8-2456983 8-2528134 8-2598137 8-2667030 28 33 8-2161391 8-2237512 8-2312320 3-2385862 8-2458178 8-2529310 8-2599295 8-2668169 27 34 8-2162671 8-2238769 8-2313556 8-2387077 8-2459373 8-2530485 8-2C00452 8-2669308 26 35 3-2163950 3-2240026 8-2314792 8-2388292 8-2460568 8-2531661 8-2601608 8-2670446 26 36 3-2165229 3-2241283 8-2316027 8-2389606 8-2461762 8-2532836 8-2602764 8-2671585 24 37 3-2166508 3-2242539 8-2317262 8-2390720 8-2462957 8-2534011 8-2603920 8-2672722 23 38 3-2167786 3-2243795 8-2318496 8-2391934 8-2464150 8-2536185 8-2605076 8-2673860 22 ^9 8-2169064 3-2245051 8-2319731 8-2393148 8-2465344 8-2536359 8-2606232 8-2674997 21 40 3-2170341 8-2246306 8-2320965 8-2394361 8-2466537 8-2537533 8-2607387 8-2676134 20 41 3-2171618 3-224756] 8-2322198 8-2395574 8-2467730 8-2638706 8-260854] 8-2677271 19 42 3-2172895 3-2248815 8-2323431 8-2396786 8-2468922 8-2639880 8-2609696 8-2678407 18 43 8-2174171 3-2250070 8-2324664 8-2397998 8-2470115 8-2641052 8-2610850 8-2679543 17 44 8-2175447 3-2251323 8-2325896 8-2399210 8-2471306 8-2542225 8-2612004 8-2680679 16 45 3-2176723 3-2252577 8-2327128 8-2400422 8-2472498 8-2543397 8-2613157 8-2681814 15 46 8-2177998 3-2253830 8-2328360 8-2401633 8-2473689 8-2544569 8-2614311 8-2682949 14 47 8-2179273 3-2255083 8-2329592 8-2402844 8-2474880 8-2545741 8-2615463 8-2684084 13 48 8-2180547 8-2256335 8-2330823 8-2404054 8-2476071 8-2546912 8-2616616; 8-2686219 12 49 8-2181821 8-2257587 8-2332053 8-2405264 8-2477261 8-2548083 8-2617763 8-2686353 11 50 8-2183095 8-2258839 8-2333284 8-2406474 8-2478451 8-2549254 8-2618920 8-2687487 10 51 8-2184368 8-2260090 8-2334514 8-2407683 8-2479640 8-2560424 8-2620072 8-2688620 9 52 8-2185641 8-2261341 8-2335743 8-2408892 8-2480829 8-2551594 8-2621223 8-2622375 8-2689754 8 53 8-2186913 8-2262591 8-2336973 8-2410101 8-2482018 8-2562764 8-2690887 7 54 55 8-2188186 8-2189457 8-2263841 8-2265091 8-2338202 8-2339430 8-2411310 8-2412518 8-2483207 8-2484395 8-2653933 8-2555102 8-2623525 8-2692020 6 5 8-2624676 8-2693152 56 8-2190729 3-2266341 8-2340659 8-2413725 8-2485583 8-2666271 8-2625826 8-2694284 4 57 8-2192000 8-2267590 8-2341886 8-2414933 8-2486771 8-2557439 8-2626976 8-2695416 3 58 8-2193270 3-2268839 8-2343114 8-2416140 8-2487958 8-2558607 8-2628125 8-2696548 2 69 8-2194541 3-2270087 8-2344341 8-2417347 8-2489145 8-2559775 8-2629275 8-26976/9 I 60 8-2195811 3-2271335 8-2345568 3-2418653 8-2490332 8-2560943 8-2630424 8-2698810 8' 2' 1' 0' 59' 58' 57' 56' // l.on. r.nsTM'^c «n y\t QQ 1^/ Beg. LOG. TANGENTS. 1 Deg. (233) II 60.^ .57' 58' 59' 0' 1' 2' 1 ^' It ~o 8-2119526 8-2196408 8-2271953 8-2346208 8-2419215 8-2491015 8-2561649 8-2631153 60 1 8-2120818 8-219767H 8-2273201 8-2347435 8-2420421 8-2492202 3-2562817 8-2632302 59 2 8-2122n0 8-2198947 8-2274449 8-2348661 8-2421627 8-2493388 8-2563984 8-2633451 58 3 8-2123402 8-2200216 8-2275696 8-2349887 8-2422833 8-2494574 8-2565151 8-2634599 57 4 8-2124694 8-2201485 8-2276943 8-2351113 8-2424038 8-2495760 8-2566317 8-2635747 56 5 8-2125985 8-2202754 8-2278190 8-2352339 8-2425244 8-2496946 8-2567484 8-2636895 55 6 8-2127275 8-2204022 8-2279436 8-2353564 8-2426448 8-2498131 8-2568650 8-2638043 54 7 8-2128566 8-2205289 8-2280682 8-2354789 8-2427653 8-2499315 8-2569815 8-2639190 53 8 8-2129855 8-2206557 8-2281927 8-2356013 8-2428857 8-2500500 8-2570981 8-2640337 52 9 8-2131145 8-2207824 8-2283173 8-2357237 8-2430061 8-2501684 8^2572146 8-2641483 51 10 8-2132434 8-2209090 8-2284417 8-2358461 8-2431264 8-2502868 8-2573310 8-2642630 50 11 8-2133723 8-2210356 8-2285662 8-2359684 8-2432467 8-2504051 8-2574475 8-2643776 49 12 8-2135011 8-2211622 8-2286906 8-2360908 8-2433670 8-2505234 8-2575639 8-2644921 48 13 8-2136299 8-2212888 8-2288150 8-2362130 8-2434872 8-2506417 8-2576803 8-2646067 47 14 8-2137587 8-2214153 8-2289393 8-2363353 8-2436075 8-2507600 8-2577966 8-2647212 46 15 8-2138874 8-2215418 8-2290636 8-2364575 8-2437276 8-2508782 8-2579129 8-2648357 45 16 8-2 1401 61 8-2216682 8-2291879 8-2365796 8-2438478 8-2509964 8-2580292 8-2649501 44 17 8-2141447 8-2217946 8-2293121 8-2367018 8-2439679 8-2511145 8-2581455 8-2650645 43 18 8-2142733 8-2219210 8-2294363 8-2368239 8-2440880 8-2512326 8-2582617 3-2651789 42 19 8-2144019 8-2220473 8-2295605 8-2369460 8-2442080 8-2513507 8-2583779 8-2652933 41 20 8-2145304 8-2221736 8-2296846 8-2370680 8-2443280 8-2514688 8-2584941 8-2654076 40 21 8-2146589 8-2222998 8-2298087 8-2371900 8-2444480 8-2515868 8-258610? 8-2655219 39 22 8-2147874 8.2224260 8-2299327 8-2373120 8-2445680 8-2517048 8-2587263 8-2656362 38 23 8-2149158 8-2225522 8-2300568 8-2374339 8-2446879 8-2518227 8-258842^1 8-2657504 37 24 8-2150442 8-2226784 8-2301807 8-2375558 8-2448077 8-2519407 8-2589584 8-2658646 36 25 8-2151725 8-2228045 8-2303047 8-2376776 8-2449276 8-2520586 8-2590744 8-2659788 35 26 8-2153003 8-2229305 8-2304286 8-2377995 8-2450474 8-2521764 8-2591904 8-2660929 34 27 8-2154291 8-2230566 8-2305525 8-2379213 8-2451672 8-2522943 8-2593063 8-2662071 33 28 8-2155573 8-2231826 8-2306763 8-2380430 8-2452869 8-2524121 8-2594223 8-2663212 32 29 8-2156855 8-2233085 8-2308001 8-2381648 8-2454066 8-252529S 8-2595381 8-2664352 31 30 8-2158137 8-2234345 8-2309239 8-2382865 8-2455263 8-2526476 8-2596540 8-2665492 30 31 8-2159418 8-2235604 8-2310476 8-2384081 8-2456460 8-2527653 8-2597698 8-2666632 29 32 8-2160699 8-2236862 8-2311713 8.2385297 8-2457656 8-2528829 8-2598856 8-2667772 28 33 8-2161979 8-2238120 8-2312950 8-2386513 8-2458852 8-2530006 8-2600014 8-2668911 27 34 8-2163259 8.2239378 8-2314186 8-2387729 8-2460047 8-2531182 8-2601171 8-2670051 26 35 8-2164539 8-2240635 8-2315422 8-2388944 8-2461242 8-2532358 8-2602328 8-2671189 25 36 8-2165818 8-2241892 8-2316658 8-2390159 8-2462437 8-2533533 8-2603485 8-2672328 24 Z7 8-2167097 8-2243149 8-2317893 8-2391373 8-2463632 8-2534708 8-2604641 8-2673466 23 38 8-2168375 8-2244405 8-2319128 8-2392588 8-2464826 8-2535883 8-2605797 8-2674604 22 39 8-2169653 8-2245661 8-2320363 8-2393802 8-2466020 8-2537058 8-2606953 8-2675742 21 40 8-2170931 8-2246917 8-2321597 8-2395015 8-2467213 8-2538232 8-2608108 8-2676879 20 41 8-2172209 8.2248172 8-2322831 8-2396228 8-2468407 8-2539406 8-2609263 8-2678016 19 42 8-2173486 8-2249427 8-2324064 8-2397441 8-2469599 8-2540579 8-2610418 8-2679153 18 43 8-2174762 8-2250682 8-2325297 8-2398654 8-2470792 8-2541752 8-2611573 8-2680289 17 44 8-2176038 8-2251936 8-2326530 8-2399866 8-2471984 8-2542925 8-2612727 8-2681425 16 45 8-2177314 8-2253190 8-2327763 8-2401078 8-2473176 8-2544098 8-2613881 8-2682561 15 46 8-2178590 8.2254443 8-2328995 8-2402289 8-2474368 8-2545270 8-2615034 8-2683696 14 47 8-2179865 8-2255696 8-2330227 8-2403500 8-2475559 8-2546442 8-2616188 8-2684832 13 48 8-2181140 8-2256949 8-2331458 8-240471 1 8-2476750 8-2547614 8-2617341 8-2685967 12 49 8-2182414 8-2258201 8-2332689 8-2405922 8-2477940 8-2548785 8-2618493 8-2687101 11 50 g-2183688 8-2259453 8-2333920 8-2407132 8-2479131 8-2549956 8-2619646 8-2688236 10 51 8-2184962 8-22607P5 8-2335150 8-2408342 8-2480321 8-2551127 8-2620798 8-2689370 9 62 8-2186235 8-2261956 8-2336380 8-2409551 8-2481510 8-2552297 8-2621950 8-2690503 8 53 8-2187508 8-2263207 8-2337610 8-2410760 8-2482699 8-2553467 8-2623101 8-2691637 7 54 8-2188780 8-2264457 8-2338839 8-2411969 8-2483888 8-2554637 8-2624252 8-2692770 6 55 8-2190053 8-2265708 8-2340068 8-2413177 8-2485077 8-2555806 8-2625403 8-2693903 5 56 8-2191324 8-2266957 8-2341297 8-2414386 8-2486265 8-2556976 3-2626554 8-2695035 4 57 8-2192596 8-2268207 B-2342525 8-2415593 8-2487453 8-2558144 8-2627704 8-2696168 3 58 8-2193867 8-2269456 8-2343753 8-2416801 8-2488641 8-2559313 8-2628854 8-2697300 2 59 8-2195137 8.2270705 8-2344980 8-2418008 8-2489828 8-256048! 8-2630004 8-2698431 1 60 8-2196408 8-2271953 8-2346208 8-2419215 8-2491015 8-2561649 8-2631153 8-2699563 T 3' 2' 1' 0' 5S)' 58' 57' bi^^ IT (234) 1 Deg. LOG. SINES. Tab. 9. ^•2698810 ?-2699941 8-2701071 R-270220I 8-270333I S'27G61S6 8-2767249 8-2768362 8-276947 8-2770587 2704461 8-2771700 8-2705590 8-2772811 8-2706719 8-2707847 8-2708976 8-2710104 8-2711232 8-2712359 13 8-2713486 8-2714613 8-2715740 8-2716866 8-2717992 8-2719118 2720243 8-2721368 8-2722493 8-2723618 8-2724742 8-2725866 8-2726990 2728113 8-2729236 8-2730359 8-2731481 8-2732604 8-27337-25 8-2734847 8-2735968 8-2737089 8-2738210 8-2739331 2740451 2741571 2742690 2743810 2744929 2746048 •2747166 2748284 2749402 2750520 •2751637 ■2752754 2753871 •2754987 ■2756103 ■2757219 ■2768335 •2759450 2760565 2761680 2762794 •2763909 ■2765022 •27661 36 55' 8-2773923 8-2775034 8-2776145 8-2777256 8-2778367 8-2779477 8-2780587 8-2781696 8-2782806 8-2783915 8-2785023 8-2786132 8-2787240 8-2788348 8-2789456 8-2790563 8-2791670 8-2792777 8-2793883 2794989 8-2796095 8-2797201 8-2798306 8-279941 8-2800516 -2801621 8-2802725 8-2803829 8-2804933 8-2806036 8-2807139 8-2808242 8-2809345 8-2810447 8-2811549 8 2812650 8-2813752 8-2814853 8-2815954 8-2817055 8-2818155 8-2819255 8-2820355 8-2821454 8-2822553 8-2823652 8-2824751 8-2825849 8-2826947 8-2828045 8-2829143 8-2830240 2831337 8-2832434 54' 6" 8-2832434 8-2833530 8-2834626 8-2835722 8-2836818 8-2837913 8-2839008 8-2840103 8-2841197 8-2842292 8-2843386 8-2844479 8-2845573 8-2846666 8-2847759 8-2848851 8-2849943 8-2851035 8-2852127 8-2853219 8-2854310 8-2855401 8-2856491 8-2857582 8-2858672 8-2859762 8-2860351 8-2861941 8-2863030 8-2864118 8-2865207 8-2866295 8-2867383 8-2868471 8-2869558 8-2870645 8-2871732 8-2872818 8-2873905 8-2874991 8-2876076 8-2877162 8-2878247 8-2879332 8-2880417 8-2881501 8-2882585 3-2883669 8-2884752 8-2885836 2886919 8-2888002 8-2889084 8-2890166 8-2891248 8-2892330 8-2893411 8-2894492 8-2895573 8-2896654 8- 2897734 56' 2897734 2898814 2899894 2900974 2902053 2903132 2904211 2905289 2906367 2907445 2908523 2909600 2910677 8-2911754 8-2919831 8-2913907 8-2914983 8-2916059 8-2917134 8-2918210 8-2919285 8-2920359 8-2921434 8-2922508 8-2923582 8-2924656 8-2925729 8-2926802 8-2927875 8-2928943 8-2930020 8-2931092 8-2932164 8-2933235 8-2934306 8-2935378 8-2936448 8-2937519 8-2938589 8-2939659 8-2940729 8-2941798 8-2942867 8-2943936 8-2946005 8-2946073 8-2947141 8-2948209 8-2949277 8-2950344 8-2951411 8-2952478 8-2953544 8-2954r;il 8-2955677 8-2956742 8-2957808 8-2958873 8-2959938 2961003 8- 2962067 52' 8' •2962067 ■2963131 ■2964195 •2965259 •2966322 •2967386 8-2968448 8-296951 8-2970573 8-2971635 8-2972697 8-2973769 8-2974820 8-2975881 8-2976942 8-2978002 8-2979063 8-2980123 8-2981183 -2982242 -2983301 •2984360 -2985419 •2986477 •2987536 8-2988594 8-2989651 8-2990709 2991766 2992823 8-2993879 8-2994936 8-2995992 8-2997048 8-2998104 8-2999159 8-3000214 8-3001269 8-3002324 8-3003378 8-3004432 8-3005486 8-3006539 3007593 8-3008646 8-3009699 3010761 8-3011804 8-3012856 8-3013907 8-3014959 8-3016010 8-3017061 8-3018112 8-3019163 8-3020213 8-3021263 8-3022313 8-3023362 8^30244 8- 30254 60 51' 9' 3025460 3026509 •3027558 •3028606 ■3029654 •3030702 ■3031749 10' 8-3087941 8-3088975 8-3090009 8^3091042 8-3092075 8-3093108 8-3094140 8^3032796 8-3095173 8^3033843 8^3096205 3034890 8-3097237 8-3035937 8-3036983 8^3038029 8-3039075 8-3040120 8-3041165 8-3042210 8-3043255 8-3044299 8-3045344 8-3046388 8-3047431 8-3048475 8-3049518 8-3050561 8-3098268 8-3099299 8-3100330 8-3101361 8-3102392 8-3103422 8-3104452 8-3105482 8-3106512 8-3107541 8-3108570 8-3109599 8-3110628 8-3111656 8-3112684 8-3051604 8-3113712 8-3052646 8-3114740 8-3053688 8-3115767 8-3054730 8-3116794 8-305577218-3117821 8-3056813j8-31 18848 8-3057855 8-3119874 8-3058896 8-3120901 8-306993618-3121927 8-3060977|8-3 122952 8-3062017J8-3123978 8-3063067 8-3125003 8-3064097 8-3126028 8-3065136 8-3127063 8-3066175 8-3128077 067214 8-3068253 8-3069291 8-3129101 8-3130126 8-3131149 8-3070330 8-3132173 8-307l368|8-3133196 8-3072405:8-3134219 8-3073443J8-3 1^5242 8-3074480 8-3136264 8-3075517 8-3137287 8-3076554 8-3077590 8-3078626 8-3079662 8-3080698 8-3081734 8-3082769 8-3083804 8-3084839 8-3085873 8-3086907 8- 3087941 50' 8-3138309 8-3139331 8-3140352 8-3141374 8-3142395 8-3143416 8-3144436 8-3145457 8-3146477 8-3147497 8-3148516 8-3149536 49' 11' 8-3149536 8-3150655 8-3151574 8-3152593 8-315361 1 8-3164630 8-3155648 8-3166665 8-3157683 8-3158700 8-3159717 8-3160734 8-3161751 8-3162767 8-3163783 8-3164799 8-3165816 8-3166830 8-3167846 8-3168860 3169876 3170889 8-3171903 8-3172917 8-3173931 8-3174945 8-3176958 8-3176971 8-3177984 8-3178996 8-3180008 8-3181021 8-3182032 8-3183044 8-3184055 8-3185067 8-3186077 8-3187088 3188098 3189109 8-3190119 8-3191128 3192138 8-3193147 8-3194166 8-3195165 8-3196173 8-3197182 8-3198190 8-3199198 8-3200206 8-3201213 8-3202220 8-3203227 3204233 8-3206240 8-3206246 8^3207252 •3208258 8-3209263 8-3210269 48' oo T^, 1 Deg. LOG. TANOENTS, (^35) 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 // 8-2699563 8-2700694 8-2701825 8-2702955 8-2704085 8-2705215 2706345 8-2707474 8-2708603 8-2709732 8-2710860 8-2711989 8-2713116 8-2714244 8 2715371 8-2716498 8-2717625 8-2718751 8-2719877 8-2721003 8-2722129 8-2723254 8-2724379 8-2725504 8-2726628 -2727762 -2728876 •2729999 •2731122 •2732245 •2733368 •2734490 •2735612 •2736734 •2737856 -2738977 -2740098 8-2741218 8-2742338 8-2743458 8-2744578 8^2746698 8^27468 17 8-2747936 8-2749054 8-2750173 8-2751291 8-2752408 8-2753526 8-2754643 8-2755760 8-2756876 8-2757992 8-2759108 8-2760224 8-2761340 8-2762455 8-2763570 8-27669] 2 2768026 8-2769139 8-2770253 8-2771365 8-2772478 8-2773590 8-2774702 2775814 2776925 8-2778036 8-2779147 8-2780258 8-2781368 8-2782478 8-2783588 8-2784697 8^2785806 8-2786915 8-2788024 8-2789132 8^2790240 8^2791348 8^2792455 8-2793563 •2794670 ■2795776 ■2796882 ■2797988 •2799094 ■2800200 ■2801305 ■2802410 2803515 ■2804619 •2805723 •2806827 8-2807930 8-2809034 8-2810136 8-2811239 8-2812342 8-2813444 8-2814545 8-2815647 8-2816748 8-2817849 8-2818950 8-2820051 8-2821151 8-2822251 8-2823350 8-2824450 8-2825549 8-2826647 8-2827746 8-2828844 8-2829942 6' 7' 8-2833234 8-2834331 8-2835428 8-2836524 8-2837620 8-2838716 8-2839811 8-2840906 8-2842001 8-2843096 8-2844190 8-2845284 8-2846378 8-2847471 8-2848565 8-2849658 2850750 2851843 8-2852935 8-2854027 8-2855118 8-2856210 8-2857301 8-2858392 8-2859482 ■2860572 •2861662 ■2862752 ■2863841 ■2864931 ■2866019 ■2867108 •2868196 •2869284 ■2870372 •2871460 •2872547 8-2873634 8-2874720 8-2875807 8-2876893 8-2877979 8-2879065 8-2880150 8-2881235 8-2882320 8-2883404 8-2884488 8-2885572 2886656 8-2887740 8-2888823 8-2889906 8-2890988 8^2892071 28985591 2899640 8-2900720 8-290 1800| 8-2902879 8-2903959 2905038 8-2906117 8-2907195 8-2908274 8-2909352 8-2910430 2911507 8-2912584 8-2913661 8-2914738 2915815 8-2916891 8-2917967 8-2919042 2920118 8-2921193 2922268 8-2923342 8-2924417 -2925491 -2926565 -2927638 -2928711 -2929784 -2930857 -2931930 -2933002 •2934074 •2935145 •2936217 -2937288 8-2938359 8-2939429 8-2940500 8-2941570 8-2942640 8-2943709 2944779 8-2945848 8-2946916 2947985 8-2949053 8-2950121 8-2951189 8-2952256 8-2953324 8-2954391 8-2955457 8-2956524 8-2962917 8-2963981 8-2965046 i8-2966110 8-2967174 8-2968237 8-2969300 8-2970363 8-2971426 8-2972489 8-2973551 8-2974613 8-2975675 8-2976736 8-2977797 8-2978858 8-2979919 8^2980980 8^2982040 8-2983100 8-2984159 8-2985219 8-2986278 8-2987337 8-2988395 9' 3026335 3027385 3028433 ■3029482 ■3030531 ■3031579 ■3032627 8 8' 8 8 8 8 8-3033674 8-3034722 8-3035769 8-3036816 8-3037862 8-3038909 8-3039955 8-3041001 8-3042046 8-3043092 8-3044137 8-3045182 8-3046226 8-3047271 8-3048315 8-3049359 8-3050403 8-3051446 8-3088842 8-3089876 8-3090910 8-3091944 8-3092977 8-3094010 8-3095043 8^3096076 8-3097109 8-3098141 3099173 8-3100205 8-3101236 ■3102267 •3103298 •3104329 •3105360 •3106390 •3107420 •3108450 8-3109479 8-3110508 8-3111538 8-3112566 8-3113595 2989454 2990512 2991570 2992627 2993685 2994742 2995799 2996855 2997911 2998967 ■3000023 •3001079 ■3002134 8-3003189 8-3004244 8-3005298 8-3006353 3007407 3008460 8-3009514 8-3010567 8-3011620 8-3012673 8-3013725 8-3014778 8-3015830 8-3016881 8-3017933 8-3018984 8-3020035 •3052489 ■3053532 •3054575 •3055617 •3056659 ■3057701 •3058743 ■3059784 •3060825 •3061866 •3062907 •3063947 8-3064987 8-3066027 8-3067067 8-3068106 3069145 3070184 8^3071223 8-3072261 8-3073299 8-3074337 8-3075375 8-3076412 3077449 8-3078486 8-3079523 3080559 8-3081596 3082631 8-2764684 8-2831040 8-2765798 8-2832137 8-2766912 8-2833234 8-2893153 8-2957590 8-3021086 8-3083667 8-3084703 3085738 8-3086773 8-3087807 3088842 8-2894235 8-2958656.8-3022136 8-29597218-3023186 8-2895316 8-2896397 8-2897478 8-2898559 2960787 8-3024236 8-2961852,8-3025286 2962917 8-3026335 i(y 3114623 3116651 3116679 3117707 3118734 3119761 3120788 8-3121815 8-3122841 8-3123867 8-3124893 8-3125919 8-3126944 8-3127969 8-3128994 8-3130019 8-3131043 8-3132068 8-3133092 8-3134115 8-3135139 8-3136162 8-3137185 8-3138208 8-3139230 8-3140253 8-3141275 8-3142296 8-314331 8-3144339 8-3145360 8-3146381 8-3147402 8-3148422 8-3149442 8-3150462 11 8-3150462 8-3151482 8-3152501 8-3153520 3154539 8-3155558 B-3 156576 8-3157595 8-3158613 8-3159630 8-3160648 8-3161665 8-3162682 8-3163699 8-3164715 8-3165732 8-3166748 8-3167764 8-3168779 8-3169795 8-3170810 8-3171825 8-3172839 8-3173854 8-3174868 8-3175882 8-3176895 8-3177909 8-3 178922 8-3179935 8'3 180948 8-3181960 8-3182973 8-3183985 8-3184997 8-3186008 8-3187019 8-3188031 8-3189041 8-3190052 8-3191062 8-3192073 8-3193083 8-3194092 3195102 8-3196111 8-3197120 8-3198129 8-3199137 8-3200145 8-3201154 8-3202161 8-320S169 8-3204176 8-3205183 8-3206190 8-3207197 8-3208203 8-3209210 8-3210215 8-321122 55' 54' 53' 52' I 51' 501 49' 48' 3H 2 LOG. COTANGENTS. 88 Deff. _(236-) I Deg. LOG. SINES. Tab. 9. -■ • II 12' I a' 14' 15' 16' 17' 18' 19' II "o 8v'<2 10209 8-3270163 8-3329243 8-3387529 8-3445043 8-3501805 8-3557835 8-3613150 60 8-3211274 (^•3212278 8-3271155 8-3330221 8-3388494 8-3445995 8-3502745 8-3558762 8-3614066 59 2 3 4 3-3272146 8-3331199 8-3389459 8-3446947 8-3503685 8-3559690 8-3614982 58 8-3213283 8-3273137 8-3332176 8-3390423 8-3447899 8-3504624 8-3560617 8-3615897 57 8-3214287 8-3274127 8-3333153 8-3391387 8-3448851 8-3505563 8-3561544 8-3616813 56 5 8-3215292 8-3275118 8-3334130 8-3392351 8-3449802 8-3506.502 8-3562471 8-3617728 55 6 8-3216295 8-3276108 8-3335107 8-3393315 8-3450753 8-3507441 8-3563398 8-3618643 54 7 8-3217299 8-3277098 8-3336084 8-3394279 8-3451704 8-3508379 8-3564324 8-3619558 53 g 8-3218303 8-3278087 8-3337060 8-3395242 8-3452655 8-3509318 8-3565251 8-3620472 52 9 8-3219306" 8-3279077 8-3338036 8-3396205 8-3453605 8-3510256 8-3566177 8-3621387 51 10 8-3220309 8-3280066 8-3339012 8-3397168 8-3454555 8-3511194 8-3567103 8-3622301 50 11 8-3221311 8-3281055 8-3339988 8-3398131 8-3455505 8-3512132 8-3568029 8-3623215 49 12 8-3222314 8-3282044 8-3340963 8-3399093 8-3456455 8-3513069 8-3568954 8-3624129 48 13 8-3223316 8-3283032 8-3341938 8-3400055 8-3457405 8-3514006 8-3569880 8-3625042 47 14 8-3224318 8-3284021 8-3342913 8-3401018 8-3458354 8-3514944 8-3570305 8-3625956 46 15 8-3225320 8-3285009 8-3343888 8-3401979 8-3459304 8-3515881 8-3571730 8-3626869 45 16 8-3226322 8-3285997 8-3344863 8-3402941 8-3460253 8-3516817 8'3572654 8-3627782 44 17 8-3227323 8-3286984 8-3345837 8-3403902 8-3461201 8-3517754 8-3573579 8-3628695 43 18 8-3228324 8-3287972 8-3346811 8-3404864 8-3462150 8-3518690 8-3574503 8-3629608 42 19 8-3229325 8-3288959 8-3347785 8-3405825 8-34^3098 8-3519626 8'3575427 8-3630520 41 20 8-3230326 8-3289946 8-3348759 8-3406785 8-3464047 8-3520562 8-3576351 8'3631433 40 21 8-3231326 8-8290933 8-3349732 8-3407746 8-3464995 8-3521498 8-3577275 8-3632345 39 22 8-3232326 8.3291919 8-3350706 8-3408706 8-3465942 8-3522433 8-3578199 8-3633257 38 23 8-3233326 8-3292906 8-3351679 8-3409666 8-3466890 8-3523369 8-3579122 8-3634169 37 24 8-3234326 8-3293892 8-3352651 8-3410626 8-3467837 8-3524304 8-3580045 8-3635080 36 25 8-3235325 8-3294878 8-3353624 8-3411586 8-3468784 8-3525239 8-3580968 8-3635991 35 26 8-3236325 8-3295863 8-3354597 8-3412546 8-3469731 8-3526173 8-3581891 8-3636903 34 27 8-3237324 8-3296849 8-3355569 8-3413505 8-3470678 8-3527108 8-3582814 8-3637814 33 28 8-3238322 8-3297834 8-3356541 8-3414464 8-3471625 8-3528042 8-3583736 8-3638724 32 29 8-3239321 8-3298819 8-3357512 8-3415423 8-3472571 8-3528976 8-3584658 8-3639635 31 30 8-3240319 8-3299804 8-3358484 8-3416382 8-3473517 8-3529910 8-3585580 8-3640545 30 31 8-3241317 8-3300788 8-3359455 8-3417340 8-3474463 8-3530844 8-3586502 8-3641456 29 32 8-3242315 8-3301773 8-3360426 8-3418298 8-3475409 8-3531778 8-3587424 8-3642366 28 33 8-3243313 8.3302757 8-3361397 8-3419256 8-3476354 8-3532711 8-3588345 8-3643275 27 34 8-3244310 8-3303740 8-3362368 8-3420214 8-3477300 8-3533644 8-3589266 8-3644185 26 35 8-3245308 8-3304724 8-3363338 8-3421172 8-3478245 8-3534577 8-3590187 8-3645095 25 36 8-3246305 8-3305708 8-3364309 8-3422129 8-3479189 8-3535510 8-3591108 8-3646004 24 37 8-3247301 8-3306691 8-3365279 8-3423086 8-3480134 8-3536442 8-3592029 8-3646913 23 38 8-3248298 8-3307674 8-3366248 3-3424043 8-3481079 8-3537374 8-3592949 8-3647822 22 39 8-3249294 8-3308656 8-3367218 8-3425000 8-3482023 8-3538306 8-3593870 8-3648730 21 40 8-3250290 8-3309639 8-3368187 8-3425957 8-3482967 8-3539238 8-3594790 8-364963? 20 4i 8-3251286 8-3310621 8-3369156 8-3426913 8-3483911 8-3540170 8-3595709 8-3650547 19 42 8-3252282 8-3311603 8-3370125 8-3427869 8-3484854 8-3541102 8-3596629 8-3651455 18 43 8-3253277 8-3312585 8-3371094 8-3428825 8-3485798 8-3542033 8-3597549 8-3652363 17 44 8-3254272 8-3313567 8-3372063 8-3429781 8-3486741 8-3542964 8-3598468 8-3653271 16 45 8-3255267 8-3314548 8-3373031 8-3430736 8-3487684 8-3543895 8-3599387 8-3654179 15 46 8-3256262 8-3315529 8-3373999 8-3431691 8-3488627 8-3544826 8-3600306 8-3655086 14 47 8-3257256 8-3316510 8-3374967 8-3432646 8-3489570 8-3545756 8-3601225 8-3655993 13 48 8-3258250 8-3317491 8-3375934 8-343360l|8-34905l2 8-3546686 8-3602143 8-3656900 12 Us 8-3259244 8-3318472 8-3376902 8-3434556 8-3491454 8-3547617 8-3603061 8-3657807 11 50 8-3260238 8-3319452 8-3377869 8-3435510 8-3492396 8-3548546 8-3603979 8-3658713 10 51 8-3261232 8-3320432 8-3378836 8-3436465 8-3493338 8-3549476 8-3604897 8-3659620 9 52 8-3262225 8-3321412 8-3379803 8-3437419 8-3494280 8-3550406 8-3605815 8-3660526 8 53 8-3263218 8-3322392 8-3380769 8-3438372 8-3495221 8-3551335 8-3606733 8-3661432 7 54 8-326421 1 8-332337] 8-3381736 8-3439326 8-3496162 8-3552264 8-3607650 8-3662338 6 55 8-3265204 8-3324350 8-3382702 8-3440279 8-3497103 8-3553193 8-3608567 8-3663244 5 6€ 8-3266196 8-3325329 8-3383668 8-3441233 8-3498044 8-3554122 8-3609484 8-3664149 4 57 8-3267188 8-3326308 8-3384633 8-3442186 8-3498985 8-3555050 8-3610401 8-3665054 3 58 8-3268 1 80 8-3327287 8-3385599 8-3443138 8-3499925 8-3555979 8-3611317 8-3665969 2 59 8-3269172 8-3328265 8-3386564 8-3444091 8-3500865 8-3556907 8-3612234 8-3666864 1 60 8-3270163 8-3329243 8-3387529 8-3445043 8-3501805 8-3557835 8-3613150 8-3667769 // 47' 46' 45' 44' 1 43' 42' 41' 40' IT JLOG. COSINES. 88 Deg. I Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (937) "iF 12' 15' 14' 15' 16' 17' 18' 19' II "o 8-3211221 8-3271143 8-3330249 8-3388563 8-3446105 8-3502895 8-3558953 8-3614297 60 1 8-3212227 8-3272134 8-3331228 8-3389528 8-3447057 8-3503835 8-3559881 8-3615213 59 2 8-3213232 8-3273126 8-3332206 8-3390493 8-3448010 8-3504775 8-3560809 8-3616129 58 3 8-3214237 8-3274117 8-3333184 8-3391458 8-3448962 8-3505715 8-3561737 8-3617045 57 4 8-3215242 8-3275108 8-3334161 8-3392423 8-3449914 8-3506655 8-3562664 8-3617961 56 5 8-3216246 8-3276099 8-3335139 8-3393387 8-3450866 8-3507594 8-3563592 8-3618877 55 6 8-3217251 8-3277090 8-3336116 8-3394351 8-345*817 8-3508533 8-3564519 8-3619793 54 7 8-3218255 8-3278080 8-3337093 8-3395316 8-3452769 8-3509472 8-3565446 8-3620708 53 8 8-3219259 3-3279070 8-3338070 8-3396279 8-3453720 8-3510411 8-3566373 8-3621623 52 9 8-3220262 8-3280060 8-3339046 8-3397243 8-3454671 8-3511350 8-3567299 8-3^22538 51 10 8-322 126o 8-3281050 8-3340023 8-3398206 8-3455621 8-3512288 8-3568226 8-3623453 50 11 8-3222269 8-3282039 8-3340999 8-3399169 8-3456572 8-3513226 8-3569152 8-3624367 49 12 8-3223272 8-3283028 8-3341975 8-3400132 8-3457522 8-3514164 8-3570078 8-3625281 48 13 8-3224274 8-3284017 8-3342950 8-3401095 8-3458472 8-3515102 8-3571004 8-3626196 47 14 8-3225277 8-3285006 8-3343926 8-3402058 8-3459422 8-3516040 8-3571929 8-3627110 46 15 8-3226279 8-3285995 8-3344901 8-3403020 8-3460372 8-3516977 8-3572855 8-3628023 45 16 8-3227281 8-3286983 8-3345876 8-3403982 8-3461321 8-3517914 8-3573780 8-3628937 44 17 8-3228283 8-3287971 8-3346851 8-3404944 8-3462271 8-3518851 8-3674705 8-3629850 43 18 8-3229285 8-3288959 8-3347826 8-3405906 8-3463220 8-3519788 8-3575630 8-3630763 42 19 8-3230286 8-3289947 8-3348800 8-3406867 8-3464169 8-3520725 8-3576555 8-3631676 41 20 8-3231287 8-3290934 8-3349774 8-3407828 8-3465117 8-3521661 8-3577479 8-3632589 40 21 8-3232288 8-3291921 8-3350748 8-3408789 8-3466066 8-3522597 8-3578403 8-3633502 39 22 8-3233288 8-3292908 8-3351722 8-3409750 8-3467014 8-3523533 8-3579327 8-3634414 38 23 8-3234289 8-3293895 8-3352695 8-3410711 8-3467962 8-3524469 8-3580251 8-3635327 37 24 8-3235289 8-3294882 8-3353669 8-3411671 8-3468910 8-3525405 8-S581175 8-3636239 36 25 8-3236289 8-3295868 8-3354642 8-3412631 8-3469857 8-3526340 8-3582098 8-3637150 35 26' 8-3237289 8-3296854 8-3355615 8-3413591 8-3470805 8-3527275 8-3583022 8-3638062 34 27 8-3238288 8-3297840 8-3356587 8-3414551 8-3471752 8-3528210 8-3583945 8-3638974 33 28 8-3239287 8-3298826 8-3357560 8-3415511 8-3472699 8-3529145 8-3584868 8-3639885 32 29 8-3240286 8-3299811 8-3358532 8-3416470 8-3473646 8-3530080 8-3585790 8-3640796 31 30 8-3241285 8-3300796 8-3359504 8-3417429 8-3474592 8-3531014 8-3586713 8-3641707 30 31 8-3242284 8-3301781 8-3360476 8-3418388 8-3475539 8-3531948 8-3587635 8-3642617 29 32 8-3243282 8-3302766 8-3361447 8-3419347 8-3476485 8-3532882 8-3588557 8-3643528 28 33 8-3244280 8-3303751 8-3362419 8-3420305 8-3477431 8-3533816 8-3589479 8-3644438 27 i i34 8-324S278 8-3304735 8-3363390 8-3421263 8-3478377 8-3534750 8-3590401 !8-3645348 26 35JB-324627G 8-3305719 8-3364361 8-3422221 8-3479322 8-3535683 8-3591322 8-3646258 25 36i8-3247273 8-3306703 8-3365331 8-3423179 8-3480268 8-3536616 8-3592243 8-3647168 24 378-3248270 8-3307687 8-3366302 8-3424137 8-3481213 8-3537549 8-3593165 8-3648078 23 38!8-3249267 8-3308670 8-3367272 8-3425094 8-3482158 8-3538482 8-3594086 8-3648987 22 39!8-325026'4 8-3309653 8-3368242 8-3426052 8-3483103 8-3539414 8-359500S 8-3649896 21 40 8-3251260 8-3310636 8-3369212 8-3427009 8-3484047 8-3540347 8-359^927 8-3650805 20 41 8-3252257 8-3311619 8-3370181 8-34:^7965 8-3484991 8-3541279 8-3596847 8-3651714 19 42 8-3253253 8-3312601 8-3371151 8-3428922 8-3485936 8-3542211 8-3597767 8-3652623 18 43 8-3254249 8-3313584 8-3372120 8-3429878 8-3486879 8-3*43143 8-3598687 8-3653531 17 44 8-3255244 8-3314566 8-3373089 8-3430835 8-3487823 8-3544074 8-3599607 8-3654439 16 45 8-3256240 8-3315548 8-3374058 8-3431791 8-3488767 8-3545006 8-3600527 8-3655347 15 46 8-3257235 8-3316529 8-3375026 8-3432746 8-3489710 8-3545937 8-3601446 8-3656255 14 47 8-3258230;8-33l75ll 8-3375994 8-3433702 8-3490653 8-3546868 8-3602365 8-3657163 13 •48 8-3259224 8-3318492 8-3376963 8-3434657 8-3491596 8-3547799 8-3603284 8-3658070 12 |49 8-3260219 8-3319473 8-3377930 8-3435612 8-3492539 8-3548729 8-3604203 8-3658978 U 50 8-3261213 8-3320454 8-3378898 8-3436567 8-3493481 8-3549660 8-3605121 8-3659885 10 51 8-3262207 8-3321434 8-3379866 8-3437522 8-3494423 8-3550590 8-3606040 8-3660792 9 52 8-326320 i 8-3322415 8-3380833 8-3438476 8-3495365 8-3551520 8-3606958 8-3661698 8 53 8-3264194 8-3323395 8-3381800 8-3439431 8-3196307 8-3552450 8-3607876 8-3662605 7 54 8-3265188 8-3324375 8-3382767 8-3440385 8-3497249 8-3553379 8-3608794 8-3663511 6 55 8-3266181 8-3325354 8-3383733 8-3441339 8-3498191 8-3554309 8-3609711 8-3664417 5 156 8-3267173 8-3326334 8-3384700 8-3442292 8-3499132 8-3555238 8-3610629 3-3665323 4 57 8-3268166 8-3327313 8-3385666 8-3443246 8-3500073 8-3556167 8-3611546 8-3666229 3 53 8-3269158 8-3328292 8-3386632 8-3444199 8-3501014 8-3557096 8-3612463 8-3667135 2 59 8-3270151 8-3329271 8-3387597 8-3445152 8-3501954 8-3558024 8-3613380 8-3666040 1 do 8-327 1143*8-3330249 8-3388563 8-3446105 8-3502895 8-3558953 8-3614297 8-3668945 II 47' i 46' 45' 44' 43' 42' 41' 40' II LOG. COTANGENTS. 88 Deg, (238) 1 Deg. LOG. SINES. Tab. 9. 20' 8-3667 7r)J) 8-3668674 8-366'9578 8-36704H2 8-3671386' 8-3672290 8-3673193 21' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 8 8-3674097 8-3675000 8-3675903 8-3676806 8-3677708 8-367861 1 8-3679513 8-3680415 8-3681317 8-3682219 3683120 8-3684022 •3684923 ■3685824 •3686725 •3687625 •3688526 ■3689426 3690326 3691226 3692125 3693025 3693924 3694823 3695722 3696621 3697519 3698418 3699316 3700214 60J8 17 H-37217I0 8-3722603 8-3723496 8-3724389 8-3725282 8-3726174 8-3727067 -3727959 8-37288518-3782042 8-3729743 8-3782924 8-3730635 8-3783804 8-37315268-3784685 22' •3774988 ■3775870 37767b3 3777635 3778517 3779398 3780280 8-3781161 8-3732418 8-3733309 8-3734200 8-3735091 8-3735981 3736872 8-3737762 8-3738652 8-3739542 8-3740431 3741321 8-3742210 8-3743099 8-3743988 8-3744877 8-3745766 8-3746654 3747542 8-3748430 8-3749318 8-3750206 8-3751094 8-3751981 8-3752868 8-3753755 3701111 8-3754642 3702009 8-3755528 3702907 3703804 3704701 3705598 3706494 3707391 3708287 3709183 3710079 3710975 3711870 3712766 3713661 3714556 3715451 3716346 3717240 3718134 S7 19028 3719922 3720816 3721710 39' 8-3756415 8-3757301 8-3758187 8-3759073 8-3759959 8-3760844 8-3761729 8-3762615 8-3763500 8-3764384 8-3765269 8-3766163 8-3767038 8-3767922 8-3768806 8-3769689 8-3770573 8-3771456 8-3772339 8-3773222 8-3774105 8-3774988 38' 8-3785566 8-3786446 8-3787326 3788206 8-3789086 -3789965 -3790845 -3791724 •3792603 •3793482 -3794361 -3795239 -3796117 •3796996 •3797874 -3798751 -3799629 •3800507 •3801384 •3802261 •3803138 -3804016 -3804891 -3805768 •3806644 •3807520 •3808396 •3809271 •3810147 •3811022 ■3811897 ■3812772 ■3813647 •3814522 ■3815396 ■3816271 3817145 3818019 ■3818892 •3819766 ■3820639 ■3821513 ■3822386 •3823258 •3824131 ■3825004 •3825876 •3826748 •3827620 23' 37' •3827620 •3828492 •3829364 •3830235 ■3831106 ■3831978 •3i^2848 ■3833719 ■3834590 3835460 3836330 3837201 3838070 24' 8-3838940 8-3839810 8-3840679 8-3841548 8-3842417 8-3843286 8-3844155 8-3845023 8-3845892 8-3846760 8-3847628 8-3848496 8-3849363 3850231 8-3851098 8-3851965 8-3852832 8-3853699 8-3854565 8-3855432 8-3856298 8-3857164 8-3858030 8-3858896 •3859761 •3860627 •3861492 •3862357 •3863222 •3864087 •3864951 •3865816 •3866680 ■3867544 ■3868408 ■3869271 8-3870135 8-3870998 8-3871861 S-SS72'724 8-3873587 8-3874460 8-3876312 8-3876174 8-3877037 8-3877898 8-3878760 8-3879622 8-387962:. 8-3880483 8-3881345 8-3882206 8-3883067 8-3883927 8-3884788 8-3885648 8-3886509 8-3887369 8-3888229 8-3889088 8-3889948 8-3«90807 8-3891666 8-3892526 8-3893384 3894243 8-3895102 8-3895960 8-3896818 8-3897676 3898534 8-3899392 3900249 8-3901107 8-3901964 8-3902821 8-3903678 8-3904534 8-3905391 3906247 8-3907103 8-3907959 8-3908815 8-3909671 8-3910526 -3911382 -3912237 -3913092 -3913947 -3914801 -3916656 -3916610 -3917364 •3918218 -3919072 •3919926 •3920779 8-3921633 8-3922486 8-3923339 8-3924191 8-3925044 8-3925897 8-3926749 8-3927601 8-3928453 8-3929305 8-3930166 8-3931008 36' 35' 25' •3931008 •3931859 •3932710 -3933561 -3934412 -3935263 8-3936113 8-3936964 8-3937814 8-3938664 8-39395 13 3940363 8-3941213 8-3942062 3942911 3943760 8-3944609 8-3945457 8-3946306 8-3947154 8-3948002 8-3948850 8^3949698 8^3950546 8-3961393 -3952240 -3953088 •3953935 •395478 -3955628 •3956476 8-3957321 8-3958167 8-3959013 8-3959859 8-3960705 8-3961550 8-3962395 8-3963241 8-3964086 8-3964930 8-3966775 8^3966620 8^3967464 8^3968308 8^3969152 8-3969996 8-3970840 8-3971683 8-3972627 8-3973370 8-3974213 8-3976056 8-3975898 8-3976741 8-3977583 8-3978426 8-3979268 8-3980109 8-3980961 8-3981793 26' -3981793 8 -3982634 8' 27' 34' 4031990 4032822 84033653 8-4034486 8-4035316 8-4036147 8-4036978 8-4037809 8-4038639 8-4039470 (-4040300 8-4041130 8-4041960 8-4042790 8-4043620 8-4044449 8-4045279 8-4046108 8-4046937 8-4047766 8-4048594 8-4049423 8-4050251 8-4051080 4061908 4052736 8-4053563 8-4054391 8-4055218 8-4056046 8-4056873 8-4007801 8-4067700 8-4008637 8-4058527 3983475 3984316 3985157 3985998 3986839 8-3987679 8-3988519 8-3989359 8-3990199 8-3991039 8-3991879 8-3992718 8-3993557 8-3994397 8-3995236 8-3996074 8-3996913 8-3997761 8-3998590 8-3999428 8-4000266 §•4001104 8-400194 8-4002779 8-4003616 8-4004453 4005290 8-4006127 8-4006964 8-4009473 8-4010309 8-4011145 4011981 8-4012816 8-4013652 8-4014487 8-4015322 8-4016167 8-4016992 8-4017826 8-4018661 8-4019495 8-4020329 8-4021163 8-4021997 8-4022831 8-4023664 8-4024497 8-4025331 8-4026164 8-4026996 8-4027829 8-4028662 8-4029494 8-4030326 8-4031158 8-4031990 8-4059353 8-4060180 8-4061006 8-4061832 8-4062658 8-4063484 8-4064310 8-4065136 8-4065961 4066786 8-4067611 8-4068436 8-4069261 8-4070086 8-4070910 8-4071734 8-4072658 8-4073382 8-4074206 8-4075030 8-4076853 8-4076677 8-4077500 8-4078323 8-4079146 8-4079969 8-4080791 8-408 16141 33' 32' // LOG. COSINES. 88 Deg. 1 Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (QS9) 20' 21' 22' 23' 24' 25 26' 27' 8-3668945 8-3669850 8-3670755 8-3671660 8-3672564 8-3673468 8-3674372 8-3675276 8-3676180 8-3677083 8-3677987 8-3678890 8-3679793 8-3680696 8-3681598 8-3682501 8-3683403 8-3684305 8-3685207 8-3686108 8-3687010 8-3687911 8-3688812 8-3689713 8-3690614 8-3691514 8-3692414 8-3693315 8-3694215 8-3695114 8-3696014 8-3696913 8-3697812 8-369871 8-3699610 8-3700509 8-3701407 8-3702306 8-3703204 8-3704102 3704999 8-3705897 8-3706794 8-3707692 8-3708589 8-3709485 8-3710382 8-3711278 8-3712175 8-3713071 8-3713967 8-3714862 8-3715758 8-3716653 8-3717548 8-3718443 8-3719338 8-3720232 8-3721127 8-3722021 8-3722915 8-3722915 8-3723809 8-3724703 8-3725596 8-3726489 8-3727383 8-3728275 8-3729168 8-3730061 8-3730953 8-3731845 8-3732737 8-3733629 8-3734521 8-3735412 8-3736304 8-3737195 8-3738086 8-3738976 8-3739867 8-3740757 8-3741647 8-3742538 8-3743427 8-3744317 8-3745206 8-3746096 8-3746985 8-3747874 8-3748762 8-3749651 8-3750539 8-3751428 8-3752316 8-3753203 8-3754091 8-3754979 8-3755866 8-3756753 8-3757640 8-3758527 8-3759413 8-3760299 8-3761186 8-3762072 8-3762958 8-3763843 8-3764729 8-3765614 8-3766499 8-3767384 8-3768269 3769153 8-3770038 8-3770922 8-3771806 8-3772690 8-3773574 8-3774457 8-3775340 8-3776223 3776223 3777106 37779B9 3778872 3779754 3780636 3781519 8-3782400 8-3783282 8-3784164 8-3785045 8-3785926 8-3786807 8-3787688 8-3788569 8-3789449 8-3790329 8-3791209 8-3792089 8-3792969 8-3793849 8-3794728 8-3795607 8-3796486 8-3797365 8-3798244 8-3799122 8-3800001 8-3800879 8-3801757 8-3802634 8-3803512 8-3804390 8-3805267 8-3806144 8-3807021 8-3807898 8-3808774 8-3809650 8-3810527 8-3811403 8-3812278 8-3813154 8-3814030 8-3814905 8-3815780 8-3816655 8-3817530 8-3818404 8-3819279 8-3820153 8-3821027 8-3821901 8-3822775 8-3823648 8-3824522 8-3825395 8-3826268 8-3827141 8-3828014 8-3828886 3828886 3829758 3830631 3831503 3832374 8-3833246 8-3834117 8-3834989 8-38358o0 8-3836731 8-3837601 8-3838472 8-3839342 8-3840213 8-3841083 8-3841953 8-3842822 8-3843692 8-3844561 8-3845430 8-3846299 8-3847168 8-3848037 8-3848905 8-3849774 8-3850642 8-3851510 8-3852378 8-3853245 8-3854113 8-3854980 8-3855847 8-3856714 8-3857581 8-3858448 8-3859314 8-3860180 8-3861046 8-3861912 8-3862778 8-3863643 8-3864509 8-3865374 8-3866239 8-3867104 8-3867969 8-3868833 8-3869698 8-3870562 8-3871426 3872290 8-3873153 8-3874017 8-3874880 8-3875743 8-3876606 8-3877469 8-3878332 8-3879194 8-3880056 8-3880918 3880918 3881780 3882642 3883504 3884365 3885227 3886088 8-3886949 8-3887809 8-3888670 8-3889530 8-3890391 8-3891251 8-3892111 8-3892970 8-3893830 8-3894689 8-3895548 8-3896408 8-3897266 8-3898125 8-3898984 8-3899842 8-3900700 8-3901558 8-3902416 8-3903274 8-3904131 8-3904989 8-3905846 8-3906703 8-3907560 8-3908417 8-3909273 8-3910129 8-3910986 8-3911842 8-3912697 3913553 8-3914409 8-3915264 8-391611 8-3916974 8-3917829 8-3918684 8-3919538 8-3920393 8-3921247 8-3922101 8-392295M 8-3923808 8-3924662 8-3925515 8-3926368 8-3927221 8-3928074 8-3928927 8-3929779 8-3930631 8-3931484 8-3932336 8-3932336 8-3933187 8-3934039 8-3934891 8-3935742 8-3936593 8-3937444 8-3938295 8-3939145 8-3939996 8-3940846 8-3941696 8-3942546 8-3943396 8-3944246 8-3945095 8-3945945 8-3946794 8-3947643 8-3948492 8-3949340 8-3950189 8-3951037 8-3951885 8-3952733 8-3953581 8-3954429 8-3955276 8-3956124 8-3956971 8-3957818 8-3958665 8-3959511 8-3960358 8-3961204 8-3962050 8-3962897 8-3963742 8-3964588 8-3965434 8-3966279 8-3967124 S-3967969 8-3968814 8-3969659 8-3970503 8-3971348 8-3972192 8-3973036 8-3973880 3974724 8-3975567 8-3976411 8-3977254 8-3978097 3-3978940 8-3979782 8-3980625 8-3981467 8-3982310 8-3983152 3983162 ■3983994 3984835 •3985677 •3986519 •3987360 •3988201 3989042 3989883 8-3990723 8-3991564 8-3992404 8-3993244 8-3994084 8-3994924 8-3995764 8-3996603 8-3997442 8-3998282 8-3999121 8-3999959 8-4000798 8-4001637 8-4002475 8-4003313 8-4004151 8-4004989 8-4005827 8-4006664 8-4007502 8-4008339 403338 •4034213 •4035045 •4035877 ■4036709 •4037541 •4038372 8-4039203 8-4040035 8-4040866 4041696 8-4042527 8-4043358 8-4044188 8-4045018 4045848 8-4046678 8-4047508 8-4048337 8-4049167 8-4049996 8-4050825 8-4051654 8-4052483 4053311 8-4054140 8-4054968 8-4055796 8-4056624 8-4057452 8-4058280130 8-4009176 8 8-4010013 8-4010850 8-4011686 8-4012523 8-4013359 8-4014195 8-4015031 8-4015867 8-4016702 8-4017538 8-4018373 8-4019208 8-4020043 8-4020878 8-4021713 8-4022547 8-4023381 8-4024216 8-4025050 8-4025884 8-4026717 8-4027551 8-4028384 8-4029217 8-4030050 8-4030883 8-4031716 8-4032549 8-4033381 39' 38' 37 ^1 36' 55 34' 3.'3' oj 4059107 8-405993 8-4060762 84061689 8-4062416 8-4063242 8-4064069 8-4064895 8-4065722 8-4066548 8-4067374 8-4068199 8-4069025 8-4069850 8-4070676 8-4071501 8-4072326 8-4073151 8-4073975 8-4074800 8-4075624 8-4076449 8-4077273 8-4078097 8-4078920 8-4079744 4080567 8-4081391 8-408^214 8-4083037 32' " TOr;. r.OTAMOFMTS. SR Deor. (240) I Deg. LOG. SINES* „ . 1 ab. 9s II 2 28' 29' sof 31' 32' 33' 34' 35' // ' 8-4081614 8-4130676 8-4179190 8-4227168 8-4274621 8-4321561 8-4367999 8-4413944 60 8-4082436 8-4083258 8-4131489 8-4179994 8-4227963 8-4275408 8-4322339 8-4368768 8-4414706 59 8-4132302 8-4180798 8-4228758 8-4276194 8-4323117 8-4369538 8-4415468 58 3 H-4084030 8-4133115 8^4181602 8-4229553 8-4276980 8-4323895 8-4370307 8-4416229 57 4 8-4084902 8-4133927|8-4182405 8-4230348 8-4277766 8-4324672 8-4371077 8-4416990 56 i 5 8-4085723 8-4134740 H-4 183209 8-4231142 8-4278552 8-4325450 8-4371846 8-4417751 55 6 8-4086545 8-4135552 8-4184012 8-4231937 8-4279338 8-4326227 8-4372615 P-4418512 54 7 8-4087366 8-413636418-4184815 8-4232731 8-4280124 8-4327004 8-4373384 8-4419273 53 8 8-4088187 8-4137J768-4185618 8-4233525 8-4280909 8-4327781 8-4374153 8-4420034 52 9 >{-4089008 8-4137988^8-4186421 8-4138800i'8-4187223 8-4234319 8-4281694 8-4328558 8-4374921 8-4420795 51 10 8-4089829 8-4235113 8-4282480 8-4329335 8-4375690 8-4421555 501 11 8-4090650 8-4139611 8-4188026 H-4235907 8-4283265 8-4330112 8-4376458 8-4422315 491 12 8-4091471 8-4140422 8-4188828 8-4236700 8-4284050 8-4330888 8-4377227 8-4423076 48 1' 13 8-4092291 8-4141234 8-4189630 8-4237494 8-4284835 8-4331665 8-4377995 8-4423836 47 I 14 8-4093111 8-4142045 8-4190432 8-4238287 8-4285619 8-4332441 8-4378763 8-4424596 4B 15 8-4093931 8-4142856 8-4191234 8-4239080 8-4286404 8-4333217 8-4379531 8-4425355 45| 16 8-4094751 8-4143666 8-4192036 8-4239873 8-4287188 8-4333993 8-4380298 8-4426115 441 17 8-4095571 8-4144477 8-4192838 8-4240666 8-4287972 8-4334769 8-4381066 8-4426875 43 18 8-4096391 8-4145287 8-4193639 8-424145P';8-42a8756 8-4335544 8-4381833 8-4427634 42 19 8-4097210 8-4146098 8-4194441 8-4242251 8-4289540 8-4336320 8-4382601 8-4428393 41 20 8-4098029 8-4146908 8-4195242 8-4243043 8-4290324 8-4337095 8-4383368 8-4429152 40 21 8-4098849 8-4147718 8-4196043 8-4243836 8-4291108 8-4337871 8-4384135 8-4429911 39 22 8-4099668 8-4148528 8-4196844 8-4244628 8-4291891 8-4338646 8-4384902 8-4430670 38 23 8-4100436 8-4149337 8-4197644 8-4245420 8-4292675 B-4339421 8-4385669 8-4431429 37 24 8-4101305 8-4150147 3-4198445 8-4246211 8-4293458 8-4340196 8-4386435 8-4432187 36 25 8-4102124|8-4150956 8-4199245 8-4247003 8-4294241 8-4340970 8-4387202 8-4432946 35 26 8-4102942i8-4151765 8-4200046 8-4247795 8-4295024 8-4341745 8-4387968 8-4433704 34 27 8-4103760 8-4152575 8-4200846 8-4248586 8-4295807 8-4342519 8-4388734 8-4434462 33 28 8-4104578 8-4153383 8-4201646 8-4249377 8-4296590 8-4343294 8-4389501 8-4435221 32 29 8-4105396 8-4154192 8-4202446 8-4250168 8-4297372 8-4344068 8-4390266 8-4435978 31 30 8-4106214 8-4155001 8-4203245 8-4250959 8-4298154 8-4344842 8-4391032 8-4436736' 30 31 8-4107032 8-4155809 8-4204045 8-4251750 8-4298937 8-4345616 8-4391798 8-4437494 29 32 8-4107849 8-4156618 8-4204844 8-4252541 8-4299719 8-4346389 8-4392564|8-4438251 28 33 8-4108667 8-4157426 8-4205644 8-4253331 8-4300501 8-4347163 8-439332918-4439009 27 34 8-4109484 8-4158234 8-4206443 8-4254122 8-4301283 8-4347937 8-4394094 8-4439766 26 35 8-4110301 8-4159042 8-4207242 8-4254912 8-4302064 8-4348710 8-4394859 8-4440523 25 36 8-4111118 8-4159850 8-4208040 8-4255702 8-4302846 8-4349483 8-4395624 8-4441280 24 37 8-4111934 8-4160657 8-4208839 8-4256492 8-4303627 8-4350256 8-4396389 8-4442037 23 38 8-4112751 8-4161465 8-4209638 8-4257282 8-4304409 8-4351029 8-4397154 8-4442794 22 39 8-4113567 8-4162272 8-4210436 8-4258071 8-4305190 8-4351802 8-4397919 8-4443551 i21 j 40 8-4114383 8-4163079 8-4211234 8-4258861 8-4305971 8-4352574 8-4398683 8-4444307 20 41 8-4115200 8-4163886 8-4212032 8-4259650 8-4306751 8-4353347 8-4399447 8-4445063 19 42 8-4116015 8-4164693 8-4212830 8-4260439 8-4307532 8-4354119 8-4400212 8-4445820 18 43 8-4116831 8-4165499 8-4213628 8-4261229 8-4308313 8-4354892 8-4400976 8-4446576 17 44 8-4117647 8-4166306 8-4214426 8-4262018 8-4309093 8-4355664 8-4401740 8-4447332 16 45 8-4118462 8-4167112 8-4215223 8-4262806 8-4309873 8-4356436 8-4402503 8-4448087 15 46 8-4119278 8-4167919 8-4216020 8-4263595 8-4310654 8-4357207 8-4403267 8-4448843 14 47 8-4120093 8-4168725 8-4216818 8-4264383 8-4311434 8-4357979 8-4404031 8-4449599 13 48 8-4120908 8-4169531 8-4217615 8-4265172 8-4312213 8-4358751 8-4404794 8-4450354 12 49 8-4121723 8-4170336 8-4218412 8-4265960 8-4312993 8-4359522 8-4405557 8-4451109 11 50 8-4122537 8-4171142 8-4219208 8-4266748 8-4313773 8-4360293 8-4406321 8-4451865 10 51 8-4123352 8-4171948 8-4220005 8-4267536 8-4314552 8-4361064 8-4407083 8-4452620 9 52 8-4124166 8-4172753 8-4220801 8-4268324 8-4315332 8-4361835 8-4407846 8-4453375 8 53 8-4124981 8-417355B 8-4221598 8-4269111 8-4316111 8-4362606 8-4408609 8-4454129 7 54 8-4125795 8-4174363 8-4222394 8-4269899 8-4316890 8-4363377 8-4409372 8-4454884 6 55 8-4126609 8-4175168 8-4223190 8-4270686 8-4317^69 8-4364148 8-4410134 8-4455638 •^ 56 8-4127422 8-4175973 8-4223986 8-4271474 8-4318447 8-4272261 8-4319226 8-4364918 8-4410896 8-4456393 4 57 8-4128236 8-4176777 8-4224782 8-4365688 8-4411059 8-4457147 3 58 8-4129050 8-4177582 8-4225577 8-4273048 8-4320004 8-4366459 8-4412421 8-4457901 2 59 8-4129863 8-4178386 8-4226373 8-4273834 8-4320783 8-4367229 8-4413183 8-4458655 1 60 8-4130676 8-4179190 8-4227168 8-4274621 8-4321561 8-4367999 8-4413944 8-4459409 II 31' 30' 2'J' 28' 27' 26' 25' 24' II LOG. COSINES. 88 Deij. 1 Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (241) u 28' 29' 1 30' 31' 1 32' 1 33' 34' 1 35' 1" ~i ) 8-408303/ ' 8-4132132 3-418067i ) 8-4228690|8-4276176|8-4323 I50l3-4369622|8-441 5603|60 ] 8-408385f > 8-4132945 8-418148: J 8-422948^ ) 8-4276963 8-4323929 8-4370393 8-4416365 59 ■^ 8-4084681 » 8-4133759 8-418228^ i 8-42302B 8-4277750 8-4324707 8-4371163 8-4417127 58 2 8-408550£ 8-4134572 8-4183091 > 8-4231076 8-4278537 8-4325486 8-4371933 8-4417889 57 4 8-4086327 8-413538. )8-418389f '8-4231872 8-427932- 18-4326264|8-4372703|8-441865l|56 S 8-4087149 8-413619^ 5 8-418470C 8-4232667 8-42801 If ) 8-4327041 >8-437347i i 8-4419413 55 6 8^4087971 8-4137011 8-4185504 8-4233462 8-4280897 8-4327820|8-4374241 8-4420174 54 7 8-4088793 8-413^82S 8-4186307 8-4234257 3-428168.^ 8-432859g 8-4375012 8-4420936 53 8 8-4089615 8-4138636 8-4187111 8-4236051 8-4282469 8-432937^ 8-4376781 8-4421697 52 9 8-4090436 8-413944fe 8-4187914 8-4235846 8-4283255 8-4330153 8-437655C 8-4422458 51 10 8-4091258 8-4140261 8-4188717 8-4236640 8-4284041 8-433093C 8-437732C 8-4423219 50 11 8-4092079 8-4141073 8-4189520 8-4237434 8-4284826 8-4331707 8-4378089 8-4423980 49 12 8-4092900 8-4141885 8-4190323 8-4238229 8-4285612 3-4332484 8-4378857 8-4424741 48 13 8•4093^i^? 8-4142696 8-4191126 8-4239023 8-4286397 8-4333261 8-4379626 8-4425502 47 14 8-4094542 8-4143508 8-4191929 8-4239816 8-4287182 8-4334038 8-4380395 8-4426262 46 15 8-4095362 8-4144319 8-4192731 8-4240610 8-4287968 8-4334815 8-4381163 8-4427023 45 16 8-4096183 8-4145131 8-4193533 8-4241404 8-4288752 8-4335591 8-4381931 8-4427783 44 17 8-4097003 8-4145942 8-4194336 8-4242197 8-4289537 8-4336368 8-4382700 8-4428543 43 18 8-4097823 8-4146753 8-4195138 8-4242990 8-4290322 8-4337144 8-4383468 8-4429303 42 19 8-4098643 8-4147564 8-4195940 8-4243783 8-4291106 8-4337920 8-4384235 8-4430063 41 20 8-4099463 8-4148374 8-4196741 8-4244576 8-4291891 8-4338696 8-4385003 8-4430822 40 21 8-4100283 8-4149185 8-4197543 8-4245369 8-4292675 8-4339472 8-4385771 8-4431582 39 22 8-4101103 8-4149995 8-4198344 8-4246162 8-4293459 8-4340248 8-4386538 8-443234138 23 8-4101922 8-4150805 8-4199146 8-4246954 8-4294243 8-4341023 8-4387306 8-4433101 37 24 8-4102741 8-4151616 8-4199947 8-4247747 8-4295027 8-4341799 8-4388073 8-4433860 36 25 8-4103560 8-41 52425)8-4200748 8-4248539 8-4295811 8-4342574 8-4388840 8-4434619 35 26 8-4104379 8-4153235 8-4201549 8-4249331 8-4296594 8-4343349 8-4389607 8-4435378 34 27 8-4105198 8-4154045 8-4202349 8-4250123 8-4297377 8-4344124 8-4390374 8-4436137 33 28 8-4106017 8-4154854 8-4203150 8-4250915 8-4298161 8-4344899 8-4391140 8-4436895 32 29 8-4106835 8-4155664 8-4203950 8-4251706 8-429e944 8-4345674 8-4391907 8-4437654 31 30 8;4107653 8-4156473 8-4204750 8-4252498 8-4299727 8-4346448 8-4392673 8-4438412 30 31 8-4108472 8-4157282 8-4205550 8-4253289 8-4300510 8-4347223 8-4393440 8-4439171 29 32 8-4109290 8-4158091 8-4206350 8-4254080i8-4301292 8-4347997 8-4394206 8-4439929 28 S3 8-4110107 8-4158900 8-4207150 8-4254872,8-4302075 8-4348771 8-4394972 8-4440687 27 34 8-4110925 8-4159708 8-4207950 8-4255662 8-4302857 8-4349545 8-4395738 8-4441444 26 35|8-41 11743 8-4160517 8-4208749 8-4256453 8-4303639 8-4350319 8-4396503 8-4442202 25 36 8-4112560 8-4161325 8-4209549 8-4257244 8-4304422 8-4351093 8-4397269 8-4442960 24 37 8-4113377 8-4162133 8-4210348 8-4258034 8-4305204 8-4351867 8-4398034 8-4443717 23 38 8-4114194 8-4162941 8-4211147 8-4258825 8-4305985 8-4352640 8-4398800 8-4444475 22 39 8-4115011 8-4163749 8-4211946 8-4259615 8-4306767 8-4353413 8-4399565 8-4445232 21 40 8-4115828 8-4164556 8-4212745 8-4260405'8-4307549 8-4354187 8-4400330 8-4445989 20 41 8-4116645 8-4165364 8-4213543 8-4261 195|8-4308330 8-4354960 8-4401095 8-4446746 19 42 8-4117461 8-4166171 8-4214342 8-4261985,8-4309111 8-4355733 8-4401860 8-4447503 18 43 8-4118278 8-4166979 8-4215140 8-4262774'8-4309892 8-4356506 3-4402624 3-4448259 17 44 8-41190941 8-4167786 8-4215938 8-4263564:8-4310673 8-4357278 3-4403389 3-4449016 16 45 8-4119910 8-4168593 8-4216736 8-4264353,8-4311454 3-4358051 3-4404153 3-4449772 15 46 8-4120726 8-4169399 8-4217534 8-4265 142'8-43 12235 3-4358823 3-4404918 3-4450529 14 47 8-4121541 8-4170206 8-4218332 3-4265932|8-4313016 3-4359695 3-4405682 3-4451285 13 48 8-4122357 8-4171012 8-4219130 3-4266720 8-4313796 3-4360367 3-4406446 3-4452041 12 49 8-4123172 8-4171819 8-4219927 3-4267509 8-4314576 3-4361139 3-4407209 3-4452797 1 1 50 8-4123988 8-4172625 8-4220725 3-4268298 8-4315356 3-4361911 3-4407973 3-4453552 10 51 8-4124803 8-4173431 8-4221522 3-42690868-4316136 3-4362683 3-4408737 3-4454308 9 52 8-4125618 8-4174237 8-4222319 3-42698751^ ?-431 69 16 3-4363455 3-4409500 3-4455063 8 53 8-4126432 8-4175043 8-4223116 3-4270663 i 3-4317696 3-4364226 3-4410263 3-4455819 7 54 8-4127247 8-4175848 8-4223912 3-4271451 i 3-4318476 3-4364997 3-4411027! 3-4456574 6 55 8-4128062 8-4176654 8-4224709 3-4272239 i 3-4319255 3-4365768 3-4411790 3-4457329 5 56 8-4128876 8-4177459 8-4225505 3-4273027'{ 3-4320034 3-4366540 3-4412553 3-4458084 4 57 8-4129690 8-4178264 8-4226302 3-4273814 J 3-4320814 3-4367310 3-4413315 3-4458839 3 58 8-4130504 8-4179069 8-4227098 3-4274602 3-4321593 3-4368081 3-4414078 3-4459594 2 59 8-4131318 8-4179874 8-4227894 3-4275389 3-4322372 3-4368852 3-4414841 3-4460348 1 60 IT 8-4132132 8-4180679 8-4228690 8-4276176 3-4323150 8-4369622 3-4415603 3-4461103 31' 30' 29' 28' 27' 26' 25' 1 24' |"| T nn r'nT A MnviMTQ ^^ T KK D< (242) 1 Deg. LOG. SINES. Tab. 9 •. (/ 86 37' 88' 89' 40' 41' 42' 48' It "o 8-4439409 8-4504402 8-4548934 8-4593013 8-4636649 8-4679850 8-4722626 8-4764984 60 ] 8-.146'0l63 8-4505148 8-4549672 8-4593744 8-4637372 8-4680567 8-4723335 8-4765686 59 2 8-4460916 8-4505894 8-4550410 8-4594474 8-4638096 8-4681283 8-4724044 8-4766388 58 3 8-4461670 8-4506640 8-4551148 8-4595205 8-4638819 8-4681999 8-4724753 8-4767091 57 4 8-4462423 8-4507385 8-4551886 8-4595936 8-4639542 8-4682715 8-4725462 8-4767793 56 5 8-4463176 8-4508131 8-4552624 3-4596666 8-4640265 8-4683431 8-4726171 8-4768495 55 6 8-4463929 8-4508876 8-4553362 8-4597396 8-4640988 8-4684147 8-4726880 8-4769197 54 7 8-4464682 8-4609621 8-4554099 8-4598126 8-4641711 8-4684862 8-4727589 8-4769899 53 8 8-4465435 8-4510366 8-4554837 8-4598856 8-4642434 8-4685578 8-4728297 8-4770600 52 9 8-4466188 8-4511111 8-4555574 8-4599586 8-4643156 8-4686293 8-4729006 8-4771302 51 10 8-4466940 8-4511856 8-4556311 8-4600316 8-4643879 8-4687009 8-4729714 8-4772003 50 11 8-4467693 8-4512601 8-4557048 8-4601046 8-4644601 8-4687724 8-4730422 8-4772705 49 12 8-4468445 8-4513345 8-4557785 8-4601775 8-4645323 8-4688439 8-4731130 8-4773406 48 13 8-4469197 8-4514090 8-4558522 8-4602505 8-4646046 8-4689154 8-4731838 8-4774107 47 14 8-4469949 8-4514834 8-4559259 8-4603234 8-4646768 8-4689869 8-4732546 8-4774808 46 15 8-4470701 8-4515578 8-4559996 8-4603963 8-4647489 8-4690584 8-4733254 8-4775509 45 16 8-4471453 8-4516322 8-4560732 8-4604692 8-4648211 8-4691298 8-4733962 8-4776210 44 17 8-4472205 8-4517066 8-4561468 8-4605421 8-4648933 8-4692013 8-4734669 8-4776910 43 18 8-4472956 8-4517810 8-4562205 8-4606150 8-4649654 8-4692727 8-4735377 8-4777611 42 19 8-4473707 8-4518553 8-4562941 8-4606878 8-4650376 8-4693441 8-4736084 8-4778311 41 20 8-4474459 8-4519297 8-4563677 8-4607607 8-4651097 8-4694156 8-4736791 8-4779012 40 21 8-4475210 8-4520040 8-4564412 8-4608335 8-4651818 8-4694870 8-4737498 8-4779712 39 22 8-4475961 8-4520784 8-4565148 8-4609064 8-4652539 8-4695583 8-4738205 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8-4617794 8-4661182 8-4704141 8-4746679 8-4788804 26 35 8-4485712 8-4530434 8-4574701 8-4618520 8-4661902 8-4704854 8-4747385 8-4789503 25 36 3-4486461 8-4531176 8-4575435 8-4619247 8-4662621 8-4705566 8-4748090 8-4790201 24 37 8-4487210 8-4531917 8-4576169 8-4619973 8-4663340 8-4706278 8-4748795 8-4790900 23 38 8-4487959 8-4532659 8-4576902 8-4620700 8-4664059 8-4706990 8-4749500 8-4791598 22 39 8-4488708 8-4533400 8-4577636 8-4621426 8-4664778 8-4707702 8-4750205 8-4792296 21 40 8-4489456 8-4534141 8-4578369 8-4622152 8-4665497 8-4708414 8-4750910 8-4792994 20 41 8-4490205 8-4534881 8-4579103 8-4622878 8-4666216 8-4709126 8-4751615 8-4793692 19 42 8-4490953 8-4535622 8-4579836 8-4623604 8-4666935 8-4709837 8-4752320 8-4794390 18 43 8-4491701 8-4536363 8-4580569 8-4624330 8-4667653 8-4710549 8-4753024 8-4795088 17 44 8-4492450 8-4537103 8-4581302 8-4625055 8-4668372 8-4711260 8-4753729 8-4795785 16 45 8-4493198 8-4537844 8-4582035 8-4625781 8-4669090 8-4711971 8-4754433 8-4796483 15 46 8-4493945 8-4538584 8-4582768 8-4626506 8-4669808 8-4712682 8-4755137 8-4797180 14 47 8-4494693 8-4539324 8-4583500 8-4627231 8-4670526 8-4713393 8-4755841 8-4797878 13 48 8-4495441 8-4540064 8-4584233 8-4627957 8-4671244 8-4714104 8-4756545 8-4798575 12 49 8-4496188 8-4540804 8-4584965 8-4628682 8-4671962 8-4714815 8-4757249 8-4799272 11 50 8-4496936 8-4541543 8-4585697 8-4629406 8-4672680 8-4715526 8-4757953 8-4799969 10 51 8-4497683 8-4542283 8-4586429 8-4630131 8-4673397 8-4716236 8-4758656 8-4800666 9 52 8-4498430 8-4543023 8-4587161 8-4630856 8-4674115 8-4716947 8-4759360 8-4801362 8 53 8-4499177 8-4543762 8-4587893 8-4631580 8-4674832 8-4717657 8-4760063 8-4802059 7 54 8-4499924 8-4544501 8-4588625 8-4632305 8-4675549 8-4718367 8-4760766 8-4802755 6 55 8-4500671 8-4545240 8-4589357 8-4633029 8-4676266 8-4719077 8-4761470 8-4803452 5 56 8-4501417 8-4545979 8-4590088 8-4633753 8-4676983 8-4719787 8-4762173 8-4804148 4 57 8-4502164 8-4546718 8-4590819 8-4634477 8-4677700 8-4720497 8-4762876 8-4804844 3 58 8-4502910 8-4547457 8-4591551 8-4635201 8-4678417 8-4721207 8-476357818-4805540 2 59 8-4503656 8-4548195 8-4592282 8-4635925 8-4679134 8-4721916 8-4764281 8-4806236 1 60 n 8-4504402 8-4548934 8-4593013 8-4636649 8-4679850 8-4722626 8-4764984 8-4806932 n 2S' 22' 1 2\' 2(y 19' J8' 17' 16' LOO. COSINES. 88 Deg. J Dfeg._ LOG, TANGENTS. (243) // S6' 37' 38' 39' 40' 41' 42' 43' II ~0 8-4461103 8-4506131 8-4550699 8-4594814 8-4638486 8-4681725 8-4724538 8-4766933 60 1 8-4461857 8-4506878 8-4551438 8-4595545 8-4639211 8-4682442 8-4725248 8-4767636 59 2 8-446261 1 8-4507624 8-4552176 8-4596277 8-4639935 8-4683159 8-4725957 8-4768339 58 3 8-4463365 8-4508371 8-4552915 8-4597008 8-4640659 8-4683875 8-4726667 8-4769042 57 4 8-4464119 8-4509117 8-4553654 8-4597739 8-4641382 8-4684592 8-4727377 8-4769745 56 5 8-4464873 8-4509863 8-4554392 8-4598470 8-4642106 8-4685309 8-4728086 8-4770448 55 6 8-4465627 8-4510609 8-4555130 8-4599201 8-4642830 8-4686025 8-4728796 8-4771150 54 7 8-4466380 8-4511354 8-4555868 8-4599932 8-4643553 8-4686741 8-4729505 8-4771853 53 8 8-4467133 8-4512100 8-4556607 8-4600662 8-4644276 8-4687458 8-4730214 8-4772555 52 9 8-4467887 8-4512846 8-4557344 8-4601393 8-4645000 8-4688174 8-4730923 8-4773257 51 10 8-4468640 8-4513591 8-4558082 8-4602123 8-4645723 8-4688890 8-4731632 8-4773959 50 11 8-4469393 8-4514336 8-4558820 8-4602853 8-4646446 8-4689605 8-4732341 8-4774661 49 12 8-4470146 8-4515081 8-4559558 8-4603584 8-4647168 8-4690321 8-4733050 8-4775363 48 13 8-4470898 8-4515826 8-4560295 8-4604314 8-4647891 8-4691037 8-4733758 8-4776065 47 14 8-4471631 8-4516571 8-4561032 8-4605043 8-4648614 8-4691752 8-4734467 8-4776766 46 15 8-4472404 8-4517316 8-4561769 8-4605773 8-4649336 8-4692468 8-4735175 8-4777468 45 16 8-4473156 8-4518061 8-4562506 8-4606503 8-4650069 8-4693183 8-4735884 8-4778169 44 17 8-4473908 8-4518805 8-4563243 8-4607232 8-4650781 8-4693898 8-4736592 8-4778871 43 18 8-4474660 3-4519549 8-4563980 8-4607962 8-4651503 8-4694613 8-4737300 8-4779572 42 19 8-447541 2|8-4520294 8-4564717 8-4608691 8-4652225 8-4695328 8-4738008 8-4780273 41 20 8-4476164 8-4521038 8-4565453 8-4609420 8-4652947 6-4696043 8-4738715 8-4780974 40 21 8-4476916 8-4521782 8-4566190 8-4610149 8-4653669 8-4696757 8-4739423 8-4781675 39 22 8-4477667 8-4522526 8-4566926 8-4610878 8-4654390 8-4697472 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8-4575752 8-4619615 8-4663041 8-4706037 8-4748612 8-4790775 26 35 8-4487426 8-4532184 8-4576487 8-4620343 8-4663761 8-4706750 8-4749319 8-4791475 25 36 8-4488176 8-4532926 8-4577221 8-4621070 8-4664481 8-4707463 8-4750025 8-4792174 24 37 8-4488925 8-4533668 8-4577956 8-4621797 8-4665201 8-4708176 8-4750730 8-4792873 23 38 8-4489675 3-45344] 8-4578690 8-4622524 8-4665921 8-4708888 8-4751436 8-4793572 22 39 8-4490424 8-4535152 8-4579424 8-4623251 8-4666640 8-4709601 8-4752142 8-4794271 21 40 8-4491173 8-4535893 8-4580158 8-4623978 8-4667360 8-4710313 8-4752847 8-4794969 20 41 8-4491923 8-4536635 8-4580892 8-4624704 8-4668079 8-4711026 8-4753553 8-4795668 19 42 8-4492672 8-4537376 8-4581626 8-4625431 8-4668798 8-4711738 8-4754258 8-4796366 18 43 8-4493420 8-4538117 8-4582360 8-4626157 8-4669517 8-4712450 8-4754963 8-4797065 17 44 8-4494169 8-4538859 8-4583094 8-4626883 8-4670236 8-4713162 8-4755668 8-4797763 16 45 8-4494918 8-4539599 8-4583827 8-4627609 8-4670955 8-4713874 8-4756373 8-4798461 15 468-4495666 8-4540340 8-4584560 8-4628335 8-4671674 8-4714586 8-4757078 3-4799159 14 47 8-4496415 8-4541081 8-4585293 8-4629061 3-4672393 8-4715297 8-4757783 8-4799857 13 48 8-4497163 8-4541822 8-4586027 8-4629787 8-4673111 8-4716009 8-4758487 8-4800555 12 49 8-4497911 8-4542562 8-4586760 8-4630512 8-4673830 8-4716720 E-4759192 8-4801252 11 508-4498659 8-4543302 8-4587492 8-4631238 8-4674548 8-4717431 8-4759896 8-4801950 10 51 8-4499407 8-4544043 8-4588225 8-4631963 8-4675266 8-4718142 8-4760600 8-4802648 9 52 8-4500154 8-4544783 8-4588958 8-4632689 '8-4675984 8-4718853 8-4761304 8-4803345 8. 53 8-4500902 8-4545523 8-4589690 8-4633414 8-4676702 8-4719564 8-4762008 8-4804042 7 54 8-4501649 8-4546262 8-4590422 8-4634139 8-4677420 8-4720275 8-4762712 8-4804739 6 55 8-4502397 8-4547002 8-4591155 8-4634864 8-4678138 8-4720986 8-4763416 8-4805436 5 56 8-4503144 8-4547742 8-4591887 8-4635588 8-4678855 8-4721696 8-4764120 8-4806133 4 57 8-4503891 8-4548481 8-4592619 8-4636313 8-4679573 8-4722407 8-4764823 8-4806830 3 58 8-4504638 8-4549220 8-4593351 8-4637038 8-4680290 8-4723117 8-4765527 8-4807527 2 59 8-4505385 8-4549960 8-4594082 8-4637762 8-4681008 8-4723827 8-4766230 8-4808223 1 GO 8-4506131 8-4550699 8-4594814 8-4638486 8-4681725 8-4724538 8-4766933 8-4808920 . IT IT 23' 22' ^ 21' 20' 19' 18' . 17' 16' LOG. COTANGENTS. I 2 88 Dprr (244Y 1 Deff. LOG. SINES. Tab. 9. \ - - X «-> If 44' 45' 4G' 47' 48' 49' 50' 51' // 8-4806932 8-4848479 8-4889632 8-4930398 8-4970784 8-5010798 8-5050447 8-5089736 60 1 8-4807628 8-4849168 8-4890314 8-4931074 8-4971454 8-6011462 8-6061105 8-5090388 59 2 8-4808323 8-4849857 8-4890997 8-4931750 8-4972124 8-5012126 8-5051762 8-6091040 58 3 8-4809019 8-4850546 B-4891 679 8-4932426 8-4972794 8-5012790 8-5052420 8-5091691 67 4 8-48097 1-! 8-4851235 8-4892361 8-4933102 8-4973463 8-5013453 8-5053077 8-6092343 56 5 8-4810410 8-4851923 8-4893043 8-4933778 8-4974133 8-5014116 8-5053735 8-5092994 55 6 8-4811105 8-4852612 8-4893726 8-4934453 8-4974802 8-5014780 8-5054392 8-5093646 64 7 8-4811800 8-4R33300 8-4894407 8-4935129 8-4975472 8-5015443 8-5055049 8-5094297 53 8 8-4812495 8-4853989 8-4895089 8-4935804 8-4976141 8-5016106 8-5055706 8-5094948 52 9 3-4813190 8-4854677 8-4895771 8-4936480 8-4976810 8-5016769 8-5056363 8-5-095599 51 JO 8-4813884 8-4865365 8-4896453 8-4937166 8-4977479 8-5017432 8-5057020 8-5096250 50 11 8-4814579 8-4856053 8-4897134 8-4937830 8-4978148 8-5018096 8-5057677 8-5096901 49 12 8-4815273 8-4856741 8-4897816 8-4938505 8-4978817 8-6018757 8-5058333 8-5097662 48 13 8-4815968 8-4857429 8-4898497 8-4939180 8-4979486 8-5019420 8-5058990 8-5098202 47 14 8-4816662 8-4858116 8-4899178 8-4939855 8-4980154 8-5020082 8-5059646 8-5098863 46 15 8-4817356 8-4858804 8-4899869 8-4940530 8-4980823 8-5020745 8-5060303 B-5099503 45 16 8-4818050 B-485949I 8-4900540 8-4941204 8-4981491 8-5021407 8-5060959 8-5100154 44 17 8-4818744 8-4860179 8-4901221 8-4941879 8-4982169 8-5022069 8-5061615 8-5100804 43 18 8-4819438 8-4860866 8-4901902 8-4942553 8-4982827 8-5022731 8-5062271 8-5101454 42 19 8-4820132 8-4861553 8-4902582 8-4943228 8-4983495 8-5023393 8-5052927 8-5102104 41 20 "^•4820825 a -4862240 8-4903263 8-4943902 8-4984163 8-5024055 8-5063683 8-5102764 40 21 8-4821519 a-4862927 8-4903943 8-4944576 8-4984831 8-5024717 8-5064239 8-6103404 39 22 3-4822212 8-4863614 8-4904624 8-4945250 8-4985499 8-5025378 8-5064894 8-5104054 38 23 3-4822905 3-4864300 8-4905304 8-4945924 8-4986167 8-5026040 8-6065550 8-5104703 37 24 3-4823599 8-4864987 8-4905984 8-4946597 8-4986834 8-5026701 8-5066205 8-6106363 36 25 3-4824292 8-4865673 8-4906664 8-4947271 8-4987502 8-5027363 3-506686] 8-6106002 35 26' 3-4824985 8-4866360 8-4907344 8-4947945 8-4988169 8-5028024 8-5067516 8-6106652 34 27 3-4825677 8-4867046 8-4908024 8-4948618 8-4988836 8-5028685 8-5068171 8-5107301 33 28 3-4826370 8-4867732 8-4908703 8-4949292 8-4989504 8-5029346 8-5068826 8-5107960 32 29 3-4827063 8-4868418 8-4909383 8-4949965 8-4990171 8-5030007 8-506948! 8-5108599 31 30 3-4827755 8-4869104 8-4910063 8-4950638 8-4990838 8-6030668 8-5070136 8-5109248 30 31 3-4828448 8-4869790 8-4910742 8-495131] 8-4991604 8-5031329 8-5070791 8-5109897 29 32 3-4829140 8-4870476 8-4911421 8-4951984 8-4992171 8-5031989 8-5071446 8-5110546 28 33 3-4829832 8-4871161 8-4912100 8-4952657 8-4992838 8-6032650 8-5072100 8-5111195 27 34 8-4830524 8-4871847 8-4912779 8-4953330 8-4993504 8-5033310 8-5072755 8-5111843 26 35 3-4831216 8-4872532 8-4913458 8-4964002 8-4994171 8-5033971 8-5073409 8-5112492 25 36 3-4831908 8-4873217 8-4914137 8-4954675 8-4994837 8-5034631 8-5074063 8-5113140 24 37 3-4832600 8-4873903 8-4914816 8-4955347 8-4996503 8-5035291 8-5074717 8-6113789 23 38 3-4833291 8-4874588 8-4915495 8-4956020 8-4996169 8-5036951 8-5076371 8-6114437 22 39 3-4833983 8-4875273 84916173 8-4956692 8-4996835 8-5036611 8-5076025 8-6115086 21 40 3-4834674 8-4875957 8-4916852 8-4957364 8-4997501 8-5037271 8-5076679 8-6115733 20 41 8-4835365 8-4876642 8-4917530 8-4958036 8-4998167 8-5037931 8-5077333 8-6116381 19 42 8-4836057 8-4877327 8-4918208 8-4958708 8-4998833 8-6038590 8-5077987 8-5117029 18 43 8-4836748 8-4878011 8-4918886 8-4959380 8-4999499 8-5039250 8-5078640 8-6117676 17 44 3-4837439 8-4878696 8-4919564 8-4960061 8-6000164 8-5039909 8-5079294 8-5118324 16 45 8-4838129 8-4879380 8-4920242 8-4960723 8-5000829 8-5040669 8-5079947 8-5118972 15 46 8-4838820 8-4880064 8-4920920 8-4961394 8-5001496 8-5041228 8-6080601 8-61 19619 14 47 8-4839511 8-4880748 8-4921598 8-4962068 8-5002160 8-5041887 8-5081254 8-5120266 13 48 8-4840201 8-4881432 8-4922275 8-4962737 8-5002826 8-5042646 8-5081907 8-5120914 12 49 8-4840892 8-4882116 8-4922953 8-4963408 8-5003490 8-5043205 8-6082560 8-5121661 11 50 8-4841682 8-4882800 8-4923630 8-4964079 8-5004166 8-5043864 8-5083213 8-6122208 10 51 8-4842272 8-4883484 8-4924307 8-496475q 8-5004820 8-5044523 8-5083866 8-5122855 9 ti 8-4842962 8-4884167 8-4924984 8-4965421 8-5005485 8-5045181 8-5084518 8-5123602 8 5,3 8-4843652 8-4884851 8-4925661 8-4966092 8-50C6149 8-5046840 8-5085171 8-5124148 7 54 8-4844342 8-4885534 8-4926338 8-4966763 3-5006814 8-5046498 8-5085823 8-5124795 6 65 8-4845032 8-4886217 8-4927015 8-4967433 8-5007478 8-5047157 8-5086476 8-5125442 5 56 8-4845721 8-4886900 8-4927692 8-4968104 8-5008142 8-6047815 8-5087128 8-6126088 4 57 8-4846411 8-4887583 8-4928368 8-4968774 8-5008806 8-5048473 8-5087780 8-6126735 3 58 8-4847100 8-4888266 8-4929045 8-4969444 8-6009471 8-5049131 8-6088432 8-5127381 2 59 8-4847790 8-4888949 8-4929721 8-4970114 8-5010135 8-5049789 8-5089084 8-5128027 1 60 T 8-4848479 8-4889632 8-4930398 8-4970784 8-5010798 8-5050447 8-5089736 8-5128673 T 15' 1 14' 13' 12' 11' 10^ 9' i 8' r nn mQTTVTTrc 8« n« IDeg. LOG. TANGENTS. (245) II 44' 45' 46' 47' 48'. 