V<^l l-^l |>^, ^.!/ojnv3jo>' o ^^Aavaaiii^'^ Or-** ^lOSANCElfj-^ o ^UIBRARYOc. u3 i ii-^ ^ ^vNllIBRARYQr^ '^ ^OFCAllFOff^ \\\EUNIVER% vvlOSANCEl ^«i/0JnV3JO'*^ "^J^lJONVSOl^ ^\\EUNIVER5'/^ %a3AiNn-3WV^ "^(^AavaaiH^ "^^Aavaaii-^ ^iiiNv^m^ %a3AiNn] ^lOSANCEl 8 ■^/saaAiNft] ^nNUIBRARYQ^ ^\\El)NIVERS'/A ^lOSANCElfjv. ^:^tllBRARY&Aavjian# Or-* • %J^A!^'nl\\^^ ^^lllBRARY^/- -s^tllBRARYQ^ ^(aOJIlYDJO'^ ^QFCAilFO/?;)^ ^'7-,UIVJI?inA\V' AWEUNIVER5//) v^lOSANCEl, i ^ t^lTH3»f03 KERN COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL. COURSE OF STUDY FOR 1916-1917 A Student must have perniiBfiion of the Principal to registt I ftftli sunject by girls ■ Algebra 3 tiisli'ad of Oenmetry. G HOME ECONOMICS The object of the Home Economics course is to give the student a knowledge of the real science of cookery and household management. To learn to cook and serve a meal well, understand the nutri- tive value of the foods prepared, and the object in selecting the dishes to be served. Also to give an appreciation of the relation of the expenses to the income of an average family. A knowledge of what and how to buy being considered as essential as how to cook or sew well. Students preparing to teach Home Economics are referred to page 46. First Year Sewing Elementary sewing, thirty-six weeks, ten periods per week. (a) MODEL WORK— Elementary and fancy stitches and their application, as basting, running stitch, back stitch, hemming, feUing, binding, mitred corners, button holes, eyelets, patching, darning, embroidery, etc. (b) ARTICLES MADE^Sewing apron (hand work), complete set of underwear, Christmas gifts, cooking aprons, kimonas, summer dresses, etc., made by the use of ready-made and drafted pat- terns. Suitability of materials used is emphasized. (c) TEXTILES— Practical understanding of tex- tile fibres and fabrics, and the process of their numufacture. Judgment and taste in selection, as suited in wearing quality, adaptability, use, perma- 11 nence of color and harmony of design. Simple tests made for selection of fibres, adulterants, dyes, etc. Second Year — Cookery Cooking and serving, thirty-six weeks, ten per- iods per week. The purpose of this course is to give a foundation for all work along this line. Fundamental prin- ciples and processes are taken up. Emphasis is laid upon neatness, accuracy, and economy in handling materials and utensils. The work in general consists in the preparation, preservation and serving of all foods in respect to the underlying principles of cookery, ideal results, and the manner and place of serving; also in re- spect to the composition of the food. The source, composition, digestion and food value, etc., are studied. Invalid cookery comprises the study of the diet in relation to disease, together with the preparation of food suitable for the sick. Third Year — Sewing, Advanced Dressmaking and millinery, thirty-six weeks, ten l)eriods per week. DRESSMAKING — This course gives practical knowledge of all textile fibres and fabrics. It in- chuk's the making of simple and more elaborate garments, tailored garments, housefurnishings, etc. It also includes renovation and repair of clothing. Tlie use and alterations of patterns are emphasized. MILLINT^RY — This course includes practical and artistic j)rinciples of millinery, use of various ma- tei-i;ils; i)i-actice in making bows, rosettes, etc.; making of frames; renovation of old materials; ap- propriateness of color and design. 12 Fourth Year — Household Management Thirtj'-six weeks, five periods per week. HOUSEHOLD MANAGEMENT— Ocneral man- ai^enieiit oi' the home, organization of tlie liouse- hold, value and cost of furnishings, expenditure of income, household accounts, and general cost of living, etc. HOME SANITATION— Study of conditions which determine the healthfulness of the home, and the application of the principles of sanitation in its care; sanitary location, construction, ventilation, heating, lighting and plumbing of the home; plans for simple house; plans for simple plumbing system. HOME NURSING— Study of sick room, its loca- tion, furnishing and care; instruction in intelligent aid to the physician; recognition of symptoms of disease; first aid instruction. EQUIPMENT The high school cooking room is well equipped with the best design of domestic science tables with individual gas stoves; one gas range with water heater, the necessary cupboards, sanitary refrigera- tor, and the necessary cooking utensils and kitchen furnishings for each pupil. The sewing room is equipped with a large cutting table, individual sewing tables, and sewing ma- chines. 13 MANUAL ARTS A foiir-3'ear course is offered in Manual Arts, in- cluding woodwork, forge, pattern making, machine shop and photography. Any course offered is so arranged that any boy may take as an elective a part or all of the manual art subjects. It is highly advisable that nearlj"^ every student take at least a year of such work. First Year — Wood-working — IB The course in woodworking is designed to give such training in the processes of elementary wood- working as will insure mastery of the common woodworking tools, acquaintance with drawings, the ability to design simple pieces of furniture, and practice in the sharpening and care of tools used. Special attention is given to planing, joining, glu- ing, sawing and chiseling. A start is made in wood turning, care of lathes, and use of the differ- ent tools, which work is completed in the second year. Forging — lA Perhaps no form of manual training involves greater dexterity of hand, accuracy of eye and quickness of thought than smith work. From the first sim])le exercises in "drawing out," the neces- sity of striking while the iron is hot is impressed firmly on the mind of the pupil, and instant judg- ment is brought into continual play. Drawing, bending, twisting, upsetting, welding, shaping of wrought iron, the annealing, hardening, li tempering, and working ol" high carbon steels arc given careful attention in the course. Second Year — Pattern Making 2B First is taken up a studj' of the proper materials and tools used in the art, the principles involved in the construction of patterns and especially those of draft and shrinkage; secondly, the tempering and mixing of sands used in general foundry