I TX I UC-W"^"^., -^ n n n THE CLIFFORD M. LEWIS AMERICAN' PLAN ^ CHECK SYSTE rsdL mx.- ^V>^,; #K!.f"l^^^ %^^^^ -mjt. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/cliffordmlewisamOOIewirich. CLIFFORD M. LEWIS THE CLIFFORD M. LEWIS y) American Plan Check System ADAPTED FOR THE USE OF AMERICAN PLAN HOTELS IN GENERAL; FOR THE SERVICE OF TABLE D' HOTE MEALS IN RESTAURANTS, AND FOR BANQUETS. A Method of Control Between Front Office and Dining Room and Kitchen and Dining Room. Copyright 1912 by Clifford M. Lewis Published by THE HOTEL MONTHLY CHICAGO • • « e ♦ • « • • » « c •'' ^•.••' INTRODUCTION The aim and purpose of the system of American Plan Checking which is set forth in the following chapters of this book is to show proprietors of American plan hotels how, by introducing the system in their houses, they will be able, at a nominal initial cost, not only to save for themselves a considerable amount of money, by reducing their produce bills to a great extent, but at the same time be able to give their patrons a greatly im- proved service. The writer, whose experience in the hotel business dates from his early youth, is personally in favor of the European plan of conducting hotels, on account of the advantages it offers to the hotel pro- prietors. It is an established fact that the European plan affords the guest a better cuisine and a greater variety of dishes. To the proprietor it is beneficial because he gets compensation for everything which is ordered, and hardly anything- ordered by a guest on the European plan goes to the scrap table. It is surprising how the American plan guest's appetite diminishes when ordering from a la carte menu. Circumstances in this country are, how- ever, such that a great number of the hotels practically are compelled to cling to the American plan, and it has therefore been the aim of the writer to invent a system whereby the proprietor of an American plan hotel, as well as his pa- trons, will derive as many of the advan- tages of the European plan as possible, at the same time that he continues the Amer- ican plan. Hotels conducted on the American plan at $4 and $5 per day and upwards can, 968414 by using the American plan checking, give their patrons European service complete, as most high-priced American plan houses have a very extensive bill of fare. A guest becoming familiar with the American plan check will naturally accus- tom himself to ordering just what is want- ed and nothing more, knowing that the portions will be large. In this way the hotel can serve large portions, knowing also that the guest only orders what he desires, and does not leave it to the waiter to bring in anything that might suit his (the waiter's) fancy, only to be picked over by the guest: who, having finally tasted of the several dishes, and finding one that pleases, requests the waiter to bring some more of this or that, while the other portions find their way to the scrap table. Hotels conducted at $2, $2.50 and $3.00 per day should of necessity use a small bill of fare, serving liberal portions, instead of the stereotyped small American plan por- tions. The guest will soon become ac- quainted with the American plan check and its improved service. The writer has evolved this system, which he now offers to the proprietors of American plan hotels, at his own hotels; and he knows from his own experience v;hat the difference is in dollars and cents between running the dining room of a hotel in the old-fashioned way and under the systematized