49' 50' 51' I" ~0 8-4808920 8-4850505 8-4891696 8-4932502 8-4972928 8-5012982 8-505267 J 8-509200160 1 8-4809616 8-4851195 8-4892380 8-4933179 8-4973598 8-5013646 8-5053329 8-5092653 59 2 8-4810312 8-4851884 8-43i)3063 8-4933855 8-4974269 8-5014311 8-5053987 8-5093305 58 3 8-4811008 8-4852574 8-4893746 8-4934532 8-4974939 8-5014975 8-5054646 8-5093958 57 4 8-4811704 8-4853263 8-4894429 ->4935208 8-4975610 8-5015639 8-5055304 8-5094610 56 6 8-4812400 8-4853953 8-4895112 8-4935885 8-4976280 8-5016303 8-5055962 8-5095262 55 6 8-4813096 8-4854642 8-4895794 8-4936561 8-4976950 8-5016967 8-5056620 8-5095914 54 7 8-4813792 8-4855331 8-4896477 8-4937237 8-4977620 8-5017631 8-5057277 3-5096566 53 8 8-4814487 8-4856020 8-4897169 8-4937914 8-4978290 8-5018295 8-5057935 8-5097218 52 9 8-4815183 8-4856709 8-4897842 8-4938590 8-4978959 8-5018958 8-5058593 8-5097870 51 10 8-4815878 8-4857397 8-4898524 8-4939266 8-4979629 8-5019622 8-5059250 8-5098521 50 11 8-4816574 8-4858086 8-4899206 8-4939941 8-4980299 8-5020285 8-5059908 8-5099173 49 12 8-4817269 8-4858775 8-4899888 8-4940617 8-4980968 8-5020949 8-5060565 8-5099824 48 13 8-4817964 8-4859463 8-4900570 8-4941293 8-4981638 8-5021612 8-5061222 8-5100475 47 14 8-4818659 8-4860151 8-4901252 8-4941968 8-4982307 8-5022275 8-5061879 8-5101127 46 15 8-48 J 9353 8-4860839 8-4901934 8-4942643 8-4982976 8-5022938 8-5062536 8-5101778 45 16 8-4820048 8-4861528 8-4902615 8-4943319 8-4983645 8-5023601 8-5063193 8-5102429 44 17 8-4820743 8-4862216 8-4903297 8-4943994 8-4984314 8-5024264 8-5063850 8-5103080 43 18 8-4821437 8-4862903 8-4903978 8-4944669 8-4984983 8-5024927 8-5064507 8-5103731 42 19 8-4822131 8-4863591 8-4904660 8-4945344 8-4985652 8-5025589 8-5065164 8-5104381 41 20 8-4822826 8-4864279 8-4905341 8-4946019 8-4986320 8-5026252 8-5065820 8-5105032 40 21 8-4823520 8-4864966 8-4906022 8-4946694 8-4986989 8-5026914 8-5066477 8-5105683 39 22 8-4824214 8-4865654 8-4906703 8-4947368 8-4987657 8-5027576 8-5067133 8-5106333 38 23 8-4824908 8-4866341 8-4907384 8-4948043 8-4988325 8-5028239 8-5067789 8-5106983 37 24 8-4825602 8-4867028 8-4908065 8-4948717 8-4988994 8-5028901 8-5068445 8-5107634 36 25 8-4826295 8-4867716 8-4908745 8-4949392 8-4989662 8-5029563 8-5069101 8-5108284 35 26 8-4826989 8-4868403 8-4909426 8-4950066 8-4990330 8-5030225 8-5069757 8-5108934 34 27 8-4827682 8 4869089 8-4910106 8-4950740 8-4990998 8-5030887 8-5070413 8-5109584 33 28 8-4828376 8-4869776 8-4910787 8-4951414 8-4991666 8-5031548 8-5071069 8-5110234 32 29 8-4829069 8-4870463 8-4911467 8-4952088 8-4992333 8-5032210 8-5071724 8-5110883 31 30 8-4829762 8-4871149 8-4912147 8-4952762 8-4993001 8-5032871 8-5072380 8-5111533 30 31 8-4830455 8-4871836 8-4912827 8-4953435 8-4993668 8-5033533 8-5073035 8-5112183 29 32 8-4831148 8-4872522 8-4913507 8-4954109 8-4994336 8-5034194 8-5073691 8-5112832 28 33 8-4831841 8-4873209 8-4914187 8-4954783 8-4995003 8-5034855 8-5074346 8-5113482 27 34 8-4832533 8-4873895 8-4914866 8-4955456 8-4995670 8-5035517 8-5075001 8-5114131 26 35 8-4833226 8-4874581 8-4915546 8-4956129 8-4996337 8-5036178 8-5075656 8-5114780 25 36 8-4833919 8-4875267 8-4916226 8-4956802 8-4997004 8-5036838 8-5076311 8-5115429 24 37 8-4834611 8-4875952 8-4916905 8-4957476 8-4997671 8-5037499 8-5076966 8-5116078 23 38 8-4835303 8-4876638 8-4917584 8-4958148 3-4998338 8-5038160 8-5077621 8-5116727 22 39 8-4835995 8-4877324 8-4918263 8-4958821 8-4999005 8-5038821 8-5078275 8-5117376 21 40 8-4836687 8-4878009 8-1918942 8-4959494 8-4999671 8-5039481 8-5078930 8-5118025 20 41 8-4837379 8-4878695 8-4919621 8-4960167 8-5000338 8-5040142 8-5079584 8-5118673 19 42 8-48S8071 8-4879380 8-4920300 8-4960839 8-5001004 8-5040802 8-6080239 8-5119322 18 43 8-4838763 8-4880065 8-4920979 8-4961512 8-5001671 8-5041462 8-5080893 8-5119970 17 44 8-4839454 8-4880750 8-4921658 8-4962184 8-5002337 8-5042122 8-5081547 8-5120618 16 45 8-4840146 8-4881435 8-4922336 8-4962856 8-5003003 8-5042782 8-5082201 8-5121267 15 46 8-4840837 8-4882120 8-4923015 8-4963529 8-5003669 8-5043442 8-5082855 8-5121915 14 47 8-4841528 8-4882805 8-4923693 8-4964201 8-5004335 8-5044102 8-5083509 8-5122563 13 48 8-4842220 8-4883489 8-4924371 8-4964873 8-5005000 8-5044762 8-5084163 8-5123211 12 49 8-4842911 8-4884174 8-4925049 8-4965544 8-5005666 8-5045421 8-5084817 8-5123859 11 50 8-4843602 8-4884858 8-4925727 8-4966216 8-5006332 8-5046081 8-5085470 8-5124606 10 51 8-4844292 8-4885543 8-4926405 8-4966888 8-5006997 8-5046740 8-5086124 8-5125154 9 52 8-4844983 8-4886227 8-4927083 8-4967559 8-5007663 8-5047400 8-5086777 3-5125801 8 53 8-4845674 8-4886911 8-4927761 8-4968231 8-5008328 8-5048059 8-5087430 8-6126449 7 54 84846364 8-4887595 8-4928438 8-4968902 8-5008993 8-5048718 8-5088084 8-5127096 6 55 8-4847055 8-4888279 8-4929116 8-4969573 8-5009658 8-5049377 8-5088737 8-5127743 5 56 8-4847745 8-4888962 8-4929793 8-4970244 8-5010323 8-5050036 8-5089390 8-5128391 4 57 8-4848435 8-4889646 8-4930471 8-4970915 8-5010988 8-5050695 8-5090042 8-5129038 3 58 8-4849125 8-4890330 8-4931148 8-4971586 8-5011653 8-5051353 8-5090695 8-5129685 2 59 8-4849815 8-4891013 8-4931825 8-4972257 8-5012317 8-5052012 8-6091348 8-5130332 1 •60 8-4850505 8-4891696 a-4932502 8-4972928 8-5012982 3-5052671 8-5092001 8-5130978 T II 15' 14' 13' 12' 11' 10' 9' 8' CO 1^^^ ^246) I Deg. LOG. -eiNES. Tab. g. II 52' 53' 54' ,55' 56' 57' 58' 59' " "o 8-5128673 8-5l672«i4 8-5205514 8-5243430 8-5281017 8-5318281 8-5355228 8-5391863 60 1 8«5I29319 8-5167904 8-5206148 8-5244059 8-5281641 8-5318900 8-5355342 8-5392471 59 2 8-5129965 8-5168544 8-5206783 8-5244688 8-5282264 8-5319518 8-5356455 8-5393079 58 3 ii'5l306ll 8-5169184 8-5207417 8-5245317 8-5282888 8-5320136 8-5357068 8-5393687 57 4 8-5131266 8-5169824 8-5208052 8-5245946 8-5283511 8-5320754 8-5357680 8-5394295 56 5 8-5131902 8-5170464 8-5208686 8-5246574 8-5284135 8-5321372 8-5358293 8-5394902 55 6 8-5132548 8-5171104 8-5209320 8-5247203 8-5284758 8-5321990 8-5358906 8-5395510 54 7 8-5133193 8-5171743 8-5209954 8-5247832 8-5285381 8-5322608 8-5359518 8-5396117 53 8 8-5133838 8-5172383 8-5210588 8-5248460 8-5286004 8-5323226 8-5360131 8-5396725 52 9 8-5134484 8-5173023 8-5211222 8-5249088 8-5286627 8-5323844 8-5360743 8-5397332 51 10 8-5135129 8-5173662 8-5211856 8-5249717 8-5287250 8-5324461 8-5361356 8-5397939 50 n 8-5135774 8-5174301 8-5212490 8-5250345 8-5287873 8-5325079 8-5361968 8-5398546 49 12 8-5136419 8-5174941 8-5213123 8-525097S 8-5288495 8-5325696 8-5362580 8-5399153 48 13 8-5137064 8-5175580 8-5213757 8-5251601 8-5289118 8-5326313 8-5363192 8-5399760 47 14 8-5137708 8-5176219 8-5214390 8-5252229 8-5289741 8-5326931 8-5363804 8-5400367 46 15 8-5138353 8-5176858 8-5215024 8-5252857 8-5290363 8-5327548 8-5364416 8-5400974 45 16 8-5138997 8-5177497 8-5215657 8-5253485 8-5290985 8-5328166 8-5365028 8-5401581 44 17 8-5139642 3-5178135 8-5216290 8-5254112 8-5291608 8-5328782 8-5365640 8-5402187 43 18 8-5140286 8-5178774 8-5216923 8-5254740 8-5292230 8-5329399 8-5366251 8-5402794 42 19 8-5140931 8-5179413 8-5217556 8-5255367 8-5292852 8-5330015 8-5366863 8-5403400 41 20 8-5141575 8-5180051 8-5218189 8-5255995 8-5293474 8-5330632 8-5367474 8-5404007 40 21 8-5142219 8-5180689 8-5218822 8-5256622 8-5294096 8-5331249 8-5368086 8-5404613 39 22 8-5142863 8-5181328 8-5219455 8-5257249 8-5294718 8-5331865 8-5368697 8-5405219 38 23 8-51435C7 8-5181966 8-5220087 8-5257877 8-5295339 8-5332482 8-5369308 8-5405825 37 24 8-5144150 8-5182604 8-5220720 8-5258504 8-5295961 8-5333098 8-5369920 8-5406431 36 25 8-5144794 8-5183242 8-5221352 8-5259131 8-5296583 8-5333714 8-5370531 8-5407037 35 26" 8-5145438 8-5183880 8-5221985 8-5259757 8-5297204 8-5334330 8-5371142 8-5407643 34 27 8-5146081 8-5184518 8-5222617 8-5260384 8-5297826 8-5334946 8-5371752 8-5408249 33 28 8-5146725 8-5185156 8-5223249 8-5261011 8-5298447 8-5335562 8-5372363 8-5408854 32 29 8-5147368 8-5185793 8-5223881 8-5261637 8-5299068 8-5336178 8-5372974 8-5409460 31 308-5148011 8-5186431 8-5224513 8-5262264 8-5299689 8-5336794 8-5373585 8-5410066 30 31 8-5148654 8-5187068 8-5225145 8-5262890 8-5300310 8-5337410 8-6374195 8-5410671 29 32 8-5149297 8-5187706 8-5225777 8-5263517 8-5300931 8-5338026 8-5374806 8-5411276 28 33 8-5149940 8-5188343 8-5226408 8-5264143 8-5301552 8-5338641 8-5375416 8-5411882 27 34 8-5150583 8-5188980 8-5227040 8-5264769 8-5302173 8-5339257 8-5376026 8-5412487 26 35 8-5151226 8-5189617 8-5227672 8-5265395 8-5302793 8-5339872 8-5376636 8-5413092 25 36 8-5151869 8-5190254 8-5228303 8-5266021 8-5303414 8-5340487 8-5377247 8-5413697 24 37 8-5152511 8-5190891 8-5228934 8-5266647 8-5304034 8-5341103 8-5377857 8-5414302 23 38 8-5153154 8-5191528 8-5229566 8-5267273 8-5304655 8-5341718 8-5378466 8-5414907 22 39 8-5153796 8-5192164 8-5230197 8-5267898 8-5305275 8-5342333 8-5379076 8-5415511 21 40 8-5154438 8-5192801 8-5230828 8-5268524 8-5305895 8-5342948 8-5379686 8-5416116 20 41 8-5155080 8-5193438 8-5231459 8-5269149 8-5306516 8-5343 5€3 8-5380296 8-5416721 19 42 8-5155722 8-5194074 8-5232090 8-5269775 8-5307136 8-5344177 8-5380905 8-5417325 18 43 8-5156364 8-5194710 8-5232720 8-5270400 8-5307756 8-5344792 8-5381516 8-5417929 17 44 8-5157006 8-5195347 8-5233351 8-5271025 8-5308375 8-5345407 8-5382124 8-5418534 16 45 8-5157648 8-5195983 8-5283982 8-5271651 8-5308995 8-5346021 8-5382734i8-5419138 15 4618-5158290 8-5196619 8-5234612 8-5272276 8-5309615 8-5346636 8-5383343 8-5419742 14 47J8-5 158931 8-5 197255 8-5235243 8-5272901 8-5310235 8-5347250 8-5383952 8-5420346 13 48 8-5159573 8-5197891 8-5235873 8-5273525 8-5310854 8-5347864 8-5384561 8-5420950 12 49 8-5160214 8-5198526 8-5236503 8-5274150 8-5311473 8-5348478 8-5385170 8-5421554 11 50 8-5160856 8-5199162 8-5237133 8-5274775 8-5312093 83349092 8-5385779 8-5422158 10 51 8-5161497 8-5199798 8-5237763 8-5275400 8-5312712 8-5349706 8-5386388 8-5422762 9 52 8-5162138 8-5200433 8-5238393 8-5276024 8-5313331 8-5350320 8-53*86997 8-5423365 8 53 8-5162779 8-5201069 8-5239023 8-5276648 8-5313950 8-5350934 8-5387605 8-5423969 7 54 8-5163420 8-5201704 8-5239653 8-5277273 8;53 14569 8-5351548 8-5388214 8-5424572 6 55 8-5164061 8-5202339 8-5240283 8-5277897 8-5315188 8-5352161 8-5388822 8-5425176 5 56 8-5164701 8-5202974 8-5240912 8-5278521 8-5315807 8-535277,'^ 8-5389431 8-5425779 4 57 8-5165342 8-5203609 8-5241542 8-5279145 8-5316426 8-5353389 8-5390039 8-5426382 3 58 8-5165983 8-5204244 8-5242171 8-5279769 8-5317044 8-5354002 8-5390647 8-5426986 2 59 8-5166623 8-5204879 8-5242800 8-5280393 8-5317663 8-5354615 8-5391255 8-5427589 1 60 8-5167264 8-5i>05514 8-5243430 8-5281017 8-5318281 8-5355228 8-5391863 8-5428192 II 7' 6' 6' 4' .3' 2' 1' 0' ,1 LOG. COSINES. 88 Dei?. 1 1 Deg. LOG. TANGENTS. (247) /; ~0 52' 5.^' 54' 55' 56' 57' 58' 59' " ={•513097^, 5-516961(1 5-5207902 5-5245860 i J-5283490 5-5320797 i-o6b77S7 5-5394466 60 1 ^5 13 1625 5-5170251 5-5208537 5-5246490 i ^52841 14 5-6321416 i 5-5358401 5-5395075 59 2 ^•5132272 5-5170892 5-5209173 5-5247120 5-5284739 5-5322035 5-5359015 5-5395683 58 3 5-5132918 5-5171533 B-520980B 5-5247749 5-5285363 5-5322654 5-5359629 5-5396292 67 4 ^•5133564 3-5172173 8-5210443 8-5248379 5-5285987 5-5323273 5-5360242 5-5396900 56 5 5-5134211 3-5172814 8-5211078 8-5249008 8-52866111 5-5323892 5-5360856 5-5397509 56 6 5-5134857 8-5173455 8-5211713 8-5249638 5-5287235 5-5324510 3-5361469 5-5398117 54 7 8-5135503 8-5174095 8-5212348 8-5250267 3-5287859 3-5325129 8-53620821 8-5398725 53 8 8-5136149 8-5174735 8-5212982 8-5250896 8-5288483 8-5325747 3-6362696 8-5399333 52 9 8-5136795 8-5175375 8-5213617 8-5251525 8-5289106 8-5326366 3-5363309 8-5399941 51 10 8-5137441 8-5176016 8-5214251 8-5252154 8-5289730 8-5326984 8-5363922 8-5400549 50 11 8-5138087 8-5176656 8-5214886 8-5252783 8-5290353 8-5327602 8-5364535 8-5401157 49 12 8-5138732 8-5177296 8-5215520 8-5253412 8-5290977 8-5328220 8-5365148 8-5401766 48 13 8-5139378 8-5177935 8-5216154 8-5254041 8-5291600 8-5328838 8-5365761 8-5402372 47 14 8-5140023 8-5178575 8-5216789 8-5254669 8-5292223 8-5329466 8-5366373 8-6402980 46 15 8-5140668 8-5179215 8-5217423 8-5255298 8-5292847 8-5330074 8-6366986 8-5403587 45 16 8-5141314 8-5179854 8-5218057 8-5255926 8-6293470 8-5330692 8-5367599 8-5404195 44 17 8-5141959 8-5180494 8-5218690 8-5256555 8-5294093 8-5331310 8-5368211 8-5404802 43 18 8-5142604 8-5181133 8-5219324 8-5257183 8-5294716 8-6331927 8-5368823 8-5405409 45 19 8-5143249 8-5181772 8-5219958 8-5257811 8-5295338 8-5332645 8-5369436 8-5406017 41 20 8-5143894 8-5182412 8-5220591 8-5258439 8-5295961 8-5333162 8-5370048 8-5406624 40 21 8-5144539 8-5183051 8-5221225 8-5259067 8-5296584 8-6333779 8-5370660 8-5407231 39 22 8-5145183 8-5183690 8-5221858 8-5259695 8-5297206 8-5334397 8-5371272 8-5407838 38 23 8-5145828 8-5184329 8-5222492 8-5260323 8-5297829 8-5335014 8-5371884 8-5408446 37 24 8-5146472 8-5184967 8-5223125 8-5260951 8-5298451 8-5335631 8-5372496 8-5409051 36 25 8-5147117 8-5185606 8-5223758 8-5261579 8-5299073 8-5336248 8-5373108 8-5409658 35 26 8-5147761 8-5186245 8-5224391 8-5262206 8-5299696 8-5336866 8-5373719 8-5410264 34 27 8-5148405 8-5186883 8-5225024 8-5262834 8-5300318 8-5337482 8-5374331 8-541087133 28 8-5149049 8-5187522 8-5225657 8-6263461 8-5300940 8-6338098 8-5374942 8-5411477 32 29 8-5149693 8-5188160 8-5226290 8-5264088 8-5^301562 8-5338715 8-5375554 8-5412084 31 30 8-5150337 8-5188798 8-5226922 8-5264716 8-5302183 8-5339331 8-5376165 8-5412690 30 31 8-5150981 8-5189436 8-5227555 8-5265343 8-5302806 8-5339948 3*5376777 8-5413296 29 32 8-5151625 8-5190074 8-5228187 8-5265970 8-5303427 8-6340664 8-5377388 8-5413902 28 33 8-5152268 8-5190712 8-5228820 8-5266597 8-5304048 8-5341181 8-5377999 8-5414508 27 34 8-5152912 8-5191350 8-5229452 8-5267223 8-5304670 8-5341797 8-5378610 8-5415114 26 35 8-5153555 8-5191988 8-5230084 8-5267850 8-5305291 8-5342413 8-5379221 8-6416720 25 36 8-5154199 8-5192626 8-5230717 8-5268477 8-5305912 8-5343029 8-5379832 8-5416326 24 37 8-5154842 8-5193263 8-5231349 8-5269103 8-5306534 8-5343646 8-6380442 8-5416931 23 38 8-5155485 8-5193901 8-5231980 8-5269730 8-5307155 8-5344261 8-5381053 8-5417637 22 39 8-5156128 8-5194538 8-5232612 8-5270356 8-5307776 8-5344876 8-6381664 8-5418142 21 40 8-5156771 8-5195175 8-5233244 8-5270983 8-5308397 8-5345492 8-5382274 8-5418748 20 41 8-5157414 8-5195813 8-5233876 8-5271609 8-5309018 8-5346108 8-5382884 8-5419353 19 42 8-5158057 8-5196450 8-5234507 8-5272235 8-5309638 8-6346723 8-6383495 8-5419958 18 43 8-5158699 8-5197087 8-5235139 8-5272861 8-5310259 8-5347339 8-5384105 8-5420563 17 44 8-5159342 8-5197724 8-5235770 8-5273487 8-6310880 8-5347954 8-5384715 8-5421168 16 45 8-5159S84 8-5198361 8-5236401 8-6274113 8-5311500 8-5348569 8-5386325 8-5421773 15 46 8-5160627 8-5198997 8-5237033 8-5274739 8-5312121 8-5349184 8-5385935 8-5422378 14 47 8-5161269 8-5199634 8-5237664 8-5275364 8-6312741 8-5349799 8-6386545 8-5422983 13 48 8-5161911 8-5200271 8-5238295 8-5275990 8-5313361 8-5350414 8-5387155 8-5423588 12 49 8-5162553 8-5200907 8-5238926 8-5276615 8-5313981 8-5351029 8-5387765 8-5424193 11 50 8-5163195 8-5201543 8-5239557 8-5277241 8-5314601 8-5351644 8-5388374 8-6424797 10 51 8-5163837 8-5202180 8-5240187 8-5277866 8-5315221 8-5352259 8-5388984 8-5425402 9 52 8-5164479 8-5202816 8-52408 le 8-5278491 8-5315841 8-6352873 8-5389593 8-5426006 8 53 8-5165121 8-5203451 8-5241449 8-5279116 8-5316461 8-5353488 8-5390203 8-5426610 7 54 8-516576:. 8-5204088 8-524207S 8-5279741 8-5317081 8-5354102 8-5390812 8-5427214 6 55 8-516640^ 8-5204724 8-5242709 8-5280366 8-531770C 8-5354717 8-5391421 8-6427819 6 56 8-516704E 8-520536C 8-524334( 8-5280991 8-531 832C 8-5365331 8-539203{ 8-4428423 4 57 8-5167687 8-520599r 8-524397f 8-5281616 8-5318939 8-535594S 8-5392639 8-5429027 3 5? 8-5l6832f 8-5206631 8-524460C 8-5282241 8-531955S 8-6356659 8-539324^ 8-5429631 2 59 8-5l68969!8-5207267 8-524523C ) 8-528286'S 8-5320178 8-5357173 8-539385/ 8-5430234 1 6C 8-5l696l0i8-520790!. 8-524586C 8-528349C 8-5320797 8-5357787 8-539446t 8-5430838 . It 7' 1 6' 5' 4' 3' 2' 1 ()/ . •\T r\ r? Ti.T nn i QQ r^. ((248) Beg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. Sine ooouoou 0002909 000581b 0008727 001IG36 0014544 0017453 0020362 0023271 0026180 0029089 0031998 0034907 0037815 0040724 0043633 0046542 004945 r 18|0052360 19 0055268 20 0058177 Dit. 0061086 0063995 0066904 0069813 0072721 0075630 0078539 0081448 0084357 0087265 0090174 0093083 0095992 0098900 0101809 0104718 0107627 0110535 0113444 0116353 0119261 0122170 0125079 0127987 0130896 0133805 0136713 0139622 0142530 0145439 0148348 0151256 0154165 0157073 0159982 0162890 0165799 0168707 0171616 0174524 Cosine 2909 2909 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2909 2909 2909 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2909 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2909 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2908 2909 2909 2908 2909 2908 2909 2909 908 2909 2908 2909 2908 2909 2908 2909 2908 Covers 1-000000 9997091 9994182 9991273 998836-J 9985456 9982547 9979638 9976729 9973820 9970911 9968002 9955093 9962185 9959276 9956367 229- ]838i Cosec. Infinite 3437-7468 1718-873 1145-9157 859-43689 687-54960 572-95809 491-10702 429-71873 381-97230 343-77516 312-52297 286-47948 264-44269 245-55402 9953458 9950549 9947640 9944732 9941823 9938914 9936005 9933096 9930187 9927279 9924370 9921461 9918552 9915643 9912735 9909826 9906917 9904008 9901100 9898191 9895282 989237 9889465 9886556 9883647 9880739 9877830 987492 )872013 9869104 9866195 9863287 9860378 9857470 54561 9851652 9848744 9845835 9842927 9840018 9837110 9834201 9831293 9828384 9825476 Dif. Vers. 214-85995 202-22122 190-98680 180-93496 171-88831 163-70325 156-26228 149-46837 143-24061 137-51108 132-22229 127-32526 122-77803 118-54440 114.59301 110-89656 107-43114 104-17574 101-11185 98-223033 95-494711 92-913869 90-468863 88-149244 85-945609 83-849470 81-853150 79-949684 78-132742 76-396554 74-735856 73-145827 71-622052 70-160474 757360 67-409272 66'-l 13036 64-865716 63-664595 62-507158 61-391050 60-314110 59-274308 58-269755 57-298688 Tang. Secant 0000000 0002909 0005818 0008727 0011636 0014544 0017453 0020362 0023271 0026180 0029089 0031998 0034907 0037816 0040725 0043634 0046542 0049451 0052360 0055269 0058178 0061087 0063996 0066905 0069814 0072723 0075632 0078541 0081450 008436Q 0087269 0090178 0093087 0095996 0098905 0101814 0104724 0107633 0110542 0113451 0116361 0119270 0122179 0125088 0127998 0130907 0133817 0136726 0139635 0142545 0145454 0148364 0151273 0154183 0157093 0160002 0162912 0165821 0168731 0171641 Cotani^. Inliniie 3437-7467 1718-8732 1145-9153 859-43630 687-54887 572-95721 491-10600 429-71757 381-97099 343-77371 312-5i2137 286-47773 264-44080 245-55198 229-18166 214-85762 202-21875 190-98419 180-93220 171-88540 163-70019 156-25908 149-46502 143-23712 137-50745 132-21851 127-32134 122-77396 118-54018 114-58865 110-89205 107-42648 104-17094 101-10690 98-217943 95-489475 92-908487 90-463336 143572 85-939791 83-843507 81-847041 79-943430 78-126342 76-390009 74-729165 73-138991 71-615070 70-153346 68-750087 67-401854 66-105473 64-858008 63-656741 2-499154 61-382905 60-305820 59-265872 58-261174 Secant Vers. 0174551 57-2899621 1-0000000 1-0000000 1-000000 1-0000004 1-0000007 I -00000 11 1-0000015 1-0000021 1-0000027 1-0000034 1-0000042 1-0000051 1-0000061 1-0000072 1-0000083 1-0000095 1-0000108 1-0000122 1-0000137 1-0000153 1-0000169 1-0000187 1-0000205 1-0000224 1-0000244 1-0000264 1 -0000286 1-0000308 1-0000332 1-0000356 1-0000381 1-0000407 1-0000433 1-0000461 1-0000489 1-0000518 1-0000548 1-0000579 1-0000611 1-0000644 1-0000677 1-000071 1-0000746 1-0000782 1-0000819 1-0000857 1-0000895 I -0000935 1-0000975 l-OOOlOib 1-000105H 1-0001101 1-0001144 1-0001189 1-0001234 1-0001280 1-0001327 1-0001375 1 -000 1423 0001473 0000000 0000000 0000002 0000004 0000007 0000011 0000016 0000021 0000027 0000034 0000042 0000051 0000061 0000072 0000083 0000095 0000108 0000122 0000137 0000153 0000169 0000187 0000205 0000224 0000244 0000264 0000286 0000308 0000332 0000356 0000381 0000407 0000433 0000461 0000489 0000518 0000548 0000579 0000611 0000643 0000677 0000711 000G746 0000782 00008^9 0000857 0000895 0000935 0000975 0001016 0001058 0001100 0001144 0001188 0001234 0001280 0001327 0001375 0001423 0001473 D 1-0001523 0001523 Cotan.j Tang. | Cosec. ICoverir Cosine 1-000000 1-000000 9999998 9999996 9999993 9999989 9999985 9999979 9999973 9999966 9999958 9999949 9999939 9999928 9999917 9999905 9999892 9999878 9999863 9999847 9999831 9999813 9999795 9999776 9999756 9999736 9999714 9999692 9999668 .9999644 9999619 9999593 9999567 9999539 9999511 999948.2 9999452 9999421 9999389 9999357 9999323 9999289 9999254 9999218 999918 9999143 9999105 9999065 9999025 9998984 9998942 9998900 9998856 9998812 999S766 9998720 9998673 9998625 9998577 9998527 999S477 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 ^2 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 Sine NATURAL SINES, &C. Deg. 89 'ej!. LOG. SINES, Sec, (249) Sine Diff. Infill. 3010300 1760912 1249387 969100 79181 669468 579918 511524 457574 413926 377884 347619 321846 299630 280285 263288 248233 234809 222762 211890 202031 193049 184831 n7285 170330 163901 157939 152397 147229 142400 137879 133636 129646 125887 122340 118988 115814 112805 109949 107234 104649 102186 99837 97593 95448 93394 91428 89543 87733 85996 84325 82719 81172 79683 78246 76862 75524 74233 72985 Cosec. Diff. Infinite 13-5362739 13-2352439 13-0591527 12-9342140 12-8373040 12-7581229 12-6911761 12-6331843 12-5820319 12-5362745 12-4948819 12-457093 12-4223316 12-3901470 12-3601840 12-3321555 12-3058267 12-2810034 12-2575225 12-2352463 12-2140573 12-1938542 12-1745493 12-1560662 12-138337 12-1213047 12-1049146 12-0891207 12-0738810 12-0591581 12-0449181 12-0311302 12-0177666 12-0048020 11-9922133 11-9799793 11-9680805 11-9564991 11-9452186 11-9342237 11-9235003 11-9130354 11-9028168 11-8928331 11-8830738 11-8735290 11-8641896 11-8550468 11-8460925 11-8373192 11-8287196 11-8202871 11-8120152 11-8038980 11-7959297 11-7881051 11-7804189 11-7728665 11-7654432 11-7581447 Verseds. Inf. Neg, 2-6264222 3-2284822 3-5806647 3-8305422 4-0243622 4-1827246 4-3166182 4-4326020 4-5349070 4-6264219 4-7092072 4-7847843 4-8543084 4-9186777 4-9786041 5-0346614 5-0873192 5-1369663 5-1839283 5-2284810 5-2708595 5-3112661 5-3498763 5-3868430 4223003 5-4563669 5-4891475 5-^07359 5-5512157 5-5806620 5-6091427 5-6367191 5-6634468 5-6893765 5-7145546 5-7390233 7628215 5-7859850 5-8085468 5-8305373 Tang. Inf. Neg. 6-4637261 6-7647562 6-9408475 7-0657863 7-1626964 7-2418778 7-3088248 7-3668169 7-4179696 7-4637273 7-5051203 7-5429091 7-5776715 7-6098566 7-6398201 7-6678492 7-6941786 7-7190026 7-7424841 7-7647610 7859508 7-8061547 7-8254604 7-8439444 7-8616738 7-8787077 7-8950988 7-9108938 7-9261344 7-^408584 7-9550996 7-9688886 7-9822534 7-9952192 8-0078092 8-0200445 8-0319446 •0435274 8-0548094 8-0658057 Diff. 5-8519848 8-0765306 729154 8-0869970 8-0972172 8-1072025 1169634 8-1265099 8-1358510 8-1449956 8-1539516 8-1627267 8-1713282 8-1797626 8-1880364 8-1961556 8-2041259 8-2119526 8-2196408 8-2271953 3-234G208 8-2419215 5-8933535 5-9133217 5-9328411 5-95193 14 V9/06112 5-9888977 6-0068070 6-0243546 6-0415646 6-0584206 6-0749654 6-0912008 6-1071384 6-1227887 6-1381620 6-1532679 6-1681156 6-1827137 Secant Covers. Cotang. Infin. 3010301 1760913 1249388 969101 791814 669470 579921 511527 457577 413930 377888 347624 321851 299635 280291 263294 248240 23481 222769 211898 202039 193057 184840 177294 170339 163911 157950 152406 147240 142412 137890 133648 129658 125900 122353 119001 115828 112820 109963 107249 104664 102202 99853 97609 95465 93411 91446 89560 87751 86015 84344 82738 81192 797Q>i 78267 76882 75545 74255 73007 Cotang. Covers. Secant D Infinite 13-5362739 13-2352438 13-0591525 12-9342137 12-8373036 12-7581222 12-6911752 12-6331831 12-5820304 12-5362727 12-4948797 12-4570909 12-4223285 12-3901434 12-36ai799 12-3321508 12-3058214 12-2809974 12-2575159 12-2352390 12-2140492 12-1938453 12-1745396 12-1560556 12-1383262 12-1212923 12-1049012 12-0891062 12-0738656 12-0591416 12-0449004 12-0311114 12-0177466 12-0047808 11-9921908 11-9799555 1-9680554 11-9564726 11-9451906 11-9341943 10-000000 9-9998737 9-9997473 9-9996208 9-9994944 9-9993679 9-9992414 9-.9991148 9-9989882 9-9988615 9-9987348 9-9986081 9-9984814 9-9983546 9-9982278 9-9981009 9-9979740 9-9978471 9-9977201 9975931 9-9974660 9-9973389 9-9972118 9-9970846 9969574 9-9968302 9-9967029 9-9965756 9-9964483 9-9963209 9-9961935 9-9960660 9-9959385 9958110 9-9956834 9-9955558 9-9954282 9-9953005 9-9951728 9-9950450 9-9949172 11-9234694 9-9947894 11-9130030 11-9027828 1-8927975 11-8830366 11-8734901 11-8641490 11-8550044 11-8460484 11-8372733 8286718 11-8202374 11-8119636 11-8038444 7958741 11-7880474 11-7803592 7728047 11-7653792 11-7580785 9-9946615 9-9945336 9-9944057 9-9942777 10-0000372 lOOOOOOOO 10-0000000 10-0000001 10-0000002 10-0000003 10-0000005 10-0000007 10^0000009 10-0000012 10-0000015 10-0000018 10-0000022 10-0000026 10-0000031 10-0000036 10-0000041 10-0000047 10-0000053 10-0000060 10-0000066 10-0000073 10-0000081 10-0000089 10-0000097 10-0000106 10-0000115 10-0000124 10-0000134 10-0000144 10-000015 10-0000165 10-0000177 10-0000188 10-0000200 10-0000212 10-0000225 10-0000238 10-0000252 10-0000265 10-0000279 10-0000294 10-0000309 10-0000324 10-0000340 10-0000356 9-9941497 9-9940217 9-9938936 9-9937654 9-9936373 9-9935091 9-9933808 9-9932526 9-9931243 9829959 9-9928675 9-9927391 9-9926106 9-9924821 9-9923536 Diff. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D Sine 10-0000389 10-0000406 10-0000423 10-0000441 10-0000459 10-0000478 10-0000497 10-0000516 10-0000536 10-0000556 10-0000576 10-0000597 10-0000618 10-0000640 10-0000662 Cosine 10-000000 10-000000 9-9999999 9-9999998 9-9999997 9-9999990 9999993 9-9999991 9-9999988 9999985 9-9999982 9-9999978 9-9999974 9-9999969 9-9999964 9-9999959 9999953 9-9999947 9-9999940 9-9999934 9-9999927 9-9999919 9-9999911 9-9999903 9-9999894 9-9999885 9-9999876 9-9999866 9-9999856 9-9999845 9-9999835 9-9999823 9-9999812 9-9999800 9-9999788 9-999977 9-99^S762 •999974S 9-9999735 ■9999721 9-9999706 9999691 9-9999676 9-9999660 9-9999644 9-9999628 9-9999611 9-9999594 9-9999577 9999559 9-9999541 9999522 9-9999503 9-9999484 9-9999464 9-9999444 9-9999424 9-9999403 9-9999382 9-9999360 9-9999338 3K Deor. 89. (250) 1 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. Sine Dif. Covers 0174524 0177432 0180341 0183249 0186158 0189066 0191974 0194883 0197791 0200699 0203608 0206516 0209424 0212332 0215241 0218149 0221057 0223965 0226873 0229781 0232690 0235598 0238506 0241414 0244322 0247230 0250138 0253046 0255954 0258862 0261769 0264677 0267585 0270493 0273401 0276309 0279216 0282124 0285032 0287940 0290847 0293755 0296662 0299570 0302478 0305385 0308293 0311200 0314108 0317015 0319922 0322830 0325737 0328644 0331552 0334459 0337366 55 56 5710340274 58 59 60l034R995 10343181 0346088 Cosine Dif. 2908 2909 2908 2909 2908 2908 2909 2908 2908 2909 2908 2908 2908 2909 2908 2908 2908 2908 2908 2909 2908 2908 2908 2908 2908 2908 2908 2908 2908 2907 2908 2908 2908 2908 2908 2907 2908 2908 2908 2907 2908 2907 2908 2908 2907 2908 2907 2908 2907 2907 2908 2907 2907 2908 2907 2907 2908 2907 2907 2907 9825476 9822568 9819659 9816751 9813842 9810934 9808026 9805117 9802209 9799301 9796392 9793484 9790576 9787668 9784759 9781851 9778943 9776035 9773127 9770219 9767310 9764402 9761494 9758586 9755678 9752770 9749862 9746954 9744046 9741138 9738231 9735323 9732415 9729507 9726599 9723691 9720784 9717S76 9714968 9712060 9709153 9706245 9703338 9700430 9697522 9694615 9691707 9688800 9685892 9682985 9680078 9677170 9674263 9671356 9668448 9665541 966265"4 9659726 9656819 9653912 9651005 57-298688 56-359462 55-450534 54-570464 53-717896 52-891564 01 52-090272 Vers. Cosec. 0174551 0177460 0180370 0183280 0186190 89100 0192010 51-312902 50-558396 49-825762 49-114062 48-422411 47-749974 47-095961 46-459625 45-840260 45-237195 14-649795 44-077458 43-519612 42-975713 42-445245 41-927717 41-422660 40-929630 40-448201 39-977969 39-518549 39-069571 38-630683 38-201550 37-781849 37-371273 36-969528 36-676332 i6-191414 35-814517 35-445391 35-083800 34-729515 34-382316 34-041994 33-708345 33-381176 33-060300 32-745537 32-436713 32-133663 31-836225 31-544246 31-257577 30-976074 30-699598 30-423017 30-161201 29-899026 29-641373 29-388124 29-139169 28-894398| 28-653708 Tang. Cotang. 0194920 0197830 0200740 0203650 0206560 0209470 0212380 0215291 0218201 0221111 0224021 0226932 0229842 0232753 0235663 0238574 0241484 024439 024730 0250216 0253127 0256038 0258948 0261859 0264770 0267681 0270592 0273503 0276414 0279325 0282236 0285148 0288059 0290970 0293882 0296793 0299705 0302616 0305528 0308439 0311351 0314263 57-289962 56-350590 55-441517 54-561300 53-708587 52-882109 52-080673 51-303157 50-548506 49-815726 49-103881 48-412084 47-739501 47-085343 46-448862 15-82935 45-226141 44-638596 44-066113 43-508122 42-964077 42-43346 41-915790 41-410588 40-917412 40-43583 39-965460 39-50589 39-056771 38-617738 38-188459 37-768613 37-357892 36-956001 36-562659 36-177596 35-800553 35-431282 35-069546 34-715115 34-367771 34-027303 33-693509 33-366194 33-045173 32-730264 32-421295 32-118099 31-820516 Secant 1-0001523 1-0001574 1-0001627 1-0001679 1-0001733 1-0001788 1-0001843 Vers. 0001523 0001574 0001626 0001679 0001733 0001787 0001843 D Cosine 1-0001900 0001899 1-0001957 1-0002015 1-0002073 1-0002133 0001956 0002014 0002073 0002133 1-0002194 0002193 1-0002255 1-0002317 1-0002380 1-0002444 1-0002509 1-0002575 1-0002641 1-0002708 1-0002776 1-0002845 1-0002915 1-0002986 0002255 0002317 0002380 0002444 0002508 0002574 0002640 0002708 0002776 0002844 0002914 0002985 1-0003058 0003057 1-0003130 0003129 0317174 0320086 0322998 0325910 -528392 •241577 -959928 •683307 0328822i30-411580 144619 0331734 30 033464629 0337558'29' 0340471*29 0343383'29' 0346295 0349208 882299 624499 371106 12200." 877089 636253 decant jCotan. Tang. Cosec. Covers 1-0003203 1-0003277 1-0003352 1-0003428 1-0003505 1-0003582 1-0003660 0003202 0003276 0003351 0003427 0003503 000358 1 0003659 1-0003739 0003738 1-0003820 0003818 1-0003900 0003899 1-0003982 1-0004065 1-0004148 1-0004232 1-0004317 1-0004403 1-0004490 1-0004578 1-0004666 1-0004756 1-0004846 1-0004937 1-0005029 1-0005121 1-0005215 1-0005309 1 -0005405 1-0005501 1-0005598 1-0005696 1-0005794 1-0005894 1-0005994 1-0006095 0003980 0004063 0004146 0004230 0004316 0004401 0004488 0004576 0004664 0004753 0004843 0004934 0005026 0005119 0005212 0005307 0005402 0005498 0005595 0005692 0005791 0005890 0005991 0006092 9998477 9998426 9998374 9998321 9998267 9998213 9998157 9998101 9998044 9997986 9997927 9997867 9997807 9997745 9997683 9997620 9997556 9997492 9997426 9997360 9997292 9997224 9997156 9997086 9997015 9996943 9996871 9996798 9996724 9996649 9996573 9996497 9996419 9996341 9996262 9996182 9996101 9996020 9995937 9995854 9995770 9995684 9995599 9995512 9995424 9995336 9995247 9995157 9995066 9994974 9994881 9994788 9994693 9994598 9994502 9994405 9994308 9994209 9994110 9994009 9993908 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 9 I) Sine Deg. 88. Deer. LOG. SINES, Sec. (251) 8ine Ditf. Cosec. Verseds. Tang. Dift; 1-2418553 1-2490332 !-2560943 1-2630424 1-2698810 1-2766136 t-2832434 1-2897734 1-2962067 !-3025460 1-3087941 1-3149536 1-3210269 1-3270163 •3329243 -3387529 1-3445043 1-3501805 1-3557835 1-3613150 1-3667769 1-3721710 1-3774988 1-3827620 1-3879622 1-3931008 1-3981793 1-4031990 1-408 i 61 4 1-4130676 1-4179190 1-4227168 1-4274621 1-4321561 1-4367999 1-4413944 1-4459409 1-4504402 1-4548934 1-4593013 1-4636649 !-4679850 !-4722626 !-4764984 (•4806932 1-4848479 i-4889632 i-4930398 i-4970784 5-5010798 1-5050447 i-5089736 J-5 128673 1-5 167264 3-5205514 J-5243430 )-5281017 5-5318281 J-5355228 5-5391863 3-5428192 Cosine 71779 70611 69481 68386 67326 66298 65300 64333 63393 62481 61595 60733 59894 59080 58286 57514 6762 56030 55315 54619 53941 53278 52632 52002 51386 50785 50197 49624 49062 48514 47978 47453 46940 46438 45945 45465 44993 44532 44079 43636 43201 12776 42358 41948 41547 41153 40766 40386 40014 39649 39289 38937 38591 38250 37916 37587 37264 36947 36635 36329 Diff. 7581447 7509668 7439057 7369576 7301190 7233864 7167566 7102266 7037933 6974540 6912059 6850464 6789731 6729837 66707li7 6612471 6554957 6498195 6442165 6386850 6332231 6278290 6225012 6172380 6120378 6068992 6018207 5968010 5918386 5869324J6' 5820810 6- 5772832 5725379 5678439 5632001 5586056 5540591 5495598 5451066 5406987 5363351 5320150 5277374 5235016 5193068 5151521 5110368 5069602 5029216 •4989202 4949653 4910264 •4871327 •4832736 •4794486 •4756570 •4718983 •4681719 •4644772 •4608137 •4571808 JSecant •1827137 •1970705 •2111938 •2250912 •2387696 •2522360 •2654968 •2785581 •2914259 •3041058 •3166033 ■3289235 •3410714 •3530516 •3648689 •3765276 ■3880317 3993855 4105928 4216573 •4325826 4433722 4540294 •4645573 4749592 4852380 4953965 •5054376 ■5153639 •5251780 •5348825 5444797 5539720 5633616 5726509 6818418 5909365 5999369 6088450 6176626 6263916 6350337 6435907 6520642 6604558 66S7671 6769996 6851547 6932340 7012389 7091706 7170305 7248199 7325400 7401921 •7477774 7552970 •7627520 7701436 ■777472S 7847406 8-2419215 8-2491015 8-2561649 8-2631153 8-2699563 8-2766912 8-2833234 8-2898559 8-2962917 8-3026335 8-3088842 8-3150462 8-3211221 8-3271143 8-3330249 8-3388563 8-3446105 8-3502895 8-3558953 8-3614297 8-3668945 8-3722915 8-3776223 8-3828886 8-3880918 8-3932336 8-3983152 8-4033381 4083037 4132132 8-4180679 8-4228690 8-4276176 8-4323150 8-4369622 4415603 8-4461103 8-4506131 8-4550699 8-4594814 8-4638486 8-4681725 8-4724538 8-4766933 8-4808920 8-4850505 8-4891696 8-4932502 8-4972928 8-5012982 8-5052671 8-5092001 8-5130978 8-5169610 8-5207902 8-5245860 8-5283490 8-5320797 8-5357787 8-5394466 8-5430838 71800 70634 69504 68410 67349 66322 65325 64358 63418 62507 61620 60759 59922 59106 58314 57542 56790 56058 55344 54648 53970 53308 52663 52032 51418 50816 50229 49656 49095 48547 48011 47486 46974 46472 45981 45500 45028 44568 44115 43672 43239 42813 42395 41987 41585 41191 40806 40426 40054 39689 39330 38977 38632 38292 37958 37630 37307 36990 36679 36372 Covers. Cotang. DifF. Cotang. 1175807B5 11-7508985 ll-74383f51 11-7368847 11-7300437 11-7233088 11-7166766 11-7101441 11-7037083 11-6973665 11-6911158 11-6849538 11-6788779 11-6728857 11-6669751 11-6611437 11-6563895 11-6497105 11-6441047 11-6386703 11-6331065 11-6277085 11-6223777 11-6171114 11-6119082 11-6067664 11-6016848 11-5966619 11-5916963 1 1 -5867868 11-5819321 11-5771310 11-5723824 11-5676850 11-5630378 11-6584397 11-5538897 Covers. 9-9923536 9-9922250 9-9920964 9-9919678 9-9918391 9-9917104 9-9916816 9-9914528 9-9913240 9-9911951 9-9910662 9-9909372 9-9908082 9-9906792 9-9905501 9-9904210 9-9902919 9-9901627 9-9900335 9-9899043 9-9897750 9-9896457 9-9895163 9893869 9-9892575 9-9891280 9-9889985 9-9888689 9887393 9-9886097 9-9884801 9-9883503 9-9882206 9-9880908 9-9879610 9-9878312 9-9877013 ISecant D Cosin 11-5493869 9-9875713 11-54493019-9874414 11-5405186 9-9873114 11-53615149-9871813 11-6318275 11 •6275462 11-5233067 11-5191080 11-5149495 11-5108304 11-5067498 11-5027072 11-4987018 11-4947329 11-4907999 11-4869022 11-4830390 11-4792098 9-9870513 9-9869211 9867910 ■9866608 •9865306 •9864003 •9862700 •9861396 •9860093 •9858788 •9857484 •9866179 •9854873 •9853568 11-475414019-9852262 11-4716510 11-4679203 11-4642213 11-4606534 9-9850'955 9-9849648 9-9848341 9-9847033 -4669162 9-9846/ 10-0000662 10-0000684 10-0000706 10-0000729 10-0000753 10-0000776 10-0000800 10-0000825 10-0000850 10-0000875 10-0000900 10-0000926 10-0000953 10-0000979 10-0001006 10-0001034 10-0001061 10-0001089 10-C00I118 10-0001147 10-0001176 10^0001206 10-0001236 10-0001266 10-0001297 10-0001328 10-0001359 10-0001391 10-0001423 10-0001456 10-0001488 10-0001622 10-0001655 10-0001689 10-0001624 10-0001658 10-0001694 10-0001729 10-0001765 10-0001801 10-0001838 10-0001875 10-0001912 10-0001950 10-0001988 10-0002026 10-0002065 10-0002104 10-0002144 10-0002183 10-0002224 10-0002264 10'0002305 10-0002347 10-0002388 10-0002430 10-0002473 10-0002516 10-0002559 10-0002602 10-0002646 rang. I Verseds. Cosec. D 8ine 9-9999338 9-9999316 9-9999294 9-9999271 9-9999247 9-9999224 9999200 9-9999176 9-9999160 9-9999125 9-9999100 9-9999074 9-9999047 9-9999021 9-9998994 9-999S96G 9-9998939 9-9998911 9-9998882 9998853 9-9998824 9998794 9-9998764 9-9998734 9-9998703 9-9998672 9-9998641 9-9998609 9-9998577 9-9998644 9-9998512 9-9998478 9-9998445 9-9998411 9-9998376 9-9998342 9-9998306 9-9998271 9-9998235 9-9998199 9-9998162 9-9998125 9-9998088 9-9998050 9-9998012 9-9997974 9-9997935 9-9997896 9-9997356 9997817 9-9997776 9-9997736' 9-9997695 9-9997653 9-9997612 9-9997570 9-9997527 9-9997484 9-9997441 9^9997398 9-9997354 3 K2 Di^g. 88. (252) 2 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. y35190'i 0354809 ):i577lG 036O6"23 0363530 0366437 0369344 0372251 0375158 10 037»065 Sine DitXovers 0380971 0383878 0386785 0389692 0392598 0395505 0398411 0401318 0404224 0407131 0410037 0412944 0415850 0418757 0421663 0424569 270427475 28 0430382 29 0433288 30 0436194 0439100 0442006 0444912 044781 0450724 0453630 0456536 0459442 0462347 0465253 0468159 0471065 0473970 0476876 0479781 0482687 0485592 2907 2907 ^907 2907 2907 2907 2907 2907 2907 2907 2906 2907 2907 2907 2906 2907 2906 2907 2906 2907 Cosec. 0488498 49|0491403 0494308 0497214 0500119 0503024 :0505929 0508835 0511740 0514645 0517550 0520455 0523360 2907 2906 2907 2906 2906 2906 2907 2906 2906 2906 2906 2906 2906 2906 2906 2906 2906 2905 2906 2906 2906 2905 2906 290 2906 290 2906 2905 290 2906 2905 2905 290 2906 2905 2905 2905 2905 2905 9651005 9648098 9645191 9642284 9639377 9636470 9633563 9630656 9627749 9624842 9621935 9619029 9616122 9613215 9610308 9607402 9604495 9601589 9598682 9595776 9592869 9589963 9587056 9584150 9581243 9578337 9575431 9572525 9569618 9566712 9563806 9560900 9557994 9555088 9552182 9549276 9546370 9543464 9540558 9537653 9534747 9531841 9528935 9526030 9523124 9520219 9517313 9514408 9511502 9508597 9505692 1 ang. 1 Cotang. 28-653708 28-416997 28-184168 27-955125 27-729777 27-508035 27-289814 27-075030 26-863603 26-655455 6-450510 26-248694 26-049937 25-854169 25-661324 25-471337 25-284144 25-09968 24-917900 24-738731 24-562123 24-388020 24-216370 24-047121 23-880224 23-715630 23-553291 23-393161 23-235196 23-079351 22-925586 22-773857 22-624126 22-476353 22-330499 22-186528 22-044403 21-904090 21-7655 21-628759 21-493676 21-360272 21-228515 21-098376 20-969824 20-842830 20-717368 20-593409 20-470926 20-349893 20-230284 0349208J28 636253 0352120 28-399397 0355033 28-166422 k5ecaat 9502786 20-112075 9499881 9496976 9494071 9491165 9488260 9485355 9482450 9479545 9476640 19-995241 19-879768 19-765604 19-652754 19-541187 19-430882 19-321816 19-213970 19-107323 0357945 0360853 0363771 0366683 0369596 0372509 0375422 0378335 0381248 0384161 0387074 0389988 0392901 0395814 0398728 0401641 0404555 0407469 0410383 0413296 0416210 0419124 0422038 0424952 0427866 0430781 0433695 0436609 0439524 0442438 0445353 0448268 0451183 0454097 0457012 0459927 0462842 0465757 0468673 0471588 0474503 0477419 0480334 0483250 0486166 0489082 0491997 0494913 0497829 0500746 0503662 0506578 0509495 0512411 0515328 0518244 0521161 0524078 27-937233 27-711740 27-489853 27-271486 27-056557 26-844984 26-636690 26-431600 26-229638 26-030736 25-834823 25-641832 25-451700 25-264361 25-07975 24-897826 24-718512 24-541758 24-367509 24-195714 24-026320 23-859277 23-694537 23-532052 23-371777 23-213666 23-057677 22-903766 22-751892 22-602015 22-454096 22-308097 22-163980 22-021710 21-881251 21-742569 21-605630 21-470401 21-336851 21-204949 21-074664 20-945966 20-818828 20-693220 20-569115 20-446486 20-325308 20-205553 20-087199 19-970219 19-864591 19-740291 19-627296 19-515584 19-405133 19-295922 19-187930 19-081137 Vers. l-00Cii095 1-0006198 1 -0006300 0006404 1-0006509 1-0006614 1-0006721 1-0006828 1-0006936 1-0007045 1-0007154 1-0007265 1-0007376 1-0007489 1-0007602 1-0007716 1-0007830 1-0007946 1-0008063 1-0008180 1-0008298 1-0008417 1-0008537 1-0008658 1-0008779 1-0008902 1-0009025 1-0009149 1-0009274 1-0009400 1-0009527 1-0009654 1-0009783 1-0009912 1-0010042 1-0010173 1-0010305 D " *' '-'v^iV' tjtu/o^O -JO^Hyt fj lif'VOl 1.0/ 1-UUIO/ ^O ».'U10/V't> ./^uvj^^y , MCosine Dif.| Vers Seca nt CotanT TangT Cosec. Covers P" Sine Dcg. 87 1-0010438 1-0010571 1-0010706 1-0010841 1-0010977 1-0011114 1-0011251 1-0011390 1-0011529 1-0011670 1-0011811 1-0011953 1-0012096 1-0012239 1-0012384 1-0012529 1-0012676 1-0012823 1-001297 1-0013120 1-0013269 1-0013420 1-0013571 1-0013723 0006092 0006194 0006296 0006400 0006505 0006610 0006716 0006823 0006931 0007040 0007149 0007260 0007371 0007483 0007596 0007710 0007824 0007940 0008056 0008173 0008291 0008410 0008530 0008650 0008772 0008894 0009017 0009141 0009266 0009391 0009518 0009645 0009773 0009902 0010032 0010163 0010294 0010427 0010560 0010694 00-10829 0010965 0011101 0011239 0011377 0011516 0011656 0011797 0011939 0012081 0012225 0012369 0012514 0012660 0012806 0012954 0013102 0013252 0013402 0013553 0013705 Cosine 102 102 104 105 105 106 107 108 109 109 111 111 112 113 114 114 116 116 117 118 119 120 120 122 122 123 124 125 125 127 127 128 129 130 131 131 133 133 134 135 136 136 138 138 139 140 141 142 142 144 144 145 146 146 148 148 150 150 151 152 9993908 9993806 9993704 9993600 9993495 9993390 9993284 9993177 9993069 9992960 9992851 9992740 9992629 9992517 9992404 9992290 9992176 9992060 9991944 9991827 9991709 9991590 9991470 9991350 9991228 9991106 9990983 9990859 9990734 9990609 9990482 999035 9990227 9990098 9989968 9989837 9989706 9989573 9989440 9989306 9989171 9989035 9988899 9988761 9988623 9988484 9988344 9988203 9988061 9987919 9987775 9987631 9987486 9987340 9987194 9987046 9986898 9986748 9986598 9986447 9986295 0/ 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 i: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 Deg. lOG. SINES, &C. {^53) ' Sine Diff. 8-5428192 8-5464218 8-5499948 8-5535386 8-5570536 8-5605404 8-5639994 8-5674310 8-5708357 8-5742139 8-5775660 8-5808923 5841933 8-5874694 8-5907209 8-5939483 8-5971517 8-6003317 8-6034886 8-6066226 8-6097341 8-6128235 8-6158910 8-6189369 8-6219616 8-6249653 8-6279484 8-6309111 8-6338537 8-6367764 S'6396796 8-6425634 8-6454282 8-6482742 8-6511016 8-6539107 8-6567017 8-6594748 8-6622303 8-6649684 8-6676893 8-6703932 8-6730804 8-6757510 8-6784052 8-6810433 8-6836654 8-6862718 8-6888625 6914379 8-6939980 6965431 8-6990734 8-7015889 8-7040899 7065766 8-7090490 3-7115075 8-7139520 8-7163829 8-7188002 Cosine DifF. 36026 35730 35438 35150 34868 34590 34316 34047 33782 33521 33263 33010 32761 32515 32274 32034 31800 31569 3 J 340 31115 30894 30675 30459 30247 30037 29831 29627 29426 29227 29032 28838 28648 28460 28274 28091 27910 27731 27555 27381 27209 27039 26872 26706 26542 26381 26221 26064 25907 25754 25601 25451 25303 25155 25010 24867 24724 24585 24445 24309 24173 Cosec. 1-4571808 1-4535782 1-4500052 1-4464614 1-4429464 1-4394596 1-4360006 1-4325690 1-4291643 1-4257861 1-4224340 1-4191077 1-4158067 1-4125306 1-4092791 1-4060517 1-4028433 1-3996683 1-3965114 1-3933774 1-3902659 1-3871765 1-3841090 1-3810631 1-3780384 1-3750347 1-3720516 1 -3690889 1-3661463 1-3632236 1-3603204 1-3574366 1-3545718 1-3517258 1-3488984 1-3460893 1-3432983 1-3405252 1-3377697 1-3350316 1-3323107 1-3296068 1-3269196 1-3242490 1-3215948 1-3189567 1-3163346 1-3137282 1-3111375 1-3085621 1-3060020 1-3034569 1-3009266 1-2984111 1-2959101 1-2934234 1-2909510 1-2884925 1-2860480 1-2836171 1-2811998 Secant Verseds 6-7847406 6-7919481 6-7990963 6-8061861 6-8132185 6-8201944 6-8271147 6-8339803 6-8407920 6-8475507 6-8542572 6-8609123 6-867516 6-8740714 6-8805768 6-8870340 6-8934434 6-8998059 6-9061221 6-9123927 6-9186183 6-9247996 6-9309372 6-9370317 6-9430837 9490939 6-9550627 6-9609907 6-966S7S6 6-9727268 6-9785359 6-9843063 6-9900387 6-9957334 7-0013911 7-0070121 7-0125969 7-0181461 7-0236600 7-029139] 7-0345838 7-0399946 7-0453719 0507161 7-0560276 0613068 7-0665540 7-0717698 7-0769544 7-0821082 7-0872316 7-0923249 7-0973885 1024228 1074280 1124045 1173527 1222728 1271652 1320302 1368680 Cover: lang. 1-5430838 1-5466909 1-5502683 1-5538166 1-5573362 1-5608276 1-5642912 1-5577275 1-5711368 :-5745197 •5778766 •5812077 -5845136 •5877945 -5910509 -5942832 -5974917 •6006767 -6038386 ■6069777 :-6l00943 •6131889 •6i626l6 •6193127 •6223427 •6253518 •6283402 -6313083 •6342563 •6371845 •6400931 -6429825 -6-158528 -6487044 -651537 •6543522 •6571490 •6599279 •6626891 •6654331 •6681598 •6708697 •6736628 •6762393 •6788996 •6815437 -6841719 -6867844 •6893813 •6919629 •6945292 -6970806 -6996172 •7021390 -7046465 -7071395 •7096185 -7120834 •7145345 •7169719 •7193958 Diff. 36071 35774 35483 35196 M914 34636 34363 34093 33829 33569 33311 33059 32809 32564 32323 32085 31850 1619 31391 31166 30946 30727 30511 30300 30091 29884 29681 29480 29282 29086 28894 28703 28516 28331 28147 27968 27789 27612 27440 27267 27099 26931 26765 26603 26441 26282 26125 25969 25816 25663 25514 25366 2521 25075 24930 24790 24649 24511 243/4 24239 Cotang. Cotang. Diff'. Tang lb456916y 11-4533091 11-4497317 11-4461834 11-4426638 11-4391724 U-4357088 11-4322725 11-4288632 I] -4254803 lb4221234 11 •4187923 11-4154864 1 1^412205 11^4089491 11 •4057 168 11-4025083 11-3993233 11-3961614 11-3930223 11-3899057 11-3868111 11-3837384 11-3806873 11-3776573 11-3746482 11-3716598 11-3686917 11-3657437 11^3628155 1P3599069 11-3570175 11-3541472 11-3512956 11-3484625 11-3456478 11-3428510 11-3400721 11-3373109 11-3345669 11-3318402 11-3291303 11-3264372 11-3237607 11-3211004 11 •SI 84563 1P3168281 lb3132156 11^3106187 11 •3080371 11-3054708 11-3029194 11-3003828 Ib29786l0 11^2953535 11-2928605 11-2903815 11-2879166 11-2854655 11-2830281 11-2806042 Covers. Secant. D Cosine 9-9845725 9-9844417 9-9843108 9-9841799 9-9840490 9-9839180 9-9837869 9-9836559 9-9835248 9-9833936 9-9832624 9-9831312 9-9830000 9-9828687 9-9827373 -9826060 -9824745 -9823431 -9822116 -9820801 -9819485 -9818169 -9816853 -9815536 •9814219 -9812901 •9811583 ■9810265 •9808946 •9807627 •9806308 ■9804988 •9803668 •9802347 •9801026 •9799704 •9798383 ■9797061 •9795738 •9794415 •9793092 •9791768 •9790444 ■9789119 •9787795 9786469 9785144 9783818 9782491 9781164 9779837 9778510 9777 182 9775853 9774525 9773195 9771866 9770536 9769206 9767S75 9766544 10-0002646 10-0002691 10-0002735 10-0002780 10-0002826 10-0002872 10-0002918 10-0002964 10-0003011 10-0003058 10-0003106 10-0003154 10-0003202 Verseds. 10-0003251 10-0003300 10-0003350 10-0003399 10-0003450 10-0003500 10-0003551 10-0003602 10-0003654 10-0003706 10-0003758 10-0003811 10-0003864 10-0003918 10-0003972 10-0004026 10-0004081 10-0004135 10-0004191 10-0004247 10-0004303 10-0004359 10-0004416 10-0004473 10-0004531 10-0004589 10-0004647 10-0004705 10-0004764 10-0004824 10-0004884 10-0004944 10-0005004 10-0005065 10-0005126 10-0005188 10-0005250 10-0005312 10-0005375 10-0006438 10-0005502 10-0005565 10-0005630 10-0005694 10-0006759 10-0005824 10-0005890 10-0005956 Cosec. 9997364 9997309 9997265 9997220 9997174 9997128 9997082 •9997036 •9996989 9996942 9996894 99968-16 9996798 9996749 9-9996700 9-9996660 9-9996601 9-9996560 9-9996600 9-9996449 9-9996398 9996346 9-9996294 9-9996242 9-9996189 9-9996136 9-9996082 9-9996028 9-9995974 9-9995919 9-9995866 9-9995809 9-9995753 9,-9995697 9-9996641 9-9995684 9-9996527 9-9995469 9-9995411 9-9995353 9-9995296 9-9996236 9-9996176 9-9996116 9-9996056 9-9994996 9-9994936 9-9994874 9-9994812 9-9994750 9994688 9-9994625 9-9994662 9-9994498 9-9994436 9-9994370 9-9994306 9-9994241 9994176 9-9994110 9-9994044 D 60 59 58 57 56 65 54 63 62 61 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Sine Deg, S7. (254) • 3 Peg. NAtURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. Sine Dif. Covers Cosec 0b'2:i3H0 0526'2G4 0529169 0532074 0534979 0537883 0540788 0543693 0546597 0549502 0552406 0555311 0558215 0561119 0564024 0566928 0569832 0572736 0575640 0578544 0581448 0584352 0587256 0590160 0593064 0595967 26|0598871 0601775 0604678 0607582 0610485 0613389 0616292 0619196 0622099 0625002 0627905 0630808 0633711 0636614 0639517 0642420 0645323 0648226 0651129 0654031 0656934 0659836 0662739 0665641 0668544 0671446 0674349 0677251 0680153 0683055 0685957 0688859 0691761 0694663 0697565 Cosine 2904 2905 2905 2905 1 29041 2905 2905 2904 2905 2904 2905 2904 2904 2905 2904 2904 2904 2904 2904 2904 2904 2904 2904 2904 2903 2904 2994 2903 2904 2903 2904 2903 2904 2903 2903 2903 2903 2903 2903 2903 2903 2903 2903 2903 2902 2903 2902 2903 2902 2903 2902 2903 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 Dit 9476640 9473736 9470831 9467926 19465021 19462117 [9459212 9456307 9453403 9450498 9447594 9444689 9441785 9438881 9435976 9433072 9430168 9427264 9424360 9421456 9418552 9415648 9412744 9409840 9406936 9404033 9401169 9398225 9395322 9392418 9389515 9386611 9383708 9380804 9377901 9374998 9372095 9369192 9366289 9363386 9360483 9357580 9354677 9351774 9348871 9345969 9343066 9340164 9337261 9334359 9331456 9328,554 9325651 9322749 9319847 9316945 9314043 9311141 9308239 9305337 9302435 Vers. 19-107323 19-001854 18-897545 18-794377 18-692330 18-591387 18-491530 18-392742 18-295005 18-198303 18-102619 18-007937 17-914243 17-821520 17-729753 17-638928 17-549030 17-460046 17-371960 17-284761 17-198434 17-112966 17-028346 16-944559 16-861594 16-779439 16-698082 16-617512 16-537717 16-458686 16-380408 16-302873 16-226069 16-149987 16-074617 15-999948 15-925971 15-852676 15-780054 15-708096 15-636793 15-566135 15-496114 16-426721 15-357949 15-289788 15-222231 5-155270 15-088896 15-023103 14-967882 14-893226 14-829128 14-765580 14-702576 4-640109 14-578172 14-516757 14-455859 14-395471 14-335587 Tang. Cotang. Secant 0524078 0526995 0529912 0532829 0535746 0538663 0541581 0544498 0547416 0550333 0553251 0556169 0559087 0562005 0564923 0567841 0570759 0573678 0576596 0579515 0582434 0585352 0588271 0591190 0594109 0597029 0599948 0602867 0605787 0608706 0611626 0614546 0617466 0620386 0626226 0629147 0632067 0634988 19-081137 18-975523 18-871068 18-767754 18-665562 18-564473 18-464471 18-365637 18-267654 18-170807 18-074977 17-980150 17-886310 17-793442 17-701529 17-610559 17-520516 17-431385 17-343155 17-255809 17-169337 17-083724 16-998957 16-915025 16-831915 16-749614 16-668112 16-587396 16-507456 16-428279 16-349855 16-272174 16-195225 16-118998 Secant Vers. D, Cosine 062330616-043482 15-968667 15-894545 15-821105 15-748337 0637908| 16-676233 0640829,16-604784 0643750 0646671 0649592 0652513 0656436 0658356 0661278 0664199 0667121 0670043 0672965 0675887 0678809 0681732 16-533981 15-463814 16-394276 15-325358 15-257052 16-189349 15-122242 15-056723 14-989784 14-924417 14-859616 14-795372 14-731679 14-668629 0684654:14-606916 068757714-543833 0690499114-482273 069342214-421230 0696345 14-360696 0699263 14-300666 Cotan.l Tang. 1-0013723 1-0013877 1 -00 14030 1-0014185 1-0014341 1-0014497 1-0014655 1-0014813 1-0014972 1-0015132 1-0015293 1-00 15454 1-0015617 1-0015780 1-0015944 1-0016109 1-0016275 1-0016442 1-0016609 1-0016778 1-0016947 1-0017117 1-0017288 1-0017460 1-0017633 1-0017806 1-0017981 1-0018156 1-0018332 1-0018509 1-0018687 1-0018866 1-0019046 1-0019225 1-0019407 1-0019589 1-0019772 1-0019956 1-0020140 1-0020326 1-0020512 1 -0020699 1-0020887 1-0021076 1-0021266 1-0021457 1-0021648 1-0021841 1-0022034 1-0022228 1-0022423 1-0022619 1-0022815 1-0023013 1-0023211 1-0023410 1-0023610 1-0023811 1-0024013 1-0024216 0024419 0013705 0013857 0014011 0014165 0014320 0014476 0014633 0014791 0014950 0015109 0015269 0016430 0015592 0015755 0016919 0016083 0016249 0016415 0016582 0016750 0016918 0017088 0017258 0017430 0017602 0017775 0017948 0018123 0018299 0018475 0018652 0018830 0019009 0019189 0019369 0019550 0019733 0019916 0020100 0020284 0020470 0020657 0020844 0021032 0021221 0021411 0021601 0021793 0021985 0022179 0022373 0022567 0022763 0022960 0023157 0023355 0023665 0023765 0023965 0024157 0024359 152 154 164 155 156 167 168 159 169 160 161 162 163 164 164 166 166 167 168 168 170 170 172 172 173 173 175 176 176 177 178 179 180 180 181 183 183 184 184 186 187 187 188 189 190 190 192 192 194 194 194 196 197 197 198 200 200 200 202 202 9986290 9986143 9985989 9985835 9985680 9986624 9985367 9985209 9985050 9984891 9984731 9984570 9984408 9984245 9984081 9983917 9983751 9983585 9983418 9983250 9983082 9982912 9982742 9982570 9982398 9982225 9982052 9981877 9981701 9981525 9981348 9981170 9980991 9980811 9980631 9980450 9980267 9980084 9979900 9979716 9979530 9979343 9979156 9978968 9978779 9978689 9978399 9978207 9978015 9977821 9977627 9977433 9977237 9977040 9976843 9976645 9976445 9976245 9976045 9975843 9976641 Cosec. Covers D. Sine Deg. 86. iDeff. LOG. SINES, &C. (Q55) 8ine Difl 87188002 8 -72 1.2040 87235946 87259721 1 87283366 17306882 17330272 87353535 87376675 7399691 87422586 87445360 87468015 87490553 87512973 87535278 87557469 87579546 7601512 7623366 87645111 87666747 87688275 87709697 87731014 87752226 87773334 7794340 87815244 7836048 87855753 87877359 87897867 87918278 7938594 87958814 7978941 87998974 8-8018915 8-8038764 •8058523 8-8078199 8-8097772 8-8117264 ■8136668 8-8155985 8-8176217 8-8194363 8-8213426 8-8232404 8-8251299 8-8270112 8-8288844 8-8307495 !-8326066 8-8344557 •8362969 8-8381304 ■8399561 8-8417741 8-8435845 24038 23906 23775 23645 23516 23390 23263 23140 23016 22895 22774 22655 22538 22420 22305 22191 22077 21966 21854 21745 21636 21528 21422 21317 21212 21108 21006 20904 20804 20705 20606 20508 20411 20316 20220 20127 20033 9941 19849 19759 19669 19580 19492 19404 19317 19232 19146 19062 18979 18895 18813 18732 18651 18571 18491 18412 18335 1^3257 18180 18104 Cosec. Verseds. Cosine Diff. 11-2811998 11-2787960 11-2764054 11-2740279 11-2716634 11-2693118 11-2669728 11-2646465 11-2623325 11-2600309 11-2577414 11-2554640 11-2531985 11-2509447 11-2487027 11-2464722 11-2442531 11-2420454 11-2398488 11-2376634 11-2354889 11-2333253 11-2311725 11-2290303 11-2268986 11-2247774 11-2226666 11-2205660 11-2184756 11-2163952 11-2143247 11-2122641 11-2102133 11-2081722 11-2061406 11-2041186 11-2021059 11-2001026 11-1981085 11-1961236 11-1941477 11-1921808 11-1902228 11-1882736 11-1863332 11-1844015 11-1824783 11-1805637 11-1786575 11-1767596 11-1748701 11-1729888 11-1711156 11-1692505 11-1673934 11-1655443 11-1637031 11-1618696 11-1600439 11-1582259 11-1564155 Secant 1368680 1416791 1464636 1512219 1559542 1606609 7-1653422 7-1699984 7-1746297 7-1792365 7-1838189 7-1883773 7-1929118 7-1974228 7-2019104 7-2063750 7-2108167 7-2152358 7-2196326 7-2240071 7-2283597 7-2326906 7-2370000 7-2412881 7-2455551 7-2498013 7-2540267 7-2582317 7-2624164 7-2665810 7-2707258 7-2748508 7-2789563 7-2830425 7-2871095 7-2911576 7-2951869 7-2991975 7-3031897 7-3071636 7-3111194 7-3150572 7-3189773 7-3228797 7-3267646 7-3306322 7-3344827 7-3383161 7-3421327 7-3469326 7-3497159 7-3534828 7-3572334 7-S609G78 7-3646863 7-3683888 7-3720757 7-3757469 7-3794027 7-3830431 3866683 Tang. jDiff. Covers. 719395824,0- 72180631;^'°^ 72420351^^^;^ 7265877g«|^ •7289589|;f,J^ 73Ul74flf 7336631^'^^^'^ 8-8 8-8 -7359964 •7383172 -7406258 •7429222 •7452067 -7474792 •7497400 7519892 •7542269 •756453 •7586681 7608719 7630647 ■7652465 •7674175 ■7695777 ■7717274 ■773866: 7759952 •7781136 7802218 7823199 7844079 7864861 7885544 7906130 7926620 7947014 7967313 7987519 8007632 8027653 8047583 8067422 8087172 106834 8126407 145894 8165294 8184608 8203838 8222984 8242046 8261026 8279924 8298741 8317478 8336134 8354712 8373211 8391633 8409977 8428245 8446437 23333 23208 23086 22964 22845 22725 22608 22492 22377 22262 22150 22038 21928 21818 21710 21602 21497 21391 21287 21184 21082 20981 20880 20782 20683 20586 20490 20394 20299 20206 20113 20021 19930 19839 19750 19662 19573 19487 19400 19314 19230 19146 19062 18980 18898 18817 18737 18656 18578 18499 18422 18344 18268 18192 Cotang. Diff. Cotang. 11-2806042 11-2781937 11-275796 11-2734123 11-271041 11-2686826 11-2663369 11-2640036 11-2616828 11-2593742 11-2570778 11-2547933 11-2525208 11-2502600 11-2480108 9 11-2457731 11-2435469 11-2413319 11-2391281 11-2369353 11-234753 11-2325820 11-2304223 11-2282726 11-2261335 11-2240048 11-2218864 11-2197782 11-2176801 11-2155921 11-2135139 11-2114456 11-2093870 11-2073380 11-2052986 11-2032687 11-2012481 1M992368 11-1972347 11-1952417 11-1932578 11-1912828 11-1893166 11-1873593 11-1854106 11-1834706 11-1815392 11-1796162 11-1777016 11-1757954 11-1738974 11-1720076 11-1701259 11-1682522 1-1663866 11-1645288 11-1626789 11-1608367 11-1590023 11-1571755 11-1553563 Tang. Covers. 9-9766544 9-9765213 9-9763881 9-9762549 9-9761216 9-9759883 9-9758550 9-9757216 9755882 9-9754547 9753212 9-9751877 9-9750541 9-9749205 9747868 9-9746532 9745194 9-9743857 9-9742519 9-9741180 9739841 9-9738502 9^9737162 9-9735822 9-9734482 9-9733141 9-9731800 9-9730458 9-9729117 9-9727774 9-9726431 9-9725088 9-9723745 9-9722401 9-9721057 9-9719712 9-9718367 9717021 9-9715675 9-9714329 9-9712982 9^9711635 9^9710288 9^9708940 9^9707592 9^9706243 9^9704894 9-9703545 9702195 9-9700845 9-9699494 9-9698143 9696792 9-9695440 9-9694088 9-9692735 9-9691382 9-9690029 9688675 9-9687321 9-9685967 Verseds. Secant D Cosine 10-0005956 10-0006022 10-0006089 10-0006156 10-0006224 10-0006292 10-0006360 10-0006428 10-0006497 10-0006567 10-0006636 10-0006707 10-0006777 10-0006848 10-0006919 10-0006991 10-0007062 10-000713 10-0007207 10-0007280 10-0007354 10-0007428 10-0007502 10-0007576 10-0007651 10-0007726 10-0007802 10-0007878 10-0007954 10-0008031 10-0008108 10-0008185 10-0008263 10-0008341 10-0008420 10-0008499 10-0008578 10-0008658 10-0008738 10-0008818 10-0008899 10-0008980 10-0009062 10-0009144 10-0009226 10-0009309 10-0009392 10-0009475 10-0009559 10-0009643 10-0009727 10-0009812 10-0009897 10-0009983 10-0010069 10-0010155 10-0010242 10-0010329 10-0010416 10-0010504 0-0010592 Cosec. D 9-9994044 9-9993978 9-9993911 9-9993844 9-9993776 9-9993708 9-9993640 9-9993572 9-9993503 9-9993433 9-9993364 9-9993293 9-9993223 9-9993152 9-9993081 9-9993009 9-9992938 9-9992865 9-9992793 9-9992720 9-9992646 9-9992572 9-9992498 9-9992424 41 40 39 38 37 9-9992349:36 9-9992274 35 9-9992198 34 9-9992122 33 9-9992046 32 9-999196931 9-9991892 30 9-9991815 9-9991737 9-9991659 9-9991580 9991501 9991422 9-9991342 9-9991262 9-9991182 9-9991101 -9991020 9-9990938 9-9990856 9-9990774 9-9990691 9-9990608 9-9990525 9990441 9-9990357 9-9990273 9-9990188 9-9990103 9-9990017 9-9989931 9-9989845 9 9989758 9-9989671 9-9989584 9989496 9-99894v 8 Sine Deg. 86. ('Q56) 4 Deg. . NATURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. Sine Dif. Covers Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Secant Vers. D.jCosine ' 07()04()7 ()7033(;b 0706270 0709171 0712073 0714974 0717876 0720777 0723G78 0726580 0729481 0732382 0735283 0738184 0741085 0743986* 0746887 0749787 0752688 0755589 0758489 0761390 0764290 0767190 0770091 0772991 0775891 0778791 0781691 0784591 0787491 0790391 0793290 0796190 0799090 0801989 0804889 0807788 0810687 0813587 0816486 0819385 0822284 0825183 0828082 0830981 0833880 0836778 0839677 0842576 0845474 0848373 0851271 0854169 0857067 59966 0862864 0865762 0868660 0871557 Cosine 2902 2901 2902 2901 ?902 2901 2902 2901 2901 2902 2901 2901 2901 2901 2901 2901 2901 2900 2901 2901 2900 2901 2900 2900 2901 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2900 2899 2900 2900 2899 2900 2899 2899 2900 2899 2899 2899 2899 2899 2899 2899 2898 2899 2899 2898 2899 2898 2898 2898 2899 2898 2898 2898 2897 Dif. 9302435 9299533 9296632 9293730 9290829 9287927 9285026 9282124 9279223 9276322 9273420 9270519 9267618 9264717 9261816 9258915 9256014 9253113 9250213 9247312 9244411 9241511 9238610 9235710 9232810 9229909 9227009 9224109 9221209 9218309 9215409 9212509 9209609 9206710 9203810 9200910 9198011 9195111 9192212 9189313 9186413 9183514 9180615 9177716 9174817 9171918 9169019 9166120 9163222 160323 9157424 9154526 9151627 9148729 9145831 9142933 9140034 9137136 9134238 9131340 9128443 Vers. 14-335587 14-276200 14-217304 14-158894 14-100963 14-043504 13-986514 13-929985 13-873913 13-818291 13-763115 13-708379 13-654077 13-600205 13-546758 13-493731 13-441118 13-388914 13-337116 13-285719 13-234717 13-184106 13-133882 13-084040 13-034576 12-985486 12-936765 12-888410 2-840416 12-792779 12-745495 12-698560 12-651971 12-605724 12-559815 12-514240 12-468995 12-424078 12-379484 12-335210 12-291252 12-247608 12-204274 12-161246 12-118522 12-076098 12-033970 11-992137 11-950595 11-909340 11-868370 11-827683 11-787274 11-747141 11-707282 11-667693 11-628372 11-589316 11-550523 11-511990 11-473713 Secant 0699268 0702191 0705115 0708038 0710961 0713885 0716809 0719733 0722657 0725581 0728505 0731430 0734354 0737279 0740203 0743128 0746053 0748979 0751904 0754829 0757755 0760680 0763606 0766532 0769458 0772384 077531 0778237 0781164 0784090 0787017 0789944 0792871 0795798 0798726 0801653 0804581 0807509 0810437 081336 0816293 0819221 0822150 0825078 0828007 0830936 0833865 0836794 0839723 0842653 0845583 0848512 0851442 0854372 0857302 086023 0863163 0866094 0S69025 0871956 087488 Cotan 14-300666 14-241134 14-182092 14-123536 14065459 14-007856 13-950719 13-894045 13-837827 13-782060 13-726738 13-6718.56 13-617409 13-563391 13-509799 13-456625 13-403867 13-351518 13-299574 13-248031 13-196883 13-146127 13-095757 13-045769 12-996160 12-946924 12-898058 12-849557 12-801417 12-753634 12-706205 12-659125 12-612390 12-565997 12-519942 12-474221 12-428831 12-383768 12-339028 12-294609 12-250505 12-206716 12-163236 12- 120062 12-077192 12034622 11-992349 11-950370 11-908682 11-867282 11-82616/ 11-785333 11-744779 n -704500 11-664495 11-624761 11-585294 11-546093 11-507154 11-468474 11 -430052 J Tang. 0024419 0024623 0024829 0025035 0025241 0025449 0025658 0025867 0026078 0026289 0026501 0026714 002^928 0027142 0027358 0027574 0027791 0028009 0028228 0028448 0028669 0028890 0029112 0029336 0029560 002978 0030010 0030237 0030464 0030693 0030922 0031152 0031383 0031615 0031847 0032081 0032315 0032551 0032787 0033024 0033261 0033500 0033740 0033980 0034221 0034463 0034706 0034950 0035195 0035440 0035687 0035934 0036182 0036431 0036681 0036932 0037183 0037436 0037689 003794 0038198 Cosec. 0024359 0024563 0024767 0024972 0025178 0025385 0025592 0025801 0026010 0026220 0026431 0026643 002685 0027069 0027283 0027498 0027714 0027931 0028149 0028367 0028587 0028807 0029028 0029250 0029472 0029696 0029920 0030146 0030372 0030599 0030827 0031055 0031285 0031515 0031746 0031978 0032211 0032445 0032679 003291 0033151 0033388 0033626 0033865 0034105 0034345 0034586 0034828 0035071 003531.^ 0035560 0035805 0036052 0036299 0036547 0036796 0037046 0037296 0037548 0037800 0038053 204 204 205 206 207 207 209 209 210 211 212 212 214 214 215 216 217 218 218 220 220 221 222 222 224 224 226 226 227 228 228 230 230 231 232 233 234 234 236 236 237 238 239 240 240 241 242 243 244 24 245 247 247 248 249 250 250 252 252 253 Covers D. 9975641 9975437 9975233 9975028 9974822 9974615 9974408 9974199 9973990 9973780 9973569 9973357 9973145 9972931 9972717 9972502 9972286 9972069 9971851 9971633 9971413 9971193 9970972 9970750 9970528 9970304 9970080 9969854 9969628 9969401 9969173 9968945 9968715 9968485 9968254 9968022 99677S9 9967555 9967321 9967085 9966849 9966612 9966374 9966135 99658.95 9965655 9965414 9965172 9964929 9964685 9964440 9964195 9963948 9963701 9963453 9963204 9962954 9962704 9962452 9962200 9961947 Sine Deff. 85, 4 Dcg. LOG. SINES, Sec, (^57) Sine •8435«4o •8453874 •8471827 •8489707 •8507512 •8525245 ■8542905 8560493 8578010 8595457 86M2833 8630139 8647376 '8664545 8681646 8698680 8715646 8732546 8749381 8766150 '8782854 8799493 8816069 ■8832581 8849031 ■8865418 8881743 8898007 8914209 8930351 8946433 8962455 8978418 8994322 9010168 9025955 9041685 9057358 9072975 9088535 9 1 04039 9119487 9134881 9150219 9165504 9180734 9195911 9211034 9226 105 9241123 9256089 9271003 9285866 93006;8 9315439 9330150 9344811 ■9359422 •9373983 ■9388496 •9402960 Diff. 18029 17953 17880 17805 17733 17660 17588 17517 17447 17376 17306 17237 17169 17101 17034 16966 16900 16835 16769 16704 16639 16576 16512 16450 16387 16325 16264 16202 16142 16082 16022 15963 15904 15846 15787 15730 15673 15617 15560 15504 15448 15394 15338 1528 15230 15177 15123 15071 15018 14966 14914 14863 14812 14761 14711 14661 14611 14561 14513 14464 Cosec. IM564155 11-1546126 1M528173 1M510293 IM492488 11-1474755 1M457095 11-1439507 1421990 11-1404543 11-1387167 1M369861 11-1352624 11-1335455 11-1318354 11-1301320 11-1284354 11-1267454 11-1250619 11-1233850 1217146 11-1200507 11-1183931 11-1167419 IM 150969 11-1134582 11-1118257 11-1101993 11-1085791 11-1069649 11-1053567 11-1037545 11-1021582 11-1005678 1-0989832 11-0974045 11-0958315 11-0942642 1 1-092702 11-0911465 11-0895961 11-0880513 11-0865119 11-0849781 11-0834496 11-0819266 11-0804089 11-0788966 11-0773895 11-0758877 11-0743911 11-0728997 11-0714134 11-0699322 11-0684561 11-0669850 11-0655189 11-0640578 n -062601 7 11-0611504 11-0597040 Verseds. 