UC-NRLF CATALOGUE OF THE PR01 liRTY OF JAMES 213323, ESQ. loe Sold sit BY MESSRS, KILLIP & CO, iflay, Segteilier 13ft, 1873, at 11 O'clocK, A. I. STATE FAIR GROUNr^'^AfTtAiMK^l'O' : J Francis ^ Valentine, I inters. olTClay S L reet, S. F. JUDGE MEE PASSES AWAY. The Weil-Known Attorney Expires After a Long Illness. The death is recorded yesterday of Judge James Mee, the well-known attorney, who expired at his residence on Broadway after an illness of some months' duration. The deceased came to California in the early fifties and became engaged in min- ing, the gold excitement being then at Us height. Mr. Mee al^occupied himself in agricultural pursuit* with considerable success. In 1862 he settled in San Francisco and addressed himself to the study and prac- tice ol the Inw, toward which his early tastes inclined him. He continued to practice law until a few years ago, when failing health drove him to retire from active business. Mr. Mee was a thorough man of affairs, shrewd, bright and rich in experiences of value. He had a wide circle of friends, and his intimates held his opinion ia high esteem. He was a native of Ireland, aged 65 years. The funeral will take place to-morrow at 9 A. M. from St. Bridget's Church, corner Van Ness averme r>nrt Broadwaj'. STALLIONS. No. I. NORFALL. Bay Stallion, 1 5 J hands high ; five years old ; sired by Norfolk (he by Lexington, out of Novice, by im- ported Glencoe). ist dam, Moss Rose, by imported Knight of St. George. 2d dam, imported Mel rose, by Melbourne. 3d " Clarkia, by Muley Moloch. 4th " Sister to Kighton, by Palmerin. (Son of Amadis, out of own sister to Orville.) 5th dam, Oceana, by Cerberus. 6th " , by lieningbrough. yth " Jenny Mole, by Carbuncle. 8th " - by Prince T'Quassaw. 9th " Sultana, by Regulus. No. 2. CHIEF CROWLEY. Bay Stallion, three years old ; by Woodburn (he by Lexington, out of Heads-I-Say, by imported Glencoe). ist dam, Bonnie Belle, by Belmont. 850415 2d " Liz Givens, by imported Langford. 3d " Charlotte Pace, by Sir Archy. 4th " by imported .Restless. 5th " Green's old Celar mare, by Celar. No. 3. TOMMY. Bay Stallion, foaled Feb. 22, 1871 ; by Woodburn. ist dam, Peggy Ringgold, by Ringgold. 2d " Little Cripple, by Cripple. 3d " Peggy Stewart, by Cook's Whip. 4th " Mary Bedford, by Duke of Bedford. 5th " by imported Speculator. 6th " Alexander's Dare Devil Mare. Has taken first premium at all Fairs where exhib ited. No. 4. MARINER. Brown Stallion; two years old ; bred by Ad Mail- lard, Esq. ; sired by .Young Eclipse (he by imported Eclipse, out of imported Barbarity, by Simoon). ist dam, Milly, by Slasher. 2d " Ellie Rodgers, by Hermes (son of Fash- ion). 3d dam, Patsey Anthony, by imported Priam. (See Turf Register.) No. 5. - Chestnut Stallion, foaled April 14, 1873 ; sired by Monday (he by Colton, out of Mollie Jackson). ist dam, Mayflower, by imported Eclipse. 2d dam, Hennie Farrow, by imported Shamrock. See No. 9. Monday was one of the most successful race-hors- es of his day. He won the trial stakes at Jerome Park in 1866, the American Derby in 1867, with thirty-three entries, and the sequel stakes, two miles, in a canter, the same year. Colton, his sire, was one of the fastest sons of Lexington, his dam being Topaz, by imported Glencoe (the dam of Lodi, Austerlitz, etc.). Mollie Jackson, the dam of Mon- day, ran at Woodlawn, Ky.,in 5:35^ 5-34f 5: 2 8J, with full weight for age, which yet stands as the best three-mile race ever run in America. No. 6. Bay Stallion; foaled May "10, 1872; sired by Woodburn. ist dam, Fashion, by Belmont. See No. 13. [4] MARES. No. 7. LADY JANE. Sorrel Mare, 8 years old, imported from Jamaica. Sired by Maurauder. ist dam, Jane Shore, by Panmon. 2d " Effie Deans, by Woful. 3d " Elizabeth, by Skip. 4th " Dispute, by Parlington. 5th " Gift, by Young Waxy. Maurauder was bred in England, and was sired by Cossack ; dam, Barbarina, by Plenipotentiary. (See Vol. 8, page 30, English Stud Book.) He ran sev- eral times, and was twice a winner. (See Racing Calendar, 1857-58.) Lady Jane has a catch colt by her side. No. 8. ABI. Bay Mare ; 4 years old ; sired by Woodburn. ist dam, Peggy Ringgold, by Ringgold. 2d " Little Cripple, by Cripple. 3d " Peggy Stewart, by Cook's Whip. 4th " Mary Bedford, by Duke of Bedford. 5th " - by imported Speculator. 6th " Alexander's Dare Devil Mare. No. 9. MAYFLOWER. Chestnut Mare; foaled May ist, 1865 ; sired by Imported Eclipse. ist dam, Hennie Farrow, by imported Shamrock. 2d " Ida, by imported Belshazzar. 3d " dam of Gamma and Epsilon, by Sir Richards. 4th dam, by imported Eagle. 5th " - by Wilke's Wonder. 6th " by Chanticleer. yth " by imported Stirling. 8th " - by Clodius. 9th " by imported SilverE ye. Stinted to Norfall. Imported Eclipse was a famous race-horse while in England, and since his importation into America has been very successful as a stallion. He is the sire of those wonderful mares, Ruthless, Relentless, Remorseless; of Alarm, the colt that ran a mile in i :42^-, Midday, Narragansett, and a host of others. Every mare served produced a winner, accidents in training excepted. No. 10. BELLE. Black Mare ; foaled April loth, 1871. Sired by imported Eclipse. ist dam, Hennie Farrow, by imported Eclipse. See No. 9. Belle has taken the first piemium at all Fairs where exhibited. She bids fair to become a fine race -horse. No. II. CAYUCA MAID. Brown Mare, 7 years old ; sired by Oregon Bill. ist dam, the dam of Pilot. Has colt by Woodburn at her side. No. 12. LADY BELLE. Chestnut Mare, 14 years old ; sired by Belmont. (The dam of Derringer.) Has colt at her side by Woodburn. Stinted to trotting stallion John Nel- son. Broken to harness. No. 13. FASHION. Sorrel Mare, 14 years' old ; sired by Belmont. (The dam of Al Bascombe.) Has colt by Wood- burn at her side. Stinted to trotting stallion John Nelson. Broken to harness. m No. 14. - Bay Mare, 5 years old ; 16 hands high ; sired by Wood burn. ist dam, Hopper's grey mare, by Cosmo. Stinted to trotting stallion John Nelson. Works kindly in harness, single or double. No. 15. - Bay Mare, yearling ; sired by Woodburn. ist dam, Lady Belle, by Belmont. See No. 12. This mare is a natural trotter and very promising. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINS OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. " ...^..v, 3IJa'55DC ^feG'D (jj iftdhf 'i 1 - CLu ')- iy/j JWI: - - '' R U! .; I H 19730 2 Photomount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros., Inc.j Makers Stockton, Calif. PAT. JAN. 21. 1908 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY