THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE THE EDINBURGH SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, 1865-1886, WITH LISTS OF OFFICE-BEARERS AND MEMBERS. EDINBURGH : PRINTED FOR THE LIBRARY. 1887. EDINBURGH ! BURNERS AND COMPANY, PRINTERS TO HF.K MAJESTY OFFICE-BEARERS, 1886-87. EEV. DR. MITCHELL, President. RALPH RICHARDSON, Esq., W.S., Treasurer. HORATIUS BONAR, Esq., W.S., Secretary. Committee. J. H. BEILBY, Esq. JAMES MEIKLE, Esq. , Actuary. FRANCIS BLACK, Esq. , Publisher. F. S. MELVILLE, Esq., D.C.S. WM. CRAWFORD, Esq., Printer. Rev. THOMAS BROWN. Major HUGHES. A. K. MACKENZIE, Esq. J. M. HUNTEK, Esq. W. B. HOLE, Esq., A.R.S.A. GEORGE LORIMER, Esq. WILLIAM WOOD, Esq., C.A. WILLIAM MILLER, Esq., S.S.C. JAMES CARMICHAEL, Esq. PETER RONALDSON, Esq., C.A. 824205 LIST OF PRESIDENTS, TREASURERS, SECRETARIES, AND LIBRARIAN, From November 1865 to November 1886. |JresttiEttts. 1866, THOMAS CONSTABLE. Esq. 1868, WILLIAM DRYSDALE, Esq., D.C.S. 1870, Dr. T. H. PATTISON. 1872, Dr. E. OMOND. 1874, Dr. J. A. SMITH. 1876, Rev. J. GRANT MACKINTOSH. 1878, J. J. DICKSON, Esq., C.A. 1880, FRANCIS BLACK, Esq., Publisher. 1882, Eev. THOMAS BROWN. 1884, WILLIAM WOOD, Esq., C.A. 1886, Rev. Dr. MITCHELL. ^Treasurers. 1866, JAMES BONAR, Esq., W.S. 1867, JOHN MURRAY, Esq., S.S.C. 1877, JAMES HOWDEN, Esq., C.A. 1883, WM. TRAQUAIR DICKSON, Esq., W.S. 1884, RALPH RICHARDSON, Esq., W.S. j^errctnries. 1866, WILLIAM DRYSDALE, Esq., D.C.S. 1868, Dr. J. A. SMITH. 1874, WILLIAM HANDYSIDE, Esq. 1876, HORATIOS BONAR, Esq., W.S. librarian. 1866, GEORGE M'WHEA. 1884, Assistant WM. L. JOHNSTONE. CATALOGUE EDINBURGH SUBSCRIPTION LIBRARY, ALPHABETICALLY AEKANGED. 1866-1886. Those marked thus * have been presented to the Library. A. A.L.O.E. F. Tucker (Charlotte). ABBOTT (E. A.), The Kernel and the Husk : Letters on Spiritual Christianity. 8vo. 1886. - Philochristus : Memoirs of a Disciple of the Lord. 8vo. 1878. ABBOTT (Captain James), A Journey from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow, and St. Petersburgh, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1884. ABBOTT (John S. C.), The Terror of the Indians. 12mo. N.D. ABDEL KADER. F. Churchill (Colonel). Aberdeen, Extracts from the Council Register of the Burgh of, 1625- 1747. 2 vols. 4to. 1871, 1872. (Scottish Burgh Records Society.) - Selections from the Aberdeen Magazine, 1831 and 1832, con- tributed by J. Hill Burton, &c. 8vo. 1878. and Banff. Illustrations of the Topography and Antiquities of, by George Grub. Vol. I. (Spalding Club Pub.) 4to. 1869. ABINGER (First Lord). F. Scarlett (Peter C.). ABOUT (Edmond), The Fellah. 8vo. 1870. Handbook of Social Economy. 12mo. 1872. Academy, Criticism on the Exhibition of the Royal Scottish. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 453. - The Royal Scottish, Notes on, 1878, 1879, 1882. Edited by G. R. Halkett. 8vo. 1878-1882. Pamphlet, Vol. 469. Academy Notes. V. Blackburn (Henry). *Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland. Vol. I., 1124 to 1423. Re issue. Printed by Command. Folio. 1844. * Vol. V., 1625-1641. Printed by Authority. Folio. 1870. Vol. VI., Parts I. and II., 1643-1660. 2 vols. Folio. 1870, * General Index and Supplement to. Folio. 1875. A 2 ADA ALD. ADAMS (A. L.), M.D., Wanderings of a Naturalist in India, Western Himalayas, &c. 8vo. 1867. - Notes of a Naturalist in the Nile Valley and Malta ; with the Natural History, Geology, &c. of the Lower Nile, &c. 8vo. 1870. Field and Forest Rambles in Eastern Canada, with Notes, &c. on the Natural History. 8vo. 1873. ADAMS (Charlotte), John Hartley. 18mo. 1867. ADAMS (Francis 0.), History of Japan, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874. ADAMS (Rev. H. C.), Barford Bridge. 12mo. 1868. Tales of Walter's School-Days. 12mo. 1872. Wykehamica : A History of Winchester College and Commoners. 8vo. 1878. Who did it? 12mo. 1882. Charlie Lucken. 8vo. 1886. ADAMS (W. H. D.), The Buried Cities of Campania ; or, Pompeii and Herculaneum, their History, &c. 12mo. 1868. Venice, Past and Present. 12mo. 1869. Temples and Tombs of Ancient Greece and Rome. 12mo. 1871. - Spain and its People ; a Record of Recent Travel. 8vo. 1872. - St. Paul : His Life, Work, and Writings. 12mo. 1875. Wonders of the Underground World. 8vo. 1878. ADAMS (W. Davenport). V. Dictionary. ADAMSON (Robert), Fichte. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. 1881. ADAMSON (WinA V. Scotland. ADDISON (Joseph). V. Courthope (W. J.), Macaulay (T. B.). ^ESCHYLUS, The Agamemnon of, and the Bacchanals of Euripides. Translated by Dean Milman, D.D. 8vo. 1865. The same. Transcribed by Robert Browning. 12mo. 1877. AGASSIZ (Prof, and Mrs. Louis), A Journey in Brazil. 8vo. 1868. (Louis), Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil : Geology and Physical Geography. By Ch. Fred. Hartt. 8vo. 1870. His Life and Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. 1885. AINGER (Alfred), Charles Lamb. (English Men of Letters.) 8vo. 1882. AINSLIE (General De), Life as I have found it. 8vo. 1883. AIBEY (John), Railway Map of Scotland. Certified by the Companies. 8vo. 1875. AITKEN (Rev. James), Memoir of, Minister of St. Luke's Church, Glasgow. 12mo. 1867. ALBEMARLE (George Thomas, Earl), Fifty Years of my Life. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876. ALBERT (H.R.H. Prince). V. Grey (Lieut.-Geu. the Hon. C.). ALCOCK (Sir Rutherford, K.C.B.), Art and Art Industries in Japan. 8vo. 1878. V. Margary (A. R.). Alcohol Question (The), by Sir James Paget, Bart., Dr. T. Lauder Brunton, &c. 12 mo. N.D. ALDEN (W. L.). V. Jimmy Brown. AldersJwt, A Record of Mrs. Daniell's Work amongst Soldiers. 12mo. 1879. ALDRIDGE (Reginald), Ranch Notes in Kansas, Colorada, &c. 12mo. 1884. ALE AND. 3 ALEXANDER (P. P.). V. Smith (Alexander). ALEXANDER (William), Notes and Sketches of Northern Eural Life in the Eighteenth Century. 12mo. 1877. ALEXANDER (Wm.), D.D., Bishop of Deny, The Witness of the Psalms to Christ and Christianity. Bampton Lectures, 1876. 8vo. 1877. ALEXANDER (Eev. W. L.), D.D., Sermons. 12mo. 1875. ALFORD (Henry), D.D., Dean of Canterbury, How to Study the New Testament, the Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles. 12mo. 1866. - Essays and Addresses, chiefly on Church Subjects. 8vo. 1869. - Fireside Homilies. 12mo. 1875. - Life, Journals, and Letters of. 8vo. 1873. Alfred the. Great. V. Hughes (Thomas). ALICE (Princess), Biographical Sketch, by Dr. Sell, and Letters. 8vo. 1884. ALISON (the late Sir Archibald), Some Account of my Life and Writings. An Autobiography. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883. ALLEN (Charles H.), A Visit to Queensland and her Goldfields. 8vo. 1870. ALLEN (Grant), Colours of Flowers, as illustrated in the British Flora. 12mo. 1882. ALLIBONE (S. A.). V. Dictionaries. ALLMAN (Professor), Method and Aim of Natural History Studies. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 458. ALLON (Eev. Henry), D.D., The Vision of God, and other Sermons. 8vo. 1876. Almanacs. British Almanac and Companion from 1867 to 1887. 21 vols. 8vo. - The Comic. First Series, 1835-1843. 8vo. 1870. Second Series, 1844-1853. 8vo. 1871. Edinburgh Almanac from 1866 to 1887. 21 vols. 8vo. - Western Supplements to above from 1866 to 1887. 21 vols. 8vo - (Joseph Whitaker), An Almanack for 1885. 8vo. 1884. American Literature, Humorous Masterpieces of. 3 vols. 12mo. 1885. - Travel, Appleton's Handbook of. The Northern Tour. 8vo. 1867. AMOS (Sheldon), The Science of Law. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1874. The Science of Politics. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1883. ANDERSON (Isabel Harriet), Inverness before Eailways. 12mo. 1885. ANDERSON (John), M.D., Mandalay to Momien : Narrative of Two Expeditions to Western China of 1868 and 1875. 8vo. 1876. ANDERSON (John P.), Classified Catalogue of the Topographical Works in the Library of the British Museum relating to Great Britain and Ireland. 8vo. 1881. ANDERSON (Joseph), Scotland in Early Christian Times. The Ehind Lectures for 1879. 8vo. 1881. Scotland in Early Christian Times. Second Series. The Ehind Lectures for 1880. 8vo. 1881. 4 AND ARD. ANDERSON (Joseph), Scotland in Pagan Times. The Iron Age. The Rhind Lectures for 1881. 8vo. 1883. - Scotland in Pagan Times. The Bronze and Stone Ages. The Rhind Lectures for 1882. 8vo. 1886. - V. Low (George) Orkneyinga. ANDERSON (R. B.). F. Horn (F. W.). ANDERSON (Rufus), D.D., History of the Sandwich Islands Mission. 12mo. 1872. ANDERSON (Rev. Wm.). F. Gilfillan (Rev. George). ANDERSON (William), The Poor of Edinburgh and their Homes. 12mo. 1867. Children rescued from Pauperism. 12mo. 1871. ANDERSSON (Charles John), The Lion and the Elephant. 8vo. 1873. Notes of Travel in South Africa. 8vo. 1875. ANGELICO (Fra). F. Phillimon (C. M.). ANOELO (Michel). F. Buonarotti (M. A.), Wilson (C. H.). Anglers' Evenings. Papers by Members of the Manchester Anglers' Association. First and Second Series. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880, 1882. Animal Life throughout the Globe. An Illustrated Book of Natural History. 8vo. 1876. ANNANDALE (Charles), M.A. F. Dictionary. ANNE (Queen). Burton (John Hill), Stanhope (Earl). Annual. Aunt Judy's Christmas Volume. For Young People. Edited by Mrs. Gatty. 8 vols. 8vo. V.Y. Every Boys'. Edited by Edmund Routledge. For 1873, 1875 to 1887. 14 vols. 8vo. Every Girls'. Edited by Miss Alicia A. Leith. For years 1879 to 1887. 9 vols. 8vo. Peter Parley's. 7 vols. 8vo. V.Y. Register : A Review of Public Events at Home and Abroad. For years 1865 to 1885. 21 vols. 8vo. ANSON (W. S. W.). F. Wagner (Dr. W.). ANSTED (D. T.). F. Black (A. and C. B.). ANTOINETTE (Marie). F. Keddie (Miss). ANTON (Rev. Peter), Masters in History. Gibbon, Grote, Macaulay, Motley. 12mo. 1880. ANVERS (N. D.), Elementary History of Art : An Introduction to Ancient and Modern Architecture, Sculpture, &c. 8vo. 1874. APPLETON (T. G.), A Nile Journal. 8vo. 1876. * ARABIAN NIGHTS. The Thousand and One Nights, commonly called in England The Arabian Nights Entertainments. 3 vols. 8vo. 1859. ARAGON (Catherine of). F. Dixon (W. Hepworth). ARCHER (Professor), Wool and its Applications. F. British Manu- facturing Industries. ARCHER (Thomas), The Terrible Sights of London. 8vo. 1870. ARCHER (Thomas), D.D. F. Macfarlane (Rev. John). Archipelago, The Eastern. A Description of the Scenery, Animal and Vegetable Life, People, and Physical Wonders of the Islands. 8vo. 1880. ARDMILLAN (Lord), Union : Address to the Conference of Elders of the Free, U.P., and Reformed Presbyterian Churches, 18th February 1868. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 460 AEG AKN. 5 ARGYLL (Bishops of). V. Ross (Eev. A. J.), B.D. ARGYLL (Duke of), The Reign of Law. 8vo. 1868. lona. 12mo. 1870. - The Patronage Act of 1874, all that was asked in 1843 ; a Reply to Mr. Taylor Innes. 8vo. 1874. Pamphlet, Vol. 466. - What the Turks are. Speech in Glasgow, September 19th, 1876. 8vo. 1876. Pamphlet, Vol. 463. - The Eastern Question from 1856 to 1878. 2 vols. 8vo. N.D. Continuity and Catastrophes in Geology ; an Address to the Edinburgh Geological Society, 1883. 8vo. 1883. Pamphlet, Vol. 475. Crofts and Farms in the Hebrides. 8vo. 1883. Pamphlet, Vol. 474. - The Unity of Nature. 8vo. 1884. ARIOSTO, Tales from. Retold for Children. 12mo. 1879. ARISTOPHANES. Translated by Rev. "W. L. Collins. 12mo. 1872. (Ancient Classics for English Readers.) ARISTOTLE. V, Grant (Sir A.), Grote (George). Armada. The Second Armada: A Chapter of Future History. 12mo. 1871. Pamphlet, Vol. 452. Army List.V. Hart (Col. H. G.), Indian. ARNAULD (Angelique). V. Martin (F.). ARNDT (Ernest Moritz), The Life and Adventures of the Singer of the German Fatherland. 8vo. 1879. ARNOLD (Arthur), Through Persia by Caravan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877. - Free Land. 8vo. 1880. ARNOLD (Edwin Lester), On the Indian Hills ; or, Coffee-Planting in Southern India. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881. ARNOLD (Edwin), M.A., India Revisited. 8vo. 1886. ARNOLD (Edwin). V. Celestial, Robinson (P.). ARNOLD (Rev. Frederick), Turning-Points in Life. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873. ARNOLD (George M. B.), Gainsborough Constable. (The Great Painters.) 8vo. 1881. ARNOLD (Matthew), New Poems. 12mo. 1867. Schools and Universities on the Continent. 8vo. 1868. - Culture and Anarchy : An Essay in Political and Social Criticism. 8vo. 1869. - St. Paul and Protestantism ; with an Introduction on Puritanism and the Church of England. 12mo. 1870. - Literature and Dogma. 8vo. 1873. - Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. 8vo. 1874. - Last Essays on Church and Religion. 12mo. 1877. - Selected Poems of. 12mo. 1878. - Mixed Essays. 8vo. 1879. - Irish Essays and Others. 8vo. 1882. - Discourses in America. 8vo. 1885. - Dramatic and Later Poems. 8vo. 1885. ARNOT (Rev. William), Life of James Hamilton, D.D. 8vo. 1870. This Present World : Sketches from Nature and Art. 12mo. 1873. - The Anchor of the Soul, and other Sermons. 8vo. 1876. 6 ARN BAG. ARNOT (Rev. William). V. Fleming (Mrs. A.) Meille (J. P.). ABNOULD (Sir Joseph), Memoir of Thomas, First Lord Denman. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873. Art. The Year's Art : A Concise Epitome of all matters relating to Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture. 8vo. 1880-1881. Galleries of London, The Illustrated Handbook to the Supple- mentary. 8vo. 1877. Pamphlet, Vol. 471. ARTEMUS WARD. V. Browne (Charles F.). ASHLEY (Hon. Evelyn), M.P., The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston, 1846-1865. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876. - V. Lytton (The late Lord). ASHTON (John), Rough Notes of a Visit to Belgium, Sedan, and Paris. 12mo. 1873. Social Life in the Reign of Queen Anne. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882. The Dawn of the Nineteenth Century in England. 2 vols. 8 vo. 1886. V. Chap-Books, Humour. ASHWELL (A. R.), M.A., Life of the Right Rev. Samuel Wilberforce, D.D., Lord Bishop of Oxford, and afterwards of Winchester. 3 vols. 8vo. 1880. ATKINSON (J. B.), Johann Friedrich Overbeck (The Great Artists). 8vo. 1882. ATTERBURY (Francis), D.D. V. Williams (Folkestone). Auc/ibourd Letters (The), chiefly on the Disestablishment and Dis- endowment of the Irish Church. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, vol. 457. AUDSLEY (W. J. and G. A.). V. Dictionary. AUDUBON (John James). V. Buchanan (Robert). AULD (Rev. Alexander), Ministers and Men in the Far North. 8vo. 1868. AUSTEN (Jane). V. Leigh (Rev. J. E. Austen). AUSTIN (Stella), Ben Cramer, Working Jeweller. 12mo. 1879. - Pat. 12mo. 1880. Australian Life and Scenery. 8vo. 1876. AVELING (S. T.), Carpentry and Joinery: A useful Manual for the Many. 12mo. 1871. AWDRY (Frances), The Story of a Fellow-Soldier. 12mo. 1875. - An Elder Sister. A Sketch of Anne Mackenzie and her Brother the Missionary Bishop. 12mo. 1878. AYLWARD (Alfred), The Transvaal of To-Day. 8vo. 1878. AYTOUN (Wm. E.). V. Martin (Theodore). B. BACON. V. Church (R. W), Macaulay (T. B.). BAGEHOT (Walter), Physics and Politics ; or, Thoughts on the Appli- cation of the Principles of "Natural Selection" and "Inheri- tance " to Political Society. 8vo. 1872. (International Scien- tific Series.) - Lombard Street : A Description of the Money Market. 8vo. 1873. - Depreciation of Silver, and on Topics connected with it. 8vo. 1877. - Literary Studies. With a Prefatory Memoir. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879. BAGENAL (Philip H.), B.A., The American Irish and their Influence on Irish Politics. 8vo. 1882. BAI BAL. 7 BAILEY (J. M.), England from a Back Window ; with Views of Scotland and Ireland. 8vo. N.D. BAIN (Prof. Alexander), Mind and Body. The Theories of their Eelation. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1873. - Education as a Science. (International Scientific Ser.) 8vo. 1879. - James Mill. A Biography. 8vo. 1882. V. Grote (George). BAIN (Joseph). V. Scotland. BAIRD (Prof. Henry M.), History of the Rise of the Huguenots, 1515-1574. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880. BAKER (Lady), Half-Hours with my Girls. 12mo. 1879. BAKER (Lieut.-Col. James), M.A., Turkey in Europe. 8vo. 1877. BAKER (Sir Samuel White), The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, and Exploration of the Nile Sources. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. - The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. 8vo. 1867. - Cast Up by the Sea. 12mo. 1869. - Ismailia : A Narrative of the Expedition to Central Africa for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874. - True Tales for my Grandsons. 12mo. 1883. BALCARRES (Earl of). F. Lindsay (Lord). BALDWIN (John D.), Pre-Historic Nations ; or, Inquiries concerning some of the Great Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity, &c. 8vo. 1869. BALFOUR (John Hutton), Introduction to the Study of Palaeontological Botany. 8vo. 1872. - V. Drummond (Rev. D. T. K). BALFOUR (Thomas A. G.), M.D., Spiritual Lessons from Gems. 12mo. 1873. BALFOUR (Rev. Wm.), Dr. Rainy's Position Indefensible; or, The Real Question at issue in the Union Movement. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 460. BALGARNIE (Rev. R.), Sir Titus Salt, Bart., His Life and its Lessons. 8vo. 1877. BALL (John). F. Hooker (J. D.). BALLADS, The Legendary, of England and Scotland. 8vo. 1868. - Ballad Minstrelsy of Scotland, Romantic and Historical. 8vo. 1871. - of the Bench and Bar ; or, The Lays of the Parliament House. 4to. 1882. - and Poems, by Members of the Glasgow Ballad Club. 12mo. 1885. - and Songs, Scottish, Historical and Traditionary. Edited by James Maidment. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. BALLANTINE (James), The Life of David Roberts, R.A., with Fac- similes of Pen and Ink Sketches by the Artist. 4to. 1866. - Lilias Lee, and other Poems. 12mo. 1871. BALLANTYNE (R. M.), Shifting Winds. 12mo. 1866. - Deep Down : A Tale of the Cornish Mines. 12nio. 1868. - Erling the Bold. 12mo. 1869. - The Floating Light of the Goodwin Sands. 12mo. 1870. - The Iron Horse ; or, Life on the Line. 12mo. 1871. - The Norsemen in the West. 12mo. 1872. The Pioneers : A Tale of the Western Wilderness. 12mo. 1872. 8 BAL BAR. BALLANTYNB (R. M.), Black Ivory. 12mo. 1873. - The Pirate City. 12mo. 1874. Rivers of Ice : A Tale illustrative of Alpine Adventure. 12mo. 1875. Under the Waves ; or, Diving in Deep "Waters. 12mo. 1876. The Settler and the Savage. 12mo. 1877. Fighting the Flames : A Tale of the London Fire Brigade. 12 mo. 1877. - In the Track of the Troops. 12mo. 1878. Six Months at the Cape ; or, Letters from South Africa. 8vo. 1879. - The Lonely Island ; or, The Refuge of the Mutineers. 12mo. 1880. The Red Man's Revenge. 8vo. 1880. Post Haste : A Tale of Her Majesty's Mails. 8vo. 1880. - My Doggie and I. 8vo. 1881. - The Giant of the North. 8vo. 1882. The Madman and the Pirate. 8vo. 1883. The Battery and the Boiler. 8vo. 1883. Dusty Diamonds : A Tale of City Arab Life. 8vo. 1884. The Young Trawler. 8vo. 1884. - The Island Queen. 12mo. 1885. - The Rover of the Andes. 8vo. 1885. The Big Otter. 8vo. 1887. Red Rooney. 8vo. 1886. BALLINGALL (William), The Shores of Fife. 4to. 1872. - V. Edinburgh. BANNATYNE (Rev. A. M.), A Defence of the Patronage Act of 1874. 8vo. 1874. Pamphlet, Vol. 466. BANNERMAN (The late James), D.D., Sermons. 12mo. 1869. BARBAULD (Mrs.). V. Breton (A. L. Le). BARCLAY (Joseph), LL.D., The Talmud. 8vo. 1878. BARDSLEY (Charles W.), Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. 8vo. 1880. BARHAM (Rev. R. H.), The Ingoldsby Legends. 8vo. 1869. The Ingoldsby Lyrics. 8vo. 1881. The Life and Letters of, with a selection from his Poems. 2 vols. 8vo. 1870. BARING (Mrs. Henry). V. Windham (Wm.). BARKER (Lady), Station Life in New Zealand. 8vo. 1870. A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters. 12m o. 1871. - Travelling About. 8vo. 1872. Station Amusements in New Zealand. 8vo. 1873. Sybil's Book. 12mo. 1874. A Year's Housekeeping in South Africa. 8vo. 1877. - The Bedroom and Boudoir. 8vo. 1878. (Art at Home Series.) BARKLEY (Henry C.), Between the Danube and Black Sea : Five Years in Bulgaria. 8vo. 1876. - My Boyhood. 12mo. 1877. BARMBY (Rev. J.), B.D., Gregory the Great. 18mo. 1879. BARNARD (George), The Theory and Practice of Landscape Painting in Water-Colours. 8vo. 1871. BAK BEG. 9 BARNARD (Rev. M. E.). V. Paijkull (C. W.) BARNEVELD (John of). V. Motley (J. L.). BARROW (John), Mountain Ascents in Westmoreland and Cumberland. 8vo. 1886. BARRY (Rev. Alfred), D.D., The Life and Works of Sir Charles Barry, R.A. 8vo. 1867. BARRY (Herbert), Ivan at Home. Pictures of Russian Life. 8vo. 1872. BARTOLOMMEO (Fra). V. Scott (Leader). BASTIAN (H. C.), M.D., Evolution and the Origin of Life. 12mo. 1874. - The Brain as an Organ of Mind. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1880. BATEMAN (Rev. Josiah), The Life of the Rev. H. V. Elliott, M.A., St. Mary's, Brighton. 8vo. 1868. BATES (H. W.). V. Koldewey (Captain), Warburton (P. E.) BATHGATE (John), New Zealand : Its Resources and Prospects. 8vo. 1880. Pamphlet, Vol. BAXTER (Richard). V. Grosart (A. B.). BAYNE (Peter), The Life and Letters of Hugh Miller. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871. BEACONSFIELD (Earl of), Constitutional Reform, Five Speeches on. 1859-65. 8vo. 1866. * Speech at the Free Trade Hall, Manchester. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 457. In upwards of 100 Cartoons, from the Collection of "Mr. Punch." 4to. 1878. V. Brandes (Georg.). BEALE (Lionel S.), Disease Germs ; their supposed Nature : An Original Investigation. 8vo. 1870. BEAUCLERK (Lady Di), A Summer and Winter in Norway. 8vo. 1868. BEAUVOIR (Marquis De), A Voyage Round the World. 2 vols. 8vo. 1870. Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco. The Conclusion of " A Voyage Round the World." 8vo. 1872. BECKER (Bernard H.), Disturbed Ireland. Letters written during 1880-81. 8vo. 1881. BECKETT (Rev. Wm.). V. Crawford (Rev. David). BECKWITH (General). V. Meille (J. P.). BECKWITH (Edward Lonsdale), Practical Notes on Wine. 12mo. 1868. BEDE (The Venerable). V. Browne (G. F.) Bede's Charity. 8vo. 1872. BEECHER (Henry Ward), Sermons. 8vo. 1870. - Lectures on Preaching. 12mo. 1874. BEETHOVEN (Ludwig von). V. Goethe (J. W. von), Wagner (R.). BEGG (Rev. James), D.D., Free Church Principles since the Dis- ruption. 8vo. 1869. Pamphlet, Vol. 461. The Ecclesiastical and Social Evils of Scotland, and how to Remedy them. 8vo. 1871. Pamphlet, Vol. 462. A Violation of the Treaty of Union, the Main Origin of our Ecclesiastical Divisions. 8vo. 1871. Pamphlet, Vol. 462. 10 BEG BEN. BBQG (Rev. James), D.D., Memorial with the Opinions of Eminent Counsel in regard to the Constitution of the Free Church of Scotland. 8vo. 1874. Anarchy in Worship ; or, Recent Innovations contrasted with the .Constitution of the Presbyterian Church. 8vo. 1875. Pamphlet, Vol. 466. The Principles, Position, and Prospects of the Free Church of Scotland, &c. 8vo. 1875. Pamphlet, Vol. 466. The Apostolic Commission applied to Present Circumstances. 8vo. 1876. Pamphlet, Vol. 465. Purity of Worship in the Presbyterian Church. 8vo. 1876. Pamphlet, Vol. 466. - V. Smith (Thomas). BEITH (Rev. Dr.), Three Weeks with Dr. Candlish : A Highland Tour. 12mo. 1874. Memories of Disruption Times. 12mo. 1877. BELL (Dr. Andrew). V. Meiklejohn (Prof. J. M. D.). BELL (Prof. A. G.), The Telephone : A Lecture entitled Researches in Electric Telephony. 8vo. 1878. Pamphlet, Vol. 464. BELL (Benjamin), F.R.C.S.E., Memoir of Robert Paul, and Introduc- tory Notice by Principal Candlish, D.D. 12mo. 1872. - The Life, Character, and Writings of. 12mo. 1868. BELL (Sir Claarles), Letters of; selected from his Correspondence. 8vo. 1870. *BELL (Charles), M.D., Practical Observations on Diphtheria and Erysipelas. 8vo. 1864. Pamphlet, Vol. 455. * Remarks on Rinderpest. 12mo. 1866. Pamphlet, Vol. 455. * A New Mode of treating Puerperal Fever. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 455. * The Treatment of Erysipelas by the Muriated Tincture of Iron. 8vo. 1876. Pamphlet, Vol. 467. * The Constitution of Women, as illustrated by Abdominal Cel- lulitis. 8vo. 1877. Pamphlet, Vol. 455. * Placenta Pnevia, or Unavoidable Haemorrhage. 8vo. 1878. Pamphlet, Vol. 475. BELL (Doyne C.), F.S.A., Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London ; with an Account of the supposed Remains of Queen Anne Boleyn. 8vo. 1877. BELL (Dugald), Among the Rocks around Glasgow : A Series of Excursions. 8vo. 1881. BELL (H. Glassford). V. N. (J. F.), Outram (G.). BELL (Wm. A.), New Tracks in North America : A Journal of Travel and Adventure during 1867-1868. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869. BELLEW (H. W.), Afghanistan and the Afghans : Being a Brief Review of the History of the Country, &c. 8vo. 1879. BELT (Thomas), The Naturalist in Nicaragua, &c. 8vo. 1874. Bend or Break, A Story for Parents. 12mo. 1872. BENEDEN (P. J. van), Animal Parasites and Messmates. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1876. BENEDICT (F. Lee). V. Hugo (Victor). UKNFIAM (Rev. Wm.). F. Tait. BEN BIS. 11 BENNETT (John Hughes), M.D., Physiology as a Branch of General Education. 