7-3866683 7-3902785 7-3938736 7-3974539 7-4010196 7-4045706 7-4081071 7-4116293 7-4151372 7-4186311 7-4221109 7-4255767 7-4290288 7-4324673 7-4358921 7-4393035 7-4427015 7-4460862 7-4494578 7-4528163 7-4561619 7-4594946 7-4628146 7-4661219 7-4694166 7-4726989 7-4759688 7-4792264 4824719 7-4857052 7-4889265 7-4921359 7-4953335 7-4985193 7-5016934 7-5048560 7-5080071 7-5111468 7-5142751 7-5173923 7-5204982 7-5235931 7-5266769 7-5297498 7-5328119 7-5358632 7-5389038 7-5419338 7-5449532 7-5479621 7-5509607 7-5539489 7-5569268 7-5598946 7-5628522 7-5657998 7-5687373 7-5716650 7-5745828 7-5774908 7-5803891 Tang. •8446437 •8464554 ■8482597 •8500566 •8518461 ■8536283 ■8554034 8-8571713 8589321 8606859 8-8624327 8641725 8659055 8-8676317 8693511 8-8710638 8727699 8-8744694 8-8761623 8-8778487 8-8795286 8-8812022 8828694 8845303 8-8861850 8-8878334 8-8894757 8-8911119 8-8927420 8-8943660 8-8959842 8-8975963 8-8992026 8-9008030 8-9023977 8-9039866 9055697 8-907 147j2 9087190 9102853 8-9118460 8-9134012 8-9149509 8-9164952 8-9180340 8-9195675 8-9210957 8-9226186 9241363 8-9256487 8-9271560 8-9286581 8-9301552 8-9316471 8-9331340 8-9346160 8-9360929 8-9375650 8-9390321 8-9404944 8-9419518 Diff. Cotang. Cover 18117 18043 17969 17895 17822 17751 17679 17608 17538 17468 17398 17330 17262 17194 17127 17061 16995 16929 16864 16799 16736 16672 16609 6547 16484 16423 6362 16301 16240 16182 16121 16063 16004 15947 15889 15831 15775 15718 1 5663 15607 15552 15497 15443 1 5388 15335 1 5282 15229 1517 15124 15073 15021 14971 14919 14869 14820 14769 14721 14671 14623 14574 11-1553563 11-1535446 11-1517403 11-1499434 11-1481539 1-1463717 1-1445966 11-1428287 11-1410679 11-1393141 11-1375673 11-1358275 11-1340945 11-1323683 11-1306489 11-1289362 11-127230 11-1255306 11-1238377 11-1221513 1-1204714 11-1187978 11-1171306 11-1154697 11-1138150 11-1121666 11-1105243 11-1088881 11-1072580 11-1056340 11-1040158 11-1024037 11-1007974 11-0991970 11-0976023 11-0960134 11-0944303 11-0928528 11-0912810 11-0897147 11-0881540 11-0865988 11-0850491 11-0835048 11-0819660 1 1 -0804325 1 I -0789043 11-0773814 11-0758637 11-0743513 1-0713419 9-9685967 9-9684612 9-9683256 9-9681901 9-9680544 9-9679188 9-9677831 9-9676474 9-9675116 9-9673758 9-9672399 9-9671041 9-9669681 9-9668322 9-9666961 9-966560 J 9-9664240 9-9662879 9-9661517 9-9660155 9-9658793 9-9657430 9-9656067 9-9654703 9-9653339 9-9651974 9-9650610 9-9649244 9647879 9-9646513 9-9645146 9-9643779 9-9642412 9-9641044 9-9639676 9-9638308 9-9636939 9-9635570 9-9634200 9-9632830 9-9631460 9-9630089 9-9628718 9-9627346 9-9625974 9-9624602 9-9623229 9-9621856 9-9620482 9-9619108 11-0728440 9-9617733 9-9616359 11 -069844819-96 14983 11-0683529 9-9613608 11-0668660 9-9612232 11-0653840 11-0639071 11-0624350 11-0609679 11-0595056 11-0580482 9-9610855 9-9609478 9-9608101 9-9606723 9-9605345 9-9603967 Secant 10-0010592 10-0010681 10-0010770 10-0010859 10-0010948 10-0011038 10-0011129 10-0011220 10-0011311 10-0011402 10-0011494 10-0011586 10-0011679 10-0011772 10-0011865 10-0011959 10-0012053 10-0012147 10-0012242 10-0012337 10-0012433 10-0012529 10-0012625 10-0012722 10-0012819 10-0012916 10-0013014 10-0013112 10-0013210 10-0013309 10-0013409 10-0013508 10-0013608 10-0013708 10-0013809 10-0013910 10-0014012 10-0014114 10-0014216 10-0014318 10-0014421 10-0014525 10-0014628 10-0014732 10-0014837 10-0014942 10-0015047 10-0015152 10-0015258 10-0015364 10-0015471 10-0015578 10-0015685 10-0015793 10-0015901 10-0016010 10-0016119 10-0016228 10-0016337 10-0016447 10-0016558 D Cosine 9-9989408 9-9989319 9-9989230 9-9989141 9-9989052 9-9988962 9-9988871 9-9988780 9-9988689 9-9988598 9-9988506 9-9988414 9-9988321 9-9988228 9-9988135 9-9988041 9-9987947 9-9987853 9-9987758 9-9987663 9-998756 9-9987471 9-9987375 9-9987278 9-9987181 9-9987084 99S69S6 9986888 9-9986790 9-9986691 9-9986591 9-9986492 9-9986392 9986292 9-9986191 9-9986090 9-9985988 9-9985886 9-9985784 9-9985682 9-9985579 9-9985475 9985372 9985268 9-9985163 9-9985058 9-9984953 9-9984848 9-9934742 9-9984636 9-99845LJ9 9-9984422 9-9984315 9-9984207 9-9984099 9-9983990 9-998388 1 9-9983772 9-998366 9-9983553 9-9983442 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 11 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cosine Diff. Secant Covers. Cotang. | Diff. Tang. Verseds.! Cosec. D. Sine r ' Fl S5 Deg (258) 5 Deg. natural sines, &:c Tab. 10. Sine 0871i)5 0874455 '2 0877353 0880251 0883 14H 0886'046' 0888943 0891840 0894738 9 0897635 100900532 0903429 0906326 0909223 0912119 0915016 16 0917913 17 0920809 18 0923706 Du: 0926'602 0929499 0932395 0935291 0938187 0941083 0943979 0946875 0949771 0952666 0955562 0958458 0961353 0964248 0967144 0970039 0972934 0975829 0978724 0981619 0934514 40|0987408 410990303 420993197 430996092 44 0998986 2898 2898 2898 2897 2898 897 2897 2898 2897 2897 2897 2897 2897 2896 2897 2897 2896 2897 2896 2897 2896 2896 2896 2896 2896 2896 2896 2895 2896 2896 2895 2895 289G Covers Cosec. 9128443 9125545 9122647 9119749 9116852 9113954 9111057 9108160 9105262 9102365 9099468 909657 1 9093674 9090777 908788 9084984 9082087 9079191 9076294 9073398 9070501 9067605 9064709 9061813 9058917 9056021 9053125 9050229 9047334 9044438 9041542 1-473713 11-435692 11-397922 11-360402 11-323129 11-286101 11-249316 Tang. Cotang. 9038647 9035752 ^j,o^9032856 2°q^ 9029961 ^*^-^^ 9027068 1001881 1004775 1007669 1010563 1013457 1016351 1019245 1022138 1025032 1027925 1030819 1033712 1036605 1039499 1042392 1045285 2895 2895 2895 2895 2894 2895 2894 2895 2894 2895 2894 2894 2894 2894 2894 2894 2893 2894 2893 2894 2893 2893 2894 2893 2893 Cosine 9024171 9021276 9018381 9015486 9012592 9009697 9006803 9003908 9001014 8998119 8995225 8992331 8989437 8986543 8983649 898075 8977862 8974968 8972075 181 8966288 8963395 896050 8957608 8954715 11-212770 11-176462 11-140389 11-104549 11-068940 11-033560 10-998406 10-963476 10-928768 10-894281 10-86001 1 10-825957 10-792117 10-758488 10-725070 10-691859 10-658854 10-626054 10-593455 10-561057 10-528857 10-496854 10-465046 \G-433431 10-402007 10-370772 10-339726 10-308866 10-278190 10-247697 10-217386 10-187254 10-157300 10-127522 10-097920 10-068491 Dif. 10-039234 10-010147 9-9812291 9-9524787 9-9238943 9-8954744 9-8672176 9-8391227 9-8111880 9-7834124 9-7557944 7283327 9-7010260 9-6738730 9-6468724 9-6200229 9-5933233 9-5667722 Vers. 0874887 0877818 0880749 0883681 0886612 0889544 0892476 0895408 0898341 0901273 0904206 0907138 0910071 0913004 0915938 0918871 0921804 0924738 0927672 0930606 0933540 0936474 0939409 0942344 0945278 0948213 0951148 0954084 0957019 0959955 0962890 0965826 0968763 0971699 0974635 0977572 0980509 0983446 0986383 0989320 0992257 0996194 0998133 1001071 1004009 1006947 1009886 1012824 1015763 1018702 1021641 1024580 1027520 1030460 1033399 1036340 1039280 1042220 1045161 1048101 1051042 Secant Secant 11-430052 n -391885 11-353970 11-316304 11-278885 11-241712 11-204780 11-168089 11-131635 11-095416 11-059431 11-023676 10-988150 10-952850 10-917775 10-882921 10-848288 10-813872 10-779673 10-745687 10-711913 10-678348 10-644992 10-611841 10-578895 10-546151 10-513607 10-481261 10-449112 10-417158 10-385397 10-353827 10-322447 10-291255 10-260249 10-229428 10-198789 10-168332 10-138054 10-107954 10-078031 10-048283 10-018708 9-9893050 9-9600724 9-9310088 9-9021125 9-8733823 9-8448166 9-8164140 9-7881732 9-7600927 7321713 7044075 9-6768000 9-6493475 9-6220486 9-5949022 9-5679068 5410613 9-5143645 Vers. Cotan. 1-003819^ 1-0038454 1-0038711 1-0038969 1-0039227 1-0039486 1-0039747 1-0040008 1-0040270 1-0040533 1-0040796 1-0041061 1-0041326 1-0041592 1-0041859 1-0042127 1-0042396 1-0042666 1-0042937 0043208 1-0043480 1-0043753 1-0044028 1-0044302 1-0044578 1-0044855 1-0045132 1-0045411 1-0045690 1-0045970 1-0046251 1-0046533 1-0046815 1-0047099 1-0047383 1-0047669 1-0047955 1-0048242 1-0048530 1-0048819 1-0049108 1-0049399 1-0049690 1-0049982 1-0050275 1-0050569 1-0050864 1-0051160 1-0051456 1-0051754 1-0052052 1-0052351 1-0052651 1-0052952 1-0053254 1-0053557 1 -0053860 1-0054164 1-0054470 I -0054776 1-0055083 D, Cosine Tang. 0038053 0038307 0038562 0038817 0039074 0039331 0039589 0039848 0040108 0040369 0040630 0040893 0041156 0041420 0041685 0041951 0042217 0042485 0042753 0043022 0043292 0043563 0043835 0044107 0044380 0044655 0044930 0045205 0045482 0045760 0046038 0046317 0046597 0046878 0047160 0047443 0047726 0048010 0048295 0048581 0048868 0049156 0049444 0049734 0050024 0050315 0050607 0050899 0051193 0051487 0051783 0052079 0052375 0052673 0052972 0053271 0053572 0053873 0054175 0054477 0054781 Cosec. 254 255 255 257 257 258 259 260 261 261 263i 263 264 265 266 2661 268 268 269 270 27 272 272 273 275 276 275 277 278 278 279 280 281 282 283 283 284 285 286 287 288 288 290 290 291 292 292 294 294 296 296 296 298 299 299 301 301 302 302 304 Covers 9961947 9961693 9961438 9961183 9960926 3060669 9960411 9960152 9959892 9959631 9959370 9959107 9958844 9958580 9958315 9958049 9957783 9957515 9957247 9956978 9956708 9956437 9956165 9955893 9955620 9955345 9955070 9954795 9954518 9954240 9953962 9953683 9953403 9953122 9952840 9952557 9952274 9961990 9951705 9951419 9951132 9950844 9950556 9950266 9949976 9949685 9949393 9949101 9948807 9948513 9948217 994792 1 994762 9947327 9947028 9946729 9946428 9946127 9iM5825 9945523 9945219 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7. 6 5 4 3 2 1 D. Sine Deg, 84. 5 Deg. LOG. SINES, &;C. (259) Sine Diff. 8-940296'0 9417376 8-9431743 8-9446'0b'3 8-9460335 8-9474561 8-9488739 8-9502871 8-9516957 8-9530996 9544991 8-9558940 9572843 9586703 8-9600517 8-9614288 8-9628014 8-9641697 8-9655337 8-9668934 8-9682487 8-9695999 8-9709468 9722895 8-9736280 8-9749624 8-9762926 9776188 8-9789408 8-9802589 8-9815729 8-9828829 8-9841889 8-9854910 •9867891 8-9880834 •9893737 •9906602 8^9919429 8-9932217 •9944968 8-9957681 8-9970356 9982994 8-9995595 9-0008160 9-0020687 0033179 0045634 9-0058053 9-007Q436 9-0082784 9-0095096 9-0107374 9-0119616 •0131823 •0143996 9-0156135 0168239 9-0180309 9-0192346 Cosine 14416 14367 14320 14272 14226 14178 14132 14086 14039 13995 13949 13903 13860 13814 13771 13726 13683 13640 13597 13553 13512 13469 13427 13385 13344 13302 13262 13220 13lSl 13140 13100 13060 13021 12981 12943 12903 12865 12827 12788 12751 12713 12675 12638 12601 12565 12527 12492 12455 124] 9 12383 12348 12312 12278 12242 12207 12173 12139 12104 12070 12037 Diff. Cosec. 1-0597040 1-0582624 1 •0668257 1-0553937 1-0539665 1-0525439 1-0511261 1-0497129 1-0483043 1-0469004 1-0455009 1-0441060 1-0427157 1-0413297 1-0399483 1-0385712 1-0371986 1-0358303 1-0344663 1-0331066 1-0317513 1-0304001 1-0290532 1-0277105 4-0263720 1-0250376 1-0237074 1-0223812 1-0210592 1-0197411 10184271 1-0171171 1-0158111 1-0145090 1-0132109 1-0119166 1-0106263 1-0093398 1-0080571 1-0067783 1-0055032 1-0042319 1-0029644 1-0017006 1 -0004405 0-9991840 0-9979313 0-9966821 0-9954366 0-9941947 0-9929564 0-9917216 0-9904904 0-9892626 0-9880384 0-9868177 0-9856004 0-9843865 0-9831761 0-9819691 0-9807654 Secant Verseds 7-5803891 7-5832778 7-5861568 7-5890263 7-5918864 7-5947370 7-5975783 7-6004103 7-6032331 7-6060468 7-6088513 7-6116468 7-6144333 7-6172109 7-6199796 7-6227395 7-6254906 7-6282330 7-6309668 7-6336920 7-6364086 7-639 1 ] 67 7-6418164 7-6445078 7-6471908 7-6498655 7-6525320 7-6551903 7-6578404 7-6604825 7-6631166 7-6657427 7-6683608 7-6709711 7-6735735 7-6761682 7-6787550 7-6813342 7-6839058 7-6864697 7-6890260 7-6915749 7-6941162 7-6966502 7-6991767 7-7016959 7-7042078 7-7067124 7-7092098 7-7117001 7-7141832 7-7166592 7-7191281 7-7215900 7-7240450 7^7264930 7-7289341 7-7313683 7-7337958 7-7362164 7-7386303 Tang. 8-9419518 8-9434044 8-9448523 8-9462954 9477338 8-9491676 8-9505967 9520211 8-9534410 8-9548564 8-9562672 9576735 9590754 8-9604728 8-9618659 8-9632545 8-9646388 8-9660188 8-9673944 8-9687658 8^9701 330 8-9714959 9728547 er9742092 8-9755597 8-9769060 8-9782483 8-9795865 8-9809206 8-9822507 8-9835769 8-9848991 8-9862173 8-9875317 8-9888421 9901487 9914514 8-9927503 8-9940454 8-9953367 8-9966243 8-9979081 9991883 9-0004647 9-0017375 9-0030066 9-0042721 9-0055340 9-0067924 9-0080471 0092984 9-0105461 9-0117903 9-0130310 9-0142682 9-0155021 9-0167325 0179594 90191831 9-0204033 9-0216202 Covers, j Cotang. Diff. Tang Ditf. Cotang. Covers. 14526 14479 14431 14384 14338 14291 14244 14199 14154 14108 14063 14019 13974 13931 13886 13843 13800 13756 13714 13672 13629 13588 13545 13505 13463 13423 13382 13341 13301 13262 13222 13182 13144 13104 13066 13027 12989 12951 12913 12876 12838 12802 12764 12728 12691 12655 12619 12684 12547 12513 12477 12442 12407 12372 12339 12304 12269 12237 12202 12169 11-0580482 11-0565956 11-0551477 11-0537046 11-0522662 11-0508324 11-0494033 11-0479789 11-0465590 9 11-0451436 11-0437328 11-0423265 11-0409246 11-0395272 11-0381341 11-0367455 11-0353612 11-0339812 11-0326056 11-0312342 11-0298670 U -0285041 11-0271453 11-0257908 11-0244403 11-0230940 11-0217517 11-0204135 11-0190794 11-0177493 11-0164231 11-0151009 11-0^37827 11-0124683 110111579 11-0098513 11-0085486 U -0072497 11-0059546 11-0046633 11-0033757 11-0020919 11-0008117 10-9995353 10-9982625 10-9969934 10-9957279 10-9944660 10-9932076 rO-99 19529 10-9907016 10-9894539 9 9-9603967 9-9602588 9-9601209 9-9599829 9-9598449 9-9597069 9-9595688 9-9594306 9592925 9-9591543 9-9590160 9-9588777 9-9587394 10-9882097 10-9869690 10-9857318 10-9844979 10-9832675 10-9820406 lQ-9808169 10-9795967 10-9783798 9-9586010 9-9584626 9-9583242 9-9581857 9-9580471 9-9579086 9-9577699 9-9576313 9-9574926 9-9573539 9-9572151 9-9570763 9-9569374 9-9567985 9-9566596 9-9565206 9-9563816 9-9562425 9-9561034 9-9559643 •9558251 9556859 ■9555466 •9554073 •9552680 9551286 •9549892 ■9548497 ■9547102 ■9545706 ■9544311 ■9542914 ■954151 ■9540120 ■9538723 ■9537325 ■9535927 ■9634528 ■9533129 ■9531729 •9530329 •9528929 9-9527528 9-9526127 9-9524725 9-9523323 9-9521921 9-9520518 Verscds. Secant D. Cosine 10^0016558 10-0016668 10^0016780 10-001689 10-0017003 10-0017115 10-0017228 10-0017340 10-0017454 10-0017567 10-0017682 10-0017796 10-0017911 10-0018026 10-0018141 10-0018257 10-0018374 10-0018490 10-0018607 10-0018725 10-0018842 10-0018960 10-0019079 10-0019198 10-0019317 10-0019437 10-0019557 10-0019677 0-0019798 10-0019919 10-0020040 10-0020162 10-0020284 10-0020407 10-0020530 10-0020653 10-0020777 10-0020901 10-0021025 10-0021150 0-002^275 10-0021401 10-0021527 10-0021653 10-0021780 10-0021907 10-0022034 10-0022162 10-0022290 10-0022418 10-0022547 10-0022677 10-0022806 10-0022936 10-0023067 10-0023197 10-0023328 10-0023460 10-0023592 10-0023724 10-0023857 Cosec. D 9-9983442 9-9983332 9-9983220 9-9983109 9-9982997 9-9982885 9-9982772 9-9982660 9-9982546 9-9982433 9-998231 & 9-9982204 9-9982089 9-9981974 9-9981859 9-9981743 9981626 9-9981510 9-9981393 9-9981275 9-9981158 9-9981040 9-9980921 9-9980802 9-9980683 9-9980563 9980443 9980323 9-9980202 9-9980081 9979960 9-9979838 9-9979716 9-9979593 9-9979470 9-9979347 9979223 9-9979099 9-9978975 9-9978850 9-9978725 9-9978599 9-9978473 9-9978347 9-9978220 9-9978093 9-9977966 9-9977838 9-9977710 9-9977582 9-9977453 9977323 9-9977194 9-9977064 9-9976933 9-9976803 9-9976672 9-9976540 9-9976408 9-9976276 9-9976143 Sine 3Lg Deg, 84. (^:6()) 6 Peg. NATUfiAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. Cotang. 9-5I436'45 9-48;8149 9-46141 16 9-4351531 9-4090384 9-3830663 9-3572355 9-3615450 9-3059936 9-2805802 9-2553035 9-2301627 9-2051564 9-1802838 9-1555436 9-1309348 9-1064564 9-0821074 9-0578867 9-0337933 9-0098261 8-9859843 8-9622668 8-9386726 8-9152009 8-8918505 8-8686206 8-8455103 8-8225186 8-7996446 8-7768874 8-7542461 8-7317198 8-7093077 8-6870088 8-6648223 8-6427475 8-6207833 8-5989290 8-5771838 8-5555468 8-5340172 8-5125943 8-4912772 8-4700651 8-4489573 8-4279531 8-4070515 8-3862519 8-3655536 8-3449558 8-3244577 8-3040586 8-2837579 8-2635547 8-2434485 8-2234384 8-2035239 1837041 1639786 8-1443464 Tang. Secant Vers. D. Cosine 0059153 1-0059472 0059792 0060113 0060435 0060757 0055083 0055391 0056699 0056009 0056319 0056631 0056943 0057256 0057570 0057885 0058200 0058517 0058834 0061081 0061405 0061 731 0062057 0062384 0062712 0063040 0063370 0063701 0064032 0064364 0064697 0065031 0065366 0065702 0066039 0066376 0066714 0067054 0067394 0067735 0068077 0068419 0068763 0069108 0069453 0069799 0070146 0070494 0070843 0071193 0071544 0071895 0072248 0072601 0072955 0073310 0073666 0074023 0074380 0074739 0075098 0054781 0055086 0055391 0055697 0056004 0056312 0056621 0056930 0057240 0057552 0057864 0058177 0058490 0058805 0059120 0059437 0059754 0060072 0060390 0060710 0061031 0061352 0061674 0061997 0062321 0062645 0062971 0063297 0063625 0063953 0064281 0064611 0064942 0065273 0065605 0065938 0066272 0066607 0066943 0067279 0067616 0067955 0068294 0068633 0068974 0069315 0069658 0070001 0070345 0070690 0071035 0071382 0071729 0072078 0072427 0072776 0073127 0073479 0073831 0074184 0074538 Cosec. CoversjD. Sine 305 305 306 307 308 309 309 310 312 312 313 313 315 315 317 317 318 31 320 321 321 322 323 324 324 326 326 328 328 328 330 331 331 332 333 334 335 336 336 337 339 339 339 341 341 343 343 344 345 345 347 347 349 349 349 351 352 352 353 354 9945219 9944914 9944609 9944303 9943996 9943688 9943379 54 9943070 9942760 9942448 9942136 9941823 49 9941510 9941195 9940880 9940563 9940246 9939928 9939610 9939290 9938969 9938648 9938326 9938003 99376f 9 36 9937355 9937029 9936703 9936375 9936047 9935719 9935389 9935058 9934727 9934395 9934062 9933728 9933393 9933057 9932721 9932384 9932045 9931706 9931367 9931026 9930685 9930342 9929999 9929655 9929310 9928965 9928618 9928271 9927922 9927573 9927224 9926873 9926521 9926169 9925816 9925462 Deg. 82. 6 Beg:. lOG. SINES, Sec, (Q6\) Sine 9-0192346 9-0204348 9-0216318 9-0228254 9-0240157 9-0252027 9-026'3865 9'0275669 9-0287442 9-0299182 9-0310890 9-0322567 9-0334212 9-0345825 9-0357407 9-0368958 9-0380477 9-0391966 0403424 9-0414852 9-0426249 9-0437617 0448954 9-0460261 0471538 9-0482786 9-0494005 9-0505194 9-0516354 9-0527485 9-0538588 9-0549661 9-0560706 9-0571723 9-0582711 9-0593672 9-0604604 9-0615509 9-0C26386 9-0637235 9-0648057 9-0658852 0669619 9-0680360 Diii' 449-0691074 9-0701761 9-0712421 9-0723055 •0733663 9-0744244 9-0754799 9-0765329 9-0775832 9-0786310 549-0796762 55 9-0807189 56 9-0817590 9-0827966 9-0838317 9-0848643 9-0858945 12002 11970 11936 11903 11870 11838 11804 11773 11740 11708 11677 11645 11613 1 1582 11551 11519 11489 11458 11428 11397 11368 11337 11307 11277 11248 11219 11189 11160 11131 11103 11073 11045 11017 10988 10961 10932 10905 10877 10849 10822 10795 10767 10741 10714 10687 10660 10634 10608 10581 10555 10530 10503 10478 10452 10427 10401 10376 10351 10326 10302 Cosec. 10-9807654 10-9795652 10-9783682 10-9771746 10-9759843 10-9747973 10-973613^ 10-9724331 10-9712558 10-9700818 10-9689110 10-9677433 10-9665788 10-9654175 10-9642593 10-9631042 10-9619523 10-9608034 10-9596576 10-9585148 10-9573751 10-9562383 10-9551046 10-9539739 10-9528462 I0-95I7214 10-9505995 10-9494806 10-9483646 10-9472515 10-9461412 10-9450339 10-9439294 10-9428277 10-9417289 10-9406328 10-9395396 10-9384491 10-9373614 10-936276 10-9351943 10-9341148 10-9330381 10-9319640 10-9308926 10-9298239 10-9287579 10-9276945 10-9266337 10-9255756 10-9245201 10-9234671 10-9224168 10-9213690 10-9203238 10-9192811 10-9182410 10-9172034 10 9161683 10-9151357 10-9141055 Verseds. 7-7386303 7-7410375 7-7434380 7-7458319 7-7482192 7-7505999 7-7529742 7-7553419 7-7577031 7-7600580 7-7624064 7-7647485 7-7670843 7-7694138 7-7717371 7-7740641 T; anir. 7-776364& 9-0406506 7-77S6696 7-7809682 7-7832607 7-7855472 7-7878276 7-7901020 7-7923705 7-7946331 7-7968897 7-7991405 7-8013855 7-8036246 7-8058580 7-8080856 7-8103075 7-8125237 7-8147343 7-8169392 7-8191386 7-8213323 7-8235205 7-8257032 7-8278804 7-8300522 7-8322185 7-8343794 7-8365349 7-8386851 7-8408299 7-8429695 7-8451037 7-8472327 7-8493565 7-8514751 7-8535885 7-8556968 7-8577999 7-8598980 7-8619910 7-8640789 7-8661618 7-8682397 7-8703126 7-8723806 0216202 0228338 9-0240441 9-0252510 9-0264548 9-0276552 9-0288524 9-0300464 9-0312373 9-0324249 9-0336093 0347906 9-0359688 0371439 0383159 9-0394848 Diff, Cotanj 9-0418134 9-0429731 9-0441299 9-0452836 9-0464343 9-0475821 9-0487270 9-0498689 9-0510078 9-0521439 9-053277 9-0544074 9-0555349 9-0566595 9-0577813 9-0589002 9-0600164 9-0611297 0622403 0633482 9-0644533 9-0655556 9-0666553 9-0677522 9-0688465 9-0699381 9-0710270 9-0721133 0731969 9-0742779 9-0753563 0764321 9-0775053 9-0785760 9-0796441 9-0807096 9-0817726 9-0828331 9-0838911 9-0849466 9-0859996 9-0870501 9-0880981 9-0891438 12136 12103 12069 12038 12004 11972 11940 11909 1 1 876 11844 11813 11782 11751 11720 11689 11658 11628 11597 11568 11537 11507 11478 11449 11419 11389 11361 11332 11303 11275 11246 11218 11189 11162 11133 11106 11079 11051 11023 10997 10969 10943 10916 10889 10863 10836 10810 10784 10758 10732 10707 10681 10655 10630 10605 10580 10555 10530 10505 10480 10457 10-9783798 10-9771662 10-9759559 10-9747490 10-9735452 10-9723448 10-9711476 10-9699536 10-9687627 10-9675751 10-9663907 10-9652094 10-9640312 10-9628561 10-9616841 10-9605152 10-9593494 10-9581866 10-9570269 10-9558701 10-9547164 10-9535657 10-9524179 10-9512730 10-9501311 10-9489922 10-9478561 10-9467229 10-9455926 10-9444651 10-9433405 10-9422187 10-9410998 10-9399836 10-9388703 10-9377597 10-9366518 10-9355467 10-9344444 10-9333447 10-9322478 10-9311535 10-9300619 Covers. 10-9289730 10-9278867 10-9268031 10-9257221 10-9246437 10-9235679 10-9224947 10-9214240 10-9203559 10-9192904 10-9182274 10-9171669 10-9161089 10-9150534 10-9140004 10-9129499 10-9119019 10-9108562 9-9520518 9-9519115 9-9517711 9-9516307 9-9514902 9-9513497 9.9512092 9-9510686 9-9509280 9-9507874 9-9506467 9-9505059 9-9503652 9-9502243 9-9500835 9-9499426 9-9498016 9-9496607 9-9495196 9-9493786 9-9492375 9490963 9-9489551 9-9488139 9-9486726 9-9485313 9-9483899 9-9482486 9481071 9-9479656 9478241 9-9476825 9-9475409 9-9473993 9-9472576 9-9471159 9-9469741 9-9468323 9-9466904 9-9465486 9-9464066 9462646 9-9461226 9-9459806 9-9458385 9-9456963 9-9455541 9-9454119 9-9452696 9-9451273 9-9449850 9-9448426 9-9447001 9-9445577 9-9444151 9-9442726 9-9441300 9-9439873 9-9438446 9437019 9435591 ^ecant iO-0023857 10-0023989 10-0024123 10-0024257 10-0024391 10-0024525 10-0024660 10-0024795 10-0024931 10-0025067 10-0025203 10-0025340 10-0025477 10-0025614 10-0025752 10-0025890 10-0026029 10-0026167 10-0026307 10-0026446 10-0026586 10-0026727 10-0026868 10-0027009 10-0027150 10-0027292 10-0027434 10-0027577 10-0027720 10-0027863 10-0028007 10-0028151 10-0028296 10-0028441 10-0028586 10-0028732 10-0028878 10-0029024 10-0029171 10-0029318 10-0029466 10-0029613 10-0029761 10-0029910 10-0030059 10-0030208 10-0030358 10-0030508 10-0030658 10-0030809 10-0030960 10-0031112 10-0031264 10-0031416 10-0031569 10-0031722 10-0031875 10-0032029 10-0032183 10-0033338 10-0032493 D. 132 134 134 134 134 135 135 136 136 136 137 137 137 138 138 139 138 140 139 140 141 141 141 141 142 142 143 143 143 144 144 145 145 145 146 146 146 147 147 147 148 148 149 149 149 150 150 150 151 151 152 152 152 153 153 153 154 154 155 155 Cosine 9-9976143 9-9976011 9-9975877 9-9975743 9-9975609 9-9975475 9-9975340 9-997520 9-9975069 9-9974933 9-9974797 9-9974660 9-9974523 9-9974386 9974248 9-9974110 9-9973971 9-9973833 9-9973693 9-9973554 9-9973414 9-9973273 9-9973132 9-9972991 9-9972860 9-9972708 9-9972566 9-9972423 9-9972280 9-9972137 9-9971993 9-9971849 9-9971704 9971559 9-9971414 9-9971268 9971122 9-9970976 9-9970829 9-9970682 9-9970535 9-9970387 9-9970239 9-9970090 9-9969941 9-9969792 9-9969642 9-9969492 9-9969342 9-9969191 9-9969040 9-9968888 9968736 9-9968584 9-9968431 9-9968278 9-9968125 9-9967971 9967817 9967662 9-9967567 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cosine Diff. Secant Covers. jCotang, Diff rang. |Verseds.| Cosec. D. Sine ' ■ I I I ■ — I ] I III' II... ■■ - . !■ , { Deg. 83. ' (26i) 7 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. 0| 12 186*93 1221 581 1224466 1227355 1230241 1233128 1236015 Sine 1238901 1241783 1244674 1247560 1250446 1253332 1256218 1259104 1261990 1264875 1267761 1270646 1273531 1276416 1279302 1282186 1285071 1287956 1290841 1293725 1296609 1299494 1302378 1305262 1308146 1311030 1313913 1316797 1319681 1322564 1325447 1328330 1331213 1334096 1336979 1339862 1342744 1345627 1348509 1351392 1354274 1357156 1360038 1362919 1365801 1368683 1371564 1374445 1377327 1380208 1383089 1385970 1388850 1391731 Cosine Dit. 2888 2887 2887 2886 2887 2887 2886 2887 2886 '.?886 2886 2886 2886 2886 2886 2885 2886 2885 2885 2885 2886 2884 2885 2885 2885 2884 2884 2885 2884 2884 2884 2884 2883 2884 2884 2883 2883 2883 2883 2883 2883 2883 2882 2883 2882 2883 2882 2882 2882 2881 2882 2882 2881 2881 2882 2881 2881 2881 2880 2881 8781307 8778419 8775532 8772645 8769759 8766872 8763985 8761099 8758212 8755326 8752440 8749554 8746668 8743782 Dif. Covei-j; 8-2055090 8-1861157 8-1668145 8-1476048 8-1284860 8-1094573 8-0905182 8-0716681 8-0529062 8-0342321 8-0156450 7-9971445 7-9787298 7-9604003 8740896 7-9421556 8738010 8735125 8732239 8729354 8726469 8723584 8720698 8717814 8714929 8712044 8709159 8706275 8703391 8700506 8697622 8694738 8691854 8688970 8686087 8683203 8680319 8677436 8674553 8671670 8668787 8665904 8663021 8660138 8657256 8654373 8651491 8648608 8645726 8642844 8639962 8637081 8634199 8631317 8628436 8625555 8622673 8619792 8616911 8614030 8611150 8608269 Vers. Cosec. 7-9239950 7-9059179 7-8879238 7-8700120 7-8521821 7-8344335 7-8167656 7-7991778 7-7816697 7-7642406 7-7468901 7-7296176 7-7124227 7-6953047 7-6782631 7-6612976 7-6444075 7-6275923 7-6108516 7-5941849 7-5775916 7-5610713 7-5446236 7-5282478 7-5119437 7-4957106 7-4795482 7-4634560 7-4474335 7-4314803 7-4155959 7-3997798 7-3840318 7-3683512 7-3527377 7-3371909 7-3217102 7-3062954 7-2909460 7-2756616 7-2604417 7-2452859 7-2301940 7-2151653 7-2001996 7-1852965 Secant Tang. 1227846 1230798 1233752 1236705 1239658 1242612 1245566 1248520 1251474 1254429 1257384 1260339 1263294 1266249 1269205 1272161 1275117 1278073 1281030 1283986 1286943 1289900 1292858 1295815 1298773 1301731 1304690 1307648 1310607 1313566 1316525 1319484 1322444 1325404 1328364 1331324 1334285 1337246 1340207 1343168 1346129 1349091 1352053 1355015 1357978 1360940 1363903 1366866 1369830 1372793 1375757 1378721 138168 1384650 138761 1390580 1393545 1396510 1399476 1402442 1405408 Cotan. Cotang. 8-1443464 8-1248071 8-1053599 8-0860042 8-0667394 8-0475647 8-0284796 0094835 7-9905756 7-9717555 7-9530224 7-9343758 7-9158151 7-8973396 7-8789489 7-8606423 7-8424191 7-8242790 7-8062212 7-7882453 7-7703506 7-7525366 7-7348028 7-7171486 7-6995735 7-6820769 7-6646584 7-6473174 7-6300533 7-6128657 7-5957541 7-5787178 7-5617567 7-5448699 7-5280571 7-5113178 7-4946614 7-4780576 7-4615357 7-4450855 7-4287064 7-4123978 7-3961595 7-3799909 7-3638916 7-3478610 7-3318989 7-3160047 7-3001780 7-2844184 7-2687255 7-2530987 7-2375378 7-2220422 7-2066116 7-1912456 7-1759437 7-1607066 7-1455308 7-1304190 7- 11 53697 Tang. Secant Vers. 1-0075098 1-0075459 1-0075820 1-0076182 1 •0076545 1-0076908 1-0077273 1-0077639 1-0078005 1-0078372 1-0078741 1-0079110 1-0079480 1-0079851 1-0080222 1-0080595 1-0080968 1-0081343 1-0081718 1-0082094 1-0082471 1-0082849 1-0083228 1-0083607 1-0083988 1-0084369 1-0084752 1-0085136 1-0085519 1-0085904 1-0086290 1-0086676 1-0087064 1-0087452 1-0087842 1-0088232 1-0088623 1-0089015 1-0089408 1-0089802 1-0090196 1-0090692 1-0090988 1-0091386 1-0091784 1-0092183 1-0092683 1-0092984 1-0093386 1-0093788 1-0094192 1-0094596 1-0095001 1-0095408 1-0095815 1-0096223 1-0096631 1-0097041 1-0097452 1-0097863 1-0098276 Cosec. D. 0074538 0074893 0075249 0075606 0075963 0076321 0076681 0077041 0077401 0077763 0078126 0078489 0078853 0079218 0079584 0079951 0080318 0080686 0081056 0081426 0081796 0082168 0082541 0082914 0083288 0083663 0084039 0084416 0084794 0085172 0085551 0085931 0086312 0086694 0087077 0087460 0087846 0088230 0088616 0089003 0089390 0089779 0090168 0090558 0090949 0091341 0091734 0092127 0092522 0092917 0093313 0093710 0094107 0094506 0094905 Q095306 0096707 0096109 0096511 0096915 0097319 Cosine 355 '^56 357 357 358 360 360 360 362 363 363 364 365 366 367 367 368 370 370 370 372 373 373 374 375 376 377 378 378 379 380 381 382 383 383 385 385 386 387 387 389 389 390 391 392 393 393 395 395 396 397 397 399 399 401 401 402 402 404 404 Covers 9926462 9925107 9924751 9924394 9924037 9923679 9923319: 9922969 , 9922599 9922237 9921874 9921511 9921147 9920782 9920416. 9920049 - 9919682- 9919314, 9918944 9918674 9918204 9917832 9917469 9917086 9916712 9916337 9915961 9915584; 9915206; 9914828 9914449 9914069 9913688 9913306: 9912923 9912540 25 24 D. 9912165 9911770 9911384 9910997 9910610 9910221 9909832 9909442 9909051 9908669 9908266 9907873 9907478 9907083 9906687 9906290 9905893 9906494 9905095 9904694 9904293 9903891 9903489 9903085 9902681 Sine Dee. 82. L0€. SINES, kc. (^6i Sine IDiff. Cosec. Verseds. Tang. Diff. Cotang. Covers Secant D. Cosine 10276 10252 10227 10203 10179 10155 10130 10107 10082 10059 10036 10011 9989 9965 9942 9919 9896 9873 9850 9828 9805 9783 9760 9738 9716 9694 9672 9650 9628 9607 9585 9563 9542 9521 9500 9479 9457 9437 9416 9395 9374 9354 9334 9313 9292 9273 9252 9233 9212 9193 9173 9153 9133 9114 9095 9075 9056 9036 901 8998 10-9141055 10-9130779 10-9120527 0-9110300 10-9100097 0-9089918 10-9079763 10-9069633 10-9059526 10-9049444 10-9039385 10-9029349 10-9019338 10-9009349 10-8999384 10-8989442 10-8979523 10-8969627 10-8959754 10-8949904 10-8940076 10-8930271 10-8920488 10-8910728 10-8900990 10-8891274 10-8881580 10-8871908 10-8862258 10-8852630 10-8843023 10-8833438 10-8823875 10-8814333 10-8804812 10-8795312 10-8785833 10-8776376 10-8766939 10-8757523 10-8748128 10-8738754 10-8729400 7-8723806 7.8744436 7-8765017 7-8785550 7-8806033 7-8826469 7-8846856 7-8867196 7-8887487 7-8907732 7-8927928 7-8948078 7-8968181 8988238 9008248 9028212 9048130 9068002 9087829 9107610 9127346 9147038 9166684 9186286 9205844 7- 7- 7- 7" 7- 7- 7- 7- 7- 7" 7" 7- 7-9225358 7-9244827 7-9264253 7-9283636 7-9302975 7-9322271 7-9341523 7-9360734 7-9379901 7-9399027 7-9418110 7-9437151 7-9456150 7-9475107 7-9494023 7-9512898 7-9531732 7-9550525 9-0891438 9-0901869 9-0912277 9-0922660 9-0933020 9-0943355 9-0953667 9-096395 9-0974219 0984460 9-0994678 1004872 9-1015044 9-1025192 9-1035317 9-1045420 9-1055500 1065557 9-1075591 9-1085604 9-1095594 9-1105562 9-1115508 9-1125431 9-1135333 1145213 1155072 1164909 1174724 1184518 1194291 10-8720066 7-9569276 10-8710753 10-8701461 10-8692188 10-8682936 10-8673703 10-8664491 10-8655298 10-8646125 10-8636972 10-8627839 10-8618725 10-8609630 10-8600555 10-8591499 10-8582463 10-8573445 10-8564447 7-9587988 7-9606659 7-9625290 7-9643880 7-9662431 7-9680942 7-9699414 7-9717846 7-9736239 7-9754593 7-9772908 7-9791184 7-9809422 7-9827621 7-9845782 7-9863905 7-9881990 9-1204043 9-1213773 9-1223482 9-1233171 1242839 9-1252486 9-1262112 9-1271718 9-1281303 9-1290868 9-1300413 9-1309937 9-1319442 9-1328926 9-1338391 9-1347835 9-1357260 9-1366665 9-1376051 9-1385417 1394764 1404092 9-1413400 9-1422689 9-1431959 9-1441210 9-1450442 9-1459655 9-1468849 9-1478025 10431 10408 10383 10360 10335 10312 10288 10264 10241 10218 10194 10172 10148 10125 10103 10080 10057 10034 10013 9990 9968 9946 9923 9902 9880 9859 9837 9815 9794 9773 9752 9730 9709 9689 9668 9647 9626 9606 9585 9565 9545 9524 9505 9484 9465 9444 9425 9405 9386 9366 9347 9328 9308 9289 9270 9251 9232 9213 9194 9176 10-9108562 J 0-9098 131 10-9087723 10-9077340 10-9066980 10-9056645 10-9046333 10-9036045 10-9025781 10-9015540 10-9005322 10-8995128 10-8984956 10-8974808 10-8964683 10-8954580 10-8944500 10-8934443 10-8924409 10-8914396 10-8904406 10-8894438 10-8884492 10-8874569 10-8864667 10-8854787 10-8844928 10-8835091 10-8825276 10-8815482 10-8805709 10-8795957 10-8786227 10-8776518 10-8766829 10-8757161 10-8747514 10-3737888 10-8728282 10-8718697 10-8709132 10-8699587 10-8690063 10-8680558 10-8671074 10-8661609 10-8652165 10-8642740 10-8633335 10-8623949 10-8614583 10-8605236 10-8595908 10-8586600 10-8577311 10-8568041 10-8558790 10-8549558 10-8540345 10-8531151 10-8521975 9435591 9-9434163 9432736 9-9431306 9-9429876 9-9428447 9-9427016 9-9425586 9-9424155 9-9422723 9-9421291 9-9419859 9-9418426 9-9416993 9-9415560 9-9414126 9412691 9-9411256 9-9409821 9-9408385 9-9406949 9-9405513 9-9404076 9-9402638 9-9401201 9-9399762 9-9398324 9-9396885 9-9395445 9-9394005 9-9392565 9-9391124 9-9389683 9-9388242 9-9386800 9-9385357 9-9383914 9-9382471 9-9381027 9-9379583 9-9378139 '9376694 •9375248 •9373802 •9372356 •9370909 •9369462 •9368015 ■9366567 9-9365119 9-9363670 9-9362220 9-9360771 9-9359321 9-9357870 9-9356419 9-9354968 9-9353516 9-9352064 9-9350611 9-9349158 10-0032493 10-0032648 10-0032804 10-0032960 10-0033116 10-0033273 10-0033430 10-0033588 10-0033746 10-0033904 10-0034063 10-0034222 10-0034381 10-0034541 10-0034701 10-0034862 10-0035023 10-0035184 10-0035345 10-0035507 10-0035670 10-0035833 10-0035996 10-0036159 10-0036323 10-0036487 10-0036652 10-0036817 10-0036982 10-0037148 10-0037314 10-0037481 100037648 10-003781.'] 10-0037983 10-0038151 10-0038319 10-0038488 10-0038657 10-0038826 10-0038996 10-0039166 10-0039337 10-0039508 10-0039679 10-0039851 10-0040023 10-0040196 10-0040369 10-0040542 10-0040716 10-0040889 10-0041064 10-0041239 10-0041414 10-0041589 10-0041765 10-0041941 10-0042118 10-0042295 10-0042472 155 156 156 156 157 157 158 158 158 159 159 159 160 160 161 161 161 161 162 163 163 163 163 164 164 165 165 165 166 166 167 167 167 168 168 168 169 169 169 170 170 171 171 171 172 172 173 173 173 174 173 175 175 175 175 176 176 177 177 177 9-9967507 9-9967352 9-9967196 9-9967040 9-9966884 9-9966727 9-9966570 9-9966412 9-996625^1 9-9966096 9-9965937 9-9965778 9-996561S 9-996545S 9-996529S 9-9965138 9-9964977 9-9964816 9-9964655 9-9964493 9-9964330 9-9964167 9-9964004 9-9963841 9-9963677 9-9963513 9-9963348 9-9963183 9-9963018 9-9962852 9-9962686 9-99625 IS 9-9962355 9-9962182 9-9962017 9-996184E 9-9961681 9-996151!^ 9-9961342 9-996117^ 9-9961004 9-9960834 9-996066S 9-9960495 9-9960321 9-996014S 9-9959977 9-9959804 9-9959631 9-9959458 9-9969284 9-9959111 9-9958936 9-9958761 9-9958586 9-9958411 9-9958235 9-9958059 9-9957882 9-9957705 9-9957628 Cosine Diff. Secant Covers, Cotang. Diff. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine (264) 8 Peg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. ' Sine Dif. Covers Cosec. Tang 1391731 1394612 1397492 1400372 1403252 1406*132 1409012 1411892 1414772 1417651 1420531 1423410 14262S9 1429168 1432047 1434926 1437805 1440684 1443562 1446440 14493)9 1452197 1455075 1457953 1460830 1463708 1466585 1469463 1472340 1475217 1478094 1480971 1483848 1486724 1489601 1492477 1495353 1498230 1501106 1503981 1506857 1509733 1512608 1515484 1518359 1521234 1524109 1526984 1529858 1532733 1535607 1538482 1541356 1544230 1547104 1549978 155285 1555725 1558598 1561472 156434= Cosine 2881 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2879 2880 2879 2879 2879 2879 2879 2879 2879 2878 2878 2879 2878 2878 2878 2877 2878 2877 2878 2877 2877 2877 2877 2877 2876 2877 2876 2875 2876 2876 2875 2876 2875 2875 2875 2875 2874 2875 2874 2875 2874 2874 2874 2874 2873 2874 2873 2874 2873 8608269 8605388 8602508 8599628 8596748 8593868 8590988 8588108 8585228 8582349 8579469 8576590 8573711 8570832 8567953 8565074 8562195 8559316 8556438 8553560 8550681 8547803 8544925 8542047 8539170 8536292 8533415 8530537 8527660 8524783 8o 8519029 516152 2P77 8513276 $"1^8510399 ,,'\ 8507523 ^^^^8504647 8501770 8498894 8496019 8493143 8490267 8487392 8484516 8481641 8478766 8475891 8473016 8470142 8467267 8464393 846151 8458644 8455770 8452896 8450022 8447149 8444275 8441402 8438528 8435655 Dif. Vers. 185296 1704555 1556764 1409587 1263019 1117059 7-0971700 7-0826941 7-0682777 7-0539205 7-0396220 7-0253820 7-0112001 6-9970760 6-9830092 6-9689994 6-9550464 6-9411496 6-9273089 6-9135239 6-8997942 6-8861195 6-8724995 6-8589338 6-8454222 6-8319642 6-8185597 6-8052082 6-7919095 6-7786632 6-7654691 6-7523268 1497484 1405408 1408376 1411342 1414308 1417276 1420243 1423211 1426179 1429147 1432115 1435084 1438053 1441022 1443991 1446961 1449931 1452901 1455872 1458842 1461813 1464784 1467756 1470727 1473699 1476672 1479644 1482617 1485590 1488663 1491536 1494510 6-7392360 6-7261965 6-7132079 6-7002699 6-6873822 6-6745446 6-66 17568 6-6490184 6-6363293 6-6236890 6-6110973 6-5985540 6-5860587 6-5736112 6-5612113 6-5488586 6-5365528 6-5242938 6-5120812 6-4999148 6-4877944 6-4757195 6-4636901 6-4517059 6-4397666 6-4278719 6-4160216 6-4042154 6-3924532 Secant 1500458 1503433 1506408 1609383 1512358 1515333 1518309 1521285 1524262 1527238 1530215 1533192 1536170 1539147 1542125 1545103 1548082 1551061 1564040 1557019 1559998 1562978 1565958 1568939 1571919 1574900 1577881 1580863 1583844 Cotan. Cotang. 7-115369/ 7-1003826 7-0854573 7-0705934 7-0567905 7-0410482 7-0263662 •0117441 -9971806 •9826781 -9682335 •9538473 •9395192 6-9252489 6-9110359 6-8968799 6-8827807 6-8687378 6-8547508 0-8408196 6-8269437 6-8131227 6^7993565 6-7856446 6-7919867 6-7583826 7448318 6-7313341 6-7178891 7044966 6-6911562 6-6646307 6-6514449 6-6383100 6-6252258 6121919 6-5992080 1862739 6-6733892 6-5605538 6-5477672 6-5350293 6-5223396 6-509698 6-4971043 6-4845581 6-4720591 6-4596070 6-4472017 6-4348428 6-4226301 6-4102633 6-3980422 6-3858665 6-3737359 6-3616502 6-3496092 6-3376126 3256601 6-31370 15 Tang. Secant Vers. D. Cosine 0098276 0098689 0099103 0099518 0099934 0100351 0100769 0101187 0101607 0102027 0100997 0102449 0102871 0103294 0097319 0097725 0098131 0098538 0098945 0099354 0099763 0100174 0100585 0101410 0101823 0102238 0103718 0104143 0104568 0104995 0105422 0105851 0106230 0106710 0107141 0107573 0108006 0108440 0108875 0109310 0109747 0110184 0110622 0111061 0111501 0111942 0112384 0112827 0113270 0113715 0114160 0114606 0115054 0115502 0115951 0116400 0116851 0117303 0117755 0118209 0118663 0119118 0119576 0120032 0120489 0120948 0121408 0121869 0122330 0122793 0123256 0123720 0124185 1-0124651 0102653 0103069 0103486 0103904 0104323 0104742 0105162 0105584 0106006 0106428 0106852 0107277 0107702 0108128 0108555 0108983 0109412 0109841 0110272 0110703 0illl35 0111568 0112002 0112436 0112872 0113308 0113745 0114183 0114622 0115061 0115502 0115943 0116385 0116828 0117272 0117716 0118162 0118608 0119055 0119503 0119952 0120401 0120852 0121303 0121755 0122208 0122662 0123117 406 406 407 407 409 409 411 411 412 413 413 415 415 416 417 418 419 419 420 422 422 422 424 425 425 426 42 428 429 429 431 431 432 433 434 434 436 436 437 438 439 439 441 441 442 443 444 444 446 446 447 448 449 449 451 451 452 453 454 455 990268 1 9902275 9901869 9901462 9901055 9900646 9900237 9899826 9899415 9899003 9898590 9898177 98^7762 48 9897347 9896931 98.96514 9896096 9895677 9895258 9894838 9894416 9893994 9893572 9893148 9^92723 9892298 9891872 9891445 9891017 9890588 9890159 9889728 9889297 ■9888865 9888432 9887998 9887564 9887128 9886692 9886255 9885817 9885378 9884939 9884498 9884057 9883615 9883172 9882728 9882284 988183841 9881392 9880945 9880497 9880048 9879599 9879148 9878697 9878246 9877792 9877338 9876883 Cosec. Covers D. Sine 1)62. 81. 8 Deer. LOG. SINES, &C. Sine Dif. Cosec. Verseds, Tang. Dif. Cotana;. Covers. Secant D. Cosine 9-1435553 9-1444532 9-1453493 9-1462435 9-1471358 9-1480262 9-1489148 9-1498015 9-1506«64 9-1515694 9-1524507 9-1533301 9-1542076 13 9-1550834 14 9-1559574 9-1568296 9-1577000 9-1585686 9-1594354 9-1603005 9-1611639 9-1620254 9-1628853 23 9-1637434 24 9-1645998 1654544 1663074 1671586 1680081 1688559 1697021 1705465 1713893 9-1722305 9-1730699 9-1739077 9-1747439 •1755784 •1764112 9-1772425 1780721 9-1789001 1797265 1805512 9-1813744 9-1821960 9-1830160 9-1838344 9-1846512 9-1854665 9-1862802 9-1870923 9-1879029 9-1887120 9-1895195 9-1903254 91911299 9-1919328 9-1927342 9-193534 1943324 8979 3961 8942 8923 8904 8886 8867 8849 8830 8813 8794 8775 8758 8740 8722 8704 8686 8668 8651 8634 8615 8599 8581 8564 8546 8530 8512 8495 8478 8462 8444 8428 8412 8394 8378 8362 8345 8328 8313 8296 8280 8264 8247 8232 8216 8200 8184 8168 8153 8137 8121 8106 8091 8075 8059 8045 8029 8014 7999 7983 10-8564447 0-8555468 10-8546507 10-8537565 10-8528642 10-8519738 10-8510852 10-8501985 10-8493136 10-8484306 10-8475493 10-8466699 10-8457924 10-8449166 10-8440426 10-8431704 10-8423000 7-9881990 7-9900038 7-9918047 7-9936020 7-9953955 7-9971853 7-9989713 8-0007537 8-0025325 8-0043076 8-0060790 8-0078468 8-0096110 8-0113716 8-0131287 8-0148822 8-0166321 10-8414314 8-0183785 10-8405646 8-0201213 10-8396995 10-8388361 10-8379746 10-8371147 10-8362566 r()-8354002 10-8345456 10-8336926 10-8328414 10-8319919 10-8311441 10-8302979 10-8294535 10-8286107 10-8277695 10-8269301 10-8260923 10-8252561 10-8244216 10-8235888 10-8227575 10-8219279 10-8210999 10-8202735 10-8194488 10-8186256 10-8178040 10-8169840 10-8161656 10-8153488 10-8145335 10-8137198 10-8129077 10-8120971 10-8112880 10-8104805 10-8096746 10-8088701 10-8080672 10-8072658 10-806465 10-8056676 8-0218607 8-0235965 8-0253289 0270587 8-0287833 8-0305053 8-0322239 8-0339391 8-0356508 8-0373592 8-0390643 8-0407659 8-0424642 8-0441592 8-0458509 8-0475393 8-0492243 8-0509061 8-0525846 8-0542599 -0559319 8-0576007 8-0592663 •0609286 8-0625878 8-0642438 8-0658966 0675463 8-0691928 8-0708362 8-0724764 8-0741136 8-0757476 8-0773786' 8-0790065 8-0806313 Cosine Dif. Secant 9 9 9 8-0822531 9' •0838718 9 8-0854875 8-0871002 8-0887099 8-0903166 Covers. Cotanir 1478025 1487182 1496321 1505441 1514543 1523627 1532692 1541739 1550769 1559780 1 5G8773 1577748 1586706 1595646 1604569 1613473 1622361 1631231 1640083 1648919 1657737 1666538 1675322 1684089 ■1692839 1701572 •1710289 ■1718989 •1727672 ■1736338 ■1744988 1753622 ■1762239 ■1770840 •1779425 •1787993 •17.96546 1805082 1813602 1822106 1830595 1839068 1847525 1855966 1864392 1872802 1881196 1889575 1897939 1906287 1914621 1922939 1931241 1939529 1947802 1956059 1964302 1972530 1980743 19889 1997125 9157 9139 9120 9102 9084 9065 9047 9030 9011 8993 8975 8958 8940 8923 8904 8870 8852 8836 8818 8801 8784 8767 8750 8733 8717 8700 8683 8666 8650 8634 8617 8601 8585 8553 8536 8520 8504 8489 8473 8467 8441 8426 8410 8394 8379 8364 8348 8334 8318 8302 8288 8273 8257 8243 8228 8213 8198 8184 10-8521975 10-8512818 10-8503679 10-8494559 10-8485457 10-8476373 10-8467308 10-8458261 10-8449231 10-8440220 10-8431227 10-8422252 10-8413294 10-8404354 10-8395431 10-8386527 10-8377639 10-8368769 10-8359917 10-8351081 10-8342263 10-8333462 10-8324678 10-8315911 10-8307161 10-8298428 10-8289711 10-8281011 10-8272328 10-8263662 10-8255012 10-8246378 10-8237761 10-8229160 10-8220575 10-8212007 10-8203454 10-8194918 10-8186398 10-8177894 10-8169405 10-8160932 10-8152475 10-8144034 10-8135608 10-8127198 10-8118804 10-8110425 10-8102061 10-8093713 1 10-8085379 10-8077061 10-8068759 10-8060471 10-8052198 10-8043941 10-8035698 10;8027470 10-8019257 10-8011059 n 0-8002875 Dif. 9-9349158 9-9347705 9-9346251 9344797 9343342 9-9341887 9-9340431 9-9338975 9337518 9336062 9-9334604 9-9333146 9-9331688 9-9330230 9-9328771 93273 J 1 9-9325851 9324391 9-9322930 9-9321469 9-9320007 9-9318545 9-9317083 9-9315620 9-9314156 9-9312693 9-9311228 9-9309764 9-9308299 9-9306833 9305367 9-9303901 9-9302434 9-9300967 9-9299499 9-929803 9-9296563 9-9295094 9-9293624 9-9292155 9-9290684 9-9289214 9-9287743 9-928627 9-9284799 9-9283327 9-9281854 9-9280380 9-9278907 9-9277433 9-9275958 9-9274483 9-9273008 9-9271532 9-9270055 9-92r;8579 9-9267101 9-9265624 9-9264146 9-9262667 9-9261188 TaniT. 10-0042472 10-0042650 10-0042828 10-0043007 10-0043185 10-0043365 0-0043544 10-0043724 10-0043905 10-0044085 10-0044266 10-0044448 10-0044630 10-0044812 10-0044995 10-0045178 10-0045361 10-0045545 10-0045729 10-0045913 10-0046098 10-0046283 10-0046469 10-0046655 10-0046841 10-0047028 10-0047215 10-0047403 10-0047591 10-0047779 10-0047967 10-0048156 10-0048346 10-0048536 10-0048726 10-0048916 10-0049107 10-0049298 10-0049490 10-0049682 10-0049874 10-0050067 10-0050260 10-0050454 10-0050648 10-0050842 10-0051036 10-0051231 10-0051427 10-0051623 10-0051819 10-00o2015 10-0052212 10-0052409 10-0052607 10-0052805 10-0053003 10-0053202 10-0053401 10-0053601 10-0053801 178 178; 178; 180 179 180' 181 180 ; 181 182 182 182 83 183; 183; 184; 184; 184 185 185 186 186 186 187 187 188 188 188 188 189 190; i9o; 190 ; i9o; 191 191 192; 192 192 193 193 194 194 194 194; 195; 196 196 196 196 197 197 198 198 198 199 199 200; 200 Mseds Co>tc. (^66) 9 Deg. NATURAL sines, &c. Tab. 10. 'I'Sine Oif. Covers| Cosec. Tang I.St>72l8 1570091 157296';? 1575836 1578708 I58158I 1584453 1587325 590197 593069 1595940 1598312 1601683 160455 1607426 I6I0297 1613167 1616038 1618909 1621779 1624650 1627520 1630390 1633260 1636129 1638999 1641868 1644738 1647607 650476 653345 1656214 1659082 1661951 1664819 \6676S7 1670556 1673423 1676291 1679159 1682026 1684894 1687761 1690628 1693495 1696362 1699228 1702095 1704961 1707828 1710694 1713560 1716425 1719291 722156 1725022 1727887 1730752 1733617 1736482 Cosine 8435656 8432782 8429909 8427037 8424164 8421292 8418419 8415547 8412675 8409803 8406931 8404060 8401188 8398317 8395445 8392574 8389703 8386833 8383962 2873 2873 2872 2873 2872 2873 2872 2872 2872 2872 2871 2872 2871 2R72 2871 2871! 2870] 2871 2871 yj,7 '8381091 ^^^?!8378221 '^;'!8375350 ^pl 8372480 ^"^"8369610 ^«^^|8366740 I8363871 8361001 8358132 8355262 8352393 8349524 18346655 8343786 8340918 8338049 8335181 8332313 8329444 2ggg 8326577 28701 2869 2870: 2869 2869 2869 2869 2868 2869 2868 2868 2869 2867 2868 2867 2868 2867 2867 2867 2867 2866 2867 2866 2867 2866 2866 2865 2866 2865 2866 2865 286! 286: 286.- 8323709 8320841 8317974 8315106 8312239 8309372 8306505 8303638 8300772 8297905 8295039 8292172 8289306 8286440 8283575 8280709 8277844 8274978 8272113 8269248 8266383 8263518 6-3.724532 6-3807347 6-3690595 6-3574276 6-3458386 6-3342923 6-3227884 6-3113269 6-2999073 6-2885295 6-2771933 6-2658984 6-2546446 6-2434316 6-2322594 6-2211275 6-2100359 6-1989843 1879725 6-1770003 6-1660674 6-1551736 6-1443189 6-1335028 6-1227253 6-1119861 6-1012850 6-0906219 6-0799964 6-0694085 6-0588580 6-0483445 6-0378680 6-0274282 6-0170250 ■0066581 5-9963274 6-9860326 5-9757737 5-9656504 9553625 5-9452098 -9350922 5-9260095 5-5149614 5-9049479 5-8949688 5-8850238 5-8751128 5-8652356 6-8553921 5-8455820 5-8358053 5-8260617 5-8163510 5-8066732 6-7970280 5-7874153 5-7778350 5-7682867 5-7687705 Dif. Vers. Secant 1683844 1586826 1589809 1692791 1595774 1698757 1601740 1604724 1607708 1610692 1613677 1616662 1619647 1622632 1625618 1628603 1631690 1634576 1637563 1640550 1643537 1646626 1649513 1652501 1655489 1658478 1661467 1664456 1667446 1670436 1673426 1676417 1679407 1682398 1685390 1688381 1691373 1694366 1697358 1700351 1703344 1706338 1709331 1712325 1715320 1718314 1721309 1724304 1727300 1730296 1733292 1736288 1739285 1742282 1745279 1748277 1751276 1764273 1757272 1760271 1763270 Cotan. Cotang. 6-3137516 6-3018866 6-2900651 6-2782868 6-2665516 6-2548588 6-2432086 6-2316007 6-2200347 6-2085106 6-1970279 6-1856867 6-1741865 6-1628272 6-161608 6-1402303 6-1289923 6-1177943 6-1066360 6-0955174 6-0844381 6-0733979 6-0623967 6-0514343 6-0405103 6-0296247 6-0187772 6-0079676 5-9971957 5-9864614 5-9767644 5-965104 6-9544816 6-9438952 5-9333456 5-9228322 5-9123550 5-9019138 5-8915084 5-8811386 5-8708042 5-8605051 6-8502410 5-8400117 5-8298172 6-8196672 6-8095315 6-7994400 5-7893825 5-7793588 6-76936'88 5-7594122 6-7494889 5-7395988 5-7297416 5-7199173 5-7101256 5-70036ft3 5-6906394 5-6809446 5-6712818 'J ar.j<. Secant 0124651 0125118 0125386 0126056 0126524 0126995 0127466 0127939 0^28412 0128886 0129361 0129837 0130314 0130791 0131270 0131760 0132230 0132711 0133194 0133677 0134161 0134646 0135132 0135618 0136106 0136595 0137084 0137674 0138066 0138568 0139051 0139545 0140040 0140536 0141032 0141530 0142029 0142528 0143028 0143630 0144032 0144535 0145039 0146644 0146060 0146566 0147064 0147672 0148082 0148692 0149103 0149616 0160129 0150643 0151158 0151673 0152190 0162708 0163226 0153746 0154266 Cosec. Vers. D. Cosine ' 0123117 0123572 0124028 0124486 0124943 0125402 0125862 0126322 0126784 0127246 0127709 0128173 0128637 0129103 0129569 0130036 0130504 0130973 0131443 0131913 0132386 0132857 0133330 0133804 0134278 0134764 0135230 0135707 0136185 0136664 0137144 0137625 0138106 0138588 0139071 0139656 0140040 0140526 0141012 0141499 0141987 0142476 0142965 0143456 0143947 0144439 0144932 0145426 0145921 0146417 0146913 0147410 0147908 0148407 0148907 0149407 0149909 0150411 0150914 0161418 0161922 465 456 458 457 459 460 460 462 462 463 464 464 466 466 467 4G8 469 470 470 472 472 473 474 474 476 476 477 478 479 480 481 481 482 483 484 485 485 487 487 488 :489 489 491 491 492 493 494 495 496 496 497 498 499 600 500 502 502 603 604 504 Covers D. Sine 9876883 9876428 9875972 9875614 9875057 9874598 9874138 9873678 9873216 9872754 9872291 9871827 9871363 9870897 9870431 9869964 9869496 9869027 9868667 42 9868087 9867616 9867143 9866670 9866196 9865722 9865246 9864770 9864293 9863815 9863336 9862856 9862375 9861894 9861412 9860929 9860445 9859960 9869475 23 9858988 9858501 9858013 9857624 9867035 9856544 9856053 9856561 98550G8 9854574 9854079 9853583 9853087 9852590 9862092 9851693 9851093 9350693 9850091 9849589 9849086 9848682 9848078 T^piT sii) 9 T)c^. LOG. SINES, kc. (2( 8ine 9-1943324 19-1951293 2 9-1959247 3 9-1967186 4 9-1975110 5 9-1983019 6 9-1990913 7 9-1998793 8 9-2006658 9 9-2014509 10 9-2022345 119-2030167 12 9-2037974 13 9-2045766 14 9-2053545 15 9-2061309 16 9-2069059 9-2076795 9-2084516 9-2092224 9-2099917 9-2107597 9-2115263 9-2122914 9-2130552 9-2138176 9-2145787 9-2153384 9-2160967 9-2168536 9-2176092 9-2183635 32 9-2191164 33 9-2198680 34 9-2206182 35 9-2213671 36 9-2221147 37 9-2228609 38 9-2236059 39 9-2243495 40 9-2250918 41 9-2258328 42 9-2265725 43 9-2273110 44 9-2280481 45 9-2287839 2295185 9-2302518 9-2309838: 9-2317145 9-2324440 9-2331722 9-2338992 9-2346249 9-2353494 9-2360726 9-2367946 9-2375153 9-2382349 9 2389532 9-2396702 Cosine Dit. 7969 7954 7939 7924 7909 7894 7880 7865 7851 7836 7822 7807 7792 7779 7764 7750 7736 7721 7708 7693 7680 7666 7651 7638 7624 7611 7597 7583 7o69 7556 7543 7529 7516 7502 7489 7476 7462 7450 7436 7423 7410 7397 7385 7371 7358 7346 7333 7320 7307 7295 7282 7270 7257 7245 7232 7220 7207 7196 7183 7170 Dit. Cosec. 10-8056676 10-8048707 10-8040753 10-8032814 10-8024890 10-8016981 10-8009087 10-8001207 10-7993342 10-7985491 10-7977655 10-7969833 10-7962026 10-7954234 10-7946455 10-7938691 10-7930941 10-7923205 10-7915484 10-7907776 10-7900083 10-7892403 10-7884737 10-7877086 10-7869448 10-7861824 10-7854213 10-7846616 10-7839033 10-7831464 10-7823908 10-7816365 10-7808836 10-7801320 10-7793818 10-7786329 10-7778853 10-7771391 10-7763941 10-7756505 10-7749082 10-7741672 10-7734275 10-7726890 10-7719519 10-7712161 10-7704815 10-7697482 10-7690162 10-7682855 10-7675560 10-7668278 10-7661008 10-7653751 10-7646506 10-7639274 10-7632054 10-7624847 10-761765! 10-7610468 10-7603298 Versed!- 8-0903166 8-0919203 8-0935210 8-0951188 8-0967136 8-0983055 8-0998944 8-1014804 8-1030635 8-1046437 1062211 1077955 8-1093671 8-1109358 8-1125017 1 140647 8-1156249 8-1171823 8-1187369 8-1202887 8-1218377 8-1233840 8-1249274 8-1264681 8-1280061 8-1295413 8-1310738 8-J 326036 1341307 8-1356551 8-1371768 8-1386958 1402121 8-1417258 8-1432368 8-1447452 8-1462510 8-1477541 8-1492546 1507525 8-1522478 1 537405 8-1552307 8-1567182 8-1582032 8-1596857 8-1611656 8-1626430 8-1641178 8-1655902 8-167060G 8-1685273 1699921 1714545 8-1729144 8-17437I8 8-1758267 8-1772792 8-1787292 8-1801768 8-1816220 Tanir. 9-1997125 9-2005294 9-2013449 9-2021588 9-2029714 9-203782^ 9-2045922 9-2054004 2062072 9-2070126 9-2078165 9-2086191 9-2094203 9-2102200 9-2110184 9-2118153 9-2126109 9-2134051 9-2141980 9-2149894 9-2157795 9-2165683 9-2173556 9-2181417 9-2189264 9-2197097 •2204917 9-2212724 9-2220518 9-2228298 9-2236065 9-2243819 2251561 9-2259289 9-2267004 9-2274706 9-2282395 9-2290071 9-2297735 2305386 9-2313024 9-2320650 9-2328262 9-2335863 343451 9-2351026 9-2358589 9-2366139 9-2373678 9-2381203 9-2388717 9-2396218 9-2403708 9-2411185 9-2418650 9-2426103 2433543 9-2440972 2448389 9-2455794 9-2463188 Dn: 8169 8155 8139 8126 8111 8097 8082 8068 8054 8039 8026 8012 7997 7984 7969 7956 7942 7929 7914 7901 7888 7873 7861 7847 7833 7820 7807 7794 7780 7767 7754 7742 7728 7715 7702 7689 7676 7664 7651 7638 7626 7612 7601 7588 7575 7563 7550 7539 7525 7514 7501 7490 7477 465 7453 7440 7429 7417 7405 7394 Cotang. 10-8002875 iO-79«4706 10-7986551 10-7978412 10-7970286 10-7962175 10-7954078IS 10-7945996 10-7937928 10-7929874 10-7921835 10-7913809 10-7905797 10-7897800 10-7889816 10-7881847 10-7873891 10-7865949 10-7858020 10-7850106 10-7842205 10-7834317 10-7826444 10-7818583 10-7810736 10-7802903 10-7795083 10-7787276 10-7779482 10-7771702 10-7763935 10-7756181 10-7748439 10-7740711 10-7732996 10-7725294 10-7717605 10-7709929 10-7702265 10-7694614 10-7686976 10-7679350 10-7671738 10-7664137 10-7656549 10-7643974 10-7641411 10-7633861 10-7626322 10-7618797 10-7611283 10-7603782 10-7596292 10-7588815 10-7581350 10-7573897 10-7566457 10-7559028 10-7551611 10-7544206 10-7536812 Secant Covers. Cotang. Uit. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine Covers. 9-92flll88 9-9259709 9-9258229 9-9256749 9-9256268 9-9253787 9252306 1-9250824 '-924934 1 1-9247858 1-9246375 1-9244891 '•9243407 '•9241922 9-9240437 '•9238952 '-9237466 '-9235980 9-9234493 9-9233006 9231518 9-9230030 9-9228541 9-9227052 9-9225563 •9224073 ■9222583 •9221092 •9219601 ■9218109 ■9216617 921512 9213632 9212138 9210644 9-9209150 9-9207656 9-9206160 9-9204665 9-92031 9-9201672 9-9200175 9-9198678 9-9197180 9-9195682 9-9194183 9-9192684 9-9191185 9-9189685 9-9188184 9-918S683 9185182 9-9183680 9-9182178 9180675 9-9179172 9-9177669 9176165 9-9174660 9-9173155 9-9171650 Secant D. Cosine 10-0053801 10-0054001 10-0054202 10-0054403 10-0054604 10-0054806 10-0055008 10-0055211 10-0055413 10-0055617 10-0055820 10-0056025 10-0056229 10-0056434 10-0056639 10-0056844 10-0057050 10-0057257 10-0057463 10-0057670 10-0057878 10-0058086 10-0058294 10-0058502 10-0058711 J 0-0058921 10-0059130 10-0059341 10-0059551 10-0059762 10-0059973 10-0060185 10-0060397 10-0060609 10-0060822 10-0061035 10-0061248 100061462 100061676 10-0061891 10-0062106 10-0062321 10-0062537 10-0062753 10-0062970 10-0063187 10-0063404 10-0063622 10-0063840 10-0064058 10-0064277 10-0064496 10-0064715 10-0064935 10-0065156 10-0065376 10-0065597 10-0065819 10-0066041 10-0066263 10-0066485 200 201 201 201 202 202 203 202 204 203 20 204 205 205 205 206 207 206 207 208 208 208 208 209 210 209 211 210 211 211 212 212 212 213 213 213 214 214 215 215 215 216 216 217 217 217 21^ 218 218 219 219 219 220 221 220 221 222 222 222 222 9-9946191 9-994599! 9-994579J 9-994559; 9-9945391 9-994519 9-994499: 9-994478! 9-994458; 9-994438; 9-99441 8( 9-994397J 9-994377 9-9943561 994336 9-9943151 9 -9942951 9-994274: 9-994253; 9-9942331 9-994212: 9-99419 r 9-994170( 9-994149! 9-994128! 9-994107! 9-994087( 9-994065! 9-994044! 9-9940231 9-994002; 9-99398 li 9-993960; 9-993939 9-993917! 9-993896; 9-993875: 9938531 9-993832^ 9-993810! 9-993789^ 993767J 9-993746; 9-993724; 9-993703( 9-99368 K 9-993659( 9-993637J 9-9936l6( 9-993594i 9-993572C 9-993550^ 9-993528i 9-993506; 993484^ 9-993462^ 9-993440^ 9-99:^41 81 9-993395} 9-993373; 9-993351J 3 M 9, Deix. i (2^8) 10 Peg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. Sine 0|I7364H*i \7i9:i4H 174221 1 1 74507:. 1747939 I75080.i I753(>67 1756531 1759395 1 76'i25H 1 765121 17f;79«i 1770847 1773710 1776&7S 1 779435 178229H 1785160 1788022 1790884 \79.i746 1 79S607 1799469 1802330 1805191 1808052 1810913 1813774 1816635 1819495 1822355 825215 1828075 1830935 18 53795 836654 839514 1842373 1845232 848091 1850949 1853808 1856666 859524 1862382 865240 186809M 187095f! 187381 < 187667(1 1879528 1882385 1885241 1888098 1890954 189381 1 1896667 1899523 ; 902379 1905234 1908090 Dit. 2864 2865 2864 2864 2864 2864 ^864 2864 2863 2863 2863 2863 2863 2863 2862 2863 2862 2862 2862 2862 2861 2862 2861 2861 2861 2861 2861 2861 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2859 2860 2859 2859 2859 2858 2859 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 2858 2857 2857 ■2858 2857 2856 2857 285G 2857 2856 2856 2856 '2855 ■2856 osine 8263518 8260654 8257789 8254925 8252061 8249 197 8246333 8243469 8240605 8237742 8234879 8232016 5-6561 584 Cu vol's Dif. 8229153 8226290 8223427 822056 8217702 8214840 8211978 8209116 82061/54 8203-93 8200531 8197670 8194809 8191948 8189087 8186226 8183365 8180505 8177645 8174785 81719^f5 169065 8166205 8163346 8160486 8157627 8154768 8151909 8149051 8146192 8143334 8140476 8137618 813476<' 813190'i 129044 8126187 8123330 8120472 8117615 8114759 8111902 8109046 8106189 8103333 100477 8097621 8094766 ^09 19 1 ( Cosec. 5-7587705 5-7492861 5-739833.0 5-7304121 5-7210223 5-7116636 5-7023360 5-6930393 5-6837734 5-674538( 5-6653331 5-6470 14( 5-6378995 5-6288148 5-619759 5-610734', 5-6017386 5-5927719 5-5838343 5-5749258 5-566046( 5-5571951 5-5483726 5-5395786 5-5308129 5-5220754 5-5133659 5-5046843 5-4960305 5-4874043 5-4788056 5-4702342 5-4616901 5-4531731 5-4446831 5-4362199 5-4277835 5-4193737 5-4109903 5-4026333 5-3943026 5-3859979 5-3777192 5-3694664 5-3612393 5-3530379 5-3448620 5-3367114 5-3285861 5-3204860 5-3124109 5-3043608 5-2963354 5-2883347 5-2803587 5-2724070 5-2644798 5-2565768 5-2486979 2408431 Vers. Secant Tang. 1763270 1766269 1 769269 1 772269 1775270 1778270 1781271 1784273 1787274 1790276 1793279 1796281 1799284 1802287 180529 1 808295 1811299 1814303 1817308 1820313 1823319 1826324 1829330 1832337 1835343 1838350 1841358 1844365 1 847373 1850382 1853390 1856399 1859409 1862418 1865428 1868439 1871449 1874460 1877471 1880483 1883495 1886507 1889520 1892533 1895546 1898559 1901573 1904587 1907601^ 1910617 1913632 1916648 1919664 1922680 1925696 1928713 1931731 934748 1937786 1940784 1943303 Cotaiig Cotan, 5-6712818 5-6616509 5-6520516 5-6424838 5-6329474 5-6234421 5-6139680 5-6045247 5-595112 5-5857302 5-5763786 5-5670574 5-5577663 5-5485052 5-5392740 5-5300724 5-5209005 5-5117579 5-5026446 5-4935604 5-484^052 5-4754788 5-4664812 5-4575121 5-4485715 5-4396592 5-4307750 5-4219188 5-4130906 5-4042901 5-3955172 5-3867718 5-3780^38 5-3693630 5-3606993 5-3520626 5-3434527 5-3348696 5-326313 5-3177830 5-3092793 5-3008018 5-292350 5-283925 5-2755255 5-2671517 5-2588035 5-2504309 5-2421836 5-2339116 5-2256647 5-2174423 5-2092459 201 073 H 1929264 1848035 1767051 5-1686311 5-1605813 5-1525557 ">-!44554C Secant l ang. 1-0154266 1-0154787 1-0155310 1-0155833 1-0156357 1-0156882 1-0157408 1-0157934 1-0158462 1-0158991 I -01 59520 1-0160050 1-0160582 1-0161114 1-0161647 1-0162181 1-0162716 1-0163252 1-0163789 1-0164327 i -01 64865 1-0165405 1-0165946 1-0166487 1-0167029 1-0167573 I-OI68II7 i -01 68662 1-0169208 1-0169755 1-0170303 1-0170851 1-0171401 1-0171952 1-0172503 1-0173056 1-0173609 1-0174163 1-0174719 1-0175275 1-0175832 1-0176390 1-0176949 1-0177509 1-0178069 1-0178631 1-0179194 1-0179757 i -01 80321 1-0180887 1-0181453 1-0182020 1-0182588 1-0183158 1-0183728 1-0184298 0184870 1-0185443 1-0186017 1-0186591 1-0187167 Ve rs. 0151922 0152428 0152934 0153442 0153950 0154458 0154968 0155479 0155990 0156502 0157015 0167529 0158044 0158559 0159076 0159593 0160111 0160630 0161150 0161670 0162192 0162714 0163237 0163761 0164285 0164811 0165337 0165864 0166392 0166921 0167451 0167981 0168513 0169045 016957 0170112 0170647 0171182 0171718 0172256 0172794 0173332 0173872 0174413 017495 017549 0176039 0176583 0177127 0177673 0178219 0178766 0179314 0179863 0180413 0180963 0181515 0182067 0182620 0183174 0183728 D. Cosec. iCoverslD. 506 506 508 508 508 510 511 511 512 513 514 515 515 517 517 518 619 520 52C 522 522 523 524 524 526 526 527 528 529 530 530 532 532 533 534 535 536 536 538 538 538 540 541 541 542 543 544 544 546 546 547 548 549 550 550 552 552 553 554 554 Cosi ne 9848078 9847572 9847066 9846558 9846050 9845542 9845032 9844521 9844010 9843498 9842985 9842471 9841956 9841441 9840924 9840407 9839889 9839370 9838850 9838330 9837808 9837286 9836763 ^36239 9835715 9835189 9834663 9834136 9833608 9833079 9832549 9832019 9831487 9830955 9830422 9829888 9829353 9828818 9828282 9827744 9827206 9826668 9826128 9825587 9825046 9824504 9823961 9823417 9822873 9822327 9821781 9821234 9820686 9820137 9819587 9819037 9818485 9817933 9817380 9816826 9816272 Sine Deff. 70. 10 Deg. LOG. SINES, Sec, (2i Sine 9-2395702 9-2403861 9-2411007 9-2418141 9-2425264 9-2432374 9-2439472 9-2446'558 9-2453632 9-2460695 9-2467746 Dif 7159 7146 7134 7123 7110 7098 7086 7074 700,! I !|705 9-2523729 9-2530676 9-2474784 9-248 la 11 9-24B8827 9-2495830 9-2502822 9-2509803 17 9-2516772 18 19 20 9-2537609 21 9-2544532 22 9-2551444 23 9-2558344 9-2565233 9-2572110 9-2578977 9-2585832 9 •259267 6 9-:^599509 9-2606330 9-2613141 2619941 9-2626729 9-2633507 2640274 9-2647030 9-2653775 2660509 9-2667232 9-2673945 9-2680647 9-2687338 9-2694019 9-27006B9 2707348 9-2713997 9-2720635 9-2727263 2733880 2740487 2747083 9-2753669 2760245 9-2766811 9-2773366 9-2779911 9-2786445 9-2792970 2799484 9-2805988 Cosine 17038 7027 7016 7003 6992 6981 6969 6957 6946 6934 6923 6912 6900 6889 6877 6867 6855 6844 6833 6821 6811 6800 6788 6778 6767 6756 6745 6734 6723 6713 6702 6691 6681 6670 6659 6649 6638 6628 6617 6607 6596 6586 76 6566 6555 6545 6534 6525 6514 6504 Cosec. Uit 10-7603298 10-7596139 10-7588993 10-7581859 ) 0-7574736 10-7567626 10-7560528 10-7553442 10-7546368 10-7539305 10-7532254 10-7525216 10-7518189 10-7511173 10-7504170 10-7497178 10-7490197 10-7483228 10-7476271 10-7469325 10-7462391 10-7455468 10-7448556 10-7441656 10-7434767 10-7427890 10-7421023 10-7414168 10-7407324 10-7400491 10-7393670 10-7386859 10-7380059 10-7373271 10-7366493 10-7359726 10-7352970 10-7346225 10-7339491 10-7332768 10-7326055 10-7319353 10-7312662 10-7305981 10-7299311 10-7292652 10-7286003 10-7279365 10-7272737 10-7266120 10-7259513 10-7252917 10-7246331 10-7239755 10-7233189 10-7226634 10-7220089 10-7213555 10-7207030 10-7200516 10-7194012 Verseds 1816220 1830648 1845051 1859431 1873786 1888118 1902426 1916710 1930971 1945208 8-1959421 8-l<^736ll 8-1987778 8-2001921 8-2016042 8-2030139 8-2044213 8-2058264 8-2072293 8-2086298 8-2100281 8-2114241 8-2128179 8-2142094 8-2155987 8-2169857 8-2183705 8-2197531 8-2211334 8-2225116 8-2238875 8-2252613 8-2266329 8-2280023 8-2293695 8-2307345 •2320974 8-2334581 8-2348167 2361732 8-2375275 8-2388797 8-2402297 8-2415777 8-2429235 8-2442673 8-2456089 8-2469485 8-2482860 8-2496214 8-2509547 8-2522860 8-2536152 8-2549424 8-2562675 2575906 2589117 8-2602307 2615477 8-2628627 8-2641757 Tang. jDif. 9-2463188 9-2470569 9-2477939 9-2485297 9-2492643 9-2499978 9-2507301 Secant 9-2514612 9-2521912 9-2529200 9-2536477 9-2543743 9-2550997 9-2558240 9-2565472 9-2572692 9-2579901 9-2587099 9-2594285 2601461 9-260862 9-2615779 9-2622921 9-2630053 9-2637173 9-2644283 9-2651382 9-2658470 2665547 9-2672613 9-2679669 9-2686714 9-2693749 9-2700772 9-2707786 9-2714788 9-2721780 9-2728762 9-2735733 9-2742694 9-2749644 9-2756584 9-2763514 9-2770434 9-2777343 9-2784242 -2791131 -2798009 9-2804878 9-2811736 9-2818585 9-2825423 9-2832251 9-2839070 9-2845878 9-2852677 9-2859466 9-2866245 9-2873014 9-2879773 9-2886523 Covers. 7381 7370 7358 7346 7335 7323 7311 7300 7288 7277 7266 7254 7243 7232 7220 7209 7198 7186 7176 7164 7J54 7142 7132 7120 7110 7099 7088 7077 7066 7056 7045 7035 7023 7014 7002 6992 6982 6971 6961 6950 6940 6930 6920 6909 6899 6889 8878 6869 6858 6849 6838 6828 6819 6808 6799 6789 6779 6769 6759 6750 Cotang. CotangjDit. 10-7536812 10-7529431 10-7522061 10-7514703 10-7507357 10-7500022 10-7492699 10-7485388 10-7478088 10-7470800 10-7463523 10-7456257 10-7449003 10-7441760 10-7434528 10-7427308 10-7420099 10-7412901 10-7405715 10-7388539 10-7391375 10-738422 10-7377079 10-7369947 10-7362827 10-7355717 10-7348618 10-7341530 10-7334453 10-7327387 10-7320331 10-7313286 10-7306251 10-7299228 10-7292214 10-7285212 10-7278220 10-7271238 10-7264267 10-7257306 10-7250356 10-7243416 10-7236486 10-7229566 10-7222657 10-7215758 10-7208869 10-7201991 10-7195122 10-7188264 10-7181415 10-7174577 10-7167749 10-7160930 10-7154122 10-7147323 10-7140534 10-7133755 10-7126986 10-7120227 10-7113477 Covers. 