practice; thirdly, bench work with snap flasks and solid small ilasks, and the molding of small patterns made by the student. Machine Shop — 2A As a preparation for the work each machine is carefully studied, its construction and various mo- tions, the office of each nut, bolt, screw and part. Actual work is begun with a series of exercises, such as plain turning, facing, thread cutting, inside boring and threading, turning of tapers, and chuck work of all kinds. Later, the pupil is given work on the drill presses, miller, shaper and grinder. Third and Fourth Years After the completion of one year of machine shop practice the pupils are permitted to enter any one of the shops in which they may wish to make themselves proficient in advanced work. These pupils are given individual attention and at the beginning of the year their courses are planned by the instructor. Their needs are carefully studied, and each individual requirement is met. This plan of shaping the course to the individual has proved most satisfactory for advanced pupils. Photography Pupils who have completed one year of advanced machine shop practice may elect photography. In 15 general, the course consists in instruction in the care and mechanism of the camera, tray develop- ment, negative making, intensifying and reducing, printing, exterior and interior photography, flash light photography, copying and enlarging. EQUIPMENT The machine shop is a room 32 feet by 48 feet in size, well lighted and equipped with individual mo- tor driven machinery as follows: 1 Hendee Lathe with all attachments. 3 Star Screw Cutting Engine Lathes. 1 Wells Speed Lathe. 1 Oliver Wood Turning Lathe. 1 Sterling Power Hack Saw. 1 Rockford Back Geared Shaper. 1 Sibley Drill Press. 1 Milwaukee Wet Tool Grinder. 1 Brown and Sharp Milling Machine. 1 Cincinnati Universal Grinder 1 Oliver Wood Lathe 1 Rockford Drill Press. 1 Hamilton Engine Lathe. The wood shop is a room 32 feet by 60 feet in size, equipped with the following power driven machinery: 1 Oliver Band Saw. 1 Porter Joiner. 1 Oliver Circular Saw. 8 Oliver Wood Lathes. The molding room, which is 34 feet by 36 feet, is used by pattern making students who are employed here two periods each week. All pal- terns made in the wood shop musl be tested in the 16 nioIdint> room for draft before acceptance by the instructor. The ecjuipinent consists of: 12 Obcnicycr Flasks. 16 Riddles. 12 Bellows. 12 Sets Molding Tools. 2 Floor Rammers. The fori^e shop is similar to the wood shop in desii^n, 34 feet by .30 feet in size. It is provided with cabinets, tool holders, lockers, coal bins, and the following machinery: 16 Oliver Forges. 1 Power Hammer. 1 Suction Fan. 1 Force Fan. 1 . Emery Wheel Stand. 1 Buffalo Forge. 1 Drill Press. The dark room is located over the office of the building and contains about 180 square feet of floor space. Ecpiipment, mostly made by pupils in the shop, is being added each year. A print w^ashing machine, capable of thoroughly washing 150 prints per hour, has recently been completed, and an elec- tric printing machine is in use. The equipment consists of: 1 Camera, ox?. 1 Ansco Camera, post card size. 1 Enlarging Apparatus. 1 Print Washing Machine. Also trays, chemicals, brushes and other small equipment. w COMMERCIAL The Commercial Department offers a regular four-year course and all students of the average high school age who wish commercial work, are advised to pursue this course. Students may, by consent of the Head of the Department, register for a two-year course, but unless they are of a mature age, such registration will be discouraged. The immature student needs the added years of training and a chance to take not only more vocational work, but also the cultural elective, than he can crowd into two years. The following courses are offered : First Year — Bookkeeping Thirty-six weeks, ten periods per week. This will be carried on partly as class work. Regular recitations will be held and the class will be kept doing the same work as much as possible. Still there will be plenty of room for the ambitious stu- dent to progress rapidly. First Year — Spelling Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. In ad- dition to drill in spelling, pronunciation and mean- ing of words this work includes the use of words in business letter writing. An average of 90 per cent in the work of the first year will excuse the pupil from that of the second year. ARITHMETIC — Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. Drill in the use of arithmetic in business practice. Rapid methods and checks, 18 PENMANSHIP— Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. Practice in rapid and accurate business writing. An average of 90 per cent is recfuired. ENGLISH— IB— Same as regular English. lA — A thorough review of grammar, ])ractically applied. Pimctuation, forms of sentences, uses of words, phrases, and various constructions. Mas- tery of the letter parts and form. Letters of appli- cation, inquiry, complaint; writing of orders and telegrams. Reports made on first-hand knowledge of industries, mainly in Kern Count3\ Reports on assigned reading. Two books from regular lA English list studied in class. Second Year — Bookkeeping Thirty-six weeks, ten periods per week. This is a continuation of the work of the first year. Pu- pils who complete the required work in time may be given advanced practice. In the four-year commercial course, pupils who have taken the course in advanced arithmetic in their second year will be able to acquire a sufficient added knowledge of business arithmetic in conjunc- tion with their work in bookkeeping. BUSINESS PRACTICE— This work is carried on in conjunction with the bookkeeping. Tlie pro- gress and the ability of the student to master the preliminary work in bookkeeping governs the time when he commences business practice. Second Year — Spelling Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. A con- tinuation of the work of the first year, substituting as far as possible typewriting for spelling: In the four-year commercial course, this require- ment is met in one year's work. w COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY— Eighteen weeks, five periods per week. This subject inckides a study of countries, products, trade routes, etc., em- phasizing the relations which exist between the fundamental principles of geography and the eco- nomic interest of man. COMMERCIAL LAW— Eighteen weeks, five per- iods per week. This subject covers the simpler applications of the law to ordinary business forms and operations. ENGLISH 2B— COMPOSITION— Simple and effective state- ment of fact; material used drawn mainly from field of commerce, including manufacture, distribu- tion, transportation, banking, etc. Technical de- scription emphasized. Exercises in explanation of operations, processes, machines, property, goods, etc. Reports on special industries. Exposition; construction of outlines; convincing argument and forceful appeal. Two books from regular 2B English list studied in class. Special reports on outside reading on commercial subjects; use of technical books and magazines. 