* ■ ^rvdd^ '23 -_1 I" lp ■pH T' < ) ill 1 I »jCl ^f^r"*^ y?f*'} =ra^rji 7^."^ IV ■ ■■ ', ' . THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN; CONTAINING AN Account of tjjat Cauntrg, OF THE ZOOLOGY OF THE NORTH ; OF THE SHETLAND ISLES ; AND OF THE WHALE FISHERY. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING An Historical Account of the Dutch, English, and Ame- rican Whale Fisheries; some Important Observations on the Variation of the Compass, &c. ; and some Ex- tracts from Mr. Scoresby's Paper on " Polar Ice." BY JOHN LjAING, SURGEON'. A NEW EDITION. EDINBURGH: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR. 1825. PRINTED BY A. BALFOUR & CO. TO JOHN R. M'CULLOCH, Esq. THIS LITTLE AVORK IS INSCRIBED, AS A SMALL TESTIMONY OF THE ESTEEM AND GRATITUDE OF HIS MUCH OBLIGED, AND SINCERE FRIEND, , THE AUTHOR. ADVERTISEMENT. The Journal I kept when on board the Resolu- tion in 1806, is taken as the basis of the subse- quent little Work. It may, however, be looked upon as containing the observations I made both in 1806 and 1807, as I have engrossed into the Narration whatever I observed of consequence the following year. . D iAfiHAM of 4h* ARCTIC H-KtilONN , X ■ ;, .,; '.•/,W» ACCOUNT or a VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. In the year 1806, being at the University of Edinburgh, an advertisement was put on the Col- lege Gate, by Messrs. P. and C. Wood, merchants, Leith, intimating that a surgeon was wanted for the ship Resolution of Whitby, Yorkshire, engaged in the North Sea whale-fishery. Impelled by curiosity, and by a still more power- ful motive, to visit the snow-clad coast of Spitzber- gen, I applied ; and was, after due examination, admitted surgeon for the voyage. Nothing particular occurred on my journey from this to Whitby, where I arrived on Sunday the 16th of March, and was, in every respect, comfortably accommodated at the house of the Captain. B .* 2 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. As we did not sail for several days after my ar- rival, I spent a considerable part of my time in making such remarks on the town as were particu- larly interesting. Whitby is a thriving sea-port in the North Rid- ing of Yorkshire, situated, ou the mouth of the river Esk. It is chiefly celebrated for the manufac- ture of canvas, and for the extensive alum works in its neighbourhood. Its harbour is the best on this coast, and has a fine pier ; but it has no river com- munication with the interior country. Behind the pier is a battery which mounts twelve eighteen- pounders. This town was formerly noted for its Abbey, of which some ruins still remaining testify its ancient magnificence. Here are different houses of worship, viz. an ele- gant church of the established religion ; and several meeting-houses belonging to Presbyterians, Quakers, Methodists, Roman Catholics, &c. Whitby is 50 miles north-east of York, and 245 north of London ; Lat. 54° 30' North, Long. 1° 55' West. The word Whitby is a contraction of its original appellation White Bay, so called from the white surges made by the breaking of the waves along the shore, so that the whole bay assumes a white or VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 3 frothy appearance to a person standing upon the opposite banks. Contiguous to this place, in a town called Mar- ton, was born that great circumnavigator Captain James Cook, whose barometer (that which he used in his voyaga of discovery) we had on board the Resolution. Between Whitby and Lyth, a small town distant about four miles, is a beautiful level strand, eene- rally known by the name of Whitby Sands, upon which there used to be annual races ; but now they are less frequent. Adjacent to Lyth, is the seat of the Mulgrave family, one of whom, Constantine John Phipps, (afterwards Lord Mulgrave), in 1773, undertook a voyage, by his Majesty's command, towards the North Pole, under the hopes of discovering a pas- sage to the East Indies in a north-east direction : but in which he, like many others, did not suc- ceed. Among the sands on the shore are found stones resembling snakes without heads, the " Cornu am- moms" of naturalists. These stones are easily known by circular, or rather spiral windings mark- ed on their outside. One of these being broken, its interior exhibits the appearance of a snake rolled up and ready to make a spring. 4 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. That these are petrified snakes, is really believed by the peasants on the coast, concerning which they tell the following whimsical story : An old lady, say they, who lived in that neigh- bourhood some centuries back, having procured a charm, or spell, to banish some noxious reptiles with which that part of the country was then cruelly ha- rassed, set to work, and, by her incantations, collect- ed all the snakes within a considerable distance, and brought them to the banks of Whitby, whence she hurried them down so precipitately on the strand, that they all broke their necks, and of course, in their petrified state, are found without heads *. Not many years ago Whitby sent upwards of twenty vessels to Greenland ; but afterwards that trade fell much to decay, until it was latterly re- vived by the persevering activity of Captain Scores- by, whose many successful whale-fishing voyages tended greatly to promote the opulence of this town, by encouraging others to embark in the same lucra- tive business. The Resolution, in which I made this voyage, was a stout new ship, of about four hundred tons burden, fitted out as a letter of marque, carrying * They affirm that this part of the coast has never since been frequented by those venomous creatures, although they are quite common in other parts of the kingdom. Crcdat cui placeat. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 5 twelve six-pounders, besides stern-chasers, and well furnished with firelocks, pistols, swords, cutlasses, bayonets, &c. She was provided with nine fishing boats, and her crew consisted of between sixty and seventy men. Greenland voyages are generally performed in the course of four or five months ; but, lest ves- sels should be detained by the ice beyond that time, they have usually nine months provision on board. Our ship was abundantly supplied with good beef, pork, bacon, flour, oat-meal, biscuit, peas, po- tatoes, cheese, butter, molasses, preserved fruit, fowls, eggs, dried fish, strong ale, small beer, Eng- lish brandy, tea, coffee, sugar, tobacco, besides plen- ty of foreign spirits and wines for the use of the cabin. Neither was there any cost spared in laying in an ample supply of proper medicines and cordials for the sick. Early on the morning of the 23d of March we set sail from Whitby, amidst the hearty cheers of a numerous concourse of spectators. Being favoured with a fresh breeze which caused a heavy swell, a general sickness prevailed at our first setting out, from which the most experienced seamen were not exempted, and which affected me so severely, as to preclude all possibility of 6 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. making any remarks previous to our landing in Shetland. On the 25th at noon, we cast anchor in Bressay Sound, opposite Lerwick, the capital of the Shet- land Isles. This town is situated in Mainland, so called from its being the principal of these Isles. It is about half a mile long, and is irregularly built ; but contains some good houses, and is inhabited by about one thousand eight hundred persons. It is the seat of the courts held by the Sheriff-depute, or Stewart-depute. Two packets, or traders, hav- ing good cabins, and tolerable accommodation for passengers, sail occasionally between this and Leith. Lerwick derives its chief support from the courts of law, and from the vessels employed in the whale- fishery making this harbour their rendezvous. Near the north end of the town stands Fort Char- lotte, a small fortification mounting eighteen lanre guns, from eighteen to thirty pounders, besides se- veral very large field pieces. It commands the north entry to Bressay Sound, and is garrisoned by a small detachment of invalids. In the neighbourhood of this town there is a cha- lybeate spring, but it is , , . .iat along the sea coast, which bears no proportio - ... , . . . , .a to that lying waste and uncultivated. In some places where r .,._.. . ... the soil is fertile, the crops are early, especially ,. . , ... where the substratum is hme- c.5 ,■-"=.»*-** ..'-»• 34 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. stone ; but the seasons are so various, that it is im- possible to state the precise time of harvest. The grain crop consists of a small kind of black or grey oats, and a species of barley, commonly called bear or big. The oatmeal has a bitter burnt taste. The potatoes, however, are tolerably good. Very little time is, in general, devoted to ga- thering of manure. Sometimes they make use of sea-weed either by itself, or made into small dunghills with cow-dung or earth. Notwithstand- ing that they have abundance of limestone and peats, they seldom use lime as a manure, owing to which neglect, and the want of fallowing, they have frequently a plentiful crop of weeds. There is a very great stop to agricultural im- I*ovements still to be considered. Most of the tei fnts hold their farm from year to year by a verbl bargain ; and the stipulations of the very few w; tten l eaS es that are granted, consist chief- ly in binu^g tne tenant assiduously to attend his landlords nsi; n g as l ng as ne possesses his farm. Now, any failure'^ t his is a forfeiture of the agree- ment. But he may l a bour the land as he pleases ; no question is asked ^ this head by the land- lord. VOYAGE TO SPITZBEJRGEN. 35 The grain is cut down in the usual way, and when fit, is carried home either on the shoulders of the women, or on horseback. There are not more than two or three carts in these islands, and these are only kept by gentle- men by way of novelty. Neither are there any roads, public or private, except the footpaths made over the hills by the horses, cattle, and sheep. The landlords build the farm houses at their own expense. They are generally mean, low huts, into which a person must enter in a bending pos- ture ; and if he have not a guide (unless he be ac- quainted with the windings of the fabric,) he will scarcely find the apartment occupied by the family, they and their cattle being, for the most part, in- habitants of the same building*. They have the fire in the middle of the house. The beds are commonly like those of ships, with sliding doors. A table, a pot, and some stools, are the principal furniture to be seen. Whether there were any chests, presses, cup- boards, &c. in any of the huts which I visited, the continual smoke would not admit being ascertained. It is evident, however, that they are exempt from • «. -Tgnemque Laremque Et pecus et dominos communi clauderet umbra."— Juvenal. c 6 36 VOYAGE TO SFITZBERGEN. the window tax, as they have only a small hole be- sides that of the chimney, on which is a door to shut and open occasionally. The office-houses (where there are any) are truly despicable. These the tenants build at their own expense, and in the cheapest manner they can, on account of the uncertainty of their te- nure. Here are few inclosures, so that the land lies almost wholly in open fields ; and by this breach of agricultural economy their crops are exposed to the ravages of the numerous sheep, cattle, &c. which feed on the commons without herdsmen. These islanders trade chiefly to Leith, London, and Hamburgh ; and with Dutch fishermen, and such ships as visit their coasts. The chief exports are linen and woollen yarn, rugs, stockings, butter, dried fish, herrings, oil, feathers, skins of various kinds, and kelp ; the manufacture of which was first commenced in 1780. The commodities im- ported are corn, oatmeal, spirits, tobacco, lines and hooks, salt, &c Here the Greenland ships are frequently served with mittens, night-caps, comforters, wigs, &c. The inhabitants are sure to come with their boats alongside such ships as happen to call in VOYAGE TO SPITZBEItGEN. 37 here. They bring with them fish, fowl, eggs, &c. for which they get beef, pork, flour, meal, or such provisions as they may wish to have. They choose rather to barter than sell for money, probably for this reason, that they generally get more than the value of their commodities ; at least, they do not fail to ask plenty, and have cunning enough to lay down their case as very deplorable, which tends to excite in the breasts of commanders of vessels that sympathy which is so peculiar to sailors. The Shetlanders, by these means, find a Very good market for such things as they have to dispose of, and generally get as much meat and drink as they can take while on board. The Shetland Isles are divided into twelve pa- rishes, in which are placed twelve ministers, the office of some of whom is very laborious, there be- ing different small islands in one parish : besides, the paths are remarkably bad, and the people so wretchedly poor, that they cannot afford to accom- modate their pastor in times of public examina- tions, visitations, &c. insomuch, that unless he carry with him, on those occasions, some store of viaticum, he must content himself with the soothing hope of a hearty meal on his return- home. 38 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. These islands enjoy the advantage of parochial schoolmasters, having the salaries allowed on the Scottish establishment ; by which means the in- habitants are all taught to read, write, and un- derstand arithmetic ; and among those of any rank, the Latin, Greek, and French languages are not unknown, as also the rudiments of the mathe- matics. The English language prevails in all these is- lands ; but they being a long time subject to the Kings of Norway, it is spoken with the accent of that country, and is mixed with a great many Norwegian words, especially in Foula. Neither here nor in the Orkneys is the Gaelic language known. English as well as Danish money is current here ; but neither species is superabundant. According to the latest account, this group of is- landscontains 22,379 inhabitants, among whom are about twenty considerable proprietors, and a great many small ones. The whole land-rent amounts to about £5000 per annum, which is a small sum when compared with the profits the proprie- tors make by the fisheries, in which they are all concerned. This business is carried on by the tenants : an affair which tends much to affect the state of the common people at large. The land- VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 39 lords, as before mentioned, make their lands sub- servient to this trade, by setting them in small por- tions to fishermen ; and, in order the more to pro- pagate the human species for the purpose of fish- ings the young men get premiums of small subdi- visions of land, (though without lease,) on their taking wives. The poor, who thus swallow the matrimonial bait, getting more numerous families than they can maintain, and having no way of sup- porting themselves but by the fish which they take> (and which they are obliged to sell to their land- lords at a fixed price,) are often necessitated, either to go on board such merchant vessels as call in here, or to enter voluntarily into his Majesty's navy. In many places, three or four families are found on a farm which, thirty or forty years ago, was possessed only by one. Unmarried men have another inducement to en- ter into matrimony ; for when government requires a number of men for the Navy, the proprietors take good care to send off those who are unmar- ried. By these factitious regulations, the popula- tion has become superabundant, insomuch that the produce of the islands does not support their inhabitants more than seven or eight months in the year. 40 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. Before the proprietors of land became so deeply en- gaged in the fishing business, juvenile or premature marriages were, in these islands, looked on as next to a crime, because thereby the population might increase to such a degree as to become ruinous and oppressive to the whole community. For this rea- son, a regulation was made against marriage, un- less when the parties could produce evidence that they possessed L.40 Scots, or L.3, 6s. 8d. Sterling. This salutary law is now never enforced, to the great prejudice of the whole inhabitants. It is curious to observe how the principles of Mr. Mal- thus accommodate themselves to, and receive illus- tration from* the smallest societies.' The secluded inhabitants of these solitary isles are very unhealthy, and seem to complain of one general disorder, which is of a phthisical and scro- phulous nature, the cause of which evidently seems to be this : the men are exposed to intense cold at the fishing, where they remain twenty-four, thirty, and sometimes forty-eight hours in open boats ; get their feet wet : and when they come home have but very sorry cheer to accommodate themselves with ; nor is their daily employment sufficiently laborious to prove a healthful exercise. Hence proceed colds, coughs, phthisis pulmonalis, and every thing which VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 41 « renders the frame a complete nest of complicated disorders. The women above the common rank, lead a very sedentary life, and seldom appear out of doors, unless at church, which, probably on account of its great distance from them, they do not often visit. Besides, tea has found its way into these dreary regions, a constant use of which is the welU known enemy of those who lead sedentary lives, and do not take exercise sufficient to promote the neces- sary secretions. Hence come on relaxation of the solids, indigestion, flatulency, glandular obstruc- tions, hysterics, &c. None of the female sex here appeared so healthy, and blooming as those employed in cultivating the ground. During our stay here in both 1S06 and 1S07, I was asked to visit different sick patients, and found a private infirmary almost in every house. To some of those I hope I gave useful medicines ; to others I gave only some simples to satisfy them^ as I found they were fast hastening to that " bourn, whence no traveller returns.'" Medical advice and drugs are at a very exorbi- tant price here; and such cordials as wine, &c. can- not be procured for love or money. As the Captain was so charitable as to allow me to give medicines gratis, to such as were really objects of compassion, 42 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. I took nothing for my trouble in preparing them, or visiting the sick ; knowing, that if God should be pleased to make me an instrument in relieving the distressed, I would be more than amply repaid. April 3. Having got eight men at Balti Sound, we weighed anchor at ten A. M. and sailed out of the north entrance with a fine south-west breeze. For some days we had fine clear frosty weather, during which time no particular occurrence took place. On the 12th, at four P. M. we saw the long nar- row island of Jan Mayen, (so calkd from the name of its discoverer,) bearing north-east, and distant about ten leagues. It lies in about 71° N. Lat. and 8° 15' E. Long, from Ferro. Vid. Foister's Hist. Vay. to the North, p. 422.. This island was once, in honour of Prince Mau- rice of Nassau, called Mauritius Island in Green- land, to distinguish it from Mauritius island on the N. W. point of Spitzbergen. It stretches from N. E. to S. W. The north end rises into a high mountain called Beerenberg, from its being haunted by bears ; though its steepness renders it inaccessi- ble to man. A hundred yards from the shore the water is about sixty fathoms deep : but a little far- ther out no soundings have been found. The seas neighbouring to this island were former- VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 43 ly much frequented by whale fishers, (especially from 1611 to 1633,) but the whales are now sel- dom found here, having withdrawn to the ice, where they enjoy more security. The bears, sea-horses, and other voracious ma- rine animals, together with the foxes and carni- vorous birds, not finding so good a supply of whale carrion as usual, have also, in a great measure, de- serted the coast- On the land are still seen some vestiges of those temporary buildings where the fishers of that time boiled their blubber. But this practice of boiling blubber in the North has long since been discon- tinued, and is now performed on the return of the vessels to their respective ports. In 1633, seven sailors were left in Jan May en Island to winter; but on the 7th of June following they were all found dead, (chiefly of the scurvy,) by some people from Holland, who arrived there. It was evident that they had lived through the win- ter, as their journal was carried down to the 30th of April, soon after which they must have fallen vic- tims to disease. It is necessary to observe, that the Dutch at this period entertained hopes of being able to found some permanent establishments in the North, and that for this purpose men were sometimes left in 44 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. these islands, to make observations during the win- ter. The wretched fate that generally attended these adventurers, at last induced the States-Gene- ral totally to relinquish the attempt.. Hera we fell in with some streams of ice, which we went through in search of seals ; but of these we saw very few, and got none. Spoke a brig from Bergen. 15th, One sail in sight. On the 16th we were encountered by a violent storm from the north ; and after running, as near as we could calculate, about fifty leagues in a south-westerly direction, we were met by a great number of birds ; this clearly showed us to be at no great distance from land, and had we continued o J under the same course, we perhaps would soon have fallen in with Iceland ; here however, we lay-to under close reefed top-sails, till the weather mode- rated, and on the 17th we sailed in a north-east di- rection. The weather at this time was so hazy that we could not take an observation ; and after a gale, and lying-to, not much reliance can be placed on the reckoning by account. I may here remark that top-sails are now gene- jally reckoned the best sails for a ship to ly-to un- der. They are not exposed to accidents from be- calming in a heavy sea ; and, from their height, they have more power to steady the ship than a sail VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 45 of treble size nearer the deck ; top-sails used for ly- ins-to should be made of stouter canvass than usual. 22d, The Greenland fleet in sight. 23d, Eighteen sail in company. Lay-to about three quarters of an hour to get some fresh water ice, which is known from that of salt' water by its crystalline transparency, theother being very opaque. We occasionally brought large pieces of it on board in a boat, which were piled upon the deck to serve as water for the use of the men, and had also a hogs- head filled with it for the tea-water in the cabin. 24th, Several showers of snow. To-day we passed that solitary spot called Bear, or Cherry Island, in Lat. 74° 30' N. Long. 19° 5' E. The surface of this island is mountainous, craggy, and dreary in its aspect ; exhibiting in some places a scene of black, stupendous precipices ; and in others lofty eminences covered with snow. The ears of people approaching this island are incessantly assailed with the sounds of the impetu- ous waves dashing against the rugged shores ; the crashing collision of floating ice ; the discordant notes of innumerable birds ; the barking of arctic foxes ; the snorting of walruses*, and the dreadful rqaring of the polar bears. * These animals have been found here, lying huddled together, a thousand in a heap. 46 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. The currents near the island are remarkably rapid, which renders it impracticable to cast an- chor within two miles of it, where soundings can be had in twenty or thirty fathoms. Vid. Forster, p. 329. In 1604, this island was visited by a ship com- manded by Stephen Bennet, who, in this and many succeeding voyages, killed prodigious num- bers of sea-horses, or walruses. He discovered also abundance of lead ore under a mountain, (by him named Mount Misery, from its truly wretch- ed and forlorn appearance,) of which he brought upwards of thirty tons home to England. Here are also found coals of an excellent quality, and very fine virgin silver of different forms. Vid. Forster, p. 332. Near to Cherry Island is a small spot called Gull Island, on which were likewise found seve- ral veins of lead ore and coals. 25th, Clear weather and hard frost. 26th, Clear weather, and a considerable quan- tity of ice. 27th, Some snow ; ice increasing. 28th, At ten A. M. the ship was made fast to a large iceberg, the lowest part of which was about ten, and the highest forty feet from the VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEX. 47 surface of the water. Its circumference was con- siderable. These floating mountains of ice, to which Dutch navigators have given the name of Icebergs, and which are of all different magnitudes, are origi- nally formed on land. The sun, even in those high latitudes, has a considerable power in melt- ing the snow on the mountains, which, running down into the valleys, and again congealing, seg- ments frequently break off from the entire mass, and fall into the sea. The ice of which these floating masses are composed, is of various colours. The original fresh water ice is sometimes incrust- ed with that formed from the sea water, and this again is covered with new ice formed of fallen snow. The different positions of the spectator relatively to the incidental rays of light, varies likewise the seeming hue of the whole. In some parts it emulates the vividness of the emerald, and in others, the most beautiful sapphire. When the iceberg is totally composed of melted snow, which is sometimes but partly the case, the re- fraction of the solar rays is the most beautiful ; and the appearance of those floating mountains on the side opposite the sun, presents such a blaze of light, intermingled with different glowing tints, as totally to baffle description. 48 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. " Frost," says the eloquent Pennant, " sports with these icebergs, and gives them majestic as well as other singular forms. Masses have been seen, assuming the shape of a Gothic church with arched windows and doors, and all the rich dra- pery of that style, composed of what an Arabian tale would scarcely dare to relate, of crystal of the richest sapphirine blue ; tables with one or more feet ; and often immense fiat roofed temples, like those of Luxor on the Nile, supported by round transparent columns of cerulean hue, float by the astonished spectator." I have not unfrequently seen floating masses of ice which had evidently been formed of drifted snow, since they wanted the compactness and so- lidity of those formed by the melting of the snows. Many of these contained trees, and (as there are no trees in Spitzbergen) must have been origin- ally formed in the northern parts of Russia or America, and, being carried by the rapid rivers of these countries into the ocean, had drifted into these latitudes. These trees have often the appear- ance of being burnt at the ends ; and Olafsen mentions, that the violent friction which they fre- quently experience, occasionally sets them on fire, and exhibits the extraordinary phenomenon of flame and smoke issuing from this frozen ocean. — Malte-Bruv, tome v. 241. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 49 Between one and two o'clock this morning, I was much entertained by the sun darting his rays through the cabin windows. 30th, Cast off from the iceberg, and endeavour- ed to force our way through the ice in a northern direction, till it became so thick and close around us, that we were forced to make fast to another large iceberg, where a small part of the surface of the water was free from ice. May 1st, In the morning, about twelve or one o'clock, the Garland was put upon the main-top- gallant stay by the last married man, as is usual among the Greenland ships. It is formed by the crossing of three small hoops in the form of a globe, and is covered with ribbons, &c. The crew on this occasion blacken their faces with a mixture of grease and soot, and dance round the decks, their chief musical instruments being frying-pans, mess-kettles, fire-irons, &c. This rough mode of festivity they continued till the Captain ordered them a plentiful allowance of grog. After regaling themselves with the very acceptable donation of their commander, they washed themselves, and began to coil away the boat lines, and prepare for the fishing. In every boat there is a line, 720 fathoms long, to the end of which is fixed a harpoon about eight feet five D 50 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. inches long; the iron part is better than two feet long, and is extremely sharp. On each side of the point is placed a barb, or wither, diverging from the harpoon at an angle of nearly forty de- grees, to prevent the instrument from flinching and losing its hold. There are also several lan- ces, or spears, about six feet long, the points of which are about two inches broad : by these the whales are killed after being struck with the har- poons. A boat's crew consists of a harpooner, a boat- steerer, a line-manager, and three or four men, more or less, according to the size of the boat. 2d, Cast off, and made for a large iceberg, one mile to the east, to which we made fast, and were soon after closed in by the ice. This ice- berg was twenty feet high, and mostly composed of fresh water ice. We had not been above two hours in this situation before a strong gale clear- ed away the ice, and we discovered South Cape in Spitzbergen, bearing north-east, distant thirty miles. May 3d, Sailed for Charles Island on the west coast of Spitzbergen, the most southern part of which is in latitude 78°. We were much impeded in our course by ice, which, according to the Greenland phrase, was VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 51 very rank around us. The ship struck occasion- ally on masses of considerable size, to the no little surprise of those sailors who were making their first voyage hither. We had this day a piece of fresh beef cooked for dinner, which we brought from England ; it tasted as well, and was as full of juice as if newly killed : as did all the fowls which we got at Shetland : These were hung by the legs to a rope upon the quarter-deck ; but neither plucked nor gutted. Our eggs likewise preserved their good taste. This proves the an- tiseptic power of intense cold. 4th, Intense frost. Ice-bound, with several sail in company. 5th, Strong gales. Unhung the rudder. 6th, The ship towed through very rank ice, by four boats manned by half the crew. Ten sail in company. 7th, Made fast to an iceberg about seventy yards long and forty broad, and about twenty feet above the surface of the water. It was very much furrowed, and, from its great depth, drifted but little, while the lesser fragments of ice were driven past it at the rate of about two knots an hour. I had this day a complete proof of the fallacy of the opinion, which maintained that salt water d2 52 VOYAGE TO SPITZBEUGEN. did not freeze. All around the ship, ice was form- ed on the surface of the water ; I observed the spi- culae darting with considerable velocity, and in an immense variety of forms. This ice, when newly formed, is of a bay colour, and when it has attain- ed the thickness of window glass is called by the sailors, hay ice. It is rough on the surface, and opaque ; if the frost be not interrupted by a swell of the sea, or storm, the salt-water ice often extends to an immense distance. It is by the Greenland sailors termed afield, when of such extent that the eye cannot reach its bounds. The smaller frag- ments of salt-water ice are called seal mea- dows, and on them these animals often sport by hundreds. In storms large masses of ice are frequently pil- ed on each other, to a considerable height ; these are called packs, and often assume a very fantastic appearance. The grinding noise occasioned by the collision of those huge masses of ice against each other, and against the ship, not only fills the mind of the auditor with a degree of horror, but, for a considerable time, deprives him of the sense of hearing. Storms in those seas are so extremely danger- ous, that the most powerful pens could convey but a faint representation of their horrific sublimity. — VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 53 The fury of the ocean is but the least of the enemies the sailor has to contend with. If the ship, during a storm, should be encircled by ice, there is hardly a possibility of avoiding impend- ing fate. 8th, Discovered the south point of Prince Charles' Island, bearing east, distant six leagues. On the 11th, we made Fair Foreland, or Vogel Hook, the northern extremity of Charles 1 Island and on the 13th, we reached the southern extre- mity of the westernmost cape, forming Cross-bay in Spitzbergen, at a short distance from which, we were made fast to a large iceberg. Spitzbergen is a general appellation given to a vast assemblage of frozen islands, lying between South Cape, in 76° 30', and Verlegan Hook, in 80° 7' north latitude. Its greatest breadth is from the westernmost part of Mauritius, or Amsterdam Island, called Hackluyt's Headland, to the ex- treme east point of North-Eastland, comprising from 9° to nearly 24° east longitude. The inhospitable nature of this frozen climate has prevented Spitzbergen from being properly ex- plored. The best charts that have been published are extremely defective, and its larger divisions are but imperfectly defined. It could nowise interest the reader to peruse a dry catalogue of headlands or d3 54 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. straits ; and a few general observations may suf- fice to exhaust all that is interesting in its appear- ance. The general aspect of this gloomy and sterile country, affords a scene truly picturesque and sombre. The shores are rugged, bold and terrific, being in many places formed by lofty, black, inac- cessible rocks, some of which taper to exceedingly high points, and are altogether bare, and almost destitute of vegetation. The entire face of the country exhibits a wild, dreary landscape, of amaz- ingly high * sharp-pointed mountains, some of which rear their summits above the clouds, and are capped with strata of snow, probably coeval with the creation of the world. " So Zembla's rocks (the beauteous work of frost,) Rise white in air, and glitter o'er the coast : Pale suns, unfelt, at distance roll away, And on th' impassive ice the lightnings play ; Eternal snows, the growing mass supply, Till the bright mountains prop th' incumbent sky; As Atlas fix'd each hoary pile appears, The gather'd winter of a thousand years." • The altitude of one near the Black Point, south end, was found, by the megameter, to be 1503 yards. Phipps' Voyages, p. 87. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 55 The mountains of Spitzbergen have been observ- ed, by voyagers, to decline in altitude towards the east ; neither are the eastern mountains so black, steep, or naked, as those more to the west. This curious phenomenon is considered by some natura- lists as a general law of nature. The mountains here are totally composed of one entire and single mass of granite. The only fissures discovered in their vast extent, are formed by the intensity of the frost rending them assunder. They burst with a noise like thunder, and often huge fragments are torn from the summits, and rolled with great im- petuosity to the base. The glaciers are the most astonishing of ail the natural phenomena of this counti y. I only convey a faint representation of their iize and magnificence, to say, that they far surpassed those of Switzerland. Travellers who have been in both countries, declare there is no comparison between them. Perhaps the most proper method to form a just conception of their magnitude, is by considering the size of the icebergs, which, as previously stated, are fragments of them. One of these masses, according to Phipps, has been found grounded in twenty-four fathoms water, while it towered above the surface to the height of fifty feet. Almost every valley can boast of p4 56 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. its glacier, some of which vie with the moun- tains in height. They are occasionally hollow, and immense cascades of water are precipitated from them. The magnificence of this scene it is impossible to describe. The gloomy silence of the surround- ing country, the hoarse noise of the water dashing from an immense height, and the magnificent ef- fect produced by the reflection of the solar rays, form a tout ensemble which can only be faintly con- ceived. Though the mountains of Spitzbergen consist generally of rocks of primary formation, it is not altogether destitute of those of a later origin. Captain Phipps discovered several species of mar- ble, which dissolved readily in muriatic acid. On the east side of the country, potters' clay and gypsum have been found, and different specimens of talc, mica, and lapis olearis, are to be met with. Phipps did not perceive any me- tallic ores in this country, nor, as far as I know, have other voyagers discovered any. The inte- rior of the country, however, has been very little, if at all, explored, and it would therefore be wrong to conclude against their existence from this cir- cumstance, more especially as they are said to be found in Greenland. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 57 Solid as the rocks of this barren country are, their disintegration has gone on to a considerable extent. The combined effects of cataracts, formed of melted snow, of frosts, and tempests, are at once perceived in the quantity of grit, or coarse sand, worn down from the mountains. This sterile sub- stance, (the only thing among the rocks resem- bling soil,) is somewhat fertilized by the putrifled lichens, and dung of wild birds. No fountains, or springs of fresh water, are to be found here ; frost arrests the watery fluid in its course, and prevents it from ascending to the sur- face. The cascades falling from the glaciers, are solely formed of melted snow, and with this only the navigators can be supplied. This inhospitable climate is not entirely desti- tute of vegetation ; some plants are found, which brave the rigour of perpetual frost, and convey some faint representation of a more southern country. They are generally short, crabbed, and have a wretched appearance. The Salix herbacea, (dwarf willow,) the most vigorous of them all, scarcely rises two inches from the ground. Among the few herbs, the Cochlearia, (scurvy grass,) de- serves the first rank, as being the providential re- source of distempered seamen. Here are also found several species of Lichen, (liverwort,) Satcifraga, d5 58 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. Ranunculus, Bryum, and a few others, of little or no use in the medical world. On the west side of Spitzbergen there are some safe harbours and roads for ships. The sea near the shore is, for the most part, shallow, and the bottom rocky ; but it often suddenly deepens to some hundred fathoms, where the lead sinks in soft mud, and sometimes mixed with shells. In Smee- renberg, which has a sandy bottom, vessels may ride in thirteen fathoms water not far from the shore, where they are sheltered from all winds. The tide, from the number of islands through which it passes, flows very irregularly, in some places only three and four feet. Mr. Marten has affirmed, that the sun here, at midnight, appears with all the faintness of the moon ; but his assertion has not been corrobora- ted by the experience of subsequent voyagers. During my stay in this country, in 1806 and 1807, distinction between day and night was al- most completely lost. Any perceptible difference between the splendour and radiance of the mid-day and mid-night sun, in clear weather, (if these ex- pressions may be used,) arose only from a different degree of altitude. Some of our most experienced Greenland sailors, when called upon deck, have fre- quently asked me whether it was day or night ; VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 59 and I have often seen them obliged, even in clear sun-shine, to consult the quadrant on this head. I may add, that Captain Phipps has also contradicted Mr. Marten in the most positive manner. The temperature here is extremly fluctuating. Sometimes the heat is so great as to melt the pitch on the decks and cordage of the vessels, and in a few minutes after, succeed high winds, snow, and frost. The sky, even in calm and serene weather, is covered with dense white clouds, the repositories of the snow so often falling. The degree of heat experienced in these nor- thern latitudes being so much greater than is ex- perienced in the same latitudes in the southern hemisphere, is supposed to proceed from the greater quantity of land in the north reflecting the rays of the sun, which in the south are absorbed bv the ocean. Whatever hypothesis may be adduced to account for the greater temperature of the north, the fact itself is indisputable. Terra del Fuego, situated only in fifty-five degrees south latitude, is extremely cold ; and Captain Cook could not pene- trate farther than the seventy-first degree of lati- tude, a distance far short of what the Greenland ships are every year in the habit of sailing towards the other Pole. d6 60 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. Thunder and lightning are unknown at Spitz- bergen, or at least are extremely rare. Forster supposes that the electric exhalations in a coun- try so much covered with snow must be very few, and these so much consumed by the frequency of the Aurora Borealis, that theare is never collected at one time a quantity of fluid sufficient to produce thunder and lightning. That luminous appear- ance, so often observed during a storm in this coun- try, he alleges to be the effect of volcanic eruptions ; though this, I confess, seems to me extremely problematical. Vid. Forster's Hist Voyages, p. 486. There is a great diversity among the accounts given by different travellers, of the forms assumed by the new fallen snow in this country. During hard frost, I always observed that the flakes closely resembled an asterisk with six points. As the temperature varied, their appearance was changed, which may, perhaps, serve to explain the differences alluded to. The one summer day of Spitzbergen continues from about the middle of May to the middle of Oc- tober, when the sun bids a long adieu to this north- ern region. The horrors of winter are discovered, not alleviated, by the splendour of the Aurora Bo~ realis, and the pale lustre of the moon. TOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 61 Here, says the