8vo. 1871. Pamphlet, Vol. 459 BENSON (Capt. L.). V. Trials. BENT (J. Theodore), B.A., Genoa : How the Eepublic Eose and Fell. 8vo. 1881. BENTLEY (Richard). V. Jehb (E. C.). BERGENROTH (Gustave). V. Cartwright (W. C.). BERKELEY (George). V. Fraser (Prof. A. C.). BERKELEY (Hon. G. F.), My Life and Eecollections. 4 vols. 8vo. 1865-1866. *BERLIOUX (Etienne Felix), The Slave Trade in Africa in 1872. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 452. BERNARD (Bayle), The Life of Samuel Lover, E.H.A. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874. BERNSTEIN (Julius), The Five Senses of Man. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1876. BERRY (Eev. D.). V. Schiern (F.). BERSIER (Eugene), D.D., Coligny : The Earlier Life of the Great Huguenot. 8vo. 1884. BESANT (Walter), M.A., Eahelais. 12mo. 1879. (Foreign Classics.) - GaspardDe Coligny, Admiral of France, &c. 12mo. 1879. - and E. H. Palmer, Jerusalem, the City of Herod and Saladin. 8vo. 1871. - The Life and Achievements of Edward Henry Palmer, late Pro- fessor of Arabic in the University of Cambridge. 8vo. 1883. Besieged City, and Heroes of Sweden. 12mo. 1872. BEVAN (G. P.). V. British Manufacturing Industries. BEWICK (Thomas). V. Dobson (Austin). BEWICK (Wm.), Life and Letters of. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871. BIANCONI (Charles). F. O'Connell (Mrs. M. J.). BIART (Lucien), The Two Friends. 8vo. 1879. BICKMORE (Albert S.), Travels in the East Indian Archipelago. 8vo. 1868. BIGELOW (Dr. Jacob). V. Simpson (Sir J. Y.). BIGG-WITHER (Thomas P.), C.E., Pioneering in South Brazil : Three Years of Forest and Prairie Life. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878. BINGHAM (Hon. Captain), Journal of the Siege of Paris. 8vo. 1871. BIRD (Isabella L.). V. Bishop (Mrs.). BIRKBECK (Mrs. Eobert). V. Munich (A.). BIRKS (Eev. T. E.), Church and State ; or, National Eeligion and Church Establishments. 8vo. 1869. - Modem Physical Fatalism, and the Doctrine of Evolution. 8vo. 1876. BIRRELL (Charles M.), The Life of William Brock, D.D., of Blooms- bury Chapel, London. 8vo. 1878. BISHOP (Mrs.), Notes on Old Edinburgh. 12mo. 1869. Pamphlet, Vol. 457. - The Hawaiian Archipelago : Six months in the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. 1875. - A Lady's Life in the Eocky Mountains. 8vo. 1879. - The Golden Chersonese, and the Way Thither. 8vo. 1883. 12 BIS BLA. BISHOP (Mrs.), Unbeaten Tracks in Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880. BISHOP (Nathaniel H.), Voyage of the Paper Canoe : A Geographical Journey of 2500 miles from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico. 8vo. 1878. Four Months in a Sneak-Box : A Boat Voyage of 2600 miles down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. 8vo. 1880. BISMARK (Prince), Letters of, to his Wife, his Sister, and Others, from 1844 to 1870. 12mo. 1878. V. Busch (Dr. Moritz.), Hesekiel (J. G. L.), Klaezko (M. J.). BLACK (Adam), Memoirs of. Edited by Alexander Nicolson, LL.D. 8vo. 1885. BLACK (A. & C.), Guide to Paris and the Exhibition of 1878. 12mo. 1878. *BLACK (C. B.), Paris, and Excursions from Paris. 12mo. 1872. * Guide to the South of France and to the North of Italy, &c. 12rao. 1873. * Guide to Belgium and Holland, &c. 12mo. 1873. * Guide to the North of France, including Normandy, Brittany, &c. 12mo. 1873. * Guide to Switzerland and the Italian Lakes. 12mo. N.D. * Guide to Normandy and Brittany, &c. 12mo. 1874. * Guide to Holland, the Rhine, &c. 12mo. 1874. * Paris, and Excursions from Paris. 12mo. 1874. * Guide to Normandy and Brittany. 12mo. 1876. * South of France, East half, including the Winter Resorts on the Mediterranean. 8vo. 1878. * South of France, West half : The Summer Resorts, &c. 8 vo. 1878. * Paris, and Excursions from Paris, &c. &c. 4th Edit. 12mo. 1878. * Normandy, Brittany, and Touraine ; their Celtic Momiments, Watering-Places, &c. 12mo. 1879. BLACK (Robert). F. Guizot (M.). BLACK (William), Goldsmith. (English Men of Letters.) 8vo. 1879. BLACKBURN (Henry), The Pyrenees : A Description of Summer Life at French Watering-Places. 8vo. 1867. Artists and Arabs ; or, Sketching in Sunshine. 8vo. 1868. Normandy, Picturesque. 8vo. 1869. Travelling in Spain in the Present Day. 12mo. 1869. The Harz Mountains : A Tour in the Toy Country. 8vo. 1873. Academy Notes, with Illustrations of some of the Pictures at Burlington House, for 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878. 8vo. Pamphlet, Vol. 471. - Breton Folk : An Artistic Tour in Brittany. 8vo. 1880. The Pyrenees : A Description of Summer Life at French Watering- Places. New Edition. 8vo. 1881. BLACKBURNE (E. Owens), Illustrious Irishwomen ; being Memoirs of some of the most noted Irishwomen. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877. BLACKIB (C.), Etymological Geography ; with an Introduction by Professor Blackie. 12mo. 1875. BLACKIE (Prof. J. S.), Homer and the Iliad. 4 vols. 8vo. 1866. On Democracy. A Lecture delivered to the Working Men's Institute, Edinburgh. 8vo. 1867. Pamphlet, Vol. 456. BLA BLU. 13 BLACKIB (Prof. J. S.), On Government. Political Tracts, No. 1. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 456. - On Education. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 456. - War Songs of the Germans. 12mo. 1870. - Four Phases of Morals : Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utili- tarianism. 12mo. 1871. - Lays of the Highlands and Islands. 12mo. 1872. - Horas Hellenicse : Essays and Discussions on some important points of Greek Philology and Antiquity. 8vo. 1874. On Self-Culture, Intellectual, Physical, and Moral. 12mo. 1874. - Songs of Eeligion and Life. 12mo. 1876. - The Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. 8vo. 1876. The Wise Men of Greece, in a Series of Dramatic Dialogues. 8vo. 1877. - Altavona. Fact and Fiction from my Life in the Highlands. 12mo. 1882. - V. Jones (Ernest). BLACKLEY (Eev. Wm. L.), M.A., Collected Essays on the Prevention of Pauperism. 12mo. 1880. Pamphlet, Vol. 464. BLADES (William), The Biography and Typography of William Caxton, England's First Printer. 8vo. 1877. The Enemies of Books. 8vo. 1880. BLAIKIE (William), Sound Bodies for our Boys and Girls. 12mo. 1884. BLAIKIE (Eev. W. G.), D.D., Counsel and Cheer for the Battle of Life. 12mo. 1867. - The Personal Life of David Livingstone, LL.D., chiefly from his Journals and Correspondence. 8vo. 1880. - V. Burns (Islay). BLAKE (Mrs.), Twelve Months in Southern Europe. 8vo. 1876. BLAKE (Sophia Jex), Medical Women. Two Essays. 1. Medicine as a Profession for Women. 2. Medical Education for Women. 8vo. 1872. BLANC (Charles), Art in Ornament and Dress. 8vo. N.D. The Same. 8vo. 1877. BLANC (Henry), M.D., A Narrative of Captivity in Ahyssinia. 8vo. 1868. BLANC (Louis), Letters on England. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. BLANCHARD (Sidney Laman), Yesterday and To-day in India. 8vo. 1867. BLASERNA (Prof. Pietro), The Theory of Sound in its relation to Music. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1876. BLOOMFIELD (Georgiana, Baroness), Eeminiscences of Court and Diplomatic Life. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883. BLOOMFIELD (Benjamin, Lord), Memoir of. Edited by Lady Bloomfield. 2 vols. 8vo. 1884. Blue Jackets: A Narrative of Miss Weston's Life and Work. 12mo. 1878. BLUNT (Lady Anne), Bedouin Travels of the Euphrates. Edited, with an Account of the Arabs and their Horses, by W. S. B. 2 vols 8vo. 1879. 14 BLU BOY. BLUNT (Lady Anne), A Pilgrimage to Nejd, the Cradle of the Arab Race. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881. BOCK (Carl), The Head-Hunters of Borneo : A Narrative of Travel. 8vo. 1881. BOKER (George H.). V. Taylor (B.). BOLEYN (Anne). V. Dixon (W. Hepworth). BOLINGBROKE (Lord). V. Skelton (John). BOMPAS (George C.), Life of Frank Buckland. 8vo. 1885. BONAPARTE (Louis Napoleon), History of Julius Caesar. Vol. 2. The Wars in Gaul. 8vo. N.D. *BONAR (Rev. A. R.), The Crown of Thorns ; or, Jesus on the Cross. 12mo. 1866. BONAR (Rev. Horatius), D.D., Life of the Rev. John Milne, of Perth. 8vo. 1869. - The Song of the New Creation, &c. 12mo. 1872. - The Old Gospel : Not " Another Gospel," but the Power of God unto Salvation. A Reply to Dr. Kennedy's Pamphlet, " Hyper- Evangelism." 8vo. 1874. Pamphlet, Vol. 473. - Earth's Morning ; or Thoughts on Genesis. 12mo. 1875. The Rent Veil. 12mo. 1875. - My Old Letters. 8vo. 1877. - The White Fields of France ; or, The Story of Mr. M'All's Mission in Paris. 8vo. 1879. - The Life and Work of the Rev. G. T. Dodds. 12mo. 1884. V. Catechisms. BONAR (Rev. J. J.). V. Cunningham (the late Wm.). *BONAR (James), B.A., Parson Malthus. 8vo. 1880. Pamphlet, Vol. 474. BONWICK (James), The Last of the Tasmanians. 8vo. 1870. The Mormons and the Silver Mines. 8vo. 1872. BOOTH (Rev. John), B.A., Metrical Epitaphs, Ancient and Modern. 12mo. 1868. BORRETT (George T.), Out West : A Series of Letters from Canada, &c. 12mo. 1866. BORTHWICK (R, B.). V. D'Aumale (M. Le Due). BOSWELL (Sir Alex.), The Poetical Works of Sir Alexander Boswell of Auchinleck. 12mo. 1871. BOURNE (H. R. Fox), English Merchants : Memoirs in illustration of the Progress of British Commerce. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. English Seamen under the Tudors. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. The Romance of Trade. 8vo. 1871. BOUTELL (Charles). V. Lacombe (M. P.). BOWMAN (Anne), Tom and the Crocodiles. 12mo. 1867. BOWMAN (Hetty), Thoughts on the Christian Life. 12mo. 1873. BOWRINQ (Sir John), Autobiographical Recollections of, with a Brief Memoir. 8vo. 1877. BOYD (Rev. A. K. H.), D.D., Lessons of Middle Age, &c. 8vo. 1868. Changed Aspects of Unchanged Truths. 12mo. 1869. Present-Day Thoughts. 12mo. 1871. Seaside Musings on Sundays and Week-Days. 12mo. 1872. A Scotch Communion Sunday, and Certain Discourses from a University City. 12mo. 1873. BOY BEE. 15 BOYD (Eev. A. K. H.), D.D., Landscapes, Churches, and Moralities. 8vo. 1874. BOYLE (Charles John), Far Away ; or, Sketches of Scenery and Society in Mauritius. 8vo. 1867. BOYLE (Frederick), A Eide across the Continent : Wanderings through Nicaragua and Costa Rica. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. Camp Notes : Stories of Sport and Adventure in Asia, &c. 8vo. 1874. - Chronicles of No-Man's Land. 8vo. 1880. BOYS (Albert Du), Catharine of Aragon, and the Sources of the English Reformation. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881. BRABOURNE (Lord), Stories for my Children. 8vo. 1869. Whispers from Fairyland. 12mo. 1874. Queer Folk. 12mo. 1874. Higgledy-Piggledy. 8vo. 1875. Uncle Joe's Stories. 8vo. 1879. Other Stories. 8vo. 1880. The Mountain-Sprite's Kingdom. 8vo. 1881. BRACKENBDRY (Major-Gen. Henry), The Ashanti War : A Narrative prepared from Official Documents. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874. - and Capt. G. L. Huyshe, Fanti and Ashanti. 8vo. 1873. The River Column : A Narrative of the Advance of the River Column of the Nile Expeditionary Force, &c. 8vo. 1885. BRADLEY (Rev. Edward), Fotheriughay and Mary, Queen of Scots ; being an Account of Fotheriughay Castle, the last Prison of Mary. 12mo. 1886. BRADSHAW (John), J.P., New Zealand as it is. 8vo. 1883. BRAID (Francis). V. Directory. BRAIDWOOD (James), Fire Prevention and Fire Extinction. 8vo. 1866. BRAITHWAITE (Rev. R.), The Life and Letters of Rev. Win. Penne- father, B.A. 8vo. N.D. BRAMSTON (M.), Judea and her Rulers, from Nebuchadnezzar to Vespasian. 8vo. N.D. BRAND (Rev. John), A Brief Description of Orkney, Zetland, Pight- land Firth, &c. 8vo. 1883. BRANDES, (Georg), Lord Beaconsfield : A Study. 8vo. 1880. BRASSEY (Lady), A Voyage in the " Sunbeam " : Our Home on the Ocean for Eleven Months. 8vo. 1878. - Sunshine and Storm in the East ; or, Cruises to Cyprus and Constantinople. 8vo. 1880. In the Trades, the Tropics, and the Roaring Forties. 8vo. 1885. BRASSEY (Sir Thomas), M.P., British Seamen. 8vo. 1877. - Lectures on the Labour Question. 8vo. 1878. BRASSEY (Thomas). V. Helps (Arthur). BRAY (Mrs.), Joan of Arc, and the Times of Charles VII. 8vo. 1874. BRECHIN (Bishop of). V. Walker (Wm.). BREMER (David), The Industries of Scotland, their Rise, Progress, &c. 8vo. 1869. BREMER (Fredrika), Life, Letters, and Posthumous Works of. 8vo. 1868. 16 BRE BRO. BRETON (Anna Lotitia Le), Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld. 12mo. 1874. BRIDGES (J. H.), M.B., France under Richelieu. 