2A— BUSINESS LETTER WRITING— Develop- ment of commercial vocabulary; criticisms of ac- tual letters; selling arguments. Circular and form letters; follow-up systems. ADVERTISlNCi — Purpose; general theory; rela- tion to four forms of discourse; criticisms and dis- cussions; construction of effective advertisements; laying out of circulars and booklets. The study of Lowell's and Tennyson's poems as outlined in regular 2A English. Heydrick's "TyjDes of the Short Story." Reports on outside work as in first semester. 20 Third Year— English A choice of any of the Third Year English of- fered in the English Department. SHORTHAND — Thirty-six weeks, ten periods per week. The requirement of this year is a mastery of the text book used, the Phonographic Amanuen- sis. The aim of the year's work is accuracy and an understanding of the principles. The acquire- ment of speed is left for the second year. As much practice dictation as possible is given in the first year. TYPING — Thirty-six weeks, ten periods per week. The touch method is used and pupils are recjuired to write on blind machines. Pupils are not al- lowed to erase during their first year. The sole requirement during first year is accuracy. Toward the close of the year the pupil begins to learn letter forms. HISTORY OF COMMERCE (Description of, found under History.) Fourth Year — U. S. History and Civics (Description of, found under History.) TYPING— A continuation of TMrd Year Work with practical work in the school. SHORTHAND— Advanced work from Third Year with special dictation from faculty as work is needed. NOTE — Students may take the Shorthand and Typing the first two years and Bookkeeping the third and fourth years. 21 AGRICULTURE First Year — The work of the first year's course will lay the foundation upon which the remaining agriculture courses rest. Its purpose is to show that a knowl- edge of the sciences, especially botany, chemistry, and physics is necessary in scientific farming. In other words, the course will emphasize the useful- ness of scientific knowledge to the farmer. The work will be carried out by means of lectures, ex- periments, demonstrations, field trips, and refer- ence reading. Second Year — Dairying, Animal Husbandry, Poultry Husbandry The work in dairying will be a study of the dairy breeds of cattle, care and management, rations for dairy cows, the production and handling of milk, Babcock test for butter fat, butter making, and marketing milk. Under animal husbandry will be studied the origin and development of farm animals, feeding farm animals, care and management, common dis- eases of farm animals and their treatment. Poultry husbandry will take up artificial incuba- tion of eggs, brooding of chicks, rations for egg production, rations for fattening fowls, care and management of poultry, and a brief study of the common breeds of poultry. Third Year- Horticulture, Floriculture and Olericulture The course in horlicultuiv will deal wilh Califor- 22 nia fruits, the selection of sites for orchards, laying out orchards, spraying, irrigating, pruning, and also work in nursery practice. The work will be carried on in the field as far as it is possible to do so. The floriculture course will deal with the pro- duction of cut flowers grown under glass and for commercial purposes. Most of this work will be done in the green house. Olericulture is concerned with the growing of vegetables and the course will deal with the subject both from the standpoint of the home garden and from that of market gardening. This course will be largely field work. Fourth Year — Farm Crops, Soils, Farm Machinery and Farm Management The course in farm crops will deal with the ce- real crops of economic value, forage crops and pastures. The course in soils will deal with the formation of soils, kinds of soils and their management, cover crops, mulches, humus, soil elements, and crop rotations. Farm machinery will be a study of the common farming implements, their construction, and their uses. The farm management course will Ijc a sort of review of the agriculture course which has extend- ed throughout the four years of high school. It will make practical application of the fundamental principles which have been learned. Special Course in Agriculture For pupils over 18 years of age, whose appli- cation is approved by the principal and the superin- tendent of schools, there is provided a one year's 23 course in agriculture, including English, shop math- ematics, drawing, plain carpentry and blacksmith- ing. The hours in this course will be from 8 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., with an option of 4 hours on Satur- days, from 8 a. m. to 12 m. Of this time the stu- dents will spend approximately 450 hours on draw- ing, carpentry and blacksmithing, and 630 hours on agriculture, including botany, horticulture, ani- mal husbandry, soils and crops. One hour each day will be devoted to each of the following: Shop mathematics and English, elementary chemistry, introducing soil analysis. When the student leaves, a certificate will be is- sued him setting forth his proficiency. 