energetic Thomson, — " Here winter holds his unrejoicing court ; And through his airy hall the loud misrule Of driving tempest is for ever heard ; Here the grim tyrant meditates his wrath, Here arms his winds with all subduing frost ; Moulds his fierce hail, and treasures up his snows, With which he now oppresses half the globe." Spitzbergen has no settled inhabitants. It is, however, resorted to by parties of Russians, who, in turn, continue there throughout the year for the purpose of hunting, which they practise in all wea- thers. These hardy adventurers have erected huts adjacent to several of the harbours and bays, and are well provided with fuel, from the immense quan- tities of drifted wood that is every where to be found in the different creeks. Archangel supplies them with dried fish, rye-meal, and an abundant supply of whey, similar to, if not made in the same man- ner, as the Shetland beverage. This last consti- tutes their chief drink, and is likewise used in bak- ing their bread. Their beds are principally com- posed of skins of the animals which they kill, and of these they also make garments, which they wear with the fur side next their bodies. The walrusses and seals afford them a plentiful store of their favourite delicacy, train-oil, and the bears, deers, 62 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGENT. and foxes, fall frequent victims to the dexterity of these excellent marksmen. They are at liberty to return to their native country towards the latter end of September, if not relieved by a fresh party be- fore that time. Some of these Arctic hunters came on board our ship, and when set down to meat, they preferred a mess of biscuit and whale oil to all the dainties placed before them. Of this coarse re- past they ate with a sufficiently healthful appetite, and in their own language pronounced it good. They had the complexion of Siberians, and were dressed in bear and deer skins. They had an ath- letic and vigorous appearance, though somewhat stiffened and cramped by the extreme cold to which they are exposed. During the time they were on board, and particularly while at meat, they behaved with a decorum and gentleness which could hardly be expected from their grotesque appearance : and the neatness of their fowling-pieces, boat-tackling, &c manifested a taste and ingenuity of which the inhabitants of a more refined country need not be ashamed. The zoology is the only remaining subject of importance in the description of this country to be here considered. After giving an account of the bear, deer, and fox, I shall notice the seal and VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 63 walrus, and conclude with describing a few of the birds. Afterwards I shall give a short history of its discovery ; and then pursue the account of our voyage. The Ursus tnaritimus, or Polar bear, may with great propriety be termed the sovereign of the land animals of Spitzbergen, or even of the Arctic circle. Unlike the lion of Africa, his dominion is not con- fined solely to the land ; for, by means of the ice, he extends his ravages far from any continent, and dis- putes the supremacy of the ocean with the walrus himself, even in his own element! Here, says the poet just quoted, -" The shapeless bear, With dangling ice all horrid, stalks forlorn ; Slow pac'd, and sourer as the storms increase, He makes his bed beneath the inclement drift, And, with stern patience, scorning weak complaint, Hardens his heart against assailing want." The Polar bear is the largest of the species, and has frequently been found of an immense size. Barentz killed one thirteen feet in length, and it is asserted they have been found of a much larger size, but not on equally good authority. The one which Captain Phipps describes was only seven feet one inch long, and the largest we got on board did not exceed seven feet six inches ; though 64 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. we killed one apparently much larger, but a gale coming on, we were obliged to bear away, and leave it on the ice. The hair of this species is very long, woolly, and of a yellowish white colour. Its teeth lock into each other like those of a rat-trap, and are so remarkably strong and sharp, that it has been known to shiver lances made of steel. Its head is small, and a good deal elongated; nose black, and without hair ; ears short, erect, and rounded ; neck slender. Its limbs are of a vast thickness, and each foot is armed with five exceedingly strong black claws. The carcass of the one mentioned by Captain Phipps, though without the skin, head, and entrails, weighed 610 lbs. The flesh is white, and though of a coarse texture, is prized by some as equally delicious with mutton, especially when boiled ; for when roasted it is of an oily taste. The liver, it would seem, is of a poisonous nature, as some Dutch sailors who ate part of one were taken so extremely ill, that, after recovering, the skin all over their bodies fell off in scales. The fat makes good train oil, and that which is procured from the feet is sometimes used in medi- cine, and is commonly known by the name of bear's grease. In some upwards of a hundred pounds ef VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 65 fat has been got ; and Captain Fox is said to have killed one which yielded forty-eight gallons of oil. Forster's Hist. Voy. p. 363. The skins are imported into Britain, chiefly for covering coach-boxes. In Greenland the inhabi- tants use the flesh and fat as food ; and of the skins they make seats, boots, shoes, and gloves ; the ten- dinous parts they split into fibres for the purpose of sewincr.* The food of the Polar bears consists chiefly of fish, of seals which they seize when sleeping, and the carcasses of whales, walrusses, &c. so often found floating in the northern seas. On land they prey on the rein-deers, young birds, and eggs ; and sometimes lay hold of the Arctic fox, notwithstanding all his stratagems in order to escape. Some naturalists have maintained that the Polar bear chiefly delighted in human flesh ; this, however, is expressly contradicted by Fa- bricius, who, from his long residence in Green- land, must be allowed to be unexceptionable authority. It will not prey on man, says he, un- less pressed by hunger, and it deserves to be mentioned, that the Greenlanders feign themselves dead when they wish to avoid the pursuit. It • Fab. Faun. Groenland. edit. ] 780, p. 24-, 66 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. cannot, however, be denied, that, when attacked, or hungry, they are extremely dangerous to man. Many well authenticated instances are to be met with of the courage with which they have attack- ed the crews of boats, or even of ships. The fol- lowing is one of the many : " A few years since, the crew of a boat belonging to a ship in the whale fishery, shot at a bear at a short distance, and wounded it. The animal immediately set up the most dreadful yells, and ran along the ice towards the boat. Before it reached it, a second shot was fired, and hit it. This served to in- crease its fury. It presently swam to the boat; and in attempting to get on board, reached its fore foot upon the gunwale ; but one of the crew having a hatchet, cut it off. The animal still however, continued to swim after them, till they arrived at the ship, and several shots were fired at it, which also took effect ; but on reaching the ship it immediately ascended the deck ; and the crew having fled into the shrouds, it was pursuing them thither, when a shot from one of them laid it dead upon the deck." Vid. Bewick's Hist. Quadrup. 6th edit. p. 296. The walrus is the most dangerous enemy the bear has to contend with, and his immense tusks VOYAGE TO SPITZBEItGEN. 67 often give him a decided superiority. What the bear, however, wants in strength, he supplies by cunning, as he takes huge fragments of ice in his paws, and, dashing them against the head of the walrus, attacks and kills him after he is stunned by these blows. The one and the other often fall in this desperate fray.* According to Fabricius, their time of parturi- tion is in the winter, and their number of young at a birth seldom exceeds two. At this period, if on land, they make large dens in the snow ; but thev frequently bring forth in some of those vast caverns, so often found in the huge masses of pack- ed ice. Their attachment to their offspring is re- markably great. When mortally wounded, they will take their little cubs under their paws, em- brace, and bemoan them with their latest breath. Polar bears are equally at home by land and by sea, where they swim with great strength and agility ; they also dive, but cannot remain long under water. As if impatient of rest, they are fre- quently seen passing from one island of ice to an- other, and are often met with at a great distance from land. They are frequently drifted into Ice- land and Norway, where, from the extreme hunger * Fabr. loc. cit. 68 VOYAGE TO SriTZBERGEN. they suffer in their passage thither, they make dreadful ravages among the cattle, but are soon dis- patched by the inhabitants, who rise in a body as soon as they learn that one of them has approached their shores. The government of Iceland encou- rages the destruction of these animals, by paying a premium of ten dollars for every bear that is kill- ed. That these animals are possessed of consider- able sagacity is evident from the account we have given of their combats with the walrus, and may be farther elucidated by the following fact :— The Captain wounded one in the side, and im- mediately the animal, as if conscious of the styptic nature of snow, covered the wound with it, and made off. We did not perceive any blood in its tract. The sight of the bear is rather defective, but its senses of smelling and hearing are very acute, and compensate for any feebleness in the other. Some writers have affirmed that Polar bears lie in a state of torpor through the long winter night, and appear only with the return of the sun ; but this is denied by Fabricius, who says, they are equal- ly on the hunt summer and winter.* " Tarn brumali, quam ucstivo tempore occurrit extra praedans. Fab. loc. eit. VOYAGE TO SPITZBEItGEN. 69 The Cervus tarandus, or rein-deer, comes next in order. This useful and beautiful animal is found in every part of Spitzbergen. It has long, slender, branched horns, bending forwards, and palmated at the top, and broad palmated brow antlers. Its body is thick, and rather square ; tail short ; legs not so long as those of a stag ; hoofs large, concave, and deeply cloven ; hair very thick, and under the neck long and pendent : before the first coat is shed it is of a dark cinereous colour, but af- ter that period it changes to white, except a large space round each eye, which is always black.* Some rein-deer are four feet six inches high ; and a pair of their horns has been found which were three feet nine inches long, two feet six inches from tip to tip, and weighed nine pounds and three quarters. The horns of the females are less than those of the male, and not altogether of the same form. She has six teats, four of which only give milk. The principal food of the rein-deer is the lichen (or liverwort) which it frequently raises from below great depths of snow by means of its feet and antlers. The female goes about eight months with * Hieme eiiam barbam albam, ut hircus habet. Fab. de Cerv. Tarand. 6 70 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. young, and seldom brings forth more than one at a time. Her attachment to her offspring is remark- ably strong. The rein-deer species do not bound, but run with an even pace, and with considerable rapidi- ty ; in running, they make a clattering noise with their hoofs. They swim very well, crossing in their way narrow arms of- the sea. Their senses of smelling and hearing are extremely acute ; and it has been observed, that they are more cautious when in flocks, than when living in a solitary man- ner. The camel is not more useful to the Arabians, than the rein-deer to the Laplanders, and nor- thern Asiatics ; it, in fact, constitutes their whole riches ; and on this valuable animal they may be said entirely to depend. An attention to rearing and preserving them, forms the sole business of their lives, and to that alone their agricultural economy is confined. " The rein-deer forms their riches. These, their tents, Their robes, their beds, and all their homely wealth, Supply their wholesome fare, and cheerful cups : Obsequious at their call, the docile tribe Yield to the sled their necks, and whirl them swift O'er hill and dale, heap'd into one expanse Of marbled snow, as far as eye can sweep, With a blue crust of ice unbounded glaz'd." VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 71 The Canis lagopus, or Arctic fox, is found in all parts of Spitzbergen. Its nose is sharp and black; eyes black, with yellow iris; ears short, erect, round, and almost hidden in the fur ; legs short, with the toes furred like those of a hare ; tail long and bushy. The male is generally lar- ger than the female ; but neither reach the size of the common British fox. In summer, its hair is of a greyish colour, which in winter changes to white, when it also becomes longer, softer, and a good deal thicker than it is in the former pe- riod. The Arctic fox is monogamous, and brings forth twice a year, in the months of March and June. It has several pups at a time. This species feeds chiefly on young water fowl and eggs, and when very hungry, will eat any kind of shell or other fish. In the northern parts of Asia, and in Lapland, they prey on the leming, or Lap- land marmont, (Mus Alpinus*) which are often seen there in surprising numbers. They generally burrow in the ground, but in Spitzbergen and Greenland, where the intensity of the frost renders this impracticable, they lie in caverns, and in the cliffs of rocks, two or three together. They are so remarkably hardy, that the most rigorous severity of winter in these regions, 72 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. never stops their search of prey. They are ex- cellent swimmers, and are often seen passing from one island to another, especially at the time when bird-nests are to be found. Some zoologists have affirmed, that they are harmless, simple, and easi- ly taken ; but Fabricius assures us that they pos- sess all the wildness and cunning of the vtdpes, or fox of these kingdoms. Fabricius says, the Arc- tic fox has three different kinds of voices*. Its smell is not so fetid as that of the common fox. Its flesh is not only eaten by the Greenlanders, but some voyagers have esteemed it as being good food. Vid. Phipps, p. 184. Their skins are of little value in traffic, espe- cially the white furred ones, as the fur easily comes off. It was formerly supposed that there were two species of Arctic foxes, but this is denied by Fabri- cius on very satisfactory grounds. These three quadrupeds constitute the entire of that great division of animals which belong to Spitzbergen. In warmer climes, the species are more numerous ; but the individual animals do not there seem to possess more vigour or anima- * Vocem hahct triplicem : esi/rienlis e.julando : colrc volenti cla- mando, perklitanlis murmurando. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 73 tion than these are imbued with. The climate of Spitzbergen being an extreme of cold, the ani- mals of a more genial country cannot exist there. These species are indigenous to the regions of frost ; cold is their element, and in it alone they thrive. The amphibious animals come next in order ; and as the accounts of them, given by different voyagers and naturalists are extremely confused, I have been more circumstantial than would other- wise have been necessary. The Phocce* are the most numerous class of animals which frequent Spitzbergen, where they are found in vast numbers. Though the specific characters of each particular tribe are distinctly marked, their general resemblance is, upon the whole,* so very striking, that the following obser- vations may be applied to them all indiscrimi- nately. In the scale of nature, the Phocae hold an intermediate station between amphibia and perfect fish ; but nearer the latter than the for- mer. The organization of other amphibious ani- mals, such as the beaver, castor, otter, &c. fits them better for living on the land than the water. In this genus the contrary takes place. The arms * Under this general appellation, I include the seal, walrus or morse, dugon, &c. E 74 VOYAGE TO SriTZBEKGEN. and legs of the Phocae, (if we may employ these terms,) are wholly enveloped in the flesh of the animal, the hands and feet being alone protruded ; these too are webbed, and are instruments evidently more calculated for swimming than moving on land. This unaptness of organization is strongly dis- played in the painful motion of the animal, which, from the shortness of its legs, has to rest at every step on its belly, until it prepares for a new advance. Its agility, considering these defects, is indeed as- tonishing, and is certainly the effect of great exer- tion. The eloquent and ingenious Buffon was of opinion that the Phocae approached to fish by a still more decisive criterion. " They are the only animals," says he, " which have thejbramen ovale open, and which can therefore live without respiring, and to whom water is as proper and suitable an element as air." Theoretic views appear to have here led this excellent writer into an error, as it is now well known that the Phocag cannot remain long in the water without coming to the surface to breathe. The Phoca vitulina, by the English termedseal, and by the French, phoque, is the most common species of those animals in the north, and is dis- VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 75 persed with some variety throughout the rest of the ocean. Its head is large and flat ; the teeth strong, and so sharp that I have seen it bite in two the handspikes with which the men were at- tempting to kill it ; the tongue is forked ; and it is well furnished with whiskers around the mouth ; has almost no external appearance of ears, but merely an aperture to convey the sound to the sensorium; the eyes are small, and have a haggard appearance; the neck thickens as it approaches the shoulder, the thickest part of the animal ; from whence the body gradually tapers in a cy- lindrical form, to the extremity, where the hind legs are placed, between which is a very short tail ; the fore paws consist of five fingers, joined together by a membrane, and furnished with very strong cylindrical nails ; the hind paws are formed in the same way, except that the fingers are longer than in the fore paws, and that the shortest of them are in the middle, and the longest on the outside of the paw. The length of an ordinary full grown seal is about seven or eight feet ; and its thickness at the shoulder four or five. It is covered with short coarse thick hair, which varies in its colour with the different ages of the animal. The flesh of the seal is of a reddish colour, and is, by the Greenlanders, accounted excellent food. e 2 76 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. Our sailors esteemed the entrails of a young one which they dressed, as equal to those of a hog. A seal will yield about twelve or fourteen gallons of good oil ; their skins are very valuable, serving for covers to trunks, vests, &c. and are now used to a vcvy considerable extent in the manufactureof shoes. The Greenlanders, who depend almost entirely for subsistence on this animal, make their boots, and other articles of dress, as well as the inside of their huts, of its skim The seal is a gregarious and polygamous ani- mal. It is never met with at a great distance from land, but frequents the bays and seas adja- cent to the shore. It feeds promiscuously on most sorts of small fish, but chiefly on the spawn of the salmon. Fabricius differs from both BufFon and Pennant in asserting, that the seal brings forth but one at a time, while they maintain that it brings forth two.* At the time of parturition, it eomes on shore, and suckles its young there for about six weeks before it takes them to the water, where it instructs them in swimming. Though naturally timid, the female defends her young with great boldness and spirit ; on other occasions they generally place their safety * Perhaps Pliny has hit the truth, « Parit nunquam geminis pteres." Nat. Hist. lib. 9. § 13. VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 77 in flight ; but I have sometimes seen them throw back stones and pieces of ice on the sailors who pur- sued them. Seals delight to lie upon the ice, or on the shore, exposed to the sun*; they there sleep very pro- foundly, and' fall an easy prey to the sailors, who dispatch them by a blow on the nose. Their voice has been not unaptly compared by Buffbn to the barking of a hoarse dog ; when at- tacked, they make a more doleful kind of noise. Pliny expressly states this animal to be of a do- cile and tractable nature, and in this he is sup- ported by the more enlarged experience of mo- dern times. The seal described by Dr. Parsons -f* was taught to come out of his tub, and return to the water at the command of its keeper, to stretch out its neck to kiss him, and to perform several other motions. Seals have a very delicate sense of hearing, and are very much delighted with music. The Cap- tain's son, who was a good performer on the violin, never failed to have a numerous auditory, when •we were in the seas frequented by those animals ; and I have seen them follow the ship for miles when any person was playing on deck. This fact was observed * Sternunt se somno diversw in lilt&re Phocce. Georg. lib. 4. -fr Pennant's Quadrupeds, vol. ii. p. 272. E 3 78 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. by the ancient poets*, and is thus alluded to by Sir Walter Scott, in one of his poems : «« Rude Heiskar's seals, through surges dark, Will long pursue the minstrel's bark." These animals, in swimming, constantly keep the head, and often the whole body, as far as the shoulder, above the surface of the water. The first I saw was at a considerable distance, and might easily have been mistaken for a man, though it was much liker a dog. Buft'on has already remarked, that this animal had given a foundation to the poetic fiction of the Nereids in antiquity ; and perhaps we may add, to the no less fictitious mermaids of modern times. The Arctic walrus, or Trichechus rosmarus of Linnaeus, the other great variety of the Phocse, fre- quents the bays and shores of Spitzbergen in vast numbers, though they are not now found in such quantities as when the Europeans first navigated these seas. The walrus is considerably larger than the seal, being sometimes found eighteen feet long, and twelve round, where thickest+. Their charac- * Apol. Rliod. lib. 1. Vol. Flac. lib. 5: lin. 440. Gaudebant armine Phocae. f The largest we caught was only thirteen feet long and seven rouud. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 79 teristic difference, however, consists in the walrus having two very large tusks, or horns, like the ele- phant's, projecting from his upper jaw. These are sometimes found of an extraordinary size, from two to three feet in length, and weighing twenty pounds. The tusks of the Spitzbergen walrus seldom attain this size, because there the animal is generally kill- ed before attaining its full growth. It is only on the northern coast of Asiatic Russia, or where they are not molested by hunters, that such tusks are found. With the exception of the tusks, the form of the walrus does not differ materially from that of the seal. Head round, with a short nose; mouth small, with strong bristles ; small red eyes ; short neck ; colour variable ; rest of the body similar to the seal ; but its toes, especially in the hind feet, are much stronger. The walrus is monogamous but in other re- spects its habits are nearly the same with those of the seal. It brings forth its young in the same manner, preys on the same kinds of fish, and, like the seal, ascends the ice, (more rarely the land,) to bask in the sun. The walrus is a very valuable animal, yielding frequently half a tun of oil, equally valuable with that of the whale. The tusks are said to be more E 4 80 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN, valuable than those of the elephant, as being more compact and hard, and consequently taking a finer polish : the skin, which is nearly an inch thick, is used to cover the masts or yards of ships, where they cross each other, to prevent their being injur- ed by the friction. It was formerly cut into ropes ; and Buffon mentions its being used at Paris in the springs of carriages. The walrus becomes very furious when attack- ed, and the whole herd join to revenge any injury an individual may have received. If wounded in the water, they will sometimes surround the boat, and attempt to sink her, by striking their tusks against her sides and bottom. Their combats with the bear, their most dangerous enemy among the lower animals, have been already described.* The water and air round Spitzbergen abound more with inhabitants than the land ; the fish are perhaps not more numerous than the birds, which are there seen in thousands : of these I shall only describe a few of the most curious species. The Procellaria glacialis or Mallemukke of the Dutch, is found in very great abundance in the * This account is comformable to that given by the greatest number of writers, but Fabricius seems to be of a different opi. nion as to the ferocity of the walrus. " Improviso vulneratus itu feslat ; venators autcm prccviso fugit" Faun. Groenl. p. 5. VOYAGE TO SPITZJBERGEN. 81 seas of Spitzbergen, especially in the whale-fishing season. — Bill yellow and strong; neck, tail, and under part of the body, white ; back, and coverts of the wings, ash ; primaries dusky ; legs straw- colour. The bird is carnivorous, and feeds on the blub?- ber of cetaceous fish, and on other dead carcasses floating in the sea. They are often seen follow- ing whales, especially wounded ones, on whom they pounce at every time of their rising to breathe, and tear the blubber from their back. As soon as the carcass of a whale is sent adrift after the blubber is taken off', it is covered over with these voracious birds, who then make a loud worrying noise. When a fish is alongside the ship, they surround it in vast numbers, and are so eager of their prey, that they suffer themselves to be caught with the hand, and may be knocked down easily by those on the whale, or in the boats. Though extremely fetid, the Greenlanders ac- count the flesh of the Mallemukke good food, and eat it either raw or dressed. The fat they burn in lamps. When caught, the Mallemukke not only, at- tacks with its bill, but spurts the blubber out of its mouth and nostrils in the face of its captor, e 5, C2 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. Their flight is a kind of race along the surface of the water. They build their nests on rugged precipices, and at other times seldom come to land. Larus parasiticus, or Artie Gull. Bill dusky, and much curved at the end ; crown black ; back, wings, and tail, dusky ; the rest white. The two middle feathers of the tail are three or four inches longer than the rest. The female is altogether brown. Length about fourteen inches. The Artie gull lives almost solely on the fish taken by other birds ; to obtain which, it follows and harasses them till they either drop their prey, or vomit with fear ; it then devours the residue be- fore it falls into the sea. * The Artie gull is fre- quently taken sleeping on the water. Anas Tnollissima, or Eider Duck, is sometimes found on the coast of Spitzbergen in vast numbers, especially in winter. Bill black, and somewhat elevated; from the forehead, which is a glossy black, extends a dark purple stripe beyond each eye : neck, body, and tail, a mixture of black and white ; legs green. The body of the female is mostly of an iron colour, striped with black ; tail of an ash hue. * Faun. Grocnl. p. 101. VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 83 This species is about twice the size of the com- mon domesticated duck, and its body is covered over with a thick coat of valuable down. Colymbus glacialis, or Great Northern Diver. Head and neck black ; throat and hind part of the neck marked with a semilunar spot of white, and with white streaks, varied with white spots ; upper part of the body and wings black, varied with white spots ; tail duskish ; legs black. Some of them are found three feet five inches long, and weigh sixteen lbs. It makes its nest in the most remote parts of the North, in the islets of fresh water lakes. Each pair possesses a lake. Its sight is keen, flies well, and, darting obliquely, drops safely into its nest. When pursued, it saves itself by diving ; but when it has young ones, it does not make its escape, but strives to beat off its enemy with its bill. Emberiza nivalis, or Snow Bunting, is found in vast numbers at Spitzbergen, and as it is grami- nivorous, its frequenting a country so ill provided with vegetables, has justly been regarded as a very surprising phenomenon. It is not a large bird, and its colour varies with the season of the year. As it does not seem necessarv to notice the few insects which belong to Spitzbergen, some short account of its discovery is all that now remains for us to treat of regarding it. 84 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. The progress of discovery towards the North has been extremely slow. The ancients possess- ed no accurate knowledge of the countries north tif the Rhine, though they made voyages a con- siderable way beyond that barrier. The accounts of the Hyperborei, as given by Pomponius Mela and Pliny, two geographical writers of great repu- tation, are perfectly fabulous, and afford an in- controvertible proof of the total ignorance they were in respecting the country they pretended to describe. During the long period of the decline and fall of the Roman empire, the desire of dis- covering foreign countries, like other liberal pur- suits, had totally subsided. In the fifteenth cen- tury, however, men awakened from their lethargy, and the voyages of Columbus and Vasco de Gama constitute one of the most important epochs in the history of the human race. The spirit of ad- venture was aroused, and voyagers boldly ven- tured into hitherto unexplored seas. The English and Dutch navigators of the sixteenth century, en- vying the glory and wealth acquired by the Portu- guese in their voyages to India by the Cape of Good Hope, were seized with the same spirit of adventure, and were fired with the hopes of open- ing a new route to those regions, by sailing round the north of Europe and Asia. Though these ex- VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 85 pectations were disappointed, yet to this stimulus the great discoveries made in the North are to be principally ascribed. The honour of the discovery of Spitzbergen has been long contested between the English and the Dutch. The former claim it from Sir Hugh Wil- loughby's pretended view of it in 1553 ; but the land seen by him being in latitude 12°, could not be any part of Spitzbergen, which extends no far- ther south than 76° 30'. Some writers have sup- posed, that if what Sir Hugh saw was not a fog bank, it must have been either the island of Jan Mayen, or some part of Greenland ; while others allege, that it was either Nova Zembla, or the island of Kolgow. The English historians have likewise honoured Stephen Burrows with the title of second discoverer of this country in 155G, though he never advanced farther in these seas than the latitude of 70° 4?/. The priority of this discovery indubitably belongs to the Dutch, who, under the pilotage of William Barentz, in 1596', not only discovered, but landed on some of the northernmost islands (in lat. 80°) by them named Spitzbergen, or. Sharp Mountains. Barentz, as already observed, in the same voyage discovered Cherry Island, which was by him called Bear Island ; but changed its appellation in 1603, 6 86 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. when it was discovered by a ship belonging to Sir Francis Cherry of London. The English began the whale fishery at Spitz- bergen immediately after its discovery by Barentz. The nation soon became sensible of the advantages to be derived from this trade, and Parliament gave premiums to the different adventurers. They had a formidable rival to contend with in the Dutch, who long were successful competitors with the Eng- lish in this traffic*. In Spitzbergen as well as in Jan Mayen, sailors have been frequently left till winter, from the same motives, and have generally met with the same fate ; some, however, have been more fortunate, and have braved all the rigours of this inhospitable cli- mate. In 1630, eight Englishmen were left here by accident, and, overcoming all the difficulties they were exposed to, by their ingenuity, were next summer found in good health. In 1743, four Russians were left here, and were not relieved till 1749, when three of the number were found alive, who had exhausted, as Pennant observes, all the ingenious contrivances related of Robinson Crusoe, It is now time to continue the account of there- • The Dutch, in the space of forty-six years caught 32,900 whales, the oil and whalebone of which sold for about£15,800,00(K' Malte Brun, torn. v. 298. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 87 mainder of our voyage, together with the whale-fish- ing, the great object for which voyages are made to this country. Having made fast to an Iceberg on the ltith, as before remarked, near the south-west promontory of Cross Bay, we continued in that situation during the 14th, making all the necessary preparations for the fishing, and on the 15th we sailed about ten leagues from the shore in a westerly direction, mak- ing about one point towards the south. It blew this day a brisk gale from the east, which was in- tolerably cold ; the wind at that time passes over large fields of ice, and in that climate, is compa- ratively as noxious as it is in Britain. During a fresh easterly breeze, I have found the cold in the cabin so intense, that, notwithstanding we had a good fire and warm clothing, I have been obliged to put on furred gloves to enable me to hold a book. We this day killed several seals, and might have got many more, but they are not of much use un- less the vessel ba fitted out for their fishing only. This day we made fast to a large iceberg, and the latitude, by observation, was nearly 79°. 16th, We were almost encompassed by ice, and remained in the same situation as before. 17th, Remarkably warm. The men were forced to, strip in warping the ship, sallying, &c. In 88 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. warping, the men move from side to side in the: boats, to break the bay ice, and in sallying, they run from the one side of the vessel to the other,, according to the motion, and the command of the person who takes the lead ; this facilitates the mo- tion of the ship through the ice. The thermome- ter this day stood at 41° in the cabin without' fire. Being exposed to the sun on deck, it got up to 66°, where it remained stationary. On being hung in. the shade,, it fell to the freezing point. 18th, Continued forcing our way slowly through- bay ice ; almost no wind. In sultry days, and, in* deed, in all weathers, navigators are much harass- ed in those seas by the fogs ; they, however, chiefly: occur towards the latter end of. summer. They are excessively dense, and at a distance are frequent- ly mistaken for land. In winter, when the cold, is intense, a vapour called fog smoke frequently arises from the chinks of the ice, which is so acrid, as to excoriate the face and hands of those who approach it. We this day observed a. fog bank, a little to the north-east, which at first we mistook. for Hackluyt's Headland, from which, however, we were then at a considerable distance. Thft edges of these fog banks are so weil defined, that VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 89 the most experienced sailors often fall into such, mistakes. 20th, Latitude by observation 79° 50'. Sea clear of ice, with a smart easterly breeze. In this parallel of latitude we ran 12° to the west in eigh- teen hours. This will not appear surprising on considering that a degree of longitude in this pa- rallel is little more than ten miles. 21st, Fell in with a dead fish. This whale had been killed for a considerable time, and was en- tirely covered with Mallemukkes,, and other vo- racious birds. At a distance it resembled a float- ing mass of feathers, but on our approaching it, we were almost stunned by the quarelling noise of these Harpies. We brought it alongside and stripped it of its remaining blubber. 22d, After having stripped off the blubber, we sailed north-east ; the sea. was clear of ice,, and the weather serene. A distant view of the ice- bergs reflecting the rays of the sun, added an in- expressible beauty and grandeur to the scene. They had all the appearance of illuminated Gothic castles, and realized the magnificence of fairy scenes. 23d, Killed a large whale. This animal, the largest with which men are as yet acquainted, is of that genus of fish termed cetaceous. Some classi- 90 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. fiers of animals, because the cetaceous fish breathe by lungs, and not gills, and because they suckle their young, have, by a learned and laughable ab- surdity, ranked them among quadrupeds. It is needless, however, to say, that they want the distin- guishing and decisive characteristics of quadrupeds;: and hence, though they may correspond with them in some respects, they should assuredly be held to be of a different race. The common whale, called by Linnaeus Balaz- na mysticetuS) has, it is affirmed, been sometimes found 160 feet long. In the seas of Spitzbergen and Greenland, however, whales now seldom reach 70 feet, being generally killed before they arrive at full growth. Head of a- triangular shape, and nearly one-third of the size of the fish ; under-lip much broader than the upper. Have no teeth, but merely laminae in the upper jaw, similar to those found in the bill of a duck, but more closely set together, and of a black colour. Tongue, in ordinary sized whales, about IS or 20 feet long ; consists of a soft spongy fat, and fre- quently yields five or six barrels of oil. That article in commerce, commonly known by the name of zvhalebone, is found adhering to the up- per jaw, in thin parallel laminas, usually measur- ing from 3 to 10 or 12 feet in length ; of these • VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 91 there are generally 200 on each side, which are fit for use. The breadth of the largest, at the thick end, where they are attached to the jaw, is about a foot. When the longest of these la- minae measures six feet, the whale is called a pay- able or size fish ; for every one of which that is caught, the captain generally gets three guineas, the surgeon one, the carpenter one, &c The whalebone is covered with long hair like that of a horse, which not only preserves the tongue from being hurt, but prevents their food from being returned when they eject the water from their mouths. The throat is not more than three or four inches wide ; eyes and ears small. In the middle of the head are two orifices, commonly called bloio holes, through which they eject water to a great height. No dorsal fin ; a large one un- der each eye. Body tapers gradually towards the tail, which is often above twenty feet broad, semi- lunar, and horizontal in respect to the body. Female larger than the male ; her teats placed in the lower part of the belly. The colour of the whale varies with its age ; the back of some being black, of others black and white, and some are all white ; under jaw and belly generally white, whatever may be their age. Some 92 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. old whales have a broad white strip over their back down to the belly. Their skin is smooth, lubricated, and about one inch thick. I haxl a book bound with some of the epidermis, or scarf-skin, which I brought home, but it did not altogether answer the pur- pose. Their bodies, immediately under the skin, are covered with a layer of fat, called blubber, from 12 to 1 S inches thick in large fish. This, in young whales, resembles hog's lard ; but in old ones it is of a reddish colour. A large whale will produce 12, 20, and sometimes 25 tuns of oil, which now sells at from £30 to £40 per tun. Mr. Scoresby, jun. in a description of the Balaena mysticetus, published in the memoirs of the Wer- nerian Society of Edinburgh, gives the following table of the ordinary quantity of oil produced from whales of different sizes of bones : Bone in feet. I . . Oil in tuns. Bone in feet., 7 . . Oil in tuns . . . 7 2 . . 8 . . . . . 9 ... 34 ... 4 . . . . . 11 4 . . 11 . . . . . 13 5 . . ... 4' . . . 16 6 . . 12 . . ucker," Mr. Dunff, freque . 20 " The serves, " blubber of a s when very y< Scoresby ob- ntly contains VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. 93 little or no oil, but only a kind of milky fluid ; in which case, when the animal is deprived of life, the body sinks to the bottom, as also does the blubber when separated from it ; while the body and blubber of larger individuals always swim. Though the preceding statement be exceedingly near the truth, yet exceptions occur ; for I have known a whale of 2| feet bone produce 10 tuns of oil, and one of 12 feet bone estimated at only 9 tuns ; but such instances are much rarer than to see one of 2| feet bone produce 4 or five tuns of oil." The Balcena rnysticetus, according to Marten and other North Sea voyagers, feeds chiefly upon a species of vermes, called Clio limacina, or Sea May Fly,* which are found in surprising num- bers throughout the Arctic seas. According to Fabricius, the principal food of the whale consists of two different species of sea insects ;f while Lin- naeus maintains that they live chiefly on the Medu- sa capillata, or sea blubber. This last substance, commonly called by Greenlandmen whale's meat, assembles frog-spawn, and is frequently seen float- ing on the surface of the Northern seas. Mr. Scoresby says, " that he has good reason to * Phipps, p. 195. f Cancer pedatns et oculatus. Faun. Groenl. p. 33. 94 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. believe that the whale feeds chiefly, if not altoge- ther, on the squillce or shrimp tribe ; for, on ex- amining the stomach of one of large size, nothing else was found in it ; they were about half an inch long, semi-transparent, and of a pale red colour. — I also found a great quantity in the mouth of another, having been apparently vomited by it. When the whale feeds, it swims with considerable velocity under water, with its mouth wide open; the water enters by the fore part, but is poured out again at the sides, and the food is entangled and sifted as it were by the whalebone, which does not allow any thing to escape." Their time of parturition is in April, and though they are said to bring forth two young ones at a time,* yet I never saw more than one along with such as we killed. Fabricius says, that, for the most part, they bring forth but one.-f- The female is frequently taken when endeavouring to save her young one, which is generally killed first by way of stratagem. She then strives to take it away under her fins ; but, in the midst of these efforts, being overtaken by the boats, she falls a victim to her maternal affection. The female, during pregnancy, which is about * Br. Zool. Edit. 1769, vol. iii. p. 37. f Paun. Groenl. loc. cit. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 95 nine or ten months, is very fat ; and the cub, when excluded, is black, and about ten feet long. It continues at the breast for a year. To suckle her young, the mother throws herself upon one side on the surface of the water ; she is frequently seen car- rying it on her back, and when she has occasion to go to the bottom, takes it with her under one of her fins. Whalebone was formerly an article of great value in commerce, and at one time sold for dCftOO per ton. It is not now, however, worth a twentieth part of that sum, and is not an object of any attention to the whale fishers. We may remark, that, by an old feudal law, the tail of all whales belong- ed to the Queen,* as a perquisite to furnish her Majesty's wardrobe with whalebone. A strong proof of the ignorance that had at that time prevail- ed respecting this animal. The flesh of the whale is variously prepared by the Greenlanders, and is used either when newly catched, or when sub-putrid. The skin, tail, and fins, they eat raw ; the blubber is used either as food, or in lamps ; they dress the intestines like those of the seal. The tendons serve them as thread for nets. The bones serve as timber for * Blackstone, vol. i. p. 223. Edit. 1783. 96 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. roofing their houses, and other domestic purposes ; and fishing-rods of the best quality are made from the whalebone.* The common whale, notwithstanding its mag- nitude, swims with surprising agility, and gene- rally against the wind. The flat position of its tail enables it to ascend suddenly to the surface of the water to breathe, which it is frequently oblig- ed to do. Whales are very harmless and timid ; but, when attacked, frequently strike the boats a dangerous blow with their tails, in which their greatest strength lies. About midsummer, when they begin to couple, they are very wild, and diffi- cult to catch, unless harpooned during copulation,f or when found sleeping on the water. Their fidelity to each other is said to be very great. Anderson tells us, that having struck one of two whales, a male and female, that were in company, the wounded fish made a long and terrible resistance; it struck down a boat with three men in it, with a single blow of the tail, by which all went to the bottom : The other fish attended its companion, and lent it every assistance, till, at last, the fish that • * Compare Fab. de Bat Myst. with Arrian, Hist. Ind. § 29 and 30. f Congreditur corpore erecto, capite supra aquam promlnente. Faun. Groenl. loc. cit. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 97 was struck, sunk under the number of its wounds ; while its faithful associate, disdaining to survive the loss, stretched itself upon the dead fish, and shared its fate. The ancients were not unacquainted with the Balcena mysticetus, though they do not seem to have had any knowledge of its uses. Their ac- quaintance with the spermaceti whale, found in the Indian ocean, was somewhat more accurate. It is interesting to observe, in the account of Near- chus's Voyage, as given by Arrian,* the terror of the sailors when they first perceived the blowing of these animals. As soon as this ancient naviga- tor had successfully conducted his fleet past a single whale, he received an applause equal to what he could have expected had he vanquished an ene- my's fleet. Whenever a whale is seen from the ship, one or more boats are sent in pursuit ; and if they get close to it, the harpooner strikes it with his harpoon ; but should the boat not get near enough for this purpose, he heaves the harpoon at the whale with great skill. As soon as the animal finds itself wounded, it descends, drago-ino- the line fastened to the harpoon after it with such velocity, that one of the crew is constantly * Hist. Ind. § 29 and 30. F % 98 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEX. obliged to pour water on the stem of the boat, to prevent its taking fire by the intense friction of the line. A hatchet is always at hand to cut the line, should it chance to get entangled. A large whale will sometimes run out the lines of two boats.* As soon as a whale is struck, they hoist a flag, or jack, in the boat, which being seen by the ship, the crew all run about the decks crying ".A fall, A fall? as much as to say, " He's fast, HisfasC Immediately all hands, except a few to take care of the ship, get into the boats with great expedition, and repair to the place where they expect the whale will rise to breathe. When it appears, they strike it again, and so on till there are sometimes three or four harpoons fast. When the whale becomes fatigued, and is severely wound- ed, it throws up water mixed with blood, and immediately the whole boats surround the groan- ing monster, and dispatch it with their spears. At this moment, the sea, to a considerable dis- tance, looks as if tinged with vermilion. In dy- ing, the noise occasioned by the whale's lashing the water with its tail and fins, is heard to a very great distance. As soon as a whale is killed, it is towed by the boats to the ship, and being made fast by tackles * Fifteen hundred fathoms. F 5 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 99 placed at the nose and tail, is immediately strip- ped of its blubber. This process is by Greenland sailors termed flinching, and is very speedily per- formed. The harpooners and their assistants cut the blubber into long stripes, which are hoisted into the ship, cut into smaller pieces, and thrown into the hold, from whence they are again brought upon deck to be pared and barrelled up. In flinching, the whale is turned round by a tackle made fast to the fins. The process of paring and barrelling up the blubber, is termed making off, and is performed at leisure times when the crew are not engaged in the pursuit of live whales. The blubber being brought upon deck, the fleshy parts are pared off, and it is then placed, piece by piece, on a block, having three iron spikes in the top to keep it steady ; here it is skinned by a harpooner, and is then ready for chopping. This operation is performed by the boat-steerers, who cut the blubber into pieces of about one foot long, and three inches square at the ends. When it is chopped they push it off the bench into the speck trough, placed by the side of the hatchway, having what is called a lull bag attached to a hole in the bottom for the purpose of letting down the chopped blubber to a tub in the hold. The blubber is afterwards put, piece by piece, 100 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. into the bung-hole of the casks, which are all fixed for that purpose previous to the vessel's leaving home. The Balcena mysticetus, notwithstanding its immense size, is exposed to the multiplied assaults of various enemies inhabiting its own element. Of these, the most dangerous is said to be the Thyseter rnicrops, or Black-headed Spermaceti Whale. The voracity of this species is very great. Its ordinary food is the seal ; but if it does not find a sufficient quantity of them for its prey, it attacks the common whale, and even the shark, and tears them to pieces. The Sea Unicorn, or Monodon monoceros, is another of the whale's enemies ; and it is said that they never meet without engaging in combat. Its immense tusk, or horn, generally gives it a superiority over the whale. Marten gives an account of a com- bat between the Saw-Fish, Sgualus pristis, and the Iceland whale, to" which he was an eye witness. It was extremely dangerous to -approach the field of battle, and his observations were therefore made at a distance. The water was greatly agitated, and rose to an immense height, accompanied with a noise that stunned the ears of the hearers. A fog coming on prevented Marten from ascertaining the result of this direful combat ; but he was informed VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 101 by the sailors that the whale was generally van- quished ; and that they kept aloof till such time ' as the saw-fish, eating the tongue, relinquished the carcass, which they made their prey. A species of crab, vulgarly called the whale- louse, the Oniscus ceti of Fabricius, if not the most dangerous, is perhaps the most troublesome of the whale's enemies. We scarcely took any whales but had one or two of these vermin fastened to them. The Oniscus ceti is about the size of a small crab, and is covered with remarkably hard scales. Head similar to that of the Pediculus humanus, with four horns, two of which serve as feelers ; the other two are hard, curved, and serve as clinchers to fix the animal to the whale. Underneath its chest, the Oniscus has two carvers, like scythes, with which it collects its food ; and behind these are four feet, that serve it for oars. It has six other clinchers behind, which rivet it so closely to the whale, that it cannot be disengaged but by cut- ting out the entire piece to which it is joined. The Oniscus is jointed in the back like the tail of a lob- ster, and the tail covers it like a shield when feed- ing. It fixes itself upon the tenderest part of the whale's body, between the fins, on the sheath, or on the lips, and in this position tears pieces out of the whale like a rapacious vulture, 102 VOYAGE TO SPITSBERGEN. Dr. Colquhoun gives the following statement of the value of the whale-bone and whale-oil imported into Great Britain in the following years : 1805 £663,535 6 608,206 7 521,240 8 ........ . 544,567 9 500,715 10 566,967 24th, Latitude at midnight, by observation, 81° 12' 4:2". Longitude, as near as our incorrect instruments would permit ascertaining, 12° 42' E. Sea pretty clear of ice, with a considerable swell. 25th and 26'th, Continued cruizing near the ice in search of whales, and were fortunate enough to capture three, two of which were size fish. 28th, Latitude, by observation, 81° 50'. Sea almost quite clear of ice, with a great swell ; wea- ther serene. Had our object been the making of discoveries, there was not apparently any thing to have prevented us from going a good way farther to the north ; at least we did not perceive any large fields of ice in that direction ; though it is more than probable we should have very soon fallen in with them. We were a little farther north than Captain Phipps, who ran a great risk of being locked up entirely by the ice. He was, VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 103 in fact, ice-bound from 31st July to 10th August, and during that time the packed ice rose as high as the main-yard. The want of ice in that place, where we then were, was perhaps owing to the ef- fects of some late gale clearing it away. The great swell in the sea appeared to indicate this to have been the case. In my second voyage to this country, in 1807, we could not penetrate higher than 78° 30'. A ridge of ice totally prevented our farther progress. May 29th and 30th, Course nearly E. S. E. to- wards the Seven Islands. We had on the 30th a considerable quantity of bay ice, and made but lit- tle progress. Occasional showers of snow. Saw only one whale. 31st, Tacked to the W. S. W. Ice increasing. Saw several whales. Lay to for fishing. Got a very large whale, which measured sixty-four feet in length. During the flinching of the whales, there were generally a considerable number of sharks in the vicinity of the vessel. They were principally of that variety termed Squalus pristis, or Saw-Fish. At this time, one more voracious than the rest, ap- proached close to the side of the whale's carcass, and seized a large piece of blubber, which was ready to be hoisted on board. Before he could 104 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. make Tais escape, however, he was struck by a harpoon, and his flight being thus obstructed, he was attacked with spears : a tackle was immediate- ly fastened to his jaws, and being hoisted on deck* his belly was riped open, and the blubber recover- ed. The carpenter, too, stripped a considerable quantity of skin from his tail. Notwithstanding this rude treatment, he was no sooner let down than he swam away with great agility. The Squdlus pristis^ or Saw-Fish is often found upwards of fifteen feet long ; with sword- shaped bony snout, nearly one-third the length of the fish, and denticulated on both sides : mouth placed beneath the anterior part of the head ; jaws furnished with several rows of teeth ; habit rather slender ; body convex above, and somewhat flatten- ed beneath ; skin rough 5 colour greyish brown above, paler beneath. June 1st, Continued in the same situation, be- ing almost icebound. Sent out the boats after a whale, which made its escape below the ice after being struck ; the lines of course were lost. The harpoons are marked with the names of the ship and captain, and if a whale that has been killed by one ship be found by another, she is obliged to deliver up a certain portion of the blubber to the former. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEX. 105 From June 1st to June 7th, the weather was, upon the whole pretty good, though the squalls were very frequent, accompanied by dense showers of snow. The rigging, by this time, had assumed a very strange appearance, at least what would be deemed as such by a more southern sailor. The ropes were frequently increased to double their usual size by the incrustations of ice, which had to be beat off by handspikes to allow them to pass through the blocks. The decks were every now and then besprinkled with saw-dust and sand, to counteract the slippiness arising from the combined effects of frost and grease. The cabin-floor, too, was covered with saw-dust, and the crew kept some of it in their pockets to clean their hands. In this space of time we catched five fish of different mag- nitudes. During the time we were in those high lati- tudes, our compasses, five in number, varied widely from each other; but this is known to happen to all compasses, according as they are placed in different parts of the ship. That which was kept in the ca- bin varied the least. This may perhaps tend to confirm the opinion of some navigators, who have maintained that the polarity of the needle is injured by intense cold. The notion of the variation de- 106 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. creasing as the distance from the Pole diminishes, does not appear to have any foundation. According to Captain Phipps, In Lat. 78° 22' N. Long. 9° 8' E. Mean var. was 14° 55' 79 50 .... 102 20 3 80 30 . . . . 15 4 11 56 On referring to the Appendix, it will be seen that the variation, as observed in the Sybyll, in lat. 78° 11', long. 6° 55' E. amounted to 19° 6'. And by the same excellent observations, combined with those of Captain Flinders, it is proved that the variation depends more on the ship's course than on any thing else. It is much to be regretted that Captain Phipps did not mention the course his ship was under when he made his observations on the variation. As they stand at present, they want the most essential element. 8th, Latitude, by observation, 79° 42'. Sea nearly clear of ice. Course W. S. W. i S. At seven P. M. we discovered Hackluyt's Headland, bearing E. N. E. distant four or five leagues. The weather was hazy, and we had but an indistinct view of this black precipitous promontory. Saw several whales, but got none. June 9th, Intense frost. Observed the freezing of salt water. Shot two seals, one of which only we brought on board. VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEX. 107 16th, Stood in nearer the shore to the south of Hackluyt's Headland. Several of the sea-unicorns were here observed at no great distance from the ship. I noticed two which passed close under our stern, that had double horns of a considerable size. The unicorns make a great noise in blowing, and, when at a distance, are often mistaken for whales. We fired several shots at them, and mortally wounded a small one, which we brought on board. It measured 9^ feet in length, and its horn was four feet one inch. The Monodon monoceros, Narwhal, or Uni- corn Fish, has been found twenty-two feet long, and twelve round. Head nearly one-fourth the length of the body, round, small, and terminates in an ob- tuse rounded snout. Mouth small ; no teeth, but a large wreathed tusk or horn. Sometimes two*, and often ten feet long, proceeds from its upper jaw, diverging to one side, and tapering gradually to- wards the tip. Eyes and ears very small ; one re- spiratory orifice in the back part of the head ; back broad, convex, and tapering towards the tail, which is horizontally placed, and is divided into * There is at the Sfadthouse at Amsterdam, the skull of a Nar- whal, with two horns. There is likewise a skull to be seen in Hamburgh, having two horns, each above seven feet long, and eight inches round. F 6 108' VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. two obtuse oval lobes. Body of an ovoidal shape ; no dorsal fins, but a high ridge or projection ex- tends from the blow-hole to the origin of the tail, and gradually diminishes in height as it approach- es the tail ; two pectoral fins ; colour generally ci- nereous, dappled with numerous multiform black spots ; belly a shining white, and soft as velvet to the touch. Naturalists differ greatly as to the food of the unicorn. Perhaps it differs with the parts of the ocean it inhabits. Small fishes, Mollusca and Ac- tinea, are their more general food. The Narwhal swims with great swiftness, and, like the other cetacea, cannot remain long under the water without respiring. When frightened, or attacked, they huddle together in such numbers that they force their long horns into the body of each other, and thereby become an easy prey to their pursuers. This animal, though seemingly harmless, is, as already mentioned, a dangerous enemy of the com- mon whale ; and has been known to dart its horn into the side of a ship *.. The vessel must have sunk had not the horn been broken off by the vio- lence of the stroke. * Forst. Voy. p. 353. - VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEX. 109 The oil produced by the Monodon monoceros, though scanty, is, in point of quality, superior to any other cetaceous oil. The horn of the Narwhal was long the object of a kind of superstitious respect. It was said to be efficacious in the cure of several distempers ; and was prized as being of the very highest value. The Margraves of Bareuth possessed one which cost them 600,000 rix dollars ; and the kings of Denmark have a most magnificent throne formed of these horns, which is esteemed more valuable than if composed of gold. Captain Scoresby (of the Resolution,) has a very fine bed made of the same materials. It is reckoned a great curiosity, and is extremely handsome. The horn is of a fin- er texture, and takes a better polish than that of the elephant. 11th, Got two fish. Several sail of Greenland- men in company. 12th, Strong easterly breeze. Ran a consider- able vvay to the westward. 13th and 14th, Gale increased, and we ran a considerable way farther to the westward. Cold very intense. June 15th, Latitude, by observation, 78° 15'. Made fast to a large iceberg. 110 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEX. 16th, Got a size fish. While we were made fast to this iceberg, some of the crew had put a piece of blubber to the fire, and, allured by the smell, a very large bear came and put his nose over the gunwale. One of the harpooners shot him ; but a squall coming on, we did not bring the car- cass on board. From the 16th to the 21st, we caught four whales, of various sizes. The weather was now getting hazy, as it generally does at this season of the year, and the whales were become more difficult to catch. 