8vo. 1866. BRIGHT (John), M.P., Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. V. Kay (Joseph). BRISTOW (H. W.), V. Simonin (L.). BRITISH MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. Edited by G. P. Bevan. Wool and its Applications, by Professor Archer. Flax and Linen, by W. T. Charley, M.P. Cotton, by Isaac Watts. Silk, by B. F. Cobb. 12mo. 1876. - Acids, Alkalies, Soda, &c., by Prof. Church, M.A. Oils and Candles, by W. M. Williams. Gas and Lighting, by R. H. Patterson, F.S.S. 12mo. 1876. BROCK (Rev. Wm.), D.D. V. Birrell (Charles M.). BROCKLEHURST (Thomas), Mexico To-day; a Country with a Great Future, &c. 8vo. 1883. BRODIE (Emily), Elsie Gordon. 12mo. N.D. BRODRIBB (Rev. W. J.). V. Pliny's Letters. BRONTE (Charlotte, Emily, and Anne), Poems by. Exst. with the Professor. BRONTE (Charlotte). V. Gaskell (Mrs.), Swinburne (A. C.). BRONTE (Rev. Patrick), Cottage Poems by. Exst. with the Professor. BROOKE (Charles), Ten Years in Sarawak. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. BROOKE (Sir James). V. Jacob (Gertrude L.). BROOKE (Rev. Stopford A.), Christ in Modern Life. 8vo. 1872. Some Philosophical Aspects of Poetry. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 453. Theology in the English Poets Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Burns. 8vo. 1874. Sermons preached in St. James' Chapel, York Street, London. 2d Series. 8vo. 1875. BROOKS (Shirley), Wit and Humour. 8vo. 1875. BROUGHAM (Henry, Lord,), A Discourse of Natural Theology, &c. 8vo. 1835. The Life and Times of, written by himself. 3 vols. 8vo. 1871. - V. Campbell (Lord), Kennedy (T. F.), Plunket (D.). BROWN (Prof. Alex. Crum), The Development of the Idea of Chemical Composition. 8vo. 1869. Pamphlet, Vol. 458. BROWN (Rev. Charles J.), D.D., The Finger of God in the Disruption ; being the Opening and Closing Addresses of the Free Assembly, May 1872. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 462. BROWN (David), D.D., Life of the late John Duncan, LL.D., Professor of Hebrew. 8vo. 1872. BROWN (C. Barrington), and William Lidstone, Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon. 8vo. 1878. BROWN (Horatio F.), Life on the Lagoons. 8vo. 1884. BROWN (Hugh Stowell), His Autobiography, and Extracts from his Sermons and Addresses. 8vo. 1887. BROWN (James), The Epitaphs and Monumental Inscriptions in Grey- friars Churchyard, Edinburgh. 12mo. 1867. BROWN (James), D.D., Life of John Eadie, D.D. 8vo. 1878. - V. Ross (John M.). BRO BEU. 17 BROWN (James), The Life of a Scottish Probationer. 8vo. 1877. BROWN (J. A. Harvie), The Capercaillie in Scotland. 8vo. 1879. - V. St. John (Charles). BROWN (J. Baldwin), Misread Passages of Scripture. 12mo. 1869. - Our Morals and Manners 1. Young Men and Maidens : 2. Buy- ing and selling and getting Gain. 12mo. 1872. - The Battle and Burden of Life. 12mo. 1875. BROWN (John), M.D., John Leech and other Papers. 8vo. 1882. - F. Lauder (the late Sir T. D.). BROWN (John T.), Bibliomania. 12mo. 1867. Pamphlet, Vol. 452. BROWN (Robert), Spunyarn and Spindrift : A Sailor Boy's Log. 8vo. 1886. BROWN (Robert). V. Colvin (Helen). BROWN (Dr. Robert). F. Rink (Dr. Henry). BROWN (Rev. Thomas). F. Disruption. *BROWN (Thomas), Borgia : A Tragedy, and other Poems. 8vo. 1874. BROWN (William), The Tabernacle and its Priests and Services, &c. 8vo. 1871. BROWNE (Rev. G. F.), M.A., The Venerable Bede. 18mo. 1879. BROWNE (Col. Horace). F. Anderson (John). BROWNE (Matthew), Chaucer's England. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869. BROWNE (Sir Thomas), Religio Medici Hydriotaphia. 12mo. 1869. BROWNING (Robert), M.A., The Ring and the Book. 4 vols. 12mo. 1868-69. - Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. 12mo. 1871. - Balaustion's Adventure. 12mo. 1871. - Fifine at the Fair. 12mo. 1872. - Red Cotton Night-Cap Country. 12mo. 1873. - Aristophanes' Apology, including a Transcript from Euripides, &c. 12mo. 1875. The Inn Album. 18mo. 1875. - Pacchiarotto, and How he "Worked in Distemper. 18mo. 1876. - La Saisiaz : the Two Poets of Croisie. 12mo. 1878. Dramatic Idyls. 12mo. 1879. - Jocoseria. 12mo. 1883. - Ferishtash's Fancies. 18mo. 1884. - F. JEschylus. BROWNLOW (Emma Sophia, Countess), Slight Reminiscences of a Sep- tuagenarian, 1802 to 1815. 8vo. 1867. BRUCE (Rev. Alex. B.), The Training of the Twelve ; or, Passages out of the Gospels, exhibiting the Twelve Disciples, &c. 8vo. 1871. The Humiliation of Christ, in its Physical, Ethical, and Official Aspects. Sixth Series of the Cunningham Lectures. 8vo. 1876. BRUCE (Rev. John), D.D., The Life of Gideon Illustrated and Applied. 12nio. 1870. - Sermons by. Edited, with Sketch of his Life, by Rev. James C. Burns. 8vo. 1882. BRUCE (Rev. Win.), D.D., Memories : A Tale, and other Poems. 12rao. 1878. BRUGSCH-BEY (Henry), A History of Egypt under the Pharaohs, de- rived entirely from the Monuments, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879. B 18 BRU BUN. BRUHUS (Prof. Karl). V. Humboldt (Alex. Von). BRUNTON (T. Lauder), M.D., The Bible and Science. 8vo. 1881. V. Alcohol Question. BRYCE (James), Transcaucasia and Ararat : Notes of a Vacation Tour in 1876. 8vo. 1877. BRYCE (Rev. Professor), M.A., Manitoba : Its Infancy, Growth, and Present Condition. 8vo. 1882. BRYDON (James), M.D. F. Riddell (Henry Scott). BUCHAN (Alexander), A Handy Book of Meteorology. 12mo. 1867. BUCHANAN (James), LL.D., The Doctrine of Justification : An Outline of its History in the Church, &c. Second Series of the Cunningham Lectures. 8vo. 1867. BUCHANAN (Robert), The Life and Adventures of John James Audu- bon, the Naturalist. 8vo. 1868. London Poems. 12mo. 1866. The Hebrid Isles. 8vo. 1883. BUCHANAN (Rev. Robert), D.D., The Freedom of the Church of Christ, viewed in connection with Certain Events and Questions of the Time. 8vo. 1869. Pamphlet, Vol. 461. V. Walker (Rev. Norman L.). BUCKLAND (Frank), Curiosities of Natural History. Third Series. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. Natural History of British Fishes ; their Structure, Economic Uses, and Capture by Net and Rod. 12mo. N.D. Log-Book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. 8vo. 1875. - Notes and Jottings from Animal Life. 8vo. 1882. V. Bompas (George C.). BUCKLE (Henry Thomas), Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works of, with a Biographical Notice. 3 vols. 8vo. 1872. - V. Huth (Alfred Henry). BUCKLEY (Arabella B.). The Fairy-Land of Science. 8vo. 1878. - Life and her Children : Glimpses of Animal Life. 12mo. 1880. Winners in Life's Race ; or, The Great Backboned Family. 8vo. 1882. BUCKLEY (T. E.). V. St. John (Charles). BUCKNALL (B.). F. Le Due (E. V.). BUIST (Robert), The Stormontfield Piscicultural Experiments, 1853- 1866. 12mo. 1866. Pamphlet, Vol. 452. BULLEU (Rev. James), Forty Years in New Zealand ; including an Account of Maoridom, &c. 8vo. 1878. BULLEY (John FA F. Beaconsfield (Earl). BULLOCK (W. H.), Across Mexico in 1864-65. 8vo. 1866. BULWER (Right Hon. Sir Henry Lytton), The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston. 3 vols. 8vo. 1870, 1874. - Sir Robert Peel : An Historical Sketch. 8vo. 1874. BULWER (Edward). F. Lytton (Lord). BUNCE (John T.). F. Hall (William). BUNNETT (F. E.). F. LUbke (Dr. W.), Russian Society, Vambery (A.), Woltmann (A.), Wolzogen (A.). BUNSEN (C. C. J. Baron). Egypt's Place in Universal History. Vol. V. 8vo. 1867. BUN BUE. 19 BUNSEX (Frances, Baroness), A Memoir of Baron Bunsen, late Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of St. James'. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. V. Hare (A. J. C.). BUNYAN (John). V. Froude (J. A.). BUONARROTI (Michael Angelo). V. Clement (C.), Symonds (J. A.), Wilson (C. IL). BURBIDGE (F. W.), Domestic Floriculture, Window Gardening, and Floral Decorations, &c. 8vo. 1874. The Gardens of the Sun ; or, A Naturalist's Journal in the Forests of Borneo. 8vo. 1880. BURGON (Rev. J. W.). V. Scott (G. G.). BURGOYNE (F.M. Sir J.). F. Fonblanque (E. B. De), Head (Sir F.), Wrottesley (G.). BURKE (Sir Bernard), LL.D., A Genealogical History of the Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages of the British Empire. 8vo. 1866. A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871. - A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. For years 1871, 1875, and 1882. BURKE (Edmund). V. Morley (John). BURKE (Peter), Celebrated Naval and Military Trials. 8vo. 1866. BURN (Eobert Scott), Outlines of Landed Estates Management, &c. 12mo. 1877. BURNABY (Capt. Fred.), A Ride to Khiva : Travels in Central Asia. 8vo. 1876. - On Horseback through Asia Minor. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877. BURNABY (Mrs. Fred.), The High Alps in Winter ; or, Mountaineering in search of Health. 8vo. 1883. BURNETT (George). V. Scotland. BURNS (Rev. Prof. Islay), Memoir of the Rev. W. C. Burns, M.A., Missionary to China. 8vo. 1870. - Select Remains of. Edited by Rev. James C. Burns. 8vo. 1874. BURNS (Rev. James C.). V. Bruce (John), D.D. BURNS (Robert). V. Shairp (Principal). BURRITT (Elihu), A Walk from London to Land's End and Back. 8vo. 1865. - The Mission of Great Sufferings. 8vo. 1867. - Walks in the Black Country. 8vo. 1868. - Jacob and Joseph, and the Lesson of their Lives for the Young. 12mo. 1870. - Chips from many Blocks. 8vo. 1878. - A Memorial Volume, containing a Sketch of his Life and Labours. 8vo. 1880. BURROUGHS (John), Wake-Robin. 12mo. 1871. BURROWS (A. J.), Science for Foresters ; or, A Practical Introduction to Chemistry, Geology, Vegetable Physiology, and Botany, &c. 12mo. 1884. BURROWS (Prof. Montagu), Worthies of All Souls' : Four Centuries of English History. 8vo. 1874. BURTON (Isabel), The Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875. 20 BUR CAI. BURTON (Isabel), A.E.I. Arabia, Egypt, India. 8vo. 1879. BORTON (Mrs. J. H.), My Home Farm. 8vo. 1883. BURTON (John Hill), LL.D., The History of Scotland from Agricola's Invasion to the Revolution of 1688. 7 vols. 8vo. 1867-1870. A History of the Reign of Queen Anne. 3 vols. 8vo. 1880. - V. Aberdeen, Scotland. BURTON (Richard F.), Ultima Thule ; or, A Summer in Iceland. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875. Two Trips to Gorilla Laud and the Cataracts of the Congo. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876. and C. F. T. Drake, Unexplored Syria, Visits to the Libanus, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872. and V. L. Cameron, To the Gold Coast for Gold. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883. BURTY (Philippe), Chefs-D'CEuvre of the Industrial Arts Pottery, Porcelain, Glass, Enamel, Metal, Jewellery, &c. 8vo. 1869. BUSCH (Dr. Moritz), Bismarck in the Franco-German War, 1870- 1871. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879. Our Chancellor : Sketches for a Historical Picture. 2 vols. 8vo. 1884. BUTLER. V. Collins (Rev. W. Lucas). BUTLER (Josephine E.), Memoir of John Grey of Dilston. 8vo. 1869. Catherine of Siena : A Biography. 8vo. 1878. BUTLER (Samuel), Erewhon; or, Over the Range. 8vo. 1872. BUTLER (Major W. F.), The Great Lone Land : A Narrative of Travel and Adventure in the North- West of America. 8vo. 1872. The Wild North Land ; being the Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North America. 8vo. 1874. - Akim-Foo : The History of a Failure. 8vo. 1875. BUTT (G. and B. M.). F. Eros. BUXTON (The late Charles), Notes of Thought, preceded by a Biographical Sketch. 8vo. 1873. BUXTON (H. J. Wilmot) and Edward J. Poynter, R.A., German, Flemish, and Dutch Painting. 8vo. 1881. BYRNE (Mrs. Wm. Pitt), Cosas De Espana : Illustrative of Spain and the Spaniards. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. Feudal Castles of France (Western Provinces). 8vo. 1869. BYRON (Lord). V. Elize (Karl), Guiccioli, Jeaffreson (J. C.), Macaulay (T. B.), Nichol (J.). C. *CADELL (H. M.), The Geology of Sutherland. 12ino. 1886. CADELL (J. S.), Fisher-Folk. 18mo. N.D. C^SAR (Julius). V. Bonaparte (L. N.), Froude (J. A.). CAINE (W. S.). F. Brown (Hugh Stowell). CAIRO (Alex. M'Neel), Mary Stuart, her Guilt or Innocence. 8vo. 1866. CAIRD (Prof. Edward), M.A., A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant, &c. 8vo. 1877. Hegel. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. 1883. The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte. 8vo. 1885. CAI CAM. 21 CAIBD (Principal), D.D., Christian Manliness. A Sermon. 8vo. 1871. Pamphlet, Vol. 462. The Unity of the Sciences. A Lecture. 8vo. 1874. Pamphlet, Yol. 465. - The Universal Eeligion. 8vo. 1874. Pamphlet, Yol. 465. - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Eeligion. 8vo. 1880. CAIRNES (J. E.), M.A., Some Leading Principles of Political Economy. 8vo. 1874. CAIRNS (Principal John), D.D., Unbelief in the Eighteenth Century. &c. Cunningham Lectures for 1880. 