way as hereinafter set forth. It has taken several years of con- stant improvement and watching for de- tails to perfect this system ; but now that it has reached such a state of perfection, the writer feels justified in publishing the results of his labors, allowing others to partake of its advantages. It is not necessary here to point out to the proprietors of American plan hotels how, while during the last years prices of all commodities have sprung up sometimes to almost double the prices of what they were ten years ago, they still must continue to charge the same prices as they did at said time ; but the writer asks them to take notice that, by using his system, they will be able to save at least twenty-five per cent, of their produce bills ; in addition to which advantage it will greatly improve the service in their dining rooms ; mistakes will be avoided and the patrons will be pleased. After the system has once been installed in a hotel, the proprietor thereof will won- der how he has been able to get along with- out it without losing money, and the little time and personal supervision that it will take the proprietor or the manager to see that it is properly w^orking will be a thou- sandfold repaid. THE CLIFFORD M. LEWIS AMERICAN PLAN CHECK SYSTEM Adapted for the Use of American Plan Hotels in General and: fo^.^h^ Sfervicf/^f Table d'Hote Meals in Restaurants. ^ ">' • '* Copyright 1912 by CHAPTER I WHAT IT IS The American Plan Check system is a system by which the guest at an American plan hotel writes his order on a specially prepared check at the time he sits down to the table, or prior to that time. The headwaiter will suggest, when a guest gives a dinner party, or has an extra diner, or wants an early breakfast, or any meal served at a stated time, that the guest can secure a check and bill of fare prior to the meal hour, writing the order in full, thereby being relieved of any further thought of the meal until it is ready to be served. The waiter or headwaiter places before the guest an American plan check, a pencil and the menu card. The guest then writes on the check the entire order for himself, and his party, if not alone. At the head of the check is the name of the hotel etc. etc., under which follows (in exclusively conducted American plan houses) : ^'Prevent mistakes hy writing your or- der:' And where hotel is conducted on both plans : "American plan: do not pay this check/' The latter is put on because of the fact that it might be used by a dishonest waiter, where the hotel is conducted on both American and European plans. In the heading there are spaces pro- vided to write in the "number of persons,'' "room number," "waiter's number," "ta- Clifford M. Lewis / . .. ^ ^ , o ^ ' . > . ^ , • . ble number" and "check number" or "date." The American Plan Check system is a system intended to do away with over- ordering and the over-serving with which every American plan hotel proprietor is confronted under the present method of serving meals. By the installation of this system every hotel proprietor will be able to protect himself against both. It is a system by the operation of which the patron will be greatly pleased. There may be some lone guest who at first can see no reason for writing down his order; but after he once has seen that by so doing he has served to himself exactly what he ordered, he will never again be satisfied to give an oral order. In case a guest should not wish to take the trouble of writing his order, the