22d, Spoke the Catharina Elizabeth, of Han- over, Captain Schultz, after being a considerable time separated from the rest of the Greenland ships. From her we learned that a French fri- gate, and some smaller vessels, were in the North. This intelligence determined us not to lessen our distance from Spitzbergen, but to shape our course to England by the Feroe Isles. This determina- tion, however, had nearly sent us to a. French port, for the Guerriere was taken off the Feroe Isles on the 19th July, two days after we passed them. From the 22d to the 29th, the day on which we set sail for England, we took six whales, VOYAGE TO SPITZBEItGEX. Ill making in all twenty-four, of which fourteen were size fish. On the 26th, an accident happened which was like to have deprived us of one of our boatsteer- ers ; but, fortunately, was not finally attended by any evil consequence. He was thrown out of the boat by the stroke of a whale's tail, but kept himself on the top of the water by his oar. The crew were in such disorder, that before they got him into the boat, he was almost senseless with cold, and still worse before they could row him to the ship. He was brought down to the cabin, stripped, and laid on a blanket before the fire. His hair was like so many icicles, and the body exhibited a very cadaverous appearance. No pul- sation was to be found in any part, and I held a mirror before his mouth without producing the least evidence of respiration. I immediately or- dered the soles of his feet to be rubbed with strong brine ; his temples were chaffed with strong vola- tile spirits, and the same were applied to his nose. Hot flannels, moistened with camphorated spirits of wine, were applied to the spine, and over the breast, and renewed every quarter of an hour. Stimulating powders were put to his nose, but without any apparent effect ; he never showed 112 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. the least symptoms of animation ; nor could the body be brought to any degree of warmth, not- withstanding being rubbed with hot coarse cloths. As the last resource, I ordered one of the men to blow into the patient's mouth, as strongly as he could, holding his nostrils at the same time lest any of the air should escape. When I found, by the rising of the chest, that the lungs were pro- perly inflated, I ordered him to quit blowing, and with my hand pressed down the chest and belly, so as to expel the air. This imitation of natural respiration was pursued for a short time, till, put- ting my hand on his left breast, I found his heart give some feeble beats : soon after, the pulse at the wrist was found to beat. In a short time he opened his eyes, and looked round in wild amaze ; then shut them again. As soon as he was able to swallow, I gave him a gentle cordial, which was repeated every five minutes, till he was a great deal recovered. The Captain was so kind as to order him to be put into his own bed, with two of the men, one on each side, to bring him the sooner to a natural heat. Plenty of clothes being put over them, he soon fell into a profound sleep and gentle perspiration, and so remained for two or three hours, when he awoke quite well and re- freshed, but had rather a wild look. On giving VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 113 him a glass of brandy, he arose and went to his own birth as before. All the time I was on board, the poor fellow expressed the greatest gratitude to me, and thankfulness to God, for thus being provi- dentially rescued from the grasp of death. It is almost needless to remark, that in this inclement region, swimming is of little or no use to any per- son who may chance to fall overboard, as his mus- cular motion is almost instantaneously obstructed by the intensity of the cold. Colds and coughs are the disorders most preva- lent among sailors in this country. Sometimes the scurvy breaks out amongst them, but I never saw any symptoms of it. Fractures, dislocations, sprains, bruises, cuts, and frost-biting, give the surgeons a good s deal of trouble. A certain complaint, either contracted in England, or the Orkney or Shetland Isles, is very common. The Resolution did not lose a single man in ei- ther of the voyages I made to this country. By the blessing of Providence, they were again all safely restored to their native land. 30th, Latitude 76° 37' ; Longitude, as near as we could calculate, 1° West. Steered due south. The men were employed in cleaning the ship, dry- ing the lines, &c. 114 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. From July 1st to July 5th, course southerly. Weather fine, but hazy. Ice diminishing, and the sun getting gradually nearer the horizon. Saw several whales ; they were now become extremely furious, and made considerably more noise in blowing. Voyagers are, in these high latitudes, often surprised and delighted by the appearance of mock suns and moons, but I was not so fortunate as to perceive any. The frozen particles floating in the atmosphere are supposed to be the cause of these phenomena. From the 5th- to the 7th, wind at N. E. Course S. S. W. Lat. 71° 10'. Greenland ships, from their clumsy make, when heavily loaded, sail with but very little expedition. July 8th, Strong breeze from E. N. E. Course S. S. W. \ W. Ice totally gone. Sun almost coincident with the horizon. From the 8th to the 17th, excellent weather. Course generally S. S. E. \ E. On the 17th, we fell in with the westernmost of the Feroe Isles. Our dead reckoning was considerably to the east. The Feroe Isles lie 70 leagues N. W. from Unst, in Shetland, and extend to 62° 30.' VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. 115 Seventeen of these islands are habitable. They are rugged, mountainous, and rocky ; the interven- ing currents deep and rapid ; the sea around them turbulent, and at times so much agitated by whirl- winds, that vast quantities of water are forced up into the air, and the fishes contained therein frequently deposited on the tops of the highest mountains. These are equally resistless on land, tearing up trees, stones, and animals, and carry- ing them to very distant places. Whirlpools, too, are numerous in these seaSj and extremely dan- gerous ; that near the island of Suderoe is the most noted. It is occasioned by a crater, sixty- one fathoms deep in the centre, and from fifty to fifty-five on the sides. The water forms four fierce circumgyrations. The point they begin at is on the side of a large bason, where commences a range of rocks running spirally, and terminating at the verge of the crater. This range is extremely rug- ged, and covered with water from the depth of twelve to eight fathoms only. It forms four equi- distant wreaths, with a channel from thirty-five to twenty fathoms in depth between each. On the outside, beyond that depth, the sea suddenly sinks to eighty and ninety. On the south border of the bason, is a lofty rock, called Sumboe Muni; noted for the number of birds which frequent it, 116 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEN. On one side, the water is only three or four fathoms deep, on the other, fifteen. The danger at most times, especially in storms, is very great. Ships are irresistibly drawn in : the rudder loses its power, and the waves beat as high as the masts, so that an escape is almost miraculous ; yet at the reflux, and in very still weather, the inhabitants will ven- ture in boats for the sake of fishing. Arct. Zool 2d edit. vol. i. p. 56. On arriving at these southerly latitudes, the ap- pearance of the moon and stars was, to use the lan- guage of Captain Phipps, almost as extraordinary a phenomena as the sun at midnight, when we first got within the Arctic circle. On the 20th, lay becalmed off Fair Isle, a bar- ren spot, about three miles long, situated midway between the Shetland and Orkney Isles, and inha- bited by about 170 persons. The shores are high and rugged ; greatest depth of the water near it twenty-six fathoms. The tide here runs with great velocity, and forms at the east end a considerable eddy. Some ships belonging to the famous Spa- nish Armada were lost on this isle. When lying off Fair Isle, we sent the men we had got from Shetland ashore in the row-boats. 22d, Passed North Ronaldshaw light in the Orkneys. The wind being but little, and at S. E. VOYAGE TO SPITZBEIIGEN. 117 we were drifted by the tide down the Murray Firth, or Tuum JEstuar'ium of the Romans, as far as Spey Bay. Tacked and stood in for Kin- naird's Head, the TaizalumPromontorium, which, with the north-eastern extremity of Caithness, forms this capacious bay. July 28d, Off Fraserburgh, to which we sent letters by a fishing boat. Tacked and stood in for Peterhead, the most eastern part of Scotland, and famous for its medicinal waters ; it is situated about thirty miles north of Aberdeen. 25th, Fell in with a cutter off Saint Abb"s Head, which we at first took for a French priva- teer : to our satisfaction, however, she proved to be the Try-All of London, a privateer of 14 guns, and 70 or 80 men. 26th, Came in sight of Whitby. It blowing very hard, we could not anchor in the roads. Sailed farther to the south ; then tacked and hoist- ed a flag for a pilot. In the evening a pilot came off in his cobble ; but it blew so remarkably hard, that he could not get any person to come along with him but an intrepid lame tailor. They came on board, but being heavy laden, and the tides low, we could not get into Whitby. We therefore de- termined to run for Hull ; but, calling at Scarbo- 118 VOYAGE TO SPITZBERGEX. rou^h, we got a brig to come to Whitby roads in order to lighten us. July 27th, Fourteen of our men being afraid of the press, took two boats, and ran into Robbin Hood's Bay. Anchored this evening in Whitby Roads. 28th and 29th, The brig lightened us about 100 tons, and the evening of the latter day we got withinside the bridge, and were mustered by the cus- tom-house officers, as is usual on those occasions. 31st, Paid off'. In concluding the account of this voyage, it would be unpardonable in me to neglect men- tioning the kindness and attention with which I was always treated by Captain Scoresby, and his son the mate. Captain Scoresby is well known to the world at large, for his vigorous, enterpriz- ing character, as well as for consummate skill in nautical matters. As Captain of the ship, his conduct was most exemplary. He was attentive to all the duties of religion, and preserved a pro- per decorum, and strict discipline, without harsh- ness, amonsr the crew. APPENDIX. No. I. JL he following extract from Dr. Edmonston's work on the Shetland Isles, gives a curious ac- count of the popular superstitions still prevalent among their inhabitants. " On no subject are they more superstitious than in what relates to fishing. Some of the more skilful prophets can foretell, from the knots in the bottom-boards of a boat, whether it will be lucky to fish or not ; and whether it will be overset under sail, or be otherwise cast away ; and boats have been reject- ed and torn up in consequence of such a prophecy. When they go to the fishing, they carefully avoid meeting any person, unless it be one who has long enjoyed the reputation of being lucky ; nor, 7 120 APPENDIX. when the boat has floated, is it deemed safe to turn it but with the sun. If a man tread on the tongs in the morning, or be asked where he is going, he need not go to the fishing that day. When at sea, the fishermen employ a nomenclature peculiar to the occasion, and scarcely a single thing then re- tains its usual name. Most of their names are of Norwegian origin ; for the Norwaymen were re- ported to have been successful fishers. Certain names must not be mentioned while they are set- ting their lines, especially the minister and the cat ; and many others equally unmeaning. " Witchcraft is still believed by the peasantry to exist in Zetland ; and some old women live bv pretending to be witches, for no one ventures to re- fuse what they ask. About six years ago, a man entered a prosecution in the sheriff-court at Lerwick against a woman for witchcraft. He stated, that she uniformly assumed the form of a raven, and in that character killed his cattle, and prevented the milk of his cows from yielding butter. The late Mr. Scott, then sheriff-substitute, permitted the case to come into court, and was at great pains to explain the folly, and even criminality of such proceed- ings. " Nearly allied to witchcraft is a firm belief in the efficacy of alms. When a person is anxious APPENDIX. 121 for the accomplishment of any particular event, or considers himself in danger, he vows alms to some person, generally an old woman who enjoys the re- putation of being provided for in that manner ; and, if his wishes are realized, he scrupulously performs his vow. There are the ruins of an old church in the parish of Weesdale, called Our Lady s Church, which is supposed to possess a still greater influence in this respect than any living being. Many are the boats which are said to have arrived safe at land in consequence of a promise to this effect, where death, without such an intervention, appeared inevitable. Several coins have been found at differ- ent times concealed in the walls of this Loretto of Zetland. " A belief in the existence of Broroiie, the tu- telar saint of husbandry, is beginning to be ex- ploded ; but the fairies or trows have still a " lo- cal habitation and a. name." They occupy small stony hillocks or laiowes, and whenever they make an excursion abroad, are seen mounted on bul- rushes riding in the air. If a person should hap- pen to meet them, without having a Bible in his pocket, he is directed to draw a circle round him, on the ground, and in God's name forbid their nearer approach, after which they commonly dis- appear. Tlrey are said to be very mischievous, G 122 APPENDIX. not only shooting cattle with their arrows, but even carrying human beings with them to the hills. Child-bed women are sometimes taken to nurse a prince, and although the appearance of the body re- main at home, yet the immaterial part is removed. Such persons are observed to be very pale and ab- sent ; and it is generally some old woman who en- joys the faculty of bringing soul and body toge- ther." Vol. ii. p. 73. No. IL In order to make this little work as complete as possible, I have annexed the following accounts of the Dutch, English, and American whale-fisheries. The two former I have compiled from authentic do- cuments, and the latter is extracted from the late valuable work of Mr. Pitkin on the Commerce of the United States. Dutch Whale Fishery. — Towards the latter end of the sixteenth century, the whale-fishing on the coast of Spitzbergen became considerable. It was entirely in the hands of the English till the year 1578. This fishery was first carried on by APPENDIX. 123 a company, which sent thither annually a kw ships, to the exclusion of the rest of their countrymen, and who also endeavoured to exclude foreigners. In the year 1613, the company's ships amounted to seven sail,who,on their arrival at Spitzbergen, found there fifteen Dutch, French, and Flemish ships, besides English interlopers. Next year, the Dutch sent eighteen sail, of which four were men of war. In 1615, the king of Denmark sent a squadron of three men-of-war to assert his exclusive ri^ht, but with such indifferent success, that his majesty thought fit to give up the point. In 1617, our company were more lucky than in any other year, and actually made one thousand nine hundred tun of oil. The Dutch made, for many years af- ter, very indifferent voyages ; and, as their great statesman, M. De Witt, well observes, had certain- ly been forced to relinquish the trade, had it not been laid open by the dissolution of their Green, land Company, to which he attributes their having in his time, beat the English, and almost all other nations, out of that trade, which they then carried on to a prodigious extent. The following is a list of the ships sent from Holland to the Greenland and Davis' Straits whale- fishery, from the year 1661 to 1788, both inclu- sive, with an account of the number of whales catch- ed each year : 124 APPENDIX. A List of Greenland and Davis' Slrails'Ships, from Holland, since the year l66l, with the number of' Fish caught each year. Years Ships. Fish. Years 1693 Ships. Fish. 1661 133 452 90 175 1662 149 862 1694 63 161 1663 202 932 1695 97 187 1664 193 782 1696 122 428 1665 "| War with > England, no \ Ships out. 1697 131 1279 1666 1-698 139 14S3 775~ 1667 1668 1699 151 155 57J 1700 173 913 1669 13S 1013 1701 208 2071 1670 148 792 J1702 224 687 1671 158 1088 1703 207 644 4672 7673 \ War with V England, no \ Ships out. 11704 130 652 |1705 157 1678 1674 |1706 151 966 1675 147 900 1707 131 126 1676 145 812 ~ 785 _ 11708 122 533 1677 145 1709 126 192 1678 120 1118 1710 137 62 1679 126 792 11711 117 631 1680 151 1373 H712 108 373 1681 1682 175 876 11713 93 237 195 1444 |1714 108 1291 1683 1684 1685 242 1338 1715 134 698 233 | 1153 1716 153 535 209 j 1283 |1717 179 392 1686 189 | 664 1718 139 280 1687 194 621 j 1719 211 346 1688 214 | 340 |1720 228 455 1G89 160 | 21.1 |1721 260 733 1690 117 | 785 11722 254 1101 1691 9 | War with 1 France. |1723 1 233 314 1692 32 1 56 1 1724 232 358 APPENDIX. 125 A List of Greenland and Davis' Straits Skips, Holland, since the year 1661, with the num. Fish caught, each year. from ber of Years Ships. Fish. Years Ships. Fish. 1725 226 530 1757 180 423 1726 218 244 1758 159 371 1727 202 402 1759 155 464 1728 182 363 1 700 154 454 1729 1730 184 229 1761 1762 1763 161 357 168 248 165 189 1731 164 298 1732 176 31* 1764 161 224 1733 184 36U 1705 165 477 1734 186 327 1766 167 189 1735 185 496 1767 165 179 1736 191 857 17G8 160 600 1737 1738 196 504 1769 mii 152 1127 195 472 1 50 523 1739 1740 192 728 1771 150 143 187 665 1772 1773 131 768 1741 1742 1743 1744 178 312 134 444 173 558 1774 130 450 185 937 1775 129 105 187 ~~ 184~ 1494 1776 123 509 1745 1746 568 ~To§6 _ 1777 116 427 180 1778 111 306 1747 1748 1749 164 776 1779 105 168 94 278 1780 82 476 157 619 1781 ) War w i lam!, no ith Eng- Shipsout 1750 1751 158 590 1782 162 330 1783 55 330 175-2 159 16§~ 540 1784 62 198 1753 63$ 1785 65 300 1754 171 672 1786 "1787 67 476 1755 181 720 67 239 1756 186 503 1788 69 190 N. B. From the year 1719 are included the Davis' Straits Ships. g3 126 APPENDIX. From this period the Dutch whale-fishery ra- pidly declined, and was at length totally annihilat- ed during the late war. English Whale Fishery. — The English Whale Fishery, like that of Holland, was originally carried on by an exclusive company. The first association of merchants for this purpose was soon dissolved ; but, owing to successive grants of the same kind, the trade continued fettered for a considerable pe- riod posterior to the Revolution. During this time, it was, as might have been expected, carried on with almost no success. — In 1724, the South Sea Company embarked largely in this depart- ment of industry ; but, having, in the course of eight years, incurred an immense loss, they were glad to abandon it. In 1738, the government be- ing determined to encourage this fishery, a boun- ty of 20s. per ton was granted to all ships of 200 tons and upwards, employed therein ; as this bounty, however, was found insufficient, in 1749 it was doubled. This extraordinary encourage- ment, by factitiously determining a portion of the national capital into this channel, had at last a considerable effect ; but a long time elap- sed ere the English could, even with these superior advantages, successfully compete with the Dutch. Since this epoch many alterations have been APPENDIX. 127 made in the laws respecting the Greenland fishery; and at the commencement of the late war, the bounties were reduced, owing to the market being overstocked with oil. The following account of the number of Eng- lish and Scottish vessels employed in the Green- land whale fishery, and of their tonnage, from 1771 to 1800, both inclusive, is extracted from M'Phersons Annals of Commerce : England. 1 Scotland. Years. Vessels. Tons. Vessels. Tons. 1771 50 14,700 9 2,797 1772 50 15,378 9 2,797 1773 55 16,712 10 3,016 1774 65 19,770 9 2,773 1775 96 29,131 9 2,773 1776 91 27,047 7 2,251 1777 77 21,917 7 2,251 1778 71 20,291 5 1,587 1779 52 16,907 3 956 1780 50 14,900 4 1,282 1781 34 9,859 5 1,459 1782 38 11,122 6 1,764 1783 47 14,268 4 1,095 1784 89 27,224 7 2,047 1785 136 41,741 13 3,865 1786 162 49,426 23 6,997 1787 219 64,286 31 9,057 1788 216 63,399 31 8,910 1789 133 38,751 28 7,846 1790 130 30,290 22 5,898 1791 93 27,598 23 6,308 1792 73 21,496 28 5,487 1793 38 8,437 14 3,813 1794 47 12,906 13 3,480 1795 34 9,135 10 2,613 1796 42 11,516 9 2,317 1797 50 13,757 10 2,614 1798 56 16,140 10 2,614 1799 57 16,731 10 2,629 1800 51 15,077 10 2,652 g4 128 APPENDIX. From 1788, this table is made up from the an- nual accounts laid before Parliament ; and the number of ships, and the tonnage, always refers to the number of those who actually cleared out fou Greenland. We have already given Dr. Colquhouns estimate of the value of the whale oil and whale- bone imported into Great Britain from 1805 to 1810. American Whale Fishery. — The whale fishery first attracted the attention of the Americans in 1690, and originated at the island of Nantucket, in boats from the shore. In 1715, six sloops, of thirty-eight tons burden each, were employed in this fishery, from that island. For many years their adventures were confined to the American coast, but as whales grew scarce here, they were extended to the Western Islands, and to the Bra- zils, and at length to the North and South Seas*. For a long time the Dutch seemed to monopolize the whale fishery, which they followed, with success, in the Greenland or Northern Seas. As early as 1663, they had two hundred and two ships employed in this fishery, and in 1721, as many as two hundred and sixty ; in 1788, the number was reduced to sixty-nine, and for many years past, not only has this branch of their com- * See Collections, of the Massachusetts Historical Society. APPENDIX. 