8vo. 1881. V. Krummacher (F. W.). CALCUTTA (Bishop of). V. Cotton (G. E. L.). CALDER (Alexander), The Man of the Future : An Investigation of the Laws which determine Happiness. 8vo. 1872. CALDERWOOD (Professor), Philosophy of the Infinite : A Treatise on Man's Knowledge of the Infinite Being. 8vo. 1861. - Moral Philosophy; as a Science and as a Discipline. 8vo. 1869. Pamphlet, Yol. 458. - Handbook of Moral Philosophy. 8vo. 1872. - On Teaching : Its Ends and Means. 18ino. 1874. - The Eelations of Mind and Brain. 8vo. 1879. - The Parables of Our Lord : Interpreted in view of their relations to each other. 8vo. 1880. CALDERWOOD (Mrs., of Polton), Letters and Journals of, from England, Holland, and the Low Countries in 1756. 8vo. 1884. Calendar. The St. Andrews University Calendar for the year 1871-72. 12mo. 1871. CALLENDER (Henry), C.A., The Post-Office and its Money Order System. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Yol. 453. CALVIN (John). F. M'Crie (Thomas). CAM DEN (Charles), Hoity Toity, the Good Little Fellow. 12mo. 1873. CAMERON (Yerney Lovett), E.N., C.B., Across Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877. - V. Burton (Eichard F.). CAMERON (William C.), Light, Shade and Toil. Poems. 12mo. 1875. - Campaign of 1870-71, The. Eepublished from The Times. 8vo. Lond. 1871. CAMPANELLA (Tommass). V. Symonds (J. A.). CAMPBELL (Eev. A. A), Sermons preached before the Queen at Balmoral. 12mo. 1882. CAMPBELL (Colin) V. Shadwell (Lieut.-General). CAMPBELL (Donald), A Treatise on the Language, Poetry, and Music of the Highland Clans, &c. 8vo. 1862. CAMPBELL (Eev. Donald). F. Campbell (John M'Leod), D.D. CAMPBELL (George), The Irish Land. 8vo. 1869. CAMPBELL (Lord George), Log Letters from " The Challenger." 8vo. 1876. CAMPBELL (Sir George), M.P., A Handy Book on the Eastern Question. 8vo. 1876. CAMPBELL (Helen), Four, and What they Did. 8vo. N.D. 22 CAM CAR CAMPBELL (J. F.), My Circular Notes. Extracts from Journals written while travelling Westwards Round the World, 1874- 1875. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876. CAMPBELL (The late John, Lord), Lives of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham. Vol. 8 of Lives of the Chancellors. 8vo. 1869. - V. Hardcastle (Hon. Mrs.). CAMPBELL (John), M.D., Thirty Years' Experience of a Medical Officer in the English Convict Service. 8vo. 1884. CAMPBELL (John M'Leod), Reminiscences and Reflections, referring to his Early Ministry in the Parish of Row, 1825-31. 8vo. 1873. Memorials of. Being Selections from his Correspondence. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877. CAMPBELL (John Robert), How to see Norway. 12mo. 1871. CAMPBELL (Prof. Lewis), and William Garnett, The Life of James Clerk Maxwell, and a Sketch of his Contributions to Science. 8vo. 1882. CAMPBELL (Mrs., of Ballochyle). V. Morison (Jeauie). CAMPBELL (Major-General Sir Neil), Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba, being a Journal of Occurrences in 1814-15. 8vo. 1869. CAMPION (J. S.), On Foot in Spain : A Walk from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean. 8vo. 1879. CANDEZE (D. Ernest), The Curious Adventures of a Field Cricket. 8vo. 1878. CANDLTSH (Prof. James S.), D.D., The Kingdom of God, Biblically and Historically considered. The Tenth Series of the Cunningham Lectures. 8vo. 1884. CANDLISH (Robert S.), D.D., The First Epistle of John, expounded in Six Lectures. 8vo. 1866. - The Book of Genesis, expounded in a Series of Discourses. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. - The Relative Duties of Home Life. 12mo. 1871. - John Knox and his " Devout Imagination." 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 4G2. - Discourses bearing upon the Sonship and Brotherhood of Believers. 8vo. 1872. - Sermons by the late, with a Biographical Preface. 8vo. 1873. - Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. 8vo. 1875. - V. Beith (Rev. Dr.), Christianity, Wilson (Wm.). CANE, The Gold-Headed. Edited by Wm. Munk, M.D. 8vo. 1884. CANTERBURY (Archbishop of). V. Tait (Archibald Campbell). CAPEL (Right Rev. M.), A Reply to the Right Hon. W. E. Glad- stone's " Political Expostulation." 8vo. 1875. Pamphlet, Vol. 470. CAPES (Rev. J. M.), To Rome and Back. 8vo. 1873. CAPES (W. W.), M.A., University Life in Ancient Athens. Four Oxford Lectures. 8vo. 1877. CAPPER (Samuel James), The Shores and Cities of the Boden See. 8vo. 1881. CAREY (Wm.), D.D. V. Smith (George). CARLISLE (H. E.). V. Hay ward (Abraham). CAE CAS. 23 CARLISLE (Earl of), The Viceregal Speeches and Addresses, Lectures, and Poems of. 8vo. 1866. CARLYLE (Rev. J. E.), South Africa and its Mission Fields. 8vo. 1878. CARLYLB (Jane Welsh), Letters and Memorials of, prepared for publication by Thomas Carlyle. 3 vols. 8vo. 1883. CARLYLE (Thomas), Inaugural Address at Edinburgh on being installed as Rector of the University. 8vo. 1866. Pamphlet, Vol. 458. - The Early Kings of Norway. Also an Essay on the Portraits of John Knox. 12mo. 1875. - Reminiscences by. Edited by J. A. Froude. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881. - Reminiscences of my Irish Journey in 1849. 8vo. 1882. - The Correspondence of, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883. - V. Froude (J. A.), Hood (E. P.), Masson (Prof. D.). CARNEGIE (Andrew), An American Four-in-Hand in Britain. 8vo. 1883. CARNOTA (The Conde Da), Memoirs of Field-Marshal the Duke De Saldanha, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880. CARPENTER (J. E.), M.A., The Life and Work of Mary Carpenter. 8vo. 1879. CARPENTER (James). V. Nasmyth (James). CARPENTER (Rev. W. B.), Narcissus : A Tale of Early Christian Times. 8vo. N.D. CARPENTER (Wm. B.), M.D., Principles of Mental Physiology, with their Application to the Training and Discipline of the Mind, &c. 8vo. 1874. CARR (Frank), Business, by a Merchant. 12mo. 1873. CARR (Mrs. Comyns), North Italian Folk : Sketches of Town and Country Life. 8vo. 1878. CARRE (The late Walter Riddell), Border Memories ; or, Sketches of Prominent Men and Women of the Border. 12mo. 1876. CARRINGTON (George), Colonial Adventures and Experiences. By a University Man. 8vo. 1871. CARROLL (Lewis), Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. 8vo. 1877. CARRUTHERS (Robert). V. Chambers (Robert). CARSTARES (William). V. Story (R. H.). CARTER (R, B.), F.R.C.S., Eyesight, Good and Bad : A Treatise on the Exercise and Preservation of Vision. 8vo. 1880. CARTWRIGHT (Julia), Mantegna and Francia. (The Great Artists.) 8vo. 1881. CARTWRIGHT (W. C.), M.P., Gustavo Bergenroth : A Memorial Sketch. 8vo. 1870. - The Jesuits ; their Constitution and Teaching. 8vo. 1876. CASAUBON (Isaac). V. Pattison (Mark). CASSELLS (Messrs.), Old and New Edinburgh ; its History, its People, and its Places. By James Grant. 3 vols. 4to. N.D. CASSELS (Robert), Lectures on some of the Great Masters of Art, and on the Rise, Progress, and Decay of Modern Art in Europe. 8vo. 1876. 24 CAT CHA. * Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Faculty of Advocates. Part 3, (vol. 1). 4to. 1867. *_ Vols. 2 to 6. 4to. 1873-1878. * Supplementary Vol. 4to. 1879. * of the Books in the Library of the Society of the Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland. 8vo. 1871. * of the Printed Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to H.M. Signet. 2 vols. 4to. 1871-1882. Index to the British Catalogue of Books, 1837 to 1857 inclusive. 8vo. 1858. * A Keference Catalogue of Current Literature containing the Full Titles of Books now in Print and on Sale. 2vols.8vo. 1865-1877. * The Keference Catalogue of Current Literature. 8vo. N.D. * of Heraldic, Genealogical, and Antiquarian Books and Manuscripts which belonged to the late Alexander Sinclair. 4to. 1877. * of the Musical Library of the late William. Ewing, Glasgow. 8vo. 1878. Catechisms of the Scottish Reformation. 8vo. 1866. GATES (Wm. L. R.). V. Encyclopaedia. CATHERINE OF ABAGON. V. Boys (Albert Du). CATHERINE OF SIENA. V. Butler (J. E.). CATLIN (George), Last Rambles amongst the Indians of the Rocky Mountains. 12mo. 1868. CAULFIELD (James). V. Wilson (Henry). CAVALCASELLE (G. B.). V. Crowe (J. A.). CAVOUR (Count), Thoughts on Ireland ; its Present and its Future. 8vo. 1868. Cawdor, The Book of the Thanes of. A Series of Papers selected from the Charter-Room at Cawdor, 1236-1742. (Spalding Club Pub.) 4to. 1859. CAXTON (William). V. Blades (William). CAZENOVE (John Gibson), Some Aspects of the Reformation : An Essay. 8vo. 1869. Celestial, The Song ; or, Bhagavad-Gita. Translated from the Sans- krit Text by Edwin Arnold. 12mo. 1885. CELLARIUS. V. Fowle (Rev. T. W.). CERVANTES (Miguel De). V. Oliphant (Mrs.). CESNOLA (General Louis P. Di), Cyprus ; its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples. A Narrative of Researches and Excavations. 8vo. 1877. CHAFFERS (W.). V. Burty (Philippe). CHALLICE (Mrs. A. E.), Illustrious Women of France, 1790-1873. 8vo. 1873. CHAMBERLAYNE (D. A.). V. Marshall (Emma). CHAMBERS (Robert), LL.D., Essays, Familiar and Humorous. 12mo. 1866. - Smollett: His Life and a Selection from his Writings. 8vo. 1867. - Traditions of Edinburgh. N.E. 8vo. 1869. - Life of Sir Walter Scott, with Abbotsford Notanda, by Robert Carruthers, LL.D. 12mo. 1871. - The Threiplands of Fingask : A Family Memoir. 12mo. 1880. CHAMBERS (William), Sketches, Light and Descriptive. 12mo. 1866. CHA CHE. 25 CHAMBERS (William), Wintering at Mentone. 8vo. 1870. - France, its History and Revolutions. 12rno. 1871. - Memoir of Robert Chambers, with Autobiographic Reminiscences. 8vo. 1872. - Story of St. Giles' Cathedral Church, Edinburgh. 8vo. 1879 Pamphlet, Yol. 472. - Story of a Long and Busy Life. 12mo. 1882. - V. Scottish Church. CHANDLER (Henry W.). V. Mansel (Henry L.). *CHANNING (Wm. Ellery), D.D., The Complete Works of, including the Perfect Life, &c. 4to. 1884. Chap-Books of the Eighteenth Century, with Facsimiles, Notes, &c. by John Ashton. 8vo. 1882. CHAPLIN (G. C. C.), M.D., Benedicite ; or, The Song of the Three Children : Being Illustrations of the Power, Beneficence, and Design manifested by the Creator in his Works. 12tno. 1869. CHAPMAN (George), The Works of Plays. 8vo. 1874. - Poems and Minor Translations. 8vo. 1875. - V. Homer. CHAPMAN (Maria Weston). -V. Martineau (Harriet). Characteristics (Modern), A Series of Short Essays. 8vo. 1865. CHARLES I. V. Gardiner (Samuel Rawson). CHARLES (Mrs.), Sketches of the Women of Christendom. 8vo, 1880. CHARLESWORTH (M. L.), Where Dwellest Thou ? 12mo. 1871. - The Broken Looking-Glass. 12mo. 1880. CHARLEY (W. T.), M.P., Flax and Linen. V. British Manufacturing Industries. CHARLOTTE OF WALES (Princess). V. Weigall (Lady Rose). CHARTERIS (Prof. A. H.), D.D., The Church of Scotland and Spiritual Independence. 8vo. 1874. Pamphlet, Vol. 466. - A Devoted Minister : A Sermon on occasion of the Death of the Rev. Maxwell Mcholson, D.D. 8vo. 1875. Pamphlet, Vol. - The New Testament Scriptures ; their Claims, History, and Authority : Being the Croal Lectures for 1882. 8vo. 1882. CHATHAM (Earl of). V. Macaulay (T. B.). CHATRIAN (M.). V. Erckmann (M.). CHATTERTON (Thomas). Wilson (Prof. Daniel). CHAUCER (G.). V. Ward (A. Wm.). CHEETHAM (Samuel). V. Dictionary. Chequered Career (A) ; or, Fifteen Years in Australia and New Zealand. 8vo. 1881. Child of the Chosen People. 12mo. 1874. Children's Journey (The), and Other Stories. 12mo. N.D. CHIROL (M. Valentine), 'Twixt Greek and Turk ; or, Jottings during a Journey through Thessaly, Macedonia, &c. 8vo. 1881. CHISHOLM (George C.). V. Rudler (F. W.). CHORLEY (Henry). F. Mitford (Mary R.). Christ the Consoler : A Book of Comfort for the Sick. 12mo. 1872. Christianity and Recent Speculations. Six Lectures by Ministers of the Free Church. 12mo. 1866. 26 CHR CLA. CHRISTIE (Rev. James), B.A., Men and Things Russian ; or, Travels in the Lands of the Czar. 12mo. 1879. CHRISTIE (W. D.), M.A., A Life of Anthony Ashley Cooper, First Earl of Shaftesbury, 1621-1683. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871. CHRISTISON (Rev. J.). V. Pairman (Robert). CHRISTISON, The Life of Sir Robert, Bart. Edited by his Sons. Vol. I. Autobiography. 8vo. 1885. - Vol. II., Memoirs. 8vo. 1886. CHURCH (Rev. Alfred J.), Stories from the Greek Tragedians. 8vo. 1880. - Stories of the East. From Herodotus. 8vo. 1881. The Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem. From Josephus. 8vo. 1881. Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. 8vo. 1884. Two Thousand Years Ago ; or, The Adventures of a Roman Boy. 8vo. 1886. Carthage ; or, The Empire of Africa. (Story of the Xations.) 8vo. 1886. - Stories of the Magicians. 