head- waiter or captain will do so. From the experience of the writer, however, it is found that while a guest now and then may inquire the reason for having him write his order, a few words of explana- tion from the headwaiter have always been sufficient to satisfy the curiosity of such guest. It is a system by which the hotel pro- prietor will be able to save a considerable amount of money. His produce bills, his milk bills and his fruit bills will be re- duced on the average twenty-five per cent. The service in his dining room, in his kitchen and in his pantry will be so sys- tematized that his waiters will be able to serve a considerably larger number of guests at one time, thereby enabling him in some instances to employ a smaller number of waiters. It is a system by which the proprietor of a hotel will be able to greatly improve his table, at the same time that he reduces , , ,th,e cost, of proyidipg for it. This is be- ' Jcku^e tljC' .scrap' fa\)}e is virtually done away , c .wit|i an{J. there ,are hdrjily any things to be 'c I c1i^^^l^^'^>»^^^^^s^^\.^K^i^0^J^^^sJ^J^J^^/'K^'^^is.^^ ILLUSTRATION NO. 5 : ALUMINUM HOLDER FOR CHECKS (ILLUSTRATION SHOWS HOLDER WITH CHECK READY FOR USE). 22 waiter's daily record sheet SHOW/NG NUMBER OF PERSONS SERVED BY EAOH WAITER AT EAOH M.EAL 191 1 S-SICK L- UArD OFF D~ DISCHARGED N. S.- NONE SERVED NAME Z i o m 9 rn I r c z z n i s i n 3 NAME Z c 5 o a PI 11 > (A -• r c z I m i g 1 21 2 22 3 23 4 24 5 25 6 26 7 27 8 28 9 29 10 30 11 31 12 32 13 33 14 34 35 15 16 36 17 — 37 38 18 19 - 39 20 40 ILLUSTRATION NO. 6 I WAITEBS' IJECORD SHEET. 23 HOTEL RICHMOND eUFFORD M. LEWIS Proprietor WASHINGTON. D. C. PREVENT MISTAKES BY WRITING YOUR ORDER GUESTS WILL PUEASe WRtTC ENTIRE ORDER PLAINUT DEStCNATINO THE NUMaER OF PORTIONS DESIRED PERSONS ROOM WAITER NO TABLE NO 3 30/f /• /y /^ ^ PORTIONS ^3^ z /^ / J ^■' (/h^r^eLc Sli^- ^^AJ^-^t^ ^fc^^-^^ /Z" -^-^l<:.>uIp c^l4^ / 1^" ^Cc / «==' t^tfd. ^Ac^ ^ b^ G^'U^j^lyi^^ fjPqyCi^^uL/iA t^'-d^^^^^^ / "' ^ ^s^ i^«£^ 4%^ ILLUSTRATION NO. 7 : ILLUSTRATING AMERICAN PLAN CHECK, WITH DATE INSTEAD OF CHECK NUMBER. A BREAKFAST ORDER. SEE MENU ILLUSTRATIONS NOS. 8 AND 9. 24 HOTEL RICHMOND CLIFFORD M. LEWIS Proprietor WASHINGTON, D. C, Breakfast /U'Mi^M^/0^ Grape Fruit -^/ Oran^eMarmalade /r/¥ ri¥/ /N4 Baked Apples and Cream Oat Meal ;> i ..i. « ^ „ a ^ ^ Codfish Cake with Poached Eggs ir Ham and Eggs/ Saute Pork Chop Corned Beef Hash ^ Broiled Umb Chop J^ Breakfastjacon / S^ Country Sausage ^^ Tenderloin Steak, Plain or with Onions Eggs-^Boiled. Fried. Scrambled. Shirred or Poached Omelets. Plain. Parsley. Ham or Cheese or Spanish Baked/ Saute ^ or French Fried Potatoes /cf^ RenchRoUs it Dr^ Butt^ or Milk Toast Parker House Rolls/ Graham Muffins /6^ Com Bread/^ Griddle Cakes. Maple Syrup J/ Tea/2 Cocoa Milk -^^ Coffee /"^ MEAL HOURS Breakfast 730 to 1000 Sundays 8:00 Xo 10:Sft 'Tf*^**^^ Dinner e to « An extra charge for Diahes Ordered rot on Bill of Fare. Thursday. December 8. 19J0 ILLUSTRATION NO. 9 I SHOWING TOTAL COUNT OF EACH DISH SERVED. CX)UPON MEAL TICKET AND SERVICE BOOKS are carried in stock ready made by John Willy, 443 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. They are put up in books of 1,000 coupons each. For CASH meals (on white paper). For COMPLIMENTARY meals (on red paper). For EXTRA meals (on blue paper) For SERVICE (on bright yellow paper). The books with coupons numbered 1 to 1,000, each $3. Books wtth coupons not numbered, each $2. A discount of ten per cent is allowed when books are ordered in lots of six of a kind. 27 HOTEL RICHMOND CLIFFORP M. LEWIS V Proprietor \A/ASHlNGTON. D. C PREVENT MISTAKES BY WRITING YOUR ORDER GUESTS WILL PLEASE WRITE ENTIRE ORDER PLAINLY OESIGNATINO THE NUMBER OP PORTIONS DESIRED CHECK PERSONS ROOM WAITER NO TABLE NO / /03 /if- /o 325 PORTIONS z / ^_^^ / «^' (jlA.