24 ENGLISH First Year Three periods eaeli week to the study of com- position; two periods to hterature. The oral side of composition is emphasized; a requirement for promotion is the abihty to present satisfactorily to the class oral material. Narration and descrip- tion is studied with special stress on the former. Buhlig's "Business English" guides the technical study of composition and grammar, including punctuation and the writing of a clear sentence and paragraph. IB — Halleck and Barbour's "Readings from Literature" used as a basis for literary study and composition material. lA — A thorough review of grammar with the practical application of its principles in actual com- position and business letter writing. The following classics: Any two: Ivanhoe, Scott; Silas Marner, Eliot; Treasure Island, Stevenson; Last of the Mohicans, Cooper; Oregon Trail, Parkman. One of Shakespeare's plays: Midsummer Night's Dream; The Tempest; As You Like It. Second Year Clippinger's "Composition and Rhetoric. A re- view of description and narration, with a beginning in exposition, especially covering the construction of outlines. A thorough mastery of the mechanics of writing required. 2B — Marmion, or Lady of the Lake. 25 One of the following: The Mill on the Floss, Ehot. David Copperfield, Dickens. House of Seven Gables, Hawthorne. Quentin Durward, Scott. One of Shakespeare's plays: Merchant of Venice. Julius Caesar. 2A — From Gayley and Young's Principles and Progress: Goldsmith's Deserted Village. Coleridge's Ancient Mariner. Macaulay's Horatius. Lowell's Vision of Sir Launfal. Tennyson's Gareth and Lynette, Lancelot and Elaine, Passing of Arthur. American Short Stories from "Types of the Short Story by Heydrick. Not a technical study of the short story, but an appreciation of it as a literary form. Third Year 3B AND 3A— A study of the history of English literature will be based on Professor Long's text. The following writings will be studied: Chaucer's Prologue. Shakespeare's Macbeth or Hamlet. Milton: About 1000 lines will be selected from his short poems. Hunyan's Pilgrim's Progress. Class reports. Addison and Steele: De Coverley Papers. To be read out of class in part. Burns's Selections with Carlyle's Essay. Wordsworth: 500 lines from his best poems. Selections from Byron, Shelley and Keats. DeQuincey's Revolt of a Tartar Tribe. Tennyson: Poems found in Principles and Progress. Browning: Andra del Sarto, My Last Duchess, Evelyn Ho])e. Arnold: The Forsaken Merman. Thackeray: Henry Esmond, or Vanity Fair, Dickens: Tak* ol" Two Cities. Ruskin: Sesame and Lilies. Composition: Clippinger's Principles of English Composition will be used as a basis for the compo- sition work. Particular attention will be given to the making of outlines and the development of the essay. DRAMATICS This course is an alternative for English 3 or 4. It is a cultural course with a two-fold purpose, i. e., (1) To acquaint the pupil with the Historj^ of the Drama and the New Tendencies of the Drama. (2) To give the pupil stage presence and help his enunciation and voice development. The first semester takes up the History of the Drama from the Aristotelian Greek Drama througli the Drama of (ioldsmith and Sheridan. The second semester takes up the New Movement in the Drama, and a study of the chief contem- porary dramatists. The work of both semesters is supplemented l)y reading certain representative dramas; and the work in expression is carried on through both semesters. The classes will l)e small, and certain restric- tions will be placed on the freedom to enter the course. Those wishing to enter the course must consult the instructor some time between Sept. 1st and the beginning of school, 27 ORAL ENGLISH This course is an alternative for English 3 and 4. The aim of the course is to teach the student to think and then to express his thoughts. A large amount of time is devoted to both pre- pared and extemporaneous talks and speeches. Thirty-six weeks, five hours per week. Fourth Year 4B — A study of literature based on Simon's "Am- erican Literature from Illustrative Readings." Stu- dents are asked to subscribe for certain magazines to be used in class room for a study of current events and journalistic literature. The short story as an important phase of literature taken up. The technique of the short story expressed in construc- tive exercises leading up to the writing of the short story. 4A — The work in American Literature and the magazine continued. Modern writers studied and an attempt made to place a comparative value on contemporary writings. Investigation of the theory of modern advertising. Magazine, newspaper, and other advertisements studied and discussed. Ad- vertisements constructed with a view to effective- ness and general appeal. 28 MATHEMATICS First Year — Elementary Algebra Thirty-six weeks, inckuliiii^ quadratic equations, simultaneous equations of the first dei^ree, and ele- ments of variation. Special attention is given to factoring and to graphical methods. Second Year — Plane Geometry Special attention to accuracy. Enough original problems to develop the power of reasoning from principles. Practical problems related to mensur- ation, mechanics and draughting. Thirty-six weeks. Arithmetic, eighteen weeks. A re-covering of the ground of grammar school arithmetic from the viewpoint of i)rinciples. Mastery of short methods and checks. Continued drill for accuracy. A great variety of problems related to business and in- dustry. This is for commercial students only. Third Year — Advanced Algebra The development of principles, the use of graph- ical methods, and the application of algebra to practical problems is an important part of this sub- ject. Thirty-six weeks. Fourth Year Solid Geometry, eighteen weeks. The applica- tion of trigonometry to practical uses is essential. This subject is intended to be followed by and put to use in surveying. SURVEYING— Twelve to eighteen weeks. Prac- tical work in the field and the draughting room. 29 Use of instruments, running foundation, levels, running ditches and roads to grade, setting cross section stakes, calculating earth to be moved, land measurements, leveling machinery, charting and the general use of a bidder's level. This work in- cludes the reproduction of field notes in map form. ao SCIENCE First Year (iencral Science, thirty-six weeks, five periods a week. The subject is treated from the point of view of natural science in general rather than from the points of view of the several subdivisions there- of. Clark's General Science is used as a reference for class use and aside from this