129 meTce, but almost every other, been completely an- nihilated. In 1731, the Americans had about thirteen hundred tons of shipping employed in this fishery along their coast. About the year 1750, the whale left the American coast. The hardy en- terprise and activity of the American sailor, how- ever, soon followed him in every part of the North- ern and Southern Seas, From 1771 to 1775, Massachusetts employed, annually, one hundred and eighty-three vessels, of thirteen thousand eight hundred and twenty tons, in the northern whale fishery, and one hun- dred and twenty- one vessels, of fourteen thousand and twenty-six tons, in the southern ; navigated by four thousand and fifty-nine seamen. The peculiar mode of paying the seamen, in these hazardous voyages, has contributed not a little to the success of the voyages themselves. Each has a share in the profits of the voyage, and is dependent on his own exertions for the reward of his toils. Whether, he shall be rich or poor, depends on his activity in managing the boat, in pursuit of the whale, and his dexterity in directing the harpoon. This has led to a spirit of enterprise and hardihood, never surpassed, if ever equalled, by the seamen of any nation in the world. g5 ISO APPENDIX. During the war of the American revolution, this fishery was destroyed ; on the return of peace, it recovered, by degrees, and, from 1787 to 1789, ninety-one vessels, of five thousand eight hundred and twenty tons, were annually employed in the northern fishery, and thirty-one vessels, of four thousand three hundred and ninety tons, in the southern, with one thousand six hundred and eleven seamen. The quantity of spermaceti oil taken annually, from 1771 to 1775, was thirty- nine thousand three hundred and ninety barrels, and of whale oil eight thousand six hundred and fifty. From 1787 to 1789, the quantity of sper- maceti taken annually was seven thousand nine hundred and eighty barrels, and whale oil thirteen thousand one hundred and thirty. In the repre- sentation made to Congress in the year 1790, by the legislature of Massachusetts, it is stated that, before the late war, about four thousand seamen, and twenty-four thousand tons of shipping were annually employed, from that State, in the whale fishery, and that the produce thereof was about £350,000 lawful money, or about 1,160,000 dol- lars. A great part of this fishery has been car- ried on from Nantucket, where it originated,, a small island about fifteen miles in length, and two or three miles in breadth, situated about thirty APPENDIX. 131 miles from the coast. Before the revolutionary- war, this small island had sixty-five ships, of four thousand eight hundred and seventy-five tons, an- nually employed in the northern, and eighty-five ships, of ten thousand two hundred tons, in the southern fishery. From 1787 to 1789, it had only eighteen ships, of one thousand three hun- dred and fifty tons, in the northern, and eighteen ships, of two thousand seven hundred tons, in the southern fishery. For many years past, this fishery has been carried on from this island, and from New Bedford, a large commercial and flourish- ing town on the coast, in its neighbourhood, and has employed from fifteen thousand to eighteen thousand tons of shipping, principally in the Southern Seas. Although Great Britain has, at various times, given large bounties to her ships employed in this fishery, yet the whalemen of Nantucket and New-Bedford, unprotected and un- supported by any thing but their own industry and enterprise, have generally been able to meet their competitors in a foreign market. The value of spermaceti and common whale oil, whale bone, and spermaceti candles, exported since 1802, has been as follows : — 132 APPENDIX. Whale (common) ■ Spetmaceti oil oil and bone. and candles. Dolls. Dolls. 1S03 280,000 ■ 175,000 1804 310,000 70,000 1805 315,000 163,000 1806 418,000 182,000 1807 476,000 139,000 1808 88,000 1 33,000 1809 169,000 136,000 1810 222,000 132,000 1811 78,000 273,000 1812 56,000 141,000 1813 2,500 10,500 1814 1,000 9,000 The common whale oil finds a market in the West Indies, Great Britain, France, Spain, and Portugal. The greatest part of the spermaceti oil is carried to Great Britain. The late war be- tween the United States and Great Britain has again almost annihilated the cod and whale fish- eries.* While in the years previous to the re- strictive system and the war, the fisheries furnish- ed articles for exportation to an amount of more than three millions of dollars, in 1814 the exports of the produce of the fisheries is reduced to the sum of 188,000 dollars. * Twenty-four whalemen were taken by the British in the late war. APPENDIX. 133 No. III. During the publication of this little work, I was favoured, through the medium of a friend, with some very important remarks made by a Gentle- man of great nautical skill and experience, in the year 1814, on board his Majesty's ship Sybyll, while in the North Seas, for the protection of the Greenland fishery. The first point to which he alludes, is the va- riation of the compass ; and, respecting it, he ob- serves, " Being anxious that every thing possible should be done for the improvement of navigation, I determined, while in those high latitudes, to take every opportunity of observing to what ex- tent the variation of the compass might be affect- ed by the ship's course. A paper containing Captain Flinders's observations on the same sub- ject, had previously been sent to me by the Lords of the Admiralty ; and as these observations had chiefly been made in high southern latitudes, it became doubly important to ascertain whether the same laws were followed in high northern la- titudes. Experience has completely proved that they are ; and, in fact, it is some years since I ascertained that the course down the English Chan- 134 APPENDIX. nel, just taking the ship clear of head-lands, the opposite one up Channel would run the ship on the French coast. " In order to render the result of my observa- tions on this subject as clear as possible, I have selected a few, and inserted them in the order they were taken. The correctness of them may be re- lied on, being all calculated by two persons, exa- mined by a third, and the whole taken by myself. " I boarded a good many Greenland ships when in the North, whose masters all agreed in main- taining, that they experienced strong south-east currents on their return home, and were often confounded at making the coast of Norway when they expected to make that of Shetland. Now, I have no hesitation in saying, that if the same difference in the variation is to be found on board of a Greenland ship, that was found to exist in the Sybyll and Princess Carolina, the idea of a strong easterly current is unfounded, and is mere- ly resorted to, to account for the error in their dead reckoning, arising from their not allowing a sufficiency of westerly variation in running from the ice to the south-west. A degree of longitude is soon lost in those high latitudes, and the error must increase in running to the south-west, if pro- per allowance be not made ; for I am very cer~ APPENDIX. 135 tain that a different variation will be found on every point of the compass the ship's head is put on. The greatest will be found when the ship's head is at West, gradually declining till it comes to East. " The Princess Carolina, as well as Sybyll, ex- perienced the same currents as the masters of the Greenland ships supposed to exist ; for when we made Shetland, by Arnold's chronometer, No. 1981, to a mile, our dead reckonings were nearly 6° to the westward in both ships ; and when we made the North Cape by the same chronometer, (which was under my own care,) the longitude in both ships r by account, was 4° to the westward also. The one er- ror was occasioned by not allowing a sufficient quan- tity of variation in running to the south-west, and the other by allowing too much in running to the north-east. " I do not know whether the same observations may hold good when applied to ships coming from the Baltic ; but should they do so, they must ef- fectually account for ships getting down on the coast of Holland, when they suppose themselves well over in Mid-channel. Perhaps this may, in some measure, serve to account for the loss of so many of our brave tars when coming from that sea. 136 APPENDIX. '•' Notwithstanding the whole tenor of my ob- servations, as well as those of Captain Flinders, led me to believe that the cause of the variation must exist in the ship ; yet I had great difficulty in com- ing to a conclusion so remote from what had former- ly been held to be truth ; and for that reason, dur- ing our stay at St. Mary's, I took the opportunity of making a decisive experiment on this subject. I first went with the Azimuth compass to St. Agnes's lighthouse, from which I set the flag-staff on St. Mary's Castle, E. 31° N. I next went to St. Mary's castle, and from it set the lighthouse W. 31° S. Finding these opposite bearings thus cor- respond when on shore, I am fully persuaded the cause of the differences observed when at sea, must exist in the ship." After making these remarks on the variation of the compass, he next goes on to make some obser- vations, as they occurred in the voyage. " On the 16th of June, saw Bear, or Cherry Island, which, at a distance, looks like a saddle, both extremities being very high, aud the middle low. It may be seen 20 leagues ofF in clear wea- ther. At noon, it bore by compass, N. b E. \ E. when I observed in 73° 44/ N. good observation, and our chronometer gave good sights, 20° 3' E. By seven P. M. we had run 33 miles on a N.N.W. APPENDIX. 137 course corrected, when the south end of the island bore by compass E. b N. 3 or 4 leagues, which, brought up from noon, will make it in 74° 19' N. Lat. and 20° 7 E. Long. At this time it came on foggy, and prevented us from ascertaining its extent. Soundings are to be obtained to the southward of this island, and up to Spitzbergen ; black mud and small shells. " 19th, Saw Spitzbergen, and on the 20th were close in with the South Cape. We carried regular soundings to 11 fathoms, about three miles off; but this part of the coast appearing to be surround- ed with rocks, we did not attempt approaching it more closely. Our chronometers made it in about 16° 2' E. We saw some beacons placed along the coast, each in the form of a cross, which, are, no doubt, placed there for the guidance of the Russian hunters. " About this time we bore away for the North Cape, in order to water, and procure any refresh- ments that could be got. After making the land to the westward of the Cape, we stood into a large bay, to look for a place of safety to accomplish our purpose, hardly suspecting that any inhabi- tants were to be found. On standing in, we ob- served some boats under sail, one of which was soon brought alongside, that contained a family 138 APPENDIX. of Finmarkers, some of whom spoke the Danish language. They informed us of the town of If am- merfest being close by, and offered to take us in. This offer was soon embraced, and, in a few hours, the town opened to our view ; which, to our as- tonishment, contained a church, batteries, &c. The Captain of the portion made his appear- ance, and anchored us in safety. I made a sur- vey of this place, and ascertained its latitude and longitude as correctly as possible, which are as- follow : The latitude of Hammerfest Town, ascertained by a good Sextant and False-Horizon, taken on shore, was found 70° 38' 34" N. Longitude, by Arnold's chronome- ter, No. 1981, taken on shore} by the same means . . 24 28 E. Variation by same means . 114 W. Range of thermometer on board from 70° to 75° Range of thermometer on shore 75 80 High water on full and change, at three hours ; rise and fall 8 feet. I found it is very much in- fluenced by the wind, and when it blows strongly from the N. W. it rises considerably higher. APPENDIX. 139 " The town of Hammerfest is situated on the island of Qualoon, 25 Danish miles in extent, and is one of the departments of West Finmark, which contains 25,000 souls. This province is divided into parishes, each having its priest, and over the whole is a bishop, to enforce the duties of the Lutheran religion. There are 200 regular soldiers scattered in different quarters of the pro- vince, commanded by a captain, who governs the whole eountry. About thirty houses compose the town of Hammerfest, with about 200 inhabi- tants ; with one church, one hospital, a custom- house, and some public and private stores. The customhouse has regular established officers ap- pointed from Copenhagen. The captain of the port is under the same appointment, and wears the uniform of the Danish navy. " The principal trade of this place is in furs and fish, which are all sent into Russia. The ex- tent of the imports and exports I was not able ac- curately to learn, but suppose them, in time of peace, to be something considerable. I was told by the captain of the port, that in 1808, 200 sail had been seen here at one time. The Russian merchants have their agents scattered all over West as well as East Finmark. They make their purchases from the Finmarkers, with flour, brandy, sail-cloth, fishing-lines, coarse cloth, and 140 APPENDIX. other articles of that kind, for enabling them to car- ry on the fishing and hunting business. I was in- formed that 3000 boats were yearly employed by the Finmarkers in fishing ; for as soon as the hunting season is over, they devote their whole attention to the fisheries. Four or flVe men are attached to each boat. " Cod and herrings abound on this coast, and are the finest I ever saw, being of a much firmer and better texture than those caught on the banks of Newfoundland. '* As the Finmarker dries his fish in the sun, without salt, it must be but a very poor employ- ment : but, as all his wants are easily supplied, with this kind of commerce he is satisfied, and thinks money of little consideration. Perhaps, after all, they are more happy than the lower orders of more enlightened nations. " Perhaps a fishing establishment at Hammer- fest might be attended with considerable advan- tage. The deepness of the water would render a departure from the mode of fishing observed on the banks of Newfoundland indispensable. The hook and line are here of little consequence. The Finmarkers all fish with nets, and we adopted the same method with considerable success. No place is better adapted than this for curing with APPENDIX. 141 salt. From its situation, embosomed by hills, the thermometer in the summer, as our observations show, often reaches a very high degree of tempera- ture. With proper management, a cod might then have been prepared for the market in three days, while at Newfoundland, in the best weather, it re- quires five. " At Newfoundland, they have only from twelve to fourteen hours sun ; at Hammerfest, nearly four months. The advantages, therefore, as to climate, on the side of Hammerfest, are most obvious. Per- haps, too, an establishment in the North might, in time of war, be of some importance, as it would the better enable us to prevent our enemies enjoy- ing any share of so lucrative a trade as the whale fishing. " The cold is by no means so intense in winter as might be expected. The inner harbour, though seldom agitated by winds, was never seen frozen over ; and the moonlight is sufficiently strong to render labour practicable. Nature has been very provident with respect to fuel, the whole country abounding with good turf. The severity of the cli- mate diminishes the vital principle in the human race ; the men soon get old, and the women are past child-bearing at thirty-five. 142 APPENDIX. " The chase of the bear, who is never killed before January or February, when they are in the best condition, sets the courage and cool delibera- tion of the Finmarker in a most conspicuous point of view. In October, the Finmarker carefully watches the haunts of the bear, who, at that time, seeks for a winter retreat ; and having marked it, returns in January to the attack. Having prepar- ed a lance, to which a cross-bar is affixed, about one foot from the point, the Finmarker, when the wind is in a favourable direction, makes a large fire before the bears den ; the smoke soon irritating the animals, they rush out, one by one : at this critical moment the Finmarker, concealing his lance, places himself behind the fire, and the bear, rearing on his hind legs, in order to seize him, he plunges his lance up to the cross-bar in his breast.* The rest are served in the same manner. " The rein deer are here extremely plenty, and very dear ; we paid L.2 for one of them. Certainly they had heard something of the wealth of John Bull. * The intrepidity of the Finmarker, and the dangers he has to encounter in the chase of the seal, are well described in Acerbi's excellent Travels in the North, vol. i. p. 291. APPENDIX. 143 " Some of the better sort of people at Hamraer- fest, possessed a few cows and sheep. The cows were not larger than a bull-dog, and the sheep like a good tom-cat. t( The female beauty of this place had sufficient attraction to induce the gentlemen of the Princess Carolina and Sybyll to give them a ball and sup- per. The invitation was quite general, and the whole went off with great eclat. " Most of the Russian agents and merchants spoke the English language ; but they were by no means anxious to communicate information which they thought might, one day or other, ruin their commercial pursuits. It was only when they got a good dinner, and plenty of wine, that any thing particular could be drawn from them. " The Sybyll and Princess Carolina sailed from the Downs on the 6th of May, and on the 18th of August arrived in Long Hope Sound. Our high- est latitude was 78° 16', where we saw many of the Greenland ships. We sailed as far east as 32° 44', and experienced one continued series of good weather. The thermometer never was below 26° in the night, and seldom above 44° in the day, with the exception of the time we were at Ham- merfest." 144 APPENDIX. Mon. A. M. Am P ii- Day, Latitude Longi- tude cor- Ship's Magnetic Variation. Diffe- and or P. M. in tude in rectedfor head. amplitude. ren ce . Year. dip, &e. 1814 May North. East. 11 A.M. 53 # 38 2° 22 24° 12 NW. S. 61°15'E 24°49'W 12 A.M. 54 34 2 37 23 59 N.W.&N. S. 61 20 E. 26 18 16 A.M. 57 2 3 37 24 1 N.N.E. S. 66 45 E. 21 35 \ 27 J 5° 25 16 P.M. 57 53 2 21 21 32 N&WiW N.62 50 W 17 A.M. 59 4 32 14 42 N.&W. S. 75 20 E. 27 40 24 P. M. 60 27 1 58 15 21 N.E.&E. N.50 15 W 24 49 25 A.M. 60 27 2 27 fi N.&W. S. 60 40 E. 24 4 26 P.M. 60 52 2 50 18 33 N.E. N.58 40 W 20 14 . June P.M. 73 14 18 10 17 50 N.E.&N. N.60 30 W 11 35 4 P.M. 74 27 19 58 19 9 w.s.w. N.G0 30 W 14 28 8 P.M. 73 59 29 55 18 20 N.E.&N. N.66 15 W 4 551 8 P.M. 74 29 52 15 22 W.S.W. N.48 40 W 11 20 j 6 25 13 P.M. 71 10 27 10 8 52 S.W.iS. N.25 W 13 10 18 P.M. 75 22 18 21 15 2 N.&E. N.37 50 W 16 12 26 P.M. 78 11 6 55 20 38 E.S.E. N.55 W 19 6 July 3 A.M. 72 53 21 21 17 47 S.S.E. S. 78 40 E. 9 22 22 P.M. 70 27 10 3S 17 14 E.S.E. N.61 30 W 16 6 Aug. 1 P.M. 68 58 10 25 15 26 W.iN. N.52 40 W 26 42 2 A.M. 68 33 9 10 13 40 W.i&S.S. S. 79 32 E. 25 14 2 P.M. 68 20 8 59 14 32 S.S.W. N.55 30 W 22 42) 7 37 2 P.M. 68 20 8 59 13 50 West. N.51 16 W 25 11 > 2 P.M. 68 20 8 59 12 57 N.E.&N. N.56 20 W 17 34) 8 P.M. 67 37 3 20 15 6 South, N.57 35 W 26 43 11 A.M. 62 10 20 West, 13 48 W.&N. S. 65 55 E. 31 15 14 A.M. 61 23 6 20 18 W.iS. S. 52 30 E. 30 36 \ 5 8 14 P.M. 60 57 23 16 47 E.S.E. N.60 W 25 28/ 14 P.M. 60 57 10 3 00 W.JS. N.34 30 W 30 40 1 10 25 15 P.M. 60 25 28 11 52 E.SE. N.62 W 20 15/ 17 P.M. 59 7 — 13 23 W.&S. N.55 30 W 30 32 Sept. West, 2 A.M. 58 17 8 31 6 58 N.W. S. 61 15 E. 33 1 ) 29 31 j 9 A.M. 58 1" 8 31 8 26 North. S. 62 17 E. 3 30 13 P.M. 49 59 6 22 8 12 S.E.&E. N.71 30 W 22 30 14 A.M. 49 C — — 19 5 . . . S. 46 30 E. 27 16 1*1 27 31 APPENDIX. 115 Remarks, 8,-c. Sfc. Very good sights. Very good. Sounded 100 fathoms, fine mud. Not very good. Very good. ) Both sights were equally good. The ship was im* Very good. | mediately put on the other tack. Very good. North Cape N.W.&W.^W. 5 leagues. Very good. Very good. Ship surrounded with ice. Very good. Very good. Very good. Ship some motion. Very good. All these sights were equally good. The evening was remarkably fine, with a light air from the S.E. The first set was taken with the ship's head S.S. W. ; 2d set at West; and 3d set at N.E.&N. The ship was put round in this manner for the pur- pose. The mean of six sets all good. The weather calm and fine. The mean of two sets ship steady. Longitude obtained by , ]) , and chronometer. Very good. Very good. Nonh end of Shetland, S. 11° E. 5orG leagues. Very good. North end of Shetland, S. 48° W. 4 or 5 leagues. Very good. Outer Skerry, Shetland, S.S.W. 2 miles. Very good. Lamb Head, Orkneys, W.^S. 4 or 5 miles. Both these sights were good, and the ship was put on the courses, as given purposely. St. Kilda Island S. 9° W. 8 or 9 leagues. No soundings at 180 fathoms. At anchor in St. Mary's. St Agnes's Light-House W. 54° S. Castle E. 51° S. This azimuth was taken on shore at St. Agnes's Light- House, with false horizon. This amplitude was taken on shore at St. Mary's ftag-staff. Most excellent. H 146 APPENDIX. No. IV. In the Appendix to the second volume of Flin- ders 1 Voyage, which has lately been published, there is an article of considerable length and abi- lity, on the Variation of the Compass. In that article, the observations made by that excellent sail- or, corroborate, in a remarkable degree, and accord with those made in the Sybyll. I have selected a few of the most decisive instances. 1802. Lat. April 22. A.M. 39° 38' S. 24. 39 38 July 15. P.M. 34 5 34 6 28. - 25 29. ' ,24 43 Long. 144° 40' E. az 144 1 135 135 153 153 9 9 23 27 anipl. Course. W.S.YV. s. S.E.6E. S.W.&W, N.W6N. S.E.iS. Var. 11 7 52' E, 59 I 1 33 W. | 3 56E. / 9 39 | 6 33 / Diff. 3°53 5 39 3 6 After such a coincidence, the fact of the varia- tions depending greatly on the ship's course can- not possibly be called in question ; though it is certainly surprising that it has not been sooner at- tended to in the way that it deserves, by other navigators ; for it did not altogether escape their APPENDIX. 