8vo. 1887. V. Pliny's Letters. CHURCH (Prof.), M.A. V. British Manufacturing Industries. CHURCH (Rev. R W.), Saint Anselm. (Sunday Library.) 8vo. 1870. Dante : An Essay. To which is added a Translation of Do Monarchia, by F. J. Church. 8vo. 1878. - Spenser. (English Men of Letters.) 8vo. 1879. - Bacon. (English Men of Letters.) 8vo. 1884. Church, The Established and the Free : In what do they differ 1 8vo. 1873. Pamphlet, Vol. 466. - and State, chiefly in Eelation to Scotland. Three Lectures by ' Principal R. Rainy, D.D., the Right Hon. Lord Moncreiff, and A. Taylor Innes, Advocate. 8vo. 1878. - of Scotland, The Book of Common Order of the Church of Scot- land, commonly known as John Knox's Liturgy, and the Direc- tory for the Public Worship of God, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. 12mo. 1868. - The Future. By " Free Lance." 8vo. 1870. Pamphlet, Vol. 462. * Historical Sketch of Greyfriars L T .P. Church, Glasgow. 8vo. 1872. CHURCHILL (Colonel), The Life of Abdel Kader, Ex-Sultan of the Arabs of Algeria, written from his own dictation. 8vo. 1867. CICERO (Marcus Tullius). V. Trollope (Anthony). CLAPPERTON (Capt. Hugh). V. Nelson (Rev. Thomas). CLARK (E. Warren), Life and Adventure in Japan. 12mo. N.D. CLARK (Sir James), Bart., M.D., A Memoir of John Conolly, M.D., comprising a Sketch of the Treatment of the Insane in Europe and America. 8vo. 1869. CLARK (Robert), Golf : A Royal and Ancient Game. 4to. 1875. CLARK (W. G.), M. A., The Present Dangers of the Church of England. 8vo. 1870. Pamphlet, Vol. 461. CLARK (Wm. R.), M.A., Saint Augustine. 18mo. N.D. CLA COL. 27 CLARKE (Charles and Mary Cowden), Recollections of Writers, with Letters of Charles Lamb, Leigh Hunt, Douglas Jerrold, and Charles Dickens. 8vo. 1878. CLAYDEN (P. W.), Samuel Sharpe, Egyptologist and Translator of the Bible. 8vo. 1883. CLEMENT (Charles), Michel Angelo. (The Great Artists.) 8vo. 1880. CLEPHANE (Lieut.-Col. R. D.), The Story of Sebastopol : A Poem. 12mo. 1869. Clergy List (The), from 1876 to 1884. 9 vols. 8vo. CLIFFORD (Charles C.), Hotch-Pot by " Umbra." 12mo. 1867. CLIFFORD (The late Wm. Kingdon), The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences, with 100 Figures. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1885. CLIVE (Lord). V. Macaulay (T. B.). CLODD (Edward), The Childhood of Religions, embracing a simple Account of the Birth and Growth of Myths and Legends. 12mo. 1875. CLOUGH (Arthur Hugh), The Poems and Prose Remains of, with a Memoir. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869. CLYDE (Lord). V. Shadwell (Lieut.-General). COBB (B. F.). V. British Manufacturing Industries. COBBETT (William). F. Watson (Rev. J. S.). COBDEN (Richard). V. Morley (John). COCHRANE (Lord), The Life of Thomas, Lord Cochrane, Tenth Earl of Dundonald. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869. COCKBURN (Henry, Lord), Journal of, being a Continuation of the Memorials of his Time. 1831-1854. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874. - V. Scotland. CODY (Father E. G.). V. Leslie (Jhone). COFFIN (Charles Carleton), Our New Way Round the World. 8vo. 1869. Coldstream, Chartulary of the Cistercian Priory of, with relative Documents. 8vo. 1879. *CoLE (The late Henry W.), Q.C., Saint Augustine : A Poem in Eight Books. 8vo. 1877. COLERIDGE (Arthur D.). -V. Goethe (Johann W. von). COLERIDGE (Right Hon. Sir J. T.), A Memoir of the Rev. John Keble, M.A. 8vo. 1869. COLERIDGE (Sir T. E.), Bart., M.P., Life of the Hon. Mountstuart Elphinstone. 2 vols. 8vo. 1884. COLERIDGE (Sara), Phantasmion : A Fairy Tale. 8vo. 1874. - Memoir and Letters of. Edited by her Daughter. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873. COLERIDGE (S. T.). F. Traill (H. D.). COLES (John), F.R.A.S., Summer Travelling in Iceland, being the Narrative of Two Journeys across the Island by Unfrequented Routes, &c. 8vo. 1882. Colleges, Lays of the ; Songs and Verses by Andrew Wood, Sir D. Maclagan, &c. 8vo. 1886. COLIGNY (Gaspard). V. Bersier (E.), Besant (W.). COLLIER (Admiral Sir George), France, Holland, and the Netherlands a Century ago. 8vo. 1865. 28 COL CON. COLLIER (Hem. Margaret), Our Home by the Adriatic. Second Edition. 8vo. 1886. COLLINGWOOD (Cuthbert), Eambles of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea. 8vo. 1868. COLLINGWOOD (Lord). V. Davies (William). COLLINS (Clifton W.), Saint Simon. (Foreign Classics for English Readers.) 12mo. 1880. COLLINS (The late Mortimer), Pen Sketches by a Vanished Hand. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879. COLLINS (Rev. W. Lucas), Virgil. (Ancient Classics for English Readers.) 12mo. 1870. Montaigne. (Foreign Classics.) 12mo. 1879. - Butler. (Philosophical Classics.) 12mo. 1881. La Fontaine and other French Fabulists. (Foreign Classics for English Readers.) 12mo. 1882. V. Aristophanes, Homer, Livy. COLOMB (Captain), R.N., Slave-Catching in the Indian Ocean : A Record of Naval Experiences. 8vo. 1873. COLQUHOUN (Archibald R.), Across Chryse", being the Narrative of a Journey of Exploration through the South China Border Lands from Canton to Mandalay. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883. COLQUHOUN (John), Sporting Days, 12mo. 1866. " Sport " : A Lecture delivered to the Philosophical Institution. 8vo. 1874. Pamphlet, Vol. 472. The Moor and the Loch, containing Minute Instructions in all Highland Sports. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878. COLUMBUS (Christopher). V. Helps (Arthur). COLVIN (Helen), Passages in the Life of an Indian Merchant ; being Memorials of Robert Brown. 12mo. 1866. COLVIN (Sidney), Landor. (English Men of Letters.) 8vo. 1881. COMBE (George). V. Gibbon (Charles). COMBERMERE (Mary, Viscountess), and Capt. W. W. Knollys, Memoirs of Field-Marshal Viscount Combermere, G.C.B. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. COMTE (Augusts). V. Caird (E.), Mill (J. S.). CONDER (Claude R.), R.E., Tent Work in Palestine : A Record of Discovery and Adventure. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878. - Judas Maccabaeus and the Jewish War of Independence. 8vo. 1879. - Heth and Moab : Explorations in Syria in 1881 and 1882. 8vo. 1883. V. Wright (Wm.). Conduct, Studies in. Short Essays. 8vo. 1867. CONINGTON (John), M.A. V. Virgil. CONOLLY (John), M.D. V. Clark (Sir James). Conrad the Squirrel : A Story for Children. 12mo. 1872. CONRAN (Major H. M.), Memoir of Colonel Wheeler. 12mo. 1867. CONSORT (H.R.H. the Prince). V. Martin (Theodore). CONSTABLE (John). V. Arnold (G. M. B.). CONSTABLE (Thomas), Archibald Constable and his Literary Corre- spondents. 3 vols. 8vo. 1873. Prince Perindo's Wish : A Fairy Romance. 8vo. 1874. CON COT. 29 CONSTABLE (Thomas), Memoir of the Kev. Charles A. Chastel De Boinville. 12mo. 1880. Constitution, The ; or, Plain Thoughts on Constitutional Liberty, &c. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 456. CONTE (Joseph Le), LL.D., Sight : An Exposition of the Principles of Monocular and Binocular Vision. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1881. CONWAT (Moncur Daniel), Demonology and Devil Lore. 2 vols. 8vo. 1879. CONYBEARE (Mrs. F. C.). V. Scherer (W.). COOK (Rev. F. C.), The Origins of Eeligion and Language. 8vo. 1884. COOK (Joseph), Boston Monday Lectures : Orthodoxy, with Preludes on Current Events. 8vo. 1878. - Boston Monday Lectures : on Scepticism, Biology, Transcendenta- lism, &c. Second Series. 8vo. 1878. COOKE (George Willis), Ralph Waldo Emerson : His Life, Writings, and Philosophy. 8vo. 1882. COOKE (Henry), D.D. V. Porter (J. L.). COOKE (Professor J. P.), The New Chemistry. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1874. COOKE (M. C.), Handbook of British Fungi, with full Descriptions of all the Species, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871. - Fungi : Their Nature, Influence, and Uses. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1875. - The Woodlands. 18mo. 1879. COOPE (Col. Win. Jesser), A Prisoner of War in Russia : My Ex- periences amongst the Refugees. 8vo. 1878. COOPER (H. Stonehewer), Coral Lands. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880. COOPER (Thomas), The Bridge of History over the Gulf of Time. 12mo. 1871. - The Paradise of Martyrs : A Faith Ryme. 8vo. 1873. - Life of. Written by himself. 8vo. 1872. COOPER (T. T.), Travels of a Pioneer of Commerce ; or, An Overland Journey from China towards India. 8vo; 1871. COOPER (Thompson). V. Men of the Time. COPPINGER (R. W.), M.D., Cruise of the " Alert " : Four Years in Patagonia, Polynesian, and Masearene Waters. 1878-1882. 8vo. 1883. CORFIELD (W. H.), M.D., Health. 8vo. 1880. CORNEILLE (Pierre). V. Trollope (H. M.). CORNWALL (Barry). V. Procter (Bryan Waller). CORTE (La), Letters from Spain, 1863 to 1866. 8vo. 1868. CORTES (Hernando). V. Helps (Arthur). COSSON (E. A. De), F.R.E.S., The Cradle of the Blue Nile : A Visit to the Court of King John of Ethiopia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877. Costume. The Mirror of the Graces ; or, The English Lady's Costume, 18mo. 1830. COTTERILL (Right Rev. Henry), The Genesis of the Church. 8vo. 1872. COTTERILL (H. B.). F. Elton (J. F.). COTTON (George E. Lynch), D.D., Bishop of Calcutta, Memoir of, with Selections from his Journals. 8vo. 1871. 30 COT CEA. COTTRELL (Charles H.). V. Bunsen (C. C. J. Baron). COURTHOPE (W. J.), Addison. (English Men of Letters.) 8vo. 1884. COVENTRY (Andrew), A Method of Economizing our Currency. 8vo. 1870. Pamphlet, Vol. 453. COWAN (Frank), Curious Facts in the History of Insects. 12mo. 1865. COWIE (Robert) M.A., M.D., Shetland : Descriptive and Historical ; being a Graduation Thesis on the Inhabitants of the Shetland Isles. 12mo. 1871. COWPER ("William), The Works of, comprising his Poems, Correspon- dence, and Translations. With a Life of the Author. 15 vols. 12mo. 1836-37. V. Smith (Goldwin). COWTAN (Robert), Memories of the British Museum. 8vo. 1872. Cox (David). V. Hall (W.), Solly (M. K). Cox (George W.), The Mythology of the Aryan Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. 1870. The Crusades. 12mo. 1874. and E. H. Jones, Tales of the Teutonic Lands. 8vo. 1872. Cox (Robert), and Prof. James Nicol, Select Writings, Political and Miscellaneous, of the late Charles Maclaren, Editor of The Scotsman, with a Memoir. 2 vols. 8vo. 1869. Cox (Samuel S.), Search for Winter Sunbeams in the Eiviera, &c. 8vo. 1869. *CoxE (Sir James), M.D., Lunacy in its Eelations to the State. 8vo. 1878. Pamphlet, Vol. 467. *COYNE (Roderick A. F. A.), The Tweed Scheme for bringing an Additional Supply of Water to Edinburgh. 8vo. 1869. Pamphlet, Vol. 453. * Letter on Messrs. Stewart and Bateman's Report on the Tweed Water Scheme. 8vo. 1869. Pamphlet, Vol. 453. CRAIK (Henry), M.A., The Life of Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. 8vo. 1882. CRAIK (Mrs.), Little Sunshine's Holiday. 12mo. 1871. - The Adventures of a Brownie. 12ino. 1872. - The Little Lame Prince. 12mo. 1875. Sermons out of Church. 8vo. 1875. A Legacy. Being the Life and Remains of John Martin, School- master and Poet. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878. CRANUUOOK (Rev. James), The Doctrine of the Correlation of Forces ; its Development and Evidence. 12mo. 1867. Pamphlet, Vol. 452. CRANE (Lucy). V. Grimm (Brothers). CRANE (Walter). V. Grimm (Brothers). CRANSTOUN (James), B.A., The Elegies of Albius Tibullus. Trans- lated into English Verse. 8vo. 1872. CRAUFURD (James). V. Ardmillan (Lord). CRAWFORD AND BALCARRES (Earl of). V. Etruscan, Lindsay (Lord). CRAWFORD (Rev. David), D.D., Discourses by the late, with Intro- ductory Memoir. 8vo. 1870. CRAWFORD (James Coutts), Recollections of Travel in New Zealand and Australia. 8vo. 1880. CRA CUM. 31 CRAWFORD (Thomas J.), D.D., The Fatherhood of God considered in its General and Special Aspects, and particularly in relation to the Atonement. 8vo. 1866. - The Mysteries of Christianity. Baird Lectures for 1874. 8vo. 1874. - The Preaching of the Cross, and other Sermons. 8vo. 1876. CREASY (Sir Edward S.), History of England from the Earliest to the present Time. (In 5 vols.) Vol. I. 8vo. 1869. Crieff : its Traditions and Characters, with Anecdotes of Strathearn. 8vo. 1881. Crimea ; A Story of Active Service in Foreign Lands. Extracts from Letters sent home from the Crimea, 1854-1856. 8vo. 1886. CROAL (Thomas A). V. Travelling. CROKER (John Wilson), LL.D., The Croker Papers : The Corre- spondence and Diaries of the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker, from 1809 to 1830. 3 vols. 8vo. 1884. CROLL (James), LL.D., Discussions on Climate and Cosmology. 