students are as- signed some collateral reading. A certain amount of laboratory work is required. Second Year Physical Geographj-, thirty-six weeks, five periods a week. The subject matter of any one of the standard high school texts is taken as the basis for the work. Arey, Bryant, Clendenin and Morey's Physiography and Smith, Stahl and Sykes' labora- tory manual in physical geography are in use. Tarr's New Physical Geography is also used as a supplementary text. Biological Science A general course will be offered, beginning Sept. 11, 1916. This course for the present year will be open to 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students. Third Year Chemistry, thirty-six weeks, seven or eight per- iods a week. This is strictly a laboratory course, using as a basis Smith's High School Chemistry and Manual. It comprises a thorough study of the principal elements, valence, law of definite and mul- 31 tiple proportion and is preparatory and prerequi- site to the first course in chemistry given in the Junior College. HOUSEHOLD CHEMISTRY— This covers a year's work. It is especially for girls who take do- mestic science and who do not expect to go to col- lege. Snell's Household Chemistry is recom- mended. Fourth Year Physics, thirty-six weeks, seven or eight periods a week. Milliken and Gale's Short Course in Physics and a lahoratory manual provide the outline for the work. ASSAYING — Two courses of eighteen weeks, each, ten periods a week are offered. The work consists entirely in actual assays of ore samples and some instruction on ore deposits and important minerals associated with them. Beringer's text- book of Assaying, Griffin & Co., London, is used as a reference. HISTORY The student should be led to distinguish the es- sential points in history. Special attention should be attached to the development of movements of far reaching importance to civilization. Mere memorizing of facts and dates is to be avoided. Abstracts should be used only to train the pupil to get at the gist of the subject. Whatever note-book work or map drawing is required must be done neatly and accurately. ANCIENT HISTORY— Thirty-six weeks, five per- iods per week. This subject is a condensation of the usual one year's work in the history of Greece and Rome and that portion of European history closing about 800 A. D. The development of civ- ilization; the growth of institutions; the rise and fall of nations, with the study of the reasons for both their success and failure. Special attention should be given to the successive westward move- ments which have resulted in the present location of European peoples. MEDIAEVAL AND MODERN HISTORY— Thirty- six weeks, five periods per week. From the year 800 to the present time. Special attention given to racial movements and to the development of civilization. The growth of the modern forms of government. Details of English history are to be omitted. ENGLISH HISTORY— Thirty-six weeks, five per- iods per week. This should be a development of the history of the Enghsh race in its social, indus- trial, political and constitutional aspects, HISTORY AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNIT- ED STATES — Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. A consideration of the growth, development and progress of the American nation and its insti- tutions. Special attention should be given to pres- ent social, industrial and political conditions of the nation. In civics, the duties of citizenship should be emphasized and attention given to the question of municipal government. HISTORY OF COMMERCE— This course will take up the history of commerce from the earliest times and trace the growth down to the present time, taking especial account of geographic, eco- nomic and political factors. 34 FOREIGN LANGUAGES LATIN First Year — Latin Thirty-six weeks, live periods per week. This work includes a thorough mastery of Latin inflec- tions, some rudiments of syntax, reading" of easy Latin prose, and constant practice in writing easy Latin sentences based on Caesar. Second Year Thirty-six weeks, live periods per week. Caesar's Gallic Wars, Books I to IV, with attention to the related topics of Roman history, life and civiliza- tion. Continued work in syntax and in writing of Latin. With the approval of the Principal an equivalent amount from the Lives of Cornelius Ne- pos may be substituted for the four books of Caesar. Third Year Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. Six ora- tions from Cicero, including the four against Cati- line, that for the Manilian Law, and the speech in defense of the Poet Archais. The grammar is practically completed and composition continued in Latin paragraph writing based on Cicero. Fourth Year Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. Virgil's Aeneid, Books I to IV, with the study of prosody. Continued paragraph writing based on Cicero, 35 special attention to sight reading of Latin verse. Third and fourth year Latin will not be given unless classes are large enough to warrant the un- dertaking. SPANISH First Year — Spanish Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. Span- ish grammar and pronunciation, with the reading of from 100 to 200 pages of easy Spanish prose. All class work, as far as possible, is conducted in Spanish. Second Year Tliirty-six weeks, five periods per week. Gram- mar and pronunciation continued, with the reading of about 300 pages of Spanish prose. Class work, as far as possible, conducted in Spanish. Third and fourth year Spanish will be given when classes are large enough to warrant it. FRENCH First Year — French Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. French grammar and pronunciation, with the reading of from 100 to 200 pages of easy French. All class work, as far as possible, is conducted in French. Second Year Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. Con- tinued study of the grammar, with the reading of about 300 or 400 pages of French prose, including simple work on scientific subjects for the acquiring of a vocabularj'^ used in French technical books. Tliird and fourth year French will be given where the demand is sullicient to organize a class. GERMAN First Year — German Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. A study of the elements