9-9171650 9-9170144 9-9168638 9-9167131 165624 9-9164117 9-9162609 9-9161100 9-9159691 9-9158082 9-9156572 9-9155062 9-9153551 9-9152040 9-9150528 9-9149016 9-9147504 9-9145991 9-9144478 9-9142964 9-9141450 9-9139935 9138420 9-9136904 9-9135388 9-9133872 9-9132355 9-9130837 9-9129319 9-9127801 9-9126282 9-9124763 9-9123244 9121723 9-9120203 9-9118682 9-9117161 9-9115639 9-9114116 9-9112593 9-9111070 9-9109547 9-9108022 9-9106498 9-9104973 9-9103447 9-9101921 9-9100396 9-9098868 9-9097341 9-9095813 9-9094285 9-9092766 9-9091227 9-9089697 9-9088167 9-9086637 9085106 9-9083576 9082043 9-9080510 Secant D. Tang. Verseds. 10-0066485 10-0066708 10-0066932 10-0067155 10-0067379 10-0067604 10-0067829 10-0068054 10-0068280 10-0068506 10-0068732 10-0068959 10-C069186 10-0069413 10-0069641 10-0069869 10-0070098 10-0070327 10-0070566 10-0070786 10-0071016 10-0071247 10-0071478 10-0071709 10-0071941 10-0072173 10-0072405 10-0072638 10-0072871 10-0073105 10-0073339 10-0073573 10-0073808 10-0074043 10-0074278 10-0074514 10-0074750 10-0074987 10-0075224 10-0075461 10-0075699 10-0075937 10-0076176 10-0076415 10-0076654 10-0076894 10-0077134 10-0077374 10-0077615 10-0077856 10-0078098 10-0078340 10-0078582 10-0078825 10-0079068 10-0079311 10-0079555 10-0079799 10-0080044 10-0080289 10-0080534 223 224 223 224 225 225 225 226 226 226 227 227 227 228 228 229 229 229 230 230 231 231 231 232 232 232 233 233 234 234 234 235 235 235 236 236 237 237 237 238 238 239 239 239 240 240 240 241 241 242 242 242 243 243 243 244 244 245 ;^45 246 ne Cosec. Cosi 9-993351 9-993329 9-993306 9-993284 9-993262 9-993239 9-993217 9-993194 9-993172 9-993149 9-993126 9-993104 9-993081 9-993058 9-993035 9-993013 9-992990 992967 9-992944 9-992921 9-992898 992875, 9-992852: 9-992829 9-S92805: 9-992782; 9-99:^769, 9-992736: 9-992712! 9-992689, 9-992666 9-992642; 992619: 9-992595; 9-992572: 9-992548( 9-992525( 9-992601- 9-992477( 9-992453i 9-992430J 9-992406^ 9-992382^ 9-992358i 9-992334( 9-9823 10( 9-992286( 9-9922626 9-992238^ 9-992214^ 9-992190^ 9-992 166C 9-9921418 9921 17£ 9-9920931^ 9-992068S 9-9920445 9-9920201 y-9919956 9-9919711 9-9919466 D Sine (270) llDeg. NATURAL SINES, .&:c. Tab. 10. 1908090 1910945 1913801 19I66'56 1919510 1922365 1925220 Sine Dif. Covers 1928074 1930928 1933782 1936636 1939490 1942344 1945197 1948050 1950903 1953756 1956609 1959461 1962314 1965166 1968018 1970870 1973722 1976573 1979425 26j 1982276 1985127 1987978 1990829 1993679 1996530 1999380 2002230 2005080 2007930 2010779 2013629 2016478 2019327 2022176 2025024 2027873 2030721 2033569 2036418 2039265 2042113 2044961 2047808 2050655 2053502 2056349 2059195 2062042 2064888 2067734 2070580 2073426 2076272 60 2079117 Cosine Dif. 2855 2856 2855 2854 2855 2855 2854 2854 2854 2854 2854 2854 2853 2853 2853 2853 2853 2852 2853 2852 2852 2852 2852 2851 2852 2851 2851 2851 2851 2850 2851 2850 2850 2850 2850 2849 2850 2849 2849 2849 2848 2849 2848 2848 2849 2847 2848 2848 2847 2847 2847 2S47 2846 2847 2846 2846 2846 2846 2846 2845 8091910 8089055 8086199 8083344 8080490 8077635 8074780 8071926 8069072 8066218 8063364 8060510 8057656 8054803 8051950 8049097 8046244 8043391 8040539 8037686 8034834 8031982 8029130 8026278 8023427 802057 8017724 8014873 8012022 8009171 8006321 8003470 8000620 7997770 7994920 7992070 7'989221 7986371 7983522 7980673 7977824 7974976 7972127 7969279 7966431 7963582 7960735 7957887 7955039 7952192 794934 7D46498 7943651 7940805 793795 7935112 7932266 7929420 7926574 7923728 7920883 Cosec. 5-2408431 5-2330121 5-2252050 2174216 5-2096618 5-2019254 5-1942126 5-1865228 5-1788563 5-1712128 5-1635924 5-1559948 5-1484199 5-1408677 5-1333381 5-1258309 5-1183461 5-1108835 5-1034431 5-0960248 5-0886284 5-0812539 5-073«012 5-0665701 5-0592606 5-0619726 6-04470G0 5-0374607 5-0302367 5-0230337 5-0158517 5-0086907 5-0015505 4-9944311 4-9873323 4-9802541 4-9731964 4-9661691 4-9591421 4-9521453 4-9451687 4-9382120 4-9312754 4-9243586 4-9174616 4-9105844 4-9037267 ■8968886 4-8900700 4-8832707 4-8764907 4.8697299 4-8629883 4-8562657 4-8495621 4-8428774 4-8362114 4-8295643 4-82293 4-8163258 4-8097343 Tang. 1943803 1946822 1949841 1952861 955881 1958901 1961922 1964943 1967964 1970986 1974008 1977031 1980053 983076 1986100 1989124 1992148 1995172 1998197 2001222 2004248 2007274 2010300 2013327 2016354 2019381 2022409 202543 2028465 2031494 203452? 2037552 2040582 2043612 2046643 2049674 2052705 2055737 2058769 2061801 2064834 2067867 2070900 2073934 2076968 2080003 2083038 2086073 2089109 2092145 2095181 2098218 2101255 2104293 2107331 2110369 2113407 2116446 2119486 2122525 2125566 5-1445540 5-1365763 5-1286224 1206921 5-1127855 1049024 5-0970426 5-0892061 5-0813928 5-0736025 5-0658352 5-0580907 5-0503690 5-0426700 5-0349935 5-0273395 5-0197078 5-0120984 5-0045111 Cotang. Secant Vers. D. Cosine 9969459 9894027 9818813 9743817 9669037 9594474 4-9520125 4-9445990 4-9372068 4^9298358 4-9224859 4-9151570 9078491 9005620 8932956 8860499 '8788248 8716201 4' 4' 4 4 4' 4 4-8644359 4-8572719 4-8501282 4-843004 4-8359010 4-8288174 4-8217536 4-8147096 4-8076854 4-8006808 4-7936957 4-7867300 4-7797837 4-7728568 4-7659490 4-7590603 4-7521907 4-7453401 4-7385083 4-/316954 4-7249012 4-7181256 4-7113686 4-7046301 •0187167 ■0187743 ■0188321 ■0188899 •0189478 •0190059 •0190640 0191222 0191805 0192389 0192973 0193559 0194146 •0194734 ■0195322 0195912 •0196502 ■0197093 •0197686 •0198279 •0198873 •0199468 •0200064 ■0200661 ■0201259 •0201858 •0202457 •0203058 -0203660 -0204262 -0204866 •0205470 -0206075 0206682 0207289 0207897 0208506 0209116 0209727 0210339 0210952 0211566 ■0212180 0212796 0213413 0214030 0214649 0215268 ■02168'88 ■0216510 ■0217132 ■0217755 •0218379 •0219004 •0219630 •0220257 •0220885 •0221514 •0222144 •0222774 •0223406 0183728 0184284 0184840 0185397 0185955 0186514 0187073 0187634 0188195 0188757 0189320 0189884 0190448 0191014 0191580 0192147 0192715 0193284 0193853 0194424 0194995 0195567 0196J40 0196714 0197288 0197864 0198440 0199017 0199595 0200173 0200753 0201333 0201914 0202496 0203079 0203663 0204248 0204833 0205419 0206006 0206594 0207182 0207772 0208362 0208953 0209545 0210138 0210732 0211326 0211921 0212517 0213114 0213712 0214311 0214910 0215510 0216111 0216713 0217316 0217920 0218524 556 556 557 558 559 559 561 561 562 563 564 564 566 566 567 568 569 569 57i 571 572 573 574 574 576 576 577 578 578 580 580 581 582 583 584 585 585 586 587 588 588 590 590 591 592 593 594 594 595 596 597 598 599 599 600 SO] 602 603 604 604 9816272 9815716 9815160 9814603 9814045 9813486 9812927 9812366 9811805 9811 243 9810680 9810116 9809552 9808986 9808420 9807853 9807285 9806716 9806147 9805576 9805005 9804433 9803860 9803286 9802712 9802136 9801560 980098^3 9800405 9799827 9799247 9798667 9798086 9797504 9796921 9796337 9795752 9795167 9794581 9793994 9793406 9792818 9792228 9791638 9791047 9790455 9789862 9789268 9788674 97880/9 9787483 9786886 9786288 9785689 9785090 9784490 9783889 9783287 9782684 9782080 9781476 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vers. I Secant Cotan. Tang. Cosec. Covers D. Sine Ben. 78. 10 G. SINES, &C. 11 Deg^ ' Sine Dif. Cosec. Verseds. Tanic. Dif. Cotaiiij;. Covers. Secant D. Cosine (2' 9-2805988 9-2812483 9-2818967 9-2825441 2831905 9-2838359 9-2844803 9-2851237 9-2857661 9-2864076 9-2870480 9-2876875 9-2883260 9-2889636 9-2896001 9-2902357 9-2908704 9-2915040 9-2921367 9-2927685 9-2933993 9-2940291 9-2946580 9-2952859 9-2959129 9-2965390 9-2971641 9-2977883 9-2984116 9-2990339 9-2996553 9-3002758 9-3008953 9-3015140 9-3021317 9-3027485 9-3033644 9-3039794 9-3045934 9-3052066 9-3058189 3064303 9-3070407 9-3076503 9-3082590 9-3088668 9-3094737 9-3100798 9-3106849 9-3112892 9-3118926 9-3124951 9-3130968 9-3136976 9-3142975 9-3148965 9-3154947 9-3160921 9-3166885 9-3172841 9-3178789 Cosine 6495 6484 6474 6464 6454 6444 6434 6424 6415 6404 639 6385 6376 6365 63^6 6347 6336 6327 6318 6308 6298 6289 6279 6270 6261 6251 6242 6233 6223 6214 6205 6195 6187 6177 6168 6159 6150 6140 6132 6123 6114 6104 6096 6087 6078 6069 6061 6051 6043 6034 6025 6017 6008 5999 5990 5982 5974 5964 5956 5948 Dif. 10-7194012 10-7187517 10-7181033 10-7174559 10-7168095 10-7161641 10-7155197 10-7l4>i763 10-7142339 10-7135924 10-7129520 10-7123125 10-7116740 10-7110364 10-7103999 10-7097643 10-7091296 10-7084960 10-7078633 10-7072315 10-7066007 10-7059709 10-7053420 10-7047141 10-7040871 10-7034610 10-7028359 10-7022117 10-7015884 10-7009661 10-7003447 10-6997242 10-6991047 10-6984860 10-6978683 10-6972515 10-6966356 10-6960206 10-6954066 10-6947934 10-6941811 10-6935697 10-6929593 10-6923497 10-6917410 10-6911332 10-6905263 10-6899202 10-6893151 10-6887108 10-6881074 106875049 10-6869032 10-6863024 10-6857025 10-6851035 10-6845053 10-6839079 10-6833115 10-6827159 10-6821211 •2641757 -2654867 ■26679^07 -2681028 •2694078 •2707109 -2720119 -2733111 •2746082 •2759035 •2771967 •2784880 •2797774 -2810649 •2823504 •2836341 •2849158 •2861956 •2874735 •2887495 •2900236 •2912958 •2925661 •2938346 •2951012 •2963660 •2976289 •2988899 •3001491 •3014064 •3026619 •3039156 •3051675 ■3064175 ■3076657 ■3089122 ■3101568 •3113996 •3126406 •3138798 •3151172 ■3163529 ■3175868 •3188189 •3200493 •3212779 •3225047 •3237298 •3249532 •3261748 •3273947 •3286128 •3298292 •3310439 -3322569 •3334682 •3346778 •3358857 •3370918 •3382963 •3394991 9^2H86523 9-2893263 9-2899993 9-2906713 [9-2913424 9-2920126 9-2926817 9-2933500 9-2940172 9-2946836 9-2953489 9-2960134 9-2966769 9-2973395 9-2980011 9-2986618 9-2993216 9-2999804 9-3006383 9-3012954 3019514 9-3026066 9-3032609 9-3039143 9-3045667 9-3052183 9-3058689 9-3065187 9-3071675 9-3078155 9-3084626 9-3091088 9-3097541 9-3103985 9-3110421 9-3116848 9^3123266 9-3129675 9-3136076 9^3 142468 9^3148851 9^3155226 9-3161592 9-3167950 9-3174299 9-3180640 9-3186972 9-3193295 9-3199611 9-3305918 9-3212216 9-3218506 9-3224788 9^3231061 9-3237327 9-3243584 9-3249832 9-3256073 9-3262305 9-3268629 9-3274745 Secant Covers. Cotang. Dif 6740 6730 6720 6711 6702 6691 6683 6672 6664 6653 6645 6635 6626 6616 6607 6598 65 6579 6571 6560 6552 6543 6534 6524 6516 6506 6498 6488 6480 6471 6462 6453 6444 6436 6427 6418 6409 6401 6392 6383 6375 6366 6358 6349 6341 6332 6323 6316 6307 6298 6290 6282 6273 6266 6257 6248 6241 6232 6224 6216 10-7113477 10-7106737 10-7100007 10-7093287 10.7086576 10-7079874 10-7073183 10-7066500 10-7059828 10-7053164 10-7046511 10-7039866 10-7033231 10-7026605 10-7019989 10-7013382 10-7006784 10-7000196 10-6993617 10-6987046 10-S980486 10-6973934 9^9080510 9-9078978 9-9077445 9-9075911 9-9074377 9-9072842 9-9071307 9-9069772 9-9068236 9-9066699 9-9065163 9-9063625 9-9062087 9-9060549 9-9059011 9-9057471 9-9055932 9-9054392 9-9052851 9-9051310 9-9049769 9-9048227 10-6967391 9-9046685 10-6960857 9-9045142 10-6954333 9-9043599 10-6947817 10-6941311 10-6934813 10-6928325 10^692 1845 10^69 15374 10-6908912 10-6902459 10-6896015 10-6889579 10-6883152 10-6876734 IC-6870325 1 0^6863924 10^6857532 10-6851149 10-6844774 10-6838408 10-6832050 10-6825701 10-6819360 10-6813028 10-6806705 10-6800389 10^6794082 10^6787784 10^6781494 10^6775212 10-6768939 10-6762673 10-6756416 10^6750168 10-6743927 10-6737695 10-6731471 10-6725255 9-9042056 9-9040511 9-9038966 9-9037421 9-9035876 9-9034330 9-9032783 9-9031236 9-9029689 9-9028141 9-9025593 9-9025044 9-9023495 9-9021945 9-9020395 9-9018845 9-9017294 9-9015742 9-9014190 9-9012638 9011085 9'9009531 9-9007978 9006423 9-9004869 9-9003313 9-9001758 9-8990202 9-8998645 9-8997088 9-8995531 9-8993973 8992414 9-8990855 9-8989296 9-8987736 Tang". Verseds 10-00H0,i34 10-0080780 10-0081026 10-0081273 10-0081520 10-0081767 10-0082014 10-0082263 10-0082511 10-0082760 10-0083009 10-0083259 10-0083508 10-0083759 10-0084010 10-0084261 10-0084512 10-0084764 10-0085016 10-0085269 10-0085522 10-0085775 10-0086029 10-0086283 10-0086538 10-0086793 10-0087048 10^0087304 10-0087560 10-0087816 10-0088073 10-0088330 10-0088588 10-0088846 10-0089104 10-0089363 10-0089622 10-0089881 10-0090141 10-0090402 10-0090662 10-0090923 10-0091185 10-0091447 10-0091709 10-0091971 10-0092234 10-0092498 10-0092761 10-0093026 10-0093280 10-0093555 10-0093820 10-0091086 10-0094352 10-0094618 1 0^0094885 10-0095152 10-0095420 10-0095688 10-0095956 246 246 247 247 247 247 249 248 249 249 250 249 251 251 251 251 252 252 263 253 253 254 254 255 255 255 256 256 256 257 257 258 258 258 259 259 259 260 261' 260 261 262 262 262 262 263 264 263 265 264 265 265 266 266 266 267 267 268 268 268 •991946 -991922 •S91897 •991872 -99184g •995 823 -991798 '991773 -991748 -991724 -991698 -991674 -991649 •991624 -99l59fl -991573 -.991548 •991523 -991498 •991473 •991447 •991422 •991397 •991371 •991346 •991320 ■991295 ■991269 •991244 991218 ■991192 •991167 991141 991115 ■991089 ■991063 991037 991011 ■990985 990959 990933 ■990907 '990881 990855 990829 ■9D0802 •990776 990750 990723 •990697 •990671 •990644 •990618 990591 990564 ■990538 ■990511 •990484 ■990458 ■990431 ■990404 Cosec. D. Sine (272) 12 Deg. NATURAL SINES, Sec Tab. 10. Sine Dif. •2079117 •20H\9S2 2084807 _^087e52 2090407 •iO;).^341 209G186 2099030 2I01B74 2104718 2107561 2110405 2113248 2116091 2118934 2121777 2124619 2127462 2130304 2133146 2135988 2138829 2141671 2144512 2147353 2150194 2153035 2155876 2158716 2161556 2164396 2167236 2170076 2172915 2175754 2178593 2181432 2184271 2187110 2189948 2192786 2195624 2198462 2201300 2204137 2206974 2209811 2212648 2215485 2218321 2221158 2223994 2226830 2229666 2232501 2235337 2238172 2241007 2243842 2246676 2249511 2845 2845 2845 2845 2844 845 2844 2844 2844 2843 2844 2843 2843 2843 2843 2842 2843 2842 2842 Covers 2842 2841 2842 2841 2841 2841 2841 2841 2840 2840 2840 2840 2840 2839 2839 2839 2839 2839 2839 2838 2838 2838 2838 2838 2837 2837 2837 2837 2837 2836 2837 2836 2836 2836 2835 2836 283 283 2835 2834 2835 7920883 7918038 7915193 7912348 7909503 7906659 7903814 7900970 7898126 7895282 7892439 7889595 7886752 7883909 7881066 7878223 7875381 7872538 7869696 7866854 7864012 7861171 7858329 7855488 7852647 7849806 7846965 7844124 7841284 7838444 7835604 7832764 7829924 7827085 Cosec. 4-8097343 4-8031613 4-796606(5 4-7900702 4-7835520 4-7770519 4-7705699 4-7641058 4-7576596 4-7512312 4-7448206 4-7384277 4-7320524 4-7256945 4-7193542 4-7130313 4-7067256 4-7004372 4-6941660 4-6879119 4-6816748 4-6754548 4-6692516 4-6630652 4-6568956 4-6507427 4-6446064 4-6384867 4-6323835 4-6262967 4-6202263 4-6141722 4-6081343 4-6021126 Tang. Cotang. 7824246 7821407 7818568 7815729 7812890 7810052 7807214 7804376 7801538 7798700 7795863 7793026 7790189 Cosine Dif. 4-5961070 4-5901174 4-5841439 4-5781862 4-5722444 4-&663183 4-5604080 4-5545134 4-5486344 4-5427709 4-5369229 4-5310903 4-5252730 7778842 7776006 7773170 7770334 7767499 7764663 7761828 7758993 7756158 7753324 7750489 Vers. 77873524-5194711 7784515 7781679 4-3136844 4-5079129 4-5021565 4-4964152 4-4906889 4-4849775 4-4792810 4-4735993 4-4679324 4-4622803 4-4566428 4-4510198 4-4454115 2125566 2128606 2131647 2134688 2137730 2140772 2143814 2146857 2149900 2152944 2155988 2159032 2162077 2165122 2168167 2171213 2174259 2177306 2180353 2183400 2186448 2189496 2192544 2195593 2198643 2201692 2204742 2207793 2210844 2213895 2216947 2219999 2223051 2226 I C4 2229157 223221 2235265 2238319 2241374 2244429 2247485 2250541 2253597 2266654 2259711 2262769 2265827 2268885 2271944 2275003 2278063 2281123 2284184 Secant Secant 4-7046301 4-6979100 ^ -69 12083 4-6845248 4-677859 4-6712124 4-6645832 4-6579721 4-6513788 4-6448034 4-6382457 4-63170 4-6251832 4-6186788 4-6121908 4-6057207 4-5992680 4-5928325 4-5864141 4-5800129 4-5736287 4-5672615 4-5609111 4-5545776 4-5482608 4-5419608 4-5356773 4-5294105 4-5231601 4-5169261 4-5107085 4-5045072 4-4983221 4-4921532 4-4860004 4-4798636 4-4737428 4-4676379 4-4615489 4-4554756 4-4494181 4-4433762 4-4373500 4-4313392 4-4253439 4-4193641 4-4133996 4-4074504 4-4015164 4-3955977 4-3896940 4-3838054 4-3779317 2287244 4-3720731 22903064-3662293 2293367 4-3604003 2296429 4-3545861 2299492|4-3487866 2302555 4-3430018 1-0223406 1-0224039 1-0224672 1-0225307 I -0225942 1-0226578 1-0227216 1-0227854 1-0228493 1-0229133 1-0229774 1-0230416 0231059 1-0231703 1-0232348 0232994 Vers. D 0218524 0219129 0219735 0220342 0220950 0221558 0222168 0222778 0223389 0224001 0224613 0225227 0225841 0226456 0227072 0227689 1-0233641 0228307 1-023428810228925 2305618 2308682 4-3372,316 4-33 147P 1-0234937 1-0235587 1-0236237 1-0236889 1-0237541 1-0238195 1-0238849 1-0239504 1-0240161 1-0240818 1-0241476 1-0242135 1-0242795 1-0243456 0244118 1-0244781 1-0245445 1-0246110 1-0246776 1-0247442 1-02481K) 1-0248779 1-0249448 1-0250119 1-0250790 1-0251463 1-0252136 1-0252811 1-0253486 1-0254162 1-0254839 1-0255518 1-0256197 1-0256877 1-0257568 1-0258240 1-0258923 1-0259607 1 -0260292 1-0260978 1-0261665 1-0262352 1-0263041 Cosine Cotan. Tang. 0229544 0230164 0230785 0231407 0232030 0232653 0233277 0233902 0234528 0235155 0235782 0236411 0237040 0237670 0238301 0238932 0239565 0240198 0240832 0241467 0242103 0242740 0243377 0244016 0244655 0245294 0245935 0246577 0247219 0247862 0248506 0249151 0249797 0250444 0251091 0251739 0252388 0253038 0253689 0254340 0254992 0255645 0256299 605 606 607 608 608 610 610 611 612 612 614 614 615 616 617 618 618 619 620 621 622 623 623 624 625 626 627 627 629 629 630 631 631 633 633 634 635 636 637 637 9781476 9780871 9780265 9779658 9779050 9778442 9777832 9777222 9776611 9775999 9775387 9774773 9774159 9773544 9772928 9772311 9771693 9771075 9770456 9769836 9769215 9768593 9767970 9767347 9766723 9766098 9765472 9764845 33 Cosec. Covers 640 639 641 642 642 643 644 645 646 647 647 648 649 650 651 651 652 653 654 9764218 9763589 9762960 9762330 9761699 9761068 9760435 9759802 9769168 9758533 9767897 9757260 9766623 9755986 9756345 9754706 9754065 9763423 9752781 9752138 9751494 9750849 9750203 9749556 9748909 9748261 9747612 9746962 9746311 9745660 9745008 9744356 9743701 I) 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Sine Desf. 77. 1 9 De^. LOG. STIFFS, kc. (&: Mne 9-3178789 9-3184728 9-3 190659 -3196581 9-3202495 9-3208400 9-3214297 9-3220186 9-3226066 9-3231938 9-3237802 9-3243657 9-3249505 9-3255344 9-3261174 9-3266997 9-3272811 9-3278617 9-3284416 9-3290206 9-3295988 9-3301761 9-3307527 9-3313285 3319035 9-3324777 9-3330511 9-3336237 9-3341955 9-3347665 9-3353368 9-3359062 9-3364749 9-3370428 9-3376099 9-3381762 3587418 9-3393065 9-3398706 9-3404338 9-3409963 9-3415580 9-3421190 9-3426792 9-3432386 9-3437973 9-3443552 M49124 9-3454688 9-3460245 9-3465794 9-3471336 9-3476870 9-3482397 9-3487917 9-3493429 3498934 9-3504432 9-3509922 9-3515405 3520880 Dit. 5939 5931 5922 5914 5905 58,97 5889 5880 5872 5864 5855 5848 5839 5830 5823 5814 806 5799 5790 5782 5773 5766 5758 750 5742 5734 i.726 )718 )710 5703 5694 5687 679 671 5663 5656 5647 5641 5632 5625 5617 5610 602 594 5587 5579 5572 5564 5557 5549 5542 5534 5527 5520 5512 5505 5498 5490 5483 5475 C0S(! ■6821211 •6815272 •6809341 •6803419 •679750.^ •6791600 •6785703 •677981 •6773934 '6768062 ■6762198 •6756343 •6750495 •6744656 •6738826 •6733003 •6727189 6721383 6715584 6709794 6704012 6698239 6692473 6686715 6680965 6675223 6669489 6663763 6658045 6652335 6646632 6640938 6635251 6629572 6623901 6618238 6612582 6606935 6601294 6595652 6590037 6584420 6578810 6573208 6567614 6562027 6556448 6550876 6545312 6539755 6534206 6528664 6523130 6517603 6512083 6506571 6501066 ■6495568 •6490078 ■6484595 •6479120 Verseds •3394991 •3407002 •3418997 ■3430975 •3442936 •3454880 ■3466808 •3478719 •3490614 •3502492 3514354 3526200 ■3538029 3549842 3561639 3573419 3585184 3596932 3608664 3620381 3632081 3643765 3655434 3667086 -3678723 -3690344 -3701950 •3713539 •3725114 •3736672 •3748215 •3759743 ■3771255 ■3782751 •3794232 •3805698 •3817149 •3828584 •3840004 •3851409 •3862799 •3874174 •3885533 •3896878 •3908207 •3919522 •3930822 ■3942107 •3953377 •3964632 •3975873 -3987098 •3998310 •4009506 •4020688 •4031855 -4043008 •4054147 •4065270 -4076380 -4087475 Tanir. DiF. Cotang. 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Cosine 10-0095956 10-0096225 10-0096494 10-0096763 10-0097033 10-0097303 10-0097574 10-0097845 10-0098117 10-0098388 10-0098661 10-0098933 10-0099206 10-0099479 10-0099753 10-0100027 10-0100302 10-0100577 10-0100852 10-0101127 10-0101403 10-0101680 10-0101957 10-0102234 10-0102511 10-0102789 10-0103068 10-0103346 10-0103626 10-0103906 10-0104185 10-0104465 10-0104746 10-0105027 10-0105308 10-0105690 10-0105872 0-0106155 10-0106438 10-0106721 10-0107005 0-0107289 10-0107573 10-0107858 10^0108144 10-0108429 10-0108715 10-0109002 10-0109289 10^0109576 10-0109863 10-0110151 10-0110440 10-0110729 10-0111018 10-011130 10-0111597 10-0111887 10-0112178 10-0112469 10-0112761 269 269 269 270 270 271 271 272 271 273 272 273 273 274 274 276 275 276 275 276 277 277 277 277 278 279 278 280 279 280 280 281 281 281 282 282 283 283 283 284 284 284 285 286 285 08 287 287 287 287 288 2ii9 289 289 289 290 290 291 291 292 •990404^ ■990377i •990350( •990323/ ■990296/ ■990269; 9902426 9902 15f 9901885 99016li 9901 33£ 9901067 9900794 -9900521 •9900247 -9899973 •9899698 •9899423 •9899148 •9898873 •9898597 -989832C •9898043 •9897766 -989748J) •9897211 •989693!^ -9896654 ■9896374 •9896095 •9895815 •9895535 •9895254 •9894973 •9894692 •9894410 ■9894128 ■9893845 •9893562 ■9893279 ■9892995 •9892711 •9892427 •9892142 •9891856 •9891571 •9891285 ■9890998 ■9890711 •9890424 •9890137 •9889849 988956C •9889271 9888982 9888693 988840S 9888112 ■988782i •9887531 •9887231 ' Cosine Dif. Secant | Covers. Cotang. Dif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine (C74) 13 Dc-. NATURAL SINES, ScC. Tab. 10. Dif. Sine 'i'252345 •22h5\79 •225801;? 2200846' 226'36"80 226G513 2269346 2272179 oo-.o 2275012'^^-^^ Cover> 2834 2834 2H34 2833 2834 2833 2833 2833 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2303328^0^, 20|2306i59;y^:;' 21 230898.9j2p;," 22 2311819L^f" 23 2314649L:«^" 24,2317479^^2 2512320309' ,.o 26|2323138L9p 27j2325967i2829 2277844^^^ 2280677i2poy 2283509,^332 2236341 Loo, 2289172 2p'' 22920042^^: 229483 5,yJ'^ 2297666;.,^"^ 2300497,2^3j ';33162?«^9 2334454 2812328796 29 30 312337282 2340110 2342938 2345766' 2348594 2351421 2354248 2357075 39 2359902 402362729 41 2365555 42 2368381 43 2371207 44 2374033 237/5859 23fy684 2382510 2385335 2388159 2390984 2393808 2396633 2399457 2402280 2405104 2407927 241075 2413574 2416396 2419219 Cosine 2828 2828 2828 2828 2828 2827 2827 2827 2827 2827 2826 2826 2826 2826 2826 2825 2826 2825 2824 2825 2824 2825 2824 2823 2824 2823 2824 2823 2822 2823 7750489 7747655 7744821 7741987 7739154 7736320 7733487 7730654 7727821 7724988 7722156 7719323 7716491 7713659 7710828 7707996 7705165 7702334 7699503 7696G72 7693841 7691011 7688181 7685351 7682521 7679691 7676S6'2 7674033 7671204 766837 7665546 7662718 Cos ec. 4-4454115 4-4398176 -1-4342382 4-4286731 4-4231224 4-4175859 4-4120637 4-4065556 4-4010616 4-3955317 4-3901158 4-3846638 4-3792257 4-3738015 i-3683910 4-3629943 4-3576113 4-3522419 4-3468861 4-3415438 4-3362150 4-3308996 4-3255977 4-3203090 4-3150336 4-3097715 4-3045225 4-2992867 4-2940640 4-2888543 4-2836576 4-2784738 rang. Cotang 7659890 4-2733029 7657062 4-2681449 4-2629996 4-2578671 4-2527474 Dif 7654234 7651406 7048579 7645752 7642925 7640098 7637271 7634445 7631619 7628793 7625967 7623141 7620316 7617490 7614665 7611841 7609016 7606192 7603367 7600543 7597720 7594896 7592073 7689249 7686426 7583604 758078 Vers. 4-2476402 4-2425457 4-2374637 4-2323943 4-2273373 4-2222928 4-2172606 4-2122408 4-2072333 4-2022380 4-1972549 4-1922840 4-1873252 4-1823785 4-1774438 4-1725210 4-1676102 4-1627114 4-1578243 4-1529491 4-1480856 4-1432339 4-1383939 4-1335655 2308682 2311746 2314811 2317876 2320941 2324007 2327073 2330140 2333207 2336274 2339342 2342410 2345479 2348548 2351617 2354687 2357758 2360829 2363900 2366971 2370044 2373116 2376189 2379262 2382336 2385410 2388485 2391560 2394635 239771 2400788 2403864 2406942 2410019 2413097 2416176 2419255 2422334 2425414 2428494 2431575 2434656 2437737 2440819 2443902 2446984 2450068 2453151 2456236 2459320 2462405 2465491 2468577 2471663 2474750 2477837 248092.^ 2484013 2487102 2490191 2493280 4-3314759 4-3257347 4-3200079 4-3142955 4-3085974 4-3029136 4-2972440 4-2915885 4-2859472 4-2803199 4-2747066 4-2691072 4-2635218 4-2579501 4-2523923 4-2468482 4-2413177 4-2358009 4-2302977 4-2248080 4-2I933I8 4-2138690 4-2084196 4-2029835 4-1975606 4-1921510 4-1867546 4-1813713 4-176001 4-1706440 4-1652998 4-1599685 4-1546501 4-1493446 4-1440519 4-1387719 4-1335046 4-1282499 4-123C079 4-1177784 4-1125614 1073569 4-1021649 4-0969852 4-091B178 4-0866627 4-0815199 4-0763892 4-0712707 4-0661643 4-0610700 4-0559377 4-0509174 4-0458590 4-0408125 4-0357779 4-0307550 4-0257440 4-0207446 4 0157570 4-0107809 Secant 1-0263041 1-0263731 1-0264421 1-0265113 1-0265806 1-0266499 1-0267194 1-0267889 1-0268586 1-0269283 1-0269982 1-0270681 1-0271381 1-0272082 1-0272785 1-0273488 1-02741*)2 1-0274897 1-0275603 1-0276310 1-0277018 1-0277727 1-0278437 1-0279148 1-0279860 1-0280573 1-0281287 1-0282002 1-0282717 1-0283434 1-0284152 1-0284871 Vers. Secant iCotan. Tang. 1-0285590 1 -02363 11 1-0287033 1-0287755 1-0288479 1-0289203 1-0289929 1-0290655 1-0291383 1-02921)1 1-0292840 1-0293571 1-0294302 1-0295034 1-0295768 1-0296502 1-0297237 1-0297973 1-0298711 1-0299449 1-0300188 1-0300928 1-0301669 1-0302411 1-0303154 1-0303898 1-0304643 1-0305389 1-0306136 0256299 0256954 0257610 0258266 0258923 0259581 0260240 0260900 0261561 0262222 0262884 0263547 0264211 0264876 0265541 0266207 0266875 0267542 0268211 026888 0269551 0270223 0270895 0271568 0272241 0272916 0273591 0274267 0274944 0275622 027630! 0276980 0277661 D. 9743701,60 Cosine 655 656 656; 657 658 659 660 661 661 662 g^^l9736453 665 9743046 9742390 9741734 9741077 9740419 9739760 9739100 9738439 973777S 9737116 665 666 668 667 669 670 670 672 672 673 673 675 675 676 677 678 679 679 681 Cosec. 0278342 0279024 0279706 0280390 0281074 0281760 0282446 0283133 0283820 0284509 0285198 0285888 0286579 0287271 0287964 0288657 0289351 0290047 0290742 0291439 0292137 0292835 0293534 0294234 0294935 0295637 0296339 0297043 II 682 682 684 684 686 686 687 687 689 689 690 691 692 693 693 694 696 695 697 698 698 699 700 701 702 702 704 Gov ers 9735789 9735124 9734459 9733793 9733125 9732458 9731789 9731119 9730449 9729777 9729105 9728432 9727759 9727084 9726409 9725733 9725056 9724378 9723699 9723020 9722339 9721658 9720976 9720294 9719610 9718926 9718240 9717554 9716867 9716180 9715491 .9714802 9714112 9713421 9712729 9712036 9711343 9710649 9709953 9709258 9708561 9707863 9707165 9706466 9705766 9705065 9704363 9703661 9702957 D. 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sine Deff. 76. 13 Deor. LOG. SINES, &C. (27^ Sine Dif 9-3520880 .9-3526349 9-3531810 9-3537264 9-3542710 9-3548150 9-3553582 9-3559007 9-3564426 9-3569836 9-3575240 9-3580637 9-3586027 9-3591409 9-3596785 9-3602154 9-3607615 9-3612870 9-3618217 9-3623558 9-3628892 9-3634219 9-3639539 9-3644852 9-3650158 9-3655458 9-3660750 9-3666036 9-3671315 9-3676587 9-3681853 9-3687111 9-3692363 9-3697608 9-3702847 9-3708079 9-3713304 9-3718523 9-3723735 9-3728940 9-3734139 9-3739331 9-3744517 9-3749696 9-3754868 9-3760034 3765194 t 9-3770347 8 9-3775493 9-3780633 9-3785767 9-3790894 9-3796015 9-3801129 9-3806237 9-3811339 6|9-38 16434 7 9-3821523 B 9-3826605 9 9-3831682 D|9-3B36752 Cosine Dif. 5469 5461 5454 5446 5440 5432 5425 5419 5410 5404 5397 5390 5382 5376 5369 5361 5355 5347 5341 5334 5327 5320 5313 5306 5300 5292 5286 5279 5272 5266 5258 5252 5245 5239 5232 5225 5219 5212 5205 5199 5192 5186 5179 5172 5166 5160 5153 )146 5140 5134 5127 5121 5114 5108 5102 5095 5089 5082 5077 5070 Cosec. Verseds. 10-6479120 10-6473651 10-6468190 10-6462736 10-6457290 10-6451850 10-6446418 10-6440993 10-6435574 10-6430164 10-6424760 10-6419363 10-6413973 10-6408591 10-6403215 10-6397846 10-6392485 10-6387130 10-6381783 10-6376442 10-6371108 10-6365781 10-6360461 10-6355148 10-6349842 10-6344542 10-6339250 10-6333964 10-6328685 10-6323413 10-6318147 10-6312889 10-6307637 10-6302392 10-6297153 10-6291921 10-6286696 10-6281477 10-6276265 10-6271060 10-6265861 10-6260669 10-6255483 10-6250304 10-6245132 10-6239966 10-6234806 10-6229653 10-6224507 10-6219367 10-6214233 10-6209106 10-6203985 10-6198871 10-6193763 10-6188661 10-6183566 10-6178477 10-6173395 10-6168318 _ 10-6163248 8 ■4087475 ■4098556 ■4109622 ■4120675 ■4131713 ■4142736 ■4153746 8-4164741 8-4175723 8-4186690 8-4197644 8-4208583 4219508 8-4230420 8-4241318 8-4252201 8-4263(^^2 8-4273928 8-4284770 8-4295599 8-4306414 8-4317216 8-4328004 8-4338778 8-4349539 8-4360286 4371020 4381740 8-4392447 8-4403141 8-4413821 ■4424488 •4435142 •4445783 •4^56410 ■4467024 •4477625 •4488213 ■4498788 •4509350 ■4519898 ■4530434 ■4540957 ■4551467 ■4561964 ■4572448 •4582920 4593378 Ta ang. •3633641 ■3639401 ■3645155 •3650901 •3656641 -3662374 •3668100 •3673819 •3679532 •3685238 •3690937 •3696629 •3702315 •3707994 •3713667 •3719333 •3724992 ■3730645 •3736291 •3741930 ■3747563 •3753190 •3758810 •3764423 •3770030 •3776631 •3781225 •3786813 •3792394 •3797969 •3803537 •3809100 •3814655 ■3820205 ■3825748 •3831285 •3836816 •3842340 •3847858 ■3853370 ■3858876 ■3864376 ■3869869 ■3875356 •3880837 3886312 •3891781 3897244 4603824 9-3902700 4614257 4624677 4635085 4645480 4655863 4666233 4676590 4686935 4697267 4707587 4717894 •3908151 •3913595 •3919034 •3924466 •3929893 •3935313 Dif -3940727 -3946136 -3951538 •3956935 -3962326 4728I89j9-39677n Secant t Covers. I Cotane-. Dif. 5760 5754 5746 5740 5733 5726 5719 5713 5706 5699 5652 5686 5679 5673 5666 5659 5653 5646 5639 5633 5627 5620 5613 5607 5601 5594 5588 5581 5575 5568 5563 5555 5550 5543 5537 5531 5524 5518 5512 5506 5500 5493 5487 5481 5475 5469 5463 5456 5451 5444 439 5432 5427 5420 5414 5409 5402 5397 5391 5385 Cotang. 10-6366359 10-6360599 10-6354845 10-6349099 10-6343359 10-6337626 10-6331900 10-6326181 10-6320468 10-6314762 10-6309063 10-6303371 10-6297685 10-6292006 10-6286333 i 0-6280667 10-6275008 10-6269355 10-6263709 10-6258070 10-6252437 10-6246810 10-62411.90 10-6235577 10-6229970 10-6224369 10-6218775 10-6213187 10-6207606 10-6202031 10-6196463 10-6190900 10-6185345 10-6179795 10-6174252 10-8168715 10-6163184 10-6157660 9 '9 Covers.! Secant D. C 10-6152142 10-6146630 10-6141124 10-6135624 10-6130131 10-6124644 10-6119163 10-6113688 10-6108219 10-6102756 10-6097300 10-6091849 10-6086405 10-6080966 10-6075534 10^60701 07 10-6064687 10-6059273 10-6053864 10-6048462 10-6043065 10-6037674 10-6032289 Tang. 8893291 •8891703 •8890114 ■8888525 ■8886935 ■8885344 ■8883754 ■8882162 ■8880571 •8878978 •8877386 ■8875792 ■8874199 ■8872606 •8871010 ■8869415 ■8867819 ■8866223 ■8864627 ■8863030 ■8861432 •8859834 ■8858236 ■8856637 ■8855038 ■8853438 ■8851837 ■8850236 ■8848635 ■8847033 ■8845431 ■8843828 ■8842225 ■8840621 •8839017 •8837413 •8835807 8834202 8832596 •8830989 -8829382 -8827775 -8826167 -8824558 •8822.049 -8821340 -8819730 ■8818119 -8816508 ■8814897 8813285 8811673 8810060 8808446 8806833 8805218 8803604 •8801988 •8800372 •8798756 •8797140 Verseds. 10-0112761 10-0113053 10-0113345 10-0113637 10-0113930 10-0114224 10-0114518 10-0114812 10-0115106 10-0115401 10-0115697 10-0115992 10-0116288 10-0116585 10-0116882 10-0117179 10-0117477 10-0117776 100118073 10-0118372 10-0118671 10-0118971 100119271 10-0119571 10-0119872 10-0120173 10-0120475 10-0120777 10-0121079 10-0121382 10-0121685 10-0121988 10-0122292 10-0122596 10-0122901 10-0123206 10-0123512 10-0123817 10-0124124 10-0124430 10-0124737 10-0125045 10-0125352 10-0125661 10-0125969 10-0126278 10-0126587 10-0126897 10-0127207 10-0127518 10-0127829 10-0128140 10-0128451 10-0128764 10-0129076 10-0129389 10-0129702 10-0130016 10-0130330 10-0130644 10-0130959 Cosec. 292 292 292 293 294 294 294 294 295 296 295 296 297 297 297 298 298 298 299 299 300 300 300 301 301 302 302 302 303 503 303 304 304 305 305 306 306 307 306 307 308 307 309 308 309 309 310 310 311 311 311 311 313 312 313 ^13 314 314 314 315 x^sme D. 9-98B7239 9-9886947 9-9886655 9-9886363 9-9886070 9-9885776 9-9885482 9-9885188 9-9884894 9-9884599 9-9884303 9-9884008 9-9883712 9-9883415 9-9883118 9-9882821 9-9882523 9-9882225 9-9881927 9-988 1 628 9-9881329 9-9881029 9-9880729 9-9880429 9-9880128 9-9879827 9-9879525 9-9879223 9-9878.921 9-9878618 9-9878315 9-9878012 9-9f77708 9-9877404 9-9877099 9-9876794 9-9876488 9-9876183 9-9875876 9-9875570 9-9875263 9-9874955 9-9874648 9-9874339 9-9874031 9-9873722 9-9873413 9-9873103 9-9872793 9-9872482 9-9872171 9-9871860 9-9871549 9-9871236 9-9870924 9-9870611 9-9870298 9-9869984 9-9869670 9-9869356 9-9869041 Sine \^4 'Vi (276) 14 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. Sine '24\9'219 2422041 242486;< 242r6'85 24;J0507 2433329 2430*150 243897 1 M4I792 24440" 13 2447433 2450254 2453074 2455894 2458713 2461533 Dif. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3 31 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 24S43J 246717 2469990 2472809 2475627 2478445 2481263 2484081 2486899 2489716 2492533 2495350 2498167 2500984 2503800 2506616 2509432 2512248 2516063 2517879 2520694 2523508 2526323 2529137 2531952 2534766 2537579 2540393 2643206 2546019 2548832 2551645 2822 2822 2822 2822 2822 2821 2821 2821 2821 2820 2821 2820 2820 2819 2820 2819 2819 2819 2819 2818 2818 2818 2818 2818 2817 281/ 2817 2817 2817 2816 2816 2816 2816 2815 2816 2815 2814 2815 2814 2815 2814 2313 2814 2813 2813 2813 2813 Covers! Cosec. 758078 li4-1335655 7577959 4-1287487 7575137 4-1239435 2554458 ^,«;^ 2557270 2560082 2562894 52J2665705 53 2568517 54 2571328 552574139 562576950 572579760 582582570 59 25«5381 60 2588190 ' jCosineJDif. 2812 2812 2811 2812 2811 2811 2811 2810 2810 2811 2809 7572315 7569493 7566671 7563850 7561029 7558208 7555387 7552567 7549746 7546926 7544106 7541287 7538467 7535648 7532829 7530010 7527191 7524378 7521555 7518737 7515919 7513101 7510284 7507467 7504660 7501833 7499016 7496200 7493384 7490668 7487752 7484937 7482121 7479306 7476492 7473677 7470863 7468048 7465234 7462421 7459607 7456794 745398 7451168 7448355 7445542 7442730 7439918 7437106 7434295 7431483 7428672 7425861 7423050 7420240 7417430 7414619 4-1191498 4-1143675 4-1095967 4-1048374 4 1000893 4-0953526 4-0906272 4-0859130 4-0812100 4-0765181 4-0718374 4-0671677 4-0625091 4-0578615 4-05322^ 4-0485992 4-0439844 4-0393804 4-0347872 4-0302048 4-0256332 4-0210722 4-0165219 4-0119823 4-0074532 4-0029347 3-9984267 3-9939292 3-9894421 3-9849654 3-9804991 3-9760431 3-9715976 3-9671621 3-9627369 3-9583219 3-9539171 3-9495224 3-9451379 3-9407633 3-9363988 3-9320443 3-9276907 3-9233651 3-9190403 3-9147254 3-9104203 3-9061250 3-9018395 3-8975637 3-893297G 3-889041 1 3-8847943 3-8805570 3-8763293 3-8721112 3-8679025 Tang. 7411810 3-8637033 Vers. Secant 2493280 2496370 2499460 2502551 2506642 2508734 2611826 2514919 2518012 2621106 2524200 2527294 2530389 2533484 2536580 2539676 2542773 2546870 2648968 2562066 2555165 2558264 2661363 2564463 2567564 2570664 2573766 2576868 2579970 2683073 2586176 2589280 2592384 2595488 2598593 2601699 2604806 2607911 2611018 2614126 2617234 2620342 2623451 2626560 2629670 2632780 2635891 639002 2642114 2645226 2648339 2651452 654566 2657680 2660794 2663909 2667025 2670141 2673257 2676374 2679492 Cotang. 4-0107809 4-0058166 4-0008636 3-9959223 3-9909924 3-9860739 3-9811669 3-9762712 3-9713868 3-9665137 3-9616518 3-9568011 3-9519615 3-9471331 3-9423157 9376094 3-9327141 3-9279297 3-9231563 3-9183937 3-9136420 3-9089011 3-9041710 ^-8994516 Secant 1-0306136 1-0306884 1-0307633 1-0308383 1-0309134 1-0309886 1-0310639 1-0311393 1-0312147 1-0312903 1-0313660 1-0314418 1-0315177 1-0315936 1-0316697 i -03 17469 1-0318222 1-0318985 1-0319760 1-0320516 1-0321282 1-0322060 1-0322818 1-0323588 3-8947429 1-0324359 Cotan. i-8900448 3-8853574 3-8806805. 3-8760142 3-8713584 3-8667131 3-8620782 3-8574537 3-8528396 3-8482368 3-8436424 3-8390591 3-8344861 3-8299233 3-8253707 3-8208281 3-8162957 3-8117733 3-8072609 3-8027585 3-7982661 3-7937835 3-7893109 3-7848481 3-78G3951 3-7759519 3-771518 3-7670947 3-7626807 3-7582763 3-7538815 3-7494963 3-7451207 3-7407546 3-7363980 3-7320508 i -0325 130 1-0325903 1-0326676 1-0327451 1-0328227 1-0329003 1-0329781 1-0330559 1-0331339 1-0332119 1-0332901 1-0333683 1-0334467 1-0335251 1-0336037 1 -0336823 1-0337611 1-0338399 1-0339188 1-0339979 1-0340770 1-0341563 0342356 1-0343151 Vers. 0297043 0297747 0298452 0299158 0299864 0300672 0301280 03019&9 0302699 0303409 030412 0304833 0305547 0306260 0306975 0307691 0^08407 0309125 0309843 0310562 0311281 0312002 0312723 0313445 0314168 0314892 0315617 0316342 0317069 0317796 0318524 0319252 0319982 0320712 0321443 0322175 0322908 0323642 0324376 0325112 0325848 0326585 0327322 0328061 0328800 0329541 0330282 0331023 0331766 D. 1-0343946103325 10 1 -034474310333254 1 -034554010333999 1-0346338 '0334745 1-0347 1 38|0335492 1 -034793810336239 1 -034874010336988 l-0349542,'0337737 I-0350346j0338487 1-035115010339238 1-0351955 0339989 0352762 0340742 704 705 706 706 708 708 709 710 710 712 712 714 713 716 716 716 718 718 719 719 721 721 722 723 724 725 725 727 727 728 728 730 730 731 732 733 734 734 736 736 737 737 739 739 741 741 Cosine 9702957 9702263 9701548 9700842 9700136 9699428 9698720 9698011 9697301 9696591 9695879 9695167 9694453 9693740 9693025 9692309 9691593 9690875 9690167 9689438 9688719 9687998 9687277 9686555 9685832 9685108 9684383 9683658 96'6293\ 9682204 31 9681476130 29 743!: 744 744 745 746 747 747 749 749 75oi: 751 76! 7h3 lang. I Cosec. jCovers 9680748 9680018 96792SH 9678557 9677825 9677092 9676358 9676624 9674888 9674152 9673416 9672678 9671939 9671200 9670459 9669718 966S977 9668234 9667490 9666746 9666001 9665266 9664508 9663761 9663012 9662263 9661513 96G0762 9660011 9659258 D.\ 8ine Deff. 75. 14 Deg. LOG. SINES, See. Secant D. Cosi (2; Sine Dif. Cosec. Verseds. Tang. Dif. Cotang. 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10-6122913 10-6117899 10-6112891 10-6107889 10-6102894 10-6097904 10-6092921 10-6087943 10-6082972 10-6078007 10-6073048 10-6068095 10-6063148 10-6058206 10-6053271 10-6048342 10-6043419 10-6038501 10-6033590 10-6028685 10-6023785 10-6018891 10-6014004 10-6009122 10-6004246 10-5999375 10-5994511 10-5989652 10-5984799 10-5979952 10-5975111 10-5970276 10-5965446 10-5960622 10-5955804 10-5950991 10-6946184 10-5941383 10-5936587 10-5931797 10-5927013 10-5922234 10-5917461 10-5912694 10-5907932 10-5903176 10-5898425 10-5893680 10-5888941 10-5884207 10-5879478 10-5874755 10-5870038 8-4728189 8-4738472 8-4748742 8-4759000 8-4769246 8-4779480 8-4789701 8-4799910 8-4810107 8-4820291 8-4830464 8-484062 8-4850773 8-4860910 8-4871034 8-4881147 8-4891247 8-4901336 8-4911412 3-4921477 4931530 8-4941572 8-4951601 4961619 8-4971625 8-4981619 8-4991602 5001573 8-5011532 8-5021480 8-5031416 8-5041341 8-5051254 5061156 9-3967711 9-3973089 9-3978463 9-3983830 9-3989191 9-3994547 9-3999S96 9-4005240 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10-0149548 10-0149886 10-0150224 10-0150662 315 316 316 316 317 317 317 318 318 319 319 320 320 320 320 321 322 322 322 323 323 323 324 324 324 325 326 325 327 326 327 327 328 328 329 328 330 329 330 331 331 331 332 332 332 333 333 ;ool-'^34 333 335 335 335 335 336 337 336 337 338 338 338 9-986904 9-98687:. 9-986841 9-98680S 9-986777 9-986746 9-986714 9-98668!^ 9-98665{: 9-9866 IS 9-986687 9-986555 9-986523 9-986491 9-986459 9-986427 9-986395 9-986363 9-986330 9-986298 9-986266 9-986234 9-986201 9-986169 9-986136 9-986104 9-986072 9-986039 9-986006 9-985974 9-985941 9-985908 986876 9-985843 9-985810 9-985777 9-985744 9-986711 9-985679 9-985646 9-985612 9-985579 9-985546 386513 9-985480 9-986447 9-985413 9-985380 9-985347 9-985313 9-985280: 9-985246; 9-985213; 9-985173) 9-985146: 9-985112, 9-985078; 9-985045; 9-985(711' 9-9849771 9-9849431 Cosine Dif. Secant Covers.) Cotang.tJJif. 'lang. erse ds. Cosec. D. Sine n. (^78) 15 Peg. NATrilAL STNES, SiC. Tab. 10. ' Sine Dif. Covers Cosec. Tang. Cotang. Secant Vers. |D. Cosine ' '^588190 2591000 2593810 2596619 2599428 260223" 2605045 2607853 2610662 2613469 2616277 26190B6 2621892 2624699 2627506 2630312 2633118 2635925 2638730 2641536 2644342 2647147 2649952 2652757 2655561 2658366 2661170 2663973 •2666777 2669581 30 2672384 2675187 2677989 2680792 2683594 2686396 2689198 2692000 2694801 2697602 2700403 2703204 2706004 2708805 2711605 2714404 2717204 2720003 2722802 2725601 2728400 2731198 2733997 2736794 2739592 2742390 2745187 2747984 2750781 2753577 2756374 Cosi ne 2810 2810 2809 2809 2809 2808 2808 2809 2807 2808 2808 2807 2807 2807 2806 2806 2807 2805 2806 2806 2805 2805 2805 2804 2805 2804 2803 2804 2804 2803 2803 2802 2803 2802 2802 2802 2802 2801 2801 2801 2801 2800 2801 2800 2799 2800 2799 2799 2799 2799 2798 2799 97 2798 2798 2797 2797 2797 74II8I0 7409000 7406190 7403381 7400572 7397763 7394955 7392147 7389338 7386531 7383723 7380915 7378108 7375301 7372494 7369688 7366882 7364075 361270 7358464 7355658 7352853 7350048 7347243 7344439 7341634 7338830 7336027 7333223 7330419 7327616 7324813 7322011 7319208 7316406 7313604 7310802 7308000 7305199 7302398 7299597 7296796 7293996 7291195 7288395 7285596 7282796 7-279997 7277198 7274399 7271600 7268802 7266003 7263206 7260408 7257610 7254813 7252016 7249219 2;97r24G423 ^'^'7243626 Dif.l Vers. 3-8637033 3-8595 135 3-8553332 3-8511622 3-8470006 3-8428482 3-8387052 3-8345713 3-8304467 3-8263313 3-8222251 3-8181280 3-8140399 3-8099610 3-8058911 3-8018301 3-7977782 3-7937352 3-7897011 3-7856760 3-7816596 3-7776522 3-7736535 3-7696636 3-7656824 3-7617100 3-7577462 3-7537911 3-7498447 3-7459068 3-7419775 3-7380568 3-7341446 3-7302409 3-7263457 3-7224589 3-7185805 37147105 37108489 3-7069956 37031506 3-6993139 3-6954854 3-6916652 3-6878632 3-6840493 3-6802536 3-6764660 3-6726865 3-6689151 3-6651518 3-6613901 3-6576491 3-6539097 3-6501783 3-6464548 3-6427392 3-6390315 3-6353316 6316395 3-6279553 2679492 2682610 2685728 2688847 2691967 2695087 2698207 2701328 2704449 2707571 2710694 2713817 2716940 2720064 2723188 2726313 2729438 2732564 2735690 2738817 2741945 2745072 2748201 2751330 2754459 2757589 2760719 2763850 2766981 2770113 2773245 2776378 2779512 2782646 2785780 2788915 2792050 2795186 2798322 2801459 3' 2804597 2807735 2810873 2814012 2817152 2820292 2823432 2826573 2829716 2832857 2835999 2839143 2842286 2845430 2848575 2851720 2854866 2868012 2861159 2864306 2867454 7320508 7277131 7233847 7190658 7147561 7104558 7061648 7018830 •6976104 ■6933469 •6890927 •6848475 ■6806116 ■6763845 •672166 •6679575 •6637575 ■6595665 •6553844 ■651211 •6470467 ■6428911 ■6387444 •6346064 •6304771 ■6263566 ■6222447 ■6181415 ■6140469 ■6099609 •6058835 ■6018146 ■5977543 •5937024 •5896590 •5856241 •5815975 ■5775794 •5735696 ■56966'81 •5655749 ■5615900 ■5576133 ■5536449 ■5496846 ■5457325 ■5417886 ■5378628 ■5339251 ■5300054 5260938 5221902 5182946 514407U 5105273 5066555 5027916 4989356 4950874 ■4912470 4874144 0362762 0353569 0354378 0355187 0355998 0356809 0357621 0358435 0359249 0360065 0360881 0361699 0362517 0363337 0364157 03649/9 0365801 0366625 0367449 0368275 0369101 0369929 0370757 0371587 0372417 0373249 0374082 0374915 0375750 0376586 0377422 0378260 0379098 0379938 0380779 0381621 0382463 0383307 0384162 0384998 0385844 0386692 0387541 0388391 0389242 0390094 0390947 0391800 0392656 0393511 0394368 0395226 0396086 0396945 0397806 0398669 0399632 0400396 0401261 0402127 0402994 0340742] 0341495: 0342249 0343004 03437601 753 754 755 756 '.1756 03445l6l-_^ 0345274' 0346032 03467911:";^ 034765ll£^!! 0348311 0349073 0349835 760 762 |762 1763 9669268 965850r3 9667761 9666996 9656240 9655484 9654726 9663968 9653209 9662449 9651689 9650927 9650165 9649402 9648638 9647873 0350598i„^. 035I3C2;;J'.": 03521271';^^' 0352892!;°^|9647I08 0353659;;°; 9646341 03544261^°^ 9645574 0356194 035596-3;^^^ 0356732j;;; 0357603 !;1 J 0358274^'; 0359046j^^^ 0360693'^;, 0361367|;;^ 03621421^^ J 03629191^;^ 03636951^^^ 0364473 0365252 0366031 0366811 0367592 0368374 0369167 0369940 0370725 0371510 0372296 0373083 779 779 780 781 782 |783 783 785 785 786 787 787 0373870 ' 0374658l(°J; 0375448|;;J 03762381^:^ 0377028!;;;, 0377820!:;:^ i/93 037861 3L^., 0379406: 03802001 0380995| 03817901 0382687 0383384 0384182] 038498 Ij 0385781 0386582 0387383 794 795 796 797 797 798 799 800 801 801 9644806 9644037 9643268 9642497 9641726 9640954 9640181 9639407 9638633 9637858 9637081 9636305 9636627 9634748 9633969 9633189 9632408 9631626 9630843 9630060 9629275 9628490 9627704 9626917 9626130 9625342 9624562 9623762 9622972 9622180 9621387 9620594 9619800 9619005 9618^210 9617413 9616616 9615818 9615019 9614219 9613418 9612617 Secant Cotan. 'I'ang. Cosec. Covers J). Sine 15 De^, LOG. STNi:$, &C. (2 Sine Dif. Cosec. ■411^9962 4134674 4139381 4144082 4148778 4153468 4158152 4162832 4167506 4172174 4176837 4181495 4186148 •4190795 •4195436 •4200073 •4204704 •4209330 •4213950 4218566 4223176 4227780 4232380 ■4236974 4241563 ■4246147 ■4250726 ■4255299 ■4259867 ■4264430 ■4268988 ■4273541 4278089 4282631 4287169 4291701 4296228 4300750 4305267 4309779 4314286 4318788 •4323285 ■4327777 4332264 ■4336746 4341223 ■4345694 4350161 4354623 4359080 4363532 4367980 4372422 ■4376859 4381292 ■4385719 ■4390142 •4394560 •4398973 •440338 4712 4707 4701 4696 4690 4684 4680 4674 4668 4663 4658 4653 4647 4641 4637 4631 4626 4620 4616 4610 4604 4600 4594 1589 4584 4579 4573 4568 4563 4558 4553 4548 4542 4538 4532 4527 4522 4517 4512 4507 4502 4497 4492 4487 4482 4477 4471 4467 4462 4457 4452 4448 4442 4437 4433 4427 4423 4418 4413 4408 10-5870038 10-5865326 1 0^58606 19 10 5855913 I0>5851222 10^5846532 10-5841848 10-5837168 10-5832494 10-5827826 10-5823163 10-5818505 10-5813852 10-5809205 10-5804564 10^5799927 10^5795296 10-5790670 10-5786050 10-5781434 10-5776824 10^5772220 10-5767620 10^5763026 10^5758437 10^5753853 10-5749274 10-5744701 10-5740 133 10-5735570 10-5731012 10-5726459 10-5721911 10-5717369 10-5712831 10-5708299 10^5703772 I0^5699250 10^5694733 10-5690221 10-5685714 10^568 121 2 10^5676715 10-5672223 10-5667736 10-5663254 10^5658777 10-5654306 10-5649839 10-5645377 10-5640920 10^636468 10-5632020 10-5627578 10-5623141 10-5618708 10-5614281 10-5609858 10-5605440 10-5601027 10-5596619 Verseds. Tang. Dif. Cotans;. Covers. 5324253 8-5333844 8-5343423 8-5352992 5362551 8-5372098 8-5381635 8-5391161 8-5400677 8-5410182 8-5419676 8-5429160 5438633 8-5448096 8-5457548 8-5466990 -5476422 •5485843 8-5495253 8-5504654 8-5514044 8-5523423 8-5532793 8-5542152 5551500 8-5;560839 8-5570167 8-5579485 8-5588793 8-5598091 8^5607379 5616656 3-5625924 8-5635181 -5644429 8-5653666 8-5662894 8-5672111 5681318 8-5690516 5699704 8-5708881 8-5718049 5727207 8-5736355 8^5745494 8^5754622 8^5763741 8-5772850 8-5781950 8-5791039 5800119 8-5809189 5818250 8-5827301 8-5836342 8-5845374 8-5854396 8-5863409 8-5872412 8-5881406 •4280525 ■4285575 •4290621 ■4295661 ■4300697 •4305727 ■4310753 4315773 ■4320789 •4325799 4330804 4335805 4340800 4345791 4350776 4355757 4360733 4365704 4370670 4375631 4380587 4385538 4390485 4395426 4400363 4405295 4410222 4415145 4420062 4424975 4429883 4434786 4439685 4444579 4449468 4454352 4459232 4464107 4468978 4473843 •4478704 4483561 4488413 4493260 ■4498102 4502940 •4507774 4512602 4517427 4522246 4527061 •4531872 •4536678 4541479 •4546276 •4551069 •4555857 •4560641 •4565420 •4570194 •4574964 5050 5046 5040 5036 5030 5026 5020 5016 5010 5005 5001 4995 4991 4985 4981 4976 4971 4966 4961 4956 4951 4947 4941 4937 4932 4927 4923 4917 4913 4908 4903 4899 4894 4889 4884 4880 4875 4871 4865 4861 4857 4852 4847 4842 4838 4834 4828 4825 4819 4815 4811 4806 4801 4797 4793 4788 4784 4779 4774 4770 I Cosine iDif.l Secant | Covers. iCotang. Dit. Tani;:. Verseds.l Cosec. D, Sine 10-5719475 10-5714425 10-5709379 10-5704339 1 0^5699303 10^5694273 10^5689247 10^5684227 10-5679211 10^5674201 1 0^5669 196 10^5664195 10-5659200 10-5654209 10-5649224 10-5644243 10-5639267 10^5634296 10-5629330 10-5624369 10-5619413 10-5614462 10-5609515 1 0^5604574 10-5599637 10^5594705 10^5589778 10^5584855 10-5579938 10-5575025 10-5570117 10-5565214 10-5560315 10^5555421 10-5550532 10-5545648 10-5540768 10-5535893 10-5531022 10-5526157 10-5521296 10-5516439 10-5511587 10-5506740 10-5501898 10-5497060 10-5492226 10-5487398 10-5482573 10-5477754 10-5472939 10-5468128 10-5463322 10-5458521 10-5453724 10-5448931 10-5444143 10-5439359 10-5434580 10-5429806 10-5425036 9^8699243 9^8697596 9^8695949 9-8694301 9 8692653 9-8691004 9-8689355 9-8687706 8686056 9-8684405 9-8682754 9^868 1 102 9^8679450 9-867779S 9-8676145 9-8674491 9-8672837 9-8671182 9^8669527 9^8667872 9^86662 1 6 9-8664559 9^8662902 9-8661244 9^8659586 •8657928 •8656269 ■8654609 •8652949 •8651288 ■8649627 ■S647966 ■8646303 ■8644641 ■8642978 •8641314 •8639650 9-8637985 9-8636320 9-8634655 9^8632989 9^8631322 9^8629655 9^8627987 9^8626319 9-8624651 9-8622981 9-8621312 9-8619642 9^8617971 9-8616300 9-8614628 9-8612956 9-8611283 9-8609610 9-8607936 8606262 9-8604588 9-8602912 9-8601237 9-8599560 Secant D. Cosine 10-0150562 10-0150901 10^0151240 10^01 5 1580 10015191 10-0152260 10-0152600 10-0152941 10-0153283 10^0153625 10^01 53967 10^0 1543 10 10^0154653 10^0154996 10^0155340 10^0155684 10^01 56029 10-0156374 10-0156719 10-0157065 10-0157411 10-0157758 1 0^0158105 10^01 58452 10^0158800 1 0^0159148 10-0159497 10-0159846 10-0160195 10-0160545 10-0160895 10-0161245 10-0161596 10-0161948 10-0162299 10^0162652 10-0163004 10-0163357 10^0163710 10-0164064 10-0164418 10-0164773 10-0165128 10-0165483 10-0165839 10-0166195 10-0166551 10-0166908 10-0167265 10-0167623 10-0167981 10-0168339 10-0168693 10-0169058 10-0169417 10-0169777 10-0170138 10-0170499 10-0170860 10-0171222 10-0171584 339 339 340 339 341 340 341 342 342 342 343 343 343 344 344 345 345 345 346 346 347 347 347 348 348 349 349 349 350 350 350 351 352 351 353 352 353 353 354 354 355 355 355 356 356 356 357 357 358 358 358 359 360 359 360 361 361 361 362 362 •984943 •98490S •984876 •98484!^ •984808 •984774 •98474C •98470S •984671 •984637 -984603 •984569 •984534 •984500 •984466 ■984431 ■984397 ■984362 ■984328 ■984293 •984258 •984224 ■984189 ■984154 •984120 •984085 •984050 •984015 •983980 •983945 ■983910 ■983875 ■983840 •983805 ■983770 •983734 ■983699 •983664 •983629 •983593 •983558 •983522 •983487 •983451 •983416 ■983380 •983344 ■983309 ■983273 ■983237 •983201 •983166 •983130 983094 ■983058 •983022 •982986 ■982950 ■982914 ■982877 ■982841 T^. (280) 16 Peg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. Sine ■275G374 •275!) 1 70 >70'I{)65 276476*1 2767556 ■2770352 '2773147 2775941 27787;56- 27815,30 '27«43'21 27871 IH 27899 1 1 279'2704 2795497 27.98290 2801083 2803875 2806657 2809459 i8 12251 2815042 .'817833 2320624 2823415 2826205 2828995 2831785 2834575 2837364 2840153 2842942 2845731 2848520 2851308 2854096 2856884 2859671 2862458 2865246 2868032 2870819 287S605 2876391 2879177 2881963 2884748 2887533 2890318 2893103 2895887 2898671 2901455 2904239 2907022 2909805 2912588 2915371 2918153 2920935 60 2923717 Cosi Dif. Covers 2796 2795 2796 2795 2796 2795 2794 2795 2794 2794 2794 2793 2793 2793 2793 2793 2792 2792 2792 2792 2791 2791 2791 2791 2790 2790 2790 2790 2789 2789 2789 2789 2789 2788 2788 7243626 7240830 7238035 7235239 7232444 7229648 7226853 J-6279553 3-6242788 J-6206101 J-6 169490 J-6I32957 3-6096501 J-6060121 7224059 7221264 7218470 7215676 7212882 7210089 7207296 7204503 7201710 7198917 7196125 7193333 7190541 7187749 7184958 7182167 7179^76 7176585 7173795 7171005 7168215 7165425 7162636 7159847 7157058 7154269 7151480 7148692 ::^p|7 145904 2787j7l431l6 2yj,-l7 140329 ^1°'|7137542 g^^ 7 134754 2707J7131968 o7«fi|7l29181 278617126395 <,7pJ7 123609 .;^^!7120823 ;;°^!7 118037 070 rJ7 115252 27p>|74 12467 2785^09682 27„,i7l06897 2784 7104113 O7p!i7101329 97P4l7098545 .■;7fl^'709576l ^^^^7092978 7090195 7087412 7084629 7081847 7079065 7076283 3-6023818 2889503 3-5987590 2892655 3-5951439 2895808 2783 2783 2782 2782 2782 Cosec. Tang. 2867454 2870602 287375! 2876900 2880050 2883201 2886352 Dif. Vers. 3-5915363 3-5879362 3-5843437 3-5807586 3-5771810 3-5736108 3-5700481 3-5664928 3-5629448 3-5594042 3-5558710 3-5523450 3-5488263 3-5453149 3-5418107 3-5383138 3-5348240 3-5313414 3-5278660 3-5243977 3-5209365 3-5174824 3-5140354 3-5105954 3-5071625 3-5037365 3-5003175 3-49690 3-4935004 3-4901023 3-4867110 3-4833267 3-4799492 3-4765785 3-4732146 3-4698576 3-4665073 3-4631637 3-4598269 3-4564965 3-4531735 3-4498568 3-4465467 3-4432433 3-4399465 3-4366563 3-4333727 3-4300956 3-4268251 3-4235611 3 -420303 6| Secant I Cotan 2898961 2902114 2905269 2908423 2911578 2914734 2917890 2921047 2924205 2927363 2930521 2933680 2936839 2939999 2943160 2946321 2949483 2952645 2955808 2958971 2962135 2965299 2968464 2971630 2974796 2977962 2981129 2984297 2987465 2990634 2993803 2996973 3000144 3003315 3006486 3009658 3012831 3016004 3019178 3022352 3025527 3028703 3031879 3035055 3038232 3041410 3044588 3047767 3050946 3054126 305730 Cotan fi^. 5-4874144 i-4835896 3-4797726 3-4759632 3-4721616 3-4683676 3-4645813 3-4608026 3-4570315 3-4532679 3-4495120 3-4457635 3-4420226 3-4382891 3-4345631 3-4308446 3-4271334 3-4234297 3-4197333 3-4160443 3-4123626 3-4086882 3-4050210 3-4013612 3-3977085 3-39406S1 3-3904249 3-3867938 3-3831699 3-3795531 3-3759434 3-3723408 3-36874 3-3651568 3-3615753 3-3580008 3-35443.33 3-3508728 3-3473191 3-3437724 3-3402326 3-3366997 3-3331736 3-3296543 3-3261419 3-3226362 3-3191373 3-3156452 3-3121598 3086811 3052091 3017433 2982851 2948330 2913876 2879487 2845164 2810907 ■2776715 •2742588 ■2708526 Tang. Secant Vers. D. Cosine 0402994 0403863 0404732 0405602 0406473 0407346 0408219 0409094 0409969 0410845 0411723 0412601 0413481 0414362 0415243 0416126 0417009 0417894 0418780 0419667 0420554 0421443 0422333 0423224 0424116 ■0425009 ■0425903 ■0426798 ■0427694 ■0428591 '0429489 ■0430388 ■0431289 •0432190 ■0433092 •0433995 •0434900 •0435805 •0436712 -0437619 •0438528 -0439437 •0440348 •0441259 •0442172 •0443086 -0444001 -0444917 -0445833 •0446751 •0447670 -0448590 •0449511 •0450433 0451357 0452281 0453206 0454132 0455060 ■0455988 •0456918 Cosec. 0387383 0388185 0388988 0389792 0390597 0391402 0392208 0393016 0393823 0394632 0395442 0396252 0397063 0397875 0398688 0399501 0400316 0401131 0401947 0402764 0403582 0404400 0405219 0406039 0406860 0407682 0408504 0409328 0410152 0410977 0411803 0412629 0413457 0414285 0415114 0415944 0416774 0417606 0418438 0419271 0420105 0420940 0421775 0422611 0423448 0424286 0425125 0425965 0426805 0427646 0428488 0429331 0430175 0431019 0431864 0432710 0433557 0434405 0435253 0436102 0436952 802 803 804 805 805 806 808 807 809 810 810 811 812 813 813 815 15 816 817 818 818 819 820 821 822 822 824 824 825 826 826 828 828 829 830 830 832 832 833 834 835 835 836 837 838 839 840 840 841 842 843 844 844 845 846 847 848 848 849 9612617 9611815 9611012 9610208 9609403 9608598 9607792 Covers D. 9606984 53 9606177 9605368 9604558 9603748 9602937 9602125 9601312 9600499 599584 9598869 9598053 9597236 9.596418 9595600 9594781 9593961 93140 9592318 9591496 9590672 9589848 9589023 9588197 9587371 9586543 9585715 9584886 26 9584056 9583226 9582394 9581562 9580729 9579895 9579060 9578225 9577389 9576552 9575714 9574875 9574035 9573195 9572354 9571512 9570669 9569825 9568981 9568136 9567290 566443 9565595 9564747 9563898 ^^^ 9563048 Sine Deii. 73. 16 Dcsj. LOG. SINES, &C. (2 ' Sine Dif 9-4403.}Ki 9-4407784 9-4412182 9-4416576 9-44^0965 9-4425349 9-4429728 9-4434103 9-4438472 9-4442837 9-4447197 9-4451553 9-4455904 9-4460250 9-4464591 9-4468927 9-4473259 9-4477586 9-4481909 9-4486227 9-4490540 9-4494849 9-4499153 9-4503452 9-4507747 9-4512037 9-4516322 9-4520603 9-4524879 9-4529151 9-4533418 9-4537681 9-4541939 9-4546192 9-4550441 9-4554686 9-4558926 9-4563161 9-4567392 9-4571618 9-4575840 9-4580058 9-4584271 9-4588480 9-4592684 9-4596884 9-4601079 9-4605270 9-4609456 9-4613638 9-4617816 9-4621989 9-4626158 9-4630323 9-4634483 9-4638639 9-4642790 4646938 9-4651081 9-4655219 9-4659353 140 1398 4394 4389 4384 4379 4375 4369 4365 4360 4356 4351 4346 4341 4336 4332 4327 4323 4318 4313 4309 4304 4299 429 4290 4285 4281 4276 4272 4267 4263 4258 4253 4249 4245 4240 4235 4231 4226 4222 4218 4213 4209 4204 4200 4195 4191 4186 4132 4178 4173 4169 4165 4160 4156 4151 4148 4143 4138 4134 Cosine Dif. Cosec. 10-5596619 10-5592216 10-5587818 10-5583424 10-5579035 10-5574651 10-5570272 10-5565897 10-5561528 10-5557163 10-3^52803 10-5548447 10-5544096 10-5539750 10-5535409 10-5531073 10-5526741 10-5522414 10-5518091 10-5513773 Versed^ 10-5509460 10-5505151 10-5500847 10-5496548 tO-5492253 10-5487963 10-5483678 10-5479397 10-5475121 10-5470849 10-5466582 10-5462319 10-5458061 10-5453808 8-5881406 8-5890390 8-5899365 8-5908330 8-5917286 8-5926233 8-5935170 8-5944097 8-5953016 8^B96192." 8-5970824 8-5979715 8-5988596 8-5997468 8-6006330 8-6015184 8-6024028 8-6032863 8-6041689 8-6050506 8-6059313 8-6068112 8-6076901 8-6085681 8-6094453 8-6103215 8-6111968 8-6120712 8-6129448 8-6138174 8-6146891 8-6155600 8-6164299 §•6172990 10-5449559:8-6181672 1-9-5445314 8-6190345 10-5441074 8-6199009 10-5436839 8-6207664 10-5432608 8-6216311 10-5428382 8-6224948 10-5424160 8-6233577 Taog. 10-5419942 10-5415729 10-5411520 10-5407316 10-5403116 10-5398921 10-5394730 10-5390544 10-5386362 10'5!i82184 10-5378011 10-5373842 10-5369677 10-5365517 10-5361361 10-5357210 10-5353062 10-5348919 10-5344781 10-5340647 8-6242197 8-6250809 8-6259412 8-6268006 8-6276591 8-6285168 8-6293736 8-6302295 8-6310846 6319388 8-6327922 6336447 6344964 6353472 8-6361971 8-6370462 8-6378945 8-6387419 8-6395884 8-6404342 Secant i Covers. 9-4574964 9-4579730 9-458449 1 9-4589248 9-459400 9-4598749 9-4603492 9-4608232 9-4612967 9-4617697 9-4622423 9-4627145 9-4631863 9-4636576 9-4641285 9-4645990 9-4650690 9-4655386 9-4660078 9-4664765 9-4669448 9-4674127 9-4678802 9-4683473 9-4688139 9-4692801 9-4697459 9-4702112 9-4706762 9-4711407 9-4716048 9-4720685 9-4725318 9-4729947 9-4734572 9-4739192 9-4743808 9-4748421 9-4753029 9-4757633 9-4762233 9-4766829 9-4771421 9-4776009 9-4780592 9-4785172 4789748 9-4794319 9-4798887 9-4803451 9-4808011 4812566 4817118 9-4821666 9-4826210 9-4830750 9-4835286 9-4839818 9-4844346 9-4848870 4853390 !)if.| Cotang, Cotunjj". 4766 4761 4757 4753 4748 4743 4740 4735 4730 4726 4722 47 18 4713 4709 4705 4700 4696 4692 i687 4683 4679 4675 4671 4666 4662 4658 4653 4650 4645 4641 4637 4633 4629 4625 4620 4616 4613 4608 4604 4600 4596 4592 4588 4583 4580 4576 4571 4568 4564 4560 4555 4552 4548 4544 4540 4536 4532 4528 4524 4520 Dif. 10-5425036 10-5420270 10-5415509 10-5410752 10-5405999 10-54012 10-5396508 10-5391768 10-5387033 10-5382303 10-5377577 10-5372855 10-5368137 10-5363424 10-5358715 10-5354010 10-5349310 10-5344614 10-5339922 10-5335235 10-5330552 10-5325873 10-5321198 10-5316527 10-5311861 10-5307199 10-5302541 10-5297888 10-5293238 10-5288593 10-5283952 10-5279315 10-5274682 10-5270053 10-5265428 10-5260808 10-5256192 10-5251579 10-5246971 10-5242367 10-5237767 10-5233171 10-5228579 10-5223991 10-5219408 10-5214828 10-5210252 10-5205681 10-5201113 10-5196549 10-5191989 10-5187434 10-5182882 10-5178334 10-5173790 10-5169250 10-5164714 10-5160182 10-5155654 10-5151130 10-5146610 Covers. Tang. 9-8599560 9-8597884 9-8596206 9-8594529 9-8592851 9-8591172 9-8589492 9-8587813 9-8586132 9-8584452 9-8582770 9-8581089 9-8579406 9-8577723 9-8576040 9-8574356 9-8572672 9-8570987 9-8569302 9-8567616 9-8565929 9-8564242 9-8562555 9-8560867 9-8559179 9-8557490 9-8555800 9-8554110 9-8552420 9-8550729 9-8549037 9-8547345 9-8545653 9-8543959 9-8542266 9-8540572 9-8538877 9-8537182 9-8535486 9-8533790 9-8532094 9-853039 9-8528699 9-852700 9-8525302 9-8523603 9-8521903 9-8520203 9-8518502 9-8516800 9-8515099 9-8513396 9-8511693 9-8509990 9-8508286 9-8506582 9-8504877 9-8503171 9-8501465 9-8499759 9-8498052 Verseds. Secant 10-0171584 10-0171946 10-0172309 10-0172672 10-0173036 10-0173 400 10-0173764 10-0174129 10-0174494 0-0174860 10-0175226 10-0176592 10-0175959 10-0176326 10-0176694 10-0177062: D. Cosint 10-0177431 10-0177799 10-0178169 10-0178538 10-0178908 0-0179279 10-0179649 10^0180021 10-0180392 10-0180764 10-0181137 10-0181510 10-0181 10-0182256 10-0182630 10-0183005 10-0183380 10-018375? 10-0184130 10-0184506 10-0184883 10-0185260 10-0185637 10-0186014 10-0186392 10-0186771 10-0187150 10-0187529 10-0187909 10-0188289 10-0188669 10-0189050 10-0189431 100189813 10-0190195 10-0190577 10-0190960 10-0191343 10-0191727 10-0192111 10-0192495 10-0192880 10-0193265 10-0193651 10- 0194037 Cosec. 362 363 363 364 364 364 365 365 366 366 366 36 367 368 ^68 369 368 370 369 370 371 370 372 371 372 373 373 373 373 374 375 375 375 375 i76 377 377 377 377 378 379 379 379 380 380 380 381 381 382 382 382 383 383 384 384 384 385 385 386 86 D. 9-982841 9-982805 9-98276(3 9-98273'.^ 9-982690 9-982660 9-982623 9-982587 9-982550 9-982514 9-982477 9-982440 9-982404 >982367 9-982330 9-982293 9-982256 9-982220 9-982183 9-982146 9-982109 9-982072 9-982035 9-981997 9-981960 .9-981923 9-981886 9-981849 981811 9-981774 9-981737 9-981699 9-981662' 9-981624 981587< 9-981549 9-981511; 9-9814741 9-981436; 9-9813931 9-981360! 9-981322! 9-981285( 9-981247 9-981209 9-981171; 9-981133; 9-9810D5( 9-9810561 9-981018; 9-930980 = 9-930942C 9-980904( 9-980865; 9-980827: 9-9807881 9-980750; 9-9807l2( 9-980673; 9-980634! 9-980596; Sine y^ 18 Deo;. LOG. SINES, &C. (! Sine Dif 9-4899824 .9-490.57 10 2 9-4907592 388G 3882 9-4911471^^^5 9-49 1 9216'"^'*^^ 9-4923083 9-4926946 9-4930806 9-4934661 9-4938513 119-4942361 12 9-4946205 13 9-4950046 9-4953383 15|9-4957716 16 9-496" 1545 179-4965370 18 9-49o9192 19 9-4973010 20 9-4976824 21 9-4980635 22 9-4984442 23 9-4988245 24 9-4992045 25 9-4995840 9-4999633 9-5003421 9-5007206 9-5010987 9-5014764 9-5018538 9-5022308 ' 33 9-5026075 34 9-5029838 35 9-5033597 5037353 9-5041105 38 9-5044853 39 9-5048598 9-5052339 9-5056077 9-5059811 9-5063542 9-5067269 9-5070992 9-5074712 9-5073428 9-5082141 9-5085850 9-5089556 9-5093258 52 9-5096956 53 9-5100651 54 9-5104343 55 9-5108031 56 9-5111716 3867 3863 386'{ 385.' 3852 3843 3844 3841 3837 3833 3829 3825 3822 3818 3814 3811 3807 3803 3800 3795 3793 3788 3785 3781 3777 3774 3770 ilQI 3763 3759 756 3752 3748 3745 3741 3738 3734 3731 3727 3723 3720 3716 3713 3709 3706 3702 3698 3695 3692 3688 \ 3685 57 9-5115397.