8vo. 1885. - Climate and Time in their Geological Relations : A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth's Climate. 8vo. 1885. CROMBIE (Benjamin W.). V. Edinburgh. CROMWELL (Oliver). V. Hood (P.), Smith (G.). CROSS (Mrs.), Wise, Witty, and Tender Sayings from the Works of, by Alexander Main. 18mo. 1871. - The Legend of Jubal and other Poems. 12mo. 1874. - Impressions of Theophrastus Such. 8vo. 1879. - Essays and Leaves from a Note-Book. 8vo. 1884. - George Eliot's Life, as related in her Letters and Journals. Arranged and edited by her husband, J. W. Cross. 3 vols. 8vo. 1885. CROSSE (Andrew F.), Round about the Carpathians. 8vo. 1878. CROWE (Eyre Evans), The History of France. Vols. 4 and 5. 8vo. 1866, 1868. CROWE (J. A.), and G. B. Cavalcaselle, A History of Painting in Italy, from the Second to the Fourteenth Century. 3 vols. 8vo. 1864. - A History of Painting in North Italy, from the Fourteenth to the Sixteenth Century. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871. CRUICKSHANK (George). V. German Popular Stories, Jerrold (B.). CRUTTWELL (Charles Thomas), M.A., A History of Roman Literature : From the Earliest Period to the Death of Marcus Aurelius. 8vo. 1877. Culture, Modern, its true Aims and Requirements : A Series of Addresses and Arguments on the Claims of Scientific Education. 12mo. 1867. GUMMING (C. F. Gordon), From the Hebrides to the Himalayas : A Sketch of Eighteen Months' Wanderings in Western Isles and Eastern Highlands. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876. At Home in Fiji. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881. A Lady's Cruise in a French Man-of-War. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882. - In the Hebrides. New Edition. 8vo. 1883. GUMMING (Lieut.-Col. Gordon), Wild Men and Wild Beasts : Scenes in Camp and Jungle. 4to. 1871. 32 CUM DAB. CUMMING (Rev. J. Elder), The Church of Scotland : Her Position and Prospects. 8vo. 1871. *CUMMING (James), M.D., An Inquiry into the Theory and Practice of Antiseptic Surgery. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 455. GUMMING (Rev. John), D.D., The Sounding of the Last Trumpet ; or, The Last Woe. 12mo. 1867. The Fall of Babylon Foreshadowed in her Teaching, in History, &c. 8vo. 1870. - The Cities of the Nations Fell. 12mo. 1871. From Patmos to Paradise; or, Light on the Past, the Present, and the Future. 8vo. 1873. CUNDALL (Joseph), Hans Holbein : From " Holbein und Seine Zeit," by Dr. Alfred Woltmann. 8vo. 1879. (The Great Artists.) CUNNINGHAM (John), D.D., The Quakers, from their Origin till the present time. 12mo. 1868. - A New Theory of Knowing and Known ; with some Speculations on the Border -Land of Psychology and Physiology. 8vo. 1874. CUNNINGHAM (Major-General), The Ancient Geography of India. 1. The Buddhist Period, &c. 8vo. 1871. CUNNINGHAM (Robert 0.), Notes on the Natural History of the Strait of Magellan and West Coast of Patagonia, 1866, 1869. 8vo. 1871. CUNNINGHAM (The late Wm.), Sermons from 1828 to 1860. 8vo. 1872. V. Rainy (Rev. Robert). CUNYNGHAME (Lieut.-General Sir A. T.), Travels in the Eastern Caucasus, on the Caspian and Black Seas, &c. 8vo. 1872. My Command in South Africa, 1874-1878. 8vo. 1879. CUPPLES (Mrs. George), Tappy's Chicks. 12mo. 1872. - Hard to Win. 12mo. 1878. Curling, An Account of the Game of; with Songs for the Canon- Mills Curling Club. 8vo. 1882. Pamphlet, Vol. 472. CURROR (David), Letter to the Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh on the Aims and Practical Working of the Association, more especially with reference to the Employment of the Poor. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 453. CURTEIS (George Herbert), Dissent in its Relation to the Church of England. Bampton Lectures, 1871. 8vo. 1872. CURWEN (Henry), A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New. 8vo. 1874. CUST (General Hon. Sir Edward), Lives of the Warriors of the Civil Wars of France and England. Warriors of the Seventeenth Century. Parts 1 and 2. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867. CUTTS (Rev. Edward L.), Saint Jerome. (The Fathers for English Readers.) 18mo. N.D. D. D. (J. M.), Famous Girls who have become Illustrious Women. 12mo. 1868. DABNEY (Prof. R. L.), Life of Lieut.-Geueral Thomas J. Jackson. Vol. 2. 8vo. 1866. DAB D'AU. 33 DABNEY (Prof. E. L.), The Sensualistic Philosophy of the Nineteenth Century considered. 8vo. 1876. D'ALBERTIS (L. M.), New Guinea : What I Did and What I Saw. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880. DALE (E. W.), M.A., The Atonement. The Congregational Union Lecture for 1875. 8vo. 1875. - The Evangelical Eevival, and other Sermons, &c. 8vo. 1880. - Laws of Christ for Common Life. 8vo. 1884. - F. Eeaney (Mrs. G. S.), Eeuss (E.). DALRYMPLE (Father James). V. Leslie (Jhone). DALRYMPLE (Sir James). V. Mackay (^E. J. G.). Dame Europa's School. John's Governor visits Dame Europa's School, the result of which is among things that yet remain to he seen; being a Eejoinder to " The Fight." 12mo. 1871. Pamphlet, Vol. 457. - V. Pullen (H. W.). DANA (James D.), Corals and Coral Islands. 8vo. 1872. DANIELL (Mrs.). V. Aldershot. DANIELS (Eev. W. H.), A.M., D. L. Moody and his Work. 8vo. 1875. DANNREDTHER (Edward). V. Wagner (Eichard). DANTE (Alighieri), The Divine Comedy of Paradise, and Purgatorio. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867. The Divine Comedy, Inferno. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 8vo. 1867. - V. Oliphant (Mrs.). D'ANVERS (N.), Eaphael. (Great Artists.) 8vo. 1879. DARWIN (Charles), LL.D., The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. - The Descent of Man, and Selection in relation to Sex. 2 vols. 8vo. 1871. - The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. 8vo. 1872. - Insectivorous Plants. 8vo. 1875. - The Movement and Habits of Climbing Plants. 8vo. 1875. - The Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of the same Species. 8vo. 1877. - The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms, with Observations on their Habits. 8vo. 1881. V. Homo, Eomanes (G. J.). DARWIN (Erasmus). V. Krause (E.). DASENT (G. W.), D.C.L., Jest and Earnest : A Collection of Essays and Eeviews. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873. Tales from the Fjeld. A Second Series of Popular Tales from the Norse. Svo. 1874. DAUBENY (C. G. B.). V. Poems. DAuBiGNE (J. H. M.), D.D., History of the Eeformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. Vols. 4 and 5. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866, 1869. D'AUMALE (M. Le Due), History of the Princes De Conde in the Six- teenth and Seventeenth Centuries. 2 vols. Svo. 1872. 34 DAY DEA. DAVIDSON (Rev. John), D.D., Inverurie and the Earldom of the Garioch : A Topographical and Historical Account of the Garioch from the Earliest Times to the Revolution Settlement. 4to. 1878. DAVIDSON (Rev. John). V. Miller (Hugh). DAVIDSON (Samuel), D.D., The Canon of the Bible ; its Formation, History, and Fluctuations. 12mo. 1877. DAVIDSON (Thomas). V, Brown (James). DAVIES (Rev. C. M.), D.D., Mystic London ; or, Phases of Occult Life in the Metropolis. 8vo. 1875. DAVIES (G. Christopher), Norfolk Broads and Rivers ; or, The Water- Ways, Lagoons, and Decoys of East Anglia. 8vo. 1883. DAVIES (Rev. G. S.), M.A., The Heathen World and St. Paul. 12mo. N.D. DAVIES (Rev. James). V. Hesiod. DAVIES (Rev. J. L.), The Gospel and Modern Life : Sermons on some of the Difficulties of the Day. 12mo. 1869. - V. Buxton (Charles). DAVIES (Lady Clementina), Recollections of Society in France and England. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872. DAVIES (William), The Pilgrimage of the Tiber, from its Mouth to its Source. 8vo. 1873. A Fine Old English Gentleman, exemplified in the Life and Character of Lord Collingwood. 12mo. 1875. DAVIS (Sir John F.), Bart., Chinese Miscellanies : A Collection of Essays and Notes. 12mo. 1865. DAWKINS (W. Boyd), Cave Hunting : Researches on the Evidence of Caves respecting the Early Inhabitants of Europe. 8vo. 1874. DAWSON (Rev. E. C.), A History of the Life and Work of Bishop Hannington. 8vo. 1887. DAWSON (George), M.A., Biographical Lectures. 8vo. 1886. V. Dictionaries. DAWSON (Sir John William), Acadian Geology : The Geological Structure, Organic Remains, and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia, &c. 8vo. 1868. The Story of the Earth and Man. 8vo. 1873. The Dawn of Life : being the History of the Oldest Known Fossil Remains, and their Relations to Geological Time. 8vo. 1875. The Origin of the World, according to Revelation and Science. 8vo. 1877. - Fossil Men and their Modern Representatives : An attempt to illustrate the Characters and Condition of Pre-Historic Men in Europe by those of the American Races. 8vo. 1880. The Chain of Life in Geological Time : A Sketch of the Origin and Succession of Animals and Plants. 8vo. 1 885. DAY (Rev. L. B.), Govinda Smanta : or, The History of a Bengal Raiyat. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874. Folk Tales of Bengal. 8vo. 1883. Day's Collacon : An Encyclopaedia of Prose Quotations of the Most Eminent Writers of all Nations, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time, &c. 8vo. N.D. DEAR (Francis), Hungarian Statesman : A Memoir. 8vo. 1880. DEB DER 35 DEBAINES (A. B.). V. Stevenson (E. L.). DE BOINVILLE (Eev. C. A. C.). V. Constable (Thomas). DE CANDOLLE (Alphonse), Origin of Cultivated Plants. (International Scientific Series.) 8vo. 1884. DE COVERLET (Sir Eoger). F. Traveller's Library, Vol. 22. DEEDES (Henry), Sketches of the South and West : or, Ten Months' Eesidence in the United States. 12mo. 1869. DEER, The Book of. Edited by John Stuart, LL.D. (Spalding Club Pub.). 4to. 1869. DE FOE (Daniel). F. Minto (Wm.) DELAROCHE (Paul). F. Eees (J. E.). DE LAVELEYE (Emile), Protestantism and Catholicism, in their bearing upon the Liberty and Prosperity of Nations. 8vo. 1875. Pamphlet, Vol. 465. DEMAUS (Eev. E.), M.A., HughLatimer : A Biography. 8vo. 1869. - William Tyndale : A Biography. A Contribution to the Early History of the English Bible. 8vo. 1871. DE MORGAN (Augustus), A Budget of Paradoxes. 8vo. 1872. *DEMPSTER (Henry), The Fisheries and Fish Markets of Great Britain. 8vo. 1874. ' Pamphlet, Vol. 464. DEMPSTER (Miss), Essays. 8vo. 1872. - The Maritime Alps and their Seaboard. 8vo. 1885. - V. Edinburgh. DENISON (Mrs.), Among the Squirrels. 12mo. 1867. *DENISON (Sir Wm.), An Attempt to Approximate to the Antiquity of Man by Induction from well-established Facts. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 458 - National Elementary Education. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 459. - A Church a Social Institution. A Lecture to the Young Men's Christian Association. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 461. DENMAN (Lord). V. Arnould (Sir Joseph). Denmark, The Hymns of. 12mo. 1868. DENNISON (Walter Traill), The Orcadian Sketch-Book ; being Traits of Old Orkney Life. Written partly in the Orkney Dialect. 8vo. 1880. DENT (Hastings Charles), A Year in Brazil. With Notes on the Abolition of Slavery, &c. 8vo. 1886. DE QUINCEY (Thomas), Suspiria De Profundis : Being a Sequel to the Confessions of an English Opium-Eater. 8vo. 1871. - V. Findlay (J. E.), Masson (D.), Page (H. A.). DERBY (Countess of). V. De Witt (Madame). *DERBY (Earl of), Speech at the Annual Meeting of the Liverpool Working Men's Conservative Association. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 457. DE EEMUSAT (Madame), Memoirs of, 1802-1808. By her Grandson, M. Paul De Eemusat. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880. - A Selection from the Letters of, to her Husband and Son. 8vo. 1881. DE EICCI (J. H.), Fiji : Our New Province in the South Seas. 8vo. 1875. DERRY AND EAPHOE (Bishop of). V. Alexander (Wm.), D.D. 36 DES DIG. DESCARTES (Eene> V. Mahaffy (J. P.). DE STAEL (Madame). F. Stevens (A.). DEUTSCH (Enianuel), Literary Eemains of the late, with a Memoir. 8vo. 1874. *DEWAR (James), M.D., Sulphurous Acid as a Fumigant, with reference to "Einderpest." 12mo. 1866. Pamphlet, Vol. 455. - On the Application of Sulphurous Acid, Gaseous and Liquid, to the Prevention and Cure of Disease. 8vo. 1868. Pamphlet, Vol. 455. DE WITT (Madame Guizot), The Lady of Latham ; being the Life and Letters of Charlotte De La Tr^moille, Countess of Derby. 8vo. 1869. Dames of High Estate. 8vo. 1872. Monsieur Guizot in Private Life, 1787-1874. By his Daughter. 8vo. 1880. DICEY (Edward), A Month in Russia, during the Marriage of the Czarevitch. 8vo. 1867. DICK (Eobert). F. Smiles (Samuel). DICK (William), V.S., Occasional Papers on Veterinary Subjects. With a Memoir by E. 0. Pringle. 