of German grammar along with the reading of easy German. Especial emphasis will be placed on the conversational side. Second Year Thirty-six weeks, five periods per week. A more advanced study through readings of modern writ- ers. Conversational German given especial empha- sis. 37 DRAWING MECHANICAL DRAWING The first year aims to give the student a knowl- edge of the use of the instruments, an ability to read drawings and an intelligent appreciation of the varied use of drawings. The work starts with geometrical constructions, lettering, copy plate work, advancing as rapidly as possible to orthographic projection and then to very simple working drawings. The second year the student starts with drawings of simple machine parts from models such as check valves, globe valves, gate valves, injectors, etc., which he takes apart for the purpose of making both the detail and assembly drawing. More let- tering work is given in the early part of the year. Tracing and blueprinting are also given. During tlic latter part of the year the student who desires to specialize in architectural drawing is given an opportunity to do so. The third year the student should be able to make drawings of complete machines and he is started on drawings of machines in the different shops, tlicn given some machine outside of the school to make sketches of and obtain measure- ments sufficient to enable him to make complete details and assembly in the drawing room. The arcliitectural student is given a list of requirements including cost, size and direction of frontage of a lot, number and arrangement of rooms, and other data supposedly from a client and is obliged to 38 work up a set of plans, specifications and contrac- tor's contract. The fourtli year student is oblii^cd to do a great deal of figuring of costs and other executive work in addition to the drawing work. The drawing work in this last year is planned to supplement as much as possible the special line of work that tlic student has selected and is entirely individual work. FREEHAND DRAWING The Art Department presents a varied course to suit the abilities of the student. It ranges from copy plate work, drawing geometrical figures, con- ventional design, casts of the human face and form in pen and cliarcoal, to illustrating, designing and painting in water color, pastel, or oil. The aim of the department is not merely to train the hands to guide the pencil, l)ut to train the perception, to broaden the power of observation, strengthen the ability to express oneself and give a keener appreciation of the beautiful. The first work is in outhne and light and shade, from geometrical figures and kindred subjects. From these the work is carried up the scale as fast as the student is capable, regardless of the pro- gress of his neighbor who may be more or less talented, speciahzing in perspective first, and then chiroscuro. During the second credit year the student is al- lowed to take up color, if he shows the proper amount of ability and energy, and should be able to do some very creditable illustrating or color work. 39 MUSIC Students, who have taken music during the year 1915-16, will find a course in second year music open to them. Beginning students will enter the regular first year classes unless permission is granted by the instructor, to enter the second year class. There will be a band and an orchestra and credit will be given according to the time expended. 40 TEXT BOOKS USED ENGLISH First Year B — Ward's Oral Composition. Clippingcr's Composition and Rhetoric. First Year A — Stevenson's Treasure Island. Man Without a Country, by E. E. Hale. Shakespeare's Midsum- mer Nii^ht's Dream. Woolcy's Handbook of Com- position. Second Year B — Scott's Marmion, George Eliot's Silas Mar- ner, Scott's Ivanhoe. Second Year A — Irving's Sketch Book. Dickens's Tale of Two Cities, Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Gold- smith's Deserted Village, Burns's Cotter's Saturday Night and Tarn O'Shanter, Byron's Prisoner of Chillon. Woolley's Handbook for Composition. Third Year Long's History of English Literature, Ginn & Co.; Palgrave's Golden Treasury and Gayley and Y^oung's Principles and Progress of Poetry. Fourth Year Principles and Progress of Poetry. 41 MATHEMATICS First Year Wells and Hart's First Year Algebra, Heath. Second Year Wentworth and Smith's Plane Geometry, Ginn & Co. Third Year Wells and Hart's Second Course in Algebra. Fourth Year Wentworth & Smith's Solid Geometry and Went- worth's Plane Trigonometry, Ginn & Co. HISTORY First Year West's Ancient World, Allyn & Bacon. Second Year Harding's Mediaeval and Modern History, Am. Book Co. Third Year Cheney's English History, Ginn & Co. Fourth Year West's Student's History of the United States, Allyn &. Bacon. SCIENCE First Year Clarke's General Science, Am. Book Co. Second Year Arcy, Bryant, Clendenin and Morey's Physio- graphy, and Smith, Stahl and Sykes's Laboratory Manual for Physiography, both published by D. C. Heath & Co. 42 Third Year Smith's Hii>h Scliool Cliomistry and Smith's Lab- oratory Manual to accompany the same; The Cen- tury Co. Snell's Household Chemistry, The McMil- lan Co.; Blanchard's Lab. Manual lor Household Chemistry, Allyn tt Bacon. Fourth Year Physics, Milliken Si Gale, revised. AGRICULTURE First Year Soils and Plant, Cunningham & Lancelot. Second Year Dairy Farming, Michels. Third Year Wickson's California Fruits, Pacific Rural Press. Fourth Year Principles of Argonomy, Harris &. Stuart. MUSIC McConathy's School Song Book, C. C. Burchard; Alexander's Songs We Like to Sing, Silver-Burdett. LANGUAGES First Year — Latin Scott's F21ementary Latin, Scott, Foresman & Co. Second Year Towle and Jenk's Caesar's (iallic War, D. C, Heath. Third Year D'Ooge's Select Orations, Sanborn & Co. 43 D'Ooge's Latin Composition, Parts I and II, Ginn & Co. Fourth Year Knapp's Aeneid, Scott, Foresman & Co. First Year — French Eraser and Squair's Shorter French Course, D. C. Heath; La Mere Michel et son chat Le Chien du Capitaine. Second Year L'Abhe Constantin, La Lulipe Noire, Dumas. First Year — Spanish A Spanish Grammar, Olmsted & Gordon. Second Year Ohnsted & Gordon's Spanish Grammar, Galdos's Marianela, Zaragueta. First Year — German Bacon's German Grammar for Beginners, Allyn & Bacon. Second Year Bacon's German Grammar for Beginners, Clas- sics from the German literature of the last one hundred fifty years. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS Miner's Bookkeeping, Ginn & Co. Moore and Miner's Commercial Arithmetic, Ginn & Co. Brig- ham's Commercial Geography. Ganos' Commer- cial Law, A. B. C. Pittman and Howard's Be- porter's Companion, Phonographic Institute. Pho- nographic Institute. Pittman's Phonographic Amanuensis, Phonographic Institute. Complete Typewriter, Barnes. Seventy Lessons in Spelling, A. B. C. Marshall Goodyear Business Practise. 44 > era a>' c Mechanics Mining Civil Engineering Chemistry Architecture Forest Utilization >* P . 5* Letters and Science Commerce Law COLLEGE, SCHOOL, or CURRICULUM N3 to to to qsiisua to ■^ to to soiiBUiaqiEW to to to to U3l9J0^ H- H- I-* 1— '^-loisiH : : : »«-» -TSXqd: JO X.qsi -iuaqo 'soisXqd rs3 to to • X-HSTiuaqo puB soisAqd : : to to aouaps •Apv '3SBn3 -UTJT uSiaJo^ 'SOU-BiuaqiBH riBuouipPV : to : -u-bt: uSiaJO^ rtBuoiiippv "^ p 3 1 :i :5. 2/' "'m M s KtWri- r/5 "^ ^'S? H HH ^O CD ,^ ^ - ^2.§ W2 t2 hd •-) rm H a> jJi 5 W -.'<; <-►'-« 3 CO < CD f^ CO r O CD S* 3pg, o S* So 3 3) P Ht Sri 45 SUGGESTIONS TO STUDENTS EXPECTING TO ATTEND NORMAL SCHOOL Students who expect to attend a Normal School of California at some later time and who wish to complete the regular teachers' course in two years, should complete in the high school the following general requirements as set forth in Bulletin No, 14, a part of which is printed below. General Requirements 36 *English Literature and Language, including gram- mar, composition and oral expression 2 18 *Pliysical Science — One year of general science, in- cluding the applied elements of physics, chem- istry and physical geography, or one year of physics or chemistry or physical geography, pro- vided that for students entering after June 30, 1918, the general science shall be prescribed 1 18 Biological Science, Including physiology, hygiene and sanitation 1 18 *History of the United States and Civics, including local and state government 1 36 *World History 2 18 Drawing and Painting, including applied design 1 18 Music, including sight reading, two-part singing, and elementary harmony 1 9 Manual Training or Household Arts, or both; pro- vided, that for students entering after June 30, 1918, one unit shall be required Vz 9 Elements of Agriculture, including practical work in gardening, lloriculture and plant propagation; provided, that for students entering after June 30, 1918, one unit shall be required % 18 *Mathematics, including general mathematics' or the applied elements of algebra or plane geometry, or commercial arithmetic 1 ♦Subjects must be taken in High School. A unit means a year's work (36 weeks). 46 FACULTY LUDDEN, Mr. A. J Principal VANDER EIKE, Mr. PAUL Vice-Prin., Science BERRY, Mr. GEORGE T Agriculture BISHOP, Mr. W. R English, German BROWN, Mr. V. B English CARSON, Miss MARION V Typing, Stenography CHUBB, Miss OLIVE M English CRAIG, Mrs. H. S Latin, Librarian CULBERTSON, Miss LULIE M Physical Culture CULLIMORE, Mr. CLARENCE Mech. Drawing DENTON, Mr. PAUL R French, English FORKER, Miss YSABEL Spanish ELLIS, Mr. CLYDE G Freehand Drawing GODSHALL, Mr. A. M Music GRIFFITH, Mr. D. M Mathematics KRUGER, Miss LOUISE M German, Latin FARRAHER, Mrs. MARY History URNER, Mr. DAVID E Mathematics M'CORMICK, Mr. R. E Mathematics SEAT, Miss GLADYS Spanish MILLS, Mr. W. M Chemistry, Assaying ROBINSON, Mr. W. E Mechanical Arts RISTER, Mr. O. W Commercial Department SHIRRELL, Mr. E Oral English, U. S. History SHUTE, Mr. SIDNEY E Mechanical Arts SIEMON, Miss LIDA Household Economics STIERN, Miss ELSIE Secretary VALENTINE, Mr. M. E Physics, General Science VIVIAN, Mr. W. A History WALDO, Miss LULU English, Dramatics WILSON, Mr. GEO. E Mechanical Arts WILSON, Mrs. SADA Household Economics 4T ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE COURSES MATRICULATION The same regulations that govern admission to the University of Cahfornia are in force in the Junior College. Regular students must have fifteen recommended credits, or forty-five credit units, distributed as indicated in the "Circular of Infor- mation" of the University. All other students are classed as Special with incomplete matriculation and are admitted on condition that they make u]) their matriculation deficiencies before applying for the Junior Certificate. High school graduates are admitted without entrance examination, but must comply with the foregoing regulation if they later wish to enter the University. Credit Valuation of Courses The credit value of every course is indicated. In general one credit unit means one hour of class work a week. Laboratory courses require more time. The assignment of home work is left to the judgment of the instructor. College credit is not given for high school subjects to college students pursuing such subjects, except as provided for by the rules of the Faculty of the University. 48 COURSES BOTANY 5A — General Botany A laboratory course in the study of the plant, in- cluding the morphology and physiology of the various plant organs. The equivalent of Botany 2 at tlic University of California; 8 periods a week — 2 lectures and G laboratory periods — the first semester; 3 units. 5B — General Botany (continued) A continuation of course oA, taking up the gen- eral characteristics, comparative morphologj% and economic importance of the spore-bearing and seed- bearing plants. This course correspondes to Bot- any 3 at the University of California; 8 periods a week the second semester; 3 units. CIVIL ENGINEERING 5A-5B — Surveying Theory, Field Practice, Mapping The principles of plane surveying, including methods employed in topographic, land, city, min- ing and hydrographic surveys and in making maps and calculations from field notes. The course in- cludes special problems in the field and in the drafting room. Tliis course is the equivalent of C. E. lABCD at U. C; 10 periods a week; both semesters; 6 units. DRAWING 5A — Descriptive Geometry Although emphasis is laid upon well executed, 49 careful drawing, credit is given as a result of suc- cessfully completing the two semesters and the final examinations. The course is the equivalent of Drawing 2A at the University of California and it prepares a student to continue with Drawing 2B. The text used is "Descriptive Geometry," by Albert E. Church. Prerequisites: Freehand Drawing, Ge- ometrical Drawing and Solid Geometry. All stu- dents in Architecture and Engineering are required to complete this course; 5 periods or more a week both semesters; 3 units. ENGLISH 5A — Principles of Rhetoric The principles of rhetoric worked out and dem- onstrated by a study of modern prose. Linn's "Essentials of English Composition" will be made the basis for the study of the four forms of dis- course. Specimens from Bunyan, Macaulay, De- Quincey, Spencer, and the more modem examples found in "Prose Specimens" by Duncan, Beck, and Graves will be used. Two hours each week will be given to the study of masterpieces; three hours to practical composition; 5 periods a week the first semester; 3 units. 