^- 58 9-5 119074^:27 5919-5122749"^'^^ 60 9-5126419 Cosine Dif, 3681 3670 Cosec. IVerseds. Tang. iDif. Cotang. Covers. Secant D. Cosine 10-5100176 10-5096290 10-5C92408 10-5088529 10-50£r4655 10-5080784 10-5076917 10-5073054 10-50691.94 10-5065339 10-5061487 10-50o7639 10-5053795 10-5049954 10-5046117 10-5042284 10-5038455 10-5034630 10-5030808 10-5026990 10-5023176 10-5019365 10-501555 10-5011755 1 0-5007956 10-5004160 10-5000367 10-4996579 10-4992794 10-4989013 10-4385236 10-4981462 10-49776.92 10-4973925 10-4970162 10-4966403 10-4962647 10-4958895 10-4955147 10-4951402 10-4947661 10-4943923 10-4940189 10-4936458 10-4932731 10-4929008 10.4925288 10-4921572 10-4917859 10-4914150 10-4910444 10-4906742 10-4903044 10-4899349 10-4895657 10-4891969 10-4888284 10-4884603 10-4880926 10-4877251 10-4873581 8-6952599 8-G960520 8-6968432 8-5976338 8-6984236 8-6992127 8-7000010 8-7007886 8-7015755 8-7023617 8 -7031 4^1 8-7039318 8-7047158 8-7054990 8-7062815 7070633 7078444 8-7086247 8-7094044 8-7101833 8-7109615 8-7117390 8-7125157 8-7132918 7140671 8-7148418 8-7156157 8-7163B89 8-7171614 8-7179^32 8-7187044 ^-7194748 8-7202445 8-7210135 8-7217818 8-7225494 7233163 8-7240825 8-7248480 8-7256129 8-7263770 8-7271404 8-7279032 7286653 8-7294267 8-7301874 8-7309474 8-7317067 8-7324654 8-7332233 8-7339806 8-7347373 8-7354932 8-7362485 4273 4270 4266 4263 4259 4256 4253 4249 4246 4243 4239 4236 4233 4230 4226 4222 4220 4216 4213 4210 4206 4204 4200 4196 4194 4190 4187 4184 1181 4177 4174 4171 4168 4165 4161 4158 4156 4152 4148 4146 4143 4139 4137 4133 4130 4127 4124 4121 4117 4115 4112 4108 4106 10-4882240 10-4877943 10-4873649 10-4869359 10-4865073 10-4860790 10-4856510 10-4852234 10-4847961 10-4843691 10-4839425 10-4835162 10-4830903 9-3394674 9-8392935 9-8391195 9-8389455 .9-8387714 9-8385973 9-8384231 9-8382489 9-8380746 9-8379003 9-8377259 9-8375515 9-8373770 410, ' 10-4750605 10-4746411 10-4742221 9 10-4738034 10-4733850 10-4729669 10-4725492 10-4721318 10-4717147 10-4712979 10-4708814 10-4704653 -8361540 -8359791 •8358041 -8356291 -8354540 •8352789 •8351037 -8349285 -8347532 -8345778 -8344024 -8342269 -8340514 •8338759 ■8337002 •8335246 •8333488 •8331731 •8329972 •8328213 •8326454 -8324694 •8322933 -8321172 10-4700495 9-B3I9411 10-4696339 10-4692187 10-4688039 10-4683893 10-4679750 10-4675611 10-4671474 10-4667341 10-4663211 10-4659084 10-4654960 10-4650839 10-4646722 10-4642607 10-4638495 10-4634387 10-4630281 Secant Covers. Cotang. Dif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D 9-8317649 9-8315886 9-8314123 9-8312359 9-8310595 9-8308830 9-8307064 9-8305299 9-8303532 9-8301765 9-8299997 9-8298229 8296461 8294692 9-8292922 9-8291152 9-8289381 10-0217937 10-0218347 10-0218759 10-0219170 10-0219582 10-0219994 10-0220407 10-0220820 10-0221234 10-0221647 10-0222062 10-0222477 10-0222892 10-0223307 10-0223723 10-0224140 10-0224556 10-02249741 10-02253911 10-0225809 10-0226228 10-0226646 10^227066 10-0227485 10-0227905 10-0228326 10-0228747 10-0229168 10-0229590 10-0230012 10-0230434 10-0230857 10-0231280 10-0231704 10-0232128 10-0232553 10-0232978 10-0233403 10-0233829 10-0234255 10-0234682 10-0235109 10-0235536 10-0235965 10-0236392 10-0236821 10-0237250 10-0237679 10-0238109 10-0238539 10-0238970 10-0239401 10-0239833 10-0240264 10-0240697 10-0241130 10-0241563 10-0241996 10-0242430 10-0242865 10-0243299 422, 978206 978165 )-978124 ^978083 )-978041 ^-978000 )-977959 )-9779 18 )^977876 )-977835 ^•977793 ^•977752 ^•977710 )-977669 h9776'27 )-977586 )-977544 ^977502 )-977460 )-977419 h977S77 )-977335 )-977293 )-977251 )-977209 h977l67 )-977l25 ^-977083 )-977041 )-976998 )-976956 )-9769]4 )-976872 )-976829 )-976787 )-976744 )-976702 )^976659 )-9766l7 >-976574 ►•976531 (•976489 (•976446 ••976403 ••9 763 60 1-976317 (•976275 (•976232 (•976189 (•976146 (•976103 1-976059 1-976016 1-975973 1-975930 1-975887' 1-975843 1-975800 1-9757571 •-975713. 1-975670 Sine (C86) 19 Peg Sine Dif. Covers NATURAL SIJTES, &C. Tab. 10, {•ib"1182 J20'3')32 326b'68I 3269430 3272179 3274928 m7676 3280424 3283172 3285919 3288666' 3291413 3294160 3296906 3299653 3302398 3305144 3307889 3310634 3313379 3316123 3318867 3321611 3324355 3327098 3329841 3332584 3335326 3338069 3340810 3343552 3346293 3349034 3351775 3354516 3357256 3359996 3362735 3365475 3368214 3370953 3373691 3376429 3379167 3381905 3384642 3387379 3390116 3392852 3395589 3398325 3401060 3403796 3406531 3409265 3412000 3414734 J4 17468 3420201 6744318 6741568 6738818 6736068 6733319 6730570 6727821 6725072 6722324 6719576 6716828 6714081 6711334 6708587 6705840 6703094 6700347 _, ,^ 6697602 2^1? 6694856 6692111 6689366 6686621 6683877 2750 2750 2750 749 2749 2749 2749 1748 2748 2748 2747 2747 2747 2747 2746 2747 2745 2745 2745 2745 2744 2744!,...anQvi -^^J6678389 ' |6675645 274^j6670159 ^74^16664674 2743 6661931 6659190 6656448 6653707 6650966 6648225 6645484 6642744 „-_ 6640004 ^lf66S7265 27^^6634525 2739 2742 2741 2741 2741 2741 2740 2740 2738 2738 2738 2738 2737 2737 2737 2736 2737 2736 2735 2736 2735 2734 2735 2734 '2734 I2733 Cosine iDif. 6631786 6629047 6626309 6623571 6620833 6618095 6615358 6612621 6609884 6607148 6604411 6601675 6598940 6596204 6593469 6590735 6588000 6585266 65825 6579799 Vers, Cosec. Tang. 3-0715535 {•0689610 3 •0663 731 3-0637898 3^06121 11 3-0586370 3-0560675 3-0535026 3-0509423 3-0483864 3-0458352 3-0432884 3-0407462 3-0382084 3-0356752 3-0331464 3-0306221 3-0281023 3-0255868 3-0230759 3-0205693 3-0180672 3-0155694 30130760 3-0105870 3-0081024 3-0056221 3-0031462 3-0006746 2-9982073 2-9967443 2-9932856 2-9908312 2^9883811 2-9859352 2-9834936 2-9810563 2^9786231 2^976 1942 2-9737695 2^9713490 2^9689327 2^9665205 2-9641125 2-9617087 2-9593090 2-9569135 2-9545221 2-9521348 2-9497516 2-947372, 2-9449975 2-9426265 2-9402597 2-9378968 2-9355380 2-9331833 2-9308326 2-9284858 2-9261431 2-9238044 Cotang. 3443276 3446530 3449785 3453040 3456296 3459553 3462810 3466068 3469327 3472586 3475846 3479107 3482368 3485630 3488893 3492156 3495420 3498685 3501950 3505216 3508483 3511750 3515018 3518287 3521556 3524826 3528096 3531368 3534640 3537912 3541186 3544460 3547734 3551010 3554286 3557562 3560840 3564118 3567397 3570676 3573956 3577237 3580518 3583801 3587083 3590367 3593651 3596936 3600222 3603508 3606795 3610082 3613371 3616660 3619949 3623240 3626631 3629823 3633115 3636408 3639702 2-9042109 2-9014688 2-8987314 2-8959986 2-8932704 2-8905467 2-8878277 2-8851132 2-8824033 2-8796979 2-8769970 2-8743007 2-8716088 2-8689215 2-8662386 2-8635602 2-8608863 2-8582168 2-8555517 2-8528911 2^8502349 2-8475831 2-8449356 2-8422926 2^8396539 2-8370196 2-8343896 2-8317639 2-8291426 8265256 2-8239129 2-8213045 2^8187003 2-8161004 2-8135048 2-8109134 2-8083263 2-8057433 2-8031646 2-8005901 2-7980198 2-7954537 2-7928917 2-7903339 2-7877802 2-7852307 2-7826853 27801440 2-7776069 27750738 2-7725448 27700199 2-7674990 2-7649822 2-7624695 2-7599608 2-7574561 2-7549554 2-7524588 2-7499661 2-7474774 Secant Vers. jD. Cosine ' 1-0576207 1^0577267 b0578328 1-0579390 1-0580453 1-0581517 1-0582583 1-0583649 1-0584717 1-0585786 1-0586855 b0587926 1-0588999 1-0590072 1-0591146 1-0592221 1-0593298 1-0594376 1-0595454 1-0596534 1-0597615 1-0598697 1-0599781 1-0600865 1-0601951 1-0603037 1 •0604125 1-0605214 1-0606304 I-O6O7395 1-0608487 1-0609580 1-0610675 1-0611770 1-0612867 1-0613965 1-0615064 1-0616164 1-0617265 1-0618367 1-0619471 1-0620575 1 -062 1681 1-0622788 1-0623896 1-0625005 1-0626115 1-0627227 1-0628339 1-0629453 1-0630568 1-0631684 1-0632801 1-0633919 1-0635038 1-0636158 1-0637280 1-0638403 1 -0639527 1-0640652 1-0641778 0544814 0545762 0546710 0547659 0548609 0549559 0550511 0551463 0552416 0553370 0554325 0555280 0556236 0557193 0558151 0559110 0560069 0561029 0561990 0562952 0563915 0564878 0565843 0566808 0567773 0568740 0569707 0570676 0571645 0572614 0573585 0574556 0576529 0576502 0577475 0578450 0579425 0580402 0581379 0682356 0583336 0684314 0685295 0586276 0587257 0588240 0589223 0590207 0591192 0692178 0593165 0694152 0595140 0596129 0597119 0598109 0599101 0600093 0601086 O6O2079 0603074 Secant Cotan.j Tang. I Cosec. Covers D. Sine 948 948 949 950 950 952 952 953 954 965 955 956 957 958 959 969 960 961 962 963 963 965 965 965 967 967 969 969 969 971 971 973 973 973 975 975 977 977 977 979 979 981 981 981 983 983 984 985 986 987 987 988 989 990 990 992 992 993 993 995 9455186 60 9454238 9453290 9452341 9451391 9450441 9449489 9448537 9447584 9446630 9445675 9444720 9443764 9442807 9441849 9440890 9439931 9438971 9438010 9437048 9436085 9435122 9434157 9433192 9432227 9431260 9430293 9429324 9428355 9427386 9426415 9425444 9424471 9423498 9422525 9421650 9420575 9419598 9418621 9417644 9416665 9415686 9414705 9413724 9412743 9411760 9410777 9409793 9408808 9407822 9406835 9405848 9404860 9403871 9402881 9401891 9400899 9399907 9398914 9397921 9396926 Hf^rr 'TO ]9 De^. LOG. SINES, &C. (^i Verseds. Tang. Dif. Cotang. Covers. Secant D. Cosine Sine 9-5126419 9-5130086 9-5133750 9-5137410 9-5141067 9-5144721 9-5148371 9-5152017 9-5155660 9-5159300 9-5162936 9-5166569 9-5170198 9-5173824 9-5177447 9-5181066 9-5184682 9-5188295 9-5191904 9-5195510 9-5199112 9-5202711 9-520^5307 9-5209899 9-5213488 217074 9-5220656 9-5224235 9-5227811 9-5231383 9-5234953 9-5238518 9-5242081 9-5245640 9-5249196 9-5252749 9-5256298 9-5259844 9-5263387 9-5266927 9-5270463 9-5273997 9-5277526 9-5281053 9-5284577 9-5288097 9-5291614 9-5295128 9-5298638 9-5302146 9-5305650 9-5309151 9-5312649 9-5316143 9-5319635 9-5323123 9-5326608 9-5330090 9-5333569 9-5337044 9-5340517 Dif. Cose 3667 3664 3660 3657 3654 3650 3646 3643 3640 3636 3633 3629 3626 3623 3619 3616 3613 3609 3606 3602 3599 3596 3592 3589 3586 3582 3579 3576 3572 3570 3565 3563 3559 3556 3553 3549 3546 3543 3540 3536 3534 3^29 3527 3524 3520 3517 3514 3510 3508 3504 3501 3498 3494 3492 3488 3485 3482 3479 3475 3473 C. 10-4873581 10-4869914 10-4866250 10-4862590 10-4858933 10-4855279 10-4851629 10-4847983 10-4844340 10-4840700 10-4837064 10-4833431 10-4829802 10-4826176 10-4822553 10-4818934 10-4815318 10-4811705 10-4808096 10-4804490 10-4800888 10-4797289 10-4793693 10-4790101 10-4786512 10-4782926 10-4779344 10-4775765 10-4772189 10-4768617 10-4765047 10-4761482 10-4757919 10-4754360 10-4750804 10-4747251 10-4743702 10-4740156 10-4736613 10-4733073 10-4729537 10-4726003 10-4722474 10-4718947 10-4715423 10-4711903 10-4708386 10-4704872 10-4701362 10-4697854 10-4694350 10-4690849 10-4687351 10-4683857 10-4680365 10-4676877 10-4673392 10-4669910 10-4666431 10-4662956 10-4659483 7362485 7370030 7377570 7385102 7392628 7400147 -7407659 -7415165 -7422664 -7430156 •7437642 •7445121 -7452593 -7460059 -7467518 -7474971 -7482417 -7489857 -7497290 -7504716 -7512136 -7519549 •7526956 ■7534357 7541751 -7549138 -7556519 -7563894 -7571262 -7578623 -7585979 -7593327 -7600670 -7608006 -7615336 -7622659 -7629976 '76372S6 -7644591 -7651889 •7659180 '7666466 1-7673745 !-7681018 1-7688284 1-7695544 1-7702798 1-7710046 t'7717288 1-7724523 1-7731752 !-7738975 1-7746192 i-7753403 !-7760607 1-7767805 \-7774997 !-7782183 ! -7789363 i-7796537 i-7803705 9-5369719 9-5373821 9-5377920 9-5382017 9-5386110 9-5390200 9-5394287 9-5398371 9-5402453 9-5406531 9-5410606 9-5414678 9-5418747 9-5422813 9-5426877 9-5430937 9-5434994 9-5439048 9-5443100 9-5447148 9-5451193 9-5455236 5459276 9-5463312 5467346 9-5471377 9-54754a5 9-5479430 9-5483452 9-5487471 9-5491487 9-5495500 9^5499511 9-5503519 9-5507523 9-5511525 9-5515524 9-5519521 9-5523514 9-5527504 9-5531492 9-5535477 9-5539459 9-5543438 9^5547415 9-5551388 9-5555359 9-5559327 9-5563292 9-5567255 9-5571214 9-5575171 9-5579125 9^5583077 9-5587025 9-5590971 9-5594914 9-5598854 9-5602792 9-5606727 9-5610659 4102 4099 4097 4093 4090 4087 4084 4082 4078 4075 4072 4069 4066 4064 4060 4057 4054 4052 4048 4045 4043 4040 4036 4034 4031 4028 4025 4022 4019 4016 4013 4011 4008 4004 4002 3999 3997 3993 3990 3988 3985 3982 3979 3977 3973 3971 3968 3965 3963 3959 3957 3954 3952 3948 3946 3943 3940 3938 3935 3932 10-4630281 10-4626179 10-4622080 10-4617983 10-4613890 10-4609800 10-4605713 10-4601629 10-4597547 10-4593469 0-4589394 10-4585322 10-4581253 10-4577187 10-4573123 10-4569063 10-4565006 10-4560952 10-4556900 10-4552852 10^4548807 10-4544764 10-4540724 104536688 10-4532654 10-4528623 10-4524595 10-4520570 10-4516548 10-4512529 10-4508513 10-4504500 10-4500489 10-4496481 10-4492477 10-4488475 10-4484476 10-4480479 10-4476486 10-4472496 10-4468508 10-4464523 10-4460541 10-4456562 10-4452585 10-4448612 10-4444641 10-4440673 10-4436708 10-4432745 10-4428786 10-4424829 10-4420875 10-4416923 10-4412975 10-4409029 10-4405086 10.4401146 10-4397208 10-4393273 10-4389341 9-8289381 9-8287609 9-8285837 9-8284065 9-8282292 9-8280518 9-8278744 9-8276970 9-8275194 9-8273419 9-8271642 9-8269866 9-8268088 8266310 9-8264532 9-8262753 9-8260973 9-8259193 9-8257412 9-8255631 9-8253849 9-8252067 9-8250284 9-8248501 9-8246717 9-8244932 9-8243147 9-8241362 9-8239576 9-8237789 9-8236002 9-8234214 9-8232425 9-8230636 9-8228847 9-8227057 9-8225266 9-8223475 9-8221684 9-8219891 9-8218099 9-8216305 9-8214511 9-8212717 9-8210922 9-8209126 9-8207330 9-8205533 9-8203736 9-3201938 9-8200140 9-8198341 9-8196542 9-8194742 9-8192941 9-8191140 9-8189338 9-8187536 9-8185733 9-8183930 9-8182126 10-0243299 10-0243735 10-0244170 10-0244606 10-0245043 10-0245479 10-0245917 10-0246354 10-0246792 10-0247231 10-0247670 10-0248109 10-0248549 10-0248989 10-0249430 10-0249871 10-0250312 10-0250754 10-0251196 10-0251639 10-0252082 10-0252525 10-0252969 10-0253413 10-0253858 10-0254303 10-0254748 10-0255194 10-0255641 10-0256087 10-0256534 10-0256982 10-0257430 100257878 10-0258327 10-0258776 10-0259226 10-0259676 10-0260127 10-0260578 10-0261029 10-0261481 10-0261933 10-0262385 10-0262838 10-0263291 10-0263745 10-0264199 10-0264654 10-0265109 10-0265565 10-0266020 10-0266477 10-0266933 10-0267390 10-0267848 10-0268306 10-0268764 10-0269223 10-0269682 10-0270142 436 435 436 437 436 438 437 438 439 439 439 440 440 441 441 441 442 442 443 443 443 444 444 445 445 445 446 447 446 447 448 448 448 449 449 450 450 451 451 451 452 452 452 453 453 454 454 455 455 456 455 457 456 457! 458; 458 458 459 459 460 9-975670 9-975626 9-975583 9-975539 9-975495 9-975452 9-975408 9-975364 9-975320 9-975276 9-975233 975189 9-975145 9-975101 9-975057 9-975012 9-974968 9-974924 9-974880 9-974836 9-974791 9-974747 9-974703 9-974658 9-974614 9-974569 9-974525 9-974480 9-974435 9-974391 9-974346 9-974301 9-974257 9-974212 9-974167 9-974122 9-974077 9-974032 9-973987 9-973942 9-973897 9-973851 9-973806 9-973761 9-973716 9-973670 9-973625 9-973580 9-973534 9-973489 9-973443 9-973398 9-973352 9-973306 9-973261 9-973215 9-973169 9-973123 9-973077 9-973031 9-972985 Cosine Dif. Secant Covers. Cotang. Dif. » .. ....-liil i» n ill.|iil . ii. y ,i ■! I. I il W (T l» ^, ang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine (288) 20 Depj. natural sin i.s, &c. Tab. 10. Sine 3420201 .J-1256'h"H .J42H40() .J43ll;}3 513433865 6j3436597 713431)32.0 8 3442060 9 3444791 103447521 11,3450252 12j3452982 1313455712 14 3458441 15 '346*1 171 16j34G3900 I7j346'6628 18,3469357 19(3472085 20'3474812 2I]3477540 22(3480267 23)3482994 24j3485720 25|3488447 26;3491173 27i3493898 2813496624 29'3499349 303502074 31 3504798 323507523 33 3510246 343512970 35 3515693 3518416 3521139 3523862 39j3526584 403529306 413532027 423534748 43'3537469 44.3540190 45|3542910 46 3545630 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 3548350 3551070 3553789 3556508 3559226 3561944 3564662 3567380 3570097 3572814 357553 3578248 3580964 3583679 Dif. Covet 2734 2733 >7i2 27:1^ 2732 2732 2732 2731 2731 2730 2731 2730 2730 2729 2730 2729 2728 2729 2728 2727 2728 2727 2727 2726 2727 2726 2725 2726 2725 2725 2724 2725 2723 2724 2723 2723 2723 2723 2722 2722 2721 2721 2721 2721 2720 2720 2720 2720 2719 2719 271 2718 2718 2718 2717 2717 2717 27 2716 2715 6579799 6577065 6574332 6571600 6568867 6566135 6563403 6560671 6557940 6555209 6552479 6549748 6547018 6544288 2-8937598 Cosec. 2-9238044 2-9214697 2-9191389 2-9168121 2-9144892 2-9121703 2-9098553 2-9075443 2-9052372 2-9029339 2-9006346 2-8983391 2-8960475 6541559 6538829 6536100 6533372 6530643 6527915 6525188 6522460 6519733 6517006 6514280 6511553 6508827 6506102 6503376 6500651 6497926 495202 6492477 6489754 6487030 6484307 6481584 6478861 6476138 6473416 6470694 6467973 6465252 6462531 6459810 6457090 6454370 6451650 6448930 6446211 6443492 6440774 6438056 6435338 6432620 6429903 6427186 6424469 6421752 6419036 6416321 2-8914760 2-8891960 2-8869198 2-8846474 2-8823789 2-8801142 2-8778532 2-8755961 2-8733428 2-8710932 2-8688474 8666053 8643670 8621324 859901 8576744 8554510 8532312 8510152 8488028 8465941 8443891 8421877 8399899 8377958 8356054 83341 8f 831235.^ 8290556 ani^. 2-8268796 2-8247071 2-8225382 2-8203729 2-8182111 2-8160529 2-8138982 2-8117471 2-8095995 2-8074554 2-8053148 2-8031777 2-8010441 2-7989140 2-7967873 2-7946641 2-7925444 2-7904281 3639702 3642997 3646292 3649588 3652885 3656182 3659480 3662779 3666079 3G69V9 3672680 3675981 3679284 3682587 3685890 3689195 3692500 3695806 3699112 3702420 3705728 3709036 3712346 3715656 3718967 3722278 3725590 3728903 3732217 3735532 3738847' 3742163 3745479 3748797 375211 3755433 3758753 3762073 3765394 3768716 3772038 3775361 3778685 3782010 3785335 3788661 3791988 3795315 3798644 3801973 3805302 3808633 3811964 3815296 3818629 3821962 2 3825296 .^-7474774 2-7449927 2-7425120 2-7400352 2-7375623 2-7350934 2-7326284 2-7301674 2-7277102 2-7252569 2-7228076 2-7203620 2-7179204 2-7154826 2-713048 2-7106186 2-7081923 2-7057699 2-7033513 2-7009364 2-6985254 2-69611 2-6937147 2-6913149 2-6389190 Cosine Dif.l Vers. Secant Cotan. Ti (3otani^ 6865267 6841383 6817535 6793725 6769951 6746215 2- 2> 2- 2- 2- 2' 2-6722516 2-6698853 2-6675227 2-6651638 2-662808. • 2-6604569 2-6581089 2-6557645 2-6534238 2-6510867 2-6487531 2-6464232 2 2 2 2 2 2 3828631 3831967 3835303 3838640 6440969 6417741 6394549 ■6371392 •6348271 ■6325186 •6302136 •6279121 •6256141 •6233196 •6210286 •6187411 •6164571 -6141766 -6118995 -6096259 -6073558 •6050891 Secant 1-0641778 1-0642905 1-0644033 1 •0645 163 1-0646294 1-0647425 1 -0648558 1-0649693 1-0650828 1-0651964 1-0653102 1-0654240 1-0655380 1-0656521 1-0657663 1-0658807 1-0659951 1 -0661057 1-0662243 1-0663391 1 -0664540 1-0665690 1-0666842 1-0667394 I -0669 1 48 1-0670302 1-0671458 1-0672615 1-0673774 1-0674933 1-0676094 1-0677255 1-0678418 1-0679582 1-0680747 1-0681914 1-0683081 1-0684250 0640429 1-0685420 0641453 1-0686591 0642479 1-0687763 0643505 1-0688936 0644532 1-0690110 0645560 Vers. \M\. Cosine 0603074 0604069 0605065 0605062 0607060 0608058 060905 0610058 0611058 0612060 0613062 0614066 0615070 0616075 0617080 0618087 0619094 0620102 0621111 0622120 0623131 0624142 0625154 0626167 0627180 0628194 0629210 0630226 0631242 0632260 0633278 0634297 0635317 0636338 OS37359 0633382 0639405 1-0691286 1-0692463 1-0693641 1-0694820 1 -0696000 0646588 0647618 0648648 0649679 0650711 1-0697182 0651743 1-0698364 0652777 1-0699548 06538 1 -070073310654846 1-0701919 0655881 1-0703106 1-0704295 1-0705484 1-0706675 1-0707867 1-0709060 1-0710254 1-0711450 0656918 0657955 0658993 0660032 0661072 0662112 0663154 0664196 Cosec. Covers Dif Sine 995 996 m7 998 998 999 1001 1000 002 1002 1004 1004 005 1005 007 007 100!^ 1009 1009 1011 1011 1012 1013 1013 1014 1016 1016 1016 1018 1018 1019 1020 1021 1021 1023 1023 1024 1024 1026 1026 1027: 1028 1028 1030 I030; 1031 1032 1032 1034 k)34 1035 1035 1037 1037 1038 1039 1040 1040 1042 1042 9396926 9395931 9394935 9393938 9392940 9391942 9390943 9389942 9388942 9387940 }386;)38 9385934 9384930 9383925 9382920 9381913 9380906 9379898 9378889 9377880 9376869 9375858 9374846 9373833 9372820 9371806 9370790 9369774 9368758 9367740 9366722 9365703 9364683 9363662 9362641 9361618 9360595 19359571 9358547 9357521 9356495 9355468 9354440 9353412 9352382 9351352 9350321 9349289 93482 9347223 9346189 9345154 9344119 9343082 9342045 9341007 9339968 9338928 9337888 9336846 9335804 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 4: 40 39 J8 2,7 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 21 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 n. Ri^ QO Deg. LOG. SINES, Sec. (fi\ Sine Dif. Cosec. Verseds. Tang. Dif. Cotang. Covers. Secant U.j Co^m 9-5340517 9-5343.986 9-5347452 9-5350915 9-5354375 9-5357832 9-536" 1286 9-5364737 9-5368184 9-5371629 9-5375070 9-5378508 9-5381943 9-5385375 9-5388804 9-5392230 9-5395653 9-5399073 9-5402489 9-5405903 9-5409314 9-5412721 9-5416126 5419527 9-5422926 9-5426321 9-5429713 9-5433103 9-5436489 9-5439873 9-5443253 9-5446630 9-5450005 9-5453376 9-5456745 9-5460110 9-5463472 9-5466832 9-5470189 9-5473642 9-5476893 9-5480240 5483585 9-5486927 9-5490266 5493602 9-5496935 9-5500265 9-5503592 9-5506916 9-5510237 5513556 9-5516871 9-5520184 9-5523494 9-5526801 9-5530105 9-5533406 9-5536704 5539999 5543292 3469 3466 3463 3460 3457 3454 3451 3447 3445 3441 3438 3435 3432 3429 3426 3423 3420 3416 3414 3411 3407 3405 3401 3399 3395 3392 3390 3386 3384 3380 3377 3375 3371 3369 3365 3362 3360 3357 3353 3351 3347 3345 3342 3339 3336 3333 3330 3327 3324 3321 3319 3315 3313 3310 3307 3304 3301 3298 3295 3293 10-4659483 10-4656014 10-4652548 10-4649085 10-4645625 10-4642168 10-4638714 10-4635263 10-4631816 10-4628371 10-4624930 10-4621492 10-4618057 10-4614625 10-4611196 10-4607770 10-4604347 10-4600927 10-4597511 10-4594097 10-4590686 10-4587279 10-4583874 10-4580473 10-4577074 10-4573679 10-4570287 10-4566897 10-4563511 10-4560127 10-4556747 10-4553370 10-4549995 10-4546624 10-4543255 10-4539890 10-4536528 10-4533168 10-4529811 10-4526458 10-4523107 10-4519760 10-4516415 10-4513073 10-4509734 10-4506398 10-4503065 10-4499735 10-4496408 10-4493084 10-4489763 10-4486444 10-4483129 10-4479816 10-4476506 10-4473199 10-4469895 10-4466594 10-4463296 10-4460001 10-4456708 •7803705 -7810866 -7818022 -7825171 -7832314 -7839452 -7846583 •7853708 •7860827 -7867940 -7875047 7882149 7889244 7896333 7903416 7910494 7917566 7924630 7931690 •7938743 ■7945791 7952833 ■7959869 ■7966899 ■7973923 •7980941 •7987953 ■7994960 •8001961 •8008956 ■8015945 ■8022928 •8029906 -8036877 •8043843 •8050803 •8057758 •8064707 •8071649 •8078587 •8085518 •8092444 •8099364 -8106278 -8113187 •8120090 -8126988 -8133879 -8140765 •8147646 •8154521 -8161390 -8168253 -8175111 -8181964 •8188810 -8195652 -8202487 •8209317 -8216142 •8222961 5610659 •561 4588 5618515 5622439 5626360 5630278 5634194 5638107 ■5642018 •5645925 •5649831 •5653733 •5657633 •5661530 •5665424 •5669316 -5673205 -5677091 -5680975 -5684856 -5688735 -5692611 -5696484 -5700355 -5704223 -5708088 -5711951 -5715811 •5719669 •5723524 •5727377 •5731227 -5735074 -5738919 •5742761 •5746601 •5750438 5754272 ■5758104 5761934 5765761 ■5769585 ■5773407 ■5777226 ■5781043 ■5784858 ■5788669 ■5792479 5796286 ■5800090 •5803892 5807691 •5811488 5815282 5819074 5822864 5826651 ■5830435 •5834217 •5837997 ■5841774 3929 3927 3924 3921 3918 3916 3913 3911 3907 3906 3902 3900 3897 3894 3892 3889 3886 3884 3881 3879 3876 3873 3871 3868 3865 3863 3860 3858 3855 3853 3850 3847 3845 3842 3840 3837 3834 3832 3830 3827 3824 3822 3819 3817 3815 3811 3810 3807 3804 3802 3799 3797 3794 3792 3790 3787 3784 3782 3780 3777 10-4389341 J 0-4385412 10-4381485 10-4377561 10-4373640 10-4369722 10-4365806 10-4361893 10-4357982 10-4354075 10-4350169 10-4346267 10-4342367 10-4338470 10-4334576 10-4330684 1 0^4326795 0-4322909 10-4319025 10-4315144 10-4311265 10-4307389 10-4303516 10-4299645 10-4295777 10-4291912 10-4288049 10-4284189 10-4280331 10-4276476 10-4272623 10-4268773 10-4264926 10-4261081 10-4257239 10^4253399 10^4249562 10-4245728 10-4241896 10-4238066 10-4234239 10-4230415 10-4226593 10-4222774 10-4218957 10-4215142 10-421 1331 10-4207521 10-4203714 10-4199910 10-4196108 10-4192309 10-4188512 10-4184718 10-4180926 10-4177136 10-4173349 10-4169565 10-4165783 10-4162003 10-4158226 8182126 8180322 178516 8176711 174905 8173098 8171291 •8169483 8167675 165866 ■8164056 ■8162246 ■8160435 ■8158624 ■8156812 ■8155000 ■8153187 •8151374 ■8149560 ■8147745 •8145930 ■8144114 •8142298 •8140481 •8138664 •8136846 •8135027 ■8133208 •8131389 '8129569 •8127748 •8125926 -8124104 -8122282 -8120459 -8118635 •8116811 -8114986 -8113161 -8111335 -8109509 -8107682 -8105854 -8104026 -8102197 -8100368 -8098538 -8096703 -8094877 -8093045 -8091213 -8089380 -8087547 -8085713 -8083879 •8082044 •8080208 •8078372 •8076536 •8074698 •8072860 10-0270142 10-0270602 10-0271062 10-0271523 10-0271984 10-0272446 10-0272908 10-0273371 10-0273834 10-0274297 10-0274761 10-0275225 10-0275690 10-0276155 10-0276620 10-0277086 10-0277552 10-0278019 10-0278486 10-0278953 10-0279421 10-0279890 10-0280358 10-0280828 10-0281297 10-0281767 10-0282238 10-0282709 10^0283180 10-0283652 10-0284124 10-0284596 10-0285069 10-0285543 10-0286016 10-0286491 10-0286965 10-0287440 10-0287916 10-0288392 10-0288868 10-0289345 10-0289822 10-0290299 10-0290777 10-0291256 10-0291735 10-0292214 10-0292694 10-0293174 10-0293654 10-0294135 10-0294617 10-0290098 10-0295581 10-0296063 10-0296546 10-0297030 10-0297514 10-0297998 10-0298483 46C 460 461 461 462 462 463 463 463 464 464 465 465 465 466 466 467 467 467 468 469 168 470 469 470 471 471 471 472 472 472 473 474 473 475 474 475 476 476 476 477 477 477 478 479 479 479 480 480 480 481 482 481 483 482 483 484 484 484 485 972985 9-972893 9-972847 9-972801 9-972755 9-972709 9-972662 9-972616 9-972570 9-972523 9-972477 9-972431 9-972384 9-972338 9-972291 9-972244 9-972198 9-972151 9-972104 9-972057 9-972011 9-971964 9-971917 9-971870 9-97 1823 9-971776 9-971729 9-971682 9-971634 9-971587 9-971540 9-971493 9-971445 9-971398 9-97 13o0 9-971303 9-971256 9-971208 9-971160 9-971113 9-971065 9-971017 9-97Q970 9-970922 9-970874 970826 9-970778 9-970730 9-970682 9-970634 9-970586 9-970538 9-970490 9-970441 9-970393 9-970345 9-970297 9-970248 9-970200 9-970151 Cosine Dif. Secant Covers Cotang. Dit Tani Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine (29^) 21 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. Sine 358167;> 3:)yyiio i5f)lB2r. Jj94540 35.07254 35999C8 3602682 3605395 3608108 3610821 3613534 3616246 3618958 3621669 3624380 3627091 3629802 3632512 3635222 3637932 3640641 3643351 3646059 3648768 3651.476 3654184 3656891 3659599 Wit. 1662306 3665012 3667719 3670425 3673130 3675836 367854t 3681246 3683950 3686654 3689358 3692061 3694765 3697468 3700170 3702872 3705574 3708276 3710977 3713678 49 3716379 12716 2715 2715 2715 2714 2714 2714 2713 2713 2713 2713 2712 2712 2711 2711 2711 2711 2710 2710 2710 2709 2710 27 2709 2708 2708 2707 2708 2707 2706 2707 2706 2705 2706 2705 270 2704 2704 2704 2703 270 2703 2702 2702 2702 2702 2701 2701 2701 6416321 6413605 6410890 6408175 6405460 6402746 16400032 6397318 6394605 6391892 6389179 6386466 6383754 6381042 6378331 6375620 6372909 6370198 6367488 Cover.-; Cosec. j Tani!,-. 2-790428 1J3838640 2-7883153 3841978 2-7862059 3845317 2-7840999 3848656 2-78 19973.385 1996 2-7798932 3855337 2-7778024 2-7757100 2-7736211 2-7715355 2-7694532 2-7673744 2-7652988 2-7632267 2-7611578 2-7590923 2-7570301 2-7549712 2-7529157 6364778 2-7508634 6362068 6359359 6356649 6353941 6351232 6348524 6345816 6343109 6340401 6337694 6334988 6332281 6329575 6326870 6324164 6321459 6318754 6316050 6313346 6310642 6307939 6305235 6302532 6299830 6297128 6294426 6291724 6289023 6286322 3719079 3721780 3724479 3727179 3729878 3732577 3735275 3737973 3740671 3743369 3746066| ^700 ^283621 ^'^""6280921 2701 2699 2700 2699 2699 2698 2698 2698 2698 2697 6278220 6275521 6272821 6270122 6267423 6264725 2-7488144 2-7467687 2-7447263 2-7426871 2-7406512 2-7386186 2-7365892 2-7345630 2-7325400 2-7305203 2-7285038 2-7264905 2-7244804 2-7224735 2-7204698 2-7184693 2-7164719 2-7144777 2-7124866 2-7104987 2-7085139 2-7065323 2-7045538 2-7025784 2-7006061 2-6986370 2-6966709 2-6947079 2-6927480 2-6907912 2-6888374 2-6868867 2-6849391 2-6829945 2-6810530 2-6791145 2-6771790 6262027 J2-675246, 625932912-6733171 6256631 12-6713906 6253934 2-6694672 3858679 3862021 3865364 3868708 3872053 3875398 3878744 3882091 3885439 3888787 3892136 3895486 3898837 3902189 3905541 3908894 3912247 3915602 3918957 3922313 3925670 3929027 3932386 3935745 3939105 3942465 3945827 3949189 3952552 3955916 3959280 3962645 3966011 3969378 3972746 3976114 3979483 3982853 3986224 398959 3992968 3996341 3999715 4003089 4006465 4009841 4013218 4016596 4019974 40233,54 4026734 4030115 4033496 4036879 4040262 2-6050891 2-6028258 2-6005659 2-5983095 2-5960564 2-5938068 2-5915606 Cotanc^. Secant (CosinelDif.l Vers. 1 Secant jCotai 2-5893177 2-5870782 2-5848421 2-5826094 2-5803800 2-5781639 2-5759312 2-5737118 2-5714957 2-5692830 2-5670735 2-5648674 2-5626645 2-5604649 2-5582686 2-5560756 2-5538858 2-5516992 2-5495160 2-547S359 2-5451591 2-5429855 2-5408151 2-5386479 2-5364839 2-5343231 2-5321655 2-53001 1 1 )278598 2-5257117 2-5235667 2-5214249 2-5192863 2-5171507 2-5150183 2-5128890 2-5107629 2-5086398 2-5065198 2-5044029 2-5022891 2-5001784 2-4980707 2-4959661 2-4938645 2-4917660 2-4896706 2-4875781 2-4854887 2-4834023 2-4813190 2-4792386 2-4771612 2-4750869 Vers. 1-0711450 1-0712647 1-0713844 1-0715043 1-0716244 1-0717445 1-0718647 1-0719851 1-0721056 1 -0722262 1-0723469 1-0724678 1-0725887 1-0727098 1-0728310 1-0729523 1-0730737 1-0731953 1-0733170 1-0734388 1-0735607 1-0736827 1-0738048 1-0739271 1-0740495 1-0741720 1-0742946 1-0744173 1-0745402 1-0746631 1-0747862 1-0749095 1-0750328 1-0751562 1-0752798 1-0754035 1-0755273 1-0756512 1-0757753 1-0758995 1-0760237 1-0761481 1-0762727 1-0763973 1-0765221 1-0766470 Dif, Cosine Tfiui^. 0664196 0665239 0666282 0667327 0668372 0669418 067046 0671512 067256 0673610 0674660 0675710 0676762 0677814 0678867 0679921 0680976 0682031 0683088 0684145 0685203 0686261 0687321 0688381 0689442 0690504 0691566 0692630 0693694 0694759 0695824 0696891 0697958 0699026 0700095 0701165 0702235 0703306 0704378 0705451 0706525 0707599 0708674 0709750 071082 0711904 1-0767720 0712983 1-0768971 1-0770224 1-0771477 1-0772732 1-0773988 0714062 0715142 0716222 0717304 0718386 1-0775246,0719469 l-0776504'0720553 1-0777764 0721637 1-0779025 0722723 1-0780287 0723809 1-0781550 0724896 1-0782815 0725984 1-0784080 0727072 1-0785347 0728161 Cosec. I Covert! 1043 1043 1045 1045 1046 1047 1047 1049 1049 1050 1050 1052 1052 |l053 1054 1055 1055 1057 1057 1058 1058 1060 1060 1061 1062 1062 1064 1064 1065 1065 1067 1067 1068 1069 1070 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1074 1075 1076 1077 1077 1079 1079 1080 1080 1082 1082 1083 1084 108 1086 1086 1087 1088 !088 1089 Dif. 9335804 9334761 9333718 9332673 9331628 9330582 9329535 9328488 9327439 9326390 9325340 9324290 9323238 9322186 9321133 9320079 9319024 9317969 9316912 9315855 9314707 9313739 9312679 9311619 9310558 9309496 9308434 9307370 9306306 9305241 9304176 9303109 9302042 9300974 9299905 9298835 9297765 9296694 9295622 9294549 9293475 9292401 9291326 9290250 9289173 9288096 9287017 9285938 9284858 9283778 9282696 9281614 9280531 9279447 9278363 927727 927619 9275104 9274016 9272928 9271839 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sine 21 Deg. LOG. SINES, Sec. (i Sine Dif.i Coscc. 10-'i4567()8 104453419 10-4450132 10-4446848 10-4443567 10-4440289 10-4437013 10-4433741 10-4430471 10-4427204 9-5549868 ''fJ, 9.5553152;_^;«; 9-5556433^-^' 9-55597 lldj;° 9-5562987g^^^ 9-55G6259I . 9-556"9529'^-'" 9-5572796 9-5576060 9-5579321 9-5582579 9-5585835 9-5589088 9-5592338 9-5595585 9-5598829 9-5602071 9-5605310 9-5608546 9-5611779 9-5615010 9-5618237 9-5621462 9-5624685 9-5627904 9-5631121 9-5634335 9-5637546 9-5640754 9-5643960 9-5647163 9-5650363 9-5653561 5656756 9-5659948 9-5663137 9-5666324 9-5669508 9-5672689 9-5675868 679044 43|9-5682217 449-5685387 459-5688555 46 9-5691721 47 9-5694883 489-5698043 49 9-5701200 509-5704355 5lb-5707506 52 53 54 55 66 67 58 59 60 / 9-5710656 9-5713802 9-5716946 9-5720087 9-5723226 9-5726362 9-5729495 9-5732626 9-5735754 3267 3264 3261 3258 3256 3253 3250 3247 3244 3242 3239 3236 3233 323 3227 3225 3223 3219 3217 3214 3211 3208 3206 3203 3200 3198 3195 3192 3189 3187 3184 3181 3179 3176 3173 3170 3168 166 3162 3160 3157 3155 3151 3150 3146 3144 3141 3139 3136 3133 3131 3128 Cosi ne Dif. 8-8222961 :^-8229774 8-8236582 • 213385 8-8250182 8-8256973 8-8263759 8-8270539 8277314 8-8284084 10-442394018-8290848 Verseds. 10-4420679 10-441742 10-4414165 10-4410912 10-4407662 10-4404415 10-4401171 10-4397929 10-4394690 10-4391454 10.438822 10-4384990 •10-4381763 10-4378538 10-437531 10-4372096 10-4368879 10-4365665 10-4362454 10-4359246 10-4356040 10-4352837 10-4349637 10-4346439 10-4343244 10-4340052 10-4336863 10-4333676 10-4330492 10-4327311 10-4324132 10-4320956 10-4317783 10 4314613 10-4311445 10-4308279 10-4305117 10-4301957 10-4298800 10-4295645 10-4292494 10-4289344 10-4286198 10-4283054 10-4279913 10-4276774 10-4273638 10-4270505 10-4267374 10-4264246 8-8297606 8-8304360 8-8311107 8-8317850 8-8324587: 8-8331318 8-8338044 8-834476, 8-8351480 8-8358190 3-8364895 8-8371594 8-8378288 8384976 8-8391660 8398337 8405010 8-8411677 8418339 8424996 8-8431647 8-8438294 8-8444934 8451570 8-8458200 8-8464826 8-8471445 8-8478060 8-8484670 8-8491274 8-8497873 8-8504467 8-8511055 8-8517639 8-8524217 8530790 8537358 8-8543921 8-8550479 8-8557032 8563579 8570121 8-8576659 8-8583191 589718 8-8596240 8-8602757 8-8609268 8-8615775 8622277 Secant 'Vhi\^. 9-6841774 9-6845549 9-5849321 9-5853091 9-5856859 9-5860624 9-6864386 9-5868147 9-5871904 9-5875660 9-5879413 9-6883163 9-5886912 9-5890657 9-5894401 9-5898142 9-5901881 9-5905617 9-5909351 9-5.913082 9-5916812 9-5920539 9-5924263 9-6927986 9-5931705 9-5935423 9-5939138 9-5942851 9-5946561 9-5960269 9-5953975 9-595767.9 9-5961380 9-5966079 9-5968776 9-5972470 9-5976162 9-5979852 9-5983540 9-5937225 9-5990908 9-5994588 9-5998267 9-6001943 9-6005617 9-600928.9 9-6012958 9-6016625 9-6020290 9-6023953 9-6027613 9-6031271 9-6034927 9-6038581 9-6042233 9-6045882 6049529 9-6053174 9-6056817 9-6060457 9-6064096 Dit. Cotansr. Covers 3776 3772 3770 3768 3765 3762 3761 3767 766 3753 3750 3749 3745 3744 3741 3739 3736 3734 3731 3730 3727 3724 3722 3720 371 3715 3713 3710 3708 3706 3704 3701 3699 3697 3694 3692 3690 688 3685 3683 ^680 3679 3676 3674 3672 3669 3667 3665 3663 3660 3658 3656 3654 3662 3649 3647 3645 3643 3640 3639 Covers. I Cotang. Dif. 10-4158226 10-4154451 10-41^50679 10-4146909 10-4143141 10-4139376 10-4135614 10-4131853 10-4128096 10-4124340 10-4120587 10-4116837 10-4113088 10-4109343 10-4105599 10-4101858 10-4098119 10-4094383 10-4090649 10-4086918 10-4083188 10-4079461 10-4075737 10-4072015 10-4068295 10-4064577 J 0-4060862 10-4057149 10-4053439 10-4049731 10-4046025 10-4042321 10-4038620 10-4034921 10-4031224 10-4027530 10-4023838 10-4020148 9-8072860 9-8071022 9:8069183 9-8067344 9-8065503 9-8063663 9-8061821 9-8059980 9-8058137 9-8056294 9-8064451 9-8052606 9-8050762 9-8048916 9-8047070 9-8045224 9-8043377 9-8041529 9-8039681 9-8037832 9-8035983 9-8034133 9-8032283 9-8030432 9-3028580 9-802672P 9-802487 9-802302 9-8021167 9-8019313 9-8017458 9-8016602 9-8013746 9-8011889 9-8010031 8008173 9-8006315 9-8004456 Secant 10-4016460 9-8002596 I0-4012776!9-8000735 10-40090&2j9-7998875 10-4-0054l2'9-7997013 0-400173319-7995151 10-3998057|9-7993288 10-39.94383:9-7991425 10-39.90711 9-7989561 10-398704219-7987697 I0-3983375i9-7985832 10-3979710 9-7983966 10-3976047 10-3972387 10-3968729 10-3965073 0-3961419 10-3957767 10-3954118 10-3950471 10-3946826 10-3943183 10-3939543 10-3935904 9-7982100 9-7980233 9-7978366 9-7976498 9'7974e'29 9-7972760 9-7970890 9-7969020 9-7967149 9-7965278 9-7963406 9-7961533 10 0298483 10-0298968 10-0299463 10-0299939 10-0300426 10-0300913 10-0301400 10-0301 10-0302376 10-0302864 10-0303363 10-0303842 10-0304332 10-0304823 10-0305313 10-0305804 10-0306296 10-0306788 10-0307280 10-0307773 10-0308266 10-030R759 10-0309254 10-0309748 10-0310243 10-0310738 10-0311234 10-0311730 10-0312227 10-0312724 10-0313221 10-0313719 10-0314217 10-0314716 10-0316215 10-0315714 10-0316214 10-0316715 10-0317216 10-0317717 10-0318219 10-0318721 10-0319223 10-0319726 10-0320229 10-0320733 10-0321237 10-0321742 10-0322247 10-0322753 10-0323259 10-0323765 10-0324272 10-0324779 10-0325287 10-0325795 10-0326303 10-0326812 10-0327321 10-0327831 10-0328341 Tan^. I Verseds D.I Cosin 485 485 486! 487! 48 48 488 488 488 489 489 490 491 490 491 492 492 492 493 493 493 495 494 496 495 496 496 497 497 497 98 498 499 499 499 00 501 501 501 502 502 502 503 503 504 )04 305 505 506 06 506 ■i07 507 508 508 508 509 509 510 510 .osec. D 9-97015 9-97010 9-97005 9 -97000 9-96995 9 -.96990 9-96986' 9-^6981 9-96976: 9-96971 9-96966- 9-96961, 9-969o6> 9-96951: 9-96,9461 9-969411 9-96937( 996932 9-96927: 9-96922: 9-96917: 9-96912' 9-96907- 9-96902; 9-96897; 9-968921 9-968871 9-96882; 9-96877; 9-96872; 9-96867: 9-968621 9-96857} 9-96852! 9-96847! 9-96842! 9-96837! 9-96832! 96827! 96822! 9-968 17e 96812/ 9-96807/ 9-96802/ 9-967977 9-96792f )6787£ 9-96782E 9-9677 7£ 9-967724 9-967674 9-967623 9-96757i 9-967522 9-967471 9-96742C 9-96736.(] 9-9673 Ir; 9-967267 9-967216 9-9671 6£ Sine (299) 2^ T>eS^. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. ' Sine Oif. Coven- ,i746066 ir4876'3 ,i7r)1459 <7:)4I56' {7r)6"«5l^ i7r)[)54; .i7b"2243 J764938 37676;i'2 3770327 ^773021 J775714 3778408 3781101 3783794 3786'486 3789178 3791870 3794562 3797253 3799944 3802634 3805324 3808014 3810704 3813393 3316082 3818770 3821459 3824147 3826834 3829522 3832209 8834895 3837582 3840268 3842953 3845639 3848324 3851008 3853693 3856377 3859060 3861744 3864427 3867110 3869792 3872474 3875156 3877837 3880518 3883199 3885880 3888560 3891240 3893919 3896598 3899277 3901955 5904633 i907311 Cosin( 2G97 >Gi)G iG97 iG9G 2695 2696 269 r 2694 269 2694 2693 2694 2693 2693 2692 2692 2692 2692 2691 2691 2690 2690 2690 2690 2689 2689 2688 2689 2688 2687 2688 2687 2686 2687 2686 2685 2686 2685 2684 2685 2684 2683 ->684 2683 2683 2682 2682 2682 2681 2681 2681 2681 2680 2680 2679 2679 2679 2678 2678 2678 6253934 6251237 6248541 624584^ 6243148 6240453 6237757 6235062 6232368 6229673 6226979 6224286 6221592 6218899 6216206 6213514 6210822 6208130 6205438 6202747 6200056 6197366 6194676 6191986 6189296 6186607 6183918 6181230 6178541 6175853 6173166 6170478 6167791 6165105 6162418 6159732 6157047 6154361 6151676 6148992 6146307 6143623 6140940 6138256 6135573 6132890 6130208 6127526 6124844 6122163 6119482 6116801 6114120 6111440 5108760 6106081 6103402 6100723 6098045 6095367 6092689 Dif. Vers. Cosec. 2-6694672 2-6675467 2-6656292 2-6637148 2-6618033 2-6598947 2-6579891 2-6560865 2-6541868 2-6522901 2-6503962 2-6485054 2-6466174 2-6447323 2-6428502 2-6409710 2-6390946 2-6372211 2-6353506 2-6334828 2-6316180 2-6297560 2-6278969 2-6260406 2-6241872 2-6223366 2-6204888 2-6186439 2-6168018 2-6149624 2-6131259 2-6112922 2-6094613 2-6076332 2-6058078 2-6039852 2-6021654 2-6003484 2-5985341 5967225 2-5949137 2-5931077 2-5913043 2-5895037 2-5877058 2-5859107 2-5841182 2-5823284 2-5805414 2-5787570 2-5769753 2-5751963 2-5734199 2-5716462 2-5698752 2-5681069 2-5663412 2-564578 2-5628176 2-5610599 2-5593047 Tang. 4040262 4043646 4047031 4050417 4053804 4057191 4060579 4063968 4067358 4070748 4074139 4077531 4080924 4084318 4087713 4091108 4094504 4097901 4101299 4104697 4108097 4111497 4114898 4118300 4121703 4125106 4128510 4131915 4135321 4138728 4142136 4145544 4148953 4152363 4155774 4159186 4162598 4166012 4169426 4172841 4176257 4179673 4183091 4186509 4189928 4193348 4196769 4200190 4203613 4207036 4210460 4213885 4217311 4220738 1224165 Cotang. 2-4750869 2-4730155 2-4709470 2-4688816 2-4668191 2-4647596 2-4627030 2-4606494 2-4585987 2-4565510 2-4545061 2-4524642 2-4504252 •4483891 •4463559 •4443256 •4422982 •4402736 ■4382519 •4362331 •4342172 •4322041 •4301938 •4281864 •4261819 •4241801 •4221812 •4201851 •418191 •4162013 •4142136 -4122286 •4102465 •4082672 •4062906 •4043168 •4023457 •4003774 •3984118 3964490 ■3944889 3925316 •3905769 2-3886250 2-3866768 2-3847293 2-3827855 2-3808444 2-3789060 4227594 2 4231023 2 4234453 2 1237884 4241316 4244748 •3769703 •3750372 •3731068 3711791 ■3692540 ■3673316 3654118 3634946 3615801 3596683 3577590 3558524 Secant Vers. Dif. Cosine 0785347 0786616 0787885 0789156 0790427 0791700 079297 0794250 0795527 0796805 0798084 0799364 0800646 0801928 0803212 0804497 0805784 0807071 0808360 0809650 0810942 0812234 0813528 0814823 0816119 0817417 0818715 0820015 0821316 082261 0823922 0825227 0826533 0827840 0829149 0830458 0831769 0833081 0834395 0835709 0837025 0838342 0839661 0840980 0842301 0843623 0844947 0846271 0847597 0848924 0850252 0851582 0852913 0854246 0855578 0856912 0858248 0859585 0860924 0862263 0863604 Secant Cotan. Tang. Cosec. Covers Dif. Sine 0728161 0729252 0730342 0731434 0732526 0733620 0734714 0735808 0736904 0738000 0739098 0740195 0741294 0742394 0743494 0744595 0745697 0746799 0747903 0749007 0750112 0751218 0752324 0753432 0754540 0755649 0756758 0767869 0758980 0760092 0761205 0762318 0763433 0764548 0765664 0766780 0767898 0769016 0770135 0771255 0772376 0773497 0774619 0775742 0776S66 0777990 0779116 0780242 0781368 0782496 0783625 0784754 0785884 0787014 0788146 0789278 0790411 0791545 0792680 0793815 ^0794951 1091 1090 1092 1092 1094 1094 1094 1096 1096 1098 1097 1099 1100 1100 1101 1102 1102 1104 1104 1105 1106 1106 1108 1108 1109 1109 111 111 1112 1113 1113 1115 1115 1116 1116 1118 1118 1119 1120 1121 1121 1122 1123 1124 1124 1126 1126 1126 1128 1129 1129 1130 1130 1132 1132 1133 1134 1136 1135 1136 9271839 9270748 9269658 9268566 9267474 9266380 9265286 9264192 9263096 9262000 9260902 9259805 9258706 9257606 9256506 9255405 9254303 9263201 9252097 9250993 9249888 9248782 9247676 9246568 9245460 9244351 9243242 9242131 9241020 9239908 9238796 9237682 9236567 9235452 9234336 9233220 9232102 9230984 9229865 9228746 9227624 9226503 9225381 9224258 9223134 9222010 9220884 9219758 9218632 9217504 9216375 9215246 9214116 9212986 9211854 9210722 9209589 9208455 9207320 9206185 9206049 22 Deg. LOG. SINES, &C. (2 Sine 9-5735754 9-5738880 9-5742003 9-5745123 9-5748240 9-5751356' 9-5754468 9-5757578 9-576'06'85 9-5763790 9-5766892 9-5769991 9-5773088 9-5776183 9-5779275 9-5782364 9-5785450 9-5788535 9-5791616 9-5794695 9-5797772 9-5800845 9-5803917 9-5806986 9-5810052 9-5813116 9-5816177 819236 9-5822292 9-5825345 9-5828397 9-58ai445 9-5834491 9-5837535 9-5840576 9-5843615 9-5846651 9-5849685 9-5852716 9-5855745 9-5858771 9-5861795 5864816 9-5867835 9-5870851 9-5873865 9-5876876 9-5879885 9-5882892 9-5885896 9-5888897 9-5891897 9-5894893 9-5897888 9-5900880 9-5903869 9-5906856 Dif. 9-5909841 9-5912823 9-5915803 5918780 3126 3123 3120 3117 3116 3112 3110 3107 3105 3102 3099 3097 3095 3092 3089 3086 3085 3081 3079 3077 3073 3072 3069 i066 3064 3061 3059 3056 3053 3052 3048 3046 3044 3041 3039 3036 3034 3031 3029 3026 3024 3021 3019 3016 3014 3011 3009 3007 3004 3001 3000 2996 2995 2992 2989 2987 2985 2982 2980 2977 Cosec. jVerseds 10-4264246 8-8622277 10-4261120 8-8628774 10-425799718-8635265 10-4254877 8-8641752 10-4251760 8-8648233 Cosine Dif. 10-4248644 10-4245532 10-4242422 10-4239315 10-4236210 10-4233108 10-4230009 10-4226912 10-4223817 10-4220725 10-4217636 10-4214550 10-421146 10-4208384 10-4205305 10-4202228 10-4199155 10-4196083 10-4193014 10-4189948 10-4186884 10-4183823 10-4180764 10-4177708 10-4174655 10-4171603 10-4168555 10-4165509 10-4162465 10-4159424 10-4156385 8-8654710 8-8661181 8-8667648 8-8674109 8-8680566 8-8687018 8-8693464 8-8699906 8706342 8-8712774 8-8719201 8-B725623 8-8732040 8738452 8-8744859 8-8751261 8-8757658 8-8764051 8-8770438 8-8776821 8-8783198 8789571 8795939 8802303 8-8808661 8-8815014 8-8821363 8-8827707 8-8834046 8-8840380 8-8846710 Tang. 10-4153349 8-8853034 10-4150315 10-4147284 10-414425^ 10-4141229 10-4138205 10-4135184 10-4132165 10-4129149 10-4126135 10-4123124 10-4120115 10-4117108 10-4114104 10-4111103 10-4108103 10-4105107 10-4102112 10-4099120 10-4096131 10-4093144 10-4090159 10-4087177 10-4084197 10-4081220 Secant 8-8859354 8-8865669 8-8871980 8-8878285 8-8884586 8-8890882 8-8897173 8-8903460 8-8909742 8-8916019 8-8922291 8-8928559 8-8934822 8-8941080 8-8947334 8-8953583 8959827 8-896606'6 8-8972301 8-8978532 8-8984757 8990978 8-8997194 8-9003406 9-6064096 9r6067732 9-6071366 9-6074997 9-6078627 9-6082254 9-6085880 9-6089503 9-6093124 9-6096742 ^6 100359 9-6103973 9-6107586 9-6111196 9-6114804 9-6ll8409i 9-6122013 9-6125615 9-6129214 9-6132812 9-6136407 9-6140000 9-6143591 9-6147180 9-6150766 9-6154351 9-6157934 9-6161514 9-6165093 9-6168669 9-6172243 9-6175815 9-6179385 9-6182953 9-6186519 9-6190083 6193645 9-6197205 9-6200762 9-6204318 9-6207872 9-6211423 9-6214973 9-6218520 9-6222066 9-6225609 9-6229150 9-6232690 9-6236227 9-6239763 9-6243296 9-6246827 9-6250356 9-6253884 6257409 9-6260932 9-6264454 9-6267973 9-6271491 9-6275006 9-6278519 Dif. 3636 3634 3631 3630 3627 3626 3623 3621 3618 3617 3614 3613 3610 3608 3605 3604 3602 3599 3598 3595 3593 3591 3589 3586 3585 3583 3580 3579 3576 3574 3572 3670 3568 3566 3564 3562 3560 3557 3556 3554 3551 3550 3547 3546 3543 3541 3540 3537 3536 3533 3531 3529 3528 3525 3523 3522 3519 3518 3515 3513 Cotang. 10-3935904 10-3932268 10-3928634 10-3926003 10-3921373 Covers. I Secant 9-7961533 9-7959660 9-7957786 9-7955912 9-7954037 Covers. • Cotang. Dif. 10-3917746 10-3914120 10-3910497 10-3906876 10-3903258 10-3899641 10-3896027 10-3892414 10-3888804 10-3885196 10-388159] 10-3877987 10-3874385 10-3870786 10-38671 10-3863593 10-3860000 10-3856409 10-3852820 10-3849234 10-3845649 10-3842066 10-3838486 10-3834907 10-3831331 10-3827757 10-3824185 10-3820615 10-3817047 10-3813481 10-3809917 10-3806355 10-3802795 10-3799238 10-3795682 10-3792128 10-3788577 10-3785027 10-3781480 10-3777934 10-3774391 10-3770850 10-3767310 10-3763773 10-3760237 10-3756704 10-3753173 10-3749644 10-3746116 10-3742591 10-3739068 10-3735546 10-3732027 10-3728509 10-3724994 10-3721481 9-7952161 9-7950285 9-7948408 9-7946531 9-7944653 9-7942774 9-7940895 9-7939015 9-7937135 9-7935254 9-7933373 9-7931491 9-7929608 9-7927725 9-7925841 9-7923956 9-7922071 9-7920186 9-7918300 9-7916413 9-791452 9-7912637 9-7910749 9-7908859 9-7906970 9-7905079 9-7903188 9-7901297 9-789940. 9-7897512 9-7895618 9-7893725 9-7891830 9-7889935 9-7888039 9-7886143 9-7884246 9-7882348 9-7880450 9-7878551 9-7876652 9-7874752 9-7872852 9-7870950 9-7869049 7867146 9-7865243 9-7863340 9-7861436 9-7859531 9-7857626 9-7855720 9-7853813 9-7851906 7849998 9-7848090 lang. Verseds. 10-0328341 10-0328852 10-0329363 10-0329875 10-0330386 10-0330899 10-0331412 10-0331925 10-0332438 10-0332952 10-0333467 10-0333982 10-0334497 10-0335013 10-0336529 10-0336046 10-0336563 10-0337080 10-0337598 10-0338116 0-0338635 10-0339154 10-0339674 10-0340194 10-0340715 10-0341236 10-0341757 10-0342279 10-0342801 10-0343323 10-0343847 10-0344370 10-0344894 10-0345418 10-0345943 10-0346468 10-0346994 10-0347520 10-0348047 10-0348574 10-0349101 10-0349629 10-0350157 10-0350686 10-0351215 10-0351744 10-0352274 10-035280 10-0353335 10-0353867 10-0354398 10-0354931 10-0365463 10-0356996 10-0356530 10-0357063 10-0357698 10-0358132 10-0358668 10-0359203 10-0359739 D 511 511 512 511 513 513 513 513 514 515 515 515 516 516 517 517 5 518 51 619 519 520 520 521 521 521 522 522 522 524 523 524 524 525 525 526 526 527 527 527 528 528 529 529 529 530 531 530 532 531 533 532 533 534 533 535 534 536 535 536 Cosini Cosec. 9-967161 9-96711^ 9-96706; 9-96701: 9-96696 9-9669 1( 9-96685J 9-96680; 9-96675( 9-96670^ 9-96665^ 9-96660] 966551 9-96649^ 9-96644/ 9 -966391 9-96634S 9-966292 9-96624C 9-966188 9-966136 9-966084 9-966032 9-965980 9-966928 9-965876 9-965824 965772 9-965719 9-965667 9-965615 9-9655631 9-965510I 9-965458; 9-965405; 9-965353! 9-965300( 9-965248( 9-965195; 9-965 142( 9-965089? 9-965037] 9-964984; 9-96493 1< 9-964878^ 9-964825e 9-964772C 9-964719^ 9-964666t 9646133 9-964560ii 964506S 9-9644537 9644004 9-964347C 9-9642937 9-9642402 9-9641868 9-9641332 9-9640797 9-9640261 D. Sine (294) 23 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. 12678 3907311 39099891^.77 3915343i.,g7g J9 18019;: ?9-'06'95 3923371 392G047 3928722 3931397 3931071 3936745 3939419 3942093 39447G6 5947439 ^950111 3952783 3955455 Sine |l)il. Covers 3958127 396*0798 i9634G8 3966139 3968809; |2676 2676 2676 2675 2675 2674 2'674 2674 2674 2673 2673 2672 2672 2672 2672 2671 2670 2671 12670 3971479 2670 2669 397414812670 39768 18!::^^« 3979486 S 3982155 ''^^^ ^984823 3987491 3990158 3992825 3995492 3998158 4000825 4003490 4006156 4008821 4011486 4014150 4016814' 4019478 4022141 4024804 4027467 4030129 4032791 4035453 4038114 404077 4043436 4046096 4048756 4051416 4054075 4056734 4059393 4062051 4064709 4067366 6092689 609001 1 6087334 6084657 6081981 6079305 6076629 6073953 6071278 6068603 6065929 6063255 6060581 6057907 6055234 6052561 6049889 6047217 6044545 6041873 6039202 6036532 6033861 6031191 6028521 6025852 6023182 6020514 16017845 '6015177 16012509 16009842 6007175 6004508 6001842 5999175 5996510 5993844 5991179 5988514 15985850 5983186 5980522 5977859 5975196 Jgg2i^972533 2662 2662 2668 2668 2667 2667 26671 2666 2667 2665 2666 2665 2665 2664 12664 2664 2663 2663 2663 Cosec. Tang. 2661 2661 12661 2660 2660 2660 2659 2659 2659 2658 2658 2657 5969871 5967209 5964547 5961886 5959225 5956564 5953904 5951244 5948584 5945925 5943266 5940607 5937949 5935291 5932634 2-5593047 2-5575521 2-5558022 2-5540548 2-5523101 2-5505680 2-5488284 2-5470915 2-5453571 2-5436253 418961 2-5401694 2-5384453 2-5367238 2-5350048 2-5332883 2-5315744 2-5298630 2-5281541 2-5264478 2-5247440 2-5230426 2-5213438 2-5196475 2-5179537 2-5162624 2-5145735 2-5128871 2-5112032 2-5095218 2-5078428 2-5061663 2-5044923 2-5028207 2-5011515 2-4994848 2-4978204 2-4961586 2-4944991 2-4928421 2-4911874 2-4895352 2-4878854 2-4862380 2-4845929 2-4829503 2-4813100 2-4796721 2-4780366 2-4764034 2-4747726 2-4731442 2-4715181 2-4698943 2-4682729 2-4666538 2-4650371 2-4634227 2-4618106 2-4602008 2-4585933 4244748 4248182 4251616 4255051 4258487 4261924 4265361 4268800 4272239 4275680 4279121 4282563 4286005 Co tang. Secant 4289449 4292894 4296339 4299785 4303232 4306680 4310129 4313579 4317030 4320481 4323933 4327386 4330840 4334295 4337751 4341208 4344665 4348124 4351583 4355043 4358504 4361966 4365429 4368893 4372357 4375823 4379289 4382756 4386224 4389693 4303163 4396634 4400105 4403578 4407051 4410526 4414001 4417477 4420954 4424432 4427910 4431390 4434871 4438352 4441834 4445318 4448802 4452287 2-3558524 2-3539483 2-3520469 2-3501481 2-3482519 2-3463582 2-3444672 2-3425787 2-3406'928 2-3388095 2-336928 2-3350505 2-3331748 2-3313017 2-3294311 2-3275630 2-3256975 2-3238345 2-3219740 2-3201160 2-3182606 2-3164076 2-3145571 2-3127092 2-3108637 2-3090206 2-3071801 2-3053420 2-3035064 2-3016732 2-2998425 2-2980143 2-2961885 2-2943651 2-2925442 2-2907257 2-2889096 2-2870959 2-2852846 2-2834758 2-2816693 2-2798653 2-2780636 2-2762643 2-2744674 2-2726729 2-2708807 2-2690909 2-2673035 2-2655184 2-2637357 2-2619554 2-2601773 2-2584016 2-2566283 2-2548572 2-2530885 2-2513221 2-2495580 2-2477962 2-2460368 l-0863ki04 1-0864946 1-0866289 1-0867634 Vers. Dif. 0794951 0796088 0797226 0798365 1-0868979 0799504 1-0870326 0800644 0801785 0802927 1-0871675 1-0873024 1-0874375 1-0875727 1-0877080 1-0878435 1-0879791 1-0881148 1-0882506 1-0883866 1-0885226 1-0886589 1-0887952 1-0889317 0890682 1-0892050 1-0893418 1-0894788 1-0896159 1-0897531 1-0898904 1-0900279 1-0901655 1-0903032 1-0904411 1-0905791 1-0907172 1-0908554 1-0909938 1-0911323 1-0912709 1-0914097 1-0915485 1-0916876 1-091826: 1-0919659 1-0921053 1-0922448 1-0923845 1-0925243 1-0926642 1-0928042 1-0929444 1-0930846 1-0932251 1-0933656 1-0935063 1-0936471 1-0937880 1-0939291 1-0940702 1-0942116 1-0943530 1-0944946 1 -0946363 0804069 0805212 0806356 0807501 0808647 08097.93 0810940 0812088 0813237 0814386 0815536 0816687 0817839 0818991 0820145 0821299 0822454 0823609 0824766 0825923 0827081 0828240 0829399 0830560 0831721 0832882 0834045 0835209 0836373 0837538 0838703 0839870 0841037 08^42205 0843374 0844544 0845714 0846885 0848057 0849230 0850403 0851578 0852753 0853928 Cosine 1137 1138 1139 1139 1140 1141 1142 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1146 1147 1148 1149 1149 1150 1151 1152 1152 1154 1154 1155 1155 1157 1157 1158 1159 1159 1161 1161 1161 1163 1164 1164 1165 1165 1167 1167 1168 1169 1170 1170 1171 1172 1173 1173 1175 1175 117 0855105jJ}77 !1178 1179 1180 0856282 0857460! 0858639 0859819 0860999 0862181 0863363 0864545 1180 1182 1182 1182 9205049 9203912 9202774 9201635 9200496 199356 9198215 9197073 919593 9194788 9193644 9192499 9191353 9190207 9189060 9187912 918676. 9185614 9184464 9183313 9182161 9181009 9179855 9178701 177546 9176391 9175234 9174077 9172919 9171760 9170601 9169440 9168279 9167118 9165955 164791 9163627 9162462 9161297 9160130 9158963 9157795 9156626 9155456 9154286 9153115 9151943 9150770 9149597 9148422 9147247 9146072 9144895 9143718 9142540 9141361 9140181 9139001 9137819 9136637 9135455 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 \\ 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Cosine Oif. Vers; Secant Cotan Tang. Cosec. Covers Dif. Sine afi 23 Deg. LOG. SIISTES, &C. (2< wSiii Dif, 9-59187aO 9-5921755 9-5924728 5927698 9-5930666 9-5933631 9-5936594 9-5939555 9-5942513 9-5945469 9-5948422 5951373 9-5954322 9-5957268 9-5960212 9-5963154 9-5966093 9-5969030 95971965 9-5974897 9-5977827 9-5980754 9-5983679 9-5986602 9-5989523 9-5992441 9-5995357 9-5998270 9-600118 9-6004090 9-6006997 9-6009901 6012803 9-6015703 9-6018600 9-6021495 9-6024388 9*6027278 9-6030166 9-6033052 9-6035936 6038817 6041696 9-6044573 9-6047448 9-6050320 9-6053190 9-6056057 6058923 9-6061786 6064647 6067506 9-6070362 9-6073216 9-6076068 9-6078918 9-G081765 9-6084611 9-6087454 9-6090294 9-6093 133 Cosec. 2975 2973 2970 2968 2965 2963 2961 2958 2956 2953 2951 2949 2946 2944 2942 2939 2937 2935 2932 2930 2927 2925 2923 2921 2918 2.916 2913 2911 2909 2907 2904 2902 2900 2897 2895 2893 2890 2888 2886 2884 2881 2879 2877 2875 2872 2870 2867 2866 2863 2861 2859 2856 2804 2852 2850 2847 2846 2843 2840 2839 10-4081220 10-4078245 10-4075272 10-4072302 10-4069334 10-4066369 10-4063406 10-4060445 10-4057487 10-405453 10-4051578 10-4048627 10-4045678 10-4042732 10-4039788 10-4036846 Verseds. 8-9003406 9009613 8-9015816 8-9022013 8-9028207 8-9034395 8-9040579 8-9046759 8-9052934 8-9059104 8-9065270 8-9071431 8-9077588 8-9083740 8-9089887 9096030 Tanir. 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Dif. C 0864545 0865729 0866913 0868098 0809284 0870471 0871658 0872846 0874035 0875225 0876416 0877607 0878799 0879992 0381185 0882380 4634776 2-1576015 4638310 2-1559575 4641845 2.1543156 4645382 2-1526757 4648919 4652457 4655996 4659536 466307 7 Cotan. 2-1510378 2-1494021 2-1477683 2-1461366 2-1445069 Tang. 1-0973533 1-0974976 1-0976420 1-0977866 1-0979313 J -0980761 1-0982211 1-0983662 1-0985114 1-0986568 1-0988023 1-0989479 1-0990936 1-0992395 1-0993855 1-0995317 1-0996779 1-0998243 1-0999709 1-1001175 1-1002644 1-1004113 1-1005584 1-1007056 M008529 1-1010004 1-1011480 1-1012957 1-1014436 1-1015916 1-1017397 1-1018879 1-1020363 1-1021849 1-1023335 1-1024823 1-1026313 1-1027803 1-1029295 1-1030789 1-1032283 1-1033 0887165 0888363 0889562 0890762 0891962 0893163 0894365 0895568 0896772 0897976 08991 0900387 Cosec. 0901594 0902801 0904010 0905219 0906428 0907639 0908850 0910062 0911275 0912489 0913703 0914918 0916134 0917351 0918568 0919786 0921005 0922225 0923446 0924667 0925889 0927112 0928335 0929560 0930785 0932011 0933238 0934465 0935693 0936922 ..osinc 1184 1184 1185 1186 1187 1187 1188 1189 190 1191 1191 1192 1193 1193 1195 1195 1196 1196 1198 1198 1199 1200 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1204 1205 1206 1207 1207 1209 1209 1209 1211 1211 1212 1213 1214 1214 1215 1216 1217 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1221 1222 1223 1223 1225 1225 1226 1227 1227 1228 1229 9135455 9134271 9133087 9131902 9130716 9129529 9128^42 9127154 9125965 9124775 9123584 9122393 912120 9120008 9118815 9117620 9116425 9115229 9114033 9112835 9111637 9110438 9109238 9108038 9106837 9105635 9104432 9103228 9102024 9100819 9099613 9098406 29 Covers 9097199 9095990 9094781 9093572 9092361 9091150 9089938 9088725 9087511 9086297 9085082 9083866 9082649 9081432 9080214 9078995 9077775 9076554 9075333 9074111 9072888 9071665 9070440 9069215 9067989 9066762 9065535 9064307 9063078 Dif Sine De<2. 65. 24 DecT. LOG. Sr?N)ES, &c. (2 Sine 9-809 ^ I HH 9-6095969 9-609dS0:i 9-6101635 9-6104465 9-6107293 9-6nO!18 9-6112941 9-6115762 9-6118580 6121397 9-6124211 9-6127023 9-6129833 9-6132641 .9-6135446 9-6138250 9-6141051 9-6143850 9-6146647 9-6149441 9-6152234 9-6155024 9-6157812 96160599 9-6163382 J 66164 Dif. 2836 2834 28. 2830 2828 2825 2823 2821 2818 2817 2814 2812 2810 2808 2805 2804 2801 2799 2797 2794 2793 2790 2788 2787 2783 2782 61717211;^^^ 9-^? 1 7^4961- '1^ 9-6177270^^'* 9-6180041 6182809 9-6185576 9-6188341 9-6191103 9-6193864 9-6196622 9-619937 9-6202132 9-6204884 9-6207634 9-6210382 9-6213127 9-6215871 9-6218612 9-6221351 622408B 9-6226824 9-6229557 9-6232287 9-6235016 9-6237743 9-6240468 9-6243! 90 6245911 9-6248629 9-6251346 9-6254060 9-6256772 9-6259483 Cosec. Cosine 2771 2768 2767 2765 2762 2761 2758 2756 2754 2752 2750 2748 2745 2744 2741 2739 2737 2736 2733 2730 2729 2727 2725 2722 2721 2718 f7l7 2714 2712 2711 Dif. i 0-3906867 10-3904031 10-3901197 10-3898365 10-3895535 10-3892707 10-3889882 10-3887059 10-3884238 10-3881420 10-3878603 10-3876789 10-3872977 10-3870167 10-3867359 10-3864554 10-3861750 10-3868949 10-3856150 10-3853353 10-3850559 10-]847766 10-3844976 10-3842188 i 0-3839401 10-3836618 0-3833836 10-3831056 10-3828279 10-3825504 10-3822730 10-3819959 10-38 1 71S ! 10-3814424 10-3811659 10-3808897 10-3806136 10-3803378 10-3800622 10-3797868 10-3795116 10-3792366 10-3789618 10-3786873 KK3784129 10-3781388 10-3778649 10-3775912 10-3773176 10-3770443 10-3767713 10-3764984 10-3762257 10-3759532 10-3756810 10-3754089 10-3751371 10-3748654 10-3745940 10-3743228 10-3740517 Verseds. 8-9367878 9-6485831 Secant 8-9373819 8-9379756 8-9385689 8-9391618 8-9397542 9403462 8-9409378 8-9415290 8-9421197 8-9427101 8-9433000 8-9438895 8-9444785 8-9450672 8-9456554 8-9462433 8-9468307 9474177 8-9480042 8-9485904 8-9491761 8-9497615 8-9503464 8-9509309 -9515150 8-952098/ 8-9526820 8-9532648 9538473 8-9544294 8-9550110 8-9555922 8-9561731 8-9567535 8-9573335 8-9579131 8-9584923 8-9590711 8-9596495 8-9602275 8-9608051 8-9613823 8-9619591 8-9625355 8-9631114 8-9636870 8-9642622 8-9S48370 9654114 8-9659854 8-9665590 8-9671322 8-9677050 8-9682774 8-9688494 •9694210 8-9699922 8-9705630 8-9711335 8-9717035 Tang. Dif Covers. 9-6489230 9-6492628 9-6496023 9-6499417 9-6502809 9-6506199 9-6509587 9-6512974 D-65 16359 9-6519742 9-6523123 9-6526503 9-6529881 9-6533257 9-6536631 9-6540004 6543375 9-6546744 9-6550112 9-6553477 9-6556341 9-6560204 9-6563564 9-6566923 9-6570280 9-6573636 9-6676989 9-6580341 9-6583692 9'6587041 9-6690387 9-6593733 9-659707( 6600418 9-6603758 9-6607097 9-6610434 9-6613769 9-6617103 9-6620434 9-6623765 9-6627093 9-6630420 9-6633745 9-6637069 9-664039! 9-6643711 9-6647030 9-6650346 9-6653662 9-66^397o 9-6660288 9-6663598 9-6666907 9-6670214 9-6673519 9-667682rf 9-6680126 9-6683426 9-668672 Cotang. 3399 3398 3395 3394 3392 3390 ?388 3387 3385 3383 3381 3380 3378 3376 3374 3373 3371 3369 3368 3365 64 3363 3360 3359 3357 3356 3353 3352 3351 3349 3346 3346 3343 3342 3340 3339 3337 3335 ^334 3331 3331 3328 3327 3325 3324 3322 V320 3319 i3i(, 3316 3313 331.'5 3310 3309 3307 3305 3304 3303 3300 3299 Cv>tai »K. Dif. 10-3514169 10-3510770 10-3507372 10-3503977 10-3500583 10-3497191 10-3493801 10-3490413 10-3487026 10-3483641 10-3480258 10-3476877 10-3473497 10-3470119 10-3466743 10-3463369 10-3459996 10-3456625 10-3453256 10-3449888 10-3446523 10-3443159 10-34397^6 10-3436436 10-3433077 10-3429720 10-3426364 10-3423011 10-3419659 10-3416308 10-3412959 10-3409613 10-3406267 10-3402924 10-3399582 Covers. 9-7732475 9-7730530 9-7728583 9-7726636 9-7724689 9-7722741 9-7720792 9-7718843 7716893 9-7714942 9-7712991 7711039 9-7709087 9-7707134 9-7705180 9-7703225 9-7701271 9-7699315 9-7697359 9-7695402 9-7693444 9-7691486 9-7689528 9-7637568 9-7685608 9-7683648 9-7681687 9-7679725 9-7677762 9-767579« 9-7673835 767 187 1 9-7669906 9-7667940 Secant 10-3396242 10-3392903 10-3389566 10-3386231 10-3382897 10-3379566 10-3376235 10-3372907 10-3369580 10-3366255 10-336293 10-33596*09 10-3356289 10-3352970 10-3349654 10-3346338 10-3343025 10-3339712 10-3336-102 10-3333093 10-3329786 10-3326481 10-3323177 10-3319874 10-3316574 10-3313275 3-766^974 9-7664007 9-7662040 9-7660072 9-7658103 9-7656134 9-7654164 9-7652193 9-7650222 9-7648250 9-7646I.V7 9-7644':>04 9-7642331' 9-7640356 9-7638381 9-7636405 9-7634429 9-7632452 9-7630474 9-7628496 9-7626517 9-7624537 9-7622557 9-7620577 9-7618595 9-7616613 9-7614630 Tang. 10-0392698 10-0393261 10-0393824 ! 0-0394388 10-0394952 10-0395516 10-0396081 10-0396646 10-0397212 10-0397778,...7 10-0398345I: -^ D. 563 563 564 564 564 566 56 566 566 Cosin 10.0398912|^| 10-03994801 Verseds. 10-0400048 10-0400616 10-0401185 10-0401754 10-0402324 10-0402894 10-0403465 10-0404036 10-0404607 10-0405179 10-0405752 10-0406325 10-0406898 0-0407472 10-0408046 10-0408620 10 0409195 10-0409771 10-0410347 10-0410923 10-0411500 10-0412077 100412655 10-0413233 0-0413812 10-0414391 10-0414970 10-0415550 10-0416131 10-0416712 10-0417293 10-0417875 10-0418457 10.0419039 10-0419622 10-0420206 10-0420790 10-0421374 100421959 10-0422544 10-0423130 10-0423716 10-0424303 10-0424890 10-0425478 10-0426066 10-0426654 10-0427243 568 568 569 569 570 570 571 571 571 672 573 573 573 574 574 674 575 576 576 576 577 577 578 578 579 579 579 580 581 581 581 582 582 582 58,5 584 584 584 585 ■585 586 586 687 587 588 588 588 589 Cosec. D. 9-96073( 9-96067; 9-96061; 9-96056 9-96050 9-960441 9-96039: 9-96033i 9-96027J 9-96022i 9-960l6i 9-960 lOJ 9-96005i 9-95999^ 9-95993J 9-95988] 9-95982-; 9-95976; 9-9597l( 9-95965^ 9-95959^ 9-95953f 9-95948i 9-959424 9.95936J 9-95931( 9-959255 9-959195 9-95913^ 9-95908(; 9-95902i! 9-958965 9-958907 9-958850 9-958792 9-958734 9-958676 -258618 9-958560 9-953503 9-958445 9-958386 9-958328 9-958270 9-958212 9-958154 9-958096 9-958037 9-957979 957921( 9-9578621 957804 9-9577451 9-957687( 9-957628' 9-957569; 9-95751 K 9-957452: 9-957393- 9-9573341 9-957275 Sine T\. ($5)8) ^5 r>eg. NATURAL SINKS, SiC. Tab. 10. JMiie 4'2-2SS\9 4231455 42/54090 423^,725 4239.{b'0 4241.004 7 42446'2« 8 4247262 9|4249r!95 10|4252528 11 4255161 12 4257793 13 4260425 144263056 15,4265687 1614268318 17 4270949 18 4273579 4276208 4278838 4281467 4284095 4286723 4289351 4291979 4294606 4297233 4299859 29 4302485 30 4305111 4307736 4310361 4312986 4315610 4318234 4320857 4323481 4326103 4328726 4331348 4333970 4336591 4339212 4341832 4344453 4347072 4349692 4352311 4354930 4357548 4360166 4362784 4365401 4368018 4370634 4373251 4375866" 4378482 4381097 4383711 Cosine Dlf. Dit. Covers 2636 2636 2635 2635 2635 2634 2634 2634 2633 2633 2633 2632 2632 2631 2631 2631 2631 2630 2629 2630 2629 2628 2628 2628 2628 2627 2627 2626 2626 2626 2625 2625 2625 2624 2624 2623 2624 2622 2623 2622 2622 2621 2621 2620 2621 2619 2620 2619 2619 2618 2618 26 18 2617 2617 2616 2617 2615 '616 2615 2614 773817 577H81 768545 765910 76327 760640 5758006 )755372 5752738 5750105 5747472 5744839 5742207 5739575 5736944 5734313 5731682 5729051 5726421 5723792 5721162 5718533 5715905 5713277 710649 5708021 5705394 5702767 5700141 5697515 5694889 5692264 5689639 5687014 5684390 5681766 5679143 5676519 5673897 5671274 5668652 5666030 5663409 5660788 5658168 5655547 5652928 5650308 5647689 5645070 5642452 5639834 5637216 5634599 5631982 5629366 6626749 5624134 5621518 5618903 5616289 Vers. Cosec. i'aiuv. •3662016 •3647265 1-3632535 1-3617826 :-3603I36 t-3588467 !-35738I8 t-3559189 1-354458 1 1-3529992 1-3515424 !-3500875 ;-3486347 1-3471838 t-3457349 1-344288 1 2-3428432 2-3414002 2-3399593 2-3385203 2-3370833 2-3356482 2-3342152 2-3327840 2-3313548 2-3299276 2-3285023 2-3270790 2-3256575 2-3242381 2-3228205 2-3214049 2-3199912 2-3185794 2-3171695 2-3157615 2-3143554 2-3129513 2-3115490 2-3101486 2-3087501 2-3073636 2-3059588 2-3045660 2-3031751 2-3017860 2-3003988 2-2990134 2-2976299 2-296248 2948685 2-2934906 2-29;^] 145 2-290740 2-2893679 2-2879974 2-2866286 2-285261 2-2838967 2-2825335 2-2811720 Secant Col ail I? 4663077 4666618 4670161 4673705 4677250 4680796 4684342 4687890 4691439 4694988 4698539 4702090 4705643 4709196 4712751 4716306 4719863 4723420 4726978 4730538 4734098 4737659 4741222 4744785 4748349 4751914 4755481 4759048 4762616 4766185 476975-5 4773326 4776899 4780472 4784046 4787621 4791197 4794774 4798352 4801932 4805512 4809093 4812675 4816258 4819842 4823427 4827014 4830601 4834189 4837778 4841368 4844959 4848552 4852145 4855739 4859334 4862931 4866528 4870126 4873726 4877326 vSccant 2-1445069 2-1428793 2-1412537 2-1396301 2-1380085 2-1363890 2-1347714 2-1331559 2-1315423 2-1299308 2-1283213 2-1267137 2-1251082 2-1235046 2-1219030 2-1203034 2-1187057 2-1171101 2-1155164 2-1139246 2-1123348 2-1107470 2-1091611 2.1075771 2-1059951 2-1044150 2-1028369 2-1012607 2-0996864 2-0981140 2-0965436 2-0949751 2-0934085 2-0918437 2-0902809 2-0887200 2-0871610 Veri 1-1033779 1-1035277 1-103677; 1-1038275 1-1039777 1-1041279 1-1042783 1-1044289 1-1045795 1-1047303 1-1048813 1-1050324 1-1051836 Cotan. 0856039 0840487 0824953 0809438 0793942 0778465 1053349 1054864 1056380 1057898 1059417 1060937 1-1062458 1-1063981 1-1065506 1-1067031 1-1068558 M 070087 1-1071616 1073147 1074680 ■1076214 ■1077749 ■107928 2-0763007 2-0747567 2-0732146 2-0716743 2-0701359 2-0685994 2-0670646 i.