8vo. 1869. DICKENS (Charles), The Wor,ks of. Library Edition. 26 vols. 8vo. 1865-69. The Story- of his Life. 8vo. 1870. - The Letters of. Edited by his Sister-in-Law and his Eldest Daughter. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880. F. Forster (J.), Kent (C.), Matthews (C. J.), Ward (A. W.), Watt (J. C.). DICKINS (Frederick V.). F. Chinshingura. DICKSON (Thomas). F. Scotland. DICKSON (Prof. Wm. P.), D.D., Introductory Lecture delivered at the Opening of the Divinity Hall, Glasgow. 8vo. 1873. Pamphlet, Vol. 465. St. Paul's use of the terms Flesh and Spirit. The Baird Lecture for 1883. 8vo. 1883. Dictionaries. Dictionary of the Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Britain, including the works of Foreigners written in, or translated into, the English Language, by the late Samuel Halkett and the late Eev. John Laing, M.A. Vols. 1, 2, 3, A Tis. 8vo. 1882-1885. Dictionary of Architecture and the Allied Arts, by-Wm. James and George A. Audsley. Vols. 1, 2, and 3, A Buttery. 3 vols. 8vo. N.D. A Dictionary of Artists of the English School, Painters, Sculptors, Architects, &c. By Samuel Eedgrave. 8vo. 1874. Chambers' English Dictionary, Pronouncing, Explanatory, and Etymological. Edited by James Donald. 8vo. 1872. Dictionary of Christian Antiquities. Edited by Wm. Smith. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875-1880. Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects, and Doc- trines. Edited by Wm. Smith. Vol. 1, Abbamus Dyvan, Vol. 2, Eaba Hermocrates, Vol. 3, Herrnogenes Myensis. 8vo. 1877-82. DIG DIE. 37 Dictionaries. Dictionary of English Literature, being a Comprehen- sive Guide to English Authors, by W. Davenport Adams. 8vo. N.D. - Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors, from the Earliest Accounts to the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century, by S. A. Allibone. Vol. 2. 8vo. 1870. - An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, by Eev. Walter W. Skeat, M.A. 4to. 1882. - A General Dictionary of Geography, &c., forming a complete Gazetteer of the World, by A. Keith Johnston. 8vo. 1877. - Dictionary of the German and English Languages, in 2 Parts, viz. English-German and German-English. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867. - The Imperial Dictionary of the English Language. New Edition, greatly augmented, by Charles Annan dale, M.A. 4 vols. 8vo. 1882-83. - International English and French Dictionary (The), by L. Smith and H. Hamilton. 8vo. 1865. - Dictionary of London. 12mo. 1879. - Dictionary of Music and Musicians (A.D. 1450-1880), by Eminent Writers, English and Foreign. Edited by George Grove, D.C.L. 3 vols. 8vo. 1879-83. - Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by L. Stephen. Vols. 1 to 9, Abbadie Chaloner. 1885-87. - A new English Dictionary on Historical Principles. Edited by James A. H. Murray, L.L.D., with the assistance of many Scholars and Men of Science. Parts 1 and 2, A Batten. 4to. 1884-85. - Dictionary of Photography (A). By Thomas Sutton and George Dawson. 12mo. 1867. - Dictionary of Science ; comprising Astronomy, Chemistry, Dyna- mics, &c. Edited by G. F. Eodwell. 8vo. 1871. - Women of the Day : A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Con- temporaries. 8vo. 1885. DIDEROT (Denis). V. Morley (John). DILKE (Sir Charles W., Bart.), Greater Britain : A Eecord of Travel in English-speaking Countries. 1866-67. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. - The Papers of a Critic ; selected from the Writings of the late Charles Wentworth Dilke. With a Biographical Sketch. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875. DILKE (A. W.).^F. Tourgenief (J. S.). Dinyyshire, Down in ; or, Sketches of Life in the Black Country. 12mo. 1873. * Directories. The Ceylon Directory for 1873. Compiled by M. & J. Ferguson. 8vo. 1873. County Directory of Scotland for Years 1868, 1872, 1875, 1878, 1882, and 1886. 6 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh and Leith Post Office Directory, 1866-67 to 1886-87. 21 vols. 8vo. Post Office Glasgow Directory from 1866-67 to 1886-87. 21 vols. 8vo. 38 DIE DOU. Directories. The Post Office London Directory for 1883 and 1885. 2 vols. 8vo. - Slater's Royal National Directory of Scotland. 8vo. 1882. - Macdonald's Scottish Directory, with Gazetteer, &c. 8vo. 1885. DISRAELI (Right Hon. Benjamin). V. Beaconsfield (Earl of). Disruption, Annals of the, consisting chiefly of Extracts from Auto- graph Narratives of Ministers who left the Scottish Establish- ment in 1843. Selected and arranged by Rev. Thomas Brown. 4 Parts, 8vo. 1876-83. DIXIE (Lady Florence), Across Patagonia. 8vo. 1880. DIXON (Charles), Rural Bird Life ; being Essays on Ornithology. 8vo. 1880. DIXON, (Wm. Gray), M.A., The Land of the Morning : An Account of Japan and its People, &c. 8vo. 1882. DIXON (Wm. Hepworth), New America. 2 vols. 8vo. 1867. Spiritual Wives. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. Free Russia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1870. The Switzers. 8vo. 1872. History of Two Queens (1.) Catherine of Aragon : (2.) Anne Boleyn. 4 vols. 8vo. 1873-74. White Conquest. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876. Royal Windsor. 4 vols. 8vo. 1879-80. DOBBS (Major-General R. S.), Reminiscences of Life in Mysore, South Africa, and Burinah. 8vo. 1882. DOBSON (Austin), Hogarth. (The Great Artists.) 8vo. 1879. Fielding. (English Men of Letters.) 8vo. 1883. - Thomas Bewick and his Pupils. 8vo. 1884. V. Lang (Andrew). Don (C. R.), Parliamentary Companion from 1867 to 1887. 20 vols. 18mo. New Parliaments for 1865, 1880, and 1886. 3 vols. 8vo. DODDS (Rev. G. T.). V. Bonar (H.). DODDS (James), Lays of the Covenanters. With a Memoir of the Author. 8vo. 1880. DODS (Rev. Marcus), D.D., Israel's Iron Age ; or, Sketches from the Period of the Judges. 8vo. 1874. Mahommed, Buddha, and Christ. Four Lectures on Natural and Revealed Religion. 12mo. 1877. DOLLINGER (Dr.). V. Friedrich (J.). Dominie, The Trials and Travels of a. 8vo. 1874. DON (Isabel), The Story of Holland. 12mo. 1886. DONALD (James). V. Dictionaries. DORAN (Dr.), Saints and Sinners ; or, In Church and About it. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. Memories of our Great Towns. 8vo. 1878. V. Tuckerman (Henry T.). DOSTOYEFFSKY (Fedor), Buried Alive ; or, Ten Years of Penal Servitude in Siberia. 8vo. 1881. DOUGLAS (C. Home), Searches for Summer. 12mo. 1874. DOUGLAS (Gavin), Bishop of Dunkeld : The Poetical Works of, with Memoir, &c. 4 vols. 8vo. 1874. DOUGLAS (Dr. James). V. Scottish Wit and Humour. DOU DUF. 39 DOUGLAS (Mrs. Stair), The Life and Correspondence of Win. Whewell, D.D., late Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. 1881. DOUGLAS (Robert K.), Confucianism and Taouism. 12mo. 1879. DOUGLAS (Win. Scott). V. Edinburgh. DOWDEN (Edward), LL.D., Southey. 8vo. 1879. (English Men of Letters.) - Shakspere : A Critical Study of his Mind and Art. 8vo. 1883. DOYLE (Sir F. 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DRUMMOND (James), R.S.A., Old Edinburgh : Reproduced in Fac- simile from his Original Drawings. Folio. 1879. DRUMMOND (P. R.), Perthshire in Bygone Days. 8vo. 1879. DRUMMOND (Thomas). V. M'Lennan (John F.). DRUMMOND (Hon. W. H.), The Large Game and Natural History of South Africa. 8vo. 1875. V. Leslie (David). DRUMMOND (Wm.). V. Masson (Prof. David). DRYDEN (John). V. Saintsbury (G.), Skelton (J.). DUBLIN (Archbishop of). V. Trench (Rev. R.). Du CHAILLU (Paul B.), A Journey to Ashango-Land ; and further penetration into Equatorial Africa. 8vo. 1867. - The Land of the Midnight Sim : Summer and Winter Journeys through Sweden, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881. DUFF (Rev. A.), D.D. V. Smith (George). DUFF (M. E. G.), M.P., Studies in European Politics. 8vo. 1866. - A Glance over Europe. 8vo. 1867. Pamphlet, Vol. 456. - A Political Survey. 8vo.- 1868. - " Expedit-Laboremus." An Address delivered at Elgin. 8vo. 1872. Pamphlet, Vol. 457. - Notes of an Indian Journey. 8vo. 1876. - Miscellanies, Political and Literary. 8vo. 1878. - V. Deak (Francis). DUFFERIN (Lord). V. St. John (Mollyneux). DUFTON (Henry), Narrative of a Journey through Abyssinia in 1862- 63. 8vo. 1867. 40 DUN EAS. DUN (P.), Summer at the Lake of Monteith. 12mo. 1866. DUNBAR (E. D unbar), Social Life in Former Days. Second Series. 8vo. 1866. DUNBAR (William), The Poems of, in Two Parts. Edited by John Small, M.A. (Scottish Text Society.) 8vo. 1884-85. DUNCAN ((Tohn), LL.D., Colloquia Peripatetica. 12mo. 1870. - V. Brown (D.), Stuart (A. M.). DUNCAN (John). V. Jolly (Wm.). DUNCAN (Mary B. M.), Bible Hours. 8vo. 1866. DUNCAN (Prof. P. Martin), The Transformations of Insects, &c. 8vo. 1871. The Sea-Shore. (Natural History Rambles.) 18mo. 1879. DUNCOMBE (Thomas Slingsby), The Life and Correspondence of. Edited by his Son. 2 vols. 8vo. 1868. DUNDONALD (Earl of). V. Cochrane (Lord). DUNKLEY (Dr.), The Crown and the Cabinet. Five Letters on the Biography of the Prince Consort. (By Verax.) 8vo. 1878. Pamphlet, Vol. 463. DUNMAN (The late Thomas), Talks about Science ; with a Biographical Sketch. 12mo. KD. DUNRAVEN (Earl of), Travels in the Upper Yellowstone. 8vo. 1876. DUNS (Prof. J.), D.D., Memoir of Sir James Y. Simpson, Bart. 8vo. 1873. DUPLESSIS (Georges), The Wonders of Engraving. Illustrated. 8vo. 1871. DURAND (H. M.), The Life of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883. DURER (Albrecht). V. Heath (R. F.), Scott (W. B.). DURNFORD (Col. A. W.), E.E., A Soldier's Life and Work in South Africa. Edited by his Brother. 8vo. 1882. DUTT (Shoshee Chunder), India, Past and Present ; with Minor Essays on Cognate Subjects. 8vo. 1880. DYCE (Rev. Alexander). V. Shakespeare (William). DYCK (Sir A. van). F. Head (P. E.). DYER (Rev. T. F. T.), English Folk-Lore. 8vo. 1880. DYER (Thomas H.), LL.D., A History of the City of Rome, from its Foundation to the end of the Middle Ages. 8vo. 1865. - Pompeii, its History, Buildings, and Antiquities : An Account of the Destruction of the City, &c. 8vo. 1867. - Ancient Athens : Its History, Topography, &c. 8vo. 1873. DYKES (Rev. J. 0.), D.D., On the Written Word, &c. 12mo. 1868. From Jerusalem to Antioch. 8vo. 1874. - Abraham, the Friend of God. 8vo. 1877. An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount. 8vo. 1881. E. EADIE (John), D.D. V. Brown (James). EASTLAKE (Charles L.), Hints on Household Taste in Furniture, &c. 8vo. 1868. EASTLAKE (Sir C. L.), P.R.A., Materials for a History of Oil Painting. Vol. 2. 8vo. 1869. EAS EDK. 41 EASTLAKE (Sir C. L.), Contributions to the Literature of the Fine Arts. Second Series, with a Memoir. 8vo. 1870. EASTLAKE (Lady). V. Gibson (John). EASTON (George), Autobiography of. 12mo. 1866. EASTON (Rev. M. G.). V. Krummacher (F. W.). EASTWICK (Edward B.), Venezuela ; or, Sketches of Life in a South American Republic. 8vo. 1868. EASTWOOD (Francis), Geoffrey the Lollard. 12 mo. 1873. EATON (Rev. John R. T.), The Permanence of Christianity. Bamptou Lectures for 1872. 8vo. 1873. ECKARDT (Dr. Julius), Modern Russia under Alexander II., &c. 8vo. 1870. - Russia Before and After the "War. 8vo. 1880. EDEN (Charles H.), Frozen Asia : A Sketch of Modern Siberia, &c. 8vo. KD. - My Wife and I in Queensland : An Eight Years' Experience. 8vo. 1872. - The West Indies. 12mo. 1880. - V. Warburton (Col. P. E.). EDEN (The Hon. Emily), "Up the Country": Letters written from the Upper Provinces of India. 2 vols. 8vo. 1866. - Letters from India. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872. EDERSHEIM (Rev. Dr.), Sketches of Jewish Social Life in the Days of Christ. 12mo. N.D. * Edinburgh, Abstracts of the Accounts of the Corporation of the City of, for years 1884, 1885. 2 vols. folio. 1884, 1885. - Charters and other Documents relating to the City of. 1143-1540. 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Folio. 1881. - Past and Present, its Associations and Surroundings. 4to. 1877. - A Short Account of the Tercentenary Festival of the University of, including the Speeches and Addresses. 8vo. 1884. - University Calendar, from Session 1865-66 to 1886-87. 22 vols. 12mo. - Sketches and Miscellanies. 12mo. 1876. EDIS (Robert W.), Decoration and Furniture of Town Houses. 8vo. 1881. EDKINS (Joseph), D.D., Religion in China, containing a brief Account of the Three Religions of the Chinese. 8vo. 1878. Chinese Buddhism : A Volume of Sketches. 8vo. 1880. 42 EDM ELL EDMONSTON (Thomas), An Etymological Glossary of the Shetland and Orkney Dialect, &c. 8vo. 1866. The Young Shetlander, being Life of a Naturalist. 12mo. 1868. E