5B— The Short Story Esenwein's "Writing the Short Story" and Pit- kin's "Writing and Sale of the Short Story," wdll furnish text for guidance in the study of tech- nique. Many examples of the best short stories will be analyzed with a view to studying the meth- ods used by writers in their development of plot, character, setting, etc. Constructive exercises will be given; short stories will be written; 5 periods a week the second semester; 3 units. 50 GEOGRAPHY 5 A — Physiography General discussion of earth relations, land forms, weather and climate, and oceanography and their relation to human affairs. Salishury's or Tarr and Martin's College Physiography will be used for ref- erence. This course corresponds to Geography lA at U. C.; 5 periods a week the first semester, for lecture and class work; 3 units. 5B — Industrial and Commercial Geography A survey of the world's industries, products and commerce; the chief commercial routes, and a gen- eral outline of the commercial relations of the na- tions of the world and of the rise and fall of the world entrepot in commercial history'. J. Russel Smith's "Industrial and Commercial Geography" is in use for reference in class work. The course in- cludes special reports from the U. S. "Commerce Reports," on commercial treaties of the U. S., on the relations between Geography and Economics, etc. Prerequisite: Geography 5A; 5 periods a week the second semester; 3 units. HISTORY 5A-5B — History of the Nineteenth Century A sui-x'ey of nineteenth century history, as out- lined for Junior Colleges by the Department of His- tory at U. C. Both semesters must be taken be- fore credit is allowed. The work comprises lec- tures and class work; 5 periods a week, both sem- esters; 6 units. 5C-5D — Advanced English History A study of the political and constitutional his- tory of England, including the examination of il- liistrative documents, as outlined for Junior Col- leges by the Department of History at U. C. This course will alternate with course SAB; 5 periods a week both semesters, for lectures and class work; 6 units. MATHEMATICS 5A — Plane Analytical Geometry The equivalent of Mathematics 5 at the Univers- ^ ity of California. Prerequisite: Algebraic Theory ^\^ and Trigonometry; 5 periods a week the first sem- ester; 3 units. 5B — Diflferential Calculus The equivalent of Mathematics 9 at the Univer- sity of California. Prerequisite: Course 5A; 5 periods a week the second semester; 3 units. PHILOSOPHY 5A — Deductive Logic Corresponding to Philosophy lA at the Univer- sity of California; 5 periods a week the first sem- ester; 3 units. 5B — Inductive Logic The equivalent of Philosophy IB at the Univer- sity of California; 5 periods a week the second sem- ester; 3 units. POLITICAL SCIENCE 5A — Government The parliamentary governments of Europe, in- cluding England, France and Italy. Three lectures a week, oral quizz and written tests on outside reading; 5 periods a week the first semester; 3 units. 5B — Government The federal governments, including a study of 52 the German Empire, Prussia, Austria-Hungary and Switzerland. The last eight weeks of the course are devoted to a critical and comparative study oi the government and politics of the United States. Three lectures a week, oral quizz and written test on outside reading; 5 periods a week the second semester; 3 units. Political Science 5A-5B is the equivalent of Political Science lA-lB at U. C, and of Economics 31-32 at Stanford. ROMANIC LANGUAGES 5A — Elementary French The equivalent of French AB at U. of C. or ma- triculation subject 15a2. The grammar used is Fraser and Squair's Shorter Course. Accurate pro- nunciation on a basis of phonetics, the essentials of grammar, and a careful translation of simple French prose into idiomatic EngUsh receive care- ful consideration; 5 hours a week the first semes- ter; 5 units. ^ y 5B — Elementary %fmmit^ (continuation of 5A) Further study of the grammar, especially syntax, conversation and composition. Reading of French prose and plays. Reports in French on outside reading. Prerequisite: Course 5A or equivalent; 5 hours a week the second semester; 5 units. This course is the equivalent of French CD at the Uni- versity of California. 5A — Elementary Spanish Stress is laid on the essentials of grammar, care- ful translation of Spanish into English and on ac- curate pronunciation, Castillian being the standard. Olmsted and Gordon's Grammar is used. This course is the equivalent of Spanish AB at the Uni- 53 versity of California and of matriculation subject 15c2; 5 hours a week the first semester; 5 units. 5/C^,.^^Further study of grammar, especially syntax; / reading of contemporary prose and Spanish plays; conversation and composition. Prerequisite: Spanish 5 A or matriculation subject 15c2. This course is the equivalent of Spanish CD of the Uni- versity of California; 5 hours a week the second semester; 5 units. m \ FACULTY OF THE JUNIOR COLLEGE LUDDEN, A. J Principal VANDER EIKE, PAUL Dean of J. C, Science BROWN, V. B English CULLIMORE, C Drawing DENTON, PAUL R. French GRIFFITH, D. M Surveying M'CORMICK, R. E Logic and Mathematics SHIRRELL, ELMER L Political Science VIVIAN, W. A History SEAT, Miss GLADYS Spanish 55 iilV3J0-^ < ^MtUNIVER5•//, %a3AIN|i Is s \omy. %% ^ ^y/: M;OF-CAllFfl •^o-mm\ ,v\VOSAMCi ^Aa3AiNn-:i ,-j-o .^ v>;lOSANCEJ ^/iil3AINfl-| •■i\iJ^^ SANCFl/^r. JCij/\iiM|jn>- diAinilil''^ IRRARV/), ^^^UIBRAkj -