^<^Ji^ / li>^ / ^ / / ^ / 1^ / C>>^ o!i^£HC4^^t^ Cff-cy^y^u^ ■^d-^^n-'X^^'C^^^Cd (/Zce^^^ ^^UL ILLUSTRATION NO. 10 I AMERICAN PLAN ''NUMBERED^' CHECK. (the V^-S indicate BLUE PENCIL MARK MADE BY CHECKER.) A DINNER ORDER. SEE MENU ILLUSTRATION NOS. 11 AND 12. cm: HOTEL RICHMOND CUFFORD M. LEWIS Proprietor WASHINGTON, D. C. Dinner Fresh Lobster Cocktail // /^ /n^ /m m'Mm>m iWc m mm / ^^ Mulligatawny a la Delmonico Vegetable Chow Chow 'oiives Gherkins />^ /^ m J 7 W A^ m^u / Fried Pickerel, Butter Saucfe'^ ^ Potatoes Hashed Brown yf^ rm m^ / y ^ r tHi r ^. Creamed Sweetbreads in Cases ^ m^rm fhu m Mf Saute Fiilet of Beef with Fresh Mushrooms Rice aa Gratm Brussels Sprouts Stewed Egg Plant Roast Young GoosTwith Dressing. AppS Sauce '^ ^^^^ Masned Potatoes Boiled Potatoes Punch au Kirscn Lettuce and Tomato Salad American Cheese Cream Cheese Roquefort Cheese Toasted Crackers /f rm tw r^ w /ff^ m //^j^=7: mrf^^ff*^tf^^^f Vanilla Ice Cream "^ '^ '"^ . Assorted Cakes ^ r^rmm^^^^^^^ ShlS^y^nfSelfy ^,^/^//// .^.../Twafers ., Coffee Milk Buttermilk Tea MEAL HOURS Breakfast 7:30 to 10:00 Sundays 8:00 to 10:30 Lui:cheon 1 to 2 Dinner 6 to 6 An extra charge for Dishes Ordered r.ot on Bill of Fare. Thursday. December 8. 1910 ILLUSTRATIOX NO. 11: .SHOWING METHOD OF TALLY (FROM CHECKS) OF EACH DISH SERVED. 29 ^Wv//^ HOTEL RICHMOND CLIFFORD M. LEWIS Proprietor WASHINGTON, D. C. Dinner Fresh Lobster Cocktail syC ^ Rice au Gratin J^^ Brussels Sprouts /y<^ Stewed Egg Plam 3^ Roast Young Goose with Dressing, Apple Sauce ^O Mashed Potatoes J^- ^ Boiled Potatoes 2 ^ Punch au Kirsch ^Q Lettuce and Tomato Salad (p ^ American Cheese /^i Cream Cheese / O Roquefort Cheese (p Toasted Crackers g^ Vanilla Ice Cream /^ ^ Assorted Cakes 3Z- Apple Pie ^l^ Sherry Wine Jelly /C> Graham Wafers ^ J <^ Mitk p Buttermilk (jP Tea ^ Coffee MEAL HOURS Breakfast 7:30 to 10:00 Sundays 8:00 to 10:30 Luiicheoa 1 to 2 Dinner 6 to 8 An extra charge for Dishes Ordered not on Eill cf Fare. Thursday. December 8. 1910 ILLUSTRATION NO. 12 : SHOWING TOTAL COUNT OF EACH DISH SEBVED. 30 COUPON MEAL TICKET AND SERVICE BOOKS are carried in stock ready made by John Willy, 443 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. They are put up in books of 1,000 coupons each. For CASH meals (on white paper). For COMPLIMENTARY meals (on red paper). For EXTRA meals (on blue paper). For SERVICE (on bright yellow paper). The books with coupons numbered 1 to 1,000, each $3. Books with coupons not numbered, each $2. A discount of ten per cent is allowed wh en books are ordered in lots of six of a kind. 31 HOTEL RICHMOND eUFFORD M. LEWIS Proprietor \A/ASHlNGTON. D. C. PREVENT MISTAKES BY WRITING YOUR ORDER GUESTS WILL PLCASC WfUTE ENTIRE ORDER PLAINLY DESIGNATING THE NUMBER OF PORTIONS DESIRED ^ S'/O WAITER NO 2^ TABLE NO /^ CHECK 136 ^ Ik- i/^ A^ / ^* eo n C^riy<-c-^£.^i^ 'A^z.-a^ ^ ^- ^a.*^^ oC ^ -^-pi'-c^n^ux.ey^ / ^ s. ^ / U^ / X^ 9n^.