^-0655318 2-0640008 2-0624716 2-0609442 2-0594l87il-l 116573 1-1118144 11119716 1-1121290 1-1122865 1-1124442 1-1126019 1-1080823 1-1082363 1-1083903 1-1085445 1-1086989 1-1088533 1-1090079 1-1091627 1-1093176 M094726 1-1096277 1-1097830 1-1099385 1-1100940 1-1102498 M 104056 1-1105616 1-1107177 1-1108740 1-1110304 1-1111869 1-1113436 0936922 0938152 0939382 0940614 0941846 0943078 0944312 0945546 0946781 0948017 0949254 0950491 0951729 0952968 0954208 0955449 0956690 0957932 0959 0960418 0961662 096290 0964153 0965400 096G647 0.967895 0969144 0970394 0971644 0972895 0974147 0975400 0976653 0977908 0979162 0980418 0981676 2-0578950 2-0563732 2-054853 1 2-0533349 2-0518185 2-0503038 1-1115004 Tang. Cosec. 0982932 0984190 0985449 0986708 0987969 0989230 0990492 0991754 0993018 0994282 0995547 0996812 0998079 0999346 1000614 1001883 1003152 1004422 1005693 1006965 1008237 1009511 101078 1012060 Covers )ii. Cosine 1 230 1230 1232 1232 1232 1234 1234 1235 1236 1237 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1241 1242 1243 1243 1244 124 1246 1247 1247 1248 1249 1250 1250 1251 1252 1253 1253 1255 1254 1256 1257 1257 1258 1259 1259 1261 1261 1262 1262 1264 1264 1265 1265 1267 1267 1268 1269 1269 1270 1271 1272 1272 1274 1274 127 9063078 9061848 9060618 9059386 9058154 9056922 9055688 9054454 9053219 9051983 9050746 9049509 9048271 9047032 9045792 9044551 9043310 9042068 9040825 9039582 9038338 9037093 9035847 9034600 9033353 9032105 9030856 9029606 9028356 9027105 9025853 9024600 9023347 9022092 9020838 9019582 9018325 9017068 9015810 9014551 9013292 9012031 9010770 9009508 9008246 9006982 9005718 9004453 9003188 9001921 9000654 8999386 8998117 8996848 8995578 8994307 8993035 8991763 8990489 8989215 8987940 Dif. Sine Deil. 64. ^5 Beg, LOG. SINES, kc. (2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2,^ 2G 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 49 9 509 Sine •6259483 •6262191 •6264897. •6267601 •6270303 •6273003 •6275701 •6278397 •6281090 •6283782 •6286472 ■6289160 •6291845 •6294529 6297211 •6299890 •6302568 •6305243 ■6307917 •6310589 •6313258 •6315926 •631859 •632125 •6323916 •6326576 •6329233 •6331889 •6334542 •6337194 •6339844 •6342491 ■6345137 •6347780 •6350422 •6353062 •6355699 •6358335 •6360969 •6363601 6366231 •6368859 ■6371484 •6374108 •6376731 ■6379351 ■6381969 ■6384585 ■6387199 ■6389812 ■6392422 •6395030 ■6397637 •6400241 •6402844 •6405445 •6408044 •6410640 •6413235 •6415828 •6418420 Cosine Dif.i Cosee. 2708 2706 2704 2702 2700 2698 2696 2693 2692 2690 2688 2685 2684 2682 2679 2678 2675 2674 2672 2669 2668 2665 2664 2661 2660 2657 2656 2653 2662 2650 2647 2646 2643 2642 2640 2637 2636 2634 2632 2630 2628 2625 2624 2623 2620 2618 2616 2614 2613 2610 2608 2607 2604 2603 2601 2599 2596 2595 2593 2592 Dif. 1 0^37405 17 1 0^3737809 10^3735I03 10^3732399 10^372969; 10-3726997 10-3724299 10-3721603 10-3718910 10-3716218 10-3713528 10-3710840 10-3708155 10-3705471 10-3702789 10-3700110 10^3697432 10^3694757 10^3692083 10^3689411 10-3686742 10-3684074 10-3681409 10^3678745 10-3676084 10-3673424 10-3670767 10-3668111 10-3665458 10^3662806 10^3660156 I0^3657509 10-3654863 10-3652220 10-3649578 Verseds'.j Tixuir. jDif. 8-9717035 9-6686725Ur,qo 9-GG900'23^fy7,'i^. 9^6693319u:q^ 9-6696613^^^ 8-9722731 8-9728424 8-9734113 8-9739797 8-9745478 8-9761155 8-9756828 8-9762497 8-9768163 8-9773824 g-9779482 8-978513 8-9790785 8-9796431 8-9802073 8-9807711 9813346 8-9818976 8-9824603 8-9830226 8-9835845 8-9841460 8-9847072 9852679 9868283 8-9863883 8-9869480 8-9875072 8-9880661 8-9886246 8-9891827 8-9897404 8^9902978 8-9908548 0-3646938]8-9914114 10-3644301 1 8-99 19676 10-364166518-9925235 10-3639031 18-9930790 10-3636399|8-9936341 10-3633769 8-9941888 10-3631141 10-3628516 10-3625892 10-3623269 10-3620649 10-3618031 10-3615415 10-3612801 10-3610188 10-3607578 10-3604970 10-3602363 10-3599759 10-3597156 10-3594555 10-3591956 10-358.9360 10-3586765 10-3584172 10-3581580 8-9947432 8-9952972 8-9958508 8-9964041 8-9969569 8-9975096 8-9980616 8-9986134 8-9991648 8-9997158 9-0002665 9-0008168 9-0013667 9-001 9 1 63 9 '0024655 9^0030144 9^0035628 9^0041109 9^0046587 9^0052061 Secant 9^6699906 9^6703 197 9^6706486 9-6709774 9^6713060 6716345 9^6719628 9^6722910 9^6726190 9-6729468 9.6732745 9-6736020 9-6739294 9-6742566 9-6745836 9-6749105 9-6752372 9-6755638 9-6758903 9-676216 9-6765426 9-676S6S6 9-6771944 9-6775201 9-6778456 9-6781709 9-6784961 9-6788211 9-6791460 9-6794708 9-6797953 9-6801198 9-6804440 9^6807682 9-6810921 9-6814160 9-6817396 9-6820632 6823865 9-6827098 9-6830328 9-6833557 9-6836785 9-6840011 9-6843236 9-6846459 9-6849681 9-6852901 9-6856120 9-6859338 9-6862553 9-6865768 9-6868981 9-6872192 9-6875402 9-6878611 6881818 3293 3291 3289 3288 3286 3285 3283 3282 3280 3278 3277 3275 3274 3272 3270 3269 3267 3266 265 3262 3261 3260 3258 3257 3255 3253 3252 3250 3249 3248 3245 3245 3242 3242 3239 3239 3236 236 3233 3233 3230 3229 3228 3226 3225 ■3223 3222 32201 3219: 32181 3215 3215 3213 3211 3210 3209 3207 Covers. Cotang. Dir. Cotans^. Covers. Secant D. Cosine 10-3313275 10-3309977 10-3306681 10-3303387 9 10-330009] 10.3296803 10-3293514 10-3290226 10-32-^6940 10-3283655 10-3280372 10-3277090 10-3273810 10-3270532 10-3267255 10-3263980 10-3260706 10-3257434 10-3254164 10-3250895 10-3247628 10-3244362 10-3241097 10-3237835 10-3234574 10-3231314 10-3228056 10-3224799 10-3221544 10-3218291 10-3215039 10-3211789 10-3208540 10-3205292 10-3202047 10-3198802 10-3195560 10-3192318 10-3189079 10-3185840 10-3182604 10-3179368 10-3176135 10-3172902 10-3169672 10-3166443 10-3163215 10-3159989 9 10-3156764 9 10-3153541 9 10-3150319 9 10-3147099 9 ! 0-3 143880 .9' 10-3140662f9 10-3137447 9 10-3134232 10-3131019 10-3127808 10-3124598 10-3121389 10-3118182 lari^. •7614630 •7612647 ■7610663 ■760S679 ■7606693 7604707 760'27'2\ 7600734 7598746 7596758 7594769 7592779 7590789 7588798 7586806 7584814 7582821 7580827 7578833 7576838 7574843 7572847 7570850 7568852 7566854 7564856 7562856 7560856 7558856 ■7556855 ■7554853 •7552850 7550847 ■7548843 7546839 7544833 7542828 7540821 7538814 7536806 7534798 7532789 7530779 7528769 7526758 7524746 7522734 7520721 7518708 7516694 7514679 7512663 7510647 7508630 7506613 7504695 7502576 7500556 7498536 7496516 7494494 10-0427243 10-0427832 10-0428422 10-0429012 10-0429603 10-0430194 10-0430785 10-0431377 10-0431970 10-0432563 10-0433156 10-0433750 10-0434344 10-0434939 10-0435534 10-0436130 10-0436726 10-0437322 10-0437919 10-0438517 10-0439114 10-0439713 10-0440311 10-0440911 10-0441510 10-0442110 10-0442711 10-0443312 10-044391 10-0444515 10-0445118 10-0445720 10-0446324 10-0446927 10-0447531 10-0448136 10-0448741 10-0449347 10-0449953 10-0450559 10-0451166 10-0451773 10-0452381 10-0452989 10-0453598 10-0454207 Versed^; 589, 590 ; 590; 591 591 591 592; 593 593 593 594 ; 594 595 595: 596; 596; 59fi: 597: 598 597; 599: 598; 600 ; ')99', 600,: 601 601 601 602 603 60:^ 604] 603 604 605: 605 ; 606; 606; 606; 607 607 608 608 609; ^2^|9-954579 l0-0454816,.,r^^!9-954518 611 1 6li 611 612; 6i2|; 613 9-957271 9-9572H 9-95715; 9-95709^ 9-95703f 9-95698( 9-95692) 9-95686^ 9-95680C 9-95674C 9-95-S68'; 9-95662.' 95656i 9-95650( 9-95644( 9-9063S; 9-95632/ 9-95626; 9-95620^ 9-95614^ 9-95608i 9-95602^ 9-95696E 9-95590^ 9-95584£ 9-95578£ 9-95672^ 9-95566E 9-95560^ 9-95554^ 9-95548g 9-95542g 9-955367 955307 9-955246 9-955186 9-955125 9-955065 9-955004 9-954944 9-954883 9-954822 9-954761 954701 9-954640 10-0455426 10-0456037 10-0456648 10-0457259 10-0457871 10-0458483 10-0459096 10-0459709 10-0460323 10-0460937 10-0461552 10-0462167 10-0462782 10-0463398 Cosec. 9-954457 9-954395 9-9.54335 9-954274 9-954212 19-954151 9-954090 !^'^'!;9-954029 ^ .iL'-953967 '!^'9-953906 ^.^19-953844 ; Ji9-953783 j! J :' 9-953721 -"^9-953660 D. 3 Q 2 Sine Dea. (300) 26 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. 4383711 4.J8G326' 4;}88940 4391553 4394 16'6' 4396779 6 439939:^ SilU 4402004 440-J615 4407227 4409838 4412448 4415059 4417668 4420278 4228H7 4425496 4428104 4430712 4433319 4435927 4438534 4441140 23 4443746 24 4446352 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 4448957 4451562 4454167 4466771 4459375 4461978 4464581 4467184 4469786 4472388 4474990 4477591 4480192 4482792 4485392 4487992 4490591 4493190 43 4495789 44 -i :98 !87 4f :S00'^4 4503 82 4506" 179 4508775 Tj 11372 4513967 4516563 4519158 4'-,2176:^ 4524347 45;'t941 452953,N 4532128 4534721 453:^3 1 < 453^»^»05 Dif. Covers Co sine 2616 2614 2613 613 2613 2613 2612 2611 2612 2611 2610 2611 2609 2610 2609 2609 2608 2608 2607 2608 2607 2606 2606 2606 2605 2605 2605 2604 2604 2603 2603 260) 2602 2602 2602 2601 2601 2600 2600 2600 2599 2599 2599 2598 2597 2598 ^59^5493821 259?h491225 Cosec. •>6 16289 5613674 5611060 5608447 5605834 5603221 5600608 5597S96 5595385 5592773 5590162 5587552 5584941 5582332 5579722 5577113 5574504 5571896 5569288 5566681 5564073 5561466 5558860 5556254 553648 5551043 5548438 5545833 5543229 5540625 5538022 5535419 5532816 5530214 5527612 5525010 5522409 5519808 5517208 5514608 5512008 5509409 5506810 5504211 5501613 5499016 5496418 2-28 11720 2-2798124 2-2784546 2-2770987 2-2757445 2-2743921 2-2730415 2-2716927 2-2703457 2-2690005 2-2676671 2-2663156 2-2649756 2-2636376 2-2623012 2-260P667 2-2596339 2-2583029 Tang'. 48773'26 4880927 4884530 4888133 4891737 4895343 4898949 4902557 4906166 4809775 4913386 4916997 4920610 4924224 4927838 4931454 935071 4938689 2-2569736*4942308 2595 2595 2595 2594 2,j94 64fe86',>8 5486033 5483437 5480842 5478247 5475653 25945473^^.? f!^,!54.7872 "^'"^'^ 5465279 2592 25.; 2 i i62Gk: 5460G9 2-2556461 2-2543204 2-25*29964 2516741 2-2503536 2-2490348 2-2477178 2-246402 2.2450889 2-2437770 2-2424669 2-2411585 2-2398517 2-2385468 2-2372435 2-2350419 'i-2346420 2'-2333438 2-2320474 2-2307526 2-2294595 2-2281681 •2268783 2-2255903 2-2243039 2-2230192 2-2217362 2-2204548 2-2191752 2-2178971 2-2166208 2-2153460 2-2140730 2-2128016 2-2115318 2-2102637 2-2089972 2-2077323 2-206469 1 2-205207? 2-20 -9476 2-20' -689 N Dif. Vers. 4945928 4949549 4953171 4956794 4960418 4964043 4967669 4971297 4974925 4978554 4982185 4985816 4989449 4993082 4996717 500035 5003989 5007627 5011266 5014906 5018547 5022189 5025832 5029476 5033121 5036768 5040415 5044063 5047713 5051363 5055016 5058668 5062322 5065977 5069633 5073290 5076948 5080607 5084267 5087929 5091591 5095254 Cotang, 2-0503038 2-0487910 2-0472800 2-0457708 2-0442634 2-0427678 2-0412640 2-0397519 2-0382517 2-0367532 2-0362565 2-0337615 2-0322683 2-0307769 2-0292873 2-0277994 2-0263133 2-0248289 2-0233462 2-0218654 2-0203862 2-0189088 2-0174331 2-0159592 2-0144869 2-0130164 2-0115477 2-0100806 2-0086153 2-0071516 2-0056897 2-0042295 2-0027710 2-0013142 1 -9998590 1-9984056 1-9969539 1-9955038 1-9940564 1-9926087 1-9911637 1-9897204 1-9882787 1-9868387 1-9854003 1-9839636 1-9825286 1-9810952 1-9796635 1-9782334 1-9768050 1-9753782 1-9739531 1-9725296 1-9711077 1-9696874 }-9G*'12688 1-96685 18 i -9654364 1-964021^7 1-962 U Secant \Coian. Tang, Secant Vers. Dif. Cosiut 1126019 1127599 1129179 1130761 1132345 1133929 1135616 1137103 1138692 1140282 ■1141874 1143467 ■1146062 ■1146658 1148265 •1149854 •1151454 •1153056 ■1154659 ■1156263 ■1157869 •1159476 •1161084 1162694 1164306 1165919 1167533 1169148 1170766 1172384 ■1174004 •1176625 •1177248 ■1178872 •1180498 •1182124 •1183753 •1185383 •1187014 '1188647 ■1190281 •1191916 '1193553 '1195191 -1196831 -1198472 -1200115 -1201759 -1203405 •1205051 •1206700 -1208350 -1210001 .1211653 •1213308 -1214963 -1216620 -1218278 -1219938 -I22I6OO •1223262 Coi sec. 1012060 1013335 1014611 1015888 1017166 101844,= 1019724 1021004 1022285 1023567 1024849 1026132 1027416 1028701 1029986 1031273 1032660 1033847 1035136 1036425 1037715 1039006 1040297 1041589 1042882 1044176 1045471 1046766 1048062 1049359 1050656 1051955 1053254 1054564 1055854 1067156 1058458 1059760 1061064 1062368 1063674 1064979 1066286 1067594 1068902 1070211 1071520 1072831 1074142 1075454 1076766 1078080 107939 '080709 108202 108334 108465 1085976 108729 108861 1 Covers Dif. 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1279 1280 1281 1282 1282 1283 1284 1285 1285 1287 1287 1287 1289 1289 1290 1291 1291 1292 1293 1294 129: 1295 1296 1297 1297 1299 1299 1300 1300 1302 1302 1302 1304 1304 1306 1305 1307 1308 1308 1309 1309 1311 1311 1312 131 1314 1314 1315 1316 1316 1317 1318 131 1320 1320 8987940 8986665 898538958 8984112 8982834 8981556 8980276 54 8978996 53 8977715 52 8976433 8975151 8973868 8972584 48 8971299 8970014 46 8968727 8967440 8966153 8964864J42 896367 8962285 8960994 8959703 8958411 8957118 47 8955824 8954529 8953234 8951938 8950641 8949344 8948045 8946746 8945446 8944146 8942844 8941542 8940240 8938936 8937632 8936326 8935021 8933714 8932406 8931098 8929789 8928480 8927169 8925858 8924546 8923234 8921920 8920606 8919291 8917975 8916659 8915342 8914024 8912705 8911385 8910065 Sine Des. 63. 26 Deg. LOG. STNES, kc. (3 Sine Dif. Cosec. Verseds. Tang. Dif. Cotang. •)-6418420 9-6421009 9-6"423596 9-642G182 9-6428765 9-6431347 9-6433926 6436504 6439080 9-6441654 6444226 9-6446796 9-6449365 9-6451931 9-6454496 9-6457058 9-6459619 9-6462178 9-6464736 9-6467290 9-6469844 9-6472395 9-6474945 9-6477492 9-6480038 9-64S^i582 9-6485124 9'648766li 6490203 9-6492740 9-6495274 9-6497807 9-6500338 6502868 9-6505395 9-6507920 9-6510444 9-6512966 9-6515486 9-6518004 9-6520521 9-6523035 9-6525548 9-6528059 9-6530568 9-6533075 9-6535581 9-6538084 9-6540586 6543086 9-6545584 9-6548081 9-6550575 9-6553068 6555559 55 9-6558048 9-6560536 9-6563021 9-6565505 9-6567987 9-6570468 Cosine 2589 2587 2586 2583 2582 2579 2578 2576 2574 2572 2570 2569 2566 2565 2562 2561 2559 2551 2555 2554 2551 2550 2547 2546 2544 2542 2541 2538 2537 2534 2533 2531 2530 2527 2525 2524 2522 2520 2518 2517 2514 2513 2511 2509 2507 2506 2503 2502 2500 2498 2497 2494 2493 2491 2489 2488 2485 2484 248; 2481 ■3581580 •3578991 •3576404 •3573818 •3571235 •3568653 •3566074 •3563496 ■3560920 •3558346 ■3555774 ■35532C4 ■3550635 ■3548069 •3545504 3542942 ■3540381 3537822 3535265 3532710 3530156 3527605 3525055 3522508 3519962 3517418 3514876 3512335 3509797 3507260 3504726 3502193 3499662 3497132 3494605 3492080 3489556 3487034 3484514 3481996 3479479 3476965 3474452 3471941 3469432 3466925 3464415 3461916 3459414 3456914 3454416 3451919 3449426 3446932 3444441 34419^2 ■3439464 3436979 ■3434495 ■3432013 •3429532 9-0052061 9 9-0057531 9-0062997 9 9-0068460 9 0073920 9 9-0079375 9 9-0084827 9 9-0090276 9 9-00957219 9-01011629 9-0106600 9 9-0112034 9 ■0117465 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Dii.l Secant 9-012289 9-0128315 9-0133735 9-0139151 9-0144564 9-0149973 9-0155378 9-0160781 9-0166179 9-0171574 9-0176965 9-0182353 9-0187738 9-0193119 9-0198496 9-0203870 9-0209240 9-0214607 9-0219970 9-0225330 9-0230687 0236039 9-0241389 9-0246735 9-0252077 9-0257416 9-0262752 9-0268084 9-0273412 3-0278738 9-0284059 9-0289378 9-0294692 9-0300004 9-0';05312 9-0310616 0315917 9-0321215 9-0326509 9-0331800 9-0337088 0342372 0347652 9-0352930 9-0358204 9-03^'3174 9-03o874] 9-0374005 •688181 ■6885023 •6888227 •6891430 -6894631 •689783 1 ■6901030 ■6904226 •6907422 •6910616 •6913809 •6917000 •6920189 ■6923378 ■6926565 ■6929750 ■6932934 6936117 6939298 ■6942478 '>946656 ■6948833 6952009 6955183 6958355 6961527 •6964697 •6967865 •6971032 •6974198 6977363 •6980526 6983687 6986847 6990006 6993164 6996320 -6999474 ■7002628 -7005780 •7008930 -7012080 -7015227 •7018374 -7021519 -7024663 -7027805 •7030946 -7034086 •7037225 -7040362 -7043497 •704663-' -7049765 •7052897 •7056027 •7059156 •7062284 ■7065410 ■7068535 •7071659 Covers. Cotang. Dif. 10-3118182 10-3114977 10^311 1778 10^3108570 10-3105369 U)-31021 69 10-3098970 10-3095774 10-3092578 10-3089384 10-3086191 10-3083000 10-3079811 10-3076622 10-3073435 10-3070250 10-3067066 10*3063883 10-3060702 10-3057522 10^3054 344 10^3051167 10^3047991 10-3044817 10-3041645 10-3038473 10-3036303 10-3032135 10-3028968 10-3025802 10-3022637 10-3019474 10-3016313 10-3013153 10-3009994 10-3006836 ld-3003680 10-3000526 10-2997372 10-2994220 10-2991070 10-2987920 10-2984773 10-2981626 10-2978481 10-2975337 10-2972196 10-2969054 10-2965914 10-2962775 1 0-2959638 10-2956503 10-2953368 10-2950235 10-2947103 10-2943973 10-2940844 10-2937716 10-2934590 10-2931465 ! 0-2928341 Covers. 9-7494494 9-7492472 9-7490449 9-7488426 9-7486402 9-7484377 9-7482352 9-7480326 9-7478299 9-7476272 9-7474244 9-7472216 9-7470186 7468156 9-7466126 9^7464 -^gs 9-7462063 9-7460030 9-7457997 9-7455963 9-7453928 9-7451893 9-7449857 9-7447821 9-7445784 Tanff. ■7443746 ■7441707 ■7439668 ■7437628 ■7436588 7433547 ■7431505 •7429462 7427419 •7425375 ■7423331 •7421286 9-7419240 9-7417193 9 7415146 9-7413099 9-7411050 9-7409001 7406951 9-7404901 9-7402860 9-7400798 9-7398745 7396692 9 7394638 9-7392584 9-7390529 9-7388473 9-7386416 9-7384359 9-7382301 9-7380243 9-7378184 9-7376124 9-7374063 9-7372002 Verseds, Secant D. Cosi 10-0463398 10-0464015 10-0464631 10-0466249 10-0465866 10-0466485 10-0467103 10-0467722 10-0468342 10-0468962 10-0469582 10-0470203 l0O470S2b 10-0471447 10-0472069 10-0472692 10-0473315 10-0473939 ! 0-0474563 10-0475187 10-0475812 10-0476438 10-0477064 10-0477690 10-0478317 10-0478945 10-0479572 10-0480201 10-0480829 10-0481459 10-0482088 10-0482718 10-0483349 10-0483980 10-0484611 10-048.5243 10-04«5876 10-0486508 10-0487142 10-0487776 10-0488410 10-0489044 10-0489680 10-0490315 10-0490951 10-0491588 10-0492225 10-0492862 10-0493500 10-0494139 10-0494777 10-0495417 10-0496056 10-0496697 10-0497337 10-0497978 10-0498620 10-0499^62 10-0499905 10-U500548 10-0501191 [n< 9-95366( 9-95359i 9'95353( 9^95347. 9-95341: 9-95336 9-953281 9-9.5322: 9-95316 9-95310. 9-95304 '^^' 9-952971 9-95291: 9-95285, 9-95279 9-952731 9 ■952661 9-95260( 9-95254; 9-95248 9-952411 9-95235( 9-95229; 9-95223 ^9-952,0; ^=^79.95204: 6291 617 616 618 61 7; 619 618 619 620 620 620 622 622 622 623 623 624 624 624 625 626 626 626 628 630 Cosec. 9-95197! 9-95191; . 19-95185^ ^2919.95179 J.'^M9-95l66i °3I|9-95160: l^^ 9-95163! ^^29.951471 9-95141: 633 632 634 634 634 634 636 635 636 637 6:^7 637 638 639 638 640 639 641 640 641 642 642 643 d43 643 D. 9-95134! 9-951281 9-95122: 9-95115! 9-95 109J 9-95103! 9-95096i 9-95090' 9^95084 9^95077: 9-95071; 9^95065( 9-95058( 9-95052: 9-95045! 9-95039' 9-.9j033( 9-95026( 9-95020: 9-95013! 9-95007; 9-95000! 9-94994, 9'94988< Sun (302) 27 T)eg. natural sinks, Sec, Tab. 10- ' I Sine 4539905 4642497 4545088 4547679 4550269 4652859 4555449 4558038 4560627 4563216 4565804 4568392 4570979 4573566 4576153 4578739 4581325 4583910 4586496 4589080 459166;': 4594248 4596832 4599415 4601998 6460095 ^^^f 5457503 fl\ 5454912 ^^J' 5452321 1^^^^5449731 I ^^^° 5447141 '2589^444551 5441962 ,,.^^15439373 : :e^«15436784i gl5434196i ^15431608' (5429021 |S426434 J5423847 =^"^1261 2588} '25881^434 I 35431. 2587, 2587[ 2587!' 2586;' 2586; 2585:' 2586', 25841] 25851' 2583 2584 4604580 4607162 4609744 4612325 4614906 4617486 4620066 4622646 4625225 4627804 4630382 4632960 4635538 4638115 4640692 4643269 4645845 4648420 4650996 4653571 4656145 4658719 4661293 4663866 4666439 4669012 4671584 4674156 4676727 4679298 4681869 4684439 4687009 4689578 4692147 4694716 Cosine Dif. Covers ,'542izoi 5418675 ,15416090 |5413504 15410920 15408335 ^15405752 ^^5403 1 68 ;^°^:5400585 ^^g^^;5398002. 25g2i5395420 : Q^P?*? ' ^^p:i5390256: ;5° 15387675 ^^^'5385094 fs^^ 5382514 5379934 ;^«^ 5377354 ^^^^5374775 2^;^ 5372196 ,-;^;° 5369618 2^^^5367040 ^^^y 5364462 f.l:L 5361885 ^ 5359308 15356731 I 5354155 * 5351580 5349004 2577 2577 2576 2575 2576 2575 2574 2573 2573 2573 2572 2572 2571 2571 2571 2570^^, 2570 ;g 2569 'Jf 2^^^ 5307 -"' " 5346429 :,.Ct 5343855 ^^^4 534,281 5338707 5336134 5333561 5330988 5328416 5325844 5323273 5320702 "18131 15561 118 15 1299 )42 '853 112991 5310422 5307853 5305284 Dif. Vers. C osec. 2-2026893 2-2014326 2-2001775 2-1989240 2-1976721 2-1964219 2-1951733 2-1939262 2-1926808 2-1914370 2-1901947 2-1889541 2-1877150 1864775 1852417 1840074 1827746 1815435 1803139 2-1790859 2-1778595 2-1766346 2-1754113 2-1741895 2-1729693 2-1717506 2-1705335 2.1693180 2-1681040 2-1668915 2-1656806 2-1644712 2-1632633 2-1620570 2-1608522 2-1596489 2-1584471 2-1572469 2-1660482 2-1548510 2-1536553 2-1524611 2-1512684 2-1500772 2-1488876 2-1476993 2-1466127 2-1453275 2-1441438 2-1429615 2-1417808 2-140601 2-1394238 2-138247 2-1370726 2-1368993 2-1347274 2-1335570 2-1323880 2-1312206 2-130054. Secant Tang. 5095264 5098919 5102586 5106252 5109919 5113588 5117259 5120930 5124602 5128275 5131950 5135625 5139302 5142980 5146658 5150338 5154019 5157702 5161385 5165069 5168755 5172441 5176129 5179818 5183508 5187199 5190891 5194584 5198278 5201974 CotanfiT. 1-9626105 1-9612000 1-9597910 1-9583837 l-956978(^ 1-9555739 1-9541713 1-9527704 1<-951371I 1-9499733 1-9485772 1-9471826 1-9457896 1-9443981 1-9430083 1-9416200 1-9402333 1-9388481 1-9374645 1-9360826 1-9347020 1-9333231 1-9319457 1 -9305699 1-9291956 1-9278228 1 -92645 16 1-9250819 1-9237138 1 -.9223472 5205671 1-9209821 \ 5209368 5213067 5216767 5220468 5224170 5227874 5231678 5235284 5238990 5242698 5246407 5250117 5253829 5257541 5261266 5264969 5268685 5272402 6276120 5279839 5283560 5287281 5291004 5294727 5298452 5302178 5305906 5309634 5313364 5317094 Cotan, 1-9196186 1-9182565 1-9168960 1-9156370 1-9141795 1-9128236 1-9114691 1-9101162 1-9087647 1-9074147 1-9060663 1-9047193 1-9033738 1-9020299 1-9006874 1-8993464 1-8980068 1-8966688 1-8953322 1-89,39971 1-8926635 1-8913313 1-8900006 1-8886713 1-8873436 1-8860172 1-8846924 1-8833690 1-8820470 1-8807265 ang. Secant 1223262 1224927 1226592 1228259 1229928 1231598 1233269 1234942 1236616 1238292 1239969 1241648 1243328 1245010 1246693 1248377 1250063 1251750 1263439 1255130 1256821 1258514 1260209 1261906 1263603 1265302 1267003 1268705 1270408 1272113 1273819 1275527 1277237 1278948 1280660 1282374 1284089 1285806 1287524 1289244 1290965 1292687 1294412 1296137 1297864 1299593 1301323 1303055 1304788 1306522 1308258 1309996 1311736 1313475 1315217 1316961 1318706 1320452 1322200 1323950 1325701 Cosec. Ve rs. 1089935 1091256 1092577 1093900 1095223 1096547 1097872 1099197 1100524 1101851 1103178 1104607 1106836 1107166 1108497 1109829 1111161 1112494 1113828 1115162 1116497 1 1 1 78;M 1119170 1120508 1121816 1123185 112452 1 125866 1127207 1128549 1129892 1131235 1132580 1133925 1135270 1136617 1137964 1139312 1140661 1142011 1143361 1144712 1146064 1147416 1148770 1160124 1151478 1162834 1154190 1155547 1 1 56905 1158264 1 1 69623 1160983 1162344 1163706 1165067 1166431 1167794 1169159 1170624 Dif. C 1321 1321 1323 1323 1324 1325 1325 1327 1327 1327 1329 1329 1330 1331 13,32 1332 1333 1334 1334 1335 xosinc 8910065 8908744 8907423 8906100 8904777 8903453 8902128 8900803 8899476 8898149 8896822 8895493 8894164 8892834 8891503 8890171 8888839 8887506 8886172 88848.3-8 ,,3..,8883503 ''^■'^18882166 8830830 8879492 8878154 8876815 8875475 1336 1338 1338 1339 1340 1341 1341 1342 1343 1343 1345 1345 1345 1347 1347 1348 1349 1360 1350 1351 1352 1352 1354 1354 1354 1356 1356 1357 1358 1359 1359 1360 1361 1361 1362 136-1 1363 1365 1365 Covers Dit. Sine 8874134 8872793 8871451 8870108 8858765 8867420 8866075 8864730 8863333 8862036 8860688 8859339 8857989 8856639 8865288 8853936 8852584 8851230 8849876 8848522 8847166 8845810 8844453 8843095 8841736 8840377 8839017 8837656 8836295 8834933 8833569 8832206 8830841 8829476 Deg. 62, !27 Deg. LOG. SINVES, kc. (303) Sine iDif. 9-657046'8 9-a572946i 9-657o423i 9-6"577898j 9-6"58037Ii: 9-6582842 2478 2477 2475 2473 2471 2470 9.6585312.,4.y 9-658778oL.«fi 9-6590246^^^^ 9-6592710 9-6595173 9-6597633 9-6600093 9-6602550 9-6605005 9-6607459 9-660991 J 9-6612361 9-6614810 9-6617257 9-6619702 9-6622145 9-6624586 9-6627026 9-6629464 9-6631900 9-6634335 9-663676S 9-6639199 9-6641628 9-6644056 9-6646482 9-6648908 9-6651329 9-6653749 9-6656168 6658586 9-6661001 9-6663415 9-6665828 9-6668238 9-6670647 9-6673054 9-6675459 9-6677863 668026.^ 9-6682665 9-6685064 9-6687461 6689856 9-6692250 9-6694642 9-6697032 9-6699420 9-6701807 9-6704192 9-6706576 ^oao 6708958!,;,^;: 9-6711338 "^^^ 2464 2463 2460 2460 2457 2455 2454 2452 2450 2449 2447 244 2443 2441 2440 2438 2436 2435 2433 2431 M29 2428 2426 2424 2423 2420 2419 2418 2415 2414 241,3 2410 2409 2407 2405 2404 2402 2400 2399 2397 2395 2394 2392 2390 2388 2387 2385 2381 C( jsec. 9-6713716 9-6716093 2378 2377 •342953 •3427054 ■3424577 •3422102 •3419629 ■3417158 •3414688 ■3412220 3409754 3407290 3404827 3402367 3399907 3397450 3394995 3392541 3390089 3387639 3385190 •3382743 •3380298 10 10 10-3377855 10 10 10 Verseds. 9-0374005 9-0379265 9-0384522 9-0389776 9-0395026 9-0400273 9-0405517 9-0410757 0415994 9-0421228 0426458 9-0431685 9-0436908 9-0442129 9-0447345 9-0452559 9-0457769 90462976 9-0468 180i9 9-0473380|9 9-0478578|9 Tang. |I)if. •3375414 -3372974 •3370536 3363100 3365665 3363232 3360801 3358372 3355944 3353518 3351094 3348671 3346251 3343832 3341414 3338999 3336585 3334172 3331762 3329353 3326946 3324541 3322137 3319735 3317335 3314936 3312539 3310144 3307750 3305358 3302968 3300580 3298193 3295808 3293424 3291042 3288662 3286284 3283907 •0483771 9-0488962 9-0494149 9-0499333 9-0504514 9-0509691 9-0514865 9-0520036 9-0525204 0530368 9-05 0535529 0540687 0545842 0550993 0556141 0561286 9-0566428 9-0571566 90576701 9-0581833 9-0586962 9-0592088 9-0597210 0602329 9-0607445 9-0612558 9-0617668 •0622774 -0627877 •0632977 9-0638074 0643168 9-0648258 9-0663346 9-0658430 9-0663511 9-0668589 9-0673663 9-0678735 9-0683803 7071659 7074781 7077902 7081022 7084141 7087258 7090374 7093488 7096601 7099713 7102824 7105933 7109041 7112148 7115254 7118358 7121461 7124562 ■7127662 ■7130761 ■7133859 7136956 7140051 7143145 7146237 7149329 7152419 7155508 :,y.- 7158595™ 7161682 7164767 7167851 7170933 7174014 7177094 7180173 7183251 7186327 7189402 7192476 7195549 7198620 7201690 7204759 7207827 7210893 7213958 7217022 722008 3122 312 3120 3119 3117 3116 3114 3113 3112 3111 3109 3108 3107 3106 3104 3103 3101 3100 3099 3098 3097 3095 3094 3092 3092 3090 3089 ■7223147 •7226207 •7229266 •7232324 ■7235381 ■7238436 •7241490 •7244543 •7247595 ■7250646 ■7253695 •7256744 3087 3085 3084 3082 3081 3080 3079 3078 3076 3075 3074 3073 3071 3070 3069 3068 3066 3065 3064 3063 3062 3060 3059 3058 3057 3055 3054 3053 3052 305 3049 3049 Cotang. 10-2928341 10-2925219 10-2922098 10-2918978 10-2915859 10-2912742 10-2909626 10-2906512 10-2903399 10-2900287 10-2897176 10-2894067 10-2890959 10-2887852 10-2884746 10-2881642 10-28785, 10-2875438 10-2872338 10-2869239 10-2866141 10-2863044 10-2859949 10-2856855 10-2853763 10-2850671 10-2847581 10-2844492 10-2841405 10-2838318 10-2835233 10-2832149 10^2829067 10-2825986 10-2822906 10-2819827 10-2816749 10-2813673 10-2810598 10-2807524 10-2804451 10-2801380 10-2798310 10-2795241 10-2792173 10-2789107 10-2786042 10-2782978 10-2779915 10-2776853 10^2773793 10-2770734 10-2767676 10-2764619 10-2761564 10-2758510 10-2755457 10-2752405 10-2749354 10-2746305 10-2743256 Covers. 9-7372002 7369940 9-7367878 9-7365814 9-7363750 9-7361686 7359621 9-7357555 9-7355488 9-7353421 7351353 9-7349284 9-7347215 9-7345145 9-7343074 9-7341003 9^7338931 9-7336858 9-7334785 9-7332711 7330636 7328561 9-7326485 9-7324408 7322331 9-7320252 9-7318174 7316094 7314014 9-7311933 9-7309852 9-7307769 9-7305686 9-7303603 9-7301519 9-7299434 9-7297348 9-7295262 9-7293175 9-7291087 9-7288999 9-7286910 9-7284820 -7282729 •7280638 -7278546 •7276454 •7274361 •7272267 •7270172 -7268077 •7265981 •7263885 •7261787 •7259689 9-7257591 9-7255491 9-7253391 9-7251290 7249189 9-7247087 Secant D. Cosine 10-0501191 10-0501835 10-0502479 10-0503124 10-0503770 10-0504415 10-0505062 10-0505708 10-0506355 10-0507003 10-0507651 10-0508300 10-0508949 10-0509598 10-0510248 10-0510899 10-0511550 10-0512201 10-0512853 10-0513505 10-0514158 10-0514811 10-0515465 10-0516119 10-OSl 67 73 10-0517428 10-0518084 10-0518740 10-0519396 10-0520053 10-0520711 10-0521369 10-0522027 10-0522686 10-0523345 10-0524005 10-0524665 10-0525326 10-0525987 10-0526648 10-0527311 10-0527973 10-0528636 10-0529300 10-0529964 10-0530628 10-0531293 10-0531958 10-0532624 10-0533290 10-0533957 10-0534624 10-0535292 10-0535960 10-0536629 10-0537298 10-0537968 10^0538638 10^0539308 10-0539979 10-0540651 644 644 645 646 645 647 646 647 648 648 649 649 649 650 651 651 651 652 652 653 653 654 654 654 655 656 656 656 657 658 658 658 659 659 660 660 661 661 661 663 662 663 664 664 664 665 665 666 666 667 667 668 668 669 669 670 670 670 671 672 •9498809 '9498165 •9497521 •9496876 •9496230 •9495585 •9494938 •9494292 •9493645 •9492997 •9492349 •9491700 •9491051 •9490402 •9489752 -9489101 -9488450 -9487799 •9487147 9486495 41 •9485842 40 9485189 39 9484535 9483881 9483227 9482572 9481916 9-9481260 9-9480604 9479947 9479289 ■9478631 9477973 9477314 •9476655 ■9475995 9475335 9474674 9474013 9473352 9472689 9472027 9471364 9470700 9470036 9469372 9468707 9468042 9467376 9466710 9466043 9465376 9464708 9464040 9463371 9462702 9462032 9461362 9460692 9460021 9459349 Cosine DitJ Secant Covers. Cotang. Dif rang. Verseds. Cosec. D.j Sine Deg. 63. (304) 28 Deg. natural sines, kc. Tab. Id. ' Sine Dif. Covers I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 46047 Hi 4«;)72H4 4()99«52 4-0241.') 4704.086' 47075i>3 4710119 1712b'85 4715250 7815 4720380 4722944 4725508 4728071 4730634 4733197 4735759 4738321 4740882 4743443 4746004 4748564 1124 4753683 4756242 4758801 4761359 4763917 4766474 4769031 4771588 4774144 4776700 4779255 4781810 4784364 478691^ 4789472 4792026 4794579 4797131 4799683 4802235 4804786 4807337 4809888 4812438 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 221475 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 2:.b. 2568 2567 2567 2567 2566 2566 2565 2565 2565 2564 2564 2563 2563 2563 2562 2562 2561 2561 2561 2560 2560 2559 2559 2559 2558 2558 2557 2557 2557 2556 2556 2555 2555 2554 2555 2553 2554 2563 2552 2552 2562 2551 2551 2551 2550 48l4987f:5^-f. 4817537 ^^^^^ 4820086 4822634 4825182 4827730 4830277 4832824 4835370 4837916 4840462 4843007 4845552 4848096 Cosine Dif. 2549 2548 2548 2648 2547 2547 2546 2546 2546 2545 2545 2544 2-13005 J5 2'1288HJ>9 2-1277267 2-126.%-51 2-1254048 2-1242460 2-1230887 2-1219328 2-1207783 2-1196253 i-1 184737 2*1 173235 2-1161748 Cosec. ranoT. 05'.>84 53027 Hi i30014H 5297581 295014 529"447 5289881 5287315 5284750 5282185 5279620 5277056 5274492 5271929 5269366 5266803 5264241 5261679 5259118 5256557 5253996 5251436 5248876 5246317 5243758 5241199 5238641 5236083 5233526 5230969 5228412 5225856 5223300 5220745 5218190 5215636 5213081 5210528 5207974 5205421 5202869 52003 J 7 5197765 5195214 5192663 5190112 5187562 5185013 5182463 5179914 5177.5fi6 5174818 5172270 5169723 5167176 516-^G3OjS-O68O940 5162084 2-0670056 515.9538i2-06.=.9l86 5156993 5154448 5151904 r>3 17094 5320826 .5324559 5328293 5332029 5335765 5339503 5343242 5346981 5350723 535446 5358208 5361953 2-1 150274 5366699 2-1138815 5369446 2-1 127371 15373194 2-1 11 59401.5376943 2-110452315380694 2-109312115384445 2-1081733J5388198 2-10703&9j5391952 2-1058998.5395707 2-1047652 5399464 2-1036320|5403221 2-1 025002,6406980 2-1013698 5410740 2-100240815414501 2-09911315418263 2-0979869'5422027 2-0968620;5425791 2-095738515429557 2-09461 64! 5433324 2-0934957 5437092 2-0923764| 5440862 2-0912584 5444632 Cotang. 1 -8807265 1-8794074 1-8780898 1-8767736 1-8754.588 1-87414.55 1-8728336 1-8715231 1-8702141 1-8689065 1-8676003 1-8662955 1-8649921 1-8636902 1-8623896 1-8610905 1-8597928 1-8584965 1-8572015 1-85.59080 1-8546159 1-85332.52 1-8520358 Secant 1-1326701 1-1327453 1-1329207 1-1330,962 1-1332719 M334478 1-1336238 1-1337999 1339762 1341527 1343293 1345060 1346829 1348600 1350372 1352146 1353921 1-1356697 1-1367476 1-1359255 1-1361036 1-1362819 1-1364603 1-8494613 1-1368176 2-0901418 2-0890266 2-0879127 2-0868002 2-0856890 2-0845792 2-0834708 2-0823637 2-0812580 2-0801536 2-0790506 2-0779489 2-0768436 2-0757496 2-0746519 2-0735556 2-0724606 2-0713670 2-0702746 2-0691836 J2-0648328 <|2-0637484 2-0626653 Vers. Secant 6448404 5452177 5455951 5459727 5463503 5467281 5471060 5474840 5478621 5482404 5486188 1-8481761 1-8468923 1-8456099 1-8443289 1-8430492 1-8417709 1-8404.940 1-8392184 1 -8379442 1-8366713 1-8353999 1-8341297 1-8328610 1-8315936 1-8303275 1-8290628 1-8277994 1 •8265374 1-825276: 1-8240173 I -8227593 5489973 1-8215026 5493759 1-8202473 5497547 1-8189932 5501335 5505125 5.508916 5512708 5516.502 5520297 5524093 1 5627890rl 1-8177405 1-8164892 1-8152391 1-8139.904 1-8127430 1-8114969 5531688 553.5488 5539288 5543091 Cotan. 8102521 8090086 8077664 8065256 8052860 8040478 T; ang. Vers. 1170524 1171890 117.32.57 1174624 1175993 1177362 1178731 1180102 1181473 1182845 1184218 1185591 1186965 1188340 1189716 1191093 1192470 1193848 1196226 1196606 1197986 1199367 1200749 1202131 1203514 1204898 1206283 1207668 1209054 1210441 1378932! 121 1829 1369965 1371766 1373547 1375341 1377136 1380730 1382529 1384330 1386133 1387937 1389742 1391550 1393358 1395169 1396980 1398794 1400608 M 402425 122.9936 1-1404243 12313.34 1213217 1214606 12159.96 1217.387 1218778 1220170 1221563 1222957 1224351 1225746 1227142 122S538 1-1406062 1-1407883 1-1409706 1-1411530 1413356 1415183 1417012 1418842 1420674 1422507 1-1424342 1-1426179 1-1428017 1-1429857 1-1431698 1-14335411 1232732 1234132 1235532 1236933 12.38335 1239737 124114 1242545 1243949 1245355 1246761 1248168 124957.1 1250984 1262393 1253803 Cosec. I Covers Dif osme 1366 1367 1367 1369 1369 1369 1371 1371 1372 1373 1373 1.374 1375 1376 1377 1377 1.378 1378 1380 1380 1381 1382 1382 1383 1384 1385 1385 1386 1387 1388 1388 1389 1.390 1391 1.391 1392 1393 1394 1394 1.395 1396 1396 1398 1398 1398 1400 1400 1401 1402 1402 1404 1404 1404 1406 1406 1407 1407 1409 1409 1410 8829476 8828110 8826743 8825376 8824007 8822638 8821269 8819898 8818.527 8817165 J8815782 '8814409 8813036 8811660 8810284 8808907 8807530 8806152 8804774 8803394 8802014 8800633 8799251 8797869 8796486I3G 8795102 8793717 8792332 18790946 8789559 8788171 8786783 8785394 8784004 8782613 8781222 8779830 8778437 8777043 8775649 8774254 8772858 8771462 8770064 S76S666 8767268 8765868 8764468 8763067 8761665 8760263 8758859 8757455 8756061 8754645 8753239 8751832 8750425 8749016 8747607 8746197 Dii. Sine Deg. 61. 28 De^. LOG. SINES, SiC. (305) Sine Dif. 9-6716093 t)-6718468 6720841 9-6723213 9-6725583 9-6727952 9-67303*9 732684 735047 9-6737409 9-6739769 9-6742128 9-6744485 9-6746840 9-6749194 6751546 9-6753896 675624 9-6758592 9-5760937 9-6763281 9-6765623 9-6767963 9-6770302 9-6772640 9-6774975 9-6777309 9-6779642 9-6781972 9-6784301 9-6786629 6788955 9-6791279 9-6793602 9-6795923 9-6798243 9-6800560 9-6802877 9-6805191 9-6807504 9-6809816 9-6812126 9-6814434 9-6816741 9-6819046 9-6821349 9-6823651 9-6825952 9-6828250 9-6830548 9-6832843 9-6835137 9-6837430 6839720 9-6842010 9-6844297 9-6846583 9-6848868 9-6851151 9-r853432 (?855712 Cosec. IVerseds. 2375 2373 2372 2370 2369 2367 2365 2363 236'2 2360 2359 2357 i355 2354 2352 2350 2349 2347 2345 2344 2342 2340 2339 2338 2335 2334 2333 2330 2329 2328 2326 2324 2323 2321 2320 2317 2317 2314 2313 2312 2310 2308 2307 2305 2303 2302 2301 2298 2298 2295 2294 2293 2290 2290 2287 3286 2285 2283 2281 2280 10-3283907 9-0683803 10-3281532 9-0688869 10-3279159 10-3276787 10-8274417 10-3272048 10-3269681 10-3267316 10-3264953 10-3262591 10-3260231 10-3257872 10-3255515 10-3253160 10-3250806 10-3248454 10-3246104 10-3243755 10-3241408 10-3239063 10-3236719 10-3234377 10-3232037 10-3229698 10-3227360 10-3225025 10-3222691 10-3220358 10-3218028 10-3215699 10-3213371 10-3211045 10-3208721 10-3206398 10-3204077 10-3201757 10-3199440 10-3197123 10-3194809 10-3192496 10-3190184 10-3187874 10-3185566 10-3183259 10-3180954 10-3178651 10-3176349 10-3174048 10-3171750 10-3169452 10-3167157 10-3164863 10-3162570 10-3160280 10-3157990 10-3155703 10-3153417 10-3151132 10-3148849 10-3146568 10-3144288 an^. Dif. 9-0693931 9-0698990 9-0704046 9-0709099 9-0714148 9-0719195 9-0724238 9-0729279 9-0734316 9-0739350 9-0744381 9-0749409 9-0754434 9-0759455 9-0764474 9-0769490 9-0774502 90779511 9-0784518 9-0789521 9-0794521 9-0799518 9-0804512 9-0809503 9-0814491 9-0819476 9-0824458 0829437 9-0834413 9-0839386 90844356 9-0849322 9-0854286 9-0859247 9-0864204 9-0869159 9-0874111 9-0879059 9-0884005 9-0888948 9-0893887 9-0898824 0903758 9-0908688 •0913616 9-0918541 9-0923462 9-0928381 9-0933297 9-0938210 9-0943120 9-094802 9-0952931 9-0957832 9-0962730 9-0967625 9-0972517 9-0977406 9-7256744 9-7259791 9-7262837 9-7265881 9-7268925 9-7271967 9-7275008 9-7278048 9-7281087 9-7284124 9-7287161 9-7290196 9-7293230 9-7ii96263 9-7299295 97302325 97305354 97308383 9-7311410 9-7314436 97317460 9-7320484 97323506 9732652 9-7329547 97332566 9-7335584 97338601 9-7341616 97344631 9-7347644 9-7350656 97353667 97356677 9-7359685 9-7362693 9-7365699 97368705 9-7371709 9-7374712 7377714 9-7380715 9-7383714 9-7386713 9-7389710 9-7392707 9-7395702 97398696 9-7401689 9-7404681 9-7407672 9-7410662 9-7413650 9-7416638 9-7419624 9-7422609 9-7425594 9-7428577 9-7431559 9-7434540 ; 9-098229319-7437520 3047 3046 3044 ^044 3042 3041 3040 3039 3037 3037 3035 3034 3033 3032 3030 3029 3029 3027 3026 3024 3024 3022 3021 3020 3019 3018 3017 3015 3015 3013 3012 3011 3010 3008 3008 3006 3006 3004 3003 3002 3001 2999 2999 2997 2997 2995 2994 2993 2992 2991 2990 2988 2988 2986 2985 2985 2983 2982 2981 12980 Cotan^. 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Secant Covers, i Cotang.|Dif. Tang. IVerseds. Cosec. D.| Sinr 3 II Deg. 61. (306) 29 Deg. natural sines, &c Sine Dif. 4848096 4850G40 1853184 485572 4858270 4860812 4863354 4865895 4868436 4870977 4873517 4876057 4878597 4881136 4883674 4886212 4888750 174891288 4893825 4896361 4898897 4901433 4903968 4906503 4909038 4911572 4914105 4916638 4919171 4921704 4924236 4926767 4929298 4931829 4934359 4936889 4939419 4941948 4944476 4947005 4949532 4952060 4954587 4957113 4959639 4962165 4964690 4967216 4969740 4972264 4974787 4977310 4979833 1982355 4984877 4987399 64989920 4992441 4994961 4997481 5000000 2544 2544 2543 2543 2542 2542 2541 2541 2541 2540 2540 2540 2539 2538 2538 2538 2538 2537 i536 2536 2536 2535 2535 2535 2534 2533 2533 2533 2533 2532 2531 2531 2531 2530 2530 2530 2529 2528 2529 2527 2528 2527 2526 2526 2526 2525 2525 2525 2524 2523 2523 2523 2522 2522 2522 252] 2521 2520 2520 2519 Covers 5151904 5149360 5146816 5144273 5141730 5139188 136646 5134105 5131564 5129023 5126483 5123943 5121403 5118864 5116326 5113788 5111250 5108712 5106176 5103639 5101103 5098567 5096032 5093497 5090962 5088428 5085895 5083362 5080829 078296 5076764 5073233 5070702 5068171 5065641 5063111 5060581 5058052 5055524 5052995 5060468 5047940 5045413 5042887 5040361 5037835 5035310 5032785 Cosec. 2-0626653 2-0615836 2-0605031 2-0594239 2-0583460 2-0572695 2-0561942 2-0551203 2-0540476 2-0529762 2-0519061 2-0508373 URAL Tang Tab. 10. 5543091 5546894 5550698 5554504 5558311 5562119 5565929 5569739 5573551 5577364 5581179 5584994 2-0497698 5588811 2-0487036 2-0476386 2'0465750 2-0455126 2-0444516 2-0433916 2-0423330 2-0412757 2-0402197 2-0391649 2-0381114 2-0370592 2-0360082 2-0349585 2-0339100 2-0328628 2-0318168 2-0307720 2-0297286 2-0286863 0276453 2-0266056 2-0256670 2-0245297 2-0234937 2-0224689 2-0214253 2-0203929 2-0193618 2-0183318 2-0173031 2-0162756 2-0152494 2-0142243 ^0 132005 5030260j2-012l779 5027^36 2-01 11564 5025213 2-0101362 5022690 5020167 5017645 5015123 5012601 5010080 5007559 5005039 5002519 6000000 2-0091172 2-0080994 2-0070828 2-0060674 2-0050532 2-0040402 2-0030283 2-0020177 2-0010083 2-0000000 5592629 5696449 5600269 5604091 5607914 5611738 5615564 5619391 5623219 5627048 5630879 5634710 5638543 5642378 5646213 5650050 5653888 5657728 5661568 5665410 5669254 5673098 5676944 5680791 5684639 5688488 5692339 5696191 5700045 5703899 5707755 6711612 5715471 5719331 5723192 5727054 5730918 5734783 5738649 5742516 5746385 5750255J1 57541 26|l 1 1 1 1 Cotanff. 5757999 5761873 5765748 5769626 5773503 8040478 8028108 8015751 8003408 7991077 797S759 7966454 7954162 7941883 7929616 7917362 7905121 7892893 7880678 7868475 7856285 7844107 7831943 7819790 7807651 7795524 7783409 7771307 7759218 7747141 7735076 7723024 7710985 7698958 7686943 7674940 7662960 7650972 7639007 7627053 7615112 7603183 7691267 7579362 7567470 7555590 7643722 7531866 7620023 7608191 7496371 7484564 7472768 7460984 7449213 7437453 7425705 7413969 7402245 7390533 7378833 7367144 7355468 7343803 7332149 7320508 Secant Vers. Dii. Cosine 433541 435385 43723 439078 440927 442778 444630 446484 448339 450196 452055 453915 455776 457639 459504 461371 463238 465108 466979 468852 470726 472602 474479 476358 478239 480121 482005 483890 485777 487666 489556 491447 493340 495235 497132 499030 500930 502831 504734 506638 508644 510462 512361 514272 616185 518099 520015 621932 523861 525772 527694 529618 531543 533470 535399 537329 639261 641195 543130 645067 547005 1253803 1255214 1256625 1258037 1259450 1260863 1262278 1263693 1265109 1266525 126794: 1269360 1270779 1272199 1273619 1275040 1276462 1277884 1279307 1260731 1282166 1283581 1285007 1286434 1287862 1289290 1290719 1292149 1293580 1295011 1296443 1297876 1299309 1300744 1302179 1303614 1305061 1306488 1307926 1309364 1310804 1312244 1313685 1315126 1316569 1318012 1319456 1320900 1322346 1323791 1325238 1326686 1328134 1329583 1331033 1332483 1333934 1335386 1336839 1338292 1339746 1411 1411 1412 1413 1413 1415 1415 1416 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1420 1421 1422 1422 1423 1424 1425 1425 1426 1427 1428 1428 1429 1430 1431 1431 1432 1433 1433 1435 1435 1435 1437 1437 1438 1438 1440 1440 1441 1441 1443 1443 1444 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1448 1449 1450 1450 1451 1452 1453 1453 1454 8746197 8744786 8743375 8741963 8740550 8739137 8737722 8736307 873489 8733475 8732058 8730640 8729221 8727801 8726381 8724960 45 8723538 872211 8720693 8719269 8717844 8716419 87 1499 ■( 8713566 8712138 8710710 8709281 8707851 8706420 8704989 8703567 8702124 8700691 8699266 8697821 8696386 8694949 8693512 869207? 8690636 8689196 8687756 8686315 8684874 8683431 8681988 8680544 8679100 8677655 8676209 8674762 8673314 8671866 8670417 8668967 8667517 S666066 8664614 8663161 8661708 8660264 ' Cosine Dif. Vers Secant Cotan. Tang. Cosec. CoversjDif. Sine Des. 60. 29 Degr. LOG. SINES, &C. (307) Sine Dii 9-685571:2 9-6857991 9-6860267 9-6'862542 9-6864816 9-6867088 9-6869359 9-6871628 9-G873895 9 9-6876161 9-6878425 9-6880688 9-6882949 9-6885209 9-6887467 9-6889723 9-6891978 9-6894232 9-6896484 9-6898734 9-6900983 9-690323) 9-6905476 6907721 9-6909964 9-6912205 9-6914445 9-6916683 9-6918919 9-6921155 9-6923388 9-6925620 9-692785 9-6930080 9-6932308 9-6934534 9-6936758 9-6938981 9-6941203 9-6943423 9-6945642 9-6947859 9-6950074 9-6952288 9-6954501 9-6956712 9-6958922 9-6961130 9-6963336 9-6965541 9-696774b 9-6969947 9-6972148 9-6974347 9-6976545 9-6978741 9-6980936 9-6983129 9-6985321 9-6987511 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Coscc. 609-6989700 2279 2276 2275 2274 2272 2271 2269 226/ 2266 2264 2263 2261 2260 2258 2256 2255 2254 2252 2250 2249 2248 2245 2245 2243 2241 2240 2238 2236 2236 2233 2232 2231 2229 2228 2226 2224 2223 2222 2220 2219 2217 2215 2214 2213 2211 2210 2208 2206 2205 2204 2202 2201 2199 2198 2196 2195 2193 2192 2190 2189 Cosine 10-3144288 0-3142009 10-3139733 10-3137458 J 0-3 135 184 10-3132912 10-3130641 10-3128372 10-3126105 10-3123839 10-31215 0-3119312 10-3117051 10-3114791 10-3112533 10-3110277 10-3108022 10-3105768 10-3103516 10-3101266 10-3099017 10-3096769 10-3094524 10-3092279 10-3090036 10-3087795 10-3085555 10-3083317 10-308108 10-3078845 10-3076612 10-3074380 10-3072149 10-3069920 10-3067692 10-3065466 10-3063242 10-3061019 10-3058797 10-3056577 10-3054358 10-3052141 10-3049926 10 3047712 10-3045499 10-3043288 10-3041078 10-3038870 10-3036664 10-3034459 10-3032255 10-3030053 10-3027852 10-3025653 10-3023455 10-3021259 10-3019064 10-3016871 10-3014679 10-3012489 10-3010300 Vci'seds lang. 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(308) 30 T)e^, NATURAL SINES, &C. Tab. 10. 6 7 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Sine >000(>0(» .002519 ,005037 i00755 iO 10073 ;01259I .015107 5017624 020140 022655 5025170 5027685 5030199 i0327l3 i035227 5037740 5040252 5042765 5045276 5047788 5050298 21 15052809 22 5055319 !)it C'over>. 2519 2518 25 J 9 2517 2518 2516 2517 2516 2515 2515 2515 2514 2514 2514 2513 2512 2513 2511 2512 2510 SOOCOtiO 4997481 49949(i3 i09l4A4 4989927 4987409 4984893 4982376 4979860 4977345 4974830 4972315 4969801 4967287 4964773 4962260 4959748 4957235 4954724 4952212 [949702 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 .1 52 53 54 55 56 b7 58 59 60 5057828 5060338 5062846 5065355 5067863 5070370 5072877 075384 5077890 5080396 5082901 5085406 5087910 5090414 5092918 5095421 5097924 5100426 5102928 5105429 5107930 5110431 5112931 5115431 5117930 5120429 5122927 5125426 5127923 5130420 5132916 5135413 5137908 140404 5142899 5 I 45393 5147887 5150381 2507 2507 2506 2506 2505 2505 2504 2504 2504 2503 2503 25021 Cosine -1: if?! '14947 191 ^^^^4944681 ^^"^4942172 2510 2508 2509 2508 Cosec 2-0000000 1-9989929 1-9979870 1 -9969823 1-9959788 1-9949764 1 -9939753 1-9929752 1-9919764 1-9909787 1-9899822 1-9889869 1-9879927 1-9869997 1*9860080 1-9850172 1-9840276 1-9830393 1 -9820520 1-9810659 1-9800810 1-9790972 1-9781146 1-9771331 4939^621 1-9761 527 Tang. 4937154 493464 2507 493213 ^^^^929630 4927123 4924616 4922110 4919604 49 J 7099 4914594 4912090 4909586 2502 250 li 4907082 4904579 J4902076 '4899574 14897072 '4894571 14892070 14889569 4887069 :4884569 ,4882070 4879571 4877073 4874575 II4872077 24^4869580 ^:S^ 4867084 2501 2501 2500 2500 2499! 2499 2498 2498 2498 2497 2497 2495 2496 2495 2494 2494 2494i 4864587 4862092 4859596 4857101 4854607 4852113 148496] 9 Dif.l Vers. 1-9751735 1-9741954 1-9732185 1-9722427 1 •9712680 1-9702944 1-9693220 1-9683507 1-9673805 1-9664114 1-9654435 1-9644767 1-9635110 1-9625464 1-9615829 1-9606206 1-9596593 1-9586992 9577402 1-9567822 1-9558254 1-9548697 1-9539150 1-9523615 1-9520091 1-9510577 1-9501075 1-9491583 1-9482102 1-9472632 1-9463173 1-9453725 1-9444288 1-9434861 1-9425445 1-9416040 5773503 5777382 781262 5785144 5789027 5792912 r)796797 5800684 5804573 5808462 5812353 5816245 5820139 Cottmg 1 -7320508 1-7308878 1-7297260 1-7285654 1-7274060 1-7262477 1-7250905 1-7239346 1-7227797 1-7216261 1-7204736 1-7193222 1-7181720 5824034 1-7170230 5827930 1-7158751 5831828 >835726 5839627 5843528 847431 5851335 5855241 5859148 5863056 5866965 5870876 5874788 5878702 5882616 5886533 5890450 5894369 5898289 6902211 6906134 5910058 5913984 5917910 5921839 5925768 5929699 5933632 5937565 5941501 945437 5949375 >953314 5957255 5961196 5965140 5969084 5973030 5976978 5980926 5984877 5988828 .992781 .996735 6000691 6004648 6008606 1-7147283 1-7135827 1-7124382 1-7112949 1-7101527 1-7078717 1-7067329 1-7055953 Secant i 1547005 j -1548945 1-1550887 1-1552830 1-1554775 1-1556722 1-1558670 1-1560620 i -1562572 1-1564525 1-1566480 1-1568436 1-1570394 1-1572354 1-1574315 1-1576278 1-1578243 1-1580209 1-1582177 1-1584146 -7090116 1-1586118 1-1588091 1-1590065 1-1592041 1*7044587 1-1594019 1-7033233 M595999 1-7021890 1-1597980 1-7010559 1-1599963 Secant | Cotan 1-6999238 1-6987929 1-6976631 1-6965344 1-6954069 1-6942804 1-6931550 1-6920308 1-6909077 1-6897856 1-6886647 1-6875449 1-6864261 1 -6853085 1-6841919 1-6830765 1-6819621 1-6808489 1-6797367 1-6786266 1-6775156 1-6764067 1-6752988 1-6741921 1 -6730864 1-6719818 ■6708782 1-6697758 1-6686744 1-6675741 I -6664748 1-6653766 •6642795 'Jang. 1-1601.947 1-1603933 1-1605921 1-1607911 1-1609902 1-1611894 M615889 1-1615885 1-1617883 1-1619882 1 1621883 1-1623886 1-1625891 1-1627897 1-1629906 1-1631914 1-1633925 1635938 1-1637953 1-1639969 1-1641987 1-1644007 1646028 1-1648051 1-1650076 1-1652102 1-1654130 1-1656160 1-16.58191 1-1660224 1-1662259 1-1664296 1-1666334 Vers. Cosec. 1339746 1341201 1342656 1344113 1345570 1347027 1348486 1849945 1351405 1352866 1354327 1355789 1357252 1358716 1360180 1361646 1363111 1364577 1366044 1367512 1368981 1370451 1371921 1373392 1374863 1376336 1377809 1379283 1380757 1382232 1383708 1385185 1386663 1388141 1389620 1391099 1392580 1394061 1395643 1397025 1398501 1399993 1401477 1402963 1404449 1405936 1407424 1408912 1410401 1411891 141338l| 1414873 1416365 1417857 1419351 1420845 1422340 1423836 1425332 1426829 142832-7 Dif. 1455 1455 1457 1467 1457 1459 1459 1460 1461 1461 1462 1463 1464 1464 1465 1466 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1470 471 1471 1473 1473 1474 1474 1475 1476 1477 1478 1478 1479 1479 1481 1481 1482 1482 1484 1484 1484 1486 1486 1487 1488 1488 1489 1490 Cosine 8660254 8658799 8657344 8655887 8654430 8652973 8651514 8650065 8648595 8647134 8645673 864421; 42748 8641284 8639820 8638355 8636889 8635423 8633956 8632488 8631019 8629549 8628079 862660H 8625137136 8623664 8622191 8620717 8619243 S617768 8616292 8614815 8613337 8611869 8610380 8608901 S607420 8605939 8604457 8602975 8601491 8600007 8598523 8697037 8595551 8594064 8592576 8591088 8689599 ^overs ,^ ,8588109 ^^^t>85866l9 492|8585,27 ^9^18583636 ^^^18682143 1494J8580649 8579155 8577660 8576164 8574668 8573171 8571673 1494 1495 1496 1496 1497 1498 Dif. Sine Des. 59. so Dcg. LOG. STX^ES, &C. (309) bine iJDif. Cosec. Verseds. Tanii::. Dif. Cotang. ( Covers. Secant i). Cosine •6989700 •6991887 •6'994073 •6996*258 •6998441 •7000622 7002802 •7004981 ■7007158 •7009334 ■7011508 •7013681 ■7016852 ■7018022 •7020190 •7022357 •7024523 •7026687 ■7028849 •7031011 ■7033170 ■7035329 •7037486 •7039641 •7041795 •7043947 ■7046099 ■7048248 ■7050397 ■7052543 •7054689 ■7056833 •7058975 ■7061116 7063256 7065394 7067531 70696G7 7071801 7073933 7076064 7078194 7080323 7082450 7084575 7086699 7088822 7090943 7093063 7095182 7097299 7099415 7101529 7103642 7105753 7107863 7109972 7112080 7114186 7116290 7118393 218 2186 218 2183 218 2180 2179 2177 2176 2174 2173 217 2170 2168 2167 2166 2164 2162 2162 2159 2159 2157 2155 2164 2152 2152 2149 2149 2146 2146 2144 2142 2141 2140 2138 2137 2136 2134 2132 2131 2130 2129 2127 2125 2124 2123 2121 2120 2119 2117 2116 2114 2113 2111 2110 2109 2108 2106 2104 2103 3010300 3008113 3005927 3003742 3001559j9 2999378'9 29971 98 J9 299501919 2992842|9 2990666i9 •2988492 •2986319 •2984148 •2981978 •2979810 •2977643 •2976477 •2973313 ■297115] •2968989 ■2966830 •2964671 •2962514 ■2960359 •2958205 •2956053 •2953901 •2951752 •2949603 •2947457 ■2945311 2943167 ■2941025 ■2938884 2936744 2934606 ■2932469 2930333 2928199 2926067 2923936 2921806 2919677 2917550 2915425 2913301 2911178 2909057 2906937 2904818 2902701 2900585 2898471 2896358 2894247 2892137 2890028 2887920 2885814 2883710 2881607 1270225 1274938 1279649 1284356 1289062 1293764 7614394 7617311 7620227 7623142 7626056 7628969 1298464 9-7631881 1303161 1307855 1312547 1317236 1321921 1326605 1331286 1335964 1340639 1345311 1349981 1354648 1359313 1363976 1368634 1373290 1377944 1382595 1387244 1391889 1396532 1401173 1405811 1410446 1415078 1419708 1424336 1428960 1433581 1438201 1442817 1447431 1462042 1456651 1461257 1465861 1470461 1475060 1479655 1484248 1488838 1493426 1498011 1502594 1607174 1511751 1516326 1620898 1525467 1530034 1634699 1639161 1643720 1548276 •7634792 •7637702 ■7640612 ■7643520 7646427 7649334 ■7652239 7655143 7658047 7660949 7663851 '7666751 7669661 7672550 ■767544ii •7678344 •7681240 ■7684135 •7687029 •7689922 ■7692814 ■7695705 ■769P.596 ■7701485 ■7704373 7707261 7710147 7713033 7715917 7718801 7721684 7724566 7727447 7730327 7733206 7736084 7738961 7741838 7744713 7747588 7750462 7753334 7756206 7769077 7761947 7764816 7767686 7770652 7773418 7776284 7779149 7782012 7784875 ■7787737 2917 2916 2915 2914 2913 2912 2911 2910 2910 2908 2907 2907 290, 2904 2904 2902 2902 2900 2900 2899 2898 2896 2896 2895 2894 2893 2892 2891 2891 2889 2888 2888 2886 2886 2884 2884 2883 2882 2881 2880 2879 2878 2877 2877 2875 2875 2874 2872 2872 2871 2870 2869 2869 2867 2866 2866 2866 2863 2863 2862 10-2385606 9' 10-2382689 9' 10-23797739 10-237685819 10-2373944 9 10-237 1031 10-2368119 10-2365208 10^2362298 10-2359388 10-2356480 10-2353673 10-2350666 10-2347761 10-2344857 10-2341953 10-2339051 10-2336149 10-2333249 10-2330349 10-2327450 10-2324552 10-232 1656 10^2318760 10-2315865 10-2312971 10-2310078 10-2307186 10-2304295 10-2301404 10-2298515 10-2295627 10-2292739 10-2289853 10-2286967 10-2284083 10-2281199 10-2278316 10-2275434 10-2272553 10-2269673 10-2266794 10-2263916 10-2261039 10-2268162 10-2255287 10-2252412 10-2249638 10-2246666 10-2243794 10-2240923 10-2238063 10-2236184 10-2232315 10-2229448 10-2226582 10-2223716 10-2220851 10-2217988 10-2216125 10-2212263 6989700 6987512 6985322 6983132 6980942 6978750 •6976658 6974365 ■6972172 6969977 •6967782 •6965586 •6963390 •6961192 ■6958994 ■6956795 ■6954596 •6952396 •6950194 •6947993 •6945790 •6943587 •6941383 •6939178 •6936973 •6934766 •G932559 •6930352 •6928143 •6925934 9-6923724 9-6921513 9-6919302 9-6917090 9-6914877 9-6912663 9-6910449 9-6908233 6906017 9-690380 9-6901583 9-6899365 9-6897146 9-6894926 6892706 6890485 6888263 6886040 6883817 6881693 6879368 6877142 ^8749 16 6872688 6870460 9 9 9-6868231 9-6866002 9-6863772 9-6861641 9-6859309 9-6857076 10-0624694 10-0625423 10-0626153 10-0626884 10-0627615 10-0628347 10-0629079 10-0629811 10-0630544 10-0631278 10-0632012 10-0632746 10-0633481 10-0634217 10-0634953 10-0635689 10-0636426 10-0G3716-1 10-0637902 10-0638640 10-0639379 10-064011 10-0640859 10-0641599 10-0642340 10-0643082 10-0643823 10-0644566 10-0645309 10-0646052 10-0646796" 10-0647541 10-064828 10-064903 10-0649777 10-0650523 10-0661270 10-0652017 10-0652765 10-0653614 10-0654262 10-0655012 10-0665762 10-0666512 10-0657263 10-0658014 10-0658766 10-0659518 10-0660271 10-0661024 10-0661778 10-0662533 10-0663287 10-0664043 10-0664799 10-0665555 10-0666312 10-0667069 10-0667827 10-0668585 10-0669344 729 730 731 731 732 73 732 733 734 734 734 736 736 736 736 737 738 738 738 739 740 740 740 741 742 741 743 743 743 744 745 744 746 746 746 747 747 748 749 748 750 750 750 751 751 752 752 753 753 754 766 754 756 756 756 757 757 768 758 769 9375306 9374577 •9373847 9373116 9372385 9371653 ■9370921 •9370189 -9369456 •9368722 •9367988 -9367254 •9366519 •9365783 •9365047 •9364311 •9363574 •9362836 •9362098 9361360 9360621 9359881 9359141 9368401 9367660 9356918 9356177 9356434 9364691 9363948 9363204 9352459 9351715 9350969 9350223 9349477 9 9^9348730|24 9347983 9347236 9346486 9345738 9344988 9344238 9343488 9342737 9341986 9341234 9340482 9339729 9338976 9338222 9337467 9336713 9335957 9335201 9334446 ■9333688 9332931 9332173 •9331415 •9330656 ' Cosine Dif. Secant Covers. Cotang.lDif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine ■ " ■ ■ " ' ' I " ' ■ I ■II J I ■ ■ I . 1 ■ 1 I I U I« III ■■ .....■!.. , ■ — Deg, 59 (310) 31 Deg. NATURAL SINES, 8cc. Tab. 10. Sine Dif. Covers 5150381 5152874 5155367 5157859 5160351 516284'i 5165333 5167824 5170314 5 1 72804 51752.93 5177782 5180270 5182758 5185246" 5187733 5190219 5192705 5195191 5197676 5200161 5202646 5205130 5207613 5210096 5212579 5215061 5217543 5220024 5222505 5224986 5227466 5229945 5232424 5234903 5237381 5239859 5242336 5244813 5247290 5249766 5252241. 5254717 5257191 5259665 5262139 5264613 5267085 5269558 5272030 5274502 5276973 5279443 5281914 5284383 5286853 5289322 5291790 5294258 5296726 5299193 Cosine Dif. 2493 2493 249 :6«8 5439069 5441510 5443951 5446390 Dif. 2466 2466 2466 2466 2464 2465 2464 2463 2463 2463 2462 2462 2461 2461 2460 2460 2460 2458 2459 2458 2458 245 2457 2456 2456 2455 2455 2455 2454 2453 2453 2453 2452 2452 2451 2451 2450 2450 2450 2449 2448 2448 2448 2447 2447 2446 2446 2445 2445 2444 2444 2444 2443 2442 2443 2441 2441 2441 2441 2439 Covers Cosi ne 4700807 4698341 4695875 4693409 4690943 4688479 4686014 4683S50 4681087 4678624 4676161 4673699 4671237 466^776 4666315 4663855 4661395 4658935 4656477 4654018 4651560 4649102 464664 4644188 4641732 4639276 4636821 4634366 4631911 4629457 4627004 4624551 4622098 4619646 4617194 4614743 4612292 4609842 4607392 4604942 4602493 460004 4597597 4595149 4592702 4590255 4587809 4585363 4582918 4580473 4578029 4575585 4573141 4570698 4568256 4565813 4563372 4560931 4558490 4556049 4553610 Cosec. Tang. Dif. 1-8870799 1-8862019 1-8853249 1-8844489 1-8835738 1-8826998 8818266 1-8809545 1-8800833 1-8792131 1-8783438 1-8774755 1-8766082 1-8757419 1-8748764 1-8740120 1-8731485 1-8722859 1-8714244 1-8705637 1-8699040 1 -8688453 1-8679875 1-8671306 1-8662747 1-8654197 1-8645657 1-8637126 1-8628605 1-8620093 1-8611590 1-8603097 1-8594612 1-8586138 1-8577672 1-8569216 1-8560769 1-8552331 1-8543903 1-8535483 1-8527073 1-8518672 1-8510281 1-8501898 1-8493525 1-8485161 1-8476806 1 -8468460 1-8460123 1-8451795 1-8443476 1-8435166 1-8426866 1-8418574 1-8410292 1-8402018 1-8393753 1-8385498 1-8377251 1-8369013 1-8360785 624^694 6252739 Cotang. 1-6003345 1-5992991 6256786 1 -5982647 6260834 6264884 6268935 6272988 Vers. Secant 6277042 6281098 6285155 6289214 6293274 6297336 6301399 6305464 6309530 6313598 6317667 6321738 6325810 6329883 6333959 6338035 6342113 6346193 6350274 6354357 6368441 6362527 6366614 6370703 6374793 6378885 6382978 6387073 6391169 6396267 6399366 6403467 6407669 6411673 6415779 6419886 6423994 6428105 6432216 6436329 6440444 6444560 6448678 6452797 6456918 6461041 6465165 6469290 6473417 6477546 6481676 6485808 6489941 6494076 Secant 1-5972312 1-5961987 1-5951672 -5941366 1-5931070 1-5920783 1-5910505 1-5900238 1-5889979 1-5879731 1-5869491 1-5859261 1-5849041 1-5838830 1-5828628 1-5818436 1-5808253 1-5798079 1-5787915 1-5777760 1-5767615 1-6757479 1-5747352 1-5737234 1-5727126 1-5717026 1-5706936 1-5696856 1-5686784 1-5676722 1-5666669 1-5656625 1-5646590 1-5636564 1-6626548 1-5616540 1-5606542 1-5596552 1-5586572 1-5576601 1-5666639 1-5556685 1-5546741 1-5536806 1-1791784 1-1793*928 1-1796074 1-1798222 Cotan, 1-1800372 1525691 Vers. 1519519 1521061 1622603 1524147 1-1802523 1-1804676 1806831 1-1808988 1-1811146 M813307 1-1815469 1-1817633 1-1819798 1-1821966 1-1824135 1-1826306 1-1828479 1-1830654 1-1832830 1-1835008 1-1837188 1-1839370 1-1841554 1-1843739 1-1845927 1-1848116 1-1850307 1-1852600 1-1854694 1-1856890 1-1859089 1-1861289 1-1863490 1-1865694 M867900 1-1870107 1-1872316 1-1874527 1-1876740 1-1878954 M881171 1-1883389 1-1885609 1-1887831 1-1890055 1-1892280 l-5526880ll-l 894508 Dif. 1-5516963 1-5507054 1-5497155 1-5487264 1-5477383 1-5467510 1-5457647 1-5447792 1-5437946 1-5428108 1-5418280 1-5408460 1-5398650 Tang. 1-1896737 M 898968 1-1901201 1-1903436 1-1905673 1-1907911 1-1910152 1-1912394 1-1914638 1-1916884 M919132 M92138I M 923633 1527235 1528781 1 530327 1531874 1533421 1634370 1536519 1538068 1539619 1541170 1542722 1544274 1545828 1547382 1548936 1550492 1662048 1563605 1556162 1556721 1668280 1659839 1561400 1662961 1564523 66086 1567649 1569213 1570778 1572343 1573909 1575476 1677044 1578612 1580181 1681751 1583321 1684892 1586464 1688037 1589610 1591184 1592769 1594334 1596910 1597487 1599064 1600643 1602222 1603801 1605382 1606963 1608545 1610127 1611710 1613294 1542 1542 1544 15441 1644 1546 1546 1547 547 1549 1549 1549 1651 1551 1562 1552 1554 1554 1654 8480481 8478939 8477397 8475853 8474309 8472765 8471219 Cosec. .osine 8469673153 R468126}52 8466579151 8465030^50 8463481 49 8461932 48 8460381 8468830 8457278 8455726 8454172 8462618 8451064 ^llU449bOS 1556 1557 1557 1559 1559 1559 1561 1561 1 562 1663 1563 1564 1565 1565 1566 1567 1568 1568 1569 1570 1570 1571 1572 1573 1573 1574 1575 1575 1576 1577 1577 1579 1579 1579 1581 1581 1582 1582 1583 1584 8447952 8446395 8444838 8443279 8441720 8440161 8438600 8437039 Covers Dif 8435477 8433914 8432351 8430787 8429222 8427657 8426091 8424524 8422956 8421388 8419819 8418249 8416679 8415108 8413536 8411963 8410390 8408816 8407241 8405666 8404090 8402513 8400936 8399357 8397778 8396199 83946181 8393037 8391455 8389873 8388290 8386706 I Sine Deg. 57. 32 De£j. LOG. SINES, &C. (313) Sine Dif. 97242097 97244118 97246138 97248156' 97250174 97252189 97254204 97256217 97258229 97260240 97262249 97264257 97266264 97268269 97270273 97272276 97274278 97276278 97278277 97230275 97282271 97284267 97286260 97288253 97290244 97292234 97294223 97296211 97298197 97300182 97302165 97304148 97306129 97308109 97310087 97312064 97314040 97316015 97317989 97319961 97321932 97323902 97325870 97327837 97329803 97331768 97333731 97335693 97337654 97339614 97341572 97343529 97345485 97347440 97349393 97351345 97353296 97355246 97357195 97359142 97361088 CosiiK 2021 2020 2018 2018 201 2015 2013 2012 2011 2009 2008 2007 2005 2004 2003 2002 2000 1999 1998 1996 1996 1993 1993 1991 1990 1989 1988 1986 1985 1983 1983 1981 1980 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1972 1971 1970 1968 1967 1966 1965 1963 1962 1961 1960 1958 1957 1956 1955 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1947 1946 m Cosec. 10-2757903 10-2755882 10-2753862 10-2751844 10-2749826 10-2747811 10-2745796 10-2743783 10-2741771 10-2739760 10-2737751 10-2735743 10-2733736 10-2731731 10-2729727 10-2727724 10-2725722 10-2723722 10-2721723 10-2719725 10-2717729 10-2715733 10-2713740 10-2711747 10-2709756 10-2707766 10-2705777 10-2703789 10-2701803 10-2699818 10-2697835 10-2695852 10-2693871 10-2691891 10-2689913 10-2687936 10-2685960 10-2683985 10-2682011 10-2680039 10-2678068 10-2676098 10-2674130 10-2672163 10-2670197 10-2668232 10-2666269 10-2664307 10-2662346 10-2660386 0-2658428 10-2656471 10-2654515 10-2652560 10-2650607 10-2648655 10-2646704 10-2644754 10-2642806 10-2640858 10-2638912 Verscds. Secant 9-181706 9-1821466 9-1825868 9-1830268 9-183466 9-1839060 •1B43452 9-1847842 9-1852230 9-18566 9-1860998 9-1865378 9-1869756 1874132 9-1878505 9-1882876 9-1887245 9-1891611 9-1895974 9-1900336 9-1904695 9-190905 9-1913406 9-1917758 9-1922107 9-1926454 9-1930799 9-1935142 9-1939482 9-1943819 9-1948155 9-h952488 9-1956819 9-1961147 9-1965473 9-1969797 9-1974118 9-1978437 9-1982754 9-1987068 9-1991380 9-1995690 9-? 999997 9-2004302 9-2008605 9-2012906 9-2017204 9-2021499 9-2025793 Tjing'. 9-7957892 9-7960703 9-7963613 9-7966322 9-7969130 9-7971938 9-7974745 9-7977551 9-7980356 9-7983160 9-7985964 9-7988767 9-7991569 9-7994370 9-7997170 9-7999970 9-8002769 9-8005567 9-8008365 9-8011161 9-8013957 9-8016752 9-8019546 9-8022340 9-8025133 9-8027925 9-8030716 9-8033506 9-8036296 9-8039085 9-8041873 9-8044661 9-8047447 9-8050233 9-8053019 9-8055803 9-8058587 9-8061370 9-8064152 9-8066933 9-8069714 9-8072494 9-8075273 9-8078052 9-8080829 9-8083606 9-8086383 9-8089158 9-8091933 9-2030084 9-8094707 9-2034373|9-8097480 9-2038660;9-8 100253 9-2042944 9-8103025 9-2047226 9-8105796 9-2051506 9-8108566 9-2055783 9-8'l 11336 9-2060058|9-81 14105 9-2064331 19-8116873 9-2068602 9-81 19641 9-8122408 9-8125174 9-2072870 9-2077136 ilovcvs. Cvt)tang. Dif. Cotang\ Covers. I Secant D. Cosine 2811 2810 2809 2808 2808 2807 2806 2805 2804 2804 2803 2802 2801 2800 2800 2/99 2798 2798 2796 2796 2795 2794 2794 2793 2792 2791 2790 2790 2789 2788 2788 2786 2786 2786 2784 2784 2783 2782 2781 2781 2780 2779 2779 2777 2777 2777 2775 75 2774 77:i 2.773 2772 2771 2770 70 2769 2768 768 2767 2766 Dif. 10-2042108 10-2039297 10-2036487 10-2033678 10-2030870 10-2028062 10-2025255 10-2022449 10-2019644 10-2016840 10-2014036 10-2011233 10.2008431 10-2005630 10-2002830 10-2000030 10-1997231 10-1994433 10-1991635 10-1988839 10-1986043 10-1983248 10-1980454 10-1977660 10-1974867 10-1972075 10-1969284 10-1966494 10-1963704 10-1960915 10-1958127 10-1955339 10-1952553 10-1949767 10-1946981 10-1944197 10-1941413 10-1938630 10-1935848 10-1933067 10-1930286 10-1927506 10-1924727 10-1921948 10-1919171 10-1916394 9-6721725 9-6719445 )-6717l65 9-6714884 9-6712602 9-6710319 9-6708036 9-6705752 9-G703467 9-670118 9-669889, 9-6696607 9-6694319 9-6692030 9-6689741 9-6687450 9-6685159 9-6682867 9-6680574 9-6678281 9-6675986 9-6673691 9-6671395 9-6669098 9-6666801 9-6664502 9-6662203 9-6659903 9-6657603 9-6655301 9-6652999 9-66oOG96 9-6648392 9-6':460B7 9-6643781 9-6641475 9-6639168 9-6636860 9-6634552 9-6632242 9-6629932 9-6627621 9-6625309 9-6622996 9-6620683 9-6618368 10-1913617I9-6616053 0-1910842J9-6613737 10-1908067 9-6611421 10- 1905293 9-6609103 9-6606785 9-66044G6 10-1902520 10-1899747 10-1896975 10-1894204 0-1891434 10-1888664 10-1835895 10-1883127 10-18803.59 10-1877592 10-1874826 'lano:. 