147 observations. Mr. Wales, astronomer to Captain Cook's ship, the Resolution, had made the same ob- servations in a pretty accurate manner ; and M. Entrecasteaux, though without assigning any cause, says, that the " Compass showed differences of se- veral degrees in variation at sea, though observed with the greatest care, and within the space of a few minutes." After a more enlarged series of observations shall have been taken, and after the attention of astrono- mers is directed to this fact, we may confidently ex- pect a most important improvement in the science of navigation. No. V. The following article, " on the tremendous concussions of the fielus of ice," in the Arc- tic Sea, is extracted from Mr. Scoresby's valuable Memoir on " Polar Ice" in the Wernerian Society's Transactions. " The occasional rapid motion of fields, with the strange effects produced on any opposing sub- h % 148 APPENDIX. stance, exhibited by such bodies, is one of the most striking objects this country presents, and is certainly the most terrific. They not unfrequent- ly acquire a rotatory movement, whereby their circumference attains a velocity of several miles per hour. A field, thus in motion, coming in con- tact with another at rest, or more especially with a contrary direction of movement, produces a dread- ful shock. A body of more than ten thousand mil- lions of tons in weight,* meeting with resistance, when in motion, the consequences may possibly be conceived ! " The weaker field is crushed with an awful noise : sometimes the destruction is mutual. Pieces of huge dimensions and weight are not unfrequent- ly piled upon the top, to the height of twenty or thirty feet, whilst doubtless a proportionate quan- tity is depressed beneath. The view of those stu- pendous effects in safety^ exhibits a picture sublime- ly grand, but where there is danger of being over- whelmed, terror and dismay must be the predomi- * A field of thirty nautical miles square surface, and thirteen feet in thickness, would weigh somewhat more than is here mentioned. Allowing it to displace the water in which it floats, to the depth of eleven feet, the weight would appear to be 10,182,857,142, nearly in the proportion of a cubic foot of sea water to 64 lbs. APPENDIX. 149 nant feelings. The whale-fishers at all times re- quire unremitting vigilance to secure their safety, but scarcely in any situation, so much as when na- vigating amidst those fields. In foggy weather they are particularly dangerous, as their motion cannot then be distinctly observed. It may easily be imagined, that the strongest ship can no more withstand the shock of the contact of two fields, than a sheet of paper can stop a musket ball. Num- bers of vessels, since the establishment of the fish- ery, have been thus destroyed. Some have been thrown upon the ice ; some have had their hulls completely torn open; and others have been buried beneath the heaped fragments of the ice. "■ In the year 1804, I had a good opportunity of witnessing the effects produced by the lesser mas- ses in motion. Passing between two fields of bav- ice, about a foot in thickness, they were observed rapidly to approach each other, and before our ship could pass the strait, they met, with a velocity of three or four miles per hour ; the one overlaid the other, and presently covered many acres of surface. The ship proving an obstacle to the course of the ice, it squeezed up on both sides, shaking her in a dreadful manner, and producing a loud grinding, orlengthened and acute tremulous noise, accord- ingly as the degree of pressure was diminished or 150 APPENDIX. increased, until it had risen as high as the deck. After about two hours, the velocity was diminished to a state of rest ; and, soon afterwards, the two sheets of ice receded from each other nearly as ra- pidly as they had before advanced. The ship, in this case, did not receive any injury ; but had the ice been only half a foot thicker, she would proba- bly have been wrecked. " In the month of May of the present year (1813,) I witnessed a more tremendous scene. Whilst navigating amidst the most ponderous ice which the Greenland seas present, in the prospect of making our escape from a state of besetme?it, our progress was unexpectedly arrested by an isthmus of ice, about a mile in breadth, formed by the coalition of the point of an immense Jield on the north, with that of an aggregation of floes on the south. To the north field we moored the ship, in the hope of the ice separating in this place. I then quitted the ship, and travelled . over the ice to the point of collision, to observe the state of the bar which now prevented our re- lease. I immediately discovered that the two points had but recently met; that already a pro- digious ma§s of rubbish had been squeezed upon the top, and that the motion had not abated. APPENDIX. 151 The fields continued to overlay each other with a majestic motion, producing a noise resembling that of complicated machinery, or distant thunder. The pressure was so immense, that numerous fissures were occasioned, and the ice repeatedly rent beneath my feet. In one of the fissures, I found the snow on the level to be three and a half feet deep, and the ice upwards of twelve. In one place, hummocks had been thrown up to the height of twenty feet from the surface of the field, and at least twenty-five feet from the level of the water ; they extended fifty or sixty yards in length, and fifteen in breadth, forming a mass of about two thousand tons in weight. The majestic un- varied movement of the ice — the singular noise with which it was accompanied — the tremendous power exerted — and the wonderful effects produ- ced — were calculated to excite sensations of novelty and grandeur, in the mind of even the most care- less Spectator ,' " Sometimes these motions of the ice may be ac- counted for. Fields are disturbed by currents — the wind — or the pressure of other ice against them. Though the set of the current be general- ly towards the south-west, yet it seems occasional- ly to vary ; the wind forces all ice to leeward, h 4 152 APPENDIX. with a velocity nearly in the inverse proportion to its depth under water ; light ice consequently drives faster than heavy ice, and loose ice than fields : loose ice meeting the side of a field in its course, becomes deflected, and its re-action causes a circular motion of the field. Fields may ap- proximate each other from three causes : First, If the lighter ice be to windward, it will, of ne- cessity, be impelled towards the heavier ; second- ly, As the wind frequently commences blowing on the windward side of the ice, and continues se- veral hours before it is felt a few miles distant to leeward, the field begins to drift before the wind can produce any impression on ice, on its oppo- site side; and, thirdly, Which is not an uncom- mon case, by the two fields being impelled towards each other, by winds acting on each from opposite quarters. " The closing of heavy ice, encircling a quantity of bay ice, causes it to run together with such force, that it overlaps wherever two sheets meet, until it sometimes attains the thickness of many feet. Drift iee does not often coalesce with such a pressure as to endanger any ship which may happen to be beset in it : when, however, land opposes its drift, or the ship is a great distance APPENDIX. 153 immured amongst it, the pressure is sometimes alarming." No. VL On the approximation toxvards the Poles, and on the possibility of' reaching the North Pole. From Mr. Scoresby's paper in the Wemerian Society's Transactions. " We have already remarked, that the 80th degree of north latitude is almost annually acces- sible to the Greenland whale-fishers, and that this latitude, on particular occasions, has been exceed- ed. In one of the first attempts which appears to have been made to explore the circumpolar re- gions, in the year 1607, Henry Hudson pene- trated the ice on the north-western coast of Spitz- bergen to the latitude of 80° 23' N. In 1773, Captain Phipps, in " a voyage towards the North Pole," advanced, on a similar track, to 80° 37' of north latitude. In the year 180(i, the ship Reso- lution of Whitby, commanded by my father. h 5 154 APPENDIX. (whose extraordinary perseverance and nautical ability are well appreciated by those in the Green- land trade, and proved by his never-failing suc- cess,) was forced, by astonishing efforts, through a vast body of ice, which commenced in the place of the usual barrier, but exceeded its general extent, by at least a hundred miles. We* then reached a navigable sea, and advanced without hindrance, to the latitude of 81| north, a distance of only 170 leagues from the pole ; which is, I imagine, one of the most extraordinary approximations yet rea- lized." ***** " The southern hemisphere, towards the pole, was explored by Captain Cook, in various meridi- ans, and with indefatigable perseverance. In his first attempt, in 1772, they met with ice in about 51° south, and longitude 21° east. They saw great fields in 55° south, on the 17th of January, 1773, and, on February the 24th, were stopped by field-ice in 62° south latitude, and 95° east longi- tude. " Again, on the second attempt, in December of the same year, they first met with ice in about * " I accompanied my father, on this voyage, in the capacity of thief mate." APPENDIX. 155 62° south latitude, and 172-173° west longitude; and on the 15th, saw field-ice in 66°. On the 30th January, 1774, they were stopped by immense ice-fields in latitude 71° 10' 30" and 107° west longitude, which was the most considerable approxi- mation towards the south pole that had ever been effected. " Thus, it appears, that there subsists a remark- able difference between the two hemispheres, with regard to the approach of the ice towards the equa- tor ; the ice of the southern being much less per- vious, and extending to much lower latitudes than that of the northern hemisphere, " That the 73d or 74th degree of north latitude can be attained at any season of the year, whereas the 71st degree of south latitude has been but once passed. — And, " That, whilst the antarctic ne plus ultra ap- pears to be the 72d degree of latitude, that of the arctic extends full 600 miles farther ; the nearest approach to the southern pole being a distance of 1130 miles, but to the north, only 510 miles. " With regard to the probability of exploring the regions more immediately in the vicinity of the pole than has yet been accomplished, or even of reaching the pole itself, I anticipate, that, without reference to the reasoning on which the opinion is 2 156 APPENDIX. grounded, it might be deemed the frenzied specula- tion of a disordered fancy. I flatter myself, how- ever, that I shall be able to satisfy the Society, that the performance of a journey over a surface of ice, from the north of Spitzbergen to the pole, is a project which might be undertaken, with at least a probability of success. " It must be allowed, that many known difficul- ties would require to be surmounted — many dan- gers to be encountered — and that some circum- stances might possibly occur, which would at once annul the success of the undertaking. Of these classes of objections, the following strike me as being the most formidable, which, after briefly stating, I shall individually consider in their, or- der. 1. The difficulty of performing a journey of 1200 miles, 600 going and 600 returning, over a surface of ice — of procuring a sufficient convey- ance — and of carrying a necessary supply of provisions and apparatus, as well as attend- ants. , " The difficulties may be increased by (a.) Soft snow ; (b.) Want of continuity of the ice ; (c.) Rough ice ; and (d.J Mountainous ice. APPENDIX. 157 " 2. The difficulty of ascertaining the route, and especially of the return, arising from the per- pendicularity of the magnetical needle. " 3. Dangers to be apprehended, (a.) From excessive cold ; (b.) From wild beasts ; " 4. Impediments which would frustrate the scheme ; (a.) Mountainous land ; (b.) Expanse of sea ; (c.) Constant cloudy atmosphere. "1. It is evident that a journey of 1200 miles, under the existing difficulties, would be too arduous a task to be undertaken and performed by hu- man exertions alone, but would require the as- sistance of some fleet quadrupeds, accustomed to the harness. " Rein-deer, or dogs, appear to be the most ap- propriate. If the former could sustain a sea-voyage, they might be refreshed in the northern part of Spitzbergen, which affords their natural food. They could be yoked to sledges framed of the lightest materials, adapted for the accommodation of the adventurers, and the conveyance of the re- quisites. The provision for the adventurers, for compactness, might consist of portable soups, pot- ted meats, &c. and compressed lichen for the rein- 158 APPENDIX. deer. The instruments and apparatus might be in a great measure confined to indispensables, and those of the most portable kinds; such as tents, de- fensive weapons, sextants, chronometers, magnetic needles, thermometers, &c. " As the rein-deer is, however, a delicate ani- mal, difficult to guide, and might be troublesome if thin or broken ice were required to be passed; dogs would seem, in some respects, to be prefer- able. In either case, the animals must be procured from the countries wherein they are trained, and drivers would probably be required with them. The journey might be accelerated, by expanding a sail to every favourable breeze, at the same time, the animals would be relieved from the oppression of their draughts. It would appear, from the reputed speed of the rein-deer, that, under favourable cir- cumstances, the journey might be accomplished even in a fortnight, allowing time for rest and ac- cidental delays. It would require a month or six weeks with dogs, at a moderate speed ; and, in the event of the failure of these animals on the journey, it does not seem impossible that the return should be effected on foot, with sledges for the provisions and apparatus. " (a.) Soft snow would diminish the speed, and augment the fatigue of the animal; to avoid which, APPENDIX. 159 therefore, it would be necessary to set out by the close of the month of April, or the beginning of May ; or at least, some time before the severity of the frost should be too greatly relaxed. " (b.) Want of continuity of the ice would cer- tainly occasion a troublesome interruption; it might nevertheless be overcome, by having the sledges adapted to answer the purpose of boats* ; and it is to be expected, that although openings amidst the ice should occur, yet a winding course might in ge- neral be pursued, so as to prevent any very great stoppage. % " ( c ) Many of the most prodigious fields are entirely free from abrupt hummocks from one ex- tremity to the other, and field ice, as it appears in general, would be easily palpable. " (d.) The degree of interruption from moun- tainous ice would depend on the quality of its sur- face. If, as is most probable, it were smooth, and free from abrupt slopes, it would not prevent the success of the expedition. " 2. The direct route would be pointed out, for some part of the way at least, by the magnetic needle ; and when its pole should be directed to- * The sledges might consist of slender frames of wood, with the ribs of some quadruped, and coverings of water-proof skins, or other materials equally light. 160 APPENDIX. wards the zenith, should that position ever obtain, the sun would be the only guide. Or, the posi- tion of the true north being once ascertained, three sledges in a line, at a convenient distance apart, might enable the leading one to keep a direct course. A chronometer would be an indispensable requisite, as the opportunity, for lunar observations could not be expected to occur sufficiently often. Were the Pole gained, the bearing of the sun at the time of noon, by a chronometer adjusted to the meridian of north-west Spitzbergen, would afford a line of direction for the return ; and, the position, in regard to longitude, (were the sun vi- sible) could be corrected, at least twice a-day, as the latitude decreased. The degrees of longitude being so contracted, any required position would be pointed out by the watch with the greatest pre- cision. " 3. (a.) Among the dangers to be apprehend- ed, the coldness of the air stands prominent. As, however, the cold is not sensibly different, between the latitudes of 70° and 80° with a strong north wind, it may be presumed that at the Pole itself, it would be very lktle more oppressive than at the borders of the main ice, in the 81st degree of north latitude, under a hard northerly gale : And since this cold is supportable, that of the Pole may be APPENDIX. 161 deemed so likewise. The injurious effects of the severity of the weather might be avoided by a ju- dicious choice of woollen clothing, the external air being met by an outward garment of varnished silk, and the face defended by a mask, with eyes of glass. The exterior garment, would, at the same time, be water-proof, and thus capable of shielding the body from accidental moisture. " (b.) The white bear is the only ferocious ani- mal known to inhabit those regions, and he rarely makes an attack upon man. At any rate, he might be repulsed by any offensive weapon. And, as the prey of the bears is scarce in the most northern la- titudes, they would not probably occur in any abun- dance. " 4. Hitherto no insurmountable objection has been presented : a few serious obstacles, should they occur, remain to be considered. " (a.) Mountainous land, like mountainous ice, would check the progress of the expedition, in pro- portion to the ruggedness of its surface and the steepness of its cliffs. Its occurrence would, never- theless, form an interesting discovery. " (b.) From the pretended excursions of the Dutch, many have believed that the sea at the Pole is free from ice. Were this really the case, the circumstance would certainly be an extraordi- 162 APPENDIX. nary one ; but I consider it too improbable to ren- der it necessary to hazard any opinion concerning it. " (c.) From the facts stated in pages 319, 320, of this paper, I think we derive a sanction for cal • culating on clear weather at all times, but with southerly storms ; and, as these occur but rarely, the progress of the journey would not probably be suspended by an obscure sky, except for short periods, and at distant intervals. " Notwithstanding I have now distinctly consi- dered every obvious objection and difficulty to be surmounted, I am nevertheless sensible, that in the realising of any project or discovery, whether by sea or on land, there will occur many adventitious circumstances, which may tend to mar the progress of the best regulated expedition. Therefore, it may not be improper to confirm and strengthen the whole, by directing the attention to what has been done, in journeying under difficulties which may bear a comparison with the undertaking here alluded to, and occasionally under circumstances the most un- favourable to success. " 1st, When treating of icebergs, I alluded to the journey of Alexei Mahkoff, in which it ap- pears, that he performed near eight hundred miles across a surface of packed ice, in the spring of APPENDIX. 163 1715, in a sledge drawn by dogs ; and consequent- ly, that he might be supposed to have encountered the principal difficulties that could be expected in the proposed scheme, whilst we have the advantage of improving by his experience. " 2d, Speaking of the south-western tendency of the ice, I have also noticed the loss of several of the Dutch Greenland fleet in 1 777, from which we learn, that part of the unfortunate suffering crews, under every privation of provision and clothing, and exposed to the severity of an Arctic winter, accom- plished a journey on foot, along the coasts of Old Greenland, from the east side, near Staten Hook, to the Danish settlements on the west, a distance of near a hundred leagues. " 3d, On contrasting the projected polar journey with the catalogue of marvellous occurrences, and wonderful preservations which are exhibited in the records of maritime disasters,* the difficulties of the undertaking in a great measure vanish, and its dangers are eclipsed by the wonderful results which necessity has, in various instances accomplished. 1 ' * " See Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea." FINIS. Extracts from Reviews in Recommendation of this Work, " Mr. Laing performed two Voyages to Greenland, in the successive years of 1806 and 1807, as Surgeon, under the elder Captain Scoresby ; whose son acted, at. that time, as chief mate. His narrative is written with neatness, sim- plicity, and taste ; and comprises, in a very small com- pass, what information could be desired on the subject of which it treats." Edinburgh Review, No. LIX. " Mr. Laing's sensible and unpretending Narrative of a ' Voyage to Spitzbergen,' forms an admirable contrast to the pompous and frothy quarto of Bernard O'Reilly, Esq."' Quarterly Review, No. XXXVII. " In the little Volume before us, we have an interesting addition made to the natural history of regions of which our knowledge is as yet, comparatively speaking, but im- perfect. Mr. Laing has been evidently a diligent and acute observer, and communicates the fruits of his ob- servation in a simple and perspicuous manner." Philosophical Magazine, Vol. LI. No. CCXXXVIIL 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. 17V59RS REC'D LD AUG 7S59 SENT O N 8 LL OCT 4 1934 U. C. BERKELEY LD 21A-50m-4,'59 (A1724sl0)476B General Library University of California Berkeley M317321 I Ik N » It] fc I i~Wt.,