^u^ j^'CcA^^ AyCeJ^ -^^x-Xjcd.'V't.e-^ J^a£a^ o^"^ (3^Ue.e.9K / Breaded Pork Chops with Fried Sweet Potatoes Boiled Rice Spinadi Boiled Potatoes Corned Beef Roast Beef Green Bean Salad American Cheese COLD Baked Beans Ham Ox •Tongue Sardines Orange Layer Cake ^ / D^nson Preserves Graham Bread //// Milk ^^S^ ^^^m LEMON SHERBET Pie Uneeda Biscuit Coffee Spiced Beets Toasted Crackers Cincinnati RoUs Apple Sauce Graham Wafers /i^ / Buttermilk Co ;ocoa MEAL HOURS Breakfast 7:30 to 1000 Sundays 8:00 to 10:30 LttiiebeoQ 1 to 2 Dioner 6 tc 8 Aq extra charge for Dishes Oide>ed rot on Bill of Fare. Thursday. December 8. 1910 ILLUSTRATION NO. 14: SHOWING METHOD OF TALLY (FROM CHECKS) OF EACH DISH SERVED. 33 HOTEL RICHMOND CLIFFORD M. LEWIS WASHINGTON, D. C. ^"^^"^ /^ Luncheon Veal Broth in Cups l/i Z, Home Made Tomato Pickles -2 Pickled Onions Sweet Mixed Pickles^ Chicken Hash with Green Peppers on Toast 3/^ Breaded Pork Chops with Fried Sweet Potatoes J(^ Boiled Rice /^ Spinach. J i' Bqiled Potatoes l^ Corned Beef ^ Roast Beef /Z Green Bean Salad ^^ American Cheese ^ COLD Baked Beans ^ Ox-Tongue 3 Ham/" Sardines Ji Spiced Beets ^ Toasted Crackers ^ Orange Layer Cake >^/ Damson Preserves ^ Graham Bread «^ Mak^ Tca^^ LEMON SHERBET ^>^ Rhubarb Pie/^ Uneeda Biscuit ^ CottetXO Cincinnati Rolls ^^ Apple Sauce ^^ Graham Wafers v? Buttermilk ^ Cocoa /^ MEAL HOURS Breakfast 7:30 to 10:00 Sundays 8:00 to 10:30 Luncheon 1 to 2 ^^^^ g ^^ 8 An exua charge for Dishes Ordered not on Bill of Fare. Thursday. December 8. 1910 ILLUSTRATION NO. 15 : SHOWING TOTAL COUNT OF EACH DISH SERVED. 34 \a^aiter's daily record sheet SHOWING NUMBER OF PERSONS SERVED BY EACH WAITER AT EACH MEAL 1 S-SICK L- I-AIO OFF O- DISCHARGED N. S.- NONE SERVED i NAME I \ n I H s X 7 r i n I 3 z s NAME z i s a 21 22 23 \ r I S i / 6 i n a Too $- /Lc^Uu 1 _2 6 /Qyi^faArt^jI 5- 33 34 35 36 %.«W^ ^Oj/Z:^ 15 ^ ^ & ryi^itv^u^T^ 16 y r 2. r 2- V 17 18 7 37 38 \j1^ 19 r 3 ? 39 ^S^^'U^ 20 C 2- ^ 40 iT^' — fo ^3 /(?(? m \t 1/2 ILLUSTRATION NO. 16 I WAITERS DAILY RECORD SHEET. (SHOWING NUMBER OF MEALS SERVED BY EACH WAITER AND THE TOTAL NUMBER OF MEALS SERVED.) 35 No. 84 No. 84 Extra Meal Ticket ONE PERSON Good for this meal and date only. Space for time stamp. No. 85 No. 85 Extra Meal Ticket ONE PERSON Space for time stamp. Good for this meal and date only. ILLUSTRATION NO. 17 : THIS BOOK OF COUPON TICKETS PRINTED ON BLUE PAPER. No. 965 ; No. 965 • Cash Meal Ticket ONE PERSON Good for this meal and date only. Space for time stamp. No. 966 No. 966 Cash Meal Ticket ONE PERSON Space for time stamp. Good for this meal and date only. ILLUSTRATION NO. 18 : THIS BOOK OF COUPON TICKETS PRINTED ON WHITE PAPER. 37 No. 40 No. 40 Complimentary Meal Ticket Space for time ONE PERSON stamp. Good for this meal and date only. • No. 41 No. 41 Complimentary Meal Ticket Space for time ONE PERSON stamp. Good for this meal and date only. ILLUSTRATION NO. 19 : THIS BOOK OF COUPON TICKETS PRINTED ON RED PAPER. 38 No. 34-3 Date Time Charge is for , Name .... Room. No. No. 344 Date Tim,e Charge is for . Name . . . Room, No, No. 34-3 Service PERSONS : Good for this meal and date only. No. 344 Service PERSONS Good for this meal and date only. Date Time Charge is for . Name Room No. Date Tim,e Charge is for . Name .... Room N^o. ILLUSTRATIOX XO. 20 : THIS BOOK OF COUPON TICKETS PRIXTED OX BRIGHT YELLOW PAPER. 39 RECORD OF MEAL TICJ UETS EXTRA BCEALS CASH MEALS COUPLDIENTAtlT MEALS SERVICE Check Nou Amminf Check Na Amount Check No. Amount ChK^Nok Aflwunt Check Ito Amount y/^ $v f^ &v Uo !i^i Af ?r 50 ^(^ ■fa w .^^^ / /o ^6 5D 9(^7 ;,r /f1 ^^r 10 ^T ys %f ^r 5/;^(^' (nO 9^ 75 %f 7S- 3^?^ ZS ^9 rs- ^^F ^ fo 7S J-^-? ^ ^^ -x ^ 9G8414 %i' i^y-: r THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY d^r