6602146 9-6599825 9-6597504 9-6595182 9-6592858 6590535 9-6538210 9-6585884 9-6583558 Verscds. 10-0715795 10-0716585 10-0717375 10-0718166 10-0718957 10-0719749 10-0720541 10-0721334 10-0722127 10-0722921 10-0723715 10-0724510 10-0725305 10-0726101 10-0726897 10-0727694 10-9728491 10-0729289 1 0-073008 10-0730886 10-0731686 10-0732486 10-0733286 10-0734087 10-0734888 10-0735690 10-0736493 10-0737296 10-0738099 10-0738904 10-0739708 10-0740513 10-0741319 10-0742125 10-0742931 10-0743739 10-0744546 10-0745354 10-0746163 10-0746972 10-0747782 10-0748592 0-0749403 10-0750214 10-0751026 10-0751839 10-0752651 10-0753465 10-0754279 10-0755093 10-0755908 10-0756723 10-0757539 10-0758356 10-0/59173 0-0759990 10-0760809 10-0761627 100762446 100763266 10-0764086 Cosec. 790 790 791 791 792 792 793 793 794 794 795 795 796 796 797 797 798 798 799 800 800 800 801 801 802 803 803 803 805 804 805 806 806 806 808 807 808 809 809 810 810 811 811 812 813 812 814 814 814 815 815 816 817 817 817 819 818 819 820 820 w. 9-9284205 9-9283415 9-9282625 9-92818;: 9-9281043 9-9280251 9-9279459 9'927S666 9-9'277ii7 9-9277079 9-9276285 9-9275490 9-9274695 9-9273899 9-9273103 9-9272306 9-9271509 9-9270711 9-926.9913 9-9269114 9-9268314 9-9267514 9-9266714 9-9265913 9-.9265112 9-9264310 9-9263507 9-9262704 9-9261901 9-9261096 9-9260292 9-925.9487 9-9258681 9-9267875 9-9257069 9-925£26l 9-925o454 9-9254646 9'9253837 9-9253028 9-.9252218 9251408 9-9250597 9-9249786 9-9248974 9-9248161 9-9247349 9-9246535 9-9245721 9244907 9-8244092 9-9243277 9-9242461 9-9241644 9-9240827 9-9240010 9-9239191 9-9238373 9-9237554 9-9236734 9 9235914 Sine Des. .57. 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 8 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 5 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (3 14) 33 Peg. Sine Dif. Covers NATURAL SINKS, 3cC. Tab. 10. 5446390 5448830 5453707 5456' 1 45 5458583 5461020 5463456 5465892 5468328 5470763 5473198 5475632 5478066 5480499 5482932 5485365 5487797 5490228 5492659 5495090 5497520 5499950 5502379 5504807 5507236 5509663 5512091 5514518 5516944 5519370 5521795 5524220 5526645 29069 5531492 5533915 5536338 5538760 5541182 5543603 5546024 5548444 5550864 5553283 5555702 5558121 5560539 5562956 5565373 ;i567790 5570206 557262 5575036 5577451 5579865 5582279 5584692 5687105 5589517 5591929 Cosine Dif. 2440 2439 2438 2438 2438 2437 2436 2436 2436 2435 2435 2434 2434 2433 2433 2433 2432 2^.3 1 2431 2431 2430 2430 2429 2428 2429 2427 2428 2427 2426 2426 2425 2425 2425 2424 2423 2423 2423 2422 2422 2421 2421 2420 2420 2419 2419 2419 2418 2417 2417 2417 2416 2415 2415 2415 2414 2414 2413 2413 2412 2412 4553610 4551170 4548731 4546293 4543855 4541417 4538980 4536544 4534108 4531672 4529237 4526802 4624368 4521934 4519501 4517068 4514635 4512203 4509772 4507341 4504910 4502480 4500050 4497621 4495193 4492764 4490337 4487909 4485482 4483056 4480630 4478205 4475780 4473356 4470931 4468508 4466085 4463662 4461240 4458818 4456397 4453976 4451556 4449136 4446717 4444298 4441879 4439461 4437044 4434627 4432210 4429794 4427379 4424964 4422549 4420135 4417721 4415308 4412895 4410483 4408071 Vers. Cosec. Tang. Secant 6494076 6498212 6502350 6506490 6510631 6614774 6518918 6523064 6527211 6531360 6535511 6539663 6543817 6547972 6552129 6556287 6560447 6564609 6568772 6572937 6577103 6581271 6585441 6589612 659378 6597960 6602136 6606313 6610492 6614673 6618856 6623040 6627225 6631413 6635601 6639792 6643984 6648178 6652373 6656570 6660769 6664969 666917] 6673374 6677580 6681786 6685995 6690205 6694417 6698630 6702845 6707061 6711280 6715500 6719721 6723944 6728169 6732396 6736624 6740354 6745085 Cotan, Cotang, 5398650 5388848 6379054 6369270 5359494 5349787 5339969 5330219 5320479 5310746 5301023 6291308 5281602 5271904 5262215 5252536 5242863 5233200 5223545 5213899 5204261 5194632 5185012 5175400 5165796 5156201 5146614 5137036 5127466 ^117905 5108352 5098807 5089271 5079743 5070224 5060713 5051210 5041716 5032229 5022751 5013282 5003821 4994367 4984923 4975486 4966058 4956637 4947225 4937822 4928426 4919039 4909659 4900288 4890925 4881570 4872223 4862884 4853654 4844231 4834916 4825610 Tan? Secant Vers. Dif. Cosine M923633 1-1925886 M 928142 M 930399 I -1932668 M934918 M937181 1 -1939446 M941712 M 943980 1-1946251 M948523 M950796 1-1953072 1-1955350 1-1957629 1-195991 1-1962194 1-1964479 1-1966767 M 969066 1-1971346 M973639 1-1975934 1-1978230 1-1980529 1-1982829 1-1985131 1-1987435 M989741 1-1992049 M994359 M996671 M998985 1-2001300 1-2003618 1-2005937 1-2008258 1-2010582 1-2012907 1-2015234 1-2017563 1-2019894 1-2022226 1-2024561 1-2026898 1-2029236 1-2031577 1-2033919 1-2036264 1-2038610 1-2040958 1-2043308 1-2045660 1-2048014 1-2050370 1-2052728 1-2055088 1-2057450 1-2059814 1-2062179 1613294 1614879 616464 1618050 1619637 1621226 1622813 1624402 1625991 1627582 1629173 1630764 1632357 1633950 1635544 1637138 1638734 1685 16 8386706 60 8385121 59 ..^ 8383.^36 68 '^^^ 8381950 ^P^ 8380363 ■^"^ 8378775 1^8377187 8375598 1589 1591 1591 1691 1593 159.^ 1694 1594 1596 1596 8367643 8366050 8364456 8362862 8361266 8359670 1640330 ;Jq^ 1641926 Jggg 8358074 1 643524,. Qj, 8356476 1645122 ^PQ 8354878 1646721 ^qq 8353279 39 1648320!;^^^ 8351680 38 1649920!^", 8350080 37 165152l|jgQ2 8348479 36 l653123Lo^ 8346877 35 16547251!^^^ 8345276 34 1656328 J ^^4 8343672 33 1657932 p"^ 8342068 32 1659537,^-8340463 31 1661142 JgQg 8338858 30 1662748 ,p„^ 8337252 2^ 1664354 ;^"a 8335646 28 1665962^^^8334038 27 1667570 :^"a 8332430 26 1669178 J gjQ 8330822 I670788ijg{^ 8329212 I672398|jgj 1674009 1675620 1677232 1678845 1680459 1682073 1683688 1685304 1686920 1688537 1690155 1691774 1693393 1695013 1696634 1698256 1699877 1701500 1703123 1704748 1706372 1707998 1709624 Cosec. Covers! Dif 1 1611 1612 1613 1614 1614 1615 1616 1616 1617 1618 1619 1619 1620 1621 1621 1622 1623 1623 1625 1624 1626 1626 8374009 8372418 8370827 8369236149 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 8327602 8325991 8324380 8322768 8321155 8319541 8317927 8316312 8314696 8313080 8311463 8309845 8308226 8306607 8304987 8303366 8301745 8300123 8298500 8296877 8295252 8293628 8292002 8290376 Sine Deg. 56. 33 Beg. LOG. SINES, &C. (315) Sine 9736' 1 088 1 9-736'3032 2 9-7364976 8 9736Y*918 4 9-73(58859 6 97370799 6 97372737 7 97374675 8 973766'! I 9 97378546 10 97380479 1197382412 12 97384343 13 97386273 14 97388201 15 97390129 16 97392055 17 97393980 18 97395904 19 97397827 20 97399748 21 97401668 22 97403587 23 97405505 24 97407421 25 97409337 26 9741J251 27 97413164 28 97415075 29 97416986 30 97418895 31 97420803 32 97422710 33 97424616 3497426520 35 97428423 36 97430325 37 97432226 38 97434126 39 97436024 40 97437921 41 97439817 42 97441712 43 97443606 44 97445498 45 97447390 46 97449280 47 97451169 7453056 48 49 97454943 97456828 97458712 97460595 97462477 97464358 7466237 97468115 97469992 97471868 97473743 97475617 Cosine Dit. 1944 1944 1942 1941 1940 1938 1938 1936 1935 1933 1933 1931 1930 1928 1928 1926 1925 1924 1923 1921 1920 1919 1918 191G 1916 1914 1913 1911 1911 1909 1908 1907 1906 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 1898 1897 1896 1895 1894 1892 1892 1890 1889 1887 1887 1885 1884 1883 1882 1881 1879 1878 1877 1876 1875 1874 Cosec. 10-2638912 10-2636968 10-2635024 10-2633082 10-2631141 10-2629201 10-2627263 10-2625325 10-2623389 10-2621454 10-2619521 10-2617588 10-2615657 10-2613727 10-2611799 10-2609871 10-2607945 10-2606020 10-2604096 10-2602173 10-2600252 10-2598332 10-2696'413 10-2594495 10-2592579 10-2590663 10-2588749 10-2586836 10-2584925 10-2583014 10-2581105 10-2579197 10-2577290 10-2575384 10-2573480 10-2571577 10-2569675 10-2567774 10-2565874 10-2563976 10-2562079 10-2560183 10-2558288 10-2556394 10-2554502 10-2552610 10-2550720 10-2548831 10-2546944 10-2545057 10-2543172 10-2541288 10-2539405 10-2537523 10-2535642 10-2533763 10-2531885 10-2530008 10-2528132 10-2526257 10-2524383 Verseds. 9.2077136 9-2081400 9-2085661 9-2089920 9-2094177 9-2098432 2102684 9-2106934 9-2111182 9-2115428 9-2119671 9-2123912 9-2128151 •2132388 9-2136622 9-2140854 9-2145084 9-2149311 2153537 9-2157760 9-2161981 9-2166199 9-2170416 9-2174630 9-2178842 9-2183052 9-2187259 9-2191464 9-2195668 9-2199868 9-2204067 9-2208263 9-2212458 9-2216650 2220839 9-2225027 9-2229212 9-2233396 9-2237577 9-2241755 9-2245932 9.2250106 9 9-2254279 9-2258449 9-2262617 2266782 9-2270946 2275107 9-2279266 2283423 9-2287578 9-2291731 9-2295881 9-2300029 9-2304175 9-2308319 9-2312461 9-2316601 9-2320738 9-2324874 9-2329007 Tang. 8125174 8127939 8130704 8133468 8136231 8138993 8141755 ■8144516 •8147277 •8150036 •8152795 •8155554 ■8158311 •8161068 •8163824 •8166580 •8169335 •8172089 •8174842 •8177595 ■8180347 ■8183098 ■8185849 ■8188599 •8191348 •8194096 ■8196844 ■8199592 •8202338 ■8205084 ■8207829 ■8210574 ■8213317 ■8216060 ■8218803 •8221545 ■8224286 ■8227026 ■8229766 ■8232505 ■8235244 •8237981 ■8240719 ■8243455 ■8246191 ■8248926 ■8251660 ■8254394 ■8257127 ■8259860 ■8262592 ■8265323 ■8268053 •8270783 •8273513 •8276241 •8278969 -8281696 •8284423 -8287149 •8289874 Dif. 2765 2765 2764 2763 2762 2762 2761 2761 2759 2759 2759 2757 2757 2756 2756 2755 2754 2753 2753 2752 2751 2751 2750 2749 2748 2748 2748 2746 2746 2745 2745 2743 2743 2743 2742 2741 2740 2740 2739 2739 2737 2738 2736 2736 2735 2734 2734 2733 2733 2732 2731 2730 2730 2730 2728 2728 2727 2727 2726 2725 Cotang. I Covers. 1874826 9-6583558 1872061 1869296 1866532 1863769 1861007 1858245 1855484 1852723 1849964 1847205 1844446 1841689 1838932 1836176 1833420 1830665 1827911 1825158 1822405 1819653 1816902 1814151 1811401 1808652 1805904 1803156 1800408 1797662 1794916 1792171 1789426 1786683 1783940 1781197 1778455 1775714 1772974 1770234 1767495 1764756 176201a 1759281 1756545 1753809 1751074 1748340 1745606 1742873 1740140 1737408 1734677 1731947 1729217 1726487 1723759 1721031 1718304 1715577 1712851 1710126 9-6581231 9-6578903 9-6576574 9-6574245 9-6571914 9-6569583 9-6567251 9-6564918 9-6562585 9-6560250 9-6557915 9-6555579 9-6553242 9-6550904 9-6548566 9-6546227 9-6543887 9-6541546 9-6539204 9-6536861 9-6534518 9-6532174 9-6529829 6527483 9-6525136 9-6522789 9-6520441 9-6518092 9-6515742 6513391 6511039 9-6508687 9-6506334 9-6503980 9-6501625 9-6499269 9-6496913 9-6494556 9-6492197 9-6489839 9-6487479 9-6485118 9-6482757 6480394 9-6478031 9-6475667 9-6473303 9-6470937 6468571 9-6466204 6463836 9-6461467 9-6459097 9-6456726 9-6454355 9-6451983 9-6449610 6447236 9-6444861 9-6442486 Secant D. Cosine 10-0764086 10-0764907 10-0765728 10-0766550 10-0767372 10-0768195 10-0769018 10-0769842 10-0770666 10-0771491 10-0772316 10-0773142 10-0773968 10-0774795 10-0775623 10-0776451 10-0777279 10-0778109 10-0778938 10-0779768 10-0780599 10-0781430 10-0782262 10-0783094 10-0783927 10-0784760 10-0785594 10-0786428 10-0787263 10-0788098 10-0788934 10-0789771 10-0790607 10-0791445 10-0792283 10-0793122 10-0793961 10-0794800 10-0795640 10-0796481 10-0797322 10-0798164 10-0799006 10-0799849 10-0800692 10-0801536 10-0802381 10-0803225 10-0804071 10-0804917 10-0805763 10-0806610 10-0807458 10-0808306 10-0809165 10-0810004 10-0810854 10-0811704 10-0812555 10-0813406 10-0814258 821 821 822 822 823 823 824 824 825 825 826 826 827 828 828 828 830 829 830 831 831 832 832 833 833 834 834 835 835 836 837 836 838 838 839 839 839 840 841 841 842 842 843 843 844 845 844 846 846 846 847 848 848 849 849 850 850 851 851 862 9-923591 9-9235093 9-9234272 9-9233450 9-9232628 9-9231805 9-9230982 9-9230158 9-9229334 9-9228509 9-9227684 9-9226858 9226032 9-922620 9224377 9-9223549 9-9222721 9-9221891 9-9221062 9-9220232 9-9219401 9-9218570 9-9217738 9-9216906 9-9216073 9-9215240 9-9214406 9213572 9-9212737 9-9211902 9-9211066 9-9210229 9209393 9-9208555 9-9207717 9206878 9-9206039 9-9205200 9-9204360 9203519 9-9202678 9-9201836 9-9200994 9-9200151 9199308 9-9198464 9-9197619 9-9196775 9-9195929 9-9195083 9-9194237 9-9193390 9-9192542 9-9191694 9-9190845 9-9189996 9-9189146 9-9188296 9-9187445 9-9186594 9-9185742 Dif. Secant Covers. Cotang. Dif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine 3 S2 Deg. 56, (316) 34 Deg. natural sines, kc. Tab. 10. Sine Dif. Covers Coscc. ITatig. Cotang-. Secant I Vers. Dii. Cosine 5594340 55.%751 bh09\G'2 56'01572 50"O.SJ)81 o()0(3390 5608798 oti 11206' 5613614 5616'0'il 5618428 5620834 5623239 625645 5628049 5630453 5632857 5635260 5637663 5640066 5642467 5644869 5647270 5649670 5652070 5654469 5656868 659267 5661665 5664062 666459 5668856 5671252 5673648 5676043 5678437 5680832 5683225 5685619 5688011 5G90403 5692795 5695187 5697577 5699968 5 5704747 5707136 5709524 5711912^:;;; 5714290 ^ 2387 2386 2411 2411 2411 2410 2409 409 2408 2408 2408 2407 2407 2406 2405 2406 2404 2404 2404 2403 2403 2403 2401 2402 2401 2400 2400 2399 2399 2399 2398 2397 2397 2397 2396 2396 2395 2394 2395 2393 2394 2392 2392 2392 2392 2390 239 2389 2390 2389 2388 2388 5716686 5719073 5721459 5723844 5726229 5728614 5730998 S733381 5735764 Cosine Dif. 2385 2385 2385 2384 2383 2383 440807 1 44«5660 4403249 4400838 4398428 4396019 4393610 4391202 4388794 4386386 4383979 4381572 4379166 4376761 4374355 4371951 4369547 4367143 4364740 4362337 4359934 4357533 4355131 4352730 4350330 4347930 4345531 4343132 4340733 4338335 4335938 4333541 4331144 4328748 4326352 4323957 4321563 4319168 4316775 4314381 4311989 4309597 4307205 4304813 430242 4300032 4297643 4295253 4292864 4290476 4288088 4285701 4283314 1280927 4278541 4276156 4273771 4271386 4269002 4266619 4264236 1-7882916 1-7875208 1-7867508 1-7859817 1-7852133 1-7844457 1-7836790 1-782913 I-7S21479 1-7813836 1-7806201 1-7798574 7790955 1-7783344 7775741 1-7768146 1-7760559 1-7752980 1-7745409 1'7737845 1-7730290 1-7722743 1-7715204 1-7707672 1-7700149 7692633 7685125 7677625 7670133 7662649 7655173 7647704 7640244 763279 7625345 7617908 7610478 7603057 7595642 7588236 7580837 7573446 7566063 6745085 6749318 6753553 6757790 6762028 G76626'252778 1^^3 825,135 36 .,824949135 ^^^8247847 34 ,^.^2j 8246202 33 !!]5'8244556 32 ^^8242909 31 8241262 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 1647 1648 1649 1649 1650 1651 1651 1652 1653 1654 1654 1655 1656 1656 1657 1658 1658 1659 1660 1660 1662 1661 1663 1663 1664 1665 1665 : 1666 1667 1667 1669 8239614 8237965 8236316 8234666 8233015 8231364 8229712 18228059 8226405 8224751 8223096 8221440 8219784 8218127 8216469 8214811 8213152 8211492 8209832 8208170 8206509 8204846 8203183 8201519 8199854 8198189 8196523 8194856 8193189 8191520 Covers IJif. Sine Deg. 55, 54 Deg. LOG. SINES, &C. (317) Sine Di.t'.| Cosec. Verseds. Tang. jDif. Cotang. Covers. Secant D Cosine 9-7475617 97477489 9-7479360 9-7481230 9-7483099 9-74849()7 9.7486'833 9-7488698 9-7490562 7492425 9-7494287 9-7496148 9-7498007 9-7499866 7501723 9-7503579 9-7505434 9-7507287 9-7509140 9-7510991 9-7512842 9-7514691 9-7516538 9-7518385 7520231 9-7522075 9-7523919 7525761 9-7527602 9-7529442 9-7531280 9-7533II8 9-7534954 7536790 9-7538624 9-7540457 9-7542288 9-7544119 9-7545949 9-754777 9-7549604 9-7551431 9-7553256 9-7555080 9-7556902 9-7558724 9-7560544 9-75623<)4 9-7564182 9-7565999 9-7567815 5 lj9-7 569630 52 9-7571444 539-7573256 549-7575068 559-7576878 5697578687 9-7580495 9-7582302 9-7584108 9-7585913 872; 18711 1870 18691 1868 1866 1865 1864 1863 1862 1861 1859 1859 1857 1856 1855 1853 1853 1 1851 1849 1847 1847 1846 1844 1844 1842 1841 1840 1838 1838 1836 1836 1834 1833 1831 1831 1830 1828 1827 1827 1825 1824 1822 1822 1820 1820 1818 1817 1816 1815 1814 1812 1812 1810 1809 1808 1807 1806 1805 10-2524383 10-2522511 10-2520640 10-2518770 10-2516901 10-2515033 10-2513167 10-2511302 10-2509438 10-2507575 10-2505713 10-2503852 10-2501993 10-2500134 10-2498277 10-2496421 10-2494566 10-2492713 10-2490860 10-2489009 10-24871 10-2485309 10-2483462 10-2481615 10-2479769 10-2477925 10-2476081 10-2474239 10-2472398 10-2470558 10-2468720 10-2466882 10-2465046 10-2463210 10-2461376 10-2459543 10-2457712 10-2455881 10-2454051 10-2452223 10-2450396 10-2448569 10-2446744 10-2444920 10-2443098 10-2441276 10-2439456 10-2437636 10-2435818 10-2434001 10-2432185 10-2430370 10-2428556 10-2426744 10-2424932 10-2423122 10-2421313 10-2419505 10-2417698 10-2415892 10-2414087 9-2329007 9-2333138 9-2337267 9-2341393 9-2345518 9-2349640 9-2353761 9-2357879 9-2361995 9-2366109 9-2370221 9-2374330 2378438 2382543 9-2386647 9-2390748 9-2394847 9-2398944 2403038 9-2407131 9-2411222 9-8289874 9-8292599 9-8295323 9-8298047 9-8300769 9-8303492 9-8306213 9-8308934 9-8311654 9-8314374 9-8317093 9-8319811 9-8322529 9-8325246 9-8327963 9-8330679 9-8333394 9-8336109 9-8338823 9-8341536 9-8344249 9-2415310 9-8346961 9-2419396 9-8349673 9-24234819-8352384 2427563 9-8355094 9-2431643 9-8357804 9-2435721 9-2439797 9-2443871 9-2447942 9-2452012 9-2456079 9-2460145 9-2464208 9-2468269 9-2472328 9-2476385 9-2480440 9-2484493 9-2488544 9-2492593 9-2496640 9-2500684 9-2504727 9-2508767 9-2512806 9-2516842 9-2520876 9-2524909 9-2528939 9-2532967 9-2536993 9-2541017 9-2545039 9-2549059 2553077 9-2557093 9-2561107 9-2565119 9-2569128 9-2573136 9-8360513 9-8363221 8365929 9-8368636 9-8371343 9-8374049 9-8376755 9-8379460 9-8382164 9-8384867 9-8387571 9-8390273 9-8392975 9-8395676 9-8398377 9-8401077 9-8403776 9-840647 9-8409174 9-8411871 9-8414569 9-8417265 9-8419961 9-8422657 9-8425351 9-8428046 9-8430739 9-8433432 9-8436125 9-8438817 9-8441508 9-8444199 9-8446889 9-8449579 -8452268 2725 2724 2724 2722 2723 2721 2721 2720 2720 2719 2718 2718 2717 2717 2716 2715 2715 2714 2713 2713 2712 2712 2711 2710 2710 2709 2708 2708 2707 2707 2706 2706 2705 2704 2703 2704 2702 2702 2701 2701 2700 2699 2699 2699 2697 2698 2696 2696 2696 2694 2695 2693 2693 2693 2692 2691 2691 2690 2690 2689 10-1710126 10-1707401 10-1704677 10-1701953 10-1699231 0-1696508 10-1693787 10-1691066 10-1688346 10-1685626 10-1682907 10-1680189 10-1677471 10-1674754 10-1672037 10-1669321 10-1666606 10-1663891 10-1661177 10-1658464 10-1655751 10-1653039 10-1650327 10-1647616 10-1644906 10-1642196 10-1639487 10-1636779 10-1634071 10-1631364 10-1628657 10-1625951 10-1623245 10-1620540 10-1617836 10-1615133 10-1612429 10-1609727 10-1607025 10-1604324 10-1601623 10-1598923 10-1596224 10-1593525 10-1590826 10-1588129 10-1585431 10-1582735 10-1580039 10-1577343 10-1574649 10-1571954 10-1569261 10-1566568 10-1563875 10-1561183 10-1558492 10-1555801 10-1553111 10-1550421 10-1547732 9-6442486 9-6440109 6437732 9-6435354 9-6432975 9-6430596 6428215 9-6425834 9-6423452 9-6421068 6418685 6416300 9-6413914 9-6411528 9-6409141 6406753 9-6404364 6401974 6399583 9-6397192 9-6394800 6392406 9-639001 ;>f 9-638761 9-6385222 9-638282.^ 6380428 9-6378030 9-6375631 9-6373231 6370830 9-6368429 9-6366026 9-6363623 9-6361219 9-6358814 9-6356408 6354001 9-6351594 9-6349185 9-6346776 9-6344366 9-6341955 9-6339543 633713 9-6334717 9-6332303 9-6329888 9-6327472 9-6325055 9-6322637 9-6320218 9-6317799 9-6315378 9-6312957 9-6310535 9-6308112 9-6305688 9-6303264 9-6300838 9-6298412 10-0814258 10-0815110 10-0815963 10-0816817 10-0817671 10-0818525 10-0819380 0-0820236 10-0821092 10-0821949 10-0822806 10-0823664 10-0824522 10-0825381 10-0826240 10-0827100 10-0827960 10-0828821 10-0829683 10-0830546 1 0-083 140;" 0-0832270 1 0-0833 1S4 10-0833.998 10-0831863 10-0835728 iO-0836594 10-0837461 10-0838327 10-0839195 10-0840063 10-084093 10-0841800 10-0842670 10-0843540 10-0844411 10-0845282 10-0846154 10-0847026 10-0847899 10-0848772 10-0849646 10-0850521 10-0851396 10-0852271 10-0853148 10-0854024 10-0854901 10-0855779 10-0856658 10-0857536 10-0858416 10-0859296 10-08601 10-0861057 10-0861939 10-0862821 10-0863704 10-0864587 10-0865470 10-0866356 852 853 854 854 854 855 856 856 857 857 858 858 859 859 860 860 861 862 862 862 363 864 S64 865 865 866 867 866 868 868 868 869 870 870 871 871 872 872 873 873 874 875 875 875 877 876 87 878 879 878 880 880 880 881 882 882 883 883 883 885 9-9185742 9-9184890 9-918403 9-9183183 9-9182329 9-918147 9-9180620 9-9179764 9-9178908 178051 9-9177194 9-9176336 9-9175478 9-9174619 9-9173760 9-9172900 9-9172040 9-9171179 9-9170317 9-9169455 9-9168593 9-9167730 9-9166866 9-9166002 9-9165137 9-9164272 9-9163406 9-9162539 9-9161673 9-9160805 9-9159937 9-9159069 9-9158200 157330 9-9156460 9-9155589 )-91547l8 9-9153846 9-9152974 9-9152101 9-9151228 9-9150354 9-9149479 9-9148604 9-9147729 9-9146852 9-9145976 9-9145099 9-9144221 9-9143342 9-9142464 9-9141584 9-9140704 9-9139824 9-9138943 9-9138061 9-9137179 9-9136296 9-9135413 9-9134530 9-9133645 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 IG 45 14 43 12 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 llf 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 T Cosine Dif. Secant Covers. [Cotang. Dif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine 00. (318) 35 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. Sine 57357G4 5738147 5740529 5742911 5745292 5747072 5750053 5752432 5754811 5757190 5759568 761946 5764323 5766700 5769076 5771452 5773827 5776202 5778576 5780950 5783323 5785696 5788069 5790440 5792812 5795183 5797553 5799923 5802292 5804661 5807030 5809397 5811765 5814132 5816498 5818864 5821230 5823595 5825959 5828323 5830687 5833050 5835412 5837774 5840136 5842497 5844857 5847217 5849577 5851936 5854294 5856652 5859010 58G1367 5863724 5866080 5868435 5870790 5873145 5875499 5877853 D'li. Covers Cosec 2383 2382 2382 2381 2380 2381 2379 2379 2379 2378 2378 2377 2377 2376 2376 2375 .'376 2374 2374 2373 2373 2373 2371 2372 2371 2370 2370 2369 2369 2369 2367 2368 2367 2366 2366 2366 2365 2364 2364 2364 2363 2362 2362 2362 2361 2360 2360 2360 2359 2358 2358 2358 2357 2357 2356 2355 2355 2355 2354 2354 4264236 4261853 4259471 4257089 4254708 4252328 4249947 4247568 4243189 4242810 4240432 4238054 4235677 4233300 4230924 4228548 ^226173 4223798 4221424 4219050 4216677 4214304 4211931 4209560 4207188 4204817 4202447 4200077 4197708 4195339 4192970 4190603 4188235 4185868 4183502 4181136 4178770 4176405 4174041 4171677 4169313 4166950 4164588 4162226 4159864 4157503 4155143 4152783 4150423 4148064 4145706 4143348 4140990 413863 4136276 4133920 4131565 4129210 4126855 4124501 4122147 1-7434468 1-7427229 1-7419997 1-7412773 1-7405556 1-7398347 1-7391145 1-7383951 7002075 7006411 7010749 7015089 7019430 7023773 7028118 7032464 1-7376764 7036813 7041163 7045515 7049869 7054224 1-7369585 1-7362413 1-7355248 1-7348091 1-7340941 1-7333798 1-7326663 7319535 1-7312414 1-7305301 7058581 7062940 7067301 7071664 7076028 7080395 1-7298195 7084763 1-7291096 1-7284005 1-7276921 1-7269844 1-7262/74 1-7255712 1-7248657 1-7241609 1-7234568 1-7227534 1-7220508 1-7213489 1-7206477 1-7199472 1-7192475 1-7185484 1-7178501 1-7171525 1-7164556 1-7157594 1-7150639 1-7143691 1-7136750 1-7129817 1-7122890 1-7115970 1-7109058 1-7102152 1-7095254 7212227 Tang. 7089133 7093504 7097878 7102253 7106630 7111009 7115390 7119772 7124157 7128543 7132931 7137320 7141712 7146106 7150501 7154898 7159297 7163698 7168100 7172505 7176911 7181319 7185729 7190141 7194554 7198970 7203387 7207806 1-7088362 1-7081478 1-7074601 1-7067730 1-7060867 1-7054010 1-7047160 1-7040318 1-7033482 1-7026653 1-7019831 1-7013016 7216650 7221075 7225502 7229930 7234361 7238793 7243227 7247663 7252101 7256540 7260982 7265425 Cotang. 1-4281480 1-4272642 1-4263811 1-4251988 1-4246171 1-4237362 1-4228561 1-4219766 1-4210979 1-4202200 1-4193427 1-4184662 1-4175904 1-4167153 1-4158409 1-4149673 1-4140943 1-4132221 1-4123506 1-4114799 1-4106098 1-4097405 1-4088718 1-4080039 1-4071367 1-4062702 1 -4054044 1-4045393 1-4036749 1.-4028113 1-4019483 1-4010860 1-4002245 1-3993636 1-3985034 1-3976440 1-3967852 1-3959272 1-3950698 1-3942131 1-3933571 1-3925019 1-3916473 1-3907934 1-3899401 1-3890876 1-3882358 1-3873847 1-3865342 1-3856844 1-3848353 1-3839869 1-3831392 1-3822922 1-3814458 1-3806001 1-3797551 1-3789108 1-3780672 1-3772242 1-3763819 Secant Vers. Dif. Cosine ' 1-2207746 1-2210233 1-2212723 1-2215215 1-2217708 1-2220204 1-2222702 1-2225202 1-2227703 1-2230207 1-2232713 1-2235222 1-2237732 1-2240244 1-2242758 1-2245274 1-2247793 1-2250313 1-2252836 1-2255361 1-2257887 1-2260416 1-2262947 1-2265480 1-2268015 1-2270552 1-2273091 1-2275633 1-2278176 1-2280722 1-2283269 1-2285819 1-2288371 1-2290924 1-2293480 1-2296039 1-2298599 1-2301161 1-2303725 1-2306292 1-2308861 1-2311432 1-2314004 1-2316579 1-2319156 1-2321736 1-2324317 1-2326900 1-2329486 1-2332074 1-2334664 1-2337256 1-2339850 I -2342446 1-2345044 1-2347645 1-2350248 1-2352852 1-2355459 1-2358069 1-2360680 1808480 1810148 1811818 1813488 1815159 1816831 1818503 1820176 1821849 1823524 1825199 1826875 1828551 1830228 1831906 1833584 1835264 1836944 1838624 1840305 1841987 1843670 1845353 1847037 1848722 1850407 1852094 1853780 1855468 1857156 1858845 1860534 1862225 1863916 1865607 1867299 1868992 1870686 1872380 1874075 1875771 1877468 1879165 1880863 1882561 1884260 1885960 1887661 1889362 1891064 1892766 1894470 1896174 1897878 1899584 1901290 1902996 1904704 1906412 1908121 1909830 1668 1670 1670 1671 1672 1672 1673 1673 1675 1675 1676 1676 1677 1678 1678 1680 1680 1680 1681 1682 1683 1683 1684 1685 1685 1687 1686 1688 1688 1689 1689 1691 1691 1691 1692 1693 1694 1694 1695 1696 1697 1697 1698 1698 1699 1700 1701 1701 1702 1702 1704 1704 1704 1706 1706 1706 1708 1708 1709 1709 8191520 8189852 8188182 8186512 8184841 8183169 8181497 8U9824 8178151 8176476 8174801 8173125 8171449 8169772 8168094 8166416 8164736 8163056 8161376 8159695 8158013 8156330 8154647 8152963 8151278 8149593 8147906 8146220 8144532 8142844 8141155 8139466 29 8137776 8136084 8134393 8132701 8131008 8129314 8127620 8125925 8124229 8122532 8120835 8119137 8117439 8115740 8114040 8112339 8110638 8108936 8107234 8105530 8103826 8102122 8100416 8098710 8097004 8095296 8093588 8091879 8090170 CosinelDif. Vers. I Secant Cotan. Tang. Cosec. Covers Dif. Sine Deg. 54. LOG. SINES, &C. (319) Sine 9-7585913 9-7587717 ! 9-7589519 3 9-7591321 9-7593121 I 9-7594920 19-7596718 9-7598515 9-7600311 9-7602106 7603899 9-7605692 9-7607483 9-7609274 9-7611063 9-7612851 9-7614638 9-7616424 9-7618208 9-7619992 9-7621775 9-7623556 9-7625337 9-7627116 9-7628894 7630671 9-7632447 9-7634222 9-763S996 9-7637769 9-7639540 9-7641311 9-7643080 9-7644849 9-764661 9-7648382 9-7650147 9-7651911 9-7653674 9-7655436 9-7657197 9-7658957 9-7660715 9-7662473 9-7664229 9-7665985 9-7667789 9-7669492 9-7671244 9-7672996 9-7674746 9-7676494 9-7678242 9-7679989 9-7681735 9-7683480 9-7685223 9-7686966 9-7688707 9-7690448 9-7692187 Cosine Dif. Cosec. 1804 1802 1802 1800 1799 1798 1797 1796 1795 1793 1793 1791 1791 1789 1788 1787 1786 1784 1784 1783 1781 1781 1779 1778 1777 1776 1775 1774 1773 1771 1771 1769 1769 1767 1766 1765 1764 1763 1762 1761 1760 1758 1758 1756 1756 1754 1753 1752 1752 1750 1748 1748 1747 1746 1745 1743 1743 1741 1741 1739 ■2414087 •2412283 '2410481 •2408679 •2406879 •2405080 •2403282 •2401485 •2399689 •2397894 •2396101 •2394308 •2392517 •2390726 •2388937 •2387149 •2385362 ■2383576 •2381792 ■2380008 2378225 2376444 2374663 •2372884 ■2371106 ■2369329 •2367553 ■2365778 2364004 2362231 2360460 2358689 2356920 2355151 2353384 2351618 2349853 2348089 2346326 2344564 2342803 2341043 2339285 2337527 2335771 2334015 2332261 2330508 2328756 2327004 2325254 2323506 2321758 2320011 2318265 2316520 2314777 2313034 2311293 2309552 2307813 Dif. Secant Verseds. Tang. Dif. 9-2573136 9-2577142 9-2581145 9-2585147 9-2589147 9-2593144 9-2597140 9-2601133 9-2605125 9-2609114 9-2613102 9-2617087 9-2621071 9-2625052 9-2629032 9-2633009 9-2636985 9-2640958 2644929 9-2648899 9-2652866 2656832 9-2660795 9-2664757 9-2668716 9-2672674 9-2676629 9-2680583 2684534 9-2688484 9-2692431 9-2696377 9-2700321 9-2704262 9-2708202 9-2712140 9-2716075 9-2720009 9-2723941 9-2727871 9-2731799 9-2735725 9-2739649 9-2743571 9-2747491 9-2751409 9-2755325 9-2759239 9-2763151 9-2767062 9-2770970 9-2774876 9-2778781 9-2782683 9-2786584 9-2790483 9-2794380 9-2798274 9-2802167 9-2806058 9-2809947 -8452268 -8454956 •8457644 -8460332 -8463018 -846570. -8468390 -8471075 -8473760 -8476444 •8479127 •8481810 -8484492 -8487174 -8489855 •8492536 -8495216 •8497896 •8400575 -8503253 •8505931 •8508608 •8511285 •8513961 •8516637 •8519312 •8521987 •8524661 •8527335 •8530008 •8532680 •8535352 •8538023 •8540694 •9543365 •8546034 •8548704 •8551372 ■8554041 ■8556708 ■8559376 •8562042 •8564708 ■8567374 ■8570039 •8572704 •8575368 •8578031 •8580694 •8583357 •8586019 •8588680 •8591341 ■8594002 8596661 ■8599321 ■8601980 ■8604638 ■8607296 ■8609954 ■8612610 2688 2688 2688 2686 2687 2685 2685 2685 2684 2683 2683 2682 2682 2681 2681 2680 2680 2679 2678 2678 2677 2677 2676 2676 2675 2675 2674 2674 2673 2672 2672 2671 2671 2671 2669 2670 2668 2669 2667 2668 2666 2666 2666 2665 2665 2664 2663 2663 2663 2662 2661 2661 2661 2659 2660 2659 2658 2658 2658 2656 Cotang. 10-1547732 10-1545044 10-1542356 10-1539668 10-1536982 10-1534295 10-1531610 10-1528925 10-1526240 10-1523556 10-1520873 10-1518190 10-1515508 10-1512826 10-1510145 10-1507464 10-1504784 10-1502104 10-1499425 10-1496747 10-1494069 10-1491392 10-1488715 Covers. 9-6298412 9-6295985 9-6293557 9-6291128 9-6288698 9-6286267 9-6283836 9-6281403 9-6278970 9-6276536 9-6274101 9-6271665 9-6269228 9-6266791 9-6264352 9-6261913 9-6259473 9-6257031 9-6254589 9-6252147 9-6249703 9-6247258 9-6244813 10-1486039 9-6242367 10-1483363 9-6239919 10-1480688 9-6237471 10-1478013 10-1475339 10-1472665 10-1469992 10-1467320 10-1464648 10-1461977 10-1459306 10-1456635 10-1453966 10-1451296 10-1448628 10-1445959 10-1443292 10-1440624 10-1437958 10-1435292 10-1432626 10-1429961 10-1427296 10-1424632 10-1421969 10-1419306 10-1416643 10-1413981 10-1411320 10-1408659 10-1405998 10-1403339 10-1400679 10-1398020 10-1395362 10-1392704 10-1390046 10-1387390 Covers. Cotang. Dif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. D. Sine 9-6235022 9-6232573 9-6230122 9-6227670 9-6225218 9-6222765 9-6220311 9-6217855 9-6215400 9-6212943 9-6210485 9-6208026 9-6205567 9-6203107 9-6200645 9 6198183 9-6195720 9-6193256 9-6190792 9-6188326 9-6185860 9-6183392 9-6180924 9-6178455 9-6175985 9-6173514 9-6171042 9-6168569 9-6166096 9-6163621 9-6161146 9-6158669 9-6156192 9-6153714 9-6151235 Secant D. Cosine 10-0866355 10-0867240 10-0868125 10-0369011 10-0869898 10-0870785 10-0871672 10-0872560 10-0873449 10-0874338 10-0875228 10-0876118 10-0877009 10-0877901 10-0878793 10-0879685 10-0880578 10-0881472 10-0882366 10-0883261 10-0884156. 10-0885052 10-0885949 10-0886845 10-0887743 10-0888641 10-0889540 10-0890439 10-0891339 10-0892239 10-0893140 10-0894041 10-0894943 10-0895845 10-0896749 10-0897652 10-0898556 10-0899461 10-0900366 10-0901272 10-0902179 10-0903085 10-0903993 10-0904901 10-0905810 10-0906719 10-0907629 10-0908539 10-0909450 10-0910361 10-0911273 10-0912186 10-0913099 10-0914012 10-0914927 10-0915841 10-0916757 10-0917673 10-0918589 10-0919506 10-0920424 885 885 886 887 887 887 888 889 889 890 890 891 892 892 892 893 894 894 895 895 896 897 896 898 898 899 899 900 900 901 901 902 902 904 903 904 905 905 906 907 906 908 908 909 909 910 910 911 911 912 913 913 913 915 914 916 916 916 917 918 9-913364f) 9-9132760 9-913187 9-9130989 9-9130102 9-9129215 9-9128328 9-9127440 9-9126551 9-9125662 9-9124772 !9-9123882 9-9122991 9-9122099 9-9121207 9-9120315 9-9119422 9-9118528 9-9117634 9-9116739 9-9115844 9-9114948 9-911405 9-9113155 9-9112257 9-9111359 9-9110460 9-9109561 9-9108661 9-9107761 9-9106860 9-9105959 9-9105057 9-9104155 9-9103251 9-9102348 9-9101444 9-9100539 9-9099634 9-9098728 9-9097821 9-9096915 9-9096007 9-9095099 9-9094190 9-9093281 9-9092371 9-9091461 9-9090550 9-9089639 9-9088727 9-9087814 9-9086901 9-9085988 9-9085073 9-9084159 9-9083243 9-9082327 9-9081411 9-9080494 9-9079576 Deg. 54. (320) S6 Deg. natural sixes, See, Tab. 10. 5877853 .,„„ 4122147 Sine Dif. Covers 1 5880206 2 5882558 3 5884910 4 5887262 5 5889613 6 5891964 5894314 5896663 S899012 5901361 5903709 5906057 5908404 5910750 5913096 5915442 5917787 5920132 5922476 5924819 5927163 5929505 5931847 5934189 5936530 5938871 5941211 5943550 5945889 5948228 5950566 5952904 5955241 5957577 5959913 5962249 5964584 5966918 5969252 5971586 5973919 978583. 5980915 5983246 5990236 5992565 2352 2352 2352 2351 2351 2350 2349 2349 2349 2348 2348 2347 2346 2346 2346 2345 2345 2344 2343 2344 2342 2342 2342 2341 2341 2340 2339 2339 2339 2338 2338 2337 2336 2336 2336 2335 2334 2334 2334 2333 2332 5976251233^4023749 2332 2331 5985577 oooA 4014423 5987906 2'33^ 4012094 2328 4119794 4117442 4115090 4112738 4110387 4108036 4105686 4103337 4100988 4098639 4096291 4093943 4091596 4089250 4086904 4084558 4082213 4079868 4077524 4075181 4072837 4070495 4068153 4065811 4063470 4061129 4058789 4056450 4054111 4051772 4049434 4047096 4044759 4042423 4040087 4037751 4035416 4033082 4030748 4028414 4026081 4021417 4019085 4016754 4007435 5994893:^:;; 4005 J 07 5997221^^;:^ 4002779 5999549 ;:';5 4000451 6001876^^^^3098124 6004202 J5^^j3995798 6006528 .^3oJ3993472 532513991146 2H24i 6008854 6011179 6013503 6015827 6018150 Cosine Cosec. I Tang. 2324 2323 Dif. 3986497 39^4173 3981850 Vers. 1-70 130 16: 1-7006208! 1 '6999407 1 -69926121 1-6985825) 1-6979044 1-6972271 1-6965504 1-6958744 1-6951990 1-6945244 1-6938504 6931771 1-6925045 1-6918326 6911613 1-6904907 6898208 6891516 1 -6884830 6878151 1 -687 1479 1-6864814 1-6858155 1-6851503 1-6844857 1-6838219 1-6831586 1-6824961 1-6818342 1-6811730 1-6805124 1-6798525 1-6791933 1-6785347 1-6778768 1-6772196 1-6765629 1-6759070 1-6752517 1-6745970 1-6739430 1-6732897 1-6726370 1-6719850 1-6713336 1-6706828 1-6700328 1-6693833 1-6687345 1-6680864 1-6674389 1-6667920 1-6661458 1-6655002 1-6648553 I •6642 110 1-6635673 1-6629243 1-6622819 1-6616401 7265425 7269871 7274318 727S767 7283218 7287671 7292125 7296582 7301041 7305501 7309963 7314428 7318894 7323362 7327832 7332303 7S36777 7341253 7345730 7350210 7354691 7359174 7363660 7368147 7372636 7377127 7381620 7386115 7390611 7395110 7399611 7404113 7408618 7413124 7417633 7422143 7426655 7431170 7435686 7440204 7444724 7449246 Cotang. 1-3763819 1-3755403 1-3746994 3738591 1-3730195 3721806 1-3713423 1-3705047 3696678 1-3688315 1-3679959 1-3671610 1-3663267 1-3654931 1-3646602 1-3638279 1-3629963 1-3621653 1-3613350 1-3605054 1-3596764 1-3588481 1-3580204 1-3571934 1-3563670 1-3555413 1-3547162 1-3538918 1-3530680 1-3522449 1-3514224 1-3506006 1-3497794 1-3489589 1-3481390 1-3473198 1-3465011 1-3456832 1-3448658 1-3440492 1-3432331 1-3424177 Secant Vers. Dif. Cosine ' 7453770 1-3416029 7458296 7462824 7467354 7471886 7476420 7480956 7485494 7490033 7494575 7499119 7503665 7508212 7512762 7517314 7521867 7526423 7530981 7535541 Secant Cotan. 1-3407888 1-3399753 1-3391624 1 -3383502 1-3375386 1-3367276 1-3359172 1-3351075 1-3342984 1-3334900 1-332G822 1-3318750 1-3310684 1-3302624 1-3294571 1-3286524 1-3278483 1-3270448 1-2360680 1 -2363293 1-2365909 1-2368526 1-2371146 1-2373768 1-2376393 1-2379019 1-2381647 1 -2384278 1-2386911 1-2389546 1-2392183 1-2394823 1-2397464 1-2400108 1-2402754 1-2405402 1-2408052 1-2410704 1-2413359 1-2416016 1-2418675 1-2421336 1-2423999 1-2426665 1-2429333 1-2432003 1-243467 1-2437349 1-2440026 1-2442704 1-2445385 1-2448069 1-2450754 1-2453442 1-2456131 1-2458823 1-2461518 1-2464214 1-2466913 1-2469614 1-2472317 1-2476022 1 -2477730 1-2480440 1-2483152 1-2485866 1-2488583 1-2491302 1-2494023 1-2496746 1-2499471 1-2502199 1-2504929 1-2507661 1-2510396 1-2513133 1-2515872 1-2518613 1-2521357 Tanc^. Coscc. 1909830 1911540 1913251 1914963 1916675 1918388 1920101 1921815 1923530 1925246 1926962 1928679 1930397 1932115 1933834 1935554 1937274 1938995 1940717 1942440 1944163 1945887 1947611 1949336 1951062 1952789 1954516 1956244 1957972 1959701 1961431 1963162 1964893 1966625 1968358 197009 1971825 1973560 1975295 1977031 1978768 1980505 1982244 1983982 1985722 1987462 1989203 1990944 1992686 1994429 1996173 1997917 1999662 2001407 2003153 2004900 2006648 2008396 2010145 2011895 2013645 1710 1711 1712 1712 1713 1713 1714 1715 1716 1716 1717 1718 1718 1719 1720 1720 1721 1722 1723 1723 1724 1724 1725 1726 1727 1727 1728 1728 1729 1730 1731 1731 1732 1733 1733 1734 1735 1735 1736 1737 1737 1739 1738 1740 1740 1741 1741 1742 1743 1744 1744 1745 1745 1746 174 1748 1748 1749 1750 1750 Covers Dii; 8090170 8088460 8086749 8085037 8083325 8081612 8079899 8078185 8076470 8074754 8073038 8071321 8069603 8067885 8066166 8054446 8062726 80S 1 005 8059283 8057560 8055837 8054113 8052389 8050664 8048938 8047211 8045484 8043756 8042028 8040299 8038569 8036838 8035107 8033375 8031642 8029909 8028175 8026440 802470." 8022969 8021232 8019495 8017756 8016018 8014278 8012538 8010797 8009056 8007314 8005571 8003827 8002083 8000338 7998593 7996847 7995100 7993352 7991604 7989855 7988105 7986355 Sine DecT. 53, S6 Dc5i. LOG. SINES, Sec. (321) Sine Dif. Cosec. Versed 9-76"92187 9-76'93925 9-76-956'62 9769739H 9-76-99134 9-7700868 9-7 70260 9-7704332 9-7706063 9-7707793 9-770952 9-7711249 9-7712976 9-7714702 9-7716426 7718150 9-7719872 9-7721593 9-7723314 9-7725033 726751 9-7728468 9-7730185 9-7731900 9-7733614 9-7735327 9-7737039 9-7738749 9-7740459 9-7742168 9-7743876 9-7745583 9-7747288 9-7748993 9-7750697 9-7752399 9-7754101 9-7755801 9-7757601 9-7759199 9-7760897 9-7762593 9-7764289 9-7765983 9-7767676 9-7769369 9-7771060 9-7772750 9-7774439 9-7776128 9-7777815 9-7779501 9-7781186 9-7782870 9-7784553 9-7786235 7787916 9-7789596 9-7791275 9-7792953 9-7794630 Cosine Dit. 1738 1 737 1736 1736 1734 1733 1731 1731 1730 1729 1727 1727 1726 1724 1724 1722 1721 1721 1719 1718 1717 1717 1715 1714 1713 1712 1710 1710 1709 1708 1707 1705 1705 1704 1702 1702 1700 1700 1698 1698 1696 1696 1694 1693 1693 1691 1690 1689 168i9 1687 1^86 1685 1684 1683 1682 1681 1680 1679 1678 1677 10-2307813 10-2306076 10-2304338 10-2302602 10-2300866 10-2299132J9 10-2297399 10-2295668 10-2293937 10-2292207 10-2290478 10-2288751 10-2287024 10-2285298 10-2283574 10-2281850 10-2280128 10-2278407 10-2276686 10-2274967 10-2273249 10-2271532 10-2269815 10-2268100 10-2266386 10-2264673 10-2262961 10-2261251 10-2259541 [0-2257832 10-2256124 10-2254417 10-2252712 10-2251007 10-2249303 10-2247601 10-2245899 10-2244199 10-2242499 10-2240801 10-2239103 0-2237407 10-2235711 10-2234017 10-2232324 10-2230631 10/2228940 10-2227250 10-2225561 10-2223872 10-2222185 10-2220499 10-2218814 10-2217130 10-2215447 10-2213765 10-2212084 10-2210404 10-2208725 10-2207047 10-2205370 ■2809947 2813834 2817720 ■2821603 2825484 2829364 2833241 2837117 2840990 2844862 2848732 2852600 -2856466 •2860330 -2864192 -2868053 -2871911 ■2875768 -2879622 •2883475 -2887326 ■2891175 •2895022 -2898867 ■2902711 ■2906552 •2910392 •2914229 •2918065 •2921899 •2925731 ■2929561 -2933390 9 ■29372 I6j9 •2941041 9 ■29448639 ■2948684j9 ■29525039 ■2956320|9 ■2960136 9 ■2963949 9 •2967760 9 •2971570 9 -2975378 9 -2979184 9 •2982988 -2986790 -2990591 -2994389 •2998186 •3001981 -3005774 •3009565 -3013355 -3017142 -3020928 -3024712 -3028494 •3032274 •3036052 •3039829 Tano\ Dif. Secant Covers. Cotans:. Dif. •8612610 •8615267 •8617923 •8620578 •8623233 •8625887 •8628541 •8631195 •8633848 •8636500 ■8639152 ■864180,: ■8644454 ■8647105 ■8649755 ■8652404 ■8655053 8657702 ■8660350 2662997 8665644 8668291 8670937 ■8673583 8676228 8678873 8681517 ■8684160 8686804 8689446 8692089 8694731 8697372 •8700013 -8702653 -8705293 -8707933 -8710572 ■8718210 -8715848 -8718486 -8721123 -8723760 -8726396 •8729032 ■8731668 ■8734302 ■8736937 8739571 8742204 ■8744838 ■8747470 8750102 ■8752734 ■8755366 ■E757996 ■8760627 ■8763257 ■8765886 ■8768515 •8771144 2657 2656 265 265 2654 2654 2654 2653 2652 2652 2651 2651 2651 2650 2649 2649 2649 2648 2647 2647 2647 2646 2646 2645 2645 2644 2643 2644 2642 2643 2642 2641 2641 2640 2640 2640 2639 2638 2638 2638 2637 2637 2636 2636 2636 2634 2635 2634 2633 2634 2632 2632 2632 2631 2631 2631 2630 2629 2629 2629 Cotaug. I Covers. 10-1387390 10-1384733 10-1382077 10-1379422 10-1376767 10-1374113 10-1371459 10-1368805 10-1366152 10-1363500 10-1360848 10-1358197 10-1355546 10-135289.^ 10-1350245 10-1347596 10-1344947 10-1342298 10-1339650 10-1337003 10- 1334356 10-1331709 10-1329063 10-1326417 10-1323772 10-1321127 10-1318483 10-1315840 10-1313196 10-1310554 10-1307911 10-1305269 10-1302628 10-1299987 10-1297347 10-1294707 10-1292067 10-1289428 10-1286790 10-1284152 10-1281514 10-1278877 10-1276240 10-1273604 10-1270968 10-1268332 10-1265698 10-1263063 10-1260429 10-1257796 10-1255162 10-1252530 10-1249898 10-1247266 10-1244635 10-1242004 10-1239373 10-1236743 10-1234114 10-1231485 10-1228856 9-6151235 9-6148755 9-6146275 9-6143793 9-6141311 9-6138827 9-6136343 9-6133858 9-6131372 9-6128885 9 6126397 9-6123908 9-6121418 9-6118928 9-6116436 9-6113944 9-6111451 9-6108956 9-6106461 9-6103965 9-6101469 9-6098971 9-6096472 9-6093972 9-6091472 9-6088971 9-6086468 9-6083965 9-6081461 9-6078956 6076450 9-6073943 9-6071436 9-6068927 9-6066417 9-6063907 9-6061396 9-6058883 9-6056370 9-6053856 9-6051341 9-6048825 9-6046308 9-6043791 9-6041272 9-6038752 9-6036232 9-6033710 9-6031188 9-6028665 9-6026141 9-6023616 9-6021090 9-6018563 9-6016035 9-6013506 9 6010977 9-6008446 9-6005914 9-6003382 9-6000849 Tani^. Verseds Secant ID. Cosine 10-0920424 10-0921342 10-0922260 10-0923180 10-0924099 10-0925020 10-0925941 10-0926862 10-0927784 10-0928707 10-0929630 10-0930554 10-0931478 10-0932403 10-0933329 10-0934255 10-0935181 10-0936108 10-0937036 10-0937964 10-0938893 10-0939823 10-0940753 10-0941683 10-0942614 10-0943546 10-0944478 10-0945411 10 0946344 0-0947278 10-0948213 10-0949148 10-0950084 10-0951020 10-0951957 10-0952894 10-0953832 18 18 920 19 921 921 921 922 923 923 924 924 925 926 926 926 927 928 928 929 930 10-0954770 10-0955709 10-0956649 10-0957589 10-0958530 10-0959471 10-0960413 10-0961356 10-0962299 10-0963243 10-0964187 10-0965132 10-0966077 10-0967023 10-0967969 10-0968916 10-0969864 10-0970812 10-0971761 10-0972711 10-0973661 10-097461 I 10-0975562 10-0976514 Cosec. 9-9079576 9-9078658 9-9077740 9-9076820 9-9075901 9-9074980 9-9074059 9-9073138 9-9072216 9-9071293 9-9070370 9-9069446 9-9068522 9-9067597 9-9066671 9-9065745 9-9064819 9-9063892 9-9062964 9-9062036 9-9061107 9-9060177 l^Z 9-9059247 ^:^V 9-9058317 9-9057386 9-90564 9-9055522 9-9054589 9-9053656 9-9052722 9-9051787 9-9050852 9-9049916 9-9048980 9-9048043 9-9047106 9-9046168 9-9045230 9-9044291 9-9043351 9-90424 1 1 9-9041470 9-9040529 9-9039587 9-9038644 9-9037701 9-9036757 9-9035813 9-9034868 9-9033923 ^9-9032977 ^9-9032031 9-9031084 9030130 9-9029 18e 9-9028239 931 932 932 933 933 934 935 935 936 936 937 937 938 938 939 940 940 941 941 942 943 943 944 944 945 945 946 946 947 948 948 949 950 ^"|9-9027289 ^J^i9-9026339 ^J9-9025389 '^'j9-9024438 9-9023486 D.i Sine 3 T Deg (3'2Q) 37 Deg. natural sines, &c. Tab. 10. ' Sine Dif. Covers Cosec. Tang. b'OlBloO 6*020473 6'02279o 6*0251 17 602743!) 6029760 6032080 6034400 6036719 6039038 6041356 6043674 6045991 6048308 6050624 6052940 6055255 6057570 6059884 6062198 6064511 6066824 6069136 6071447 6073758 6076069 6078379 6080689 6082998 6085306 6087614 6089922 6092229 6094535 6096841 6099147 6101452 6103756 6106060 6108363 6110666 6112969 6115270 6117572 6119873 6122173 6124473 6126772 6129071 6131369 6133666 6135964 6138260 6140556 6142852 6145147 6147442 6149736 6152029 6154322 6156615 2321 2320 2320 2319 2319 39§0962 ^.^3958644 Cosine Dif. J323 J322 3981850 3979527 3977205 :^3974SS '^-^3972561 3970240 3967520 3965600 3963281 2318 2317 2317 2316 2316 2315 ;315 2314 2314 2313 2313 2312 2311 2311 2311 2310 2310 2309 2308 2308 2308 2307 2306 2306 2306 2305 2304 2304 2303 2303 2303 2301 2302 2301 2300 2300 2299 2299 2298 2297 2298 2296 2296 2296 2295 2295 2294 2293 2293 2293 3956326 3954009 3951692 3949376 3947060 3944745 3942430 3940116 3937802 3935489 3933176 3930864 3928553 3926242 3923931 3921621 3919311 3917002 3914694 3912386 3910078 3907771 '.3905465 3903159 3900853 ja898548 3896244 3893940 1637 3889334 3887031 3884730 3882428 3880127 3877827 3875527 3873228 3870929 3868631 38663^4 3864036 3861740 3859444 3857148 3854853 3852558| 3850264! 3847971 3845678 3843385 6616401 6609990 6603586 6597187 6590795 6584409 6578030 6571657 6565290 6558929 655*2575 6546227 6539885 6533550 6527221 6520898 6514581 6508270 6501966 6495668 6489376 6483090 6476811 6470537 6464270 6458009 6451754 6445506 6439263 6433027 6426796 6420572 6414354 6408142 6401936 6395736 6389542 6383355 6377173 6370997 6364828 6358664 6352507 6346355 6340210 6334070 6327937 6321809 6315688 6309572 6303462 6297359 6291261 6285169 6279083 6273003 6266929 6260861 6254799 6248743 C242692 Vers. I Secant 7535541 7540102 7544666 7549232 7553799 7558369 7562941 7567514 7572090 757666Q 7581248 7585829 7590413 7594999 7599587 7604177 7608769 7613363 7617959 7622557 7627157 7631759 7636363 7640969 7645577 7650188 7654800 7659414 7664031 7668649 7673270 7677893 7682517 7687144 7691773 7696404 7701037 7705672 7710309 7714948 7719589 7724233 7728878 7733526 7738176 7742827 7747481 7752137 7756795 7761455 7766118 7770782 7775448 7780117 7784788 7789460 7794135 7798812 7803492 7808173 7812856 Cotang. Cotan. 3270448 3262420 3254397 3246381 3238371 3230368 3222370 3214379 3206393 3198414 3190441 3182474 3174513 3166559 3158610 3150668 3142731 3134801 3126876 3118958 3111046 3103140 3095239 30?7345 3079457 3071575 3063699 3055828 3047964 3040106 3032254 3024407 3016667 3008733 3000904 2993081 2985265 2977454 2969649 2961850 2954057 2946270 2938488 2930713 2922943 2915179 2907421 2899669 2891922 2884182 2876447 2868718 2860995 2853277 2845566 2837860 2830160 2822465 2814776 2807094 2799416 Tang. Secant Vers. Dif. Cosine 1-2521357 1-2524102 1-2526850 1-2529601 1-2532353 1-2535108 1-2537865 1-254062 1-2543387 1-25461 1-2548917 1-2551685 1 -2554456 1-2557229 1-2560005 1-2562782 1-2565562 1-2568345 1-2571129 1-2573916 1-2576705 1-2579497 1-2582291 1-2585087 1-2587885 1-2590686 1-2593489 1-2596294 1-2599102 1-2601912 1-2604724 1-2607539 i-2610356 1-2613175 1-2615997 1-2618820 1^2621647 1-2G24475 1-2627306 1-2630140 1-2632975 1-2635813 1-2638653 1-2641496 1-2644341 1-2647188 1-2650038 1-2652890 1-2&55745 1-2658601 1-2661460 1-2664322 1-2667186 1-2670052 1-2672921 1-2675792 1-2678665 1-2681541 1-2684419 1-2687299 1-2690182 Cosec. Covers 2013645 2015396 2017147 2018900 2020653 2022406 2024161 2025916 2027671 2029428 2031185 2032942 2034701 2036460 2038220 2039980 204174! 2043503 2045265 2047028 2048792 2050556 2052322 2054087 2055854 2057621 2059389 2061157 2062926 2064696 2066467 2068238 2070010 2071782 2073555 2075329 2077104 2078879 2080655 2082431 2084208 2085986 2087765 2089544 2091324 2093104 2094885 2096667 2098450 2100233 2102017 2103802 2105587 2107373 2109159 2110946 2112734 2114523 2116312 2118102 2119892 1751 1751 1753 1753 1753 1755 1755 7986355 7984604 7982853 7981100 7979347 7977594 7975839 7974084 7972329 7970572 7968815 7967058 7965299 7963540 7961780 7960020 7958259 1781 1757 1757 1757 1759 1759 1760 1760 1761 [5^^7956497 \lf,7954735 7952972 ;^^ 7951208 ;°^ 7949444 ;^° 7947678 ;^^ 7945913 1^^^7944146 7942379 ;°^ 7940611 J«« 7938843 1^^7937074 11,7935304 J^^J 7933533 7931762 ,i 7929990 ;;2 7928218 ;;^ 7926445 ,;: 7924671 177o 7922896 ;;^ 7919345 ;;^ 7917569 ^5^7915792 ;;„ 7914014 ^79 7912235 ,^^ 7910456 I^V 7906896 7905115 J 5^^' 7903333 583|7901550 ioj7897983 ;^^i7896l98 ;2^i7894413^ tS^'7892627 |'g^i7890841 17889054 I„„i7887266 ;^«g^l78854; 1790 1790 7883688 7881898 7880108 60 59 5B 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 16 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 10 9 ■8? 71 6 si 21 Dif. SmcL Deg. 5% m. ?7 Deer. LOG. SINES, &C. (3f23) Sine 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2,9 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 61 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 7794630 7796306 779/981 7799655 7805 328 7803000 7804671 7806341 7808010 7809677 7811344 7813010 7814675 7816339 7818002 7819664 7821324 7822984 7824643 7826301 7827958 7829614 7831268 7832922 7834575 7836227 7837878 7839528 7841177 7842824 7844471 7846117 7847762 7849406 7851049 7852691 7854332 7855972 7857611 7859249 7860886 ■7862522 7864157 ■7865791 •7867424 •7869036 •7870687 •7872317 •7873946 ■7876574 •7877202 •7878828 •7880453 •7882077 •7883701 •7885323 •7886944 •7888565 •7890184 •7891802 •7893420 Dif.l Cosec. IVerseds. 1676 1675 1 674 1673 1672 1671 1670 1669 1667 1667 1666 1665 1664 1663 1662 1660 1660 1659 1658 1657 1656 1654 1654 165"3 1652 1651 1650 1649 1647 1647 1646 1645 1644 1643 1642 1641 1640 1639 1638 1637 1636 1635 1634 1633 1632 1631 1630 1629 1628 1628 1626 1625 1624 1624 1622 1621 1621 1619 1618 1618 ; 10-2205370 10-2203694 10-2202019 1 0^2200345 10-2198672 0-2197000 10-2195329 10-2193659 10-2191990 10-2190323 10^2188656 10-2186990 10-2185325 10-2183661 10-2181998 10-2180336 10-2178676 10-2177016 10-2175357 10-2173699 10-2172042 10-2170386 10-2168732 10-2167078 10-2165425 10^2 1637 73 10-2162122 10^2160472 1 0^2 158823 10^2157176 10-2155529 10-2153883 10-2152238 10-2150594 10-2148951 10-2147309 10-2145668 10-2144028 10^2142389 10^2140761 10^2139114 10^2137478 10-2135843 10-2134209 10-2132576 10^2130944 10^2 1293 13 10-2127683 10-2126054 10-2124426 10-2122798 10^2121172 10^2119547 10^21 17923 10^21 16299 10^2114677 10^2113056 10^21 11435 10^2 1098 16 10^2108198 10-2106580 9-3039829 9-3043604 9-3047376 9-3051143 9-3054917 9-3058684 9-3062450 9-3066214 9-3069976 9-3073736 9-3077494 9-3081251 9-3085006 9-3088759 9-3092510 9-3096259 9-3100007 9-3103752 Tang. 9-8771144 9-8773772 9-8776400 9-8779027 9-8781654 9-8784281 9-8786907 9-8789533 9-8792158 9-8794782 9-8797407 9-8800031 9-8802654 9^8805277 9-8807900 9-8810522 9-8813144 9-8815765 9-31 0749619-88 18386 9-3111238L9-8821007 9-3114979i9-8823627 9-3118717I9-8826246 9-3122454 9-8828866 9-3126189 9-8831484 9-3 129922:9-8834 103 3133654 9-8836721 9-3137383 9-3141111 9-3144837 9-3148561 9-3152284 9-3156005 9-3159724 9-3163441 9-3167156 9-3170870 9-3174582 9-3178292 9-3182000 9-3185706 9-3189411 3193114 3196815 9-3200515 9-3204213 9-3207909 9-3211603 9-3215295 9-3218986 9-3222675 9-3226362 9-3230048 9-3233731 3237413 9-3241094 9-3244772 3248449 9-3252124 9-3255797 9-3259469 9-3263138 m9_ 9-8839338 9-8841956 9-8844572 9-8847189 9-8849805 9^8852420 9^8855035 9^8857650 9^8860264 9-886287 9-8865492 9-8868105 9-8870718 9-8873330 9-8875942 9-8878554 888116 9-888377 9-8886386 9-8888996 9-889160, 9-8894214 9-8896823 9-8899432 9-8902040 9-8904647 9-8907254 9^8909861 9-8912468 9-8915074 9-8917679 9-8920285 9-8922890 9-8925494 8928098 Dif. Cotang. 2628 2628 2627 2627 2627 2626 2626 2625 2624 2625 2624 2623 2623 2623 2622 2622 2621 2621 2621 2620 2619 2620 2618 2619 2618 2617 2618 2616 2617 2616 2615 2615 2615 2614 2614 2614 2613 2613 2612 2612 2612 2611 2610 261 2610 2609 2609 2609 2609 2608 2607 2607 2607 2607 2606 2605 2606 2605 2604 2604 10-1228856 lO^l 226228 10^1223600 10^1220973 10-1218346 10-1215719 10-1213093 10-1210467 10-1207842 10-1205218 10-1202593 10-1199969 10-1197346 10^1194723 I0^n92100 10^1189478 10^1 186856 10^1 184235 10-1181614 10^1 178993 10-1176373 10^1173754 10^1 171 134 10-1168516 10-1165897 10-1163279 10-1160662 10-1158044 10-1165428 10-1152811 10-1150195 10-1147580 10-1144965 10-1142350 10-1139736 10-1137122 10-1134508 10-1131895 10-1129282 10-1126670 10-1124058 10-1121446 10-1118835 10-1116225 10-1113614 10-1111004 10-1108395 10-1105786 10-1103177 10-1100568 10^1097960 10^1 095353 10-1092746 10-1090139 10-1087532 10-1084926 10-1082321 10-1079715 10-1077110 10-1074506 10-107190 Covers. 9-6000849 9-5998314 9-5995779 9-5993243 9-5990706 9-5988168 9-5985629 9-5983089 9-5980549 9-5978007 9-5975464 9-5972921 9-5970376 9-5967831 9-5965285 9-5962737 9-5960189 9-5957640 9-5955090 9-5952539 9-5949987 9-5947434 9-5944881 9-5942326 9-5939770 9-5937214 9-5934656 9-5932098 9-5929538 9-5926978 9-5924417 9-5921854 9-5919291 9-6916727 9-5914162 9-5911596 9-5909029 9-5906461 9-5903893 9-5901323 9-5898752 9-5896181 9-5893608 9-5^91034 9-5888460 9-5885886 5883308 9-5880731 9-5878153 9-5875573 9-5872993 9-5870412 5867830 9-5865247 9-5862663 9-5860078 9-5857492 9-5854905 9-5852318 9-5849729 Secant D. f Cosine I ' \ 952 953 953 954 955 956 956 956 957 957 958 959 959 960 960 961 962 962 963 963 964 0-0976514 0-0977466 10-0978419 10-0979372 1 0-0980326 IO-098128J 10-0982236 10-0983192 10-0984148 10-0985105 1 0-0986062 10-0987020 10-0987979 10-0988938 10-0989898 0-0990858 10-0991819 10-0992781 10-0993743 10-0994706 10-0995669 10-0996633 ,, 10-0997597 ':^^ 10-0998562 10-0999528 10-1000494 10-1001461 10-1002428 10-1003396 10^1004364 10^1 005333 10-1006303 10-1007273 10-1008244 10-1009216 10-1010188 10-1011160 10-1012133 10-1013107 10-1014081 10-1015056 10-1016032 10-1017008 10^1017985 10-1018962 10^1019940 10-1020918 10-1021897 10-1022877 10-1023857 10-1024838 10^10258i9 10-102680 10-1027784 10-1028767 10-1029751 10-1030735 10-1031720 10-1032706 10-1033692 9-9023486 9-9022534 9-9021581 9-9020628 9-9019674 9-9018719|65 9-901776464 9-901680853 9-5847139 10-1034679 965 966 966 967 967 968 968 969 970 970 971 972 972 972 973 974 974 975 976 976 977 977 978 978 979 980 980 981 981 982 983 983 984 984 985 986 986 987 9-9015852 9-9014895 9-9013938 9-9012980 9-9012021 9-9011062 9-9010102 9-9009142 9-9008181 9007219 9-9006257 9-9005294 9-9004331 9-9003367 9-9002403 9-9001438 9-9000472 9-8999506 9-8998539 9-8997572 9-8996604 9-8995636 9-8994667 9-8993697 9-8992727 9-8991756 9-8990784 9-8989812 9-8988840 9-8987867 9-8986893 9-8985919 9-8984944 9-8983968 9-8982992 9-898201 9-8981038 9-8980060 9-8979082 9-8978103 9-8977123 9-8976143 9-8975162 9-8974181 9-8973199 9-8972216 9-8971233 9-8970249 9-8969265 8968280 9-8967294 9-8966308 9-8965321 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6' 5 4 3 2 1 Cosine Dif. Secant | Covers. I Cotang. Dif. Tang. IVerseds.) Cosec. 3 T 2 D, Sine Deg. 52. (3^4) 38 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. Sine (j15()6'I5 6" 158907 616M198 6M6'3489 616.H780 6'16'806{) 6170359 6172648 6174936 6177224 6179511 6181798 6184084 6186370 6188655 6190939 6193224 6195507 6197790 6200073 6202355 6204636 6206917 6209198 6211478 6213757 6216036 6218314 6220592 6222870 6225146 6227423 6229698 6231974 6234248 6236522 6238796 6241069 6243342 6245614 6247885 6250156 6252427 6254696 6256966 6259235 6261503 6263771 6266038 6268305 6270571 6275837 6275102 6277366 6279631 6281894 6284157 6286420 6288682 6290943 6293204 Dif. CoversI Cosec 2292 2291 2291 2291 2289 2290 2289 2288 2288 2287 2287 2286 2286 2285 2284 2285 2283 2283 2283 2282 2281 2281 2281 2280 2279 2279 2278 2278 2278 2276 2277 2275 2276 2274 2274 2274 2273 2273 2272 i'27] 2271 2271 2269 2270 2269 2268 2268 2267 2267 2266 >266 2265 2264 2265 2263 2263 2263 2262 2261 2261 3843385 3841093 3838802 3836511 3834220 3831931 3829641 3827352 3825064 3822776 3820489 3818202 3815916 3813630 3811345 3809061 3806776 3804493 3802210 3799927 379764; 3795364 3793083 3790802 3788522 3786243 3783964 3781686 3779408 3777130 3774854 3772577 3770302 3768026 3765752 3763478 3761204 3758931 3756658 3754386 375211 3749844 3747573 3745304 3743034 374076, 3738497 3736229 3733962 3731695 3729429 3727163 3724898 3722634 3720369 3718106 3715843 3713580 3711318 3709057 3706796 1 •6242692 1-6236648 1-6230609 1-6224576 1-6218549 1-6212528 1-6206513 1-6200504 1-6194500 1-6188502 1-6182510 1-6176524 1-6170544 1-6164569 1-6158600 1-6152637 1-6146680 1-6140728 1-6134783 1-6128843 1-6122908 1-6116980 1-6111057 1-6105140 1-6099228 1-6093323 1-6087423 1-6081528 1-6075640 1-6069757 1-6063879 1-6058008 1-6052142 1-6046281 1-6040426 1-6034577 1-6028734 1-6022896 1-6017064 1-6011237 1-6005416 1 -5999600 1-5993790 1 -5987986 1-5982187 1-5976394 1 -5970606 1-5964824 1-5959048 1-5953276 1-5947511 1-5941751 1-5935996 1-5930247 1-5924504 Tang. 7812856 7817542 7822229 7826919 783161 7836305 7841002 7845700 7850400 7855103 7859808 7864515 7869224 7873935 7878649 7883364 7888082 7892802 7897524, 7902248 7906975 7911703 7916434 7921167 7925902 7930640 7935379 7940121 7944865 794961 1 7954359 7959110 7963862 796S6\7 7973374 7978134 7982895 7987659 7992425 7997193 8001963 8006736 8011511 8016288 8021067 8025849 8030632 8035418 8010206 8044997 8049790 8054584 8059382 8064181 8068983 1-5918766 1-5913033 1-5907306 l-5901584i80882l2 1 -5895868-8093025 1-5890157*8097840 8073787 8078593 8083401 Cotang. Secant Vers. Dit. Cosine ' 1-2799416 1-2791745 1-2784079 1-2776419 1-2768765 1-2761116 1-2753473 1-2745835 1-2738204 1-2730578 1-2722957 1-2715342 1-2707733 1-2700130 1 -2692532 1 -2684940 1-2677353 1-2669772 4-2662196 1-2654626 1-2647062 1-2639503 1-2631950 1-2624402 1-2616860 1-2609323 1-2601792 1-2594267 1-2586747 1-2579232 1-2571723 1-2564219 1-2556721 1-2549229 1-2541742 1-2534260 1-2526784 1-2519313 1-2511848 1-25043^8 1-2496933 1-2489484 1-2482040 1-2474602 1-2467169 1-2459742 I -2452320 1-2444903 1-2437492 1-2430086 1-2422685 1-2415290 1-2407900 1-2400516 1-2393136 1-2385762 1-2378393 1-2371030 1-2363672 1-2356319 2348972i 1-2690182 1-2693067 1-2695955 1-2698845 1-2701737 1-2704632 1-2707529 1-2710429 1-271333 1-271623 1-2719142 1-2722052 1-2724963 1-2727877 1-2730794 1-2733712 1 -2736634 1-2739557 1-2742484 1-2745412 1 -2748343 1-2751276 1-2754212 1-2757151 1-2760091 1-2763034 1-2765980 1-2768928 1-2771878 1-277483 1-2777787 1-2780744 1-2783705 1-2786667 1-2789632 1-2792600 1-2795570 1 -2798543 1-2801518 1-280449.' 1-2807475 1-2810457 1-2813442 1-2816430 1-2819419 1-2822412 1-2825407 1-2828404 1-2831404 1-2834406 1-2837411 1-2840418 1-2843428 1-2846440 1-284945 1-2852472 1-2855492 1-2858514 I -286 1 539 1 -2864566 1-2867596 211989 2121684 2123476 2125268 212706 2128855 2130650 2132445 2134241 2136037 2137835 2139633 2141431 2143230 2145030 2146831 2148632 2150434 2152236 2154039 2155843 2157648 2159453 2161259 2163065 2164873 2166680 2168489 2170298 2172108 2173918 2175730 2177541 2179354 2181167 2182981 2184795 2186610 2188426 2190243 2192060 2193877 2195696 2197515 2199335 220115 2202976 2204798 2206620 2208443 2210267 2212091 2213916 2215742 2217569 2219396 2221223 2223051 2224880 2226710 2228540 1792 1792 1792 1793 1794 1795 1795 1796 1796 1798 1798 1798 1799 1800 1801 1801 1802 1802 1803 1804 1805 1805 1806 1806 1808 1807 1809 1809 1810 1810 1812 1811 1813 1813 1814 1814 1815 1816 1817 1817 1817 1819 18i9 1820 1820 1821 1822 1822 1823 1824 1824 1825 1826 1827 1827 1827 1828 1829 1830 1830 7880108 7878316 7876524 7874732 7872939 7871145 7869350 78675, 7865759 7863963 786216 7860367 7858569 7856770 7854970 7853169 7851368 7849566 7847764 7^45961 7844157 7842352 7840547 7838741 7836935 7835127 7833320 7831511 7829702 7827892 7826082 7824270 7822459 7820646 7818833 7817019 7815205 7813390 7811574 7809757 7807940 7806123 7804304 7802485 7800665 7798845 7797024 7795202 7793380 7791557 7789733 7787909 7786084 7784258 7782431 7780604 7779.777 7776949 7775120 7773290 7771460 ICosi ne Dif. Vers. Secant jCotan.! 'l^ng. | Cosec. {Covers | Dif. Sine ~^' Deg. 51 58 Deg. LOG. SINKS, SiC. (3^5) Sine Dif. 0!9-7893420 .07895036 9-78966'52 97898266' 97899880 97901493 6 97903104 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30i 3197943083 3297944670 3397946256 3497947841 3597949425 36 97951008 37 38 39 40 41 42 97904715 97906325 97907933 97909541 97911148 97912754 97914359 97915963 97917566 97919168 97920769 97922369 97923068 97925566 97927163 97928760 97930355 97931949 97933543 97935135 97936727 97938317 97939907 97941496 43 44 4'5 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 3 54 55 56 57 58 59 60!9 97952590 97954171 97955751 97957330 9-7958909 97960486 97962062 97963638 97965212 97966786 97968359 97969930 97971501 97973071 97974640 97976208 97977775 97979341 97980906 97982470 9-7984034 9-7985596 97987158 7988718 1616 1616 1614 1614 1613 1611 1611 1610 1608 1608 1607 1606 1605 1604 1603 1602 1601 1600 1599 1598 1597 1597 1595 1594 1594 1592 1592 1590 1590 1589 1587 1587 1586 158." 1584 158: 1582 1581 1580 1579 579 1577 1576 1576 1574 1574 1573 1571 1571 1570 1569 1568 1567 1566 1565 1564 1564 1562 1562 1560 Cosec. Verseds. Tang. Dif. Cotang. Covers. 10-2106^80 9" 10-2104964|9' 10-2103348 10-2101734 10-2100120 10-2098507 10'2096896 3263138 3266806 •3270473 •3274137 •3277800 •3281461 •3285121 ■3288778 •3292434 ■3296089 •329974 •3303392 •3307041 •3310688 •3314334 3317978 3321620 3325261 3328900 3332537 3336172 3339806 3343438 3347068 3350697 10-2066457|9-3354323 10-2064865 9-3357949 10-2063273 9-3361572 10'206I683;9-3365194 10-2060093j9-3368814 10-2058504 9-3372432 10-2095285 10-2093675 10-2092067 10-2090459 10-2088852 10-2087246|9 10-2085641 j9< 10-2084037 9' 10-2082434:9- 10-20808329- 10-2079231 !9• lO•207763l|9• 10-207603219- 10-2074434|9- I0-2072837|9- 10-2071240 9- 10-2069645I9- 1 0-206805 1'9- 1 0-20569 17|9' 10-2055330 9' 1 0-2053 744' 9- 10-20521599' 1 0-205057 5; 9- 10-20489929' 10-204741o'9' 10-2045829'9- 10-2044249 10-2042670 10-2041091 10-2039514 10-2037938 10-2036362 10-2034788 10-2033214 10-2031641 10-2030070 10-2028499 10-2026929 10-2025360 10-2023792 10-2022225 10-2020659 10-2019094 10-2017530 10-2015966 10-2014404 10-2012842 10-2011282 3376049 3379664 3383278 3386889 3390499 3394107 3397714 3401319 9-3404922 9-3408524 9-3412124 9-3415722 9-3419319 9-3422913 9-3426507 9-3430098 9-3433688 9-3437276 9-3440863 9-3444448 9-3448031 9-3451612 9-3455192 9-3458770 9-3462347 9-3465922 9-3469495 9-3473067 9-3476637 9-3480205 9-8928098 9-8930702 9-8933306 9-8935909 9-893851 9-8941114 9-8943715 9-8946317 9-894891 9-8951519 9-8954119 9-8956719 9-8959319 9-8961918 9-8964517 9-8967116 9-8969714 9-8972312 9-8974910 9-8977507 9-8980104 9-8982700 9-8985296 9-8987892 9-8990487 9-8993082 9-8995677 9-8998271 9000865 9-9003459 9-9006052 9-9008645 9-9011237 9-9013830 9-9016422 9-9019013 9-9021604 9-9024195 9-9026786 9-9029376 9-9031966 9-9034555 9-9037144 9-9039733 9-9042321 9-9044910 9-9047497 9-9050085 9-9052672 9-9055259 9-9057845 9-9060431 9-9063017 9-9065603 9-9068188 9-9070773 9-907S357 9075941 9-9078525 9-9081109 9-9083692 2604 2604 2603 2602 2603 2601 2602 2601 2601 2600 2600 2600 2599 2599 2599 2598 2598 2598 2597 2597 2596 2596 2596 259 2595 2595 2594 2594 2594 2593 2593 2592 2593 2592 2591 2591 2591 2591 2590 2590 2589 2589 2589 2588 2589 2587 2588 2587 2587 2586 2586 2586 2586 2585 2585 2584 2584 2584 2584 2583 10-1071902 10-1069298 10-1066694 10-1064091 10-1061489 10-1058886 10-105628 10- 1053683 10-1051082 10-1048481 10-1045881 10-1043281 10-1040681 10-1038082 10-1035483 10-1032884 10-1030286 10-1027688 10-1025090 10-1022493 10-101989 10-1017300 10-1014704 10-1012108 10-1009513 10-1006918 10-1004323 10-1001729 10-0999135 10-0995541 10-0993948 10-0991355 10-0988763 10-0986170 10-0983578 10-0980987 10-0978396 10-0975805 10-0973214 10-0970624 10-0968034 10-0965445 10-0962856 10-0960267 10-0957679 0-0955090 10'0952503 10-0949915 10-0947328 10-0944741 10-0942155 10-0939569 10-0936983 10-0934397 10-0931812 10-0929227 10-0926643 10-0924059 10-0921475 10-0918891 10-0916308 9-5847139 9-5844549 9-5841957 9-5839364 9-5836771 9-5834176 9-5831581 '5828985 5826387 5823789 5821190 5818589 5815988 5813386 5810783 5808179 5805574 5802968 5800361 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9-5797753 9-5795144 9-5/92534 >-5789923 9-5787311 9-5784698 9-5782085 9-5779470 9-5776854 9-5774237 9-5771620 9-5769001 9-5766382 76376 9-5761139 9-5758517 9-5755893 9-5753269 9-5750643 9-5748017 9-5745390 9-5742761 9-5740 132 9-5737502 9-5734870 9-5732238 9-5729605 9-5726970 5724335 9-5721699 9-5719062 9-5716423 9-5713784 9-5711144 9-5708503 5705861 9-5703218 9-5700573 9-5697928 9-5695282 9-5692635 5689987 Secant Dif. Cosine ■1034679 ■1035666 •1036654 •1037642 ■1038631 •1039621 •1040611 •1041602 •1042594 •1043586 •1044578 ■1045571 ■1046565 •1047560 ■1048555 ■1049550 1050547 1051543 1052541 1053539 1054537 1055537 1056536 1057537 1058538 1059539 1060542 1061544 1062548 1063552 1064556 1065561 1066567 1067574 1068581 1069588 1070596 1071605 1072615 1073625 1074635 1075646 1076658 1077671 1078684 1079697 1080711 1081726 1082742 1083758 1084774 1085792 1086809 1087828 1088847 1089867 1090887 1091908 1092929 1093951 1094974 987 988 988 989 990 990 991 992 992 992 993 994 995 995 995 997 996 998 998 998 1000 999 1001 1001 1001 1003 1002 1004 1004 1004 1005 1006 1007 1007 1007 1008 1009 1010 1010 1010 1011 1012 1013 1013 1013 1014 1015 1016 1016 1016 1018 1017 1019 1019 1020 1020 1021 1021 1022 1023 9-8965321 9-8964334 9-8963346 9-8962358 9-8961369 9-8960379 9-8959389 9-8958398 9-8957406 9-8956414 9-8955422 9-8954429 9-8953435 9-8952440 9-8951445 9-8950450 9-8949453 9-89484.57 9-8947459 9-8946461 9-8945463 9-8944463 9-8943464 9-8942463 9-8941462 9-8940461 9-8939458 9-8938456 9-8937452 9 8936448 9-8935444 9-8934439 9-8933433 9-8932426 9-8931419 9-8930412 9-8929404 9-892839 9-892738 9-892637 9-8925365 9-8924354 9-8923342 9-8922329 9-8921316 9-8920303 9-8919289 9-8918274 9-8917258 9-8916242 9-8915226 9-8914208 9-8913191 9-8912172 9-8911153 9-8910133 9-8909113 9-8908092 9-8907071 9-8906049 9-8905026 ' Cosine Dif. Secant Covers. I Cotang. Dif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. Dif. Sine Deg. 51 (32(5) 39 Deg. natural sines, &c. Tab. 10. Sine Dif. Covers Cosec. Tang. |Cotang. Secant Vers. Dif. Cosine | ^ 6:^93204 6295464 6297724 6299983 6302242 6304500 6306758 6309015 6311272 6313528 6315784 6318039 6320293 6322547 6324800 6327053 6329306 6331557 6333809 6336059 6338310 6340559 6342808 6345057 6347305 6349553 6351800 6354046 6356292 6358537 6360782 6363026 6365270 6367513 6369756 6371998 36j63 74240 37|6376481 38 {6378 721 3916380961 40j6383201 41 6385440 426387678 :i60679(i 3604536 3602276 3600017 3697758 3695500 3693242 3690985 ooe;fi 3688728 ^^^^. 3686472 3684216 3681961 3679707 3677453 3675200 3672947 3670694 3668443 3666191 3663941 3661690 3659441 3657192 3654943 3652695 3650447 3648200 3645954 2260 2260 2259 2259 2258 2258 2257 2257 22 5 ( 2255 2254 2254 2253 2253 2253 2251 2252 2250 2251 2249 2249 2249 2248 2248 2247 2246| 6389916 6392153 6394390 6396626 6398862 6401097 6403332 6405566 6407799 6410032 6412264 6414496 6416728 6418958 6421189 642341 6425647 6427876 2246 2245 2245 2244 2244 2243 2243 2242 2242 2241 2240 2240 2240 2239 2238 2238 2237 2237 2236 29'^6 2235K^^^3« 3643708 3641463 3639218 3636974 3634730 3632487 3630244 3628002 3625760 3623519 3621279 3619039 3616799 3614560 3612322 3610084 3607847 3605610 3603374 2235 13598903 ^^,.,3596668 ;:'^^3594434 ^^^^1359220] ;;^33589968 ;;^;!3587736 ^^"^^'"585504 2232 2230 2231 2229 2229 2229 3583272 3581042 3578811 35765B2 3574353 3572124 1-5890157 1-5884452 1-5878752 1-5873058 1-5867369 1-5861685 1-5856007 1-5850374 1-5844667 1-5839005 1-5833348 1-5827697 1-5822051 1-5816411 1-5810776 1-5805146 1-5799521 1-5793902 1-5788289 1-5782680 1-5777077 1-5771479 1-5765887 1-5760300 5754718 1-5749141 1-5743570 1-5738004 1-5732443 1-5726887 1-5721337 l-67"i5792 1-5710252 1-5704717 1-5699188 1-5693664 1-5688145 1-5682631 1-5677123 1-5671619 1-5666121 1-5660628 1-5655141 1-5649658 1-5644181 1-5638708 1-5633241 1-5627779 1-5622322 1-5616871 1-5611424 1-5605982 1-5600546 1-5595115 1-5589689 1-5584268 1-5578852 1-5573441 1-556803 1-5562634 1-5557238 8097840 8102658 8107478 8112300 8117124 8121951 8126780 8131611 8136444 8141280 14611 8150958 155801 8160646 8165493 8170343 8175195 8180049 8184905 8189764 8194625 8199488 8204354 8209222 8214093 821896 8223840 8228718 8233597 8238479 8243364 8248251 8253140 8258031 8262925 8267821 827271 8277620 8282523 8287429 8292337 8297247 8302160 8307075 8311992 8316912 8321834 8326759 8331686 8336615 834J547 8346481 8351418 8356357 8361298 8366242 8371188 8376136 8381087 8386041 8390996 2348972 1-2341629 1-2334292 1-2326961 1-2319634 1-2312313 1-2304997 1-2297687 1-2290381 1-2283081 1-2275786 1-2268496 1-2261211 1-2253932 1-2246658 1-2239389 1-2232126 1-2224866 1-2217613 1-2210364 1-2203121 1-2195883 1-2188650 1-2181422 1-2174199 1-2166982 1-2159769 1-2152562 1-2145359 1-2138162 i-2 130970 1-2123783 1-2116601 1-2109424 1-2102252 1-2095085 1-2087924 1-2080767 1-2073615 1-2066468 1-2059327 1-2052190 1-2045058 1-2037932 1-2030810 1-2023693 1-2016581 1-2009475 1-2002373 1-1995276 1-1988184 1-1981097 1-1974015 1-1966938 1-1959866 1-195279^ M945r!^6 1-1938679 1-1931626 1-1924579 1-1917536 1-2867596 1-2870628 1-2873663 1-2876700 1-2879740 1-2882782 1-2885827 1-2888875 1-2891925 1-2894977 1 -2898032 1-2901090 1-2904150 1-2967213 1-2910278 1-2913346 1-2916416 1-2919489 1-2922564 1-2925642 1-2928723 1-2931806 1-2934892 1-2937980 1-294107 I-294C164 1-2947260 1-2950359 1-2953460 1-2956564 2959670 1-2962779 1-2965890 1 -2969004 1-2972121 2975240 1-2978362 1-2981487 1-2984614 1-2987743 1-2990876 1-2994011 1-2997148 1-3000288 2228540 2230371 2232203 2234035 2235868 2237702 2239536 2241371 2243206 2245043 2246879 2248717 2250555 2252394 2254233 2256074 2257914 2259756 2261598 2263441 2265284 2267128 2268973 2270818 2272664 2274511 2276368 2278206 2280055 2281904 2283754 2285605 2287456 2289308 2291160 2293014 2294868 2296722 2298577 2300433 2302290 2304147 2306004 2307863 1831 832 832 1833 1834 1834 1835 1835 1837 1836 1838 1838 1839 1839 184 1840 1842 1842 1843 1843 1844 1845 1845 1846 1847 1847 1848 1849 1849 1850 1851 1851 7771460 7769629 77G7797 7765965 7764132 7762298 7760464 7758629 7756794 7754967 7753121 7751283 7749445 7747606 7745767 7743926 7742086 7740244 7738402 7736559 7734716 7732872 39 7731027 38 7729182 37 772733636 7725489 7723642 7721794 7719945 7718096 7716246 7714395 ,0,27712544 p^2^77l0692 ^.^7708840 «^J7706986 !^^^|7705132 17703278 ":j!i7701423 \lTi7699'667 ^^^^7697710 1-300343112309722 1-3006576 2311582 1-3009724 2313442 1-3012875 1-3016028 1-3019184 1 -3022343 1-3025504 1-3028667 1.-3031834 1-3035003 1-3038175 1-3041349 1-3044526 1-3047706 1-3050888 1-3054073 2315303 2317165 2319027 2320890 2322754 232461 23264^3 2328348 2330215 2332082 2333949 2335817 2337686 2339556 7695853 7693996 1857 1857 1859 ^ ..„ 7692137 7690278 17688418 7686568 7684697 7682835 1859 1860 I860;; 1861 1862 1862 1863 1864 1 1^^5i7673517 ^^.^7671652 '86/1 „„ J7669785 ^%7667918 «^J|766605 ^^.^7664183 ^5;^7662314 ^'^'^"7660444 7680973 7679110 ^"^7677246 ^•^^7675382 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cosine Diu Vers. Secant Cotan Tang. Cosec. Covers Dif. t Sine Deg. 50, 39 Deg. LOG. SINES, &C. (327) Sine Dit, Cosec. Verseds. Taog. Dif. Cotang. Covers. Secant Dif. Cosine 9-7988718 9-7090278 97991836 9-7993394 9-7994951 9-7996507 9-7998062 9-7999616 9-8001169 9-8002721 9-8004272 9-8005823 9-8007372 9-8008921 9-8010468 9-8012015 9-8013561 9-8015106 9-8016649 9-8018192 9-8019735 9-8021276 9-8022816 9-8024355 9-8025894 9-8027431 9-8028968 9-8030504 9-8032038 9-8033572 9-8035105 9-8036637 9-8038168 9-8039699 9-8041228 9-8042757 9-8044284 9-8045811 9-8047336 9-8048861 9-8050385 9-8051908 9-8053430 9-8054951 9-8056472 9-8057991 9-8059510 9-8061027 9-8062544 9-8064060 9-8065575 9-8067089 8068602 9-8070114 9-8071626 9-8073136 9-8074646 9-8076154 9-8077662 9-8079169 9-8080675 11560 1558 1558 1557 1556 1555 1554 1553 1552 1551 1551 1549 1549 1547 1547 1546 1545 1543 1543 1543 1541 1540 1539 1539 1537 1537 1536 1534 1534 1533 1532 1531 1531 1529 1529 1527 1527 1525 1525 1524 1523 1522 1521 1521 1519 1519 1517 1517 1516 1515 1514 1513 1512 1512 1510 1510 1508 1508 1507 1506 164 9 2011282 ^009722 2008 2006606 2005049 2003493 2001938 20U0384 1998831 1997279 1995728 1994177 1992628 1991079 1989532 1987985 1986439 1984894 1983351 1981808 1980265 1978724 1977184 1975645 1974106 1972569 1971032 1969496 1967962 1966428 1964895 1963363 1961832 1960301 1958772 1957243 1955716 1954189 1952664 1951139 1949615 1948092 1946570 1945049 1943528 1942009 1940490 1938973 1937456 1935940 1934425 1932911 1931398 1929886 1928374 1926864 1925354 1923846 1922338 1920831 1919325 9-3480205 9-3483772 3487337 9-3490900 9-3494462 9-3498022 9-3501580 9-9083692 9-9086275 9-9088858 9-9091440 9-9094022 9-9096603 9-9099185 9-3505137 9-3508692 9-3512246 9-3515798 9-3519348ie 9-3522897 9-9101766 9-9104347 9-9106927 9-9109507 9112087 9-9114666 9-3526444 9-3529989 9-3533533 9-3537075 9-3540615 9-3544154 9-3547691 9-3551227 9-3554761 9-3558293 9-3561824 9-3565353 9-3568880 9-3572406 9-3575930 9-3579453 9-3582974 9-3586494 9-359001 1 9-3593528 9-3597042 9-3600555 9-3604067 9-3607576 9-3611084 9-3614591 9-3618096 9-3621599 9-3625101 9-3628601 9-3632100 9-3635597 9-3639092 9-3642586 9-3646079 9-3649569 9-3653068 9-3656546 9-3660032 9-366351 6j9 9-3666999!9 9-3670480j9 9-36739599 9-3677437!9 9-3680914 9 9-3684389,9 9-3687862i9 9-3691334 9 9-9117245 9-9119824 9-9122403 9-9124981 9-9127559 9-9130137 9-9132714 9-9135291 9-9137868 9-9140444 9-9143020 9-9145596 9-9148171 9-9150747 9-9153322 9-9155896 9-9158471 9-9161045 9-9163618 9-9166192 9-9168765 9-9171338 9-9173911 9-9176483 9-9179055 9-9181627 9-9184198 9-9186769 9-9189340 9-9191911 9-9194481 9-9197051 9-9199621 9-9202191 9-9204760 9-9207329 9209898 9212466 9215034 9217602 9220170 9222737 9225304 9227871 9230437 9233004 9235570 9238135 2583 2583 2582 2582 2581 2582 2581 2581 2580 2580 2580 2579 2579 2579 2579 2578 2578 2578 2577 2577 2577 2576 2576 2576 2575 2576 2575 2574 2575 2574 2573 2574 2573 2573 2573 2572 2572 2572 2S7I 2571 2571 2571 2570 2570 2570 2570 2569 2569 2569 2568 2568 2568 2568 2567 2567 2567 2566, 2567 2566 2565 10-0916308 10-0913725 10-0911142 10-0908560 10-0905978 10-0903397 10-0900815 10-0898234 10-0895653 10-0893073 10-0890493 10-0887913 10-0885334 10-0882755 10-0880176 10-0877597 10-0875019 10-0872441 10-0869863 10-0867286 10-0864709 10-0862132 10-0859556 10-0856980 10-0854404 10-0851829 10-0849253 10-0846678 10-0844104 10-0841529 10-0838955 10-0836382 10-0833808 10-0831235 10-0828662 10-0826089 10-0823517 10-0820945 10-0818373 10-0815802 10-0813231 10-0810660 10-0808089 10-0805519 10-0802949 10-0800379 10-0797809 10-0795240 10-0792671 10-0790102 10-0787534 10-0784966 10-0782398 10-0779830 10-0777263 10-0774696 10-0772129 10-0769563 10-0766996 10-0764430 10-0761865 6689987 5687338 5684688 5682037 5679385 5676732 5674078 9 9 9 9 9 9' 9 9-5671423 9-5668766 9-5666109 9-5663451 9-5660792 9-5658132 9-5655471 9-5652809 9-5650146 9-5647482 &-5644817 9-5642151 9-5639484 9-5636816 9-5634147 9-5631477 9-5628806 9-6626134 9-5623461 9-5620787 9-5618112 9-5615436 9-5612759 9-5610080 9-5607401 9-5604721 9-5602040 9-5599358 9-5596675 9-5593991 9-5591305 9-5588619 9-5585932 9-5583244 9-5580555 9-5577864 9-5575173 9-5572481 9-5569787 9-5567093 9-5564398 9-5561701 9-5559004 9-5556306 9-5553606 9-5550906 9-5548204 9-5545502 9 5542798 9-5540094 9-5537388 9-5534681 9-5531974 9-5529265 1094974 1095997 1097021 1098046 1099071 1100097 1101123 1102150 1103178 1104206 1105235 1106264 1107294 1108325 1109356 1110388 1111420 1112453 1113487 1 1 14521 1115556 1116592 1117628 1118665 1119702 1120740 1121779 1122818 1123858 1124898 1125939 1126981 1128023 1129066 1130110 1131154 1132199 1133244 1134290 1135337 1136384 1137432 1138481 1139530 1 140580 1141630 114268 1143733 1144785 1145838 1146891 1 147945 1149000 1150055 1151111 1152168 1153225 1 1 54283 1155341 11 5640 J 1157460 1023 1024 1025 1025 1026 1026 1027 1028 1028 1029 1029 1030 1031 1031 1032 1032 1033 1034 1034 1035 1036 1036 1037 1037 1038 1039 1039 1040 1040 1041 1042 1042 1043 1044 1044 1045 1045 1046 1047 1047 1048 1049 1049 1050 1050 1051 1052 1052 1053 1053 1054 1055 1055 1056 1057 1057 1058 1058 1060 1059 8905026 8904003 8902979 8901954 8900929 8899903 8898877 8897850 8896822 8895794 8894765 8893736 8892706 8891675 8890644 8889612 8888580 8887547 8886513 '8885479 8884444 ■8883408 '8882372 •8881335 ■8880298 ■8879260 ■8878221 •8877182 ■8876142 •8875102 ■8874061 ■8873019 •8871977 •8870934 ■8869890 •8868846 ■8867801 •8866756 ■8865710 ■8864663 ■8863616 •8862568 •8861519 •8860470 ■8859420 ■8858370 ■8857319 •8856267 •8855215 •8864162 •8853109 •8852055 •8851000 884994 •8848889 ■8847832 •8846775 •8846717 ■8844659 •8843599 •8842540 Cosine Dif. Secant Covers. Cotang Dif. 'I'ang. Verseds. Cosec. Dif. S >ine Deg. 50. (328) 2jfDe£j. natural sines, &:c. Tab. 10. Sine Dif. Covers Cosec. Tanij. Cotang. Secant Vers. Dir. Cosine ' 6"4'2787b" 6'430I04 6*432332 643455.9 6436785 6439011 6441236 6443461 6445685 6447909 6450132 6452355 6454577 6456798 6459019 6461240 6463460 6465679 6467898 6470116 6472334 6474551 6476767 6478984 6481199 6483414 : 6485628 6487842 6490056 29 6492268 30 6494480 6496692 6498903 6501114 6503324 6505533 6507742 6509951 6512158 6514366 6516572 6518778 6520984 6523189 6525394 6527598 6529801 6532004 6534206 6536408 6538609 6540810 6543010 6545209 6547408 6549607 6551804 6554002 6556198 6558395 6560590 2228 2228 2227 2226 2226 2225 2225 2224 2224 2223 2223 2222 2221 2221 2221 2220 2219 2219 2218 2218 2217 2216 2217 2215 2215 2214 2214 2214 2212 2212 2212 2211 2211 2210 2209 2209 2209 2207 2208 2206 2206 2206 220a 2205 2204 2203 2203 2202 2202 2201 2201 2200 2199 2199 2199 2197 2198 2196 2197 2195 i572124 3569896 3567668 3565441 3563215 3560989 3558764 3556539 3554315 3552091 3549868 3547645 3545423 3543202 3540981 3538760 3536540 3534321 3532102 3529884 3527666 3525449 3523233 3521016 3518801 3516586 3514372 3512158 3509944 3507732 3505520 3503808 3501097 3498886 3496676 3494467 3492258 3490049 3487842 3485634 3483428 3481222 3479016 3476811 3474606 3472402 3470159 3467996 3465794 3463592 3461391 3459190 3456990 3454791 3452592 3450393 3448196 3445998 3443802 3441605 3439410 Cosine Dif. 1-5557238 1-5551848 1 -5546462 1-5541081 1-5535706 1-5530335 1-5524970 1-5519610 1-5514254 1-5508904 1-5503558 1-5498218 1-5492882 1-5487552 1-5482226 1-5476906 1-5471590 1-5466280 1-5460974 1-5455673 1-5450378 1-5445087 1-5439801 1-5484520 1-5429244 1-5423973 1-5418706 1-5413445 1-540SJ189 1-5402937 1-5397690 5392449 1-5387212 1-5381980 1-5376752 1-5371530 1-5366313 1-5361100 1-5355892 1-5350689 1-5345491 1-5340297 1-5335109 1-5329925 1-5324746 1-5319572 1-5314403 1-5309238 1-5304078 1-5298923 1-5293773 1-5288627 1-5283487 1-5278351 1-5273219 1-5268093 5262971 5257854 1-5252741 1-5247634 1-5242531 8390995 8395955 8400915 8405878 8410844 8415812 8420782 84257 8430730 8435708 8440688 8445G70 8450655 8455643 8460633 8465625 8470620 8475617 8480617 8485619 8490624 8495631 8500640 8505653 8510667 8515684 8520704 8525726 8530750 8535777 8540807 8545839 8550873 8555910 8560950 8565992 8571037 8576084 8581133 8586185 8591240 8596297 8601357 8606419 8611484 8616551 8621621 8626694 8631768 8636846 8641926 8647009 8652094 8657181 8662272 8667365 8672460 8677558 8682659 8687762 8692867 1917536 1910498 1903465 1896437 1889414 1882395 1 875382 1868373 1861369 1854370 1847376 1840387 1833402 1826422 1819447 1812477 1805512 1798551 1791595 1784644 177769S 1770756 1763820 1756888 1749960 1743038 1736120 1729207 1722298 1715395 1708496 1701601 1694712 1687827 1680947 1674071 1667200 1660334 1653472 1646615 1639763 1632916 1626073 1619234 1612400 1605571 1598747 1591927 1585112 1578301 1571495 1564693 1557896 1551104 1544316 1537532 1530754 1523979 1517210 1510445 1503684 1-3054073 1-3057261 1-3060451 1-3063644 1-3066839 1-3070038 1-3073239 1-3076442 1 -3079649 1-3082858 1-3086069 1-3089284 1-3092501 1-3095720 1-3098943 1-3102168 1-3105396 1-3108626 1-3111860 1-3115095 1-3118334 1-3121575 1-3124820 1-3128066 1-3131316 1-3134568 1-3137823 1-3141081 1-3144341 1-3147604 1-3150870 1-3154139 1-3157410 1-3160684 1-3163961 1-3167240 1-3170523 1-3173808 1-3177096 1-3180386 1-3183680 1-3186976 1-3190274 1-3193576 1-3196881 1-3200188 1-3203498 1-3206810 1-3210126 1-3213444 1-3216765 1-3220089 1-3223416 1-3226745 1-3230078 1-3233413 1-3236750 1-3240091 1-3243435 1-3246781 1-3250130 2339556 2341426 2343296 2345168 2347040 2348913 2350786 2352660 2354535 2356410 2358286 2360162 2362040 2363918 2365796 2367675 2369555 2371436 2373317 2375198 2377081 2378964 2380848 2382732 2384617 2386503 2388389 2390276 2392163 2394051 2395940 2397830 2399720 2401611 2403502 2405394 2407287 2409180 2411074 2412969 2414864 2416760 2418657 2420554 2422452 2424350 2426249 2428149 2430049 2431950 2433852 2435754 2437657 2439561 2441465 2443370 2445276 2447182 2449089 2450996 2452904 1870 1870 1872 !872 1873 1873 1874 1875 1875 1876 1876 1878 1878 1878 1879 1880 1881 1881 1881 1883 1883 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1887 1887 1888 1889 1890 1890 1891 1891 1892 1893 1893 1894 1895 1895 1896 1897 1897 1898 1898 1899 1900 1900 1901 1902 1902 1903 1904 1904 1905 1906 1906 1907 1907 1908 7660444 7658574 7656704 7654832 7652960 7651087 7649214 7647340 7645465 7643590 7641714 7639838 7637960 7636082 7634204 763232, 763044, 7628564 7626683 7624802 7622919 7621036 7619152 7617268 7615383 7613497 7611611 7609724 7607837 7605949 7604060 7602170 7600280 7598389 7596498 7594606 7592713 7590820 7588926 7587031 585136 7583240 7581343 7579446 7577548 7575650 7573751 7571851 7569951 7568050 7566148 7564246 7562343 7560439 7558535 7556630 7554724 7552818 7550911 7549004 7547096 Vers. Secant Cotan.JJTang, ^osec. Covers Dif. Sine De.ff. 4Q. 40 Deg. LOG. SINES, &C. (329) Sine 9-8080675 9-8082180 9-8083684 9-8085188 9-8086690 9-8088192 9-8089692 9-8091192 9-8092691 8094189 9-8095686 9-8097182 9-8098678 9-8100172 9-8101666 9-8103159 9-8104650 9-8106141 9-8107631 9-8109121 9-8110609 9-8112096 9-8113583 9-8115069 9-8116554 9-8118038 9-8119521 9-8121003 9-8122484 9-8123965 9-8125444 126923 9-8128401 9-8129878 9-8131354 9-8132829 9-8134303 9-8135777 ■8137250 9-8138721 9-8140192 9-8141662 42 9-8143131 9-8144600 9-8146067 9-8147534 9-8148999 9-8150464 9-8151928 9-8153391 9-8154854 9-8156315 9-8157776 9-8159235 9-81S0694 9-8162152 9-8163609 9-8165066 9-8166521 9-8167975 9-8169429 Dif. 1505 1504 1504 1502 1502 1500 1500 1499 1498 1497 1496 1496 1494 1494 1493 1491 1491 1490 1490 1488 1487 1487 1486 1485 1484 1483 1482 1481 1481 1479 1479 1478 1477 1476 1475 1474 1474 1473 1471 1471 1470 1469 1469 1467 1467 1465 1465 1464 1463 1463 1461 1461 1459 1459 1458 1457 1457 1455 1454 1454 Cosec. 10-1919325 10-1917820 10-1916316 10-1914812 10-1913310 10-1911808 10-1910308 10-1908808 10-1907309 10-1905811 10-1904314 10-1902818 10-1901322 10-1899828 10-1898334 10-1896841 10-1895350 10-1893859 10-1892369 10-1890879 10-1889391 10-1887904 10-1886417 10-1884931 10-1883446 10-1881962 10-1880479 10-1878997 10-1877516 10-1876035 10-1874556 10-1873077 10-1871599 10-1870122 10-1868646 10-1867171 10-1865697 10-1864223 10-1862750 10-1861279 10-1859808 10-1858338 10-1856869 10-1855400 10-1853933 10-1852466 i 0-1851001 10-1849536 10-1848072 10-1846609 10-1845146 10-1843685 10-1842224 10-1840765 10-1839306 10-1837848 10-1836391 10-1834934 10-1833479 10-1832025 10-1830571 Verseds, 9-3691334 9-3694804 9-3698272 9-3701739 9-3705205 9-3708669 9-3712131 9-3715592 9-3719051 9-3722508 9-3725965 9-3729419 9-3732872 9-3736323 9-3739773 9-3743221 9-3746668 9-3750113 9-3753557 9-3756999 9-3760440 9-3763879 9-3767316 9-3770752 9-3774186 9-3777619 9-3781050 9-3784480 9-3787908 9-3791335 9-3794760 9-3798184 9-3801606 9-3805026 9-3808445 9-3811863 9-3815279 9-3818693 9-3822106 9-3825517 9-3828927 9-3832335 9-3835742 9-3839147 9-3842551 9-3845953 9-3849354 9-3852753 9-3856151 a-3859547 9-3862942 9-3866335 9-3869727 9-3873117 9-3876506 9-3879893 9-3883278 9-3886662 9-3890045 3893426 9-3896806 Tang. 9-9238135 9-9240701 9-9243266 9-9245831 9-9248396 9-9250960 9-9253524 9-9256088 9-9258652 9-9261215 9-9263778 9-9266341 9-9268904 9-9271466 9-9274028 9-9276590 9-9279152 9-9281713 9-9284274 9-9286835 9-9289396 9-9291956 9-9294516 9-9297076 9-9299636 9-9302195 9-930475 9-9307314 9-9309872 9-9312431 9-9314989 9-9317547 9-932010 9-9322662 9-9325220 9-9327777 9-9330334 9-9332890 9-9335446 9-9338003 9-9340559 9-9343114 9-9345670 9-934822 9-9350780 9-9353335 9-9355889 9-9358444 9360998 9-9363552 9-9366105 9-9368659 9-9371212 9-9373765 9-9376318 9-9378871 9-9381423 9383975 9-9386527 9-9389079 9391631 Dif. 2566 2565 2565 2565 2564 2564 2564 2564 2563 2563 2563 2563 2562 2562 2562 2562 2561 2561 2561 2561 2560 2560 2560 2560 2559 2560 2559 2558 2559 2558 2558 2558 2557 2558 2557 2557 2556 2556 2557 2556 2555 2556 2555 2555 2555 2554 2555 2554 2554 2553 2554 2553 2553 2553 2553 2552 2552 2552 2552 2552 Cotang. 10-0761865 10-0759299 10-0756734 10-0754169 10-0751604 10-0749040 10-0746476 10-0743912 10-0741348 10-0738785 10-0736222 10-0733659 10-0731096 10-0728534 10-0725972 10-0723410 10-0720848 10-0718287 10-0715726 10-0713165 10-0710604 10-0708044 10-0705484 10-0702924 10-0700364 10-0697805 10-0695245 10-0692636 10-0690128 10-0687569 10-068501 10-0682453 10-0679895 10-0677338 10-0674780 10-0672223 10-0669666 Covers. 9-5529265 9-5526555 9-5523845 9-5521133 9-5518420 9-5515706 9-5512992 9-5510276 5507559 550484 9-5502122 9-5499402 9-5496681 9-5493959 9-5491236 9-5488511 9-5485786 9-5483060 9-5480333 9-5477604 9-5474875 9-5472145 9-5469413 9-5466681 9-5463947 9-5461212 9-5458477 9-5455740 9-5453002 9-5450264 9-5447524 9-5444783 9-5442041 9-5439298 9-5436554 9-5433809 9-5431063 Secant 10-0667110 9-5428316 10-0664554 10-0661997 100659441 10-0656886 10-0654330 10-0651775 10-0649220 10-0646665 10-0644111 10-0641556 10-0639002 10-0636448 10-0633895 10-0631341 10-0628788 10-0626235 10-0623682 10-0621129 10-0618577 0-06160:^5 10-0613473 10-0610921 10-0608369 9-5425568 9-5422818 9-5420068 9-5417317 9-5414564 9-5411811 9-5409056 9-5406301 9-5403544 9-5400786 9-5398027 9-5395268 9-5392507 9-5389745 9-5386982 9-5384218 9-5381452 9-5378686 9-5375919 9-5373151 9-5370381 9-5367611 9-5364839 10-1157460 10-1158521 10-1159582 10-1160643 10-1161706 10-1162768 10-1163832 10-1164896 10-1165961 10-1167026 10-1168092 10-1169159 10-1170226 10-1171294 10-1172362 10-1173432 10-1174501 10-1175572 10-1176643 10-1177715 10-1178787 10-1179860 10-1180933 10-1182008 10-1183082 10-1184158 10-1185234 10-1186311 10-1187388 10-1188466 10-1189545 10-1190624 10-1191704 10-1192785 10-1193866 10-1194948 10-1196030 10-1197113 10-1198197 10-1199281 10-1200366 10-1201452 10-1202538 10-1203625 10-1204713 10-1205801 10-1206890 10-1207979 10-1209070 10-1210160 10-1211252 10-1212344 10-1213437 10-1214530 10-1215624 10-1216719 10-1217814 10-1218910 10-1220006 10-1221104 10-1222201 Dit. 1061 1061 1061 1063 1062 1064 1064 1065 1065 1066 1067 1067 1068 1068 1070 1069 1071 1071 1072 1072 1073 1073 1075 1074 1076 1076 1077 1077 1078 1079 1079 1080 1031 1081 1082 1082 1083 1084 1084 1085 1086 1086 1087 1088 1088 1089 1089 1091 1090 1092 092 1093 1093 1094 1095 Cosine 9-884254060 9-8841479 9-8840418 8839357 9-8838294 9-8837232 9-8836168 9-8835104 9-8834039 9-8832974 8831908 9-8830841 9-8829774 9-8828706 9-8827638 9-8826568 9-8825499 9-8824428 9-8823357 9-882228 9-8821213 9-8820140 9-8819067 9-8817992 9-8816918 9-8815842 9-8814766 9-8813689 9-8812612 9-8811534 9-8810455 8809376 9-8808296 9-8807215 9-8806134 9-8805052 9-880397U 9-8802887 9-8801803 9-8800719 1095 1096 1096 1098 1097 9-87996o4 9-8798548 9-8797462 9-8796375 9-8795287 9-8794199 9-8793110 9-8792021 9-8790930 9-8789840 9-8788748 9-8787656 9-8786563 9-8785470 9-8784376 9-8783281 9-8782186 9-8781090 9-8779994 9-8778896 9-8777799 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 iG 1-35 ^4 33 32 n 29 28 ■2) •26 25 24 23 21 20 19 li 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 Cosine Dif. Secant Covers. Cotang. Dif. Tang. Verseds. Cosec. Dif. . Sine 3 U Deg. 49. (330) 41 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. Sine 10 II ['2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 6562785 6564980 6567174 6569367 6571560 6573752 6575944 6578135 >80326 6582516 8470fi 6586895 6589083 6591271 6593458 6595645 6597831 6600017 6602202 6604386 6606570 6608754 6610936 6613119 6615300 6617482 6619662 6621842 6624022 6626200 6628379 6630557 6632734 6634910 6637087 Dif. 366639262 6641437 6643612 6645785 6647959 6650131 6652304 6654475 6656646 6658817 6660987 6663156 6665325 6667493 666966] 6671828 6673994 6676160 6678326 6680490 6682655 6684818 6686981 6689144 6691306 2195 2195 194 2193 2193 2192 2192 2191 2191 2190 2190 2189 2188 2188 2187 2187 2186 2186 2185 2184 2184 2184 2182 2183 2181 2182 2180 2180 2180 2178 2179 2178 2177 2176 2177 2175 2175 2175 2173 2174 2172 2173 2171 2171 2171 2170 2169 2169 2168 2168 2167 2166 21 2166 2164 2165 2163 2163 2163 2162 Covers Cosine 3439410 3437215 3435020 3432826 3430633 3428440 3426248 3424056 3421865 3419674 3417484 3415294 3413105 3410917 3408729 3406542 3404355 3402169 3399983 3397798 3395614 3393430 3391246 3389064 3386881 3384700 3382518 3380338 3378158 3375978 3373800 3371621 3369443 3367266 3365090 3362913 3360738 3358563 3356388 3354215 3352041 3349869 3347696 3345525 3343354 3341183 3339013 3336844 3334675 3332507 3330339 3328172 3326006 3323840 3321674 3319510 3317345 3315182 3313019 3310856 3308694 .osec. Dif. 1-5242531 1-5237433 1-5232339 1-5227250 1-5222166 1-5217087 1-5212012 1-5206942 1-5201876 1-5196815 1-5191759 1-5186708 1-5181661 1-5176619 1-5171581 1-5166548 1-5161620 1-5156496 1-5151477 1-5146462 1-5141452 1-5136447 1-5131446 1-5126450 1-5121459 1-5116472 1-5111489 1-510651 1-5101538 1-5096569 5091605 1-5086645 1-5081690 1-5076739 1-5071793 1 -5066852 I -5061915 1-5056982 1-5052054 1-5047131 1-5042211 1-5037297 1-5032387 1-5027481 1-5022580 1-5017683 1-5012791 1-5007903 1-5003020 1-4998141 1-4993267 1-4988397 1-4983531 1-4978670 1-4973813 1-4968961 1-4964113 1-4959270 1-4954431 1-4949596 1-4944765 Tang. Vers. 8692867 8697976 8703087 8708200 8713316 8718435 8723556 8728680 8733806 8738935 8744067 8749201 8754338 8759478 8764620 8769765 8774912 8780062 8785215 8790370 8795528 8800688 8805862 8811017 8816186 8821357 8826531 8831707 8836886 8842068 8847253 8852440 8857630 8862822 8868017 8873215 8878415 8883619 8888825 8894033 8899244 8904458 8909675 8914894 8920116 8925341 8930569 8.935799 8941032 8946268 8951506 8956747 8961991 8967238 8972487 8977739 8982994 8938251 8993512 8998775 8904040 Cotane. 1-1503684 1-1496928 1-1490176 1-1483429 1-1476687 1-1469949 1-1463215 1-1456486 Secant Secant Cotan. 1449762 1-1443041 1-1436326 1-1429615 1-1422908 1-1416206 1-1409508 1-1402815 1-1396126 1-1389441 1-1382761 1-1376086 1-1369414 1-1362747 1-1356085 1349427 1-1342773 1-1336124 1-1329479 1-1322839 1-1316203 1-1309571 1- 1302944 1-1296321 1-1289702 1-1283088 1-1276478 1-1269872 1-1263271 1-1256674 1-1250081 M 243493 1-1236909 1-1230329 1-1223754 M217183 1-1210616 1-1204053 1-1197495 1-1190941 1-1184391 1-1177846 1-1171305 1-1164768 I -1158235 1-1151706 t-1 146182 1-1138662 1-1132146 1-1125635 1-1119127 1-1112624 M106125 1-3250130 1-3253482 1-3256837 1-3260194 1-3263554 1-3266918 1-3270284 1-3273653 1-3277024 1 -3280399 1-3283776 1-3287156 1-3290539 1-3293925 1-3297314 1-3300706 1-3304100 1-3307497 1-331089^ ■3314301 1-3317707 1-3321116 1-3324527 1-3327942 3331359 1-3334779 1-3338203 1-3341629 1-3345058 1-3348489 1-3351924 1-3355362 1-3358802 3362246 1-3365692 1-3369141 1-3372594 1-3376049 1-3379507 1-3382968 1-3386432 1-3389898 1-3393368 1-3396841 1-3400316 1-3403795 1-3407276 1-3410761 1-3414248 1-3417738 1-3421232 1-3424728 1-3428227 1-3431729 1-3435234 1-3438742 1-3442253 1-3445767 1-3449284 1-3452804 1-3456327 Vers. Tang. 2452904 2454813 2456722 2458632 2460543 2462454 2464366 2466279 2468192 2470106 2472020 2473936 2475851 '2477767 2479684 2481602 2483520 2485439 2487359 2489279 2491200 2493121 2495043 2496966 2498889 2500813 2502738 2504663 2606589 2508516 2510443 2512371 2514299 2516228 2518158 2520088 2522019 2523951 2525883 2527816 2529749 2531683 2533618 2535554 2537490 2539426 2541364 2543301 2545240 2547J79 2549119 2551059 2553001 2554942 2556885 2558827 2560771 2562716 2564660 2666606 2568552 Dif. Cosine Cosec. Covers 1909 1909 1910 1911 1911 1912 1913 1913 1914 1914 1915 1916 1916 1917 1918 1918 1919 1920 1920 1921 1921 1922 1923 1923 1924 1925 1925 1926 1927 1927 928 1928 1929 1930 1930 1931 1932 1932 1933 1933 1934 1935 1936 1936 1936 1938 1937 1939 1939 1940 1940 1942 1941 943 1942 1944 1944 1945 1946 1946 7547096 7545187 7543278 7541368 7539457 7537546 7535634 7533721 7531808 7529894 7527980 7526065 7524149 7522233 7520316 7518398 7516480 7514561 7512641 7510721 7508800 7506879 7504957 7503034 7501111 7499187 7497262 7495337 7493411 7491484 7489557 7487629 7485701 7483772 7481842 7479912 7477981 7476049 7474117 7472184 7470251 7468317 7466382 7464446 7462510 7460574 7458636 7456699 7454760 7452821 7450881 7448941 7446999 7445058 7443115 7441173 7439229 7437285 7435340 7433394 7431448 Dif. Sine 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47' 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 9 18 17 16 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 _0 T Deg. 48. 41 Beg. LOG. SINES, Sec. (331) Sine Dif. Cosec. Verseds. Tang. Dif. Cotang. Covers. Secant Dil. Cosine 9-8 169429 9-8170882 9-8172334 9-8173785 9-8175235 9-8176685 9-8178133 9-8179581 9-8181028 9-8182474 9-8183919 9-8185364 9-8186807 9-8188250 9-8189692 9-8191133 9-8192573 9-8194012 9-8195450 9-8196888 9-8198325 9-8199761 9-8201196 8202630 9-8204063 9-8205496 9-8206927 9-8208358 9-8209788 9-8211217 9-8212646 9-82l4o73 9-8215500 9-8216926 9-8218351 9-8219775 9-8221198 9-8222621 9-8224042 9-8225463 9-8226883 9-8228302 9-8229721 9-8231138 9-8232555 8233971 8235386 9-8236800 8238213 9-8239626 9-8241037 9-8242448 9-8243858 9-8245267 9-8246676 9-8248083 9-8249490 9-8250896 9-8252301 9-8263705 9-8255109 1453 1452 1451 1450 1450 1448 1448 1447 1446 1445 1445 1443 1443 1442 1441 1440 1439 1438 1438 1437 1436 1435 1434 1433 1433 1431 1431 1430 1429 1429 1427 1427 1426 1425 1424 1423 1423 1421 1421 1420 1419 1419 1417 1417 1416 1415 1414 1413 1413 1411 1411 1410 1409 1409 1407 1407 1406 1405 1404 1404 1830571 1829118 1827666 1826215 1824765 1823315 1821867 1820419 1818972 1817526 1816081 1814636 1813193 1811750 1810308 1808867 1807427 1805988 1804550 1803112 1801675 1800239 1798804 1797370 1795937 1794504 1793073 1791642 1790212 1788783 1787354 1785927 1784500 1783074 1781649 1780225 1778802 1777379 1775958 1774537 1773117 1771698 1770279 1768862 1767445 1766029 1764614 1763200 1761787 1760374 1758963 1757552 1756142 1754733 1753324 1751917 1750510 1749104 1747699 1746295 1744891 3896806 3900184 3903561 3906936 3910309 3913682 3917052 9 9 9 9 9 9' 9' 9-3920421 9-3923789 9-3927155 9-3930520 9-3933883 9-3937245 9-3940605 9-3943964 9-3947321 9-3950677 9-3954031 9-3957384 9-3960735 9-3964085 9-3967434 9-3970781 9-3974126 9-3977470 9-3980813 9-3984154 9-3987493 9-3990831 9-3994168 9-3997503 9-4000837 9-4004169 9-4007500 9-4010829 9-4014157 9-4017484 9-4020809 9-4024132 9-4027454 9-4030775 9*4034094 9-4037412 4040728 9-4044043 9-4047356 9-4050668 9-4053978 9-4057287 9-4060595 9-4063901 9-4067206 4070509 9-4073811 9-4077111 9-4080410 9-4083708 -4087004 9-4090298 9-4093591 9-4096883 •9391631 •9394182 •9396733 •9399284 •9401835 •9404385 •9406936 •9409486 •9412036 ■9414585 •9417135 •9419684 •9422233 •9424782 •9427331 •9429879 •9432428 •9434976 •9437524 •9440072 •9442619 •9445166 •9447714 •9450261 •9452807 ■9455354 •9457900 •9460447 •9462993 •9465539 •9468084 •9470630 •9473175 •9475720 •9478265 •9480810 •9483355 •9485899 •9488443 •9490987 ■9493531 •9496075 •9498619 •9501162 •9503705 •9606248 •9508791 9611334 •9513876 9516419 •9518961 ■9521503 9524045 ■9526587 ■9529128 ■9531670 9634211 •9536752 •9539293 •9541834 •9544374 2551 2551 2551 2551 2550 2551 2650 2550 2549 2550 2549 2649 2549 2549 2548 2549 2548 2548 2548 2547 2547 2548 2547 2546 2547 2546 2547 2546 2546 2545 2546 2545 2546 2545 2545 2645 2544 2544 2644 2544 2544 2544 2543 2543 2543 2543 2543 2542 2543 2542 2542 2542 2542 2541 2542 2541 2541 2541 2541 2540 10-0608369 10-0605818 10-0603267 10-0600716 10-0698165 10-0595615 10-0593064 10-0590514 10-0587964 10-0585415 10-0582865 10-0580316 10-0577767 10-0575218 10-0572669 10-0570121 10-0567572 10-0565024 10-0562476 10-0559928 10-0557381 10-0554834 10-0552286 10-0549739 10-0547193 10-0544646 10-0542100 10-0539553 10-0537007 10-0534461 10-0531916 10-0529370 10-0526825 10-0524280 10-052173 10-0519190 10-0516645 10-0614101 10-0611557 10-0509013 10-0606469 10-0603925 10-0501381 10-0498838 10-0496295 10-0493752 10-0491209 10-0488666 10-0486124 10-0483581 10-0481039 tO-0478497 10-0475955 10-0473413 10-0470872 10-0468330 10-0465789 10-0463248 10-0460707 10-0458166 10-0455626 5364839 6362067 5359293 5356518 5353742 5350965 5348187 5345408 5342628 533984 5337065 5334281 5331497 5328712 5325925 6323137 5320349 5317559 5314768 581 1976 5309183 6306389 5303594 9-5300797 9-5298000 9-5295201 9-5292402 9-5289601 9-5286799 9-5283997 9-5281193 9-5278388 9-5275682 y-5272774 9-5269966 9-5267157 9-5264346 9-5261535 9-5258722 9-5255908 9'5253094 9-5250278 9-5247461 9-5244643 9-6241823 5239003 9-5236182 9-5233359 9-5230536 9-5227711 9-5224885 9-5222058 9-521 923'J 9-5216401 9-5213571 9-5210739 9-5207907 9-5205073 9-5202239 9-5199403 9-5196566 1222201 1223300 1 224399 1225499 1226599 1227700 1228802 1229904 1231007 12321 1233215 1234320 1235426 1236532 1237639 1238747 1239855 1240964 124207 1243184 1244294 1245406 1246518 1247631 1248744 1249858 1250973 1252088 1253205 1254321 1255439 1256567 1257675 1258795 1269915 1261035 1262156 1263278 1264401 1265524 1266648 1267773 1268898 1 270024 1271151 1272278 1273406 1274534 1275663 1276793 1277924 1279055 1280187 1281319 1282452 1283586 1284721 1285866 1286992 1288128 1289265 1099 1099 nop 1100 no 1102 1102 1103 1104 1104 1105 1106 1106 1107 1108 1108 1109 1109 nil 1110 1112 1112 1113 1113 1114 1116 1115 1117 1116 1118 1118 1118 1120 1120 1120 1121 1122 1123 1123 1124 1125 1125 1126 1127 1127 1128 1128 1129 1130 1131 1131 1132 1132 1133 1134 1135 1135 1136 1136 1137 9-8777799 9-8776700 9-8775601 9-8774501 9-8773401 9-8772300 9-8771198 9-8770096 9-8768993 9-8767889 9-8766785 9-8765680 9-8764574 9-8763468 9-8762361 9-8761253 9-8760145 9-8759036 9-8757927 9-87568 9-8755706 9-8754594 9-8753482 9-8752369 9-8751256 1641 40 39 38 37 36 9-8750142 9-8749027 9-8747912 9-8746795 9-8745679 9-8744561 9-8743443 9-8742325 9-8741205 9-8740085 9-8738965 9-8737844 9-8736722 9-8735599 9-8734476 9-8733352 9-8732227 9-8731102 9-8729976 8728849 9-8727722 9-8726594 9-8725466 9-8724337 9-8723207 9-8722076 9-8720945 9-8719813 9-8718681 9-8717548 9-8716414 9-8715279 9-8714144 9-8713008 9-8711872 9-8710735 Cosine Dif. Secant Covers. Cotang. Dit Tang. Verseds. 3U2 Cosec. Dif. Sine Deg. 48. (3SQ) 42 Deg. natural sines, &c. Tab. 10. Sine 6*691306' 6693468 6695628 6697789 6699948 6702108 6704266 7 6706424 8 6708582 9 6710739 10 6712895 16715051 12 6717206 13 6719361 14 6721515 15 6723668 166725821 17 6727973 3282794 3280639 1 3278485 1 3276332 1 3274179 1 3272027 18 6730125 215^3269875 1'9 6732276 r,,r;, 3267724 20 6734427 oi^n 3265573 21 6736577 9 J ?J^ 3263423 22 6738727 o,^" 3261273 25 6740876 6743024 6745172 26 6747319 2147 2146 28 30 39 2162 2160 2161 2159 2160 2158 2158 Dif. Covers Cosec 3308694 I 3306532 1 3304372 1 3302211 3300052 1 3297892 1 3295734 1 ,-,,^„ 3293576 1 ;^; 3291418 I ;J^^ 3289261 ' :; ^^32871 05 t ;:;j° 3284949 1 67516122145 2145 6755902 9144 32 6760190 0140 3239810 33 6762333 2 lt3237667 34 6764476 2 42 3235524 35 6766618 2 49 3233382 36 6768760 0,47 3231240 6775181 2155 2155 2154 2153 2153 2152 2152 2149 2148 2148 2147 2144 3259124 3256976 3254828 3252681 3250534 3248388 3246243 3244098 2141 37 6770901 9140 3229099 38 6773041 :;;.„ 3226959 2140 2139 40 6777320;; ^"3222680 41 6779459 ;^fi 3220541 42 6781597 2137 3218403 2137 2136 CosinelDifJ Vers. 3224819 1-4778431 1'4773755 9195471 1-4769084 9200841 1-4764417 9206214 1-0862228 1 -4759754 921 1 590 1 -0855889 1-4755095 9216969 1-0849554 1-4750440 .0222350 1-4745790 9227734 1-0836896 3216266 1-4741144 9233122 1-0830573 44 6785871, .,o.. 3214129 1-4786502 9238512 1-0824254 43 6783734 446785871., 45 6788007 ^Jofi 321 1993 1-4731864 9243905 1-0817939 46 6790143 0,0.3209857 1-4727230 9249301 1-0811628 47 6792278 9! or 3207722 1-4722600 48 6794413 2134 3205587 1-4717975 49 6796547 9 , ^a 3203453 1 -47 1 3354 50 6798681 9 50 3201319 '-i'^^ot'^^ 51 68008 13 9 „ 3199187 52 68029469^^3197054 6805078 9 Jf 3194922 6807209 2130 3192791 6809339 9, on 319066! 681 14.69 9^" 3188531 6813599;^" 3186401 68 1 5728 2 ;^ 3 184272 6817856.,;;° 3182144 6819984^^*^3180016 Tang. Cotang. •4944765 9004040 1-1106125 •4939940 9009309 M099630 •4935118 9014580 1-1093140 •4930301 9019854 M 086653 •4925488 9025131 1-1080171 -4920680 9030411 M073693 -4915876 9035693 M067219 4911076 9040979 1-1060750 •4906280 9046267 M054284 •4901489 9051557 M047823 •4896703 9056851 M041365 •489 1 920 9062 1 47 1 • 1 0349 1 2 •4887142 9067446 M028463 •4882369 9072748 M022019 •4877599 9078053 1-1015578 -4872834 9083360 1-1009141 -4868073 9088671 1-1002709 1-4863317 9093984 1-0996281 1-4858565 9099300 1-0989857 1-4853817 9104619 1-0983436 1-4849073 9109940 1-0977020 1 ^4844334 9 1 1 5265 1 -0970609 1-4839599 9120592 1-0964201 1-4834868 9125922 1-0957797 1-4830142 9131255 1-0951397 1 -4825420 9 1 3659 1 1 -0945002 1-4820702 9141929 1-0938610 1-4815988 9147270 1-0932223 1-4811278 9152615 1-0925840 4806573 9157962 1-0919460 1-4801872 9163312 1-0913085 1-4797176 9168665 1-0906714 1-4792483 9174020 1-0900347 1^4787795 9179379 1^0893984 1-4783111 9184740 1-0887624 ■4708736 1-4704123 1-4699514 1-4694910 1-4690309 1-4685713 1-4681120 1-4676532 1-4671948 1-4667368 1-4662792 Secant 928715 9292573 9297996 9303421 9308849 9314230 Secant 9190104 1-0881269 1-0874918 1-0868571 9254700 1-0805321 9260102 1-0799018 9265506 3-0792718 0786423 9276324 1-0780132 9281738 1-0773845 4 1-0767561 1-0761282 1-0755006 9325151 Cotan. •0748734 1-0742467 1 -0736203 9319714 1-0729943 1-0723687 Tang. 1-3456327 1-3459853 1-3463382 1-3466914 1-3470449 1-3473987 1'3477528 1-3481072 1-3484619 1-3488168 1-3491721 1-3495277 1-3498836 1-3502398 1-3505963 1-3509531 1-3513102 1-3516677 1-3520254 1-3523834 1-3527417 1-3531003 1-3534593 b3538185 1-3541780 1-3545379 1-3548980 1-3552585 1-3556193 1-3559803 1-3563417 1-3567034 1-3570654 1-3574277 1-3577903 1-3581532 1-3585164 1-3588800 1-3592438 1-3596080 1-3599725 1-3603372 1-3607023 1-3610677 1-3614334 1-3617995 1-3621658 1-3625324 1-3628994 1-3632667 1-3636343 1-3640022 1-3643704 1-3647389 1-3651078 1-3654770 1-3658464 1-3662162 1-3665863 1-3669567 1-3673275 Vers. Dif. Cosine 2568552 2570498 2572446 2574394 2576342 2578292 2580242 2582192 2584143 2586095 2588047 2590000 2591954 2593908 2595863 2597819 2599775 2601732 2603689 2605647 2607606 2609566 2611525 2613485 2615447 2617408 2619371 2621834 2623297 2625262 2627227 2629192 2631158 2633125 2635092 2637060 2639029 2640998 2642968 2644939 2646910 2648882 2650854 2652827 2654801 2656775 2658750 266072 2662701 2664678 2666655 2668633 2670612 2672591 2674571 2676551 2678533 2680514 2682497 2684479 2686463 1946 1948 1948 1948 1950 1950 1950 1951 1952 1952 1953 1954 1954 1955 1956 1956 1957 1957 1958 1959 1959 1960 1960 1962 1961 1963 1963 1963 1965 1965 1965 1966 1967 1967 1968 1969 1969 1970 1971 1971 1972 1972 1973 1974 1974 1975 1975 1976 1977 1977 1978 1979 1979 1980 1980 1982 1981 1983 1982 1984 7431448 7429502 7427554 7425606 7423658 7421708 7419758 7417808 7415857 7413905 741 1953 7410000 7408046 7406092 7404137 7402181 7400225 7398268 7396311 7394353 7392394 7390435 7388475 7386515 7384553 7382592 7380629 737S666 7376703 7374738 7372773 7370808 7368842 7366875 7364908 7362940 7360971 7359002 7357032 7355061 7353090 7351118 7349 146J 7347173 7345199 7343225 7341250 7339275 7337299 7335322 7333345 7331367 7329388 7327409 7325429 7323449 7321467 7319486 7317503 7315521 7313537 Cosec. Covers Dif^ Sine Deg, 47. 43 Deg. LOG. SINES, &C. (333) Sine Dif. Cosec. Verseds fang. Dif. Cotang. Covers. Secant Dif. Cosine 9-8255109 9-8256512 9-8257913 9-8259314 9-8260;i5 9-8262114 9-8263512 9-8264910 9-8266307 9-8267703 9-8269()98 9-8270493 9-8271887 9-8273279 9-8274671 8276063 9-8277453 9-8278843 9-8280231 9-8281619 9-8283006 8284393 9-8285778 9-8287163 9-8288547 9-8289930 8291312 9-8292694 9-8294075 9-8295454 8296833 9-8298212 9-8299589 8300966 9-8302342 9-8303717 9-8305091 9-8306464 9-8307837 9-8309209 9-8310580 9-8311950 9-8313320 9-8314688 9-8316056 9-8317423 9-8318789 9-8320155 9-8321519 9-8322883 9-8324246 9-8325609 9-8326970 9-8328331 9-8329691 9-8331050 9-8332408 9-8333766 8335122 9-8336478 9-8337833 1403 1401 1401 1401 1399 1398 1398 1397 1396 1395 1395 1394 1392 1392 1392 1390 1390 1388 1388 1387 1387 1385 1385 1384 1383 1382 1382 1381 1379 1379 1379 1377 1377 1376 1375 1374 1373 1373 1372 1371 1370 1370 1368 1368 1367 1366 1366 1364 1364 1363 1363 1361 1361 1360 1359 1358 1358 1356 1356 1355 1744891 1743488 1742087 1740686 1739285 1737886 1736488 1735090 1733693 1732297 1730902 1 729507 1728113 1726721 1725329 1723937 1722547 1721157 1719769 1718381 1716994 1715607 1714222 1712837 1711453 1710070 1708688 1707306 1705925 1704546 1703167 1701788 1700411 1699034 1697658 1696283 1694909 1693536 1692163 1690791 1689420 1688050 1686680 1685312 1683944 1682577 1681211 1679845 1678481 1677117 1675754 1674391 1673030 167\669 1670309 1668950 1667592 1666234 1664878 1663522 1662167 9-4096883 9-4100174 9-4103462 9-4106750 9-4110036 9-4113321 9-4116604 9-4119885 9-4123166 9-4126445 9-4129722 9-4132998 9-4136273 9-4139546 9-4142818 9-4146088 4149357 9-4152625 9-4155891 9-4159156 9-4162419 9 4165681 9-4168942 9-4172201 9-4175459 9-4178715 9-4181970 9-4185223 9-4188475 9-4191726 9-4194975 9-4198223 9-4201470 9-4204715 9-4207959 9-4211201 9-4214442 9-4217681 9-4220920 9-4224156 9-4227392 9-4230626 9-4233858 9-4237089 9-4240319 4243548 9-4246775 9-4250000 9-4253225 9-4256447 9-4259669 9-4262889 9-4266108 9-4269325 9-4272541 4275756 9-4278969 9-4282181 4285392 4288601 9'4291809 9-9544374 9-9546915 9-954945.^ 9-9551995 9-9554535 9-9557075 9-9559615 9-9562154 9-9564694 9567233 9-9569772 9-9572311 9-9574850 9-9577389 9-9579927 9-9582465 9-9585004 9-9587542 9-9590080 9-9592618 9-9595155 9-9597693 9-9600230 9-9602767 9605305 9-9607842 9-9610378 9-9612915 9-9615452 9-9617988 9-9620525 9-9623061 9-9625597 9-9628133 9-9630669 9-9633204 9-9635740 9-9638275 9-9640811 9-9643346 9-9645881 9-9648416 9-9650951 9-9653486 9-9656020 9-9658555 9-9661089 9-9663623 99666157 9-9668692 9-9671225 9-9673759 9-9676293 9-9678827 9-9681360 9-9683893 9-9686427 9-9688960 9-9691493 9-9694026 9-9696559 2541 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2539 2540 2539 2539 2539 2539 2539 2538 2538 2539 2538 2538 2538 2537 2538 2537 2537 2538 2537 2536 2537 2537 2536 2537 2536 2536 2536 2536 2535 2536 35 2536 2535 2535 2535 2535 2535 2534 2535 2534 2534 2534 2535 2533 2534 2534 2534 2533 2533 2534 2533 2533 2533 2533 10-0455626 10-0453085 10-0450545 10-0448005 10-0445465 100442925 10-0440385 10-0437846 10-0435306 10-0432767 10-0430228 10-0427689 10-0425150 10-0422611 10-0420073 10-0417535 10-0414996 10-0412458 10-0409920 10-0407382 10-0404845 10-0402307 10-0399770 10-0397233 10-0394695 10-0392158 10-0389622 10-0387085 10 0384548 10-0382012 10-0379475 -5196566 •5193728 -5190889 -5188049 •5185207 •5182365 -5179521 '5176677 -5173831 -5170984 -5168136 -5165287 -5162436 -5159585 -5156733 •5153879 •5151024 -5148168 •5145311 •5142453 •5139594 •5136734 •5133872 •5131009 •5128146 •5125281 •5122415 •5119548 •5116679 •5113810 •5110940 10-0376939 10-0374403 10-0371867 10-0369331 10-0366796 -5108068 -5105195 -5102321 -5099446 -5096570 10-036420 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 9 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 3 X Deg. 45. 338 DIFFERENCE OF LAT. AND DEPARTURE. Tab. ]]. Course Dist. 1. Dist. 2. 1 Dist. 3. 1 Dist. 4. 1 Dist. 5. 1 Course 1 Pts. D. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. dT Pts. I 0-9998 0-0175 1-9997 0-0349 2-9995 0-0524 3-9994 0-0698 4-9992 0-0873 89 2 0-9994 0-0349 1-9988 0-0698 2-9982 0-1047 3-9976 0-1396 4-9970 0-1745 88 0^ 0-9988 0-0491 1-9976 0-0981 2-9964 0-1472 3-9952 0-1963 4-9940 0-2453 7 1 3 0-9986 0-0523 1-9973 0-1047 2-9959 0-1570 3-9945 0-2093 4-9931 0-2617 87 4 0-9976 0-0698 1-9951 0-1395 2-9927 0-2093 3-9903 0-2790 4-9878 0-3488 86 5 b-9962 0-0872 1-9924 0-1743 2-9886 0-2615 3-9848 0-3486 4-9810 0-4358 85 j 0-9952 0-0980 1-9904 0-1960 2-9856 0-2941 3-9807 0-3921 4-9759 0-4901 7 h 6 0-9945 0-1045 1-9890 0-2091 2-9836 0-3136 3-9781 0-4181 4-9726 0-5226 84 7 0-9925 0-1219 1-9851 0-2437 2-9776 0-3656 3-9702 0-4876 4-9627 0-6093 83 8 0-9903 0-1392 1-9805 0-2783 2-9708 0-4175 3-8611 0-556Y 4-9513 0-6959 82 0| 0-9892 0-1467 1-9784 0-2935 2-9675 0-4402 3-9567 0-5869 4-9459 0-7337 7 i 9 0-9877 0-1564 1-9754 0-3129 2-9631 0-4693 3-9508 0-6257 4-9384 0-7822 81 10 0-9848 0-1736 1-9696 0-3473 2-9544 0-5209 3-9392 0-6946 4-9240 0-8682 80 11 0-9816 0-1908 1-9633 0-3816 2-9449 0-5724 3-9265 0-7632 4-9081 0-9540 79 1 1 0-9808 0-1951 1-9616 0-3902 2-9424 0-5853 3-9231 0-7804 4-9039 0-9755 7 12 0-9781 0-2079 1-9563 0-4158 2-9344 6237 3-9126 0-8316 4-8907 1-0396 78 13 0-9744 0-2250 1-9487 0-4499 2-9231 0-6749 3-8975 0-8998 4-8719 1-1248 77 14 0-9703 0-2419 1-9406 0-4838 2-9109 0-7258 3-8812 0-9677 4-8515 1-2096 76 1 0-9700 0-2430 1-9401 0-4860 2-9101 0-7289 3-8801 0-9719 4-8502 1-2149 6| 15 0-9659 0-2588 1-9319 0-5176 2-8978 0-7765 3-8637 1-0353 4-8296 1-2941 7b 16 0-9613 0-2756 1-9225 0-5513 2-8838 0-8269 3-8450 1-1025 4-8063 1-3782 74 1 i 0-9569 0-2903 1-9139 0-5806 2-8708 0-8709 3-8278 1-1611 4-7847 1-4514 Si 17 0-9563 0-2924 1-9126 0-5847 2-8689 0-8771 3-8252 1-1695 4-7815 1-4619 73 18 0-9511 0-3090 1-9021 0-6180 2-8532 0-9271 3-8042 1-2361 4-7553 1-5451 72 19 0-9455 0-3256 1-8910 0-6511 2-8366 0-9767 3-7821 1-3023 4-7276 1-6278 71 1 ^ 0-9415 0-3369 1-8831 0-6738 2-8246 1-0107 3-7662 1-3476 4-7077 1-6844 61 20 0-9397 0-3420 1.8794 0-6840 2-8191 1-0261 3-7538 1-3681 4-6985 1-7101 70 21 0-9336 0-3584 1-8672 0-7167 2-8007 1-0751 3-7343 1-4335 4-6679 1-7918 69 22 0-9272 0-3746 1-8544 0-7492 2-7816 1-1238 3-7087 l-4»84 4-6359 1-8730 68 2 0-9239 0-3827 1-8478 0-7654 2-7716 1-1481 3-6955 1-5307 46194 1-9134 6 23 0-9205 0-3907 1-8410 0-7815 2-7615 1-1722 3-6820 1^5629 4-6025 1-9537 67 24 0-9135 0-4067 1-8271 0-8135 2-7406 1-2202 3-6542 1-6269 4-5677 2-0337 66 25 0-9063 0-4226 1-8126 0-8452 2-7189 1-2679 3-6252 1-6905 4-5315 2-1131 65 2 ^ 0-9040 0-4276 1-8080 0-8551 2-7120 1-2827 3-6160 1-7102 4-5199 2-1378 5 i 26 0-8988 0-4384 i-7976 0-8767 2-6964 1-3151 3-5952 1-7535 4-4940 2-1919 64 27 0-8910 0-4540 1-7820 0-9080 2-6730 1-3620 3-5640 1-8160 4-4550 2-2700 63 28 0-8829 0-4695 1-7659 0-9389 2-6488 1-4084 3-5318 1-8779 4-4147 2-3474 62 2^ 0-8819 0-4714 1-7638 0-9428 2-6458 1-4142 3-5277 1-8856 4-4096 2-3570 M 29 0-8746 0-4848 1-7492 0-9696 2-6239 1-4544 3-4985 1-9392 4-3731 2-4240 61 30 0-8660 0-5000 1-7321 1-0000 2-5981 1-5000 3-4641 2-0000 4-3301 2-6000 60 2 1 0-8577 0-5141 1-7155 1-0282 2-5732 1-5423 3-4309 2-0564 4-2886 2-5705 51 31 0-8572 0-5150 1-7143 1-0301 2-5715 1-5451 3-4287 2-0602 4-2858 2-5752 59 32 0-8480 0-5299 1-6961 1-0598 2-5441 1-5898 3-3.922 2-1197 4-2402 2-6496 68 33 0-8387 0-5446 1-6773 1-0893 2-5160 1-6339 3-3547 2-1786 4-1934 2-7232 57 3 0-8315 0-5556 1-6629 1-1111 2-4944 \'6667 3-3259 2-2223 4-1573 2-7779 5 34 0-8290 0-5592 1-6581 1-1184 2-4871 1-6776 3-3162 2-2368 4-1452 2-7960 56 35 0-8192 0-5736 1-6383 1-1472 2-4575 1-7207 3-2766 2-2943 4-0958 2-8679 55 36 0-8090 0-5878 1-6180 1-1756 2-4271 1-7634 3-2361 2-3511 4-0451 2-9389 54 3| 0-8032 0-5957 1-6064 1-1914 2-4096 1-7871 3-2128 2-3828 4-0160 2-9785 4i 37 0-7986 0-6018 1-5973 1-2036 2-3959 1-8054 3-1945 2-4073 3-9932 3-0091 53 38 0-7880 0-6157 1-5760 1-2313 2-3640 1-8470 3-1520 2-4626 3-9401 3-0783 52 39 0-7771 0-6293 ^5543 1-2586 2-3314 1-8880 3-1086 2-5173 3-8857 3-1466 61 3i 0-7730 0-6344 1-5460 1-2688 2-3190 1-9032 3-0920 2-5376 3-8650 3-1720 41 40 0-7660 0-6428 1-5321 1-2856 2-2981 1-9284 3-0642 2-5712 3-8302 3-2139 50 41 0-7547 0-6561 1-5094 1-3121 2-2641 1-9682 3-0188 2-6242 3-7735 3-2803 49 42 0-7431 0-6691 1-4803 1-3383 2-2294 1-0074 2-9726 2-6765 3-7157 3-3457 48 M 0-7410 0-6716 1-4819 1-3431 2-2229 1-0147 2-9638 2-6862 3-7048 3-3578 4i 43 0-7314 0-6820 1-4627 1-3640 2-1941 1-0460 2-9254 2-7280 3-6568 3-4100 47 44 0-7193 0-6947 1-4387 1-3893 2-1580 1-0840 2-8774 2-7786 3-5967 3-4733 46 4 45 0-7071 0-7071 1-4142 1-4142 2-1213 1-1213 2-8284 2-8284 3-5355 3-5355 45 4 n i 1 Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. 1 Dist. 1. Dist. 2. Dist. 3. { Dist. 4. Dist. 5. ^ahi 1.1. FOR DEGREES AND QUARTER-POINTS. 339 Course 1 Dist. 6. Dist. 7. I , Dist. 8. Dist. 9. Dist. 10. Course | Pts. D. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep 1 Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. D. 89 Pts. 1 5-9991 0-1047 6-9989 0-1222 {7-9988 0-1396 8-9986 0-1571 9-9985 0-1745 2 5-9963 0-2094 6-9957 0-2443 7-9951 0-2792 8-9945 0-3141 9-9939 0-3490 88 o| 5-9928!0-2944 6-9916 0-3435 17-9904 0-3925 8-9892 0-4416 9-9880 0-4907 7 i 3 5-9918I0-314O 6-9904 0-3664 i7-9890 0-4187 8-9877 0-4710 9-9863 0-5234 87 4 5-9854I0-4185 6-9829 0-4883 7-9805 0-5581 8-9781 0-6278 9-9756 0-6976 86 5 5-9772 0-5229 6-9734 0-6101 7-9696 0-6972 8-9658 0-7844 9-9619 0-8716 85 i 5-9711 0-5881 6-H663 0-6861 7-.%'15 0-7841 8-95^7 0-8822 9-9518 0-9802 7 \ 6 5-9671 0-6272 6-9617 0-7317 7-9r)6'2 0-8362 8-9507 0-9408 9-9452 1-0453 84 7 5-9553 0-7312 6-9478 0-8531 i7-9404 0-9750 8-9329 1-0968 9-9255 1-2187 83 8 5-9416 0-8350 6-9319 0-9742 7-9221 1-1134 8-9124 1-2526 9-9027 1-3917 82 ■ 1 5-9351 0-8804 6-9242 1-0271 7-9134 1-1738 8-9026 1-3206 9-8918 1-4673 H 9 5-9261 0-9386 6-9138 1-0950 7-9015 1-2515 8-8892 1-4079 9-8769 1-5643 81 10 5-9088 1-0419 6-8937 1-2155 7-8785 1-3892 8-8633 1-5628 9-8481 1-7365 80 11 5-8898 1-1449 6-8714 1-3357 7-8530 1-5265 8-8346 1-7173 9-8163 1-9081 79 I 5-8847 1-1705 6-8655 1-3656 7-8463 1-5607 8-8271 1-7558 9-8079 1-9509 7 12 5-8689 1-2475 6-8470 1-4554 7-8252 1-6633 8-8033 1-8712 9-7815 2-0791 78 13 5-8462 1-3497 6-8206 1-5747 7-7950 1-7996 8-7693 2-0246 9-7437 2-2495 77 14 5-8218 1-4515 5-7921 1-6935 7-7624 1-9354 8-7327 2-1773 9-7030 2-4192 76 1 i 5-8202 1-4579 6-7902 1-7009 7-7602 1-9438 8-7303 2-1868 9-7003 2-4298 6 1 15 5-7956 1-5529 6-7615 1-8117 7:7274 2-0706 8-6933 2-3294 9-6593 2-5882 75 16 ^•7676 1-6538 6-7288 1-9295 |7-6901 2-2051 8-6513 2-4807 9-6120 2-7562 74 1 1 5-7416 1-7417 6-69P>6 2-0320 17-6555 2-3223 8-6125 2-6126 9-5694 2-9028 6i 17 5-7378 1-7542 6-6941 2-0466 7-6504 2-3390 8-6067 2-6313 9-5630 2-9237 73 18 5-7063 1-8541 6-6574 2*1631 7-6085 2-4721 8-5595 2-7812 9-5106 3-0902 72 19 5-6731 1-9534 6-6186 2-2790 7-5642 2-6045 8-5097 2-9301 9-4552 3-2557 71 1 1 5-6493 2-0213 6-5908 2-3582 17-5324 2-6951 8-4739 3-0320 .9-4154 3-3689 61 20 5-6382 2-0521 6-5778 2-3941 7-5176 2-7362 8-4572 3-0782 9-3969 3-4202 70 21 5-6015 2-1502 6-5351 2-5086 7-4686 2-8669 8-4022 3-2253 9-3358 3-5837 69 22 5-5631 2-2476 6-4903 2-6222 7-4175 2-9969 8-3447 3-3715 9-2718 3-7461 68 2 5-5433 2-2961 6-4672 2-6788 7-3910 3-0615 8-3149 3-4442 9-2388 3-8268 6 23 5-5230 2-3444 6-4435 2-7351 7-3540 3-1258 8-2845 3-5166 9-2050 3-9073 67 24 5-4813 2-4404 6-3948 2-8472 7-3084 3-2539 8-2219 3-6606 9-1355 4-0674 66 25 5-4378 2-5357 6-3442 2-9583 7-2505 3-3809 8-1568 3-8036 9-0631 4-2262 65 2| 5-4239 2-5653 6-3279 2-9929 7-2319 3-4204 8-1359 3-8480 9-0399 4-2756 5| 26 5-3928 2-6302 6-2916 3-0686 7-1904 3-5070 8-0891 3-9453 8-9879 4-3837 64 27 5-3460 2-7239 6-2370 3-1779 7-i2b0 3-6319 8-0191 4-0859 8-9101 4-5399 63 28 5-2977 2-8168 6-1806 3-2863 7-0636 3-7558 7-9465 4-2252 8-8295 4-6947 62 2i 5-2915 2-8284 6-1734 3-2998 7-0554 3-7712 7-9373 4-2426 8-8192 4-7140 5 1 29 5-2477 2-9089 6-1223 3-3937 6-9970 3-8785 7-8716 4-3633 8-7462 4-8481 61 30 5.1962 3-0000 6-0622 3-5000 6-9282 4-0000 7-7942 4-5000 8-6603 5-0000 60 2| 5-1464 3-0846 6-0041 3-5987 6-8618 4-1128 7-7196 4-6269 8-5773 5-1410 5 i 31 5-1430 3-0902 6-0002 3-6053 6-8573 4-1203 7-7Uo 4-6353 8-5717 5-1504 59 32 5-0883 3-1795 5-9363 3-7094 6-7844 4-2394 7-6324 4-7093 8-4805 5-2992 58 33 5-0320 3-2678 5-8707 3-8125 6-7094 4-3571 7-5480 4-9018 8-3867 5-4464 57 3 4-9888 3-3334 5-8203 3-8890 6-6518 4-4446 7-4832 5-0001 8-3147 5-5557 5 34 4-9742 3-3552 5-8033 3-9144 6-6323 4-4735 7-4613 5-0327 8-2904 5-5^19 56 35 4-9149 3-4415 5-7341 4-0150 6-5532 4-5886 7-3724 5-1622 8-1915 5-7358 55 36 4-8541 3-5267 5-6631 4-1145 6-4721 4-7023 7-2812 5-2901 8-0902 5-8779 54 3 i 4-8192 3-5742 5-6225 4-1699 6-4257 4-7656 7-2289 5-3613 8-0321 5-9570 4| 37 4-791 8 3-6109 5-5904 4-2127 6-3891 4-8145 7-1877 5-4163 7-9864 6-0182 53 38 4-7281 3-6940 5-5161 4-3096 6-3041 4-9253 7-0921 5-5409 7-8801 6-1566 52 39 4-6629 3-7759 5-4400 4-4052 6-2172 5-0346 6-9943 5-6639 7-7715 6-2932 51 3^ 4-6381 3-8064 5-4111 4-4408 6-1841 5-0751 6-9571 5-7095 7-7301 6-3439 4| 40 4-5963 3-8567 5-3623 4-4995 6-1284 5-1423 6-8944 5-7851 7-6604 6-4279 50 41 4-5283 3.9363 5-2830 4-5924 6-0377 5-2485 6-7924 5-9045 7-5471 6-5606 49 42 4-4589 4-0148 5-2020 4-6839 5-9452 5-3530 6-6883 6-0222 7-4314 6-6913 48 3 1 4-4457 4-0294 5-1867 4-7009 5-9276 5-3725 6-66S6 6-0440 7-4095 6-7156 4i 43 4-3881 4-0920 5-1195 4-7740 5-8508 5-4560 6-5822 6-1380 7-3135 5-8200 47 44 4-3160 4-1680 5-0354 4-8626 5-7547 5-5573 6-4741 6-2519 7-1934 6-9466 46 4 45 i 4-2426 4-2426 4-9497 4-9497 5-6509 5-6569 6-3640 6-3640 7-0711 7-0711 45 4 ^ Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. Dep. Lat. IDep. Lat. Dep. Lat. -3 ■ Dist.6. 1 Dist. 7. 1 Dist. 8. ! 1 Dist. 9. Dist. 10. I 3x2 340 LENGTHS OF CIRCULAR ARCS. 1 ^ab. Jl' D 1 Arc L)t Arc Arc f ~1 Arc 'L Arc 48 A •0174533 61 1-0646508 2-1118484 2909 1 2 •0349066 62 1^0821041 122 2-1293017 2 5818 2 97 2 2 3 •0523599 63 1^0995574 123 2-1467550 3 8727 3 146 3 2 4 •0698132 64 M170107 124 2-1642083 4 11636 4 194 4 3 5 •0872665 65 M344640 125 2-1816616 b 14544 5 242 5 4 6 •1047198 66 1-1519173 126 2^1991149 6 17453 6 291 6 5 7 •1221730 67 1 •1693706 127 2-2165682 7 20362 7 339 7 6 8 •1396263 68 I •1868239 128 2-2340214 8 23271 8 388 8 6 9 •1570796 69 h2042772 129 2-2514747 9 26180 9 436 9 7 10 •1745329 70 I •2217305 130 2-2689280 10 29089 10 486 10 8 11 •1919862 71 b2391838 131 2-2863813 11 31998 11 533 11 9 12 •2094395 72 1-2566371 132 2-3038346 12 34907 12 582 12 10 13 •2268928 73 1-2740904 133 2-3212879 13 37815 13 630 13 11 14 •2443461 74 1-2915436 134 2-3387412 14 40724 14 679 14 11 15 •2617994 75 1-3089969 135 2-3561945 16 43633 15 727 16 12 16 •2792527 76 1-3264502 136 2^3736478 16 46542 16 776 16 13 17 •2967060 77 1-3439035 137 2-3911011 17 49451 17 824 17 14 18 •3141593 78 1-3613568 138 2^4085544 18 52360 18 873 18 16 19 •3316126 79 1-3788101 139 2-4260077 19 55269 19 921 19 15 20 •3490659 80 1-3962634 140 2^4434610 20 58178 20 970 20 16 21 •3665191 81 1-4137167 141 2^4609142 21 61087 21 1018 21 17 22 •3839724 82 1 •4311 700 142 2^4783675 22 63995 22 1067 22 18 23 •4014257 83 1-4486233 143 2-4958208 23 66904 23 1116 23 19 24 •4188790 84 1-4660766 144 2^5132741 24 69813 24 1164 24 19 25 •4363323 85 1-4835299 145 2^5307274 25 72722 26 1212 26 20 26 •4537856 86 1-5009832 146 2^5481807 26 76631 26 1261 26 21 27 •4712389 87 1-5184364 147 2-5656340 27 78540 27 1309 27 22 28 •4886922 88 1-5358897 148 2-5830873 28 81449 28 1357 28 23 29 •5061455 89 1-5533430 149 2-6005406 29 84358 29 1406 29 23 30 •5235988 90 b5707963 150 2-6179939 30 87266 30 1454 30 24 31 •5410521 91 1-5882496 151 2-6354472 31 90175 31 1603 31 25 32 •5585054 92 1-6067029 152 2-6529005 32 93084 32 1651 32 26 33 •5759587 93 1-6231562 153 2-6703538 33 95993 33 1599 33 27 34 •5934119 94 1-6406095 154 2-6878070 34 98902 34 1648 34 27 35 •6108652 95 1-6580628 155 2-7052603 35 101811 36 1697 35 28 36 •6283185 96 1-6756161 156 2-7227136 36 104720 36 1745 36 29 37 •6457718 97 1-6929694 157 2-7401669 37 107629 37 1794 37 30 38 •6632251 98 1-7104227 158 2-7576202 38 110538 38 1842 38 31 39 •6806784 99 1-7278760 159 2-7750736 39 113446 39 1891 39 32 40 •6981317 100 1-7453293 160 2-7926268 40 116365 40 1939 40 32 41 •7155850 101 1-7627825 161 2-8099801 41 119264 41 1988 41 33 42 •7330383 102 1-7802358 162 2-8274334 42 122173 42 2036 42 34 43 •7504916 103 1-7976891 163 2-8448867 43 125082 43 2085 43 35 44 •7679449 104 1-8151424 164 2-8623400 44 127991 44 2133 44 36 45 •7853982 105 1-8325957 165 2-8797933 45 130900 45 2182 45 36 46 •8028515 106 1-8500490 166 2-8972466 46 133809 46 2230 46 37 47 •8203047 107 1-8675023 167 2-9146999 47 136717 47 2279 47 38 48 •8377580 108 1-8849556 168 2-9321631 48 139626 48 2327 48 39 49 •8552113 109 1 -9024089 169 2-9496064 49 142635 49 2376 49 40 50 •8726646 110 1-9198622 170 2-9670597 60 146444 50 2424 50 40 51 •8901179 111 1-9373155 171 2-9845130 51 148353 51 2473 51 41 52 •9075712 112 1-9547688 172 3-0019663 52 151262 52 2621 52 42 53 •9250245 113 b9722220 173 3-0194I 96 53 154171 53 2670 53 43 54 •9424778 114 1-9896753 174 3-0368729 54 167080 54 2618 54 44 55 •9599311 115 2-0071286 175 3-0543262 55 169989 55 2666 55 44 56 •9773844 116 2-0245819 176 3-0717795 56 162897 56 2715 56 46 67 •9948377 117 2^0420352 177 3-0892328 57 166806 57 2763 57 46 58 1^01229]0 118 2-0594885 178 3-1066861 58 168715 58 2812 58 47 59 1 -0297443 119 2^0769418 179 3-1241394 59 171624 59 2860 59 48 60 D b047l976 120 2-0943951 180 3-1415927 60 174533 60 // 2909 vrc 60 III 48 Arc De Arc Del Arc Arc Tab. 13. COMMON AND HYP. LOGARITHMS. 141 CL HYP. LO. 02302585 04G051/0 06907755 09210340 11512925 13815511 16118096 18420681 20723266 23025851 25328436 27631021 29933606 32236191 34538776 36841361 39143947 41446532 43749117 46051702 48354287 50656872 52959457 55262042 57564627 HYP. LO. 598672121 62169798 64472383 66774968 69077553 71380138 73682723' 7598530L, 78287893! 80590478 82893063 85195648 87498234 89800819 92103404 94405989 96708574 99011159 01313744 03616329 05918914 08221499 10524084 12826670 15129255 CL HYP. LO. CL HYP. LO. 17431840 19734425 22037010 24339695 26642180 28944765 31247350 33549935 35852520 38155106 40457691 42760276 45062861 47365446 49668031 51970616 54273201 56575786 58878371 61180957 63483542 65786127 68088712 70391297 72693882 1-74996467 1-77299052 1-79601637 1-81904222 1-84206807 1-86509393 1-88811978 1-91 114563 1-93417148 1-95719733 1-98022318 2-00324903 2-02627488 2-04930073 2-07232658 2-09536243 2-11837829 2-14140414 2-16442999 2-18745584 2-21048169 2-23360754 2-25653339 2-27965924 2-30258509 A TABLE of Rumbs, shewing the Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds, that every Point and Quarter-point of the Com- pass makes with the Meridian. Tab. 1 4 No ith Pts .qr. 1 2 3 NbE NbW 1 i 1 1 2 I 3 NNE NNW 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 NEbN NWbN 3 3 1 3 2 3 3 NE NW 4 4 1 4 2 4 3 NEbE NWbW 5 5 1 5 2 5 3 ENE VVNW 6 6 I 6 2 6 3 EbN WbN 7 7 1 7 2 7 3 East West 8 / // Pts qr. 48 45 1 37 30 2 26 15 3 15 1 3 45 1 1 52 30 1 2 41 15 1 3 30 2 18 45 2 1 7 30 2 2 56 15 2 3 45 3 33 45 3 1 22 30 3 2 11 15 3 3 4 48 45 4 1 37 30 4 2 26 15 4 3 15 5 3 45 5 1 52 30 5 2 41 16 5 3 30 6 18 46 6 1 7 30 6 2 56 15 6 3 45 7 33 46 7 1 22 30 7 2 11 15 7 3 8 South SbE SSE SEbS SE SEbE ESE E b S East S b W ssw SW b s sw SW b w wsw W b s West 342 A LIST OF ERRORS DISCOVERED AXD CORRECTED. I. In Gardiner s Edition of 1742, in 4to. In (Ik Logarithms. 101213 3630 14 4059 15 4488 W 4917 U 5346 21308 5427 26719 8202 29315 0899 34259 7747 34728 6798 35704 7534 61193 2106 S9502 5316 60844 2178 64445 1892 65640 1686 66607 5199 67329 2022 69519 1035 71492 2574 ' 73,338 3291 73983 1319 74294 9537 74742 5647 75561 2977 76000 8136 76041 0478 76031 9907 77316 2694 82958 8583 Absolute Nu nibers. 6462 6492 8668 8688 9167 9157 In the S ines. 0° 40' 45" 8-0738436 59 12 8-2360264 1 7 48 8-2949277 1 24 8-3879622 2 4 8-5570536 11 24 10 9-2960174 13 27 30 ^'2,m'i67G 32 3 50 9-7249837 37 26 20 275 diff. 37 26 50 275 difF. 52 32 40 162 difF. 55 43 10 9-9171322 65 4 20 ^7 difF. 65 4 30 98 difF. 65 4 30 9-9575403 70 30 SO 9-97^3838 75 53 30 52 difF. 77 22 20 9-9893657 82. 40 9-9957646 85 55 9-9988962 In the Tai gents'. 3» 21' 0" 8-7674175 8 36 20 9-1799393 10 13 50 9-2564267 .13 21 30 9-3756001 43 56' 30 9-9839523 44 12 20 9-9879549 68 19 20 10-4006638 71 21 10-4717147 73 18 10-5228579 77 1 40 10-6375975 84 7 10 10-9871756 86 39 40 11-2340287 87 19 20 11-3300317 88 20 30 11-5383295 89 55 10 12-8520268 L to 20 places, 916. 96189 Expl.&Use ,p.ll,1.4b ot. m|, m\. y^ Note, that some very few places are omitted where a figure does not perfectly appear, as they are not real errors, and cannot mislead, but may easily be filled up by the differences. — It is also to be observed, that some of these errors in both the books are not in all copies of the same edition, as I have experienced by collating divers copies : a circumstance probably occa- sioned by types sometimes working out at the press, and carelessly supplied again ; and some- times by discovering and correcting errors after the copies of some sheets have been but partly worked df. And the same in the French edition following. — All the real errors in both books are brought together in these tables, both those I have seen printed elsewhere, and those re- ceived by private communication, besides upwards of twenty detected by myself, in comparing the proofe of my book with the like p^jrts of the others. tN LOGARITHMIC TABLES. 343 II. Jw the Avignon Edition of 1770. In the ijogarithms. 100288 4897 100499 6174 101213 3630 14 4059 15 4488 16 4917 17 5346 14151 7871 17740 9536 24626 3939 25803 6702 33071 4473 34259 7747 34728 6798 37268 3361 37696 2953 38119 1415 42431 6833 43284 3274 44218 5991 44781 0938 46309 6654 46559 0036 51193 2106 54681 8364 58987 7563 59502 5316 59889 3471 €0844 2178 63064 7815 64149 1899 64347 5283 64445 1892 64881 1175 €8128 3256 68761 3422 68859 9607 69339 9776 69519 1035 69533 1910 70076 5693 71021 3864 74703 3380 81674 0838 84393 3068 85328 0916 86486 9458 89322 9584 89680 6956 94841 9961. 93614 3408 Absolute T lumbers. 4770 4670 3520 5520 7235 7135 7635 7535 Sheet c last lu le, M^, ir Pro.P arts. Sh.i. ] Jif. 94 9 85 In the Sines. 0° 6' 36'' 7-2832698 15 36 7-6568492 37 3 8-0325059 45 30 8-1217248 2 10 35 8-5795094 2 34 53 8-6535839 2 37 28 8-6607629 2 39 23 8-6660134 3 11 38 8-7459722 3 26 47 8-7789797 18 44 20 621 difF. 45 4 50 9-8500947 65 4 20 97 difF. 30 98 difF. 30 9-9575403 67 17 30 9-9649579 75 53 30 52 difF. 83 52 10 9-9999154 In the Tangents. 0° 9' 17" 7-4314311 11 47 7-5349960 14 23 7-6215882 23 38 7-8372579 24 16 7-8487435 24 54 7-8599331 37 15 8-0348694 1 19 15 8-3628023 1 22 57 8-3826268 3 7 8-7196777 3 6 28 8-7347535 3 19 9 8-7633926 3 54 38 8-B347909 5 5 8-9491676 17 39 40 9-5029635 23 5 20 9-6297224 23 22 9-6355321 35 4 40 9-8464809 67 13 50 10-3770260 73 20 50 10-5241600 88 3 10 11-4685399 Sheet S 1 79 deg. T4 12° 60' Table to 20 places. 59 77085-20 &c. 825 91645-39485 1083 03462-84566 Table III. Fthe same. ' DifF.n.ib.00127 53175-47 &c. Logist. Log. 0' 52" Hyp.L. 6-75 1-9095425 ^ In the las tpage. line 20 0-0019633 22 1-2403375 24 1-2403375 26 5-8455077 344 A LIST OF EftRORS CORRECTED, &C. III. The following List of Errors in Callet's Tables Portatives have been discovered in reading his book with the proof-sheets of the 2d edition of my Tables. In Callet's Tables Portatives, Paris 1783. In the Introduction, Page 9, line 1 , read i/b 41, — 9, — comprise 19, -W 44, — 10, — L'lc 46, —28,— Sp. In the Logarithms 47891 2539 60844 2178 64113 9461 64445 1892 64547 8761 70357 3073 76872 7682 77054 8515 78050 3729 99018 7142 IV. In Taylor's Tables, London 1792 ; besides those mentioned in the book ' itself. / Page 56, line 32, for-}- 2, read -|- l. 2 57, — 10 and 1 1 , read only viie root P ^^.A P •—16, for L read — 25, for _ read 27, for 4p read |p In the Sines. to 23' 38'/ 43007 I 23 39 43281 v. In Callet's Stereotype Edition, Paris 1795. In the L ogar thms. 1014 3795 24626 3939 33071 4473 43130 7795 63919 7418 56246 0916 67319 2986 81674 0838 99018 7142 fable I. t6 20 Places. 965 56538 1071 94608 1085 85148 1105 21729 1115 84779 1125 47981 1135 29741 fable II I. of the same. 00132 Dif. 34589 In the Differences. 185 — 1 185 — 3 66-- 6 19 56 40 In the Tangents. 0° 23' 38" 24 54 2579 9331 VI. In the Table Trigonometriques Decimates, of 1801. In the Logarithms. Num. Log. 24626 3939 33071 4473 53919 7418 81674 0838 Printed hy S. Heiinihon» Wcybridge. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED lOAN DEPARTMEMT THE GENERAL LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subjea to immediate recall. m vm-"^ RemRNro to MAin.-STAT. ua. iAUG7 la'J FEB 1 3 199 9 sSr ^ ^ ^ LD21-35m-8,'72 (Q4189sl0)476 — A-32 General Library University of California Berkeley Berkeley